75YkXfEs64c-00001-00004957-00006068 we do not remember boys ah yes mm 75YkXfEs64c-00002-00006069-00006263 Nutella gonna blow 75YkXfEs64c-00003-00006264-00006575 I sent him over to Michelle who passed 75YkXfEs64c-00004-00006576-00006938 by both the myth of Islamic Elizabeth 75YkXfEs64c-00005-00006939-00007513 ob/ob a mulatto 75YkXfEs64c-00007-00012788-00012993 you 77CBGx0pnyA-00000-00000636-00001353 [Music] 77CBGx0pnyA-00001-00001354-00002543 [Music] 77CBGx0pnyA-00002-00002544-00003340 [Music] 77CBGx0pnyA-00003-00003342-00004269 [Music] 77CBGx0pnyA-00004-00004270-00005417 [Music] 77CBGx0pnyA-00005-00005418-00006216 [Music] 77CBGx0pnyA-00006-00006217-00007587 [Music] 77CBGx0pnyA-00007-00007588-00009438 [Music] 77CBGx0pnyA-00008-00009439-00011283 [Music] 77CBGx0pnyA-00009-00011284-00011915 foreign 77CBGx0pnyA-00010-00011916-00013940 [Music] 77CBGx0pnyA-00011-00013941-00014796 [Music] 77CBGx0pnyA-00012-00014797-00016883 [Music] 77CBGx0pnyA-00013-00016884-00019814 foreign 77CBGx0pnyA-00015-00023950-00026687 [Music] 77CBGx0pnyA-00016-00026688-00027089 foreign 77CBGx0pnyA-00017-00027091-00028649 [Music] 77CBGx0pnyA-00019-00032283-00033099 um 77CBGx0pnyA-00020-00033100-00033400 foreign 77OuiGNP-3c-00000-00000008-00000175 ever since starting in the fashion 77OuiGNP-3c-00001-00000176-00000342 business i remember people always 77OuiGNP-3c-00002-00000343-00000478 telling me you know let your clothes 77OuiGNP-3c-00003-00000479-00000663 speak for yourself 77OuiGNP-3c-00004-00000664-00000823 you know you should stay silent you stay 77OuiGNP-3c-00005-00000824-00000943 in your lane 77OuiGNP-3c-00006-00000944-00001127 i could never do that i 77OuiGNP-3c-00007-00001128-00001383 encourage other brands to 77OuiGNP-3c-00008-00001384-00001470 you know 77OuiGNP-3c-00009-00001471-00001871 give a damn to really 77OuiGNP-3c-00010-00001872-00002047 have a point of view i couldn't remain 77OuiGNP-3c-00011-00002048-00002142 silent 77OuiGNP-3c-00012-00002143-00002383 because as we know it you know 77OuiGNP-3c-00013-00002384-00002639 as we stay silent the violence continues 77OuiGNP-3c-00014-00002640-00002823 just lean in 77OuiGNP-3c-00015-00002824-00003142 find it within yourself to um 77OuiGNP-3c-00016-00003143-00003215 to 77OuiGNP-3c-00017-00003215-00003359 give yourself 77OuiGNP-3c-00018-00003360-00003470 permission 77OuiGNP-3c-00019-00003471-00003719 as a stakeholder in society because you 77OuiGNP-3c-00020-00003720-00003903 are part of society 77OuiGNP-3c-00021-00003904-00004111 influence your friends your colleagues 77OuiGNP-3c-00022-00004112-00004279 your family for good 77OuiGNP-3c-00023-00004280-00004511 you know if you witness or you bear 77OuiGNP-3c-00024-00004512-00004775 witness to injustice 77OuiGNP-3c-00025-00004776-00005006 say something stand up 77OuiGNP-3c-00026-00005007-00005327 um stand up when you're not needed 77OuiGNP-3c-00027-00005328-00005511 because this is how you play a role too 77OuiGNP-3c-00028-00005512-00005654 don't wait till 77OuiGNP-3c-00029-00005655-00005951 it is an entire need the violence will 77OuiGNP-3c-00030-00005952-00006263 not end unless the silence does we all 77OuiGNP-3c-00031-00006264-00006872 have a megaphone no one is too small 78HkMUhwDnM-00000-00000011-00000236 the lunar atmosphere and dust 78HkMUhwDnM-00001-00000237-00000419 environment explorer laddie 78HkMUhwDnM-00002-00000420-00000623 was a NASA lunar exploration and 78HkMUhwDnM-00003-00000624-00000899 technology demonstration mission it was 78HkMUhwDnM-00004-00000900-00001094 launched on a Minotaur V rocket from the 78HkMUhwDnM-00005-00001095-00001291 mid-atlantic regional spaceport on 78HkMUhwDnM-00006-00001292-00001646 September 7 2013 during its seven-month 78HkMUhwDnM-00007-00001647-00001841 mission ladee orbited around the moon's 78HkMUhwDnM-00008-00001842-00002030 equator using its instruments to study 78HkMUhwDnM-00009-00002030-00002240 the lunar exosphere and dust in the 78HkMUhwDnM-00010-00002241-00002516 moon's vicinity instruments included a 78HkMUhwDnM-00011-00002517-00002674 dust detector neutral mass spectrometer 78HkMUhwDnM-00012-00002675-00002983 an ultraviolet visible spectrometer as 78HkMUhwDnM-00013-00002984-00003166 well as a technology demonstration 78HkMUhwDnM-00014-00003167-00003370 consisting of a laser communications 78HkMUhwDnM-00015-00003371-00003659 terminal the mission ended on April 18 78HkMUhwDnM-00016-00003660-00003931 2014 when the spacecraft's controllers 78HkMUhwDnM-00017-00003932-00004142 intentionally crashed ladee into the far 78HkMUhwDnM-00018-00004143-00004322 side of the moon which later was 78HkMUhwDnM-00019-00004323-00004504 determined to be near the eastern rim of 78HkMUhwDnM-00020-00004505-00004961 sun Manvi crater 78HkMUhwDnM-00021-00004962-00005297 topic planning and preparations 78HkMUhwDnM-00022-00005298-00005481 you 78HkMUhwDnM-00023-00005482-00005656 ladee was announced during the 78HkMUhwDnM-00024-00005657-00005913 presentation of nasa's FY o nine budget 78HkMUhwDnM-00025-00005914-00006204 in February 2008 it was initially 78HkMUhwDnM-00026-00006205-00006388 planned to be launched with the Gravity 78HkMUhwDnM-00027-00006389-00006619 Recovery and interior laboratory Grail 78HkMUhwDnM-00028-00006620-00006873 satellites mechanical tests including 78HkMUhwDnM-00029-00006875-00007095 acoustic vibration and shock tests were 78HkMUhwDnM-00030-00007097-00007294 completed prior to full-scale thermal 78HkMUhwDnM-00031-00007295-00007495 vacuum chamber testing at NASA's Ames 78HkMUhwDnM-00032-00007495-00007809 Research Center in April 2013 during 78HkMUhwDnM-00033-00007811-00007942 August 2013 78HkMUhwDnM-00034-00007943-00008184 ladee underwent final balancing fueling 78HkMUhwDnM-00035-00008186-00008344 and mounting on the launcher and all 78HkMUhwDnM-00036-00008345-00008541 pre-launch activities were complete by 78HkMUhwDnM-00037-00008542-00008763 August 31st ready for the launch window 78HkMUhwDnM-00038-00008764-00009007 which opened on September 6th NASA Ames 78HkMUhwDnM-00039-00009008-00009148 was responsible for the day-to-day 78HkMUhwDnM-00040-00009149-00009280 functions of laddy 78HkMUhwDnM-00041-00009281-00009418 while the goddard space flight center 78HkMUhwDnM-00042-00009419-00009669 operated the sensor suite and technology 78HkMUhwDnM-00043-00009670-00009844 demonstration payloads as well as 78HkMUhwDnM-00044-00009845-00010116 managing launch operations the ladee 78HkMUhwDnM-00045-00010117-00010389 mission cost approximately 280 million 78HkMUhwDnM-00046-00010390-00010594 dollars which included spacecraft 78HkMUhwDnM-00047-00010595-00010780 development and science instruments 78HkMUhwDnM-00048-00010781-00010944 launch services Mission Operations 78HkMUhwDnM-00049-00010945-00011479 science processing and relay support 78HkMUhwDnM-00050-00011480-00012012 topic atmospheric glow 78HkMUhwDnM-00051-00012013-00012206 the moon may have a tenuous atmosphere 78HkMUhwDnM-00052-00012207-00012452 of moving particles constantly leaping 78HkMUhwDnM-00053-00012453-00012612 up from and falling back to the moon's 78HkMUhwDnM-00054-00012613-00012899 surface giving rise to a dust atmosphere 78HkMUhwDnM-00055-00012900-00013146 that looks static but is composed of 78HkMUhwDnM-00056-00013147-00013337 dust particles in constant motion 78HkMUhwDnM-00057-00013338-00013593 according to models proposed starting 78HkMUhwDnM-00058-00013594-00013847 from 1956 on the daylight side of the 78HkMUhwDnM-00059-00013848-00014030 Moon solar ultraviolet and x-ray 78HkMUhwDnM-00060-00014031-00014268 radiation as energetic enough to knock 78HkMUhwDnM-00061-00014269-00014493 electrons out of atoms and molecules in 78HkMUhwDnM-00062-00014494-00014793 the lunar soil positive charges build up 78HkMUhwDnM-00063-00014794-00014991 until the tiniest particles of lunar 78HkMUhwDnM-00064-00014991-00015165 dust measuring one micrometer and 78HkMUhwDnM-00065-00015166-00015363 smaller are repelled from the surface 78HkMUhwDnM-00066-00015363-00015533 and lofted anywhere from meters to 78HkMUhwDnM-00067-00015534-00015693 kilometers high with the smallest 78HkMUhwDnM-00068-00015694-00015947 particles reaching the highest altitudes 78HkMUhwDnM-00069-00015947-00016163 eventually they fall back toward the 78HkMUhwDnM-00070-00016165-00016362 surface where the process is repeated on 78HkMUhwDnM-00071-00016363-00016619 the night side the dust is negatively 78HkMUhwDnM-00072-00016620-00016858 charged by electrons in the solar wind 78HkMUhwDnM-00073-00016859-00017241 indeed the fountain model suggests that 78HkMUhwDnM-00074-00017242-00017412 the night side would charge up to higher 78HkMUhwDnM-00075-00017413-00017589 voltages than the day side possibly 78HkMUhwDnM-00076-00017590-00017780 launching dust particles to higher 78HkMUhwDnM-00077-00017781-00018075 velocities and altitudes this effect 78HkMUhwDnM-00078-00018076-00018225 could be further enhanced during the 78HkMUhwDnM-00079-00018226-00018390 portion of the moon's orbit where it 78HkMUhwDnM-00080-00018391-00018591 passes through Earth's magnetic sea 78HkMUhwDnM-00081-00018592-00018759 magnetic field of the moon for more 78HkMUhwDnM-00082-00018760-00019019 detail on the Terminator there could be 78HkMUhwDnM-00083-00019020-00019253 significant horizontal electric fields 78HkMUhwDnM-00084-00019254-00019443 forming between the day and night areas 78HkMUhwDnM-00085-00019444-00019680 resulting in horizontal dust transport 78HkMUhwDnM-00086-00019681-00019856 also the moon has been shown to have a 78HkMUhwDnM-00087-00019857-00020184 sodium tail too faint to be detected by 78HkMUhwDnM-00088-00020185-00020369 the human eye it is hundreds of 78HkMUhwDnM-00089-00020370-00020541 thousands of miles long and was 78HkMUhwDnM-00090-00020542-00020825 discovered in 1998 as a result of Boston 78HkMUhwDnM-00091-00020826-00021015 University scientists observing the 78HkMUhwDnM-00092-00021016-00021252 Leonid meteor storm the moon is 78HkMUhwDnM-00093-00021253-00021480 constantly releasing atomic sodium gas 78HkMUhwDnM-00094-00021481-00021699 from its surface and solar radiation 78HkMUhwDnM-00095-00021700-00021921 pressure accelerates the sodium atoms in 78HkMUhwDnM-00096-00021922-00022106 the Andy sunward direction forming an 78HkMUhwDnM-00097-00022107-00022284 elongated tail which points away from 78HkMUhwDnM-00098-00022285-00022637 the Sun as of April 2013 it had not yet 78HkMUhwDnM-00099-00022638-00022862 been determined whether ionized sodium 78HkMUhwDnM-00100-00022863-00023069 gas atoms are charged dust are the cause 78HkMUhwDnM-00101-00023070-00023493 of the reported moon glows 78HkMUhwDnM-00102-00023494-00024004 topic Chinese Lander 78HkMUhwDnM-00103-00024005-00024278 China's Chiang a three spacecraft which 78HkMUhwDnM-00104-00024279-00024527 was launched on December 1st 2013 and 78HkMUhwDnM-00105-00024528-00024758 entered lunar orbit on December 6th was 78HkMUhwDnM-00106-00024759-00024926 expected to contaminate the tenuous 78HkMUhwDnM-00107-00024927-00025130 lunar exosphere with both propellant 78HkMUhwDnM-00108-00025131-00025331 from engine firings and lunar dust from 78HkMUhwDnM-00109-00025332-00025586 the vehicles landing while concern was 78HkMUhwDnM-00110-00025587-00025802 expressed that this could disrupt la de 78HkMUhwDnM-00111-00025802-00026047 YZ mission such as its baseline readings 78HkMUhwDnM-00112-00026048-00026227 of the moon's exosphere it instead 78HkMUhwDnM-00113-00026229-00026447 provided additional science value since 78HkMUhwDnM-00114-00026448-00026642 both the quantity and composition of the 78HkMUhwDnM-00115-00026643-00026819 spacecraft's propulsion system exhaust 78HkMUhwDnM-00116-00026820-00027122 were known data from ladee was used to 78HkMUhwDnM-00117-00027123-00027299 track the distribution and eventual 78HkMUhwDnM-00118-00027300-00027502 dissipation of the exhaust and dust in 78HkMUhwDnM-00119-00027504-00027731 the moon's exosphere it was also 78HkMUhwDnM-00120-00027732-00027926 possible to observe the migration of 78HkMUhwDnM-00121-00027927-00028114 water one component of the exhaust 78HkMUhwDnM-00122-00028116-00028345 giving insight on how it is transported 78HkMUhwDnM-00123-00028347-00028493 and becomes trapped around the lunar 78HkMUhwDnM-00124-00028494-00028850 poles 78HkMUhwDnM-00125-00028851-00029397 topic mission objectives 78HkMUhwDnM-00126-00029398-00029601 the ladee mission was designed to 78HkMUhwDnM-00127-00029602-00029833 address three major science goals 78HkMUhwDnM-00128-00029835-00030114 determine the global density composition 78HkMUhwDnM-00129-00030114-00030308 and time variability of the tenuous 78HkMUhwDnM-00130-00030310-00030525 lunar exosphere before it is perturbed 78HkMUhwDnM-00131-00030526-00030843 by further human activity determine if 78HkMUhwDnM-00132-00030844-00031026 the Apollo astronaut sightings of 78HkMUhwDnM-00133-00031027-00031227 diffuse emission at tens of kilometres 78HkMUhwDnM-00134-00031227-00031439 above the surface where sodium glow or 78HkMUhwDnM-00135-00031441-00031731 dust document the dust impactor 78HkMUhwDnM-00136-00031732-00031977 environment size frequency to help guide 78HkMUhwDnM-00137-00031977-00032187 design engineering for the outpost and 78HkMUhwDnM-00138-00032188-00032408 also future robotic missions and one 78HkMUhwDnM-00139-00032410-00032645 technology demonstration goal 78HkMUhwDnM-00140-00032645-00032916 demonstrate two-way laser communication 78HkMUhwDnM-00141-00032917-00033303 from lunar orbit 78HkMUhwDnM-00142-00033304-00033895 topic spaceflight operations 78HkMUhwDnM-00143-00033896-00034510 topic launched laddie was launched on 78HkMUhwDnM-00144-00034511-00034888 September 7th 2013 at 3:27 coordinated 78HkMUhwDnM-00145-00034889-00035233 Universal Time September 6th 11 27 p.m. 78HkMUhwDnM-00146-00035234-00035431 Eastern Daylight Saving Time from the 78HkMUhwDnM-00147-00035432-00035585 Wallops Flight Facility at the 78HkMUhwDnM-00148-00035586-00035770 mid-atlantic regional spaceport on a 78HkMUhwDnM-00149-00035771-00036058 Minotaur V carrier rocket this was the 78HkMUhwDnM-00150-00036059-00036238 first lunar mission to be launched from 78HkMUhwDnM-00151-00036239-00036466 that facility the launch had the 78HkMUhwDnM-00152-00036467-00036664 potential for visibility along much of 78HkMUhwDnM-00153-00036665-00036880 the u.s. eastern seaboard from Maine to 78HkMUhwDnM-00154-00036881-00037072 South Carolina clear weather allowed 78HkMUhwDnM-00155-00037073-00037291 numerous observers from New York City to 78HkMUhwDnM-00156-00037292-00037480 Virginia to observe the ascent first 78HkMUhwDnM-00157-00037481-00037693 stage cutoff and second stage ignition 78HkMUhwDnM-00158-00037694-00037945 as the Minotaur V as a solid propellant 78HkMUhwDnM-00159-00037946-00038173 rocket spacecraft attitude control on 78HkMUhwDnM-00160-00038174-00038360 this mission operated a bit differently 78HkMUhwDnM-00161-00038361-00038569 from a typical liquid fueled rocket with 78HkMUhwDnM-00162-00038570-00038851 more continuous closed-loop feedback the 78HkMUhwDnM-00163-00038852-00039082 first three Minotaur stages fly a 78HkMUhwDnM-00164-00039083-00039421 pre-programmed attitude profile to gain 78HkMUhwDnM-00165-00039422-00039625 velocity and deliver the vehicle to its 78HkMUhwDnM-00166-00039626-00039826 preliminary trajectory while the fourth 78HkMUhwDnM-00167-00039827-00040003 stage is used to modify the flight 78HkMUhwDnM-00168-00040004-00040174 profile and deliver the ladee spacecraft 78HkMUhwDnM-00169-00040175-00040444 into perigee for the spin stabilized 78HkMUhwDnM-00170-00040445-00040621 fifth stage to then put the spacecraft 78HkMUhwDnM-00171-00040622-00040831 into a highly elliptical orbit around 78HkMUhwDnM-00172-00040832-00041104 Earth the first of three to begin a 78HkMUhwDnM-00173-00041105-00041293 month-long lunar transit while now 78HkMUhwDnM-00174-00041294-00041515 separated from the ladee spacecraft both 78HkMUhwDnM-00175-00041516-00041674 the fourth and fifth stages of the 78HkMUhwDnM-00176-00041675-00041863 Minotaur V reached orbit and are now 78HkMUhwDnM-00177-00041864-00042291 space debris in Earth orbit 78HkMUhwDnM-00178-00042292-00042797 topic lunar transit 78HkMUhwDnM-00179-00042798-00043043 Vladdy took an unusual approach in its 78HkMUhwDnM-00180-00043044-00043256 transit of the moon launched into a 78HkMUhwDnM-00181-00043257-00043421 highly elliptical Earth orbit the 78HkMUhwDnM-00182-00043422-00043610 spacecraft made three increasingly 78HkMUhwDnM-00183-00043611-00043811 larger laps around Earth before getting 78HkMUhwDnM-00184-00043812-00043984 close enough to enter into lunar orbit 78HkMUhwDnM-00185-00043985-00044273 the transit required approximately one 78HkMUhwDnM-00186-00044274-00044480 month after separating from the Minotaur 78HkMUhwDnM-00187-00044481-00044672 high electrical currents were detected 78HkMUhwDnM-00188-00044673-00044828 in the satellites reaction wheels 78HkMUhwDnM-00189-00044829-00045077 causing them to be shut down there was 78HkMUhwDnM-00190-00045078-00045224 no indication of a fault 78HkMUhwDnM-00191-00045225-00045383 and after the protection limits were 78HkMUhwDnM-00192-00045384-00045605 adjusted orientation with reaction 78HkMUhwDnM-00193-00045606-00045812 wheels was resumed the following day the 78HkMUhwDnM-00194-00045813-00046046 ladee spacecraft made three phasing 78HkMUhwDnM-00195-00046047-00046316 orbits of Earth before it accomplished a 78HkMUhwDnM-00196-00046317-00046586 lunar orbit insertion loi which occurred 78HkMUhwDnM-00197-00046587-00046778 at perigee of the third orbit using a 78HkMUhwDnM-00198-00046779-00047036 three minute engine burn the target 78HkMUhwDnM-00199-00047037-00047210 orbit for the third Earth orbit had a 78HkMUhwDnM-00200-00047211-00047549 perigee of 200 kilometers 120 miles an 78HkMUhwDnM-00201-00047550-00047972 Apogee of 278,000 kilometres 173 78HkMUhwDnM-00202-00047973-00048196 thousand miles and an inclination of 78HkMUhwDnM-00203-00048197-00048548 37.65 degrees the planned argument of 78HkMUhwDnM-00204-00048549-00048830 perigee as 155 degrees while its 78HkMUhwDnM-00205-00048831-00049184 characteristic energy c3 as minus 2.75 78HkMUhwDnM-00206-00049185-00049460 square kilometers per square second the 78HkMUhwDnM-00207-00049461-00049679 novel trajectory using orbital phasing 78HkMUhwDnM-00208-00049680-00049904 loops was done for four main reasons the 78HkMUhwDnM-00209-00049905-00050075 Minotaur V launch vehicle had 78HkMUhwDnM-00210-00050076-00050360 insufficient Delta V to put the 383 78HkMUhwDnM-00211-00050361-00050669 kilograms 844 pounds gladdie directly 78HkMUhwDnM-00212-00050670-00050948 into a translunar injection to handle 78HkMUhwDnM-00213-00050949-00051182 potential off nominal launch dispersions 78HkMUhwDnM-00214-00051183-00051398 from the Minotaur V which is a stack of 78HkMUhwDnM-00215-00051399-00051611 five solid rocket stages and is not 78HkMUhwDnM-00216-00051612-00051815 considered to be a particularly precise 78HkMUhwDnM-00217-00051816-00052010 rocket in a propellant efficient manner 78HkMUhwDnM-00218-00052011-00052229 while leaving the orbit profile flexible 78HkMUhwDnM-00219-00052229-00052403 to large dispersions in the initial 78HkMUhwDnM-00220-00052404-00052646 injection orbit to widen the launch 78HkMUhwDnM-00221-00052647-00052913 window to five days in the event ladee 78HkMUhwDnM-00222-00052914-00053096 did not need this as the launch occurred 78HkMUhwDnM-00223-00053097-00053254 at the beginning of the window on the 78HkMUhwDnM-00224-00053255-00053537 first day to increase mission robustness 78HkMUhwDnM-00225-00053538-00053738 in the face of any anomalous or missed 78HkMUhwDnM-00226-00053739-00053944 orbital maneuvers with the spacecraft 78HkMUhwDnM-00227-00053945-00054229 topic lunar orbit and systems checkout 78HkMUhwDnM-00228-00054230-00054494 ladee entered lunar orbit on october 6th 78HkMUhwDnM-00229-00054495-00054575 2013 78HkMUhwDnM-00230-00054576-00054749 when ladee was put into an elliptical 78HkMUhwDnM-00231-00054750-00055019 capture orbit of 24 hours duration 78HkMUhwDnM-00232-00055020-00055265 Vladdy was further lowered into a four 78HkMUhwDnM-00233-00055266-00055541 hour orbit on october 9th 2013 one 78HkMUhwDnM-00234-00055541-00055748 further burn occurred on October 12th 78HkMUhwDnM-00235-00055749-00055980 lowering ladee into a circular orbit 78HkMUhwDnM-00236-00055982-00056130 the moon with an altitude of 78HkMUhwDnM-00237-00056132-00056503 approximately 250 kilometers 160 miles 78HkMUhwDnM-00238-00056504-00056716 for its commissioning phase which lasted 78HkMUhwDnM-00239-00056716-00057073 about 30 days la de II systems and 78HkMUhwDnM-00240-00057074-00057232 instruments were checked out after the 78HkMUhwDnM-00241-00057233-00057532 orbit was lowered to 75 kilometers 47 78HkMUhwDnM-00242-00057533-00057810 miles altitude topic lunar laser 78HkMUhwDnM-00243-00057811-00058069 communication demonstrations la di es 78HkMUhwDnM-00244-00058070-00058316 lunar laser communication demonstrations 78HkMUhwDnM-00245-00058317-00058633 LLC D pulsed laser system conducted a 78HkMUhwDnM-00246-00058634-00058948 successful test on October 18 2013 78HkMUhwDnM-00247-00058949-00059125 transmitting data between the spacecraft 78HkMUhwDnM-00248-00059126-00059338 and its ground station on earth at a 78HkMUhwDnM-00249-00059339-00059512 distance of three hundred eighty five 78HkMUhwDnM-00250-00059513-00059923 thousand kilometres 239,000 miles this 78HkMUhwDnM-00251-00059924-00060216 test set a downlink record of 622 78HkMUhwDnM-00252-00060217-00060475 megabits per second Mbps from spacecraft 78HkMUhwDnM-00253-00060476-00060729 to ground and an error free data upload 78HkMUhwDnM-00254-00060730-00060928 rate of 20 megabits per second from 78HkMUhwDnM-00255-00060929-00061099 ground station to spacecraft 78HkMUhwDnM-00256-00061100-00061348 tests were carried out over a 30 day 78HkMUhwDnM-00257-00061349-00061615 test period the L LC D as a free space 78HkMUhwDnM-00258-00061616-00061882 optical communication system it is 78HkMUhwDnM-00259-00061883-00062079 NASA's first attempt at two-way space 78HkMUhwDnM-00260-00062080-00062280 communication using an optical laser 78HkMUhwDnM-00261-00062282-00062602 instead of radio waves it is expected to 78HkMUhwDnM-00262-00062603-00062803 lead to operational laser systems on 78HkMUhwDnM-00263-00062804-00063064 future NASA satellites the next 78HkMUhwDnM-00264-00063065-00063241 iteration of the concept will be the 78HkMUhwDnM-00265-00063241-00063426 laser communications relay demonstration 78HkMUhwDnM-00266-00063427-00063654 scheduled for 2017 78HkMUhwDnM-00267-00063655-00063949 also it has been proposed as payload for 78HkMUhwDnM-00268-00063950-00064114 the Phobos and Deimos and Mars 78HkMUhwDnM-00269-00064115-00064489 environment PA DME orbiter topic science 78HkMUhwDnM-00270-00064490-00064669 phase for the science operations 78HkMUhwDnM-00271-00064670-00064854 Vladdy was maneuvered into an orbit with 78HkMUhwDnM-00272-00064855-00065104 a Perry Selene of 20 kilometers 12 miles 78HkMUhwDnM-00273-00065104-00065404 and a NAPA Selene of 60 kilometers 37 78HkMUhwDnM-00274-00065404-00065710 miles the science phase of la de YZ 78HkMUhwDnM-00275-00065711-00065929 primary mission was initially planned as 78HkMUhwDnM-00276-00065930-00066184 100 days and later given a 28-day 78HkMUhwDnM-00277-00066185-00066454 extension the extension provided an 78HkMUhwDnM-00278-00066455-00066646 opportunity for the satellite to gather 78HkMUhwDnM-00279-00066647-00066856 an additional full lunar cycle worth of 78HkMUhwDnM-00280-00066857-00067021 very low altitude data to help 78HkMUhwDnM-00281-00067022-00067216 scientists unravel the nature of the 78HkMUhwDnM-00282-00067217-00067510 moon's tenuous exosphere topic end of 78HkMUhwDnM-00283-00067511-00067726 mission spacecraft controllers ordered a 78HkMUhwDnM-00284-00067727-00068044 final engine burn on April 11 2014 to 78HkMUhwDnM-00285-00068045-00068257 lower ladee to within two kilometers one 78HkMUhwDnM-00286-00068258-00068464 mile of the moon's surface and set it up 78HkMUhwDnM-00287-00068465-00068719 for impact no later than April 21st the 78HkMUhwDnM-00288-00068720-00068992 probe then dealt with the April 2014 78HkMUhwDnM-00289-00068993-00069253 lunar eclipse on April 15 during which 78HkMUhwDnM-00290-00069254-00069363 it could not generate 78HkMUhwDnM-00291-00069364-00069517 power because it was in Earth's shadow 78HkMUhwDnM-00292-00069518-00069813 for four hours science instruments were 78HkMUhwDnM-00293-00069814-00069981 turned off and heaters were cycled 78HkMUhwDnM-00294-00069982-00070176 during the event to conserve energy but 78HkMUhwDnM-00295-00070177-00070461 keep the spacecraft warm Engineers did 78HkMUhwDnM-00296-00070462-00070678 not expect ladee to survive as it was 78HkMUhwDnM-00297-00070679-00070816 not designed to handle such an 78HkMUhwDnM-00298-00070817-00070996 environment but it exited the Eclipse 78HkMUhwDnM-00299-00070997-00071151 with only a few pressure sensor 78HkMUhwDnM-00300-00071152-00071379 malfunctions during its penultimate 78HkMUhwDnM-00301-00071380-00071716 orbit on April 17th la di es periapsis 78HkMUhwDnM-00302-00071717-00072016 took it within 300 meters 1000 feet of 78HkMUhwDnM-00303-00072017-00072271 the lunar surface contact with the 78HkMUhwDnM-00304-00072272-00072474 spacecraft was lost around 4:30 78HkMUhwDnM-00305-00072475-00072741 coordinated Universal Time on April 18th 78HkMUhwDnM-00306-00072742-00072979 when it moved behind the moon ladee 78HkMUhwDnM-00307-00072980-00073171 struck the moon's far side surface 78HkMUhwDnM-00308-00073172-00073455 sometime between 4:30 and 5:22 at a 78HkMUhwDnM-00309-00073456-00073955 speed of 5800 km/h 3600 miles per hour 78HkMUhwDnM-00310-00073956-00074244 the far side of the Moon was chosen to 78HkMUhwDnM-00311-00074245-00074424 avoid the possibility of damaging 78HkMUhwDnM-00312-00074425-00074641 historically important locations such as 78HkMUhwDnM-00313-00074642-00074947 the Luna and Apollo landing sites NASA 78HkMUhwDnM-00314-00074948-00075162 used the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter to 78HkMUhwDnM-00315-00075163-00075357 image the impact location which was 78HkMUhwDnM-00316-00075358-00075541 determined to be near the eastern rim of 78HkMUhwDnM-00317-00075542-00075994 Sun Man V crater 78HkMUhwDnM-00318-00075995-00076463 topic spacecraft 78HkMUhwDnM-00319-00076464-00076804 topic design 78HkMUhwDnM-00320-00076805-00076940 you 78HkMUhwDnM-00321-00076941-00077192 Vladdy is the first spacecraft designed 78HkMUhwDnM-00322-00077193-00077437 integrated built and tested by NASA's 78HkMUhwDnM-00323-00077438-00077719 Ames Research Center the spacecraft is 78HkMUhwDnM-00324-00077720-00077972 of a novel design a spacecraft bus never 78HkMUhwDnM-00325-00077973-00078242 previously flown and of much lower cost 78HkMUhwDnM-00326-00078243-00078515 than typical NASA science missions which 78HkMUhwDnM-00327-00078516-00078692 presented novel challenges to the 78HkMUhwDnM-00328-00078693-00078874 trajectory design team in getting the 78HkMUhwDnM-00329-00078875-00079075 new spacecraft launched to the moon with 78HkMUhwDnM-00330-00079076-00079280 a high confidence spaceflight trajectory 78HkMUhwDnM-00331-00079281-00079480 plan while dealing with a first use new 78HkMUhwDnM-00332-00079481-00079742 rocket Minotaur V and a spacecraft with 78HkMUhwDnM-00333-00079743-00079991 no flight test legacy C lunar transit 78HkMUhwDnM-00334-00079992-00080192 above ladee mission makes use of the 78HkMUhwDnM-00335-00080193-00080431 modular common spacecraft bus or body 78HkMUhwDnM-00336-00080432-00080648 made of a lightweight carbon composite 78HkMUhwDnM-00337-00080649-00080806 with a nun fueled mass of two hundred 78HkMUhwDnM-00338-00080807-00081122 forty eight point two kilograms 547 78HkMUhwDnM-00339-00081123-00081376 pounds the bus has the ability to 78HkMUhwDnM-00340-00081377-00081586 perform on various kinds of missions 78HkMUhwDnM-00341-00081587-00081809 including voyages to the moon and 78HkMUhwDnM-00342-00081810-00081971 near-earth objects with different 78HkMUhwDnM-00343-00081972-00082282 modules or applicable systems this 78HkMUhwDnM-00344-00082283-00082501 modular concept as an innovative way of 78HkMUhwDnM-00345-00082502-00082717 transitioning away from custom designs 78HkMUhwDnM-00346-00082718-00082922 and toward multi-use designs and 78HkMUhwDnM-00347-00082923-00083099 assembly line production which could 78HkMUhwDnM-00348-00083100-00083255 dramatically reduce the cost of 78HkMUhwDnM-00349-00083256-00083486 spacecraft development the ladee 78HkMUhwDnM-00350-00083487-00083735 spacecraft bus modules consist of the 78HkMUhwDnM-00351-00083736-00083909 radiator module which carries the 78HkMUhwDnM-00352-00083910-00084163 avionics electrical system and attitude 78HkMUhwDnM-00353-00084164-00084388 sensors the bus module the payload 78HkMUhwDnM-00354-00084389-00084568 module that carries the two largest 78HkMUhwDnM-00355-00084569-00084781 instruments and the extension modules 78HkMUhwDnM-00356-00084782-00085044 which house the propulsion system 78HkMUhwDnM-00357-00085045-00085257 specifications the main structure is 78HkMUhwDnM-00358-00085258-00085707 2.37 meters 7.8 feet high 1.85 meters 78HkMUhwDnM-00359-00085708-00086141 6.1 feet wide and 1.85 meters 6.1 feet 78HkMUhwDnM-00360-00086142-00086457 deep the total mass of the spacecraft is 78HkMUhwDnM-00361-00086458-00087058 383 kilograms 844 pounds 78HkMUhwDnM-00362-00087059-00087541 topic power 78HkMUhwDnM-00363-00087542-00087776 electrical power was generated by a 78HkMUhwDnM-00364-00087777-00087995 photovoltaic system composed of 30 78HkMUhwDnM-00365-00087996-00088251 panels of silicon solar cells producing 78HkMUhwDnM-00366-00088252-00088664 295 W at one astronomical unit the solar 78HkMUhwDnM-00367-00088665-00088847 panels were mounted on the satellites 78HkMUhwDnM-00368-00088848-00089057 exterior surfaces in the electrical 78HkMUhwDnM-00369-00089058-00089234 power was stored in one lithium-ion 78HkMUhwDnM-00370-00089235-00089519 battery providing up to 24 amp hours of 78HkMUhwDnM-00371-00089520-00089975 28 volt power 78HkMUhwDnM-00372-00089976-00090429 topic propulsion system 78HkMUhwDnM-00373-00090430-00090696 the ladee propulsion system consisted of 78HkMUhwDnM-00374-00090697-00090939 an orbit control system OCS and a 78HkMUhwDnM-00375-00090940-00091317 reaction control system RCS the OCS 78HkMUhwDnM-00376-00091318-00091563 provided velocity control along the plus 78HkMUhwDnM-00377-00091564-00091809 z-axis for large velocity adjustments 78HkMUhwDnM-00378-00091810-00092142 the RCS provided three axis attitude 78HkMUhwDnM-00379-00092143-00092376 control during burns of the OCS system 78HkMUhwDnM-00380-00092377-00092580 and also provided momentum dumps for the 78HkMUhwDnM-00381-00092581-00092757 reaction wheels which were the primary 78HkMUhwDnM-00382-00092758-00093006 attitude control system between OCS 78HkMUhwDnM-00383-00093007-00093306 burns the main engine was a 455 and 78HkMUhwDnM-00384-00093307-00093540 high-performance Apogee thruster keepit 78HkMUhwDnM-00385-00093541-00093891 the high-efficiency 22n attitude control 78HkMUhwDnM-00386-00093892-00094077 thrusters are manufactured using high 78HkMUhwDnM-00387-00094078-00094290 temperature materials and similar to the 78HkMUhwDnM-00388-00094291-00094533 heapin the main engine provided the 78HkMUhwDnM-00389-00094534-00094692 majority of the thrust for spacecraft 78HkMUhwDnM-00390-00094693-00094974 trajectory correction maneuvers the 78HkMUhwDnM-00391-00094975-00095181 control system thrusters were used for 78HkMUhwDnM-00392-00095182-00095337 the small maneuvers planned for the 78HkMUhwDnM-00393-00095338-00095517 science phase of the mission following 78HkMUhwDnM-00394-00095518-00095688 the science phase a decommissioning 78HkMUhwDnM-00395-00095689-00095847 period occurred during which the 78HkMUhwDnM-00396-00095848-00096054 altitude was gradually lowered until the 78HkMUhwDnM-00397-00096055-00096536 spacecraft impacted the lunar surface 78HkMUhwDnM-00398-00096537-00097060 topic science payload 78HkMUhwDnM-00399-00097061-00097275 Vladdy carried three scientific 78HkMUhwDnM-00400-00097276-00097423 instruments and a technology 78HkMUhwDnM-00401-00097424-00097701 demonstration payload the science 78HkMUhwDnM-00402-00097702-00097978 payload consists of the neutral mass 78HkMUhwDnM-00403-00097979-00098230 spectrometer NM s which performed in 78HkMUhwDnM-00404-00098231-00098494 situ measurements of exosphere Academies 78HkMUhwDnM-00405-00098495-00098712 and molecules via mass spectroscopy 78HkMUhwDnM-00406-00098713-00098980 parts of NM s were based on the Sam 78HkMUhwDnM-00407-00098981-00099091 instrument on the Mars Science 78HkMUhwDnM-00408-00099092-00099519 Laboratory the uv-vis spectrometer UV s 78HkMUhwDnM-00409-00099520-00099691 which measured both the dust and 78HkMUhwDnM-00410-00099692-00099865 exosphere by ultraviolet visible 78HkMUhwDnM-00411-00099866-00100174 spectroscopy the instrument was based on 78HkMUhwDnM-00412-00100175-00100453 the UV vis spectrometer on the LCR o SS 78HkMUhwDnM-00413-00100454-00100816 mission lunar dust experiment l de x 78HkMUhwDnM-00414-00100817-00101025 which directly measured dust using an 78HkMUhwDnM-00415-00101026-00101287 impact ionization detector this 78HkMUhwDnM-00416-00101288-00101500 functions by measuring the ionization of 78HkMUhwDnM-00417-00101501-00101706 particles hitting the detector the 78HkMUhwDnM-00418-00101707-00101899 instrument built on experience gained 78HkMUhwDnM-00419-00101900-00102073 from similar instruments on Galileo 78HkMUhwDnM-00420-00102074-00102367 Ulysses and Cassini ladee also carried a 78HkMUhwDnM-00421-00102368-00102579 technology demonstration payload for 78HkMUhwDnM-00422-00102580-00102783 testing an optical communication system 78HkMUhwDnM-00423-00102784-00103017 the lunar laser communication 78HkMUhwDnM-00424-00103018-00103297 demonstration LLC D used a laser to 78HkMUhwDnM-00425-00103298-00103528 transmit and receive data as pulses of 78HkMUhwDnM-00426-00103529-00103728 light in much the same way as data is 78HkMUhwDnM-00427-00103729-00104016 transferred in a fiber-optic cable three 78HkMUhwDnM-00428-00104017-00104272 ground stations were used this method of 78HkMUhwDnM-00429-00104273-00104464 communication could potentially provide 78HkMUhwDnM-00430-00104465-00104665 data rates five times higher than the 78HkMUhwDnM-00431-00104666-00104828 previous radio frequency communication 78HkMUhwDnM-00432-00104829-00105153 system the technology as a direct 78HkMUhwDnM-00433-00105154-00105309 predecessor to NASA's laser 78HkMUhwDnM-00434-00105310-00105625 communications relay demonstration LCR D 78HkMUhwDnM-00435-00105626-00106189 system which is due to launch in 2017 78HkMUhwDnM-00436-00106190-00106759 topic preliminary results 78HkMUhwDnM-00437-00106760-00106994 the ladee science teams continued to 78HkMUhwDnM-00438-00106995-00107203 analyze data acquired at the time of the 78HkMUhwDnM-00439-00107204-00107416 Chang of three landing on December 14th 78HkMUhwDnM-00440-00107417-00107833 2013 the lunar dust experiment l de x 78HkMUhwDnM-00441-00107834-00108032 team noted an increase in dust around 78HkMUhwDnM-00442-00108033-00108308 the time of the landing however the rise 78HkMUhwDnM-00443-00108308-00108527 preceded the landing time by many hours 78HkMUhwDnM-00444-00108528-00108829 suggesting a different origin indeed the 78HkMUhwDnM-00445-00108830-00109033 Geminids meteor shower coincided with 78HkMUhwDnM-00446-00109034-00109256 this landing event and produced elevated 78HkMUhwDnM-00447-00109257-00109448 dust counts before during and after the 78HkMUhwDnM-00448-00109449-00109729 landing period the team reported that if 78HkMUhwDnM-00449-00109730-00109960 ladee did encounter any lunar soil 78HkMUhwDnM-00450-00109961-00110203 particles thrown up by the final descent 78HkMUhwDnM-00451-00110204-00110404 of chiang a3 they would have been lost 78HkMUhwDnM-00452-00110405-00110608 in the background of geminate produced 78HkMUhwDnM-00453-00110609-00110806 events 78HkMUhwDnM-00454-00110807-00111106 the neutral mass spectrometer NMS team 78HkMUhwDnM-00455-00111107-00111298 has been searching the data for exhaust 78HkMUhwDnM-00456-00111299-00111517 gas species such as water carbon 78HkMUhwDnM-00457-00111518-00111838 monoxide and carbon dioxide CO and co2 78HkMUhwDnM-00458-00111839-00112180 as well as nitrogen and - the 78HkMUhwDnM-00459-00112181-00112326 ultraviolet and visible-light 78HkMUhwDnM-00460-00112327-00112606 spectrometer UVs carried out a series of 78HkMUhwDnM-00461-00112607-00112831 before/after observations looking for 78HkMUhwDnM-00462-00112832-00113002 effects of both the landing and meteor 78HkMUhwDnM-00463-00113003-00113317 showers analysis revealed an increase in 78HkMUhwDnM-00464-00113318-00113521 sodium in the exosphere in connection 78HkMUhwDnM-00465-00113522-00113719 with the Geminid meteor shower as well 78HkMUhwDnM-00466-00113720-00113863 as evidence of increased light 78HkMUhwDnM-00467-00113864-00114178 scattering due to dust the UVs also 78HkMUhwDnM-00468-00114179-00114367 monitored emission lines of atomic 78HkMUhwDnM-00469-00114368-00114571 oxygen and saw emissions that may have 78HkMUhwDnM-00470-00114572-00114778 indicated the presence of both iron PHA 78HkMUhwDnM-00471-00114779-00115048 and titanium T which were expected but 78HkMUhwDnM-00472-00115049-00115248 they had never before been observed 78HkMUhwDnM-00473-00115249-00115522 helium argon and neon gases were 78HkMUhwDnM-00474-00115523-00115648 determined to be the most abundant 78HkMUhwDnM-00475-00115649-00115933 species in the lunar exosphere the 78HkMUhwDnM-00476-00115933-00116095 helium and neon were found to be 78HkMUhwDnM-00477-00116096-00116401 supplied by the solar wind on August 78HkMUhwDnM-00478-00116402-00116674 17th 2015 based on studies with the 78HkMUhwDnM-00479-00116675-00116890 ladee spacecraft NASA scientists 78HkMUhwDnM-00480-00116891-00117079 reported the detection of neon in the 78HkMUhwDnM-00481-00117080-00117489 exosphere of the moon 78HkMUhwDnM-00482-00117490-00117976 topic team 78HkMUhwDnM-00483-00117977-00118233 the team for ladee included contributors 78HkMUhwDnM-00484-00118234-00118474 from NASA headquarters Washington DC 78HkMUhwDnM-00485-00118475-00118678 NASA's Ames Research Center Moffett 78HkMUhwDnM-00486-00118679-00118935 Field California nasa's goddard space 78HkMUhwDnM-00487-00118936-00119211 flight center Greenbelt Maryland and the 78HkMUhwDnM-00488-00119213-00119401 laboratory for atmospheric and space 78HkMUhwDnM-00489-00119402-00119634 physics at the University of Colorado at 78HkMUhwDnM-00490-00119635-00119908 Boulder guest investigators include 78HkMUhwDnM-00491-00119908-00120069 those from the University of California 78HkMUhwDnM-00492-00120070-00120289 Berkeley the Johns Hopkins University 78HkMUhwDnM-00493-00120290-00120558 Applied Physics Laboratory Laurel 78HkMUhwDnM-00494-00120559-00120814 Maryland the University of Colorado the 78HkMUhwDnM-00495-00120815-00121008 University of Maryland and NASA's 78HkMUhwDnM-00496-00121009-00121225 Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt 78HkMUhwDnM-00497-00121226-00121668 Maryland 78HkMUhwDnM-00498-00121669-00122168 topic gallery 78HkMUhwDnM-00499-00122169-00122684 topic references 78HkMUhwDnM-00500-00122685-00123228 topic external links 78HkMUhwDnM-00501-00123229-00123584 NASA's ladee mission site ladi at NASA 78HkMUhwDnM-00502-00123585-00123900 science MIT's Lincoln lab laser comm 78HkMUhwDnM-00503-00123901-00124191 terminal development NASA's lunar 78HkMUhwDnM-00504-00124192-00124539 science program February 27 2008 Kelly 78HkMUhwDnM-00505-00124540-00124878 snook overview for k-8 students YouTube 78HkMUhwDnM-00506-00124879-00125115 video 79821s29q6Q-00000-00000849-00001203 okay so the faculty survey was a 15 79821s29q6Q-00001-00001204-00001464 question survey and that was sent out 79821s29q6Q-00002-00001465-00002229 with IRB approval of course and that was 79821s29q6Q-00003-00002230-00002904 sent out at the end of 2016 what the 111 79821s29q6Q-00004-00002905-00003200 faculty members responded to that survey 79821s29q6Q-00005-00003201-00003531 and it was sent out to all of the 79821s29q6Q-00006-00003532-00004196 faculty full-on agile so from that 79821s29q6Q-00007-00004197-00004566 survey we realized that 87 faculty 79821s29q6Q-00008-00004567-00004788 members of the hundred and 11 were 79821s29q6Q-00009-00004789-00005313 currently using blackboard so and that 79821s29q6Q-00010-00005314-00005613 was not just for fully online that was 79821s29q6Q-00011-00005614-00005967 fully online hybrid and supplementally 79821s29q6Q-00012-00005968-00006165 so those faculty who teach face-to-face 79821s29q6Q-00013-00006166-00006387 and use eLearning 79821s29q6Q-00014-00006388-00006687 to supplement their course basis do you 79821s29q6Q-00015-00006688-00007481 have a question Reviva right so out of 79821s29q6Q-00016-00007483-00008079 111 who responded 87 answered that one 79821s29q6Q-00017-00008080-00008298 question so what happened was even 79821s29q6Q-00018-00008299-00008580 though we had 111 responses not 79821s29q6Q-00019-00008581-00009039 everybody answered every question so 79821s29q6Q-00020-00009040-00009492 there were some skips 65% of the faculty 79821s29q6Q-00021-00009493-00009764 who said they were not using blackboard 79821s29q6Q-00022-00009765-00010074 did express an interest in learning more 79821s29q6Q-00023-00010075-00010734 about it and 73% of the faculty that 79821s29q6Q-00024-00010735-00011001 were surveyed said that they were using 79821s29q6Q-00025-00011002-00011316 publisher content now whether that was 79821s29q6Q-00026-00011317-00011586 publisher content that they put into 79821s29q6Q-00027-00011587-00011892 e-learning or whether it was not using 79821s29q6Q-00028-00011893-00012051 an e-learning system at all and just 79821s29q6Q-00029-00012052-00012387 going through the publisher and and 79821s29q6Q-00030-00012388-00012546 we're really trying to get faculty to 79821s29q6Q-00031-00012547-00012989 look at the cost of the book the cost of 79821s29q6Q-00032-00012990-00013241 the code to use the publisher content 79821s29q6Q-00033-00013243-00013443 and different ways that they can 79821s29q6Q-00034-00013444-00013696 implement to on reduce 79821s29q6Q-00035-00013697-00014391 that four students and 9% of the people 79821s29q6Q-00036-00014393-00014626 forgo using blackboard all together and 79821s29q6Q-00037-00014627-00015187 either use their LMS publisher or their 79821s29q6Q-00038-00015188-00015472 own websites we have a few people here 79821s29q6Q-00039-00015472-00016201 today that falls into them so I Wondra 79821s29q6Q-00040-00016202-00016495 dand seven people responded to this 79821s29q6Q-00041-00016496-00016918 particular question and 63 indicated 79821s29q6Q-00042-00016919-00017221 they never attended a blackboard or 79821s29q6Q-00043-00017222-00017737 elearning workshop offered by anyone in 79821s29q6Q-00044-00017738-00018109 the site lab and so we have all of these 79821s29q6Q-00045-00018110-00018424 people who are using the system but 79821s29q6Q-00046-00018425-00018808 they're not using it as well as they 79821s29q6Q-00047-00018809-00018997 could and they don't know all of the 79821s29q6Q-00048-00018998-00019255 tools that are available and or they 79821s29q6Q-00049-00019256-00019543 don't know specifically how those tools 79821s29q6Q-00050-00019544-00020389 can reach their students the second part 79821s29q6Q-00051-00020390-00020656 of that question was if you did not 79821s29q6Q-00052-00020657-00021064 attend a workshop if you worked with 79821s29q6Q-00053-00021065-00021286 individual members so if you worked with 79821s29q6Q-00054-00021287-00021502 one of the ID team or if you worked with 79821s29q6Q-00055-00021503-00021837 one of the site labs staff members 79821s29q6Q-00056-00021838-00022227 one-on-one so a lot of people had worked 79821s29q6Q-00057-00022228-00022497 specifically one-on-one without going to 79821s29q6Q-00058-00022498-00023062 a workshop which was encouraging so the 79821s29q6Q-00059-00023063-00023475 features that are most used according to 79821s29q6Q-00060-00023476-00023737 the people who answered the survey were 79821s29q6Q-00061-00023738-00024028 announcements 82% of faculty who use 79821s29q6Q-00062-00024029-00024399 blackboard use the announcements feature 79821s29q6Q-00063-00024400-00024972 74% use messages 71% use the email 79821s29q6Q-00064-00024973-00025308 embedded in blackboard 79821s29q6Q-00065-00025309-00025722 64 percent use the Grade Center 54 52 79821s29q6Q-00066-00025723-00025999 percent use testing 50 percent use 79821s29q6Q-00067-00026000-00026293 discussion boards and 49 percent use the 79821s29q6Q-00068-00026294-00027013 calendars 79821s29q6Q-00069-00027014-00027304 okay so 20 responses were dealing with 79821s29q6Q-00070-00027305-00027619 specific issues related to student 79821s29q6Q-00071-00027620-00027904 submissions using the tools such as 79821s29q6Q-00072-00027905-00028164 discussions and assignments and tests 79821s29q6Q-00073-00028166-00028582 and surveys the largest need expressed 79821s29q6Q-00074-00028583-00028900 by faculty for this open-ended question 79821s29q6Q-00075-00028901-00029704 was support from Grade Center twenty one 79821s29q6Q-00076-00029705-00029995 twenty one percent of the faculty wanted 79821s29q6Q-00077-00029995-00030258 um great twenty two percent of the 79821s29q6Q-00078-00030260-00030480 faculty wanted Grade Center support 79821s29q6Q-00079-00030481-00030943 voicethread which a lot of you who are 79821s29q6Q-00080-00030944-00031141 attending today use um 79821s29q6Q-00081-00031142-00031351 thirty four percent of the faculty that 79821s29q6Q-00082-00031352-00031561 took the survey either did not know 79821s29q6Q-00083-00031562-00031807 about voicethread or what wanted more 79821s29q6Q-00084-00031808-00032023 specific training and how to use 79821s29q6Q-00085-00032024-00032281 voicethread and one of the great things 79821s29q6Q-00086-00032282-00032488 about voicethread is now they have 79821s29q6Q-00087-00032489-00032722 closed captioning and they have so if 79821s29q6Q-00088-00032723-00032983 you've created a voicethread and you put 79821s29q6Q-00089-00032984-00033136 your powerpoint up and you do a voice 79821s29q6Q-00090-00033137-00033400 over voicethread will automatically 79821s29q6Q-00091-00033401-00033793 close caption that for you but when I 79821s29q6Q-00092-00033794-00034006 created this that wasn't one of the 79821s29q6Q-00093-00034007-00034294 things features that were available in 79821s29q6Q-00094-00034295-00034486 voice but so we had to go back and redo 79821s29q6Q-00095-00034487-00034738 all of that and they also now have a 79821s29q6Q-00096-00034739-00034984 gradable item so if you're creating a 79821s29q6Q-00097-00034985-00035185 voicethread and you want that attached 79821s29q6Q-00098-00035186-00035581 to your gradebook it will so you can go 79821s29q6Q-00099-00035582-00035770 in and review what the students have 79821s29q6Q-00100-00035771-00036004 either posted or commented so that was 79821s29q6Q-00101-00036005-00036217 another piece that we had to add in so 79821s29q6Q-00102-00036218-00036598 we had to change all of that link 79821s29q6Q-00103-00036599-00036943 checker so the link checker what it does 79821s29q6Q-00104-00036944-00037279 is as in course tools there's an area 79821s29q6Q-00105-00037280-00037510 where you can click on link checker and 79821s29q6Q-00106-00037511-00037756 it will go in and it will make sure that 79821s29q6Q-00107-00037757-00038014 the links the web links that you have in 79821s29q6Q-00108-00038015-00038383 your course as web links if they're not 79821s29q6Q-00109-00038384-00038689 active you'll get a red X and then you 79821s29q6Q-00110-00038690-00038923 know to go back and review them so it's 79821s29q6Q-00111-00038924-00039139 a quick way if you're using a lot of web 79821s29q6Q-00112-00039140-00039370 links to check your course to make sure 79821s29q6Q-00113-00039371-00039589 that everything you have in there 79821s29q6Q-00114-00039590-00040171 is active and available surveys 30% of 79821s29q6Q-00115-00040172-00040303 faculty wanted to know more about 79821s29q6Q-00116-00040304-00040747 surveys date management 30% either had 79821s29q6Q-00117-00040748-00041029 not heard of the date management tool in 79821s29q6Q-00118-00041030-00041269 blackboard or wanted more information on 79821s29q6Q-00119-00041270-00041587 how to use that tool the Grade Center 79821s29q6Q-00120-00041588-00042054 again 22% and discussion forums was 19% 79821s29q6Q-00121-00042055-00042499 and discussion forums in e-learning are 79821s29q6Q-00122-00042500-00043213 not the most intuitive to use so it is 79821s29q6Q-00123-00043214-00043381 complicated you don't just create a 79821s29q6Q-00124-00043382-00043579 discussion and students get to see it 79821s29q6Q-00125-00043580-00043774 you have to create it you have to link 79821s29q6Q-00126-00043775-00044062 to it you have to make sure that if you 79821s29q6Q-00127-00044063-00044242 set dates in one place that they're not 79821s29q6Q-00128-00044243-00044455 set in another place differently so 79821s29q6Q-00129-00044456-00044713 there so there are a lot of steps for a 79821s29q6Q-00130-00044714-00045040 successful implementation of discussion 79821s29q6Q-00131-00045041-00045565 forums so 85 percent of those surveyed 79821s29q6Q-00132-00045566-00045892 expressed they would utilize an online 79821s29q6Q-00133-00045893-00046282 faculty training area so the training 79821s29q6Q-00134-00046283-00046750 the target audience for this training is 79821s29q6Q-00135-00046751-00047104 all faculty whether that be full-time or 79821s29q6Q-00136-00047105-00047470 adjunct who work at Bristol and the 79821s29q6Q-00137-00047471-00047653 training will be completely contained 79821s29q6Q-00138-00047654-00047916 within the learning management system 79821s29q6Q-00139-00047917-00048367 these are the topics that are going to 79821s29q6Q-00140-00048368-00049090 be covered in this training 79821s29q6Q-00141-00049091-00049367 so exploring the Grade Center accessing 79821s29q6Q-00142-00049368-00049618 and setting up Grade Center now all of 79821s29q6Q-00143-00049619-00049811 these pieces like manually created 79821s29q6Q-00144-00049812-00050011 columns those are all pieces that fit 79821s29q6Q-00145-00050012-00050724 into the Grade Center grade columns 79821s29q6Q-00146-00050725-00051170 creating categories smart view grading 79821s29q6Q-00147-00051171-00051370 color codes and column organization 79821s29q6Q-00148-00051371-00051751 that's that all of that lives inside of 79821s29q6Q-00149-00051752-00051923 the Grade Center so there's a lot of 79821s29q6Q-00150-00051924-00052339 pieces that fit into that one tool which 79821s29q6Q-00151-00052340-00052684 more than half the faculty that 79821s29q6Q-00152-00052685-00053012 responded to the survey use so this was 79821s29q6Q-00153-00053013-00053660 a big tool before so I'm gonna minimize 79821s29q6Q-00154-00053661-00056445 this you know just gonna bring up 79821s29q6Q-00155-00056446-00056907 so I've created a faculty elearning 79821s29q6Q-00156-00056908-00057266 resources 101 area and this is where all 79821s29q6Q-00157-00057267-00057947 of that content is going to live so 79821s29q6Q-00158-00057948-00058161 blackboard has some really great 79821s29q6Q-00159-00058162-00058503 resources so if it was already created 79821s29q6Q-00160-00058504-00058751 I'm not reinventing the wheel I'm using 79821s29q6Q-00161-00058752-00058941 things that are already out there that 79821s29q6Q-00162-00058941-00059346 have closed captioning and that work 79821s29q6Q-00163-00059347-00060066 well 79821s29q6Q-00164-00060067-00060524 so the first thing that I wanted to 79821s29q6Q-00165-00060525-00060853 reach out to faculty doing this training 79821s29q6Q-00166-00060854-00061116 work do you teach online or do you want 79821s29q6Q-00167-00061117-00061348 to teach online if you want to teach 79821s29q6Q-00168-00061349-00061591 online and you don't yet then these are 79821s29q6Q-00169-00061591-00061862 the resources that you're going to use 79821s29q6Q-00170-00061863-00062029 to get there 79821s29q6Q-00171-00062029-00062371 so the first step filling out the 79821s29q6Q-00172-00062372-00062613 application to teach online reaching out 79821s29q6Q-00173-00062614-00062811 to your Dean reaching out to the Dean of 79821s29q6Q-00174-00062812-00062890 eLearning 79821s29q6Q-00175-00062891-00063174 these are all steps in the process to 79821s29q6Q-00176-00063175-00063397 teach online that not everyone is aware 79821s29q6Q-00177-00063398-00064096 of and then also developing a syllabus 79821s29q6Q-00178-00064097-00064437 it's it's not always easy to know what 79821s29q6Q-00179-00064438-00064603 if you've never taught before this is 79821s29q6Q-00180-00064604-00064812 the first semester I'm teaching teaching 79821s29q6Q-00181-00064813-00065112 a class for CI yes and I had never 79821s29q6Q-00182-00065113-00065280 created a syllabus I've helped other 79821s29q6Q-00183-00065281-00065517 faculty member created syllabus but 79821s29q6Q-00184-00065518-00065704 personally I had never created my own 79821s29q6Q-00185-00065705-00065904 slowest so I said oh this is gonna be 79821s29q6Q-00186-00065905-00066126 easy I'll just put all the stuff that I 79821s29q6Q-00187-00066127-00066360 tell everybody to use and then I did it 79821s29q6Q-00188-00066361-00066531 and I said April can you look at this 79821s29q6Q-00189-00066532-00066721 and she said you know this is missing 79821s29q6Q-00190-00066722-00066916 and this is missing and where you're 79821s29q6Q-00191-00066917-00067176 teaching is missing and I went oh but I 79821s29q6Q-00192-00067177-00067372 have the disability service stuff in 79821s29q6Q-00193-00067373-00067593 there and the link works 79821s29q6Q-00194-00067594-00067875 she said that's great but you also have 79821s29q6Q-00195-00067876-00068007 to put your name and how they can 79821s29q6Q-00196-00068008-00068347 contact you and so maybe I better go 79821s29q6Q-00197-00068348-00068505 back and read what we have in the 79821s29q6Q-00198-00068506-00068886 e-learning one-on-one space so that's 79821s29q6Q-00199-00068887-00069123 some of the things that we put in here 79821s29q6Q-00200-00069124-00069316 like the check what's on the checklist 79821s29q6Q-00201-00069317-00069519 what should you have in there what do 79821s29q6Q-00202-00069520-00069715 you need to have in there if you're 79821s29q6Q-00203-00069716-00069946 going to teach online it's different 79821s29q6Q-00204-00069947-00070218 than a face-to-face class because in a 79821s29q6Q-00205-00070219-00070467 face-to-face class you can say okay no 79821s29q6Q-00206-00070468-00070913 phones or don't use your computer or 79821s29q6Q-00207-00070914-00071199 I'll get back to you on that next week 79821s29q6Q-00208-00071200-00071391 when you come in or next class I'll give 79821s29q6Q-00209-00071392-00071584 you those grades back but if you're in 79821s29q6Q-00210-00071585-00071848 an online class every day isn't is a 79821s29q6Q-00211-00071849-00072190 class because they can access it 24/7 79821s29q6Q-00212-00072191-00072513 seven days a week but you may not answer 79821s29q6Q-00213-00072514-00072786 an email at three o'clock in the morning 79821s29q6Q-00214-00072787-00073015 when they're doing their homework and if 79821s29q6Q-00215-00073016-00073231 you haven't stated that 79821s29q6Q-00216-00073232-00073546 your syllabus or somewhere then they're 79821s29q6Q-00217-00073547-00073819 expecting that instant turn around so 79821s29q6Q-00218-00073820-00074206 you can say I answer my email nine to 79821s29q6Q-00219-00074207-00074563 five on business days I may respond to 79821s29q6Q-00220-00074564-00075025 you on the weekend but may not so or I 79821s29q6Q-00221-00075026-00075256 grade on the weekend on Saturday and 79821s29q6Q-00222-00075257-00075424 Sunday expect to get all of your grades 79821s29q6Q-00223-00075425-00075619 back on those days so when you're 79821s29q6Q-00224-00075620-00075856 teaching in an online environment fully 79821s29q6Q-00225-00075857-00076090 online you really need to spell those 79821s29q6Q-00226-00076091-00076453 pieces out so there's a lot of that 79821s29q6Q-00227-00076454-00076924 information built into here so I'm ready 79821s29q6Q-00228-00076925-00077113 to start developing my course what do I 79821s29q6Q-00229-00077114-00077488 do the first thing you do is is gather 79821s29q6Q-00230-00077489-00077683 up the materials that you would use in 79821s29q6Q-00231-00077684-00077869 your face-to-face course and make an 79821s29q6Q-00232-00077870-00077989 appointment with an instructional 79821s29q6Q-00233-00077990-00078199 designer and there's myself in there 79821s29q6Q-00234-00078200-00078469 spice in your Bedford who do that so 79821s29q6Q-00235-00078470-00078766 those are some of the things of course 79821s29q6Q-00236-00078767-00078982 it right here it says make sure you 79821s29q6Q-00237-00078983-00079147 contact the Dean of eLearning 79821s29q6Q-00238-00079148-00079357 and go through the rest of these modules 79821s29q6Q-00239-00079358-00079597 before you start doing that because it 79821s29q6Q-00240-00079598-00079780 may be something that's not going to be 79821s29q6Q-00241-00079781-00079939 offered online or it may be something 79821s29q6Q-00242-00079940-00080143 that there is other things that have to 79821s29q6Q-00243-00080144-00080314 be done before it could be offered 79821s29q6Q-00244-00080315-00080692 online and then of course we built 79821s29q6Q-00245-00080693-00081019 something in here about accessibility so 79821s29q6Q-00246-00081020-00081414 when you're just it is better to create 79821s29q6Q-00247-00081415-00081730 good design when you're designing it 79821s29q6Q-00248-00081731-00081982 then backwards design so it's it's 79821s29q6Q-00249-00081983-00082210 easier if you say okay I'm going to use 79821s29q6Q-00250-00082211-00082432 this video but I'm gonna find something 79821s29q6Q-00251-00082433-00082687 that already has closed captioning 79821s29q6Q-00252-00082688-00082906 versus well I'll just put this up and 79821s29q6Q-00253-00082907-00083206 then later I'll find one that meets what 79821s29q6Q-00254-00083207-00083425 I need because I don't have anybody this 79821s29q6Q-00255-00083426-00083650 semester who needs closed captioning so 79821s29q6Q-00256-00083651-00083854 this will work but then you never go 79821s29q6Q-00257-00083855-00084130 back and fix it so if you if you build 79821s29q6Q-00258-00084131-00084421 it correctly then no matter who's in 79821s29q6Q-00259-00084422-00084709 your class it's accessible and it and 79821s29q6Q-00260-00084710-00084796 it's easy for the 79821s29q6Q-00261-00084797-00085304 to use anybody have any questions so far 79821s29q6Q-00262-00085305-00086181 so exploring the Grade Center so this is 79821s29q6Q-00263-00086182-00086466 just module one which I've redone I have 79821s29q6Q-00264-00086467-00086706 to redo module two so I changed the the 79821s29q6Q-00265-00086707-00086925 images I know which one I finished in 79821s29q6Q-00266-00086926-00087228 which one I didn't so this is these are 79821s29q6Q-00267-00087229-00087468 the things in module 1 that are covered 79821s29q6Q-00268-00087469-00087822 and um so what we did was we created 79821s29q6Q-00269-00087823-00088278 video so using screencast-o-matic and we 79821s29q6Q-00270-00088279-00088572 walked through ok so this is how you get 79821s29q6Q-00271-00088573-00088854 to your Grade Center so login to your 79821s29q6Q-00272-00088855-00088911 class 79821s29q6Q-00273-00088912-00089187 on the left hand menu click on full 79821s29q6Q-00274-00089188-00089448 Grade Center because if you're brand new 79821s29q6Q-00275-00089449-00089682 to e-learning you may not know where 79821s29q6Q-00276-00089683-00089946 some of these tools only located so we 79821s29q6Q-00277-00089947-00090196 started off at a very basic this is 79821s29q6Q-00278-00090197-00090429 where you find it this is what it does 79821s29q6Q-00279-00090430-00090707 these are you know how you use it and 79821s29q6Q-00280-00090708-00091116 then once we did that we create I I 79821s29q6Q-00281-00091117-00092289 created um PDFs and so this is where you 79821s29q6Q-00282-00092290-00092541 find create a column and what create a 79821s29q6Q-00283-00092542-00093600 column does 79821s29q6Q-00284-00093601-00093993 so each one of those tutorials walks 79821s29q6Q-00285-00093994-00094392 through one specific area of one 79821s29q6Q-00286-00094393-00094710 specific tool and again anytime there's 79821s29q6Q-00287-00094711-00094920 any changes in the system I have to go 79821s29q6Q-00288-00094921-00095408 back and recreate all of those sure 79821s29q6Q-00289-00095409-00095520 mm-hm 79821s29q6Q-00290-00095521-00095733 ask the first pot so I can answer and 79821s29q6Q-00291-00095734-00095859 then ask the CENTAC because I'll get 79821s29q6Q-00292-00095860-00097002 confused and forget yes yes that would 79821s29q6Q-00293-00097003-00097578 that's under trip traversing test a 79821s29q6Q-00294-00097579-00097746 trench came up come up with catchy 79821s29q6Q-00295-00097747-00098355 little names for the arm where 79821s29q6Q-00296-00098356-00098586 everything is included but yeah that 79821s29q6Q-00297-00098587-00098817 that's that's already in there how to 79821s29q6Q-00298-00098818-00099438 make a make up how to how to allow a 79821s29q6Q-00299-00099439-00099756 student extra time how to allow a 79821s29q6Q-00300-00099757-00100074 student who missed the gonna you want to 79821s29q6Q-00301-00100075-00100248 allow to take it before everybody else 79821s29q6Q-00302-00100249-00100527 because they're going to be away how to 79821s29q6Q-00303-00100528-00100692 set that up so that they can take the 79821s29q6Q-00304-00100693-00100922 same exam without anything being shown 79821s29q6Q-00305-00100923-00101187 or if you want them to do the make up 79821s29q6Q-00306-00101188-00102017 how to make a make up 79821s29q6Q-00307-00102018-00102291 yeah that's that's a book that's above 79821s29q6Q-00308-00102292-00102648 my paygrade things yeah no um we we do 79821s29q6Q-00309-00102649-00102954 put in suggestions on things and I have 79821s29q6Q-00310-00102955-00103197 about 25 of them in the system right now 79821s29q6Q-00311-00103198-00103515 on either bugs that need to be fixed or 79821s29q6Q-00312-00103516-00103835 things that don't work correctly or and 79821s29q6Q-00313-00103836-00104088 usually the response back is we are 79821s29q6Q-00314-00104089-00104309 working on that it will be released at a 79821s29q6Q-00315-00104310-00104514 future time and then they put us on a 79821s29q6Q-00316-00104515-00104790 list and when that release happens they 79821s29q6Q-00317-00104791-00105201 notify us but that's not one of them 79821s29q6Q-00318-00105202-00105558 that's ever been on set oh yeah we're 79821s29q6Q-00319-00105558-00105771 working on that that's kind of one that 79821s29q6Q-00320-00105772-00106065 a lot of people have put in requests to 79821s29q6Q-00321-00106066-00106392 have that feature discussion boards is 79821s29q6Q-00322-00106393-00106575 another one a lot of people have put in 79821s29q6Q-00323-00106576-00106842 a request to have that feature revisited 79821s29q6Q-00324-00106843-00107096 and you know streamlined a little better 79821s29q6Q-00325-00107097-00107313 but that's not something that they're 79821s29q6Q-00326-00107314-00108522 working on that I know of uh-huh so if I 79821s29q6Q-00327-00108523-00108747 teach a face-to-face class right and I 79821s29q6Q-00328-00108748-00108975 don't use the system to give quest 79821s29q6Q-00329-00108976-00109278 quizzes sorry um I bring my quiz in I 79821s29q6Q-00330-00109279-00109446 hand them out the student takes the quiz 79821s29q6Q-00331-00109447-00109728 and I only meet once a week I meet on 79821s29q6Q-00332-00109729-00109971 Monday so I bring the test home and I 79821s29q6Q-00333-00109972-00110196 grade them on Monday night I can 79821s29q6Q-00334-00110197-00110384 manually go and I could say to the 79821s29q6Q-00335-00110385-00110625 student I'm gonna grade these tonight 79821s29q6Q-00336-00110626-00110808 look in blackboard for you for your 79821s29q6Q-00337-00110808-00111051 grades and then I go in and I manually 79821s29q6Q-00338-00111052-00111369 create a column and I call it quiz two 79821s29q6Q-00339-00111370-00111774 and I put their grades in and then so 79821s29q6Q-00340-00111775-00111975 they don't have to wait a full week to 79821s29q6Q-00341-00111976-00113058 get that grade supplementally 79821s29q6Q-00342-00113059-00113366 right but yeah because you're creating 79821s29q6Q-00343-00113367-00113576 the quiz you're creating the discussion 79821s29q6Q-00344-00113577-00113864 forum that's graded in in there but if 79821s29q6Q-00345-00113865-00114038 you're having a face-to-face discussion 79821s29q6Q-00346-00114039-00114299 and you want to give them a grade for 79821s29q6Q-00347-00114300-00114539 that or participation or you want to say 79821s29q6Q-00348-00114540-00114791 you know at the end of the semester just 79821s29q6Q-00349-00114792-00114974 look in blackboard and your grade will 79821s29q6Q-00350-00114975-00115172 be already figured out and that's what a 79821s29q6Q-00351-00115173-00115322 lot of faculty members who teach 79821s29q6Q-00352-00115323-00115625 face-to-face are doing they're using the 79821s29q6Q-00353-00115626-00115853 gradebook supplementally so the students 79821s29q6Q-00354-00115854-00116110 know like at midterm okay so where am i 79821s29q6Q-00355-00116111-00116348 midterm now I know this isn't like you 79821s29q6Q-00356-00116349-00116594 know set in stone but it gives me an 79821s29q6Q-00357-00116595-00116804 idea of what I need to do to keep that 79821s29q6Q-00358-00116805-00117122 or or bring it off or move along 79821s29q6Q-00359-00117123-00118060 does anybody else have any questions it 79821s29q6Q-00360-00118061-00118319 is it that's built into blackboard now 79821s29q6Q-00361-00118320-00118659 we had gotten we had um purchased 79821s29q6Q-00362-00118660-00118928 quickly which was an attendance feature 79821s29q6Q-00363-00118929-00119219 and we had a couple of dozen faculty 79821s29q6Q-00364-00119220-00119414 test it out I think I don't know if you 79821s29q6Q-00365-00119415-00119648 were on the list yeah and we got a lot 79821s29q6Q-00366-00119649-00119939 of feedback that it was not wonderful so 79821s29q6Q-00367-00119940-00120122 we didn't want to pay for something that 79821s29q6Q-00368-00120123-00120358 either was not going to be utilized or 79821s29q6Q-00369-00120359-00120647 was not working the way it was 79821s29q6Q-00370-00120648-00121246 Edmond alike so when blackboard built in 79821s29q6Q-00371-00121247-00121636 the attendance we did the upgrade and we 79821s29q6Q-00372-00121638-00121814 could and and we did the attendant we 79821s29q6Q-00373-00121815-00121991 got the attendance thing and we couldn't 79821s29q6Q-00374-00121992-00122141 turn it on we couldn't figure out what 79821s29q6Q-00375-00122142-00122335 was going on come to find out they 79821s29q6Q-00376-00122336-00122611 hadn't changed our version they just 79821s29q6Q-00377-00122613-00122798 didn't update on the one that we were in 79821s29q6Q-00378-00122799-00123032 so last year when I went to blackboard 79821s29q6Q-00379-00123033-00123409 world I met with the people who work in 79821s29q6Q-00380-00123410-00123656 the backend of blackboard on that Devcon 79821s29q6Q-00381-00123657-00123965 and I said okay so here is my system 79821s29q6Q-00382-00123966-00124247 here I am this is what I'm on and why 79821s29q6Q-00383-00124248-00124504 can't why won't attend internal and the 79821s29q6Q-00384-00124505-00124796 gentleman looked at it and said oh 79821s29q6Q-00385-00124797-00124991 you're on the wrong version just put in 79821s29q6Q-00386-00124992-00125296 and tell them you want to update to XYZ 79821s29q6Q-00387-00125297-00125606 and now so it's it's here and it's here 79821s29q6Q-00388-00125607-00125678 to stay 79821s29q6Q-00389-00125679-00125863 unless 79821s29q6Q-00390-00125864-00126183 blackboard takes it away because they 79821s29q6Q-00391-00126184-00126358 sometimes they give athens sometimes 79821s29q6Q-00392-00126358-00126844 they take it away but the the only 79821s29q6Q-00393-00126845-00127258 caveat with attendance is if you turn it 79821s29q6Q-00394-00127258-00127552 on to test it in your class you can't 79821s29q6Q-00395-00127553-00127853 turn it off 79821s29q6Q-00396-00127854-00128095 so if you click on attendance and you 79821s29q6Q-00397-00128096-00128278 say i want to use the attendance tool in 79821s29q6Q-00398-00128279-00128685 this class you get a grade book entry 79821s29q6Q-00399-00128686-00128923 that says attendance and then you cannot 79821s29q6Q-00400-00128924-00129145 go in and delete that column or remove 79821s29q6Q-00401-00129146-00129358 it or say I'm not using it then you'd 79821s29q6Q-00402-00129358-00129514 have to either hide it from the students 79821s29q6Q-00403-00129515-00129678 and hide it from yourself because it 79821s29q6Q-00404-00129679-00130156 will not go away the great thing about 79821s29q6Q-00405-00130157-00130324 the attendance tool though is if you 79821s29q6Q-00406-00130325-00130503 meet twice a week or if you meet once a 79821s29q6Q-00407-00130504-00130768 week you can go in and you can say you 79821s29q6Q-00408-00130769-00130975 know this date these people were in and 79821s29q6Q-00409-00130976-00131188 you could change that like this looks 79821s29q6Q-00410-00131189-00131335 like this this looks like this so you 79821s29q6Q-00411-00131336-00132052 can really customize it any other 79821s29q6Q-00412-00132053-00133340 questions 79821s29q6Q-00413-00133341-00133634 the other thing that I added in here was 79821s29q6Q-00414-00133635-00134321 um a resources area I will be putting 79821s29q6Q-00415-00134322-00134549 one before we are in here so that if 79821s29q6Q-00416-00134550-00134783 anyone who wants to use oer can get some 79821s29q6Q-00417-00134784-00135140 basic idea what is oer how can I use it 79821s29q6Q-00418-00135141-00135395 how does it help my students you know 79821s29q6Q-00419-00135396-00135623 that kind of information I'm going to 79821s29q6Q-00420-00135624-00135818 probably meet with sousou's and water 79821s29q6Q-00421-00135819-00136145 and maybe one other piece person from 79821s29q6Q-00422-00136146-00136370 Milosh Center or the library and get 79821s29q6Q-00423-00136371-00136670 them to help you know like what should 79821s29q6Q-00424-00136671-00136859 we include in that what needs to be 79821s29q6Q-00425-00136860-00137578 covered for faculty buying we already 79821s29q6Q-00426-00137579-00137819 have one in here for embedded librarians 79821s29q6Q-00427-00137820-00138125 and what what are the instructions to 79821s29q6Q-00428-00138126-00138958 get that to happen so 79821s29q6Q-00429-00138959-00139507 we have one on copyright and this is 79821s29q6Q-00430-00139508-00139750 what it's called cup about copyright 79821s29q6Q-00431-00139751-00140011 when the lawyer isn't looking or when 79821s29q6Q-00432-00140012-00140191 the copyright police aren't going into 79821s29q6Q-00433-00140192-00140557 your course so just some you know the 79821s29q6Q-00434-00140558-00140797 teach Act works for some things and it 79821s29q6Q-00435-00140798-00141208 does not work for some things so that's 79821s29q6Q-00436-00141209-00141373 another thing that we have to want to 79821s29q6Q-00437-00141374-00142021 tackle about for online money okay and 79821s29q6Q-00438-00142022-00142576 my last slide is about some tools that 79821s29q6Q-00439-00142577-00142900 are available and anyone who wants I 79821s29q6Q-00440-00142901-00143239 have a list of about I don't know eight 79821s29q6Q-00441-00143240-00143602 tools now if you want that list I can 79821s29q6Q-00442-00143603-00143812 send it to you just shoot me an email at 79821s29q6Q-00443-00143813-00144133 Diane dot for end ever associate not 79821s29q6Q-00444-00144134-00144319 eating you or to the state lab and just 79821s29q6Q-00445-00144320-00144820 say Diana like your free tools list so 79821s29q6Q-00446-00144821-00145051 these are some of the tools that I throw 79821s29q6Q-00447-00145052-00145597 up here that I find very interesting 79821s29q6Q-00448-00145598-00146217 so unsplash unsplash is images there are 79821s29q6Q-00449-00146218-00146575 high-quality digital images and there's 79821s29q6Q-00450-00146576-00146692 probably about a million and a half 79821s29q6Q-00451-00146693-00146959 images on that site so if you're 79821s29q6Q-00452-00146960-00147178 creating a PowerPoint and you don't want 79821s29q6Q-00453-00147179-00147439 it to be boring like mine was with just 79821s29q6Q-00454-00147440-00147769 text you go to unsplash and you find 79821s29q6Q-00455-00147770-00147985 something that relates to what you're 79821s29q6Q-00456-00147986-00148255 doing and you throw it in there or in a 79821s29q6Q-00457-00148256-00148603 PDF or if you're creating a flyer I mean 79821s29q6Q-00458-00148604-00148894 you want something specific to what your 79821s29q6Q-00459-00148895-00149083 flyer is about you can go to unsplash 79821s29q6Q-00460-00149084-00149359 you just look in there and and and they 79821s29q6Q-00461-00149360-00149581 are high-quality pictures so when you 79821s29q6Q-00462-00149582-00149956 put them into your website or eLearning 79821s29q6Q-00463-00149957-00150219 and you resize them they don't lose 79821s29q6Q-00464-00150220-00150529 pixel quality no matter how big or small 79821s29q6Q-00465-00150530-00151207 it is it stays 79821s29q6Q-00466-00151208-00153403 I can't I put these in s weblinks 79821s29q6Q-00467-00153404-00153691 yes let's see if it opened behind it did 79821s29q6Q-00468-00153692-00154523 not sue 79821s29q6Q-00469-00154524-00154875 to unsplash 79821s29q6Q-00470-00154876-00155279 this is it so you just put in whatever 79821s29q6Q-00471-00155280-00155490 you're looking for the last presentation 79821s29q6Q-00472-00155491-00155700 I did this I had some people from 79821s29q6Q-00473-00155701-00156012 culinary so I put beef in there and that 79821s29q6Q-00474-00156013-00156294 was not a good it was not something good 79821s29q6Q-00475-00156295-00156510 I mean we had a lot of cows and and 79821s29q6Q-00476-00156511-00156690 everybody chuckles and now like that's 79821s29q6Q-00477-00156691-00157068 the big joke Diane likes beef so that's 79821s29q6Q-00478-00157069-00157443 not what I'm gonna use today um but the 79821s29q6Q-00479-00157444-00157647 great thing about these are they're all 79821s29q6Q-00480-00157648-00157971 open resources so there's no copyright 79821s29q6Q-00481-00157972-00158223 you can use any picture on again that 79821s29q6Q-00482-00158224-00158502 you find everything is open everything 79821s29q6Q-00483-00158503-00159550 is free everything is available 79821s29q6Q-00484-00159551-00159949 so there are 348 photos that have been 79821s29q6Q-00485-00159950-00160513 tagged as diversity so depending on what 79821s29q6Q-00486-00160514-00160690 you were doing or how you were doing it 79821s29q6Q-00487-00160691-00161271 I like I like the cups of coffee yeah 79821s29q6Q-00488-00161272-00162171 but see it so right 79821s29q6Q-00489-00162172-00162954 mm-hmm 79821s29q6Q-00490-00162955-00163228 so yeah so that's what we get when we 79821s29q6Q-00491-00163229-00163627 look at diversity there's not always 79821s29q6Q-00492-00163628-00163810 something that you can use but it's a 79821s29q6Q-00493-00163811-00164212 great place to check out okay so one of 79821s29q6Q-00494-00164213-00165376 the other slide Oh is slide not do is so 79821s29q6Q-00495-00165377-00165778 you I if I'm doing a presentation and I 79821s29q6Q-00496-00165779-00166075 want feedback from the audience I create 79821s29q6Q-00497-00166076-00166348 a slide out and then on my slide I put 79821s29q6Q-00498-00166349-00166789 and I think Jen you use this right slide 79821s29q6Q-00499-00166790-00167290 slide oh okay so it so you put you put 79821s29q6Q-00500-00167291-00167737 the code in and then everybody just goes 79821s29q6Q-00501-00167738-00168196 to slide dough.com and on their phone 79821s29q6Q-00502-00168197-00168484 they put the code in and it brings up 79821s29q6Q-00503-00168485-00168718 whatever your question is and everybody 79821s29q6Q-00504-00168719-00168982 types and answers and as they type in 79821s29q6Q-00505-00168983-00169285 the answers it pops up on the slide on 79821s29q6Q-00506-00169286-00169561 the screen this is a great interactive 79821s29q6Q-00507-00169562-00170095 tool to help build like one of the armed 79821s29q6Q-00508-00170096-00170251 sessions that I went to at blackboard 79821s29q6Q-00509-00170252-00170470 world they use that slide out and that's 79821s29q6Q-00510-00170471-00170647 how I got a lot a lot of the new free 79821s29q6Q-00511-00170648-00170899 tools that I have because they had a 79821s29q6Q-00512-00170900-00171238 tech app it was called app smackdown and 79821s29q6Q-00513-00171239-00171451 everybody in the audience went to the 79821s29q6Q-00514-00171452-00171703 slide out and put in tools that you were 79821s29q6Q-00515-00171704-00172093 using that were free and then they sent 79821s29q6Q-00516-00172094-00172282 it out that slide out to everybody at 79821s29q6Q-00517-00172283-00172528 the arm session so it was it was a 79821s29q6Q-00518-00172529-00173023 really great resource pull everywhere 79821s29q6Q-00519-00173024-00173248 yeah but this one kind of makes like a 79821s29q6Q-00520-00173249-00173491 word jumble you know you know like the 79821s29q6Q-00521-00173492-00173650 word cloud or call that's what I was 79821s29q6Q-00522-00173651-00173908 looking for and so if you and I both put 79821s29q6Q-00523-00173909-00174241 in the same words that would be bigger 79821s29q6Q-00524-00174242-00174750 because more than one person did it 79821s29q6Q-00525-00174751-00175195 flipgrid is we have it free and it's 79821s29q6Q-00526-00175196-00175669 through Microsoft so if you check that 79821s29q6Q-00527-00175670-00175753 out it's 79821s29q6Q-00528-00175754-00176139 and I was at a presentation from 79821s29q6Q-00529-00176140-00176365 Bridgewater State University 79821s29q6Q-00530-00176366-00176605 Eric LePage did it and he teaches a 79821s29q6Q-00531-00176606-00176833 class and he used flip bridge so what 79821s29q6Q-00532-00176834-00177085 flipper it is is students take a video 79821s29q6Q-00533-00177086-00177274 of themselves on the phone and they put 79821s29q6Q-00534-00177275-00177427 it up and then all the students can 79821s29q6Q-00535-00177428-00177583 comment on it so if they have a question 79821s29q6Q-00536-00177584-00177751 about something or if they have a 79821s29q6Q-00537-00177752-00177952 concern about something they do it and 79821s29q6Q-00538-00177953-00178125 then it gets uploaded into the course 79821s29q6Q-00539-00178126-00178363 versus voicethread they can do it 79821s29q6Q-00540-00178364-00178507 quickly on their phone ask a quick 79821s29q6Q-00541-00178508-00179392 question and send it off some of them 79821s29q6Q-00542-00179393-00179575 are embeddable some of them are not 79821s29q6Q-00543-00179576-00179767 but like slide oh you really wouldn't 79821s29q6Q-00544-00179768-00180079 want to embed it and embed it into your 79821s29q6Q-00545-00180080-00180550 um eLearning that's more of a class like 79821s29q6Q-00546-00180551-00180685 if you have a question and you want to 79821s29q6Q-00547-00180686-00180798 see if people are paying attention 79821s29q6Q-00548-00180799-00181000 anybody who gets this you know if 79821s29q6Q-00549-00181001-00181267 everybody gets it right right it's 79821s29q6Q-00550-00181268-00181453 exactly like using a clicker the 79821s29q6Q-00551-00181454-00181762 difference is instead of having choice a 79821s29q6Q-00552-00181763-00182056 choice B choice C for the clicker it's 79821s29q6Q-00553-00182057-00182383 open-ended so the students have to input 79821s29q6Q-00554-00182384-00182764 what the answer is or say so so the end 79821s29q6Q-00555-00182765-00183058 of the class you say okay before the 79821s29q6Q-00556-00183059-00183322 final exam I want everybody to type in 79821s29q6Q-00557-00183323-00183673 one thing that they learned from this 79821s29q6Q-00558-00183674-00183859 class like what was your big takeaway 79821s29q6Q-00559-00183860-00184141 from this class and everybody types in a 79821s29q6Q-00560-00184142-00184507 different thing and or some people type 79821s29q6Q-00561-00184508-00184696 in the same thing and then you know okay 79821s29q6Q-00562-00184697-00184894 so this was something they learned and 79821s29q6Q-00563-00184895-00185089 they really liked because it's stuck 79821s29q6Q-00564-00185090-00185305 with them so I want to make sure that I 79821s29q6Q-00565-00185306-00185509 really cover that the next time I teach 79821s29q6Q-00566-00185510-00185785 this class or whatever it is the 79821s29q6Q-00567-00185786-00186049 question is you can bring it back in and 79821s29q6Q-00568-00186050-00186433 make it on 79821s29q6Q-00569-00186434-00186968 it it saves in your slide Oh account so 79821s29q6Q-00570-00186969-00187136 when they do it it's like they're 79821s29q6Q-00571-00187137-00187394 texting it and it's all saving and then 79821s29q6Q-00572-00187395-00187616 when you're done you can go back and 79821s29q6Q-00573-00187617-00187814 review it it's not going to tell you who 79821s29q6Q-00574-00187815-00188063 submitted what or you know what word was 79821s29q6Q-00575-00188064-00188330 from who but it you will get you will 79821s29q6Q-00576-00188331-00188936 have that saved livebinders is another 79821s29q6Q-00577-00188937-00189437 thing so those of you who do want 79821s29q6Q-00578-00189438-00189674 students to keep track of things like an 79821s29q6Q-00579-00189675-00189950 e-portfolio you can have them create a 79821s29q6Q-00580-00189951-00190187 live binder and they get five I think 79821s29q6Q-00581-00190188-00190445 free free live minders and they could 79821s29q6Q-00582-00190446-00190643 put anything that they have a web link 79821s29q6Q-00583-00190644-00190886 to anything that they have saved on 79821s29q6Q-00584-00190887-00191018 their computer so if they have a word 79821s29q6Q-00585-00191019-00191231 document if they have an excel sheet if 79821s29q6Q-00586-00191232-00191465 they have a PDF they can throw it in 79821s29q6Q-00587-00191466-00191852 that live binder and create a track that 79821s29q6Q-00588-00191853-00192086 they can SH that is shareable to the 79821s29q6Q-00589-00192087-00192476 outside world so if you are an arch 79821s29q6Q-00590-00192477-00192614 student and you want to create a 79821s29q6Q-00591-00192615-00192836 portfolio of some of your artwork you 79821s29q6Q-00592-00192837-00193085 could scan it and throw it into a live 79821s29q6Q-00593-00193086-00193355 binder and then when you go to apply for 79821s29q6Q-00594-00193356-00193601 a position or you want to go somewhere 79821s29q6Q-00595-00193602-00193844 and show someone your portfolio you can 79821s29q6Q-00596-00193845-00194156 send them that link so when included in 79821s29q6Q-00597-00194157-00194348 your resume or included in your cover 79821s29q6Q-00598-00194349-00194615 letter and say here are some samples of 79821s29q6Q-00599-00194616-00194876 what I can do I would really be great 79821s29q6Q-00600-00194877-00195098 for your company because X Y & Z and 79821s29q6Q-00601-00195099-00195272 then they can look at it and they could 79821s29q6Q-00602-00195273-00195521 see like if you've designed a website 79821s29q6Q-00603-00195522-00195692 the link to that website would be in 79821s29q6Q-00604-00195693-00195884 that live binder so they could go and 79821s29q6Q-00605-00195885-00196325 look at what your work looks like but 79821s29q6Q-00606-00196326-00196514 it's also great if you are if you have a 79821s29q6Q-00607-00196515-00196772 class that they're going to or a degree 79821s29q6Q-00608-00196773-00196949 that they're going to continue to build 79821s29q6Q-00609-00196950-00197255 on specific items you could have them 79821s29q6Q-00610-00197256-00197453 create that live buying your portfolio 79821s29q6Q-00611-00197454-00197669 and then next semester they don't say 79821s29q6Q-00612-00197670-00197849 well I don't have that anymore 79821s29q6Q-00613-00197850-00198044 yeah it's in your live binder that was 79821s29q6Q-00614-00198045-00198227 part of the assignment that that was 79821s29q6Q-00615-00198228-00198614 part of what we did so that they can use 79821s29q6Q-00616-00198615-00199287 it again 79821s29q6Q-00617-00199288-00200828 let me go here and here 79821s29q6Q-00618-00200829-00201657 they posted 79821s29q6Q-00619-00201658-00201879 alright so playful I don't I don't have 79821s29q6Q-00620-00201880-00202011 my login information on me right now 79821s29q6Q-00621-00202012-00202404 play post it is where they can create 79821s29q6Q-00622-00202405-00203382 and share interactive videos 79821s29q6Q-00623-00203383-00205090 [Laughter] 79821s29q6Q-00624-00205091-00205480 see so this is a it's a free account if 79821s29q6Q-00625-00205481-00206164 you're an instructor so what you do is 79821s29q6Q-00626-00206165-00206530 you create a video and then you say well 79821s29q6Q-00627-00206531-00206851 what if you did this what would happen 79821s29q6Q-00628-00206852-00207076 so they you just like remember those 79821s29q6Q-00629-00207077-00207269 books when you were a kid and you could 79821s29q6Q-00630-00207269-00207473 choose your own ending so you've read a 79821s29q6Q-00631-00207473-00207652 little bit of it and then you said well 79821s29q6Q-00632-00207653-00207787 I don't want to do that I want to do 79821s29q6Q-00633-00207788-00208009 this so then you read that and it said 79821s29q6Q-00634-00208010-00208169 okay this is your choice then this is 79821s29q6Q-00635-00208169-00208421 your choice so as you go through this 79821s29q6Q-00636-00208421-00208732 you can build those what-if scenarios so 79821s29q6Q-00637-00208733-00209038 here's the video or here's the text and 79821s29q6Q-00638-00209039-00209356 then you can do a or B if you do a well 79821s29q6Q-00639-00209357-00209506 you fell off the ledge and you died or 79821s29q6Q-00640-00209507-00209867 you know if you do B you continue on and 79821s29q6Q-00641-00209867-00210241 do you know whatever it is you're doing 79821s29q6Q-00642-00210242-00210898 so still teaches coding right so you 79821s29q6Q-00643-00210900-00211357 could say if I did this would it do this 79821s29q6Q-00644-00211358-00211744 or this or if I change that what would 79821s29q6Q-00645-00211746-00212182 happen this this or this so then you 79821s29q6Q-00646-00212183-00212414 know if the students are getting it and 79821s29q6Q-00647-00212415-00213339 it's and it's kind of a fun exercise 79821s29q6Q-00648-00213340-00213811 hp-5 is I always say hp-5 and it's not 79821s29q6Q-00649-00213812-00215340 it's h5 p so H by P is phenomenal 79821s29q6Q-00650-00215341-00216017 so you can create examples in that words 79821s29q6Q-00651-00216017-00216327 these are all of the feature things that 79821s29q6Q-00652-00216328-00216732 you can do with h 5p you can create any 79821s29q6Q-00653-00216733-00217478 of these types of content drag the words 79821s29q6Q-00654-00217479-00218144 hotspots pairing things so this is a 79821s29q6Q-00655-00218146-00218573 very powerful tool does a lot of things 79821s29q6Q-00656-00218573-00219380 and this is a branching scenario so 79821s29q6Q-00657-00219381-00219705 you've created this to do your video and 79821s29q6Q-00658-00219706-00220067 you say a or B and then you record what 79821s29q6Q-00659-00220069-00220278 happens if you do a and you record what 79821s29q6Q-00660-00220279-00220554 happens with it if you do B or if you do 79821s29q6Q-00661-00220555-00220869 say so I'm just gonna click on this you 79821s29q6Q-00662-00220869-00221331 know we have some but so this is how it 79821s29q6Q-00663-00221332-00221798 works and this was created by the Eaton 79821s29q6Q-00664-00221800-00222162 School of Nursing in Canada so this is a 79821s29q6Q-00665-00222163-00222446 little better probably than I would 79821s29q6Q-00666-00222448-00222648 create which is why I use this one 79821s29q6Q-00667-00222648-00222831 because they put a lot of time and 79821s29q6Q-00668-00222832-00223185 effort in creating this particular to 79821s29q6Q-00669-00223186-00223448 how it works if you get the correct 79821s29q6Q-00670-00223450-00223686 answer you get a green checkmark if you 79821s29q6Q-00671-00223687-00223905 choose an answer that is not the best 79821s29q6Q-00672-00223906-00224163 tells you that wasn't the best answer go 79821s29q6Q-00673-00224164-00224526 back and try again or if it's incorrect 79821s29q6Q-00674-00224527-00225192 okay so I'm going to proceed 79821s29q6Q-00675-00225192-00225588 so this is they gave them a case study 79821s29q6Q-00676-00225589-00225809 this is the information that they need 79821s29q6Q-00677-00225810-00226094 before they go on a home visit to visit 79821s29q6Q-00678-00226096-00226425 Irina and this is what has been 79821s29q6Q-00679-00226426-00226650 happening and this is why you are being 79821s29q6Q-00680-00226651-00226869 sent as a nurse or a social worker 79821s29q6Q-00681-00226869-00227777 to this particular person so a code this 79821s29q6Q-00682-00227778-00228069 this particular branching goes from 79821s29q6Q-00683-00228069-00228335 getting out of the car to how you 79821s29q6Q-00684-00228336-00229680 interact with the person at the door 79821s29q6Q-00685-00229681-00230256 what do you want so then you have 79821s29q6Q-00686-00230257-00230559 choices so what do you do do you refer 79821s29q6Q-00687-00230560-00230748 to an arranged appointment do you 79821s29q6Q-00688-00230750-00230985 express concern for the client the year 79821s29q6Q-00689-00230986-00231154 is birth to the meant to mental health 79821s29q6Q-00690-00231155-00231352 assessment or do you want to replay the 79821s29q6Q-00691-00231353-00231459 video because you're not sure what 79821s29q6Q-00692-00231460-00231853 you're supposed to do so what do you 79821s29q6Q-00693-00231854-00232555 think anyone this one 79821s29q6Q-00694-00232556-00234351 [Music] 79821s29q6Q-00695-00234352-00234627 hello and they said at the door my name 79821s29q6Q-00696-00234628-00234885 is Anna Jonas I'm the nurse who visits 79821s29q6Q-00697-00234886-00235158 families in our community we offer many 79821s29q6Q-00698-00235159-00235338 services in this community for young 79821s29q6Q-00699-00235339-00235790 families who might be in facilities okay 79821s29q6Q-00700-00235791-00237675 would you like to sit down 79821s29q6Q-00701-00237676-00237848 so now you're going to get a choice of 79821s29q6Q-00702-00237850-00238311 where you want to sit so you can remain 79821s29q6Q-00703-00238312-00238521 standing you can offer to sit down at 79821s29q6Q-00704-00238521-00238734 the table you can ask her which you want 79821s29q6Q-00705-00238735-00238989 you to sit sit on the couch or we play 79821s29q6Q-00706-00238990-00239154 the viet video in case you want to watch 79821s29q6Q-00707-00239155-00239648 it again so what do you think 79821s29q6Q-00708-00239648-00241464 ask her where to sit so then it tells 79821s29q6Q-00709-00241465-00241680 you that was not the best choice to do 79821s29q6Q-00710-00241681-00241935 and what seating arrangement will 79821s29q6Q-00711-00241936-00242229 promote active listening as well as 79821s29q6Q-00712-00242230-00242682 maintain your safety then you proceed 79821s29q6Q-00713-00242683-00243063 and then you get to choose again so if 79821s29q6Q-00714-00243064-00243240 you I'm just gonna tell you if you 79821s29q6Q-00715-00243241-00243438 choose to sit on the couch that's wrong 79821s29q6Q-00716-00243439-00243636 because she's gonna sit right on the 79821s29q6Q-00717-00243637-00243906 side of you and that's not you're not 79821s29q6Q-00718-00243907-00244194 ensuring your safety so you really want 79821s29q6Q-00719-00244194-00244386 to sit down at the table cuz it's a 79821s29q6Q-00720-00244387-00244707 single chair and there's space and you 79821s29q6Q-00721-00244708-00244863 could put your stuff down on the table 79821s29q6Q-00722-00244864-00245117 not that I've done this particular thing 79821s29q6Q-00723-00245119-00245385 a half a dozen times at least but yeah 79821s29q6Q-00724-00245386-00245573 that's exactly what happens so we're 79821s29q6Q-00725-00245575-00246373 going to say sit down at the table so 79821s29q6Q-00726-00246375-00246675 I'm gonna end this here because we're 79821s29q6Q-00727-00246676-00247302 running out of time 79821s29q6Q-00728-00247303-00248098 yeah yeah that's the problem some of 79821s29q6Q-00729-00248098-00248578 these can be embedded teacher to can 79821s29q6Q-00730-00248579-00248776 definitely be intended embedded because 79821s29q6Q-00731-00248777-00249028 it's just like YouTube and depend 79821s29q6Q-00732-00249029-00249321 depending on what type of h 5p you 79821s29q6Q-00733-00249323-00249546 create whether you can embed it like 79821s29q6Q-00734-00249548-00249736 that you could get the embed code and 79821s29q6Q-00735-00249737-00249958 put it into your course so that it would 79821s29q6Q-00736-00249959-00250198 be linked some of some of them can be 79821s29q6Q-00737-00250198-00250426 invented some of them can't and I had 79821s29q6Q-00738-00250427-00250714 there's about 80 different things that 79821s29q6Q-00739-00250715-00250927 you can create an H by P and I haven't 79821s29q6Q-00740-00250928-00251179 done them all so I can't definitively 79821s29q6Q-00741-00251180-00251442 say oh yeah everything works because I 79821s29q6Q-00742-00251444-00251611 don't know so that's the answer 79821s29q6Q-00743-00251612-00251830 unfortunately I haven't used all of 79821s29q6Q-00744-00251831-00251967 those tools that are available in that 79821s29q6Q-00745-00251969-00252298 that tools that I do want to say view 79821s29q6Q-00746-00252298-00252583 pure so how many of you use YouTube in 79821s29q6Q-00747-00252584-00252862 your course spaces and you get the 79821s29q6Q-00748-00252863-00253051 commercials and you get the playlist at 79821s29q6Q-00749-00253052-00253375 the end if you pure what you do is you 79821s29q6Q-00750-00253376-00253714 take the link for the video you want to 79821s29q6Q-00751-00253715-00253966 use and pull it into view pure and it 79821s29q6Q-00752-00253967-00254278 does it it does its little magic and 79821s29q6Q-00753-00254279-00254476 then I mean you still have the 79821s29q6Q-00754-00254477-00254632 commercials if this commercials me 79821s29q6Q-00755-00254633-00254986 because that's how it's paid but the end 79821s29q6Q-00756-00254987-00255166 of playlists at the end so if there's 79821s29q6Q-00757-00255167-00255325 things that you don't want them to look 79821s29q6Q-00758-00255326-00255550 at you know cuz you never know what's 79821s29q6Q-00759-00255551-00255913 gonna come up to view next it gets rid 79821s29q6Q-00760-00255914-00256078 of all of that stuff so they just they 79821s29q6Q-00761-00256079-00256225 don't see the commercials on the side 79821s29q6Q-00762-00256226-00256387 they don't see all this stuff underneath 79821s29q6Q-00763-00256388-00256617 they don't see the comments they just 79821s29q6Q-00764-00256619-00256792 watch the video and that's it and it's 79821s29q6Q-00765-00256792-00257014 not all that distracting stuff so no 79821s29q6Q-00766-00257015-00257188 this one on that one in particular 79821s29q6Q-00767-00257189-00257573 Bueller a few of you would like and 79821s29q6Q-00768-00257575-00257946 again for sports labs this is to make a 79821s29q6Q-00769-00257948-00258190 crossword puzzle so if you have like you 79821s29q6Q-00770-00258191-00258352 teach a health science course and you 79821s29q6Q-00771-00258353-00258784 want them to review the so you give them 79821s29q6Q-00772-00258785-00259051 the word the word a blank space and the 79821s29q6Q-00773-00259052-00259231 definition and you say one across and 79821s29q6Q-00774-00259232-00259390 then they have to put that word in there 79821s29q6Q-00775-00259391-00259576 you know how many letters it is and they 79821s29q6Q-00776-00259577-00259830 just have to figure out what fits where 79821s29q6Q-00777-00259831-00260233 any questions before we're thrown out of 79821s29q6Q-00778-00260234-00260626 here 79821s29q6Q-00779-00260627-00260908 TeacherTube is just like YouTube only 79821s29q6Q-00780-00260909-00261377 the content is made by faculty whether 79821s29q6Q-00781-00261378-00261698 that K through 12 whether it's higher ed 79821s29q6Q-00782-00261698-00262009 there's hundreds of thousands of videos 79821s29q6Q-00783-00262010-00262555 and it's all educational content by 79821s29q6Q-00784-00262556-00263126 educational professionals I mean I could 79821s29q6Q-00785-00263127-00263390 say I'm an educational professional it 79821s29q6Q-00786-00263391-00263608 doesn't mean so you know yeah it's the 79821s29q6Q-00787-00263609-00263774 same thing with YouTube you really have 79821s29q6Q-00788-00263775-00264002 to watch it and say okay so that would 79821s29q6Q-00789-00264003-00264239 work if we were in Washington but it's 79821s29q6Q-00790-00264240-00264431 not gonna work in Massachusetts cuz our 79821s29q6Q-00791-00264432-00264632 laws are a little different or you know 79821s29q6Q-00792-00264633-00264875 that that's not how we do things because 79821s29q6Q-00793-00264876-00265046 you know Massachusetts we do our own 79821s29q6Q-00794-00265047-00266417 things our own ways Rhonda 79821s29q6Q-00795-00266418-00267084 okay so we do not have copyright police 79821s29q6Q-00796-00267085-00267510 person if if you come in and you say 79821s29q6Q-00797-00267511-00267762 okay I've just created this course can 79821s29q6Q-00798-00267763-00268011 you look at it can you give me feedback 79821s29q6Q-00799-00268012-00268341 one of us will go in and we may say to 79821s29q6Q-00800-00268342-00268659 you instead of putting that whole book 79821s29q6Q-00801-00268660-00268887 in there which is against copyright if 79821s29q6Q-00802-00268888-00269216 it's not in you know the open realm 79821s29q6Q-00803-00269217-00269475 maybe you put a link to where you found 79821s29q6Q-00804-00269476-00269523 it 79821s29q6Q-00805-00269524-00269822 or a link to the library where that 79821s29q6Q-00806-00269823-00270093 documentation is available because then 79821s29q6Q-00807-00270094-00270261 you're not breaking the copyright law 79821s29q6Q-00808-00270262-00270468 the student has to go into the library 79821s29q6Q-00809-00270469-00270687 putting their library code to access 79821s29q6Q-00810-00270688-00271005 that material where you know somebody 79821s29q6Q-00811-00271006-00271203 could share a link or or download 79821s29q6Q-00812-00271204-00271353 something from your course space and 79821s29q6Q-00813-00271354-00271590 give it to the whoever and that's 79821s29q6Q-00814-00271591-00272469 breaking copyright so so if you create 79821s29q6Q-00815-00272470-00272799 something and it's yours you can go into 79821s29q6Q-00816-00272800-00273210 that there's um a no er licensing so you 79821s29q6Q-00817-00273211-00273594 can license it you can say I created 79821s29q6Q-00818-00273595-00274005 this documentation anyone can use it or 79821s29q6Q-00819-00274006-00274289 anyone can share it but they can't re 79821s29q6Q-00820-00274290-00274536 you know change anything in it so they 79821s29q6Q-00821-00274537-00274770 you know there's different licensing 79821s29q6Q-00822-00274771-00274995 that you can apply to things that you've 79821s29q6Q-00823-00274996-00275439 created yourself if you create an online 79821s29q6Q-00824-00275440-00275778 course for Bristol Community College now 79821s29q6Q-00825-00275779-00275934 I'm not saying for anywhere else because 79821s29q6Q-00826-00275935-00276189 I don't speak for anywhere else but if 79821s29q6Q-00827-00276190-00276483 you create a course for Bristol 79821s29q6Q-00828-00276484-00276720 Community College that is your course 79821s29q6Q-00829-00276721-00276939 that is your materials we don't go in 79821s29q6Q-00830-00276940-00277164 there and say oh yeah Joe Schmo you 79821s29q6Q-00831-00277165-00277323 you're teaching this class well Rhonda 79821s29q6Q-00832-00277324-00277497 did a great job well just give you all 79821s29q6Q-00833-00277498-00277713 her stuff and that's not how it works 79821s29q6Q-00834-00277714-00278034 Joe Schmo could go to Rhonda and say I'm 79821s29q6Q-00835-00278035-00278250 gonna be teaching this would you be 79821s29q6Q-00836-00278251-00278517 willing to share if it's a fully online 79821s29q6Q-00837-00278518-00278751 course and it's oh yeah sometimes the 79821s29q6Q-00838-00278752-00278949 college will pay a stipend for that 79821s29q6Q-00839-00278950-00279051 person to you 79821s29q6Q-00840-00279052-00279369 your materials but it's really up to the 79821s29q6Q-00841-00279370-00279546 faculty member who created it because 79821s29q6Q-00842-00279547-00279741 everyone here has academic freedom and 79821s29q6Q-00843-00279742-00279954 everyone has the rights to the things 79821s29q6Q-00844-00279955-00280428 that they create and don't quote me on 79821s29q6Q-00845-00280429-00280935 any of that because it's not yeah that 79821s29q6Q-00846-00280936-00281151 may change tomorrow and it you know but 79821s29q6Q-00847-00281152-00281358 as far as I know that that's the rules 79821s29q6Q-00848-00281359-00281664 and the way things work 7r-8P_IyGTM-00000-00000063-00000711 [Music] 7r-8P_IyGTM-00001-00000712-00000927 look at the fucking kc 7r-8P_IyGTM-00002-00000927-00001062 he doesn't know about the arrows so this 7r-8P_IyGTM-00003-00001063-00001415 is casey you need to learn to shoot 7r-8P_IyGTM-00004-00001416-00001702 take your time shut up go fucking get 7r-8P_IyGTM-00005-00001703-00002030 him 7r-8P_IyGTM-00006-00002032-00002550 i was just wanting to shoot 7r-8P_IyGTM-00007-00002551-00004283 go we have to catch up 7r-8P_IyGTM-00008-00004284-00005279 no 7r-8P_IyGTM-00009-00005280-00006911 should we go left 7r-8P_IyGTM-00010-00006912-00008426 [Music] 7r-8P_IyGTM-00011-00008427-00009148 [Music] 7r-8P_IyGTM-00012-00009149-00009903 [Laughter] 7r-8P_IyGTM-00013-00009904-00010327 no move shadow 7r-8P_IyGTM-00014-00010328-00010599 shadow shadow fucks up every time shadow 7r-8P_IyGTM-00015-00010600-00010687 what are you doing 7r-8P_IyGTM-00016-00010688-00010903 you do not want to be in a bow you 7r-8P_IyGTM-00017-00010904-00011031 weren't even moving 7r-8P_IyGTM-00018-00011032-00011342 killing me i'm winning he did it 7r-8P_IyGTM-00019-00011343-00011574 what a winner hey don't do red wear uh 7r-8P_IyGTM-00020-00011575-00011823 do blue or yellow 7r-8P_IyGTM-00021-00011824-00012023 all right well you can't both be blue 7r-8P_IyGTM-00022-00012024-00012151 someone has to work with shadow 7r-8P_IyGTM-00023-00012152-00012423 sorry all right holding shadow we mean 7r-8P_IyGTM-00024-00012424-00012678 sorry i'm very good 7r-8P_IyGTM-00025-00012679-00012886 it didn't seem like everyone wanted to 7r-8P_IyGTM-00026-00012887-00012999 you know 7r-8P_IyGTM-00027-00013000-00014230 you want to win well this is confusing 7r-8P_IyGTM-00028-00014231-00014535 rodney uh i don't think so 7r-8P_IyGTM-00029-00014536-00014791 let's get this guy out of here uh do you 7r-8P_IyGTM-00030-00014791-00015038 have to use that gun 7r-8P_IyGTM-00031-00015040-00015399 he doesn't even know how to do it what 7r-8P_IyGTM-00032-00015400-00015575 you hold you hit z on the keyboard to 7r-8P_IyGTM-00033-00015576-00015727 shoot your gun i'm sorry they're 7r-8P_IyGTM-00034-00015728-00015999 guns yeah it's arrows technically but 7r-8P_IyGTM-00035-00016000-00016055 yeah 7r-8P_IyGTM-00036-00016056-00016255 so if you hold it in it goes it launches 7r-8P_IyGTM-00037-00016256-00016622 back further oh my god 7r-8P_IyGTM-00038-00016623-00017622 oh look at us 7r-8P_IyGTM-00039-00017623-00019683 we're in the same boat this is good 7r-8P_IyGTM-00040-00019684-00019927 hey 7r-8P_IyGTM-00041-00019928-00020191 it feels like uh terrance and phil 7r-8P_IyGTM-00042-00020192-00020543 pumping each other 7r-8P_IyGTM-00043-00020544-00020703 like a little bomb over that way rodney 7r-8P_IyGTM-00044-00020704-00021055 oh fuck it it's all right 7r-8P_IyGTM-00045-00021056-00021550 go off the side you two go 7r-8P_IyGTM-00046-00021551-00022335 right now 7r-8P_IyGTM-00047-00022336-00022878 what happens when you 7r-8P_IyGTM-00048-00022879-00023294 excuse me sir can you not katie 7r-8P_IyGTM-00049-00023295-00023639 justin oh wait don't go go back 7r-8P_IyGTM-00050-00023640-00024857 go back go back dustin down 7r-8P_IyGTM-00051-00024858-00025283 [Laughter] 7r-8P_IyGTM-00052-00025284-00025430 oh 7r-8P_IyGTM-00053-00025431-00025556 [Applause] 7r-8P_IyGTM-00054-00025557-00026583 [Laughter] 7r-8P_IyGTM-00055-00026583-00027318 no put that 7r-8P_IyGTM-00056-00027319-00027631 that we can all agree on 7r-8P_IyGTM-00057-00027632-00027823 you know what i have an idea oh wait 7r-8P_IyGTM-00058-00027824-00030558 there's 20 blue people here 7r-8P_IyGTM-00059-00030560-00030999 go blue 7r-8P_IyGTM-00060-00031000-00031127 i saw what you tried to do there fuck 7r-8P_IyGTM-00061-00031127-00031495 you 7r-8P_IyGTM-00062-00031495-00031951 oh heavens can you jump in this oh no 7r-8P_IyGTM-00063-00031952-00032445 no oh justin you're killing me 7r-8P_IyGTM-00064-00032445-00032967 [Applause] 7r-8P_IyGTM-00065-00032968-00033551 oh god wait shoot him 7r-8P_IyGTM-00066-00033552-00034999 i did it 7r-8P_IyGTM-00067-00035000-00035118 i always think that's gonna flip it it 7r-8P_IyGTM-00068-00035119-00035407 never works okay i'm back 7r-8P_IyGTM-00069-00035408-00035896 here you were gone yeah we just won 7r-8P_IyGTM-00070-00035897-00037149 [Laughter] 7r-8P_IyGTM-00071-00037150-00037862 [Music] 7r-8P_IyGTM-00072-00037863-00038023 i don't know what happened to us wow 7r-8P_IyGTM-00073-00038024-00038215 what happened to the red team 7r-8P_IyGTM-00074-00038216-00038527 the fucking yellow example 7r-8P_IyGTM-00075-00038528-00038935 justin move don't don't fight me go 7r-8P_IyGTM-00076-00038936-00039287 get out of here 7r-8P_IyGTM-00077-00039288-00039695 oh my god nice that's fine 7r-8P_IyGTM-00078-00039696-00040135 there's there there's the red team 7r-8P_IyGTM-00079-00040136-00040423 brian let's talk make a deal okay hey 7r-8P_IyGTM-00080-00040424-00040683 let's shoot him just 7r-8P_IyGTM-00081-00040684-00043483 oh 7r-8P_IyGTM-00082-00043484-00043627 oh 7r-8P_IyGTM-00083-00043628-00045679 [Laughter] 7r-8P_IyGTM-00084-00045680-00045999 sounds like you're enjoying it okay 7r-8P_IyGTM-00085-00046000-00047683 i'm good now 7r-8P_IyGTM-00086-00047684-00048415 do 7r-8P_IyGTM-00087-00048416-00048624 you 7sj6XenM1bU-00001-00004703-00005328 um 7sj6XenM1bU-00002-00005329-00007361 [Music] 7sj6XenM1bU-00003-00007362-00007567 [Music] 7sj6XenM1bU-00004-00007568-00007677 um 7sj6XenM1bU-00006-00010784-00011406 no no no no 7sj6XenM1bU-00007-00011407-00012055 [Music] 7sj6XenM1bU-00008-00012056-00012383 oh watch me watch me oh watch me watch 7sj6XenM1bU-00009-00012384-00012663 me back it up back it up 7sj6XenM1bU-00010-00012664-00013421 make it up make it up 7sj6XenM1bU-00011-00013422-00013466 [Applause] 7sj6XenM1bU-00012-00013468-00014479 [Music] 7sj6XenM1bU-00013-00014480-00014647 do you ever look at someone and wonder 7sj6XenM1bU-00014-00014647-00014916 what is going on inside their head 7sj6XenM1bU-00015-00014918-00015486 [Music] 7sj6XenM1bU-00016-00015487-00015966 somebody come get her she dancing like 7sj6XenM1bU-00017-00015968-00016423 somebody can't eat her she dances 7tboNglgYFY-00000-00000258-00000526 foreign 7tboNglgYFY-00001-00000527-00003079 [Music] 7tboNglgYFY-00002-00003080-00003370 course inorganic chemical technology the 7tboNglgYFY-00003-00003371-00003575 title of today's lecture is sulfur and 7tboNglgYFY-00004-00003576-00003815 sulfuric acid before going into the 7tboNglgYFY-00005-00003815-00004019 details of today's lecture what we'll do 7tboNglgYFY-00006-00004020-00004199 we'll have a kind of recapsulation of 7tboNglgYFY-00007-00004200-00004361 what we have discussed in the previous 7tboNglgYFY-00008-00004362-00004475 lecture 7tboNglgYFY-00009-00004476-00004727 in the previous lecture we have seen a 7tboNglgYFY-00010-00004728-00005009 few basic comparison between inorganic 7tboNglgYFY-00011-00005010-00005236 and organic chemical industry then we 7tboNglgYFY-00012-00005237-00005406 started discussing about the sulfur 7tboNglgYFY-00013-00005407-00005759 under the topic of sulfur we started 7tboNglgYFY-00014-00005760-00005986 with its pertinent properties then 7tboNglgYFY-00015-00005987-00006154 consumption pattern 7tboNglgYFY-00016-00006155-00006329 then raw materials that are available 7tboNglgYFY-00017-00006330-00006514 for its production 7tboNglgYFY-00018-00006515-00006809 and then processes for the production of 7tboNglgYFY-00019-00006809-00007078 Elemental sulfur we have seen that there 7tboNglgYFY-00020-00007079-00007289 are three processes for the production 7tboNglgYFY-00021-00007290-00007559 of Elemental sulfur one is the elemental 7tboNglgYFY-00022-00007559-00007828 sulfur mining from Salt domes other one 7tboNglgYFY-00023-00007829-00008117 is the H2S conversion from natural gas 7tboNglgYFY-00024-00008118-00008399 and industrial gases or oxidation and 7tboNglgYFY-00025-00008400-00008777 reduction of H2S and third one is from 7tboNglgYFY-00026-00008778-00008914 Iron Pirates 7tboNglgYFY-00027-00008915-00009239 so out of these three methods 7tboNglgYFY-00028-00009240-00009401 first two methods we have already 7tboNglgYFY-00029-00009402-00009610 discussed in the previous lecture in 7tboNglgYFY-00030-00009611-00009767 today's lecture we are going to discuss 7tboNglgYFY-00031-00009768-00010067 how to produce Elemental sulfur from 7tboNglgYFY-00032-00010068-00010289 Iron pyrates that is what we are going 7tboNglgYFY-00033-00010290-00010619 to see now Elemental sulfur from pyrates 7tboNglgYFY-00034-00010620-00010942 Iron Pirates are nothing but or where 7tboNglgYFY-00035-00010943-00011255 predominantly iron disulfide component 7tboNglgYFY-00036-00011256-00011567 is present when you take a ore material 7tboNglgYFY-00037-00011568-00011831 and then do the thermal dissociation 7tboNglgYFY-00038-00011832-00012106 reactions in high temperature furnaces 7tboNglgYFY-00039-00012107-00012346 then several reactions takes place so 7tboNglgYFY-00040-00012347-00012538 those reactions first we start with 7tboNglgYFY-00041-00012539-00012838 under this third method of Elementals 7tboNglgYFY-00042-00012839-00013066 sulfur production from Iron pyrides 7tboNglgYFY-00043-00013067-00013379 chemical reactions thermal dissociation 7tboNglgYFY-00044-00013380-00013649 FES 2 which is the primary component of 7tboNglgYFY-00045-00013650-00013997 iron pyrides that is iron disulfide if 7tboNglgYFY-00046-00013997-00014225 you do the thermal dissociation of this 7tboNglgYFY-00047-00014226-00014405 component at high temperature something 7tboNglgYFY-00048-00014406-00014615 like 1300 degrees Centigrade then you 7tboNglgYFY-00049-00014616-00014730 get 7tboNglgYFY-00050-00014731-00015041 disulfur gas which is highly active in 7tboNglgYFY-00051-00015041-00015275 general and also you get the iron 7tboNglgYFY-00052-00015276-00015563 sulfide which is in the liquid droplet 7tboNglgYFY-00053-00015563-00015929 form right then this or whatever you 7tboNglgYFY-00054-00015930-00016103 take in general that is we are getting 7tboNglgYFY-00055-00016104-00016283 from the natural resources so there may 7tboNglgYFY-00056-00016284-00016541 be some carbonaceous materials also or 7tboNglgYFY-00057-00016542-00016750 other inorganic minerals may also be 7tboNglgYFY-00058-00016751-00016979 present in that one so let us say if you 7tboNglgYFY-00059-00016980-00017194 take General combustion reaction between 7tboNglgYFY-00060-00017195-00017507 c h s elements 7tboNglgYFY-00061-00017508-00017729 reacting in the presence of oxygen then 7tboNglgYFY-00062-00017730-00017980 what are the possibilities of gases that 7tboNglgYFY-00063-00017981-00018293 could be forming sulfur dioxide hydrogen 7tboNglgYFY-00064-00018294-00018719 sulphide carbon monoxide carboxylic acid 7tboNglgYFY-00065-00018720-00018953 water 7tboNglgYFY-00066-00018954-00019157 carbonyl sulphide 7tboNglgYFY-00067-00019158-00019367 carbon disulfide etcetera these 7tboNglgYFY-00068-00019368-00019564 components may form right most of them 7tboNglgYFY-00069-00019565-00019864 are in the gases are vapor form ok so 7tboNglgYFY-00070-00019865-00020099 now out of this what we are going to see 7tboNglgYFY-00071-00020100-00020357 we are going to see how to recover 7tboNglgYFY-00072-00020358-00020579 Elemental sulfur s 7tboNglgYFY-00073-00020580-00020879 so this recovery of sulfur from gases 7tboNglgYFY-00074-00020880-00021130 takes place in two stages in this 7tboNglgYFY-00075-00021131-00021317 process one stage is known as the hot 7tboNglgYFY-00076-00021318-00021575 stage that is catalytic reaction takes 7tboNglgYFY-00077-00021576-00021797 place at high temperature approximately 7tboNglgYFY-00078-00021798-00021983 600 degrees Centigrade something like 7tboNglgYFY-00079-00021984-00022349 that ok so in this hot stage in the 7tboNglgYFY-00080-00022350-00022541 catalytic converter what happens this 7tboNglgYFY-00081-00022542-00022972 SO2 reacts with carbonyl sulphide and 7tboNglgYFY-00082-00022973-00023344 then carbon disulfide to give 7tboNglgYFY-00083-00023345-00023627 sulfur Vapors and then carbon dioxide 7tboNglgYFY-00084-00023628-00023783 this reaction 7tboNglgYFY-00085-00023784-00023969 takes place around 600 degree 7tboNglgYFY-00086-00023970-00024299 Centigrades then sulfur recovery from a 7tboNglgYFY-00087-00024300-00024550 gases will also take place at lower 7tboNglgYFY-00088-00024551-00024725 temperature that is known as the cold 7tboNglgYFY-00089-00024726-00025061 stage at this stage what happens the 7tboNglgYFY-00090-00025062-00025444 catalytic conversion of SO2 7tboNglgYFY-00091-00025445-00025858 and then H2S takes place to get water 7tboNglgYFY-00092-00025860-00026212 vapor and then sulfur Vapors 7tboNglgYFY-00093-00026213-00026417 these sulfur Vapors or whatever are 7tboNglgYFY-00094-00026418-00026693 there those things can be condensed 7tboNglgYFY-00095-00026694-00026908 using the molten sulfur and then you get 7tboNglgYFY-00096-00026910-00027070 the elemental sulfur required Elemental 7tboNglgYFY-00097-00027072-00027311 sulfur you can get so now this is one of 7tboNglgYFY-00098-00027312-00027496 the product that you are going to see 7tboNglgYFY-00099-00027497-00027664 and then this is also one of the product 7tboNglgYFY-00100-00027666-00028031 because this iron sulfide whatever is 7tboNglgYFY-00101-00028032-00028324 there all are pyrotite whatever it is 7tboNglgYFY-00102-00028325-00028577 there that you can granulate it and then 7tboNglgYFY-00103-00028577-00028835 do the roasting of it so if you do the 7tboNglgYFY-00104-00028836-00029087 roasting of this FES then it is possible 7tboNglgYFY-00105-00029088-00029452 that you can get sulfur dioxide and then 7tboNglgYFY-00106-00029454-00029831 iron oxide this sulfur dioxide what you 7tboNglgYFY-00107-00029832-00030017 can do you can recover it 7tboNglgYFY-00108-00030018-00030268 and then further convert it to the SO3 7tboNglgYFY-00109-00030269-00030514 and then further you can get sulfuric 7tboNglgYFY-00110-00030516-00030640 acid 7tboNglgYFY-00111-00030641-00030946 right so that means not only Elemental 7tboNglgYFY-00112-00030947-00031079 sulfur as 7tboNglgYFY-00113-00031080-00031402 but also sulfur dioxide and then this 7tboNglgYFY-00114-00031404-00031673 iron oxide whatever is there 7tboNglgYFY-00115-00031674-00031912 it can be taken as a basic core and then 7tboNglgYFY-00116-00031913-00032158 sent to the Steel Industries for the 7tboNglgYFY-00117-00032160-00032423 further recovery of iron etcetera in 7tboNglgYFY-00118-00032424-00032608 addition to that one you can see the 7tboNglgYFY-00119-00032610-00032867 Delta H though the thermal dissociation 7tboNglgYFY-00120-00032868-00033190 of fps2 is endothermic reaction the 7tboNglgYFY-00121-00033191-00033424 other important reaction is ah Ali 7tboNglgYFY-00122-00033425-00033611 exothermic and then many other reactions 7tboNglgYFY-00123-00033612-00033929 you know when this takes place ah steam 7tboNglgYFY-00124-00033930-00034090 is generated 7tboNglgYFY-00125-00034091-00034493 at high pressures 7tboNglgYFY-00126-00034494-00034865 and then this team can be utilized 7tboNglgYFY-00127-00034866-00035099 to produce 7tboNglgYFY-00128-00035100-00035237 electricity 7tboNglgYFY-00129-00035238-00035573 our power okay so now what we see one 7tboNglgYFY-00130-00035574-00035789 two three 7tboNglgYFY-00131-00035790-00036029 four products are there that you can 7tboNglgYFY-00132-00036030-00036221 estimate or that you can get from this 7tboNglgYFY-00133-00036222-00036395 process that's the reason this process 7tboNglgYFY-00134-00036396-00036712 are Elemental sulfur production from the 7tboNglgYFY-00135-00036713-00036905 iron Pirates is very famous in India 7tboNglgYFY-00136-00036906-00037139 because not only the sulfur you also get 7tboNglgYFY-00137-00037140-00037396 other three products that is SO2 from 7tboNglgYFY-00138-00037397-00037637 which you can get the h2so4 and then 7tboNglgYFY-00139-00037638-00037949 Fe2O3 and then you also generate power 7tboNglgYFY-00140-00037950-00038105 okay 7tboNglgYFY-00141-00038106-00038333 so quantitative requirements if you see 7tboNglgYFY-00142-00038334-00038543 if you wanted to produce one ton of 7tboNglgYFY-00143-00038544-00038783 Elemental sulfur greater than 99 percent 7tboNglgYFY-00144-00038784-00039202 Purity then pyrites or 4.4 tons required 7tboNglgYFY-00145-00039203-00039539 Limestone 0.65 tons required and then 7tboNglgYFY-00146-00039540-00039905 fuel oil 0.76 tons required for one turn 7tboNglgYFY-00147-00039906-00040133 production of Elemental sulfur which is 7tboNglgYFY-00148-00040134-00040402 very high quantity so this is one of the 7tboNglgYFY-00149-00040403-00040661 important economic Factor if you can 7tboNglgYFY-00150-00040662-00040990 replace fuel oil with the other cheaper 7tboNglgYFY-00151-00040991-00041201 fuel options like coal etcetera it is 7tboNglgYFY-00152-00041202-00041429 going to be even economically feasible 7tboNglgYFY-00153-00041430-00041680 it is going to be even economically 7tboNglgYFY-00154-00041681-00041921 better option if you can replace fuel 7tboNglgYFY-00155-00041922-00042130 oil with other sources like coal 7tboNglgYFY-00156-00042131-00042359 etcetera or coal or pulverized Coke 7tboNglgYFY-00157-00042360-00042539 etcetera those things if you can use 7tboNglgYFY-00158-00042540-00042943 water requirement 25 tons electricity 7tboNglgYFY-00159-00042944-00043265 1800 kilowatt hour right in the 7tboNglgYFY-00160-00043266-00043433 reactions we have already seen that 7tboNglgYFY-00161-00043434-00043601 there are some byproducts or core 7tboNglgYFY-00162-00043602-00043817 products are there so this core products 7tboNglgYFY-00163-00043818-00044393 are SO2 and then Fe2O3 from FES roasting 7tboNglgYFY-00164-00044394-00044717 fire type roasting in fluidized Roasters 7tboNglgYFY-00165-00044718-00045101 ok so how much SO2 you get 1.2 tons and 7tboNglgYFY-00166-00045102-00045437 then how much Fe2O3 you get 2.8 tons we 7tboNglgYFY-00167-00045438-00045665 have also discussed that lot of steam is 7tboNglgYFY-00168-00045666-00045880 produced at high pressure so that steam 7tboNglgYFY-00169-00045881-00046108 can be utilized to produce electricity 7tboNglgYFY-00170-00046109-00046408 how much you can produce 3200 kilowatt 7tboNglgYFY-00171-00046409-00046655 hour total electricity you can produce 7tboNglgYFY-00172-00046656-00046927 but you are utilizing only 7tboNglgYFY-00173-00046928-00047299 1800 kilowatt hour in this process so 7tboNglgYFY-00174-00047300-00047596 1400 kilowatt hour net 7tboNglgYFY-00175-00047597-00047921 electricity that is being produced in 7tboNglgYFY-00176-00047922-00048118 this process okay 7tboNglgYFY-00177-00048119-00048377 so plant capacity is in general 250 tons 7tboNglgYFY-00178-00048378-00048671 per day as Elemental sulfur production 7tboNglgYFY-00179-00048672-00048983 now we see the process by a flow sheet 7tboNglgYFY-00180-00048984-00049295 here that is shown here okay so the iron 7tboNglgYFY-00181-00049296-00049511 pyrite whatever required for this 7tboNglgYFY-00182-00049512-00049696 process to get the elemental sulfur they 7tboNglgYFY-00183-00049697-00049883 should be dry enough if they are not dry 7tboNglgYFY-00184-00049884-00050093 enough then what happened whatever the 7tboNglgYFY-00185-00050094-00050267 moisture is there in the oars that may 7tboNglgYFY-00186-00050268-00050512 be interfering with the important 7tboNglgYFY-00187-00050513-00050680 reaction because we have seen under the 7tboNglgYFY-00188-00050681-00050824 chemical reaction section so many 7tboNglgYFY-00189-00050825-00051029 reactions are there so it is very 7tboNglgYFY-00190-00051030-00051299 essential to make the ore dry enough so 7tboNglgYFY-00191-00051300-00051466 if it is not dry enough what you can do 7tboNglgYFY-00192-00051467-00051707 you can use the flue gases in rotnical 7tboNglgYFY-00193-00051708-00052054 and then dry them after drying them you 7tboNglgYFY-00194-00052055-00052151 can 7tboNglgYFY-00195-00052152-00052408 size reduce them to approximately 200 7tboNglgYFY-00196-00052409-00052799 message right then what we have we have 7tboNglgYFY-00197-00052800-00053003 a smelter of furnace right in which 7tboNglgYFY-00198-00053004-00053219 different operations are taking place at 7tboNglgYFY-00199-00053220-00053416 the top of the smelter what we are 7tboNglgYFY-00200-00053417-00053711 having we are having oil burners right 7tboNglgYFY-00201-00053712-00053950 so this oil burners fuel oil and then 7tboNglgYFY-00202-00053951-00054275 air is supplied when the fuel oil is 7tboNglgYFY-00203-00054276-00054466 combusted using the air so many 7tboNglgYFY-00204-00054467-00054785 combustion gases are forming here ok so 7tboNglgYFY-00205-00054786-00055019 these combustion gases would be very 7tboNglgYFY-00206-00055020-00055349 useful for the feas2 thermal 7tboNglgYFY-00207-00055350-00055703 dissociation right so once we have this 7tboNglgYFY-00208-00055704-00055888 combustion gases and then over inside 7tboNglgYFY-00209-00055889-00056099 the smelter so then what you can do you 7tboNglgYFY-00210-00056100-00056447 introduce size reduced fees to to this 7tboNglgYFY-00211-00056448-00056704 process then thermal dissociation of a 7tboNglgYFY-00212-00056705-00056944 FES 2 will take place and then gases 7tboNglgYFY-00213-00056945-00057161 would be released and then these gases 7tboNglgYFY-00214-00057162-00057421 would be at approximately 7tboNglgYFY-00215-00057422-00057688 1300 degree Centigrade because at that 7tboNglgYFY-00216-00057689-00057857 temperature reaction is taking place and 7tboNglgYFY-00217-00057858-00058025 then in the same temperature gases are 7tboNglgYFY-00218-00058026-00058132 coming out 7tboNglgYFY-00219-00058133-00058391 so when FES 2 is dissociating what we 7tboNglgYFY-00220-00058391-00058613 have seen we have seen FES are pyrotite 7tboNglgYFY-00221-00058614-00058894 a liquid droplets are also forming these 7tboNglgYFY-00222-00058895-00059063 droplets should be condensed at the 7tboNglgYFY-00223-00059064-00059200 bottom 7tboNglgYFY-00224-00059201-00059429 or this droplet should be collected at 7tboNglgYFY-00225-00059429-00059626 the bottom 7tboNglgYFY-00226-00059627-00059794 right 7tboNglgYFY-00227-00059795-00060082 in a liquid form let us say if the ore 7tboNglgYFY-00228-00060083-00060365 is having silica also in general oars 7tboNglgYFY-00229-00060366-00060503 definitely would be having silica 7tboNglgYFY-00230-00060504-00060707 whatever the purification level you do 7tboNglgYFY-00231-00060708-00060976 so then though silica may also be a kind 7tboNglgYFY-00232-00060977-00061180 of interfering subsequent reactions for 7tboNglgYFY-00233-00061182-00061361 the production of Elemental sulfur or 7tboNglgYFY-00234-00061362-00061541 sulfur dioxide so that should also be 7tboNglgYFY-00235-00061541-00061792 washed out or fluxed out for that 7tboNglgYFY-00236-00061794-00062075 purpose we use the Limestone or lime 7tboNglgYFY-00237-00062076-00062266 Solutions here to flush out the silica 7tboNglgYFY-00238-00062267-00062530 from here right so because this silica 7tboNglgYFY-00239-00062532-00062830 is you know settling on the top of this 7tboNglgYFY-00240-00062832-00063082 molten FPS so then flushing out this 7tboNglgYFY-00241-00063083-00063359 silica using the limestone is not a 7tboNglgYFY-00242-00063360-00063604 difficult task right so once these 7tboNglgYFY-00243-00063605-00063785 silica has been flushed out so whatever 7tboNglgYFY-00244-00063786-00064073 molten FES that is collected from the 7tboNglgYFY-00245-00064074-00064307 collectors and then sent to a granulator 7tboNglgYFY-00246-00064308-00064516 where it is being granulated to 7tboNglgYFY-00247-00064517-00064780 approximately 4 mm size 7tboNglgYFY-00248-00064782-00065059 and then it is stored or shipped to 7tboNglgYFY-00249-00065060-00065338 h2so4 plant as per the requirement 7tboNglgYFY-00250-00065339-00065693 otherwise whatever these granules of Fes 7tboNglgYFY-00251-00065694-00065879 are there they can be taken to a 7tboNglgYFY-00252-00065880-00066250 fluidized roaster where roasting of Fes 7tboNglgYFY-00253-00066251-00066469 takes place to get 7tboNglgYFY-00254-00066470-00066971 SO2 and then fe2 O3 right so this 7tboNglgYFY-00255-00066972-00067163 reaction occurs at very high temperature 7tboNglgYFY-00256-00067164-00067463 approximately 1000 degrees Centigrades 7tboNglgYFY-00257-00067464-00067667 so the gas is coming out from the 7tboNglgYFY-00258-00067668-00068111 fluidized bed roaster roasting FES will 7tboNglgYFY-00259-00068112-00068363 be having temperature thousand degrees 7tboNglgYFY-00260-00068364-00068609 Centigrades so this hot gases what they 7tboNglgYFY-00261-00068610-00068806 will be done next they will be taken to 7tboNglgYFY-00262-00068807-00069191 a high pressure 7tboNglgYFY-00263-00069192-00069515 heat recovery 7tboNglgYFY-00264-00069516-00069688 boilers 7tboNglgYFY-00265-00069689-00069917 where heat would be recovered and then 7tboNglgYFY-00266-00069918-00070043 they will be reduced to temperature 7tboNglgYFY-00267-00070044-00070265 something like 150 or 200 degree 7tboNglgYFY-00268-00070266-00070493 Centigrade something like that so when 7tboNglgYFY-00269-00070494-00070703 the temperature is reduced so much so 7tboNglgYFY-00270-00070704-00070859 what happens steam at high pressure 7tboNglgYFY-00271-00070860-00071093 would be released and then that steam 7tboNglgYFY-00272-00071094-00071387 may be collected and sent to Turbo 7tboNglgYFY-00273-00071388-00071669 generator for the electricity generation 7tboNglgYFY-00274-00071670-00071921 after cooling the gases if at all gases 7tboNglgYFY-00275-00071922-00072103 are having traces of 7tboNglgYFY-00276-00072104-00072425 Fe2O3 or unreacted FES etcetera they 7tboNglgYFY-00277-00072426-00072593 would be separated in Cyclone separator 7tboNglgYFY-00278-00072594-00072838 followed by electrostatic prespitrator 7tboNglgYFY-00279-00072839-00073103 and then almost pure sulfur dioxide 7tboNglgYFY-00280-00073104-00073355 whatever is there that is collected and 7tboNglgYFY-00281-00073356-00073726 then sent to h2so4 plant this SO2 would 7tboNglgYFY-00282-00073727-00073985 be further oxidized 7tboNglgYFY-00283-00073986-00074267 to SO3 and then this SO3 when you 7tboNglgYFY-00284-00074268-00074429 dissolve in water you get 7tboNglgYFY-00285-00074430-00074687 s2so4 7tboNglgYFY-00286-00074688-00074873 so in the production of sulfuric acid 7tboNglgYFY-00287-00074874-00075076 lecture we are going to see these 7tboNglgYFY-00288-00075077-00075256 details anyway in the subsequent 7tboNglgYFY-00289-00075257-00075599 lectures ok so whatever Fe2O3 that is 7tboNglgYFY-00290-00075600-00075779 present in the gases they will be 7tboNglgYFY-00291-00075780-00075947 separated out from the Cyclones operator 7tboNglgYFY-00292-00075948-00076181 and then electrostatic precipitator and 7tboNglgYFY-00293-00076182-00076499 then collected as Fe2O3 and then that is 7tboNglgYFY-00294-00076500-00076756 sent as iron ore to Steel plants so this 7tboNglgYFY-00295-00076757-00077141 is another product okay now whatever the 7tboNglgYFY-00296-00077142-00077303 gases 7tboNglgYFY-00297-00077304-00077555 coming out from this melter they are at 7tboNglgYFY-00298-00077556-00077717 high temperature of 1300 degree 7tboNglgYFY-00299-00077718-00077938 Centigrade those gases will also be 7tboNglgYFY-00300-00077939-00078197 taken to high pressure heat recovery 7tboNglgYFY-00301-00078198-00078682 boiler 7tboNglgYFY-00302-00078683-00078923 where the temperature is reduced to 300 7tboNglgYFY-00303-00078924-00079061 degree centigrade 7tboNglgYFY-00304-00079062-00079338 so when the temperature is reduced from 7tboNglgYFY-00305-00079339-00079600 1300 degree centigrade to 300 degree 7tboNglgYFY-00306-00079601-00079781 Centigrade so lot of steam is generated 7tboNglgYFY-00307-00079782-00079955 that would be approximately 70 7tboNglgYFY-00308-00079956-00080171 atmospheric pressures and then that can 7tboNglgYFY-00309-00080172-00080387 also be taken to Turbo generator for 7tboNglgYFY-00310-00080388-00080759 electricity production right so cooled 7tboNglgYFY-00311-00080760-00081017 gases which are at 300 degree Centigrade 7tboNglgYFY-00312-00081018-00081269 they would be further sent to 7tboNglgYFY-00313-00081270-00081515 electrostatic precipitator to check if 7tboNglgYFY-00314-00081516-00081947 any droplets of Fes or dust of Fes is 7tboNglgYFY-00315-00081948-00082187 present in the gases if at all there so 7tboNglgYFY-00316-00082188-00082361 those would be separated out in the 7tboNglgYFY-00317-00082362-00082529 electrostatic precipitator and then 7tboNglgYFY-00318-00082530-00082882 those droplets are dust of Fes is mixed 7tboNglgYFY-00319-00082883-00083075 with the molten sulfur and then further 7tboNglgYFY-00320-00083076-00083405 granulation is done okay this cool gases 7tboNglgYFY-00321-00083406-00083638 which are at 300 degree Centigrade then 7tboNglgYFY-00322-00083639-00083993 sent to a hot stage or hot reactor where 7tboNglgYFY-00323-00083994-00084203 catalytic reactions take place at 600 7tboNglgYFY-00324-00084204-00084532 degrees Centigrade here most of the SO2 7tboNglgYFY-00325-00084533-00084875 react with the COS and ncs2 to get the 7tboNglgYFY-00326-00084876-00085271 S6 and then curve carbon dioxide okay so 7tboNglgYFY-00327-00085272-00085691 if at all some H2S or SO2 are still 7tboNglgYFY-00328-00085692-00085943 unreacted they will be reacted into a 7tboNglgYFY-00329-00085944-00086171 separate reactor which is cold stage 7tboNglgYFY-00330-00086172-00086429 reactor or cold catalytic reactor which 7tboNglgYFY-00331-00086430-00086597 occurs at approximately 200 degrees 7tboNglgYFY-00332-00086598-00086879 Centigrade right before sending the 7tboNglgYFY-00333-00086880-00087059 gases of heart reactor to the cold 7tboNglgYFY-00334-00087060-00087394 reactor those gases again cooled in a 7tboNglgYFY-00335-00087395-00087641 low pressure heat recovery boiler and 7tboNglgYFY-00336-00087642-00087881 then here again the steam approximately 7tboNglgYFY-00337-00087882-00088162 45 atmospheres generated that can also 7tboNglgYFY-00338-00088163-00088391 be taken for the electricity production 7tboNglgYFY-00339-00088392-00088679 right so now after cooling these gases 7tboNglgYFY-00340-00088680-00088871 from the heart stage they will be at 7tboNglgYFY-00341-00088872-00089087 approximately 150 degree Centigrades and 7tboNglgYFY-00342-00089088-00089362 then these gases are sent further taken 7tboNglgYFY-00343-00089363-00089615 in a cold stage catalytic reactor where 7tboNglgYFY-00344-00089616-00089831 a reaction occurs at approximately 200 7tboNglgYFY-00345-00089832-00090088 degrees Centigrade where SO2 and then 7tboNglgYFY-00346-00090089-00090455 H2S reacts to give water and then ah 7tboNglgYFY-00347-00090456-00090755 sulfur Vapor the sulfur Vapor ah now 7tboNglgYFY-00348-00090756-00090971 would be a 200 degree Centigrade they 7tboNglgYFY-00349-00090972-00091162 will be taken to a condenser where 7tboNglgYFY-00350-00091163-00091432 molten sulfur drops are spread from the 7tboNglgYFY-00351-00091433-00091697 top in order to condense the sulfur 7tboNglgYFY-00352-00091698-00091799 vapor 7tboNglgYFY-00353-00091800-00092147 right if at all some uncondensed sulfur 7tboNglgYFY-00354-00092148-00092453 Vapors are there or if unreacted SO2 or 7tboNglgYFY-00355-00092454-00092656 other gases are there in order to remove 7tboNglgYFY-00356-00092657-00092903 them these gases would be further taken 7tboNglgYFY-00357-00092904-00092987 to 7tboNglgYFY-00358-00092988-00093250 wash Tower this exit gas is taken to the 7tboNglgYFY-00359-00093251-00093467 wash Tower where water is sprayed from 7tboNglgYFY-00360-00093468-00093743 the top so that if any sulfuristic that 7tboNglgYFY-00361-00093744-00093947 would be collected from the bottom and 7tboNglgYFY-00362-00093948-00094156 then space are separated out whereas the 7tboNglgYFY-00363-00094157-00094505 state gases which are having permissible 7tboNglgYFY-00364-00094506-00094726 limits of iso2 etcetera there can be 7tboNglgYFY-00365-00094727-00095026 sent to the atmosphere right see the 7tboNglgYFY-00366-00095027-00095206 molten sulfur that you collected from 7tboNglgYFY-00367-00095207-00095447 this process after the condenser and 7tboNglgYFY-00368-00095448-00095681 then after they washed our you know that 7tboNglgYFY-00369-00095682-00095849 may be having some impurities like 7tboNglgYFY-00370-00095850-00095968 arsenic 7tboNglgYFY-00371-00095969-00096268 or it may be having some chlorides or it 7tboNglgYFY-00372-00096269-00096431 may be having some fluorides etcetera 7tboNglgYFY-00373-00096432-00096712 having this component is not good for 7tboNglgYFY-00374-00096713-00096971 the subsequent use of ah you know this 7tboNglgYFY-00375-00096972-00097247 is because this s Elemental sulfur 7tboNglgYFY-00376-00097248-00097547 whatever is a 90 percent of it is being 7tboNglgYFY-00377-00097548-00097699 used for a 7tboNglgYFY-00378-00097700-00097925 h2so4 production only that is what we 7tboNglgYFY-00379-00097926-00098111 have seen in the previous lecture right 7tboNglgYFY-00380-00098112-00098399 so this s would be converted to ah SO2 7tboNglgYFY-00381-00098400-00098621 and then this SO2 will be further 7tboNglgYFY-00382-00098622-00098879 oxidized to give SO3 which is a 7tboNglgYFY-00383-00098880-00099118 reversible reaction it occurs using some 7tboNglgYFY-00384-00099119-00099473 Catalyst V two o5 or platinum or iron 7tboNglgYFY-00385-00099474-00099653 acid these kind of catalysts are there 7tboNglgYFY-00386-00099654-00100085 right so when you do this catalytic 7tboNglgYFY-00387-00100086-00100288 reactions later stage if the sulfur is 7tboNglgYFY-00388-00100289-00100468 having this arsenic or something this 7tboNglgYFY-00389-00100469-00100721 kind of components they will be present 7tboNglgYFY-00390-00100722-00100973 along with the SO2 gases also and then 7tboNglgYFY-00391-00100974-00101255 this when SO2 is being oxidized using 7tboNglgYFY-00392-00101256-00101609 the Catalyst to SO3 this impurities may 7tboNglgYFY-00393-00101610-00101915 be deactivating this Catalyst etcetera 7tboNglgYFY-00394-00101916-00102088 so that is the reason it is very 7tboNglgYFY-00395-00102089-00102335 essential to remove this arsenic 7tboNglgYFY-00396-00102336-00102580 components etcetera that can be done by 7tboNglgYFY-00397-00102581-00102821 taking them in a continuous autoclave in 7tboNglgYFY-00398-00102822-00103090 which calcium hydroxide solution is 7tboNglgYFY-00399-00103091-00103415 present so after this deaconator you can 7tboNglgYFY-00400-00103416-00103625 remove Arsenic and other kind of waste 7tboNglgYFY-00401-00103626-00103913 and then get almost pure sulfur to 7tboNglgYFY-00402-00103914-00104182 shipping this is the entire process that 7tboNglgYFY-00403-00104183-00104423 is happening in the case of Elementor 7tboNglgYFY-00404-00104424-00104668 sulfur production from the iron pyrates 7tboNglgYFY-00405-00104669-00104981 so now you can see here ah Elemental 7tboNglgYFY-00406-00104982-00105263 sulfur is one product and then sulfur 7tboNglgYFY-00407-00105264-00105502 dioxide is second product third product 7tboNglgYFY-00408-00105503-00105713 is iron oxide 7tboNglgYFY-00409-00105714-00106019 and then fourth product is electricity 7tboNglgYFY-00410-00106020-00106133 ok 7tboNglgYFY-00411-00106133-00106354 now whatever we have seen in the flow 7tboNglgYFY-00412-00106355-00106607 sheet the same thing is presented as a 7tboNglgYFY-00413-00106608-00106907 notes Here the process description 7tboNglgYFY-00414-00106908-00107225 flow gases are used to dry the Pirates 7tboNglgYFY-00415-00107226-00107471 or in the rotnical and then size reduced 7tboNglgYFY-00416-00107472-00107669 to 200 message 7tboNglgYFY-00417-00107670-00107902 this size reduced ore is introduced into 7tboNglgYFY-00418-00107903-00108131 a vertical circular shaft furnace which 7tboNglgYFY-00419-00108132-00108323 is smelter 7tboNglgYFY-00420-00108324-00108647 oil burners are located at the top of 7tboNglgYFY-00421-00108648-00108863 the smelter to which fuel oil and then 7tboNglgYFY-00422-00108864-00109019 air are supplied 7tboNglgYFY-00423-00109020-00109336 hot combustion gases of oil burners are 7tboNglgYFY-00424-00109338-00109589 used for dispersing size reduced ore in 7tboNglgYFY-00425-00109590-00109739 the furnace 7tboNglgYFY-00426-00109740-00109997 to this suspension of ore and combustion 7tboNglgYFY-00427-00109998-00110357 gases inside the furnace introduce fes2 7tboNglgYFY-00428-00110358-00110627 from the top which moves downward in the 7tboNglgYFY-00429-00110628-00110933 suspension then thermal dissociation of 7tboNglgYFY-00430-00110933-00111281 this iron disulfide takes place at 1300 7tboNglgYFY-00431-00111282-00111569 degree centigrade and then give disulfur 7tboNglgYFY-00432-00111570-00111736 gases which is highly active and then 7tboNglgYFY-00433-00111738-00112025 ferrotoid that is iron sulfide a liquid 7tboNglgYFY-00434-00112026-00112145 droplets 7tboNglgYFY-00435-00112146-00112523 ok so purpose of Fes 2 is also to 7tboNglgYFY-00436-00112524-00112721 receive heat of dissociation and fusion 7tboNglgYFY-00437-00112722-00112931 not only production of these two 7tboNglgYFY-00438-00112932-00113039 component 7tboNglgYFY-00439-00113040-00113297 liquid droplets of Fes are caught in the 7tboNglgYFY-00440-00113298-00113495 molten horizontal batch which is called 7tboNglgYFY-00441-00113496-00113734 as collector and if any silica is 7tboNglgYFY-00442-00113735-00113999 present that is trapped and fluxed with 7tboNglgYFY-00443-00114000-00114316 lime which is floating on the top of 7tboNglgYFY-00444-00114317-00114575 molten FES matter this silica is 7tboNglgYFY-00445-00114576-00114954 floating on the top of molten FES 7tboNglgYFY-00446-00114955-00115223 strapped periodically and granulated in 7tboNglgYFY-00447-00115224-00115427 water to produce approximately 4 mm 7tboNglgYFY-00448-00115428-00115715 grains for further roasting operations 7tboNglgYFY-00449-00115716-00115931 in fluid aspect reactors 7tboNglgYFY-00450-00115932-00116171 at the bottom of vertical short furnace 7tboNglgYFY-00451-00116172-00116357 gas has changed 90 degrees and move 7tboNglgYFY-00452-00116358-00116766 horizontally very hot gases which are at 7tboNglgYFY-00453-00116767-00117040 1300 degree Centigrade move through a 7tboNglgYFY-00454-00117041-00117208 high pressure heat recovery boiler 7tboNglgYFY-00455-00117209-00117521 section and get coal to 300 degree 7tboNglgYFY-00456-00117522-00117869 Centigrades if any dust of Fes is there 7tboNglgYFY-00457-00117870-00118013 that would be separated by the 7tboNglgYFY-00458-00118014-00118204 electrostatic precipitator unit and 7tboNglgYFY-00459-00118205-00118510 transfer to the molten FPS section 7tboNglgYFY-00460-00118511-00118852 cold gases to 300 degree Centigrade sent 7tboNglgYFY-00461-00118853-00119081 to high temperature catalytic reactor 7tboNglgYFY-00462-00119082-00119315 where carbon compounds with s are 7tboNglgYFY-00463-00119316-00119434 eliminated 7tboNglgYFY-00464-00119435-00119704 reaction gases if it are still 7tboNglgYFY-00465-00119705-00120058 containing SO2 and H2S are equal to 150 7tboNglgYFY-00466-00120059-00120233 degree centigrade by passing through a 7tboNglgYFY-00467-00120233-00120460 low pressure heat recovery boiler 7tboNglgYFY-00468-00120461-00120707 this followed by Cold stage catalytic 7tboNglgYFY-00469-00120708-00120899 reaction which occurs at approximately 7tboNglgYFY-00470-00120900-00121139 200 degrees Centigrade where aluminum 7tboNglgYFY-00471-00121140-00121457 oxide catalyzes H2S and then SO2 7tboNglgYFY-00472-00121458-00121577 reaction 7tboNglgYFY-00473-00121578-00122128 to produce sulfur vapor and water vapor 7tboNglgYFY-00474-00122129-00122399 after catalysis sulfur gas is condensed 7tboNglgYFY-00475-00122400-00122615 on molten sulfur droplets in a spray 7tboNglgYFY-00476-00122616-00122860 condenser and then heat of fusion is 7tboNglgYFY-00477-00122861-00123154 recovered via low pressure steam boilers 7tboNglgYFY-00478-00123155-00123431 then exit gases are next washed with 7tboNglgYFY-00479-00123432-00123683 water in another Tower to further 7tboNglgYFY-00480-00123683-00123995 recover entrained and uncondensed sulfur 7tboNglgYFY-00481-00123996-00124313 sulfur usually contains arsenic which 7tboNglgYFY-00482-00124314-00124486 attacks the Vanadium or platinum 7tboNglgYFY-00483-00124488-00124854 Catalyst in SO2 giving rise to 7tboNglgYFY-00484-00124855-00125219 SO3 in contact process for H2S 7tboNglgYFY-00485-00125220-00125404 production this we are going to see in 7tboNglgYFY-00486-00125405-00125554 subsequent lectures 7tboNglgYFY-00487-00125555-00125908 it can be removed by contacting molten 7tboNglgYFY-00488-00125909-00126149 sulfur with milk of lime in a continuous 7tboNglgYFY-00489-00126150-00126658 autoclave sulfur as SO2 for h2so4 can be 7tboNglgYFY-00490-00126659-00126875 obtained by roasting the granulated FES 7tboNglgYFY-00491-00126876-00127157 from smelting furnace fluidized roasting 7tboNglgYFY-00492-00127158-00127390 at 1000 degree Centigrade produces 7tboNglgYFY-00493-00127391-00127678 sulfur dioxide which is cooled in a 7tboNglgYFY-00494-00127679-00127936 waste heat boiler followed by cleaning 7tboNglgYFY-00495-00127938-00128140 in Cyclones and then electrostatic 7tboNglgYFY-00496-00128141-00128290 precipitators 7tboNglgYFY-00497-00128291-00128584 heart centers of iron oxide suitable for 7tboNglgYFY-00498-00128585-00128863 Blast Furnace inter cake or cold 7tboNglgYFY-00499-00128864-00129178 unconveyors and shipped to Steel plants 7tboNglgYFY-00500-00129179-00129521 this is about the process now we see if 7tboNglgYFY-00501-00129522-00129736 at all any engineering problems what are 7tboNglgYFY-00502-00129738-00129971 the problems you know they are very 7tboNglgYFY-00503-00129972-00130145 essential from engineering point of view 7tboNglgYFY-00504-00130146-00130397 to consider so major engineering 7tboNglgYFY-00505-00130398-00130510 problems 7tboNglgYFY-00506-00130511-00130840 Pirates or beneficiation oars in general 7tboNglgYFY-00507-00130841-00131123 include so many kind of impurities dust 7tboNglgYFY-00508-00131124-00131364 mud etcetera not only that one other 7tboNglgYFY-00509-00131365-00131735 metallic ferrous non-ferrous ingredients 7tboNglgYFY-00510-00131736-00131897 may also be present in our other 7tboNglgYFY-00511-00131898-00132119 inorganic may also be present so so many 7tboNglgYFY-00512-00132120-00132527 purifications ah steps are done using 7tboNglgYFY-00513-00132528-00132677 different types of mechanical unit 7tboNglgYFY-00514-00132678-00133002 operation and then almost pure ah almost 7tboNglgYFY-00515-00133003-00133295 clean enough ore is used in a smelter 7tboNglgYFY-00516-00133296-00133535 process right so but this process 7tboNglgYFY-00517-00133536-00133745 whatever we discuss that is developed 7tboNglgYFY-00518-00133746-00134045 further a process where ore is having 7tboNglgYFY-00519-00134046-00134464 only a 1.5 percent silica but Indian ore 7tboNglgYFY-00520-00134465-00134621 has in general five to seven percent 7tboNglgYFY-00521-00134622-00134933 silica so then you know this removal is 7tboNglgYFY-00522-00134934-00135083 very essential 7tboNglgYFY-00523-00135084-00135323 thus it requires either flotation or 7tboNglgYFY-00524-00135324-00135623 extra Limestone to flux out silica but 7tboNglgYFY-00525-00135624-00135833 however if you use the flotation then 7tboNglgYFY-00526-00135834-00136019 what happened it has been found at 7tboNglgYFY-00527-00136020-00136331 approximately 30 percent of 7tboNglgYFY-00528-00136332-00136613 loss of ore is there if you use the 7tboNglgYFY-00529-00136614-00136775 flotation so that's the reason it is 7tboNglgYFY-00530-00136776-00136937 better to go for extra Limestone 7tboNglgYFY-00531-00136938-00137249 solution to flux out the silica which is 7tboNglgYFY-00532-00137250-00137651 floating on the surface of molten FES ok 7tboNglgYFY-00533-00137652-00138023 then grinding whatever the size reduced 7tboNglgYFY-00534-00138024-00138281 FES 2 that is the 200 mesh size that is 7tboNglgYFY-00535-00138282-00138563 based on the economic balance between 7tboNglgYFY-00536-00138564-00138814 heat transfer rate from combustion gases 7tboNglgYFY-00537-00138815-00139252 plus residence time right so this size 7tboNglgYFY-00538-00139253-00139571 is you know that much important right it 7tboNglgYFY-00539-00139572-00139859 is because of this balance right why it 7tboNglgYFY-00540-00139860-00140140 is so much important in general fall of 7tboNglgYFY-00541-00140141-00140447 particles are the settling velocity of 7tboNglgYFY-00542-00140448-00140669 the particles tower height and then 7tboNglgYFY-00543-00140670-00140849 grinding cost etcetera dictate the 7tboNglgYFY-00544-00140850-00140957 economy 7tboNglgYFY-00545-00140958-00141131 ok 7tboNglgYFY-00546-00141132-00141389 then substation of coal for fuel oil 7tboNglgYFY-00547-00141390-00141593 fuel oil is very expensive actually we 7tboNglgYFY-00548-00141594-00141827 have seen in quantitative requirement 7tboNglgYFY-00549-00141828-00142037 section what we have seen if you want to 7tboNglgYFY-00550-00142038-00142319 produce one ton of Elemental sulfur you 7tboNglgYFY-00551-00142320-00142625 need 0.76 tons of 7tboNglgYFY-00552-00142626-00142847 fuel oil which is very high large 7tboNglgYFY-00553-00142848-00143104 quantity right and then this fuel oils 7tboNglgYFY-00554-00143105-00143339 are expensive in general especially in 7tboNglgYFY-00555-00143340-00143590 India they are available in limited 7tboNglgYFY-00556-00143591-00144011 locations like osmocite but at high cost 7tboNglgYFY-00557-00144012-00144340 right so that also low grade fuel oil 7tboNglgYFY-00558-00144341-00144551 low grade fuel oil itself is available 7tboNglgYFY-00559-00144552-00144778 only at one side and that also at high 7tboNglgYFY-00560-00144779-00145157 cost so then it is better to use coal 7tboNglgYFY-00561-00145158-00145390 rather than using the fuel oil and then 7tboNglgYFY-00562-00145391-00145637 it has been formed in place of fuel oil 7tboNglgYFY-00563-00145638-00145859 if you use coal there is a 20 percent 7tboNglgYFY-00564-00145860-00146147 saving in the cost of sulfur production 7tboNglgYFY-00565-00146148-00146447 so obviously it is better to use coal 7tboNglgYFY-00566-00146448-00146627 and then some research is going on I 7tboNglgYFY-00567-00146628-00146902 hope hopefully it must be available now 7tboNglgYFY-00568-00146903-00147221 gaseous reaction in the smelting furnace 7tboNglgYFY-00569-00147222-00147449 complete combustion of fuel without 7tboNglgYFY-00570-00147450-00147797 excess air is desirable to avoid h2s2 7tboNglgYFY-00571-00147798-00148049 SO2 ratio because this ratio if is not 7tboNglgYFY-00572-00148050-00148295 maintained properly what happen the 7tboNglgYFY-00573-00148296-00148528 reaction at hot stage and then cold 7tboNglgYFY-00574-00148529-00148709 stage whatever the degree of reaction 7tboNglgYFY-00575-00148710-00148877 conversion to take place that may not 7tboNglgYFY-00576-00148878-00149033 take place okay 7tboNglgYFY-00577-00149034-00149254 this can be shifted with only minor 7tboNglgYFY-00578-00149255-00149440 changes in the oxygen and then fuel 7tboNglgYFY-00579-00149441-00149578 ratio 7tboNglgYFY-00580-00149579-00149819 smelter feed system requires close 7tboNglgYFY-00581-00149820-00150016 instrumental control because of the 7tboNglgYFY-00582-00150017-00150299 specified settling velocity of the 200 7tboNglgYFY-00583-00150300-00150502 mesh size etcetera those things 7tboNglgYFY-00584-00150503-00150719 then two stage catalytic reactor is 7tboNglgYFY-00585-00150720-00151031 design actually initially a single stage 7tboNglgYFY-00586-00151032-00151343 catalytic reactor was designed where it 7tboNglgYFY-00587-00151344-00151654 was assumed at cos and then CS2 will 7tboNglgYFY-00588-00151655-00151937 remain unconverted to free sulfur but 7tboNglgYFY-00589-00151938-00152081 however later on 7tboNglgYFY-00590-00152082-00152364 high temperature Catalyst utilization 7tboNglgYFY-00591-00152365-00152716 founder this can also be oxidized and 7tboNglgYFY-00592-00152717-00152926 then sulfur yield would be increasing to 7tboNglgYFY-00593-00152927-00153301 85 to 92 percent so otherwise initial 7tboNglgYFY-00594-00153302-00153581 plants whatever having they were having 7tboNglgYFY-00595-00153582-00153928 only cold stage operations using 7tboNglgYFY-00596-00153929-00154289 aluminum oxide Catalyst okay later on 7tboNglgYFY-00597-00154290-00154516 this high temperature catalytic 7tboNglgYFY-00598-00154517-00154690 converter has been found because of 7tboNglgYFY-00599-00154691-00154954 which conversion or the yield of sulfur 7tboNglgYFY-00600-00154955-00155309 has increased up to 92 percent 7tboNglgYFY-00601-00155310-00155573 the design of cold Stitch is similar to 7tboNglgYFY-00602-00155574-00155813 the so called oxidation reduction of H2S 7tboNglgYFY-00603-00155814-00156047 process that we have discussed in the 7tboNglgYFY-00604-00156048-00156173 previous lecture 7tboNglgYFY-00605-00156174-00156376 heat recovery and generation of electric 7tboNglgYFY-00606-00156377-00156652 energy we have seen that you know 1400 7tboNglgYFY-00607-00156653-00156863 kilowatt hour of net electricity is 7tboNglgYFY-00608-00156864-00157031 generated in this one so that is very 7tboNglgYFY-00609-00157032-00157343 much Essential to pay attention to a 7tboNglgYFY-00610-00157344-00157559 collection of steam and then sending to 7tboNglgYFY-00611-00157560-00157775 the turbo generators 7tboNglgYFY-00612-00157776-00158057 despite initial endothermic smelting 7tboNglgYFY-00613-00158058-00158333 step and high electric energy usage for 7tboNglgYFY-00614-00158334-00158539 grinding because grinding we understand 7tboNglgYFY-00615-00158540-00158831 operating grinding equipment consumes 7tboNglgYFY-00616-00158832-00159047 lot of power rather than you know let us 7tboNglgYFY-00617-00159048-00159287 say if you give 100 kilowatt hour of 7tboNglgYFY-00618-00159288-00159563 power for a grinding operation so that 7tboNglgYFY-00619-00159564-00159863 ore is reduced to 200 message out of 7tboNglgYFY-00620-00159864-00160211 that 100 kilowatt hour approximately 70 7tboNglgYFY-00621-00160212-00160511 80 or even more kilowatt hours of power 7tboNglgYFY-00622-00160512-00160769 is utilized for the operation of the 7tboNglgYFY-00623-00160770-00160966 grinding equipment itself so this 7tboNglgYFY-00624-00160967-00161225 grinding equipments are very inefficient 7tboNglgYFY-00625-00161226-00161495 in terms of the power requirements right 7tboNglgYFY-00626-00161496-00161764 so you know lot of electrical energy is 7tboNglgYFY-00627-00161765-00162011 utilized for grinding as well despite of 7tboNglgYFY-00628-00162012-00162245 that one overall processors excess of 7tboNglgYFY-00629-00162246-00162443 heat energy and that must be properly 7tboNglgYFY-00630-00162444-00162623 collected for the electricity production 7tboNglgYFY-00631-00162624-00162964 this is converted to electric energy via 7tboNglgYFY-00632-00162965-00163157 three stages of steam boiler heat 7tboNglgYFY-00633-00163158-00163433 recovery with a net production of 1400 7tboNglgYFY-00634-00163434-00163726 kilowatt hour per ton of Elemental 7tboNglgYFY-00635-00163727-00164033 sulfur produced so this is all about the 7tboNglgYFY-00636-00164034-00164176 sulfur production 7tboNglgYFY-00637-00164177-00164381 in this lecture we have seen one process 7tboNglgYFY-00638-00164382-00164561 in the previous lecture we have seen two 7tboNglgYFY-00639-00164562-00164795 other processes now what we are going to 7tboNglgYFY-00640-00164796-00165016 see we are going to see production of 7tboNglgYFY-00641-00165017-00165251 sulfuric acid before going to the 7tboNglgYFY-00642-00165252-00165466 production details of sulfuric acid we 7tboNglgYFY-00643-00165467-00165689 see a few Basics ah utilization 7tboNglgYFY-00644-00165690-00165976 consumption pattern different grades of 7tboNglgYFY-00645-00165977-00166283 sulfuric acid etcetera in general 7tboNglgYFY-00646-00166284-00166540 sulfuric acid is considered as barometer 7tboNglgYFY-00647-00166541-00166859 of India's industrial growth 7tboNglgYFY-00648-00166860-00167281 initially and then by early 1990s 7tboNglgYFY-00649-00167282-00167549 India's production of sulfuric acid is 7tboNglgYFY-00650-00167550-00167861 almost on par with the what USA was 7tboNglgYFY-00651-00167862-00167987 producing 7tboNglgYFY-00652-00167988-00168311 however per capita consumption of it in 7tboNglgYFY-00653-00168312-00168551 India was only four percent compared to 7tboNglgYFY-00654-00168552-00168766 that of USA 7tboNglgYFY-00655-00168767-00168971 basic raw material for production of 7tboNglgYFY-00656-00168972-00169276 sulfuric acid is sulfur okay this sulfur 7tboNglgYFY-00657-00169277-00169463 would be converted to the sulfur dioxide 7tboNglgYFY-00658-00169464-00169666 and then sulfur dioxide would be further 7tboNglgYFY-00659-00169667-00169895 converted to this sulfur trioxide and 7tboNglgYFY-00660-00169896-00170075 then from this sulfur trioxide you get 7tboNglgYFY-00661-00170076-00170309 h2so4 7tboNglgYFY-00662-00170310-00170578 ok 7tboNglgYFY-00663-00170579-00170747 but it can also be produced from 7tboNglgYFY-00664-00170748-00170909 different other sources because this 7tboNglgYFY-00665-00170910-00171173 sulfur is ultimately being converted to 7tboNglgYFY-00666-00171174-00171466 the SO2 what if if this SO2 itself we 7tboNglgYFY-00667-00171467-00171676 are getting from other sources like 7tboNglgYFY-00668-00171677-00171923 previous just now we have seen Elemental 7tboNglgYFY-00669-00171924-00172163 sulfur production from Iron Pirates 7tboNglgYFY-00670-00172164-00172433 there also we produce SO2 that can be 7tboNglgYFY-00671-00172434-00172757 utilized for h2so4 production right and 7tboNglgYFY-00672-00172758-00172901 in previous lecture we have seen 7tboNglgYFY-00673-00172902-00173213 Elemental sulfur from H2S H2S is 7tboNglgYFY-00674-00173214-00173404 impurity in many of the fuel gases 7tboNglgYFY-00675-00173405-00173590 etcetera petroleum Refinery gases 7tboNglgYFY-00676-00173591-00173807 etcetera right in those production 7tboNglgYFY-00677-00173808-00174095 processes of fuel gases are in Refinery 7tboNglgYFY-00678-00174096-00174376 gases whatever H2S is there as impurity 7tboNglgYFY-00679-00174377-00174628 that can be dissolved in Solutions like 7tboNglgYFY-00680-00174629-00174851 ethanolamine and then the dilute 7tboNglgYFY-00681-00174852-00175109 solution you further heat it at high 7tboNglgYFY-00682-00175110-00175325 temperature to liberate pure historius 7tboNglgYFY-00683-00175326-00175540 this H2S can be oxidized and then 7tboNglgYFY-00684-00175541-00175714 reduced in order to get the sulfur 7tboNglgYFY-00685-00175715-00175901 Elemental sulfur this we have seen in 7tboNglgYFY-00686-00175902-00176063 the previous lecture in this process 7tboNglgYFY-00687-00176064-00176285 also we have seen SO2 is being produced 7tboNglgYFY-00688-00176286-00176614 so why can't we utilize this one so like 7tboNglgYFY-00689-00176615-00176819 in the just previous slide we have seen 7tboNglgYFY-00690-00176820-00177064 Elementor suffer from Iron Pirates this 7tboNglgYFY-00691-00177065-00177275 melting has been done similar smelting 7tboNglgYFY-00692-00177276-00177521 of ZN copper 7tboNglgYFY-00693-00177522-00177737 etcetera zinc copper Etc may also be 7tboNglgYFY-00694-00177738-00177899 taking place and then there also this 7tboNglgYFY-00695-00177900-00178187 SO2 is being a produced so we can use 7tboNglgYFY-00696-00178188-00178463 that SO2 also for production of h2so4 7tboNglgYFY-00697-00178464-00178745 like that there are different sources 7tboNglgYFY-00698-00178746-00179087 are there for the production of h2so4 7tboNglgYFY-00699-00179088-00179333 those we are going to see now here one 7tboNglgYFY-00700-00179334-00179537 is the pyrates are sulphites of iron 7tboNglgYFY-00701-00179538-00179807 that we have just seen and then H2S 7tboNglgYFY-00702-00179808-00180047 recovered from sore gas and petroleum 7tboNglgYFY-00703-00180048-00180364 are waste gases from burning of fuel and 7tboNglgYFY-00704-00180365-00180581 then smelting operations such as pirates 7tboNglgYFY-00705-00180582-00180838 of copper iron zinc and Lead 7tboNglgYFY-00706-00180839-00181081 in India it is primarily produced from 7tboNglgYFY-00707-00181082-00181337 Elemental sulfur pyrates and then 7tboNglgYFY-00708-00181338-00181751 sulfides only okay if it is produced by 7tboNglgYFY-00709-00181752-00181954 burning of fuel and then smelting 7tboNglgYFY-00710-00181955-00182176 operations then this sulfuric acid is 7tboNglgYFY-00711-00182177-00182507 known as the byproduct sulfuric acid 7tboNglgYFY-00712-00182508-00182825 okay in fact in one of the previous 7tboNglgYFY-00713-00182826-00183119 lecture where H2S 7tboNglgYFY-00714-00183120-00183371 is oxidation reduced to get the 7tboNglgYFY-00715-00183372-00183575 elemental sulfur in that process where 7tboNglgYFY-00716-00183576-00183887 we have seen you know one of the plant 7tboNglgYFY-00717-00183888-00184145 is producing so much of large amount of 7tboNglgYFY-00718-00184146-00184440 History so far they constructed two 7tboNglgYFY-00719-00184441-00184816 sides for H2S production that is what we 7tboNglgYFY-00720-00184817-00185087 have seen that much of stso4 is in 7tboNglgYFY-00721-00185088-00185266 general produced as a co-product or 7tboNglgYFY-00722-00185267-00185507 byproduct in some processes so such 7tboNglgYFY-00723-00185508-00185735 h2so4 directly you are getting that is 7tboNglgYFY-00724-00185736-00185933 known as the byproducts sulfuric acid 7tboNglgYFY-00725-00185934-00186190 which would be it moderately High 7tboNglgYFY-00726-00186191-00186316 concentration not very high 7tboNglgYFY-00727-00186317-00186575 concentration may be 60 and 65 percent 7tboNglgYFY-00728-00186576-00186821 history so4 like that 7tboNglgYFY-00729-00186822-00187066 pertinent properties of sulfuric acid if 7tboNglgYFY-00730-00187067-00187181 you see 7tboNglgYFY-00731-00187182-00187414 different grades or different degrees or 7tboNglgYFY-00732-00187415-00187685 different concentration of History so4 7tboNglgYFY-00733-00187686-00187828 are available in the market for 7tboNglgYFY-00734-00187829-00188081 different applications right so these 7tboNglgYFY-00735-00188082-00188338 properties what we do we see for Pure 7tboNglgYFY-00736-00188339-00188633 hundred percent h2so for first molecular 7tboNglgYFY-00737-00188634-00188837 weight 98.08 7tboNglgYFY-00738-00188838-00189102 melting point 10.5 degree Centigrade 7tboNglgYFY-00739-00189103-00189311 boiling point or decompression 7tboNglgYFY-00740-00189312-00189583 temperature is 340 degree Centigrade 7tboNglgYFY-00741-00189584-00189881 solubility completely soluble in water 7tboNglgYFY-00742-00189882-00190157 but with large heat of solution 7tboNglgYFY-00743-00190158-00190349 evaluation lot of heat is being 7tboNglgYFY-00744-00190350-00190643 evaluated while h2so4 is dissolved in 7tboNglgYFY-00745-00190644-00190840 water so that is the reason when you 7tboNglgYFY-00746-00190841-00191045 make dilute history so4 solution you 7tboNglgYFY-00747-00191046-00191338 take water and then dropped by a dripper 7tboNglgYFY-00748-00191339-00191614 drop by drop you add h2so4 to the water 7tboNglgYFY-00749-00191615-00191831 and then dilute it because lot of heat 7tboNglgYFY-00750-00191832-00192107 is evolved so you cannot add water to 7tboNglgYFY-00751-00192108-00192431 the h2so4 to make it dilute such large 7tboNglgYFY-00752-00192432-00192683 amount of heat of solution is liberated 7tboNglgYFY-00753-00192684-00192964 when you dilute the history so4 other 7tboNglgYFY-00754-00192965-00193301 thing that SO3 soluble in s2so4 to give 7tboNglgYFY-00755-00193302-00193588 varying percentage of volume actually if 7tboNglgYFY-00756-00193589-00193961 you mix 7tboNglgYFY-00757-00193962-00194254 or resolve isotherm has two so4 whatever 7tboNglgYFY-00758-00194255-00194447 the product is coming that is called as 7tboNglgYFY-00759-00194448-00194747 olium and then different degrees or 7tboNglgYFY-00760-00194748-00194963 grades of olium are available like 20 7tboNglgYFY-00761-00194964-00195166 percent volume 40 percent volume 7tboNglgYFY-00762-00195167-00195383 etcetera twenty percent volume in the 7tboNglgYFY-00763-00195384-00195737 sense if you have 100 kg of Oleum out of 7tboNglgYFY-00764-00195738-00196013 which you will be having 20 kg of SO3 7tboNglgYFY-00765-00196014-00196228 and then 80 kgf 7tboNglgYFY-00766-00196229-00196445 h2so4 7tboNglgYFY-00767-00196446-00196787 ok so like that 40 percent whatever they 7tboNglgYFY-00768-00196788-00196990 require a percentage volume you can 7tboNglgYFY-00769-00196991-00197278 prepare if you wanted to produce very 7tboNglgYFY-00770-00197279-00197590 high percent of volume like 63 65 7tboNglgYFY-00771-00197591-00197776 percent something like that what you do 7tboNglgYFY-00772-00197777-00198071 you take this 20 percent olium 7tboNglgYFY-00773-00198072-00198473 and do the distillation 7tboNglgYFY-00774-00198474-00198647 to get 7tboNglgYFY-00775-00198648-00198952 high percentage volumes 7tboNglgYFY-00776-00198953-00199181 that is more economically better rather 7tboNglgYFY-00777-00199182-00199402 than producing by dissolving a sudden 7tboNglgYFY-00778-00199403-00199619 history so4 7tboNglgYFY-00779-00199620-00199852 it is strong dibasic acid which is 7tboNglgYFY-00780-00199853-00200057 containing two potential protons to 7tboNglgYFY-00781-00200058-00200309 donate and then it is also a very good 7tboNglgYFY-00782-00200310-00200543 oxidizing and dehydrating agent for many 7tboNglgYFY-00783-00200544-00200843 organic components not only many organic 7tboNglgYFY-00784-00200844-00201090 components but also many inorganic 7tboNglgYFY-00785-00201091-00201323 chemical reactions like nitration 7tboNglgYFY-00786-00201324-00201545 sulfation etcetera some organic reaction 7tboNglgYFY-00787-00201546-00201809 like esterifications etcetera wind takes 7tboNglgYFY-00788-00201810-00202073 place water vapor is produced and in 7tboNglgYFY-00789-00202074-00202307 that water vapor has to be separated out 7tboNglgYFY-00790-00202308-00202528 so then if you wanted to absorb that 7tboNglgYFY-00791-00202529-00202775 water formed in such kind of reactions 7tboNglgYFY-00792-00202776-00203050 then also this dehydrating agent history 7tboNglgYFY-00793-00203051-00203411 so4 can be utilized its solution can be 7tboNglgYFY-00794-00203412-00203728 concentrated to about 93 percent by 7tboNglgYFY-00795-00203729-00203921 weight of h2so4 7tboNglgYFY-00796-00203922-00204137 its stronger acids can be made by 7tboNglgYFY-00797-00204138-00204521 dissolving SO3 in 98 to 99 percent 7tboNglgYFY-00798-00204522-00204862 acid sulfuric acid it forms many 7tboNglgYFY-00799-00204863-00205042 hydrates that have different melting 7tboNglgYFY-00800-00205044-00205319 points this hydrates that you know we 7tboNglgYFY-00801-00205319-00205607 have ah 63 percent has to use so for 90 7tboNglgYFY-00802-00205608-00206027 percent h2so4 98 h2so4 when you dissolve 7tboNglgYFY-00803-00206028-00206203 in water and then make hundred percent 7tboNglgYFY-00804-00206204-00206573 monohydrate h2so4 then their you know 7tboNglgYFY-00805-00206573-00206734 melting points are different that's 7tboNglgYFY-00806-00206735-00207029 because of the this hydrates these 7tboNglgYFY-00807-00207030-00207155 hydrates are the reason for 7tboNglgYFY-00808-00207156-00207371 irregularities in acid strength and 7tboNglgYFY-00809-00207371-00207557 corresponding specific gravities and 7tboNglgYFY-00810-00207558-00207755 freezing points in general 7tboNglgYFY-00811-00207756-00207982 it is generally sold in the form of 7tboNglgYFY-00812-00207983-00208198 various Solutions of sulfuric acid in 7tboNglgYFY-00813-00208200-00208648 water are solutions of SO3 in h2so4 7tboNglgYFY-00814-00208650-00209105 solution of SO3 in h2so4 is called olium 7tboNglgYFY-00815-00209106-00209501 20 percent volume means in 100 kg 7tboNglgYFY-00816-00209502-00209855 you have 20 kg of SO3 and then 80 kg of 7tboNglgYFY-00817-00209856-00210046 h2so4 7tboNglgYFY-00818-00210048-00210269 if you dilute it with water to make 7tboNglgYFY-00819-00210269-00210473 hundred percent monohydrate sulfuric 7tboNglgYFY-00820-00210473-00210731 acid then it would furnish 104 kgs of 7tboNglgYFY-00821-00210732-00210887 total weight 7tboNglgYFY-00822-00210888-00211121 conventionally its Solutions in water 7tboNglgYFY-00823-00211121-00211408 obtained by chamber process actually for 7tboNglgYFY-00824-00211409-00211684 the production of History so4 two main 7tboNglgYFY-00825-00211685-00211889 processes are the chamber process and 7tboNglgYFY-00826-00211890-00212189 then contact process chamber process is 7tboNglgYFY-00827-00212190-00212506 one of the oldest process right or 7tboNglgYFY-00828-00212507-00212663 conventional process 7tboNglgYFY-00829-00212664-00212963 in production of h2so4 by using this 7tboNglgYFY-00830-00212964-00213353 chamber process the percentage of acid 7tboNglgYFY-00831-00213354-00213641 has to be monitored continuously and 7tboNglgYFY-00832-00213642-00213869 then you cannot do the titration Etc you 7tboNglgYFY-00833-00213869-00214115 know to find out the strength of acid 7tboNglgYFY-00834-00214116-00214348 periodically in the plant so then for 7tboNglgYFY-00835-00214350-00214553 that reason you know specific gravity of 7tboNglgYFY-00836-00214554-00214769 the acid is periodically 7tboNglgYFY-00837-00214769-00215105 measured and then you know accordingly 7tboNglgYFY-00838-00215106-00215423 acid strength is defined this specific 7tboNglgYFY-00839-00215423-00215675 gravity or bow May decrease or often 7tboNglgYFY-00840-00215676-00215908 utilized or used as a kind of reference 7tboNglgYFY-00841-00215909-00216263 to measure the degree of or the strength 7tboNglgYFY-00842-00216264-00216527 of the acid okay how it is done you know 7tboNglgYFY-00843-00216528-00216773 initially you take different acids 7tboNglgYFY-00844-00216773-00217144 prepared and then you make a acid ah 7tboNglgYFY-00845-00217146-00217477 concentration versus 7tboNglgYFY-00846-00217478-00217798 and then you make a 7tboNglgYFY-00847-00217800-00217942 chart 7tboNglgYFY-00848-00217944-00218344 right so for a given 7tboNglgYFY-00849-00218346-00218608 Bombay degree what is the corresponding 7tboNglgYFY-00850-00218609-00218794 acid strength you can easily find out 7tboNglgYFY-00851-00218796-00219125 this is how it is measured in the plant 7tboNglgYFY-00852-00219126-00219394 without any interruption or stopping the 7tboNglgYFY-00853-00219396-00219539 production 7tboNglgYFY-00854-00219540-00219784 okay for sulfuric acid the usual 7tboNglgYFY-00855-00219785-00219977 temperature to be specific gravity or 7tboNglgYFY-00856-00219978-00220223 Bombay degrees are referred is 15 degree 7tboNglgYFY-00857-00220223-00220439 Centigrade some people measure it at 15 7tboNglgYFY-00858-00220440-00220606 degrees Centigrade some people also 7tboNglgYFY-00859-00220607-00220865 measure it at 18 degree Centigrades but 7tboNglgYFY-00860-00220866-00221129 however modern plants electrical 7tboNglgYFY-00861-00221130-00221375 conductance refractive index and Sonic 7tboNglgYFY-00862-00221376-00221710 transmittance are also being used to 7tboNglgYFY-00863-00221711-00221915 measure continuously the acid strength 7tboNglgYFY-00864-00221916-00222094 how much it is 7tboNglgYFY-00865-00222096-00222221 okay 7tboNglgYFY-00866-00222221-00222496 now grades of sulfuric acid if you see 7tboNglgYFY-00867-00222498-00222737 each grade of acid having certain 7tboNglgYFY-00868-00222738-00223031 percent of h2so4 and then what is 7tboNglgYFY-00869-00223032-00223210 corresponding specific gravity at 18 7tboNglgYFY-00870-00223211-00223396 degrees Centigrade that we are having 7tboNglgYFY-00871-00223398-00223744 now okay let us say if you have 50 7tboNglgYFY-00872-00223746-00224027 Bombay degrees sulfuric acid then that 7tboNglgYFY-00873-00224028-00224213 is also known as the fertilizer acid 7tboNglgYFY-00874-00224214-00224405 which is utilized for this fertilizers 7tboNglgYFY-00875-00224406-00224782 production it is having 62.2 percent of 7tboNglgYFY-00876-00224783-00225215 sulfuric acid specific gravity is 1.525 7tboNglgYFY-00877-00225216-00225491 60 Bombay degree sulfuric acid whatever 7tboNglgYFY-00878-00225492-00225742 state that is known as the oil of vitro 7tboNglgYFY-00879-00225744-00226096 oil which is having 93.2 percent of 7tboNglgYFY-00880-00226098-00226423 h2so4 and then specific gravity 1.833 7tboNglgYFY-00881-00226423-00226758 like that 95 percent acid that means 7tboNglgYFY-00882-00226759-00227123 h2so4 is 95 percent and then 98 percent 7tboNglgYFY-00883-00227123-00227465 acid means it is having 98 percent h2so4 7tboNglgYFY-00884-00227466-00227813 and then monohydrate acid h2so4 means 7tboNglgYFY-00885-00227814-00228119 hundred percent h2so4 and then as you 7tboNglgYFY-00886-00228119-00228389 can see as this degree is increasing or 7tboNglgYFY-00887-00228390-00228592 the concentration or the acid strength 7tboNglgYFY-00888-00228594-00228791 is increasing this specific gravity is 7tboNglgYFY-00889-00228792-00229001 increasing at a fixed temperature 7tboNglgYFY-00890-00229002-00229301 right if you have 20 percent volume 7tboNglgYFY-00891-00229302-00229541 fuming then that means it is having 7tboNglgYFY-00892-00229542-00229841 twenty percent free SO3 in that one and 7tboNglgYFY-00893-00229842-00230194 then it is making overall 104.5 kgs 7tboNglgYFY-00894-00230196-00230537 specific gravity is 1.924 like that 40 7tboNglgYFY-00895-00230538-00230879 percent and then 65 percent volume 7tboNglgYFY-00896-00230880-00231065 etcetera also the properties provided 7tboNglgYFY-00897-00231066-00231269 here 7tboNglgYFY-00898-00231269-00231479 now we see methods of production of 7tboNglgYFY-00899-00231480-00231748 sulfuric acid so classification of 7tboNglgYFY-00900-00231750-00231965 methods if you see there are two methods 7tboNglgYFY-00901-00231966-00232175 one is the contact process another one 7tboNglgYFY-00902-00232176-00232432 is the chamber process chamber process 7tboNglgYFY-00903-00232433-00232642 is the old process contact process is 7tboNglgYFY-00904-00232644-00232889 the newer process are almost all the 7tboNglgYFY-00905-00232890-00233063 modern plants are based on the contact 7tboNglgYFY-00906-00233064-00233363 process methodology right this contact 7tboNglgYFY-00907-00233364-00233734 process is based on SO2 sulfur dioxide 7tboNglgYFY-00908-00233735-00233921 that is feed material is not Elemental 7tboNglgYFY-00909-00233921-00234142 sulfur but sulfur dioxide directly you 7tboNglgYFY-00910-00234144-00234448 are using as a feed and then it produce 7tboNglgYFY-00911-00234450-00234784 or it yields acid of strength up to 98 7tboNglgYFY-00912-00234785-00235073 or even more history so4 such high 7tboNglgYFY-00913-00235073-00235337 yields are produced in this process 7tboNglgYFY-00914-00235338-00235594 chamber process it is also based on the 7tboNglgYFY-00915-00235596-00235960 sulfur dioxide however it yields acid of 7tboNglgYFY-00916-00235961-00236321 concentration less than 80 percent h2so4 7tboNglgYFY-00917-00236321-00236434 ok 7tboNglgYFY-00918-00236435-00236596 in the next lecture we will be 7tboNglgYFY-00919-00236598-00236956 discussing details of contact processes 7tboNglgYFY-00920-00236957-00237239 for the production of sulfuric acid 7tboNglgYFY-00921-00237240-00237437 references for today's lecture are 7tboNglgYFY-00922-00237438-00237682 provided here however most of the 7tboNglgYFY-00923-00237683-00237887 details can be found from these two 7tboNglgYFY-00924-00237888-00238108 reference books that is outlines of 7tboNglgYFY-00925-00238109-00238396 chemical technology by trident 7tboNglgYFY-00926-00238398-00238648 and chemical process industries by 7tboNglgYFY-00927-00238650-00238908 Austin and strip thank you 7tboNglgYFY-00928-00238909-00241749 [Music] 7tbw-fwhn5Q-00000-00000000-00001992 foreign 7tbw-fwhn5Q-00001-00001993-00002795 [Music] 7tbw-fwhn5Q-00002-00002796-00003749 foreign 7tbw-fwhn5Q-00003-00003750-00004156 now hold your heel to Nile 7tbw-fwhn5Q-00004-00004157-00006041 says 7tbw-fwhn5Q-00005-00006042-00006539 cost of living is expensive 7tbw-fwhn5Q-00006-00006540-00006856 foreign 7tbw-fwhn5Q-00007-00006858-00008690 foreign 7tbw-fwhn5Q-00008-00008691-00009994 [Music] 7tbw-fwhn5Q-00009-00009995-00011045 [Applause] 7tbw-fwhn5Q-00010-00011046-00011183 salsa 7tbw-fwhn5Q-00011-00011184-00012556 to go to shake news 7tbw-fwhn5Q-00012-00012557-00013135 oko 7tbw-fwhn5Q-00013-00013136-00013363 news 7tbw-fwhn5Q-00014-00013363-00013541 Washing up 7tbw-fwhn5Q-00015-00013541-00014015 is 7tbw-fwhn5Q-00016-00014016-00016301 foreign 7tbw-fwhn5Q-00017-00016302-00016619 [Music] 7tbw-fwhn5Q-00018-00016620-00018353 foreign 7tbw-fwhn5Q-00019-00018354-00021319 foreign 7tbw-fwhn5Q-00021-00024390-00025175 foreign 7tbw-fwhn5Q-00022-00025176-00027664 foreign 7tbw-fwhn5Q-00023-00027664-00028505 [Music] 7tbw-fwhn5Q-00024-00028506-00028699 salsa 7tbw-fwhn5Q-00025-00028700-00029477 Leo Leo says 7tbw-fwhn5Q-00026-00029477-00029693 I am giving you solution 7tbw-fwhn5Q-00027-00029694-00031446 is 7tbw-fwhn5Q-00029-00034494-00034667 Subway 7tbw-fwhn5Q-00030-00034668-00035237 so sorry 7tbw-fwhn5Q-00031-00035238-00035551 panda 7tbw-fwhn5Q-00032-00035552-00035746 cups 7tbw-fwhn5Q-00033-00035747-00038165 um 7tbw-fwhn5Q-00034-00038166-00038340 foreign 7tbw-fwhn5Q-00035-00038341-00041096 [Applause] 7tbw-fwhn5Q-00036-00041097-00041262 [Applause] 7tbw-fwhn5Q-00037-00041263-00044117 foreign foreign 7tbw-fwhn5Q-00038-00044118-00044435 Dakota 7tbw-fwhn5Q-00039-00044436-00046335 foreign 7tbw-fwhn5Q-00040-00046336-00046447 [Music] 7tbw-fwhn5Q-00041-00046448-00047533 [Applause] 7tbw-fwhn5Q-00042-00047534-00049635 foreign foreign 7tbw-fwhn5Q-00043-00049636-00050615 [Music] 7tbw-fwhn5Q-00044-00050616-00051136 foreign 7tbw-fwhn5Q-00047-00061272-00061572 foreign 7uZPpkuzCcI-00000-00000136-00000342 so the graph of this looks something 7uZPpkuzCcI-00001-00000343-00000415 like this 7uZPpkuzCcI-00002-00000416-00000751 at uh when time is zero uh this value 7uZPpkuzCcI-00003-00000752-00000839 over here cos 7uZPpkuzCcI-00004-00000840-00001183 square root k p k i t is going to be uh 7uZPpkuzCcI-00005-00001184-00001519 uh one so the value of one minus this is 7uZPpkuzCcI-00006-00001520-00001639 going to be zero 7uZPpkuzCcI-00007-00001639-00001967 so we have this point over here and 7uZPpkuzCcI-00008-00001968-00002247 when time is pi over two square root ki 7uZPpkuzCcI-00009-00002248-00002310 then the 7uZPpkuzCcI-00010-00002311-00002599 this evaluates to cos of pi by two which 7uZPpkuzCcI-00011-00002600-00002831 is zero so it's one minus zero which is 7uZPpkuzCcI-00012-00002832-00003015 one so that's over here 7uZPpkuzCcI-00013-00003016-00003343 and then when time is pi over square 7uZPpkuzCcI-00014-00003344-00003447 root ki 7uZPpkuzCcI-00015-00003447-00003638 then it becomes one minus minus one 7uZPpkuzCcI-00016-00003639-00003751 which is two 7uZPpkuzCcI-00017-00003752-00003990 so we get this oscillation that's what 7uZPpkuzCcI-00018-00003992-00004183 this amounts to 7uZPpkuzCcI-00019-00004184-00004583 and uh this means that though we want to 7uZPpkuzCcI-00020-00004584-00004622 be 7uZPpkuzCcI-00021-00004623-00004806 at this value over here what you're 7uZPpkuzCcI-00022-00004807-00004935 actually going to get 7uZPpkuzCcI-00023-00004936-00005206 is an oscillating sinusoidal signal 7uZPpkuzCcI-00024-00005207-00005263 which is 7uZPpkuzCcI-00025-00005264-00005463 why we say that with integral mode 7uZPpkuzCcI-00026-00005464-00005679 control we are going to have 7uZPpkuzCcI-00027-00005680-00006054 uh the ability to look at the 7uZPpkuzCcI-00028-00006055-00006279 accumulated error but we in fact end up 7uZPpkuzCcI-00029-00006280-00006478 with oscillatory control so we never use 7uZPpkuzCcI-00030-00006479-00006678 integral mode control on its own it 7uZPpkuzCcI-00031-00006679-00006855 always needs to be combined 7uZPpkuzCcI-00032-00006856-00007183 with proportional and derivative control 7uZPpkuzCcI-00033-00007184-00007255 um 7uZPpkuzCcI-00034-00007256-00007446 specifically what's going on is that 7uZPpkuzCcI-00035-00007447-00007742 when you at this point in time we have 7uZPpkuzCcI-00036-00007743-00007919 no accumulated error so we're going to 7uZPpkuzCcI-00037-00007920-00008070 go up 7uZPpkuzCcI-00038-00008072-00008351 send faster and the buffer fills up 7uZPpkuzCcI-00039-00008352-00008503 reaches the set point but there's too 7uZPpkuzCcI-00040-00008504-00008663 much has been sent 7uZPpkuzCcI-00041-00008664-00008991 at this point it starts uh 7uZPpkuzCcI-00042-00008992-00009327 overshooting and here the accumulated 7uZPpkuzCcI-00043-00009328-00009503 error has now reached 7uZPpkuzCcI-00044-00009504-00009839 uh enough so that it starts going the 7uZPpkuzCcI-00045-00009840-00009903 other way 7uZPpkuzCcI-00046-00009904-00010087 and then but now it's overshot again so 7uZPpkuzCcI-00047-00010088-00010255 we essentially get up oscillatory mode 7uZPpkuzCcI-00048-00010256-00010342 control 7uZPpkuzCcI-00049-00010343-00010551 and this we can see directly by looking 7uZPpkuzCcI-00050-00010552-00010646 at the form 7uZPpkuzCcI-00051-00010647-00010806 of the second order system this is not a 7uZPpkuzCcI-00052-00010807-00010951 first order system of the second order 7uZPpkuzCcI-00053-00010952-00011031 system 7uZPpkuzCcI-00054-00011032-00011223 and from the second order system it's 7uZPpkuzCcI-00055-00011224-00011383 quite clear that we will essentially end 7uZPpkuzCcI-00056-00011384-00011911 up with oscillatory control 7v9TQ1-A8-E-00000-00000174-00000290 foreign 7v9TQ1-A8-E-00002-00003454-00004513 [Music] 7v9TQ1-A8-E-00003-00004514-00004728 tell me 7v9TQ1-A8-E-00004-00004729-00005619 [Music] 7v9TQ1-A8-E-00005-00005620-00006422 [Music] 7v9TQ1-A8-E-00006-00006423-00007756 [Music] 7v9TQ1-A8-E-00007-00007758-00007937 it's away 7v9TQ1-A8-E-00008-00007938-00008392 I think as well 7v9TQ1-A8-E-00009-00008393-00009001 and the tides are moving in 7v9TQ1-A8-E-00010-00009002-00009407 trapped in a world that's broken 7v9TQ1-A8-E-00011-00009408-00009619 [Music] 7v9TQ1-A8-E-00012-00009620-00010875 don't wanna take it down with me 7v9TQ1-A8-E-00013-00010876-00012021 [Music] 7v9TQ1-A8-E-00014-00012022-00012707 [Music] 7v9TQ1-A8-E-00016-00017809-00018071 thank you 7v9TQ1-A8-E-00017-00018072-00018309 foreign 7v9TQ1-A8-E-00018-00018310-00019543 [Music] 7xut80dvIZU-00000-00000003-00000499 a treatise of human nature 17:38 240 is 7xut80dvIZU-00001-00000500-00000716 a book by Scottish philosopher David 7xut80dvIZU-00002-00000717-00001037 Hume considered by many to be Humes most 7xut80dvIZU-00003-00001038-00001232 important work and one of the most 7xut80dvIZU-00004-00001233-00001450 influential works in the history of 7xut80dvIZU-00005-00001451-00001780 philosophy the treatise is a classic 7xut80dvIZU-00006-00001782-00002043 statement of philosophical empiricism 7xut80dvIZU-00007-00002044-00002384 scepticism and naturalism in the 7xut80dvIZU-00008-00002385-00002650 introduction Hume presents the idea of 7xut80dvIZU-00009-00002651-00002897 placing all science and philosophy on a 7xut80dvIZU-00010-00002898-00003190 novel foundation namely an empirical 7xut80dvIZU-00011-00003191-00003454 investigation into human nature 7xut80dvIZU-00012-00003454-00003772 impressed by Isaac Newton's achievements 7xut80dvIZU-00013-00003773-00004034 in the physical sciences Hume sought to 7xut80dvIZU-00014-00004035-00004286 introduce the same experimental method 7xut80dvIZU-00015-00004287-00004508 of reasoning into the study of human 7xut80dvIZU-00016-00004509-00004742 psychology with the aim of discovering 7xut80dvIZU-00017-00004743-00005018 the extent and force of human 7xut80dvIZU-00018-00005019-00005363 understanding against the philosophical 7xut80dvIZU-00019-00005364-00005624 rationalists Hume argues that passion 7xut80dvIZU-00020-00005625-00005831 rather than reason governs human 7xut80dvIZU-00021-00005832-00006152 behavior he introduces the famous 7xut80dvIZU-00022-00006153-00006370 problem of induction arguing that 7xut80dvIZU-00023-00006371-00006571 inductive reasoning and our beliefs 7xut80dvIZU-00024-00006572-00006809 regarding cause-and-effect cannot be 7xut80dvIZU-00025-00006809-00007133 justified by reason instead our faith in 7xut80dvIZU-00026-00007134-00007396 induction and causation is the result of 7xut80dvIZU-00027-00007397-00007753 mental habit and custom Hume defends a 7xut80dvIZU-00028-00007754-00007955 sentimentalist account of morality 7xut80dvIZU-00029-00007956-00008183 arguing that ethics is based on 7xut80dvIZU-00030-00008184-00008414 sentiment and passion rather than reason 7xut80dvIZU-00031-00008415-00008749 and famously declaring that reason is 7xut80dvIZU-00032-00008750-00009028 and ought only to be the slave to the 7xut80dvIZU-00033-00009029-00009452 passions Hume also offers a sceptical 7xut80dvIZU-00034-00009453-00009683 theory of personal identity and a 7xut80dvIZU-00035-00009684-00009999 compatibilist account of freewill 7xut80dvIZU-00036-00010000-00010246 contemporary philosophers have written 7xut80dvIZU-00037-00010247-00010562 of Hume that no man has influenced the 7xut80dvIZU-00038-00010563-00010838 history of philosophy to a deeper or 7xut80dvIZU-00039-00010839-00011219 more disturbing degree and that Humes 7xut80dvIZU-00040-00011220-00011534 treatise is the founding document of 7xut80dvIZU-00041-00011535-00011962 cognitive science and the most important 7xut80dvIZU-00042-00011963-00012228 philosophical work written in English 7xut80dvIZU-00043-00012229-00012533 however the public in Britain at the 7xut80dvIZU-00044-00012534-00012799 time did not agree nor in the end did 7xut80dvIZU-00045-00012800-00013033 Hume himself agree reworking the 7xut80dvIZU-00046-00013034-00013294 material in an inquiry concerning human 7xut80dvIZU-00047-00013295-00013358 understanding 7xut80dvIZU-00048-00013359-00013682 standing 1748 and an inquiry concerning 7xut80dvIZU-00049-00013683-00013894 the principles of morals 7xut80dvIZU-00050-00013894-00014291 17:51 in the author's introduction to 7xut80dvIZU-00051-00014291-00014603 the former hume road most of the 7xut80dvIZU-00052-00014604-00014885 principles and reasonings contained in 7xut80dvIZU-00053-00014886-00015128 this volume were published in a work in 7xut80dvIZU-00054-00015129-00015394 three volumes called a treatise of human 7xut80dvIZU-00055-00015395-00015608 nature a work which the author had 7xut80dvIZU-00056-00015609-00015827 projected before he left college and 7xut80dvIZU-00057-00015828-00016043 which he wrote and published not long 7xut80dvIZU-00058-00016044-00016385 after but not finding it successful 7xut80dvIZU-00059-00016386-00016613 he was sensible of his error in going to 7xut80dvIZU-00060-00016614-00016847 the press too early and he cast the 7xut80dvIZU-00061-00016848-00017042 whole in you in the following pieces 7xut80dvIZU-00062-00017043-00017285 where some negligence is in his former 7xut80dvIZU-00063-00017286-00017516 reasoning and more in the expression are 7xut80dvIZU-00064-00017517-00017891 he hopes corrected yet several writers 7xut80dvIZU-00065-00017892-00018116 who have honored the author's philosophy 7xut80dvIZU-00066-00018117-00018389 with answers have taken care to direct 7xut80dvIZU-00067-00018390-00018560 all their batteries against that 7xut80dvIZU-00068-00018561-00018781 juvenile work which the author never 7xut80dvIZU-00069-00018782-00018989 acknowledged and have effected to 7xut80dvIZU-00070-00018990-00019253 triumph in any advantages which they 7xut80dvIZU-00071-00019254-00019499 imagined they had obtained over it a 7xut80dvIZU-00072-00019500-00019772 practice very contrary to all rules of 7xut80dvIZU-00073-00019773-00020000 candor and fair dealing and a strong 7xut80dvIZU-00074-00020001-00020237 instance of those polemical artifices 7xut80dvIZU-00075-00020238-00020480 which are bigoted zeal thinks itself 7xut80dvIZU-00076-00020481-00020828 authorised to employ henceforth the 7xut80dvIZU-00077-00020829-00021074 author desires that the following pieces 7xut80dvIZU-00078-00021075-00021344 may alone be regarded as containing his 7xut80dvIZU-00079-00021345-00021649 philosophical sentiments and principles 7xut80dvIZU-00080-00021650-00021955 regarding an inquiry concerning the 7xut80dvIZU-00081-00021956-00022247 principles of morals Hume said of all my 7xut80dvIZU-00082-00022248-00022550 writings historical philosophical or 7xut80dvIZU-00083-00022551-00023311 literary incomparably the best 7xut80dvIZU-00084-00023312-00023870 topic content 7xut80dvIZU-00085-00023871-00024213 you 7xut80dvIZU-00086-00024214-00024925 topic introduction Humes introduction 7xut80dvIZU-00087-00024926-00025198 presents the idea of placing all science 7xut80dvIZU-00088-00025199-00025447 and philosophy on a novel foundation 7xut80dvIZU-00089-00025448-00025741 namely an empirical investigation into 7xut80dvIZU-00090-00025742-00026038 human psychology he begins by 7xut80dvIZU-00091-00026039-00026320 acknowledging that common prejudice 7xut80dvIZU-00092-00026320-00026664 against metaphysical reasonings ie any 7xut80dvIZU-00093-00026664-00026968 complicated and difficult argumentation 7xut80dvIZU-00094-00026969-00027388 a prejudice formed in reaction to the 7xut80dvIZU-00095-00027389-00027631 present imperfect condition of the 7xut80dvIZU-00096-00027632-00027976 sciences including the endless scholarly 7xut80dvIZU-00097-00027977-00028231 disputes and the inordinate influence of 7xut80dvIZU-00098-00028232-00028618 eloquence over reason that since the 7xut80dvIZU-00099-00028619-00028956 truth must lie very deep and abstruse 7xut80dvIZU-00100-00028957-00029383 where the greatest geniuses have not 7xut80dvIZU-00101-00029383-00029458 found it 7xut80dvIZU-00102-00029458-00029724 careful reasoning is still needed all 7xut80dvIZU-00103-00029725-00030088 sciences HUMINT in use ultimately depend 7xut80dvIZU-00104-00030089-00030483 on the science of man knowledge of the 7xut80dvIZU-00105-00030485-00030912 extent and force of human understanding 7xut80dvIZU-00106-00030913-00031425 the nature of the ideas we employ and 7xut80dvIZU-00107-00031426-00031747 the operations we perform in our 7xut80dvIZU-00108-00031748-00032098 reasonings is needed to make real 7xut80dvIZU-00109-00032099-00032488 intellectual progress so Hume hopes to 7xut80dvIZU-00110-00032489-00032805 explain the principles of human nature 7xut80dvIZU-00111-00032806-00033214 thereby propo in a complete system of 7xut80dvIZU-00112-00033215-00033440 the sciences built on a foundation 7xut80dvIZU-00113-00033441-00033765 almost entirely new and the only one 7xut80dvIZU-00114-00033766-00033985 upon which they can stand with any 7xut80dvIZU-00115-00033986-00034399 security but in a priori psychology 7xut80dvIZU-00116-00034400-00034615 would be hopeless the science of man 7xut80dvIZU-00117-00034616-00034864 must be pursued by the experimental 7xut80dvIZU-00118-00034865-00035194 methods of the Natural Sciences this 7xut80dvIZU-00119-00035195-00035419 means we must rest content with well 7xut80dvIZU-00120-00035420-00035656 confirmed empirical generalizations 7xut80dvIZU-00121-00035657-00035914 forever ignorant of the ultimate 7xut80dvIZU-00122-00035915-00036225 original qualities of human nature and 7xut80dvIZU-00123-00036226-00036550 in the absence of controlled experiments 7xut80dvIZU-00124-00036551-00036820 we are left to clean up our experiments 7xut80dvIZU-00125-00036821-00037002 in this science from a cautious 7xut80dvIZU-00126-00037003-00037255 observation of human life and take them 7xut80dvIZU-00127-00037256-00037383 as they appear in the 7xut80dvIZU-00128-00037384-00037582 and course of the world by men's 7xut80dvIZU-00129-00037583-00037893 behavior in company in Affairs and in 7xut80dvIZU-00130-00037894-00038480 their pleasures 7xut80dvIZU-00131-00038481-00039162 topic book 1 of the understanding 7xut80dvIZU-00132-00039163-00039477 you 7xut80dvIZU-00133-00039478-00039927 topic part one of ideas their origin 7xut80dvIZU-00134-00039928-00040660 composition connection abstraction etc 7xut80dvIZU-00135-00040661-00040968 Hulme begins by arguing that each simple 7xut80dvIZU-00136-00040969-00041251 idea is derived from a simple impression 7xut80dvIZU-00137-00041252-00041490 so that all our ideas are ultimately 7xut80dvIZU-00138-00041491-00041790 derived from experience thus humic septs 7xut80dvIZU-00139-00041791-00042024 concept empiricism and rejects the 7xut80dvIZU-00140-00042025-00042252 purely intellectual and innate ideas 7xut80dvIZU-00141-00042253-00042592 found in rationalist philosophy Humes 7xut80dvIZU-00142-00042593-00042829 doctrine draws on two important 7xut80dvIZU-00143-00042830-00043071 distinctions between impressions the 7xut80dvIZU-00144-00043072-00043336 forceful perceptions found in experience 7xut80dvIZU-00145-00043337-00043674 all our sensations passions and emotions 7xut80dvIZU-00146-00043675-00044114 and ideas the faint perceptions found in 7xut80dvIZU-00147-00044115-00044418 thinking and reasoning and between 7xut80dvIZU-00148-00044419-00044646 complex perceptions which can be 7xut80dvIZU-00149-00044647-00044874 distinguished into simpler parts and 7xut80dvIZU-00150-00044875-00045164 simple perceptions which cannot are 7xut80dvIZU-00151-00045165-00045514 complex ideas he acknowledges may not 7xut80dvIZU-00152-00045515-00045748 directly correspond to anything in 7xut80dvIZU-00153-00045749-00046036 experience eg we can form the complex 7xut80dvIZU-00154-00046037-00046408 idea of a heavenly city but each simple 7xut80dvIZU-00155-00046409-00046711 idea eg of the color red directly 7xut80dvIZU-00156-00046712-00046939 corresponds to a simple impression 7xut80dvIZU-00157-00046940-00047182 resembling it and this regular 7xut80dvIZU-00158-00047183-00047427 correspondence suggests that the two are 7xut80dvIZU-00159-00047428-00047730 causally connected since the simple 7xut80dvIZU-00160-00047731-00048004 impressions come before the simple ideas 7xut80dvIZU-00161-00048005-00048186 and since those without functioning 7xut80dvIZU-00162-00048187-00048552 senses eg blindness end up lacking the 7xut80dvIZU-00163-00048553-00048826 corresponding ideas Hume concludes that 7xut80dvIZU-00164-00048827-00049129 simple ideas must be derived from simple 7xut80dvIZU-00165-00049130-00049501 impressions notoriously Hume considers 7xut80dvIZU-00166-00049502-00049758 and dismisses the missing shade of blue 7xut80dvIZU-00167-00049759-00050112 counterexample briefly examining 7xut80dvIZU-00168-00050113-00050352 impressions Hume then distinguishes 7xut80dvIZU-00169-00050353-00050605 between impressions of sensation found 7xut80dvIZU-00170-00050606-00050865 in sense experience and impressions of 7xut80dvIZU-00171-00050866-00051108 reflection found mainly in emotional 7xut80dvIZU-00172-00051109-00051381 experience only to set aside any further 7xut80dvIZU-00173-00051382-00051625 discussion for book two's treatment of 7xut80dvIZU-00174-00051626-00051981 the passions returning to ideas Hume 7xut80dvIZU-00175-00051982-00052263 finds two key differences between ideas 7xut80dvIZU-00176-00052264-00052471 of the memory and ideas of the 7xut80dvIZU-00177-00052472-00052741 imagination the former are more forceful 7xut80dvIZU-00178-00052741-00052956 than the latter and whereas the memory 7xut80dvIZU-00179-00052957-00053301 preserves the order and position of the 7xut80dvIZU-00180-00053302-00053568 original impressions the imagination is 7xut80dvIZU-00181-00053569-00053791 free to separate and rearrange all 7xut80dvIZU-00182-00053791-00054041 simple ideas into new complex 7xut80dvIZU-00183-00054041-00054379 ideas but despite this freedom the 7xut80dvIZU-00184-00054380-00054587 imagination still tends to follow 7xut80dvIZU-00185-00054588-00054869 general psychological principles as it 7xut80dvIZU-00186-00054870-00055103 moves from one idea to another this is 7xut80dvIZU-00187-00055104-00055574 the association of ideas here Hume finds 7xut80dvIZU-00188-00055575-00055952 three natural relations guiding the 7xut80dvIZU-00189-00055953-00056276 imagination resemblance continuity and 7xut80dvIZU-00190-00056277-00056576 causation but the imagination remains 7xut80dvIZU-00191-00056577-00056929 free to compare ideas along any of seven 7xut80dvIZU-00192-00056929-00057274 philosophical relations resemblance 7xut80dvIZU-00193-00057275-00057644 identity space-time quantity number 7xut80dvIZU-00194-00057645-00058051 quality degree contrariety and causation 7xut80dvIZU-00195-00058052-00058385 Hume finishes this discussion of complex 7xut80dvIZU-00196-00058386-00058630 ideas with a skeptical account of our 7xut80dvIZU-00197-00058632-00058910 ideas of substances and modes though 7xut80dvIZU-00198-00058911-00059116 both are nothing more than collections 7xut80dvIZU-00199-00059117-00059416 of simple ideas associated together by 7xut80dvIZU-00200-00059417-00059696 the imagination the idea of a substance 7xut80dvIZU-00201-00059697-00059933 also involves attributing either a 7xut80dvIZU-00202-00059934-00060251 fabricated unknown something in which 7xut80dvIZU-00203-00060252-00060557 the particular qualities are supposed to 7xut80dvIZU-00204-00060558-00060896 in here or else some relations of 7xut80dvIZU-00205-00060897-00061160 contiguity or causation binding the 7xut80dvIZU-00206-00061161-00061366 qualities together and fitting them to 7xut80dvIZU-00207-00061367-00061574 receive new qualities should any be 7xut80dvIZU-00208-00061575-00061966 discovered Hume finishes part one by 7xut80dvIZU-00209-00061967-00062171 arguing following Berkeley that 7xut80dvIZU-00210-00062172-00062459 so-called abstract ideas are in fact 7xut80dvIZU-00211-00062460-00062762 only particular ideas used in a general 7xut80dvIZU-00212-00062763-00063110 way first he makes a three point case 7xut80dvIZU-00213-00063111-00063398 against indeterminate ideas of quantity 7xut80dvIZU-00214-00063399-00063599 or quality insisting on the 7xut80dvIZU-00215-00063600-00063860 impossibility of differentiating or 7xut80dvIZU-00216-00063861-00064082 distinguishing a lines length from the 7xut80dvIZU-00217-00064083-00064337 line itself the ultimate derivation of 7xut80dvIZU-00218-00064338-00064559 all ideas from fully determinate 7xut80dvIZU-00219-00064560-00064796 impressions and the impossibility of 7xut80dvIZU-00220-00064797-00065045 indeterminate objects in reality and 7xut80dvIZU-00221-00065046-00065429 hence in idea as well second he gives a 7xut80dvIZU-00222-00065429-00065675 positive account of how abstract thought 7xut80dvIZU-00223-00065676-00065933 actually works once we are accustomed to 7xut80dvIZU-00224-00065934-00066143 use the same term for a number of 7xut80dvIZU-00225-00066144-00066398 resembling items hearing this general 7xut80dvIZU-00226-00066399-00066653 term will call up some particular idea 7xut80dvIZU-00227-00066654-00066941 and activate the Associated custom which 7xut80dvIZU-00228-00066942-00067223 disposes the imagination to call up any 7xut80dvIZU-00229-00067224-00067415 resembling particular idea 7xut80dvIZU-00230-00067416-00067801 as needed thus the general term triangle 7xut80dvIZU-00231-00067802-00068048 both calls up an idea of some particular 7xut80dvIZU-00232-00068049-00068305 triangle and activates the custom 7xut80dvIZU-00233-00068306-00068581 disposing the imagination to call up any 7xut80dvIZU-00234-00068582-00068890 other ideas of particular triangles 7xut80dvIZU-00235-00068891-00069173 finally Hume uses this account to 7xut80dvIZU-00236-00069174-00069529 explain so-called distinctions of reason 7xut80dvIZU-00237-00069530-00069848 eg distinguishing the motion of a body 7xut80dvIZU-00238-00069849-00070150 from the body itself though such 7xut80dvIZU-00239-00070151-00070387 distinctions are strictly impossible 7xut80dvIZU-00240-00070388-00070661 Hume argues we achieve the same effect 7xut80dvIZU-00241-00070662-00070861 by noting the various points of 7xut80dvIZU-00242-00070862-00071594 resemblance between different objects 7xut80dvIZU-00243-00071595-00072019 topic part two of the ideas of space and 7xut80dvIZU-00244-00072020-00072374 time 7xut80dvIZU-00245-00072375-00072835 humes system concerning space and time 7xut80dvIZU-00246-00072836-00073126 features two main doctrines the Finn 7xut80dvIZU-00247-00073127-00073334 itest doctrine that space and time are 7xut80dvIZU-00248-00073335-00073549 not infinitely divisible and the 7xut80dvIZU-00249-00073550-00073790 relation is doctrine that space and time 7xut80dvIZU-00250-00073791-00074067 cannot be conceived apart from objects 7xut80dvIZU-00251-00074068-00074471 Hume begins by arguing that since the 7xut80dvIZU-00252-00074472-00074811 capacity of the mind is limited our 7xut80dvIZU-00253-00074812-00075061 imagination and senses must eventually 7xut80dvIZU-00254-00075062-00075382 reach a minimum ideas and impressions so 7xut80dvIZU-00255-00075383-00075698 minute as to be indivisible and since 7xut80dvIZU-00256-00075699-00075878 nothing can be more minute our 7xut80dvIZU-00257-00075879-00076186 indivisible ideas are adequate 7xut80dvIZU-00258-00076187-00076454 representations of the most minute parts 7xut80dvIZU-00259-00076455-00076934 of spatial extension upon consideration 7xut80dvIZU-00260-00076935-00077356 of these clear ideas Hume presents a few 7xut80dvIZU-00261-00077357-00077615 arguments to demonstrate that space and 7xut80dvIZU-00262-00077616-00077842 time are not infinitely divisible but 7xut80dvIZU-00263-00077843-00078065 are instead composed of indivisible 7xut80dvIZU-00264-00078066-00078449 points on his account the idea of space 7xut80dvIZU-00265-00078450-00078711 is abstracted from our Sense experience 7xut80dvIZU-00266-00078712-00078943 arrangements of colored or tangible 7xut80dvIZU-00267-00078944-00079211 points and the idea of time from the 7xut80dvIZU-00268-00079212-00079381 changing succession of our own 7xut80dvIZU-00269-00079382-00079703 perceptions and this means that space 7xut80dvIZU-00270-00079704-00079924 and time cannot be conceived on their 7xut80dvIZU-00271-00079925-00079967 own 7xut80dvIZU-00272-00079968-00080240 apart from objects arranged in space or 7xut80dvIZU-00273-00080241-00080575 changing across time thus we have no 7xut80dvIZU-00274-00080576-00080881 idea of absolute space and time so that 7xut80dvIZU-00275-00080882-00081112 vacuums and time without change are 7xut80dvIZU-00276-00081113-00081475 ruled out Hume then defends his two 7xut80dvIZU-00277-00081476-00081722 doctrines against objections in 7xut80dvIZU-00278-00081723-00081959 defending his finite ism against 7xut80dvIZU-00279-00081960-00082207 mathematical objections he argues that 7xut80dvIZU-00280-00082208-00082480 the definitions of geometry actually 7xut80dvIZU-00281-00082481-00082799 support his account he then argues that 7xut80dvIZU-00282-00082800-00083155 since important geometric ideas equality 7xut80dvIZU-00283-00083156-00083443 straightness flatness do not have any 7xut80dvIZU-00284-00083444-00083690 precise and workable standard beyond 7xut80dvIZU-00285-00083691-00083897 common observation corrective 7xut80dvIZU-00286-00083898-00084278 measurements and the imaginary standards 7xut80dvIZU-00287-00084279-00084532 we are naturally prone to fabricate it 7xut80dvIZU-00288-00084533-00084730 follows that the extremely subtle 7xut80dvIZU-00289-00084731-00084992 geometric demonstrations of infinite 7xut80dvIZU-00290-00084993-00085228 divisibility cannot be trusted 7xut80dvIZU-00291-00085229-00085555 next Hume defends his relation is docked 7xut80dvIZU-00292-00085556-00085769 Rijn critically examining the 7xut80dvIZU-00293-00085770-00086176 idea of a vacuum no such idea can be 7xut80dvIZU-00294-00086177-00086447 derived from our experience of darkness 7xut80dvIZU-00295-00086448-00086675 or motion alone or accompanied by 7xut80dvIZU-00296-00086676-00086972 visible or tangible objects but it is 7xut80dvIZU-00297-00086973-00087230 indeed this experience that explains why 7xut80dvIZU-00298-00087231-00087481 we mistakenly think we have the idea 7xut80dvIZU-00299-00087482-00087788 according to Hume we confuse the idea of 7xut80dvIZU-00300-00087789-00088046 two distant objects separated by other 7xut80dvIZU-00301-00088047-00088298 visible or tangible objects with the 7xut80dvIZU-00302-00088299-00088529 very similar idea of two objects 7xut80dvIZU-00303-00088530-00088765 separated by an invisible and intangible 7xut80dvIZU-00304-00088766-00089194 distance with this diagnosis in hand he 7xut80dvIZU-00305-00089195-00089419 replies to three objections from the 7xut80dvIZU-00306-00089420-00089725 vacuous camp adding on a skeptical note 7xut80dvIZU-00307-00089726-00089996 that his intention never was to 7xut80dvIZU-00308-00089997-00090260 penetrate into the nature of bodies or 7xut80dvIZU-00309-00090261-00090536 explain the secret causes of their 7xut80dvIZU-00310-00090537-00090980 operations but only to explain the 7xut80dvIZU-00311-00090981-00091267 nature and causes of our perceptions or 7xut80dvIZU-00312-00091268-00091778 impressions and ideas in the final 7xut80dvIZU-00313-00091779-00092054 section Hume accounts for our ideas of 7xut80dvIZU-00314-00092055-00092335 existence and of external existence 7xut80dvIZU-00315-00092336-00092632 first he argues that there is no 7xut80dvIZU-00316-00092633-00092857 distinct impression from which to derive 7xut80dvIZU-00317-00092858-00093088 the idea of existence 7xut80dvIZU-00318-00093089-00093416 instead this idea is nothing more than 7xut80dvIZU-00319-00093417-00093692 the idea of any object so that thinking 7xut80dvIZU-00320-00093693-00093866 of something and thinking of it as 7xut80dvIZU-00321-00093867-00094231 existent are the very same thing next he 7xut80dvIZU-00322-00094232-00094415 argues that we cannot conceive of 7xut80dvIZU-00323-00094416-00094679 anything beyond our own perceptions thus 7xut80dvIZU-00324-00094680-00094898 our conception of the existence of 7xut80dvIZU-00325-00094899-00095748 external objects is a most relative idea 7xut80dvIZU-00326-00095749-00096074 topic part three of knowledge and 7xut80dvIZU-00327-00096075-00096789 probability 7xut80dvIZU-00328-00096790-00097526 topic sections 1 2 3 Hume recalls the 7 7xut80dvIZU-00329-00097527-00097797 philosophical relations and divides them 7xut80dvIZU-00330-00097798-00098057 into two classes for which can give us 7xut80dvIZU-00331-00098058-00098415 knowledge and certainty and 3 which 7xut80dvIZU-00332-00098416-00098715 cannot this division reappears in Humes 7xut80dvIZU-00333-00098716-00099026 first inquiry --is relations of ideas 7xut80dvIZU-00334-00099027-00099570 and matters of fact respectively as for 7xut80dvIZU-00335-00099571-00099819 the four relations he notes all can 7xut80dvIZU-00336-00099820-00100026 yield knowledge by way of intuition 7xut80dvIZU-00337-00100027-00100335 immediate recognition of a relation eg 7xut80dvIZU-00338-00100336-00100584 one idea is brighter in color than 7xut80dvIZU-00339-00100585-00100862 another but with one of the four 7xut80dvIZU-00340-00100863-00101247 proportions in quantity or number we 7xut80dvIZU-00341-00101248-00101448 commonly achieve knowledge by way of 7xut80dvIZU-00342-00101449-00101726 demonstration step by step inferential 7xut80dvIZU-00343-00101727-00102162 reasoning eg proofs in geometry Hume 7xut80dvIZU-00344-00102163-00102387 makes two remarks on demonstrative 7xut80dvIZU-00345-00102388-00102635 reasoning in mathematics that geometry 7xut80dvIZU-00346-00102636-00102911 is not as precise as algebra though 7xut80dvIZU-00347-00102913-00103125 still generally reliable and the 7xut80dvIZU-00348-00103126-00103452 mathematical ideas are not spiritual and 7xut80dvIZU-00349-00103453-00103793 refined perceptions but instead copied 7xut80dvIZU-00350-00103794-00104148 from impressions as for the other three 7xut80dvIZU-00351-00104149-00104424 relations two of them identity and 7xut80dvIZU-00352-00104425-00104649 space-time are simply a matter of 7xut80dvIZU-00353-00104650-00104949 immediate sensory perception eg one 7xut80dvIZU-00354-00104950-00105266 object next to another but with the last 7xut80dvIZU-00355-00105267-00105570 relation causation we can go beyond the 7xut80dvIZU-00356-00105571-00105813 senses by way of a form of inferential 7xut80dvIZU-00357-00105814-00106108 reasoning he calls probable reasoning 7xut80dvIZU-00358-00106109-00106419 here Hume embarks on his celebrated 7xut80dvIZU-00359-00106420-00106683 examination of causation beginning with 7xut80dvIZU-00360-00106683-00106890 the question from what impression do we 7xut80dvIZU-00361-00106891-00107238 derive our idea of causation all that 7xut80dvIZU-00362-00107239-00107478 can be observed in a single instance of 7xut80dvIZU-00363-00107479-00107700 cause-and-effect or two relations 7xut80dvIZU-00364-00107701-00108079 contiguity in space and priority in time 7xut80dvIZU-00365-00108080-00108381 but human cysts that our idea of 7xut80dvIZU-00366-00108382-00108675 causation also includes a mysterious 7xut80dvIZU-00367-00108676-00108939 necessary connection linking calls to 7xut80dvIZU-00368-00108940-00109326 effect s topped short by this problem 7xut80dvIZU-00369-00109327-00109559 Hume puts the idea of necessary 7xut80dvIZU-00370-00109560-00109803 connection on hold and examines two 7xut80dvIZU-00371-00109804-00110058 related questions why do we accept the 7xut80dvIZU-00372-00110058-00110135 maxim 7xut80dvIZU-00373-00110136-00110333 whatever begins to exist must have 7xut80dvIZU-00374-00110334-00110598 appalls and how does the psychological 7xut80dvIZU-00375-00110599-00110867 process of probable reasoning work 7xut80dvIZU-00376-00110868-00111117 addressing the first question Hume 7xut80dvIZU-00377-00111118-00111378 argues that the maxim is not founded on 7xut80dvIZU-00378-00111379-00111654 intuition or demonstration contending 7xut80dvIZU-00379-00111655-00111870 that we can at least conceive of objects 7xut80dvIZU-00380-00111871-00112107 beginning to exist without a cause and 7xut80dvIZU-00381-00112108-00112371 then robots for alleged demonstrations 7xut80dvIZU-00382-00112372-00112679 of the maxim he concludes that our 7xut80dvIZU-00383-00112680-00112956 acceptance of this maxim must be somehow 7xut80dvIZU-00384-00112957-00113271 drawn from observation and experience 7xut80dvIZU-00385-00113272-00114006 and thus turns to the second question 7xut80dvIZU-00386-00114007-00114568 topic sections four to eight 7xut80dvIZU-00387-00114569-00114860 Hulme develops a detailed three-stage 7xut80dvIZU-00388-00114861-00115099 psychological account of how probable 7xut80dvIZU-00389-00115100-00115258 reasoning works ie 7xut80dvIZU-00390-00115258-00115708 how the judgment operates first our 7xut80dvIZU-00391-00115708-00115965 senses or memory must present us with 7xut80dvIZU-00392-00115966-00116221 some object our confidence in this 7xut80dvIZU-00393-00116222-00116608 perception our assent is simply a matter 7xut80dvIZU-00394-00116608-00116958 of its force and vivacity second we must 7xut80dvIZU-00395-00116959-00117169 make an inference moving from our 7xut80dvIZU-00396-00117170-00117438 perception of this object to an idea of 7xut80dvIZU-00397-00117439-00117697 another object since the two objects are 7xut80dvIZU-00398-00117698-00117927 perfectly distinct from each other this 7xut80dvIZU-00399-00117928-00118203 inference must draw on past experience 7xut80dvIZU-00400-00118204-00118408 of the two objects being observed 7xut80dvIZU-00401-00118408-00118798 together again and again this constant 7xut80dvIZU-00402-00118799-00119100 conjunction is promptly filed alongside 7xut80dvIZU-00403-00119101-00119436 contiguity and priority in Humes still 7xut80dvIZU-00404-00119437-00119637 developing account of our idea of 7xut80dvIZU-00405-00119638-00119974 causation but what exactly is the 7xut80dvIZU-00406-00119975-00120208 process by which we draw on past 7xut80dvIZU-00407-00120208-00120445 experience and make an inference from 7xut80dvIZU-00408-00120446-00120734 the present object to the other object 7xut80dvIZU-00409-00120735-00121143 here the famous problem of induction 7xut80dvIZU-00410-00121144-00121434 arises Hume argues that this 7xut80dvIZU-00411-00121435-00121650 all-important inference cannot be 7xut80dvIZU-00412-00121651-00121858 accounted for by any process of 7xut80dvIZU-00413-00121858-00121914 reasoning 7xut80dvIZU-00414-00121915-00122139 neither demonstrative reasoning nor 7xut80dvIZU-00415-00122140-00122460 probable reasoning not demonstrative 7xut80dvIZU-00416-00122461-00122724 reasoning it cannot be demonstrated that 7xut80dvIZU-00417-00122725-00122978 the future will resemble the past for 7xut80dvIZU-00418-00122979-00123333 w/e can at least conceive a change in 7xut80dvIZU-00419-00123334-00123694 the course of nature in which the future 7xut80dvIZU-00420-00123695-00123946 significantly differs from the past and 7xut80dvIZU-00421-00123947-00124227 not probable reasoning that kind of 7xut80dvIZU-00422-00124228-00124440 reasoning itself draws on past 7xut80dvIZU-00423-00124441-00124710 experience which means it presupposes 7xut80dvIZU-00424-00124711-00124944 that the future will resemble the past 7xut80dvIZU-00425-00124945-00125308 in other words in explaining how we draw 7xut80dvIZU-00426-00125308-00125562 on past experience to make causal 7xut80dvIZU-00427-00125563-00125838 inferences we cannot appeal to a kind of 7xut80dvIZU-00428-00125839-00126073 reasoning that itself draws on past 7xut80dvIZU-00429-00126074-00126333 experience that would be a vicious 7xut80dvIZU-00430-00126334-00126649 circle that gets us nowhere the 7xut80dvIZU-00431-00126650-00126919 inference is not based on reasoning Hume 7xut80dvIZU-00432-00126920-00127158 concludes but on the association of 7xut80dvIZU-00433-00127159-00127471 ideas our innate psychological tendency 7xut80dvIZU-00434-00127472-00127691 to move along the three natural 7xut80dvIZU-00435-00127692-00127847 relations 7xut80dvIZU-00436-00127848-00128066 recall that one of the three is 7xut80dvIZU-00437-00128067-00128321 causation thus when two objects are 7xut80dvIZU-00438-00128322-00128564 constantly conjoined in our experience 7xut80dvIZU-00439-00128565-00128833 observing the one naturally leads us to 7xut80dvIZU-00440-00128834-00129167 form an idea of the other this brings us 7xut80dvIZU-00441-00129168-00129404 to the third and final stage of Humes 7xut80dvIZU-00442-00129405-00129653 account our belief in the other object 7xut80dvIZU-00443-00129654-00129896 as we conclude the process of probable 7xut80dvIZU-00444-00129897-00130178 reasoning eg seeing wolf tracks and 7xut80dvIZU-00445-00130179-00130355 concluding confidently that they were 7xut80dvIZU-00446-00130356-00130514 caused by wolves 7xut80dvIZU-00447-00130515-00130802 on his account of belief the only 7xut80dvIZU-00448-00130803-00131066 difference between a believed idea and a 7xut80dvIZU-00449-00131067-00131297 merely conceived idea lies in the 7xut80dvIZU-00450-00131298-00131501 beliefs additional force and vivacity 7xut80dvIZU-00451-00131502-00131818 and there is a general psychological 7xut80dvIZU-00452-00131819-00132113 tendency for any lively perception to 7xut80dvIZU-00453-00132114-00132335 transfer some of its force and vivacity 7xut80dvIZU-00454-00132336-00132587 to any other perception naturally 7xut80dvIZU-00455-00132588-00132920 related to it eg seeing the picture of 7xut80dvIZU-00456-00132921-00133268 an absent friend makes our idea of the 7xut80dvIZU-00457-00133269-00133499 friend more lively by the natural 7xut80dvIZU-00458-00133500-00133666 relation of resemblance 7xut80dvIZU-00459-00133667-00133985 thus in probable reasoning on Humes 7xut80dvIZU-00460-00133986-00134234 account our lively perception of the one 7xut80dvIZU-00461-00134235-00134498 object not only leads us to form a mere 7xut80dvIZU-00462-00134499-00134774 idea of the other object but enlivens 7xut80dvIZU-00463-00134775-00135046 that idea into a full-fledged belief 7xut80dvIZU-00464-00135047-00135413 this is only the simplest case Hume also 7xut80dvIZU-00465-00135414-00135662 intends his account to explain probable 7xut80dvIZU-00466-00135663-00135845 reasoning without conscious reflection 7xut80dvIZU-00467-00135846-00136139 as well as probable reasoning based on 7xut80dvIZU-00468-00136140-00136741 only one observation 7xut80dvIZU-00469-00136742-00137334 topic sections 9 to 13 7xut80dvIZU-00470-00137335-00137613 Hulme now pauses for a more general 7xut80dvIZU-00471-00137614-00137888 examination of the psychology of belief 7xut80dvIZU-00472-00137889-00138174 the other two natural relations 7xut80dvIZU-00473-00138175-00138444 resemblance and contiguity are too 7xut80dvIZU-00474-00138445-00138771 feeble and uncertain to bring about 7xut80dvIZU-00475-00138772-00139002 belief on their own that they can still 7xut80dvIZU-00476-00139003-00139212 have a significant influence their 7xut80dvIZU-00477-00139213-00139440 presence strengthens our pre-existing 7xut80dvIZU-00478-00139441-00139703 convictions they biases in favor of 7xut80dvIZU-00479-00139704-00139938 causes that resemble their effects and 7xut80dvIZU-00480-00139939-00140220 their absence explains why so many don't 7xut80dvIZU-00481-00140221-00140637 really believe in an afterlife similarly 7xut80dvIZU-00482-00140638-00140913 other kinds of custom based conditioning 7xut80dvIZU-00483-00140914-00141210 eg rote learning repeated line can 7xut80dvIZU-00484-00141211-00141527 induce strong beliefs next Hume 7xut80dvIZU-00485-00141528-00141789 considers the mutual influence of belief 7xut80dvIZU-00486-00141790-00142026 and the passions and of belief and the 7xut80dvIZU-00487-00142027-00142338 imagination only beliefs can have 7xut80dvIZU-00488-00142339-00142569 motivational influence it is the 7xut80dvIZU-00489-00142570-00142790 additional force and vivacity of a 7xut80dvIZU-00490-00142791-00143073 belief as opposed to a mere idea that 7xut80dvIZU-00491-00143074-00143378 makes it able to operate on the will and 7xut80dvIZU-00492-00143379-00143739 passions and in turn we tend to favor 7xut80dvIZU-00493-00143740-00143993 beliefs that flatter our passions 7xut80dvIZU-00494-00143994-00144294 likewise a story must be somewhat 7xut80dvIZU-00495-00144295-00144534 realistic or familiar to please the 7xut80dvIZU-00496-00144535-00144738 imagination and an overactive 7xut80dvIZU-00497-00144739-00145004 imagination can result in delusional 7xut80dvIZU-00498-00145005-00145379 belief Hume sees these diverse phenomena 7xut80dvIZU-00499-00145380-00145599 as confirming his force and vivacity 7xut80dvIZU-00500-00145600-00145964 account of belief indeed we keep 7xut80dvIZU-00501-00145965-00146262 ourselves from augmenting our belief 7xut80dvIZU-00502-00146263-00146520 upon every increase of the force and 7xut80dvIZU-00503-00146521-00146973 vivacity of our ideas only by soberly 7xut80dvIZU-00504-00146974-00147222 reflecting on past experience and 7xut80dvIZU-00505-00147223-00147777 forming general rules for ourselves Hume 7xut80dvIZU-00506-00147778-00148011 then examines probable reasoning under 7xut80dvIZU-00507-00148012-00148279 conditions of empirical uncertainty 7xut80dvIZU-00508-00148280-00148635 distinguishing proofs conclusive 7xut80dvIZU-00509-00148636-00148864 empirical evidence from mere 7xut80dvIZU-00510-00148865-00149184 probabilities less than conclusive 7xut80dvIZU-00511-00149185-00149436 empirical evidence beginning with a 7xut80dvIZU-00512-00149437-00149709 brief section on the probability of 7xut80dvIZU-00513-00149710-00150039 chances he gives the example of a 7xut80dvIZU-00514-00150040-00150341 six-sided die for sites marked one way 7xut80dvIZU-00515-00150342-00150554 and two sides marked another way 7xut80dvIZU-00516-00150555-00150718 background causes 7xut80dvIZU-00517-00150719-00150952 lead us to expect the die to land with a 7xut80dvIZU-00518-00150953-00151192 side facing up but the force of this 7xut80dvIZU-00519-00151193-00151459 expectation is divided in differently 7xut80dvIZU-00520-00151460-00151687 across the six sides and finally 7xut80dvIZU-00521-00151688-00151951 reunited according to the dies markings 7xut80dvIZU-00522-00151952-00152182 so that we end up expecting the one 7xut80dvIZU-00523-00152183-00152443 marking more than the other this is 7xut80dvIZU-00524-00152444-00152737 mainly prelude to the probability of 7xut80dvIZU-00525-00152738-00153067 causes where Hume distinguishes three 7xut80dvIZU-00526-00153068-00153535 species of probability one imperfect 7xut80dvIZU-00527-00153536-00153865 experience where young children haven't 7xut80dvIZU-00528-00153866-00154141 observed enough to form any expectations 7xut80dvIZU-00529-00154142-00154573 two contrary causes where the same event 7xut80dvIZU-00530-00154574-00154771 has been observed to have different 7xut80dvIZU-00531-00154772-00154924 causes and effects in different 7xut80dvIZU-00532-00154925-00155266 circumstances due to hidden factors and 7xut80dvIZU-00533-00155267-00155602 three analogy where we rely on a history 7xut80dvIZU-00534-00155603-00155839 of observations that only imperfectly 7xut80dvIZU-00535-00155840-00156214 resemble the present case he focuses on 7xut80dvIZU-00536-00156215-00156439 the second species of probability 7xut80dvIZU-00537-00156440-00156703 specifically reflective reasoning about 7xut80dvIZU-00538-00156704-00156979 a mixed body of observations offering a 7xut80dvIZU-00539-00156980-00157243 psychological explanation much like that 7xut80dvIZU-00540-00157244-00157507 of the probability of chances we begin 7xut80dvIZU-00541-00157508-00157759 with the custom based impulse to expect 7xut80dvIZU-00542-00157760-00157966 that the future will resemble the past 7xut80dvIZU-00543-00157967-00158227 divided it across the particular past 7xut80dvIZU-00544-00158228-00158491 observations and then reflecting on 7xut80dvIZU-00545-00158492-00158776 these observations reunite the impulses 7xut80dvIZU-00546-00158777-00159034 of any matching observations so that the 7xut80dvIZU-00547-00159035-00159286 final balance of belief favors the most 7xut80dvIZU-00548-00159287-00159564 frequently observed type of case 7xut80dvIZU-00549-00159565-00159904 Humes discussion of probability finishes 7xut80dvIZU-00550-00159905-00160120 with a section on common cognitive 7xut80dvIZU-00551-00160121-00160446 biases starting with recency effects 7xut80dvIZU-00552-00160447-00160744 first the more recent the event whose 7xut80dvIZU-00553-00160745-00160996 calls are effect we are looking for the 7xut80dvIZU-00554-00160997-00161274 stronger our belief in the conclusion 7xut80dvIZU-00555-00161275-00161581 second the more recent the observations 7xut80dvIZU-00556-00161582-00161854 we draw on the stronger our belief in 7xut80dvIZU-00557-00161855-00162190 the conclusion third the longer and more 7xut80dvIZU-00558-00162191-00162436 discontinuous a line of reasoning the 7xut80dvIZU-00559-00162437-00162675 weaker our belief in the conclusion 7xut80dvIZU-00560-00162676-00162991 fourth irrational prejudices can be 7xut80dvIZU-00561-00162992-00163177 formed by over generalizing from 7xut80dvIZU-00562-00163178-00163468 experience the imagination is unduly 7xut80dvIZU-00563-00163469-00163764 influenced by any superfluous 7xut80dvIZU-00564-00163765-00164083 circumstances that have frequently been 7xut80dvIZU-00565-00164084-00164098 a 7xut80dvIZU-00566-00164099-00164347 observed to accompany the circumstances 7xut80dvIZU-00567-00164348-00164671 that actually matter and paradoxically 7xut80dvIZU-00568-00164672-00164893 the only way to correct for the 7xut80dvIZU-00569-00164894-00165244 pernicious influence of general rules is 7xut80dvIZU-00570-00165245-00165529 to follow other general rules form by 7xut80dvIZU-00571-00165530-00165769 reflecting on the circumstances of the 7xut80dvIZU-00572-00165770-00166041 case and our cognitive limitations 7xut80dvIZU-00573-00166042-00166330 throughout the section Hume uses his 7xut80dvIZU-00574-00166331-00166618 force and vivacity account of belief to 7xut80dvIZU-00575-00166619-00166926 account for these unfill Asafa call 7xut80dvIZU-00576-00166927-00167536 influences on our reasoning 7xut80dvIZU-00577-00167537-00168289 topic sections 14 to 16 having completed 7xut80dvIZU-00578-00168290-00168538 his account of probable reasoning Hume 7xut80dvIZU-00579-00168539-00168790 returns to the mysterious idea of 7xut80dvIZU-00580-00168791-00169099 necessary connection he rejects some 7xut80dvIZU-00581-00169100-00169387 proposed sources of this idea not from 7xut80dvIZU-00582-00169388-00169750 the known qualities of matter nor from 7xut80dvIZU-00583-00169751-00170137 God nor from some unknown quality of 7xut80dvIZU-00584-00170138-00170407 matter nor from our power to move our 7xut80dvIZU-00585-00170408-00170782 body at will for all ideas derive from 7xut80dvIZU-00586-00170783-00171082 experience and in no single case do we 7xut80dvIZU-00587-00171083-00171289 observe anything like a necessary 7xut80dvIZU-00588-00171290-00171637 connection linking cause to effect but 7xut80dvIZU-00589-00171638-00171868 the idea does arise upon repeated 7xut80dvIZU-00590-00171869-00172105 observations and since mere repetition 7xut80dvIZU-00591-00172106-00172351 cannot produce anything new in the 7xut80dvIZU-00592-00172352-00172597 objects themselves the idea must 7xut80dvIZU-00593-00172598-00172837 therefore derive from something new in 7xut80dvIZU-00594-00172838-00173191 our mind thus he concludes that the idea 7xut80dvIZU-00595-00173192-00173434 of necessary connection is derived from 7xut80dvIZU-00596-00173435-00173707 inside from the feeling we experience 7xut80dvIZU-00597-00173708-00173950 when the mind conditioned by repeated 7xut80dvIZU-00598-00173951-00174231 observation makes a causal inference and 7xut80dvIZU-00599-00174232-00174499 though his conclusion is shocking to 7xut80dvIZU-00600-00174500-00174793 common sense Hume explains it away by 7xut80dvIZU-00601-00174794-00175051 noting that the mind has a great 7xut80dvIZU-00602-00175052-00175372 propensity to spread itself on external 7xut80dvIZU-00603-00175373-00175759 objects finally he offers two 7xut80dvIZU-00604-00175760-00176041 definitions of cause one in terms of the 7xut80dvIZU-00605-00176042-00176338 objects is their relations of priority 7xut80dvIZU-00606-00176339-00176632 contiguity and constant conjunction and 7xut80dvIZU-00607-00176633-00176893 another in terms of the mind is the 7xut80dvIZU-00608-00176894-00177121 causal inference it makes upon observing 7xut80dvIZU-00609-00177122-00177541 the objects Hume finishes part three 7xut80dvIZU-00610-00177542-00177835 with two brief sections first he 7xut80dvIZU-00611-00177836-00178057 presents eight rules for empirically 7xut80dvIZU-00612-00178058-00178384 identifying true causes after all if we 7xut80dvIZU-00613-00178385-00178735 leave aside experience a NY thing may 7xut80dvIZU-00614-00178736-00179110 produce anything second he compares 7xut80dvIZU-00615-00179111-00179341 human reason with animal reason a 7xut80dvIZU-00616-00179342-00179605 comparison which clinches the case for 7xut80dvIZU-00617-00179606-00179854 his association Astakhov probable 7xut80dvIZU-00618-00179855-00180121 reasoning after all animals are clearly 7xut80dvIZU-00619-00180122-00180334 capable of learning from experience 7xut80dvIZU-00620-00180335-00180511 through conditioning and yet they are 7xut80dvIZU-00621-00180512-00180729 clearly incapable of any sophisticated 7xut80dvIZU-00622-00180730-00180876 reasoning 7xut80dvIZU-00623-00180877-00181311 you 7xut80dvIZU-00624-00181312-00181698 topic part 4 of The Skeptical and other 7xut80dvIZU-00625-00181699-00182495 systems of philosophy 7xut80dvIZU-00626-00182496-00183038 topic sections 1 2 2 7xut80dvIZU-00627-00183039-00183380 Hulme begins part 4 by arguing that all 7xut80dvIZU-00628-00183381-00183724 knowledge degenerates into probability 7xut80dvIZU-00629-00183725-00184061 due to the possibility of error even the 7xut80dvIZU-00630-00184062-00184301 rock-solid certainty of mathematics 7xut80dvIZU-00631-00184302-00184520 becomes less than certain when we 7xut80dvIZU-00632-00184521-00184694 remember that we might have made a 7xut80dvIZU-00633-00184695-00185020 mistake somewhere but things get worse 7xut80dvIZU-00634-00185021-00185261 reflection on the fal ability of our 7xut80dvIZU-00635-00185262-00185501 mind and meta reflection on the fal 7xut80dvIZU-00636-00185502-00185759 ability of this first reflection and so 7xut80dvIZU-00637-00185760-00186014 on ad infinitum ultimately reduces 7xut80dvIZU-00638-00186015-00186365 probability into total skepticism or at 7xut80dvIZU-00639-00186366-00186557 least it would if our beliefs were 7xut80dvIZU-00640-00186558-00186881 governed by the understanding alone but 7xut80dvIZU-00641-00186882-00187190 according to Hume this extinction of 7xut80dvIZU-00642-00187191-00187511 belief does not actually happen having 7xut80dvIZU-00643-00187512-00187748 beliefs is part of human nature which 7xut80dvIZU-00644-00187749-00188030 only confirms Humes account of believers 7xut80dvIZU-00645-00188031-00188321 more properly an act of the sensitive 7xut80dvIZU-00646-00188322-00188558 than of the cogitate of part of our 7xut80dvIZU-00647-00188559-00188987 natures and as for why we do not sink 7xut80dvIZU-00648-00188988-00189254 into total skepticism Hume argues that 7xut80dvIZU-00649-00189255-00189572 the mind has a limited quantity of force 7xut80dvIZU-00650-00189573-00189896 and activity and that difficult and 7xut80dvIZU-00651-00189897-00190195 abstruse reasoning strain s the 7xut80dvIZU-00652-00190196-00190568 imagination hinder in the regular 7xut80dvIZU-00653-00190569-00190817 flowing of the passions and sentiments 7xut80dvIZU-00654-00190818-00191272 as a result extremely subtle sceptical 7xut80dvIZU-00655-00191273-00191564 argumentation is unable to overpower and 7xut80dvIZU-00656-00191565-00191924 destroy our beliefs next comes an 7xut80dvIZU-00657-00191925-00192143 extremely lengthy account of why we 7xut80dvIZU-00658-00192144-00192404 believe in an external physical world ie 7xut80dvIZU-00659-00192405-00192689 why we think objects have a continued 7xut80dvIZU-00660-00192690-00192962 existing when unobserved and distinct 7xut80dvIZU-00661-00192963-00193247 existing external to and independent of 7xut80dvIZU-00662-00193248-00193613 the mind existence Hume considers three 7xut80dvIZU-00663-00193614-00193919 potential sources of this belief the 7xut80dvIZU-00664-00193920-00194288 senses reason and the imagination it's 7xut80dvIZU-00665-00194289-00194492 not the senses clearly they are 7xut80dvIZU-00666-00194493-00194726 incapable of informing us of anything 7xut80dvIZU-00667-00194727-00195089 existing unobserved nor can they inform 7xut80dvIZU-00668-00195090-00195335 us of objects with distinct existence 7xut80dvIZU-00669-00195336-00195557 the senses present us with sense 7xut80dvIZU-00670-00195558-00195800 perceptions only which means they cannot 7xut80dvIZU-00671-00195801-00196049 present them as representations of some 7xut80dvIZU-00672-00196050-00196343 further objects nor presentiments elves 7xut80dvIZU-00673-00196344-00196428 objects 7xut80dvIZU-00674-00196429-00196656 distinct existence for the senses are 7xut80dvIZU-00675-00196657-00196961 unable to identify the mysterious self 7xut80dvIZU-00676-00196962-00197199 distinguishing it from and comparing it 7xut80dvIZU-00677-00197200-00197496 with sense perceptions and it's not 7xut80dvIZU-00678-00197497-00197745 reason even children and fools believe 7xut80dvIZU-00679-00197746-00198009 in an external world and nearly all of 7xut80dvIZU-00680-00198010-00198261 us naively take our perceptions to be 7xut80dvIZU-00681-00198262-00198492 objects with a continued and distinct 7xut80dvIZU-00682-00198493-00198855 existence which goes against reason so 7xut80dvIZU-00683-00198856-00199026 this belief must come from the 7xut80dvIZU-00684-00199027-00199356 imagination but only some of our 7xut80dvIZU-00685-00199357-00199551 impressions bring about the belief 7xut80dvIZU-00686-00199552-00199851 namely impressions with constancy in 7xut80dvIZU-00687-00199852-00200130 variableness in appearance over time and 7xut80dvIZU-00688-00200131-00200409 coherence regularity in changing 7xut80dvIZU-00689-00200410-00200508 appearances 7xut80dvIZU-00690-00200509-00200835 thus Hume proceeds to develop an account 7xut80dvIZU-00691-00200836-00201138 of how the imagination fed with coherent 7xut80dvIZU-00692-00201139-00201363 and constant impressions brings about 7xut80dvIZU-00693-00201364-00201615 belief in objects with continued and 7xut80dvIZU-00694-00201616-00201963 therefore distinct existence given 7xut80dvIZU-00695-00201964-00202218 coherent impressions we have only one 7xut80dvIZU-00696-00202219-00202460 way of accounting for our observations 7xut80dvIZU-00697-00202461-00202737 consistently with past experience we 7xut80dvIZU-00698-00202738-00202935 form the supposition that certain 7xut80dvIZU-00699-00202936-00203271 objects exist unperceived and since this 7xut80dvIZU-00700-00203272-00203508 supposes more regularity than is found 7xut80dvIZU-00701-00203509-00203784 in past observation causal reasoning 7xut80dvIZU-00702-00203785-00204090 alone cannot explain it thus human Vokes 7xut80dvIZU-00703-00204091-00204384 the imaginations tendency to continue in 7xut80dvIZU-00704-00204385-00204774 any train of thinking inertially like a 7xut80dvIZU-00705-00204775-00205203 galley put in motion by the oars but to 7xut80dvIZU-00706-00205204-00205744 explain so vast an edifice as 7xut80dvIZU-00707-00205746-00206000 continued existence of all external 7xut80dvIZU-00708-00206001-00206416 bodies Hume finds it necessary to bring 7xut80dvIZU-00709-00206417-00206707 constancy into his account as follows 7xut80dvIZU-00710-00206708-00207002 one identity is characterized as in 7xut80dvIZU-00711-00207003-00207208 variableness and uninterrupted 'no 7xut80dvIZU-00712-00207209-00207583 Sauveur time to since the mind tends to 7xut80dvIZU-00713-00207584-00207883 confuse closely resembling ideas it will 7xut80dvIZU-00714-00207884-00208132 naturally confuse a case of interrupted 7xut80dvIZU-00715-00208133-00208396 observation of an invariable object with 7xut80dvIZU-00716-00208398-00208778 a case of perfect identity 3 this 7xut80dvIZU-00717-00208779-00209048 combination of perfect identity and 7xut80dvIZU-00718-00209048-00209225 interrupted observation creates 7xut80dvIZU-00719-00209226-00209507 cognitive dissonance which is resolved 7xut80dvIZU-00720-00209508-00209896 by fabricating continued existence for 7xut80dvIZU-00721-00209898-00210152 this fiction is enlivened into a 7xut80dvIZU-00722-00210153-00210384 full-fledged belief by the memories 7xut80dvIZU-00723-00210385-00210731 lively impressions of the observed 7xut80dvIZU-00724-00210732-00211112 object but this naive belief in the 7xut80dvIZU-00725-00211113-00211355 continued and distinct existence of our 7xut80dvIZU-00726-00211356-00211655 perceptions is false as is easily shown 7xut80dvIZU-00727-00211656-00212006 by simple observations philosophers 7xut80dvIZU-00728-00212007-00212273 therefore distinguish mental perceptions 7xut80dvIZU-00729-00212273-00212615 from external objects but Hume argues 7xut80dvIZU-00730-00212616-00212927 this philosophical system of a double 7xut80dvIZU-00731-00212928-00213281 existence could never arise directly 7xut80dvIZU-00732-00213282-00213605 from reason or the imagination instead 7xut80dvIZU-00733-00213606-00213909 it is the monstrous offspring of two 7xut80dvIZU-00734-00213910-00214040 principles 7xut80dvIZU-00735-00214041-00214319 there's our naive belief in the 7xut80dvIZU-00736-00214319-00214558 continued and distinct existence of our 7xut80dvIZU-00737-00214559-00214763 perceptions along with our more 7xut80dvIZU-00738-00214764-00214994 reflective conclusion that perceptions 7xut80dvIZU-00739-00214994-00215354 must depend upon the mind it is only by 7xut80dvIZU-00740-00215355-00215612 passing through the naive natural belief 7xut80dvIZU-00741-00215613-00215883 that the imagination fabricates this 7xut80dvIZU-00742-00215884-00216254 arbitrarily invent edie philosophical 7xut80dvIZU-00743-00216255-00216581 system humans by voicing strong doubts 7xut80dvIZU-00744-00216582-00216926 about any system based on such trivial 7xut80dvIZU-00745-00216927-00217294 qualities of the fancy and recommending 7xut80dvIZU-00746-00217296-00217609 see our lessness and inner tension as 7xut80dvIZU-00747-00217610-00218339 the only remedy for skepticism 7xut80dvIZU-00748-00218340-00218917 topic sections 3 to 6 7xut80dvIZU-00749-00218917-00219219 next Hume presents a brief critique of 7xut80dvIZU-00750-00219221-00219534 an Tiant philosophy traditional 7xut80dvIZU-00751-00219535-00219892 Aristotelian ISM and modern philosophy 7xut80dvIZU-00752-00219892-00220221 post scientific revolution mechanical 7xut80dvIZU-00753-00220223-00220467 philosophy focusing on their rival 7xut80dvIZU-00754-00220469-00220846 conceptions of external objects as for 7xut80dvIZU-00755-00220846-00221116 the incomprehensible fictions of the 7xut80dvIZU-00756-00221117-00221440 ante and philosophy he thinks they can 7xut80dvIZU-00757-00221441-00221669 shed further light on human psychology 7xut80dvIZU-00758-00221671-00221994 we begin with contradictions in our 7xut80dvIZU-00759-00221994-00222426 ideas of bodies between seeing bodies as 7xut80dvIZU-00760-00222427-00222642 ever-changing bundles of distinct 7xut80dvIZU-00761-00222644-00222903 qualities and seeing bodies as simple 7xut80dvIZU-00762-00222904-00223073 unities that retain their identity 7xut80dvIZU-00763-00223075-00223433 across time we reconcile these 7xut80dvIZU-00764-00223434-00223762 contradictions by fabricating something 7xut80dvIZU-00765-00223763-00224055 unknown and invisible that underlies 7xut80dvIZU-00766-00224056-00224292 change and unifies the distinct 7xut80dvIZU-00767-00224294-00224580 qualities together ie the substance of 7xut80dvIZU-00768-00224581-00224942 traditional metaphysics similar fictions 7xut80dvIZU-00769-00224944-00225241 fabricated by the imagination to resolve 7xut80dvIZU-00770-00225242-00225485 similar difficulties include substantial 7xut80dvIZU-00771-00225486-00225865 forms accidents and occult qualities or 7xut80dvIZU-00772-00225866-00226146 meaningless jargon used only to hide our 7xut80dvIZU-00773-00226148-00226455 ignorance modern philosophy however 7xut80dvIZU-00774-00226456-00226782 claims to disown thee trivial propensity 7xut80dvIZU-00775-00226783-00227205 is of the imagination and follow only 7xut80dvIZU-00776-00227206-00227539 solid reason or for Hume the solid 7xut80dvIZU-00777-00227540-00227863 permanent and consistent principles of 7xut80dvIZU-00778-00227864-00228246 the imagination its fundamental 7xut80dvIZU-00779-00228248-00228567 principle is that secondary qualities 7xut80dvIZU-00780-00228567-00229035 colours sounds tastes smells heat and 7xut80dvIZU-00781-00229036-00229419 cold are nothing but impressions in the 7xut80dvIZU-00782-00229421-00229808 mind as opposed to the primary qualities 7xut80dvIZU-00783-00229809-00230301 motion extension and solidity that exist 7xut80dvIZU-00784-00230302-00230626 in reality but you Marg use that primary 7xut80dvIZU-00785-00230627-00230887 qualities cannot be conceived apart from 7xut80dvIZU-00786-00230888-00231196 the secondary qualities thus if we 7xut80dvIZU-00787-00231196-00231408 follow solid reason and exclude the 7xut80dvIZU-00788-00231409-00231654 latter we will be forced to contradict 7xut80dvIZU-00789-00231655-00231927 our own senses by excluding the former 7xut80dvIZU-00790-00231928-00232158 as well thereby denying the entire 7xut80dvIZU-00791-00232159-00232361 external world 7xut80dvIZU-00792-00232362-00232691 Hulme then examines the nature of the 7xut80dvIZU-00793-00232692-00232988 mind starting with the materialist 7xut80dvIZU-00794-00232989-00233248 duelist debate over the substance of the 7xut80dvIZU-00795-00233250-00233646 mind he rejects the whole questioners 7xut80dvIZU-00796-00233648-00233966 unintelligible for we have no impression 7xut80dvIZU-00797-00233967-00234227 and therefore no idea of any substance 7xut80dvIZU-00798-00234228-00234554 and defining substance as something 7xut80dvIZU-00799-00234555-00234796 which may exist by itself doesn't help 7xut80dvIZU-00800-00234798-00235061 each of our perceptions Hume argues 7xut80dvIZU-00801-00235062-00235354 would then count as a distinct substance 7xut80dvIZU-00802-00235355-00235661 turning to the question of the local 7xut80dvIZU-00803-00235662-00235952 conjunction of mind and matter 7xut80dvIZU-00804-00235953-00236201 he considers and endorses the anti 7xut80dvIZU-00805-00236202-00236450 materialist argument which asks how 7xut80dvIZU-00806-00236451-00236696 unexpended thoughts and feelings could 7xut80dvIZU-00807-00236696-00236957 possibly be conjoined at some location 7xut80dvIZU-00808-00236958-00237235 to an extended substance like a body 7xut80dvIZU-00809-00237236-00237533 Hume then provides a psychological 7xut80dvIZU-00810-00237534-00237740 account of how we get taken in by such 7xut80dvIZU-00811-00237741-00238058 illusions in his example a fig inand 7xut80dvIZU-00812-00238059-00238301 Oliver at opposite ends of a table and 7xut80dvIZU-00813-00238302-00238573 we mistakenly suppose the sweet Figgy 7xut80dvIZU-00814-00238575-00238802 tastes to be in one location and the 7xut80dvIZU-00815-00238803-00238991 bitter olive tastes to be in the other 7xut80dvIZU-00816-00238992-00239248 arguing that unex tended perceptions 7xut80dvIZU-00817-00239250-00239480 must somehow exist without having a 7xut80dvIZU-00818-00239481-00239855 location but the contrary problem arises 7xut80dvIZU-00819-00239856-00240073 for duelists how can extended 7xut80dvIZU-00820-00240075-00240383 perceptions of extended objects possibly 7xut80dvIZU-00821-00240384-00240648 be conjoined to a simple substance 7xut80dvIZU-00822-00240650-00240973 indeed humour agasshi adds this is 7xut80dvIZU-00823-00240975-00241144 basically the same problem that 7xut80dvIZU-00824-00241146-00241391 theologians commonly press against 7xut80dvIZU-00825-00241392-00241661 Spinoza's naturalistic metaphysics thus 7xut80dvIZU-00826-00241662-00241898 if the theologians managed to solve the 7xut80dvIZU-00827-00241898-00242098 problem of extended perceptions 7xut80dvIZU-00828-00242100-00242336 belonging to a simple substance than 7xut80dvIZU-00829-00242337-00242744 they give that famous atheist Spinoza a 7xut80dvIZU-00830-00242744-00242975 solution to the problem of extended 7xut80dvIZU-00831-00242976-00243294 objects as modes of a simple substance 7xut80dvIZU-00832-00243296-00243641 finally Hume examines causal relations 7xut80dvIZU-00833-00243642-00243935 arguing on behalf of materialists that 7xut80dvIZU-00834-00243936-00244184 our observations of regular mind-body 7xut80dvIZU-00835-00244185-00244385 correlations are enough to show the 7xut80dvIZU-00836-00244386-00244628 causal dependence of the mind on the 7xut80dvIZU-00837-00244629-00244898 body and that since we are never 7xut80dvIZU-00838-00244898-00245186 sensible of any connection but twixt 7xut80dvIZU-00839-00245187-00245391 causes and effects 7xut80dvIZU-00840-00245392-00245703 in general our inability to detect any a 7xut80dvIZU-00841-00245704-00245946 priori connection between mind and body 7xut80dvIZU-00842-00245946-00246332 does nothing to show causal independence 7xut80dvIZU-00843-00246333-00246627 finally Hume weighs in on the topic of 7xut80dvIZU-00844-00246628-00246971 personal identity notoriously he claims 7xut80dvIZU-00845-00246973-00247215 that introspective experience reveals 7xut80dvIZU-00846-00247216-00247413 nothing like a self ie 7xut80dvIZU-00847-00247414-00247673 a mental substance with identity and 7xut80dvIZU-00848-00247675-00247867 simplicity but only an ever-changing 7xut80dvIZU-00849-00247869-00248267 bundle of particular perceptions and so 7xut80dvIZU-00850-00248269-00248514 he gives a psychological account of why 7xut80dvIZU-00851-00248515-00248811 we believe in personal identity arguing 7xut80dvIZU-00852-00248812-00249153 that the identity which we ascribe to 7xut80dvIZU-00853-00249154-00249453 the mind of man is only a fictitious one 7xut80dvIZU-00854-00249454-00249723 and of a like-kind with that which we 7xut80dvIZU-00855-00249723-00250088 ascribe to vegetables and animal bodies 7xut80dvIZU-00856-00250089-00250410 Humes account starts with our tendency 7xut80dvIZU-00857-00250411-00250646 to confound resembling but contrary 7xut80dvIZU-00858-00250648-00250952 ideas there's the idea of a perfect 7xut80dvIZU-00859-00250953-00251364 identity and the idea of a succession of 7xut80dvIZU-00860-00251365-00251784 related objects an absurdity we justify 7xut80dvIZU-00861-00251785-00252060 by means of a fiction either of 7xut80dvIZU-00862-00252061-00252288 something invariable and uninterrupted 7xut80dvIZU-00863-00252289-00252561 or of something mysterious and 7xut80dvIZU-00864-00252562-00252984 inexplicable or at least 7xut80dvIZU-00865-00252985-00253442 a propensity to search fictions next he 7xut80dvIZU-00866-00253444-00253683 argues that the everyday objects we 7xut80dvIZU-00867-00253684-00254064 ascribe identity to eg trees humans 7xut80dvIZU-00868-00254065-00254403 churches rivers are indeed such as 7xut80dvIZU-00869-00254404-00254658 consist of a succession of related 7xut80dvIZU-00870-00254659-00254873 objects connected together by 7xut80dvIZU-00871-00254873-00255287 resemblance contiguity or causation 7xut80dvIZU-00872-00255288-00255567 thus we overlook relatively minor 7xut80dvIZU-00873-00255567-00255858 changes especially when slow and gradual 7xut80dvIZU-00874-00255859-00256148 and especially when connected by some 7xut80dvIZU-00875-00256150-00256575 common end or purpose or a sympathy of 7xut80dvIZU-00876-00256576-00256935 parts to the common end applying all 7xut80dvIZU-00877-00256936-00257211 this to personal identity he argues that 7xut80dvIZU-00878-00257212-00257478 since all our perceptions are distinct 7xut80dvIZU-00879-00257479-00257700 from each other and since we never 7xut80dvIZU-00880-00257701-00258012 observe II any real connection among 7xut80dvIZU-00881-00258013-00258315 objects our perceptions are merely 7xut80dvIZU-00882-00258316-00258561 associated together by the natural 7xut80dvIZU-00883-00258562-00258786 relations of resemblance in part 7xut80dvIZU-00884-00258787-00259008 produced by the memory and causation 7xut80dvIZU-00885-00259009-00259328 only discovered by the memory and 7xut80dvIZU-00886-00259329-00259611 consequently leaving aside the fictions 7xut80dvIZU-00887-00259612-00259911 we invent questions of personal identity 7xut80dvIZU-00888-00259912-00260157 are far too hazy to be answered with 7xut80dvIZU-00889-00260158-00260686 precision 7xut80dvIZU-00890-00260687-00261189 topic section seven 7xut80dvIZU-00891-00261190-00261485 Hulme finishes book 1 with a deeply 7xut80dvIZU-00892-00261486-00261765 skeptical interlude before continuing 7xut80dvIZU-00893-00261766-00262200 his accurate anatomy of human nature in 7xut80dvIZU-00894-00262201-00262538 books 2 and 3 he anxiously ruminates the 7xut80dvIZU-00895-00262539-00262904 danger of trusting his feeble faculties 7xut80dvIZU-00896-00262905-00263268 along with the solitude of leaving 7xut80dvIZU-00897-00263269-00263608 behind established opinion makers bold 7xut80dvIZU-00898-00263609-00263967 enterprises look foolhardy all his 7xut80dvIZU-00899-00263968-00264450 thinking is based on the seemingly 7xut80dvIZU-00900-00264451-00264795 trivial principles of the imagination 7xut80dvIZU-00901-00264796-00265221 Tiki memory senses an understanding are 7xut80dvIZU-00902-00265222-00265488 there for all of them founded on the 7xut80dvIZU-00903-00265489-00265898 imagination or the vivacity of our ideas 7xut80dvIZU-00904-00265899-00266175 which lever so tangled up in 7xut80dvIZU-00905-00266176-00266418 irresolvable contradictions and so 7xut80dvIZU-00906-00266419-00266622 dismaying li ignorant of causal 7xut80dvIZU-00907-00266623-00266943 connections and how much should we trust 7xut80dvIZU-00908-00266944-00267237 our imagination here our dilemma looms 7xut80dvIZU-00909-00267238-00267531 if we follow the imagination wherever it 7xut80dvIZU-00910-00267532-00267729 leads we end up with ridiculous 7xut80dvIZU-00911-00267730-00267992 absurdities if we follow only its 7xut80dvIZU-00912-00267993-00268331 general and more established properties 7xut80dvIZU-00913-00268332-00268770 we sink into total skepticism as human 7xut80dvIZU-00914-00268771-00269190 rights w/e have therefore no choice left 7xut80dvIZU-00915-00269191-00269466 but betwixt a false reason and none at 7xut80dvIZU-00916-00269467-00269847 all faced with this dilemma we tend to 7xut80dvIZU-00917-00269848-00270078 just forget about it and move on though 7xut80dvIZU-00918-00270079-00270300 Hume finds himself verging on an 7xut80dvIZU-00919-00270301-00270635 intellectual breakdown happily human 7xut80dvIZU-00920-00270636-00270951 nature steps in to save him I dine i 7xut80dvIZU-00921-00270952-00271272 play a game of backgammon i converse and 7xut80dvIZU-00922-00271273-00271575 m-marry with my friends and when after 7xut80dvIZU-00923-00271576-00271875 three or four hours amusement i would 7xut80dvIZU-00924-00271876-00272181 return to these speculations they appear 7xut80dvIZU-00925-00272182-00272532 so cold and strained and ridiculous that 7xut80dvIZU-00926-00272533-00272820 i cannot find in my heart to enter into 7xut80dvIZU-00927-00272821-00273204 them any farther and later when he gets 7xut80dvIZU-00928-00273205-00273597 cheered with amusement and company his 7xut80dvIZU-00929-00273598-00273843 intellectual curiosity and scholarly 7xut80dvIZU-00930-00273844-00274092 ambition resurface and lead him back 7xut80dvIZU-00931-00274093-00274446 into philosophy and since no human can 7xut80dvIZU-00932-00274447-00274659 resist reflecting on transcendent 7xut80dvIZU-00933-00274660-00274773 matters anyway 7xut80dvIZU-00934-00274774-00274980 we might as well follow philosophy 7xut80dvIZU-00935-00274981-00275319 instead of superstition for g-n erally 7xut80dvIZU-00936-00275320-00275571 speaking the errors in religion are 7xut80dvIZU-00937-00275572-00275823 dangerous those in philosophy only 7xut80dvIZU-00938-00275824-00276209 ridiculous in the end Hume remains 7xut80dvIZU-00939-00276210-00276507 hopeful that he can contribute a little 7xut80dvIZU-00940-00276508-00276840 to the advancement of knowledge by 7xut80dvIZU-00941-00276841-00277074 helping to reorient philosophy to the 7xut80dvIZU-00942-00277075-00277389 study of human nature a project made 7xut80dvIZU-00943-00277390-00277614 possible by subjecting even his 7xut80dvIZU-00944-00277615-00277840 skeptical doubts to a healthy scan 7xut80dvIZU-00945-00277841-00278396 to sysm 7xut80dvIZU-00946-00278397-00279058 topic book two of the passions 7xut80dvIZU-00947-00279059-00279375 you 7xut80dvIZU-00948-00279376-00280385 topic part one of pride and humility 7xut80dvIZU-00949-00280386-00280926 topic sections 1 to 6 7xut80dvIZU-00950-00280927-00281242 Hulme begins by recalling book ones 7xut80dvIZU-00951-00281243-00281467 distinction between impressions of 7xut80dvIZU-00952-00281468-00281863 sensation original impressions arising 7xut80dvIZU-00953-00281864-00282112 from physical causes outside the mind 7xut80dvIZU-00954-00282113-00282418 and impressions of reflection secondary 7xut80dvIZU-00955-00282419-00282691 impressions arising from other 7xut80dvIZU-00956-00282692-00282958 perceptions within the mind examining 7xut80dvIZU-00957-00282959-00283281 only the latter he divides these 7xut80dvIZU-00958-00283282-00283705 reflective impressions the passions and 7xut80dvIZU-00959-00283706-00284158 other emotions resembling them into the 7xut80dvIZU-00960-00284159-00284428 calm and the violent nearly 7xut80dvIZU-00961-00284429-00284719 imperceptible emotions of beauty and 7xut80dvIZU-00962-00284720-00285034 deformity and turbulent passions we 7xut80dvIZU-00963-00285035-00285283 experience more strongly and inter 7xut80dvIZU-00964-00285284-00285667 direct and indirect depending on how 7xut80dvIZU-00965-00285668-00285949 complicated the causal story behind them 7xut80dvIZU-00966-00285950-00286252 is pride and humility are indirect 7xut80dvIZU-00967-00286253-00286522 passions and Humes account of the two is 7xut80dvIZU-00968-00286523-00286714 his leading presentation of the 7xut80dvIZU-00969-00286715-00286984 psychological mechanisms responsible for 7xut80dvIZU-00970-00286985-00287365 the indirect passions since we cannot 7xut80dvIZU-00971-00287366-00287593 put the feeling of a passion into words 7xut80dvIZU-00972-00287594-00287881 Hume identifies passions via their 7xut80dvIZU-00973-00287882-00288220 characteristic causes and effects the 7xut80dvIZU-00974-00288221-00288445 cause of a passion is what calls up the 7xut80dvIZU-00975-00288446-00288766 passion eg pride can be caused by one's 7xut80dvIZU-00976-00288767-00289069 beautiful house a cause can be 7xut80dvIZU-00977-00289070-00289372 subdivided into the subject itself eg 7xut80dvIZU-00978-00289373-00289594 one's house and the quality of the 7xut80dvIZU-00979-00289595-00290014 subject that operates on the passions eg 7xut80dvIZU-00980-00290015-00290338 the beauty of one's house the object of 7xut80dvIZU-00981-00290339-00290524 a passion is what the passion is 7xut80dvIZU-00982-00290525-00290740 ultimately directed at pride and 7xut80dvIZU-00983-00290741-00291003 humility are both directed at oneself 7xut80dvIZU-00984-00291004-00291328 both object and calls have a foundation 7xut80dvIZU-00985-00291329-00291604 in human nature according to Hume the 7xut80dvIZU-00986-00291605-00291865 object of these passions is fixed by the 7xut80dvIZU-00987-00291866-00292129 basic constitution of human psychology 7xut80dvIZU-00988-00292130-00292519 Hume uses the term original whereas 7xut80dvIZU-00989-00292520-00292756 their causes are determined by a more 7xut80dvIZU-00990-00292757-00293038 general set of adaptable psychological 7xut80dvIZU-00991-00293039-00293503 mechanisms natural but not original 7xut80dvIZU-00992-00293504-00293790 humes account relies on three mechanisms 7xut80dvIZU-00993-00293791-00294301 first the association of ideas the mind 7xut80dvIZU-00994-00294302-00294529 tends to move from one idea to another 7xut80dvIZU-00995-00294530-00294873 idea that is naturally related to it 7xut80dvIZU-00996-00294874-00295258 second the association of impressions 7xut80dvIZU-00997-00295259-00295558 the mind tends to move from one passion 7xut80dvIZU-00998-00295559-00295816 to another passion that resembles it in 7xut80dvIZU-00999-00295817-00296236 feeling eg from joy to love third their 7xut80dvIZU-01000-00296237-00296620 mutual assistance if we feel a passion 7xut80dvIZU-01001-00296621-00296854 towards something we will tend to feel a 7xut80dvIZU-01002-00296855-00297067 resembling passion towards something 7xut80dvIZU-01003-00297068-00297283 else naturally related to it 7xut80dvIZU-01004-00297284-00297529 eg from anger at one person to 7xut80dvIZU-01005-00297530-00297874 impatience at a related person applying 7xut80dvIZU-01006-00297875-00298141 all this to pride Hume argues that the 7xut80dvIZU-01007-00298142-00298402 pleasant sensation of pride directed at 7xut80dvIZU-01008-00298403-00298651 ourselves naturally tends to be called 7xut80dvIZU-01009-00298652-00298897 up when something naturally related to 7xut80dvIZU-01010-00298898-00299173 ourselves produces a pleasant sensation 7xut80dvIZU-01011-00299174-00299533 of its own likewise with humility when 7xut80dvIZU-01012-00299534-00299772 something naturally related to ourselves 7xut80dvIZU-01013-00299773-00300061 produces an unpleasant sensation of its 7xut80dvIZU-01014-00300062-00300283 own it tends to make us ashamed of 7xut80dvIZU-01015-00300284-00300646 ourselves these indirect passions are 7xut80dvIZU-01016-00300647-00300931 thus the product of the double relation 7xut80dvIZU-01017-00300932-00301396 of impressions and ideas Hume completes 7xut80dvIZU-01018-00301397-00301819 his account with five limitations first 7xut80dvIZU-01019-00301820-00302083 in order for pride or humility to be 7xut80dvIZU-01020-00302084-00302380 produced the relation of ideas must be a 7xut80dvIZU-01021-00302381-00302746 relatively close one second because our 7xut80dvIZU-01022-00302747-00303024 judgments are strongly influenced by 7xut80dvIZU-01023-00303025-00303373 comparison this relation must apply only 7xut80dvIZU-01024-00303374-00303721 to ourselves or a few others third the 7xut80dvIZU-01025-00303722-00303967 cause of pride or humility must be 7xut80dvIZU-01026-00303968-00304183 something evident to ourselves and 7xut80dvIZU-01027-00304184-00304516 others fourth this calls must be a 7xut80dvIZU-01028-00304517-00304834 long-lasting one fifth general rules 7xut80dvIZU-01029-00304835-00305095 have a strong influence on our passions 7xut80dvIZU-01030-00305096-00305323 leading us to overlook occasional 7xut80dvIZU-01031-00305324-00305860 anomalies 7xut80dvIZU-01032-00305861-00306428 topic section seven to ten 7xut80dvIZU-01033-00306429-00306728 in the next three sections Hume puts his 7xut80dvIZU-01034-00306729-00306965 account to the test by examining three 7xut80dvIZU-01035-00306966-00307211 causes of Pride and humility the 7xut80dvIZU-01036-00307212-00307460 qualities of one's mind of one's body 7xut80dvIZU-01037-00307461-00307844 and of external objects first the 7xut80dvIZU-01038-00307845-00308105 qualities of the mind are virtues and 7xut80dvIZU-01039-00308106-00308423 vices here Humes main point is that 7xut80dvIZU-01040-00308424-00308663 whatever the true nature of moral 7xut80dvIZU-01041-00308664-00308909 evaluation whether it is a matter of an 7xut80dvIZU-01042-00308910-00309188 eight moral psychology Humes own view or 7xut80dvIZU-01043-00309189-00309443 instead self-interest and cultural 7xut80dvIZU-01044-00309444-00309620 training the view of Hobbes and 7xut80dvIZU-01045-00309621-00309956 Mandeville his account will hold up four 7xut80dvIZU-01046-00309957-00310232 on either theory virtues produce a 7xut80dvIZU-01047-00310233-00310439 pleasant sensation of their own and 7xut80dvIZU-01048-00310440-00310723 vices a painful sensation of their own 7xut80dvIZU-01049-00310724-00310982 next come the qualities of the body 7xut80dvIZU-01050-00310983-00311366 physical beauty and deformity here Humes 7xut80dvIZU-01051-00311367-00311582 main point is that the beauty or 7xut80dvIZU-01052-00311583-00311822 deformity of something structure is 7xut80dvIZU-01053-00311823-00312041 nothing more than its power to produce 7xut80dvIZU-01054-00312042-00312398 pleasure or pain in us to the objection 7xut80dvIZU-01055-00312399-00312617 that though health and sickness produce 7xut80dvIZU-01056-00312618-00312827 pleasure and pain in us they are not 7xut80dvIZU-01057-00312828-00313085 typically sources of pride or humility 7xut80dvIZU-01058-00313086-00313343 he recalls that these passions require a 7xut80dvIZU-01059-00313344-00313622 long lasting calls related only to 7xut80dvIZU-01060-00313623-00313922 ourselves or a few others thus a long 7xut80dvIZU-01061-00313923-00314177 record of exceptionally poor health can 7xut80dvIZU-01062-00314178-00314504 in fact be a source of shame finally 7xut80dvIZU-01063-00314505-00314795 Hume examines the qualities of external 7xut80dvIZU-01064-00314796-00315143 objects related to us though the natural 7xut80dvIZU-01065-00315144-00315371 relation of resemblance has little 7xut80dvIZU-01066-00315372-00315686 influence he explains external objects 7xut80dvIZU-01067-00315687-00315947 do not cause pride or humility without 7xut80dvIZU-01068-00315948-00316211 some relation of contiguity or causation 7xut80dvIZU-01069-00316212-00316538 a fact he takes to confirm his overall 7xut80dvIZU-01070-00316539-00316895 account after a few minor illustrations 7xut80dvIZU-01071-00316896-00317135 Hume explains why pride in one's 7xut80dvIZU-01072-00317136-00317420 ancestors is magnified when the family 7xut80dvIZU-01073-00317421-00317666 enjoys uninterrupted possession of land 7xut80dvIZU-01074-00317667-00317921 and when it is passed down from male to 7xut80dvIZU-01075-00317922-00318170 male both of the conditions he claims 7xut80dvIZU-01076-00318171-00318389 served to strengthen the relation of 7xut80dvIZU-01077-00318390-00318844 ideas Hume devotes an entire section to 7xut80dvIZU-01078-00318845-00319241 property and riches his account easily 7xut80dvIZU-01079-00319242-00319499 accommodates property he defines it as 7xut80dvIZU-01080-00319500-00319727 private use consistent with the laws of 7xut80dvIZU-01081-00319728-00319832 just 7xut80dvIZU-01082-00319833-00320057 contends that whether justice be a 7xut80dvIZU-01083-00320058-00320342 natural or artificial virtue our minds 7xut80dvIZU-01084-00320343-00320570 naturally associate owners with their 7xut80dvIZU-01085-00320571-00320813 belongings and observes that all things 7xut80dvIZU-01086-00320814-00321272 useful beautiful or surprising call-up 7xut80dvIZU-01087-00321273-00321527 pride in their owner but it is more 7xut80dvIZU-01088-00321528-00321827 difficult to accommodate riches ie the 7xut80dvIZU-01089-00321828-00322061 mere power of acquiring the comforts of 7xut80dvIZU-01090-00322062-00322358 life for Humes earlier account of 7xut80dvIZU-01091-00322359-00322583 causation eliminated the distinction 7xut80dvIZU-01092-00322584-00322847 between power and the exercise of power 7xut80dvIZU-01093-00322848-00323093 as well as the very idea of a nun 7xut80dvIZU-01094-00323094-00323399 exercised power and how can I take pride 7xut80dvIZU-01095-00323400-00323657 in mere coins and paper without such an 7xut80dvIZU-01096-00323658-00324035 idea Hume finds two ways for something 7xut80dvIZU-01097-00324036-00324299 like an exercised power to influence our 7xut80dvIZU-01098-00324300-00324572 passions first predictions of human 7xut80dvIZU-01099-00324573-00324889 behavior are absent strong motives 7xut80dvIZU-01100-00324890-00325190 plagued with uncertainty and we can 7xut80dvIZU-01101-00325191-00325400 receive anticipate read pleasure or 7xut80dvIZU-01102-00325401-00325642 unease from probable or merely possible 7xut80dvIZU-01103-00325643-00325952 exercise of power tentatively reasoning 7xut80dvIZU-01104-00325953-00326198 from our own past conduct to guess what 7xut80dvIZU-01105-00326199-00326570 we might do second false sensation of 7xut80dvIZU-01106-00326571-00326921 Liberty presents all feasible courses of 7xut80dvIZU-01107-00326922-00327191 action is fully possible to us giving us 7xut80dvIZU-01108-00327192-00327464 an anticipatory pleasure unrelated to 7xut80dvIZU-01109-00327465-00327788 any reasoning from experience Hume 7xut80dvIZU-01110-00327789-00328046 finishes by noting the pride we take in 7xut80dvIZU-01111-00328047-00328316 power over others a pride enhanced by 7xut80dvIZU-01112-00328317-00328553 comparing our condition to there's thus 7xut80dvIZU-01113-00328554-00328790 humans are prouder to own other humans 7xut80dvIZU-01114-00328791-00329484 than to own sophisticated machinery 7xut80dvIZU-01115-00329485-00330026 topic sections 11 to 12 7xut80dvIZU-01116-00330027-00330363 Humes next section adds a new kind of 7xut80dvIZU-01117-00330364-00330567 cause of Pride and humility 7xut80dvIZU-01118-00330568-00330965 there's reputation a secondary cause 7xut80dvIZU-01119-00330966-00331239 grounded in the enormous ly important 7xut80dvIZU-01120-00331240-00331581 mechanism of sympathy for Hume sympathy 7xut80dvIZU-01121-00331582-00331959 with others or communication is that 7xut80dvIZU-01122-00331960-00332232 mechanism by which we naturally tend to 7xut80dvIZU-01123-00332233-00332454 receive and share in the passions and 7xut80dvIZU-01124-00332455-00332808 opinions of those we feel close to we 7xut80dvIZU-01125-00332809-00333261 start by observing external signs eg 7xut80dvIZU-01126-00333262-00333579 smiling or speaking and forming an idea 7xut80dvIZU-01127-00333580-00333876 of another's sentiments since our 7xut80dvIZU-01128-00333877-00334092 extremely vivid conception of ourselves 7xut80dvIZU-01129-00334093-00334416 will tend to enliven any related idea 7xut80dvIZU-01130-00334417-00334653 the closer the relation we see between 7xut80dvIZU-01131-00334654-00334920 ourselves and the other person the more 7xut80dvIZU-01132-00334921-00335186 vivid our idea of their sentiments and 7xut80dvIZU-01133-00335187-00335529 if this relation is close enough we will 7xut80dvIZU-01134-00335530-00335763 end up actually feeling their passion or 7xut80dvIZU-01135-00335764-00335955 believing their opinion ie 7xut80dvIZU-01136-00335956-00336225 our idea of their passion or opinion 7xut80dvIZU-01137-00336226-00336462 will grow so lively as to become the 7xut80dvIZU-01138-00336463-00336792 very passion or opinion itself this 7xut80dvIZU-01139-00336793-00337053 mirrors Humes earlier account of causal 7xut80dvIZU-01140-00337054-00337311 reasoning both processes move along the 7xut80dvIZU-01141-00337312-00337548 three natural relations channeling the 7xut80dvIZU-01142-00337549-00337812 force and vivacity of vivid perceptions 7xut80dvIZU-01143-00337813-00338091 into faint ideas enlivening them into 7xut80dvIZU-01144-00338092-00338445 much stronger perceptions pride or shame 7xut80dvIZU-01145-00338446-00338811 in one's reputation Hume continues stems 7xut80dvIZU-01146-00338812-00339036 primarily from the sympathetically 7xut80dvIZU-01147-00339037-00339363 communicated opinions of others but 7xut80dvIZU-01148-00339364-00339618 additional factors play a role others 7xut80dvIZU-01149-00339619-00339786 might be seen as a good judge of 7xut80dvIZU-01150-00339787-00340116 character Authority and the very 7xut80dvIZU-01151-00340117-00340365 question of one's self worth is both 7xut80dvIZU-01152-00340366-00340607 emotionally heightened an apt to evoke a 7xut80dvIZU-01153-00340608-00340866 self-conscious deference to the opinions 7xut80dvIZU-01154-00340867-00341217 of others the resulting account explains 7xut80dvIZU-01155-00341218-00341478 various observations why pride is 7xut80dvIZU-01156-00341479-00341754 affected more by the opinions of certain 7xut80dvIZU-01157-00341755-00341988 people those whose character we like 7xut80dvIZU-01158-00341989-00342279 whose judgment we respect or who we have 7xut80dvIZU-01159-00342280-00342501 known for a long time and less by 7xut80dvIZU-01160-00342502-00342762 opinions we know to be false and thus 7xut80dvIZU-01161-00342763-00342924 cannot share 7xut80dvIZU-01162-00342925-00343206 Hulme finishes by illustrating and 7xut80dvIZU-01163-00343207-00343401 confirming his account with a concrete 7xut80dvIZU-01164-00343402-00343707 example there's a man from a high class 7xut80dvIZU-01165-00343708-00343989 family fallen on hard times leaving home 7xut80dvIZU-01166-00343990-00344205 to do manual labor elsewhere and 7xut80dvIZU-01167-00344206-00344607 considering some minor objections in the 7xut80dvIZU-01168-00344608-00344880 final section Hume seeks to confirm his 7xut80dvIZU-01169-00344881-00345165 overall account of pride and humility by 7xut80dvIZU-01170-00345166-00345474 applying it to animals following the 7xut80dvIZU-01171-00345475-00345681 model of anatomist s' who test 7xut80dvIZU-01172-00345682-00345927 hypotheses by examining similar 7xut80dvIZU-01173-00345928-00346188 structures in humans and animals Hume 7xut80dvIZU-01174-00346189-00346425 argues that animals can be observed to 7xut80dvIZU-01175-00346426-00346701 show pride and humility that the causes 7xut80dvIZU-01176-00346702-00346914 are much the same theirs pleasing 7xut80dvIZU-01177-00346915-00347163 qualities of the body and that animals 7xut80dvIZU-01178-00347164-00347379 have the requisite psychological 7xut80dvIZU-01179-00347380-00347697 mechanisms viz the association of ideas 7xut80dvIZU-01180-00347698-00348411 the association of impressions 7xut80dvIZU-01181-00348412-00349379 topic part 2 of love and hatred 7xut80dvIZU-01182-00349380-00349906 topic sections 1 2 3 7xut80dvIZU-01183-00349907-00350213 Humes treatment of love and hatred is 7xut80dvIZU-01184-00350214-00350405 much like his treatment of Pride and 7xut80dvIZU-01185-00350406-00350492 humility 7xut80dvIZU-01186-00350493-00350762 all four are indirect passions produced 7xut80dvIZU-01187-00350763-00351011 by a double relation of impressions and 7xut80dvIZU-01188-00351012-00351341 ideas as part two begins 7xut80dvIZU-01189-00351342-00351596 he again distinguishes object from calls 7xut80dvIZU-01190-00351597-00351884 and quality from subject whereas pride 7xut80dvIZU-01191-00351885-00352130 and humility were directed at oneself 7xut80dvIZU-01192-00352131-00352436 love and hatred is directed at some 7xut80dvIZU-01193-00352437-00352793 other person as before a relation of 7xut80dvIZU-01194-00352794-00353027 ideas is needed between the cause of 7xut80dvIZU-01195-00353028-00353294 love or hatred and the person loved or 7xut80dvIZU-01196-00353295-00353531 hated and a relation of impressions 7xut80dvIZU-01197-00353532-00353756 between the cause with a pleasant or 7xut80dvIZU-01198-00353757-00354008 unpleasant sensation of its own and the 7xut80dvIZU-01199-00354009-00354359 resulting love or hatred and since pride 7xut80dvIZU-01200-00354360-00354629 and Lava closely connected as humor 7xut80dvIZU-01201-00354630-00354875 observes we seek to win others love by 7xut80dvIZU-01202-00354876-00355124 showcasing the qualities we take pride 7xut80dvIZU-01203-00355125-00355415 in the arguments of part one can simply 7xut80dvIZU-01204-00355416-00355765 be carried over in a series of eight 7xut80dvIZU-01205-00355766-00356135 experiments Hume tests his account 7xut80dvIZU-01206-00356136-00356393 against observations drawn from ordinary 7xut80dvIZU-01207-00356394-00356729 life the first four experiments simply 7xut80dvIZU-01208-00356730-00356972 confirm that the foreign direct passions 7xut80dvIZU-01209-00356973-00357203 arise only in response to something 7xut80dvIZU-01210-00357204-00357476 pleasant or unpleasant related to some 7xut80dvIZU-01211-00357477-00357770 person utterly neutral objects eg an 7xut80dvIZU-01212-00357771-00358070 ordinary stone and objects related to no 7xut80dvIZU-01213-00358071-00358376 one eg an unfamiliar environment will 7xut80dvIZU-01214-00358377-00358673 never produce pride or humility love or 7xut80dvIZU-01215-00358674-00359051 hatred the final four experiments focus 7xut80dvIZU-01216-00359052-00359315 on how easily a transition is made from 7xut80dvIZU-01217-00359316-00359654 one passion to another as Humes account 7xut80dvIZU-01218-00359655-00359912 would predict we easily go from love and 7xut80dvIZU-01219-00359913-00360236 hatred to pride and humility eg I can 7xut80dvIZU-01220-00360237-00360464 take pride in my relation to someone 7xut80dvIZU-01221-00360465-00360700 else with lovable qualities 7xut80dvIZU-01222-00360701-00361010 curiously however the reverse does not 7xut80dvIZU-01223-00361011-00361325 hold eg my pride in my own qualities 7xut80dvIZU-01224-00361326-00361529 will not lead me to love someone else 7xut80dvIZU-01225-00361530-00361883 for their relation to me to explain this 7xut80dvIZU-01226-00361884-00362153 Hume argues that the imagination has 7xut80dvIZU-01227-00362154-00362420 trouble going from lively ideas to 7xut80dvIZU-01228-00362421-00362758 obscure ideas eg from the idea of one 7xut80dvIZU-01229-00362759-00363085 self to that of another person next as 7xut80dvIZU-01230-00363086-00363344 Humes account would also predict we 7xut80dvIZU-01231-00363345-00363563 easily transition from love of one 7xut80dvIZU-01232-00363564-00363823 person to love of others related to this 7xut80dvIZU-01233-00363824-00364150 person but the transition is easiest 7xut80dvIZU-01234-00364151-00364496 when we descend from the greater to the 7xut80dvIZU-01235-00364497-00364846 lesser eg T's more natural for us to 7xut80dvIZU-01236-00364847-00365101 love the Sun upon account of the father 7xut80dvIZU-01237-00365102-00365396 than the father upon account of the son 7xut80dvIZU-01238-00365397-00365797 and yet the imagination has the opposite 7xut80dvIZU-01239-00365798-00366146 tendency eg moving easily from Jupiter's 7xut80dvIZU-01240-00366147-00366523 moons to Jupiter itself to resolve this 7xut80dvIZU-01241-00366524-00366815 difficulty Hume argues that it is easier 7xut80dvIZU-01242-00366816-00367018 for the passions to make minor changes 7xut80dvIZU-01243-00367019-00367282 adding in the love of a related lesser 7xut80dvIZU-01244-00367283-00367565 person than major changes adding in the 7xut80dvIZU-01245-00367566-00367783 love of a related greater person and 7xut80dvIZU-01246-00367784-00368041 that the passions are a more powerful 7xut80dvIZU-01247-00368042-00368446 principle than the imagination finally 7xut80dvIZU-01248-00368447-00368690 Hume acknowledges a case where we can 7xut80dvIZU-01249-00368691-00368956 move easily from pride to love when the 7xut80dvIZU-01250-00368957-00369242 very cause of the pride and humility is 7xut80dvIZU-01251-00369243-00369662 plaqued in some other person eg when 7xut80dvIZU-01252-00369663-00369920 your praise of me excites my pride and I 7xut80dvIZU-01253-00369921-00370195 end up loving you for it but this 7xut80dvIZU-01254-00370196-00370450 exception only confirms Humes account 7xut80dvIZU-01255-00370451-00370708 since the first passion arises from the 7xut80dvIZU-01256-00370709-00370978 other person we easily move to a passion 7xut80dvIZU-01257-00370979-00371347 directed at that same person Hume then 7xut80dvIZU-01258-00371348-00371570 confronts an objection his account 7xut80dvIZU-01259-00371571-00371851 ignores intention having us love or hate 7xut80dvIZU-01260-00371852-00372085 those who bring us pleasure or pain even 7xut80dvIZU-01261-00372086-00372385 where this is completely unintended in 7xut80dvIZU-01262-00372386-00372679 response human cysts that qualities 7xut80dvIZU-01263-00372680-00372952 unrelated to intentional action really 7xut80dvIZU-01264-00372953-00373241 can elicit love or hatred so long as the 7xut80dvIZU-01265-00373242-00373565 qualities are constant and inherent in 7xut80dvIZU-01266-00373566-00373951 someone's person and character eg 7xut80dvIZU-01267-00373952-00374233 disliking someone for their ugliness or 7xut80dvIZU-01268-00374234-00374533 stupidity it is with isolated actions 7xut80dvIZU-01269-00374534-00374896 that intention is important it connect s 7xut80dvIZU-01270-00374897-00375235 the action with the person and can also 7xut80dvIZU-01271-00375236-00375430 amplify the pleasantness or 7xut80dvIZU-01272-00375431-00375678 unpleasantness of the action whereas 7xut80dvIZU-01273-00375679-00376088 entirely involuntary and accidental 7xut80dvIZU-01274-00376089-00376346 actions arouse only mild or short-lived 7xut80dvIZU-01275-00376347-00376676 passions in a further illustration Hume 7xut80dvIZU-01276-00376677-00376901 considers our emotional reaction to 7xut80dvIZU-01277-00376902-00377117 those who harm us from perfectly 7xut80dvIZU-01278-00377118-00377489 justified motives eg judges competitors 7xut80dvIZU-01279-00377490-00377684 though we will not hate him if we are 7xut80dvIZU-01280-00377685-00377768 reasonable 7xut80dvIZU-01281-00377769-00378014 we often hate him anyway even inventing 7xut80dvIZU-01282-00378015-00378606 reasons to hate them 7xut80dvIZU-01283-00378607-00379177 topic sections four to five 7xut80dvIZU-01284-00379178-00379471 in the next two sections Hume uses 7xut80dvIZU-01285-00379472-00379693 sympathy to account for some particular 7xut80dvIZU-01286-00379694-00380164 causes of love and hatred first relation 7xut80dvIZU-01287-00380165-00380437 acquaintance and resemblance 7xut80dvIZU-01288-00380438-00380725 we sometimes love others not for their 7xut80dvIZU-01289-00380726-00380947 personal qualities but simply because 7xut80dvIZU-01290-00380948-00381235 they are related to us familiar to us or 7xut80dvIZU-01291-00381236-00381604 similar to us in these cases pleasure 7xut80dvIZU-01292-00381605-00381850 arises from the sheer stimulating 7xut80dvIZU-01293-00381851-00382090 effects of sympathy family members 7xut80dvIZU-01294-00382091-00382333 neighbors and acquaintances are a 7xut80dvIZU-01295-00382334-00382630 durable source of lively ideas as are 7xut80dvIZU-01296-00382631-00382864 individuals with personal qualities 7xut80dvIZU-01297-00382865-00383251 resembling our own and as humans it e 7xut80dvIZU-01298-00383252-00383614 very lively idea is agreeable but 7xut80dvIZU-01299-00383615-00384022 especially that of a passion he adds an 7xut80dvIZU-01300-00384023-00384277 explanation of why children feel far 7xut80dvIZU-01301-00384278-00384532 less related to mothers who remarry and 7xut80dvIZU-01302-00384533-00384742 yet only somewhat less related to 7xut80dvIZU-01303-00384743-00385045 fathers who remarry the imagination 7xut80dvIZU-01304-00385046-00385399 which finds a difficulty in passing from 7xut80dvIZU-01305-00385400-00385747 greater to less is more inclined to go 7xut80dvIZU-01306-00385748-00385927 from the mother to the mother's new 7xut80dvIZU-01307-00385928-00386125 family than from the father to the 7xut80dvIZU-01308-00386126-00386392 father's new family a transition which 7xut80dvIZU-01309-00386393-00386614 weakens the original parent-child 7xut80dvIZU-01310-00386615-00387001 relation second we sometimes esteem 7xut80dvIZU-01311-00387002-00387229 people not for the personal qualities 7xut80dvIZU-01312-00387230-00387459 but simply for being rich and powerful 7xut80dvIZU-01313-00387460-00387814 esteem and contempt being species of 7xut80dvIZU-01314-00387815-00388129 love and hatred to account for this 7xut80dvIZU-01315-00388130-00388375 phenomenon Hume identifies three 7xut80dvIZU-01316-00388376-00388744 candidate principles one we enjoy 7xut80dvIZU-01317-00388745-00389086 thinking of their luxuries two we think 7xut80dvIZU-01318-00389087-00389274 they might give us some of their wealth 7xut80dvIZU-01319-00389275-00389611 three we sympathize with their happiness 7xut80dvIZU-01320-00389612-00389935 he then argues that the third principle 7xut80dvIZU-01321-00389936-00390246 sympathy is by far the most important 7xut80dvIZU-01322-00390247-00390553 the first principle has some influence 7xut80dvIZU-01323-00390554-00390859 on its own but mostly operates by means 7xut80dvIZU-01324-00390860-00391213 of sympathy and the second principle has 7xut80dvIZU-01325-00391214-00391483 little influence it is relatively rare 7xut80dvIZU-01326-00391484-00391744 to receive any personal advantage from 7xut80dvIZU-01327-00391745-00391978 the rich and powerful and we esteem him 7xut80dvIZU-01328-00391979-00392235 even when this is known to be impossible 7xut80dvIZU-01329-00392236-00392579 Hume closes the section with an overview 7xut80dvIZU-01330-00392580-00392969 the force of sympathy many animals and 7xut80dvIZU-01331-00392970-00393227 especially humans have a psychological 7xut80dvIZU-01332-00393228-00393487 need for social interaction 7xut80dvIZU-01333-00393488-00393764 moreover sympathy with usefulness 7xut80dvIZU-01334-00393765-00394355 explains em OS T kinds of beauty eg the 7xut80dvIZU-01335-00394356-00394610 convenience of a house the fertility of 7xut80dvIZU-01336-00394611-00394711 the field 7xut80dvIZU-01337-00394712-00395090 lastly Hume observes that the minds of 7xut80dvIZU-01338-00395091-00395312 men are mirrors to one another 7xut80dvIZU-01339-00395313-00395642 a rich man enjoys his luxuries which 7xut80dvIZU-01340-00395643-00395888 brings a steam from others which in turn 7xut80dvIZU-01341-00395889-00396125 excites the rich man's pride which 7xut80dvIZU-01342-00396126-00396842 encourages further pursuit of riches 7xut80dvIZU-01343-00396843-00397419 topic sections 6 to 12 7xut80dvIZU-01344-00397420-00397722 the next six sections are dedicated to 7xut80dvIZU-01345-00397723-00398034 an examination of the compound passions 7xut80dvIZU-01346-00398035-00398460 ie passions arising from the mixture of 7xut80dvIZU-01347-00398461-00398853 love and hatred with other emotions Hume 7xut80dvIZU-01348-00398854-00399074 begins with benevolence and anger 7xut80dvIZU-01349-00399075-00399444 motivational desires aimed at bringing 7xut80dvIZU-01350-00399445-00399753 about the happiness or misery of the 7xut80dvIZU-01351-00399754-00400131 person beloved or hated this marks an 7xut80dvIZU-01352-00400132-00400404 important contrast love and hatred have 7xut80dvIZU-01353-00400405-00400686 innate motivational consequences whereas 7xut80dvIZU-01354-00400687-00400944 pride and humility are only pure 7xut80dvIZU-01355-00400945-00401343 emotions in the soul but Hume goes on to 7xut80dvIZU-01356-00401344-00401535 note that benevolence and anger 7xut80dvIZU-01357-00401536-00401900 despite the talk of mixture not an 7xut80dvIZU-01358-00401901-00402207 essential part of love and hatred 7xut80dvIZU-01359-00402208-00402480 instead they are distinct passions of 7xut80dvIZU-01360-00402481-00402657 their own that only happened to be 7xut80dvIZU-01361-00402658-00402900 naturally conjoined with the sensations 7xut80dvIZU-01362-00402901-00403146 of love and hatred just as hunger is 7xut80dvIZU-01363-00403147-00403356 naturally conjoined with an empty 7xut80dvIZU-01364-00403357-00403779 stomach next come pity and malice like 7xut80dvIZU-01365-00403780-00404043 benevolence and anger their motivational 7xut80dvIZU-01366-00404044-00404223 desires aimed at bringing about 7xut80dvIZU-01367-00404224-00404514 another's happiness or misery but unlike 7xut80dvIZU-01368-00404515-00404748 benevolence and anger they apply quite 7xut80dvIZU-01369-00404749-00405051 generally not only to those we love or 7xut80dvIZU-01370-00405052-00405408 hate but even to complete strangers thus 7xut80dvIZU-01371-00405409-00405789 Hume calls them counterfeited versions 7xut80dvIZU-01372-00405790-00406095 of benevolence and anger pity also 7xut80dvIZU-01373-00406096-00406437 called compassion is received by 7xut80dvIZU-01374-00406438-00406707 sympathetic communication anyone can 7xut80dvIZU-01375-00406708-00406983 arouse our pity just by communicating 7xut80dvIZU-01376-00406984-00407280 their interests their passions their 7xut80dvIZU-01377-00407281-00407688 pains and pleasures to us even people 7xut80dvIZU-01378-00407689-00407958 who show no emotion at their misfortune 7xut80dvIZU-01379-00407959-00408207 can arouse our pity due to the influence 7xut80dvIZU-01380-00408208-00408530 of general rules on our imagination 7xut80dvIZU-01381-00408531-00408920 malicious joy is produced by comparison 7xut80dvIZU-01382-00408921-00409212 tee-hee misery of another gives us a 7xut80dvIZU-01383-00409213-00409503 more lively idea of our happiness and 7xut80dvIZU-01384-00409504-00409920 his happiness of our misery and malice 7xut80dvIZU-01385-00409921-00410222 itself is the unprovoked desire of 7xut80dvIZU-01386-00410224-00410510 producing evil to another in order to 7xut80dvIZU-01387-00410512-00410820 reap a pleasure from the comparison 7xut80dvIZU-01388-00410821-00411087 though Hume adds a brief discussion of 7xut80dvIZU-01389-00411088-00411539 malice against ourselves Hume also uses 7xut80dvIZU-01390-00411541-00411785 comparison to account for Envy the 7xut80dvIZU-01391-00411787-00412020 unpleasant feeling we experience when 7xut80dvIZU-01392-00412021-00412380 another's present enjoyment makes our 7xut80dvIZU-01393-00412381-00412587 own happiness seem diminished by 7xut80dvIZU-01394-00412588-00412893 comparison he finishes the section by 7xut80dvIZU-01395-00412893-00413100 stressing the importance of a close 7xut80dvIZU-01396-00413101-00413424 relation of ideas thus our envy tends to 7xut80dvIZU-01397-00413425-00413646 be confined to those in a similar line 7xut80dvIZU-01398-00413647-00413937 of work a small Hall seems more dwarfed 7xut80dvIZU-01399-00413938-00414183 by a large horse than by a mountain and 7xut80dvIZU-01400-00414184-00414414 we gladly tolerate two adjacent 7xut80dvIZU-01401-00414414-00414645 paintings whose disparate styles would 7xut80dvIZU-01402-00414646-00415026 be monstrous if United in a single 7xut80dvIZU-01403-00415027-00415364 painting the following section sees 7xut80dvIZU-01404-00415366-00415602 humour mending his account in response 7xut80dvIZU-01405-00415603-00415922 to a problem if love and hatred are 7xut80dvIZU-01406-00415924-00416133 produced by anyone who brings us 7xut80dvIZU-01407-00416134-00416427 pleasure or pain as Hume has argued then 7xut80dvIZU-01408-00416428-00416592 we should love those who bring us 7xut80dvIZU-01409-00416593-00416822 malicious joy and hate those who bring 7xut80dvIZU-01410-00416824-00417093 us the pain of pity but this runs 7xut80dvIZU-01411-00417093-00417357 contrary to experience we tend to hate 7xut80dvIZU-01412-00417358-00417588 the objects of our malice and love the 7xut80dvIZU-01413-00417589-00417933 objects of our pity Hume resolves this 7xut80dvIZU-01414-00417934-00418191 problem by introducing a new kind of 7xut80dvIZU-01415-00418192-00418452 relation of impressions in addition to 7xut80dvIZU-01416-00418453-00418830 the resemblance of sensations there is 7xut80dvIZU-01417-00418831-00419127 also the parallel direction of the 7xut80dvIZU-01418-00419128-00419231 desires 7xut80dvIZU-01419-00419232-00419520 thus the connection between pity and 7xut80dvIZU-01420-00419521-00419778 love and between malice and hatred lies 7xut80dvIZU-01421-00419779-00420033 in their motivational tendencies which 7xut80dvIZU-01422-00420034-00420272 run parallel to each other not in the 7xut80dvIZU-01423-00420274-00420522 way they feel which run contrary to each 7xut80dvIZU-01424-00420522-00420581 other 7xut80dvIZU-01425-00420582-00420918 Hume gives examples to illustrate and 7xut80dvIZU-01426-00420918-00421224 confirm this principle of a parallel 7xut80dvIZU-01427-00421225-00421566 direction including a discussion of the 7xut80dvIZU-01428-00421567-00421835 emotions found in business rivals and 7xut80dvIZU-01429-00421837-00422142 business partners but another problem 7xut80dvIZU-01430-00422143-00422222 arises 7xut80dvIZU-01431-00422224-00422454 since Hume says we have esteem for the 7xut80dvIZU-01432-00422455-00422639 rich and contempt for the poor 7xut80dvIZU-01433-00422641-00422826 how can he say we tend to love the 7xut80dvIZU-01434-00422827-00422984 objects of our pity 7xut80dvIZU-01435-00422985-00423285 Humes solution presents us with three 7xut80dvIZU-01436-00423285-00423558 levels of sympathy with misfortune one 7xut80dvIZU-01437-00423559-00423822 weak sympathy which makes us feel only 7xut80dvIZU-01438-00423822-00424050 the present misfortune of the afflicted 7xut80dvIZU-01439-00424051-00424179 producing only 7xut80dvIZU-01440-00424180-00424502 contemptuous pity too strong sympathy ie 7xut80dvIZU-01441-00424503-00424868 double sympathy which moves us beyond 7xut80dvIZU-01442-00424869-00425108 the present misfortune so that we take a 7xut80dvIZU-01443-00425109-00425366 motivating interest in their entire life 7xut80dvIZU-01444-00425367-00425618 producing compassionate love three 7xut80dvIZU-01445-00425618-00425879 all-consuming sympathy which makes us 7xut80dvIZU-01446-00425880-00426147 fixate on the present misfortune leaving 7xut80dvIZU-01447-00426147-00426537 us to overcome with horror to experience 7xut80dvIZU-01448-00426538-00426912 any other passions in the next section 7xut80dvIZU-01449-00426913-00427164 Hume continues examining the compound 7xut80dvIZU-01450-00427164-00427428 passions characterizing respect also 7xut80dvIZU-01451-00427429-00427835 called esteem as a mixture of love and 7xut80dvIZU-01452-00427836-00428064 humility and contempt as a mixture of 7xut80dvIZU-01453-00428064-00428333 hatred and pride the qualities of others 7xut80dvIZU-01454-00428334-00428616 produce love or hatred immediately pride 7xut80dvIZU-01455-00428617-00428949 or humility by comparison and respect or 7xut80dvIZU-01456-00428950-00429137 contempt when these are joined together 7xut80dvIZU-01457-00429138-00429495 and because we have a much stronger 7xut80dvIZU-01458-00429496-00429812 propensity to pride than to humility 7xut80dvIZU-01459-00429813-00430112 there is more pride in contempt than 7xut80dvIZU-01460-00430113-00430379 there is humility in respect 7xut80dvIZU-01461-00430380-00430635 humanik knowledge --is a problem why 7xut80dvIZU-01462-00430635-00430875 given his account on love and hatred 7xut80dvIZU-01463-00430876-00431120 always accompanied by respect and 7xut80dvIZU-01464-00431121-00431454 contempt his answer is that whereas 7xut80dvIZU-01465-00431455-00431804 pride and hatred invigorate the soul and 7xut80dvIZU-01466-00431805-00432293 are associated with magnificent objects 7xut80dvIZU-01467-00432294-00432654 love and humility enfeeble the soul and 7xut80dvIZU-01468-00432655-00433110 are associated with mean objects thus 7xut80dvIZU-01469-00433110-00433410 lovable objects too mild to produce much 7xut80dvIZU-01470-00433410-00433856 pride eg good nature good humor facility 7xut80dvIZU-01471-00433857-00434325 generosity beauty will produce pure love 7xut80dvIZU-01472-00434326-00434637 with but a small mixture of humility and 7xut80dvIZU-01473-00434638-00435041 respect human eyes with an explanation 7xut80dvIZU-01474-00435042-00435366 of why social inferiors are expected to 7xut80dvIZU-01475-00435367-00435622 keep their distance from their superiors 7xut80dvIZU-01476-00435623-00435972 the final compound passion is the 7xut80dvIZU-01477-00435972-00436322 amorous passion ie romantic love it 7xut80dvIZU-01478-00436323-00436595 consists of three distinct passions a 7xut80dvIZU-01479-00436596-00436916 sense of beauty libido and kindness 7xut80dvIZU-01480-00436917-00437195 these three passions are bound together 7xut80dvIZU-01481-00437196-00437585 both by resemblance all have a pleasure 7xut80dvIZU-01482-00437587-00437907 and sensation and by a parallel desire 7xut80dvIZU-01483-00437908-00438287 all have related motivational tendencies 7xut80dvIZU-01484-00438288-00438549 accordingly any one of them can end up 7xut80dvIZU-01485-00438550-00438797 producing the other two with beauty most 7xut80dvIZU-01486-00438799-00439083 likely to produce the other to kindness 7xut80dvIZU-01487-00439084-00439439 and libido being too remote from each 7xut80dvIZU-01488-00439441-00439713 other and beauty plaqued in a just 7xut80dvIZU-01489-00439714-00440114 medium betwixt em hume argues that this 7xut80dvIZU-01490-00440116-00440379 phenomenon reinforces his double 7xut80dvIZU-01491-00440380-00440678 relation of impressions and ideas 7xut80dvIZU-01492-00440679-00441143 account hume finishes part two with his 7xut80dvIZU-01493-00441145-00441456 last section on animal psychology love 7xut80dvIZU-01494-00441457-00441726 and hatred he writes can be produced in 7xut80dvIZU-01495-00441727-00441945 animals simply by the pain or pleasure 7xut80dvIZU-01496-00441946-00442260 felt from an object or by such relations 7xut80dvIZU-01497-00442260-00442814 as acquaintance and likeness of species 7xut80dvIZU-01498-00442814-00443130 sympathy works to spread feelings eg 7xut80dvIZU-01499-00443131-00443358 fear grief from one animal to another 7xut80dvIZU-01500-00443359-00443660 keep animal play from leading to injury 7xut80dvIZU-01501-00443662-00443885 and animate a pack of hunting dogs 7xut80dvIZU-01502-00443887-00444099 beyond their individual level of 7xut80dvIZU-01503-00444100-00444480 excitement in general Hume remarks the 7xut80dvIZU-01504-00444481-00444729 psychological mechanisms at work do not 7xut80dvIZU-01505-00444730-00445035 require any sophisticated force of 7xut80dvIZU-01506-00445035-00445458 reflection or penetration II very thing 7xut80dvIZU-01507-00445459-00445760 is conducted by Springs and principles 7xut80dvIZU-01508-00445762-00446070 which are not peculiar to man or any one 7xut80dvIZU-01509-00446071-00446789 species of animals 7xut80dvIZU-01510-00446790-00447159 topic part 3 of the will and direct 7xut80dvIZU-01511-00447160-00447847 passions 7xut80dvIZU-01512-00447847-00448402 topic sections 1 2 2 7xut80dvIZU-01513-00448403-00448720 in part three Hume begins examining the 7xut80dvIZU-01514-00448721-00449050 motives that bring us to action after a 7xut80dvIZU-01515-00449051-00449297 glancing mention of the direct passions 7xut80dvIZU-01516-00449297-00449516 and a perfunctory definition of the will 7xut80dvIZU-01517-00449517-00449735 as a mere impression we feel he 7xut80dvIZU-01518-00449735-00449999 confronts the Hori philosophical problem 7xut80dvIZU-01519-00450000-00450266 of free will and determinism dedicating 7xut80dvIZU-01520-00450267-00450500 two sections to a defense of soft 7xut80dvIZU-01521-00450501-00450829 determinist compatibilism in the first 7xut80dvIZU-01522-00450830-00451150 section he makes a case for the doctrine 7xut80dvIZU-01523-00451151-00451531 of necessity the issue as Hume sees it 7xut80dvIZU-01524-00451532-00451802 is whether human action is determined by 7xut80dvIZU-01525-00451803-00452095 a necessity comparable to physical 7xut80dvIZU-01526-00452096-00452429 necessity the necessity that governs 7xut80dvIZU-01527-00452430-00452743 physical objects but since according to 7xut80dvIZU-01528-00452744-00453031 book one physical necessity is nothing 7xut80dvIZU-01529-00453032-00453260 more than constant conjunction and the 7xut80dvIZU-01530-00453260-00453520 causal inferences drawn by the human 7xut80dvIZU-01531-00453521-00453770 mind the issue then comes down to this 7xut80dvIZU-01532-00453771-00453931 is there a regular correspondence 7xut80dvIZU-01533-00453932-00454214 between human action and human 7xut80dvIZU-01534-00454214-00454447 psychology and do we base causal 7xut80dvIZU-01535-00454448-00454825 inferences upon such regularities Hume 7xut80dvIZU-01536-00454826-00455077 thinks the answer to both questions is 7xut80dvIZU-01537-00455078-00455285 obviously in the affirmative the 7xut80dvIZU-01538-00455285-00455522 uniformity found in the world of human 7xut80dvIZU-01539-00455522-00455785 affairs is comparable to that found in 7xut80dvIZU-01540-00455786-00456043 the natural world and the inferences we 7xut80dvIZU-01541-00456044-00456431 base on moral evidence concerning human 7xut80dvIZU-01542-00456432-00456716 psychology and action are comparable to 7xut80dvIZU-01543-00456717-00456952 the inferences we base on natural 7xut80dvIZU-01544-00456953-00457225 evidence concerning physical objects 7xut80dvIZU-01545-00457226-00457585 thus given Humes idiosyncratic account 7xut80dvIZU-01546-00457586-00457825 of necessity it is hard to deny that 7xut80dvIZU-01547-00457826-00458227 human action is governed by necessity in 7xut80dvIZU-01548-00458228-00458525 the next section Hume challenges the 7xut80dvIZU-01549-00458526-00458837 doctrine of Liberty the view that human 7xut80dvIZU-01550-00458838-00459079 beings are endowed with a distinctive 7xut80dvIZU-01551-00459080-00459391 kind of in deterministic free will by 7xut80dvIZU-01552-00459392-00459668 setting out and debunking the reasons 7xut80dvIZU-01553-00459668-00460060 for its prevalence first since we 7xut80dvIZU-01554-00460061-00460277 confuse necessity with violent 7xut80dvIZU-01555-00460278-00460529 constraint we end up confusing freedom 7xut80dvIZU-01556-00460530-00460777 from necessity the indeterministic 7xut80dvIZU-01557-00460778-00461104 liberty of indifference with freedom 7xut80dvIZU-01558-00461105-00461285 from violent constraint the 7xut80dvIZU-01559-00461285-00461624 compatibilist Liberty of spontaneity as 7xut80dvIZU-01560-00461625-00461799 a compatible 7xut80dvIZU-01561-00461800-00462078 Hume accepts the latter kind of freewill 7xut80dvIZU-01562-00462079-00462441 deeming it that species of liberty which 7xut80dvIZU-01563-00462442-00462843 it concerns us to preserve and even the 7xut80dvIZU-01564-00462843-00463172 most common sense of the word that he 7xut80dvIZU-01565-00463174-00463433 rejects freedom from necessity as either 7xut80dvIZU-01566-00463434-00463785 absurd being nothing more than sheer 7xut80dvIZU-01567-00463785-00464379 chance or else unintelligible second we 7xut80dvIZU-01568-00464380-00464682 are deceived by a false sensation of 7xut80dvIZU-01569-00464683-00464997 Liberty when deliberating about our own 7xut80dvIZU-01570-00464997-00465405 actions there is a certain looseness to 7xut80dvIZU-01571-00465406-00465614 the wool so that we can easily produce 7xut80dvIZU-01572-00465616-00465981 an image or feigned motion for each 7xut80dvIZU-01573-00465982-00466203 alternative course of action 7xut80dvIZU-01574-00466204-00466476 thus we end up convinced that we really 7xut80dvIZU-01575-00466477-00466680 could have acted differently even though 7xut80dvIZU-01576-00466681-00466992 a spectator can commonly infer our 7xut80dvIZU-01577-00466993-00467366 actions from our motives and character 7xut80dvIZU-01578-00467367-00467706 finally we mistakenly think necessity 7xut80dvIZU-01579-00467707-00467976 poses a threat to moral responsibility 7xut80dvIZU-01580-00467977-00468404 and is therefore dangerous 7xut80dvIZU-01581-00468405-00468783 to religion and morality after noting 7xut80dvIZU-01582-00468784-00469010 that being dangerous is not the same as 7xut80dvIZU-01583-00469011-00469301 being false Hume recalls that his 7xut80dvIZU-01584-00469302-00469664 necessity is a very attenuated one there 7xut80dvIZU-01585-00469665-00469837 is nothing dangerous or even 7xut80dvIZU-01586-00469838-00470129 controversial about saying that constant 7xut80dvIZU-01587-00470130-00470376 conjunction and causal inference apply 7xut80dvIZU-01588-00470377-00470610 to human action as well as physical 7xut80dvIZU-01589-00470610-00470918 objects he then attempts to turn the 7xut80dvIZU-01590-00470919-00471168 tables on his opponents arguing that 7xut80dvIZU-01591-00471168-00471589 necessity is in fact essential to moral 7xut80dvIZU-01592-00471590-00471818 responsibility the rewards and 7xut80dvIZU-01593-00471819-00472029 punishments of human law would be 7xut80dvIZU-01594-00472030-00472245 pointless if human action were not 7xut80dvIZU-01595-00472246-00472458 regular and uniform and divine 7xut80dvIZU-01596-00472459-00472725 punishment would be unjust if a person's 7xut80dvIZU-01597-00472726-00472933 actions were a matter of sheer chance 7xut80dvIZU-01598-00472934-00473204 lacking any causal connection to the 7xut80dvIZU-01599-00473205-00473427 person's psychology and revealing 7xut80dvIZU-01600-00473428-00473647 nothing about the person's character 7xut80dvIZU-01601-00473648-00473981 thus the threat to moral responsibility 7xut80dvIZU-01602-00473982-00474222 comes not from necessity but from 7xut80dvIZU-01603-00474222-00474850 indeterministic Liberty 7xut80dvIZU-01604-00474851-00475406 topic sections three to eight 7xut80dvIZU-01605-00475407-00475679 Hulme then passes from the will itself 7xut80dvIZU-01606-00475680-00475895 to the motivational factors that 7xut80dvIZU-01607-00475896-00476250 determine voluntary actions against the 7xut80dvIZU-01608-00476251-00476465 traditional view that reason and the 7xut80dvIZU-01609-00476466-00476657 passions frequently come in to 7xut80dvIZU-01610-00476658-00476904 motivational conflict Hume argues that 7xut80dvIZU-01611-00476905-00477156 reason is incapable of opposing the 7xut80dvIZU-01612-00477157-00477381 passions and that the passions cannot 7xut80dvIZU-01613-00477382-00477689 run contrary to reason first 7xut80dvIZU-01614-00477690-00478013 reason alone cannot motivate us it can 7xut80dvIZU-01615-00478014-00478271 only perform demonstrative or causal 7xut80dvIZU-01616-00478272-00478535 reasoning and since abstract 7xut80dvIZU-01617-00478536-00478781 demonstrations influence us only by 7xut80dvIZU-01618-00478782-00479108 directing causal reasoning eg doing math 7xut80dvIZU-01619-00479109-00479347 to pay your debts and causal reasoning 7xut80dvIZU-01620-00479348-00479609 influences as only by directing 7xut80dvIZU-01621-00479610-00479918 preexisting motives eg figuring out how 7xut80dvIZU-01622-00479919-00480170 to make the food you want reason itself 7xut80dvIZU-01623-00480171-00480418 cannot bring about any motivation and 7xut80dvIZU-01624-00480419-00480731 this in turn means it cannot counteract 7xut80dvIZU-01625-00480732-00481004 or regulate the passions on the contrary 7xut80dvIZU-01626-00481005-00481358 our easin is and ought only to be the 7xut80dvIZU-01627-00481359-00481779 slave of the passions second passions 7xut80dvIZU-01628-00481780-00481977 cannot be in agreement or disagreement 7xut80dvIZU-01629-00481978-00482246 with reason for this is a matter of the 7xut80dvIZU-01630-00482247-00482504 agreement or disagreement between an 7xut80dvIZU-01631-00482505-00482771 idea and the object it represents and 7xut80dvIZU-01632-00482772-00483056 passions do not represent anything else 7xut80dvIZU-01633-00483057-00483458 thus Hume notoriously writes cheese not 7xut80dvIZU-01634-00483459-00483704 contrary to reason to prefer the 7xut80dvIZU-01635-00483705-00483935 destruction of the whole world to the 7xut80dvIZU-01636-00483936-00484364 scratching of my finger of course if a 7xut80dvIZU-01637-00484365-00484594 passion is based on a false judgment 7xut80dvIZU-01638-00484595-00484854 about an object that doesn't really 7xut80dvIZU-01639-00484855-00485141 exist or a causal relation that doesn't 7xut80dvIZU-01640-00485142-00485390 really hold then the passion can be 7xut80dvIZU-01641-00485391-00485750 considered unreasonable in a less strict 7xut80dvIZU-01642-00485751-00486209 sense of the term but even then insists 7xut80dvIZU-01643-00486210-00486512 Hume cheese not the passion properly 7xut80dvIZU-01644-00486513-00486791 speaking which is unreasonable but the 7xut80dvIZU-01645-00486792-00487211 judgment finally Hume argues that the 7xut80dvIZU-01646-00487212-00487445 alleged conflict between reason and the 7xut80dvIZU-01647-00487446-00487670 passions is actually a conflict between 7xut80dvIZU-01648-00487671-00488000 two different kinds of passions the calm 7xut80dvIZU-01649-00488001-00488285 passions and the violent passions 7xut80dvIZU-01650-00488286-00488558 since both the comm passions and reason 7xut80dvIZU-01651-00488559-00488880 operat e with the same calmness and 7xut80dvIZU-01652-00488881-00489183 tranquillity we confuse them with each 7xut80dvIZU-01653-00489184-00489432 other and mistakenly suppose our calm 7xut80dvIZU-01654-00489433-00489774 passions to be determinations of reason 7xut80dvIZU-01655-00489775-00490187 the following five sections examine the 7xut80dvIZU-01656-00490188-00490389 factors which give passions their 7xut80dvIZU-01657-00490389-00490731 motivational force unsurprisingly 7xut80dvIZU-01658-00490732-00490950 the violence of a passion makes it 7xut80dvIZU-01659-00490951-00491210 stronger but even a compassion can be 7xut80dvIZU-01660-00491211-00491558 extremely strong due to repeated custom 7xut80dvIZU-01661-00491559-00491889 and its own force especially when it has 7xut80dvIZU-01662-00491889-00492218 been corroborated by reflection and 7xut80dvIZU-01663-00492219-00492560 seconded by resolution nevertheless 7xut80dvIZU-01664-00492561-00492981 since G eneral II speaking the violent 7xut80dvIZU-01665-00492982-00493257 passions have a more powerful influence 7xut80dvIZU-01666-00493258-00493656 on the wool Hume focuses on the factors 7xut80dvIZU-01667-00493657-00493891 which increase the violence of passions 7xut80dvIZU-01668-00493892-00494301 first when a predominant passion is 7xut80dvIZU-01669-00494302-00494693 accompanied by other inferior passions 7xut80dvIZU-01670-00494694-00494991 it can acquire violence by Swallow 7xut80dvIZU-01671-00494992-00495410 Ingham up eg strong love can be made 7xut80dvIZU-01672-00495411-00495666 more violently passionate by a touch of 7xut80dvIZU-01673-00495667-00496070 anger other psychological phenomena eg 7xut80dvIZU-01674-00496071-00496412 opposition uncertainty obscurity can 7xut80dvIZU-01675-00496413-00496664 produce the same effect by stimulating 7xut80dvIZU-01676-00496665-00497045 us with agitation and mental effort next 7xut80dvIZU-01677-00497046-00497408 custom and repetition can both leave us 7xut80dvIZU-01678-00497409-00497670 with a direct inclination to perform the 7xut80dvIZU-01679-00497671-00497904 activity we are repeating and also 7xut80dvIZU-01680-00497905-00498185 affect the violence of related passions 7xut80dvIZU-01681-00498185-00498537 Hume discusses three stages of repeated 7xut80dvIZU-01682-00498538-00498831 activity 1 the sheer novelty of 7xut80dvIZU-01683-00498832-00499112 unfamiliar activities makes our feelings 7xut80dvIZU-01684-00499113-00499389 more intense either magnifying our pain 7xut80dvIZU-01685-00499389-00499653 or adding on the pleasure of wonder and 7xut80dvIZU-01686-00499654-00500108 surprise to an activity performed with 7xut80dvIZU-01687-00500109-00500481 moderate facility is an infallible 7xut80dvIZU-01688-00500482-00501006 source of pleasure CF flow sometimes 7xut80dvIZU-01689-00501007-00501366 even converting pain into enjoyment 3 7xut80dvIZU-01690-00501367-00501618 but excessive repetition can make 7xut80dvIZU-01691-00501618-00501885 formerly pleasant activities so dull as 7xut80dvIZU-01692-00501885-00502242 to be unpleasant our passions can also 7xut80dvIZU-01693-00502243-00502509 acquire violence from the vivacity of 7xut80dvIZU-01694-00502510-00502920 our ideas thus particular ideas make for 7xut80dvIZU-01695-00502921-00503175 more violent passions than general ideas 7xut80dvIZU-01696-00503176-00503393 and so too for fresh memories 7xut80dvIZU-01697-00503394-00503727 conventional ideas and ideas enlivened 7xut80dvIZU-01698-00503728-00503945 by great eloquence or passionate 7xut80dvIZU-01699-00503946-00504335 delivery and as in book one only beliefs 7xut80dvIZU-01700-00504337-00504906 as opposed to me rs.50 imagination can 7xut80dvIZU-01701-00504907-00505214 call up any of our passions Hume also 7xut80dvIZU-01702-00505216-00505472 devotes two sections to examining the 7xut80dvIZU-01703-00505473-00505745 vivacity of our ideas of space and time 7xut80dvIZU-01704-00505746-00505977 and the corresponding effect on our 7xut80dvIZU-01705-00505978-00506289 passions in the first section he 7xut80dvIZU-01706-00506289-00506529 accounts for three phenomena concerning 7xut80dvIZU-01707-00506530-00506817 vivacity and violence one distance in 7xut80dvIZU-01708-00506818-00507066 space and time is associated with a 7xut80dvIZU-01709-00507067-00507417 reduction in vivacity and violence eg we 7xut80dvIZU-01710-00507418-00507645 care more about the near future than the 7xut80dvIZU-01711-00507646-00507900 distant future simply due to the number 7xut80dvIZU-01712-00507901-00508137 of mental steps needed to move from the 7xut80dvIZU-01713-00508138-00508472 present to the remote to distance in 7xut80dvIZU-01714-00508473-00508697 time is associated with a greater 7xut80dvIZU-01715-00508698-00508970 reduction than distance in space because 7xut80dvIZU-01716-00508971-00509229 our sensory experience makes it easier 7xut80dvIZU-01717-00509230-00509472 to hold an array of spatial points in 7xut80dvIZU-01718-00509472-00509750 mind than an array of temporal points 7xut80dvIZU-01719-00509751-00510117 free the distant past is associated with 7xut80dvIZU-01720-00510118-00510339 a greater reduction than the distant 7xut80dvIZU-01721-00510339-00510591 future because it is easier for the mind 7xut80dvIZU-01722-00510592-00510818 to go with the flow of time than to go 7xut80dvIZU-01723-00510819-00511143 against it in the second section he 7xut80dvIZU-01724-00511143-00511332 accounts for three very similar 7xut80dvIZU-01725-00511333-00511587 phenomena concerning esteem and 7xut80dvIZU-01726-00511588-00511926 admiration one distance in space and 7xut80dvIZU-01727-00511927-00512163 time is associated with an increase in 7xut80dvIZU-01728-00512164-00512487 esteem and admiration eg a great 7xut80dvIZU-01729-00512488-00512843 traveler a Greek medal because the 7xut80dvIZU-01730-00512844-00513014 pleasure received from the sheer 7xut80dvIZU-01731-00513016-00513384 greatness of thee interposed distance is 7xut80dvIZU-01732-00513385-00513675 transferred to the distant object itself 7xut80dvIZU-01733-00513676-00513999 to distance in time has a greater effect 7xut80dvIZU-01734-00514000-00514209 than distance in space 7xut80dvIZU-01735-00514210-00514491 eg ancient relics are more admired than 7xut80dvIZU-01736-00514492-00514725 furniture from abroad because we are 7xut80dvIZU-01737-00514726-00514916 challenged and invigorated by the 7xut80dvIZU-01738-00514917-00515009 greater differ 7xut80dvIZU-01739-00515010-00515335 mentally traversing distance in time 7xut80dvIZU-01740-00515337-00515658 free the distant past has a greater 7xut80dvIZU-01741-00515659-00515937 effect than the distant future eg we 7xut80dvIZU-01742-00515938-00516162 admire our ancestors more than our 7xut80dvIZU-01743-00516163-00516426 posterity because we are challenged and 7xut80dvIZU-01744-00516427-00516681 invigorated by the greater difficulty of 7xut80dvIZU-01745-00516682-00516978 going against the flow of time Hume 7xut80dvIZU-01746-00516979-00517224 finishes with a convenient summary of 7xut80dvIZU-01747-00517225-00517914 the preceding six sections topic 7xut80dvIZU-01748-00517914-00518383 sections nine to ten 7xut80dvIZU-01749-00518384-00518653 at last humans Amin's the direct 7xut80dvIZU-01750-00518654-00518958 passions dividing them into two classes 7xut80dvIZU-01751-00518959-00519262 first and most prominently there are 7xut80dvIZU-01752-00519263-00519468 those direct passions which arise 7xut80dvIZU-01753-00519470-00519706 immediately from pleasure or pain in 7xut80dvIZU-01754-00519707-00520114 Humes terminology good or evil this is 7xut80dvIZU-01755-00520114-00520531 simply due to an original instinct that 7xut80dvIZU-01756-00520532-00520783 Orient's us towards pleasure and away 7xut80dvIZU-01757-00520784-00521101 from pain joy and grief sorrow arise 7xut80dvIZU-01758-00521102-00521437 from pleasure or pain that is certain or 7xut80dvIZU-01759-00521438-00521767 probable hope and fear arise from 7xut80dvIZU-01760-00521768-00522091 pleasure or pain that is uncertain to 7xut80dvIZU-01761-00522092-00522427 some degree desire and aversion arise 7xut80dvIZU-01762-00522428-00522754 from pleasure and pain considered simply 7xut80dvIZU-01763-00522755-00523210 and the will exerts itself when pleasure 7xut80dvIZU-01764-00523210-00523468 or the absence of pain is within our 7xut80dvIZU-01765-00523468-00523810 power to obtain second there are those 7xut80dvIZU-01766-00523810-00524110 direct passions which arise from a 7xut80dvIZU-01767-00524110-00524398 natural impulse or instinct which is 7xut80dvIZU-01768-00524399-00524749 perfectly unaccountable here Hume 7xut80dvIZU-01769-00524750-00525040 mentions benevolence anger hunger and 7xut80dvIZU-01770-00525041-00525325 lust in section three he had mentioned 7xut80dvIZU-01771-00525326-00525550 self-preservation and the love of one's 7xut80dvIZU-01772-00525551-00525898 children these diverse instinct based 7xut80dvIZU-01773-00525899-00526231 passions Hume writes produce good and 7xut80dvIZU-01774-00526232-00526660 evil ie pleasure and pain as opposed to 7xut80dvIZU-01775-00526661-00526909 the other direct passions which arise 7xut80dvIZU-01776-00526910-00527278 from pleasure and pain Hume spends the 7xut80dvIZU-01777-00527279-00527494 rest of the section on hope and fear 7xut80dvIZU-01778-00527495-00527752 starting with a simple account based on 7xut80dvIZU-01779-00527753-00528055 probability in conditions of uncertainty 7xut80dvIZU-01780-00528056-00528400 as the imagination fluctuates between a 7xut80dvIZU-01781-00528401-00528595 pleasant scenario and an unpleasant 7xut80dvIZU-01782-00528596-00528867 scenario the passions follow suit 7xut80dvIZU-01783-00528868-00529155 fluctuating between joy and grief and 7xut80dvIZU-01784-00529156-00529411 since different passions can blend 7xut80dvIZU-01785-00529412-00529645 together like the lingering notes of a 7xut80dvIZU-01786-00529646-00529891 string instrument the mixture of joy and 7xut80dvIZU-01787-00529892-00530125 grief will end up producing either hope 7xut80dvIZU-01788-00530126-00530641 or fear but contrary passions interact 7xut80dvIZU-01789-00530642-00530842 differently depending on what they are 7xut80dvIZU-01790-00530843-00531049 directed at the passions have no 7xut80dvIZU-01791-00531050-00531304 influence on each other if their objects 7xut80dvIZU-01792-00531305-00531607 are completely unrelated eg joy attacks 7xut80dvIZU-01793-00531608-00531766 grief at why the 7xut80dvIZU-01794-00531767-00531979 passions tend to cancel each other out 7xut80dvIZU-01795-00531980-00532315 if they have the same object eg joy @x 7xut80dvIZU-01796-00532316-00532636 but also grief @x and the passions tend 7xut80dvIZU-01797-00532637-00532827 to blend together if they have 7xut80dvIZU-01798-00532828-00533134 contradictory views of the same object 7xut80dvIZU-01799-00533135-00533659 eg joy @x grief are not X next Hume 7xut80dvIZU-01800-00533660-00533916 tries to confirm and extend his account 7xut80dvIZU-01801-00533917-00534151 noting that hope and fear can arise from 7xut80dvIZU-01802-00534152-00534601 all kinds of uncertainty the sphere can 7xut80dvIZU-01803-00534602-00534816 be produced by the mere thought of a 7xut80dvIZU-01804-00534817-00535084 possible evil if it is great enough the 7xut80dvIZU-01805-00535085-00535327 immediate presence of a potential evil 7xut80dvIZU-01806-00535328-00535576 known to be impossible the certainty of 7xut80dvIZU-01807-00535577-00535837 an evil too horrible to think about or 7xut80dvIZU-01808-00535838-00536083 whose precise nature is unknown or 7xut80dvIZU-01809-00536084-00536401 anything extremely surprising even 7xut80dvIZU-01810-00536402-00536659 utterly irrelevant circumstances or 7xut80dvIZU-01811-00536660-00536916 something expected to be pleasant can 7xut80dvIZU-01812-00536917-00537207 call up fear if shrouded in uncertainty 7xut80dvIZU-01813-00537208-00537526 Hume closes the section by begging off 7xut80dvIZU-01814-00537527-00537916 any discussion of subtle variations of 7xut80dvIZU-01815-00537917-00538168 hope and fear or of the role of the will 7xut80dvIZU-01816-00538169-00538569 and the direct passions in animals 7xut80dvIZU-01817-00538570-00538864 book 2 finishes with a brief section on 7xut80dvIZU-01818-00538865-00539266 curiosity the love of truth which leads 7xut80dvIZU-01819-00539267-00539466 us to take pleasure in intellectual 7xut80dvIZU-01820-00539467-00539779 pursuits and achievements for both the 7xut80dvIZU-01821-00539780-00540066 abstract truths of mathematics and 7xut80dvIZU-01822-00540067-00540369 algebra and the real-world truths of 7xut80dvIZU-01823-00540370-00540843 morals politics natural philosophy we do 7xut80dvIZU-01824-00540844-00541227 not care much about truth merely as such 7xut80dvIZU-01825-00541228-00541497 instead there are three other factors 7xut80dvIZU-01826-00541498-00541800 chiefly responsible for the pleasure of 7xut80dvIZU-01827-00541801-00542131 study one intellectual challenge the 7xut80dvIZU-01828-00542132-00542431 exercise must force us to fix our 7xut80dvIZU-01829-00542432-00542823 attention and exert our genius two 7xut80dvIZU-01830-00542824-00543129 importance utility the topic must be 7xut80dvIZU-01831-00543130-00543460 useful or important enough to fix our 7xut80dvIZU-01832-00543461-00543918 attention via a remote sympathy with 7xut80dvIZU-01833-00543919-00544158 those our work might help a sympathy 7xut80dvIZU-01834-00544159-00544408 that even motivates scholars lacking in 7xut80dvIZU-01835-00544409-00544858 public spirit three direct concern just 7xut80dvIZU-01836-00544859-00545094 as hunters and gamblers begin to care 7xut80dvIZU-01837-00545095-00545314 about success itself more than the 7xut80dvIZU-01838-00545315-00545602 reward it brings likewise scholars begin 7xut80dvIZU-01839-00545603-00545833 to develop a direct concern for the 7xut80dvIZU-01840-00545834-00546079 scholarly problems they work on this due 7xut80dvIZU-01841-00546080-00546294 to the aforementioned principle of a 7xut80dvIZU-01842-00546295-00546708 parallel direction finally Hume offers 7xut80dvIZU-01843-00546709-00546966 an account of the social curiosity that 7xut80dvIZU-01844-00546967-00547185 fuels gossip since doubt and uncertainty 7xut80dvIZU-01845-00547186-00547491 are painful especially when they concern 7xut80dvIZU-01846-00547492-00547750 events whose ideas are forceful we are 7xut80dvIZU-01847-00547751-00547975 naturally curious about the happenings 7xut80dvIZU-01848-00547976-00548708 of our immediate social environment 7xut80dvIZU-01849-00548709-00549354 topic book 3 of morals 7xut80dvIZU-01850-00549355-00549672 you 7xut80dvIZU-01851-00549673-00550078 topic part 1 of virtue and vice in 7xut80dvIZU-01852-00550079-00550711 general Hume begins book 3 by examining 7xut80dvIZU-01853-00550712-00550972 the nature of moral evaluation offering 7xut80dvIZU-01854-00550973-00551209 a critique of moral rationalism and a 7xut80dvIZU-01855-00551210-00551476 defense of moral sentimentalism in the 7xut80dvIZU-01856-00551477-00551719 terms of his overall system Hume is 7xut80dvIZU-01857-00551720-00551974 arguing that the evaluations in our mind 7xut80dvIZU-01858-00551975-00552325 are impressions not ideas his main 7xut80dvIZU-01859-00552326-00552568 target is the rationalism of such 7xut80dvIZU-01860-00552569-00552829 philosophers as clark and bal guy which 7xut80dvIZU-01861-00552830-00553144 posits eternal fitnesses and unfitness 7xut80dvIZU-01862-00553145-00553399 'as of things which are the same to 7xut80dvIZU-01863-00553400-00553701 every rational being that considers them 7xut80dvIZU-01864-00553702-00554064 in effect classifying morality alongside 7xut80dvIZU-01865-00554065-00554442 mathematics under relations of ideas 7xut80dvIZU-01866-00554443-00554752 Humes principle arguments against this 7xut80dvIZU-01867-00554753-00555034 rationalism rest on book two's thesis 7xut80dvIZU-01868-00555035-00555226 that there is no opposition between 7xut80dvIZU-01869-00555227-00555481 reason and the passions reason alone 7xut80dvIZU-01870-00555482-00555783 cannot motivate us and passions 7xut80dvIZU-01871-00555784-00555901 Volition's 7xut80dvIZU-01872-00555902-00556261 and actions cannot be in agreement or 7xut80dvIZU-01873-00556262-00556542 disagreement with reason this thesis 7xut80dvIZU-01874-00556543-00556933 proves directly he writes that an 7xut80dvIZU-01875-00556934-00557206 actions moral status cannot consist in 7xut80dvIZU-01876-00557207-00557386 the actions agreement or disagreement 7xut80dvIZU-01877-00557387-00557761 with reason and it proves indirectly 7xut80dvIZU-01878-00557762-00558049 that moral evaluation which has a 7xut80dvIZU-01879-00558050-00558379 practical influence on us and can excite 7xut80dvIZU-01880-00558380-00558771 passion s and produce or prevent actions 7xut80dvIZU-01881-00558772-00559222 cannot be the offspring of reason nor 7xut80dvIZU-01882-00559223-00559477 can the morality of an action be founded 7xut80dvIZU-01883-00559478-00559741 on the true or false judgments causally 7xut80dvIZU-01884-00559742-00559825 linked to it 7xut80dvIZU-01885-00559826-00560065 no immoral action is wrong due to its 7xut80dvIZU-01886-00560066-00560365 arising from a mistake of fact or contra 7xut80dvIZU-01887-00560366-00560596 williston due to its causing false 7xut80dvIZU-01888-00560597-00560956 judgments in others after summing up 7xut80dvIZU-01889-00560957-00561226 this critique Hume develops a more 7xut80dvIZU-01890-00561227-00561541 particular case against rationalism 7xut80dvIZU-01891-00561542-00561802 recalling his systems two kinds of 7xut80dvIZU-01892-00561803-00562252 reasoning the comparing of ideas and the 7xut80dvIZU-01893-00562253-00562639 inferring of matter of fact now as for 7xut80dvIZU-01894-00562640-00562900 demonstrative reasoning the for abstract 7xut80dvIZU-01895-00562901-00563014 relations from 7xut80dvIZU-01896-00563015-00563239 one seemed perfectly irrelevant to 7xut80dvIZU-01897-00563240-00563503 morality and indeed it is hard to see 7xut80dvIZU-01898-00563504-00563725 how any relation could have just the 7xut80dvIZU-01899-00563726-00563935 right scope holding only between 7xut80dvIZU-01900-00563936-00564163 someone's psychology and external 7xut80dvIZU-01901-00564164-00564379 situation and the right practical 7xut80dvIZU-01902-00564380-00564639 implications as well somehow it must be 7xut80dvIZU-01903-00564640-00564910 certain a priori that no rational being 7xut80dvIZU-01904-00564911-00565135 could consider these relations without 7xut80dvIZU-01905-00565136-00565470 being motivated accordingly consider the 7xut80dvIZU-01906-00565471-00565750 immorality of parasite and incest this 7xut80dvIZU-01907-00565751-00565984 cannot consist merely in the abstract 7xut80dvIZU-01908-00565985-00566218 relations at play for the very same 7xut80dvIZU-01909-00566219-00566470 relations can be found in perfectly 7xut80dvIZU-01910-00566471-00566731 non-moral contexts involving inanimate 7xut80dvIZU-01911-00566732-00567088 objects and animals and as for probable 7xut80dvIZU-01912-00567089-00567361 reasoning Hume famously contends that we 7xut80dvIZU-01913-00567362-00567586 observe nothing in an action besides 7xut80dvIZU-01914-00567587-00567861 it's Ordinary non moral qualities 7xut80dvIZU-01915-00567862-00568147 experience reveals no moral qualities 7xut80dvIZU-01916-00568148-00568389 unless one looks to the moral feelings 7xut80dvIZU-01917-00568390-00568647 in one's own mind so that virtue and 7xut80dvIZU-01918-00568648-00568920 vice are like the secondary qualities of 7xut80dvIZU-01919-00568921-00569200 modern philosophy not qualities in 7xut80dvIZU-01920-00569201-00569605 objects but perceptions in the mind this 7xut80dvIZU-01921-00569606-00569872 first section ends with the famous is or 7xut80dvIZU-01922-00569873-00570289 paragraph Hume is thus left endorsing a 7xut80dvIZU-01923-00570290-00570543 moral sentimentalism somewhat like that 7xut80dvIZU-01924-00570544-00570851 of Hutchison morality 7xut80dvIZU-01925-00570852-00571136 is more properly felt than judge' dove 7xut80dvIZU-01926-00571137-00571502 quote dot the moral evaluations in our 7xut80dvIZU-01927-00571503-00571832 mind are impressions nothing but 7xut80dvIZU-01928-00571833-00572174 particular pains or pleasures and Humes 7xut80dvIZU-01929-00572175-00572548 task is to explain how certain kinds of 7xut80dvIZU-01930-00572549-00572951 action or sentiment or character produce 7xut80dvIZU-01931-00572952-00573329 these special Moral Sentiments in us but 7xut80dvIZU-01932-00573330-00573485 a problem arises 7xut80dvIZU-01933-00573486-00573776 since pleasant or painful feelings can 7xut80dvIZU-01934-00573777-00574019 be produced by inanimate objects 7xut80dvIZU-01935-00574020-00574274 Weider's and sentimental isms succumbed 7xut80dvIZU-01936-00574275-00574526 to the same objection hume has just 7xut80dvIZU-01937-00574527-00574901 raised against rationalism first he 7xut80dvIZU-01938-00574902-00575138 contends there are many different kinds 7xut80dvIZU-01939-00575139-00575417 of pleasure and pain and that the Moral 7xut80dvIZU-01940-00575418-00575804 Sentiments which arise only when a 7xut80dvIZU-01941-00575805-00576044 character is considered in general 7xut80dvIZU-01942-00576045-00576248 without reference to our particular 7xut80dvIZU-01943-00576249-00576551 interest have a distinctive feeling 7xut80dvIZU-01944-00576552-00576794 noticeably different than the feelings 7xut80dvIZU-01945-00576795-00577055 called up by inanimate objects or 7xut80dvIZU-01946-00577056-00577451 matters of self-interest second he 7xut80dvIZU-01947-00577452-00577655 reminds us that the foreign direct 7xut80dvIZU-01948-00577656-00577955 passions are produced by pleasant or 7xut80dvIZU-01949-00577956-00578246 unpleasant qualities in ourselves or 7xut80dvIZU-01950-00578247-00578672 other persons not inanimate objects this 7xut80dvIZU-01951-00578673-00578990 objection dispatched Hume closes with 7xut80dvIZU-01952-00578991-00579196 two points about the psychological 7xut80dvIZU-01953-00579197-00579656 origin of Moral Sentiments first on the 7xut80dvIZU-01954-00579657-00579914 working assumption that nature tends to 7xut80dvIZU-01955-00579915-00580424 produce variety from a few principles he 7xut80dvIZU-01956-00580425-00580724 hopes to find general principles 7xut80dvIZU-01957-00580725-00581126 underlying our moral psychology second 7xut80dvIZU-01958-00581127-00581318 to the question of whether these 7xut80dvIZU-01959-00581319-00581750 principles are natural he replies that 7xut80dvIZU-01960-00581751-00582062 it depends on the meaning of natural 7xut80dvIZU-01961-00582063-00582344 they are not miraculous nor are they 7xut80dvIZU-01962-00582345-00582611 rare but they might sometimes draw on 7xut80dvIZU-01963-00582612-00582908 human artifice his system will include 7xut80dvIZU-01964-00582909-00583205 both natural virtues and artificial 7xut80dvIZU-01965-00583206-00583427 virtues adding that none of these 7xut80dvIZU-01966-00583428-00583709 meanings can sustain the popular view 7xut80dvIZU-01967-00583710-00584010 defended by Butler that 7xut80dvIZU-01968-00584011-00584311 virtue is the same with what is natural 7xut80dvIZU-01969-00584312-00584602 and vice with what is unnatural quote 7xut80dvIZU-01970-00584603-00584917 dot before proceeding to his detailed 7xut80dvIZU-01971-00584918-00585235 examination of moral psychology Hume 7xut80dvIZU-01972-00585236-00585451 takes a parting shot of moral 7xut80dvIZU-01973-00585452-00585813 rationalism and it's incomprehensible 7xut80dvIZU-01974-00585814-00586108 relations and qualities which never did 7xut80dvIZU-01975-00586109-00586341 exist in nature nor even in our 7xut80dvIZU-01976-00586342-00586621 imagination by any clear and distinct 7xut80dvIZU-01977-00586622-00587170 conception 7xut80dvIZU-01978-00587171-00588202 topic part 2 of justice and injustice 7xut80dvIZU-01979-00588203-00588760 topic sections 1 2 2 7xut80dvIZU-01980-00588761-00589124 Hume devotes part to to thee artificial 7xut80dvIZU-01981-00589125-00589478 virtues those positive character traits 7xut80dvIZU-01982-00589479-00589697 that would have no moral appeal were it 7xut80dvIZU-01983-00589698-00589955 not for social conventions established 7xut80dvIZU-01984-00589956-00590320 by human artifice the most important of 7xut80dvIZU-01985-00590321-00590597 these virtues is justice and in the 7xut80dvIZU-01986-00590598-00590847 first section Hume office is so called 7xut80dvIZU-01987-00590848-00591233 circle argument to show that justice 7xut80dvIZU-01988-00591234-00591449 would not be seen as a virtue in a 7xut80dvIZU-01989-00591450-00591701 hypothetical world lacking the relevant 7xut80dvIZU-01990-00591702-00592082 social conventions first Hume contends 7xut80dvIZU-01991-00592083-00592360 character based motives are morally more 7xut80dvIZU-01992-00592361-00592622 fundamental than actions we approve of 7xut80dvIZU-01993-00592623-00592868 an action only insofar as it indicates 7xut80dvIZU-01994-00592869-00593116 some virtuous motive in the agent's 7xut80dvIZU-01995-00593117-00593318 character so that what makes an action 7xut80dvIZU-01996-00593319-00593566 virtuous in the first place is the 7xut80dvIZU-01997-00593567-00593897 virtuous motive it proceeds from but 7xut80dvIZU-01998-00593898-00594128 this motive must be an ordinary motive 7xut80dvIZU-01999-00594129-00594377 in human nature as opposed to the 7xut80dvIZU-02000-00594378-00594616 distinctive moral motive of performing 7xut80dvIZU-02001-00594617-00594899 the action because it is virtuous ie a 7xut80dvIZU-02002-00594900-00595322 sense of duty after all this moral 7xut80dvIZU-02003-00595323-00595556 motive presupposes that the action 7xut80dvIZU-02004-00595557-00595805 already counts as virtuous and it would 7xut80dvIZU-02005-00595806-00596045 be circular to derive the actions virtue 7xut80dvIZU-02006-00596046-00596333 from a motive which itself presupposes 7xut80dvIZU-02007-00596334-00596675 the actions virtue and so if justice 7xut80dvIZU-02008-00596676-00596887 were a natural virtue there would have 7xut80dvIZU-02009-00596888-00597149 to be an ordinary motive in human nature 7xut80dvIZU-02010-00597150-00597347 that could make someone a bay the rules 7xut80dvIZU-02011-00597348-00597728 of justice but according to Hume no such 7xut80dvIZU-02012-00597729-00597956 motive can be found unbridled 7xut80dvIZU-02013-00597957-00598235 self-interest leads us away from justice 7xut80dvIZU-02014-00598236-00598556 concern for reputation only goes so far 7xut80dvIZU-02015-00598557-00598799 impartial public benevolence cannot 7xut80dvIZU-02016-00598800-00599087 explain all cases of justice and is not 7xut80dvIZU-02017-00599088-00599300 even a true element of human nature 7xut80dvIZU-02018-00599301-00599597 contra Hutchison we love others only in 7xut80dvIZU-02019-00599598-00599828 a limited and discriminating way and 7xut80dvIZU-02020-00599829-00600080 private benevolence for our nearest and 7xut80dvIZU-02021-00600081-00600368 dearest cannot explain the universal and 7xut80dvIZU-02022-00600369-00600704 impartial nature of justice thus there 7xut80dvIZU-02023-00600705-00600964 is no motive capable of making justice 7xut80dvIZU-02024-00600965-00601210 count as a virtue not until certain 7xut80dvIZU-02025-00601211-00601604 social conventions come into place Hume 7xut80dvIZU-02026-00601605-00601853 closes this section by adding that we 7xut80dvIZU-02027-00601854-00602133 evaluate motives largely by comparison 7xut80dvIZU-02028-00602134-00602376 with what we consider to be normal human 7xut80dvIZU-02029-00602377-00602637 psychology and that the rules of justice 7xut80dvIZU-02030-00602638-00603060 are so obvious and necessary an 7xut80dvIZU-02031-00603061-00603347 invention that they can still be deemed 7xut80dvIZU-02032-00603348-00603876 natural to the human species hume next 7xut80dvIZU-02033-00603877-00604131 devotes an important and lengthy section 7xut80dvIZU-02034-00604132-00604440 to two questions first how is the social 7xut80dvIZU-02035-00604441-00604697 convention of justice established and 7xut80dvIZU-02036-00604698-00604986 second why do we invest the rules of 7xut80dvIZU-02037-00604987-00605310 justice with moral significance his 7xut80dvIZU-02038-00605311-00605580 answer to the first question begins with 7xut80dvIZU-02039-00605581-00605910 our need for society humans are not 7xut80dvIZU-02040-00605911-00606219 strong skilled or secure enough to meet 7xut80dvIZU-02041-00606220-00606507 our needs alone and only society can 7xut80dvIZU-02042-00606508-00606728 offer additional labor force 7xut80dvIZU-02043-00606729-00607017 specialization and mutual aid all 7xut80dvIZU-02044-00607018-00607320 important advantages of society learned 7xut80dvIZU-02045-00607321-00607565 of through growing up in families but 7xut80dvIZU-02046-00607566-00607863 this necessary social union is 7xut80dvIZU-02047-00607864-00608124 threatened both by humans selfishness or 7xut80dvIZU-02048-00608125-00608508 rather confined generosity and by the 7xut80dvIZU-02049-00608509-00608790 scarcity and instability of external 7xut80dvIZU-02050-00608791-00609120 goods and since our uncultivated natural 7xut80dvIZU-02051-00609121-00609309 affections cannot overcome these 7xut80dvIZU-02052-00609310-00609537 obstacles we see nothing wrong with 7xut80dvIZU-02053-00609538-00609765 having a normal amount of selfishness 7xut80dvIZU-02054-00609766-00610071 and generosity it is left to our reason 7xut80dvIZU-02055-00610072-00610308 and self-interest to find a solution 7xut80dvIZU-02056-00610309-00610581 through a general sense of common 7xut80dvIZU-02057-00610582-00611016 interest that is mutually expressed and 7xut80dvIZU-02058-00611017-00611349 known to everybody we gradually develop 7xut80dvIZU-02059-00611350-00611592 a social convention for the stabilizing 7xut80dvIZU-02060-00611593-00611868 and safeguarding of external goods with 7xut80dvIZU-02061-00611869-00612131 improved compliance and stronger social 7xut80dvIZU-02062-00612132-00612402 expectations feeding into each other a 7xut80dvIZU-02063-00612403-00612684 process Hume compares to the development 7xut80dvIZU-02064-00612685-00613044 of languages and currency he insists 7xut80dvIZU-02065-00613045-00613236 that this convention is not a promise 7xut80dvIZU-02066-00613237-00613512 famously illustrating the point with the 7xut80dvIZU-02067-00613513-00613737 example of two men agreeing to row a 7xut80dvIZU-02068-00613738-00613989 boat together simply from a sense of 7xut80dvIZU-02069-00613990-00614223 mutual advantage rather than from any 7xut80dvIZU-02070-00614224-00614580 promise and as justice is defined in 7xut80dvIZU-02071-00614581-00614835 terms of such a convention so to the 7xut80dvIZU-02072-00614836-00615209 related concepts of property or right or 7xut80dvIZU-02073-00615210-00615385 obligation 7xut80dvIZU-02074-00615386-00615766 can mean nothing in its absence since 7xut80dvIZU-02075-00615767-00616010 the chief obstacle to society our 7xut80dvIZU-02076-00616011-00616264 selfishness especially our insatiable 7xut80dvIZU-02077-00616265-00616519 acquisitiveness is in fact the very 7xut80dvIZU-02078-00616520-00616798 motive responsible for society the 7xut80dvIZU-02079-00616799-00617056 growth of social order depends less on 7xut80dvIZU-02080-00617057-00617236 our moral qualities than on our 7xut80dvIZU-02081-00617237-00617554 intellectual qualities but since 7xut80dvIZU-02082-00617555-00617797 stabilizing external goods is such a 7xut80dvIZU-02083-00617798-00618208 simple and obvious rule the convention 7xut80dvIZU-02084-00618209-00618452 is established with little delay so that 7xut80dvIZU-02085-00618453-00618825 the state of nature is a mere 7xut80dvIZU-02086-00618826-00619213 philosophical fiction not very realistic 7xut80dvIZU-02087-00619214-00619498 but useful for theorizing similarly 7xut80dvIZU-02088-00619499-00619904 edifying the Golden Age a fictional time 7xut80dvIZU-02089-00619905-00620125 of super abundant resources and 7xut80dvIZU-02090-00620126-00620354 Universal brotherly love helps shed 7xut80dvIZU-02091-00620355-00620620 light on the origins of justice were it 7xut80dvIZU-02092-00620621-00620908 not for certain non ideal circumstances 7xut80dvIZU-02093-00620909-00621247 selfishness limited generosity resource 7xut80dvIZU-02094-00621248-00621544 scarcity resource instability the rules 7xut80dvIZU-02095-00621545-00621892 of justice would be pointless real-world 7xut80dvIZU-02096-00621893-00622189 cases also illustrate the idea close 7xut80dvIZU-02097-00622190-00622411 personal relationships bring one's 7xut80dvIZU-02098-00622412-00622633 private belongings into common ownership 7xut80dvIZU-02099-00622634-00622921 and free goods like air and water are 7xut80dvIZU-02100-00622922-00623231 allowed unrestricted use and this 7xut80dvIZU-02101-00623232-00623548 general point Hume says reinforces three 7xut80dvIZU-02102-00623549-00623797 earlier points one public benevolence 7xut80dvIZU-02103-00623798-00624019 cannot be why we obey the rules of 7xut80dvIZU-02104-00624020-00624223 justice for it would only make these 7xut80dvIZU-02105-00624224-00624595 rules pointless to moral rationalism 7xut80dvIZU-02106-00624596-00624806 cannot make sense of justice 7xut80dvIZU-02107-00624807-00625010 Mayr abstract reasoning can neither 7xut80dvIZU-02108-00625011-00625264 account for the fact that justice hinges 7xut80dvIZU-02109-00625265-00625529 on specific background conditions more 7xut80dvIZU-02110-00625530-00625777 produce the concern for our interests 7xut80dvIZU-02111-00625778-00625952 that originally leads us to establish 7xut80dvIZU-02112-00625953-00626381 the rules of justice three justice is an 7xut80dvIZU-02113-00626382-00626585 artificial virtue though the whole 7xut80dvIZU-02114-00626586-00626815 purpose of justice is to serve our 7xut80dvIZU-02115-00626816-00627079 interests the connection between justice 7xut80dvIZU-02116-00627080-00627277 and our interests dissolves in the 7xut80dvIZU-02117-00627278-00627463 absence of the relevant social 7xut80dvIZU-02118-00627464-00627817 convention for without this convention 7xut80dvIZU-02119-00627818-00628039 wholehearted pursuit of the public 7xut80dvIZU-02120-00628040-00628256 interest would make justice pointless 7xut80dvIZU-02121-00628257-00628477 and unrestrained pursuit of private 7xut80dvIZU-02122-00628478-00628774 interests would leave justice in ruin 7xut80dvIZU-02123-00628775-00629050 and likewise without this convention 7xut80dvIZU-02124-00629051-00629323 certain individual acts of justice 7xut80dvIZU-02125-00629324-00629581 eg returning money to a villain would 7xut80dvIZU-02126-00629582-00629830 run contrary to our private interests 7xut80dvIZU-02127-00629831-00630040 and even the Public Interest such 7xut80dvIZU-02128-00630041-00630286 unfortunate acts are worth performing 7xut80dvIZU-02129-00630287-00630522 only because of our convention based 7xut80dvIZU-02130-00630523-00630748 expectation that others will follow our 7xut80dvIZU-02131-00630749-00631105 example and reinforce the whole system 7xut80dvIZU-02132-00631106-00631470 which does serve everyone's advantage 7xut80dvIZU-02133-00631471-00631786 Humes answer to the second question is 7xut80dvIZU-02134-00631787-00631993 that our approval of justice and 7xut80dvIZU-02135-00631994-00632251 disapproval of injustice is based in 7xut80dvIZU-02136-00632252-00632505 sympathy with the public interest 7xut80dvIZU-02137-00632506-00632779 justice was established to serve our 7xut80dvIZU-02138-00632780-00633049 interests but when society grows large 7xut80dvIZU-02139-00633050-00633271 enough we might lose sight of how 7xut80dvIZU-02140-00633272-00633570 injustice threatens social order 7xut80dvIZU-02141-00633571-00633850 fortunately the threat can be made vivid 7xut80dvIZU-02142-00633851-00634081 again when I myself am the victim of 7xut80dvIZU-02143-00634082-00634300 injustice or when I am partially 7xut80dvIZU-02144-00634301-00634519 sympathise with others threatened by 7xut80dvIZU-02145-00634520-00634810 injustice the sympathetically 7xut80dvIZU-02146-00634811-00635077 communicated negative feelings form the 7xut80dvIZU-02147-00635078-00635350 basis of my disapproval of injustice and 7xut80dvIZU-02148-00635351-00635653 this evaluation subsequently extends to 7xut80dvIZU-02149-00635654-00635896 my own behavior through the influence of 7xut80dvIZU-02150-00635897-00636118 general rules in sympathy with the 7xut80dvIZU-02151-00636119-00636412 opinions of others three additional 7xut80dvIZU-02152-00636413-00636664 factors then reinforce these Moral 7xut80dvIZU-02153-00636665-00636883 Sentiments one public leaders 7xut80dvIZU-02154-00636884-00637204 propagandize on behalf of justice contra 7xut80dvIZU-02155-00637205-00637456 Mandeville this technique works only by 7xut80dvIZU-02156-00637457-00637711 appealing to and intensifying Moral 7xut80dvIZU-02157-00637712-00638080 Sentiments we already have two parents 7xut80dvIZU-02158-00638081-00638326 in still children with a reliable and 7xut80dvIZU-02159-00638327-00638569 deeply rooted concern for the rules of 7xut80dvIZU-02160-00638570-00638941 justice three concern for reputation 7xut80dvIZU-02161-00638942-00639229 makes a scrupulously avoid injustice as 7xut80dvIZU-02162-00639230-00639879 a matter of personal principle 7xut80dvIZU-02163-00639880-00640566 topic sections three to six the next for 7xut80dvIZU-02164-00640567-00640789 section C Hume completing his 7xut80dvIZU-02165-00640790-00641043 examination of justice as an artificial 7xut80dvIZU-02166-00641044-00641335 virtue he argues that the three 7xut80dvIZU-02167-00641336-00641626 fundamental laws of nature that of the 7xut80dvIZU-02168-00641627-00641839 stability of possession of its 7xut80dvIZU-02169-00641840-00642114 transference by consent and of the 7xut80dvIZU-02170-00642115-00642508 performance of promises all based on 7xut80dvIZU-02171-00642509-00642837 human convention he begins by discussing 7xut80dvIZU-02172-00642838-00643081 the general rule of stability and its 7xut80dvIZU-02173-00643082-00643368 applications to make a peaceful 7xut80dvIZU-02174-00643369-00643654 establishment of society we must avoid 7xut80dvIZU-02175-00643655-00644058 controversial particular judgments about 7xut80dvIZU-02176-00644059-00644302 who is best suited to make use of what 7xut80dvIZU-02177-00644303-00644575 resources and instead adopt a general 7xut80dvIZU-02178-00644576-00644820 rule of present possession simply as a 7xut80dvIZU-02179-00644821-00645202 natural expedient with all the appeal of 7xut80dvIZU-02180-00645203-00645510 custom once society has been established 7xut80dvIZU-02181-00645511-00645812 the additional rules of occupation ie 7xut80dvIZU-02182-00645813-00646279 first possession prescription ie long 7xut80dvIZU-02183-00646280-00646683 possession accession eg the fruits of 7xut80dvIZU-02184-00646684-00647068 our garden and succession ie inheritance 7xut80dvIZU-02185-00647069-00647352 are developed these rules are largely 7xut80dvIZU-02186-00647353-00647593 the product of the imagination with 7xut80dvIZU-02187-00647594-00647851 ownership determined by the Association 7xut80dvIZU-02188-00647852-00647991 of ideas 7xut80dvIZU-02189-00647992-00648435 second because rigid stability would of 7xut80dvIZU-02190-00648436-00648660 course bring great disadvantages 7xut80dvIZU-02191-00648661-00648958 resources having been allocated by mere 7xut80dvIZU-02192-00648959-00649068 chance 7xut80dvIZU-02193-00649069-00649408 we need a peaceful way to induce changes 7xut80dvIZU-02194-00649409-00649510 in ownership 7xut80dvIZU-02195-00649511-00649849 thus we adopt the obvious rule of 7xut80dvIZU-02196-00649850-00650158 transference by consent and as for the 7xut80dvIZU-02197-00650159-00650497 related rule of delivery physically 7xut80dvIZU-02198-00650498-00650752 transferring the object or some symbolic 7xut80dvIZU-02199-00650753-00651022 token thereof this is simply a useful 7xut80dvIZU-02200-00651023-00651312 technique for visualizing the mysterious 7xut80dvIZU-02201-00651313-00651645 transition of the property property 7xut80dvIZU-02202-00651646-00651916 being an inconceivable quality when 7xut80dvIZU-02203-00651917-00652177 taken for something real without any 7xut80dvIZU-02204-00652178-00652495 reference to morality or the sentiments 7xut80dvIZU-02205-00652496-00652843 of the mind much as Catholics use 7xut80dvIZU-02206-00652844-00653141 imagery to represent the inconceivable 7xut80dvIZU-02207-00653142-00653256 mysteries 7xut80dvIZU-02208-00653257-00653646 of the Christian religion Hume then 7xut80dvIZU-02209-00653647-00654025 examines the final law of nature the 7xut80dvIZU-02210-00654026-00654297 performance of promises giving a 7xut80dvIZU-02211-00654298-00654543 two-stage argument that promise keeping 7xut80dvIZU-02212-00654544-00654931 is an artificial virtue first promises 7xut80dvIZU-02213-00654932-00655173 are naturally unintelligible for there 7xut80dvIZU-02214-00655174-00655398 is no distinctive mental act for 7xut80dvIZU-02215-00655399-00655671 promises to express neither resolutions 7xut80dvIZU-02216-00655672-00655954 more desires nor a direct willing of the 7xut80dvIZU-02217-00655955-00656277 Act and as for willing an obligation 7xut80dvIZU-02218-00656278-00656532 this is too absurd to be plausible given 7xut80dvIZU-02219-00656533-00656779 that changes in obligation required 7xut80dvIZU-02220-00656780-00657060 changes in human sentiment it is plainly 7xut80dvIZU-02221-00657061-00657312 impossible to will an obligation into 7xut80dvIZU-02222-00657313-00657684 existence but second even if promises 7xut80dvIZU-02223-00657685-00657900 were naturally intelligible they could 7xut80dvIZU-02224-00657901-00658054 not create an obligation 7xut80dvIZU-02225-00658055-00658306 ie even if we were foolish enough to 7xut80dvIZU-02226-00658307-00658548 mentally will an obligation nothing 7xut80dvIZU-02227-00658549-00658779 would change since no voluntary act 7xut80dvIZU-02228-00658780-00659121 could ever change human sentiments Hume 7xut80dvIZU-02229-00659122-00659377 also reprises the circle argument 7xut80dvIZU-02230-00659378-00659575 arguing that there is no motive for 7xut80dvIZU-02231-00659576-00659814 promise keeping other than a sense of 7xut80dvIZU-02232-00659815-00660216 duty in doing so how then does the 7xut80dvIZU-02233-00660217-00660462 artificial convention of promising come 7xut80dvIZU-02234-00660463-00660819 about the first two laws of nature for 7xut80dvIZU-02235-00660820-00661056 all their usefulness leave many further 7xut80dvIZU-02236-00661057-00661289 opportunities for mutual advantage 7xut80dvIZU-02237-00661290-00661658 unrealized eg non-simultaneous 7xut80dvIZU-02238-00661659-00661956 cooperative exchanges of labour unable 7xut80dvIZU-02239-00661957-00662227 to overcome the meanness of human nature 7xut80dvIZU-02240-00662228-00662541 in the absence of mutual confidence and 7xut80dvIZU-02241-00662542-00662919 security but unvirtuous individuals will 7xut80dvIZU-02242-00662920-00663141 soon learn to cooperate with each other 7xut80dvIZU-02243-00663142-00663344 simply from a self-interested 7xut80dvIZU-02244-00663345-00663604 expectation of the benefits of future 7xut80dvIZU-02245-00663605-00663852 cooperation and special language is 7xut80dvIZU-02246-00663853-00664113 introduced to express one's resolution 7xut80dvIZU-02247-00664114-00664368 to perform one's part on penalty of 7xut80dvIZU-02248-00664369-00664683 social distrust thus the practice is 7xut80dvIZU-02249-00664684-00664906 distinguished from the favours of true 7xut80dvIZU-02250-00664907-00665142 friends and secured through staking 7xut80dvIZU-02251-00665143-00665444 one's reputation on faithful performance 7xut80dvIZU-02252-00665445-00665779 the convention is then made moral in the 7xut80dvIZU-02253-00665780-00666129 same way as before P oblique interest 7xut80dvIZU-02254-00666130-00666387 education and the artifices of 7xut80dvIZU-02255-00666388-00666576 politicians 7xut80dvIZU-02256-00666577-00666894 and a fictional act of the mind willing 7xut80dvIZU-02257-00666895-00667209 an obligation is fabricated to make 7xut80dvIZU-02258-00667210-00667416 sense of the moral obligation 7xut80dvIZU-02259-00667417-00667758 finally Hume reinforces this explanation 7xut80dvIZU-02260-00667759-00667992 by observing that a promise obligates 7xut80dvIZU-02261-00667993-00668199 you even if you mentally cross your 7xut80dvIZU-02262-00668200-00668445 fingers but does not obligate you if it 7xut80dvIZU-02263-00668446-00668679 was honestly unintended or if you were 7xut80dvIZU-02264-00668680-00668931 obviously joking and yet does obligate 7xut80dvIZU-02265-00668932-00669174 you if you're devious in sincerity is a 7xut80dvIZU-02266-00669175-00669426 parent too shrewd observers and yet does 7xut80dvIZU-02267-00669427-00669657 not obligate you if induced by force 7xut80dvIZU-02268-00669658-00669981 alone among all motives a ll these 7xut80dvIZU-02269-00669982-00670344 contradictions Hume says are best 7xut80dvIZU-02270-00670345-00670572 explained by his convention based 7xut80dvIZU-02271-00670573-00670889 account of promising he adds that the 7xut80dvIZU-02272-00670890-00671256 terrible Catholic doctrine of intention 7xut80dvIZU-02273-00671257-00671562 is that a sacrament is invalidated if 7xut80dvIZU-02274-00671563-00671787 it's minister is in the wrong state of 7xut80dvIZU-02275-00671788-00672036 mind is actually more reasonable than 7xut80dvIZU-02276-00672037-00672348 the practice of promising since theology 7xut80dvIZU-02277-00672349-00672582 is less important than promise keeping 7xut80dvIZU-02278-00672583-00672864 it can afford to sacrifice utility to 7xut80dvIZU-02279-00672865-00673284 consistency finally Hume reviews these 7xut80dvIZU-02280-00673285-00673614 laws of nature and offers three 7xut80dvIZU-02281-00673615-00673799 additional arguments for their 7xut80dvIZU-02282-00673800-00674118 artificiality one justice is commonly 7xut80dvIZU-02283-00674119-00674394 defined in terms of property and yet it 7xut80dvIZU-02284-00674395-00674637 is impossible to understand property 7xut80dvIZU-02285-00674638-00674982 except in terms of justice but since 7xut80dvIZU-02286-00674983-00675198 there is no natural sentiment of 7xut80dvIZU-02287-00675199-00675420 approval for the practice of justice 7xut80dvIZU-02288-00675421-00675659 described in neutral language 7xut80dvIZU-02289-00675660-00675927 abstracting from the note e o n of 7xut80dvIZU-02290-00675928-00676329 property eg restoring an object to its 7xut80dvIZU-02291-00676330-00676605 first possessor justice is not a natural 7xut80dvIZU-02292-00676606-00677010 virtue to justice and injustice come in 7xut80dvIZU-02293-00677011-00677208 bright lines and sharp boundaries 7xut80dvIZU-02294-00677209-00677403 whereas our natural Moral Sentiments 7xut80dvIZU-02295-00677404-00677793 come in degrees three justice and 7xut80dvIZU-02296-00677794-00678033 injustice are universal in general 7xut80dvIZU-02297-00678034-00678300 whereas our natural moral sentiments are 7xut80dvIZU-02298-00678301-00678603 partial in particular eg justice might 7xut80dvIZU-02299-00678604-00678855 decide in favor of a featherbrained and 7xut80dvIZU-02300-00678856-00679083 filthy rich bachelor instead of a 7xut80dvIZU-02301-00679084-00679338 level-headed man trying to support his 7xut80dvIZU-02302-00679339-00679590 destitute family setting aside as 7xut80dvIZU-02303-00679591-00679845 irrelevant all the circumstances that 7xut80dvIZU-02304-00679846-00679970 engage our effect 7xut80dvIZU-02305-00679971-00680585 in favor of the latter 7xut80dvIZU-02306-00680586-00681161 topic sections 7 to 12 7xut80dvIZU-02307-00681162-00681467 in the next six sections Hume completes 7xut80dvIZU-02308-00681468-00681803 his system concerning the laws of nature 7xut80dvIZU-02309-00681804-00682163 and Nations with a lengthy discussion of 7xut80dvIZU-02310-00682164-00682363 government the need for government 7xut80dvIZU-02311-00682364-00682628 arises from our short-term thinking 7xut80dvIZU-02312-00682629-00682892 though lawful conduct is clearly in our 7xut80dvIZU-02313-00682893-00683114 interest we get carried away by a 7xut80dvIZU-02314-00683115-00683450 dangerous narrowness of soul which makes 7xut80dvIZU-02315-00683451-00683876 us prefer the present of the remote so 7xut80dvIZU-02316-00683877-00684092 that rule violations become more 7xut80dvIZU-02317-00684093-00684263 frequent and therefore more 7xut80dvIZU-02318-00684264-00684602 strategically advisable humans are 7xut80dvIZU-02319-00684603-00684812 incapable of overcoming this weakness 7xut80dvIZU-02320-00684813-00685076 and changing our nature no matter how 7xut80dvIZU-02321-00685077-00685286 much we may regret it from a clear 7xut80dvIZU-02322-00685287-00685550 sighted long-term perspective so we must 7xut80dvIZU-02323-00685551-00685835 instead change our situation and turn to 7xut80dvIZU-02324-00685836-00686066 the artificial expedient of government 7xut80dvIZU-02325-00686067-00686300 giving fairly disinterested public 7xut80dvIZU-02326-00686301-00686537 officials the power to enforce the laws 7xut80dvIZU-02327-00686538-00686765 of justice to decide disputes 7xut80dvIZU-02328-00686766-00686852 impartially 7xut80dvIZU-02329-00686853-00687074 and even to provide public goods 7xut80dvIZU-02330-00687075-00687302 otherwise under-produced due to free 7xut80dvIZU-02331-00687303-00687662 rider problems Hume then critiques the 7xut80dvIZU-02332-00687663-00687884 liberal Whig theory of government as 7xut80dvIZU-02333-00687885-00688115 deriving its authority only from the 7xut80dvIZU-02334-00688116-00688355 consent of the governed as traced back 7xut80dvIZU-02335-00688356-00688604 to an original contract between ruler 7xut80dvIZU-02336-00688605-00688931 and people he agrees with the rudiments 7xut80dvIZU-02337-00688932-00689216 of the Whig theory simple societies can 7xut80dvIZU-02338-00689217-00689444 long subsist without government for it 7xut80dvIZU-02339-00689445-00689693 is war between societies that first 7xut80dvIZU-02340-00689694-00689954 brings serious social disorder from 7xut80dvIZU-02341-00689955-00690230 conflict over the spoils of war and then 7xut80dvIZU-02342-00690231-00690422 government with military leaders 7xut80dvIZU-02343-00690423-00690686 becoming political leaders at a public 7xut80dvIZU-02344-00690687-00690980 assembly but though government typically 7xut80dvIZU-02345-00690981-00691175 originates in a social agreement 7xut80dvIZU-02346-00691176-00691436 promising cannot be its one and only 7xut80dvIZU-02347-00691437-00691784 source of authority for as Hume has 7xut80dvIZU-02348-00691785-00692075 argued promise keeping itself originates 7xut80dvIZU-02349-00692076-00692315 in a social convention serving the 7xut80dvIZU-02350-00692316-00692507 public interest so that if government 7xut80dvIZU-02351-00692508-00692822 serves the public interest by preserve 7xut80dvIZU-02352-00692823-00693245 in order and Concord in society then it 7xut80dvIZU-02353-00693246-00693491 gains an authority of its own equivalent 7xut80dvIZU-02354-00693492-00693785 to that of promise keeping we have a 7xut80dvIZU-02355-00693786-00694007 parallel interest in both promise 7xut80dvIZU-02356-00694008-00694280 keeping is a human invention needed for 7xut80dvIZU-02357-00694281-00694556 social cooperation and government is a 7xut80dvIZU-02358-00694557-00694781 human invention needed enlarged and 7xut80dvIZU-02359-00694782-00695012 advanced societies for reliably 7xut80dvIZU-02360-00695013-00695255 enforcing such practices and thereby 7xut80dvIZU-02361-00695256-00695480 preserving social order with neither 7xut80dvIZU-02362-00695481-00695729 inventions serving a more general or 7xut80dvIZU-02363-00695730-00695954 more significant interest than the other 7xut80dvIZU-02364-00695955-00696281 and the to run parallel morally as well 7xut80dvIZU-02365-00696282-00696508 promised breaking and anti government 7xut80dvIZU-02366-00696509-00696760 action are both disapproved of primarily 7xut80dvIZU-02367-00696761-00697070 from a sense of common interest thus 7xut80dvIZU-02368-00697071-00697312 there is no sense founding the one in 7xut80dvIZU-02369-00697313-00697568 the other Hume also appeals to the 7xut80dvIZU-02370-00697569-00697808 opinions of everyday people which in 7xut80dvIZU-02371-00697809-00697997 questions of morality and other 7xut80dvIZU-02372-00697998-00698300 sentimentalist domains carry with them a 7xut80dvIZU-02373-00698301-00698587 peculiar authority and are in a great 7xut80dvIZU-02374-00698588-00699005 measure infallible who see themselves as 7xut80dvIZU-02375-00699006-00699254 born to obedience independently of any 7xut80dvIZU-02376-00699255-00699575 promising tacit or otherwise even to 7xut80dvIZU-02377-00699576-00700345 authoritarianism rebellion but humor 7xut80dvIZU-02378-00700346-00700535 grieves with the Whigs about the right 7xut80dvIZU-02379-00700536-00700760 of resistance when governments become 7xut80dvIZU-02380-00700761-00701075 tyrannical our interest in government 7xut80dvIZU-02381-00701076-00701416 consists in the security and protection 7xut80dvIZU-02382-00701417-00701758 which we enjoy in political society and 7xut80dvIZU-02383-00701759-00702050 therefore disappears as soon as the 7xut80dvIZU-02384-00702051-00702247 authorities become intolerably 7xut80dvIZU-02385-00702248-00702452 oppressive and though our moral 7xut80dvIZU-02386-00702453-00702658 obligation to allegiance might be 7xut80dvIZU-02387-00702659-00702908 expected to linger on stubbornly due to 7xut80dvIZU-02388-00702909-00703114 the influence of general rules our 7xut80dvIZU-02389-00703115-00703387 familiarity with human nature and the 7xut80dvIZU-02390-00703388-00703574 history of tyrants will give us 7xut80dvIZU-02391-00703575-00703808 additional general rules marking out 7xut80dvIZU-02392-00703809-00704143 exceptions to the common rule and thus 7xut80dvIZU-02393-00704144-00704531 public opinion perfectly infallible in 7xut80dvIZU-02394-00704532-00704816 questions of morality is not wed to any 7xut80dvIZU-02395-00704817-00705124 exception this rule of passive obedience 7xut80dvIZU-02396-00705125-00705452 that is perfectly willing to make 7xut80dvIZU-02397-00705453-00705728 allowances for resistance in the more 7xut80dvIZU-02398-00705729-00705980 flagrant instances of tyranny and 7xut80dvIZU-02399-00705981-00706296 oppression 7xut80dvIZU-02400-00706297-00706525 the next problem of Allegiance is who 7xut80dvIZU-02401-00706526-00706785 exactly is the rightful ruler and 7xut80dvIZU-02402-00706786-00707079 according to Hume such questions are 7xut80dvIZU-02403-00707080-00707352 often irresolvable by reason and it can 7xut80dvIZU-02404-00707353-00707587 be wise to simply go with the flow in 7xut80dvIZU-02405-00707588-00707983 the interests of peace and liberty again 7xut80dvIZU-02406-00707984-00708237 Hume agrees that political society 7xut80dvIZU-02407-00708238-00708475 begins with a social agreement promising 7xut80dvIZU-02408-00708476-00708843 allegiance to certain people but once a 7xut80dvIZU-02409-00708844-00709102 government acquires its own authority by 7xut80dvIZU-02410-00709103-00709287 serving the public interest 7xut80dvIZU-02411-00709288-00709552 it is paradoxically in our interest to 7xut80dvIZU-02412-00709553-00709791 renounce our interest and simply abide 7xut80dvIZU-02413-00709792-00710031 the powers-that-be lest we fall into 7xut80dvIZU-02414-00710032-00710281 divisive controversies over the best 7xut80dvIZU-02415-00710282-00710625 possible ruler questions of succession 7xut80dvIZU-02416-00710626-00710833 are then answered with five somewhat 7xut80dvIZU-02417-00710834-00711129 arbitrary principles one long possession 7xut80dvIZU-02418-00711130-00711339 the influence of custom favors 7xut80dvIZU-02419-00711340-00711579 long-established forms of governments 7xut80dvIZU-02420-00711580-00711768 though it takes longer to acquire a 7xut80dvIZU-02421-00711769-00712056 right to large nations to present 7xut80dvIZU-02422-00712057-00712269 possession few governments have any 7xut80dvIZU-02423-00712270-00712470 better claim to authority than 7xut80dvIZU-02424-00712471-00712722 successfully holding on to power 3 7xut80dvIZU-02425-00712723-00713008 conquest we favor glorious conquerors 7xut80dvIZU-02426-00713009-00713314 over detestable usurpers for succession 7xut80dvIZU-02427-00713315-00713539 along with the clear advantages of 7xut80dvIZU-02428-00713540-00713802 hereditary government Hume emphasizes 7xut80dvIZU-02429-00713803-00714069 our imaginative tendency to associate 7xut80dvIZU-02430-00714070-00714277 parents with children and past 7xut80dvIZU-02431-00714278-00714514 belongings from one to the other five 7xut80dvIZU-02432-00714515-00714814 positive laws lawmakers may change the 7xut80dvIZU-02433-00714815-00715008 form of government though any drastic 7xut80dvIZU-02434-00715009-00715258 departures from tradition are apt to 7xut80dvIZU-02435-00715259-00715591 diminish popular allegiance and with so 7xut80dvIZU-02436-00715592-00715845 many distinct principles the choice of 7xut80dvIZU-02437-00715846-00716112 ruler is sometimes wonderfully clear and 7xut80dvIZU-02438-00716113-00716431 sometimes hopelessly unclear in a 7xut80dvIZU-02439-00716432-00716629 closing discussion of the Glorious 7xut80dvIZU-02440-00716630-00716860 Revolution Hume defends keeping the 7xut80dvIZU-02441-00716861-00717102 right of resistant son formulated and 7xut80dvIZU-02442-00717103-00717360 out of the legal code and extending this 7xut80dvIZU-02443-00717361-00717604 right from cases of direct oppression 7xut80dvIZU-02444-00717605-00717873 two cases of interbranch constitutional 7xut80dvIZU-02445-00717874-00718252 encroachment in mixed governments adding 7xut80dvIZU-02446-00718253-00718633 to philosophical reflections first 7xut80dvIZU-02447-00718634-00718896 Parliament's authority to exclude the 7xut80dvIZU-02448-00718897-00719139 heirs of rulers they have deposed but 7xut80dvIZU-02449-00719140-00719367 not the heirs of rulers who simply died 7xut80dvIZU-02450-00719368-00719672 derives from mere imaginative inertia 7xut80dvIZU-02451-00719673-00719954 second a contested change in authority 7xut80dvIZU-02452-00719955-00720212 may acquire legitimacy retroactive Lee 7xut80dvIZU-02453-00720213-00720590 from a stable line of successors Hume 7xut80dvIZU-02454-00720591-00720833 then examines international law the 7xut80dvIZU-02455-00720834-00721091 similarities between individuals and 7xut80dvIZU-02456-00721092-00721349 entire Nations yield the same three laws 7xut80dvIZU-02457-00721350-00721604 of nature as before but the special 7xut80dvIZU-02458-00721605-00721868 needs of nations call for special rules 7xut80dvIZU-02459-00721869-00722120 eg diplomatic immunity 7xut80dvIZU-02460-00722121-00722471 but because cooperation among nations is 7xut80dvIZU-02461-00722472-00722831 not so necessary nor advantageous as 7xut80dvIZU-02462-00722832-00723200 that among individuals moral rules have 7xut80dvIZU-02463-00723201-00723404 significantly less force in 7xut80dvIZU-02464-00723405-00723683 international contexts and may lawfully 7xut80dvIZU-02465-00723684-00723977 be transgressive from a more trivial 7xut80dvIZU-02466-00723978-00724172 motive ie 7xut80dvIZU-02467-00724173-00724457 a weaker natural obligation brings a 7xut80dvIZU-02468-00724458-00724781 weaker moral obligation only general 7xut80dvIZU-02469-00724782-00725021 practice can determine exactly how much 7xut80dvIZU-02470-00725022-00725330 weaker the obligation is and indeed the 7xut80dvIZU-02471-00725331-00725558 fact that the rules are recognized to be 7xut80dvIZU-02472-00725559-00725810 weaker in practice shows that people 7xut80dvIZU-02473-00725811-00726145 have an implicit notion of their 7xut80dvIZU-02474-00726146-00726569 artificiality the final section examines 7xut80dvIZU-02475-00726570-00726818 the social rules governing the sexual 7xut80dvIZU-02476-00726819-00727141 behavior of women chastity and modesty 7xut80dvIZU-02477-00727142-00727454 which Hume takes to nicely illustrate 7xut80dvIZU-02478-00727455-00727742 how artificial virtues grounded only in 7xut80dvIZU-02479-00727743-00727985 social interest can nevertheless acquire 7xut80dvIZU-02480-00727986-00728375 universal force it is boringly obvious 7xut80dvIZU-02481-00728376-00728591 that these rules are not exactly natural 7xut80dvIZU-02482-00728592-00728867 and yet they solve a natural problem a 7xut80dvIZU-02483-00728868-00729167 child needs both parents parents need to 7xut80dvIZU-02484-00729168-00729407 know the child is theirs and paternity 7xut80dvIZU-02485-00729408-00729755 is subject to uncertainty and since 7xut80dvIZU-02486-00729756-00730025 questions of sexual fidelity cannot be 7xut80dvIZU-02487-00730026-00730301 settled in courtrooms society needs 7xut80dvIZU-02488-00730302-00730580 informal norms with weakened evidential 7xut80dvIZU-02489-00730581-00730808 standards and heightened reputational 7xut80dvIZU-02490-00730809-00731201 import policing fidelity in women indeed 7xut80dvIZU-02491-00731202-00731492 Hume adds given female weakness in the 7xut80dvIZU-02492-00731493-00731801 face of sexual temptation society needs 7xut80dvIZU-02493-00731802-00732029 women to feel a strong aversion to 7xut80dvIZU-02494-00732030-00732310 anything even suggestive of infidelity 7xut80dvIZU-02495-00732311-00732659 this solution might sound unrealistic in 7xut80dvIZU-02496-00732660-00732905 the abstract but Nature has made it a 7xut80dvIZU-02497-00732906-00733045 reality those 7xut80dvIZU-02498-00733046-00733214 personally concerned with infidelity 7xut80dvIZU-02499-00733215-00733489 have swept along the unconcerned in 7xut80dvIZU-02500-00733490-00733708 their disapproval molded the minds of 7xut80dvIZU-02501-00733709-00734012 girls and extended the general rule in - 7xut80dvIZU-02502-00734013-00734287 apparently irrational territory with de 7xut80dvIZU-02503-00734288-00734581 Borchard men shopped at any female 7xut80dvIZU-02504-00734582-00734825 transgression and postmenopausal women 7xut80dvIZU-02505-00734826-00735035 condemned for perfectly harmless 7xut80dvIZU-02506-00735036-00735377 promiscuity men instead stake their 7xut80dvIZU-02507-00735378-00735650 reputation on courage a partly natural 7xut80dvIZU-02508-00735651-00735937 virtue and enjoy looser sexual norms 7xut80dvIZU-02509-00735938-00736277 fidelity in males like cooperation among 7xut80dvIZU-02510-00736278-00737050 nations being less important for society 7xut80dvIZU-02511-00737051-00737381 topic part three of the other virtues 7xut80dvIZU-02512-00737382-00738129 and vices 7xut80dvIZU-02513-00738130-00738627 topic section one 7xut80dvIZU-02514-00738628-00738941 Hulme finishes the treatise by examining 7xut80dvIZU-02515-00738942-00739331 the natural virtues those character 7xut80dvIZU-02516-00739332-00739547 traits approved of independently of 7xut80dvIZU-02517-00739548-00739854 social conventions in a general review 7xut80dvIZU-02518-00739855-00740133 of morality and the passions he reminds 7xut80dvIZU-02519-00740134-00740381 us that human psychology is driven by 7xut80dvIZU-02520-00740382-00740627 pain and pleasure which call up direct 7xut80dvIZU-02521-00740628-00740874 passions and then the indirect passions 7xut80dvIZU-02522-00740875-00741145 that explain moral evaluation and which 7xut80dvIZU-02523-00741146-00741501 qualities or characters counters 7xut80dvIZU-02524-00741502-00741816 virtuous or not and since the indirect 7xut80dvIZU-02525-00741817-00742052 passions are pi2 actions only as 7xut80dvIZU-02526-00742053-00742283 indicating something stable in the 7xut80dvIZU-02527-00742284-00742529 agent's mind the Moral Sentiments are 7xut80dvIZU-02528-00742530-00742806 also directed primarily at mental 7xut80dvIZU-02529-00742807-00743112 qualities and only derivative Liat 7xut80dvIZU-02530-00743113-00743531 actions after this review Hume presents 7xut80dvIZU-02531-00743532-00743910 his central hypothesis concerning the 7xut80dvIZU-02532-00743911-00744162 natural virtues and vices moral 7xut80dvIZU-02533-00744163-00744393 evaluation of these traits is best 7xut80dvIZU-02534-00744394-00744714 explained in terms of sympathy the 7xut80dvIZU-02535-00744715-00745010 hypothesis is supported by three points 7xut80dvIZU-02536-00745011-00745425 sympathy is so very powerful that mere 7xut80dvIZU-02537-00745426-00745689 observation of an emotions causes or 7xut80dvIZU-02538-00745690-00745943 effects can communicate the emotion to 7xut80dvIZU-02539-00745944-00746208 us the beauty we find in anything useful 7xut80dvIZU-02540-00746209-00746481 stems from sympathy with the pleasure it 7xut80dvIZU-02541-00746482-00746727 might bring its uses and likewise the 7xut80dvIZU-02542-00746728-00746970 moral Beauty we find in the artificial 7xut80dvIZU-02543-00746971-00747249 virtue stems from sympathy with the 7xut80dvIZU-02544-00747250-00747524 public interest that these virtues serve 7xut80dvIZU-02545-00747525-00747827 given these three points and given that 7xut80dvIZU-02546-00747828-00748137 natural virtues and social utility often 7xut80dvIZU-02547-00748138-00748397 go together parsimony dictates that we 7xut80dvIZU-02548-00748398-00748662 also explain the natural virtues in 7xut80dvIZU-02549-00748663-00748974 terms of sympathy Hume finds the 7xut80dvIZU-02550-00748975-00749214 connection between virtue and utility 7xut80dvIZU-02551-00749215-00749493 fairly obvious it inspired Mandeville's 7xut80dvIZU-02552-00749494-00749706 erroneous account of virtue as a 7xut80dvIZU-02553-00749707-00749916 fraudulent invention of conniving 7xut80dvIZU-02554-00749917-00750183 politicians and indeed the connection is 7xut80dvIZU-02555-00750184-00750462 even stronger with natural virtues than 7xut80dvIZU-02556-00750463-00750758 with artificial virtues for though 7xut80dvIZU-02557-00750759-00751064 artificial virtues may harm society in 7xut80dvIZU-02558-00751065-00751322 particular cases promoting the public 7xut80dvIZU-02559-00751323-00751385 interest 7xut80dvIZU-02560-00751386-00751718 only when mediated by a general scheme 7xut80dvIZU-02561-00751719-00751997 natural virtues help society 7xut80dvIZU-02562-00751998-00752250 in every case which makes it even more 7xut80dvIZU-02563-00752251-00752514 probable that sympathy explains moral 7xut80dvIZU-02564-00752515-00752910 evaluation of the natural virtues Hume 7xut80dvIZU-02565-00752911-00753137 further develops his sympathy based 7xut80dvIZU-02566-00753138-00753375 account of the natural virtues by 7xut80dvIZU-02567-00753376-00753706 considering two objections first 7xut80dvIZU-02568-00753707-00754004 variability and impartiality how can 7xut80dvIZU-02569-00754005-00754214 something as variable as sympathy 7xut80dvIZU-02570-00754215-00754460 account for moral impartiality of the 7xut80dvIZU-02571-00754461-00754718 sort that recognizes virtue in loved 7xut80dvIZU-02572-00754719-00754958 ones and complete strangers alike 7xut80dvIZU-02573-00754959-00755331 Humes answer is that because variability 7xut80dvIZU-02574-00755332-00755525 in moral evaluation would lead to 7xut80dvIZU-02575-00755526-00755789 hopeless practical conflict we correct 7xut80dvIZU-02576-00755790-00756173 ourselves in our general judgments by 7xut80dvIZU-02577-00756174-00756614 fixing onto a common point of view ie we 7xut80dvIZU-02578-00756615-00756839 focus on the people within someones 7xut80dvIZU-02579-00756840-00757095 sphere of influence and evaluate his 7xut80dvIZU-02580-00757096-00757362 character by sympathetically considering 7xut80dvIZU-02581-00757363-00757556 how they are affected by his character 7xut80dvIZU-02582-00757557-00757914 traits indeed we perform similar 7xut80dvIZU-02583-00757915-00758135 Corrections for our senses and our 7xut80dvIZU-02584-00758136-00758454 aesthetic judgments of course our 7xut80dvIZU-02585-00758455-00758714 passions may resist correction so that 7xut80dvIZU-02586-00758715-00758960 only our language is changed but we 7xut80dvIZU-02587-00758961-00759227 still know that our emotional favoritism 7xut80dvIZU-02588-00759228-00759458 of some over others would go away if we 7xut80dvIZU-02589-00759459-00759677 were equally close to them all which is 7xut80dvIZU-02590-00759678-00759983 perhaps enough to settle a general calm 7xut80dvIZU-02591-00759984-00760347 determination of the passions second 7xut80dvIZU-02592-00760348-00760443 moral luck 7xut80dvIZU-02593-00760444-00760689 how can sympathy explain cases where 7xut80dvIZU-02594-00760690-00760952 unusual external circumstances have 7xut80dvIZU-02595-00760953-00761195 prevented someone's internal character 7xut80dvIZU-02596-00761196-00761516 from having its usual effects Humes 7xut80dvIZU-02597-00761517-00761787 answer is that the imagination follows 7xut80dvIZU-02598-00761788-00762020 general rules focusing more on 7xut80dvIZU-02599-00762021-00762260 somethings general tendencies than its 7xut80dvIZU-02600-00762261-00762462 actual effects and that our moral 7xut80dvIZU-02601-00762463-00762745 sentiments are influenced accordingly 7xut80dvIZU-02602-00762746-00763014 naturally we will feel even stronger 7xut80dvIZU-02603-00763015-00763254 approval when the general tendency is 7xut80dvIZU-02604-00763255-00763497 actually realized but we deliberately 7xut80dvIZU-02605-00763498-00763745 set aside moral luck to correct our 7xut80dvIZU-02606-00763746-00764085 general moral judgments this explains 7xut80dvIZU-02607-00764086-00764354 how we can manage such extensive 7xut80dvIZU-02608-00764355-00764804 sympathy in morality despite our limited 7xut80dvIZU-02609-00764805-00765247 generosity in practice it takes real 7xut80dvIZU-02610-00765248-00765391 consequences 7xut80dvIZU-02611-00765392-00765736 and particular cases to touch the heart 7xut80dvIZU-02612-00765737-00766266 and control our passions but seeming 7xut80dvIZU-02613-00766267-00766609 tendencies and general trends are enough 7xut80dvIZU-02614-00766610-00767110 to influence our taste he finishes this 7xut80dvIZU-02615-00767111-00767326 general treatment of the natural virtues 7xut80dvIZU-02616-00767327-00767622 with a four-fold classification every 7xut80dvIZU-02617-00767623-00767916 natural virtue is either one useful to 7xut80dvIZU-02618-00767917-00768195 others to useful to the person himself 7xut80dvIZU-02619-00768196-00768495 three immediately agreeable to others or 7xut80dvIZU-02620-00768496-00768793 for immediately agreeable to the person 7xut80dvIZU-02621-00768794-00769231 himself of these four sources of moral 7xut80dvIZU-02622-00769232-00769566 distinctions the most important of the 7xut80dvIZU-02623-00769567-00769828 virtues of usefulness which please us 7xut80dvIZU-02624-00769829-00770070 even when mere private interest is at 7xut80dvIZU-02625-00770071-00770131 stake 7xut80dvIZU-02626-00770132-00770302 thus we approve of prudence and 7xut80dvIZU-02627-00770303-00770527 frugality and while the Vice of 7xut80dvIZU-02628-00770528-00770905 indolence is sometimes indulged as an 7xut80dvIZU-02629-00770906-00771175 excuse for the unsuccessful or a veiled 7xut80dvIZU-02630-00771176-00771505 boast of sophistication dexterity in 7xut80dvIZU-02631-00771506-00771870 business wins approval by sheer sympathy 7xut80dvIZU-02632-00771871-00772159 with the person's private interest the 7xut80dvIZU-02633-00772160-00772422 two categories of useful virtues are 7xut80dvIZU-02634-00772423-00772684 often blended together by sympathy what 7xut80dvIZU-02635-00772685-00772912 hurts me ends up paining others as they 7xut80dvIZU-02636-00772913-00773164 sympathize with me and what hurts others 7xut80dvIZU-02637-00773165-00773383 ends up painting me as I sympathize with 7xut80dvIZU-02638-00773384-00773710 them less important are the virtues of 7xut80dvIZU-02639-00773711-00773943 immediate agreeableness instead of 7xut80dvIZU-02640-00773944-00774168 reflecting on the positive tendencies of 7xut80dvIZU-02641-00774169-00774439 a mental quality we simply find it 7xut80dvIZU-02642-00774440-00774601 pleasant in and of itself 7xut80dvIZU-02643-00774602-00774964 eg wit insouciance and even here 7xut80dvIZU-02644-00774965-00775240 sympathy plays a major role we approve 7xut80dvIZU-02645-00775241-00775483 of these virtues in large part because 7xut80dvIZU-02646-00775484-00775716 they bring pleasure to others or the 7xut80dvIZU-02647-00775717-00776083 person himself Hume concludes with a 7xut80dvIZU-02648-00776084-00776433 general review of the present hypothesis 7xut80dvIZU-02649-00776434-00776768 this that we evaluate character by 7xut80dvIZU-02650-00776769-00777004 sympathetically considering its impact 7xut80dvIZU-02651-00777005-00777253 on the person himself and others within 7xut80dvIZU-02652-00777254-00777520 his sphere of influence and a brief 7xut80dvIZU-02653-00777521-00777880 remark on how good or ill desert is 7xut80dvIZU-02654-00777881-00778147 explained in terms of the benevolence or 7xut80dvIZU-02655-00778148-00778378 anger that come with evaluating ie 7xut80dvIZU-02656-00778379-00779091 loving or hating another person 7xut80dvIZU-02657-00779092-00779645 topic section two two three 7xut80dvIZU-02658-00779646-00780005 Hulme then applies his general system of 7xut80dvIZU-02659-00780006-00780385 morals to two kinds of virtue the rough 7xut80dvIZU-02660-00780386-00780725 heroic virtue of the Great and the 7xut80dvIZU-02661-00780726-00781088 kind-hearted virtue of the good as for 7xut80dvIZU-02662-00781089-00781364 heroic virtue it derives its merit from 7xut80dvIZU-02663-00781365-00781745 a suspect source pride pride has a bad 7xut80dvIZU-02664-00781746-00781982 name because the idea of someone's 7xut80dvIZU-02665-00781983-00782222 superior to us can be so immediately 7xut80dvIZU-02666-00782223-00782468 disagreeable but Hume distinguishes 7xut80dvIZU-02667-00782469-00782902 between ill grounded and well grounded 7xut80dvIZU-02668-00782903-00783257 pride ill grounded pride pains us by 7xut80dvIZU-02669-00783258-00783518 comparison when someone else over eights 7xut80dvIZU-02670-00783519-00783734 their own merit and this idea of a 7xut80dvIZU-02671-00783735-00784057 superior becomes more than an ID all 7xut80dvIZU-02672-00784058-00784340 fiction and reaches a medium level of 7xut80dvIZU-02673-00784341-00784562 strength but someone else's 7xut80dvIZU-02674-00784563-00784781 well-grounded pride brings us pleasure 7xut80dvIZU-02675-00784782-00785087 by sympathy when the idea is so strong 7xut80dvIZU-02676-00785088-00785291 in us that we fully believe in their 7xut80dvIZU-02677-00785292-00785618 merit and thus well-grounded pride is a 7xut80dvIZU-02678-00785619-00785885 virtue thanks to its usefulness and 7xut80dvIZU-02679-00785886-00786227 agreeableness to the person himself now 7xut80dvIZU-02680-00786228-00786476 because we are so prone to the vice of 7xut80dvIZU-02681-00786477-00786770 excessive pride social harmony demands 7xut80dvIZU-02682-00786771-00787117 artificial rules rules of good breeding 7xut80dvIZU-02683-00787118-00787403 against the open expression of any pride 7xut80dvIZU-02684-00787404-00787787 at all but a man of honor is still 7xut80dvIZU-02685-00787788-00788000 expected to have a healthy internal 7xut80dvIZU-02686-00788001-00788222 sense of his own merit and those whose 7xut80dvIZU-02687-00788223-00788507 modesty goes too far a scorned for their 7xut80dvIZU-02688-00788508-00789008 meanness or simplicity thus it is that 7xut80dvIZU-02689-00789009-00789454 heroic virtues see Orage intrepidity 7xut80dvIZU-02690-00789455-00789818 ambition love of glory magnanimity and 7xut80dvIZU-02691-00789819-00790103 all the other shining virtues of that 7xut80dvIZU-02692-00790104-00790277 kind 7xut80dvIZU-02693-00790278-00790492 I chiefly admired for thee 7xut80dvIZU-02694-00790493-00790904 well-regulated pride they embody indeed 7xut80dvIZU-02695-00790905-00791147 though excessive pride is harmful to 7xut80dvIZU-02696-00791148-00791417 oneself even when courteously concealed 7xut80dvIZU-02697-00791418-00791690 from others and military glory is often 7xut80dvIZU-02698-00791691-00791921 extremely harmful to others nevertheless 7xut80dvIZU-02699-00791922-00792160 there is something admirable and 7xut80dvIZU-02700-00792161-00792470 dazzling in the pride of a hero 7xut80dvIZU-02701-00792471-00792691 due to the immediately agreeable 7xut80dvIZU-02702-00792692-00793048 elevated and sublime sensation he 7xut80dvIZU-02703-00793049-00793310 experiences Hume adds that our 7xut80dvIZU-02704-00793311-00793574 disapproval of open pride even in those 7xut80dvIZU-02705-00793575-00793889 who have never insulted us eg historical 7xut80dvIZU-02706-00793890-00794153 figures is due to an additional sympathy 7xut80dvIZU-02707-00794154-00794483 with the people around them as for the 7xut80dvIZU-02708-00794484-00794855 virtues of goodness and benevolence Hume 7xut80dvIZU-02709-00794856-00795113 explains their merit primarily in terms 7xut80dvIZU-02710-00795114-00795461 of their positive impact on others the 7xut80dvIZU-02711-00795462-00795680 section begins by reviewing Humes 7xut80dvIZU-02712-00795681-00795902 account of moral evaluation from the 7xut80dvIZU-02713-00795903-00796145 common point of view and of sympathy 7xut80dvIZU-02714-00796146-00796487 with a person's sphere of influence here 7xut80dvIZU-02715-00796488-00796820 the tender passions are not only 7xut80dvIZU-02716-00796821-00797048 themselves good for society they are 7xut80dvIZU-02717-00797049-00797318 needed to direct other virtues towards 7xut80dvIZU-02718-00797319-00797429 the public good 7xut80dvIZU-02719-00797430-00797672 but there is also a more immediate 7xut80dvIZU-02720-00797673-00798002 approval as we are simply touchid with a 7xut80dvIZU-02721-00798003-00798341 tender sentiment or sympathetic to 7xut80dvIZU-02722-00798342-00798650 characters like our own this is why even 7xut80dvIZU-02723-00798651-00799064 benevolent trifles and excesses in love 7xut80dvIZU-02724-00799065-00799322 still win approval as the love in their 7xut80dvIZU-02725-00799323-00799583 minds easily converts into love in our 7xut80dvIZU-02726-00799584-00799906 minds for them as for the contrasting 7xut80dvIZU-02727-00799907-00800246 angry passions they are judged by 7xut80dvIZU-02728-00800247-00800603 comparison with humanity in general such 7xut80dvIZU-02729-00800604-00800819 passions are excused when normal 7xut80dvIZU-02730-00800820-00801098 sometimes scorned when absent and even 7xut80dvIZU-02731-00801099-00801317 applauded when impressively low though 7xut80dvIZU-02732-00801318-00801664 they form the most detested of all vices 7xut80dvIZU-02733-00801665-00802136 when they rise up to cruelty and for its 7xut80dvIZU-02734-00802137-00802439 negative impact on others indeed in 7xut80dvIZU-02735-00802440-00802709 general your moral virtue is mostly 7xut80dvIZU-02736-00802710-00802979 determined by how desirable you are in 7xut80dvIZU-02737-00802980-00803623 different social relations 7xut80dvIZU-02738-00803624-00804191 topic sections four to five 7xut80dvIZU-02739-00804192-00804485 Hulme finishes by explaining how his 7xut80dvIZU-02740-00804486-00804785 system accommodates not only the moral 7xut80dvIZU-02741-00804786-00805232 virtues but also the natural abilities 7xut80dvIZU-02742-00805233-00805526 of the mind and by down paying the 7xut80dvIZU-02743-00805527-00805766 distinction is not very important and 7xut80dvIZU-02744-00805767-00806062 largely a matter of mere terminology 7xut80dvIZU-02745-00806063-00806363 virtues and abilities are alike Hume 7xut80dvIZU-02746-00806364-00806681 contends in their causes and effects 7xut80dvIZU-02747-00806682-00806936 they are mental qualities that produce 7xut80dvIZU-02748-00806937-00807200 pleasure and elicit approval and we all 7xut80dvIZU-02749-00807201-00807536 care about both to the objection that 7xut80dvIZU-02750-00807537-00807737 the distinction matters because the 7xut80dvIZU-02751-00807738-00807977 approval of abilities feels different 7xut80dvIZU-02752-00807978-00808193 from the approval of virtues Hume 7xut80dvIZU-02753-00808194-00808441 responds that our approval of different 7xut80dvIZU-02754-00808442-00808715 things always feels different eg with 7xut80dvIZU-02755-00808716-00809033 different virtues - the objection that 7xut80dvIZU-02756-00809034-00809306 virtues are unlike abilities in being 7xut80dvIZU-02757-00809307-00809570 voluntary and involving freewill Hume 7xut80dvIZU-02758-00809571-00809780 replies that many virtues are 7xut80dvIZU-02759-00809781-00810014 involuntary especially the virtues of 7xut80dvIZU-02760-00810015-00810272 the great that voluntariness has no 7xut80dvIZU-02761-00810273-00810527 clear relevance to the process of moral 7xut80dvIZU-02762-00810528-00810785 evaluation and that we have no free will 7xut80dvIZU-02763-00810786-00811066 other than mere voluntariness but 7xut80dvIZU-02764-00811067-00811318 voluntariness helps explain why 7xut80dvIZU-02765-00811319-00811652 moralists think that distinction matters 7xut80dvIZU-02766-00811653-00811958 in contexts of moral exhortation Hume 7xut80dvIZU-02767-00811959-00812240 explains it is important to focus on 7xut80dvIZU-02768-00812241-00812480 those qualities that are most responsive 7xut80dvIZU-02769-00812481-00812718 to social pressure rather than approving 7xut80dvIZU-02770-00812719-00812909 indiscriminately of any mental 7xut80dvIZU-02771-00812910-00813143 excellence like everyday people and 7xut80dvIZU-02772-00813144-00813485 ancient philosophers these natural 7xut80dvIZU-02773-00813486-00813737 abilities of the mind are valued mainly 7xut80dvIZU-02774-00813738-00813941 for the usefulness for the person 7xut80dvIZU-02775-00813942-00814316 himself eg prudence sagacity industry 7xut80dvIZU-02776-00814317-00814625 patience sometimes immediate 7xut80dvIZU-02777-00814626-00814874 agreeableness is most important whether 7xut80dvIZU-02778-00814875-00815191 to others eg wit eloquence charisma even 7xut80dvIZU-02779-00815192-00815513 cleanliness or the person himself eg 7xut80dvIZU-02780-00815514-00815789 cheerfulness our judgements are 7xut80dvIZU-02781-00815790-00816043 influenced by empirical associations 7xut80dvIZU-02782-00816044-00816314 between a quality and a person's age or 7xut80dvIZU-02783-00816315-00816656 walk of life eg disapproval of levity in 7xut80dvIZU-02784-00816657-00816959 the old natural abilities also 7xut80dvIZU-02785-00816960-00817253 influenced our evaluations by making an 7xut80dvIZU-02786-00817254-00817516 able person more consequential in life 7xut80dvIZU-02787-00817517-00817570 for 7xut80dvIZU-02788-00817571-00817889 good or ill the question of why we are 7xut80dvIZU-02789-00817890-00818062 less inclined to value a person 7xut80dvIZU-02790-00818063-00818323 according to the quickness and accuracy 7xut80dvIZU-02791-00818324-00818591 of their memory Hume explains by noting 7xut80dvIZU-02792-00818592-00818879 that unlike the intellect the memory is 7xut80dvIZU-02793-00818880-00819137 exerted without any sensation of 7xut80dvIZU-02794-00819138-00819419 pleasure or pain and in all its middling 7xut80dvIZU-02795-00819420-00819676 degrees serves almost equally well in 7xut80dvIZU-02796-00819677-00820187 business and Affairs thus far Humes 7xut80dvIZU-02797-00820187-00820394 account has dealt exclusively with 7xut80dvIZU-02798-00820395-00820658 mental qualities but he goes some way to 7xut80dvIZU-02799-00820659-00821113 accommodate bodily advantages and the 7xut80dvIZU-02800-00821114-00821465 advantages of fortune which are equally 7xut80dvIZU-02801-00821466-00821699 capable of eliciting love and 7xut80dvIZU-02802-00821700-00821804 approbation 7xut80dvIZU-02803-00821804-00822161 thus women love a strong man in sympathy 7xut80dvIZU-02804-00822162-00822397 with the utility a lover of his could be 7xut80dvIZU-02805-00822398-00822650 expected to receive everyone finds 7xut80dvIZU-02806-00822651-00822932 beauty in healthy and useful body parts 7xut80dvIZU-02807-00822933-00823162 and an immediate pleasure or dismay 7xut80dvIZU-02808-00823163-00823408 arises from the perception of regular 7xut80dvIZU-02809-00823409-00823808 features or a sickly air respectively 7xut80dvIZU-02810-00823809-00824087 thus we esteem the wealthy by sympathy 7xut80dvIZU-02811-00824087-00824296 with the pleasure their riches give them 7xut80dvIZU-02812-00824297-00824483 reinforced by their being more 7xut80dvIZU-02813-00824484-00824825 consequential Hume notes that though he 7xut80dvIZU-02814-00824826-00825041 cannot explain why the feeling of 7xut80dvIZU-02815-00825042-00825280 approval is more determined by the kind 7xut80dvIZU-02816-00825281-00825580 of subject contemplated eg an inanimate 7xut80dvIZU-02817-00825581-00825883 object or a person than by the kind of 7xut80dvIZU-02818-00825884-00826147 mechanism driving the approval eg 7xut80dvIZU-02819-00826148-00826429 sympathy with utility or immediate 7xut80dvIZU-02820-00826430-00826979 agreeableness 7xut80dvIZU-02821-00826981-00827654 topic section six the conclusion of book 7xut80dvIZU-02822-00827656-00827883 three and therefore the treatise as a 7xut80dvIZU-02823-00827884-00828104 whole briefly recapitulates the 7xut80dvIZU-02824-00828106-00828437 reasoning for Humes thesis that sympathy 7xut80dvIZU-02825-00828439-00828644 is the chief source of moral 7xut80dvIZU-02826-00828645-00828981 distinctions indeed most would agree 7xut80dvIZU-02827-00828982-00829308 that justice and the useful qualities of 7xut80dvIZU-02828-00829309-00829665 the mind a valued for the usefulness and 7xut80dvIZU-02829-00829666-00829962 what besides sympathy can explain why we 7xut80dvIZU-02830-00829962-00830202 care about the public good or the 7xut80dvIZU-02831-00830203-00830619 happiness of strangers this system of 7xut80dvIZU-02832-00830620-00831018 ethics is not only supported by solid 7xut80dvIZU-02833-00831019-00831336 argument Hume adds but it can help 7xut80dvIZU-02834-00831337-00831684 moralist show the dignity and the 7xut80dvIZU-02835-00831685-00832112 happiness of virtue first it puts 7xut80dvIZU-02836-00832114-00832350 morality in a good light to see it 7xut80dvIZU-02837-00832351-00832696 derived from so noble a source as 7xut80dvIZU-02838-00832698-00832974 sympathy we end up approving of virtue 7xut80dvIZU-02839-00832975-00833244 the sense of virtue and even the 7xut80dvIZU-02840-00833245-00833502 psychological principles underlying the 7xut80dvIZU-02841-00833503-00833779 sense of virtue and while the 7xut80dvIZU-02842-00833781-00834018 artificiality of justice may seem 7xut80dvIZU-02843-00834019-00834273 unattractive at first this disappears 7xut80dvIZU-02844-00834274-00834558 when we remember that since t he 7xut80dvIZU-02845-00834559-00834879 interest on which justice is founded is 7xut80dvIZU-02846-00834879-00835203 the greatest imaginable and extends to 7xut80dvIZU-02847-00835204-00835448 all times in place 7xut80dvIZU-02848-00835449-00835712 therefore the rules of justice are 7xut80dvIZU-02849-00835714-00836052 steadfast and immutable at least as 7xut80dvIZU-02850-00836053-00836514 immutable as human nature secondly a 7xut80dvIZU-02851-00836515-00836762 life of virtue pays off quite well 7xut80dvIZU-02852-00836764-00836985 bringing immediate advantages and 7xut80dvIZU-02853-00836986-00837254 enhanced social reputation and the 7xut80dvIZU-02854-00837256-00837654 inward satisfaction of a mind able to 7xut80dvIZU-02855-00837654-00838046 bear its own survey so while Hume 7xut80dvIZU-02856-00838048-00838283 presents himself as a theoretical 7xut80dvIZU-02857-00838284-00838646 anatomist who dissects human psychology 7xut80dvIZU-02858-00838648-00838980 into ugly bits his work is well suited 7xut80dvIZU-02859-00838981-00839313 for the practical painter who Styles 7xut80dvIZU-02860-00839314-00839546 morality into a beautiful and inviting 7xut80dvIZU-02861-00839548-00840140 ideal 7xut80dvIZU-02862-00840141-00840712 topic see also 7xut80dvIZU-02863-00840712-00841264 humes law science of man 7ywvcB43qfg-00000-00000104-00000318 it's in the cave 7ywvcB43qfg-00001-00000319-00000559 oh i broke the stuff 7ywvcB43qfg-00002-00000560-00000751 don't do it please please no don't make 7ywvcB43qfg-00003-00000752-00000927 chinese food don't do it i will pull 7ywvcB43qfg-00004-00000927-00002207 this sugar 7ywvcB43qfg-00005-00002208-00002383 oh hey man what's up there you are hey 7ywvcB43qfg-00006-00002384-00002567 what's up hey man 7ywvcB43qfg-00007-00002568-00002750 no 7ywvcB43qfg-00008-00002751-00002934 pressing charges 7ywvcB43qfg-00009-00002935-00003102 pressing charges wait 7ywvcB43qfg-00010-00003103-00003286 no pressing press charges i'm fast 7ywvcB43qfg-00011-00003288-00003543 traveling press pressure 7ywvcB43qfg-00012-00003544-00003751 pressing charges i'm pressing going to 7ywvcB43qfg-00013-00003752-00003822 the right 7ywvcB43qfg-00014-00003823-00004015 i just press charges press charges guess 7ywvcB43qfg-00015-00004015-00004191 what [__] i'm out of here no 7ywvcB43qfg-00016-00004192-00004406 no no no no you're a wanted member 7ywvcB43qfg-00017-00004407-00004679 you're wanted man do you think the law 7ywvcB43qfg-00018-00004680-00004879 you think well you think the law would 7ywvcB43qfg-00019-00004880-00005191 care 7ywvcB43qfg-00020-00005192-00005415 so ooh a train i'm gonna go rob it um i 7ywvcB43qfg-00021-00005416-00005686 am 7ywvcB43qfg-00022-00005687-00005918 the thought process of of that angry 7ywvcB43qfg-00023-00005919-00006038 scarred 7ywvcB43qfg-00024-00006039-00006175 young there's a train there i'm gonna 7ywvcB43qfg-00025-00006176-00006295 rob it 7ywvcB43qfg-00026-00006296-00006510 i i may or may not have got run over by 7ywvcB43qfg-00027-00006511-00006598 the train 7ywvcB43qfg-00028-00006600-00007910 you're an idiot oh my god 7ywvcB43qfg-00029-00007911-00009719 dogs 7ywvcB43qfg-00030-00009720-00009983 so what do we what do we do we killed 7ywvcB43qfg-00031-00009984-00010135 all four of them now though 7ywvcB43qfg-00032-00010136-00010287 i got you so we're the hate crime 7ywvcB43qfg-00033-00010288-00010599 fighters right no we're like yeah 7ywvcB43qfg-00034-00010600-00010687 so 7ywvcB43qfg-00035-00010688-00010759 we 7ywvcB43qfg-00036-00010760-00010871 we 7ywvcB43qfg-00037-00010872-00011023 what did the hank grinders hate crime 7ywvcB43qfg-00038-00011024-00011638 fighters do of a train 7ywvcB43qfg-00039-00011639-00012063 oh my god 7ywvcB43qfg-00040-00012064-00012191 we're not really like this we're not 7ywvcB43qfg-00041-00012192-00012551 really racist 7ywvcB43qfg-00042-00012552-00012783 i'm kidding i'm kidding i promise you i 7ywvcB43qfg-00043-00012784-00013015 promise everyone i am kidding it is a 7ywvcB43qfg-00044-00013016-00013102 joke 7ywvcB43qfg-00045-00013103-00013383 do not take it seriously 7ywvcB43qfg-00046-00013384-00013543 and then what's up 7ywvcB43qfg-00047-00013544-00013886 we wait you son of a [__] 7ywvcB43qfg-00048-00013887-00014063 do you really think that's gonna 7ywvcB43qfg-00049-00014063-00015430 oh 7ywvcB43qfg-00050-00015431-00015791 i just saw that what the [__] what is 7ywvcB43qfg-00051-00015791-00016038 that i don't know 7ywvcB43qfg-00052-00016040-00016247 that rope is sturdy as [__] 7ywvcB43qfg-00053-00016247-00016439 oh wait do you think if i move the train 7ywvcB43qfg-00054-00016440-00016583 just a little bit or something we can 7ywvcB43qfg-00055-00016584-00016758 get on the top of the train we can 7ywvcB43qfg-00056-00016759-00017063 glitch up there from that rope 7ywvcB43qfg-00057-00017064-00017263 i take that as he has what is he sonic 7ywvcB43qfg-00058-00017264-00017477 what did you just climb on it 7ywvcB43qfg-00059-00017478-00017719 [Laughter] 7ywvcB43qfg-00060-00017720-00017830 it's not going to let you on there he's 7ywvcB43qfg-00061-00017831-00017983 going to shove you off 7ywvcB43qfg-00062-00017984-00018286 it will i'll do oh 7ywvcB43qfg-00063-00018287-00018527 guys i want it 7ywvcB43qfg-00064-00018528-00018822 but you're on i'm on it 7ywvcB43qfg-00065-00018823-00019047 i'm on my screen he's on it go forward 7ywvcB43qfg-00066-00019048-00019255 go for it get it centered up center up i 7ywvcB43qfg-00067-00019256-00019350 can't 7ywvcB43qfg-00068-00019351-00019622 there's like an invisible wall there 7ywvcB43qfg-00069-00019623-00020026 no no no 7ywvcB43qfg-00070-00020027-00020550 [Music] 7ywvcB43qfg-00071-00020551-00020686 i'm going to see what happens if tonic 7ywvcB43qfg-00072-00020687-00020871 gets [__] 7ywvcB43qfg-00073-00020872-00021063 clothesline 7ywvcB43qfg-00074-00021064-00021255 what happened 7ywvcB43qfg-00075-00021256-00021463 yeah are you 7ywvcB43qfg-00076-00021464-00021799 oh [__] i'm so close to getting him off 7ywvcB43qfg-00077-00021800-00021958 bro 7ywvcB43qfg-00078-00021959-00022135 we're in a large tunnel 7ywvcB43qfg-00079-00022136-00022286 oh stand up 7ywvcB43qfg-00080-00022287-00022414 what 7ywvcB43qfg-00081-00022415-00023927 hey yo 7ywvcB43qfg-00082-00023928-00024247 twitch chats be like 7ywvcB43qfg-00083-00024248-00024407 tonic is going to get so much smoke 7ywvcB43qfg-00084-00024408-00024583 inhalation do you see this just the pure 7ywvcB43qfg-00085-00024584-00025255 cold hitting though 7ywvcB43qfg-00086-00025256-00025494 i see you guys hey boys don't don't 7ywvcB43qfg-00087-00025495-00025702 don't no no 7ywvcB43qfg-00088-00025704-00025999 no no 7ywvcB43qfg-00089-00026000-00026543 why did you just fall 7ywvcB43qfg-00090-00026544-00027951 do you guys have any pokemon 7ywvcB43qfg-00091-00027952-00028839 what happened 7ywvcB43qfg-00092-00028839-00028999 i'm gonna be in the uh 7ywvcB43qfg-00093-00029000-00029151 ow 7ywvcB43qfg-00094-00029152-00030335 you [__] don't throw me into the coal 7ywvcB43qfg-00095-00030336-00030455 i'm just going to get a drink in public 7ywvcB43qfg-00096-00030456-00030631 real quick excuse me 7ywvcB43qfg-00097-00030632-00031558 oh what the [__] is that 7ywvcB43qfg-00098-00031560-00031783 excuse me boys i need to um hold on hold 7ywvcB43qfg-00099-00031783-00031879 on hold on wait hold on i got something 7ywvcB43qfg-00100-00031880-00032039 from the post hold on hold on hold on 7ywvcB43qfg-00101-00032039-00032174 let me just do something with my horse 7ywvcB43qfg-00102-00032175-00032705 yep 7ywvcB43qfg-00103-00032706-00034248 [Music] 7ywvcB43qfg-00104-00034249-00034815 [Music] 7ywvcB43qfg-00105-00034816-00035630 i can't [__] climb up my shot 7ywvcB43qfg-00106-00035631-00035815 both of you are in timeout i would like 7ywvcB43qfg-00107-00035816-00035959 the fat i don't have any money that's 7ywvcB43qfg-00108-00035960-00036087 funny 7ywvcB43qfg-00109-00036088-00036262 what's what's the button for for a 7ywvcB43qfg-00110-00036263-00036430 [__] 7ywvcB43qfg-00111-00036431-00036639 bro how did my horse get up here 7ywvcB43qfg-00112-00036640-00036799 she's on the train 7ywvcB43qfg-00113-00036800-00037239 where your horse is on the train 7ywvcB43qfg-00114-00037240-00037399 to get up there was this part of the 7ywvcB43qfg-00115-00037400-00037646 train dude 7ywvcB43qfg-00116-00037647-00038039 oh my god how are you gonna get off that 7ywvcB43qfg-00117-00038040-00038230 what the [__] let's 7ywvcB43qfg-00118-00038231-00038374 go boys 7ywvcB43qfg-00119-00038375-00038862 force on the train oh my game crashed 7ywvcB43qfg-00120-00038863-00039055 uh 7ywvcB43qfg-00121-00039056-00039207 wait come on 7ywvcB43qfg-00122-00039208-00039743 i'm gonna hit the torch right here 7ywvcB43qfg-00123-00039744-00039967 my horse is [__] dead now you 7ywvcB43qfg-00124-00039968-00040255 absolute dumbass 7ywvcB43qfg-00125-00040256-00040455 i wasn't your horse anyway dude look at 7ywvcB43qfg-00126-00040456-00041079 my look at my trophy dude 7ywvcB43qfg-00127-00041080-00041215 don't worry about it don't worry about 7ywvcB43qfg-00128-00041216-00041390 let's take a seat you like my friend all 7ywvcB43qfg-00129-00041391-00041655 right i want some i want some booze and 7ywvcB43qfg-00130-00041656-00042990 this is my currency right here 7ywvcB43qfg-00131-00042991-00043143 can you throw the rabbit on the table 7ywvcB43qfg-00132-00043144-00043335 yeah i was about to do that mason 7ywvcB43qfg-00133-00043336-00044862 this is dinner 7ywvcB43qfg-00134-00044863-00045135 what the 7ywvcB43qfg-00135-00045136-00045367 all i wanted was dinner bro this guy 7ywvcB43qfg-00136-00045368-00045830 does not look petrified at all oh 7ywvcB43qfg-00137-00045831-00046007 hold on i get my dinner for tonight get 7ywvcB43qfg-00138-00046008-00046143 out of the way uh scott i know this is 7ywvcB43qfg-00139-00046144-00046255 gonna sound weird to you but in this 7ywvcB43qfg-00140-00046256-00046415 country we don't just hand people over 7ywvcB43qfg-00141-00046416-00046558 like that we at least give them a 7ywvcB43qfg-00142-00046559-00046799 celebratory [__] beforehand oh i'm 7ywvcB43qfg-00143-00046800-00046918 sorry we'll hear a bartender you can 7ywvcB43qfg-00144-00046919-00047023 take care of this real quick and i'll 7ywvcB43qfg-00145-00047024-00047199 help you out 7ywvcB43qfg-00146-00047200-00047311 my dinner 7ywvcB43qfg-00147-00047312-00047639 do something about it 7ywvcB43qfg-00148-00047640-00047918 please help anyone 7ywvcB43qfg-00149-00047919-00048151 jesus christ 7ywvcB43qfg-00150-00048152-00048295 i gotta kill these people sorry they're 7ywvcB43qfg-00151-00048296-00048527 witnesses they're all witnesses 7ywvcB43qfg-00152-00048528-00048727 i'm sorry sorry man i'm sorry i don't 7ywvcB43qfg-00153-00048728-00048871 thought i just heard gunshots and then 7ywvcB43qfg-00154-00048872-00048999 scott's over here just going on sorry 7ywvcB43qfg-00155-00049000-00050023 man i'm sorry sorry 7ywvcB43qfg-00156-00050024-00050286 scott you are teleporting everywhere 7ywvcB43qfg-00157-00050287-00050483 yeah you were before i kinda 7ywvcB43qfg-00158-00050484-00050727 am what the [__] is wrong with you are 7ywvcB43qfg-00159-00050728-00051030 you punching horses 7ywvcB43qfg-00160-00051031-00051326 so messed up 7ywvcB43qfg-00161-00051327-00051526 whoops 7ywvcB43qfg-00162-00051527-00051670 you piece of [__] 7ywvcB43qfg-00163-00051671-00052483 [__] you beat the [__] 7ywvcB43qfg-00164-00052484-00052735 [Music] 7ywvcB43qfg-00165-00052736-00052894 i'm gonna bring it to the saloon i'm 7ywvcB43qfg-00166-00052895-00053023 gonna 7ywvcB43qfg-00167-00053024-00053247 this is still here 7ywvcB43qfg-00168-00053248-00053463 dude lambda come back lambda come back 7ywvcB43qfg-00169-00053464-00053766 into the saline 7ywvcB43qfg-00170-00053767-00053991 the body is still here 7ywvcB43qfg-00171-00053991-00054303 and no way no shot bro did you just 7ywvcB43qfg-00172-00054304-00054559 kidnap a lady no she's dead 7ywvcB43qfg-00173-00054560-00054711 wait time come upstairs wanna come 7ywvcB43qfg-00174-00054712-00054903 upstairs and through the table you go 7ywvcB43qfg-00175-00054904-00055254 i'm all yours big boy oh jesus christ 7ywvcB43qfg-00176-00055255-00055382 oh 7ywvcB43qfg-00177-00055383-00055694 jesus whoa whoa look at this abstract oh 7ywvcB43qfg-00178-00055695-00056294 my god 7ywvcB43qfg-00179-00056295-00056430 one 7ywvcB43qfg-00180-00056432-00056535 two 7ywvcB43qfg-00181-00056536-00056630 three 7ywvcB43qfg-00182-00056632-00056742 four 7ywvcB43qfg-00183-00056744-00056838 five 7ywvcB43qfg-00184-00056839-00056935 six 7ywvcB43qfg-00185-00056936-00057030 seven 7ywvcB43qfg-00186-00057032-00057135 eight 7ywvcB43qfg-00187-00057136-00057630 nine ten draw 7ywvcB43qfg-00188-00057632-00057982 sorry i'm a little slow on the draw 7ywvcB43qfg-00189-00057983-00058223 what the [__] is happening in the in the 7ywvcB43qfg-00190-00058224-00058511 saloon bro me me and you later 7ywvcB43qfg-00191-00058512-00059882 why is it on top of another oh hold on 7ywvcB43qfg-00192-00059883-00061430 [Laughter] 7ywvcB43qfg-00193-00061432-00061679 what war crime did you commit hold on 7ywvcB43qfg-00194-00061679-00061863 let me uh [__] i'm actually going to 7ywvcB43qfg-00195-00061864-00062038 mount the horse right here slow down 7ywvcB43qfg-00196-00062039-00062223 slow down slow down okay 7ywvcB43qfg-00197-00062224-00062919 me talking to a big woman 7ywvcB43qfg-00198-00062920-00063063 what did he say 7ywvcB43qfg-00199-00063064-00064126 draw 7ywvcB43qfg-00200-00064127-00064247 oh 7ywvcB43qfg-00201-00064248-00064454 what did you just do 7ywvcB43qfg-00202-00064455-00064638 how did you get that arrow involved he 7ywvcB43qfg-00203-00064639-00065030 needs cpr he needs cpr give him cpr 7ywvcB43qfg-00204-00065032-00065166 i got him i got him 7ywvcB43qfg-00205-00065167-00065543 that's not the right person 7ywvcB43qfg-00206-00065544-00065694 i got him 7ywvcB43qfg-00207-00065695-00066126 a doctor don't worry about it 7ywvcB43qfg-00208-00066127-00066575 how [__] jesus can slap him 7ywvcB43qfg-00209-00066576-00066823 his head is gone 7ywvcB43qfg-00210-00066824-00067175 what did you do 7ywvcB43qfg-00211-00067176-00067415 hold on there's one coming uh oh [__] 7ywvcB43qfg-00212-00067416-00067791 that's that's not that's not identical 7ywvcB43qfg-00213-00067792-00067991 get the [__] who the [__] you think you 7ywvcB43qfg-00214-00067992-00068447 are bucko 7ywvcB43qfg-00215-00068448-00068967 yeah you son of a [__] 7ywvcB43qfg-00216-00068968-00069167 we have snacks we only drink vanilla 7ywvcB43qfg-00217-00069168-00069471 white chocolate on here yes 7ywvcB43qfg-00218-00069472-00069694 that's me that's what you get 7ywvcB43qfg-00219-00069695-00069982 that's what you get 7ywvcB43qfg-00220-00069983-00070975 where he's being [__] dressed 7ywvcB43qfg-00221-00070976-00071206 jesus christ i think i went a little bit 7ywvcB43qfg-00222-00071207-00071931 too far 7ywvcB43qfg-00223-00071932-00072926 [Music] 7ywvcB43qfg-00224-00072927-00073087 you said you wanted to do missions i 7ywvcB43qfg-00225-00073088-00073343 want to kill somebody i just want money 7ywvcB43qfg-00226-00073344-00073606 and wait four wait four wait for it 7ywvcB43qfg-00227-00073607-00073838 there we go 7ywvcB43qfg-00228-00073839-00074215 i shot the dog i repeat i shot the dog 7ywvcB43qfg-00229-00074216-00074526 okay 7ywvcB43qfg-00230-00074527-00074767 he's like i repeat i shot the dog 7ywvcB43qfg-00231-00074768-00074943 wait can i skin the dog 7ywvcB43qfg-00232-00074944-00075087 don't skin the dog 7ywvcB43qfg-00233-00075088-00075287 can i join i want to watch the dog i 7ywvcB43qfg-00234-00075288-00075455 want to spare someone 7ywvcB43qfg-00235-00075456-00075647 oh jesus christ he gets that works as 7ywvcB43qfg-00236-00075648-00076055 well oh hey hey how you doing 7ywvcB43qfg-00237-00076056-00076199 ow album 7ywvcB43qfg-00238-00076200-00076415 [__] me off i'm trying to spear someone 7ywvcB43qfg-00239-00076416-00076631 but it's not letting this fear 7ywvcB43qfg-00240-00076632-00076950 just tap after you run at them 7ywvcB43qfg-00241-00076951-00077119 scott was telling me e 7ywvcB43qfg-00242-00077120-00077359 i said e wait that's just it's e for me 7ywvcB43qfg-00243-00077360-00077535 yeah just like your mom is 7ywvcB43qfg-00244-00077536-00077799 it's e for everyone 7ywvcB43qfg-00245-00077800-00078023 can you please put down the dog no this 7ywvcB43qfg-00246-00078024-00078128 guy's not dragged to death 7ywvcB43qfg-00247-00078129-00078238 [Music] 7ywvcB43qfg-00248-00078239-00078423 put him come here 7ywvcB43qfg-00249-00078424-00078550 that guy's getting dragged there you 7ywvcB43qfg-00250-00078551-00078719 can't get the ball 7ywvcB43qfg-00251-00078720-00078887 this is my dog 7ywvcB43qfg-00252-00078888-00079206 why are you carrying a dead dog oh my 7ywvcB43qfg-00253-00079207-00079503 god 7ywvcB43qfg-00254-00079504-00079791 i need to be like 7ywvcB43qfg-00255-00079792-00080023 wait what'd you say go to the cave go to 7ywvcB43qfg-00256-00080024-00080206 the cave guys go to the cave go to the 7ywvcB43qfg-00257-00080207-00080319 cave go to the game get to the cover i 7ywvcB43qfg-00258-00080320-00080550 want to do something 7ywvcB43qfg-00259-00080551-00080743 don't do it please please no don't make 7ywvcB43qfg-00260-00080744-00080938 chinese food don't do it i will pull the 7ywvcB43qfg-00261-00080939-00083031 sugar he's making chinese 7ywvcB43qfg-00262-00083032-00083135 [__] 7ywvcB43qfg-00263-00083136-00083359 you deserve the highest level of go to 7ywvcB43qfg-00264-00083360-00083718 hell 7ywvcB43qfg-00265-00083719-00085287 put the bullets in his head 7ywvcB43qfg-00266-00085288-00085511 don't worry it was for a worthy cause i 7ywvcB43qfg-00267-00085512-00085694 think i think all of a sudden i see it 7ywvcB43qfg-00268-00085695-00085926 sitting right here how do i decide well 7ywvcB43qfg-00269-00085927-00086087 i guess we're doing it 7ywvcB43qfg-00270-00086088-00086326 i was gonna buy something you [__] 7ywvcB43qfg-00271-00086327-00086806 suckers 7ywvcB43qfg-00272-00086807-00087718 you know what tonic 7ywvcB43qfg-00273-00087719-00088000 what did he do to deserve that 7ywvcB43qfg-00274-00088001-00090062 [Music] 7ywvcB43qfg-00275-00090063-00090272 you 7yAaeNVmJqM-00000-00001559-00001816 what we'll do in today's lecture is 7yAaeNVmJqM-00001-00001817-00002213 continue our discussion of the breakup 7yAaeNVmJqM-00002-00002214-00002674 of the jet okay new to surface tension 7yAaeNVmJqM-00003-00002675-00003206 and these are the equations which we 7yAaeNVmJqM-00004-00003207-00003463 have basically derived in the last class 7yAaeNVmJqM-00005-00003464-00003754 and these are the linearized equations 7yAaeNVmJqM-00006-00003755-00003956 so we wrote down the equation of 7yAaeNVmJqM-00007-00003957-00004274 continuity and the momentum equations we 7yAaeNVmJqM-00008-00004275-00004585 have made an assumption of the jet being 7yAaeNVmJqM-00009-00004586-00004919 inviscid okay no viscosity because 7yAaeNVmJqM-00010-00004920-00005066 viscosity is not the one which is 7yAaeNVmJqM-00011-00005067-00005231 causing the breakup what is causing the 7yAaeNVmJqM-00012-00005232-00005435 break-up is the surface tension and we 7yAaeNVmJqM-00013-00005436-00005615 need to retain that effect and that 7yAaeNVmJqM-00014-00005616-00005801 effect is coming from the normal stress 7yAaeNVmJqM-00015-00005802-00006077 boundary condition so gamma here 7yAaeNVmJqM-00016-00006078-00006584 represents the surface tension is the 7yAaeNVmJqM-00017-00006584-00006998 surface tension so maybe I've actually 7yAaeNVmJqM-00018-00006998-00007244 written this as a new so let me write 7yAaeNVmJqM-00019-00007245-00008212 this as a gamma so that's a gamma okay 7yAaeNVmJqM-00020-00008213-00008576 so this represents of Ascension and what 7yAaeNVmJqM-00021-00008577-00008777 I have done is all these equations are 7yAaeNVmJqM-00022-00008778-00009205 with dimensions so in addition to all of 7yAaeNVmJqM-00023-00009206-00009494 this we need to use the telematic 7yAaeNVmJqM-00024-00009495-00009874 boundary condition okay the kinematic 7yAaeNVmJqM-00025-00009875-00010048 boundary condition we have to derive for 7yAaeNVmJqM-00026-00010049-00010213 this particular problem how do you 7yAaeNVmJqM-00027-00010214-00010366 derive the kinematic boundary condition 7yAaeNVmJqM-00028-00010367-00010963 you write the interface F as minus a 7yAaeNVmJqM-00029-00010964-00011580 times 1 plus epsilon F of Z equal to 0 7yAaeNVmJqM-00030-00011581-00012062 okay and this F of Z F is of course are 7yAaeNVmJqM-00031-00012063-00012685 going to be a function of time as well 7yAaeNVmJqM-00032-00012686-00012919 F is going to be a function of time as 7yAaeNVmJqM-00033-00012920-00013360 well and what do you want to do is write 7yAaeNVmJqM-00034-00013361-00013805 DF by DT equals zero that's Joker I can 7yAaeNVmJqM-00035-00013806-00014233 imagine order condition okay DF by DT 7yAaeNVmJqM-00036-00014234-00014759 equals zero implies the partial with 7yAaeNVmJqM-00037-00014760-00015247 respect to time plus V dot del s equals 7yAaeNVmJqM-00038-00015248-00015480 zero 7yAaeNVmJqM-00039-00015481-00015838 okay F is a scalar remember F is a 7yAaeNVmJqM-00040-00015840-00016438 scalar okay so what is DF DT it's just 7yAaeNVmJqM-00041-00016439-00017192 minus epsilon D small F DT because these 7yAaeNVmJqM-00042-00017193-00017525 are independent variables no okay and I 7yAaeNVmJqM-00043-00017526-00018074 have minus a epsilon DF DT plus V is 7yAaeNVmJqM-00044-00018075-00018257 going to be this is going to be given a 7yAaeNVmJqM-00045-00018258-00019886 you are DF by dr plus uz DF by DZ equal 7yAaeNVmJqM-00046-00019887-00020527 to zero that's your 7yAaeNVmJqM-00047-00020528-00020803 meet on the left um I got a to velocity 7yAaeNVmJqM-00048-00020804-00020944 components you are in user we're 7yAaeNVmJqM-00049-00020945-00021205 assuming theta symmetry in this problem 7yAaeNVmJqM-00050-00021206-00021444 okay so there's no theta component 7yAaeNVmJqM-00051-00021445-00021838 what is the FBR the FBR is just one so 7yAaeNVmJqM-00052-00021839-00022378 this gives me minus a epsilon DF DT plus 7yAaeNVmJqM-00053-00022379-00022491 one 7yAaeNVmJqM-00054-00022492-00022999 but you said sorry the FDR is one so 7yAaeNVmJqM-00055-00023000-00023772 this gives me you are okay plus you said 7yAaeNVmJqM-00056-00023773-00024166 times the fbiís that is the partial 7yAaeNVmJqM-00057-00024167-00024310 derivative of this with respect to Z 7yAaeNVmJqM-00058-00024311-00024691 which is I'm going to multiply this by 7yAaeNVmJqM-00059-00024692-00025327 minus epsilon D F D Z equal to 0 or in 7yAaeNVmJqM-00060-00025328-00026005 other words - a epsilon DF DT plus you 7yAaeNVmJqM-00061-00026006-00026761 are plus you said sorry - you said yeah 7yAaeNVmJqM-00062-00026762-00027598 epsilon D FB is that equal zero okay now 7yAaeNVmJqM-00063-00027599-00027814 this is the kind of magic boundary 7yAaeNVmJqM-00064-00027814-00027976 condition with the actual variables you 7yAaeNVmJqM-00065-00027977-00028261 are and you said the actual loss apiece 7yAaeNVmJqM-00066-00028262-00028531 so this is I've not made any assumption 7yAaeNVmJqM-00067-00028532-00028708 here I'm just saying that the surfaces 7yAaeNVmJqM-00068-00028708-00028960 of this kind okay 7yAaeNVmJqM-00069-00028961-00029197 and what we have to do now is invoke 7yAaeNVmJqM-00070-00029198-00029370 since I'm interested in the perturbation 7yAaeNVmJqM-00071-00029372-00029581 variables I have to write this in terms 7yAaeNVmJqM-00072-00029582-00029797 of the perturbation variables the base 7yAaeNVmJqM-00073-00029798-00030043 state velocities are 0 so this I'm going 7yAaeNVmJqM-00074-00030044-00030420 to write as epsilon u r tilde and this 7yAaeNVmJqM-00075-00030422-00030820 I'm will write as epsilon uz tilde right 7yAaeNVmJqM-00076-00030820-00031297 so you are remember is you are steady 7yAaeNVmJqM-00077-00031298-00031792 state plus epsilon u R tilde and you 7yAaeNVmJqM-00078-00031793-00032131 said this use at steady state plus 7yAaeNVmJqM-00079-00032132-00032527 epsilon uz tilde these guys are zero 7yAaeNVmJqM-00080-00032527-00032770 and when I substitute this here what do 7yAaeNVmJqM-00081-00032771-00033537 I get - a epsilon DF DT plus you are 7yAaeNVmJqM-00082-00033538-00033800 Absalon you are tilde 7yAaeNVmJqM-00083-00033801-00034405 and this is gonna be - hey you said 7yAaeNVmJqM-00084-00034406-00034885 tilde epsilon squared D F D is that 7yAaeNVmJqM-00085-00034886-00035216 equal to zero just being a higher order 7yAaeNVmJqM-00086-00035217-00035477 term that's zero I mean F of zero 7yAaeNVmJqM-00087-00035478-00035588 there's a higher order term so I'm not 7yAaeNVmJqM-00088-00035589-00035777 gonna consider this this is of order 7yAaeNVmJqM-00089-00035778-00036005 epsilon square so that vanishes and what 7yAaeNVmJqM-00090-00036006-00036311 this gives me is you are tilde equals DF 7yAaeNVmJqM-00091-00036312-00037331 DT multiplied by a okay so that's my 7yAaeNVmJqM-00092-00037332-00040252 kinda Matic boundary condition 7yAaeNVmJqM-00093-00040253-00040543 so if this is the term this is the 7yAaeNVmJqM-00094-00040544-00040837 equation and order epsilon what I like 7yAaeNVmJqM-00095-00040838-00041071 to do is I like to add this to my set of 7yAaeNVmJqM-00096-00041072-00041380 equations here which is basically trying 7yAaeNVmJqM-00097-00041381-00041674 to tell you that you are tilde is equal 7yAaeNVmJqM-00098-00041675-00042508 to a times DF DT remember that we have 7yAaeNVmJqM-00099-00042509-00042721 written this deflection of the interface 7yAaeNVmJqM-00100-00042722-00042874 f is dimensionless 7yAaeNVmJqM-00101-00042875-00043201 because R has dimensions of length and a 7yAaeNVmJqM-00102-00043202-00043567 is here so f is dimensionless okay so 7yAaeNVmJqM-00103-00043568-00043855 just to briefly go through we were we 7yAaeNVmJqM-00104-00043856-00044032 had derived the normal sense boundary 7yAaeNVmJqM-00105-00044033-00044185 condition at order epsilon in the last 7yAaeNVmJqM-00106-00044186-00044428 class and these are the linearized 7yAaeNVmJqM-00107-00044429-00044725 equations of momentum can be anybody can 7yAaeNVmJqM-00108-00044726-00044863 America pound recondition we've just 7yAaeNVmJqM-00109-00044864-00045163 derived here what I did is just use the 7yAaeNVmJqM-00110-00045164-00045370 fact that in America Andre condition 7yAaeNVmJqM-00111-00045371-00045564 comes from the material derivative of F 7yAaeNVmJqM-00112-00045565-00046486 proceeded further okay and I have gotten 7yAaeNVmJqM-00113-00046487-00046858 this thing at all of epsilon okay we now 7yAaeNVmJqM-00114-00046859-00047053 need to solve this but before I solve 7yAaeNVmJqM-00115-00047054-00047302 this as it is what I'm going to do is 7yAaeNVmJqM-00116-00047303-00047448 I'm going to make this dimensionless 7yAaeNVmJqM-00117-00047449-00047734 okay so let's make it dimensionless and 7yAaeNVmJqM-00118-00047735-00048367 then see what has to be done so to make 7yAaeNVmJqM-00119-00048368-00048893 this 7yAaeNVmJqM-00120-00048894-00049502 I mention less I need target mystic 7yAaeNVmJqM-00121-00049503-00049952 scales for pressure velocity length and 7yAaeNVmJqM-00122-00049953-00050324 time okay so what is the characteristic 7yAaeNVmJqM-00123-00050325-00050642 length scale we're talking about a 7yAaeNVmJqM-00124-00050643-00050935 circular jet which is infinitely long 7yAaeNVmJqM-00125-00050936-00051608 which has a radius of a okay so the 7yAaeNVmJqM-00126-00051609-00051752 characteristic length scale is going to 7yAaeNVmJqM-00127-00051753-00052154 be a LC I'm going to choose as a the 7yAaeNVmJqM-00128-00052154-00052723 radius of the jet rain is off 7yAaeNVmJqM-00129-00052724-00053648 unperturbed jet the other thing which 7yAaeNVmJqM-00130-00053649-00054248 I'm gonna do is I'm going to choose for 7yAaeNVmJqM-00131-00054249-00054729 pressure like the characteristic measure 7yAaeNVmJqM-00132-00054730-00054974 the pressure difference remember a base 7yAaeNVmJqM-00133-00054975-00055244 state is given by gamma divided by R or 7yAaeNVmJqM-00134-00055245-00055571 gamma divided by a okay so if I have a 7yAaeNVmJqM-00135-00055572-00055946 cylindrical jet of radius a I can choose 7yAaeNVmJqM-00136-00055947-00056201 my characteristic pressure as gamma and 7yAaeNVmJqM-00137-00056202-00056585 divided by E because this is my jet is 7yAaeNVmJqM-00138-00056586-00056711 known this is constant there's also 7yAaeNVmJqM-00139-00056712-00056927 constant my characteristic pressure 7yAaeNVmJqM-00140-00056928-00057379 becomes something which is fixed so once 7yAaeNVmJqM-00141-00057380-00057574 the characteristic pressure is known I 7yAaeNVmJqM-00142-00057575-00058141 didn't calculate what my characteristic 7yAaeNVmJqM-00143-00058141-00058547 velocity scale is because pressure goes 7yAaeNVmJqM-00144-00058548-00058994 as the Rho U squared right so my U is 7yAaeNVmJqM-00145-00058995-00059219 going to be your characteristic is going 7yAaeNVmJqM-00146-00059220-00059459 to be given by square root of pressure 7yAaeNVmJqM-00147-00059460-00059791 characteristic divided by Rho which is 7yAaeNVmJqM-00148-00059792-00060657 square root of gamma by 7yAaeNVmJqM-00149-00060658-00061213 you know why is this because remember 7yAaeNVmJqM-00150-00061214-00061376 what we are talking about is a 7yAaeNVmJqM-00151-00061377-00061714 stationary get the actual problem the 7yAaeNVmJqM-00152-00061715-00061900 base problem does not have any velocity 7yAaeNVmJqM-00153-00061901-00062128 I'm looking at a thread which is 7yAaeNVmJqM-00154-00062129-00062404 actually stationary so there is no 7yAaeNVmJqM-00155-00062404-00062572 velocity which is characterizing the 7yAaeNVmJqM-00156-00062573-00062757 flow so I don't have a calculus 7yAaeNVmJqM-00157-00062758-00062967 characteristic velocity from that but 7yAaeNVmJqM-00158-00062969-00063117 what I'm saying is whatever is the 7yAaeNVmJqM-00159-00063119-00063313 velocity is going to be induced by the 7yAaeNVmJqM-00160-00063314-00063480 surface tension which is breaking up so 7yAaeNVmJqM-00161-00063482-00063697 that's the reason the characteristic 7yAaeNVmJqM-00162-00063698-00063922 velocity has the surface tension 7yAaeNVmJqM-00163-00063923-00064540 occurring in the definition okay and so 7yAaeNVmJqM-00164-00064541-00064963 now I have my kind of mystic length 7yAaeNVmJqM-00165-00064964-00065191 scale and velocity scale so my time 7yAaeNVmJqM-00166-00065191-00065395 scale is easy to be found out my 7yAaeNVmJqM-00167-00065396-00065732 characteristic time scale is going to be 7yAaeNVmJqM-00168-00065733-00066160 TC is going to be given by LC divided by 7yAaeNVmJqM-00169-00066161-00067200 you see okay this has units of time and 7yAaeNVmJqM-00170-00067201-00068694 so I would have a divided by this 7yAaeNVmJqM-00171-00068695-00069840 okay those like 7yAaeNVmJqM-00172-00069841-00070176 yeah so we proceed mr. paltry my to 7yAaeNVmJqM-00173-00070177-00071157 looks funny but 7yAaeNVmJqM-00174-00071158-00071317 so with this I want to make the 7yAaeNVmJqM-00175-00071318-00071874 equations dimensionless okay and what 7yAaeNVmJqM-00176-00071875-00072123 we'll do is we'll just go through with 7yAaeNVmJqM-00177-00072124-00072934 the process here hmm let's take the 7yAaeNVmJqM-00178-00072935-00073465 first equation the first equation is Rho 7yAaeNVmJqM-00179-00073466-00074146 times D you are tilda by DT equals minus 7yAaeNVmJqM-00180-00074147-00074906 DP Tilda by dr this is with dimensions 7yAaeNVmJqM-00181-00074907-00075150 okay so if I want to make a 7yAaeNVmJqM-00182-00075151-00075348 dimensionless I have to take out my 7yAaeNVmJqM-00183-00075349-00075681 characteristic velocity out of this when 7yAaeNVmJqM-00184-00075682-00075801 I take out the characteristic velocity 7yAaeNVmJqM-00185-00075802-00076038 I'm going to take out square root of 7yAaeNVmJqM-00186-00076039-00076488 gamma by a row and I have to find some 7yAaeNVmJqM-00187-00076489-00076779 other symbol so I'm going to call it do 7yAaeNVmJqM-00188-00076780-00077355 you are star by D piece when you are 7yAaeNVmJqM-00189-00077356-00077803 star is defined as you are if I divide 7yAaeNVmJqM-00190-00077804-00078178 by you are characteristic you yeah you 7yAaeNVmJqM-00191-00078179-00078553 are characteristic okay you are 7yAaeNVmJqM-00192-00078554-00078685 characteristic the same as user 7yAaeNVmJqM-00193-00078686-00079175 characteristic and both of them are 7yAaeNVmJqM-00194-00079176-00079368 something of this factor 7yAaeNVmJqM-00195-00079369-00079718 what about T okay let's just do T later 7yAaeNVmJqM-00196-00079719-00080126 - when I take out my pressure 7yAaeNVmJqM-00197-00080127-00080386 characteristic out I'm gonna get gamma 7yAaeNVmJqM-00198-00080387-00081150 by a DP star and when I take out make 7yAaeNVmJqM-00199-00081151-00081426 this I've just converted this to 7yAaeNVmJqM-00200-00081427-00081618 dimensionless I'm going to make the 7yAaeNVmJqM-00201-00081619-00081780 independent variables now dimensionless 7yAaeNVmJqM-00202-00081781-00082072 and I will get Rho times square root of 7yAaeNVmJqM-00203-00082073-00082396 gamma by Eero times take out at a 7yAaeNVmJqM-00204-00082397-00082749 characteristic which is here which is a 7yAaeNVmJqM-00205-00082750-00083199 to the power three by two times square 7yAaeNVmJqM-00206-00083200-00083913 root of Rho by gamma ok vur star by DT 7yAaeNVmJqM-00207-00083914-00084144 star so what I'm doing now is making the 7yAaeNVmJqM-00208-00084145-00084316 independent variable dimensionless I 7yAaeNVmJqM-00209-00084317-00084568 mean you guys can do it faster 7yAaeNVmJqM-00210-00084569-00085114 and minus gamma by a Square D P star by 7yAaeNVmJqM-00211-00085115-00085538 Leigh Ostin the point I want to make 7yAaeNVmJqM-00212-00085539-00086390 here is that hmm okay wonderful 7yAaeNVmJqM-00213-00086391-00086948 everything is fine so I just went from 7yAaeNVmJqM-00214-00086949-00087217 diamonds of the the stars represent the 7yAaeNVmJqM-00215-00087218-00087488 diamonds and less variable okay without 7yAaeNVmJqM-00216-00087489-00089020 dimensions so this is without dimensions 7yAaeNVmJqM-00217-00089021-00089399 so you can see what happens now is this 7yAaeNVmJqM-00218-00089400-00089597 gives me this Rho cancels with this 7yAaeNVmJqM-00219-00089598-00089831 crowd would square root this gives me x 7yAaeNVmJqM-00220-00089832-00090131 squared this cancels with that and this 7yAaeNVmJqM-00221-00090132-00090380 gives me gamma that cancels and I 7yAaeNVmJqM-00222-00090381-00090850 basically go ahead and read off mind 7yAaeNVmJqM-00223-00090851-00091396 coefficients which were hanging around 7yAaeNVmJqM-00224-00091397-00091595 okay so that's my damn extenders 7yAaeNVmJqM-00225-00091596-00091841 equation you can do the same thing for 7yAaeNVmJqM-00226-00091842-00092162 all the variables and we can get our 7yAaeNVmJqM-00227-00092163-00092402 dimensionless equations now okay I'm not 7yAaeNVmJqM-00228-00092403-00092681 going to do it for the other variables 7yAaeNVmJqM-00229-00092682-00092897 but I just want you to know clearly this 7yAaeNVmJqM-00230-00092898-00093083 is unique that's the only then scale 7yAaeNVmJqM-00231-00093084-00093320 this is coming because the pressure 7yAaeNVmJqM-00232-00093321-00093434 difference is given by the surface 7yAaeNVmJqM-00233-00093435-00093629 tension force am I'm losing that and 7yAaeNVmJqM-00234-00093630-00093920 once this pressure is defined I can use 7yAaeNVmJqM-00235-00093921-00094246 this look at UC and TC 7yAaeNVmJqM-00236-00094247-00094522 what we will have when we make it 7yAaeNVmJqM-00237-00094523-00095142 dimensionless is D you are stuck by DT 7yAaeNVmJqM-00238-00095143-00095845 equals minus V P star by dr okay we use 7yAaeNVmJqM-00239-00095846-00096532 that star by DT equals minus D P star by 7yAaeNVmJqM-00240-00096533-00097258 DZ come to the next one I could possibly 7yAaeNVmJqM-00241-00097259-00099809 put a star here something's wrong 7yAaeNVmJqM-00242-00099810-00100395 zero and it comes the kinematic boundary 7yAaeNVmJqM-00243-00100396-00100671 condition you will get something similar 7yAaeNVmJqM-00244-00100672-00101778 you want star equals okay and this guy 7yAaeNVmJqM-00245-00101779-00102132 here P one I'm going to scare with gamma 7yAaeNVmJqM-00246-00102133-00102509 by a so peak when that comes out P 1 7yAaeNVmJqM-00247-00102510-00102948 star is going to be given by minus F 7yAaeNVmJqM-00248-00102949-00103384 minus F double Prime 7yAaeNVmJqM-00249-00103385-00103797 so you can do that and you can see so 7yAaeNVmJqM-00250-00103798-00103971 these equations are my dimensionless 7yAaeNVmJqM-00251-00103972-00104129 equations remember F is already 7yAaeNVmJqM-00252-00104130-00105386 dimensionless yes 7yAaeNVmJqM-00253-00105388-00105945 yeah I mean though we can do we can take 7yAaeNVmJqM-00254-00105946-00106091 it different but what is the 7yAaeNVmJqM-00255-00106092-00106221 characteristic length scale this is a 7yAaeNVmJqM-00256-00106222-00106398 direction the wavelength is what we're 7yAaeNVmJqM-00257-00106399-00106541 going to find out the wavelength of the 7yAaeNVmJqM-00258-00106542-00106722 disturbance which is most critical which 7yAaeNVmJqM-00259-00106723-00106899 is we want to decide the break up of the 7yAaeNVmJqM-00260-00106900-00107078 drop is what we going to find out we 7yAaeNVmJqM-00261-00107079-00107360 don't know what the wavelength is if I 7yAaeNVmJqM-00262-00107361-00107561 had a characteristic dimensions in the 7yAaeNVmJqM-00263-00107563-00107828 length in the other direction I could 7yAaeNVmJqM-00264-00107829-00108102 possibly use that if I use that then 7yAaeNVmJqM-00265-00108103-00108270 that particular length scale would come 7yAaeNVmJqM-00266-00108271-00108474 in the differential equation otherwise 7yAaeNVmJqM-00267-00108475-00108628 it will come in the boundary condition 7yAaeNVmJqM-00268-00108629-00108947 so basically these are two length scales 7yAaeNVmJqM-00269-00108948-00109281 depending on how you define define your 7yAaeNVmJqM-00270-00109282-00109431 characteristic variables 7yAaeNVmJqM-00271-00109432-00109679 they'll come either in the boundary 7yAaeNVmJqM-00272-00109680-00109863 condition or in the differential 7yAaeNVmJqM-00273-00109864-00110189 equation so that parameter will appear 7yAaeNVmJqM-00274-00110190-00110445 but either doesn't appear that's the 7yAaeNVmJqM-00275-00110446-00110676 only thing which is going to be 7yAaeNVmJqM-00276-00110677-00111576 different hmm okay so we need to solve 7yAaeNVmJqM-00277-00111577-00112239 these equations and what I'm going to do 7yAaeNVmJqM-00278-00112240-00112407 is I'm going to drop the Stars from now 7yAaeNVmJqM-00279-00112408-00113239 on okay just so let's drop the Stars but 7yAaeNVmJqM-00280-00113240-00114092 the equation and the variables are 7yAaeNVmJqM-00281-00114093-00115007 I mentioned last remember that okay it's 7yAaeNVmJqM-00282-00115008-00115481 just for me to make life easy 7yAaeNVmJqM-00283-00115482-00115801 I'll keep forgetting the start somewhere 7yAaeNVmJqM-00284-00115802-00116110 wonderful so I'm just gonna follow what 7yAaeNVmJqM-00285-00116111-00116359 is done and Gary lien so that is easy 7yAaeNVmJqM-00286-00116360-00116540 for you to refer so this equation can be 7yAaeNVmJqM-00287-00116541-00117020 solved in many ways but remember this F 7yAaeNVmJqM-00288-00117021-00117701 is a function of Z and D okay and our 7yAaeNVmJqM-00289-00117702-00117902 objective is to find a relationship 7yAaeNVmJqM-00290-00117903-00118241 between the growth rate and the wave 7yAaeNVmJqM-00291-00118242-00118676 length or the wave number okay so f is a 7yAaeNVmJqM-00292-00118677-00118973 function of Z and T I'm going to seek FS 7yAaeNVmJqM-00293-00118974-00119774 e power Sigma T sign gives it I could 7yAaeNVmJqM-00294-00119775-00120356 have used exponential but I'm just gonna 7yAaeNVmJqM-00295-00120357-00120557 use sinusoidal you can use cosine it 7yAaeNVmJqM-00296-00120558-00120794 doesn't matter what am i doing I'm 7yAaeNVmJqM-00297-00120795-00121157 looking at a periodic disturbances in 7yAaeNVmJqM-00298-00121158-00121547 the Z direction okay so since it's 7yAaeNVmJqM-00299-00121548-00121754 infinitely long I'm just saying is I 7yAaeNVmJqM-00300-00121755-00121984 have a disturbance in the Z direction 7yAaeNVmJqM-00301-00121985-00122354 which is infinity which is periodic this 7yAaeNVmJqM-00302-00122355-00122672 is growing exponentially in time because 7yAaeNVmJqM-00303-00122673-00123010 my equations are linear and this is 7yAaeNVmJqM-00304-00123011-00123574 representing the amplitude in some sense 7yAaeNVmJqM-00305-00123575-00123886 the actual disturbances are going to be 7yAaeNVmJqM-00306-00123888-00124258 arbitrary okay and these arbitrary 7yAaeNVmJqM-00307-00124259-00124568 disturbances I'm going to be able to 7yAaeNVmJqM-00308-00124569-00124856 decompose them into different Fourier 7yAaeNVmJqM-00309-00124857-00125138 modes and that's the justification for 7yAaeNVmJqM-00310-00125139-00125642 seeking this periodic function in the Z 7yAaeNVmJqM-00311-00125643-00125702 direction 7yAaeNVmJqM-00312-00125703-00125894 so what I will do is I'm going to find 7yAaeNVmJqM-00313-00125895-00126128 out for different case which for 7yAaeNVmJqM-00314-00126129-00126308 different K values which is the one 7yAaeNVmJqM-00315-00126308-00126515 which is going to grow if it turns out 7yAaeNVmJqM-00316-00126516-00126752 that for all values of K Sigma is 7yAaeNVmJqM-00317-00126753-00126890 negative that means it's not going to 7yAaeNVmJqM-00318-00126891-00127130 grow it is stable okay 7yAaeNVmJqM-00319-00127131-00127459 it turns out that for some K it is Sigma 7yAaeNVmJqM-00320-00127460-00127820 that means is unstable so any arbitrary 7yAaeNVmJqM-00321-00127821-00128018 disturbance is going to be decomposed 7yAaeNVmJqM-00322-00128019-00128350 into a bunch of Fourier modes we find 7yAaeNVmJqM-00323-00128351-00128479 out which of this is going to grow up 7yAaeNVmJqM-00324-00128480-00128650 this is going to unstable and that's 7yAaeNVmJqM-00325-00128651-00128827 what we are always going to be doing in 7yAaeNVmJqM-00326-00128828-00128924 this course okay 7yAaeNVmJqM-00327-00128925-00129047 and whenever you do linear stability 7yAaeNVmJqM-00328-00129048-00129293 analysis of infinite systems without 7yAaeNVmJqM-00329-00129294-00129439 extending to infinity in some direction 7yAaeNVmJqM-00330-00129440-00129632 this approach is used if you have a 7yAaeNVmJqM-00331-00129633-00129797 finite system then you'll use a finite 7yAaeNVmJqM-00332-00129798-00130015 Fourier transform in terms of sine n PI 7yAaeNVmJqM-00333-00130016-00130424 X by L sine PI X by L sine 2 pi X by L 7yAaeNVmJqM-00334-00130425-00130663 but this is infinite we use the actual 7yAaeNVmJqM-00335-00130664-00131183 Fourier transform okay so the other 7yAaeNVmJqM-00336-00131184-00131428 thing is I'm going to jump directly to 7yAaeNVmJqM-00337-00131429-00131737 my normal sis boundary condition which 7yAaeNVmJqM-00338-00131738-00131960 we derived so I can substitute this 7yAaeNVmJqM-00339-00131961-00132187 thing for F here and I can find out what 7yAaeNVmJqM-00340-00132188-00133046 is P hmm so P 1 turns out to be minus F 7yAaeNVmJqM-00341-00133047-00133600 minus C e power Sigma P sine K is e 7yAaeNVmJqM-00342-00133601-00134297 minus of f double prime which is minus 7yAaeNVmJqM-00343-00134298-00134566 this is remember the derivative is with 7yAaeNVmJqM-00344-00134567-00134737 respect to Z so I'm going to get a case 7yAaeNVmJqM-00345-00134738-00134981 quite and that's going to be the plus 7yAaeNVmJqM-00346-00134982-00135719 sign and that's going to be given by C 7yAaeNVmJqM-00347-00135720-00136286 power Sigma T sine KZ times a squared 7yAaeNVmJqM-00348-00136287-00136614 minus 1 that's my pleasure 7yAaeNVmJqM-00349-00136615-00136973 okay what I'm saying is if this is the 7yAaeNVmJqM-00350-00136974-00137387 form of the interface the form of the 7yAaeNVmJqM-00351-00137388-00137645 pressure is going to be given by this 7yAaeNVmJqM-00352-00137646-00137999 but remember this is that I've got this 7yAaeNVmJqM-00353-00138000-00138272 for my almost this boundary condition so 7yAaeNVmJqM-00354-00138273-00138852 this is at I am equal to 1 okay this is 7yAaeNVmJqM-00355-00138853-00139718 since this is from the 7yAaeNVmJqM-00356-00139719-00140515 normal stress boundary condition now I 7yAaeNVmJqM-00357-00140516-00140793 know what the value of the pressure is 7yAaeNVmJqM-00358-00140794-00141345 at the boundary what I need to know do 7yAaeNVmJqM-00359-00141346-00141507 is I need to get the differential 7yAaeNVmJqM-00360-00141508-00141884 equations my pressure okay remember what 7yAaeNVmJqM-00361-00141885-00142022 are these two equations here I can 7yAaeNVmJqM-00362-00142023-00142196 combine these two equations from the 7yAaeNVmJqM-00363-00142197-00142371 navier stokes equations and i can write 7yAaeNVmJqM-00364-00142372-00142787 this as d u by DT in a vectorial form as 7yAaeNVmJqM-00365-00142788-00143108 minus gradient of P what have I done 7yAaeNVmJqM-00366-00143109-00143351 here I've just I'm just saying that I 7yAaeNVmJqM-00367-00143352-00143796 can look at these two equations well 7yAaeNVmJqM-00368-00143797-00143958 this is an electoral form the our 7yAaeNVmJqM-00369-00143959-00144140 component is going to be D u R by DT is 7yAaeNVmJqM-00370-00144141-00144365 minus DP by D at the Z component is 7yAaeNVmJqM-00371-00144366-00144587 going to be reused everybody big equals 7yAaeNVmJqM-00372-00144588-00145052 minus DP by DZ okay and remember this is 7yAaeNVmJqM-00373-00145053-00145328 nothing but the divergence of U equals 7yAaeNVmJqM-00374-00145329-00145622 zero so I'm going to take the divergence 7yAaeNVmJqM-00375-00145623-00145988 of this equation and if when I do that 7yAaeNVmJqM-00376-00145989-00146145 I'll get divergence and this is a scalar 7yAaeNVmJqM-00377-00146146-00146279 I mean this is a time derivative 7yAaeNVmJqM-00378-00146280-00146612 operators divergence this spatial I can 7yAaeNVmJqM-00379-00146613-00146783 move the divergence operator inside here 7yAaeNVmJqM-00380-00146784-00147002 and I get D by DT of divergence of U 7yAaeNVmJqM-00381-00147003-00147416 equals minus divergence of del P the 7yAaeNVmJqM-00382-00147417-00147611 left hand side is going to be 0 the 7yAaeNVmJqM-00383-00147612-00147710 right hand side is going to be del 7yAaeNVmJqM-00384-00147711-00147870 square P so basically I'm going to get 7yAaeNVmJqM-00385-00147871-00148004 del square P equals 0 7yAaeNVmJqM-00386-00148005-00149498 ok so sort taking divergence we get del 7yAaeNVmJqM-00387-00149499-00149759 square P equal to 0 P 1 for whatever 7yAaeNVmJqM-00388-00149760-00150176 reason I put a subscript 1 here ok so 7yAaeNVmJqM-00389-00150177-00150558 that's my differential equation I need 7yAaeNVmJqM-00390-00150559-00150737 to solve this differential equation what 7yAaeNVmJqM-00391-00150738-00151058 are the independent variables Z and R so 7yAaeNVmJqM-00392-00151059-00151352 I mean this is basically going to be 1 7yAaeNVmJqM-00393-00151353-00151952 by rd by dr of r DP 1 by dr plus d 7yAaeNVmJqM-00394-00151953-00152633 square P 1 by DZ squared equal to 0 and 7yAaeNVmJqM-00395-00152634-00152982 since is a second-order equation in Z 7yAaeNVmJqM-00396-00152983-00153463 infinitely long and it's homogeneous you 7yAaeNVmJqM-00397-00153464-00153654 can seek the solution in the form of 7yAaeNVmJqM-00398-00153655-00154039 some variable separation you will get 7yAaeNVmJqM-00399-00154040-00154189 some trigonometric function in the Z 7yAaeNVmJqM-00400-00154190-00154594 direction and you will get a vessel 7yAaeNVmJqM-00401-00154595-00155056 function in the r direction okay so 7yAaeNVmJqM-00402-00155057-00155269 basically what I'm saying is this 7yAaeNVmJqM-00403-00155270-00155691 solution p1 is going to be of the form a 7yAaeNVmJqM-00404-00155692-00157881 of T cosine KZ plus B of T sine KZ 7yAaeNVmJqM-00405-00157882-00158286 Thanks easy enough 7yAaeNVmJqM-00406-00158287-00159274 yeah I use it off yeah so I mean I'm not 7yAaeNVmJqM-00407-00159275-00159448 gonna be doing the math here but you 7yAaeNVmJqM-00408-00159449-00159595 guys are going to check you this indeed 7yAaeNVmJqM-00409-00159596-00159847 right now the two things this is a 7yAaeNVmJqM-00410-00159848-00160069 second order in Zed second order and are 7yAaeNVmJqM-00411-00160070-00160552 and you need to have you'll get two 7yAaeNVmJqM-00412-00160553-00160998 solutions right it will be i0 of kr and 7yAaeNVmJqM-00413-00160999-00161278 that will be another solution which is 7yAaeNVmJqM-00414-00161279-00161749 case here off here you would actually 7yAaeNVmJqM-00415-00161750-00162703 get a B and this is C and D two 7yAaeNVmJqM-00416-00162704-00163131 constants associated in our direction so 7yAaeNVmJqM-00417-00163132-00163423 these are your independent solutions in 7yAaeNVmJqM-00418-00163424-00163582 the Z direction sine and cosine and 7yAaeNVmJqM-00419-00163583-00163756 since there's a variable separation form 7yAaeNVmJqM-00420-00163757-00164155 is going to be i0 and K 0 now the fact 7yAaeNVmJqM-00421-00164156-00164587 that K 0 is unbounded basically it's 7yAaeNVmJqM-00422-00164588-00164812 gonna knock off this contribution this 7yAaeNVmJqM-00423-00164813-00165550 is because K 0 is unbounded and R equal 7yAaeNVmJqM-00424-00165551-00165790 to zero and what I'm left with is only 7yAaeNVmJqM-00425-00165791-00166186 this only i0 is gonna contribute 7yAaeNVmJqM-00426-00166187-00166378 C multiplied by B some other arbitrary 7yAaeNVmJqM-00427-00166379-00166600 constant C multiplied by a some other 7yAaeNVmJqM-00428-00166601-00166780 orbit only constant ya thing which I 7yAaeNVmJqM-00429-00166781-00167008 want you to remember is the differential 7yAaeNVmJqM-00430-00167009-00167542 equation here has only R&Z so why am I 7yAaeNVmJqM-00431-00167543-00167731 putting a as a function of time and B as 7yAaeNVmJqM-00432-00167732-00168076 a function of time the reason is the 7yAaeNVmJqM-00433-00168077-00168526 boundary condition has a time dependency 7yAaeNVmJqM-00434-00168527-00168994 because on the boundary the variable is 7yAaeNVmJqM-00435-00168995-00169315 changing with time the pressure inside 7yAaeNVmJqM-00436-00169316-00169462 is also going to change with time 7yAaeNVmJqM-00437-00169463-00169705 periodically or in whatever way it is 7yAaeNVmJqM-00438-00169706-00169930 okay it may not be periodic it's 7yAaeNVmJqM-00439-00169931-00170251 exponential so the reason why this if 7yAaeNVmJqM-00440-00170252-00170431 this pressure had been independent of 7yAaeNVmJqM-00441-00170432-00170635 time then he would have been this 7yAaeNVmJqM-00442-00170636-00170824 constants but because the pressure here 7yAaeNVmJqM-00443-00170825-00171094 is actually changing with time 7yAaeNVmJqM-00444-00171095-00171252 these guys are not constants but these 7yAaeNVmJqM-00445-00171253-00171477 are functions of pain okay 7yAaeNVmJqM-00446-00171478-00171675 so what I'm going to do is I'm going to 7yAaeNVmJqM-00447-00171676-00172050 write this P P 1 as a multiple let me 7yAaeNVmJqM-00448-00172051-00172629 see some other constant let us say e of 7yAaeNVmJqM-00449-00172630-00173370 T times cosine case that plus F of T 7yAaeNVmJqM-00450-00173371-00174537 sine T is e times i0 here okay now what 7yAaeNVmJqM-00451-00174538-00174811 I want to do is I want to compare this 7yAaeNVmJqM-00452-00174812-00175437 guy has to collapse to this value or 7yAaeNVmJqM-00453-00175438-00175929 this function and are equal to 1 and 7yAaeNVmJqM-00454-00175930-00176193 they are equal to 1 this must match this 7yAaeNVmJqM-00455-00176194-00176500 and an are equal to 1 I only have the 7yAaeNVmJqM-00456-00176501-00176676 sine dependency I do not have the cosine 7yAaeNVmJqM-00457-00176677-00177162 dependency so what this means is he has 7yAaeNVmJqM-00458-00177163-00178029 to be 0 okay so from this boundary 7yAaeNVmJqM-00459-00178030-00178870 condition at R equal to 1 P 1 equals F 7yAaeNVmJqM-00460-00178871-00180465 of P sine KZ times i0 of TF okay so this 7yAaeNVmJqM-00461-00180466-00180646 periodicity in the Z Direction is the 7yAaeNVmJqM-00462-00180647-00180816 same as what is being imposed by the 7yAaeNVmJqM-00463-00180817-00181084 boundary condition the variation in the 7yAaeNVmJqM-00464-00181085-00181395 radial direction has come by the 7yAaeNVmJqM-00465-00181396-00181679 governing differential equation here and 7yAaeNVmJqM-00466-00181680-00182091 the amplitude F of P is something which 7yAaeNVmJqM-00467-00182092-00182311 we need to find out okay that is still 7yAaeNVmJqM-00468-00182312-00182751 an unknown quantity but what I've done 7yAaeNVmJqM-00469-00182752-00182887 is I've basically got in this okay 7yAaeNVmJqM-00470-00182888-00183250 wonderful so now I need to get a 7yAaeNVmJqM-00471-00183251-00183748 relationship between F and C and how can 7yAaeNVmJqM-00472-00183749-00184257 I do that this is a pressure is given 7yAaeNVmJqM-00473-00184258-00184431 I need to use one of these conditions 7yAaeNVmJqM-00474-00184432-00184988 here I don't know velocity yet I know 7yAaeNVmJqM-00475-00184989-00186273 pressure I'm just going to put at R 7yAaeNVmJqM-00476-00186274-00186537 equal to one this pressure must be equal 7yAaeNVmJqM-00477-00186538-00186965 to this correct and that'll tell me how 7yAaeNVmJqM-00478-00186966-00187173 f of T is related because then I can 7yAaeNVmJqM-00479-00187174-00187364 equate the two so I'm going to use this 7yAaeNVmJqM-00480-00187365-00188102 boundary condition at R equal to one my 7yAaeNVmJqM-00481-00188103-00188921 pressure is ze / Sigma P sine K said 7yAaeNVmJqM-00482-00188922-00189829 times J squared minus one equals F of T 7yAaeNVmJqM-00483-00189830-00190947 sine KZ is zero 7yAaeNVmJqM-00484-00190948-00191277 I'm I'm missing something I see love 7yAaeNVmJqM-00485-00191278-00191313 cake 7yAaeNVmJqM-00486-00191314-00191637 you're right I did off-key same case it 7yAaeNVmJqM-00487-00191638-00191697 goes off 7yAaeNVmJqM-00488-00191698-00192102 so f of F of T is nothing but C times E 7yAaeNVmJqM-00489-00192103-00192707 power Sigma T times T squared minus 1 7yAaeNVmJqM-00490-00192708-00193849 divided by I 0 of T 7yAaeNVmJqM-00491-00193850-00194194 okay so f is no no I've been able to 7yAaeNVmJqM-00492-00194195-00194377 relate so this is what what we're trying 7yAaeNVmJqM-00493-00194378-00194626 to do is these arbitrary constants which 7yAaeNVmJqM-00494-00194627-00194914 come I'm going to try and eliminate them 7yAaeNVmJqM-00495-00194915-00195153 and try to get in terms of one constant 7yAaeNVmJqM-00496-00195154-00195289 and then we're gonna finally say that 7yAaeNVmJqM-00497-00195290-00195451 that constant cannot be zero and then 7yAaeNVmJqM-00498-00195452-00195607 get a relationship between Sigma and K 7yAaeNVmJqM-00499-00195608-00195736 squared huh okay 7yAaeNVmJqM-00500-00195737-00195891 however you can keep all those constants 7yAaeNVmJqM-00501-00195892-00196114 right and determinants and say that the 7yAaeNVmJqM-00502-00196115-00196290 determiner should be zero in order to 7yAaeNVmJqM-00503-00196291-00196510 get a nonzero solution so either 7yAaeNVmJqM-00504-00196511-00196768 approach is fine what are we gonna do it 7yAaeNVmJqM-00505-00196769-00197434 this way if F is known then what is my 7yAaeNVmJqM-00506-00197435-00197596 pressure my pressure is going to be 7yAaeNVmJqM-00507-00197597-00197926 given by I'm substituting this F back 7yAaeNVmJqM-00508-00197927-00198295 there see e power Sigma T times K 7yAaeNVmJqM-00509-00198296-00199336 squared minus one sine KZ times i0 of K 7yAaeNVmJqM-00510-00199337-00201154 R divided by e 0 of T 7yAaeNVmJqM-00511-00201155-00201525 I'm gonna use my radial component of 7yAaeNVmJqM-00512-00201526-00201972 velocity balance okay to find out you 7yAaeNVmJqM-00513-00201973-00202313 are start so the plan is this substitute 7yAaeNVmJqM-00514-00202314-00202715 for differentiate with respect to R find 7yAaeNVmJqM-00515-00202716-00203002 out DP by D F and get bu r by DT and 7yAaeNVmJqM-00516-00203003-00203252 then from this again you are once I know 7yAaeNVmJqM-00517-00203253-00203508 you are I can substitute the value of 7yAaeNVmJqM-00518-00203509-00203762 you are here I already know what F is I 7yAaeNVmJqM-00519-00203763-00204108 assumed it to be of the form that find 7yAaeNVmJqM-00520-00204109-00204254 out what this is because the kinematic 7yAaeNVmJqM-00521-00204255-00204425 boundary condition is yet to be used so 7yAaeNVmJqM-00522-00204426-00204587 idea is I'm going to get you are in 7yAaeNVmJqM-00523-00204588-00204839 terms of C I'm going to get F in terms 7yAaeNVmJqM-00524-00204840-00205088 of C and everything will be fine okay 7yAaeNVmJqM-00525-00205089-00205715 so let's find out what is DP by D odd is 7yAaeNVmJqM-00526-00205716-00205976 going to be C E power Sigma T 7yAaeNVmJqM-00527-00205977-00206331 differentiating I 0 gives you K times I 7yAaeNVmJqM-00528-00206332-00206919 1 okay and this gives me K times s prime 7yAaeNVmJqM-00529-00206919-00207869 minus 1 times sine KZ times I 1 of T R 7yAaeNVmJqM-00530-00207869-00209369 divided by I 0 of T that's VP by dr okay 7yAaeNVmJqM-00531-00209369-00210034 so see ya here comes here that's what I 7yAaeNVmJqM-00532-00210035-00210607 did and this remember is the you are by 7yAaeNVmJqM-00533-00210608-00211016 DT is the negative of this here negative 7yAaeNVmJqM-00534-00211017-00211601 this of this quantity here so to find 7yAaeNVmJqM-00535-00211602-00211712 out you are I mean you're gonna have to 7yAaeNVmJqM-00536-00211713-00211942 integrate this with respect to time 7yAaeNVmJqM-00537-00211942-00212209 okay I'm gonna integrate this with 7yAaeNVmJqM-00538-00212210-00212755 respect to time and I think you are 7yAaeNVmJqM-00539-00212756-00213146 equals when I integrate at this bit of 7yAaeNVmJqM-00540-00213146-00213310 time I get the Sigma in the denominator 7yAaeNVmJqM-00541-00213311-00213721 right OC a times e power Sigma P divided 7yAaeNVmJqM-00542-00213723-00214459 by Sigma J times J squared minus 1 times 7yAaeNVmJqM-00543-00214460-00215748 sine T is e times i0 of I 1 of the earth 7yAaeNVmJqM-00544-00215750-00216625 never in my eyes zero off okay so all 7yAaeNVmJqM-00545-00216626-00216846 I'm doing is integrating this respect to 7yAaeNVmJqM-00546-00216846-00217158 time and I got a pass Sigma D divided by 7yAaeNVmJqM-00547-00217159-00218740 Sigma okay Mita - yes is a minus sign 7yAaeNVmJqM-00548-00218741-00219180 because that is a minus here do you are 7yAaeNVmJqM-00549-00219181-00219635 by DT is minus D by D are wonderful 7yAaeNVmJqM-00550-00219636-00219814 you're pretty much done 7yAaeNVmJqM-00551-00219815-00220233 and this remember at R equal to 1 must 7yAaeNVmJqM-00552-00220234-00220857 be at R equal to 1 you are star equals 7yAaeNVmJqM-00553-00220858-00221221 minus DF by DT ok this is going to be 7yAaeNVmJqM-00554-00221221-00222103 equal to R equals minus DF by DT minus 7yAaeNVmJqM-00555-00222104-00222630 DF by D ETA plus DF by DT it's plus wait 7yAaeNVmJqM-00556-00222631-00223974 wait oh right - yeah 7yAaeNVmJqM-00557-00223975-00225246 is a plus okay 7yAaeNVmJqM-00558-00225248-00225563 No 7yAaeNVmJqM-00559-00225564-00225867 so let's plus DF by DB remember F we've 7yAaeNVmJqM-00560-00225867-00226014 already assumed to be on the form C 7yAaeNVmJqM-00561-00226015-00226283 multiplied by e power Sigma T so DF by 7yAaeNVmJqM-00562-00226284-00226596 DT will be Sigma e / Sigma P times thang 7yAaeNVmJqM-00563-00226596-00227564 is it 7yAaeNVmJqM-00564-00227565-00227861 so you are will be equal to this I have 7yAaeNVmJqM-00565-00227862-00228011 to evaluate this you are and are equal 7yAaeNVmJqM-00566-00228012-00228130 to one 7yAaeNVmJqM-00567-00228131-00228871 okay and I just said a plus or minus its 7yAaeNVmJqM-00568-00228873-00229238 plus okay so you are is equal to C Sigma 7yAaeNVmJqM-00569-00229239-00229562 ETA Sigma T sine K said at R equal to 7yAaeNVmJqM-00570-00229563-00229604 one 7yAaeNVmJqM-00571-00229605-00229769 all right here we go to this equation 7yAaeNVmJqM-00572-00229769-00230207 here I get C minus ze power Sigma T by 7yAaeNVmJqM-00573-00230208-00230662 Sigma times K times K squared minus 1 7yAaeNVmJqM-00574-00230663-00232217 times sine KZ ok so right now what I 7yAaeNVmJqM-00575-00232217-00232412 will do is I will just erase this plus D 7yAaeNVmJqM-00576-00232413-00232601 and I justified to you as to why we are 7yAaeNVmJqM-00577-00232602-00233090 neglecting this D ok this must be equal 7yAaeNVmJqM-00578-00233091-00233794 to C Sigma e power Sigma T sine KZ from 7yAaeNVmJqM-00579-00233796-00234116 the kinematic boundary condition so a 7yAaeNVmJqM-00580-00234117-00234467 power Sigma D sine theta cancels and C 7yAaeNVmJqM-00581-00234467-00234833 has to be nonzero remember okay so what 7yAaeNVmJqM-00582-00234834-00234884 do I get 7yAaeNVmJqM-00583-00234885-00235192 C has to be nonzero implies Sigma 7yAaeNVmJqM-00584-00235194-00235775 squared equals 1 minus K squared 7yAaeNVmJqM-00585-00235776-00236348 multiplied by K times i1 of K divided by 7yAaeNVmJqM-00586-00236348-00237289 I 0 of K 4 7yAaeNVmJqM-00587-00237290-00238065 a non-zero key and four rounds you see 7yAaeNVmJqM-00588-00238066-00238503 if you want a non-zero disturbance 7yAaeNVmJqM-00589-00238504-00238756 basically we are looking for a set of 7yAaeNVmJqM-00590-00238757-00239067 conditions when your linear equation has 7yAaeNVmJqM-00591-00239069-00239386 a nonzero solution linear homogeneous 7yAaeNVmJqM-00592-00239387-00239632 equations are nonzero solution and if 7yAaeNVmJqM-00593-00239633-00239926 this condition is satisfied you have a 7yAaeNVmJqM-00594-00239927-00240253 nonzero solution okay so what this tells 7yAaeNVmJqM-00595-00240254-00240475 you is what is the growth rate for a 7yAaeNVmJqM-00596-00240476-00240634 different case so basically this answers 7yAaeNVmJqM-00597-00240635-00240979 the question for each wave number K what 7yAaeNVmJqM-00598-00240980-00241159 is going to be the corresponding growth 7yAaeNVmJqM-00599-00241160-00241848 rate okay so this tells you and if you 7yAaeNVmJqM-00600-00241850-00242104 want to plot this function on the right 7yAaeNVmJqM-00601-00242105-00242548 as a function of K you would be able to 7yAaeNVmJqM-00602-00242548-00242721 get the dependency of Sigma squared on 7yAaeNVmJqM-00603-00242723-00243241 this so let's do that so you plot Sigma 7yAaeNVmJqM-00604-00243242-00244323 Square and k equal to 0 k equal to 1 7yAaeNVmJqM-00605-00244323-00245171 this thing is 0 that's K code 1 7yAaeNVmJqM-00606-00245171-00245532 in between k go to 0 and k equal to 1 7yAaeNVmJqM-00607-00245533-00245891 this guy's positive ok if K is greater 7yAaeNVmJqM-00608-00245892-00246202 than 1 Sigma squared is negative if J 7yAaeNVmJqM-00609-00246203-00246512 lies between 0 & 1 Sigma squared is 7yAaeNVmJqM-00610-00246513-00246832 positive so for 0 less than K less than 7yAaeNVmJqM-00611-00246833-00247179 1 Sigma squared is positive which means 7yAaeNVmJqM-00612-00247180-00247504 when you walk what very very interested 7yAaeNVmJqM-00613-00247505-00247715 in this Sigma ok 7yAaeNVmJqM-00614-00247716-00248027 and that means Sigma will have a plus or 7yAaeNVmJqM-00615-00248028-00248182 minus square root of a positive quantity 7yAaeNVmJqM-00616-00248183-00248342 will have a positive value and a 7yAaeNVmJqM-00617-00248342-00248666 negative value ok so this means Sigma is 7yAaeNVmJqM-00618-00248667-00249716 positive for this range and again for K 7yAaeNVmJqM-00619-00249717-00249991 greater than 1 Sigma squared is negative 7yAaeNVmJqM-00620-00249992-00250616 and actual thing is the it is neutrally 7yAaeNVmJqM-00621-00250617-00251467 stable because the real part is 0 what 7yAaeNVmJqM-00622-00251469-00252023 this means is if you were to see and 7yAaeNVmJqM-00623-00252023-00252730 then you also see that the maximum 7yAaeNVmJqM-00624-00252731-00253003 growth rate is going to occur at some 7yAaeNVmJqM-00625-00253004-00253271 point in between some wave number in 7yAaeNVmJqM-00626-00253271-00253463 between is the 1 is going to grow 7yAaeNVmJqM-00627-00253464-00253756 fastest ok so I'm gonna give an 7yAaeNVmJqM-00628-00253757-00253960 arbitrary disturbance it is going to be 7yAaeNVmJqM-00629-00253961-00254144 made up of different wave numbers or 7yAaeNVmJqM-00630-00254144-00254390 different wavelengths the wave number is 7yAaeNVmJqM-00631-00254391-00254591 going to grow fastest is the one which 7yAaeNVmJqM-00632-00254592-00254859 is going to dominate and that's the 7yAaeNVmJqM-00633-00254860-00255092 going to be giving you the indication 7yAaeNVmJqM-00634-00255092-00255362 for what is the break up length for 7yAaeNVmJqM-00635-00255363-00255551 example because K remember is wave 7yAaeNVmJqM-00636-00255552-00255835 number which is reciprocal of wavelength 7yAaeNVmJqM-00637-00255836-00256084 so this particular thing you can 7yAaeNVmJqM-00638-00256085-00256333 calculate and if I remember right this 7yAaeNVmJqM-00639-00256334-00257509 is about 0.6 okay 7yAaeNVmJqM-00640-00257510-00258413 so what this means is the maximum growth 7yAaeNVmJqM-00641-00258414-00259187 rate occurs for Sigma for K equals zero 7yAaeNVmJqM-00642-00259188-00260275 point six aprox approximately this is 7yAaeNVmJqM-00643-00260276-00260765 right point six jason you think 0.6 is 7yAaeNVmJqM-00644-00260766-00261454 right point six nine seven nine okay 7yAaeNVmJqM-00645-00261455-00261655 point six nine seven so there's almost 7yAaeNVmJqM-00646-00261656-00263066 you know point seven then okay now what 7yAaeNVmJqM-00647-00263067-00263773 does this mean the wavelength then you 7yAaeNVmJqM-00648-00263774-00264427 can observe the lambda critical when 7yAaeNVmJqM-00649-00264428-00264703 surface tension actually pinch I'm going 7yAaeNVmJqM-00650-00264704-00264964 to break this the thread just stationary 7yAaeNVmJqM-00651-00264965-00265195 the lambda critical is going to be given 7yAaeNVmJqM-00652-00265196-00266497 by 2 pi divided by K okay and it is 7yAaeNVmJqM-00653-00266498-00266698 going to be given by 2 pi divided by K 7yAaeNVmJqM-00654-00266699-00266864 which he tells me is zero point six nine 7yAaeNVmJqM-00655-00266865-00267250 seven so I'll just go with that point 7yAaeNVmJqM-00656-00267251-00267670 seven but remember this is all being 7yAaeNVmJqM-00657-00267671-00267989 done in dimensionless so actual length 7yAaeNVmJqM-00658-00267990-00268408 is going to be a times that okay so 7yAaeNVmJqM-00659-00268409-00268972 we're going to be 2 pi actual 7yAaeNVmJqM-00660-00268973-00269357 wavelength is going to be 2 pi divided 7yAaeNVmJqM-00661-00269358-00270782 by 0.7 times a I think the jet is 7yAaeNVmJqM-00662-00270783-00272423 unstable when the wavelengths are larger 7yAaeNVmJqM-00663-00272424-00273215 than 2 pi a because K goes from 0 to 1 K 7yAaeNVmJqM-00664-00273216-00273473 is less than 1 lambda must be greater 7yAaeNVmJqM-00665-00273474-00273977 than 2 pi by K hmm so that's basically 7yAaeNVmJqM-00666-00273978-00274202 this tells you that the wavelengths 7yAaeNVmJqM-00667-00274203-00274712 which are actually unstable larger than 7yAaeNVmJqM-00668-00274713-00274982 2 pi by M in disturbance which is having 7yAaeNVmJqM-00669-00274983-00275234 a wavelength lower than 2 pi by a is 7yAaeNVmJqM-00670-00275235-00275510 going to be stable okay but then we 7yAaeNVmJqM-00671-00275511-00275618 can't really calculate from this they 7yAaeNVmJqM-00672-00275619-00275744 can only configured about the in stable 7yAaeNVmJqM-00673-00275745-00276576 portion 7yAaeNVmJqM-00674-00276577-00277047 what does I want to say what we'll do in 7yAaeNVmJqM-00675-00277048-00277467 the next class is try to get this upper 7yAaeNVmJqM-00676-00277468-00278036 bound using another method okay this 7yAaeNVmJqM-00677-00278037-00278490 range of wavelengths where we can decide 7yAaeNVmJqM-00678-00278491-00278619 the stability and instability the 7yAaeNVmJqM-00679-00278620-00278895 threshold value we're going to derive 7yAaeNVmJqM-00680-00278896-00279216 this using what is called the energy 7yAaeNVmJqM-00681-00279217-00280526 work principle okay to derive the 7yAaeNVmJqM-00682-00280527-00281876 critical condition on wavelengths that 7yAaeNVmJqM-00683-00281877-00282081 argument is slightly different from that 7yAaeNVmJqM-00684-00282082-00282228 approach is slightly different from what 7yAaeNVmJqM-00685-00282229-00282510 we've done now in the sense that's more 7yAaeNVmJqM-00686-00282511-00282714 of a static argument we don't do the 7yAaeNVmJqM-00687-00282715-00282861 dynamics okay 7yAaeNVmJqM-00688-00282862-00283140 so idea is that what we have done the 7yAaeNVmJqM-00689-00283141-00283377 linear stability analysis is we are 7yAaeNVmJqM-00690-00283378-00283527 beginning with the actual governing 7yAaeNVmJqM-00691-00283528-00283737 equations and we are getting the 7yAaeNVmJqM-00692-00283738-00284019 condition for stability we are finding 7yAaeNVmJqM-00693-00284020-00284181 what the growth rate of the disturbances 7yAaeNVmJqM-00694-00284182-00284448 okay that time dependent factor is 7yAaeNVmJqM-00695-00284449-00284625 actually captured in the linear 7yAaeNVmJqM-00696-00284626-00284883 stability analysis in this approach that 7yAaeNVmJqM-00697-00284884-00285140 time dependency will not be captured 7yAaeNVmJqM-00698-00285141-00285315 when you're going to use some energy 7yAaeNVmJqM-00699-00285316-00285501 argument and you're going to find out 7yAaeNVmJqM-00700-00285502-00285789 your critical wavelength for stable and 7yAaeNVmJqM-00701-00285790-00286038 stable behavior and then we will compare 7yAaeNVmJqM-00702-00286039-00286293 these two approaches okay that's the 7yAaeNVmJqM-00703-00286294-00286560 idea so we will answer this question 7yAaeNVmJqM-00704-00286561-00286704 about this integration constant being 7yAaeNVmJqM-00705-00286705-00286968 zero 7z4-Yq7sZVQ-00000-00000246-00000524 foreign 7z4-Yq7sZVQ-00002-00004837-00007303 thank you 7z4-Yq7sZVQ-00003-00007304-00008563 thank you 7z4-Yq7sZVQ-00004-00008564-00010637 thank you 7z4-Yq7sZVQ-00005-00010638-00012228 [Music] 7z4-Yq7sZVQ-00006-00012229-00013697 thank you 7z4-Yq7sZVQ-00008-00017581-00017794 thank you 7z4-Yq7sZVQ-00009-00017795-00018345 foreign 7z4-Yq7sZVQ-00010-00018346-00018663 [Music] 7A7tDvlsMNI-00000-00000003-00000286 what is practical inspiration practical 7A7tDvlsMNI-00001-00000287-00000424 inspiration is what happy facts 7A7tDvlsMNI-00002-00000425-00000655 lifestyle is all about if the name have 7A7tDvlsMNI-00003-00000656-00000839 a fax lifestyle is what the channel aim 7A7tDvlsMNI-00004-00000840-00001070 to achieve practical inspiration is how 7A7tDvlsMNI-00005-00001071-00001148 it does it 7A7tDvlsMNI-00006-00001149-00001394 so first what is happy facts livestock 7A7tDvlsMNI-00007-00001395-00001648 well instead of a happy lifestyle using 7A7tDvlsMNI-00008-00001650-00001885 factual evidence on how to do just that 7A7tDvlsMNI-00009-00001886-00002126 wait so the name wasn't just a random 7A7tDvlsMNI-00010-00002127-00002359 choice of words mind blown 7A7tDvlsMNI-00011-00002360-00002639 so back to practical inspiration it's 7A7tDvlsMNI-00012-00002640-00002849 providing inspiring stories and messages 7A7tDvlsMNI-00013-00002850-00003020 to offering practical advice and tips 7A7tDvlsMNI-00014-00003021-00003211 that you can apply in your life to live 7A7tDvlsMNI-00015-00003213-00003425 your dreams we looked at the best 7A7tDvlsMNI-00016-00003426-00003640 eHealth guidance from life coach Tony 7A7tDvlsMNI-00017-00003642-00003811 Robbins motivational speaker there's 7A7tDvlsMNI-00018-00003812-00004013 brown entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk and 7A7tDvlsMNI-00019-00004014-00004286 starts like Will Smith from them we 7A7tDvlsMNI-00020-00004287-00004438 extracted this that they have to offer 7A7tDvlsMNI-00021-00004439-00004729 and learn how to live life to the max so 7A7tDvlsMNI-00022-00004730-00004913 join us on this journey attack flex life 7A7tDvlsMNI-00023-00004914-00005138 start by subscribing and live life of 7A7tDvlsMNI-00024-00005139-00005800 practical inspiration 7A7tDvlsMNI-00025-00005801-00006738 [Applause] 7A7tDvlsMNI-00026-00006739-00006992 [Music] 7CYhpZ7_fMy-00000-00000000-00000063 [Music] 7CYhpZ7_fMy-00001-00000064-00000295 you searching for royalty-free music 7CYhpZ7_fMy-00002-00000296-00000495 with creative commons license and 7CYhpZ7_fMy-00003-00000496-00000927 certificate 7CYhpZ7_fMy-00004-00000927-00001158 hey sure is this then without rights 7CYhpZ7_fMy-00005-00001159-00001399 collecting companies 7CYhpZ7_fMy-00006-00001400-00001687 yes on our platform music browser here 7CYhpZ7_fMy-00007-00001688-00001942 you find all our music you can hear it 7CYhpZ7_fMy-00008-00001943-00002215 and you can download it test it and if 7CYhpZ7_fMy-00009-00002216-00002399 you need a license you can pull chinese 7CYhpZ7_fMy-00010-00002400-00002518 a license 7CYhpZ7_fMy-00011-00002519-00002767 yeah music from the sunserver studios 7CYhpZ7_fMy-00012-00002768-00003175 have a look at music browser 7CYhpZ7_fMy-00013-00003176-00003390 wow it's great music from the music 7CYhpZ7_fMy-00014-00003392-00003527 browser 7CYhpZ7_fMy-00015-00003528-00003955 paste it and use it 7F0lHz2bC3U-00000-00000003-00000167 what's going on guys it's omni ark and 7F0lHz2bC3U-00001-00000168-00000311 today i'm bringing you a brand new video 7F0lHz2bC3U-00002-00000312-00000499 we're gonna be playing some clash royale 7F0lHz2bC3U-00003-00000500-00000734 now this is a video that i've wanted to 7F0lHz2bC3U-00004-00000735-00000916 make for a very long time 7F0lHz2bC3U-00005-00000917-00001070 because I've been playing clash royale 7F0lHz2bC3U-00006-00001071-00001331 since it was first officially launched 7F0lHz2bC3U-00007-00001332-00001556 in the United States I played for a few 7F0lHz2bC3U-00008-00001557-00001726 months I was addicted and then I got 7F0lHz2bC3U-00009-00001727-00001898 bored of it because hog freeze was 7F0lHz2bC3U-00010-00001898-00002141 broken so I quit for a few months and 7F0lHz2bC3U-00011-00002142-00002326 then I came back I was passively playing 7F0lHz2bC3U-00012-00002327-00002559 it for probably about a year now or more 7F0lHz2bC3U-00013-00002560-00002774 and then lately I've been really really 7F0lHz2bC3U-00014-00002775-00002917 into the game and I decided you know 7F0lHz2bC3U-00015-00002918-00003242 what I'm gonna make a walkthrough let's 7F0lHz2bC3U-00016-00003243-00003497 play type of series maybe this will be 7F0lHz2bC3U-00017-00003497-00003608 the only video I don't know it depends 7F0lHz2bC3U-00018-00003609-00003944 on how you guys react to it but I just 7F0lHz2bC3U-00019-00003945-00004061 really really love this game and I 7F0lHz2bC3U-00020-00004061-00004238 wanted to do kind of a walkthrough let's 7F0lHz2bC3U-00021-00004239-00004484 play for it on YouTube here I'm and try 7F0lHz2bC3U-00022-00004485-00004595 and spread that love to you guys 7F0lHz2bC3U-00023-00004596-00004850 obviously like I said this is this is 7F0lHz2bC3U-00024-00004851-00005090 primarily a first person shooter channel 7F0lHz2bC3U-00025-00005091-00005222 but I figured maybe I could be the 7F0lHz2bC3U-00026-00005223-00005435 catalyst to get you guys to enjoy a game 7F0lHz2bC3U-00027-00005436-00005629 like this as much as I do because I 7F0lHz2bC3U-00028-00005630-00005881 really really like it so here we are 7F0lHz2bC3U-00029-00005882-00006143 this is a fresh new account and we are 7F0lHz2bC3U-00030-00006144-00006403 going to start from scratch and go 7F0lHz2bC3U-00031-00006404-00006523 through the tutorial and I'm gonna 7F0lHz2bC3U-00032-00006525-00006755 explain the game how the game works the 7F0lHz2bC3U-00033-00006756-00006941 different troops basically pretty much 7F0lHz2bC3U-00034-00006942-00007100 everything you'll need to know to get 7F0lHz2bC3U-00035-00007101-00007469 started now what you'll notice first is 7F0lHz2bC3U-00036-00007470-00007817 the game board and you will see that 7F0lHz2bC3U-00037-00007818-00008123 there are three enemy towers in red and 7F0lHz2bC3U-00038-00008123-00008402 we have the three blue towers here on 7F0lHz2bC3U-00039-00008403-00008762 the bottom the map is or the board is 7F0lHz2bC3U-00040-00008763-00009049 split up in two sections by the river 7F0lHz2bC3U-00041-00009050-00009302 and there are the two bridges on both 7F0lHz2bC3U-00042-00009303-00009381 sides 7F0lHz2bC3U-00043-00009382-00009695 now you can only deploy troops or 7F0lHz2bC3U-00044-00009696-00009938 buildings or anything on your side of 7F0lHz2bC3U-00045-00009939-00010153 the river unless you destroy one of the 7F0lHz2bC3U-00046-00010154-00010513 enemy's towers some of the troops can 7F0lHz2bC3U-00047-00010514-00010738 actually go over the river if they 7F0lHz2bC3U-00048-00010739-00010970 either are flying or they can jump such 7F0lHz2bC3U-00049-00010971-00011462 as the hog rider I believe and the whole 7F0lHz2bC3U-00050-00011463-00011581 point of the game is to destroy the 7F0lHz2bC3U-00051-00011582-00011774 enemy towers before they destroy yours 7F0lHz2bC3U-00052-00011775-00011971 so it's kind of like a multiplayer tower 7F0lHz2bC3U-00053-00011972-00012167 defense game but it takes laning kind of 7F0lHz2bC3U-00054-00012168-00012374 from MOBAs but it's a card game because 7F0lHz2bC3U-00055-00012375-00012617 you have eight cards per deck you've 7F0lHz2bC3U-00056-00012618-00012770 cycled through those cards without the 7F0lHz2bC3U-00057-00012771-00013069 match against your opponent now you can 7F0lHz2bC3U-00058-00013070-00013276 see the left 7F0lHz2bC3U-00059-00013277-00013399 and the right towers both have a 7F0lHz2bC3U-00060-00013400-00013591 princess on top of them those are the 7F0lHz2bC3U-00061-00013591-00013810 crown towers and the princess will 7F0lHz2bC3U-00062-00013811-00014238 attack your troops or or your princess 7F0lHz2bC3U-00063-00014240-00014437 will attack their troops and if they 7F0lHz2bC3U-00064-00014438-00014691 come within a range of that tower and 7F0lHz2bC3U-00065-00014693-00014878 the king tower actually has a hidden 7F0lHz2bC3U-00066-00014879-00015097 cannon under the floor that only comes 7F0lHz2bC3U-00067-00015097-00015369 out if one of your crown towers is 7F0lHz2bC3U-00068-00015371-00015631 destroyed or if you attack the king 7F0lHz2bC3U-00069-00015632-00015877 before he attacks you so it's definitely 7F0lHz2bC3U-00070-00015878-00015972 not something you want to do if you 7F0lHz2bC3U-00071-00015974-00016183 haven't destroyed a crown tower then you 7F0lHz2bC3U-00072-00016184-00016417 don't want to attack the king if you 7F0lHz2bC3U-00073-00016418-00016705 destroy the enemy king tower before they 7F0lHz2bC3U-00074-00016706-00016891 destroy yours you went automatically in 7F0lHz2bC3U-00075-00016892-00017173 a three crown victory however if neither 7F0lHz2bC3U-00076-00017174-00017359 King tower gets destroyed throughout a 7F0lHz2bC3U-00077-00017360-00017524 battle whoever destroys the most 7F0lHz2bC3U-00078-00017525-00017725 Howard's wins so if I destroy two of 7F0lHz2bC3U-00079-00017726-00017839 their towers and they destroy one of 7F0lHz2bC3U-00080-00017840-00018088 mine I win 7F0lHz2bC3U-00081-00018089-00018241 of course you can end in a draw which 7F0lHz2bC3U-00082-00018242-00018511 does happen semi frequently in standard 7F0lHz2bC3U-00083-00018512-00018703 ladder but much less frequently in 7F0lHz2bC3U-00084-00018704-00018955 actual tournaments or challenges and I'm 7F0lHz2bC3U-00085-00018956-00019087 actually gonna make this video kind of 7F0lHz2bC3U-00086-00019088-00019273 like a livestream where I'm not gonna 7F0lHz2bC3U-00087-00019274-00019480 edit anything you're just gonna see it 7F0lHz2bC3U-00088-00019481-00019627 all as it's happening and I really need 7F0lHz2bC3U-00089-00019628-00019786 some water because this is the second 7F0lHz2bC3U-00090-00019787-00020023 take of the video and the first take was 7F0lHz2bC3U-00091-00020024-00020485 36 minutes anyway so let's just jump 7F0lHz2bC3U-00092-00020486-00020776 right into it the tutorial really wants 7F0lHz2bC3U-00093-00020777-00020998 us to drop the nice over here by the 7F0lHz2bC3U-00094-00020999-00021238 bridge so we're gonna do that and it's 7F0lHz2bC3U-00095-00021239-00021397 going to have us place the archers 7F0lHz2bC3U-00096-00021398-00021634 behind him and this is what's known as a 7F0lHz2bC3U-00097-00021635-00021955 push I'm pushing the left lane and as 7F0lHz2bC3U-00098-00021956-00022119 you can see the knight is actually 7F0lHz2bC3U-00099-00022120-00022414 taking the damage while the archers are 7F0lHz2bC3U-00100-00022415-00022825 attacking the tower now Knights are kind 7F0lHz2bC3U-00101-00022826-00023113 of a tank unit which means they have a 7F0lHz2bC3U-00102-00023114-00023362 lot of HP and they don't do too much 7F0lHz2bC3U-00103-00023363-00023686 damage and the archers are the opposite 7F0lHz2bC3U-00104-00023687-00023884 where they deal a pretty decent amount 7F0lHz2bC3U-00105-00023885-00024118 of damage but they don't have a lot of 7F0lHz2bC3U-00106-00024119-00024436 HP so as you can see here the Giants has 7F0lHz2bC3U-00107-00024437-00024637 even more HP than the knight and he's 7F0lHz2bC3U-00108-00024638-00024775 gonna be able to take out that King 7F0lHz2bC3U-00109-00024776-00025006 tower no problem because he's just 7F0lHz2bC3U-00110-00025007-00025396 that's what he does so we win we won our 7F0lHz2bC3U-00111-00025397-00025564 first three crown victories super super 7F0lHz2bC3U-00112-00025565-00025774 easy there's absolutely no opposition 7F0lHz2bC3U-00113-00025775-00026019 they didn't deploy any troops nothing 7F0lHz2bC3U-00114-00026020-00026145 was stopping us from winning so there 7F0lHz2bC3U-00115-00026147-00026386 was no way we could lose so five seconds 7F0lHz2bC3U-00116-00026387-00026565 to unlock our first chest now of course 7F0lHz2bC3U-00117-00026566-00026662 you could use a gem 7F0lHz2bC3U-00118-00026663-00026836 to speed this up but gems are the 7F0lHz2bC3U-00119-00026837-00026989 premium currency of the game they cost 7F0lHz2bC3U-00120-00026989-00027238 real money you can earn some in chests 7F0lHz2bC3U-00121-00027239-00027400 but for the most part you'll be paying 7F0lHz2bC3U-00122-00027401-00027751 for them so we get 18 golds we get one 7F0lHz2bC3U-00123-00027752-00028095 night and two arrows it's cool so let's 7F0lHz2bC3U-00124-00028097-00028297 go in here and these are all the cards 7F0lHz2bC3U-00125-00028298-00028480 that you can unlock versus the ones that 7F0lHz2bC3U-00126-00028481-00028711 you do have that's what we're gonna do 7F0lHz2bC3U-00127-00028712-00028843 is we're gonna upgrade the Knights for 7F0lHz2bC3U-00128-00028844-00029041 five gold and only costs five gold and 7F0lHz2bC3U-00129-00029042-00029202 you're gonna see his damage damage per 7F0lHz2bC3U-00130-00029204-00029383 second and hip points go up when he goes 7F0lHz2bC3U-00131-00029383-00029689 to level two and it costed two cards to 7F0lHz2bC3U-00132-00029689-00029941 get him there too so now you can see we 7F0lHz2bC3U-00133-00029942-00030151 have zero out of four Knight cards and 7F0lHz2bC3U-00134-00030152-00030331 if we want him to be a level three we'll 7F0lHz2bC3U-00135-00030332-00030526 need four night cards in order to get 7F0lHz2bC3U-00136-00030527-00030754 him there and if you look at the arrows 7F0lHz2bC3U-00137-00030755-00030913 we also have three arrow cards which 7F0lHz2bC3U-00138-00030914-00031077 means we can upgrade arrows as well 7F0lHz2bC3U-00139-00031079-00031320 which is what we're gonna do because why 7F0lHz2bC3U-00140-00031322-00031561 not even the tutorials not telling us to 7F0lHz2bC3U-00141-00031562-00031705 I feel like we're gonna use arrows for a 7F0lHz2bC3U-00142-00031706-00031894 while so we're gonna just use that and 7F0lHz2bC3U-00143-00031895-00032197 upgrade them as soon as possible as you 7F0lHz2bC3U-00144-00032198-00032338 can see it's only a six card deck for 7F0lHz2bC3U-00145-00032339-00032485 the tutorial but we'll be earning the 7F0lHz2bC3U-00146-00032486-00032563 other cards 7F0lHz2bC3U-00147-00032564-00032902 so let's hit battle and we're gonna 7F0lHz2bC3U-00148-00032903-00033052 learn about some defense here I'm gonna 7F0lHz2bC3U-00149-00033053-00033205 take this time to also talk about some 7F0lHz2bC3U-00150-00033206-00033508 of the different types of cards in the 7F0lHz2bC3U-00151-00033509-00033712 game there's three different types there 7F0lHz2bC3U-00152-00033713-00034033 are troops buildings and spells now as 7F0lHz2bC3U-00153-00034034-00034288 you can see on the left lane the enemy 7F0lHz2bC3U-00154-00034289-00034489 has deployed some skeletons and some 7F0lHz2bC3U-00155-00034490-00034696 goblins nothing too crazy those are all 7F0lHz2bC3U-00156-00034697-00034990 pretty easy to destroy but we're gonna 7F0lHz2bC3U-00157-00034991-00035200 place the knight down again because he's 7F0lHz2bC3U-00158-00035201-00035545 a very universal well-rounded unit so 7F0lHz2bC3U-00159-00035546-00035674 we're gonna place the knight down here 7F0lHz2bC3U-00160-00035675-00035878 we're also gonna place the archers right 7F0lHz2bC3U-00161-00035879-00035998 behind him just like we did before so 7F0lHz2bC3U-00162-00035999-00036187 that way he takes the blunt force of the 7F0lHz2bC3U-00163-00036188-00036379 damage from all these guys and the 7F0lHz2bC3U-00164-00036380-00036541 archers do all the dirty work of 7F0lHz2bC3U-00165-00036542-00036781 destroying them but we also obviously 7F0lHz2bC3U-00166-00036782-00036901 sell the knight do some work there as 7F0lHz2bC3U-00167-00036902-00037369 well but anyway as I was saying the the 7F0lHz2bC3U-00168-00037370-00037495 three different types of cards are 7F0lHz2bC3U-00169-00037496-00037591 troops 7F0lHz2bC3U-00170-00037592-00037879 buildings and spells and you can see the 7F0lHz2bC3U-00171-00037880-00038077 arrows and the fireball are actually 7F0lHz2bC3U-00172-00038078-00038329 spell cards whereas the Knights the 7F0lHz2bC3U-00173-00038330-00038662 bomber over here the skeletons the the 7F0lHz2bC3U-00174-00038663-00038869 archers those are all troop cards so I'm 7F0lHz2bC3U-00175-00038870-00039004 gonna launch our first spell card 7F0lHz2bC3U-00176-00039005-00039139 actually right at this King tower 7F0lHz2bC3U-00177-00039140-00039274 because why not and we'll drop the 7F0lHz2bC3U-00178-00039275-00039445 arrows on it as well I don't know that's 7F0lHz2bC3U-00179-00039446-00039580 not something you would do this early in 7F0lHz2bC3U-00180-00039581-00039728 the game but it's a 7F0lHz2bC3U-00181-00039729-00040007 there's no way we can lose so there we 7F0lHz2bC3U-00182-00040008-00040031 go 7F0lHz2bC3U-00183-00040032-00040405 we got the fluke on victory there again 7F0lHz2bC3U-00184-00040406-00040513 [Music] 7F0lHz2bC3U-00185-00040514-00040661 so there we go 7F0lHz2bC3U-00186-00040662-00040874 easy now buildings are something that 7F0lHz2bC3U-00187-00040875-00041066 you would place on generally your side 7F0lHz2bC3U-00188-00041067-00041204 of the field that has a defensive 7F0lHz2bC3U-00189-00041205-00041381 maneuver there are a couple buildings 7F0lHz2bC3U-00190-00041382-00041723 like the x-bow and the mortar that are a 7F0lHz2bC3U-00191-00041724-00041978 little more offensive of course they can 7F0lHz2bC3U-00192-00041979-00042176 be used offensively as well but for the 7F0lHz2bC3U-00193-00042177-00042296 most of our buildings our defensive 7F0lHz2bC3U-00194-00042297-00042530 troops you can use to defend and attack 7F0lHz2bC3U-00195-00042531-00043010 and spells are usually used to support 7F0lHz2bC3U-00196-00043011-00043262 your troops or in a you know quote 7F0lHz2bC3U-00197-00043263-00043538 unquote oh crap moment and you can use 7F0lHz2bC3U-00198-00043539-00043868 them on defense as well and of course 7F0lHz2bC3U-00199-00043869-00044078 those are just very loose definitions 7F0lHz2bC3U-00200-00044079-00044276 you can use any card for however you 7F0lHz2bC3U-00201-00044277-00044444 want it to be used and depending on the 7F0lHz2bC3U-00202-00044445-00044672 situation so here we got some archers we 7F0lHz2bC3U-00203-00044673-00044828 got another Knights and we unlock the 7F0lHz2bC3U-00204-00044829-00045089 musketeer which is cool so as you can 7F0lHz2bC3U-00205-00045090-00045236 see this is actually a rare card 7F0lHz2bC3U-00206-00045237-00045446 Musketeers are a rare card and this is a 7F0lHz2bC3U-00207-00045447-00045602 good time to talk about the rarity of 7F0lHz2bC3U-00208-00045603-00045704 the different cards that we can go 7F0lHz2bC3U-00209-00045705-00045962 through so if we look here the top four 7F0lHz2bC3U-00210-00045963-00046103 cards here starting with the Knights 7F0lHz2bC3U-00211-00046104-00046322 these four are all common cards because 7F0lHz2bC3U-00212-00046323-00046598 they are gray the orange card is here 7F0lHz2bC3U-00213-00046599-00046832 the fireball the Giant and the musketeer 7F0lHz2bC3U-00214-00046833-00047177 are rare cards and then you also have 7F0lHz2bC3U-00215-00047178-00047321 epic cards which are purple and 7F0lHz2bC3U-00216-00047322-00047545 legendary cards which are like 7F0lHz2bC3U-00217-00047546-00047774 color-changing rainbow type of color of 7F0lHz2bC3U-00218-00047775-00047963 school while we're here let's up where 7F0lHz2bC3U-00219-00047964-00048149 the archers because why not they're a 7F0lHz2bC3U-00220-00048150-00048554 really good card and we're gonna hit 7F0lHz2bC3U-00221-00048555-00048746 battle and we're gonna continue through 7F0lHz2bC3U-00222-00048747-00049112 the tutorial now of course this game is 7F0lHz2bC3U-00223-00049113-00049259 also made by supercell which is the 7F0lHz2bC3U-00224-00049260-00049535 maker of clash of clans so the same lore 7F0lHz2bC3U-00225-00049536-00049706 and characters and cards kind of 7F0lHz2bC3U-00226-00049707-00049862 returned from that game so if you played 7F0lHz2bC3U-00227-00049863-00049991 that and then you a lot of this stuff 7F0lHz2bC3U-00228-00049992-00050318 should actually be familiar to you so he 7F0lHz2bC3U-00229-00050319-00050474 said let's combine our cards for a 7F0lHz2bC3U-00230-00050475-00050732 stronger attack so let's do that well 7F0lHz2bC3U-00231-00050733-00050870 he's gonna do now is have us actually 7F0lHz2bC3U-00232-00050871-00051050 deployed the Giants we'll do that right 7F0lHz2bC3U-00233-00051051-00051241 at the bridge or I guess they want us to 7F0lHz2bC3U-00234-00051242-00051410 deploy it there and now we're gonna 7F0lHz2bC3U-00235-00051411-00051623 deploy the archers right behind the 7F0lHz2bC3U-00236-00051624-00051896 Giant and what this is gonna do is the 7F0lHz2bC3U-00237-00051897-00052042 same thing as the knight except the 7F0lHz2bC3U-00238-00052044-00052271 Giant has even more health and the 7F0lHz2bC3U-00239-00052272-00052514 difference here between the Giants and 7F0lHz2bC3U-00240-00052515-00052804 the knight is that the Giant only 7F0lHz2bC3U-00241-00052805-00053029 attacks buildings 7F0lHz2bC3U-00242-00053030-00053351 so you know where I'm gonna use a 7F0lHz2bC3U-00243-00053352-00053669 fireball to no point so we're the 7F0lHz2bC3U-00244-00053670-00054032 Knights is able to attack these units 7F0lHz2bC3U-00245-00054033-00054548 the giant can only attack buildings so 7F0lHz2bC3U-00246-00054549-00054701 he you know if you drop him and they 7F0lHz2bC3U-00247-00054702-00054944 deploy skeletons he actually can't do 7F0lHz2bC3U-00248-00054945-00055066 anything about that there's nothing he 7F0lHz2bC3U-00249-00055067-00055199 can do about skeletons even though there 7F0lHz2bC3U-00250-00055200-00055586 are really weak unit they just he can't 7F0lHz2bC3U-00251-00055587-00055771 attack them he only attacks buildings 7F0lHz2bC3U-00252-00055772-00056000 wow if that fireball was one second 7F0lHz2bC3U-00253-00056001-00056351 later so that's that so some troops only 7F0lHz2bC3U-00254-00056352-00056501 attack buildings you know hog riders 7F0lHz2bC3U-00255-00056502-00056699 another one only attacks buildings all 7F0lHz2bC3U-00256-00056700-00056927 their troops just attack anything some 7F0lHz2bC3U-00257-00056928-00057086 troops can only attack ground units 7F0lHz2bC3U-00258-00057087-00057332 whereas other troops attack flying units 7F0lHz2bC3U-00259-00057333-00057635 as well so there's a little bit more 7F0lHz2bC3U-00260-00057636-00057785 depth there and now you see here it's 7F0lHz2bC3U-00261-00057786-00057950 gonna get an epic card which is cool you 7F0lHz2bC3U-00262-00057951-00058105 don't always get an epic from free stuff 7F0lHz2bC3U-00263-00058107-00058283 so epics are a little bit more harder to 7F0lHz2bC3U-00264-00058284-00058330 come by 7F0lHz2bC3U-00265-00058332-00058532 than some of the other cards in the game 7F0lHz2bC3U-00266-00058533-00058796 so let's open that up and we'll see we 7F0lHz2bC3U-00267-00058797-00059144 get 18 bolts and one night and one 7F0lHz2bC3U-00268-00059145-00059474 Archer and I'm hoping it's a which it is 7F0lHz2bC3U-00269-00059475-00059534 okay 7F0lHz2bC3U-00270-00059535-00059816 I was weak at the witch now actually 7F0lHz2bC3U-00271-00059816-00059963 that might be programmed to give you a 7F0lHz2bC3U-00272-00059964-00060125 witch every time I'm actually not sure 7F0lHz2bC3U-00273-00060126-00060275 but you might have actually gotten 7F0lHz2bC3U-00274-00060276-00060602 either the skeleton army baby dragon or 7F0lHz2bC3U-00275-00060603-00060904 the prince as you can see here the 7F0lHz2bC3U-00276-00060905-00061196 Prince baby dragon you know you could 7F0lHz2bC3U-00277-00061197-00061325 have gotten any of these four cards I 7F0lHz2bC3U-00278-00061326-00061502 think it might give you a witch every 7F0lHz2bC3U-00279-00061503-00061703 time but if not you probably got one of 7F0lHz2bC3U-00280-00061704-00061979 those cards so which again is epic she's 7F0lHz2bC3U-00281-00061979-00062150 in purple and the witch was actually one 7F0lHz2bC3U-00282-00062151-00062273 of my favorite cards in the game because 7F0lHz2bC3U-00283-00062274-00062537 she's very very good at counter pushing 7F0lHz2bC3U-00284-00062538-00062825 she actually spawns skeletons and that's 7F0lHz2bC3U-00285-00062826-00062963 it that's for a different time well 7F0lHz2bC3U-00286-00062964-00063239 we'll talk about that later let's jump 7F0lHz2bC3U-00287-00063240-00063350 into this next part of the tutorial 7F0lHz2bC3U-00288-00063351-00063541 where it says lets you even learn 7F0lHz2bC3U-00289-00063542-00063742 against a tougher opponent and one thing 7F0lHz2bC3U-00290-00063744-00063913 that I'll note here is actually the 7F0lHz2bC3U-00291-00063914-00064160 Elector on the bottom you can see it's 7F0lHz2bC3U-00292-00064161-00064445 max 10 and it's it's rising as time 7F0lHz2bC3U-00293-00064446-00064790 passes and you'll see the little Alexa 7F0lHz2bC3U-00294-00064791-00065000 droplet beneath each card picture here 7F0lHz2bC3U-00295-00065001-00065266 so the witch you can see cost five the 7F0lHz2bC3U-00296-00065266-00065576 archers you can see cost three and here 7F0lHz2bC3U-00297-00065577-00065701 I'm just making sure I'm recording now 7F0lHz2bC3U-00298-00065702-00065942 I'm actually gonna drop my knight here 7F0lHz2bC3U-00299-00065943-00066173 and then I'm gonna drop the bomber to 7F0lHz2bC3U-00300-00066174-00066380 kind of destroy these 7F0lHz2bC3U-00301-00066381-00066626 these other troops now bombers are AOE 7F0lHz2bC3U-00302-00066627-00066884 targeting so they actually did they they 7F0lHz2bC3U-00303-00066885-00067184 their damage is dealt in a radius so it 7F0lHz2bC3U-00304-00067185-00067367 can deal damage to a bunch of troops all 7F0lHz2bC3U-00305-00067368-00067550 at the same time I'm gonna drop my 7F0lHz2bC3U-00306-00067551-00067712 muskets you over here to counter these 7F0lHz2bC3U-00307-00067713-00067862 goblins and it's gonna be more than 7F0lHz2bC3U-00308-00067863-00067973 enough to counter so she's actually 7F0lHz2bC3U-00309-00067974-00068176 gonna survive to not only kill the 7F0lHz2bC3U-00310-00068177-00068378 goblins but kill the skeletons and I'd 7F0lHz2bC3U-00311-00068379-00068513 be willing to bet he makes it all the 7F0lHz2bC3U-00312-00068514-00068657 way to the tower because I'm gonna drop 7F0lHz2bC3U-00313-00068658-00068837 a giant right here now of course I could 7F0lHz2bC3U-00314-00068838-00069068 have pushed the left side right and we 7F0lHz2bC3U-00315-00069069-00069215 could have continued to deal damage to 7F0lHz2bC3U-00316-00069216-00069376 the tower that we've already dealt 7F0lHz2bC3U-00317-00069377-00069497 damage to but there's no point because 7F0lHz2bC3U-00318-00069498-00069698 we've made it all the way to this tower 7F0lHz2bC3U-00319-00069699-00069884 as well and you can see we quickly have 7F0lHz2bC3U-00320-00069885-00070201 dull even more so I'm not even gonna 7F0lHz2bC3U-00321-00070202-00070432 address those skeletons on the left-hand 7F0lHz2bC3U-00322-00070433-00070651 side because no point and I'm actually 7F0lHz2bC3U-00323-00070652-00070871 going to drop my fireball right here in 7F0lHz2bC3U-00324-00070872-00071050 case he decides to do anything about it 7F0lHz2bC3U-00325-00071051-00071261 but anyway like I was saying before the 7F0lHz2bC3U-00326-00071262-00071639 Elector is is your currency throughout 7F0lHz2bC3U-00327-00071640-00071969 the match and every card spell building 7F0lHz2bC3U-00328-00071970-00072395 everything costs a lexer to use and you 7F0lHz2bC3U-00329-00072396-00072635 basically want to use your lexer as 7F0lHz2bC3U-00330-00072636-00072901 efficiently as possible to counter your 7F0lHz2bC3U-00331-00072902-00073184 opponent's troops and a lexer so that 7F0lHz2bC3U-00332-00073185-00073457 way you know you have the most value and 7F0lHz2bC3U-00333-00073458-00073721 the more cards that you get to keep in 7F0lHz2bC3U-00334-00073722-00073937 rotation and the more lecture you have 7F0lHz2bC3U-00335-00073938-00074213 the better you can counter your opponent 7F0lHz2bC3U-00336-00074214-00074405 and deal some damage so let me take some 7F0lHz2bC3U-00337-00074406-00075392 water here no I think Exxon New York is 7F0lHz2bC3U-00338-00075393-00075959 probably taken No okay so Exim York is 7F0lHz2bC3U-00339-00075960-00076295 not taken apparently so let's do is five 7F0lHz2bC3U-00340-00076296-00076684 seconds here to open the chest and 7F0lHz2bC3U-00341-00076685-00077039 that's easy easy money right so we get 7F0lHz2bC3U-00342-00077040-00077399 the 18 gold one bomber which is cool two 7F0lHz2bC3U-00343-00077400-00077782 arrows didn't really need those but we 7F0lHz2bC3U-00344-00077783-00077909 can upgrade the bomber which is nice so 7F0lHz2bC3U-00345-00077910-00078080 let's do that 7F0lHz2bC3U-00346-00078081-00078306 it's now all of our comment cards are 7F0lHz2bC3U-00347-00078307-00078609 level 2 and we have all level one of the 7F0lHz2bC3U-00348-00078610-00078951 other arity so we have one more match 7F0lHz2bC3U-00349-00078952-00079173 for training which is gonna be pretty 7F0lHz2bC3U-00350-00079174-00079437 easy so now for the final challenge now 7F0lHz2bC3U-00351-00079438-00079542 I'm assuming he's gonna give stuff 7F0lHz2bC3U-00352-00079543-00079821 beyond just goblins and the Knights and 7F0lHz2bC3U-00353-00079822-00080238 the skeletons so usually typically a 7F0lHz2bC3U-00354-00080239-00080421 match starts by players waiting until 7F0lHz2bC3U-00355-00080422-00080574 their Luxor is full and the reason that 7F0lHz2bC3U-00356-00080575-00080793 people do that is because if you deploy 7F0lHz2bC3U-00357-00080794-00081036 something first then your opponent has 7F0lHz2bC3U-00358-00081037-00081165 the advantage because they can choose 7F0lHz2bC3U-00359-00081166-00081351 which car that they have to counter it 7F0lHz2bC3U-00360-00081352-00081654 better so you don't want to be the guy 7F0lHz2bC3U-00361-00081655-00081879 who wastes the Elector because like I 7F0lHz2bC3U-00362-00081880-00082143 said using a lector effectively is 7F0lHz2bC3U-00363-00082144-00082656 actually the the best way to win so I'm 7F0lHz2bC3U-00364-00082657-00082836 gonna deploy my musketeer here probably 7F0lHz2bC3U-00365-00082837-00083052 didn't need to do that but the musketeer 7F0lHz2bC3U-00366-00083053-00083367 has more health than the archers so 7F0lHz2bC3U-00367-00083368-00083472 it'll be able to take those out no 7F0lHz2bC3U-00368-00083473-00083712 problem now he used three elector to 7F0lHz2bC3U-00369-00083713-00083965 deploy those archers and we used our 7F0lHz2bC3U-00370-00083966-00084196 four Electra musketeer to not only 7F0lHz2bC3U-00371-00084197-00084381 destroy them but do some damage to the 7F0lHz2bC3U-00372-00084382-00084582 tower and I'd say it was a pretty good 7F0lHz2bC3U-00373-00084583-00084810 trade and he's gonna arrow me and hit my 7F0lHz2bC3U-00374-00084811-00084984 crown tower which is never something I 7F0lHz2bC3U-00375-00084985-00085072 want to do and I talked about this 7F0lHz2bC3U-00376-00085073-00085401 before you never want to hit the crown 7F0lHz2bC3U-00377-00085402-00085609 tower before you need to because now you 7F0lHz2bC3U-00378-00085610-00085972 could see the cannon above the crown 7F0lHz2bC3U-00379-00085973-00086347 tower is going to help defend against 7F0lHz2bC3U-00380-00086348-00086659 the enemy when he comes in range so I'm 7F0lHz2bC3U-00381-00086660-00086805 actually gonna just go all in here 7F0lHz2bC3U-00382-00086806-00086973 because I see no reason to defend 7F0lHz2bC3U-00383-00086974-00087123 against those goblins you can't take the 7F0lHz2bC3U-00384-00087124-00087231 tower by themselves so we're gonna 7F0lHz2bC3U-00385-00087232-00087411 actually just drop a fireball right on 7F0lHz2bC3U-00386-00087412-00087579 top of the king tower because it's 7F0lHz2bC3U-00387-00087580-00087831 pretty much good game but you saw the 7F0lHz2bC3U-00388-00087832-00087954 witch there's actually deploying 7F0lHz2bC3U-00389-00087955-00088092 skeletons which is the cool thing about 7F0lHz2bC3U-00390-00088093-00088350 the witch it's AoE so it does damage in 7F0lHz2bC3U-00391-00088351-00088650 an area and it deploys those skeletons 7F0lHz2bC3U-00392-00088651-00088881 for defensive purposes so really good 7F0lHz2bC3U-00393-00088882-00088962 card on defense 7F0lHz2bC3U-00394-00088963-00089148 we're gonna hit okay to the privacy 7F0lHz2bC3U-00395-00089149-00089484 policy and then it takes three hours to 7F0lHz2bC3U-00396-00089485-00089814 unlock the silver chest now we are at 7F0lHz2bC3U-00397-00089815-00089971 zero trophies which means we are in 7F0lHz2bC3U-00398-00089972-00090252 arena one goblin Stadium now we've gone 7F0lHz2bC3U-00399-00090253-00090540 up from training camp here which is just 7F0lHz2bC3U-00400-00090541-00090885 for tutorial purposes these cards are 7F0lHz2bC3U-00401-00090886-00091122 all the ones that you can unlock during 7F0lHz2bC3U-00402-00091123-00091295 the training camp 7F0lHz2bC3U-00403-00091296-00091628 Arina but now we're on arena 1 which 7F0lHz2bC3U-00404-00091629-00091943 allows us to unlock the spear goblins 7F0lHz2bC3U-00405-00091944-00092206 goblin goblin hut Valkyrie lightning and 7F0lHz2bC3U-00406-00092207-00092540 Goblin barrel so let's start the unlock 7F0lHz2bC3U-00407-00092541-00092678 for this because it's gonna take three 7F0lHz2bC3U-00408-00092679-00093008 hours and let's go check our quest now 7F0lHz2bC3U-00409-00093009-00093155 this is a new feature in the game called 7F0lHz2bC3U-00410-00093156-00093383 quests every day you'll get a new quest 7F0lHz2bC3U-00411-00093384-00093554 and the higher level you are the more 7F0lHz2bC3U-00412-00093555-00093710 you could stack and kind of complete at 7F0lHz2bC3U-00413-00093711-00093902 the same time some of the quests are 7F0lHz2bC3U-00414-00093903-00094097 easy like here's a free chest every four 7F0lHz2bC3U-00415-00094098-00094286 hours which is not really a quest it's 7F0lHz2bC3U-00416-00094287-00094499 just kind of free stuff we got some gems 7F0lHz2bC3U-00417-00094500-00094643 just nice because those are premium 7F0lHz2bC3U-00418-00094644-00094991 currency we got a bomber we unlock this 7F0lHz2bC3U-00419-00094992-00095117 for your confidence it's just cool and 7F0lHz2bC3U-00420-00095118-00095380 we got another night so that's good 7F0lHz2bC3U-00421-00095381-00095777 and every time you complete a quest you 7F0lHz2bC3U-00422-00095778-00095999 actually get quest tokens which go 7F0lHz2bC3U-00423-00096000-00096395 towards your your reward right so if we 7F0lHz2bC3U-00424-00096396-00096584 get 50 quest tokens we all knock this 7F0lHz2bC3U-00425-00096585-00096782 golden chest and this is a good time for 7F0lHz2bC3U-00426-00096783-00097007 me to actually explain chests in the 7F0lHz2bC3U-00427-00097008-00097178 game and they're kind of their role and 7F0lHz2bC3U-00428-00097179-00097352 and what types of chests there are so 7F0lHz2bC3U-00429-00097353-00097712 these wooden chests here these are the 7F0lHz2bC3U-00430-00097713-00098030 lowest tier of chests they take no time 7F0lHz2bC3U-00431-00098031-00098204 to open and you get almost nothing out 7F0lHz2bC3U-00432-00098205-00098504 of them above a step up from that is the 7F0lHz2bC3U-00433-00098505-00098768 silver chest here and you can see at 7F0lHz2bC3U-00434-00098769-00099272 arena 1 you get 3 cards out of it above 7F0lHz2bC3U-00435-00099273-00099437 that is actually the golden chest which 7F0lHz2bC3U-00436-00099438-00099659 you can see up top here which will give 7F0lHz2bC3U-00437-00099660-00099944 you between 50 and 70 gold and 10 cards 7F0lHz2bC3U-00438-00099945-00100103 and one of those cards at least is gonna 7F0lHz2bC3U-00439-00100104-00100331 be a rare which is cool so you can see 7F0lHz2bC3U-00440-00100332-00100499 it kind of gives you better odds the 7F0lHz2bC3U-00441-00100500-00100643 better the chests the better the odds of 7F0lHz2bC3U-00442-00100644-00100997 getting a high rarity card above that we 7F0lHz2bC3U-00443-00100998-00101195 also have the crown chest here and the 7F0lHz2bC3U-00444-00101196-00101342 way that you unlock the crown chest is 7F0lHz2bC3U-00445-00101343-00101633 every 24 hours you get the ability to 7F0lHz2bC3U-00446-00101634-00101960 unlock your crown chest and you get ten 7F0lHz2bC3U-00447-00101961-00102203 crowns against real-life players and 7F0lHz2bC3U-00448-00102204-00102350 it'll unlock and it's actually a little 7F0lHz2bC3U-00449-00102351-00102572 bit better than the even the golden 7F0lHz2bC3U-00450-00102573-00102770 chest and the golden chest takes eight 7F0lHz2bC3U-00451-00102771-00102910 hours to unlock so this silver chest 7F0lHz2bC3U-00452-00102911-00103118 down here took three golden chests take 7F0lHz2bC3U-00453-00103119-00103421 eight crown chests take however long it 7F0lHz2bC3U-00454-00103422-00103649 takes you to unlock it which is almost 7F0lHz2bC3U-00455-00103650-00103821 always less than 7F0lHz2bC3U-00456-00103822-00104103 than anything it's just get some crowns 7F0lHz2bC3U-00457-00104104-00104382 while playing so we're gonna go in here 7F0lHz2bC3U-00458-00104383-00104682 now we actually unlocked the spear 7F0lHz2bC3U-00459-00104683-00105011 goblins and the average elixir cost is 7F0lHz2bC3U-00460-00105013-00105225 3.8 for this deck and you can see we 7F0lHz2bC3U-00461-00105226-00105363 have three different decks here they're 7F0lHz2bC3U-00462-00105364-00105453 all the same because you have all the 7F0lHz2bC3U-00463-00105454-00105884 same cards but the spear goblins only 7F0lHz2bC3U-00464-00105885-00106143 cost two lexer so I tend to keep my 7F0lHz2bC3U-00465-00106144-00106409 Allah average electric cost around 3.6 7F0lHz2bC3U-00466-00106410-00106641 or lower I just for me that's where I'm 7F0lHz2bC3U-00467-00106642-00106914 comfortable playing I don't think that 7F0lHz2bC3U-00468-00106915-00107157 if it's higher than that it just you 7F0lHz2bC3U-00469-00107158-00107328 can't really cycle through your cards 7F0lHz2bC3U-00470-00107329-00107483 and get to the one that you want and 7F0lHz2bC3U-00471-00107484-00107640 you're kind of stuck without a lexer 7F0lHz2bC3U-00472-00107641-00107796 while your opponent's smashing your 7F0lHz2bC3U-00473-00107797-00107976 tower in so you don't want your average 7F0lHz2bC3U-00474-00107977-00108222 alexa to be too high unless you know how 7F0lHz2bC3U-00475-00108223-00108465 to play that deck and kind of know how 7F0lHz2bC3U-00476-00108466-00108651 to work with that some players likes to 7F0lHz2bC3U-00477-00108652-00108966 keep tower luxor cost below 3.0 and have 7F0lHz2bC3U-00478-00108967-00109245 just a very like spammy you know low low 7F0lHz2bC3U-00479-00109246-00109623 cost card deck but i tend to be around 7F0lHz2bC3U-00480-00109624-00109985 3.5 and then 3.4 23.6 tends to be my 7F0lHz2bC3U-00481-00109986-00110223 average my comfort zone and you guys can 7F0lHz2bC3U-00482-00110224-00110336 choose what you prefer 7F0lHz2bC3U-00483-00110338-00110589 so 3.8 sal it'll high for me and what 7F0lHz2bC3U-00484-00110590-00110700 I'm gonna do is I'm actually gonna take 7F0lHz2bC3U-00485-00110701-00110883 these spear goblins and I'm gonna put 7F0lHz2bC3U-00486-00110883-00111456 them in instead of the I just wanna do 7F0lHz2bC3U-00487-00111457-00111807 it instead of the musketeer and that's 7F0lHz2bC3U-00488-00111808-00111963 not to say the Musketeers bad card 7F0lHz2bC3U-00489-00111964-00112206 because it's a very good card high level 7F0lHz2bC3U-00490-00112207-00112458 players use the musketeer even you know 7F0lHz2bC3U-00491-00112458-00112833 in max level decks but I just feel like 7F0lHz2bC3U-00492-00112833-00112998 if you look here if we look the arena 7F0lHz2bC3U-00493-00112999-00113301 we're in the musketeer is good for 7F0lHz2bC3U-00494-00113302-00113874 dealing high damage to one unit and none 7F0lHz2bC3U-00495-00113875-00114057 of these cards really are heavily 7F0lHz2bC3U-00496-00114058-00114318 countered by the musketeer the musketeer 7F0lHz2bC3U-00497-00114319-00114483 alone isn't good enough to take out like 7F0lHz2bC3U-00498-00114483-00114771 a giant or something like that so I just 7F0lHz2bC3U-00499-00114772-00114933 feel like maybe later I'll use a musket 7F0lHz2bC3U-00500-00114933-00115044 uber right now I kind of want to keep 7F0lHz2bC3U-00501-00115045-00115283 that average Alexa cost down so that's 7F0lHz2bC3U-00502-00115284-00115656 why I'm gonna take take out her for the 7F0lHz2bC3U-00503-00115657-00116016 spear goblins now 7F0lHz2bC3U-00504-00116017-00116274 I think that's good I think we're 7F0lHz2bC3U-00505-00116275-00116451 probably solid here I like the witch I'm 7F0lHz2bC3U-00506-00116452-00116548 gonna leave the witch in there and the 7F0lHz2bC3U-00507-00116549-00116727 giant is very strong at low levels so 7F0lHz2bC3U-00508-00116728-00117138 I'm gonna use him and um yeah so the 7F0lHz2bC3U-00509-00117139-00117300 shop all the way to the left is actually 7F0lHz2bC3U-00510-00117301-00117687 where you can unlock stuff for gold so 7F0lHz2bC3U-00511-00117688-00118057 we get free gold free 20 gold for today 7F0lHz2bC3U-00512-00118058-00118212 and the higher level the more stuff will 7F0lHz2bC3U-00513-00118213-00118444 be in the shop every day so we can get 5 7F0lHz2bC3U-00514-00118445-00118662 nights for 50 Gold's or we can get one 7F0lHz2bC3U-00515-00118663-00118981 musketeer for a hundred gold so rare 7F0lHz2bC3U-00516-00118982-00119146 cards obviously are harder to come by so 7F0lHz2bC3U-00517-00119147-00119391 that's that's the whole point there you 7F0lHz2bC3U-00518-00119392-00119616 can spend your gems on some chests here 7F0lHz2bC3U-00519-00119617-00119859 so the giant chest is even better than 7F0lHz2bC3U-00520-00119860-00120243 the crown chests the magical chest is 7F0lHz2bC3U-00521-00120244-00120477 offers less cards actually so we only 7F0lHz2bC3U-00522-00120478-00120684 get 30 cards from a from a magical chest 7F0lHz2bC3U-00523-00120685-00120849 whereas you get 70 cards from a giant 7F0lHz2bC3U-00524-00120850-00121293 chest but giant chests have 14 rares 7F0lHz2bC3U-00525-00121294-00121587 magical chests have 6 rares but one epic 7F0lHz2bC3U-00526-00121588-00121866 you're guaranteed an epic so you can you 7F0lHz2bC3U-00527-00121867-00122034 can get legendary and epic cards out of 7F0lHz2bC3U-00528-00122035-00122241 the magical chest and super magical 7F0lHz2bC3U-00529-00122242-00122409 chest now of course super magical is the 7F0lHz2bC3U-00530-00122410-00122845 best one now but costs 1600 gems and at 7F0lHz2bC3U-00531-00122846-00123046 that point that's over 10 dollars even 7F0lHz2bC3U-00532-00123047-00123315 as a starting player so I wouldn't 7F0lHz2bC3U-00533-00123316-00123585 recommend buying these early on they're 7F0lHz2bC3U-00534-00123586-00123702 just not that good because you can only 7F0lHz2bC3U-00535-00123703-00123864 get arena 1 stuff right and some of the 7F0lHz2bC3U-00536-00123865-00124104 best cards are actually higher up so if 7F0lHz2bC3U-00537-00124105-00124239 you buy them at arena 1 you have no 7F0lHz2bC3U-00538-00124240-00124359 chance of actually getting any 7F0lHz2bC3U-00539-00124360-00124582 legendaries or anything like that which 7F0lHz2bC3U-00540-00124583-00124747 isn't just not worth it so definitely 7F0lHz2bC3U-00541-00124748-00124902 don't bother them at level 1 is stupid 7F0lHz2bC3U-00542-00124903-00125320 and here we can actually join a clan or 7F0lHz2bC3U-00543-00125321-00125470 a guild or whatever you wanna call them 7F0lHz2bC3U-00544-00125471-00125802 they're called clans in this game and by 7F0lHz2bC3U-00545-00125803-00125928 doing that you can actually get an 7F0lHz2bC3U-00546-00125929-00126051 achievement so I'm gonna actually just 7F0lHz2bC3U-00547-00126052-00126654 join grumpy Club cuz why not let's join 7F0lHz2bC3U-00548-00126655-00126849 them and that'll actually unlock an 7F0lHz2bC3U-00549-00126850-00127093 achievement for me now achievements are 7F0lHz2bC3U-00550-00127094-00127258 probably gonna go away tomorrow 7F0lHz2bC3U-00551-00127258-00127432 it says we'll remove them in the next 7F0lHz2bC3U-00552-00127433-00127602 update the next update is for December 7F0lHz2bC3U-00553-00127603-00127894 12 2017 so this actually might be gone 7F0lHz2bC3U-00554-00127895-00128013 for you guys by the time you watch this 7F0lHz2bC3U-00555-00128014-00128235 video but if you do join a clan you get 7F0lHz2bC3U-00556-00128236-00128376 a hundred gems for free so that's cool 7F0lHz2bC3U-00557-00128377-00128644 and that also leveled me up too bye-bye 7F0lHz2bC3U-00558-00128645-00128845 getting that achievement so I'm level 2 7F0lHz2bC3U-00559-00128846-00129114 I got another quest slot which is 7F0lHz2bC3U-00560-00129115-00129366 awesome ends by leveling up your king 7F0lHz2bC3U-00561-00129367-00129734 and princess towers both increase in 7F0lHz2bC3U-00562-00129735-00129978 health and damage and one cool thing to 7F0lHz2bC3U-00563-00129979-00130245 note here is that the King tower has a 7F0lHz2bC3U-00564-00130246-00130431 lot more health than your regular 7F0lHz2bC3U-00565-00130432-00130650 princess towers but it deals actually 7F0lHz2bC3U-00566-00130651-00130806 less damage which is very interesting 7F0lHz2bC3U-00567-00130807-00131001 and you'll notice that even more later 7F0lHz2bC3U-00568-00131002-00131361 down the line so we got another quest so 7F0lHz2bC3U-00569-00131362-00131604 open ten chests and if we do that we'll 7F0lHz2bC3U-00570-00131605-00131859 get a hundred gold and twenty tokens 7F0lHz2bC3U-00571-00131860-00132012 towards our golden chest which will put 7F0lHz2bC3U-00572-00132013-00132108 us halfway there 7F0lHz2bC3U-00573-00132109-00132417 twenty-five out of fifteen we're still 7F0lHz2bC3U-00574-00132418-00132672 working on the silver chest here in your 7F0lHz2bC3U-00575-00132673-00132915 clan you can actually request cards and 7F0lHz2bC3U-00576-00132916-00133116 donate cards so people here are actually 7F0lHz2bC3U-00577-00133117-00133275 requesting hey I really want some mini 7F0lHz2bC3U-00578-00133276-00133404 pekka's or hey I really want some 7F0lHz2bC3U-00579-00133405-00133641 minions um and if you have excess of 7F0lHz2bC3U-00580-00133642-00133770 those cards or even that's how you never 7F0lHz2bC3U-00581-00133771-00133938 use the mini mini Pekka you can just 7F0lHz2bC3U-00582-00133939-00134133 donate it to your clan mates and it'll 7F0lHz2bC3U-00583-00134134-00134382 give you both gold and experience to 7F0lHz2bC3U-00584-00134383-00134628 level up and then you can also request 7F0lHz2bC3U-00585-00134629-00134778 cards yourself which I can't do because 7F0lHz2bC3U-00586-00134779-00134970 you have to be level three but you could 7F0lHz2bC3U-00587-00134971-00135279 request cards and your your clan mates 7F0lHz2bC3U-00588-00135280-00135462 can donate them to you specifically so 7F0lHz2bC3U-00589-00135463-00135717 it's not all orangey getting the cards 7F0lHz2bC3U-00590-00135718-00135828 that you want isn't completely 7F0lHz2bC3U-00591-00135829-00136041 randomized up to the chests you can get 7F0lHz2bC3U-00592-00136042-00136191 the cards that you want for your deck 7F0lHz2bC3U-00593-00136192-00136386 every day consistently from your clan 7F0lHz2bC3U-00594-00136387-00136638 mates you have to make sure that you are 7F0lHz2bC3U-00595-00136639-00136920 asking for them and login to the game so 7F0lHz2bC3U-00596-00136921-00137082 I think the best thing for us to do now 7F0lHz2bC3U-00597-00137083-00137433 would actually be to go into a live one 7F0lHz2bC3U-00598-00137434-00137715 V one and actually averse a real human 7F0lHz2bC3U-00599-00137716-00137970 player and we'll talk about two V to a 7F0lHz2bC3U-00600-00137971-00138171 different day but two V two is actually 7F0lHz2bC3U-00601-00138172-00138330 one of my favourite ways to play the 7F0lHz2bC3U-00602-00138331-00138510 game and I play it every day and I think 7F0lHz2bC3U-00603-00138511-00138825 a lot of people feel that way so let's 7F0lHz2bC3U-00604-00138826-00139107 go into a battle and this is gonna be my 7F0lHz2bC3U-00605-00139108-00139344 second ever live commentary of a clash 7F0lHz2bC3U-00606-00139345-00139704 royale match so hopefully I'm not too 7F0lHz2bC3U-00607-00139705-00139878 bad and you can also taunt your opponent 7F0lHz2bC3U-00608-00139879-00140211 what is he doing okay so he literally 7F0lHz2bC3U-00609-00140212-00140514 just fireballed the king tower which he 7F0lHz2bC3U-00610-00140515-00140709 never want to do so I think this guy 7F0lHz2bC3U-00611-00140710-00140847 actually might either not know what he's 7F0lHz2bC3U-00612-00140848-00141120 doing or he just wants to lose which is 7F0lHz2bC3U-00613-00141121-00141324 cool by me I couldn't I'll take the the 7F0lHz2bC3U-00614-00141325-00141501 victory that's cool I'll take it I don't 7F0lHz2bC3U-00615-00141502-00141564 mind at all 7F0lHz2bC3U-00616-00141565-00141768 I'm gonna place my knight actually on 7F0lHz2bC3U-00617-00141769-00142132 the bridge here and we're going to push 7F0lHz2bC3U-00618-00142133-00142426 this Lane and then you can see he used 7F0lHz2bC3U-00619-00142427-00142663 his lecture very and efficiently so this 7F0lHz2bC3U-00620-00142664-00142941 kind of is just being given to us 7F0lHz2bC3U-00621-00142942-00143302 because you know it's just nothing you 7F0lHz2bC3U-00622-00143303-00143458 can do here I'm gonna drop my spear 7F0lHz2bC3U-00623-00143459-00143677 goblins and kind of just really really 7F0lHz2bC3U-00624-00143678-00143842 forced his tower and once I do I'm gonna 7F0lHz2bC3U-00625-00143843-00144040 drop my giant all the way up here you 7F0lHz2bC3U-00626-00144041-00144172 can see I can drop my join up there 7F0lHz2bC3U-00627-00144173-00144346 because I destroyed the tower and 7F0lHz2bC3U-00628-00144347-00144484 there's nothing he can do here there's 7F0lHz2bC3U-00629-00144485-00144706 no way he can defend so I'm glad that 7F0lHz2bC3U-00630-00144707-00144865 the first match I was able to show you 7F0lHz2bC3U-00631-00144866-00145186 guys was an easy victory but that's 7F0lHz2bC3U-00632-00145187-00145489 never how it is so that's how the game 7F0lHz2bC3U-00633-00145490-00145693 works I kind of feel guilty that my 7F0lHz2bC3U-00634-00145694-00145933 first match was just a hand me like he 7F0lHz2bC3U-00635-00145934-00146200 just gave to me but you can see here 7F0lHz2bC3U-00636-00146201-00146445 that I got thirty trophies which is cool 7F0lHz2bC3U-00637-00146446-00146731 and we also got a silver chest and some 7F0lHz2bC3U-00638-00146732-00147037 gold for that win which is nice so now 7F0lHz2bC3U-00639-00147038-00147235 you can see that when this is done I can 7F0lHz2bC3U-00640-00147236-00147436 actually come and log back in and start 7F0lHz2bC3U-00641-00147437-00147676 to unlock my next chest it'd be nice if 7F0lHz2bC3U-00642-00147677-00147910 we could unlock them multiples at a time 7F0lHz2bC3U-00643-00147911-00148222 which you can't but it is what it is and 7F0lHz2bC3U-00644-00148223-00148444 you can see I also earned three crowns 7F0lHz2bC3U-00645-00148445-00148609 towards my crown chest which is cool so 7F0lHz2bC3U-00646-00148610-00148813 I'm you know thirty percent of the way 7F0lHz2bC3U-00647-00148814-00149074 there so we'll do that a couple more 7F0lHz2bC3U-00648-00149075-00149320 times and then we'll unlock that and 7F0lHz2bC3U-00649-00149321-00149473 that's pretty much it so why don't we 7F0lHz2bC3U-00650-00149474-00149620 jump into one more because I feel bad 7F0lHz2bC3U-00651-00149621-00149857 that that first match was just super 7F0lHz2bC3U-00652-00149858-00150474 easy you know I feel like he he probably 7F0lHz2bC3U-00653-00150475-00150802 either has has another account and just 7F0lHz2bC3U-00654-00150803-00151429 doesn't care or he is really bad so 7F0lHz2bC3U-00655-00151430-00151537 we're gonna drop our knight in the back 7F0lHz2bC3U-00656-00151538-00151747 and kind of let it gain a lexer and I'm 7F0lHz2bC3U-00657-00151748-00151870 gonna drop my spear goblins now I'm also 7F0lHz2bC3U-00658-00151871-00152020 gonna just fireball all this and I'm 7F0lHz2bC3U-00659-00152021-00152209 actually gonna get those goblins and I'm 7F0lHz2bC3U-00660-00152210-00152407 gonna miss the name pet mini Pekka which 7F0lHz2bC3U-00661-00152408-00152524 sucks I was really hoping to get that 7F0lHz2bC3U-00662-00152525-00152872 mini Pekka with the fireball so I'm 7F0lHz2bC3U-00663-00152873-00153037 gonna deploy my archers over here so 7F0lHz2bC3U-00664-00153038-00153220 that way my tower doesn't get shot by 7F0lHz2bC3U-00665-00153221-00153448 that musketeer and we're gonna be able 7F0lHz2bC3U-00666-00153449-00153697 to take out everything here no problem 7F0lHz2bC3U-00667-00153698-00153904 I'm gonna deploy my witch in the back 7F0lHz2bC3U-00668-00153905-00154030 here so that way by the time she 7F0lHz2bC3U-00669-00154031-00154201 actually gets up to the bridge she'll 7F0lHz2bC3U-00670-00154202-00154468 have spawned a bunch of a bunch of 7F0lHz2bC3U-00671-00154469-00154678 skeletons in front of her to kind of 7F0lHz2bC3U-00672-00154679-00154891 defend against something else he's 7F0lHz2bC3U-00673-00154892-00155269 showing the angry emoji I don't know why 7F0lHz2bC3U-00674-00155270-00155551 so with that I'm actually going to 7F0lHz2bC3U-00675-00155552-00155845 deploy a bomber back here I don't know 7F0lHz2bC3U-00676-00155846-00156145 why he's so mad right now I'm gonna 7F0lHz2bC3U-00677-00156146-00156402 deploy the bomber and some spear goblins 7F0lHz2bC3U-00678-00156403-00156634 he's got a witch so we're actually gonna 7F0lHz2bC3U-00679-00156635-00156958 fireball all this I really should have 7F0lHz2bC3U-00680-00156959-00157420 got that tower but I'm able to I'm gonna 7F0lHz2bC3U-00681-00157421-00157771 arrow all this stuff to come on kill the 7F0lHz2bC3U-00682-00157772-00157981 witch okay so he did do some damage to 7F0lHz2bC3U-00683-00157982-00158437 my tower which is a bomber so now we're 7F0lHz2bC3U-00684-00158438-00158599 just waiting here to see what happens 7F0lHz2bC3U-00685-00158600-00159136 and I'm going to deploy my giant at the 7F0lHz2bC3U-00686-00159137-00159281 bridge here because he deployed his mini 7F0lHz2bC3U-00687-00159282-00159550 Pekka on the other side so that's gonna 7F0lHz2bC3U-00688-00159551-00159832 be that I'm gonna play my witch here and 7F0lHz2bC3U-00689-00159833-00159997 I'm gonna try and cycle back to like my 7F0lHz2bC3U-00690-00159998-00160263 arrows or something like that because 7F0lHz2bC3U-00691-00160264-00160512 it's just gonna be the best way to 7F0lHz2bC3U-00692-00160513-00160769 defend now his orchards are really 7F0lHz2bC3U-00693-00160770-00160931 trying to destroy my giant but it's not 7F0lHz2bC3U-00694-00160932-00161260 working out and I'm really gonna get the 7F0lHz2bC3U-00695-00161261-00161431 maximum amount of value that I got there 7F0lHz2bC3U-00696-00161432-00161578 now I'm also gonna fireball his witch 7F0lHz2bC3U-00697-00161579-00161797 because fireball is very good a counter 7F0lHz2bC3U-00698-00161798-00161962 to the witch it puts her at a very low 7F0lHz2bC3U-00699-00161963-00162218 health I don't really care too much 7F0lHz2bC3U-00700-00162219-00162397 about the archers on the right hand side 7F0lHz2bC3U-00701-00162398-00162625 I'm not too worried about that I am 7F0lHz2bC3U-00702-00162626-00162772 worried about that giant though so I'm 7F0lHz2bC3U-00703-00162773-00163009 gonna place this stuff down here and I'm 7F0lHz2bC3U-00704-00163010-00163336 going to arrow all of that and I don't 7F0lHz2bC3U-00705-00163337-00163612 know if I'll be able to actually do much 7F0lHz2bC3U-00706-00163613-00163822 here so I'm just gonna fireball as much 7F0lHz2bC3U-00707-00163823-00164131 as I can and try and save myself here he 7F0lHz2bC3U-00708-00164132-00164383 definitely did a lot of damage to that 7F0lHz2bC3U-00709-00164384-00164833 tower and he's going to firewall me I'm 7F0lHz2bC3U-00710-00164834-00165421 going to deploy my witch as well and see 7F0lHz2bC3U-00711-00165422-00165649 if I can actually defend here which is 7F0lHz2bC3U-00712-00165650-00166043 my plan so I'm really trying hard not to 7F0lHz2bC3U-00713-00166044-00166345 lose for my first ever match so we're 7F0lHz2bC3U-00714-00166346-00166726 gonna deploy the oh I have to fireball I 7F0lHz2bC3U-00715-00166727-00166951 have to fireball because otherwise okay 7F0lHz2bC3U-00716-00166952-00167236 so we both took a tower which is 7F0lHz2bC3U-00717-00167237-00167650 interesting this doesn't often happen so 7F0lHz2bC3U-00718-00167651-00167910 I'm going to deploy that 7F0lHz2bC3U-00719-00167911-00168140 and we're going to deploy the spear 7F0lHz2bC3U-00720-00168141-00168515 goblins here and I'm gonna deploy my 7F0lHz2bC3U-00721-00168516-00168762 arches to try and take that out and 7F0lHz2bC3U-00722-00168763-00168987 we're going to arrow all of this stuff 7F0lHz2bC3U-00723-00168988-00169173 here and we're gonna deploy my knight to 7F0lHz2bC3U-00724-00169174-00169439 to guard pretty much against all that 7F0lHz2bC3U-00725-00169440-00169671 and I'm gonna deploy my bomber to try 7F0lHz2bC3U-00726-00169672-00169928 and do some AoE damage here against that 7F0lHz2bC3U-00727-00169929-00170163 witch and then I'm going to drop my 7F0lHz2bC3U-00728-00170164-00170433 giant right next to the tower and kind 7F0lHz2bC3U-00729-00170434-00170714 of try and get him to do some extra 7F0lHz2bC3U-00730-00170715-00170910 damage here and I'm gonna fireball in 7F0lHz2bC3U-00731-00170911-00171101 prediction of him dropping something and 7F0lHz2bC3U-00732-00171102-00171278 I can actually just arrow right to the 7F0lHz2bC3U-00733-00171279-00171512 three Kuran victory and I did it I got 7F0lHz2bC3U-00734-00171513-00171689 the three crown so that is my first 7F0lHz2bC3U-00735-00171690-00171984 official win we'll call it before that 7F0lHz2bC3U-00736-00171985-00172224 it was kind of a gimme so he was 7F0lHz2bC3U-00737-00172225-00172379 actually fighting back we actually got 7F0lHz2bC3U-00738-00172380-00172521 the golden chest too which is cool so I 7F0lHz2bC3U-00739-00172522-00172664 can show you it takes eight hours to 7F0lHz2bC3U-00740-00172665-00172988 unlock one of those guys so you'll see 7F0lHz2bC3U-00741-00172989-00173145 here we got three more crowns towards 7F0lHz2bC3U-00742-00173146-00173421 the crown chest and the eight hours for 7F0lHz2bC3U-00743-00173422-00173550 the golden chests or golden chests I 7F0lHz2bC3U-00744-00173551-00173765 like to do over night because you just 7F0lHz2bC3U-00745-00173766-00173946 sleep through it which is nice and easy 7F0lHz2bC3U-00746-00173947-00174111 but that's pretty much it guys 7F0lHz2bC3U-00747-00174112-00174290 so thank you so much for watching I know 7F0lHz2bC3U-00748-00174291-00174459 that I'm mainly a first-person shooter 7F0lHz2bC3U-00749-00174460-00174713 type of channel but I really really like 7F0lHz2bC3U-00750-00174714-00174849 clash Royale and I think maybe you guys 7F0lHz2bC3U-00751-00174850-00175001 will like it too if you were just 7F0lHz2bC3U-00752-00175002-00175185 introduced to it so that's kind of what 7F0lHz2bC3U-00753-00175186-00175337 I'm trying to do is just show you guys 7F0lHz2bC3U-00754-00175338-00175652 like the game and hopefully you guys can 7F0lHz2bC3U-00755-00175653-00175950 download it it's free to play and if you 7F0lHz2bC3U-00756-00175951-00176087 have any questions drop them in the 7F0lHz2bC3U-00757-00176088-00176300 comment section below and I will work on 7F0lHz2bC3U-00758-00176301-00176487 this layouts here I know this is very 7F0lHz2bC3U-00759-00176488-00176627 amateur it took me like 10 minutes to 7F0lHz2bC3U-00760-00176628-00176954 put this whole thing together so yeah I 7F0lHz2bC3U-00761-00176955-00177075 will make it look better for other 7F0lHz2bC3U-00762-00177076-00177251 videos if there are other videos so you 7F0lHz2bC3U-00763-00177252-00177491 guys hate this video then let me know 7F0lHz2bC3U-00764-00177492-00177653 income section below say Omni or could 7F0lHz2bC3U-00765-00177654-00177918 never play clash royale ever again but 7F0lHz2bC3U-00766-00177919-00178050 if you enjoy the video make sure you 7F0lHz2bC3U-00767-00178051-00178206 slap a like on it subscribe my channel 7F0lHz2bC3U-00768-00178207-00178335 and turn on those notifications so you 7F0lHz2bC3U-00769-00178336-00178470 know the next time I upload and that's a 7F0lHz2bC3U-00770-00178471-00178599 bit of guys so thank you so much for 7F0lHz2bC3U-00771-00178600-00178751 watching this has been on the arc and I 7F0lHz2bC3U-00772-00178752-00179124 will talk to you guys again soon peace 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00000-00000043-00000471 a power supply unit or PSU converts 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00001-00000472-00000861 mains AC to low voltage regulated DC 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00002-00000861-00001170 power for the internal components of a 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00003-00001171-00001559 computer modern personal computers 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00004-00001560-00001817 universally use switched-mode power 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00005-00001818-00002205 supplies some power supplies have a 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00006-00002206-00002481 manual switch for selecting input 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00007-00002482-00002775 voltage while others automatically adapt 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00008-00002776-00003045 to the mains voltage 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00009-00003046-00003411 most modern desktop personal computer 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00010-00003411-00003772 power supplies conform to the ATX 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00011-00003773-00004101 specification which includes form factor 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00012-00004102-00004539 and voltage tolerances while an ATX 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00013-00004540-00004811 power supply is connected to the mains 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00014-00004812-00005139 supply it always provides a 5 volt 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00015-00005140-00005529 standby 5 vs B voltage so that the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00016-00005530-00005802 standby functions on the computer and 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00017-00005803-00006213 certain peripherals are powered ATX 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00018-00006214-00006495 power supplies are turned on and off by 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00019-00006495-00006873 a signal from the motherboard they also 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00020-00006873-00007170 provide a signal to the motherboard to 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00021-00007170-00007445 indicate when the DC voltages are 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00022-00007447-00007701 inspected so that the computer is able 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00023-00007702-00008096 to safely power up and boot the most 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00024-00008097-00008613 recent ATX PSU standard as version 2.3 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00025-00008614-00009429 one as of mid 200s 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00026-00009430-00009996 topic functions 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00027-00009997-00010312 the desktop computer power supply 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00028-00010313-00010596 changes alternating current from a wall 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00029-00010597-00010951 socket to low voltage direct current to 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00030-00010952-00011209 operate the processor and peripheral 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00031-00011210-00011671 devices several direct current voltages 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00032-00011672-00011926 are required and they must be regulated 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00033-00011927-00012249 with some accuracy to provide stable 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00034-00012250-00012645 operation of the computer a power supply 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00035-00012646-00013011 rail or voltage rail refers to a single 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00036-00013012-00013374 voltage provided by a power supply unit 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00037-00013375-00013765 PSU first-generation microcomputer and 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00038-00013766-00014122 home computer power supply units used a 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00039-00014122-00014430 heavy step-down transformer and a linear 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00040-00014431-00014824 power supply as used in for example the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00041-00014825-00015340 commodore pet introduced in 1977 the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00042-00015341-00015835 apple ii also introduced in 1977 was 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00043-00015836-00016138 noted for its switched-mode power supply 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00044-00016138-00016405 which was lighter and smaller than an 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00045-00016406-00016684 equivalent linear power supply would 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00046-00016685-00016997 have been and which had no cooling fan 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00047-00016998-00017377 the switched-mode supply uses a ferrite 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00048-00017378-00017697 cored high frequency transformer and 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00049-00017698-00018000 power transistors that switch thousands 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00050-00018001-00018381 of times per second by adjusting the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00051-00018382-00018649 switching time of the transistor the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00052-00018650-00018955 output voltage can be closely controlled 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00053-00018956-00019252 without dissipating energy as heat in a 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00054-00019253-00019644 linear regulator the development of high 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00055-00019645-00019956 power and high voltage transistors at 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00056-00019957-00020275 economical prices made it practical to 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00057-00020276-00020578 introduce switch mode supplies that had 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00058-00020579-00020937 been used in aerospace mainframes many 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00059-00020938-00021228 computers and color television into 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00060-00021229-00021564 desktop personal computers 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00061-00021565-00021905 the Apple 2 designed by Atari engineer 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00062-00021906-00022233 rod Holt was awarded a patent and was in 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00063-00022234-00022485 the vanguard of modern computer power 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00064-00022486-00022880 supply design now all modern computers 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00065-00022881-00023253 use switched-mode power supplies which 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00066-00023254-00023517 are lighter less costly and more 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00067-00023518-00023775 efficient than equivalent linear power 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00068-00023776-00023992 supplies 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00069-00023993-00024303 computer power supplies may have 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00070-00024304-00024563 short-circuit protection over power 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00071-00024564-00024866 overload protection over voltage 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00072-00024867-00025199 protection under voltage protection over 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00073-00025200-00025461 current protection and over temperature 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00074-00025462-00025668 protection 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00075-00025669-00025991 the ATX standard followed some 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00076-00025992-00026252 manufacturers designed to have power 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00077-00026254-00026567 supplies also supply a standby voltage 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00078-00026568-00026886 so that most of the computer system 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00079-00026887-00027168 could be powered off after preparing for 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00080-00027169-00027444 hibernation or shut down and powered 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00081-00027445-00027825 back on by an event when the computer is 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00082-00027826-00028133 powered down but the power supply is 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00083-00028135-00028445 still on it can be started remotely via 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00084-00028445-00028788 wake-on-lan and wake on ring or locally 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00085-00028789-00029124 via keyboard power on K BPO 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00086-00029125-00029477 if the motherboard supports it this 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00087-00029479-00029766 standby voltage as generated by a 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00088-00029767-00030210 smaller power supply inside the unit the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00089-00030211-00030537 standby power source was a small linear 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00090-00030538-00030785 power supply with conventional 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00091-00030786-00031101 transformer which was later changed to a 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00092-00031102-00031389 switching power supply sharing some 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00093-00031389-00031680 components of the main unit due to cost 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00094-00031681-00032045 and energy-saving requirements 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00095-00032045-00032383 power supplies designed for worldwide 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00096-00032385-00032648 use were equipped with an input voltage 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00097-00032649-00032951 selector switch that allowed the user to 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00098-00032952-00033251 configure the unit for use on local 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00099-00033252-00033632 power grid in the lower voltage range 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00100-00033633-00034067 around 115 volts this switch has turned 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00101-00034068-00034324 on changing the power grid voltage 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00102-00034325-00034649 rectifier into a voltage doubler in de 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00103-00034650-00035071 LAN circuit design as a result the large 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00104-00035072-00035390 primary filter capacitor behind that 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00105-00035391-00035660 rectifier was split up into two 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00106-00035661-00036014 capacitors wired in series balanced with 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00107-00036015-00036277 bleeder resistors and varistors that 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00108-00036278-00036496 were necessary in the upper input 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00109-00036497-00036937 voltage range around 230 V connecting 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00110-00036938-00037211 the unit configured for the lower range 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00111-00037212-00037505 to a higher voltage grid usually 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00112-00037506-00037745 resulted in an immediate permanent 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00113-00037746-00038149 damage when the power factor correction 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00114-00038150-00038573 PFC was required those filter capacitors 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00115-00038574-00038870 were replaced with higher capacity ones 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00116-00038871-00039224 together with a coil installed in series 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00117-00039225-00039605 to delay the inrush current this has the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00118-00039606-00040039 simple design of a passive PFC 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00119-00040040-00040417 active PFC as more complex and can 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00120-00040418-00040954 achieve higher PF up to 99% the first 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00121-00040955-00041308 active PFC circuits just delayed the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00122-00041309-00041646 inrush newer ones are working as an 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00123-00041647-00041926 input and output condition controlled 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00124-00041927-00042079 step-up converter 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00125-00042080-00042427 supplying a single 400 volts filter 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00126-00042428-00042751 capacitor from a wide range input source 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00127-00042752-00043309 usually between 80 and 240 V newer PFC 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00128-00043310-00043662 circuits also replace the NTC based 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00129-00043663-00043927 inrush current limiter which is an 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00130-00043928-00044254 expensive part previously located next 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00131-00044255-00044901 to the fuse 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00132-00044902-00045806 topic development 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00133-00045807-00046797 topic original IBM pc/xt and at standard 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00134-00046798-00047322 the first IBM PC power supply unit PSU 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00135-00047323-00047796 supplied two main voltages +5 V and plus 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00136-00047797-00048180 1/2 V it's applied to other voltages 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00137-00048181-00048564 minus 5 volts and minus 12 volts but 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00138-00048565-00048929 with limited amounts of power most 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00139-00048930-00049263 microchips of the time operated on 5 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00140-00049264-00049851 volts power of the 60 3.5 W these PS use 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00141-00049852-00050217 could deliver most of it was on this +5 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00142-00050218-00050775 V rail the plus 1/2 V supply was used 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00143-00050776-00051102 primarily to operate motors such as in 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00144-00051103-00051521 disk drives and cooling fans as more 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00145-00051522-00051821 peripherals were added more power was 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00146-00051822-00052221 delivered on the 12 volts rail however 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00147-00052222-00052545 since most of the power is consumed by 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00148-00052546-00052899 chips the 5 volts rails still delivered 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00149-00052900-00053265 most of the power the minus 12 volts 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00150-00053266-00053622 rail was used primarily to provide the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00151-00053623-00054048 negative supply voltage to the minus 232 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00152-00054049-00054564 rupees serial ports a minus 5 volts rail 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00153-00054565-00054852 was provided for peripherals on the ISA 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00154-00054853-00055205 bus such as sound cards but was not used 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00155-00055207-00055434 by any motherboard other than the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00156-00055435-00055830 original IBM PC motherboard 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00157-00055832-00056179 an additional wire referred to as power 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00158-00056179-00056437 good is used to prevent digital 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00159-00056438-00056734 circuitry operation during the initial 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00160-00056735-00057025 milliseconds of power supply turn on 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00161-00057026-00057325 where output voltages and currents are 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00162-00057326-00057640 rising but not yet sufficient or stable 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00163-00057641-00058039 for proper device operation once the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00164-00058040-00058341 output power is ready to use the power 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00165-00058342-00058657 good signal tells the digital circuitry 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00166-00058658-00058982 that it can begin to operate 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00167-00058983-00059384 original IBM power supplies for the pc 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00168-00059385-00059994 model 5150 xt and included a line 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00169-00059995-00060282 voltage power switch that extended 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00170-00060283-00060597 through the side of the computer case in 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00171-00060598-00060966 a common variant found in tower cases 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00172-00060966-00061251 the line voltage switch was connected to 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00173-00061252-00061533 the power supply with a short cable 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00174-00061534-00061805 allowing it to be mounted apart from the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00175-00061807-00062026 power supply 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00176-00062027-00062392 an early microcomputer power supply was 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00177-00062393-00062690 either fully on or off controlled by the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00178-00062691-00062956 mechanical line voltage switch an 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00179-00062957-00063301 energy-saving low-power idle modes were 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00180-00063302-00063596 not a design consideration of early 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00181-00063597-00063979 computer power supplies these power 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00182-00063980-00064300 supplies were generally not capable of 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00183-00064301-00064634 power saving modes such as standby or 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00184-00064635-00065074 soft off or scheduled turn-on power 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00185-00065075-00065298 controls 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00186-00065299-00065643 due to the always-on design in the event 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00187-00065644-00065913 of a short-circuit either a fuse would 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00188-00065914-00066204 blow or a switched-mode supply would 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00189-00066205-00066492 repeatedly cut the power wait a brief 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00190-00066493-00066833 period of time and attempt to restart 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00191-00066834-00067179 for some power supplies the repeated 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00192-00067180-00067491 restarting is audible as a quiet rapid 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00193-00067492-00067725 chirping or ticking emitted from the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00194-00067726-00068298 device 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00195-00068299-00068926 topic ATX standard 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00196-00068927-00069259 when Intel developed the ATX standard 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00197-00069260-00069753 power supply connector published in 1995 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00198-00069754-00070192 microchips operating on 3.3 volts were 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00199-00070193-00070378 becoming more popular 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00200-00070379-00070907 beginning with the Intel 804 8 6 d x4 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00201-00070908-00071319 microprocessor in 1994 and the ATX 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00202-00071320-00071635 standard supplies three positive rails 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00203-00071636-00072310 plus 3.3 volts +5 V and +12 V earlier 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00204-00072311-00072766 computers requiring 3.3 volts typically 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00205-00072767-00072982 derived that from a simple but 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00206-00072983-00073267 inefficient linear regulator connected 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00207-00073268-00073595 to the +5 V rail 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00208-00073596-00073910 the ATX connector provides multiple 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00209-00073911-00074348 wires and power connections for the 3.3 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00210-00074349-00074579 volts supply because it is most 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00211-00074580-00074885 sensitive to voltage drop in the supply 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00212-00074886-00075359 connections another ATX edition was the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00213-00075360-00075838 +5 VSB standby rail for providing a 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00214-00075839-00076172 small amount of standby power even when 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00215-00076173-00076592 the computer was nominally off 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00216-00076593-00076859 there are two basic differences between 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00217-00076860-00077285 at and ATX power supplies the connectors 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00218-00077286-00077492 that provide power to the motherboard 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00219-00077493-00078032 and the soft switch in ATX style systems 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00220-00078033-00078341 the front panel power switch provides 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00221-00078342-00078608 only a control signal to the power 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00222-00078609-00078923 supply and does not switch the mains AC 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00223-00078924-00079385 voltage this low-voltage control allows 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00224-00079386-00079688 other hardware or software to turn the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00225-00079689-00080325 system on and off 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00226-00080326-00081096 topic atx12v standard 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00227-00081097-00081461 as transistors become smaller on chips 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00228-00081462-00081761 it becomes preferable to operate them on 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00229-00081762-00082047 lower supply voltages and the lowest 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00230-00082048-00082353 supply voltage as often desired by the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00231-00082354-00082694 densest chip the central processing unit 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00232-00082695-00083073 in order to supply large amounts of 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00233-00083074-00083351 low-voltage power to the Pentium and 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00234-00083352-00083675 subsequent micro processors a special 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00235-00083676-00083957 power supply the voltage regulator 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00236-00083958-00084218 module began to be included on 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00237-00084219-00084672 motherboards newer processors require up 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00238-00084673-00085028 to 100 a at 2 volts or less which is 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00239-00085029-00085301 impractical to deliver from off board 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00240-00085302-00085567 power supplies 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00241-00085568-00085880 initially this was supplied by the main 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00242-00085881-00086237 plus 5v supply but as power demands 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00243-00086238-00086558 increased the high currents required to 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00244-00086559-00086809 supply sufficient power became 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00245-00086810-00087215 problematic to reduce the power losses 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00246-00087216-00087461 in the five volts supply with the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00247-00087462-00087706 introduction of the Pentium 4 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00248-00087707-00087965 microprocessor Intel changed the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00249-00087966-00088394 processor power supply to operate on +12 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00250-00088395-00088754 V and added the separate 4 pin p4 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00251-00088755-00089306 connector to the new atx12v 1.0 standard 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00252-00089307-00089603 to supply that power 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00253-00089604-00089906 modern high powered graphics processing 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00254-00089907-00090227 units do the same thing resulting in 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00255-00090228-00090476 most of the power requirement of a 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00256-00090477-00090769 modern personal computer being on the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00257-00090770-00091331 +12 via rail when high powered GPUs were 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00258-00091332-00091661 first introduced typical ATX power 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00259-00091662-00092126 supplies were 5v heavy and could only 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00260-00092127-00092492 supply 50 to 60 percent of their output 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00261-00092493-00093070 in the form of 12 volts power thus GPU 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00262-00093071-00093602 manufacturers to ensure 200 to 250 W of 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00263-00093603-00094132 12 volts power peak load CPU plus GPU 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00264-00094133-00094601 recommended power supplies of 500 to 600 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00265-00094602-00095069 W or higher more modern ATX power 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00266-00095070-00095348 supplies can deliver almost all 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00267-00095349-00095777 typically 80 to 90% of their total rated 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00268-00095778-00096291 capacity in the form of +12 V power 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00269-00096292-00096611 because of this change it is important 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00270-00096612-00096947 to consider the plus 1/2 V supply 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00271-00096948-00097253 capacity rather than the overall power 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00272-00097254-00097628 capacity when using an older ATX power 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00273-00097629-00098029 supply with a more recent computer 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00274-00098030-00098404 low quality power supply manufacturers 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00275-00098405-00098715 sometimes take advantage of this over 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00276-00098716-00098920 specification by assigning 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00277-00098921-00099187 unrealistically high power supply 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00278-00099188-00099463 ratings knowing that very few customers 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00279-00099464-00100317 fully understand power supply ratings 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00280-00100318-00101269 topic plus 3.3 volts and +5 V rails 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00281-00101270-00101821 plus 3.3 volts and +5 V rail voltage 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00282-00101822-00102117 supplies are rarely a limiting factor 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00283-00102118-00102451 generally any supply with a sufficient 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00284-00102452-00102754 plus 1/2 V rating will have adequate 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00285-00102755-00103071 capacity at lower voltages 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00286-00103072-00103525 however most hard drives are PCI cards 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00287-00103526-00103882 will create a greater load on the +5 V 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00288-00103883-00104051 rail 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00289-00104052-00104438 older CPUs and logic devices on the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00290-00104439-00104738 motherboard were designed for five volts 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00291-00104739-00105098 operating voltage power supplies for 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00292-00105099-00105433 those computers regulate the five volts 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00293-00105434-00105797 output precisely and supply the 12 volts 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00294-00105798-00106084 rail in a specified voltage window 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00295-00106085-00106364 depending on the load ratio of both 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00296-00106365-00106931 rails the +12 V supply was used for fan 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00297-00106932-00107252 motors disc drive motors and serial 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00298-00107253-00107615 interfaces which also used the minus 12 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00299-00107616-00108020 volts supply a further use of the 12 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00300-00108021-00108338 volts came with the sound cards using 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00301-00108339-00108636 linear chip audio power amplifiers 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00302-00108638-00108941 sometimes filtered by a nine volts 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00303-00108942-00109253 linear voltage regulator on the card to 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00304-00109254-00109540 cut the noise of the motors 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00305-00109541-00110208 since certain 80386 variants CPUs used 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00306-00110209-00110694 lower operating voltages such as 3.3 or 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00307-00110695-00111123 3.4 5v motherboards had linear voltage 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00308-00111124-00111560 regulators supplied by the 5 volts rail 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00309-00111561-00111909 jumpers or dip switches set the output 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00310-00111910-00112246 voltages to the installed CPU s 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00311-00112247-00112758 specification when newer CPUs required 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00312-00112759-00113061 higher currents switching mode voltage 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00313-00113063-00113371 regulators like buck converters replaced 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00314-00113372-00113768 linear regulators for efficiency 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00315-00113769-00114085 since the first revision of the ATX 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00316-00114086-00114172 standard 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00317-00114173-00114626 psus were required to have a 3.3 volts 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00318-00114627-00115033 output voltage rail rarely a linear 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00319-00115034-00115439 regulator generated these 3.3 volts 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00320-00115440-00115754 supplied from the 5 volts and converting 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00321-00115755-00116033 the product of voltage drop and current 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00322-00116033-00116420 to heat in the most common design this 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00323-00116421-00116714 voltage as generated by shifting and 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00324-00116715-00117017 transforming the pulses of the 5 volts 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00325-00117018-00117308 rail on an additional choke causing the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00326-00117308-00117593 voltage to rise delayed and rectified 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00327-00117594-00118007 separately into a dedicated 3.3 volts 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00328-00118008-00118301 rail and getting the rising idle voltage 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00329-00118302-00118783 cut by a device type TL 431 which 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00330-00118784-00119194 behaves similar to a Zener diode later 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00331-00119195-00119686 regulators managed all the 3.3 v and 12 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00332-00119688-00120058 volts rails cutting the pulse by the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00333-00120059-00120458 voltage regulator the rato of the 3.3 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00334-00120458-00120859 and 5 volts as controlled some of these 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00335-00120860-00121253 PS used use two different chokes feeding 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00336-00121254-00121574 that to the 3.3 volts rail from the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00337-00121575-00121895 transformer to manage changing loads by 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00338-00121896-00122249 pulse width ratio between the 3 point 3 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00339-00122250-00122714 and the 5 volts outputs in designs using 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00340-00122715-00123053 identical chokes the pulse width managed 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00341-00123054-00123368 the ratio with the Pentium 4 and newer 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00342-00123369-00123701 computer generations the voltage for the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00343-00123702-00124121 CPU cores went below 2 V voltage drop on 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00344-00124122-00124418 connectors forced the designers to place 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00345-00124419-00124768 such buck converters next to the device 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00346-00124769-00125105 higher maximum power consumption 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00347-00125106-00125405 required the buck converters no longer 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00348-00125406-00125738 fed from the 5 volts and changed to a 12 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00349-00125739-00125993 volts input to decrease the current 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00350-00125994-00126347 required from the power supply 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00351-00126348-00126639 in drives a small linear voltage 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00352-00126640-00127002 regulator as installed to keep the plus 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00353-00127003-00127363 3.3 volts stable by feeding it from the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00354-00127364-00128018 +5 V rail 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00355-00128019-00128428 topic entry-level power supply 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00356-00128429-00128825 specification 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00357-00128826-00129203 entry-level power supply specification 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00358-00129204-00129533 EPS is a power supply unit meant for 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00359-00129534-00129800 high power consumption computers and 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00360-00129801-00130175 entry-level servers developed by the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00361-00130176-00130610 server system infrastructure SSI forum a 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00362-00130611-00130934 group of companies including Intel Dell 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00363-00130935-00131258 hewlett-packard and others that works on 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00364-00131259-00131591 server standards the EPS form factor as 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00365-00131592-00131993 a derivative of the ATX form factor the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00366-00131994-00132628 latest specification as V 2.93 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00367-00132629-00132871 the EPS standard provides a more 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00368-00132872-00133147 powerful and stable environment for 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00369-00133148-00133429 critical server based systems and 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00370-00133430-00133884 applications EPS power supplies have a 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00371-00133885-00134215 24-pin motherboard power connector and 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00372-00134216-00134722 an 8-pin +12 V connector the standard 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00373-00134723-00135082 also specifies two additional four pin 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00374-00135083-00135322 12 volts connectors for more 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00375-00135323-00135745 power-hungry boards one required on 700 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00376-00135746-00136399 to 800 WPS use both required on 850 w+ 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00377-00136400-00136861 PS use EPS power supplies are in 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00378-00136862-00137188 principle compatible with standard ATX 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00379-00137189-00137647 or atx12v motherboards found in homes 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00380-00137648-00137959 and offices but there may be mechanical 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00381-00137960-00138265 issues where the 12 volts connector and 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00382-00138266-00138502 in the case of older boards the main 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00383-00138503-00138994 connector overhang the sockets many PSU 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00384-00138995-00139285 vendors use connectors where the extra 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00385-00139286-00139570 sections can be unclipped to avoid this 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00386-00139571-00140035 issue as with later versions of the ATX 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00387-00140036-00140437 PSU standard there is also no minus 5 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00388-00140438-00141022 volts rail 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00389-00141023-00141551 topic single versus multiple plus 1/2 V 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00390-00141552-00141906 rail 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00391-00141907-00142281 as power supply capacity increased the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00392-00142282-00142637 ATX power supply standard was amended 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00393-00142638-00143112 beginning with version 2.0 to include 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00394-00143113-00143571 three point two point four power limit 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00395-00143572-00143885 hazardous energy levels 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00396-00143886-00144245 under normal or overload conditions no 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00397-00144246-00144565 output shall continuously provide more 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00398-00144566-00145019 than 240 VA under any conditions of load 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00399-00145020-00145319 including output short circuit for the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00400-00145320-00145888 requirement of all 1950 CSA 950 and 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00401-00145889-00146344 sixty thousand nine hundred fifty IEC 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00402-00146345-00146552 950 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00403-00146553-00146870 the requirement was later deleted from 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00404-00146871-00147448 version 2.3 March 2007 of the atx12v 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00405-00147449-00147902 power supply specifications but led to a 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00406-00147903-00148268 distinction in modern ATX power supplies 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00407-00148269-00148673 between single and multiple rails 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00408-00148674-00148970 the rule was intended to set a safe 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00409-00148971-00149213 limit on the current able to pass 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00410-00149214-00149572 through any single output wire a 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00411-00149573-00149851 sufficiently large current can cause 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00412-00149852-00150110 serious damage in the event of a 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00413-00150111-00150386 short-circuit or can melt the wire or 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00414-00150387-00150697 its insulation in the case of a fault or 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00415-00150698-00151021 potentially start a fire or damage other 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00416-00151022-00151445 components the rule limits each output 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00417-00151446-00151776 to below 20 amps with typical supplies 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00418-00151777-00152198 guaranteeing 18 a availability power 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00419-00152199-00152522 supplies capable of delivering more than 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00420-00152523-00152854 18 a at 12 volts would provide their 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00421-00152855-00153256 output in groups of cables called rails 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00422-00153257-00153616 each rail delivers up to a limited 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00423-00153617-00153838 amount of current through one or more 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00424-00153839-00154169 cables and each rail as independently 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00425-00154170-00154448 controlled by its own current sensor 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00426-00154449-00154757 which shuts down the supply upon excess 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00427-00154758-00155126 current unlike a fuse or circuit breaker 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00428-00155127-00155456 these limits reset as soon as the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00429-00155457-00155774 overload is removed obviously if the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00430-00155775-00156161 group of wires is limited to 20 a so as 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00431-00156162-00156509 each wire in it typically a power supply 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00432-00156510-00156923 will guarantee at least 17 a at 12 volts 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00433-00156924-00157184 by having a current limit of eighteen 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00434-00157185-00157570 point five a plus or minus eight percent 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00435-00157571-00157963 thus it is guaranteed to supply at least 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00436-00157964-00158381 17 a and guaranteed to cut off before 20 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00437-00158382-00158663 a the current limits for each group of 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00438-00158664-00158957 cables as then documented so the user 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00439-00158958-00159289 can avoid placing too many high current 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00440-00159290-00159595 loads in the same group 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00441-00159596-00160027 originally at the time of ATX 2.0 a 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00442-00160028-00160496 power supply featuring multiple plus 1/2 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00443-00160497-00160976 V rails implied one able to deliver more 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00444-00160977-00161372 than 20 a of plus 1/2 V power and was 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00445-00161373-00161752 seen as a good thing however people 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00446-00161753-00162056 found the need to balance loads across 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00447-00162057-00162441 many plus 1/2 V rails inconvenient 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00448-00162442-00162839 especially as higher-end PSUs began to 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00449-00162840-00163114 deliver far greater currents up to 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00450-00163115-00163688 around 2000 W or more than 150 a at 12 V 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00451-00163689-00164177 compared to the 240 or 500 W of earlier 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00452-00164178-00164462 times when the assignment of connectors 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00453-00164463-00164777 to Rails has done at manufacturing time 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00454-00164778-00165056 it is not always possible to move a 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00455-00165057-00165347 given load to a different rail or manage 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00456-00165348-00165783 the allocation of current across devices 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00457-00165784-00166068 rather than add more current limit 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00458-00166069-00166401 circuits many manufacturers chose to 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00459-00166402-00166671 ignore the requirement and increase the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00460-00166672-00166980 current limits above 28 per rail or 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00461-00166981-00167445 provided single rail power supplies that 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00462-00167446-00167817 omit the current limit circuitry in some 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00463-00167818-00168078 cases in violation of their own 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00464-00168079-00168387 advertising claims to include it because 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00465-00168388-00168696 of the above standards almost all high 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00466-00168697-00168966 power supplies claim to implement 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00467-00168967-00169272 separate rails however this claim was 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00468-00169273-00169605 often false many omitted the necessary 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00469-00169606-00169908 current limit circuitry both for cost 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00470-00169909-00170166 reasons and because it is an irritation 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00471-00170167-00170457 to customers the lack was and as 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00472-00170458-00170772 sometimes advertised as a feature under 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00473-00170773-00171264 names like rail fusion or current 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00474-00171265-00171702 sharing the requirement was withdrawn as 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00475-00171703-00172023 a result however the issue left its mark 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00476-00172024-00172407 on PSU designs which can be categorized 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00477-00172408-00172686 into single rail and multiple rail 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00478-00172687-00173142 designs both may and often do contain 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00479-00173143-00173603 current limiting controllers as of ATX 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00480-00173604-00174009 2.3 1 a single rail designs output 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00481-00174010-00174221 current can be drawn through any 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00482-00174222-00174516 combination of output cables and the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00483-00174517-00174801 management and safe allocation of that 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00484-00174802-00175197 load as left for the user a multiple 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00485-00175198-00175524 rail design does the same but limits the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00486-00175525-00175773 current supplied to each individual 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00487-00175774-00176067 connector or group of connectors and the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00488-00176068-00176370 limits it imposes are the manufacturers 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00489-00176371-00176664 choice rather than set by the ATX 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00490-00176665-00177251 standard 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00491-00177252-00177981 topic 12v only supplies 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00492-00177982-00178421 since 2011 Fujitsu and other tier one 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00493-00178422-00178683 manufacturers have been manufacturing 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00494-00178684-00179007 systems containing motherboard variants 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00495-00179008-00179354 that require only a 12 volt supply from 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00496-00179355-00179721 a custom-made PSU which is typically 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00497-00179722-00180323 rated at 250 to 300 w DC DC conversion 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00498-00180324-00180788 providing 5 volts and 3.3 volts is done 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00499-00180789-00181061 on the motherboard the proposal has that 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00500-00181062-00181385 5 volts and 12 volts supply for other 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00501-00181386-00181784 devices such as HD DS will be picked up 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00502-00181785-00182019 at the motherboard rather than from the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00503-00182020-00182382 PSU itself although this does not appear 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00504-00182383-00182654 to be fully implemented as of January 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00505-00182655-00182872 2012 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00506-00182873-00183190 the reasons given for this approach to 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00507-00183191-00183400 power supply are that it eliminates 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00508-00183401-00183769 cross load problems simplifies and 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00509-00183770-00184087 reduces internal wiring that can affect 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00510-00184088-00184405 air flow and cooling reduces costs 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00511-00184406-00184729 increases power supply efficiency and 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00512-00184730-00184996 reduces noise by bringing the power 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00513-00184997-00185296 supply fans speed under the control of 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00514-00185297-00185529 the motherboard 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00515-00185530-00185844 at least two of Dells business PCs 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00516-00185845-00186387 introduced in 2013 the Optiplex 9020 and 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00517-00186388-00186930 precision t1 700 ship with 12v only 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00518-00186931-00187254 power supplies and implement five volts 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00519-00187255-00187662 and 3.3 volts conversion exclusively on 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00520-00187663-00188287 the motherboard 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00521-00188288-00188874 topic power rating 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00522-00188875-00189239 the overall power draw on a PSU is 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00523-00189240-00189503 limited by the fact that all of the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00524-00189504-00189731 supply rails come through one 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00525-00189732-00190040 transformer and any of its primary side 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00526-00190041-00190390 circuitry like switching components 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00527-00190391-00190758 total power requirements for a personal 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00528-00190759-00191204 computer may range from 250 W to more 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00529-00191205-00191519 than 1,000 W for a high-performance 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00530-00191520-00191888 computer with multiple graphics cards 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00531-00191889-00192237 personal computers without especially 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00532-00192238-00192606 high performing CPUs or graphics cards 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00533-00192607-00193113 usually require 300 to 500 W 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00534-00193114-00193484 power supplies are designed around 40% 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00535-00193485-00193826 greater than the calculated system power 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00536-00193827-00194245 consumption this protects against system 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00537-00194246-00194511 performance degradation and against 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00538-00194512-00194928 power supply overloading power supplies 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00539-00194929-00195273 label their total power output and label 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00540-00195274-00195556 how this is determined by the electrical 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00541-00195557-00195822 current limits for each of the voltages 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00542-00195823-00196236 supplied some power supplies have no 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00543-00196237-00196522 overload protection 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00544-00196523-00196861 the system power consumption as a sum of 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00545-00196862-00197076 the power ratings for all of the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00546-00197077-00197350 components of the computer system that 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00547-00197351-00197746 draw on the power supply some graphics 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00548-00197747-00198049 cards especially multiple cards and 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00549-00198050-00198349 large groups of hard drives can place 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00550-00198350-00198714 very heavy demands on the 12v lines of 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00551-00198715-00199089 the PSU and for these loads the PS use 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00552-00199090-00199364 12 volts rating is crucial 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00553-00199365-00199735 the total 12 volts rating on the power 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00554-00199736-00200028 supply must be higher than the current 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00555-00200029-00200368 required by such devices so that the PS 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00556-00200369-00200671 you can fully serve the system when its 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00557-00200672-00200968 other 12 volts system components are 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00558-00200969-00201361 taken into account the manufacturers of 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00559-00201362-00201627 these computer system components 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00560-00201628-00201961 especially graphics cards tend to over 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00561-00201962-00202207 rate their power requirements to 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00562-00202208-00202507 minimize support issues due to too low 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00563-00202508-00203192 of a power supply 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00564-00203193-00203772 topic efficiency 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00565-00203773-00204139 various initiatives exist to improve the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00566-00204140-00204471 efficiency of computer power supplies 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00567-00204472-00204757 climate savers computing initiative 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00568-00204758-00205090 promotes energy saving and reduction of 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00569-00205091-00205401 greenhouse gas emissions by encouraging 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00570-00205402-00205687 development and use of more efficient 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00571-00205688-00206096 power supplies 80-plus certifies a 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00572-00206098-00206421 variety of efficiency levels for power 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00573-00206423-00206731 supplies and encourages their use via 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00574-00206732-00207121 financial incentives efficient power 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00575-00207121-00207492 supplies also save money by wasting less 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00576-00207494-00207553 power 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00577-00207554-00207894 as a result they use less electricity to 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00578-00207896-00208165 power the same computer and they emit 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00579-00208166-00208398 less waste heat which results 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00580-00208400-00208711 significant energy savings on central 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00581-00208712-00209073 air-conditioning in the summer the gains 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00582-00209075-00209371 of using an efficient power supply are 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00583-00209371-00209673 more substantial in computers that use a 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00584-00209675-00209910 lot of power 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00585-00209911-00210221 although a power supply with a larger 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00586-00210223-00210471 than needed power rating will have an 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00587-00210471-00210719 extra margin of safety against 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00588-00210721-00211032 overloading such a unit as often less 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00589-00211033-00211344 efficient and wastes more electricity at 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00590-00211344-00211605 lower loads than a more appropriately 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00591-00211606-00212088 sized unit for example a 900 watt power 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00592-00212089-00212367 supply with the 80 plus silver 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00593-00212367-00212669 efficiency rating which means that such 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00594-00212671-00212952 a power supply as designed to be at 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00595-00212953-00213423 least 85% efficient for loads above 180 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00596-00213423-00213891 W may only be 73% efficient when the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00597-00213892-00214227 load is lower than 100 W which is a 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00598-00214228-00214506 typical idle power for a desktop 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00599-00214507-00215046 computer thus for a 100 W load losses 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00600-00215046-00215442 for this supply would be 27 W if the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00601-00215442-00215901 same power supply was put under a 450 W 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00602-00215902-00216201 load for which the supplies efficiency 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00603-00216202-00216741 peaks at 89% the loss would be only 56 W 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00604-00216742-00217167 despite supplying 4.5 times the useful 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00605-00217167-00217653 power for a comparison a 500 watt power 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00606-00217654-00217967 supply carrying the 80 plus bronze 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00607-00217967-00218277 efficiency rating which means that such 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00608-00218278-00218556 a power supply as designed to be at 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00609-00218557-00218862 least 82 percent efficient for loads 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00610-00218863-00219290 above 100 W may provide an 84 percent 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00611-00219291-00219750 efficiency for a 100 W load wasting only 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00612-00219751-00220094 19 w a power supply that is 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00613-00220094-00220398 self-certified by its manufacturer may 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00614-00220398-00220698 claim output ratings double or more than 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00615-00220698-00221042 what is actually provided to further 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00616-00221044-00221337 complicate this possibility when there 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00617-00221338-00221630 are two rails that share power through 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00618-00221631-00221889 down-regulating it also happens that 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00619-00221890-00222234 either the 12 volts rail or the 5 volts 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00620-00222235-00222513 rail overloads at well below the total 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00621-00222514-00222906 rating of the power supply many power 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00622-00222907-00223304 supplies create their 3.3 volts out 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00623-00223305-00223631 put by down-regulating there 5volts rail 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00624-00223632-00223910 or create five volts output by 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00625-00223911-00224339 down-regulating there 12 volts rails the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00626-00224340-00224621 two rails involved are labeled on the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00627-00224622-00224897 power supply with a combined current 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00628-00224898-00225431 limit for example the 5 volts and 3.3 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00629-00225432-00225704 volts rails are rated with a combined 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00630-00225705-00226109 total current limit for a description of 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00631-00226110-00226514 the potential problem a 3.3 volts rail 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00632-00226515-00226808 may have a 10a rating by itself 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00633-00226809-00227258 33 W and the 5 volts rail may have a 20 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00634-00227259-00227678 a rating 100 W by itself but the two 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00635-00227679-00228087 together may only be able to output 110 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00636-00228088-00228513 W in this case loading the 3.3 volts 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00637-00228514-00228939 rail to maximum 33 W would leave the 5 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00638-00228940-00229508 volts rail only be able to output 77 W 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00639-00229509-00229952 a test in 2005 revealed computer power 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00640-00229953-00230359 supplies are generally about 70 to 80% 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00641-00230360-00230871 efficient for a 75% efficient power 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00642-00230871-00231350 supply to produce 75 w of DC output it 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00643-00231351-00231758 would require 100 W of AC input and 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00644-00231759-00232150 dissipate the remaining 25 W in heat 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00645-00232151-00232505 higher quality power supplies can be 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00646-00232506-00232917 over 80% efficient as a result energy 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00647-00232917-00233276 efficient PS use waste less energy in 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00648-00233277-00233571 heat and require less airflow to cool 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00649-00233571-00233969 resulting in quieter operation 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00650-00233969-00234455 as of 2012 some high-end consumer PS use 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00651-00234456-00234842 can exceed 90% efficiency at optimal 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00652-00234842-00235226 load levels though will fall to 87 to 89 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00653-00235227-00235531 percent efficiency during heavy or light 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00654-00235532-00236000 loads Google's server power supplies are 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00655-00236001-00236417 more than 90% efficient HP's server 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00656-00236417-00236785 power supplies have reached 94% 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00657-00236786-00237256 efficiency standard PSU sold for server 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00658-00237257-00237548 workstations have around 90 percent 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00659-00237548-00237901 efficiency as of 2010 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00660-00237902-00238228 the energy efficiency of a power supply 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00661-00238229-00238623 drops significantly at low loads 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00662-00238623-00238906 therefore it is important to match the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00663-00238907-00239227 capacity of a power supply to the power 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00664-00239228-00239592 needs of the computer efficiency 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00665-00239594-00239878 generally peaks at about fifty to 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00666-00239879-00240190 seventy-five percent load the curve 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00667-00240191-00240519 varies from model to model examples of 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00668-00240521-00240814 how this curve looks can be seen on test 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00669-00240815-00241123 reports of energy efficient models found 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00670-00241123-00241863 on the 80-plus website 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00671-00241864-00242431 topic appearance 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00672-00242432-00242773 most desktop personal computer power 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00673-00242773-00243112 supplies are a square metal box and have 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00674-00243113-00243412 a large bundle of wires emerging from 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00675-00243413-00243814 one end opposite the wire bundle as the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00676-00243815-00244096 back face of the power supply with an 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00677-00244096-00244777 air vent and an IEC 60309 connector to 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00678-00244778-00245182 supply AC power there may be a power 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00679-00245183-00245633 switch and or a voltage selector switch 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00680-00245634-00246002 a label on one side of the box lists 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00681-00246003-00246254 technical information about the power 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00682-00246255-00246608 supply including safety certifications 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00683-00246609-00247006 and maximum output power common 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00684-00247007-00247283 certification marks for safety are the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00685-00247284-00247801 hallmark GS mark tough Nemco Semco demco 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00686-00247802-00248480 FIM ko si si si si si V de ghost are 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00687-00248481-00248972 mark and B SMI common certificate marks 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00688-00248973-00249489 for ME r fi are the C Emaar FC C and C 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00689-00249490-00249923 tick the C II mark is required for power 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00690-00249924-00250367 supplies sold in Europe and India a rose 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00691-00250369-00250878 or 80 plus can also sometimes be seen 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00692-00250879-00251298 dimensions of an ATX power supply are 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00693-00251298-00251701 150 millimeters width 86 millimeters 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00694-00251702-00252055 height and typically 140 millimeters 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00695-00252056-00252321 depth although the depth can vary from 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00696-00252323-00252552 brand to brand 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00697-00252553-00252882 some power supplies come with sleeved 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00698-00252883-00253155 cables which besides being more 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00699-00253156-00253473 aesthetically pleasing also make wiring 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00700-00253473-00253679 easier and have a less detrimental 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00701-00253680-00254382 effect on airflow 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00702-00254383-00254938 topic connectors 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00703-00254939-00255235 typically power supplies have the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00704-00255236-00255583 following connectors all our molex USA 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00705-00255584-00255880 Inc mini fit jr. unless otherwise 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00706-00255881-00256104 indicated 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00707-00256105-00256504 PC main power connector usually called 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00708-00256505-00256837 p1 this is the connector that goes to 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00709-00256838-00257123 the motherboard to provide it with power 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00710-00257125-00257667 the connector has 20 or 24 pins one of 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00711-00257669-00258046 the pins belongs to the PS on wire it is 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00712-00258046-00258430 usually green this connector as the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00713-00258431-00258759 largest of all the connectors in older 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00714-00258760-00259054 at power supplies this connector was 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00715-00259055-00259573 split in two p8 and p9 a power supply 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00716-00259573-00259959 with a 24-pin connector can be used on a 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00717-00259960-00260353 motherboard with a 20 pin connector in 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00718-00260354-00260733 cases where the motherboard has a 24-pin 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00719-00260734-00261057 connector some power supplies come with 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00720-00261058-00261388 two connectors one with 20 pin and other 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00721-00261389-00261730 with 4 pin which can be used together to 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00722-00261731-00262071 form the 24 pin connector 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00723-00262073-00262537 12 volts only power connector labeled p1 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00724-00262538-00262884 though it is not compatible with the ATX 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00725-00262885-00263362 20 or 24 pin connector this as a 16 pin 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00726-00263363-00263587 molex connector supplying the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00727-00263588-00263923 motherboard with 6 12 volts lines with 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00728-00263924-00264397 common returns a supply ok signal a PSU 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00729-00264398-00264769 on signal and an 11 volts auxiliary 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00730-00264770-00265289 supply one pin is left unused 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00731-00265290-00265753 12 volts only system monitoring p10 this 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00732-00265754-00266503 as a 170 1822 - 8a MP or equivalent 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00733-00266504-00266833 connector carrying a supply to the PSU 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00734-00266834-00267193 fan and sense returns 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00735-00267194-00267698 atx12v for pin power connector also 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00736-00267699-00268136 called the p4 power connector a second 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00737-00268137-00268325 connector that goes to the motherboard 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00738-00268326-00268663 in addition to the main 24-pin connector 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00739-00268664-00268997 to supply dedicated power for the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00740-00268998-00269399 processor for high end motherboards and 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00741-00269400-00269686 processors more power as required 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00742-00269687-00270131 therefore EPS 1 to V has an 8 pin 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00743-00270132-00270335 connector 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00744-00270336-00270690 4-pin peripheral power connectors these 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00745-00270691-00270990 are the other smaller connectors that go 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00746-00270991-00271218 to the various disk drives of the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00747-00271219-00271605 computer most of them have four wires 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00748-00271606-00272115 two black one red and one yellow unlike 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00749-00272116-00272415 the US standard mains electrical wire 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00750-00272416-00272763 color coding each black wire as a ground 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00751-00272764-00273180 the red wire as +5 V and the yellow wire 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00752-00273181-00273606 as +12 V in some cases these are also 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00753-00273607-00273972 used to provide additional power to PCI 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00754-00273973-00274469 cards such as firewire 800 cards 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00755-00274470-00274812 4-pin molex japan limited power 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00756-00274813-00275124 connectors usually called mini connector 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00757-00275125-00275514 mini molex or Berg connector this is one 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00758-00275515-00275769 of the smallest connectors that supplies 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00759-00275770-00276258 a 3.5 inch floppy drive with power in 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00760-00276259-00276561 some cases it can be used as an 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00761-00276562-00276855 auxiliary connector for accelerated 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00762-00276856-00277409 graphics port AGP video cards it's cable 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00763-00277410-00277614 configuration as similar to the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00764-00277615-00277888 peripheral connector 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00765-00277889-00278215 auxiliary power connectors there are 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00766-00278216-00278508 several types of auxiliary connectors 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00767-00278509-00278808 designed to provide additional power if 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00768-00278809-00279018 it is needed 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00769-00279019-00279430 cereal oughta power connectors a 15-pin 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00770-00279431-00279724 connector for components which use SATA 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00771-00279725-00280108 power plugs this connector supplies 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00772-00280109-00280486 power at three different voltages plus 3 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00773-00280487-00281068 point 3 + 5 + + 1 2 V in three pins per 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00774-00281069-00281323 wire one designed to pre charge 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00775-00281324-00281617 capacitive loads on for hot plugging 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00776-00281618-00281917 designed back planes 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00777-00281918-00282229 6-pin most modern computer power 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00778-00282230-00282559 supplies includes six pin connectors 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00779-00282560-00282917 that are generally used for pci express 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00780-00282918-00283250 graphics cards but a newly introduced 8 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00781-00283251-00283507 pin connector should be seen on the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00782-00283508-00283952 latest model power supplies each PCI 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00783-00283953-00284294 Express 6 pin connector can output a 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00784-00284295-00284932 maximum of 75 W 6 plus 2 pin for the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00785-00284933-00285235 purpose of backwards compatibility some 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00786-00285236-00285497 connectors designed for use with high 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00787-00285498-00285880 end PCI Express graphics cards feature 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00788-00285881-00286319 this kind of pin configuration it allows 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00789-00286320-00286721 either a 6 pin card or an 8 pin card to 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00790-00286722-00286981 be connected by using two separate 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00791-00286982-00287281 connection modules wired into the same 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00792-00287282-00287612 sheath one with 6 pins and another with 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00793-00287613-00287740 2 pins 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00794-00287741-00288205 each PCI Express 8 pin connector can 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00795-00288206-00288667 output a maximum of 150 W 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00796-00288668-00289434 and IEC 60309 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00797-00289435-00289786 c13 chord as used to attach the power 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00798-00289787-00290553 supply to the local power grid 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00799-00290554-00291221 topic modular power supplies 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00800-00291222-00291551 a modular power supply provides a 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00801-00291552-00291851 detachable cable system offering the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00802-00291852-00292159 ability to remove unused connections at 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00803-00292160-00292451 the expense of a small amount of extra 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00804-00292452-00292727 electrical resistance introduced by the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00805-00292728-00293087 additional connector this reduces 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00806-00293088-00293375 clutter removes the risk of dangling 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00807-00293376-00293690 cables interfering with other components 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00808-00293691-00294053 and can improve case airflow many 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00809-00294054-00294329 modular supplies have some permanent 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00810-00294330-00294668 multi wire cables with connectors at the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00811-00294669-00295015 ends such as PC main and 4-pin molex 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00812-00295016-00295421 though newer supplies marketed as fully 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00813-00295422-00295763 modular allow even these to be 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00814-00295764-00296338 disconnected 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00815-00296339-00296989 topic other form factors 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00816-00296990-00297334 the thin form factor with a 12 volts 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00817-00297335-00297811 connector tf-x 1 to V configuration has 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00818-00297812-00298138 been optimized for small and low profile 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00819-00298139-00298420 micro attacks and flex decks system 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00820-00298421-00298834 layouts the long narrow profile of the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00821-00298835-00299128 power supply fits easily into low 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00822-00299129-00299581 profile systems the fan placement can be 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00823-00299582-00299884 used to efficiently exhaust air from the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00824-00299885-00300115 processor and core area of the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00825-00300116-00300460 motherboard making possible smaller more 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00826-00300461-00300771 efficient systems using common industry 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00827-00300772-00301102 components most portable computers have 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00828-00301103-00301567 power supplies that provide 25 to 200 W 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00829-00301568-00301903 in portable computers such as laptops 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00830-00301904-00302173 there is usually an external power 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00831-00302174-00302557 supply sometimes referred to as a power 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00832-00302558-00302941 brick due to its similarity in size 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00833-00302942-00303268 shape and weight to a real brick which 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00834-00303269-00303694 converts AC power to one DC voltage most 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00835-00303695-00304072 commonly 19 volts and further DC DC 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00836-00304073-00304405 conversion occurs within the laptop to 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00837-00304406-00304753 supply the various DC voltages required 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00838-00304754-00305029 by the other components of the portable 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00839-00305030-00305230 computer 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00840-00305231-00305549 external power supply could send data 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00841-00305550-00305894 about itself power current and voltage 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00842-00305895-00306274 ratings to the computer for example 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00843-00306275-00306641 genuine Dell power source uses one wire 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00844-00306642-00307007 protocol to send data by third wire to 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00845-00307008-00307391 the laptop the laptop then refused 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00846-00307392-00307739 non-matching adapter some computers use 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00847-00307740-00308101 a single voltage 12 volts power supply 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00848-00308102-00308492 all other voltages are generated by 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00849-00308493-00308734 voltage regulator modules on the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00850-00308735-00309356 motherboard 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00851-00309357-00309957 topic lifespan 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00852-00309958-00310312 lifespan is usually specified in mean 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00853-00310313-00310755 time between failures MTBF where higher 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00854-00310756-00311149 mtbf ratings indicate longer device life 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00855-00311150-00311530 and better reliability using higher 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00856-00311531-00311842 quality electrical components at less 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00857-00311843-00312124 than their maximum ratings are providing 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00858-00312125-00312361 better cooling can contribute to a 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00859-00312362-00312736 higher MTBF rating because lower stress 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00860-00312737-00312954 and lower operating temperatures 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00861-00312955-00313270 decrease component failure rates an 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00862-00313271-00313734 estimated MTBF value of 100,000 hours 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00863-00313735-00314236 roughly 140 months at 25 degrees Celsius 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00864-00314237-00314616 and under full load as fairly common 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00865-00314617-00314950 such a rating expects that under the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00866-00314951-00315427 described conditions 77% of the PS use 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00867-00315428-00315730 will be operating failure free over 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00868-00315731-00316243 three years 36 months equivalently 23% 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00869-00316244-00316513 of the units are expected to fail within 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00870-00316514-00316912 three years of operation for the same 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00871-00316913-00317353 example only 37% of the unit's fewer 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00872-00317354-00317752 than a half are expected to last 100,000 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00873-00317753-00318157 hours without failing the formula for 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00874-00318158-00318520 calculating predicted reliability are T 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00875-00318521-00318696 is 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00876-00318697-00319428 our T equals e minus t t mtbf where T as 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00877-00319429-00319716 the time of operation in the same time 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00878-00319717-00320237 units as the MTBF specification es 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00879-00320238-00320871 2.71828 and t MTBF as the MTBF value as 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00880-00320872-00321162 specified by a manufacturer power 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00881-00321163-00321519 supplies for servers industrial control 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00882-00321520-00321774 equipment or other places where 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00883-00321775-00322068 reliability as important may be hot 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00884-00322069-00322418 swappable and may incorporate and +1 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00885-00322419-00322698 redundancy if n power supplies are 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00886-00322699-00322995 required to meet the load requirement 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00887-00322996-00323255 one extra is installed to provide 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00888-00323256-00323555 redundancy and allow for a faulty power 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00889-00323556-00324099 supply to be replaced without down times 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00890-00324100-00324538 equals 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00891-00324539-00325249 topic wiring diagrams 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00892-00325250-00325465 equals 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00893-00325466-00326049 equals 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00894-00326050-00326653 topic testing 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00895-00326654-00326862 equals 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00896-00326863-00327243 a power supply tester is a tool used to 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00897-00327244-00327522 test the functionality of a computer's 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00898-00327523-00327936 power supply testers can confirm the 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00899-00327937-00328209 presence of the correct voltages at each 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00900-00328210-00328596 power supply connector testing under 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00901-00328597-00328818 load as recommended for the most 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00902-00328819-00329125 accurate readings 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00903-00329126-00329566 equals 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00904-00329567-00330172 topic C also 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00905-00330173-00330391 equals 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00906-00330392-00331000 IEC 62,000 700 DC power supply for 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00907-00331001-00331432 notebook computers list of computer 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00908-00331433-00331771 power supply manufacturers 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00909-00331772-00332032 power management 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00910-00332033-00332695 power supply quiet PC switched-mode 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00911-00332696-00333079 power supply applications 7HyJbgQ9wQQ-00912-00333080-00333469 equals equals notes 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00000-00000014-00000319 [Music] 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00001-00000320-00000742 come again 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00002-00000743-00001433 [Music] 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00003-00001434-00002681 [Music] 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00005-00013712-00015938 foreign foreign 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00007-00023436-00024100 um 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00008-00024101-00027101 yo 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00009-00027102-00028711 foreign 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00010-00028712-00031324 [Music] 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00011-00031325-00032352 foreign 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00015-00060724-00060766 [Music] 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00016-00060767-00060850 um 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00018-00065136-00065707 foreign 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00019-00065708-00067644 [Music] 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00020-00067645-00068332 [Music] 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00021-00068333-00069470 foreign 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00022-00069471-00071400 [Music] 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00023-00071401-00072232 manaju ice 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00025-00077513-00080098 foreign 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00026-00080099-00080243 [Music] 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00027-00080244-00080987 foreign 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00028-00080988-00081226 [Music] 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00031-00090200-00090400 a gym 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00032-00090401-00092981 foreign 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00033-00092982-00093778 foreign 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00034-00093779-00093905 [Music] 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00035-00093906-00095725 foreign 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00036-00095726-00097349 [Laughter] 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00039-00108198-00109595 [Music] 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00040-00109596-00110640 foreign 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00041-00110641-00112103 [Music] 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00042-00112104-00112510 [Music] 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00043-00112511-00112745 um 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00044-00112746-00113542 foreign 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00045-00113543-00114947 [Laughter] 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00046-00114948-00115373 [Music] 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00047-00115374-00115805 foreign 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00050-00126658-00126863 [Music] 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00051-00126864-00127932 foreign 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00052-00127933-00129766 [Music] 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00053-00129767-00130354 foreign 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00058-00153553-00154369 away 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00059-00154370-00155087 in Africa 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00062-00166679-00168049 foreign 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00063-00168050-00168604 [Music] 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00064-00168605-00169307 Africa 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00065-00169308-00171032 foreign 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00066-00171033-00171719 [Music] 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00067-00171720-00172210 um 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00068-00172211-00172740 [Music] 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00069-00172741-00173657 [Music] 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00070-00173658-00173728 um 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00071-00173729-00176311 whatever 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00072-00176312-00176849 your way before 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00073-00176850-00178463 um decorations 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00076-00186108-00188885 foreign 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00077-00188886-00189095 CC 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00078-00189096-00189688 video 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00079-00189689-00190607 foreign 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00080-00190608-00193019 [Music] 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00081-00193020-00194957 anybody 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00082-00194958-00196508 again 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00083-00196509-00196714 [Music] 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00084-00196715-00197780 foreign 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00085-00197781-00199664 [Music] 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00086-00199665-00199793 [Music] 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00088-00205523-00207208 bisa 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00089-00207209-00208322 the secrets 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00090-00208323-00209330 [Music] 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00091-00209331-00210084 [Music] 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00092-00210085-00210839 thank you 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00093-00210840-00211769 [Music] 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00094-00211771-00212358 [Applause] 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00095-00212359-00212560 face to face 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00096-00212561-00213351 foreign 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00097-00213352-00214676 [Music] 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00098-00214677-00215644 [Music] 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00100-00221640-00222571 foreign 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00103-00232506-00234234 oh 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00104-00234235-00235248 my God 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00105-00235250-00235439 what happened 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00106-00235440-00236003 family 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00107-00236004-00236755 dollar 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00109-00239898-00242119 um 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00110-00242119-00242296 foreign 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00111-00242298-00244075 earlier 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00112-00244076-00244432 oh this thing is not joking chains 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00113-00244433-00244769 but 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00114-00244769-00245315 you are learning people 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00115-00245316-00245963 foreign 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00116-00245964-00246919 foreign 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00117-00246921-00249256 [Laughter] 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00118-00249257-00250076 foreign 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00119-00250077-00252394 [Music] 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00120-00252396-00255382 foreign 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00121-00255383-00258094 [Music] 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00128-00287366-00287779 [Music] 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00129-00287780-00288508 I'm so good 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00130-00288509-00291025 um 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00131-00291026-00292295 400 years 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00132-00292296-00292845 foreign 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00133-00292846-00293495 [Music] 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00134-00293496-00296273 [Music] 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00136-00302268-00303001 cool akbarents 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00140-00317280-00317495 okay 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00141-00317496-00318065 [Music] 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00142-00318066-00318128 um 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00143-00318129-00319373 [Music] 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00144-00319374-00320904 [Music] 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00145-00320905-00321101 I said 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00147-00324774-00327215 uh 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00148-00327216-00327965 foreign 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00152-00345905-00348475 foreign 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00153-00348476-00348910 [Music] 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00155-00353498-00355858 [Music] 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00158-00367368-00369479 bye 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00159-00369480-00370987 [Music] 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00160-00370988-00371413 come again 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00161-00371414-00372103 [Music] 7IsWSmCd5Cg-00162-00372104-00373043 [Music] 7K3zNE6B6z8-00000-00000800-00001015 hey everyone this is kale at good 7K3zNE6B6z8-00001-00001016-00001254 ghosting i wanted to take a moment to 7K3zNE6B6z8-00002-00001255-00001454 share with you some information on where 7K3zNE6B6z8-00003-00001455-00001767 you can view nfts held in your wallet as 7K3zNE6B6z8-00004-00001768-00002071 well as verify nfts that you see on open 7K3zNE6B6z8-00005-00002072-00002255 marketplaces 7K3zNE6B6z8-00006-00002256-00002510 the wild world of nfts is evolving 7K3zNE6B6z8-00007-00002511-00002783 rapidly and these simple techniques 7K3zNE6B6z8-00008-00002784-00002991 should give you some fundamentals to 7K3zNE6B6z8-00009-00002992-00003247 rely on as you navigate 7K3zNE6B6z8-00010-00003247-00003503 these tips are the same for almost any 7K3zNE6B6z8-00011-00003504-00003719 network in principle but we will be 7K3zNE6B6z8-00012-00003720-00003959 discussing specifically polygon and 7K3zNE6B6z8-00013-00003960-00004215 cello nfts 7K3zNE6B6z8-00014-00004216-00004502 we are covering two topics 7K3zNE6B6z8-00015-00004503-00004638 the first 7K3zNE6B6z8-00016-00004639-00004927 is where to see nfts that are in your 7K3zNE6B6z8-00017-00004928-00005063 wallet 7K3zNE6B6z8-00018-00005064-00005359 the easiest way to accomplish this is by 7K3zNE6B6z8-00019-00005360-00005615 visiting a reputable marketplace on the 7K3zNE6B6z8-00020-00005616-00005918 network in question and viewing your own 7K3zNE6B6z8-00021-00005919-00006095 user profile 7K3zNE6B6z8-00022-00006096-00006454 for polygon we recommend openc 7K3zNE6B6z8-00023-00006455-00006919 for celo we recommend apporio 7K3zNE6B6z8-00024-00006920-00007110 for either site 7K3zNE6B6z8-00025-00007111-00007351 navigate and connect 7K3zNE6B6z8-00026-00007352-00007639 you can then check your user profile and 7K3zNE6B6z8-00027-00007640-00008214 see your wallet nfts displayed 7K3zNE6B6z8-00028-00008215-00008519 in a more advanced technique 7K3zNE6B6z8-00029-00008520-00008863 you can also use the block explorers of 7K3zNE6B6z8-00030-00008864-00009110 either network to directly inspect a 7K3zNE6B6z8-00031-00009111-00009319 wallet address 7K3zNE6B6z8-00032-00009320-00009646 this will let you see any nfts held by a 7K3zNE6B6z8-00033-00009647-00009942 specific address 7K3zNE6B6z8-00034-00009943-00010142 here's an example of what that looks 7K3zNE6B6z8-00035-00010143-00010455 like for the polygon block explorer 7K3zNE6B6z8-00036-00010456-00010895 we use polygon scan for this process 7K3zNE6B6z8-00037-00010896-00011183 plug in our address in question 7K3zNE6B6z8-00038-00011184-00011442 and then switch to the 7K3zNE6B6z8-00039-00011443-00011863 erc721 tab as this is the most common 7K3zNE6B6z8-00040-00011864-00012167 nft type 7K3zNE6B6z8-00041-00012168-00012342 voila 7K3zNE6B6z8-00042-00012343-00012623 we can now see that there are indeed 7K3zNE6B6z8-00043-00012624-00012943 nfts in this wallet and even get their 7K3zNE6B6z8-00044-00012944-00013303 specific contract addresses 7K3zNE6B6z8-00045-00013304-00013447 for silo 7K3zNE6B6z8-00046-00013447-00013758 the cielo explorer will be our weapon of 7K3zNE6B6z8-00047-00013759-00013927 choice 7K3zNE6B6z8-00048-00013928-00014158 enter the wallet address you'd like to 7K3zNE6B6z8-00049-00014159-00014358 inspect here 7K3zNE6B6z8-00050-00014359-00014719 and then switch to the tokens tab 7K3zNE6B6z8-00051-00014719-00014951 as you go down the list you will see 7K3zNE6B6z8-00052-00014952-00015391 certain tokens with the familiar erc 721 7K3zNE6B6z8-00053-00015391-00015558 designation 7K3zNE6B6z8-00054-00015559-00016071 nfts found friend 7K3zNE6B6z8-00055-00016072-00016279 so after knowing how to use the block 7K3zNE6B6z8-00056-00016280-00016567 explorer we can now inspect specific 7K3zNE6B6z8-00057-00016568-00017086 contract addresses of entities like this 7K3zNE6B6z8-00058-00017087-00017391 why is this important 7K3zNE6B6z8-00059-00017392-00017679 because the nft marketplaces typically 7K3zNE6B6z8-00060-00017680-00017999 allow anyone to list anything 7K3zNE6B6z8-00061-00018000-00018207 at any time 7K3zNE6B6z8-00062-00018208-00018407 this does mean that there are 7K3zNE6B6z8-00063-00018408-00018679 counterfeit items from time to time and 7K3zNE6B6z8-00064-00018680-00019014 knowing how to verify a contract address 7K3zNE6B6z8-00065-00019015-00019319 is valuable protection from fraud 7K3zNE6B6z8-00066-00019320-00019519 let's say you have a taste for the 7K3zNE6B6z8-00067-00019520-00019807 infamous silo toads and you go shopping 7K3zNE6B6z8-00068-00019808-00020014 on an open marketplace 7K3zNE6B6z8-00069-00020015-00020303 you may sort by the floor price like any 7K3zNE6B6z8-00070-00020304-00020543 savvy shopper but this could open you up 7K3zNE6B6z8-00071-00020544-00020822 to possible fake goods trying to trick 7K3zNE6B6z8-00072-00020823-00021055 unsuspecting buyers 7K3zNE6B6z8-00073-00021056-00021391 silo toads is a reputable project and as 7K3zNE6B6z8-00074-00021392-00021639 such they prominently display their 7K3zNE6B6z8-00075-00021640-00021871 verified token contract 7K3zNE6B6z8-00076-00021872-00022150 address on their website 7K3zNE6B6z8-00077-00022151-00022422 this is the best way to know what 7K3zNE6B6z8-00078-00022423-00022678 standard you are searching for 7K3zNE6B6z8-00079-00022679-00023014 here we are the official silo toads 7K3zNE6B6z8-00080-00023015-00023342 contract for all to see 7K3zNE6B6z8-00081-00023343-00023535 now let's go back to the marketplace 7K3zNE6B6z8-00082-00023536-00023927 armed with the knowledge of authenticity 7K3zNE6B6z8-00083-00023928-00024167 when we find what we think 7K3zNE6B6z8-00084-00024168-00024335 may be a deal 7K3zNE6B6z8-00085-00024336-00024575 we can inspect the details 7K3zNE6B6z8-00086-00024576-00024911 and compare the listed contract address 7K3zNE6B6z8-00087-00024912-00025286 against our known standard 7K3zNE6B6z8-00088-00025287-00025542 if we don't have a match 7K3zNE6B6z8-00089-00025543-00025799 see a pal this is not an authentic 7K3zNE6B6z8-00090-00025800-00026302 contract in other words a fake 7K3zNE6B6z8-00091-00026304-00026631 once we find a listing that does match 7K3zNE6B6z8-00092-00026632-00026758 our standard 7K3zNE6B6z8-00093-00026760-00027070 we know we are buying authentic goods 7K3zNE6B6z8-00094-00027072-00027470 and we can feel secure in our purchase 7K3zNE6B6z8-00095-00027472-00027662 there is nothing worse than getting to 7K3zNE6B6z8-00096-00027663-00027943 the party with your ceelo punk 7K3zNE6B6z8-00097-00027944-00028167 not realizing it until everyone else 7K3zNE6B6z8-00098-00028168-00028407 does 7K3zNE6B6z8-00099-00028408-00028711 we are entering the world of trustless 7K3zNE6B6z8-00100-00028712-00028879 marketplaces 7K3zNE6B6z8-00101-00028880-00029118 take that to heart and verify your 7K3zNE6B6z8-00102-00029119-00029399 interactions and purchases 7K3zNE6B6z8-00103-00029400-00029735 we hope these tricks and tips help you 7K3zNE6B6z8-00104-00029736-00030007 enjoy your journey into the nft world 7K3zNE6B6z8-00105-00030008-00030479 while also staying safe and smart 7K3zNE6B6z8-00106-00030480-00030662 thank you for watching 7K3zNE6B6z8-00107-00030663-00030902 and visit goodghosting.com 7K3zNE6B6z8-00108-00030903-00031190 to learn more about how you can end 7K3zNE6B6z8-00109-00031191-00031547 boring savings 7KL_1s2wwrU-00000-00000035-00000257 this video is going to serve as a quick 7KL_1s2wwrU-00001-00000258-00000388 and dirty introduction to using haproxy 7KL_1s2wwrU-00002-00000389-00000601 in tandem with acne on your pfSense 7KL_1s2wwrU-00003-00000602-00000805 machine to serve some pages via reverse 7KL_1s2wwrU-00004-00000806-00001043 proxy with SSL and TLS encrypted traffic 7KL_1s2wwrU-00005-00001044-00001345 the acne portion is optional but it's 7KL_1s2wwrU-00006-00001346-00001553 trivial and good practice note that 7KL_1s2wwrU-00007-00001554-00001714 while it makes it much easier you don't 7KL_1s2wwrU-00008-00001716-00001907 need a domain or dynamic DNS service 7KL_1s2wwrU-00009-00001907-00002105 that allows text records to verify 7KL_1s2wwrU-00010-00002106-00002330 ownership if you don't have these 7KL_1s2wwrU-00011-00002331-00002474 options the firewall can host the 7KL_1s2wwrU-00012-00002475-00002647 challenged file for you for validation 7KL_1s2wwrU-00013-00002648-00002977 with the web route local folder option 7KL_1s2wwrU-00014-00002978-00003238 or the standalone option if your local 7KL_1s2wwrU-00015-00003239-00003404 folder requires some messing around with 7KL_1s2wwrU-00016-00003404-00003604 a proxy front-end the standalone option 7KL_1s2wwrU-00017-00003605-00003743 is very easy you just have to expose a 7KL_1s2wwrU-00018-00003744-00003970 service that runs only while validation 7KL_1s2wwrU-00019-00003971-00004427 is running it's pretty simple first 7KL_1s2wwrU-00020-00004428-00004550 we're going to quickly install the 7KL_1s2wwrU-00021-00004551-00004769 required packages so navigate to system 7KL_1s2wwrU-00022-00004770-00005075 package manager available packages and 7KL_1s2wwrU-00023-00005076-00005333 go ahead and install both Acme and to 7KL_1s2wwrU-00024-00005334-00005741 proxy once those are ready we're gonna 7KL_1s2wwrU-00025-00005742-00005909 do the let's encrypt portion so let's 7KL_1s2wwrU-00026-00005910-00006191 navigate to services Acme certificates 7KL_1s2wwrU-00027-00006192-00006673 account keys and press add set a name 7KL_1s2wwrU-00028-00006673-00006989 select the Acme server production act 7KL_1s2wwrU-00029-00006990-00007337 movie - it's what you want to use set 7KL_1s2wwrU-00030-00007338-00007498 your email address for validation and 7KL_1s2wwrU-00031-00007500-00007714 press create new account key to generate 7KL_1s2wwrU-00032-00007715-00007970 your key once that box is populated with 7KL_1s2wwrU-00033-00007970-00008216 the key press to register Acme account 7KL_1s2wwrU-00034-00008217-00008524 key and press save now that we've gotten 7KL_1s2wwrU-00035-00008525-00008720 a count key we can make a cert so 7KL_1s2wwrU-00036-00008721-00008953 navigate to certificates and click Add 7KL_1s2wwrU-00037-00008954-00009185 fill in a name and description for your 7KL_1s2wwrU-00038-00009186-00009344 reference and ensure that the account 7KL_1s2wwrU-00039-00009345-00009758 you just made is selected below that go 7KL_1s2wwrU-00040-00009759-00009985 ahead and scroll down to domain San list 7KL_1s2wwrU-00041-00009986-00010156 and this is where we'll validate your 7KL_1s2wwrU-00042-00010157-00010313 ownership of the destination on your 7KL_1s2wwrU-00043-00010314-00010541 cert we're going to operate as though 7KL_1s2wwrU-00044-00010542-00010733 you have a domain but again this process 7KL_1s2wwrU-00045-00010734-00010988 does not require one so if your dynamic 7KL_1s2wwrU-00046-00010989-00011221 DNS service allows text records like 7KL_1s2wwrU-00047-00011222-00011423 duck DNS you can't use that that's quick 7KL_1s2wwrU-00048-00011424-00011666 and dirty if not you can use the local 7KL_1s2wwrU-00049-00011667-00011821 the web root local folder option they'll 7KL_1s2wwrU-00050-00011822-00012002 be linked below with some haproxy config 7KL_1s2wwrU-00051-00012003-00012278 or the standalone option since we're 7KL_1s2wwrU-00052-00012279-00012410 using our own domain we're gonna give 7KL_1s2wwrU-00053-00012411-00012635 ourselves a wild-card cert for subdomain 7KL_1s2wwrU-00054-00012636-00012857 usage so go ahead and enter the fully 7KL_1s2wwrU-00055-00012858-00013049 qualified domain name as one entry and 7KL_1s2wwrU-00056-00013050-00013286 that an additional entry with the fully 7KL_1s2wwrU-00057-00013287-00013388 qualified domain 7KL_1s2wwrU-00058-00013388-00013616 with an asterisk sub-domain that's the 7KL_1s2wwrU-00059-00013616-00013871 wild-card for each of these you want to 7KL_1s2wwrU-00060-00013872-00014063 select a method that is the integration 7KL_1s2wwrU-00061-00014063-00014401 for your DNS provider if available 7KL_1s2wwrU-00062-00014402-00014591 otherwise you have to go with one of the 7KL_1s2wwrU-00063-00014591-00014840 manual options which will require a few 7KL_1s2wwrU-00064-00014841-00015113 extra steps after that go ahead and 7KL_1s2wwrU-00065-00015113-00015290 press save and it'll return us to the 7KL_1s2wwrU-00066-00015291-00015458 certificates page with an issue and 7KL_1s2wwrU-00067-00015459-00015766 renew button next to our new entry so if 7KL_1s2wwrU-00068-00015768-00015916 you have anything other than the manual 7KL_1s2wwrU-00069-00015918-00016277 option set on your entries these buttons 7KL_1s2wwrU-00070-00016278-00016577 are a one-and-done fire-and-forget you 7KL_1s2wwrU-00071-00016578-00016733 hit issue the first time around then you 7KL_1s2wwrU-00072-00016734-00016904 hit renew the following times if it 7KL_1s2wwrU-00073-00016905-00017060 doesn't support auto renewal which it 7KL_1s2wwrU-00074-00017061-00017429 should but we are using manual so we 7KL_1s2wwrU-00075-00017430-00017567 have to manually enter the keys that it 7KL_1s2wwrU-00076-00017568-00017741 gives you as text records where your 7KL_1s2wwrU-00077-00017742-00017912 name servers are managed there's an 7KL_1s2wwrU-00078-00017913-00018317 additional step or two you'll see that 7KL_1s2wwrU-00079-00018318-00018512 the last renewed field is updated after 7KL_1s2wwrU-00080-00018513-00018931 you issue that means your cert is valid 7KL_1s2wwrU-00081-00018932-00019154 okay then we'll do the actual reverse 7KL_1s2wwrU-00082-00019155-00019427 proxy steps so navigate to services of 7KL_1s2wwrU-00083-00019428-00019661 proxies settings you're gonna want to 7KL_1s2wwrU-00084-00019662-00019838 check the box at the top to enable the 7KL_1s2wwrU-00085-00019839-00020060 proxy and set your maximum connections 7KL_1s2wwrU-00086-00020061-00020264 to somewhere around a thousand this is 7KL_1s2wwrU-00087-00020265-00020468 kind of arbitrary but for now let's have 7KL_1s2wwrU-00088-00020469-00020843 a value set set an internal stats port 7KL_1s2wwrU-00089-00020844-00021017 to enable the haproxy status monitor 7KL_1s2wwrU-00090-00021018-00021188 which is very convenient to identify 7KL_1s2wwrU-00091-00021189-00021422 outages or manage your load balancer if 7KL_1s2wwrU-00092-00021423-00021608 you end up using that feature you can 7KL_1s2wwrU-00093-00021609-00021772 also optionally set up logging and 7KL_1s2wwrU-00094-00021773-00022025 alerts here for a similar purpose what 7KL_1s2wwrU-00095-00022026-00022156 we need to set is our diffie-hellman 7KL_1s2wwrU-00096-00022157-00022453 size so change max SSL diffie-hellman 7KL_1s2wwrU-00097-00022454-00022856 size to 2048 under tuning and then go 7KL_1s2wwrU-00098-00022857-00023056 ahead and press save followed by apply 7KL_1s2wwrU-00099-00023057-00023336 changes now first up we'll define some 7KL_1s2wwrU-00100-00023337-00023536 of our servers and some backends first 7KL_1s2wwrU-00101-00023537-00023908 so navigate to back-end and press add 7KL_1s2wwrU-00102-00023909-00024188 enter a name I generally use the 7KL_1s2wwrU-00103-00024189-00024377 subdomain or path that I'm using so for 7KL_1s2wwrU-00104-00024378-00024503 example if you were gonna make an 7KL_1s2wwrU-00105-00024504-00024856 omnibus end I would just name an ami add 7KL_1s2wwrU-00106-00024857-00025142 a server entry by pressing the arrow in 7KL_1s2wwrU-00107-00025143-00025375 the server list name it and enter the IP 7KL_1s2wwrU-00108-00025376-00025528 address and port that the service is 7KL_1s2wwrU-00109-00025529-00025840 listening on note that you do not need 7KL_1s2wwrU-00110-00025841-00026008 to check encrypt or enter any 7KL_1s2wwrU-00111-00026010-00026177 certificate information here that's all 7KL_1s2wwrU-00112-00026177-00026357 gonna be handled by a proxy not your 7KL_1s2wwrU-00113-00026358-00026660 servers you can enter multiple servers 7KL_1s2wwrU-00114-00026661-00026756 for a single back 7KL_1s2wwrU-00115-00026757-00026969 and set the mode to backup for failover 7KL_1s2wwrU-00116-00026970-00027245 or active for load balancing if you do 7KL_1s2wwrU-00117-00027245-00027431 the ladder you want this selects a load 7KL_1s2wwrU-00118-00027432-00027629 balancing method by expanding the load 7KL_1s2wwrU-00119-00027630-00027814 balancing section and selecting whatever 7KL_1s2wwrU-00120-00027816-00028016 is appropriate round-robin and loose 7KL_1s2wwrU-00121-00028017-00028397 connections are both solid choices go 7KL_1s2wwrU-00122-00028398-00028517 ahead and save and apply your settings 7KL_1s2wwrU-00123-00028518-00028700 and then make a back-end for each 7KL_1s2wwrU-00124-00028701-00028933 service you'd like to expose also note 7KL_1s2wwrU-00125-00028935-00029072 that for Plex you're still gonna need 7KL_1s2wwrU-00126-00029073-00029377 the port to be forwarded even if you use 7KL_1s2wwrU-00127-00029379-00029663 the reverse proxy for access now we're 7KL_1s2wwrU-00128-00029664-00029825 gonna make front ends for these services 7KL_1s2wwrU-00129-00029826-00030032 so first we'll make a shared front end 7KL_1s2wwrU-00130-00030033-00030416 for all HTTP traffic so we never gate to 7KL_1s2wwrU-00131-00030417-00030770 front end and click Add name your 7KL_1s2wwrU-00132-00030770-00031043 service HTTP underscore shared works 7KL_1s2wwrU-00133-00031044-00031385 great change the port to 443 and check 7KL_1s2wwrU-00134-00031386-00031781 the box for SSL offloading optionally 7KL_1s2wwrU-00135-00031782-00031979 enable the separate sockets option in 7KL_1s2wwrU-00136-00031980-00032342 the stats section scroll down to SSL 7KL_1s2wwrU-00137-00032343-00032533 offloading and select the certificate 7KL_1s2wwrU-00138-00032535-00032689 that you just created with Acme in the 7KL_1s2wwrU-00139-00032691-00032903 beginning of the video if you're not 7KL_1s2wwrU-00140-00032904-00033083 using let's encrypt go ahead and leave 7KL_1s2wwrU-00141-00033084-00033290 the port at 80 and offloading settings 7KL_1s2wwrU-00142-00033291-00033616 as is press save and apply your changes 7KL_1s2wwrU-00143-00033617-00033866 next up we're gonna make an HTTP 7KL_1s2wwrU-00144-00033867-00034172 enforcement rule so make a new rule call 7KL_1s2wwrU-00145-00034173-00034469 it HTTP honors go or redirect have it 7KL_1s2wwrU-00146-00034470-00034727 listened on when at port 80 with no 7KL_1s2wwrU-00147-00034728-00035021 offloading scroll down to actions and 7KL_1s2wwrU-00148-00035022-00035294 press the arrow to create one change the 7KL_1s2wwrU-00149-00035295-00035645 action to HTTP request redirect and set 7KL_1s2wwrU-00150-00035646-00035966 the rule to scheme HTTPS then go ahead 7KL_1s2wwrU-00151-00035967-00036218 and save and apply and with that now we 7KL_1s2wwrU-00152-00036219-00036392 can make the individual front ends for 7KL_1s2wwrU-00153-00036393-00036674 your various services so press add enter 7KL_1s2wwrU-00154-00036675-00036914 a descriptive name and check the shared 7KL_1s2wwrU-00155-00036915-00037187 front end box and select HTTP shared 7KL_1s2wwrU-00156-00037188-00037391 whatever you named the shared front end 7KL_1s2wwrU-00157-00037392-00037676 we made earlier we're going to use 7KL_1s2wwrU-00158-00037677-00037883 access control lists to define which 7KL_1s2wwrU-00159-00037884-00038057 back end is used based on the subdomain 7KL_1s2wwrU-00160-00038058-00038345 or path given you can use host starts 7KL_1s2wwrU-00161-00038346-00038510 with or host contains four subdomains 7KL_1s2wwrU-00162-00038511-00038807 and path starts whether a path contains 7KL_1s2wwrU-00163-00038808-00039053 four paths for subdomains we need that 7KL_1s2wwrU-00164-00039054-00039215 subdomain to be pointing at your yn 7KL_1s2wwrU-00165-00039216-00039434 address the path options are more 7KL_1s2wwrU-00166-00039435-00039578 appropriate if you have something like a 7KL_1s2wwrU-00167-00039579-00039752 dynamic DNS setup where you don't have 7KL_1s2wwrU-00168-00039753-00039908 an infinite number of subdomains you can 7KL_1s2wwrU-00169-00039909-00040154 use in value set this 7KL_1s2wwrU-00170-00040155-00040292 domaine her path that will be used to 7KL_1s2wwrU-00171-00040293-00040517 access the service for example you'd use 7KL_1s2wwrU-00172-00040518-00040922 just um be for ambi domain.com or slash 7KL_1s2wwrU-00173-00040923-00041411 zombie for domain.com slash aam be next 7KL_1s2wwrU-00174-00041412-00041612 create an action with action used 7KL_1s2wwrU-00175-00041613-00041897 backend and set the conditional ACL name 7KL_1s2wwrU-00176-00041898-00042077 value to the name of the rule you that 7KL_1s2wwrU-00177-00042078-00042329 you just made above and set the backend 7KL_1s2wwrU-00178-00042330-00042473 to the associated service you're 7KL_1s2wwrU-00179-00042474-00042767 exposing you can set a default backend 7KL_1s2wwrU-00180-00042768-00042920 here to have something else display if 7KL_1s2wwrU-00181-00042921-00043196 your back-end is down although it is 7KL_1s2wwrU-00182-00043197-00043490 just finally the blanket go ahead and 7KL_1s2wwrU-00183-00043491-00043718 save and apply your changes once you've 7KL_1s2wwrU-00184-00043719-00043862 done this for your various services 7KL_1s2wwrU-00185-00043863-00044063 we're gonna need to make some firewall 7KL_1s2wwrU-00186-00044064-00044306 rules to expose a proxy and then we'll 7KL_1s2wwrU-00187-00044307-00044395 be set 7KL_1s2wwrU-00188-00044396-00044762 navigate to firewall rules and create a 7KL_1s2wwrU-00189-00044763-00045209 new one called a proxy HTTP pass ipv4 7KL_1s2wwrU-00190-00045210-00045494 traffic tcp only on the lan interface 7KL_1s2wwrU-00191-00045495-00045752 with the destination of this firewall at 7KL_1s2wwrU-00192-00045753-00045974 board eighty and for that you select 7KL_1s2wwrU-00193-00045975-00046271 HTTP in the destination port range from 7KL_1s2wwrU-00194-00046272-00046565 drop down make an identical entry for a 7KL_1s2wwrU-00195-00046566-00047015 proxy to DPS traffic at port 443 once 7KL_1s2wwrU-00196-00047016-00047195 these firewall rules are made your 7KL_1s2wwrU-00197-00047196-00047372 subdomain and paths will now reach the 7KL_1s2wwrU-00198-00047373-00047525 services that you created front-ends and 7KL_1s2wwrU-00199-00047526-00047795 backends for in proxy and if you found 7KL_1s2wwrU-00200-00047796-00047987 the Acme steps at the beginning the 7KL_1s2wwrU-00201-00047988-00048236 traffic will be secured with SSL TLS 7KL_1s2wwrU-00202-00048237-00048473 encryption 7L17sUykoqu-00000-00000356-00000655 in quantifying we have looked at how 7L17sUykoqu-00001-00000656-00000910 formula can be applied to obtain the 7L17sUykoqu-00002-00000911-00001234 required quantities ur lawn seed fencing 7L17sUykoqu-00003-00001235-00001639 and wallpaper we have also used a 7L17sUykoqu-00004-00001639-00001930 formula to work out how much alcohol is 7L17sUykoqu-00005-00001930-00002257 in certain beverages and so how much 7L17sUykoqu-00006-00002258-00002499 people should drink given the NHS 7L17sUykoqu-00007-00002500-00002925 guidelines why not take a moment and 7L17sUykoqu-00008-00002926-00003229 make some notes reflecting on those 7L17sUykoqu-00009-00003229-00003484 activities completed during the 7L17sUykoqu-00010-00003485-00004003 measuring powerful idea in action you 7L17sUykoqu-00011-00004004-00004231 may feel that you should look again at 7L17sUykoqu-00012-00004232-00004492 some of the sections already completed 7L17sUykoqu-00013-00004493-00004828 or you may feel that you should do some 7L17sUykoqu-00014-00004829-00005142 of the sections that you have missed out 7L17sUykoqu-00015-00005143-00005416 alternatively you may feel confident 7L17sUykoqu-00016-00005417-00006391 about all of this work 7L17sUykoqu-00017-00006392-00006598 you 7L1N8QzcXCg-00000-00000022-00001243 [Music] 7L1N8QzcXCg-00001-00001244-00001413 thank you 7L1N8QzcXCg-00002-00001414-00002855 [Music] 7L1N8QzcXCg-00003-00002856-00003208 foreign 7L1N8QzcXCg-00004-00003209-00004258 foreign 7L1N8QzcXCg-00006-00008378-00008594 thank you 7L1N8QzcXCg-00008-00012302-00015179 thank you 7L1N8QzcXCg-00009-00015180-00015397 foreign 7L1N8QzcXCg-00011-00018662-00019354 thank you 7L1N8QzcXCg-00012-00019355-00019484 [Music] 7L1N8QzcXCg-00013-00019485-00019623 [Applause] 7L1N8QzcXCg-00015-00023078-00023925 thank you foreign 7L1N8QzcXCg-00017-00027194-00027858 [Applause] 7L1N8QzcXCg-00018-00027860-00028392 thank you 7L1N8QzcXCg-00019-00028393-00028412 [Applause] 7L1N8QzcXCg-00020-00028413-00029239 [Music] 7L1N8QzcXCg-00021-00029239-00029249 [Applause] 7L1N8QzcXCg-00022-00029250-00029867 [Music] 7L1N8QzcXCg-00023-00029868-00029979 foreign 7L1N8QzcXCg-00024-00029980-00032590 [Music] 7L1N8QzcXCg-00025-00032591-00032939 foreign 7L1N8QzcXCg-00026-00032940-00033102 [Music] 7L1N8QzcXCg-00027-00033103-00033203 [Applause] 7L1N8QzcXCg-00029-00039163-00040218 thank you 7L1N8QzcXCg-00030-00040219-00040405 [Applause] 7L1N8QzcXCg-00031-00040406-00041632 thank you 7L1N8QzcXCg-00033-00047046-00047191 foreign 7L1N8QzcXCg-00035-00050352-00051107 [Applause] 7L1N8QzcXCg-00036-00051108-00051684 foreign 7L1N8QzcXCg-00037-00051685-00052273 [Music] 7L1N8QzcXCg-00038-00052274-00052748 [Applause] 7L1N8QzcXCg-00039-00052749-00054355 [Music] 7L1N8QzcXCg-00040-00054357-00054594 [Applause] 7L1N8QzcXCg-00041-00054595-00056291 [Music] 7L1N8QzcXCg-00042-00056291-00057270 foreign 7L1N8QzcXCg-00043-00057271-00057808 [Music] 7L1N8QzcXCg-00044-00057809-00059126 [Music] 7L1N8QzcXCg-00045-00059127-00060269 [Music] 7L1N8QzcXCg-00046-00060270-00060675 foreign 7L1N8QzcXCg-00048-00065100-00066082 foreign 7L1N8QzcXCg-00049-00066083-00066959 [Music] 7L1N8QzcXCg-00050-00066960-00067267 foreign 7L1N8QzcXCg-00051-00067268-00068467 [Music] 7L1N8QzcXCg-00052-00068468-00070288 [Music] 7L1N8QzcXCg-00053-00070289-00070626 foreign 7L1N8QzcXCg-00055-00073716-00073980 foreign 7L1N8QzcXCg-00056-00073981-00075258 [Music] 7L1N8QzcXCg-00057-00075259-00076534 [Music] 7L1N8QzcXCg-00058-00076535-00076726 [Music] 7L1N8QzcXCg-00059-00076727-00076972 foreign 7L1N8QzcXCg-00060-00076973-00079905 [Music] 7L1N8QzcXCg-00061-00079906-00080136 [Music] 7L1N8QzcXCg-00062-00080137-00080927 [Applause] 7L1N8QzcXCg-00063-00080928-00081805 [Music] 7L1N8QzcXCg-00064-00081806-00082122 thank you 7L1N8QzcXCg-00065-00082123-00083150 [Music] 7L1N8QzcXCg-00066-00083151-00083494 [Music] 7L1N8QzcXCg-00067-00083495-00083536 foreign 7L1N8QzcXCg-00068-00083537-00085581 [Music] 7L1N8QzcXCg-00069-00085582-00086201 [Music] 7L1N8QzcXCg-00070-00086202-00086975 [Music] 7L1N8QzcXCg-00071-00086976-00087141 foreign 7L1N8QzcXCg-00072-00087142-00089926 [Music] 7L1N8QzcXCg-00073-00089927-00090162 foreign 7L1N8QzcXCg-00075-00093698-00093935 thank you foreign 7L1N8QzcXCg-00077-00097439-00097640 foreign 7L1N8QzcXCg-00078-00097641-00100331 [Music] 7L1N8QzcXCg-00079-00100332-00100793 [Music] 7L1N8QzcXCg-00080-00100794-00100884 foreign 7L1N8QzcXCg-00081-00100885-00102077 [Music] 7L1N8QzcXCg-00082-00102078-00102998 [Music] 7L1N8QzcXCg-00083-00102999-00105077 [Music] 7L1N8QzcXCg-00084-00105078-00106505 foreign 7L1N8QzcXCg-00085-00106506-00107076 [Music] 7p7mWgYslQo-00000-00000806-00001166 [Music] 7p7mWgYslQo-00001-00001167-00001327 skipper's ready 7p7mWgYslQo-00002-00001328-00002295 set 7p7mWgYslQo-00003-00002296-00003438 so 7p7mWgYslQo-00004-00003439-00003764 one minute 7OV2bqKU14o-00000-00000000-00000224 hey guys see my tanning and welcome to 7OV2bqKU14o-00001-00000225-00000476 another transfer news video that's one 7OV2bqKU14o-00002-00000476-00000736 of these I did actually got 200 likes I 7OV2bqKU14o-00003-00000737-00000860 just want to thank you guys for the 7OV2bqKU14o-00004-00000861-00001070 support on that video I was amazed guys 7OV2bqKU14o-00005-00001071-00001244 didn't even know you guys like cancer 7OV2bqKU14o-00006-00001245-00001420 and use that much r an oyster down 7OV2bqKU14o-00007-00001421-00001643 Beckett it again with another episode I 7OV2bqKU14o-00008-00001644-00001885 did see if we smash 150 plus lights on 7OV2bqKU14o-00009-00001886-00002096 the last one I would do this and we more 7OV2bqKU14o-00010-00002097-00002267 than smashed it guys and the time of 7OV2bqKU14o-00011-00002268-00002420 making this video will literally like 7OV2bqKU14o-00012-00002421-00002635 six days into January and some of the 7OV2bqKU14o-00013-00002636-00002807 transfer rumors that are going about i'm 7OV2bqKU14o-00014-00002808-00002902 at the transfers that have been 7OV2bqKU14o-00015-00002903-00003118 confirmed as well I just all mine for 7OV2bqKU14o-00016-00003119-00003290 example in the last episode weird rumors 7OV2bqKU14o-00017-00003290-00003485 of Ronaldo going to China confirmed 7OV2bqKU14o-00018-00003486-00003653 transfers that Tevez going to Shanghai 7OV2bqKU14o-00019-00003654-00003797 she knew where in China becoming the 7OV2bqKU14o-00020-00003797-00004006 world more speed player PA it's all been 7OV2bqKU14o-00021-00004007-00004208 a madness and as per usual if you do 7OV2bqKU14o-00022-00004209-00004381 going to enjoy this video make sure to 7OV2bqKU14o-00023-00004382-00004715 smash that like button get it 150 + 7OV2bqKU14o-00024-00004716-00004906 likes that would be amazing I'll start 7OV2bqKU14o-00025-00004907-00005066 working on another one of these videos 7OV2bqKU14o-00026-00005067-00005267 immediately if you guys at the transfer 7OV2bqKU14o-00027-00005268-00005486 rumours and confirm transfer is coming 7OV2bqKU14o-00028-00005487-00005651 in left right and center so i can pretty 7OV2bqKU14o-00029-00005652-00005816 much make another video for you guys who 7OV2bqKU14o-00030-00005817-00006004 just make sure to hit that right boy and 7OV2bqKU14o-00031-00006005-00006172 since this is my second transfer video 7OV2bqKU14o-00032-00006173-00006308 on my channel some of you guys might 7OV2bqKU14o-00033-00006309-00006472 have come through on my first one so if 7OV2bqKU14o-00034-00006473-00006602 you're new to the channel make sure to 7OV2bqKU14o-00035-00006603-00006767 hit that subscribe button so you don't 7OV2bqKU14o-00036-00006768-00006941 miss out on future content and if you 7OV2bqKU14o-00037-00006942-00007076 already subscribed join the 7OV2bqKU14o-00038-00007077-00007262 notifications quite like click that 7OV2bqKU14o-00039-00007263-00007466 little bell right there guys you never 7OV2bqKU14o-00040-00007467-00007645 miss a video ok guys actually getting 7OV2bqKU14o-00041-00007647-00007817 into the starting the soft we have 7OV2bqKU14o-00042-00007818-00008056 Fellaini to do vendors this is in fact a 7OV2bqKU14o-00043-00008058-00008260 transfer rumour it's not been confirmed 7OV2bqKU14o-00044-00008261-00008444 yet it's just been talks about you vent 7OV2bqKU14o-00045-00008445-00008599 is putting a bid for him within this 7OV2bqKU14o-00046-00008600-00008798 transfer window they've not mentioned 7OV2bqKU14o-00047-00008799-00008953 how much though but one thing's for sure 7OV2bqKU14o-00048-00008954-00009106 with this gal within this transfer 7OV2bqKU14o-00049-00009107-00009305 window he will be leaving your name I 7OV2bqKU14o-00050-00009306-00009460 don't see him staying there it doesn't 7OV2bqKU14o-00051-00009461-00009596 really seem that he's one in there 7OV2bqKU14o-00052-00009597-00009758 anymore I don't think the fans want him 7OV2bqKU14o-00053-00009759-00010034 to stay so yeah you surely be moving out 7OV2bqKU14o-00054-00010035-00010235 within this transfer window next we have 7OV2bqKU14o-00055-00010236-00010430 a chelsea player as some of you guys 7OV2bqKU14o-00056-00010431-00010601 already know i am a jealous offense i 7OV2bqKU14o-00057-00010602-00010823 had to throw this guy in there he will 7OV2bqKU14o-00058-00010824-00011066 be returning to Chelsea from Real Betis 7OV2bqKU14o-00059-00011067-00011312 but Antonio contest that he's gonna give 7OV2bqKU14o-00060-00011313-00011534 him two weeks to prove himself if it 7OV2bqKU14o-00061-00011535-00011720 doesn't prove himself you could end up 7OV2bqKU14o-00062-00011721-00011933 at Roma also meaning that it could end 7OV2bqKU14o-00063-00011934-00012121 up with the left wing wrong with carbon 7OV2bqKU14o-00064-00012122-00012289 thief you guys need to bear in mind this 7OV2bqKU14o-00065-00012290-00012509 guy's got five star skills by style week 7OV2bqKU14o-00066-00012510-00012674 for so well then the Premier League or 7OV2bqKU14o-00067-00012675-00012830 serial / cows 7OV2bqKU14o-00068-00012831-00013024 your way this guy will be making moves 7OV2bqKU14o-00069-00013025-00013250 hey guys we have another guy moving to 7OV2bqKU14o-00070-00013251-00013472 the chinese super league and that is 7OV2bqKU14o-00071-00013472-00013757 axel Witsel the guys leaving Zenit and 7OV2bqKU14o-00072-00013758-00014060 removing to tanjung quite one I don't 7OV2bqKU14o-00073-00014061-00014228 know if I pronounced that right let me 7OV2bqKU14o-00074-00014229-00014351 know down in the comments section and 7OV2bqKU14o-00075-00014352-00014533 it's been reported that axel witsel has 7OV2bqKU14o-00076-00014534-00014854 agreed to 15.3 million pounds a year 7OV2bqKU14o-00077-00014855-00015100 salary with the team crazy thing about 7OV2bqKU14o-00078-00015101-00015319 this though the guy rejected a bid for 7OV2bqKU14o-00079-00015320-00015518 vendors I mean I call him money hungry 7OV2bqKU14o-00080-00015519-00015743 by the end of the day if it was a job 7OV2bqKU14o-00081-00015744-00015958 and another job paid you more money then 7OV2bqKU14o-00082-00015959-00016103 obviously you're gonna want to go to the 7OV2bqKU14o-00083-00016104-00016280 one that pays you more money it's simple 7OV2bqKU14o-00084-00016281-00016427 really so for anyone who's there like 7OV2bqKU14o-00085-00016428-00016622 underneath they just want the money I 7OV2bqKU14o-00086-00016623-00016780 mean wouldn't you only thing that might 7OV2bqKU14o-00087-00016781-00016943 be a Down part on this part is that he 7OV2bqKU14o-00088-00016944-00017105 might lose a bit of quality as he's 7OV2bqKU14o-00089-00017106-00017222 paying in the league that's not 7OV2bqKU14o-00090-00017223-00017411 necessarily the best league or most 7OV2bqKU14o-00091-00017412-00017608 difficult to play him and due to that he 7OV2bqKU14o-00092-00017609-00017765 might end up struggling to actually make 7OV2bqKU14o-00093-00017766-00017975 it into the Belgian team who knows the 7OV2bqKU14o-00094-00017976-00018143 guy could go and smash it there and just 7OV2bqKU14o-00095-00018144-00018347 stay as a regular the Belgian team only 7OV2bqKU14o-00096-00018348-00018533 time will tell and staying with the 7OV2bqKU14o-00097-00018534-00018769 chinese super league we have this crazy 7OV2bqKU14o-00098-00018770-00019013 transfer rumour guys apparently a 7OV2bqKU14o-00099-00019014-00019394 boomerang has been offered 125 million 7OV2bqKU14o-00100-00019395-00019727 pounds to move to shanghai sipg which if 7OV2bqKU14o-00101-00019728-00019900 you watch my last transfers episode you 7OV2bqKU14o-00102-00019901-00020059 know that this is the same team that 7OV2bqKU14o-00103-00020060-00020366 also signs oscar for 60 million pounds 7OV2bqKU14o-00104-00020367-00020500 and guys you have to understand if obama 7OV2bqKU14o-00105-00020501-00020650 does end up going with this and making 7OV2bqKU14o-00106-00020651-00020849 the most expensive player on the planet 7OV2bqKU14o-00107-00020850-00021193 and with this deal he'll be making 7OV2bqKU14o-00108-00021194-00021542 675,000 a week which is 25,000 more than 7OV2bqKU14o-00109-00021543-00021719 10 verses making making him the most 7OV2bqKU14o-00110-00021720-00021944 paid player in the world as well to be 7OV2bqKU14o-00111-00021945-00022159 honest I think that's crazy not too 7OV2bqKU14o-00112-00022160-00022292 short for Batman will end up going 7OV2bqKU14o-00113-00022293-00022421 through with this he's still a young 7OV2bqKU14o-00114-00022422-00022684 players only 27 years of age he doesn't 7OV2bqKU14o-00115-00022685-00022865 really want to go downhill at this point 7OV2bqKU14o-00116-00022866-00023042 of his career there's still interest on 7OV2bqKU14o-00117-00023043-00023230 him from big teams at Manchester United 7OV2bqKU14o-00118-00023231-00023512 Arsenal man city and evil real madrid 7OV2bqKU14o-00119-00023513-00023647 now here we've got one of the biggest 7OV2bqKU14o-00120-00023648-00023867 confirmed transfers of the video and 7OV2bqKU14o-00121-00023868-00024106 that is the ball of your bed mr. REW 7OV2bqKU14o-00122-00024107-00024284 madrid now it's both rumored ridden on 7OV2bqKU14o-00123-00024285-00024487 selected for the transfer ban on them up 7OV2bqKU14o-00124-00024488-00024812 until january 2018 this guy would have 7OV2bqKU14o-00125-00024813-00025037 been moving to Rome Madrid till 2018 7OV2bqKU14o-00126-00025038-00025228 from an hour car ride were told that you 7OV2bqKU14o-00127-00025229-00025424 ventas have agreed to sell him to Rome 7OV2bqKU14o-00128-00025425-00025625 and red and obviously as soon as rumored 7OV2bqKU14o-00129-00025626-00025847 Hunter bunch is lifted he will be the 7OV2bqKU14o-00130-00025848-00026036 number one target not gonna lie guys but 7OV2bqKU14o-00131-00026037-00026252 this guy has done well for himself he 7OV2bqKU14o-00132-00026253-00026402 imagined him in the room of rich creamy 7OV2bqKU14o-00133-00026403-00026705 like right now don't they follow bail I 7OV2bqKU14o-00134-00026706-00026918 mean that would be insane and also this 7OV2bqKU14o-00135-00026919-00027051 is a bit in the middle as well cuz we're 7OV2bqKU14o-00136-00027052-00027210 talking vendors have agreed to sell of 7OV2bqKU14o-00137-00027211-00027393 the room and rid since real madrid can't 7OV2bqKU14o-00138-00027394-00027593 really get them through 2018 it's a bit 7OV2bqKU14o-00139-00027594-00027818 on the lines now on to the biggest 7OV2bqKU14o-00140-00027819-00028089 transfer a rumor off the video we have 7OV2bqKU14o-00141-00028089-00028398 reason to united from a fanatical i mean 7OV2bqKU14o-00142-00028399-00028583 if this happened this will probably be 7OV2bqKU14o-00143-00028584-00028787 one of the best transfers this window 7OV2bqKU14o-00144-00028788-00028977 and most of the articles are right about 7OV2bqKU14o-00145-00028977-00029114 this we're not really told how much 7OV2bqKU14o-00146-00029115-00029330 united is willing to spend to buy him 7OV2bqKU14o-00147-00029331-00029567 but we are told they'll be offering him 7OV2bqKU14o-00148-00029568-00029823 220,000 pounds a week to match paul 7OV2bqKU14o-00149-00029824-00029999 pogba which for Griezmann would be 7OV2bqKU14o-00150-00030000-00030237 insane and to be honest also deserved as 7OV2bqKU14o-00151-00030238-00030374 well because this guy has been playing 7OV2bqKU14o-00152-00030375-00030582 out of his head whose top goalscorer in 7OV2bqKU14o-00153-00030583-00030774 the euros which is a really easy because 7OV2bqKU14o-00154-00030775-00030930 most players can't really perform an 7OV2bqKU14o-00155-00030931-00031170 international level makes you got really 7OV2bqKU14o-00156-00031170-00031383 bad cough there sorry about that guys we 7OV2bqKU14o-00157-00031383-00031511 are the screen went to the premier 7OV2bqKU14o-00158-00031512-00031683 league would be amazing nonetheless that 7OV2bqKU14o-00159-00031683-00031886 is it for this video guys and if you 7OV2bqKU14o-00160-00031887-00032070 enjoyed this make sure to drop a life in 7OV2bqKU14o-00161-00032070-00032292 this is out be very much appreciated if 7OV2bqKU14o-00162-00032293-00032532 we can hit 150 plus likes that would be 7OV2bqKU14o-00163-00032533-00032682 amazing as soon as we hit that right 7OV2bqKU14o-00164-00032683-00032862 target i start working on the next one 7OV2bqKU14o-00165-00032863-00033030 because it seems you guys really do like 7OV2bqKU14o-00166-00033031-00033164 these and if you happen to have been 7OV2bqKU14o-00167-00033165-00033318 passing by and this is the first time 7OV2bqKU14o-00168-00033319-00033464 you're watching my channel don't forget 7OV2bqKU14o-00169-00033465-00033624 to subscribe so you don't miss out on 7OV2bqKU14o-00170-00033625-00033830 any of my future content you guys want 7OV2bqKU14o-00171-00033831-00033993 to talk to me outside youtube i'm on 7OV2bqKU14o-00172-00033994-00034196 twitter snapchat and instagram or link 7OV2bqKU14o-00173-00034197-00034467 down in the description for today that's 7OV2bqKU14o-00174-00034468-00034689 about it for me this is team i turning 7OV2bqKU14o-00175-00034690-00034979 out thanks for watching guys and see 7OV2bqKU14o-00176-00034980-00036120 [Music] 7Rj2z4HtueU-00000-00000053-00000453 the Daimler company limited until 1910 7Rj2z4HtueU-00001-00000454-00000751 the Daimler Motor Company Limited was an 7Rj2z4HtueU-00002-00000752-00000982 independent British motor vehicle 7Rj2z4HtueU-00003-00000983-00001287 manufacturer founded in London by H J 7Rj2z4HtueU-00004-00001288-00001632 Lawson in 1896 which set up its 7Rj2z4HtueU-00005-00001634-00001987 manufacturing base in Coventry the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00006-00001988-00002217 company bought the right to the use of 7Rj2z4HtueU-00007-00002218-00002467 the Daimler name simultaneously from 7Rj2z4HtueU-00008-00002468-00002709 Gottlieb Daimler and Daimler motor and 7Rj2z4HtueU-00009-00002710-00003048 Gessle shaft of cannstatt Germany after 7Rj2z4HtueU-00010-00003049-00003365 early financial difficulty and a 7Rj2z4HtueU-00011-00003367-00003676 reorganization of the company in 1904 7Rj2z4HtueU-00012-00003677-00003919 the Daimler motor company was purchased 7Rj2z4HtueU-00013-00003920-00004317 by Birmingham Small Arms Company BSA in 7Rj2z4HtueU-00014-00004318-00004669 1910 which also made cars under its own 7Rj2z4HtueU-00015-00004670-00005224 name before World War Two in 1933 BSA 7Rj2z4HtueU-00016-00005225-00005461 bought the land Chester Motor Company 7Rj2z4HtueU-00017-00005462-00005763 and made it a subsidiary of Daimler 7Rj2z4HtueU-00018-00005764-00006070 Daimler was awarded a royal warrant to 7Rj2z4HtueU-00019-00006071-00006322 provide cars to the British monarch in 7Rj2z4HtueU-00020-00006323-00006745 1902 it lost this privilege in the 1950s 7Rj2z4HtueU-00021-00006745-00007089 after being supplanted by rolls-royce 7Rj2z4HtueU-00022-00007090-00007392 Daimler occasionally used alternative 7Rj2z4HtueU-00023-00007393-00007669 technology the night engine which it 7Rj2z4HtueU-00024-00007670-00007909 further developed in the early 20th 7Rj2z4HtueU-00025-00007909-00008385 century and used from 1909 to 1935 worm 7Rj2z4HtueU-00026-00008386-00008767 gear final drive fitted from 1909 until 7Rj2z4HtueU-00027-00008768-00008992 after the Second World War and their 7Rj2z4HtueU-00028-00008993-00009228 patented fluid flywheel used in 7Rj2z4HtueU-00029-00009229-00009481 conjunction with a Wilson pre-selector 7Rj2z4HtueU-00030-00009482-00009958 gearbox from 1930 to the mid-1950s in 7Rj2z4HtueU-00031-00009959-00010378 the 1950s Daimler tried to widen its 7Rj2z4HtueU-00032-00010379-00010614 appeal with a line of smaller cars at 7Rj2z4HtueU-00033-00010615-00010860 one end and opulent show cars at the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00034-00010861-00011137 other stopped making Land Chester's had 7Rj2z4HtueU-00035-00011138-00011364 a highly publicized removal of their 7Rj2z4HtueU-00036-00011365-00011587 chairman from the board and developed 7Rj2z4HtueU-00037-00011588-00011788 and sold a sports car and a 7Rj2z4HtueU-00038-00011789-00012019 high-performance luxury saloon and 7Rj2z4HtueU-00039-00012020-00012209 limousine 7Rj2z4HtueU-00040-00012210-00012686 in 1960 BSA sold Daimler to Jaguar cars 7Rj2z4HtueU-00041-00012687-00012994 which continued aimless line and added a 7Rj2z4HtueU-00042-00012996-00013247 Daimler variant of its mark to sports 7Rj2z4HtueU-00043-00013247-00013634 saloon Jaguar was then merged into the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00044-00013635-00014018 British Motor Corporation in 1966 and 7Rj2z4HtueU-00045-00014019-00014459 British Leyland in 1968 under these 7Rj2z4HtueU-00046-00014460-00014780 companies Daimler became an upscale trim 7Rj2z4HtueU-00047-00014781-00015040 level for Jaguar cars except for the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00048-00015041-00015616 1968 and 1992 Daimler des 420 limousine 7Rj2z4HtueU-00049-00015618-00015908 which had no Jaguar equivalent despite 7Rj2z4HtueU-00050-00015909-00016304 being fully Jaguar based when Jaguar 7Rj2z4HtueU-00051-00016305-00016568 cars was split off from British Leyland 7Rj2z4HtueU-00052-00016569-00016919 in 1984 it retained the Daimler company 7Rj2z4HtueU-00053-00016920-00017441 and brand in 1990 Ford Motor Company 7Rj2z4HtueU-00054-00017442-00017711 bought Jaguar cars and under Ford it 7Rj2z4HtueU-00055-00017712-00018136 stopped using the Daimler marque in 2007 7Rj2z4HtueU-00056-00018137-00018419 Jaguar cars remained in their ownership 7Rj2z4HtueU-00057-00018420-00018800 and from 2000 accompanied by Land Rover 7Rj2z4HtueU-00058-00018801-00019043 until they sold both Jaguar and Land 7Rj2z4HtueU-00059-00019044-00019478 Rover to Tata Motors in 2008 who created 7Rj2z4HtueU-00060-00019479-00019727 Jaguar Land Rover as a subsidiary 7Rj2z4HtueU-00061-00019728-00020231 holding company for them in 2013 Jaguar 7Rj2z4HtueU-00062-00020232-00020510 cars was merged with Land Rover to form 7Rj2z4HtueU-00063-00020511-00020780 Jaguar Land Rover Limited and the rights 7Rj2z4HtueU-00064-00020781-00020969 to the Daimler car brand were 7Rj2z4HtueU-00065-00020970-00021203 transferred to the newly formed British 7Rj2z4HtueU-00066-00021204-00021527 multinational car manufacturer Jaguar 7Rj2z4HtueU-00067-00021528-00022148 Land Rover 7Rj2z4HtueU-00068-00022149-00022738 topic origin 7Rj2z4HtueU-00069-00022739-00023027 topic Sims and the Daimler engine 7Rj2z4HtueU-00070-00023028-00023294 engineer Frederick Richard Sims was 7Rj2z4HtueU-00071-00023295-00023543 supervising construction of an aerial 7Rj2z4HtueU-00072-00023544-00023762 cable way of his own design for the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00073-00023763-00024098 Bremen Exhibition in 1889 when he saw 7Rj2z4HtueU-00074-00024099-00024362 tiny rail cars powered by gottlieb 7Rj2z4HtueU-00075-00024363-00024794 daimler motors Sims who had been born to 7Rj2z4HtueU-00076-00024795-00025085 English parents in Hamburg and raised by 7Rj2z4HtueU-00077-00025086-00025319 them there became friends with Daimler 7Rj2z4HtueU-00078-00025320-00025644 an Anglophile who had worked from autumn 7Rj2z4HtueU-00079-00025645-00026093 1861 to summer 1863 at Bayer peacock in 7Rj2z4HtueU-00080-00026094-00026377 Gorton Manchester Sims introduced 7Rj2z4HtueU-00081-00026379-00026695 Daimler's motors to England in 1892 7Rj2z4HtueU-00082-00026697-00027080 power launchers in an agreement dated 7Rj2z4HtueU-00083-00027081-00027464 the 18th of February 1891 he obtained 7Rj2z4HtueU-00084-00027464-00027686 British and Empire rights for the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00085-00027687-00028007 Daimler patents that month 7Rj2z4HtueU-00086-00028008-00028280 Daimler motor and gas all shall end Sims 7Rj2z4HtueU-00087-00028281-00028547 a motor boat with a 2 horsepower engine 7Rj2z4HtueU-00088-00028548-00029018 and an extra engine in June 1891 Sims 7Rj2z4HtueU-00089-00029019-00029312 had set up a London office at 49 7Rj2z4HtueU-00090-00029313-00029618 Leadenhall Street and founded Sims & Co 7Rj2z4HtueU-00091-00029619-00030122 consulting engineer's in May 1892 the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00092-00030123-00030338 motor boat which Sims had named 7Rj2z4HtueU-00093-00030339-00030577 cannstatt began running on the Thames 7Rj2z4HtueU-00094-00030579-00030950 from Putney after demonstrating a motor 7Rj2z4HtueU-00095-00030951-00031187 launch to the Honorable Evelyn Alice 7Rj2z4HtueU-00096-00031188-00031463 Sims as motor launch business grew 7Rj2z4HtueU-00097-00031464-00031712 rapidly but became endangered when 7Rj2z4HtueU-00098-00031713-00031979 solicitor Alfred Hendrix was found to 7Rj2z4HtueU-00099-00031980-00032192 have been illegally taking money from 7Rj2z4HtueU-00100-00032193-00032504 the company Hendrick severed his 7Rj2z4HtueU-00101-00032505-00032821 connections with Sims & Co in February 7Rj2z4HtueU-00102-00032822-00033317 1893 Sims Daimler related work was later 7Rj2z4HtueU-00103-00033318-00033584 moved into a new company the Daimler 7Rj2z4HtueU-00104-00033585-00033887 motor syndicate Limited which was formed 7Rj2z4HtueU-00105-00033888-00034556 on the 26th of May 1893 topic Sims plans 7Rj2z4HtueU-00106-00034557-00034805 to make cars following the success of 7Rj2z4HtueU-00107-00034806-00035090 Daimler powered Peugeot's and panhard at 7Rj2z4HtueU-00108-00035091-00035477 the 1894 Paris Rouen competition Sims 7Rj2z4HtueU-00109-00035478-00035759 decided to open a motor car factory 7Rj2z4HtueU-00110-00035760-00036092 possibly the UK's first motor company 7Rj2z4HtueU-00111-00036093-00036490 on the 7th of June 1895 Sims told the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00112-00036491-00036701 board of the Daimler motor syndicate 7Rj2z4HtueU-00113-00036702-00036896 that he intended to form the Daimler 7Rj2z4HtueU-00114-00036897-00037160 Motor Company Limited to acquire the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00115-00037161-00037393 British rights to the Daimler patents 7Rj2z4HtueU-00116-00037394-00037634 and to manufacture Daimler engines and 7Rj2z4HtueU-00117-00037635-00038024 cars in England that month he arranged 7Rj2z4HtueU-00118-00038025-00038340 for the syndicate to receive a 10% 10% 7Rj2z4HtueU-00119-00038341-00038612 commission on all British sales of 7Rj2z4HtueU-00120-00038613-00038879 Daimler powered panhard and Lavasa cars 7Rj2z4HtueU-00121-00038880-00039176 at the same meeting Sims produced the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00122-00039177-00039449 first licence to operate a car under the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00123-00039450-00039785 Daimler patents it was through a three 7Rj2z4HtueU-00124-00039786-00040052 and a half horsepower panhard and Lavasa 7Rj2z4HtueU-00125-00040053-00040286 that had been bought in France by the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00126-00040287-00040571 Honorable Evelyn Ellis who had three 7Rj2z4HtueU-00127-00040572-00040811 Daimler motor launches gnawed by his 7Rj2z4HtueU-00128-00040812-00041137 home at Datchet on the third of July 7Rj2z4HtueU-00129-00041138-00041456 after Ellis bought the license the car 7Rj2z4HtueU-00130-00041457-00041723 was landed at Southampton and driven by 7Rj2z4HtueU-00131-00041724-00041968 Ellis to mitchell Dever near Winchester 7Rj2z4HtueU-00132-00041969-00042182 where Ellis met Sims and they drove 7Rj2z4HtueU-00133-00042183-00042571 together to Datchet Ellis later drove it 7Rj2z4HtueU-00134-00042572-00042875 on to Malvern this was the first long 7Rj2z4HtueU-00135-00042876-00043208 journey by motor car in Britain Sims 7Rj2z4HtueU-00136-00043209-00043451 later referred to the car as at Daimler 7Rj2z4HtueU-00137-00043452-00043864 motor carriage later in 1895 Sims 7Rj2z4HtueU-00138-00043865-00044065 announced plans to form the Daimler 7Rj2z4HtueU-00139-00044066-00044314 Motor Company Limited and to build a 7Rj2z4HtueU-00140-00044315-00044579 brand new factory with delivery of raw 7Rj2z4HtueU-00141-00044580-00044948 materials by light rail for 400 workmen 7Rj2z4HtueU-00142-00044949-00045161 making Daimler engines and motor 7Rj2z4HtueU-00143-00045162-00045551 carriages Sims asked his friend Dame 7Rj2z4HtueU-00144-00045552-00045796 leur to be consulting engineer to the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00145-00045797-00046183 new enterprise works premises at Eel Pie 7Rj2z4HtueU-00146-00046184-00046430 Island on the Thames where the Thames 7Rj2z4HtueU-00147-00046431-00046708 electric and steam launch company owned 7Rj2z4HtueU-00148-00046709-00047018 by and repairs of pears soap fame had 7Rj2z4HtueU-00149-00047019-00047249 been making electrically powered motor 7Rj2z4HtueU-00150-00047250-00047504 launchers were purchased to be used to 7Rj2z4HtueU-00151-00047505-00048290 service Daimler powered motor launchers 7Rj2z4HtueU-00152-00048291-00049027 topic Sims sells out to Lawson 7Rj2z4HtueU-00153-00049028-00049352 investor Harry John Lawson had set out 7Rj2z4HtueU-00154-00049353-00049583 to use the british motor syndicate 7Rj2z4HtueU-00155-00049584-00049829 limited to monopolize motorcar 7Rj2z4HtueU-00156-00049830-00050065 production in britain by taking over 7Rj2z4HtueU-00157-00050066-00050435 every patent he could as part of this 7Rj2z4HtueU-00158-00050436-00050507 goal 7Rj2z4HtueU-00159-00050508-00050777 Lawson approached Sims on the 15th of 7Rj2z4HtueU-00160-00050778-00051121 October 1895 seeking the right to 7Rj2z4HtueU-00161-00051122-00051335 arrange the public flotation of the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00162-00051336-00051560 proposed new company and to acquire a 7Rj2z4HtueU-00163-00051561-00051814 large shareholding for his british motor 7Rj2z4HtueU-00164-00051815-00052213 syndicate welcomed by Sims the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00165-00052214-00052504 negotiations proceeded on the basis that 7Rj2z4HtueU-00166-00052505-00052712 this new company should acquire the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00167-00052713-00052942 Daimler motor syndicate limited as a 7Rj2z4HtueU-00168-00052944-00053204 going concern including the name and 7Rj2z4HtueU-00169-00053204-00053435 patent rights in order that the Daimler 7Rj2z4HtueU-00170-00053436-00053716 licenses could be transferred from Sims 7Rj2z4HtueU-00171-00053717-00053944 to the new company all the former 7Rj2z4HtueU-00172-00053945-00054130 partners would have to agree to the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00173-00054132-00054475 transfer by this time Gottlieb Daimler 7Rj2z4HtueU-00174-00054476-00054761 and Wilhelm Maybach had withdrawn from 7Rj2z4HtueU-00175-00054762-00054994 Dame 'la motor and Gessle shafts 7Rj2z4HtueU-00176-00054995-00055250 business to concentrate on cars and 7Rj2z4HtueU-00177-00055251-00055788 engines for them Sims offered to pay dmg 7Rj2z4HtueU-00178-00055789-00056087 17,500 pounds for the transfer and for a 7Rj2z4HtueU-00179-00056088-00056350 license for Daimler and Maybach Phoenix 7Rj2z4HtueU-00180-00056351-00056771 engine which dmg did not own Sims 7Rj2z4HtueU-00181-00056772-00057055 therefore insisted that the transfer be 7Rj2z4HtueU-00182-00057057-00057248 on the condition that Daimler and 7Rj2z4HtueU-00183-00057249-00057655 Maybach rejoined dmg this was agreed in 7Rj2z4HtueU-00184-00057657-00058018 november 1895 and the Daimler Maybach 7Rj2z4HtueU-00185-00058019-00058366 car business reemerged with DM G's 7Rj2z4HtueU-00186-00058366-00058732 Daimler was appointed DM G's general 7Rj2z4HtueU-00187-00058733-00058991 inspector and Maybach chief technical 7Rj2z4HtueU-00188-00058991-00059387 director at the same time Sims became a 7Rj2z4HtueU-00189-00059388-00059687 director of dmg but did not become a 7Rj2z4HtueU-00190-00059688-00060041 director of the London company according 7Rj2z4HtueU-00191-00060041-00060425 to Gustav Fisher DM G's business manager 7Rj2z4HtueU-00192-00060426-00060691 at the time Sims getting Daimler to 7Rj2z4HtueU-00193-00060692-00061180 return to DM G was no mean feat the sale 7Rj2z4HtueU-00194-00061182-00061450 of Daimler motor syndicate to Lawson's 7Rj2z4HtueU-00195-00061451-00061703 interests was completed by the end of 7Rj2z4HtueU-00196-00061704-00062147 November 1895 the shareholders of the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00197-00062148-00062378 syndicate had made a profit of 7Rj2z4HtueU-00198-00062379-00063391 200% 200% on their original investment 7Rj2z4HtueU-00199-00063392-00064335 topic independent 1896 to 1910 7Rj2z4HtueU-00200-00064336-00064688 you 7Rj2z4HtueU-00201-00064689-00065397 topic from starting to stability 7Rj2z4HtueU-00202-00065398-00065819 on the 14th of January 1896 Lawson 7Rj2z4HtueU-00203-00065820-00066084 incorporated the Daimler Motor Company 7Rj2z4HtueU-00204-00066085-00066447 Limited a prospectus was issued on the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00205-00066448-00066816 15th of February the subscription lists 7Rj2z4HtueU-00206-00066817-00067142 opened on the 17th of February enclosed 7Rj2z4HtueU-00207-00067143-00067275 oversubscribed 7Rj2z4HtueU-00208-00067276-00067638 the next day the Daimler Motor Company 7Rj2z4HtueU-00209-00067639-00067827 Limited bought the Daimler motor 7Rj2z4HtueU-00210-00067828-00068112 syndicate limited from Lawson's British 7Rj2z4HtueU-00211-00068113-00068511 Motor syndicate as a going concern Simms 7Rj2z4HtueU-00212-00068512-00068790 was appointed consulting engineer to the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00213-00068791-00069009 new business but was not to be on the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00214-00069010-00069267 board of directors possibly because he 7Rj2z4HtueU-00215-00069268-00069516 had become a director of the cannstatt 7Rj2z4HtueU-00216-00069517-00069927 firm one of the duties assigned to Simms 7Rj2z4HtueU-00217-00069928-00070206 was to find a suitable location for the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00218-00070207-00070572 factory Simms found the trusty oil 7Rj2z4HtueU-00219-00070573-00070851 engine works a company in receivership 7Rj2z4HtueU-00220-00070852-00071103 whose six acre site at Cheltenham 7Rj2z4HtueU-00221-00071104-00071400 included a foundry a machine shop and 7Rj2z4HtueU-00222-00071401-00071808 testing facilities Simms recommended 7Rj2z4HtueU-00223-00071809-00072066 buying the works immediately since with 7Rj2z4HtueU-00224-00072067-00072330 ready facilities and the availability of 7Rj2z4HtueU-00225-00072331-00072603 skilled workers they could start up in a 7Rj2z4HtueU-00226-00072604-00072969 very short time instead at the first 7Rj2z4HtueU-00227-00072970-00073248 statutory meeting of the company held 7Rj2z4HtueU-00228-00073249-00073506 while Simms was overseas Lawson 7Rj2z4HtueU-00229-00073507-00073728 persuaded the board to buy a disused 7Rj2z4HtueU-00230-00073729-00074022 four-story cotton mill in Coventry which 7Rj2z4HtueU-00231-00074023-00074277 was owned by Lawson's associate earnest 7Rj2z4HtueU-00232-00074278-00074610 Terra Hooley despite Simms later 7Rj2z4HtueU-00233-00074611-00074847 protests and pleased to sell the mill 7Rj2z4HtueU-00234-00074848-00075108 and by the trusty oil engine works 7Rj2z4HtueU-00235-00075109-00075300 stainless stayed with the mill as the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00236-00075301-00075522 site of Britain's first automobile 7Rj2z4HtueU-00237-00075523-00075783 factory delayed delivery of machines 7Rj2z4HtueU-00238-00075784-00076058 kept the factory unfinished throughout 7Rj2z4HtueU-00239-00076059-00076743 1896 and into 1897 during 1896 Daimler 7Rj2z4HtueU-00240-00076744-00077031 sold imported cars from companies for 7Rj2z4HtueU-00241-00077032-00077433 which Lawson held the licenses cannstatt 7Rj2z4HtueU-00242-00077434-00077688 supplied engine parts but the delivery 7Rj2z4HtueU-00243-00077689-00077934 of working drawings were delayed for 7Rj2z4HtueU-00244-00077935-00078336 months for experimental cars were built 7Rj2z4HtueU-00245-00078337-00078603 in Coventry and a panhard van was 7Rj2z4HtueU-00246-00078604-00078758 dismantled in Reverse 7Rj2z4HtueU-00247-00078759-00079115 engineered some Dame ler engines with 7Rj2z4HtueU-00248-00079116-00079418 details redesigned by works manager Jay 7Rj2z4HtueU-00249-00079419-00079838 s Critchley were also made in 1896 the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00250-00079839-00080216 first car left the works in January 1897 7Rj2z4HtueU-00251-00080217-00080528 fitted with a panhard engine followed in 7Rj2z4HtueU-00252-00080529-00080906 March by Daimler engine cars the first 7Rj2z4HtueU-00253-00080907-00081218 Coventry Daimler engine product made its 7Rj2z4HtueU-00254-00081219-00081662 maiden run in March 1897 by mid-year 7Rj2z4HtueU-00255-00081663-00081905 they were producing three of their own 7Rj2z4HtueU-00256-00081906-00082190 cars a week and producing Leon Bali a 7Rj2z4HtueU-00257-00082191-00082601 cars under license Lawson claimed to 7Rj2z4HtueU-00258-00082602-00082973 have made twenty cars by July 1897 7Rj2z4HtueU-00259-00082974-00083237 making the Daimler Britain's first motor 7Rj2z4HtueU-00260-00083238-00083525 car to go into serial production an 7Rj2z4HtueU-00261-00083526-00083777 honor that is also credited to Humber 7Rj2z4HtueU-00262-00083778-00084050 Motors who had also displayed but in 7Rj2z4HtueU-00263-00084051-00084278 their case their production models at 7Rj2z4HtueU-00264-00084279-00084703 the stanley cycle show in london in 1896 7Rj2z4HtueU-00265-00084704-00085295 the Daimler's had a twin cylinder 1526 7Rj2z4HtueU-00266-00085296-00085580 CC engine mounted at the front of the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00267-00085581-00085919 car 4-speed gearbox and chain drive to 7Rj2z4HtueU-00268-00085920-00086474 the rear wheels in July 1897 as a result 7Rj2z4HtueU-00269-00086475-00086777 of financial difficulty Daimler began 7Rj2z4HtueU-00270-00086778-00087059 asking Lawson's great horseless carriage 7Rj2z4HtueU-00271-00087060-00087296 company to settle its accounts with them 7Rj2z4HtueU-00272-00087297-00087662 in the same month they refused to send 7Rj2z4HtueU-00273-00087663-00087842 working drawings of their four 7Rj2z4HtueU-00274-00087843-00088151 horsepower motor frame to dmg in Cannes 7Rj2z4HtueU-00275-00088152-00088499 dad's lack of cooperation with the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00276-00088500-00088790 cannstatt firm caused Simms to resign as 7Rj2z4HtueU-00277-00088791-00089083 Daimler's consulting engineer that month 7Rj2z4HtueU-00278-00089084-00089618 also in July 1897 the company sold their 7Rj2z4HtueU-00279-00089619-00089891 launch works at Eel Pie Island at a loss 7Rj2z4HtueU-00280-00089892-00090326 of 700 pounds 700 pounds or more ongoing 7Rj2z4HtueU-00281-00090327-00090587 difficulties with the great horseless 7Rj2z4HtueU-00282-00090588-00090803 carriage company and the british motor 7Rj2z4HtueU-00283-00090804-00091085 syndicate caused Lawson to resign from 7Rj2z4HtueU-00284-00091086-00091337 Dame TLAs Board on the 7th of October 7Rj2z4HtueU-00285-00091338-00091763 1897 he was replaced as chairman by 7Rj2z4HtueU-00286-00091764-00092063 Henry stir me who at the time was five 7Rj2z4HtueU-00287-00092064-00092150 days and 7Rj2z4HtueU-00288-00092151-00092417 motor tour in his personal Daimler from 7Rj2z4HtueU-00289-00092418-00092795 John O'Groats to Land's End on arriving 7Rj2z4HtueU-00290-00092796-00093074 at Lands End on the 19th of October 7Rj2z4HtueU-00291-00093075-00093362 Sturm II became the first person to make 7Rj2z4HtueU-00292-00093363-00093722 that journey in a motor car in July 1898 7Rj2z4HtueU-00293-00093723-00093977 Gottlieb Daimler resigned from the board 7Rj2z4HtueU-00294-00093978-00094241 of the Daimler motor company after never 7Rj2z4HtueU-00295-00094242-00094586 attending a board meeting stir me 7Rj2z4HtueU-00296-00094587-00094808 opposed the appointment of a proposed 7Rj2z4HtueU-00297-00094809-00095126 successor who according to stir me held 7Rj2z4HtueU-00298-00095127-00095357 no shares and knew nothing about the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00299-00095358-00095696 automobile business a committee was 7Rj2z4HtueU-00300-00095697-00095957 brought in to investigate the activities 7Rj2z4HtueU-00301-00095958-00096245 of the board and the company the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00302-00096246-00096467 committee summed up the management of 7Rj2z4HtueU-00303-00096468-00096698 the company as being inefficient and not 7Rj2z4HtueU-00304-00096699-00096977 energetic and suggested that the company 7Rj2z4HtueU-00305-00096978-00097211 be reorganized and run by a paid 7Rj2z4HtueU-00306-00097212-00097604 managing director when Evelyn Ellis and 7Rj2z4HtueU-00307-00097605-00097814 another board member did not run for 7Rj2z4HtueU-00308-00097815-00098096 re-election they were replaced by eh 7Rj2z4HtueU-00309-00098097-00098381 Bailey and Edward Jenkinson with Bailey 7Rj2z4HtueU-00310-00098382-00098753 replacing stir me as chairman Sturmey 7Rj2z4HtueU-00311-00098754-00099119 resigned in May 1899 after Bailey and 7Rj2z4HtueU-00312-00099120-00099430 Jenkinson had reorganized the company in 7Rj2z4HtueU-00313-00099431-00099944 mid-1900s as a director of dmg proposed 7Rj2z4HtueU-00314-00099945-00100157 a union between the Daimler Motor 7Rj2z4HtueU-00315-00100158-00100493 Company in Coventry and dmg in cannstatt 7Rj2z4HtueU-00316-00100494-00100751 but the reorganized company was not 7Rj2z4HtueU-00317-00100752-00100973 interested in the merger and turned the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00318-00100974-00101276 offer down persistent financial troubles 7Rj2z4HtueU-00319-00101277-00101534 caused Daimler to be reorganized again 7Rj2z4HtueU-00320-00101535-00101963 in 1904 the previous company was wound 7Rj2z4HtueU-00321-00101964-00102197 up and a new company was formed to 7Rj2z4HtueU-00322-00102198-00102418 acquire the old one and pay its debts 7Rj2z4HtueU-00323-00102419-00102647 and winding up costs under the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00324-00102648-00102896 chairmanship of Sir Edward Jenkinson 7Rj2z4HtueU-00325-00102897-00103148 Daimler hired American electrical 7Rj2z4HtueU-00326-00103149-00103427 engineer Percy Martin as works manager 7Rj2z4HtueU-00327-00103428-00103667 and socialite and Decimus Stratton as 7Rj2z4HtueU-00328-00103668-00103853 the head of the London Depot and 7Rj2z4HtueU-00329-00103854-00104105 promoted earnest in stone to general 7Rj2z4HtueU-00330-00104106-00104218 manager 7Rj2z4HtueU-00331-00104219-00104611 Jenkinson was succeeded in 1906 by 7Rj2z4HtueU-00332-00104613-00104908 Edward Manville a consulting electrical 7Rj2z4HtueU-00333-00104909-00105494 engineer 7Rj2z4HtueU-00334-00105495-00106118 topic royal patronage 7Rj2z4HtueU-00335-00106119-00106372 Nonna's Britain's oldest car 7Rj2z4HtueU-00336-00106373-00106608 manufacturers Daimler was first 7Rj2z4HtueU-00337-00106609-00106997 associated with royalty in 1898 when the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00338-00106998-00107264 Prince of Wales later Edward the seventh 7Rj2z4HtueU-00339-00107265-00107528 was given a ride on a Daimler by John 7Rj2z4HtueU-00340-00107529-00107771 Douglas Scott Montague later known as 7Rj2z4HtueU-00341-00107772-00108179 Lord Montague of buley Scott Montague as 7Rj2z4HtueU-00342-00108180-00108455 a member of parliament also drove a 7Rj2z4HtueU-00343-00108456-00108668 Daimler into the yard of the Palace of 7Rj2z4HtueU-00344-00108669-00108971 Westminster the first motorized vehicle 7Rj2z4HtueU-00345-00108972-00109336 to be driven there in early 1900 damla 7Rj2z4HtueU-00346-00109338-00109550 had sold the Prince of Wales a male 7Rj2z4HtueU-00347-00109551-00110003 Phaeton in 1902 upon buying another 7Rj2z4HtueU-00348-00110004-00110276 Daimler King Edward the seventh awarded 7Rj2z4HtueU-00349-00110277-00110519 Daimler a royal warrant as suppliers of 7Rj2z4HtueU-00350-00110520-00110939 motor cars in 1903 under summer Stratton 7Rj2z4HtueU-00351-00110940-00111230 met eg Jenkinson the chairman of Daimler 7Rj2z4HtueU-00352-00111231-00111527 when Jenkinson's Daimler was stranded by 7Rj2z4HtueU-00353-00111528-00111878 the roadside upon seeing the stranded 7Rj2z4HtueU-00354-00111879-00112169 motorists Stratton stopped his Daimler 7Rj2z4HtueU-00355-00112170-00112372 and offered assistance 7Rj2z4HtueU-00356-00112373-00112688 Jenkinson was impressed by Stratton and 7Rj2z4HtueU-00357-00112689-00113018 by his motoring knowledge at the time 7Rj2z4HtueU-00358-00113019-00113246 Jenkinson was looking to replace the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00359-00113247-00113465 head of Daimler London Depot a 7Rj2z4HtueU-00360-00113466-00113741 particularly sensitive position because 7Rj2z4HtueU-00361-00113742-00114094 of the royal cars taking the position 7Rj2z4HtueU-00362-00114095-00114385 Stratton soon found himself having to 7Rj2z4HtueU-00363-00114386-00114617 select better royal chauffeurs and 7Rj2z4HtueU-00364-00114618-00114938 mechanics he quickly became an 7Rj2z4HtueU-00365-00114939-00115178 occasional motoring companion to the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00366-00115179-00115553 king in 1908 through Stratton's royal 7Rj2z4HtueU-00367-00115554-00115877 connections Daimler was awarded a royal 7Rj2z4HtueU-00368-00115878-00116180 appointment as suppliers of motor cars 7Rj2z4HtueU-00369-00116181-00116611 to the court of Spain by king alfonso 7Rj2z4HtueU-00370-00116613-00117043 xiii and a royal warrant as motor car 7Rj2z4HtueU-00371-00117044-00117404 manufacturer to the court of prussia by 7Rj2z4HtueU-00372-00117405-00117830 kaiser wilhelm ii stratton also sold 7Rj2z4HtueU-00373-00117831-00118241 Dame lers to the Sultan of jeho in 1911 7Rj2z4HtueU-00374-00118242-00118499 he spent some weekends at Sandringham 7Rj2z4HtueU-00375-00118500-00118748 tutoring the new Prince of Wales on the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00376-00118749-00119050 workings and driving of an automobile in 7Rj2z4HtueU-00377-00119051-00119378 1921 Stratton went into partnership with 7Rj2z4HtueU-00378-00119379-00119492 Daimler scam 7Rj2z4HtueU-00379-00119493-00119906 manager earnest in Stone Stratton and in 7Rj2z4HtueU-00380-00119907-00120085 stone took charge of the Daimler 7Rj2z4HtueU-00381-00120086-00120446 showrooms at 27 Pall Mall naming the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00382-00120447-00120697 business Stratton in stone 7Rj2z4HtueU-00383-00120698-00121145 Stratton died in July 1929 after a brief 7Rj2z4HtueU-00384-00121146-00121469 illness his successes and in stone 7Rj2z4HtueU-00385-00121470-00121763 bought out Daimler's interest in 1930 7Rj2z4HtueU-00386-00121764-00122006 and renamed the business strap stone 7Rj2z4HtueU-00387-00122007-00122375 limited the following summer the future 7Rj2z4HtueU-00388-00122376-00122608 King Edward the eighth rented Stratton's 7Rj2z4HtueU-00389-00122609-00122816 house at sunningdale from his widow 7Rj2z4HtueU-00390-00122817-00123068 every British monic from Edward the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00391-00123069-00123332 seventh to Elizabeth the second has been 7Rj2z4HtueU-00392-00123333-00123773 driven in Daimler limousines in 1950 7Rj2z4HtueU-00393-00123774-00124036 after a persistent transmission failure 7Rj2z4HtueU-00394-00124038-00124304 on the Kings car Rolls Royce was 7Rj2z4HtueU-00395-00124305-00124526 commissioned to provide official state 7Rj2z4HtueU-00396-00124527-00124766 cars and as Dame Lee's retired they were 7Rj2z4HtueU-00397-00124767-00125117 not replaced by Daimler's the current 7Rj2z4HtueU-00398-00125118-00125375 official state car is either one of a 7Rj2z4HtueU-00399-00125376-00125584 pair which was specially made for the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00400-00125585-00125828 purpose by Bentley unofficial 7Rj2z4HtueU-00401-00125829-00126184 chauffeured transport is by Daimler her 7Rj2z4HtueU-00402-00126185-00126520 majesty's own car for personal use is a 7Rj2z4HtueU-00403-00126521-00126869 2008 Daimler super 8 but she is also 7Rj2z4HtueU-00404-00126870-00127118 seen to drive herself in other smaller 7Rj2z4HtueU-00405-00127119-00127709 cars 7Rj2z4HtueU-00406-00127710-00128344 topic fluted radiator 7Rj2z4HtueU-00407-00128345-00128791 since 1904 the fluted top surface to the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00408-00128792-00129022 radiator grille has been Daimler's 7Rj2z4HtueU-00409-00129023-00129358 distinguishing feature this motif 7Rj2z4HtueU-00410-00129358-00129592 developed from the heavily finned water 7Rj2z4HtueU-00411-00129593-00129853 cooling tubes slung externally at the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00412-00129854-00130213 front of early cars later a more 7Rj2z4HtueU-00413-00130214-00130498 conventional vertical radiator had a 7Rj2z4HtueU-00414-00130499-00130852 heavily finned header tank eventually 7Rj2z4HtueU-00415-00130853-00131095 these fins were echoed on a protective 7Rj2z4HtueU-00416-00131096-00131359 grille Shallon even later on the rear 7Rj2z4HtueU-00417-00131360-00132036 license plate holder 7Rj2z4HtueU-00418-00132037-00132724 topic sleeve valve engines 7Rj2z4HtueU-00419-00132725-00133009 attracted by the possibilities of their 7Rj2z4HtueU-00420-00133010-00133412 silent night engined aimless chairman 7Rj2z4HtueU-00421-00133413-00133673 contacted Charles Yale night in Chicago 7Rj2z4HtueU-00422-00133674-00133937 and night settled in England near 7Rj2z4HtueU-00423-00133938-00134389 Coventry in 1907 Daimler bought rights 7Rj2z4HtueU-00424-00134390-00134720 from night for England and the colonies 7Rj2z4HtueU-00425-00134721-00135064 and shared ownership of the European 7Rj2z4HtueU-00426-00135065-00135320 rights in which it took sixty percent 7Rj2z4HtueU-00427-00135321-00135671 with Minerva of Belgium Daimler 7Rj2z4HtueU-00428-00135672-00135956 contracted dr. Frederick Lanchester as 7Rj2z4HtueU-00429-00135957-00136172 their consultant for the purpose and a 7Rj2z4HtueU-00430-00136173-00136397 major redesign and refinement of 7Rj2z4HtueU-00431-00136398-00136634 knight's design took place in great 7Rj2z4HtueU-00432-00136635-00136982 secrecy knight's design was made a 7Rj2z4HtueU-00433-00136983-00137318 practical proposition when unveiled in 7Rj2z4HtueU-00434-00137319-00137657 September 1908 the new engine caused a 7Rj2z4HtueU-00435-00137658-00137969 sensation suffice it to say that 7Rj2z4HtueU-00436-00137970-00138313 mushroom valves Springs and cams and 7Rj2z4HtueU-00437-00138314-00138659 many small parts are swept away bodily 7Rj2z4HtueU-00438-00138660-00138899 that we have an almost perfectly 7Rj2z4HtueU-00439-00138900-00139175 spherical explosion chamber and a 7Rj2z4HtueU-00440-00139176-00139508 cast-iron sleeve or tube as that portion 7Rj2z4HtueU-00441-00139509-00139748 of the combustion chamber in which the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00442-00139749-00140227 piston travels the Royal Automobile Club 7Rj2z4HtueU-00443-00140228-00140515 held a special meeting to discuss the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00444-00140516-00140843 new engine still silent but no longer 7Rj2z4HtueU-00445-00140844-00141344 holy night the auto car reported on its 7Rj2z4HtueU-00446-00141345-00141697 extraordinary combination of silence 7Rj2z4HtueU-00447-00141698-00142051 flexibility and power Daimler stopped 7Rj2z4HtueU-00448-00142052-00142322 making poppet valve engines altogether 7Rj2z4HtueU-00449-00142323-00142588 under the observation of the Royal 7Rj2z4HtueU-00450-00142589-00142958 Automobile Club RAC two Daimler sleeve 7Rj2z4HtueU-00451-00142959-00143188 valve engines were put through severe 7Rj2z4HtueU-00452-00143189-00143507 bench road and track tests and upon 7Rj2z4HtueU-00453-00143508-00143788 being dismantled showed no visible we're 7Rj2z4HtueU-00454-00143789-00144172 earning Daimler the 1909 Dewar trophy 7Rj2z4HtueU-00455-00144173-00144526 sales outran the works ability to supply 7Rj2z4HtueU-00456-00144527-00144812 Daimler's sleeve valve engines idle 7Rj2z4HtueU-00457-00144813-00145075 silently but they left a slight haze of 7Rj2z4HtueU-00458-00145076-00145409 oil smoke trailing behind them these 7Rj2z4HtueU-00459-00145410-00145694 engines consumed oil at a rate of up to 7Rj2z4HtueU-00460-00145695-00146084 an imperial gallon every 450 miles 7Rj2z4HtueU-00461-00146085-00146287 oil being needed to lubricate the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00462-00146288-00146672 sleeves particularly when cold however 7Rj2z4HtueU-00463-00146673-00146902 by the standards of their day they 7Rj2z4HtueU-00464-00146903-00147137 required very little maintenance 7Rj2z4HtueU-00465-00147138-00147376 Daimler kept the silent sleeve valve 7Rj2z4HtueU-00466-00147377-00147826 engines until the mid-1930s the change 7Rj2z4HtueU-00467-00147827-00148164 to poppet valves began with the 15 of 7Rj2z4HtueU-00468-00148165-00148791 1933 7Rj2z4HtueU-00469-00148792-00149236 topic first fatal motor accident in the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00470-00149237-00149716 United Kingdom 7Rj2z4HtueU-00471-00149717-00150119 in 1899 ad aimless six horsepower was 7Rj2z4HtueU-00472-00150120-00150391 involved in the first motor accident in 7Rj2z4HtueU-00473-00150392-00150673 the UK to be recorded as having involved 7Rj2z4HtueU-00474-00150674-00150958 the death of the driver a young engineer 7Rj2z4HtueU-00475-00150959-00151216 was killed when the rim of a rear wheel 7Rj2z4HtueU-00476-00151217-00151445 of the car he was driving collapsed 7Rj2z4HtueU-00477-00151446-00151660 under heavy braking in a turn on a 7Rj2z4HtueU-00478-00151661-00152011 sloping Road in harrow-on-the-hill the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00479-00152012-00152221 driver and his four passengers were 7Rj2z4HtueU-00480-00152222-00152470 thrown from the car one of the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00481-00152471-00152710 passengers fractured his skull in the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00482-00152711-00152969 accident and died in hospital three days 7Rj2z4HtueU-00483-00152970-00153608 later 7Rj2z4HtueU-00484-00153609-00154548 topic under BSA 1910 to 1960 7Rj2z4HtueU-00485-00154549-00154907 you 7Rj2z4HtueU-00486-00154908-00155631 topic acquisition by BSA 7Rj2z4HtueU-00487-00155632-00155954 under an agreement dated the 22nd of 7Rj2z4HtueU-00488-00155955-00156243 September 1910 the shareholders of the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00489-00156244-00156546 Daimler Motor Company Limited merged 7Rj2z4HtueU-00490-00156547-00156771 their holdings with those of the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00491-00156772-00157158 Birmingham Small Arms Company BSA group 7Rj2z4HtueU-00492-00157159-00157637 of companies receiving five BSA shares 7Rj2z4HtueU-00493-00157638-00157913 in exchange for for ordinary Daimler 7Rj2z4HtueU-00494-00157914-00158199 shares and one lira fives plus accrued 7Rj2z4HtueU-00495-00158200-00158450 dividend for each one lira preference 7Rj2z4HtueU-00496-00158451-00158816 share this deal was engineered by Dudley 7Rj2z4HtueU-00497-00158817-00159186 docker deputy chairman of BSA who was 7Rj2z4HtueU-00498-00159187-00159461 famous for previous successful business 7Rj2z4HtueU-00499-00159462-00159774 mergers Daimler a manufacturer of motor 7Rj2z4HtueU-00500-00159775-00160272 vehicles had a payroll of 4116 workmen 7Rj2z4HtueU-00501-00160273-00160613 and 418 staff immediately before the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00502-00160614-00161060 merger BSA produced rifles ammunition 7Rj2z4HtueU-00503-00161061-00161381 military vehicles bicycles motorcycles 7Rj2z4HtueU-00504-00161382-00161864 and some BSA branded cars the chairman 7Rj2z4HtueU-00505-00161865-00162065 of the combined group was Edward 7Rj2z4HtueU-00506-00162066-00162297 Manville who had been chairman of the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00507-00162298-00162558 Society of motor manufacturers and 7Rj2z4HtueU-00508-00162559-00162950 traders founded by Simms since 1907 7Rj2z4HtueU-00509-00162951-00163161 however the merger was not a great 7Rj2z4HtueU-00510-00163162-00163691 success by 1913 Daimler had a workforce 7Rj2z4HtueU-00511-00163692-00163970 of five thousand workers which made only 7Rj2z4HtueU-00512-00163971-00164698 1,000 vehicles a year 7Rj2z4HtueU-00513-00164699-00165324 topic royal transport 7Rj2z4HtueU-00514-00165325-00165711 by 1914 Daimler's were used by royal 7Rj2z4HtueU-00515-00165712-00165941 families including those of Great 7Rj2z4HtueU-00516-00165942-00166316 Britain Germany Russia Sweden Japan 7Rj2z4HtueU-00517-00166317-00166668 Spain and Greece its list of owners 7Rj2z4HtueU-00518-00166669-00166968 among the British nobility read like a 7Rj2z4HtueU-00519-00166969-00167418 digest of Debrett the Bombay agent 7Rj2z4HtueU-00520-00167419-00167700 supplied Indian Prince's the Japanese 7Rj2z4HtueU-00521-00167701-00168072 agent okura handled sales in Manchuria 7Rj2z4HtueU-00522-00168073-00168606 and Korea topic public transport Daimler 7Rj2z4HtueU-00523-00168607-00168861 also made engines and chassis for 7Rj2z4HtueU-00524-00168862-00169044 commercial vehicles with the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00525-00169045-00169354 Metropolitan Electric tramways ordering 7Rj2z4HtueU-00526-00169355-00169746 350 double-decker buses in 1912 and 7Rj2z4HtueU-00527-00169747-00170010 engines being sold to the London general 7Rj2z4HtueU-00528-00170011-00170378 omnibus company LG OSI the 40 horsepower 7Rj2z4HtueU-00529-00170379-00170607 engine and chassis used with the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00530-00170608-00170856 double-decker bus was also used with 7Rj2z4HtueU-00531-00170857-00171096 lorries and drays while a half-ton 7Rj2z4HtueU-00532-00171097-00171309 delivery van was based on a 12 7Rj2z4HtueU-00533-00171310-00171549 horsepower chassis similar to a car 7Rj2z4HtueU-00534-00171550-00171940 chassis Daimler made a 105 horsepower 7Rj2z4HtueU-00535-00171941-00172308 15.9 L sleeve valve straight-6 engine 7Rj2z4HtueU-00536-00172309-00172575 for use in large tractors co-developed 7Rj2z4HtueU-00537-00172576-00172829 with William Foster & Co for the South 7Rj2z4HtueU-00538-00172830-00173487 American market 7Rj2z4HtueU-00539-00173488-00174136 topic World War one work 7Rj2z4HtueU-00540-00174137-00174472 during World War one the military took 7Rj2z4HtueU-00541-00174473-00174796 the normal production cars lorries buses 7Rj2z4HtueU-00542-00174797-00175024 and ambulances together with a scout 7Rj2z4HtueU-00543-00175025-00175264 army vehicle and engines used in 7Rj2z4HtueU-00544-00175265-00175531 ambulances trucks and double-decker 7Rj2z4HtueU-00545-00175532-00175945 buses special products included aero 7Rj2z4HtueU-00546-00175946-00176275 engines and complete aircraft tank and 7Rj2z4HtueU-00547-00176276-00176683 tractor engines and munitions the first 7Rj2z4HtueU-00548-00176684-00176998 aircraft engine manufactured by Daimler 7Rj2z4HtueU-00549-00176999-00177283 was the 80 horsepower no mono superb 7Rj2z4HtueU-00550-00177284-00177654 rotary with no drawings available to 7Rj2z4HtueU-00551-00177655-00177910 them dame lers Nome engines were reverse 7Rj2z4HtueU-00552-00177911-00178150 engineered from an engine delivered to 7Rj2z4HtueU-00553-00178151-00178594 them on the 7th of August 1914 Daimler 7Rj2z4HtueU-00554-00178595-00178885 later built the RAF 1 and 1a air-cooled 7Rj2z4HtueU-00555-00178886-00179326 v8 the RAF 4 and 4 a v12 the laronne 7Rj2z4HtueU-00556-00179327-00179623 rotary and the Bentley B are two rotary 7Rj2z4HtueU-00557-00179624-00180016 alongside other manufacturers production 7Rj2z4HtueU-00558-00180017-00180262 of RAF four engines gave Daimler 7Rj2z4HtueU-00559-00180263-00180591 experience in building v12 engines which 7Rj2z4HtueU-00560-00180592-00180802 would be appreciated when they later 7Rj2z4HtueU-00561-00180803-00181252 designed and built double six v12 7Rj2z4HtueU-00562-00181253-00181525 engines for their large cars Daimler 7Rj2z4HtueU-00563-00181526-00181779 trained Air Force mechanics at its works 7Rj2z4HtueU-00564-00181780-00182016 and its training methods became the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00565-00182017-00182218 standard for all manufacturers 7Rj2z4HtueU-00566-00182219-00182521 instructing RAF mechanics having its own 7Rj2z4HtueU-00567-00182522-00182632 body shop 7Rj2z4HtueU-00568-00182633-00182875 Daimler had the woodworking ability to 7Rj2z4HtueU-00569-00182876-00183258 build complete aircraft by the end of 7Rj2z4HtueU-00570-00183259-00183640 1914 they had built 100 units of the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00571-00183641-00183954 Royal aircraft factory be2c 7Rj2z4HtueU-00572-00183955-00184321 these were followed by the b12 and re 7Rj2z4HtueU-00573-00184322-00184716 eight Daimler purchased an open field 7Rj2z4HtueU-00574-00184717-00184996 beside their Radford factory cleared the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00575-00184997-00185227 site and made it available to the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00576-00185228-00185458 government who turned it into the main 7Rj2z4HtueU-00577-00185459-00185743 RAF testing ground for aircraft built in 7Rj2z4HtueU-00578-00185744-00186094 the Coventry district although Daimler 7Rj2z4HtueU-00579-00186095-00186316 tooled up for production of the Royal 7Rj2z4HtueU-00580-00186317-00186661 aircraft factory fe4 bomber the aircraft 7Rj2z4HtueU-00581-00186662-00186948 was cancelled due to poor performance 7Rj2z4HtueU-00582-00186949-00187324 the last wartime aircraft produced was 7Rj2z4HtueU-00583-00187325-00187537 the air Cody H Point one 7Rj2z4HtueU-00584-00187538-00187747 Baumer when they were building a tiara 7Rj2z4HtueU-00585-00187748-00188137 planes a month before the war 7Rj2z4HtueU-00586-00188138-00188473 Daimler had been making 105 horsepower 7Rj2z4HtueU-00587-00188474-00188761 engines for tractors made by Foster's of 7Rj2z4HtueU-00588-00188762-00189039 Lincoln for the South American market 7Rj2z4HtueU-00589-00189040-00189337 these tractors were developed into 7Rj2z4HtueU-00590-00189338-00189643 artillery tractors to haul 15-inch 7Rj2z4HtueU-00591-00189644-00190066 380 millimetres powered says production 7Rj2z4HtueU-00592-00190067-00190348 of the artillery tractors began on the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00593-00190349-00190801 3rd of December 1914 these engines were 7Rj2z4HtueU-00594-00190802-00191069 later used for the first British tanks 7Rj2z4HtueU-00595-00191070-00191413 ever built the prototypes Little Willie 7Rj2z4HtueU-00596-00191414-00191854 and mother and later in the production 7Rj2z4HtueU-00597-00191855-00192259 mark one tank one major difficulty for 7Rj2z4HtueU-00598-00192260-00192532 the tanks was the final haze above their 7Rj2z4HtueU-00599-00192533-00192790 de mieux engines which the enemy quickly 7Rj2z4HtueU-00600-00192791-00193031 learned men tanks were operating nearby 7Rj2z4HtueU-00601-00193032-00193420 if out of sight the early tanks weighed 7Rj2z4HtueU-00602-00193421-00193756 up to 28 tons they were all Dame 7Rj2z4HtueU-00603-00193757-00194107 low-powered the mark for tank the first 7Rj2z4HtueU-00604-00194108-00194410 major improvement in design had operated 7Rj2z4HtueU-00605-00194411-00194836 engines delivering 125 horsepower these 7Rj2z4HtueU-00606-00194837-00195109 engines had aluminium Pistons and are 7Rj2z4HtueU-00607-00195110-00195349 believed to have been designed by wo 7Rj2z4HtueU-00608-00195350-00195574 Bentley while he was working on the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00609-00195575-00195886 Bentley br1 rotary engine in Coventry 7Rj2z4HtueU-00610-00195887-00196234 Daimler made more 12-inch 305 7Rj2z4HtueU-00611-00196235-00196519 millimeters shell casings than any other 7Rj2z4HtueU-00612-00196520-00196771 private business in the country with a 7Rj2z4HtueU-00613-00196772-00197020 peak production of more than 2,000 7Rj2z4HtueU-00614-00197021-00197427 casings a day each was machined from a 7Rj2z4HtueU-00615-00197428-00197752 990 pounds forging down to a finished 7Rj2z4HtueU-00616-00197753-00198523 weight of 684 pound 7Rj2z4HtueU-00617-00198524-00199171 topic civil aviation 7Rj2z4HtueU-00618-00199172-00199452 after the Armistice it was decided that 7Rj2z4HtueU-00619-00199453-00199723 Dame La Hire should extend its luxury 7Rj2z4HtueU-00620-00199724-00199993 travel services to include charter 7Rj2z4HtueU-00621-00199994-00200184 aircraft through a new enterprise 7Rj2z4HtueU-00622-00200185-00200614 Daimler air hire following the takeover 7Rj2z4HtueU-00623-00200615-00200824 of air co and its subsidiaries in 7Rj2z4HtueU-00624-00200825-00201151 February 1920 services included 7Rj2z4HtueU-00625-00201152-00201441 scheduled services London Paris as well 7Rj2z4HtueU-00626-00201442-00202127 as taxi planes to anywhere in Europe in 7Rj2z4HtueU-00627-00202128-00202423 1922 under the name of Daimler airway 7Rj2z4HtueU-00628-00202424-00202704 services extended to scheduled flights 7Rj2z4HtueU-00629-00202705-00203031 London to Berlin and places between 7Rj2z4HtueU-00630-00203032-00203368 Frank Searle managing director of 7Rj2z4HtueU-00631-00203369-00203616 Daimler hire and its subsidiaries moved 7Rj2z4HtueU-00632-00203617-00203875 with his deputy Humphrey wood into the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00633-00203876-00204169 new national carrier Imperial Airways at 7Rj2z4HtueU-00634-00204170-00204573 its formation on the 1st of April 1924 7Rj2z4HtueU-00635-00204574-00204877 sir loaned word and their Daimler airway 7Rj2z4HtueU-00636-00204878-00205134 machines formed the core of Imperial 7Rj2z4HtueU-00637-00205135-00205819 Airways operations 7Rj2z4HtueU-00638-00205819-00206469 topic commercial vehicles 7Rj2z4HtueU-00639-00206471-00206835 in the late 1920s it together with 7Rj2z4HtueU-00640-00206836-00207219 associated equipment company AEC formed 7Rj2z4HtueU-00641-00207221-00207481 the associated Daimler company to build 7Rj2z4HtueU-00642-00207482-00207891 commercial vehicles the association was 7Rj2z4HtueU-00643-00207892-00208191 dissolved in 1928 with each company 7Rj2z4HtueU-00644-00208192-00208473 retaining manufacture of its original 7Rj2z4HtueU-00645-00208475-00208727 products 7Rj2z4HtueU-00646-00208728-00209075 you 7Rj2z4HtueU-00647-00209076-00209840 topic Lanchester acquisition and badging 7Rj2z4HtueU-00648-00209841-00210212 in 1930 the bulk of Daimler shareholding 7Rj2z4HtueU-00649-00210213-00210485 in its subsidiary Daimler hire limited 7Rj2z4HtueU-00650-00210486-00210740 was sold to the Thomas tilling group and 7Rj2z4HtueU-00651-00210741-00211142 in January 1931 Daimler completed the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00652-00211142-00211325 purchase of the land Chester Motor 7Rj2z4HtueU-00653-00211326-00211736 Company Limited the new Lanchester 15 7Rj2z4HtueU-00654-00211737-00212069 eighteenth's model introduced in 1931 7Rj2z4HtueU-00655-00212069-00212344 was fitted with Daimler's fluid flywheel 7Rj2z4HtueU-00656-00212346-00212579 transmission although at first they 7Rj2z4HtueU-00657-00212580-00212828 produced separate ranges of cars with 7Rj2z4HtueU-00658-00212829-00213041 the Daimler badge appearing mainly on 7Rj2z4HtueU-00659-00213042-00213377 the larger models by the mid 1930s the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00660-00213378-00213656 two were increasingly sharing components 7Rj2z4HtueU-00661-00213657-00213994 leading to the 1936 Lanchester 18 7Rj2z4HtueU-00662-00213996-00214267 Daimler light 20 differing in little 7Rj2z4HtueU-00663-00214269-00214523 except trim and grille this marketing 7Rj2z4HtueU-00664-00214523-00214805 concept already employed with the BSA 7Rj2z4HtueU-00665-00214806-00215063 range of cars continued to the end of 7Rj2z4HtueU-00666-00215064-00215471 lanchester and BSA car production some 7Rj2z4HtueU-00667-00215471-00215750 very important customers including the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00668-00215751-00215981 Duke of York and at least two Indian 7Rj2z4HtueU-00669-00215982-00216239 princes were supplied with big Daimler 7Rj2z4HtueU-00670-00216240-00216584 limousines with Lanchester grilles the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00671-00216585-00216851 Daimler range was exceptionally complex 7Rj2z4HtueU-00672-00216852-00217175 in the 1930s with cars using a variety 7Rj2z4HtueU-00673-00217176-00217469 of six and eight cylinder engines with 7Rj2z4HtueU-00674-00217469-00217907 capacities from 1805 CC in the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00675-00217908-00218489 short-lived fifteen of 1934 to the 4624 7Rj2z4HtueU-00676-00218490-00219091 CC 4.5 liter of 1936 7Rj2z4HtueU-00677-00219092-00219435 you 7Rj2z4HtueU-00678-00219436-00219874 topic review of BSA management before 7Rj2z4HtueU-00679-00219875-00220337 World War two 7Rj2z4HtueU-00680-00220338-00220604 the divisive nests of the Daimler board 7Rj2z4HtueU-00681-00220605-00220921 did not end with the BSA takeover but 7Rj2z4HtueU-00682-00220923-00221317 continued into the board of BSA despite 7Rj2z4HtueU-00683-00221319-00221602 this Daimler prospered until the late 7Rj2z4HtueU-00684-00221603-00221923 1920s increasing its profits and its 7Rj2z4HtueU-00685-00221925-00222278 reputation along with an apprenticeship 7Rj2z4HtueU-00686-00222279-00222494 program that was among the best in the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00687-00222494-00222728 British industry at the time they 7Rj2z4HtueU-00688-00222729-00222986 attracted a large number of pupils out 7Rj2z4HtueU-00689-00222987-00223367 of public schools during the first world 7Rj2z4HtueU-00690-00223367-00223415 war 7Rj2z4HtueU-00691-00223416-00223771 Daimler's labor force grew from 4,000 to 7Rj2z4HtueU-00692-00223773-00224216 6,000 men the acquisition of air Co in 7Rj2z4HtueU-00693-00224217-00224540 February 1920 was a financial disaster 7Rj2z4HtueU-00694-00224541-00224987 for the BSA group Percy Martin had been 7Rj2z4HtueU-00695-00224988-00225230 strongly in favor of the purchase 7Rj2z4HtueU-00696-00225231-00225523 including echos extensive production 7Rj2z4HtueU-00697-00225525-00225773 facilities near London and no one 7Rj2z4HtueU-00698-00225773-00225986 thought to examine air coasts true 7Rj2z4HtueU-00699-00225987-00226307 circumstances leading to liabilities in 7Rj2z4HtueU-00700-00226308-00226696 excess of 1.3 million pounds all 7Rj2z4HtueU-00701-00226698-00227323 dividends were passed from 1922 1924 by 7Rj2z4HtueU-00702-00227323-00227744 1930 the BSA group's primary activities 7Rj2z4HtueU-00703-00227744-00227996 were BSA motorcycles and Daimler 7Rj2z4HtueU-00704-00227996-00228410 vehicles however all the quality car 7Rj2z4HtueU-00705-00228411-00228677 businesses experienced financial 7Rj2z4HtueU-00706-00228678-00229123 difficulties in the late 1920s tameless 7Rj2z4HtueU-00707-00229123-00229438 situation seemed particularly serious 7Rj2z4HtueU-00708-00229439-00230066 sales fell sharply in 1927 1928 a period 7Rj2z4HtueU-00709-00230067-00230342 of losses ensued and no dividends were 7Rj2z4HtueU-00710-00230342-00230894 paid between 1929 and 1936 the sleeve 7Rj2z4HtueU-00711-00230894-00231176 valve engine was outdated Daimler's 7Rj2z4HtueU-00712-00231177-00231365 production methods had become 7Rj2z4HtueU-00713-00231366-00231635 old-fashioned they had an extravagantly 7Rj2z4HtueU-00714-00231636-00232004 large range of products their bankers 7Rj2z4HtueU-00715-00232005-00232304 noted the decreasing sales volume the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00716-00232305-00232532 poor performance for price and the need 7Rj2z4HtueU-00717-00232533-00232861 for up-to-date machine tool equipment 7Rj2z4HtueU-00718-00232862-00233123 Stratton in stones dominance of 7Rj2z4HtueU-00719-00233123-00233344 distribution was removed and other 7Rj2z4HtueU-00720-00233346-00233617 outlets arranged the inch 7Rj2z4HtueU-00721-00233619-00233809 since singer and the Daimler hire 7Rj2z4HtueU-00722-00233810-00234115 business were sold and Lanchester bought 7Rj2z4HtueU-00723-00234116-00234448 the in-house bodywork department was 7Rj2z4HtueU-00724-00234450-00234794 closed and by the spring of 1931 car 7Rj2z4HtueU-00725-00234794-00235052 production ceased only commercial 7Rj2z4HtueU-00726-00235053-00235306 vehicle production and aero engine work 7Rj2z4HtueU-00727-00235307-00235751 kept Daimler in business Lorenz Pomeroy 7Rj2z4HtueU-00728-00235752-00236141 joined damla in late 1926 at first 7Rj2z4HtueU-00729-00236142-00236425 working on commercial vehicles but from 7Rj2z4HtueU-00730-00236426-00236723 1928 he worked at the products of the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00731-00236723-00237041 main Dame ler operation Pomeroy 7Rj2z4HtueU-00732-00237042-00237290 introduced redesigned poppet valve 7Rj2z4HtueU-00733-00237291-00237627 engines with the Daimler 15 in September 7Rj2z4HtueU-00734-00237628-00237994 1932 developed new models of Daimler's 7Rj2z4HtueU-00735-00237996-00238204 and recommended what became the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00736-00238205-00238562 September 1932 introduction of the small 7Rj2z4HtueU-00737-00238563-00238841 BSA and Lanchester tens with poppet 7Rj2z4HtueU-00738-00238842-00239092 valve engines to help Daimler survive 7Rj2z4HtueU-00739-00239094-00239242 the depression 7Rj2z4HtueU-00740-00239242-00239525 according to Martin these actions 7Rj2z4HtueU-00741-00239526-00239782 rescued the business from total collapse 7Rj2z4HtueU-00742-00239783-00240379 in 1932 in 1934 the Pomeroy designed 7Rj2z4HtueU-00743-00240380-00240619 poppet valve straight eights replaced 7Rj2z4HtueU-00744-00240621-00240931 the Daimler double six sleeve valve v12s 7Rj2z4HtueU-00745-00240932-00241135 without controversy or embarrassment 7Rj2z4HtueU-00746-00241136-00241429 thereby being a personal triumph for 7Rj2z4HtueU-00747-00241430-00242006 Pomeroy 7Rj2z4HtueU-00748-00242007-00242650 topic management shift 7Rj2z4HtueU-00749-00242651-00242923 from before the merger of Daimler into 7Rj2z4HtueU-00750-00242923-00243169 the BSA group the core of Daimler's 7Rj2z4HtueU-00751-00243169-00243435 management was formed by Chairman Edward 7Rj2z4HtueU-00752-00243436-00243751 Manville Works manager Percy Martin and 7Rj2z4HtueU-00753-00243752-00244012 sales manager Ernest in stone 7Rj2z4HtueU-00754-00244013-00244348 who left Daimler in 1921 to start auto 7Rj2z4HtueU-00755-00244348-00244569 dealer Stratton in stone and was 7Rj2z4HtueU-00756-00244571-00244842 responsible for Daimler sales in England 7Rj2z4HtueU-00757-00244844-00245223 and Wales thereafter in stone died in 7Rj2z4HtueU-00758-00245223-00245742 1932 Manville died in 1933 and Martin 7Rj2z4HtueU-00759-00245744-00246171 who in January 1934 replaced Alexander 7Rj2z4HtueU-00760-00246173-00246478 Raja Manville's replacement as chairman 7Rj2z4HtueU-00761-00246479-00247087 retired in 1935 in May 1936 Laurence 7Rj2z4HtueU-00762-00247088-00247375 Pomeroy was fired as managing director 7Rj2z4HtueU-00763-00247376-00247614 of Daimler with immediate effect 7Rj2z4HtueU-00764-00247615-00247982 Daimler was not paying dividends and the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00765-00247983-00248331 1936 BSA shareholders meetings were 7Rj2z4HtueU-00766-00248332-00248740 stormy attempted solutions had included 7Rj2z4HtueU-00767-00248741-00248938 the Lanchester acquisition and the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00768-00248939-00249175 introduction of smaller cars the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00769-00249176-00249442 lower-priced 10-horsepower Lanchester 7Rj2z4HtueU-00770-00249442-00249667 and its matching but six-cylinder 7Rj2z4HtueU-00771-00249667-00250078 stablemate the Daimler 15 later DB 17 7Rj2z4HtueU-00772-00250079-00250476 and DB 18 introduced in the early 30s 7Rj2z4HtueU-00773-00250477-00250792 this particular product line as the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00774-00250792-00251094 Lanchester 14 and Daimler conquest was 7Rj2z4HtueU-00775-00251096-00251430 to run through to almost the very end 7Rj2z4HtueU-00776-00251431-00251830 Edward HW Cooke attempted a revival and 7Rj2z4HtueU-00777-00251831-00252178 from 1937 introduced saloons with a 7Rj2z4HtueU-00778-00252179-00252531 freshness of design new today Miele the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00779-00252532-00252769 new products had successes in 7Rj2z4HtueU-00780-00252769-00253119 competitions and rallies his policy was 7Rj2z4HtueU-00781-00253121-00253405 proved sound but another war postwar 7Rj2z4HtueU-00782-00253406-00253669 austerity and yet more boardroom battles 7Rj2z4HtueU-00783-00253669-00253969 this time in public seemed to put an end 7Rj2z4HtueU-00784-00253969-00254714 to Daimler's once proud business 7Rj2z4HtueU-00785-00254715-00255064 topic Daimler's semi-automatic 7Rj2z4HtueU-00786-00255065-00255550 transmissions 7Rj2z4HtueU-00787-00255551-00255909 in 1928 Daimler started testing their 7Rj2z4HtueU-00788-00255910-00256384 fluid drive system in a bus chassis this 7Rj2z4HtueU-00789-00256385-00256728 system patented by Harold Sinclair in 7Rj2z4HtueU-00790-00256729-00257092 1926 applied Herrmann floating his fluid 7Rj2z4HtueU-00791-00257092-00257317 flywheel to replace the clutch in the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00792-00257317-00257646 transmission systems of road vehicles 7Rj2z4HtueU-00793-00257646-00257929 Daimler was initially interested in the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00794-00257930-00258159 fluid flywheel for use in commercial 7Rj2z4HtueU-00795-00258160-00258487 vehicles but Martin decided to develop 7Rj2z4HtueU-00796-00258488-00258763 the system for use in passenger cars as 7Rj2z4HtueU-00797-00258764-00259110 well Martin and Pomeroy originally 7Rj2z4HtueU-00798-00259111-00259363 intended to use the fluid flywheel with 7Rj2z4HtueU-00799-00259364-00259759 a conventional gearbox their consultant 7Rj2z4HtueU-00800-00259760-00260002 Frederick Lanchester warned him that 7Rj2z4HtueU-00801-00260003-00260251 putting a car with that combination on 7Rj2z4HtueU-00802-00260252-00260521 the market would be a terribly big 7Rj2z4HtueU-00803-00260521-00260934 gambling risk and an accident in March 7Rj2z4HtueU-00804-00260935-00261348 1929 where a double 630 with a prototype 7Rj2z4HtueU-00805-00261348-00261642 transmission damaged a garage in Devon 7Rj2z4HtueU-00806-00261644-00261919 after Pomeroy left it idling while in 7Rj2z4HtueU-00807-00261919-00262134 gear may have shown the nature of this 7Rj2z4HtueU-00808-00262135-00262624 risk by October 1930 when de mieux 7Rj2z4HtueU-00809-00262625-00262852 introduced the fluid flywheel on their 7Rj2z4HtueU-00810-00262853-00263131 new light double six for an extra fifty 7Rj2z4HtueU-00811-00263132-00263347 pounds it was used with the self 7Rj2z4HtueU-00812-00263348-00263781 changing gearbox developed by WG Wilson 7Rj2z4HtueU-00813-00263782-00264052 Martin and the Daimler company patented 7Rj2z4HtueU-00814-00264053-00264337 their refinements to Sinclair's system 7Rj2z4HtueU-00815-00264338-00264834 in 1930 by November 1933 the combination 7Rj2z4HtueU-00816-00264835-00265035 of fluid flywheel and Wilson 7Rj2z4HtueU-00817-00265036-00265291 pre-selector gearbox was used in all 7Rj2z4HtueU-00818-00265292-00265722 Dame LA vehicles ranging from 10 H P 7Rj2z4HtueU-00819-00265723-00266157 passenger cars to double deck omnibus as 7Rj2z4HtueU-00820-00266158-00266458 according to the Chairman's report to 7Rj2z4HtueU-00821-00266459-00266674 the shareholders at their annual general 7Rj2z4HtueU-00822-00266675-00267052 meeting that month according to the same 7Rj2z4HtueU-00823-00267053-00267553 report more than 11,000 vehicles were 7Rj2z4HtueU-00824-00267554-00267799 using the transmission by that time 7Rj2z4HtueU-00825-00267800-00268096 Daimler would continue to develop and 7Rj2z4HtueU-00826-00268097-00268497 use these transmissions until 1956 when 7Rj2z4HtueU-00827-00268498-00268785 BorgWarner fully automatic units were 7Rj2z4HtueU-00828-00268786-00268906 offered initially as 7Rj2z4HtueU-00829-00268907-00269173 alternative but later as standard the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00830-00269174-00269548 Lanchester sprite a 1.6 L car with a 7Rj2z4HtueU-00831-00269549-00269809 unit body and Hobbes fully automatic 7Rj2z4HtueU-00832-00269810-00270028 gearbox was shown at the British 7Rj2z4HtueU-00833-00270029-00270259 International Motor Show at Earls Court 7Rj2z4HtueU-00834-00270260-00270712 in 1954 problems with the transmission 7Rj2z4HtueU-00835-00270713-00270937 and other systems were never fully 7Rj2z4HtueU-00836-00270938-00271156 sorted out and the sprite was 7Rj2z4HtueU-00837-00271157-00271426 discontinued about two years later with 7Rj2z4HtueU-00838-00271427-00272129 only thirteen being built 7Rj2z4HtueU-00839-00272130-00272783 topic World War two work 7Rj2z4HtueU-00840-00272784-00273137 during World War two Daimler turned to 7Rj2z4HtueU-00841-00273138-00273401 military production a four-wheel-drive 7Rj2z4HtueU-00842-00273402-00273758 scout car known to the army as the dingo 7Rj2z4HtueU-00843-00273759-00274094 had a 2.5 liter engine and the larger 7Rj2z4HtueU-00844-00274095-00274406 Daimler armored car powered by a 4.1 7Rj2z4HtueU-00845-00274407-00274676 liter engine and armed with a 2 pounder 7Rj2z4HtueU-00846-00274677-00274958 gun were produced both with 6-cylinder 7Rj2z4HtueU-00847-00274959-00275225 power units fluid fly wheels and 7Rj2z4HtueU-00848-00275226-00275609 epicyclic gear boxes these military 7Rj2z4HtueU-00849-00275610-00275900 vehicles incorporated various innovative 7Rj2z4HtueU-00850-00275901-00276176 features including disc brakes on all 7Rj2z4HtueU-00851-00276177-00276560 four wheels the dingo was designed by 7Rj2z4HtueU-00852-00276561-00276865 parent company BSA and took the name 7Rj2z4HtueU-00853-00276866-00277262 dingo from an unsuccessful competitor 7Rj2z4HtueU-00854-00277263-00277526 submitted by Alvis during the war 7Rj2z4HtueU-00855-00277527-00277946 Daimler built more than 6,600 Scout cars 7Rj2z4HtueU-00856-00277947-00278527 and some 2,700 Mk I and mk2 armored cars 7Rj2z4HtueU-00857-00278528-00278888 Daimler also provided tank components 7Rj2z4HtueU-00858-00278889-00279341 including epicyclic gear boxes for 2,500 7Rj2z4HtueU-00859-00279342-00279673 crusader covenant ER and Cavalier tanks 7Rj2z4HtueU-00860-00279674-00280130 they built 74,000 brand gun initially at 7Rj2z4HtueU-00861-00280131-00280385 a workshop in their Coventry Factory and 7Rj2z4HtueU-00862-00280386-00280622 after the workshop was destroyed in the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00863-00280623-00280967 April 1941 raid at a boot and shoe 7Rj2z4HtueU-00864-00280968-00281279 factory in burton-on-trent instead of 7Rj2z4HtueU-00865-00281280-00281525 building complete aircraft as they had 7Rj2z4HtueU-00866-00281526-00281818 in World War one de mieux built aircraft 7Rj2z4HtueU-00867-00281819-00282230 components including 50,000 800 bristol 7Rj2z4HtueU-00868-00282231-00282650 radial aero engines mercury hercules and 7Rj2z4HtueU-00869-00282651-00283051 Pegasus with full sets of parts for 7Rj2z4HtueU-00870-00283052-00283346 9,500 more of these engines propeller 7Rj2z4HtueU-00871-00283347-00283669 shafts for rolls-royce aero engines and 7Rj2z4HtueU-00872-00283670-00284099 14,000 356 gun turrets for bombers 7Rj2z4HtueU-00873-00284100-00284383 including the browning machine guns in 7Rj2z4HtueU-00874-00284384-00284705 all dame leur produced more than 10 7Rj2z4HtueU-00875-00284706-00284959 million aircraft parts during the war 7Rj2z4HtueU-00876-00284960-00285296 all this production is Dame lers alone 7Rj2z4HtueU-00877-00285297-00285761 excluding BSA's other involvement Dame 7Rj2z4HtueU-00878-00285762-00286166 Liz peak workforce 16,000 people was 7Rj2z4HtueU-00879-00286167-00286400 reached in this period the original 7Rj2z4HtueU-00880-00286401-00286664 Sandy Lane plant used as a government 7Rj2z4HtueU-00881-00286665-00286928 store was destroyed by fire during 7Rj2z4HtueU-00882-00286929-00287213 intensive enemy bombing of Coventry but 7Rj2z4HtueU-00883-00287214-00287444 there were by now shadow factories 7Rj2z4HtueU-00884-00287445-00287690 elsewhere in the city including one 7Rj2z4HtueU-00885-00287691-00288101 located at Browns Lane Alice Lee after 7Rj2z4HtueU-00886-00288102-00288362 the Jaguar takeover the factory at 7Rj2z4HtueU-00887-00288363-00288653 Browns Lane became the principal Jaguar 7Rj2z4HtueU-00888-00288654-00289003 car plant for several decades the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00889-00289004-00289388 factory has since been torn down after 7Rj2z4HtueU-00890-00289389-00289708 that war Daimler produced the ferret 7Rj2z4HtueU-00891-00289709-00289927 armored car a military reconnaissance 7Rj2z4HtueU-00892-00289928-00290267 vehicle based on the innovative 4.1 7Rj2z4HtueU-00893-00290268-00290495 liter engine Darmody car they had 7Rj2z4HtueU-00894-00290496-00290744 developed and built during the war which 7Rj2z4HtueU-00895-00290745-00291577 has been used by over 36 countries 7Rj2z4HtueU-00896-00291578-00292218 topic postwar decline 7Rj2z4HtueU-00897-00292219-00292533 Winston Churchill campaigned for the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00898-00292534-00293110 1945 and 1950 in the DB 18 two-door 7Rj2z4HtueU-00899-00293111-00293499 Drophead coupe a he had ordered in 1939 7Rj2z4HtueU-00900-00293500-00293803 the government ordered new limousines 7Rj2z4HtueU-00901-00293804-00294007 for the commanding officers of the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00902-00294008-00294388 occupying forces new straight eighths 7Rj2z4HtueU-00903-00294389-00294655 were supplied to the former colonies for 7Rj2z4HtueU-00904-00294656-00294871 the planned royal tours the first 7Rj2z4HtueU-00905-00294872-00295105 Daimler limousines to be delivered after 7Rj2z4HtueU-00906-00295106-00295306 the war went to embassies and consulates 7Rj2z4HtueU-00907-00295307-00295567 in Europe and to the left Henan 7Rj2z4HtueU-00908-00295568-00295897 governors of Jersey and Guernsey these 7Rj2z4HtueU-00909-00295898-00296155 were straight eighths built largely from 7Rj2z4HtueU-00910-00296156-00296506 pre-war stock the first post-war model 7Rj2z4HtueU-00911-00296507-00296746 was the eighteen a development of the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00912-00296747-00297151 pre-war 15 using the Scout cars 2.5 l 7Rj2z4HtueU-00913-00297152-00297324 engine with a new high-compression 7Rj2z4HtueU-00914-00297325-00297700 cylinder head the model used curved 7Rj2z4HtueU-00915-00297701-00297964 glass in its side windows which were 7Rj2z4HtueU-00916-00297965-00298240 framed by chromed metal channels instead 7Rj2z4HtueU-00917-00298241-00298450 of the thick pillars that were usual at 7Rj2z4HtueU-00918-00298451-00298819 the time because of ongoing restrictions 7Rj2z4HtueU-00919-00298820-00299137 on steel many of the 18 s body panels 7Rj2z4HtueU-00920-00299138-00299443 were made from aluminium the first 7Rj2z4HtueU-00921-00299444-00299764 post-war Lanchester the 10 looked like 7Rj2z4HtueU-00922-00299765-00300034 an enlarged Ford Prefect and its body 7Rj2z4HtueU-00923-00300035-00300250 was made in the same Factory 7Rj2z4HtueU-00924-00300251-00300520 Briggs motor bodies on the Ford site at 7Rj2z4HtueU-00925-00300521-00300901 Dagenham despite the austerity of the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00926-00300902-00300970 times 7Rj2z4HtueU-00927-00300971-00301333 Daimler celebrated the 1946 Golden 7Rj2z4HtueU-00928-00301334-00301549 Jubilee of the founding of the business 7Rj2z4HtueU-00929-00301550-00301765 was with a luncheon at the Savoy at 7Rj2z4HtueU-00930-00301766-00301960 which they announced the pricing of the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00931-00301961-00302280 Daimler 18 and the Lanchester 10 7Rj2z4HtueU-00932-00302281-00302572 production of large 8 seat limousines 7Rj2z4HtueU-00933-00302573-00302890 the six-cylinder des 27 and the 8 7Rj2z4HtueU-00934-00302891-00303511 cylinder de 36 began in March 1946 these 7Rj2z4HtueU-00935-00303512-00303775 were among the first series built cars 7Rj2z4HtueU-00936-00303776-00304165 with electrically operated windows they 7Rj2z4HtueU-00937-00304166-00304426 were also the first Daimler cars since 7Rj2z4HtueU-00938-00304427-00304777 1909 to use bevel gear final drive 7Rj2z4HtueU-00939-00304778-00305068 instead of Daimler's usual Worm final 7Rj2z4HtueU-00940-00305069-00305341 drive and the de 36 was the last 7Rj2z4HtueU-00941-00305342-00305556 straight 8 automobile to be 7Rj2z4HtueU-00942-00305557-00306000 manufactured in Britain the 27 chassis 7Rj2z4HtueU-00943-00306001-00306244 was also used in the Daimler ambulance 7Rj2z4HtueU-00944-00306245-00306555 with bodies by Barker and Hooper foreign 7Rj2z4HtueU-00945-00306556-00306766 monix including the queen of the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00946-00306767-00307002 Netherlands the king of Thailand the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00947-00307003-00307294 argA khan and prince ali khan the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00948-00307295-00307557 emperor of ethiopia the Prince of Monaco 7Rj2z4HtueU-00949-00307558-00307888 and the king of Afghanistan reordered to 7Rj2z4HtueU-00950-00307889-00308253 replenish their fleets then in June 1947 7Rj2z4HtueU-00951-00308254-00308559 purchase tax was doubled on cars costing 7Rj2z4HtueU-00952-00308560-00308934 more than 1,000 pounds 1000 pounds with 7Rj2z4HtueU-00953-00308935-00309193 home market sales already having been 7Rj2z4HtueU-00954-00309194-00309477 restricted to cars for essential 7Rj2z4HtueU-00955-00309478-00309846 purposes petrol remained rationed 7Rj2z4HtueU-00956-00309847-00310125 initially ten gallons a month the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00957-00310126-00310377 monthly ration was increased to 15 7Rj2z4HtueU-00958-00310378-00310762 gallons in July 1946 but was reduced 7Rj2z4HtueU-00959-00310763-00311139 again late in the summer of 1947 7Rj2z4HtueU-00960-00311140-00311443 Princess Elizabeth took her two and a 7Rj2z4HtueU-00961-00311444-00311808 half liter coupe a a 21st birthday gift 7Rj2z4HtueU-00962-00311809-00312088 from her father to Malta where her new 7Rj2z4HtueU-00963-00312089-00312420 husband was stationed the King took 7Rj2z4HtueU-00964-00312421-00312744 delivery of a new open tourist r88 in 7Rj2z4HtueU-00965-00312745-00313182 March 1949 in the commodities boom 7Rj2z4HtueU-00966-00313183-00313482 caused by the 1950 Korean War 7Rj2z4HtueU-00967-00313483-00313738 Australasian wool growers reported the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00968-00313739-00313974 new electrically operated limousine 7Rj2z4HtueU-00969-00313975-00314208 division to be just the thing 7Rj2z4HtueU-00970-00314209-00314454 if overheated sheep dogs licked the back 7Rj2z4HtueU-00971-00314455-00314877 of a drivers ears at a 20-7 limousine 7Rj2z4HtueU-00972-00314878-00315198 given to HRH Princess Elizabeth by the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00973-00315199-00315474 Royal Air Force as a wedding present was 7Rj2z4HtueU-00974-00315475-00315693 traded for a Rolls Royce when its 7Rj2z4HtueU-00975-00315694-00315972 transmission failed rolls-royce was 7Rj2z4HtueU-00976-00315973-00316179 persuaded to re-enter the high-end 7Rj2z4HtueU-00977-00316180-00316446 luxury market and built the straight-8 7Rj2z4HtueU-00978-00316447-00316779 phantom IV solely for royalty heads of 7Rj2z4HtueU-00979-00316780-00317151 state and their chairman former Dame ler 7Rj2z4HtueU-00980-00317152-00317424 customers including British Royals in 7Rj2z4HtueU-00981-00317425-00317721 the argick on switched to the phantom IV 7Rj2z4HtueU-00982-00317722-00317968 while the Emperor of Ethiopia and the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00983-00317969-00318163 king and queen of Greece ordered 7Rj2z4HtueU-00984-00318164-00318246 coachbuilt 7Rj2z4HtueU-00985-00318247-00318940 six-cylinder silver wraiths 7Rj2z4HtueU-00986-00318941-00319588 topic consorts discounted 7Rj2z4HtueU-00987-00319589-00319878 sir burner docker took the extra 7Rj2z4HtueU-00988-00319879-00320124 responsibility of Daimler's Managing 7Rj2z4HtueU-00989-00320125-00320535 Director in January 1953 when James leak 7Rj2z4HtueU-00990-00320536-00320838 was unable to continue through illness 7Rj2z4HtueU-00991-00320839-00321147 car buyers were still waiting for the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00992-00321148-00321391 new Churchill government seizing of the 7Rj2z4HtueU-00993-00321392-00321646 temporary swinging purchased tax 7Rj2z4HtueU-00994-00321647-00321855 promised in the lead-up to the snap 7Rj2z4HtueU-00995-00321856-00322168 election held during the 1951 Earls 7Rj2z4HtueU-00996-00322169-00322567 Court Motor Show lady docker told her 7Rj2z4HtueU-00997-00322568-00322797 husband to rethink his marketing 7Rj2z4HtueU-00998-00322798-00323194 policies 3-liter Regency production was 7Rj2z4HtueU-00999-00323195-00323532 stopped in the hope of keeping 4,000 7Rj2z4HtueU-01000-00323533-00323791 plus employed the consort price was 7Rj2z4HtueU-01001-00323792-00324156 dropped from the 4th of February 1953 to 7Rj2z4HtueU-01002-00324157-00324575 the expected new tax inclusive level 7Rj2z4HtueU-01003-00324576-00324807 stagnation of all the British motor 7Rj2z4HtueU-01004-00324808-00325045 industry was relieved by the reduction 7Rj2z4HtueU-01005-00325046-00325539 of purchase tax in the April 1953 budget 7Rj2z4HtueU-01006-00325540-00325813 Daimler announced the introduction of 7Rj2z4HtueU-01007-00325814-00326062 the moderately-sized conquest in May 7Rj2z4HtueU-01008-00326063-00326328 apparently developed in just four months 7Rj2z4HtueU-01009-00326329-00326641 from the 4-cylinder Lanchester 40 nor 7Rj2z4HtueU-01010-00326642-00327013 leader with a Daimler grill Daimler and 7Rj2z4HtueU-01011-00327014-00327309 Lanchester there were no more BSA cars 7Rj2z4HtueU-01012-00327310-00327619 struggled after the war producing too 7Rj2z4HtueU-01013-00327620-00327879 many models with short runs and limited 7Rj2z4HtueU-01014-00327880-00328134 production and frequently selling too 7Rj2z4HtueU-01015-00328135-00328410 few of each model while Jaguar seemed to 7Rj2z4HtueU-01016-00328411-00328650 know what the public wanted and expanded 7Rj2z4HtueU-01017-00328651-00329049 rapidly Daimler produced heavy staid 7Rj2z4HtueU-01018-00329050-00329322 large and small luxury cars with a 7Rj2z4HtueU-01019-00329323-00329784 stuffy if sometimes opulent image Jaguar 7Rj2z4HtueU-01020-00329785-00330027 produced lower quality cars at a 7Rj2z4HtueU-01021-00330028-00330308 remarkably low price designed for 7Rj2z4HtueU-01022-00330309-00330739 enthusiasts the BSA group's leadership 7Rj2z4HtueU-01023-00330740-00331015 of the world's motorcycle market was 7Rj2z4HtueU-01024-00331016-00331215 eventually lost to Japanese 7Rj2z4HtueU-01025-00331216-00331834 manufacturers 7Rj2z4HtueU-01026-00331835-00332484 topic lady Dockers Dame layers 7Rj2z4HtueU-01027-00332485-00332760 sir bernard docker was the managing 7Rj2z4HtueU-01028-00332761-00333051 director of BSA from early in World War 7Rj2z4HtueU-01029-00333052-00333398 two and married Nora lady Collins in 7Rj2z4HtueU-01030-00333399-00333888 1949 Nora was twice widowed and wealthy 7Rj2z4HtueU-01031-00333889-00334167 in her own right this was her third 7Rj2z4HtueU-01032-00334168-00334458 marriage she had originally been a 7Rj2z4HtueU-01033-00334459-00334869 successful dancehall hostess lady docker 7Rj2z4HtueU-01034-00334870-00335094 took an interest in her husband's 7Rj2z4HtueU-01035-00335095-00335313 companies and became a director of 7Rj2z4HtueU-01036-00335314-00335730 Hooper the coachbuilders daughter of an 7Rj2z4HtueU-01037-00335731-00336012 unsuccessful Birmingham car salesman 7Rj2z4HtueU-01038-00336013-00336231 lady docker could see that the Daimler 7Rj2z4HtueU-01039-00336232-00336510 cars no longer popular with the royal 7Rj2z4HtueU-01040-00336511-00336762 family were in danger of becoming an 7Rj2z4HtueU-01041-00336763-00337113 anachronism in the modern world she took 7Rj2z4HtueU-01042-00337114-00337350 it upon herself to raised aimless 7Rj2z4HtueU-01043-00337351-00337674 profile but in an extravagant fashion by 7Rj2z4HtueU-01044-00337675-00337941 encouraging Sir Bernard to produce show 7Rj2z4HtueU-01045-00337942-00338496 cars the first was the 1951 golden 7Rj2z4HtueU-01046-00338497-00338876 Daimler an opulent touring limousine in 7Rj2z4HtueU-01047-00338877-00339387 1952 blue clover a two-door sportsman's 7Rj2z4HtueU-01048-00339388-00339951 coupe a in 1953 the silver flash based 7Rj2z4HtueU-01049-00339952-00340301 on the 3-liter Regency chassis and in 7Rj2z4HtueU-01050-00340302-00340868 1954 Stardust redolent of that gold car 7Rj2z4HtueU-01051-00340869-00341271 but based on the DK 400 chassis as was 7Rj2z4HtueU-01052-00341272-00341658 what proved to be her Paris 1955 grande 7Rj2z4HtueU-01053-00341659-00341960 finale a two-door coupe a she named 7Rj2z4HtueU-01054-00341961-00342522 golden zebra the last straw for the tax 7Rj2z4HtueU-01055-00342523-00342807 office and now on permanent display at 7Rj2z4HtueU-01056-00342808-00343197 the hague at the same time lady docker 7Rj2z4HtueU-01057-00343198-00343446 earned a reputation for having rather 7Rj2z4HtueU-01058-00343447-00343677 poor social graces when under the 7Rj2z4HtueU-01059-00343678-00343944 influence and she and Sir Bernard were 7Rj2z4HtueU-01060-00343945-00344178 investigated for failing to correctly 7Rj2z4HtueU-01061-00344179-00344421 declare the amount of money taken out of 7Rj2z4HtueU-01062-00344422-00344697 the country on a visit to a Monte Carlo 7Rj2z4HtueU-01063-00344698-00344875 Casino 7Rj2z4HtueU-01064-00344876-00345190 sir bernard was instantly dumped for 7Rj2z4HtueU-01065-00345191-00345568 absenteeism by the Midland Bank board 7Rj2z4HtueU-01066-00345569-00345889 without waiting for the court case Nora 7Rj2z4HtueU-01067-00345890-00346237 drew further attention she ran up large 7Rj2z4HtueU-01068-00346238-00346501 bills and presented them to Daimler as 7Rj2z4HtueU-01069-00346502-00346771 business expenses but some items were 7Rj2z4HtueU-01070-00346772-00347101 disallowed by the tax office the 7Rj2z4HtueU-01071-00347102-00347320 publicity attached to this and other 7Rj2z4HtueU-01072-00347321-00347589 social episodes told on Sir Bernard 7Rj2z4HtueU-01073-00347590-00347827 standing as some already thought the 7Rj2z4HtueU-01074-00347828-00348121 cars too opulent and vulgar for austere 7Rj2z4HtueU-01075-00348122-00348469 post-war Britain to compound Sir 7Rj2z4HtueU-01076-00348470-00348760 Bernhard's difficulty the royal family 7Rj2z4HtueU-01077-00348761-00349135 shifted allegiance to rolls-royce by the 7Rj2z4HtueU-01078-00349136-00349498 end of 1960 all the state Dame laws had 7Rj2z4HtueU-01079-00349499-00349995 been sold and replaced by Rolls Royces 7Rj2z4HtueU-01080-00349996-00350395 topic Turner's engines in 1951 7Rj2z4HtueU-01081-00350396-00350650 Jack sangster sold his motorcycle 7Rj2z4HtueU-01082-00350651-00350962 companies Ariel and triumph to BSA and 7Rj2z4HtueU-01083-00350963-00351364 joined their board in 1956 7Rj2z4HtueU-01084-00351365-00351649 Sangster was elected chairman defeating 7Rj2z4HtueU-01085-00351650-00352033 Sir Bernard six votes to three after a 7Rj2z4HtueU-01086-00352034-00352276 certain amount of electioneering by the 7Rj2z4HtueU-01087-00352277-00352522 Dockers and extraordinary shareholders 7Rj2z4HtueU-01088-00352523-00352747 meeting backed the board decision and 7Rj2z4HtueU-01089-00352748-00353014 Bernard and Nora left buying a brace of 7Rj2z4HtueU-01090-00353015-00353260 Rolls Royces as they went registering 7Rj2z4HtueU-01091-00353261-00353740 them as nd5 and bd9 many important 7Rj2z4HtueU-01092-00353741-00353998 European customers turned out to have 7Rj2z4HtueU-01093-00353999-00354235 been docker friends and did not reorder 7Rj2z4HtueU-01094-00354236-00354438 Daimler cars 7Rj2z4HtueU-01095-00354439-00354718 Sangster promptly made Edward Turner 7Rj2z4HtueU-01096-00354719-00354985 head of the automotive division which as 7Rj2z4HtueU-01097-00354986-00355171 well as Daimler and car-bodies 7Rj2z4HtueU-01098-00355172-00355519 London taxicab manufacturers included 7Rj2z4HtueU-01099-00355520-00355911 aerial triumph and BSA motorcycles 7Rj2z4HtueU-01100-00355912-00356164 Turner designed the lightweight 7Rj2z4HtueU-01101-00356165-00356626 hemi-head Daimler 2.5 and 4.5 litre v8 7Rj2z4HtueU-01102-00356627-00357034 engines the small engine was used to 7Rj2z4HtueU-01103-00357035-00357226 power a production version of an 7Rj2z4HtueU-01104-00357227-00357520 apprentices exercised the very flexible 7Rj2z4HtueU-01105-00357521-00357769 dart and the larger engine installed in 7Rj2z4HtueU-01106-00357770-00358186 the Majestic major a relabeled majestic 7Rj2z4HtueU-01107-00358187-00358456 under Sangster Daimler's vehicles became 7Rj2z4HtueU-01108-00358457-00358656 a little less sober and more 7Rj2z4HtueU-01109-00358657-00358815 performance-oriented 7Rj2z4HtueU-01110-00358816-00359197 the majestic major proved an agile high 7Rj2z4HtueU-01111-00359198-00359569 speed cruiser on the new motorways bill 7Rj2z4HtueU-01112-00359570-00360040 body described the SP 250 is unlikely to 7Rj2z4HtueU-01113-00360041-00360259 stir the memories of such ghosts as 7Rj2z4HtueU-01114-00360260-00360475 horned the tree-lined avenues near 7Rj2z4HtueU-01115-00360476-00360789 Sandringham Balmoral and Windsor Castle 7Rj2z4HtueU-01116-00360790-00360994 the two excellent 7Rj2z4HtueU-01117-00360995-00361252 Turner v8 engines disappeared with 7Rj2z4HtueU-01118-00361253-00361507 British Leyland's first rationalization 7Rj2z4HtueU-01119-00361508-00361870 the larger in 1968 and the smaller a 7Rj2z4HtueU-01120-00361871-00362598 year later topic buses 1911 to 1973 a 7Rj2z4HtueU-01121-00362599-00362797 significant element of Daimler 7Rj2z4HtueU-01122-00362798-00363115 production was bus chassis mostly for 7Rj2z4HtueU-01123-00363116-00363424 double deckers Daimler had been 7Rj2z4HtueU-01124-00363425-00363655 interested in the commercial vehicle 7Rj2z4HtueU-01125-00363656-00364198 market from 1904 in 1906 it produced 7Rj2z4HtueU-01126-00364199-00364519 using the auto mixed patents of Belgian 7Rj2z4HtueU-01127-00364520-00364837 Henry P / a petrol electric vehicle and 7Rj2z4HtueU-01128-00364838-00365194 on the 23rd of May 1906 registered 7Rj2z4HtueU-01129-00365195-00365644 gillis motor omnibus Co limited it was 7Rj2z4HtueU-01130-00365645-00365941 too heavy following the introduction of 7Rj2z4HtueU-01131-00365942-00366169 Daimler Knights leave valve engines 7Rj2z4HtueU-01132-00366170-00366466 redesigned for Daimler by dr. Frederick 7Rj2z4HtueU-01133-00366467-00366742 Lanchester Lanchester also refined the 7Rj2z4HtueU-01134-00366743-00367096 gearless design and it reared in 1910 as 7Rj2z4HtueU-01135-00367097-00367426 the kpl night people and Chester Omnibus 7Rj2z4HtueU-01136-00367427-00367708 an advanced integral petrol electric 7Rj2z4HtueU-01137-00367709-00368122 hybrid the KP L bus had four wheel 7Rj2z4HtueU-01138-00368123-00368437 brakes and steel unitary body chassis 7Rj2z4HtueU-01139-00368438-00368857 construction failure to produce the KP l 7Rj2z4HtueU-01140-00368858-00369231 set bus design back 20 years 7Rj2z4HtueU-01141-00369232-00369541 introduction of the KP l was stopped by 7Rj2z4HtueU-01142-00369542-00369793 a patent infringement action brought by 7Rj2z4HtueU-01143-00369794-00370072 London general omnibus his associate 7Rj2z4HtueU-01144-00370073-00370411 tilling Stevens in early May 1911 when 7Rj2z4HtueU-01145-00370412-00370855 just 12 KP l buses had been built this 7Rj2z4HtueU-01146-00370856-00371149 was just after Dame 'la had poached lgo 7Rj2z4HtueU-01147-00371150-00371410 sees Frank Searle and announced him to 7Rj2z4HtueU-01148-00371411-00371537 be general manager 7Rj2z4HtueU-01149-00371538-00371810 it's New London bus service which would 7Rj2z4HtueU-01150-00371811-00372122 be using its new kpl type to compete 7Rj2z4HtueU-01151-00372123-00372455 directly with LG Oh see some of LG o 7Rj2z4HtueU-01152-00372456-00372872 sees vehicles used Daimler engines with 7Rj2z4HtueU-01153-00372873-00373148 the collapse of Daimler's plans sell an 7Rj2z4HtueU-01154-00373149-00373496 engineer and designer of the LG ocx type 7Rj2z4HtueU-01155-00373497-00373820 and a ECB type bus instead joined 7Rj2z4HtueU-01156-00373821-00374170 aimless commercial vehicle department 7Rj2z4HtueU-01157-00374171-00374555 reverting to before LG o see omnibus 7Rj2z4HtueU-01158-00374556-00374834 salesman sell rapidly achieved some 7Rj2z4HtueU-01159-00374835-00375329 notable sales 102 metropolitan electric 7Rj2z4HtueU-01160-00375330-00375760 tramways and 252 LG o sees new owner 7Rj2z4HtueU-01161-00375761-00376157 underground first sell designed for 7Rj2z4HtueU-01162-00376158-00376403 Daimler a thirty four seater with gear 7Rj2z4HtueU-01163-00376404-00376748 box transmission the kpl used electric 7Rj2z4HtueU-01164-00376749-00377024 motors each side very like the B type 7Rj2z4HtueU-01165-00377025-00377258 and it was introduced by Daimler in 7Rj2z4HtueU-01166-00377259-00377669 early 1912 the main difference from what 7Rj2z4HtueU-01167-00377670-00377975 became the AEC B type was the use of 7Rj2z4HtueU-01168-00377976-00378323 Daimler's sleeve valve engine in June 7Rj2z4HtueU-01169-00378324-00378664 1912 what had been LG o C's 7Rj2z4HtueU-01170-00378665-00379048 manufacturing plant was hived off as AEC 7Rj2z4HtueU-01171-00379049-00379583 between 1913 and 1916 AEC built some 7Rj2z4HtueU-01172-00379584-00379820 Daimler models under contract and 7Rj2z4HtueU-01173-00379821-00380135 Daimler sold all AEC vehicles which were 7Rj2z4HtueU-01174-00380136-00380558 surplus to LG OSI needs after war 7Rj2z4HtueU-01175-00380559-00380879 service now Colonel SEL moved to Dame La 7Rj2z4HtueU-01176-00380880-00381119 Hire limited and its involvement in 7Rj2z4HtueU-01177-00381120-00381503 aviation the sole models were developed 7Rj2z4HtueU-01178-00381504-00381881 after World War one but from 1926 to 7Rj2z4HtueU-01179-00381882-00382079 eight Daimler entered into a joint 7Rj2z4HtueU-01180-00382080-00382397 venture with AEC vehicles being badged 7Rj2z4HtueU-01181-00382398-00382865 as associated Daimler in the 1930s the 7Rj2z4HtueU-01182-00382866-00383153 Daimler Co chassis became the main model 7Rj2z4HtueU-01183-00383154-00383528 followed by a similar but heavier CW 7Rj2z4HtueU-01184-00383529-00383816 austerity model produced during World 7Rj2z4HtueU-01185-00383817-00384077 War two one hundred with the Gardiner 7Rj2z4HtueU-01186-00384078-00384548 5lw engine cwg five the rest with the 7Rj2z4HtueU-01187-00384549-00384883 AEC seven point seven liter engine 7Rj2z4HtueU-01188-00384884-00385255 CWA six and in post-war years production 7Rj2z4HtueU-01189-00385256-00385474 worked through the Daimler CV to the 7Rj2z4HtueU-01190-00385475-00385766 long-running Daimler CR Fleetline built 7Rj2z4HtueU-01191-00385767-00386380 from 1960 to 1980 C VG v and CVG six had 7Rj2z4HtueU-01192-00386381-00386602 been a common type of bus in Hong Kong 7Rj2z4HtueU-01193-00386603-00387058 between 1950 and 1988 and Fleetline had 7Rj2z4HtueU-01194-00387059-00387325 also become a major type of bus in Hong 7Rj2z4HtueU-01195-00387326-00387839 Kong until 1995 small numbers of single 7Rj2z4HtueU-01196-00387840-00388142 deck vehicles were also built many 7Rj2z4HtueU-01197-00388143-00388463 British bus operators bought substantial 7Rj2z4HtueU-01198-00388464-00388660 numbers of the vehicles and there were 7Rj2z4HtueU-01199-00388661-00389021 also a number built for export the 7Rj2z4HtueU-01200-00389022-00389312 standard London double-decker bus bought 7Rj2z4HtueU-01201-00389313-00389765 from 1970 to 1978 was the Daimler fleet 7Rj2z4HtueU-01202-00389766-00390088 line Daimler buses were fitted with 7Rj2z4HtueU-01203-00390089-00390406 proprietary diesel engines the majority 7Rj2z4HtueU-01204-00390407-00390648 by the Gardner company of Eccles 7Rj2z4HtueU-01205-00390649-00390893 Lancashire although there were a few 7Rj2z4HtueU-01206-00390894-00391134 hundred Daimler Diesel's built in the 7Rj2z4HtueU-01207-00391135-00391613 1940s and 1950s and the Leyland 0.68 O 7Rj2z4HtueU-01208-00391614-00391841 was offered as an option on the fleet 7Rj2z4HtueU-01209-00391842-00392131 line designated CR l6 7Rj2z4HtueU-01210-00392132-00392455 after the merger with Leyland the bus 7Rj2z4HtueU-01211-00392456-00392710 chassis were also fitted with bodywork 7Rj2z4HtueU-01212-00392711-00393025 built by various outside contractors as 7Rj2z4HtueU-01213-00393026-00393269 is standard in the British bus industry 7Rj2z4HtueU-01214-00393270-00393619 so at a casual glance there is no real 7Rj2z4HtueU-01215-00393620-00393874 identifying feature of a Daimler bus 7Rj2z4HtueU-01216-00393875-00394174 apart from the badges front-engined 7Rj2z4HtueU-01217-00394175-00394420 Daimler buses retained the distinctive 7Rj2z4HtueU-01218-00394421-00394814 fluted radiator grille top the last day 7Rj2z4HtueU-01219-00394815-00395005 Muir fleet line was built at the 7Rj2z4HtueU-01220-00395006-00395250 traditional Daimler Factory in Radford 7Rj2z4HtueU-01221-00395251-00395797 Coventry in 1973 after that date the 7Rj2z4HtueU-01222-00395798-00396004 remaining buses were built at the 7Rj2z4HtueU-01223-00396005-00396295 Leyland factory in Farrington Preston 7Rj2z4HtueU-01224-00396296-00396569 Lancashire the final eight years of 7Rj2z4HtueU-01225-00396570-00396812 Fleetline production being badged as 7Rj2z4HtueU-01226-00396813-00397198 Leyland's the last fleet line built was 7Rj2z4HtueU-01227-00397199-00397650 bodied by eastern coach works in 1981 7Rj2z4HtueU-01228-00397651-00398109 during that Jaguar owned period 1960 to 7Rj2z4HtueU-01229-00398110-00398260 1968 7Rj2z4HtueU-01230-00398261-00398522 Daimler became the second largest after 7Rj2z4HtueU-01231-00398523-00398830 Leyland double-decker bus manufacturer 7Rj2z4HtueU-01232-00398831-00399215 in Britain with their fleet line model 7Rj2z4HtueU-01233-00399216-00399398 at the same time 7Rj2z4HtueU-01234-00399399-00399770 Daimler made trucks and motorhomes bmh 7Rj2z4HtueU-01235-00399771-00399962 merged with the Leyland Motor 7Rj2z4HtueU-01236-00399963-00400231 Corporation to give the British Leyland 7Rj2z4HtueU-01237-00400232-00400732 Motor Corporation in 1968 production of 7Rj2z4HtueU-01238-00400733-00401158 Daimler buses in Coventry ceased in 1973 7Rj2z4HtueU-01239-00401159-00401431 when production of its last bus product 7Rj2z4HtueU-01240-00401432-00401696 the Daimler fleet line was transferred 7Rj2z4HtueU-01241-00401697-00402071 to Leyland plant in Farrington Daimler 7Rj2z4HtueU-01242-00402072-00402368 stayed within blmc and its subsequent 7Rj2z4HtueU-01243-00402369-00402797 forms until 1982 at which point Jaguar 7Rj2z4HtueU-01244-00402798-00403091 with Daimler was demerged from BL as an 7Rj2z4HtueU-01245-00403092-00403520 independent manufacturer Daimler 7Rj2z4HtueU-01246-00403521-00404184 freeline 1951 to 1964 Daimler Fleetline 7Rj2z4HtueU-01247-00404185-00404872 1960 to 1983 Dame low road liner 1962 to 7Rj2z4HtueU-01248-00404873-00405461 1972 7Rj2z4HtueU-01249-00405462-00406563 topic owned by Jaguar cars 1960 to 1966 7Rj2z4HtueU-01250-00406564-00406952 in May 1960 the Daimler business was 7Rj2z4HtueU-01251-00406953-00407291 purchased from BSA by Jaguar cars for 7Rj2z4HtueU-01252-00407292-00407747 3.4 million pounds William Lyons was 7Rj2z4HtueU-01253-00407748-00408053 looking to expand manufacture wanted the 7Rj2z4HtueU-01254-00408054-00408302 manufacturing facilities and had to 7Rj2z4HtueU-01255-00408303-00408519 decide what to do with the existing 7Rj2z4HtueU-01256-00408520-00408956 Daimler vehicles Jaguar had been refused 7Rj2z4HtueU-01257-00408957-00409218 planning permission for a new factory in 7Rj2z4HtueU-01258-00409219-00409477 the area in which it wanted it to be 7Rj2z4HtueU-01259-00409478-00409820 Daimler had shrunk to representing just 7Rj2z4HtueU-01260-00409821-00410430 15% of BSA Group turnover in 1959 1960 7Rj2z4HtueU-01261-00410431-00410666 and BSA wished to dispose of its 7Rj2z4HtueU-01262-00410667-00411047 motoring interests Jaguar stated 7Rj2z4HtueU-01263-00411048-00411224 publicly that it would continue 7Rj2z4HtueU-01264-00411225-00411468 production of the existing range of 7Rj2z4HtueU-01265-00411468-00411710 Daimler that it would continue normal 7Rj2z4HtueU-01266-00411711-00411941 research and development for future 7Rj2z4HtueU-01267-00411942-00412145 Daimler products and that it would 7Rj2z4HtueU-01268-00412146-00412397 expand aim low markets in Britain and 7Rj2z4HtueU-01269-00412398-00412824 overseas Jaguar put a Daimler 4.5 L v8 7Rj2z4HtueU-01270-00412825-00413099 in a mark 10 and tested it at the motor 7Rj2z4HtueU-01271-00413100-00413410 industry research Association mirror 7Rj2z4HtueU-01272-00413411-00413739 with an inefficient prototype exhaust 7Rj2z4HtueU-01273-00413739-00414189 the car went up to 135 miles per hour on 7Rj2z4HtueU-01274-00414189-00414443 Mira's banked track faster than the 7Rj2z4HtueU-01275-00414444-00414743 production mark 10 Jaguar discontinued 7Rj2z4HtueU-01276-00414744-00415101 the six-cylinder majestic in 1962 and 7Rj2z4HtueU-01277-00415102-00415605 the SP 250 in 1964 but Daimler's core 7Rj2z4HtueU-01278-00415606-00415922 product the old-fashioned heavy but fast 7Rj2z4HtueU-01279-00415922-00416339 4.5 L v8 majestic major was continued 7Rj2z4HtueU-01280-00416340-00416603 throughout Jaguars independent ownership 7Rj2z4HtueU-01281-00416604-00417084 of Daimler in 1961 Daimler introduced 7Rj2z4HtueU-01282-00417085-00417507 the dr 450 a long wheelbase limousine 7Rj2z4HtueU-01283-00417508-00418032 version of the majestic major the dr 450 7Rj2z4HtueU-01284-00418033-00418307 also continued in production beyond the 7Rj2z4HtueU-01285-00418308-00418578 end of jaguars independent ownership of 7Rj2z4HtueU-01286-00418579-00419043 Daimler 864 examples of the long 7Rj2z4HtueU-01287-00419043-00419493 wheelbase dr 450 were sold as opposed to 7Rj2z4HtueU-01288-00419493-00419787 1180 examples of the majestic major 7Rj2z4HtueU-01289-00419788-00419889 saloon 7Rj2z4HtueU-01290-00419891-00420208 the 4.5 liter saloon and limousine were 7Rj2z4HtueU-01291-00420209-00420414 the last Daimler's not designed by 7Rj2z4HtueU-01292-00420416-00420998 Jaguar 7Rj2z4HtueU-01293-00420999-00421677 topic Jaguar based Daimler's 7Rj2z4HtueU-01294-00421678-00422118 apart from the dr 450 limousine new 7Rj2z4HtueU-01295-00422118-00422403 models under lyons control with a result 7Rj2z4HtueU-01296-00422404-00422693 of negotiations between lions and the 7Rj2z4HtueU-01297-00422695-00422960 executives of Daimler distributor strap 7Rj2z4HtueU-01298-00422962-00423293 stone limited in exchange for a small 7Rj2z4HtueU-01299-00423295-00423546 Daimler in the tradition of the consort 7Rj2z4HtueU-01300-00423547-00423846 and the conquest strat stone gave up the 7Rj2z4HtueU-01301-00423847-00424293 Volkswagen franchise Lions response was 7Rj2z4HtueU-01302-00424293-00424728 the 2.5 v8 a more luxurious Jaguar mark 7Rj2z4HtueU-01303-00424729-00425164 2 with the v8 engine from the SP 250 7Rj2z4HtueU-01304-00425166-00425445 automatic transmission different badges 7Rj2z4HtueU-01305-00425446-00425843 and a grill with a fluted top despite 7Rj2z4HtueU-01306-00425845-00426108 the obvious Jaguar heritage motor 7Rj2z4HtueU-01307-00426109-00426464 journalist SCH Davis wrote of the cars 7Rj2z4HtueU-01308-00426464-00426930 marked character and claimed this is not 7Rj2z4HtueU-01309-00426931-00427233 a Jaguar with a Daimler radiator grille 7Rj2z4HtueU-01310-00427234-00427822 and nameplate it can stand on its own 7Rj2z4HtueU-01311-00427822-00428301 while the 2.5 v8 later renamed the v8 7Rj2z4HtueU-01312-00428302-00428632 250 under new ownership became the most 7Rj2z4HtueU-01313-00428633-00428956 popular car Daimler ever produced it was 7Rj2z4HtueU-01314-00428957-00429270 not enough to establish brand loyalty 7Rj2z4HtueU-01315-00429271-00429643 unlike Jaguar whose wide range of models 7Rj2z4HtueU-01316-00429643-00430087 allowed 60% 60% of new Jaguars 7Rj2z4HtueU-01317-00430088-00430375 to be sold in exchange for Jaguars few 7Rj2z4HtueU-01318-00430376-00430710 customers traded old 2.5 volts eights 7Rj2z4HtueU-01319-00430712-00431230 for new ones most 2.5 v8 buyers were 7Rj2z4HtueU-01320-00431231-00431488 trading up from the bigger Ford woolsley 7Rj2z4HtueU-01321-00431489-00431635 or Rover cars 7Rj2z4HtueU-01322-00431635-00431917 James smiley chairman of strat stone 7Rj2z4HtueU-01323-00431918-00432252 made lions aware of this situation in 7Rj2z4HtueU-01324-00432253-00432718 1965 Lions responded by preparing a 7Rj2z4HtueU-01325-00432718-00432997 Daimler ised version of the upcoming 7Rj2z4HtueU-01326-00432997-00433389 Jaguar 420 and presenting it to smiley 7Rj2z4HtueU-01327-00433391-00433657 and strat stone managing director John 7Rj2z4HtueU-01328-00433658-00433999 Ollie Lyons asked the strap stoner 7Rj2z4HtueU-01329-00434000-00434218 executives what it should be called 7Rj2z4HtueU-01330-00434218-00434655 smiley suggested sovereign while Ollie 7Rj2z4HtueU-01331-00434656-00435147 suggested Royale despite lions stating 7Rj2z4HtueU-01332-00435149-00435412 his preference for Royale 7Rj2z4HtueU-01333-00435413-00435753 at the meeting the company decided on 7Rj2z4HtueU-01334-00435754-00436171 sovereign two months later the sovereign 7Rj2z4HtueU-01335-00436172-00436558 was launched in October 1966 to fill the 7Rj2z4HtueU-01336-00436559-00436912 gap between the 2.5 v8 and the majestic 7Rj2z4HtueU-01337-00436913-00437517 major 7Rj2z4HtueU-01338-00437518-00438662 topic owned by bmh 1966 to 1968 7Rj2z4HtueU-01339-00438663-00438983 Jaguar was taken over by British Motor 7Rj2z4HtueU-01340-00438984-00439368 Corporation BMC the new masters of badge 7Rj2z4HtueU-01341-00439368-00439754 engineering in 1966 and a few months 7Rj2z4HtueU-01342-00439755-00440052 later BMC was renamed British Motor 7Rj2z4HtueU-01343-00440053-00440760 Holdings BMH 7Rj2z4HtueU-01344-00440761-00441513 topic liens reasons and reactions 7Rj2z4HtueU-01345-00441514-00441861 though Jaguar had diversified by adding 7Rj2z4HtueU-01346-00441862-00442137 after Daimler guide trucks and Coventry 7Rj2z4HtueU-01347-00442138-00442362 climax to their group they remained 7Rj2z4HtueU-01348-00442363-00442664 dependent on pressed steel for bodies 7Rj2z4HtueU-01349-00442665-00443070 once BMC had taken control of pressed 7Rj2z4HtueU-01350-00443071-00443370 steel Lions felt compelled to submit to 7Rj2z4HtueU-01351-00443371-00443811 the BMC takeover Lions remained anxious 7Rj2z4HtueU-01352-00443812-00444052 to see that Jaguar maintained its own 7Rj2z4HtueU-01353-00444053-00444279 identity and came to resent the 7Rj2z4HtueU-01354-00444280-00444658 association with British Leyland he was 7Rj2z4HtueU-01355-00444659-00444879 delighted by Sir John Egan's 7Rj2z4HtueU-01356-00444880-00445060 accomplishments and by the new 7Rj2z4HtueU-01357-00445060-00445882 independence arranged in 1984 7Rj2z4HtueU-01358-00445883-00446299 topic end of Dame Lybrand in the United 7Rj2z4HtueU-01359-00446300-00446712 States 7Rj2z4HtueU-01360-00446713-00447210 in 1967 BM HS dealer network in the 7Rj2z4HtueU-01361-00447211-00447445 United States stopped importing 7Rj2z4HtueU-01362-00447446-00447637 Daimler's claiming that there was 7Rj2z4HtueU-01363-00447638-00447832 insufficient funds in the group 7Rj2z4HtueU-01364-00447833-00448120 advertising budget to market all of BM 7Rj2z4HtueU-01365-00448121-00448864 HS brands in the US 7Rj2z4HtueU-01366-00448865-00449437 topic owned by british leyland 1968 to 7Rj2z4HtueU-01367-00449438-00449972 1984 7Rj2z4HtueU-01368-00449974-00450334 you 7Rj2z4HtueU-01369-00450335-00451168 topic Dame lady s 420 limousine 7Rj2z4HtueU-01370-00451169-00451574 the Daimler des 420 limousine was 7Rj2z4HtueU-01371-00451575-00451910 introduced in 1968 to replace their 7Rj2z4HtueU-01372-00451910-00452354 Daimler Dr 450 and BMC's vanden plas 7Rj2z4HtueU-01373-00452355-00452963 princess the des 420 used a Jaguar MK X 7Rj2z4HtueU-01374-00452964-00453284 unitary carcass with a restyled roof and 7Rj2z4HtueU-01375-00453285-00453614 a floor pan extended by 21 inches behind 7Rj2z4HtueU-01376-00453614-00453950 the front seat and strengthened the 7Rj2z4HtueU-01377-00453951-00454250 extension of the mark 10 unit bodies was 7Rj2z4HtueU-01378-00454251-00454522 done by motor panels a subsidiary of 7Rj2z4HtueU-01379-00454523-00454847 ruber Eoin the floor pan with 7Rj2z4HtueU-01380-00454847-00455075 mechanicals was available to coach 7Rj2z4HtueU-01381-00455076-00455318 builders as a rolling chassis for use 7Rj2z4HtueU-01382-00455318-00455606 with specialized bodywork usually as 7Rj2z4HtueU-01383-00455607-00455870 hearses starting of Birmingham built 7Rj2z4HtueU-01384-00455871-00456364 more than 300 des 420 based hearses 7Rj2z4HtueU-01385-00456364-00456670 finishing from the bare metal including 7Rj2z4HtueU-01386-00456671-00456926 final assembly and trimming the interior 7Rj2z4HtueU-01387-00456927-00457216 was done by vanden plas who had earlier 7Rj2z4HtueU-01388-00457217-00457447 made the princess for BMC 7Rj2z4HtueU-01389-00457448-00457753 the des 420 was withdrawn from 7Rj2z4HtueU-01390-00457754-00458368 production in 1992 from 1986 it had been 7Rj2z4HtueU-01391-00458369-00458614 the last production automobile to use 7Rj2z4HtueU-01392-00458616-00459220 the Jaguar XK six engine the last DS 420 7Rj2z4HtueU-01393-00459221-00459452 based start and hearse was delivered on 7Rj2z4HtueU-01394-00459453-00459866 the 9th of February 1994 to mr. slack a 7Rj2z4HtueU-01395-00459867-00460112 funeral director in Cheshire though 7Rj2z4HtueU-01396-00460113-00460439 based entirely on Jaguar components the 7Rj2z4HtueU-01397-00460439-00460883 DS 420 was unique to Daimler these 7Rj2z4HtueU-01398-00460884-00461191 limousines wedding and funeral cars in 7Rj2z4HtueU-01399-00461192-00461429 the hearses made by independent coach 7Rj2z4HtueU-01400-00461430-00461678 builders are now the way most remembered 7Rj2z4HtueU-01401-00461679-00462296 aim low cars 7Rj2z4HtueU-01402-00462297-00462702 topic Daimler sovereign Daimler double 7Rj2z4HtueU-01403-00462703-00463110 six 7Rj2z4HtueU-01404-00463110-00463374 these were the first series of vehicles 7Rj2z4HtueU-01405-00463375-00463697 that were badge-engineered Jaguar XJ 7Rj2z4HtueU-01406-00463699-00463983 series but given a more luxurious and 7Rj2z4HtueU-01407-00463984-00464418 upmarket finish for example the Daimler 7Rj2z4HtueU-01408-00464418-00464768 double six was a Jaguar XJ 12 the 7Rj2z4HtueU-01409-00464770-00465014 Daimler badge and fluted top turrets 7Rj2z4HtueU-01410-00465016-00465225 grill and boot handle being the only 7Rj2z4HtueU-01411-00465226-00465510 outward differences from the Jaguar with 7Rj2z4HtueU-01412-00465510-00465768 more luxurious interior fittings and 7Rj2z4HtueU-01413-00465768-00466032 extra standard equipment marking it out 7Rj2z4HtueU-01414-00466033-00466659 on the inside 7Rj2z4HtueU-01415-00466660-00467205 topic chairman 7Rj2z4HtueU-01416-00467206-00467496 one strategy to sell Daimler's was 7Rj2z4HtueU-01417-00467497-00467727 through fleet sales of Jaguars two 7Rj2z4HtueU-01418-00467728-00467991 boards of directors Jaguar would offer 7Rj2z4HtueU-01419-00467992-00468225 to include a more prestigious Daimler 7Rj2z4HtueU-01420-00468226-00468699 for the Chairman from 1972 to 1974 the 7Rj2z4HtueU-01421-00468700-00468945 chairman of Jaguar cars was lofty 7Rj2z4HtueU-01422-00468946-00469179 England who began his career in the 7Rj2z4HtueU-01423-00469180-00469404 automotive industry as a Daimler 7Rj2z4HtueU-01424-00469405-00470327 apprentice from 1927 to 1932 7Rj2z4HtueU-01425-00470328-00470735 topic fluted grills in continental 7Rj2z4HtueU-01426-00470735-00471237 Europe and the US 7Rj2z4HtueU-01427-00471238-00471520 the Daimler name was dropped in Europe 7Rj2z4HtueU-01428-00471521-00471853 in the 1980s while Jaguar adopted the 7Rj2z4HtueU-01429-00471854-00472183 sovereign designation this caused a 7Rj2z4HtueU-01430-00472184-00472462 great demand for imported Daimler parts 7Rj2z4HtueU-01431-00472463-00472927 as conversion kits to convert Jaguars 7Rj2z4HtueU-01432-00472928-00473285 into Dame TLAs deducing from this 7Rj2z4HtueU-01433-00473286-00473643 conversion kit market that there was 7Rj2z4HtueU-01434-00473644-00473941 still a demand for Daimler cars Jaguar 7Rj2z4HtueU-01435-00473942-00474166 cars returned the Daimler brand to 7Rj2z4HtueU-01436-00474167-00474526 Europe at the end of 1985 meanwhile in 7Rj2z4HtueU-01437-00474527-00474687 the United States 7Rj2z4HtueU-01438-00474688-00475110 Jaguar marketed their vanden plas with 7Rj2z4HtueU-01439-00475111-00475393 Daimler fluted grilles and license plate 7Rj2z4HtueU-01440-00475393-00475992 housings 7Rj2z4HtueU-01441-00475993-00477104 topic owned by Jaguar cars 1984 to 1989 7Rj2z4HtueU-01442-00477105-00477435 if Jaguar was not to follow Daimler into 7Rj2z4HtueU-01443-00477435-00477693 becoming just another once iconic brand 7Rj2z4HtueU-01444-00477693-00477962 it needed immense amounts of capital to 7Rj2z4HtueU-01445-00477963-00478218 develop new models and build and equip 7Rj2z4HtueU-01446-00478218-00478551 new factories this was beyond the 7Rj2z4HtueU-01447-00478552-00478943 ability of the BMH now British Leyland 7Rj2z4HtueU-01448-00478943-00479339 group it was decided to market the 7Rj2z4HtueU-01449-00479340-00479604 Jaguar business by first obtaining a 7Rj2z4HtueU-01450-00479605-00479870 separate London Stock Exchange listing 7Rj2z4HtueU-01451-00479871-00480087 to fix a price than insuring any 7Rj2z4HtueU-01452-00480088-00480360 successful bid for all the listed shares 7Rj2z4HtueU-01453-00480360-00480585 in the whole business would be from a 7Rj2z4HtueU-01454-00480585-00480801 bidder with or with access to the 7Rj2z4HtueU-01455-00480802-00481170 necessary capital that bidder proved to 7Rj2z4HtueU-01456-00481171-00481701 be Ford 1984 produced a record group 7Rj2z4HtueU-01457-00481702-00482204 output of 36,000 856 cars but less than 7Rj2z4HtueU-01458-00482205-00482633 5% were badged Daimler two years later 7Rj2z4HtueU-01459-00482634-00483054 Daimler share had reached 11.5% and 7Rj2z4HtueU-01460-00483055-00483347 would have been almost 23 percent if the 7Rj2z4HtueU-01461-00483348-00483593 vanden plas sold in the u.s. were 7Rj2z4HtueU-01462-00483594-00483924 included when the new XJ 40 came into 7Rj2z4HtueU-01463-00483925-00484335 production in 1986 the series 3 was kept 7Rj2z4HtueU-01464-00484335-00484595 in production of further six years to 7Rj2z4HtueU-01465-00484596-00485534 1992 to carry the big double six engines 7Rj2z4HtueU-01466-00485535-00486585 topic owned by Ford 1989 to 2007 7Rj2z4HtueU-01467-00486587-00487102 in 1989 the Ford Motor Company payed 1.6 7Rj2z4HtueU-01468-00487103-00487368 billion pounds to buy Jaguar and with it 7Rj2z4HtueU-01469-00487370-00487737 the right to use the Daimler name in 7Rj2z4HtueU-01470-00487738-00488131 1992 Daimler Ford stopped production of 7Rj2z4HtueU-01471-00488132-00488518 the DS 420 limousine the only model that 7Rj2z4HtueU-01472-00488518-00488752 was a little more than just a rebadged 7Rj2z4HtueU-01473-00488753-00489133 Jaguar when Ford bought Jaguar in 1990 7Rj2z4HtueU-01474-00489134-00489355 the British press showed a coloured 7Rj2z4HtueU-01475-00489356-00489613 computer-generated image of a proposed 7Rj2z4HtueU-01476-00489614-00489910 new Daimler car not merely a rebadged 7Rj2z4HtueU-01477-00489910-00490357 Jaguar XJ at least one related project 7Rj2z4HtueU-01478-00490358-00490657 has been documented Daimler remained the 7Rj2z4HtueU-01479-00490658-00490914 flagship Jaguar product in every country 7Rj2z4HtueU-01480-00490916-00491221 except the US where the top Jaguar is 7Rj2z4HtueU-01481-00491222-00491722 known as their XJ vanden plas Jaguar may 7Rj2z4HtueU-01482-00491722-00491956 have feared that the American market 7Rj2z4HtueU-01483-00491957-00492178 would confuse Jaguar Daimler with 7Rj2z4HtueU-01484-00492179-00492777 Daimler AG 7Rj2z4HtueU-01485-00492778-00493339 topic century 7Rj2z4HtueU-01486-00493339-00493697 tainless centenary was celebrated in 7Rj2z4HtueU-01487-00493698-00493993 1996 by the production of a special 7Rj2z4HtueU-01488-00493993-00494383 edition 100 double six and 100 straight 7Rj2z4HtueU-01489-00494384-00494680 six cars each with special paint and 7Rj2z4HtueU-01490-00494681-00494870 other special finishes including 7Rj2z4HtueU-01491-00494871-00495291 electrically adjustable rear seats the 7Rj2z4HtueU-01492-00495292-00495529 single two-door four-seater convertible 7Rj2z4HtueU-01493-00495530-00495955 built in 1996 to commemorate Daimler's 7Rj2z4HtueU-01494-00495956-00496243 centenary and called dame la Corsica was 7Rj2z4HtueU-01495-00496243-00496524 based on the Daimler double six saloon 7Rj2z4HtueU-01496-00496525-00496906 the prototype which lacked an engine had 7Rj2z4HtueU-01497-00496907-00497122 all the luxury features of the standard 7Rj2z4HtueU-01498-00497122-00497533 saloon but a shorter wheelbase painted 7Rj2z4HtueU-01499-00497534-00498013 sea frost it was named after a 1931 7Rj2z4HtueU-01500-00498014-00498283 Daimler double six with a body by 7Rj2z4HtueU-01501-00498284-00498672 Corsica Jaguar Daimler Heritage Trust 7Rj2z4HtueU-01502-00498673-00498918 have decommissioned it to operate as a 7Rj2z4HtueU-01503-00498919-00499204 fully functional road-legal car and it 7Rj2z4HtueU-01504-00499205-00499450 is on display at their Museum at Browns 7Rj2z4HtueU-01505-00499451-00500205 Lane in Coventry England 7Rj2z4HtueU-01506-00500206-00500956 topic daimler super v---aids 7Rj2z4HtueU-01507-00500957-00501268 1997 saw the end of production of the 7Rj2z4HtueU-01508-00501270-00501632 double six it was superseded by the 7Rj2z4HtueU-01509-00501633-00501956 introduction of a Jaguar v8 engine and 7Rj2z4HtueU-01510-00501957-00502168 the new car was given the model name 7Rj2z4HtueU-01511-00502170-00502568 mark - XJ the engine was the only 7Rj2z4HtueU-01512-00502568-00502871 significant change from the previous XJ 7Rj2z4HtueU-01513-00502872-00503258 40 the replacement for the double six 7Rj2z4HtueU-01514-00503259-00503552 was the supercharged super v8 the 7Rj2z4HtueU-01515-00503553-00503795 supercharger to compensate for the loss 7Rj2z4HtueU-01516-00503796-00504026 of one third of the previous engines 7Rj2z4HtueU-01517-00504027-00504289 capacity 7Rj2z4HtueU-01518-00504291-00504637 you 7Rj2z4HtueU-01519-00504638-00505288 topic daimler super 8 7Rj2z4HtueU-01520-00505289-00505585 after a three-year break a new day mayor 7Rj2z4HtueU-01521-00505585-00506016 the super 8 was presented in July 2005 7Rj2z4HtueU-01522-00506017-00506353 it had a new stressed aluminium 7Rj2z4HtueU-01523-00506354-00506739 monocoque chassis body with a 4.2 L v8 7Rj2z4HtueU-01524-00506739-00507147 supercharged engine which produced 291 7Rj2z4HtueU-01525-00507149-00507799 kilowatts 396 PS 390 bhp and a torque 7Rj2z4HtueU-01526-00507800-00508572 rating of 533 Nm 393 pounds feet at 3500 7Rj2z4HtueU-01527-00508574-00508914 revolutions per minute this car was 7Rj2z4HtueU-01528-00508916-00509881 derived from the Jaguar XJ X 350 7Rj2z4HtueU-01529-00509882-00510787 topic owned by tartar 2007 present 7Rj2z4HtueU-01530-00510788-00511138 at the end of 2007 the formal 7Rj2z4HtueU-01531-00511139-00511422 announcement was delayed until the 25th 7Rj2z4HtueU-01532-00511424-00511768 of March 2008 it became generally known 7Rj2z4HtueU-01533-00511768-00512050 that India's Tata Group had completed 7Rj2z4HtueU-01534-00512051-00512281 arrangements to purchase Jaguar 7Rj2z4HtueU-01535-00512282-00512697 including Daimler and Land Rover Tata 7Rj2z4HtueU-01536-00512699-00512962 had spoken to the press of plans to 7Rj2z4HtueU-01537-00512963-00513243 properly relaunch England's oldest car 7Rj2z4HtueU-01538-00513245-00513730 marque in July 2008 tarter group the 7Rj2z4HtueU-01539-00513731-00513943 current owners of Jaguar and Daimler 7Rj2z4HtueU-01540-00513943-00514143 announced they were considering 7Rj2z4HtueU-01541-00514145-00514501 transforming Daimler into a super luxury 7Rj2z4HtueU-01542-00514502-00514789 marque to compete directly with Bentley 7Rj2z4HtueU-01543-00514789-00515364 and rolls-royce until the early 1950s it 7Rj2z4HtueU-01544-00515366-00515674 was often said the aristocracy by 7Rj2z4HtueU-01545-00515675-00515926 Daimler's the nouveau reached by 7Rj2z4HtueU-01546-00515927-00516292 rolls-royce an application to register 7Rj2z4HtueU-01547-00516293-00516559 the Daimler name as a trademark in the 7Rj2z4HtueU-01548-00516560-00517404 US was rejected in 2009 7Rj2z4HtueU-01549-00517405-00518047 topic current status 7Rj2z4HtueU-01550-00518048-00518335 the Daimler Company Limited now the 7Rj2z4HtueU-01551-00518337-00518630 Daimler Motor Company Limited is still 7Rj2z4HtueU-01552-00518631-00518864 registered as active and accounts are 7Rj2z4HtueU-01553-00518864-00519089 filed each year though it is currently 7Rj2z4HtueU-01554-00519089-00519542 marked non trading until the 20th of 7Rj2z4HtueU-01555-00519543-00519863 December 1988 its name was the Daimler 7Rj2z4HtueU-01556-00519864-00520256 Company Limited before the 5th of 7Rj2z4HtueU-01557-00520257-00520610 October 2007 Jaguar while still 7Rj2z4HtueU-01558-00520610-00520895 controlled by Ford reached agreement to 7Rj2z4HtueU-01559-00520896-00521068 permit then the merging Daimler Chrysler 7Rj2z4HtueU-01560-00521070-00521392 to extend its use of the name Daimler 7Rj2z4HtueU-01561-00521393-00521702 the announcement of this agreement was 7Rj2z4HtueU-01562-00521703-00522068 delayed until the end of July 2008 and 7Rj2z4HtueU-01563-00522068-00522356 made by Jaguars new owner Tata 7Rj2z4HtueU-01564-00522357-00522776 by 2007 Jaguars use of the Daimler brand 7Rj2z4HtueU-01565-00522777-00523055 was limited to one model the super 8 7Rj2z4HtueU-01566-00523056-00523328 which was to be last Dame 'la model to 7Rj2z4HtueU-01567-00523329-00523856 be produced in 2009 Jaguar lost the 7Rj2z4HtueU-01568-00523857-00524095 right to trademark the Daimler name in 7Rj2z4HtueU-01569-00524096-00524797 the United States 7Rj2z4HtueU-01570-00524798-00525385 topic see also 7Rj2z4HtueU-01571-00525386-00525930 list of Daimler cars Critchley light car 7Rj2z4HtueU-01572-00525931-00526287 list of car manufacturers of the united 7Rj2z4HtueU-01573-00526288-00526456 kingdom 7Rj2z4HtueU-01574-00526457-00526862 the German company Daimler motor and 7Rj2z4HtueU-01575-00526863-00527541 gasol shaft 1890 to 1926 Daimler Benz 7Rj2z4HtueU-01576-00527542-00528054 1926 to 1998 after the merger with Benz 7Rj2z4HtueU-01577-00528055-00528535 Daimler AG 2007 present after divesting 7Rj2z4HtueU-01578-00528536-00528918 Chrysler Daimler Chrysler from 1998 to 7Rj2z4HtueU-01579-00528919-00529494 2007 the Daimler licensee in Austria 7Rj2z4HtueU-01580-00529495-00530115 Ostrow Daimler 1899 to 1934 steer 7Rj2z4HtueU-01581-00530116-00530645 Daimler pash 1934 to 2003 7Rj2z4HtueU-01582-00530646-00531020 equals equals notes 7Rzfh5qqsQc-00000-00000086-00000526 with I can never get enough of that son 7Rzfh5qqsQc-00001-00000527-00000617 thanks guys 7Rzfh5qqsQc-00002-00000618-00000872 so today we are talking about tinting 7Rzfh5qqsQc-00003-00000873-00001085 your art resin you can use a variety of 7Rzfh5qqsQc-00004-00001086-00001274 colorants 210 art resin but we really 7Rzfh5qqsQc-00005-00001275-00001408 recommend resin tint because it was 7Rzfh5qqsQc-00006-00001409-00001601 formulated specifically to work with art 7Rzfh5qqsQc-00007-00001602-00001852 resin so whatever colorant you choose to 7Rzfh5qqsQc-00008-00001853-00001979 use though the same rule of thumb 7Rzfh5qqsQc-00009-00001980-00002270 applies don't add more than 6% of the 7Rzfh5qqsQc-00010-00002271-00002452 total combined volume of resin and 7Rzfh5qqsQc-00011-00002453-00002687 hardener and here's why if you add more 7Rzfh5qqsQc-00012-00002688-00002846 than 6% you're going to upset that 7Rzfh5qqsQc-00013-00002847-00003023 delicate balance needed to cure the 7Rzfh5qqsQc-00014-00003024-00003149 resin and you're going to end up with a 7Rzfh5qqsQc-00015-00003150-00003431 sticky gloppy mess so what does 6% look 7Rzfh5qqsQc-00016-00003432-00003647 like well for every ounce of art resin 7Rzfh5qqsQc-00017-00003647-00003838 6% is going to work out to be about a 7Rzfh5qqsQc-00018-00003839-00004043 quarter of a teaspoon of resin tint but 7Rzfh5qqsQc-00019-00004044-00004193 because rezident it is so richly 7Rzfh5qqsQc-00020-00004194-00004397 saturated you're probably not even even 7Rzfh5qqsQc-00021-00004398-00004586 going to need that much so either way 7Rzfh5qqsQc-00022-00004587-00004808 try it out and have fun that's the tip 7Rzfh5qqsQc-00023-00004809-00005900 for today I think that's over 7RzS2w-9feu-00000-00001701-00002016 hi my name is Sandeep a developer 7RzS2w-9feu-00001-00002017-00002183 advocate on the Google cloud platform 7RzS2w-9feu-00002-00002184-00002424 welcome to the Google Data Center at The 7RzS2w-9feu-00003-00002425-00002742 Dalles Oregon take a look around before 7RzS2w-9feu-00004-00002743-00002970 we go inside we need to make sure that 7RzS2w-9feu-00005-00002971-00003101 we have the appropriate security 7RzS2w-9feu-00006-00003102-00003339 clearance most Google employees can't 7RzS2w-9feu-00007-00003340-00003414 even get in here 7RzS2w-9feu-00008-00003415-00003642 so let's go on a special 7RzS2w-9feu-00009-00003643-00004587 behind-the-scenes tour I'm here with 7RzS2w-9feu-00010-00004588-00004701 Noah from the site reliability 7RzS2w-9feu-00011-00004702-00004935 engineering team Noah he tell us a 7RzS2w-9feu-00012-00004936-00005085 little bit more about the sre role at 7RzS2w-9feu-00013-00005086-00005292 Google yeah Esther is right and maintain 7RzS2w-9feu-00014-00005293-00005448 the software systems designed to keep 7RzS2w-9feu-00015-00005449-00005640 our services running so what happens if 7RzS2w-9feu-00016-00005641-00005862 one of these systems goes down we've 7RzS2w-9feu-00017-00005863-00006024 designed our systems from the ground up 7RzS2w-9feu-00018-00006025-00006177 to be able to handle any unexpected 7RzS2w-9feu-00019-00006178-00006375 failures that might occur we have highly 7RzS2w-9feu-00020-00006376-00006596 redundant power networking and serving 7RzS2w-9feu-00021-00006597-00006792 domains so even if we do lose an entire 7RzS2w-9feu-00022-00006793-00007010 cluster we're able to redirect those 7RzS2w-9feu-00023-00007011-00007223 workloads and live migrate data in order 7RzS2w-9feu-00024-00007225-00007478 to minimize any impact in addition we 7RzS2w-9feu-00025-00007479-00007833 have a team of sres on call 24/7 that 7RzS2w-9feu-00026-00007834-00007966 can tackle any problems that might arise 7RzS2w-9feu-00027-00007967-00008273 thanks Noah now we learn more about the 7RzS2w-9feu-00028-00008274-00008448 systems that manage our fleet at Google 7RzS2w-9feu-00029-00008449-00008639 let's take a deeper look at the data 7RzS2w-9feu-00030-00008640-00009098 center infrastructure itself welcome 7RzS2w-9feu-00031-00009099-00009366 inside before we can continue further we 7RzS2w-9feu-00032-00009367-00009516 need to go through the biometric ire 7RzS2w-9feu-00033-00009517-00009801 scan and circle lock these only allow 7RzS2w-9feu-00034-00009802-00010055 one person at a time and require dual 7RzS2w-9feu-00035-00010056-00010248 authentication to continue further I'll 7RzS2w-9feu-00036-00010249-00011645 see you on the other side 7RzS2w-9feu-00037-00011646-00011970 welcome to the data center floor as you 7RzS2w-9feu-00038-00011971-00012180 can tell we have a lot of servers and 7RzS2w-9feu-00039-00012181-00012417 this is a single cluster in a single 7RzS2w-9feu-00040-00012418-00012726 floor in a single building managing all 7RzS2w-9feu-00041-00012727-00012915 of these servers on a global scale is 7RzS2w-9feu-00042-00012916-00013221 quite a challenge to utilize our fleet 7RzS2w-9feu-00043-00013222-00013530 we use tools that just port Colossus and 7RzS2w-9feu-00044-00013531-00013797 spanner you may be familiar with similar 7RzS2w-9feu-00045-00013797-00013944 tools such as kubernetes 7RzS2w-9feu-00046-00013944-00014253 Google Cloud storage and bigquery at 7RzS2w-9feu-00047-00014254-00014430 these tools a lot of Google engineers 7RzS2w-9feu-00048-00014431-00014682 and cloud customers more easily manage 7RzS2w-9feu-00049-00014683-00014894 infrastructure allowing everyone to both 7RzS2w-9feu-00050-00014895-00015619 innovative and scalable applications 7RzS2w-9feu-00051-00015619-00015886 here at Google a lager infrastructure is 7RzS2w-9feu-00052-00015887-00016069 custom made this gives us the 7RzS2w-9feu-00053-00016069-00016788 flexibility and performance we need 7RzS2w-9feu-00055-00021145-00024102 over the entire Internet so how is this 7RzS2w-9feu-00056-00024103-00024361 nice I finally know what all this Google 7RzS2w-9feu-00057-00024362-00024550 Fiber is really used for thanks Virginia 7RzS2w-9feu-00058-00024551-00024745 no problem 7RzS2w-9feu-00059-00024746-00024973 so now you've seen all the compute and 7RzS2w-9feu-00060-00024974-00025141 networking horsepower required to run 7RzS2w-9feu-00061-00025142-00025327 your workloads in the cloud let's take a 7RzS2w-9feu-00062-00025328-00025540 look at where your data is safely and 7RzS2w-9feu-00063-00025541-00025788 securely stored 7RzS2w-9feu-00064-00025789-00025914 [Music] 7RzS2w-9feu-00065-00025914-00026143 whether you're querying terabytes of 7RzS2w-9feu-00066-00026144-00026380 data on bigquery or storing petabytes in 7RzS2w-9feu-00067-00026381-00026587 Google Cloud storage all of your data 7RzS2w-9feu-00068-00026588-00026772 needs to be stored on a physical device 7RzS2w-9feu-00069-00026773-00027045 our data center infrastructure allows us 7RzS2w-9feu-00070-00027047-00027235 to access our storage quickly and 7RzS2w-9feu-00071-00027236-00027564 securely at our scale we need to handle 7RzS2w-9feu-00072-00027566-00027762 hard drive and SSD failure on a daily 7RzS2w-9feu-00073-00027763-00028000 basis while your data is replicated and 7RzS2w-9feu-00074-00028001-00028290 safe we need to destroy or recycle used 7RzS2w-9feu-00075-00028291-00028480 hard drives so no one can access your 7RzS2w-9feu-00076-00028481-00028732 data from the time like disk is removed 7RzS2w-9feu-00077-00028733-00028867 from the server to the time is 7RzS2w-9feu-00078-00028868-00028936 decommissioned 7RzS2w-9feu-00079-00028937-00029107 we maintain a very strict chain of 7RzS2w-9feu-00080-00029108-00029344 custody the disks are completely wiped 7RzS2w-9feu-00081-00029345-00029593 and then destroyed in a huge shredder 7RzS2w-9feu-00082-00029594-00030813 let's go shred some hard drives 7RzS2w-9feu-00083-00030814-00031732 [Music] 7RzS2w-9feu-00084-00031733-00031933 we've looked at a lot of the hardware 7RzS2w-9feu-00085-00031935-00032141 that runs in our data centers but it 7RzS2w-9feu-00086-00032142-00032354 doesn't end there we need to cool and 7RzS2w-9feu-00087-00032355-00032552 power our infrastructure and an 7RzS2w-9feu-00088-00032552-00032768 environmentally sustainable and reliable 7RzS2w-9feu-00089-00032769-00032984 way let's take a look at how we cool our 7RzS2w-9feu-00090-00032985-00033470 servers welcome to the mechanical 7RzS2w-9feu-00091-00033471-00033686 equipment room looks pretty cool doesn't 7RzS2w-9feu-00092-00033687-00033944 it okay it's Brian one of our data 7RzS2w-9feu-00093-00033945-00034193 center facilities technicians hey Brian 7RzS2w-9feu-00094-00034194-00034364 Brian can you tell us a little bit more 7RzS2w-9feu-00095-00034365-00034442 about this room 7RzS2w-9feu-00096-00034443-00034721 throw this is a cooling plant or one of 7RzS2w-9feu-00097-00034722-00034937 the data centers that we have on site so 7RzS2w-9feu-00098-00034938-00035120 a lot of heat is generated on the server 7RzS2w-9feu-00099-00035121-00035330 floor and that all has to be removed and 7RzS2w-9feu-00100-00035331-00035471 that starts right here in the cooling 7RzS2w-9feu-00101-00035472-00035723 plant so it's basically too loose we 7RzS2w-9feu-00102-00035724-00035882 have the condenser water loop and we 7RzS2w-9feu-00103-00035883-00036083 have the process water loop the process 7RzS2w-9feu-00104-00036084-00036257 water loop are these blue and red pipes 7RzS2w-9feu-00105-00036258-00036467 over here do they take the heat off the 7RzS2w-9feu-00106-00036468-00036647 server floor and they transfer it to 7RzS2w-9feu-00107-00036648-00036908 these heat exchangers here the condenser 7RzS2w-9feu-00108-00036909-00037070 water loop or these green and yellow 7RzS2w-9feu-00109-00037071-00037316 pipes here they take the cold water from 7RzS2w-9feu-00110-00037317-00037517 the base and underneath it they transfer 7RzS2w-9feu-00111-00037518-00037688 it to the ec8 exchangers here and they 7RzS2w-9feu-00112-00037689-00037838 send it up to the cooling towers up on 7RzS2w-9feu-00113-00037839-00038027 the roof I notice our pipes are Google 7RzS2w-9feu-00114-00038028-00038327 colors it's pretty cool so how efficient 7RzS2w-9feu-00115-00038328-00038543 is our data center well Google has some 7RzS2w-9feu-00116-00038544-00038702 of the most efficient data centers in 7RzS2w-9feu-00117-00038703-00038888 the world in fact when we started 7RzS2w-9feu-00118-00038889-00039008 reporting our power usage effectiveness 7RzS2w-9feu-00119-00039009-00039365 or PUA in 2008 most other data centers 7RzS2w-9feu-00120-00039366-00039644 were around 100 percent overhead at that 7RzS2w-9feu-00121-00039645-00039842 point in time Google was 20% overhead 7RzS2w-9feu-00122-00039843-00040109 but since then we reduced it to just 12% 7RzS2w-9feu-00123-00040110-00040349 and that even includes our cafeterias 7RzS2w-9feu-00124-00040350-00040751 whoa that is so low also what's this big 7RzS2w-9feu-00125-00040752-00040946 green machine for now well this is a 7RzS2w-9feu-00126-00040947-00041231 chiller you very rarely use them but it 7RzS2w-9feu-00127-00041232-00041399 helps keep the process water temperature 7RzS2w-9feu-00128-00041400-00041573 in the desired temperature range when it 7RzS2w-9feu-00129-00041574-00041777 gets really hot outside basically 7RzS2w-9feu-00130-00041778-00042002 helping the cooling tower do its job and 7RzS2w-9feu-00131-00042003-00042176 some of our newer data centers they have 7RzS2w-9feu-00132-00042177-00042398 no chillers at all I love how our new 7RzS2w-9feu-00133-00042399-00042665 data centers are even more efficient by 7RzS2w-9feu-00134-00042666-00042821 the way can we go up and take a look at 7RzS2w-9feu-00135-00042822-00043298 a cooling tower sure let's go 7RzS2w-9feu-00136-00043299-00043435 Wow 7RzS2w-9feu-00137-00043436-00043732 what a view up here so Sandeep this is a 7RzS2w-9feu-00138-00043733-00043974 cooling tower it uses evaporation to 7RzS2w-9feu-00139-00043975-00044127 rapidly cool the water from the 7RzS2w-9feu-00140-00044128-00044280 condenser loop and sends it back down to 7RzS2w-9feu-00141-00044281-00044454 the basin you could say we're making 7RzS2w-9feu-00142-00044455-00044691 actual clouds with the cloud cloud it's 7RzS2w-9feu-00143-00044692-00044910 making actual clouds welcome to Google 7RzS2w-9feu-00144-00044911-00045223 so Bryan how do we power the cloud well 7RzS2w-9feu-00145-00045224-00045333 that all starts at Google's power 7RzS2w-9feu-00146-00045334-00045942 substation let's go take a look so this 7RzS2w-9feu-00147-00045943-00046137 is the Google owned power substation 7RzS2w-9feu-00148-00046138-00046290 this is where the high voltage power 7RzS2w-9feu-00149-00046291-00046504 enters the site it's reduced and then 7RzS2w-9feu-00150-00046505-00046641 sent to multiple power distribution 7RzS2w-9feu-00151-00046642-00046839 centers such as this one right here what 7RzS2w-9feu-00152-00046840-00046998 happens if a power distribution center 7RzS2w-9feu-00153-00046999-00047214 loses power if it loses power we have 7RzS2w-9feu-00154-00047215-00047442 multiple generator and utility backup 7RzS2w-9feu-00155-00047443-00047595 sources available to maintain power to 7RzS2w-9feu-00156-00047596-00047782 those servers and where does all the 7RzS2w-9feu-00157-00047783-00047967 power come from it actually comes from 7RzS2w-9feu-00158-00047968-00048135 multiple hydroelectric power plants that 7RzS2w-9feu-00159-00048136-00048174 are nearby 7RzS2w-9feu-00160-00048175-00048385 I love how Google uses reliable green 7RzS2w-9feu-00161-00048386-00048679 energy whenever possible we are 100% 7RzS2w-9feu-00162-00048680-00048864 carbon neutral actually that's pretty 7RzS2w-9feu-00163-00048865-00049062 cool you know it seems like Google 7RzS2w-9feu-00164-00049063-00049221 builds reliability from the ground up 7RzS2w-9feu-00165-00049222-00049432 and the power and cooling all the way to 7RzS2w-9feu-00166-00049433-00049579 the software systems that manage our 7RzS2w-9feu-00167-00049580-00049749 fleet thanks for showing me around Bryan 7RzS2w-9feu-00168-00049750-00050004 no problem never great Dan thank you for 7RzS2w-9feu-00169-00050005-00050085 joining me on this special 7RzS2w-9feu-00170-00050086-00050313 behind-the-scenes tour please check out 7RzS2w-9feu-00171-00050314-00050583 cloud.google.com to learn how you can 7RzS2w-9feu-00172-00050584-00050868 build what's next 7RTjVoltqjy-00000-00000192-00000390 hey welcome to today's skill builder 7RTjVoltqjy-00001-00000391-00000455 session 7RTjVoltqjy-00002-00000456-00000647 are these images free to use in this 7RTjVoltqjy-00003-00000648-00000790 session we're going to 7RTjVoltqjy-00004-00000791-00001031 be reviewing five questions to ask 7RTjVoltqjy-00005-00001032-00001103 yourself 7RTjVoltqjy-00006-00001104-00001303 when you find works on the web that you 7RTjVoltqjy-00007-00001304-00001423 want to reuse 7RTjVoltqjy-00008-00001424-00001726 so there are some training resources 7RTjVoltqjy-00009-00001727-00001967 and more related uh information about 7RTjVoltqjy-00010-00001968-00002047 copyright 7RTjVoltqjy-00011-00002048-00002302 on the agnes scott college copyright 7RTjVoltqjy-00012-00002303-00002383 guide 7RTjVoltqjy-00013-00002384-00002731 uh located at agnes sorry at 7RTjVoltqjy-00014-00002732-00002871 libguides.agnescott.edu 7RTjVoltqjy-00015-00002872-00003150 forward slash copyright so i'm going to 7RTjVoltqjy-00016-00003151-00003543 go ahead and put that into the chat 7RTjVoltqjy-00017-00003544-00003847 for our viewers here and 7RTjVoltqjy-00018-00003847-00004079 so you can see a lot of questions that 7RTjVoltqjy-00019-00004079-00004206 people might ask 7RTjVoltqjy-00020-00004207-00004431 the library about copyright for 7RTjVoltqjy-00021-00004432-00004591 education purposes but at the very 7RTjVoltqjy-00022-00004592-00004791 bottom there's some training material 7RTjVoltqjy-00023-00004792-00004967 and one of the pieces of training 7RTjVoltqjy-00024-00004968-00005135 material that we have is using creative 7RTjVoltqjy-00025-00005136-00005199 works 7RTjVoltqjy-00026-00005200-00005447 um fairly it's a slide presentation that 7RTjVoltqjy-00027-00005448-00005559 we put together 7RTjVoltqjy-00028-00005560-00005847 for students to figure out the five 7RTjVoltqjy-00029-00005848-00006038 questions you need to ask before 7RTjVoltqjy-00030-00006039-00006295 reusing a work found on the web 7RTjVoltqjy-00031-00006296-00006495 copyright is complicated 7RTjVoltqjy-00032-00006495-00006863 um and so it can be really intimidating 7RTjVoltqjy-00033-00006864-00007110 but mainly the whole thing is is that 7RTjVoltqjy-00034-00007111-00007342 you just have to ask for permission 7RTjVoltqjy-00035-00007343-00007639 so simply providing credit is not enough 7RTjVoltqjy-00036-00007640-00007798 if you want to use a work created by 7RTjVoltqjy-00037-00007800-00007967 someone else you always have to have 7RTjVoltqjy-00038-00007968-00008095 permission 7RTjVoltqjy-00039-00008095-00008359 so fortunately though there are many 7RTjVoltqjy-00040-00008360-00008487 sites that will 7RTjVoltqjy-00041-00008488-00008727 provide that permission and we're going 7RTjVoltqjy-00042-00008728-00008846 to talk about 7RTjVoltqjy-00043-00008847-00009142 what those how you can spy that and what 7RTjVoltqjy-00044-00009143-00009295 kind of how these questions that you're 7RTjVoltqjy-00045-00009296-00009399 going to ask yourself 7RTjVoltqjy-00046-00009400-00009614 can guide you to being able to figure 7RTjVoltqjy-00047-00009615-00009799 out if permission has already been 7RTjVoltqjy-00048-00009800-00009910 provided 7RTjVoltqjy-00049-00009911-00010174 or if you need to contact the copyright 7RTjVoltqjy-00050-00010175-00010231 holder 7RTjVoltqjy-00051-00010232-00010606 to get permission many people feel that 7RTjVoltqjy-00052-00010607-00010887 only commercial entities or even large 7RTjVoltqjy-00053-00010888-00011078 only large commercial entities 7RTjVoltqjy-00054-00011079-00011231 are required to do more than just 7RTjVoltqjy-00055-00011232-00011406 provide credit to reuse the work 7RTjVoltqjy-00056-00011407-00011687 and this is not true non-commercial 7RTjVoltqjy-00057-00011688-00011751 entities 7RTjVoltqjy-00058-00011752-00011983 and all individuals in general are 7RTjVoltqjy-00059-00011984-00012078 required 7RTjVoltqjy-00060-00012079-00012359 to obtain permission to reuse a work 7RTjVoltqjy-00061-00012360-00012478 really the question is 7RTjVoltqjy-00062-00012479-00012655 is anybody going to come after you for 7RTjVoltqjy-00063-00012656-00012799 it um you are the one 7RTjVoltqjy-00064-00012800-00013111 who gets to take that risk yeah sure 7RTjVoltqjy-00065-00013112-00013327 most likely nobody is but you just have 7RTjVoltqjy-00066-00013328-00013479 to make sure that you know what you're 7RTjVoltqjy-00067-00013480-00013647 getting yourself into when you use a 7RTjVoltqjy-00068-00013647-00013719 work 7RTjVoltqjy-00069-00013719-00013886 so while this may seem daunting i'm 7RTjVoltqjy-00070-00013887-00013991 going to share with you the five 7RTjVoltqjy-00071-00013991-00014207 questions to ask in order to determine 7RTjVoltqjy-00072-00014208-00014503 how to obtain that permission so my very 7RTjVoltqjy-00073-00014504-00014607 first question 7RTjVoltqjy-00074-00014608-00014951 is is there a license or a statement 7RTjVoltqjy-00075-00014952-00015183 indicating how the work may be used 7RTjVoltqjy-00076-00015184-00015366 many resources come with a license or 7RTjVoltqjy-00077-00015368-00015550 statement that provides permission to 7RTjVoltqjy-00078-00015551-00015743 reuse the work and explains how it could 7RTjVoltqjy-00079-00015744-00015879 be reused 7RTjVoltqjy-00080-00015880-00016175 so when you're on a website and you find 7RTjVoltqjy-00081-00016176-00016255 an image 7RTjVoltqjy-00082-00016256-00016463 here are some clues that will help you 7RTjVoltqjy-00083-00016464-00016663 figure out if something is available 7RTjVoltqjy-00084-00016664-00016975 for to be reused it may indicate that 7RTjVoltqjy-00085-00016976-00017094 there's public domain 7RTjVoltqjy-00086-00017095-00017230 so you'll be looking for this word 7RTjVoltqjy-00087-00017231-00017367 public domain and i'll tell you a little 7RTjVoltqjy-00088-00017368-00017575 bit more about public domain in a moment 7RTjVoltqjy-00089-00017576-00017719 because it is very different than 7RTjVoltqjy-00090-00017720-00017863 creative commons so you might see 7RTjVoltqjy-00091-00017864-00018014 creative commons 7RTjVoltqjy-00092-00018015-00018222 the creative commons licenses will 7RTjVoltqjy-00093-00018223-00018479 indicate that it is free to be used 7RTjVoltqjy-00094-00018480-00018622 and if you were to click on this link 7RTjVoltqjy-00095-00018623-00018799 it'll tell you how it's allowed to be 7RTjVoltqjy-00096-00018800-00018903 used 7RTjVoltqjy-00097-00018904-00019143 if it says some rights reserves instead 7RTjVoltqjy-00098-00019144-00019294 of all rights reserved 7RTjVoltqjy-00099-00019295-00019550 then that might be an indication as well 7RTjVoltqjy-00100-00019551-00019735 and here's another example of how 7RTjVoltqjy-00101-00019736-00019894 creative commons looks you can see that 7RTjVoltqjy-00102-00019895-00020047 they have a little icon there 7RTjVoltqjy-00103-00020048-00020358 so look around to see if there is an 7RTjVoltqjy-00104-00020359-00020543 icon or some sort of statement 7RTjVoltqjy-00105-00020544-00020967 associated with the image 7RTjVoltqjy-00106-00020968-00021183 and that will help you know so remember 7RTjVoltqjy-00107-00021184-00021327 public domain 7RTjVoltqjy-00108-00021328-00021599 some rights reserved creative commons 7RTjVoltqjy-00109-00021600-00021647 those are 7RTjVoltqjy-00110-00021648-00021950 three ways that you'll know that images 7RTjVoltqjy-00111-00021951-00021999 might be 7RTjVoltqjy-00112-00022000-00022375 free to be reused and then there are 7RTjVoltqjy-00113-00022376-00022567 some websites where it's not going to be 7RTjVoltqjy-00114-00022568-00022678 as obvious 7RTjVoltqjy-00115-00022679-00022911 so some of them don't have a creative 7RTjVoltqjy-00116-00022912-00023111 commons license 7RTjVoltqjy-00117-00023112-00023319 and they just created their own license 7RTjVoltqjy-00118-00023320-00023422 for reuse 7RTjVoltqjy-00119-00023423-00023727 up here is one of my sites that i enjoy 7RTjVoltqjy-00120-00023728-00023822 going to 7RTjVoltqjy-00121-00023823-00024030 this is the licensing information for a 7RTjVoltqjy-00122-00024031-00024135 clip art site 7RTjVoltqjy-00123-00024136-00024503 called openclipart.org 7RTjVoltqjy-00124-00024504-00024863 artists just upload their content there 7RTjVoltqjy-00125-00024864-00025111 and if you go to the licensing 7RTjVoltqjy-00126-00025112-00025303 information or even maybe the frequently 7RTjVoltqjy-00127-00025304-00025399 asked questions 7RTjVoltqjy-00128-00025400-00025727 you'll find that all of these are in the 7RTjVoltqjy-00129-00025727-00025911 public domain that the artists release 7RTjVoltqjy-00130-00025912-00026102 them into the public domain by putting 7RTjVoltqjy-00131-00026104-00026223 them on this site 7RTjVoltqjy-00132-00026224-00026367 that means that they're free for you to 7RTjVoltqjy-00133-00026368-00026614 use you don't have to do any attribution 7RTjVoltqjy-00134-00026616-00026823 so look for that look somewhere on the 7RTjVoltqjy-00135-00026824-00027031 page if you come across an image you 7RTjVoltqjy-00136-00027032-00027087 like 7RTjVoltqjy-00137-00027088-00027262 and you really want to use it look to 7RTjVoltqjy-00138-00027263-00027511 see if the website that's on there tells 7RTjVoltqjy-00139-00027512-00027590 you licensing 7RTjVoltqjy-00140-00027591-00027839 information for instance here is another 7RTjVoltqjy-00141-00027839-00028055 one this is from the tape gallery 7RTjVoltqjy-00142-00028056-00028462 in the uk and um to locate this one 7RTjVoltqjy-00143-00028463-00028695 i had to go to the terms and copyright 7RTjVoltqjy-00144-00028695-00028895 page sometimes this is just terms and 7RTjVoltqjy-00145-00028895-00028967 conditions 7RTjVoltqjy-00146-00028968-00029207 and i controlled f use control f on my 7RTjVoltqjy-00147-00029208-00029287 keyboard 7RTjVoltqjy-00148-00029288-00029599 typed in the word license maybe i typed 7RTjVoltqjy-00149-00029600-00029751 in copyright maybe i 7RTjVoltqjy-00150-00029752-00029943 typed in intellectual property i'm not 7RTjVoltqjy-00151-00029944-00030055 sure which one 7RTjVoltqjy-00152-00030056-00030199 but you can see if you read through this 7RTjVoltqjy-00153-00030200-00030383 one this one is very clear 7RTjVoltqjy-00154-00030383-00030567 it is not available for reuse you've got 7RTjVoltqjy-00155-00030568-00030743 your answer 7RTjVoltqjy-00156-00030744-00030967 you know that it's not available 7RTjVoltqjy-00157-00030968-00031118 according to their website 7RTjVoltqjy-00158-00031119-00031262 but just because they say no on the 7RTjVoltqjy-00159-00031263-00031414 website doesn't always mean that's the 7RTjVoltqjy-00160-00031416-00031455 end 7RTjVoltqjy-00161-00031456-00031679 you can always contact an organization 7RTjVoltqjy-00162-00031680-00031831 tell them your particular 7RTjVoltqjy-00163-00031832-00032014 situation and just see if they're 7RTjVoltqjy-00164-00032016-00032231 willing to let you reuse the image 7RTjVoltqjy-00165-00032232-00032551 but again permission is required so 7RTjVoltqjy-00166-00032552-00032718 make sure you do that due diligence 7RTjVoltqjy-00167-00032719-00032895 before you decide and think oh well 7RTjVoltqjy-00168-00032896-00033167 there it's a non-profit organization 7RTjVoltqjy-00169-00033168-00033423 they're probably going to feel okay with 7RTjVoltqjy-00170-00033424-00033551 me using it 7RTjVoltqjy-00171-00033552-00033774 no you really want to clarify how did 7RTjVoltqjy-00172-00033775-00033959 they get the work 7RTjVoltqjy-00173-00033960-00034207 and do they have the right to 7RTjVoltqjy-00174-00034208-00034335 redistribute it 7RTjVoltqjy-00175-00034336-00034695 and do they give you permission to do so 7RTjVoltqjy-00176-00034696-00034911 now the second question that you'll 7RTjVoltqjy-00177-00034912-00035071 probably want to ask if you are not 7RTjVoltqjy-00178-00035072-00035399 able to see an obvious license or find 7RTjVoltqjy-00179-00035400-00035543 explicit permission 7RTjVoltqjy-00180-00035544-00035846 to reuse a work what you'll want to know 7RTjVoltqjy-00181-00035847-00036174 is who the creator of the work is or who 7RTjVoltqjy-00182-00036175-00036255 owns the work 7RTjVoltqjy-00183-00036256-00036607 so i could create a work and somebody is 7RTjVoltqjy-00184-00036608-00036702 interested 7RTjVoltqjy-00185-00036703-00037023 in purchasing it from me i might give 7RTjVoltqjy-00186-00037024-00037095 them 7RTjVoltqjy-00187-00037096-00037430 all of my copyrights um as a copyright 7RTjVoltqjy-00188-00037431-00037639 holder i have the right to distribute 7RTjVoltqjy-00189-00037640-00037887 i have the right to create derivative 7RTjVoltqjy-00190-00037888-00038095 works um there's several 7RTjVoltqjy-00191-00038096-00038407 rights that i have in terms of my 7RTjVoltqjy-00192-00038408-00038567 copyrights and i can retain 7RTjVoltqjy-00193-00038568-00038790 some of them but give some of them to 7RTjVoltqjy-00194-00038791-00039023 others or i'll give the whole thing 7RTjVoltqjy-00195-00039024-00039215 so sometimes it's not going to be as 7RTjVoltqjy-00196-00039216-00039430 clear as oh this is the artist 7RTjVoltqjy-00197-00039431-00039767 that created the work they may have 7RTjVoltqjy-00198-00039768-00040046 given their work to somebody else but 7RTjVoltqjy-00199-00040047-00040174 understanding who 7RTjVoltqjy-00200-00040175-00040383 created the work is a great place to 7RTjVoltqjy-00201-00040384-00040559 start so 7RTjVoltqjy-00202-00040560-00040767 some ways that you can figure that out 7RTjVoltqjy-00203-00040768-00040935 is you can 7RTjVoltqjy-00204-00040936-00041295 always look at the credit line 7RTjVoltqjy-00205-00041296-00041511 so this is an art this is an image that 7RTjVoltqjy-00206-00041512-00041687 appeared in an article 7RTjVoltqjy-00207-00041688-00042030 um i'm able to reuse it because for fair 7RTjVoltqjy-00208-00042031-00042255 use purposes because i've altered the 7RTjVoltqjy-00209-00042256-00042502 image in some ways and i'm also 7RTjVoltqjy-00210-00042503-00042751 using this in educational purposes and 7RTjVoltqjy-00211-00042752-00042918 i've kind of transformed the way that 7RTjVoltqjy-00212-00042919-00043111 the image is being used so there is a 7RTjVoltqjy-00213-00043112-00043295 fair use argument for how i'm using this 7RTjVoltqjy-00214-00043296-00043407 particular image 7RTjVoltqjy-00215-00043408-00043558 but most people would not be able to 7RTjVoltqjy-00216-00043559-00043862 reuse this image um 7RTjVoltqjy-00217-00043863-00044039 without getting permission specifically 7RTjVoltqjy-00218-00044040-00044223 from mark peterson 7RTjVoltqjy-00219-00044224-00044502 um mark peterson is the creator of it 7RTjVoltqjy-00220-00044503-00044567 and 7RTjVoltqjy-00221-00044568-00044855 getty images is the one that this site 7RTjVoltqjy-00222-00044856-00044974 got permission from 7RTjVoltqjy-00223-00044975-00045271 to use it so it's housed in getty images 7RTjVoltqjy-00224-00045272-00045471 so what i can do using that information 7RTjVoltqjy-00225-00045472-00045607 is i can do a google search 7RTjVoltqjy-00226-00045608-00045774 if you google search mark peterson right 7RTjVoltqjy-00227-00045775-00045958 now you'll see he even has a wikipedia 7RTjVoltqjy-00228-00045959-00046135 page he's no small 7RTjVoltqjy-00229-00046136-00046479 time artist he also has his own website 7RTjVoltqjy-00230-00046480-00046646 and if you go to that website you'll see 7RTjVoltqjy-00231-00046647-00046830 that there is contact information so i 7RTjVoltqjy-00232-00046831-00046999 could just message him from there and 7RTjVoltqjy-00233-00047000-00047030 say 7RTjVoltqjy-00234-00047031-00047311 hey i really like this image uh send him 7RTjVoltqjy-00235-00047312-00047535 a link to it can i reuse it 7RTjVoltqjy-00236-00047536-00047727 he can let you know if he doesn't have 7RTjVoltqjy-00237-00047728-00047974 access to it anymore if he doesn't he's 7RTjVoltqjy-00238-00047975-00048095 not the copyright holder 7RTjVoltqjy-00239-00048096-00048286 or he can tell you yes you'll just want 7RTjVoltqjy-00240-00048287-00048462 to save that information 7RTjVoltqjy-00241-00048463-00048646 so that if anybody comes back after 7RTjVoltqjy-00242-00048647-00048783 you've used the work 7RTjVoltqjy-00243-00048784-00049039 you can tell them hey i got permission 7RTjVoltqjy-00244-00049040-00049143 and they might think 7RTjVoltqjy-00245-00049144-00049367 you know what that is not the person who 7RTjVoltqjy-00246-00049368-00049462 has access 7RTjVoltqjy-00247-00049463-00049695 to that and you can say well i really 7RTjVoltqjy-00248-00049696-00049927 think that i did my due diligence there 7RTjVoltqjy-00249-00049928-00050207 and that would be true um there's no 7RTjVoltqjy-00250-00050208-00050390 reason for you to have had to move 7RTjVoltqjy-00251-00050391-00050446 further 7RTjVoltqjy-00252-00050447-00050783 than the artist but if the artist 7RTjVoltqjy-00253-00050784-00050974 um doesn't seem like they're going to be 7RTjVoltqjy-00254-00050975-00051118 the copyright holder because 7RTjVoltqjy-00255-00051119-00051287 everything on their page was all rights 7RTjVoltqjy-00256-00051288-00051526 reserved you can also go to where 7RTjVoltqjy-00257-00051527-00051854 it was licensed from so getty images i 7RTjVoltqjy-00258-00051855-00052014 searched for getty images 7RTjVoltqjy-00259-00052015-00052319 i found this image on their site and 7RTjVoltqjy-00260-00052320-00052494 they indicate that i got to purchase a 7RTjVoltqjy-00261-00052495-00052782 license it's possible that they might 7RTjVoltqjy-00262-00052783-00053126 have circumstances where they provide 7RTjVoltqjy-00263-00053127-00053542 access to this without having to um 7RTjVoltqjy-00264-00053544-00053838 have the person pay for it but from the 7RTjVoltqjy-00265-00053839-00053991 get-go they're telling you 7RTjVoltqjy-00266-00053991-00054271 no no you have to pay for this um if 7RTjVoltqjy-00267-00054272-00054463 you're gonna use it in this circumstance 7RTjVoltqjy-00268-00054464-00054679 and anything else just you have to let 7RTjVoltqjy-00269-00054679-00054871 us know so if you're not willing to pay 7RTjVoltqjy-00270-00054872-00054966 up this money 7RTjVoltqjy-00271-00054967-00055223 then probably don't use the image so 7RTjVoltqjy-00272-00055224-00055359 that's something that you'll be able to 7RTjVoltqjy-00273-00055360-00055391 do 7RTjVoltqjy-00274-00055391-00055775 with a lot of sources is 7RTjVoltqjy-00275-00055776-00055903 just kind of doing a little bit of 7RTjVoltqjy-00276-00055904-00056135 research to find out who owns the image 7RTjVoltqjy-00277-00056136-00056438 i'll tell you more about what to do if 7RTjVoltqjy-00278-00056439-00056623 you don't know who owns the image in 7RTjVoltqjy-00279-00056624-00056750 just a moment 7RTjVoltqjy-00280-00056751-00056919 but i also wanted to indicate that 7RTjVoltqjy-00281-00056920-00057126 sometimes you come across sites 7RTjVoltqjy-00282-00057127-00057359 that clearly the work is not done by 7RTjVoltqjy-00283-00057360-00057454 professionals 7RTjVoltqjy-00284-00057455-00057750 for instance on instagram deviantart 7RTjVoltqjy-00285-00057751-00057830 youtube 7RTjVoltqjy-00286-00057832-00057975 a lot of people who are basically 7RTjVoltqjy-00287-00057976-00058271 amateurs um just trying out things 7RTjVoltqjy-00288-00058272-00058687 put their work up onto these sites and 7RTjVoltqjy-00289-00058688-00058879 sometimes even these people might not 7RTjVoltqjy-00290-00058879-00059159 have even gotten into high school yet 7RTjVoltqjy-00291-00059160-00059487 so um clearly these are 7RTjVoltqjy-00292-00059488-00059703 not works that are advanced necessarily 7RTjVoltqjy-00293-00059704-00059854 all the time but 7RTjVoltqjy-00294-00059855-00060054 you still have to recognize that they 7RTjVoltqjy-00295-00060055-00060335 own the copyright to their work 7RTjVoltqjy-00296-00060336-00060654 so unless they explicitly say that 7RTjVoltqjy-00297-00060655-00060887 it is free for you to use somewhere on 7RTjVoltqjy-00298-00060888-00061030 their site or do 7RTjVoltqjy-00299-00061032-00061287 provide a creative commons license or 7RTjVoltqjy-00300-00061288-00061479 say some rights reserves and link that 7RTjVoltqjy-00301-00061479-00061742 to a specific license that they create 7RTjVoltqjy-00302-00061744-00061975 then you have to assume that this work 7RTjVoltqjy-00303-00061976-00062094 is 7RTjVoltqjy-00304-00062095-00062406 only accessible for reuse if you 7RTjVoltqjy-00305-00062407-00062615 ask permission and this is a good 7RTjVoltqjy-00306-00062616-00063023 example of a site from deviantart 7RTjVoltqjy-00307-00063024-00063206 what you can't see here because again 7RTjVoltqjy-00308-00063207-00063382 i've distorted the image so that i can 7RTjVoltqjy-00309-00063383-00063487 reuse this 7RTjVoltqjy-00310-00063488-00063799 um without violating the copyrights of 7RTjVoltqjy-00311-00063800-00063950 the creator 7RTjVoltqjy-00312-00063951-00064199 but illustrating a point this is a 7RTjVoltqjy-00313-00064200-00064359 really cool image 7RTjVoltqjy-00314-00064360-00064535 if you like the show stranger things 7RTjVoltqjy-00315-00064536-00064782 it's amazing cute little poster 7RTjVoltqjy-00316-00064783-00065023 of one of the characters and it is 7RTjVoltqjy-00317-00065024-00065142 definitely something that 7RTjVoltqjy-00318-00065144-00065359 people would want to reuse but you can 7RTjVoltqjy-00319-00065360-00065471 see down here that 7RTjVoltqjy-00320-00065472-00065855 in the comments um he's been asked if 7RTjVoltqjy-00321-00065856-00066071 somebody um can make a t-shirt with it 7RTjVoltqjy-00322-00066072-00066263 on it and he said no 7RTjVoltqjy-00323-00066264-00066494 and he doesn't allow anybody to reprint 7RTjVoltqjy-00324-00066495-00066575 it but 7RTjVoltqjy-00325-00066576-00066782 it is possible just by putting in a 7RTjVoltqjy-00326-00066783-00067015 comment here that he would have said yes 7RTjVoltqjy-00327-00067016-00067223 some people don't care but you can't 7RTjVoltqjy-00328-00067224-00067335 assume that 7RTjVoltqjy-00329-00067336-00067623 people don't care just because you might 7RTjVoltqjy-00330-00067624-00067719 not care 7RTjVoltqjy-00331-00067720-00067919 about what happens to your work you have 7RTjVoltqjy-00332-00067920-00068055 to always ask 7RTjVoltqjy-00333-00068056-00068255 and there's a lot of different avenues 7RTjVoltqjy-00334-00068256-00068438 for asking somebody 7RTjVoltqjy-00335-00068439-00068750 if you can reuse their work 7RTjVoltqjy-00336-00068751-00069055 so if you can't find the creator 7RTjVoltqjy-00337-00069056-00069303 there's no credit statement and you're 7RTjVoltqjy-00338-00069304-00069479 having trouble determining who created 7RTjVoltqjy-00339-00069480-00069550 the work 7RTjVoltqjy-00340-00069551-00069823 you could consider using a reverse image 7RTjVoltqjy-00341-00069824-00069975 search tool like ten i 7RTjVoltqjy-00342-00069976-00070238 or google images and identify where the 7RTjVoltqjy-00343-00070239-00070399 work was originally published this is 7RTjVoltqjy-00344-00070400-00070550 kind of an advanced skill and we're not 7RTjVoltqjy-00345-00070551-00070726 going to go into it in depth 7RTjVoltqjy-00346-00070727-00070911 but this is definitely something that 7RTjVoltqjy-00347-00070912-00071094 i'm happy to share more with you you can 7RTjVoltqjy-00348-00071095-00071262 always contact somebody in the library 7RTjVoltqjy-00349-00071263-00071326 and we'll help 7RTjVoltqjy-00350-00071327-00071511 guide you through this but here's an 7RTjVoltqjy-00351-00071512-00071662 example from 10 i 7RTjVoltqjy-00352-00071663-00072175 um this is an image that i found on a 7RTjVoltqjy-00353-00072176-00072382 website i think it was an article 7RTjVoltqjy-00354-00072383-00072567 shortly after the women's march 7RTjVoltqjy-00355-00072568-00072879 and so i right clicked on the image and 7RTjVoltqjy-00356-00072880-00073094 i put the url the image url 7RTjVoltqjy-00357-00073095-00073438 in 10i and it came up with this list of 7RTjVoltqjy-00358-00073439-00073719 places where it had been used previously 7RTjVoltqjy-00359-00073720-00073871 originally this was 7RTjVoltqjy-00360-00073872-00074150 best match but i decided to do oldest 7RTjVoltqjy-00361-00074151-00074303 first so i could see the first time that 7RTjVoltqjy-00362-00074304-00074503 it was used 7RTjVoltqjy-00363-00074504-00074775 and i can see that here this first one i 7RTjVoltqjy-00364-00074776-00074847 didn't see 7RTjVoltqjy-00365-00074848-00075215 any kind of attribution 7RTjVoltqjy-00366-00075216-00075350 because originally in the image that i 7RTjVoltqjy-00367-00075351-00075567 looked at before there was no author or 7RTjVoltqjy-00368-00075568-00075606 credit 7RTjVoltqjy-00369-00075607-00075799 attribution and so i couldn't figure out 7RTjVoltqjy-00370-00075800-00075967 who the creator was 7RTjVoltqjy-00371-00075968-00076150 but when i went to this one in a 7RTjVoltqjy-00372-00076151-00076303 scientific american article 7RTjVoltqjy-00373-00076304-00076543 i was able to see who created the image 7RTjVoltqjy-00374-00076544-00076606 and 7RTjVoltqjy-00375-00076607-00076935 from there i was able to determine if 7RTjVoltqjy-00376-00076936-00077175 who i would need to contact in order to 7RTjVoltqjy-00377-00077176-00077294 get permission 7RTjVoltqjy-00378-00077295-00077471 i don't remember which whether i would 7RTjVoltqjy-00379-00077472-00077623 have had permission automatically from 7RTjVoltqjy-00380-00077624-00077791 this i think i did have to ask 7RTjVoltqjy-00381-00077792-00077943 so that's one way that you can go about 7RTjVoltqjy-00382-00077944-00078167 figuring out who the creator is if it's 7RTjVoltqjy-00383-00078168-00078294 not very explicit 7RTjVoltqjy-00384-00078295-00078503 so so far just to recap in our first 7RTjVoltqjy-00385-00078504-00078606 three questions 7RTjVoltqjy-00386-00078607-00078838 we are looking first to see if there is 7RTjVoltqjy-00387-00078839-00079038 a license that is already placed there 7RTjVoltqjy-00388-00079039-00079206 that gives us permission 7RTjVoltqjy-00389-00079207-00079367 so that might be the first thing that 7RTjVoltqjy-00390-00079368-00079582 you'll see is that somewhere on 7RTjVoltqjy-00391-00079583-00079838 the page whether it be next to the image 7RTjVoltqjy-00392-00079839-00079887 or 7RTjVoltqjy-00393-00079888-00080206 embedded in an about statement about the 7RTjVoltqjy-00394-00080207-00080391 site or the terms and conditions 7RTjVoltqjy-00395-00080392-00080671 there will be something telling you that 7RTjVoltqjy-00396-00080672-00080871 the how the images are available to be 7RTjVoltqjy-00397-00080872-00080975 reused 7RTjVoltqjy-00398-00080976-00081223 and then the second thing that we talked 7RTjVoltqjy-00399-00081224-00081303 about is 7RTjVoltqjy-00400-00081304-00081606 using the author or creator information 7RTjVoltqjy-00401-00081607-00081815 to identify options for potentially 7RTjVoltqjy-00402-00081816-00081935 obtaining that image 7RTjVoltqjy-00403-00081936-00082238 and even though at that stage we're less 7RTjVoltqjy-00404-00082239-00082415 likely to get permission without 7RTjVoltqjy-00405-00082416-00082782 asking it's still a possibility that we 7RTjVoltqjy-00406-00082783-00082999 can ask once we identify who the person 7RTjVoltqjy-00407-00083000-00083047 is 7RTjVoltqjy-00408-00083048-00083167 and it's not completely out of the 7RTjVoltqjy-00409-00083168-00083350 picture that we wouldn't find permission 7RTjVoltqjy-00410-00083351-00083503 in some other format 7RTjVoltqjy-00411-00083504-00083703 so those are the first two places and if 7RTjVoltqjy-00412-00083704-00083823 you can't find those 7RTjVoltqjy-00413-00083824-00084062 use a reverse image search to figure out 7RTjVoltqjy-00414-00084063-00084143 who and where 7RTjVoltqjy-00415-00084144-00084438 the source the image was originally used 7RTjVoltqjy-00416-00084439-00084615 so moving on 7RTjVoltqjy-00417-00084616-00084831 to our next question our fourth question 7RTjVoltqjy-00418-00084832-00085038 is how do you plan to use the image 7RTjVoltqjy-00419-00085039-00085279 this is we're kind of transitioning away 7RTjVoltqjy-00420-00085280-00085375 from 7RTjVoltqjy-00421-00085376-00085694 identifying whether we're allowed to use 7RTjVoltqjy-00422-00085695-00085743 it 7RTjVoltqjy-00423-00085744-00086023 at this point we're thinking that we are 7RTjVoltqjy-00424-00086024-00086182 allowed to use it or we're not allowed 7RTjVoltqjy-00425-00086183-00086255 to use it 7RTjVoltqjy-00426-00086256-00086535 and so we have two options we can either 7RTjVoltqjy-00427-00086536-00086599 determine 7RTjVoltqjy-00428-00086600-00086782 if fair use applies and you've already 7RTjVoltqjy-00429-00086783-00086975 heard me mention that i think that fair 7RTjVoltqjy-00430-00086976-00087015 use 7RTjVoltqjy-00431-00087016-00087206 applies to this very public presentation 7RTjVoltqjy-00432-00087207-00087391 that i'm recording 7RTjVoltqjy-00433-00087392-00087535 for a couple of the images that i've 7RTjVoltqjy-00434-00087536-00087743 used in this slide presentation 7RTjVoltqjy-00435-00087744-00088087 and we can also 7RTjVoltqjy-00436-00088088-00088287 think about whether we are following the 7RTjVoltqjy-00437-00088288-00088415 terms and conditions 7RTjVoltqjy-00438-00088416-00088582 that were laid out in the license that 7RTjVoltqjy-00439-00088583-00088831 we did find so if we did find an image 7RTjVoltqjy-00440-00088832-00089071 that has a license with it that allows 7RTjVoltqjy-00441-00089072-00089167 us to reuse it 7RTjVoltqjy-00442-00089168-00089367 we have to pay attention to that license 7RTjVoltqjy-00443-00089368-00089511 and follow 7RTjVoltqjy-00444-00089512-00089718 what it says in order to make sure that 7RTjVoltqjy-00445-00089719-00089823 we're using it in the 7RTjVoltqjy-00446-00089824-00090150 way that the license says we can 7RTjVoltqjy-00447-00090151-00090391 so um creative commons is usually going 7RTjVoltqjy-00448-00090392-00090599 to be the most explicit license 7RTjVoltqjy-00449-00090600-00090823 and that's a great place for us to start 7RTjVoltqjy-00450-00090824-00091031 in terms of talking about 7RTjVoltqjy-00451-00091032-00091359 what to look for in a license first off 7RTjVoltqjy-00452-00091360-00091615 often attribution is required of a 7RTjVoltqjy-00453-00091616-00091694 license 7RTjVoltqjy-00454-00091695-00091911 um in the case of creative commons it is 7RTjVoltqjy-00455-00091912-00092062 always required 7RTjVoltqjy-00456-00092063-00092318 so they are gonna if you're gonna reuse 7RTjVoltqjy-00457-00092319-00092462 what are the images that you find 7RTjVoltqjy-00458-00092463-00092687 under any creative commons license and 7RTjVoltqjy-00459-00092688-00092799 there's many of them 7RTjVoltqjy-00460-00092800-00092991 there's at least eight of them i think 7RTjVoltqjy-00461-00092992-00093271 then you're going to have to 7RTjVoltqjy-00462-00093272-00093567 at least credit the creator but ideally 7RTjVoltqjy-00463-00093568-00093791 provide the title of the work 7RTjVoltqjy-00464-00093792-00093991 provide the creator of the work and 7RTjVoltqjy-00465-00093992-00094167 provide the license of the work 7RTjVoltqjy-00466-00094168-00094350 so in some credit line have that 7RTjVoltqjy-00467-00094351-00094582 information and we highly recommend that 7RTjVoltqjy-00468-00094583-00094726 you hyperlink to each 7RTjVoltqjy-00469-00094727-00094911 of those so for instance the title of 7RTjVoltqjy-00470-00094912-00095111 the work should link to the image 7RTjVoltqjy-00471-00095112-00095350 where you found the image the creator of 7RTjVoltqjy-00472-00095351-00095574 the work should link to a profile page 7RTjVoltqjy-00473-00095575-00095599 or 7RTjVoltqjy-00474-00095600-00095806 gallery page of their work maybe their 7RTjVoltqjy-00475-00095807-00095967 website something that 7RTjVoltqjy-00476-00095968-00096126 helps people learn more about that 7RTjVoltqjy-00477-00096127-00096294 creator and see their work 7RTjVoltqjy-00478-00096295-00096535 and the license should ideally link to 7RTjVoltqjy-00479-00096536-00096703 the license if it's available 7RTjVoltqjy-00480-00096704-00096887 all of the creative commons licenses are 7RTjVoltqjy-00481-00096888-00097071 linkable and you can see the example of 7RTjVoltqjy-00482-00097072-00097143 this 7RTjVoltqjy-00483-00097144-00097415 in the image here this is by a professor 7RTjVoltqjy-00484-00097416-00097599 actually at agnes scott college 7RTjVoltqjy-00485-00097600-00097974 james dietrich um who uh put his work 7RTjVoltqjy-00486-00097975-00098143 under creative commons 7RTjVoltqjy-00487-00098144-00098462 it's cc by 2.0 7RTjVoltqjy-00488-00098463-00098687 and this is how he titled it so 7RTjVoltqjy-00489-00098688-00098815 anybody's free to use this 7RTjVoltqjy-00490-00098816-00099071 under these conditions that they do 7RTjVoltqjy-00491-00099072-00099174 attribution 7RTjVoltqjy-00492-00099175-00099311 he's not restricting them from 7RTjVoltqjy-00493-00099312-00099550 modification if there's modification 7RTjVoltqjy-00494-00099551-00099638 requirements 7RTjVoltqjy-00495-00099639-00099926 uh no modification requirements then it 7RTjVoltqjy-00496-00099927-00100015 would say 7RTjVoltqjy-00497-00100016-00100367 uh it would be um nd 7RTjVoltqjy-00498-00100368-00100655 meaning no derivatives um so that means 7RTjVoltqjy-00499-00100656-00100694 that 7RTjVoltqjy-00500-00100695-00100943 the work has to be used as it was 7RTjVoltqjy-00501-00100944-00101079 originally published 7RTjVoltqjy-00502-00101080-00101359 and then it also doesn't have nc in the 7RTjVoltqjy-00503-00101360-00101462 um 7RTjVoltqjy-00504-00101463-00101711 creative commons license and so that 7RTjVoltqjy-00505-00101712-00101855 means that it is available for 7RTjVoltqjy-00506-00101856-00102087 commercial use some things will restrict 7RTjVoltqjy-00507-00102088-00102391 commercial use um and we have a really 7RTjVoltqjy-00508-00102392-00102582 interesting case here at agnes scott 7RTjVoltqjy-00509-00102583-00102734 some of our faculty members were 7RTjVoltqjy-00510-00102735-00102990 preparing to do a summer school class 7RTjVoltqjy-00511-00102991-00103215 and we asked them to do marketing videos 7RTjVoltqjy-00512-00103216-00103390 for those summer school classes 7RTjVoltqjy-00513-00103391-00103566 from our perspective it was just going 7RTjVoltqjy-00514-00103567-00103775 to be this homegrown kind of fun 7RTjVoltqjy-00515-00103776-00104086 activity that was a conversation 7RTjVoltqjy-00516-00104088-00104286 essentially between our current students 7RTjVoltqjy-00517-00104288-00104390 and the faculty 7RTjVoltqjy-00518-00104391-00104630 saying hey take my class and this is why 7RTjVoltqjy-00519-00104631-00104758 you should take it 7RTjVoltqjy-00520-00104759-00105134 um but because we were marketing these 7RTjVoltqjy-00521-00105135-00105447 uh classes and it was beyond a 7RTjVoltqjy-00522-00105448-00105783 small scope of who was um 7RTjVoltqjy-00523-00105783-00105966 it wasn't associated with a specific 7RTjVoltqjy-00524-00105967-00106183 class it wasn't uh 7RTjVoltqjy-00525-00106183-00106358 limiting who was being able to see this 7RTjVoltqjy-00526-00106359-00106583 video a professor who did his due 7RTjVoltqjy-00527-00106583-00106654 diligence 7RTjVoltqjy-00528-00106655-00106927 to identify creative commons licensed 7RTjVoltqjy-00529-00106928-00107015 music 7RTjVoltqjy-00530-00107016-00107278 ended up selecting music that indicated 7RTjVoltqjy-00531-00107279-00107334 that it was 7RTjVoltqjy-00532-00107335-00107566 not available for commercial use and 7RTjVoltqjy-00533-00107567-00107727 they got contacted 7RTjVoltqjy-00534-00107728-00107919 um because marketing of course is 7RTjVoltqjy-00535-00107920-00108039 commercial use 7RTjVoltqjy-00536-00108040-00108295 so that's where some of these reuses can 7RTjVoltqjy-00537-00108296-00108358 be tricky 7RTjVoltqjy-00538-00108359-00108519 so you have to follow those terms and 7RTjVoltqjy-00539-00108520-00108823 really consider how am i using this work 7RTjVoltqjy-00540-00108824-00109127 another thing to consider in that 7RTjVoltqjy-00541-00109128-00109439 is if we are looking at unsplash this is 7RTjVoltqjy-00542-00109440-00109590 showing their license 7RTjVoltqjy-00543-00109591-00109927 of how to reuse uh and splash is a 7RTjVoltqjy-00544-00109928-00110054 website that has a lot of stock 7RTjVoltqjy-00545-00110055-00110158 photography 7RTjVoltqjy-00546-00110159-00110286 you can see that if you did look up 7RTjVoltqjy-00547-00110288-00110558 their license unlike creative commons 7RTjVoltqjy-00548-00110559-00110766 they do allow your work to be used for 7RTjVoltqjy-00549-00110767-00110983 commercial and non-commercial purposes 7RTjVoltqjy-00550-00110983-00111119 so again make sure you look at that 7RTjVoltqjy-00551-00111120-00111351 license make sure that it is something 7RTjVoltqjy-00552-00111352-00111447 that 7RTjVoltqjy-00553-00111448-00111743 is free to be reused according to the 7RTjVoltqjy-00554-00111744-00111943 license for the purpose 7RTjVoltqjy-00555-00111944-00112215 of how you want to use it just one 7RTjVoltqjy-00556-00112216-00112383 caveat that i do want to put out here 7RTjVoltqjy-00557-00112383-00112575 for people who are using 7RTjVoltqjy-00558-00112576-00112895 things like unsplash in and many sites 7RTjVoltqjy-00559-00112896-00113078 that might provide this license 7RTjVoltqjy-00560-00113079-00113383 that kind of gather images together 7RTjVoltqjy-00561-00113383-00113727 into one location one thing you have to 7RTjVoltqjy-00562-00113728-00113790 consider 7RTjVoltqjy-00563-00113791-00114095 is sometimes people who are uploading 7RTjVoltqjy-00564-00114096-00114223 things if there's not a 7RTjVoltqjy-00565-00114224-00114463 rigid standard for those people who are 7RTjVoltqjy-00566-00114464-00114551 uploading 7RTjVoltqjy-00567-00114552-00114775 the items and there's not a review 7RTjVoltqjy-00568-00114776-00114966 process and somebody upload something 7RTjVoltqjy-00569-00114967-00115151 that's technically not theirs 7RTjVoltqjy-00570-00115152-00115399 then that can be problematic and so i do 7RTjVoltqjy-00571-00115400-00115534 know that some companies 7RTjVoltqjy-00572-00115535-00115775 are less comfortable with using some of 7RTjVoltqjy-00573-00115776-00116007 the free sites like pixabay 7RTjVoltqjy-00574-00116008-00116199 and splash so you'll want to talk to 7RTjVoltqjy-00575-00116200-00116358 your employer your communications 7RTjVoltqjy-00576-00116359-00116447 department 7RTjVoltqjy-00577-00116448-00116702 and make sure that they are comfortable 7RTjVoltqjy-00578-00116703-00116775 with 7RTjVoltqjy-00579-00116776-00116983 pulling stock photography from a site 7RTjVoltqjy-00580-00116983-00117190 like this and any caveats that they 7RTjVoltqjy-00581-00117191-00117271 might have 7RTjVoltqjy-00582-00117272-00117454 a company if you're working for them 7RTjVoltqjy-00583-00117455-00117631 it's in their best interest to do 7RTjVoltqjy-00584-00117632-00117919 everything by the book and have things 7RTjVoltqjy-00585-00117920-00118054 be properly licensed 7RTjVoltqjy-00586-00118055-00118254 so ideally they'll have access to their 7RTjVoltqjy-00587-00118255-00118407 own stock photography 7RTjVoltqjy-00588-00118408-00118743 um or provide a budget to do so so keep 7RTjVoltqjy-00589-00118744-00118902 that in mind 7RTjVoltqjy-00590-00118903-00119271 and then finally um 7RTjVoltqjy-00591-00119272-00119615 in terms of thinking about uh how 7RTjVoltqjy-00592-00119616-00119847 items may be reused well actually not 7RTjVoltqjy-00593-00119848-00120007 finally this is a 7RTjVoltqjy-00594-00120008-00120302 we're building up to fair use but um if 7RTjVoltqjy-00595-00120303-00120454 you find that something is in public 7RTjVoltqjy-00596-00120455-00120543 domain 7RTjVoltqjy-00597-00120544-00120758 public domain is very confusing for 7RTjVoltqjy-00598-00120759-00120958 people they hear that term all the time 7RTjVoltqjy-00599-00120959-00121127 they associate it with free to use 7RTjVoltqjy-00600-00121128-00121327 because it is completely free to use 7RTjVoltqjy-00601-00121328-00121471 there's no restrictions 7RTjVoltqjy-00602-00121472-00121719 on it if it's in public domain but not 7RTjVoltqjy-00603-00121720-00121886 every work that's free to use is in 7RTjVoltqjy-00604-00121888-00122007 public domain so 7RTjVoltqjy-00605-00122008-00122231 keep in mind that creative commons 7RTjVoltqjy-00606-00122232-00122478 license materials things like unsplash 7RTjVoltqjy-00607-00122479-00122775 even though unsplash does apply a public 7RTjVoltqjy-00608-00122776-00122966 domain 7RTjVoltqjy-00609-00122967-00123175 license to many of their works 7RTjVoltqjy-00610-00123176-00123334 technically they've outlined some 7RTjVoltqjy-00611-00123335-00123463 stipulations 7RTjVoltqjy-00612-00123464-00123758 on theirs that differ from public domain 7RTjVoltqjy-00613-00123759-00123943 public domain means that whoever is 7RTjVoltqjy-00614-00123944-00124263 the creator of the work has given up 7RTjVoltqjy-00615-00124264-00124375 complete rights 7RTjVoltqjy-00616-00124376-00124607 to anybody they didn't transfer it to 7RTjVoltqjy-00617-00124608-00124799 unsplash they just completely gave up 7RTjVoltqjy-00618-00124800-00124958 the rights and anybody can now take 7RTjVoltqjy-00619-00124959-00125078 those images 7RTjVoltqjy-00620-00125079-00125286 if everything in unsplash is public 7RTjVoltqjy-00621-00125288-00125502 domain then somebody could just take all 7RTjVoltqjy-00622-00125503-00125614 of their 7RTjVoltqjy-00623-00125615-00125847 images and create their own site because 7RTjVoltqjy-00624-00125848-00126014 all of those would be completely free to 7RTjVoltqjy-00625-00126015-00126183 use you just wouldn't be able to use 7RTjVoltqjy-00626-00126183-00126278 their metadata 7RTjVoltqjy-00627-00126279-00126447 and their structure of organizing the 7RTjVoltqjy-00628-00126448-00126663 information so keep that in mind 7RTjVoltqjy-00629-00126664-00126854 that public domain is different than 7RTjVoltqjy-00630-00126855-00127023 those other things 7RTjVoltqjy-00631-00127024-00127302 and it usually applies differently in 7RTjVoltqjy-00632-00127303-00127463 different countries but in the united 7RTjVoltqjy-00633-00127464-00127534 states 7RTjVoltqjy-00634-00127535-00127702 anything that's produced by our us 7RTjVoltqjy-00635-00127703-00127886 government is in public domain 7RTjVoltqjy-00636-00127888-00128102 so if you want a cute animal picture 7RTjVoltqjy-00637-00128103-00128254 find a government site 7RTjVoltqjy-00638-00128255-00128590 that regulates 7RTjVoltqjy-00639-00128591-00128847 uh or works with animals and you'll find 7RTjVoltqjy-00640-00128848-00129102 a cute little picture to use of animals 7RTjVoltqjy-00641-00129103-00129454 if you are interested in something like 7RTjVoltqjy-00642-00129455-00129607 the nasa space launch 7RTjVoltqjy-00643-00129608-00129766 you can find some interesting things 7RTjVoltqjy-00644-00129767-00129958 there too that will have spaceships and 7RTjVoltqjy-00645-00129959-00130083 stuff like that 7RTjVoltqjy-00646-00130083-00130310 anything that's produced by the us 7RTjVoltqjy-00647-00130311-00130486 government will be in public domain and 7RTjVoltqjy-00648-00130488-00130766 is completely fair for you to use 7RTjVoltqjy-00649-00130767-00130990 also in public domain are any works 7RTjVoltqjy-00650-00130991-00131119 produced in the united states 7RTjVoltqjy-00651-00131120-00131414 more than 96 years ago so here's an 7RTjVoltqjy-00652-00131415-00131639 image of langston hughes having a party 7RTjVoltqjy-00653-00131640-00131743 celebrating 7RTjVoltqjy-00654-00131744-00132014 um one of his works and there's several 7RTjVoltqjy-00655-00132015-00132159 high-profile people 7RTjVoltqjy-00656-00132160-00132527 um other authors librarians researchers 7RTjVoltqjy-00657-00132528-00132783 with him this because it was published 7RTjVoltqjy-00658-00132784-00132935 in 1924 7RTjVoltqjy-00659-00132936-00133302 is in public domain um there are some 7RTjVoltqjy-00660-00133303-00133447 other caveats to this 7RTjVoltqjy-00661-00133448-00133759 if the site where you got it from has 7RTjVoltqjy-00662-00133760-00134078 uh transformed the work in any way are 7RTjVoltqjy-00663-00134079-00134383 there the only holder they digitized it 7RTjVoltqjy-00664-00134384-00134551 so they if they've digitized it it could 7RTjVoltqjy-00665-00134552-00134607 possibly 7RTjVoltqjy-00666-00134608-00134847 be that it's their work um if somebody 7RTjVoltqjy-00667-00134848-00135063 has taken a photo of something 7RTjVoltqjy-00668-00135064-00135254 um and they're the one presenting it 7RTjVoltqjy-00669-00135255-00135423 there's a different layer of copyright a 7RTjVoltqjy-00670-00135424-00135527 good example of this 7RTjVoltqjy-00671-00135528-00135831 is thinking about music scores and so 7RTjVoltqjy-00672-00135832-00135966 music scores will be 7RTjVoltqjy-00673-00135967-00136278 in public domain if they were produced 7RTjVoltqjy-00674-00136279-00136423 more than 96 years ago 7RTjVoltqjy-00675-00136424-00136831 but if um a more contemporary group 7RTjVoltqjy-00676-00136832-00136935 plays that song 7RTjVoltqjy-00677-00136936-00137111 it doesn't mean that that song is in 7RTjVoltqjy-00678-00137112-00137335 public domain 7RTjVoltqjy-00679-00137336-00137639 even if it was produced 26 years ago 7RTjVoltqjy-00680-00137640-00138095 um that group has done something to 7RTjVoltqjy-00681-00138096-00138423 change the work and has 7RTjVoltqjy-00682-00138424-00138631 put in their own talents into it so you 7RTjVoltqjy-00683-00138632-00138814 have to be careful with that so just 7RTjVoltqjy-00684-00138815-00138919 wanted to make sure it's clear with 7RTjVoltqjy-00685-00138920-00139023 public domain 7RTjVoltqjy-00686-00139024-00139159 we're getting close to the end of our 7RTjVoltqjy-00687-00139160-00139278 time but i think that this is going to 7RTjVoltqjy-00688-00139279-00139375 be one of the last 7RTjVoltqjy-00689-00139376-00139623 um we're getting very close to being 7RTjVoltqjy-00690-00139624-00139695 done 7RTjVoltqjy-00691-00139696-00140111 um the and i won't go too much into this 7RTjVoltqjy-00692-00140112-00140199 a lot of people also 7RTjVoltqjy-00693-00140200-00140423 say well it should be available to be 7RTjVoltqjy-00694-00140424-00140559 reused under fair use 7RTjVoltqjy-00695-00140560-00140751 fair use is very complicated and let me 7RTjVoltqjy-00696-00140752-00140919 tell you that 7RTjVoltqjy-00697-00140920-00141190 the only time that i can the only really 7RTjVoltqjy-00698-00141191-00141483 clear situation where fair use will 7RTjVoltqjy-00699-00141484-00141878 apply um in every situation 7RTjVoltqjy-00700-00141879-00142119 that has these characteristics is when 7RTjVoltqjy-00701-00142120-00142319 it's a limited portion of an item 7RTjVoltqjy-00702-00142320-00142502 that is used as in instructional 7RTjVoltqjy-00703-00142503-00142663 materials or coursework 7RTjVoltqjy-00704-00142664-00143095 for a very specific class c-l-a-s-s 7RTjVoltqjy-00705-00143096-00143326 class taught by an instructor at a 7RTjVoltqjy-00706-00143327-00143414 non-commercial 7RTjVoltqjy-00707-00143415-00143711 educational institution and this source 7RTjVoltqjy-00708-00143712-00143854 will not be accessible to 7RTjVoltqjy-00709-00143855-00144102 anybody else outside of the class so 7RTjVoltqjy-00710-00144103-00144247 keep that in mind 7RTjVoltqjy-00711-00144248-00144535 that that is really what their use is 7RTjVoltqjy-00712-00144536-00144719 it's also commenting directly on the 7RTjVoltqjy-00713-00144720-00144847 work 7RTjVoltqjy-00714-00144848-00145063 um so there are ways that you can reuse 7RTjVoltqjy-00715-00145064-00145254 a work if you are directly commenting on 7RTjVoltqjy-00716-00145255-00145471 it 7RTjVoltqjy-00717-00145472-00145847 and i will come back to that in the q 7RTjVoltqjy-00718-00145848-00146175 a um so that you guys can get more 7RTjVoltqjy-00719-00146176-00146287 information about that 7RTjVoltqjy-00720-00146288-00146575 it's also if you transform the work if 7RTjVoltqjy-00721-00146576-00146647 you have 7RTjVoltqjy-00722-00146648-00146895 uh it's about the amount of the work 7RTjVoltqjy-00723-00146896-00147007 that you're using 7RTjVoltqjy-00724-00147008-00147375 and also if um you're infringing on the 7RTjVoltqjy-00725-00147376-00147439 market 7RTjVoltqjy-00726-00147440-00147775 of that work so fair use is a lot 7RTjVoltqjy-00727-00147776-00147966 more complicated than what we probably 7RTjVoltqjy-00728-00147967-00148087 have time for today 7RTjVoltqjy-00729-00148088-00148247 but you can always contact the library 7RTjVoltqjy-00730-00148248-00148390 and we're happy to go through a 7RTjVoltqjy-00731-00148391-00148623 discussion about that with you 7RTjVoltqjy-00732-00148624-00148959 now our final um question to ask is do 7RTjVoltqjy-00733-00148960-00149119 you need to contact the original creator 7RTjVoltqjy-00734-00149120-00149239 for permission 7RTjVoltqjy-00735-00149240-00149375 i mean that's what we've been building 7RTjVoltqjy-00736-00149376-00149631 up to and if you 7RTjVoltqjy-00737-00149632-00149943 um have not found a license 7RTjVoltqjy-00738-00149944-00150295 um for it then the answer is probably 7RTjVoltqjy-00739-00150296-00150487 going to be yes 7RTjVoltqjy-00740-00150488-00150647 you will always contact the copyright 7RTjVoltqjy-00741-00150648-00150807 holder unless one of the following is 7RTjVoltqjy-00742-00150808-00150878 true 7RTjVoltqjy-00743-00150879-00151102 you are the copyright holder at the work 7RTjVoltqjy-00744-00151103-00151278 the work is licensed under creative 7RTjVoltqjy-00745-00151279-00151407 commons license 7RTjVoltqjy-00746-00151408-00151599 the work falls into public domain you 7RTjVoltqjy-00747-00151600-00151743 purchase a license 7RTjVoltqjy-00748-00151744-00151902 for the work to be reused or you've 7RTjVoltqjy-00749-00151903-00152111 conducted a fair use analysis 7RTjVoltqjy-00750-00152112-00152263 and the majority of the factors are in 7RTjVoltqjy-00751-00152264-00152431 favor of their use 7RTjVoltqjy-00752-00152432-00152759 so that is all that we have 7RTjVoltqjy-00753-00152760-00152935 for today's session if you have any 7RTjVoltqjy-00754-00152936-00153119 questions you can email us 7RTjVoltqjy-00755-00153120-00153495 at library agnescot.edu 7RTjVoltqjy-00756-00153496-00153927 thank you so much 7TzLT-fWckA-00000-00000008-00000200 river cruises along the river temps are 7TzLT-fWckA-00001-00000200-00000467 popular and expensive taking a regular 7TzLT-fWckA-00002-00000468-00000668 blue and white river bus and downloading 7TzLT-fWckA-00003-00000669-00001332 this video guide is a less costly option 7TzLT-fWckA-00004-00001333-00001535 bought the boat at Westminster pier 7TzLT-fWckA-00005-00001536-00001770 which is located beside Westminster 7TzLT-fWckA-00006-00001771-00001971 Bridge just across the road from Big 7TzLT-fWckA-00007-00001972-00002174 Ben's clock tower and a short distance 7TzLT-fWckA-00008-00002175-00002896 from Westminster underground station 7TzLT-fWckA-00009-00002897-00003137 across the river County Hall was haunted 7TzLT-fWckA-00010-00003138-00003359 to London council until disbanded by 7TzLT-fWckA-00011-00003360-00003670 Margaret Thatcher's government in 1986 7TzLT-fWckA-00012-00003671-00003913 the building now houses the London 7TzLT-fWckA-00013-00003914-00004268 dungeon and Sea Life Aquarium 7TzLT-fWckA-00014-00004269-00004520 next to it the other side of the bridge 7TzLT-fWckA-00015-00004521-00004751 Sen Thomas's Hospital where Florence 7TzLT-fWckA-00016-00004752-00004961 Nightingale once worked has been healing 7TzLT-fWckA-00017-00004962-00005631 the sick since the 12th century 7TzLT-fWckA-00018-00005632-00005841 the big wheel known as the London Eye 7TzLT-fWckA-00019-00005842-00006222 was opened on New Year's Eve 1999 and 7TzLT-fWckA-00020-00006223-00006563 rotates about once every 30 minutes 7TzLT-fWckA-00021-00006564-00006755 from the top it's possible to see 30 7TzLT-fWckA-00022-00006756-00006986 miles in all directions on a clear day 7TzLT-fWckA-00023-00006987-00007409 the 32 pods represent the 32 boroughs of 7TzLT-fWckA-00024-00007409-00007584 London 7TzLT-fWckA-00025-00007586-00007809 opposite on the same side of the river s 7TzLT-fWckA-00026-00007811-00008047 Westminster pier the Ministry of Defense 7TzLT-fWckA-00027-00008048-00008218 building stands on the former site of 7TzLT-fWckA-00028-00008219-00008509 Whitehall palace inhabited by the Kings 7TzLT-fWckA-00029-00008510-00008701 and Queens of England until most of it 7TzLT-fWckA-00030-00008702-00009055 burnt down in 1698 happily the wine 7TzLT-fWckA-00031-00009056-00009241 cellar commissioned by Henry the eighth 7TzLT-fWckA-00032-00009242-00009598 is still intact at the water's edge to 7TzLT-fWckA-00033-00009599-00009868 stone poni topped by a Golden Eagle is a 7TzLT-fWckA-00034-00009869-00010087 memorial to Royal Air Force wartime 7TzLT-fWckA-00035-00010088-00010477 casualties 7TzLT-fWckA-00036-00010478-00010708 building Whitehall Court is a favorite 7TzLT-fWckA-00037-00010709-00011205 with photographers 7TzLT-fWckA-00038-00011206-00011469 a hedge honker footbridge care 7TzLT-fWckA-00039-00011470-00011709 serving the Southeast of England into 7TzLT-fWckA-00040-00011710-00012056 Charing Cross station 7TzLT-fWckA-00041-00012057-00012305 footbridges attached to either side and 7TzLT-fWckA-00042-00012306-00012515 known as the jubilee bridges they were 7TzLT-fWckA-00043-00012516-00012844 opened in 2002 50 years after elizabeth 7TzLT-fWckA-00044-00012846-00013237 ii became queen 7TzLT-fWckA-00045-00013238-00013422 Embankment p where the boat usually 7TzLT-fWckA-00046-00013424-00013606 stops is situated close to the 7TzLT-fWckA-00047-00013607-00013972 underground station of the same name 7TzLT-fWckA-00048-00013973-00014180 the tree-lined embankment makes for a 7TzLT-fWckA-00049-00014181-00014408 pleasant Riverside walk most of the 7TzLT-fWckA-00050-00014409-00014566 gardens on the other side of the road 7TzLT-fWckA-00051-00014568-00014772 reached out to the water's edge until 7TzLT-fWckA-00052-00014773-00015161 1865 when it was built the project 7TzLT-fWckA-00053-00015162-00015344 involved incorporating a road with a 7TzLT-fWckA-00054-00015344-00015703 railway pinnies in recent years a cycle 7TzLT-fWckA-00055-00015704-00016161 superhighway has been added 7TzLT-fWckA-00056-00016162-00016338 the river from the pier where the Lyon 7TzLT-fWckA-00057-00016338-00016539 brewery once stood the Royal Festival 7TzLT-fWckA-00058-00016540-00016733 Hall was built for the Festival of 7TzLT-fWckA-00059-00016734-00017180 Britain in 1951 7TzLT-fWckA-00060-00017181-00017384 next to it along the south bank the 7TzLT-fWckA-00061-00017385-00017553 Queen Elizabeth Hall is a typical 7TzLT-fWckA-00062-00017554-00017850 example of brutalist architecture it 7TzLT-fWckA-00063-00017851-00018044 incorporates a smaller Purcell room 7TzLT-fWckA-00064-00018045-00018233 which serves niche interests such as 7TzLT-fWckA-00065-00018234-00018539 chamber music jazz poetry recital and 7TzLT-fWckA-00066-00018540-00018778 mine 7TzLT-fWckA-00067-00018779-00019021 meanwhile just on from the embankment 7TzLT-fWckA-00068-00019022-00019278 Pierre Cleopatra's Needle the oldest 7TzLT-fWckA-00069-00019279-00019492 point of interest on this cruise was 7TzLT-fWckA-00070-00019493-00019683 presented to the British by the ruler of 7TzLT-fWckA-00071-00019684-00020008 Egypt in 1819 and shipped to the UK on a 7TzLT-fWckA-00072-00020009-00020449 pontoon in 1877 delivery was delayed 7TzLT-fWckA-00073-00020450-00020622 because the British government or 7TzLT-fWckA-00074-00020623-00020880 loquacious enough to accept the gift was 7TzLT-fWckA-00075-00020881-00021043 unwilling to pay for its transportation 7TzLT-fWckA-00076-00021044-00021432 to London 7TzLT-fWckA-00077-00021433-00021723 in that Antarctica chamonix house built 7TzLT-fWckA-00078-00021724-00021990 for a petroleum company was close to the 7TzLT-fWckA-00079-00021991-00022299 Savoy Hotel a bastion of luxury opened 7TzLT-fWckA-00080-00022300-00022599 in 1889 and paid for by income green 7TzLT-fWckA-00081-00022600-00022782 from performances of Gilbert & Sullivan 7TzLT-fWckA-00082-00022783-00023143 operas staged in London 7TzLT-fWckA-00083-00023144-00023416 one of its first managers Caesar Reds 7TzLT-fWckA-00084-00023417-00024034 later opened his own hotel 7TzLT-fWckA-00085-00024035-00024364 Tolu bridge opened in 1817 two years 7TzLT-fWckA-00086-00024365-00024595 after the Battle of Waterloo it was 7TzLT-fWckA-00087-00024596-00024751 rebuilt by predominantly female 7TzLT-fWckA-00088-00024752-00024964 workforce during the Second World War 7TzLT-fWckA-00089-00024965-00025219 and because of this is sometimes known 7TzLT-fWckA-00090-00025220-00025702 as the ladies bridge 7TzLT-fWckA-00091-00025702-00025944 the tower lifeboat station as with all 7TzLT-fWckA-00092-00025945-00026167 lifeboat stations around Britain is 7TzLT-fWckA-00093-00026168-00026433 funded by public donation and manned by 7TzLT-fWckA-00094-00026435-00026816 volunteers 7TzLT-fWckA-00095-00026817-00027008 the Rope beyond a somerset house 7TzLT-fWckA-00096-00027008-00027200 occupies the site of a former tutor 7TzLT-fWckA-00097-00027201-00027416 palace commissioned by the duke of 7TzLT-fWckA-00098-00027417-00027623 somerset brother Henry the eighth's 7TzLT-fWckA-00099-00027624-00027995 third wife Jane Seymour unfortunately he 7TzLT-fWckA-00100-00027995-00028148 was executed at the Tower of London 7TzLT-fWckA-00101-00028149-00028681 before it was completed 7TzLT-fWckA-00102-00028682-00028858 it's possible to want to take a guided 7TzLT-fWckA-00103-00028858-00029077 tour of the National Theatre arguably 7TzLT-fWckA-00104-00029077-00029266 good value given that there are three 7TzLT-fWckA-00105-00029267-00029641 permanent stages our TV news is 7TzLT-fWckA-00106-00029642-00030083 broadcast from the tower block beside it 7TzLT-fWckA-00107-00030085-00030294 along side the embankment the HMS 7TzLT-fWckA-00108-00030295-00030480 Wellington which once saw action during 7TzLT-fWckA-00109-00030481-00030693 the Second World War is now the 7TzLT-fWckA-00110-00030694-00030891 headquarters of the Honourable company 7TzLT-fWckA-00111-00030892-00031349 of master Mariners 7TzLT-fWckA-00112-00031350-00031556 standing almost anonymously on the bank 7TzLT-fWckA-00113-00031557-00031814 beside it a small arch commemorates the 7TzLT-fWckA-00114-00031814-00032027 Silver Jubilee of King George the fifth 7TzLT-fWckA-00115-00032027-00032249 slang 7TzLT-fWckA-00116-00032250-00032468 mr. boat approaches Blackfriars Bridge 7TzLT-fWckA-00117-00032469-00032747 it passes the oXXO tower the windows of 7TzLT-fWckA-00118-00032748-00032897 which were cunningly designed in the 7TzLT-fWckA-00119-00032898-00033194 form of a company logo to overcome a ban 7TzLT-fWckA-00120-00033195-00033626 on the illuminated advertising 7TzLT-fWckA-00121-00033627-00033877 soon after sea containers house is 7TzLT-fWckA-00122-00033878-00034040 followed by the Doggett's cotton badge 7TzLT-fWckA-00123-00034041-00034237 pub which is named after the world's 7TzLT-fWckA-00124-00034238-00034442 oldest rowing race held annually on the 7TzLT-fWckA-00125-00034443-00034754 River Thames 7TzLT-fWckA-00126-00034755-00034955 slightly into the hand the tall glossy 7TzLT-fWckA-00127-00034956-00035177 building number one Blackfriars is 7TzLT-fWckA-00128-00035178-00035375 better known to most Lunt and assists 7TzLT-fWckA-00129-00035376-00035789 the VARs 7TzLT-fWckA-00130-00035790-00035942 distance before the Victoria Embankment 7TzLT-fWckA-00131-00035943-00036242 finishes by Blackfriars Bridge the 7TzLT-fWckA-00132-00036243-00036437 former City of London school wants a 7TzLT-fWckA-00133-00036438-00036590 prolific producer of members of 7TzLT-fWckA-00134-00036591-00036802 parliament and so on college now 7TzLT-fWckA-00135-00036803-00037055 converted into offices are adjacent to 7TzLT-fWckA-00136-00037056-00037312 Art Deco Unilever house whose curved 7TzLT-fWckA-00137-00037313-00037780 facade follows the contour of the road 7TzLT-fWckA-00138-00037781-00037960 Blackfriars Bridge was opened by Queen 7TzLT-fWckA-00139-00037961-00038282 Victoria in 1869 7TzLT-fWckA-00140-00038283-00038510 just through it the red columns are all 7TzLT-fWckA-00141-00038511-00038680 that remain of a former rail bridge 7TzLT-fWckA-00142-00038681-00039176 dismantled in 1985 7TzLT-fWckA-00143-00039177-00039461 and railway bridge built in 1886 is now 7TzLT-fWckA-00144-00039462-00039695 incorporated into Blackfriars station 7TzLT-fWckA-00145-00039696-00039932 where the platform's extend out over the 7TzLT-fWckA-00146-00039933-00040348 river 7TzLT-fWckA-00147-00040349-00040570 Rich's former bank side power station 7TzLT-fWckA-00148-00040571-00040815 with his torrid chimney beaches on the 7TzLT-fWckA-00149-00040816-00041121 right bank now the Tate Modern is an 7TzLT-fWckA-00150-00041122-00041415 extremely popular a free art gallery 7TzLT-fWckA-00151-00041416-00041715 beyond it the unmissable 92 story high 7TzLT-fWckA-00152-00041716-00042315 shot becomes increasingly prominent 7TzLT-fWckA-00153-00042316-00042498 Millennium Bridge the first new bridge 7TzLT-fWckA-00154-00042499-00042675 across the River Thames in London for 7TzLT-fWckA-00155-00042676-00042882 more than a hundred years has closed a 7TzLT-fWckA-00156-00042883-00043074 few hours after first opening because 7TzLT-fWckA-00157-00043075-00043284 structural problems resulted in a severe 7TzLT-fWckA-00158-00043285-00043572 wobble since then it's been known as the 7TzLT-fWckA-00159-00043573-00043848 wibbly wobbly bridge a multi-million 7TzLT-fWckA-00160-00043849-00044097 pound revamp has we're told rendered it 7TzLT-fWckA-00161-00044098-00044258 safe 7TzLT-fWckA-00162-00044259-00044498 to the left Riverside City of London 7TzLT-fWckA-00163-00044499-00044720 school was of course formally located 7TzLT-fWckA-00164-00044721-00045015 the other side of Blackfriars Bridge 7TzLT-fWckA-00165-00045016-00045225 behind it Donson Paul's Cathedral 7TzLT-fWckA-00166-00045226-00045811 completed in 1710 took 35 years to build 7TzLT-fWckA-00167-00045812-00046033 not far from the Tate Modern The Globe 7TzLT-fWckA-00168-00046034-00046249 Theatre modeled on the original use by 7TzLT-fWckA-00169-00046250-00046456 William Shakespeare in the early 17th 7TzLT-fWckA-00170-00046457-00046735 century specializes in productions of 7TzLT-fWckA-00171-00046736-00047009 the great bards works 7TzLT-fWckA-00172-00047010-00047249 it's basically an open-air theater with 7TzLT-fWckA-00173-00047250-00047522 very little roof covering so maybe best 7TzLT-fWckA-00174-00047523-00047923 avoided on rainy days 7TzLT-fWckA-00175-00047924-00048115 hidden to her left the tall buildings of 7TzLT-fWckA-00176-00048116-00048349 London's financial centre which include 7TzLT-fWckA-00177-00048350-00048555 the gherkin and walkie-talkie will 7TzLT-fWckA-00178-00048556-00048724 feature on the skyline throughout the 7TzLT-fWckA-00179-00048725-00049176 remainder of this cruise 7TzLT-fWckA-00180-00049177-00049395 the journey continues towards Suffolk 7TzLT-fWckA-00181-00049396-00049782 Bridge London solis Jews preach 7TzLT-fWckA-00182-00049783-00049968 just past it the anchor public house 7TzLT-fWckA-00183-00049969-00050139 from where samuel peeps watched the 7TzLT-fWckA-00184-00050140-00050390 Great Fire of London was also frequented 7TzLT-fWckA-00185-00050391-00050577 by William Shakespeare and Samuel 7TzLT-fWckA-00186-00050578-00050814 Johnson compiler of the first serious 7TzLT-fWckA-00187-00050815-00051123 English dictionary has been a pub here 7TzLT-fWckA-00188-00051124-00051545 for more than 800 years 7TzLT-fWckA-00189-00051546-00051740 as a bridge carrying trains into Cannon 7TzLT-fWckA-00190-00051741-00051929 Street Station we shall like Charing 7TzLT-fWckA-00191-00051929-00052079 Cross station back a tongue covered 7TzLT-fWckA-00192-00052079-00052316 bridge also serves a Southeast of 7TzLT-fWckA-00193-00052316-00052557 England 7TzLT-fWckA-00194-00052558-00052785 after passing beneath it looked right to 7TzLT-fWckA-00195-00052786-00052986 see a replica of the Golden Hind in 7TzLT-fWckA-00196-00052987-00053276 drydock Sir Francis Drake held as a 7TzLT-fWckA-00197-00053277-00053504 pirate by the Spanish sail around the 7TzLT-fWckA-00198-00053505-00053875 world in the original from 1577 to 1580 7TzLT-fWckA-00199-00053876-00054165 this replica hearse completed the same 7TzLT-fWckA-00200-00054166-00054375 feat 7TzLT-fWckA-00201-00054376-00054588 just beyond parts of which state from 7TzLT-fWckA-00202-00054589-00054834 the 12th century was upgraded to become 7TzLT-fWckA-00203-00054835-00055191 Southwark Cathedral in 1905 there's no 7TzLT-fWckA-00204-00055191-00055547 charge for admission 7TzLT-fWckA-00205-00055548-00055687 in bridge ahead well I'm not 7TzLT-fWckA-00206-00055688-00055900 particularly impressive was the first 7TzLT-fWckA-00207-00055901-00056128 bridge to span the river into London 7TzLT-fWckA-00208-00056129-00056482 originally constructed in 55 ad it's 7TzLT-fWckA-00209-00056483-00057094 been replaced a number of times since 7TzLT-fWckA-00210-00057095-00057337 to me titli to the left the monument 7TzLT-fWckA-00211-00057338-00057502 built to commemorate the Great Fire of 7TzLT-fWckA-00212-00057503-00057879 1666 and some Magna Samata Church which 7TzLT-fWckA-00213-00057880-00058138 was the entry to the bridge until 1831 7TzLT-fWckA-00214-00058139-00058392 can be seen fleetingly between Riverside 7TzLT-fWckA-00215-00058394-00058636 buildings 7TzLT-fWckA-00216-00058637-00058842 a little further on the arch facade of 7TzLT-fWckA-00217-00058843-00059013 Billingsgate once home to the world's 7TzLT-fWckA-00218-00059014-00059280 largest fish market which closed in 1982 7TzLT-fWckA-00219-00059281-00059761 is followed by the old Customs House 7TzLT-fWckA-00220-00059762-00059974 nopal of London a stretch of water 7TzLT-fWckA-00221-00059975-00060201 downstream from London Bridge is where 7TzLT-fWckA-00222-00060202-00060391 most ships unloaded their cargo who in 7TzLT-fWckA-00223-00060391-00060682 London was a thriving port activity more 7TzLT-fWckA-00224-00060683-00060954 or less ceased by the 1960s after the 7TzLT-fWckA-00225-00060955-00061189 advent of shipping containers and the 7TzLT-fWckA-00226-00061190-00061396 area was redeveloped mainly for 7TzLT-fWckA-00227-00061397-00061660 residential use many of today's 7TzLT-fWckA-00228-00061661-00061866 Riverside Apartments are actually 7TzLT-fWckA-00229-00061867-00062236 converted warehouses 7TzLT-fWckA-00230-00062237-00062391 hefty charge to visit the viewing 7TzLT-fWckA-00231-00062392-00062620 platform on the 72nd floor of the shard 7TzLT-fWckA-00232-00062621-00062901 across the river the walkie talkie also 7TzLT-fWckA-00233-00062902-00063091 has a viewing platform called the sky 7TzLT-fWckA-00234-00063091-00063439 garden not as high but high enough and 7TzLT-fWckA-00235-00063440-00063871 it's free book a visit via the website 7TzLT-fWckA-00236-00063872-00064104 hms belfast a warship which saw active 7TzLT-fWckA-00237-00064105-00064333 service during the second world war is 7TzLT-fWckA-00238-00064334-00064594 now a popular floating museum it was 7TzLT-fWckA-00239-00064595-00064786 built at the Harland and Wolff shipyard 7TzLT-fWckA-00240-00064787-00065233 in Belfast and so was the Titanic just 7TzLT-fWckA-00241-00065234-00065430 beyond the four tower bridge the 7TzLT-fWckA-00242-00065432-00065769 roundish glass building is City Hall 7TzLT-fWckA-00243-00065770-00065970 on the opposite bank construction of the 7TzLT-fWckA-00244-00065971-00066144 more famous Tower of London started 7TzLT-fWckA-00245-00066145-00066504 around 1078 a few years after the Norman 7TzLT-fWckA-00246-00066505-00066837 Conquest it's been expanded upgraded and 7TzLT-fWckA-00247-00066838-00067167 refurbished ever since formerly a royal 7TzLT-fWckA-00248-00067168-00067368 residence it's also been used as a 7TzLT-fWckA-00249-00067369-00067659 prison treasury armory zoo and public 7TzLT-fWckA-00250-00067660-00067971 records office now one of London's top 7TzLT-fWckA-00251-00067972-00068136 tourist attractions where the crown 7TzLT-fWckA-00252-00068137-00068271 jewels are on display 7TzLT-fWckA-00253-00068272-00068520 it's home to half a dozen of saw Ravens 7TzLT-fWckA-00254-00068521-00068766 and if rumor is to be believed 7TzLT-fWckA-00255-00068767-00069344 several ghosts 7TzLT-fWckA-00256-00069345-00069533 visitors mistakenly think his London 7TzLT-fWckA-00257-00069534-00069878 Bridge opened in 1894 and it's the last 7TzLT-fWckA-00258-00069879-00070052 completely new rope bridge to have been 7TzLT-fWckA-00259-00070053-00070243 built across the river Thames in London 7TzLT-fWckA-00260-00070244-00070505 it opens about a thousand times each 7TzLT-fWckA-00261-00070506-00070802 year to know when consult the timetable 7TzLT-fWckA-00262-00070803-00071200 online 7TzLT-fWckA-00263-00071201-00071392 this cruise finishes at the tower 7TzLT-fWckA-00264-00071393-00071775 millennium pier near the Tower of London 7TzLT-fWckA-00265-00071776-00072003 someone's continued to Greenwich a 7TzLT-fWckA-00266-00072004-00072267 UNESCO World Heritage Site which some 7TzLT-fWckA-00267-00072268-00072604 passengers may wish to visit 7TzLT-fWckA-00268-00072605-00072807 the old Royal Naval College they're 7TzLT-fWckA-00269-00072808-00073042 designed by Christopher Wren is free to 7TzLT-fWckA-00270-00073043-00073306 enter the Queen's house designed by any 7TzLT-fWckA-00271-00073307-00073684 go Jones was completed in 1635 the Queen 7TzLT-fWckA-00272-00073685-00073894 was an of Denmark wife of James the 7TzLT-fWckA-00273-00073895-00074296 first again entry is free there's also 7TzLT-fWckA-00274-00074297-00074515 no charge to enter the National Maritime 7TzLT-fWckA-00275-00074516-00074763 Museum the largest of its kind in the 7TzLT-fWckA-00276-00074764-00074981 United Kingdom 7TzLT-fWckA-00277-00074982-00075173 taking a walk up the hill to the Royal 7TzLT-fWckA-00278-00075174-00075419 Observatory is rewarded by some rather 7TzLT-fWckA-00279-00075420-00075718 nice views over London 7TzLT-fWckA-00280-00075719-00075916 the Keene shoppers there are a couple of 7TzLT-fWckA-00281-00075917-00076165 fairly decent markets while Gastronauts 7TzLT-fWckA-00282-00076166-00076356 might be interested in visiting one of 7TzLT-fWckA-00283-00076357-00076575 the few remaining shops selling pie and 7TzLT-fWckA-00284-00076576-00076873 mash once a staple meal of London's East 7TzLT-fWckA-00285-00076874-00077266 End and of course unmissable beside the 7TzLT-fWckA-00286-00077267-00077317 River 7TzLT-fWckA-00287-00077318-00077511 the famous Scotty sock was built 7TzLT-fWckA-00288-00077512-00077951 specifically to bring tea from China 7TzLT-fWckA-00289-00077952-00078192 returning from Greenwich by boat it's 7TzLT-fWckA-00290-00078193-00078378 also possible to return to central 7TzLT-fWckA-00291-00078379-00078536 London aboard one of the driverless 7TzLT-fWckA-00292-00078537-00078785 trains to the Docklands Light Railway 7TzLT-fWckA-00293-00078786-00079071 head for tower gateway station which is 7TzLT-fWckA-00294-00079072-00079268 just across the road from the Tower of 7TzLT-fWckA-00295-00079269-00079485 London