bgp_XIs44oU-00000-00000049-00000279 wisdom literature as a genre of bgp_XIs44oU-00001-00000280-00000453 literature common in the ancient Near bgp_XIs44oU-00002-00000454-00000737 East it consists of statements by sages bgp_XIs44oU-00003-00000738-00000927 and wise men that offered teachings bgp_XIs44oU-00004-00000927-00001197 about divinity and virtue although this bgp_XIs44oU-00005-00001198-00001400 genre uses techniques of traditional bgp_XIs44oU-00006-00001401-00001635 oral storytelling it was disseminated in bgp_XIs44oU-00007-00001636-00001920 written form the literary genre of bgp_XIs44oU-00008-00001921-00002115 mirrors for princes which has a long bgp_XIs44oU-00009-00002116-00002262 history in Islamic and Western bgp_XIs44oU-00010-00002263-00002483 Renaissance literature is a secular bgp_XIs44oU-00011-00002484-00002796 cognitive wisdom literature in classical bgp_XIs44oU-00012-00002797-00003029 antiquity the didactic poetry of Hesiod bgp_XIs44oU-00013-00003030-00003267 particularly his works and days was bgp_XIs44oU-00014-00003268-00003402 regarded as a source of knowledge bgp_XIs44oU-00015-00003403-00003603 similar to the wisdom literature of bgp_XIs44oU-00016-00003604-00004088 Egypt Babylonia and Israel bgp_XIs44oU-00017-00004089-00004686 topic ancient Egyptian literature bgp_XIs44oU-00018-00004687-00004947 in ancient Egyptian literature wisdom bgp_XIs44oU-00019-00004948-00005100 literature belonged to the sebade bgp_XIs44oU-00020-00005101-00005379 teaching genre which flourished during bgp_XIs44oU-00021-00005380-00005568 the Middle Kingdom of Egypt and became bgp_XIs44oU-00022-00005569-00005841 canonical during the New Kingdom notable bgp_XIs44oU-00023-00005842-00006000 works of this genre include the bgp_XIs44oU-00024-00006001-00006231 instructions of Kagame the maxims of two bgp_XIs44oU-00025-00006232-00006453 hotep the instructions of Amenemhat and bgp_XIs44oU-00026-00006454-00006931 the loyalist teaching bgp_XIs44oU-00027-00006931-00007146 pick biblical wisdom literature and bgp_XIs44oU-00028-00007147-00007572 Jewish texts bgp_XIs44oU-00029-00007573-00007812 the most famous examples of wisdom bgp_XIs44oU-00030-00007813-00008243 literature are found in the Bible bgp_XIs44oU-00031-00008244-00008777 topic sippy Anne Shiell books bgp_XIs44oU-00032-00008778-00009196 the term Sapientia Lux or books of bgp_XIs44oU-00033-00009197-00009464 wisdom is used in biblical studies to bgp_XIs44oU-00034-00009465-00009641 refer to a subset of the books of the bgp_XIs44oU-00035-00009642-00009796 Hebrew Bible in the Septuagint bgp_XIs44oU-00036-00009797-00010028 translation there are seven of these bgp_XIs44oU-00037-00010029-00010256 books namely the books of job Psalms bgp_XIs44oU-00038-00010257-00010549 proverbs Ecclesiastes the Song of Songs bgp_XIs44oU-00039-00010550-00010781 Song of Solomon the book of wisdom and bgp_XIs44oU-00040-00010782-00011113 Sirach ecclesiasticus not all the Psalms bgp_XIs44oU-00041-00011114-00011314 are usually regarded as belonging to the bgp_XIs44oU-00042-00011315-00011549 wisdom tradition in Judaism the books of bgp_XIs44oU-00043-00011550-00011735 wisdom other than the wisdom of Solomon bgp_XIs44oU-00044-00011736-00011924 and Sirach are regarded as part of the bgp_XIs44oU-00045-00011925-00012263 ketubah more writings in Christianity bgp_XIs44oU-00046-00012264-00012581 job Psalms proverbs Song of Songs and bgp_XIs44oU-00047-00012582-00012779 Ecclesiastes are included in the Old bgp_XIs44oU-00048-00012780-00013000 Testament by all traditions while wisdom bgp_XIs44oU-00049-00013001-00013169 and Sirach are regarded in some bgp_XIs44oU-00050-00013169-00013363 traditions as deuterocanonical works bgp_XIs44oU-00051-00013365-00013559 which are placed in the Apocrypha within bgp_XIs44oU-00052-00013560-00013727 the Anglican and Protestant Bible bgp_XIs44oU-00053-00013728-00013925 translations the Sippy Anne Shiell books bgp_XIs44oU-00054-00013926-00014096 are in the broad tradition of wisdom bgp_XIs44oU-00055-00014097-00014285 literature that was found widely in the bgp_XIs44oU-00056-00014286-00014453 ancient Near East including many bgp_XIs44oU-00057-00014454-00014853 religions other than Judaism bgp_XIs44oU-00058-00014854-00015313 topic septuagint bgp_XIs44oU-00059-00015315-00015619 the Greek noun Sophia Sophia Sophia is bgp_XIs44oU-00060-00015620-00015908 the translation of wisdom in the Greek bgp_XIs44oU-00061-00015909-00016141 Septuagint for Hebrew Hockman pick Malka bgp_XIs44oU-00062-00016143-00016394 comet wisdom is a central topic in the bgp_XIs44oU-00063-00016395-00016649 SIP en shil books ie bgp_XIs44oU-00064-00016650-00016944 proverbs Psalms job Song of Songs bgp_XIs44oU-00065-00016945-00017200 Ecclesiastes book of wisdom wisdom of bgp_XIs44oU-00066-00017201-00017422 Sirach and to some extent Baruch the bgp_XIs44oU-00067-00017423-00017558 last three are apocryphal bgp_XIs44oU-00068-00017559-00017728 deuterocanonical books of the Old bgp_XIs44oU-00069-00017729-00018080 Testament bgp_XIs44oU-00070-00018081-00018651 topic classical texts bgp_XIs44oU-00071-00018652-00019110 works and days by hesiod see 750 to 650 bgp_XIs44oU-00072-00019111-00019593 BC Nicomachean ethics by aristotle 384 bgp_XIs44oU-00073-00019594-00020055 to 322 BC Cato my or descent acute by bgp_XIs44oU-00074-00020056-00020544 Marcus Tullius Cicero 106 to 43 BC do bgp_XIs44oU-00075-00020545-00020907 Fiji's by Marcus Tullius Cicero parallel bgp_XIs44oU-00076-00020908-00021450 lives by Plutarch 46 to 120 meditations bgp_XIs44oU-00077-00021451-00021948 by Marcus Aurelius 121 to 180 max seems bgp_XIs44oU-00078-00021949-00022134 of Francois De La Rochefoucauld bgp_XIs44oU-00079-00022135-00022630 1613 to 1680 bgp_XIs44oU-00080-00022631-00023155 topic see also bgp_XIs44oU-00081-00023156-00023714 topic notes and references bgp_XIs44oU-00082-00023715-00023969 this article incorporates text from a bgp_XIs44oU-00083-00023970-00024136 publication now in the public domain bgp_XIs44oU-00084-00024137-00024341 Chisholm Hugh ed bgp_XIs44oU-00085-00024342-00024739 1911 wisdom literature Encyclopedia bgp_XIs44oU-00086-00024740-00025055 Britannica 11th ed Cambridge University bgp_XIs44oU-00087-00025056-00025402 Press bgp_XIs44oU-00088-00025403-00025947 topic bibliography bgp_XIs44oU-00089-00025948-00026320 Estes Daniel J 2010 handbook on the bgp_XIs44oU-00090-00026320-00026737 wisdom books and Psalms ISBN 978 Oh 8 o bgp_XIs44oU-00091-00026738-00027304 103 8 8 8 4 Crenshaw James L 2010 Old bgp_XIs44oU-00092-00027305-00027637 Testament wisdom and introduction is bno bgp_XIs44oU-00093-00027638-00028320 6 6 4 2 3 4 5 9 3 Murphy re 2002 The bgp_XIs44oU-00094-00028322-00028558 Tree of Life an exploration of biblical bgp_XIs44oU-00095-00028558-00028933 wisdom literature is bno 802 eight three bgp_XIs44oU-00096-00028933-00029281 nine six five seven bhjjGDh7Dsk-00000-00000535-00000914 in this second module we'll focus on bhjjGDh7Dsk-00001-00000915-00001235 understanding the patient this is the bhjjGDh7Dsk-00002-00001236-00001561 patient who is living with diabetes and bhjjGDh7Dsk-00003-00001562-00001868 who is also at risk of diabetic bhjjGDh7Dsk-00004-00001869-00002222 retinopathy or already has diabetic bhjjGDh7Dsk-00005-00002223-00002674 retinopathy in addition the patient may bhjjGDh7Dsk-00006-00002675-00002959 also have visual impairment from bhjjGDh7Dsk-00007-00002960-00003379 diabetic retinopathy where is this bhjjGDh7Dsk-00008-00003381-00003922 patient what services do they need what bhjjGDh7Dsk-00009-00003922-00004190 difficut they have in accessing the bhjjGDh7Dsk-00010-00004191-00004577 service and how can we address these bhjjGDh7Dsk-00011-00004578-00004889 difficulties or barriers in our context bhjjGDh7Dsk-00012-00004890-00005216 we will explore these issues in this bhjjGDh7Dsk-00013-00005217-00005573 module what does it mean to put the bhjjGDh7Dsk-00014-00005574-00006110 patient at the center of I care you may bhjjGDh7Dsk-00015-00006111-00006553 want to pause here and reflect on this bhjjGDh7Dsk-00016-00006554-00006923 question before proceeding putting the bhjjGDh7Dsk-00017-00006923-00007237 patient at the center of care services bhjjGDh7Dsk-00018-00007238-00007583 means that we have to find the patient bhjjGDh7Dsk-00019-00007584-00007991 that needs the service rather than wait bhjjGDh7Dsk-00020-00007992-00008405 for them to fight the service we have to bhjjGDh7Dsk-00021-00008406-00008710 empower the patient to control their bhjjGDh7Dsk-00022-00008711-00009178 bitties and diabetic retinopathy we also bhjjGDh7Dsk-00023-00009179-00009517 have to identify their needs and connect bhjjGDh7Dsk-00024-00009518-00009916 them to a service that meets these needs bhjjGDh7Dsk-00025-00009917-00010270 finally we have to evaluate whether we bhjjGDh7Dsk-00026-00010271-00010523 have met our needs and aim to bhjjGDh7Dsk-00027-00010524-00011009 continuously improve the service to bhjjGDh7Dsk-00028-00011010-00011499 begin with where is a patient with D our bhjjGDh7Dsk-00029-00011500-00011620 diabetes bhjjGDh7Dsk-00030-00011621-00011914 Arceus services are mostly offered bhjjGDh7Dsk-00031-00011915-00012364 within IKEA facilities however the bhjjGDh7Dsk-00032-00012365-00012670 majority of the patients who are at risk bhjjGDh7Dsk-00033-00012671-00013138 of D are do not visit the IKEA facility bhjjGDh7Dsk-00034-00013138-00013483 instead they can easily before a bhjjGDh7Dsk-00035-00013484-00013790 diabetes clinic bhjjGDh7Dsk-00036-00013791-00014144 they can also be fought within diabetes bhjjGDh7Dsk-00037-00014144-00014576 support groups in addition they can be bhjjGDh7Dsk-00038-00014577-00014861 found at the work sites they can be bhjjGDh7Dsk-00039-00014862-00015188 fought in schools they can be fought in bhjjGDh7Dsk-00040-00015188-00015706 social places such as religious places bhjjGDh7Dsk-00041-00015707-00016141 how can we reach them in these places bhjjGDh7Dsk-00042-00016141-00016655 how can we leverage on this places to bhjjGDh7Dsk-00043-00016656-00017087 strengthen diabetes eye care services is bhjjGDh7Dsk-00044-00017088-00017288 it possible to work with a diabetes bhjjGDh7Dsk-00045-00017289-00017615 service to strengthen refer to the eye bhjjGDh7Dsk-00046-00017616-00018113 clinic is it possible to place a fundus bhjjGDh7Dsk-00047-00018114-00018446 camera at the diabetes clinic in order bhjjGDh7Dsk-00048-00018447-00018763 to do retinal screening at this clinic bhjjGDh7Dsk-00049-00018764-00019139 can we hold outreach meetings and health bhjjGDh7Dsk-00050-00019140-00019649 talks with support groups can support bhjjGDh7Dsk-00051-00019650-00019945 groups link the patients the eye clinic bhjjGDh7Dsk-00052-00019946-00020252 can we hold screening services in bhjjGDh7Dsk-00053-00020253-00020692 schools and work sites on a mobile basis bhjjGDh7Dsk-00054-00020693-00020992 think about your own set M which bhjjGDh7Dsk-00055-00020993-00021332 services can you leverage on to improve bhjjGDh7Dsk-00056-00021333-00021635 the access of these patients to diabetes bhjjGDh7Dsk-00057-00021636-00022085 eye care services even when patients are bhjjGDh7Dsk-00058-00022086-00022367 referred to the eye care provider they bhjjGDh7Dsk-00059-00022368-00022610 often have difficulty enough getting the bhjjGDh7Dsk-00060-00022611-00022880 health system the referral service may bhjjGDh7Dsk-00061-00022881-00023156 be ineffective and the patient may need bhjjGDh7Dsk-00062-00023157-00023477 to visit on multiple occasions before bhjjGDh7Dsk-00063-00023478-00023908 they get the service patients with dr bhjjGDh7Dsk-00064-00023909-00024212 may have visual impairment and mobility bhjjGDh7Dsk-00065-00024213-00024452 problems and therefore may have bhjjGDh7Dsk-00066-00024453-00024749 difficulty with multiple visits to the bhjjGDh7Dsk-00067-00024750-00025118 eye clinic they may also not be able to bhjjGDh7Dsk-00068-00025119-00025556 pay for multiple services how can we bhjjGDh7Dsk-00069-00025557-00025850 address these problems how can we bhjjGDh7Dsk-00070-00025851-00026134 strengthen the link between the services bhjjGDh7Dsk-00071-00026135-00026393 the patient is already receiving and the bhjjGDh7Dsk-00072-00026394-00026762 IKEA's services both diabetes and bhjjGDh7Dsk-00073-00026763-00027064 diabetic retinopathy have potential to bhjjGDh7Dsk-00074-00027066-00027167 adversely bhjjGDh7Dsk-00075-00027168-00027404 fact the quality of life of the patient bhjjGDh7Dsk-00076-00027405-00027929 a patient with visual impairment will bhjjGDh7Dsk-00077-00027930-00028162 have difficulty measuring the dose of bhjjGDh7Dsk-00078-00028163-00028714 insulin and administering that doors a bhjjGDh7Dsk-00079-00028714-00029062 driver who has visual impairment from bhjjGDh7Dsk-00080-00029063-00029381 diabetic retinopathy may lose his job bhjjGDh7Dsk-00081-00029382-00030017 and lose economic independence a student bhjjGDh7Dsk-00082-00030018-00030323 who has mobility problems because of bhjjGDh7Dsk-00083-00030324-00030512 visual impairment from diabetic bhjjGDh7Dsk-00084-00030513-00030779 retinopathy may drop out of school bhjjGDh7Dsk-00085-00030780-00031079 because of difficulty in accessing bhjjGDh7Dsk-00086-00031080-00031514 educational facilities many of these bhjjGDh7Dsk-00087-00031514-00031971 patients may get progressively isolated bhjjGDh7Dsk-00088-00031972-00032330 the emotional well-being may also be bhjjGDh7Dsk-00089-00032331-00032702 seriously affected and they may even get bhjjGDh7Dsk-00090-00032702-00033355 into depression how can our services bhjjGDh7Dsk-00091-00033356-00033857 maximize the quality of life how does bhjjGDh7Dsk-00092-00033858-00034232 their basic Rajan Appa theme affect the bhjjGDh7Dsk-00093-00034233-00034639 quality of life in social functioning in bhjjGDh7Dsk-00094-00034640-00035083 leisure and other aspects of life we bhjjGDh7Dsk-00095-00035084-00035318 will explore this in greater detail in bhjjGDh7Dsk-00096-00035319-00035630 the course putting the patient at the bhjjGDh7Dsk-00097-00035631-00035930 center of Ikea means engaging with a bhjjGDh7Dsk-00098-00035931-00036424 patient via various strategies for bhjjGDh7Dsk-00099-00036425-00036854 patient engagement self-management bhjjGDh7Dsk-00100-00036855-00037271 education empowers the patient to bhjjGDh7Dsk-00101-00037272-00037468 control diabetes and diabetic bhjjGDh7Dsk-00102-00037469-00038043 retinopathy person-centered care bhjjGDh7Dsk-00103-00038044-00038449 improves patient satisfaction and other bhjjGDh7Dsk-00104-00038450-00039046 patient reported outcomes peer support bhjjGDh7Dsk-00105-00039047-00039283 helps the patient to link with the bhjjGDh7Dsk-00106-00039284-00039802 service that they need in which way can bhjjGDh7Dsk-00107-00039803-00040039 you apply these strategies in your own bhjjGDh7Dsk-00108-00040040-00040299 setting to improve bhjjGDh7Dsk-00109-00040300-00040595 access to diabetes Arceus services bhjjGDh7Dsk-00110-00040596-00040935 although screening for dr is both bhjjGDh7Dsk-00111-00040936-00041262 effective and cost effective in the bhjjGDh7Dsk-00112-00041263-00041649 control of dr there are various barriers bhjjGDh7Dsk-00113-00041650-00042063 to access to the service some of the bhjjGDh7Dsk-00114-00042064-00042273 barriers are distance the health bhjjGDh7Dsk-00115-00042274-00042987 facility cost awareness transport lack bhjjGDh7Dsk-00116-00042988-00043386 of a companion fear and poor the bhjjGDh7Dsk-00117-00043387-00043709 standing of the importance of screening bhjjGDh7Dsk-00118-00043710-00044022 this barriers are particularly important bhjjGDh7Dsk-00119-00044023-00044442 in low resource settings in such bhjjGDh7Dsk-00120-00044443-00044700 settings the patients may live far from bhjjGDh7Dsk-00121-00044701-00044976 the health facility and geographical bhjjGDh7Dsk-00122-00044977-00045318 distance we mean that the patient has to bhjjGDh7Dsk-00123-00045319-00045528 take multiple routes on multiple bhjjGDh7Dsk-00124-00045529-00045819 vehicles to reach the health facility bhjjGDh7Dsk-00125-00045820-00046098 what solutions can be used to address bhjjGDh7Dsk-00126-00046099-00046413 this barrier both direct and indirect bhjjGDh7Dsk-00127-00046414-00046776 costs may mean that the patient cannot bhjjGDh7Dsk-00128-00046777-00047124 visit the health facility and their bhjjGDh7Dsk-00129-00047125-00047460 solutions to address this we will bhjjGDh7Dsk-00130-00047461-00047820 explore this in greater detail by the bhjjGDh7Dsk-00131-00047821-00048045 end of this module you should be able to bhjjGDh7Dsk-00132-00048046-00048369 explain how dr affects the quality of bhjjGDh7Dsk-00133-00048370-00048678 life you should be able to engage the bhjjGDh7Dsk-00134-00048679-00049071 patient in care identify pragmatic bhjjGDh7Dsk-00135-00049072-00049302 opportunities to control dr in the bhjjGDh7Dsk-00136-00049303-00049487 community and in private care and bhjjGDh7Dsk-00137-00049488-00049800 identify the barriers to dr screening in bhjjGDh7Dsk-00138-00049801-00050076 your setup the materials that are shared bhjjGDh7Dsk-00139-00050077-00050475 in this course are free to use reuse and bhjjGDh7Dsk-00140-00050476-00050865 to share as long as you attribute use bhjjGDh7Dsk-00141-00050866-00051102 them non-commercial and share alike bhjjGDh7Dsk-00142-00051103-00051474 using the same license we hope you enjoy bhjjGDh7Dsk-00143-00051475-00051537 the course bhjjGDh7Dsk-00144-00051538-00051912 and that you find it useful biZM4F9NokQ-00000-00000078-00000526 hey this is Brett and this 2016 Ram 2500 biZM4F9NokQ-00001-00000527-00000857 Crew Cab short box Laramie is stack biZM4F9NokQ-00002-00000858-00001175 number one three seven two three Z I am biZM4F9NokQ-00003-00001176-00001397 here at Summit Automotive in Fond du Lac biZM4F9NokQ-00004-00001398-00001684 Wisconsin you're new and used heavy duty biZM4F9NokQ-00005-00001685-00002123 truck and RAM headquarters this 2016 Ram biZM4F9NokQ-00006-00002124-00002489 2500 has the 6.7 liter Cummins diesel biZM4F9NokQ-00007-00002490-00002717 engine it's paired up with the six-speed biZM4F9NokQ-00008-00002718-00002981 68 rfe automatic transmission this truck biZM4F9NokQ-00009-00002982-00003226 has been fully safetied and inspected by biZM4F9NokQ-00010-00003227-00003431 our service shop has a fresh oil and biZM4F9NokQ-00011-00003432-00003635 filter change all the fluids have been biZM4F9NokQ-00012-00003636-00003785 checked and topped off and it is 100 biZM4F9NokQ-00013-00003786-00004006 ready to go I'm going to go all the way biZM4F9NokQ-00014-00004007-00004217 around in this video inside underneath biZM4F9NokQ-00015-00004218-00004397 start it up and take a look under the biZM4F9NokQ-00016-00004398-00004529 hood to give you the most accurate biZM4F9NokQ-00017-00004530-00004885 representation possible granite crystal biZM4F9NokQ-00018-00004886-00005099 metallic is the color and I shoot all my biZM4F9NokQ-00019-00005100-00005315 videos in 4k so if you have HD biZM4F9NokQ-00020-00005316-00005536 capabilities turn them on now because it biZM4F9NokQ-00021-00005537-00005651 is your best way to check out the biZM4F9NokQ-00022-00005652-00005770 quality condition options and biZM4F9NokQ-00023-00005771-00005951 cleanliness of the truck before seen it biZM4F9NokQ-00024-00005952-00006118 in person and if you like the video you biZM4F9NokQ-00025-00006119-00006238 can subscribe to my YouTube channel biZM4F9NokQ-00026-00006239-00006514 which is Summit Auto click biZM4F9NokQ-00027-00006515-00006605 the Bell notifications you'll get biZM4F9NokQ-00028-00006606-00006713 updates on the videos I do each and biZM4F9NokQ-00029-00006714-00006856 every day as well as having access to biZM4F9NokQ-00030-00006858-00007001 one of the largest catalogs of vehicle biZM4F9NokQ-00031-00007002-00007301 walk arounds on YouTube all right let's biZM4F9NokQ-00032-00007302-00007523 get right into a 20 inch painted alloy biZM4F9NokQ-00033-00007523-00007739 wheels with the Chrome inserts on there biZM4F9NokQ-00034-00007740-00007931 they are in very nice shape has biZM4F9NokQ-00035-00007931-00008274 Bridgestone Dueler AT tires these are biZM4F9NokQ-00036-00008275-00008645 lt285 60r 20s and I would say they have biZM4F9NokQ-00037-00008646-00008885 probably about 70 to 80 percent of the biZM4F9NokQ-00038-00008886-00009203 tread left on them very good tread left biZM4F9NokQ-00039-00009204-00009419 on those tires frame and under body is biZM4F9NokQ-00040-00009420-00009599 in really nice shape it's got just a biZM4F9NokQ-00041-00009600-00009845 little bit of dust on there but I always biZM4F9NokQ-00042-00009846-00010078 say better Dusty than Rusty biZM4F9NokQ-00043-00010079-00010241 coming around the front here the front biZM4F9NokQ-00044-00010242-00010414 fender is in great shape projector biZM4F9NokQ-00045-00010415-00010619 projector lamp headlamps LED running biZM4F9NokQ-00046-00010620-00010841 lights Factory fog lights and you do get biZM4F9NokQ-00047-00010842-00011014 the front bumper parking sensors come biZM4F9NokQ-00048-00011015-00011428 with a really nice grille guard biZM4F9NokQ-00049-00011429-00011614 and the grill itself is in really nice biZM4F9NokQ-00050-00011615-00011837 shape chrome trim and the hood is in biZM4F9NokQ-00051-00011838-00011981 really nice shape as well I didn't see biZM4F9NokQ-00052-00011982-00012335 any major dents or dings on there biZM4F9NokQ-00053-00012336-00012556 passenger side front fender is in biZM4F9NokQ-00054-00012557-00012773 excellent condition as well biZM4F9NokQ-00055-00012774-00012994 and the passenger side front wheel no biZM4F9NokQ-00056-00012995-00013301 major scuffs or scrapes on there biZM4F9NokQ-00057-00013302-00013636 as you go down this side of this 2016 biZM4F9NokQ-00058-00013637-00013865 Ram 2500 biZM4F9NokQ-00059-00013866-00014051 take note of how clean the body is how biZM4F9NokQ-00060-00014052-00014285 reflective and mirror-like that paint is biZM4F9NokQ-00061-00014286-00014530 take these HD videos so if you are far biZM4F9NokQ-00062-00014531-00014680 away or even if you're close by and you biZM4F9NokQ-00063-00014681-00014819 just cannot make the trip down but biZM4F9NokQ-00064-00014819-00014957 you're still interested in purchasing biZM4F9NokQ-00065-00014958-00015179 the vehicle you can see the truck hear biZM4F9NokQ-00066-00015180-00015401 the truck and have confidence in the biZM4F9NokQ-00067-00015402-00015551 vehicle that you're looking at before biZM4F9NokQ-00068-00015552-00015701 you even get here so when you do get biZM4F9NokQ-00069-00015702-00015880 here there's absolutely no surprises and biZM4F9NokQ-00070-00015881-00016121 you can make a smart and informed buying biZM4F9NokQ-00071-00016122-00016319 decision from wherever you're at if this biZM4F9NokQ-00072-00016319-00016433 video helps you make that buying biZM4F9NokQ-00073-00016434-00016571 decision let your salesman know that you biZM4F9NokQ-00074-00016572-00016757 saw the video that it was helpful and biZM4F9NokQ-00075-00016758-00016991 that Brett sent you back wheels in biZM4F9NokQ-00076-00016992-00017194 excellent shape as well no major scuffs biZM4F9NokQ-00077-00017195-00017399 or scrapes on there and the back tires biZM4F9NokQ-00078-00017400-00017572 have I would say probably about 50 biZM4F9NokQ-00079-00017573-00017753 percent of the tread left on the back biZM4F9NokQ-00080-00017754-00017980 frame and underbody pretty nice shape biZM4F9NokQ-00081-00017981-00018161 other than once again being a little biZM4F9NokQ-00082-00018162-00018269 Dusty biZM4F9NokQ-00083-00018270-00018533 uh has all the remaining factory exhaust biZM4F9NokQ-00084-00018534-00018869 so it hasn't been altered in any way biZM4F9NokQ-00085-00018870-00019127 and lower rockers and cab corners are in biZM4F9NokQ-00086-00019128-00019336 nice shape as well I didn't see any biZM4F9NokQ-00087-00019337-00019643 corrosion on them factory chrome step biZM4F9NokQ-00088-00019644-00019907 bars passengers side box no major dents biZM4F9NokQ-00089-00019908-00020158 or dings on there looks really good biZM4F9NokQ-00090-00020159-00020417 coming around to the back rear bumper is biZM4F9NokQ-00091-00020418-00020639 in great shape full towing package of biZM4F9NokQ-00092-00020640-00020717 course biZM4F9NokQ-00093-00020718-00020950 uh backup parking sensors as well biZM4F9NokQ-00094-00020951-00021233 receiver hitch 4 pin n seven pin wiring biZM4F9NokQ-00095-00021234-00021472 the tailgate is in really nice condition biZM4F9NokQ-00096-00021473-00021929 as well does have a locking tailgate biZM4F9NokQ-00097-00021930-00022144 comes with a drop in bed liner and it biZM4F9NokQ-00098-00022145-00022343 does have the fifth wheel and gooseneck biZM4F9NokQ-00099-00022344-00022649 prep package on it biZM4F9NokQ-00100-00022650-00022864 that bed liner goes onto the tailgate biZM4F9NokQ-00101-00022865-00023122 which is really nice as well biZM4F9NokQ-00102-00023123-00023447 and the tailgate shuts nice and solidly biZM4F9NokQ-00103-00023448-00023707 as we go down this side biZM4F9NokQ-00104-00023708-00023957 of the truck biZM4F9NokQ-00105-00023958-00024311 just as nice as that passenger side biZM4F9NokQ-00106-00024312-00024700 back wheel is an excellent shape biZM4F9NokQ-00107-00024701-00024917 and a granite crystal one of my favorite biZM4F9NokQ-00108-00024918-00025169 colors it's got a lot of metal flake in biZM4F9NokQ-00109-00025170-00025355 it biZM4F9NokQ-00110-00025356-00025612 looks really good and on the rest of the biZM4F9NokQ-00111-00025613-00025702 side biZM4F9NokQ-00112-00025704-00025978 doors and cab all look really good as biZM4F9NokQ-00113-00025979-00026267 well biZM4F9NokQ-00114-00026268-00026518 and I didn't see any dents or dings on biZM4F9NokQ-00115-00026519-00026657 the doors biZM4F9NokQ-00116-00026658-00026861 does come with the power heated mirrors biZM4F9NokQ-00117-00026862-00027052 built in directional signals on those as biZM4F9NokQ-00118-00027054-00027293 well inside the Laramie Laramie package biZM4F9NokQ-00119-00027294-00027695 gives you the black leather bucket seats biZM4F9NokQ-00120-00027695-00027952 the auto rips or tears on these seats biZM4F9NokQ-00121-00027954-00028151 there in very nice condition you get the biZM4F9NokQ-00122-00028152-00028499 Laramie embossed backrest biZM4F9NokQ-00123-00028500-00028787 memory driver's seat with lumbar biZM4F9NokQ-00124-00028788-00028967 and you get a set of WeatherTech floor biZM4F9NokQ-00125-00028968-00029152 mats as well as a set of carpet floor biZM4F9NokQ-00126-00029154-00029368 mats in this one power pedals Auto biZM4F9NokQ-00127-00029369-00029549 headlamps power windows locks and biZM4F9NokQ-00128-00029550-00029758 mirrors and these mirrors do power fold biZM4F9NokQ-00129-00029760-00029899 in biZM4F9NokQ-00130-00029900-00030239 takes a second here biZM4F9NokQ-00131-00030239-00030527 there we go biZM4F9NokQ-00132-00030527-00030689 I always like showing both sides so you biZM4F9NokQ-00133-00030689-00030802 know that both sides are working biZM4F9NokQ-00134-00030804-00030923 properly biZM4F9NokQ-00135-00030924-00031133 take a quick look at the back seats they biZM4F9NokQ-00136-00031133-00031301 are just as nice as the front seats no biZM4F9NokQ-00137-00031302-00031655 rips or tears back here does have the biZM4F9NokQ-00138-00031656-00031870 latch child safety system for any child biZM4F9NokQ-00139-00031872-00032074 car seats you may have biZM4F9NokQ-00140-00032075-00032573 power sliding rear window biZM4F9NokQ-00141-00032574-00032764 these seats do fold out biZM4F9NokQ-00142-00032766-00033005 for extra storage and you get a load biZM4F9NokQ-00143-00033006-00033149 four back here which is nice you got biZM4F9NokQ-00144-00033150-00033299 muddy boots or tools put them on there biZM4F9NokQ-00145-00033300-00033437 you're not going to get your seats dirty biZM4F9NokQ-00146-00033438-00033677 or if you got pets put both sides down biZM4F9NokQ-00147-00033678-00033899 they got a nice flat place to lay as biZM4F9NokQ-00148-00033900-00034085 well as not getting your seats dirty or biZM4F9NokQ-00149-00034086-00034259 putting holes in them has a receiver biZM4F9NokQ-00150-00034260-00034529 hitch reducer winter front biZM4F9NokQ-00151-00034530-00034799 back here as well and storage area biZM4F9NokQ-00152-00034800-00035002 get in WeatherTech floor mat back here biZM4F9NokQ-00153-00035003-00035339 as well as Factory carpets and in-floor biZM4F9NokQ-00154-00035340-00035501 storage with removable bins for easy biZM4F9NokQ-00155-00035502-00035674 cleaning you can put ice and drinks in biZM4F9NokQ-00156-00035675-00035765 there it's like you have too many biZM4F9NokQ-00157-00035766-00035974 coolers wherever you go or if you're not biZM4F9NokQ-00158-00035975-00036173 in Wisconsin just extra storage space biZM4F9NokQ-00159-00036174-00036424 does have the heated seat buttons back biZM4F9NokQ-00160-00036425-00036551 here biZM4F9NokQ-00161-00036552-00036796 side curtain airbags biZM4F9NokQ-00162-00036797-00037043 and child safety locks on the back doors biZM4F9NokQ-00163-00037044-00037349 inside and bottoms of the doors are all biZM4F9NokQ-00164-00037350-00037655 in very nice condition and lower rockers biZM4F9NokQ-00165-00037656-00038123 cab corners look good as well biZM4F9NokQ-00166-00038124-00038329 hop inside check out the miles the radio biZM4F9NokQ-00167-00038330-00038573 and everything that this truck has to biZM4F9NokQ-00168-00038574-00038717 offer on the interior biZM4F9NokQ-00169-00038718-00038933 [Music] biZM4F9NokQ-00170-00038934-00039124 get the Laramie animation at the biZM4F9NokQ-00171-00039125-00039287 beginning here biZM4F9NokQ-00172-00039288-00039545 so this truck was previously owned in biZM4F9NokQ-00173-00039546-00039790 Georgia and Arkansas biZM4F9NokQ-00174-00039791-00040140 you can see that it has 42 biZM4F9NokQ-00175-00040141-00040390 963 miles on it you do get the digital biZM4F9NokQ-00176-00040391-00040655 speedometer range to empty Compass biZM4F9NokQ-00177-00040656-00040846 outside temperature display and miles biZM4F9NokQ-00178-00040847-00041021 per gallon so that's really nice biZM4F9NokQ-00179-00041022-00041159 instrument cluster is nice and clean biZM4F9NokQ-00180-00041160-00041380 comes with the heated leather wrapped biZM4F9NokQ-00181-00041381-00041483 steering wheel biZM4F9NokQ-00182-00041484-00041627 cruise controls on the right Bluetooth biZM4F9NokQ-00183-00041628-00041801 and information center controls on the biZM4F9NokQ-00184-00041802-00041951 left and audio controls on the back of biZM4F9NokQ-00185-00041952-00042095 that steering wheel comes with the biZM4F9NokQ-00186-00042096-00042305 six-speed 68 rfe automatic transmission biZM4F9NokQ-00187-00042306-00042629 you get the 8.4 3C radio this one comes biZM4F9NokQ-00188-00042630-00042851 with AM FM and SiriusXM Radio biZM4F9NokQ-00189-00042852-00043073 capabilities you get your heated and biZM4F9NokQ-00190-00043074-00043235 cooled seat buttons here as well as your biZM4F9NokQ-00191-00043236-00043511 heated steering wheel backup Cam and biZM4F9NokQ-00192-00043512-00043655 your cargo cam biZM4F9NokQ-00193-00043656-00043823 so that's pretty cool you can see what's biZM4F9NokQ-00194-00043824-00044045 going on in the bed of the truck you biZM4F9NokQ-00195-00044046-00044224 also have the factory navigation system biZM4F9NokQ-00196-00044225-00044711 on here and uh you can see Highway 41 is biZM4F9NokQ-00197-00044712-00044873 right behind us so that is working biZM4F9NokQ-00198-00044874-00045071 nicely uh you get all your different biZM4F9NokQ-00199-00045072-00045311 apps on here biZM4F9NokQ-00200-00045312-00045527 and uh yeah biZM4F9NokQ-00201-00045528-00045796 looks really good down here you're more biZM4F9NokQ-00202-00045797-00046073 tactile climate volume and tune controls biZM4F9NokQ-00203-00046074-00046217 turned out four-wheel drive Factory biZM4F9NokQ-00204-00046218-00046408 brake controller dual climate controls biZM4F9NokQ-00205-00046409-00046612 stability control tow haul factory biZM4F9NokQ-00206-00046613-00046817 exhaust brake front and rear parking biZM4F9NokQ-00207-00046818-00046973 sensors you can turn those off and on biZM4F9NokQ-00208-00046974-00047262 five auxiliary upfit switches for lights biZM4F9NokQ-00209-00047263-00047668 and whatnot 115 volt 150 watt plug-in biZM4F9NokQ-00210-00047669-00048077 keyless entry with remote start key fob biZM4F9NokQ-00211-00048078-00048371 is in pretty nice condition passenger biZM4F9NokQ-00212-00048372-00048574 side floor mat and seat are in fantastic biZM4F9NokQ-00213-00048575-00048868 condition as well no rips or tears on biZM4F9NokQ-00214-00048869-00049067 there and the headliners in really nice biZM4F9NokQ-00215-00049068-00049205 condition you get the speakers in the biZM4F9NokQ-00216-00049206-00049385 ceiling part of that Alpine premium biZM4F9NokQ-00217-00049386-00049667 sound system and the power sunroof map biZM4F9NokQ-00218-00049668-00049895 lights power sign rear window button and biZM4F9NokQ-00219-00049896-00050021 your Homelink buttons for your garage biZM4F9NokQ-00220-00050022-00050189 door security systems and Lighting biZM4F9NokQ-00221-00050190-00050411 systems you also get 9-1-1 and assist biZM4F9NokQ-00222-00050412-00050627 buttons in the mirror there's your biZM4F9NokQ-00223-00050628-00051095 Alpine sound system badge and before I biZM4F9NokQ-00224-00051096-00051232 start it up I'm going to show you the biZM4F9NokQ-00225-00051233-00051466 tire and loading information sticker as biZM4F9NokQ-00226-00051467-00051719 well as the VIN sticker biZM4F9NokQ-00227-00051720-00051870 so I'm always biZM4F9NokQ-00228-00051871-00052169 asked to do that biZM4F9NokQ-00229-00052170-00052930 there is the VIN sticker biZM4F9NokQ-00230-00052932-00053125 start it up take a look under the hood biZM4F9NokQ-00231-00053126-00053788 [Applause] biZM4F9NokQ-00232-00053789-00053987 starts right up no check engine lights biZM4F9NokQ-00233-00053988-00054166 or anything biZM4F9NokQ-00234-00054167-00054430 like that biZM4F9NokQ-00235-00054432-00054616 I would personally like to thank you for biZM4F9NokQ-00236-00054617-00054791 checking out the video today and biZM4F9NokQ-00237-00054791-00055013 hopefully from this HD video you've been biZM4F9NokQ-00238-00055014-00055259 able to verify the quality condition biZM4F9NokQ-00239-00055260-00055511 options and of course cleanliness of biZM4F9NokQ-00240-00055512-00055763 this truck all the way around inside and biZM4F9NokQ-00241-00055764-00055979 out all the lights are working very biZM4F9NokQ-00242-00055979-00056207 nicely under the hood biZM4F9NokQ-00243-00056208-00056471 we have the 6.7 liter Cummins diesel biZM4F9NokQ-00244-00056472-00056741 engine engine Bay's very clean runs very biZM4F9NokQ-00245-00056741-00056969 smooth once again this truck has been biZM4F9NokQ-00246-00056970-00057130 fully safety then inspected by our biZM4F9NokQ-00247-00057132-00057376 service shop has a fresh oil and filter biZM4F9NokQ-00248-00057377-00057521 chain so all the fluids have been biZM4F9NokQ-00249-00057522-00057730 checked and topped off and it is 100 biZM4F9NokQ-00250-00057732-00058042 ready to go there is the emissions biZM4F9NokQ-00251-00058044-00058492 sticker biZM4F9NokQ-00252-00058494-00058816 foreign and I would highly recommend biZM4F9NokQ-00253-00058817-00058954 this truck from a quality and biZM4F9NokQ-00254-00058955-00059159 conditioned standpoint other than being biZM4F9NokQ-00255-00059160-00059326 a little bit Dusty this thing's in biZM4F9NokQ-00256-00059327-00059542 fantastic shape and to see more pictures biZM4F9NokQ-00257-00059544-00059782 of this truck or one of our other 550 biZM4F9NokQ-00258-00059783-00060088 new and used cars trucks SUVs minivans biZM4F9NokQ-00259-00060089-00060238 Wranglers half tons three quarter tons biZM4F9NokQ-00260-00060239-00060419 one tons You Name It We got to go to biZM4F9NokQ-00261-00060420-00060569 that website right there Summit biZM4F9NokQ-00262-00060570-00060761 full pictures and descriptions of every biZM4F9NokQ-00263-00060762-00060947 single vehicle all at Summit if biZM4F9NokQ-00264-00060948-00061073 you'd like to check out more HD videos biZM4F9NokQ-00265-00061074-00061300 you can go to Summit Auto biZM4F9NokQ-00266-00061301-00061469 click the Bell notifications and you'll biZM4F9NokQ-00267-00061470-00061600 get updates on the videos I do each and biZM4F9NokQ-00268-00061601-00061726 every day as well as having access to biZM4F9NokQ-00269-00061727-00061913 one of the largest catalogs of vehicle biZM4F9NokQ-00270-00061914-00062063 walkarounds on YouTube in fact in a biZM4F9NokQ-00271-00062064-00062225 second you will see a link to subscribe biZM4F9NokQ-00272-00062226-00062363 to my YouTube channel the upper left a biZM4F9NokQ-00273-00062364-00062615 link to more RAM 2500 truck videos like biZM4F9NokQ-00274-00062616-00062729 this one the upper right link to this biZM4F9NokQ-00275-00062729-00062915 vehicle on our website moan left and a biZM4F9NokQ-00276-00062916-00063041 link to one of our latest YouTube videos biZM4F9NokQ-00277-00063041-00063179 in all right with those check us out biZM4F9NokQ-00278-00063179-00063323 we're super excited to help you with biZM4F9NokQ-00279-00063324-00063694 this Ultra Clean 2016 Ram 2500 Crew Cab biZM4F9NokQ-00280-00063695-00063941 short box Laramie and granite crystal biZM4F9NokQ-00281-00063941-00064085 metallic thanks again for checking out biZM4F9NokQ-00282-00064086-00064247 the video remember to like subscribe and biZM4F9NokQ-00283-00064248-00064397 share on the YouTube channel I really biZM4F9NokQ-00284-00064398-00064717 appreciate it thanks again blJK5Eo78Xk-00000-00000053-00000451 the national anthem of Honduras Spanish blJK5Eo78Xk-00001-00000451-00000657 him--not Nacional de Honduras was blJK5Eo78Xk-00002-00000658-00000912 adopted under presidential decree 42 in blJK5Eo78Xk-00003-00000913-00001252 1915 the lyrics were written by Augusto blJK5Eo78Xk-00004-00001253-00001444 Constantino Coelho and the music blJK5Eo78Xk-00005-00001445-00001726 composed by Carlos Hartley in its blJK5Eo78Xk-00006-00001727-00001891 entirety the anthem is a brief blJK5Eo78Xk-00007-00001892-00002155 chronology of Honduran history the blJK5Eo78Xk-00008-00002156-00002362 anthem consists of the chorus and seven blJK5Eo78Xk-00009-00002363-00002647 solos for official acts only the chorus blJK5Eo78Xk-00010-00002648-00002883 and the seventh are sung the chorus blJK5Eo78Xk-00011-00002884-00003058 which is sung before and after the blJK5Eo78Xk-00012-00003059-00003243 seventh solo is a description of blJK5Eo78Xk-00013-00003244-00003472 Honduras chief national symbols the flag blJK5Eo78Xk-00014-00003472-00003751 in the coat of arms the eighth verse is blJK5Eo78Xk-00015-00003752-00004006 a patriotic call to duty to Hondurans to blJK5Eo78Xk-00016-00004007-00004272 defend the flag in the nation by the blJK5Eo78Xk-00017-00004273-00004477 time Hondurans complete their sixth year blJK5Eo78Xk-00018-00004478-00004681 of elementary education they will have blJK5Eo78Xk-00019-00004682-00004843 memorized and been taught the meaning of blJK5Eo78Xk-00020-00004844-00005113 all eight stanzas and officially the blJK5Eo78Xk-00021-00005114-00005392 anthem is sometimes called to Bandera a blJK5Eo78Xk-00022-00005393-00005793 sunlamp ode to clo spanish for your flag blJK5Eo78Xk-00023-00005794-00006093 is a splendour of sky which is also the blJK5Eo78Xk-00024-00006094-00006354 first line of the chorus for graduations blJK5Eo78Xk-00025-00006355-00006609 in middle school high school university blJK5Eo78Xk-00026-00006611-00006846 or another type of graduation an exam blJK5Eo78Xk-00027-00006847-00007014 will be done based on a questionnaire of blJK5Eo78Xk-00028-00007015-00007614 the national anthem blJK5Eo78Xk-00029-00007615-00008117 topic lyrics blJK5Eo78Xk-00030-00008118-00008483 you blJK5Eo78Xk-00031-00008484-00009297 topic see also flag of Honduras coat of blJK5Eo78Xk-00032-00009298-00009594 arms of Honduras blWFbLZiU3y-00001-00004284-00004552 me blWFbLZiU3y-00003-00010252-00012683 [Music] blWFbLZiU3y-00004-00012684-00013593 oh blWFbLZiU3y-00005-00013594-00015483 [Music] blWFbLZiU3y-00006-00015484-00015665 so blWFbLZiU3y-00007-00015666-00016222 [Music] blWFbLZiU3y-00008-00016224-00016883 [Music] blWFbLZiU3y-00009-00016884-00017127 do blWFbLZiU3y-00010-00017128-00018283 [Music] blWFbLZiU3y-00011-00018284-00018432 so blWFbLZiU3y-00012-00018433-00020861 [Music] blWFbLZiU3y-00013-00020862-00021083 [Music] blWFbLZiU3y-00014-00021084-00021284 wow blWFbLZiU3y-00016-00025284-00025917 so blWFbLZiU3y-00017-00025918-00026683 [Music] blWFbLZiU3y-00018-00026683-00026893 so blWFbLZiU3y-00019-00026894-00028083 [Music] blWFbLZiU3y-00020-00028083-00028248 so blWFbLZiU3y-00021-00028249-00030239 [Music] blWFbLZiU3y-00022-00030239-00031219 [Music] blWFbLZiU3y-00023-00031220-00032225 [Music] blWFbLZiU3y-00024-00032226-00032850 [Music] blWFbLZiU3y-00025-00032851-00033579 [Music] blWFbLZiU3y-00026-00033580-00034383 [Music] blWFbLZiU3y-00027-00034384-00034591 you bmmHoLGMyXA-00000-00001350-00003743 foreign bmmHoLGMyXA-00002-00007314-00010277 foreign bmmHoLGMyXA-00003-00010278-00012745 foreign bmmHoLGMyXA-00004-00012746-00013469 [Music] bmmHoLGMyXA-00005-00013469-00013838 foreign bmmHoLGMyXA-00006-00013838-00016444 [Music] bmmHoLGMyXA-00007-00016445-00018510 foreign bmmHoLGMyXA-00008-00018511-00019792 [Music] bmmHoLGMyXA-00009-00019793-00020411 [Music] bmmHoLGMyXA-00010-00020412-00020733 foreign bmmHoLGMyXA-00011-00020734-00021854 [Music] bmmHoLGMyXA-00012-00021855-00023657 [Music] bmmHoLGMyXA-00013-00023658-00024100 foreign bmmHoLGMyXA-00014-00024101-00027000 [Music] bmmHoLGMyXA-00015-00027001-00027793 [Music] bmmHoLGMyXA-00016-00027794-00028019 thank you bmmHoLGMyXA-00017-00028020-00028970 [Music] bmmHoLGMyXA-00018-00028970-00030338 [Music] bmmHoLGMyXA-00019-00030339-00031158 [Music] bmmHoLGMyXA-00020-00031160-00031556 what now bmmHoLGMyXA-00021-00031557-00033305 [Music] bmmHoLGMyXA-00023-00036528-00037768 foreign bmmHoLGMyXA-00024-00037769-00038381 [Applause] bmmHoLGMyXA-00025-00038382-00038579 [Music] bmmHoLGMyXA-00026-00038580-00039402 [Applause] bmmHoLGMyXA-00027-00039403-00040155 [Applause] bmmHoLGMyXA-00028-00040156-00040651 [Applause] bmmHoLGMyXA-00029-00040652-00040883 thank you bmmHoLGMyXA-00030-00040884-00041068 that's what the kids call Epic Fail bmmHoLGMyXA-00031-00041069-00041790 lightning bolt shoots in my fingertips bmmHoLGMyXA-00032-00041791-00042575 [Music] bmmHoLGMyXA-00033-00042576-00042868 [Music] bmmHoLGMyXA-00034-00042869-00042964 foreign bmmHoLGMyXA-00035-00042965-00044286 [Music] bmmHoLGMyXA-00036-00044287-00046546 [Music] bmmHoLGMyXA-00038-00049650-00050614 foreign bmmHoLGMyXA-00039-00050615-00052966 [Music] bmmHoLGMyXA-00040-00052967-00054410 attempt bmmHoLGMyXA-00041-00054411-00056029 [Music] bmmHoLGMyXA-00042-00056030-00056242 [Music] bmmHoLGMyXA-00043-00056244-00056705 foreign bmmHoLGMyXA-00044-00056707-00058559 [Music] bmmHoLGMyXA-00045-00058560-00059147 [Music] bmmHoLGMyXA-00046-00059148-00059321 foreign bmmHoLGMyXA-00048-00062417-00062933 foreign bmmHoLGMyXA-00049-00062934-00063723 [Music] bmmHoLGMyXA-00050-00063724-00065354 [Music] bmmHoLGMyXA-00051-00065354-00066082 [Music] bmmHoLGMyXA-00052-00066083-00068963 foreign bmmHoLGMyXA-00053-00068964-00070368 foreign bmmHoLGMyXA-00054-00070369-00072248 [Music] bmmHoLGMyXA-00055-00072249-00072779 [Music] bmmHoLGMyXA-00056-00072780-00073050 foreign bmmHoLGMyXA-00057-00073051-00073809 [Music] bmmHoLGMyXA-00058-00073810-00076397 [Applause] bmmHoLGMyXA-00059-00076398-00077831 foreign bmmHoLGMyXA-00060-00077832-00079997 [Music] bmmHoLGMyXA-00061-00079998-00081997 foreign bmmHoLGMyXA-00062-00081998-00082317 [Music] bnTGxZsC3Bu-00000-00000043-00000398 okay installing our and our studio for bnTGxZsC3Bu-00001-00000399-00000671 Apple computers this is going to be a bnTGxZsC3Bu-00002-00000672-00001103 brief edition because it's almost the bnTGxZsC3Bu-00003-00001104-00001667 same as on Windows all right so you you bnTGxZsC3Bu-00004-00001668-00001826 can you can find it at a couple ways you bnTGxZsC3Bu-00005-00001827-00002195 can go to your google window and and do bnTGxZsC3Bu-00006-00002196-00002789 our studio and it's at our studio org bnTGxZsC3Bu-00007-00002790-00003117 and then you just download the ide for bnTGxZsC3Bu-00008-00003118-00003506 our studio for desktop it should bnTGxZsC3Bu-00009-00003507-00003944 automatically detect your your operating bnTGxZsC3Bu-00010-00003945-00004349 system okay so there's our studio we bnTGxZsC3Bu-00011-00004350-00004691 will install that in a second then you bnTGxZsC3Bu-00012-00004692-00005443 want to select our it's r dot dot bnTGxZsC3Bu-00013-00005444-00006086 and then you want to go to bnTGxZsC3Bu-00014-00006087-00006442 the nearest crown crayon mirror which is bnTGxZsC3Bu-00015-00006443-00006905 going to be probably k you and then bnTGxZsC3Bu-00016-00006906-00007145 you're going to download one for max and bnTGxZsC3Bu-00017-00007145-00007589 then download our 3.0 to your latest bnTGxZsC3Bu-00018-00007590-00007820 version it says this type of file can bnTGxZsC3Bu-00019-00007820-00008033 harm your computer do you want to keep bnTGxZsC3Bu-00020-00008034-00008276 this package anyway say keep it's not bnTGxZsC3Bu-00021-00008277-00008696 going to harm your computer so then you bnTGxZsC3Bu-00022-00008697-00009001 just simply double click that package bnTGxZsC3Bu-00023-00009002-00009621 and it will bring up this program and bnTGxZsC3Bu-00024-00009622-00009905 you just pretty much go through and bnTGxZsC3Bu-00025-00009906-00010280 continue and you accept install in the bnTGxZsC3Bu-00026-00010281-00010663 default location put in your password if bnTGxZsC3Bu-00027-00010664-00010877 you need to you should have your bnTGxZsC3Bu-00028-00010878-00011092 password you should always have your bnTGxZsC3Bu-00029-00011093-00011591 computer password protected FYI bnTGxZsC3Bu-00030-00011592-00012113 and okay so the installation was bnTGxZsC3Bu-00031-00012114-00012338 successful and that I can just simply bnTGxZsC3Bu-00032-00012339-00012772 close it and I can go over here to my bnTGxZsC3Bu-00033-00012773-00013816 Applications folder bnTGxZsC3Bu-00034-00013818-00014751 come down here until I find our bnTGxZsC3Bu-00035-00014752-00015174 and I'll just drag it down low well I bnTGxZsC3Bu-00036-00015175-00015716 can just double-click it and hopefully a bnTGxZsC3Bu-00037-00015718-00016294 little open bnTGxZsC3Bu-00038-00016296-00016601 okay and there it is since I've already bnTGxZsC3Bu-00039-00016602-00016829 had this installed in the past it has bnTGxZsC3Bu-00040-00016830-00017171 some customized look to it meaning that bnTGxZsC3Bu-00041-00017172-00017858 it is got a blue background I'll show bnTGxZsC3Bu-00042-00017859-00018035 you how to do that later so I can close bnTGxZsC3Bu-00043-00018036-00018533 out of there and then we'll go to our bnTGxZsC3Bu-00044-00018534-00019250 studio and see if it's gonna open up for bnTGxZsC3Bu-00045-00019251-00019993 me up there too there we go I don't bnTGxZsC3Bu-00046-00019994-00020377 okay so with our studio all you have to bnTGxZsC3Bu-00047-00020378-00020515 do is drag and drop it into your bnTGxZsC3Bu-00048-00020516-00021307 Applications folder it makes it pretty bnTGxZsC3Bu-00049-00021308-00021652 easy in that regard you can drag and bnTGxZsC3Bu-00050-00021653-00021820 drop it anywhere on your computer if you bnTGxZsC3Bu-00051-00021821-00022339 want to but it's usually nicer now this bnTGxZsC3Bu-00052-00022340-00022537 is a newer edition I already already had bnTGxZsC3Bu-00053-00022538-00023463 it installed so oh here it comes finally bnTGxZsC3Bu-00054-00023464-00023874 so here's my our studio program which is bnTGxZsC3Bu-00055-00023875-00024886 now opened up so earlier on the other bnTGxZsC3Bu-00056-00024887-00025608 video we showed you how to install your bnTGxZsC3Bu-00057-00025610-00026167 packages from our let me go ahead and bnTGxZsC3Bu-00058-00026168-00026565 show you how to install them in our bnTGxZsC3Bu-00059-00026566-00027139 studio so bnTGxZsC3Bu-00060-00027140-00027710 same sort of a deal where I just want to bnTGxZsC3Bu-00061-00027711-00028582 go to my website at UMKC so that's p dot bnTGxZsC3Bu-00062-00028583-00029662 web dot UMKC edu / PR ue r / r / click bnTGxZsC3Bu-00063-00029663-00030052 enter and i'll have that script location bnTGxZsC3Bu-00064-00030053-00030433 then i click to download my script or in bnTGxZsC3Bu-00065-00030434-00030854 this case open it up so i can hit the bnTGxZsC3Bu-00066-00030855-00031338 command button and then the a command a bnTGxZsC3Bu-00067-00031339-00031825 and then command C and I've copied all bnTGxZsC3Bu-00068-00031826-00032182 that information to the clipboard then bnTGxZsC3Bu-00069-00032183-00032885 in our studio I can come up here and let bnTGxZsC3Bu-00070-00032886-00033370 me maximize this and open up a new our bnTGxZsC3Bu-00071-00033371-00033710 script got a lot of things in there but bnTGxZsC3Bu-00072-00033711-00033935 you will get out of Adam later and then bnTGxZsC3Bu-00073-00033936-00034207 you can just hit command V and you will bnTGxZsC3Bu-00074-00034208-00034738 you'll have your script installed so now bnTGxZsC3Bu-00075-00034739-00035389 just like we did before we want to say bnTGxZsC3Bu-00076-00035390-00035901 this as something so we'll save it as bnTGxZsC3Bu-00077-00035902-00037010 install our commander dot R the dot our bnTGxZsC3Bu-00078-00037011-00037264 is an important thing to do in max bnTGxZsC3Bu-00079-00037265-00037588 because unlike windows it doesn't always bnTGxZsC3Bu-00080-00037589-00038107 necessarily decide what your your things bnTGxZsC3Bu-00081-00038108-00038504 going to be so got two options here we bnTGxZsC3Bu-00082-00038505-00038689 can either hit the Run which is the bnTGxZsC3Bu-00083-00038690-00039165 current line or selection or we can hit bnTGxZsC3Bu-00084-00039166-00039493 source which will run everything on this bnTGxZsC3Bu-00085-00039494-00039868 page but will do source bnTGxZsC3Bu-00086-00039869-00041224 and just like what happened in the bnTGxZsC3Bu-00087-00041225-00041671 Windows version of our we should get bnTGxZsC3Bu-00088-00041672-00041842 this little thing that pops up and says bnTGxZsC3Bu-00089-00041843-00042037 where do you want to download this bnTGxZsC3Bu-00090-00042038-00042987 information from it hasn't happened yet bnTGxZsC3Bu-00091-00042988-00043189 you bnTGxZsC3Bu-00092-00043190-00043433 alright so it downloaded all my programs bnTGxZsC3Bu-00093-00043434-00044051 and then just like in regular are I can bnTGxZsC3Bu-00094-00044052-00044333 load it the package using the word bnTGxZsC3Bu-00095-00044334-00044990 require requ I re are Cmdr I can also bnTGxZsC3Bu-00096-00044991-00045236 come over here two packages and load it bnTGxZsC3Bu-00097-00045237-00045646 manually but this is usually easier bnTGxZsC3Bu-00098-00045647-00046148 loading required packages don't know why bnTGxZsC3Bu-00099-00046149-00046496 it takes so long anymore and here you bnTGxZsC3Bu-00100-00046497-00046655 can see it looks a little bit different bnTGxZsC3Bu-00101-00046656-00046802 when you're when you're doing our bnTGxZsC3Bu-00102-00046803-00047132 commander in our studio than you do it bnTGxZsC3Bu-00103-00047133-00047384 our commander in our let me let me show bnTGxZsC3Bu-00104-00047385-00047672 you just really quick exit from bnTGxZsC3Bu-00105-00047673-00049393 commander and our okay bnTGxZsC3Bu-00106-00049394-00050058 okay so library are Cmdr you see I'm bnTGxZsC3Bu-00107-00050059-00050220 typed in the word library instead of bnTGxZsC3Bu-00108-00050221-00051285 require in either windows or Macintosh bnTGxZsC3Bu-00109-00051286-00051542 even Linux you can use the word library bnTGxZsC3Bu-00110-00051544-00051782 or the word are and then you get your bnTGxZsC3Bu-00111-00051783-00052512 your your window and see that you'll see bnTGxZsC3Bu-00112-00052513-00052653 your output so it's just a little bit bnTGxZsC3Bu-00113-00052654-00052809 different in our commander when you when bnTGxZsC3Bu-00114-00052810-00053172 you play with our studio or just playing bnTGxZsC3Bu-00115-00053173-00054488 are so you're our scripts if you if you bnTGxZsC3Bu-00116-00054489-00055146 want to do your are scripting and in the bnTGxZsC3Bu-00117-00055147-00055413 script editor here it's it's just the bnTGxZsC3Bu-00118-00055414-00056199 same as in windows so it's just clicking bnTGxZsC3Bu-00119-00056200-00056531 on create a new empty document in editor bnTGxZsC3Bu-00120-00056532-00056688 so let me go ahead and close out of bnTGxZsC3Bu-00121-00056689-00056922 there I don't need to save that so so bnTGxZsC3Bu-00122-00056923-00057104 that's our commander that's our that's bnTGxZsC3Bu-00123-00057105-00057525 our studio for mac c0gnS00j-Ly-00000-00000008-00000271 think so c0gnS00j-Ly-00001-00000272-00000399 perfect c0gnS00j-Ly-00002-00000400-00000559 okay so c0gnS00j-Ly-00003-00000560-00000919 welcome everybody i am super happy that c0gnS00j-Ly-00004-00000919-00001191 uh today i will facilitate c0gnS00j-Ly-00005-00001192-00001278 um c0gnS00j-Ly-00006-00001279-00001399 the meeting c0gnS00j-Ly-00007-00001400-00001550 so before c0gnS00j-Ly-00008-00001551-00001934 going on with the agenda i would like c0gnS00j-Ly-00009-00001935-00002063 to first c0gnS00j-Ly-00010-00002064-00002326 ask would like to be the facilitator for c0gnS00j-Ly-00011-00002327-00002871 next week c0gnS00j-Ly-00012-00002872-00003327 we enter the awkward silence phase c0gnS00j-Ly-00013-00003328-00003879 it's like it's like just on cue c0gnS00j-Ly-00014-00003879-00004127 i mean i'm always happy to do it so you c0gnS00j-Ly-00015-00004128-00004335 can put me down christy c0gnS00j-Ly-00016-00004336-00004470 okay c0gnS00j-Ly-00017-00004471-00004879 great c0gnS00j-Ly-00018-00004880-00005127 perfect um so c0gnS00j-Ly-00019-00005128-00005438 and also in case that you still haven't c0gnS00j-Ly-00020-00005439-00005654 added your name at the attendees please c0gnS00j-Ly-00021-00005655-00005886 feel free to do it and also c0gnS00j-Ly-00022-00005887-00006127 feel free to add your favorite ice cream c0gnS00j-Ly-00023-00006128-00006231 flavor c0gnS00j-Ly-00024-00006232-00006463 since it's summer and it's super hot c0gnS00j-Ly-00025-00006464-00006663 i need to know what yours is christy i c0gnS00j-Ly-00026-00006664-00006831 need to look that up c0gnS00j-Ly-00027-00006831-00007134 um that's such a bella it's a very c0gnS00j-Ly-00028-00007136-00007351 italian-ish c0gnS00j-Ly-00029-00007352-00007446 uh c0gnS00j-Ly-00030-00007447-00007846 like a flavor i think that it has to do c0gnS00j-Ly-00031-00007847-00008110 like it has a lot of milk c0gnS00j-Ly-00032-00008111-00008239 and c0gnS00j-Ly-00033-00008240-00008414 vanilla it's c0gnS00j-Ly-00034-00008415-00008583 i'm not yeah it looks like chocolate c0gnS00j-Ly-00035-00008584-00008831 chips and vanilla gelato c0gnS00j-Ly-00036-00008832-00009367 yes c0gnS00j-Ly-00037-00009368-00009503 great so c0gnS00j-Ly-00038-00009504-00009710 the first item in the agenda today is c0gnS00j-Ly-00039-00009711-00009910 the badging updates c0gnS00j-Ly-00040-00009911-00010335 um would you like elizabeth to um c0gnS00j-Ly-00041-00010336-00010478 give us some c0gnS00j-Ly-00042-00010479-00010727 informations how it's going and how was c0gnS00j-Ly-00043-00010728-00011038 the training session c0gnS00j-Ly-00044-00011039-00011359 sure um yeah we had a training session c0gnS00j-Ly-00045-00011360-00011614 and we added four new reviewers to our c0gnS00j-Ly-00046-00011615-00011806 team which is amazing c0gnS00j-Ly-00047-00011807-00012119 very very happy about that um usually if c0gnS00j-Ly-00048-00012120-00012351 history repeats itself we will get a c0gnS00j-Ly-00049-00012352-00012655 very large influx of applications all at c0gnS00j-Ly-00050-00012656-00013007 once around august or maybe early c0gnS00j-Ly-00051-00013008-00013151 september so c0gnS00j-Ly-00052-00013152-00013519 um hopefully by that time all of those c0gnS00j-Ly-00053-00013519-00013830 new reviewers will feel acclimated and c0gnS00j-Ly-00054-00013831-00013919 um c0gnS00j-Ly-00055-00013919-00014143 we can jump in then when that when that c0gnS00j-Ly-00056-00014144-00014351 wave comes and if the wave doesn't come c0gnS00j-Ly-00057-00014352-00014551 we're still ready anyway so it's totally c0gnS00j-Ly-00058-00014552-00014655 fine c0gnS00j-Ly-00059-00014656-00015007 um we just had our dei badging meeting c0gnS00j-Ly-00060-00015008-00015358 uh a little bit before this one so um c0gnS00j-Ly-00061-00015359-00015558 yeah uh things are moving right along c0gnS00j-Ly-00062-00015559-00015894 we're gonna be um switching over to c0gnS00j-Ly-00063-00015895-00016119 um so project badging i'll let matt talk c0gnS00j-Ly-00064-00016119-00016263 about that a little bit but c0gnS00j-Ly-00065-00016263-00016527 um they're using a form we're gonna be c0gnS00j-Ly-00066-00016528-00016767 using a form that is c0gnS00j-Ly-00067-00016768-00017022 way easier for our applicants to fill c0gnS00j-Ly-00068-00017023-00017158 out it's just going to be an issue c0gnS00j-Ly-00069-00017159-00017255 template c0gnS00j-Ly-00070-00017256-00017471 because github has that functionality of c0gnS00j-Ly-00071-00017472-00017655 having a template that is actually a c0gnS00j-Ly-00072-00017656-00017839 form and so c0gnS00j-Ly-00073-00017840-00017943 we're going to be using that because c0gnS00j-Ly-00074-00017944-00018150 right now the process is a little bit c0gnS00j-Ly-00075-00018151-00018422 unwieldy for applicants they have to do c0gnS00j-Ly-00076-00018423-00018694 some copying and pasting and um it's c0gnS00j-Ly-00077-00018695-00018886 kind of convoluted and it's very c0gnS00j-Ly-00078-00018887-00019119 difficult to update that form for on our c0gnS00j-Ly-00079-00019120-00019343 side as well so c0gnS00j-Ly-00080-00019344-00019575 that's going to be happening soon we're c0gnS00j-Ly-00081-00019576-00019775 also going to be adding in some of the c0gnS00j-Ly-00082-00019776-00019871 changes c0gnS00j-Ly-00083-00019872-00020047 based on the recent metrics that were c0gnS00j-Ly-00084-00020048-00020230 released especially around event c0gnS00j-Ly-00085-00020231-00020430 accessibility so we'll be asking a bunch c0gnS00j-Ly-00086-00020431-00020614 of questions around that c0gnS00j-Ly-00087-00020615-00020775 and c0gnS00j-Ly-00088-00020776-00021078 uh what else i think that's roughly it c0gnS00j-Ly-00089-00021079-00021286 oh and of course the uh badge reviewer c0gnS00j-Ly-00090-00021287-00021527 appreciation event is happening on june c0gnS00j-Ly-00091-00021528-00021647 16th c0gnS00j-Ly-00092-00021648-00021958 uh i think katie said we had 22 people c0gnS00j-Ly-00093-00021959-00022158 signed up for that so if there are any c0gnS00j-Ly-00094-00022159-00022471 reviewers on this call that are not c0gnS00j-Ly-00095-00022472-00022703 signed up for that and want to be c0gnS00j-Ly-00096-00022704-00022943 we would love to have you there for sure c0gnS00j-Ly-00097-00022944-00023183 um so we can recognize you and c0gnS00j-Ly-00098-00023184-00023367 show our appreciation to you c0gnS00j-Ly-00099-00023368-00023694 um so uh there's the link there to c0gnS00j-Ly-00100-00023695-00023863 register and c0gnS00j-Ly-00101-00023864-00023958 um c0gnS00j-Ly-00102-00023959-00024319 also to get more information about it c0gnS00j-Ly-00103-00024320-00024519 so yeah i think that's c0gnS00j-Ly-00104-00024520-00024711 roughly it did i miss anything anybody c0gnS00j-Ly-00105-00024712-00024886 with that was on that meeting earlier i c0gnS00j-Ly-00106-00024887-00025063 think that's it c0gnS00j-Ly-00107-00025064-00025207 in a nutshell c0gnS00j-Ly-00108-00025208-00025350 oh that's good c0gnS00j-Ly-00109-00025351-00025655 um with respect to project badging we're c0gnS00j-Ly-00110-00025656-00025814 really kind of getting that going now c0gnS00j-Ly-00111-00025816-00026127 based on conversations we've had here c0gnS00j-Ly-00112-00026127-00026223 uh c0gnS00j-Ly-00113-00026224-00026423 so i really honestly at this point it's c0gnS00j-Ly-00114-00026424-00026543 about c0gnS00j-Ly-00115-00026544-00026783 finalizing that issue template that c0gnS00j-Ly-00116-00026783-00027039 elizabeth had talked about for projects c0gnS00j-Ly-00117-00027039-00027231 um i think we still need to come up with c0gnS00j-Ly-00118-00027232-00027479 a way to badge projects that are in a c0gnS00j-Ly-00119-00027480-00027631 github org though c0gnS00j-Ly-00120-00027632-00027767 like i don't think we have that sort of c0gnS00j-Ly-00121-00027768-00028118 out c0gnS00j-Ly-00122-00028119-00028327 um yeah i mean i c0gnS00j-Ly-00123-00028327-00028518 so i my thought was is that we could c0gnS00j-Ly-00124-00028519-00028711 just ask for c0gnS00j-Ly-00125-00028712-00029351 something at like a community repo level c0gnS00j-Ly-00126-00029352-00029527 i mean we have to have there's a there's c0gnS00j-Ly-00127-00029527-00029758 the file c0gnS00j-Ly-00128-00029760-00029990 it would be for a project and that just c0gnS00j-Ly-00129-00029991-00030118 needs to reside somewhere in the c0gnS00j-Ly-00130-00030119-00030311 organizational structure c0gnS00j-Ly-00131-00030312-00030423 right c0gnS00j-Ly-00132-00030424-00030567 and then there should be a code of c0gnS00j-Ly-00133-00030568-00030767 conduct that would probably be at the c0gnS00j-Ly-00134-00030768-00030935 organization that just needs to reside c0gnS00j-Ly-00135-00030936-00031070 somewhere i can't imagine they'd have c0gnS00j-Ly-00136-00031072-00031214 different codes of conduct across c0gnS00j-Ly-00137-00031216-00031487 repositories would we have uh like use c0gnS00j-Ly-00138-00031488-00031990 the dot github folder inside of an org c0gnS00j-Ly-00139-00031991-00032214 yeah i don't particularly care where it c0gnS00j-Ly-00140-00032216-00032439 resides i don't think as long as it's c0gnS00j-Ly-00141-00032439-00032583 available to c0gnS00j-Ly-00142-00032583-00032927 the community members c0gnS00j-Ly-00143-00032928-00032999 so c0gnS00j-Ly-00144-00033000-00033215 like we use a community folder which c0gnS00j-Ly-00145-00033216-00033527 would be a pretty logical place to put c0gnS00j-Ly-00146-00033528-00033983 something like the file to me but c0gnS00j-Ly-00147-00033984-00034167 i don't know that every project would c0gnS00j-Ly-00148-00034168-00034823 necessarily have that folder c0gnS00j-Ly-00149-00034824-00035071 you seem stunned but yeah c0gnS00j-Ly-00150-00035072-00035262 i mean i'm trying to figure out how we c0gnS00j-Ly-00151-00035263-00035359 will c0gnS00j-Ly-00152-00035360-00035599 indicate that a project is badged if c0gnS00j-Ly-00153-00035600-00035774 it's not at the level that the project c0gnS00j-Ly-00154-00035775-00035967 is viewing their information like if we c0gnS00j-Ly-00155-00035968-00036199 do it at the repo level c0gnS00j-Ly-00156-00036200-00036446 i think it's i think it's less clear c0gnS00j-Ly-00157-00036447-00036615 because most of these projects have c0gnS00j-Ly-00158-00036616-00036895 multiple repos c0gnS00j-Ly-00159-00036896-00037087 so yeah you've mentioned i think we have c0gnS00j-Ly-00160-00037088-00037327 to do this yeah i mean i think we should c0gnS00j-Ly-00161-00037328-00037479 try to figure out how to do it with the c0gnS00j-Ly-00162-00037480-00037727 dot github c0gnS00j-Ly-00163-00037728-00038030 directory c0gnS00j-Ly-00164-00038031-00038255 like for the event badging we give them c0gnS00j-Ly-00165-00038256-00038446 the code and they can put it wherever c0gnS00j-Ly-00166-00038447-00038695 they want so if it's on their website or c0gnS00j-Ly-00167-00038696-00038871 their repo like wherever they want so c0gnS00j-Ly-00168-00038872-00039007 maybe something like that where they c0gnS00j-Ly-00169-00039008-00039199 could put it on their website or their c0gnS00j-Ly-00170-00039200-00039439 their org level okay c0gnS00j-Ly-00171-00039440-00039607 something like that i don't know so c0gnS00j-Ly-00172-00039608-00039918 maybe we um we have them either indicate c0gnS00j-Ly-00173-00039919-00040079 when they're applying that if they're c0gnS00j-Ly-00174-00040080-00040271 trying to badge a github organization or c0gnS00j-Ly-00175-00040272-00040535 they're trying to badge a single repo c0gnS00j-Ly-00176-00040536-00040774 and based on that we give them a badge c0gnS00j-Ly-00177-00040775-00041102 that indicates that the org is badged or c0gnS00j-Ly-00178-00041103-00041287 it just indicates that the repo is batch c0gnS00j-Ly-00179-00041288-00041671 depending what they did c0gnS00j-Ly-00180-00041672-00041958 that would work c0gnS00j-Ly-00181-00041959-00042262 but why why would an org c0gnS00j-Ly-00182-00042263-00042479 be bad why would a c0gnS00j-Ly-00183-00042480-00042671 so we're badging projects c0gnS00j-Ly-00184-00042672-00042951 yeah i mean like chaos project it's one c0gnS00j-Ly-00185-00042952-00043199 project right with many repos in it and c0gnS00j-Ly-00186-00043200-00043383 so we would want to badge the chaos c0gnS00j-Ly-00187-00043384-00043599 project we wouldn't want to badge each c0gnS00j-Ly-00188-00043600-00043767 repo within it c0gnS00j-Ly-00189-00043768-00043911 so c0gnS00j-Ly-00190-00043912-00044151 what is the place where we would ask c0gnS00j-Ly-00191-00044152-00044535 people to do the badging at that level c0gnS00j-Ly-00192-00044536-00044671 and the dot github directory is the only c0gnS00j-Ly-00193-00044672-00044846 thing that i'm that github repo is the c0gnS00j-Ly-00194-00044847-00045102 only thing i'm aware of that is a org c0gnS00j-Ly-00195-00045103-00045239 level c0gnS00j-Ly-00196-00045240-00045535 repository yeah that's c0gnS00j-Ly-00197-00045536-00045743 that's all and i i c0gnS00j-Ly-00198-00045744-00045911 think elizabeth's suggestion that the c0gnS00j-Ly-00199-00045912-00046087 way we badge it c0gnS00j-Ly-00200-00046088-00046271 we just give them a file to put the c0gnS00j-Ly-00201-00046272-00046471 badge wherever they want i think we can c0gnS00j-Ly-00202-00046472-00046727 just indicate in the badge that we give c0gnS00j-Ly-00203-00046728-00046935 them what is badged c0gnS00j-Ly-00204-00046936-00047086 i mean i think most people are going to c0gnS00j-Ly-00205-00047087-00047255 want to badge a whole project and then c0gnS00j-Ly-00206-00047256-00047462 the badge can say that but if c0gnS00j-Ly-00207-00047463-00047662 in some cases individuals decide to c0gnS00j-Ly-00208-00047663-00047967 badge one repo within a github org c0gnS00j-Ly-00209-00047968-00048199 we can have the badge indicate that that c0gnS00j-Ly-00210-00048200-00048471 would solve this c0gnS00j-Ly-00211-00048472-00048679 as well as the github directory i mean c0gnS00j-Ly-00212-00048680-00048807 either path c0gnS00j-Ly-00213-00048808-00049039 makes it clear but i think if we go into c0gnS00j-Ly-00214-00049040-00049215 the badging program with some with c0gnS00j-Ly-00215-00049216-00049430 ambiguity around exactly what people are c0gnS00j-Ly-00216-00049431-00049718 badging i think it'll become confusing c0gnS00j-Ly-00217-00049719-00049902 and we'll end up with requests to badge c0gnS00j-Ly-00218-00049903-00050158 all the repos in some orgs so it sounds c0gnS00j-Ly-00219-00050159-00050407 like earlier a few things going on here c0gnS00j-Ly-00220-00050408-00050695 then one is c0gnS00j-Ly-00221-00050696-00050927 it's the end of the badging process so c0gnS00j-Ly-00222-00050928-00051270 that's one so we issue the badge right c0gnS00j-Ly-00223-00051271-00051399 let me start at the beginning i guess so c0gnS00j-Ly-00224-00051400-00051654 the first is c0gnS00j-Ly-00225-00051655-00052038 an a project is asking to be badged c0gnS00j-Ly-00226-00052039-00052126 right c0gnS00j-Ly-00227-00052127-00052430 and so c0gnS00j-Ly-00228-00052432-00052630 we are asking for i'll go down to the c0gnS00j-Ly-00229-00052632-00052766 list here c0gnS00j-Ly-00230-00052767-00053175 um sandwich all the things sam sandwich c0gnS00j-Ly-00231-00053176-00053454 approximately these things right yeah c0gnS00j-Ly-00232-00053455-00053703 okay so c0gnS00j-Ly-00233-00053704-00053982 um c0gnS00j-Ly-00234-00053983-00054199 and then um like where are you c0gnS00j-Ly-00235-00054200-00054311 suggesting c0gnS00j-Ly-00236-00054312-00054550 so i would suggest c0gnS00j-Ly-00237-00054551-00054791 github repo so i think i think when we c0gnS00j-Ly-00238-00054791-00054879 create c0gnS00j-Ly-00239-00054879-00055054 the issue template for this that's how c0gnS00j-Ly-00240-00055055-00055199 we're doing this right c0gnS00j-Ly-00241-00055200-00055303 well yes c0gnS00j-Ly-00242-00055304-00055526 we have them indicate if you know we c0gnS00j-Ly-00243-00055527-00055742 just have some brief instructions asking c0gnS00j-Ly-00244-00055744-00055854 if they're c0gnS00j-Ly-00245-00055855-00055991 badging c0gnS00j-Ly-00246-00055991-00056230 one repo within an oregon if they wish c0gnS00j-Ly-00247-00056232-00056430 to badge the entire project that the org c0gnS00j-Ly-00248-00056432-00056575 represents c0gnS00j-Ly-00249-00056576-00056687 and c0gnS00j-Ly-00250-00056688-00056838 that's just that could be just an answer c0gnS00j-Ly-00251-00056839-00056966 to the question c0gnS00j-Ly-00252-00056967-00057319 and then we ask them which repo is your c0gnS00j-Ly-00253-00057320-00057487 community repo where you would keep c0gnS00j-Ly-00254-00057488-00057799 these kinds of project badges c0gnS00j-Ly-00255-00057800-00057935 you know or where do you keep these c0gnS00j-Ly-00256-00057936-00058126 kinds of project badges c0gnS00j-Ly-00257-00058127-00058311 in your project c0gnS00j-Ly-00258-00058312-00058382 but c0gnS00j-Ly-00259-00058383-00058519 because that would tell us where to look c0gnS00j-Ly-00260-00058520-00058726 for these other ad these other c0gnS00j-Ly-00261-00058727-00058982 things as well c0gnS00j-Ly-00262-00058983-00059207 sounds like it's getting way c0gnS00j-Ly-00263-00059208-00059479 too complicated for our reviewers they c0gnS00j-Ly-00264-00059479-00059799 are badging a project a badge a project c0gnS00j-Ly-00265-00059800-00060023 has a contributing document c0gnS00j-Ly-00266-00060024-00060303 a project has like c0gnS00j-Ly-00267-00060304-00060623 a dei dot md document each repo will not c0gnS00j-Ly-00268-00060624-00060742 have c0gnS00j-Ly-00269-00060744-00061047 a deida mb document in every one of c0gnS00j-Ly-00270-00061048-00061191 these things c0gnS00j-Ly-00271-00061191-00061615 right so we're only badging as a project c0gnS00j-Ly-00272-00061616-00061894 on one of these platforms c0gnS00j-Ly-00273-00061895-00061982 like c0gnS00j-Ly-00274-00061983-00062199 on the platform it's set up as a project c0gnS00j-Ly-00275-00062200-00062415 chaos is set up as a project with sub c0gnS00j-Ly-00276-00062416-00062582 projects but you're just badging the c0gnS00j-Ly-00277-00062583-00062791 project okay c0gnS00j-Ly-00278-00062791-00062966 and if that's the case then the only c0gnS00j-Ly-00279-00062967-00063294 project level repository is the github c0gnS00j-Ly-00280-00063295-00064038 repository at the org level c0gnS00j-Ly-00281-00064039-00064182 so like with chaos there's not one c0gnS00j-Ly-00282-00064183-00064482 repository that represents c0gnS00j-Ly-00283-00064483-00064671 everything c0gnS00j-Ly-00284-00064672-00064782 although we could maybe argue the c0gnS00j-Ly-00285-00064783-00065150 community repository does that c0gnS00j-Ly-00286-00065151-00065423 do you right c0gnS00j-Ly-00287-00065424-00065606 i don't think it complicated i just i c0gnS00j-Ly-00288-00065607-00065743 don't i don't want to end up having c0gnS00j-Ly-00289-00065744-00065871 somebody submit c0gnS00j-Ly-00290-00065872-00066079 badging applications for every repo in a c0gnS00j-Ly-00291-00066080-00066350 giant org c0gnS00j-Ly-00292-00066351-00066567 so i i do think sean c0gnS00j-Ly-00293-00066568-00066743 is making a c0gnS00j-Ly-00294-00066744-00067015 a really important point here c0gnS00j-Ly-00295-00067016-00067406 for example a project like hyper ledger c0gnS00j-Ly-00296-00067407-00067494 is c0gnS00j-Ly-00297-00067495-00067806 this it's it's a massive organization c0gnS00j-Ly-00298-00067807-00068159 with many different pieces of software c0gnS00j-Ly-00299-00068160-00068455 and and projects that are c0gnS00j-Ly-00300-00068456-00068606 some projects that are embedded within c0gnS00j-Ly-00301-00068607-00068911 the within the organization so i think c0gnS00j-Ly-00302-00068912-00069038 uh c0gnS00j-Ly-00303-00069039-00069287 just saying that we are c0gnS00j-Ly-00304-00069288-00069511 badging hyper ledger at the organization c0gnS00j-Ly-00305-00069512-00069638 level c0gnS00j-Ly-00306-00069639-00069759 i don't c0gnS00j-Ly-00307-00069760-00069935 i don't think that would be appropriate c0gnS00j-Ly-00308-00069936-00070071 i do think it's c0gnS00j-Ly-00309-00070072-00070247 something more akin to what sean was c0gnS00j-Ly-00310-00070248-00070519 saying where we asked them to c0gnS00j-Ly-00311-00070520-00070703 identify c0gnS00j-Ly-00312-00070704-00070959 the main repo that were that we would be c0gnS00j-Ly-00313-00070960-00071159 badging or that that main c0gnS00j-Ly-00314-00071160-00071350 piece of software within the hyperledger c0gnS00j-Ly-00315-00071351-00071615 project that we're badging c0gnS00j-Ly-00316-00071616-00072062 i think that this gets covered because c0gnS00j-Ly-00317-00072063-00072406 a major high org level is not going to c0gnS00j-Ly-00318-00072407-00072519 have c0gnS00j-Ly-00319-00072520-00072626 a c0gnS00j-Ly-00320-00072627-00072935 and a that is c0gnS00j-Ly-00321-00072936-00073126 comprehensive enough to answer all these c0gnS00j-Ly-00322-00073127-00073238 questions c0gnS00j-Ly-00323-00073239-00073462 and specific enough to be useful for c0gnS00j-Ly-00324-00073463-00073591 their users c0gnS00j-Ly-00325-00073592-00073726 they're going to have to be the sub c0gnS00j-Ly-00326-00073727-00074079 projects for like more specific c0gnS00j-Ly-00327-00074080-00074271 projects that are happening and each of c0gnS00j-Ly-00328-00074272-00074511 those if they have these comprehensive c0gnS00j-Ly-00329-00074512-00074679 parts that are going to let them get the c0gnS00j-Ly-00330-00074680-00074919 badge that reads out who we need to get c0gnS00j-Ly-00331-00074920-00075015 it to c0gnS00j-Ly-00332-00075016-00075391 okay c0gnS00j-Ly-00333-00075392-00075615 that works for me i think we just we c0gnS00j-Ly-00334-00075616-00075831 proceed with a risk that like somebody c0gnS00j-Ly-00335-00075832-00075967 like hyperledger is going to submit c0gnS00j-Ly-00336-00075968-00076191 every repo in their org c0gnS00j-Ly-00337-00076192-00076391 and we just we instead of worrying about c0gnS00j-Ly-00338-00076392-00077159 it we just deal with it when it happens c0gnS00j-Ly-00339-00077160-00077311 i'm fine with that c0gnS00j-Ly-00340-00077312-00077526 i just i just i'm my primary concern was c0gnS00j-Ly-00341-00077527-00077782 like somebody submitting 30 repos from a c0gnS00j-Ly-00342-00077783-00077950 single github org c0gnS00j-Ly-00343-00077951-00078175 um maybe that won't even won't ever c0gnS00j-Ly-00344-00078176-00078431 happen c0gnS00j-Ly-00345-00078432-00078662 but are you suggesting when they submit c0gnS00j-Ly-00346-00078663-00078782 30 c0gnS00j-Ly-00347-00078783-00078991 we don't ask for repos c0gnS00j-Ly-00348-00078992-00079262 so we ask for these documents right c0gnS00j-Ly-00349-00079263-00079494 which exists in a repo c0gnS00j-Ly-00350-00079495-00079647 don't do they not c0gnS00j-Ly-00351-00079648-00079903 right so are you suggesting that it's c0gnS00j-Ly-00352-00079904-00080143 possible that they would say our code of c0gnS00j-Ly-00353-00080144-00080359 conduct is located in this repo this c0gnS00j-Ly-00354-00080360-00080567 repo this repo this repo c0gnS00j-Ly-00355-00080568-00080726 yeah this repo and our contributing c0gnS00j-Ly-00356-00080727-00080903 guidelines are located in this repo this c0gnS00j-Ly-00357-00080904-00081126 repo this repo like c0gnS00j-Ly-00358-00081127-00081359 yeah i mean i i i think c0gnS00j-Ly-00359-00081360-00081567 i'm my concern is they'd actually submit c0gnS00j-Ly-00360-00081568-00081823 30 applications one for each repo c0gnS00j-Ly-00361-00081824-00082038 but i'm borrowing trouble c0gnS00j-Ly-00362-00082039-00082287 there maybe that won't happen c0gnS00j-Ly-00363-00082288-00082559 they would need to have 30 different dei c0gnS00j-Ly-00364-00082560-00082799 dot md documents then in 30 different c0gnS00j-Ly-00365-00082800-00083023 ways they say how they're going to c0gnS00j-Ly-00366-00083024-00083247 take care of burnout and c0gnS00j-Ly-00367-00083248-00083415 30 ways they're going to do this because c0gnS00j-Ly-00368-00083416-00083606 we're not going to badge c0gnS00j-Ly-00369-00083607-00083767 the same c0gnS00j-Ly-00370-00083768-00084023 document like they have to be individual c0gnS00j-Ly-00371-00084024-00084199 documents so that's going to be a lot of c0gnS00j-Ly-00372-00084200-00084399 extra work for them and if they want to c0gnS00j-Ly-00373-00084400-00084655 do that much extra work yeah that's what c0gnS00j-Ly-00374-00084656-00084847 i'm saying i may be borrowing trouble c0gnS00j-Ly-00375-00084848-00084999 here so c0gnS00j-Ly-00376-00085000-00085335 i wanted folks to think about it but it c0gnS00j-Ly-00377-00085336-00085447 sounds like we've thought about it c0gnS00j-Ly-00378-00085448-00085703 enough and we can just press forward c0gnS00j-Ly-00379-00085704-00085855 shooting a project like you know you're c0gnS00j-Ly-00380-00085856-00085959 going to fill in the blanks and c0gnS00j-Ly-00381-00085960-00086118 designate a repo c0gnS00j-Ly-00382-00086119-00086318 and that's where we're going to badge it c0gnS00j-Ly-00383-00086319-00086526 and c0gnS00j-Ly-00384-00086527-00086718 we'll worry about what actually happens c0gnS00j-Ly-00385-00086719-00086926 when people start submitting things i c0gnS00j-Ly-00386-00086927-00087182 think is probably a better approach c0gnS00j-Ly-00387-00087183-00087406 at this point instead of using carrying c0gnS00j-Ly-00388-00087407-00087591 this on c0gnS00j-Ly-00389-00087592-00087887 using the the chaos example c0gnS00j-Ly-00390-00087888-00088175 it could it's fairly feasible to c0gnS00j-Ly-00391-00088176-00088375 badge c0gnS00j-Ly-00392-00088376-00088494 auger c0gnS00j-Ly-00393-00088495-00088662 and grimore lab c0gnS00j-Ly-00394-00088663-00088894 as separate entities c0gnS00j-Ly-00395-00088895-00089071 so they they they function differently c0gnS00j-Ly-00396-00089072-00089335 the the uh the way contributions are c0gnS00j-Ly-00397-00089336-00089575 made is different the uh the c0gnS00j-Ly-00398-00089576-00089838 organizational structure is different c0gnS00j-Ly-00399-00089839-00090494 uh c0gnS00j-Ly-00400-00090495-00090679 and i and i do think we would see that c0gnS00j-Ly-00401-00090680-00090759 in c0gnS00j-Ly-00402-00090760-00091023 in other organizations as well so is the c0gnS00j-Ly-00403-00091024-00091279 assumption that c0gnS00j-Ly-00404-00091280-00091471 uh all of the projects within an c0gnS00j-Ly-00405-00091472-00091735 organization are organized and managed c0gnS00j-Ly-00406-00091736-00091903 in the same way c0gnS00j-Ly-00407-00091904-00092135 if so then i suppose badging badging at c0gnS00j-Ly-00408-00092136-00092287 the organizational level would make c0gnS00j-Ly-00409-00092288-00092438 sense c0gnS00j-Ly-00410-00092439-00092623 but if there's any deviation in the way c0gnS00j-Ly-00411-00092624-00092791 those projects are c0gnS00j-Ly-00412-00092792-00092950 governed c0gnS00j-Ly-00413-00092951-00093182 uh c0gnS00j-Ly-00414-00093183-00093279 then c0gnS00j-Ly-00415-00093280-00093447 then i think it does kind of become an c0gnS00j-Ly-00416-00093448-00093631 issue of c0gnS00j-Ly-00417-00093632-00093871 maybe we should take a closer look c0gnS00j-Ly-00418-00093872-00094118 or ask them specifically what project c0gnS00j-Ly-00419-00094119-00094318 within this organization are you wanting c0gnS00j-Ly-00420-00094319-00094447 us to badge c0gnS00j-Ly-00421-00094448-00094711 yeah i i think i've made the mistake of c0gnS00j-Ly-00422-00094712-00094959 trying to think down the road too far c0gnS00j-Ly-00423-00094960-00095271 anticipating behavior and c0gnS00j-Ly-00424-00095272-00095382 i think we don't know what people are c0gnS00j-Ly-00425-00095383-00095591 going to do so if we just c0gnS00j-Ly-00426-00095592-00095735 proceed c0gnS00j-Ly-00427-00095736-00095935 and maybe one question is are you c0gnS00j-Ly-00428-00095936-00096126 badging a project or are you just c0gnS00j-Ly-00429-00096127-00096350 badging an individual repo c0gnS00j-Ly-00430-00096351-00096494 um c0gnS00j-Ly-00431-00096495-00096671 this is project badging c0gnS00j-Ly-00432-00096672-00096750 yeah c0gnS00j-Ly-00433-00096751-00096847 well c0gnS00j-Ly-00434-00096848-00097031 yeah c0gnS00j-Ly-00435-00097032-00097279 so it is i agree it's project badging c0gnS00j-Ly-00436-00097280-00097518 and i think we should direct people c0gnS00j-Ly-00437-00097519-00097711 then maybe the maybe the fix is simply c0gnS00j-Ly-00438-00097712-00097991 to have in the template that um which c0gnS00j-Ly-00439-00097992-00098343 repository holds your community assets c0gnS00j-Ly-00440-00098344-00098606 okay that's c0gnS00j-Ly-00441-00098607-00098823 again we'll just take the info there and c0gnS00j-Ly-00442-00098824-00099006 problem solved i'm trying to get past c0gnS00j-Ly-00443-00099007-00099318 this this thorny bush that i created c0gnS00j-Ly-00444-00099319-00099567 which i did not intend to create c0gnS00j-Ly-00445-00099568-00099743 maybe remove community from that c0gnS00j-Ly-00446-00099744-00100055 language and refer to it as project c0gnS00j-Ly-00447-00100056-00100238 with the c0gnS00j-Ly-00448-00100239-00100318 uh c0gnS00j-Ly-00449-00100319-00100526 to focus in on c0gnS00j-Ly-00450-00100527-00100767 project assets rather than organization c0gnS00j-Ly-00451-00100768-00101438 or community assets c0gnS00j-Ly-00452-00101439-00101606 i was just going to add that there might c0gnS00j-Ly-00453-00101607-00101687 be c0gnS00j-Ly-00454-00101688-00101911 an organization within these various c0gnS00j-Ly-00455-00101912-00102094 projects like in the drupal community c0gnS00j-Ly-00456-00102095-00102367 there is like a dei group with their own c0gnS00j-Ly-00457-00102368-00102463 repo c0gnS00j-Ly-00458-00102464-00102678 so it might be this might sort itself c0gnS00j-Ly-00459-00102679-00102878 out in terms of the groups that are c0gnS00j-Ly-00460-00102879-00103158 working on this within that c0gnS00j-Ly-00461-00103159-00103471 community or that project where where c0gnS00j-Ly-00462-00103472-00103727 they would know how to c0gnS00j-Ly-00463-00103728-00103942 let's narrow this down to where where it c0gnS00j-Ly-00464-00103943-00104239 could happen c0gnS00j-Ly-00465-00104240-00104463 could you say that again i didn't i was c0gnS00j-Ly-00466-00104464-00104639 typing and c0gnS00j-Ly-00467-00104640-00104830 sure so like in the c0gnS00j-Ly-00468-00104831-00105078 like in the drupal the drupal community c0gnS00j-Ly-00469-00105079-00105375 there is a dei group that's like c0gnS00j-Ly-00470-00105376-00105671 unaffiliated with the drupal association c0gnS00j-Ly-00471-00105672-00105927 and they have their own repo and i think c0gnS00j-Ly-00472-00105928-00106151 i've seen other communities as well c0gnS00j-Ly-00473-00106152-00106375 where there is like a dei group within c0gnS00j-Ly-00474-00106376-00106663 that organization so that might help the c0gnS00j-Ly-00475-00106664-00106886 badging process because there might be a c0gnS00j-Ly-00476-00106888-00107119 specific group within that organization c0gnS00j-Ly-00477-00107120-00107302 that might have their own repo or some c0gnS00j-Ly-00478-00107303-00107454 other mechanism c0gnS00j-Ly-00479-00107455-00107671 so that would then then that would c0gnS00j-Ly-00480-00107672-00107854 eliminate the c0gnS00j-Ly-00481-00107855-00107927 like c0gnS00j-Ly-00482-00107928-00108166 in other words there might be like c0gnS00j-Ly-00483-00108167-00108463 an obvious interface to each project or c0gnS00j-Ly-00484-00108464-00108695 community that is the people that are c0gnS00j-Ly-00485-00108696-00108858 doing dei type work c0gnS00j-Ly-00486-00108859-00108966 [Music] c0gnS00j-Ly-00487-00108967-00109110 that's all c0gnS00j-Ly-00488-00109111-00109319 okay c0gnS00j-Ly-00489-00109320-00109519 so what if c0gnS00j-Ly-00490-00109520-00109695 based on this conversation as part of c0gnS00j-Ly-00491-00109696-00109878 the application do you know how like for c0gnS00j-Ly-00492-00109879-00110086 events one of the questions on the c0gnS00j-Ly-00493-00110088-00110334 application we ask is like are you an c0gnS00j-Ly-00494-00110335-00110527 open source project and they just have c0gnS00j-Ly-00495-00110528-00110775 to click yes or no like it's just a yes c0gnS00j-Ly-00496-00110776-00110966 no question what if we ask something c0gnS00j-Ly-00497-00110967-00111095 like c0gnS00j-Ly-00498-00111096-00111254 the submitted that's this the the c0gnS00j-Ly-00499-00111255-00111447 submitted documents c0gnS00j-Ly-00500-00111448-00111607 the readme the contributing they're c0gnS00j-Ly-00501-00111608-00112207 applicable to all corners of the project c0gnS00j-Ly-00502-00112208-00112375 you see what i'm saying that like the c0gnS00j-Ly-00503-00112376-00112519 code of conduct that you're submitting c0gnS00j-Ly-00504-00112520-00112854 is applicable across the entire project c0gnS00j-Ly-00505-00112855-00113071 the file that you're submitting c0gnS00j-Ly-00506-00113072-00113447 is applicable across the entire project c0gnS00j-Ly-00507-00113448-00113607 the license that you're submitting or c0gnS00j-Ly-00508-00113608-00113783 the licenses that you're submitting are c0gnS00j-Ly-00509-00113783-00114039 applicable across the entire project you c0gnS00j-Ly-00510-00114040-00114175 know what i mean it's just a yes it's c0gnS00j-Ly-00511-00114176-00114439 just a yes no question c0gnS00j-Ly-00512-00114440-00114590 would that c0gnS00j-Ly-00513-00114591-00114686 solve c0gnS00j-Ly-00514-00114688-00114951 help solve things sean c0gnS00j-Ly-00515-00114952-00115166 yeah i mean i think any any as long as c0gnS00j-Ly-00516-00115167-00115319 we're giving people c0gnS00j-Ly-00517-00115320-00115478 as long as we're asking the question c0gnS00j-Ly-00518-00115479-00115631 about what they're badging and what the c0gnS00j-Ly-00519-00115632-00115871 scope of their badging is and where the c0gnS00j-Ly-00520-00115872-00116095 documents are as separate items i think c0gnS00j-Ly-00521-00116096-00116247 we're fine c0gnS00j-Ly-00522-00116248-00116543 i want to keep it simple and i i i c0gnS00j-Ly-00523-00116544-00116719 prevented us from doing that by asking c0gnS00j-Ly-00524-00116720-00116910 the question c0gnS00j-Ly-00525-00116911-00117086 and i am just regretting it and wanting c0gnS00j-Ly-00526-00117088-00117502 to move on c0gnS00j-Ly-00527-00117503-00117583 hey c0gnS00j-Ly-00528-00117583-00117839 let me let me play around with this the c0gnS00j-Ly-00529-00117840-00118086 the submitted documents are like in c0gnS00j-Ly-00530-00118088-00118334 matthew for the drupal project like c0gnS00j-Ly-00531-00118335-00118623 is there a code of conduct that's that c0gnS00j-Ly-00532-00118624-00118902 covers the entire drupal project for c0gnS00j-Ly-00533-00118903-00119039 example c0gnS00j-Ly-00534-00119040-00119199 yeah that's a really tricky thing c0gnS00j-Ly-00535-00119200-00119399 because we have like a specific code of c0gnS00j-Ly-00536-00119400-00119743 conduct that can that covers the drupal c0gnS00j-Ly-00537-00119744-00119958 like community events c0gnS00j-Ly-00538-00119959-00120175 but it's a different sort of code of c0gnS00j-Ly-00539-00120176-00120351 conduct that c0gnS00j-Ly-00540-00120352-00120639 that's like within the c0gnS00j-Ly-00541-00120640-00120831 working with one another but there's c0gnS00j-Ly-00542-00120832-00121023 like in in an issue queue but then c0gnS00j-Ly-00543-00121024-00121183 there's like a different sort of like c0gnS00j-Ly-00544-00121183-00121375 set of guidelines c0gnS00j-Ly-00545-00121376-00121663 that would be applicable to this as well c0gnS00j-Ly-00546-00121664-00121910 that would be like outside of that c0gnS00j-Ly-00547-00121911-00122071 too like c0gnS00j-Ly-00548-00122072-00122247 if we click the event code of conduct c0gnS00j-Ly-00549-00122248-00122343 out c0gnS00j-Ly-00550-00122344-00122558 because that i agree sometimes there are c0gnS00j-Ly-00551-00122559-00122734 two codes of conduct kind of one at the c0gnS00j-Ly-00552-00122735-00123071 event level you know or the meetup level c0gnS00j-Ly-00553-00123072-00123447 is there a code of conduct that is c0gnS00j-Ly-00554-00123448-00123871 kind of universal within drupal like c0gnS00j-Ly-00555-00123872-00124086 well see like each like say there's a c0gnS00j-Ly-00556-00124088-00124414 drupal camp you know local versions we c0gnS00j-Ly-00557-00124415-00124710 have our own local codes of conduct c0gnS00j-Ly-00558-00124711-00125007 and we you can't force everyone that c0gnS00j-Ly-00559-00125008-00125207 creates their or a lot of communities c0gnS00j-Ly-00560-00125208-00125399 like wouldn't force their local c0gnS00j-Ly-00561-00125400-00125647 organizations to follow by c0gnS00j-Ly-00562-00125648-00125919 necessarily some broader c0gnS00j-Ly-00563-00125920-00126102 top-down sort of c0gnS00j-Ly-00564-00126103-00126447 code of conduct so that's why c0gnS00j-Ly-00565-00126448-00126678 like it just gets tricky because yes c0gnS00j-Ly-00566-00126679-00126871 there is like the community code of c0gnS00j-Ly-00567-00126872-00126983 conduct c0gnS00j-Ly-00568-00126983-00127247 and that should be applicable c0gnS00j-Ly-00569-00127248-00127447 but a lot of these things get sorted out c0gnS00j-Ly-00570-00127448-00127695 in local communities on a c0gnS00j-Ly-00571-00127696-00127886 different case whereas there's like a c0gnS00j-Ly-00572-00127888-00128071 community working group for the entire c0gnS00j-Ly-00573-00128072-00128319 project where people are violating codes c0gnS00j-Ly-00574-00128320-00128519 of conduct c0gnS00j-Ly-00575-00128520-00128686 but c0gnS00j-Ly-00576-00128688-00128943 that's why it's like i i have no i c0gnS00j-Ly-00577-00128944-00129095 honestly have no idea how you would c0gnS00j-Ly-00578-00129096-00129190 badge c0gnS00j-Ly-00579-00129191-00129375 a community as big as the drupal c0gnS00j-Ly-00580-00129376-00129607 community i mean i really don't i don't c0gnS00j-Ly-00581-00129608-00129734 even know what that would mean other c0gnS00j-Ly-00582-00129735-00129975 than like we're trying we have we have c0gnS00j-Ly-00583-00129976-00130175 these various codes we're trying to c0gnS00j-Ly-00584-00130176-00130407 enforce them in different places it's c0gnS00j-Ly-00585-00130408-00130607 just really complex would it begin to c0gnS00j-Ly-00586-00130608-00130958 make more sense in this example if c0gnS00j-Ly-00587-00130959-00131111 to like kevin and sean's point there c0gnS00j-Ly-00588-00131112-00131431 were subsets of the drupal community c0gnS00j-Ly-00589-00131432-00131751 that went through the still not c0gnS00j-Ly-00590-00131752-00131871 maybe c0gnS00j-Ly-00591-00131872-00132023 i mean that would be a lot of work but i c0gnS00j-Ly-00592-00132024-00132247 could see like a local drupal community c0gnS00j-Ly-00593-00132248-00132454 wanting to do this as well c0gnS00j-Ly-00594-00132455-00132719 okay c0gnS00j-Ly-00595-00132720-00132943 okay um c0gnS00j-Ly-00596-00132944-00133135 well to sean's plan we might just have c0gnS00j-Ly-00597-00133136-00133383 to we might press on and see how it c0gnS00j-Ly-00598-00133384-00133559 plays yeah c0gnS00j-Ly-00599-00133560-00133807 yeah that's might be the best way to go c0gnS00j-Ly-00600-00133808-00133919 yeah i c0gnS00j-Ly-00601-00133920-00134095 i don't think you should feel bad about c0gnS00j-Ly-00602-00134096-00134319 bringing this up though because if we if c0gnS00j-Ly-00603-00134320-00134535 we don't have an answer to this question c0gnS00j-Ly-00604-00134536-00134814 i don't know that we can really c0gnS00j-Ly-00605-00134815-00135199 say that we know what we're badging c0gnS00j-Ly-00606-00135200-00135359 right we we have to understand that the c0gnS00j-Ly-00607-00135360-00135583 bounds of the the organization or the c0gnS00j-Ly-00608-00135584-00135807 project uh c0gnS00j-Ly-00609-00135808-00135935 so c0gnS00j-Ly-00610-00135936-00136135 and maybe we'll figure it out as we go c0gnS00j-Ly-00611-00136136-00136302 but i i do think it's something we need c0gnS00j-Ly-00612-00136303-00136631 to continue to think about c0gnS00j-Ly-00613-00136632-00136759 i think like c0gnS00j-Ly-00614-00136760-00136983 we we kind of did answer if we ask them c0gnS00j-Ly-00615-00136984-00137119 exactly what they're what they're c0gnS00j-Ly-00616-00137120-00137351 intending us to badge c0gnS00j-Ly-00617-00137352-00137527 which is like this piece of your c0gnS00j-Ly-00618-00137528-00137702 community or these repos or whatever c0gnS00j-Ly-00619-00137703-00137975 however that pans out if they tell us c0gnS00j-Ly-00620-00137976-00138175 what they want a badge then we can c0gnS00j-Ly-00621-00138176-00138375 compare c0gnS00j-Ly-00622-00138376-00138654 and give them a badge for that part c0gnS00j-Ly-00623-00138655-00138966 maybe c0gnS00j-Ly-00624-00138967-00139102 yeah i think that's a different way of c0gnS00j-Ly-00625-00139103-00139247 saying what i was saying before where c0gnS00j-Ly-00626-00139248-00139454 this might sort itself out in the people c0gnS00j-Ly-00627-00139455-00139654 that you interface with c0gnS00j-Ly-00628-00139655-00139902 yeah they will know they will know their c0gnS00j-Ly-00629-00139903-00140159 own purview and can talk about what c0gnS00j-Ly-00630-00140160-00140335 is what they can c0gnS00j-Ly-00631-00140336-00140527 badge c0gnS00j-Ly-00632-00140528-00140727 where they have jurisdiction or however c0gnS00j-Ly-00633-00140728-00141343 you want to put it yeah c0gnS00j-Ly-00634-00141344-00141478 okay c0gnS00j-Ly-00635-00141479-00141983 all right press up press forward sorry c0gnS00j-Ly-00636-00141984-00142414 um great so i think that uh c0gnS00j-Ly-00637-00142415-00142695 we can go to the next topic i educated c0gnS00j-Ly-00638-00142696-00142895 the burnout and the mental health c0gnS00j-Ly-00639-00142896-00143071 session actually it was just as a c0gnS00j-Ly-00640-00143072-00143183 reminder c0gnS00j-Ly-00641-00143184-00143431 because we also uh discussed that in our c0gnS00j-Ly-00642-00143432-00143663 previous meeting c0gnS00j-Ly-00643-00143664-00143895 if you would like to attend you can join c0gnS00j-Ly-00644-00143896-00144063 us on june c0gnS00j-Ly-00645-00144064-00144223 17th c0gnS00j-Ly-00646-00144224-00144519 and after that the other topic is c0gnS00j-Ly-00647-00144520-00144759 mentorship updates c0gnS00j-Ly-00648-00144760-00145063 um and how are things going c0gnS00j-Ly-00649-00145064-00145239 i just wondered if i could say something c0gnS00j-Ly-00650-00145240-00145366 quick about the c0gnS00j-Ly-00651-00145367-00145607 mental health session before we move on c0gnS00j-Ly-00652-00145608-00145839 sorry to interrupt um i just i was gonna c0gnS00j-Ly-00653-00145840-00146159 say i i put together that agenda and i c0gnS00j-Ly-00654-00146160-00146319 kind of pieced it together from the c0gnS00j-Ly-00655-00146320-00146519 notes and what not i was mostly c0gnS00j-Ly-00656-00146520-00146735 responding to the email that said c0gnS00j-Ly-00657-00146736-00146854 do you want help c0gnS00j-Ly-00658-00146855-00147166 and and i was directed here so i just c0gnS00j-Ly-00659-00147167-00147383 i i don't know i i don't this doesn't c0gnS00j-Ly-00660-00147384-00147590 even all make sense to me but i put that c0gnS00j-Ly-00661-00147591-00147807 together so if anyone else has insight c0gnS00j-Ly-00662-00147808-00147919 into this c0gnS00j-Ly-00663-00147920-00148031 um c0gnS00j-Ly-00664-00148032-00148278 feedback or changes are are welcome c0gnS00j-Ly-00665-00148279-00148519 because i just took an outline turned it c0gnS00j-Ly-00666-00148520-00148726 into some slides and c0gnS00j-Ly-00667-00148727-00148959 there you go so c0gnS00j-Ly-00668-00148960-00149407 i just wanted to throw that out c0gnS00j-Ly-00669-00149408-00149975 thank you matthew c0gnS00j-Ly-00670-00149976-00150126 perfect c0gnS00j-Ly-00671-00150127-00150487 so if someone wants to add something at c0gnS00j-Ly-00672-00150488-00150854 matthew's document feel free to do that c0gnS00j-Ly-00673-00150855-00151078 and we move c0gnS00j-Ly-00674-00151079-00151463 to the next topic about mentorships c0gnS00j-Ly-00675-00151464-00151711 updates c0gnS00j-Ly-00676-00151712-00151847 yeah i just put this in there i just c0gnS00j-Ly-00677-00151848-00152047 wanted to see how things are going c0gnS00j-Ly-00678-00152048-00152263 elizabeth i know c0gnS00j-Ly-00679-00152264-00152359 you have c0gnS00j-Ly-00680-00152360-00152575 had some engagement here and just if c0gnS00j-Ly-00681-00152576-00152895 anybody needs anything or mentors or c0gnS00j-Ly-00682-00152896-00153031 mentees c0gnS00j-Ly-00683-00153032-00153231 we're just we're entering the season of c0gnS00j-Ly-00684-00153232-00153414 a lot of mentorship c0gnS00j-Ly-00685-00153415-00153599 going on between summer of code season c0gnS00j-Ly-00686-00153600-00153975 of docs and outreachy c0gnS00j-Ly-00687-00153976-00154239 i will just say outreach is going great c0gnS00j-Ly-00688-00154240-00154454 precious is awesome yes c0gnS00j-Ly-00689-00154455-00154847 kick kick butt awesome c0gnS00j-Ly-00690-00154848-00155102 as a side note i still haven't been c0gnS00j-Ly-00691-00155103-00155271 billed c0gnS00j-Ly-00692-00155272-00155766 forever what you haven't done c0gnS00j-Ly-00693-00155767-00156014 oh from outreachy mm-hmm c0gnS00j-Ly-00694-00156015-00156271 yeah i don't know i don't know either c0gnS00j-Ly-00695-00156272-00156478 don't ask me to explain c0gnS00j-Ly-00696-00156479-00156863 what's going on with why not c0gnS00j-Ly-00697-00156864-00157119 they're a small organization right so c0gnS00j-Ly-00698-00157120-00157278 they are yeah c0gnS00j-Ly-00699-00157279-00157495 take some time and we do have the funds c0gnS00j-Ly-00700-00157496-00157751 i mean it's not i'm not concerned about c0gnS00j-Ly-00701-00157752-00158063 being able to pay the bill no it's i'm c0gnS00j-Ly-00702-00158064-00158254 concerned that they may never ask for it c0gnS00j-Ly-00703-00158255-00158423 for their own sake they just haven't c0gnS00j-Ly-00704-00158424-00158607 seen the bill that's all c0gnS00j-Ly-00705-00158608-00158775 and just i guess maybe it's part like c0gnS00j-Ly-00706-00158776-00158935 you haven't seen anything elizabeth or c0gnS00j-Ly-00707-00158936-00159095 sean no c0gnS00j-Ly-00708-00159096-00159295 okay as soon as you do just let me know c0gnS00j-Ly-00709-00159296-00159414 because c0gnS00j-Ly-00710-00159415-00159623 we got the money yeah c0gnS00j-Ly-00711-00159624-00160414 so that's it c0gnS00j-Ly-00712-00160415-00160575 great so c0gnS00j-Ly-00713-00160576-00160775 we move to the next topic c0gnS00j-Ly-00714-00160776-00161078 yes keep us going c0gnS00j-Ly-00715-00161079-00161239 chaos africa c0gnS00j-Ly-00716-00161240-00161478 i've heard very good stuff about this c0gnS00j-Ly-00717-00161479-00161735 topic so i'm looking forward to c0gnS00j-Ly-00718-00161736-00161863 the update c0gnS00j-Ly-00719-00161864-00162102 so is ruth are you on right now i don't c0gnS00j-Ly-00720-00162103-00162359 know ah there you are brief do you wanna c0gnS00j-Ly-00721-00162360-00162687 you wanna talk about this a little bit c0gnS00j-Ly-00722-00162688-00163007 yeah sure uh so c0gnS00j-Ly-00723-00163008-00163414 we are starting up chaos africa uh and c0gnS00j-Ly-00724-00163415-00163807 it's really exciting and i'm so pumped c0gnS00j-Ly-00725-00163808-00163990 about it so i'm going to be leading c0gnS00j-Ly-00726-00163991-00164135 efforts on c0gnS00j-Ly-00727-00164136-00164326 you know starting up c0gnS00j-Ly-00728-00164327-00164638 uh chaos africa and mainly we are going c0gnS00j-Ly-00729-00164639-00164878 to be focusing on c0gnS00j-Ly-00730-00164879-00165111 you know creating initiatives that all c0gnS00j-Ly-00731-00165112-00165543 metrics that kind of like focuses on um c0gnS00j-Ly-00732-00165544-00165807 open source community challenges here in c0gnS00j-Ly-00733-00165808-00166063 africa right we'll be learning and you c0gnS00j-Ly-00734-00166064-00166263 know creating initiatives and metrics c0gnS00j-Ly-00735-00166264-00166375 around that c0gnS00j-Ly-00736-00166376-00166543 and would also be contributing to the c0gnS00j-Ly-00737-00166544-00166735 chaos project at large you know we have c0gnS00j-Ly-00738-00166736-00166951 a lot of things here a lot of wonderful c0gnS00j-Ly-00739-00166952-00167335 things here in chaos too c0gnS00j-Ly-00740-00167336-00167551 would also be contributing c0gnS00j-Ly-00741-00167552-00167871 our software documentation design and c0gnS00j-Ly-00742-00167872-00168054 all of that stuff so while we also c0gnS00j-Ly-00743-00168055-00168254 create initiatives around c0gnS00j-Ly-00744-00168255-00168471 focusing around open source community c0gnS00j-Ly-00745-00168472-00168614 challenges here c0gnS00j-Ly-00746-00168615-00168823 um we will also contribute to chaos at c0gnS00j-Ly-00747-00168824-00169078 large and yeah i would be sharing kind c0gnS00j-Ly-00748-00169079-00169326 of having doc um a strategy doc i don't c0gnS00j-Ly-00749-00169327-00169511 know if someone can put it in there c0gnS00j-Ly-00750-00169512-00169775 quickly but yeah i would also be sharing c0gnS00j-Ly-00751-00169776-00170151 um part of as we as we go as we go right c0gnS00j-Ly-00752-00170152-00170390 it's going to be like a sharing process c0gnS00j-Ly-00753-00170391-00170638 where we kind of share what we learn or c0gnS00j-Ly-00754-00170639-00170966 challenges we discover via different c0gnS00j-Ly-00755-00170967-00171095 social media we're going to be using c0gnS00j-Ly-00756-00171096-00171287 social media twitter space we've talked c0gnS00j-Ly-00757-00171288-00171607 about twitter spaces um even c0gnS00j-Ly-00758-00171608-00171854 written content as well maybe through c0gnS00j-Ly-00759-00171855-00172190 the blog and conference sharing on c0gnS00j-Ly-00760-00172191-00172551 conferences and events and yeah so it's c0gnS00j-Ly-00761-00172552-00172871 really nice to start that up and you c0gnS00j-Ly-00762-00172872-00173143 know we all already have like um so many c0gnS00j-Ly-00763-00173144-00173366 contributors from africa and chaos c0gnS00j-Ly-00764-00173367-00173511 already and c0gnS00j-Ly-00765-00173512-00173654 um it's c0gnS00j-Ly-00766-00173655-00173951 um going to be nice for c0gnS00j-Ly-00767-00173952-00174166 those folks to participate and get other c0gnS00j-Ly-00768-00174167-00174383 contributors so not just the folks that c0gnS00j-Ly-00769-00174384-00174638 are currently contributing to chaos but c0gnS00j-Ly-00770-00174639-00174871 we also get other participants c0gnS00j-Ly-00771-00174872-00175047 in other open source communities i think c0gnS00j-Ly-00772-00175048-00175151 justin c0gnS00j-Ly-00773-00175152-00175438 uh mentioned um he knows about this c0gnS00j-Ly-00774-00175439-00175599 cameroon group c0gnS00j-Ly-00775-00175600-00175838 so it's kind of like expanding beyond c0gnS00j-Ly-00776-00175839-00176166 nigeria as well um and all that focusing c0gnS00j-Ly-00777-00176167-00176407 on other countries so yeah i'm excited c0gnS00j-Ly-00778-00176408-00176671 to start that off i will be having the c0gnS00j-Ly-00779-00176672-00176895 first meeting next week i'm still trying c0gnS00j-Ly-00780-00176896-00177159 to make arrangements for that but it c0gnS00j-Ly-00781-00177160-00177351 will be on the it will be on the c0gnS00j-Ly-00782-00177352-00177495 calendar c0gnS00j-Ly-00783-00177496-00177702 the calendar the chaos calendar so if c0gnS00j-Ly-00784-00177703-00177871 you have that added you definitely see c0gnS00j-Ly-00785-00177872-00178014 the meeting it's going to be happening c0gnS00j-Ly-00786-00178015-00178159 like 2 p.m c0gnS00j-Ly-00787-00178160-00178438 um west african time and call for c0gnS00j-Ly-00788-00178439-00178711 participation african folks already c0gnS00j-Ly-00789-00178712-00178887 um you know c0gnS00j-Ly-00790-00178888-00179102 what's written in chaos in the call you c0gnS00j-Ly-00791-00179103-00179351 can hit me up on dm on slack i'm still c0gnS00j-Ly-00792-00179352-00179559 with you guys so you can share your c0gnS00j-Ly-00793-00179560-00179814 thoughts with me and yeah it's going to c0gnS00j-Ly-00794-00179815-00180054 be community effort and not just mine so c0gnS00j-Ly-00795-00180055-00180687 yeah excited to start that off c0gnS00j-Ly-00796-00180688-00181159 thank you thank you c0gnS00j-Ly-00797-00181160-00181343 the strategy document is here right c0gnS00j-Ly-00798-00181344-00181511 somebody put it in there so c0gnS00j-Ly-00799-00181512-00181790 okay great so you could look and you c0gnS00j-Ly-00800-00181791-00182054 know make suggestions or c0gnS00j-Ly-00801-00182055-00182319 yeah drop your thoughts as well um on c0gnS00j-Ly-00802-00182320-00182519 the dock don't get to that doctor you c0gnS00j-Ly-00803-00182520-00183183 could see it c0gnS00j-Ly-00804-00183184-00183319 awesome c0gnS00j-Ly-00805-00183320-00183647 perfect does anyone have any questions c0gnS00j-Ly-00806-00183648-00183983 comments for us c0gnS00j-Ly-00807-00183984-00184102 um c0gnS00j-Ly-00808-00184103-00184351 elizabeth could you tweet maybe put c0gnS00j-Ly-00809-00184352-00184599 together a tweet with ruth c0gnS00j-Ly-00810-00184600-00184838 for announcing this c0gnS00j-Ly-00811-00184839-00185111 yeah i wasn't sure what day ruth do you c0gnS00j-Ly-00812-00185112-00185390 want to do it like this week c0gnS00j-Ly-00813-00185391-00185599 yeah this week um i have that already c0gnS00j-Ly-00814-00185600-00185799 just to set up that form we talked about c0gnS00j-Ly-00815-00185800-00186054 on the call so once that is all set up c0gnS00j-Ly-00816-00186055-00186278 at no ping view c0gnS00j-Ly-00817-00186279-00186495 yeah just let me know um and we can c0gnS00j-Ly-00818-00186496-00186647 coordinate yeah c0gnS00j-Ly-00819-00186648-00186895 yeah sure c0gnS00j-Ly-00820-00186896-00187166 and through our super c0gnS00j-Ly-00821-00187167-00187399 investigative efforts we found out who c0gnS00j-Ly-00822-00187400-00187638 grabbed chaos africa c0gnS00j-Ly-00823-00187639-00187878 on twitter i was just trying to make c0gnS00j-Ly-00824-00187879-00188023 sure it didn't go anywhere because it c0gnS00j-Ly-00825-00188024-00188159 had been lingering out there for a long c0gnS00j-Ly-00826-00188160-00188375 time but i got sidetracked i forgot to c0gnS00j-Ly-00827-00188376-00188607 tell anyone i did that so i literally c0gnS00j-Ly-00828-00188608-00188783 went to go grab it and i'm like it is c0gnS00j-Ly-00829-00188784-00188878 taken c0gnS00j-Ly-00830-00188879-00189095 already like how did that happen i was c0gnS00j-Ly-00831-00189096-00189278 just looking out for us and forgot to c0gnS00j-Ly-00832-00189279-00189471 tell everyone i'm sorry because c0gnS00j-Ly-00833-00189472-00189623 literally on the call shawn we were like c0gnS00j-Ly-00834-00189624-00189847 nobody take this except for matt or ruth c0gnS00j-Ly-00835-00189848-00189990 yeah c0gnS00j-Ly-00836-00189991-00190190 we hear what we want to hear so i'm c0gnS00j-Ly-00837-00190191-00190311 sorry c0gnS00j-Ly-00838-00190312-00190607 you're fine c0gnS00j-Ly-00839-00190608-00190831 and so we do we have cast africa and we c0gnS00j-Ly-00840-00190832-00191031 have a gas underscore africa i'll shut c0gnS00j-Ly-00841-00191032-00191343 down chaos underscore africa c0gnS00j-Ly-00842-00191344-00191487 so we're just going to go with cass c0gnS00j-Ly-00843-00191488-00191663 africa that's correct ruth that's what c0gnS00j-Ly-00844-00191664-00192559 you wanted to do c0gnS00j-Ly-00845-00192560-00192871 okay cool c0gnS00j-Ly-00846-00192872-00193095 have you grabbed chaos asia pacific as c0gnS00j-Ly-00847-00193096-00194102 well i have not c0gnS00j-Ly-00848-00194103-00194190 so c0gnS00j-Ly-00849-00194191-00194487 what about asia pacific c0gnS00j-Ly-00850-00194488-00194719 who has taken that over c0gnS00j-Ly-00851-00194720-00194999 well um nobody has taken it over c0gnS00j-Ly-00852-00195000-00195302 at the moment so for a while we had well c0gnS00j-Ly-00853-00195303-00195471 not for a while we currently have the c0gnS00j-Ly-00854-00195472-00195695 asia pacific call c0gnS00j-Ly-00855-00195696-00195983 which is you know uh whatever every two c0gnS00j-Ly-00856-00195984-00196271 weeks on wednesdays and c0gnS00j-Ly-00857-00196272-00196487 just i was thinking that we could just c0gnS00j-Ly-00858-00196488-00196631 [Music] c0gnS00j-Ly-00859-00196632-00196807 like it's a bit of just a rebranding c0gnS00j-Ly-00860-00196808-00196966 instead of just thinking about it as a c0gnS00j-Ly-00861-00196967-00197054 call c0gnS00j-Ly-00862-00197055-00197278 really recognizing the efforts c0gnS00j-Ly-00863-00197279-00197511 um that i'll show you you're on so the c0gnS00j-Ly-00864-00197512-00197759 efforts that shoya has done for example c0gnS00j-Ly-00865-00197760-00197926 over the last year c0gnS00j-Ly-00866-00197927-00198207 in china running the the meetups c0gnS00j-Ly-00867-00198208-00198454 um and helping with social in china i c0gnS00j-Ly-00868-00198455-00198726 mean that's a really excellent thing c0gnS00j-Ly-00869-00198727-00198887 and so kind of c0gnS00j-Ly-00870-00198888-00199190 doing a more formal recognition c0gnS00j-Ly-00871-00199191-00199431 through chaos asia pacific that's not c0gnS00j-Ly-00872-00199432-00199550 just c0gnS00j-Ly-00873-00199551-00199766 embedded in a phone call or a zoom call c0gnS00j-Ly-00874-00199767-00199854 right c0gnS00j-Ly-00875-00199855-00200126 and so really recognizing that work c0gnS00j-Ly-00876-00200127-00200343 and kevin i was thinking like as the c0gnS00j-Ly-00877-00200344-00200526 website redesign c0gnS00j-Ly-00878-00200527-00200766 happens we might want to think about c0gnS00j-Ly-00879-00200767-00200950 like c0gnS00j-Ly-00880-00200951-00201199 how we recognize c0gnS00j-Ly-00881-00201200-00201375 chaos africa c0gnS00j-Ly-00882-00201376-00201583 on the website as well as chaos asia c0gnS00j-Ly-00883-00201584-00201838 pacific on the website i'm not sure what c0gnS00j-Ly-00884-00201839-00201983 that would mean but it was just a c0gnS00j-Ly-00885-00201984-00202350 thought c0gnS00j-Ly-00886-00202351-00202623 i'm not sure either maybe we can discuss c0gnS00j-Ly-00887-00202624-00202838 i'll add that to the agenda uh for the c0gnS00j-Ly-00888-00202839-00203078 upcoming web content meeting okay it c0gnS00j-Ly-00889-00203079-00203278 would it would be nice to c0gnS00j-Ly-00890-00203279-00203463 it would be nice to have a c0gnS00j-Ly-00891-00203464-00203807 full web page dedicated to them yeah c0gnS00j-Ly-00892-00203808-00203999 uh each of them c0gnS00j-Ly-00893-00204000-00204302 at the very least c0gnS00j-Ly-00894-00204303-00204478 okay c0gnS00j-Ly-00895-00204479-00204678 cool c0gnS00j-Ly-00896-00204679-00205006 um and then i c0gnS00j-Ly-00897-00205007-00205303 i think it would also be good to have an c0gnS00j-Ly-00898-00205304-00205558 identified person c0gnS00j-Ly-00899-00205559-00205903 for chaos asia pacific c0gnS00j-Ly-00900-00205904-00206190 um kind of as ruth is happy to lead c0gnS00j-Ly-00901-00206191-00206431 efforts to chaos africa so if you have c0gnS00j-Ly-00902-00206432-00206782 an interest in kind of being that person c0gnS00j-Ly-00903-00206783-00206958 not looking at anybody but if you have c0gnS00j-Ly-00904-00206959-00207231 an interest in being that person c0gnS00j-Ly-00905-00207232-00207455 i would be super excited to take i was c0gnS00j-Ly-00906-00207456-00207727 hoping so yay c0gnS00j-Ly-00907-00207728-00207919 thank you c0gnS00j-Ly-00908-00207919-00208079 it's just um c0gnS00j-Ly-00909-00208080-00208423 uh you say i i started the chaos tales c0gnS00j-Ly-00910-00208423-00208686 cast china a few months ago but it's c0gnS00j-Ly-00911-00208687-00209031 just not i don't i don't have that c0gnS00j-Ly-00912-00209032-00209327 um this the output is not so stable so c0gnS00j-Ly-00913-00209328-00209486 sometimes i'm c0gnS00j-Ly-00914-00209487-00209671 i i c0gnS00j-Ly-00915-00209671-00209998 i don't feel very proud of it because um c0gnS00j-Ly-00916-00210000-00210394 but i um i'm excited about the uh c0gnS00j-Ly-00917-00210396-00210775 rebranding or um like have an official c0gnS00j-Ly-00918-00210776-00211055 grant grant thing because uh this is c0gnS00j-Ly-00919-00211056-00211342 also a problem when i started the chaos c0gnS00j-Ly-00920-00211344-00211727 cast china because um c0gnS00j-Ly-00921-00211728-00212151 i was um kind of concerned if c0gnS00j-Ly-00922-00212152-00212406 like this is a class brand and c0gnS00j-Ly-00923-00212407-00212527 how c0gnS00j-Ly-00924-00212528-00212751 where is the limit to c0gnS00j-Ly-00925-00212752-00213191 spread it or to use it c0gnS00j-Ly-00926-00213192-00213406 so i think this is great if you're doing c0gnS00j-Ly-00927-00213407-00213542 chaos things i don't think there's a c0gnS00j-Ly-00928-00213544-00213903 hard limit c0gnS00j-Ly-00929-00213904-00214079 uh question c0gnS00j-Ly-00930-00214080-00214282 uh what is what is this c0gnS00j-Ly-00931-00214283-00214558 uh what would we call this lead person c0gnS00j-Ly-00932-00214559-00214863 would this be the community manager for c0gnS00j-Ly-00933-00214864-00215134 chaos asia pacific would this be i don't c0gnS00j-Ly-00934-00215135-00215503 need any manager for chaos africa c0gnS00j-Ly-00935-00215504-00215703 ruth and i kind of had that remember c0gnS00j-Ly-00936-00215704-00215991 that conversation ruth like early on c0gnS00j-Ly-00937-00215992-00216175 like the title name c0gnS00j-Ly-00938-00216176-00216358 i don't think we've landed on it quite c0gnS00j-Ly-00939-00216359-00216510 yet c0gnS00j-Ly-00940-00216511-00216734 but certainly should carry c0gnS00j-Ly-00941-00216735-00216975 a title i don't know people have c0gnS00j-Ly-00942-00216976-00217375 thoughts you had mentioned a few there c0gnS00j-Ly-00943-00217376-00217510 i think just something that would c0gnS00j-Ly-00944-00217511-00218039 indicate affiliation is sufficient c0gnS00j-Ly-00945-00218040-00218263 and maybe some kind of um c0gnS00j-Ly-00946-00218264-00218431 recognition on the c0gnS00j-Ly-00947-00218432-00218591 website if we do have their own page c0gnS00j-Ly-00948-00218592-00218791 just so people kind of have a point of c0gnS00j-Ly-00949-00218792-00219015 contact as well c0gnS00j-Ly-00950-00219016-00219151 to go to c0gnS00j-Ly-00951-00219152-00219687 yeah i agree with that c0gnS00j-Ly-00952-00219688-00219958 and then show you um c0gnS00j-Ly-00953-00219959-00220175 so it's a good question kevin oh yeah c0gnS00j-Ly-00954-00220176-00220519 also is chaos asia pacific the right c0gnS00j-Ly-00955-00220519-00220775 term i asked this for ruth as well first c0gnS00j-Ly-00956-00220776-00220998 yes china more appropriate what you c0gnS00j-Ly-00957-00221000-00221287 would like to do you know what i mean c0gnS00j-Ly-00958-00221288-00221519 yeah um c0gnS00j-Ly-00959-00221519-00221591 we c0gnS00j-Ly-00960-00221592-00221846 um like gather the people in a wechat c0gnS00j-Ly-00961-00221848-00221934 group c0gnS00j-Ly-00962-00221935-00222246 uh and uh have that um social media on c0gnS00j-Ly-00963-00222248-00222542 wechat we named it cloudcast china c0gnS00j-Ly-00964-00222544-00222942 um but i think it would be um c0gnS00j-Ly-00965-00222944-00223191 even better to name it kills asia c0gnS00j-Ly-00966-00223192-00223487 pacific if in the future we can involve c0gnS00j-Ly-00967-00223488-00223806 folks in yeah india especially india and c0gnS00j-Ly-00968-00223807-00223998 uh even japan korean c0gnS00j-Ly-00969-00224000-00224167 okay c0gnS00j-Ly-00970-00224167-00224758 okay perfect that sounds great c0gnS00j-Ly-00971-00224759-00225046 and thank you again c0gnS00j-Ly-00972-00225048-00225158 awesome c0gnS00j-Ly-00973-00225159-00225479 so many good news good news is recently c0gnS00j-Ly-00974-00225480-00225719 new communities c0gnS00j-Ly-00975-00225719-00225806 um c0gnS00j-Ly-00976-00225807-00226094 we can jump on to the next c0gnS00j-Ly-00977-00226096-00226479 topic matrix review c0gnS00j-Ly-00978-00226480-00226639 this should be short just it's c0gnS00j-Ly-00979-00226640-00226879 continuing to happen so c0gnS00j-Ly-00980-00226880-00227215 um i think we have a few metrics that we c0gnS00j-Ly-00981-00227216-00227415 have done a review on and kind of c0gnS00j-Ly-00982-00227416-00227671 finalized so thanks for the folks that c0gnS00j-Ly-00983-00227671-00227863 provided comments c0gnS00j-Ly-00984-00227864-00228079 um and i'm the person who's kind of c0gnS00j-Ly-00985-00228080-00228239 assigned to take a look at the ei c0gnS00j-Ly-00986-00228240-00228351 metrics c0gnS00j-Ly-00987-00228352-00228534 and i'll just i did c0gnS00j-Ly-00988-00228535-00228767 i did a pull request for the family c0gnS00j-Ly-00989-00228767-00228934 friendliness one c0gnS00j-Ly-00990-00228935-00229127 based on my to-do for last time so c0gnS00j-Ly-00991-00229128-00229367 that's in there somewhere i will take a c0gnS00j-Ly-00992-00229367-00229615 look at those async but thank you c0gnS00j-Ly-00993-00229616-00229782 and thank you also kevin i know you have c0gnS00j-Ly-00994-00229783-00229991 done some reviews as well the reviews of c0gnS00j-Ly-00995-00229992-00230582 the reviews so c0gnS00j-Ly-00996-00230583-00230703 that's it c0gnS00j-Ly-00997-00230704-00230871 great c0gnS00j-Ly-00998-00230871-00231167 the other thing we have agenda update no c0gnS00j-Ly-00999-00231167-00231455 meetings the last two weeks of june c0gnS00j-Ly-01000-00231456-00231734 which means that next week will be the c0gnS00j-Ly-01001-00231735-00232031 last meeting for this month c0gnS00j-Ly-01002-00232032-00232223 that's right c0gnS00j-Ly-01003-00232223-00232439 okay c0gnS00j-Ly-01004-00232440-00232934 it's uh two one is just uh ossna c0gnS00j-Ly-01005-00232935-00233198 is that third week of june and many of c0gnS00j-Ly-01006-00233200-00233382 us are gone c0gnS00j-Ly-01007-00233383-00233527 to that so sometimes it's hard to c0gnS00j-Ly-01008-00233528-00233719 coordinate meetings and then c0gnS00j-Ly-01009-00233719-00233903 the second week is the week kind of c0gnS00j-Ly-01010-00233904-00234263 leading into the us fourth of july c0gnS00j-Ly-01011-00234264-00234487 it's not fourth of july is on a monday c0gnS00j-Ly-01012-00234488-00234734 is that right c0gnS00j-Ly-01013-00234735-00234927 and so that just takes us into that c0gnS00j-Ly-01014-00234928-00235119 weekend which is also kind of a week c0gnS00j-Ly-01015-00235119-00235342 that we normally take off i think ossna c0gnS00j-Ly-01016-00235344-00235542 is like c0gnS00j-Ly-01017-00235544-00235671 drastically c0gnS00j-Ly-01018-00235671-00235846 at a drastically different time than it c0gnS00j-Ly-01019-00235848-00236079 is in the has been in the past am i c0gnS00j-Ly-01020-00236080-00236223 right c0gnS00j-Ly-01021-00236223-00236519 on that wasn't it normally enough c0gnS00j-Ly-01022-00236519-00236663 i guess you're muted sean if you're c0gnS00j-Ly-01023-00236664-00237006 talking c0gnS00j-Ly-01024-00237007-00237175 i don't know who keeps muting me or if c0gnS00j-Ly-01025-00237176-00237279 it's uh c0gnS00j-Ly-01026-00237280-00237639 anyway um stop that it's uh c0gnS00j-Ly-01027-00237640-00237815 it's always it had always been in the c0gnS00j-Ly-01028-00237816-00238046 fall and they moved it to the summer but c0gnS00j-Ly-01029-00238048-00238279 they started in 2020 so it's never c0gnS00j-Ly-01030-00238280-00238479 actually happened in the summer c0gnS00j-Ly-01031-00238480-00238558 so c0gnS00j-Ly-01032-00238559-00238687 this is the first time we're actually c0gnS00j-Ly-01033-00238688-00238879 experiencing the change that they made c0gnS00j-Ly-01034-00238880-00239142 two years ago okay c0gnS00j-Ly-01035-00239144-00239358 gotcha okay cool c0gnS00j-Ly-01036-00239359-00239519 and i was the one that muted you because c0gnS00j-Ly-01037-00239519-00239727 you were wrestling papers c0gnS00j-Ly-01038-00239728-00239975 it was very terrible was it loud okay c0gnS00j-Ly-01039-00239976-00240191 sorry about that c0gnS00j-Ly-01040-00240192-00240455 just uh regarding the taking a break c0gnS00j-Ly-01041-00240456-00240663 from from meetings for a couple weeks c0gnS00j-Ly-01042-00240664-00240863 for if there are any c0gnS00j-Ly-01043-00240864-00241055 students part of google summer of code c0gnS00j-Ly-01044-00241056-00241358 or google summer docs or or outreachy on c0gnS00j-Ly-01045-00241359-00241455 here c0gnS00j-Ly-01046-00241456-00241655 mentorship will continue c0gnS00j-Ly-01047-00241656-00241879 during this time uh c0gnS00j-Ly-01048-00241880-00242046 so c0gnS00j-Ly-01049-00242048-00242255 uh contact your mentors to schedule c0gnS00j-Ly-01050-00242256-00242519 meetings c0gnS00j-Ly-01051-00242519-00242727 for sure c0gnS00j-Ly-01052-00242728-00242958 meetings can occur we're just we're c0gnS00j-Ly-01053-00242959-00243158 gonna just the routine scheduled c0gnS00j-Ly-01054-00243159-00243423 meetings are gonna stop yeah so thank c0gnS00j-Ly-01055-00243423-00243894 you for that kevin c0gnS00j-Ly-01056-00243896-00243998 awesome c0gnS00j-Ly-01057-00244000-00244230 and the last thing c0gnS00j-Ly-01058-00244231-00244510 uh to be discussed for the meeting today c0gnS00j-Ly-01059-00244511-00244919 is the focus area updates c0gnS00j-Ly-01060-00244919-00245039 well c0gnS00j-Ly-01061-00245040-00245191 we will not be able to solve this in c0gnS00j-Ly-01062-00245192-00245455 three minutes so basically we had a c0gnS00j-Ly-01063-00245456-00245719 really productive conversation c0gnS00j-Ly-01064-00245719-00246046 last night on the metrics model meeting c0gnS00j-Ly-01065-00246048-00246255 about how we think about focus areas c0gnS00j-Ly-01066-00246256-00246606 across the chaos project as a whole c0gnS00j-Ly-01067-00246607-00246767 and so i think we should just c0gnS00j-Ly-01068-00246767-00246991 defer this conversation because it's a c0gnS00j-Ly-01069-00246992-00247239 conversation that's going to need to be c0gnS00j-Ly-01070-00247240-00247446 kind of brought up within each of the c0gnS00j-Ly-01071-00247448-00247719 working groups as to how we think about c0gnS00j-Ly-01072-00247719-00247958 focus areas and then c0gnS00j-Ly-01073-00247959-00248167 the relationship between focus areas and c0gnS00j-Ly-01074-00248167-00248406 metrics and the relationship between c0gnS00j-Ly-01075-00248407-00248639 focus areas and metrics models c0gnS00j-Ly-01076-00248640-00248871 so i think that's pretty important c0gnS00j-Ly-01077-00248871-00249119 um but we're down down to two minutes c0gnS00j-Ly-01078-00249119-00249342 and there's no possible way c0gnS00j-Ly-01079-00249344-00249558 conversation could happen yeah in c0gnS00j-Ly-01080-00249559-00249719 minutes so c0gnS00j-Ly-01081-00249719-00249863 you don't have to be rb elizabeth c0gnS00j-Ly-01082-00249864-00250263 because we're down c0gnS00j-Ly-01083-00250264-00250398 okay c0gnS00j-Ly-01084-00250400-00250671 awesome so i think that this was the c0gnS00j-Ly-01085-00250671-00250934 meeting for this week c0gnS00j-Ly-01086-00250935-00251255 if anybody has any c0gnS00j-Ly-01087-00251256-00251503 questions or comments i think that we c0gnS00j-Ly-01088-00251504-00251758 have only two minutes left c0gnS00j-Ly-01089-00251759-00251958 if not we can c0gnS00j-Ly-01090-00251959-00252246 call this a meeting and we'll see each c0gnS00j-Ly-01091-00252248-00252494 other again next week c0gnS00j-Ly-01092-00252496-00252671 awesome thank you everybody all right c0gnS00j-Ly-01093-00252671-00252815 thanks everyone c0gnS00j-Ly-01094-00252816-00252982 thank you c0gnS00j-Ly-01095-00252983-00253071 bye c0gnS00j-Ly-01096-00253071-00253255 bye take care c0gnS00j-Ly-01097-00253256-00254046 bye everyone c0gnS00j-Ly-01098-00254048-00254263 did shawn leave c0gnS00j-Ly-01099-00254264-00254592 uh yeah c0F9NwwCb9Y-00000-00000065-00000225 foreign c0F9NwwCb9Y-00002-00003894-00004409 [Music] c0F9NwwCb9Y-00003-00004410-00005173 all right c0F9NwwCb9Y-00004-00005174-00006718 [Music] c0F9NwwCb9Y-00005-00006719-00007348 [Music] c0F9NwwCb9Y-00006-00007350-00007670 foreign foreign c2ovGV8z-tc-00000-00000105-00002118 [Music] c2ovGV8z-tc-00001-00002119-00002223 so c2ovGV8z-tc-00002-00002224-00004583 [Music] c2ovGV8z-tc-00003-00004584-00005255 so c2ovGV8z-tc-00004-00005256-00006127 [Music] c2ovGV8z-tc-00005-00006128-00006288 so c2ovGV8z-tc-00006-00006289-00009127 [Music] c2ovGV8z-tc-00007-00009128-00009454 so c2ovGV8z-tc-00008-00009455-00010535 [Music] c2ovGV8z-tc-00009-00010536-00010643 so c2ovGV8z-tc-00010-00010644-00013119 [Music] c2ovGV8z-tc-00011-00013119-00013491 so c2ovGV8z-tc-00012-00013493-00016047 [Music] c2ovGV8z-tc-00013-00016047-00016366 so c2ovGV8z-tc-00014-00016368-00018207 [Music] c2ovGV8z-tc-00015-00018208-00018382 um c2ovGV8z-tc-00017-00021928-00022383 do c2ovGV8z-tc-00018-00022384-00023358 [Music] c2ovGV8z-tc-00019-00023359-00023579 so c2ovGV8z-tc-00021-00027495-00027719 so c2ovGV8z-tc-00022-00027720-00030031 [Music] c2ovGV8z-tc-00023-00030032-00030050 [Applause] c2ovGV8z-tc-00024-00030051-00031023 [Music] c2ovGV8z-tc-00025-00031024-00031085 [Music] c2ovGV8z-tc-00026-00031086-00031272 [Applause] c2ovGV8z-tc-00027-00031273-00031600 [Music] c2ovGV8z-tc-00028-00031601-00031664 [Applause] c2ovGV8z-tc-00030-00035936-00036408 so c2ovGV8z-tc-00031-00036409-00037207 [Music] c2ovGV8z-tc-00032-00037208-00037793 do c2ovGV8z-tc-00033-00037794-00038471 [Music] c2ovGV8z-tc-00034-00038472-00038823 so c2ovGV8z-tc-00035-00038824-00040013 [Music] c2ovGV8z-tc-00037-00043040-00043348 wow c2ovGV8z-tc-00038-00043349-00044117 [Music] c2ovGV8z-tc-00040-00052249-00053369 [Music] c2ovGV8z-tc-00041-00053370-00054254 [Applause] c2ovGV8z-tc-00042-00054255-00054565 [Music] c2ovGV8z-tc-00043-00054566-00054623 [Applause] c2ovGV8z-tc-00044-00054624-00055519 [Music] c2ovGV8z-tc-00045-00055520-00055727 you c38DukyYli4-00001-00007284-00007640 [Applause] c38DukyYli4-00002-00007641-00008853 [Music] c38DukyYli4-00003-00008854-00008898 [Applause] c38DukyYli4-00004-00008899-00009664 [Music] c38DukyYli4-00005-00009665-00009669 [Applause] c38DukyYli4-00006-00009670-00009846 [Music] c38DukyYli4-00007-00009847-00010792 [Applause] c38DukyYli4-00008-00010793-00011165 [Applause] c38DukyYli4-00009-00011166-00014083 [Music] c38DukyYli4-00010-00014084-00014340 do c38DukyYli4-00011-00014341-00015483 [Music] c38DukyYli4-00012-00015484-00015849 do c38DukyYli4-00013-00015850-00016883 [Music] c38DukyYli4-00014-00016884-00017172 so c38DukyYli4-00015-00017173-00018283 [Music] c38DukyYli4-00016-00018284-00018482 do c38DukyYli4-00017-00018483-00020902 [Music] c38DukyYli4-00019-00024110-00025153 [Music] c38DukyYli4-00020-00025154-00025283 [Music] c38DukyYli4-00021-00025284-00025435 do c38DukyYli4-00022-00025436-00026298 [Music] c38DukyYli4-00023-00026299-00026683 [Music] c38DukyYli4-00024-00026683-00026856 so c38DukyYli4-00025-00026857-00028083 [Music] c38DukyYli4-00026-00028083-00028186 do c38DukyYli4-00027-00028187-00029483 [Music] c38DukyYli4-00028-00029483-00029602 so c38DukyYli4-00029-00029602-00031487 [Music] c38DukyYli4-00030-00031488-00031695 you c5vsJxYlgk4-00000-00000031-00001454 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00001-00001455-00001984 russian c5vsJxYlgk4-00002-00001985-00004236 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00003-00004237-00004382 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00004-00004383-00007380 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00005-00007381-00007548 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00006-00007550-00008056 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00007-00008056-00008300 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00008-00008301-00008958 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00009-00008959-00009141 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00010-00009142-00009957 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00011-00009958-00010113 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00012-00010114-00010712 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00013-00010713-00011103 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00014-00011104-00011464 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00015-00011465-00011490 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00016-00011491-00011911 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00017-00011912-00012090 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00018-00012091-00012993 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00019-00012994-00013556 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00020-00013557-00013919 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00021-00013919-00015205 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00022-00015206-00015681 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00023-00015682-00016216 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00024-00016218-00016711 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00025-00016712-00017171 um c5vsJxYlgk4-00026-00017172-00017199 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00027-00017200-00017588 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00029-00021509-00022144 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00030-00022145-00022950 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00031-00022951-00023694 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00032-00023695-00024095 um c5vsJxYlgk4-00033-00024096-00026787 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00034-00026788-00027936 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00035-00027937-00030594 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00036-00030595-00032183 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00037-00032183-00032418 um c5vsJxYlgk4-00038-00032419-00034151 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00040-00037209-00037855 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00041-00037856-00038324 so c5vsJxYlgk4-00043-00042029-00042907 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00044-00042908-00043701 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00045-00043702-00043990 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00046-00043991-00044237 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00047-00044238-00044265 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00049-00047624-00048005 um c5vsJxYlgk4-00050-00048006-00048577 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00051-00048578-00048830 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00052-00048831-00048959 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00053-00048960-00049026 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00054-00049027-00051384 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00055-00051385-00052024 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00056-00052025-00053353 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00057-00053354-00053385 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00058-00053386-00053997 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00059-00053998-00054250 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00060-00054251-00056079 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00061-00056079-00056633 foreign c5vsJxYlgk4-00062-00056634-00057359 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00063-00057360-00057579 um c5vsJxYlgk4-00064-00057580-00058854 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00065-00058855-00058965 um c5vsJxYlgk4-00066-00058966-00059891 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00067-00059892-00061005 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00068-00061007-00061454 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00069-00061455-00061604 um c5vsJxYlgk4-00070-00061605-00062945 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00071-00062946-00064375 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00072-00064376-00064454 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00073-00064454-00066019 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00074-00066020-00066304 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00075-00066305-00068720 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00076-00068721-00070106 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00077-00070107-00070220 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00078-00070221-00070386 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00080-00074169-00075209 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00081-00075210-00076949 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00082-00076950-00079855 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00083-00079856-00080053 so c5vsJxYlgk4-00084-00080054-00081223 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00085-00081224-00081442 in america c5vsJxYlgk4-00086-00081443-00082687 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00087-00082688-00082785 um c5vsJxYlgk4-00089-00086819-00087514 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00090-00087515-00089275 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00091-00089276-00089354 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00092-00089355-00091290 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00094-00094800-00096647 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00095-00096648-00096918 um c5vsJxYlgk4-00097-00100589-00100598 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00098-00100599-00102247 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00099-00102248-00103482 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00100-00103483-00103867 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00101-00103868-00105424 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00102-00105425-00106234 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00103-00106235-00108531 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00104-00108532-00110851 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00105-00110852-00111647 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00106-00111648-00112222 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00108-00115643-00115652 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00109-00115653-00117510 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00110-00117511-00117628 foreign c5vsJxYlgk4-00111-00117629-00120450 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00112-00120451-00121503 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00113-00121504-00121604 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00114-00121605-00123122 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00115-00123123-00123283 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00116-00123284-00123485 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00117-00123486-00124101 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00118-00124102-00124678 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00119-00124679-00125101 is c5vsJxYlgk4-00120-00125102-00126155 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00121-00126156-00126845 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00122-00126846-00128420 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00123-00128421-00130160 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00124-00130161-00130543 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00125-00130544-00131622 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00126-00131623-00131828 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00127-00131829-00131862 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00128-00131863-00132199 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00129-00132200-00133959 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00130-00133960-00134214 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00131-00134215-00134487 um c5vsJxYlgk4-00132-00134488-00136270 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00133-00136271-00136952 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00134-00136953-00137751 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00135-00137752-00137789 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00136-00137790-00137938 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00137-00137939-00140164 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00138-00140165-00140973 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00139-00140974-00141169 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00140-00141170-00142807 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00141-00142808-00143308 um c5vsJxYlgk4-00142-00143309-00144239 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00143-00144240-00144529 yes c5vsJxYlgk4-00144-00144530-00146263 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00145-00146264-00148423 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00146-00148424-00148633 america c5vsJxYlgk4-00148-00153192-00154573 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00149-00154574-00154656 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00150-00154657-00155432 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00151-00155433-00156466 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00152-00156467-00156601 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00154-00160015-00160951 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00155-00160952-00162043 um c5vsJxYlgk4-00156-00162044-00162447 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00157-00162448-00163272 foreign c5vsJxYlgk4-00158-00163273-00165884 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00159-00165885-00168371 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00160-00168372-00168965 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00161-00168966-00170292 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00162-00170293-00172287 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00163-00172288-00172533 okay c5vsJxYlgk4-00164-00172534-00172628 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00165-00172629-00173043 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00166-00173044-00174110 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00168-00178271-00180300 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00169-00180301-00182512 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00170-00182513-00184878 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00171-00184879-00185534 ukraine c5vsJxYlgk4-00172-00185535-00187777 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00173-00187778-00190306 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00174-00190307-00191666 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00175-00191667-00191689 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00176-00191690-00193779 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00177-00193780-00195906 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00178-00195907-00196023 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00179-00196024-00196422 foreign c5vsJxYlgk4-00180-00196423-00196474 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00181-00196475-00198488 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00182-00198489-00198843 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00183-00198844-00199815 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00184-00199816-00200254 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00185-00200255-00200591 foreign c5vsJxYlgk4-00186-00200592-00200933 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00187-00200934-00200987 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00188-00200988-00201599 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00189-00201600-00202150 a c5vsJxYlgk4-00190-00202151-00203063 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00191-00203064-00203250 um c5vsJxYlgk4-00192-00203251-00204118 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00193-00204119-00205376 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00194-00205377-00205950 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00195-00205951-00207238 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00196-00207239-00207380 okay c5vsJxYlgk4-00198-00210434-00213221 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00199-00213221-00213275 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00200-00213276-00213890 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00201-00213891-00215171 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00202-00215171-00217210 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00203-00217211-00217785 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00204-00217786-00217983 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00205-00217984-00219782 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00206-00219783-00220205 foreign c5vsJxYlgk4-00208-00223983-00224507 okay c5vsJxYlgk4-00209-00224508-00225463 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00210-00225464-00226017 foreign c5vsJxYlgk4-00211-00226017-00227519 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00212-00227521-00228182 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00213-00228183-00229403 united nations c5vsJxYlgk4-00214-00229404-00229646 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00215-00229648-00230616 it c5vsJxYlgk4-00216-00230617-00232137 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00217-00232138-00234106 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00218-00234107-00235031 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00219-00235032-00235185 um c5vsJxYlgk4-00220-00235186-00236856 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00221-00236857-00237462 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00222-00237463-00239158 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00223-00239159-00239673 um c5vsJxYlgk4-00224-00239675-00240394 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00225-00240396-00241027 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00226-00241028-00241046 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00227-00241046-00242246 [Laughter] c5vsJxYlgk4-00228-00242248-00244448 foreign c5vsJxYlgk4-00229-00244448-00245105 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00230-00245106-00246876 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00231-00246877-00247855 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00232-00247856-00248011 um c5vsJxYlgk4-00233-00248012-00249017 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00234-00249019-00250896 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00235-00250896-00251423 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00236-00251425-00253283 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00237-00253284-00254930 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00238-00254931-00255669 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00239-00255671-00256576 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00240-00256577-00258136 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00241-00258137-00258662 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00242-00258663-00260917 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00243-00260917-00261798 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00244-00261800-00261823 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00245-00261825-00264671 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00246-00264672-00264860 um c5vsJxYlgk4-00247-00264861-00267054 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00248-00267055-00268253 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00250-00272792-00273102 um c5vsJxYlgk4-00252-00276523-00277430 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00253-00277431-00278383 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00254-00278384-00279101 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00255-00279102-00280627 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00256-00280628-00282095 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00257-00282096-00282863 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00258-00282864-00283492 is c5vsJxYlgk4-00259-00283493-00284111 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00260-00284112-00286485 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00261-00286486-00287790 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00262-00287791-00288940 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00264-00292065-00292611 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00265-00292612-00293706 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00266-00293707-00294157 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00267-00294158-00295106 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00269-00298135-00298428 foreign c5vsJxYlgk4-00270-00298429-00299716 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00271-00299717-00300532 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00272-00300533-00301044 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00273-00301045-00301756 [Laughter] c5vsJxYlgk4-00274-00301757-00303060 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00275-00303061-00304293 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00276-00304294-00306510 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00277-00306511-00306750 um c5vsJxYlgk4-00278-00306751-00307706 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00279-00307707-00308039 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00280-00308040-00308791 foreign c5vsJxYlgk4-00281-00308792-00309517 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00282-00309518-00311394 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00283-00311395-00312215 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00284-00312216-00312369 foreign c5vsJxYlgk4-00285-00312370-00313575 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00286-00313576-00313716 foreign c5vsJxYlgk4-00287-00313717-00315015 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00288-00315016-00315446 foreign c5vsJxYlgk4-00289-00315447-00315585 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00290-00315586-00315676 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00291-00315677-00316546 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00292-00316547-00317459 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00294-00320514-00320539 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00295-00320540-00321797 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00296-00321798-00322624 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00297-00322625-00323428 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00298-00323429-00324758 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00299-00324759-00325700 foreign c5vsJxYlgk4-00300-00325701-00326234 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00301-00326235-00326269 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00302-00326270-00328174 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00303-00328175-00328806 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00304-00328807-00330247 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00305-00330248-00330800 you c5vsJxYlgk4-00306-00330801-00331316 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00308-00339959-00340706 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00309-00340707-00343039 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00310-00343040-00343187 um c5vsJxYlgk4-00311-00343188-00345052 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00312-00345053-00345740 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00313-00345741-00346611 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00314-00346612-00346637 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00315-00346638-00347271 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00316-00347272-00347490 um c5vsJxYlgk4-00317-00347491-00347818 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00318-00347819-00348193 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00319-00348194-00349731 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00320-00349732-00349775 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00321-00349776-00349912 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00322-00349913-00350258 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00323-00350259-00351308 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00324-00351309-00352333 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00325-00352334-00352421 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00326-00352422-00354251 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00327-00354252-00355251 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00328-00355252-00355474 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00329-00355475-00355615 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00330-00355616-00355772 um c5vsJxYlgk4-00331-00355773-00358017 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00332-00358018-00360756 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00333-00360757-00361188 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00336-00369400-00369869 foreign c5vsJxYlgk4-00337-00369870-00370506 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00338-00370507-00370617 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00339-00370618-00370989 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00340-00370990-00371962 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00341-00371963-00372506 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00342-00372507-00372624 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00343-00372625-00374104 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00344-00374105-00376472 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00345-00376473-00377146 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00346-00377147-00378916 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00347-00378917-00380821 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00348-00380822-00381673 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00349-00381674-00382191 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00350-00382192-00382384 foreign c5vsJxYlgk4-00351-00382385-00383654 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00352-00383655-00383949 um c5vsJxYlgk4-00353-00383950-00384981 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00354-00384982-00387214 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00355-00387215-00388261 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00356-00388262-00389254 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00357-00389255-00389393 um c5vsJxYlgk4-00358-00389394-00390687 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00359-00390688-00390867 m c5vsJxYlgk4-00360-00390868-00391570 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00361-00391571-00392551 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00362-00392552-00394462 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00363-00394463-00395497 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00364-00395498-00397697 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00365-00397698-00397729 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00366-00397730-00397940 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00367-00397941-00397980 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00368-00397981-00398894 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00369-00398895-00398932 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00370-00398933-00401767 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00371-00401768-00403008 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00372-00403009-00403121 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00373-00403122-00403397 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00374-00403398-00403863 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00375-00403864-00406047 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00376-00406048-00406216 um c5vsJxYlgk4-00377-00406217-00407423 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00378-00407424-00408400 um c5vsJxYlgk4-00379-00408401-00410239 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00380-00410239-00410375 m c5vsJxYlgk4-00381-00410376-00412529 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00382-00412530-00413287 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00383-00413288-00414732 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00384-00414733-00416275 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00385-00416276-00417162 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00387-00420247-00420906 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00388-00420907-00422839 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00389-00422839-00423777 you c5vsJxYlgk4-00390-00423778-00425687 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00391-00425688-00426472 project c5vsJxYlgk4-00392-00426474-00427592 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00393-00427593-00427676 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00394-00427677-00428084 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00395-00428085-00430576 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00396-00430577-00431730 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00397-00431731-00432622 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00398-00432623-00433350 um c5vsJxYlgk4-00399-00433351-00435512 [Music] c5vsJxYlgk4-00400-00435513-00435631 [Applause] c5vsJxYlgk4-00401-00435632-00437039 be c5vsJxYlgk4-00402-00437039-00437247 you c5MxyiBSEao-00000-00000277-00001243 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00001-00001244-00002017 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00002-00002018-00002923 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00003-00002924-00003927 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00004-00003928-00004151 scotland is not a real country you are c5MxyiBSEao-00005-00004152-00004286 an englishman with a dragon c5MxyiBSEao-00006-00004287-00006678 you c5MxyiBSEao-00007-00006679-00006895 scotland is not a real country you are c5MxyiBSEao-00008-00006895-00007039 an englishman with a driver c5MxyiBSEao-00009-00007040-00008407 you capture c5MxyiBSEao-00010-00008408-00008614 you capture my point i'll be defended by c5MxyiBSEao-00011-00008615-00008719 having this point c5MxyiBSEao-00012-00008720-00008910 bernie defending this point this is a c5MxyiBSEao-00013-00008911-00009127 campground this is the point of action c5MxyiBSEao-00014-00009128-00009391 this is my point go back out my point go c5MxyiBSEao-00015-00009392-00009606 back to scotland is not a real country c5MxyiBSEao-00016-00009607-00009814 you are an english man with a dragon you c5MxyiBSEao-00017-00009815-00011303 capture my point c5MxyiBSEao-00018-00011304-00011471 defended by having the point in that c5MxyiBSEao-00019-00011472-00011655 bernie defending this point this is not c5MxyiBSEao-00020-00011656-00011870 campground this is the point of action c5MxyiBSEao-00021-00011871-00012046 this is my point go back to outbreak c5MxyiBSEao-00022-00012047-00012263 this is my point go back scotland is not c5MxyiBSEao-00023-00012264-00012446 a real country you are an englishman c5MxyiBSEao-00024-00012447-00012527 where that's right c5MxyiBSEao-00025-00012528-00013593 you capture my point i'll be defended c5MxyiBSEao-00026-00013594-00014963 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00027-00014963-00015738 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00028-00015740-00016651 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00029-00016652-00017663 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00030-00017664-00017886 scotland is not a real country you are c5MxyiBSEao-00031-00017887-00018022 an englishman with a driver c5MxyiBSEao-00032-00018023-00018485 you capture my point i'll be defensive c5MxyiBSEao-00033-00018486-00019397 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00034-00019398-00020454 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00035-00020455-00021231 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00036-00021232-00023977 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00037-00023978-00024577 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00038-00024578-00025947 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00039-00025948-00026723 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00040-00026724-00027323 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00041-00027324-00028079 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00042-00028080-00028693 this c5MxyiBSEao-00043-00028694-00029483 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00044-00029483-00030069 is c5MxyiBSEao-00045-00030070-00031439 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00046-00031441-00033671 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00047-00033672-00034185 this is c5MxyiBSEao-00048-00034186-00036932 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00049-00036933-00037708 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00050-00037709-00038712 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00051-00038713-00039678 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00052-00039679-00041367 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00053-00041368-00042079 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00054-00042080-00043455 this c5MxyiBSEao-00055-00043456-00044823 this is c5MxyiBSEao-00056-00044824-00045170 this is my point c5MxyiBSEao-00057-00045171-00045946 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00058-00045947-00046199 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00059-00046200-00046950 this is c5MxyiBSEao-00060-00046951-00047916 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00061-00047917-00050662 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00062-00050663-00051438 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00063-00051439-00053409 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00064-00053410-00056154 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00065-00056155-00058854 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00066-00058855-00059071 scotland is not a real country you are c5MxyiBSEao-00067-00059072-00059215 an englishman with a dragon c5MxyiBSEao-00068-00059216-00059423 you capture my point i'll be defended by c5MxyiBSEao-00069-00059424-00059575 having that point may not be c5MxyiBSEao-00070-00059576-00059719 defending this point this is not c5MxyiBSEao-00071-00059720-00059887 campfire this is not going to back that c5MxyiBSEao-00072-00059888-00060135 grant this is my point of action c5MxyiBSEao-00073-00060136-00061591 my point go back scotland is c5MxyiBSEao-00074-00061591-00061823 scotland is not a real country you are c5MxyiBSEao-00075-00061824-00061959 an englishman with a dragon c5MxyiBSEao-00076-00061960-00062150 you capture my point i'll be dependent c5MxyiBSEao-00077-00062151-00062319 by having that point without bernie c5MxyiBSEao-00078-00062320-00062463 defending this point this is not c5MxyiBSEao-00079-00062464-00062671 champion this is not going to back back c5MxyiBSEao-00080-00062672-00062894 this is my point go back back out in my c5MxyiBSEao-00081-00062895-00063326 point of fact scotland is not a real c5MxyiBSEao-00082-00063327-00064326 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00083-00064327-00065158 scotland is not a real country c5MxyiBSEao-00084-00065159-00065882 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00085-00065883-00067129 is c5MxyiBSEao-00086-00067130-00068463 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00087-00068464-00068909 scotland is c5MxyiBSEao-00088-00068910-00069831 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00089-00069832-00070047 scotland is not a real country you are c5MxyiBSEao-00090-00070048-00071563 an englishman c5MxyiBSEao-00091-00071564-00072621 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00092-00072622-00074309 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00093-00074310-00075319 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00094-00075320-00075543 scotland is not a real country you are c5MxyiBSEao-00095-00075544-00075679 an englishman where that's right c5MxyiBSEao-00096-00075680-00077055 you c5MxyiBSEao-00097-00077056-00078062 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00098-00078063-00078287 scotland is not a real country you are c5MxyiBSEao-00099-00078288-00078462 an englishman with a dragon c5MxyiBSEao-00100-00078463-00079911 after my c5MxyiBSEao-00101-00079912-00080071 help me defend by having this point c5MxyiBSEao-00102-00080072-00080262 cannot burn me defending this point this c5MxyiBSEao-00103-00080263-00080438 is not campground this is the point of c5MxyiBSEao-00104-00080439-00080511 action c5MxyiBSEao-00105-00080512-00080735 this is my point go back out this is my c5MxyiBSEao-00106-00080736-00080950 point go back scotland is not a real c5MxyiBSEao-00107-00080951-00081023 country you c5MxyiBSEao-00108-00081024-00081199 are an englishman with a dragon you c5MxyiBSEao-00109-00081200-00082235 capture my point i'll c5MxyiBSEao-00110-00082236-00082694 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00111-00082695-00082855 defended by having that point get out c5MxyiBSEao-00112-00082856-00083047 bernie defending this point this is not c5MxyiBSEao-00113-00083048-00083255 campground this is the point of action c5MxyiBSEao-00114-00083256-00083438 this is my point go back to how great c5MxyiBSEao-00115-00083439-00083631 this is my point go back to scotland is c5MxyiBSEao-00116-00083632-00083791 not a real country here we're at c5MxyiBSEao-00117-00083792-00083918 englishman where that's right c5MxyiBSEao-00118-00083919-00084380 you capture my point i'll be defended c5MxyiBSEao-00119-00084381-00085494 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00120-00085495-00085647 having the point in that bernie c5MxyiBSEao-00121-00085648-00085791 defending this point this is not c5MxyiBSEao-00122-00085792-00086006 campground this is the point of action c5MxyiBSEao-00123-00086007-00086223 this is my point go back out this is my c5MxyiBSEao-00124-00086224-00086438 point go back to scotland is not a real c5MxyiBSEao-00125-00086439-00086599 country here where an englishman where c5MxyiBSEao-00126-00086600-00086662 that's right c5MxyiBSEao-00127-00086663-00087127 you capture my point i'll be defended c5MxyiBSEao-00128-00087128-00089097 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00129-00089098-00089873 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00130-00089874-00090877 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00131-00090878-00091791 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00132-00091792-00092015 scotland is not a real country you are c5MxyiBSEao-00133-00092016-00092159 an englishman with a dragon c5MxyiBSEao-00134-00092160-00092359 you capture my point i'll be defended by c5MxyiBSEao-00135-00092360-00093623 having the point for c5MxyiBSEao-00136-00093624-00094589 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00137-00094590-00095262 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00138-00095263-00096370 defending c5MxyiBSEao-00139-00096371-00097336 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00140-00097337-00099024 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00141-00099025-00099471 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00142-00099472-00100082 this is c5MxyiBSEao-00143-00100083-00100882 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00144-00100883-00102828 is c5MxyiBSEao-00145-00102829-00103686 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00146-00103688-00105063 this c5MxyiBSEao-00147-00105064-00105574 this is c5MxyiBSEao-00148-00105575-00106431 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00149-00106432-00107261 this is c5MxyiBSEao-00150-00107263-00107807 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00151-00107808-00108651 this is c5MxyiBSEao-00152-00108652-00110008 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00153-00110008-00112754 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00154-00112755-00113463 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00155-00113464-00114143 this is c5MxyiBSEao-00156-00114144-00114839 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00157-00114840-00116889 this is c5MxyiBSEao-00158-00116890-00117590 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00159-00117591-00119304 this is c5MxyiBSEao-00160-00119305-00120680 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00161-00120681-00122050 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00162-00122051-00122826 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00163-00122827-00123729 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00164-00123730-00124785 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00165-00124786-00127478 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00166-00127479-00127532 scotland c5MxyiBSEao-00167-00127533-00128308 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00168-00128308-00128908 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00169-00128908-00130286 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00170-00130288-00130608 is c5MxyiBSEao-00171-00130609-00131599 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00172-00131600-00131831 scotland is not a real country you are c5MxyiBSEao-00173-00131832-00131959 eating there c5MxyiBSEao-00174-00131960-00132166 you capture my point i'll be defended by c5MxyiBSEao-00175-00132167-00132319 having that point cannot bernie c5MxyiBSEao-00176-00132320-00132463 defending this point this is not c5MxyiBSEao-00177-00132464-00132678 campground this is the point of action c5MxyiBSEao-00178-00132679-00132895 this is my point go back to house is my c5MxyiBSEao-00179-00132896-00133111 point go back scotland is not a real c5MxyiBSEao-00180-00133112-00133278 country you are an englishman with a c5MxyiBSEao-00181-00133279-00133366 driver and you c5MxyiBSEao-00182-00133367-00133543 capture my point i'll be defended by c5MxyiBSEao-00183-00133544-00133695 having some points without bernie c5MxyiBSEao-00184-00133696-00133839 defending this point this is not c5MxyiBSEao-00185-00133840-00133887 champion c5MxyiBSEao-00186-00133888-00134087 this is not going to be granted this is c5MxyiBSEao-00187-00134088-00134254 my point of action c5MxyiBSEao-00188-00134255-00134805 my point scotland is c5MxyiBSEao-00189-00134806-00135719 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00190-00135720-00136101 scotland is c5MxyiBSEao-00191-00136102-00137095 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00192-00137096-00137550 scotland is not a real country c5MxyiBSEao-00193-00137551-00138471 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00194-00138472-00138687 scotland is not a real country you are c5MxyiBSEao-00195-00138688-00139292 an c5MxyiBSEao-00196-00139293-00139847 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00197-00139848-00140296 scotland is not a real country c5MxyiBSEao-00198-00140297-00141214 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00199-00141215-00141439 scotland is not a real country you are c5MxyiBSEao-00200-00141440-00142038 an englishman c5MxyiBSEao-00201-00142039-00143042 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00202-00143043-00143959 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00203-00143960-00144183 scotland is not a real country you are c5MxyiBSEao-00204-00144184-00145687 an englishman with a dragon c5MxyiBSEao-00205-00145688-00146711 you c5MxyiBSEao-00206-00146712-00146926 scotland is not a real country you are c5MxyiBSEao-00207-00146927-00148443 an englishman with a driver c5MxyiBSEao-00208-00148444-00149454 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00209-00149455-00149678 scotland is not a real country you are c5MxyiBSEao-00210-00149679-00149814 an englishman with a dragon c5MxyiBSEao-00211-00149815-00150877 you capture my c5MxyiBSEao-00212-00150878-00152247 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00213-00152248-00153023 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00214-00153024-00154027 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00215-00154028-00156774 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00216-00156775-00156911 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00217-00156912-00157102 the point yeah bernie defending this c5MxyiBSEao-00218-00157103-00157271 point this is the campground this is the c5MxyiBSEao-00219-00157272-00157390 point of action c5MxyiBSEao-00220-00157391-00157599 this is my point go back to outreach in c5MxyiBSEao-00221-00157600-00157751 my point go back scotland c5MxyiBSEao-00222-00157752-00157926 is not a real country you are an c5MxyiBSEao-00223-00157927-00158087 englishman with a driver you c5MxyiBSEao-00224-00158088-00158254 capture my point help me defend my c5MxyiBSEao-00225-00158255-00159115 having the c5MxyiBSEao-00226-00159116-00160485 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00227-00160486-00161261 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00228-00161262-00162266 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00229-00162267-00163232 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00230-00163233-00164005 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00231-00164006-00164920 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00232-00164921-00165978 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00233-00165979-00166751 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00234-00166752-00167654 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00235-00167655-00167871 you capture my point help me defend by c5MxyiBSEao-00236-00167872-00168071 having the point cannot be defending c5MxyiBSEao-00237-00168072-00168724 this point c5MxyiBSEao-00238-00168725-00169498 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00239-00169499-00170412 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00240-00170413-00171470 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00241-00171471-00172283 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00242-00172284-00173702 is c5MxyiBSEao-00243-00173703-00173919 this is the point of action this is my c5MxyiBSEao-00244-00173920-00174047 point go back check out c5MxyiBSEao-00245-00174048-00174263 this is my point go back scotland is not c5MxyiBSEao-00246-00174264-00174447 a real country you are an englishman c5MxyiBSEao-00247-00174448-00174526 with a dragon c5MxyiBSEao-00248-00174527-00174735 you capture my point i'll be defended by c5MxyiBSEao-00249-00174736-00174887 tapping the point cannot burn me c5MxyiBSEao-00250-00174888-00175083 defending this point this is not c5MxyiBSEao-00251-00175084-00176447 champion c5MxyiBSEao-00252-00176448-00176962 this is c5MxyiBSEao-00254-00180485-00182454 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00255-00182455-00183478 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00256-00183479-00184134 this c5MxyiBSEao-00257-00184135-00184838 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00258-00184839-00185190 this is c5MxyiBSEao-00259-00185191-00186214 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00260-00186215-00186566 this is c5MxyiBSEao-00261-00186567-00187590 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00262-00187591-00187878 this to calgary this is my point go back c5MxyiBSEao-00263-00187879-00188095 to scotland is not a real country you c5MxyiBSEao-00264-00188096-00188278 are an englishman with a driver you c5MxyiBSEao-00265-00188279-00188454 capture my point help me defend my c5MxyiBSEao-00266-00188455-00188607 tackling the point without bernie c5MxyiBSEao-00267-00188608-00188790 defending this point this is not camp c5MxyiBSEao-00268-00188791-00189014 this is a point though grant this is my c5MxyiBSEao-00269-00189015-00189624 point the backpack c5MxyiBSEao-00270-00189625-00190682 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00271-00190683-00192370 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00272-00192371-00193287 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00273-00193288-00193428 my c5MxyiBSEao-00274-00193429-00195116 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00275-00195117-00196950 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00276-00196951-00198871 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00277-00198872-00198920 scotland c5MxyiBSEao-00278-00198921-00199696 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00279-00199697-00200247 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00280-00200248-00200471 scotland is not a real country you are c5MxyiBSEao-00281-00200472-00200599 an easterner c5MxyiBSEao-00282-00200600-00200814 you capture my point help me defend by c5MxyiBSEao-00283-00200815-00200966 having the point in that bernie c5MxyiBSEao-00284-00200967-00201111 demanding this point this is not c5MxyiBSEao-00285-00201112-00201319 campground this is the point of action c5MxyiBSEao-00286-00201320-00201511 this is my point go back back out this c5MxyiBSEao-00287-00201512-00202442 is my point go back scotland is not c5MxyiBSEao-00288-00202443-00202990 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00289-00202991-00203223 scotland is not a real country you are c5MxyiBSEao-00290-00203224-00203350 eating them with that c5MxyiBSEao-00291-00203351-00203559 you capture my point i'll be defended by c5MxyiBSEao-00292-00203560-00203663 having that point c5MxyiBSEao-00293-00203664-00203854 bernie defending this point this is a c5MxyiBSEao-00294-00203855-00204063 campground this is the point of action c5MxyiBSEao-00295-00204064-00204271 this is my point go back to the house at c5MxyiBSEao-00296-00204272-00205734 my point go back scotland is not a real c5MxyiBSEao-00297-00205735-00206191 scotland is not a real country c5MxyiBSEao-00298-00206192-00207103 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00299-00207104-00207489 scotland is not a real country c5MxyiBSEao-00300-00207490-00208479 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00301-00208480-00208937 scotland is not a real country c5MxyiBSEao-00302-00208938-00209855 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00303-00209856-00210079 scotland is not a real country you are c5MxyiBSEao-00304-00210080-00211231 an c5MxyiBSEao-00306-00214340-00215351 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00307-00215352-00215575 scotland is not a real country you are c5MxyiBSEao-00308-00215576-00215687 an englishman where that's c5MxyiBSEao-00309-00215688-00217079 right c5MxyiBSEao-00310-00217080-00218094 you c5MxyiBSEao-00311-00218096-00218319 scotland is not a real country you are c5MxyiBSEao-00312-00218319-00218455 an englishman with a dragon c5MxyiBSEao-00313-00218456-00218919 you capture c5MxyiBSEao-00314-00218919-00220846 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00315-00220848-00221063 scotland is not a real country you are c5MxyiBSEao-00316-00221064-00221239 an englishman where that's right for you c5MxyiBSEao-00317-00221240-00221665 after my point c5MxyiBSEao-00318-00221666-00222265 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00319-00222266-00222687 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00320-00222688-00223635 help c5MxyiBSEao-00321-00223636-00225415 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00322-00225416-00226381 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00323-00226382-00227155 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00324-00227156-00228162 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00325-00228163-00228303 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00326-00228304-00228487 the point in that bernie defending this c5MxyiBSEao-00327-00228488-00228655 point this is the campground this is the c5MxyiBSEao-00328-00228656-00228855 point go back to grant this is my point c5MxyiBSEao-00329-00228856-00229071 go back to outreach is my point go back c5MxyiBSEao-00330-00229071-00229303 scotland is not a real country you are c5MxyiBSEao-00331-00229304-00229439 an englishman with a dragon c5MxyiBSEao-00332-00229440-00229646 you capture my point i'll be defended by c5MxyiBSEao-00333-00229648-00230907 having the c5MxyiBSEao-00334-00230908-00231094 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00335-00231096-00231287 in that bernie even this point this is c5MxyiBSEao-00336-00231288-00231455 the campground this is the point of c5MxyiBSEao-00337-00231456-00231527 action c5MxyiBSEao-00338-00231528-00231727 this is my point go back to outreach in c5MxyiBSEao-00339-00231728-00231958 my point go back scotland is not a real c5MxyiBSEao-00340-00231959-00232119 country you are an englishman where c5MxyiBSEao-00341-00232119-00232182 that's right c5MxyiBSEao-00342-00232183-00232391 you capture my point i'll be defended by c5MxyiBSEao-00343-00232392-00233558 having the point c5MxyiBSEao-00344-00233559-00233767 you capture my point help me defend by c5MxyiBSEao-00345-00233767-00234619 having the point c5MxyiBSEao-00346-00234621-00237366 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00347-00237367-00239065 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00348-00239066-00240112 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00349-00240113-00241891 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00350-00241892-00242246 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00351-00242248-00242858 this is c5MxyiBSEao-00352-00242859-00243682 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00353-00243683-00244537 is c5MxyiBSEao-00354-00244538-00245923 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00355-00245925-00248340 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00356-00248341-00249282 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00357-00249283-00249716 is c5MxyiBSEao-00358-00249717-00251086 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00359-00251087-00252773 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00360-00252775-00253487 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00361-00253488-00253832 this c5MxyiBSEao-00362-00253833-00254863 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00363-00254864-00255208 this is c5MxyiBSEao-00364-00255209-00256578 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00365-00256579-00258975 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00366-00258976-00259323 this is c5MxyiBSEao-00367-00259325-00262069 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00368-00262071-00263758 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00369-00263759-00266192 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00370-00266193-00267510 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00371-00267511-00267734 scotland is not a real country you are c5MxyiBSEao-00372-00267735-00267910 an englishman where that's right for you c5MxyiBSEao-00373-00267911-00268079 after my point i'll be defended by c5MxyiBSEao-00374-00268080-00268239 having the point without for me c5MxyiBSEao-00375-00268240-00268423 defending this point this is not camp c5MxyiBSEao-00376-00268424-00268591 this is not going to back back c5MxyiBSEao-00377-00268592-00268791 this is my point the back back out this c5MxyiBSEao-00378-00268792-00270255 is my point go back scotland c5MxyiBSEao-00379-00270256-00271084 scotland c5MxyiBSEao-00380-00271085-00271630 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00381-00271631-00273006 scotland c5MxyiBSEao-00382-00273007-00273230 scotland is not a real country you are c5MxyiBSEao-00383-00273231-00273367 an englishman with a dragon c5MxyiBSEao-00384-00273368-00273575 you capture my point i'll be defended by c5MxyiBSEao-00385-00273576-00273727 having that point may not burn me c5MxyiBSEao-00386-00273728-00273871 defending this point this is not c5MxyiBSEao-00387-00273872-00274079 champions c5MxyiBSEao-00388-00274080-00274351 this is my point of acting my point go c5MxyiBSEao-00389-00274352-00274754 back scotland is not a real c5MxyiBSEao-00390-00274755-00275751 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00391-00275752-00277134 scotland is not a real country c5MxyiBSEao-00392-00277135-00278495 scotland is not a real country c5MxyiBSEao-00393-00278496-00278719 scotland is not a real country you are c5MxyiBSEao-00394-00278720-00278855 an englishman with a dragon c5MxyiBSEao-00395-00278856-00279047 you capture my point he'll be defended c5MxyiBSEao-00396-00279048-00279223 by having that point c5MxyiBSEao-00397-00279224-00279367 defending this point this is not c5MxyiBSEao-00398-00279368-00279543 champion this is not going to be c5MxyiBSEao-00399-00279544-00279782 granted this is my point the backpack is c5MxyiBSEao-00400-00279783-00280082 my point go back scotland is not a real c5MxyiBSEao-00401-00280083-00280235 country c5MxyiBSEao-00402-00280236-00281239 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00403-00281240-00281471 scotland is not a real country you are c5MxyiBSEao-00404-00281472-00282615 an englishman c5MxyiBSEao-00405-00282616-00283991 scotland is not a real country c5MxyiBSEao-00406-00283992-00284215 scotland is not a real country you are c5MxyiBSEao-00407-00284216-00285358 an englishman with a c5MxyiBSEao-00408-00285359-00286743 scotland is not a real country c5MxyiBSEao-00409-00286744-00286958 scotland is not a real country you are c5MxyiBSEao-00410-00286959-00288463 an englishman with a dragon c5MxyiBSEao-00411-00288464-00289487 you c5MxyiBSEao-00412-00289488-00289703 scotland is not a real country you are c5MxyiBSEao-00413-00289704-00289839 an englishman with a dragon c5MxyiBSEao-00414-00289840-00291219 you capture c5MxyiBSEao-00415-00291220-00293053 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00416-00293054-00294095 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00417-00294096-00294271 be defended by having the point in that c5MxyiBSEao-00418-00294272-00294463 bernie defending this point this is not c5MxyiBSEao-00419-00294464-00294679 campground this is the point of action c5MxyiBSEao-00420-00294680-00294871 this is my point go back back out this c5MxyiBSEao-00421-00294872-00295079 is my point go back scotland is not a c5MxyiBSEao-00422-00295080-00295199 real country here c5MxyiBSEao-00423-00295200-00295367 at english man where that's right you c5MxyiBSEao-00424-00295368-00295799 capture my point i'll be dependent c5MxyiBSEao-00425-00295800-00296803 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00426-00296804-00297769 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00427-00297770-00299549 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00428-00299550-00299703 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00429-00299704-00299903 point cannot bernie defending this point c5MxyiBSEao-00430-00299904-00300079 this is not campground this is the point c5MxyiBSEao-00431-00300080-00300167 of action c5MxyiBSEao-00432-00300168-00300367 this is my point go back back out this c5MxyiBSEao-00433-00300368-00300527 is my point go back scotland c5MxyiBSEao-00434-00300528-00300703 is not a real country you are an c5MxyiBSEao-00435-00300704-00300863 englishman with a dragon you c5MxyiBSEao-00436-00300864-00301030 capture my point i'll be defended by c5MxyiBSEao-00437-00301031-00301291 having the point c5MxyiBSEao-00438-00301292-00303260 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00439-00303261-00304037 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00440-00304038-00304637 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00441-00304638-00306773 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00442-00306774-00307685 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00443-00307686-00308039 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00444-00308040-00308742 defending this c5MxyiBSEao-00445-00308743-00310523 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00446-00310524-00310879 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00447-00310880-00311489 this c5MxyiBSEao-00448-00311490-00312282 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00449-00312283-00312865 is c5MxyiBSEao-00450-00312866-00314235 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00451-00314236-00316015 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00452-00316016-00316471 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00453-00316472-00316981 this is c5MxyiBSEao-00454-00316982-00317757 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00455-00317758-00317882 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00456-00317883-00318761 is c5MxyiBSEao-00457-00318762-00319215 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00458-00319216-00319727 this is c5MxyiBSEao-00459-00319728-00320501 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00460-00320502-00321427 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00461-00321428-00322474 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00462-00322475-00324871 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00463-00324872-00325220 this c5MxyiBSEao-00464-00325221-00326247 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00465-00326248-00327615 this is c5MxyiBSEao-00466-00327616-00327965 this is my point c5MxyiBSEao-00467-00327966-00328991 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00468-00328992-00329654 this is c5MxyiBSEao-00469-00329655-00330367 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00470-00330368-00330712 this is c5MxyiBSEao-00471-00330713-00333287 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00472-00333288-00333458 this c5MxyiBSEao-00473-00333459-00334234 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00474-00334235-00335238 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00475-00335239-00336204 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00476-00336205-00337230 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00477-00337231-00338951 this is c5MxyiBSEao-00478-00338952-00340730 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00479-00340731-00341647 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00480-00341648-00341871 scotland is not a real country you are c5MxyiBSEao-00481-00341872-00342039 an englishman with a driver and you c5MxyiBSEao-00482-00342040-00342215 capture my point i'll be defended by c5MxyiBSEao-00483-00342216-00342367 having that point without bernie c5MxyiBSEao-00484-00342368-00342558 defending this point this is not camp c5MxyiBSEao-00485-00342559-00342695 this is not going to go back to that c5MxyiBSEao-00486-00342696-00343023 grant this is my point of action c5MxyiBSEao-00487-00343024-00343385 scotland is c5MxyiBSEao-00488-00343386-00344391 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00489-00344392-00344615 scotland is not a real country you are c5MxyiBSEao-00490-00344616-00344751 an englishman with a dragon c5MxyiBSEao-00491-00344752-00344958 you capture my point help me defend my c5MxyiBSEao-00492-00344959-00345119 having that point may not burn me c5MxyiBSEao-00493-00345120-00345303 defending this point this is not camp c5MxyiBSEao-00494-00345304-00345495 this is not going to go back back this c5MxyiBSEao-00495-00345496-00345678 is my point of action c5MxyiBSEao-00496-00345679-00347143 my point go back scotland is not a real c5MxyiBSEao-00497-00347144-00347367 scotland is not a real country you are c5MxyiBSEao-00498-00347368-00347503 an englishman with a dragon c5MxyiBSEao-00499-00347504-00347710 you capture my point i'll be defended by c5MxyiBSEao-00500-00347711-00347815 having that point c5MxyiBSEao-00501-00347816-00348006 for me defending this point this is not c5MxyiBSEao-00502-00348007-00348215 champion this is not pointing c5MxyiBSEao-00503-00348216-00348478 this is my point of action my point go c5MxyiBSEao-00504-00348479-00349887 back scotland is not a real country c5MxyiBSEao-00505-00349888-00351254 scotland is not a real country you c5MxyiBSEao-00506-00351255-00351634 scotland is not a real country c5MxyiBSEao-00507-00351635-00352630 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00508-00352631-00352854 scotland is not a real country you are c5MxyiBSEao-00509-00352855-00354006 an englishman c5MxyiBSEao-00510-00354007-00355375 scotland is not a real country c5MxyiBSEao-00511-00355376-00355599 scotland is not a real country you are c5MxyiBSEao-00512-00355600-00356751 an englishman with a tragedy c5MxyiBSEao-00513-00356752-00357115 scotland is not a real country c5MxyiBSEao-00514-00357116-00358127 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00515-00358128-00358351 scotland is not a real country you are c5MxyiBSEao-00516-00358352-00358463 an englishman where that's c5MxyiBSEao-00517-00358464-00358949 right you c5MxyiBSEao-00518-00358950-00359861 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00519-00359862-00360878 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00520-00360879-00361095 scotland is not a real country you are c5MxyiBSEao-00521-00361096-00361230 an englishman where that's right c5MxyiBSEao-00522-00361231-00362295 you capture c5MxyiBSEao-00523-00362296-00362627 [Music] c5MxyiBSEao-00524-00362628-00362928 is c6ILOjRS_Zc-00000-00000183-00000303 hi there it's me c6ILOjRS_Zc-00001-00000304-00000630 janette from the raw reset i am c6ILOjRS_Zc-00002-00000631-00000927 the co-founder here and i come to you c6ILOjRS_Zc-00003-00000927-00000983 live c6ILOjRS_Zc-00004-00000984-00001262 every sunday at 306 eastern standard c6ILOjRS_Zc-00005-00001263-00001335 time c6ILOjRS_Zc-00006-00001336-00001630 to share about the alkaline acid balance c6ILOjRS_Zc-00007-00001632-00001830 regenerative healing c6ILOjRS_Zc-00008-00001832-00002079 and yeah i'm just really excited for c6ILOjRS_Zc-00009-00002080-00002223 today because c6ILOjRS_Zc-00010-00002224-00002542 i have boris joining me and i'm gonna c6ILOjRS_Zc-00011-00002543-00002863 see if i can connect him right now he is c6ILOjRS_Zc-00012-00002864-00003047 a co-owner c6ILOjRS_Zc-00013-00003048-00003415 at the fruit haven ecuador c6ILOjRS_Zc-00014-00003415-00003695 so let's see if we can connect and if c6ILOjRS_Zc-00015-00003696-00003831 you're just joining please leave a c6ILOjRS_Zc-00016-00003832-00004063 comment let us know that you're here c6ILOjRS_Zc-00017-00004064-00004215 because this way we can see that you're c6ILOjRS_Zc-00018-00004216-00004583 here hey boris how's it going c6ILOjRS_Zc-00019-00004584-00004886 you're great i'm c6ILOjRS_Zc-00020-00004887-00005222 so excited that you're here wow c6ILOjRS_Zc-00021-00005223-00005575 we cannot take a while to get on yes you c6ILOjRS_Zc-00022-00005576-00005759 guys had some internet troubles i hear c6ILOjRS_Zc-00023-00005760-00005959 in the jungle yeah c6ILOjRS_Zc-00024-00005960-00006151 yeah once in a while it's not too often c6ILOjRS_Zc-00025-00006152-00006279 actually also power c6ILOjRS_Zc-00026-00006280-00006503 issues and yeah this is the rainy season c6ILOjRS_Zc-00027-00006504-00006583 so it got c6ILOjRS_Zc-00028-00006584-00006734 flooded and there was a lot of mess c6ILOjRS_Zc-00029-00006736-00006991 going on but it's fine now c6ILOjRS_Zc-00030-00006992-00007351 mostly oh my god i'm so happy this is c6ILOjRS_Zc-00031-00007352-00007455 working out c6ILOjRS_Zc-00032-00007456-00007687 i have been i have been following your c6ILOjRS_Zc-00033-00007688-00007919 youtube channel sorry as i just c6ILOjRS_Zc-00034-00007920-00008278 fixed my camera um yeah your youtube c6ILOjRS_Zc-00035-00008279-00008351 channel c6ILOjRS_Zc-00036-00008352-00008614 is it can you remind us uh what the uh c6ILOjRS_Zc-00037-00008615-00008855 channel is adventure boris c6ILOjRS_Zc-00038-00008856-00009174 adventure boris yet yes it's so c6ILOjRS_Zc-00039-00009175-00009463 fun and what is your cat's name because c6ILOjRS_Zc-00040-00009464-00009631 your cat is like a star c6ILOjRS_Zc-00041-00009632-00010023 in these videos who is it um we just c6ILOjRS_Zc-00042-00010024-00010231 name him cat we don't have uh we have c6ILOjRS_Zc-00043-00010232-00010391 some community meetings c6ILOjRS_Zc-00044-00010392-00010638 we decided we'll keep it as cat or he c6ILOjRS_Zc-00045-00010639-00010806 has his own instagram so you can check c6ILOjRS_Zc-00046-00010807-00011127 him out a fruit kitty cat c6ILOjRS_Zc-00047-00011128-00011383 fruit kitty cat that is awesome i can't c6ILOjRS_Zc-00048-00011384-00011559 even believe he eats cucumber and c6ILOjRS_Zc-00049-00011560-00011670 everything this is so c6ILOjRS_Zc-00050-00011671-00012023 fun yeah he likes so how do i c6ILOjRS_Zc-00051-00012024-00012278 okay how do i remove the comments or c6ILOjRS_Zc-00052-00012279-00012391 something c6ILOjRS_Zc-00053-00012392-00012646 no no no you can just let them flow it's c6ILOjRS_Zc-00054-00012647-00012807 it's kind of nice because this way c6ILOjRS_Zc-00055-00012808-00013007 um our members might have some questions c6ILOjRS_Zc-00056-00013008-00013127 for you as well i c6ILOjRS_Zc-00057-00013128-00013319 know that i have a lot of questions for c6ILOjRS_Zc-00058-00013319-00013438 boris c6ILOjRS_Zc-00059-00013440-00013622 sorry boris likes to talk over you i c6ILOjRS_Zc-00060-00013623-00013791 just want to welcome anyone who's c6ILOjRS_Zc-00061-00013791-00013958 jumping on this live c6ILOjRS_Zc-00062-00013959-00014175 i see that jessica you've joined us c6ILOjRS_Zc-00063-00014176-00014358 thank you so much oh and all the ladies c6ILOjRS_Zc-00064-00014359-00014391 from c6ILOjRS_Zc-00065-00014391-00014663 aggro trading are there so we're getting c6ILOjRS_Zc-00066-00014663-00014703 through c6ILOjRS_Zc-00067-00014704-00014943 overnight air force you might have seen c6ILOjRS_Zc-00068-00014944-00015038 from ecuador c6ILOjRS_Zc-00069-00015040-00015407 colombia yeah and cuba and these are the c6ILOjRS_Zc-00070-00015408-00015583 beautiful women that are hooking us up c6ILOjRS_Zc-00071-00015584-00015799 with the best fruit in toronto c6ILOjRS_Zc-00072-00015800-00016094 but i just really like i'm so honored to c6ILOjRS_Zc-00073-00016095-00016175 have you c6ILOjRS_Zc-00074-00016176-00016383 i just really appreciate your time i c6ILOjRS_Zc-00075-00016384-00016575 want to kind of get to these questions c6ILOjRS_Zc-00076-00016576-00016767 that i have prepared because c6ILOjRS_Zc-00077-00016768-00016983 really i like to just stay on live for c6ILOjRS_Zc-00078-00016984-00017150 about 45 minutes c6ILOjRS_Zc-00079-00017151-00017311 because we have a guest if you're c6ILOjRS_Zc-00080-00017312-00017471 willing to stay a little bit over that c6ILOjRS_Zc-00081-00017472-00017622 would be really nice we could just c6ILOjRS_Zc-00082-00017623-00017871 flow and see maybe you have an hour for c6ILOjRS_Zc-00083-00017872-00018422 us i'm not sure c6ILOjRS_Zc-00084-00018423-00018679 nice maybe maybe while i pull up the c6ILOjRS_Zc-00085-00018680-00018767 questions c6ILOjRS_Zc-00086-00018768-00018935 i'm just kind of thinking that people c6ILOjRS_Zc-00087-00018936-00019103 might be kind of curious because c6ILOjRS_Zc-00088-00019104-00019343 i know you live a raw vegan lifestyle c6ILOjRS_Zc-00089-00019344-00019511 would you be willing to share with us c6ILOjRS_Zc-00090-00019512-00019694 what you ate today just while i pull up c6ILOjRS_Zc-00091-00019695-00019911 the questions c6ILOjRS_Zc-00092-00019912-00020143 oh yeah let me see i had some lemon c6ILOjRS_Zc-00093-00020144-00020263 juice straight from the c6ILOjRS_Zc-00094-00020264-00020614 lemon tree here and i had some katook c6ILOjRS_Zc-00095-00020615-00020694 which is this c6ILOjRS_Zc-00096-00020695-00021014 uh delicious green leaf it has like a c6ILOjRS_Zc-00097-00021015-00021278 nutty flavor and that grows right now c6ILOjRS_Zc-00098-00021279-00021711 tastes like peanut butter i've tried it c6ILOjRS_Zc-00099-00021712-00021943 oh my god i love it in salads how do you c6ILOjRS_Zc-00100-00021944-00022063 just do you just eat it just c6ILOjRS_Zc-00101-00022064-00022247 straight up or do you put it yeah it c6ILOjRS_Zc-00102-00022248-00022455 depends this today i just was c6ILOjRS_Zc-00103-00022456-00022622 feeling like eating it so i just ate c6ILOjRS_Zc-00104-00022623-00022855 some and while i was picking the lemons c6ILOjRS_Zc-00105-00022856-00022975 and then uh c6ILOjRS_Zc-00106-00022976-00023150 what else did i eat i didn't remember c6ILOjRS_Zc-00107-00023151-00023383 now c6ILOjRS_Zc-00108-00023384-00023678 also from the land a papaya from the c6ILOjRS_Zc-00109-00023679-00023758 land c6ILOjRS_Zc-00110-00023759-00024111 and what else had something that c6ILOjRS_Zc-00111-00024112-00024455 was probably from yeah so basically most c6ILOjRS_Zc-00112-00024456-00024655 most of what i eat i try to eat from the c6ILOjRS_Zc-00113-00024656-00024750 land but we can't c6ILOjRS_Zc-00114-00024751-00024927 always have it so we do buy stuff from c6ILOjRS_Zc-00115-00024928-00025055 the market as well c6ILOjRS_Zc-00116-00025056-00025271 and we have some shops nearby and stuff c6ILOjRS_Zc-00117-00025272-00025399 so and neighbors also c6ILOjRS_Zc-00118-00025400-00025599 growing things so it's really nice to c6ILOjRS_Zc-00119-00025600-00025758 have c6ILOjRS_Zc-00120-00025760-00026150 fresh she's amazing right c6ILOjRS_Zc-00121-00026151-00026470 you're so inspiring boris like i really c6ILOjRS_Zc-00122-00026472-00026679 commend you for just the lifestyle that c6ILOjRS_Zc-00123-00026680-00026902 you've chosen like to be able to pick up c6ILOjRS_Zc-00124-00026904-00027095 and just leave this beautiful city of c6ILOjRS_Zc-00125-00027095-00027231 toronto canada c6ILOjRS_Zc-00126-00027232-00027495 and go live this like more simple life c6ILOjRS_Zc-00127-00027495-00027543 where you're c6ILOjRS_Zc-00128-00027544-00027774 eating off the land and you're working c6ILOjRS_Zc-00129-00027775-00028031 in permaculture design and all of this c6ILOjRS_Zc-00130-00028032-00028183 like you've really followed your heart c6ILOjRS_Zc-00131-00028183-00028295 and i just think that is so c6ILOjRS_Zc-00132-00028295-00028502 inspirational for our members here c6ILOjRS_Zc-00133-00028504-00028718 so thank you so much for joining us at c6ILOjRS_Zc-00134-00028719-00028831 the raw reset c6ILOjRS_Zc-00135-00028832-00029087 private group candy and i have put this c6ILOjRS_Zc-00136-00029088-00029207 together and c6ILOjRS_Zc-00137-00029208-00029535 candy was so encouraging for me to c6ILOjRS_Zc-00138-00029536-00029751 interview you because she's come out to c6ILOjRS_Zc-00139-00029752-00029951 ecuador she's come to the fruit c6ILOjRS_Zc-00140-00029952-00030214 haven eco village and she knows you c6ILOjRS_Zc-00141-00030216-00030479 personally c6ILOjRS_Zc-00142-00030480-00030718 yeah apparently you speak like five c6ILOjRS_Zc-00143-00030719-00030902 languages or so she's like you have to c6ILOjRS_Zc-00144-00030903-00031262 have boris he's like the smartest guy c6ILOjRS_Zc-00145-00031263-00031551 four languages that's still amazing c6ILOjRS_Zc-00146-00031552-00031679 that's amazing c6ILOjRS_Zc-00147-00031680-00031918 so could you maybe start off by telling c6ILOjRS_Zc-00148-00031919-00032118 us and by the way if anybody's just c6ILOjRS_Zc-00149-00032119-00032223 tuning in c6ILOjRS_Zc-00150-00032224-00032462 just let us know any questions for boris c6ILOjRS_Zc-00151-00032463-00032646 as they come up because this is what c6ILOjRS_Zc-00152-00032647-00032790 he's here for c6ILOjRS_Zc-00153-00032791-00033031 is to share and enlighten us on some c6ILOjRS_Zc-00154-00033032-00033287 beautiful ways of becoming more c6ILOjRS_Zc-00155-00033288-00033615 raw vegan or living a bit more um c6ILOjRS_Zc-00156-00033616-00033918 you know alkaline and raw diet c6ILOjRS_Zc-00157-00033919-00034183 and also a sustainable lifestyle so c6ILOjRS_Zc-00158-00034184-00034367 people can ask us questions as we go but c6ILOjRS_Zc-00159-00034368-00034535 maybe you want to start off by just c6ILOjRS_Zc-00160-00034536-00034735 telling us a little bit about yourself c6ILOjRS_Zc-00161-00034736-00034918 you know how you got into c6ILOjRS_Zc-00162-00034919-00035127 this type of lifestyle maybe a little c6ILOjRS_Zc-00163-00035128-00035295 bit about like your childhood what you c6ILOjRS_Zc-00164-00035296-00035511 ate back then versus how you're eating c6ILOjRS_Zc-00165-00035512-00035807 now and how you're living now c6ILOjRS_Zc-00166-00035808-00036030 yeah that's good questions to think back c6ILOjRS_Zc-00167-00036031-00036183 because uh yeah i had a c6ILOjRS_Zc-00168-00036184-00036430 longer journey kind of getting to raw c6ILOjRS_Zc-00169-00036431-00036535 foods c6ILOjRS_Zc-00170-00036536-00036887 um so yeah but i also have a interesting c6ILOjRS_Zc-00171-00036888-00037095 life story why i know the all the c6ILOjRS_Zc-00172-00037096-00037207 languages um c6ILOjRS_Zc-00173-00037208-00037487 so i'm actually belarusian jewish c6ILOjRS_Zc-00174-00037488-00037639 background so my c6ILOjRS_Zc-00175-00037640-00037823 my parents back then it was all the c6ILOjRS_Zc-00176-00037824-00038030 soviets so it was all russian eastern c6ILOjRS_Zc-00177-00038031-00038174 europe was all c6ILOjRS_Zc-00178-00038175-00038367 many countries were like part of russia c6ILOjRS_Zc-00179-00038368-00038487 so belarus c6ILOjRS_Zc-00180-00038488-00038735 is one of them it's near poland ukraine c6ILOjRS_Zc-00181-00038736-00038999 in that area over there c6ILOjRS_Zc-00182-00039000-00039343 and so yeah i was born there but i c6ILOjRS_Zc-00183-00039344-00039502 don't remember it because my entire c6ILOjRS_Zc-00184-00039503-00039727 family moved to israel so i c6ILOjRS_Zc-00185-00039728-00039911 was about a year old when i moved there c6ILOjRS_Zc-00186-00039912-00040135 so growing up in israel i was also kind c6ILOjRS_Zc-00187-00040136-00040271 of confused about my c6ILOjRS_Zc-00188-00040272-00040462 nationality like in my israeli russian c6ILOjRS_Zc-00189-00040463-00040679 because at home we speak russian and c6ILOjRS_Zc-00190-00040680-00040911 so yeah growing up i was having like c6ILOjRS_Zc-00191-00040912-00041207 what my mom cooked was mostly these uh c6ILOjRS_Zc-00192-00041208-00041518 um uh russian dishes and c6ILOjRS_Zc-00193-00041519-00041711 i didn't really eat so much out because c6ILOjRS_Zc-00194-00041712-00041879 i was still a kid so i didn't go out c6ILOjRS_Zc-00195-00041880-00041943 much c6ILOjRS_Zc-00196-00041944-00042118 so i was mostly eating my mom's cooking c6ILOjRS_Zc-00197-00042119-00042295 and she's a kind of c6ILOjRS_Zc-00198-00042296-00042535 doctor she was always into medicine and c6ILOjRS_Zc-00199-00042536-00042615 also c6ILOjRS_Zc-00200-00042616-00042895 into like holistic and plants and c6ILOjRS_Zc-00201-00042896-00043055 alternative medicine c6ILOjRS_Zc-00202-00043056-00043343 so she was making whole plant foods for c6ILOjRS_Zc-00203-00043344-00043551 the most part i do remember yeah we had c6ILOjRS_Zc-00204-00043552-00043630 things c6ILOjRS_Zc-00205-00043631-00043927 uh you know usual things like bread and c6ILOjRS_Zc-00206-00043928-00044015 uh c6ILOjRS_Zc-00207-00044016-00044327 and without meat but it was pretty c6ILOjRS_Zc-00208-00044328-00044487 rare and you know dairy and things like c6ILOjRS_Zc-00209-00044488-00044662 that but the quality of food in israel i c6ILOjRS_Zc-00210-00044663-00044807 think was pretty high c6ILOjRS_Zc-00211-00044808-00044990 and then my parents didn't like the c6ILOjRS_Zc-00212-00044991-00045151 whole war situation in can c6ILOjRS_Zc-00213-00045152-00045487 and they moved to canada so in uh c6ILOjRS_Zc-00214-00045488-00045662 i was about 12 years old at that point c6ILOjRS_Zc-00215-00045663-00045846 so i was a kid i was excited to learn c6ILOjRS_Zc-00216-00045847-00046039 english so that's why i speak russian c6ILOjRS_Zc-00217-00046040-00046230 and hebrew and english and then now i'm c6ILOjRS_Zc-00218-00046231-00046407 learning spanish so i got c6ILOjRS_Zc-00219-00046408-00046743 four languages that's amazing my c6ILOjRS_Zc-00220-00046744-00046886 lifestyle was different c6ILOjRS_Zc-00221-00046887-00047207 yeah well if you had a mother like that c6ILOjRS_Zc-00222-00047208-00047415 you know feeding you living foods you c6ILOjRS_Zc-00223-00047416-00047607 know no wonder you were as sharp as a c6ILOjRS_Zc-00224-00047608-00047671 whip c6ILOjRS_Zc-00225-00047672-00047943 you know this is such electricity right c6ILOjRS_Zc-00226-00047944-00048135 for the nervous system that is so c6ILOjRS_Zc-00227-00048136-00048374 cool i didn't know that about your mom c6ILOjRS_Zc-00228-00048375-00048502 that's awesome yes c6ILOjRS_Zc-00229-00048503-00048671 thank you for sharing she wasn't uh c6ILOjRS_Zc-00230-00048672-00048886 vegetarian or anything c6ILOjRS_Zc-00231-00048887-00049102 for a while i guess we were yeah we were c6ILOjRS_Zc-00232-00049103-00049262 kind of eating mixed food and i c6ILOjRS_Zc-00233-00049263-00049446 i remember feeling the quality of food c6ILOjRS_Zc-00234-00049447-00049615 difference in canada was definitely c6ILOjRS_Zc-00235-00049616-00049702 lower and c6ILOjRS_Zc-00236-00049703-00049967 um i did try things like fast food and c6ILOjRS_Zc-00237-00049968-00050079 mcdonald's and c6ILOjRS_Zc-00238-00050080-00050335 sometimes i even felt like um well just c6ILOjRS_Zc-00239-00050336-00050551 thinking back i remember a time where i c6ILOjRS_Zc-00240-00050552-00050590 uh c6ILOjRS_Zc-00241-00050591-00050758 begged my parents to go to mcdonald's c6ILOjRS_Zc-00242-00050759-00050918 but it was only like once c6ILOjRS_Zc-00243-00050919-00051095 or twice or a few times that they kind c6ILOjRS_Zc-00244-00051096-00051270 of said okay and then c6ILOjRS_Zc-00245-00051271-00051446 ever since then i mostly ate like c6ILOjRS_Zc-00246-00051447-00051638 primarily my mom's c6ILOjRS_Zc-00247-00051639-00051790 food but there was definitely some c6ILOjRS_Zc-00248-00051791-00051958 processed food i remember you know c6ILOjRS_Zc-00249-00051959-00052142 cereals milk things like that c6ILOjRS_Zc-00250-00052144-00052454 but then it took some time um c6ILOjRS_Zc-00251-00052455-00052679 and i remember that dairy was not doing c6ILOjRS_Zc-00252-00052679-00052854 good with me when i was a kid growing up c6ILOjRS_Zc-00253-00052855-00052966 like c6ILOjRS_Zc-00254-00052967-00053142 every morning i had the dairy in israel c6ILOjRS_Zc-00255-00053144-00053326 it was okay as a kid but then c6ILOjRS_Zc-00256-00053327-00053566 it was really bad uh like a lot of you c6ILOjRS_Zc-00257-00053567-00053735 know gas and it was not good on my c6ILOjRS_Zc-00258-00053736-00053911 digestion so i luckily c6ILOjRS_Zc-00259-00053912-00054223 stopped with that uh and then yeah c6ILOjRS_Zc-00260-00054224-00054303 slowly c6ILOjRS_Zc-00261-00054304-00054471 i don't know yeah i had also the phase c6ILOjRS_Zc-00262-00054472-00054647 you know as a teenager i was c6ILOjRS_Zc-00263-00054648-00054871 eating more like junk food and pizzas c6ILOjRS_Zc-00264-00054872-00055007 and things like that but c6ILOjRS_Zc-00265-00055008-00055207 still primarily i guess it was my mom's c6ILOjRS_Zc-00266-00055208-00055319 food but c6ILOjRS_Zc-00267-00055320-00055550 really what changed is when i you know c6ILOjRS_Zc-00268-00055551-00055679 started working c6ILOjRS_Zc-00269-00055679-00055894 i was lucky enough now everybody's c6ILOjRS_Zc-00270-00055895-00056054 learning about working from home but i c6ILOjRS_Zc-00271-00056055-00056119 was c6ILOjRS_Zc-00272-00056120-00056287 lucky enough to get the working from c6ILOjRS_Zc-00273-00056288-00056415 home because i just didn't like to c6ILOjRS_Zc-00274-00056416-00056479 commute c6ILOjRS_Zc-00275-00056479-00056719 and so i was still eating my mom's c6ILOjRS_Zc-00276-00056720-00056830 cooking primarily c6ILOjRS_Zc-00277-00056832-00057054 and then once i decided well i can c6ILOjRS_Zc-00278-00057055-00057150 actually travel c6ILOjRS_Zc-00279-00057151-00057430 and work so i actually went traveling c6ILOjRS_Zc-00280-00057432-00057519 this was back c6ILOjRS_Zc-00281-00057520-00057766 you know the digital nomad boom so i was c6ILOjRS_Zc-00282-00057767-00057991 a computer programmer traveling c6ILOjRS_Zc-00283-00057991-00058223 and uh and pretty soon after i started c6ILOjRS_Zc-00284-00058224-00058359 traveling i learned about c6ILOjRS_Zc-00285-00058360-00058623 fruits and like i was drawn to nature c6ILOjRS_Zc-00286-00058624-00058791 and my brother told me check it out c6ILOjRS_Zc-00287-00058791-00059047 dr moore's and all the like ted carr c6ILOjRS_Zc-00288-00059048-00059191 these people i looked at c6ILOjRS_Zc-00289-00059191-00059359 and it just made sense i was like yeah c6ILOjRS_Zc-00290-00059360-00059526 fruit and i can travel and i can be c6ILOjRS_Zc-00291-00059527-00059575 healthy c6ILOjRS_Zc-00292-00059576-00059735 all the time any country i'm not going c6ILOjRS_Zc-00293-00059736-00059935 to be worried i can eat fruits c6ILOjRS_Zc-00294-00059936-00060126 all across the world everywhere so that c6ILOjRS_Zc-00295-00060127-00060238 was how i c6ILOjRS_Zc-00296-00060239-00060430 became like a fruitarian traveler that's c6ILOjRS_Zc-00297-00060432-00060623 why i called myself fruit adventure like c6ILOjRS_Zc-00298-00060624-00060742 i was just traveling c6ILOjRS_Zc-00299-00060744-00061126 yes i love the name i love that c6ILOjRS_Zc-00300-00061127-00061511 yeah thanks that's perfect and c6ILOjRS_Zc-00301-00061512-00061719 after some years of traveling i was more c6ILOjRS_Zc-00302-00061720-00061894 drawn to fruit c6ILOjRS_Zc-00303-00061895-00062071 loving people because i was traveling i c6ILOjRS_Zc-00304-00062072-00062223 was seeing people c6ILOjRS_Zc-00305-00062224-00062526 around and it was yeah it was pretty fun c6ILOjRS_Zc-00306-00062527-00062566 but c6ILOjRS_Zc-00307-00062567-00062766 uh telling them about fruit lifestyle c6ILOjRS_Zc-00308-00062767-00062966 and sometimes they're interested c6ILOjRS_Zc-00309-00062967-00063199 sometimes i even met fruitarians but c6ILOjRS_Zc-00310-00063200-00063471 it was like uh yeah just wanted to be c6ILOjRS_Zc-00311-00063472-00063647 more more like-minded people so i c6ILOjRS_Zc-00312-00063648-00063838 started going to festival i went to the c6ILOjRS_Zc-00313-00063839-00064015 canada fruit festival c6ILOjRS_Zc-00314-00064016-00064254 and then i went to the woodstock fruits c6ILOjRS_Zc-00315-00064255-00064406 well actually that was later so c6ILOjRS_Zc-00316-00064407-00064647 after the canada fruit festival i found c6ILOjRS_Zc-00317-00064648-00064782 here fruit haven c6ILOjRS_Zc-00318-00064783-00064982 and then i wanted to keep traveling so i c6ILOjRS_Zc-00319-00064983-00065166 went back to canada and i went to the c6ILOjRS_Zc-00320-00065167-00065359 woodstock fruit festival and then i came c6ILOjRS_Zc-00321-00065360-00065438 back c6ILOjRS_Zc-00322-00065439-00065591 and yeah i've been here ever since c6ILOjRS_Zc-00323-00065592-00065775 basically c6ILOjRS_Zc-00324-00065776-00065999 that is so cool you said your brother c6ILOjRS_Zc-00325-00066000-00066150 introduced you to like more of a c6ILOjRS_Zc-00326-00066151-00066294 fruitarian c6ILOjRS_Zc-00327-00066295-00066463 way of eating is this like an older c6ILOjRS_Zc-00328-00066464-00066726 brother or yeah he's older i have one c6ILOjRS_Zc-00329-00066727-00066926 older brother and that's it and then c6ILOjRS_Zc-00330-00066927-00067111 after he did that actually interesting c6ILOjRS_Zc-00331-00067112-00067271 so i was influenced very c6ILOjRS_Zc-00332-00067272-00067463 quickly i just said yeah make sense c6ILOjRS_Zc-00333-00067464-00067671 let's do it eat fruit and he c6ILOjRS_Zc-00334-00067672-00067935 he got into it as well so he's yeah he c6ILOjRS_Zc-00335-00067936-00068143 was unsure at first he said well let's c6ILOjRS_Zc-00336-00068144-00068199 find out c6ILOjRS_Zc-00337-00068200-00068399 what do you think is this good and he c6ILOjRS_Zc-00338-00068400-00068550 was into it but he c6ILOjRS_Zc-00339-00068551-00068703 took some time to get into it and then c6ILOjRS_Zc-00340-00068704-00068926 my mom she already stopped with the c6ILOjRS_Zc-00341-00068927-00069126 gluten because she had problems with c6ILOjRS_Zc-00342-00069127-00069326 gluten so even like five years before c6ILOjRS_Zc-00343-00069327-00069399 that c6ILOjRS_Zc-00344-00069400-00069623 and then after well i was like yeah c6ILOjRS_Zc-00345-00069624-00069767 let's just eat fruits and she c6ILOjRS_Zc-00346-00069768-00070094 she decided to be vegetarian so that or c6ILOjRS_Zc-00347-00070095-00070263 actually vegan i guess at that point she c6ILOjRS_Zc-00348-00070264-00070487 went vegan with no gluten c6ILOjRS_Zc-00349-00070488-00070782 and then my dad was slowly he was more c6ILOjRS_Zc-00350-00070783-00070950 like she prepares the food for him so c6ILOjRS_Zc-00351-00070951-00071119 it'll be primarily dog but if he asked c6ILOjRS_Zc-00352-00071120-00071231 for something c6ILOjRS_Zc-00353-00071232-00071447 um then she might do it and then he c6ILOjRS_Zc-00354-00071448-00071638 dropped the dairy slowly he took some c6ILOjRS_Zc-00355-00071639-00071806 years and i think now they're both whole c6ILOjRS_Zc-00356-00071807-00071999 plant vegan as well so we got c6ILOjRS_Zc-00357-00072000-00072367 my whole family on it oh my gosh that's c6ILOjRS_Zc-00358-00072368-00072519 amazing i'm just curious how many c6ILOjRS_Zc-00359-00072520-00072703 siblings do you have c6ILOjRS_Zc-00360-00072704-00072943 yeah just the one older brother the one c6ILOjRS_Zc-00361-00072944-00073006 older brother c6ILOjRS_Zc-00362-00073007-00073215 it's so wonderful to have an older c6ILOjRS_Zc-00363-00073216-00073343 sibling because c6ILOjRS_Zc-00364-00073344-00073550 they often will influence us in a c6ILOjRS_Zc-00365-00073551-00073662 positive way c6ILOjRS_Zc-00366-00073663-00073855 um they could also influence in other c6ILOjRS_Zc-00367-00073856-00074047 ways that are not so positive c6ILOjRS_Zc-00368-00074048-00074319 but i know with my older sister like she c6ILOjRS_Zc-00369-00074320-00074462 had she was into raw c6ILOjRS_Zc-00370-00074463-00074711 foods she was into yoga she was into all c6ILOjRS_Zc-00371-00074712-00074894 of this way before me c6ILOjRS_Zc-00372-00074895-00075119 and thank god she got me into yoga c6ILOjRS_Zc-00373-00075120-00075231 because this is where c6ILOjRS_Zc-00374-00075232-00075438 i believe when your body's more flexible c6ILOjRS_Zc-00375-00075439-00075567 like i was gonna ask you if your c6ILOjRS_Zc-00376-00075568-00075711 family's into yoga because c6ILOjRS_Zc-00377-00075712-00075903 if your body's more flexible then your c6ILOjRS_Zc-00378-00075904-00076106 mind is more flexible like you're more c6ILOjRS_Zc-00379-00076107-00076335 open-minded c6ILOjRS_Zc-00380-00076336-00076679 are you guys into any like movement c6ILOjRS_Zc-00381-00076680-00077126 yeah yeah this makes a lot of mistakes c6ILOjRS_Zc-00382-00077127-00077367 yeah i think she does do basic yoga my c6ILOjRS_Zc-00383-00077368-00077559 mom is definitely the more open c6ILOjRS_Zc-00384-00077560-00077743 into these kinds of things my dad is c6ILOjRS_Zc-00385-00077744-00077894 slowly getting into this stuff c6ILOjRS_Zc-00386-00077895-00078079 and yeah they just for now they just c6ILOjRS_Zc-00387-00078080-00078287 kind of walk around like they do certain c6ILOjRS_Zc-00388-00078288-00078503 i don't know walking and that's their c6ILOjRS_Zc-00389-00078504-00078606 exercise but c6ILOjRS_Zc-00390-00078607-00078823 uh yeah i like yoga i was traveling when c6ILOjRS_Zc-00391-00078824-00079079 i was going like different i was hiking c6ILOjRS_Zc-00392-00079080-00079231 i was doing yoga i was in c6ILOjRS_Zc-00393-00079232-00079423 india i was in thailand i was in many c6ILOjRS_Zc-00394-00079424-00079550 places and c6ILOjRS_Zc-00395-00079551-00079959 yeah it was great oh my god you've been c6ILOjRS_Zc-00396-00079960-00080199 all around i feel like we're gonna c6ILOjRS_Zc-00397-00080200-00080279 definitely c6ILOjRS_Zc-00398-00080280-00080471 do this again if you're open to it c6ILOjRS_Zc-00399-00080472-00080679 because honestly like an hour is not c6ILOjRS_Zc-00400-00080680-00080855 gonna be enough c6ILOjRS_Zc-00401-00080856-00081079 yes this would be good maybe we go till c6ILOjRS_Zc-00402-00081080-00081159 4 pm c6ILOjRS_Zc-00403-00081160-00081406 eastern standard time what time are you c6ILOjRS_Zc-00404-00081407-00081671 guys on over in ecuador c6ILOjRS_Zc-00405-00081672-00082006 uh i think it's it's similar but we c6ILOjRS_Zc-00406-00082007-00082159 don't have the c6ILOjRS_Zc-00407-00082160-00082479 the time saving or whatever so right now c6ILOjRS_Zc-00408-00082480-00082606 we're at 2 p.m so c6ILOjRS_Zc-00409-00082607-00082911 in the winter time at the same time c6ILOjRS_Zc-00410-00082912-00083167 oh my god that's so cool we could talk c6ILOjRS_Zc-00411-00083168-00083406 on whatsapp and stuff then because c6ILOjRS_Zc-00412-00083407-00083575 some of my friends and my sister c6ILOjRS_Zc-00413-00083576-00083838 actually are in australia so it's really c6ILOjRS_Zc-00414-00083839-00084031 difficult to connect with them because c6ILOjRS_Zc-00415-00084032-00084223 they're like a whole day difference you c6ILOjRS_Zc-00416-00084224-00084287 know there's c6ILOjRS_Zc-00417-00084288-00084462 only a small segment of time that i c6ILOjRS_Zc-00418-00084463-00084599 could speak with them also c6ILOjRS_Zc-00419-00084600-00084935 our dear friend and regenerative detox c6ILOjRS_Zc-00420-00084936-00085079 specialist cuba c6ILOjRS_Zc-00421-00085080-00085399 he is living in spain and i know he c6ILOjRS_Zc-00422-00085400-00085591 really wanted to make this interview so c6ILOjRS_Zc-00423-00085592-00085711 i'll see if he c6ILOjRS_Zc-00424-00085712-00085926 does jump on kuba if you're here with us c6ILOjRS_Zc-00425-00085927-00086023 let us know c6ILOjRS_Zc-00426-00086024-00086271 uh but yeah it's often difficult for us c6ILOjRS_Zc-00427-00086272-00086462 to connect but we really love to have c6ILOjRS_Zc-00428-00086463-00086671 like really nice chats because c6ILOjRS_Zc-00429-00086672-00086999 you know like it's not so common to c6ILOjRS_Zc-00430-00087000-00087167 like you were saying earlier to have c6ILOjRS_Zc-00431-00087168-00087318 friends that are into c6ILOjRS_Zc-00432-00087319-00087494 the same thing that you're into c6ILOjRS_Zc-00433-00087495-00087759 especially since i think there's like c6ILOjRS_Zc-00434-00087760-00087999 you you know in terms of detox people c6ILOjRS_Zc-00435-00088000-00088262 and raw fruitarian people i think like c6ILOjRS_Zc-00436-00088263-00088559 there's one percent like of us out there c6ILOjRS_Zc-00437-00088560-00088750 so it's not always so easy but we are c6ILOjRS_Zc-00438-00088751-00089031 like lighthouses all over the world now c6ILOjRS_Zc-00439-00089032-00089118 so c6ILOjRS_Zc-00440-00089119-00089535 i'm so happy you're shining your light c6ILOjRS_Zc-00441-00089536-00089799 exactly it's funny because there was a c6ILOjRS_Zc-00442-00089800-00090006 conversation c6ILOjRS_Zc-00443-00090007-00090287 quickly uh yes ecuador that's what yeah c6ILOjRS_Zc-00444-00090288-00090582 it's if you want to check it out it's in c6ILOjRS_Zc-00445-00090583-00090975 our website c6ILOjRS_Zc-00446-00090976-00091311 yes jessica and so she's c6ILOjRS_Zc-00447-00091312-00091391 actually c6ILOjRS_Zc-00448-00091392-00091862 from ecuador too she's from there c6ILOjRS_Zc-00449-00091863-00092143 yeah and then i also have some friends c6ILOjRS_Zc-00450-00092144-00092182 and c6ILOjRS_Zc-00451-00092183-00092471 slash clients that are also from ecuador c6ILOjRS_Zc-00452-00092472-00092526 who i c6ILOjRS_Zc-00453-00092527-00092711 invited to join us on this maybe they c6ILOjRS_Zc-00454-00092712-00092862 catch the recording if they're not here c6ILOjRS_Zc-00455-00092863-00092982 with us live but c6ILOjRS_Zc-00456-00092983-00093206 diana and lydia they're such beautiful c6ILOjRS_Zc-00457-00093207-00093335 sisters that are from c6ILOjRS_Zc-00458-00093336-00093615 ecuador and they've given me the honor c6ILOjRS_Zc-00459-00093616-00093823 and opportunity to help like their whole c6ILOjRS_Zc-00460-00093824-00094071 family with detox like i've been helping c6ILOjRS_Zc-00461-00094072-00094143 you know one c6ILOjRS_Zc-00462-00094144-00094399 one of the young girls she was like four c6ILOjRS_Zc-00463-00094400-00094662 years old i did her iris analysis c6ILOjRS_Zc-00464-00094663-00094918 and her mom diana is like feeding them c6ILOjRS_Zc-00465-00094919-00095111 like so much fruit and getting it from c6ILOjRS_Zc-00466-00095112-00095359 aggro trading here in toronto so jessica c6ILOjRS_Zc-00467-00095360-00095471 is um c6ILOjRS_Zc-00468-00095472-00095806 i believe the uh founder or owner c6ILOjRS_Zc-00469-00095807-00096126 of agro trading so she's with us here c6ILOjRS_Zc-00470-00096127-00096287 today so thank you jessica for being c6ILOjRS_Zc-00471-00096288-00096399 with us and c6ILOjRS_Zc-00472-00096400-00096582 boris thank you for telling us a little c6ILOjRS_Zc-00473-00096583-00096774 bit about your upbringing and c6ILOjRS_Zc-00474-00096775-00097126 you know how you got into raw foods um c6ILOjRS_Zc-00475-00097127-00097326 i wanted to know like a little bit more c6ILOjRS_Zc-00476-00097327-00097550 about your experience maybe your journey c6ILOjRS_Zc-00477-00097551-00097791 with detoxification and raw foods if c6ILOjRS_Zc-00478-00097792-00098062 you'd like to speak about that c6ILOjRS_Zc-00479-00098063-00098343 yeah yeah so basically where i pick up c6ILOjRS_Zc-00480-00098344-00098559 that is like i started the traveling and c6ILOjRS_Zc-00481-00098560-00098631 then c6ILOjRS_Zc-00482-00098632-00099006 i went uh basically when i got into c6ILOjRS_Zc-00483-00099007-00099231 traveling i was more yeah i wasn't sure c6ILOjRS_Zc-00484-00099232-00099431 i wanted to try the local foods and c6ILOjRS_Zc-00485-00099432-00099574 but i was still eating like a lot of c6ILOjRS_Zc-00486-00099575-00099767 fruits and and then uh c6ILOjRS_Zc-00487-00099768-00099974 my brother was in thailand and he said c6ILOjRS_Zc-00488-00099975-00100094 come over and c6ILOjRS_Zc-00489-00100095-00100415 travel there and yeah basically c6ILOjRS_Zc-00490-00100416-00100582 i wasn't sure about it so i started c6ILOjRS_Zc-00491-00100583-00100774 looking up all the videos at that time c6ILOjRS_Zc-00492-00100775-00100926 it was ted carr and c6ILOjRS_Zc-00493-00100927-00101182 eating a lot of fruit and i just c6ILOjRS_Zc-00494-00101183-00101343 increased my fruits c6ILOjRS_Zc-00495-00101344-00101591 so i don't remember having like a strong c6ILOjRS_Zc-00496-00101592-00101911 detox but c6ILOjRS_Zc-00497-00101912-00102103 later about maybe a year and a half c6ILOjRS_Zc-00498-00102104-00102326 later i had some detox symptoms and i c6ILOjRS_Zc-00499-00102327-00102447 made like a blog post c6ILOjRS_Zc-00500-00102448-00102654 detailing it but i'll go briefly so with c6ILOjRS_Zc-00501-00102655-00102806 some sort of uh c6ILOjRS_Zc-00502-00102807-00103063 um i'm still yeah i have no idea what c6ILOjRS_Zc-00503-00103064-00103294 kind of infection or what it was but c6ILOjRS_Zc-00504-00103295-00103486 basically nothing helped with it and i c6ILOjRS_Zc-00505-00103488-00103647 was eating primarily fruits at that c6ILOjRS_Zc-00506-00103648-00103694 point c6ILOjRS_Zc-00507-00103695-00103863 over a year a year and a half it was on c6ILOjRS_Zc-00508-00103864-00104039 my leg and um c6ILOjRS_Zc-00509-00104040-00104230 so i decided to try the master fast c6ILOjRS_Zc-00510-00104231-00104463 system uh because nothing else really c6ILOjRS_Zc-00511-00104464-00104551 worked and the c6ILOjRS_Zc-00512-00104552-00104830 yeah you heard of that so and um gino c6ILOjRS_Zc-00513-00104831-00104910 and rana are c6ILOjRS_Zc-00514-00104911-00105119 like dear brother dear brother and dear c6ILOjRS_Zc-00515-00105120-00105239 sister in my life c6ILOjRS_Zc-00516-00105240-00105407 yeah i really love them the founders of c6ILOjRS_Zc-00517-00105408-00105639 the master fast yeah c6ILOjRS_Zc-00518-00105640-00105758 yeah they're great they asked me c6ILOjRS_Zc-00519-00105759-00106015 actually to go on live at some point but c6ILOjRS_Zc-00520-00106016-00106223 i didn't do that yet maybe okay did you c6ILOjRS_Zc-00521-00106224-00106351 go underneath c6ILOjRS_Zc-00522-00106352-00106566 yeah you could look up jeanette annakini c6ILOjRS_Zc-00523-00106567-00106758 my full name on youtube c6ILOjRS_Zc-00524-00106759-00107007 and the first video that pops up is just c6ILOjRS_Zc-00525-00107008-00107239 gino interviewing me about um c6ILOjRS_Zc-00526-00107240-00107383 i think it was three years ago when i c6ILOjRS_Zc-00527-00107383-00107615 did my 40 just finished my 40 day c6ILOjRS_Zc-00528-00107616-00107886 concord grape juice fast with them c6ILOjRS_Zc-00529-00107888-00108071 yeah yeah that's pretty powerful stuff c6ILOjRS_Zc-00530-00108072-00108223 yeah at first it was kind of c6ILOjRS_Zc-00531-00108224-00108478 learning what is it why i was not sure c6ILOjRS_Zc-00532-00108479-00108527 like oh c6ILOjRS_Zc-00533-00108528-00108678 why is it cooked and so learning all c6ILOjRS_Zc-00534-00108679-00108878 these things is very interesting and c6ILOjRS_Zc-00535-00108879-00109086 so yeah just jumped on it got all the c6ILOjRS_Zc-00536-00109088-00109190 ingredients and c6ILOjRS_Zc-00537-00109191-00109351 the amount of healing and yeah i would c6ILOjRS_Zc-00538-00109352-00109575 say that was the transition point it's c6ILOjRS_Zc-00539-00109576-00109615 like c6ILOjRS_Zc-00540-00109616-00109823 before and after masterful basically i c6ILOjRS_Zc-00541-00109824-00110063 did like in total 30 days but c6ILOjRS_Zc-00542-00110064-00110271 after that it's it's pretty miraculous c6ILOjRS_Zc-00543-00110272-00110390 like the c6ILOjRS_Zc-00544-00110391-00110671 changes are just i can be on fruit c6ILOjRS_Zc-00545-00110672-00110799 around people even some c6ILOjRS_Zc-00546-00110800-00110910 people that come here and they c6ILOjRS_Zc-00547-00110911-00111078 transition they might be cooking and c6ILOjRS_Zc-00548-00111079-00111183 different things like c6ILOjRS_Zc-00549-00111183-00111366 some things i'm okay with whole plants c6ILOjRS_Zc-00550-00111367-00111583 but other things like i wouldn't even go c6ILOjRS_Zc-00551-00111583-00111807 anywhere near you know things like rice c6ILOjRS_Zc-00552-00111808-00111927 or bread or well c6ILOjRS_Zc-00553-00111928-00112151 that's not really allowed here amazing c6ILOjRS_Zc-00554-00112152-00112310 but people might have to c6ILOjRS_Zc-00555-00112311-00112543 you know put up with these things and so c6ILOjRS_Zc-00556-00112544-00112654 yeah that's c6ILOjRS_Zc-00557-00112655-00112815 that's why people come here they want to c6ILOjRS_Zc-00558-00112816-00112999 go away from these sort of environment c6ILOjRS_Zc-00559-00113000-00113199 like we have i can do a little tour at c6ILOjRS_Zc-00560-00113200-00113327 some point maybe c6ILOjRS_Zc-00561-00113328-00113702 maybe that'd be amazing c6ILOjRS_Zc-00562-00113703-00113919 yeah if you want to do the tour whenever c6ILOjRS_Zc-00563-00113920-00114047 you're ready i mean c6ILOjRS_Zc-00564-00114048-00114247 show us around this is uh this is a c6ILOjRS_Zc-00565-00114248-00114415 magical place maybe you tell us a little c6ILOjRS_Zc-00566-00114416-00114495 bit too c6ILOjRS_Zc-00567-00114496-00114686 i hope i'm not interrupting but like c6ILOjRS_Zc-00568-00114688-00114847 when you're doing the tour you tell us a c6ILOjRS_Zc-00569-00114848-00115015 little bit about how like you know c6ILOjRS_Zc-00570-00115016-00115271 our members can come out and do like a c6ILOjRS_Zc-00571-00115272-00115351 raw c6ILOjRS_Zc-00572-00115352-00115583 you know lifestyle with you maybe learn c6ILOjRS_Zc-00573-00115583-00115727 about permaculture or whatever it is c6ILOjRS_Zc-00574-00115728-00115863 that you guys are offering there at c6ILOjRS_Zc-00575-00115864-00116039 fruit haven eco village i'd love to c6ILOjRS_Zc-00576-00116040-00116271 learn more c6ILOjRS_Zc-00577-00116272-00116583 yeah the main thing we have kind of uh c6ILOjRS_Zc-00578-00116583-00116902 main two options are renting rooms and c6ILOjRS_Zc-00579-00116903-00117047 buying land so c6ILOjRS_Zc-00580-00117048-00117263 people come for that and in the future c6ILOjRS_Zc-00581-00117264-00117447 we want to be able to offer c6ILOjRS_Zc-00582-00117448-00117623 more of these like we already do c6ILOjRS_Zc-00583-00117624-00117823 permaculture so you're welcome to come c6ILOjRS_Zc-00584-00117824-00117983 with us and learn about it and we'll do c6ILOjRS_Zc-00585-00117983-00118199 like workshops if you're interested c6ILOjRS_Zc-00586-00118200-00118423 and then we don't have like a structured c6ILOjRS_Zc-00587-00118424-00118566 course yet but we do have lots of c6ILOjRS_Zc-00588-00118567-00118727 materials i can c6ILOjRS_Zc-00589-00118728-00118919 see the library here we have lots of c6ILOjRS_Zc-00590-00118920-00119110 different interesting books from detox c6ILOjRS_Zc-00591-00119111-00119215 to permaculture c6ILOjRS_Zc-00592-00119216-00119519 to uh spirituality to c6ILOjRS_Zc-00593-00119520-00119775 you know what have you even basically c6ILOjRS_Zc-00594-00119776-00120158 everything that i love c6ILOjRS_Zc-00595-00120159-00120663 that's amazing we have of course c6ILOjRS_Zc-00596-00120664-00120958 oh this the miracle source what is it c6ILOjRS_Zc-00597-00120959-00121134 again how does he call it it's a long c6ILOjRS_Zc-00598-00121135-00121271 name c6ILOjRS_Zc-00599-00121272-00121510 yeah the source quest miracle source c6ILOjRS_Zc-00600-00121511-00121614 book oh c6ILOjRS_Zc-00601-00121615-00121871 thank you dr robert morris one of our c6ILOjRS_Zc-00602-00121872-00122007 mentors and c6ILOjRS_Zc-00603-00122008-00122247 beautiful healers living the camera i'm c6ILOjRS_Zc-00604-00122248-00122399 not sure yeah c6ILOjRS_Zc-00605-00122400-00122751 it's backwards it's hard to see okay c6ILOjRS_Zc-00606-00122752-00123086 okay show us the kids the land i need to c6ILOjRS_Zc-00607-00123088-00123166 see what's going c6ILOjRS_Zc-00608-00123167-00123471 on over there i'll flip the camera c6ILOjRS_Zc-00609-00123472-00123647 okay and this is how the kitchen looks c6ILOjRS_Zc-00610-00123648-00123814 so we got the library here c6ILOjRS_Zc-00611-00123815-00124047 to the right and some medical we have c6ILOjRS_Zc-00612-00124048-00124254 different tinctures and herbs if anyone c6ILOjRS_Zc-00613-00124255-00124439 needs those and then c6ILOjRS_Zc-00614-00124440-00124743 i'll pan over here we have a fruit shelf c6ILOjRS_Zc-00615-00124744-00124934 where we store bananas c6ILOjRS_Zc-00616-00124935-00125271 to keep them safe from craters and bugs c6ILOjRS_Zc-00617-00125272-00125399 and such c6ILOjRS_Zc-00618-00125400-00125607 so that's our fresh bananas all organic c6ILOjRS_Zc-00619-00125608-00125790 100 c6ILOjRS_Zc-00620-00125791-00126102 as different kinds yeah so many c6ILOjRS_Zc-00621-00126103-00126199 different kinds not like c6ILOjRS_Zc-00622-00126200-00126414 just the cavendish that we have here c6ILOjRS_Zc-00623-00126415-00126502 guys like there's c6ILOjRS_Zc-00624-00126503-00126695 so many boars can tell you all the c6ILOjRS_Zc-00625-00126696-00126863 different varieties i'm sure you could c6ILOjRS_Zc-00626-00126864-00126910 share c6ILOjRS_Zc-00627-00126911-00127366 like not today but like c6ILOjRS_Zc-00628-00127367-00127710 oh what's that sorry say that again c6ILOjRS_Zc-00629-00127711-00127910 we have probably close to a dozen c6ILOjRS_Zc-00630-00127911-00128119 varieties maybe something like that c6ILOjRS_Zc-00631-00128120-00128399 oh my god yum and speaking about herbal c6ILOjRS_Zc-00632-00128400-00128502 tinctures too c6ILOjRS_Zc-00633-00128503-00128790 like just to go backwards for a second c6ILOjRS_Zc-00634-00128791-00128902 because you mentioned you have some c6ILOjRS_Zc-00635-00128903-00129023 herbal tinctures there c6ILOjRS_Zc-00636-00129024-00129263 like last week with the super moon i c6ILOjRS_Zc-00637-00129264-00129423 don't know if you felt it c6ILOjRS_Zc-00638-00129424-00129631 but thank goodness this is the last c6ILOjRS_Zc-00639-00129632-00129847 super moon for a while guys and mercury c6ILOjRS_Zc-00640-00129848-00130078 just ended the retrograde so i'm feeling c6ILOjRS_Zc-00641-00130079-00130286 a lot lighter this week but last week c6ILOjRS_Zc-00642-00130288-00130527 i so needed all my herbal tinctures just c6ILOjRS_Zc-00643-00130528-00130734 because of the emotions you know c6ILOjRS_Zc-00644-00130735-00131023 i went on a uh live with gino master c6ILOjRS_Zc-00645-00131024-00131183 gino from the master fast system and i c6ILOjRS_Zc-00646-00131184-00131375 said i'm emotional today i just need c6ILOjRS_Zc-00647-00131376-00131487 your company c6ILOjRS_Zc-00648-00131488-00131663 i love that you're showing us as i chat c6ILOjRS_Zc-00649-00131664-00131799 with you and uh c6ILOjRS_Zc-00650-00131800-00131983 he goes oh if you're emotional you know c6ILOjRS_Zc-00651-00131984-00132271 the herbs are very helpful for that c6ILOjRS_Zc-00652-00132272-00132454 have you had much experience with c6ILOjRS_Zc-00653-00132455-00132911 emotions and using herbal tinctures c6ILOjRS_Zc-00654-00132912-00133159 uh yeah yeah i think well basically it's c6ILOjRS_Zc-00655-00133160-00133295 just mostly using c6ILOjRS_Zc-00656-00133296-00133543 them in the master fest and he kind of c6ILOjRS_Zc-00657-00133544-00133751 says uh yeah if you're not doing fasting c6ILOjRS_Zc-00658-00133752-00133831 they're not c6ILOjRS_Zc-00659-00133832-00134071 necessary but but yeah i can definitely c6ILOjRS_Zc-00660-00134072-00134239 see if you're feeling something c6ILOjRS_Zc-00661-00134240-00134511 i'll be like once in a while not because c6ILOjRS_Zc-00662-00134512-00134614 are powerful c6ILOjRS_Zc-00663-00134615-00134823 yeah something to keep yeah we have some c6ILOjRS_Zc-00664-00134824-00134983 herb local herbs c6ILOjRS_Zc-00665-00134984-00135190 uh we don't have as much of a knowledge c6ILOjRS_Zc-00666-00135191-00135327 on them but we have things like c6ILOjRS_Zc-00667-00135328-00135471 lemongrass and ginger c6ILOjRS_Zc-00668-00135472-00135814 turmeric those kinds of things and c6ILOjRS_Zc-00669-00135815-00136031 the turmeric grows like crazy there c6ILOjRS_Zc-00670-00136032-00136183 right yeah c6ILOjRS_Zc-00671-00136184-00136535 yeah it just takes self it's yeah c6ILOjRS_Zc-00672-00136536-00136727 that's amazing i'm getting tumeric from c6ILOjRS_Zc-00673-00136728-00136919 agro and it's like the freshest they c6ILOjRS_Zc-00674-00136920-00137014 bring it like i say c6ILOjRS_Zc-00675-00137015-00137414 overnight from ecuador and it's like c6ILOjRS_Zc-00676-00137415-00137599 oh my god the freshest turmeric i've c6ILOjRS_Zc-00677-00137600-00137863 ever had c6ILOjRS_Zc-00678-00137864-00138214 wow what's all this c6ILOjRS_Zc-00679-00138215-00138414 this is lemongrass really fragrant c6ILOjRS_Zc-00680-00138415-00138551 delicious c6ILOjRS_Zc-00681-00138552-00138790 i mean it's not really for eating but c6ILOjRS_Zc-00682-00138791-00138871 maybe a tea c6ILOjRS_Zc-00683-00138872-00139095 or this is the ketuke i don't know if c6ILOjRS_Zc-00684-00139096-00139223 you might remember c6ILOjRS_Zc-00685-00139224-00139551 how it looks yes oh my god it looks so c6ILOjRS_Zc-00686-00139552-00139814 delicious because i know i know it c6ILOjRS_Zc-00687-00139815-00139999 tastes like peanut butter and i want it c6ILOjRS_Zc-00688-00140000-00140439 right now yeah c6ILOjRS_Zc-00689-00140440-00140631 i will check the comments too if you c6ILOjRS_Zc-00690-00140632-00140814 guys are watching i'm spitting out my c6ILOjRS_Zc-00691-00140815-00140966 juice c6ILOjRS_Zc-00692-00140967-00141351 i'm gonna check the comments c6ILOjRS_Zc-00693-00141352-00141678 oh yeah let's see oh yeah okay c6ILOjRS_Zc-00694-00141679-00142054 yes coconuts c6ILOjRS_Zc-00695-00142055-00142359 and uh she knows it lemongrass is c6ILOjRS_Zc-00696-00142360-00142687 so good in soup i really love it in like c6ILOjRS_Zc-00697-00142688-00142783 you know like a thai c6ILOjRS_Zc-00698-00142784-00143063 soup coconut um kind of like a sweet c6ILOjRS_Zc-00699-00143064-00143239 potato i mean i know we're talking with c6ILOjRS_Zc-00700-00143240-00143407 a raw vegan here but c6ILOjRS_Zc-00701-00143408-00143607 do you ever just have like a little like c6ILOjRS_Zc-00702-00143608-00143926 cooked veggies at times boris or yes c6ILOjRS_Zc-00703-00143927-00144102 yeah yeah just a little bit here and c6ILOjRS_Zc-00704-00144103-00144399 there's kind of foods yeah c6ILOjRS_Zc-00705-00144400-00144678 yeah i'm not strict on on it uh but c6ILOjRS_Zc-00706-00144679-00144831 generally i'll probably c6ILOjRS_Zc-00707-00144832-00145111 i don't know between 80 and whatever c6ILOjRS_Zc-00708-00145112-00145223 percentage of c6ILOjRS_Zc-00709-00145224-00145526 raw but here's our vegetable garden we c6ILOjRS_Zc-00710-00145527-00145766 have tim working in there c6ILOjRS_Zc-00711-00145767-00145959 so we're trying to it's harder in the c6ILOjRS_Zc-00712-00145960-00146111 tropics because we have a lot of rain c6ILOjRS_Zc-00713-00146112-00146214 here but c6ILOjRS_Zc-00714-00146215-00146407 we have also a lot of compost from all c6ILOjRS_Zc-00715-00146408-00146639 the fruit scraps and stuff so we can c6ILOjRS_Zc-00716-00146640-00147014 have high quality vegetables and c6ILOjRS_Zc-00717-00147015-00147199 uh yeah i don't know what else i could c6ILOjRS_Zc-00718-00147200-00147343 show i guess we've got a little how many c6ILOjRS_Zc-00719-00147344-00147390 rooms c6ILOjRS_Zc-00720-00147391-00147759 do you guys have over there how many c6ILOjRS_Zc-00721-00147760-00147911 yeah that's a good point i can have a c6ILOjRS_Zc-00722-00147912-00148173 look at some rooms c6ILOjRS_Zc-00723-00148174-00148335 [Applause] c6ILOjRS_Zc-00724-00148336-00148614 we have various options i'll show one of c6ILOjRS_Zc-00725-00148615-00148678 the c6ILOjRS_Zc-00726-00148679-00148863 one of the basic rooms here near the c6ILOjRS_Zc-00727-00148864-00148990 kitchen c6ILOjRS_Zc-00728-00148991-00149414 so that this is kind of a c6ILOjRS_Zc-00729-00149415-00149766 little room but we have other cabins c6ILOjRS_Zc-00730-00149767-00149902 generally people want to be c6ILOjRS_Zc-00731-00149903-00150254 separated further from the communal area c6ILOjRS_Zc-00732-00150255-00150487 so this is kind of we have the mosquito c6ILOjRS_Zc-00733-00150488-00150639 net c6ILOjRS_Zc-00734-00150640-00150975 bring that nice it's important in those c6ILOjRS_Zc-00735-00150976-00151511 countries i know this is very important c6ILOjRS_Zc-00736-00151512-00151863 do you ever just sleep under them c6ILOjRS_Zc-00737-00151864-00152063 boris do you ever just sleep under like c6ILOjRS_Zc-00738-00152064-00152183 the sky like with c6ILOjRS_Zc-00739-00152184-00152366 nothing like you're not even in a room c6ILOjRS_Zc-00740-00152367-00152566 like you're just i don't know c6ILOjRS_Zc-00741-00152567-00152751 do you ever do that i have done that c6ILOjRS_Zc-00742-00152752-00152935 i've done that in places c6ILOjRS_Zc-00743-00152936-00153111 much drier like when i traveled in c6ILOjRS_Zc-00744-00153112-00153263 mexico and c6ILOjRS_Zc-00745-00153264-00153526 in india and places like that but here i c6ILOjRS_Zc-00746-00153527-00153695 don't know i guess i haven't i think c6ILOjRS_Zc-00747-00153696-00153895 it's definitely possible but here it's a c6ILOjRS_Zc-00748-00153896-00154047 more rainy c6ILOjRS_Zc-00749-00154048-00154199 kind of place so you'll probably end up c6ILOjRS_Zc-00750-00154200-00154447 getting rained on eventually but c6ILOjRS_Zc-00751-00154448-00154751 oh but i can sleep in the open if you c6ILOjRS_Zc-00752-00154752-00154831 see c6ILOjRS_Zc-00753-00154832-00155031 some of my videos or my cabin i'm c6ILOjRS_Zc-00754-00155032-00155151 showing it's got no c6ILOjRS_Zc-00755-00155152-00155335 walls at this time i'm not i'm probably c6ILOjRS_Zc-00756-00155336-00155495 not going to put walls either c6ILOjRS_Zc-00757-00155496-00155799 i like it like just open yes in the air c6ILOjRS_Zc-00758-00155800-00155990 yes i've seen this before i don't know c6ILOjRS_Zc-00759-00155991-00156166 if you know who eric rivkin c6ILOjRS_Zc-00760-00156167-00156511 is boris do you know c6ILOjRS_Zc-00761-00156512-00156831 i've heard of yeah so so he like c6ILOjRS_Zc-00762-00156832-00157119 owns the top of like a shorter mountain c6ILOjRS_Zc-00763-00157120-00157302 in costa rica so he can have all his c6ILOjRS_Zc-00764-00157303-00157447 fruit trees because obviously like if c6ILOjRS_Zc-00765-00157448-00157566 it's a tall mountain c6ILOjRS_Zc-00766-00157567-00157878 the altitude you can't grow um but so he c6ILOjRS_Zc-00767-00157879-00158119 actually has like a cabin that has no c6ILOjRS_Zc-00768-00158120-00158214 walls c6ILOjRS_Zc-00769-00158215-00158439 and it's for like his guests to come and c6ILOjRS_Zc-00770-00158440-00158575 stay and i always just like c6ILOjRS_Zc-00771-00158576-00158847 really think about this like i just c6ILOjRS_Zc-00772-00158848-00159039 dream about sleeping under the stars c6ILOjRS_Zc-00773-00159040-00159166 guys like it is the most c6ILOjRS_Zc-00774-00159167-00159375 beautiful feeling i didn't even care in c6ILOjRS_Zc-00775-00159376-00159559 costa rica that i was getting eaten c6ILOjRS_Zc-00776-00159560-00159759 while i was sleeping by mosquitoes just c6ILOjRS_Zc-00777-00159760-00159807 to have c6ILOjRS_Zc-00778-00159808-00160111 like the open sky above me was absolute c6ILOjRS_Zc-00779-00160112-00160199 heaven so c6ILOjRS_Zc-00780-00160200-00160526 but i do have to admit that i'm not c6ILOjRS_Zc-00781-00160527-00160814 quite so down to earth as you boris and c6ILOjRS_Zc-00782-00160815-00161007 that i really need people like you c6ILOjRS_Zc-00783-00161008-00161254 around me to encourage me to kind of let c6ILOjRS_Zc-00784-00161255-00161414 go of some of my comforts like c6ILOjRS_Zc-00785-00161415-00161878 if you've seen my mattress what c6ILOjRS_Zc-00786-00161879-00162039 connect with the earth by walking c6ILOjRS_Zc-00787-00162040-00162239 barefoot c6ILOjRS_Zc-00788-00162240-00162471 that one i really love i was already c6ILOjRS_Zc-00789-00162472-00162671 earthing today like just in the grass c6ILOjRS_Zc-00790-00162672-00162854 but see i'm like such a princess like c6ILOjRS_Zc-00791-00162855-00163399 oh i'll go barefoot when it's grass c6ILOjRS_Zc-00792-00163400-00163751 it's so cute oh we have some okay so we c6ILOjRS_Zc-00793-00163752-00163783 got c6ILOjRS_Zc-00794-00163784-00164111 basil here yep many herbs but uh yeah in c6ILOjRS_Zc-00795-00164112-00164278 terms of the rooms i guess i couldn't c6ILOjRS_Zc-00796-00164279-00164799 get too far from here c6ILOjRS_Zc-00797-00164800-00165183 and um what else oh yeah well c6ILOjRS_Zc-00798-00165184-00165407 let me get back to i have some notes to c6ILOjRS_Zc-00799-00165408-00165543 see where we're at yeah if you have c6ILOjRS_Zc-00800-00165544-00165695 other questions i'll answer c6ILOjRS_Zc-00801-00165696-00166023 i do i have more questions okay c6ILOjRS_Zc-00802-00166024-00166223 very cool i really appreciate the tour c6ILOjRS_Zc-00803-00166224-00166414 i'm like really looking forward to c6ILOjRS_Zc-00804-00166415-00166590 coming there one day c6ILOjRS_Zc-00805-00166591-00166935 uh diana was saying maybe um in november c6ILOjRS_Zc-00806-00166936-00167166 she comes to ecuador so i will connect c6ILOjRS_Zc-00807-00167167-00167319 whoever i can c6ILOjRS_Zc-00808-00167320-00167487 because i think this is going to be of c6ILOjRS_Zc-00809-00167488-00167623 great benefit to c6ILOjRS_Zc-00810-00167624-00168023 all beings hey there's cat hi cats c6ILOjRS_Zc-00811-00168024-00168431 little sleepy beauty sleeping beauty c6ILOjRS_Zc-00812-00168432-00168638 this is like the ecuadorian version of c6ILOjRS_Zc-00813-00168639-00168863 my boyfriend's cat because my boyfriend c6ILOjRS_Zc-00814-00168864-00169031 has the same cat c6ILOjRS_Zc-00815-00169032-00169295 but like yours is like i don't know a c6ILOjRS_Zc-00816-00169296-00169487 little bit like more c6ILOjRS_Zc-00817-00169488-00169751 i think more fit you know because he c6ILOjRS_Zc-00818-00169752-00169911 lives in the jungle and probably a c6ILOjRS_Zc-00819-00169912-00170047 little bit happier c6ILOjRS_Zc-00820-00170048-00170302 than our cat archie but we love archie c6ILOjRS_Zc-00821-00170303-00170671 and they could be brothers i think c6ILOjRS_Zc-00822-00170672-00170943 so let's see um if anybody's joining us c6ILOjRS_Zc-00823-00170944-00171071 just let us know if you have any c6ILOjRS_Zc-00824-00171072-00171238 questions for boris he's c6ILOjRS_Zc-00825-00171239-00171626 he's so well educated in raw foods c6ILOjRS_Zc-00826-00171627-00171775 detoxification c6ILOjRS_Zc-00827-00171776-00171975 and herbal medicine as well as c6ILOjRS_Zc-00828-00171976-00172143 permaculture and living a more c6ILOjRS_Zc-00829-00172144-00172326 sustainable life he's from toronto c6ILOjRS_Zc-00830-00172327-00172399 canada but c6ILOjRS_Zc-00831-00172400-00172735 he now resides in ecuador how cool is c6ILOjRS_Zc-00832-00172736-00172878 that i'm going to continue with some c6ILOjRS_Zc-00833-00172879-00172959 questions so c6ILOjRS_Zc-00834-00172960-00173135 if you have any questions please drop c6ILOjRS_Zc-00835-00173136-00173311 them in the comments we'd be happy to c6ILOjRS_Zc-00836-00173312-00173383 answer them c6ILOjRS_Zc-00837-00173384-00173551 and if you're catching the recording you c6ILOjRS_Zc-00838-00173552-00173743 can also ask questions because boris and c6ILOjRS_Zc-00839-00173744-00173799 i will just c6ILOjRS_Zc-00840-00173800-00174023 like follow up you know later on we can c6ILOjRS_Zc-00841-00174024-00174119 just check back c6ILOjRS_Zc-00842-00174120-00174583 you know so let us know q a and c6ILOjRS_Zc-00843-00174584-00174863 oh that'd be so lovely we can make you c6ILOjRS_Zc-00844-00174864-00175007 like a regular guest c6ILOjRS_Zc-00845-00175008-00175263 if you want the raw recess it's so fun c6ILOjRS_Zc-00846-00175264-00175351 to have you c6ILOjRS_Zc-00847-00175352-00175678 yeah so tell us c6ILOjRS_Zc-00848-00175679-00175951 a bit about the fruit haven eco village c6ILOjRS_Zc-00849-00175952-00176151 and how it got started and a little bit c6ILOjRS_Zc-00850-00176152-00176483 more about how it operates if you don't c6ILOjRS_Zc-00851-00176484-00176631 mind c6ILOjRS_Zc-00852-00176632-00177254 oh yeah let me pull up my notes here c6ILOjRS_Zc-00853-00177255-00177614 let me see there is something i gotta do c6ILOjRS_Zc-00854-00177615-00177775 because i think our power went out so i c6ILOjRS_Zc-00855-00177776-00178023 gotta turn the generator back on okay c6ILOjRS_Zc-00856-00178024-00178535 take your time all good c6ILOjRS_Zc-00857-00178536-00178847 in the meantime the place looks c6ILOjRS_Zc-00858-00178848-00178902 beautiful c6ILOjRS_Zc-00859-00178903-00179111 and there's there's all our comments are c6ILOjRS_Zc-00860-00179112-00179311 so supportive and loving c6ILOjRS_Zc-00861-00179312-00179511 thank you beautiful ones for leaving c6ILOjRS_Zc-00862-00179512-00179631 comments c6ILOjRS_Zc-00863-00179632-00179847 it makes me really excited that you're c6ILOjRS_Zc-00864-00179848-00180023 as excited about fruit as c6ILOjRS_Zc-00865-00180024-00180366 boris and i are and um yeah and that c6ILOjRS_Zc-00866-00180367-00180407 you're c6ILOjRS_Zc-00867-00180408-00180654 open to you know adopting a little bit c6ILOjRS_Zc-00868-00180655-00180759 more of a raw c6ILOjRS_Zc-00869-00180760-00181095 lifestyle more living foods and c6ILOjRS_Zc-00870-00181096-00181238 probably since you're here you're c6ILOjRS_Zc-00871-00181239-00181390 interested in living a bit more c6ILOjRS_Zc-00872-00181391-00181495 sustainable c6ILOjRS_Zc-00873-00181496-00181823 um you know maybe reducing some waste c6ILOjRS_Zc-00874-00181824-00182119 like i i had some people ask me oh well c6ILOjRS_Zc-00875-00182120-00182263 if you're getting your fruit shipped c6ILOjRS_Zc-00876-00182264-00182351 overnight c6ILOjRS_Zc-00877-00182352-00182638 like how sustainable is that you know c6ILOjRS_Zc-00878-00182639-00182702 but then i c6ILOjRS_Zc-00879-00182703-00182863 i talked to them i said look like we're c6ILOjRS_Zc-00880-00182864-00183078 also cutting out like that middleman c6ILOjRS_Zc-00881-00183079-00183311 like we're reducing packaging there's c6ILOjRS_Zc-00882-00183312-00183478 you know you really have to look at all c6ILOjRS_Zc-00883-00183479-00183535 um c6ILOjRS_Zc-00884-00183536-00183702 aspects of things you know there's c6ILOjRS_Zc-00885-00183703-00183838 really a lot to consider c6ILOjRS_Zc-00886-00183839-00184126 so yeah let us know guys if you have any c6ILOjRS_Zc-00887-00184127-00184351 questions or comments c6ILOjRS_Zc-00888-00184352-00184647 you are so welcome here boris just c6ILOjRS_Zc-00889-00184648-00184838 corrects his um c6ILOjRS_Zc-00890-00184839-00185007 situation with the internet because of c6ILOjRS_Zc-00891-00185008-00185231 course he's in the middle of the jungle c6ILOjRS_Zc-00892-00185232-00185502 and he has to make sure he has backup c6ILOjRS_Zc-00893-00185503-00185607 power and things c6ILOjRS_Zc-00894-00185608-00185911 for doing lives it's really cool that it c6ILOjRS_Zc-00895-00185912-00186087 worked out because last week we tried to c6ILOjRS_Zc-00896-00186088-00186287 go live and it just didn't work out c6ILOjRS_Zc-00897-00186288-00186326 right c6ILOjRS_Zc-00898-00186327-00186647 so how is your situation now boris c6ILOjRS_Zc-00899-00186648-00186959 with the internet well we've had power c6ILOjRS_Zc-00900-00186960-00187254 it's very funny it happens exactly when c6ILOjRS_Zc-00901-00187255-00187295 we're c6ILOjRS_Zc-00902-00187296-00188447 trying to do these okay c6ILOjRS_Zc-00903-00188448-00188614 maybe i'll show you guys in case c6ILOjRS_Zc-00904-00188615-00188983 anyone's interested so we do stuff with c6ILOjRS_Zc-00905-00188984-00189190 you know workshop and construction but c6ILOjRS_Zc-00906-00189191-00189335 i'll get into that c6ILOjRS_Zc-00907-00189336-00189590 in a moment yes is there a way to follow c6ILOjRS_Zc-00908-00189591-00189711 i think so it doesn't c6ILOjRS_Zc-00909-00189712-00190031 uh uh okay so what i could do c6ILOjRS_Zc-00910-00190032-00190223 is i could end it and then you just c6ILOjRS_Zc-00911-00190224-00190526 request to join again when you're ready c6ILOjRS_Zc-00912-00190527-00190823 oh no i could yeah i could even leave c6ILOjRS_Zc-00913-00190824-00191102 the bro c6ILOjRS_Zc-00914-00191103-00191471 okay okay so he's left all i heard been c6ILOjRS_Zc-00915-00191472-00191519 leave c6ILOjRS_Zc-00916-00191520-00191902 that he was gone that's so much fun c6ILOjRS_Zc-00917-00191903-00192207 i am just so happy today like c6ILOjRS_Zc-00918-00192208-00192526 boris just makes me feel so happy c6ILOjRS_Zc-00919-00192527-00192663 because it's like like c6ILOjRS_Zc-00920-00192664-00192943 wow like you know i'm in the place now c6ILOjRS_Zc-00921-00192944-00192975 with c6ILOjRS_Zc-00922-00192976-00193175 my journey that i've attracted one who c6ILOjRS_Zc-00923-00193176-00193359 could even like inspire me to go c6ILOjRS_Zc-00924-00193360-00193614 deeper you know i really don't think him c6ILOjRS_Zc-00925-00193615-00193799 and i would be connecting like this if i c6ILOjRS_Zc-00926-00193800-00193995 wasn't in such a great place with my c6ILOjRS_Zc-00927-00193996-00194238 detoxification journey c6ILOjRS_Zc-00928-00194239-00194414 i will tell you a little story before c6ILOjRS_Zc-00929-00194415-00194607 boris jumps back on and if you guys have c6ILOjRS_Zc-00930-00194608-00194726 any questions about c6ILOjRS_Zc-00931-00194727-00195031 you know living more sustainably maybe c6ILOjRS_Zc-00932-00195032-00195278 like moving from like a big city over to c6ILOjRS_Zc-00933-00195279-00195519 like ecuador and how that is like any c6ILOjRS_Zc-00934-00195520-00195647 questions you have for c6ILOjRS_Zc-00935-00195648-00195987 boris please let us know um raw foods c6ILOjRS_Zc-00936-00195988-00196119 detoxification c6ILOjRS_Zc-00937-00196120-00196335 anything like that just pop it in the c6ILOjRS_Zc-00938-00196336-00196495 comments but in the meantime i'll tell c6ILOjRS_Zc-00939-00196496-00196702 you what's been kind of going on with me c6ILOjRS_Zc-00940-00196703-00196935 and i'm really just feeling so good c6ILOjRS_Zc-00941-00196936-00197047 about where i'm at c6ILOjRS_Zc-00942-00197048-00197311 now but i will tell you that over the c6ILOjRS_Zc-00943-00197312-00197487 last year c6ILOjRS_Zc-00944-00197488-00197895 i really was getting experimental c6ILOjRS_Zc-00945-00197896-00198214 with my diet and uh with certain like c6ILOjRS_Zc-00946-00198215-00198311 substances c6ILOjRS_Zc-00947-00198312-00198590 like alcohol i was like oh it's okay to c6ILOjRS_Zc-00948-00198591-00198823 just have like a glass of wine with c6ILOjRS_Zc-00949-00198824-00198902 dinner c6ILOjRS_Zc-00950-00198903-00199159 and you know for me if you have to have c6ILOjRS_Zc-00951-00199160-00199343 it every night that's an issue because c6ILOjRS_Zc-00952-00199344-00199543 then it has like some kind of power over c6ILOjRS_Zc-00953-00199544-00199590 you c6ILOjRS_Zc-00954-00199591-00199766 so i would just like you know when i saw c6ILOjRS_Zc-00955-00199767-00199975 my boyfriend i'd have like a glass of c6ILOjRS_Zc-00956-00199976-00200150 wine with dinner with him c6ILOjRS_Zc-00957-00200151-00200471 or we'd go to a park and have a beer c6ILOjRS_Zc-00958-00200472-00200790 and i have to say like this did not c6ILOjRS_Zc-00959-00200791-00201095 serve me and it took me like a year c6ILOjRS_Zc-00960-00201096-00201295 to really realize it because i guess i c6ILOjRS_Zc-00961-00201296-00201543 was like really hydrating with the raw c6ILOjRS_Zc-00962-00201544-00201790 foods i was having lots of cucumber lots c6ILOjRS_Zc-00963-00201791-00201975 of fruits berries melons c6ILOjRS_Zc-00964-00201976-00202302 lots of really high water content foods c6ILOjRS_Zc-00965-00202303-00202614 so if i had like a beer or a glass of c6ILOjRS_Zc-00966-00202615-00202735 wine i didn't really c6ILOjRS_Zc-00967-00202736-00203071 feel like the negative effects so much c6ILOjRS_Zc-00968-00203072-00203319 but then again i do remember you know c6ILOjRS_Zc-00969-00203320-00203375 you have c6ILOjRS_Zc-00970-00203376-00203550 one and then you're feeling really good c6ILOjRS_Zc-00971-00203551-00203702 so then you have two c6ILOjRS_Zc-00972-00203703-00203895 and then the next day i definitely felt c6ILOjRS_Zc-00973-00203896-00204126 the dehydration i felt c6ILOjRS_Zc-00974-00204127-00204350 pain come back into my body because i c6ILOjRS_Zc-00975-00204351-00204447 come from c6ILOjRS_Zc-00976-00204448-00204838 previous a c-spine injury and i had like c6ILOjRS_Zc-00977-00204839-00205014 really chronic pain that i lived with c6ILOjRS_Zc-00978-00205015-00205198 for eight months and that's how i got c6ILOjRS_Zc-00979-00205200-00205479 into the raw food detox lifestyle c6ILOjRS_Zc-00980-00205480-00205838 um that's when i delved in much deeper c6ILOjRS_Zc-00981-00205839-00206062 you know with my journey but i have to c6ILOjRS_Zc-00982-00206063-00206279 say like it just happened where c6ILOjRS_Zc-00983-00206280-00206471 you know everything just opened back up c6ILOjRS_Zc-00984-00206471-00206582 in toronto c6ILOjRS_Zc-00985-00206583-00206862 and my boyfriend was invited to go to c6ILOjRS_Zc-00986-00206863-00206966 his friend's c6ILOjRS_Zc-00987-00206967-00207327 bar so his friend owns a bar okay and c6ILOjRS_Zc-00988-00207328-00207590 all of his friends were were there i go c6ILOjRS_Zc-00989-00207591-00207671 with him c6ILOjRS_Zc-00990-00207671-00207942 and i had my orange juice and my salad c6ILOjRS_Zc-00991-00207944-00208103 that i packed with me c6ILOjRS_Zc-00992-00208104-00208262 because this is how you kind of need to c6ILOjRS_Zc-00993-00208263-00208479 be guys when you're really taking c6ILOjRS_Zc-00994-00208480-00208686 responsibility for your health you c6ILOjRS_Zc-00995-00208687-00208831 really have to prepare c6ILOjRS_Zc-00996-00208832-00209119 meals and you have to pack what you need c6ILOjRS_Zc-00997-00209119-00209182 and c6ILOjRS_Zc-00998-00209183-00209358 otherwise you know you're just out and c6ILOjRS_Zc-00999-00209359-00209566 you don't know like i guess a lot of c6ILOjRS_Zc-01000-00209567-00209775 places in toronto are offering really c6ILOjRS_Zc-01001-00209776-00209951 healthy stuff now like c6ILOjRS_Zc-01002-00209952-00210167 there's freshy you could get smoothies c6ILOjRS_Zc-01003-00210167-00210279 you know c6ILOjRS_Zc-01004-00210280-00210534 there's you could get salads at a lot of c6ILOjRS_Zc-01005-00210535-00210727 places there's this restaurant called c6ILOjRS_Zc-01006-00210728-00210934 fresh they're really good just let me c6ILOjRS_Zc-01007-00210935-00211071 know if um c6ILOjRS_Zc-01008-00211071-00211263 oat boris is ready thank you let me know c6ILOjRS_Zc-01009-00211264-00211482 if you need to know about fresh c6ILOjRS_Zc-01010-00211483-00211767 restaurants but anyways to end this c6ILOjRS_Zc-01011-00211767-00211975 story c6ILOjRS_Zc-01012-00211976-00212271 we went to this restaurant and i noticed c6ILOjRS_Zc-01013-00212271-00212431 how uncomfortable c6ILOjRS_Zc-01014-00212432-00212767 i was with not drinking c6ILOjRS_Zc-01015-00212767-00213023 and how that's the issue the peer c6ILOjRS_Zc-01016-00213023-00213151 pressure c6ILOjRS_Zc-01017-00213152-00213694 so anyways we could talk more about this c6ILOjRS_Zc-01018-00213696-00214015 but we have boris back and he's speaking c6ILOjRS_Zc-01019-00214016-00214575 people are asking me some questions c6ILOjRS_Zc-01020-00214576-00215723 [Laughter] c6ILOjRS_Zc-01021-00215723-00216103 [Music] c6ILOjRS_Zc-01022-00216104-00216471 they're so cute c6ILOjRS_Zc-01023-00216471-00216671 what a beautiful community you have c6ILOjRS_Zc-01024-00216671-00216903 there boris c6ILOjRS_Zc-01025-00216904-00217246 this is c6ILOjRS_Zc-01026-00217248-00217558 being so friendly i love it c6ILOjRS_Zc-01027-00217559-00217719 the nearby city that's where they're c6ILOjRS_Zc-01028-00217719-00217887 from c6ILOjRS_Zc-01029-00217888-00218191 okay it's about an hour 12 c6ILOjRS_Zc-01030-00218192-00218527 40 minutes yeah c6ILOjRS_Zc-01031-00218528-00218727 i hope that they would uh get on with c6ILOjRS_Zc-01032-00218728-00218863 the program we have c6ILOjRS_Zc-01033-00218864-00219103 one ecuadorian that lives in uh she was c6ILOjRS_Zc-01034-00219104-00219279 here first and then another place we c6ILOjRS_Zc-01035-00219280-00219471 have a colombian we have c6ILOjRS_Zc-01036-00219471-00219798 uh actually now chilean from chile so we c6ILOjRS_Zc-01037-00219800-00219991 have some local south american people c6ILOjRS_Zc-01038-00219992-00220167 but primarily european c6ILOjRS_Zc-01039-00220167-00220479 and north american like american canada c6ILOjRS_Zc-01040-00220480-00220742 many people visiting us samara was here c6ILOjRS_Zc-01041-00220744-00220863 you know samara right c6ILOjRS_Zc-01042-00220864-00221175 oh my god my dear sister samar how is c6ILOjRS_Zc-01043-00221176-00221382 she c6ILOjRS_Zc-01044-00221383-00221551 she's good i think she's traveling not c6ILOjRS_Zc-01045-00221552-00221734 too sure maybe the coast or something c6ILOjRS_Zc-01046-00221735-00221839 she's going around c6ILOjRS_Zc-01047-00221840-00222119 different places i have to catch up with c6ILOjRS_Zc-01048-00222119-00222239 this one c6ILOjRS_Zc-01049-00222240-00222354 she's such a good one c6ILOjRS_Zc-01050-00222355-00222567 [Laughter] c6ILOjRS_Zc-01051-00222567-00222839 awesome awesome so you were gonna tell c6ILOjRS_Zc-01052-00222840-00223055 us a little bit more about fruit haven c6ILOjRS_Zc-01053-00223056-00223287 eco village how maybe how it got started c6ILOjRS_Zc-01054-00223288-00223631 how it operates yeah that's a good idea c6ILOjRS_Zc-01055-00223632-00223758 okay let's go into c6ILOjRS_Zc-01056-00223759-00224103 brief history so there's the main c6ILOjRS_Zc-01057-00224104-00224223 characters here c6ILOjRS_Zc-01058-00224223-00224455 are peter and jason so if anyone wants c6ILOjRS_Zc-01059-00224456-00224606 to see them they have c6ILOjRS_Zc-01060-00224607-00224839 um also their own you know youtube c6ILOjRS_Zc-01061-00224840-00225031 channels and telegram different things c6ILOjRS_Zc-01062-00225032-00225206 like that facebook c6ILOjRS_Zc-01063-00225207-00225398 so oh for our members would you be able c6ILOjRS_Zc-01064-00225400-00225831 to tell the youtube c6ILOjRS_Zc-01065-00225832-00226215 oh yeah um maybe i'll post the links on c6ILOjRS_Zc-01066-00226216-00226246 the c6ILOjRS_Zc-01067-00226248-00226494 comments let's do that yeah that'd be c6ILOjRS_Zc-01068-00226496-00226631 good but basically c6ILOjRS_Zc-01069-00226632-00226958 jason yeah i would have to look it up c6ILOjRS_Zc-01070-00226959-00227287 peter sear okay c-s-e-r-e c6ILOjRS_Zc-01071-00227288-00227606 that's his last name and c6ILOjRS_Zc-01072-00227607-00228071 so it goes back to uh like 2014 or 15 c6ILOjRS_Zc-01073-00228071-00228279 when they started a community called c6ILOjRS_Zc-01074-00228280-00228475 tara fruitis and you can see now it's c6ILOjRS_Zc-01075-00228476-00228694 c6ILOjRS_Zc-01076-00228696-00229198 oh yes yes they they started c6ILOjRS_Zc-01077-00229200-00229551 back then and uh it was bought by one c6ILOjRS_Zc-01078-00229552-00229615 person c6ILOjRS_Zc-01079-00229616-00229879 and that funded it his name is jay uh he c6ILOjRS_Zc-01080-00229880-00230039 didn't really live there as far as i c6ILOjRS_Zc-01081-00230040-00230151 know he just c6ILOjRS_Zc-01082-00230152-00230519 purchased the place and he paid for um c6ILOjRS_Zc-01083-00230519-00230719 for things to happen there so they built c6ILOjRS_Zc-01084-00230719-00230894 a beautiful community center you could c6ILOjRS_Zc-01085-00230896-00231094 see i'm sure they have videos and on c6ILOjRS_Zc-01086-00231096-00231231 youtube as well c6ILOjRS_Zc-01087-00231232-00231646 and then they have the um amazon c6ILOjRS_Zc-01088-00231648-00231823 fruit festival which they did so that's c6ILOjRS_Zc-01089-00231823-00231991 another festival that i attended but c6ILOjRS_Zc-01090-00231992-00232063 that was c6ILOjRS_Zc-01091-00232064-00232710 already after i came here and um c6ILOjRS_Zc-01092-00232711-00232967 let's see so after that so basically c6ILOjRS_Zc-01093-00232967-00233110 jason and peter and there were some c6ILOjRS_Zc-01094-00233111-00233206 other people which c6ILOjRS_Zc-01095-00233207-00233423 uh i'm not too sure exactly of all the c6ILOjRS_Zc-01096-00233423-00233527 details of c6ILOjRS_Zc-01097-00233528-00233871 who it is but uh c6ILOjRS_Zc-01098-00233871-00234439 that's c6ILOjRS_Zc-01099-00234440-00234671 um okay so yeah it's very unusual c6ILOjRS_Zc-01100-00234671-00234742 actually we're c6ILOjRS_Zc-01101-00234744-00235023 here we're connected to the grid uh but c6ILOjRS_Zc-01102-00235023-00235119 at some other c6ILOjRS_Zc-01103-00235119-00235391 people uh personal lots most of them are c6ILOjRS_Zc-01104-00235392-00235598 connecting with the solar panels they c6ILOjRS_Zc-01105-00235600-00235767 have batteries and so the c6ILOjRS_Zc-01106-00235767-00236119 they're off the grid um i see also c6ILOjRS_Zc-01107-00236119-00236479 interesting yeah c6ILOjRS_Zc-01108-00236480-00236671 yeah we're trying to be kind of off grid c6ILOjRS_Zc-01109-00236671-00236806 a lot of the ideas c6ILOjRS_Zc-01110-00236807-00236991 of people here like to they want to own c6ILOjRS_Zc-01111-00236992-00237167 land and so peter c6ILOjRS_Zc-01112-00237167-00237375 uh decided he wanted to own his own land c6ILOjRS_Zc-01113-00237376-00237575 but jay said well he wants to keep that c6ILOjRS_Zc-01114-00237576-00237671 community c6ILOjRS_Zc-01115-00237671-00237894 uh just communal which is great so we c6ILOjRS_Zc-01116-00237896-00238071 have tara fruitis and then c6ILOjRS_Zc-01117-00238071-00238375 peter found some other group uh of c6ILOjRS_Zc-01118-00238376-00238606 people that invested in what is now c6ILOjRS_Zc-01119-00238607-00238839 fruit haven one which is where i'm at c6ILOjRS_Zc-01120-00238840-00238919 today c6ILOjRS_Zc-01121-00238919-00239182 um it wasn't as pretty or anything it c6ILOjRS_Zc-01122-00239183-00239263 was like uh c6ILOjRS_Zc-01123-00239264-00239479 the house was falling apart i don't know c6ILOjRS_Zc-01124-00239480-00239727 you know just stories because i came c6ILOjRS_Zc-01125-00239728-00240063 later so we fixed things up um c6ILOjRS_Zc-01126-00240064-00240391 so that was uh 2016. so a year c6ILOjRS_Zc-01127-00240392-00240582 about a year and a half later he c6ILOjRS_Zc-01128-00240583-00240791 purchased that with a group of people c6ILOjRS_Zc-01129-00240792-00240991 and they decided to have a group led by c6ILOjRS_Zc-01130-00240992-00241191 something very unique where c6ILOjRS_Zc-01131-00241192-00241455 it's a group of people that own the land c6ILOjRS_Zc-01132-00241456-00241519 together c6ILOjRS_Zc-01133-00241519-00241791 and then the community area is communal c6ILOjRS_Zc-01134-00241792-00241958 where i'm at today now c6ILOjRS_Zc-01135-00241959-00242142 and then there's personal private lots c6ILOjRS_Zc-01136-00242144-00242310 which are further up the hill and c6ILOjRS_Zc-01137-00242311-00242398 they're free to c6ILOjRS_Zc-01138-00242400-00242527 do whatever they want with their c6ILOjRS_Zc-01139-00242528-00242719 personal lots and the community area c6ILOjRS_Zc-01140-00242719-00242934 operates personally independently so we c6ILOjRS_Zc-01141-00242935-00243198 have you know c6ILOjRS_Zc-01142-00243200-00243406 yeah so those personal lots people can c6ILOjRS_Zc-01143-00243407-00243598 develop with their own money whereas the c6ILOjRS_Zc-01144-00243600-00243806 community area it's all uh c6ILOjRS_Zc-01145-00243807-00244039 together with the community together c6ILOjRS_Zc-01146-00244040-00244134 with the owners c6ILOjRS_Zc-01147-00244135-00244382 together whoever wants to contribute c6ILOjRS_Zc-01148-00244383-00244646 there's a lot of donations that we get c6ILOjRS_Zc-01149-00244648-00244815 and then now we have little micro c6ILOjRS_Zc-01150-00244816-00244958 businesses so we actually c6ILOjRS_Zc-01151-00244959-00245198 sell various things so for example some c6ILOjRS_Zc-01152-00245200-00245375 local people in this area there's no c6ILOjRS_Zc-01153-00245376-00245598 gasoline for their boats and motorbikes c6ILOjRS_Zc-01154-00245600-00245703 and things like that so c6ILOjRS_Zc-01155-00245704-00245846 we ended up just needing it for c6ILOjRS_Zc-01156-00245848-00246055 ourselves but we saw that people said c6ILOjRS_Zc-01157-00246056-00246230 hey you have gasoline so we started c6ILOjRS_Zc-01158-00246231-00246319 selling it c6ILOjRS_Zc-01159-00246319-00246503 uh we have other stuff as well like the c6ILOjRS_Zc-01160-00246504-00246646 plants we sell c6ILOjRS_Zc-01161-00246648-00246887 sometimes we give it for free the you c6ILOjRS_Zc-01162-00246888-00247063 know but we might sell some things c6ILOjRS_Zc-01163-00247064-00247151 depends on c6ILOjRS_Zc-01164-00247152-00247367 on how how it goes if we have too much c6ILOjRS_Zc-01165-00247367-00248094 of something c6ILOjRS_Zc-01166-00248096-00248415 there may be a little delay um but c6ILOjRS_Zc-01167-00248416-00248734 i just have a question so are you c6ILOjRS_Zc-01168-00248735-00249030 saying that somebody like me could just c6ILOjRS_Zc-01169-00249031-00249071 buy c6ILOjRS_Zc-01170-00249071-00249398 a lot of land exactly where c6ILOjRS_Zc-01171-00249400-00249719 you are and start planting like coconut c6ILOjRS_Zc-01172-00249719-00249991 trees like jackfruit durian like c6ILOjRS_Zc-01173-00249992-00250255 now so that in 10 years they're fully c6ILOjRS_Zc-01174-00250256-00250406 fruit so and then you guys would take c6ILOjRS_Zc-01175-00250407-00250623 care of the trees or how does that work c6ILOjRS_Zc-01176-00250623-00251071 like if i'm here c6ILOjRS_Zc-01177-00251071-00251342 we maintain it now the coconut cones c6ILOjRS_Zc-01178-00251344-00251398 they c6ILOjRS_Zc-01179-00251400-00251623 okay here it's not ideal for coconuts c6ILOjRS_Zc-01180-00251623-00251742 but yeah we'll we'll give you c6ILOjRS_Zc-01181-00251744-00251903 suggestions like yeah jackfruit does c6ILOjRS_Zc-01182-00251904-00252039 great durian does c6ILOjRS_Zc-01183-00252040-00252230 it depends on the elevation too so if c6ILOjRS_Zc-01184-00252231-00252423 you buy a lot that's on a higher c6ILOjRS_Zc-01185-00252423-00252655 we will tell you what's better you know c6ILOjRS_Zc-01186-00252656-00252823 some things are better we'll also have c6ILOjRS_Zc-01187-00252823-00252975 permaculture designs c6ILOjRS_Zc-01188-00252976-00253167 for your lens so we'll look at the c6ILOjRS_Zc-01189-00253167-00253398 slopes and work with the contour lines c6ILOjRS_Zc-01190-00253400-00253455 and c6ILOjRS_Zc-01191-00253456-00253767 yeah also there's designs of houses you c6ILOjRS_Zc-01192-00253767-00253951 can see on our website c6ILOjRS_Zc-01193-00253952-00254287 under uh the group c6ILOjRS_Zc-01194-00254288-00254479 lend buys page where there's more c6ILOjRS_Zc-01195-00254480-00254679 details about what's available c6ILOjRS_Zc-01196-00254680-00256167 what the processes are so c6ILOjRS_Zc-01197-00256167-00256327 because i like shorter domains so i c6ILOjRS_Zc-01198-00256328-00256494 bought the or well actually we c6ILOjRS_Zc-01199-00256496-00256598 collectively c6ILOjRS_Zc-01200-00256600-00256942 got the fruit a short one c6ILOjRS_Zc-01201-00256944-00257279 okay okay perfect that's c6ILOjRS_Zc-01202-00257280-00257471 great for our members so that they can c6ILOjRS_Zc-01203-00257471-00257734 learn a bit more you know after this c6ILOjRS_Zc-01204-00257735-00257806 interview c6ILOjRS_Zc-01205-00257807-00258119 and you guys can expect me to have boris c6ILOjRS_Zc-01206-00258119-00258215 on again c6ILOjRS_Zc-01207-00258216-00258358 and we can learn more about this c6ILOjRS_Zc-01208-00258359-00258646 beautiful inspiring human c6ILOjRS_Zc-01209-00258648-00258879 and what he's doing to help everybody c6ILOjRS_Zc-01210-00258880-00258967 you know to come c6ILOjRS_Zc-01211-00258967-00259198 over into a bit more of a raw living c6ILOjRS_Zc-01212-00259200-00259287 food c6ILOjRS_Zc-01213-00259288-00259598 diet you know alkaline lifestyle with c6ILOjRS_Zc-01214-00259600-00259815 you know sustainability being at the c6ILOjRS_Zc-01215-00259816-00259942 forefront of the c6ILOjRS_Zc-01216-00259944-00260303 motivation and health yeah yeah c6ILOjRS_Zc-01217-00260304-00260439 because i think that there's a c6ILOjRS_Zc-01218-00260440-00260591 connection a lot of people they want to c6ILOjRS_Zc-01219-00260592-00260710 go raw vegan and it's c6ILOjRS_Zc-01220-00260711-00261055 it's great but the more i did it in city c6ILOjRS_Zc-01221-00261056-00261191 environments there c6ILOjRS_Zc-01222-00261192-00261398 it just didn't feel as good as being in c6ILOjRS_Zc-01223-00261400-00261582 nature and so here it's just c6ILOjRS_Zc-01224-00261583-00261758 the closer you could get where we can c6ILOjRS_Zc-01225-00261759-00261910 never get like 100 c6ILOjRS_Zc-01226-00261911-00262167 back and living on on top of trees like c6ILOjRS_Zc-01227-00262168-00262334 monkeys but c6ILOjRS_Zc-01228-00262335-00262534 yeah maybe there's some three houses or c6ILOjRS_Zc-01229-00262535-00262719 something we can build but c6ILOjRS_Zc-01230-00262720-00262934 yeah so yeah do it step by step and we c6ILOjRS_Zc-01231-00262935-00263151 get back c6ILOjRS_Zc-01232-00263152-00263503 back to that thank you so much c6ILOjRS_Zc-01233-00263504-00263791 this is such an incredible opportunity c6ILOjRS_Zc-01234-00263792-00264006 for our members i actually was doing c6ILOjRS_Zc-01235-00264007-00264039 some c6ILOjRS_Zc-01236-00264040-00264334 coaching as an iridologist and c6ILOjRS_Zc-01237-00264335-00264575 regenerative detox coach here in toronto c6ILOjRS_Zc-01238-00264576-00264710 for three years c6ILOjRS_Zc-01239-00264711-00264927 and one of my clients she had stomach c6ILOjRS_Zc-01240-00264928-00265047 cancer c6ILOjRS_Zc-01241-00265048-00265223 and she kept calling me when i was in c6ILOjRS_Zc-01242-00265224-00265471 costa rica i was only there for two c6ILOjRS_Zc-01243-00265472-00265551 months c6ILOjRS_Zc-01244-00265552-00265727 just seeing if i could live like you c6ILOjRS_Zc-01245-00265728-00265895 know i thought i was a lot more down to c6ILOjRS_Zc-01246-00265896-00266015 earth than i actually c6ILOjRS_Zc-01247-00266016-00266295 am so i tried it out i learned a lot c6ILOjRS_Zc-01248-00266296-00266430 about myself but c6ILOjRS_Zc-01249-00266431-00266719 yeah her name was margarita and she was c6ILOjRS_Zc-01250-00266720-00266975 just such a good one but she just really c6ILOjRS_Zc-01251-00266976-00267023 needed c6ILOjRS_Zc-01252-00267024-00267295 a community you know she she really was c6ILOjRS_Zc-01253-00267296-00267503 finding it difficult living in downtown c6ILOjRS_Zc-01254-00267504-00267615 toronto c6ILOjRS_Zc-01255-00267616-00267806 to be you know really high raw c6ILOjRS_Zc-01256-00267807-00268006 fruitarian and that's what the protocol c6ILOjRS_Zc-01257-00268007-00268319 is for cancer is it's just fruits and if c6ILOjRS_Zc-01258-00268320-00268463 you need some green juice c6ILOjRS_Zc-01259-00268464-00268775 green juice is okay for grounding and c6ILOjRS_Zc-01260-00268776-00268895 things but c6ILOjRS_Zc-01261-00268896-00269039 she was calling me all the time when i c6ILOjRS_Zc-01262-00269040-00269223 was in costa rica being like jin c6ILOjRS_Zc-01263-00269224-00269406 when are we going to start like our own c6ILOjRS_Zc-01264-00269407-00269558 community and then c6ILOjRS_Zc-01265-00269559-00269815 boom like you know unfortunately she c6ILOjRS_Zc-01266-00269816-00270030 passed away i think really her soul was c6ILOjRS_Zc-01267-00270031-00270279 looking for a healthier body you know c6ILOjRS_Zc-01268-00270280-00270575 um but she's with me every day and i got c6ILOjRS_Zc-01269-00270576-00270758 some clear messages from her c6ILOjRS_Zc-01270-00270759-00271006 in the astral uh body you know that c6ILOjRS_Zc-01271-00271007-00271175 she's doing really well c6ILOjRS_Zc-01272-00271176-00271487 wherever she is and uh yeah but c6ILOjRS_Zc-01273-00271488-00271687 it's like then all of a sudden you came c6ILOjRS_Zc-01274-00271688-00271871 into my life boris it was like c6ILOjRS_Zc-01275-00271872-00272206 yes i lost a dear one but then i gained c6ILOjRS_Zc-01276-00272207-00272430 another dear one who can actually c6ILOjRS_Zc-01277-00272431-00272655 open this opportunity and margarita left c6ILOjRS_Zc-01278-00272656-00272743 with me such a c6ILOjRS_Zc-01279-00272744-00273039 powerful message that we really have to c6ILOjRS_Zc-01280-00273040-00273095 make c6ILOjRS_Zc-01281-00273096-00273343 this available for people people are not c6ILOjRS_Zc-01282-00273344-00273415 well c6ILOjRS_Zc-01283-00273416-00273734 and you know like not to go too heavy um c6ILOjRS_Zc-01284-00273735-00274015 but you know like gino always says from c6ILOjRS_Zc-01285-00274016-00274158 the master fast system like you could c6ILOjRS_Zc-01286-00274159-00274310 die any day c6ILOjRS_Zc-01287-00274311-00274503 you know like he warns you when you join c6ILOjRS_Zc-01288-00274504-00274639 the master fast c6ILOjRS_Zc-01289-00274640-00274975 group that if you read the notice c6ILOjRS_Zc-01290-00274976-00275295 he's like yeah fasting can kill you c6ILOjRS_Zc-01291-00275296-00275487 like like not kill you but like you c6ILOjRS_Zc-01292-00275488-00275599 could die when c6ILOjRS_Zc-01293-00275600-00275847 fasting like just because and he says it c6ILOjRS_Zc-01294-00275848-00276063 every paragraph he repeats it you could c6ILOjRS_Zc-01295-00276064-00276223 die when you're fasting like he's c6ILOjRS_Zc-01296-00276224-00276327 disclosing this c6ILOjRS_Zc-01297-00276328-00276606 because you could die any time and and c6ILOjRS_Zc-01298-00276607-00276727 fasting isn't gonna c6ILOjRS_Zc-01299-00276728-00276927 really be the worst thing like it's not c6ILOjRS_Zc-01300-00276928-00277047 gonna remember i'm c6ILOjRS_Zc-01301-00277048-00277239 saying that there's not many people that c6ILOjRS_Zc-01302-00277240-00277399 die fasting they die eating c6ILOjRS_Zc-01303-00277400-00277743 most people die thank you c6ILOjRS_Zc-01304-00277744-00277943 you just said it better than i could c6ILOjRS_Zc-01305-00277944-00278134 yeah c6ILOjRS_Zc-01306-00278135-00278334 i love that we get each other you know c6ILOjRS_Zc-01307-00278335-00278487 boris this is so cool c6ILOjRS_Zc-01308-00278488-00278791 okay so i've pulled up the website and c6ILOjRS_Zc-01309-00278792-00278823 it's c6ILOjRS_Zc-01310-00278824-00279158 really really beautiful so people can c6ILOjRS_Zc-01311-00279159-00279423 come here to learn some more c6ILOjRS_Zc-01312-00279424-00279703 do you want to tell us sorry you go c6ILOjRS_Zc-01313-00279704-00279815 first you go first c6ILOjRS_Zc-01314-00279816-00280023 we have the basically the few c6ILOjRS_Zc-01315-00280024-00280167 opportunities basically c6ILOjRS_Zc-01316-00280168-00280351 renting a room for example if you want c6ILOjRS_Zc-01317-00280352-00280519 to check it out and see how it is c6ILOjRS_Zc-01318-00280520-00280734 if you're willing most people they're c6ILOjRS_Zc-01319-00280735-00280895 not so fit but some c6ILOjRS_Zc-01320-00280896-00281071 some might want to actually work like c6ILOjRS_Zc-01321-00281072-00281287 when i came i wanted to work and so i c6ILOjRS_Zc-01322-00281288-00281606 committed working 20 hours a week uh c6ILOjRS_Zc-01323-00281607-00281815 which is actually not that much but it's c6ILOjRS_Zc-01324-00281816-00282047 yeah flexible will be c6ILOjRS_Zc-01325-00282048-00282247 okay with like 15 hours if you're c6ILOjRS_Zc-01326-00282248-00282391 starting out and then c6ILOjRS_Zc-01327-00282392-00282655 uh yeah we're flexible to you know if c6ILOjRS_Zc-01328-00282656-00282751 you just want to c6ILOjRS_Zc-01329-00282752-00282927 see the place so that's why we have just c6ILOjRS_Zc-01330-00282928-00283071 the rental options c6ILOjRS_Zc-01331-00283072-00283271 and you'll see all different rental c6ILOjRS_Zc-01332-00283272-00283447 options that we have right now c6ILOjRS_Zc-01333-00283448-00283806 so there's fruit haven one in 2017 a c6ILOjRS_Zc-01334-00283807-00283887 year later c6ILOjRS_Zc-01335-00283888-00284071 even two was purchased so we have a c6ILOjRS_Zc-01336-00284072-00284303 couple cabins in the community area c6ILOjRS_Zc-01337-00284304-00284479 fruit haven 3 was purchased the year c6ILOjRS_Zc-01338-00284480-00284647 after death 2018 c6ILOjRS_Zc-01339-00284648-00284847 and then there's a beautiful cabin there c6ILOjRS_Zc-01340-00284848-00285047 that that one's further away that one is c6ILOjRS_Zc-01341-00285048-00285199 like a 30 40 c6ILOjRS_Zc-01342-00285200-00285391 probably 40 minute hike for most people c6ILOjRS_Zc-01343-00285392-00285534 we have quads and c6ILOjRS_Zc-01344-00285535-00285727 and motorbikes and now we have a jeep c6ILOjRS_Zc-01345-00285728-00285895 and a dump truck that also c6ILOjRS_Zc-01346-00285896-00286071 can bring stuff up there like fruits and c6ILOjRS_Zc-01347-00286072-00286279 whatever else and a lot of c6ILOjRS_Zc-01348-00286280-00286519 so each one of these is independent and c6ILOjRS_Zc-01349-00286520-00286734 they have different owners c6ILOjRS_Zc-01350-00286735-00287006 so each one is owned by depends on the c6ILOjRS_Zc-01351-00287007-00287143 property between c6ILOjRS_Zc-01352-00287144-00287351 one of them for example this fruit haven c6ILOjRS_Zc-01353-00287352-00287567 one is i think about six or seven c6ILOjRS_Zc-01354-00287568-00287791 or something like that owners then most c6ILOjRS_Zc-01355-00287792-00287927 of them have around 10 c6ILOjRS_Zc-01356-00287928-00288215 owners basically 10 11 owners and now we c6ILOjRS_Zc-01357-00288216-00288430 bought fruit haven four which actually c6ILOjRS_Zc-01358-00288431-00288630 bought into as well so i'm planning to c6ILOjRS_Zc-01359-00288631-00288839 build some more stuff over there and c6ILOjRS_Zc-01360-00288840-00288967 yeah there's a few people that are c6ILOjRS_Zc-01361-00288968-00289254 interested also from canada recently c6ILOjRS_Zc-01362-00289255-00289503 and they want to build houses and cabins c6ILOjRS_Zc-01363-00289504-00289703 and want to make like a retreat center c6ILOjRS_Zc-01364-00289704-00289782 and we have c6ILOjRS_Zc-01365-00289783-00289958 so many ideas and things like there's c6ILOjRS_Zc-01366-00289959-00290158 already um c6ILOjRS_Zc-01367-00290159-00290327 let me count it's hard to even count but c6ILOjRS_Zc-01368-00290328-00290471 probably around 10 c6ILOjRS_Zc-01369-00290472-00290727 uh personal houses that are built on on c6ILOjRS_Zc-01370-00290728-00290799 their lots c6ILOjRS_Zc-01371-00290800-00291015 different lots now so they're different c6ILOjRS_Zc-01372-00291016-00291167 designs there's like c6ILOjRS_Zc-01373-00291168-00291310 yeah so you could see what we have c6ILOjRS_Zc-01374-00291311-00291495 available and if you want to create your c6ILOjRS_Zc-01375-00291496-00291591 own as well c6ILOjRS_Zc-01376-00291592-00291791 be welcome most people will customize it c6ILOjRS_Zc-01377-00291792-00291999 and make their own like oh i want this c6ILOjRS_Zc-01378-00292000-00292199 kind of bathroom or that kind of house c6ILOjRS_Zc-01379-00292200-00292319 and that kind of c6ILOjRS_Zc-01380-00292320-00292567 room or whatever and it's different c6ILOjRS_Zc-01381-00292568-00293351 building here so cool c6ILOjRS_Zc-01382-00293352-00293639 what is that sorry oh we can also help c6ILOjRS_Zc-01383-00293640-00293791 with the planting project c6ILOjRS_Zc-01384-00293792-00294023 so most people that might not know about c6ILOjRS_Zc-01385-00294024-00294206 permaculture some of them like me c6ILOjRS_Zc-01386-00294207-00294423 and some other people that are into that c6ILOjRS_Zc-01387-00294424-00294599 but then other people we have probably a c6ILOjRS_Zc-01388-00294600-00294687 mix of both c6ILOjRS_Zc-01389-00294688-00294854 like half of the people that want to do c6ILOjRS_Zc-01390-00294855-00294999 their own but they'll still get some c6ILOjRS_Zc-01391-00295000-00295127 help with the c6ILOjRS_Zc-01392-00295128-00295351 uh workers and then the other half of c6ILOjRS_Zc-01393-00295352-00295503 the people they might c6ILOjRS_Zc-01394-00295504-00295806 uh work on you know on just c6ILOjRS_Zc-01395-00295807-00296087 having other people do it or what did i c6ILOjRS_Zc-01396-00296088-00296358 say i don't know now c6ILOjRS_Zc-01397-00296359-00296503 that's okay that's okay i know you've c6ILOjRS_Zc-01398-00296504-00296734 got lots going on uh no i just really c6ILOjRS_Zc-01399-00296735-00296910 appreciate your time today some people c6ILOjRS_Zc-01400-00296911-00296958 will c6ILOjRS_Zc-01401-00296959-00297167 have us take care of it that's basically c6ILOjRS_Zc-01402-00297168-00297351 what the point is and c6ILOjRS_Zc-01403-00297352-00297591 we can do both so yeah i will tell you c6ILOjRS_Zc-01404-00297592-00297799 what are suggestions what timings when c6ILOjRS_Zc-01405-00297800-00297943 do you want to do certain c6ILOjRS_Zc-01406-00297944-00298167 kinds of planting and how often to c6ILOjRS_Zc-01407-00298168-00298319 maintain what kind of c6ILOjRS_Zc-01408-00298320-00298575 plant spacing you know how much distance c6ILOjRS_Zc-01409-00298576-00298639 and c6ILOjRS_Zc-01410-00298640-00298823 yeah all that kind of stuff and what c6ILOjRS_Zc-01411-00298824-00298999 kind of amendments for the soil c6ILOjRS_Zc-01412-00299000-00299263 so in this tropical climate it's really c6ILOjRS_Zc-01413-00299264-00299391 good it works c6ILOjRS_Zc-01414-00299392-00299854 uh so you do have canadians c6ILOjRS_Zc-01415-00299855-00300063 you do have some canadians moving there c6ILOjRS_Zc-01416-00300064-00300206 like are they going to live there do you c6ILOjRS_Zc-01417-00300207-00300575 think or c6ILOjRS_Zc-01418-00300576-00300879 uh let me think about canadians uh yes c6ILOjRS_Zc-01419-00300880-00301119 actually there's a couple from quebec c6ILOjRS_Zc-01420-00301120-00301182 that is c6ILOjRS_Zc-01421-00301183-00301415 interested in uh well actually no they c6ILOjRS_Zc-01422-00301416-00301534 already purchased the c6ILOjRS_Zc-01423-00301535-00301806 the land and they've been sending uh c6ILOjRS_Zc-01424-00301807-00301879 money to c6ILOjRS_Zc-01425-00301880-00302119 you know update to the cabin that is the c6ILOjRS_Zc-01426-00302120-00302271 land they have like a very basic c6ILOjRS_Zc-01427-00302272-00302454 structure and now they've built a nicer c6ILOjRS_Zc-01428-00302455-00302527 one c6ILOjRS_Zc-01429-00302528-00302782 uh or actually they've kind of upgraded c6ILOjRS_Zc-01430-00302783-00302871 that one c6ILOjRS_Zc-01431-00302872-00303047 and maintain the fruit trees and so yeah c6ILOjRS_Zc-01432-00303048-00303191 they're interested in coming i think c6ILOjRS_Zc-01433-00303192-00303343 they have some pets and stuff so they c6ILOjRS_Zc-01434-00303344-00303503 wanted to make sure it's all c6ILOjRS_Zc-01435-00303504-00303734 caged in so they can't uh escape or c6ILOjRS_Zc-01436-00303735-00303879 something i don't know c6ILOjRS_Zc-01437-00303880-00304015 you know like the house there couldn't c6ILOjRS_Zc-01438-00304016-00304199 be a better time to live c6ILOjRS_Zc-01439-00304200-00304439 like this you know like really like c6ILOjRS_Zc-01440-00304440-00304543 growing your own c6ILOjRS_Zc-01441-00304544-00304839 food like what better time is there than c6ILOjRS_Zc-01442-00304840-00304903 now c6ILOjRS_Zc-01443-00304904-00305406 you know this is so so cool c6ILOjRS_Zc-01444-00305407-00305615 yeah being independent and far away from c6ILOjRS_Zc-01445-00305616-00305823 like the big cities and the governments c6ILOjRS_Zc-01446-00305824-00305910 like here c6ILOjRS_Zc-01447-00305911-00306079 it seems like the government sometimes c6ILOjRS_Zc-01448-00306080-00306239 they're okay like they're c6ILOjRS_Zc-01449-00306240-00306487 flexible for example anyone can still c6ILOjRS_Zc-01450-00306488-00306727 fly into ecuador it's pretty easy going c6ILOjRS_Zc-01451-00306728-00306982 like with a negative pcr test c6ILOjRS_Zc-01452-00306983-00307223 in the last 72 hours whereas in some c6ILOjRS_Zc-01453-00307224-00307295 other c6ILOjRS_Zc-01454-00307296-00307543 countries they might be more strict and c6ILOjRS_Zc-01455-00307544-00307606 they're c6ILOjRS_Zc-01456-00307607-00307758 not accepting like i know in canada c6ILOjRS_Zc-01457-00307759-00307919 they're a bit more strict like my c6ILOjRS_Zc-01458-00307920-00308158 brother he wanted to go back to canada c6ILOjRS_Zc-01459-00308159-00308351 and he said that was a lot of hassle c6ILOjRS_Zc-01460-00308352-00308519 trying to get through all the c6ILOjRS_Zc-01461-00308520-00308823 different checkpoints and whatever else c6ILOjRS_Zc-01462-00308824-00309023 and now you have to stay in a hotel and c6ILOjRS_Zc-01463-00309024-00309191 quarantine and you have to pay out of c6ILOjRS_Zc-01464-00309192-00309310 pocket and c6ILOjRS_Zc-01465-00309311-00309495 that apparently is john tory i don't c6ILOjRS_Zc-01466-00309496-00309695 really follow politics because it just c6ILOjRS_Zc-01467-00309696-00309823 like makes me like c6ILOjRS_Zc-01468-00309824-00310119 feel i don't know down like i don't know c6ILOjRS_Zc-01469-00310120-00310319 there's so much corruption you know c6ILOjRS_Zc-01470-00310320-00310471 but this is what i'm hearing is a little c6ILOjRS_Zc-01471-00310472-00310687 bit difficult now for canadians so c6ILOjRS_Zc-01472-00310688-00310871 hopefully things change i think we just c6ILOjRS_Zc-01473-00310872-00310999 be patient c6ILOjRS_Zc-01474-00311000-00311319 um we're coming to the end of our time c6ILOjRS_Zc-01475-00311320-00311471 and i had a bunch more c6ILOjRS_Zc-01476-00311472-00311791 questions so it's okay because you've c6ILOjRS_Zc-01477-00311792-00311982 generously offered to do another c6ILOjRS_Zc-01478-00311983-00312206 live like this so see how you feel in c6ILOjRS_Zc-01479-00312207-00312399 the next c6ILOjRS_Zc-01480-00312400-00312567 and that way maybe we schedule more c6ILOjRS_Zc-01481-00312568-00312703 people will jump on and c6ILOjRS_Zc-01482-00312704-00312982 see it at the same time yeah yeah and c6ILOjRS_Zc-01483-00312983-00313158 then they'll have questions and c6ILOjRS_Zc-01484-00313159-00313367 it'll really get down to like what c6ILOjRS_Zc-01485-00313368-00313527 people really need help with c6ILOjRS_Zc-01486-00313528-00313671 you know because when we get that c6ILOjRS_Zc-01487-00313672-00313927 engagement that's where really the magic c6ILOjRS_Zc-01488-00313928-00314023 happens c6ILOjRS_Zc-01489-00314024-00314247 um i mean there was a lot of magic here c6ILOjRS_Zc-01490-00314248-00314423 just with me and you and the ladies from c6ILOjRS_Zc-01491-00314424-00314639 agro just channeling in whatever was c6ILOjRS_Zc-01492-00314640-00314823 supposed to come through for this call c6ILOjRS_Zc-01493-00314824-00315054 but i guess the last thing i would like c6ILOjRS_Zc-01494-00315055-00315230 you to speak about just before we wrap c6ILOjRS_Zc-01495-00315231-00315310 up because c6ILOjRS_Zc-01496-00315311-00315495 this is going to be really helpful for c6ILOjRS_Zc-01497-00315496-00315615 our members is c6ILOjRS_Zc-01498-00315616-00315975 uh just this upcoming fruit festival c6ILOjRS_Zc-01499-00315976-00316167 that i heard yeah they've been talking c6ILOjRS_Zc-01500-00316168-00316382 about it they they haven't confirmed c6ILOjRS_Zc-01501-00316383-00316663 100 this year the last one was pretty c6ILOjRS_Zc-01502-00316664-00316879 successful considering all the c6ILOjRS_Zc-01503-00316880-00317119 pandemic stuff we had i can't remember c6ILOjRS_Zc-01504-00317120-00317191 exactly but c6ILOjRS_Zc-01505-00317192-00317399 maybe around 20 people the one before c6ILOjRS_Zc-01506-00317400-00317591 that it was like 40 people so we kind of c6ILOjRS_Zc-01507-00317592-00317647 went c6ILOjRS_Zc-01508-00317648-00317806 a little down but considering the c6ILOjRS_Zc-01509-00317807-00318103 pandemic stuff and whatever else c6ILOjRS_Zc-01510-00318104-00318399 so yeah this one they don't know exactly c6ILOjRS_Zc-01511-00318400-00318487 yet they're probably c6ILOjRS_Zc-01512-00318488-00318679 every year it's uh in january because c6ILOjRS_Zc-01513-00318680-00318823 that's a really good time for c6ILOjRS_Zc-01514-00318824-00319095 both the climate like it's not too rainy c6ILOjRS_Zc-01515-00319096-00319199 and also the c6ILOjRS_Zc-01516-00319200-00319399 fruit seasons the local fruits are in c6ILOjRS_Zc-01517-00319400-00319582 season there's a lot of mangoes and a c6ILOjRS_Zc-01518-00319583-00319647 lot of c6ILOjRS_Zc-01519-00319648-00319830 other special you know soursops and c6ILOjRS_Zc-01520-00319831-00320015 whatever interesting c6ILOjRS_Zc-01521-00320016-00320156 mango seeds c6ILOjRS_Zc-01522-00320157-00320391 [Laughter] c6ILOjRS_Zc-01523-00320392-00320551 yeah that's awesome yeah there's a lot c6ILOjRS_Zc-01524-00320552-00320767 of cool local varieties that c6ILOjRS_Zc-01525-00320768-00320919 they're similar i guess somewhat to the c6ILOjRS_Zc-01526-00320920-00321110 canadian ones that you might be getting c6ILOjRS_Zc-01527-00321111-00321415 that from mexico but the ones local here c6ILOjRS_Zc-01528-00321416-00321695 um but yeah that's uh so you check out i c6ILOjRS_Zc-01529-00321696-00322082 can also put the link for that it's the c6ILOjRS_Zc-01530-00322083-00322263 c6ILOjRS_Zc-01531-00322264-00322687 that's the link is that a mango nice one c6ILOjRS_Zc-01532-00322688-00322815 this is what you were just speaking c6ILOjRS_Zc-01533-00322816-00322991 about they're coming from mexico c6ILOjRS_Zc-01534-00322992-00323406 i think oh wait no this is the cuban one c6ILOjRS_Zc-01535-00323407-00323599 this is the cuban one yes from c6ILOjRS_Zc-01536-00323600-00323806 from aggro trading it smells so good c6ILOjRS_Zc-01537-00323807-00323934 guys c6ILOjRS_Zc-01538-00323935-00324167 but imagine you're in ecuador and c6ILOjRS_Zc-01539-00324168-00324254 they're just like c6ILOjRS_Zc-01540-00324255-00324543 falling off the tree so what is the name c6ILOjRS_Zc-01541-00324544-00324703 of the fruit festival do they have a c6ILOjRS_Zc-01542-00324704-00324910 name c6ILOjRS_Zc-01543-00324911-00325095 yeah it's called the amazon fruit c6ILOjRS_Zc-01544-00325096-00325391 festival i'll post the link c6ILOjRS_Zc-01545-00325392-00325663 in the chat now it works that would be c6ILOjRS_Zc-01546-00325664-00325758 great c6ILOjRS_Zc-01547-00325759-00326015 oh my god that's so fun so that's c6ILOjRS_Zc-01548-00326016-00326282 january okay i see the link c6ILOjRS_Zc-01549-00326283-00326503 so so if you c6ILOjRS_Zc-01550-00326504-00326710 guys are interested in being around an c6ILOjRS_Zc-01551-00326711-00326927 abundance of fruit c6ILOjRS_Zc-01552-00326928-00327215 beautiful humans who are just high c6ILOjRS_Zc-01553-00327216-00327423 vibing like boris here you know c6ILOjRS_Zc-01554-00327424-00327654 super happy super positive people c6ILOjRS_Zc-01555-00327655-00327854 because the fruit really brings all this c6ILOjRS_Zc-01556-00327855-00327887 like c6ILOjRS_Zc-01557-00327888-00328087 peaceful mindset you know as we get rid c6ILOjRS_Zc-01558-00328088-00328247 of some of these parasites and some of c6ILOjRS_Zc-01559-00328248-00328471 these heavier energies these denser c6ILOjRS_Zc-01560-00328472-00328871 energies denser chemistry right yeah c6ILOjRS_Zc-01561-00328872-00329078 we feel really good yeah go ahead c6ILOjRS_Zc-01562-00329079-00329175 through which c6ILOjRS_Zc-01563-00329176-00329503 a beautiful big you know yoga hall c6ILOjRS_Zc-01564-00329504-00329727 which has lots of daily activities and c6ILOjRS_Zc-01565-00329728-00329830 then uh c6ILOjRS_Zc-01566-00329831-00329999 i think usually what they do is there's c6ILOjRS_Zc-01567-00330000-00330271 a three-day coconut water fast c6ILOjRS_Zc-01568-00330272-00330543 before is an optional add-on so if you c6ILOjRS_Zc-01569-00330544-00330663 want to do that if not c6ILOjRS_Zc-01570-00330664-00330854 you could just come to the actual c6ILOjRS_Zc-01571-00330855-00331030 festival and then there'll be c6ILOjRS_Zc-01572-00331031-00331351 lots of fruits during the day and then c6ILOjRS_Zc-01573-00331352-00331630 from about lunch to the dinner then c6ILOjRS_Zc-01574-00331631-00331695 there's like c6ILOjRS_Zc-01575-00331696-00331951 salad options if you want those and then c6ILOjRS_Zc-01576-00331952-00332158 uh they also have some raw gourmet c6ILOjRS_Zc-01577-00332159-00332391 things so some dehydrated things c6ILOjRS_Zc-01578-00332392-00332639 uh fermented cheese and fermented like c6ILOjRS_Zc-01579-00332640-00332751 sauerkraut c6ILOjRS_Zc-01580-00332752-00333030 things like that oh my god that's so c6ILOjRS_Zc-01581-00333031-00333110 good c6ILOjRS_Zc-01582-00333111-00333439 oh my gosh so with the three-day c6ILOjRS_Zc-01583-00333440-00333695 with the three-day coconut water fast is c6ILOjRS_Zc-01584-00333696-00333823 that all prepared c6ILOjRS_Zc-01585-00333824-00334223 for you yes so you can either open your c6ILOjRS_Zc-01586-00334224-00334423 own coconut if you wanted or you could c6ILOjRS_Zc-01587-00334424-00334558 drink the water c6ILOjRS_Zc-01588-00334559-00334823 uh that's like we put it into glass uh c6ILOjRS_Zc-01589-00334824-00334958 containers and c6ILOjRS_Zc-01590-00334959-00335199 there's uh this time we also got some c6ILOjRS_Zc-01591-00335200-00335399 other juices as optional like c6ILOjRS_Zc-01592-00335400-00335606 some lemon water or lemon juice and c6ILOjRS_Zc-01593-00335607-00335703 there was even c6ILOjRS_Zc-01594-00335704-00335943 i think things like celery and orange c6ILOjRS_Zc-01595-00335944-00336158 and watermelon different things c6ILOjRS_Zc-01596-00336159-00336391 but it's usually it's focused i think on c6ILOjRS_Zc-01597-00336392-00336575 coconut water but they might c6ILOjRS_Zc-01598-00336576-00336895 do optionally like a just a juice pass c6ILOjRS_Zc-01599-00336896-00336943 where c6ILOjRS_Zc-01600-00336944-00337103 you could drink whatever juice you c6ILOjRS_Zc-01601-00337104-00337358 wanted and yeah people say that's some c6ILOjRS_Zc-01602-00337359-00337534 great healing they consider i don't know c6ILOjRS_Zc-01603-00337535-00337623 if they do c6ILOjRS_Zc-01604-00337624-00337839 enemas i don't think they did it this c6ILOjRS_Zc-01605-00337840-00338006 year but they might c6ILOjRS_Zc-01606-00338007-00338167 do it for the next one i think that c6ILOjRS_Zc-01607-00338168-00338303 would be a good thing because that for c6ILOjRS_Zc-01608-00338304-00338454 sure mastercast c6ILOjRS_Zc-01609-00338455-00338823 i revealed a lot to that yeah fasting is c6ILOjRS_Zc-01610-00338824-00339039 amazing in coconut water you're not even c6ILOjRS_Zc-01611-00339040-00339223 really fasting this is like the most c6ILOjRS_Zc-01612-00339224-00339295 complete c6ILOjRS_Zc-01613-00339296-00339510 food from my understanding like they can c6ILOjRS_Zc-01614-00339511-00339727 actually replace like blood plasma with c6ILOjRS_Zc-01615-00339728-00339887 coconut water c6ILOjRS_Zc-01616-00339888-00340215 yes yes oh my god who knows maybe i'll c6ILOjRS_Zc-01617-00340216-00340423 come out in january maybe we bring c6ILOjRS_Zc-01618-00340424-00340727 cuba and candy and any of our members c6ILOjRS_Zc-01619-00340728-00341030 it's gonna be so fun c6ILOjRS_Zc-01620-00341031-00341278 i really am so grateful for you boris c6ILOjRS_Zc-01621-00341279-00341447 thank you for your time today and thank c6ILOjRS_Zc-01622-00341448-00341630 you to all our beautiful members who c6ILOjRS_Zc-01623-00341631-00341782 joined in and contributed to the c6ILOjRS_Zc-01624-00341783-00341887 discussion c6ILOjRS_Zc-01625-00341888-00342095 if you are just catching the recording c6ILOjRS_Zc-01626-00342096-00342223 we go live again c6ILOjRS_Zc-01627-00342224-00342415 maybe hopefully next week of course is c6ILOjRS_Zc-01628-00342416-00342663 available we keep you posted c6ILOjRS_Zc-01629-00342664-00342887 and then you guys can help engage in the c6ILOjRS_Zc-01630-00342888-00343039 conversation you know c6ILOjRS_Zc-01631-00343040-00343215 you know bring in whatever's supposed to c6ILOjRS_Zc-01632-00343216-00343478 be brought up for everybody's benefit c6ILOjRS_Zc-01633-00343479-00344063 so thank you boris for your time c6ILOjRS_Zc-01634-00344064-00344319 is there any last words any final words c6ILOjRS_Zc-01635-00344320-00344727 before we say goodbye c6ILOjRS_Zc-01636-00344728-00345030 yeah just keep it fruity and enjoy your c6ILOjRS_Zc-01637-00345031-00345358 weekend and have a good time don't take c6ILOjRS_Zc-01638-00345359-00345551 life too seriously just enjoy c6ILOjRS_Zc-01639-00345552-00345871 the moment oh c6ILOjRS_Zc-01640-00345872-00346030 thank you so much for the words of c6ILOjRS_Zc-01641-00346031-00346263 wisdom sending you so much love and c6ILOjRS_Zc-01642-00346264-00346447 all of the team out there at fruit haven c6ILOjRS_Zc-01643-00346448-00346639 eagle village we just love you so much c6ILOjRS_Zc-01644-00346640-00346695 and c6ILOjRS_Zc-01645-00346696-00346903 are so grateful for what you're doing so c6ILOjRS_Zc-01646-00346904-00347030 can't wait to see you again c6ILOjRS_Zc-01647-00347031-00347254 and thank you to all the members i don't c6ILOjRS_Zc-01648-00347255-00347415 know if he wants to be on c6ILOjRS_Zc-01649-00347416-00347734 there he is that's that's the option c6ILOjRS_Zc-01650-00347735-00348127 jessica says hi to my people please c6ILOjRS_Zc-01651-00348128-00348430 what's up dear one oh my god the piano i c6ILOjRS_Zc-01652-00348431-00348743 love piano that's wonderful c6ILOjRS_Zc-01653-00348744-00349063 that's one of the founders c6ILOjRS_Zc-01654-00349064-00349463 yeah he's oh there he is yeah c6ILOjRS_Zc-01655-00349464-00349782 oh and cat makes an appearance bye cat c6ILOjRS_Zc-01656-00349783-00349999 we love you so much and we can't wait to c6ILOjRS_Zc-01657-00350000-00350195 see you again c6ILOjRS_Zc-01658-00350196-00350399 [Laughter] c6ILOjRS_Zc-01659-00350400-00350815 oh my god you're so beautiful c6ILOjRS_Zc-01660-00350816-00351191 yay it was such a pleasure thank you for c6ILOjRS_Zc-01661-00351192-00351454 so much we talk again soon and thank you c6ILOjRS_Zc-01662-00351455-00351630 everyone for tuned in c6ILOjRS_Zc-01663-00351631-00351839 that's basically the last words and uh c6ILOjRS_Zc-01664-00351840-00352047 yeah let us know in the comments and c6ILOjRS_Zc-01665-00352048-00352230 and send us questions we'll open it up c6ILOjRS_Zc-01666-00352231-00352454 for next week c6ILOjRS_Zc-01667-00352455-00352839 why not check them out c6ILOjRS_Zc-01668-00352840-00353488 lots of love everyone bye boris crf5AMcesco-00000-00000048-00000374 the Food and Agriculture Organization of crf5AMcesco-00001-00000375-00000708 the United Nations FAO French crf5AMcesco-00002-00000709-00000986 organization de nations uniess por el crf5AMcesco-00003-00000986-00001289 alimentation at lag Racal Chur italian crf5AMcesco-00004-00001290-00001610 Organa's Acciona della notte Sione unite crf5AMcesco-00005-00001611-00001898 Pearl element a Sione Allegra Cole Torah crf5AMcesco-00006-00001898-00002195 is a specialized agency of the United crf5AMcesco-00007-00002196-00002411 Nations that leaves international crf5AMcesco-00008-00002412-00002759 efforts to defeat hunger serving both crf5AMcesco-00009-00002760-00003005 developed and developing countries crf5AMcesco-00010-00003006-00003296 FAO acts as a neutral forum where all crf5AMcesco-00011-00003297-00003551 nations meet as equals to negotiate crf5AMcesco-00012-00003552-00003861 arguments and debate policy crf5AMcesco-00013-00003862-00004186 FAO is also a source of knowledge and crf5AMcesco-00014-00004187-00004411 information and helps developing crf5AMcesco-00015-00004412-00004663 countries in transition modernize and crf5AMcesco-00016-00004664-00004902 improve agriculture forestry and crf5AMcesco-00017-00004903-00005161 Fisheries practices ensuring good crf5AMcesco-00018-00005162-00005536 nutrition and food security for all its crf5AMcesco-00019-00005537-00005968 Latin motto Fiat panis translates as let crf5AMcesco-00020-00005969-00006429 there be bread as of August 2018 the FAO crf5AMcesco-00021-00006430-00006838 has 197 member states including the crf5AMcesco-00022-00006839-00007302 European Union a member organization neo crf5AMcesco-00023-00007303-00007591 a and the Cook Islands states in free crf5AMcesco-00024-00007592-00007843 association with New Zealand and the crf5AMcesco-00025-00007844-00008091 Faroe Islands and Tokelau which are crf5AMcesco-00026-00008092-00008765 associate members crf5AMcesco-00027-00008766-00009314 topic history crf5AMcesco-00028-00009315-00009485 the idea of an international crf5AMcesco-00029-00009486-00009797 organization for food and agriculture crf5AMcesco-00030-00009798-00010109 emerged in the late 19th and early 20th crf5AMcesco-00031-00010110-00010456 century advanced primarily by the u.s. crf5AMcesco-00032-00010457-00010709 agriculturalists and activist David crf5AMcesco-00033-00010710-00011111 Lubin in May to June 1905 an crf5AMcesco-00034-00011112-00011354 international conference was held in crf5AMcesco-00035-00011355-00011654 Rome Italy which led to the creation of crf5AMcesco-00036-00011655-00011846 the International Institute of crf5AMcesco-00037-00011847-00012119 Agriculture by the king of Italy Victor crf5AMcesco-00038-00012120-00012497 Emmanuel the third later in 1943 the crf5AMcesco-00039-00012498-00012761 United States President Franklin D crf5AMcesco-00040-00012762-00013004 Roosevelt called a United Nations crf5AMcesco-00041-00013005-00013357 conference on food and agriculture crf5AMcesco-00042-00013358-00013637 representatives from 44 governments crf5AMcesco-00043-00013638-00013880 gathered at the Homestead Resort in Hot crf5AMcesco-00044-00013881-00014291 Springs Virginia us from the 18th of May crf5AMcesco-00045-00014291-00014597 to the 3rd of June they committed crf5AMcesco-00046-00014597-00014807 themselves to founding a permanent crf5AMcesco-00047-00014808-00015041 Organization for food and agriculture crf5AMcesco-00048-00015041-00015380 which happened in Quebec City Canada on crf5AMcesco-00049-00015381-00015737 the 16th of October 1945 with the crf5AMcesco-00050-00015738-00015988 conclusion of the constitution of the crf5AMcesco-00051-00015990-00016352 Food and Agriculture Organization the crf5AMcesco-00052-00016353-00016640 first session of the FAO conference was crf5AMcesco-00053-00016641-00016904 held in the Chateau Frontenac in Quebec crf5AMcesco-00054-00016905-00017219 City from the 16th of October to the 1st crf5AMcesco-00055-00017220-00017524 of November 1945 crf5AMcesco-00056-00017525-00017836 world war ii effectively ended the crf5AMcesco-00057-00017837-00018110 international agricultural institute crf5AMcesco-00058-00018111-00018308 though it was only officially dissolved crf5AMcesco-00059-00018309-00018593 by resolution of its permanent committee crf5AMcesco-00060-00018594-00019069 on the 27th of february 1948 its crf5AMcesco-00061-00019070-00019289 functions were then transferred to the crf5AMcesco-00062-00019290-00019594 recently established FAO from the late crf5AMcesco-00063-00019595-00019975 1940s on FAO attempted to make its mark crf5AMcesco-00064-00019976-00020285 within the emerging UN system focusing crf5AMcesco-00065-00020286-00020549 mostly on supporting agricultural and crf5AMcesco-00066-00020550-00020750 nutrition research and providing crf5AMcesco-00067-00020751-00020957 technical assistance to member countries crf5AMcesco-00068-00020958-00021250 to boost production in agriculture crf5AMcesco-00069-00021251-00021619 fishery and forestry during the 1950s crf5AMcesco-00070-00021620-00021962 and 1960s FAO partnered with many crf5AMcesco-00071-00021963-00022244 different international organizations in crf5AMcesco-00072-00022245-00022946 development projects crf5AMcesco-00073-00022947-00023605 topic structure and finance crf5AMcesco-00074-00023606-00024001 in 1951 FAO s headquarters were moved crf5AMcesco-00075-00024002-00024400 from Washington DC United States to Rome crf5AMcesco-00076-00024401-00024778 Italy the agency is directed by the crf5AMcesco-00077-00024779-00025057 conference of member nations which meets crf5AMcesco-00078-00025058-00025267 every two years to review the work crf5AMcesco-00079-00025268-00025528 carried out by the organization and to crf5AMcesco-00080-00025529-00025728 work in budget for the next two-year crf5AMcesco-00081-00025729-00026112 period the conference elects a Council crf5AMcesco-00082-00026113-00026425 of 49 member states served three year crf5AMcesco-00083-00026426-00026647 wrote a ting terms that acts as an crf5AMcesco-00084-00026648-00026833 interim governing body and the crf5AMcesco-00085-00026833-00027222 director-general that heads the agency crf5AMcesco-00086-00027223-00027551 FAO is composed of eight departments crf5AMcesco-00087-00027552-00027822 agriculture and consumer protection crf5AMcesco-00088-00027823-00028143 climate biodiversity land and water crf5AMcesco-00089-00028144-00028358 department Economic and Social crf5AMcesco-00090-00028360-00028691 Development fisheries and aquaculture crf5AMcesco-00091-00028692-00028974 forestry corporate services and crf5AMcesco-00092-00028975-00029220 technical cooperation and program crf5AMcesco-00093-00029220-00029583 management beginning in 1994 FAO crf5AMcesco-00094-00029583-00029802 underwent the most significant crf5AMcesco-00095-00029802-00030024 restructuring since its founding to crf5AMcesco-00096-00030025-00030314 decentralize operations streamlined crf5AMcesco-00097-00030316-00030722 procedures and reduce costs as a result crf5AMcesco-00098-00030723-00031110 savings of about 50 million dollars 35 crf5AMcesco-00099-00031111-00031862 million euros a year were realized crf5AMcesco-00100-00031863-00032385 topic budget crf5AMcesco-00101-00032386-00032647 FAO is regular program crf5AMcesco-00102-00032648-00032887 budget as funded by its members through crf5AMcesco-00103-00032888-00033225 contributions said at the FAO conference crf5AMcesco-00104-00033226-00033609 this budget covers core technical work crf5AMcesco-00105-00033610-00033874 cooperation and partnerships including crf5AMcesco-00106-00033875-00034117 the technical cooperation programme crf5AMcesco-00107-00034118-00034456 knowledge exchange policy and advocacy crf5AMcesco-00108-00034457-00034756 direction and administration governance crf5AMcesco-00109-00034757-00034954 and security crf5AMcesco-00110-00034955-00035322 the total FAO budget planned for 2016 crf5AMcesco-00111-00035323-00035761 2017 as 2.6 billion United States crf5AMcesco-00112-00035762-00036148 dollars the voluntary contributions crf5AMcesco-00113-00036149-00036391 provided by members and other partners crf5AMcesco-00114-00036392-00036634 support mechanical and emergency crf5AMcesco-00115-00036635-00036940 including rehabilitation assistance to crf5AMcesco-00116-00036941-00037210 governments for clearly defined purposes crf5AMcesco-00117-00037211-00037453 linked to the results framework as well crf5AMcesco-00118-00037454-00037888 as direct support to FAO s core work the crf5AMcesco-00119-00037889-00038182 voluntary contributions are expected to crf5AMcesco-00120-00038183-00038536 reach approximately 1.6 billion dollars crf5AMcesco-00121-00038537-00039100 in 2016 2017 this overall budget covers crf5AMcesco-00122-00039101-00039409 core technical work cooperation and crf5AMcesco-00123-00039410-00039637 partnerships leading to food and crf5AMcesco-00124-00039638-00040012 agriculture outcomes at 71% core crf5AMcesco-00125-00040013-00040339 functions at 11% the country office crf5AMcesco-00126-00040340-00040675 Network 5% capital and security crf5AMcesco-00127-00040676-00041119 expenditure 2% administration 6% and crf5AMcesco-00128-00041120-00042007 technical and cooperation program 5% crf5AMcesco-00129-00042008-00042949 topic directors general crf5AMcesco-00130-00042950-00043982 topic deputy directors general crf5AMcesco-00131-00043983-00044892 Topic offices crf5AMcesco-00132-00044893-00045117 topic fao crf5AMcesco-00133-00045118-00045542 headquarters crf5AMcesco-00134-00045543-00045824 the world headquarters are located in crf5AMcesco-00135-00045825-00046029 Rome in the former seat of the crf5AMcesco-00136-00046030-00046430 Department of Italian East Africa one of crf5AMcesco-00137-00046431-00046619 the most notable features of the crf5AMcesco-00138-00046620-00046860 building was the Aqsa mollusk which crf5AMcesco-00139-00046861-00047075 stood in front of the agency seat crf5AMcesco-00140-00047076-00047321 although just outside the territory crf5AMcesco-00141-00047322-00047610 allocated to FAO by the Italian crf5AMcesco-00142-00047611-00048002 government it was taken from Ethiopia by crf5AMcesco-00143-00048003-00048389 Benito Mussolini's troops in 1937 as a crf5AMcesco-00144-00048390-00048680 war chest and returned on the 18th of crf5AMcesco-00145-00048681-00049358 April 2005 crf5AMcesco-00146-00049359-00049985 topic regional offices crf5AMcesco-00147-00049986-00050298 regional office for Africa in Accra crf5AMcesco-00148-00050299-00050712 Ghana regional office for Asia and the crf5AMcesco-00149-00050713-00051159 Pacific in Bangkok Thailand regional crf5AMcesco-00150-00051160-00051408 office for Europe and Central Asia in crf5AMcesco-00151-00051409-00051825 Budapest Hungary regional office for crf5AMcesco-00152-00051826-00052076 Latin America and the Caribbean in crf5AMcesco-00153-00052077-00052524 Santiago Chile regional office for the crf5AMcesco-00154-00052525-00053204 Near East in Cairo Egypt crf5AMcesco-00155-00053205-00053910 topic sub regional offices crf5AMcesco-00156-00053911-00054205 sub-regional office for Central Africa crf5AMcesco-00157-00054206-00054734 SFC in libreville gabon sub-regional crf5AMcesco-00158-00054735-00055129 office for Central Asia in ankara turkey crf5AMcesco-00159-00055129-00055490 sub regional office for Eastern Africa crf5AMcesco-00160-00055491-00056056 sfe in Addis Ababa Ethiopia sub regional crf5AMcesco-00161-00056057-00056437 office for Mesoamerica SLM in Panama crf5AMcesco-00162-00056438-00056857 City Panama sub regional office for crf5AMcesco-00163-00056858-00057328 North Africa in Tunis Tunisia sub crf5AMcesco-00164-00057329-00057604 regional office for southern Africa and crf5AMcesco-00165-00057605-00058081 East Africa in Harare Zimbabwe sub crf5AMcesco-00166-00058082-00058328 regional office for the Caribbean in crf5AMcesco-00167-00058329-00058804 Bridgetown Barbados sub regional office crf5AMcesco-00168-00058805-00059078 for the Gulf Cooperation Council States crf5AMcesco-00169-00059079-00059540 in Yemen Abu Dhabi sub regional office crf5AMcesco-00170-00059541-00060305 for the Pacific Islands in Apia Samoa crf5AMcesco-00171-00060307-00060953 topic liaison offices crf5AMcesco-00172-00060954-00061260 liaison office for North America in crf5AMcesco-00173-00061261-00061523 Washington DC crf5AMcesco-00174-00061524-00061976 liaison office with Japan in Yokohama crf5AMcesco-00175-00061977-00062247 liaison office with the European Union crf5AMcesco-00176-00062248-00062555 and Belgium in Brussels crf5AMcesco-00177-00062556-00062793 liaison office with the Russian crf5AMcesco-00178-00062794-00063079 Federation in Moscow crf5AMcesco-00179-00063079-00063338 liaison office with the United Nations crf5AMcesco-00180-00063339-00063845 in Geneva liaison office with the United crf5AMcesco-00181-00063846-00064471 Nations in New York crf5AMcesco-00182-00064472-00065161 topic priority work areas crf5AMcesco-00183-00065162-00065437 FAO has outlined the following crf5AMcesco-00184-00065438-00065769 priorities in its fight against hunger crf5AMcesco-00185-00065770-00066048 help you eliminate hunger food crf5AMcesco-00186-00066049-00066349 insecurity and malnutrition contribute crf5AMcesco-00187-00066350-00066564 to the eradication of hunger by crf5AMcesco-00188-00066565-00066829 facilitating policies and political crf5AMcesco-00189-00066830-00067107 commitments to support food security and crf5AMcesco-00190-00067108-00067288 by making sure that up-to-date crf5AMcesco-00191-00067289-00067540 information about hunger and nutrition crf5AMcesco-00192-00067541-00067798 challenges and solutions as available crf5AMcesco-00193-00067799-00067992 and accessible crf5AMcesco-00194-00067993-00068301 make Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries crf5AMcesco-00195-00068302-00068616 more productive and sustainable promote crf5AMcesco-00196-00068617-00068919 evidence-based policies and practices to crf5AMcesco-00197-00068920-00069180 support highly productive agricultural crf5AMcesco-00198-00069181-00069561 sectors crops livestock forestry and crf5AMcesco-00199-00069562-00069768 Fisheries while ensuring that the crf5AMcesco-00200-00069769-00070050 natural resource base does not suffer in crf5AMcesco-00201-00070051-00070232 the process crf5AMcesco-00202-00070233-00070574 reduce rural poverty help the rural poor crf5AMcesco-00203-00070575-00070811 gain access to the resources and crf5AMcesco-00204-00070812-00071039 services they need including rural crf5AMcesco-00205-00071040-00071315 employment and social protection to crf5AMcesco-00206-00071316-00071607 forge a path out of poverty crf5AMcesco-00207-00071608-00071856 enable inclusive and efficient crf5AMcesco-00208-00071857-00072150 agricultural and food systems help to crf5AMcesco-00209-00072151-00072399 build safe and efficient food systems crf5AMcesco-00210-00072400-00072678 that support smallholder agriculture and crf5AMcesco-00211-00072679-00073069 reduce poverty and hunger in rural areas crf5AMcesco-00212-00073070-00073319 increase the resilience of livelihoods crf5AMcesco-00213-00073320-00073623 to threats and crises help countries to crf5AMcesco-00214-00073624-00073869 prepare for natural and human-caused crf5AMcesco-00215-00073870-00074126 disasters by reducing their risk and crf5AMcesco-00216-00074127-00074337 enhancing the resilience of their food crf5AMcesco-00217-00074338-00074661 and agricultural systems two fundamental crf5AMcesco-00218-00074662-00074934 areas of work gender and governance are crf5AMcesco-00219-00074935-00075216 fully integrated in the above strategic crf5AMcesco-00220-00075217-00075926 objective action plans crf5AMcesco-00221-00075927-00076960 topic programs and achievements crf5AMcesco-00222-00076961-00077777 topic food crf5AMcesco-00223-00077778-00078426 topic Codex Alimentarius crf5AMcesco-00224-00078427-00078756 FAO and the World Health Organization crf5AMcesco-00225-00078757-00078922 created the Codex Alimentarius crf5AMcesco-00226-00078923-00079350 Commission in 1961 to develop food crf5AMcesco-00227-00079351-00079632 standards guidelines and texts such as crf5AMcesco-00228-00079633-00079947 codes of practice under the joint FAO crf5AMcesco-00229-00079948-00080373 w-h-o food standards program the main crf5AMcesco-00230-00080374-00080596 aims of the program are protecting crf5AMcesco-00231-00080597-00080860 consumer health ensuring fair trade and crf5AMcesco-00232-00080861-00081115 promoting coordination of all Food crf5AMcesco-00233-00081116-00081354 Standards work undertaken by inter crf5AMcesco-00234-00081355-00081523 governmental and non-governmental crf5AMcesco-00235-00081524-00082169 organizations crf5AMcesco-00236-00082170-00082770 Topic World Food Summit crf5AMcesco-00237-00082771-00083229 in 1996 FAO organized the World Food crf5AMcesco-00238-00083230-00083613 Summit attended by 112 heads or deputy crf5AMcesco-00239-00083614-00083967 heads of state and government the summit crf5AMcesco-00240-00083968-00084182 concluded with the signing of the Rome crf5AMcesco-00241-00084183-00084447 declaration which established the goal crf5AMcesco-00242-00084448-00084644 of having the number of people who crf5AMcesco-00243-00084645-00084954 suffer from hunger by the Year 2015 crf5AMcesco-00244-00084955-00085463 at the same time 1,200 civil society crf5AMcesco-00245-00085464-00085701 organizations csos crf5AMcesco-00246-00085702-00086031 from 80 countries participated in an NGO crf5AMcesco-00247-00086032-00086367 forum the forum was critical of the crf5AMcesco-00248-00086368-00086643 growing industrialization of Agriculture crf5AMcesco-00249-00086644-00087003 and called upon governments an FAO to do crf5AMcesco-00250-00087004-00087255 more to protect the right to food of the crf5AMcesco-00251-00087256-00087776 poor crf5AMcesco-00252-00087777-00088286 topic tell a food crf5AMcesco-00253-00088287-00088721 in 1997 FAO launched telephone a crf5AMcesco-00254-00088722-00089027 campaign of concerts sporting events and crf5AMcesco-00255-00089028-00089267 other activities to harness the power of crf5AMcesco-00256-00089268-00089585 media celebrities and concerned citizens crf5AMcesco-00257-00089586-00089969 to help fight hunger since its start the crf5AMcesco-00258-00089970-00090245 campaign has generated close to twenty crf5AMcesco-00259-00090246-00090530 eight million dollars 15 million euros crf5AMcesco-00260-00090531-00090860 in donations money raised through crf5AMcesco-00261-00090861-00091244 telophase for small sustainable projects crf5AMcesco-00262-00091245-00091463 that help small-scale farmers produce crf5AMcesco-00263-00091464-00091685 more food for their families and crf5AMcesco-00264-00091686-00091910 communities the project's provide crf5AMcesco-00265-00091911-00092189 tangible resources such as fishing crf5AMcesco-00266-00092190-00092447 equipment seeds and agricultural crf5AMcesco-00267-00092448-00092810 implements they very enormous Lee from crf5AMcesco-00268-00092811-00093110 helping families raise pigs in Venezuela crf5AMcesco-00269-00093111-00093368 through creating school gardens in Cape crf5AMcesco-00270-00093369-00093602 Verde and Mauritania are providing crf5AMcesco-00271-00093603-00093860 school lunches in Uganda and teaching crf5AMcesco-00272-00093861-00094142 children to grow food to raising fish in crf5AMcesco-00273-00094143-00094811 a leper community in India crf5AMcesco-00274-00094812-00095531 topic fao goodwill ambassadors crf5AMcesco-00275-00095532-00095909 the FAO goodwill ambassadors program was crf5AMcesco-00276-00095910-00096371 initiated in 1999 the main purpose of crf5AMcesco-00277-00096372-00096623 the program is to attract public and crf5AMcesco-00278-00096624-00096866 media attention to the unacceptable crf5AMcesco-00279-00096867-00097148 situation that some 1 billion people crf5AMcesco-00280-00097149-00097351 continue to suffer from chronic hunger crf5AMcesco-00281-00097352-00097598 and malnutrition in a time of crf5AMcesco-00282-00097599-00097973 unprecedented Plenty these people lead a crf5AMcesco-00283-00097974-00098206 life of misery and are denied the most crf5AMcesco-00284-00098207-00098623 basic of human rights the right to food crf5AMcesco-00285-00098624-00098915 governments alone cannot end hunger and crf5AMcesco-00286-00098916-00099209 undernourishment mobilization of the crf5AMcesco-00287-00099210-00099449 public and private sectors the crf5AMcesco-00288-00099450-00099688 involvement of civil society and the crf5AMcesco-00289-00099689-00099901 pooling of collective and individual crf5AMcesco-00290-00099902-00100160 resources are all needed if people are crf5AMcesco-00291-00100161-00100367 to break out of the vicious circle of crf5AMcesco-00292-00100368-00100756 chronic hunger and undernourishment each crf5AMcesco-00293-00100757-00101013 of FAO s goodwill ambassadors crf5AMcesco-00294-00101014-00101287 celebrities from the arts entertainment crf5AMcesco-00295-00101288-00101636 sport and academia such as Nobel Prize crf5AMcesco-00296-00101637-00101960 winner Rita levi-montalcini actress Gong crf5AMcesco-00297-00101961-00102250 Li the late singer Miriam Makeba crf5AMcesco-00298-00102251-00102521 international singers Ronan Keating and crf5AMcesco-00299-00102522-00102839 Anggun and soccer players Roberto Baggio crf5AMcesco-00300-00102840-00103084 and Raoul to name a few crf5AMcesco-00301-00103085-00103252 have made a personal and professional crf5AMcesco-00302-00103253-00103646 commitment to FAO Asian a food secure crf5AMcesco-00303-00103647-00103992 world for present and future generations crf5AMcesco-00304-00103993-00104297 using their talents and influence the crf5AMcesco-00305-00104298-00104542 goodwill ambassadors draw the old and crf5AMcesco-00306-00104543-00104771 the young the rich in the poor into the crf5AMcesco-00307-00104772-00105115 campaign against world hunger they aim crf5AMcesco-00308-00105116-00105350 to make food for all a reality in the crf5AMcesco-00309-00105351-00106068 21st century and beyond crf5AMcesco-00310-00106069-00106692 topic right to food guidelines crf5AMcesco-00311-00106693-00107046 in 2004 the right to food guidelines crf5AMcesco-00312-00107047-00107319 were adopted offering guidance to states crf5AMcesco-00313-00107320-00107580 on how to implement their obligations on crf5AMcesco-00314-00107581-00108158 the right to food crf5AMcesco-00315-00108158-00108807 topic response to food crisis crf5AMcesco-00316-00108808-00109227 in December 2007 FAO launched its crf5AMcesco-00317-00109228-00109491 initiative on soaring food prices to crf5AMcesco-00318-00109492-00109749 help small producers raise their output crf5AMcesco-00319-00109750-00110126 and earn more under the initiative FAO crf5AMcesco-00320-00110127-00110355 contributed to the work of the UN crf5AMcesco-00321-00110356-00110636 high-level task force on the global food crf5AMcesco-00322-00110638-00110925 crisis which produced the comprehensive crf5AMcesco-00323-00110926-00111335 framework for action FAO has carried out crf5AMcesco-00324-00111336-00111635 projects in over 25 countries and crf5AMcesco-00325-00111636-00111969 interagency missions in nearly 60 scaled crf5AMcesco-00326-00111970-00112182 up it's monitoring through the global crf5AMcesco-00327-00112183-00112446 information and early warning system on crf5AMcesco-00328-00112447-00112740 food and agriculture provided policy crf5AMcesco-00329-00112741-00112974 advice to government's while supporting crf5AMcesco-00330-00112975-00113151 their efforts to increase food crf5AMcesco-00331-00113152-00113388 production and advocated for more crf5AMcesco-00332-00113389-00113684 investment in agriculture as also worked crf5AMcesco-00333-00113685-00114066 hand-in-hand with the European Union one crf5AMcesco-00334-00114067-00114351 example of its work is a ten point two crf5AMcesco-00335-00114352-00114768 million dollars seven euros five billion crf5AMcesco-00336-00114769-00114989 scheme to distribute and multiply crf5AMcesco-00337-00114990-00115269 quality seeds in Haiti which has crf5AMcesco-00338-00115270-00115502 significantly increased food production crf5AMcesco-00339-00115503-00115782 thereby providing cheaper food and crf5AMcesco-00340-00115783-00116244 boosting crf5AMcesco-00341-00116245-00116951 topic fao EU partnership crf5AMcesco-00342-00116952-00117416 in May 2009 FAO and the European Union crf5AMcesco-00343-00117417-00117788 signed an initial aid package worth 125 crf5AMcesco-00344-00117789-00118019 million euros to support small farmers crf5AMcesco-00345-00118020-00118325 in countries hit hard by rising food crf5AMcesco-00346-00118326-00118706 prices the aid package falls under the crf5AMcesco-00347-00118707-00119057 EU s 1 billion euros food facility set crf5AMcesco-00348-00119058-00119315 up with the UN Secretary General's crf5AMcesco-00349-00119316-00119594 high-level Task Force on the global food crf5AMcesco-00350-00119595-00119929 crisis and FAO to focus on programs that crf5AMcesco-00351-00119930-00120188 will have a quick but lasting impact on crf5AMcesco-00352-00120189-00120610 food security FAO is receiving a total crf5AMcesco-00353-00120611-00120953 of around 200 million euros for work in crf5AMcesco-00354-00120954-00121295 25 countries of which fifteen point four crf5AMcesco-00355-00121296-00122033 million euros goes to Zimbabwe crf5AMcesco-00356-00122034-00122694 topic food security programs crf5AMcesco-00357-00122695-00123026 the special program for food security as crf5AMcesco-00358-00123027-00123318 FAO slag ship initiative for reaching crf5AMcesco-00359-00123319-00123509 the goal of having the number of hungry crf5AMcesco-00360-00123510-00123756 in the world by 2015 crf5AMcesco-00361-00123757-00123996 currently estimated at close to 1 crf5AMcesco-00362-00123997-00124235 billion people as part of its commitment crf5AMcesco-00363-00124236-00124534 to the Millennium Development Goals crf5AMcesco-00364-00124535-00124865 through projects in over 100 countries crf5AMcesco-00365-00124866-00125150 worldwide the program promotes effective crf5AMcesco-00366-00125151-00125465 tangible solutions to the elimination of crf5AMcesco-00367-00125466-00125788 hunger under nourishment and poverty crf5AMcesco-00368-00125789-00126149 currently 102 countries are engaged in crf5AMcesco-00369-00126150-00126369 the program and of these approximately crf5AMcesco-00370-00126370-00126653 30 have begun shifting from pilot to crf5AMcesco-00371-00126654-00127025 national programs to maximize the impact crf5AMcesco-00372-00127026-00127334 of its work FAO strongly promotes crf5AMcesco-00373-00127335-00127625 national ownership and local empowerment crf5AMcesco-00374-00127626-00128348 in the countries in which it operates crf5AMcesco-00375-00128349-00129036 topic online campaign against hunger crf5AMcesco-00376-00129038-00129366 the 1 billion hungary project became the crf5AMcesco-00377-00129367-00129768 ending hunger campaign in April 2011 crf5AMcesco-00378-00129769-00130096 spearheaded by FAO in partnership with crf5AMcesco-00379-00130097-00130347 other UN agencies and private nonprofit crf5AMcesco-00380-00130348-00130683 groups the ending hunger movement pushes crf5AMcesco-00381-00130684-00130915 the boundaries of conventional public crf5AMcesco-00382-00130916-00131287 advocacy it builds on the success in crf5AMcesco-00383-00131288-00131604 2010 of the 1 billion hungry project and crf5AMcesco-00384-00131605-00131851 the subsequent chain of public events crf5AMcesco-00385-00131852-00132078 that led to the collection of over 3 crf5AMcesco-00386-00132079-00132364 million signatures on a global petition crf5AMcesco-00387-00132365-00132919 to end hunger WWI ending hunger org the crf5AMcesco-00388-00132920-00133147 petition was originally presented to crf5AMcesco-00389-00133148-00133411 representatives of world governments at crf5AMcesco-00390-00133412-00133663 a ceremony in Rome on the 30th of crf5AMcesco-00391-00133664-00133981 November 2010 the web and partnerships crf5AMcesco-00392-00133982-00134275 are two pivotal and dynamic aspects of crf5AMcesco-00393-00134276-00134628 ending hunger the campaign relies on the crf5AMcesco-00394-00134629-00134845 assistance of organizations and crf5AMcesco-00395-00134846-00135085 institutions that can facilitate the crf5AMcesco-00396-00135086-00135366 project's diffusion by placing banners crf5AMcesco-00397-00135367-00135613 on their own websites or organizing crf5AMcesco-00398-00135614-00135828 events aimed to raise awareness of the crf5AMcesco-00399-00135829-00136288 project in its 2011 season the campaign crf5AMcesco-00400-00136289-00136621 expanded its multimedia content pursued crf5AMcesco-00401-00136622-00136864 mutual visibility arrangements with crf5AMcesco-00402-00136865-00137137 partner organizations and sharpened its crf5AMcesco-00403-00137138-00137497 focus on 14 to 25 year olds who were crf5AMcesco-00404-00137498-00137722 encouraged to understand their potential crf5AMcesco-00405-00137723-00137977 as a social movement to push for the end crf5AMcesco-00406-00137978-00138157 of hunger crf5AMcesco-00407-00138158-00138466 moreover the ending hunger project as a crf5AMcesco-00408-00138467-00138769 viral communication campaign renewing crf5AMcesco-00409-00138770-00138991 and expanding its efforts to build the crf5AMcesco-00410-00138992-00139228 movement through Facebook Twitter and crf5AMcesco-00411-00139229-00139582 other social networks those who sign the crf5AMcesco-00412-00139583-00139798 petition can spread the link of the crf5AMcesco-00413-00139799-00140035 ending hunger website to their friends crf5AMcesco-00414-00140036-00140329 via social media or mail in order to crf5AMcesco-00415-00140330-00140551 gain awareness and signatures for the crf5AMcesco-00416-00140552-00140920 petition the next interim objective is crf5AMcesco-00417-00140921-00141121 to grow the ending hunger movements crf5AMcesco-00418-00141122-00141391 Facebook community to 1 million members crf5AMcesco-00419-00141392-00141793 as with the petition the more people who crf5AMcesco-00420-00141794-00142027 get involved the more powerful the crf5AMcesco-00421-00142028-00142324 message to governments we are no longer crf5AMcesco-00422-00142325-00142627 willing to accept the fact that hundreds crf5AMcesco-00423-00142628-00142965 of millions live in chronic hunger crf5AMcesco-00424-00142966-00143290 groups and individuals can also decide crf5AMcesco-00425-00143291-00143527 on their own to organize an event about crf5AMcesco-00426-00143528-00143811 the project simply by gathering friends crf5AMcesco-00427-00143812-00144160 whistles t-shirts and banners whistles crf5AMcesco-00428-00144161-00144436 and t-shirts can be ordered and petition crf5AMcesco-00429-00144437-00144685 sign sheets downloaded on the ending crf5AMcesco-00430-00144686-00144970 hunger dot org website and thereby alert crf5AMcesco-00431-00144971-00145240 people about chronic hunger by using the crf5AMcesco-00432-00145241-00145612 yellow whistle the original 1 billion crf5AMcesco-00433-00145613-00145879 hungry campaign borrowed as its slogan crf5AMcesco-00434-00145880-00146200 the line I'm as mad as hell and I'm not crf5AMcesco-00435-00146201-00146496 going to take this anymore crf5AMcesco-00436-00146497-00146922 used by Peter Finch in the 1976 film crf5AMcesco-00437-00146923-00147352 Network meanwhile the yellow whistle has crf5AMcesco-00438-00147353-00147580 been the campaign symbol from the start crf5AMcesco-00439-00147581-00147829 from 1 billion hungry to ending hunger crf5AMcesco-00440-00147830-00148132 the creative concept was provided by the crf5AMcesco-00441-00148133-00148405 mccann-erickson Italy communication crf5AMcesco-00442-00148406-00148711 agency it symbolizes the fact that we crf5AMcesco-00443-00148712-00149038 are blowing the whistle on the silent crf5AMcesco-00444-00149039-00149371 disaster of hunger it is both a symbol crf5AMcesco-00445-00149372-00149608 and at many live events taking place crf5AMcesco-00446-00149609-00149872 around the world a physical means of crf5AMcesco-00447-00149873-00150112 expressing frustration and making some crf5AMcesco-00448-00150113-00150370 noise about the hunger situation both crf5AMcesco-00449-00150371-00150589 the 1 billion hungry and the ending crf5AMcesco-00450-00150590-00150790 hunger campaigns have continued to crf5AMcesco-00451-00150791-00151081 attract un goodwill ambassadors from the crf5AMcesco-00452-00151082-00151338 worlds of music and cinema literature crf5AMcesco-00453-00151339-00151462 sport crf5AMcesco-00454-00151463-00151528 active crf5AMcesco-00455-00151529-00151836 and government some of the well-known crf5AMcesco-00456-00151837-00152059 individuals who have become involved crf5AMcesco-00457-00152060-00152346 include former Brazilian President Luiz crf5AMcesco-00458-00152347-00152715 inácio Lula da Silva former presidents crf5AMcesco-00459-00152716-00152959 of Chile Ricardo Lagos and Michelle crf5AMcesco-00460-00152960-00153298 Bachelet actress Susan Sarandon actors crf5AMcesco-00461-00153299-00153598 Jeremy Irons and Raul bova singers crf5AMcesco-00462-00153599-00153891 Celine Dion and Anggun authors Isabel crf5AMcesco-00463-00153892-00154210 Allende and Andrea Camilleri musician crf5AMcesco-00464-00154211-00154453 Chucho Valdes and Olympic track and crf5AMcesco-00465-00154454-00155166 field legend Carl Lewis crf5AMcesco-00466-00155167-00156053 topic agriculture crf5AMcesco-00467-00156054-00156384 Topic International Plant Protection crf5AMcesco-00468-00156385-00156818 convention crf5AMcesco-00469-00156819-00157157 FAO created the International Plant crf5AMcesco-00470-00157158-00157441 Protection convention or IPPC crf5AMcesco-00471-00157442-00157887 in 1952 this international treaty crf5AMcesco-00472-00157888-00158108 organization works to prevent the crf5AMcesco-00473-00158109-00158360 International spread of pests and plant crf5AMcesco-00474-00158361-00158633 diseases in both cultivated and wild crf5AMcesco-00475-00158634-00158965 plants among its functions are the crf5AMcesco-00476-00158966-00159202 maintenance of lists of plant pests crf5AMcesco-00477-00159203-00159441 tracking of pest outbreaks and crf5AMcesco-00478-00159442-00159637 coordination of technical assistance crf5AMcesco-00479-00159638-00160219 between member nations as of July 2018 crf5AMcesco-00480-00160220-00160549 183 contracting parties have ratified crf5AMcesco-00481-00160550-00161100 the treaty crf5AMcesco-00482-00161101-00161444 topic Alliance against hunger and crf5AMcesco-00483-00161445-00161868 malnutrition crf5AMcesco-00484-00161869-00162101 the alliance against hunger and crf5AMcesco-00485-00162102-00162468 malnutrition a ahm aims to address how crf5AMcesco-00486-00162469-00162728 countries and organizations can be more crf5AMcesco-00487-00162729-00162983 effective in advocating and carrying out crf5AMcesco-00488-00162984-00163184 actions to address hunger and crf5AMcesco-00489-00163185-00163571 malnutrition as a global partnership a crf5AMcesco-00490-00163572-00163883 ahm creates global connections between crf5AMcesco-00491-00163884-00164138 local regional national and crf5AMcesco-00492-00164139-00164396 international institutions that share crf5AMcesco-00493-00164397-00164583 the goals of fighting hunger and crf5AMcesco-00494-00164584-00164963 malnutrition the organization works to crf5AMcesco-00495-00164964-00165214 address food security by enhancing crf5AMcesco-00496-00165215-00165449 resources and knowledge sharing and crf5AMcesco-00497-00165450-00165689 strengthening hunger activities within crf5AMcesco-00498-00165690-00165947 countries and across state lines at the crf5AMcesco-00499-00165948-00166244 regional and international levels crf5AMcesco-00500-00166245-00166553 following the World Food Summit the crf5AMcesco-00501-00166554-00166889 Alliance was initially created in 2002 crf5AMcesco-00502-00166890-00167138 as the international alliance against crf5AMcesco-00503-00167139-00167504 hunger aah to strengthen and coordinate crf5AMcesco-00504-00167505-00167747 national efforts in the fight against crf5AMcesco-00505-00167748-00168083 hunger and malnutrition the mission of crf5AMcesco-00506-00168084-00168953 the alliance française firm hug uhrin crf5AMcesco-00507-00168954-00169348 half by 2015 preceded by the rome crf5AMcesco-00508-00169349-00169811 declaration in 1996 and developing a crf5AMcesco-00509-00169812-00170132 global partnership for development the crf5AMcesco-00510-00170133-00170457 Alliance was founded by the Rome be sued crf5AMcesco-00511-00170458-00170714 agencies the Food and Agriculture crf5AMcesco-00512-00170715-00171029 Organization of the United Nations FAO crf5AMcesco-00513-00171030-00171427 UN World Food Programme WFP crf5AMcesco-00514-00171428-00171606 International Fund for agricultural crf5AMcesco-00515-00171607-00171981 development IFA D and Bioversity crf5AMcesco-00516-00171982-00172358 international aah M connects top-down crf5AMcesco-00517-00172359-00172616 and bottom-up anti-hunger development crf5AMcesco-00518-00172617-00172900 initiatives linking governments UN crf5AMcesco-00519-00172901-00173240 organizations and NGOs together in order crf5AMcesco-00520-00173241-00173966 to increase effectiveness through unity crf5AMcesco-00521-00173967-00174641 topic integrated pest management crf5AMcesco-00522-00174642-00175049 during the 1990s FAO took a leading role crf5AMcesco-00523-00175050-00175277 in the promotion of integrated pest crf5AMcesco-00524-00175278-00175610 management for rice production in Asia crf5AMcesco-00525-00175611-00175881 hundreds of thousands of farmers were crf5AMcesco-00526-00175882-00176109 trained using an approach known as the crf5AMcesco-00527-00176110-00176564 farmer field school ffs like many of the crf5AMcesco-00528-00176565-00176883 program's managed by FAO the funds for crf5AMcesco-00529-00176884-00177168 farmer field schools came from bilateral crf5AMcesco-00530-00177169-00177476 trust funds with Australia Netherlands crf5AMcesco-00531-00177477-00177747 Norway and Switzerland acting as the crf5AMcesco-00532-00177748-00178131 leading donors FAO s efforts in this crf5AMcesco-00533-00178132-00178398 area have drawn praise from NGOs that crf5AMcesco-00534-00178399-00178656 have otherwise criticised much of the crf5AMcesco-00535-00178657-00179300 work of the organization crf5AMcesco-00536-00179301-00180024 topic transboundary pests and diseases crf5AMcesco-00537-00180025-00180384 FAO established an emergency prevention crf5AMcesco-00538-00180385-00180629 system for trans boundary animal and crf5AMcesco-00539-00180630-00180953 plant pests and diseases in 1994 crf5AMcesco-00540-00180954-00181239 focusing on the control of diseases like crf5AMcesco-00541-00181240-00181512 rinderpest foot and mouth disease and crf5AMcesco-00542-00181513-00181734 avian flu by helping governments crf5AMcesco-00543-00181735-00182085 coordinate their responses one key crf5AMcesco-00544-00182086-00182302 element as the global rinderpest crf5AMcesco-00545-00182303-00182601 eradication program which has advanced crf5AMcesco-00546-00182602-00182847 to a stage where large tracts of Asia crf5AMcesco-00547-00182848-00183081 and Africa have now been free of the crf5AMcesco-00548-00183082-00183290 cattle disease rinderpest for an crf5AMcesco-00549-00183291-00183714 extended period of time meanwhile locust crf5AMcesco-00550-00183715-00183965 watch monitors the worldwide locust crf5AMcesco-00551-00183966-00184245 situation and keeps affected countries crf5AMcesco-00552-00184246-00184464 and donors informed of expected crf5AMcesco-00553-00184465-00185051 developments crf5AMcesco-00554-00185052-00185445 topic Global Partnership initiative for crf5AMcesco-00555-00185446-00186003 plant breeding capacity building crf5AMcesco-00556-00186004-00186285 the global partnership initiative for crf5AMcesco-00557-00186286-00186639 plant breeding capacity-building GIP bee crf5AMcesco-00558-00186640-00186924 is a global partnership dedicated to crf5AMcesco-00559-00186925-00187167 increasing plant breeding capacity crf5AMcesco-00560-00187168-00187563 building the mission of GIP bee is to crf5AMcesco-00561-00187564-00187794 enhance the capacity of developing crf5AMcesco-00562-00187795-00188013 countries to improve crops for food crf5AMcesco-00563-00188014-00188247 security and sustainable development crf5AMcesco-00564-00188248-00188490 through better plant breeding and crf5AMcesco-00565-00188491-00188868 delivery systems the ultimate goal is to crf5AMcesco-00566-00188869-00189114 ensure that a critical mass of plant crf5AMcesco-00567-00189115-00189369 breeders leaders managers and crf5AMcesco-00568-00189370-00189618 technicians donors and partners are crf5AMcesco-00569-00189619-00189810 linked together through an effective crf5AMcesco-00570-00189811-00190175 global network increasing capacity crf5AMcesco-00571-00190176-00190410 building for plant breeding in crf5AMcesco-00572-00190411-00190665 developing countries is critical for the crf5AMcesco-00573-00190666-00190890 achievement of meaningful results in crf5AMcesco-00574-00190891-00191124 poverty and hunger reduction and to crf5AMcesco-00575-00191125-00191399 reverse the current worrisome trends crf5AMcesco-00576-00191400-00191685 plant breeding is a well-recognized crf5AMcesco-00577-00191686-00191967 science capable of widening the genetic crf5AMcesco-00578-00191968-00192186 and adaptability base of cropping crf5AMcesco-00579-00192187-00192456 systems by combining conventional crf5AMcesco-00580-00192457-00192650 selection techniques and modern crf5AMcesco-00581-00192651-00193047 technologies it is essential to face and crf5AMcesco-00582-00193048-00193305 prevent the recurrence of crises such as crf5AMcesco-00583-00193306-00193429 that crf5AMcesco-00584-00193430-00193678 of the soaring food prices and to crf5AMcesco-00585-00193679-00193912 respond to the increasing demands for crf5AMcesco-00586-00193913-00194612 crop based sources of energy crf5AMcesco-00587-00194613-00195286 topic investment in agriculture crf5AMcesco-00588-00195287-00195637 FAO s technical cooperation Department crf5AMcesco-00589-00195638-00195879 hosts an investment center that promotes crf5AMcesco-00590-00195880-00196144 greater investment in agriculture and crf5AMcesco-00591-00196145-00196401 rural development by helping developing crf5AMcesco-00592-00196402-00196639 countries identify and formulate crf5AMcesco-00593-00196640-00196906 sustainable agricultural policies crf5AMcesco-00594-00196907-00197293 programs and projects it mobilizes crf5AMcesco-00595-00197294-00197601 funding from multilateral institutions crf5AMcesco-00596-00197602-00197826 such as the World Bank Regional crf5AMcesco-00597-00197827-00198058 Development Bank's and international crf5AMcesco-00598-00198059-00198815 funds as well as FAO resources crf5AMcesco-00599-00198816-00199143 topic globally important agricultural crf5AMcesco-00600-00199144-00199891 heritage systems GI a HS crf5AMcesco-00601-00199892-00200109 the globally important agricultural crf5AMcesco-00602-00200110-00200320 heritage systems crf5AMcesco-00603-00200321-00200649 GIH s partnership initiative was crf5AMcesco-00604-00200650-00200929 conceptualized and presented by Parvez crf5AMcesco-00605-00200930-00201262 Kafka on the task manager of chapter 10 crf5AMcesco-00606-00201263-00201594 of agenda 21 in food and agricultural crf5AMcesco-00607-00201595-00201969 organization of United Nations FAO in crf5AMcesco-00608-00201970-00202293 2002 during World Summit on sustainable crf5AMcesco-00609-00202294-00202590 development in Johannesburg South Africa crf5AMcesco-00610-00202591-00202942 this UN partnership initiative aims to crf5AMcesco-00611-00202943-00203254 identify support and safeguard globally crf5AMcesco-00612-00203255-00203533 important agricultural heritage systems crf5AMcesco-00613-00203534-00203791 and their livelihoods agricultural and crf5AMcesco-00614-00203792-00204097 associated biodiversity landscapes crf5AMcesco-00615-00204098-00204331 knowledge systems and cultures around crf5AMcesco-00616-00204332-00204766 the world the GI AHS partnership crf5AMcesco-00617-00204767-00205030 recognizes the crucial importance of the crf5AMcesco-00618-00205031-00205279 well-being of family farming communities crf5AMcesco-00619-00205280-00205477 in an integrated approach while crf5AMcesco-00620-00205478-00205771 directing activities towards sustainable crf5AMcesco-00621-00205771-00206502 agriculture and rural development crf5AMcesco-00622-00206503-00207183 topic animal genetic resources crf5AMcesco-00623-00207184-00207507 FAO has the unit focused on animal crf5AMcesco-00624-00207508-00207792 genetic resources which are defined as crf5AMcesco-00625-00207792-00208050 those animals species that are used or crf5AMcesco-00626-00208051-00208292 maybe used for the production of food crf5AMcesco-00627-00208294-00208551 and agriculture and the populations crf5AMcesco-00628-00208552-00208887 within each of them these populations crf5AMcesco-00629-00208888-00209163 within each species can be classified as crf5AMcesco-00630-00209164-00209463 wild and feral populations laundresses crf5AMcesco-00631-00209464-00209778 and primary populations standardized crf5AMcesco-00632-00209779-00210171 breeds selected lines varieties strains crf5AMcesco-00633-00210171-00210444 and any conserved genetic material all crf5AMcesco-00634-00210444-00210696 of which are currently categorized as crf5AMcesco-00635-00210696-00210994 breeds FAO assists countries in crf5AMcesco-00636-00210996-00211227 implementation of the global plan of crf5AMcesco-00637-00211228-00211658 action for animal genetic resources FAO crf5AMcesco-00638-00211659-00212067 supports a variety of ex-situ and in crf5AMcesco-00639-00212067-00212427 situ conservation strategies including crf5AMcesco-00640-00212428-00212691 cryo conservation of animal genetic crf5AMcesco-00641-00212692-00213296 resources crf5AMcesco-00642-00213298-00213848 topic forestry crf5AMcesco-00643-00213848-00214178 one of feo strategic goals as the crf5AMcesco-00644-00214179-00214415 sustainable management of the world's crf5AMcesco-00645-00214416-00214832 forests the forestry department works to crf5AMcesco-00646-00214833-00215005 balance social and environmental crf5AMcesco-00647-00215006-00215303 considerations with the economic needs crf5AMcesco-00648-00215304-00215584 of rural populations living in forest crf5AMcesco-00649-00215585-00215701 areas crf5AMcesco-00650-00215702-00216098 FAO serves as a neutral forum for policy crf5AMcesco-00651-00216098-00216341 dialogue as a reliable source of crf5AMcesco-00652-00216342-00216617 information on forests and trees and as crf5AMcesco-00653-00216617-00216832 a provider of expert technical crf5AMcesco-00654-00216833-00217055 assistance and advice to help countries crf5AMcesco-00655-00217056-00217316 develop and implement effective national crf5AMcesco-00656-00217317-00217598 forests programs crf5AMcesco-00657-00217600-00217905 FAO is both a global clearinghouse for crf5AMcesco-00658-00217906-00218181 information on forests and forest crf5AMcesco-00659-00218182-00218454 resources and a facilitator that helps crf5AMcesco-00660-00218455-00218703 build countries local capacity to crf5AMcesco-00661-00218704-00218940 provide their own national forests data crf5AMcesco-00662-00218941-00219303 in collaboration with member countries crf5AMcesco-00663-00219304-00219603 FAO carries out periodic global crf5AMcesco-00664-00219604-00219869 assessments of forest resources which crf5AMcesco-00665-00219871-00220106 are made available through reports crf5AMcesco-00666-00220107-00220515 publications in the FAO s website the crf5AMcesco-00667-00220516-00220746 global forest resources assessment crf5AMcesco-00668-00220746-00221019 provides comprehensive reporting on crf5AMcesco-00669-00221019-00221435 forests worldwide every five years fra crf5AMcesco-00670-00221436-00221715 2015 as the most recent global crf5AMcesco-00671-00221716-00222108 assessment the results data and analyses crf5AMcesco-00672-00222109-00222323 are available online in different crf5AMcesco-00673-00222325-00222615 formats including the FAO synthesis crf5AMcesco-00674-00222616-00222864 report global forest resources crf5AMcesco-00675-00222865-00223223 assessment 2015 how our forests changing crf5AMcesco-00676-00223225-00223508 the global forest resources assessment crf5AMcesco-00677-00223509-00223836 2015 Desk Reference containing summary crf5AMcesco-00678-00223837-00224258 tables 234 country reports and the fraud crf5AMcesco-00679-00224259-00224832 2015 infographics moreover in 2015 the crf5AMcesco-00680-00224833-00225065 journal forest ecology and management crf5AMcesco-00681-00225066-00225384 published a special issue changes in crf5AMcesco-00682-00225385-00225732 global forest resources from 1990 to crf5AMcesco-00683-00225733-00226053 2015 reporting forests change over the crf5AMcesco-00684-00226054-00226458 period 1990 to 2015 crf5AMcesco-00685-00226459-00226812 every two years FAO publishes the state crf5AMcesco-00686-00226813-00227079 of the world's forests a major report crf5AMcesco-00687-00227080-00227294 covering current and emerging issues crf5AMcesco-00688-00227296-00227612 facing the forestry sector crf5AMcesco-00689-00227613-00228092 since 1947 FAO has published the FAO crf5AMcesco-00690-00228092-00228332 yearbook of forest products a crf5AMcesco-00691-00228333-00228656 compilation of statistical data on basic crf5AMcesco-00692-00228657-00228938 forest products from over 100 countries crf5AMcesco-00693-00228939-00229319 and territories of the world it contains crf5AMcesco-00694-00229319-00229589 data on the volume of production and the crf5AMcesco-00695-00229590-00229871 volume value and direction of trade in crf5AMcesco-00696-00229871-00230107 forest products crf5AMcesco-00697-00230108-00230488 ana Silva FAO s peer-reviewed journal on crf5AMcesco-00698-00230489-00230761 forestry has been published in English crf5AMcesco-00699-00230762-00231046 French and Spanish on a regular basis crf5AMcesco-00700-00231046-00231363 since 1947 the longest-running crf5AMcesco-00701-00231364-00231616 multilingual forestry journal in the crf5AMcesco-00702-00231617-00231723 world crf5AMcesco-00703-00231723-00232048 the FAO as an official sponsor of crf5AMcesco-00704-00232048-00232384 International Day of forests on the 21st crf5AMcesco-00705-00232385-00232642 of March each year as proclaimed by the crf5AMcesco-00706-00232642-00232921 United Nations General Assembly on the crf5AMcesco-00707-00232921-00233271 28th of November 2012 every six years crf5AMcesco-00708-00233273-00233719 since 1926 FAO in a host Member State crf5AMcesco-00709-00233719-00234100 hold the world forestry Congress it is a crf5AMcesco-00710-00234101-00234321 forum for the sharing of knowledge and crf5AMcesco-00711-00234323-00234586 experience regarding the conservation crf5AMcesco-00712-00234587-00234808 management and use of the world's crf5AMcesco-00713-00234809-00235053 forests and covers such issues as crf5AMcesco-00714-00235054-00235387 international dialogue socio-economic crf5AMcesco-00715-00235388-00235684 and institutional aspects and forest crf5AMcesco-00716-00235685-00236137 policies the forestry department is also crf5AMcesco-00717-00236138-00236398 organized geographically in several crf5AMcesco-00718-00236398-00236655 groups covering the whole world's forest crf5AMcesco-00719-00236656-00237025 ecosystems one of them is the Sylva crf5AMcesco-00720-00237026-00237303 Mediterranea workgroup covering the pan crf5AMcesco-00721-00237304-00237966 Mediterranean region crf5AMcesco-00722-00237967-00238510 topic fisheries crf5AMcesco-00723-00238511-00238794 the FAO fisheries and aquaculture crf5AMcesco-00724-00238794-00239071 department is defined through its vision crf5AMcesco-00725-00239071-00239317 and mission statements crf5AMcesco-00726-00239319-00239629 vision a world in which responsible and crf5AMcesco-00727-00239630-00239852 sustainable use of fisheries and crf5AMcesco-00728-00239853-00240082 aquaculture resources makes an crf5AMcesco-00729-00240083-00240328 appreciable contribution to human crf5AMcesco-00730-00240329-00240607 well-being food security and poverty crf5AMcesco-00731-00240608-00241003 alleviation mission to strengthen global crf5AMcesco-00732-00241004-00241241 governance and the managerial and crf5AMcesco-00733-00241242-00241507 technical capacities of members and to crf5AMcesco-00734-00241508-00241771 lead consensus building towards improved crf5AMcesco-00735-00241771-00242059 conservation and utilization of aquatic crf5AMcesco-00736-00242060-00242327 resources the work of the fisheries and crf5AMcesco-00737-00242328-00242626 aquaculture department centers on the crf5AMcesco-00738-00242627-00242864 sustainable management and use of crf5AMcesco-00739-00242865-00243231 fisheries and aquaculture resource crf5AMcesco-00740-00243232-00243460 embracing normative as well as crf5AMcesco-00741-00243461-00243673 operational activities whether crf5AMcesco-00742-00243675-00243917 implemented from headquarters are from crf5AMcesco-00743-00243917-00244478 the field crf5AMcesco-00744-00244479-00245074 topic statistics crf5AMcesco-00745-00245075-00245399 ESS G as an acronym for the global crf5AMcesco-00746-00245400-00245774 statistics service the major section of crf5AMcesco-00747-00245775-00246117 the United Nations Food and Agriculture crf5AMcesco-00748-00246117-00246479 Organization statistics division it is crf5AMcesco-00749-00246480-00246687 responsible for updating and crf5AMcesco-00750-00246688-00247145 disseminating the FAO s t-80 report this crf5AMcesco-00751-00247146-00247501 offers free and easy access to data for crf5AMcesco-00752-00247502-00247942 245 countries and 35 regional areas from crf5AMcesco-00753-00247944-00248222 1961 through the most recent year crf5AMcesco-00754-00248223-00248558 available enhanced features include crf5AMcesco-00755-00248559-00248810 browsing and analysis of data and crf5AMcesco-00756-00248811-00249090 advanced interactive data download and crf5AMcesco-00757-00249091-00249326 enhanced data exchange through web crf5AMcesco-00758-00249327-00249506 services crf5AMcesco-00759-00249507-00249815 the land and water division maintains a crf5AMcesco-00760-00249816-00250151 database of global water Statistics aqua crf5AMcesco-00761-00250152-00250731 stat crf5AMcesco-00762-00250732-00251442 Topic flagship publications crf5AMcesco-00763-00251442-00251763 every year FAO publishes a number of crf5AMcesco-00764-00251764-00252054 major state of the world reports related crf5AMcesco-00765-00252055-00252402 to food agriculture forestry fisheries crf5AMcesco-00766-00252403-00252863 and Natural Resources state of crf5AMcesco-00767-00252864-00253292 agricultural commodity markets state of crf5AMcesco-00768-00253294-00253673 food and agriculture state of food crf5AMcesco-00769-00253675-00254048 insecurity in the world state of the crf5AMcesco-00770-00254050-00254316 world's animal genetic resources for crf5AMcesco-00771-00254317-00254673 food and agriculture state of the crf5AMcesco-00772-00254673-00255080 world's forests genetic resources state crf5AMcesco-00773-00255081-00255438 of the world's forests state of the crf5AMcesco-00774-00255439-00255666 world's land and water resources for crf5AMcesco-00775-00255667-00256044 food and agriculture state of the crf5AMcesco-00776-00256044-00256319 world's plant genetic resources for food crf5AMcesco-00777-00256321-00256706 and agriculture state of world fisheries crf5AMcesco-00778-00256707-00257177 and aquaculture status of the world soil crf5AMcesco-00779-00257178-00257739 resources crf5AMcesco-00780-00257740-00258310 topic membership crf5AMcesco-00781-00258311-00258679 there are a total of 197 members crf5AMcesco-00782-00258680-00259117 comprising 194 member nations one member crf5AMcesco-00783-00259117-00259465 organization and two associate members crf5AMcesco-00784-00259466-00259828 the UN member state that is a non-member crf5AMcesco-00785-00259829-00260090 of the FAO is Liechtenstein some crf5AMcesco-00786-00260091-00260287 countries may denote specific crf5AMcesco-00787-00260288-00260581 representatives to the FAO for instance crf5AMcesco-00788-00260582-00260864 the United States ambassador to the Food crf5AMcesco-00789-00260865-00261094 and Agriculture Organization of the crf5AMcesco-00790-00261096-00261403 United Nations who has ambassador rank crf5AMcesco-00791-00261404-00261610 and is also part of the United States crf5AMcesco-00792-00261611-00262443 mission to the UN agencies in Rome crf5AMcesco-00793-00262444-00263366 topic criticism crf5AMcesco-00794-00263367-00264148 topic 1970s 80s 90s crf5AMcesco-00795-00264149-00264472 there has been public criticism of FAO crf5AMcesco-00796-00264473-00264916 for at least 30 years dissatisfaction crf5AMcesco-00797-00264917-00265150 with the organization's performance was crf5AMcesco-00798-00265151-00265363 among the reasons for the creation of crf5AMcesco-00799-00265364-00265615 two new organizations after the World crf5AMcesco-00800-00265616-00266017 Food Conference in 1974 namely the World crf5AMcesco-00801-00266018-00266281 Food Council and the International Fund crf5AMcesco-00802-00266282-00266527 for agricultural development by the crf5AMcesco-00803-00266528-00266791 early 80s there was intense rivalry crf5AMcesco-00804-00266792-00267157 among these organizations at the same crf5AMcesco-00805-00267158-00267421 time the World Food Programme which crf5AMcesco-00806-00267422-00267673 started as an experimental three year crf5AMcesco-00807-00267674-00267964 program under FAO was growing in size crf5AMcesco-00808-00267965-00268204 and independence with the directors of crf5AMcesco-00809-00268205-00268600 FAO and WFP struggling for power early crf5AMcesco-00810-00268601-00268951 in 1989 the organization came under crf5AMcesco-00811-00268952-00269197 attack from the Heritage Foundation a crf5AMcesco-00812-00269198-00269431 conservative think tank based in crf5AMcesco-00813-00269432-00269839 Washington DC the foundation wrote that crf5AMcesco-00814-00269840-00270241 the sad fact is that the FAO has become crf5AMcesco-00815-00270242-00270499 essentially irrelevant in combating crf5AMcesco-00816-00270500-00270919 hunger a bloated bureaucracy known for crf5AMcesco-00817-00270920-00271147 the mediocrity of its work and the crf5AMcesco-00818-00271148-00271471 inefficiency of its staff the FAO in crf5AMcesco-00819-00271472-00271746 recent years has become increasingly crf5AMcesco-00820-00271747-00271991 politicized crf5AMcesco-00821-00271992-00272240 in September of the same year the crf5AMcesco-00822-00272241-00272498 journal society published a series of crf5AMcesco-00823-00272499-00272779 articles about FAO that included a crf5AMcesco-00824-00272780-00272966 contribution from the Heritage crf5AMcesco-00825-00272967-00273275 Foundation and a response by FAO staff crf5AMcesco-00826-00273276-00273553 member Richard Lydecker who was later crf5AMcesco-00827-00273554-00273812 described by the Danish Minister for crf5AMcesco-00828-00273813-00274051 agriculture who had herself resigned crf5AMcesco-00829-00274052-00274415 from the organization as FAO s chief crf5AMcesco-00830-00274416-00274828 spokesman for non transparency Edouard crf5AMcesco-00831-00274829-00275179 sama the director-general of FAO was crf5AMcesco-00832-00275180-00275465 also criticised in Graham Hancock's book crf5AMcesco-00833-00275466-00275875 Lords of poverty published in 1989 crf5AMcesco-00834-00275876-00276224 mention as made of Salma's fat pay crf5AMcesco-00835-00276225-00276743 packet his autocratic management style crf5AMcesco-00836-00276744-00277115 and his control over the flow of public crf5AMcesco-00837-00277116-00277284 information crf5AMcesco-00838-00277285-00277630 Hancock concluded that one gets the crf5AMcesco-00839-00277631-00277927 sense from all of this of an institution crf5AMcesco-00840-00277928-00278096 that has lost its way crf5AMcesco-00841-00278097-00278317 departed from its purely humanitarian crf5AMcesco-00842-00278318-00278656 and developmental mandate become crf5AMcesco-00843-00278657-00278899 confused about its place in the world crf5AMcesco-00844-00278900-00279322 about exactly what it is doing and why crf5AMcesco-00845-00279323-00279674 despite the criticism Edouard sama crf5AMcesco-00846-00279675-00279982 served as DG for three consecutive terms crf5AMcesco-00847-00279983-00280448 from 1976 to 1993 crf5AMcesco-00848-00280449-00280832 in 1990 the US State Department crf5AMcesco-00849-00280833-00281105 expressed the view that the Food and crf5AMcesco-00850-00281106-00281387 Agriculture Organization has lagged crf5AMcesco-00851-00281388-00281687 behind other UN organizations in crf5AMcesco-00852-00281688-00281951 responding to us desires for crf5AMcesco-00853-00281952-00282197 improvements in program and budget crf5AMcesco-00854-00282198-00282488 processes to enhance value for money crf5AMcesco-00855-00282489-00283073 spent a year later in 1991 the ecologist crf5AMcesco-00856-00283074-00283360 magazine produced a special issue under crf5AMcesco-00857-00283361-00283670 the heading the UN Food and Agriculture crf5AMcesco-00858-00283671-00284101 Organization promoting world hunger the crf5AMcesco-00859-00284102-00284351 magazine included articles that crf5AMcesco-00860-00284352-00284669 questioned defeos policies and practices crf5AMcesco-00861-00284670-00284990 in forestry fisheries aquaculture and crf5AMcesco-00862-00284991-00285334 pest control the articles were written crf5AMcesco-00863-00285335-00285620 by experts such as Helena norburg Haj crf5AMcesco-00864-00285621-00285929 Vandana Shiva Eduard Goldsmith's crf5AMcesco-00865-00285930-00286711 Miguel al thierry and Barbara Denham crf5AMcesco-00866-00286712-00287295 topic two thousands crf5AMcesco-00867-00287296-00287712 the 2002 food summit organized by FAO crf5AMcesco-00868-00287713-00287994 was considered to be a waste of time by crf5AMcesco-00869-00287995-00288393 many of the official participants social crf5AMcesco-00870-00288394-00288679 movements farmers fisher folk crf5AMcesco-00871-00288680-00288995 pastoralists indigenous peoples crf5AMcesco-00872-00288996-00289266 environmentalists women's organizations crf5AMcesco-00873-00289267-00289616 trade unions and NGOs expressed their crf5AMcesco-00874-00289617-00289869 collective disappointment in an crf5AMcesco-00875-00289870-00290175 rejection of the official declaration of crf5AMcesco-00876-00290176-00290913 the summit in 2004 FAO produced a crf5AMcesco-00877-00290914-00291206 controversial report called agricultural crf5AMcesco-00878-00291207-00291465 biotechnology meeting the needs of the crf5AMcesco-00879-00291466-00291818 poor the report claimed that crf5AMcesco-00880-00291819-00292143 agricultural biotechnology has real crf5AMcesco-00881-00292144-00292437 potential as a new tool in the war on crf5AMcesco-00882-00292438-00292617 hunger crf5AMcesco-00883-00292618-00293035 in response to the report more than 650 crf5AMcesco-00884-00293036-00293238 organizations from around the world crf5AMcesco-00885-00293239-00293504 signed an open letter in which they said crf5AMcesco-00886-00293505-00293895 FAO has broken its commitment to civil crf5AMcesco-00887-00293896-00294317 society and peasants organizations crf5AMcesco-00888-00294318-00294611 the letter complained that organizations crf5AMcesco-00889-00294612-00294842 representing the interests of farmers crf5AMcesco-00890-00294843-00295124 had not been consulted that FAO was crf5AMcesco-00891-00295125-00295337 siding with the biotechnology industry crf5AMcesco-00892-00295338-00295739 and consequently that the report raises crf5AMcesco-00893-00295740-00296039 serious questions about the independence crf5AMcesco-00894-00296040-00296276 and intellectual integrity of an crf5AMcesco-00895-00296277-00296680 important United Nations agency crf5AMcesco-00896-00296681-00297019 the director general of FAO responded crf5AMcesco-00897-00297020-00297295 immediately stating that decisions on crf5AMcesco-00898-00297296-00297642 biotechnology must be taken at the crf5AMcesco-00899-00297643-00297955 international level by competent bodies crf5AMcesco-00900-00297956-00298353 in other words not by nongovernmental crf5AMcesco-00901-00298354-00298684 organizations he acknowledged however crf5AMcesco-00902-00298685-00299029 that biotechnology research is crf5AMcesco-00903-00299030-00299362 essentially driven by the world's top 10 crf5AMcesco-00904-00299363-00299824 transnational corporations and the crf5AMcesco-00905-00299825-00300127 private sector protects its results with crf5AMcesco-00906-00300128-00300355 patents in order to earn from its crf5AMcesco-00907-00300356-00300616 investment and it concentrates on crf5AMcesco-00908-00300617-00300892 products that have no relevance to food crf5AMcesco-00909-00300893-00301420 in developing countries in May 2006 a crf5AMcesco-00910-00301421-00301640 British newspaper published the crf5AMcesco-00911-00301641-00301937 resignation letter of Louise fresco one crf5AMcesco-00912-00301938-00302176 of eight assistant directors General of crf5AMcesco-00913-00302177-00302685 FAO in her letter fresco stated that the crf5AMcesco-00914-00302686-00302998 organization has been unable to adapt to crf5AMcesco-00915-00302999-00303412 a new era that our contribution and crf5AMcesco-00916-00303413-00303763 reputation have declined steadily and crf5AMcesco-00917-00303764-00304132 its leadership has not proposed bold crf5AMcesco-00918-00304133-00304613 options to overcome this crisis the 32nd crf5AMcesco-00919-00304614-00304897 session of FAO s Committee on world food crf5AMcesco-00920-00304898-00305347 security in 2006 attended by 120 crf5AMcesco-00921-00305348-00305605 countries was widely criticised by crf5AMcesco-00922-00305606-00305875 nongovernmental organizations but crf5AMcesco-00923-00305876-00306214 largely ignored by the mainstream media crf5AMcesco-00924-00306215-00306481 Oxfam called for an end to the talk crf5AMcesco-00925-00306482-00306754 fests while Via Campesina issued a crf5AMcesco-00926-00306755-00307069 statement that criticized FAO s policy crf5AMcesco-00927-00307070-00307422 of food security on the 18th of October crf5AMcesco-00928-00307423-00307728 2007 the final report of an independent crf5AMcesco-00929-00307729-00308130 external evaluation of FAO was published crf5AMcesco-00930-00308131-00308488 more than 400 pages in length the crf5AMcesco-00931-00308489-00308764 evaluation was the first of its kind in crf5AMcesco-00932-00308765-00309100 the history of the organization it had crf5AMcesco-00933-00309101-00309304 been commissioned by decision of the crf5AMcesco-00934-00309305-00309622 33rd session of the FAO conference in crf5AMcesco-00935-00309623-00310046 November 2005 the report crf5AMcesco-00936-00310047-00310382 that the organization as today in a crf5AMcesco-00937-00310383-00310838 financial and program crisis but the crf5AMcesco-00938-00310839-00311108 problems affecting the organization crf5AMcesco-00939-00311109-00311462 today can all be solved among the crf5AMcesco-00940-00311463-00311803 problems noted by the OEE were the crf5AMcesco-00941-00311804-00312089 organization has been conservative and crf5AMcesco-00942-00312090-00312566 slow to adapt FAO currently has a heavy crf5AMcesco-00943-00312567-00313058 and costly bureaucracy and the capacity crf5AMcesco-00944-00313059-00313325 of the organization is declining and crf5AMcesco-00945-00313326-00313595 many of its core competencies are now crf5AMcesco-00946-00313596-00313785 imperiled crf5AMcesco-00947-00313786-00314133 among the solutions offered were a new crf5AMcesco-00948-00314134-00314526 strategic framework institutional crf5AMcesco-00949-00314527-00314756 culture change in reform of crf5AMcesco-00950-00314757-00315125 administrative and management systems in crf5AMcesco-00951-00315126-00315543 conclusion the OEE stated that if FAO crf5AMcesco-00952-00315544-00315804 did not exist it would need to be crf5AMcesco-00953-00315805-00316065 invented crf5AMcesco-00954-00316066-00316407 the official response from FAO came on crf5AMcesco-00955-00316408-00316917 the 29th of October 2007 it indicated crf5AMcesco-00956-00316918-00317166 that management supported the principle crf5AMcesco-00957-00317167-00317436 conclusion in the report of the OEE on crf5AMcesco-00958-00317437-00317844 the need for reform with growth so as to crf5AMcesco-00959-00317845-00318194 have an FAO fit for this century crf5AMcesco-00960-00318195-00318561 meanwhile hundreds of FAO staff signed a crf5AMcesco-00961-00318562-00318794 petition in support of the OEE crf5AMcesco-00962-00318795-00319128 recommendations calling for a radical crf5AMcesco-00963-00319129-00319478 shift in management culture and spirit crf5AMcesco-00964-00319479-00319739 depoliticization of appointments crf5AMcesco-00965-00319740-00320031 restoration of trust between staff and crf5AMcesco-00966-00320032-00320316 management and setting strategic crf5AMcesco-00967-00320317-00320666 priorities of the organization in crf5AMcesco-00968-00320667-00321063 November 2008 a special conference of crf5AMcesco-00969-00321064-00321354 FAO member countries agreed of forty two crf5AMcesco-00970-00321355-00321621 point six million dollars thirty eight crf5AMcesco-00971-00321622-00321906 point six million euros three year crf5AMcesco-00972-00321907-00322233 immediate plan of action for reform with crf5AMcesco-00973-00322234-00322671 growth as recommended by the OEE under crf5AMcesco-00974-00322672-00322896 the plan twenty-one point eight million crf5AMcesco-00975-00322897-00323139 dollars would be spent on overhauling crf5AMcesco-00976-00323140-00323436 the financial procedures hierarchies and crf5AMcesco-00977-00323437-00323817 human resources management in 2015 FAO crf5AMcesco-00978-00323818-00324105 was criticized by The Economist for crf5AMcesco-00979-00324106-00324366 giving a diploma to Venezuela for being crf5AMcesco-00980-00324367-00324666 one of 72 countries that had reached the crf5AMcesco-00981-00324667-00324921 UN millennium development goal of having crf5AMcesco-00982-00324922-00325158 the percentage of their populations crf5AMcesco-00983-00325159-00325503 suffering from hunger it argued that the crf5AMcesco-00984-00325504-00325821 positive conclusion reached by FAO about crf5AMcesco-00985-00325822-00326003 the performance of a country crf5AMcesco-00986-00326004-00326304 experiencing major economic difficulties crf5AMcesco-00987-00326305-00326565 was based on false statistics and that crf5AMcesco-00988-00326566-00326756 the percentage of the Venezuelan crf5AMcesco-00989-00326757-00327015 population suffering from hunger had crf5AMcesco-00990-00327016-00327426 actually increased it quoted FAO as crf5AMcesco-00991-00327427-00327636 saying that it had no reason to doubt crf5AMcesco-00992-00327637-00328245 the Venezuelan statistics in 2016-17 FAO crf5AMcesco-00993-00328246-00328494 was heavily criticized for recruiting crf5AMcesco-00994-00328495-00328824 nadine Heredia Alarcon de humo la wife crf5AMcesco-00995-00328825-00329121 of the former president of peru Ollanta crf5AMcesco-00996-00329122-00329427 Humala to a senior position at a time crf5AMcesco-00997-00329428-00329688 when she was being investigated by peru crf5AMcesco-00998-00329689-00330093 following corruption allegations critics crf5AMcesco-00999-00330094-00330384 included transparency international at crf5AMcesco-01000-00330385-00330813 the end of April 2017 FAO staff unions crf5AMcesco-01001-00330814-00331056 addressed the organization's Governing crf5AMcesco-01002-00331057-00331302 Council to complain about the practice crf5AMcesco-01003-00331303-00331571 of issuing short-term contracts that crf5AMcesco-01004-00331572-00331917 exploit employees without providing job crf5AMcesco-01005-00331918-00332411 security Social Security and paid leave crf5AMcesco-01006-00332412-00332711 other complaints included the increasing crf5AMcesco-01007-00332712-00332972 centralization of management processes crf5AMcesco-01008-00332973-00333254 despite claims that FAO was being crf5AMcesco-01009-00333255-00333509 decentralized and the failure to follow crf5AMcesco-01010-00333510-00333781 United Nations recommendations regarding crf5AMcesco-01011-00333782-00334174 increasing the retirement age the staff crf5AMcesco-01012-00334175-00334433 representative also complained about the crf5AMcesco-01013-00334434-00334672 high percentage of unfilled positions crf5AMcesco-01014-00334673-00334931 increasing the workload for others who crf5AMcesco-01015-00334932-00335153 were under pressure to deliver more with crf5AMcesco-01016-00335154-00335525 less she also noted that contacts crf5AMcesco-01017-00335526-00335768 between management and the staff bodies crf5AMcesco-01018-00335769-00336518 were becoming less and less frequent crf5AMcesco-01019-00336519-00337158 topic world food crisis crf5AMcesco-01020-00337159-00337513 in May 2008 while talking about the crf5AMcesco-01021-00337514-00337758 ongoing world food crisis President crf5AMcesco-01022-00337759-00338068 Abdullah Wade of Senegal expressed the crf5AMcesco-01023-00338069-00338394 opinion that FAO was a waste of money crf5AMcesco-01024-00338395-00338917 and that we must scrap it Wade said that crf5AMcesco-01025-00338918-00339201 FAO was itself largely to blame for the crf5AMcesco-01026-00339202-00339468 price rises and that the organization's crf5AMcesco-01027-00339469-00339744 work was duplicated by other bodies that crf5AMcesco-01028-00339745-00340018 operated more efficiently like the UN's crf5AMcesco-01029-00340019-00340203 International Fund for agricultural crf5AMcesco-01030-00340204-00340693 development however this criticism may crf5AMcesco-01031-00340694-00340891 have had more to do with personal crf5AMcesco-01032-00340892-00341133 animosity between the president and the crf5AMcesco-01033-00341134-00341439 director general himself a Senegalese crf5AMcesco-01034-00341440-00341697 particularly in light of the significant crf5AMcesco-01035-00341698-00341904 differences in the work carried out by crf5AMcesco-01036-00341905-00342189 the two organizations crf5AMcesco-01037-00342190-00342618 in 2008 the FAO sponsored the high-level crf5AMcesco-01038-00342619-00342950 conference on world food security the crf5AMcesco-01039-00342951-00343212 summit was notable for the lack of crf5AMcesco-01040-00343213-00343494 agreement over the issue of biofuels the crf5AMcesco-01041-00343495-00343659 response to the summit among crf5AMcesco-01042-00343660-00343980 nongovernmental organizations was mixed crf5AMcesco-01043-00343981-00344301 with Oxfam stating that the summit in crf5AMcesco-01044-00344302-00344574 Rome was an important first step in crf5AMcesco-01045-00344575-00344847 tackling the food crisis but greater crf5AMcesco-01046-00344848-00345252 action is now needed while miriam crf5AMcesco-01047-00345253-00345465 romanian of iran's center for crf5AMcesco-01048-00345466-00345759 sustainable development said we are crf5AMcesco-01049-00345760-00346035 dismayed and disgusted to see the food crf5AMcesco-01050-00346036-00346311 crisis used to further the policies that crf5AMcesco-01051-00346312-00346596 have led us to the food crisis in the crf5AMcesco-01052-00346597-00346828 first place crf5AMcesco-01053-00346829-00347143 as with previous food summits civil crf5AMcesco-01054-00347144-00347434 society organizations held a parallel crf5AMcesco-01055-00347435-00347674 meeting and issued their own declaration crf5AMcesco-01056-00347675-00347932 to reject the corporate industrial and crf5AMcesco-01057-00347933-00348199 energy intensive model of production and crf5AMcesco-01058-00348200-00348394 consumption that is the basis of crf5AMcesco-01059-00348395-00349085 continuing crises crf5AMcesco-01060-00349086-00349722 topic fao renewal crf5AMcesco-01061-00349723-00350120 the FAO conference in November 2007 crf5AMcesco-01062-00350121-00350448 unanimously welcomed the OEE report and crf5AMcesco-01063-00350449-00350679 established a conference committee for crf5AMcesco-01064-00350680-00350868 the follow-up to the independent crf5AMcesco-01065-00350869-00351294 external evaluation of FAO CEO CIEE crf5AMcesco-01066-00351295-00351501 to be chaired by the independent crf5AMcesco-01067-00351502-00351765 chairperson of counsel and open to full crf5AMcesco-01068-00351766-00352152 participation by all members the CEO crf5AMcesco-01069-00352153-00352272 CIEE crf5AMcesco-01070-00352273-00352572 was charged to review the OEE report and crf5AMcesco-01071-00352573-00352785 its recommendations and develop an crf5AMcesco-01072-00352786-00353094 immediate plan of action IPA for their crf5AMcesco-01073-00353095-00353382 implementation a comprehensive programme crf5AMcesco-01074-00353383-00353637 of organizational reform and culture crf5AMcesco-01075-00353638-00353964 change began in 2008 after the release crf5AMcesco-01076-00353965-00354332 of an independent external evaluation crf5AMcesco-01077-00354333-00354552 headquarters restructuring and crf5AMcesco-01078-00354553-00354849 delegation of decision-making created a crf5AMcesco-01079-00354850-00355092 flatter more responsive structure and crf5AMcesco-01080-00355093-00355434 reduced costs modernizing and crf5AMcesco-01081-00355435-00355665 streamlining of administrative and crf5AMcesco-01082-00355666-00355943 operational processes took place crf5AMcesco-01083-00355944-00356241 improved internal teamwork and closer crf5AMcesco-01084-00356242-00356472 external partnerships coupled with crf5AMcesco-01085-00356473-00356745 upgrading of IT infrastructure and crf5AMcesco-01086-00356746-00357045 greater autonomy of FA OS decentralized crf5AMcesco-01087-00357046-00357345 offices now allows the organization to crf5AMcesco-01088-00357346-00357573 respond quickly where needs are greatest crf5AMcesco-01089-00357574-00358016 as FAO is primarily a knowledge-based crf5AMcesco-01090-00358017-00358248 organization investing in human crf5AMcesco-01091-00358249-00358686 resources as a top priority capacity crf5AMcesco-01092-00358687-00358907 building including a leadership program crf5AMcesco-01093-00358908-00359193 employee rotation and a new junior crf5AMcesco-01094-00359194-00359555 professional program were established crf5AMcesco-01095-00359556-00359829 individual performance management and crf5AMcesco-01096-00359830-00360090 ethics and Ombudsman officer and an crf5AMcesco-01097-00360091-00360354 independent office of evaluation were crf5AMcesco-01098-00360355-00360588 designed to improve performance through crf5AMcesco-01099-00360589-00360897 learning and strengthened oversight crf5AMcesco-01100-00360898-00361241 in January 2012 the Director General crf5AMcesco-01101-00361242-00361617 Jose Graziano da Silva acted upon the crf5AMcesco-01102-00361618-00361854 commitment made during his campaign to crf5AMcesco-01103-00361855-00362154 bring the FAO reform to a successful and crf5AMcesco-01104-00362155-00362547 anticipated completion in addition the crf5AMcesco-01105-00362548-00362759 new director-general shifted the focus crf5AMcesco-01106-00362760-00363093 of the reform process to realization of crf5AMcesco-01107-00363094-00363300 its benefits and mainstreaming the crf5AMcesco-01108-00363301-00364089 reform into the work of the organization crf5AMcesco-01109-00364090-00364675 topic see also crf5AMcesco-01110-00364676-00365164 FAO country profiles regional animal crf5AMcesco-01111-00365165-00365539 health center for North Africa World crf5AMcesco-01112-00365540-00365884 Summit on food security csrHQnr5Sbu-00000-00000055-00000280 a Neptune crosser as a minor planet csrHQnr5Sbu-00001-00000281-00000565 whose orbit crosses that of Neptune the csrHQnr5Sbu-00002-00000566-00000771 dwarf planet Pluto is the most massive csrHQnr5Sbu-00003-00000772-00001062 example of this class of object the csrHQnr5Sbu-00004-00001063-00001266 known numbered Neptune crossers as of csrHQnr5Sbu-00005-00001267-00001975 2005 our notes outer grazer 134,000 340 csrHQnr5Sbu-00006-00001976-00002164 Pluto was known at this time but not csrHQnr5Sbu-00007-00002165-00002922 numbered 5145 Follis 7000 66 necess csrHQnr5Sbu-00008-00002923-00003513 10,000 370 highly gnome 1 5 7 8 8 1 9 9 csrHQnr5Sbu-00009-00003514-00004231 3 SB 1 5 8 201 nine 9 4 TB one five csrHQnr5Sbu-00010-00004232-00004516 eight seven five one nine nine six GP csrHQnr5Sbu-00011-00004517-00004881 sixty six one nine two nine nine one csrHQnr5Sbu-00012-00004882-00005413 nine nine six sz4 two oh one six one one csrHQnr5Sbu-00013-00005414-00005893 nine nine sixty r66 twenty thousand four csrHQnr5Sbu-00014-00005894-00006312 hundred sixty one dear Itza 2 6 3 o 8 1 csrHQnr5Sbu-00015-00006313-00006730 9 9 8 sm one hundred sixty five twenty csrHQnr5Sbu-00016-00006731-00006867 eight thousand nine hundred seventy csrHQnr5Sbu-00017-00006868-00007231 eight Ixion two nine nine eight one one csrHQnr5Sbu-00018-00007231-00007801 nine nine ninety d 10 3 - 9 - 9 1 9 9 5 csrHQnr5Sbu-00019-00007802-00008703 qy 9 3 3 1 2 8 1 9 9 8 bu 48 3 3 3 4 o 1 csrHQnr5Sbu-00020-00008704-00009073 9 9 8 VG forty four thirty eight csrHQnr5Sbu-00021-00009074-00009306 thousand six hundred twenty eight jolla csrHQnr5Sbu-00022-00009307-00009517 forty two thousand three hundred csrHQnr5Sbu-00023-00009518-00009877 fifty-five Typhon four four five nine csrHQnr5Sbu-00024-00009878-00010252 four one nine nine nine o x three four csrHQnr5Sbu-00025-00010253-00010581 seven nine three two mm g n one hundred csrHQnr5Sbu-00026-00010582-00010873 seventy one fifty two thousand nine csrHQnr5Sbu-00027-00010874-00011196 hundred seventy five solaris five four csrHQnr5Sbu-00028-00011197-00011595 five two oh two thousand PJ thirty fifty csrHQnr5Sbu-00029-00011596-00011806 five thousand five hundred seventy six csrHQnr5Sbu-00030-00011807-00012267 amicus five five six three eight 200 2ve csrHQnr5Sbu-00031-00012268-00012621 ninety five six oh six oh eight two csrHQnr5Sbu-00032-00012622-00012982 thousand one hundred seventy three six csrHQnr5Sbu-00033-00012983-00013469 five four oh seven 200 2rp 120 csrHQnr5Sbu-00034-00013469-00013707 sixty-five thousand four hundred eighty csrHQnr5Sbu-00035-00013708-00014100 nine sido seven three four eight o 200 csrHQnr5Sbu-00036-00014101-00014585 2pn 34 seven eight seven nine nine 200 csrHQnr5Sbu-00037-00014586-00014997 2xw ninety three eight four seven one csrHQnr5Sbu-00038-00014997-00015549 nine 200 to VR 128 eight seven two six csrHQnr5Sbu-00039-00015550-00015805 nine two thousand oh oh sixty seven csrHQnr5Sbu-00040-00015806-00016137 eight seven five five five two thousand csrHQnr5Sbu-00041-00016138-00016700 QB 243 eight eight two six nine 200 1kf csrHQnr5Sbu-00042-00016701-00017058 77 one hundred thirty four thousand csrHQnr5Sbu-00043-00017059-00017494 three hundred forty Pluto csrHQnr5Sbu-00044-00017495-00018036 topic see also csrHQnr5Sbu-00045-00018037-00018360 list of mercury crossing minor planets csrHQnr5Sbu-00046-00018361-00018657 list of Venus crossing minor planets csrHQnr5Sbu-00047-00018658-00018939 list of Earth crossing minor planets csrHQnr5Sbu-00048-00018940-00019333 list of Mars crossing minor planets list csrHQnr5Sbu-00049-00019334-00019642 of Jupiter crossing minor planets list csrHQnr5Sbu-00050-00019643-00019960 of Saturn crossing minor planets list of csrHQnr5Sbu-00051-00019961-00020326 Uranus crossing minor planets ct-dYsvLxBE-00000-00000007-00000671 [Music] ct-dYsvLxBE-00001-00000672-00000878 she must have treated that beauty salon ct-dYsvLxBE-00002-00000880-00001079 owner pretty badly she uses the salon ct-dYsvLxBE-00003-00001080-00001478 and the salon turned her in ct-dYsvLxBE-00004-00001479-00001629 the salon turned her in ct-dYsvLxBE-00005-00001630-00001676 [Music] ct-dYsvLxBE-00006-00001677-00002167 [Applause] ct-dYsvLxBE-00007-00002168-00002310 i don't think i would have turned her in ct-dYsvLxBE-00008-00002311-00002510 i would have said well you know ct-dYsvLxBE-00009-00002511-00002695 she's a customer i got to take care of ct-dYsvLxBE-00010-00002696-00002910 my customers right ct-dYsvLxBE-00011-00002911-00003191 but she made them open and the salon ct-dYsvLxBE-00012-00003192-00003303 turned her in ct-dYsvLxBE-00013-00003304-00003543 and the salon did business with her how ct-dYsvLxBE-00014-00003544-00003767 much do they hate ct-dYsvLxBE-00015-00003768-00004095 nancy pelosi ct-dYsvLxBE-00016-00004096-00004286 i was uh i was president donald trump ct-dYsvLxBE-00017-00004287-00004406 speaking yesterday in latrobe ct-dYsvLxBE-00018-00004407-00004686 of pennsylvania to a huge crowd of ct-dYsvLxBE-00019-00004687-00004854 peaceful protesters that's what they do ct-dYsvLxBE-00020-00004855-00004902 now ct-dYsvLxBE-00021-00004903-00005054 uh whenever someone complains about the ct-dYsvLxBE-00022-00005055-00005183 size of donald trump's crowds or the ct-dYsvLxBE-00023-00005184-00005367 fact that there's no social distancing ct-dYsvLxBE-00024-00005368-00005518 or that there is um you know that ct-dYsvLxBE-00025-00005519-00005670 there's no mask wearing whatever ct-dYsvLxBE-00026-00005671-00005791 they just say oh you know what it's a ct-dYsvLxBE-00027-00005792-00005975 peaceful protest and there were ct-dYsvLxBE-00028-00005976-00006167 thousands and thousands of people at the ct-dYsvLxBE-00029-00006168-00006279 airport hangar ct-dYsvLxBE-00030-00006280-00006486 uh in latrobe pennsylvania to see the ct-dYsvLxBE-00031-00006487-00006742 president and to peacefully protest with ct-dYsvLxBE-00032-00006743-00006798 him ct-dYsvLxBE-00033-00006800-00007014 and he of course took a lot of shots at ct-dYsvLxBE-00034-00007015-00007119 nancy pelosi but ct-dYsvLxBE-00035-00007120-00007295 think about that what he said was 100 ct-dYsvLxBE-00036-00007295-00007478 right this is a customer this is someone ct-dYsvLxBE-00037-00007479-00007623 who comes to your salon ct-dYsvLxBE-00038-00007623-00007863 who gives you money she said she'd been ct-dYsvLxBE-00039-00007864-00007998 there several times i mean ct-dYsvLxBE-00040-00008000-00008183 you're going to trust a place to do your ct-dYsvLxBE-00041-00008184-00008342 hair i assume if you i mean i don't have ct-dYsvLxBE-00042-00008343-00008471 hair so i'm just assuming ct-dYsvLxBE-00043-00008472-00008599 but you're going to trust a place to do ct-dYsvLxBE-00044-00008600-00008751 your hair that you've been to before and ct-dYsvLxBE-00045-00008752-00008839 especially ct-dYsvLxBE-00046-00008840-00008999 if you're trying to sneak around and ct-dYsvLxBE-00047-00009000-00009167 skulk around in the middle of the night ct-dYsvLxBE-00048-00009168-00009351 and get your hair done when they're ct-dYsvLxBE-00049-00009352-00009487 you're in the midst of a quarantine and ct-dYsvLxBE-00050-00009488-00009535 you're a ct-dYsvLxBE-00051-00009536-00009759 high-profile figure and you're not ct-dYsvLxBE-00052-00009760-00009967 supposed to be out anyway especially not ct-dYsvLxBE-00053-00009968-00010039 wearing a mask ct-dYsvLxBE-00054-00010040-00010246 especially not getting your hair done if ct-dYsvLxBE-00055-00010247-00010367 that's what's happening if you're a ct-dYsvLxBE-00056-00010368-00010574 high-profile figure like nancy pelosi ct-dYsvLxBE-00057-00010575-00010774 you want to go someplace you can trust ct-dYsvLxBE-00058-00010775-00010974 and the salon owner turns her in ct-dYsvLxBE-00059-00010975-00011214 and donald trump asks very basic ct-dYsvLxBE-00060-00011215-00011295 question ct-dYsvLxBE-00061-00011296-00011519 how much do they hate this woman that ct-dYsvLxBE-00062-00011520-00011631 she's a client ct-dYsvLxBE-00063-00011632-00011838 she's a customer she gives them money ct-dYsvLxBE-00064-00011839-00011999 and they're still like you know what ct-dYsvLxBE-00065-00012000-00012263 screw you we're good we're gonna release ct-dYsvLxBE-00066-00012264-00012359 this footage ct-dYsvLxBE-00067-00012360-00012606 and still i mean that's the thing nancy ct-dYsvLxBE-00068-00012607-00012687 pelosi ct-dYsvLxBE-00069-00012688-00012966 handling it the exact wrong way in fact ct-dYsvLxBE-00070-00012967-00013166 donald trump brought that up as well ct-dYsvLxBE-00071-00013168-00013566 she said i was set up i was set up ct-dYsvLxBE-00072-00013568-00013894 by the salon owner i was set up i said ct-dYsvLxBE-00073-00013895-00014143 tell me she didn't say that please ct-dYsvLxBE-00074-00014144-00014494 so i just put out that if she was set up ct-dYsvLxBE-00075-00014495-00014791 then she shouldn't be leading the house ct-dYsvLxBE-00076-00014791-00014830 of ct-dYsvLxBE-00077-00014831-00015166 representatives i want ct-dYsvLxBE-00078-00015168-00015503 the salon owner to lead the house of ct-dYsvLxBE-00079-00015504-00015599 representatives ct-dYsvLxBE-00080-00015600-00015999 because she set up ct-dYsvLxBE-00081-00016000-00016183 think of it she set up the speaker of ct-dYsvLxBE-00082-00016184-00016319 the house ct-dYsvLxBE-00083-00016319-00016486 that was a big mistake as soon as i ct-dYsvLxBE-00084-00016487-00016822 heard she said well she set me up ct-dYsvLxBE-00085-00016823-00017055 nancy you're not supposed to get set up ct-dYsvLxBE-00086-00017056-00017207 you're representing our country ct-dYsvLxBE-00087-00017208-00017375 i mean come on you're like second in ct-dYsvLxBE-00088-00017376-00017567 line for the presidency it's me ct-dYsvLxBE-00089-00017568-00017735 it's mike pence and then it's you and ct-dYsvLxBE-00090-00017736-00017911 you're telling me that you got set up by ct-dYsvLxBE-00091-00017912-00018079 a salon owner ct-dYsvLxBE-00092-00018080-00018350 it's crazy and it continues look there's ct-dYsvLxBE-00093-00018351-00018503 protests right now ct-dYsvLxBE-00094-00018504-00018686 in san francisco all over the place ct-dYsvLxBE-00095-00018687-00018927 there are hair dressers and salon owners ct-dYsvLxBE-00096-00018928-00019135 and they are so fed up they are ct-dYsvLxBE-00097-00019136-00019279 protesting i don't know if it's nancy ct-dYsvLxBE-00098-00019280-00019414 pelosi's house or ct-dYsvLxBE-00099-00019415-00019503 i don't know if it's like whatever ct-dYsvLxBE-00100-00019504-00019630 they're doing but they've got their ct-dYsvLxBE-00101-00019631-00019830 they've got their their salon gear ct-dYsvLxBE-00102-00019831-00020039 the plastic scrubs that they use when ct-dYsvLxBE-00103-00020040-00020222 they put you know color in people's hair ct-dYsvLxBE-00104-00020223-00020383 they've got hair dryers and they're ct-dYsvLxBE-00105-00020384-00020663 throwing the hair dryers ct-dYsvLxBE-00106-00020664-00020935 they're throwing the hair dryers over ct-dYsvLxBE-00107-00020936-00021103 the tree limbs like people used to do ct-dYsvLxBE-00108-00021104-00021207 with their sneakers ct-dYsvLxBE-00109-00021208-00021358 and you've got just these trees and ct-dYsvLxBE-00110-00021359-00021583 trees filled with hair dryers ct-dYsvLxBE-00111-00021584-00021839 in protest of nancy pelosi who has yet ct-dYsvLxBE-00112-00021840-00021975 to apologize ct-dYsvLxBE-00113-00021976-00022207 is still blaming the salon owner and ct-dYsvLxBE-00114-00022208-00022319 still claims ct-dYsvLxBE-00115-00022320-00022478 that she's a victim i'll be honest with ct-dYsvLxBE-00116-00022479-00022711 you i hope she never apologizes ct-dYsvLxBE-00117-00022712-00022855 because the longer she waits to ct-dYsvLxBE-00118-00022856-00023030 apologize the better it is ct-dYsvLxBE-00119-00023031-00023264 for us cvd9uYr1DYy-00000-00000024-00000238 today we're playing three games of among cvd9uYr1DYy-00001-00000239-00000471 us but their ship map is here cvd9uYr1DYy-00002-00000472-00000599 basically i'm going to be playing the cvd9uYr1DYy-00003-00000600-00000799 pools and the earship map cvd9uYr1DYy-00004-00000800-00001015 but i'm going to be playing it for free cvd9uYr1DYy-00005-00001016-00001223 so make sure watch to the end because it cvd9uYr1DYy-00006-00001224-00001487 gets that big looks like i'm going to be cvd9uYr1DYy-00007-00001488-00002159 playing this for free cvd9uYr1DYy-00008-00002160-00002495 that's what i get imposter cvd9uYr1DYy-00009-00002496-00002883 let's go so we're on the imposter this cvd9uYr1DYy-00010-00002884-00003422 time cvd9uYr1DYy-00011-00003423-00003638 i gotta cover some cover let's start the cvd9uYr1DYy-00012-00003639-00003775 warm-up crew cvd9uYr1DYy-00013-00003776-00004279 first lights out cvd9uYr1DYy-00014-00004280-00004502 lights out nobody's going to call cvd9uYr1DYy-00015-00004503-00004702 emergency meeting grant unless cvd9uYr1DYy-00016-00004703-00005183 i sabotage cvd9uYr1DYy-00017-00005184-00005375 and wow looks like the crew is going to cvd9uYr1DYy-00018-00005376-00006222 fix the lights cvd9uYr1DYy-00019-00006223-00006751 lights are fixed cvd9uYr1DYy-00020-00006752-00007063 so i'm gonna cvd9uYr1DYy-00021-00007064-00007727 i'm going to be playing this for free so cvd9uYr1DYy-00022-00007728-00008103 let's go right here cvd9uYr1DYy-00023-00008104-00009383 only 15 seconds left in the cooldown cvd9uYr1DYy-00024-00009384-00010321 what's in here first cvd9uYr1DYy-00025-00010322-00011383 [Music] cvd9uYr1DYy-00026-00011384-00011974 i mean they only got 15 seconds cvd9uYr1DYy-00027-00011975-00012367 66 seconds left well why can i not just cvd9uYr1DYy-00028-00012368-00012683 fix cvd9uYr1DYy-00029-00012684-00012815 this cvd9uYr1DYy-00030-00012816-00015483 switch forward cvd9uYr1DYy-00031-00015484-00016883 at cvd9uYr1DYy-00032-00016884-00017847 uh cvd9uYr1DYy-00033-00017848-00018727 there's only seven seconds left cvd9uYr1DYy-00034-00018728-00019150 good they fixed the reactor but now cvd9uYr1DYy-00035-00019151-00019319 okay whatever there's plenty more that cvd9uYr1DYy-00036-00019320-00019527 came from cvd9uYr1DYy-00037-00019528-00019830 oh what's up dummy seven first cvd9uYr1DYy-00038-00019831-00020183 lock us in if you're able to kill cvd9uYr1DYy-00039-00020184-00020607 but looks like they found that body cvd9uYr1DYy-00040-00020608-00021278 really quick cvd9uYr1DYy-00041-00021279-00022248 someone voted out cvd9uYr1DYy-00042-00022249-00022447 [Music] cvd9uYr1DYy-00043-00022448-00022743 i'm gonna start with brick all the doors cvd9uYr1DYy-00044-00022744-00023463 are shut cvd9uYr1DYy-00045-00023464-00023655 i'm not gonna take that i'm just gonna cvd9uYr1DYy-00046-00023656-00024150 use defense cvd9uYr1DYy-00047-00024151-00024358 good in the main hall my cooldown was cvd9uYr1DYy-00048-00024359-00024783 almost ready i only have five seconds cvd9uYr1DYy-00049-00024784-00025127 i only have five seconds but what can i cvd9uYr1DYy-00050-00025128-00025183 just cvd9uYr1DYy-00051-00025184-00025503 sabotage again yeah cvd9uYr1DYy-00052-00025504-00025806 just sabotage the lights again cvd9uYr1DYy-00053-00025807-00026214 that should do it i can't find anybody i cvd9uYr1DYy-00054-00026216-00026302 want to kill some cvd9uYr1DYy-00055-00026304-00027014 i want to kill a crewmate cvd9uYr1DYy-00056-00027016-00028311 damn they fixed the lights already cvd9uYr1DYy-00057-00028312-00028487 all right i want to i want to kill a cvd9uYr1DYy-00058-00028488-00028631 crewmate cvd9uYr1DYy-00059-00028632-00028918 the thing is i don't want to get caught cvd9uYr1DYy-00060-00028919-00029055 nicely done cvd9uYr1DYy-00061-00029056-00029343 dude the cooldown is ready so i i have cvd9uYr1DYy-00062-00029344-00029527 to go kill someone cvd9uYr1DYy-00063-00029527-00029895 anybody in here oh cvd9uYr1DYy-00064-00029895-00030279 oh crewmates where are you my crewmate cvd9uYr1DYy-00065-00030280-00030639 my kill cooldown is ready i guess this cvd9uYr1DYy-00066-00030639-00030935 is the kitchen cvd9uYr1DYy-00067-00030936-00031127 but what about this kitchen cask right cvd9uYr1DYy-00068-00031127-00031487 here cvd9uYr1DYy-00069-00031488-00031807 it's suspenses cvd9uYr1DYy-00070-00031808-00032262 oh yeah i found a crew mate cvd9uYr1DYy-00071-00032263-00032695 there we go cvd9uYr1DYy-00072-00032695-00033007 oh nothing to see shoot can't let him cvd9uYr1DYy-00073-00033008-00033087 see the body cvd9uYr1DYy-00074-00033088-00034151 first columns are down cvd9uYr1DYy-00075-00034152-00035055 okay cvd9uYr1DYy-00076-00035056-00036527 everyone skip they see through cvd9uYr1DYy-00077-00036528-00036702 comms are down nobody's gonna call an cvd9uYr1DYy-00078-00036703-00037127 emergency meeting until they fix cons cvd9uYr1DYy-00079-00037128-00038455 but how about this comms task cvd9uYr1DYy-00080-00038456-00038815 i guess i can't guess i can't fix comms cvd9uYr1DYy-00081-00038816-00039283 oh good they fix cons yeah they fix the cvd9uYr1DYy-00082-00039284-00040111 comms cvd9uYr1DYy-00083-00040112-00040479 we have to we have to cvd9uYr1DYy-00084-00040480-00040655 start getting frustrated i didn't even cvd9uYr1DYy-00085-00040656-00040895 see no cruise yet cvd9uYr1DYy-00086-00040896-00041335 what was the thing i didn't see cvd9uYr1DYy-00087-00041336-00041687 i didn't check security cvd9uYr1DYy-00088-00041688-00041999 or electrical cvd9uYr1DYy-00089-00042000-00042167 i'm gonna go check electrical and see if cvd9uYr1DYy-00090-00042168-00042351 someone is in there i bet you someone's cvd9uYr1DYy-00091-00042352-00042735 gonna be there cvd9uYr1DYy-00092-00042736-00042927 but it's the ladder there's no ladder to cvd9uYr1DYy-00093-00042928-00043102 do cvd9uYr1DYy-00094-00043103-00043471 okay is anybody here cvd9uYr1DYy-00095-00043472-00043665 i don't see any crewmates here yet cvd9uYr1DYy-00096-00043666-00044551 [Music] cvd9uYr1DYy-00097-00044552-00045200 no crewmates yet are you serious cvd9uYr1DYy-00098-00045201-00045615 [Music] cvd9uYr1DYy-00099-00045616-00047679 this is just cvd9uYr1DYy-00100-00047680-00048451 come on man i didn't find anybody dude cvd9uYr1DYy-00101-00048452-00049083 [Music] cvd9uYr1DYy-00102-00049084-00049799 um cvd9uYr1DYy-00103-00049800-00050551 seriously nobody here yet cvd9uYr1DYy-00104-00050552-00050758 i have to kill one more crate oh it cvd9uYr1DYy-00105-00050759-00051526 doesn't crew me no cvd9uYr1DYy-00106-00051527-00051775 dang the crewmates finished our task i cvd9uYr1DYy-00107-00051776-00051975 didn't even kill anybody and they finish cvd9uYr1DYy-00108-00051976-00052111 tasks cvd9uYr1DYy-00109-00052112-00052390 maybe because i was too slow but that cvd9uYr1DYy-00110-00052391-00052854 won't happen again cvd9uYr1DYy-00111-00052855-00053182 crewmate let's do some tasks cvd9uYr1DYy-00112-00053183-00053575 i'm in the pools map cvd9uYr1DYy-00113-00053576-00054319 i have to do swipe cards cvd9uYr1DYy-00114-00054320-00054671 doing slide cards wasn't that easy cvd9uYr1DYy-00115-00054672-00055030 finally did a task film it cvd9uYr1DYy-00116-00055032-00055359 didn't see no such information hi red cvd9uYr1DYy-00117-00055360-00055542 i hope red is not the imposter because cvd9uYr1DYy-00118-00055544-00055742 if he was cvd9uYr1DYy-00119-00055744-00056303 you know what's gonna happen cvd9uYr1DYy-00120-00056304-00056679 one super big fail cvd9uYr1DYy-00121-00056679-00058663 all right scan time cvd9uYr1DYy-00122-00058664-00058894 i have to go to the baller room where is cvd9uYr1DYy-00123-00058895-00059623 the baller cvd9uYr1DYy-00124-00059624-00060015 bruh i mean i haven't seen anybody cvd9uYr1DYy-00125-00060016-00060335 died yet oh hey green i hope the ring is cvd9uYr1DYy-00126-00060336-00060566 not the imposter because if he was danny cvd9uYr1DYy-00127-00060567-00061463 i will be dead cvd9uYr1DYy-00128-00061464-00061742 come on seriously where's everybody else cvd9uYr1DYy-00129-00061744-00061830 i don't have a cvd9uYr1DYy-00130-00061832-00062206 lot of time we gotta finish tasks cvd9uYr1DYy-00131-00062207-00062942 gotta keep up the work cvd9uYr1DYy-00132-00062944-00063094 the posters are running out of time cvd9uYr1DYy-00133-00063095-00063247 that's why they get anxious cvd9uYr1DYy-00134-00063248-00064887 because the taskbar was almost full cvd9uYr1DYy-00135-00064888-00065279 yes i finished the task no task here are cvd9uYr1DYy-00136-00065279-00065638 you kidding me cvd9uYr1DYy-00137-00065639-00066143 where is the replace room cvd9uYr1DYy-00138-00066144-00066343 the only thing we didn't go is two cvd9uYr1DYy-00139-00066344-00066567 weapons cvd9uYr1DYy-00140-00066568-00067143 that's electrical damn it cvd9uYr1DYy-00141-00067144-00067447 where is it cvd9uYr1DYy-00142-00067448-00067687 really it's really scary to be by myself cvd9uYr1DYy-00143-00067688-00067823 here cvd9uYr1DYy-00144-00067824-00068431 i think an imposter cvd9uYr1DYy-00145-00068432-00068919 okay where is cvd9uYr1DYy-00146-00068920-00070006 this cvd9uYr1DYy-00147-00070007-00070311 we have to finish task cvd9uYr1DYy-00148-00070312-00071599 tasks you feel me cvd9uYr1DYy-00149-00071600-00071959 dang we lost the impostor wind cvd9uYr1DYy-00150-00071960-00072150 well that won't happen again we're gonna cvd9uYr1DYy-00151-00072151-00072767 get revenge cvd9uYr1DYy-00152-00072768-00073191 imposter let's go cvd9uYr1DYy-00153-00073192-00073623 okay oh there's my first target first cvd9uYr1DYy-00154-00073624-00074111 i'm gonna shut doors cvd9uYr1DYy-00155-00074112-00074431 cool down 15 second cooldown i'm just cvd9uYr1DYy-00156-00074432-00074526 gonna cvd9uYr1DYy-00157-00074527-00075262 bend cvd9uYr1DYy-00158-00075263-00076215 i gotta be careful cvd9uYr1DYy-00159-00076216-00077247 i don't have many time left cvd9uYr1DYy-00160-00077248-00078726 15 seconds left in the cool down cvd9uYr1DYy-00161-00078727-00078894 this isn't good there's still a lot of cvd9uYr1DYy-00162-00078895-00079111 crewmates left and the taskbar is almost cvd9uYr1DYy-00163-00079112-00079335 full cvd9uYr1DYy-00164-00079336-00081282 i mean why would it cvd9uYr1DYy-00165-00081283-00082682 so cvd9uYr1DYy-00166-00082683-00083038 okay hold on 15 seconds oh no cvd9uYr1DYy-00167-00083039-00083591 first lights out close doors cvd9uYr1DYy-00168-00083592-00085165 close every door now the door is closed cvd9uYr1DYy-00169-00085166-00085879 [Music] cvd9uYr1DYy-00170-00085880-00086144 don't cxvnaGrOBwI-00000-00001076-00001406 thankfully the invitation I'm so happy cxvnaGrOBwI-00001-00001407-00001853 to be here what's the meaning that's the cxvnaGrOBwI-00002-00001854-00002251 title of my presentation the next 30 cxvnaGrOBwI-00003-00002252-00003072 minutes and my focus is aesthetics cxvnaGrOBwI-00004-00003073-00003481 aesthetics is daily practice and cxvnaGrOBwI-00005-00003482-00003944 aesthetics is daily participation all of cxvnaGrOBwI-00006-00003945-00004366 us practice and participate every day cxvnaGrOBwI-00007-00004367-00004816 and we have done it at all times this is cxvnaGrOBwI-00008-00004817-00005213 middle ideals this is varietal everyone cxvnaGrOBwI-00009-00005214-00005813 is practicing playing small one big ones cxvnaGrOBwI-00010-00005814-00006532 and so on so to play to practice cxvnaGrOBwI-00011-00006533-00006851 aesthetically is an important part of cxvnaGrOBwI-00012-00006852-00007296 our lives we wouldn't be us without it cxvnaGrOBwI-00013-00007297-00007774 my focus is on professional theatre cxvnaGrOBwI-00014-00007775-00008006 performances for children and young cxvnaGrOBwI-00015-00008006-00008438 people not educational drama involving cxvnaGrOBwI-00016-00008439-00008669 inviting children and young people cxvnaGrOBwI-00017-00008670-00009027 themselves not performances in cxvnaGrOBwI-00018-00009028-00009613 educational or pedagogical contexts cxvnaGrOBwI-00019-00009614-00010042 performances in cultural life real cxvnaGrOBwI-00020-00010043-00010452 cultural life the meaning of theatre cxvnaGrOBwI-00021-00010453-00010801 experiences in children's personal life cxvnaGrOBwI-00022-00010802-00011406 my own research in this field is cxvnaGrOBwI-00023-00011407-00011744 aesthetic the meaning of aesthetics in cxvnaGrOBwI-00024-00011745-00012080 everyday life and the meaning of cxvnaGrOBwI-00025-00012081-00012523 aesthetics in art and art experiences cxvnaGrOBwI-00026-00012524-00012935 I'm investigating the dynamic relations cxvnaGrOBwI-00027-00012936-00013382 between two kind of practices what do cxvnaGrOBwI-00028-00013383-00013919 children do to see it and what does see cxvnaGrOBwI-00029-00013919-00014350 it do to children so let's start cxvnaGrOBwI-00030-00014351-00014713 in the center where children their cxvnaGrOBwI-00031-00014713-00015016 cultural communities and the cxvnaGrOBwI-00032-00015016-00015574 performances meet two years ago I had cxvnaGrOBwI-00033-00015575-00015871 the privilege to accompany some of the cxvnaGrOBwI-00034-00015872-00016177 Danish theaters playing for children and cxvnaGrOBwI-00035-00016178-00016668 young people to Shanghai China I was cxvnaGrOBwI-00036-00016669-00017022 attendant the second day nice chinese cxvnaGrOBwI-00037-00017023-00017341 festival on theatre for young audiences cxvnaGrOBwI-00038-00017342-00017764 and i participated in the festival cxvnaGrOBwI-00039-00017765-00018180 conference and i really admire the cxvnaGrOBwI-00040-00018181-00018508 series of people creating the alliances cxvnaGrOBwI-00041-00018509-00018805 and arranging these international cxvnaGrOBwI-00042-00018806-00019303 meetings it's hard work they know that cxvnaGrOBwI-00043-00019304-00019600 the center of these meetings are the cxvnaGrOBwI-00044-00019601-00019924 performances nevertheless they never cxvnaGrOBwI-00045-00019925-00020308 miss the chance to have initiatives to cxvnaGrOBwI-00046-00020309-00020550 have these performances reflected as cxvnaGrOBwI-00047-00020551-00021021 well so meeting Chinese intellectuals cxvnaGrOBwI-00048-00021022-00021372 from the Dramatic Art Center from the cxvnaGrOBwI-00049-00021373-00021736 arts educational system and the students cxvnaGrOBwI-00050-00021737-00022461 was really a gift engagement knowledge I cxvnaGrOBwI-00051-00022462-00022833 attended several performances during the cxvnaGrOBwI-00052-00022834-00023208 visit and allow me to tell you about one cxvnaGrOBwI-00053-00023209-00023671 of them this particular evening I was cxvnaGrOBwI-00054-00023672-00024172 seated next to a small Chinese bar 67 cxvnaGrOBwI-00055-00024173-00024633 years I think he was I had the noticed cxvnaGrOBwI-00056-00024634-00025093 him nodded to him smiled of course we do cxvnaGrOBwI-00057-00025094-00025612 so but beyond that he did not occupy my cxvnaGrOBwI-00058-00025613-00026240 mind because I do have quite a natural cxvnaGrOBwI-00059-00026241-00026608 disrespect for grown-ups wasting their cxvnaGrOBwI-00060-00026608-00026935 time during performances looking each cxvnaGrOBwI-00061-00026936-00027396 other instead of experiences for cxvnaGrOBwI-00062-00027397-00027764 themselves we were going to attend cxvnaGrOBwI-00063-00027766-00028102 performance by a Danish group called a cxvnaGrOBwI-00064-00028102-00028575 nice haga Park Theatre in the streets cxvnaGrOBwI-00065-00028576-00028983 the boxer and the ballerina was a title cxvnaGrOBwI-00066-00028985-00029314 one of the actors hence Peter Clift had cxvnaGrOBwI-00067-00029314-00029941 entered the hole he walked around looked cxvnaGrOBwI-00068-00029942-00030394 at us was greeting some of us speaking cxvnaGrOBwI-00069-00030395-00030726 Danish to the Chinese people and cxvnaGrOBwI-00070-00030727-00031068 nonsense to the Danish people cxvnaGrOBwI-00071-00031069-00031369 rearranging some of the spectators in cxvnaGrOBwI-00072-00031370-00031762 order to make them see better wrapping cxvnaGrOBwI-00073-00031763-00032143 some others in woolen blankets in order cxvnaGrOBwI-00074-00032144-00032520 to make them feel constable and little cxvnaGrOBwI-00075-00032522-00032974 by little he transformed the room to an cxvnaGrOBwI-00076-00032975-00033633 arena and each of us from Chinese Danish cxvnaGrOBwI-00077-00033634-00034317 individuals to an audience we were ready cxvnaGrOBwI-00078-00034318-00034660 the boxer and the bell arena is a story cxvnaGrOBwI-00079-00034661-00035107 about a boy with a father dreaming of cxvnaGrOBwI-00080-00035108-00035668 his son as a great boxer and a girl with cxvnaGrOBwI-00081-00035669-00035995 a mother dreaming of her daughter cxvnaGrOBwI-00082-00035996-00036448 becoming a great ballerina the buyer cxvnaGrOBwI-00083-00036449-00036886 himself wants to be a dancer the girl cxvnaGrOBwI-00084-00036887-00037360 wants to be a boxer quite simple quite cxvnaGrOBwI-00085-00037361-00037857 complicated do we have to fulfill our cxvnaGrOBwI-00086-00037858-00038308 parents dreams or are we going to fulfil cxvnaGrOBwI-00087-00038309-00038854 our own approximately five minutes after cxvnaGrOBwI-00088-00038855-00039193 the performance had started the Chinese cxvnaGrOBwI-00089-00039194-00039634 boy started to lean against me he seized cxvnaGrOBwI-00090-00039635-00040135 my sleeve and he loved two minutes later cxvnaGrOBwI-00091-00040136-00040653 he got on his feet crying from laughter cxvnaGrOBwI-00092-00040654-00040958 after another five min cxvnaGrOBwI-00093-00040959-00041413 it's I found him rolling on the ground cxvnaGrOBwI-00094-00041414-00041870 between my feet howling we laughter and cxvnaGrOBwI-00095-00041871-00042242 now it was a bit difficult not to pay cxvnaGrOBwI-00096-00042243-00042829 attention and to join his expressive joy cxvnaGrOBwI-00097-00042830-00043430 for him the performance became a force cxvnaGrOBwI-00098-00043431-00044072 and energy with seized him and now was cxvnaGrOBwI-00099-00044073-00044528 shaping his body he tried again and cxvnaGrOBwI-00100-00044529-00045008 again to sit down to hold the sides but cxvnaGrOBwI-00101-00045009-00045434 in vain he participated one hundred and cxvnaGrOBwI-00102-00045435-00045833 fifty percent it was an unforgettable cxvnaGrOBwI-00103-00045834-00046334 evening ladies and gentlemen this is the cxvnaGrOBwI-00104-00046335-00046850 meaning when this happens siete is worse cxvnaGrOBwI-00105-00046851-00047378 wild ass is worse why when it does not cxvnaGrOBwI-00106-00047379-00048053 happen what who cares professional cxvnaGrOBwI-00107-00048054-00048398 theatre for children and young people cxvnaGrOBwI-00108-00048399-00048749 are not intellectual exercises for cxvnaGrOBwI-00109-00048750-00049112 beginners professional performances have cxvnaGrOBwI-00110-00049113-00049382 not been produced in order to make cxvnaGrOBwI-00111-00049383-00049751 children healthier more tolerant more cxvnaGrOBwI-00112-00049752-00050126 democratic well-bred educated you name cxvnaGrOBwI-00113-00050127-00050456 it professional performances for cxvnaGrOBwI-00114-00050457-00050720 children and young people had not been cxvnaGrOBwI-00115-00050721-00051034 produced and performed to serve cxvnaGrOBwI-00116-00051035-00051367 pedagogical developmental work in day cxvnaGrOBwI-00117-00051369-00051854 care institutions the meaning of this cxvnaGrOBwI-00118-00051854-00052349 particular art form is not to contribute cxvnaGrOBwI-00119-00052350-00052733 to schools formal teaching not even to cxvnaGrOBwI-00120-00052734-00053249 learn children about art the meaning is cxvnaGrOBwI-00121-00053250-00053678 to make laughter bubble the roof of the cxvnaGrOBwI-00122-00053679-00054095 theater symbolically to rise to make cxvnaGrOBwI-00123-00054096-00054172 tears cxvnaGrOBwI-00124-00054173-00054756 first to make silence noisy if the cxvnaGrOBwI-00125-00054757-00055099 performance does not give meaning to the cxvnaGrOBwI-00126-00055100-00055548 audience here and now if the audience is cxvnaGrOBwI-00127-00055549-00056011 fought with the right opinions worthy cxvnaGrOBwI-00128-00056012-00056473 values it will never be part of their cxvnaGrOBwI-00129-00056474-00056868 life they won't tell others about it cxvnaGrOBwI-00130-00056869-00057253 they won't take inspiration from it they cxvnaGrOBwI-00131-00057254-00057649 won't use it as breaks in identity cxvnaGrOBwI-00132-00057650-00058009 building they will just forget it and cxvnaGrOBwI-00133-00058010-00058711 they are right so the crucial point is cxvnaGrOBwI-00134-00058712-00059109 the meaning the very moment the cxvnaGrOBwI-00135-00059110-00059574 experiences in this special force cxvnaGrOBwI-00136-00059575-00060198 dimension we call cultural life cxvnaGrOBwI-00137-00060199-00060579 children's cultural communities always cxvnaGrOBwI-00138-00060580-00061053 communicate through action it is a cxvnaGrOBwI-00139-00061054-00061423 community which constantly every day cxvnaGrOBwI-00140-00061424-00061716 deals with transformations you can cxvnaGrOBwI-00141-00061717-00062232 actually be what you eat here it's a cxvnaGrOBwI-00142-00062233-00062604 community practicing the aesthetic cxvnaGrOBwI-00143-00062605-00063109 symbolic dimension fictions walls plays cxvnaGrOBwI-00144-00063110-00063525 every day and in this special dimension cxvnaGrOBwI-00145-00063526-00063942 everything can take place but never ever cxvnaGrOBwI-00146-00063944-00064534 for real if I am proposing that you are cxvnaGrOBwI-00147-00064535-00064875 going we are playing that you are going cxvnaGrOBwI-00148-00064876-00065217 to have a pass and go to sleep you will cxvnaGrOBwI-00149-00065219-00065451 never have a bus and never go to sleep cxvnaGrOBwI-00150-00065452-00065809 because we're playing it it's not real cxvnaGrOBwI-00151-00065810-00066196 and in children's cultural communities cxvnaGrOBwI-00152-00066197-00066762 there is one golden rule children never cxvnaGrOBwI-00153-00066763-00067353 ever start activities they don't like cxvnaGrOBwI-00154-00067354-00068162 we do as adults we are confronted will cxvnaGrOBwI-00155-00068163-00068515 community which carefully distinguish cxvnaGrOBwI-00156-00068516-00068960 between social reality and cultural cxvnaGrOBwI-00157-00068961-00069504 reality social reality always just is cxvnaGrOBwI-00158-00069505-00069885 you open your eyes and use it all go cxvnaGrOBwI-00159-00069886-00070248 away but it is there every day cultural cxvnaGrOBwI-00160-00070249-00070684 reality you have to create and maintain cxvnaGrOBwI-00161-00070685-00071163 yourself cultural reality is only cxvnaGrOBwI-00162-00071164-00071634 present as a special force dimension cxvnaGrOBwI-00163-00071635-00072161 raising while you are running jumping cxvnaGrOBwI-00164-00072162-00072818 swinging singing swaying reading talking cxvnaGrOBwI-00165-00072819-00073401 it is a special way of life connected to cxvnaGrOBwI-00166-00073402-00074148 the very moment the here and now this cxvnaGrOBwI-00167-00074149-00074573 false aesthetic symbolic dimension is cxvnaGrOBwI-00168-00074574-00074999 the heart the Alpha and Omega of cxvnaGrOBwI-00169-00075000-00075504 children's culture it raises when you cxvnaGrOBwI-00170-00075505-00075948 are playing when you are laughing cxvnaGrOBwI-00171-00075949-00076269 together when you are absurd by a cxvnaGrOBwI-00172-00076270-00076611 wonderful book a wonderful performance cxvnaGrOBwI-00173-00076612-00077001 theorem concerts when you are involved cxvnaGrOBwI-00174-00077002-00077399 in exciting discussions with others on cxvnaGrOBwI-00175-00077400-00077841 ideas or on feelings and when you stop cxvnaGrOBwI-00176-00077842-00078306 playing reading listening discussion cxvnaGrOBwI-00177-00078307-00079104 this cultural reality this first I cxvnaGrOBwI-00178-00079105-00079638 mention never raises by itself you need cxvnaGrOBwI-00179-00079639-00080010 a variety of cultural patterns cxvnaGrOBwI-00180-00080011-00080479 experiences expressions you need cxvnaGrOBwI-00181-00080480-00080937 x writtens movement figures words cxvnaGrOBwI-00182-00080938-00081285 narrative patterns metrical patterns cxvnaGrOBwI-00183-00081286-00081726 playing patterns in other words you need cxvnaGrOBwI-00184-00081727-00082147 aesthetic tools to create it and to cxvnaGrOBwI-00185-00082148-00083116 maintain it cultural policy is committed cxvnaGrOBwI-00186-00083117-00083563 to this register of cultural expressions cxvnaGrOBwI-00187-00083564-00083986 it is a most distinguished obligation to cxvnaGrOBwI-00188-00083987-00084367 secure and to guarantee that the cxvnaGrOBwI-00189-00084368-00084919 register children already possess will cxvnaGrOBwI-00190-00084920-00085263 have the possibilities to be inspired to cxvnaGrOBwI-00191-00085264-00085696 be practiced and to grow to prevail up cxvnaGrOBwI-00192-00085697-00086238 to transform because this register is cxvnaGrOBwI-00193-00086239-00086584 children's own way to the world to cxvnaGrOBwI-00194-00086585-00086950 knowledge to feelings two expressions to cxvnaGrOBwI-00195-00086951-00087444 communication in artistic productions in cxvnaGrOBwI-00196-00087445-00087787 cultural politics and in cultural cxvnaGrOBwI-00197-00087788-00088210 communication the dynamic relations cxvnaGrOBwI-00198-00088211-00088806 between this popular cultural tradition cxvnaGrOBwI-00199-00088807-00089125 rooted in our bodies and practiced in cxvnaGrOBwI-00200-00089126-00089593 daily life and the artistic expressions cxvnaGrOBwI-00201-00089594-00089869 the artistic developments are the cxvnaGrOBwI-00202-00089870-00090430 crucial point meeting and dealing with cxvnaGrOBwI-00203-00090431-00090936 art in music theatre theorems dance cxvnaGrOBwI-00204-00090937-00091268 performances paintings installations cxvnaGrOBwI-00205-00091269-00091866 computer place is the heart of these cxvnaGrOBwI-00206-00091867-00092428 dynamic relations because this meeting cxvnaGrOBwI-00207-00092429-00093013 secure that our daily popular culture cxvnaGrOBwI-00208-00093014-00093612 and practice stay alive and is cxvnaGrOBwI-00209-00093613-00093765 constantly cxvnaGrOBwI-00210-00093766-00094425 transformed and develop we are updated cxvnaGrOBwI-00211-00094426-00095119 in our own practice this is why we as cxvnaGrOBwI-00212-00095120-00095542 adults have to select performances of cxvnaGrOBwI-00213-00095543-00095876 the highest aesthetic qualities cxvnaGrOBwI-00214-00095877-00096273 performances children can grow will cxvnaGrOBwI-00215-00096274-00096775 selecting them we ourselves have to be cxvnaGrOBwI-00216-00096776-00097348 touched hit surprised amazed we have to cxvnaGrOBwI-00217-00097349-00097681 cry to jail to die from laughter cxvnaGrOBwI-00218-00097682-00098086 together with it kids to communicate art cxvnaGrOBwI-00219-00098087-00098449 and culture is a question of contagion cxvnaGrOBwI-00220-00098450-00099109 if you are not infected engaged yourself cxvnaGrOBwI-00221-00099110-00099865 forget it find something else to do in cxvnaGrOBwI-00222-00099866-00100301 the Nordic countries this expressive cxvnaGrOBwI-00223-00100302-00100788 cultural communication is linked to and cxvnaGrOBwI-00224-00100789-00101169 supported by an expressive cultural cxvnaGrOBwI-00225-00101170-00101674 policy and I have to remind you that a cxvnaGrOBwI-00226-00101675-00102091 cultural policy is not a social policy cxvnaGrOBwI-00227-00102092-00102454 of course it has social effects but it's cxvnaGrOBwI-00228-00102455-00102814 not a social policy you don't meet cxvnaGrOBwI-00229-00102815-00103177 performances you don't read or listen to cxvnaGrOBwI-00230-00103178-00103489 wonderful literature in order to be more cxvnaGrOBwI-00231-00103490-00103968 social and almost in credit to travel eh cxvnaGrOBwI-00232-00103969-00104425 eh anderson set is too low a performance cxvnaGrOBwI-00233-00104426-00104773 is like a travel you leave yourself you cxvnaGrOBwI-00234-00104774-00105006 are confronted with a foreign world cxvnaGrOBwI-00235-00105007-00105346 opening new dimensions allowing you cxvnaGrOBwI-00236-00105347-00105772 maybe to see new dimensions to meet a cxvnaGrOBwI-00237-00105773-00106158 range of feelings in yourself and to cxvnaGrOBwI-00238-00106159-00106674 return reborn maybe a little bit changed cxvnaGrOBwI-00239-00106675-00107044 knowing yourself so much cxvnaGrOBwI-00240-00107045-00107585 error control policy is not an cxvnaGrOBwI-00241-00107586-00108008 educational policy you can be educated cxvnaGrOBwI-00242-00108009-00108457 by a good cultural policy but it's not cxvnaGrOBwI-00243-00108458-00108816 an educational policy the meaning of cxvnaGrOBwI-00244-00108817-00109215 being absorbed in literature is not to cxvnaGrOBwI-00245-00109216-00109709 learn to read all to be a better reader cxvnaGrOBwI-00246-00109710-00110013 the very meaning of a theater cxvnaGrOBwI-00247-00110014-00110328 performance is not to be told but to cxvnaGrOBwI-00248-00110329-00110947 touch an expressive cultural policy is a cxvnaGrOBwI-00249-00110948-00111481 policy respecting the meaning of the cxvnaGrOBwI-00250-00111482-00111864 cultural dimensions in our lives it is a cxvnaGrOBwI-00251-00111865-00112282 policy with the crucial quality that it cxvnaGrOBwI-00252-00112283-00112878 can't be tested Oh measured but it can cxvnaGrOBwI-00253-00112879-00113356 be seen and heard the effects of it are cxvnaGrOBwI-00254-00113357-00113763 laughing crying enjoying discussing cxvnaGrOBwI-00255-00113764-00114279 making fun creating daily qualities it's cxvnaGrOBwI-00256-00114280-00114611 a policy contributing to a richer cxvnaGrOBwI-00257-00114613-00115590 personal life it's simple it's so simple cxvnaGrOBwI-00258-00115591-00116009 but we haven't got a long tradition for cxvnaGrOBwI-00259-00116010-00116363 this simplicity as a matter of fact cxvnaGrOBwI-00260-00116364-00116751 developing a cultural policy and a cxvnaGrOBwI-00261-00116752-00117117 cultural communication built under cxvnaGrOBwI-00262-00117118-00117480 distinctions between the meaning of art cxvnaGrOBwI-00263-00117481-00117729 and culture in children's educational cxvnaGrOBwI-00264-00117730-00118053 life and the meaning of art and culture cxvnaGrOBwI-00265-00118054-00118445 in children's cultural life is quite new cxvnaGrOBwI-00266-00118446-00118859 the necessity was first recognized and cxvnaGrOBwI-00267-00118860-00119280 the efforts started during the last two cxvnaGrOBwI-00268-00119281-00120117 decades of the 20th century from the cxvnaGrOBwI-00269-00120118-00120672 late 1960s a major shift of paradigms cxvnaGrOBwI-00270-00120673-00120903 started to take place in the Nordic cxvnaGrOBwI-00271-00120904-00121218 countries questioning the educational cxvnaGrOBwI-00272-00121219-00121586 cultural system and its instrumental cxvnaGrOBwI-00273-00121588-00121965 standards to me letting and experience cxvnaGrOBwI-00274-00121966-00122193 from wonderful literature exciting cxvnaGrOBwI-00275-00122194-00122442 illustrations touching performances cxvnaGrOBwI-00276-00122443-00122955 scary films do not depend on reading or cxvnaGrOBwI-00277-00122956-00123323 writing skills or on the abilities to cxvnaGrOBwI-00278-00123324-00123804 intellectual understanding you can learn cxvnaGrOBwI-00279-00123805-00124152 by a performance hopefully without cxvnaGrOBwI-00280-00124153-00124608 understanding it always at that time cxvnaGrOBwI-00281-00124608-00124980 authors illustrators dramatist musicians cxvnaGrOBwI-00282-00124981-00125394 filmmakers started to insist on children cxvnaGrOBwI-00283-00125395-00125751 as artistic challenges children as cxvnaGrOBwI-00284-00125752-00126113 beings they did not want to write cxvnaGrOBwI-00285-00126114-00126398 educational literature to make cxvnaGrOBwI-00286-00126399-00126848 educational theatre as artists they cxvnaGrOBwI-00287-00126849-00127218 insisted to make art to children and cxvnaGrOBwI-00288-00127219-00127619 young people and from the 1980s we cxvnaGrOBwI-00289-00127620-00127988 experienced quite a modern break true cxvnaGrOBwI-00290-00127989-00128358 new kind of illustrated books new kind cxvnaGrOBwI-00291-00128358-00128691 of novels poems short stories new kind cxvnaGrOBwI-00292-00128692-00128928 of films new kind of see cxvnaGrOBwI-00293-00128929-00129207 performances all of them addressing cxvnaGrOBwI-00294-00129208-00129624 children and young people and all of cxvnaGrOBwI-00295-00129625-00130128 them built on another notion of the cxvnaGrOBwI-00296-00130129-00130670 child children were no longer only cxvnaGrOBwI-00297-00130671-00131091 regarded as primitive empty black parts cxvnaGrOBwI-00298-00131092-00131517 for adults to ride on as becomings now cxvnaGrOBwI-00299-00131518-00132038 they were also regarded as human beings cxvnaGrOBwI-00300-00132039-00132473 unknown conditions and in own writes cxvnaGrOBwI-00301-00132474-00132939 children's as beings and you know cxvnaGrOBwI-00302-00132940-00133329 children do not have a childhood they cxvnaGrOBwI-00303-00133330-00133593 have alive and they leave it on words cxvnaGrOBwI-00304-00133594-00133965 it's us we are old we have a childhood cxvnaGrOBwI-00305-00133966-00134244 and we are looking back at it sometimes cxvnaGrOBwI-00306-00134245-00134757 with joy sometimes in anger and of cxvnaGrOBwI-00307-00134758-00135042 course children's our becomings but in cxvnaGrOBwI-00308-00135043-00135336 cultural communication we have to meet cxvnaGrOBwI-00309-00135337-00135777 them as beings here and now we have to cxvnaGrOBwI-00310-00135778-00136208 touch them the modern Nordic artistic cxvnaGrOBwI-00311-00136209-00136608 breakthrough started out with this new cxvnaGrOBwI-00312-00136609-00136950 conception of children taking them as an cxvnaGrOBwI-00313-00136951-00137232 artistic challenge making literature cxvnaGrOBwI-00314-00137233-00137474 performances Fearon pictures cxvnaGrOBwI-00315-00137475-00137901 investigating life as it might look seen cxvnaGrOBwI-00316-00137902-00138282 with their eyes felt with their feelings cxvnaGrOBwI-00317-00138283-00138606 are cute with their social and ethical cxvnaGrOBwI-00318-00138607-00138990 standards on these conditions the cxvnaGrOBwI-00319-00138991-00139290 different art forms created a richness cxvnaGrOBwI-00320-00139291-00139593 of aesthetic experiences addressing cxvnaGrOBwI-00321-00139594-00140031 children will reach range of artistic cxvnaGrOBwI-00322-00140032-00140409 genres in the beginning children's cxvnaGrOBwI-00323-00140410-00140705 communicators teachers pedagogues cxvnaGrOBwI-00324-00140706-00141201 librarians were skeptical wow well while cxvnaGrOBwI-00325-00141202-00141506 this is fine literature good theatre cxvnaGrOBwI-00326-00141507-00141825 well but it's not futuna cxvnaGrOBwI-00327-00141826-00142182 it's too difficult they can't understand cxvnaGrOBwI-00328-00142183-00142557 it it's impossible they haven't got the cxvnaGrOBwI-00329-00142558-00143099 brains yet and we really had great cxvnaGrOBwI-00330-00143100-00143508 discussions at that time today 25 years cxvnaGrOBwI-00331-00143509-00143970 30 years after the angry voices have cxvnaGrOBwI-00332-00143971-00144300 seized just now we are in train of cxvnaGrOBwI-00333-00144301-00144669 developing a new cultural policy and a cxvnaGrOBwI-00334-00144670-00145074 new cultural communication built on the cxvnaGrOBwI-00335-00145075-00145481 new notion of the charge knowing that cxvnaGrOBwI-00336-00145482-00145839 you have to be in order to become and cxvnaGrOBwI-00337-00145840-00146247 you have to love the experience in order cxvnaGrOBwI-00338-00146248-00146619 to learn from it just being bored leads cxvnaGrOBwI-00339-00146620-00147129 nowhere we do it we are in train doing cxvnaGrOBwI-00340-00147130-00147672 it because it's necessary we also do it cxvnaGrOBwI-00341-00147673-00148089 because we have to and that's why we had cxvnaGrOBwI-00342-00148090-00148551 to we have to implement this wonderful cxvnaGrOBwI-00343-00148552-00149306 wonderful article 31 who tells us that a cxvnaGrOBwI-00344-00149307-00149949 cultural policy in its own right is the cxvnaGrOBwI-00345-00149950-00150234 future in the Nordic countries we have cxvnaGrOBwI-00346-00150235-00151648 signed it we had to do it thank you cxvnaGrOBwI-00347-00151649-00152116 and how do they react I mean Here I cxvnaGrOBwI-00348-00152117-00152336 level top Oh II agree that killer should cxvnaGrOBwI-00349-00152337-00152561 not start never start but they don't cxvnaGrOBwI-00350-00152562-00152795 like and they need to be touched in cxvnaGrOBwI-00351-00152796-00153068 order to learn but then again real life cxvnaGrOBwI-00352-00153069-00153340 I mean how what does it mean objectives cxvnaGrOBwI-00353-00153341-00153604 you objections you have met on your way cxvnaGrOBwI-00354-00153605-00153971 in in the beginning they asked me why cxvnaGrOBwI-00355-00153972-00154327 don't you like teachers and I said I cxvnaGrOBwI-00356-00154328-00154603 love teachers my father was a teacher my cxvnaGrOBwI-00357-00154604-00154931 mother was a teacher and I have so much cxvnaGrOBwI-00358-00154932-00155277 respect for the school and for teachers cxvnaGrOBwI-00359-00155278-00155819 but you have for yourself to the side cxvnaGrOBwI-00360-00155820-00156344 there are two ways you can use art in a cxvnaGrOBwI-00361-00156345-00156743 school context you can open the cxvnaGrOBwI-00362-00156744-00157174 experience and and you can say well I cxvnaGrOBwI-00363-00157175-00157571 just show them this and I don't want to cxvnaGrOBwI-00364-00157572-00158001 talk to them about it but you can always cxvnaGrOBwI-00365-00158002-00158648 open it and afterwards ask them are we cxvnaGrOBwI-00366-00158649-00158962 going to talk about this and you also cxvnaGrOBwI-00367-00158963-00159423 can use it because when you are cxvnaGrOBwI-00368-00159424-00159799 experiencing a performance together you cxvnaGrOBwI-00369-00159800-00160252 can say wow how was this figure created cxvnaGrOBwI-00370-00160253-00160798 why did so it it's okay to talk about it cxvnaGrOBwI-00371-00160799-00161164 it's okay to open the room but it's not cxvnaGrOBwI-00372-00161165-00161483 okay to start two months before and say cxvnaGrOBwI-00373-00161484-00161728 you don't enter this room before you cxvnaGrOBwI-00374-00161729-00162037 have read all this because you know that cxvnaGrOBwI-00375-00162038-00162439 and pee afterwards I want to post you cxvnaGrOBwI-00376-00162440-00162758 seven questions and you have to write cxvnaGrOBwI-00377-00162759-00163327 about it and no they go away but of cxvnaGrOBwI-00378-00163328-00163825 course a educational context they had to cxvnaGrOBwI-00379-00163826-00164090 learn but you also cxvnaGrOBwI-00380-00164091-00164391 we have something called aesthetic cxvnaGrOBwI-00381-00164392-00164828 learning and maybe we should make kind cxvnaGrOBwI-00382-00164829-00165407 of a pedagogue to your goomar for that cxvnaGrOBwI-00383-00165408-00165723 thank you c-gawxbFLRU-00000-00000012-00000262 so we were going to be using avonics c-gawxbFLRU-00001-00000263-00000430 batteries what I really like about these c-gawxbFLRU-00002-00000431-00000580 phonics batteries is I have a bunch of c-gawxbFLRU-00003-00000581-00000761 them uh the truck we're running today c-gawxbFLRU-00004-00000762-00001043 we're going to be running the two 3s c-gawxbFLRU-00005-00001044-00001427 together and making 6S for the uh c-gawxbFLRU-00006-00001428-00001691 vitavon rig but what I like about this c-gawxbFLRU-00007-00001692-00001852 charger is it's really easy to use so c-gawxbFLRU-00008-00001853-00002134 these are 3s batteries here are 4S c-gawxbFLRU-00009-00002135-00002392 batteries so c-gawxbFLRU-00010-00002393-00002549 um how easy is this charger is that you c-gawxbFLRU-00011-00002550-00002741 plug it in and we're going to hit start c-gawxbFLRU-00012-00002742-00002933 and it wants to tell me which one I want c-gawxbFLRU-00013-00002934-00003149 to do do I and you preset these numbers c-gawxbFLRU-00014-00003150-00003599 so there we go now we are on the 4S so c-gawxbFLRU-00015-00003600-00003743 we're going to hit start c-gawxbFLRU-00016-00003744-00004019 hold down the start c-gawxbFLRU-00017-00004020-00004253 into a battery check c-gawxbFLRU-00018-00004254-00004499 we're going to hit start and boom this c-gawxbFLRU-00019-00004500-00004649 one's charging but we're going to go c-gawxbFLRU-00020-00004650-00004895 ahead and take these two three s's that c-gawxbFLRU-00021-00004896-00005111 I have lined up to make 6s I think in c-gawxbFLRU-00022-00005112-00005219 the future we're probably going to go c-gawxbFLRU-00023-00005220-00005429 ahead and grab smaller six S's and run c-gawxbFLRU-00024-00005430-00005651 them parallel uh very possibly some c-gawxbFLRU-00025-00005652-00005825 smaller 4S's c-gawxbFLRU-00026-00005826-00005951 but this is what we have right now let's c-gawxbFLRU-00027-00005952-00006095 get back to that crawling we were c-gawxbFLRU-00028-00006096-00006293 talking about so okay for all you c-gawxbFLRU-00029-00006294-00006520 naysayers we're gonna admit the digital c-gawxbFLRU-00030-00006522-00006755 gauge is a bit better than what we're c-gawxbFLRU-00031-00006756-00006910 gonna do right c-gawxbFLRU-00032-00006911-00007096 so let's check out some of these spots c-gawxbFLRU-00033-00007097-00007373 on here so we're not we're all aware so c-gawxbFLRU-00034-00007373-00007751 here's our first Tire dip spot c-gawxbFLRU-00035-00007752-00007906 here's level c-gawxbFLRU-00036-00007908-00008224 so this right here c-gawxbFLRU-00037-00008225-00008428 33 c-gawxbFLRU-00038-00008429-00008764 how steep is this one 43 c-gawxbFLRU-00039-00008765-00009010 40 c-gawxbFLRU-00040-00009011-00009263 63 degrees c-gawxbFLRU-00041-00009264-00009539 this one's pretty much all the same it's c-gawxbFLRU-00042-00009540-00009778 kind of throughout in between c-gawxbFLRU-00043-00009779-00010210 40 to 50. c-gawxbFLRU-00044-00010211-00010337 um this rock c-gawxbFLRU-00045-00010338-00010631 is straight up sideways no no c-gawxbFLRU-00046-00010632-00010817 misunderstanding there when we're c-gawxbFLRU-00047-00010818-00011045 climbing this we are definitely right at c-gawxbFLRU-00048-00011046-00011242 90 degree angle c-gawxbFLRU-00049-00011243-00011542 to get that tire up so straight wall c-gawxbFLRU-00050-00011543-00011819 um tree okay where the tires hitting the c-gawxbFLRU-00051-00011820-00012149 tree c-gawxbFLRU-00052-00012150-00012413 um how about this block here c-gawxbFLRU-00053-00012414-00012659 there's 80 c-gawxbFLRU-00054-00012660-00012827 80 c-gawxbFLRU-00055-00012828-00013043 this wall here c-gawxbFLRU-00056-00013044-00013186 80 c-gawxbFLRU-00057-00013187-00013433 80 and then we got over here it was c-gawxbFLRU-00058-00013434-00013655 pretty steep too so this is how big this c-gawxbFLRU-00059-00013656-00013907 ledge is so you make sure you're seeing c-gawxbFLRU-00060-00013908-00014116 what you're seeing there c-gawxbFLRU-00061-00014118-00014411 that's pretty far over c-gawxbFLRU-00062-00014412-00014866 this is this is flat c-gawxbFLRU-00063-00014868-00015071 so we actually got a little bit of an c-gawxbFLRU-00064-00015072-00015299 underhang there c-gawxbFLRU-00065-00015300-00015388 um c-gawxbFLRU-00066-00015390-00015730 these rocks 32 and the front tires are c-gawxbFLRU-00067-00015731-00015863 digging c-gawxbFLRU-00068-00015863-00016108 here it is run into here c-gawxbFLRU-00069-00016109-00016300 here c-gawxbFLRU-00070-00016301-00016480 's everything's got a pretty good size c-gawxbFLRU-00071-00016481-00016691 slope on it c-gawxbFLRU-00072-00016692-00016750 um c-gawxbFLRU-00073-00016751-00017080 even like these pieces right here c-gawxbFLRU-00074-00017081-00017285 still got a little angle pitched in on c-gawxbFLRU-00075-00017286-00017525 everything so c-gawxbFLRU-00076-00017526-00017699 um c-gawxbFLRU-00077-00017700-00018077 here we go pretty wet conditions but c-gawxbFLRU-00078-00018078-00018443 we're gonna go ahead and uh get in here c-gawxbFLRU-00079-00018444-00018617 the truck is definitely loud it's got c-gawxbFLRU-00080-00018618-00018850 the OutRunner motor in it but we're c-gawxbFLRU-00081-00018851-00018994 highlighting today is definitely going c-gawxbFLRU-00082-00018995-00019397 to be the Foams here's our feature and c-gawxbFLRU-00083-00019398-00019517 uh c-gawxbFLRU-00084-00019518-00019727 these are the pillows these are slick c-gawxbFLRU-00085-00019728-00019858 concrete c-gawxbFLRU-00086-00019859-00020200 and we are trying to make our way c-gawxbFLRU-00087-00020201-00020494 up to that dry spot for some traction up c-gawxbFLRU-00088-00020495-00020816 top there c-gawxbFLRU-00089-00020817-00021197 [Music] c-gawxbFLRU-00090-00021198-00021329 so we're gonna give a little bit of a c-gawxbFLRU-00091-00021330-00022033 bomb c-gawxbFLRU-00092-00022034-00022247 oh there we are c-gawxbFLRU-00093-00022248-00022480 that's what we're trying to get to now c-gawxbFLRU-00094-00022481-00022733 we are definitely up on here with our c-gawxbFLRU-00095-00022734-00022972 phones drag break c-gawxbFLRU-00096-00022973-00023153 we're really highlighting is trying to c-gawxbFLRU-00097-00023154-00023471 get that traction even in the wet oh c-gawxbFLRU-00098-00023472-00024971 just lost it okay that's okay though c-gawxbFLRU-00099-00024972-00025180 as you know we don't want to run in oh c-gawxbFLRU-00100-00025181-00025342 there we go starting to settle here we c-gawxbFLRU-00101-00025343-00025463 go c-gawxbFLRU-00102-00025464-00025906 we wanted to settle with some pressure c-gawxbFLRU-00103-00025907-00026777 there we go c-gawxbFLRU-00104-00026777-00027011 oh c-gawxbFLRU-00105-00027012-00027190 there it goes now we got some pressure c-gawxbFLRU-00106-00027191-00027401 down in there we want to get that front c-gawxbFLRU-00107-00027402-00027689 tire up over the edge c-gawxbFLRU-00108-00027689-00028436 so we can crawl with it on the top Edge c-gawxbFLRU-00109-00028437-00028996 [Music] c-gawxbFLRU-00110-00028997-00029231 so I don't really like jamming the gas I c-gawxbFLRU-00111-00029232-00029381 want to get c-gawxbFLRU-00112-00029382-00029627 from not jamming the gas and just c-gawxbFLRU-00113-00029627-00030311 pulling the weight of the truck c-gawxbFLRU-00114-00030312-00030599 there we go c-gawxbFLRU-00115-00030600-00030773 there we go now we're in there again I'm c-gawxbFLRU-00116-00030774-00030893 one-handing it so it's a little c-gawxbFLRU-00117-00030894-00031031 difficult c-gawxbFLRU-00118-00031032-00031529 uh oh I'm sliding back with no traction c-gawxbFLRU-00119-00031530-00031912 we're gonna go ahead and do this c-gawxbFLRU-00120-00031913-00032261 so we want a little tire compression c-gawxbFLRU-00121-00032262-00032990 to lock us into that top spot there c-gawxbFLRU-00122-00032991-00033437 [Music] c-gawxbFLRU-00123-00033438-00033814 there we go c-gawxbFLRU-00124-00033815-00034379 [Music] c-gawxbFLRU-00125-00034380-00034711 driving one-handed it's hard c-gawxbFLRU-00126-00034712-00034967 so now I'm stuck back in there so now we c-gawxbFLRU-00127-00034968-00035771 gotta kind of reconfigure that move c-gawxbFLRU-00128-00035772-00035921 so we want to come back over this tree c-gawxbFLRU-00129-00035922-00036245 and start all over again c-gawxbFLRU-00130-00036246-00036443 they're actually just trying to get that c-gawxbFLRU-00131-00036444-00036612 thing to roll c-gawxbFLRU-00132-00036613-00036946 right past that corner okay c-gawxbFLRU-00133-00036947-00037096 so granted I'm trying to do this with c-gawxbFLRU-00134-00037097-00037277 like one hand which is c-gawxbFLRU-00135-00037278-00038309 definitely someone else's skill set c-gawxbFLRU-00136-00038310-00038501 there we go c-gawxbFLRU-00137-00038502-00038729 RC hop-up Wheels really holding me in c-gawxbFLRU-00138-00038730-00038849 there c-gawxbFLRU-00139-00038850-00039077 this is the vitavon c-gawxbFLRU-00140-00039078-00039317 um portal rig see my portals are about c-gawxbFLRU-00141-00039318-00039461 to hit under there c-gawxbFLRU-00142-00039462-00039857 so I want to pull back and just get c-gawxbFLRU-00143-00039858-00040457 the rim getting me up in there c-gawxbFLRU-00144-00040458-00040703 dang c-gawxbFLRU-00145-00040704-00042023 [Music] c-gawxbFLRU-00146-00042024-00042729 so I need to get that tire to hook c-gawxbFLRU-00147-00042730-00043805 [Music] c-gawxbFLRU-00148-00043806-00043904 there we go c-gawxbFLRU-00149-00043905-00044249 [Music] c-gawxbFLRU-00150-00044250-00044440 so I do believe a lot of it is about c-gawxbFLRU-00151-00044441-00044590 momentum c-gawxbFLRU-00152-00044591-00044752 and uh c-gawxbFLRU-00153-00044753-00044987 I watch a lot of one-to-one videos if c-gawxbFLRU-00154-00044988-00045161 you guys ever watch West Desert wheeler c-gawxbFLRU-00155-00045162-00045485 he's really big on the one-to-one stuff c-gawxbFLRU-00156-00045486-00045658 and I really enjoy that about that shout c-gawxbFLRU-00157-00045659-00045802 out to him c-gawxbFLRU-00158-00045803-00045868 um c-gawxbFLRU-00159-00045869-00046007 and let's go ahead and get the rest of c-gawxbFLRU-00160-00046008-00046435 this climb going c-gawxbFLRU-00161-00046436-00046901 [Music] c-gawxbFLRU-00162-00046902-00047057 okay so we're gonna have to give a c-gawxbFLRU-00163-00047058-00047249 little bump here c-gawxbFLRU-00164-00047250-00047703 a little bit of a bump c-gawxbFLRU-00165-00047704-00048149 [Music] c-gawxbFLRU-00166-00048150-00048358 but c-gawxbFLRU-00167-00048359-00048946 I would say she works pretty good c-gawxbFLRU-00168-00048947-00049061 what do you get when you get in the c-gawxbFLRU-00169-00049062-00049168 package you're going to get these c-gawxbFLRU-00170-00049169-00049445 perfectly round Foams how big they are c-gawxbFLRU-00171-00049446-00049805 here's your packaging right here uh c-gawxbFLRU-00172-00049806-00050062 works great works great the 2.9 is c-gawxbFLRU-00173-00050063-00050440 everything you got going on so uh c-gawxbFLRU-00174-00050441-00050657 this is what was climbing in there you c-gawxbFLRU-00175-00050658-00050843 know and look you can see it's still c-gawxbFLRU-00176-00050844-00051136 still nice and wet like this is you can c-gawxbFLRU-00177-00051137-00051287 see where I just smudged that across my c-gawxbFLRU-00178-00051288-00051479 finger so this is definitely climbing in c-gawxbFLRU-00179-00051479-00051730 super wet conditions but so for all the c-gawxbFLRU-00180-00051732-00051857 for everybody seeing about what the c-gawxbFLRU-00181-00051858-00052108 angles are this is wet smooth concrete c-gawxbFLRU-00182-00052109-00052426 all angles above 45 degrees up to 90 c-gawxbFLRU-00183-00052427-00052666 degrees climbing digging in and c-gawxbFLRU-00184-00052667-00052816 definitely conditions that aren't ideal c-gawxbFLRU-00185-00052817-00053009 for crawling I feel like a lot of times c-gawxbFLRU-00186-00053010-00053225 you want to call in perfect conditions I c-gawxbFLRU-00187-00053226-00053416 want to create a product that can pretty c-gawxbFLRU-00188-00053417-00053603 much work in any conditions if it's c-gawxbFLRU-00189-00053604-00053729 going to be raining it's gonna be wet c-gawxbFLRU-00190-00053729-00053921 it's gonna be dirt it's going to be Rock c-gawxbFLRU-00191-00053922-00054125 it's going to be sand whatever it is c-gawxbFLRU-00192-00054126-00054407 steady Foams are here to perform but c-gawxbFLRU-00193-00054408-00054503 let's go ahead and get to that farm c-gawxbFLRU-00194-00054504-00054616 truck I'm not going to hold you guys c-gawxbFLRU-00195-00054617-00054826 back any longer it's pretty wet out here c-gawxbFLRU-00196-00054827-00054976 as you can see on the ground the rocks c-gawxbFLRU-00197-00054977-00055097 are shiny but we're going to go ahead c-gawxbFLRU-00198-00055098-00055361 and attempt this climb the pillow climb c-gawxbFLRU-00199-00055362-00055735 these are concrete bags that c-gawxbFLRU-00200-00055736-00056021 uh got rained on and we brought them out c-gawxbFLRU-00201-00056022-00056242 here with building supplies and c-gawxbFLRU-00202-00056244-00056369 obviously you can see that there's c-gawxbFLRU-00203-00056370-00056497 already c-gawxbFLRU-00204-00056498-00056861 mud and dirt and this is all wet c-gawxbFLRU-00205-00056862-00057266 trucks dirty c-gawxbFLRU-00206-00057267-00059776 [Applause] c-gawxbFLRU-00207-00059777-00060216 foreign c-gawxbFLRU-00208-00060216-00060941 [Music] c-gawxbFLRU-00209-00060941-00062387 [Applause] c-gawxbFLRU-00210-00062388-00063108 foreign c-gawxbFLRU-00211-00063109-00065400 [Applause] c-gawxbFLRU-00212-00065401-00065650 hey guys I hope you enjoyed the video if c-gawxbFLRU-00213-00065651-00065771 you have any questions about anything c-gawxbFLRU-00214-00065772-00065915 going on with either one of the builds c-gawxbFLRU-00215-00065916-00066137 feel free to ask in the comments below c-gawxbFLRU-00216-00066138-00066347 I'll make sure to respond as well as if c-gawxbFLRU-00217-00066348-00066443 you would like to check out some steady c-gawxbFLRU-00218-00066444-00066688 Foams go over there to Etsy you also can c-gawxbFLRU-00219-00066689-00066979 find them at Nancy hobby Asheville hobby c-gawxbFLRU-00220-00066980-00067300 RC hop-ups and of course you can c-gawxbFLRU-00221-00067301-00067438 eventually just buy them for me if you c-gawxbFLRU-00222-00067439-00067600 want to thanks for watching the channel c-gawxbFLRU-00223-00067601-00067859 thanks for commenting and uh glad you c-gawxbFLRU-00224-00067860-00068245 enjoyed the rigs see on the next crawl c-i9He-lbEY-00000-00000000-00000623 [Music] c-i9He-lbEY-00001-00000624-00000711 color energy c-i9He-lbEY-00002-00000712-00000919 i'm marlita the representative of team c-i9He-lbEY-00003-00000919-00001095 four the thing i like most about the c-i9He-lbEY-00004-00001096-00001247 energy course is the ability to c-i9He-lbEY-00005-00001248-00001327 collaborate with c-i9He-lbEY-00006-00001328-00001495 and learn from people around the world c-i9He-lbEY-00007-00001496-00001710 with a variety of different skill sets c-i9He-lbEY-00008-00001711-00001998 it's really so much fun a lot of work c-i9He-lbEY-00009-00002000-00002215 you will work a lot but it's worth it so c-i9He-lbEY-00010-00002216-00002287 i would c-i9He-lbEY-00011-00002288-00002567 say just join if you have an business c-i9He-lbEY-00012-00002568-00002647 idea c-i9He-lbEY-00013-00002648-00002887 with the social returns go for it it's c-i9He-lbEY-00014-00002888-00003031 amazing to see the progress that a c-i9He-lbEY-00015-00003032-00003134 passionate team c-i9He-lbEY-00016-00003135-00003311 and design thinking can make the c-i9He-lbEY-00017-00003311-00003463 takeaway message was to really c-i9He-lbEY-00018-00003464-00003590 understand the problem you c-i9He-lbEY-00019-00003592-00003831 want to address otherwise you will not c-i9He-lbEY-00020-00003832-00004063 create proper solutions we are c-i9He-lbEY-00021-00004064-00004263 optimistic being a global health c-i9He-lbEY-00022-00004264-00004639 solutions one word for you energy c-i9He-lbEY-00023-00004640-00005683 [Music] c-i9He-lbEY-00024-00005684-00005801 fantastic c-i9He-lbEY-00025-00005802-00006644 [Music] c-i9He-lbEY-00026-00006645-00007175 [Applause] c-i9He-lbEY-00027-00007176-00007719 [Music] c-i9He-lbEY-00028-00007720-00008250 [Applause] c-i9He-lbEY-00029-00008251-00009271 [Music] c-i9He-lbEY-00030-00009272-00010551 [Music] c-i9He-lbEY-00031-00010552-00011551 [Music] c-i9He-lbEY-00032-00011552-00012626 [Music] c-i9He-lbEY-00033-00012627-00013119 [Music] c-i9He-lbEY-00034-00013119-00013463 hello everyone my name is charles parker c-i9He-lbEY-00035-00013463-00013543 charles c-i9He-lbEY-00036-00013544-00013886 a mosaic and physician and phd candidate c-i9He-lbEY-00037-00013887-00014222 at university of campinas in brazil c-i9He-lbEY-00038-00014223-00014527 hello i'm dr aisha mean tariq i am c-i9He-lbEY-00039-00014528-00014735 originally from pakistan c-i9He-lbEY-00040-00014736-00014966 i have completed my postgraduate diploma c-i9He-lbEY-00041-00014968-00015143 in ophthalmology and i c-i9He-lbEY-00042-00015144-00015375 have experience in community-based c-i9He-lbEY-00043-00015376-00015583 ophthalmology interventions and limited c-i9He-lbEY-00044-00015584-00015686 resource settings c-i9He-lbEY-00045-00015687-00015879 hi there my name is blake berth i'm a c-i9He-lbEY-00046-00015880-00016079 phd student at the national university c-i9He-lbEY-00047-00016080-00016191 of ireland galway c-i9He-lbEY-00048-00016191-00016463 hi i'm melanie i'm french and i'm a c-i9He-lbEY-00049-00016464-00016686 second year phd student at the school of c-i9He-lbEY-00050-00016687-00016758 medicine c-i9He-lbEY-00051-00016759-00016991 in trinity college dublin and i offer c-i9He-lbEY-00052-00016992-00017279 professional trainings in ai c-i9He-lbEY-00053-00017280-00017503 data science cloud computing my name is c-i9He-lbEY-00054-00017504-00017639 jovita munich c-i9He-lbEY-00055-00017640-00017879 and i'm from mozambique i'm a phd c-i9He-lbEY-00056-00017880-00018086 student at is global c-i9He-lbEY-00057-00018087-00018311 and i'm researching on environmental c-i9He-lbEY-00058-00018312-00018463 epidemiology c-i9He-lbEY-00059-00018464-00018711 hello i'm fajel srif medical doctor and c-i9He-lbEY-00060-00018712-00018919 lecturer of epidemiology in alexandria c-i9He-lbEY-00061-00018920-00019079 university in egypt c-i9He-lbEY-00062-00019080-00019263 and master's degree of international c-i9He-lbEY-00063-00019264-00019422 health from charity university at c-i9He-lbEY-00064-00019423-00019511 medecine c-i9He-lbEY-00065-00019512-00019750 from berlin germany innovation at c-i9He-lbEY-00066-00019751-00019967 grassroots level is the key to better c-i9He-lbEY-00067-00019968-00020158 community health and by extension c-i9He-lbEY-00068-00020159-00020471 global health by taking this course i c-i9He-lbEY-00069-00020472-00020655 want to learn the concepts behind c-i9He-lbEY-00070-00020656-00020750 sustainable c-i9He-lbEY-00071-00020751-00021047 entrepreneurship in healthcare as i plan c-i9He-lbEY-00072-00021048-00021303 to play my role in this developing field c-i9He-lbEY-00073-00021304-00021678 to enhance maternal perinatal health c-i9He-lbEY-00074-00021679-00021750 care c-i9He-lbEY-00075-00021751-00022086 in low resource setting c-i9He-lbEY-00076-00022087-00022271 my phd focuses on med tech c-i9He-lbEY-00077-00022272-00022486 commercialization around the world c-i9He-lbEY-00078-00022487-00022639 so while i'm already involved in the c-i9He-lbEY-00079-00022640-00022839 research aspect i'd like to become more c-i9He-lbEY-00080-00022840-00022943 familiar with c-i9He-lbEY-00081-00022944-00023199 and become more impactful in regards to c-i9He-lbEY-00082-00023200-00023255 helping c-i9He-lbEY-00083-00023256-00023463 achieve the health related un c-i9He-lbEY-00084-00023464-00023614 sustainable development c-i9He-lbEY-00085-00023615-00023814 goals and in the future i would be c-i9He-lbEY-00086-00023815-00024111 interested in developing the company c-i9He-lbEY-00087-00024112-00024342 currently i like of knowledge and c-i9He-lbEY-00088-00024343-00024527 advices on how to run c-i9He-lbEY-00089-00024528-00024822 such projects successfully that we use c-i9He-lbEY-00090-00024823-00024927 data science c-i9He-lbEY-00091-00024928-00025191 and technology to improve almost the c-i9He-lbEY-00092-00025192-00025367 biggest environmental health c-i9He-lbEY-00093-00025368-00025575 that's why i would be very motivated to c-i9He-lbEY-00094-00025576-00025806 be at the summer school c-i9He-lbEY-00095-00025807-00026070 this year with you to meet people with c-i9He-lbEY-00096-00026072-00026127 similar c-i9He-lbEY-00097-00026127-00027157 interests hope to see you there c-i9He-lbEY-00098-00027158-00029557 [Music] c-i9He-lbEY-00099-00029558-00030213 [Music] c-i9He-lbEY-00100-00030214-00031926 [Music] c-i9He-lbEY-00101-00031927-00034028 [Music] c-i9He-lbEY-00102-00034029-00035567 [Music] c-i9He-lbEY-00103-00035568-00035775 you c-j2HDO0lZc-00000-00002884-00003329 really c-j2HDO0lZc-00001-00003329-00005702 [Music] c-j2HDO0lZc-00002-00005703-00005847 good morning everybody and welcome back c-j2HDO0lZc-00003-00005848-00006015 to built not bought campers c-j2HDO0lZc-00004-00006016-00006295 finger still hurts right today is going c-j2HDO0lZc-00005-00006296-00006383 to be another c-j2HDO0lZc-00006-00006384-00006695 different very very different day i'll c-j2HDO0lZc-00007-00006695-00006759 give you a quick c-j2HDO0lZc-00008-00006759-00007070 sneak peek of that oh yes c-j2HDO0lZc-00009-00007072-00007295 loads of videos to come out on that now c-j2HDO0lZc-00010-00007295-00007406 they are going to be scheduled to come c-j2HDO0lZc-00011-00007408-00007487 out soon c-j2HDO0lZc-00012-00007488-00007614 but today i want to do something c-j2HDO0lZc-00013-00007615-00007791 different c-j2HDO0lZc-00014-00007792-00007951 obviously with the nice weather coming c-j2HDO0lZc-00015-00007952-00008159 in and everybody's c-j2HDO0lZc-00016-00008159-00008367 sort of allowed out a little bit we're c-j2HDO0lZc-00017-00008368-00008559 going to do something different c-j2HDO0lZc-00018-00008560-00008791 now everybody wants to go camping c-j2HDO0lZc-00019-00008792-00008887 everybody's gonna be going out in their c-j2HDO0lZc-00020-00008888-00009078 camper vans c-j2HDO0lZc-00021-00009079-00009414 i have two items that c-j2HDO0lZc-00022-00009415-00009791 without fail are with me all the time c-j2HDO0lZc-00023-00009792-00010110 and believe me these are two items that c-j2HDO0lZc-00024-00010111-00010263 you are gonna wanna c-j2HDO0lZc-00025-00010264-00010606 buy yourself now there's all to do with c-j2HDO0lZc-00026-00010607-00010759 eating and food and cooking and now i c-j2HDO0lZc-00027-00010760-00010871 like my food c-j2HDO0lZc-00028-00010872-00011327 not too much but i like my food anyway c-j2HDO0lZc-00029-00011328-00011455 what we're going to do we're going to be c-j2HDO0lZc-00030-00011456-00011695 cooking a bacon sandwich this morning c-j2HDO0lZc-00031-00011696-00011863 and the other item i just do the review c-j2HDO0lZc-00032-00011864-00012023 on c-j2HDO0lZc-00033-00012024-00012191 this isn't a paper motion just to let c-j2HDO0lZc-00034-00012192-00012367 you know these are two items c-j2HDO0lZc-00035-00012368-00012663 that i bought myself put in the van and c-j2HDO0lZc-00036-00012664-00012815 i use every time i'm away c-j2HDO0lZc-00037-00012816-00013158 both of them right c-j2HDO0lZc-00038-00013159-00013415 let's do it right so the first item i'm c-j2HDO0lZc-00039-00013416-00013615 going to show you today c-j2HDO0lZc-00040-00013616-00013927 is called the ridge monkey now you'll c-j2HDO0lZc-00041-00013928-00014183 find a lot of youtubers that got camper c-j2HDO0lZc-00042-00014184-00014351 vans a lot of camping channels c-j2HDO0lZc-00043-00014352-00014615 overlander channels especially c-j2HDO0lZc-00044-00014616-00015030 use these ridge monkeys now c-j2HDO0lZc-00045-00015031-00015230 they can be a little bit pricey but c-j2HDO0lZc-00046-00015231-00015391 believe me c-j2HDO0lZc-00047-00015391-00015663 i was skeptical when i first bought mine c-j2HDO0lZc-00048-00015663-00015807 but i'm glad i did because c-j2HDO0lZc-00049-00015808-00016030 oh my god it's almost like again it's c-j2HDO0lZc-00050-00016031-00016143 like having an oven c-j2HDO0lZc-00051-00016144-00016447 and a frying pan all in one so let's get c-j2HDO0lZc-00052-00016448-00017207 it out the neoprene bag c-j2HDO0lZc-00053-00017208-00017399 it's quite cool really so when you open c-j2HDO0lZc-00054-00017400-00017719 it up c-j2HDO0lZc-00055-00017720-00017950 there's a little plastic tray your c-j2HDO0lZc-00056-00017951-00018143 handles c-j2HDO0lZc-00057-00018144-00018399 are clipped into the back and on the c-j2HDO0lZc-00058-00018400-00018583 front c-j2HDO0lZc-00059-00018584-00018783 you get like your little slotted serving c-j2HDO0lZc-00060-00018784-00019055 spoon a serving spoon c-j2HDO0lZc-00061-00019056-00019358 and your spatulas nice little kit c-j2HDO0lZc-00062-00019359-00019735 comes with it and it packs away neatly c-j2HDO0lZc-00063-00019736-00020086 in the pan itself the handles c-j2HDO0lZc-00064-00020087-00020719 they literally c-j2HDO0lZc-00065-00020720-00021103 clip on c-j2HDO0lZc-00066-00021104-00021286 and the neat thing about this is if you c-j2HDO0lZc-00067-00021287-00021486 look on that handle c-j2HDO0lZc-00068-00021487-00022199 that's a magnet so when you close it c-j2HDO0lZc-00069-00022200-00022447 it holds it shut the other cool trick c-j2HDO0lZc-00070-00022448-00022575 about this one which the old one c-j2HDO0lZc-00071-00022576-00022807 apparently never used to do c-j2HDO0lZc-00072-00022808-00023007 you can unslot it and you've got two c-j2HDO0lZc-00073-00023008-00023278 pans c-j2HDO0lZc-00074-00023279-00023663 so me i think this is cool c-j2HDO0lZc-00075-00023664-00023814 so there you go as you can see it's well c-j2HDO0lZc-00076-00023815-00024086 used that's why i can review it because c-j2HDO0lZc-00077-00024087-00024286 i've really really used this a lot c-j2HDO0lZc-00078-00024287-00024422 and i've had it this is my second year c-j2HDO0lZc-00079-00024423-00024630 i've had this now so believe me when i c-j2HDO0lZc-00080-00024631-00024767 say it's worth having it's definitely c-j2HDO0lZc-00081-00024768-00025407 worth having c-j2HDO0lZc-00082-00025408-00025527 i'm going to put these bits to one side c-j2HDO0lZc-00083-00025528-00025622 because we're not going to use any of c-j2HDO0lZc-00084-00025623-00026150 those spoons or anything today c-j2HDO0lZc-00085-00026151-00026446 i'm going to use a simple pair of tongs c-j2HDO0lZc-00086-00026447-00026646 i know i could do this in the camper van c-j2HDO0lZc-00087-00026647-00026751 but today i'm just going to use a little c-j2HDO0lZc-00088-00026752-00027046 camping stove out in the open c-j2HDO0lZc-00089-00027047-00027279 so just to prove that if you're just c-j2HDO0lZc-00090-00027280-00027414 going camping you can have one these c-j2HDO0lZc-00091-00027416-00028083 ridge monkeys with you and it's worth c-j2HDO0lZc-00092-00028083-00028311 having c-j2HDO0lZc-00093-00028312-00028718 i'm going to be using unsmoked c-j2HDO0lZc-00094-00028719-00028918 lean bacon medallions because i'm fussy c-j2HDO0lZc-00095-00028919-00029143 i don't like bacon fat c-j2HDO0lZc-00096-00029144-00029279 so that creates another problem doesn't c-j2HDO0lZc-00097-00029280-00029479 it c-j2HDO0lZc-00098-00029480-00029799 i need to use some spray oil so what i c-j2HDO0lZc-00099-00029800-00029974 do first c-j2HDO0lZc-00100-00029975-00030511 is i spray c-j2HDO0lZc-00101-00030512-00031439 the bottom of the pan c-j2HDO0lZc-00102-00031439-00033095 two medallions in the bottom c-j2HDO0lZc-00103-00033096-00033471 there you go give it a spray on top c-j2HDO0lZc-00104-00033472-00033695 this stuff's great it's one calorie c-j2HDO0lZc-00105-00033696-00033807 spray light oil c-j2HDO0lZc-00106-00033808-00034118 from oldies of all places c-j2HDO0lZc-00107-00034119-00034535 close it up c-j2HDO0lZc-00108-00034536-00034959 i can hear that frying already wow c-j2HDO0lZc-00109-00034960-00035151 and it's shame you've got smell-o-vision c-j2HDO0lZc-00110-00035152-00035759 because it smells damn gorgeous c-j2HDO0lZc-00111-00035760-00035887 put that on there to give the bugs and c-j2HDO0lZc-00112-00035888-00036118 the flies out of it c-j2HDO0lZc-00113-00036119-00037883 right i'm a lot of luck c-j2HDO0lZc-00114-00037884-00038095 lovely c-j2HDO0lZc-00115-00038096-00038495 the beauty of this spoiler c-j2HDO0lZc-00116-00038496-00038639 you still give it a quick spray on top c-j2HDO0lZc-00117-00038640-00038839 afterwards if you don't think got enough c-j2HDO0lZc-00118-00038840-00038983 oil in it especially using medallions c-j2HDO0lZc-00119-00038984-00039167 where it's no fat on them c-j2HDO0lZc-00120-00039168-00039343 i know this is a quite a bit different c-j2HDO0lZc-00121-00039344-00039551 to what i normally do in the builds but c-j2HDO0lZc-00122-00039552-00039846 this is a campervan channel and i think c-j2HDO0lZc-00123-00039847-00039927 that consists of c-j2HDO0lZc-00124-00039928-00040223 everything campervan related especially c-j2HDO0lZc-00125-00040224-00040374 when it comes to bacon buddies and c-j2HDO0lZc-00126-00040375-00040462 things like that c-j2HDO0lZc-00127-00040463-00040735 definitely you want to see the next item c-j2HDO0lZc-00128-00040736-00040862 that i'm going to review for you c-j2HDO0lZc-00129-00040863-00041046 i'm going to do both today well then the c-j2HDO0lZc-00130-00041047-00041143 second one we're not actually going to c-j2HDO0lZc-00131-00041144-00041279 use because we'd be c-j2HDO0lZc-00132-00041280-00042083 here forever using it but oh it's c-j2HDO0lZc-00133-00042084-00042640 amazing c-j2HDO0lZc-00134-00042641-00043230 [Music] c-j2HDO0lZc-00135-00043231-00043502 and i think the beauty of this is c-j2HDO0lZc-00136-00043503-00043695 especially when you're cooking bacon c-j2HDO0lZc-00137-00043696-00043879 because obviously you can see it's not c-j2HDO0lZc-00138-00043880-00044039 much c-j2HDO0lZc-00139-00044040-00044390 escaping as soon as i open it bloater c-j2HDO0lZc-00140-00044391-00044590 but it seals quite well so when you're c-j2HDO0lZc-00141-00044591-00044758 cooking with this c-j2HDO0lZc-00142-00044759-00045039 within flavors from the bacon cooking c-j2HDO0lZc-00143-00045040-00045183 stay in the pan c-j2HDO0lZc-00144-00045184-00045311 so you're not going to lose any flavor c-j2HDO0lZc-00145-00045312-00045574 cook the flavor out of the bacon c-j2HDO0lZc-00146-00045575-00045895 that's what i think anyway c-j2HDO0lZc-00147-00045896-00046087 i'm no professional chef so i know c-j2HDO0lZc-00148-00046088-00046271 somebody out there is thinking oh god oh c-j2HDO0lZc-00149-00046272-00046430 really doing it that way c-j2HDO0lZc-00150-00046431-00047683 this is a camping camping campervan c-j2HDO0lZc-00151-00047684-00047871 item c-j2HDO0lZc-00152-00047872-00048935 so yeah i'm not gordon ramsay c-j2HDO0lZc-00153-00048936-00049271 right so c-j2HDO0lZc-00154-00049272-00050207 nicely cooked c-j2HDO0lZc-00155-00050208-00051526 turn the gas off c-j2HDO0lZc-00156-00051527-00051926 look at that and tell me that doesn't c-j2HDO0lZc-00157-00051927-00051999 look nice c-j2HDO0lZc-00158-00052000-00052175 and i bet your mouth's watering just c-j2HDO0lZc-00159-00052176-00052630 looking at it c-j2HDO0lZc-00160-00052632-00052887 quick and simple bacon roll using the c-j2HDO0lZc-00161-00052888-00053038 rig monkey c-j2HDO0lZc-00162-00053039-00053287 now i will leave a link for this in the c-j2HDO0lZc-00163-00053288-00053479 description below c-j2HDO0lZc-00164-00053479-00053671 um if you buy through my link i'll get a c-j2HDO0lZc-00165-00053672-00053838 few pennies back that's it c-j2HDO0lZc-00166-00053839-00054126 nothing more nothing less but it pays c-j2HDO0lZc-00167-00054127-00054438 for my next bacon sarni c-j2HDO0lZc-00168-00054439-00054607 believe me when i say when you buy one c-j2HDO0lZc-00169-00054608-00054879 of these you will not and i 100 c-j2HDO0lZc-00170-00054879-00055142 guarantee you will not regret it c-j2HDO0lZc-00171-00055144-00055311 cooking with a frying pan will go out c-j2HDO0lZc-00172-00055312-00055511 the window so will the frying pan c-j2HDO0lZc-00173-00055512-00055647 because mine did i don't even take a c-j2HDO0lZc-00174-00055648-00055802 frying pan with me anymore c-j2HDO0lZc-00175-00055803-00056030 [Music] c-j2HDO0lZc-00176-00056032-00056199 i'm gonna go and eat my bacon sandwich c-j2HDO0lZc-00177-00056200-00056375 and i'll be back in a second c-j2HDO0lZc-00178-00056376-00057638 to show you my second item of the day c-j2HDO0lZc-00179-00057639-00058007 oh no bacon signing number two c-j2HDO0lZc-00180-00058008-00058882 now look at that two perfect bacon c-j2HDO0lZc-00181-00058883-00060582 sandwiches c-j2HDO0lZc-00182-00060583-00060854 have a smell i bet you wish you got a c-j2HDO0lZc-00183-00060855-00060999 smell-o-vision i've said it already i c-j2HDO0lZc-00184-00061000-00061142 know but i bet you can smell it and i c-j2HDO0lZc-00185-00061144-00061271 bet your mouth's watering c-j2HDO0lZc-00186-00061272-00061519 don't tell me it's not okay if you're c-j2HDO0lZc-00187-00061520-00061806 vegetarian maybe not c-j2HDO0lZc-00188-00061807-00062006 but those that like enjoy a good bacon c-j2HDO0lZc-00189-00062007-00062142 busy c-j2HDO0lZc-00190-00062144-00062838 get yourself one of these c-j2HDO0lZc-00191-00062839-00062982 right so there you have it that is the c-j2HDO0lZc-00192-00062983-00063271 ridge monkey now c-j2HDO0lZc-00193-00063272-00063519 oh i wouldn't be without this i know i c-j2HDO0lZc-00194-00063520-00063654 rave about it c-j2HDO0lZc-00195-00063655-00063871 and i'll i can rave about it because c-j2HDO0lZc-00196-00063872-00064126 i've really well used it c-j2HDO0lZc-00197-00064127-00064482 never mind let's get on to the second c-j2HDO0lZc-00198-00064483-00064654 item c-j2HDO0lZc-00199-00064655-00064975 right the second item c-j2HDO0lZc-00200-00064976-00065382 is c-j2HDO0lZc-00201-00065383-00065799 the omnia oven this thing c-j2HDO0lZc-00202-00065800-00066215 oh my god wow right so c-j2HDO0lZc-00203-00066216-00066519 it's a simple little item comes in its c-j2HDO0lZc-00204-00066520-00066726 own bag c-j2HDO0lZc-00205-00066727-00066991 and it literally like a donut looking c-j2HDO0lZc-00206-00066992-00067311 thing c-j2HDO0lZc-00207-00067312-00067479 another donut shape thing which sits in c-j2HDO0lZc-00208-00067480-00067847 the bottom c-j2HDO0lZc-00209-00067848-00068350 oh sorry sits underneath c-j2HDO0lZc-00210-00068351-00069087 so it sits on top of there c-j2HDO0lZc-00211-00069088-00069431 more fingers and thumbs c-j2HDO0lZc-00212-00069432-00069775 and then the lip goes on top of there c-j2HDO0lZc-00213-00069776-00070247 now so that's it c-j2HDO0lZc-00214-00070248-00070567 on the camping stove or on your hob and c-j2HDO0lZc-00215-00070568-00070903 that sits on top c-j2HDO0lZc-00216-00070904-00071167 now it's called an omnia oven explains c-j2HDO0lZc-00217-00071168-00071206 it all c-j2HDO0lZc-00218-00071207-00071455 it's like an oven that's all it is it's c-j2HDO0lZc-00219-00071456-00071782 a funny shape they're loving i know c-j2HDO0lZc-00220-00071783-00072031 a couple of accessories you can get is c-j2HDO0lZc-00221-00072032-00072294 the silicone c-j2HDO0lZc-00222-00072295-00072606 insert trust me get one of them because c-j2HDO0lZc-00223-00072607-00072775 it stops everything's sticking to it c-j2HDO0lZc-00224-00072776-00073087 and it does work a tree and c-j2HDO0lZc-00225-00073088-00073462 the other item c-j2HDO0lZc-00226-00073463-00074279 you could use that in there i suppose c-j2HDO0lZc-00227-00074280-00074638 it's a rack it sits in there again c-j2HDO0lZc-00228-00074639-00074823 can stop stuff sticking to it it all c-j2HDO0lZc-00229-00074824-00074935 depends what you're cooking in there at c-j2HDO0lZc-00230-00074936-00075038 the time c-j2HDO0lZc-00231-00075039-00075175 you can cook chicken you can cook c-j2HDO0lZc-00232-00075176-00075423 anything in it this gets used c-j2HDO0lZc-00233-00075424-00075679 to make fresh bread now i know there's a c-j2HDO0lZc-00234-00075680-00075823 couple of people out there that i cooked c-j2HDO0lZc-00235-00075824-00075999 fresh bread for on this c-j2HDO0lZc-00236-00076000-00076494 and they love it anyway c-j2HDO0lZc-00237-00076495-00077038 and if i show you c-j2HDO0lZc-00238-00077039-00077255 just prove it's been used you can see c-j2HDO0lZc-00239-00077256-00077575 it's been used well used c-j2HDO0lZc-00240-00077576-00077975 and also you can see that's been c-j2HDO0lZc-00241-00077976-00078271 well heated up right that's called the c-j2HDO0lZc-00242-00078272-00078623 omnia oven c-j2HDO0lZc-00243-00078624-00079006 and do yourself a favor c-j2HDO0lZc-00244-00079007-00079367 get one and again it's one of those c-j2HDO0lZc-00245-00079368-00079599 items once you've got it c-j2HDO0lZc-00246-00079600-00079882 oh you won't need anything else it is c-j2HDO0lZc-00247-00079883-00080023 good c-j2HDO0lZc-00248-00080024-00080350 it all packs nice and neatly away in a c-j2HDO0lZc-00249-00080351-00080479 little bag so whether you're going c-j2HDO0lZc-00250-00080480-00080567 camping c-j2HDO0lZc-00251-00080568-00080847 using a tent trailer tent using a c-j2HDO0lZc-00252-00080848-00081423 campervan caravan c-j2HDO0lZc-00253-00081424-00081782 go and get yourself one of these c-j2HDO0lZc-00254-00081783-00082047 throw it in your backpack in your drawer c-j2HDO0lZc-00255-00082048-00082175 anywhere c-j2HDO0lZc-00256-00082176-00082503 so between that and that trust me you c-j2HDO0lZc-00257-00082504-00082679 can cook up a really really c-j2HDO0lZc-00258-00082680-00082991 tasty dinner now if somebody wants to c-j2HDO0lZc-00259-00082992-00083326 see me make some bread using this c-j2HDO0lZc-00260-00083327-00083662 please let me know and if you want proof c-j2HDO0lZc-00261-00083663-00083855 in the pudding as they say c-j2HDO0lZc-00262-00083856-00084143 i can do it but today i'm not because c-j2HDO0lZc-00263-00084144-00084199 i'm not going to c-j2HDO0lZc-00264-00084200-00084406 make this video go on forever i just c-j2HDO0lZc-00265-00084407-00084615 want to give you a quick item on my two c-j2HDO0lZc-00266-00084616-00084871 must-haves in my camper van and these c-j2HDO0lZc-00267-00084872-00084991 are both of them c-j2HDO0lZc-00268-00084992-00085126 despite everything else my two c-j2HDO0lZc-00269-00085127-00085359 must-haves is my ridge monkey c-j2HDO0lZc-00270-00085360-00085638 and my omnia oven right so literally c-j2HDO0lZc-00271-00085639-00085799 that is all we got time for today c-j2HDO0lZc-00272-00085800-00085959 i will leave links in the description c-j2HDO0lZc-00273-00085960-00086223 below this is not a pay promotion i'm c-j2HDO0lZc-00274-00086224-00086375 not being paid by omni oven i'm not c-j2HDO0lZc-00275-00086376-00086575 being paid by wrench monkey or anybody c-j2HDO0lZc-00276-00086576-00086767 to put this video out there so i can c-j2HDO0lZc-00277-00086768-00086975 promise you these are true c-j2HDO0lZc-00278-00086976-00087215 fact-based reviews on items that i've c-j2HDO0lZc-00279-00087216-00087279 i've used c-j2HDO0lZc-00280-00087280-00087638 since last year anyway c-j2HDO0lZc-00281-00087639-00087799 less than that i need to eat my baking c-j2HDO0lZc-00282-00087800-00088055 soda drink my cup of tea c-j2HDO0lZc-00283-00088056-00088182 i hope you're all staying safe hope c-j2HDO0lZc-00284-00088183-00088367 you're staying very very very well and c-j2HDO0lZc-00285-00088368-00088415 more c-j2HDO0lZc-00286-00088416-00088606 more importantly i hope you're staying c-j2HDO0lZc-00287-00088607-00088782 happy so c-j2HDO0lZc-00288-00088783-00091082 bye for now c-j2HDO0lZc-00289-00091083-00091535 so c-j2HDO0lZc-00290-00091536-00091744 you c-uKDreYgUA-00000-00000307-00001230 [Music] c-uKDreYgUA-00002-00005815-00008431 [Music] c-uKDreYgUA-00003-00008432-00008696 said c-uKDreYgUA-00004-00008697-00010097 [Applause] c-uKDreYgUA-00005-00010098-00010246 [Music] c-uKDreYgUA-00006-00010247-00010597 hey guys c-uKDreYgUA-00007-00010598-00011217 [Music] c-uKDreYgUA-00009-00014344-00014552 you c_r0KB9sCdk-00000-00000003-00000374 hello I'm Phil West hopefully you've c_r0KB9sCdk-00001-00000375-00000559 arrived at this video after seeing our c_r0KB9sCdk-00002-00000560-00000904 first two this is the third video in a c_r0KB9sCdk-00003-00000905-00001120 tutorial on searching for open resources c_r0KB9sCdk-00004-00001121-00001373 the tutorial promotes the idea that c_r0KB9sCdk-00005-00001374-00001589 searching for we are is more about the c_r0KB9sCdk-00006-00001590-00001777 interaction between the teacher and c_r0KB9sCdk-00007-00001778-00002048 person who will search for the oer than c_r0KB9sCdk-00008-00002049-00002414 the actual search in this video we will c_r0KB9sCdk-00009-00002415-00002788 search for some specific resources c_r0KB9sCdk-00010-00002789-00003164 please revisit the first two videos in c_r0KB9sCdk-00011-00003165-00003395 the templates to help in planning your c_r0KB9sCdk-00012-00003396-00003734 search process after your initial c_r0KB9sCdk-00013-00003735-00003965 contact and interview with the faculty c_r0KB9sCdk-00014-00003965-00004211 member and armed with your topic list c_r0KB9sCdk-00015-00004212-00004403 you can begin to search for open c_r0KB9sCdk-00016-00004404-00004733 materials the first and easiest thing to c_r0KB9sCdk-00017-00004734-00005027 search for our open textbooks I mostly c_r0KB9sCdk-00018-00005028-00005206 use the open textbook library from the c_r0KB9sCdk-00019-00005207-00005422 University of Minnesota to get started c_r0KB9sCdk-00020-00005423-00005666 simply search for the broad discipline c_r0KB9sCdk-00021-00005667-00005852 and choose the materials that are pair c_r0KB9sCdk-00022-00005853-00006043 to fit the general descriptions that the c_r0KB9sCdk-00023-00006044-00006263 faculty member mentioned in the initial c_r0KB9sCdk-00024-00006264-00006638 meeting be sure to record anything you c_r0KB9sCdk-00025-00006639-00006953 find making a note of the title URL and c_r0KB9sCdk-00026-00006954-00007250 license in your searching template think c_r0KB9sCdk-00027-00007251-00007388 of the template as your research c_r0KB9sCdk-00028-00007389-00007601 notebook it will help to write brief c_r0KB9sCdk-00029-00007602-00007748 comments on the materials that you c_r0KB9sCdk-00030-00007748-00007971 choose to include in your collection I c_r0KB9sCdk-00031-00007972-00008255 like to send faculty an email including c_r0KB9sCdk-00032-00008256-00008464 any open textbooks to review before c_r0KB9sCdk-00033-00008465-00008671 doing any more extensive searches c_r0KB9sCdk-00034-00008672-00008992 because sometimes faculty members decide c_r0KB9sCdk-00035-00008993-00009248 to develop their whole course using the c_r0KB9sCdk-00036-00009249-00009545 open textbook after the textbook I like c_r0KB9sCdk-00037-00009546-00009773 to search for specific lessons articles c_r0KB9sCdk-00038-00009774-00010035 or tutorials based on the course topics c_r0KB9sCdk-00039-00010036-00010280 there are a variety of websites that c_r0KB9sCdk-00040-00010281-00010535 help to organize open repositories and c_r0KB9sCdk-00041-00010536-00010913 search tools I usually start with a c_r0KB9sCdk-00042-00010914-00011180 library guide like this one from Spokane c_r0KB9sCdk-00043-00011181-00011488 Falls Community College for the purposes c_r0KB9sCdk-00044-00011489-00011723 of demonstration let's do a search for c_r0KB9sCdk-00045-00011724-00011878 Library of Congress call numbers in c_r0KB9sCdk-00046-00011879-00012289 Merlot remember when possible it is best c_r0KB9sCdk-00047-00012290-00012556 to search Merlot by community because c_r0KB9sCdk-00048-00012557-00012735 the indexing is more robust c_r0KB9sCdk-00049-00012736-00013069 however when there isn't a community for c_r0KB9sCdk-00050-00013069-00013336 your discipline such as now you can do a c_r0KB9sCdk-00051-00013337-00013691 subject search here is a hint in c_r0KB9sCdk-00052-00013693-00013955 traditional databases in search engines c_r0KB9sCdk-00053-00013956-00014205 specificity and your keywords can make c_r0KB9sCdk-00054-00014206-00014475 your search more successful however c_r0KB9sCdk-00055-00014476-00014746 because most oer repositories aren't c_r0KB9sCdk-00056-00014747-00014893 using a full range of controlled c_r0KB9sCdk-00057-00014894-00015196 vocabulary you have to strike a general c_r0KB9sCdk-00058-00015197-00015391 balance between describing what you want c_r0KB9sCdk-00059-00015391-00015658 and finding a keyword that will help you c_r0KB9sCdk-00060-00015659-00015940 get to the most results just like c_r0KB9sCdk-00061-00015941-00016108 learning to search an extensive vendor c_r0KB9sCdk-00062-00016109-00016261 database striking the right balance c_r0KB9sCdk-00063-00016262-00016636 comes with time and practice I recommend c_r0KB9sCdk-00064-00016637-00016861 challenging yourself to find materials c_r0KB9sCdk-00065-00016862-00017044 outside of your discipline from time to c_r0KB9sCdk-00066-00017045-00017314 time sometimes you find a great resource c_r0KB9sCdk-00067-00017315-00017614 that isn't openly licensed this is why c_r0KB9sCdk-00068-00017615-00017761 you have a section for freely available c_r0KB9sCdk-00069-00017762-00018028 resources in your templates freely c_r0KB9sCdk-00070-00018029-00018231 available materials are free on the web c_r0KB9sCdk-00071-00018232-00018550 but they are fully copyrighted we can c_r0KB9sCdk-00072-00018551-00018799 link to these materials but we can't c_r0KB9sCdk-00073-00018800-00019063 download save or revise any of the c_r0KB9sCdk-00074-00019064-00019347 materials rather than doing a c_r0KB9sCdk-00075-00019348-00019530 show-and-tell of all of the places to c_r0KB9sCdk-00076-00019531-00019792 find open materials I think it would be c_r0KB9sCdk-00077-00019793-00019966 better for you to try searching on your c_r0KB9sCdk-00078-00019967-00020256 own please use a library guide or open c_r0KB9sCdk-00079-00020257-00020533 wan org to seek out the best places to c_r0KB9sCdk-00080-00020534-00020772 search for oer and to try a few searches c_r0KB9sCdk-00081-00020773-00021067 on your own the library community is c_r0KB9sCdk-00082-00021068-00021258 always happy to help you find materials c_r0KB9sCdk-00083-00021259-00021475 there is an open education resource c_r0KB9sCdk-00084-00021476-00021715 group from spark and there is a group of c_r0KB9sCdk-00085-00021716-00021972 librarians involved in the CCC Oh a-are c_r0KB9sCdk-00086-00021973-00022249 see the links on the website associated c_r0KB9sCdk-00087-00022250-00022528 with this tutorial please connect with c_r0KB9sCdk-00088-00022529-00022740 the open education library community we c_r0KB9sCdk-00089-00022741-00023038 are always happy to help cB8MAg3naRu-00000-00000000-00000083 [Music] cB8MAg3naRu-00001-00000084-00000413 foreign cB8MAg3naRu-00002-00000413-00001513 [Music] cB8MAg3naRu-00003-00001514-00002924 [Music] cB8MAg3naRu-00004-00002925-00004127 [Music] cB8MAg3naRu-00005-00004128-00004260 foreign cB8MAg3naRu-00007-00007536-00007620 foreign cB8MAg3naRu-00008-00007622-00008540 [Music] cB8MAg3naRu-00009-00008541-00010924 [Music] cB8MAg3naRu-00010-00010925-00011053 foreign cB8MAg3naRu-00011-00011054-00012754 [Music] cB8MAg3naRu-00012-00012755-00013913 [Music] cB8MAg3naRu-00013-00013913-00014173 thank you cChbea3wGLI-00000-00000856-00001491 [Music] cChbea3wGLI-00001-00001492-00001942 hey cChbea3wGLI-00002-00001943-00002575 [Music] cChbea3wGLI-00003-00002576-00003571 we love this cChbea3wGLI-00005-00008484-00010589 foreign cChbea3wGLI-00007-00015484-00018020 oh cChbea3wGLI-00008-00018021-00020543 [Music] cChbea3wGLI-00010-00025284-00025460 uh cChbea3wGLI-00011-00025461-00026529 [Music] cChbea3wGLI-00012-00026530-00026687 [Music] cChbea3wGLI-00013-00026688-00026845 me cChbea3wGLI-00014-00026845-00028083 [Music] cChbea3wGLI-00015-00028083-00028370 foreign cChbea3wGLI-00016-00028370-00031116 [Music] cChbea3wGLI-00017-00031117-00032139 [Music] cChbea3wGLI-00018-00032141-00032283 [Music] cChbea3wGLI-00019-00032283-00032433 foreign cChbea3wGLI-00020-00032433-00035083 [Music] cChbea3wGLI-00021-00035084-00036483 foreign cChbea3wGLI-00022-00036484-00036693 foreign cChbea3wGLI-00023-00036694-00037887 [Music] cChbea3wGLI-00024-00037888-00039283 foreign cChbea3wGLI-00025-00039284-00039780 foreign cChbea3wGLI-00026-00039781-00041072 [Music] cChbea3wGLI-00027-00041073-00042850 [Music] cChbea3wGLI-00028-00042851-00043483 [Music] cChbea3wGLI-00029-00043484-00043623 foreign cChbea3wGLI-00030-00043624-00043831 you cEZlkxRTyQ0-00000-00000014-00000696 [Music] cEZlkxRTyQ0-00002-00004283-00005659 [Music] cEZlkxRTyQ0-00004-00008928-00010097 [Music] cEZlkxRTyQ0-00005-00010098-00011946 [Music] cEZlkxRTyQ0-00007-00019518-00021064 [Music] cEZlkxRTyQ0-00008-00021065-00021958 [Music] cEZlkxRTyQ0-00009-00021959-00023611 [Music] cEZlkxRTyQ0-00010-00023612-00024764 [Music] cEZlkxRTyQ0-00011-00024765-00026482 [Music] cEZlkxRTyQ0-00017-00059374-00060648 [Music] cEZlkxRTyQ0-00018-00060649-00062888 [Music] cEZlkxRTyQ0-00019-00062889-00064954 [Music] cEZlkxRTyQ0-00020-00064954-00065632 [Music] cEZlkxRTyQ0-00023-00077159-00077365 you cHgkTpji3lA-00000-00000020-00000633 [Music] cHgkTpji3lA-00001-00000634-00000816 [Music] cHgkTpji3lA-00002-00000817-00000947 right cHgkTpji3lA-00003-00000948-00001129 welcome to halting towards I am the cHgkTpji3lA-00004-00001130-00001316 podcast where we limp like Jacob to the cHgkTpji3lA-00005-00001317-00001490 promised land and talk about life the cHgkTpji3lA-00006-00001491-00001660 universe and everything along the way cHgkTpji3lA-00007-00001661-00001826 I'm Emily Maxim cHgkTpji3lA-00008-00001827-00002009 this is Greg gunning ER and we have some cHgkTpji3lA-00009-00002010-00002156 friends with us today Brian and Joseph cHgkTpji3lA-00010-00002157-00002317 do you want to introduce yourselves cHgkTpji3lA-00011-00002318-00002725 sure I'm Brian Broome I'm a member of cHgkTpji3lA-00012-00002726-00002941 the Orthodox Presbyterian Church in cHgkTpji3lA-00013-00002942-00003166 Roseville California went to Cornerstone cHgkTpji3lA-00014-00003167-00003545 Christian school and sat under Greg's cHgkTpji3lA-00015-00003546-00003811 teaching and all the rest of y'all are cHgkTpji3lA-00016-00003812-00004595 my fellow yes that is correct and I I'm cHgkTpji3lA-00017-00004596-00004972 Joseph I'm insert same details as Brian cHgkTpji3lA-00018-00004973-00005188 I am also an English major and I'm there cHgkTpji3lA-00019-00005189-00005504 for poor we didn't charge him the entry cHgkTpji3lA-00020-00005505-00005729 fee to get on the podcast thank you yeah cHgkTpji3lA-00021-00005730-00006113 the the welfare is appreciated this it's cHgkTpji3lA-00022-00006114-00006550 like you're getting paid why didn't cHgkTpji3lA-00023-00006551-00007021 nobody tell me this quick summary for cHgkTpji3lA-00024-00007022-00007169 those listening for the first time and cHgkTpji3lA-00025-00007170-00007352 this is like episode 2 so it's cHgkTpji3lA-00026-00007353-00007660 everybody's almost first time halting cHgkTpji3lA-00027-00007661-00007810 toward Zion is a discussion of world cHgkTpji3lA-00028-00007811-00007984 history biblical theology Christian cHgkTpji3lA-00029-00007986-00008207 civilization and education and cHgkTpji3lA-00030-00008208-00008516 everything else that comes up as we talk cHgkTpji3lA-00031-00008517-00008834 about those things today we are talking cHgkTpji3lA-00032-00008835-00009385 about Genesis Genesis of course what cHgkTpji3lA-00033-00009386-00009746 else starting at the very beginning with cHgkTpji3lA-00034-00009747-00010016 Genesis 1:1 and 6 years later we'll be cHgkTpji3lA-00035-00010017-00010474 in Genesis 1:2 as my friends are can cHgkTpji3lA-00036-00010475-00010766 testify I have this reputation of cHgkTpji3lA-00037-00010767-00010999 starting in Genesis and never getting cHgkTpji3lA-00038-00011000-00011171 out of it in fact never getting out of cHgkTpji3lA-00039-00011172-00011366 the first three chapters in fact never cHgkTpji3lA-00040-00011367-00011501 getting out of the first chapter and cHgkTpji3lA-00041-00011502-00011726 taking a very long time together the cHgkTpji3lA-00042-00011727-00011978 first verse we're going to do some magic cHgkTpji3lA-00043-00011979-00012514 and do all of Genesis 1:1 now will cHgkTpji3lA-00044-00012515-00012818 wonders never cease yeah the end times cHgkTpji3lA-00045-00012819-00013010 must indeed be upon us cHgkTpji3lA-00046-00013011-00013310 for those of you who have never opened a cHgkTpji3lA-00047-00013311-00013516 Bible or don't remember which end you cHgkTpji3lA-00048-00013518-00013769 started in Genesis it's the first book cHgkTpji3lA-00049-00013769-00013985 it's the very beginning the first cHgkTpji3lA-00050-00013986-00014234 chapter the first first yes the Bible cHgkTpji3lA-00051-00014235-00014504 has chapters and verses unlike say more cHgkTpji3lA-00052-00014505-00014840 in piece or graphic novel and that very cHgkTpji3lA-00053-00014841-00015088 first sentence is in the beginning God cHgkTpji3lA-00054-00015090-00015428 created the heaven and the earth seems cHgkTpji3lA-00055-00015429-00015680 like sort of a rather obvious opening if cHgkTpji3lA-00056-00015681-00015935 you're going to write a book where God's cHgkTpji3lA-00057-00015936-00016112 the author if God's gonna write a book cHgkTpji3lA-00058-00016113-00016366 that seems a good place to begin in the cHgkTpji3lA-00059-00016368-00016526 beginning God created the heaven and the cHgkTpji3lA-00060-00016527-00016832 earth the thing of that makes it so cHgkTpji3lA-00061-00016833-00017150 profound is it is obvious to exactly one cHgkTpji3lA-00062-00017151-00017471 religion one philosophy one worldview in cHgkTpji3lA-00063-00017472-00017630 all of human history that which we cHgkTpji3lA-00064-00017631-00017843 called the book of Christianity every cHgkTpji3lA-00065-00017844-00018019 other religion every other philosophy cHgkTpji3lA-00066-00018020-00018398 every other worldview rejects this idea cHgkTpji3lA-00067-00018399-00018668 of a single God who creates out of cHgkTpji3lA-00068-00018669-00018991 nothing or into nothing as preposterous cHgkTpji3lA-00069-00018992-00019301 impossible irrational and something did cHgkTpji3lA-00070-00019302-00019553 we're not going to tolerate around here cHgkTpji3lA-00071-00019554-00019802 at all so we need to talk about this we cHgkTpji3lA-00072-00019803-00019975 need to talk about why the Bible begin cHgkTpji3lA-00073-00019976-00020204 sir what it means and why no one else cHgkTpji3lA-00074-00020205-00020441 likes the idea keep it a little bit from cHgkTpji3lA-00075-00020442-00020647 a literary standpoint at the very least cHgkTpji3lA-00076-00020648-00020869 you got a pretty darn good thesis cHgkTpji3lA-00077-00020870-00021317 statement going on right this is so this cHgkTpji3lA-00078-00021318-00021530 is basically a gives you all the cHgkTpji3lA-00079-00021531-00021697 arguments of the Bible right up front cHgkTpji3lA-00080-00021698-00021997 all the presuppositions in one sentence cHgkTpji3lA-00081-00021998-00022400 you know we have literally or in terms cHgkTpji3lA-00082-00022401-00022655 of storytelling we have our our hero we cHgkTpji3lA-00083-00022656-00022862 have our setting we have the general cHgkTpji3lA-00084-00022863-00023033 atmosphere of the thing which is one of cHgkTpji3lA-00085-00023034-00023306 wonder and the setting is both temporal cHgkTpji3lA-00086-00023307-00023567 and positional in the beginning and cHgkTpji3lA-00087-00023568-00023861 where well the stories brought heaven cHgkTpji3lA-00088-00023862-00024122 and earth and there's no background cHgkTpji3lA-00089-00024123-00024419 information that we need to fill in as cHgkTpji3lA-00090-00024420-00024665 far as we know yet I'm going to find out cHgkTpji3lA-00091-00024666-00024881 later on that before the world began cHgkTpji3lA-00092-00024882-00025205 before time was God did some planning cHgkTpji3lA-00093-00025206-00025409 and some communicating and some cHgkTpji3lA-00094-00025410-00025652 conversing but that's for later so where cHgkTpji3lA-00095-00025652-00025775 as you say starting at the very cHgkTpji3lA-00096-00025776-00026111 beginning and the basic elements that we cHgkTpji3lA-00097-00026112-00026255 need are here I think then one of the cHgkTpji3lA-00098-00026256-00026380 things that we should point out cHgkTpji3lA-00099-00026381-00026820 thing is that God does not say uh hi I'm cHgkTpji3lA-00100-00026822-00027027 God and I want to convince you of my cHgkTpji3lA-00101-00027029-00027229 existence so that we can have a fruitful cHgkTpji3lA-00102-00027230-00027400 conversation so let me lay before you cHgkTpji3lA-00103-00027401-00027643 seven lines of rational argumentation cHgkTpji3lA-00104-00027644-00028089 and ten empirical evidences that will cHgkTpji3lA-00105-00028091-00028351 convince you that it's really me and not cHgkTpji3lA-00106-00028352-00028608 thread next or on his hand radio in this cHgkTpji3lA-00107-00028610-00029214 doctoral thesis I will prove ya God God cHgkTpji3lA-00108-00029216-00029433 does not feel any need to prove who he cHgkTpji3lA-00109-00029435-00029652 is what he is or why we should trust him cHgkTpji3lA-00110-00029654-00029974 he simply begins his book by saying I'm cHgkTpji3lA-00111-00029975-00030264 God I'm the Creator and and we need to cHgkTpji3lA-00112-00030266-00030495 look at that word creator now because cHgkTpji3lA-00113-00030497-00030754 you read through philosophies and cHgkTpji3lA-00114-00030755-00030925 religious histories and cultural cHgkTpji3lA-00115-00030926-00031161 anthropologists you'll see a lot about cHgkTpji3lA-00116-00031162-00031402 origin myths sometimes are called cHgkTpji3lA-00117-00031402-00031564 creation myths but they're not creation cHgkTpji3lA-00118-00031564-00031845 myths their origin this is you look at cHgkTpji3lA-00119-00031847-00031983 one after another where your whether cHgkTpji3lA-00120-00031985-00032271 you're looking at mythology in Egypt or cHgkTpji3lA-00121-00032272-00032670 Sumer or Greece and Rome or Scandinavia cHgkTpji3lA-00122-00032672-00033127 or even the Aztec mythology from America cHgkTpji3lA-00123-00033128-00033484 in each case we start with a cHgkTpji3lA-00124-00033485-00033975 pre-existent world a chaos a cosmic egg cHgkTpji3lA-00125-00033976-00034306 eternal waters something's there two cHgkTpji3lA-00126-00034307-00034462 random particles that smash into each cHgkTpji3lA-00127-00034463-00034759 other you know exactly there there is cHgkTpji3lA-00128-00034760-00035089 some kind of pre-existent to matter or cHgkTpji3lA-00129-00035090-00035254 substance that may or may not be cHgkTpji3lA-00130-00035255-00035443 sentient it doesn't really matter cHgkTpji3lA-00131-00035444-00035593 because sentience generally enters in at cHgkTpji3lA-00132-00035594-00035887 some point so either it's there's a cHgkTpji3lA-00133-00035888-00036202 dualism from the beginning or whatever cHgkTpji3lA-00134-00036203-00036586 is evolves some sort of sentience and it cHgkTpji3lA-00135-00036587-00036961 doesn't matter a lot and then the the cHgkTpji3lA-00136-00036962-00037309 origin must tell us how this stuff this cHgkTpji3lA-00137-00037310-00037630 mess this chaos whatever words the cHgkTpji3lA-00138-00037631-00037887 Demuth's assigns to it begins to develop cHgkTpji3lA-00139-00037888-00038092 into the world we recognize but the cHgkTpji3lA-00140-00038093-00038383 assumption is that the stuff was there cHgkTpji3lA-00141-00038384-00038704 and unlike Genesis 1:1 were God created cHgkTpji3lA-00142-00038705-00038884 the world in all of these other myths cHgkTpji3lA-00143-00038885-00039064 and these other things which are myths cHgkTpji3lA-00144-00039065-00039373 the universe created the gods they are cHgkTpji3lA-00145-00039374-00039574 part and parcel of the universe they're cHgkTpji3lA-00146-00039575-00039662 extension cHgkTpji3lA-00147-00039663-00039905 of the basic reality that's already cHgkTpji3lA-00148-00039906-00040151 there there there a development out of cHgkTpji3lA-00149-00040152-00040538 it or within it and there's no there is cHgkTpji3lA-00150-00040539-00040931 no creator Genesis Bible says that there cHgkTpji3lA-00151-00040932-00041168 was God and there was nothing else above cHgkTpji3lA-00152-00041169-00041530 God beyond God back of God no cHgkTpji3lA-00153-00041531-00042071 probability no forces no sentience no cHgkTpji3lA-00154-00042072-00042563 abstract ideals not no ideal forms to cHgkTpji3lA-00155-00042564-00042908 which God might appeal as a template no cHgkTpji3lA-00156-00042909-00043124 other gods beside him with whom he might cHgkTpji3lA-00157-00043125-00043385 kibbutz and plan there was simply God cHgkTpji3lA-00158-00043386-00043772 and then God out of wonder with joy cHgkTpji3lA-00159-00043773-00044141 power wisdom of his heart created into cHgkTpji3lA-00160-00044142-00044453 what was nothing something and we can cHgkTpji3lA-00161-00044454-00044675 solve a Greek issue here is nothing cHgkTpji3lA-00162-00044676-00044861 something no nothing was nothing there cHgkTpji3lA-00163-00044862-00045029 really was nothing collapsed three cHgkTpji3lA-00164-00045030-00045413 dimensional universe race time as we cHgkTpji3lA-00165-00045414-00045452 know it cHgkTpji3lA-00166-00045453-00045671 get rid of matter get rid of color get cHgkTpji3lA-00167-00045672-00045941 rid of motion there was just God you cHgkTpji3lA-00168-00045942-00046079 know only God can conceive of what cHgkTpji3lA-00169-00046080-00046397 that's like but God was living God is cHgkTpji3lA-00170-00046398-00046658 living got his life it was not a static cHgkTpji3lA-00171-00046659-00046862 abstraction all we can say is what the cHgkTpji3lA-00172-00046863-00047111 Bible says that God is eternal love and cHgkTpji3lA-00173-00047112-00047369 we can another podcast I assume we'll cHgkTpji3lA-00174-00047370-00047531 talk about the Trinity the three persons cHgkTpji3lA-00175-00047532-00047780 of the Trinity were there loving one cHgkTpji3lA-00176-00047781-00047909 another communicating with one another cHgkTpji3lA-00177-00047910-00048131 the Father breathing forth his spirit to cHgkTpji3lA-00178-00048132-00048317 the Sun and the sub waiting for the cHgkTpji3lA-00179-00048318-00048575 spirit to the Father and together cHgkTpji3lA-00180-00048576-00048764 enjoying one another rejoicing in one cHgkTpji3lA-00181-00048765-00048935 another and planning what they were cHgkTpji3lA-00182-00048936-00049075 going to do and then they did it cHgkTpji3lA-00183-00049076-00049313 that's creation creation out of nothing cHgkTpji3lA-00184-00049314-00049691 karate ox noodle oh and that means we cHgkTpji3lA-00185-00049692-00049868 got a sovereign God going on we have a cHgkTpji3lA-00186-00049869-00050141 God who brought everything out of cHgkTpji3lA-00187-00050142-00050345 nothing except well it's not nothing cHgkTpji3lA-00188-00050346-00050588 because he created he's there but he cHgkTpji3lA-00189-00050589-00050732 didn't use anything he didn't use pieces cHgkTpji3lA-00190-00050733-00050975 and parts he didn't happen in any cHgkTpji3lA-00191-00050976-00051295 reserves he by his sheer power assure cHgkTpji3lA-00192-00051296-00051520 wisdom assure love made the world what cHgkTpji3lA-00193-00051521-00051730 we know in all of its temporal and cHgkTpji3lA-00194-00051732-00051946 spatial dimensions and with its material cHgkTpji3lA-00195-00051947-00052136 substance no other religion gives us cHgkTpji3lA-00196-00052137-00052274 that cHgkTpji3lA-00197-00052275-00052574 and that means that this god of ours is cHgkTpji3lA-00198-00052575-00052799 someone we have to stand back in awe of cHgkTpji3lA-00199-00052800-00053241 and say we don't understand you you are cHgkTpji3lA-00200-00053242-00053554 incredible you are amazing in the proper cHgkTpji3lA-00201-00053555-00053795 sense of the word and if he did not cHgkTpji3lA-00202-00053796-00054164 speak to us we would be lost we would cHgkTpji3lA-00203-00054165-00054416 not be able to lay any kind of grass paw cHgkTpji3lA-00204-00054416-00054560 on him although he but he does he cHgkTpji3lA-00205-00054561-00054787 reveals himself to us he speaks to us cHgkTpji3lA-00206-00054788-00055028 silently in the very creation the cHgkTpji3lA-00207-00055029-00055204 heavens declare the glory of God the cHgkTpji3lA-00208-00055204-00055358 invisible things of him from the cHgkTpji3lA-00209-00055359-00055457 creation of the world are clearly seen cHgkTpji3lA-00210-00055458-00055604 being understood by the things that are cHgkTpji3lA-00211-00055604-00055780 made even his eternal power and Godhead cHgkTpji3lA-00212-00055782-00056023 so the word of that or without excuse cHgkTpji3lA-00213-00056024-00056198 the heavens declare his righteousness cHgkTpji3lA-00214-00056199-00056390 all the people see his glory we get this cHgkTpji3lA-00215-00056391-00056504 over and over again cHgkTpji3lA-00216-00056504-00056692 Jesus is the light that lights every man cHgkTpji3lA-00217-00056694-00056849 into the world we are not without cHgkTpji3lA-00218-00056850-00057119 revelation creation shouts revelation cHgkTpji3lA-00219-00057120-00057332 around us and if we didn't have that we cHgkTpji3lA-00220-00057333-00057604 wouldn't understand God and so we can't cHgkTpji3lA-00221-00057605-00057926 box this God up and say well if I were cHgkTpji3lA-00222-00057927-00058337 God I wouldn't do such and such or if I cHgkTpji3lA-00223-00058338-00058526 were God I would make sure that such and cHgkTpji3lA-00224-00058527-00058679 such happened you could say that we do a cHgkTpji3lA-00225-00058679-00059144 lot we are no place to do that God cHgkTpji3lA-00226-00059145-00059501 transcends our sensibilities and yet he cHgkTpji3lA-00227-00059502-00059678 reveals himself in such a way that we cHgkTpji3lA-00228-00059679-00060002 can say this pleases God this does not cHgkTpji3lA-00229-00060003-00060227 please God about declares us to be true cHgkTpji3lA-00230-00060228-00060454 God declares us to be false and he cHgkTpji3lA-00231-00060455-00060662 doesn't know such a way what we can cHgkTpji3lA-00232-00060663-00060880 really understand it's a bumper sticker cHgkTpji3lA-00233-00060882-00061094 I've mentioned the number of times but cHgkTpji3lA-00234-00061095-00061388 God is too great to be caught in any one cHgkTpji3lA-00235-00061389-00061622 religion the idea of God is so great we cHgkTpji3lA-00236-00061623-00061741 can't say anything about it cHgkTpji3lA-00237-00061742-00061898 he can't even reveal himself cHgkTpji3lA-00238-00061899-00062027 Christianity says God is so great he cHgkTpji3lA-00239-00062028-00062264 actually can despite the incredible cHgkTpji3lA-00240-00062265-00062519 distance between us he actually can cHgkTpji3lA-00241-00062520-00062825 reveal himself he can poke into this cHgkTpji3lA-00242-00062826-00063091 world of time and space and matter and cHgkTpji3lA-00243-00063092-00063461 reveal himself in words that make sense cHgkTpji3lA-00244-00063462-00063742 to him and to us all there although cHgkTpji3lA-00245-00063744-00063904 those words will never exhaust all that cHgkTpji3lA-00246-00063905-00064117 he is but we can have as Francis cHgkTpji3lA-00247-00064119-00064337 Schaeffer used to say true truth about cHgkTpji3lA-00248-00064338-00064577 God known about his universe so he cHgkTpji3lA-00249-00064578-00064828 communicates to us while remaining cHgkTpji3lA-00250-00064829-00065201 distinct from the created world cHgkTpji3lA-00251-00065202-00065435 vente let the Creator creature cHgkTpji3lA-00252-00065436-00065654 distinction in contrary cHgkTpji3lA-00253-00065655-00065819 distinction to the Greek idea of the cHgkTpji3lA-00254-00065820-00066080 continuity of being can you talk about cHgkTpji3lA-00255-00066081-00066242 that a little bit you know you'll be cHgkTpji3lA-00256-00066243-00066359 doing that a lot lately cHgkTpji3lA-00257-00066360-00066698 and it involves metaphors of cream of cHgkTpji3lA-00258-00066699-00067063 wheat and swimming pools that both that cHgkTpji3lA-00259-00067064-00067592 goes - when I was kid my mom made cream cHgkTpji3lA-00260-00067593-00067775 of wheat which I really really loved cHgkTpji3lA-00261-00067776-00068026 until she started not stirring it cHgkTpji3lA-00262-00068027-00068263 properly and there were these big cHgkTpji3lA-00263-00068264-00068488 kernels of uncooked cream if we could cHgkTpji3lA-00264-00068489-00068696 she would bind it - but it was a bill is cHgkTpji3lA-00265-00068697-00069329 real yes yes see it's a real thing but cHgkTpji3lA-00266-00069330-00069494 the whole thing is cream of wheat it's cHgkTpji3lA-00267-00069495-00069635 just that some of the cream of wheat was cHgkTpji3lA-00268-00069636-00069856 more cream of wheat II than others but cHgkTpji3lA-00269-00069857-00070025 anywhere you went weather into the lumps cHgkTpji3lA-00270-00070026-00070306 room to the far periphery of this thing cHgkTpji3lA-00271-00070307-00070538 with a bowl it's all cream of wheat it's cHgkTpji3lA-00272-00070539-00070817 all continuous in its cream of weakness cHgkTpji3lA-00273-00070818-00071044 and some of its lumpier than others so cHgkTpji3lA-00274-00071045-00071306 that now imagine a whole swimming pool cHgkTpji3lA-00275-00071307-00071516 full of cream of wheat we have a cHgkTpji3lA-00276-00071517-00071687 swimming pool we were the one of the few cHgkTpji3lA-00277-00071688-00071921 homes in our neighborhood back in the cHgkTpji3lA-00278-00071922-00072092 early 60s it actually had a swimming cHgkTpji3lA-00279-00072093-00072365 pool built it can be kind of thing and cHgkTpji3lA-00280-00072366-00072605 so sometimes you just sit in this cHgkTpji3lA-00281-00072606-00072751 swimming pool with a slate you're sweaty cHgkTpji3lA-00282-00072752-00072950 and your nose over and you sit in the cHgkTpji3lA-00283-00072951-00073156 corner near the circulator it's just cHgkTpji3lA-00284-00073157-00073361 pumping out water into the pool and you cHgkTpji3lA-00285-00073362-00073436 want to do something that requires cHgkTpji3lA-00286-00073437-00073715 absolutely no energy so sitting there cHgkTpji3lA-00287-00073716-00073901 you just kind of start moving your arms cHgkTpji3lA-00288-00073902-00074044 on the top of the water up and down cHgkTpji3lA-00289-00074045-00074381 epidemic now because the water or pain cHgkTpji3lA-00290-00074382-00074618 but we need if it were there is all of cHgkTpji3lA-00291-00074619-00074804 the peace you move a little here cHgkTpji3lA-00292-00074805-00074956 eventually the waves start propagating cHgkTpji3lA-00293-00074957-00075212 and you start moving at all and it cHgkTpji3lA-00294-00075213-00075374 doesn't take very long even a small cHgkTpji3lA-00295-00075375-00075590 child will figure out - if you move your cHgkTpji3lA-00296-00075591-00075725 waves in the wall you've your arms in cHgkTpji3lA-00297-00075726-00075938 the water you start waves that pretty cHgkTpji3lA-00298-00075939-00076103 soon have the entire swimming pool cHgkTpji3lA-00299-00076104-00076354 thrashing and gushing and swaying and cHgkTpji3lA-00300-00076355-00076610 splashing out down coming down saying cHgkTpji3lA-00301-00076611-00076781 stop wasting the water in the swimming cHgkTpji3lA-00302-00076782-00076993 pool that costs money because this is cHgkTpji3lA-00303-00076994-00077060 California cHgkTpji3lA-00304-00077061-00077411 cuz this is go free uh-huh yeah anyway cHgkTpji3lA-00305-00077412-00077581 continent you being here's the thing if cHgkTpji3lA-00306-00077582-00077867 it's if all of reality is of a piece cHgkTpji3lA-00307-00077868-00078043 there are a couple things we can say cHgkTpji3lA-00308-00078044-00078457 about one it's all alike but some of its cHgkTpji3lA-00309-00078458-00078665 more alike than others some of it has cHgkTpji3lA-00310-00078666-00078912 more stuff more cHgkTpji3lA-00311-00078913-00079239 reality more substance than others some cHgkTpji3lA-00312-00079240-00079530 animals are more equal than others more cHgkTpji3lA-00313-00079531-00079716 equal than others and some humans are cHgkTpji3lA-00314-00079717-00079884 more equal to the animals and others and cHgkTpji3lA-00315-00079885-00080019 then you'd begin climbing up this cHgkTpji3lA-00316-00080020-00080301 mythical chain of being where you go cHgkTpji3lA-00317-00080302-00080781 from dirt to grass to insect the animals cHgkTpji3lA-00318-00080782-00081269 man to angel to heroes to demigods to cHgkTpji3lA-00319-00081270-00081651 goblins to little gods to medium gods to cHgkTpji3lA-00320-00081652-00081969 bigger gods to what the entire universe cHgkTpji3lA-00321-00081970-00082266 in its self purification because it's cHgkTpji3lA-00322-00082267-00082650 all the same stuff we're all by nature cHgkTpji3lA-00323-00082651-00083037 God it's just we other God other parts cHgkTpji3lA-00324-00083038-00083205 of the universe are more have more bad cHgkTpji3lA-00325-00083206-00083403 stuff than we do and others have less cHgkTpji3lA-00326-00083404-00083604 and depending upon the religion the cHgkTpji3lA-00327-00083605-00083787 worldview it may be you may be stuck cHgkTpji3lA-00328-00083788-00084054 where you are just being sort of sort of cHgkTpji3lA-00329-00084055-00084363 divine but more often than not you will cHgkTpji3lA-00330-00084364-00084540 be provided with some kind of key that cHgkTpji3lA-00331-00084541-00084855 will allow you to ascend upward on this cHgkTpji3lA-00332-00084856-00085116 ladder of being and become more divine cHgkTpji3lA-00333-00085117-00085398 as you recognize what is already true cHgkTpji3lA-00334-00085399-00085596 that you are gods and you better get cHgkTpji3lA-00335-00085597-00085857 used to it now back to the thrashing cHgkTpji3lA-00336-00085858-00086154 around the pool because of this because cHgkTpji3lA-00337-00086155-00086358 the universe is of a piece all of it is cHgkTpji3lA-00338-00086359-00086580 reflected in each part in each part has cHgkTpji3lA-00339-00086581-00086880 the ability to touch all we need to cHgkTpji3lA-00340-00086881-00087036 world had word for this it was called cHgkTpji3lA-00341-00087037-00087357 magic if all of the universes reflected cHgkTpji3lA-00342-00087358-00087618 down into the smallest thing and then it cHgkTpji3lA-00343-00087619-00087792 makes sense that you could read the cHgkTpji3lA-00344-00087793-00088110 whole course of nature he in tea leaves cHgkTpji3lA-00345-00088111-00088359 in the bottom of a cop in this box on a cHgkTpji3lA-00346-00088360-00088620 bird sliver and the flame of a birds and cHgkTpji3lA-00347-00088621-00088913 the reflections in a crystal in the cHgkTpji3lA-00348-00088914-00089388 random casting of a ching sticks or cHgkTpji3lA-00349-00089389-00089688 whatever anything could reflect cHgkTpji3lA-00350-00089689-00089961 everything because everything's apart cHgkTpji3lA-00351-00089962-00090198 and you know today we have similar cHgkTpji3lA-00352-00090199-00090426 analogies we can make with little chips cHgkTpji3lA-00353-00090427-00090606 in our cars if you tap into it it will cHgkTpji3lA-00354-00090607-00090729 tell you the entire history of the car cHgkTpji3lA-00355-00090730-00090927 and everything that's done doing and cHgkTpji3lA-00356-00090928-00091146 everything that's going wrong but we cHgkTpji3lA-00357-00091147-00091317 approach that scientifically we say cHgkTpji3lA-00358-00091318-00091506 there are mathematical rules and cHgkTpji3lA-00359-00091507-00091794 consistencies but magic was a little cHgkTpji3lA-00360-00091795-00092028 more free-flowing and it was enough to cHgkTpji3lA-00361-00092029-00092232 know that everything is involved in cHgkTpji3lA-00362-00092233-00092250 there cHgkTpji3lA-00363-00092251-00092508 thing else but that very involved list cHgkTpji3lA-00364-00092509-00092670 might mean that things aren't exactly cHgkTpji3lA-00365-00092671-00092805 what you think they are and so it cHgkTpji3lA-00366-00092806-00093093 requires great experience and expertise cHgkTpji3lA-00367-00093094-00093321 and wisdom to be able to read the TV's cHgkTpji3lA-00368-00093322-00093543 Wow not everybody can do it cHgkTpji3lA-00369-00093544-00093825 secret knowledge secret knowledge and cHgkTpji3lA-00370-00093826-00094002 then it goes the other way once you once cHgkTpji3lA-00371-00094003-00094221 you have little in your hand a little cHgkTpji3lA-00372-00094222-00094407 crank the little touch-tone little cHgkTpji3lA-00373-00094408-00094725 button you can crank the wheels that cHgkTpji3lA-00374-00094726-00094929 turn the universe you buy your little cHgkTpji3lA-00375-00094930-00095181 ritual over in this obscure corner can cHgkTpji3lA-00376-00095182-00095523 do things that can topple empires slay cHgkTpji3lA-00377-00095524-00095733 kings written comments into the skies cHgkTpji3lA-00378-00095734-00096123 anything's possible if you know how it cHgkTpji3lA-00379-00096124-00096315 works and so yes back to secret cHgkTpji3lA-00380-00096316-00096590 knowledge mr. Terry acknowledged cHgkTpji3lA-00381-00096591-00096873 continuity of being opens up the cHgkTpji3lA-00382-00096874-00097095 possibility of divination and magic and cHgkTpji3lA-00383-00097096-00097305 every religion in eastern world has to cHgkTpji3lA-00384-00097306-00097521 some degree if it doesn't start there cHgkTpji3lA-00385-00097522-00097902 it's ended up there we end up going in cHgkTpji3lA-00386-00097903-00098178 some fashion for complete domination of cHgkTpji3lA-00387-00098179-00098325 the universe a complete understanding of cHgkTpji3lA-00388-00098326-00098550 the universe despite the obvious fact cHgkTpji3lA-00389-00098551-00098718 that were a little little puny human cHgkTpji3lA-00390-00098719-00098913 beings who don't know everything but cHgkTpji3lA-00391-00098914-00099270 since we're God in the making or God and cHgkTpji3lA-00392-00099271-00099474 suddenly by Nature we ought to know cHgkTpji3lA-00393-00099475-00099615 everything we ought to be able to do cHgkTpji3lA-00394-00099616-00099756 everything the future should be open cHgkTpji3lA-00395-00099757-00099981 before us we ought to be great we should cHgkTpji3lA-00396-00099982-00100086 make a name for ourselves cHgkTpji3lA-00397-00100087-00100212 maybe they built a building is really cHgkTpji3lA-00398-00100213-00100611 tall effort away somehow so you know cHgkTpji3lA-00399-00100612-00100845 continuity being dr. Banfield spokes of cHgkTpji3lA-00400-00100846-00101045 the speaks of the creator of creation cHgkTpji3lA-00401-00101046-00101436 distinction here so it's friend at the cHgkTpji3lA-00402-00101437-00101616 physical seminary in Philadelphia cHgkTpji3lA-00403-00101617-00101988 crosstown dr. Rudolph where essential as cHgkTpji3lA-00404-00101989-00102237 I understand we draw a line and say this cHgkTpji3lA-00405-00102238-00102458 is what I do when I'm imitating creator cHgkTpji3lA-00406-00102459-00102699 above creation below and make it the cHgkTpji3lA-00407-00102700-00102860 line really dark so you can understand cHgkTpji3lA-00408-00102861-00103010 there's no crossing God doesn't become cHgkTpji3lA-00409-00103011-00103197 man man doesn't become caught doctor we cHgkTpji3lA-00410-00103198-00103380 don't draw two circles you put God in cHgkTpji3lA-00411-00103381-00103493 one in creation of the other to say cHgkTpji3lA-00412-00103494-00103692 notice what's with these circles bother cHgkTpji3lA-00413-00103693-00103980 two circles exactly release two circles cHgkTpji3lA-00414-00103981-00104424 touch no so God does not intersect with cHgkTpji3lA-00415-00104425-00104582 creation creation does not intersect cHgkTpji3lA-00416-00104583-00104817 with God did you draw a couple lines cHgkTpji3lA-00417-00104818-00105015 from the god circle to the creation say cHgkTpji3lA-00418-00105016-00105378 but by revelation by Providence by cHgkTpji3lA-00419-00105379-00105474 condescending cHgkTpji3lA-00420-00105475-00105849 raise god can act on his creation he's cHgkTpji3lA-00421-00105850-00106149 not shut out of it but he's not it dr. cHgkTpji3lA-00422-00106150-00106317 Hudock was very fond of one-liners and cHgkTpji3lA-00423-00106318-00106641 one that I enjoy is God makes ducks but cHgkTpji3lA-00424-00106642-00106968 God doesn't quack by which he simply cHgkTpji3lA-00425-00106969-00107244 meant God makes the universe but in the cHgkTpji3lA-00426-00107245-00107439 process didn't make himself into the cHgkTpji3lA-00427-00107440-00107583 universe he makes the Ducks but he cHgkTpji3lA-00428-00107583-00107802 didn't become one by making them God can cHgkTpji3lA-00429-00107803-00108035 create without making the creation cHgkTpji3lA-00430-00108036-00108252 somehow a metaphysical extension of cHgkTpji3lA-00431-00108253-00108513 himself he is distinct from it so these cHgkTpji3lA-00432-00108514-00108686 two great words of the fate had their cHgkTpji3lA-00433-00108688-00108915 own ways of getting across the idea but cHgkTpji3lA-00434-00108916-00109104 the bible does it by saying in the cHgkTpji3lA-00435-00109105-00109266 beginning God created the heavens new cHgkTpji3lA-00436-00109267-00109608 earth God heaven and earth God was there cHgkTpji3lA-00437-00109608-00109833 let me turn did he and eternity is not cHgkTpji3lA-00438-00109833-00109968 something very very long time it's cHgkTpji3lA-00439-00109969-00110247 timelessness and then God in the cHgkTpji3lA-00440-00110248-00110439 beginning God created a beginning and he cHgkTpji3lA-00441-00110440-00110592 created matter he created space cHgkTpji3lA-00442-00110593-00110781 three-dimensional space as we understand cHgkTpji3lA-00443-00110782-00111033 it and then into this he began this cHgkTpji3lA-00444-00111033-00111342 process of of making a world one day at cHgkTpji3lA-00445-00111343-00111584 a time the first day there's heaven cHgkTpji3lA-00446-00111585-00111765 there's earth but that first earth cHgkTpji3lA-00447-00111766-00111906 didn't look a whole lot like what we cHgkTpji3lA-00448-00111907-00112158 know as earth and so the next several cHgkTpji3lA-00449-00112158-00112451 days our God filling it lighting it up cHgkTpji3lA-00450-00112452-00112728 and ordering and structuring it so it cHgkTpji3lA-00451-00112729-00112938 would become more like the world that we cHgkTpji3lA-00452-00112939-00113183 know today see we made it out of Genesis cHgkTpji3lA-00453-00113184-00113253 1:1 cHgkTpji3lA-00454-00113254-00113718 I know I'm so impressed yeah so cHgkTpji3lA-00455-00113719-00114432 pantheism yay or nay well let's get cHgkTpji3lA-00456-00114433-00114654 really bold and go into chapter 3 of cHgkTpji3lA-00457-00114655-00115520 Genesis it's not even 20 38 yet yeah cHgkTpji3lA-00458-00115521-00115928 when the Satan appears well I'm actually cHgkTpji3lA-00459-00115929-00116145 saying this for a second cHgkTpji3lA-00460-00116146-00116289 this is something I've written about a cHgkTpji3lA-00461-00116290-00116424 couple times but I haven't talked much cHgkTpji3lA-00462-00116425-00116649 about it to you or her Ardi to anybody cHgkTpji3lA-00463-00116650-00116853 that's how am i writing you know there cHgkTpji3lA-00464-00116854-00117129 was a time when the the heavenly host cHgkTpji3lA-00465-00117130-00117375 quieted down out of its Alleluias and cHgkTpji3lA-00466-00117376-00117582 looked at the world that spun beneath cHgkTpji3lA-00467-00117583-00117954 their feet so full of fish and fowl and cHgkTpji3lA-00468-00117955-00118320 light and glory and grass and mountains cHgkTpji3lA-00469-00118321-00118632 and look at one another and one of them cHgkTpji3lA-00470-00118633-00118878 said to another hey cHgkTpji3lA-00471-00118879-00119244 Averill how old is this universe anyway cHgkTpji3lA-00472-00119245-00119664 and how do you know because the angels cHgkTpji3lA-00473-00119665-00119861 have come online singing the praises of cHgkTpji3lA-00474-00119863-00120134 God and oddly enough as creatures they cHgkTpji3lA-00475-00120135-00120335 didn't know what happened before God cHgkTpji3lA-00476-00120336-00120603 told them and it seemed absolutely cHgkTpji3lA-00477-00120604-00120768 reasonable to believe God because they cHgkTpji3lA-00478-00120769-00120921 know they didn't make themselves and cHgkTpji3lA-00479-00120922-00121248 they see God making the universe and in cHgkTpji3lA-00480-00121249-00121449 God and some measure revealed himself in cHgkTpji3lA-00481-00121450-00121692 their very being but one of these angels cHgkTpji3lA-00482-00121693-00122022 had to ask what's really going on here cHgkTpji3lA-00483-00122023-00122316 because if if if the universe is only so cHgkTpji3lA-00484-00122317-00122517 many days old then God's on the Greek cHgkTpji3lA-00485-00122518-00122758 truth God made it he's omniscient cHgkTpji3lA-00486-00122759-00123099 omnipotent transcendent cHgkTpji3lA-00487-00123100-00123399 sovereign but what if the universe has cHgkTpji3lA-00488-00123400-00123603 kind of always been here and he's just cHgkTpji3lA-00489-00123604-00123873 one more being like us and what if one cHgkTpji3lA-00490-00123874-00124173 day he awoke just a little ahead of us cHgkTpji3lA-00491-00124174-00124530 and saw us and saw this and said ha I've cHgkTpji3lA-00492-00124531-00124797 got his plan the cosmic race to the god cHgkTpji3lA-00493-00124798-00125082 chair exactly the cosmic race to the god cHgkTpji3lA-00494-00125083-00125394 chair if he always got there first and cHgkTpji3lA-00495-00125395-00125664 he's pulling the cosmic cons above cHgkTpji3lA-00496-00125665-00125928 eternity convincing all of us that he's cHgkTpji3lA-00497-00125929-00126249 God well then that's not nice and that's cHgkTpji3lA-00498-00126250-00126536 not fair we're we're all more or less cHgkTpji3lA-00499-00126538-00126873 equal here anyway somehow in some way cHgkTpji3lA-00500-00126874-00127092 Satan had to come to conclusions much cHgkTpji3lA-00501-00127093-00127242 like this he knew he didn't make himself cHgkTpji3lA-00502-00127243-00127518 he didn't want to believe that God made cHgkTpji3lA-00503-00127519-00127656 him because that means God is sovereign cHgkTpji3lA-00504-00127657-00127872 and he's gonna start and be stuck cHgkTpji3lA-00505-00127873-00128145 serving God cracker he probably would cHgkTpji3lA-00506-00128146-00128322 not be able to convince the other angels cHgkTpji3lA-00507-00128323-00128652 that he in fact was the creator and so cHgkTpji3lA-00508-00128653-00128775 what's that leave it means there is no cHgkTpji3lA-00509-00128776-00129150 creator and so if Yahweh is some sort of cHgkTpji3lA-00510-00129151-00129348 God and Satan is some sort of God which cHgkTpji3lA-00511-00129349-00129536 other angels are all some sorts of God cHgkTpji3lA-00512-00129538-00129831 then deity is something inherent in the cHgkTpji3lA-00513-00129832-00130224 very universe the universe evolves into cHgkTpji3lA-00514-00130225-00130455 various forms and powers of which Satan cHgkTpji3lA-00515-00130456-00130683 is one always another the other angels cHgkTpji3lA-00516-00130683-00130863 and these two beings down on this earth cHgkTpji3lA-00517-00130864-00131157 thing this Adam and Eve they're gods - cHgkTpji3lA-00518-00131158-00131439 why don't we why don't I go tell them it cHgkTpji3lA-00519-00131440-00131625 can always use more help in the cHgkTpji3lA-00520-00131626-00131949 resistance and so in Chapter three of cHgkTpji3lA-00521-00131950-00132135 Genesis we see Satan appearing in the cHgkTpji3lA-00522-00132136-00132236 garden the form of us cHgkTpji3lA-00523-00132237-00132701 and ask questions about God's integrity cHgkTpji3lA-00524-00132702-00132899 and good intentions and all but cHgkTpji3lA-00525-00132900-00133049 eventually when he Eve says well we've cHgkTpji3lA-00526-00133050-00133177 been told if we eat at this one tree cHgkTpji3lA-00527-00133178-00133382 we're gonna die will surely die cHgkTpji3lA-00528-00133383-00133601 thang says no you will not surely die cHgkTpji3lA-00529-00133602-00133997 for God that's no day you eat her she'll cHgkTpji3lA-00530-00133998-00134162 be as God's knowing your eyes will be cHgkTpji3lA-00531-00134163-00134264 open you'll be as God's knowing good and cHgkTpji3lA-00532-00134265-00134428 evil well what's he saying he's saying cHgkTpji3lA-00533-00134429-00134744 God's made a threat he cannot carry it cHgkTpji3lA-00534-00134745-00134989 out he might try and make me really cHgkTpji3lA-00535-00134990-00135173 scared you might be really powerful but cHgkTpji3lA-00536-00135174-00135370 this is a threat me honey if this is so cHgkTpji3lA-00537-00135371-00135611 then this implies that God is not the cHgkTpji3lA-00538-00135612-00135758 sovereign creator of all things he has cHgkTpji3lA-00539-00135759-00135904 not defined a meaning of the tree by cHgkTpji3lA-00540-00135905-00136121 creating it it's a thing he's a cHgkTpji3lA-00541-00136122-00136337 different kind of thing he sees it he cHgkTpji3lA-00542-00136338-00136460 covets since he wants to keep it away cHgkTpji3lA-00543-00136461-00136789 from you but he is just a very powerful cHgkTpji3lA-00544-00136790-00137063 force and you too can be very powerful cHgkTpji3lA-00545-00137064-00137438 forces you can be like God but notice cHgkTpji3lA-00546-00137439-00137689 again that that leaves no creator so cHgkTpji3lA-00547-00137690-00137839 where did the world come from from cHgkTpji3lA-00548-00137840-00138206 itself it is self-existent self defining cHgkTpji3lA-00549-00138207-00138470 it exists without any kind of cHgkTpji3lA-00550-00138471-00138671 superintending it does not need a god it cHgkTpji3lA-00551-00138672-00139007 is God it is divine cynthia's of some cHgkTpji3lA-00552-00139008-00139054 sort cHgkTpji3lA-00553-00139055-00139346 forever spewing out new forms and cHgkTpji3lA-00554-00139347-00139520 forever resolving themselves back into cHgkTpji3lA-00555-00139521-00139678 it so pantheism yeah cHgkTpji3lA-00556-00139679-00139838 the days of Satan appeared he said first cHgkTpji3lA-00557-00139839-00139985 of all there's no creator Satan's an cHgkTpji3lA-00558-00139986-00140258 atheist he says the universe is the cHgkTpji3lA-00559-00140259-00140486 source of all deity he's pantheist he cHgkTpji3lA-00560-00140487-00140768 says I'm God Jones God your gods cHgkTpji3lA-00561-00140769-00141020 he's polytheist and he says but you cHgkTpji3lA-00562-00141021-00141200 human beings can be as God make your own cHgkTpji3lA-00563-00141201-00141238 rules cHgkTpji3lA-00564-00141239-00141553 he's humanist and this leads inevitably cHgkTpji3lA-00565-00141554-00141928 to and he's a magician because if these cHgkTpji3lA-00566-00141929-00142066 things are true then the thing that cHgkTpji3lA-00567-00142067-00142262 turns cranks the wheels of the universe cHgkTpji3lA-00568-00142263-00142441 is going to be magic all of these cHgkTpji3lA-00569-00142442-00142649 religions have their names that we've cHgkTpji3lA-00570-00142650-00142994 invented to try to create many cHgkTpji3lA-00571-00142995-00143234 variations as if there are all kinds of cHgkTpji3lA-00572-00143235-00143462 different possibilities you could be an cHgkTpji3lA-00573-00143463-00143734 atheist you can be agnostic humanistic cHgkTpji3lA-00574-00143735-00144028 magic you could be pantheist or cHgkTpji3lA-00575-00144029-00144316 polytheists but what we're seeing here cHgkTpji3lA-00576-00144317-00144548 is you can either believe in the God of cHgkTpji3lA-00577-00144549-00144956 the Bible or you cannot and not doesn't cHgkTpji3lA-00578-00144957-00145163 free you from the reality of that God's cHgkTpji3lA-00579-00145164-00145550 existence it simply opens you up to cHgkTpji3lA-00580-00145551-00145778 in variations on a common theme you are cHgkTpji3lA-00581-00145779-00146042 rejected God you are an atheist you cHgkTpji3lA-00582-00146043-00146234 believe in your own divinity in the cHgkTpji3lA-00583-00146235-00146414 divinity of Raghavan true you are a cat cHgkTpji3lA-00584-00146415-00146642 theist you believe in many kinds of cHgkTpji3lA-00585-00146643-00146954 powers and forces that are inherently cHgkTpji3lA-00586-00146955-00147278 divine you are a polytheist and you will cHgkTpji3lA-00587-00147279-00147482 find yourself sooner or later resorting cHgkTpji3lA-00588-00147483-00147848 to some sort of magic and your humanist cHgkTpji3lA-00589-00147849-00148034 in other words you'll worship yourself cHgkTpji3lA-00590-00148035-00148286 you want to play God this is the nature cHgkTpji3lA-00591-00148287-00148510 of sin this is the nature of every other cHgkTpji3lA-00592-00148511-00148757 worldview that isn't Christianity and in cHgkTpji3lA-00593-00148758-00149021 passing something about Paulo Jetix dear cHgkTpji3lA-00594-00149022-00149261 friends in the faith who in their desire cHgkTpji3lA-00595-00149262-00149519 to defend the faith will say well let's cHgkTpji3lA-00596-00149520-00149731 just look at all the possible worldviews cHgkTpji3lA-00597-00149732-00149855 okay cHgkTpji3lA-00598-00149856-00150035 well that's interesting as far as it cHgkTpji3lA-00599-00150036-00150317 goes but the idea seems to be if we shut cHgkTpji3lA-00600-00150318-00150458 out all these worldviews and we can look cHgkTpji3lA-00601-00150459-00150674 at them one by one and we can pick the cHgkTpji3lA-00602-00150675-00150971 one that makes the most sense to us how cHgkTpji3lA-00603-00150972-00151358 high do we have to count to do that yeah cHgkTpji3lA-00604-00151359-00151604 because the first person to make that cHgkTpji3lA-00605-00151605-00151892 suggestion what Satan all Satan does it cHgkTpji3lA-00606-00151893-00152090 say it doesn't claim to be God he cHgkTpji3lA-00607-00152091-00152372 doesn't claim any particular insight cHgkTpji3lA-00608-00152373-00152540 beyond he just comes to be right cHgkTpji3lA-00609-00152541-00152816 Jehovah says this I say this here are cHgkTpji3lA-00610-00152817-00153053 two different worldviews that's all they cHgkTpji3lA-00611-00153054-00153352 really are which one benefits you yeah cHgkTpji3lA-00612-00153353-00153605 pick the one that benefits you the most cHgkTpji3lA-00613-00153606-00153734 that you're the most comfortable with cHgkTpji3lA-00614-00153735-00153941 that makes the most sense to you in your cHgkTpji3lA-00615-00153942-00154358 autonomy and and this is why you can cHgkTpji3lA-00616-00154359-00154571 talk about worldview evangelism or OD cHgkTpji3lA-00617-00154572-00154880 apologetics and we're still at some kind cHgkTpji3lA-00618-00154881-00155201 of just basic compromise rationalism cHgkTpji3lA-00619-00155202-00155612 where all we are saying is well we'll cHgkTpji3lA-00620-00155613-00155855 look at the presuppositions but we're cHgkTpji3lA-00621-00155856-00155993 still going to leave it up to you and cHgkTpji3lA-00622-00155994-00156284 your and your fallen humanity and your cHgkTpji3lA-00623-00156285-00156593 fallen reason to pick the thing to pick cHgkTpji3lA-00624-00156594-00156758 the position that you're comfortable cHgkTpji3lA-00625-00156759-00157022 with in your sins and we think that cHgkTpji3lA-00626-00157023-00157268 that's gonna work because we cannot cHgkTpji3lA-00627-00157269-00157397 imagine that there could be any other cHgkTpji3lA-00628-00157398-00157712 choice well and that's the the problem cHgkTpji3lA-00629-00157713-00157937 between these these two ways of cHgkTpji3lA-00630-00157938-00158090 apologetics because the one is basically cHgkTpji3lA-00631-00158091-00158497 saying that the faith is a matter of cHgkTpji3lA-00632-00158498-00158858 logical assent to propositional truth cHgkTpji3lA-00633-00158859-00159149 and the scripture describes the Gospel cHgkTpji3lA-00634-00159150-00159451 as command you are commanded to believe cHgkTpji3lA-00635-00159452-00159848 on Christ it's not a it's it's not a cHgkTpji3lA-00636-00159849-00160088 debate it's not an oh yeah it's not an cHgkTpji3lA-00637-00160089-00160313 alternate product that a Salesman is cHgkTpji3lA-00638-00160314-00160535 trying to sell you on it oh you could go cHgkTpji3lA-00639-00160536-00160706 with atheism but Christianity is a cHgkTpji3lA-00640-00160707-00160864 pretty good option two slightly cheaper cHgkTpji3lA-00641-00160865-00161111 but you know it's it's it's not like cHgkTpji3lA-00642-00161112-00161339 that it's the there's the one option and cHgkTpji3lA-00643-00161340-00161962 there's the the Chinese knock-offs cHgkTpji3lA-00644-00161963-00162409 somebody had to do it oh dear but you cHgkTpji3lA-00645-00162410-00163027 yeah you you you it's will we bend the cHgkTpji3lA-00646-00163028-00163373 knee to our crater knowing that he is in cHgkTpji3lA-00647-00163374-00163559 fact our Creator not having to be cHgkTpji3lA-00648-00163560-00163850 convinced we already start there we know cHgkTpji3lA-00649-00163851-00164063 who he is we may want to pretend we cHgkTpji3lA-00650-00164064-00164423 don't you know the the new atheist who cHgkTpji3lA-00651-00164424-00164813 who rage and rails so much upon our God cHgkTpji3lA-00652-00164814-00165020 isn't it funny that it's our God they cHgkTpji3lA-00653-00165021-00165245 rail upon it's further the funny that cHgkTpji3lA-00654-00165246-00165406 they hate him so much cHgkTpji3lA-00655-00165407-00165713 even though finally so personally even cHgkTpji3lA-00656-00165714-00165857 though by their reckoning he does not cHgkTpji3lA-00657-00165858-00166085 exist and could not exist and they're cHgkTpji3lA-00658-00166086-00166274 very angry with him for existing and for cHgkTpji3lA-00659-00166275-00166460 not existing at the same time but they cHgkTpji3lA-00660-00166461-00166670 don't get excited about oh you're wrong cHgkTpji3lA-00661-00166671-00167101 or a great spirit of Native American cHgkTpji3lA-00662-00167102-00167345 theology it's just this one particular cHgkTpji3lA-00663-00167346-00167549 God who reveals himself with Christ in cHgkTpji3lA-00664-00167550-00167899 the scripture that they are angry cHgkTpji3lA-00665-00167900-00168226 horribly angry with and and even if they cHgkTpji3lA-00666-00168227-00168552 they happen to get angry at you know cHgkTpji3lA-00667-00168553-00168962 Islam or or even Mormonism or things cHgkTpji3lA-00668-00168963-00169276 like that that it's it's very rarely a cHgkTpji3lA-00669-00169277-00169588 complaint against the deity at the cHgkTpji3lA-00670-00169589-00169777 center of that religion it is always cHgkTpji3lA-00671-00169778-00170108 about the the institution you know the cHgkTpji3lA-00672-00170109-00170387 Mormons are weird they're both the the cHgkTpji3lA-00673-00170388-00170684 few people that speak out against Islam cHgkTpji3lA-00674-00170685-00171016 talk about you know how Muhammad was cHgkTpji3lA-00675-00171017-00171229 this horrible man and they never ever cHgkTpji3lA-00676-00171230-00171512 talked about Allah no no because that's cHgkTpji3lA-00677-00171513-00171773 not where they're invested but since man cHgkTpji3lA-00678-00171774-00171950 felt what we look at Adam eight we're cHgkTpji3lA-00679-00171951-00172195 back in Chapter three cHgkTpji3lA-00680-00172196-00172387 Eve eats the forbidden fruit gives at cHgkTpji3lA-00681-00172388-00172618 your husband they both eat and they both cHgkTpji3lA-00682-00172619-00172863 realize that something is horribly wrong cHgkTpji3lA-00683-00172864-00173371 and so they try to cover up they make cHgkTpji3lA-00684-00173372-00173551 big leagues for themselves to hide cHgkTpji3lA-00685-00173552-00173782 amongst the trees when God comes they cHgkTpji3lA-00686-00173783-00174018 start labour shipping but at each point cHgkTpji3lA-00687-00174019-00174382 they despite what Satan says God can't cHgkTpji3lA-00688-00174383-00174535 carry out his threats their print they cHgkTpji3lA-00689-00174536-00174676 act like people who are pretty sure God cHgkTpji3lA-00690-00174677-00174871 and carry out its threats and at the cHgkTpji3lA-00691-00174872-00175089 same time they're acting like they can cHgkTpji3lA-00692-00175090-00175318 get around God God is really powerful cHgkTpji3lA-00693-00175319-00175495 but we can lie to him and he'll believe cHgkTpji3lA-00694-00175496-00175846 us God's God can carry out his threats cHgkTpji3lA-00695-00175847-00176245 but if we do a great con job and throw cHgkTpji3lA-00696-00176246-00176434 each other under the bus maybe we won't cHgkTpji3lA-00697-00176435-00176676 be caught in all of this it's it's this cHgkTpji3lA-00698-00176677-00177001 basic contradiction because man is the cHgkTpji3lA-00699-00177002-00177252 image of God he can't get away from that cHgkTpji3lA-00700-00177253-00177508 nor but nor can he accept it and he's cHgkTpji3lA-00701-00177509-00177694 constantly caught in this internal cHgkTpji3lA-00702-00177695-00178048 warfare of knowing the God who is and cHgkTpji3lA-00703-00178049-00178260 yet not wanting to know the God who is cHgkTpji3lA-00704-00178261-00178582 believing in him and hating him hating cHgkTpji3lA-00705-00178583-00178720 him so much that he insist he can't be cHgkTpji3lA-00706-00178721-00178936 there and and given this there's no cHgkTpji3lA-00707-00178937-00179113 point in trying to convince people that cHgkTpji3lA-00708-00179114-00179482 God exists they know what all we can do cHgkTpji3lA-00709-00179483-00179668 is point out that all of their excuses cHgkTpji3lA-00710-00179669-00179886 are a bunch of nonsense and all of their cHgkTpji3lA-00711-00179887-00180298 reasonings is foolishness and that it cHgkTpji3lA-00712-00180299-00180619 all leads nowhere that we're left with cHgkTpji3lA-00713-00180620-00180816 dust in the wind and then they have to cHgkTpji3lA-00714-00180817-00180927 decide what they're going to do with cHgkTpji3lA-00715-00180928-00181203 that they they're trying to be as gods cHgkTpji3lA-00716-00181204-00181456 and we can show them step-by-step that cHgkTpji3lA-00717-00181457-00181614 they've got nothing left they have no cHgkTpji3lA-00718-00181615-00181928 absolutes they have no basis for cHgkTpji3lA-00719-00181929-00182328 community communications love beauty for cHgkTpji3lA-00720-00182329-00182701 morality for law for justice for human cHgkTpji3lA-00721-00182702-00182991 rights pick whatever their particular cHgkTpji3lA-00722-00182992-00183325 picadillo is we are all about women's cHgkTpji3lA-00723-00183326-00183576 rights ok why we don't think you should cHgkTpji3lA-00724-00183577-00183697 have use children but neither do we but cHgkTpji3lA-00725-00183698-00183925 why we believe you should always tell cHgkTpji3lA-00726-00183926-00183958 the truth cHgkTpji3lA-00727-00183959-00184348 oh really why the words why how do you cHgkTpji3lA-00728-00184349-00184554 know this define your terms and what in cHgkTpji3lA-00729-00184555-00184744 the world do you mean by that our very cHgkTpji3lA-00730-00184745-00184894 powerful weapon says we just keep we cHgkTpji3lA-00731-00184895-00185040 don't have to stand at this point we can cHgkTpji3lA-00732-00185041-00185218 just keep pushing back because they cHgkTpji3lA-00733-00185219-00185403 claim to have all the truth and they cHgkTpji3lA-00734-00185404-00185564 will walk themselves into a dark cHgkTpji3lA-00735-00185565-00185770 corner where God's light doesn't shine cHgkTpji3lA-00736-00185771-00186104 except it does and don't know that and cHgkTpji3lA-00737-00186105-00186551 though no nobody ever accepts a world of cHgkTpji3lA-00738-00186552-00186788 no absolutes of no truth they may say cHgkTpji3lA-00739-00186789-00186992 they do but even in the midst of that cHgkTpji3lA-00740-00186993-00187235 there is still the image of God that cHgkTpji3lA-00741-00187236-00187508 will not completely acknowledge it and cHgkTpji3lA-00742-00187509-00187721 somewhere in here is where we say now cHgkTpji3lA-00743-00187722-00187874 let me tell you what Jesus did to save cHgkTpji3lA-00744-00187875-00188090 you and if God wills and if the Holy cHgkTpji3lA-00745-00188091-00188252 Spirit uses the message to open their cHgkTpji3lA-00746-00188253-00188426 heart transformation and your birth kit cHgkTpji3lA-00747-00188427-00188726 will happen but trying to convince them cHgkTpji3lA-00748-00188727-00188912 by some kind of logical argument that cHgkTpji3lA-00749-00188913-00189086 God loves them and has a wonderful plan cHgkTpji3lA-00750-00189087-00189323 for their life it's so beside the point cHgkTpji3lA-00751-00189324-00189772 I'm doing a series of articles now on cHgkTpji3lA-00752-00189773-00190112 forget what I call it but unassailable cHgkTpji3lA-00753-00190113-00190280 evidence I'm writing about all the times cHgkTpji3lA-00754-00190281-00190562 when people stood before God like Satan cHgkTpji3lA-00755-00190563-00190808 like the Adam and Eve Kings the one I'm cHgkTpji3lA-00756-00190809-00190994 working on tonight where they actually cHgkTpji3lA-00757-00190995-00191219 talked with God or God's immediate cHgkTpji3lA-00758-00191220-00191393 representative thinking here a pharaoh cHgkTpji3lA-00759-00191394-00191570 and the whole the miracles that brought cHgkTpji3lA-00760-00191571-00191756 off the Exodus or the children of Israel cHgkTpji3lA-00761-00191757-00191978 the foot of Mount Sinai they talked to cHgkTpji3lA-00762-00191979-00192209 God and they still don't believe in him cHgkTpji3lA-00763-00192210-00192482 and of course the most wonderful example cHgkTpji3lA-00764-00192483-00192719 well one of them the oh that just once cHgkTpji3lA-00765-00192720-00192959 one step short of the most wonderful cHgkTpji3lA-00766-00192960-00193328 example is the the rich man in the cHgkTpji3lA-00767-00193329-00193571 parable of Lazarus and parable the cHgkTpji3lA-00768-00193572-00193799 story's a history of last reduce if cHgkTpji3lA-00769-00193800-00193985 there was a man named Lazarus okay so cHgkTpji3lA-00770-00193986-00194156 there was a man named Lazarus this is cHgkTpji3lA-00771-00194157-00194348 not even been a story this is history cHgkTpji3lA-00772-00194349-00194585 that Jesus knew about being God know and cHgkTpji3lA-00773-00194586-00194861 as you the more you reason the account cHgkTpji3lA-00774-00194862-00195053 the more amazing it is here's the rich cHgkTpji3lA-00775-00195054-00195362 man in hell he never admits where he is cHgkTpji3lA-00776-00195363-00195659 he acknowledges it's not pleasant it's a cHgkTpji3lA-00777-00195660-00195929 place of torment she believes and cHgkTpji3lA-00778-00195930-00196136 confesses that there's a way out he cHgkTpji3lA-00779-00196137-00196382 never admits he never mentions God he cHgkTpji3lA-00780-00196383-00196622 does not pray to God he does not confess cHgkTpji3lA-00781-00196623-00196835 his sins nor repent of them in any cHgkTpji3lA-00782-00196836-00197117 fashion he prays to a saint there cHgkTpji3lA-00783-00197118-00197378 Abraham and he does his best to get cHgkTpji3lA-00784-00197379-00197678 Lazarus out of heaven to continue the cHgkTpji3lA-00785-00197679-00197810 kind of relationship they had before cHgkTpji3lA-00786-00197811-00198149 where Lazarus is just his Lackey doing cHgkTpji3lA-00787-00198150-00198317 whatever errand he needs and if he can cHgkTpji3lA-00788-00198318-00198481 just get the powers to be to acknowledge cHgkTpji3lA-00789-00198482-00198734 that he was there because he didn't have cHgkTpji3lA-00790-00198735-00198800 enough cHgkTpji3lA-00791-00198801-00199055 The Dude's so send Lazarus back to my cHgkTpji3lA-00792-00199056-00199313 brothers and and and tell them about cHgkTpji3lA-00793-00199314-00199592 this horrible place Abraham says then cHgkTpji3lA-00794-00199593-00199778 they don't that's not necessary they cHgkTpji3lA-00795-00199779-00200000 have Moses and the prophets let them cHgkTpji3lA-00796-00200001-00200276 hear them no father Abraham but if one cHgkTpji3lA-00797-00200277-00200549 rose from the dead they will believe in cHgkTpji3lA-00798-00200550-00200726 other words if I have had that kind of cHgkTpji3lA-00799-00200727-00200977 evidence then surely I would believe cHgkTpji3lA-00800-00200978-00201290 being a reasonable man and Abraham says cHgkTpji3lA-00801-00201291-00201455 thinking about Moses and the prophets cHgkTpji3lA-00802-00201456-00201737 they will not believe no one rose from cHgkTpji3lA-00803-00201738-00201950 the dead and a short time later Jesus cHgkTpji3lA-00804-00201951-00202115 raises another man named Lazarus from cHgkTpji3lA-00805-00202116-00202334 the dead and the religious leader said cHgkTpji3lA-00806-00202335-00202556 about trying to kill Lazarus because cHgkTpji3lA-00807-00202557-00202754 they see that this is just way too much cHgkTpji3lA-00808-00202755-00203012 evidence in Jesus favor so he's got to cHgkTpji3lA-00809-00203013-00203063 go cHgkTpji3lA-00810-00203064-00203369 clearly it'll stick this time yeah he cHgkTpji3lA-00811-00203370-00203521 didn't kill you hard enough this time cHgkTpji3lA-00812-00203522-00203753 how many times have to kill you boy and cHgkTpji3lA-00813-00203754-00203969 then of course at the end of the Gospels cHgkTpji3lA-00814-00203970-00204182 when the Roman soldiers come to the cHgkTpji3lA-00815-00204183-00204635 Sadducees and say tombs tombs open angel cHgkTpji3lA-00816-00204636-00204977 blasted away the thing he's gone and cHgkTpji3lA-00817-00204978-00205162 said she sees you not saying wow this is cHgkTpji3lA-00818-00205163-00205382 in converter incontrovertible proof we cHgkTpji3lA-00819-00205383-00205559 finally have the evidence we need we've cHgkTpji3lA-00820-00205560-00205733 been so wrong we need to go find this cHgkTpji3lA-00821-00205734-00205921 man and bow before him to say here's cHgkTpji3lA-00822-00205923-00206231 money tell no what we'll cover it up if cHgkTpji3lA-00823-00206232-00206606 hell is not sufficient evidence the cHgkTpji3lA-00824-00206607-00206812 people in Hell still don't believe in cHgkTpji3lA-00825-00206813-00207101 God if the Sadducees who knew the cHgkTpji3lA-00826-00207102-00207355 Scriptures and who had first-hand cHgkTpji3lA-00827-00207356-00207533 witnesses bearing witness to the cHgkTpji3lA-00828-00207534-00207646 resurrection they did not leave there's cHgkTpji3lA-00829-00207648-00207881 nothing we can do in the form of cHgkTpji3lA-00830-00207882-00208141 argument to convince people to believe cHgkTpji3lA-00831-00208142-00208291 in the God they already know and hate cHgkTpji3lA-00832-00208292-00208652 and so we should say please supposed up cHgkTpji3lA-00833-00208653-00208853 we begin with God we begin with God's cHgkTpji3lA-00834-00208854-00209060 revelation of himself we begin exactly cHgkTpji3lA-00835-00209061-00209311 where Genesis does and we're not ashamed cHgkTpji3lA-00836-00209312-00209534 but we do this by faith we do this in cHgkTpji3lA-00837-00209535-00209705 grace not because we're so smart and cHgkTpji3lA-00838-00209706-00209990 clever but because God in His Providence cHgkTpji3lA-00839-00209991-00210305 and it's a pre-test saving grace chose cHgkTpji3lA-00840-00210306-00210566 to save us and our response can simply cHgkTpji3lA-00841-00210567-00210892 be thank you Lord because we are not cHgkTpji3lA-00842-00210894-00211184 worthy yes so the school of apologetics cHgkTpji3lA-00843-00211185-00211361 the presuppositional apologetics cHgkTpji3lA-00844-00211362-00211634 is famously what do you call developed cHgkTpji3lA-00845-00211635-00212006 expounded chiefly by anyway vente Liz cHgkTpji3lA-00846-00212007-00212190 the guy for presuppositional apologetics cHgkTpji3lA-00847-00212191-00212510 Jetix dr. Cornelius until very late cHgkTpji3lA-00848-00212511-00212909 professor of apologetics at Westminster cHgkTpji3lA-00849-00212910-00213179 Theological Seminary in Philadelphia I cHgkTpji3lA-00850-00213180-00213444 don't remember when he died I did live cHgkTpji3lA-00851-00213444-00213801 long enough to meet him very briefly at cHgkTpji3lA-00852-00213802-00214034 a conference some place in California cHgkTpji3lA-00853-00214035-00214232 near umbrella Southern California he was cHgkTpji3lA-00854-00214233-00214476 already an old man and his mind was not cHgkTpji3lA-00855-00214477-00214598 very clear anymore cHgkTpji3lA-00856-00214600-00214902 but I got him to sign a book and I got cHgkTpji3lA-00857-00214903-00215289 to shake his hand wonderful gentleman cHgkTpji3lA-00858-00215290-00215544 unique he got up to preach and as the cHgkTpji3lA-00859-00215544-00215673 state his mind was not very clear at cHgkTpji3lA-00860-00215673-00215838 that point but it was so full of cHgkTpji3lA-00861-00215839-00216152 Scripture as he just started talking and cHgkTpji3lA-00862-00216153-00216489 every passage led to another passage of cHgkTpji3lA-00863-00216490-00216675 verse after verse passage after passage cHgkTpji3lA-00864-00216676-00217019 bringing all through scripture that was cHgkTpji3lA-00865-00217021-00217280 how he thought he wasn't talking cHgkTpji3lA-00866-00217281-00217478 philosophy he wasn't talking plate over cHgkTpji3lA-00867-00217479-00217982 cars she was talking although he could cHgkTpji3lA-00868-00217983-00218252 talk Plato in car oh absolutely good cHgkTpji3lA-00869-00218253-00218451 books you might think that that's all cHgkTpji3lA-00870-00218452-00218787 the kids are sometimes quite difficult cHgkTpji3lA-00871-00218788-00218957 if you don't know the source isn't cHgkTpji3lA-00872-00218958-00219080 sometimes even if you do know the cHgkTpji3lA-00873-00219081-00219326 sources because he usually he usually cHgkTpji3lA-00874-00219327-00219516 makes that leap up well if they say this cHgkTpji3lA-00875-00219517-00219704 they intend this or they assume this or cHgkTpji3lA-00876-00219705-00219827 they applying this so let's just begin cHgkTpji3lA-00877-00219828-00220119 with that and we're left saying wait cHgkTpji3lA-00878-00220119-00220196 what cHgkTpji3lA-00879-00220198-00220433 how did you get there you're like three cHgkTpji3lA-00880-00220434-00220590 steps ahead of us already could you slow cHgkTpji3lA-00881-00220591-00220791 down you didn't always so some people cHgkTpji3lA-00882-00220792-00220955 have come along and tried to bridge the cHgkTpji3lA-00883-00220956-00221139 gap for us and maybe we'll be doing a cHgkTpji3lA-00884-00221140-00221330 little of that as we close yeah my cHgkTpji3lA-00885-00221331-00221646 pastor in Hillsdale when he found out I cHgkTpji3lA-00886-00221646-00221814 was interested in Van Til he said if cHgkTpji3lA-00887-00221815-00221978 you're going to read ven till you need cHgkTpji3lA-00888-00221979-00222260 either an undergraduate degree in cHgkTpji3lA-00889-00222261-00222844 philosophy or you need Greg bahnson's cHgkTpji3lA-00890-00222846-00223121 compilation of his work and Bahnson does cHgkTpji3lA-00891-00223123-00223515 a fantastic job of making Ventus cHgkTpji3lA-00892-00223516-00223866 arguments a little more linear easier to cHgkTpji3lA-00893-00223867-00224078 enter like when you're reading Van Til cHgkTpji3lA-00894-00224079-00224285 himself which I have done you just kind cHgkTpji3lA-00895-00224286-00224423 of have to jump in with both feet and cHgkTpji3lA-00896-00224425-00224735 stick with it until it makes sense if cHgkTpji3lA-00897-00224736-00224991 you have fun sin to sort of hold your cHgkTpji3lA-00898-00224992-00225179 hand along the way it makes it a bit cHgkTpji3lA-00899-00225180-00225467 easier but there isn't there a shorter cHgkTpji3lA-00900-00225469-00225537 book because that cHgkTpji3lA-00901-00225538-00225837 that book is numbers of hundreds of cHgkTpji3lA-00902-00225838-00226029 pages dr. Watson has a couple of books cHgkTpji3lA-00903-00226030-00226269 always ready I think is the name of one cHgkTpji3lA-00904-00226269-00226319 of them cHgkTpji3lA-00905-00226321-00226496 again this can be in the show notes cHgkTpji3lA-00906-00226498-00226698 because I would actually have to go into cHgkTpji3lA-00907-00226698-00226944 my library and pull the book but I think cHgkTpji3lA-00908-00226944-00227219 that's that's the one I have dr. Ben cHgkTpji3lA-00909-00227221-00227421 tell himself wrote a summary of a cHgkTpji3lA-00910-00227421-00227637 summary he he took the fence of the cHgkTpji3lA-00911-00227638-00227916 faith and summarized it down into a very cHgkTpji3lA-00912-00227917-00228354 small syllabus it's more of outline form cHgkTpji3lA-00913-00228355-00228630 and I know that within my denomination cHgkTpji3lA-00914-00228631-00228780 which is a Reformed Church the United cHgkTpji3lA-00915-00228781-00229107 States candidates for examination for cHgkTpji3lA-00916-00229108-00229257 the ministry will often be handedness cHgkTpji3lA-00917-00229258-00229503 and said this is all you need read this cHgkTpji3lA-00918-00229504-00229871 over five times get this you you'll get cHgkTpji3lA-00919-00229873-00230130 through an apologetics part of the cHgkTpji3lA-00920-00230131-00230385 examination I think that's true I'm not cHgkTpji3lA-00921-00230386-00230571 sure that simply reading through it is cHgkTpji3lA-00922-00230571-00230673 we're only going to give you a great cHgkTpji3lA-00923-00230673-00230904 deal of depth but it does exist it's cHgkTpji3lA-00924-00230905-00231066 just called apologetics is by bad fil cHgkTpji3lA-00925-00231067-00231342 and recommend that to anybody who's cHgkTpji3lA-00926-00231342-00231555 interested but there are some other cHgkTpji3lA-00927-00231556-00231798 books here and there but there's one by cHgkTpji3lA-00928-00231798-00232008 a man named Jim Halsey that I read when cHgkTpji3lA-00929-00232009-00232239 I was young but he's not the smoothest cHgkTpji3lA-00930-00232240-00232496 writer either better than club or linear cHgkTpji3lA-00931-00232498-00232737 you would say the mantle of course cHgkTpji3lA-00932-00232738-00232902 there's dr. Boggs and dr. Bunsen is cHgkTpji3lA-00933-00232903-00233298 often he's he thinks very ABCDE but he cHgkTpji3lA-00934-00233298-00233592 gives some place around X Y Z very cHgkTpji3lA-00935-00233592-00233856 detailed if you want if you want cHgkTpji3lA-00936-00233857-00234071 thorough this great ones is the one to cHgkTpji3lA-00937-00234073-00234303 follow here so yes we recommend all of cHgkTpji3lA-00938-00234304-00234552 these and I think we recommend that you cHgkTpji3lA-00939-00234553-00234888 you look at it on the look inside cHgkTpji3lA-00940-00234889-00235200 picture feature in Amazon and read a few cHgkTpji3lA-00941-00235201-00235401 pages before you buy it you know people cHgkTpji3lA-00942-00235402-00235611 have just bought the whole kit and cHgkTpji3lA-00943-00235612-00235842 kaboodle been realized I can't make cHgkTpji3lA-00944-00235842-00236052 sense of any of this I think every cHgkTpji3lA-00945-00236053-00236253 thought captive is another one that I've cHgkTpji3lA-00946-00236254-00236532 heard recommended yeah cHgkTpji3lA-00947-00236533-00236778 it's designed for younger people but I'm cHgkTpji3lA-00948-00236779-00236937 a teacher of younger people and I'm not cHgkTpji3lA-00949-00236938-00237102 thrilled with it if you for those who cHgkTpji3lA-00950-00237103-00237317 ready to think that they have you rented cHgkTpji3lA-00951-00237319-00237723 a leader I read it and I read it in cHgkTpji3lA-00952-00237723-00237998 school and it was it was okay I don't cHgkTpji3lA-00953-00238000-00238212 think it didn't like leave any profound cHgkTpji3lA-00954-00238213-00238413 effect on me but then again I think I cHgkTpji3lA-00955-00238414-00238596 was 15 when I read it so very few things cHgkTpji3lA-00956-00238596-00238763 did cHgkTpji3lA-00957-00238764-00239244 yeah so I I don't just recommend it I cHgkTpji3lA-00958-00239244-00239342 there's nothing wrong with it cHgkTpji3lA-00959-00239344-00239621 we're constantly looking for the book cHgkTpji3lA-00960-00239623-00239826 that we can hand the young people say cHgkTpji3lA-00961-00239827-00240035 read this and you'll get it all and I cHgkTpji3lA-00962-00240036-00240296 don't think it's been written yet or cHgkTpji3lA-00963-00240298-00240507 maybe it has and it's just not written cHgkTpji3lA-00964-00240508-00241085 by human hands yeah but as far as a cHgkTpji3lA-00965-00241086-00241323 simple guide for teenagers or new cHgkTpji3lA-00966-00241323-00241578 believers I am there's no one thing at cHgkTpji3lA-00967-00241579-00241704 this point that I would recommend cHgkTpji3lA-00968-00241705-00241823 besides it's gonna kind of things he cHgkTpji3lA-00969-00241825-00242103 talked about but reading the Bible would cHgkTpji3lA-00970-00242104-00242346 seem to be a really good thing if we get cHgkTpji3lA-00971-00242346-00242544 used to reading the Bible rather than cHgkTpji3lA-00972-00242544-00242832 reading books of evidences we've come a cHgkTpji3lA-00973-00242833-00243092 long way and while we do need to think cHgkTpji3lA-00974-00243094-00243300 in terms of worldviews at least at some cHgkTpji3lA-00975-00243301-00243594 point again what people need is not a cHgkTpji3lA-00976-00243594-00243762 philosophical argument they need the cHgkTpji3lA-00977-00243763-00244094 gospel there's a story I wish I cHgkTpji3lA-00978-00244096-00244380 remembered all the details a man a man cHgkTpji3lA-00979-00244381-00244635 comes to his pastor and says this really cHgkTpji3lA-00980-00244636-00244860 famous important professor is coming to cHgkTpji3lA-00981-00244861-00245040 town he's gonna come to our church and cHgkTpji3lA-00982-00245041-00245253 could you just catch him adjust make cHgkTpji3lA-00983-00245254-00245459 sure that you you speak to him where he cHgkTpji3lA-00984-00245460-00245732 is because you know he's smart and cHgkTpji3lA-00985-00245733-00246134 intellectual and has PhDs and stuff and cHgkTpji3lA-00986-00246135-00246309 the pastor smiles and says I'm exactly cHgkTpji3lA-00987-00246310-00246525 the man he needs to hear so when the man cHgkTpji3lA-00988-00246526-00246698 came all the preacher did was preach the cHgkTpji3lA-00989-00246700-00246852 gospel the same way he did every Sunday cHgkTpji3lA-00990-00246853-00247230 and our intellectual professor came to cHgkTpji3lA-00991-00247231-00247467 faith in Christ because it's not about cHgkTpji3lA-00992-00247467-00247617 arguing it's about the Spirit of God cHgkTpji3lA-00993-00247617-00247823 breaking through the hardness of the cHgkTpji3lA-00994-00247825-00247908 human heart cHgkTpji3lA-00995-00247909-00248100 turning the lights on and I've been cHgkTpji3lA-00996-00248101-00248298 amazed in reading scripture especially cHgkTpji3lA-00997-00248298-00248703 the the prophets how many times the cHgkTpji3lA-00998-00248704-00249009 author speaks for humans in their cHgkTpji3lA-00999-00249010-00249237 sinfulness and says the things that cHgkTpji3lA-01000-00249238-00249444 they'd say and then responds to it so cHgkTpji3lA-01001-00249444-00249627 like we don't have to make up responses cHgkTpji3lA-01002-00249628-00249825 we don't find the arguments they're cHgkTpji3lA-01003-00249826-00250002 there if we know them like God has cHgkTpji3lA-01004-00250003-00250314 already answered them yes God has made cHgkTpji3lA-01005-00250315-00250587 foolish the wisdom of this world so at cHgkTpji3lA-01006-00250588-00250784 the point that we made in our first cHgkTpji3lA-01007-00250785-00250932 podcast and some people were going to go cHgkTpji3lA-01008-00250933-00251253 on making is if we want to convince cHgkTpji3lA-01009-00251254-00251484 anybody of anything to this podcast it cHgkTpji3lA-01010-00251485-00251832 simply does read your vinyl cHgkTpji3lA-01011-00251833-00252108 read it not in the mystical devotional cHgkTpji3lA-01012-00252109-00252453 sense of I will read these three verses cHgkTpji3lA-01013-00252454-00252702 and I will get my orders for today and cHgkTpji3lA-01014-00252703-00252971 they will tell me exactly what to do and cHgkTpji3lA-01015-00252973-00253254 we all know the story random finger down cHgkTpji3lA-01016-00253255-00253460 Jesus went out on the hunt himself cHgkTpji3lA-01017-00253461-00253812 finger down again well Hayley's correct cHgkTpji3lA-01018-00253813-00254157 me how should I said it this is Jesus cHgkTpji3lA-01019-00254158-00254616 Judas so the story is we put down our cHgkTpji3lA-01020-00254617-00254910 our finger on the text to find the will cHgkTpji3lA-01021-00254911-00255296 of God for today and it's Jesus I did it cHgkTpji3lA-01022-00255298-00255836 again so Judas went out and hung himself cHgkTpji3lA-01023-00255837-00256092 and we say no that can't possibly be yet cHgkTpji3lA-01024-00256092-00256239 we opened random when you put our finger cHgkTpji3lA-01025-00256240-00256578 down another verse and verse says though cHgkTpji3lA-01026-00256579-00256827 that one do likewise and so we say no cHgkTpji3lA-01027-00256828-00256994 that's that's really beside the point we cHgkTpji3lA-01028-00256996-00257192 put our foot our foot our finger down cHgkTpji3lA-01029-00257194-00257379 yet another verse and it says what you cHgkTpji3lA-01030-00257380-00257744 do too quickly that's that's not read cHgkTpji3lA-01031-00257746-00257853 that's exactly what reading the Bible cHgkTpji3lA-01032-00257854-00258146 isn't reading the Bible means you read cHgkTpji3lA-01033-00258148-00258402 it as Francis Schaeffer used to say it cHgkTpji3lA-01034-00258403-00258630 like another piece of literature where cHgkTpji3lA-01035-00258631-00258746 you begin at the beginning cHgkTpji3lA-01036-00258748-00259061 you follow its arguments its themes cHgkTpji3lA-01037-00259062-00259311 first but for a step by step page by cHgkTpji3lA-01038-00259312-00259506 page until you reach the in and you let cHgkTpji3lA-01039-00259507-00259686 it speak for itself believing that what cHgkTpji3lA-01040-00259687-00259971 it says is what it needs and that's what cHgkTpji3lA-01041-00259971-00260202 we want people to do well if they listen cHgkTpji3lA-01042-00260203-00260364 to us and say I believe any of us that cHgkTpji3lA-01043-00260365-00260586 well great go pick up a Bible and read cHgkTpji3lA-01044-00260587-00260771 it yourself starting in the beginning cHgkTpji3lA-01045-00260773-00260958 and working for all the pieces and all cHgkTpji3lA-01046-00260959-00261180 the parts and all the themes and all the cHgkTpji3lA-01047-00261181-00261477 sub themes and all the subplots and with cHgkTpji3lA-01048-00261478-00261732 the Bible to find its own categories its cHgkTpji3lA-01049-00261733-00261915 own to give a definitions of its words cHgkTpji3lA-01050-00261916-00262098 and then find out what it's really cHgkTpji3lA-01051-00262098-00262410 saying and when you have done you will cHgkTpji3lA-01052-00262411-00262635 very least be a whole lot more cHgkTpji3lA-01053-00262636-00262764 accountable than you were when you cHgkTpji3lA-01054-00262765-00263007 started this project and yet it may be cHgkTpji3lA-01055-00263008-00263229 that God will use this very thing to cHgkTpji3lA-01056-00263230-00263382 open your heart to the gospel cHgkTpji3lA-01057-00263383-00263562 what struck Francis Schaeffer says he cHgkTpji3lA-01058-00263563-00263802 became a Christian he picked up the cHgkTpji3lA-01059-00263803-00263970 Bible not because he was interested in cHgkTpji3lA-01060-00263971-00264177 theology as such but because he was cHgkTpji3lA-01061-00264178-00264330 interested in philosophy during Plato cHgkTpji3lA-01062-00264331-00264633 and Aristotle at the time and he wanted cHgkTpji3lA-01063-00264634-00264897 to do intellectual justice too when cHgkTpji3lA-01064-00264898-00265026 everyone else believed which is to say cHgkTpji3lA-01065-00265027-00265160 Scripture so he picked it out cHgkTpji3lA-01066-00265161-00265361 and just started reading in an order and cHgkTpji3lA-01067-00265362-00265580 little by little he began to see that cHgkTpji3lA-01068-00265581-00265742 the questions that between philosophers cHgkTpji3lA-01069-00265743-00265967 raised were exactly the things at the cHgkTpji3lA-01070-00265968-00266120 bottle answer but this is the work of cHgkTpji3lA-01071-00266121-00266290 God this is not because he was so smart cHgkTpji3lA-01072-00266291-00266531 because he's had some kind of cHgkTpji3lA-01073-00266532-00266669 intellectual beliefs the rest of us cHgkTpji3lA-01074-00266670-00266834 don't have it simply because God uses cHgkTpji3lA-01075-00266835-00267056 his word to change human hearts and so cHgkTpji3lA-01076-00267057-00267325 this God who created out of nothing cHgkTpji3lA-01077-00267326-00267626 creates a new by his word and spirit the cHgkTpji3lA-01078-00267627-00267818 God who commanded the light to shine out cHgkTpji3lA-01079-00267819-00268019 of darkness has shined in our hearts to cHgkTpji3lA-01080-00268020-00268202 give us the knowledge of the glory of cHgkTpji3lA-01081-00268203-00268460 God in the face of Jesus Christ we cHgkTpji3lA-01082-00268461-00268640 believe in a God who creates out of cHgkTpji3lA-01083-00268641-00268844 nothing than we believe in a God who can cHgkTpji3lA-01084-00268845-00269206 take a black and dad the human heart and cHgkTpji3lA-01085-00269207-00269480 created a new as something beautiful and cHgkTpji3lA-01086-00269481-00269693 wonderful so this we keep telling people cHgkTpji3lA-01087-00269694-00269930 and if there is going to be a theme to cHgkTpji3lA-01088-00269931-00270104 all this let it be that cHgkTpji3lA-01089-00270105-00270377 and let the Word of God as we sow the cHgkTpji3lA-01090-00270378-00270575 seed that the Word of God will grow cHgkTpji3lA-01091-00270576-00270809 under the springs of the Spirit as he cHgkTpji3lA-01092-00270810-00271100 brings refreshing rains and storms and cHgkTpji3lA-01093-00271101-00271421 floods and carries it and us wherever he cHgkTpji3lA-01094-00271422-00271727 wants to on that that same vain talking cHgkTpji3lA-01095-00271728-00271922 about God is the one who brings the cHgkTpji3lA-01096-00271923-00272192 increase it's not it's not by much cHgkTpji3lA-01097-00272193-00272588 wisdom or much argument it is entirely cHgkTpji3lA-01098-00272589-00272684 by the Spirit of God cHgkTpji3lA-01099-00272685-00273077 hey sermon that is preached faithfully cHgkTpji3lA-01100-00273078-00273419 but somewhat objectively badly can be cHgkTpji3lA-01101-00273420-00273740 used by God more to his purpose of cHgkTpji3lA-01102-00273741-00274052 election than a sermon that is preached cHgkTpji3lA-01103-00274053-00274397 eloquently but without any faithfulness cHgkTpji3lA-01104-00274398-00274667 to it and God is pleased to use such a cHgkTpji3lA-01105-00274668-00274949 means you know once once we've cHgkTpji3lA-01106-00274950-00275195 established that it is God who is the cHgkTpji3lA-01107-00275196-00275447 hero gothic a factor God the Creator the cHgkTpji3lA-01108-00275448-00275783 God who moves the story along then we cHgkTpji3lA-01109-00275784-00276149 realize that we don't have to supplement cHgkTpji3lA-01110-00276150-00276605 that man is dead in his sins man's heart cHgkTpji3lA-01111-00276606-00276866 as a wasteland we don't need to go to cHgkTpji3lA-01112-00276867-00277196 try to pull some kind of life out of the cHgkTpji3lA-01113-00277197-00277508 deadness God can do that but we can't so cHgkTpji3lA-01114-00277509-00277688 when we look upon the valley of dry cHgkTpji3lA-01115-00277689-00277826 bones we don't need to entertain the cHgkTpji3lA-01116-00277827-00278261 bones we don't need to engage the bones cHgkTpji3lA-01117-00278262-00278484 and logical discourse we do not need to cHgkTpji3lA-01118-00278485-00278719 zenthon with all with volumes and cHgkTpji3lA-01119-00278720-00279072 volumes of information we need to say oh cHgkTpji3lA-01120-00279073-00279306 you bones hear the word of the Lord and cHgkTpji3lA-01121-00279307-00279640 then let God's creative power change the cHgkTpji3lA-01122-00279641-00280053 universe no going back to this this cHgkTpji3lA-01123-00280054-00280342 theme of continuity of being versus cHgkTpji3lA-01124-00280343-00280687 versus creation from what christian cHgkTpji3lA-01125-00280688-00280830 pointed before the Bible's point of view cHgkTpji3lA-01126-00280831-00281055 God suffered over his creation if life cHgkTpji3lA-01127-00281056-00281245 is going to come God Himself his life cHgkTpji3lA-01128-00281246-00281416 and God gives life in the Holy Spirit cHgkTpji3lA-01129-00281417-00281695 third person of the Trinity is the one cHgkTpji3lA-01130-00281696-00281893 who regenerates and resurrects and cHgkTpji3lA-01131-00281894-00282207 brings life and he uses means as he cHgkTpji3lA-01132-00282208-00282582 chooses on the other hand from a pagan cHgkTpji3lA-01133-00282583-00282834 point of view life is everything's alive cHgkTpji3lA-01134-00282835-00283230 everything's living if the universe if cHgkTpji3lA-01135-00283231-00283401 the universe is anywhere then life can cHgkTpji3lA-01136-00283402-00283751 spell sprout up right there just because cHgkTpji3lA-01137-00283752-00284047 there's no surprise that life comes out cHgkTpji3lA-01138-00284048-00284304 and ethics we look at a particular cHgkTpji3lA-01139-00284305-00284730 evolution there is no way in terms of cHgkTpji3lA-01140-00284731-00284992 any classical principle of science that cHgkTpji3lA-01141-00284993-00285126 life should be able to come out of new cHgkTpji3lA-01142-00285127-00285408 out of non-life pasture Slough the idea cHgkTpji3lA-01143-00285409-00285534 of spawning and spontaneous generation cHgkTpji3lA-01144-00285535-00285948 back in the mid-1800s and yet without a cHgkTpji3lA-01145-00285949-00286080 blink of an eye cHgkTpji3lA-01146-00286081-00286372 most scientists today will say well of cHgkTpji3lA-01147-00286373-00286540 course life came out of my life what cHgkTpji3lA-01148-00286541-00286728 else could happen that's not a rational cHgkTpji3lA-01149-00286729-00286864 argument that's not a scientific cHgkTpji3lA-01150-00286865-00287073 argument that's a religious assumption cHgkTpji3lA-01151-00287074-00287276 and it's assumption that the universe cHgkTpji3lA-01152-00287277-00287692 itself generates life because it just cHgkTpji3lA-01153-00287693-00288030 does it's a worship of a matter of life cHgkTpji3lA-01154-00288031-00288273 of the universe of nature nature's this cHgkTpji3lA-01155-00288274-00288609 ongoing self procreating thing was ever cHgkTpji3lA-01156-00288610-00288940 evolving thing that that is that is cHgkTpji3lA-01157-00288941-00289222 itself living that we as Christians we cHgkTpji3lA-01158-00289223-00289431 speak to the virgin birth and we know cHgkTpji3lA-01159-00289432-00289650 that that means that there was no way cHgkTpji3lA-01160-00289651-00289921 that Mary's will could be with child on cHgkTpji3lA-01161-00289922-00290229 her own she could she could grin and cHgkTpji3lA-01162-00290230-00290622 scream and grind her teeth and tighten cHgkTpji3lA-01163-00290623-00290872 her muscles and yell and jump up and cHgkTpji3lA-01164-00290873-00290992 down and she would never get pregnant cHgkTpji3lA-01165-00290993-00291258 it's just impossible but when God cHgkTpji3lA-01166-00291259-00291534 connects life there life happens in the cHgkTpji3lA-01167-00291535-00291684 pagan pantheon there were a whole lot of cHgkTpji3lA-01168-00291685-00291859 virgin goddesses who had a whole lot cHgkTpji3lA-01169-00291860-00292390 and it wasn't because something outside cHgkTpji3lA-01170-00292391-00292696 of them necessarily intervened but it cHgkTpji3lA-01171-00292697-00292849 was because it's the very nature of the cHgkTpji3lA-01172-00292850-00293149 Uni to give birth so both Christianity cHgkTpji3lA-01173-00293150-00293278 in the pagan world had versions first cHgkTpji3lA-01174-00293279-00293434 but they've been exactly the opposite cHgkTpji3lA-01175-00293435-00293692 thing for scripture virgin birth means cHgkTpji3lA-01176-00293693-00293953 humanity's that debt in literally we cHgkTpji3lA-01177-00293954-00294163 can't bring forth the Savior this is cHgkTpji3lA-01178-00294164-00294436 what circumcision testify to there's no cHgkTpji3lA-01179-00294437-00294610 hope of the flesh is no hope of natural cHgkTpji3lA-01180-00294611-00294733 generation that which is born of the cHgkTpji3lA-01181-00294734-00294991 flesh is flesh we must be born again and cHgkTpji3lA-01182-00294992-00295270 Messiah must be born by a miracle but as cHgkTpji3lA-01183-00295271-00295522 far as the pantheistic animistic world cHgkTpji3lA-01184-00295523-00295708 is concerned well I've got a death no cHgkTpji3lA-01185-00295709-00295840 problem it happens all the time that's cHgkTpji3lA-01186-00295841-00296080 the nature of reality because that's all cHgkTpji3lA-01187-00296081-00296362 they got they there is no appeal beyond cHgkTpji3lA-01188-00296363-00296635 creation and so if there is life it must cHgkTpji3lA-01189-00296636-00296974 be the nature of nature to produce it so cHgkTpji3lA-01190-00296975-00297211 again we're looking at two absolutely cHgkTpji3lA-01191-00297212-00297499 opposite systems and they would like to cHgkTpji3lA-01192-00297500-00297727 claim oftentimes that their system is cHgkTpji3lA-01193-00297728-00297961 logical scientific and they get very mad cHgkTpji3lA-01194-00297962-00298324 at us when we point out no it actually cHgkTpji3lA-01195-00298325-00298546 isn't those are religious assumptions cHgkTpji3lA-01196-00298547-00298759 for which you have absolutely no grounds cHgkTpji3lA-01197-00298760-00298975 yeah again following that company cHgkTpji3lA-01198-00298976-00299161 supposition apologetics and for those of cHgkTpji3lA-01199-00299162-00299383 you out there who may never have heard cHgkTpji3lA-01200-00299384-00299575 this way of thinking or arguing before cHgkTpji3lA-01201-00299576-00299860 we hope this is useful in a blessing and cHgkTpji3lA-01202-00299861-00300114 yeah we kind of talk around in circles cHgkTpji3lA-01203-00300115-00300376 because that's that's the nature of this cHgkTpji3lA-01204-00300377-00300583 thing when you're fighting one-on-one cHgkTpji3lA-01205-00300584-00300814 with someone in battlefield before there cHgkTpji3lA-01206-00300815-00300925 were guns where you just pick it up and cHgkTpji3lA-01207-00300926-00301159 shoot at a distance you know you you you cHgkTpji3lA-01208-00301160-00301345 would pace around and you would try to cHgkTpji3lA-01209-00301346-00301588 get around each other and you you swing cHgkTpji3lA-01210-00301589-00301741 at the side and then of the flank you cHgkTpji3lA-01211-00301742-00301942 know the back and you just keep going cHgkTpji3lA-01212-00301943-00302143 and that's what a lot of this is when in cHgkTpji3lA-01213-00302144-00302344 real conversations you rarely have a cHgkTpji3lA-01214-00302345-00302551 straight-line dialogue with your cHgkTpji3lA-01215-00302552-00302785 adversary that logically pokes through cHgkTpji3lA-01216-00302786-00302929 everything you just keep coming back cHgkTpji3lA-01217-00302930-00303178 wait no that's cheating where'd you get cHgkTpji3lA-01218-00303179-00303310 that idea now that's a Christian I do cHgkTpji3lA-01219-00303311-00303523 you can't use that went wait what do you cHgkTpji3lA-01220-00303524-00303571 mean by that cHgkTpji3lA-01221-00303572-00303781 find your terms nope no about that it's cHgkTpji3lA-01222-00303782-00303988 not what you said earlier you just keep cHgkTpji3lA-01223-00303989-00304243 going and going in some place inserting cHgkTpji3lA-01224-00304244-00304435 look can you just be quiet for a moment cHgkTpji3lA-01225-00304436-00304654 let me tell you what I believe then you cHgkTpji3lA-01226-00304655-00304852 can try to tear it to pieces but I've cHgkTpji3lA-01227-00304853-00305056 listened to you trying to help you out a cHgkTpji3lA-01228-00305057-00305194 shout you believe here cHgkTpji3lA-01229-00305195-00305385 the Bible says so we're going to do a cHgkTpji3lA-01230-00305386-00305575 lot with its podcast and somebody's cHgkTpji3lA-01231-00305576-00305731 saying this is what the Bible says cHgkTpji3lA-01232-00305732-00305907 you're not going to be faithful to cHgkTpji3lA-01233-00305908-00306199 Scripture and let's clarify that it cHgkTpji3lA-01234-00306200-00306475 sounds a little bit annoying to be the cHgkTpji3lA-01235-00306476-00306897 two-year-old saying why why why and cHgkTpji3lA-01236-00306898-00307267 people will get annoyed because that is cHgkTpji3lA-01237-00307268-00307381 what we're doing hopefully we're doing cHgkTpji3lA-01238-00307382-00307537 it in a better manner though so that cHgkTpji3lA-01239-00307538-00307723 what they're really getting annoyed at cHgkTpji3lA-01240-00307724-00307942 is the fact that they don't have answers cHgkTpji3lA-01241-00307943-00308256 rather than because we people are being cHgkTpji3lA-01242-00308257-00308476 annoying to them like let them be cHgkTpji3lA-01243-00308477-00308731 annoyed at the right things here yeah I cHgkTpji3lA-01244-00308732-00308938 have a tendency of cutting to the chase cHgkTpji3lA-01245-00308939-00309091 and being black and white cHgkTpji3lA-01246-00309092-00309435 the essence of what I'm saying is ask cHgkTpji3lA-01247-00309436-00309715 why what that looks I can rely this be cHgkTpji3lA-01248-00309716-00310213 sweet and winsome cautious humble JA cHgkTpji3lA-01249-00310214-00310498 remember Columbo yeah yeah is that cHgkTpji3lA-01250-00310499-00310782 before your time one more thing one more cHgkTpji3lA-01251-00310783-00310975 thing man just one more thing before I cHgkTpji3lA-01252-00310976-00311208 go yeah it sounds a little bit like cHgkTpji3lA-01253-00311209-00311692 Socrates to dr. Howard Hendricks who was cHgkTpji3lA-01254-00311693-00311880 professor of practical theology at cHgkTpji3lA-01255-00311881-00312127 Dallas when I was a kid I am told that cHgkTpji3lA-01256-00312128-00312397 he had a way of dealing with students in cHgkTpji3lA-01257-00312398-00312646 his class who spouted heresy on cHgkTpji3lA-01258-00312647-00312862 unmeaning heresy they'd come up with cHgkTpji3lA-01259-00312863-00313093 some brilliant idea and say dr. Hendrix cHgkTpji3lA-01260-00313094-00313284 I just realized this isn't it true that cHgkTpji3lA-01261-00313285-00313564 thus and so and so and rather than set cHgkTpji3lA-01262-00313565-00313833 tell them that's utter heresy yeah let's cHgkTpji3lA-01263-00313834-00314893 Arianism er that's the story nism look cHgkTpji3lA-01264-00314894-00315073 at that for a minute and he would cHgkTpji3lA-01265-00315074-00315424 proceed with all falling humility to let cHgkTpji3lA-01266-00315425-00315663 them think through their idea out loud cHgkTpji3lA-01267-00315664-00316069 and then hang them voices what's the cHgkTpji3lA-01268-00316070-00316192 phrase hoist themselves by their own cHgkTpji3lA-01269-00316193-00316366 petard hang themselves by their own cHgkTpji3lA-01270-00316367-00316702 noose sometimes we just have to be sweet cHgkTpji3lA-01271-00316703-00316951 and collective but but but that's not cHgkTpji3lA-01272-00316952-00317133 being honest look it's a battle we're cHgkTpji3lA-01273-00317134-00317385 trying to save a soul we can their cHgkTpji3lA-01274-00317386-00317580 various kinds of politeness there are cHgkTpji3lA-01275-00317581-00317800 times when just real simple humility and cHgkTpji3lA-01276-00317801-00317995 justice and the plea please just keep cHgkTpji3lA-01277-00317996-00318094 talking to me okay cHgkTpji3lA-01278-00318095-00318244 find your trips okay let's keep going cHgkTpji3lA-01279-00318245-00318522 it's fine there are other times when you cHgkTpji3lA-01280-00318523-00318723 a fool according to his folly there are cHgkTpji3lA-01281-00318724-00318849 two verses in problems that you're all cHgkTpji3lA-01282-00318850-00319020 familiar with answer fool according to cHgkTpji3lA-01283-00319021-00319290 his folly lest he be wise in his own cHgkTpji3lA-01284-00319291-00319500 conceits answer not a fool according to cHgkTpji3lA-01285-00319501-00319767 his folly lest you be like unto him so cHgkTpji3lA-01286-00319768-00319956 do we answer don't we well the point is cHgkTpji3lA-01287-00319957-00320256 you answer in a way that makes the man's cHgkTpji3lA-01288-00320257-00320577 folly apparent but not in a way that cHgkTpji3lA-01289-00320578-00320763 where you are condescending you as a cHgkTpji3lA-01290-00320764-00321006 level and and honoring his foolishness cHgkTpji3lA-01291-00321007-00321291 as if it somehow was intelligent dr. cHgkTpji3lA-01292-00321292-00321555 moody the 19th century evangelist was cHgkTpji3lA-01293-00321556-00321732 some kind of Bank when sitting in the cHgkTpji3lA-01294-00321733-00321920 table when a man walked up to him and cHgkTpji3lA-01295-00321921-00322314 said dr. Mooney where did Kane get his cHgkTpji3lA-01296-00322315-00322551 wife now dr. moody knew the answer cHgkTpji3lA-01297-00322552-00322833 although he married his sister rather cHgkTpji3lA-01298-00322834-00323019 than answer doctor when he picked up on cHgkTpji3lA-01299-00323020-00323172 the man's spirit the man's spirit was cHgkTpji3lA-01300-00323173-00323391 antagonistic it lacked any kind of cHgkTpji3lA-01301-00323392-00323664 humility he was not asking to find out cHgkTpji3lA-01302-00323665-00323885 and so dr. moody snap back mr. I cHgkTpji3lA-01303-00323886-00324009 wouldn't go to hell worrying about cHgkTpji3lA-01304-00324010-00324216 another man's life an appropriate answer cHgkTpji3lA-01305-00324217-00324423 there but not an appropriate answer all cHgkTpji3lA-01306-00324424-00324567 the time there are times when you cHgkTpji3lA-01307-00324568-00324678 something want to say well it's really cHgkTpji3lA-01308-00324679-00324975 easy married his sister oh yeah I know cHgkTpji3lA-01309-00324976-00325104 but you think they're different than cHgkTpji3lA-01310-00325105-00325235 anything you know nice pleasant cHgkTpji3lA-01311-00325236-00325542 conversation dr. moody was also on cHgkTpji3lA-01312-00325543-00325835 Arminian and many Calvinists came to me cHgkTpji3lA-01313-00325836-00326217 for that rightly so but one man probably cHgkTpji3lA-01314-00326218-00326352 someone who thought he was a columnist cHgkTpji3lA-01315-00326353-00326658 walked up to dr. moody and said dr. cHgkTpji3lA-01316-00326659-00326856 moody I do not approve of your AB cHgkTpji3lA-01317-00326857-00327072 evidence or your evangelistic techniques cHgkTpji3lA-01318-00327073-00327429 when dr. moody said neither do i they cHgkTpji3lA-01319-00327430-00327642 showing through yours but I'm bummed cHgkTpji3lA-01320-00327643-00327906 again not the appropriate response all cHgkTpji3lA-01321-00327907-00328218 the time there are people who who want cHgkTpji3lA-01322-00328219-00328329 to be gentle with and there are other cHgkTpji3lA-01323-00328330-00328515 people who are hard-hearted and stubborn cHgkTpji3lA-01324-00328516-00328728 that you want to stop dead in their cHgkTpji3lA-01325-00328729-00329022 tracks on a very different theme we can cHgkTpji3lA-01326-00329023-00329271 think of of our beloved Winston cHgkTpji3lA-01327-00329272-00330000 Churchill Prime Minister her no.not cHgkTpji3lA-01328-00330001-00330294 theologian just Prime Minister woman cHgkTpji3lA-01329-00330295-00330464 walks up and says to Winston Churchill cHgkTpji3lA-01330-00330465-00330825 Prime Minister you are drunk and she cHgkTpji3lA-01331-00330826-00331134 says and you ma'am are ugly and tomorrow cHgkTpji3lA-01332-00331135-00331610 I'll be social there are ways to shut cHgkTpji3lA-01333-00331611-00331859 people down and there are ways to in cHgkTpji3lA-01334-00331860-00332115 people would that maybe working in their cHgkTpji3lA-01335-00332116-00332351 heart there are people who are naive and cHgkTpji3lA-01336-00332352-00332514 will listen there are people who cHgkTpji3lA-01337-00332515-00332678 stubborn and need to be stopped in the cHgkTpji3lA-01338-00332679-00332828 tracks so that they can't miss it and cHgkTpji3lA-01339-00332829-00333128 it's wisdom to discern the difference cHgkTpji3lA-01340-00333129-00333515 and so sometimes it is going to be why cHgkTpji3lA-01341-00333516-00333881 explain to find your terms no that's cHgkTpji3lA-01342-00333882-00333950 cheating cHgkTpji3lA-01343-00333951-00334167 other times it's gonna be okay alright cHgkTpji3lA-01344-00334168-00334409 so then that would mean what now alright cHgkTpji3lA-01345-00334410-00334569 that's good alright get you out are you cHgkTpji3lA-01346-00334570-00334887 saying this you are okay so if I'm cHgkTpji3lA-01347-00334888-00335051 understanding you then that would lead cHgkTpji3lA-01348-00335052-00335145 to this cHgkTpji3lA-01349-00335146-00335434 no okay you don't like that alright so cHgkTpji3lA-01350-00335435-00335705 both cases you're saying why but when cHgkTpji3lA-01351-00335706-00335844 you're being nice and when you're trying cHgkTpji3lA-01352-00335845-00336152 to silence a fool when the Bible cHgkTpji3lA-01353-00336153-00336356 recognizes both things Jesus has a week cHgkTpji3lA-01354-00336357-00336557 and week ago of course of Jesus all of cHgkTpji3lA-01355-00336558-00336785 the times that he had the perfect answer cHgkTpji3lA-01356-00336786-00337017 for people compare the way he dealt with cHgkTpji3lA-01357-00337018-00337296 the woman of Samaria with how he dealt cHgkTpji3lA-01358-00337297-00337604 with Nicodemus with how he dealt with cHgkTpji3lA-01359-00337605-00337904 the oh the man who says and who is my cHgkTpji3lA-01360-00337905-00338066 neighbor let me tell you a story cHgkTpji3lA-01361-00338067-00338397 you always had answers yeah this this cHgkTpji3lA-01362-00338398-00338640 man had multiple or this woman had cHgkTpji3lA-01363-00338641-00338841 multiple husbands you do err not knowing cHgkTpji3lA-01364-00338842-00339072 the Scriptures nor the power of God or cHgkTpji3lA-01365-00339073-00339246 how about this this money should we pay cHgkTpji3lA-01366-00339247-00339610 taxes you hypocrite show me the money cHgkTpji3lA-01367-00339611-00339972 Jesus did not always play nice but he cHgkTpji3lA-01368-00339973-00340116 could read human hearts we need to be a cHgkTpji3lA-01369-00340117-00340293 little more careful because we don't cHgkTpji3lA-01370-00340294-00340596 have the song issues yeah yeah and the cHgkTpji3lA-01371-00340597-00340794 there's kind of an annoying cHgkTpji3lA-01372-00340795-00341091 trend among what what I would call the cHgkTpji3lA-01373-00341092-00341504 the internet for subspecialists to cHgkTpji3lA-01374-00341505-00341699 essentially internet version of whatever cHgkTpji3lA-01375-00341700-00341940 we're talking about yes more annoying cHgkTpji3lA-01376-00341941-00342152 than the real-life version it is cHgkTpji3lA-01377-00342153-00342631 objectively is to basically treat cHgkTpji3lA-01378-00342632-00342998 prepositional ISM as a get-out-of-jail cHgkTpji3lA-01379-00342999-00343470 apologetics card instead of what I would cHgkTpji3lA-01380-00343471-00343593 think and what we've been discussing cHgkTpji3lA-01381-00343594-00343781 here is the proper usage it's it's it's cHgkTpji3lA-01382-00343782-00344015 part of having a conversation it's not a cHgkTpji3lA-01383-00344016-00344279 repeat the question by what standard cHgkTpji3lA-01384-00344280-00344483 until they get annoyed and we walk away cHgkTpji3lA-01385-00344484-00344865 and you declare victory it is their cHgkTpji3lA-01386-00344866-00345023 finger guns as well cHgkTpji3lA-01387-00345024-00345158 it's act cHgkTpji3lA-01388-00345159-00345462 having a conversation and trying to get cHgkTpji3lA-01389-00345463-00345762 them to admit it themselves and being cHgkTpji3lA-01390-00345763-00346055 strategic because just saying you're cHgkTpji3lA-01391-00346056-00346269 you're wrong and you don't have a cHgkTpji3lA-01392-00346270-00346478 standard without showing than that yeah cHgkTpji3lA-01393-00346479-00346788 is a-- is a tactical and strategic loss cHgkTpji3lA-01394-00346789-00347060 it's not it's not even a stalemate yeah cHgkTpji3lA-01395-00347061-00347289 the conversation hasn't begun I declared cHgkTpji3lA-01396-00347290-00347487 advance that I have won and that all of cHgkTpji3lA-01397-00347488-00347616 your arguments are ineffective cHgkTpji3lA-01398-00347617-00347849 I will now retire to the glories of cHgkTpji3lA-01399-00347850-00348083 victory I've mentioned dr. Francis cHgkTpji3lA-01400-00348084-00348428 Schaeffer a number of times he was not cHgkTpji3lA-01401-00348429-00348605 strictly speaking a presuppositional cHgkTpji3lA-01402-00348606-00348773 starting to although he talked a lot cHgkTpji3lA-01403-00348774-00349085 about presuppositions but he was someone cHgkTpji3lA-01404-00349086-00349355 who practiced very winsome warm form of cHgkTpji3lA-01405-00349356-00349622 Christianity he was willing to talk to cHgkTpji3lA-01406-00349623-00349880 people he was willing to carry on cHgkTpji3lA-01407-00349881-00350084 conversations from here to forever as cHgkTpji3lA-01408-00350085-00350384 long as people were participating and cHgkTpji3lA-01409-00350385-00350558 thinking and working there we through cHgkTpji3lA-01410-00350559-00350909 ideas and he would do it over you know cHgkTpji3lA-01411-00350910-00351196 will mother be a cup of tea or whatever cHgkTpji3lA-01412-00351197-00351548 and and we we can learn from this we can cHgkTpji3lA-01413-00351549-00351659 learn to be human cHgkTpji3lA-01414-00351660-00352025 yeah we we were lost souls and we don't cHgkTpji3lA-01415-00352026-00352322 have any any claims to moral or cHgkTpji3lA-01416-00352323-00352631 spiritual superiority except that Jesus cHgkTpji3lA-01417-00352632-00352893 died for us and we don't know what God cHgkTpji3lA-01418-00352894-00353057 may have plan for that so we're talking cHgkTpji3lA-01419-00353058-00353340 to it may be that God will use us to win cHgkTpji3lA-01420-00353341-00353616 that's all but we have to talk and we cHgkTpji3lA-01421-00353617-00353879 have to care I I've written some place cHgkTpji3lA-01422-00353880-00354243 that if there were one set of words that cHgkTpji3lA-01423-00354244-00354506 would infallibly bring about conversion cHgkTpji3lA-01424-00354507-00354797 in the human heart then we would take cHgkTpji3lA-01425-00354798-00355097 those words and we would text them cHgkTpji3lA-01426-00355098-00355464 forward them publish them print them sky cHgkTpji3lA-01427-00355465-00355808 write them everywhere and never once we cHgkTpji3lA-01428-00355809-00356016 get involved with another human person cHgkTpji3lA-01429-00356017-00356319 the way Jesus did and God's not left us cHgkTpji3lA-01430-00356320-00356633 that option there there there there are cHgkTpji3lA-01431-00356634-00356919 no Pat answers there are just heartfelt cHgkTpji3lA-01432-00356920-00357114 discussions drawing upon the wisdom that cHgkTpji3lA-01433-00357115-00357417 we have from Scripture but more back to cHgkTpji3lA-01434-00357418-00357548 it but that means you have to know the cHgkTpji3lA-01435-00357549-00357773 Bible and you have to be able to come cHgkTpji3lA-01436-00357774-00358065 from all of that the Bible has bringing cHgkTpji3lA-01437-00358066-00358277 up whatever reserves you need for the cHgkTpji3lA-01438-00358278-00358464 encounter for this discussion for this cHgkTpji3lA-01439-00358465-00358772 person with this person's own heart eggs cHgkTpji3lA-01440-00358773-00359162 and needs and frustrations and yes cHgkTpji3lA-01441-00359163-00359573 animosity toward God and so God will use cHgkTpji3lA-01442-00359574-00359792 us I've heard been Chileans accused many cHgkTpji3lA-01443-00359793-00359954 times of yeah you know how to do cHgkTpji3lA-01444-00359955-00360185 apologetic she just never do it well cHgkTpji3lA-01445-00360186-00360315 that's if there's any truth in that cHgkTpji3lA-01446-00360316-00360596 that's really bad you know we need to be cHgkTpji3lA-01447-00360597-00360839 people who care about other people cHgkTpji3lA-01448-00360840-00361250 because she's a certainly good yeah and cHgkTpji3lA-01449-00361251-00361874 we are way over time so yeah well thank cHgkTpji3lA-01450-00361875-00362102 you guys so much for this discussion cHgkTpji3lA-01451-00362103-00362342 it's been great thanks to David our cHgkTpji3lA-01452-00362343-00362600 producer and my lawfully wedded husband cHgkTpji3lA-01453-00362601-00362783 if you would like to send us an email cHgkTpji3lA-01454-00362784-00363023 write in a question to the show you can cHgkTpji3lA-01455-00363024-00363339 send us an email at pulsing towards Isle cHgkTpji3lA-01456-00363340-00363857 at fun feature alright we'll cHgkTpji3lA-01457-00363858-00363920 see you next time cHgkTpji3lA-01458-00363921-00364680 [Music] cIwaKVSheUc-00000-00001392-00001566 i will just quickly again go over cIwaKVSheUc-00001-00001567-00001807 through the go over the cIwaKVSheUc-00002-00001807-00001991 inter arrival times cIwaKVSheUc-00003-00001992-00002175 that we discussed in the last lecture cIwaKVSheUc-00004-00002176-00002279 and then i cIwaKVSheUc-00005-00002280-00002487 obtained the distribution for cIwaKVSheUc-00006-00002488-00002750 inter arrival times so we already said cIwaKVSheUc-00007-00002751-00003023 showed that f x 1 t is lambda e raised cIwaKVSheUc-00008-00003024-00003231 to minus lambda t that means cIwaKVSheUc-00009-00003232-00003327 the cIwaKVSheUc-00010-00003328-00003559 x 1 denotes the arrival time up to the cIwaKVSheUc-00011-00003560-00003767 first cIwaKVSheUc-00012-00003768-00004015 up to the first event that occurs so cIwaKVSheUc-00013-00004015-00004191 therefore that is exponential that means cIwaKVSheUc-00014-00004192-00004470 the interval is cIwaKVSheUc-00015-00004471-00004727 lambda the interval for the first has cIwaKVSheUc-00016-00004728-00004919 exponential with distribution with cIwaKVSheUc-00017-00004920-00005070 parameter lambda cIwaKVSheUc-00018-00005071-00005391 then if you want to now compute for x 2 cIwaKVSheUc-00019-00005392-00005606 then let us look at the probability x 2 cIwaKVSheUc-00020-00005607-00005927 greater than t when x one is equal to s cIwaKVSheUc-00021-00005928-00006183 so here you see again uh the idea is cIwaKVSheUc-00022-00006184-00006463 that the first interval the first cIwaKVSheUc-00023-00006464-00006687 event occurred here and now you so this cIwaKVSheUc-00024-00006688-00006967 was your x one now this this time is cIwaKVSheUc-00025-00006968-00007214 denoted by x two and we are saying that cIwaKVSheUc-00026-00007215-00007391 this is greater than t cIwaKVSheUc-00027-00007392-00007583 so if this time is greater than t that cIwaKVSheUc-00028-00007584-00007814 means there is no arrival in this time cIwaKVSheUc-00029-00007815-00007951 and cIwaKVSheUc-00030-00007952-00008031 so cIwaKVSheUc-00031-00008031-00008207 you are looking at probability x 2 cIwaKVSheUc-00032-00008208-00008551 greater than t condition on x 1 being s cIwaKVSheUc-00033-00008552-00008678 but since cIwaKVSheUc-00034-00008679-00008783 we have cIwaKVSheUc-00035-00008784-00009031 shown already that the cIwaKVSheUc-00036-00009032-00009239 inter arrival times are cIwaKVSheUc-00037-00009240-00009535 exponential and so they are memory less cIwaKVSheUc-00038-00009536-00009767 and therefore it does not matter cIwaKVSheUc-00039-00009768-00009959 see this probability will remain the cIwaKVSheUc-00040-00009960-00010087 same whether cIwaKVSheUc-00041-00010088-00010310 it is here or here or anywhere so it cIwaKVSheUc-00042-00010311-00010574 does not matter when the first event cIwaKVSheUc-00043-00010575-00010687 took place cIwaKVSheUc-00044-00010688-00010878 the the probability the conditional cIwaKVSheUc-00045-00010879-00011031 probability is the same as the cIwaKVSheUc-00046-00011032-00011238 probability x 2 greater than t so this cIwaKVSheUc-00047-00011239-00011327 is the cIwaKVSheUc-00048-00011328-00011567 memoryless property that we have already cIwaKVSheUc-00049-00011568-00011678 shown cIwaKVSheUc-00050-00011679-00011927 so therefore this is equal to this and cIwaKVSheUc-00051-00011928-00012199 here the same thing probability s comma cIwaKVSheUc-00052-00012200-00012535 s plus t 0 given that x 1 is s so cIwaKVSheUc-00053-00012536-00012710 therefore this is equal to probability cIwaKVSheUc-00054-00012711-00012974 that there are no arrivals in the time cIwaKVSheUc-00055-00012975-00013230 interval s comma s plus t and that cIwaKVSheUc-00056-00013231-00013463 probability is e raised to minus lambda cIwaKVSheUc-00057-00013463-00013543 t cIwaKVSheUc-00058-00013544-00013758 is it ok because here again ah the cIwaKVSheUc-00059-00013759-00014015 number that you are wanting your the cIwaKVSheUc-00060-00014016-00014151 probability that you want to compute cIwaKVSheUc-00061-00014152-00014415 here is that there is no arrival in this cIwaKVSheUc-00062-00014416-00014663 interval and so the conditional has no cIwaKVSheUc-00063-00014663-00014911 bearing on this probability also so cIwaKVSheUc-00064-00014912-00015071 therefore this is e raised to minus cIwaKVSheUc-00065-00015072-00015566 lambda t and here this in terms of your cIwaKVSheUc-00066-00015568-00015727 distribution function you will write cIwaKVSheUc-00067-00015728-00016015 this probability as 1 minus capital f x cIwaKVSheUc-00068-00016016-00016230 2 d t and this is equal to e raised to cIwaKVSheUc-00069-00016231-00016439 minus lambda t therefore if you cIwaKVSheUc-00070-00016440-00016735 differentiate both sides you get f x 2 t cIwaKVSheUc-00071-00016736-00016935 is minus lambda e raised to minus lambda cIwaKVSheUc-00072-00016936-00017094 t so this cIwaKVSheUc-00073-00017095-00017294 goes out and therefore you have shown cIwaKVSheUc-00074-00017295-00017391 that cIwaKVSheUc-00075-00017392-00017663 for x 2 also the cIwaKVSheUc-00076-00017664-00017967 distribution is exponential lambda and cIwaKVSheUc-00077-00017968-00018175 now repeated use of this argument cIwaKVSheUc-00078-00018176-00018383 because essentially we are using the cIwaKVSheUc-00079-00018384-00018630 memoryless property and so the same cIwaKVSheUc-00080-00018631-00018847 argument argument can be repeated for x cIwaKVSheUc-00081-00018848-00019094 3 x 4 and so on so we cIwaKVSheUc-00082-00019095-00019303 end up with this proposition that when cIwaKVSheUc-00083-00019304-00019519 you take the sequence of inter arrival cIwaKVSheUc-00084-00019520-00019622 times cIwaKVSheUc-00085-00019623-00019863 these are identically independently cIwaKVSheUc-00086-00019864-00020063 distributed remember cIwaKVSheUc-00087-00020064-00020311 the we have assumed for the poisson cIwaKVSheUc-00088-00020312-00020630 process independent increments and cIwaKVSheUc-00089-00020631-00020894 stationary increments so therefore these cIwaKVSheUc-00090-00020895-00020967 are cIwaKVSheUc-00091-00020968-00021167 inter arrival times are identically cIwaKVSheUc-00092-00021168-00021335 independently cIwaKVSheUc-00093-00021336-00021543 distributed exponential lambda random cIwaKVSheUc-00094-00021544-00021750 variables that is the problem the cIwaKVSheUc-00095-00021751-00022078 process is probabilistically the process cIwaKVSheUc-00096-00022079-00022327 probabilistically starts itself which cIwaKVSheUc-00097-00022328-00022511 means its memory less cIwaKVSheUc-00098-00022512-00022750 every time ah event occurs it starts cIwaKVSheUc-00099-00022751-00023055 itself again so there is no memory or as cIwaKVSheUc-00100-00023056-00023199 to when the cIwaKVSheUc-00101-00023200-00023486 last event occurred it just starts fresh cIwaKVSheUc-00102-00023487-00023567 from cIwaKVSheUc-00103-00023568-00023783 from after an event so when you start cIwaKVSheUc-00104-00023784-00024086 counting the inter arrival times cIwaKVSheUc-00105-00024087-00024430 it rejuvenates itself again ok now just cIwaKVSheUc-00106-00024431-00024719 a word about the parameter lambda cIwaKVSheUc-00107-00024720-00024919 so you see because this is exponential cIwaKVSheUc-00108-00024920-00025214 lambda so expectation of x i will be one cIwaKVSheUc-00109-00025215-00025631 upon lambda and cIwaKVSheUc-00110-00025632-00025814 i mean cIwaKVSheUc-00111-00025816-00025902 the cIwaKVSheUc-00112-00025904-00026094 theory about exponential distribution cIwaKVSheUc-00113-00026095-00026295 does not say anything about lambda as cIwaKVSheUc-00114-00026295-00026543 long as lambda is greater than 0 so cIwaKVSheUc-00115-00026544-00026951 lambda can be any positive number cIwaKVSheUc-00116-00026952-00027158 ok so here cIwaKVSheUc-00117-00027160-00027390 before i come to that see a high lambda cIwaKVSheUc-00118-00027391-00027574 corresponds to a small average of cIwaKVSheUc-00119-00027575-00027702 waiting time cIwaKVSheUc-00120-00027704-00028007 right if lambda is large then 1 upon cIwaKVSheUc-00121-00028008-00028214 lambda which is the expected value is cIwaKVSheUc-00122-00028216-00028446 small and so it is saying that this is cIwaKVSheUc-00123-00028447-00028583 the average cIwaKVSheUc-00124-00028583-00028831 of the inter arrival times so that means cIwaKVSheUc-00125-00028832-00029046 if the average is small then the cIwaKVSheUc-00126-00029047-00029318 arrivals will be occurring cIwaKVSheUc-00127-00029319-00029535 in small intervals right because the cIwaKVSheUc-00128-00029536-00029751 expected value is small so when lambda cIwaKVSheUc-00129-00029752-00029983 is high it corresponds to a small cIwaKVSheUc-00130-00029983-00030143 average of waiting time between two cIwaKVSheUc-00131-00030144-00030318 consecutive occurrence yeah so we were cIwaKVSheUc-00132-00030319-00030527 saying that when lambda cIwaKVSheUc-00133-00030527-00030727 has a large value the cIwaKVSheUc-00134-00030727-00030958 corresponding expected value will be a cIwaKVSheUc-00135-00030960-00031190 small number and so that would mean that cIwaKVSheUc-00136-00031191-00031558 the inter arrival times ah are smaller cIwaKVSheUc-00137-00031560-00031646 in the cIwaKVSheUc-00138-00031647-00031823 small in the sense that the cIwaKVSheUc-00139-00031824-00032007 average is small so therefore the cIwaKVSheUc-00140-00032008-00032167 arrivals are occurring cIwaKVSheUc-00141-00032168-00032527 at smaller intervals right and cIwaKVSheUc-00142-00032527-00032655 in any case cIwaKVSheUc-00143-00032656-00032831 lambda is called the intensity of the cIwaKVSheUc-00144-00032832-00033079 process so there is no therefore it cIwaKVSheUc-00145-00033080-00033359 simply says that lambda measures the so cIwaKVSheUc-00146-00033360-00033535 if if lambda is small then it this will cIwaKVSheUc-00147-00033536-00033846 be big so that means ah cIwaKVSheUc-00148-00033847-00034135 the inter arrival time average is large cIwaKVSheUc-00149-00034136-00034246 and so the cIwaKVSheUc-00150-00034247-00034399 events are occurring at cIwaKVSheUc-00151-00034400-00034671 large intervals and therefore we are cIwaKVSheUc-00152-00034672-00034831 saying that lambda is called the cIwaKVSheUc-00153-00034832-00035062 intensity of the process also cIwaKVSheUc-00154-00035063-00035302 ok and cIwaKVSheUc-00155-00035303-00035535 lambda can be any positive number but if cIwaKVSheUc-00156-00035536-00035783 we think of earthquakes in indonesia say cIwaKVSheUc-00157-00035784-00036046 for example and take one year as unit of cIwaKVSheUc-00158-00036047-00036343 time right suppose i consider the cIwaKVSheUc-00159-00036344-00036527 process you know if i am counting the cIwaKVSheUc-00160-00036528-00036855 number of earthquakes that have occurred cIwaKVSheUc-00161-00036856-00037118 in a span of 10 years say for example cIwaKVSheUc-00162-00037119-00037407 and so if i take the unit of the time as cIwaKVSheUc-00163-00037408-00037783 one year then lambda should not be large cIwaKVSheUc-00164-00037784-00037974 because if lambda is large then what cIwaKVSheUc-00165-00037975-00038190 will it say that one upon lambda is cIwaKVSheUc-00166-00038191-00038374 small and therefore it would mean that cIwaKVSheUc-00167-00038375-00038599 the earthquakes are occurring at smaller cIwaKVSheUc-00168-00038600-00038823 intervals of time but we all know that cIwaKVSheUc-00169-00038824-00038943 the earthquakes of course they are cIwaKVSheUc-00170-00038944-00039174 unpredictable but normally it does not cIwaKVSheUc-00171-00039175-00039311 happen that cIwaKVSheUc-00172-00039312-00039439 earthquakes cIwaKVSheUc-00173-00039440-00039718 occur very often right so cIwaKVSheUc-00174-00039719-00039951 one has to be careful that's why cIwaKVSheUc-00175-00039952-00040087 this this cIwaKVSheUc-00176-00040088-00040318 this interpretation of lambda gives you cIwaKVSheUc-00177-00040319-00040511 an insight into as to how when you go cIwaKVSheUc-00178-00040512-00040718 about modeling a cIwaKVSheUc-00179-00040719-00040983 process then how should your choice of cIwaKVSheUc-00180-00040984-00041287 lambda be made right or and also like if cIwaKVSheUc-00181-00041288-00041415 you look at cIwaKVSheUc-00182-00041416-00041623 moments this i mean again this is the cIwaKVSheUc-00183-00041624-00041711 time cIwaKVSheUc-00184-00041712-00041935 this when the when a radioactive cIwaKVSheUc-00185-00041936-00042183 material sends particles then the cIwaKVSheUc-00186-00042184-00042358 intensity is high cIwaKVSheUc-00187-00042359-00042583 the intensity is high and therefore this cIwaKVSheUc-00188-00042584-00042718 is small cIwaKVSheUc-00189-00042719-00042927 so the particles spread radioactive cIwaKVSheUc-00190-00042928-00043143 particles spread very fast cIwaKVSheUc-00191-00043144-00043358 and so if you are counting at any point cIwaKVSheUc-00192-00043359-00043646 of this thing how often the particle is cIwaKVSheUc-00193-00043647-00043879 arriving then the inter arrival times cIwaKVSheUc-00194-00043880-00044095 will be small and therefore cIwaKVSheUc-00195-00044096-00044302 this will be small so lambda would be cIwaKVSheUc-00196-00044303-00044495 high so cIwaKVSheUc-00197-00044496-00044671 that's why so just to give you an idea cIwaKVSheUc-00198-00044672-00044918 and then you can look at many different cIwaKVSheUc-00199-00044919-00045167 examples and see how cIwaKVSheUc-00200-00045168-00045502 the value of lambda will reflect the cIwaKVSheUc-00201-00045503-00045951 inter arrival averages right ok cIwaKVSheUc-00202-00045952-00046095 similarly you want to look at the cIwaKVSheUc-00203-00046096-00046383 parameter lambda cIwaKVSheUc-00204-00046384-00046599 so lambda t is the number if we went so cIwaKVSheUc-00205-00046600-00046815 this is actually on the average the cIwaKVSheUc-00206-00046816-00047046 number of events in time t in time cIwaKVSheUc-00207-00047047-00047286 period t on this so this is your mean cIwaKVSheUc-00208-00047287-00047639 arrival rate cIwaKVSheUc-00209-00047640-00047862 so now number of events in two disjoint cIwaKVSheUc-00210-00047863-00048158 time intervals are independent ok cIwaKVSheUc-00211-00048159-00048502 just now we said now that they are cIwaKVSheUc-00212-00048503-00048735 independent increments so therefore cIwaKVSheUc-00213-00048736-00048886 if you look at cIwaKVSheUc-00214-00048887-00049143 the arrival in between 0 and 1 its cIwaKVSheUc-00215-00049144-00049390 poisson lambda and this is cIwaKVSheUc-00216-00049391-00049558 poisson lambda cIwaKVSheUc-00217-00049559-00049799 between 1 and 2. now if you look at the cIwaKVSheUc-00218-00049800-00050030 time interval 0 2 then it will become cIwaKVSheUc-00219-00050031-00050271 poisson 2 lambda because again cIwaKVSheUc-00220-00050272-00050527 from now by now we have by so many cIwaKVSheUc-00221-00050528-00050855 different methods shown you that if cIwaKVSheUc-00222-00050856-00051086 two random variables x one of course cIwaKVSheUc-00223-00051087-00051494 here x one is ah poisson lambda cIwaKVSheUc-00224-00051495-00051799 x two is poisson lambda then x one plus cIwaKVSheUc-00225-00051800-00052023 x two would be again poisson two lambda cIwaKVSheUc-00226-00052024-00052238 the parameters get added right so cIwaKVSheUc-00227-00052239-00052575 therefore ah zero two would the cIwaKVSheUc-00228-00052576-00052807 number of arrivals will be poisson ah cIwaKVSheUc-00229-00052808-00053071 two lambda so therefore in zero t it cIwaKVSheUc-00230-00053072-00053287 will be poisson lambda t this is the cIwaKVSheUc-00231-00053288-00053742 whole idea right so occurrences are ok cIwaKVSheUc-00232-00053744-00053911 yeah so this is the important thing and cIwaKVSheUc-00233-00053912-00054007 therefore cIwaKVSheUc-00234-00054008-00054271 in time 0 t we will say that the arrival cIwaKVSheUc-00235-00054272-00054566 rate is lambda t poisson lambda t this cIwaKVSheUc-00236-00054567-00054766 is the whole idea because t can be cIwaKVSheUc-00237-00054767-00054991 fractional and so on so one can again cIwaKVSheUc-00238-00054991-00055166 interpret in the same way cIwaKVSheUc-00239-00055167-00055415 now ah another thing is that since we cIwaKVSheUc-00240-00055416-00055663 are talking of stationary increments cIwaKVSheUc-00241-00055664-00055791 therefore cIwaKVSheUc-00242-00055791-00055935 what we have to cIwaKVSheUc-00243-00055936-00056063 say is that cIwaKVSheUc-00244-00056064-00056350 the arrivals over the time zero t cIwaKVSheUc-00245-00056351-00056430 are cIwaKVSheUc-00246-00056432-00056663 distributed in a uniform way because cIwaKVSheUc-00247-00056664-00056799 they are random cIwaKVSheUc-00248-00056800-00057030 right zero to t they are anyway random cIwaKVSheUc-00249-00057032-00057294 events and then when we are talking of cIwaKVSheUc-00250-00057295-00057519 number of arrivals for example when i am cIwaKVSheUc-00251-00057520-00057671 counting cIwaKVSheUc-00252-00057672-00057799 and t cIwaKVSheUc-00253-00057800-00058094 right this is the number of arrivals cIwaKVSheUc-00254-00058095-00058382 in time 0 to t in the span time in the cIwaKVSheUc-00255-00058383-00058687 span of time 0 to t so then cIwaKVSheUc-00256-00058688-00058999 we have to think the way the process is cIwaKVSheUc-00257-00059000-00059230 being modeled is that in this particular cIwaKVSheUc-00258-00059232-00059454 time period the arrivals can occur cIwaKVSheUc-00259-00059455-00059566 anywhere cIwaKVSheUc-00260-00059567-00059823 and so the best way to model that is cIwaKVSheUc-00261-00059824-00060166 that the the arrivals are uniform in the cIwaKVSheUc-00262-00060167-00060375 interval 0 to t cIwaKVSheUc-00263-00060376-00060566 and through an example again i will try cIwaKVSheUc-00264-00060567-00060735 to cIwaKVSheUc-00265-00060736-00060926 make you understand this concept a cIwaKVSheUc-00266-00060927-00061199 little better okay so after computing cIwaKVSheUc-00267-00061200-00061471 the distribution function of the cIwaKVSheUc-00268-00061472-00061719 inter arrival time let us the another cIwaKVSheUc-00269-00061720-00061975 quantity of interest is s n which is cIwaKVSheUc-00270-00061976-00062279 sigma x i i varying from 1 to n which cIwaKVSheUc-00271-00062279-00062511 means s n is the waiting time for the cIwaKVSheUc-00272-00062512-00062871 nth event to occur so because see x you cIwaKVSheUc-00273-00062872-00063159 are adding up x 1 to x 2 to x n so x n cIwaKVSheUc-00274-00063160-00063391 is the um cIwaKVSheUc-00275-00063391-00063694 time and the nth inter interval inter cIwaKVSheUc-00276-00063695-00063854 arrival time between cIwaKVSheUc-00277-00063855-00064206 n minus 1 and the nth event so therefore cIwaKVSheUc-00278-00064207-00064463 s n will be the waiting time for the nth cIwaKVSheUc-00279-00064464-00064750 event to occur that ok so you just added cIwaKVSheUc-00280-00064751-00064942 up all the ah cIwaKVSheUc-00281-00064944-00065166 see on the line you have you starting cIwaKVSheUc-00282-00065167-00065535 from 0 this is x 1 this is x 2 and so on cIwaKVSheUc-00283-00065536-00065855 and finally this is x n so at this point cIwaKVSheUc-00284-00065856-00066047 the nth event has occurred cIwaKVSheUc-00285-00066048-00066215 right starting from here this is the cIwaKVSheUc-00286-00066216-00066471 first event second event and so on so at cIwaKVSheUc-00287-00066472-00066687 this point cIwaKVSheUc-00288-00066688-00066823 the cIwaKVSheUc-00289-00066824-00067015 earth event has occurred so this the cIwaKVSheUc-00290-00067016-00067271 total time that means this total time cIwaKVSheUc-00291-00067272-00067511 you are denoting by s n so which is you cIwaKVSheUc-00292-00067512-00067775 can say a waiting time for the nth event cIwaKVSheUc-00293-00067776-00067887 to occur cIwaKVSheUc-00294-00067888-00068063 for the nth cIwaKVSheUc-00295-00068064-00068271 you know the time the volcano has to cIwaKVSheUc-00296-00068272-00068535 erupt particular volcano or earthquake cIwaKVSheUc-00297-00068536-00068671 to occur cIwaKVSheUc-00298-00068672-00068926 whatever process you are looking at you cIwaKVSheUc-00299-00068927-00069279 can interpret s accordingly now from cIwaKVSheUc-00300-00069280-00069550 independence of x i's and being cIwaKVSheUc-00301-00069551-00069767 identically distributed as exponential cIwaKVSheUc-00302-00069768-00070031 lambda and here again you see cIwaKVSheUc-00303-00070032-00070215 in the last few lectures we have been cIwaKVSheUc-00304-00070216-00070550 talking about sum of independent cIwaKVSheUc-00305-00070551-00070847 random variables and through convolution cIwaKVSheUc-00306-00070848-00071150 through mgfs and so on we have looked at cIwaKVSheUc-00307-00071151-00071367 the distributions of sums of independent cIwaKVSheUc-00308-00071368-00071647 random variables so here it immediately cIwaKVSheUc-00309-00071648-00071743 follows cIwaKVSheUc-00310-00071744-00072103 that s n is gamma and lambda cIwaKVSheUc-00311-00072104-00072279 because here the ah cIwaKVSheUc-00312-00072280-00072543 x i's are identically distributed as as cIwaKVSheUc-00313-00072544-00072767 exponential lambda n of them you are cIwaKVSheUc-00314-00072768-00072982 taking sum of n of these random cIwaKVSheUc-00315-00072983-00073191 variables exponential random variables cIwaKVSheUc-00316-00073192-00073543 so the sum will be gamma n comma lambda cIwaKVSheUc-00317-00073544-00073687 and therefore the cIwaKVSheUc-00318-00073688-00073831 pdf cIwaKVSheUc-00319-00073832-00074135 or the density function for fsn t is cIwaKVSheUc-00320-00074136-00074391 lambda e raised to minus lambda t lambda cIwaKVSheUc-00321-00074392-00074647 t raised to n minus 1 upon n minus 1 cIwaKVSheUc-00322-00074648-00074959 factorial for t non-negative right so cIwaKVSheUc-00323-00074960-00075175 this is the thing but now again as i cIwaKVSheUc-00324-00075176-00075494 said it always helps to be able to use cIwaKVSheUc-00325-00075495-00075694 other tools that we have developed and cIwaKVSheUc-00326-00075695-00075935 so let us try to do it and the of course cIwaKVSheUc-00327-00075936-00076167 the mgf again which has already been cIwaKVSheUc-00328-00076168-00076471 computed for a gamma random variable cIwaKVSheUc-00329-00076472-00076711 is lambda upon lambda minus s raised to cIwaKVSheUc-00330-00076712-00076782 n cIwaKVSheUc-00331-00076783-00077055 so while writing mgf of sn cIwaKVSheUc-00332-00077056-00077294 the s got written cIwaKVSheUc-00333-00077295-00077550 by mistake so it is actually mgf of sn cIwaKVSheUc-00334-00077551-00077806 which will be lambda upon lambda minus s cIwaKVSheUc-00335-00077807-00077943 raised to n cIwaKVSheUc-00336-00077944-00078111 so the idea was that you are computing cIwaKVSheUc-00337-00078112-00078319 it at s so therefore it got written cIwaKVSheUc-00338-00078320-00078487 there so this is actually lambda upon cIwaKVSheUc-00339-00078488-00078894 lambda minus s raised to n cIwaKVSheUc-00340-00078895-00079135 let us look at it in an alternate way cIwaKVSheUc-00341-00079136-00079367 and that is also interesting so let us cIwaKVSheUc-00342-00079368-00079655 just be very clear about this nt greater cIwaKVSheUc-00343-00079656-00079911 than or equal to n if and only if s n is cIwaKVSheUc-00344-00079912-00080079 less than or equal to t cIwaKVSheUc-00345-00080080-00080287 that is if the number of arrivals by cIwaKVSheUc-00346-00080288-00080399 time t cIwaKVSheUc-00347-00080400-00080687 greater than or equal to n then the time cIwaKVSheUc-00348-00080688-00080935 s n for the nth event to occur is less cIwaKVSheUc-00349-00080936-00081094 than or equal to t cIwaKVSheUc-00350-00081095-00081359 and vice versa that is if s n is less cIwaKVSheUc-00351-00081360-00081591 than or equal to t then it will imply cIwaKVSheUc-00352-00081592-00081799 that n t must be greater than or equal cIwaKVSheUc-00353-00081800-00082111 to n so when you want to compute the cIwaKVSheUc-00354-00082112-00082326 distribution function of s n this is cIwaKVSheUc-00355-00082327-00082575 probability s n less than or equal to t cIwaKVSheUc-00356-00082576-00082767 which because the two events are the cIwaKVSheUc-00357-00082768-00083031 same this is probability n t greater cIwaKVSheUc-00358-00083032-00083182 than or equal to n cIwaKVSheUc-00359-00083183-00083487 and so since n t is poisson distributed cIwaKVSheUc-00360-00083488-00083743 ah poisson random variable with the cIwaKVSheUc-00361-00083744-00083982 lambda t as the parameter so therefore cIwaKVSheUc-00362-00083983-00084247 this probability can be written as sigma cIwaKVSheUc-00363-00084248-00084503 i varying from when n to infinity e cIwaKVSheUc-00364-00084504-00084767 raised to minus lambda t lambda t raised cIwaKVSheUc-00365-00084768-00085023 to i upon i factorial cIwaKVSheUc-00366-00085024-00085182 right cIwaKVSheUc-00367-00085183-00085471 now let us differentiate this cIwaKVSheUc-00368-00085472-00085647 equation from both sides cIwaKVSheUc-00369-00085648-00085847 and so on the left hand side this will cIwaKVSheUc-00370-00085848-00086087 be the pdf of sn cIwaKVSheUc-00371-00086088-00086247 and now here um cIwaKVSheUc-00372-00086248-00086494 let us do it term by term cIwaKVSheUc-00373-00086495-00086735 so cIwaKVSheUc-00374-00086736-00087023 yes so the derivative of this first so cIwaKVSheUc-00375-00087024-00087438 minus lambda e raised to minus cIwaKVSheUc-00376-00087439-00087703 minus lambda t lambda t raised to i upon cIwaKVSheUc-00377-00087704-00087926 i factorial and then the derivative of cIwaKVSheUc-00378-00087927-00088262 this which we are writing as so cIwaKVSheUc-00379-00088263-00088423 first function as it is e raised to cIwaKVSheUc-00380-00088424-00088655 minus lambda t into cIwaKVSheUc-00381-00088656-00088879 lambda raised to i remains as it is t cIwaKVSheUc-00382-00088880-00089150 the power of t becomes i minus 1 and cIwaKVSheUc-00383-00089151-00089343 then i factorial here cIwaKVSheUc-00384-00089344-00089575 right which you can you know cancel the cIwaKVSheUc-00385-00089576-00089767 i part here then it will be i minus 1 cIwaKVSheUc-00386-00089768-00089982 factorial cIwaKVSheUc-00387-00089983-00090262 so ah and e raised to minus lambda t i cIwaKVSheUc-00388-00090263-00090479 have taken outside then this summation cIwaKVSheUc-00389-00090480-00090694 from n to infinity cIwaKVSheUc-00390-00090695-00090959 ok so i am not writing out many many cIwaKVSheUc-00391-00090960-00091199 terms here i just just to show you that cIwaKVSheUc-00392-00091200-00091343 you see cIwaKVSheUc-00393-00091344-00091662 when you take n i equal to n the term cIwaKVSheUc-00394-00091663-00091879 from here you will get lambda lambda t cIwaKVSheUc-00395-00091880-00092143 raise to n upon n factorial and this cIwaKVSheUc-00396-00092144-00092406 will give you lambda raise to n t raise cIwaKVSheUc-00397-00092407-00092679 to n minus 1 and minus one factorial cIwaKVSheUc-00398-00092680-00092887 right so these are the two terms now put cIwaKVSheUc-00399-00092888-00093126 i equal to n plus one so this will be cIwaKVSheUc-00400-00093127-00093271 minus lambda cIwaKVSheUc-00401-00093272-00093511 lambda t raise to n plus one and plus cIwaKVSheUc-00402-00093512-00093767 one factorial right plus cIwaKVSheUc-00403-00093768-00094015 lambda n plus one t raised to n upon n cIwaKVSheUc-00404-00094016-00094135 factorial cIwaKVSheUc-00405-00094136-00094399 so you see this cancels with this cIwaKVSheUc-00406-00094400-00094599 and then i thought i will cIwaKVSheUc-00407-00094600-00094862 also write the values corresponding to i cIwaKVSheUc-00408-00094863-00095087 equal to n plus 2 cIwaKVSheUc-00409-00095088-00095294 so then that will be lambda cIwaKVSheUc-00410-00095295-00095518 lambda t raised to n plus 2 upon n plus cIwaKVSheUc-00411-00095519-00095879 2 factorial plus lambda n plus 2 t cIwaKVSheUc-00412-00095880-00096079 raised to n plus 1 and n plus 1 cIwaKVSheUc-00413-00096080-00096399 factorial so that cancels out this cIwaKVSheUc-00414-00096400-00096647 so you can see the pattern first and the cIwaKVSheUc-00415-00096648-00096999 4th here then the third and the ah fifth cIwaKVSheUc-00416-00097000-00097159 sixth and so on cIwaKVSheUc-00417-00097160-00097374 so ah all these things will cancel out cIwaKVSheUc-00418-00097375-00097559 except for this because this is the cIwaKVSheUc-00419-00097560-00097774 lowest degree term after that the powers cIwaKVSheUc-00420-00097775-00097982 of t keep on increasing so this is the cIwaKVSheUc-00421-00097983-00098167 only one which is left out all these cIwaKVSheUc-00422-00098168-00098303 will cancel out cIwaKVSheUc-00423-00098304-00098423 right cIwaKVSheUc-00424-00098424-00098615 and so you are left with e raised to cIwaKVSheUc-00425-00098616-00098862 minus lambda t into lambda lambda t cIwaKVSheUc-00426-00098863-00099071 raised to n minus 1 upon n minus 1 cIwaKVSheUc-00427-00099072-00099326 factorial same as 1 cIwaKVSheUc-00428-00099327-00099535 but which is a gamma density function cIwaKVSheUc-00429-00099536-00099767 gamma and comma lambda cIwaKVSheUc-00430-00099768-00100143 right so we i just wanted you to sort of cIwaKVSheUc-00431-00100144-00100374 you know make use of this also and cIwaKVSheUc-00432-00100375-00100679 therefore you can even do it directly so cIwaKVSheUc-00433-00100680-00100950 once when you generate so many tools cIwaKVSheUc-00434-00100951-00101247 it is always possible to prove a result cIwaKVSheUc-00435-00101248-00101455 by more than one way and it also helps cIwaKVSheUc-00436-00101456-00101679 it gives you a better insight if you can cIwaKVSheUc-00437-00101680-00101855 do that right cIwaKVSheUc-00438-00101856-00102135 ok so then expected value of s n will be cIwaKVSheUc-00439-00102136-00102447 n upon lambda and variance s n will be n cIwaKVSheUc-00440-00102448-00102671 upon lambda square fine cIwaKVSheUc-00441-00102672-00102839 now we will cIwaKVSheUc-00442-00102840-00103158 further cIwaKVSheUc-00443-00103159-00103294 prove some more properties of the cIwaKVSheUc-00444-00103295-00103527 poisson process and then ah you know cIwaKVSheUc-00445-00103528-00103758 work out examples to show you cIwaKVSheUc-00446-00103759-00104006 how you make use of these ah all this cIwaKVSheUc-00447-00104007-00104351 machinery that we have developed ok now cIwaKVSheUc-00448-00104352-00104486 for example cIwaKVSheUc-00449-00104488-00104710 if you take a poisson process cIwaKVSheUc-00450-00104711-00105119 nt t greater than or equal to 0 then ah cIwaKVSheUc-00451-00105120-00105423 and there can be two sub processes ah if cIwaKVSheUc-00452-00105424-00105631 you remember while discussing the joint cIwaKVSheUc-00453-00105632-00105966 mgf i talked about poisson process and cIwaKVSheUc-00454-00105967-00106223 then i said that if all the cIwaKVSheUc-00455-00106224-00106366 events that are occurring are being cIwaKVSheUc-00456-00106367-00106483 counted cIwaKVSheUc-00457-00106483-00106831 then the the probability of an event cIwaKVSheUc-00458-00106832-00107143 being counted was p and even not being cIwaKVSheUc-00459-00107144-00107390 counted was 1 minus p and then i showed cIwaKVSheUc-00460-00107391-00107783 you through through the mgf that cIwaKVSheUc-00461-00107783-00108023 each of them each of these process again cIwaKVSheUc-00462-00108024-00108343 would be a poisson so see while talking cIwaKVSheUc-00463-00108344-00108631 about the poisson process cIwaKVSheUc-00464-00108632-00108871 having two sub processes which we call cIwaKVSheUc-00465-00108872-00109151 type 1 and type 2 and so the probability cIwaKVSheUc-00466-00109152-00109263 that cIwaKVSheUc-00467-00109264-00109534 the type one would have occurrence would cIwaKVSheUc-00468-00109535-00109751 occur with probability p and type two cIwaKVSheUc-00469-00109752-00109983 will occur with probability one minus p cIwaKVSheUc-00470-00109983-00110175 so i have already so the only correction cIwaKVSheUc-00471-00110176-00110447 i want to make is that see here um your cIwaKVSheUc-00472-00110448-00110727 nt is lambda p t cIwaKVSheUc-00473-00110728-00110975 ok because we are talking about cIwaKVSheUc-00474-00110976-00111207 with respect to t so then we are talking cIwaKVSheUc-00475-00111208-00111463 of arrival time arrival rate in the cIwaKVSheUc-00476-00111464-00111710 interval 0 to t so now here similarly cIwaKVSheUc-00477-00111711-00111966 your n 1 t will be then poisson and this cIwaKVSheUc-00478-00111967-00112310 we showed through ah mgf cIwaKVSheUc-00479-00112311-00112502 process you know we showed that it can cIwaKVSheUc-00480-00112503-00112743 be both will be again poisson so these cIwaKVSheUc-00481-00112744-00113039 sub processes ah n one t would be cIwaKVSheUc-00482-00113040-00113319 poisson lambda p t and um cIwaKVSheUc-00483-00113320-00113447 into the cIwaKVSheUc-00484-00113448-00113734 process type 2 which will be cIwaKVSheUc-00485-00113735-00113999 so the random variable is n to t will be cIwaKVSheUc-00486-00114000-00114375 poisson lambda 1 minus p t so we have to cIwaKVSheUc-00487-00114376-00114599 attach so i what i wrote in the lecture cIwaKVSheUc-00488-00114600-00114839 was without the t part cIwaKVSheUc-00489-00114840-00114983 everywhere here so this is what the cIwaKVSheUc-00490-00114983-00115175 correction is being made otherwise i cIwaKVSheUc-00491-00115176-00115399 have explained what we mean by these sub cIwaKVSheUc-00492-00115400-00115590 processes and so on in the lecture cIwaKVSheUc-00493-00115591-00115886 itself cIwaKVSheUc-00494-00115888-00116143 so exactly the same thing but here again cIwaKVSheUc-00495-00116144-00116358 i will do this cIwaKVSheUc-00496-00116359-00116654 i will try to prove the same result cIwaKVSheUc-00497-00116655-00116839 by using the machinery that the cIwaKVSheUc-00498-00116840-00117063 definition that we have made here i will cIwaKVSheUc-00499-00117064-00117343 try to do that ok because the mgf thing cIwaKVSheUc-00500-00117344-00117599 we know so here it is same thing is cIwaKVSheUc-00501-00117600-00117766 saying that there are two types of that cIwaKVSheUc-00502-00117767-00118095 means you you might be considering cIwaKVSheUc-00503-00118096-00118263 let us say immigrants from another cIwaKVSheUc-00504-00118264-00118527 country and the immigrants may be hindus cIwaKVSheUc-00505-00118528-00118815 muslims whatever it is so therefore the cIwaKVSheUc-00506-00118816-00119039 the total process of immigrants coming cIwaKVSheUc-00507-00119040-00119207 from another country cIwaKVSheUc-00508-00119208-00119439 may be a poisson process and then in cIwaKVSheUc-00509-00119440-00119527 that cIwaKVSheUc-00510-00119528-00119710 num the kinds of people that are cIwaKVSheUc-00511-00119711-00119910 arriving you may want to separate them cIwaKVSheUc-00512-00119911-00120158 into two streams one may be let us say cIwaKVSheUc-00513-00120159-00120375 hindus the other may be muslims so there cIwaKVSheUc-00514-00120376-00120510 will be type one arrival and the cIwaKVSheUc-00515-00120511-00120751 probability of cIwaKVSheUc-00516-00120752-00120983 one of the immigrants being hindu is cIwaKVSheUc-00517-00120983-00121263 probability p and the cIwaKVSheUc-00518-00121264-00121414 1 minus p is the probability of the cIwaKVSheUc-00519-00121415-00121807 immigrant being muslim so then sp so we cIwaKVSheUc-00520-00121808-00121958 will now prove it cIwaKVSheUc-00521-00121959-00122231 in a different way ok in an alternate cIwaKVSheUc-00522-00122232-00122678 way so as i said the proposition is that cIwaKVSheUc-00523-00122679-00122958 there is a poisson process and nt is the cIwaKVSheUc-00524-00122959-00123239 number of arrivals in tie up to time t cIwaKVSheUc-00525-00123240-00123631 then if there is type 1 and type 2 cIwaKVSheUc-00526-00123632-00123966 processes sub processes and so type 1 cIwaKVSheUc-00527-00123967-00124151 process that means the type 1 event cIwaKVSheUc-00528-00124152-00124431 occurs with probability p and time and cIwaKVSheUc-00529-00124432-00124671 the type 2 event occurs with probability cIwaKVSheUc-00530-00124672-00125014 1 minus p we want to show that n one t cIwaKVSheUc-00531-00125015-00125239 is poisson with lambda p as the cIwaKVSheUc-00532-00125240-00125558 parameter and n two n two t is poisson cIwaKVSheUc-00533-00125559-00125807 with parameter one minus p lambda we cIwaKVSheUc-00534-00125808-00125983 want to show this ok cIwaKVSheUc-00535-00125983-00126183 and cIwaKVSheUc-00536-00126183-00126447 as i told you that we we have already cIwaKVSheUc-00537-00126448-00126614 shown this result cIwaKVSheUc-00538-00126615-00126951 using mgf's joint mgf but let me do it cIwaKVSheUc-00539-00126952-00127302 through so we will show that n one t t cIwaKVSheUc-00540-00127303-00127566 greater than zero this satisfies your cIwaKVSheUc-00541-00127567-00127854 definition 2 which remember we said is cIwaKVSheUc-00542-00127855-00128199 more easily verifiable and so cIwaKVSheUc-00543-00128200-00128486 let us do it quickly since n 0 is 0 this cIwaKVSheUc-00544-00128488-00128766 implies n 1 is 0 because your cIwaKVSheUc-00545-00128767-00129031 and t is n 1 t plus n two t if this is cIwaKVSheUc-00546-00129032-00129263 zero then both of them must be zero so n cIwaKVSheUc-00547-00129264-00129510 one is zero now ah the other part is cIwaKVSheUc-00548-00129511-00129702 that you know cIwaKVSheUc-00549-00129703-00129983 independent and stationary increments so cIwaKVSheUc-00550-00129983-00130063 which cIwaKVSheUc-00551-00130064-00130327 can can also be easily seen because if i cIwaKVSheUc-00552-00130328-00130463 condition this cIwaKVSheUc-00553-00130464-00130710 by fixing n t equal to n then the cIwaKVSheUc-00554-00130711-00130934 arrivals here are also cIwaKVSheUc-00555-00130935-00131102 you know they only depend on the length cIwaKVSheUc-00556-00131103-00131319 of the interval and ah and are cIwaKVSheUc-00557-00131320-00131590 independent of what has occurred before cIwaKVSheUc-00558-00131591-00131790 so that is their memory less so by cIwaKVSheUc-00559-00131791-00132039 conditioning also you do not change ah cIwaKVSheUc-00560-00132040-00132287 the independence ah independent cIwaKVSheUc-00561-00132288-00132575 increment property and the stationary ah cIwaKVSheUc-00562-00132576-00132831 proper stationary increment property so cIwaKVSheUc-00563-00132832-00133135 therefore n one t satisfies both now we cIwaKVSheUc-00564-00133136-00133463 just want to show that your probability cIwaKVSheUc-00565-00133464-00133719 n one h equal to one so the num property cIwaKVSheUc-00566-00133720-00133911 three should be satisfied now let us cIwaKVSheUc-00567-00133912-00134199 just look at this event so if um cIwaKVSheUc-00568-00134200-00134463 type one arrival in time cIwaKVSheUc-00569-00134464-00134751 h is one then we can write this break up cIwaKVSheUc-00570-00134752-00135014 this event as saying that n one h is one cIwaKVSheUc-00571-00135015-00135335 given that nh is one so total arrival is cIwaKVSheUc-00572-00135336-00135711 one and then n one ah is one and so this cIwaKVSheUc-00573-00135712-00135911 will be condition this into probability cIwaKVSheUc-00574-00135912-00136375 that ah n h cIwaKVSheUc-00575-00136376-00136687 n h is one right or probability n one is cIwaKVSheUc-00576-00136688-00136895 h and n h is greater than or equal to cIwaKVSheUc-00577-00136896-00137087 two so these are the two possibilities cIwaKVSheUc-00578-00137088-00137199 right cIwaKVSheUc-00579-00137200-00137463 because either n h 1 has ah cIwaKVSheUc-00580-00137464-00137663 is 1 or n h 2 is greater than or equal cIwaKVSheUc-00581-00137664-00137839 to 2. so this will be this into cIwaKVSheUc-00582-00137840-00138031 probability and h greater than or equal cIwaKVSheUc-00583-00138032-00138239 to 2. so i like the proof because just cIwaKVSheUc-00584-00138240-00138447 by basic definition of the process we cIwaKVSheUc-00585-00138448-00138719 are able to show this result so here ah cIwaKVSheUc-00586-00138720-00138887 see n one h is cIwaKVSheUc-00587-00138888-00139014 p cIwaKVSheUc-00588-00139015-00139119 right cIwaKVSheUc-00589-00139120-00139487 and then ah probability n h equal to one cIwaKVSheUc-00590-00139488-00139759 is because um n is anyway a poisson cIwaKVSheUc-00591-00139760-00139999 process so we it already satisfies the cIwaKVSheUc-00592-00140000-00140223 definition so therefore probability of n cIwaKVSheUc-00593-00140224-00140495 h equal to 1 is n h plus order h cIwaKVSheUc-00594-00140496-00140639 this when given that there is one cIwaKVSheUc-00595-00140640-00140854 arrival so then n one h the probability cIwaKVSheUc-00596-00140855-00141151 is p right plus cIwaKVSheUc-00597-00141152-00141447 now again here arrival n one h is one so cIwaKVSheUc-00598-00141448-00141678 that probability is p and then n h cIwaKVSheUc-00599-00141679-00141839 greater than or equal to two and cIwaKVSheUc-00600-00141840-00142119 satisfies the condition four also so cIwaKVSheUc-00601-00142120-00142263 therefore order h cIwaKVSheUc-00602-00142264-00142478 right and so this will be cIwaKVSheUc-00603-00142479-00142831 lambda p h plus order h because p cIwaKVSheUc-00604-00142832-00143014 see remember when you say a function is cIwaKVSheUc-00605-00143015-00143151 of order cIwaKVSheUc-00606-00143152-00143414 like this then constants are all allowed cIwaKVSheUc-00607-00143415-00143583 because it is only the power of h which cIwaKVSheUc-00608-00143584-00143719 is important cIwaKVSheUc-00609-00143720-00143943 its higher power and so as h becomes cIwaKVSheUc-00610-00143944-00144159 smaller and smaller this goes to zero so cIwaKVSheUc-00611-00144160-00144399 therefore that p gets absorbed here and cIwaKVSheUc-00612-00144400-00144807 therefore this is it so ah this is what cIwaKVSheUc-00613-00144808-00144975 yeah so therefore this satisfies cIwaKVSheUc-00614-00144976-00145254 definition because lambda p is the cIwaKVSheUc-00615-00145255-00145487 probability now of arrival cIwaKVSheUc-00616-00145488-00145735 so therefore this will be lambda p into cIwaKVSheUc-00617-00145736-00146023 h right and this n one h is greater than cIwaKVSheUc-00618-00146024-00146239 or equal to two is satisfied because cIwaKVSheUc-00619-00146240-00146439 this probability is less than or equal cIwaKVSheUc-00620-00146440-00146678 to probability of nh greater than or cIwaKVSheUc-00621-00146679-00146943 equal to two right by the definition cIwaKVSheUc-00622-00146944-00147095 because nh is cIwaKVSheUc-00623-00147096-00147390 n 1 h plus n 2 h and since this is order cIwaKVSheUc-00624-00147391-00147711 h so this has to be also order h so nice cIwaKVSheUc-00625-00147712-00147926 simple proof and i like it of course you cIwaKVSheUc-00626-00147927-00148166 we have already done it through the mgf cIwaKVSheUc-00627-00148167-00148311 method but that was for a general cIwaKVSheUc-00628-00148312-00148583 situation now here we are doing it for a cIwaKVSheUc-00629-00148584-00148799 poisson process cIwaKVSheUc-00630-00148800-00148943 ok cIwaKVSheUc-00631-00148944-00149183 so therefore ah the type 1 and type 2 cIwaKVSheUc-00632-00149184-00149383 that means if you have sub processes and cIwaKVSheUc-00633-00149384-00149551 certainly this can be extended to more cIwaKVSheUc-00634-00149552-00149759 than two sub processes so if you have cIwaKVSheUc-00635-00149760-00149975 more than two sub processes each of them cIwaKVSheUc-00636-00149976-00150102 and of course the some of the cIwaKVSheUc-00637-00150103-00150302 probabilities must add up to one which cIwaKVSheUc-00638-00150303-00150535 it will and therefore ah you can say cIwaKVSheUc-00639-00150536-00150751 that all the sub processes will be cIwaKVSheUc-00640-00150752-00150871 independent cIwaKVSheUc-00641-00150872-00151278 ok now ah why how do i show that cIwaKVSheUc-00642-00151279-00151575 n one and n2 are independent that part cIwaKVSheUc-00643-00151576-00151790 is also there cIwaKVSheUc-00644-00151791-00152126 ah that n1 and n2 cIwaKVSheUc-00645-00152127-00152311 are independent once we have shown and cIwaKVSheUc-00646-00152312-00152511 similarly by the sim by the similar cIwaKVSheUc-00647-00152512-00152711 argument you will show that n2h is also cIwaKVSheUc-00648-00152712-00152951 poisson with parameter lambda into one cIwaKVSheUc-00649-00152952-00153263 minus p and now you can use the ah joint cIwaKVSheUc-00650-00153264-00153478 mgf method to show that they will be cIwaKVSheUc-00651-00153479-00153639 independent so cIwaKVSheUc-00652-00153640-00153863 this method i used to show that cIwaKVSheUc-00653-00153864-00154175 lam n one t will be poisson with lambda cIwaKVSheUc-00654-00154176-00154390 p as the parameter and n2 will be cIwaKVSheUc-00655-00154391-00154502 poisson cIwaKVSheUc-00656-00154503-00154775 parameter lambda into one minus p to cIwaKVSheUc-00657-00154776-00154966 show independence you can use the mgf cIwaKVSheUc-00658-00154967-00155190 method okay so let us look at this cIwaKVSheUc-00659-00155191-00155399 example suppose that people from cIwaKVSheUc-00660-00155400-00155614 bangladesh migrate into northeastern cIwaKVSheUc-00661-00155615-00155863 states of india at a poisson rate of cIwaKVSheUc-00662-00155864-00156119 lambda equal to 5 per day cIwaKVSheUc-00663-00156120-00156390 ok so the question asked is what is the cIwaKVSheUc-00664-00156391-00156647 probability that the expected time until cIwaKVSheUc-00665-00156648-00156959 the 15th immigrant arrives so what is cIwaKVSheUc-00666-00156960-00157047 the cIwaKVSheUc-00667-00157048-00157263 probability that the expected time until cIwaKVSheUc-00668-00157264-00157559 the of the expected time cIwaKVSheUc-00669-00157560-00157639 ah cIwaKVSheUc-00670-00157640-00157935 that the 15th immigrant arrives cIwaKVSheUc-00671-00157936-00158231 so that means you are asking for cIwaKVSheUc-00672-00158232-00158511 s 15 so s 15 is cIwaKVSheUc-00673-00158512-00158854 gamma 15 comma 5 by the result that we cIwaKVSheUc-00674-00158855-00159063 arrived some time ago cIwaKVSheUc-00675-00159064-00159302 right because it will be x 1 plus x 2 cIwaKVSheUc-00676-00159303-00159599 plus x 15 and so that will be gamma 15 cIwaKVSheUc-00677-00159600-00159726 comma 5 cIwaKVSheUc-00678-00159727-00160087 and the expected value is 15 upon 5 cIwaKVSheUc-00679-00160088-00160295 remember because this is gamma this n cIwaKVSheUc-00680-00160296-00160607 upon lambda so this will be 15 upon 5 cIwaKVSheUc-00681-00160608-00160871 which is 3 days so the expected arrival cIwaKVSheUc-00682-00160872-00161102 time at the expected time until the 15 cIwaKVSheUc-00683-00161103-00161239 immigrant arrives cIwaKVSheUc-00684-00161240-00161326 fine cIwaKVSheUc-00685-00161327-00161519 ok now what is the probability that the cIwaKVSheUc-00686-00161520-00161807 elapsed time between the 15th and 16th cIwaKVSheUc-00687-00161808-00162095 arrival exceed 2 days cIwaKVSheUc-00688-00162096-00162343 so here you are asking for x 16 because cIwaKVSheUc-00689-00162344-00162583 x 16 is the inter arrival time between cIwaKVSheUc-00690-00162584-00162839 the 15th and the 16th arrival so you are cIwaKVSheUc-00691-00162840-00163111 asking for the probability that x 16 is cIwaKVSheUc-00692-00163112-00163295 greater than 2 cIwaKVSheUc-00693-00163296-00163463 and that will be cIwaKVSheUc-00694-00163464-00163639 e raised to minus cIwaKVSheUc-00695-00163640-00163838 2 lambda cIwaKVSheUc-00696-00163839-00164102 yes again this is from your cIwaKVSheUc-00697-00164103-00164319 ah this is from your cIwaKVSheUc-00698-00164320-00164543 exponential distribution right because cIwaKVSheUc-00699-00164544-00164766 when you have lambda e raised to minus cIwaKVSheUc-00700-00164767-00164895 lambda t cIwaKVSheUc-00701-00164896-00165207 and if you are asking for the this thing cIwaKVSheUc-00702-00165208-00165366 from cIwaKVSheUc-00703-00165367-00165590 let us say a to infinity cIwaKVSheUc-00704-00165591-00165895 then this is what ah lambda upon minus cIwaKVSheUc-00705-00165896-00166166 lambda e raised to minus lambda t cIwaKVSheUc-00706-00166167-00166478 a to infinity and so this is e raised to cIwaKVSheUc-00707-00166479-00166726 minus a lambda so this is it so cIwaKVSheUc-00708-00166727-00166951 probability x 16 greater than 2 will be cIwaKVSheUc-00709-00166952-00167199 e raised to minus 2 lambda which because cIwaKVSheUc-00710-00167200-00167599 lambda is 5 so this e raised to minus 10 cIwaKVSheUc-00711-00167600-00167854 and i have just computed the value here cIwaKVSheUc-00712-00167855-00167983 because you can write this as e raised cIwaKVSheUc-00713-00167984-00168207 to minus 2 raised to five and e raised cIwaKVSheUc-00714-00168208-00168463 to minus two ok i knew the value is zero cIwaKVSheUc-00715-00168464-00168647 point one three three so we just raise cIwaKVSheUc-00716-00168648-00168751 it to five cIwaKVSheUc-00717-00168752-00169031 anyway um cIwaKVSheUc-00718-00169032-00169319 now if if a bangladeshi immigrant is a cIwaKVSheUc-00719-00169320-00169590 hindu with probability one by 10 then cIwaKVSheUc-00720-00169591-00169838 what is the probability that no person cIwaKVSheUc-00721-00169839-00170054 of hindu origin will migrate to cIwaKVSheUc-00722-00170055-00170271 northeastern region in the month of cIwaKVSheUc-00723-00170272-00170431 march cIwaKVSheUc-00724-00170432-00170614 just to show you the cIwaKVSheUc-00725-00170615-00170807 use of you know the what we just cIwaKVSheUc-00726-00170808-00171063 discussed so here ah that means its cIwaKVSheUc-00727-00171064-00171247 lambda p t cIwaKVSheUc-00728-00171248-00171511 so lambda is 5 cIwaKVSheUc-00729-00171512-00171831 p is 1 by 10 and the time is 31 days cIwaKVSheUc-00730-00171832-00172143 march has 31 days so therefore cIwaKVSheUc-00731-00172144-00172478 the no hindu will arrive in that period cIwaKVSheUc-00732-00172479-00172687 again will be e raised to minus lambda t cIwaKVSheUc-00733-00172688-00173007 p which is e raised to minus 31 by 2 and cIwaKVSheUc-00734-00173008-00173254 so you can compute this number cIwaKVSheUc-00735-00173255-00173423 so this is the whole idea and then of cIwaKVSheUc-00736-00173424-00173566 course we will look at some more cIwaKVSheUc-00737-00173567-00173678 properties cIwaKVSheUc-00738-00173679-00173975 of the poisson process and work out a cIwaKVSheUc-00739-00173976-00174143 few more examples yeah now let us look cIwaKVSheUc-00740-00174144-00174438 at this example where we are trying to cIwaKVSheUc-00741-00174439-00174631 compute the conditional cIwaKVSheUc-00742-00174632-00174823 distribution of n s cIwaKVSheUc-00743-00174824-00175031 given that n t is n cIwaKVSheUc-00744-00175032-00175102 so cIwaKVSheUc-00745-00175103-00175502 given that n arrivals are there in time cIwaKVSheUc-00746-00175503-00175702 in time 0 t cIwaKVSheUc-00747-00175703-00175935 and s is less than t so now you want to cIwaKVSheUc-00748-00175936-00176207 look at the conditional distribution of cIwaKVSheUc-00749-00176208-00176478 n s given that yeah see cIwaKVSheUc-00750-00176479-00176631 through all these examples i am just cIwaKVSheUc-00751-00176632-00176854 trying to familiarize you more with the cIwaKVSheUc-00752-00176855-00177095 working of the process and the machinery cIwaKVSheUc-00753-00177096-00177295 that we are developing this is the whole cIwaKVSheUc-00754-00177296-00177695 idea and in the process it makes the cIwaKVSheUc-00755-00177696-00178078 subject quite interesting ok so ah the cIwaKVSheUc-00756-00178079-00178271 solution is that cIwaKVSheUc-00757-00178272-00178471 and then the of course it is being asked cIwaKVSheUc-00758-00178472-00178687 do you recognize this distribution once cIwaKVSheUc-00759-00178688-00178943 you get once you obtain the conditional cIwaKVSheUc-00760-00178944-00179071 distribution cIwaKVSheUc-00761-00179072-00179254 the question asked is do you recognize cIwaKVSheUc-00762-00179255-00179654 this distribution ok so um cIwaKVSheUc-00763-00179655-00179871 you are given that n t is n you have to cIwaKVSheUc-00764-00179872-00180071 find the probability that n s is equal cIwaKVSheUc-00765-00180072-00180383 to k given that nt is n right so now cIwaKVSheUc-00766-00180384-00180575 that means if cIwaKVSheUc-00767-00180576-00180951 up to time 0 s the arrivals are k and up cIwaKVSheUc-00768-00180952-00181054 to time cIwaKVSheUc-00769-00181055-00181335 t the rivals are n so obviously the cIwaKVSheUc-00770-00181336-00181566 number of arrivals in time cIwaKVSheUc-00771-00181567-00181911 t minus s is n minus k right that is how cIwaKVSheUc-00772-00181912-00182111 it will make up the number of arrivals cIwaKVSheUc-00773-00182112-00182438 up to time t as n so up to time s the cIwaKVSheUc-00774-00182439-00182678 number of arrivals are k and then in the cIwaKVSheUc-00775-00182679-00182911 interval cIwaKVSheUc-00776-00182912-00183263 s to t which is the interval length and cIwaKVSheUc-00777-00183264-00183407 by now we know that we just have to cIwaKVSheUc-00778-00183408-00183638 worry about the length of the interval cIwaKVSheUc-00779-00183639-00183831 and not exactly where that interval is cIwaKVSheUc-00780-00183832-00184126 occurring so the number of arrivals in cIwaKVSheUc-00781-00184127-00184214 time cIwaKVSheUc-00782-00184215-00184511 t minus s is n minus k so when you write cIwaKVSheUc-00783-00184512-00184695 down this probability cIwaKVSheUc-00784-00184696-00184943 probability n s equal to k given that n cIwaKVSheUc-00785-00184944-00185311 t is n this you can write as probability cIwaKVSheUc-00786-00185312-00185559 n s is k and probab cIwaKVSheUc-00787-00185560-00185847 comma n t the joint probability of n of cIwaKVSheUc-00788-00185848-00186175 t minus s is n minus k conditioned on cIwaKVSheUc-00789-00186176-00186366 the nt equal to n cIwaKVSheUc-00790-00186367-00186607 and since again from the cIwaKVSheUc-00791-00186608-00186878 independent increment property cIwaKVSheUc-00792-00186879-00187071 for disjoint intervals cIwaKVSheUc-00793-00187072-00187199 or for cIwaKVSheUc-00794-00187200-00187431 s and t minus s the cIwaKVSheUc-00795-00187432-00187599 probability can be written as a product cIwaKVSheUc-00796-00187600-00187847 of these two probabilities so therefore cIwaKVSheUc-00797-00187848-00188014 this will be the product of these two cIwaKVSheUc-00798-00188015-00188238 probabilities the denominator numerator cIwaKVSheUc-00799-00188239-00188487 and the denominator will be probability cIwaKVSheUc-00800-00188488-00188759 and t equal to n ok cIwaKVSheUc-00801-00188760-00188838 so cIwaKVSheUc-00802-00188839-00189083 i suppose i hope this is clear so cIwaKVSheUc-00803-00189084-00189335 therefore um cIwaKVSheUc-00804-00189336-00189550 e raised to minus this probability is e cIwaKVSheUc-00805-00189551-00189750 raised to minus lambda s cIwaKVSheUc-00806-00189751-00190078 lambda s raised to k upon k factorial cIwaKVSheUc-00807-00190079-00190343 and this probability will be e raised to cIwaKVSheUc-00808-00190344-00190575 minus lambda t minus s cIwaKVSheUc-00809-00190576-00190871 lambda t minus s raised to n minus k cIwaKVSheUc-00810-00190872-00191207 upon n minus k factorial divided by e cIwaKVSheUc-00811-00191208-00191487 raised to minus lambda t lambda t raised cIwaKVSheUc-00812-00191488-00191895 to n upon n factorial ok cIwaKVSheUc-00813-00191896-00192247 so um as long as this part is clear that cIwaKVSheUc-00814-00192248-00192463 once you this probability of course i cIwaKVSheUc-00815-00192464-00192663 can write in this way and then this i cIwaKVSheUc-00816-00192664-00192878 can write as a product of these two cIwaKVSheUc-00817-00192879-00193007 probabilities cIwaKVSheUc-00818-00193008-00193366 ok cIwaKVSheUc-00819-00193367-00193583 and so now you see that cIwaKVSheUc-00820-00193584-00193823 this is e raised to minus lambda s and cIwaKVSheUc-00821-00193824-00194071 here you get e raised to ah plus lambda cIwaKVSheUc-00822-00194072-00194287 s which cancels out then e raised to cIwaKVSheUc-00823-00194288-00194535 minus lambda t and in the denominator cIwaKVSheUc-00824-00194536-00194743 you have e raised to minus lambda t so cIwaKVSheUc-00825-00194744-00195038 the e terms all cancel out right and you cIwaKVSheUc-00826-00195039-00195159 are left with cIwaKVSheUc-00827-00195160-00195359 so this n factorial will come in the cIwaKVSheUc-00828-00195360-00195566 numerator so the first term that i have cIwaKVSheUc-00829-00195567-00195814 written is n factorial upon k factorial cIwaKVSheUc-00830-00195815-00196031 and minus k factorial this i have put cIwaKVSheUc-00831-00196032-00196278 together and then you have lambda s cIwaKVSheUc-00832-00196279-00196575 raised to k and lambda t minus s raised cIwaKVSheUc-00833-00196576-00196911 to n minus k divided by lambda t raised cIwaKVSheUc-00834-00196912-00197190 to n so this is what i have written here cIwaKVSheUc-00835-00197191-00197495 ok so this whole expression simplifies cIwaKVSheUc-00836-00197496-00197702 to this cIwaKVSheUc-00837-00197703-00197990 yes and now here what you can do is see cIwaKVSheUc-00838-00197991-00198207 again the lambda raised to k and lambda cIwaKVSheUc-00839-00198208-00198407 raised to n minus k is lambda raised to cIwaKVSheUc-00840-00198408-00198654 n which cancels with lambda raised to n cIwaKVSheUc-00841-00198655-00198911 here so you are left with s by t raised cIwaKVSheUc-00842-00198912-00199047 to k cIwaKVSheUc-00843-00199048-00199263 now the t raised to n i can write this cIwaKVSheUc-00844-00199264-00199335 as cIwaKVSheUc-00845-00199336-00199678 k plus n minus k so the k t raised to k cIwaKVSheUc-00846-00199679-00199966 ah couples with this which is s upon t cIwaKVSheUc-00847-00199967-00200190 raised to k and this here will be one cIwaKVSheUc-00848-00200191-00200631 minus s upon t raised to n minus k cIwaKVSheUc-00849-00200632-00200950 so ah we see that now you can recognize cIwaKVSheUc-00850-00200951-00201078 this cIwaKVSheUc-00851-00201079-00201207 if you treat cIwaKVSheUc-00852-00201208-00201463 p equal to s by t then this is a cIwaKVSheUc-00853-00201464-00201663 binomial probability cIwaKVSheUc-00854-00201664-00201878 when you are choosing k items out of n cIwaKVSheUc-00855-00201879-00202007 that means you are asking for k cIwaKVSheUc-00856-00202008-00202390 successes out of n trials and cIwaKVSheUc-00857-00202391-00202550 n independent trials and your cIwaKVSheUc-00858-00202551-00202807 probability of success is s by t the cIwaKVSheUc-00859-00202808-00202990 more important thing is that this whole cIwaKVSheUc-00860-00202991-00203119 expression that the conditional cIwaKVSheUc-00861-00203120-00203471 distribution is independent of lambda cIwaKVSheUc-00862-00203472-00203726 that means no matter what the cIwaKVSheUc-00863-00203727-00204087 parameter of the poisson process is cIwaKVSheUc-00864-00204088-00204247 these conditional this conditional cIwaKVSheUc-00865-00204248-00204383 probability cIwaKVSheUc-00866-00204384-00204559 is independent of lambda it is only cIwaKVSheUc-00867-00204560-00204759 dependent on the length of the cIwaKVSheUc-00868-00204760-00205023 time intervals that means here it was ns cIwaKVSheUc-00869-00205023-00205223 and there it was nt cIwaKVSheUc-00870-00205223-00205446 so that s and t cIwaKVSheUc-00871-00205448-00205527 so cIwaKVSheUc-00872-00205528-00205686 i am sure there are many more cIwaKVSheUc-00873-00205687-00205942 interesting implications of cIwaKVSheUc-00874-00205944-00206214 this result ok but again cIwaKVSheUc-00875-00206215-00206486 you know you can get it nicely by just cIwaKVSheUc-00876-00206487-00206646 using the cIwaKVSheUc-00877-00206648-00206982 definitions and so on now let me again cIwaKVSheUc-00878-00206983-00207198 take up this interesting optimization cIwaKVSheUc-00879-00207200-00207319 problem cIwaKVSheUc-00880-00207319-00207542 and here cIwaKVSheUc-00881-00207544-00207766 again the machinery is not very cIwaKVSheUc-00882-00207767-00208046 complicated suppose that items arrive at cIwaKVSheUc-00883-00208048-00208327 a processing plant in accordance with cIwaKVSheUc-00884-00208328-00208606 the poisson process with rate lambda so cIwaKVSheUc-00885-00208607-00208903 that means the items are arriving at the cIwaKVSheUc-00886-00208904-00209014 you know cIwaKVSheUc-00887-00209015-00209271 at the gate of the processing plant and cIwaKVSheUc-00888-00209271-00209398 the arrival cIwaKVSheUc-00889-00209400-00209703 process is poisson with rate lambda cIwaKVSheUc-00890-00209704-00209927 now at a fixed time all items are cIwaKVSheUc-00891-00209928-00210198 dispatched from the system so the items cIwaKVSheUc-00892-00210200-00210455 get processed and after if time t when cIwaKVSheUc-00893-00210456-00210694 they all collect they are dispatched to cIwaKVSheUc-00894-00210696-00210919 for wherever they came now the problem cIwaKVSheUc-00895-00210919-00211175 is to choose an intermediate time t cIwaKVSheUc-00896-00211176-00211382 belonging to 0 comma t cIwaKVSheUc-00897-00211383-00211623 at which all items in the system that cIwaKVSheUc-00898-00211623-00211782 means all the items which have been cIwaKVSheUc-00899-00211783-00212063 processed by time small t they get cIwaKVSheUc-00900-00212064-00212334 dispatched and then the remaining cIwaKVSheUc-00901-00212335-00212558 which get processed from time t to cIwaKVSheUc-00902-00212559-00212846 capital t they will be cIwaKVSheUc-00903-00212848-00212975 after being processed they will be cIwaKVSheUc-00904-00212976-00213246 dispatched so that means they have cIwaKVSheUc-00905-00213248-00213391 no they are not going to wait till the cIwaKVSheUc-00906-00213392-00213694 end of up to time t so in between also cIwaKVSheUc-00907-00213696-00213942 they would like to dispatch the items cIwaKVSheUc-00908-00213944-00214127 and the idea here is that cIwaKVSheUc-00909-00214128-00214367 this will this way they want to minimize cIwaKVSheUc-00910-00214367-00214606 the total expected wait time of all cIwaKVSheUc-00911-00214607-00214798 items cIwaKVSheUc-00912-00214800-00215031 so total expected waiting time right cIwaKVSheUc-00913-00215032-00215142 this is what cIwaKVSheUc-00914-00215144-00215294 we have to cIwaKVSheUc-00915-00215296-00215463 write down the expression and then see cIwaKVSheUc-00916-00215464-00215742 how we minimize so the choice of small t cIwaKVSheUc-00917-00215744-00215942 that means the intermediate time at cIwaKVSheUc-00918-00215944-00216151 which you want to dispatch whatever cIwaKVSheUc-00919-00216152-00216398 items have been processed this is that cIwaKVSheUc-00920-00216400-00216567 has to be cIwaKVSheUc-00921-00216567-00216879 fixed that has to be sort of obtained by cIwaKVSheUc-00922-00216880-00216998 this process cIwaKVSheUc-00923-00217000-00217294 so expected number of arrivals in zero t cIwaKVSheUc-00924-00217296-00217558 is lambda t cIwaKVSheUc-00925-00217559-00217767 remember because this is poisson with cIwaKVSheUc-00926-00217767-00217982 parameter lambda so therefore cIwaKVSheUc-00927-00217983-00218263 in time zero t the cIwaKVSheUc-00928-00218264-00218623 expected value is lambda t right and cIwaKVSheUc-00929-00218623-00218871 each arrival is uniformly distributed cIwaKVSheUc-00930-00218871-00219063 remember right some time ago discussed cIwaKVSheUc-00931-00219064-00219167 when we were cIwaKVSheUc-00932-00219167-00219342 looking at the cIwaKVSheUc-00933-00219344-00219575 poisson process and its cIwaKVSheUc-00934-00219576-00219910 properties and we said that because cIwaKVSheUc-00935-00219911-00220119 because of the cIwaKVSheUc-00936-00220119-00220358 stationary increments cIwaKVSheUc-00937-00220359-00220646 when the number of items that cIwaKVSheUc-00938-00220648-00220839 arrive in this time they would be cIwaKVSheUc-00939-00220840-00221103 uniformly distributed over the randomly cIwaKVSheUc-00940-00221104-00221303 distributed over the time interval zero cIwaKVSheUc-00941-00221304-00221606 t right so therefore cIwaKVSheUc-00942-00221607-00221975 in time 0 t the expected any any uniform cIwaKVSheUc-00943-00221976-00222119 variable cIwaKVSheUc-00944-00222119-00222503 distributed over 0 t has mean t by 2. so cIwaKVSheUc-00945-00222504-00222782 the expected wait time is t by 2 all cIwaKVSheUc-00946-00222783-00223015 items which start getting processed from cIwaKVSheUc-00947-00223016-00223271 here till up to this so their expected cIwaKVSheUc-00948-00223271-00223510 wait time is t by 2 because we have said cIwaKVSheUc-00949-00223511-00223631 that the cIwaKVSheUc-00950-00223632-00223887 you know the processing is uniformly cIwaKVSheUc-00951-00223888-00224055 done cIwaKVSheUc-00952-00224056-00224175 in the sense that cIwaKVSheUc-00953-00224176-00224263 sorry cIwaKVSheUc-00954-00224264-00224471 the process is not uniformly done it is cIwaKVSheUc-00955-00224471-00224687 that is the arrival is so it's cIwaKVSheUc-00956-00224688-00224927 distributed the arrivals of these items cIwaKVSheUc-00957-00224928-00225175 is distributed uniformly in the interval cIwaKVSheUc-00958-00225176-00225431 zero t so their expected wait time is t cIwaKVSheUc-00959-00225432-00225582 by two because they will be dispatched cIwaKVSheUc-00960-00225583-00225894 by the end of this time period right ok cIwaKVSheUc-00961-00225896-00226127 now so total expected weight of all cIwaKVSheUc-00962-00226128-00226406 items arriving in 0 t is therefore cIwaKVSheUc-00963-00226407-00226639 lambda t into t by 2. cIwaKVSheUc-00964-00226640-00226887 so expected wait time of any item is t cIwaKVSheUc-00965-00226888-00227134 by 2 right because cIwaKVSheUc-00966-00227135-00227327 they are in uniformly distributed in cIwaKVSheUc-00967-00227328-00227455 this interval cIwaKVSheUc-00968-00227456-00227694 the items and therefore for each of them cIwaKVSheUc-00969-00227696-00227919 the wait time is t by 2 and since the cIwaKVSheUc-00970-00227919-00228127 expected number of cIwaKVSheUc-00971-00228128-00228334 items that arrive in this time is lambda cIwaKVSheUc-00972-00228335-00228542 t so the whole thing is cIwaKVSheUc-00973-00228544-00228806 lambda t into t by 2 which is this right cIwaKVSheUc-00974-00228807-00229006 now the similar reasoning holds for cIwaKVSheUc-00975-00229007-00229367 items arriving in time t to t comma t cIwaKVSheUc-00976-00229367-00229567 and therefore for these items because cIwaKVSheUc-00977-00229567-00229815 they will get dispatched at time capital cIwaKVSheUc-00978-00229816-00230063 t so the total expected wait time will cIwaKVSheUc-00979-00230064-00230367 be therefore lambda t square by 2 plus cIwaKVSheUc-00980-00230367-00230623 half lambda capital t minus t whole cIwaKVSheUc-00981-00230623-00230879 square so i hope this part is clear cIwaKVSheUc-00982-00230880-00230975 right cIwaKVSheUc-00983-00230976-00231158 and this reasoning is ok because cIwaKVSheUc-00984-00231159-00231342 expected wait time into the expected cIwaKVSheUc-00985-00231344-00231551 number of items that arrive so that cIwaKVSheUc-00986-00231552-00231806 gives me the total expected wait time of cIwaKVSheUc-00987-00231807-00232039 all items arriving in time in the cIwaKVSheUc-00988-00232040-00232342 interval 0 t okay cIwaKVSheUc-00989-00232344-00232534 so to minimize that to find out the cIwaKVSheUc-00990-00232535-00232742 minimizing value of t i differentiate cIwaKVSheUc-00991-00232744-00232982 this expression with respect to t and i cIwaKVSheUc-00992-00232983-00233206 get lambda t minus because there is a cIwaKVSheUc-00993-00233207-00233503 minus here so the two is gone so lambda cIwaKVSheUc-00994-00233504-00233831 t minus lambda capital t minus t is zero cIwaKVSheUc-00995-00233832-00234103 and this gives me t equal to t by 2 cIwaKVSheUc-00996-00234104-00234471 as you would expect because the cIwaKVSheUc-00997-00234471-00234742 rivals are uniformly distributed over cIwaKVSheUc-00998-00234744-00235015 the entire time interval and cIwaKVSheUc-00999-00235016-00235279 just to make sure that cIwaKVSheUc-01000-00235280-00235558 this is the minimizing value ah you find cIwaKVSheUc-01001-00235559-00235806 out w prime t and w prime t will come cIwaKVSheUc-01002-00235807-00236079 out to be 2 lambda which is positive so cIwaKVSheUc-01003-00236080-00236206 therefore cIwaKVSheUc-01004-00236207-00236494 this gives you the minimizing value cIwaKVSheUc-01005-00236496-00236623 so therefore cIwaKVSheUc-01006-00236623-00236919 it says that you dispatch whatever items cIwaKVSheUc-01007-00236919-00237127 get processed ah in the middle of the cIwaKVSheUc-01008-00237128-00237382 time and then wait for the cIwaKVSheUc-01009-00237383-00237591 others to be processed and cIwaKVSheUc-01010-00237592-00237846 dispatch them at t cIwaKVSheUc-01011-00237848-00238142 a simple which appeals to your cIwaKVSheUc-01012-00238144-00238351 reasoning also but then through this cIwaKVSheUc-01013-00238352-00238598 machinery also we have arrived at this cIwaKVSheUc-01014-00238600-00238719 result cIwaKVSheUc-01015-00238719-00239079 right so before i begin ah the cIwaKVSheUc-01016-00239080-00239327 you know talking about queuing models i cIwaKVSheUc-01017-00239328-00239551 thought i will finish off the cIwaKVSheUc-01018-00239552-00239823 lecture on poison processes with this cIwaKVSheUc-01019-00239823-00240110 example on exponential distributions cIwaKVSheUc-01020-00240111-00240406 because it is somehow related and cIwaKVSheUc-01021-00240407-00240646 part of it right and so and this would cIwaKVSheUc-01022-00240648-00240806 be the right place to talk about it cIwaKVSheUc-01023-00240807-00241039 because we have talked of exponential cIwaKVSheUc-01024-00241040-00241294 of the poisson process and we have cIwaKVSheUc-01025-00241296-00241542 talked of people ah expected number of cIwaKVSheUc-01026-00241544-00241806 people in the system and so on and then cIwaKVSheUc-01027-00241807-00241967 because the cIwaKVSheUc-01028-00241967-00242127 the um cIwaKVSheUc-01029-00242128-00242263 these the cIwaKVSheUc-01030-00242264-00242471 inter arrival times had we have shown cIwaKVSheUc-01031-00242471-00242719 that each of them were identically cIwaKVSheUc-01032-00242719-00242975 independently distributed as exponential cIwaKVSheUc-01033-00242976-00243175 random variables so i thought this would cIwaKVSheUc-01034-00243176-00243279 be also cIwaKVSheUc-01035-00243280-00243542 this can be part of it so here the the cIwaKVSheUc-01036-00243544-00243830 whole idea is that and of course this is cIwaKVSheUc-01037-00243831-00244071 a simple example on the cIwaKVSheUc-01038-00244071-00244271 memoryless property of cIwaKVSheUc-01039-00244271-00244542 the exponential distribution so consider cIwaKVSheUc-01040-00244544-00244782 a railway booking counter that is run by cIwaKVSheUc-01041-00244783-00245046 two clerks cIwaKVSheUc-01042-00245048-00245263 suppose that when mr sharma enters the cIwaKVSheUc-01043-00245264-00245575 system he discovers that mr jan is being cIwaKVSheUc-01044-00245576-00245823 served by the clerk at one counter and cIwaKVSheUc-01045-00245823-00246046 mr verma is being served at the other cIwaKVSheUc-01046-00246048-00246319 counter ok so both the counters are busy cIwaKVSheUc-01047-00246319-00246630 when mr sharma enters the system now ah cIwaKVSheUc-01048-00246631-00246846 mr sharma's service will begin as soon cIwaKVSheUc-01049-00246848-00247119 as either mr jan or mr verma leave the cIwaKVSheUc-01050-00247119-00247358 system that whenever whenever as as soon cIwaKVSheUc-01051-00247359-00247519 as one of them is cIwaKVSheUc-01052-00247519-00247679 completes the service cIwaKVSheUc-01053-00247680-00248039 they will he he he will leave the system cIwaKVSheUc-01054-00248040-00248271 and then mr sharma's turn will come to cIwaKVSheUc-01055-00248271-00248519 be serviced by the clerk so if the cIwaKVSheUc-01056-00248519-00248775 amount of time occur clerk spends with cIwaKVSheUc-01057-00248776-00248982 the customer is exponentially cIwaKVSheUc-01058-00248983-00249239 distributed with mean one by mu cIwaKVSheUc-01059-00249240-00249367 that means the cIwaKVSheUc-01060-00249367-00249503 parameter of the exponential cIwaKVSheUc-01061-00249504-00249703 distribution is mu and therefore the cIwaKVSheUc-01062-00249704-00249998 mean mean time the that a clerk spends cIwaKVSheUc-01063-00250000-00250271 with the customer is one upon mu right cIwaKVSheUc-01064-00250271-00250494 what is the probability that of the cIwaKVSheUc-01065-00250496-00250758 three customers mr sharma is the last to cIwaKVSheUc-01066-00250759-00250855 leave cIwaKVSheUc-01067-00250856-00251094 so of course here um cIwaKVSheUc-01068-00251096-00251351 mr sharma will only get serviced once cIwaKVSheUc-01069-00251352-00251575 one of the customers has left so the cIwaKVSheUc-01070-00251576-00251871 actual question is that when mr sharma's cIwaKVSheUc-01071-00251871-00252110 turn comes for being serviced there is cIwaKVSheUc-01072-00252111-00252367 one person one of mr ah cIwaKVSheUc-01073-00252367-00252606 jan or mr verma one of them is being cIwaKVSheUc-01074-00252607-00252919 serviced right and so mr sharma goes to cIwaKVSheUc-01075-00252919-00253127 the clerk for cIwaKVSheUc-01076-00253128-00253439 getting his job done and then the idea cIwaKVSheUc-01077-00253440-00253663 is that who will leave the system first cIwaKVSheUc-01078-00253664-00253927 so suppose mr jan is being serviced cIwaKVSheUc-01079-00253928-00254191 while mr sharma goes to the cIwaKVSheUc-01080-00254192-00254639 clerk because mr verma has left so cIwaKVSheUc-01081-00254640-00254806 the question being asked is what is the cIwaKVSheUc-01082-00254807-00255039 probability that mr sharma cIwaKVSheUc-01083-00255040-00255351 would still be in the system when mr jan cIwaKVSheUc-01084-00255352-00255630 leaves so essentially you are asking who cIwaKVSheUc-01085-00255631-00255919 will be the first one to leave either mr cIwaKVSheUc-01086-00255919-00256175 jain or mr sharma mr verma has already cIwaKVSheUc-01087-00256176-00256446 left right so but the exponential cIwaKVSheUc-01088-00256448-00256727 distribution is memoryless cIwaKVSheUc-01089-00256728-00257006 so therefore how long mr jan how long cIwaKVSheUc-01090-00257007-00257230 more will mr jan take cIwaKVSheUc-01091-00257231-00257534 is independent of cIwaKVSheUc-01092-00257535-00257671 how long he has already been at the cIwaKVSheUc-01093-00257671-00257871 counter right because we have said that cIwaKVSheUc-01094-00257871-00258103 it is memoryless and therefore the cIwaKVSheUc-01095-00258104-00258358 service gets completed is not dependent cIwaKVSheUc-01096-00258359-00258551 on how long it will take for the service cIwaKVSheUc-01097-00258552-00258767 to be completed it does not depend on cIwaKVSheUc-01098-00258767-00258998 how long he is already being serviced cIwaKVSheUc-01099-00259000-00259263 and so therefore ah its equally likely cIwaKVSheUc-01100-00259264-00259551 that either mr sharma ah will complete cIwaKVSheUc-01101-00259552-00259734 his service before mr cIwaKVSheUc-01102-00259735-00259975 jan or mr jan will complete i am just cIwaKVSheUc-01103-00259976-00260206 assuming that mr jain is still in the cIwaKVSheUc-01104-00260207-00260471 system mr varmays left but you can do it cIwaKVSheUc-01105-00260471-00260639 either way right so therefore a very cIwaKVSheUc-01106-00260640-00260782 simple cIwaKVSheUc-01107-00260783-00260887 you know cIwaKVSheUc-01108-00260888-00261223 use of the memoryless property of cIwaKVSheUc-01109-00261223-00261415 exponential distribution and so cIwaKVSheUc-01110-00261416-00261527 therefore cIwaKVSheUc-01111-00261528-00261830 the probability of mr sharma leaving cIwaKVSheUc-01112-00261831-00262055 last is half because it is equally cIwaKVSheUc-01113-00262056-00262191 likely whether cIwaKVSheUc-01114-00262192-00262519 mr jan completes his service first or mr cIwaKVSheUc-01115-00262520-00262719 sharma completes the service because of cIwaKVSheUc-01116-00262720-00262982 the memoryless property so i thought cIwaKVSheUc-01117-00262983-00263151 this would just cIwaKVSheUc-01118-00263152-00263310 add to the cIwaKVSheUc-01119-00263311-00263495 poisson process and the other systems cIwaKVSheUc-01120-00263496-00263687 that we have been talking of birth and cIwaKVSheUc-01121-00263688-00263910 death process that means when you have cIwaKVSheUc-01122-00263911-00264103 people arriving at cIwaKVSheUc-01123-00264104-00264351 at a service station and cIwaKVSheUc-01124-00264352-00264519 then they are being serviced and so then cIwaKVSheUc-01125-00264520-00264775 we want to talk about the uh you know cIwaKVSheUc-01126-00264776-00264967 number of people average number of cIwaKVSheUc-01127-00264968-00265223 people in the system then cIwaKVSheUc-01128-00265224-00265415 what is the average waiting time and so cIwaKVSheUc-01129-00265416-00265534 on cIwaKVSheUc-01130-00265535-00265791 i would like to take this further cIwaKVSheUc-01131-00265792-00265975 because once we have cIwaKVSheUc-01132-00265976-00266295 been able to compute the ah cIwaKVSheUc-01133-00266296-00266534 you know arrivals cIwaKVSheUc-01134-00266535-00266630 we have we cIwaKVSheUc-01135-00266631-00266879 we have discussed the poisson process cIwaKVSheUc-01136-00266880-00266982 one of the cIwaKVSheUc-01137-00266983-00267295 arrival processes cIwaKVSheUc-01138-00267296-00267519 under these conditions that we have cIwaKVSheUc-01139-00267520-00267910 laid down and then now we want to cIwaKVSheUc-01140-00267911-00268134 look at you know for example you have a cIwaKVSheUc-01141-00268135-00268423 service center and there you have people cIwaKVSheUc-01142-00268424-00268630 arriving for service then you have cIwaKVSheUc-01143-00268631-00268903 people providing the service and then cIwaKVSheUc-01144-00268904-00269143 that process is also random so now we cIwaKVSheUc-01145-00269144-00269358 want to combine these two and therefore cIwaKVSheUc-01146-00269359-00269558 the whole the theory that you when you cIwaKVSheUc-01147-00269559-00269975 study such processes is known as cIwaKVSheUc-01148-00269976-00270175 queuing process cIwaKVSheUc-01149-00270176-00270447 and then you want to for example cIwaKVSheUc-01150-00270448-00270623 you know when you have a post office you cIwaKVSheUc-01151-00270624-00270855 want to know because if the average cIwaKVSheUc-01152-00270856-00271087 number of people arriving in the post cIwaKVSheUc-01153-00271088-00271391 office is large then you would want to cIwaKVSheUc-01154-00271392-00271567 one clerk may not be enough to serve cIwaKVSheUc-01155-00271568-00271782 everybody and you would and then cIwaKVSheUc-01156-00271783-00272006 facility how big it should be and so on cIwaKVSheUc-01157-00272007-00272151 so they are very interesting question cIwaKVSheUc-01158-00272152-00272375 but of course we will study them at a cIwaKVSheUc-01159-00272376-00272615 very basic level so it will be the cIwaKVSheUc-01160-00272616-00272767 queuing processes where you want to cIwaKVSheUc-01161-00272768-00272991 compute the average waiting time of a cIwaKVSheUc-01162-00272992-00273310 customer you want to compute the average cIwaKVSheUc-01163-00273311-00273551 service time of a customer when you want cIwaKVSheUc-01164-00273552-00273695 to look at the cIwaKVSheUc-01165-00273696-00273887 average number of people there at any cIwaKVSheUc-01166-00273888-00274127 time there are in the system and so on cIwaKVSheUc-01167-00274128-00274327 so such interesting questions we would cIwaKVSheUc-01168-00274328-00274510 want to answer and therefore we will cIwaKVSheUc-01169-00274511-00274655 model the situation cIwaKVSheUc-01170-00274656-00274791 where you have cIwaKVSheUc-01171-00274792-00275030 people arriving for service services are cIwaKVSheUc-01172-00275031-00275239 being rendered and then people leave the cIwaKVSheUc-01173-00275240-00275479 system so the whole thing we would want cIwaKVSheUc-01174-00275480-00275734 to study and this will try to do in the cIwaKVSheUc-01175-00275735-00275951 next couple of lectures cIwaKVSheUc-01177-00279120-00279328 you cKesiX9568Q-00000-00000024-00000206 hello everyone and welcome to channel cKesiX9568Q-00001-00000208-00000574 781 news waltham weekly news i am here cKesiX9568Q-00002-00000575-00000767 with chris campbell cKesiX9568Q-00003-00000768-00000878 hello cKesiX9568Q-00004-00000880-00001103 and james berkeleys cKesiX9568Q-00005-00001104-00001239 hello everyone cKesiX9568Q-00006-00001240-00001431 um this week in waltham an important cKesiX9568Q-00007-00001432-00001647 person in the community passed away cKesiX9568Q-00008-00001648-00001926 we're sorry to share the news deb wilde cKesiX9568Q-00009-00001927-00002159 who was the founder of mothers out frank cKesiX9568Q-00010-00002160-00002399 wolfham and uh at this week's city cKesiX9568Q-00011-00002400-00002615 council meeting uh councilor bradley cKesiX9568Q-00012-00002616-00002942 mcarthur did a moment of silence cKesiX9568Q-00013-00002943-00003206 for her and referred to her as a second cKesiX9568Q-00014-00003207-00003383 mother we're hoping to hear more from cKesiX9568Q-00015-00003384-00003463 her cKesiX9568Q-00016-00003464-00003735 uh about deb wilde but um in the cKesiX9568Q-00017-00003736-00003886 meantime chris could you tell us a cKesiX9568Q-00018-00003887-00004151 little bit more about who deb wilde was cKesiX9568Q-00019-00004152-00004254 so cKesiX9568Q-00020-00004255-00004575 yeah so unfortunately a cKesiX9568Q-00021-00004576-00004815 powerhouse of an organizer uh passed cKesiX9568Q-00022-00004816-00005159 away in waltham recently um deb wilde um cKesiX9568Q-00023-00005160-00005367 on tuesday passed away from uh cKesiX9568Q-00024-00005368-00005783 aggressive cancer it was very sudden um cKesiX9568Q-00025-00005784-00005911 she really touched a lot of people's cKesiX9568Q-00026-00005912-00006047 lives she cKesiX9568Q-00027-00006048-00006199 really had a knack for bringing people cKesiX9568Q-00028-00006200-00006446 together for the common good she cKesiX9568Q-00029-00006447-00006919 in her later years really became um cKesiX9568Q-00030-00006920-00007087 very concerned about the climate crisis cKesiX9568Q-00031-00007088-00007270 and helped lead the local chapter of the cKesiX9568Q-00032-00007272-00007655 mothers out front um and most famously cKesiX9568Q-00033-00007656-00007783 um was cKesiX9568Q-00034-00007784-00008023 succeeded at identifying gas leaks cKesiX9568Q-00035-00008023-00008278 around the community and that really not cKesiX9568Q-00036-00008279-00008455 only got cKesiX9568Q-00037-00008456-00008927 media attention city council uh cKesiX9568Q-00038-00008928-00009223 recognition as well but just was it it cKesiX9568Q-00039-00009224-00009503 was an incredible effort and uh we're cKesiX9568Q-00040-00009504-00009663 gonna talk a little bit about um cKesiX9568Q-00041-00009664-00009903 national politics uh today and like last cKesiX9568Q-00042-00009904-00010039 week i said this isn't usually something cKesiX9568Q-00043-00010040-00010231 that's brought up um until it is brought cKesiX9568Q-00044-00010232-00010471 up and deb was one of those people that cKesiX9568Q-00045-00010472-00010695 could get the waltham city council to cKesiX9568Q-00046-00010696-00010927 talk about national politics and had a cKesiX9568Q-00047-00010928-00011335 way of bringing it to a very local cKesiX9568Q-00048-00011336-00011383 sense um cKesiX9568Q-00049-00011384-00011703 local frame of mind um and so she will cKesiX9568Q-00050-00011704-00012006 be sorely missed in addition to the news cKesiX9568Q-00051-00012007-00012255 about wild there's another sad thing cKesiX9568Q-00052-00012256-00012367 that happened cKesiX9568Q-00053-00012368-00012655 um there was a family whose home cKesiX9568Q-00054-00012656-00012943 uh had a fire um but there's an effort cKesiX9568Q-00055-00012944-00013119 in the community to try to help them out cKesiX9568Q-00056-00013119-00013311 so ashley james can you tell us more cKesiX9568Q-00057-00013312-00013647 about that so there was a house fire on cKesiX9568Q-00058-00013647-00013743 on the cKesiX9568Q-00059-00013744-00014007 last sunday of the 12th and causing a cKesiX9568Q-00060-00014008-00014230 family to lose all their possessions cKesiX9568Q-00061-00014231-00014455 clothing food and even a pet cKesiX9568Q-00062-00014456-00014622 and uh it's currently there's currently cKesiX9568Q-00063-00014623-00014783 a fundraiser that's raised over thirty cKesiX9568Q-00064-00014784-00014975 six thousand dollars for them cKesiX9568Q-00065-00014976-00015335 and the uh restaurants uh the busy and cKesiX9568Q-00066-00015336-00015599 uh tempo are gonna be donating 10 of cKesiX9568Q-00067-00015600-00015775 their profits on cKesiX9568Q-00068-00015776-00015991 uh this thursday the family cKesiX9568Q-00069-00015991-00016150 so you should go cKesiX9568Q-00070-00016151-00016279 to them cKesiX9568Q-00071-00016280-00016479 and yeah donation we will there's a link cKesiX9568Q-00072-00016480-00016583 as well cKesiX9568Q-00073-00016584-00016935 yeah so also it will be talking about cKesiX9568Q-00074-00016936-00017111 community events cKesiX9568Q-00075-00017112-00017271 i have some more information for you cKesiX9568Q-00076-00017272-00017471 about the school committee budget cKesiX9568Q-00077-00017472-00017663 we have some information about a young cKesiX9568Q-00078-00017664-00017903 author who got published cKesiX9568Q-00079-00017904-00018063 in waltham cKesiX9568Q-00080-00018064-00018279 an update on the effort to name cKesiX9568Q-00081-00018280-00018550 something after virginia monroe cKesiX9568Q-00082-00018551-00018758 we have a story about waltham lost in cKesiX9568Q-00083-00018759-00019047 court on an interesting case about cKesiX9568Q-00084-00019048-00019303 zoning there was a also a cKesiX9568Q-00085-00019304-00019494 hearing in the city council this week cKesiX9568Q-00086-00019495-00019735 for flora holdings one of the cKesiX9568Q-00087-00019736-00019935 cannabis dispensaries so we'll talk a cKesiX9568Q-00088-00019936-00020111 little bit about that so let's talk cKesiX9568Q-00089-00020112-00020447 about uh upcoming events uh with help cKesiX9568Q-00090-00020448-00020799 from mr hammer patriot on reddit um this cKesiX9568Q-00091-00020800-00021007 weekend is the waltham river fest that cKesiX9568Q-00092-00021008-00021207 looks like an exciting event with lots cKesiX9568Q-00093-00021208-00021455 of activities on both friday and cKesiX9568Q-00094-00021456-00021855 saturday um on sunday the 19th wolf damn cKesiX9568Q-00095-00021856-00022071 black future fund is doing a community cKesiX9568Q-00096-00022072-00022319 cookout at waltham community farm you do cKesiX9568Q-00097-00022320-00022535 have to sign up in advance for that so cKesiX9568Q-00098-00022536-00022775 if links for all of these events are on cKesiX9568Q-00099-00022776-00023030 the waltham subreddit if you want to um cKesiX9568Q-00100-00023031-00023294 follow up on any of these there's also a cKesiX9568Q-00101-00023295-00023583 juneteen celebration on june 20th cKesiX9568Q-00102-00023584-00024022 um on the waltham common um and the cKesiX9568Q-00103-00024023-00024319 moody street art walk is happening um cKesiX9568Q-00104-00024320-00024591 starting saturday june 25th that means cKesiX9568Q-00105-00024592-00024799 that there will be artists showing their cKesiX9568Q-00106-00024800-00024935 work in some of the restaurants and cKesiX9568Q-00107-00024936-00025175 businesses on moody street cKesiX9568Q-00108-00025176-00025350 and the waltham children's business fair cKesiX9568Q-00109-00025351-00025622 is also happening june 25th cKesiX9568Q-00110-00025623-00025758 and the cKesiX9568Q-00111-00025760-00026062 uh waltham farmers market is going on cKesiX9568Q-00112-00026063-00026351 currently on saturdays on moody street cKesiX9568Q-00113-00026352-00026583 um if you have and if you know of any cKesiX9568Q-00114-00026583-00026783 others we should be mentioning you can cKesiX9568Q-00115-00026783-00026974 send them to us or you can submit them cKesiX9568Q-00116-00026975-00027190 with the form that hammer patriot set up cKesiX9568Q-00117-00027191-00027383 that's on reddit uh you just remind you cKesiX9568Q-00118-00027383-00027599 reminded me that the um cKesiX9568Q-00119-00027600-00027751 waltham fields community farm is doing cKesiX9568Q-00120-00027752-00028031 an ice cream social this friday um cKesiX9568Q-00121-00028032-00028214 they're partnering with franka torres uh cKesiX9568Q-00122-00028216-00028414 which is an ice cream place uh and cKesiX9568Q-00123-00028416-00028614 rankin tories actually makes ice cream cKesiX9568Q-00124-00028616-00028831 from waltham fields community farms cKesiX9568Q-00125-00028832-00029087 ingredients um so they're doing a social cKesiX9568Q-00126-00029088-00029270 uh just a gathering um this coming cKesiX9568Q-00127-00029272-00029407 friday you can cKesiX9568Q-00128-00029408-00029623 google that if you're interested i wish cKesiX9568Q-00129-00029624-00029831 i could go cKesiX9568Q-00130-00029832-00030014 good to know thank you cKesiX9568Q-00131-00030016-00030223 and then chris can you tell us more cKesiX9568Q-00132-00030224-00030479 about um luke cKesiX9568Q-00133-00030480-00030774 uh yeah so this is just a nice feel-good cKesiX9568Q-00134-00030775-00031031 story i'm not going to try to pronounce cKesiX9568Q-00135-00031032-00031262 luke's last name cKesiX9568Q-00136-00031263-00031343 but cKesiX9568Q-00137-00031344-00031619 if you look up waltham patch cKesiX9568Q-00138-00031620-00031758 [Music] cKesiX9568Q-00139-00031760-00032039 it's only a headache cKesiX9568Q-00140-00032039-00032183 you'll find cKesiX9568Q-00141-00032183-00032351 an article also the waltham channel also cKesiX9568Q-00142-00032352-00032774 wrote about it um that a young uh author cKesiX9568Q-00143-00032775-00033118 um recently published a book in waltham cKesiX9568Q-00144-00033119-00033399 um he was only 16 years old uh cKesiX9568Q-00145-00033400-00033615 and um i bought a copy myself cKesiX9568Q-00146-00033616-00033839 immediately as soon as i read it um and cKesiX9568Q-00147-00033840-00033943 i don't know i just think it's great cKesiX9568Q-00148-00033944-00034143 that uh young welcome knight is a cKesiX9568Q-00149-00034144-00034271 writing book and we're actually in talks cKesiX9568Q-00150-00034272-00034455 with luke right now uh to have him on cKesiX9568Q-00151-00034456-00034662 the show to do a quick reading and chat cKesiX9568Q-00152-00034663-00034879 with them so we're excited to have that cKesiX9568Q-00153-00034880-00035046 come to fruition in the next couple of cKesiX9568Q-00154-00035047-00035143 weeks cKesiX9568Q-00155-00035144-00035415 but you should buy a copy and support uh cKesiX9568Q-00156-00035416-00035655 local artistry so three weeks ago we cKesiX9568Q-00157-00035656-00035871 mentioned that counselor paz had put cKesiX9568Q-00158-00035872-00036087 forth a resolution to name the gazebo on cKesiX9568Q-00159-00036088-00036367 the wolfm comment after virginia monroe cKesiX9568Q-00160-00036368-00036695 who was a very important organizer cKesiX9568Q-00161-00036696-00036871 in waltham for many years who passed cKesiX9568Q-00162-00036872-00037030 away recently and a very important cKesiX9568Q-00163-00037031-00037335 mentor um to some people in town cKesiX9568Q-00164-00037336-00037567 and uh we have a little bit of an update cKesiX9568Q-00165-00037568-00037767 for you on that uh james could you tell cKesiX9568Q-00166-00037768-00037887 us cKesiX9568Q-00167-00037888-00038071 so the uh cKesiX9568Q-00168-00038072-00038255 this was covered in the city council cKesiX9568Q-00169-00038256-00038383 meeting but the cKesiX9568Q-00170-00038384-00038583 proposed gazebo named after virginia cKesiX9568Q-00171-00038584-00038951 monroe was uh i guess changed to a uh uh cKesiX9568Q-00172-00038952-00039151 bench on the common in depth virginia cKesiX9568Q-00173-00039152-00039283 monroe cKesiX9568Q-00174-00039284-00039495 and we cKesiX9568Q-00175-00039496-00039727 were not in that particular uh licensing cKesiX9568Q-00176-00039728-00039911 franchise meeting and we had been in the cKesiX9568Q-00177-00039912-00040102 building earlier that day but cKesiX9568Q-00178-00040103-00040246 not seeing anything on the dock that we cKesiX9568Q-00179-00040247-00040471 had opted to leave which was unfortunate cKesiX9568Q-00180-00040472-00040599 because cKesiX9568Q-00181-00040600-00040783 and it totally slipped up and flipped cKesiX9568Q-00182-00040784-00040943 our mind that this was the meeting that cKesiX9568Q-00183-00040944-00041271 the mayor may show up in so and cKesiX9568Q-00184-00041272-00041479 there had been a uh an off day because cKesiX9568Q-00185-00041480-00041718 of the fifth monday that month too cKesiX9568Q-00186-00041719-00041911 everything threw us off cKesiX9568Q-00187-00041912-00042111 but unfortunately that meeting was not cKesiX9568Q-00188-00042112-00042239 recorded so we don't know the whole cKesiX9568Q-00189-00042240-00042399 story about what happened there cKesiX9568Q-00190-00042400-00042583 if anyone if anyone wants to reach out cKesiX9568Q-00191-00042584-00042727 to us and provide us with that i'd be cKesiX9568Q-00192-00042728-00043039 more than interested to find out cKesiX9568Q-00193-00043040-00043302 basically the extent of it and cKesiX9568Q-00194-00043303-00043374 uh cKesiX9568Q-00195-00043375-00043535 so um cKesiX9568Q-00196-00043536-00043646 the cKesiX9568Q-00197-00043647-00043758 what happened cKesiX9568Q-00198-00043759-00044118 uh it comes to fruition is that uh cKesiX9568Q-00199-00044119-00044271 instead of the cKesiX9568Q-00200-00044272-00044535 gazebo which was the originally planned cKesiX9568Q-00201-00044536-00044790 thing uh virginia monroe cKesiX9568Q-00202-00044791-00045015 is going to have a bench named after in cKesiX9568Q-00203-00045016-00045239 the common and that was approved by the cKesiX9568Q-00204-00045240-00045383 full city council so that's happened cKesiX9568Q-00205-00045384-00045583 that's done um and so yeah it's cKesiX9568Q-00206-00045584-00045743 unfortunate that me and james were in cKesiX9568Q-00207-00045744-00045902 the building and we're looking at cKesiX9568Q-00208-00045903-00046023 licensed branches like yeah there's cKesiX9568Q-00209-00046024-00046151 nothing on this docket there's nothing cKesiX9568Q-00210-00046152-00046279 interesting let's just go home we can cKesiX9568Q-00211-00046280-00046511 watch committee a whole uh live stream cKesiX9568Q-00212-00046512-00046695 and so uh we're i'm annoyed that we cKesiX9568Q-00213-00046696-00046855 didn't get to do that i'm gonna share my cKesiX9568Q-00214-00046856-00047039 screen really quick for a quick anecdote cKesiX9568Q-00215-00047040-00047246 um but i was like well you know you know cKesiX9568Q-00216-00047247-00047407 they're not recorded but counselors will cKesiX9568Q-00217-00047408-00047599 say oh we take minutes so let's go check cKesiX9568Q-00218-00047600-00047799 out the minutes of licensing franchise cKesiX9568Q-00219-00047800-00048190 uh the nearest one is april 4th um so cKesiX9568Q-00220-00048191-00048367 if this tracks well cKesiX9568Q-00221-00048368-00048511 in about cKesiX9568Q-00222-00048512-00048783 two or three months we will know what cKesiX9568Q-00223-00048784-00049007 happened at that committee cKesiX9568Q-00224-00049008-00049183 and i swear once those meetings are cKesiX9568Q-00225-00049184-00049318 released we're going to go back we're cKesiX9568Q-00226-00049319-00049511 going to freaking talk about it when we cKesiX9568Q-00227-00049512-00049662 figure out what was talked about in that cKesiX9568Q-00228-00049663-00049943 meeting and how it went from a gazebo to cKesiX9568Q-00229-00049944-00050055 a bench cKesiX9568Q-00230-00050056-00050439 um and another short anecdote is that um cKesiX9568Q-00231-00050440-00050646 just in this meeting um there was a cKesiX9568Q-00232-00050647-00050935 resolution by kathleen mcminiman uh to cKesiX9568Q-00233-00050936-00051183 rename the prospect hill bridge after cKesiX9568Q-00234-00051184-00051423 gold star families and so that's going cKesiX9568Q-00235-00051424-00051679 to committee uh next week cKesiX9568Q-00236-00051679-00051807 but it's just interesting because it cKesiX9568Q-00237-00051808-00052007 goes back to what i was saying about who cKesiX9568Q-00238-00052008-00052399 decides who is named after what um and cKesiX9568Q-00239-00052400-00052630 so here comes another round of that next cKesiX9568Q-00240-00052632-00052903 week cKesiX9568Q-00241-00052904-00053142 thank you yes i'd be very curious to cKesiX9568Q-00242-00053144-00053382 hear that discussion of gazebo to bench cKesiX9568Q-00243-00053383-00053559 because as far as we know the gazebo is cKesiX9568Q-00244-00053560-00053807 still not named after anyone right so cKesiX9568Q-00245-00053808-00054023 did she get passed up for an cKesiX9568Q-00246-00054024-00054271 unspecified future person it would be cKesiX9568Q-00247-00054272-00054463 interesting to know that cKesiX9568Q-00248-00054464-00054750 um two other quick stories about things cKesiX9568Q-00249-00054751-00054863 that cKesiX9568Q-00250-00054864-00055215 uh long-standing court cases that legal cKesiX9568Q-00251-00055216-00055463 cases i should say that waltham has been cKesiX9568Q-00252-00055464-00055759 involved in uh one has to do with we cKesiX9568Q-00253-00055760-00055935 found out last week that the supreme cKesiX9568Q-00254-00055936-00056111 judicial court of massachusetts ruled cKesiX9568Q-00255-00056112-00056311 against waltham in an interesting case cKesiX9568Q-00256-00056312-00056550 involving solar power cKesiX9568Q-00257-00056551-00056719 so there is a developer who would like cKesiX9568Q-00258-00056720-00056911 to build a solar power plant in cKesiX9568Q-00259-00056912-00057271 lexington um in commercial zoning but cKesiX9568Q-00260-00057272-00057471 the access road would go through waltham cKesiX9568Q-00261-00057472-00057663 and it would be in a residential zone cKesiX9568Q-00262-00057664-00057863 and a city official told them no you cKesiX9568Q-00263-00057864-00058015 can't do that because that would be in a cKesiX9568Q-00264-00058016-00058415 commercial use in a residential zone and cKesiX9568Q-00265-00058416-00058663 the developer took waltham to landcourt cKesiX9568Q-00266-00058664-00058935 and won because according to state law cKesiX9568Q-00267-00058936-00059238 in massachusetts basically um you have cKesiX9568Q-00268-00059239-00059350 to allow cKesiX9568Q-00269-00059351-00059575 solar plants cities and towns can only cKesiX9568Q-00270-00059576-00059863 restrict solar plants if it's necessary cKesiX9568Q-00271-00059864-00060126 for the health safety or well-being of cKesiX9568Q-00272-00060127-00060319 the town they're pretty much exempt from cKesiX9568Q-00273-00060320-00060479 zoning cKesiX9568Q-00274-00060479-00060719 so waltham lost and then took it to the cKesiX9568Q-00275-00060720-00061030 supreme judicial court and so apparently cKesiX9568Q-00276-00061032-00061326 waltham has an ordinance that says you cKesiX9568Q-00277-00061327-00061599 can build power plants in industrial cKesiX9568Q-00278-00061600-00061838 areas it doesn't specify solar but it cKesiX9568Q-00279-00061839-00061982 includes solar cKesiX9568Q-00280-00061983-00062215 and industrial areas only take up about cKesiX9568Q-00281-00062216-00062454 one to two percent of waltham cKesiX9568Q-00282-00062455-00062750 so the city's argument was that it was cKesiX9568Q-00283-00062751-00063111 reasonable to deny them uh to build this cKesiX9568Q-00284-00063112-00063454 road in a residential zone because they cKesiX9568Q-00285-00063455-00063687 already have zoning for solar so they're cKesiX9568Q-00286-00063688-00063879 not preventing zoning they're they're cKesiX9568Q-00287-00063879-00064079 not preventing solar they're just having cKesiX9568Q-00288-00064079-00064263 an appropriate place cKesiX9568Q-00289-00064264-00064430 um so cKesiX9568Q-00290-00064432-00064630 the justices asked some questions i cKesiX9568Q-00291-00064632-00064815 watched part of the hearing the justices cKesiX9568Q-00292-00064816-00064942 asked some questions that kind of cKesiX9568Q-00293-00064944-00065111 brought out that there are other court cKesiX9568Q-00294-00065112-00065359 cases that have determined how we decide cKesiX9568Q-00295-00065360-00065535 whether if something's a reasonable cKesiX9568Q-00296-00065536-00065791 destruction on solar and none of them cKesiX9568Q-00297-00065792-00065926 involve cKesiX9568Q-00298-00065927-00066119 you know we you can say don't do it here cKesiX9568Q-00299-00066120-00066263 because you let them do it somewhere cKesiX9568Q-00300-00066264-00066487 else so that wasn't really the standard cKesiX9568Q-00301-00066488-00066647 and waltham's lawyer couldn't really cKesiX9568Q-00302-00066648-00066871 give a case where it set that standard cKesiX9568Q-00303-00066872-00067111 um so the court ruled against waltham cKesiX9568Q-00304-00067112-00067287 saying that yes they can go ahead uh cKesiX9568Q-00305-00067288-00067438 they have we have to allow cKesiX9568Q-00306-00067439-00067582 this developer to go ahead and build cKesiX9568Q-00307-00067583-00067799 this road and not only that but they cKesiX9568Q-00308-00067800-00068087 said it's specifically not reasonable uh cKesiX9568Q-00309-00068088-00068319 for waltham to only allow solar in one cKesiX9568Q-00310-00068320-00068567 two two percent of the land in the city cKesiX9568Q-00311-00068568-00068750 so if another developer comes in and cKesiX9568Q-00312-00068751-00069006 wants to do solar we we can't enforce cKesiX9568Q-00313-00069007-00069223 that restriction on them cKesiX9568Q-00314-00069224-00069479 so uh i thought that was interesting cKesiX9568Q-00315-00069480-00069582 story cKesiX9568Q-00316-00069583-00069823 um having to do with zoning and then cKesiX9568Q-00317-00069824-00070111 another interesting story of this week cKesiX9568Q-00318-00070112-00070359 in the city council the mayor asked the cKesiX9568Q-00319-00070360-00070559 council to approve cKesiX9568Q-00320-00070560-00070719 um a cKesiX9568Q-00321-00070720-00070950 i believe it was eighty thousand dollars cKesiX9568Q-00322-00070951-00071438 um to uh pay to sally calora to um cKesiX9568Q-00323-00071439-00071743 settle a case that was in mediation cKesiX9568Q-00324-00071744-00071959 sally calora for those who don't know is cKesiX9568Q-00325-00071960-00072135 a former city councilor she's also a cKesiX9568Q-00326-00072136-00072494 host of a long-running show on wcac cKesiX9568Q-00327-00072495-00072735 and she was until recently the owner of cKesiX9568Q-00328-00072736-00072982 the tea leaf which is the tea shop on cKesiX9568Q-00329-00072983-00073287 moody street she recently sold it to cKesiX9568Q-00330-00073288-00073479 robin capello who's another person who's cKesiX9568Q-00331-00073480-00073623 very involved in the community cKesiX9568Q-00332-00073624-00073759 especially in the arts so it'll be cKesiX9568Q-00333-00073760-00073975 interesting to see what she does with it cKesiX9568Q-00334-00073976-00074350 but way back in 2006 sally wiccalora was cKesiX9568Q-00335-00074351-00074623 working for another business on moody cKesiX9568Q-00336-00074624-00074791 street i don't know much about the cKesiX9568Q-00337-00074792-00075055 business but it was run by a mr snyder cKesiX9568Q-00338-00075056-00075343 and he fired her because he said that cKesiX9568Q-00339-00075344-00075567 she was using his time to work on her cKesiX9568Q-00340-00075568-00075831 business and her cable show so when he cKesiX9568Q-00341-00075832-00076047 fired her she went to the building cKesiX9568Q-00342-00076048-00076238 inspector and reported him for a bunch cKesiX9568Q-00343-00076239-00076535 of violations doing thing business in cKesiX9568Q-00344-00076536-00076703 that building that wasn't allowed in the cKesiX9568Q-00345-00076704-00076975 zoning i don't know the details so the cKesiX9568Q-00346-00076976-00077311 um city came after um the business owner cKesiX9568Q-00347-00077312-00077462 and um cKesiX9568Q-00348-00077463-00077823 levied some fines and he sued the city cKesiX9568Q-00349-00077824-00078111 um and named sally calora and two other cKesiX9568Q-00350-00078112-00078350 city councilors in the suit cKesiX9568Q-00351-00078351-00078599 on civil rights grounds that the council cKesiX9568Q-00352-00078600-00078911 had conspired to unfairly target him and cKesiX9568Q-00353-00078912-00079094 actually i don't know what ended up cKesiX9568Q-00354-00079095-00079231 happening with that case because i cKesiX9568Q-00355-00079232-00079382 couldn't find an article about it so i cKesiX9568Q-00356-00079383-00079647 don't know if he won or not but uh sally cKesiX9568Q-00357-00079648-00079903 calora chose to use her own hire her own cKesiX9568Q-00358-00079904-00080182 lawyer while the other two counselors cKesiX9568Q-00359-00080183-00080447 have the city lawyer defend them so at cKesiX9568Q-00360-00080448-00080679 some point um she asked for a cKesiX9568Q-00361-00080680-00080862 reimbursement from the city and the city cKesiX9568Q-00362-00080863-00081062 said no i'm not sure on what grounds cKesiX9568Q-00363-00081063-00081247 exactly if it was because she hired her cKesiX9568Q-00364-00081248-00081423 own lawyer because it was too much or cKesiX9568Q-00365-00081424-00081647 what but they went to mediation and this cKesiX9568Q-00366-00081648-00081791 is the number they came up with so cKesiX9568Q-00367-00081792-00082062 that's now owed to sally i think mostly cKesiX9568Q-00368-00082063-00082287 this is interesting because this is uh cKesiX9568Q-00369-00082288-00082567 an incident that happened in 2006 and cKesiX9568Q-00370-00082568-00082791 some of our viewers weren't even born in cKesiX9568Q-00371-00082792-00083103 2006 and this is now sent to the finance cKesiX9568Q-00372-00083104-00083238 committee so they will most likely cKesiX9568Q-00373-00083239-00083399 approve it but it's just kind of funny cKesiX9568Q-00374-00083400-00083591 to see the time scale at which cKesiX9568Q-00375-00083592-00083911 controversies can happen in waltham also cKesiX9568Q-00376-00083912-00084238 uh sally's a terrible person um and she cKesiX9568Q-00377-00084239-00084575 has a long history of uh cKesiX9568Q-00378-00084576-00084750 racism and cKesiX9568Q-00379-00084751-00084887 just cKesiX9568Q-00380-00084888-00085087 all around is not a great person cKesiX9568Q-00381-00085088-00085247 and i cKesiX9568Q-00382-00085248-00085503 don't like her cKesiX9568Q-00383-00085504-00085662 just to be clear this is cKesiX9568Q-00384-00085663-00085750 she's cKesiX9568Q-00385-00085751-00085918 this is this is for cKesiX9568Q-00386-00085919-00085999 a cKesiX9568Q-00387-00086000-00086311 court case that was over her abusing her cKesiX9568Q-00388-00086312-00086431 position cKesiX9568Q-00389-00086432-00086718 as a city councilor and this is paying cKesiX9568Q-00390-00086719-00086943 her back for using her own lawyer cKesiX9568Q-00391-00086944-00087175 for defending herself cKesiX9568Q-00392-00087176-00087487 and it's like eighty thousand dollars cKesiX9568Q-00393-00087488-00087726 yeah and actually uh she she asked for cKesiX9568Q-00394-00087727-00087862 more than that and we should say cKesiX9568Q-00395-00087863-00088071 allegedly abusing her power because i cKesiX9568Q-00396-00088072-00088231 don't know what the court actually found cKesiX9568Q-00397-00088232-00088662 about that but um yes it it's a it's an cKesiX9568Q-00398-00088663-00088894 interesting case um cKesiX9568Q-00399-00088895-00089118 where uh cKesiX9568Q-00400-00089119-00089279 you know it seems like some people who cKesiX9568Q-00401-00089280-00089462 are very proud of their community and cKesiX9568Q-00402-00089463-00089606 involved in their community have no cKesiX9568Q-00403-00089607-00089855 problem suing their communities so i cKesiX9568Q-00404-00089856-00090006 thought it was interesting in that way cKesiX9568Q-00405-00090007-00090223 too in this week's city council meeting cKesiX9568Q-00406-00090224-00090415 there was a public hearing for flora cKesiX9568Q-00407-00090416-00090671 holdings which is one of the businesses cKesiX9568Q-00408-00090672-00090894 um applying for a special permit to open cKesiX9568Q-00409-00090895-00091118 a cannabis dispensary in the bear hill cKesiX9568Q-00410-00091119-00091238 area cKesiX9568Q-00411-00091239-00091462 like the other hearings this is a repeat cKesiX9568Q-00412-00091463-00091599 they did a hearing when they first cKesiX9568Q-00413-00091600-00091743 applied and now they're doing an cKesiX9568Q-00414-00091744-00092023 additional hearing um because there are cKesiX9568Q-00415-00092024-00092294 new city councillors so we didn't get a cKesiX9568Q-00416-00092295-00092623 lot of new information from it um they cKesiX9568Q-00417-00092624-00092799 are this is a business owned by two cKesiX9568Q-00418-00092800-00092974 local couples this would be their first cKesiX9568Q-00419-00092975-00093143 business they'd like to also open a cKesiX9568Q-00420-00093144-00093303 cultivation business but they haven't cKesiX9568Q-00421-00093304-00093494 found a site for it yet so right now cKesiX9568Q-00422-00093495-00093718 they're applying for an adult use only cKesiX9568Q-00423-00093719-00093903 license they're not applying for medical cKesiX9568Q-00424-00093904-00094094 which some of the others are because cKesiX9568Q-00425-00094095-00094318 they would need a cultivation in order cKesiX9568Q-00426-00094319-00094431 to do that cKesiX9568Q-00427-00094432-00094718 um so not much interesting new in the cKesiX9568Q-00428-00094719-00095006 hearing i did notice one thing which was cKesiX9568Q-00429-00095007-00095174 um counselor cKesiX9568Q-00430-00095175-00095391 lefosi asked and he's actually asked cKesiX9568Q-00431-00095392-00095606 something similar to this in all the the cKesiX9568Q-00432-00095607-00095862 the hearings that i've seen he asked cKesiX9568Q-00433-00095863-00096071 when did they start the process and he cKesiX9568Q-00434-00096072-00096223 asked are you paying rent on the cKesiX9568Q-00435-00096224-00096391 property or he has something about you cKesiX9568Q-00436-00096392-00096615 know basically are you losing money as cKesiX9568Q-00437-00096616-00096815 you're waiting to get your license and cKesiX9568Q-00438-00096816-00097031 the answer for most of them is yes cKesiX9568Q-00439-00097032-00097287 and um so it seemed like he was trying cKesiX9568Q-00440-00097288-00097438 to push things forward like he was cKesiX9568Q-00441-00097439-00097574 trying to draw attention to the fact cKesiX9568Q-00442-00097575-00097774 that this has already taken too long cKesiX9568Q-00443-00097775-00097918 which was interesting because in the cKesiX9568Q-00444-00097919-00098079 past i thought he was kind of against cKesiX9568Q-00445-00098080-00098231 moving it forward because he seemed to cKesiX9568Q-00446-00098232-00098511 be bringing up often the fact that there cKesiX9568Q-00447-00098512-00098726 um is residential in the area and kind cKesiX9568Q-00448-00098727-00099006 of reminding that um but it is his ward cKesiX9568Q-00449-00099007-00099223 bear hill area is in ward one so if he cKesiX9568Q-00450-00099224-00099399 is actually in favor of moving these cKesiX9568Q-00451-00099400-00099591 things forward that's um pretty cKesiX9568Q-00452-00099592-00099926 significant another not important but cKesiX9568Q-00453-00099927-00100150 kind of fun thing that happened during cKesiX9568Q-00454-00100151-00100343 uh at the beginning of this hearing was cKesiX9568Q-00455-00100344-00100647 first um the counselor darcy had made a cKesiX9568Q-00456-00100648-00100847 motion to allow them to do this hearing cKesiX9568Q-00457-00100848-00101031 so the count the council had to vote on cKesiX9568Q-00458-00101032-00101231 that before the hearing could start so cKesiX9568Q-00459-00101232-00101455 they did that and that led to a kind of cKesiX9568Q-00460-00101456-00101694 interesting uh interaction between clerk cKesiX9568Q-00461-00101695-00101950 lizard and president mcmahon which will cKesiX9568Q-00462-00101951-00102143 show you the clip cKesiX9568Q-00463-00102144-00102335 thank you very much so by your action cKesiX9568Q-00464-00102336-00102551 you have uh cKesiX9568Q-00465-00102552-00102863 rescheduled at a new time a public cKesiX9568Q-00466-00102864-00103134 hearing for floral holdings llc and the cKesiX9568Q-00467-00103135-00103375 clerk will the clerk's office will cKesiX9568Q-00468-00103376-00103599 determine when that time will take place cKesiX9568Q-00469-00103600-00103790 thank you it's been determined it has cKesiX9568Q-00470-00103791-00103966 been determined so it will be cKesiX9568Q-00471-00103967-00104086 when is it cKesiX9568Q-00472-00104088-00104366 right now cKesiX9568Q-00473-00104367-00104854 so therefore cKesiX9568Q-00474-00104855-00105102 therefore the clerk will read the public cKesiX9568Q-00475-00105103-00105334 hearing on the special permit of flora cKesiX9568Q-00476-00105335-00105558 holdings special permit floor holdings cKesiX9568Q-00477-00105559-00105847 llc uh katelyn smith and erica zimmerman cKesiX9568Q-00478-00105848-00106063 managers cKesiX9568Q-00479-00106064-00106343 so i think this proves that councilor cKesiX9568Q-00480-00106344-00106543 mcmenamin does have a sense of humor cKesiX9568Q-00481-00106544-00106783 because you can definitely see a smile cKesiX9568Q-00482-00106783-00107007 there it's not easy to see cKesiX9568Q-00483-00107008-00107199 uh but i definitely think there was a cKesiX9568Q-00484-00107200-00107366 smile there and this may be the first cKesiX9568Q-00485-00107367-00107543 proof i've seen that she had does have a cKesiX9568Q-00486-00107544-00107702 sense of humor christy do you have any cKesiX9568Q-00487-00107703-00107847 comment on that cKesiX9568Q-00488-00107848-00108023 i think it was just hilarious often this cKesiX9568Q-00489-00108024-00108231 isn't uh cKesiX9568Q-00490-00108232-00108415 this isn't the funniest year in the city cKesiX9568Q-00491-00108416-00108575 council there have been past counselors cKesiX9568Q-00492-00108576-00108766 that bring some humor in there's very cKesiX9568Q-00493-00108767-00108910 few people that bring humor in so it's cKesiX9568Q-00494-00108911-00109078 nice that we get that we get a laugh cKesiX9568Q-00495-00109079-00109199 every now and again cKesiX9568Q-00496-00109200-00109439 well so let's talk a little bit more cKesiX9568Q-00497-00109440-00109751 about uh the school budget so uh last cKesiX9568Q-00498-00109752-00109934 week i talked about this and we told you cKesiX9568Q-00499-00109935-00110143 that um the cKesiX9568Q-00500-00110144-00110327 uh cKesiX9568Q-00501-00110328-00110607 superintendent had proposed a budget to cKesiX9568Q-00502-00110608-00110847 the school committee of about 101 cKesiX9568Q-00503-00110848-00110983 million dollars cKesiX9568Q-00504-00110983-00111263 and the mayor asked him to cut that cKesiX9568Q-00505-00111264-00111639 um down to about 98 million dollars cKesiX9568Q-00506-00111640-00111919 and that new number is cKesiX9568Q-00507-00111920-00112095 what the school committee voted on and cKesiX9568Q-00508-00112096-00112334 that's what's going to the city council cKesiX9568Q-00509-00112335-00112583 and the waltham educators association cKesiX9568Q-00510-00112583-00112758 put out a petition asking people to cKesiX9568Q-00511-00112759-00113134 oppose that um cut and um ask the city cKesiX9568Q-00512-00113135-00113271 council to cKesiX9568Q-00513-00113272-00113566 po uh to approve the superintendent's cKesiX9568Q-00514-00113567-00113751 budget and chris had pointed out that cKesiX9568Q-00515-00113752-00113895 when we're saying the superintendent's cKesiX9568Q-00516-00113896-00114086 budget it's not really about him that cKesiX9568Q-00517-00114088-00114295 we're asking people to not to support cKesiX9568Q-00518-00114296-00114486 him but to support the teachers and the cKesiX9568Q-00519-00114488-00114727 union and chris said something like you cKesiX9568Q-00520-00114728-00114927 know this is the superintendent's budget cKesiX9568Q-00521-00114928-00115166 this is the teacher's budget and one of cKesiX9568Q-00522-00115167-00115375 our audience members pointed out that's cKesiX9568Q-00523-00115376-00115599 not technically correct the union had no cKesiX9568Q-00524-00115600-00115823 part in making this budget at least some cKesiX9568Q-00525-00115824-00116031 of the school staff and educators feel cKesiX9568Q-00526-00116032-00116254 that in fact the superintendent's cKesiX9568Q-00527-00116255-00116543 proposed budget of a hundred mil and one cKesiX9568Q-00528-00116544-00116751 million was not enough it was not enough cKesiX9568Q-00529-00116752-00116958 for them to do uh what they need to do cKesiX9568Q-00530-00116959-00117199 as a school and had a number of concerns cKesiX9568Q-00531-00117200-00117423 about it so there were already concerns cKesiX9568Q-00532-00117424-00117758 about that budget and um then there was cKesiX9568Q-00533-00117759-00117934 this additional cut so i tried to get a cKesiX9568Q-00534-00117935-00118102 little bit more background on this i cKesiX9568Q-00535-00118103-00118302 watched some but not all of the meetings cKesiX9568Q-00536-00118303-00118439 and i've talked to some people who've cKesiX9568Q-00537-00118440-00118743 been following this closely um so back cKesiX9568Q-00538-00118744-00118895 in april cKesiX9568Q-00539-00118896-00119310 21st um the superintendent put forth cKesiX9568Q-00540-00119311-00119607 that budget and he that was after lots cKesiX9568Q-00541-00119608-00119815 and lots of conversation and he made it cKesiX9568Q-00542-00119816-00120007 pretty clear that he saw his job was to cKesiX9568Q-00543-00120008-00120158 come up with a budget that the school cKesiX9568Q-00544-00120159-00120375 committee was comfortable with so at cKesiX9568Q-00545-00120376-00120534 least in this point of the process he cKesiX9568Q-00546-00120535-00120686 wasn't talking about this is what we cKesiX9568Q-00547-00120688-00120951 need he put forth this budget and he cKesiX9568Q-00548-00120952-00121110 said i'd like you to pass this and if cKesiX9568Q-00549-00121111-00121263 you don't pass this i want you to tell cKesiX9568Q-00550-00121264-00121495 me exactly what i need to change so it cKesiX9568Q-00551-00121496-00121678 was at that point in the process it was cKesiX9568Q-00552-00121679-00121839 more about the school committee's cKesiX9568Q-00553-00121840-00122014 expectations and him saying what was cKesiX9568Q-00554-00122015-00122110 needed cKesiX9568Q-00555-00122111-00122351 um so in that meeting cKesiX9568Q-00556-00122352-00122564 um before they voted um cKesiX9568Q-00557-00122565-00122678 [Music] cKesiX9568Q-00558-00122679-00122958 mr tarallo asked to add a fifty thousand cKesiX9568Q-00559-00122959-00123151 dollars to the budget for a night school cKesiX9568Q-00560-00123152-00123407 program and he had a he was very cKesiX9568Q-00561-00123408-00123678 concerned because um cKesiX9568Q-00562-00123679-00123943 graduation rates are very low especially cKesiX9568Q-00563-00123944-00124278 among the population of uh cKesiX9568Q-00564-00124279-00124454 students who are learning english at the cKesiX9568Q-00565-00124455-00124614 same time as they're learning anything cKesiX9568Q-00566-00124615-00124839 else and that's a very big population cKesiX9568Q-00567-00124840-00125110 and growing population in waltham and cKesiX9568Q-00568-00125111-00125263 that includes i didn't know this till cKesiX9568Q-00569-00125264-00125447 recently that includes kids who before cKesiX9568Q-00570-00125448-00125566 they were in waltham they were in cKesiX9568Q-00571-00125567-00125727 detention camps cKesiX9568Q-00572-00125728-00126071 so they're dealing with trauma cKesiX9568Q-00573-00126072-00126278 and upheaval in their lives on top of cKesiX9568Q-00574-00126279-00126431 learning a language and learning the cKesiX9568Q-00575-00126432-00126647 customs of a new country so when you cKesiX9568Q-00576-00126648-00126863 have a lot of kids like that in a class cKesiX9568Q-00577-00126864-00127054 that there's a lot of little emergencies cKesiX9568Q-00578-00127055-00127199 and problems where the teacher has to cKesiX9568Q-00579-00127200-00127423 stop and address that and so you really cKesiX9568Q-00580-00127424-00127663 need another person in the room to help cKesiX9568Q-00581-00127664-00127886 address those problems so the teacher cKesiX9568Q-00582-00127888-00128127 can teach and the esl program doesn't cKesiX9568Q-00583-00128128-00128302 have that to the extent that they should cKesiX9568Q-00584-00128303-00128519 that's one of the concerns cKesiX9568Q-00585-00128520-00128823 about the budget so mr tarallo put forth cKesiX9568Q-00586-00128824-00129127 um a he has to add fifty thousand cKesiX9568Q-00587-00129128-00129278 dollars to the budget for a night school cKesiX9568Q-00588-00129279-00129463 program and he had a budget worked out cKesiX9568Q-00589-00129464-00129623 where he thought that that could would cKesiX9568Q-00590-00129624-00129878 provide 30 kids with the opportunity cKesiX9568Q-00591-00129879-00130119 they needed to possibly graduate who cKesiX9568Q-00592-00130120-00130319 wouldn't graduate otherwise cKesiX9568Q-00593-00130320-00130543 and he was voted down on that by the cKesiX9568Q-00594-00130544-00130854 committee and the main um objection was cKesiX9568Q-00595-00130855-00131039 we've tried lots of things to help that cKesiX9568Q-00596-00131040-00131319 population that didn't work so why do cKesiX9568Q-00597-00131320-00131607 you think this one's going to work cKesiX9568Q-00598-00131608-00131847 we'd leave more information to to tell cKesiX9568Q-00599-00131848-00132031 us that this is going to be successful cKesiX9568Q-00600-00132032-00132278 before we're willing to put forward that cKesiX9568Q-00601-00132279-00132399 amount of money cKesiX9568Q-00602-00132400-00132607 and uh mr frasick actually made a cKesiX9568Q-00603-00132608-00132775 comment saying well if we add that what cKesiX9568Q-00604-00132776-00132919 do we cut cKesiX9568Q-00605-00132920-00133159 so he's talking about a hundred and 100 cKesiX9568Q-00606-00133160-00133359 million dollar budget and he's saying we cKesiX9568Q-00607-00133360-00133599 can't increase the total by 50 000 cKesiX9568Q-00608-00133600-00133766 unless we cut it somewhere else so cKesiX9568Q-00609-00133767-00133887 that's cKesiX9568Q-00610-00133888-00134119 um so anyways that was one just one cKesiX9568Q-00611-00134120-00134311 issue but i'd like to show you the clip cKesiX9568Q-00612-00134312-00134599 actually of how mr torello responded to cKesiX9568Q-00613-00134600-00134759 that because i think cKesiX9568Q-00614-00134760-00135087 it says a lot about um how the committee cKesiX9568Q-00615-00135088-00135447 thinks about their responsibility cKesiX9568Q-00616-00135448-00135563 so i've worked in cKesiX9568Q-00617-00135564-00135902 education now for 15 years cKesiX9568Q-00618-00135903-00136111 ten of which was in alternative cKesiX9568Q-00619-00136112-00136302 programming the last five has been in cKesiX9568Q-00620-00136303-00136478 administration cKesiX9568Q-00621-00136479-00136775 in communities that cKesiX9568Q-00622-00136776-00137063 demographically are close to walthams cKesiX9568Q-00623-00137064-00137199 and cKesiX9568Q-00624-00137200-00137471 communities that have put much more cKesiX9568Q-00625-00137472-00137631 emphasis on cKesiX9568Q-00626-00137632-00137895 credit recovery and dropout rates cKesiX9568Q-00627-00137896-00138023 seeing that cKesiX9568Q-00628-00138024-00138278 right now our graduation has rate has cKesiX9568Q-00629-00138279-00138639 dropped five percent over the last year cKesiX9568Q-00630-00138640-00138959 that's huge those are students cKesiX9568Q-00631-00138960-00139175 who are not being able to meet their cKesiX9568Q-00632-00139176-00139295 potential cKesiX9568Q-00633-00139296-00139463 because they haven't had opportunities cKesiX9568Q-00634-00139464-00139647 that they may need cKesiX9568Q-00635-00139648-00139847 it's our job to make sure the students cKesiX9568Q-00636-00139848-00140078 of waltham who have only one time cKesiX9568Q-00637-00140079-00140302 through their education cKesiX9568Q-00638-00140303-00140639 to be able to succeed cKesiX9568Q-00639-00140640-00140847 just to give a little background on the cKesiX9568Q-00640-00140848-00141023 school budget you can see here this is cKesiX9568Q-00641-00141024-00141207 from the city website where you can get cKesiX9568Q-00642-00141208-00141351 these there's a tool you can use to make cKesiX9568Q-00643-00141352-00141478 these kind of graphs it's actually cKesiX9568Q-00644-00141479-00141702 pretty cool this is the current year's cKesiX9568Q-00645-00141703-00141927 budget you can see effort education was cKesiX9568Q-00646-00141928-00142151 budgeted at a little over 94 million cKesiX9568Q-00647-00142152-00142366 dollars that's the biggest chunk of our cKesiX9568Q-00648-00142367-00142590 city budget followed by health insurance cKesiX9568Q-00649-00142591-00142743 and cKesiX9568Q-00650-00142744-00142919 public safety cKesiX9568Q-00651-00142920-00143135 this is also from city website it shows cKesiX9568Q-00652-00143136-00143343 how the blue line is education and it cKesiX9568Q-00653-00143344-00143559 shows how that's gone up over the past cKesiX9568Q-00654-00143560-00143799 seven or eight years relative to other cKesiX9568Q-00655-00143800-00144102 departments so you see it has gone up cKesiX9568Q-00656-00144103-00144231 quite a bit cKesiX9568Q-00657-00144232-00144511 although it's flatlined recently uh you cKesiX9568Q-00658-00144512-00144711 can also this is another one looking at cKesiX9568Q-00659-00144712-00144935 it as a percentage of the total budget cKesiX9568Q-00660-00144936-00145175 so this blue section you see as when you cKesiX9568Q-00661-00145176-00145351 look at it as a percentage of our total cKesiX9568Q-00662-00145352-00145566 budget it actually hasn't increased very cKesiX9568Q-00663-00145567-00145654 much cKesiX9568Q-00664-00145655-00145854 this is an infographic from waltham cKesiX9568Q-00665-00145855-00146102 educators association cKesiX9568Q-00666-00146103-00146390 that shows the increase in school budget cKesiX9568Q-00667-00146391-00146671 relative to the increase in our revenue cKesiX9568Q-00668-00146672-00146951 so revenue is going up faster than cKesiX9568Q-00669-00146952-00147135 school budget is going up so what that cKesiX9568Q-00670-00147136-00147399 means is the reason the mayor's asking cKesiX9568Q-00671-00147400-00147583 for these cuts is not because we can't cKesiX9568Q-00672-00147584-00147831 afford this there is the money there and cKesiX9568Q-00673-00147832-00148087 here's another um graphic also from cKesiX9568Q-00674-00148088-00148302 waltham educators association that shows cKesiX9568Q-00675-00148303-00148502 that the discretionary money waltham has cKesiX9568Q-00676-00148503-00148743 that could potentially be put towards cKesiX9568Q-00677-00148744-00148943 education this budget is actually quite cKesiX9568Q-00678-00148944-00149102 a bit higher cKesiX9568Q-00679-00149103-00149399 than some of our neighboring communities cKesiX9568Q-00680-00149400-00149647 um and this at this city council meeting cKesiX9568Q-00681-00149648-00149847 didn't um kathleen cKesiX9568Q-00682-00149848-00150063 invite the superintendent to the next cKesiX9568Q-00683-00150064-00150390 finance uh committee meeting to chat did cKesiX9568Q-00684-00150391-00150678 i am i remembering that correctly cKesiX9568Q-00685-00150679-00150935 i'm not sure if she invited the cKesiX9568Q-00686-00150936-00151166 superintendent i what she saw and that's cKesiX9568Q-00687-00151167-00151487 a good question she asks that the school cKesiX9568Q-00688-00151488-00151751 department sent to the finance committee cKesiX9568Q-00689-00151752-00151935 a spreadsheet of everybody's cKesiX9568Q-00690-00151936-00152159 compensation now the reason she gave her cKesiX9568Q-00691-00152160-00152263 that was cKesiX9568Q-00692-00152264-00152454 the she said the other departments when cKesiX9568Q-00693-00152455-00152599 they send their budget to the city cKesiX9568Q-00694-00152600-00152775 council the format allows them to see cKesiX9568Q-00695-00152776-00152990 how each person's compensation affects cKesiX9568Q-00696-00152991-00153151 that but the format the school committee cKesiX9568Q-00697-00153152-00153375 uses doesn't allow that so you need she cKesiX9568Q-00698-00153376-00153511 was telling the counselors you're going cKesiX9568Q-00699-00153512-00153687 to need this second spreadsheet in other cKesiX9568Q-00700-00153688-00153919 to understand what you're looking at now cKesiX9568Q-00701-00153920-00154207 that's interesting because the educators cKesiX9568Q-00702-00154208-00154454 association has is basically asking cKesiX9568Q-00703-00154455-00154678 people to tell the council not to cKesiX9568Q-00704-00154679-00154863 support this cut budget to support the cKesiX9568Q-00705-00154864-00155054 original budget and that's a big ask cKesiX9568Q-00706-00155055-00155302 because it's rare for the city council i cKesiX9568Q-00707-00155303-00155447 don't know how rare it is chris you cKesiX9568Q-00708-00155448-00155623 might be able to say more than that but cKesiX9568Q-00709-00155624-00155823 it's very rare for the city council to cKesiX9568Q-00710-00155824-00155999 want to give a department more than cKesiX9568Q-00711-00156000-00156199 they've officially asked for cKesiX9568Q-00712-00156200-00156383 um the other part of it is they might cKesiX9568Q-00713-00156384-00156654 not want to set the precedent that they cKesiX9568Q-00714-00156655-00156839 are this involved in the school budget cKesiX9568Q-00715-00156840-00157014 because then people might be coming to cKesiX9568Q-00716-00157015-00157166 them with other problems about the cKesiX9568Q-00717-00157167-00157414 school and in fact there was a candidate cKesiX9568Q-00718-00157415-00157566 event last cKesiX9568Q-00719-00157567-00157911 fall just before the election where um cKesiX9568Q-00720-00157912-00158102 councillor mcminiman made comments i'm cKesiX9568Q-00721-00158103-00158287 not sure the question she was responding cKesiX9568Q-00722-00158288-00158439 to but something about the schools and cKesiX9568Q-00723-00158440-00158647 she basically said the city council has cKesiX9568Q-00724-00158648-00158847 nothing to do with the schools they send cKesiX9568Q-00725-00158848-00159078 us a number and we say yes or no so it cKesiX9568Q-00726-00159079-00159302 was interesting when she asked for these cKesiX9568Q-00727-00159303-00159495 additional compensation numbers for the cKesiX9568Q-00728-00159496-00159607 school i don't know if that's something cKesiX9568Q-00729-00159608-00159759 she always does or if that's something cKesiX9568Q-00730-00159760-00159990 she did because she's expecting cKesiX9568Q-00731-00159991-00160239 uh this to be an issue cKesiX9568Q-00732-00160240-00160447 yeah for the city council i would say i cKesiX9568Q-00733-00160448-00160631 would say it's because she's for sees cKesiX9568Q-00734-00160632-00160878 this being as being contentious um and cKesiX9568Q-00735-00160879-00161054 she's absolutely correct the city cKesiX9568Q-00736-00161055-00161287 council has almost nothing to do with cKesiX9568Q-00737-00161288-00161566 the school committee budget um and cKesiX9568Q-00738-00161567-00161799 even less so than what you suggested cKesiX9568Q-00739-00161800-00162014 because they can't add any money they cKesiX9568Q-00740-00162015-00162207 can't add money to the budget they can cKesiX9568Q-00741-00162208-00162495 only cut uh what the mayor puts forward cKesiX9568Q-00742-00162496-00162735 um so there's very very little that the cKesiX9568Q-00743-00162736-00162959 waltham city council can do um in this cKesiX9568Q-00744-00162960-00163159 but i mean it's it i think it's going to cKesiX9568Q-00745-00163160-00163295 be contentious cKesiX9568Q-00746-00163296-00163590 i'm hoping that the union and the city cKesiX9568Q-00747-00163591-00163783 come to an agreement that is beneficial cKesiX9568Q-00748-00163784-00164031 to the students very quickly and that it cKesiX9568Q-00749-00164032-00164311 does not get ugly but i i foresee it cKesiX9568Q-00750-00164312-00164590 getting ugly and i hope cKesiX9568Q-00751-00164591-00164814 that we can do our part in shining a cKesiX9568Q-00752-00164815-00165054 spotlight on that very soon thank you cKesiX9568Q-00753-00165055-00165302 yes and to get actually to give a little cKesiX9568Q-00754-00165303-00165535 bit more background on the process and cKesiX9568Q-00755-00165536-00165687 where these cuts came from i don't cKesiX9568Q-00756-00165688-00165887 really know i never found anything where cKesiX9568Q-00757-00165888-00166102 the mayor clearly said why this cut has cKesiX9568Q-00758-00166103-00166302 to happen why this specific cut has to cKesiX9568Q-00759-00166303-00166463 happen what happened was cKesiX9568Q-00760-00166464-00166623 the when the cKesiX9568Q-00761-00166624-00166911 um superintendent on april 21st asked cKesiX9568Q-00762-00166912-00167183 them to approve the budget uh mr trello cKesiX9568Q-00763-00167184-00167375 tried to add to it that didn't work they cKesiX9568Q-00764-00167376-00167663 took a vote and it was three to three cKesiX9568Q-00765-00167664-00167831 and the mayor cKesiX9568Q-00766-00167832-00168143 has the um seventh vote but she said she cKesiX9568Q-00767-00168144-00168359 chose not to vote because she also has cKesiX9568Q-00768-00168360-00168566 this role of recommending things to the cKesiX9568Q-00769-00168567-00168671 council cKesiX9568Q-00770-00168672-00168975 so it failed and then the plan was that cKesiX9568Q-00771-00168976-00169151 the mayor to the superintendent were cKesiX9568Q-00772-00169152-00169383 going to work with the city auditor to cKesiX9568Q-00773-00169384-00169631 come up with a good number that made cKesiX9568Q-00774-00169632-00169887 sense in the context of the city budget cKesiX9568Q-00775-00169888-00170063 which was how she put it and then that's cKesiX9568Q-00776-00170064-00170271 the number she recommended to the cKesiX9568Q-00777-00170272-00170478 council and my understanding is that's cKesiX9568Q-00778-00170479-00170607 also the number that the school cKesiX9568Q-00779-00170608-00170863 committee voted to approve to send to cKesiX9568Q-00780-00170864-00171183 the council um so this it seems like cKesiX9568Q-00781-00171184-00171487 these cuts are being based on cKesiX9568Q-00782-00171488-00171678 uh you know the the cKesiX9568Q-00783-00171679-00171926 the superintendent is trying to meet the cKesiX9568Q-00784-00171927-00172102 expectations of the school committee but cKesiX9568Q-00785-00172103-00172223 it seems like the school committee is cKesiX9568Q-00786-00172224-00172511 also trying to meet the expectations of cKesiX9568Q-00787-00172512-00172695 the mayor and the city council so it cKesiX9568Q-00788-00172696-00172959 seems to be more based on expectations cKesiX9568Q-00789-00172960-00173231 um than on need the concerns that i cKesiX9568Q-00790-00173232-00173351 understand cKesiX9568Q-00791-00173352-00173575 are there are about both versions of the cKesiX9568Q-00792-00173576-00173911 budget is that it underfunded the second cKesiX9568Q-00793-00173912-00174183 language program like i explained and cKesiX9568Q-00794-00174184-00174414 also that there are some teachers who cKesiX9568Q-00795-00174415-00174654 are leaving and the budget is calling cKesiX9568Q-00796-00174655-00174999 for hiring of long-term substitutes um cKesiX9568Q-00797-00175000-00175175 so that seems like a good idea if you're cKesiX9568Q-00798-00175176-00175326 having staffing issues you want people cKesiX9568Q-00799-00175327-00175511 who are always on hand to substitute but cKesiX9568Q-00800-00175512-00175711 the problem is those substitutes make a cKesiX9568Q-00801-00175712-00176054 lot less than a regular teacher and they cKesiX9568Q-00802-00176055-00176287 may not have the educational background cKesiX9568Q-00803-00176288-00176463 that's usually required to teach the cKesiX9568Q-00804-00176464-00176631 class they're teaching so there's cKesiX9568Q-00805-00176632-00176814 concern that this could become a trend cKesiX9568Q-00806-00176815-00177014 of hiring people who cKesiX9568Q-00807-00177015-00177302 cost less but are less qualified um here cKesiX9568Q-00808-00177303-00177726 is what uh ms um schaeffly had to say cKesiX9568Q-00809-00177727-00177983 um about her response to the cKesiX9568Q-00810-00177984-00178159 superintendent's initial budget cKesiX9568Q-00811-00178160-00178366 recommendation she is uh the cKesiX9568Q-00812-00178367-00178502 administrative assistant for the cKesiX9568Q-00813-00178503-00178814 guidance department at the school and um cKesiX9568Q-00814-00178815-00179143 she is also the mom of uh a senior who cKesiX9568Q-00815-00179144-00179302 graduated last year she's someone who cKesiX9568Q-00816-00179303-00179463 comes to almost all school committee cKesiX9568Q-00817-00179464-00179654 meetings and follows it very closely and cKesiX9568Q-00818-00179655-00179878 she made comments about this cKesiX9568Q-00819-00179879-00180063 i'm dismayed and upset to hear that we cKesiX9568Q-00820-00180064-00180278 are losing two great teachers this year cKesiX9568Q-00821-00180279-00180431 especially when we haven't been able to cKesiX9568Q-00822-00180432-00180702 find substitutes cKesiX9568Q-00823-00180703-00180926 this year and students end up in cKesiX9568Q-00824-00180927-00181159 the lecture hall a lunch from cKesiX9568Q-00825-00181160-00181302 at times for many cKesiX9568Q-00826-00181303-00181511 students up to three hours a day or in cKesiX9568Q-00827-00181512-00181766 many instances just leaving the building cKesiX9568Q-00828-00181767-00181966 when we have 34 students sitting in this cKesiX9568Q-00829-00181967-00182199 very lecture hall in a math class every cKesiX9568Q-00830-00182200-00182487 single day for newcomer ell students cKesiX9568Q-00831-00182488-00182638 who don't always have a parent who is cKesiX9568Q-00832-00182639-00182831 able to advocate for them cKesiX9568Q-00833-00182832-00183023 i wonder how much are these students cKesiX9568Q-00834-00183024-00183247 learning or how rewarding is it for that cKesiX9568Q-00835-00183248-00183366 teacher cKesiX9568Q-00836-00183367-00183566 we allow that we allow this to happen is cKesiX9568Q-00837-00183567-00183702 disgraceful cKesiX9568Q-00838-00183703-00183935 when electives are over capacity and are cKesiX9568Q-00839-00183936-00184078 filled and students are left with no cKesiX9568Q-00840-00184079-00184223 choices of any class they may be cKesiX9568Q-00841-00184224-00184343 interested in cKesiX9568Q-00842-00184344-00184535 how can we not find the funds to keep cKesiX9568Q-00843-00184536-00184751 great staff when i say numerous new cKesiX9568Q-00844-00184752-00184959 administration positions in the budget cKesiX9568Q-00845-00184960-00185111 unwillingness to remove any of those cKesiX9568Q-00846-00185112-00185295 peop those positions cKesiX9568Q-00847-00185296-00185454 and people with individual contracts cKesiX9568Q-00848-00185455-00185583 getting in some instances over a cKesiX9568Q-00849-00185584-00185807 separate percent increase in pay yet i cKesiX9568Q-00850-00185808-00185959 hear rumblings in the community that we cKesiX9568Q-00851-00185960-00186095 are offering educators less than one cKesiX9568Q-00852-00186096-00186238 percent cKesiX9568Q-00853-00186239-00186375 when just today i saw a headline that cKesiX9568Q-00854-00186376-00186566 said a teacher crisis cKesiX9568Q-00855-00186567-00186743 educators leaving their profession in cKesiX9568Q-00856-00186744-00186950 record numbers we need staff who work cKesiX9568Q-00857-00186951-00187126 directly with students cKesiX9568Q-00858-00187127-00187359 in the trenches every single day we need cKesiX9568Q-00859-00187360-00187566 class sizes at a manageable level for cKesiX9568Q-00860-00187567-00187783 students and for teachers we need cKesiX9568Q-00861-00187784-00187966 physicians like the two attendance cKesiX9568Q-00862-00187967-00188135 officers who walk around the school to cKesiX9568Q-00863-00188136-00188359 stop kids from piling out the door every cKesiX9568Q-00864-00188360-00188550 single day to head to duncan's to get cKesiX9568Q-00865-00188551-00188838 themselves a coffee stop fights cKesiX9568Q-00866-00188839-00189023 and not only keep kids safe but ensure cKesiX9568Q-00867-00189024-00189247 kids actually feel safe cKesiX9568Q-00868-00189248-00189438 a lot of people haven't felt safe here cKesiX9568Q-00869-00189439-00189590 in a long time cKesiX9568Q-00870-00189591-00189750 we need testing coordinators so that cKesiX9568Q-00871-00189751-00189871 students who are entitled to legal cKesiX9568Q-00872-00189872-00190111 accommodations actually receive them a cKesiX9568Q-00873-00190112-00190271 scheduler knows who knows the ins and cKesiX9568Q-00874-00190272-00190471 outs of the system bilingual school cKesiX9568Q-00875-00190472-00190575 adjustment counselors who can cKesiX9568Q-00876-00190576-00190799 communicate with the close to 300 new cKesiX9568Q-00877-00190800-00190975 students we have received this year cKesiX9568Q-00878-00190976-00191223 many who english is not their first cKesiX9568Q-00879-00191224-00191319 language cKesiX9568Q-00880-00191320-00191511 parents who support the teachers when cKesiX9568Q-00881-00191512-00191711 they need it training on the system a cKesiX9568Q-00882-00191712-00192014 new schedule more guidance counselors a cKesiX9568Q-00883-00192015-00192207 free summer credit recovery school cKesiX9568Q-00884-00192208-00192438 program instead of asking families cKesiX9568Q-00885-00192439-00192719 many who have limited income to pay 200 cKesiX9568Q-00886-00192720-00192823 for a cKesiX9568Q-00887-00192824-00192990 summer school class they can't afford at cKesiX9568Q-00888-00192991-00193190 a time when it's almost impossible for cKesiX9568Q-00889-00193191-00193326 them to be here cKesiX9568Q-00890-00193327-00193495 that we force families who are poor to cKesiX9568Q-00891-00193496-00193663 tell us they are poor and need cKesiX9568Q-00892-00193664-00193847 assistance when we already know this is cKesiX9568Q-00893-00193848-00193983 troubling cKesiX9568Q-00894-00193984-00194166 we need an actual alternative program cKesiX9568Q-00895-00194167-00194343 for students i watched the school cKesiX9568Q-00896-00194344-00194535 committee a few weeks ago when mr cKesiX9568Q-00897-00194536-00194687 tarella proposed putting money into the cKesiX9568Q-00898-00194688-00194959 budget to fund a couple of teachers for cKesiX9568Q-00899-00194960-00195031 this cKesiX9568Q-00900-00195032-00195247 and he got no support here instead it cKesiX9568Q-00901-00195248-00195487 was decided that more talk was needed cKesiX9568Q-00902-00195488-00195671 it is necessary for me to remind you cKesiX9568Q-00903-00195672-00195799 that you've been talking about this for cKesiX9568Q-00904-00195800-00195999 more than five years and while we sit cKesiX9568Q-00905-00196000-00196190 here and continue to talk kids are cKesiX9568Q-00906-00196191-00196375 dropping out of high school and students cKesiX9568Q-00907-00196376-00196614 who aren't safe to be at the high school cKesiX9568Q-00908-00196615-00196847 or this isn't the right place for them cKesiX9568Q-00909-00196848-00197063 continue to be here cKesiX9568Q-00910-00197064-00197223 there are numerous other school cKesiX9568Q-00911-00197224-00197375 districts who have valuable programs in cKesiX9568Q-00912-00197376-00197519 place that can be replicated almost cKesiX9568Q-00913-00197520-00197711 immediately when the superintendent cKesiX9568Q-00914-00197712-00197831 interviewed here cKesiX9568Q-00915-00197832-00197959 i clearly remember when he was cKesiX9568Q-00916-00197960-00198095 discussing cKesiX9568Q-00917-00198096-00198223 how he would work through the budget cKesiX9568Q-00918-00198224-00198463 process cKesiX9568Q-00919-00198464-00198590 he said part of that process was cKesiX9568Q-00920-00198591-00198759 ensuring that parents students and staff cKesiX9568Q-00921-00198760-00198943 were part of that process and i'm cKesiX9568Q-00922-00198944-00199150 disappointed to say that hasn't been the cKesiX9568Q-00923-00199151-00199366 case because i don't see their voices in cKesiX9568Q-00924-00199367-00199550 the budget nor were any of them at the cKesiX9568Q-00925-00199551-00199807 table when it was developed instead we cKesiX9568Q-00926-00199808-00199990 survey everyone over and over again then cKesiX9568Q-00927-00199991-00200159 do nothing with those results to improve cKesiX9568Q-00928-00200160-00200366 the experiences of students and families cKesiX9568Q-00929-00200367-00200511 and staff cKesiX9568Q-00930-00200512-00200647 right here at the school committee back cKesiX9568Q-00931-00200648-00200814 in the fall students told you exactly cKesiX9568Q-00932-00200815-00200966 what they wanted and their voices went cKesiX9568Q-00933-00200967-00201063 unheard cKesiX9568Q-00934-00201064-00201254 so we will continue to follow that it cKesiX9568Q-00935-00201255-00201438 seems like there's a certain urgency if cKesiX9568Q-00936-00201439-00201702 the committee wants to cKesiX9568Q-00937-00201703-00202007 if the community wants the city council cKesiX9568Q-00938-00202008-00202166 to ask the school committee to cKesiX9568Q-00939-00202167-00202438 reconsider this budget one option is cKesiX9568Q-00940-00202439-00202599 instead of saying no they could send it cKesiX9568Q-00941-00202600-00202766 back to the school committee and say we cKesiX9568Q-00942-00202767-00202926 want you to reconsider this and that cKesiX9568Q-00943-00202927-00203150 process should involve a public hearing cKesiX9568Q-00944-00203151-00203359 because then more teachers and parents cKesiX9568Q-00945-00203360-00203543 were to weigh in on this and that would cKesiX9568Q-00946-00203544-00203759 at least address the concern cKesiX9568Q-00947-00203760-00204071 um that teachers needs were not being cKesiX9568Q-00948-00204072-00204271 heard speaking of counselor bradley cKesiX9568Q-00949-00204272-00204502 macarthur she has put forward two cKesiX9568Q-00950-00204503-00204654 resolutions that are very interesting cKesiX9568Q-00951-00204655-00204846 one was the wolf and pride resolution cKesiX9568Q-00952-00204848-00205071 the other had to do with ride sharing cKesiX9568Q-00953-00205071-00205334 and so we have some updates on that uh cKesiX9568Q-00954-00205335-00205494 chris you was that supposed to go to cKesiX9568Q-00955-00205496-00205727 chris or james yeah i can do that okay cKesiX9568Q-00956-00205728-00205910 chris you tell us about that cKesiX9568Q-00957-00205911-00206175 so this is kind of interesting you know cKesiX9568Q-00958-00206176-00206414 i talked uh two weeks ago about how cKesiX9568Q-00959-00206415-00206558 national politics was going to come into cKesiX9568Q-00960-00206559-00206719 play um cKesiX9568Q-00961-00206719-00207014 in uh this the city council and the cKesiX9568Q-00962-00207015-00207231 debrief and last week i didn't really cKesiX9568Q-00963-00207232-00207398 actually you know continue that cKesiX9568Q-00964-00207400-00207551 conversation i did provide updates but i cKesiX9568Q-00965-00207552-00207686 didn't really continue that conversation cKesiX9568Q-00966-00207687-00207823 the things that we talked about that cKesiX9568Q-00967-00207823-00207982 would come with national politics they cKesiX9568Q-00968-00207983-00208223 had they came to a head today um coming cKesiX9568Q-00969-00208223-00208455 to an approval uh the pride uh cKesiX9568Q-00970-00208456-00208710 resolution as well as the uber question cKesiX9568Q-00971-00208711-00209134 um and so at the very end of the meeting cKesiX9568Q-00972-00209135-00209342 um cKesiX9568Q-00973-00209344-00209423 uh cKesiX9568Q-00974-00209423-00209662 last week colleen bradley macarthur our cKesiX9568Q-00975-00209663-00209815 friend uh cKesiX9568Q-00976-00209816-00210094 mentioned for the uber question that she cKesiX9568Q-00977-00210096-00210263 needed more time to work on this which cKesiX9568Q-00978-00210264-00210479 was like an ominous way to end it and i cKesiX9568Q-00979-00210480-00210623 didn't really understand it maybe it's cKesiX9568Q-00980-00210623-00210742 like someone to talk to her and i still cKesiX9568Q-00981-00210744-00211023 don't even know we should ask um cKesiX9568Q-00982-00211023-00211223 what that meant um and i really didn't cKesiX9568Q-00983-00211223-00211342 think was gonna come up again this cKesiX9568Q-00984-00211344-00211598 meeting that just passed and so it did cKesiX9568Q-00985-00211600-00211791 at the very end of the meeting uh cKesiX9568Q-00986-00211792-00211982 colleen brought it off the table and cKesiX9568Q-00987-00211983-00212239 said that a couple of people wanted to cKesiX9568Q-00988-00212240-00212479 talk on it and john mclaughlin the ward cKesiX9568Q-00989-00212480-00212679 4 city councilor actually did a great cKesiX9568Q-00990-00212680-00212871 job talking about how this is outside cKesiX9568Q-00991-00212871-00213246 money about how the this is just a way cKesiX9568Q-00992-00213248-00213582 to you know hurt workers um cKesiX9568Q-00993-00213583-00213863 and i thought it was a really uh nice cKesiX9568Q-00994-00213864-00214055 speech and then cKesiX9568Q-00995-00214056-00214303 uh cKesiX9568Q-00996-00214304-00214679 they ended up approving it uh despite cKesiX9568Q-00997-00214680-00214951 some counselors voting no um anthony cKesiX9568Q-00998-00214952-00215175 fauci kathy and harris carlos dell and cKesiX9568Q-00999-00215176-00215439 randy blank all voted no on the cKesiX9568Q-01000-00215440-00215606 declaration that they would be against cKesiX9568Q-01001-00215607-00215727 this cKesiX9568Q-01002-00215728-00215846 and so you know they're really putting cKesiX9568Q-01003-00215848-00216079 their neck out and what's hilarious is cKesiX9568Q-01004-00216080-00216294 that about eight hours ago the cKesiX9568Q-01005-00216296-00216542 massachusetts uh court threw out the cKesiX9568Q-01006-00216544-00216823 question um based on cKesiX9568Q-01007-00216823-00217079 after a quick google search um it was cKesiX9568Q-01008-00217080-00217375 the wording was too obscure legally to cKesiX9568Q-01009-00217376-00217639 even go on a ballot and so that will not cKesiX9568Q-01010-00217640-00217806 appear in cKesiX9568Q-01011-00217807-00218015 uh cKesiX9568Q-01012-00218016-00218231 on your ballot in november that just cKesiX9568Q-01013-00218232-00218398 won't be there so it's a huge win for cKesiX9568Q-01014-00218400-00218671 the campaign against it and it's a huge cKesiX9568Q-01015-00218671-00218879 win for the councillors that not only uh cKesiX9568Q-01016-00218880-00219182 said yes to this but it's a huge loss to cKesiX9568Q-01017-00219183-00219367 the councilors that said no and then cKesiX9568Q-01018-00219367-00219598 literally one day later they took an l cKesiX9568Q-01019-00219600-00219719 and uh cKesiX9568Q-01020-00219719-00220094 now now they look bad cKesiX9568Q-01021-00220096-00220294 they think they look bad because now cKesiX9568Q-01022-00220296-00220567 this the the the state supreme court has cKesiX9568Q-01023-00220567-00220767 said that it was um yeah they said it cKesiX9568Q-01024-00220767-00220871 was about cKesiX9568Q-01025-00220871-00221055 they said it was bad and cKesiX9568Q-01026-00221056-00221198 uh cKesiX9568Q-01027-00221200-00221398 four counselors disagreed with that cKesiX9568Q-01028-00221400-00221742 judge but cKesiX9568Q-01029-00221744-00221894 thank you james did you have anything to cKesiX9568Q-01030-00221896-00222279 add on that cKesiX9568Q-01031-00222280-00222510 just the the list of counselors opposing cKesiX9568Q-01032-00222511-00222671 it you know cKesiX9568Q-01033-00222671-00223567 without cKesiX9568Q-01034-00223567-00223719 because the extent of what this was was cKesiX9568Q-01035-00223719-00223839 sending a letter to the state house cKesiX9568Q-01036-00223840-00224031 basically saying that the walden didn't cKesiX9568Q-01037-00224032-00224367 want us so yeah cKesiX9568Q-01038-00224367-00224534 and also that they explicitly called for cKesiX9568Q-01039-00224535-00224694 a roll call but i believe it was harris cKesiX9568Q-01040-00224696-00224894 who called for the role yeah yeah harris cKesiX9568Q-01041-00224896-00225119 who voted no called for the roll call cKesiX9568Q-01042-00225119-00225310 vote so she wanted to be on the record cKesiX9568Q-01043-00225311-00225639 saying i do not agree with this thing cKesiX9568Q-01044-00225640-00225887 that a massachusetts judge in one day is cKesiX9568Q-01045-00225888-00226271 going to throw out cKesiX9568Q-01046-00226271-00226503 okay and then on the pride resolution cKesiX9568Q-01047-00226504-00226671 that was officially approved this week cKesiX9568Q-01048-00226671-00226887 that wasn't a surprise no chatter no cKesiX9568Q-01049-00226888-00226975 chatter cKesiX9568Q-01050-00226976-00227246 no chatter about it there was there was cKesiX9568Q-01051-00227248-00227463 some but not a lot of chatter uh when it cKesiX9568Q-01052-00227464-00227703 was introduced in committee of the whole cKesiX9568Q-01053-00227704-00227942 um it appeared that when they voted on cKesiX9568Q-01054-00227944-00228063 it in committee of the whole it was cKesiX9568Q-01055-00228064-00228255 unanimous but it wasn't a roll call so cKesiX9568Q-01056-00228256-00228479 some people might not have voted so when cKesiX9568Q-01057-00228480-00228734 we talk to counselor bradley macarthur i cKesiX9568Q-01058-00228735-00228967 would love to ask her about um if she cKesiX9568Q-01059-00228967-00229110 got any feedback from her fellow cKesiX9568Q-01060-00229111-00229310 counselors on that resolution cKesiX9568Q-01061-00229311-00229398 and cKesiX9568Q-01062-00229400-00229751 oh yes and uh and just a note i i just cKesiX9568Q-01063-00229752-00229934 want to note that i was correct in cKesiX9568Q-01064-00229935-00230158 saying the for the uber question the cKesiX9568Q-01065-00230159-00230406 people that voted no had no comment and cKesiX9568Q-01066-00230407-00230575 i talked about how you know national cKesiX9568Q-01067-00230576-00230767 policy is coming into play it's not it's cKesiX9568Q-01068-00230767-00230919 not usual and most counselors don't cKesiX9568Q-01069-00230919-00231071 really want their national politics cKesiX9568Q-01070-00231071-00231319 being broadcasted for voting purposes cKesiX9568Q-01071-00231319-00231479 and so the poor people have voted now cKesiX9568Q-01072-00231480-00231823 had no comment on why they're voting no cKesiX9568Q-01073-00231823-00231967 and so i would like to proclaim that i cKesiX9568Q-01074-00231967-00232079 was right cKesiX9568Q-01075-00232080-00232327 i would also like to proclaim that i cKesiX9568Q-01076-00232328-00232519 said that they might cKesiX9568Q-01077-00232519-00232703 have something to say and so i was cKesiX9568Q-01078-00232704-00232894 playing both sides and so i came out on cKesiX9568Q-01079-00232896-00233342 top whichever way it happened cKesiX9568Q-01080-00233344-00233598 well on that note that is all the topics cKesiX9568Q-01081-00233600-00233951 we have to discuss for tonight um and we cKesiX9568Q-01082-00233952-00234351 will be back next week um we the city cKesiX9568Q-01083-00234352-00234598 council is happening on uh city council cKesiX9568Q-01084-00234600-00234710 committee meetings are happening on cKesiX9568Q-01085-00234711-00234934 tuesday next week cKesiX9568Q-01086-00234935-00235094 and uh and i will actually not be able cKesiX9568Q-01087-00235096-00235198 to be here so this will be the first cKesiX9568Q-01088-00235200-00235415 debriefs that i miss so i hope you guys cKesiX9568Q-01089-00235416-00235519 are okay cKesiX9568Q-01090-00235519-00235655 without me cKesiX9568Q-01091-00235656-00235927 well in that case james and i and and cKesiX9568Q-01092-00235928-00236246 whatever um substitute we can find we'll cKesiX9568Q-01093-00236248-00236655 be back um next week um we'll be posting cKesiX9568Q-01094-00236656-00236839 it a day later than usual cKesiX9568Q-01095-00236840-00236998 and we'll see you then cKesiX9568Q-01096-00237000-00237119 thank you everyone cKesiX9568Q-01097-00237119-00237435 bye everyone cOwP3dJM7hu-00000-00000863-00001237 good afternoon to you all i'm victor cOwP3dJM7hu-00001-00001238-00001462 harbor start i'm the moderator of this cOwP3dJM7hu-00002-00001463-00001904 session which is aptly titled The cOwP3dJM7hu-00003-00001905-00002483 Grateful traction I was doing pretty cOwP3dJM7hu-00004-00002484-00003034 well is this better good I thought I had cOwP3dJM7hu-00005-00003035-00003235 this wonderful opening sentence which I cOwP3dJM7hu-00006-00003236-00003388 wanted to mention to you that the title cOwP3dJM7hu-00007-00003389-00003608 of this session the great contraction cOwP3dJM7hu-00008-00003609-00003818 sounds a bit like the Great Train cOwP3dJM7hu-00009-00003819-00004235 Robbery but in fact what we are cOwP3dJM7hu-00010-00004236-00004583 discussing here is a very major major cOwP3dJM7hu-00011-00004584-00005202 issue are we able to avoid a cOwP3dJM7hu-00012-00005203-00005741 continuation of a deep recession are we cOwP3dJM7hu-00013-00005742-00006145 able to prevent another financial crisis cOwP3dJM7hu-00014-00006146-00006484 for that we have a very able panel very cOwP3dJM7hu-00015-00006486-00006778 experienced very expert and very little cOwP3dJM7hu-00016-00006779-00007148 introduction is required on my left is cOwP3dJM7hu-00017-00007148-00007603 human of the IMF next famous bill Rhodes cOwP3dJM7hu-00018-00007604-00007817 who is the only one in this room cOwP3dJM7hu-00019-00007818-00008014 probably who has published a book in the cOwP3dJM7hu-00020-00008015-00008234 last two months which I'm pitching for cOwP3dJM7hu-00021-00008235-00008492 you in center from quicken board who is cOwP3dJM7hu-00022-00008493-00008803 a belgian minister and it's interesting cOwP3dJM7hu-00023-00008804-00008992 he and I sat on a panel in dolly on a cOwP3dJM7hu-00024-00008993-00009196 year ago and he told me that Belgium was cOwP3dJM7hu-00025-00009197-00009362 about to form a new government you know cOwP3dJM7hu-00026-00009363-00009574 what it still isn't there 12 months cOwP3dJM7hu-00027-00009575-00009974 later Victor chu a entrepreneur from cOwP3dJM7hu-00028-00009975-00010316 Hong Kong and a worldwide known person cOwP3dJM7hu-00029-00010317-00010621 and mr. Singh member of parliament from cOwP3dJM7hu-00030-00010622-00010960 India all very expert we will talk about cOwP3dJM7hu-00031-00010961-00011180 everything but we will do it very cOwP3dJM7hu-00032-00011181-00011360 disciplined you will talk about cOwP3dJM7hu-00033-00011361-00011570 deleveraging we will talk about policy cOwP3dJM7hu-00034-00011571-00011834 tools we will talk about volatility we cOwP3dJM7hu-00035-00011835-00012062 will talk about I guess about political cOwP3dJM7hu-00036-00012063-00012362 costs of economic change and you will be cOwP3dJM7hu-00037-00012363-00012560 able to say afterwards that you felt cOwP3dJM7hu-00038-00012561-00012821 that the panel was either bullish or cOwP3dJM7hu-00039-00012822-00013118 bearish but we have only 60 minutes so cOwP3dJM7hu-00040-00013119-00013250 we will be there cOwP3dJM7hu-00041-00013251-00013427 discipline initially each of the cOwP3dJM7hu-00042-00013428-00013558 panelists will speak three or four cOwP3dJM7hu-00043-00013559-00013864 minutes at the max and we will try to cOwP3dJM7hu-00044-00013865-00014206 have some Q&A mr. room let me quickly cOwP3dJM7hu-00045-00014207-00014467 say one thing about the framework of our cOwP3dJM7hu-00046-00014468-00014918 situation question is is there a second cOwP3dJM7hu-00047-00014919-00015218 great connection contraction out there cOwP3dJM7hu-00048-00015219-00015691 that's the title of the session or as I cOwP3dJM7hu-00049-00015693-00015916 am inclined to think that we never cOwP3dJM7hu-00050-00015918-00016196 finished with the first rate contraction cOwP3dJM7hu-00051-00016197-00016463 that started four years ago in 2007 mr. cOwP3dJM7hu-00052-00016464-00016763 housing bubble in the United States we cOwP3dJM7hu-00053-00016764-00016964 had at that time nearly a decade of cOwP3dJM7hu-00054-00016965-00017353 prosperity financed by debt and now we cOwP3dJM7hu-00055-00017354-00017552 need to pay this down and obviously that cOwP3dJM7hu-00056-00017553-00017747 was never going to happen over the cOwP3dJM7hu-00057-00017748-00017972 course of two years and indeed it didn't cOwP3dJM7hu-00058-00017973-00018259 and of course there was lots of transfer cOwP3dJM7hu-00059-00018260-00018550 of debt from the private sector in fact cOwP3dJM7hu-00060-00018551-00018821 to the public sector and all of that is cOwP3dJM7hu-00061-00018822-00019222 now under serious scrutiny in the cOwP3dJM7hu-00062-00019223-00019414 meantime there has been some temporary cOwP3dJM7hu-00063-00019415-00019708 relief for some asset markets seed what cOwP3dJM7hu-00064-00019709-00019861 happened to equities over the past two cOwP3dJM7hu-00065-00019862-00020215 years but in fact we are now in the cOwP3dJM7hu-00066-00020216-00020561 situation in the Western world in Europe cOwP3dJM7hu-00067-00020562-00020771 and in the United States a rather cOwP3dJM7hu-00068-00020772-00020947 worrying situation and so might say cOwP3dJM7hu-00069-00020948-00021197 where we have to place a large amount of cOwP3dJM7hu-00070-00021198-00021667 faith in the ability and the capacity of cOwP3dJM7hu-00071-00021668-00021978 politician to hold us out of the very cOwP3dJM7hu-00072-00021979-00022315 difficult situation we are in and the cOwP3dJM7hu-00073-00022316-00022577 best I think we can hope for in the vest cOwP3dJM7hu-00074-00022578-00023180 is a slow grind out of that hole now if cOwP3dJM7hu-00075-00023181-00023567 we look at this situation which have cOwP3dJM7hu-00076-00023568-00023836 just very briefly summarized it's of cOwP3dJM7hu-00077-00023837-00024071 course most of all very important to cOwP3dJM7hu-00078-00024072-00024275 understand where the world economy cOwP3dJM7hu-00079-00024276-00024527 currently is and there's no better guide cOwP3dJM7hu-00080-00024528-00025030 on that then zoom in three minutes well cOwP3dJM7hu-00081-00025031-00025255 thank you but you give me only three cOwP3dJM7hu-00082-00025256-00025498 minutes that's what you're very right cOwP3dJM7hu-00083-00025499-00025877 the overall picture i would say since cOwP3dJM7hu-00084-00025877-00026108 august we say Marcus affirmative Allah cOwP3dJM7hu-00085-00026108-00026377 ties but within the volatile what we cOwP3dJM7hu-00086-00026379-00026549 thought so we saw global capital cOwP3dJM7hu-00087-00026550-00026867 relocation all this money move out the cOwP3dJM7hu-00088-00026868-00027197 risk SS and moving to the safe SS so cOwP3dJM7hu-00089-00027198-00027389 it's a reason the US a balanced market cOwP3dJM7hu-00090-00027389-00027662 yields solo 10-year bonds the lower two cOwP3dJM7hu-00091-00027663-00027992 percent now and all this is a risky as a cOwP3dJM7hu-00092-00027993-00028148 capital market particularly banking cOwP3dJM7hu-00093-00028149-00028322 section and also we see the capital cOwP3dJM7hu-00094-00028323-00028670 outflow but meanwhile also we see kept cOwP3dJM7hu-00095-00028670-00028847 the move of the taller assets because cOwP3dJM7hu-00096-00028848-00029036 concerns about the further weakening of cOwP3dJM7hu-00097-00029037-00029261 the dollar so then we see the gold price cOwP3dJM7hu-00098-00029262-00029576 increases with different a Swiss affront cOwP3dJM7hu-00099-00029577-00029837 France and we see japanese grand fir the cOwP3dJM7hu-00100-00029838-00030014 strengths because people looking for the cOwP3dJM7hu-00101-00030014-00030266 have seven and the commodity prices very cOwP3dJM7hu-00102-00030267-00030548 qualified more or less and the state in cOwP3dJM7hu-00103-00030549-00030755 the high price so this is a very cOwP3dJM7hu-00104-00030756-00031022 volatile market and the questions cOwP3dJM7hu-00105-00031023-00031442 obviously what will be the situation the cOwP3dJM7hu-00106-00031443-00031654 next safe humans in the futures cOwP3dJM7hu-00107-00031655-00031916 underlined is the huge volatility is a cOwP3dJM7hu-00108-00031917-00032267 few concerns the first concern is the cOwP3dJM7hu-00109-00032268-00032627 weather the European silvering crosses cOwP3dJM7hu-00110-00032627-00032900 with expand continuing to the banking cOwP3dJM7hu-00111-00032901-00033139 crisis I think that's one issue that cOwP3dJM7hu-00112-00033140-00033500 second issues whether the US deficit cOwP3dJM7hu-00113-00033501-00033785 crisis were further extent to slow down cOwP3dJM7hu-00114-00033786-00034052 the US economic growth and move into the cOwP3dJM7hu-00115-00034053-00034328 double dip and the third oval issue cOwP3dJM7hu-00116-00034329-00034574 exactly concerns whether we move into cOwP3dJM7hu-00117-00034575-00034832 another big contractions that's mean the cOwP3dJM7hu-00118-00034833-00035114 deleveraging process working further or cOwP3dJM7hu-00119-00035115-00035387 stop but always say the current if cOwP3dJM7hu-00120-00035388-00035744 you're looking for S&P 500 is job 25% cOwP3dJM7hu-00121-00035745-00035984 already so actually it's a fully cOwP3dJM7hu-00122-00035985-00036241 discounted market the bad news already cOwP3dJM7hu-00123-00036242-00036551 but if you talk about the three concerns cOwP3dJM7hu-00124-00036552-00036791 all those concerns are still remaining cOwP3dJM7hu-00125-00036792-00037118 there because people still concerned the cOwP3dJM7hu-00126-00037119-00037319 banking sector in Europe and a growth cOwP3dJM7hu-00127-00037320-00037487 particularly slow down in the United cOwP3dJM7hu-00128-00037488-00037772 States and the concern the balances in a cOwP3dJM7hu-00129-00037773-00038021 very healthy particularly in government cOwP3dJM7hu-00130-00038022-00038321 etc in household sector in banking cOwP3dJM7hu-00131-00038322-00038596 sector in some area in kop seconds wells cOwP3dJM7hu-00132-00038597-00038815 within all those concern cOwP3dJM7hu-00133-00038816-00039193 hours a the market will be continuously cOwP3dJM7hu-00134-00039194-00039568 very volatile in the near future but the cOwP3dJM7hu-00135-00039569-00039986 but it does not necessarily mean we're cOwP3dJM7hu-00136-00039987-00040273 going to the big contraction it seemed cOwP3dJM7hu-00137-00040274-00040642 to me we have a notched or what did now cOwP3dJM7hu-00138-00040643-00040892 to finish the first the wrong of a cOwP3dJM7hu-00139-00040893-00041233 deleveraging it will compare today with cOwP3dJM7hu-00140-00041234-00041521 2000 h if you're looking for the cOwP3dJM7hu-00141-00041522-00041764 advanced economy the household balance cOwP3dJM7hu-00142-00041765-00041968 sheets are still very bad still in very cOwP3dJM7hu-00143-00041969-00042295 high level in the financial sector the cOwP3dJM7hu-00144-00042296-00042545 values are still very high capital cOwP3dJM7hu-00145-00042546-00042793 ratios little better but overall still cOwP3dJM7hu-00146-00042794-00043168 wake and if the further if you compare cOwP3dJM7hu-00147-00043169-00043460 it today with a Tucson o H the cOwP3dJM7hu-00148-00043461-00043636 government balance is deteriorating cOwP3dJM7hu-00149-00043637-00043861 dramatically but the good news is a cOwP3dJM7hu-00150-00043862-00044224 copper sector balances it's a much cOwP3dJM7hu-00151-00044225-00044576 better so the currently further cOwP3dJM7hu-00152-00044577-00044877 deleveraging repaired appearances cOwP3dJM7hu-00153-00044878-00045245 obviously is a key issue for all the sex cOwP3dJM7hu-00154-00045246-00045401 of the wall today if you can do that cOwP3dJM7hu-00155-00045402-00045832 will be able to stop this is financial cOwP3dJM7hu-00156-00045833-00046189 volatility and turmoil and the provender cOwP3dJM7hu-00157-00046190-00046483 further financial crisis but we need a cOwP3dJM7hu-00158-00046484-00046840 lot of policy actions stop here Thank cOwP3dJM7hu-00159-00046841-00047186 you Thank You Sherman ah it almost cOwP3dJM7hu-00160-00047187-00047354 raises the question which we can address cOwP3dJM7hu-00161-00047355-00047746 later better volatility is the new norm cOwP3dJM7hu-00162-00047747-00048064 I mean this enormous volatility we'll cOwP3dJM7hu-00163-00048065-00048289 get to that a bit later Finn sent from cOwP3dJM7hu-00164-00048290-00048589 quicken boring what is Europe going to cOwP3dJM7hu-00165-00048590-00048793 do about this or what you should do cOwP3dJM7hu-00166-00048794-00049102 about it well i think that the current cOwP3dJM7hu-00167-00049103-00049454 crisis today in europe really shows us cOwP3dJM7hu-00168-00049455-00049757 the structural flaws that there are two cOwP3dJM7hu-00169-00049758-00050032 the foundations of european union Robert cOwP3dJM7hu-00170-00050033-00050239 Mandela famous Nobel Prize winner of cOwP3dJM7hu-00171-00050240-00050579 Economy once said the European Union is cOwP3dJM7hu-00172-00050580-00050792 like should be like ABC a with a cOwP3dJM7hu-00173-00050793-00051064 monetary union be a fiscal Union and see cOwP3dJM7hu-00174-00051065-00051229 political your problem is that we have cOwP3dJM7hu-00175-00051230-00051466 the a but we're missing to be in the sea cOwP3dJM7hu-00176-00051467-00051773 and and the main problem is that when we cOwP3dJM7hu-00177-00051774-00052079 created a monetary union not so long ago cOwP3dJM7hu-00178-00052080-00052362 we set up agreements amongst member cOwP3dJM7hu-00179-00052363-00052704 states on inflation on debts on deficits cOwP3dJM7hu-00180-00052704-00052962 and the first countries not to obey to cOwP3dJM7hu-00181-00052963-00053163 to those rules were the biggest cOwP3dJM7hu-00182-00053164-00053441 countries of Europe that was Germany and cOwP3dJM7hu-00183-00053442-00053658 I was France and of course it should not cOwP3dJM7hu-00184-00053659-00053874 come as a surprise that on small cOwP3dJM7hu-00185-00053875-00054101 countries like Greece and others do not cOwP3dJM7hu-00186-00054102-00054354 respect needed the rules what we've seen cOwP3dJM7hu-00187-00054354-00054672 since 2008 is in fact we hobbled from cOwP3dJM7hu-00188-00054673-00054941 short-term measures to other short-term cOwP3dJM7hu-00189-00054942-00055203 measures first we try to fix the problem cOwP3dJM7hu-00190-00055204-00055428 in Greece then we try to fix the problem cOwP3dJM7hu-00191-00055429-00055629 in other countries then we set up a cOwP3dJM7hu-00192-00055629-00055867 temporary structure now has become the cOwP3dJM7hu-00193-00055869-00056178 structural funds or European financial cOwP3dJM7hu-00194-00056179-00056609 stability facility but I do think that cOwP3dJM7hu-00195-00056610-00056907 more of those short-term measures will cOwP3dJM7hu-00196-00056908-00057155 not ease and count the markets so what cOwP3dJM7hu-00197-00057157-00057321 we need our structural reforms and the cOwP3dJM7hu-00198-00057322-00057495 structural reforms is what we need is uh cOwP3dJM7hu-00199-00057496-00057767 I can it's it's it's the path is very cOwP3dJM7hu-00200-00057769-00058086 clear either its unity or it's divorce cOwP3dJM7hu-00201-00058087-00058301 and divorce of Europe will come at a cOwP3dJM7hu-00202-00058302-00058509 huge risk that's like opening the cOwP3dJM7hu-00203-00058510-00058827 Pandora's box unity it mean that means cOwP3dJM7hu-00204-00058828-00059030 that we should start the beginning of cOwP3dJM7hu-00205-00059032-00059319 what is called the United States of cOwP3dJM7hu-00206-00059320-00059601 Europe and that holds two essential cOwP3dJM7hu-00207-00059602-00059901 elements first of all creates a market cOwP3dJM7hu-00208-00059902-00060174 of eurobonds that means that you create cOwP3dJM7hu-00209-00060175-00060459 a global European bond markets with cOwP3dJM7hu-00210-00060460-00060729 attraction and and the advantage of that cOwP3dJM7hu-00211-00060729-00060897 system is that you lower the borrowing cOwP3dJM7hu-00212-00060898-00061113 costs for member states and secondly you cOwP3dJM7hu-00213-00061114-00061307 create a large market that even has an cOwP3dJM7hu-00214-00061308-00061509 advantageous to the United States cOwP3dJM7hu-00215-00061510-00061800 because we in the eurozone when you cOwP3dJM7hu-00216-00061801-00062175 compare to the t-bones we have a debt of cOwP3dJM7hu-00217-00062176-00062415 about eighty five percent whereas the cOwP3dJM7hu-00218-00062416-00062565 States is close to the one hundred cOwP3dJM7hu-00219-00062566-00062792 percent and our deficit in Europe is cOwP3dJM7hu-00220-00062794-00062973 close to four percent we're in the cOwP3dJM7hu-00221-00062974-00063116 States is nine percent so I think then cOwP3dJM7hu-00222-00063117-00063309 you create a market a huge market you cOwP3dJM7hu-00223-00063310-00063444 should combine that with a second cOwP3dJM7hu-00224-00063445-00063636 element and that is an element has been cOwP3dJM7hu-00225-00063637-00063876 proposed by the Dutch people that is the cOwP3dJM7hu-00226-00063877-00064205 creation or by machine mr. Trichet from cOwP3dJM7hu-00227-00064207-00064371 the ECB that's the creation of what we cOwP3dJM7hu-00228-00064372-00064555 call a European Minister of Finance cOwP3dJM7hu-00229-00064557-00064815 that's somebody a person an institution cOwP3dJM7hu-00230-00064816-00065040 that is able to intervene in a cOwP3dJM7hu-00231-00065041-00065279 individual country when it's not willing cOwP3dJM7hu-00232-00065280-00065454 to obey to the roots cOwP3dJM7hu-00233-00065455-00065761 instead that means in fact that you take cOwP3dJM7hu-00234-00065762-00065976 sovereignty out of that country and that cOwP3dJM7hu-00235-00065977-00066259 you replace it by that institution so cOwP3dJM7hu-00236-00066260-00066505 these two elements will lead us to a cOwP3dJM7hu-00237-00066506-00066726 structural solution for the problems cOwP3dJM7hu-00238-00066727-00066973 that we have of course the team is now cOwP3dJM7hu-00239-00066974-00067198 between in between FinCEN this sounds cOwP3dJM7hu-00240-00067199-00067480 fine I mean for some people this apple cOwP3dJM7hu-00241-00067481-00067653 pie a motherhood you can't be against it cOwP3dJM7hu-00242-00067654-00067966 but it's not going to happen overnight cOwP3dJM7hu-00243-00067967-00068218 now will take many years so what what cOwP3dJM7hu-00244-00068219-00068476 what are the policy actions required now cOwP3dJM7hu-00245-00068477-00068641 of course on the short term the biggest cOwP3dJM7hu-00246-00068642-00068806 problem at the moment are two problems cOwP3dJM7hu-00247-00068807-00069070 first of all Greece and there you have cOwP3dJM7hu-00248-00069071-00069331 to find a solution and some people I cOwP3dJM7hu-00249-00069332-00069649 think too easily talk about just default cOwP3dJM7hu-00250-00069650-00069838 structure default and structure default cOwP3dJM7hu-00251-00069839-00070153 I think this would be a led to lead to a cOwP3dJM7hu-00252-00070154-00070429 huge crisis in Europe because there's cOwP3dJM7hu-00253-00070430-00070660 always the risk of contagion and if you cOwP3dJM7hu-00254-00070661-00070903 if Greece goes into a default structured cOwP3dJM7hu-00255-00070904-00071140 or not structured default immediately cOwP3dJM7hu-00256-00071141-00071311 you look at other country so this is cOwP3dJM7hu-00257-00071312-00071485 very risk phul to think so I so I hope cOwP3dJM7hu-00258-00071486-00071716 that the IMF with the troika with the cOwP3dJM7hu-00259-00071717-00071905 European Union when it comes back it cOwP3dJM7hu-00260-00071906-00072166 goes back to do Greece finds a solution cOwP3dJM7hu-00261-00072167-00072523 because that is what we need secondly I cOwP3dJM7hu-00262-00072524-00072682 think there is of course the banking cOwP3dJM7hu-00263-00072683-00072850 crisis the banking crisis in Europe cOwP3dJM7hu-00264-00072851-00073087 today is different from that one in 2008 cOwP3dJM7hu-00265-00073088-00073345 has to do with the with the the fact cOwP3dJM7hu-00266-00073346-00073522 that all those countries a big country cOwP3dJM7hu-00267-00073523-00073720 so called pics countries Portugal Italy cOwP3dJM7hu-00268-00073721-00074106 Ireland degrees and Spain we need to cOwP3dJM7hu-00269-00074107-00074518 control that contamination so that we cOwP3dJM7hu-00270-00074519-00074713 could but I think it's a problem of cOwP3dJM7hu-00271-00074714-00074929 individual banks and you cannot say that cOwP3dJM7hu-00272-00074930-00075237 the whole European banking system is is cOwP3dJM7hu-00273-00075238-00075667 is is it a attack by that so on the long cOwP3dJM7hu-00274-00075668-00075844 term that these are these are the cOwP3dJM7hu-00275-00075845-00076078 solutions Victor but we need to take the cOwP3dJM7hu-00276-00076079-00076255 steps for them as soon as possible on cOwP3dJM7hu-00277-00076256-00076453 the short term of course looking at cOwP3dJM7hu-00278-00076454-00076636 Greece and trying to control the cOwP3dJM7hu-00279-00076637-00076891 probably agrees but a default is not an cOwP3dJM7hu-00280-00076892-00077314 option because if you default a country cOwP3dJM7hu-00281-00077315-00077572 the country has to leave the eurozone cOwP3dJM7hu-00282-00077573-00077818 and then it has to leave a European cOwP3dJM7hu-00283-00077819-00078061 Union that's what an investment bank cOwP3dJM7hu-00284-00078062-00078289 said lately and I do think that this cOwP3dJM7hu-00285-00078290-00078604 leads to an enormous problem Thank You cOwP3dJM7hu-00286-00078605-00078697 Vincent cOwP3dJM7hu-00287-00078698-00078981 I turn to the Indian Member of cOwP3dJM7hu-00288-00078982-00079498 Parliament mr. Singh now all of this you cOwP3dJM7hu-00289-00079499-00079779 know these discussions in United States cOwP3dJM7hu-00290-00079780-00080092 about that debt ceiling government cOwP3dJM7hu-00291-00080093-00080368 expenditure and in Europe about the cOwP3dJM7hu-00292-00080369-00080744 eurozone and these discussions about cOwP3dJM7hu-00293-00080745-00081118 contraction do sound a bit alien I guess cOwP3dJM7hu-00294-00081119-00081355 to someone sitting in Parliament in cOwP3dJM7hu-00295-00081356-00081531 India because you have a booming economy cOwP3dJM7hu-00296-00081532-00081738 and you have none of these problems are cOwP3dJM7hu-00297-00081739-00081997 you worried about the contagion well you cOwP3dJM7hu-00298-00081998-00082303 know I think that it should be somewhat cOwP3dJM7hu-00299-00082304-00082551 of an exaggeration to say that we are cOwP3dJM7hu-00300-00082552-00082756 happily sitting with high rates of cOwP3dJM7hu-00301-00082757-00082972 growth our rates have also tended to cOwP3dJM7hu-00302-00082973-00083221 play plateau off we had a very animated cOwP3dJM7hu-00303-00083222-00083434 discussion in Parliament on whether cOwP3dJM7hu-00304-00083435-00083671 emerging markets in general and some cOwP3dJM7hu-00305-00083672-00083866 large Asian countries can escape the cOwP3dJM7hu-00306-00083867-00084112 consequences of the European contagion cOwP3dJM7hu-00307-00084113-00084300 particularly when you begin to see a cOwP3dJM7hu-00308-00084301-00084547 month disability and not necessarily a cOwP3dJM7hu-00309-00084548-00084837 coherence or global prescriptions on the cOwP3dJM7hu-00310-00084838-00085180 broader issue of inflation versus growth cOwP3dJM7hu-00311-00085181-00085510 on the issues over there growth should cOwP3dJM7hu-00312-00085511-00085792 be investment-led or consumption lead on cOwP3dJM7hu-00313-00085793-00086062 what kind of growth policies will not cOwP3dJM7hu-00314-00086063-00086260 lead to job jobless growth on the cOwP3dJM7hu-00315-00086261-00086521 question of fiscal rectitude coming in cOwP3dJM7hu-00316-00086522-00086818 earlier than later and before demand cOwP3dJM7hu-00317-00086819-00087028 gets stifled so I think with all this cOwP3dJM7hu-00318-00087029-00087294 conflicting kind of prescriptions which cOwP3dJM7hu-00319-00087295-00087511 are now being made available to us we cOwP3dJM7hu-00320-00087512-00087801 see that emerging markets would face cOwP3dJM7hu-00321-00087802-00088072 typically four kinds of problems the cOwP3dJM7hu-00322-00088073-00088372 first of course is clearly access to cOwP3dJM7hu-00323-00088373-00088597 global capital and the cost of the cOwP3dJM7hu-00324-00088598-00088812 access to global capital whether that cOwP3dJM7hu-00325-00088813-00089007 would get seriously compromised for cOwP3dJM7hu-00326-00089008-00089266 sustaining a high rates of growth second cOwP3dJM7hu-00327-00089267-00089530 how would exports behave in an cOwP3dJM7hu-00328-00089531-00089710 environment where there is a growing cOwP3dJM7hu-00329-00089711-00090028 fear protectionism is raising issues for cOwP3dJM7hu-00330-00090029-00090276 instance of outsourcing even though that cOwP3dJM7hu-00331-00090277-00090480 may be the most efficient way in which cOwP3dJM7hu-00332-00090481-00090742 economic benefits are going to be cOwP3dJM7hu-00333-00090743-00091012 optimized third I think how is one to cOwP3dJM7hu-00334-00091013-00091279 handle exchange rate volatility children cOwP3dJM7hu-00335-00091280-00091504 allow exchange rates in emerging markets cOwP3dJM7hu-00336-00091505-00091723 to go up and down as exchange rates cOwP3dJM7hu-00337-00091724-00091888 become more involved wallet I'll cOwP3dJM7hu-00338-00091889-00092032 and what are the consequences in terms cOwP3dJM7hu-00339-00092033-00092212 of some medium term planning cOwP3dJM7hu-00340-00092213-00092585 particularly for exports and finally how cOwP3dJM7hu-00341-00092586-00092815 doesn't begin to learn a lesson from cOwP3dJM7hu-00342-00092816-00093049 what is happening in the rest of the cOwP3dJM7hu-00343-00093050-00093274 world in regard to part of the world cOwP3dJM7hu-00344-00093275-00093554 saying going for fiscal rectitude now cOwP3dJM7hu-00345-00093555-00093841 because you may have a problem later how cOwP3dJM7hu-00346-00093842-00094141 does on balance the short term with the cOwP3dJM7hu-00347-00094142-00094421 medium term when I say all this I think cOwP3dJM7hu-00348-00094422-00094711 as we plan for the next five years cOwP3dJM7hu-00349-00094712-00094969 trying to achieve what we achieved in cOwP3dJM7hu-00350-00094970-00095165 the last five years namely an average cOwP3dJM7hu-00351-00095166-00095317 rate of growth of around eight percent cOwP3dJM7hu-00352-00095318-00095707 of GDP how do we sustain this while cOwP3dJM7hu-00353-00095708-00096049 trying to balance these four symmetries cOwP3dJM7hu-00354-00096050-00096428 which Victor I I mentioned we recognize cOwP3dJM7hu-00355-00096429-00096751 that perhaps these uncertainties are the cOwP3dJM7hu-00356-00096752-00097042 new normalcy with which emerging markets cOwP3dJM7hu-00357-00097043-00097271 will have to live it but certainly we cOwP3dJM7hu-00358-00097272-00097541 would need to reconcile not only from cOwP3dJM7hu-00359-00097542-00097760 the viewpoint of sustaining our high cOwP3dJM7hu-00360-00097761-00097867 rates of growth which you have achieved cOwP3dJM7hu-00361-00097868-00098149 but being contributed to a global cOwP3dJM7hu-00362-00098150-00098359 solution and not adding to that problem cOwP3dJM7hu-00363-00098360-00098786 thank you this was saying Victor to the cOwP3dJM7hu-00364-00098787-00099201 real economy that's where you live right cOwP3dJM7hu-00365-00099202-00099560 last year at the summer Davos meeting in cOwP3dJM7hu-00366-00099561-00099866 tanjung I will sauce whether it was the cOwP3dJM7hu-00367-00099867-00100040 beginning of the end of the financial cOwP3dJM7hu-00368-00100041-00100298 crisis or whether it was the end of the cOwP3dJM7hu-00369-00100299-00100573 beginning and I of course we now know cOwP3dJM7hu-00370-00100574-00100886 the answer I mean DD crisis never went cOwP3dJM7hu-00371-00100887-00101111 away it's just getting more complex as cOwP3dJM7hu-00372-00101112-00101542 we as we proceed I think it is coming cOwP3dJM7hu-00373-00101543-00101776 ground that the next two or three years cOwP3dJM7hu-00374-00101777-00101992 will be extremely challenging but I cOwP3dJM7hu-00375-00101993-00102260 would like to suggest that as business cOwP3dJM7hu-00376-00102261-00102449 as entrepreneurs we should look ahead to cOwP3dJM7hu-00377-00102450-00102773 the new tunic cycle the silver lining is cOwP3dJM7hu-00378-00102774-00103015 that we will be taking a lot painful cOwP3dJM7hu-00379-00103016-00103226 medicine in the next two or three years cOwP3dJM7hu-00380-00103227-00103639 but institutions banks regulatory cOwP3dJM7hu-00381-00103640-00103846 infrastructure will be leaner and cOwP3dJM7hu-00382-00103847-00104097 stronger and cOwP3dJM7hu-00383-00104098-00104453 indeed big companies are still very cOwP3dJM7hu-00384-00104454-00104778 liquid we had a survey at the recent cOwP3dJM7hu-00385-00104779-00104919 international business council meeting cOwP3dJM7hu-00386-00104920-00105165 most of us are are still looking for cOwP3dJM7hu-00387-00105166-00105489 growth and most of us are not looking to cOwP3dJM7hu-00388-00105490-00105903 cut costs in any any major way so big cOwP3dJM7hu-00389-00105904-00106289 companies I think are still very much ok cOwP3dJM7hu-00390-00106290-00106743 where is will be hurt very badly is SMEs cOwP3dJM7hu-00391-00106744-00107090 around the world and I think here in cOwP3dJM7hu-00392-00107091-00107400 terms of policy options we have to cOwP3dJM7hu-00393-00107401-00107816 ensure that the new regulatory changes cOwP3dJM7hu-00394-00107817-00108126 will really make sure the SME can cOwP3dJM7hu-00395-00108127-00108414 survive in terms of classification of cOwP3dJM7hu-00396-00108415-00108761 assets loan to SMEs could be given more cOwP3dJM7hu-00397-00108763-00109211 favorable treatment but also in terms of cOwP3dJM7hu-00398-00109213-00109608 the European and American SMEs Asia is cOwP3dJM7hu-00399-00109608-00109749 still growing despite all the cOwP3dJM7hu-00400-00109750-00109977 difficulties in India in China and rest cOwP3dJM7hu-00401-00109978-00110510 of Laos wz sure so if one is a SME with cOwP3dJM7hu-00402-00110511-00110673 a good track record with a good product cOwP3dJM7hu-00403-00110674-00111003 or good service once you always really cOwP3dJM7hu-00404-00111004-00111329 look out to Asia for for grove for cOwP3dJM7hu-00405-00111330-00111588 defensive reasons but obviously being an cOwP3dJM7hu-00406-00111589-00111833 SME reaching out by yourself will be cOwP3dJM7hu-00407-00111834-00112058 difficult because emerging markets cOwP3dJM7hu-00408-00112059-00112334 including India and China could be a cOwP3dJM7hu-00409-00112335-00112494 difficult market to crack if you're a cOwP3dJM7hu-00410-00112495-00112715 small company so one we have to look for cOwP3dJM7hu-00411-00112716-00112983 good partners and provide that one can cOwP3dJM7hu-00412-00112983-00113186 look for partners and create the right cOwP3dJM7hu-00413-00113188-00113433 synergy I think it could be win-win the cOwP3dJM7hu-00414-00113433-00113649 growing market middle class market in cOwP3dJM7hu-00415-00113650-00113919 China and India require better services cOwP3dJM7hu-00416-00113920-00114161 different products in a new cycle of cOwP3dJM7hu-00417-00114163-00114440 work creation and that's where some of cOwP3dJM7hu-00418-00114441-00114738 the European SMEs and American SMEs can cOwP3dJM7hu-00419-00114739-00115182 I deity provide and I think the the cOwP3dJM7hu-00420-00115183-00115409 other point I like to make is despite cOwP3dJM7hu-00421-00115410-00115695 all the difficulty we have to make sure cOwP3dJM7hu-00422-00115696-00115928 that the discussions on the multilateral cOwP3dJM7hu-00423-00115929-00116168 trading system have not been forgotten cOwP3dJM7hu-00424-00116169-00116502 because that is the is the easiest thing cOwP3dJM7hu-00425-00116503-00116727 to perpetuate if again and we have to cOwP3dJM7hu-00426-00116728-00117081 remember that so far the WTO system is cOwP3dJM7hu-00427-00117082-00117172 that the cOwP3dJM7hu-00428-00117173-00117592 the most non discriminatory you know for cOwP3dJM7hu-00429-00117593-00117781 a countries around the world the most cOwP3dJM7hu-00430-00117782-00118086 democratic I would say so I think we cOwP3dJM7hu-00431-00118088-00118279 have to make sure that there could be cOwP3dJM7hu-00432-00118280-00118485 new momentum be injected in those cOwP3dJM7hu-00433-00118486-00118758 discussions and finally of course the cOwP3dJM7hu-00434-00118759-00118996 difficulty that we have today is really cOwP3dJM7hu-00435-00118997-00119302 the difficulty in politics the lack of cOwP3dJM7hu-00436-00119303-00119539 political leadership and also the cOwP3dJM7hu-00437-00119540-00119938 political process in in the West which cOwP3dJM7hu-00438-00119939-00120094 makes this very difficult to bite the cOwP3dJM7hu-00439-00120095-00120427 bullet to make strategic decisions and I cOwP3dJM7hu-00440-00120428-00120683 hope with the difficult that we have now cOwP3dJM7hu-00441-00120684-00121153 ordinary people will lose patience to cOwP3dJM7hu-00442-00121154-00121283 the impulse in the political process cOwP3dJM7hu-00443-00121284-00121611 people wake up philosophically that we cOwP3dJM7hu-00444-00121613-00121879 have to sacrifice in order to maintain cOwP3dJM7hu-00445-00121880-00122113 the long-term survival of our economy cOwP3dJM7hu-00446-00122114-00122436 and that sentiment can be reflected on T cOwP3dJM7hu-00447-00122438-00122689 on to the political circles to allow the cOwP3dJM7hu-00448-00122690-00122970 political leaders to make the necessary cOwP3dJM7hu-00449-00122971-00123232 strategic decision however painful they cOwP3dJM7hu-00450-00123233-00123730 may be Thank You Victor any advice for cOwP3dJM7hu-00451-00123731-00124496 the Europeans Tommy oh yeah i think the cOwP3dJM7hu-00452-00124497-00124889 I think we have to go back to basics we cOwP3dJM7hu-00453-00124890-00125174 have to we have to believe that prudence cOwP3dJM7hu-00454-00125175-00125410 budget and financial management is the cOwP3dJM7hu-00455-00125411-00125777 only way to go and given time we will we cOwP3dJM7hu-00456-00125778-00126054 will get back but without a prudence in cOwP3dJM7hu-00457-00126055-00126494 budgetary and fiscal management we we cOwP3dJM7hu-00458-00126495-00126733 are only going down a slow path for for cOwP3dJM7hu-00459-00126734-00127108 even even worse problems to come here cOwP3dJM7hu-00460-00127109-00127364 sure sure you know the job before the cOwP3dJM7hu-00461-00127365-00127504 phone that just gave other people cOwP3dJM7hu-00462-00127505-00127810 devices so i just cannot help give it cOwP3dJM7hu-00463-00127811-00128139 our European friends and devices I cOwP3dJM7hu-00464-00128140-00128363 absolutely agree with you you know cOwP3dJM7hu-00465-00128364-00128519 usually the long term structure is cOwP3dJM7hu-00466-00128520-00128815 important for Europe but shootin are cOwP3dJM7hu-00467-00128816-00129052 also with is a banking crisis or cOwP3dJM7hu-00468-00129053-00129377 potential crisis most urgent issues I cOwP3dJM7hu-00469-00129378-00129647 think a European facing today so I was a cOwP3dJM7hu-00470-00129648-00129863 key issue as I mentioned today if you're cOwP3dJM7hu-00471-00129864-00130001 looking for the European financial cOwP3dJM7hu-00472-00130002-00130389 crisis really to prevent a solvent risk cOwP3dJM7hu-00473-00130390-00130772 containing to the banking crisis so at cOwP3dJM7hu-00474-00130773-00131077 this particular moment the banking cOwP3dJM7hu-00475-00131078-00131329 recapitalisation and make sure the cOwP3dJM7hu-00476-00131330-00131636 banking sector stay solvent and stable cOwP3dJM7hu-00477-00131637-00132032 is absolutely important for today so cOwP3dJM7hu-00478-00132033-00132328 European politicians have to make cOwP3dJM7hu-00479-00132329-00132715 decisive policy to make sure the banking cOwP3dJM7hu-00480-00132716-00133204 sector and stay sound and stable ours is cOwP3dJM7hu-00481-00133205-00133439 the most important issue today for cOwP3dJM7hu-00482-00133440-00133915 European financial section thank you we cOwP3dJM7hu-00483-00133916-00134126 will talk about Europe in a moment again cOwP3dJM7hu-00484-00134127-00134515 while we are sitting here actually just cOwP3dJM7hu-00485-00134516-00134894 before we came in major European banks cOwP3dJM7hu-00486-00134895-00135148 were downgraded by the rating agencies cOwP3dJM7hu-00487-00135149-00135659 three actually two large such a French cOwP3dJM7hu-00488-00135660-00136076 banks and a third on watch and when we cOwP3dJM7hu-00489-00136077-00136232 leave this session I think about that cOwP3dJM7hu-00490-00136233-00136685 time to leaders of major European cOwP3dJM7hu-00491-00136686-00136939 countries mrs. Merkel and president cOwP3dJM7hu-00492-00136940-00137341 Sarkozy will have a conversation over cOwP3dJM7hu-00493-00137342-00137477 the phone which for one reason cOwP3dJM7hu-00494-00137478-00137645 has been announcer that we all know that cOwP3dJM7hu-00495-00137646-00137954 they're going to have phone call that cOwP3dJM7hu-00496-00137955-00138374 suggests that there is a major set of cOwP3dJM7hu-00497-00138375-00138968 threats very near my relating to the cOwP3dJM7hu-00498-00138969-00139190 banking sector I mean there's no better cOwP3dJM7hu-00499-00139191-00139379 person to comment on that actually the cOwP3dJM7hu-00500-00139380-00139688 bill Rhodes who will publish the book as cOwP3dJM7hu-00501-00139689-00139919 I already mentioned before and he dealt cOwP3dJM7hu-00502-00139920-00140162 with all the crisis in our lifetime but cOwP3dJM7hu-00503-00140163-00140324 this one you haven't touched on you cOwP3dJM7hu-00504-00140325-00140753 didn't even predicted bill well i did a cOwP3dJM7hu-00505-00140754-00140933 postscript in my book which came out a cOwP3dJM7hu-00506-00140934-00141194 couple of months ago and I basically put cOwP3dJM7hu-00507-00141195-00141578 forth five points that I tried to cOwP3dJM7hu-00508-00141579-00141854 convince my friends in Europe in cOwP3dJM7hu-00509-00141855-00142136 Brussels the various politicians the cOwP3dJM7hu-00510-00142137-00142280 central bankers and the commercial cOwP3dJM7hu-00511-00142281-00142472 bankers that they ought to take a look cOwP3dJM7hu-00512-00142473-00142727 at because the emerging markets in Latin cOwP3dJM7hu-00513-00142728-00143024 America and Asia in the 80s and 90s went cOwP3dJM7hu-00514-00143025-00143395 through a series of debt crises and cOwP3dJM7hu-00515-00143396-00143621 they've turned around their economies cOwP3dJM7hu-00516-00143622-00143758 and they learn the hard way cOwP3dJM7hu-00517-00143759-00143969 unfortunately the European said well cOwP3dJM7hu-00518-00143970-00144149 we're different you know we're mature cOwP3dJM7hu-00519-00144150-00144344 economies we're not emerging market cOwP3dJM7hu-00520-00144345-00144575 economy so we don't have to do these and cOwP3dJM7hu-00521-00144576-00144818 what they were is first of all contagion cOwP3dJM7hu-00522-00144819-00145160 this is a word that nobody remembered in cOwP3dJM7hu-00523-00145161-00145361 Europe but we learned to live with it in cOwP3dJM7hu-00524-00145362-00145690 Latin America and we saw it in Asia and cOwP3dJM7hu-00525-00145691-00146027 this was I think a point that the cOwP3dJM7hu-00526-00146028-00146207 Europeans didn't want to recognize when cOwP3dJM7hu-00527-00146208-00146447 Reese first got into trouble which was cOwP3dJM7hu-00528-00146448-00146639 in December 09 it was already into cOwP3dJM7hu-00529-00146640-00146795 trouble but it was first announced in cOwP3dJM7hu-00530-00146796-00147107 december 09 by pop and ray when he took cOwP3dJM7hu-00531-00147108-00147430 office the prime minister of Greece and cOwP3dJM7hu-00532-00147431-00147656 the Europeans didn't want to see that cOwP3dJM7hu-00533-00147657-00147839 they could be contagion what do we have cOwP3dJM7hu-00534-00147840-00148103 now we have Greece Ireland Portugal and cOwP3dJM7hu-00535-00148104-00148279 we have the European Central Bank cOwP3dJM7hu-00536-00148280-00148508 intervening in those markets but also cOwP3dJM7hu-00537-00148509-00148898 buying bonds of Spain and Italy the cOwP3dJM7hu-00538-00148899-00149180 third and fourth largest economies I cOwP3dJM7hu-00539-00149181-00149675 think second of all is the is a question cOwP3dJM7hu-00540-00149676-00149972 of leadership and we've seen that cOwP3dJM7hu-00541-00149973-00150146 lacking because the politicians in cOwP3dJM7hu-00542-00150147-00150305 Europe are bickering arguing to each cOwP3dJM7hu-00543-00150306-00150578 other all over the place in the sense of cOwP3dJM7hu-00544-00150579-00150689 what they're going to do and why cOwP3dJM7hu-00545-00150690-00150860 the way that telephone call is not only cOwP3dJM7hu-00546-00150861-00151022 going to be Sarkozy and Merkel is cOwP3dJM7hu-00547-00151023-00151154 supposed to include Prime Minister cOwP3dJM7hu-00548-00151155-00151344 Papandreou and they're supposed to come cOwP3dJM7hu-00549-00151345-00151637 out with a statement on Greece now when cOwP3dJM7hu-00550-00151638-00151782 I walked in the room I hadn't seen the cOwP3dJM7hu-00551-00151783-00151910 statement I don't think you had either cOwP3dJM7hu-00552-00151911-00152024 Victor so I don't know what that cOwP3dJM7hu-00553-00152025-00152261 statement is going to be but I think cOwP3dJM7hu-00554-00152262-00152528 another particular area which is very cOwP3dJM7hu-00555-00152529-00152753 very important in all of these crises cOwP3dJM7hu-00556-00152754-00153263 and I think my colleagues you meant just cOwP3dJM7hu-00557-00153264-00153596 commented on it which relates to timing cOwP3dJM7hu-00558-00153597-00153926 you only have so much time to work out a cOwP3dJM7hu-00559-00153927-00154187 crisis or it becomes uncontrollable and cOwP3dJM7hu-00560-00154188-00154463 the losses become substantial again a cOwP3dJM7hu-00561-00154464-00154632 lesson learned in Latin America and Asia cOwP3dJM7hu-00562-00154633-00155144 and unfortunately in the case of Europe cOwP3dJM7hu-00563-00155145-00155394 it's getting on to two years since this cOwP3dJM7hu-00564-00155395-00155726 crisis began and what happens talking cOwP3dJM7hu-00565-00155727-00155871 about the banking system when you have a cOwP3dJM7hu-00566-00155872-00156045 sovereign in trouble it drags in its cOwP3dJM7hu-00567-00156046-00156353 banks and when the banking system is in cOwP3dJM7hu-00568-00156354-00156594 trouble like it was in Ireland it drags cOwP3dJM7hu-00569-00156595-00156878 in the sovereign so really what we have cOwP3dJM7hu-00570-00156879-00157103 in Europe we have problems with the cOwP3dJM7hu-00571-00157104-00157482 banks and the sovereigns and I think cOwP3dJM7hu-00572-00157483-00157811 that that brings me to the final point cOwP3dJM7hu-00573-00157812-00158082 here which is the private sector one of cOwP3dJM7hu-00574-00158083-00158372 the things I argued for was getting the cOwP3dJM7hu-00575-00158373-00158607 private sector involved early on in cOwP3dJM7hu-00576-00158608-00158921 Europe because the private sector at cOwP3dJM7hu-00577-00158922-00159098 least at the beginning of this crisis cOwP3dJM7hu-00578-00159099-00159333 held most of the debt and if you're cOwP3dJM7hu-00579-00159334-00159495 going to get yourself out of a crisis so cOwP3dJM7hu-00580-00159496-00159650 again we learned in Latin American Asia cOwP3dJM7hu-00581-00159651-00159848 you've got to get back to the markets cOwP3dJM7hu-00582-00159849-00160136 and how do you get back to the markets cOwP3dJM7hu-00583-00160137-00160379 the private sector has to take you there cOwP3dJM7hu-00584-00160380-00160640 and how you going to get there you can't cOwP3dJM7hu-00585-00160641-00160829 just do it on austerity measures they're cOwP3dJM7hu-00586-00160830-00161039 very necessary as my colleagues have cOwP3dJM7hu-00587-00161040-00161193 mentioned but you got to show a cOwP3dJM7hu-00588-00161194-00161414 population that there is quote at the cOwP3dJM7hu-00589-00161415-00161646 end of the tunnel you can't just have cOwP3dJM7hu-00590-00161647-00161856 austerity austerity austerity you got to cOwP3dJM7hu-00591-00161857-00161996 show that there's growth which is why cOwP3dJM7hu-00592-00161997-00162347 the Brady plan was a success in Latin cOwP3dJM7hu-00593-00162348-00162551 America in other areas because it showed cOwP3dJM7hu-00594-00162552-00163021 growth at the end I think of the cycle cOwP3dJM7hu-00595-00163022-00163281 my Belgian colleague had mentioned steps cOwP3dJM7hu-00596-00163282-00163482 that were necessary they've got to move cOwP3dJM7hu-00597-00163483-00163876 on a fiscal union they've violated cOwP3dJM7hu-00598-00163877-00164243 maastricht and the price you know and cOwP3dJM7hu-00599-00164244-00164522 the stability and growth pact almost cOwP3dJM7hu-00600-00164523-00164708 immediately which is a terrible example cOwP3dJM7hu-00601-00164709-00164990 for the other countries and you can't cOwP3dJM7hu-00602-00164991-00165188 have a monetary union without some sort cOwP3dJM7hu-00603-00165189-00165485 of physical counterpart no one's talked cOwP3dJM7hu-00604-00165486-00165674 about my own country the United States cOwP3dJM7hu-00605-00165675-00165887 which has a lot of problems Victor asked cOwP3dJM7hu-00606-00165888-00166043 me to comment on this before the session cOwP3dJM7hu-00607-00166044-00166379 began we're in a period of what I what I cOwP3dJM7hu-00608-00166380-00166613 call stagnation I'd say Europe's there cOwP3dJM7hu-00609-00166614-00166943 to where you have minimal growth 1% or cOwP3dJM7hu-00610-00166944-00167261 less and you don't create jobs with that cOwP3dJM7hu-00611-00167262-00167555 type of growth and so we have a deficit cOwP3dJM7hu-00612-00167556-00167720 problem in the United States witness cOwP3dJM7hu-00613-00167721-00168074 SNP's action downgrading the US but we cOwP3dJM7hu-00614-00168075-00168355 also have a jobs and growth problem and cOwP3dJM7hu-00615-00168356-00168620 we have the structure which Europe does cOwP3dJM7hu-00616-00168621-00168863 not have to solve it the question is to cOwP3dJM7hu-00617-00168864-00169034 the United States have the will to do it cOwP3dJM7hu-00618-00169035-00169253 and I think this so-called cOwP3dJM7hu-00619-00169254-00169496 supercommittee shin was put together in cOwP3dJM7hu-00620-00169497-00169706 Congress has to come up with some cOwP3dJM7hu-00621-00169707-00169931 recommendations on cutting back on the cOwP3dJM7hu-00622-00169932-00170117 deficit if not they're automatic cuts cOwP3dJM7hu-00623-00170118-00170357 built in I think at the end of the day cOwP3dJM7hu-00624-00170358-00170495 that will happen President Obama cOwP3dJM7hu-00625-00170496-00170753 announced a new stimulus program I don't cOwP3dJM7hu-00626-00170754-00170888 think he's got to get it all through who cOwP3dJM7hu-00627-00170889-00171137 get parts of it through but all of these cOwP3dJM7hu-00628-00171138-00171308 things have to take place and there's a cOwP3dJM7hu-00629-00171309-00171569 sense of urgency and timing and nobody cOwP3dJM7hu-00630-00171570-00171770 here in this group has mentioned the g20 cOwP3dJM7hu-00631-00171771-00172084 the g20 was supposed to replace the g7 cOwP3dJM7hu-00632-00172085-00172352 it was supposed to have as a prime cOwP3dJM7hu-00633-00172353-00172610 target sustained growth and we haven't cOwP3dJM7hu-00634-00172611-00172916 seen much out of the g7 I was in Korea cOwP3dJM7hu-00635-00172917-00173135 with that meeting last November and cOwP3dJM7hu-00636-00173136-00173303 nothing happened now we have one in cOwP3dJM7hu-00637-00173304-00173543 france in november and i think the g7 cOwP3dJM7hu-00638-00173544-00173831 has to agree on implementation of a lot cOwP3dJM7hu-00639-00173832-00173984 of these policies because we're in an cOwP3dJM7hu-00640-00173985-00174218 interlinked world today you can't have a cOwP3dJM7hu-00641-00174219-00174461 one-off situation because the world is cOwP3dJM7hu-00642-00174462-00174728 too small markets move in nanoseconds so cOwP3dJM7hu-00643-00174729-00174902 there has to be some understanding and cOwP3dJM7hu-00644-00174903-00175190 coordination and cooperation which was cOwP3dJM7hu-00645-00175191-00175436 mentioned by Premier Wen Jiabao this cOwP3dJM7hu-00646-00175437-00175658 morning on a number of issues with it be cOwP3dJM7hu-00647-00175659-00176024 regulation currency wars trade etc but cOwP3dJM7hu-00648-00176025-00176405 the banks are key and you can't overload cOwP3dJM7hu-00649-00176406-00176627 the banks with too much regulation they cOwP3dJM7hu-00650-00176628-00176816 have to raise capital European banks a cOwP3dJM7hu-00651-00176817-00177020 number of them have to we a tough stress cOwP3dJM7hu-00652-00177021-00177045 too cOwP3dJM7hu-00653-00177046-00177279 that the US Treasury and the regulators cOwP3dJM7hu-00654-00177280-00177480 put on the US banks two years ago and it cOwP3dJM7hu-00655-00177481-00177687 worked substantial amounts of capital cOwP3dJM7hu-00656-00177688-00177861 were raised we all know what happened cOwP3dJM7hu-00657-00177862-00178053 with the first stress tests in Europe cOwP3dJM7hu-00658-00178054-00178410 all the Irish banks were passed most of cOwP3dJM7hu-00659-00178411-00178689 the cajas the savings in Spain were cOwP3dJM7hu-00660-00178690-00178998 passed and a number of the landis banks cOwP3dJM7hu-00661-00178999-00179228 who then had to go back and recapitalize cOwP3dJM7hu-00662-00179229-00179637 in Germany so I think we are fortunate cOwP3dJM7hu-00663-00179638-00179934 that we had stuck a tough stress testing cOwP3dJM7hu-00664-00179935-00180357 and I think human and the IMF have taken cOwP3dJM7hu-00665-00180358-00180654 Lagarde have taken a stand that you need cOwP3dJM7hu-00666-00180655-00180993 to move ahead and raise capital but in cOwP3dJM7hu-00667-00180994-00181344 addition to raising capital it is very cOwP3dJM7hu-00668-00181345-00181581 important that the politicians put forth cOwP3dJM7hu-00669-00181582-00181818 a structure that can function in Europe cOwP3dJM7hu-00670-00181819-00182007 and into the united states that the cOwP3dJM7hu-00671-00182008-00182244 politicians move on both the deficit and cOwP3dJM7hu-00672-00182245-00182517 jobs and growth because otherwise we're cOwP3dJM7hu-00673-00182518-00182679 going to have real problems and let me cOwP3dJM7hu-00674-00182680-00182952 tell you my friends from Asia our cOwP3dJM7hu-00675-00182953-00183228 economies are so interlinked that you cOwP3dJM7hu-00676-00183229-00183447 know Asia and other areas the world cOwP3dJM7hu-00677-00183448-00183660 can't stay out of it so we're in this cOwP3dJM7hu-00678-00183661-00183867 thing together and we got to work it out cOwP3dJM7hu-00679-00183868-00184035 together and we have an IMF World Bank cOwP3dJM7hu-00680-00184036-00184269 meeting coming up in less than two weeks cOwP3dJM7hu-00681-00184270-00184467 and I think these going to be the prime cOwP3dJM7hu-00682-00184468-00184826 issues on the table thank you Bill hob cOwP3dJM7hu-00683-00184827-00185127 now as I said before you have been cOwP3dJM7hu-00684-00185128-00185375 through many of these crises as a cOwP3dJM7hu-00685-00185376-00185721 advising banker if you were to be in on cOwP3dJM7hu-00686-00185722-00186042 the call this mrs. Merkel mr sarkozy o cOwP3dJM7hu-00687-00186043-00186225 mr. Papandreou what would be the two cOwP3dJM7hu-00688-00186226-00186489 action steps which you would recommend cOwP3dJM7hu-00689-00186490-00186855 to them things to do now I think first cOwP3dJM7hu-00690-00186856-00187095 of all nothing's going to happen in cOwP3dJM7hu-00691-00187096-00187365 Greece on the positive side unless the cOwP3dJM7hu-00692-00187366-00187650 Greek government is prepared and able to cOwP3dJM7hu-00693-00187651-00187818 carry forth the program that they agree cOwP3dJM7hu-00694-00187819-00188181 to on the 21st of july because you can cOwP3dJM7hu-00695-00188182-00188331 put all the funding you want in there cOwP3dJM7hu-00696-00188332-00188484 but they have to move ahead on tax cOwP3dJM7hu-00697-00188485-00188736 collections privatizations and what's cOwP3dJM7hu-00698-00188737-00188895 dirty alone won't do it you have to have cOwP3dJM7hu-00699-00188896-00189102 income and you have to show a path to cOwP3dJM7hu-00700-00189103-00189411 growth I think at the same time I think cOwP3dJM7hu-00701-00189412-00189630 the Europeans have got to take a look cOwP3dJM7hu-00702-00189631-00189924 again in the troika which the IMF is cOwP3dJM7hu-00703-00189925-00190296 part European Central Bank and EU cOwP3dJM7hu-00704-00190297-00190607 as to whether the interest rates and the cOwP3dJM7hu-00705-00190608-00190968 and the loan maturities are sufficient cOwP3dJM7hu-00706-00190969-00191127 to help Greece out but at the end of the cOwP3dJM7hu-00707-00191128-00191382 day Greece has got to do its part and cOwP3dJM7hu-00708-00191383-00191709 it's got to implement the program and if cOwP3dJM7hu-00709-00191710-00191886 it doesn't implement it then you're cOwP3dJM7hu-00710-00191887-00191982 going to have to take additional cOwP3dJM7hu-00711-00191983-00192290 measures and what you end up doing is cOwP3dJM7hu-00712-00192291-00192372 what are you going to do with it that cOwP3dJM7hu-00713-00192373-00192482 you're going to have debt forgiveness cOwP3dJM7hu-00714-00192483-00192704 what how you going to handle you're cOwP3dJM7hu-00715-00192705-00192834 going to put a Marshall Plan in there cOwP3dJM7hu-00716-00192835-00193044 are you going to are you going to push cOwP3dJM7hu-00717-00193045-00193245 Greece out what's going to happen so the cOwP3dJM7hu-00718-00193246-00193413 key here is the ability of this cOwP3dJM7hu-00719-00193414-00193553 government in Greece to implement the cOwP3dJM7hu-00720-00193554-00193776 program that it is agreed upon and to cOwP3dJM7hu-00721-00193777-00194181 get the proper support from Europe in in cOwP3dJM7hu-00722-00194182-00194412 a few minutes we may talk about other cOwP3dJM7hu-00723-00194413-00194670 countries let me first turn to the cOwP3dJM7hu-00724-00194671-00194997 audience to see whether there are very cOwP3dJM7hu-00725-00194998-00195309 brief questions from any of you if so cOwP3dJM7hu-00726-00195310-00195513 please raise your hand you'll get a cOwP3dJM7hu-00727-00195514-00195744 microphone identify yourself only cOwP3dJM7hu-00728-00195745-00196040 questions I'm afraid no statements cOwP3dJM7hu-00729-00196041-00196212 though they will be very interesting cOwP3dJM7hu-00730-00196213-00197103 those statements who gentlemen up there cOwP3dJM7hu-00731-00197104-00197361 what's the latest you are I'm a cOwP3dJM7hu-00732-00197362-00197628 journalist from chinois news agency and cOwP3dJM7hu-00733-00197629-00197814 I would like to ask a question to mr. cOwP3dJM7hu-00734-00197815-00198072 julian has had the inside the fire cOwP3dJM7hu-00735-00198073-00198556 donkey died just now you've mentioned cOwP3dJM7hu-00736-00198557-00198922 the danger of a double-dip you said cOwP3dJM7hu-00737-00198923-00199072 there's the possibility of a double dip cOwP3dJM7hu-00738-00199073-00199632 in the world economy but with the cOwP3dJM7hu-00739-00199633-00199909 prospects for further concert of easing cOwP3dJM7hu-00740-00199910-00200649 in the US what is the likely prospect cOwP3dJM7hu-00741-00200650-00200886 going to be for China rather emergent cOwP3dJM7hu-00742-00200887-00201099 emerging economies what new concerns or cOwP3dJM7hu-00743-00201100-00201315 impacts will there be the economy is cOwP3dJM7hu-00744-00201316-00201796 like us now then Jabbar's talk to the cOwP3dJM7hu-00745-00201797-00202089 need for a healthy and stable monetary cOwP3dJM7hu-00746-00202090-00202957 policy this is a change of direction if cOwP3dJM7hu-00747-00202958-00203175 we talk about improving the quality and cOwP3dJM7hu-00748-00203176-00203397 model of Chinese economic growth then cOwP3dJM7hu-00749-00203398-00203784 what are we to do you'll be either mmm cOwP3dJM7hu-00750-00203785-00204031 City neither won't he thank you very cOwP3dJM7hu-00751-00204032-00204520 much for your question sorry I will cOwP3dJM7hu-00752-00204521-00204831 reply in Chinese I might as well replied cOwP3dJM7hu-00753-00204832-00205014 in Chinese to a question in Chinese well cOwP3dJM7hu-00754-00205015-00205164 it's certainly not a trivial question cOwP3dJM7hu-00755-00205165-00205608 that you've raised and mr. singer has cOwP3dJM7hu-00756-00205609-00205956 answered part of it already well cOwP3dJM7hu-00757-00205957-00206425 excessive volatility in the continent of cOwP3dJM7hu-00758-00206426-00206571 Europe affect China and other emerging cOwP3dJM7hu-00759-00206573-00206898 economies it's a very interesting issue cOwP3dJM7hu-00760-00206900-00207178 the potential spread signs of a cOwP3dJM7hu-00761-00207179-00207785 potential spread across the world cOwP3dJM7hu-00762-00207786-00208133 there's much greater volatility in cOwP3dJM7hu-00763-00208134-00208644 Europe but so far there's a disconnect cOwP3dJM7hu-00764-00208646-00209437 between volatility there and in Asia not cOwP3dJM7hu-00765-00209438-00209804 what used to happen is a little risk a cOwP3dJM7hu-00766-00209805-00210167 little bit of volatility in Europe or cOwP3dJM7hu-00767-00210167-00210365 the US would cause tenfold 104 cOwP3dJM7hu-00768-00210366-00210584 volatility in Asia this time it's cOwP3dJM7hu-00769-00210585-00210725 different this time it's the opposite cOwP3dJM7hu-00770-00210726-00211301 for the first time in 50 years volatile cOwP3dJM7hu-00771-00211302-00211639 CA and crises in developed economies are cOwP3dJM7hu-00772-00211640-00212132 having a negative impact on developing cOwP3dJM7hu-00773-00212133-00212339 and emerging economies but it's a much cOwP3dJM7hu-00774-00212340-00212735 more limited impact now that is cOwP3dJM7hu-00775-00212736-00213302 interesting but there is no reason for cOwP3dJM7hu-00776-00213303-00213485 the emerging economies to think that cOwP3dJM7hu-00777-00213486-00213677 they're isolated from this several cOwP3dJM7hu-00778-00213678-00213902 reasons for that firstly the world cOwP3dJM7hu-00779-00213903-00214352 economy is at a particularly interesting cOwP3dJM7hu-00780-00214353-00214669 position of low interest rates and high cOwP3dJM7hu-00781-00214671-00215344 volatility this is quite unusual those cOwP3dJM7hu-00782-00215346-00215771 higher volatility than prior to or 7 and cOwP3dJM7hu-00783-00215771-00216319 0 8 so at the moment it's low rates cOwP3dJM7hu-00784-00216321-00216731 around the world which means that cOwP3dJM7hu-00785-00216732-00217262 there's a lot of capital flows going cOwP3dJM7hu-00786-00217263-00217460 around the world which will cause cOwP3dJM7hu-00787-00217461-00217619 difficulties for attempts at cOwP3dJM7hu-00788-00217619-00217916 deleveraging now related to that point cOwP3dJM7hu-00789-00217917-00218333 number two as of last year less cOwP3dJM7hu-00790-00218334-00218726 developed and emerging economies cOwP3dJM7hu-00791-00218727-00218923 accounted for forty seven point eight cOwP3dJM7hu-00792-00218925-00219167 percent the world economy in PPP terms cOwP3dJM7hu-00793-00219167-00219401 but in financial terms they only attack cOwP3dJM7hu-00794-00219402-00219626 accounted for nineteen percent of the cOwP3dJM7hu-00795-00219627-00220301 world capital markets so they will be cOwP3dJM7hu-00796-00220302-00220535 moving in a more market size direction cOwP3dJM7hu-00797-00220536-00220805 led by the capital markets that we seem cOwP3dJM7hu-00798-00220806-00221009 to be on the cusp of a structural change cOwP3dJM7hu-00799-00221010-00221489 in the world economy with low rates and cOwP3dJM7hu-00800-00221490-00221944 high levels of liquidity there's still cOwP3dJM7hu-00801-00221946-00222485 ample scope for repercussions in China cOwP3dJM7hu-00802-00222486-00223137 no thirdly there is a new risk of cOwP3dJM7hu-00803-00223138-00224232 excessive growth in loans growth in GDP cOwP3dJM7hu-00804-00224233-00224771 compared to growth in loans was cOwP3dJM7hu-00805-00224773-00225057 generally less than one hundred percent cOwP3dJM7hu-00806-00225058-00225729 prior to the crisis whereas in China it cOwP3dJM7hu-00807-00225730-00226479 was two hundred percent in Turkey it's cOwP3dJM7hu-00808-00226480-00226782 four hundred and twenty percent at the cOwP3dJM7hu-00809-00226783-00227451 moment so there's a new round of loan cOwP3dJM7hu-00810-00227452-00227769 growth to large extent driven by cOwP3dJM7hu-00811-00227769-00228003 governments attempting to spark of cOwP3dJM7hu-00812-00228004-00228417 economic growth but at a time of a drop cOwP3dJM7hu-00813-00228417-00228990 in economic growth this growth in loans cOwP3dJM7hu-00814-00228991-00229226 is a large potential risk given the cOwP3dJM7hu-00815-00229227-00229464 potential problems of quality of these cOwP3dJM7hu-00816-00229465-00230096 loans so what we need in the developed cOwP3dJM7hu-00817-00230098-00230457 world is decisive action against a cOwP3dJM7hu-00818-00230458-00230741 potential crisis by governments in the cOwP3dJM7hu-00819-00230742-00231123 developing world we need strong measures cOwP3dJM7hu-00820-00231123-00231798 to prevent a potential future crisis so cOwP3dJM7hu-00821-00231798-00232176 a whole new set of issues almost very cOwP3dJM7hu-00822-00232177-00232575 important ones Victor chu would you try cOwP3dJM7hu-00823-00232576-00232986 to to react to this because it it did cOwP3dJM7hu-00824-00232987-00233253 raise a few very important issues which cOwP3dJM7hu-00825-00233254-00233863 you are immediately involved with cOwP3dJM7hu-00826-00233864-00234269 yes that helps yeah absolutely i think cOwP3dJM7hu-00827-00234269-00235033 the if we are we could be in the midst cOwP3dJM7hu-00828-00235034-00235321 of a much bigger problem you know if if cOwP3dJM7hu-00829-00235323-00235844 strong clinical reforms i'm not in a put cOwP3dJM7hu-00830-00235844-00236182 in place very soon unfortunately what cOwP3dJM7hu-00831-00236183-00236377 bill says is interesting because the cOwP3dJM7hu-00832-00236378-00236621 political process and the institutional cOwP3dJM7hu-00833-00236621-00237017 process cannot react in in crisis cOwP3dJM7hu-00834-00237017-00237221 management the way the private sector is cOwP3dJM7hu-00835-00237221-00237463 able to you know that's that's also a cOwP3dJM7hu-00836-00237464-00237776 typical situation i think out of all cOwP3dJM7hu-00837-00237777-00238244 that the 011 interesting process is the cOwP3dJM7hu-00838-00238244-00238483 internationalization of the RMB you know cOwP3dJM7hu-00839-00238484-00238660 from an investor's pond view from a save cOwP3dJM7hu-00840-00238661-00238994 as point of view people now have a cOwP3dJM7hu-00841-00238994-00239281 chance to invest in offshore rmb deposit cOwP3dJM7hu-00842-00239282-00239588 because where you have the yen the cOwP3dJM7hu-00843-00239589-00239829 dollar and the euro the three major cOwP3dJM7hu-00844-00239830-00240137 currency or you know going through cOwP3dJM7hu-00845-00240138-00240454 extreme volatility at the saban they cOwP3dJM7hu-00846-00240455-00240658 dehaven actually is now this cOwP3dJM7hu-00847-00240659-00240902 international offshore RMB deposit in a cOwP3dJM7hu-00848-00240903-00241073 desk for people on the street you can cOwP3dJM7hu-00849-00241073-00241451 now go to go to a bank of china new york cOwP3dJM7hu-00850-00241452-00241778 and washington and change US dollar for cOwP3dJM7hu-00851-00241779-00242021 rmb and at least you can in a limited cOwP3dJM7hu-00852-00242021-00242246 way you can you can you can you can cOwP3dJM7hu-00853-00242246-00242525 protect your savings and hopefully in cOwP3dJM7hu-00854-00242526-00242869 the longer term that could also give cOwP3dJM7hu-00855-00242869-00243121 governments another alternative in cOwP3dJM7hu-00856-00243123-00243507 putting their their reserved for foolio cOwP3dJM7hu-00857-00243508-00243973 thank you very much before I ask one or cOwP3dJM7hu-00858-00243975-00244127 two more questions to the panel let me cOwP3dJM7hu-00859-00244128-00244306 see in the room who would like to raise cOwP3dJM7hu-00860-00244307-00244619 a question yes there's a lady here role cOwP3dJM7hu-00861-00244619-00244994 for and lady in the background third row cOwP3dJM7hu-00862-00244994-00245242 from the back cOwP3dJM7hu-00863-00245244-00245581 uh yeah house is here thank you very cOwP3dJM7hu-00864-00245582-00245840 much I'd like to ask a question to cOwP3dJM7hu-00865-00245841-00246314 Julian I'm from the economic observer if cOwP3dJM7hu-00866-00246315-00246863 we take the background which is low cOwP3dJM7hu-00867-00246864-00247108 growth in Europe in the u.s. second half cOwP3dJM7hu-00868-00247109-00247442 of last year and the possibility of a cOwP3dJM7hu-00869-00247442-00247882 double did what factors do you think cOwP3dJM7hu-00870-00247883-00248406 will be available to drive future growth cOwP3dJM7hu-00871-00248407-00248846 well you won't we because i can't speak cOwP3dJM7hu-00872-00248846-00249023 chinese this is why i get so many cOwP3dJM7hu-00873-00249023-00249566 question singh and the con with you okay cOwP3dJM7hu-00874-00249567-00249752 but there's some really you shall cOwP3dJM7hu-00875-00249753-00250112 because deputy managing director of the cOwP3dJM7hu-00876-00250113-00250294 International Monetary Fund zoom in a cOwP3dJM7hu-00877-00250296-00250526 little later that's not okay that this cOwP3dJM7hu-00878-00250527-00250708 gave you time to reflect on the answer cOwP3dJM7hu-00879-00250709-00250967 but we really all died you hear it you cOwP3dJM7hu-00880-00250967-00251237 doesn't everybody is concerned by the cOwP3dJM7hu-00881-00251238-00251417 weather we are going to have a double cOwP3dJM7hu-00882-00251417-00251827 dip personally I do not believe so cOwP3dJM7hu-00883-00251828-00252140 global economy is slowing down cOwP3dJM7hu-00884-00252141-00252440 especially the overall developed cOwP3dJM7hu-00885-00252441-00252730 economies is declining slowing down very cOwP3dJM7hu-00886-00252731-00252965 rapidly for example US economy from the cOwP3dJM7hu-00887-00252966-00253369 expected three percent gdp growth to a cOwP3dJM7hu-00888-00253369-00253829 mere 1.5 one-point-eight percent so cOwP3dJM7hu-00889-00253830-00253994 people may have different phone calls cOwP3dJM7hu-00890-00253994-00254398 but the you know very fast declining at cOwP3dJM7hu-00891-00254400-00254630 the same time the emerging markets cOwP3dJM7hu-00892-00254631-00254876 growth rate is also been slowing down cOwP3dJM7hu-00893-00254877-00255355 for India for China cetera etc but the cOwP3dJM7hu-00894-00255356-00255619 economy is still growing but at a slower cOwP3dJM7hu-00895-00255621-00256067 pace right now the overall economy has cOwP3dJM7hu-00896-00256067-00256342 now been tremendously impact in a cOwP3dJM7hu-00897-00256344-00256546 structural way based on the standard if cOwP3dJM7hu-00898-00256548-00256807 one economy for two quarters in a row cOwP3dJM7hu-00899-00256808-00257123 have a negative growth we call that a cOwP3dJM7hu-00900-00257123-00257419 entry into recession by right now even cOwP3dJM7hu-00901-00257421-00257623 for the develop the economy they do not cOwP3dJM7hu-00902-00257625-00257998 have the to our quarters in a row cOwP3dJM7hu-00903-00257998-00258278 negative growth so this is why we do not cOwP3dJM7hu-00904-00258279-00258421 believe we're going to have cOwP3dJM7hu-00905-00258421-00258714 see they double dip the 13 condition cOwP3dJM7hu-00906-00258715-00259246 right now we're indeed in very key cOwP3dJM7hu-00907-00259246-00259621 moment an urgent period in the crisis if cOwP3dJM7hu-00908-00259621-00259864 the government fails to adopt decisive cOwP3dJM7hu-00909-00259865-00260173 effective measures is still possible for cOwP3dJM7hu-00910-00260173-00260455 it to slide into recession so this is a cOwP3dJM7hu-00911-00260456-00260819 very important point the main demand is cOwP3dJM7hu-00912-00260821-00261183 two things to fold the new emerging cOwP3dJM7hu-00913-00261184-00261463 condiment developing the economy need to cOwP3dJM7hu-00914-00261464-00261637 stimulate their internal domestic cOwP3dJM7hu-00915-00261638-00261894 consumption developed economy we also cOwP3dJM7hu-00916-00261896-00262204 need through traditional physical cOwP3dJM7hu-00917-00262205-00262432 stimulation demand to private cOwP3dJM7hu-00918-00262433-00262760 consumption to investment so to change cOwP3dJM7hu-00919-00262761-00263029 transform this process before the global cOwP3dJM7hu-00920-00263030-00263346 economic I enjoy a global balance a cOwP3dJM7hu-00921-00263347-00263767 momentum or motive force of girls I wake cOwP3dJM7hu-00922-00263768-00264163 you bill yes I would just add to that by cOwP3dJM7hu-00923-00264164-00264382 a couple of things first of all nobody's cOwP3dJM7hu-00924-00264383-00264565 mentioned Japan here world's cOwP3dJM7hu-00925-00264566-00264775 third-largest economy we talked about cOwP3dJM7hu-00926-00264776-00264943 Europe we talked about China we've cOwP3dJM7hu-00927-00264944-00265174 talked about India the United States but cOwP3dJM7hu-00928-00265175-00265315 I think it's very important to cOwP3dJM7hu-00929-00265316-00265632 understand that Japan has its growth cOwP3dJM7hu-00930-00265633-00266023 problems also which i think is adding to cOwP3dJM7hu-00931-00266024-00266358 the problem human has talked about the cOwP3dJM7hu-00932-00266359-00266557 question of a number of the emerging cOwP3dJM7hu-00933-00266558-00266950 market economy so is a minister singh cOwP3dJM7hu-00934-00266951-00267258 and i think it's very important that we cOwP3dJM7hu-00935-00267259-00267595 talk about inflation here too which has cOwP3dJM7hu-00936-00267596-00267785 impact at number of the emerging markets cOwP3dJM7hu-00937-00267786-00268219 because what we're seeing is inflation cOwP3dJM7hu-00938-00268220-00268458 in both food and energy oil is still cOwP3dJM7hu-00939-00268459-00268723 over eighty dollars a barrel we've seen cOwP3dJM7hu-00940-00268724-00269026 food inflation here even in the United cOwP3dJM7hu-00941-00269027-00269326 States food is a prices have increased cOwP3dJM7hu-00942-00269327-00269587 over four percent which is a lot for the cOwP3dJM7hu-00943-00269588-00269869 US and so I think it is a very sensitive cOwP3dJM7hu-00944-00269870-00270132 difficult period because the Mitch cOwP3dJM7hu-00945-00270133-00270337 so-called I say so called mature cOwP3dJM7hu-00946-00270338-00270814 economies need to basically work on both cOwP3dJM7hu-00947-00270815-00271081 deficits and jobs and growth but in the cOwP3dJM7hu-00948-00271082-00271233 emerging markets they've got to be very cOwP3dJM7hu-00949-00271234-00271545 careful on the inflationary side cOwP3dJM7hu-00950-00271546-00271851 and has been pointed out by zoom men and cOwP3dJM7hu-00951-00271852-00272028 others here they've got to be very cOwP3dJM7hu-00952-00272029-00272478 careful on the over leveraging this is cOwP3dJM7hu-00953-00272479-00272724 why I go back to the importance of this cOwP3dJM7hu-00954-00272725-00272958 meeting of the g20 which we're going to cOwP3dJM7hu-00955-00272959-00273366 see in con so you get all sides together cOwP3dJM7hu-00956-00273367-00273666 and decide how is how are we going to cOwP3dJM7hu-00957-00273667-00273909 work on sustained growth without getting cOwP3dJM7hu-00958-00273910-00274101 into currency wars we just saw the Swiss cOwP3dJM7hu-00959-00274102-00274518 peg their currency to the euro and trade cOwP3dJM7hu-00960-00274519-00274848 wars and regulatory arbitrage on the cOwP3dJM7hu-00961-00274849-00275178 regulatory side so all these things are cOwP3dJM7hu-00962-00275179-00275307 building up to the IMF World Bank cOwP3dJM7hu-00963-00275308-00275571 meetings and the meeting of the g20 and cOwP3dJM7hu-00964-00275572-00275757 in con and I think these are decisive cOwP3dJM7hu-00965-00275758-00275937 moments for where the world economy is cOwP3dJM7hu-00966-00275938-00276198 going to go so timing is of the essence cOwP3dJM7hu-00967-00276199-00276414 that the steps all of us are talking cOwP3dJM7hu-00968-00276415-00276654 about in this panel are really taken and cOwP3dJM7hu-00969-00276655-00277014 taken fairly rapidly bill given the cOwP3dJM7hu-00970-00277015-00277380 uncertainty which is now very widely cOwP3dJM7hu-00971-00277381-00277652 spread and the worries and the threats cOwP3dJM7hu-00972-00277653-00278052 would it have been rational to bring the cOwP3dJM7hu-00973-00278053-00278295 g20 meeting forward from november to the cOwP3dJM7hu-00974-00278296-00278439 time of the Washington meetings into cOwP3dJM7hu-00975-00278440-00278703 week what is the use of doing this in cOwP3dJM7hu-00976-00278704-00279093 two steps while there's every day major cOwP3dJM7hu-00977-00279094-00279414 major concern among the electorate's cOwP3dJM7hu-00978-00279415-00279669 among people have jobs or who don't have cOwP3dJM7hu-00979-00279670-00279993 jobs among banks among markets I mean cOwP3dJM7hu-00980-00279994-00280149 what is this why I think you're cOwP3dJM7hu-00981-00280150-00280362 absolutely correct and substituting a cOwP3dJM7hu-00982-00280363-00280548 finance ministers meeting for heads of cOwP3dJM7hu-00983-00280549-00280743 state meeting doesn't work because the cOwP3dJM7hu-00984-00280744-00280890 ultimate authority is with a heads of cOwP3dJM7hu-00985-00280891-00281109 state and you're absolutely correct why cOwP3dJM7hu-00986-00281110-00281409 wait until November to do it it should cOwP3dJM7hu-00987-00281410-00281610 be brought ahead because we learned that cOwP3dJM7hu-00988-00281611-00282057 in 2008 everything was just behind time cOwP3dJM7hu-00989-00282058-00282186 we talked about in the automobile cOwP3dJM7hu-00990-00282187-00282438 business just-in-time production but cOwP3dJM7hu-00991-00282439-00282588 what we're dealing with with the cOwP3dJM7hu-00992-00282589-00282858 politicians here is just behind time so cOwP3dJM7hu-00993-00282859-00283032 I think you're absolutely correct and if cOwP3dJM7hu-00994-00283033-00283164 we're going to make a recommendation of cOwP3dJM7hu-00995-00283165-00283365 this panel I for one would back your cOwP3dJM7hu-00996-00283366-00283562 suggestion we ought to move it ahead and cOwP3dJM7hu-00997-00283563-00283788 instead of having the finance medicines cOwP3dJM7hu-00998-00283789-00284019 the central bank heads together in two cOwP3dJM7hu-00999-00284020-00284199 weeks in Washington the IMF World Bank cOwP3dJM7hu-01000-00284200-00284391 meetings we should do something with a cOwP3dJM7hu-01001-00284392-00284562 heads of state because they have the cOwP3dJM7hu-01002-00284563-00284783 ultimate the ultimate power along with cOwP3dJM7hu-01003-00284784-00284981 Parliament's to take these decisions not cOwP3dJM7hu-01004-00284982-00285137 the finance ministers in the central cOwP3dJM7hu-01005-00285138-00285692 bank heads Minister Singh okay I do your cOwP3dJM7hu-01006-00285693-00285959 question build by asking you two things cOwP3dJM7hu-01007-00285960-00286145 which have been discussed widely cOwP3dJM7hu-01008-00286146-00286472 settling India namely has g20 run out of cOwP3dJM7hu-01009-00286473-00286910 steam I mean in a sense gee 22 years ago cOwP3dJM7hu-01010-00286911-00287108 when it began to address this crisis cOwP3dJM7hu-01011-00287109-00287401 left some of the important structural cOwP3dJM7hu-01012-00287402-00287768 issues needed to be addressed unanswered cOwP3dJM7hu-01013-00287769-00288002 I think part of the reason why we began cOwP3dJM7hu-01014-00288003-00288239 this discussion was that the first cOwP3dJM7hu-01015-00288240-00288641 crisis is lingering and the g20 in cOwP3dJM7hu-01016-00288642-00288881 recent months seems to be flagging and cOwP3dJM7hu-01017-00288882-00289100 run out of steam so how does an invest cOwP3dJM7hu-01018-00289101-00289481 in the g20 decision-making process well cOwP3dJM7hu-01019-00289482-00289685 I would say first of all harder if we cOwP3dJM7hu-01020-00289686-00289847 build yeah I had first of all the only cOwP3dJM7hu-01021-00289848-00290024 meeting that I saw that really produced cOwP3dJM7hu-01022-00290025-00290246 hanging of the g20 was a London meeting cOwP3dJM7hu-01023-00290247-00290375 where you were in the depth of the cOwP3dJM7hu-01024-00290376-00290672 crisis it's a you know the Great cOwP3dJM7hu-01025-00290673-00290906 Recession and I think they have the cOwP3dJM7hu-01026-00290907-00291128 ability to do so in a time to act is now cOwP3dJM7hu-01027-00291129-00291326 that's why I say get them together you cOwP3dJM7hu-01028-00291327-00291679 have all the questions growth regulation cOwP3dJM7hu-01029-00291680-00292127 you know exchange rates trade that cOwP3dJM7hu-01030-00292128-00292280 really need to be spoken to and if the cOwP3dJM7hu-01031-00292281-00292445 g20 can't come up with some solutions cOwP3dJM7hu-01032-00292446-00292640 then you got to wonder if they're going cOwP3dJM7hu-01033-00292641-00292817 to go to the way of the g7 which doesn't cOwP3dJM7hu-01034-00292818-00293210 seem to do much either thank you you cOwP3dJM7hu-01035-00293211-00293375 mean I would almost ask you about this cOwP3dJM7hu-01036-00293376-00293698 given your past is that appropriate cOwP3dJM7hu-01037-00293699-00294187 about the g20 I'll see 20 yeah I think cOwP3dJM7hu-01038-00294188-00294565 g20 currently the global cooperation cOwP3dJM7hu-01039-00294566-00294851 obvious is the most important issues yes cOwP3dJM7hu-01040-00294852-00295160 because the cross is more expand to all cOwP3dJM7hu-01041-00295161-00295385 these different areas so a very much cOwP3dJM7hu-01042-00295386-00295529 looking forward the G tone you can play cOwP3dJM7hu-01043-00295530-00295796 a key role and then bring the party cOwP3dJM7hu-01044-00295797-00296132 together and found the real solution but cOwP3dJM7hu-01045-00296133-00296477 to also agree with you for the shorten cOwP3dJM7hu-01046-00296478-00296690 because the concerns on the growth cOwP3dJM7hu-01047-00296691-00296954 concerns on the job concerns on the cOwP3dJM7hu-01048-00296955-00297173 market volatilities are the key issue cOwP3dJM7hu-01049-00297174-00297356 today and hope you don't need to come up cOwP3dJM7hu-01050-00297357-00297454 with some real cOwP3dJM7hu-01051-00297455-00297724 those issues thank you there was a cOwP3dJM7hu-01052-00297725-00297997 question in the back fourth row from the cOwP3dJM7hu-01053-00297998-00298450 back i believe lady and then in the cOwP3dJM7hu-01054-00298451-00298690 middle over there also in the back hi cOwP3dJM7hu-01055-00298691-00298861 I'm Michelle Walker with the world cOwP3dJM7hu-01056-00298862-00299011 Policy Institute I'm a young global cOwP3dJM7hu-01057-00299012-00299248 leader mr. Chu and mr. Rhodes both cOwP3dJM7hu-01058-00299249-00299551 reference very briefly the regulatory cOwP3dJM7hu-01059-00299552-00299773 changes that are coming and in the air cOwP3dJM7hu-01060-00299774-00300028 at the beginning of the crisis there was cOwP3dJM7hu-01061-00300029-00300187 a lot of talk about international cOwP3dJM7hu-01062-00300188-00300403 coordination on on super super vision cOwP3dJM7hu-01063-00300404-00300652 regulation standards we haven't heard as cOwP3dJM7hu-01064-00300653-00300898 much recently I'd like your thoughts on cOwP3dJM7hu-01065-00300899-00301087 where specifically the most cOwP3dJM7hu-01066-00301088-00301300 international cooperation is needed and cOwP3dJM7hu-01067-00301301-00301471 what you think the most important cOwP3dJM7hu-01068-00301472-00301744 changes are that need to happen okay I cOwP3dJM7hu-01069-00301745-00302002 don't want me to reality no means no cOwP3dJM7hu-01070-00302003-00302224 react to that in the final round because cOwP3dJM7hu-01071-00302225-00302410 we have about 10 minutes left we will go cOwP3dJM7hu-01072-00302411-00302602 a little over time there's another cOwP3dJM7hu-01073-00302603-00302839 session in this same room so I'm cOwP3dJM7hu-01074-00302840-00303127 collecting brief questions in the back cOwP3dJM7hu-01075-00303128-00303436 there oh well thank you I'm francella cOwP3dJM7hu-01076-00303437-00303634 dating what one questions to go to mr. cOwP3dJM7hu-01077-00303635-00303805 Chu white as you mentioned earlier that cOwP3dJM7hu-01078-00303806-00304102 the emergent emerging economies should cOwP3dJM7hu-01079-00304103-00304291 take measures timely to prevent cOwP3dJM7hu-01080-00304292-00304582 potential risks and the cozier ghost is cOwP3dJM7hu-01081-00304583-00304774 largely driven by the goal of the loan cOwP3dJM7hu-01082-00304775-00305020 goes so what can I measure and what kind cOwP3dJM7hu-01083-00305021-00305158 what kind of suggestions you can offer cOwP3dJM7hu-01084-00305159-00305362 especially for channel thank you thank cOwP3dJM7hu-01085-00305363-00306520 you question on the front row cOwP3dJM7hu-01086-00306521-00306731 alessandra minor Ibaka quit China cOwP3dJM7hu-01087-00306732-00306944 Investment Company a quick question if I cOwP3dJM7hu-01088-00306945-00307181 understand the panel is kind of agreeing cOwP3dJM7hu-01089-00307182-00307766 on a muddle through scenario I just want cOwP3dJM7hu-01090-00307767-00307946 to understand if that's what you have in cOwP3dJM7hu-01091-00307947-00308210 mind or another way of asking the cOwP3dJM7hu-01092-00308211-00308354 question is in two years when the dust cOwP3dJM7hu-01093-00308355-00308576 settled what word will we have right cOwP3dJM7hu-01094-00308577-00308801 we'll have we will have seen this cOwP3dJM7hu-01095-00308802-00309050 vertically adjustments will have more cOwP3dJM7hu-01096-00309051-00309383 currencies or is a muddle through and cOwP3dJM7hu-01097-00309384-00309644 how do you see the situation boarding cOwP3dJM7hu-01098-00309645-00309854 thank you but you want to make quick cOwP3dJM7hu-01099-00309855-00310247 response to that yes yeah I would like cOwP3dJM7hu-01100-00310248-00310433 to take two more questions and then come cOwP3dJM7hu-01101-00310434-00310670 back to each of you there was lady in cOwP3dJM7hu-01102-00310671-00310901 the back in the middle and a gentleman cOwP3dJM7hu-01103-00310902-00311222 in the back no no first lady here in the cOwP3dJM7hu-01104-00311223-00311630 middle then a gentleman all the way in cOwP3dJM7hu-01105-00311631-00311860 the back is a white shirt and then there cOwP3dJM7hu-01106-00311861-00312074 was a if everyone is very brief he can cOwP3dJM7hu-01107-00312075-00312533 squeeze into more questions or something cOwP3dJM7hu-01108-00312534-00313856 a question for to meeting today adp you cOwP3dJM7hu-01109-00313857-00314159 know adjusted downward is focused about cOwP3dJM7hu-01110-00314160-00314713 the Asia including China economic growth cOwP3dJM7hu-01111-00314714-00314951 because it doesn't believe the cOwP3dJM7hu-01112-00314952-00315179 situations where okay and the district cOwP3dJM7hu-01113-00315180-00315718 Rome associates because China being a cOwP3dJM7hu-01114-00315719-00316037 very important of engine for global cOwP3dJM7hu-01115-00316038-00316328 economic recovery will that affect a cOwP3dJM7hu-01116-00316329-00316745 global economy cOwP3dJM7hu-01117-00316746-00317048 some people just mentioned the exchange cOwP3dJM7hu-01118-00317049-00317590 rate fluctuation because China adopts a cOwP3dJM7hu-01119-00317591-00318026 kind of a fixed exchange rate policy so cOwP3dJM7hu-01120-00318027-00318200 what will be the future scenario thank cOwP3dJM7hu-01121-00318201-00318443 you if you have one each one question in cOwP3dJM7hu-01122-00318444-00318602 the background and then gentleman over cOwP3dJM7hu-01123-00318603-00318896 there just white shirt and then bluish cOwP3dJM7hu-01124-00318897-00319897 shirt yes yeah it's me hello everyone cOwP3dJM7hu-01125-00319898-00320183 pacquiao doing of another question for cOwP3dJM7hu-01126-00320184-00320552 mr. to me today Premier Wen Jiabao at cOwP3dJM7hu-01127-00320553-00320936 the forum talk about he's question only cOwP3dJM7hu-01128-00320937-00321437 oh boy not each other that's China need cOwP3dJM7hu-01129-00321438-00321683 your purchase they try phrase in Europe cOwP3dJM7hu-01130-00321684-00321827 do you think this is a good timing for cOwP3dJM7hu-01131-00321828-00322097 China to do that short what can the cOwP3dJM7hu-01132-00322098-00322331 bricks as an organization do to save the cOwP3dJM7hu-01133-00322332-00322565 world economy thank you as the author of cOwP3dJM7hu-01134-00322566-00322706 the bricks would say it's not an cOwP3dJM7hu-01135-00322707-00322982 organization yes I mean as a group of cOwP3dJM7hu-01136-00322983-00323171 countries then okay dependence they have cOwP3dJM7hu-01137-00323172-00323327 a meeting next week in Washington I cOwP3dJM7hu-01138-00323328-00323504 heard yeah second panel will react to cOwP3dJM7hu-01139-00323505-00323876 that one final question gentlemen here cOwP3dJM7hu-01140-00323877-00324623 right in the middle white shirt question cOwP3dJM7hu-01141-00324624-00324871 only please cOwP3dJM7hu-01142-00324872-00325394 what happens if Greece can't actually cOwP3dJM7hu-01143-00325395-00326245 meet the terms of the bailout ? yes cOwP3dJM7hu-01144-00326246-00326609 thank you I'm returned to the panel cOwP3dJM7hu-01145-00326610-00326939 everyone has two and a half minutes we cOwP3dJM7hu-01146-00326940-00327338 will go in in reverse order from the cOwP3dJM7hu-01147-00327339-00327784 start so we will start this bill roads cOwP3dJM7hu-01148-00327785-00328082 do you want us to to answer any of those cOwP3dJM7hu-01149-00328083-00328610 questions yes you could really you could cOwP3dJM7hu-01150-00328611-00328787 raise other questions bill but all but I cOwP3dJM7hu-01151-00328788-00328970 would just take the one which i think is cOwP3dJM7hu-01152-00328971-00329266 very good which is on the regulatory cOwP3dJM7hu-01153-00329267-00329465 situation because we came out of this cOwP3dJM7hu-01154-00329466-00329630 great recession and they were all sorts cOwP3dJM7hu-01155-00329631-00330065 of promises made by g20 countries group cOwP3dJM7hu-01156-00330066-00330368 of seven about the need for cooperation cOwP3dJM7hu-01157-00330369-00330767 coordinate coordination in you know in cOwP3dJM7hu-01158-00330768-00331034 capital requirements and other measures cOwP3dJM7hu-01159-00331035-00331238 to strengthen the the world financial cOwP3dJM7hu-01160-00331239-00331766 system and unfortunately every not every cOwP3dJM7hu-01161-00331767-00331913 country but a lot of countries seem to cOwP3dJM7hu-01162-00331914-00332090 be going their own route because we had cOwP3dJM7hu-01163-00332091-00332357 we have an agreement with Basel the cOwP3dJM7hu-01164-00332358-00332627 Basel Committee called Basel 3 but then cOwP3dJM7hu-01165-00332628-00332795 the head of the Basel Committee says cOwP3dJM7hu-01166-00332796-00332969 these are minimal standards in every cOwP3dJM7hu-01167-00332970-00333245 country is free to add on if they want cOwP3dJM7hu-01168-00333246-00333458 and so what we're getting is we're cOwP3dJM7hu-01169-00333459-00333767 getting different plans in different cOwP3dJM7hu-01170-00333768-00334064 countries to how to implement Basel 3 cOwP3dJM7hu-01171-00334065-00334214 and we're in an interlinked world as I cOwP3dJM7hu-01172-00334215-00334559 said earlier and that goes for the the cOwP3dJM7hu-01173-00334560-00334715 financial system in the banking system cOwP3dJM7hu-01174-00334716-00335036 and so if we're not careful and we don't cOwP3dJM7hu-01175-00335037-00335471 really have an equal playing field we're cOwP3dJM7hu-01176-00335472-00335702 going to get regulatory arbitrage where cOwP3dJM7hu-01177-00335703-00335888 the country with the least amount of cOwP3dJM7hu-01178-00335889-00336092 capital requirements and regulation is cOwP3dJM7hu-01179-00336093-00336359 where a lot of institutions will go and cOwP3dJM7hu-01180-00336360-00336509 you're going to have more shadow banking cOwP3dJM7hu-01181-00336510-00336719 which is uncontrolled by the regulators cOwP3dJM7hu-01182-00336720-00336908 and we had before so I think one of the cOwP3dJM7hu-01183-00336909-00337289 urgent points now is that needs to be cOwP3dJM7hu-01184-00337290-00337592 taken up by Basel and the Financial cOwP3dJM7hu-01185-00337593-00337877 Stability Board in a g20 is to get back cOwP3dJM7hu-01186-00337878-00338091 to the promise that they made that cOwP3dJM7hu-01187-00338092-00338190 we were going to get international cOwP3dJM7hu-01188-00338191-00338376 cooperation and coordination in the cOwP3dJM7hu-01189-00338377-00338601 implementation of these new capital cOwP3dJM7hu-01190-00338602-00338769 rules and one of the things we have to cOwP3dJM7hu-01191-00338770-00339201 keep in mind is we do need increase cOwP3dJM7hu-01192-00339202-00339495 capital in the banking system and in the cOwP3dJM7hu-01193-00339496-00339666 financial system in general without a cOwP3dJM7hu-01194-00339667-00339903 doubt but you can't overburden some of cOwP3dJM7hu-01195-00339904-00340071 these institutions because then you cOwP3dJM7hu-01196-00340072-00340197 won't get the lending you need cOwP3dJM7hu-01197-00340198-00340440 particularly in the so-called I say so cOwP3dJM7hu-01198-00340441-00340677 called again mature markets because then cOwP3dJM7hu-01199-00340678-00340836 you're not going to get the growth so cOwP3dJM7hu-01200-00340837-00341043 this is a very very important subject cOwP3dJM7hu-01201-00341044-00341268 I'm glad you asked the question thank cOwP3dJM7hu-01202-00341269-00341820 you Bill Victor chu I think in terms of cOwP3dJM7hu-01203-00341821-00342099 the reform of the financial architecture cOwP3dJM7hu-01204-00342100-00342399 a lot of progress has been made but you cOwP3dJM7hu-01205-00342400-00342627 need a law harmonization too because of cOwP3dJM7hu-01206-00342628-00342807 course different countries have their cOwP3dJM7hu-01207-00342808-00343163 own different requirements and and cOwP3dJM7hu-01208-00343164-00343563 Ernie's different countries to have look cOwP3dJM7hu-01209-00343564-00343800 at their own internal system for example cOwP3dJM7hu-01210-00343801-00344139 in in Great Britain the vicar's report cOwP3dJM7hu-01211-00344140-00344552 has just been published that are quite cOwP3dJM7hu-01212-00344553-00344817 radical in terms of a suggestions or cOwP3dJM7hu-01213-00344818-00345054 ring-fencing of investment banking and cOwP3dJM7hu-01214-00345055-00345324 proprietary trading activities from the cOwP3dJM7hu-01215-00345325-00345564 core banking and retail banking cOwP3dJM7hu-01216-00345565-00345816 operations so you see a lot a lot of cOwP3dJM7hu-01217-00345817-00345966 progress has already made a lot of cOwP3dJM7hu-01218-00345967-00346200 thinking has already made but obviously cOwP3dJM7hu-01219-00346201-00346455 in terms of international harmonized cOwP3dJM7hu-01220-00346456-00346869 agreed structure that's yet to come but cOwP3dJM7hu-01221-00346870-00347216 in terms of the sovereign debt crisis cOwP3dJM7hu-01222-00347217-00347493 the difficulties we all know more or cOwP3dJM7hu-01223-00347494-00347754 less what needs to be done Greece needs cOwP3dJM7hu-01224-00347755-00348072 to observe the agreement and get on with cOwP3dJM7hu-01225-00348073-00348588 it and we also know what kind of cOwP3dJM7hu-01226-00348589-00348870 responsible action that different parts cOwP3dJM7hu-01227-00348871-00349098 of the world need to do in order to to cOwP3dJM7hu-01228-00349099-00349317 come back to to recover but the cOwP3dJM7hu-01229-00349318-00349647 political process of many of these cOwP3dJM7hu-01230-00349648-00349902 countries make it very difficult to cOwP3dJM7hu-01231-00349903-00350184 deliver those reforms I mean that's to cOwP3dJM7hu-01232-00350185-00350388 worry and that's why the question from cOwP3dJM7hu-01233-00350389-00350655 the D gentleman here to say what if cOwP3dJM7hu-01234-00350656-00350819 Greece does not cOwP3dJM7hu-01235-00350820-00351184 a deliver at now in so far we have cOwP3dJM7hu-01236-00351185-00351460 muddled through but now I think we come cOwP3dJM7hu-01237-00351461-00351881 to a time that there's no more muddle cOwP3dJM7hu-01238-00351882-00352193 through we are facing the the ultimate cOwP3dJM7hu-01239-00352194-00352463 that my hunch is that Greece cannot cOwP3dJM7hu-01240-00352464-00352862 deliver and if it delivered the first cOwP3dJM7hu-01241-00352863-00353156 part if something will happen down the cOwP3dJM7hu-01242-00353157-00353407 road because domestically it was not is cOwP3dJM7hu-01243-00353408-00353731 not politically acceptable so the DD cOwP3dJM7hu-01244-00353732-00354020 that's what where I think we have to we cOwP3dJM7hu-01245-00354021-00354307 have to think the unthinkable and and we cOwP3dJM7hu-01246-00354308-00354512 hope for the best but people prepare for cOwP3dJM7hu-01247-00354513-00354953 the worst Thank You Victor encasing well cOwP3dJM7hu-01248-00354954-00355250 I have just a couple of very brief cOwP3dJM7hu-01249-00355251-00355631 comments to make first that I entirely cOwP3dJM7hu-01250-00355632-00355857 agree with the general sense that cOwP3dJM7hu-01251-00355858-00356090 emerging markets cannot isolate cOwP3dJM7hu-01252-00356091-00356546 themselves and remain unaffected by the cOwP3dJM7hu-01253-00356547-00356785 global contagion effect no matter what cOwP3dJM7hu-01254-00356786-00356972 we do so I think that the in the cOwP3dJM7hu-01255-00356973-00357232 interest of emerging markets an orderly cOwP3dJM7hu-01256-00357233-00357559 adjustment process in the very near term cOwP3dJM7hu-01257-00357560-00357869 is exceeding the relevant and not make cOwP3dJM7hu-01258-00357870-00358067 any comment on the European situation cOwP3dJM7hu-01259-00358068-00358355 because I entirely agree that perhaps a cOwP3dJM7hu-01260-00358356-00358604 monetary union without a fiscal Union cOwP3dJM7hu-01261-00358605-00358897 and more than a fiscal Union in terms of cOwP3dJM7hu-01262-00358898-00359080 coordinated action on other fronts cOwP3dJM7hu-01263-00359081-00359375 perhaps may be there for something which cOwP3dJM7hu-01264-00359376-00359672 may or may not work what can the bricks cOwP3dJM7hu-01265-00359673-00360074 do together to be able to ameliorate the cOwP3dJM7hu-01266-00360075-00360341 crisis I think that that's an important cOwP3dJM7hu-01267-00360342-00360665 question but the bricks must act as a cOwP3dJM7hu-01268-00360666-00360953 cohesive group to influence a decision cOwP3dJM7hu-01269-00360954-00361277 making in the g20 so that we are cOwP3dJM7hu-01270-00361278-00361505 continued access to global capital on cOwP3dJM7hu-01271-00361506-00361826 cost which is affordable and the fact cOwP3dJM7hu-01272-00361827-00362123 that access to markets do not get cOwP3dJM7hu-01273-00362124-00362393 blocked by the growing fear of a cOwP3dJM7hu-01274-00362394-00362630 protectionist influence these I believe cOwP3dJM7hu-01275-00362631-00362972 are fundamental to ensure that act that cOwP3dJM7hu-01276-00362973-00363173 direct foreign investment and growth cOwP3dJM7hu-01277-00363174-00363416 rates in these countries are kept at a cOwP3dJM7hu-01278-00363417-00363605 robust pace and finally I just take one cOwP3dJM7hu-01279-00363606-00363896 point the most important worry Victor cOwP3dJM7hu-01280-00363897-00363968 which is cOwP3dJM7hu-01281-00363969-00364190 for a country like India and perhaps i cOwP3dJM7hu-01282-00364191-00364454 would say China is how does one contain cOwP3dJM7hu-01283-00364455-00364684 and more than contain how does one cOwP3dJM7hu-01284-00364685-00364957 anchor inflationary expectations in a cOwP3dJM7hu-01285-00364958-00365174 manner that the growth in the short run cOwP3dJM7hu-01286-00365175-00365429 doesn't get compromised this is not very cOwP3dJM7hu-01287-00365430-00365738 easy for us to find an answer where does cOwP3dJM7hu-01288-00365739-00365972 the balancing act take place that we do cOwP3dJM7hu-01289-00365973-00366254 not kill the growth process by the by cOwP3dJM7hu-01290-00366255-00366452 the central bank tightening up its cOwP3dJM7hu-01291-00366453-00366730 process it did it 11 times in 10 months cOwP3dJM7hu-01292-00366731-00366917 as far as India is concerned which has cOwP3dJM7hu-01293-00366918-00367154 hurt investment sentiments very much how cOwP3dJM7hu-01294-00367155-00367373 does one contain the genie of inflation cOwP3dJM7hu-01295-00367374-00367613 which is out an anchor in fishery cOwP3dJM7hu-01296-00367614-00367834 expectations in a credible way which cOwP3dJM7hu-01297-00367835-00368126 sustains the robust growth process Thank cOwP3dJM7hu-01298-00368127-00368545 You Victor Vincent I'm sorry yeah I cOwP3dJM7hu-01299-00368546-00368777 particularly like the question of the YJ cOwP3dJM7hu-01300-00368778-00368983 limes I'm also white gel and we had cOwP3dJM7hu-01301-00368984-00369193 sessions on Monday and Tuesday on on cOwP3dJM7hu-01302-00369194-00369401 economic growth and the quality of cOwP3dJM7hu-01303-00369402-00369626 growth I think that what bankers thought cOwP3dJM7hu-01304-00369627-00369971 was the was an incident in 2008 I think cOwP3dJM7hu-01305-00369972-00370217 is a crisis also all values and it's cOwP3dJM7hu-01306-00370218-00370388 important that we bring back values in cOwP3dJM7hu-01307-00370389-00370628 our economic system Klaus Schwab this cOwP3dJM7hu-01308-00370629-00370780 morning talked about the importance of cOwP3dJM7hu-01309-00370781-00370964 the quality of growth instead of cOwP3dJM7hu-01310-00370965-00371189 quantity of growth you should read a cOwP3dJM7hu-01311-00371190-00371332 book there's an interesting book a small cOwP3dJM7hu-01312-00371333-00371516 book called the great stagnation written cOwP3dJM7hu-01313-00371517-00371726 by an American I think it's one of the cOwP3dJM7hu-01314-00371727-00371990 best books of this year and it has to do cOwP3dJM7hu-01315-00371991-00372184 with the fact that we've consumed in the cOwP3dJM7hu-01316-00372185-00372440 West the so-called low-hanging fruits of cOwP3dJM7hu-01317-00372441-00372650 what we have that's education land and cOwP3dJM7hu-01318-00372651-00372890 so on so we should look at other forms cOwP3dJM7hu-01319-00372891-00373142 of growth quality of growth does for the cOwP3dJM7hu-01320-00373143-00373367 for the West secondly I would like to cOwP3dJM7hu-01321-00373368-00373555 say something on Greece the question of cOwP3dJM7hu-01322-00373556-00373981 Greece I saw that Victor was a little cOwP3dJM7hu-01323-00373982-00374252 bit I said okay but we should act now cOwP3dJM7hu-01324-00374253-00374555 the reason why as a young European cOwP3dJM7hu-01325-00374556-00374806 politician talk about long-term cOwP3dJM7hu-01326-00374807-00375095 sustainable solutions is because we have cOwP3dJM7hu-01327-00375096-00375382 a lack of leadership in Europe if you cOwP3dJM7hu-01328-00375383-00375620 have three or four or five presidency cOwP3dJM7hu-01329-00375621-00375887 Europe how can you imagine that you find cOwP3dJM7hu-01330-00375888-00376126 a solution to a crisis therefore Victor cOwP3dJM7hu-01331-00376127-00376397 even if what I've been talking about the cOwP3dJM7hu-01332-00376398-00376655 euro bonds and the solution of European cOwP3dJM7hu-01333-00376656-00376906 finance minister is a solution on long cOwP3dJM7hu-01334-00376907-00377077 term the gentleman talked about cOwP3dJM7hu-01335-00377078-00377244 years it is something that we should cOwP3dJM7hu-01336-00377245-00377494 should have done two or three years ago cOwP3dJM7hu-01337-00377495-00377782 so the point that I make is that if you cOwP3dJM7hu-01338-00377783-00377980 think that with short-term measures we cOwP3dJM7hu-01339-00377981-00378184 can solve this issue we're not in for a cOwP3dJM7hu-01340-00378185-00378397 quick fix I'm sorry probably next year cOwP3dJM7hu-01341-00378398-00378625 we will back here and discuss this but cOwP3dJM7hu-01342-00378626-00378853 if European politicians do not act now cOwP3dJM7hu-01343-00378854-00379105 we'll continue to have a problem for cOwP3dJM7hu-01344-00379106-00379326 decades and that our children will pay cOwP3dJM7hu-01345-00379327-00379684 Thank You Vincent income and cOwP3dJM7hu-01346-00379685-00379984 grandchildren I think bill just a quick cOwP3dJM7hu-01347-00379985-00380248 point that i would add on what Victor cOwP3dJM7hu-01348-00380249-00380593 had asked me earlier on what what cOwP3dJM7hu-01349-00380594-00380827 happened in Europe one of the things in cOwP3dJM7hu-01350-00380828-00381010 that I mentioned again and again in my cOwP3dJM7hu-01351-00381011-00381235 book banker to the world talking about cOwP3dJM7hu-01352-00381236-00381448 all of these crises is when heads of cOwP3dJM7hu-01353-00381449-00381778 state make pronouncements like we saw in cOwP3dJM7hu-01354-00381779-00382174 july twenty first in Europe they have to cOwP3dJM7hu-01355-00382175-00382480 set a timetable on when they are going cOwP3dJM7hu-01356-00382481-00382657 to be able to implement and one of the cOwP3dJM7hu-01357-00382658-00382810 things that has been spooking the cOwP3dJM7hu-01358-00382811-00383172 markets is we have the heads of state cOwP3dJM7hu-01359-00383173-00383524 the heads of the European Union in cOwP3dJM7hu-01360-00383525-00383803 Brussels and a number of central bankers cOwP3dJM7hu-01361-00383804-00384022 and ministers of finance get up and talk cOwP3dJM7hu-01362-00384023-00384160 about we're going to do this and that cOwP3dJM7hu-01363-00384161-00384430 they do not put a timetable on it and cOwP3dJM7hu-01364-00384431-00384772 they do not say in what stage is they're cOwP3dJM7hu-01365-00384773-00384949 going to implement it so when the market cOwP3dJM7hu-01366-00384950-00385233 sees that it kills the credibility and cOwP3dJM7hu-01367-00385234-00385489 therefore you wonder why the markets are cOwP3dJM7hu-01368-00385490-00385798 moving the way they do it's it's cOwP3dJM7hu-01369-00385799-00386020 basically things we've learned over and cOwP3dJM7hu-01370-00386021-00386371 over again but unfortunately Europe is cOwP3dJM7hu-01371-00386372-00386659 forcing itself to relearn it and it's cOwP3dJM7hu-01372-00386660-00386980 going to be a very costly process thank cOwP3dJM7hu-01373-00386981-00387307 you Bill finally human well thank you cOwP3dJM7hu-01374-00387308-00387577 three scenarios i believe right it's the cOwP3dJM7hu-01375-00387578-00387919 good bad or ugly which one is it hopping cOwP3dJM7hu-01376-00387920-00388150 over between three the first questions cOwP3dJM7hu-01377-00388151-00388414 about the murder is three through the cOwP3dJM7hu-01378-00388415-00388693 constants are absolutely no i think in cOwP3dJM7hu-01379-00388694-00388909 the past two years as a bill mentioned cOwP3dJM7hu-01380-00388910-00389251 as our wings and mentions we observe and cOwP3dJM7hu-01381-00389252-00389509 the politicians to try to murder in cOwP3dJM7hu-01382-00389510-00389758 through all these issues but as its cOwP3dJM7hu-01383-00389759-00390014 moments as a vicar mansions room is a cOwP3dJM7hu-01384-00390015-00390349 zero i don't think there's any cOwP3dJM7hu-01385-00390350-00390583 for the politician to mothers through cOwP3dJM7hu-01386-00390584-00390826 the current situations you have to take cOwP3dJM7hu-01387-00390827-00391153 a decisive action today otherwise we run cOwP3dJM7hu-01388-00391154-00391345 into the crisis I think it's become cOwP3dJM7hu-01389-00391346-00391672 everclear go back to the question for cOwP3dJM7hu-01390-00391673-00391873 the regulatory reform I think it's very cOwP3dJM7hu-01391-00391874-00392095 good questions when cross has come out cOwP3dJM7hu-01392-00392096-00392385 so the reform become the main issue but cOwP3dJM7hu-01393-00392386-00392638 unfortunately the sovereign debt crisis cOwP3dJM7hu-01394-00392639-00392977 come up the overshare the derogatory cOwP3dJM7hu-01395-00392978-00393216 look so I was a rectory freemarker cOwP3dJM7hu-01396-00393217-00393694 really achieved a lot of progress as a cOwP3dJM7hu-01397-00393695-00393889 bill mentions the Basel Sri capital cOwP3dJM7hu-01398-00393890-00394102 ratio Baba but they're still key issue cOwP3dJM7hu-01399-00394103-00394354 and unfinished as you mentioned cOwP3dJM7hu-01400-00394355-00394528 particularly with international cOwP3dJM7hu-01401-00394529-00394816 cooperation number one the regulatory cOwP3dJM7hu-01402-00394817-00395134 framework er over the crossbar the cOwP3dJM7hu-01403-00395135-00395365 capital flow we still don't have cOwP3dJM7hu-01404-00395366-00395764 solution that one yet number two for the cOwP3dJM7hu-01405-00395765-00396298 cross for the resolution free mode cOwP3dJM7hu-01406-00396299-00396688 because today with interconnectedness we cOwP3dJM7hu-01407-00396689-00396979 all linked together so if someone some cOwP3dJM7hu-01408-00396980-00397168 finishings issues get into the problem cOwP3dJM7hu-01409-00397169-00397456 the old others were getting together but cOwP3dJM7hu-01410-00397457-00397698 we don't have a cross-border resolution cOwP3dJM7hu-01411-00397699-00398026 freedom in particularly it is very cOwP3dJM7hu-01412-00398027-00398266 important for Europe or today if we cOwP3dJM7hu-01413-00398267-00398431 don't have that one it's very difficult cOwP3dJM7hu-01414-00398432-00398692 to the capital injection so is the cOwP3dJM7hu-01415-00398693-00398854 number three another controversial cOwP3dJM7hu-01416-00398855-00398986 issues whether we should a financial cOwP3dJM7hu-01417-00398987-00399364 transaction taxation a lot of debating cOwP3dJM7hu-01418-00399365-00399523 about that a lot of support a lot of cOwP3dJM7hu-01419-00399524-00399712 disagreements but i think it is obvious cOwP3dJM7hu-01420-00399713-00399934 is it so important issues we need to cOwP3dJM7hu-01421-00399935-00400144 continue to do that i think this is the cOwP3dJM7hu-01422-00400145-00400357 fundamental issues we need to push the cOwP3dJM7hu-01423-00400358-00400615 rocketry reform furthers to finish is cOwP3dJM7hu-01424-00400616-00400920 very important issue i think about issue cOwP3dJM7hu-01425-00400921-00401185 the question for the policy for the cOwP3dJM7hu-01426-00401186-00401470 emerging market to prevent the risk and cOwP3dJM7hu-01427-00401471-00401668 the potential crisis situations in cOwP3dJM7hu-01428-00401669-00401848 mansions I think the fusing is cOwP3dJM7hu-01429-00401849-00402010 absolutely important for emerging market cOwP3dJM7hu-01430-00402011-00402247 I agree with mr. Singh said regardless cOwP3dJM7hu-01431-00402248-00402508 what emerging market do you will have to cOwP3dJM7hu-01432-00402509-00402694 continue impact impact but advanced cOwP3dJM7hu-01433-00402695-00403063 economy but I disagree with mr. Singh it cOwP3dJM7hu-01434-00403064-00403444 says in the sense just we can do a lot cOwP3dJM7hu-01435-00403445-00403621 of things to reduce cOwP3dJM7hu-01436-00403622-00403822 the damage I think that's a lot of true cOwP3dJM7hu-01437-00403823-00404071 yeah as I say that's a big beta Briscoe cOwP3dJM7hu-01438-00404072-00404320 today it's a much much smaller than say cOwP3dJM7hu-01439-00404321-00404527 three years ago that obviously she'll cOwP3dJM7hu-01440-00404528-00404755 the world is very different the few cOwP3dJM7hu-01441-00404756-00404985 things number one continuously partner cOwP3dJM7hu-01442-00404986-00405360 monetary policy because emerging market cOwP3dJM7hu-01443-00405361-00405643 has also have the loose monetary policy cOwP3dJM7hu-01444-00405644-00405850 over the kinetic issues continue at cOwP3dJM7hu-01445-00405851-00406183 emergency to come back the inflation cOwP3dJM7hu-01446-00406184-00406465 pressures and also to slow down the long cOwP3dJM7hu-01447-00406466-00406696 growth to make sure the banking sector cOwP3dJM7hu-01448-00406697-00406945 is safe and stable is always the most cOwP3dJM7hu-01449-00406946-00407152 important issues because in the emerging cOwP3dJM7hu-01450-00407153-00407383 market banking sector always a place cOwP3dJM7hu-01451-00407384-00407692 such a thing important roles overall the cOwP3dJM7hu-01452-00407693-00407863 captain mark in the bounce market so cOwP3dJM7hu-01453-00407864-00408067 make sure the banking sector is okay is cOwP3dJM7hu-01454-00408068-00408309 very important and the second issues cOwP3dJM7hu-01455-00408310-00408532 also gradually new to analyze the cOwP3dJM7hu-01456-00408533-00408759 physical policy at these moments it's cOwP3dJM7hu-01457-00408760-00409033 not a time to stimulate the growth of cOwP3dJM7hu-01458-00409034-00409294 further Reza a chart to stabilize the cOwP3dJM7hu-01459-00409295-00409795 whole thing I think is a very important cOwP3dJM7hu-01460-00409796-00410191 issues and I think this is the few macro cOwP3dJM7hu-01461-00410192-00410395 policies emerging market need the cOwP3dJM7hu-01462-00410396-00410593 prepare and the build of pushing that cOwP3dJM7hu-01463-00410593-00410866 particularly in the fiscal area because cOwP3dJM7hu-01464-00410867-00411163 in the fiscal area the fiscal space most cOwP3dJM7hu-01465-00411164-00411334 of them are gone in the past three years cOwP3dJM7hu-01466-00411335-00411526 for emerging market so it's time to cOwP3dJM7hu-01467-00411527-00411813 review the fiscal space to prepare for cOwP3dJM7hu-01468-00411814-00412260 the potential crisis Wells the 42 cOwP3dJM7hu-01469-00412262-00412492 Chinese questions let me trance trance cOwP3dJM7hu-01470-00412493-00412728 22 when there was a return a giant cOwP3dJM7hu-01471-00412729-00412945 atomic insulin yes it's going to confuse cOwP3dJM7hu-01472-00412946-00413197 people if i switch between languages but cOwP3dJM7hu-01473-00413197-00413618 i will answer in chinese on the adb's cOwP3dJM7hu-01474-00413620-00413874 downgrade of growth forecasts for asia cOwP3dJM7hu-01475-00413875-00414303 this is a good thing cOwP3dJM7hu-01476-00414304-00414716 and it would be healthy for Asian and cOwP3dJM7hu-01477-00414717-00415141 emerging market growth to slow down this cOwP3dJM7hu-01478-00415142-00415312 is part of government efforts to cOwP3dJM7hu-01479-00415313-00415978 gradually cool down the growth in an cOwP3dJM7hu-01480-00415979-00416464 effort to provide greater stability but cOwP3dJM7hu-01481-00416465-00416966 there's one issue for concern which is cOwP3dJM7hu-01482-00416967-00417385 that when there's a rather brisk slow cOwP3dJM7hu-01483-00417386-00417791 down globally you need to make sure that cOwP3dJM7hu-01484-00417792-00418003 your own economy doesn't slow down too cOwP3dJM7hu-01485-00418004-00418609 fast this requires an enormous amount of cOwP3dJM7hu-01486-00418610-00418989 political caution when making decisions cOwP3dJM7hu-01487-00418990-00419387 now I was asked is it the right time for cOwP3dJM7hu-01488-00419388-00419800 China to buy european bonds are you cOwP3dJM7hu-01489-00419801-00420247 trading bonds at the moment well you cOwP3dJM7hu-01490-00420248-00420397 shouldn't be framing the question like cOwP3dJM7hu-01491-00420398-00420787 that clearly what we need is the whole cOwP3dJM7hu-01492-00420788-00421258 world working hand-in-hand to head off cOwP3dJM7hu-01493-00421259-00421556 the sovereign debt crisis and financial cOwP3dJM7hu-01494-00421557-00421825 instability which leading to the crisis cOwP3dJM7hu-01495-00421826-00422110 in the developed world premier Wynne cOwP3dJM7hu-01496-00422111-00422306 reiterated this point very well this cOwP3dJM7hu-01497-00422307-00422543 morning the Chinese government has cOwP3dJM7hu-01498-00422543-00422693 always been in favor of international cOwP3dJM7hu-01499-00422693-00423166 financial stability and it was important cOwP3dJM7hu-01500-00423167-00423772 that he reiterated it this morning first cOwP3dJM7hu-01501-00423773-00423991 of all an apology in closing to all of cOwP3dJM7hu-01502-00423992-00424277 you for being so harsh on the discipline cOwP3dJM7hu-01503-00424278-00424531 of our timing many thanks for it to the cOwP3dJM7hu-01504-00424532-00424816 panel for an absolutely spectacular cOwP3dJM7hu-01505-00424817-00425081 fascinating conversation and I think the cOwP3dJM7hu-01506-00425082-00425266 conclusion is because somebody asked cOwP3dJM7hu-01507-00425267-00425408 whether we will draw conclusions while cOwP3dJM7hu-01508-00425409-00425614 the forum doesn't draw conclusions not cOwP3dJM7hu-01509-00425615-00425977 even about the g20 bill but I believe cOwP3dJM7hu-01510-00425978-00426304 that everyone comes away with a sense cOwP3dJM7hu-01511-00426305-00426547 that muddling through is no longer cOwP3dJM7hu-01512-00426548-00426752 possible that there is a sense of huge cOwP3dJM7hu-01513-00426753-00426938 urgency and cOwP3dJM7hu-01514-00426939-00427288 that life seems to be very uncertain cOwP3dJM7hu-01515-00427289-00427706 rather uncharted and possibly unsettling cOwP3dJM7hu-01516-00427707-00428035 have a very nice evening