T7wFGpVKWVo-00000-00000056-00000316 religious persecution as the systematic T7wFGpVKWVo-00001-00000317-00000509 mistreatment of an individual or group T7wFGpVKWVo-00002-00000509-00000728 of individuals as a response to their T7wFGpVKWVo-00003-00000729-00000935 religious beliefs or affiliations or T7wFGpVKWVo-00004-00000936-00001265 lack thereof the tendency of societies T7wFGpVKWVo-00005-00001266-00001511 or groups within society to alienate or T7wFGpVKWVo-00006-00001512-00001691 repress different subcultures as a T7wFGpVKWVo-00007-00001692-00001905 recurrent theme in human history T7wFGpVKWVo-00008-00001907-00002156 moreover because a person's religion T7wFGpVKWVo-00009-00002157-00002348 often determines to a significant extent T7wFGpVKWVo-00010-00002349-00002648 his or her morality worldview self-image T7wFGpVKWVo-00011-00002649-00002867 attitudes towards others and overall T7wFGpVKWVo-00012-00002868-00003107 personal identity religious differences T7wFGpVKWVo-00013-00003108-00003344 can be significant cultural personal and T7wFGpVKWVo-00014-00003345-00003722 social factors religious persecution may T7wFGpVKWVo-00015-00003722-00003920 be triggered by religious bigotry ie T7wFGpVKWVo-00016-00003921-00004154 members of a dominant group denigrating T7wFGpVKWVo-00017-00004155-00004336 religions other than their own or by the T7wFGpVKWVo-00018-00004337-00004511 state when it views a particular T7wFGpVKWVo-00019-00004512-00004679 religious group as a threat to its T7wFGpVKWVo-00020-00004680-00004981 interests or security at a societal T7wFGpVKWVo-00021-00004982-00005183 level this dehumanization of a T7wFGpVKWVo-00022-00005184-00005375 particular religious group may readily T7wFGpVKWVo-00023-00005376-00005591 turn into violence or other forms of T7wFGpVKWVo-00024-00005592-00005872 persecution indeed in many countries T7wFGpVKWVo-00025-00005873-00006158 religious persecution has resulted in so T7wFGpVKWVo-00026-00006159-00006347 much violence that it is considered a T7wFGpVKWVo-00027-00006348-00006971 human rights problem T7wFGpVKWVo-00028-00006972-00007517 topic definition T7wFGpVKWVo-00029-00007518-00007770 religious persecution is defined as T7wFGpVKWVo-00030-00007772-00007966 violence or discrimination against T7wFGpVKWVo-00031-00007967-00008194 religious minorities actions intending T7wFGpVKWVo-00032-00008195-00008380 to deprive political rights and force T7wFGpVKWVo-00033-00008381-00008613 minorities to assimilate leave or live T7wFGpVKWVo-00034-00008614-00008923 as second-class citizen in the aspect of T7wFGpVKWVo-00035-00008924-00009133 state policy it may be defined as T7wFGpVKWVo-00036-00009134-00009298 violations on freedom of thought T7wFGpVKWVo-00037-00009299-00009477 conscience and beliefs spread by T7wFGpVKWVo-00038-00009478-00009718 systematic and active state policy and T7wFGpVKWVo-00039-00009719-00009952 actions of harassment intimidation and T7wFGpVKWVo-00040-00009953-00010146 punishment that infringes or threatens T7wFGpVKWVo-00041-00010147-00010369 the right to life integrity or Liberty T7wFGpVKWVo-00042-00010370-00010594 the distinction with religious T7wFGpVKWVo-00043-00010595-00010777 intolerance is that the latter in most T7wFGpVKWVo-00044-00010778-00010935 cases as in the sentiment of the T7wFGpVKWVo-00045-00010936-00011170 population which may be tolerated or T7wFGpVKWVo-00046-00011171-00011485 encouraged by the state denial of civil T7wFGpVKWVo-00047-00011486-00011683 rights on the basis of religion is most T7wFGpVKWVo-00048-00011684-00011841 often described as religious T7wFGpVKWVo-00049-00011842-00012034 discrimination rather than religious T7wFGpVKWVo-00050-00012035-00012399 persecution examples of persecution is T7wFGpVKWVo-00051-00012400-00012609 confiscation or destruction of property T7wFGpVKWVo-00052-00012610-00012888 incitement to hate arrest imprisonment T7wFGpVKWVo-00053-00012889-00013244 beatings torture murder and execution T7wFGpVKWVo-00054-00013245-00013513 religious persecution can be considered T7wFGpVKWVo-00055-00013513-00013746 the opposite of freedom of religion T7wFGpVKWVo-00056-00013747-00013999 bateman has differentiated different T7wFGpVKWVo-00057-00014000-00014244 degrees of persecution it must be T7wFGpVKWVo-00058-00014245-00014479 personally costly T7wFGpVKWVo-00059-00014480-00014827 it must be unjust and undeserved T7wFGpVKWVo-00060-00014828-00015063 it must be a direct result of one's T7wFGpVKWVo-00061-00015065-00015619 faith T7wFGpVKWVo-00062-00015619-00016312 topic forms T7wFGpVKWVo-00063-00016313-00016483 you T7wFGpVKWVo-00064-00016484-00016813 topic cleansing T7wFGpVKWVo-00065-00016814-00016992 you T7wFGpVKWVo-00066-00016993-00017235 religious cleansing is a term sometimes T7wFGpVKWVo-00067-00017236-00017492 used to refer to removal of a population T7wFGpVKWVo-00068-00017493-00017697 from a certain territory based on its T7wFGpVKWVo-00069-00017698-00018021 religion throughout antiquity population T7wFGpVKWVo-00070-00018022-00018210 cleansing was largely motivated by T7wFGpVKWVo-00071-00018211-00018411 economic and political factors T7wFGpVKWVo-00072-00018412-00018603 although ethnic factors occasionally T7wFGpVKWVo-00073-00018604-00018856 played a role during the Middle Ages T7wFGpVKWVo-00074-00018857-00019089 population cleansing took on a largely T7wFGpVKWVo-00075-00019090-00019358 religious character the religious T7wFGpVKWVo-00076-00019359-00019572 motivation lost much of its salience T7wFGpVKWVo-00077-00019573-00019764 early in the modern era although until T7wFGpVKWVo-00078-00019765-00020000 the 18th century ethnic enmity in Europe T7wFGpVKWVo-00079-00020001-00020219 remained couched in religious terms T7wFGpVKWVo-00080-00020220-00020456 Richard Dawkins has argued that the T7wFGpVKWVo-00081-00020457-00020633 references to ethnic cleansing in the T7wFGpVKWVo-00082-00020634-00020834 former Yugoslavia and Iraq is a T7wFGpVKWVo-00083-00020835-00020984 euphemism for what should more T7wFGpVKWVo-00084-00020985-00021230 accurately be called religious cleansing T7wFGpVKWVo-00085-00021231-00021471 according to Adrian Koopman the T7wFGpVKWVo-00086-00021472-00021642 widespread use of the term ethnic T7wFGpVKWVo-00087-00021643-00021881 cleansing in such cases suggests that in T7wFGpVKWVo-00088-00021882-00022083 many situations there is confusion T7wFGpVKWVo-00089-00022084-00022724 between ethnicity and religion T7wFGpVKWVo-00090-00022725-00023250 topic ethnicity T7wFGpVKWVo-00091-00023251-00023502 other acts of violence such as war T7wFGpVKWVo-00092-00023503-00023730 torture and ethnic cleansing not aimed T7wFGpVKWVo-00093-00023731-00023907 at religion in particular may T7wFGpVKWVo-00094-00023908-00024096 nevertheless take on the qualities of T7wFGpVKWVo-00095-00024097-00024291 religious persecution when one or more T7wFGpVKWVo-00096-00024292-00024428 of the parties involved are T7wFGpVKWVo-00097-00024429-00024644 characterized by religious homogeneity T7wFGpVKWVo-00098-00024645-00024852 an example being when conflicting T7wFGpVKWVo-00099-00024853-00025011 populations that belong to different T7wFGpVKWVo-00100-00025012-00025211 ethnic groups often also belong to T7wFGpVKWVo-00101-00025212-00025521 different religions or denominations the T7wFGpVKWVo-00102-00025522-00025709 difference between religious and ethnic T7wFGpVKWVo-00103-00025710-00025956 identity might sometimes be obscure see T7wFGpVKWVo-00104-00025957-00026202 ethno-religious cases of genocide in the T7wFGpVKWVo-00105-00026202-00026454 20th century cannot be explained in full T7wFGpVKWVo-00106-00026455-00026762 by citing religious differences still T7wFGpVKWVo-00107-00026763-00026993 cases such as the Greek genocide the T7wFGpVKWVo-00108-00026994-00027177 Armenian Genocide and the Assyrian T7wFGpVKWVo-00109-00027177-00027414 genocide are sometimes seen as religious T7wFGpVKWVo-00110-00027414-00027582 persecution and blur the lines between T7wFGpVKWVo-00111-00027583-00027945 ethnic and religious violence since the T7wFGpVKWVo-00112-00027945-00028158 early modern period there were increased T7wFGpVKWVo-00113-00028158-00028356 religious cleansing entwined with ethnic T7wFGpVKWVo-00114-00028357-00028662 elements as religion is an important or T7wFGpVKWVo-00115-00028663-00028899 central marker in ethnic identity some T7wFGpVKWVo-00116-00028900-00029154 conflicts can be described as as no T7wFGpVKWVo-00117-00029155-00029450 religious conflicts Nazi anti-semitism T7wFGpVKWVo-00118-00029451-00029664 provides another example of the T7wFGpVKWVo-00119-00029664-00029858 contentious divide between ethnic and T7wFGpVKWVo-00120-00029859-00030077 religious persecution because Nazi T7wFGpVKWVo-00121-00030078-00030287 propaganda tended to construct its image T7wFGpVKWVo-00122-00030288-00030533 of Jews as race and emphasized Jews is T7wFGpVKWVo-00123-00030534-00030783 being defined by their religion the T7wFGpVKWVo-00124-00030783-00030962 Holocaust made no distinction between T7wFGpVKWVo-00125-00030963-00031275 secular Jews atheistic Jews Orthodox T7wFGpVKWVo-00126-00031276-00031464 Jews and Jews that had converted to T7wFGpVKWVo-00127-00031464-00031806 Christianity the Nazis also persecuted T7wFGpVKWVo-00128-00031807-00031980 the Catholic Church in Germany and T7wFGpVKWVo-00129-00031981-00032464 Poland T7wFGpVKWVo-00130-00032466-00032822 topic atheism T7wFGpVKWVo-00131-00032823-00032993 you T7wFGpVKWVo-00132-00032994-00033236 religious persecution may also affect T7wFGpVKWVo-00133-00033237-00033449 atheists in that they may be denounced T7wFGpVKWVo-00134-00033450-00033665 as being a moral or be persecuted by the T7wFGpVKWVo-00135-00033666-00033833 religious on the grounds that they are T7wFGpVKWVo-00136-00033834-00034402 godless T7wFGpVKWVo-00137-00034403-00034933 topic cases T7wFGpVKWVo-00138-00034934-00035125 the descriptive use of the term T7wFGpVKWVo-00139-00035126-00035290 religious persecution is rather T7wFGpVKWVo-00140-00035291-00035560 difficult religious persecution has T7wFGpVKWVo-00141-00035561-00035785 taken place at least since antiquity and T7wFGpVKWVo-00142-00035786-00035974 has happened in different historical T7wFGpVKWVo-00143-00035975-00036337 geographical and social contexts until T7wFGpVKWVo-00144-00036338-00036580 the 18th century some groups were nearly T7wFGpVKWVo-00145-00036581-00036778 universally persecuted for their views T7wFGpVKWVo-00146-00036779-00037057 about religion such as atheists Jews and T7wFGpVKWVo-00147-00037058-00037637 Zoroastrians T7wFGpVKWVo-00148-00037638-00038222 topic early modern England T7wFGpVKWVo-00149-00038223-00038426 one period of religious persecution T7wFGpVKWVo-00150-00038427-00038678 which has been studied extensively as T7wFGpVKWVo-00151-00038679-00038897 early modern England since the rejection T7wFGpVKWVo-00152-00038898-00039128 of religious persecution now common in T7wFGpVKWVo-00153-00039129-00039407 the Western world originated there the T7wFGpVKWVo-00154-00039408-00039620 English call for toleration was the T7wFGpVKWVo-00155-00039621-00039812 turning point in the Christian debate on T7wFGpVKWVo-00156-00039813-00040034 persecution and toleration and early T7wFGpVKWVo-00157-00040035-00040202 modern England stands out to the T7wFGpVKWVo-00158-00040203-00040402 historians as a time in which literally T7wFGpVKWVo-00159-00040403-00040634 hundreds of books and tracts were T7wFGpVKWVo-00160-00040635-00040820 published either for or against T7wFGpVKWVo-00161-00040821-00041135 religious toleration the most ambitious T7wFGpVKWVo-00162-00041136-00041417 chronicle of that time as wk Jordan's T7wFGpVKWVo-00163-00041418-00041645 magnum opus the development of religious T7wFGpVKWVo-00164-00041646-00042166 toleration in England 15:58 216 T7wFGpVKWVo-00165-00042167-00042815 1932 to 1940s in Europe and this work is T7wFGpVKWVo-00166-00042816-00043019 seen as a defence of the fragile values T7wFGpVKWVo-00167-00043020-00043322 of humanism and tolerance more recent T7wFGpVKWVo-00168-00043323-00043490 introductions to this period are T7wFGpVKWVo-00169-00043491-00043733 persecution and toleration in Protestant T7wFGpVKWVo-00170-00043734-00043781 England T7wFGpVKWVo-00171-00043782-00044228 15:58 269 2000 by John Coffey and T7wFGpVKWVo-00172-00044229-00044486 charitable hatred tolerance and T7wFGpVKWVo-00173-00044487-00044912 intolerance in England 1500 to 1700 2006 T7wFGpVKWVo-00174-00044913-00045245 by Alexandra welcome to understand why T7wFGpVKWVo-00175-00045246-00045437 religious persecution has occurred T7wFGpVKWVo-00176-00045438-00045656 historians like coffee pay close T7wFGpVKWVo-00177-00045657-00045857 attention to what the persecutors said T7wFGpVKWVo-00178-00045858-00046377 they were doing T7wFGpVKWVo-00179-00046378-00046740 topic ecclesiastical dissent and civil T7wFGpVKWVo-00180-00046741-00047115 tolerance T7wFGpVKWVo-00181-00047116-00047346 no religion is free from internal T7wFGpVKWVo-00182-00047347-00047544 dissent although the degree of dissent T7wFGpVKWVo-00183-00047545-00047709 that is tolerated within a particular T7wFGpVKWVo-00184-00047710-00047987 religious organization can strongly vary T7wFGpVKWVo-00185-00047988-00048276 this degree of diversity tolerated T7wFGpVKWVo-00186-00048277-00048477 within a particular church is described T7wFGpVKWVo-00187-00048478-00048717 as ecclesiastical tolerance and is one T7wFGpVKWVo-00188-00048718-00049014 form of religious toleration however T7wFGpVKWVo-00189-00049015-00049245 when people nowadays speak of religious T7wFGpVKWVo-00190-00049246-00049452 tolerance they most often mean civil T7wFGpVKWVo-00191-00049453-00049647 tolerance which refers to the degree of T7wFGpVKWVo-00192-00049648-00049869 religious diversity that is tolerated T7wFGpVKWVo-00193-00049870-00050181 within the state in the absence of civil T7wFGpVKWVo-00194-00050182-00050424 toleration someone who finds himself in T7wFGpVKWVo-00195-00050425-00050598 disagreement with his congregation T7wFGpVKWVo-00196-00050599-00050766 doesn't have the option to leave and T7wFGpVKWVo-00197-00050767-00050967 chose a different faith simply because T7wFGpVKWVo-00198-00050968-00051159 there is only one recognized faith in T7wFGpVKWVo-00199-00051160-00051380 the country at least officially in T7wFGpVKWVo-00200-00051382-00051665 modern Western civil law any citizen may T7wFGpVKWVo-00201-00051666-00051819 join and leave a religious organization T7wFGpVKWVo-00202-00051820-00052110 at will in Western societies this is T7wFGpVKWVo-00203-00052111-00052320 taken for granted but actually this T7wFGpVKWVo-00204-00052321-00052500 legal separation of church and state T7wFGpVKWVo-00205-00052501-00052707 only started to emerge a few centuries T7wFGpVKWVo-00206-00052708-00052998 ago in the Christian debate on T7wFGpVKWVo-00207-00052999-00053247 persecution and toleration the notion of T7wFGpVKWVo-00208-00053248-00053421 civil tolerance allowed Christian T7wFGpVKWVo-00209-00053422-00053619 theologians to reconcile Jesus T7wFGpVKWVo-00210-00053620-00053802 commandment to love one's enemies with T7wFGpVKWVo-00211-00053803-00053973 other parts of the New Testament that T7wFGpVKWVo-00212-00053974-00054144 are rather strict regarding dissent T7wFGpVKWVo-00213-00054145-00054366 within the church before that T7wFGpVKWVo-00214-00054366-00054588 theologians like Joseph Hall had T7wFGpVKWVo-00215-00054589-00054750 reasoned from the ecclesiastical T7wFGpVKWVo-00216-00054751-00054921 intolerance of the early Christian T7wFGpVKWVo-00217-00054922-00055113 Church in the New Testament to the civil T7wFGpVKWVo-00218-00055114-00055723 intolerance of the Christian State T7wFGpVKWVo-00219-00055724-00056049 topic religious uniformity in early T7wFGpVKWVo-00220-00056050-00056416 modern Europe T7wFGpVKWVo-00221-00056417-00056654 by contrast to the notion of civil T7wFGpVKWVo-00222-00056654-00056849 tolerance in early modern Europe the T7wFGpVKWVo-00223-00056850-00057032 subjects were required to attend the T7wFGpVKWVo-00224-00057033-00057221 state church this attitude can be T7wFGpVKWVo-00225-00057222-00057454 described as territoriality or religious T7wFGpVKWVo-00226-00057455-00057686 uniformity and its underlying assumption T7wFGpVKWVo-00227-00057687-00057880 is brought to a point by a statement of T7wFGpVKWVo-00228-00057882-00058082 the Anglican theologian Richard Hooker T7wFGpVKWVo-00229-00058083-00058295 there is not any man of the Church of T7wFGpVKWVo-00230-00058296-00058508 England but the same man is also a T7wFGpVKWVo-00231-00058509-00058745 member of the English Commonwealth nor T7wFGpVKWVo-00232-00058746-00058940 any man a member of the Commonwealth T7wFGpVKWVo-00233-00058941-00059132 which is not also of the Church of T7wFGpVKWVo-00234-00059133-00059462 England before a vigorous debate about T7wFGpVKWVo-00235-00059463-00059669 religious persecution took place in T7wFGpVKWVo-00236-00059670-00059909 England starting in the 1640s for T7wFGpVKWVo-00237-00059910-00060107 centuries in Europe religion had been T7wFGpVKWVo-00238-00060108-00060391 tied to territory in England there had T7wFGpVKWVo-00239-00060392-00060590 been several acts of uniformity in T7wFGpVKWVo-00240-00060591-00060775 continental Europe the Latin phrase T7wFGpVKWVo-00241-00060776-00061175 quiesce regio EIU's religio had been T7wFGpVKWVo-00242-00061176-00061400 coined in the 16th century and applied T7wFGpVKWVo-00243-00061401-00061615 as a fundament for the Peace of Augsburg T7wFGpVKWVo-00244-00061616-00061954 1555 it was pushed to the extreme by T7wFGpVKWVo-00245-00061955-00062204 absolutist regimes particularly by the T7wFGpVKWVo-00246-00062204-00062423 french kings louis xiv and his T7wFGpVKWVo-00247-00062424-00062704 successors it was under their rule that T7wFGpVKWVo-00248-00062705-00062929 catholicism became the sole compulsory T7wFGpVKWVo-00249-00062930-00063116 allowed religion in france and that the T7wFGpVKWVo-00250-00063116-00063299 Huguenots had to massively leave the T7wFGpVKWVo-00251-00063300-00063584 country persecution meant that the state T7wFGpVKWVo-00252-00063585-00063752 was committed to secure religious T7wFGpVKWVo-00253-00063753-00063959 uniformity by coercive measures as T7wFGpVKWVo-00254-00063960-00064157 eminently obvious in a statement of T7wFGpVKWVo-00255-00064158-00064387 roger Lestrange that which you call T7wFGpVKWVo-00256-00064388-00064690 persecution itranslate uniformity T7wFGpVKWVo-00257-00064691-00065012 however in the 17th century writers like T7wFGpVKWVo-00258-00065013-00065258 Pierre Bayle John Locke Richard Overton T7wFGpVKWVo-00259-00065259-00065447 and Roger William broke the link between T7wFGpVKWVo-00260-00065448-00065654 territory and faith which eventually T7wFGpVKWVo-00261-00065655-00065879 resulted in a shift from territoriality T7wFGpVKWVo-00262-00065880-00066227 to religious will enter ISM it was la ku T7wFGpVKWVo-00263-00066228-00066385 in his letter concerning toleration T7wFGpVKWVo-00264-00066386-00066677 define the state in purely secular terms T7wFGpVKWVo-00265-00066678-00066923 the Commonwealth seems to me to be a T7wFGpVKWVo-00266-00066924-00067205 society of men constituted only for the T7wFGpVKWVo-00267-00067206-00067457 procuring preserving and advancing their T7wFGpVKWVo-00268-00067458-00067784 own civil interests concerning the T7wFGpVKWVo-00269-00067785-00068090 church he went on a church then I take T7wFGpVKWVo-00270-00068091-00068372 to be a voluntary society of men joining T7wFGpVKWVo-00271-00068373-00068623 themselves together of their own accord T7wFGpVKWVo-00272-00068624-00068921 with this treatise John Locke played one T7wFGpVKWVo-00273-00068922-00069089 of the most important intellectual T7wFGpVKWVo-00274-00069090-00069287 foundations of the separation of church T7wFGpVKWVo-00275-00069288-00069482 and state which ultimately led to the T7wFGpVKWVo-00276-00069483-00070039 secular state T7wFGpVKWVo-00277-00070040-00070354 topic persecution for heresy and T7wFGpVKWVo-00278-00070355-00070720 blasphemy T7wFGpVKWVo-00279-00070721-00070939 the persecution of beliefs that are T7wFGpVKWVo-00280-00070940-00071134 deemed schismatics is one thing the T7wFGpVKWVo-00281-00071135-00071311 persecution of beliefs that are deemed T7wFGpVKWVo-00282-00071312-00071500 heretic or blasphemous is another T7wFGpVKWVo-00283-00071501-00071758 although a public disagreement on T7wFGpVKWVo-00284-00071759-00071956 secondary matters might be serious T7wFGpVKWVo-00285-00071957-00072124 enough it has often only led to T7wFGpVKWVo-00286-00072125-00072412 religious discrimination a public T7wFGpVKWVo-00287-00072413-00072583 renouncement of core elements of a T7wFGpVKWVo-00288-00072584-00072739 religious doctrine under the same T7wFGpVKWVo-00289-00072740-00072958 circumstances on the other hand would T7wFGpVKWVo-00290-00072959-00073246 have put one far greater danger while a T7wFGpVKWVo-00291-00073247-00073438 descender from its official church was T7wFGpVKWVo-00292-00073439-00073618 only faced with fines and imprisonment T7wFGpVKWVo-00293-00073619-00073843 in Protestant England six people were T7wFGpVKWVo-00294-00073844-00074080 executed for heresy or blasphemy during T7wFGpVKWVo-00295-00074081-00074287 the reign of Elizabeth the first and two T7wFGpVKWVo-00296-00074288-00074512 more in 1612 under James the first T7wFGpVKWVo-00297-00074513-00074770 similarly heretical sects like Cathars T7wFGpVKWVo-00298-00074771-00074983 waldensians and Lollards were brutally T7wFGpVKWVo-00299-00074984-00075175 suppressed in Western Europe while at T7wFGpVKWVo-00300-00075176-00075400 the same time Catholic Christians lived T7wFGpVKWVo-00301-00075401-00075631 side by side with schismatics Orthodox T7wFGpVKWVo-00302-00075632-00075853 Christians after the east-west schism in T7wFGpVKWVo-00303-00075854-00076442 the borderland of Eastern Europe T7wFGpVKWVo-00304-00076443-00076964 topic russian orthodox T7wFGpVKWVo-00305-00076965-00077201 the Bishop of Vladimir theater turned T7wFGpVKWVo-00306-00077202-00077396 some people into slaves others were T7wFGpVKWVo-00307-00077397-00077603 locked in prison cut their heads burnt T7wFGpVKWVo-00308-00077604-00077872 ice cut tongues are crucified on walls T7wFGpVKWVo-00309-00077873-00078170 some heretics were executed by burning T7wFGpVKWVo-00310-00078171-00078386 them alive according to an inscription T7wFGpVKWVo-00311-00078387-00078635 of con man Walter Mir metropolitan T7wFGpVKWVo-00312-00078636-00078824 Kirill was granted the right to heavily T7wFGpVKWVo-00313-00078825-00078941 punished with death for blasphemy T7wFGpVKWVo-00314-00078942-00079196 against the Orthodox Church or breach of T7wFGpVKWVo-00315-00079197-00079526 ecclesiastical privileges he advised all T7wFGpVKWVo-00316-00079527-00079718 means of destruction to be used against T7wFGpVKWVo-00317-00079719-00079784 heretics T7wFGpVKWVo-00318-00079785-00079951 but without bloodshed in the name of T7wFGpVKWVo-00319-00079952-00080251 saving souls heretics were drowned T7wFGpVKWVo-00320-00080252-00080534 Novgorod bishop gennady gonzo turned to T7wFGpVKWVo-00321-00080535-00080729 tsar ivan the third requesting the death T7wFGpVKWVo-00322-00080730-00081050 of heretics gennady admired the Spanish T7wFGpVKWVo-00323-00081051-00081278 inquisitors especially his contemporary T7wFGpVKWVo-00324-00081279-00081479 Torquemada who for 15 years of T7wFGpVKWVo-00325-00081480-00081682 Inquisition activity burned and punished T7wFGpVKWVo-00326-00081683-00081935 thousands of people as in Rome T7wFGpVKWVo-00327-00081936-00082271 persecuted fled to D populated areas the T7wFGpVKWVo-00328-00082272-00082481 most terrible punishment was considered T7wFGpVKWVo-00329-00082482-00082787 an underground pit where rats lived some T7wFGpVKWVo-00330-00082788-00082973 people had been imprisoned and tied to T7wFGpVKWVo-00331-00082974-00083147 the wall there and untied after their T7wFGpVKWVo-00332-00083148-00083441 death old believers were persecuted and T7wFGpVKWVo-00333-00083442-00083657 executed the order was that even those T7wFGpVKWVo-00334-00083658-00083855 renouncing completely their beliefs and T7wFGpVKWVo-00335-00083856-00084041 baptized in the state church to be T7wFGpVKWVo-00336-00084042-00084272 lynched without mercy the writer T7wFGpVKWVo-00337-00084273-00084469 Lomonosov opposed the religious T7wFGpVKWVo-00338-00084470-00084638 teachings and by his initiative a T7wFGpVKWVo-00339-00084639-00084809 scientific book against them was T7wFGpVKWVo-00340-00084810-00085082 published the book was destroyed the T7wFGpVKWVo-00341-00085083-00085310 Russian Synod insisted lomonosov's works T7wFGpVKWVo-00342-00085311-00085466 to be burned and requested his T7wFGpVKWVo-00343-00085467-00085640 punishment T7wFGpVKWVo-00344-00085641-00085892 less than pre greater than slash pre T7wFGpVKWVo-00345-00085893-00086086 greater than dot dot dot were cutting T7wFGpVKWVo-00346-00086087-00086326 heads hanging some by the neck some by T7wFGpVKWVo-00347-00086327-00086506 the foot many of them were stabbed with T7wFGpVKWVo-00348-00086507-00086719 sharp sticks and impaled on hooks T7wFGpVKWVo-00349-00086720-00086936 this included the tethering to a T7wFGpVKWVo-00350-00086937-00087157 ponytail drowning and freezing people T7wFGpVKWVo-00351-00087158-00087461 alive in lakes the winners did not spare T7wFGpVKWVo-00352-00087462-00087661 even the sick in the elderly taking them T7wFGpVKWVo-00353-00087662-00087832 out of the monastery and throwing them T7wFGpVKWVo-00354-00087833-00088126 mercilessly in icy vices the word T7wFGpVKWVo-00355-00088127-00088330 step-back the pen does not move in T7wFGpVKWVo-00356-00088331-00088574 Eternal Darkness the ancients Olivet Ski T7wFGpVKWVo-00357-00088575-00088855 monastery is going of the more than 500 T7wFGpVKWVo-00358-00088856-00089111 people only a few managed to avoid the T7wFGpVKWVo-00359-00089112-00089676 terrible court T7wFGpVKWVo-00360-00089677-00090330 topic persecution for political reasons T7wFGpVKWVo-00361-00090331-00090621 more than 300 Roman Catholics were put T7wFGpVKWVo-00362-00090622-00090823 to death by English governments between T7wFGpVKWVo-00363-00090824-00091134 1535 and 1681 for treason T7wFGpVKWVo-00364-00091135-00091331 thus for secular rather than religious T7wFGpVKWVo-00365-00091332-00091779 offenses in 1570 pope pius v issued his T7wFGpVKWVo-00366-00091780-00091998 papal bull regnant in excelsis which T7wFGpVKWVo-00367-00091999-00092144 absolved catholics from their T7wFGpVKWVo-00368-00092145-00092397 obligations to the government this T7wFGpVKWVo-00369-00092398-00092612 dramatically worsened the situation of T7wFGpVKWVo-00370-00092613-00092823 the Catholics in England English T7wFGpVKWVo-00371-00092824-00092993 governments continued to fear the T7wFGpVKWVo-00372-00092994-00093285 fictitious Popish plot the 1584 T7wFGpVKWVo-00373-00093286-00093548 Parliament of England declared in an act T7wFGpVKWVo-00374-00093549-00093846 against Jesuits seminary priests and T7wFGpVKWVo-00375-00093847-00094229 such other like disobedient persons that T7wFGpVKWVo-00376-00094230-00094436 the purpose of Jesuit missionaries who T7wFGpVKWVo-00377-00094437-00094686 had come to Britain was to stir up and T7wFGpVKWVo-00378-00094687-00094904 move sedition rebellion and open T7wFGpVKWVo-00379-00094905-00095267 hostility consequently Jesuit priests T7wFGpVKWVo-00380-00095268-00095448 like Saint John a Jill VIII were hanged T7wFGpVKWVo-00381-00095449-00095703 this somehow contrasts with the image of T7wFGpVKWVo-00382-00095704-00095894 the Elizabethan era as the time of T7wFGpVKWVo-00383-00095895-00096090 William Shakespeare but compared to the T7wFGpVKWVo-00384-00096091-00096321 antecedent Marian persecutions there is T7wFGpVKWVo-00385-00096322-00096599 an important difference to consider Mary T7wFGpVKWVo-00386-00096600-00096800 the first of England had been motivated T7wFGpVKWVo-00387-00096801-00097025 by a religious zeal to purge heresy from T7wFGpVKWVo-00388-00097026-00097229 her land and during her short reign from T7wFGpVKWVo-00389-00097230-00097665 1553 to 1558 about 290 Protestants had T7wFGpVKWVo-00390-00097666-00097850 been burned at the stake for heresy T7wFGpVKWVo-00391-00097851-00098018 whereas Elizabeth the first of England T7wFGpVKWVo-00392-00098019-00098231 acted out of fear for the security of T7wFGpVKWVo-00393-00098232-00098721 her realm T7wFGpVKWVo-00394-00098722-00099223 topic contemporary T7wFGpVKWVo-00395-00099224-00099470 persecution of Hindus resulting in the T7wFGpVKWVo-00396-00099471-00099644 death of thousands in the anti Hindu T7wFGpVKWVo-00397-00099645-00099998 riots in India persecution of Ahmadi T7wFGpVKWVo-00398-00099999-00100229 Muslims resulting in the Lahore massacre T7wFGpVKWVo-00399-00100230-00100526 in Pakistan although his book was T7wFGpVKWVo-00400-00100527-00100691 written before the September 11th T7wFGpVKWVo-00401-00100692-00100760 attacks T7wFGpVKWVo-00402-00100761-00100973 John Coffey explicitly compares the T7wFGpVKWVo-00403-00100974-00101150 English fear of the Pope ish plot with T7wFGpVKWVo-00404-00101151-00101348 the contemporary Islamophobia in the T7wFGpVKWVo-00405-00101349-00101597 Western world among the Muslims T7wFGpVKWVo-00406-00101598-00101765 imprisoned in the Guantanamo Bay T7wFGpVKWVo-00407-00101766-00101870 detention camp T7wFGpVKWVo-00408-00101871-00102032 there also were Mehdi ghazali and T7wFGpVKWVo-00409-00102033-00102212 Morocco nas who could not have been T7wFGpVKWVo-00410-00102213-00102359 found to have any connections with T7wFGpVKWVo-00411-00102360-00102535 terrorism but had traveled to T7wFGpVKWVo-00412-00102536-00102755 Afghanistan and Pakistan because of T7wFGpVKWVo-00413-00102756-00103368 their religious interests T7wFGpVKWVo-00414-00103369-00103680 topic early persecution of and by T7wFGpVKWVo-00415-00103681-00104136 monotheism's T7wFGpVKWVo-00416-00104138-00104323 according to rabbinic tradition T7wFGpVKWVo-00417-00104324-00104578 monotheistic Judaism arose in Egypt T7wFGpVKWVo-00418-00104579-00104863 under the direction of Moses among the T7wFGpVKWVo-00419-00104864-00105049 ten commandments of that religion was T7wFGpVKWVo-00420-00105050-00105208 one that forbade the worship of any T7wFGpVKWVo-00421-00105208-00105391 other God than Yahweh this led to T7wFGpVKWVo-00422-00105392-00105631 conflict when Imperial Rome extended its T7wFGpVKWVo-00423-00105632-00105909 reach into the Middle East early T7wFGpVKWVo-00424-00105910-00106129 Christianity also came into conflict T7wFGpVKWVo-00425-00106130-00106303 with the Roman Empire and may have been T7wFGpVKWVo-00426-00106304-00106477 more threatening to the established T7wFGpVKWVo-00427-00106478-00106720 polytheistic order than had been Judaism T7wFGpVKWVo-00428-00106721-00106911 because of the importance of evangelism T7wFGpVKWVo-00429-00106913-00107239 in Christianity under Nero the Jewish T7wFGpVKWVo-00430-00107240-00107407 exemption from the requirement to T7wFGpVKWVo-00431-00107408-00107632 participate in public cults was lifted T7wFGpVKWVo-00432-00107633-00107833 in Rome began to actively persecute T7wFGpVKWVo-00433-00107833-00108159 monotheists this persecution ended in T7wFGpVKWVo-00434-00108160-00108418 313 ad with the Edict of Milan and T7wFGpVKWVo-00435-00108419-00108616 Christianity was made the official T7wFGpVKWVo-00436-00108617-00108946 religion of the Empire in 380 AD by the T7wFGpVKWVo-00437-00108947-00109171 eighth century Christianity had attained T7wFGpVKWVo-00438-00109172-00109369 a clear ascendancy across Europe and T7wFGpVKWVo-00439-00109370-00109549 neighboring regions and a period of T7wFGpVKWVo-00440-00109550-00109734 consolidation began marked by the T7wFGpVKWVo-00441-00109735-00109978 pursuit of heretics heathens Jews T7wFGpVKWVo-00442-00109979-00110221 Muslims and various other religious T7wFGpVKWVo-00443-00110222-00110755 groups T7wFGpVKWVo-00444-00110756-00111358 topic persecution of Hindus T7wFGpVKWVo-00445-00111358-00111703 the Bangladesh Liberation war 1971 T7wFGpVKWVo-00446-00111704-00111936 resulted in one of the largest genocides T7wFGpVKWVo-00447-00111938-00112243 of the 20th century while estimates of T7wFGpVKWVo-00448-00112244-00112420 the number of casualties was three T7wFGpVKWVo-00449-00112421-00112606 million it is reasonably certain that T7wFGpVKWVo-00450-00112607-00112822 Hindus bore a disproportionate brunt of T7wFGpVKWVo-00451-00112823-00113023 the Pakistan Army's onslaught against T7wFGpVKWVo-00452-00113024-00113230 the Bengali population of what was East T7wFGpVKWVo-00453-00113231-00113539 Pakistan an article in Time magazine T7wFGpVKWVo-00454-00113540-00113869 dated the second of August 1971 stated T7wFGpVKWVo-00455-00113870-00114139 the Hindus who account for three-fourths T7wFGpVKWVo-00456-00114140-00114346 of the refugees and a majority of the T7wFGpVKWVo-00457-00114347-00114556 dead have borne the brunt of the Muslim T7wFGpVKWVo-00458-00114557-00114877 military hatred Senator Edward Kennedy T7wFGpVKWVo-00459-00114878-00115096 wrote in a report that was part of T7wFGpVKWVo-00460-00115097-00115267 United States Senate Committee on T7wFGpVKWVo-00461-00115268-00115498 Foreign Relations testimony dated the T7wFGpVKWVo-00462-00115499-00115846 first of November 1971 hardest-hit have T7wFGpVKWVo-00463-00115847-00116061 been members of the hindu community who T7wFGpVKWVo-00464-00116063-00116211 have been robbed of their lands and T7wFGpVKWVo-00465-00116213-00116484 shops systematically slaughtered and in T7wFGpVKWVo-00466-00116485-00116719 some places painted with yellow patches T7wFGpVKWVo-00467-00116720-00117202 marked H quote dot all of this has been T7wFGpVKWVo-00468-00117203-00117427 officially sanctioned ordered and T7wFGpVKWVo-00469-00117428-00117625 implemented under martial law from T7wFGpVKWVo-00470-00117626-00117807 Islamabad T7wFGpVKWVo-00471-00117808-00118052 in the same report senator Kennedy T7wFGpVKWVo-00472-00118053-00118286 reported that 80% of the refugees in T7wFGpVKWVo-00473-00118288-00118460 India were Hindus in according to T7wFGpVKWVo-00474-00118461-00118674 numerous international relief agencies T7wFGpVKWVo-00475-00118675-00118838 such as UNESCO and World Health T7wFGpVKWVo-00476-00118839-00119000 Organization the number of East T7wFGpVKWVo-00477-00119001-00119216 Pakistani refugees at their peak in T7wFGpVKWVo-00478-00119217-00119523 India was close to 10 million given that T7wFGpVKWVo-00479-00119524-00119702 the Hindu population in East Pakistan T7wFGpVKWVo-00480-00119703-00120021 was around 11 million in 1971 T7wFGpVKWVo-00481-00120022-00120227 this suggests that up to 8 million or T7wFGpVKWVo-00482-00120228-00120488 more than 70% of the Hindu population T7wFGpVKWVo-00483-00120489-00120669 had fled the country the Pulitzer T7wFGpVKWVo-00484-00120670-00120831 prize-winning journalist Sydney T7wFGpVKWVo-00485-00120832-00120999 schanberg covered the start of the war T7wFGpVKWVo-00486-00121000-00121194 and wrote extensively on the suffering T7wFGpVKWVo-00487-00121195-00121379 of the East Bengal Eze including the T7wFGpVKWVo-00488-00121380-00121529 Hindus both during and after the T7wFGpVKWVo-00489-00121530-00121865 conflict in a syndicated column the T7wFGpVKWVo-00490-00121866-00122114 Pakistani slaughter that Nixon ignored T7wFGpVKWVo-00491-00122115-00122382 he wrote about his return to liberated T7wFGpVKWVo-00492-00122383-00122748 Bangladesh in 1972 other reminders were T7wFGpVKWVo-00493-00122749-00123120 the yellow H s the Pakistanis had T7wFGpVKWVo-00494-00123121-00123290 painted on the homes of Hindus T7wFGpVKWVo-00495-00123291-00123689 particular targets of the Muslim army by T7wFGpVKWVo-00496-00123690-00124040 Muslim army meaning the Pakistan army T7wFGpVKWVo-00497-00124041-00124262 which had targeted Bengali Muslims as T7wFGpVKWVo-00498-00124263-00124660 well news day the 29th of April 1994 T7wFGpVKWVo-00499-00124661-00125082 Hindus constitute approximately 0.5% of T7wFGpVKWVo-00500-00125083-00125271 the total population of the United T7wFGpVKWVo-00501-00125272-00125609 States Hindus in the u.s. enjoy both de T7wFGpVKWVo-00502-00125610-00125946 jure and de facto legal equality however T7wFGpVKWVo-00503-00125947-00126168 a series of attacks were made on people T7wFGpVKWVo-00504-00126169-00126362 Indian origin by a street gang called T7wFGpVKWVo-00505-00126363-00126815 the dot Buster's in New Jersey in 1987 T7wFGpVKWVo-00506-00126816-00127008 the dots signifying the bindi dot T7wFGpVKWVo-00507-00127008-00127211 sticker worn on the forehead by Indian T7wFGpVKWVo-00508-00127213-00127497 women the lackadaisical attitude of the T7wFGpVKWVo-00509-00127498-00127685 local police prompted the South Asian T7wFGpVKWVo-00510-00127686-00127913 community to arrange small groups all T7wFGpVKWVo-00511-00127914-00128108 across the state to fight back against T7wFGpVKWVo-00512-00128109-00128375 the street gang the perpetrators have T7wFGpVKWVo-00513-00128376-00128646 been put to trial on the 2nd of January T7wFGpVKWVo-00514-00128647-00128900 2012 a Hindu worship Center in New York T7wFGpVKWVo-00515-00128901-00129222 City was firebombed the dot Busters were T7wFGpVKWVo-00516-00129223-00129410 primarily based in New York and New T7wFGpVKWVo-00517-00129411-00129570 Jersey and committed most of their T7wFGpVKWVo-00518-00129571-00129839 crimes in Jersey City a number of T7wFGpVKWVo-00519-00129840-00130023 perpetrators have been brought to trial T7wFGpVKWVo-00520-00130024-00130304 for these assaults although tougher and T7wFGpVKWVo-00521-00130305-00130487 II hate crime laws were passed by the T7wFGpVKWVo-00522-00130488-00130766 New Jersey Legislature in 1990 the T7wFGpVKWVo-00523-00130767-00131033 attacks continued with 58 cases of hate T7wFGpVKWVo-00524-00131034-00131175 crimes against Indians in T7wFGpVKWVo-00525-00131176-00131409 New Jersey reported in 1991 in T7wFGpVKWVo-00526-00131410-00131694 Bangladesh on the 28th of February 2013 T7wFGpVKWVo-00527-00131695-00131955 the international crimes tribunal T7wFGpVKWVo-00528-00131956-00132177 sentenced del war Hossein Sayyidi the T7wFGpVKWVo-00529-00132178-00132408 vice president of the jamaat-e-islami to T7wFGpVKWVo-00530-00132409-00132543 death for the war crimes committed T7wFGpVKWVo-00531-00132544-00132786 during the 1971 Bangladesh Liberation T7wFGpVKWVo-00532-00132787-00133164 war following the sentence activists of T7wFGpVKWVo-00533-00133165-00133365 jamaat-e-islami and its student wing T7wFGpVKWVo-00534-00133366-00133563 Islam each otra shibir attacked the T7wFGpVKWVo-00535-00133564-00133775 Hindus in different parts of the country T7wFGpVKWVo-00536-00133776-00134034 Hindu properties were looted Hindu T7wFGpVKWVo-00537-00134035-00134244 houses were burnt in to ashes and Hindu T7wFGpVKWVo-00538-00134245-00134471 temples were desecrated and set on fire T7wFGpVKWVo-00539-00134472-00134694 while the government has held the T7wFGpVKWVo-00540-00134695-00134904 jamaat-e-islami responsible for the T7wFGpVKWVo-00541-00134905-00135069 attacks on the minorities the T7wFGpVKWVo-00542-00135070-00135294 jamaat-e-islami leadership has denied T7wFGpVKWVo-00543-00135295-00135582 any involvement the minority leaders T7wFGpVKWVo-00544-00135583-00135783 have protested the attacks and appealed T7wFGpVKWVo-00545-00135784-00135873 for justice T7wFGpVKWVo-00546-00135874-00136107 the Supreme Court of Bangladesh has T7wFGpVKWVo-00547-00136108-00136308 directed the law enforcement to start T7wFGpVKWVo-00548-00136309-00136610 suo motu investigation into the attacks T7wFGpVKWVo-00549-00136611-00136923 u.s. Ambassador to Bangladesh expressed T7wFGpVKWVo-00550-00136924-00137109 concern about attack of Jamaat on T7wFGpVKWVo-00551-00137110-00137406 Bengali Hindu community the violence T7wFGpVKWVo-00552-00137407-00137613 included the looting of Hindu properties T7wFGpVKWVo-00553-00137614-00137805 and businesses the burning of Hindu T7wFGpVKWVo-00554-00137806-00137991 homes rape of Hindu women and T7wFGpVKWVo-00555-00137992-00138186 desecration and destruction of Hindu T7wFGpVKWVo-00556-00138187-00138272 temples T7wFGpVKWVo-00557-00138273-00138537 according to community leaders more than T7wFGpVKWVo-00558-00138538-00138870 50 Hindu temples and 1,500 Hindu homes T7wFGpVKWVo-00559-00138871-00139549 were destroyed in 20 districts T7wFGpVKWVo-00560-00139550-00140175 topic persecution of Christians T7wFGpVKWVo-00561-00140176-00140403 the persecution of Christians can be T7wFGpVKWVo-00562-00140404-00140592 found historically and in the current T7wFGpVKWVo-00563-00140593-00140856 century even from the beginnings of the T7wFGpVKWVo-00564-00140857-00141060 religion as a movement within Judaism T7wFGpVKWVo-00565-00141061-00141249 early Christians were persecuted for T7wFGpVKWVo-00566-00141250-00141453 their faith at the hands of both Jews in T7wFGpVKWVo-00567-00141454-00141648 the Roman Empire which controlled much T7wFGpVKWVo-00568-00141649-00141846 of the areas where Christianity was T7wFGpVKWVo-00569-00141847-00142125 first distributed this continued from T7wFGpVKWVo-00570-00142126-00142326 the first century until the early 4th T7wFGpVKWVo-00571-00142327-00142518 when the religion was legalized by the T7wFGpVKWVo-00572-00142519-00142752 Edict of Milan eventually becoming the T7wFGpVKWVo-00573-00142753-00143037 state Church of the Roman Empire in his T7wFGpVKWVo-00574-00143038-00143223 book there is no crime for those who T7wFGpVKWVo-00575-00143224-00143433 have Christ religious violence in the T7wFGpVKWVo-00576-00143434-00143658 Christian Roman Empire Michel Gaddis T7wFGpVKWVo-00577-00143659-00143931 wrote the Christian experience of T7wFGpVKWVo-00578-00143932-00144138 violence during the pagan persecutions T7wFGpVKWVo-00579-00144139-00144351 shaped the ideologies and practices that T7wFGpVKWVo-00580-00144352-00144573 drove further religious conflicts over T7wFGpVKWVo-00581-00144574-00144892 the course of the 4th and 5th centuries T7wFGpVKWVo-00582-00144893-00145129 the formative experience of martyrdom T7wFGpVKWVo-00583-00145130-00145345 and persecution determined the ways in T7wFGpVKWVo-00584-00145346-00145549 which later Christians would both use an T7wFGpVKWVo-00585-00145550-00145756 experienced violence under the Christian T7wFGpVKWVo-00586-00145757-00146032 Empire discourses of martyrdom and T7wFGpVKWVo-00587-00146033-00146233 persecution formed the symbolic language T7wFGpVKWVo-00588-00146234-00146440 through which Christians represented T7wFGpVKWVo-00589-00146441-00146650 justified or denounced the use of T7wFGpVKWVo-00590-00146651-00146965 violence today Christians are harshly T7wFGpVKWVo-00591-00146966-00147190 persecuted in countries like North Korea T7wFGpVKWVo-00592-00147191-00147570 China Iraq Iran Pakistan Afghanistan T7wFGpVKWVo-00593-00147571-00147814 Tajikistan Uzbekistan Kazakhstan T7wFGpVKWVo-00594-00147815-00148270 Turkmenistan Syria Somalia Eritrea Sudan T7wFGpVKWVo-00595-00148271-00148883 Yemen among others T7wFGpVKWVo-00596-00148884-00149495 topic persecutions of Jews T7wFGpVKWVo-00597-00149496-00149737 a major component of Jewish history T7wFGpVKWVo-00598-00149738-00149914 persecutions have been committed by T7wFGpVKWVo-00599-00149915-00150185 Seleucids ancient Greeks ancient Romans T7wFGpVKWVo-00600-00150186-00150454 Christians Catholics Orthodox and T7wFGpVKWVo-00601-00150455-00150829 Protestant Muslims communists Nazis etc T7wFGpVKWVo-00602-00150830-00151066 some of the most important events T7wFGpVKWVo-00603-00151067-00151264 constituting this history include the T7wFGpVKWVo-00604-00151265-00151544 1066 Grenada Massacre the Rhineland T7wFGpVKWVo-00605-00151545-00151793 massacres by Catholics but against papal T7wFGpVKWVo-00606-00151794-00152072 orders see also see couch Jew dais the T7wFGpVKWVo-00607-00152073-00152258 Alhambra decree after the Reconquista T7wFGpVKWVo-00608-00152259-00152432 and the creation of the Spanish T7wFGpVKWVo-00609-00152433-00152638 Inquisition the publication of on the T7wFGpVKWVo-00610-00152639-00152788 Jews and their lives by Martin Luther T7wFGpVKWVo-00611-00152789-00152989 which initiated the Protestant T7wFGpVKWVo-00612-00152990-00153176 anti-semitism and strengthened German T7wFGpVKWVo-00613-00153177-00153368 anti-semitism the pogroms and the T7wFGpVKWVo-00614-00153369-00153916 Holocaust T7wFGpVKWVo-00615-00153917-00154553 topic persecution of Samaritans T7wFGpVKWVo-00616-00154554-00154772 the Samaritan temple at Mount Gerizim T7wFGpVKWVo-00617-00154773-00155015 was destroyed by John higher canis in T7wFGpVKWVo-00618-00155016-00155291 about 128 BC partly because it was T7wFGpVKWVo-00619-00155292-00155510 attracting some northern Jews as a place T7wFGpVKWVo-00620-00155511-00155897 of worship in 107 BC higher canis T7wFGpVKWVo-00621-00155898-00156151 destroyed Shechem in the 17th century T7wFGpVKWVo-00622-00156152-00156383 Muslims from Nablus forced some T7wFGpVKWVo-00623-00156384-00156587 Samaritans to convert to Islam and T7wFGpVKWVo-00624-00156588-00157250 forbade access to Mount Gerizim T7wFGpVKWVo-00625-00157251-00158202 topic persecution of Muslims T7wFGpVKWVo-00626-00158203-00158814 topic persecutions of Sikhs T7wFGpVKWVo-00627-00158815-00159207 the 1984 Andy seeks riots or the 1984 T7wFGpVKWVo-00628-00159208-00159420 Sikh massacre were a series of pogroms T7wFGpVKWVo-00629-00159421-00159681 directed against Sikhs in India by anti T7wFGpVKWVo-00630-00159682-00159861 seek mobs in response to the T7wFGpVKWVo-00631-00159862-00160068 assassination of Indira Gandhi by her T7wFGpVKWVo-00632-00160069-00160323 Sikh bodyguards there were more than T7wFGpVKWVo-00633-00160324-00160695 8,000 deaths including 3,000 in Delhi in T7wFGpVKWVo-00634-00160696-00161034 June 1984 during Operation Blue Star and T7wFGpVKWVo-00635-00161035-00161244 Dara Gandhi ordered the Indian army to T7wFGpVKWVo-00636-00161245-00161436 attack the Golden Temple and eliminate T7wFGpVKWVo-00637-00161437-00161661 any insurgents as it had been occupied T7wFGpVKWVo-00638-00161662-00161850 by Sikh separatists who were stockpiling T7wFGpVKWVo-00639-00161851-00162183 weapons later operations by Indian T7wFGpVKWVo-00640-00162184-00162420 paramilitary forces were initiated to T7wFGpVKWVo-00641-00162421-00162561 clear the separatists from the T7wFGpVKWVo-00642-00162562-00162795 countryside of Punjab State the violence T7wFGpVKWVo-00643-00162796-00162924 in Delhi was triggered by the T7wFGpVKWVo-00644-00162925-00163167 assassination of Indira Gandhi India's T7wFGpVKWVo-00645-00163168-00163421 Prime Minister on the 31st of October T7wFGpVKWVo-00646-00163422-00163725 1984 by two of her Sikh bodyguards in T7wFGpVKWVo-00647-00163726-00163932 response to her actions authorizing the T7wFGpVKWVo-00648-00163933-00164181 military operation after the T7wFGpVKWVo-00649-00164182-00164379 assassination following operation T7wFGpVKWVo-00650-00164380-00164574 bluestar many Indian National Congress T7wFGpVKWVo-00651-00164575-00164814 workers including Jagdish tight ler T7wFGpVKWVo-00652-00164815-00165030 sahjhan Kumar and Kamal Nath were T7wFGpVKWVo-00653-00165031-00165252 accused of inciting and participating in T7wFGpVKWVo-00654-00165253-00165480 riots targeting the Sikh population of T7wFGpVKWVo-00655-00165481-00165720 the capital the Indian government T7wFGpVKWVo-00656-00165721-00166011 reported 2,700 deaths in the ensuing T7wFGpVKWVo-00657-00166012-00166335 chaos in the aftermath of the riots the T7wFGpVKWVo-00658-00166336-00166575 Indian government reported 20,000 had T7wFGpVKWVo-00659-00166576-00166794 fled the city however the people's Union T7wFGpVKWVo-00660-00166795-00167096 for civil liberties reported at least T7wFGpVKWVo-00661-00167097-00167379 1,000 displaced persons the most T7wFGpVKWVo-00662-00167380-00167538 affected regions were the Sikh T7wFGpVKWVo-00663-00167539-00167757 neighborhoods in Delhi the Central T7wFGpVKWVo-00664-00167758-00167988 Bureau of Investigation the main Indian T7wFGpVKWVo-00665-00167989-00168228 investigating agency is of the opinion T7wFGpVKWVo-00666-00168229-00168414 that the acts of violence were organized T7wFGpVKWVo-00667-00168415-00168609 with the support from the Vendela police T7wFGpVKWVo-00668-00168610-00168780 officials in the central government T7wFGpVKWVo-00669-00168781-00169005 headed by Indira Gandhi's son Rajiv T7wFGpVKWVo-00670-00169006-00169299 Gandhi Rajiv Gandhi was sworn in as T7wFGpVKWVo-00671-00169300-00169494 Prime Minister after his mother's death T7wFGpVKWVo-00672-00169495-00169761 and when asked about the riots said when T7wFGpVKWVo-00673-00169762-00170118 a big tree falls mrs. Gandhi's death the T7wFGpVKWVo-00674-00170119-00170334 earth shakes occurrence of riots T7wFGpVKWVo-00675-00170335-00170628 thus trying to justify communal strife T7wFGpVKWVo-00676-00170629-00170823 there are allegations that the Indian T7wFGpVKWVo-00677-00170824-00170988 National Congress government at that T7wFGpVKWVo-00678-00170989-00171210 time destroyed evidence and shielded the T7wFGpVKWVo-00679-00171211-00171504 guilty the Asian age front-page story T7wFGpVKWVo-00680-00171505-00171738 called the government actions the mother T7wFGpVKWVo-00681-00171739-00172032 of all cover-ups there are allegations T7wFGpVKWVo-00682-00172033-00172206 that the violence was led in T7wFGpVKWVo-00683-00172207-00172401 often perpetrated by Indian National T7wFGpVKWVo-00684-00172402-00172593 Congress activists and sympathizers T7wFGpVKWVo-00685-00172594-00172911 during the riots the government then led T7wFGpVKWVo-00686-00172912-00173118 by the Congress was widely criticized T7wFGpVKWVo-00687-00173119-00173286 for doing very little at the time T7wFGpVKWVo-00688-00173287-00173586 possibly acting as a conspirator the T7wFGpVKWVo-00689-00173587-00173790 conspiracy theory is supported by the T7wFGpVKWVo-00690-00173791-00173985 fact that voting lists were used to T7wFGpVKWVo-00691-00173986-00174288 identify Sikh families despite their T7wFGpVKWVo-00692-00174289-00174516 communal conflict and riots record the T7wFGpVKWVo-00693-00174517-00174723 Indian National Congress claims to be a T7wFGpVKWVo-00694-00174724-00175300 secular party T7wFGpVKWVo-00695-00175301-00175936 topic persecutions of atheists T7wFGpVKWVo-00696-00175937-00176197 used before the 18th century as an T7wFGpVKWVo-00697-00176198-00176257 insult T7wFGpVKWVo-00698-00176258-00176461 atheism was punishable by death in T7wFGpVKWVo-00699-00176462-00176665 ancient Greece in ancient Israel in T7wFGpVKWVo-00700-00176666-00176839 Christian countries during the Middle T7wFGpVKWVo-00701-00176840-00177109 Ages and in Muslim countries today T7wFGpVKWVo-00702-00177110-00177385 atheism is punishable by death in 13 T7wFGpVKWVo-00703-00177386-00177646 countries Afghanistan Iran Malaysia T7wFGpVKWVo-00704-00177647-00177954 Maldives Mauritania Nigeria Pakistan T7wFGpVKWVo-00705-00177955-00178396 Qatar Saudi Arabia Somalia Sudan United T7wFGpVKWVo-00706-00178397-00178579 Arab Emirates in Yemen all of them T7wFGpVKWVo-00707-00178580-00178816 Muslim while the overwhelming majority T7wFGpVKWVo-00708-00178817-00179200 of the 192 United Nation member T7wFGpVKWVo-00709-00179201-00179470 countries at best discriminate against T7wFGpVKWVo-00710-00179471-00179728 citizens who have no belief in a god and T7wFGpVKWVo-00711-00179729-00179929 at worst can jail them for offenses T7wFGpVKWVo-00712-00179930-00180578 dubbed blasphemy T7wFGpVKWVo-00713-00180579-00180914 topic persecution of minorities in T7wFGpVKWVo-00714-00180915-00181356 Islamic lands T7wFGpVKWVo-00715-00181357-00181622 victims of Muslim persecution include T7wFGpVKWVo-00716-00181623-00181944 Jews Christians Xaro Astra ins Hindus T7wFGpVKWVo-00717-00181945-00182296 Buddhists the highest SERS and atheists T7wFGpVKWVo-00718-00182297-00182571 Muslim persecution of fellow Muslims T7wFGpVKWVo-00719-00182572-00182849 include as victims Shia ahmadies Sufi T7wFGpVKWVo-00720-00182850-00183477 Olivas and Salafis T7wFGpVKWVo-00721-00183478-00184055 topic state atheism T7wFGpVKWVo-00722-00184056-00184346 state atheism has been defined by David T7wFGpVKWVo-00723-00184347-00184607 Cowell FC as the official promotion of T7wFGpVKWVo-00724-00184608-00184907 atheism by a government typically by T7wFGpVKWVo-00725-00184908-00185093 active suppression of religious freedom T7wFGpVKWVo-00726-00185094-00185411 and practice it is a misnomer referring T7wFGpVKWVo-00727-00185412-00185627 to a government's anti-clericalism which T7wFGpVKWVo-00728-00185628-00185843 opposes religious institutional power T7wFGpVKWVo-00729-00185844-00186071 and influence real or alleged in all T7wFGpVKWVo-00730-00186072-00186278 aspects of public and political life T7wFGpVKWVo-00731-00186279-00186494 including the involvement of religion in T7wFGpVKWVo-00732-00186495-00186701 the everyday life of the citizen state T7wFGpVKWVo-00733-00186702-00186905 atheism was first practiced during a T7wFGpVKWVo-00734-00186906-00187139 brief period in revolutionary France and T7wFGpVKWVo-00735-00187140-00187361 repeated only in revolutionary Mexico T7wFGpVKWVo-00736-00187362-00187673 and communist states the Soviet Union T7wFGpVKWVo-00737-00187674-00187898 had a long history of state atheism in T7wFGpVKWVo-00738-00187899-00188117 which social success largely required T7wFGpVKWVo-00739-00188118-00188381 individuals to profess atheism stay away T7wFGpVKWVo-00740-00188382-00188582 from churches and even vandalize them T7wFGpVKWVo-00741-00188583-00188801 this attitude was especially militant T7wFGpVKWVo-00742-00188802-00188981 during the Middle Stalinist era from T7wFGpVKWVo-00743-00188982-00189428 1929 to 1939 the Soviet Union attempted T7wFGpVKWVo-00744-00189429-00189662 to suppress religion over wide areas of T7wFGpVKWVo-00745-00189663-00189845 its influence including places like T7wFGpVKWVo-00746-00189846-00190067 Central Asia and the post-world War two T7wFGpVKWVo-00747-00190068-00190400 Eastern Bloc one state within that block T7wFGpVKWVo-00748-00190401-00190607 the socialist People's Republic of T7wFGpVKWVo-00749-00190608-00190850 Albania under in vert hoja went so far T7wFGpVKWVo-00750-00190851-00191042 as to officially ban all religious T7wFGpVKWVo-00751-00191043-00191595 practices T7wFGpVKWVo-00752-00191596-00192212 topic persecution of bahá'ís T7wFGpVKWVo-00753-00192213-00192482 the bhai Asura Ron's largest religious T7wFGpVKWVo-00754-00192483-00192725 minority and Iran is the location of one T7wFGpVKWVo-00755-00192726-00192935 of the largest Baha'i populations in the T7wFGpVKWVo-00756-00192936-00193177 world the highest in Iran have been T7wFGpVKWVo-00757-00193178-00193415 subject to unwarranted arrests false T7wFGpVKWVo-00758-00193416-00193652 imprisonment beatings torture and T7wFGpVKWVo-00759-00193653-00193925 justified executions confiscation and T7wFGpVKWVo-00760-00193926-00194077 destruction of property owned by T7wFGpVKWVo-00761-00194078-00194229 individuals in the Baha'i community T7wFGpVKWVo-00762-00194230-00194491 denial of employment denial of T7wFGpVKWVo-00763-00194492-00194716 government benefits denial of civil T7wFGpVKWVo-00764-00194717-00194900 rights and liberties and denial of T7wFGpVKWVo-00765-00194901-00195253 access to higher education more recently T7wFGpVKWVo-00766-00195254-00195557 in the later months of 2005 an intensive T7wFGpVKWVo-00767-00195558-00195761 anti Baha'i campaign was conducted by T7wFGpVKWVo-00768-00195762-00196000 Iranian newspapers and radio stations T7wFGpVKWVo-00769-00196001-00196283 the state-run an influential Keun T7wFGpVKWVo-00770-00196284-00196487 newspaper whose managing editor is T7wFGpVKWVo-00771-00196488-00196639 appointed by Iran's supreme leader T7wFGpVKWVo-00772-00196640-00196952 Ayatollah Khamenei to brand nearly three T7wFGpVKWVo-00773-00196953-00197206 dozen articles defaming the Baha'i faith T7wFGpVKWVo-00774-00197207-00197468 furthermore a confidential letter sent T7wFGpVKWVo-00775-00197469-00197786 on October 29 2005 by the chairman of T7wFGpVKWVo-00776-00197787-00197951 the command headquarters of the armed T7wFGpVKWVo-00777-00197952-00198158 forced in Iran states that the Supreme T7wFGpVKWVo-00778-00198159-00198364 Leader of Iran Ayatollah Khamenei has T7wFGpVKWVo-00779-00198365-00198587 instructed the command headquarters to T7wFGpVKWVo-00780-00198588-00198788 identify people who adhere to the Baha'i T7wFGpVKWVo-00781-00198789-00198974 faith and to monitor their activities T7wFGpVKWVo-00782-00198975-00199169 and gather any and all information about T7wFGpVKWVo-00783-00199170-00199418 the members of the Baha'i faith the T7wFGpVKWVo-00784-00199419-00199579 letter was brought to the attention of T7wFGpVKWVo-00785-00199580-00199796 the international community by Asma T7wFGpVKWVo-00786-00199797-00200021 Jahangir the Special Rapporteur of the T7wFGpVKWVo-00787-00200022-00200219 United Nations Commission on human T7wFGpVKWVo-00788-00200220-00200393 rights on freedom of religion or belief T7wFGpVKWVo-00789-00200394-00200841 in a March 20th 2006 press release three T7wFGpVKWVo-00790-00200842-00201058 in the press release the special rapid T7wFGpVKWVo-00791-00201059-00201312 our states that she is highly concerned T7wFGpVKWVo-00792-00201313-00201477 by information she has received T7wFGpVKWVo-00793-00201478-00201714 concerning the treatment of members of T7wFGpVKWVo-00794-00201715-00202050 the Baha'i community in Iran she further T7wFGpVKWVo-00795-00202051-00202309 states that the Special Rapporteur is T7wFGpVKWVo-00796-00202310-00202487 concerned that this latest development T7wFGpVKWVo-00797-00202488-00202764 indicates that the situation with regard T7wFGpVKWVo-00798-00202765-00203013 to religious minorities in Iran as in T7wFGpVKWVo-00799-00203014-00203336 fact deteriorating T7wFGpVKWVo-00800-00203337-00203842 for T7wFGpVKWVo-00801-00203843-00204477 topic persecution of Buddhists T7wFGpVKWVo-00802-00204478-00204676 persecution of Buddhists was a T7wFGpVKWVo-00803-00204677-00204859 widespread phenomenon throughout the T7wFGpVKWVo-00804-00204860-00205069 history of Buddhism lasting to this day T7wFGpVKWVo-00805-00205071-00205288 beginning as early as the third century T7wFGpVKWVo-00806-00205289-00205576 AD by the Zoroastrian sassanid empire T7wFGpVKWVo-00807-00205577-00205846 anti Buddhist sentiments in Imperial T7wFGpVKWVo-00808-00205848-00206059 China between the 5th and 10th century T7wFGpVKWVo-00809-00206060-00206284 led to the four Buddhist persecutions in T7wFGpVKWVo-00810-00206285-00206485 China of which the great anti Buddhist T7wFGpVKWVo-00811-00206486-00206809 persecution of 845 was probably the most T7wFGpVKWVo-00812-00206810-00207152 severe in the 20th century Buddhists T7wFGpVKWVo-00813-00207153-00207346 were persecuted by Asian communist T7wFGpVKWVo-00814-00207348-00207598 states and parties Imperial Japan and by T7wFGpVKWVo-00815-00207600-00208227 the Kuomintang among others T7wFGpVKWVo-00816-00208228-00208846 topic persecution of sirs T7wFGpVKWVo-00817-00208848-00209121 persecution of the sir people of Senegal T7wFGpVKWVo-00818-00209121-00209307 the Gambia and Mauritania is T7wFGpVKWVo-00819-00209308-00209498 multifaceted and it includes both T7wFGpVKWVo-00820-00209500-00209829 religious and ethnic elements religious T7wFGpVKWVo-00821-00209830-00210017 and ethnic persecution of the sewer T7wFGpVKWVo-00822-00210019-00210216 people dates back to the 11th century T7wFGpVKWVo-00823-00210217-00210432 when King Ward job' usurped the throne T7wFGpVKWVo-00824-00210433-00210702 of tecar part of present-day Senegal in T7wFGpVKWVo-00825-00210703-00211044 10:30 and by 10:35 introduced Sharia law T7wFGpVKWVo-00826-00211044-00211244 and forced his subjects to submit to T7wFGpVKWVo-00827-00211246-00211548 Islam with the assistance of his son leb T7wFGpVKWVo-00828-00211548-00211788 there almoravid allies and other African T7wFGpVKWVo-00829-00211789-00211983 ethnic groups who have embraced Islam T7wFGpVKWVo-00830-00211984-00212190 the Muslim coalition army launched T7wFGpVKWVo-00831-00212191-00212400 Jihad's against the Serb people of Teck T7wFGpVKWVo-00832-00212401-00212646 Rahul fused to abandon sir a religion in T7wFGpVKWVo-00833-00212646-00212901 favour of Islam the number of sewer T7wFGpVKWVo-00834-00212902-00213092 deaths are unknown but it triggered the T7wFGpVKWVo-00835-00213094-00213327 exodus of the SERS of tecar to the south T7wFGpVKWVo-00836-00213328-00213498 following their defeat where they were T7wFGpVKWVo-00837-00213498-00213748 granted asylum by the lam means T7wFGpVKWVo-00838-00213750-00213998 persecution of the sir people continued T7wFGpVKWVo-00839-00214000-00214182 from the medieval era to the 19th T7wFGpVKWVo-00840-00214183-00214373 century resulting in the Battle of T7wFGpVKWVo-00841-00214375-00214683 fanned Anthea soon from the 20th to the T7wFGpVKWVo-00842-00214684-00214956 21st centuries persecution of the SERS T7wFGpVKWVo-00843-00214957-00215169 is less obvious nevertheless they are T7wFGpVKWVo-00844-00215169-00215838 the object of scorn and Prejudice T7wFGpVKWVo-00845-00215839-00216481 topic persecution of Falun Gong T7wFGpVKWVo-00846-00216482-00216706 the persecution of the Falun Gong T7wFGpVKWVo-00847-00216707-00216952 spiritual practice began with campaigns T7wFGpVKWVo-00848-00216953-00217219 initiated in 1999 by the Chinese T7wFGpVKWVo-00849-00217219-00217462 Communist Party to eliminate Falun Gong T7wFGpVKWVo-00850-00217463-00217719 in China it is characterized by T7wFGpVKWVo-00851-00217721-00217971 multifaceted propaganda campaign a T7wFGpVKWVo-00852-00217973-00218185 program of enforced ideological T7wFGpVKWVo-00853-00218186-00218383 conversion and re-education and a T7wFGpVKWVo-00854-00218384-00218611 variety of extra legal coercive measures T7wFGpVKWVo-00855-00218612-00218848 such as arbitrary arrests forced labor T7wFGpVKWVo-00856-00218848-00219112 and physical torture sometimes resulting T7wFGpVKWVo-00857-00219113-00219394 in death there have been reports of T7wFGpVKWVo-00858-00219394-00219559 organ harvesting of Falun Gong T7wFGpVKWVo-00859-00219560-00219832 practitioners in China several T7wFGpVKWVo-00860-00219833-00220126 researchers most notably Canadian human T7wFGpVKWVo-00861-00220127-00220333 rights lawyer David Matas former T7wFGpVKWVo-00862-00220334-00220525 parliamentarian David killed er an T7wFGpVKWVo-00863-00220526-00220761 investigative journalist Ethan Gutmann T7wFGpVKWVo-00864-00220762-00221029 estimate that tens of thousands of Falun T7wFGpVKWVo-00865-00221030-00221215 Gong prisoners of conscience have been T7wFGpVKWVo-00866-00221216-00221401 killed to supply a lucrative trade in T7wFGpVKWVo-00867-00221402-00222060 human organs and cadavers T7wFGpVKWVo-00868-00222061-00222611 topic see also T7wFGpVKWVo-00869-00222612-00223017 Christian privilege cultural cleansing T7wFGpVKWVo-00870-00223019-00223423 human rights abuses Islamic religious T7wFGpVKWVo-00871-00223425-00223927 police persecution religious abuse T7wFGpVKWVo-00872-00223928-00224261 religious pluralism religious T7wFGpVKWVo-00873-00224262-00224726 segregation religious violence T7YfQ17Qa_I-00000-00000000-00000233 anyone that is lucky enough to find a T7YfQ17Qa_I-00001-00000234-00000473 sigma Fino never wants to let go of her T7YfQ17Qa_I-00002-00000474-00000808 Sigma females are rare like painted they T7YfQ17Qa_I-00003-00000809-00000977 have a unique way to life that when T7YfQ17Qa_I-00004-00000977-00001175 people have a taste of it nobody wants T7YfQ17Qa_I-00005-00001176-00001385 to leave them alone the reason why T7YfQ17Qa_I-00006-00001386-00001639 everyone wants a sigma female is because T7YfQ17Qa_I-00007-00001639-00002081 one they have the strangest mindset when T7YfQ17Qa_I-00008-00002082-00002297 anyone gets into the mental space of the T7YfQ17Qa_I-00009-00002298-00002525 sigma female they never want to leave T7YfQ17Qa_I-00010-00002526-00002771 these women are like no other women they T7YfQ17Qa_I-00011-00002772-00003029 have ever seen they have the mindset of T7YfQ17Qa_I-00012-00003030-00003215 a warrior combined with that of a winner T7YfQ17Qa_I-00013-00003215-00003420 they are tougher than they look T7YfQ17Qa_I-00014-00003421-00003719 resilient and Relentless they are T7YfQ17Qa_I-00015-00003720-00003995 self-motivated and do not rely on anyone T7YfQ17Qa_I-00016-00003996-00004204 for anything they are the highest T7YfQ17Qa_I-00017-00004205-00004456 Believers of what they can do and cannot T7YfQ17Qa_I-00018-00004457-00004715 do they don't have the limiting belief T7YfQ17Qa_I-00019-00004716-00005033 system they have an open mind and are T7YfQ17Qa_I-00020-00005034-00005188 willing to listen without passing T7YfQ17Qa_I-00021-00005189-00005285 judgment T7YfQ17Qa_I-00022-00005286-00005531 they seek reason and want to understand T7YfQ17Qa_I-00023-00005532-00005783 people profoundly without making Hasty T7YfQ17Qa_I-00024-00005784-00005897 conclusions T7YfQ17Qa_I-00025-00005898-00006136 they do not gossip nor do they like to T7YfQ17Qa_I-00026-00006137-00006317 spend their time chatting about trivia T7YfQ17Qa_I-00027-00006318-00006641 the sigma mindset is contagious and T7YfQ17Qa_I-00028-00006642-00006845 everyone that comes in contact with them T7YfQ17Qa_I-00029-00006845-00007096 always want to be like them in one way T7YfQ17Qa_I-00030-00007097-00007355 or the other Sigma females are like the T7YfQ17Qa_I-00031-00007356-00007613 City built on a hill the light in the T7YfQ17Qa_I-00032-00007614-00007853 dark room once it starts shining T7YfQ17Qa_I-00033-00007854-00008155 everyone is attracted to it 2. T7YfQ17Qa_I-00034-00008156-00008513 unbelievably reliable Sigma females are T7YfQ17Qa_I-00035-00008514-00008759 reliable you can count on them for T7YfQ17Qa_I-00036-00008760-00008999 anything once they give you their word T7YfQ17Qa_I-00037-00009000-00009305 they stand by it Sigma females are one T7YfQ17Qa_I-00038-00009306-00009514 of such people you see in the movies who T7YfQ17Qa_I-00039-00009515-00009706 are willing to go above and beyond for T7YfQ17Qa_I-00040-00009707-00009959 the main character having a sigma as a T7YfQ17Qa_I-00041-00009960-00010169 friend is the greatest treasure anyone T7YfQ17Qa_I-00042-00010170-00010445 can ever hope to find getting married to T7YfQ17Qa_I-00043-00010446-00010696 a woman like the sigma female is every T7YfQ17Qa_I-00044-00010697-00010828 man's dream T7YfQ17Qa_I-00045-00010829-00010955 three T7YfQ17Qa_I-00046-00010956-00011242 they have a big open heart one good T7YfQ17Qa_I-00047-00011243-00011477 thing with Sigma females is that they T7YfQ17Qa_I-00048-00011478-00011705 don't discriminate and they are not T7YfQ17Qa_I-00049-00011706-00012035 biased they are kind and open-hearted T7YfQ17Qa_I-00050-00012036-00012214 they want to see everyone around them T7YfQ17Qa_I-00051-00012215-00012467 happy and they always make sure they are T7YfQ17Qa_I-00052-00012468-00012695 that is why everyone wants to be around T7YfQ17Qa_I-00053-00012696-00012785 them T7YfQ17Qa_I-00054-00012786-00013043 the sigma female is the only woman you T7YfQ17Qa_I-00055-00013044-00013265 can stay with for ages without any major T7YfQ17Qa_I-00056-00013266-00013505 conflict so long as you guys understand T7YfQ17Qa_I-00057-00013506-00013757 each other they are passive and don't T7YfQ17Qa_I-00058-00013758-00013991 like to keep grudges for too long except T7YfQ17Qa_I-00059-00013991-00014230 in extreme cases which they will channel T7YfQ17Qa_I-00060-00014231-00014453 that negative energy resulting from a T7YfQ17Qa_I-00061-00014454-00014627 hate towards something useful and T7YfQ17Qa_I-00062-00014628-00014735 meaningful T7YfQ17Qa_I-00063-00014736-00015022 4. they are easy to talk to T7YfQ17Qa_I-00064-00015023-00015322 Sigma females are down to earth and easy T7YfQ17Qa_I-00065-00015323-00015599 to talk to even though they are unlikely T7YfQ17Qa_I-00066-00015600-00015779 in most cases to strike up a T7YfQ17Qa_I-00067-00015780-00016025 conversation with a stranger when spoken T7YfQ17Qa_I-00068-00016026-00016199 to they talk to the person in the most T7YfQ17Qa_I-00069-00016200-00016415 friendly to Impossible they are T7YfQ17Qa_I-00070-00016416-00016655 open-minded and patient enough to listen T7YfQ17Qa_I-00071-00016656-00016865 to everyone's problem T7YfQ17Qa_I-00072-00016866-00017111 in fact people open up to them easily T7YfQ17Qa_I-00073-00017112-00017285 and tell them about their deepest T7YfQ17Qa_I-00074-00017286-00017530 Secrets without them asking everyone T7YfQ17Qa_I-00075-00017531-00017753 loves them for their unique ability to T7YfQ17Qa_I-00076-00017754-00017939 understand their difficulties more than T7YfQ17Qa_I-00077-00017940-00018293 anyone does 5. they have the best sense T7YfQ17Qa_I-00078-00018294-00018575 of humor people are often surprised when T7YfQ17Qa_I-00079-00018576-00018743 they find out for the first time that T7YfQ17Qa_I-00080-00018744-00018965 Sigma females are humorous T7YfQ17Qa_I-00081-00018966-00019217 they know how to ease people stress and T7YfQ17Qa_I-00082-00019218-00019450 diffuse tension with humor people are T7YfQ17Qa_I-00083-00019451-00019727 always happy around Sigma females there T7YfQ17Qa_I-00084-00019728-00019913 is an unusual sense of fulfillment T7YfQ17Qa_I-00085-00019914-00020122 people get around them and always miss T7YfQ17Qa_I-00086-00020123-00020471 them for that they are Kindred Spirits T7YfQ17Qa_I-00087-00020472-00020771 six they are very respectful T7YfQ17Qa_I-00088-00020772-00021022 Sigma females are respectful in how they T7YfQ17Qa_I-00089-00021023-00021227 treat and relate with people they T7YfQ17Qa_I-00090-00021228-00021430 respect people's thoughts and opinions T7YfQ17Qa_I-00091-00021431-00021700 they respect people's choices in life T7YfQ17Qa_I-00092-00021701-00021977 and never judge them because nobody is T7YfQ17Qa_I-00093-00021978-00022067 perfect T7YfQ17Qa_I-00094-00022068-00022343 they respect people's boundaries privacy T7YfQ17Qa_I-00095-00022344-00022591 and secrets they are confidential T7YfQ17Qa_I-00096-00022592-00022894 appreciative and thankful towards people T7YfQ17Qa_I-00097-00022895-00023105 there is never Bad Blood between the T7YfQ17Qa_I-00098-00023106-00023308 sigma female and anyone T7YfQ17Qa_I-00099-00023309-00023458 when they see it coming they T7YfQ17Qa_I-00100-00023459-00023699 respectfully Decline and walk away with T7YfQ17Qa_I-00101-00023700-00023917 their dignity and integrity intact T7YfQ17Qa_I-00102-00023918-00024227 everyone wants the sigma female because T7YfQ17Qa_I-00103-00024228-00024467 she knows her place among people T7YfQ17Qa_I-00104-00024468-00024808 seven money cannot buy their loyalty T7YfQ17Qa_I-00105-00024809-00025157 Sigma females are loyal women they are T7YfQ17Qa_I-00106-00025158-00025378 loyal to everyone around them everyone T7YfQ17Qa_I-00107-00025379-00025577 craves that one friend that they can T7YfQ17Qa_I-00108-00025578-00025846 rely on to be a sigma female they are T7YfQ17Qa_I-00109-00025847-00026117 hot cake in this domain everyone wants T7YfQ17Qa_I-00110-00026118-00026333 to be friends with them every man that T7YfQ17Qa_I-00111-00026333-00026524 comes in contact with them wants them T7YfQ17Qa_I-00112-00026525-00026783 for a wife every employer they work for T7YfQ17Qa_I-00113-00026783-00026977 does not want to ever let them go T7YfQ17Qa_I-00114-00026977-00027262 everywhere they go and everything they T7YfQ17Qa_I-00115-00027263-00027455 touch wants to stick to them because of T7YfQ17Qa_I-00116-00027456-00027712 who they are loyal people are honest T7YfQ17Qa_I-00117-00027713-00027970 people and honesty is another strong T7YfQ17Qa_I-00118-00027972-00028277 quality of Sigma females everyone enjoys T7YfQ17Qa_I-00119-00028277-00028385 around them T7YfQ17Qa_I-00120-00028386-00028690 they say it as they see it people want T7YfQ17Qa_I-00121-00028691-00028870 to have them around as advisors because T7YfQ17Qa_I-00122-00028872-00029105 their opinion is always honest and T7YfQ17Qa_I-00123-00029106-00029417 unbiased loyalty goes hand in hand with T7YfQ17Qa_I-00124-00029418-00029752 respect and honesty eight they are not T7YfQ17Qa_I-00125-00029754-00029927 drama queens T7YfQ17Qa_I-00126-00029927-00030233 Sigma females hate drama they hate to T7YfQ17Qa_I-00127-00030233-00030449 pretend and hate those who pretend T7YfQ17Qa_I-00128-00030450-00030695 around them they don't exaggerate and T7YfQ17Qa_I-00129-00030695-00030917 don't blow things out of propulsion just T7YfQ17Qa_I-00130-00030918-00031145 to get people's attention they don't T7YfQ17Qa_I-00131-00031145-00031373 seek cheap sympathy and don't sympathize T7YfQ17Qa_I-00132-00031374-00031637 with such people either Everyone likes T7YfQ17Qa_I-00133-00031638-00031864 Sigma females because they are discreet T7YfQ17Qa_I-00134-00031866-00032170 and don't like unnecessary attention T7YfQ17Qa_I-00135-00032172-00032345 they approach life from a different T7YfQ17Qa_I-00136-00032345-00032524 perspective that leave many people T7YfQ17Qa_I-00137-00032525-00032729 wondering who these women actually are T7YfQ17Qa_I-00138-00032730-00032993 some admire them and want to be like T7YfQ17Qa_I-00139-00032994-00033227 them others just want to stay closer to T7YfQ17Qa_I-00140-00033228-00033305 them T7YfQ17Qa_I-00141-00033306-00033557 Sigma females don't entertain drama of T7YfQ17Qa_I-00142-00033558-00033893 any sort in fact they see drama queens T7YfQ17Qa_I-00143-00033894-00034151 as weak and lazy people people who T7YfQ17Qa_I-00144-00034152-00034367 complain more than they work people who T7YfQ17Qa_I-00145-00034368-00034583 will never be satisfied even if you T7YfQ17Qa_I-00146-00034584-00034852 offer them the entire world people with T7YfQ17Qa_I-00147-00034853-00035117 very big and fragile egos who are T7YfQ17Qa_I-00148-00035118-00035302 self-centered and want every attention T7YfQ17Qa_I-00149-00035303-00035609 to be directed to them are drama queens T7YfQ17Qa_I-00150-00035610-00035824 they don't see eye to eye with Sigma T7YfQ17Qa_I-00151-00035825-00036035 females because both can't stand each T7YfQ17Qa_I-00152-00036036-00036317 other instead of escalating things Sigma T7YfQ17Qa_I-00153-00036318-00036593 females seek to calm them down instead T7YfQ17Qa_I-00154-00036594-00036851 of amplifying problems Sigma females T7YfQ17Qa_I-00155-00036852-00037127 look for Solutions instead of being a T7YfQ17Qa_I-00156-00037128-00037367 liability Sigma females are more of T7YfQ17Qa_I-00157-00037368-00037829 assets 9. highly ambitious Sigma females T7YfQ17Qa_I-00158-00037830-00038045 know what they want they walk with T7YfQ17Qa_I-00159-00038046-00038296 purpose and have big dreams they are T7YfQ17Qa_I-00160-00038297-00038524 Visionary and can see the future even T7YfQ17Qa_I-00161-00038525-00038837 before it unfolds unlike most women who T7YfQ17Qa_I-00162-00038838-00039083 don't have a plan or a purpose Sigma T7YfQ17Qa_I-00163-00039084-00039365 females don't walk around aimlessly ask T7YfQ17Qa_I-00164-00039366-00039557 them anytime about what they want to do T7YfQ17Qa_I-00165-00039558-00039833 in life or about their next big step and T7YfQ17Qa_I-00166-00039834-00040012 they will give you a detailed plan of T7YfQ17Qa_I-00167-00040013-00040252 what they intend to do next they dream T7YfQ17Qa_I-00168-00040253-00040505 big and see possibilities where no one T7YfQ17Qa_I-00169-00040506-00040589 can't T7YfQ17Qa_I-00170-00040590-00040805 knowing what you want makes the way you T7YfQ17Qa_I-00171-00040806-00041009 interact with people smooth T7YfQ17Qa_I-00172-00041010-00041243 the reason why Sigma females have life T7YfQ17Qa_I-00173-00041244-00041471 going on for the much easier than others T7YfQ17Qa_I-00174-00041472-00041699 is because of their ability to align T7YfQ17Qa_I-00175-00041700-00041951 themselves with other ambitious people T7YfQ17Qa_I-00176-00041952-00042179 10. independent T7YfQ17Qa_I-00177-00042180-00042412 Sigma females don't need anyone to hold T7YfQ17Qa_I-00178-00042413-00042671 their hand they are independent and T7YfQ17Qa_I-00179-00042672-00042905 capable of standing on their own T7YfQ17Qa_I-00180-00042906-00043133 Everyone likes them because they are not T7YfQ17Qa_I-00181-00043134-00043390 liabilities instead they provide the T7YfQ17Qa_I-00182-00043391-00043595 support others need to achieve success T7YfQ17Qa_I-00183-00043596-00043817 they don't bore people with their T7YfQ17Qa_I-00184-00043818-00044033 personal problems or put pressure on T7YfQ17Qa_I-00185-00044034-00044165 people for help T7YfQ17Qa_I-00186-00044166-00044374 that is why people want to be closer to T7YfQ17Qa_I-00187-00044375-00044579 Sigma females instead of running away T7YfQ17Qa_I-00188-00044580-00044687 from them T7YfQ17Qa_I-00189-00044688-00044927 this channel is dedicated to women who T7YfQ17Qa_I-00190-00044928-00045089 feel like they are strangers on this T7YfQ17Qa_I-00191-00045090-00045352 planet because people misunderstand them T7YfQ17Qa_I-00192-00045353-00045545 and like to make baseless assumptions T7YfQ17Qa_I-00193-00045546-00045796 about who they are if you feel as such T7YfQ17Qa_I-00194-00045797-00046073 then subscribe to this Channel and watch T7YfQ17Qa_I-00195-00046074-00046258 this video that has been hand-picked for T7YfQ17Qa_I-00196-00046259-00047695 you to understand yourself better T7YfQ17Qa_I-00197-00047696-00048038 thank you T8JaYN6bUQc-00000-00000725-00001190 Aloha welcome to the villa on eating T8JaYN6bUQc-00001-00001191-00001525 square we're here to show you the T8JaYN6bUQc-00002-00001526-00001718 beautiful amenities that this building T8JaYN6bUQc-00003-00001719-00001805 has to offer T8JaYN6bUQc-00004-00001805-00002076 and we're talking luxury spa T8JaYN6bUQc-00005-00002077-00002677 accommodations let's take a look at the T8JaYN6bUQc-00006-00002678-00003249 barbecue area first T8JaYN6bUQc-00007-00003250-00003619 we have an incredible setup over here in T8JaYN6bUQc-00008-00003620-00003895 the corner surrounded by glass panels to T8JaYN6bUQc-00009-00003896-00004643 give you a great view we also have a T8JaYN6bUQc-00010-00004644-00004950 recreation room that you can rent out T8JaYN6bUQc-00011-00004951-00006349 for cooking and serving food T8JaYN6bUQc-00012-00006350-00006727 incredible accommodations T8JaYN6bUQc-00013-00006728-00006891 [Music] T8JaYN6bUQc-00014-00006892-00007956 and incredible accommodations T8JaYN6bUQc-00015-00007958-00008795 [Music] T8JaYN6bUQc-00016-00008796-00010460 it's very well-maintained T8JaYN6bUQc-00017-00010461-00010679 we have a shower area so you can clean T8JaYN6bUQc-00018-00010680-00011341 up after the pool to go back downstairs T8JaYN6bUQc-00019-00011342-00012396 starting off T8JaYN6bUQc-00020-00012397-00012595 awesome workout facilities we have T8JaYN6bUQc-00021-00012596-00013147 cardio free weights T8JaYN6bUQc-00022-00013147-00013902 and suspension weights awesome T8JaYN6bUQc-00023-00013903-00014796 the fitness room T8JaYN6bUQc-00024-00014797-00015096 this is an incredible aerobics room that T8JaYN6bUQc-00025-00015097-00015756 has a wonderful view of Honolulu we also T8JaYN6bUQc-00026-00015757-00015999 have a tee for a TV for entertainment T8JaYN6bUQc-00027-00016000-00016236 and this room also has central air T8JaYN6bUQc-00028-00016237-00016889 conditioning very nice T8JaYN6bUQc-00029-00016890-00017199 alright guys quickly we're gonna run T8JaYN6bUQc-00030-00017200-00017451 downstairs and take a look at our unit T8JaYN6bUQc-00031-00017452-00018542 1805 wonderful guys - 1805 T8JaYN6bUQc-00032-00018543-00018988 beautiful kitchen setup this is all T8JaYN6bUQc-00033-00018989-00019727 completely yes sir T8JaYN6bUQc-00034-00019728-00020096 you have excellent views have a little T8JaYN6bUQc-00035-00020097-00020444 bit of ocean view over the building and T8JaYN6bUQc-00036-00020445-00021280 I saw a city skyline of Waikiki T8JaYN6bUQc-00037-00021281-00021436 and we're gonna go in here and take a T8JaYN6bUQc-00038-00021437-00021755 look at this amazing vanity area T8JaYN6bUQc-00039-00021756-00022018 completely renovated with double glass T8JaYN6bUQc-00040-00022019-00022992 cabinets so you can see through T8JaYN6bUQc-00041-00022993-00023648 and we also have a very nice vessel sink T8JaYN6bUQc-00042-00023649-00023987 granite countertop and really really T8JaYN6bUQc-00043-00023988-00024451 nice cabinets T8JaYN6bUQc-00044-00024452-00024662 wonderful now let's take a look at our T8JaYN6bUQc-00045-00024663-00024914 shower area we've got a jillion T8JaYN6bUQc-00046-00024915-00025216 gamestyle bond wagon doors on the slider T8JaYN6bUQc-00047-00025217-00025783 for the shower very nice all tile with a T8JaYN6bUQc-00048-00025785-00026087 beautiful washer/dryer stack right here T8JaYN6bUQc-00049-00026088-00026363 in the bathroom as well and then yeah T8JaYN6bUQc-00050-00026364-00026654 there's a little guy down there and a T8JaYN6bUQc-00051-00026655-00026920 new tone ventilation system for the T8JaYN6bUQc-00052-00026922-00028343 bathroom T8JaYN6bUQc-00053-00028344-00028808 awesome oh yes yes yes here's our T8JaYN6bUQc-00054-00028810-00029696 bedroom beautiful bright open room and T8JaYN6bUQc-00055-00029697-00029930 there's no closet on this in the closet T8JaYN6bUQc-00056-00029931-00030290 is actually on the bathroom side you T8JaYN6bUQc-00057-00030291-00030489 will get a chance to see awesome little T8JaYN6bUQc-00058-00030489-00031240 fireworks on Friday nights around 7:45 T8JaYN6bUQc-00059-00031241-00031657 beautiful T8JaYN6bUQc-00060-00031658-00031770 [Music] T8JaYN6bUQc-00061-00031771-00032004 and then we also just to point this out T8JaYN6bUQc-00062-00032005-00032340 we do it HVAC which is a central air T8JaYN6bUQc-00063-00032341-00032721 conditioning and all of the utilities T8JaYN6bUQc-00064-00032722-00033207 and water and AC is included we are T8JaYN6bUQc-00065-00033208-00033405 listing this property at four hundred T8JaYN6bUQc-00066-00033406-00033792 and five thousand dollars please call us T8JaYN6bUQc-00067-00033793-00034907 again any questions anybody there you go T8JaYN6bUQc-00068-00034908-00035442 [Music] T8JaYN6bUQc-00069-00035443-00035649 you TsAu4ce240U-00000-00000112-00000318 industrial alliance is a canadian TsAu4ce240U-00001-00000319-00000526 insurance company with a diversified TsAu4ce240U-00002-00000527-00000726 business ranging from wealth management TsAu4ce240U-00003-00000727-00000919 to group pensions TsAu4ce240U-00004-00000919-00001119 it is a major player in the canadian TsAu4ce240U-00005-00001120-00001303 market where it serves three million TsAu4ce240U-00006-00001304-00001487 people across the country and ranks TsAu4ce240U-00007-00001488-00001718 fourth among insurance companies however TsAu4ce240U-00008-00001719-00001942 the company has recently begun focusing TsAu4ce240U-00009-00001943-00002159 on increasing its presence in the u.s TsAu4ce240U-00010-00002160-00002367 market where it sees an opportunity for TsAu4ce240U-00011-00002368-00002487 growth TsAu4ce240U-00012-00002488-00002734 its first major expansion into the u.s TsAu4ce240U-00013-00002735-00002975 market happened in april 2010 when it TsAu4ce240U-00014-00002976-00003175 purchased american amicable life TsAu4ce240U-00015-00003176-00003479 insurance of texas for 145 million TsAu4ce240U-00016-00003479-00003606 dollars TsAu4ce240U-00017-00003607-00003895 in 2010 industrial alliance listed in TsAu4ce240U-00018-00003896-00004247 forbes magazine's global 2000 TsAu4ce240U-00019-00004248-00004863 list of companies TsAu4ce240U-00020-00004864-00005375 topic history TsAu4ce240U-00021-00005376-00005599 the oldest parts of the current company TsAu4ce240U-00022-00005600-00005822 industrial life insurance and alliance TsAu4ce240U-00023-00005823-00006215 nationale merged in january 1987. TsAu4ce240U-00024-00006216-00006414 in the 13 following years the new TsAu4ce240U-00025-00006415-00006639 company made a number of acquisitions TsAu4ce240U-00026-00006640-00006798 beginning with the national life TsAu4ce240U-00027-00006800-00007159 assurance company of canada in 1988. TsAu4ce240U-00028-00007159-00007375 the next edition was quebec based the TsAu4ce240U-00029-00007376-00007639 solidarity followed by 87 year old TsAu4ce240U-00030-00007640-00007855 seaboard life insurance of vancouver TsAu4ce240U-00031-00007856-00008078 eventually became industrial alliance TsAu4ce240U-00032-00008079-00008255 pacific TsAu4ce240U-00033-00008256-00008535 in 1999 the year before the company TsAu4ce240U-00034-00008536-00008751 renamed itself industrial alliance TsAu4ce240U-00035-00008752-00008983 insurance and financial services wealth TsAu4ce240U-00036-00008984-00009231 management company investia financial TsAu4ce240U-00037-00009232-00009446 services was created TsAu4ce240U-00038-00009447-00009651 then in february of the same year it TsAu4ce240U-00039-00009652-00009871 demutualized and joined the toronto TsAu4ce240U-00040-00009872-00010231 stock exchange under the symbol iag TsAu4ce240U-00041-00010232-00010478 alliance nationale TsAu4ce240U-00042-00010479-00010638 this founding part of the present TsAu4ce240U-00043-00010639-00010831 company was created at a meeting in TsAu4ce240U-00044-00010832-00011038 montreal's saint joseph's church where TsAu4ce240U-00045-00011039-00011319 the contributions of 74 people including TsAu4ce240U-00046-00011320-00011510 its first president sir jormita's TsAu4ce240U-00047-00011511-00011838 laporte helped form a mutual aid society TsAu4ce240U-00048-00011839-00012127 in 1948 it became one of the first TsAu4ce240U-00049-00012128-00012327 mutual life insurance companies in TsAu4ce240U-00050-00012328-00012487 canada TsAu4ce240U-00051-00012488-00012799 industrial life insurance company TsAu4ce240U-00052-00012800-00013015 the industrial life insurance company TsAu4ce240U-00053-00013016-00013294 was started in 1905 by mr bernard TsAu4ce240U-00054-00013295-00013471 leonard whose family controlled the TsAu4ce240U-00055-00013472-00013775 company from quebec city until 1950 the TsAu4ce240U-00056-00013776-00013966 year the company was taken over by TsAu4ce240U-00057-00013968-00014247 credit inter-provincial limited four TsAu4ce240U-00058-00014247-00014583 years after it mutualized in 1973 the TsAu4ce240U-00059-00014584-00014807 company acquired two general insurance TsAu4ce240U-00060-00014808-00015022 companies that currently form industrial TsAu4ce240U-00061-00015023-00015215 alliances auto and home insurance TsAu4ce240U-00062-00015216-00015383 division TsAu4ce240U-00063-00015384-00015583 its last major move as a separate TsAu4ce240U-00064-00015584-00015830 company was made in 1982 when it TsAu4ce240U-00065-00015831-00016047 acquired vancouver-based west life TsAu4ce240U-00066-00016047-00016279 assurance company of canada a brand that TsAu4ce240U-00067-00016280-00016463 eventually became its industrial TsAu4ce240U-00068-00016464-00017215 alliance pacific subsidiary TsAu4ce240U-00069-00017216-00017871 topic division of business segments TsAu4ce240U-00070-00017872-00018119 industrial alliance's core business as TsAu4ce240U-00071-00018120-00018294 health and life insurance and wealth TsAu4ce240U-00072-00018295-00018486 management services to groups and TsAu4ce240U-00073-00018487-00018639 individuals TsAu4ce240U-00074-00018640-00018855 a unique feature about its business is TsAu4ce240U-00075-00018856-00019055 the pick a term insurance plan which TsAu4ce240U-00076-00019056-00019247 offers applicants the choice of picking TsAu4ce240U-00077-00019248-00019630 a term for coverage from 10 and 30 years TsAu4ce240U-00078-00019631-00019847 also mortgage insurance claims can be TsAu4ce240U-00079-00019848-00020022 processed faster than most other TsAu4ce240U-00080-00020023-00020199 institutions because plans are TsAu4ce240U-00081-00020200-00020391 underwritten at the time of application TsAu4ce240U-00082-00020392-00020599 not at the time of claim the company TsAu4ce240U-00083-00020600-00020894 operates through 11 divisions TsAu4ce240U-00084-00020895-00021143 ia pacific formerly northwest life TsAu4ce240U-00085-00021144-00021375 assurance seaboard life and solacore TsAu4ce240U-00086-00021376-00021750 deal in life insurance rrsp mutual funds TsAu4ce240U-00087-00021751-00022039 securities mortgage loans TsAu4ce240U-00088-00022040-00022311 ea excellence as a 48-year-old company TsAu4ce240U-00089-00022312-00022471 in the business of health and life TsAu4ce240U-00090-00022472-00022630 insurance TsAu4ce240U-00091-00022631-00022871 e-american is a phoenix-based family TsAu4ce240U-00092-00022872-00023055 life and health insurance company TsAu4ce240U-00093-00023056-00023278 formerly known as united family life TsAu4ce240U-00094-00023279-00023439 insurance TsAu4ce240U-00095-00023440-00023678 ia investia and fundex are the mutual TsAu4ce240U-00096-00023679-00023967 fund brokers of industrial alliance TsAu4ce240U-00097-00023968-00024263 there are 15.4 billion dollars worth of TsAu4ce240U-00098-00024264-00024527 assets under their management TsAu4ce240U-00099-00024528-00024783 eos securities and eo trust inc are two TsAu4ce240U-00100-00024784-00024983 financial services divisions of the TsAu4ce240U-00101-00024984-00025255 company based in quebec city TsAu4ce240U-00102-00025256-00025527 one provides securities mutual fund and TsAu4ce240U-00103-00025528-00025743 bond broker services while the other is TsAu4ce240U-00104-00025744-00025943 a trust company TsAu4ce240U-00105-00025944-00026174 ea investment management manages TsAu4ce240U-00106-00026175-00026367 investments while e-auto and home TsAu4ce240U-00107-00026368-00026599 insurance offers auto and home insurance TsAu4ce240U-00108-00026600-00026774 products TsAu4ce240U-00109-00026775-00027031 ia clarington investments inc is a TsAu4ce240U-00110-00027032-00027419 mutual fund company TwWPw0MQAvE-00000-00000041-00000407 Tibet listen Tibetan Lhasa dialect IPA TwWPw0MQAvE-00001-00000408-00000719 pio stroke Chinese Shi Kang pinyin Qi TwWPw0MQAvE-00002-00000720-00000925 Xing is a historical region covering TwWPw0MQAvE-00003-00000926-00001094 much of the Tibetan Plateau in inner TwWPw0MQAvE-00004-00001095-00001375 Asia it is the traditional homeland of TwWPw0MQAvE-00005-00001376-00001562 the Tibetan people as well as some other TwWPw0MQAvE-00006-00001563-00001766 ethnic groups such as Mantha - mung TwWPw0MQAvE-00007-00001767-00002023 Chiang Sherpa and Loba people's and is TwWPw0MQAvE-00008-00002025-00002222 now also inhabited by considerable TwWPw0MQAvE-00009-00002223-00002431 numbers of Han Chinese and way people TwWPw0MQAvE-00010-00002432-00002668 Tibet is the highest region on earth TwWPw0MQAvE-00011-00002669-00002995 with an average elevation of 4900 meters TwWPw0MQAvE-00012-00002996-00003326 16,000 feet the highest elevation in TwWPw0MQAvE-00013-00003327-00003515 Tibet as Mount Everest Earth's highest TwWPw0MQAvE-00014-00003515-00004013 mountain rising 8,848 meters 29,029 feet TwWPw0MQAvE-00015-00004014-00004319 above sea level the Tibetan Empire TwWPw0MQAvE-00016-00004320-00004550 emerged in the seventh century but with TwWPw0MQAvE-00017-00004551-00004736 the fall of the Empire the region soon TwWPw0MQAvE-00018-00004737-00004945 divided into a variety of territories TwWPw0MQAvE-00019-00004946-00005216 the bulk of western and central Tibet TwWPw0MQAvE-00020-00005217-00005404 u-tsang was often at least nominally TwWPw0MQAvE-00021-00005405-00005633 unified under a series of Tibetan TwWPw0MQAvE-00022-00005634-00005884 governments in Lhasa shigatse or nearby TwWPw0MQAvE-00023-00005885-00006077 locations these governments were at TwWPw0MQAvE-00024-00006078-00006275 various times under Mongol and Chinese TwWPw0MQAvE-00025-00006276-00006539 overlordship thus Tibet remained a TwWPw0MQAvE-00026-00006540-00006703 suzerainty of the Mongol and later TwWPw0MQAvE-00027-00006704-00006928 Chinese rulers in Nanjing and Beijing TwWPw0MQAvE-00028-00006929-00007130 with reasonable autonomy given to the TwWPw0MQAvE-00029-00007131-00007403 Tibetan leaders the eastern regions of TwWPw0MQAvE-00030-00007404-00007609 calm and Amdo often maintained a more TwWPw0MQAvE-00031-00007611-00007802 decentralized indigenous political TwWPw0MQAvE-00032-00007803-00007981 structure being divided among a number TwWPw0MQAvE-00033-00007983-00008195 of small principalities and tribal TwWPw0MQAvE-00034-00008196-00008381 groups while also often falling more TwWPw0MQAvE-00035-00008382-00008582 directly under Chinese rule after the TwWPw0MQAvE-00036-00008583-00008798 Battle of Chando most of this area was TwWPw0MQAvE-00037-00008799-00008987 eventually incorporated into the Chinese TwWPw0MQAvE-00038-00008988-00009281 provinces of Sichuan and Qinghai the TwWPw0MQAvE-00039-00009282-00009481 current borders of Tibet were generally TwWPw0MQAvE-00040-00009482-00009626 established in the 18th century TwWPw0MQAvE-00041-00009627-00009878 following the Xinhai revolution against TwWPw0MQAvE-00042-00009879-00010130 the Ching dynasty in 1912 Qing soldiers TwWPw0MQAvE-00043-00010131-00010352 were disarmed and escorted out of tibet TwWPw0MQAvE-00044-00010353-00010649 area u-tsang the region subsequently TwWPw0MQAvE-00045-00010650-00010885 declared its independence in 1913 TwWPw0MQAvE-00046-00010886-00011063 without recognition by the subsequent TwWPw0MQAvE-00047-00011064-00011324 chinese republican government later TwWPw0MQAvE-00048-00011325-00011555 lhasa took control of the western part TwWPw0MQAvE-00049-00011556-00011831 of Zhai Qing China the region maintained TwWPw0MQAvE-00050-00011832-00012119 its autonomy until 1951 when following TwWPw0MQAvE-00051-00012120-00012320 the Battle of Chando tibet became TwWPw0MQAvE-00052-00012321-00012488 incorporated into the People's Republic TwWPw0MQAvE-00053-00012489-00012701 of China and the previous Tibetan TwWPw0MQAvE-00054-00012702-00012965 government was abolished in 1959 after a TwWPw0MQAvE-00055-00012966-00013253 failed uprising today China governs TwWPw0MQAvE-00056-00013254-00013388 Western and central to TwWPw0MQAvE-00057-00013388-00013597 as the Tibet Autonomous Region while the TwWPw0MQAvE-00058-00013599-00013790 eastern areas are now mostly ethnic TwWPw0MQAvE-00059-00013791-00014005 autonomous prefectures within Sichuan TwWPw0MQAvE-00060-00014006-00014216 Qinghai and other neighboring provinces TwWPw0MQAvE-00061-00014216-00014455 there are tensions regarding Tibet's TwWPw0MQAvE-00062-00014456-00014654 political status and dissident groups TwWPw0MQAvE-00063-00014655-00014944 that are active in exile Tibetan TwWPw0MQAvE-00064-00014945-00015169 activists in Tibet have reportedly been TwWPw0MQAvE-00065-00015170-00015374 arrested or tortured the economy of TwWPw0MQAvE-00066-00015375-00015575 Tibet is dominated by subsistence TwWPw0MQAvE-00067-00015576-00015782 agriculture though tourism has become a TwWPw0MQAvE-00068-00015783-00016063 growing industry in recent decades the TwWPw0MQAvE-00069-00016065-00016277 dominant religion in Tibet as Tibetan TwWPw0MQAvE-00070-00016278-00016490 Buddhism in addition there is bond which TwWPw0MQAvE-00071-00016491-00016688 is similar to Tibetan Buddhism and there TwWPw0MQAvE-00072-00016689-00016892 are also Tibetan Muslims and Christian TwWPw0MQAvE-00073-00016893-00017210 minorities Tibetan Buddhism as a primary TwWPw0MQAvE-00074-00017211-00017414 influence on the art music and festivals TwWPw0MQAvE-00075-00017415-00017647 of the region Tibetan architecture TwWPw0MQAvE-00076-00017648-00017921 reflects Chinese and Indian influences TwWPw0MQAvE-00077-00017922-00018182 staple foods in Tibet are roasted barley TwWPw0MQAvE-00078-00018183-00018657 yak meat and butter tea TwWPw0MQAvE-00079-00018658-00019152 topic names TwWPw0MQAvE-00080-00019153-00019374 the Tibetan name for their land bod TwWPw0MQAvE-00081-00019375-00019848 means Tibet or Tibetan Plateau although TwWPw0MQAvE-00082-00019849-00020028 it originally meant the central region TwWPw0MQAvE-00083-00020029-00020253 around Lhasa now known in Tibetan as you TwWPw0MQAvE-00084-00020254-00020463 the standard Tibetan pronunciation of TwWPw0MQAvE-00085-00020464-00020730 bod POS stroke is transcribed bow in TwWPw0MQAvE-00086-00020731-00020922 turn addres phonetic transcription bow TwWPw0MQAvE-00087-00020923-00021141 in the THL simplified phonetic TwWPw0MQAvE-00088-00021142-00021362 transcription and poi in Tibetan pinyin TwWPw0MQAvE-00089-00021363-00021618 some scholars believe the first written TwWPw0MQAvE-00090-00021619-00021900 reference to bond Tibet was the ancient TwWPw0MQAvE-00091-00021901-00022134 bow tie people recorded in the Egyptian TwWPw0MQAvE-00092-00022135-00022287 Greek works periplus of the erythraean TwWPw0MQAvE-00093-00022288-00022599 sea first century CE II and geografía TwWPw0MQAvE-00094-00022600-00022884 Ptolemy 2nd century CE II itself from TwWPw0MQAvE-00095-00022885-00023079 the Sanskrit form Buddha of the Indian TwWPw0MQAvE-00096-00023080-00023325 geographical tradition the modern TwWPw0MQAvE-00097-00023326-00023547 Standard Chinese exo-m for the ethnic TwWPw0MQAvE-00098-00023548-00023790 Tibetan region as xenca Chinese tank TwWPw0MQAvE-00099-00023791-00024084 opinion Sanka which derives by metonymy TwWPw0MQAvE-00100-00024085-00024285 from the same region around shigatse TwWPw0MQAvE-00101-00024286-00024486 plus the addition of a Chinese suffix TwWPw0MQAvE-00102-00024487-00024843 cuckoo which means area district region TwWPw0MQAvE-00103-00024844-00025218 Ward Tibetan people language and culture TwWPw0MQAvE-00104-00025219-00025383 regardless of where they are from are TwWPw0MQAvE-00105-00025384-00025590 referred to as Zhuang Chinese Kang TwWPw0MQAvE-00106-00025591-00025715 pinion Zhang TwWPw0MQAvE-00107-00025716-00025905 although the geographical term Qi Xing TwWPw0MQAvE-00108-00025906-00026069 is often limited to the Tibet Autonomous TwWPw0MQAvE-00109-00026070-00026364 Region the term cheese hang was coined TwWPw0MQAvE-00110-00026364-00026544 during the Qing Dynasty in the reign of TwWPw0MQAvE-00111-00026545-00026883 the jia qian emperor 1796 to 1820 TwWPw0MQAvE-00112-00026883-00027051 through the addition of a prefix meaning TwWPw0MQAvE-00113-00027052-00027495 west XI XI - Zhang the best known TwWPw0MQAvE-00114-00027495-00027717 medieval Chinese name for Tibet as to TwWPw0MQAvE-00115-00027718-00027954 both Chinese to fan also written as to TwWPw0MQAvE-00116-00027955-00028227 fan or to fan pinyin to Bo or to fan TwWPw0MQAvE-00117-00028227-00028485 this name first appears in Chinese TwWPw0MQAvE-00118-00028486-00028692 characters as to fan in the 7th century TwWPw0MQAvE-00119-00028693-00028938 Li ty and as to fan in the 10th century TwWPw0MQAvE-00120-00028939-00029310 old book of Tang describing 608 to 609 TwWPw0MQAvE-00121-00029311-00029523 emissaries from Tibetan king named Rhys TwWPw0MQAvE-00122-00029524-00029795 onks into Emperor yang of sway in the TwWPw0MQAvE-00123-00029797-00029985 middle Chinese spoken during that period TwWPw0MQAvE-00124-00029986-00030264 as reconstructed by William H Baxter to TwWPw0MQAvE-00125-00030264-00030515 fan was pronounced tux pH John and to TwWPw0MQAvE-00126-00030516-00030786 fan was pronounced tux pjo n with the X TwWPw0MQAvE-00127-00030787-00030981 representing tone other pre-modern TwWPw0MQAvE-00128-00030982-00031230 Chinese names for Tibet include Wasi guo TwWPw0MQAvE-00129-00031231-00031625 chinese wu c Guo pinion Wasi guo CF TwWPw0MQAvE-00130-00031626-00031944 tibetan d-bus you way was as young TwWPw0MQAvE-00131-00031945-00032380 chinese wu c kang pinyin was Zhang CF TwWPw0MQAvE-00132-00032381-00032686 Tibetan d-bus GT saying you sang to boat TwWPw0MQAvE-00133-00032687-00032940 Chinese to boat a pinion to boat and TwWPw0MQAvE-00134-00032941-00033220 Tong gute Chinese tangu tape in Yin Tong TwWPw0MQAvE-00135-00033221-00033604 gute CF Tangut American Tibet ologist TwWPw0MQAvE-00136-00033605-00033820 Elliott Sperling has argued in favor of TwWPw0MQAvE-00137-00033821-00033982 a recent tendency by some authors TwWPw0MQAvE-00138-00033983-00034215 writing in Chinese to revive the term to TwWPw0MQAvE-00139-00034216-00034444 boat simplified Chinese to boat a TwWPw0MQAvE-00140-00034445-00034720 traditional Chinese to boat a pinion to TwWPw0MQAvE-00141-00034721-00034948 boat for modern use in place of Qi Xing TwWPw0MQAvE-00142-00034949-00035143 on the grounds that to book more clearly TwWPw0MQAvE-00143-00035144-00035302 includes the entire Tibetan Plateau TwWPw0MQAvE-00144-00035303-00035476 rather than simply the Tibet Autonomous TwWPw0MQAvE-00145-00035477-00035755 Region the English word Tibet or Thibet TwWPw0MQAvE-00146-00035756-00035961 dates back to the 18th century TwWPw0MQAvE-00147-00035962-00036217 historical linguists generally agree TwWPw0MQAvE-00148-00036218-00036535 that Tibet names in European languages TwWPw0MQAvE-00149-00036536-00036724 are loanwords from Semitic to bot or TwWPw0MQAvE-00150-00036725-00036940 toobut type to a bot tube tube itself TwWPw0MQAvE-00151-00036941-00037204 deriving from Turkic Tobit literally the TwWPw0MQAvE-00152-00037205-00037706 heights plural of tobin TwWPw0MQAvE-00153-00037707-00038215 topic language TwWPw0MQAvE-00154-00038216-00038441 linguists generally classified the TwWPw0MQAvE-00155-00038442-00038591 Tibetan language as a tibeto-burman TwWPw0MQAvE-00156-00038592-00038831 language of the sino-tibetan language TwWPw0MQAvE-00157-00038832-00038990 family although the boundaries between TwWPw0MQAvE-00158-00038991-00039200 Tibetan and certain other Himalayan TwWPw0MQAvE-00159-00039201-00039470 languages can be unclear according to TwWPw0MQAvE-00160-00039471-00039755 Matthew caps team from the perspective TwWPw0MQAvE-00161-00039756-00039968 of historical linguistics Tibetan most TwWPw0MQAvE-00162-00039969-00040157 closely resembles Burmese among the TwWPw0MQAvE-00163-00040158-00040424 major languages of Asia grouping these TwWPw0MQAvE-00164-00040425-00040598 two together with other apparently TwWPw0MQAvE-00165-00040599-00040778 related languages spoken in the TwWPw0MQAvE-00166-00040779-00040949 Himalayan lands as well as in the TwWPw0MQAvE-00167-00040950-00041120 highlands of Southeast Asia and the TwWPw0MQAvE-00168-00041121-00041363 sino-tibetan frontier regions linguists TwWPw0MQAvE-00169-00041364-00041513 have generally concluded that there TwWPw0MQAvE-00170-00041514-00041696 exists at tibeto-burman family of TwWPw0MQAvE-00171-00041697-00041948 languages more controversial as the TwWPw0MQAvE-00172-00041949-00042170 theory that the tibeto-burman family is TwWPw0MQAvE-00173-00042171-00042395 itself part of a larger language family TwWPw0MQAvE-00174-00042396-00042587 called sino-tibetan and that through it TwWPw0MQAvE-00175-00042588-00042752 Tibetan and Burmese are distant cousins TwWPw0MQAvE-00176-00042753-00043082 of Chinese the language has numerous TwWPw0MQAvE-00177-00043083-00043274 regional dialects which are generally TwWPw0MQAvE-00178-00043275-00043559 not mutually intelligible it is employed TwWPw0MQAvE-00179-00043560-00043765 throughout the Tibetan Plateau in Bhutan TwWPw0MQAvE-00180-00043766-00044012 and has also spoken in parts of Nepal in TwWPw0MQAvE-00181-00044013-00044312 northern India such as Sikkim in general TwWPw0MQAvE-00182-00044313-00044531 the dialects of central Tibet including TwWPw0MQAvE-00183-00044532-00044765 Lhasa come Amdo and some smaller nearby TwWPw0MQAvE-00184-00044766-00044998 areas are considered Tibetan dialects TwWPw0MQAvE-00185-00044999-00045346 other forms particularly zonka sikh amis TwWPw0MQAvE-00186-00045347-00045571 Sherpa and Ladakhi are considered by TwWPw0MQAvE-00187-00045572-00045761 their speakers largely for political TwWPw0MQAvE-00188-00045762-00046040 reasons to be separate languages however TwWPw0MQAvE-00189-00046041-00046252 if the latter group of Tibetan type TwWPw0MQAvE-00190-00046253-00046402 languages are included in the TwWPw0MQAvE-00191-00046403-00046601 calculation then greater Tibetan is TwWPw0MQAvE-00192-00046602-00046852 spoken by approximately 6 million people TwWPw0MQAvE-00193-00046853-00047140 across the Tibetan Plateau Tibetan is TwWPw0MQAvE-00194-00047141-00047462 also spoken by approximately 150,000 TwWPw0MQAvE-00195-00047463-00047636 exile speakers who have fled from TwWPw0MQAvE-00196-00047637-00047815 modern-day Tibet to India and other TwWPw0MQAvE-00197-00047816-00048146 countries although spoken Tibetan varies TwWPw0MQAvE-00198-00048147-00048296 according to the region the written TwWPw0MQAvE-00199-00048297-00048494 language based on classical Tibetan is TwWPw0MQAvE-00200-00048495-00048770 consistent throughout this is probably TwWPw0MQAvE-00201-00048771-00048962 due to the long-standing influence of TwWPw0MQAvE-00202-00048963-00049171 the Tibetan Empire whose rule embraced TwWPw0MQAvE-00203-00049172-00049390 and extended at times far beyond the TwWPw0MQAvE-00204-00049391-00049595 present Tibetan linguistic area which TwWPw0MQAvE-00205-00049596-00049796 runs from northern Pakistan in the West TwWPw0MQAvE-00206-00049797-00049996 to Yunnan and Sichuan in the East and TwWPw0MQAvE-00207-00049997-00050192 from north of qinghai lake south as far TwWPw0MQAvE-00208-00050193-00050477 as Bhutan the Tibetan language has its TwWPw0MQAvE-00209-00050478-00050677 own script which it shares with Ladakhi TwWPw0MQAvE-00210-00050678-00050864 and zonka and which is derived from the TwWPw0MQAvE-00211-00050865-00051089 ancient Indian Brahmi script starting in TwWPw0MQAvE-00212-00051090-00051362 2001 the local deaf sign languages of TwWPw0MQAvE-00213-00051363-00051413 Tibet TwWPw0MQAvE-00214-00051414-00051629 standardized and Tibetan sign language TwWPw0MQAvE-00215-00051629-00051847 is now being promoted across the country TwWPw0MQAvE-00216-00051848-00052145 the first Tibetan English dictionary in TwWPw0MQAvE-00217-00052146-00052349 grammar book was written by Alexander TwWPw0MQAvE-00218-00052350-00052883 Cecil madhva Kouros in 1834 TwWPw0MQAvE-00219-00052884-00053382 topic history TwWPw0MQAvE-00220-00053383-00053731 topic early history TwWPw0MQAvE-00221-00053732-00053890 you TwWPw0MQAvE-00222-00053891-00054160 humans inhabited the Tibetan Plateau at TwWPw0MQAvE-00223-00054161-00054514 least 21,000 years ago this population TwWPw0MQAvE-00224-00054515-00054799 was largely replaced around 3000 BP by TwWPw0MQAvE-00225-00054800-00054966 Neolithic immigrants from northern China TwWPw0MQAvE-00226-00054967-00055162 but there is a partial genetic TwWPw0MQAvE-00227-00055163-00055336 continuity between the Paleolithic TwWPw0MQAvE-00228-00055337-00055549 inhabitants and contemporary Tibetan TwWPw0MQAvE-00229-00055550-00055744 populations the earliest Tibetan TwWPw0MQAvE-00230-00055745-00055924 historical texts identified the TwWPw0MQAvE-00231-00055925-00056104 jung-geun culture as a people who TwWPw0MQAvE-00232-00056104-00056296 migrated from the ambu region into what TwWPw0MQAvE-00233-00056297-00056482 is now the region of Goodge in western TwWPw0MQAvE-00234-00056483-00056671 Tibet Zhang Zhang is considered to be TwWPw0MQAvE-00235-00056672-00056944 the original home of the bon religion by TwWPw0MQAvE-00236-00056945-00057175 the 1st century BCE a neighboring TwWPw0MQAvE-00237-00057176-00057376 kingdom arose in the yarlung Valley and TwWPw0MQAvE-00238-00057377-00057555 the yarlung came three Gamson PO TwWPw0MQAvE-00239-00057557-00057757 attempted to remove the influence of the TwWPw0MQAvE-00240-00057758-00057954 Jong Jong by expelling the Jung's bon TwWPw0MQAvE-00241-00057955-00058201 priests from yarlung he was assassinated TwWPw0MQAvE-00242-00058202-00058423 and Jeong Jeong continued its dominance TwWPw0MQAvE-00243-00058424-00058629 of the region until it was annexed by TwWPw0MQAvE-00244-00058630-00058945 sunk sin gamma in the 7th century prior TwWPw0MQAvE-00245-00058946-00059164 to sunked in gam PO the kings of Tibet TwWPw0MQAvE-00246-00059165-00059379 were more mythological than factual and TwWPw0MQAvE-00247-00059380-00059541 there is insufficient evidence of their TwWPw0MQAvE-00248-00059542-00059875 existence TwWPw0MQAvE-00249-00059876-00060412 topic tibetan empire TwWPw0MQAvE-00250-00060413-00060666 the history of a unified Tibet begins TwWPw0MQAvE-00251-00060667-00060961 with the rule of sunk sand gampa 604 to TwWPw0MQAvE-00252-00060962-00061261 650 c e who united parts of the yarlung TwWPw0MQAvE-00253-00061262-00061455 river valley and founded the tibetan TwWPw0MQAvE-00254-00061457-00061735 empire he also brought in many reforms TwWPw0MQAvE-00255-00061736-00061912 and tibetan powers spread rapidly TwWPw0MQAvE-00256-00061913-00062248 creating a large and powerful empire it TwWPw0MQAvE-00257-00062249-00062422 is traditionally considered that his TwWPw0MQAvE-00258-00062423-00062623 first wife was the princess of nepal TwWPw0MQAvE-00259-00062624-00062809 bhrigu t and that she played a great TwWPw0MQAvE-00260-00062810-00063019 role in the establishment of Buddhism in TwWPw0MQAvE-00261-00063020-00063379 Tibet in 640 he married princess wen TwWPw0MQAvE-00262-00063379-00063565 Chang the niece of the powerful Chinese TwWPw0MQAvE-00263-00063566-00063799 Emperor Taizong of Tang China under the TwWPw0MQAvE-00264-00063800-00064021 next few Tibetan Kings Buddhism became TwWPw0MQAvE-00265-00064022-00064216 established as the state religion and TwWPw0MQAvE-00266-00064216-00064404 Tibetan power increased even further TwWPw0MQAvE-00267-00064405-00064633 over large areas of Central Asia while TwWPw0MQAvE-00268-00064634-00064822 major inroads were made into Chinese TwWPw0MQAvE-00269-00064823-00065002 territory even reaching the tangs TwWPw0MQAvE-00270-00065003-00065394 capital Chang'an modern Xian in late 763 TwWPw0MQAvE-00271-00065395-00065656 however the Tibetan occupation of TwWPw0MQAvE-00272-00065657-00065896 Chang'an only lasted for 15 days after TwWPw0MQAvE-00273-00065897-00066100 which they were defeated by tang and its TwWPw0MQAvE-00274-00066101-00066406 ally the Turkic Weger khaganate the TwWPw0MQAvE-00275-00066407-00066583 kingdom of nan-zhao in Yunnan and TwWPw0MQAvE-00276-00066584-00066754 neighboring regions remained under TwWPw0MQAvE-00277-00066755-00067147 Tibetan control from 750 to 794 when TwWPw0MQAvE-00278-00067148-00067321 they turned on their Tibetan overlords TwWPw0MQAvE-00279-00067322-00067519 and helped the Chinese inflict a serious TwWPw0MQAvE-00280-00067520-00067840 defeat on the Tibetans in 747 the hold TwWPw0MQAvE-00281-00067841-00068041 of Tibet was loosened by the campaign of TwWPw0MQAvE-00282-00068042-00068248 general Gao Xiang Zi who tried to reopen TwWPw0MQAvE-00283-00068249-00068413 the direct communications between TwWPw0MQAvE-00284-00068414-00068794 Central Asia and Kashmir by 750 the TwWPw0MQAvE-00285-00068795-00068980 Tibetans had lost almost all of their TwWPw0MQAvE-00286-00068981-00069201 Central Asian possessions to the Chinese TwWPw0MQAvE-00287-00069202-00069484 however after Gao Xiang zis defeat by TwWPw0MQAvE-00288-00069485-00069664 the Arabs and Carr Luke's at the Battle TwWPw0MQAvE-00289-00069665-00070000 of Talas 751 and the subsequent civil TwWPw0MQAvE-00290-00070001-00070309 war known as the Aleutian rebellion 755 TwWPw0MQAvE-00291-00070310-00070549 Chinese influence decreased rapidly and TwWPw0MQAvE-00292-00070550-00070848 tibetan influence resumed TwWPw0MQAvE-00293-00070849-00071070 at its height in the seven 80s to seven TwWPw0MQAvE-00294-00071071-00071268 90s the tibetan empire reached its TwWPw0MQAvE-00295-00071269-00071436 highest glory when it ruled and TwWPw0MQAvE-00296-00071437-00071622 controlled a territory stretching from TwWPw0MQAvE-00297-00071623-00071895 modern-day Afghanistan Bangladesh Bhutan TwWPw0MQAvE-00298-00071896-00072242 Burma China India Nepal Pakistan TwWPw0MQAvE-00299-00072243-00072765 Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan in 821 TwWPw0MQAvE-00300-00072766-00073092 820 second seee Tibet and China signed a TwWPw0MQAvE-00301-00073093-00073365 peace treaty a bilingual account of this TwWPw0MQAvE-00302-00073366-00073578 treaty including details of the borders TwWPw0MQAvE-00303-00073579-00073767 between the two countries is inscribed TwWPw0MQAvE-00304-00073768-00073950 on a stone pillar which stands outside TwWPw0MQAvE-00305-00073951-00074214 the jokhang temple in lhasa tibet TwWPw0MQAvE-00306-00074215-00074433 continued as a Central Asian Empire TwWPw0MQAvE-00307-00074434-00074709 until the mid 90s evil war over TwWPw0MQAvE-00308-00074710-00074868 succession led to the collapse of TwWPw0MQAvE-00309-00074869-00075108 Imperial Tibet the period that followed TwWPw0MQAvE-00310-00075109-00075327 is known traditionally as the era of TwWPw0MQAvE-00311-00075328-00075537 fragmentation when political control TwWPw0MQAvE-00312-00075538-00075702 over Tibet became divided between TwWPw0MQAvE-00313-00075703-00075915 regional warlords and tribes with no TwWPw0MQAvE-00314-00075916-00076121 dominant centralized authority an TwWPw0MQAvE-00315-00076122-00076395 Islamic invasion from Bengal took place TwWPw0MQAvE-00316-00076396-00076792 in 1206 TwWPw0MQAvE-00317-00076793-00077318 topic Yuan Dynasty TwWPw0MQAvE-00318-00077319-00077555 the Mongol Yuan Dynasty through the TwWPw0MQAvE-00319-00077556-00077747 Bureau of Buddhist and Tibetan affairs TwWPw0MQAvE-00320-00077748-00077975 or Zhan Jiang yuan ruled Tibet through a TwWPw0MQAvE-00321-00077976-00078254 top-level administrative department one TwWPw0MQAvE-00322-00078255-00078413 of the department's purposes was to TwWPw0MQAvE-00323-00078414-00078611 select a DP oh and gen great TwWPw0MQAvE-00324-00078612-00078815 administrator usually appointed by the TwWPw0MQAvE-00325-00078816-00079016 Lama and confirmed by the Mongol Emperor TwWPw0MQAvE-00326-00079017-00079295 in Beijing the sakya lama retained a TwWPw0MQAvE-00327-00079296-00079475 degree of autonomy acting as the TwWPw0MQAvE-00328-00079476-00079661 political authority of the region while TwWPw0MQAvE-00329-00079662-00079898 the DPO and chen held administrative and TwWPw0MQAvE-00330-00079899-00080183 military power Mongol rule of Tibet TwWPw0MQAvE-00331-00080184-00080327 remained separate from the main TwWPw0MQAvE-00332-00080328-00080519 provinces of China but the region TwWPw0MQAvE-00333-00080520-00080702 existed under the administration of the TwWPw0MQAvE-00334-00080703-00081026 Yuan Dynasty if the sakya lama ever came TwWPw0MQAvE-00335-00081027-00081254 into conflict with the DPO and chen the TwWPw0MQAvE-00336-00081255-00081491 DPO and chen had the authority to send TwWPw0MQAvE-00337-00081492-00081695 chinese troops into the region tibet TwWPw0MQAvE-00338-00081696-00081914 retained nominal power over religious TwWPw0MQAvE-00339-00081915-00082112 and regional political affairs while the TwWPw0MQAvE-00340-00082113-00082280 mongols managed a structural and TwWPw0MQAvE-00341-00082281-00082457 administrative rule over the region TwWPw0MQAvE-00342-00082458-00082598 reinforced by the rare military TwWPw0MQAvE-00343-00082599-00082961 intervention this existed as a dr kick TwWPw0MQAvE-00344-00082962-00083213 structure under the yuan emperor with TwWPw0MQAvE-00345-00083214-00083476 power primarily in favor of the mongols TwWPw0MQAvE-00346-00083477-00083723 Mongolian Prince kuden gained temporal TwWPw0MQAvE-00347-00083724-00083948 power in tibet in the 12 40s and TwWPw0MQAvE-00348-00083949-00084089 sponsored Sakya Pandita TwWPw0MQAvE-00349-00084090-00084301 whose seat became the capital of Tibet TwWPw0MQAvE-00350-00084302-00084566 drogon chögyal fagbug sakya pandita's TwWPw0MQAvE-00351-00084567-00084818 nephew became imperial preceptor of TwWPw0MQAvE-00352-00084819-00085093 Kublai Khan founder of the yuan dynasty TwWPw0MQAvE-00353-00085094-00085370 yuan control over the region ended with TwWPw0MQAvE-00354-00085371-00085550 the ming overthrow of the yuan and tai TwWPw0MQAvE-00355-00085551-00085829 situ chong chub Yeltsin's revolt against TwWPw0MQAvE-00356-00085830-00086108 the mongols following the uprising tai TwWPw0MQAvE-00357-00086109-00086384 situ chong chub gyaltsen founded the TwWPw0MQAvE-00358-00086385-00086561 mo Drupa dynasty and sought to reduce TwWPw0MQAvE-00359-00086562-00086816 yuan influences over Tibetan culture and TwWPw0MQAvE-00360-00086817-00087151 politics TwWPw0MQAvE-00361-00087152-00087463 topic mode rupa rin pumpa and sangpo TwWPw0MQAvE-00362-00087464-00087845 dynasties TwWPw0MQAvE-00363-00087846-00088328 between 1346 and 13:54 tai situ Chong TwWPw0MQAvE-00364-00088329-00088529 chub Yeltsin toppled the Sakia and TwWPw0MQAvE-00365-00088530-00088787 founded the mu Drupa dynasty the TwWPw0MQAvE-00366-00088788-00088982 following 80 years saw the founding of TwWPw0MQAvE-00367-00088983-00089189 the gelug school also known as yellow TwWPw0MQAvE-00368-00089190-00089399 Hat's by the disciples of giuse-san kapa TwWPw0MQAvE-00369-00089400-00089585 and the founding of the important ganden TwWPw0MQAvE-00370-00089586-00089839 draping and sera monasteries near Lhasa TwWPw0MQAvE-00371-00089840-00090092 however internal strife within the TwWPw0MQAvE-00372-00090093-00090299 dynasty and the strong localism of the TwWPw0MQAvE-00373-00090300-00090497 various Fife's and political religious TwWPw0MQAvE-00374-00090498-00090671 factions led to a long series of TwWPw0MQAvE-00375-00090672-00090974 internal conflicts the minister family TwWPw0MQAvE-00376-00090975-00091196 rin pumpa based in sang west central TwWPw0MQAvE-00377-00091197-00091606 tibet dominated politics after 1435 in TwWPw0MQAvE-00378-00091607-00091862 1565 they were overthrown by the sank TwWPw0MQAvE-00379-00091863-00092084 the dynasty of shigatse which expanded TwWPw0MQAvE-00380-00092085-00092261 its power in different directions of TwWPw0MQAvE-00381-00092262-00092438 tibet in the following decades and TwWPw0MQAvE-00382-00092439-00092875 favored the karma kagyu sect TwWPw0MQAvE-00383-00092876-00093430 topic rise of ganden foe drain TwWPw0MQAvE-00384-00093431-00093787 in 1578 altan khan of the ton mongols TwWPw0MQAvE-00385-00093788-00094024 gave sonam gyatso a high lama of the TwWPw0MQAvE-00386-00094025-00094243 gelugpa school the name dalai lama TwWPw0MQAvE-00387-00094244-00094465 dali being the mongolian translation of TwWPw0MQAvE-00388-00094466-00094807 the tibetan named yatza ocean the fifth TwWPw0MQAvE-00389-00094808-00095011 dalai lama is known for unifying the TwWPw0MQAvE-00390-00095012-00095182 tibetan heartland under the control of TwWPw0MQAvE-00391-00095183-00095347 the Gullah Gullah of tibetan buddhism TwWPw0MQAvE-00392-00095348-00095578 after defeating the rival kagyu and TwWPw0MQAvE-00393-00095579-00095806 joining sects and a secular ruler the TwWPw0MQAvE-00394-00095807-00096022 Sancta prince in a prolonged civil war TwWPw0MQAvE-00395-00096023-00096282 his efforts were successful in part TwWPw0MQAvE-00396-00096283-00096487 because of aid from gooshie Khan the or TwWPw0MQAvE-00397-00096488-00096736 at leader of the Koscheck Khanate with TwWPw0MQAvE-00398-00096737-00096922 gooshie khan as a largely uninvolved TwWPw0MQAvE-00399-00096923-00097153 overlord the 5th Dalai Lama and his TwWPw0MQAvE-00400-00097154-00097306 intimates established a civil TwWPw0MQAvE-00401-00097307-00097480 administration which is referred to by TwWPw0MQAvE-00402-00097481-00097744 historians as the loss estate this TwWPw0MQAvE-00403-00097745-00097942 Tibetan regime or government is also TwWPw0MQAvE-00404-00097943-00098451 referred to as the ganden foe drain TwWPw0MQAvE-00405-00098452-00098759 topic Ching dynasty TwWPw0MQAvE-00406-00098760-00098917 you TwWPw0MQAvE-00407-00098918-00099199 ching dynasty rule in tibet began with TwWPw0MQAvE-00408-00099200-00099436 their 1720 expedition to the country TwWPw0MQAvE-00409-00099437-00099610 when they expelled the invading dzungars TwWPw0MQAvE-00410-00099611-00099994 a new came under Ching control in 1724 TwWPw0MQAvE-00411-00099995-00100198 an Eastern calm was incorporated into TwWPw0MQAvE-00412-00100199-00100503 neighboring Chinese provinces in 1728 TwWPw0MQAvE-00413-00100504-00100735 meanwhile the Qing government sent TwWPw0MQAvE-00414-00100736-00100921 resident commissioners called ambans to TwWPw0MQAvE-00415-00100922-00101245 Lhasa in 1750 the ambans and the TwWPw0MQAvE-00416-00101246-00101437 majority of the Han Chinese and Manchu TwWPw0MQAvE-00417-00101438-00101638 living in Lhasa were killed in a riot TwWPw0MQAvE-00418-00101639-00101851 and qing troops arrived quickly and TwWPw0MQAvE-00419-00101852-00102025 suppress the rebels in the next year TwWPw0MQAvE-00420-00102026-00102277 like the preceding Yuan Dynasty TwWPw0MQAvE-00421-00102278-00102505 the Manchus of the Qing Dynasty exerted TwWPw0MQAvE-00422-00102506-00102703 military and administrative control of TwWPw0MQAvE-00423-00102704-00102892 the region while granting it a degree of TwWPw0MQAvE-00424-00102893-00103171 political autonomy the Ching commander TwWPw0MQAvE-00425-00103172-00103348 publicly executed a number of supporters TwWPw0MQAvE-00426-00103349-00103768 of the rebels and as in 1723 and 1728 TwWPw0MQAvE-00427-00103769-00103972 made changes in the political structure TwWPw0MQAvE-00428-00103973-00104164 and drew up a formal organization plan TwWPw0MQAvE-00429-00104165-00104458 the Ching now restored the Dali Lama as TwWPw0MQAvE-00430-00104458-00104602 ruler leading the Governing Council TwWPw0MQAvE-00431-00104603-00104835 called cash Act but elevated the role of TwWPw0MQAvE-00432-00104836-00105016 ambience to include more direct TwWPw0MQAvE-00433-00105017-00105210 involvement in Tibetan internal affairs TwWPw0MQAvE-00434-00105211-00105496 at the same time the Ching took steps to TwWPw0MQAvE-00435-00105497-00105646 counterbalance the power of the TwWPw0MQAvE-00436-00105647-00105834 aristocracy by adding officials TwWPw0MQAvE-00437-00105835-00106045 recruited from the clergy to keep posts TwWPw0MQAvE-00438-00106046-00106236 for several decades peace reigned in TwWPw0MQAvE-00439-00106238-00106525 Tibet but in 1792 the Ching chiyan long TwWPw0MQAvE-00440-00106526-00106741 emperor sent a large Chinese army into TwWPw0MQAvE-00441-00106742-00106939 Tibet to push the invading Nepalese out TwWPw0MQAvE-00442-00106940-00107170 this prompted yet another Ching TwWPw0MQAvE-00443-00107171-00107334 reorganization of the Tibetan government TwWPw0MQAvE-00444-00107335-00107554 this time through a written plan called TwWPw0MQAvE-00445-00107555-00107808 the twenty-nine regulations for better TwWPw0MQAvE-00446-00107809-00108097 government in tibet ching military TwWPw0MQAvE-00447-00108098-00108295 garrison staffed with ching troops were TwWPw0MQAvE-00448-00108296-00108493 now also established near the Nepalese TwWPw0MQAvE-00449-00108494-00108748 border tibet was dominated by the TwWPw0MQAvE-00450-00108749-00108982 Manchus in various stages in the 18th TwWPw0MQAvE-00451-00108983-00109126 century and the years immediately TwWPw0MQAvE-00452-00109127-00109420 following the 1792 regulations were the TwWPw0MQAvE-00453-00109421-00109606 peak of the Qing Imperial Commissioners TwWPw0MQAvE-00454-00109607-00109774 Authority but there was no attempt to TwWPw0MQAvE-00455-00109775-00110065 make Tibet a Chinese province in 1834 TwWPw0MQAvE-00456-00110066-00110263 the Sikh Empire invaded and annexed TwWPw0MQAvE-00457-00110264-00110494 Ladakh a culturally Tibetan region that TwWPw0MQAvE-00458-00110495-00110684 was an independent kingdom at the time TwWPw0MQAvE-00459-00110685-00110950 seven years later a Sikh army led by TwWPw0MQAvE-00460-00110951-00111186 General Zorawar Singh invaded western TwWPw0MQAvE-00461-00111188-00111415 Tibet from Ladakh starting the sino Sikh TwWPw0MQAvE-00462-00111416-00111694 war a Ching Tibetan army repelled the TwWPw0MQAvE-00463-00111695-00111895 invaders but was in turn defeated when TwWPw0MQAvE-00464-00111896-00112069 it chased the Sikhs into Ladakh TwWPw0MQAvE-00465-00112070-00112288 the war ended with the signing of the TwWPw0MQAvE-00466-00112289-00112318 tree TwWPw0MQAvE-00467-00112319-00112509 shushil between the Chinese and Sikh TwWPw0MQAvE-00468-00112510-00112833 empires as the Ching dynasty weakened TwWPw0MQAvE-00469-00112834-00113065 its authority over Tibet also gradually TwWPw0MQAvE-00470-00113066-00113317 declined and by the mid 19th century its TwWPw0MQAvE-00471-00113318-00113602 influence was minuscule shing authority TwWPw0MQAvE-00472-00113603-00113818 over tibet had become more symbolic than TwWPw0MQAvE-00473-00113819-00114058 real by the late 19th century although TwWPw0MQAvE-00474-00114058-00114325 in the 1860s the tibetan still chose for TwWPw0MQAvE-00475-00114326-00114493 reasons of their own to emphasize the TwWPw0MQAvE-00476-00114494-00114708 Empire's symbolic authority and make it TwWPw0MQAvE-00477-00114709-00114925 seem substantial this period also saw TwWPw0MQAvE-00478-00114926-00115120 some contacts with Jesuits and capuchins TwWPw0MQAvE-00479-00115121-00115450 from Europe and in 1774 a Scottish TwWPw0MQAvE-00480-00115451-00115693 nobleman George Bogle came to shigatse TwWPw0MQAvE-00481-00115694-00115900 to investigate prospects of trade for TwWPw0MQAvE-00482-00115901-00116160 the British East India Company however TwWPw0MQAvE-00483-00116161-00116401 in the 19th century the situation of TwWPw0MQAvE-00484-00116402-00116598 foreigners in Tibet grew more tenuous TwWPw0MQAvE-00485-00116599-00116872 the British Empire was encroaching from TwWPw0MQAvE-00486-00116873-00117076 northern India into the Himalayas the TwWPw0MQAvE-00487-00117077-00117268 emirate of Afghanistan and the Russian TwWPw0MQAvE-00488-00117269-00117478 Empire were expanding into Central Asia TwWPw0MQAvE-00489-00117479-00117694 and each power became suspicious of the TwWPw0MQAvE-00490-00117695-00118063 other's intentions in Tibet in 1904 a TwWPw0MQAvE-00491-00118064-00118279 British expedition to tibet spurred in TwWPw0MQAvE-00492-00118280-00118495 part by a fear that russia was extending TwWPw0MQAvE-00493-00118496-00118669 its power into tibet as part of the TwWPw0MQAvE-00494-00118670-00118876 great game invaded the country hoping TwWPw0MQAvE-00495-00118877-00119083 that negotiations with the 13th dalai TwWPw0MQAvE-00496-00119083-00119257 lama would be more effective than with TwWPw0MQAvE-00497-00119258-00119530 chinese representatives when the british TwWPw0MQAvE-00498-00119531-00119752 led invasion reached tibet on December TwWPw0MQAvE-00499-00119753-00120043 12th 1903 an armed confrontation with TwWPw0MQAvE-00500-00120044-00120226 the ethnic Tibetans resulted in the TwWPw0MQAvE-00501-00120227-00120459 massacre of two mischenko which resulted TwWPw0MQAvE-00502-00120460-00120706 in 600 fatalities amongst the Tibetan TwWPw0MQAvE-00503-00120707-00120909 forces compared to only twelve on the TwWPw0MQAvE-00504-00120910-00121288 British side afterwards in 1904 Francis TwWPw0MQAvE-00505-00121289-00121471 Younghusband imposed a treaty known as TwWPw0MQAvE-00506-00121472-00121635 the Treaty of Lhasa which was TwWPw0MQAvE-00507-00121636-00121813 subsequently repudiated and was TwWPw0MQAvE-00508-00121814-00122047 succeeded by a 1906 treaty signed TwWPw0MQAvE-00509-00122048-00122398 between Britain and China in 1910 the TwWPw0MQAvE-00510-00122399-00122557 Qing government sent a military TwWPw0MQAvE-00511-00122558-00122743 expedition of its own under jaw were TwWPw0MQAvE-00512-00122744-00122992 fain to establish direct Manchu Chinese TwWPw0MQAvE-00513-00122993-00123208 rule and in an imperial edict deposed TwWPw0MQAvE-00514-00123208-00123438 the Dalai Lama who fled to British India TwWPw0MQAvE-00515-00123439-00123688 Schauer Fang defeated the Tibetan TwWPw0MQAvE-00516-00123689-00123898 military conclusively and expelled the TwWPw0MQAvE-00517-00123899-00124086 Dalai Lama's forces from the province TwWPw0MQAvE-00518-00124088-00124372 his actions were unpopular and there was TwWPw0MQAvE-00519-00124373-00124555 much animosity against him for his TwWPw0MQAvE-00520-00124556-00124765 mistreatment of civilians and disregard TwWPw0MQAvE-00521-00124766-00125140 for local culture TwWPw0MQAvE-00522-00125141-00125671 topic post Ching period TwWPw0MQAvE-00523-00125672-00125998 after the Xinhai revolution 1911-12 TwWPw0MQAvE-00524-00125999-00126183 toppled the ching dynasty and the last TwWPw0MQAvE-00525-00126184-00126376 qing troops were escorted out of tibet TwWPw0MQAvE-00526-00126377-00126625 the new republic of china apologized for TwWPw0MQAvE-00527-00126626-00126786 the actions of the chain and offered to TwWPw0MQAvE-00528-00126788-00127057 restore the dali lama's title the dalai TwWPw0MQAvE-00529-00127058-00127282 lama refused any chinese title and TwWPw0MQAvE-00530-00127283-00127456 declared himself ruler of an independent TwWPw0MQAvE-00531-00127457-00127788 Tibet in 1913 tibet and mongolia TwWPw0MQAvE-00532-00127789-00128039 concluded a Treaty of mutual recognition TwWPw0MQAvE-00533-00128040-00128377 for the next 36 years the 13th Dalai TwWPw0MQAvE-00534-00128378-00128563 Lama and the Regents who succeeded him TwWPw0MQAvE-00535-00128564-00128848 governed Tibet during this time tibet TwWPw0MQAvE-00536-00128849-00129046 fought chinese warlords for control of TwWPw0MQAvE-00537-00129047-00129274 the ethnically Tibetan areas in psyching TwWPw0MQAvE-00538-00129275-00129510 and Qinghai parts of calm and Amdo along TwWPw0MQAvE-00539-00129511-00129673 the upper reaches of the Yangtze River TwWPw0MQAvE-00540-00129674-00130011 in 1914 the Tibetan government signed TwWPw0MQAvE-00541-00130013-00130203 the Simla accord with Britain seating TwWPw0MQAvE-00542-00130204-00130385 the South Tibet region to British India TwWPw0MQAvE-00543-00130386-00130639 the Chinese government announced the TwWPw0MQAvE-00544-00130640-00130890 agreement as illegal when in the 1930s TwWPw0MQAvE-00545-00130891-00131098 and 1940s the Regents displayed TwWPw0MQAvE-00546-00131099-00131304 negligence in affairs the Kuomintang TwWPw0MQAvE-00547-00131305-00131509 government of the Republic of China took TwWPw0MQAvE-00548-00131510-00131691 advantage of this to expand its reach TwWPw0MQAvE-00549-00131692-00132172 into the territory TwWPw0MQAvE-00550-00132173-00132669 from 1950 to present TwWPw0MQAvE-00551-00132670-00132894 emerging with control over most of TwWPw0MQAvE-00552-00132895-00133110 mainland China after the Chinese Civil TwWPw0MQAvE-00553-00133111-00133302 War the People's Republic of China TwWPw0MQAvE-00554-00133303-00133560 incorporated Tibet in 1950 and TwWPw0MQAvE-00555-00133561-00133740 negotiated the seventeen point agreement TwWPw0MQAvE-00556-00133741-00133968 with the newly enthroned 14th Dalai TwWPw0MQAvE-00557-00133969-00134169 Lama's government affirming the People's TwWPw0MQAvE-00558-00134170-00134355 Republic of China's sovereignty but TwWPw0MQAvE-00559-00134356-00134643 granting the area autonomy subsequently TwWPw0MQAvE-00560-00134644-00134925 on his journey into exile the 14th Dalai TwWPw0MQAvE-00561-00134926-00135165 Lama completely repudiated the agreement TwWPw0MQAvE-00562-00135166-00135354 which he has repeated on many occasions TwWPw0MQAvE-00563-00135355-00135636 the Chinese used the Dali Lama to be TwWPw0MQAvE-00564-00135637-00135819 able to have control of the military's TwWPw0MQAvE-00565-00135820-00136044 training and actions the Dali Lama had a TwWPw0MQAvE-00566-00136045-00136239 strong following as many people from TwWPw0MQAvE-00567-00136240-00136407 Tibet looked at him as their leader from TwWPw0MQAvE-00568-00136408-00136602 not just a political point of view but TwWPw0MQAvE-00569-00136603-00136866 also from a spiritual perspective after TwWPw0MQAvE-00570-00136867-00137070 the Dalai Lama's government fled to TwWPw0MQAvE-00571-00137071-00137364 Dharamsala India during the 1959 Tibetan TwWPw0MQAvE-00572-00137365-00137571 rebellion it established a rival TwWPw0MQAvE-00573-00137572-00137841 government in exile afterwards the TwWPw0MQAvE-00574-00137842-00138030 central People's Government in Beijing TwWPw0MQAvE-00575-00138031-00138192 renounced the agreement and began TwWPw0MQAvE-00576-00138193-00138411 implementation of the halted social and TwWPw0MQAvE-00577-00138412-00138654 political reforms during the Great Leap TwWPw0MQAvE-00578-00138655-00138930 Forward between 200,000 and 1 million TwWPw0MQAvE-00579-00138931-00139206 Tibetans died and approximately 6,000 TwWPw0MQAvE-00580-00139207-00139371 monasteries were destroyed during the TwWPw0MQAvE-00581-00139372-00139551 Cultural Revolution thus the vast TwWPw0MQAvE-00582-00139552-00139728 majority of historic Tibetan TwWPw0MQAvE-00583-00139729-00140106 architecture was destroyed in 1962 China TwWPw0MQAvE-00584-00140107-00140313 and India fought a brief war over the TwWPw0MQAvE-00585-00140314-00140490 disputed South Tibet and Aksai Chin TwWPw0MQAvE-00586-00140491-00140775 regions although China won the war TwWPw0MQAvE-00587-00140776-00140973 Chinese troops withdrew north of the TwWPw0MQAvE-00588-00140974-00141180 McMahon Line effectively seeding South TwWPw0MQAvE-00589-00141181-00141498 Tibet to India in 1980 general secretary TwWPw0MQAvE-00590-00141499-00141711 and reformist who Yaobang visited Tibet TwWPw0MQAvE-00591-00141712-00141912 and ushered in a period of social TwWPw0MQAvE-00592-00141913-00142206 political and economic liberalisation at TwWPw0MQAvE-00593-00142207-00142434 the end of the decade however before the TwWPw0MQAvE-00594-00142435-00142734 Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 monks TwWPw0MQAvE-00595-00142735-00142926 in the draping and sera monasteries TwWPw0MQAvE-00596-00142927-00143124 started protesting for independence and TwWPw0MQAvE-00597-00143125-00143325 so the government halted reforms and TwWPw0MQAvE-00598-00143326-00143522 started an anti separatist campaign TwWPw0MQAvE-00599-00143523-00143769 human rights organizations have been TwWPw0MQAvE-00600-00143770-00143931 critical of the Beijing and Lhasa TwWPw0MQAvE-00601-00143932-00144135 government's approach to human rights in TwWPw0MQAvE-00602-00144136-00144270 the region when cracking down on TwWPw0MQAvE-00603-00144271-00144444 separatist convulsions that have TwWPw0MQAvE-00604-00144445-00144633 occurred around monasteries and cities TwWPw0MQAvE-00605-00144634-00145277 most recently in the 2008 Tibetan unrest TwWPw0MQAvE-00606-00145278-00145750 topic geography TwWPw0MQAvE-00607-00145751-00146029 all of modern China including Tibet is TwWPw0MQAvE-00608-00146030-00146235 considered a part of East Asia TwWPw0MQAvE-00609-00146236-00146521 historically some European sources also TwWPw0MQAvE-00610-00146522-00146704 considered parts of Tibet to lie in TwWPw0MQAvE-00611-00146705-00146962 Central Asia Tibet is west of the TwWPw0MQAvE-00612-00146963-00147160 central China Plain and within mainland TwWPw0MQAvE-00613-00147161-00147415 China Tibet is regarded as part of Shibu TwWPw0MQAvE-00614-00147416-00147667 zebu a term usually translated by TwWPw0MQAvE-00615-00147668-00147940 Chinese media as the Western section TwWPw0MQAvE-00616-00147941-00148265 meaning Western China TwWPw0MQAvE-00617-00148266-00148475 Tibet has some of the world's tallest TwWPw0MQAvE-00618-00148476-00148676 mountains with several of them making TwWPw0MQAvE-00619-00148677-00148988 the top ten list Mount Everest located TwWPw0MQAvE-00620-00148989-00149279 on the border with Nepal is at 8,848 TwWPw0MQAvE-00621-00149280-00149660 metres 29,029 feet the highest mountain TwWPw0MQAvE-00622-00149661-00149722 on earth TwWPw0MQAvE-00623-00149723-00149960 several major rivers have their source TwWPw0MQAvE-00624-00149961-00150159 in the Tibetan Plateau mostly in TwWPw0MQAvE-00625-00150160-00150413 present-day qinghai province these TwWPw0MQAvE-00626-00150414-00150645 include the Yangtze yellow river Indus TwWPw0MQAvE-00627-00150646-00150909 River Mekong Ganges salween and the TwWPw0MQAvE-00628-00150910-00151131 Yarlung Tsangpo River Brahmaputra River TwWPw0MQAvE-00629-00151132-00151419 the Yarlung Tsangpo Grand Canyon along TwWPw0MQAvE-00630-00151420-00151644 the Yarlung Tsangpo River is among the TwWPw0MQAvE-00631-00151645-00151883 deepest and longest canyons in the world TwWPw0MQAvE-00632-00151884-00152259 Tibet has been called the water tower of TwWPw0MQAvE-00633-00152260-00152486 Asia and China is investing heavily in TwWPw0MQAvE-00634-00152487-00152718 water projects in Tibet the Indus and TwWPw0MQAvE-00635-00152719-00152927 Brahmaputra rivers originate from a lake TwWPw0MQAvE-00636-00152928-00153057 tip so matha TwWPw0MQAvE-00637-00153058-00153377 to bet near Mount Kailash the mountain TwWPw0MQAvE-00638-00153378-00153554 is a holy pilgrimage site for both TwWPw0MQAvE-00639-00153555-00153822 Hindus and Tibetans the Hindus consider TwWPw0MQAvE-00640-00153823-00154004 the mountain to be the abode of Lord TwWPw0MQAvE-00641-00154005-00154277 Shiva the Tibetan name for Mount Kailash TwWPw0MQAvE-00642-00154278-00154581 is Kangin pochi Tibet has numerous high TwWPw0MQAvE-00643-00154582-00154794 altitude lakes referred to in Tibetan as TwWPw0MQAvE-00644-00154795-00155123 so orco these include qinghai lake lake TwWPw0MQAvE-00645-00155124-00155435 manasarovar nam itza pangong TSO yamdrok TwWPw0MQAvE-00646-00155436-00155750 lake siling KO la mola so luma jang dong TwWPw0MQAvE-00647-00155751-00156038 ko lake puma young KO lake pi KU como TwWPw0MQAvE-00648-00156039-00156290 Chamblin Lake Raksha Stoll DAGs CO and TwWPw0MQAvE-00649-00156291-00156509 dong Co the qinghai lake TwWPw0MQAvE-00650-00156510-00156713 Coco noir is the largest lake in the TwWPw0MQAvE-00651-00156714-00156969 People's Republic of China the TwWPw0MQAvE-00652-00156970-00157178 atmosphere is severely dry nine months TwWPw0MQAvE-00653-00157179-00157347 of the year an average annual snowfall TwWPw0MQAvE-00654-00157348-00157676 is only 18 inches 46 centimeters due to TwWPw0MQAvE-00655-00157677-00157973 the rain shadow effect western passes TwWPw0MQAvE-00656-00157974-00158181 receive small amounts of fresh snow each TwWPw0MQAvE-00657-00158182-00158372 year but remain traversable all year TwWPw0MQAvE-00658-00158373-00158636 round low temperatures are prevalent TwWPw0MQAvE-00659-00158637-00158810 throughout these western regions where TwWPw0MQAvE-00660-00158811-00159014 bleak desolation is unrelieved by any TwWPw0MQAvE-00661-00159015-00159224 vegetation bigger than a low bush and TwWPw0MQAvE-00662-00159225-00159428 where wind sweeps unchecked across vast TwWPw0MQAvE-00663-00159429-00159698 expanses of arid plain the Indian TwWPw0MQAvE-00664-00159699-00159923 monsoon exerts some influence on eastern TwWPw0MQAvE-00665-00159924-00160175 Tibet northern Tibet is subject to high TwWPw0MQAvE-00666-00160176-00160352 temperatures in the summer and intense TwWPw0MQAvE-00667-00160353-00160640 cold in the winter cultural Tibet TwWPw0MQAvE-00668-00160641-00160802 consists of several regions TwWPw0MQAvE-00669-00160803-00161114 these include Amdo mdo in the northeast TwWPw0MQAvE-00670-00161115-00161297 which is administratively part of the TwWPw0MQAvE-00671-00161298-00161607 provinces of Qinghai Gansu and sichuan TwWPw0MQAvE-00672-00161608-00161874 calm comms in the southeast encompasses TwWPw0MQAvE-00673-00161875-00162113 parts of western sis WAN northern Yunnan TwWPw0MQAvE-00674-00162114-00162336 southern Qinghai in the eastern part of TwWPw0MQAvE-00675-00162337-00162539 the Tibet Autonomous Region u-tsang TwWPw0MQAvE-00676-00162540-00162825 d-bus GT saying.you in the center sang TwWPw0MQAvE-00677-00162826-00163110 in the center west and nari mnga wrists TwWPw0MQAvE-00678-00163111-00163301 in the Far West covered the central and TwWPw0MQAvE-00679-00163302-00163446 western portion of Tibet Autonomous TwWPw0MQAvE-00680-00163447-00163775 Region Tibetan cultural influences TwWPw0MQAvE-00681-00163776-00163940 extend to the neighboring states of TwWPw0MQAvE-00682-00163941-00164184 Bhutan Nepal regions of India such as TwWPw0MQAvE-00683-00164185-00164460 Sikkim Ladakh Lahaul and Spiti northern TwWPw0MQAvE-00684-00164461-00164736 Pakistan Baltistan or Baldy Yul in TwWPw0MQAvE-00685-00164737-00164903 addition to designated tibetan TwWPw0MQAvE-00686-00164904-00165111 autonomous areas in adjacent Chinese TwWPw0MQAvE-00687-00165112-00165516 provinces TwWPw0MQAvE-00688-00165517-00166052 topic cities towns and villages TwWPw0MQAvE-00689-00166053-00166313 there are over 800 settlements in tibet TwWPw0MQAvE-00690-00166314-00166589 law says Tibet's traditional capital and TwWPw0MQAvE-00691-00166590-00166771 the capital of Tibet Autonomous Region TwWPw0MQAvE-00692-00166772-00167093 it contains two world heritage sites the TwWPw0MQAvE-00693-00167094-00167303 Potala Palace and norbulinka which were TwWPw0MQAvE-00694-00167304-00167576 the residences of the Dalai Lama Lhasa TwWPw0MQAvE-00695-00167577-00167801 contains a number of significant temples TwWPw0MQAvE-00696-00167802-00168017 and monasteries including jocking and TwWPw0MQAvE-00697-00168018-00168338 Rama temple shigatse is the second TwWPw0MQAvE-00698-00168339-00168545 largest city in the Tibet are west of TwWPw0MQAvE-00699-00168546-00168875 Lhasa diancie and Kondo are also amongst TwWPw0MQAvE-00700-00168876-00169181 the largest other cities and towns in TwWPw0MQAvE-00701-00169182-00169394 cultural Tibet include chic and he ali TwWPw0MQAvE-00702-00169395-00169787 nag chu bam de rue tog na ng Ned Aung ko TwWPw0MQAvE-00703-00169788-00170111 keen Barkham Sakia guard C Pell bar lot TwWPw0MQAvE-00704-00170112-00170393 C and tingri in Sichuan kangding dart TwWPw0MQAvE-00705-00170394-00170735 Sado in Qinghai Jia kundo yu Shu Mackin TwWPw0MQAvE-00706-00170736-00170990 and goal made in India - Wang lei and TwWPw0MQAvE-00707-00170991-00171239 gangtok and in Pakistan skardu and TwWPw0MQAvE-00708-00171240-00171594 Kapoor leo TwWPw0MQAvE-00709-00171595-00172086 topic government TwWPw0MQAvE-00710-00172087-00172304 the central region of Tibet as an TwWPw0MQAvE-00711-00172305-00172536 autonomous region within China the Tibet TwWPw0MQAvE-00712-00172537-00172764 Autonomous Region the Tibet Autonomous TwWPw0MQAvE-00713-00172765-00173025 Region as a province level entity of the TwWPw0MQAvE-00714-00173026-00173279 People's Republic of China it is TwWPw0MQAvE-00715-00173280-00173475 governed by a People's Government led by TwWPw0MQAvE-00716-00173476-00173742 a chairman in practice however the TwWPw0MQAvE-00717-00173743-00173901 Chairman is subordinate to the branch TwWPw0MQAvE-00718-00173902-00174093 secretary of the Communist Party of TwWPw0MQAvE-00719-00174094-00174366 China as a matter of convention the TwWPw0MQAvE-00720-00174367-00174537 Chairman has almost always been an TwWPw0MQAvE-00721-00174538-00174750 ethnic Tibetan while the party secretary TwWPw0MQAvE-00722-00174751-00175246 has always been ethnically non-tibetan TwWPw0MQAvE-00723-00175247-00175759 topic economy TwWPw0MQAvE-00724-00175760-00176002 the Tibetan economy is dominated by TwWPw0MQAvE-00725-00176003-00176269 subsistence agriculture due to limited TwWPw0MQAvE-00726-00176270-00176506 arable land the primary occupation of TwWPw0MQAvE-00727-00176507-00176691 the Tibetan Plateau is raising livestock TwWPw0MQAvE-00728-00176692-00177025 such as sheep cattle goats camels yaks TwWPw0MQAvE-00729-00177026-00177334 dzo and horses the dogs of Tibet are TwWPw0MQAvE-00730-00177335-00177514 twice the size of those seen in India TwWPw0MQAvE-00731-00177515-00177790 with large heads and hairy bodies they TwWPw0MQAvE-00732-00177791-00177982 are powerful animals and are said to be TwWPw0MQAvE-00733-00177983-00178246 able to kill a tiger during the day they TwWPw0MQAvE-00734-00178247-00178423 are kept chained up and are let loose at TwWPw0MQAvE-00735-00178424-00178663 night to guard their master's house the TwWPw0MQAvE-00736-00178664-00178858 main crops grown are barley wheat TwWPw0MQAvE-00737-00178859-00179095 buckwheat rye potatoes and assorted TwWPw0MQAvE-00738-00179096-00179379 fruits and vegetables Tibet is ranked TwWPw0MQAvE-00739-00179380-00179638 the lowest among China's 31 provinces on TwWPw0MQAvE-00740-00179639-00179845 the Human Development Index according to TwWPw0MQAvE-00741-00179846-00180151 UN Development Programme data in recent TwWPw0MQAvE-00742-00180152-00180325 years due to increased interest in TwWPw0MQAvE-00743-00180326-00180547 Tibetan Buddhism tourism has become an TwWPw0MQAvE-00744-00180548-00180739 increasingly important sector and is TwWPw0MQAvE-00745-00180740-00180951 actively promoted by the authorities TwWPw0MQAvE-00746-00180952-00181189 tourism brings in the most income from TwWPw0MQAvE-00747-00181190-00181428 the sale of handicrafts these include TwWPw0MQAvE-00748-00181429-00181677 Tibetan hats jewelry silver and gold TwWPw0MQAvE-00749-00181678-00181975 wooden items clothing quilts fabrics TwWPw0MQAvE-00750-00181976-00182269 Tibetan rugs and carpets the central TwWPw0MQAvE-00751-00182270-00182461 People's Government exempts Tibet from TwWPw0MQAvE-00752-00182462-00182713 all taxation and provides 90 percent of TwWPw0MQAvE-00753-00182714-00182986 Tibet's government expenditures however TwWPw0MQAvE-00754-00182987-00183172 most of this investment goes to pay TwWPw0MQAvE-00755-00183173-00183361 migrant workers who do not settle in TwWPw0MQAvE-00756-00183362-00183556 Tibet and send much of their income home TwWPw0MQAvE-00757-00183557-00183823 to other provinces 0.4 zero percent of TwWPw0MQAvE-00758-00183824-00183990 the rural cash income in the Tibet TwWPw0MQAvE-00759-00183991-00184189 Autonomous Region as derived from the TwWPw0MQAvE-00760-00184190-00184345 harvesting of the fungus cordyceps TwWPw0MQAvE-00761-00184346-00184621 sinensis contributing at least 1.8 TwWPw0MQAvE-00762-00184622-00184948 billion yuan 225 million United States TwWPw0MQAvE-00763-00184949-00185296 dollars to the region's GDP the Qing TwWPw0MQAvE-00764-00185297-00185458 Zhong railway linking the Tibet TwWPw0MQAvE-00765-00185459-00185620 Autonomous Region to qinghai province TwWPw0MQAvE-00766-00185621-00185902 was opened in 2006 but not without TwWPw0MQAvE-00767-00185903-00186244 controversy in January 2007 the Chinese TwWPw0MQAvE-00768-00186245-00186445 government issued a report outlining the TwWPw0MQAvE-00769-00186446-00186652 discovery of a large mineral deposit TwWPw0MQAvE-00770-00186653-00186927 under the Tibetan Plateau the deposit TwWPw0MQAvE-00771-00186928-00187215 has an estimated value of 128 billion TwWPw0MQAvE-00772-00187216-00187428 dollars and may double Chinese reserves TwWPw0MQAvE-00773-00187429-00187720 of zinc copper and LED the Chinese TwWPw0MQAvE-00774-00187721-00187876 government sees this as a way to TwWPw0MQAvE-00775-00187877-00188068 alleviate the nation's dependence on TwWPw0MQAvE-00776-00188069-00188260 foreign mineral imports for its growing TwWPw0MQAvE-00777-00188261-00188553 economy however critics worried that TwWPw0MQAvE-00778-00188554-00188746 mining these vast resources will harm TwWPw0MQAvE-00779-00188747-00188962 Tibet's fragile ecosystem and undermine TwWPw0MQAvE-00780-00188963-00189129 Tibetan culture on genuine TwWPw0MQAvE-00781-00189130-00189414 15 2009 China announced the construction TwWPw0MQAvE-00782-00189415-00189748 of Tibet's first expressway a 37.9 TwWPw0MQAvE-00783-00189749-00189997 kilometers TwWPw0MQAvE-00784-00189998-00190195 stretch of controlled-access highway in TwWPw0MQAvE-00785-00190196-00190476 southwestern Lhasa the project will cost TwWPw0MQAvE-00786-00190477-00190822 one point five five billion yuan 227 TwWPw0MQAvE-00787-00190823-00191083 million dollars from January 18 to 20 TwWPw0MQAvE-00788-00191084-00191325 2010 a national conference on Tibetan TwWPw0MQAvE-00789-00191326-00191572 areas inhabited by Tibetans in Sichuan TwWPw0MQAvE-00790-00191573-00191821 Yunnan Gansu and Qinghai was held in TwWPw0MQAvE-00791-00191822-00192034 China and a substantial plan to improve TwWPw0MQAvE-00792-00192035-00192225 development of the areas was announced TwWPw0MQAvE-00793-00192226-00192493 the conference was attended by general TwWPw0MQAvE-00794-00192494-00192753 secretary who Jintao Wu bang Guo Wen TwWPw0MQAvE-00795-00192754-00193029 Jiabao Jacques Qinglin Li Chang Chun Xi TwWPw0MQAvE-00796-00193030-00193290 Jinping Li Keqiang he Guo Jiang and Jo TwWPw0MQAvE-00797-00193291-00193522 Yong Kong all members of CPC Politburo TwWPw0MQAvE-00798-00193523-00193710 Standing Committee signalling the TwWPw0MQAvE-00799-00193711-00193911 commitment of senior Chinese leaders to TwWPw0MQAvE-00800-00193912-00194115 development of Tibet and ethnic Tibetan TwWPw0MQAvE-00801-00194116-00194403 areas the plan calls for improvement of TwWPw0MQAvE-00802-00194404-00194577 rural Tibetan income to national TwWPw0MQAvE-00803-00194578-00194857 standards by 2020 and free education for TwWPw0MQAvE-00804-00194858-00195126 all rural Tibetan children China has TwWPw0MQAvE-00805-00195127-00195433 invested 310 billion yuan about forty TwWPw0MQAvE-00806-00195434-00195670 five point six billion US dollars in TwWPw0MQAvE-00807-00195671-00196021 Tibet since 2001 Tibet's GDP was TwWPw0MQAvE-00808-00196022-00196219 expected to reach forty three point TwWPw0MQAvE-00809-00196220-00196623 seven billion yuan in 2009 up 170 TwWPw0MQAvE-00810-00196624-00196885 percent from that in 2000 and posting an TwWPw0MQAvE-00811-00196886-00197061 annual growth of twelve point three TwWPw0MQAvE-00812-00197062-00197650 percent over the past nine years TwWPw0MQAvE-00813-00197651-00198171 topic development zone TwWPw0MQAvE-00814-00198172-00198420 the State Council approved Tibet Lhasa TwWPw0MQAvE-00815-00198421-00198657 economic and technological development TwWPw0MQAvE-00816-00198658-00198855 zone as a state level development zone TwWPw0MQAvE-00817-00198856-00199173 in 2001 it is located in the western TwWPw0MQAvE-00818-00199174-00199377 suburbs of Lhasa the capital of the TwWPw0MQAvE-00819-00199378-00199656 Tibet Autonomous Region it is 50 TwWPw0MQAvE-00820-00199657-00199917 kilometres 31 miles away from the Ganga TwWPw0MQAvE-00821-00199918-00200226 Airport and 2 kilometres 1.2 miles away TwWPw0MQAvE-00822-00200227-00200409 from lhasa railway station and 2 TwWPw0MQAvE-00823-00200410-00200745 kilometres 1.2 miles away from 318 TwWPw0MQAvE-00824-00200746-00201051 national highway the zone has a planned TwWPw0MQAvE-00825-00201052-00201267 area of five point four six square TwWPw0MQAvE-00826-00201268-00201546 kilometres 2.11 square miles and is TwWPw0MQAvE-00827-00201547-00201864 divided into two zones zone a developed TwWPw0MQAvE-00828-00201865-00202217 a land area of 2.5 1 square kilometres TwWPw0MQAvE-00829-00202218-00202458 0.97 square miles for construction TwWPw0MQAvE-00830-00202459-00202761 purposes it is a flat zone and has the TwWPw0MQAvE-00831-00202762-00203239 natural conditions for good drainage TwWPw0MQAvE-00832-00203240-00203783 topic demographics TwWPw0MQAvE-00833-00203784-00204030 historically the population of Tibet TwWPw0MQAvE-00834-00204031-00204255 consisted of primarily ethnic Tibetans TwWPw0MQAvE-00835-00204256-00204501 and some other ethnic groups according TwWPw0MQAvE-00836-00204502-00204735 to tradition the original ancestors of TwWPw0MQAvE-00837-00204736-00204941 the Tibetan people as represented by the TwWPw0MQAvE-00838-00204942-00205176 six red bands in the Tibetan flag art TwWPw0MQAvE-00839-00205177-00205581 the say mu Tong Tong drew an draw other TwWPw0MQAvE-00840-00205582-00205761 traditional ethnic groups with TwWPw0MQAvE-00841-00205762-00205946 significant population or with the TwWPw0MQAvE-00842-00205948-00206162 majority of the ethnic group residing in TwWPw0MQAvE-00843-00206163-00206379 Tibet excluding a disputed area with TwWPw0MQAvE-00844-00206380-00206604 India include by people Blaine TwWPw0MQAvE-00845-00206605-00206904 Bonin dong Zhang Han Wei people lobha TwWPw0MQAvE-00846-00206905-00207044 Lee su people meow TwWPw0MQAvE-00847-00207046-00207360 Mongols monger - people memba monpa TwWPw0MQAvE-00848-00207361-00207675 masuo na ki Chang new people poo me TwWPw0MQAvE-00849-00207676-00208011 salar and yi people the proportion of TwWPw0MQAvE-00850-00208012-00208214 the non Tibetan population in Tibet is TwWPw0MQAvE-00851-00208215-00208458 disputed on the one hand the central TwWPw0MQAvE-00852-00208459-00208644 Tibetan administration of the Dalai Lama TwWPw0MQAvE-00853-00208644-00208898 accuses China of actively swampy Tibet TwWPw0MQAvE-00854-00208900-00209087 with migrants in order to alter Tibet's TwWPw0MQAvE-00855-00209088-00209352 demographic makeup on the other hand TwWPw0MQAvE-00856-00209353-00209583 according to the 2010 Chinese census TwWPw0MQAvE-00857-00209584-00209817 ethnic Tibetans comprised 90 percent of TwWPw0MQAvE-00858-00209817-00210036 a total population of 3 million in the TwWPw0MQAvE-00859-00210037-00210312 Tibet Autonomous Region exact population TwWPw0MQAvE-00860-00210313-00210588 numbers probably depend on how temporary TwWPw0MQAvE-00861-00210589-00210988 migrants are counted TwWPw0MQAvE-00862-00210989-00211486 topic culture TwWPw0MQAvE-00863-00211487-00211957 topic religion TwWPw0MQAvE-00864-00211958-00212398 topic Buddhism TwWPw0MQAvE-00865-00212398-00212642 religion is extremely important to the TwWPw0MQAvE-00866-00212642-00212848 Tibetans and has a strong influence over TwWPw0MQAvE-00867-00212850-00213137 all aspects of their lives bond is the TwWPw0MQAvE-00868-00213138-00213329 indigenous religion of Tibet but has TwWPw0MQAvE-00869-00213330-00213527 been almost eclipsed by Tibetan Buddhism TwWPw0MQAvE-00870-00213528-00213737 a distinctive form of Mahayana and TwWPw0MQAvE-00871-00213738-00213941 Vajrayana which was introduced into TwWPw0MQAvE-00872-00213942-00214103 Tibet from the Sanskrit Buddhist TwWPw0MQAvE-00873-00214104-00214361 tradition of northern India Tibetan TwWPw0MQAvE-00874-00214362-00214577 Buddhism is practiced not only in Tibet TwWPw0MQAvE-00875-00214578-00214811 but also in Mongolia parts of northern TwWPw0MQAvE-00876-00214812-00215021 India the Buryat Republic the Tuva TwWPw0MQAvE-00877-00215021-00215201 Republic and in the Republic of Kalmykia TwWPw0MQAvE-00878-00215202-00215483 and some other parts of China during TwWPw0MQAvE-00879-00215484-00215654 China's Cultural Revolution TwWPw0MQAvE-00880-00215655-00215842 nearly all Tibet's monasteries were TwWPw0MQAvE-00881-00215844-00216014 ransacked and destroyed by the Red TwWPw0MQAvE-00882-00216015-00216314 Guards a few monasteries have begun to TwWPw0MQAvE-00883-00216315-00216542 rebuild since the 1980s with limited TwWPw0MQAvE-00884-00216542-00216725 support from the Chinese government and TwWPw0MQAvE-00885-00216726-00216890 greater religious freedom has been TwWPw0MQAvE-00886-00216891-00217071 granted although it is still limited TwWPw0MQAvE-00887-00217073-00217298 monks returned to monasteries across TwWPw0MQAvE-00888-00217298-00217553 Tibet and monastic education resumed TwWPw0MQAvE-00889-00217554-00217727 even though the number of monks imposed TwWPw0MQAvE-00890-00217728-00218015 is strictly limited before the 1950s TwWPw0MQAvE-00891-00218016-00218246 between ten and twenty percent of males TwWPw0MQAvE-00892-00218246-00218483 in Tibet were monks Tibetan Buddhism has TwWPw0MQAvE-00893-00218484-00218711 five main traditions the suffix Pau is TwWPw0MQAvE-00894-00218712-00219142 comparable to her in English gelug pas TwWPw0MQAvE-00895-00219144-00219244 way of virtue TwWPw0MQAvE-00896-00219246-00219482 also known casually as yellow hat whose TwWPw0MQAvE-00897-00219483-00219689 spiritual head as the ganden tripa and TwWPw0MQAvE-00898-00219690-00219907 whose temporal head as the dalai lama TwWPw0MQAvE-00899-00219908-00220166 successive Dalai Lama's ruled Tibet from TwWPw0MQAvE-00900-00220167-00220496 the mid 17th to mid 20th centuries this TwWPw0MQAvE-00901-00220496-00220692 order was founded in the 14th to 15th TwWPw0MQAvE-00902-00220694-00220955 centuries by Zhang kapa based on the TwWPw0MQAvE-00903-00220956-00221176 foundations of the Kadampa tradition TwWPw0MQAvE-00904-00221177-00221384 tsongkhapa was renowned for both his TwWPw0MQAvE-00905-00221385-00221633 scholasticism and his virtue the dalai TwWPw0MQAvE-00906-00221634-00221858 lama belongs to the gelugpa school and TwWPw0MQAvE-00907-00221859-00222029 is regarded as the embodiment of the TwWPw0MQAvE-00908-00222030-00222394 Bodhisattva of compassion kagyu pas oral TwWPw0MQAvE-00909-00222396-00222680 lineage this contains one major sub-sect TwWPw0MQAvE-00910-00222681-00222821 and one minor sub-sect TwWPw0MQAvE-00911-00222821-00223091 the first the dag pocoyo encompasses TwWPw0MQAvE-00912-00223092-00223304 those kagyu schools that trace back to TwWPw0MQAvE-00913-00223305-00223658 gam papa in turn the dag Pocoyo consists TwWPw0MQAvE-00914-00223659-00223867 of four major sub sects the karma kagyu TwWPw0MQAvE-00915-00223869-00224183 headed by a Karmapa the sul Pakal the TwWPw0MQAvE-00916-00224184-00224501 bærum kagyu and pag true Kaguya the once TwWPw0MQAvE-00917-00224502-00224746 obscure shankha kagyu which was famously TwWPw0MQAvE-00918-00224748-00224978 represented by the 20th century teacher TwWPw0MQAvE-00919-00224979-00225230 Kalu rinpoche traces its history back to TwWPw0MQAvE-00920-00225231-00225442 the indian master nagamma sister of TwWPw0MQAvE-00921-00225444-00225642 kagyu lineage holder Nero TwWPw0MQAvE-00922-00225644-00225883 this is an oral tradition which is very TwWPw0MQAvE-00923-00225884-00226048 much concerned with the experiential TwWPw0MQAvE-00924-00226048-00226330 dimension of meditation its most famous TwWPw0MQAvE-00925-00226331-00226594 exponent was Milarepa an 11th century TwWPw0MQAvE-00926-00226594-00226992 mystic nimah pas the ancient ones this TwWPw0MQAvE-00927-00226994-00227212 is the oldest the original order founded TwWPw0MQAvE-00928-00227213-00227548 by Padmasambhava satya PHA grey earth TwWPw0MQAvE-00929-00227548-00227764 headed by the socket risen founded by TwWPw0MQAvE-00930-00227765-00228001 khon konchog gyalpo a disciple of the TwWPw0MQAvE-00931-00228002-00228331 great translator drachma lotsawa Sakya TwWPw0MQAvE-00932-00228332-00228379 Pandita TwWPw0MQAvE-00933-00228380-00228700 1182 to 1250 1c e was the great-grandson TwWPw0MQAvE-00934-00228701-00229039 of khon konchog gyalpo this school TwWPw0MQAvE-00935-00229040-00229378 emphasizes scholarship joning pas its TwWPw0MQAvE-00936-00229379-00229576 origins in tibet can be traced to early TwWPw0MQAvE-00937-00229577-00229858 12th century master llamo Mikio dorje TwWPw0MQAvE-00938-00229859-00230041 but became much wider known with the TwWPw0MQAvE-00939-00230042-00230284 help of del papa sherab gyaltsen a monk TwWPw0MQAvE-00940-00230285-00230557 originally trained in the sake of the TwWPw0MQAvE-00941-00230558-00230742 joning school was widely thought to have TwWPw0MQAvE-00942-00230744-00230946 become extinct in the late 17th century TwWPw0MQAvE-00943-00230948-00231187 at the hands of the 5th Dalai Lama who TwWPw0MQAvE-00944-00231188-00231406 forcibly annexed the joning monasteries TwWPw0MQAvE-00945-00231407-00231583 to his gelug school declaring them TwWPw0MQAvE-00946-00231584-00231856 heretical thus tibet ologists were TwWPw0MQAvE-00947-00231857-00232044 astonished when fieldwork turned up TwWPw0MQAvE-00948-00232046-00232234 several active joning pas monasteries TwWPw0MQAvE-00949-00232235-00232467 including the main monastery ssanghwa TwWPw0MQAvE-00950-00232469-00232716 located in Zam Tang County Sichuan TwWPw0MQAvE-00951-00232717-00233026 almost 40 monasteries comprising about TwWPw0MQAvE-00952-00233027-00233281 5,000 monks have subsequently been found TwWPw0MQAvE-00953-00233282-00233479 including some in the Amdo Tibetan and TwWPw0MQAvE-00954-00233480-00233728 Argyll growing areas of Qinghai Sichuan TwWPw0MQAvE-00955-00233729-00234004 and Tibet one of the primary supporters TwWPw0MQAvE-00956-00234005-00234219 of the joning lineage in exile has been TwWPw0MQAvE-00957-00234221-00234444 the 14th Dalai Lama of the Galliard pool TwWPw0MQAvE-00958-00234446-00234706 in eh the joning tradition has recently TwWPw0MQAvE-00959-00234707-00234916 officially registered with the Tibetan TwWPw0MQAvE-00960-00234917-00235129 government-in-exile to be recognized as TwWPw0MQAvE-00961-00235130-00235300 the fifth living Buddhist tradition of TwWPw0MQAvE-00962-00235301-00235576 Tibetan Buddhism the 14th Dalai Lama TwWPw0MQAvE-00963-00235577-00235861 assigned jets and Ambika to of Mongolia TwWPw0MQAvE-00964-00235862-00236002 who is considered to be an incarnation TwWPw0MQAvE-00965-00236003-00236212 of tara Natha as the leader of the TwWPw0MQAvE-00966-00236213-00236600 joning tradition TwWPw0MQAvE-00967-00236601-00237033 topic Christianity TwWPw0MQAvE-00968-00237034-00237261 the first Christians documented to have TwWPw0MQAvE-00969-00237262-00237450 reached Tibet where the Nestorians of TwWPw0MQAvE-00970-00237451-00237657 whom various remains and inscriptions TwWPw0MQAvE-00971-00237658-00237885 have been found in Tibet they were also TwWPw0MQAvE-00972-00237886-00238098 present at the imperial camp of mont TwWPw0MQAvE-00973-00238098-00238308 khand at Shira Ordo where they debated TwWPw0MQAvE-00974-00238309-00238806 in 1256 with karma pakshi 1204 6 - 83 TwWPw0MQAvE-00975-00238807-00239121 head of the karma kagyu order des Ituri TwWPw0MQAvE-00976-00239121-00239423 who reached Lhasa in 1716 encountered TwWPw0MQAvE-00977-00239425-00239631 Armenian and Russian merchants Roman TwWPw0MQAvE-00978-00239632-00239844 Catholic Jesuits and capuchins arrived TwWPw0MQAvE-00979-00239844-00240017 from Europe in the 17th and 18th TwWPw0MQAvE-00980-00240019-00240375 centuries Portuguese missionaries Jesuit TwWPw0MQAvE-00981-00240376-00240596 Father Antonio de Andrade and brother TwWPw0MQAvE-00982-00240598-00240807 Manuel Marcus first reached the kingdom TwWPw0MQAvE-00983-00240808-00241146 of Gelu in western Tibet in 1624 and was TwWPw0MQAvE-00984-00241146-00241335 welcomed by the royal family who allowed TwWPw0MQAvE-00985-00241336-00241704 them to build a church later on by 1627 TwWPw0MQAvE-00986-00241705-00241839 there were about a hundred local TwWPw0MQAvE-00987-00241840-00242108 converts in the gooc kingdom later on TwWPw0MQAvE-00988-00242109-00242334 Christianity was introduced to rudik TwWPw0MQAvE-00989-00242335-00242541 Ladakh and sang and was welcomed by the TwWPw0MQAvE-00990-00242542-00242763 ruler of the Sangh kingdom where Andrade TwWPw0MQAvE-00991-00242764-00242961 and his fellows established a Jesuit TwWPw0MQAvE-00992-00242962-00243231 outpost at shigatse in 1626 TwWPw0MQAvE-00993-00243232-00243552 in 1661 another jesuit Johann Gruber TwWPw0MQAvE-00994-00243553-00243729 crossed tibet from signing to lhasa TwWPw0MQAvE-00995-00243730-00243923 where he spent a month before heading on TwWPw0MQAvE-00996-00243925-00244196 to nepal he was followed by others who TwWPw0MQAvE-00997-00244198-00244389 actually built a church in Lhasa TwWPw0MQAvE-00998-00244390-00244581 these included the jesuit father TwWPw0MQAvE-00999-00244582-00245034 apellido destory 1716 to 1721 who gained TwWPw0MQAvE-01000-00245035-00245187 a deep knowledge of tibetan culture TwWPw0MQAvE-01001-00245188-00245430 language and buddhism and various cap TwWPw0MQAvE-01002-00245431-00245946 kitchens in 1707 2:17 11 17 16 to 17 33 TwWPw0MQAvE-01003-00245946-00246398 and 1741 to 1745 christianity was used TwWPw0MQAvE-01004-00246400-00246606 by some tibetan monarchs in their courts TwWPw0MQAvE-01005-00246607-00246771 and the Karmapa sac lamas to TwWPw0MQAvE-01006-00246771-00246933 counterbalance the influence of the TwWPw0MQAvE-01007-00246934-00247158 gelugpa sect in the 17th century until TwWPw0MQAvE-01008-00247159-00247442 in 1745 when all the missionaries were TwWPw0MQAvE-01009-00247444-00247758 expelled at the lamas insistence in 1877 TwWPw0MQAvE-01010-00247759-00247967 the protestant james cameron from the TwWPw0MQAvE-01011-00247969-00248123 China Inland Mission walked from TwWPw0MQAvE-01012-00248125-00248334 chongqing to batang in gars tibetan TwWPw0MQAvE-01013-00248335-00248538 autonomous prefecture sichuan province TwWPw0MQAvE-01014-00248539-00248802 and brought the gospel to the tibetan TwWPw0MQAvE-01015-00248803-00249096 people beginning in the 20th century in TwWPw0MQAvE-01016-00249096-00249333 deccan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in TwWPw0MQAvE-01017-00249334-00249552 Yunnan a large number of Lee Soo people TwWPw0MQAvE-01018-00249553-00249744 and some Yi and new people converted to TwWPw0MQAvE-01019-00249744-00250044 Christianity famous earlier missionaries TwWPw0MQAvE-01020-00250044-00250287 include James o Fraser Alfred James TwWPw0MQAvE-01021-00250288-00250360 broom ha TwWPw0MQAvE-01022-00250361-00250558 and Isobel Kuhn of the China Inland TwWPw0MQAvE-01023-00250559-00250735 Mission among others who were active in TwWPw0MQAvE-01024-00250736-00250966 this area proselytizing has been illegal TwWPw0MQAvE-01025-00250967-00251383 in China since 1949 but as of 2013 many TwWPw0MQAvE-01026-00251384-00251584 Christian missionaries were reported to TwWPw0MQAvE-01027-00251585-00251755 be active in Tibet with the tacit TwWPw0MQAvE-01028-00251756-00251962 approval of Chinese authorities who view TwWPw0MQAvE-01029-00251963-00252133 the missionaries as a counter force to TwWPw0MQAvE-01030-00252134-00252321 Tibetan Buddhism or as a boon to the TwWPw0MQAvE-01031-00252323-00252715 local economy TwWPw0MQAvE-01032-00252716-00253105 topic Islam TwWPw0MQAvE-01033-00253106-00253342 Muslims have been living in Tibet since TwWPw0MQAvE-01034-00253344-00253600 as early as the 8th or 9th century in TwWPw0MQAvE-01035-00253601-00253787 Tibetan cities there are small TwWPw0MQAvE-01036-00253788-00254005 communities of Muslims known as catchy TwWPw0MQAvE-01037-00254006-00254189 cash who trace their origin to TwWPw0MQAvE-01038-00254190-00254329 immigrants from three main regions TwWPw0MQAvE-01039-00254330-00254642 Kashmir Kochi Yul in ancient Tibetan TwWPw0MQAvE-01040-00254642-00254827 Ladakh in the Central Asian Turkic TwWPw0MQAvE-01041-00254828-00255121 countries Islamic influence in Tibet TwWPw0MQAvE-01042-00255122-00255427 also came from Persia a Muslim Sufi Syed TwWPw0MQAvE-01043-00255428-00255625 Ali Hamdani preached to the people of TwWPw0MQAvE-01044-00255626-00255826 baal to stun then known as little tibet TwWPw0MQAvE-01045-00255827-00256102 which became main cause of the cultural TwWPw0MQAvE-01046-00256103-00256306 separation of the people of Baltistan TwWPw0MQAvE-01047-00256307-00256637 from the mainstream tibet after 1959 a TwWPw0MQAvE-01048-00256638-00256846 group of tibetan muslims made a case for TwWPw0MQAvE-01049-00256847-00257039 Indian nationality based on their TwWPw0MQAvE-01050-00257040-00257209 historic routes to Kashmir and the TwWPw0MQAvE-01051-00257210-00257401 Indian government declared all tibetan TwWPw0MQAvE-01052-00257402-00257612 muslims indian citizens later on that TwWPw0MQAvE-01053-00257613-00257899 year other muslim ethnic groups who have TwWPw0MQAvE-01054-00257900-00258145 long inhabited tibet include Wei salar TwWPw0MQAvE-01055-00258146-00258418 dong Zhang and bounine there is also a TwWPw0MQAvE-01056-00258419-00258604 well-established Chinese Muslim TwWPw0MQAvE-01057-00258605-00258863 community Gy a catchy which traces its TwWPw0MQAvE-01058-00258864-00259078 ancestry back to the way ethnic group of TwWPw0MQAvE-01059-00259079-00259392 China TwWPw0MQAvE-01060-00259392-00259891 topic Tibetan art TwWPw0MQAvE-01061-00259892-00260133 Tibetan representations of art are TwWPw0MQAvE-01062-00260134-00260296 intrinsically bound with Tibetan TwWPw0MQAvE-01063-00260296-00260521 Buddhism and commonly depict deities or TwWPw0MQAvE-01064-00260521-00260742 variations of Buddha in various forms TwWPw0MQAvE-01065-00260744-00260950 from bronze Buddhist statues and shrines TwWPw0MQAvE-01066-00260951-00261169 to highly colorful Tonka paintings and TwWPw0MQAvE-01067-00261169-00261621 mandalas TwWPw0MQAvE-01068-00261623-00262008 architecture TwWPw0MQAvE-01069-00262009-00262275 Tibetan architecture contains Chinese TwWPw0MQAvE-01070-00262276-00262488 and Indian influences and reflects a TwWPw0MQAvE-01071-00262489-00262740 deeply Buddhist approach the Buddhist TwWPw0MQAvE-01072-00262741-00262959 Wheel along with two dragons can be seen TwWPw0MQAvE-01073-00262960-00263211 on nearly every gompa in Tibet the TwWPw0MQAvE-01074-00263212-00263412 design of the Tibetan chortens can vary TwWPw0MQAvE-01075-00263413-00263625 from roundish walls in calm to squarish TwWPw0MQAvE-01076-00263626-00263918 four-sided walls in Ladakh TwWPw0MQAvE-01077-00263919-00264160 the most distinctive feature of Tibetan TwWPw0MQAvE-01078-00264161-00264365 architecture is that many of the houses TwWPw0MQAvE-01079-00264366-00264556 and monasteries are built on elevated TwWPw0MQAvE-01080-00264557-00264755 sunny sites facing the south and are TwWPw0MQAvE-01081-00264756-00264917 often made out of a mixture of rocks TwWPw0MQAvE-01082-00264918-00265223 wood cement and earth little fuel is TwWPw0MQAvE-01083-00265224-00265427 available for heat or lighting so flat TwWPw0MQAvE-01084-00265428-00265598 roofs are built to conserve heat and TwWPw0MQAvE-01085-00265599-00265793 multiple windows are constructed to let TwWPw0MQAvE-01086-00265794-00266066 in sunlight walls are usually sloped TwWPw0MQAvE-01087-00266067-00266270 inwards at 10 degrees as a precaution TwWPw0MQAvE-01088-00266271-00266453 against the frequent earthquakes in this TwWPw0MQAvE-01089-00266454-00266872 mountainous area standing at 117 metres TwWPw0MQAvE-01090-00266873-00267362 384 feet in height and 360 meters 1180 TwWPw0MQAvE-01091-00267363-00267596 feet in width the potala palace is the TwWPw0MQAvE-01092-00267597-00267779 most important example of Tibetan TwWPw0MQAvE-01093-00267780-00268046 architecture formerly the residence of TwWPw0MQAvE-01094-00268047-00268298 the Dalai Lama it contains over 1000 TwWPw0MQAvE-01095-00268299-00268520 rooms within 13 stories and houses TwWPw0MQAvE-01096-00268521-00268724 portraits of the past Dalai Lama's and TwWPw0MQAvE-01097-00268725-00268976 statues of the Buddha it is divided TwWPw0MQAvE-01098-00268977-00269153 between the outer white palace which TwWPw0MQAvE-01099-00269154-00269332 serves as the administrative quarters TwWPw0MQAvE-01100-00269333-00269522 and the inner red quarters which houses TwWPw0MQAvE-01101-00269523-00269750 the Assembly Hall of the lamas chapels TwWPw0MQAvE-01102-00269751-00270007 10,000 shrines and a vast library of TwWPw0MQAvE-01103-00270008-00270310 Buddhist scriptures the Potala Palace is TwWPw0MQAvE-01104-00270311-00270508 a World Heritage Site as is norbulinka TwWPw0MQAvE-01105-00270509-00270728 the former summer residence of the Dalai TwWPw0MQAvE-01106-00270729-00271100 Lama TwWPw0MQAvE-01107-00271101-00271523 topic music TwWPw0MQAvE-01108-00271524-00271787 the music of Tibet reflects the cultural TwWPw0MQAvE-01109-00271788-00271997 heritage of the trans Himalayan region TwWPw0MQAvE-01110-00271998-00272180 centered in Tibet but also known TwWPw0MQAvE-01111-00272181-00272387 wherever ethnic Tibetan groups are found TwWPw0MQAvE-01112-00272388-00272681 in India Bhutan Nepal and further abroad TwWPw0MQAvE-01113-00272682-00272939 first and foremost Tibetan music is TwWPw0MQAvE-01114-00272940-00273158 religious music reflecting the profound TwWPw0MQAvE-01115-00273159-00273347 influence of Tibetan Buddhism on the TwWPw0MQAvE-01116-00273348-00273668 culture Tibetan music often involves TwWPw0MQAvE-01117-00273669-00273878 chanting in Tibetan or Sanskrit as an TwWPw0MQAvE-01118-00273879-00274100 integral part of the religion these TwWPw0MQAvE-01119-00274101-00274349 chants are complex often recitations of TwWPw0MQAvE-01120-00274350-00274550 sacred texts or in celebration of TwWPw0MQAvE-01121-00274551-00274808 various festivals young chanting TwWPw0MQAvE-01122-00274809-00274994 performed without metrical timing is TwWPw0MQAvE-01123-00274995-00275195 accompanied by resonant drums and low TwWPw0MQAvE-01124-00275196-00275507 sustained syllables other styles include TwWPw0MQAvE-01125-00275508-00275687 those unique to the various schools of TwWPw0MQAvE-01126-00275688-00275900 Tibetan Buddhism such as the classical TwWPw0MQAvE-01127-00275901-00276116 music of the popular gelugpa school and TwWPw0MQAvE-01128-00276117-00276302 the romantic music of the nine mapa TwWPw0MQAvE-01129-00276303-00276569 Tsukuba and convey opus cools namo dance TwWPw0MQAvE-01130-00276570-00276779 music is especially popular in the TwWPw0MQAvE-01131-00276780-00276971 karaoke bars of the urban center of TwWPw0MQAvE-01132-00276972-00277271 Tibet Lhasa another form of popular TwWPw0MQAvE-01133-00277272-00277496 music is the classical gar style which TwWPw0MQAvE-01134-00277497-00277705 is performed at rituals and ceremonies TwWPw0MQAvE-01135-00277706-00277952 Luo are a type of songs that feature TwWPw0MQAvE-01136-00277953-00278159 glottal vibrations and high pitches TwWPw0MQAvE-01137-00278160-00278423 there are also epic bards who sing of TwWPw0MQAvE-01138-00278424-00279006 geser who is a hero to ethnic Tibetans TwWPw0MQAvE-01139-00279007-00279415 pick festivals TwWPw0MQAvE-01140-00279416-00279661 Tibet has various festivals that are TwWPw0MQAvE-01141-00279662-00279844 commonly performed to worship the Buddha TwWPw0MQAvE-01142-00279845-00280132 throughout the year Losar is the Tibetan TwWPw0MQAvE-01143-00280133-00280372 New Year festival preparations for the TwWPw0MQAvE-01144-00280373-00280597 festive event are manifested by special TwWPw0MQAvE-01145-00280598-00280774 offerings to family shrine deities TwWPw0MQAvE-01146-00280775-00280987 painted doors with religious symbols and TwWPw0MQAvE-01147-00280988-00281179 other painstaking jobs done to prepare TwWPw0MQAvE-01148-00281180-00281280 for the event TwWPw0MQAvE-01149-00281281-00281554 Tibetans eat Goethe barley noodle soup TwWPw0MQAvE-01150-00281555-00281716 with filling on New Year's Eve with TwWPw0MQAvE-01151-00281717-00281944 their families the monlam prayer TwWPw0MQAvE-01152-00281945-00282139 festival follows it in the first month TwWPw0MQAvE-01153-00282140-00282319 of the Tibetan calendar falling between TwWPw0MQAvE-01154-00282320-00282508 the fourth and the eleventh days of the TwWPw0MQAvE-01155-00282509-00282766 first tibetan month it involves dancing TwWPw0MQAvE-01156-00282767-00283000 and participating in sports events as TwWPw0MQAvE-01157-00283001-00283273 well as sharing picnics the event was TwWPw0MQAvE-01158-00283274-00283558 established in 1049 by tsongkhapa the TwWPw0MQAvE-01159-00283559-00283720 founder of the Dali Lama and the Panchen TwWPw0MQAvE-01160-00283721-00284155 Lama zorder TwWPw0MQAvE-01161-00284156-00284579 topic cuisine TwWPw0MQAvE-01162-00284580-00284819 the most important crop in Tibet as TwWPw0MQAvE-01163-00284820-00285005 barley and dough made from barley flour TwWPw0MQAvE-01164-00285006-00285312 called tsampa is the staple food of TwWPw0MQAvE-01165-00285313-00285575 Tibet this is either rolled into noodles TwWPw0MQAvE-01166-00285576-00285749 are made into steamed dumplings called TwWPw0MQAvE-01167-00285750-00286052 Momo's meat dishes are likely to be yak TwWPw0MQAvE-01168-00286053-00286263 goat or mutton often dried or cooked TwWPw0MQAvE-01169-00286264-00286577 into a spicy stew with potatoes mustard TwWPw0MQAvE-01170-00286578-00286748 seed is cultivated in Tibet and TwWPw0MQAvE-01171-00286749-00286910 therefore features heavily in its TwWPw0MQAvE-01172-00286911-00287214 cuisine yak yogurt butter and cheese are TwWPw0MQAvE-01173-00287215-00287367 frequently eaten and well-prepared TwWPw0MQAvE-01174-00287368-00287558 yogurt is considered something of a TwWPw0MQAvE-01175-00287559-00287858 prestige item butter tea is very popular TwWPw0MQAvE-01176-00287859-00288143 to drink topics see also central Tibetan TwWPw0MQAvE-01177-00288144-00288323 administration human rights in Tibet TwWPw0MQAvE-01178-00288324-00288581 index of Tibet related articles major TwWPw0MQAvE-01179-00288582-00288813 national historical and cultural sites TwWPw0MQAvE-01180-00288814-00289031 in Tibet outline of Tibet Tibet area TwWPw0MQAvE-01181-00289032-00289220 administrative division Tibetan TwWPw0MQAvE-01182-00289221-00289445 independence movement topic notes topic TwWPw0MQAvE-01183-00289446-00289658 references topic further reading topic TwWPw0MQAvE-01184-00289659-00289868 external links Tibetan resources on the TwWPw0MQAvE-01185-00289869-00290088 web from Columbia University Libraries TwWPw0MQAvE-01186-00290089-00290354 British photographs of Tibet 1920 to TwWPw0MQAvE-01187-00290355-00290600 1950 the language of Tibet white paper TwWPw0MQAvE-01188-00290601-00290774 on Tibetan culture released by the TwWPw0MQAvE-01189-00290775-00290937 Information Office of the State Council TwWPw0MQAvE-01190-00290938-00291182 of the People's Republic of China June TwWPw0MQAvE-01191-00291183-00291467 22nd historical maps and images of Tibet TwWPw0MQAvE-01192-00291468-00291629 presented by University of TwWPw0MQAvE-01193-00291630-00291837 wisconsin-milwaukee libraries digital TwWPw0MQAvE-01194-00291838-00292043 collections the Tibetan and Himalayan TwWPw0MQAvE-01195-00292044-00292373 library THL TxC7OxLILou-00000-00001493-00002175 [Music] TxC7OxLILou-00001-00002176-00003343 uh TxC7OxLILou-00002-00003344-00004879 oh TxC7OxLILou-00003-00004880-00005295 [Applause] TxC7OxLILou-00004-00005296-00006375 uh TxC7OxLILou-00006-00010288-00011999 uh TxC7OxLILou-00007-00012000-00012943 now TxC7OxLILou-00009-00017472-00018671 hello TxC7OxLILou-00010-00018672-00021094 wow TxC7OxLILou-00011-00021095-00023014 uh 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[Music] T-01Y2v9LDc-00011-00011311-00011520 you T_yL3ma2oqc-00000-00000000-00001418 a number of our customers use SharePoint T_yL3ma2oqc-00001-00001419-00001639 as a collaboration tool on a daily basis T_yL3ma2oqc-00002-00001641-00001882 so it made sense to build functionality T_yL3ma2oqc-00003-00001884-00002096 that could integrate with that features T_yL3ma2oqc-00004-00002097-00002267 like viewing and responding to their T_yL3ma2oqc-00005-00002268-00002443 assignments or the ability to search T_yL3ma2oqc-00006-00002444-00003065 through file bound projects from my T_yL3ma2oqc-00007-00003066-00003281 opening sharepoint screen I can see the T_yL3ma2oqc-00008-00003282-00003545 documents assigned to me from here I can T_yL3ma2oqc-00009-00003546-00003781 open and respond to them without ever T_yL3ma2oqc-00010-00003782-00004070 needing to login to file bound for T_yL3ma2oqc-00011-00004071-00004319 instance I can choose to approve this T_yL3ma2oqc-00012-00004320-00004745 invoice here and for this one I will ask T_yL3ma2oqc-00013-00004746-00004945 HR to go ahead and schedule the T_yL3ma2oqc-00014-00004946-00005245 interview we've also included the T_yL3ma2oqc-00015-00005246-00005465 ability to search either within a file T_yL3ma2oqc-00016-00005466-00005708 bound project or throughout SharePoint T_yL3ma2oqc-00017-00005709-00006047 and file bound together for example if I T_yL3ma2oqc-00018-00006048-00006238 want to pull up all of the documents I T_yL3ma2oqc-00019-00006239-00006532 have access to regarding anyone named T_yL3ma2oqc-00020-00006533-00006835 Thomas I can search the name and the T_yL3ma2oqc-00021-00006836-00007037 results will show as a split between T_yL3ma2oqc-00022-00007038-00007517 SharePoint and file down at file bound T_yL3ma2oqc-00023-00007518-00007684 we're constantly looking for ways to T_yL3ma2oqc-00024-00007686-00007903 make document handling and business T_yL3ma2oqc-00025-00007904-00008178 processing easier for our customers T_yL3ma2oqc-00026-00008179-00008410 integrating into a product that they use T_yL3ma2oqc-00027-00008411-00008714 every day was a logical move one that we T_yL3ma2oqc-00028-00008715-00008992 hope has and will continue to make their T_yL3ma2oqc-00029-00008993-00009202 everyday work easier and more T_yL3ma2oqc-00030-00009203-00009409 you TBg75XrWjjI-00000-00000224-00000692 hey guys I'm lb and let's check out TBg75XrWjjI-00001-00000693-00001043 fling and fall 1 & 2 by cat string / TBg75XrWjjI-00002-00001044-00001394 block hamster 34 fling your way to TBg75XrWjjI-00003-00001395-00001565 victory in this relatively simple puzzle TBg75XrWjjI-00004-00001566-00001742 Hilton approximately 45 minutes using TBg75XrWjjI-00005-00001743-00002416 about ten elements alright check it out TBg75XrWjjI-00006-00002417-00002958 interesting what do you have up here TBg75XrWjjI-00007-00002959-00003263 it's this cube that immediately fizzles TBg75XrWjjI-00008-00003264-00003929 itself hmm dot this is a dot that looks TBg75XrWjjI-00009-00003929-00004247 like dot up there TBg75XrWjjI-00010-00004248-00004874 [Music] TBg75XrWjjI-00011-00004875-00005151 we need a cube to get up there don't we TBg75XrWjjI-00012-00005152-00005460 oh wait that what that turns off the TBg75XrWjjI-00013-00005461-00005736 fiddler why though TBg75XrWjjI-00014-00005737-00006135 what is the doc OH - then I'm not TBg75XrWjjI-00015-00006136-00006430 entirely sure but okay you say so TBg75XrWjjI-00016-00006431-00007100 [Music] TBg75XrWjjI-00017-00007101-00007680 we have the cube now now what just want TBg75XrWjjI-00018-00007681-00008139 to fling up the top right yeah we can do TBg75XrWjjI-00019-00008140-00008676 that now we're up here I guess we just TBg75XrWjjI-00020-00008677-00008921 want to keep up here right oh that is TBg75XrWjjI-00021-00008922-00009281 not what I thought that was gonna do TBg75XrWjjI-00022-00009282-00010378 okay then what in the world TBg75XrWjjI-00023-00010379-00010731 okay I'm so confused right now why TBg75XrWjjI-00024-00010732-00011094 couldn't it just be stairs or like a TBg75XrWjjI-00025-00011095-00011526 faith lay mm oh well anyway what is all TBg75XrWjjI-00026-00011527-00011849 this stuff you TBg75XrWjjI-00027-00011850-00012009 [Music] TBg75XrWjjI-00028-00012010-00012489 what that was it was over that area for TBg75XrWjjI-00029-00012490-00012827 maybe maybe use that area down there huh TBg75XrWjjI-00030-00012828-00013049 I think I may have broken this or TBg75XrWjjI-00031-00013050-00013271 something because I'm not sure what TBg75XrWjjI-00032-00013272-00013553 that's for to be honest but anyway let's TBg75XrWjjI-00033-00013554-00013685 just get out of here and go on to the TBg75XrWjjI-00034-00013686-00013996 next one TBg75XrWjjI-00035-00013997-00014233 all right fling and fall to which we TBg75XrWjjI-00036-00014234-00014399 will read the description of once the TBg75XrWjjI-00037-00014400-00014902 map loads let's see here TBg75XrWjjI-00038-00014903-00015149 fling your way to victory again in this TBg75XrWjjI-00039-00015150-00015322 also relatively simple puzzle built in TBg75XrWjjI-00040-00015323-00016111 approximately 45 minutes all right TBg75XrWjjI-00041-00016112-00016466 well since taller we have this again but TBg75XrWjjI-00042-00016467-00017291 I don't know what it's for hmm I guess TBg75XrWjjI-00043-00017292-00017619 we can active use it this time right TBg75XrWjjI-00044-00017620-00018527 we're up here now does this do but why TBg75XrWjjI-00045-00018528-00020702 though here we go okay do this now we're TBg75XrWjjI-00046-00020703-00021314 up here let me guess TBg75XrWjjI-00047-00021315-00021853 something like that and this yeah why TBg75XrWjjI-00048-00021854-00022385 though what TBg75XrWjjI-00049-00022386-00022529 [Music] TBg75XrWjjI-00050-00022530-00022912 hmm TBg75XrWjjI-00051-00022913-00023568 maybe I need to go up there first TBg75XrWjjI-00052-00023569-00024193 some up here now what was that for TBg75XrWjjI-00053-00024194-00024700 though hmm TBg75XrWjjI-00054-00024701-00024868 let's head back down there again for a TBg75XrWjjI-00055-00024869-00025447 moment bye can I get back down here TBg75XrWjjI-00056-00025448-00025878 alright I get the cute back up here or TBg75XrWjjI-00057-00025879-00026449 not there we go TBg75XrWjjI-00058-00026450-00026683 so I just put this here that simplifies TBg75XrWjjI-00059-00026683-00027340 things right TBg75XrWjjI-00060-00027341-00027636 so now up here on I can put a hold on TBg75XrWjjI-00061-00027637-00027873 there I'm still confused ago with the TBg75XrWjjI-00062-00027874-00028185 rest of everything's for me guess it's TBg75XrWjjI-00063-00028186-00028401 turns out these Sizzlers indeed it does TBg75XrWjjI-00064-00028402-00028805 if you have the portal here right yeah TBg75XrWjjI-00065-00028806-00028987 not much of a puzzle just basically TBg75XrWjjI-00066-00028988-00029202 bringing the cube with you and every TBg75XrWjjI-00067-00029202-00029910 step of the way yeah not much to the use TBg75XrWjjI-00068-00029911-00030239 unfortunately I would definitely TBg75XrWjjI-00069-00030241-00030420 recommend watching demon reasons how to TBg75XrWjjI-00070-00030420-00030573 migrate test chamber series on YouTube TBg75XrWjjI-00071-00030574-00030798 and also rector Roxas guide on the Steam TBg75XrWjjI-00072-00030799-00031058 Workshop anyway as always thank you so TBg75XrWjjI-00073-00031059-00031196 much for watching I really appreciate it TBg75XrWjjI-00074-00031197-00031346 I'll see you all in another video TBg75XrWjjI-00075-00031347-00031593 goodbye TBiir73lg_k-00000-00001492-00001695 okay TBiir73lg_k-00001-00001696-00001998 all right TBiir73lg_k-00002-00002000-00004006 what is this oh TBiir73lg_k-00003-00004007-00004283 [Music] TBiir73lg_k-00004-00004284-00004719 yes TBiir73lg_k-00005-00004720-00004967 i didn't see anything what happened try TBiir73lg_k-00006-00004968-00005172 it again try it again TBiir73lg_k-00007-00005173-00007083 [Laughter] TBiir73lg_k-00008-00007084-00008055 oh TBiir73lg_k-00009-00008056-00009818 and where is it now TBiir73lg_k-00010-00009819-00010151 [Music] TBiir73lg_k-00011-00010152-00011406 i've been practicing that for an hour TBiir73lg_k-00012-00011407-00011551 you're now qualified to be the next TBiir73lg_k-00014-00015408-00016622 it's right TBiir73lg_k-00015-00016623-00017758 that was a great success TBiir73lg_k-00016-00017759-00019214 like this TBiir73lg_k-00017-00019215-00019847 and she'll never see it again TBiir73lg_k-00018-00019848-00022471 okay there it is TBiir73lg_k-00019-00022472-00023883 oh it TBiir73lg_k-00020-00023884-00024214 awesome thank you randy TBiir73lg_k-00021-00024215-00024904 you know what i don't care TBRQ4GQ-sOk-00000-00000079-00000286 hi tim mcmahon associate professor of TBRQ4GQ-sOk-00001-00000287-00000447 practice in the heider college of TBRQ4GQ-sOk-00002-00000448-00000647 business at creighton university i TBRQ4GQ-sOk-00003-00000648-00000878 adopted eric's book because it actually TBRQ4GQ-sOk-00004-00000880-00001054 does a better job of anything i've seen TBRQ4GQ-sOk-00005-00001055-00001303 to date to explain the competitive TBRQ4GQ-sOk-00006-00001304-00001503 challenges in today's marketplace in TBRQ4GQ-sOk-00007-00001504-00001718 particular managing public opinion and TBRQ4GQ-sOk-00008-00001719-00001998 dealing with public relations in general TBRQ4GQ-sOk-00009-00002000-00002271 i asked students to read chapter three TBRQ4GQ-sOk-00010-00002272-00002479 in particular stacks automations and TBRQ4GQ-sOk-00011-00002480-00002742 funnels and tell me that it did not in TBRQ4GQ-sOk-00012-00002743-00002950 some way affect their understanding of TBRQ4GQ-sOk-00013-00002951-00003254 how digital and social works they're all TBRQ4GQ-sOk-00014-00003255-00003431 digital natives what they really need to TBRQ4GQ-sOk-00015-00003432-00003599 understand is the mechanics and the TBRQ4GQ-sOk-00016-00003600-00003815 realities of how we make this work to TBRQ4GQ-sOk-00017-00003815-00003943 our benefit TBRQ4GQ-sOk-00018-00003944-00004206 eric does a marvelous job i urge you to TBRQ4GQ-sOk-00019-00004207-00004367 adopt it for your classes it has TBRQ4GQ-sOk-00020-00004368-00004606 stimulated discussion and stimulated a TBRQ4GQ-sOk-00021-00004607-00004854 true interest in learning more about the TBRQ4GQ-sOk-00022-00004855-00005192 way the world works today TDqQxTyOCn4-00001-00003390-00006127 [Music] TDqQxTyOCn4-00002-00006128-00006252 so TDqQxTyOCn4-00003-00006253-00007614 [Music] TDqQxTyOCn4-00004-00007615-00007923 so TDqQxTyOCn4-00005-00007925-00008475 [Music] TDqQxTyOCn4-00006-00008476-00010174 [Music] TDqQxTyOCn4-00007-00010175-00010691 so TDqQxTyOCn4-00008-00010692-00012128 [Music] TDqQxTyOCn4-00009-00012129-00013033 [Music] TDqQxTyOCn4-00010-00013034-00014113 [Music] TDqQxTyOCn4-00011-00014115-00017111 [Music] TDqQxTyOCn4-00012-00017112-00017320 you TEQATlmxzs8-00000-00000352-00001150 [Music] TEQATlmxzs8-00001-00001151-00001215 it TEQATlmxzs8-00002-00001216-00001823 is half to five TEQATlmxzs8-00003-00001823-00002215 it's half to five half TEQATlmxzs8-00004-00002216-00002518 five yanipan it's half to five TEQATlmxzs8-00005-00002519-00002879 and it neems monday TEQATlmxzs8-00006-00002880-00003359 it's half to five TEQATlmxzs8-00007-00003360-00004159 it's half to five TEQATlmxzs8-00008-00004160-00004783 it is my pleasure TEQATlmxzs8-00009-00004784-00005238 it's my pleasure pleasure TEQATlmxzs8-00010-00005239-00005683 it's my pleasure about that tower TEQATlmxzs8-00011-00005684-00006047 foreign TEQATlmxzs8-00012-00006048-00006527 it's my pleasure TEQATlmxzs8-00013-00006528-00007342 it's my pleasure TEQATlmxzs8-00014-00007343-00007991 it is no big deal TEQATlmxzs8-00015-00007992-00008431 it's no big deal deal anymore TEQATlmxzs8-00016-00008432-00009374 big deal TEQATlmxzs8-00017-00009375-00009846 it's no big deal TEQATlmxzs8-00018-00009847-00010631 it's no big deal TEQATlmxzs8-00019-00010632-00011295 it is not too far TEQATlmxzs8-00020-00011296-00011646 it's not too far far and door TEQATlmxzs8-00021-00011647-00011974 too far and it's not TEQATlmxzs8-00022-00011975-00012351 any nice it's not too far and TEQATlmxzs8-00023-00012352-00012943 east it's not too far TEQATlmxzs8-00024-00012944-00013751 it's not too far TEQATlmxzs8-00025-00013752-00014438 it is one o'clock TEQATlmxzs8-00026-00014440-00015222 it's one o'clock o'clock TEQATlmxzs8-00027-00015223-00015550 yesterday o'clock o'clock TEQATlmxzs8-00028-00015551-00016038 it's one o'clock TEQATlmxzs8-00029-00016040-00016399 time what time is it TEQATlmxzs8-00030-00016400-00016911 the comments TEQATlmxzs8-00031-00016912-00017071 that that's not the comments hats man by TEQATlmxzs8-00032-00017072-00017215 yama connect it TEQATlmxzs8-00033-00017216-00017535 is so atticas o'clock it's TEQATlmxzs8-00034-00017536-00017967 one o'clock TEQATlmxzs8-00035-00017968-00018863 it's one o'clock TEQATlmxzs8-00036-00018864-00019535 it is over for me TEQATlmxzs8-00037-00019536-00019935 it's over for me for me anybody a man TEQATlmxzs8-00038-00019936-00020286 over any payoneer that enjoy it's over TEQATlmxzs8-00039-00020287-00020830 for me TEQATlmxzs8-00040-00020831-00021319 it's over for me TEQATlmxzs8-00041-00021320-00022119 it's over for me TEQATlmxzs8-00042-00022120-00022743 it is sunny here TEQATlmxzs8-00043-00022744-00023086 it's sunny here here any ninja TEQATlmxzs8-00044-00023087-00023407 sunny and off toby it's sunny here and TEQATlmxzs8-00045-00023408-00024094 enjoyable off the beast it's sunny here TEQATlmxzs8-00046-00024095-00024886 it's sunny here TEQATlmxzs8-00047-00024887-00027695 keep a record of it TEQATlmxzs8-00048-00027695-00028479 keep a record of it TEQATlmxzs8-00049-00028480-00029095 keep out of this TEQATlmxzs8-00050-00029095-00031318 keep out of this this is TEQATlmxzs8-00051-00031319-00031823 keep out of this TEQATlmxzs8-00052-00031824-00032623 keep out of this TEQATlmxzs8-00053-00032624-00033190 keep the change TEQATlmxzs8-00054-00033191-00035462 keep the change change TEQATlmxzs8-00055-00035463-00035927 keep the change TEQATlmxzs8-00056-00035928-00036727 keep the change TEQATlmxzs8-00057-00036728-00037079 let us get this party TEQATlmxzs8-00058-00037080-00037518 started TEQATlmxzs8-00059-00037519-00037823 let's get this party started let TEQATlmxzs8-00060-00037824-00039174 us you TEQATlmxzs8-00061-00039175-00039711 let's get this party started TEQATlmxzs8-00062-00039712-00040551 let's get this party started TEQATlmxzs8-00063-00040552-00041127 let's roll boys TEQATlmxzs8-00064-00041128-00041511 let's roll boys boys TEQATlmxzs8-00065-00041512-00041815 let's roll TEQATlmxzs8-00066-00041816-00042446 emotionally TEQATlmxzs8-00067-00042447-00042974 let's roll boys TEQATlmxzs8-00068-00042975-00043767 let's roll boys TEQATlmxzs8-00069-00043768-00044335 little by little TEQATlmxzs8-00070-00044336-00044655 little by little little any champ little TEQATlmxzs8-00071-00044656-00045255 by detail TEQATlmxzs8-00072-00045256-00045727 little by little TEQATlmxzs8-00073-00045728-00046518 little by little TEQATlmxzs8-00074-00046519-00047127 long story short TEQATlmxzs8-00075-00047128-00048958 long story short shorts TEQATlmxzs8-00076-00048959-00049479 long story short TEQATlmxzs8-00077-00049480-00050311 long story short TEQATlmxzs8-00078-00050312-00050983 long time no see TEQATlmxzs8-00079-00050984-00051750 long time no see TEQATlmxzs8-00080-00051751-00053079 long time no see TEQATlmxzs8-00081-00053079-00053871 long time no see TEQATlmxzs8-00082-00053872-00054430 look before leap TEQATlmxzs8-00083-00054432-00057375 look before leap leap yeah TEQATlmxzs8-00084-00057376-00058175 look before leap TEQATlmxzs8-00085-00058176-00058759 love begets love TEQATlmxzs8-00086-00058760-00061682 love begets love TEQATlmxzs8-00087-00061683-00062366 love TEQATlmxzs8-00088-00062367-00062950 lower your voice TEQATlmxzs8-00089-00062951-00063830 lower your voice TEQATlmxzs8-00090-00063832-00064142 your voice voice janice TEQATlmxzs8-00092-00067992-00068543 lower your voice TEQATlmxzs8-00093-00068544-00069399 lower your voice TEQATlmxzs8-00094-00069400-00070006 make me an offer TEQATlmxzs8-00095-00070007-00071447 make me an offer TEQATlmxzs8-00096-00071448-00071903 make me an offer TEQATlmxzs8-00097-00071904-00072694 make me an offer TEQATlmxzs8-00098-00072695-00075015 my head whistled TEQATlmxzs8-00099-00075016-00075503 my head whistled TEQATlmxzs8-00100-00075504-00076294 my head whistled TEQATlmxzs8-00101-00076295-00076926 need i say more TEQATlmxzs8-00102-00076927-00078482 need i say more TEQATlmxzs8-00103-00078483-00078791 more TEQATlmxzs8-00104-00078792-00079567 need i say more TEQATlmxzs8-00105-00079568-00081350 nice to meet you TEQATlmxzs8-00106-00081351-00081815 nice to meet you TEQATlmxzs8-00107-00081816-00082591 nice to meet you TEQATlmxzs8-00108-00082592-00083191 no hard feelings TEQATlmxzs8-00109-00083192-00083559 no hard feelings feeling any essays TEQATlmxzs8-00110-00083560-00083943 feelings TEQATlmxzs8-00111-00083944-00084494 no hard feelings about TEQATlmxzs8-00112-00084495-00084999 no hard feelings TEQATlmxzs8-00113-00085000-00085831 no hard feelings TEQATlmxzs8-00114-00085832-00086431 no pain no gain TEQATlmxzs8-00115-00086432-00088215 no pain no gain gain TEQATlmxzs8-00116-00088216-00088726 no pain no gain TEQATlmxzs8-00117-00088727-00089511 no pain no gain TEQATlmxzs8-00118-00089512-00091055 i did not TEQATlmxzs8-00119-00091056-00092879 i didn't TEQATlmxzs8-00120-00092880-00093399 i didn't slip a wink TEQATlmxzs8-00121-00093400-00094238 i didn't slip a wink TEQATlmxzs8-00122-00094239-00094887 like nothing on earth TEQATlmxzs8-00123-00094888-00095231 like nothing on earth earth TEQATlmxzs8-00124-00095232-00097182 i mean TEQATlmxzs8-00125-00097183-00097687 like nothing on earth TEQATlmxzs8-00126-00097688-00098494 like nothing on earth TEQATlmxzs8-00127-00098495-00099150 wait a minute please TEQATlmxzs8-00128-00099151-00101015 wait a minute please please any lut fan TEQATlmxzs8-00129-00101016-00101543 wait a minute please TEQATlmxzs8-00130-00101544-00102367 wait a minute please TEQATlmxzs8-00131-00102368-00103023 on my dead body TEQATlmxzs8-00132-00103024-00103423 on my dead body body yanibadan TEQATlmxzs8-00133-00103424-00104830 dead on my dead body TEQATlmxzs8-00134-00104831-00105334 on my dead body TEQATlmxzs8-00135-00105335-00106119 on my dead body TEQATlmxzs8-00136-00106120-00108086 on the safe side TEQATlmxzs8-00137-00108088-00108583 on the safe side TEQATlmxzs8-00138-00108583-00109375 on the safe side TEQATlmxzs8-00139-00109376-00110015 once upon a time TEQATlmxzs8-00140-00110016-00110415 once upon a time time yani zaman TEQATlmxzs8-00141-00110416-00112231 upon yani once TEQATlmxzs8-00142-00112232-00112734 once upon a time TEQATlmxzs8-00143-00112735-00113566 once upon a time TEQATlmxzs8-00144-00113567-00114215 one for the road TEQATlmxzs8-00145-00114216-00115151 one for the road TEQATlmxzs8-00146-00115152-00115647 one for the road TEQATlmxzs8-00147-00115648-00117871 one for the road TEQATlmxzs8-00148-00117872-00118079 you TEZVWU6Q4pk-00000-00000006-00000229 the Spirit is saying come inside with me TEZVWU6Q4pk-00001-00000231-00000557 and let's just take a look at what you TEZVWU6Q4pk-00002-00000558-00000986 are still valuing and devaluing what you TEZVWU6Q4pk-00003-00000986-00001373 are still holding up in your mind as TEZVWU6Q4pk-00004-00001374-00001607 something that's more important than the TEZVWU6Q4pk-00005-00001607-00002054 love of God and we begin to get into the TEZVWU6Q4pk-00006-00002055-00002348 practice of going inside and really TEZVWU6Q4pk-00007-00002349-00002658 becoming honest with ourselves about TEZVWU6Q4pk-00008-00002659-00003193 what it is we truly want and what is the TEZVWU6Q4pk-00009-00003194-00003542 state of mind that we truly want it will TEZVWU6Q4pk-00010-00003543-00003842 involve a dismantling of the way you TEZVWU6Q4pk-00011-00003843-00004156 perceive the world right now so there is TEZVWU6Q4pk-00012-00004157-00004370 going to be some shifting and changing TEZVWU6Q4pk-00013-00004371-00004676 it's really just shifts and change in TEZVWU6Q4pk-00014-00004677-00004888 your own mind but it will seem to play TEZVWU6Q4pk-00015-00004889-00005165 out in terms of of the world that is TEZVWU6Q4pk-00016-00005166-00005386 being perceived by that sleeping mind TEZVWU6Q4pk-00017-00005387-00005945 and the key thing again will be staying TEZVWU6Q4pk-00018-00005946-00006233 focused on what is it that I truly want TEZVWU6Q4pk-00019-00006234-00006470 coming back to that what is it that I TEZVWU6Q4pk-00020-00006470-00006764 truly want keeping the mind very very TEZVWU6Q4pk-00021-00006765-00007139 focused when you reach your experience TEZVWU6Q4pk-00022-00007140-00007456 of transfer of training and and truly TEZVWU6Q4pk-00023-00007458-00007696 forgiving all things that are perceived TEZVWU6Q4pk-00024-00007697-00008071 through the five senses then you start TEZVWU6Q4pk-00025-00008072-00008296 to tap into this happiness and this TEZVWU6Q4pk-00026-00008297-00008513 peace and this joy in a very consistent TEZVWU6Q4pk-00027-00008514-00008783 way of course the final stage is going TEZVWU6Q4pk-00028-00008784-00009346 to be the breakthrough stage but that TEZVWU6Q4pk-00029-00009347-00009533 would be the stage that would be the TEZVWU6Q4pk-00030-00009534-00009742 equivalent of being under Christ's TEZVWU6Q4pk-00031-00009743-00010067 control that's the stage where you're TEZVWU6Q4pk-00032-00010068-00010378 just beholding the world TEZVWU6Q4pk-00033-00010379-00010616 you're beholding the world and all this TEZVWU6Q4pk-00034-00010617-00010928 loveliness a world without judgment TEZVWU6Q4pk-00035-00010929-00011441 a world without differences a unified TEZVWU6Q4pk-00036-00011442-00011870 world a harmonious world what's not to TEZVWU6Q4pk-00037-00011871-00012292 like about a unified harmonious world if TEZVWU6Q4pk-00038-00012293-00012463 you want it if you've ever thought of TEZVWU6Q4pk-00039-00012464-00012695 heaven on earth or the the most heavenly TEZVWU6Q4pk-00040-00012696-00012883 state that you could experience and TEZVWU6Q4pk-00041-00012884-00013255 that's that's the final stage it's TEZVWU6Q4pk-00042-00013256-00013363 called a period of TEZVWU6Q4pk-00043-00013365-00013669 statement in the manual for teachers but TEZVWU6Q4pk-00044-00013670-00013961 in order to come to that it will take TEZVWU6Q4pk-00045-00013962-00014435 faith because the things that you trust TEZVWU6Q4pk-00046-00014436-00014683 it in before you're learning the TEZVWU6Q4pk-00047-00014684-00014938 learning of the world you know we all TEZVWU6Q4pk-00048-00014940-00015256 have had education we all have had TEZVWU6Q4pk-00049-00015257-00015586 upbringing we all have had conditioning TEZVWU6Q4pk-00050-00015587-00015889 and all of this education and upbringing TEZVWU6Q4pk-00051-00015890-00016255 and conditioning the the majority of it TEZVWU6Q4pk-00052-00016256-00016492 I would say the vast majority of it has TEZVWU6Q4pk-00053-00016493-00016786 been part of a blockage or a hindrance TEZVWU6Q4pk-00054-00016787-00017396 of knowing who we truly are so you know TEZVWU6Q4pk-00055-00017397-00017552 at one point in the Course in Miracles TEZVWU6Q4pk-00056-00017553-00017892 Jesus says you've been poorly topped TEZVWU6Q4pk-00057-00017893-00018200 okay that's that's pretty direct I've TEZVWU6Q4pk-00058-00018201-00018442 been poorly taught another point he says TEZVWU6Q4pk-00059-00018443-00018808 resigned now as your own teacher you've TEZVWU6Q4pk-00060-00018809-00019046 been you've been teaching and learning a TEZVWU6Q4pk-00061-00019047-00019358 lot here and and it's not been going TEZVWU6Q4pk-00062-00019359-00019652 well you know you have not found the TEZVWU6Q4pk-00063-00019653-00019912 freedom that you had hoped for you had TEZVWU6Q4pk-00064-00019913-00020200 not found that that happiness that you TEZVWU6Q4pk-00065-00020201-00020437 had longed for your teaching and TEZVWU6Q4pk-00066-00020438-00020809 learning was very limited because it was TEZVWU6Q4pk-00067-00020810-00021155 it was guided by the ego the Holy Spirit TEZVWU6Q4pk-00068-00021156-00021640 is not going to destroy the egos thought TEZVWU6Q4pk-00069-00021641-00021834 system because the egos thought system TEZVWU6Q4pk-00070-00021835-00022250 was believed in by a very powerful mind TEZVWU6Q4pk-00071-00022251-00022594 the holy son of God and and love and TEZVWU6Q4pk-00072-00022595-00022921 light and God eternity doesn't even know TEZVWU6Q4pk-00073-00022922-00023197 of destruction the most we can say of TEZVWU6Q4pk-00074-00023198-00023515 what love and light does with the Holy TEZVWU6Q4pk-00075-00023516-00023806 Spirit with the ego or the death wish is TEZVWU6Q4pk-00076-00023807-00024184 it's called reinterpretation that's as TEZVWU6Q4pk-00077-00024185-00024428 harsh as God can go TEZVWU6Q4pk-00078-00024429-00024703 I mean God pure pure love doesn't even TEZVWU6Q4pk-00079-00024704-00024908 know of error so the Holy Spirit was TEZVWU6Q4pk-00080-00024909-00025208 just a corrective extension for what God TEZVWU6Q4pk-00081-00025209-00025403 doesn't understand God doesn't TEZVWU6Q4pk-00082-00025404-00025645 understand separation God could never TEZVWU6Q4pk-00083-00025647-00025819 understand separation because God TEZVWU6Q4pk-00084-00025820-00026071 creates in wholeness spirit creates TEZVWU6Q4pk-00085-00026072-00026318 spirit creates spirit spirit doesn't TEZVWU6Q4pk-00086-00026319-00026602 even understand separation but the Holy TEZVWU6Q4pk-00087-00026603-00026689 Spirit that TEZVWU6Q4pk-00088-00026691-00027008 corrective aspect has one function and TEZVWU6Q4pk-00089-00027008-00027614 that is reinterpretation so if you're TEZVWU6Q4pk-00090-00027614-00027833 looking for a knight in shining armor TEZVWU6Q4pk-00091-00027833-00028163 that knight in shining armor to save the TEZVWU6Q4pk-00092-00028164-00028502 day is reinterpretation that's all that TEZVWU6Q4pk-00093-00028502-00028727 we're being asked to do is allow our TEZVWU6Q4pk-00094-00028727-00029020 minds to go through a reinterpretation TEZVWU6Q4pk-00095-00029022-00029298 of the world TEZVWU6Q4pk-00096-00029299-00030523 [Music] TEZVWU6Q4pk-00097-00030524-00030730 you TGBHow-ypqM-00000-00000000-00000399 [Music] TGBHow-ypqM-00001-00000400-00000719 welcome to the daily samuel TGBHow-ypqM-00002-00000720-00001127 the u.s kevin 19 case total is 7 million TGBHow-ypqM-00003-00001128-00001647 77 329 people testing positive TGBHow-ypqM-00004-00001648-00002007 with 204 486 deaths TGBHow-ypqM-00005-00002007-00002391 the world's total of 32 million 457 TGBHow-ypqM-00006-00002392-00002550 thousand 326 TGBHow-ypqM-00007-00002551-00002926 cases another night trump has nominated TGBHow-ypqM-00008-00002927-00003286 amy coney barrett to serve on the TGBHow-ypqM-00009-00003288-00003422 supreme court TGBHow-ypqM-00010-00003423-00003854 and with mitt romney saying that he will TGBHow-ypqM-00011-00003855-00004135 vote on it it seems that it'll probably TGBHow-ypqM-00012-00004136-00004383 pass before election day despite that TGBHow-ypqM-00013-00004384-00004527 this was a TGBHow-ypqM-00014-00004528-00004791 very controversial thing that's all for TGBHow-ypqM-00015-00004792-00004847 today TGBHow-ypqM-00016-00004848-00005296 please subscribe and come back tomorrow THJ-jZokcwY-00000-00000012-00001097 that's awesome THJ-jZokcwY-00001-00001098-00001963 [Music] THJ-jZokcwY-00002-00001964-00002875 please don't say that THJ-jZokcwY-00003-00002876-00003179 another one another one THJ-jZokcwY-00004-00003180-00003563 it's not a good time right now THJ-jZokcwY-00005-00003564-00004001 especially that THJ-jZokcwY-00006-00004002-00004303 yeah THJ-jZokcwY-00008-00007626-00008503 wait wait THJ-jZokcwY-00009-00008504-00008753 let's go THJ-jZokcwY-00010-00008754-00009995 holy crap it's going it's coming THJ-jZokcwY-00011-00009996-00010231 oh cool THJ-jZokcwY-00012-00010232-00010578 that's kind of funny THJ-jZokcwY-00013-00010579-00011305 [Applause] THJ-jZokcwY-00014-00011306-00011644 I'm not sure about blue though he's dead THJ-jZokcwY-00015-00011645-00011796 [Music] THJ-jZokcwY-00016-00011797-00012305 in the weirdest way possible THJ-jZokcwY-00017-00012306-00014825 wait everybody's dead THJ-jZokcwY-00018-00014826-00015632 foreign THJ-jZokcwY-00020-00019083-00019872 [Music] THJ-jZokcwY-00021-00019873-00020447 yes but outside real THJ-jZokcwY-00022-00020448-00021103 okay THJ-jZokcwY-00023-00021104-00021358 the worst thing is that I know where he THJ-jZokcwY-00024-00021359-00022247 is THJ-jZokcwY-00026-00025559-00025739 man and you just heard the Vietnam THJ-jZokcwY-00027-00025739-00025900 Easter say he doesn't care about the THJ-jZokcwY-00028-00025901-00026212 Make-A-Wish Foundation THJ-jZokcwY-00029-00026213-00026435 how how does it even THJ-jZokcwY-00030-00026436-00026746 make sense THJ-jZokcwY-00031-00026747-00027018 hey you hate small people THJ-jZokcwY-00032-00027019-00027277 it's not that good THJ-jZokcwY-00033-00027277-00027496 what's this THJ-jZokcwY-00034-00027497-00027790 what's this give it to Green give it to THJ-jZokcwY-00035-00027791-00029424 Green THJ-jZokcwY-00036-00029425-00030085 man you all THJ-jZokcwY-00037-00030086-00030389 he's hiding here trust me I know he's THJ-jZokcwY-00038-00030389-00031489 hiding here chicken it's the chicken THJ-jZokcwY-00039-00031489-00032629 I hate that chicken THJ-jZokcwY-00040-00032630-00033587 [Music] THJ-jZokcwY-00041-00033588-00034145 she THJ-jZokcwY-00042-00034146-00034552 all right with the shoddy or buck oh my THJ-jZokcwY-00043-00034553-00034793 God guys let's go THJ-jZokcwY-00044-00034794-00035333 oh no kick him kick him THJ-jZokcwY-00045-00035334-00035705 bye-bye let's go if we if we lose to THJ-jZokcwY-00046-00035706-00036516 this I'm just gonna I'm just gonna block THJ-jZokcwY-00047-00036517-00036696 [Applause] THJ-jZokcwY-00048-00036697-00037012 I'm gonna hit a One Clip down here THJ-jZokcwY-00049-00037013-00037939 foreign THJ-jZokcwY-00050-00037940-00039551 [Music] THJ-jZokcwY-00051-00039552-00039995 [Music] THJ-jZokcwY-00052-00039996-00040307 hey THJ-jZokcwY-00053-00040308-00040561 95 95 95 THJ-jZokcwY-00054-00040562-00040745 you [__] THJ-jZokcwY-00055-00040746-00041718 this THJ-jZokcwY-00056-00041719-00043115 [Music] THJ-jZokcwY-00057-00043116-00043330 sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry THJ-jZokcwY-00058-00043331-00043429 sorry THJ-jZokcwY-00059-00043430-00043757 I'm sorry THJ-jZokcwY-00060-00043758-00044585 yes THJ-jZokcwY-00061-00044586-00045437 foreign THJ-jZokcwY-00062-00045438-00045599 nice THJ-jZokcwY-00063-00045600-00046085 you stole your MVP THJ-jZokcwY-00065-00049590-00050452 [__] THJ-jZokcwY-00066-00050453-00052211 ing THJ-jZokcwY-00067-00052212-00052894 [Music] THJ-jZokcwY-00068-00052895-00053842 something THJ-jZokcwY-00070-00058429-00058716 shot him THJ-jZokcwY-00071-00058716-00059237 [Music] THJ-jZokcwY-00072-00059238-00060888 way THJ-jZokcwY-00073-00060889-00061113 on you THJ-jZokcwY-00074-00061114-00061997 [Music] THJ-jZokcwY-00075-00061998-00063190 laughs THJ-jZokcwY-00076-00063191-00063574 [Applause] THJ-jZokcwY-00077-00063575-00063725 [Music] THJ-jZokcwY-00078-00063726-00064019 what the [__] THJ-jZokcwY-00079-00064020-00064994 why are you so good at it THJ-jZokcwY-00080-00064995-00065365 [Music] THJ-jZokcwY-00081-00065366-00065579 come on THJ-jZokcwY-00082-00065580-00065794 oh THJ-jZokcwY-00083-00065795-00066313 yeah THJ-jZokcwY-00084-00066314-00066629 how the [__] silver Elite Silver Elite THJ-jZokcwY-00085-00066630-00067625 Silver Elite Silver Elite silverly THJ-jZokcwY-00086-00067626-00068250 avoid this holy [__] THJ-jZokcwY-00087-00068251-00069125 [Music] THJ-jZokcwY-00088-00069126-00069443 thank you THJ-jZokcwY-00089-00069444-00070027 foreign THJ-jZokcwY-00090-00070028-00070959 [Music] THJ-jZokcwY-00091-00070960-00071006 [Applause] THJ-jZokcwY-00092-00071007-00073693 [Music] THJ-jZokcwY-00093-00073694-00074760 thank you THJ-jZokcwY-00094-00074761-00077346 [Music] THJ-jZokcwY-00095-00077347-00078353 [Music] THJ-jZokcwY-00096-00078354-00078886 [Music] TIkqeW1-vIM-00000-00000053-00000361 the fishing industry in the Maldives is TIkqeW1-vIM-00001-00000362-00000646 the island's second main industry TIkqeW1-vIM-00002-00000647-00000926 according to national tradition in the TIkqeW1-vIM-00003-00000927-00001148 words of former president more Moon TIkqeW1-vIM-00004-00001149-00001256 Abdul Gayoom TIkqeW1-vIM-00005-00001257-00001574 fishing is the lifeblood of our nation TIkqeW1-vIM-00006-00001575-00001927 it is in born from the soil on which we TIkqeW1-vIM-00007-00001928-00002249 live to the sea around us it remains an TIkqeW1-vIM-00008-00002250-00002659 integral part of our existence fishing TIkqeW1-vIM-00009-00002660-00002968 and our country and its people are one TIkqeW1-vIM-00010-00002969-00003392 and shall remain inseparable forever TIkqeW1-vIM-00011-00003393-00003719 the Maldives has an abundance of aquatic TIkqeW1-vIM-00012-00003720-00004115 life and species of fish common or tuna TIkqeW1-vIM-00013-00004116-00004478 groupers dolphin fish Barracuda rainbow TIkqeW1-vIM-00014-00004479-00004727 Rhonda traveli and squirrel fish and TIkqeW1-vIM-00015-00004728-00005081 many more aside from being of essential TIkqeW1-vIM-00016-00005082-00005336 importance to the economy fishing is TIkqeW1-vIM-00017-00005337-00005645 also a popular recreational activity in TIkqeW1-vIM-00018-00005646-00005930 the Maldives not only among locals but TIkqeW1-vIM-00019-00005931-00006278 by tourists the islands have numerous TIkqeW1-vIM-00020-00006279-00006523 fishing resorts which cater for these TIkqeW1-vIM-00021-00006525-00006893 activities the Maldives is an TIkqeW1-vIM-00022-00006894-00007205 archipelago in the Indian Ocean located TIkqeW1-vIM-00023-00007206-00007450 southwest of the southern tip of India TIkqeW1-vIM-00024-00007451-00008068 its population in 2008 was 386 thousand TIkqeW1-vIM-00025-00008069-00008642 there are 26 atolls containing 1192 TIkqeW1-vIM-00026-00008643-00008969 islets of which 250 islands are TIkqeW1-vIM-00027-00008970-00009323 inhabited the low level of islands makes TIkqeW1-vIM-00028-00009324-00010139 them vulnerable to sea level rises TIkqeW1-vIM-00029-00010140-00010689 topic history TIkqeW1-vIM-00030-00010690-00010941 fishing has long been the lifeblood of TIkqeW1-vIM-00031-00010942-00011271 the Maldivian economy today it still TIkqeW1-vIM-00032-00011272-00011561 employs half the Maldivian workforce TIkqeW1-vIM-00033-00011562-00011922 formerly Maldives shipped 90% of its TIkqeW1-vIM-00034-00011923-00012210 fishing catch of tuna in dried form to TIkqeW1-vIM-00035-00012211-00012329 Sri Lanka TIkqeW1-vIM-00036-00012330-00012663 however because Sri Lanka cut back its TIkqeW1-vIM-00037-00012664-00013053 imports of such fish in 1979 Maldives TIkqeW1-vIM-00038-00013054-00013287 joined with the Japanese Mara Benny TIkqeW1-vIM-00039-00013288-00013569 corporation to form the Maldives Nippon TIkqeW1-vIM-00040-00013569-00013809 corporation that canned and processed TIkqeW1-vIM-00041-00013810-00014288 fresh fish also in 1979 the Maldivian TIkqeW1-vIM-00042-00014290-00014513 government created the Maldives TIkqeW1-vIM-00043-00014515-00014826 industrial fisheries company this TIkqeW1-vIM-00044-00014827-00015090 company controls the processing and TIkqeW1-vIM-00045-00015091-00015456 exporting of frozen and canned tuna they TIkqeW1-vIM-00046-00015457-00015744 also provide a collector vessel all TIkqeW1-vIM-00047-00015744-00016022 fishing is undertaken by the private TIkqeW1-vIM-00048-00016024-00016296 sector and its involvement in processing TIkqeW1-vIM-00049-00016297-00016581 and export is increasing progress has TIkqeW1-vIM-00050-00016582-00016854 also been made as a result of Fisheries TIkqeW1-vIM-00051-00016855-00017109 development projects undertaken by the TIkqeW1-vIM-00052-00017110-00017433 World Bank harbour and refrigeration TIkqeW1-vIM-00053-00017434-00017744 facilities have been improved leading to TIkqeW1-vIM-00054-00017745-00017985 a four-fold increase in earnings from TIkqeW1-vIM-00055-00017986-00018401 canned fish between 1983 and 1985 TIkqeW1-vIM-00056-00018402-00018678 further construction of fisheries TIkqeW1-vIM-00057-00018679-00018954 refrigeration installations and related TIkqeW1-vIM-00058-00018955-00019212 facilities such as collector vessels TIkqeW1-vIM-00059-00019213-00019581 were underway in 1994 with funding both TIkqeW1-vIM-00060-00019582-00019980 from Japan and the World Bank the tiny TIkqeW1-vIM-00061-00019981-00020211 low-lying islands have an average TIkqeW1-vIM-00062-00020212-00020666 elevation of a few feet above sea level TIkqeW1-vIM-00063-00020667-00021012 the highest elevation of any island is TIkqeW1-vIM-00064-00021013-00021293 not more than three and a half meters TIkqeW1-vIM-00065-00021294-00021588 although the Maldives were in the direct TIkqeW1-vIM-00066-00021589-00021930 path of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami TIkqeW1-vIM-00067-00021931-00022247 little permanent damage resulted to the TIkqeW1-vIM-00068-00022248-00022475 coral beds and fishing grounds the TIkqeW1-vIM-00069-00022476-00022737 mainstays of the Maldives economy are TIkqeW1-vIM-00070-00022738-00023055 its fisheries and tourism both are TIkqeW1-vIM-00071-00023056-00023313 intrinsically related to the coral reefs TIkqeW1-vIM-00072-00023314-00023613 the fisheries were the dominant sector TIkqeW1-vIM-00073-00023614-00023906 of the economy until 1985 when the TIkqeW1-vIM-00074-00023907-00024027 tourism industry TIkqeW1-vIM-00075-00024028-00024279 three overtook the fisheries in terms of TIkqeW1-vIM-00076-00024280-00024539 its contribution to GDP TIkqeW1-vIM-00077-00024540-00024876 however fisheries continue to provide an TIkqeW1-vIM-00078-00024877-00025158 important source of income for about 20 TIkqeW1-vIM-00079-00025159-00025421 percent of the population with about TIkqeW1-vIM-00080-00025422-00025761 22,000 individuals involved in full-time TIkqeW1-vIM-00081-00025762-00026447 fishing activities TIkqeW1-vIM-00082-00026448-00027202 topic statistics the following table TIkqeW1-vIM-00083-00027204-00027458 shows the total volume of aquatic TIkqeW1-vIM-00084-00027458-00027686 species caught in the Maldives as TIkqeW1-vIM-00085-00027687-00028001 reported by the FAO for all commercial TIkqeW1-vIM-00086-00028002-00028310 industrial recreational and subsistence TIkqeW1-vIM-00087-00028311-00028742 purposes almost half of the catch is TIkqeW1-vIM-00088-00028743-00029358 consumed locally TIkqeW1-vIM-00089-00029359-00029920 topic easy TIkqeW1-vIM-00090-00029920-00030195 as with other countries the Maldivian TIkqeW1-vIM-00091-00030195-00030618 200 nautical mile 370 kilometres TIkqeW1-vIM-00092-00030619-00030976 exclusive economic zone easy gives its TIkqeW1-vIM-00093-00030977-00031257 fishing industry special fishing rights TIkqeW1-vIM-00094-00031258-00031627 it covers about 900,000 square TIkqeW1-vIM-00095-00031627-00031957 kilometers this area plus the inland TIkqeW1-vIM-00096-00031958-00032214 areas are the areas which the Maldives TIkqeW1-vIM-00097-00032216-00032527 can under international law regard as TIkqeW1-vIM-00098-00032527-00032905 its fishing grounds for most coastal TIkqeW1-vIM-00099-00032906-00033133 countries the ease aired roughly TIkqeW1-vIM-00100-00033134-00033424 coincides with the continental shelf the TIkqeW1-vIM-00101-00033425-00033667 fishing rich area of relatively shallow TIkqeW1-vIM-00102-00033668-00034008 water less than 200 meters deep that TIkqeW1-vIM-00103-00034009-00034320 extends from most continental coastlines TIkqeW1-vIM-00104-00034321-00034660 the easy gives fishing and mineral TIkqeW1-vIM-00105-00034661-00034996 rights to this shelf in the case of the TIkqeW1-vIM-00106-00034997-00035262 Madam's there is no continental shelf TIkqeW1-vIM-00107-00035263-00035508 since the Maldives are not part of a TIkqeW1-vIM-00108-00035509-00035860 continent the coral atoll equivalent of TIkqeW1-vIM-00109-00035861-00036142 a continental shelf is the shallow coral TIkqeW1-vIM-00110-00036143-00036208 floors TIkqeW1-vIM-00111-00036209-00036430 surrounding the islands and within the TIkqeW1-vIM-00112-00036431-00036817 coral basins and lagoons the total land TIkqeW1-vIM-00113-00036818-00037105 not immersed area of the islands is TIkqeW1-vIM-00114-00037106-00037371 about 300 square kilometres and the TIkqeW1-vIM-00115-00037372-00037789 total coral shelf area is about 35,000 TIkqeW1-vIM-00116-00037790-00038058 square kilometers this shelf area is TIkqeW1-vIM-00117-00038059-00038424 large compared to the land area 120 TIkqeW1-vIM-00118-00038425-00038724 times larger but still small compared to TIkqeW1-vIM-00119-00038725-00039079 deep ocean part of the Maldivian EEZ 30 TIkqeW1-vIM-00120-00039080-00039439 times smaller there are four areas in TIkqeW1-vIM-00121-00039440-00039789 the Maldives where fisheries can operate TIkqeW1-vIM-00122-00039790-00040152 land areas the islands in the Maldives TIkqeW1-vIM-00123-00040153-00040405 are too small to have inland lakes and TIkqeW1-vIM-00124-00040406-00040680 rivers so there are no inland fisheries TIkqeW1-vIM-00125-00040681-00040951 nor have there been any land-based TIkqeW1-vIM-00126-00040952-00041383 aquaculture activities to date coral TIkqeW1-vIM-00127-00041384-00041632 lagoons many of the islands in the TIkqeW1-vIM-00128-00041633-00041920 Maldives have subsided leaving lagoons TIkqeW1-vIM-00129-00041921-00042189 wholly or partially enclosed by a ring TIkqeW1-vIM-00130-00042190-00042574 of Coral Sea diagrams below right these TIkqeW1-vIM-00131-00042575-00042832 lagoons team with reef fish and other TIkqeW1-vIM-00132-00042833-00043300 aquatic life the outer coral shelf which TIkqeW1-vIM-00133-00043301-00043549 oops away steeply and does not offer as TIkqeW1-vIM-00134-00043550-00043753 rich fishing grounds as the inner TIkqeW1-vIM-00135-00043754-00044197 lagoons do deep ocean which is by far TIkqeW1-vIM-00136-00044198-00044524 the largest part of the Maldivian de Zed TIkqeW1-vIM-00137-00044525-00044890 this area is inhabited by pelagic fish TIkqeW1-vIM-00138-00044891-00045166 small schooling forage fish sometimes TIkqeW1-vIM-00139-00045167-00045454 called bait fish and larger fish who TIkqeW1-vIM-00140-00045455-00045823 prey on them such as tuna and shark by TIkqeW1-vIM-00141-00045824-00046108 far the greatest volume of catch in the TIkqeW1-vIM-00142-00046109-00046849 Maldives comes from this area TIkqeW1-vIM-00143-00046850-00047465 topic bait fisheries TIkqeW1-vIM-00144-00047466-00047742 different types of bait fishing are used TIkqeW1-vIM-00145-00047743-00048036 in Maldive most common method is TIkqeW1-vIM-00146-00048037-00048720 nighttime using lights TIkqeW1-vIM-00147-00048721-00049320 topic reef fisheries TIkqeW1-vIM-00148-00049321-00049602 Reef fisheries are fisheries for reef TIkqeW1-vIM-00149-00049603-00049851 fish and other organisms that live among TIkqeW1-vIM-00150-00049852-00050399 coral reefs the Maldives contain 2.8 6% TIkqeW1-vIM-00151-00050400-00050740 of the world coral reefs the FAO TIkqeW1-vIM-00152-00050741-00051105 estimated in 1992 that a sustainable TIkqeW1-vIM-00153-00051106-00051375 yield of about 30,000 tonnes per year TIkqeW1-vIM-00154-00051376-00051676 was possible for commercial reef fish TIkqeW1-vIM-00155-00051677-00052007 the at all basins which are by far the TIkqeW1-vIM-00156-00052008-00052269 largest part of the Maldivian atolls TIkqeW1-vIM-00157-00052270-00052560 were identified as having large reef TIkqeW1-vIM-00158-00052561-00052944 fish resources outside the atolls the TIkqeW1-vIM-00159-00052945-00053174 deep reef slopes support some high-value TIkqeW1-vIM-00160-00053175-00053480 species but their total potential yield TIkqeW1-vIM-00161-00053482-00053741 is relatively small larger commercial TIkqeW1-vIM-00162-00053742-00054021 reef fish such as medium to large TIkqeW1-vIM-00163-00054022-00054276 snapper grouper emperor and reef TIkqeW1-vIM-00164-00054277-00054591 associated Jack AB escort by hand lines TIkqeW1-vIM-00165-00054591-00054932 and long lines other resources include TIkqeW1-vIM-00166-00054933-00055290 aquarium fish and non invertebrates such TIkqeW1-vIM-00167-00055291-00055626 as sea cucumber lobster giant clam and TIkqeW1-vIM-00168-00055627-00055959 black coral an increase in demand for TIkqeW1-vIM-00169-00055960-00056238 reef fish from the tourism industry and TIkqeW1-vIM-00170-00056239-00056525 overseas markets has raised the level of TIkqeW1-vIM-00171-00056526-00056769 exploitation of particular reef fish TIkqeW1-vIM-00172-00056770-00057099 varieties in terms of value grouper have TIkqeW1-vIM-00173-00057100-00057338 been the most significant component of TIkqeW1-vIM-00174-00057339-00057672 the reef fishery the grouper fishery has TIkqeW1-vIM-00175-00057673-00057938 also come under pressure due to demand TIkqeW1-vIM-00176-00057939-00058197 from local tourism and international TIkqeW1-vIM-00177-00058198-00058536 markets the group of fishery has been TIkqeW1-vIM-00178-00058537-00058773 sustainable so far but there is very TIkqeW1-vIM-00179-00058774-00059042 little potential for expansion under TIkqeW1-vIM-00180-00059044-00059271 current practices and a strict TIkqeW1-vIM-00181-00059272-00059594 management regime is required exports of TIkqeW1-vIM-00182-00059595-00059829 aquarium fish from the Maldives is TIkqeW1-vIM-00183-00059829-00060228 increasing currently about 100 species TIkqeW1-vIM-00184-00060229-00060544 of fish are exported with 20 species TIkqeW1-vIM-00185-00060545-00060916 comprising over 75 percent of the trade TIkqeW1-vIM-00186-00060917-00061263 some species exported a rare in the TIkqeW1-vIM-00187-00061264-00061515 Maldives and are vulnerable to over TIkqeW1-vIM-00188-00061516-00061872 exploitation cyanide fishing is TIkqeW1-vIM-00189-00061873-00062112 occasionally practiced in the Maldives TIkqeW1-vIM-00190-00062113-00062430 to capture aquarium fish TIkqeW1-vIM-00191-00062432-00062712 shark have been fished for centuries in TIkqeW1-vIM-00192-00062713-00063010 the Maldives the main groups of sharks TIkqeW1-vIM-00193-00063011-00063265 caught in the Maldives are reef sharks TIkqeW1-vIM-00194-00063266-00063599 deepwater gulper sharks and ocean sharks TIkqeW1-vIM-00195-00063600-00063937 the reef shark fishery generates more TIkqeW1-vIM-00196-00063938-00064194 revenue for the fisheries and tourism TIkqeW1-vIM-00197-00064195-00064522 than the other groups shark fisheries TIkqeW1-vIM-00198-00064523-00064800 continue to be exploited particularly TIkqeW1-vIM-00199-00064801-00065094 for export purposes the lobster fishery TIkqeW1-vIM-00200-00065095-00065374 is mainly targeted for the local tourist TIkqeW1-vIM-00201-00065375-00065781 industry red coral has been harvested TIkqeW1-vIM-00202-00065782-00066030 from reef beds for centuries and the TIkqeW1-vIM-00203-00066031-00066340 market for them is increasing in the TIkqeW1-vIM-00204-00066341-00066565 absence of adequate controls and TIkqeW1-vIM-00205-00066566-00066778 monitoring it is difficult to estimate TIkqeW1-vIM-00206-00066779-00067123 how many people or areas are engaged in TIkqeW1-vIM-00207-00067124-00067378 exploiting red coral other coastal TIkqeW1-vIM-00208-00067379-00067632 resources such as curry and cuttlefish TIkqeW1-vIM-00209-00067633-00067863 play a nominal role and can be TIkqeW1-vIM-00210-00067864-00068104 sustainably exploited at the present TIkqeW1-vIM-00211-00068105-00068434 level however resources that can be TIkqeW1-vIM-00212-00068435-00068706 cultured such as giant clams sea TIkqeW1-vIM-00213-00068707-00069016 cucumber some species of aquarium fish TIkqeW1-vIM-00214-00069017-00069853 and turtles have considerable potential TIkqeW1-vIM-00215-00069854-00070480 topic pelagic fisheries TIkqeW1-vIM-00216-00070481-00070771 pelagic fisheries are fisheries for TIkqeW1-vIM-00217-00070772-00071044 pelagic fish that is for fish that are TIkqeW1-vIM-00218-00071045-00071332 offshore in the open ocean such as small TIkqeW1-vIM-00219-00071333-00071605 schooling forage fish sometimes called TIkqeW1-vIM-00220-00071606-00071857 bait fish and larger fish who prey on TIkqeW1-vIM-00221-00071858-00072286 them such as tuna and ocean sharks the TIkqeW1-vIM-00222-00072287-00072544 major fishery in the Maldives is the TIkqeW1-vIM-00223-00072545-00072850 tuna fishery the most important tuna TIkqeW1-vIM-00224-00072851-00073135 species is the skipjack tuna although TIkqeW1-vIM-00225-00073136-00073294 they are coming under increasing TIkqeW1-vIM-00226-00073295-00073705 pressure next most important in terms of TIkqeW1-vIM-00227-00073706-00073984 fish exports from the Maldives is the TIkqeW1-vIM-00228-00073985-00074260 large yellowfin tuna the tuna are caught TIkqeW1-vIM-00229-00074261-00074500 by the following methods Pole and line TIkqeW1-vIM-00230-00074501-00074890 hand line and longline the pole and line TIkqeW1-vIM-00231-00074891-00075217 method is most commonly used and results TIkqeW1-vIM-00232-00075218-00075715 in 65% of skipjack tuna fishing and 55% TIkqeW1-vIM-00233-00075716-00076066 of yellowfin tuna this traditional use TIkqeW1-vIM-00234-00076067-00076279 of the pole and line method in the TIkqeW1-vIM-00235-00076280-00076555 Maldivian tuna industry has contributed TIkqeW1-vIM-00236-00076556-00076816 to the sustainability of the tuna TIkqeW1-vIM-00237-00076817-00077098 resources with recent further TIkqeW1-vIM-00238-00077099-00077365 improvements in fishing gear and methods TIkqeW1-vIM-00239-00077366-00077644 it appears that the catch levels may be TIkqeW1-vIM-00240-00077645-00077875 close to the maximum sustainable yield TIkqeW1-vIM-00241-00077876-00078175 however an even more extensive and TIkqeW1-vIM-00242-00078176-00078434 sustainable coastal resource is forage TIkqeW1-vIM-00243-00078435-00078793 fish such as anchovies and herring this TIkqeW1-vIM-00244-00078794-00079048 fishery is an integral part of the pole TIkqeW1-vIM-00245-00079049-00079372 in line tuna fishery since tuna feed on TIkqeW1-vIM-00246-00079373-00079729 the forage fish future development of TIkqeW1-vIM-00247-00079730-00079951 the traditional Pole and line tuna TIkqeW1-vIM-00248-00079952-00080203 fishery depends on the availability of TIkqeW1-vIM-00249-00080204-00080572 this bait fishery catch rate for forage TIkqeW1-vIM-00250-00080573-00080779 fish have increased greatly in recent TIkqeW1-vIM-00251-00080780-00081059 years but there is not enough data to TIkqeW1-vIM-00252-00081060-00081298 really know what the current status of TIkqeW1-vIM-00253-00081299-00081654 the forage fish stocks are for poles TIkqeW1-vIM-00254-00081655-00081946 Maldivian fishermen use a bamboo or TIkqeW1-vIM-00255-00081947-00082246 plastic construction pole typically ten TIkqeW1-vIM-00256-00082247-00082636 to 15 feet 4.6 meters in length and TIkqeW1-vIM-00257-00082637-00082871 capable of handling a fish weighing as TIkqeW1-vIM-00258-00082872-00083236 much as 50 pounds 23 kilograms with a TIkqeW1-vIM-00259-00083237-00083455 line and a feathered barbless hook TIkqeW1-vIM-00260-00083456-00083795 attached to the smaller end of the pole TIkqeW1-vIM-00261-00083796-00084011 the fishermen will go out at the start TIkqeW1-vIM-00262-00084012-00084245 of a fishing day in their Dhoni boats TIkqeW1-vIM-00263-00084246-00084506 looking for live bait such as small TIkqeW1-vIM-00264-00084507-00084836 scads silverside and sardine which are TIkqeW1-vIM-00265-00084837-00085109 kept alive by the specialized fresh sea TIkqeW1-vIM-00266-00085110-00085384 water circulating system of the Dhoni TIkqeW1-vIM-00267-00085385-00085667 with bait on board they then go out TIkqeW1-vIM-00268-00085668-00085916 looking for schools of tuna however a TIkqeW1-vIM-00269-00085917-00086174 variety of different types of fishing TIkqeW1-vIM-00270-00086175-00086483 are practiced in the maldives very TIkqeW1-vIM-00271-00086484-00086777 popular is evening fishing just before TIkqeW1-vIM-00272-00086778-00087080 the sunset recreational fishing is TIkqeW1-vIM-00273-00087081-00087388 seasonal dictated to by the monsoons TIkqeW1-vIM-00274-00087389-00087683 big-game fishing is particularly popular TIkqeW1-vIM-00275-00087684-00087953 with tourists who will go out on boats TIkqeW1-vIM-00276-00087954-00088214 with local fishermen and catch big game TIkqeW1-vIM-00277-00088215-00088835 for sport TIkqeW1-vIM-00278-00088836-00089413 topic mariculture TIkqeW1-vIM-00279-00089414-00089700 mariculture is the culture of marine TIkqeW1-vIM-00280-00089701-00090049 organisms in seawater the islands in the TIkqeW1-vIM-00281-00090050-00090298 Maldives are too small to have inland TIkqeW1-vIM-00282-00090299-00090507 fisheries nor were there land-based TIkqeW1-vIM-00283-00090508-00090810 aquaculture activities at present TIkqeW1-vIM-00284-00090811-00091129 fishing occurs in reef coastal and TIkqeW1-vIM-00285-00091130-00091500 offshore waters however various forms of TIkqeW1-vIM-00286-00091501-00091693 mariculture are being experimentally TIkqeW1-vIM-00287-00091694-00091978 trialed such as the culture of pearls TIkqeW1-vIM-00288-00091979-00092338 giant clams spiny lobsters beached a TIkqeW1-vIM-00289-00092339-00092596 mare and grouper seaweed culture has TIkqeW1-vIM-00290-00092597-00092898 been trialed with little success so far TIkqeW1-vIM-00291-00092899-00093250 nonetheless culture appears promising TIkqeW1-vIM-00292-00093251-00093538 given the extensive reef areas which can TIkqeW1-vIM-00293-00093539-00093892 provide suitable habitats culturing TIkqeW1-vIM-00294-00093893-00094162 crabs in mangrove areas is also a TIkqeW1-vIM-00295-00094163-00094462 possibility sea cucumbers have been an TIkqeW1-vIM-00296-00094463-00094792 important coastal resource they were a TIkqeW1-vIM-00297-00094793-00095065 very successful fishery to begin with TIkqeW1-vIM-00298-00095066-00095275 but have been overfished and need TIkqeW1-vIM-00299-00095276-00095529 appropriate management to recover TIkqeW1-vIM-00300-00095530-00095854 cultured sea cucumbers have considerable TIkqeW1-vIM-00301-00095855-00096103 potential although forage and grouper TIkqeW1-vIM-00302-00096104-00096346 fisheries can be negatively affected by TIkqeW1-vIM-00303-00096347-00097138 wastewater from sea cucumbers TIkqeW1-vIM-00304-00097139-00097846 topic marketing the capital of the TIkqeW1-vIM-00305-00097847-00098157 Maldives male is known for its busy fish TIkqeW1-vIM-00306-00098158-00098542 markets fish is an integral part of the TIkqeW1-vIM-00307-00098543-00098803 Maldivian diet and it is a common sight TIkqeW1-vIM-00308-00098804-00099073 to see office workers in formal white TIkqeW1-vIM-00309-00099074-00099379 shirts and ties on bicycles after work TIkqeW1-vIM-00310-00099380-00099730 taking skipjack home to eat trolleys TIkqeW1-vIM-00311-00099731-00100003 packed full of fresh tuna all skipjack TIkqeW1-vIM-00312-00100004-00100356 are carted around in door-to-door sales TIkqeW1-vIM-00313-00100357-00100690 tuna however is the most important fish TIkqeW1-vIM-00314-00100691-00100950 and in recent years in the Maldives the TIkqeW1-vIM-00315-00100951-00101275 industry has become more efficient using TIkqeW1-vIM-00316-00101276-00101544 tuna waste and residue to be processed TIkqeW1-vIM-00317-00101545-00101832 into fish meal an animal food supplement TIkqeW1-vIM-00318-00101833-00102187 further contributing to the economy the TIkqeW1-vIM-00319-00102188-00102468 tuna industry in the Maldives has been TIkqeW1-vIM-00320-00102469-00102702 greatly helped by the state trading TIkqeW1-vIM-00321-00102703-00102976 organization which rebuilt the efficient TIkqeW1-vIM-00322-00102977-00103236 tuna cannery plant on the island of Fela TIkqeW1-vIM-00323-00103238-00103557 Varro the canning process typically TIkqeW1-vIM-00324-00103558-00103833 takes four days and the plant has the TIkqeW1-vIM-00325-00103834-00104106 benefits of modern technology and even a TIkqeW1-vIM-00326-00104107-00104323 laboratory for research and quality TIkqeW1-vIM-00327-00104324-00104953 control TIkqeW1-vIM-00328-00104954-00105682 topic fishing fleet the islands of the TIkqeW1-vIM-00329-00105683-00105928 Maldives have an extensive fleet of TIkqeW1-vIM-00330-00105929-00106207 small fishing boats built domestically TIkqeW1-vIM-00331-00106208-00106441 each of which can carry about eight to TIkqeW1-vIM-00332-00106442-00106768 twelve persons these boats are called TIkqeW1-vIM-00333-00106769-00106959 donees TIkqeW1-vIM-00334-00106960-00107581 in 1995 there were 1674 vessels of which TIkqeW1-vIM-00335-00107582-00107869 motorised vessels for coastal pole and TIkqeW1-vIM-00336-00107870-00108313 line tuna fishing accounted for 1407 TIkqeW1-vIM-00337-00108314-00108673 vessels of the remainder 5 was sailing TIkqeW1-vIM-00338-00108674-00108997 Dhoni Maas Dhoni 48 were mechanized TIkqeW1-vIM-00339-00108998-00109408 Dhoni vadhu Dhoni 209 were Vadhu Dhoni TIkqeW1-vIM-00340-00109408-00109705 with sails and 5 were rowing boats used TIkqeW1-vIM-00341-00109706-00109981 to troll reef waters based on a three TIkqeW1-vIM-00342-00109982-00110227 point two million dollars loan from the TIkqeW1-vIM-00343-00110228-00110458 International Development Association TIkqeW1-vIM-00344-00110458-00110788 Ida most of the boats were mechanized in TIkqeW1-vIM-00345-00110789-00111043 the course of the 1980s although the TIkqeW1-vIM-00346-00111044-00111322 addition of motors increased fuel costs TIkqeW1-vIM-00347-00111323-00111565 it resulted in doubling the fishing TIkqeW1-vIM-00348-00111566-00112128 catch between 1982 and 1985 moreover the TIkqeW1-vIM-00349-00112129-00112495 1992 catch of 82 thousand tonnes set a TIkqeW1-vIM-00350-00112496-00112939 record for example in 1987 the catch was TIkqeW1-vIM-00351-00112940-00113221 56 thousand nine hundred tonnes the TIkqeW1-vIM-00352-00113222-00113503 Dhoni which with its variants makes up TIkqeW1-vIM-00353-00113504-00113800 almost the entire fleet is a small open TIkqeW1-vIM-00354-00113801-00114025 boat traditionally built from coconut TIkqeW1-vIM-00355-00114026-00114277 wood although wood imported from South TIkqeW1-vIM-00356-00114278-00114558 East Asia and fiberglass is increasingly TIkqeW1-vIM-00357-00114559-00114970 used originally sailing craft nowadays TIkqeW1-vIM-00358-00114971-00115195 these boats are usually fitted with TIkqeW1-vIM-00359-00115196-00115567 motors the main site for building donees TIkqeW1-vIM-00360-00115568-00115891 is in Aliph Ashera at all this boat TIkqeW1-vIM-00361-00115892-00116143 building is a traditional craft in the TIkqeW1-vIM-00362-00116144-00116425 maldives and young apprentices are still TIkqeW1-vIM-00363-00116426-00116749 trained by skilled craftsmen boats TIkqeW1-vIM-00364-00116750-00117055 crafted from timber take about 60 days TIkqeW1-vIM-00365-00117056-00117650 to complete TIkqeW1-vIM-00366-00117651-00118206 topic issues TIkqeW1-vIM-00367-00118207-00118597 overfishing has occurred for black TIkqeW1-vIM-00368-00118598-00118836 corals these were presumably once TIkqeW1-vIM-00369-00118838-00119206 abundant on Maldivian reefs over the TIkqeW1-vIM-00370-00119207-00119491 last two decades large quantities were TIkqeW1-vIM-00371-00119492-00119893 removed and they are now protected giant TIkqeW1-vIM-00372-00119894-00120190 clams the giant clam fishery was very TIkqeW1-vIM-00373-00120191-00120465 short-lived lasting about a year from TIkqeW1-vIM-00374-00120466-00120919 1990 this exploitation of the giant clam TIkqeW1-vIM-00375-00120920-00121168 was very destructive to the reefs and TIkqeW1-vIM-00376-00121169-00121389 the government banned the fishery in TIkqeW1-vIM-00377-00121390-00121915 1991 Turtles turtles have been exploited TIkqeW1-vIM-00378-00121916-00122164 for local trade and consumption for TIkqeW1-vIM-00379-00122165-00122443 hundreds of years they were further TIkqeW1-vIM-00380-00122444-00122733 exploited to provide curios for the TIkqeW1-vIM-00381-00122734-00123036 tourists a moratorium on catching TIkqeW1-vIM-00382-00123038-00123579 turtles has been enforced since 1995 sea TIkqeW1-vIM-00383-00123580-00123877 cucumbers the most popular species of TIkqeW1-vIM-00384-00123878-00124131 sea cucumbers have been over exploited TIkqeW1-vIM-00385-00124132-00124366 resulting in near collapse of the TIkqeW1-vIM-00386-00124367-00124723 fishery in 1997 environmental issues TIkqeW1-vIM-00387-00124724-00125107 include marine pollution examples are TIkqeW1-vIM-00388-00125108-00125338 increasing risks of spills from oil TIkqeW1-vIM-00389-00125339-00125638 tankers and industrial discharges from TIkqeW1-vIM-00390-00125639-00125863 countries to the north such as TIkqeW1-vIM-00391-00125864-00126196 organochlorine residues such as DDT and TIkqeW1-vIM-00392-00126197-00126472 heavy metals such as mercury cadmium TIkqeW1-vIM-00393-00126473-00126895 lead and arsenic certain destructive TIkqeW1-vIM-00394-00126896-00127174 methods used when fish aggregating can TIkqeW1-vIM-00395-00127175-00127434 cause irreversible damage to the coral TIkqeW1-vIM-00396-00127435-00127752 reefs as can boats dropping anchors TIkqeW1-vIM-00397-00127753-00128074 toxic household chemicals have been used TIkqeW1-vIM-00398-00128075-00128338 when forage fishing there has been a TIkqeW1-vIM-00399-00128339-00128658 loss of coastal habitats associated with TIkqeW1-vIM-00400-00128659-00128899 dredging harbors reclamation and the TIkqeW1-vIM-00401-00128900-00129118 mining of coral and sand for TIkqeW1-vIM-00402-00129119-00129459 construction this has affected seagrass TIkqeW1-vIM-00403-00129460-00129791 beds mangroves and coral reefs the TIkqeW1-vIM-00404-00129792-00130090 significance of mangroves areas to the TIkqeW1-vIM-00405-00130091-00130335 coastal and marine fishery has not been TIkqeW1-vIM-00406-00130336-00130624 adequately studied outside aid programs TIkqeW1-vIM-00407-00130625-00130924 have initiated reef monitoring projects TIkqeW1-vIM-00408-00130925-00131060 in the Maldives TIkqeW1-vIM-00409-00131061-00131410 however monitoring has been discontinued TIkqeW1-vIM-00410-00131411-00131593 when projects have finished TIkqeW1-vIM-00411-00131594-00131824 and little of this information has been TIkqeW1-vIM-00412-00131825-00132160 used to inform decision-making the TIkqeW1-vIM-00413-00132161-00132451 Maldives needs to maintain continuity in TIkqeW1-vIM-00414-00132452-00132691 monitoring and coordinate its approach TIkqeW1-vIM-00415-00132692-00133397 to managing its reefs TIkqeW1-vIM-00416-00133398-00133980 topic prospects TIkqeW1-vIM-00417-00133981-00134241 factors which have contributed to TIkqeW1-vIM-00418-00134242-00134496 increasing catches of fish include an TIkqeW1-vIM-00419-00134497-00134724 increasing number of mechanized and TIkqeW1-vIM-00420-00134725-00134994 motorized boats installation of fish TIkqeW1-vIM-00421-00134995-00135240 aggregating devices which improve the TIkqeW1-vIM-00422-00135241-00135510 efficiency of fishing activities and TIkqeW1-vIM-00423-00135511-00135732 improvements in infrastructure for TIkqeW1-vIM-00424-00135733-00135989 collecting and handling the fish catch TIkqeW1-vIM-00425-00135990-00136251 of the pelagic species TIkqeW1-vIM-00426-00136252-00136494 skipjack tuna has been almost TIkqeW1-vIM-00427-00136495-00136815 exclusively exploited the pelagic TIkqeW1-vIM-00428-00136816-00137040 fisheries may have considerable TIkqeW1-vIM-00429-00137041-00137301 expansion potential especially further TIkqeW1-vIM-00430-00137302-00137595 from the coast targeting species such as TIkqeW1-vIM-00431-00137596-00137994 yellowfin demersal and reef species can TIkqeW1-vIM-00432-00137995-00138318 also be exploited at higher levels at TIkqeW1-vIM-00433-00138319-00138591 present development is limited by TIkqeW1-vIM-00434-00138592-00138888 limited local facilities for storing and TIkqeW1-vIM-00435-00138889-00139173 transporting fish future prospects are TIkqeW1-vIM-00436-00139174-00139377 partly a matter of the quality of TIkqeW1-vIM-00437-00139378-00139622 fisheries research and management TIkqeW1-vIM-00438-00139623-00139962 research is coordinated and carried out TIkqeW1-vIM-00439-00139963-00140187 by the government-run Marine Research TIkqeW1-vIM-00440-00140188-00140628 Center the FAO Bay of Bengal program is TIkqeW1-vIM-00441-00140629-00140900 exploring the reef and tuna fish and TIkqeW1-vIM-00442-00140901-00141117 facilitating a fisheries management TIkqeW1-vIM-00443-00141118-00141506 system the United Kingdom is helping TIkqeW1-vIM-00444-00141507-00141723 investigations into the recovery of TIkqeW1-vIM-00445-00141724-00142020 coral reefs the status of tunas stocks TIkqeW1-vIM-00446-00142021-00142308 and possibilities for coral mining and TIkqeW1-vIM-00447-00142309-00142689 further fish marketing Canada is helping TIkqeW1-vIM-00448-00142690-00142922 research into coral reefs and the TIkqeW1-vIM-00449-00142923-00143124 implementation of marine surveillance TIkqeW1-vIM-00450-00143125-00143778 facilities TIkqeW1-vIM-00451-00143779-00144367 topic see also TIkqeW1-vIM-00452-00144368-00144830 industries in Maldives economic aid to TIkqeW1-vIM-00453-00144831-00145382 Maldives tourism in the Maldives economy TIkqeW1-vIM-00454-00145383-00145934 of the Maldives TIkqeW1-vIM-00455-00145935-00146479 topic notes TIkqeW1-vIM-00456-00146480-00146773 this article incorporates public domain TIkqeW1-vIM-00457-00146774-00147250 text form the Library of Congress TICmLEtCT94-00000-00001455-00001630 yesterday we had you know discussed up TICmLEtCT94-00001-00001632-00001855 to this point where we had taken two of TICmLEtCT94-00002-00001855-00002030 the u n reports TICmLEtCT94-00003-00002032-00002302 uh trying to TICmLEtCT94-00004-00002303-00002615 suggest that TICmLEtCT94-00005-00002616-00002879 violence uh aggressive TICmLEtCT94-00006-00002880-00003134 forms of behavior TICmLEtCT94-00007-00003135-00003399 they are actually learnt know if you TICmLEtCT94-00008-00003400-00003615 live in a society where certain things TICmLEtCT94-00009-00003615-00003743 are practiced TICmLEtCT94-00010-00003744-00004143 you realize that you do not see the TICmLEtCT94-00011-00004144-00004319 problem in terms of practicing those TICmLEtCT94-00012-00004320-00004463 things all those TICmLEtCT94-00013-00004464-00004711 although uh other societies might not TICmLEtCT94-00014-00004712-00004879 appreciate it TICmLEtCT94-00015-00004880-00005215 or within the society itself know TICmLEtCT94-00016-00005216-00005431 some isolated pockets might not TICmLEtCT94-00017-00005432-00005638 appreciate it but still TICmLEtCT94-00018-00005639-00005895 a large number of people do not see TICmLEtCT94-00019-00005896-00006134 problem in it and we saw the example TICmLEtCT94-00020-00006135-00006414 where women themselves were advocating TICmLEtCT94-00021-00006415-00006639 the tsas TICmLEtCT94-00022-00006640-00006814 if husbands TICmLEtCT94-00023-00006815-00007103 physically abuse them TICmLEtCT94-00024-00007104-00007270 they become violent they become very TICmLEtCT94-00025-00007272-00007439 aggressive okay they have a TICmLEtCT94-00026-00007440-00007742 justification okay and surprisingly uh TICmLEtCT94-00027-00007743-00007998 unwed adolescents they also know started TICmLEtCT94-00028-00008000-00008271 saying yes yes now there is a reason for TICmLEtCT94-00029-00008272-00008639 doing all this okay TICmLEtCT94-00030-00008640-00008735 ah TICmLEtCT94-00031-00008736-00009119 today we are ah coming to TICmLEtCT94-00032-00009120-00009278 a little different thing TICmLEtCT94-00033-00009279-00009503 see till now ah throughout this course TICmLEtCT94-00034-00009504-00009678 what we have been doing is that we have TICmLEtCT94-00035-00009679-00009767 been TICmLEtCT94-00036-00009768-00010078 exclusively focusing on the micro aspect TICmLEtCT94-00037-00010079-00010287 of human behavior TICmLEtCT94-00038-00010288-00010542 for the first time in this course we are TICmLEtCT94-00039-00010543-00010783 taking a macro view also TICmLEtCT94-00040-00010784-00010878 ok TICmLEtCT94-00041-00010879-00011159 and we are not only right now looking at TICmLEtCT94-00042-00011160-00011351 aggressive behavior shown by individual TICmLEtCT94-00043-00011352-00011670 rather we are also looking at TICmLEtCT94-00044-00011671-00011942 aggressions shown by a large number of TICmLEtCT94-00045-00011943-00012055 people TICmLEtCT94-00046-00012056-00012199 in a group TICmLEtCT94-00047-00012200-00012367 okay TICmLEtCT94-00048-00012368-00012535 this type of TICmLEtCT94-00049-00012536-00012719 approach we will also take little later TICmLEtCT94-00050-00012720-00013015 when we will come to displaced forms of TICmLEtCT94-00051-00013016-00013247 aggressive behavior TICmLEtCT94-00052-00013247-00013407 now you can think of TICmLEtCT94-00053-00013408-00013591 aggression as an approach behavior that TICmLEtCT94-00054-00013591-00013694 is how TICmLEtCT94-00055-00013695-00013783 you know TICmLEtCT94-00056-00013784-00013919 you look at TICmLEtCT94-00057-00013919-00014063 such type of TICmLEtCT94-00058-00014063-00014271 behavior in terms of their TICmLEtCT94-00059-00014272-00014566 directionality component of emotion okay TICmLEtCT94-00060-00014568-00014830 ah emotion all basic emotions are TICmLEtCT94-00061-00014831-00015143 explained in terms of their valences TICmLEtCT94-00062-00015144-00015358 ok so positive or negative you remember TICmLEtCT94-00063-00015359-00015630 when we were talking about TICmLEtCT94-00064-00015631-00015879 emotion appraisal of emotion and how TICmLEtCT94-00065-00015880-00015991 they TICmLEtCT94-00066-00015991-00016286 facilitate our TICmLEtCT94-00067-00016287-00016527 adjustment there also we had divided TICmLEtCT94-00068-00016528-00016791 emotion in as goal congruent and goal TICmLEtCT94-00069-00016792-00017022 incongruent emotions okay and goal TICmLEtCT94-00070-00017023-00017183 congruent emotions were nothing they TICmLEtCT94-00071-00017184-00017367 were all positive emotions and all goal TICmLEtCT94-00072-00017368-00017575 incongruent emotions were negative TICmLEtCT94-00073-00017576-00017967 emotions so in negative and positive ah TICmLEtCT94-00074-00017968-00018158 is basically the valency that you can TICmLEtCT94-00075-00018159-00018343 attribute to an emotion TICmLEtCT94-00076-00018344-00018639 the second part of TICmLEtCT94-00077-00018640-00018799 characteristic that you can attach to TICmLEtCT94-00078-00018800-00018991 the basic emotion is the directionality TICmLEtCT94-00079-00018992-00019135 component TICmLEtCT94-00080-00019136-00019422 so whether that state of emotion TICmLEtCT94-00081-00019423-00019599 makes you approach TICmLEtCT94-00082-00019600-00019894 or does it make you withdraw TICmLEtCT94-00083-00019895-00020111 so approach avoidance is the TICmLEtCT94-00084-00020112-00020350 directionality component in emotion and TICmLEtCT94-00085-00020351-00020535 aggression by default is considered to TICmLEtCT94-00086-00020536-00020775 be of TICmLEtCT94-00087-00020776-00020999 the nature which actually TICmLEtCT94-00088-00021000-00021271 makes you ok impulsively approach the TICmLEtCT94-00089-00021272-00021486 source of anger TICmLEtCT94-00090-00021487-00021711 and this approach behavior could be of TICmLEtCT94-00091-00021712-00021855 two types TICmLEtCT94-00092-00021856-00022127 one can show hostile aggression TICmLEtCT94-00093-00022128-00022319 or one can show something what is called TICmLEtCT94-00094-00022320-00022483 as cultural TICmLEtCT94-00095-00022484-00022686 aggression okay TICmLEtCT94-00096-00022687-00022855 now hostile aggression basically TICmLEtCT94-00097-00022856-00023086 involves anger and behavior TICmLEtCT94-00098-00023087-00023286 ok which is basically intended to TICmLEtCT94-00099-00023287-00023599 inflict harm upon either a person or a TICmLEtCT94-00100-00023600-00023742 group or TICmLEtCT94-00101-00023743-00023935 their belongings TICmLEtCT94-00102-00023936-00024030 ok TICmLEtCT94-00103-00024031-00024207 so you develop TICmLEtCT94-00104-00024208-00024455 hostility towards an individual TICmLEtCT94-00105-00024456-00024878 you would become hostile towards a group TICmLEtCT94-00106-00024879-00025183 ok or if you do not find the individual TICmLEtCT94-00107-00025184-00025463 or the group then you start destroying TICmLEtCT94-00108-00025464-00025727 their properties their belongings TICmLEtCT94-00109-00025727-00025999 okay because you somewhere attach the TICmLEtCT94-00110-00026000-00026223 belongings of an individual or a group TICmLEtCT94-00111-00026224-00026383 as TICmLEtCT94-00112-00026383-00026495 ah know TICmLEtCT94-00113-00026495-00026958 their own properties and therefore if TICmLEtCT94-00114-00026960-00027167 something which is used by a group say TICmLEtCT94-00115-00027168-00027511 for example place of worship for example TICmLEtCT94-00116-00027512-00027718 now place of worship usually doesn't TICmLEtCT94-00117-00027719-00027895 belong to an individual TICmLEtCT94-00118-00027895-00028087 it is collectively shared by a large TICmLEtCT94-00119-00028088-00028279 number of people who share that type of TICmLEtCT94-00120-00028280-00028479 belief in practice TICmLEtCT94-00121-00028480-00028590 but when TICmLEtCT94-00122-00028591-00028902 you destroy a place of worship TICmLEtCT94-00123-00028904-00029183 you are hurting the sentiments of people TICmLEtCT94-00124-00029183-00029446 who actually have invested their belief TICmLEtCT94-00125-00029447-00029846 and practice in that place of worship TICmLEtCT94-00126-00029847-00030023 ok TICmLEtCT94-00127-00030024-00030095 and TICmLEtCT94-00128-00030095-00030255 human beings they understand this and TICmLEtCT94-00129-00030256-00030583 therefore if i cannot show my hostility TICmLEtCT94-00130-00030583-00030879 directly on you then i will take TICmLEtCT94-00131-00030880-00031143 pleasure in harming your properties TICmLEtCT94-00132-00031144-00031455 ok which in turn will psychologically be TICmLEtCT94-00133-00031456-00031702 equally no boosting for me because i TICmLEtCT94-00134-00031703-00032214 have finally created some harm to you TICmLEtCT94-00135-00032216-00032431 it could be seen in ah no very small TICmLEtCT94-00136-00032432-00032702 small forms ah where TICmLEtCT94-00137-00032703-00032887 say TICmLEtCT94-00138-00032888-00033183 you turn extremely angry TICmLEtCT94-00139-00033184-00033423 ok and in that state of TICmLEtCT94-00140-00033424-00033639 anger you just go and hit the other TICmLEtCT94-00141-00033640-00033839 individual TICmLEtCT94-00142-00033840-00033967 okay TICmLEtCT94-00143-00033968-00034127 when you have a fight TICmLEtCT94-00144-00034128-00034399 between two halls TICmLEtCT94-00145-00034400-00034646 i think one semester back you had TICmLEtCT94-00146-00034647-00034959 one such phenomena is that so TICmLEtCT94-00147-00034960-00035279 don't tell me no TICmLEtCT94-00148-00035280-00035367 ok TICmLEtCT94-00149-00035368-00035511 ah so TICmLEtCT94-00150-00035512-00035774 you take know pride in getting TICmLEtCT94-00151-00035775-00036207 associated with a hall ok so is it no TICmLEtCT94-00152-00036208-00036415 hall 2 and is it TICmLEtCT94-00153-00036416-00036671 you know the gh and TICmLEtCT94-00154-00036672-00036902 somebody had said something so TICmLEtCT94-00155-00036903-00037079 will go in a group TICmLEtCT94-00156-00037080-00037295 and i do not consider that it is a fight TICmLEtCT94-00157-00037296-00037439 between x and y TICmLEtCT94-00158-00037440-00037702 but all those who share TICmLEtCT94-00159-00037703-00037959 the space with x and all those who share TICmLEtCT94-00160-00037960-00038311 space with y and a big clash TICmLEtCT94-00161-00038312-00038479 okay TICmLEtCT94-00162-00038480-00038759 this is common in all academic TICmLEtCT94-00163-00038760-00038943 institutions in iits of course you see TICmLEtCT94-00164-00038944-00039246 it at a very lower magnitude TICmLEtCT94-00165-00039247-00039430 in the university system usually you TICmLEtCT94-00166-00039431-00039615 know where you have a large number of TICmLEtCT94-00167-00039616-00039846 student population staying inside the TICmLEtCT94-00168-00039847-00039967 campus no TICmLEtCT94-00169-00039968-00040127 huge problem TICmLEtCT94-00170-00040128-00040327 between departments between hostels TICmLEtCT94-00171-00040328-00040646 between faculty so faculty means one TICmLEtCT94-00172-00040647-00040839 group of departments versus other group TICmLEtCT94-00173-00040840-00041055 of departments no huge huge huge things TICmLEtCT94-00174-00041056-00041190 no TICmLEtCT94-00175-00041191-00041423 and you take pride in doing many things TICmLEtCT94-00176-00041424-00041502 no TICmLEtCT94-00177-00041503-00041927 including the fact that no you TICmLEtCT94-00178-00041928-00042135 would like to show your hostile TICmLEtCT94-00179-00042136-00042471 aggression because the examination paper TICmLEtCT94-00180-00042472-00042599 okay TICmLEtCT94-00181-00042600-00042799 had questions which were not taught to TICmLEtCT94-00182-00042800-00043007 you and hence you go to the principal's TICmLEtCT94-00183-00043008-00043230 office you do not find the principle and TICmLEtCT94-00184-00043231-00043479 it is a very common scene no you break TICmLEtCT94-00185-00043480-00043911 two three flower pots there TICmLEtCT94-00186-00043912-00044262 burning of fire these tubes know you put TICmLEtCT94-00187-00044263-00044479 tubes and tires on fire no and block TICmLEtCT94-00188-00044480-00044607 roads TICmLEtCT94-00189-00044608-00044751 very common TICmLEtCT94-00190-00044752-00044846 ok TICmLEtCT94-00191-00044847-00045071 so these are considered to be hostile TICmLEtCT94-00192-00045072-00045199 aggression TICmLEtCT94-00193-00045200-00045415 and hostile aggression usually has no TICmLEtCT94-00194-00045416-00045767 asset pattern TICmLEtCT94-00195-00045768-00045983 but today what we would also discuss is TICmLEtCT94-00196-00045984-00046271 what is called as cultural aggression TICmLEtCT94-00197-00046272-00046367 okay TICmLEtCT94-00198-00046368-00046574 now cultural aggression may take the TICmLEtCT94-00199-00046575-00046935 form of vigorous attack on other people TICmLEtCT94-00200-00046936-00047223 or situations with an intention of TICmLEtCT94-00201-00047224-00047471 controlling manipulating or modifying TICmLEtCT94-00202-00047472-00047558 them TICmLEtCT94-00203-00047559-00047807 so this is not a small form of hostile TICmLEtCT94-00204-00047808-00047974 aggression you know style aggression TICmLEtCT94-00205-00047975-00048207 what do we do say if i turn hostile i TICmLEtCT94-00206-00048208-00048502 just go fire at you and then it's over TICmLEtCT94-00207-00048503-00048735 cultural aggression is far ahead of it TICmLEtCT94-00208-00048736-00048895 you know TICmLEtCT94-00209-00048896-00049086 so this is basically TICmLEtCT94-00210-00049087-00049374 a planned vigorous attack TICmLEtCT94-00211-00049375-00049630 on the other group TICmLEtCT94-00212-00049631-00049886 with a much bigger goal TICmLEtCT94-00213-00049887-00050062 and the goal is TICmLEtCT94-00214-00050063-00050223 that i want TICmLEtCT94-00215-00050224-00050502 to control the other people i want to TICmLEtCT94-00216-00050503-00050727 manipulate other people i want to modify TICmLEtCT94-00217-00050728-00050943 other people TICmLEtCT94-00218-00050944-00051118 most of the episodes of TICmLEtCT94-00219-00051119-00051358 you know group violence TICmLEtCT94-00220-00051359-00051687 these things are no not good to hear but TICmLEtCT94-00221-00051688-00052023 if you analyze the TICmLEtCT94-00222-00052024-00052319 conflict between different disciples TICmLEtCT94-00223-00052320-00052638 within the same religion TICmLEtCT94-00224-00052639-00052959 okay hinduism had no tough fight between TICmLEtCT94-00225-00052960-00053487 the disciples of TICmLEtCT94-00226-00053488-00053750 the vashnavites and the shaivites no if TICmLEtCT94-00227-00053751-00053982 you read the TICmLEtCT94-00228-00053983-00054207 history of religion in this country you TICmLEtCT94-00229-00054208-00054399 will find that it was not only a TICmLEtCT94-00230-00054400-00054559 ideological fight TICmLEtCT94-00231-00054560-00054911 it went even to a fight of a physical TICmLEtCT94-00232-00054912-00055126 nature TICmLEtCT94-00233-00055127-00055399 in islam you till that you find TICmLEtCT94-00234-00055400-00055638 you know the fight between the shias and TICmLEtCT94-00235-00055639-00055823 the sunnis TICmLEtCT94-00236-00055824-00056119 okay protestants and catholics had no TICmLEtCT94-00237-00056120-00056415 long history of conflict and remember TICmLEtCT94-00238-00056416-00056671 all these religions their internal TICmLEtCT94-00239-00056672-00057007 conflicts were not some it started with TICmLEtCT94-00240-00057008-00057207 ideological differences TICmLEtCT94-00241-00057208-00057438 ok difference in terms of TICmLEtCT94-00242-00057439-00057726 practices but later on it did not remain TICmLEtCT94-00243-00057727-00057975 did not remain restricted only to the TICmLEtCT94-00244-00057976-00058191 practices rather it went to a forceful TICmLEtCT94-00245-00058191-00058607 implementation of my way of life TICmLEtCT94-00246-00058608-00058726 ok TICmLEtCT94-00247-00058727-00058926 most of the retaliations you would find TICmLEtCT94-00248-00058927-00059207 that they are of this nature ok where TICmLEtCT94-00249-00059208-00059494 the whole tendency is to not only put TICmLEtCT94-00250-00059495-00059719 other person into captive TICmLEtCT94-00251-00059720-00059919 custody but TICmLEtCT94-00252-00059920-00060247 to ensure that they would lead the life TICmLEtCT94-00253-00060248-00060463 that i want TICmLEtCT94-00254-00060464-00060591 okay TICmLEtCT94-00255-00060591-00060847 now saddam hussein is gone TICmLEtCT94-00256-00060848-00061111 but if you read the whole history of TICmLEtCT94-00257-00061112-00061415 know how the iraqi forces were TICmLEtCT94-00258-00061416-00061742 trying to manipulate and control TICmLEtCT94-00259-00061744-00061975 the kuru population TICmLEtCT94-00260-00061976-00062279 okay there is a whole long history there TICmLEtCT94-00261-00062279-00062366 ok TICmLEtCT94-00262-00062367-00062550 i am not good at history therefore i TICmLEtCT94-00263-00062551-00062663 cannot tell you TICmLEtCT94-00264-00062664-00062894 the nuances of it but broadly i know TICmLEtCT94-00265-00062895-00063271 that yes ok the whole attempt was ah TICmLEtCT94-00266-00063272-00063382 know that TICmLEtCT94-00267-00063383-00063671 either you accept my way of life or TICmLEtCT94-00268-00063672-00063975 i threaten that you will lose your life TICmLEtCT94-00269-00063976-00064247 okay many such places in the world you TICmLEtCT94-00270-00064248-00064350 would find TICmLEtCT94-00271-00064351-00064742 that after the dictator was no more TICmLEtCT94-00272-00064744-00065094 people have unearthed mass graves there TICmLEtCT94-00273-00065095-00065311 okay and these were the people who were TICmLEtCT94-00274-00065312-00065471 in conflict with the powerful TICmLEtCT94-00275-00065472-00065759 individuals on the other side TICmLEtCT94-00276-00065760-00066023 ok so cultural aggression that way is TICmLEtCT94-00277-00066024-00066255 know far more TICmLEtCT94-00278-00066256-00066391 you know TICmLEtCT94-00279-00066392-00066582 dangerous compared to TICmLEtCT94-00280-00066583-00066759 having a hostile form of aggression TICmLEtCT94-00281-00066760-00067055 between two individuals or two groups of TICmLEtCT94-00282-00067056-00067294 individuals because when you engage in TICmLEtCT94-00283-00067295-00067591 hostile aggression you do not want to TICmLEtCT94-00284-00067592-00067743 manipulate and control the other TICmLEtCT94-00285-00067744-00067975 individual you do not want to modify the TICmLEtCT94-00286-00067976-00068247 behavior of the individual forever TICmLEtCT94-00287-00068248-00068471 the worst perhaps in TICmLEtCT94-00288-00068472-00068750 it is very common in war histories but TICmLEtCT94-00289-00068751-00068967 the worst example know TICmLEtCT94-00290-00068968-00069367 i that comes to my mind is when the TICmLEtCT94-00291-00069368-00069647 bosnia governor conflict was on TICmLEtCT94-00292-00069648-00069831 okay TICmLEtCT94-00293-00069832-00070159 all the wars have a dark history not TICmLEtCT94-00294-00070160-00070526 only of killing bloodshed of atrocities TICmLEtCT94-00295-00070527-00070855 but also of know TICmLEtCT94-00296-00070856-00071175 sexual crime against women TICmLEtCT94-00297-00071176-00071255 ok TICmLEtCT94-00298-00071256-00071711 this is uniform all wars TICmLEtCT94-00299-00071712-00071806 when TICmLEtCT94-00300-00071807-00072255 the bosnia governor conflict was on TICmLEtCT94-00301-00072256-00072471 one of the TICmLEtCT94-00302-00072472-00072871 army officers was later on TICmLEtCT94-00303-00072872-00073262 made to face trial in the court TICmLEtCT94-00304-00073263-00073455 because what he had done was something TICmLEtCT94-00305-00073456-00073582 that was TICmLEtCT94-00306-00073583-00073871 unheard of in the history of war TICmLEtCT94-00307-00073872-00074023 usually in the war histories what you TICmLEtCT94-00308-00074024-00074167 find is that TICmLEtCT94-00309-00074168-00074511 a group of women put captive by a group TICmLEtCT94-00310-00074512-00074671 of soldiers TICmLEtCT94-00311-00074672-00074887 engaged in war and they would be used as TICmLEtCT94-00312-00074888-00075038 comfort women TICmLEtCT94-00313-00075039-00075238 for the sexual gratification of the TICmLEtCT94-00314-00075239-00075543 soldiers this is uniformly true for all TICmLEtCT94-00315-00075544-00075735 wars TICmLEtCT94-00316-00075736-00075959 but here what happened TICmLEtCT94-00317-00075960-00076382 there was this ah no decorated officer TICmLEtCT94-00318-00076383-00076694 who took charge of TICmLEtCT94-00319-00076695-00077006 a city of the enemy car side TICmLEtCT94-00320-00077007-00077126 and then TICmLEtCT94-00321-00077127-00077343 he asked his soldiers TICmLEtCT94-00322-00077344-00077679 to drag all women's to a common place TICmLEtCT94-00323-00077680-00077999 wrote a square there and said TICmLEtCT94-00324-00078000-00078103 it was TICmLEtCT94-00325-00078104-00078375 an order from the higher authority TICmLEtCT94-00326-00078376-00078599 that now my soldiers would rape the TICmLEtCT94-00327-00078600-00078887 women here on the road TICmLEtCT94-00328-00078888-00079231 okay he was a witness now so as a TICmLEtCT94-00329-00079232-00079431 commanding officer he was a witness to TICmLEtCT94-00330-00079432-00079535 it he TICmLEtCT94-00331-00079536-00079879 gave this command ok women were raped on TICmLEtCT94-00332-00079880-00080126 the road in open TICmLEtCT94-00333-00080127-00080199 ok TICmLEtCT94-00334-00080200-00080438 and then all these women were taken into TICmLEtCT94-00335-00080439-00080582 custody TICmLEtCT94-00336-00080583-00080759 they were checked by these military TICmLEtCT94-00337-00080760-00081023 doctors if they have been impregnated or TICmLEtCT94-00338-00081024-00081238 not TICmLEtCT94-00339-00081239-00081375 all women TICmLEtCT94-00340-00081376-00081591 ok who later on the doctors confirmed TICmLEtCT94-00341-00081592-00081767 that they are pregnant TICmLEtCT94-00342-00081768-00082071 were kept in custody TICmLEtCT94-00343-00082072-00082382 they were given proper diet TICmLEtCT94-00344-00082383-00082494 so that TICmLEtCT94-00345-00082495-00082871 they can give birth to babies TICmLEtCT94-00346-00082872-00082982 during the TICmLEtCT94-00347-00082983-00083135 trial in the court when he was asked TICmLEtCT94-00348-00083136-00083471 that why did you do this weird act TICmLEtCT94-00349-00083472-00083647 and you know what did he say he said TICmLEtCT94-00350-00083648-00083815 that this is victory forever according TICmLEtCT94-00351-00083816-00083943 to me TICmLEtCT94-00352-00083944-00084167 and how do you define victory forever he TICmLEtCT94-00353-00084168-00084311 said that no TICmLEtCT94-00354-00084312-00084535 when these children will be born TICmLEtCT94-00355-00084536-00084735 they will never ever dare to look at our TICmLEtCT94-00356-00084736-00084862 country TICmLEtCT94-00357-00084863-00085015 because they would know that they are TICmLEtCT94-00358-00085016-00085311 born of this episode TICmLEtCT94-00359-00085312-00085543 i want the whole of the enemy camp to be TICmLEtCT94-00360-00085544-00085767 like that TICmLEtCT94-00361-00085768-00086023 one can go up to this weird extent you TICmLEtCT94-00362-00086024-00086287 know TICmLEtCT94-00363-00086288-00086375 now TICmLEtCT94-00364-00086376-00086599 when you decide TICmLEtCT94-00365-00086600-00086782 that you would sprinkle TICmLEtCT94-00366-00086783-00086926 you know TICmLEtCT94-00367-00086927-00087199 chemicals so that people TICmLEtCT94-00368-00087200-00087406 who are in a given geographical locality TICmLEtCT94-00369-00087407-00087655 they'll all perish they'll all die TICmLEtCT94-00370-00087656-00087903 when you ensure that you will know every TICmLEtCT94-00371-00087904-00088015 friday TICmLEtCT94-00372-00088016-00088255 when a group of people who do not TICmLEtCT94-00373-00088256-00088471 practice the faith that i TICmLEtCT94-00374-00088472-00088726 believe in when they assemble for TICmLEtCT94-00375-00088727-00088926 a mass prayer i'll every friday i will TICmLEtCT94-00376-00088927-00089094 explode a bomb there TICmLEtCT94-00377-00089095-00089462 ok so in limited quota i will kill them TICmLEtCT94-00378-00089463-00089575 ok TICmLEtCT94-00379-00089576-00089671 each TICmLEtCT94-00380-00089672-00089935 weekday a time will come in 30 years TICmLEtCT94-00381-00089936-00090150 when none of my TICmLEtCT94-00382-00090151-00090335 opponent will remain TICmLEtCT94-00383-00090336-00090550 ok TICmLEtCT94-00384-00090551-00090694 when you decide TICmLEtCT94-00385-00090695-00090926 that you will know get rid of your TICmLEtCT94-00386-00090927-00091031 enemies TICmLEtCT94-00387-00091032-00091247 saying that they are your own babies TICmLEtCT94-00388-00091248-00091535 ok these are all the weird forms of know TICmLEtCT94-00389-00091536-00091775 showing aggression okay TICmLEtCT94-00390-00091776-00091943 and this is basically TICmLEtCT94-00391-00091944-00092111 driven by the fact that you want to TICmLEtCT94-00392-00092112-00092326 manipulate control TICmLEtCT94-00393-00092327-00092567 ok the other group now what is TICmLEtCT94-00394-00092568-00092782 interesting is that TICmLEtCT94-00395-00092783-00092943 most of the aggressive behavior are TICmLEtCT94-00396-00092944-00093094 result of TICmLEtCT94-00397-00093095-00093262 social practices TICmLEtCT94-00398-00093263-00093487 that reinforce such activity and TICmLEtCT94-00399-00093488-00093662 therefore it is neither hostile in TICmLEtCT94-00400-00093663-00093943 motivation nor defensive in outcome so TICmLEtCT94-00401-00093944-00094159 basically suggesting the same thing that TICmLEtCT94-00402-00094160-00094374 if you have been born and brought up in TICmLEtCT94-00403-00094375-00094455 a TICmLEtCT94-00404-00094456-00094623 hostile environment in an aggressive TICmLEtCT94-00405-00094624-00094735 environment TICmLEtCT94-00406-00094736-00094879 for you TICmLEtCT94-00407-00094880-00095150 expression of aggression is not defense TICmLEtCT94-00408-00095151-00095271 for you TICmLEtCT94-00409-00095272-00095647 your aggressive behavior is not hostile TICmLEtCT94-00410-00095648-00095838 ok because you know that this is the way TICmLEtCT94-00411-00095839-00096111 of life ok for others it might not be so TICmLEtCT94-00412-00096112-00096591 but for you this is what it is TICmLEtCT94-00413-00096592-00096855 now the primitive reaction to restricted TICmLEtCT94-00414-00096856-00097231 bodily movement is usually frustration TICmLEtCT94-00415-00097232-00097559 okay and frustration you know usually ah TICmLEtCT94-00416-00097560-00097847 will reflect itself into some form of an TICmLEtCT94-00417-00097848-00098047 aggressive retaliation TICmLEtCT94-00418-00098048-00098438 if you look at small babies no TICmLEtCT94-00419-00098439-00098711 just hold their hand firmly TICmLEtCT94-00420-00098712-00098959 means basically you do not allow them TICmLEtCT94-00421-00098960-00099143 the opportunity of free movement of TICmLEtCT94-00422-00099144-00099326 their body part whether it is hand TICmLEtCT94-00423-00099327-00099479 whether it is foot TICmLEtCT94-00424-00099480-00099726 and then you realize TICmLEtCT94-00425-00099727-00099926 that the baby will start no TICmLEtCT94-00426-00099927-00100159 making attempts to free himself for TICmLEtCT94-00427-00100160-00100262 herself TICmLEtCT94-00428-00100263-00100447 and if you still don't allow dad the TICmLEtCT94-00429-00100448-00100703 baby will start crying TICmLEtCT94-00430-00100704-00100943 okay and here crying is basically asking TICmLEtCT94-00431-00100944-00101294 for an external help because i want to TICmLEtCT94-00432-00101295-00101606 enjoy the freedom of free bodily TICmLEtCT94-00433-00101607-00101759 movement TICmLEtCT94-00434-00101760-00102087 this is something that you realize TICmLEtCT94-00435-00102088-00102359 to be true for all animals no all TICmLEtCT94-00436-00102360-00102615 animals would love to be free TICmLEtCT94-00437-00102616-00102775 ok TICmLEtCT94-00438-00102776-00102942 and therefore we should revisit our TICmLEtCT94-00439-00102943-00103182 whole construct of having pets TICmLEtCT94-00440-00103183-00103415 ok or even putting them into some TICmLEtCT94-00441-00103416-00103518 captive TICmLEtCT94-00442-00103519-00103927 location TICmLEtCT94-00443-00103928-00104151 what usually happens is that ah TICmLEtCT94-00444-00104152-00104454 gradually with more and more of TICmLEtCT94-00445-00104455-00104647 the worldly experience TICmLEtCT94-00446-00104648-00105015 you realize that TICmLEtCT94-00447-00105016-00105254 the form of TICmLEtCT94-00448-00105255-00105486 aggression the reflection of frustration TICmLEtCT94-00449-00105488-00105775 and aggression gradually changes ok in TICmLEtCT94-00450-00105776-00105886 the beginning you remember we had TICmLEtCT94-00451-00105888-00106039 discussed in the definition that it TICmLEtCT94-00452-00106040-00106295 could be action oriented it could be TICmLEtCT94-00453-00106296-00106483 verbal it could be even TICmLEtCT94-00454-00106483-00106790 symbolic ok later on we will know even TICmLEtCT94-00455-00106791-00107031 discuss know there could be a case of TICmLEtCT94-00456-00107032-00107263 displacement of anger ok that you are TICmLEtCT94-00457-00107264-00107439 angry at me but you shout at somebody TICmLEtCT94-00458-00107440-00107654 else so you displace your anger even TICmLEtCT94-00459-00107655-00107934 those possibilities are there TICmLEtCT94-00460-00107935-00108190 but then TICmLEtCT94-00461-00108191-00108439 this whole idea of enjoying freedom is TICmLEtCT94-00462-00108440-00108678 something that we never lose TICmLEtCT94-00463-00108679-00108919 and my guess is perhaps this is the TICmLEtCT94-00464-00108920-00109102 reason perhaps why TICmLEtCT94-00465-00109103-00109407 ah human beings in their whole history TICmLEtCT94-00466-00109408-00109566 wherever they were TICmLEtCT94-00467-00109567-00109775 they developed this strategy of TICmLEtCT94-00468-00109776-00109983 handcuffing people TICmLEtCT94-00469-00109983-00110295 so if you violate the norm TICmLEtCT94-00470-00110296-00110486 those who have the authority of TICmLEtCT94-00471-00110488-00110710 implementing the norms they will get you TICmLEtCT94-00472-00110711-00110927 handcuffed TICmLEtCT94-00473-00110928-00111254 ok you would be put in prison TICmLEtCT94-00474-00111255-00111463 so basically it is TICmLEtCT94-00475-00111464-00111575 telling you TICmLEtCT94-00476-00111576-00111799 that you wont be given the freedom of TICmLEtCT94-00477-00111800-00112031 free bodily movement TICmLEtCT94-00478-00112032-00112351 ok you won't be given the freedom of TICmLEtCT94-00479-00112352-00112566 say enjoying TICmLEtCT94-00480-00112567-00112743 your autonomy of TICmLEtCT94-00481-00112744-00112943 expression freedom of TICmLEtCT94-00482-00112944-00113047 movement TICmLEtCT94-00483-00113048-00113158 okay TICmLEtCT94-00484-00113159-00113302 freedom of movement is something that TICmLEtCT94-00485-00113303-00113495 you would realize people usually do not TICmLEtCT94-00486-00113496-00113799 want to compromise with ok TICmLEtCT94-00487-00113800-00113958 and therefore TICmLEtCT94-00488-00113959-00114199 you realize that TICmLEtCT94-00489-00114200-00114423 more and more of frustration gradually TICmLEtCT94-00490-00114424-00114678 comes when you start cutting off these TICmLEtCT94-00491-00114679-00114839 freedom TICmLEtCT94-00492-00114840-00115039 so if you do not allow people to express TICmLEtCT94-00493-00115040-00115383 themselves if you do not allow people to TICmLEtCT94-00494-00115383-00115486 move TICmLEtCT94-00495-00115488-00115751 the way they want ok you realize that it TICmLEtCT94-00496-00115752-00115975 becomes a source of frustration for TICmLEtCT94-00497-00115976-00116151 people TICmLEtCT94-00498-00116152-00116247 ok TICmLEtCT94-00499-00116248-00116447 if you are told TICmLEtCT94-00500-00116448-00116799 ah that TICmLEtCT94-00501-00116800-00116910 do not TICmLEtCT94-00502-00116911-00117119 it is an advisory that do not carry TICmLEtCT94-00503-00117120-00117454 mobile phones to the classroom TICmLEtCT94-00504-00117455-00117566 okay TICmLEtCT94-00505-00117567-00117799 advisory means this is just know a piece TICmLEtCT94-00506-00117800-00117999 of suggestion you are free to accept it TICmLEtCT94-00507-00118000-00118263 you are free not to accept it TICmLEtCT94-00508-00118264-00118519 okay TICmLEtCT94-00509-00118520-00118766 i am sure that all of you will try to TICmLEtCT94-00510-00118767-00119102 avoid this advisory TICmLEtCT94-00511-00119103-00119358 you are told TICmLEtCT94-00512-00119359-00119678 that you are supposed not to TICmLEtCT94-00513-00119679-00119847 carry mobile phones to the class this is TICmLEtCT94-00514-00119848-00120054 an office order TICmLEtCT94-00515-00120055-00120327 okay and still you would realize that a TICmLEtCT94-00516-00120328-00120543 group of students would try TICmLEtCT94-00517-00120544-00120719 their best TICmLEtCT94-00518-00120720-00120910 carrying the mobile phone this is true TICmLEtCT94-00519-00120911-00121127 even in the jails also know you have TICmLEtCT94-00520-00121128-00121358 raids in the jails where you have sim TICmLEtCT94-00521-00121359-00121623 card batteries mobile phones confiscated TICmLEtCT94-00522-00121624-00121871 by the jail authorities something which TICmLEtCT94-00523-00121872-00122143 is not allowed TICmLEtCT94-00524-00122144-00122254 is found TICmLEtCT94-00525-00122255-00122510 so this basically means that when you TICmLEtCT94-00526-00122511-00122647 restrict the TICmLEtCT94-00527-00122648-00122886 freedom of individuals TICmLEtCT94-00528-00122888-00123007 they TICmLEtCT94-00529-00123008-00123214 develop certain degree of frustration TICmLEtCT94-00530-00123215-00123454 and in their attempt to TICmLEtCT94-00531-00123455-00123710 bypass the frustration to get rid of it TICmLEtCT94-00532-00123711-00124119 they might use the other strategies TICmLEtCT94-00533-00124120-00124254 and now we come to an interesting TICmLEtCT94-00534-00124255-00124463 hypothesis given by dollard and his TICmLEtCT94-00535-00124464-00124719 colleagues very old hypothesis called TICmLEtCT94-00536-00124720-00124951 frustration aggression hypothesis which TICmLEtCT94-00537-00124952-00125175 basically says TICmLEtCT94-00538-00125176-00125334 that you have sources in your TICmLEtCT94-00539-00125335-00125551 environment that frustrates you and your TICmLEtCT94-00540-00125552-00125719 frustration actually fuels your TICmLEtCT94-00541-00125720-00125839 aggression TICmLEtCT94-00542-00125840-00125999 ok TICmLEtCT94-00543-00126000-00126223 so it explains frustration as the state TICmLEtCT94-00544-00126224-00126431 that emerges when circumstances TICmLEtCT94-00545-00126432-00126702 interfere with a goal response TICmLEtCT94-00546-00126703-00126927 so you have a goal to achieve TICmLEtCT94-00547-00126928-00127127 okay and while you are processing toward TICmLEtCT94-00548-00127128-00127375 your goal a barrier is put in between TICmLEtCT94-00549-00127376-00127543 this barrier irritates you and the TICmLEtCT94-00550-00127544-00127790 moment you are frustrated it adds to TICmLEtCT94-00551-00127791-00127951 your anger TICmLEtCT94-00552-00127952-00128175 okay TICmLEtCT94-00553-00128176-00128414 other studies who have tried to know TICmLEtCT94-00554-00128415-00128671 validate if TICmLEtCT94-00555-00128672-00128847 frustration aggression hypothesis is TICmLEtCT94-00556-00128848-00128951 true TICmLEtCT94-00557-00128952-00129334 have found very interestingly that TICmLEtCT94-00558-00129335-00129551 this frustration aggression relationship TICmLEtCT94-00559-00129552-00129814 it is contingent upon your proximity to TICmLEtCT94-00560-00129815-00130183 the goal how close you are to the goal TICmLEtCT94-00561-00130183-00130343 so if i am TICmLEtCT94-00562-00130344-00130519 just at the starting point i have just TICmLEtCT94-00563-00130520-00130766 started and there was a barrier TICmLEtCT94-00564-00130767-00131078 then i am not that frustrated TICmLEtCT94-00565-00131079-00131359 and therefore i am not that aggressive TICmLEtCT94-00566-00131360-00131590 but if i come close to the goal and then TICmLEtCT94-00567-00131591-00131839 you put a barrier then it is a great TICmLEtCT94-00568-00131840-00132231 source of aggression to me TICmLEtCT94-00569-00132232-00132495 and therefore i become more angry TICmLEtCT94-00570-00132496-00132702 coming to when i was explaining question TICmLEtCT94-00571-00132703-00132943 to her know that why i do not compute TICmLEtCT94-00572-00132944-00133071 average TICmLEtCT94-00573-00133072-00133399 ok if you are know if this TICmLEtCT94-00574-00133400-00133678 the contingency between the two the TICmLEtCT94-00575-00133679-00133863 the goal and TICmLEtCT94-00576-00133864-00134071 the frustration if it is TICmLEtCT94-00577-00134072-00134319 the distance is far off TICmLEtCT94-00578-00134320-00134583 so today if i do not tell you what the TICmLEtCT94-00579-00134584-00134935 average was but you see only the score TICmLEtCT94-00580-00134936-00135127 you are happy TICmLEtCT94-00581-00135128-00135239 at least TICmLEtCT94-00582-00135240-00135431 i had thought that even the TICmLEtCT94-00583-00135432-00135607 corrected answer sheet won't come TICmLEtCT94-00584-00135608-00135783 finally it has come back something is TICmLEtCT94-00585-00135784-00135887 there TICmLEtCT94-00586-00135888-00136151 if not 27 if not 30 at least 10 but TICmLEtCT94-00587-00136152-00136383 something is there TICmLEtCT94-00588-00136384-00136575 and the day when you are given the class TICmLEtCT94-00589-00136576-00136927 average you forget what you got TICmLEtCT94-00590-00136928-00137239 ok so you might remember i got something TICmLEtCT94-00591-00137240-00137623 it is no 6.7 less than the average but TICmLEtCT94-00592-00137624-00137871 it's ok but if you are given score you TICmLEtCT94-00593-00137872-00138039 are given average then immediately you TICmLEtCT94-00594-00138040-00138231 start getting involved into all types of TICmLEtCT94-00595-00138232-00138390 calculations TICmLEtCT94-00596-00138391-00138590 this is basically the proximity TICmLEtCT94-00597-00138591-00138831 situation so the more and more proximate TICmLEtCT94-00598-00138832-00139039 you are to the goal higher is their TICmLEtCT94-00599-00139040-00139254 degree of frustration TICmLEtCT94-00600-00139255-00139502 i would like to deviate a bit TICmLEtCT94-00601-00139503-00139839 there are very interesting studies in TICmLEtCT94-00602-00139840-00139966 one of the interesting areas of TICmLEtCT94-00603-00139967-00140135 psychology which is still very under TICmLEtCT94-00604-00140136-00140423 researched aviation psychology TICmLEtCT94-00605-00140424-00140519 okay TICmLEtCT94-00606-00140520-00140759 now aviation psychology is still know it TICmLEtCT94-00607-00140760-00141039 is a very very nice primitive phase not TICmLEtCT94-00608-00141040-00141214 very good research is not well TICmLEtCT94-00609-00141215-00141383 researched good research is but not well TICmLEtCT94-00610-00141384-00141519 researched TICmLEtCT94-00611-00141520-00141766 one very interesting example comes to my TICmLEtCT94-00612-00141767-00141919 mind from the aviation psychology TICmLEtCT94-00613-00141920-00142102 research TICmLEtCT94-00614-00142103-00142511 this is in terms of TICmLEtCT94-00615-00142512-00142831 the man machine interfaces no so when TICmLEtCT94-00616-00142832-00143087 the pilot and the co-pilot when they fly TICmLEtCT94-00617-00143088-00143287 their planes TICmLEtCT94-00618-00143288-00143375 okay TICmLEtCT94-00619-00143376-00143631 and their flight TICmLEtCT94-00620-00143632-00143887 meets an accident TICmLEtCT94-00621-00143888-00144078 now accident analysis has revealed two TICmLEtCT94-00622-00144079-00144247 very interesting things TICmLEtCT94-00623-00144248-00144526 from a psychological viewpoint TICmLEtCT94-00624-00144527-00144726 one TICmLEtCT94-00625-00144727-00144807 if TICmLEtCT94-00626-00144808-00145087 the pilot is too dominant in nature so TICmLEtCT94-00627-00145088-00145359 personality characteristics wise TICmLEtCT94-00628-00145360-00145590 if the co-pilot is submissive and the TICmLEtCT94-00629-00145591-00145775 pilot is aggressive TICmLEtCT94-00630-00145776-00145919 dominant TICmLEtCT94-00631-00145920-00146199 okay this can lead to an accident TICmLEtCT94-00632-00146200-00146319 because TICmLEtCT94-00633-00146320-00146463 there is a greater failure of TICmLEtCT94-00634-00146464-00146678 coordination between the two TICmLEtCT94-00635-00146679-00146878 so the input that the flight engineer TICmLEtCT94-00636-00146879-00147239 and the co-pilot gives to the ah TICmLEtCT94-00637-00147240-00147351 captain TICmLEtCT94-00638-00147352-00147711 captain has a tendency to overrule it TICmLEtCT94-00639-00147712-00147823 okay TICmLEtCT94-00640-00147824-00148047 and two very interesting example from TICmLEtCT94-00641-00148048-00148231 other research is that when the flights TICmLEtCT94-00642-00148232-00148375 take off TICmLEtCT94-00643-00148376-00148590 and when the pilots put the flight on TICmLEtCT94-00644-00148591-00148831 the autopilot mode and when they watch TICmLEtCT94-00645-00148832-00149126 the computer generated outcomes of TICmLEtCT94-00646-00149127-00149311 the flight mechanism TICmLEtCT94-00647-00149312-00149654 it has been realized that till halfway TICmLEtCT94-00648-00149655-00149823 ok so if i have to travel from this TICmLEtCT94-00649-00149824-00150135 place to that end ok till halfway the TICmLEtCT94-00650-00150136-00150439 pilots show the tendency of accepting TICmLEtCT94-00651-00150440-00150663 the outcome of the computer generated TICmLEtCT94-00652-00150664-00150863 outcomes TICmLEtCT94-00653-00150864-00151247 ok so fuel temperature balance TICmLEtCT94-00654-00151248-00151526 aerodynamic outcomes no so you accept TICmLEtCT94-00655-00151527-00151695 whatever the computer generated outcome TICmLEtCT94-00656-00151696-00151943 shows you on the screen TICmLEtCT94-00657-00151944-00152199 but if you cross halfway means you are TICmLEtCT94-00658-00152200-00152478 more close to the landing port TICmLEtCT94-00659-00152479-00152559 okay TICmLEtCT94-00660-00152560-00152887 you have a tendency to recheck whether TICmLEtCT94-00661-00152888-00153023 the computer is giving the correct TICmLEtCT94-00662-00153024-00153199 outcome or not TICmLEtCT94-00663-00153200-00153278 okay TICmLEtCT94-00664-00153279-00153519 and that's the reason why you realize TICmLEtCT94-00665-00153520-00153831 that most of the air crashes takes place TICmLEtCT94-00666-00153832-00154014 after the flight has completed half its TICmLEtCT94-00667-00154015-00154135 earning TICmLEtCT94-00668-00154136-00154423 because after taking off TICmLEtCT94-00669-00154424-00154599 if there is a possibility is the pilot TICmLEtCT94-00670-00154600-00154975 show a tendency to return back to their TICmLEtCT94-00671-00154976-00155207 place of origin TICmLEtCT94-00672-00155208-00155463 ok but after halfway TICmLEtCT94-00673-00155464-00155671 ok unless it is TICmLEtCT94-00674-00155672-00155863 very very glaringly visible to the TICmLEtCT94-00675-00155864-00156063 pilots that it will crash and therefore TICmLEtCT94-00676-00156064-00156351 they will search for the nearby TICmLEtCT94-00677-00156352-00156631 airports ok there is a tendency of TICmLEtCT94-00678-00156632-00156878 negating refuting TICmLEtCT94-00679-00156879-00157087 or doubly checking TICmLEtCT94-00680-00157088-00157231 the outcomes of TICmLEtCT94-00681-00157232-00157526 the computer generated systems TICmLEtCT94-00682-00157527-00157766 okay TICmLEtCT94-00683-00157767-00158039 so again it comes to how close you are TICmLEtCT94-00684-00158040-00158159 to the goal TICmLEtCT94-00685-00158160-00158335 more closer you are to the goal the more TICmLEtCT94-00686-00158336-00158559 it frustrates you the far off you are TICmLEtCT94-00687-00158560-00158814 you say hello here TICmLEtCT94-00688-00158815-00159007 you leave it TICmLEtCT94-00689-00159008-00159095 ok TICmLEtCT94-00690-00159096-00159407 so if you are told that you have to TICmLEtCT94-00691-00159408-00159575 qualify j TICmLEtCT94-00692-00159576-00159847 and write in class 1 you are told this TICmLEtCT94-00693-00159848-00160078 ok and you fail class 1 examination it TICmLEtCT94-00694-00160079-00160231 wont hurt you TICmLEtCT94-00695-00160232-00160439 ok j e is too far off who knows what it TICmLEtCT94-00696-00160440-00160575 is TICmLEtCT94-00697-00160576-00160783 ok TICmLEtCT94-00698-00160784-00160871 but TICmLEtCT94-00699-00160872-00161151 say class 12th TICmLEtCT94-00700-00161152-00161590 quota or hyderabad two years there TICmLEtCT94-00701-00161591-00161839 ok and then missed by TICmLEtCT94-00702-00161840-00162014 few ranks no TICmLEtCT94-00703-00162015-00162207 its a great source of displeasure great TICmLEtCT94-00704-00162208-00162383 source of discomfort TICmLEtCT94-00705-00162384-00162566 ok so this is what frustration TICmLEtCT94-00706-00162567-00162751 aggression hypothesis research shows TICmLEtCT94-00707-00162752-00162919 that the more and more closer you are to TICmLEtCT94-00708-00162920-00163063 the goal and the barrier does not allow TICmLEtCT94-00709-00163064-00163263 you to achieve it higher is the degree TICmLEtCT94-00710-00163264-00163390 of frustration higher is the degree of TICmLEtCT94-00711-00163391-00163575 frustration more and more aggressive you TICmLEtCT94-00712-00163576-00163743 become TICmLEtCT94-00713-00163744-00163878 ok TICmLEtCT94-00714-00163879-00164087 now as our behavior is susceptible to TICmLEtCT94-00715-00164088-00164263 conditioning TICmLEtCT94-00716-00164264-00164559 it is found at event site sound or even TICmLEtCT94-00717-00164560-00164823 the view any form of signal TICmLEtCT94-00718-00164824-00165023 related to the source of frustration can TICmLEtCT94-00719-00165024-00165326 trigger anger so it is not that if you TICmLEtCT94-00720-00165327-00165438 have the barrier TICmLEtCT94-00721-00165439-00165759 it should be a glaringly visible barrier TICmLEtCT94-00722-00165760-00165878 ok TICmLEtCT94-00723-00165879-00166135 so it could be even something that is TICmLEtCT94-00724-00166136-00166478 remotely connected to it that can also TICmLEtCT94-00725-00166479-00166726 trigger that great sense of discomfort TICmLEtCT94-00726-00166727-00166990 in you TICmLEtCT94-00727-00166991-00167166 not a good example to quote here in the TICmLEtCT94-00728-00167167-00167423 class TICmLEtCT94-00729-00167424-00167647 there was a place in northern part of TICmLEtCT94-00730-00167648-00168063 india long back long long back TICmLEtCT94-00731-00168064-00168254 when india had a TICmLEtCT94-00732-00168255-00168366 uh TICmLEtCT94-00733-00168367-00168663 periodic history of communal riots TICmLEtCT94-00734-00168664-00168838 every four six months there would be TICmLEtCT94-00735-00168839-00169407 some communal riot in some part of india TICmLEtCT94-00736-00169408-00169543 there was a TICmLEtCT94-00737-00169544-00169719 sudden explosion of TICmLEtCT94-00738-00169720-00170023 a communal riot in that locality TICmLEtCT94-00739-00170024-00170223 many people died TICmLEtCT94-00740-00170224-00170543 okay TICmLEtCT94-00741-00170544-00170775 and then later on uh the superintendent TICmLEtCT94-00742-00170776-00171159 of police of that very district was TICmLEtCT94-00743-00171160-00171438 charged with the fact that he was TICmLEtCT94-00744-00171439-00171654 basically you know taking sides of the TICmLEtCT94-00745-00171655-00171807 majorities TICmLEtCT94-00746-00171808-00172054 okay because what TICmLEtCT94-00747-00172055-00172183 according to TICmLEtCT94-00748-00172184-00172366 some of the reports what he had done was TICmLEtCT94-00749-00172367-00172663 he asked the majority group to withdraw TICmLEtCT94-00750-00172664-00172871 the aggressive minority was one side and TICmLEtCT94-00751-00172872-00173143 then he asked the police force to TICmLEtCT94-00752-00173144-00173566 open fire and many people died TICmLEtCT94-00753-00173567-00173759 many many things took place and as you TICmLEtCT94-00754-00173760-00173943 know how TICmLEtCT94-00755-00173944-00174126 the court of law works in our country TICmLEtCT94-00756-00174127-00174231 and how TICmLEtCT94-00757-00174232-00174447 the civil servants they escape many many TICmLEtCT94-00758-00174448-00174575 things TICmLEtCT94-00759-00174576-00174735 ok they have the TICmLEtCT94-00760-00174736-00174935 what you call certain things in their TICmLEtCT94-00761-00174936-00175031 service TICmLEtCT94-00762-00175032-00175214 that safeguards them against many many TICmLEtCT94-00763-00175215-00175343 things so TICmLEtCT94-00764-00175344-00175575 all that thing happened TICmLEtCT94-00765-00175576-00175823 later on he confessed to TICmLEtCT94-00766-00175824-00175943 somebody TICmLEtCT94-00767-00175944-00176159 i won't disclose all those details TICmLEtCT94-00768-00176160-00176495 he later on convinced to somebody that TICmLEtCT94-00769-00176496-00176943 i don't regret what i did TICmLEtCT94-00770-00176944-00177166 and he said that my elder brother was TICmLEtCT94-00771-00177167-00177375 also a superintendent of senior supreme TICmLEtCT94-00772-00177376-00177471 police TICmLEtCT94-00773-00177472-00177671 when he was posted somewhere in western TICmLEtCT94-00774-00177672-00177902 part of uttar pradesh TICmLEtCT94-00775-00177903-00178175 and again TICmLEtCT94-00776-00178176-00178519 during a criminal riot TICmLEtCT94-00777-00178520-00178766 he according to his story one of TICmLEtCT94-00778-00178767-00178935 somebody from the minority group had TICmLEtCT94-00779-00178936-00179038 come TICmLEtCT94-00780-00179039-00179183 and TICmLEtCT94-00781-00179184-00179487 assassinated his elder brother TICmLEtCT94-00782-00179488-00179671 the senior superintendent of police at TICmLEtCT94-00783-00179672-00179926 that time was killed in one of the riots TICmLEtCT94-00784-00179927-00180135 here in western u.p TICmLEtCT94-00785-00180136-00180311 the younger brother later on becomes a TICmLEtCT94-00786-00180312-00180575 police officer is posted far off TICmLEtCT94-00787-00180576-00180838 minimum no 900 1000 kilometer away from TICmLEtCT94-00788-00180839-00181047 that place TICmLEtCT94-00789-00181048-00181175 okay TICmLEtCT94-00790-00181176-00181511 ask the police force to open fire on TICmLEtCT94-00791-00181512-00181814 one group and later on rationalizes that TICmLEtCT94-00792-00181815-00182078 i don't regret giving such orders TICmLEtCT94-00793-00182079-00182263 i have lost my own brother in one such TICmLEtCT94-00794-00182264-00182511 criminal right TICmLEtCT94-00795-00182512-00182783 now his brother was dead long back 17 TICmLEtCT94-00796-00182784-00182983 years back TICmLEtCT94-00797-00182984-00183190 okay brother was not there the same TICmLEtCT94-00798-00183191-00183390 group of people who stabbed his brother TICmLEtCT94-00799-00183391-00183638 was not there in this group TICmLEtCT94-00800-00183639-00183831 but then you have that strong TICmLEtCT94-00801-00183832-00184071 association so this is what it says now TICmLEtCT94-00802-00184072-00184287 that it could be site oh this is the TICmLEtCT94-00803-00184288-00184471 same group TICmLEtCT94-00804-00184472-00184647 this was the group that had killed my TICmLEtCT94-00805-00184648-00184895 elder brother TICmLEtCT94-00806-00184896-00185095 similar type of situation communal right TICmLEtCT94-00807-00185096-00185214 oh TICmLEtCT94-00808-00185215-00185463 so same sound no there are some slogans TICmLEtCT94-00809-00185464-00185671 oh the same slogan TICmLEtCT94-00810-00185672-00185799 ok TICmLEtCT94-00811-00185800-00185966 but very interestingly you would realize TICmLEtCT94-00812-00185967-00186223 that ah no TICmLEtCT94-00813-00186224-00186487 such type of slogans for example TICmLEtCT94-00814-00186488-00186695 need not always become the source of TICmLEtCT94-00815-00186696-00186863 frustration for you it can know fuel TICmLEtCT94-00816-00186864-00187054 energy in you also TICmLEtCT94-00817-00187055-00187431 ah take for example when TICmLEtCT94-00818-00187432-00187726 you have the group of armed forces TICmLEtCT94-00819-00187727-00187950 ok and because they are in our country TICmLEtCT94-00820-00187951-00188159 they are divided into regiments each TICmLEtCT94-00821-00188160-00188463 regiment had its own slogan TICmLEtCT94-00822-00188464-00188775 for example no harahar mahadev for one TICmLEtCT94-00823-00188776-00189087 regiment ok jaima bhavani for the other TICmLEtCT94-00824-00189088-00189295 regiment ok TICmLEtCT94-00825-00189296-00189463 now you have these are basically TICmLEtCT94-00826-00189464-00189831 religiously colored type of slogans but TICmLEtCT94-00827-00189832-00190063 they are used by the armed forces and TICmLEtCT94-00828-00190064-00190326 every time they do it ok before they TICmLEtCT94-00829-00190327-00190743 take up their arm for fighting the enemy TICmLEtCT94-00830-00190744-00190831 okay TICmLEtCT94-00831-00190832-00191143 so ah this was all about this hypothesis TICmLEtCT94-00832-00191144-00191311 how frustration and aggression gets TICmLEtCT94-00833-00191312-00191414 clubbed TICmLEtCT94-00834-00191415-00191631 when we meet tomorrow we will continue TICmLEtCT94-00836-00195048-00195255 you TKc_WFfpRA4-00000-00000512-00000734 okay welcome everyone and thanks for TKc_WFfpRA4-00001-00000735-00000927 joining us today my name is joey TKc_WFfpRA4-00002-00000927-00001062 lovestrand i'm a TKc_WFfpRA4-00003-00001063-00001247 postdoctoral research fellow at soaz TKc_WFfpRA4-00004-00001248-00001407 university of london TKc_WFfpRA4-00005-00001408-00001599 and in today's webinar for the TKc_WFfpRA4-00006-00001600-00001751 linguistics department TKc_WFfpRA4-00007-00001752-00002055 we will be uh discussing a TKc_WFfpRA4-00008-00002056-00002263 film called what if battle was just a TKc_WFfpRA4-00009-00002264-00002447 myth we have with us today three of the TKc_WFfpRA4-00010-00002448-00002623 creators of the film TKc_WFfpRA4-00011-00002624-00002887 the film centers around florian's work TKc_WFfpRA4-00012-00002888-00002999 and language documentation TKc_WFfpRA4-00013-00003000-00003199 of a language called lol spoken in a TKc_WFfpRA4-00014-00003200-00003327 village called TKc_WFfpRA4-00015-00003328-00003751 gori in southern chad and it also treats TKc_WFfpRA4-00016-00003752-00003895 topics like language endangerment and TKc_WFfpRA4-00017-00003896-00004279 multilingualism as well TKc_WFfpRA4-00018-00004280-00004502 so the three uh participants with us in TKc_WFfpRA4-00019-00004503-00004670 our panel today who uh worked on TKc_WFfpRA4-00020-00004671-00004831 creating this film includes sandrine TKc_WFfpRA4-00021-00004832-00005054 long who is an african ethnomusicologist TKc_WFfpRA4-00022-00005055-00005183 and associate professor in the TKc_WFfpRA4-00023-00005184-00005359 department of music at the university of TKc_WFfpRA4-00024-00005360-00005470 paris TKc_WFfpRA4-00025-00005471-00005727 florian leone who is assistant professor TKc_WFfpRA4-00026-00005728-00005799 of linguistics TKc_WFfpRA4-00027-00005800-00006047 at princeton university and we're maji TKc_WFfpRA4-00028-00006048-00006270 honetty who is scientific director of TKc_WFfpRA4-00029-00006271-00006318 the TKc_WFfpRA4-00030-00006319-00006678 santro diversion or crash TKc_WFfpRA4-00031-00006679-00007023 in jemina so thank you to all of you for TKc_WFfpRA4-00032-00007023-00007319 joining us uh i will say just a word TKc_WFfpRA4-00033-00007320-00007487 about uh TKc_WFfpRA4-00034-00007488-00007695 because our topic is uh also about TKc_WFfpRA4-00035-00007695-00007806 multilingualism TKc_WFfpRA4-00036-00007808-00008023 the panelists who are multilingual might TKc_WFfpRA4-00037-00008023-00008167 choose to express themselves in other TKc_WFfpRA4-00038-00008168-00008231 languages TKc_WFfpRA4-00039-00008232-00008510 as well so if we do get some discussion TKc_WFfpRA4-00040-00008511-00008583 in TKc_WFfpRA4-00041-00008584-00008735 french with our francophone panelists TKc_WFfpRA4-00042-00008736-00008951 we'll try to maybe do some translation TKc_WFfpRA4-00043-00008952-00009127 by committee or summary for those who TKc_WFfpRA4-00044-00009128-00009231 may not TKc_WFfpRA4-00045-00009232-00009527 speak french but of course feel free to TKc_WFfpRA4-00046-00009528-00009678 use other languages to TKc_WFfpRA4-00047-00009679-00009883 express yourselves as well in this TKc_WFfpRA4-00048-00009884-00010110 discussion um to get us started i'll TKc_WFfpRA4-00049-00010111-00010263 have a few questions that i've TKc_WFfpRA4-00050-00010264-00010446 prepared to get the conversation going TKc_WFfpRA4-00051-00010447-00010614 but of course other participants will be TKc_WFfpRA4-00052-00010615-00010799 free to ask their questions as we move TKc_WFfpRA4-00053-00010800-00011119 along with this discussion as well TKc_WFfpRA4-00054-00011120-00011263 so let me start with the question for TKc_WFfpRA4-00055-00011264-00011423 remiji TKc_WFfpRA4-00056-00011424-00011567 not maybe not everyone is following the TKc_WFfpRA4-00057-00011568-00011727 news in chad TKc_WFfpRA4-00058-00011728-00011935 but in the last month or so it's been TKc_WFfpRA4-00059-00011936-00012087 quite a dramatic turn of events TKc_WFfpRA4-00060-00012088-00012406 as the president TKc_WFfpRA4-00061-00012407-00012735 uh unexpectedly lost his life and TKc_WFfpRA4-00062-00012736-00013038 there's been a military TKc_WFfpRA4-00063-00013039-00013238 committee taking over and it's been a TKc_WFfpRA4-00064-00013240-00013399 transition government so it's been quite TKc_WFfpRA4-00065-00013400-00013615 a TKc_WFfpRA4-00066-00013616-00013894 let's say an unexpected and somewhat TKc_WFfpRA4-00067-00013895-00013999 destabilizing TKc_WFfpRA4-00068-00014000-00014263 time in chad right now uh since remedy TKc_WFfpRA4-00069-00014263-00014366 we know you're there now TKc_WFfpRA4-00070-00014368-00014503 in jamaica maybe i wonder if you could TKc_WFfpRA4-00071-00014504-00014630 just say a few words about what the TKc_WFfpRA4-00072-00014631-00014871 situation is like in ninja men and now TKc_WFfpRA4-00073-00014872-00015071 uh how how these turns of events have TKc_WFfpRA4-00074-00015072-00015207 sort of affected TKc_WFfpRA4-00075-00015208-00015438 the way people are living their lives TKc_WFfpRA4-00076-00015440-00015630 and maybe if you have any sense of how TKc_WFfpRA4-00077-00015631-00015694 it's TKc_WFfpRA4-00078-00015695-00015863 affecting people outside of the capital TKc_WFfpRA4-00079-00015863-00015999 city in areas like TKc_WFfpRA4-00080-00016000-00016143 the village of gory do these kind of TKc_WFfpRA4-00081-00016144-00016327 events affect the lives of people that TKc_WFfpRA4-00082-00016328-00016399 chat or TKc_WFfpRA4-00083-00016400-00016758 what's the situation in chad like now TKc_WFfpRA4-00084-00016759-00017143 okay thank you joey TKc_WFfpRA4-00085-00017144-00017447 and thank you to all the participants i TKc_WFfpRA4-00086-00017448-00017494 think TKc_WFfpRA4-00087-00017495-00017750 yeah as everybody might have been TKc_WFfpRA4-00088-00017751-00017967 following on the news TKc_WFfpRA4-00089-00017968-00018327 since some weeks actually TKc_WFfpRA4-00090-00018328-00018614 we are living a situation that is quite TKc_WFfpRA4-00091-00018615-00018750 unstable TKc_WFfpRA4-00092-00018751-00018950 being at the same time not something TKc_WFfpRA4-00093-00018951-00019175 very new for this country TKc_WFfpRA4-00094-00019176-00019558 uh because uh those kind of situations TKc_WFfpRA4-00095-00019559-00019894 are the rebellions attack to other TKc_WFfpRA4-00096-00019895-00020079 deserts heading to germany is TKc_WFfpRA4-00097-00020080-00020375 nothing very new uh and before getting TKc_WFfpRA4-00098-00020376-00020583 to the actual situation TKc_WFfpRA4-00099-00020584-00020775 you know i would like to establish a TKc_WFfpRA4-00100-00020776-00020950 link with TKc_WFfpRA4-00101-00020951-00021158 this research and the situation you know TKc_WFfpRA4-00102-00021159-00021319 with those rebellions TKc_WFfpRA4-00103-00021320-00021622 uh one time with florian on the field TKc_WFfpRA4-00104-00021623-00021735 while uh TKc_WFfpRA4-00105-00021736-00022063 and this time our colleague sandrine TKc_WFfpRA4-00106-00022064-00022167 couldn't join us TKc_WFfpRA4-00107-00022168-00022471 we have been obliged to leave TKc_WFfpRA4-00108-00022472-00022750 the field and to get back to the city TKc_WFfpRA4-00109-00022751-00022822 because TKc_WFfpRA4-00110-00022823-00023022 the zone we were doing this very TKc_WFfpRA4-00111-00023023-00023158 research TKc_WFfpRA4-00112-00023159-00023558 was a zone that was also occupied TKc_WFfpRA4-00113-00023559-00023807 by a rebellion that at that time was not TKc_WFfpRA4-00114-00023808-00023950 really very visible TKc_WFfpRA4-00115-00023951-00024111 but they were a tough action of the TKc_WFfpRA4-00116-00024112-00024286 state on those rebels TKc_WFfpRA4-00117-00024287-00024527 uh kind to expect them from that zone TKc_WFfpRA4-00118-00024528-00024727 and we have been obliged TKc_WFfpRA4-00119-00024728-00024942 as we could say in french collateral TKc_WFfpRA4-00120-00024943-00025150 they got to leave the space TKc_WFfpRA4-00121-00025151-00025463 and so as a researcher living TKc_WFfpRA4-00122-00025464-00025711 in the country like chad i mean we TKc_WFfpRA4-00123-00025712-00025767 always TKc_WFfpRA4-00124-00025768-00025990 get to establish a link with the TKc_WFfpRA4-00125-00025991-00026231 situation and our work actually TKc_WFfpRA4-00126-00026232-00026543 uh so the situation here since um TKc_WFfpRA4-00127-00026544-00026855 some weeks is that we got a what is TKc_WFfpRA4-00128-00026856-00027174 clearly a military creditor the son of TKc_WFfpRA4-00129-00027175-00027231 the TKc_WFfpRA4-00130-00027232-00027535 the late president taking over the power TKc_WFfpRA4-00131-00027536-00027862 uh and suturing a military TKc_WFfpRA4-00132-00027863-00028190 transitional council suspending the TKc_WFfpRA4-00133-00028191-00028431 constitution and all the institutions TKc_WFfpRA4-00134-00028432-00028751 so it's clearly a better but when this TKc_WFfpRA4-00135-00028752-00028911 happened there was two approach to that TKc_WFfpRA4-00136-00028912-00029135 situation here in germany TKc_WFfpRA4-00137-00029136-00029414 the first is about the majority of the TKc_WFfpRA4-00138-00029416-00029551 population TKc_WFfpRA4-00139-00029552-00029839 in the country and mostly the youth that TKc_WFfpRA4-00140-00029839-00029918 have seen TKc_WFfpRA4-00141-00029919-00030183 what was happening as an opportunity for TKc_WFfpRA4-00142-00030183-00030302 the real change TKc_WFfpRA4-00143-00030303-00030662 in terms of new governance to come into TKc_WFfpRA4-00144-00030663-00030918 country new people to govern the country TKc_WFfpRA4-00145-00030919-00031214 and new people that could open really or TKc_WFfpRA4-00146-00031216-00031383 could let the democracy happen TKc_WFfpRA4-00147-00031383-00031583 in this country as these have been TKc_WFfpRA4-00148-00031583-00031814 promising 30 years TKc_WFfpRA4-00149-00031816-00032023 and this is one side and in the other TKc_WFfpRA4-00150-00032024-00032190 side we got TKc_WFfpRA4-00151-00032191-00032383 um the close secret of the late TKc_WFfpRA4-00152-00032383-00032535 president mainly TKc_WFfpRA4-00153-00032536-00032790 uh the family the planning circle but TKc_WFfpRA4-00154-00032791-00032943 also the political client TKc_WFfpRA4-00155-00032944-00033199 of the of the late president and the TKc_WFfpRA4-00156-00033200-00033374 former ruling party TKc_WFfpRA4-00157-00033375-00033687 that at the contrary so TKc_WFfpRA4-00158-00033688-00033983 no opportunity for change but struggled TKc_WFfpRA4-00159-00033984-00034095 as they could TKc_WFfpRA4-00160-00034096-00034343 in order to keep the system going so TKc_WFfpRA4-00161-00034344-00034559 this is why TKc_WFfpRA4-00162-00034560-00034790 before announcing the president death of TKc_WFfpRA4-00163-00034791-00035087 bintap negotiations within the clan TKc_WFfpRA4-00164-00035088-00035374 to establish a kind of continuity and TKc_WFfpRA4-00165-00035375-00035574 actually what we see TKc_WFfpRA4-00166-00035575-00035830 uh when comparing the two approach uh is TKc_WFfpRA4-00167-00035831-00035918 that TKc_WFfpRA4-00168-00035919-00036102 uh the majority of the people that have TKc_WFfpRA4-00169-00036103-00036279 been hoping for a change TKc_WFfpRA4-00170-00036280-00036462 uh are mainly the youth and they have TKc_WFfpRA4-00171-00036463-00036662 been the street demonstrating TKc_WFfpRA4-00172-00036663-00036935 and trying you know us to struggle for a TKc_WFfpRA4-00173-00036936-00037127 real change to happen TKc_WFfpRA4-00174-00037128-00037471 but the demonstration of appeal are very TKc_WFfpRA4-00175-00037472-00037655 toughly repressed TKc_WFfpRA4-00176-00037656-00037918 with more actually more than 10 people TKc_WFfpRA4-00177-00037919-00037999 who died during TKc_WFfpRA4-00178-00038000-00038359 the demonstrations and so we see that TKc_WFfpRA4-00179-00038360-00038615 although the president passed away the TKc_WFfpRA4-00180-00038616-00038695 system is TKc_WFfpRA4-00181-00038696-00038999 still here and this is due to many many TKc_WFfpRA4-00182-00039000-00039127 factors TKc_WFfpRA4-00183-00039128-00039487 the first i would say it's a silence TKc_WFfpRA4-00184-00039488-00039774 of the international community and uh TKc_WFfpRA4-00185-00039775-00039911 ironically we TKc_WFfpRA4-00186-00039912-00040111 have been comparing you know how the TKc_WFfpRA4-00187-00040112-00040295 international community here TKc_WFfpRA4-00188-00040296-00040623 the african union mainly but also TKc_WFfpRA4-00189-00040624-00040862 regional organizations like the central TKc_WFfpRA4-00190-00040863-00041071 african states organization TKc_WFfpRA4-00191-00041072-00041487 but also uh the biggest partner of chat TKc_WFfpRA4-00192-00041488-00041783 to me in france they have been very TKc_WFfpRA4-00193-00041784-00041846 loose TKc_WFfpRA4-00194-00041847-00042143 allusive on what was going on in chat TKc_WFfpRA4-00195-00042144-00042351 and we see that they have been TKc_WFfpRA4-00196-00042352-00042662 in some way supporting TKc_WFfpRA4-00197-00042663-00042999 the transitional or the unconstitutional TKc_WFfpRA4-00198-00043000-00043295 uh takeover at the head of the country TKc_WFfpRA4-00199-00043296-00043343 uh TKc_WFfpRA4-00200-00043344-00043718 compared to money to what happened in TKc_WFfpRA4-00201-00043719-00043807 mali some TKc_WFfpRA4-00202-00043808-00044079 some months ago we have been here very TKc_WFfpRA4-00203-00044080-00044343 shocked by this very TKc_WFfpRA4-00204-00044344-00044679 loose position of all those institutions TKc_WFfpRA4-00205-00044680-00044918 and ironically we saw yesterday that TKc_WFfpRA4-00206-00044919-00044999 some TKc_WFfpRA4-00207-00045000-00045207 something very close to what happened TKc_WFfpRA4-00208-00045208-00045335 here happened again TKc_WFfpRA4-00209-00045336-00045623 in mali and we saw that every day uh the TKc_WFfpRA4-00210-00045624-00045799 condemnations have been very TKc_WFfpRA4-00211-00045800-00046174 uh faster and even tougher than what uh TKc_WFfpRA4-00212-00046175-00046446 happened here in the country so uh to TKc_WFfpRA4-00213-00046447-00046567 not to TKc_WFfpRA4-00214-00046568-00046927 to take more time i would say that um TKc_WFfpRA4-00215-00046928-00047207 what happened in chat have offered an TKc_WFfpRA4-00216-00047208-00047374 opportunity for a change TKc_WFfpRA4-00217-00047375-00047718 but we will see clearly that TKc_WFfpRA4-00218-00047719-00047902 both for the international but also at TKc_WFfpRA4-00219-00047903-00048095 the local TKc_WFfpRA4-00220-00048096-00048358 local level we saw that all is in the TKc_WFfpRA4-00221-00048359-00048511 country in place TKc_WFfpRA4-00222-00048512-00048702 for the continuity to mean an TKc_WFfpRA4-00223-00048703-00048830 undemocratic TKc_WFfpRA4-00224-00048831-00049223 um system dominated by military TKc_WFfpRA4-00225-00049224-00049623 and no other possibility for takeover at TKc_WFfpRA4-00226-00049624-00049718 the head of the TKc_WFfpRA4-00227-00049719-00050015 the state than are going to the to the TKc_WFfpRA4-00228-00050016-00050127 arms TKc_WFfpRA4-00229-00050128-00050439 so actually i think that what really TKc_WFfpRA4-00230-00050440-00050527 appeared here TKc_WFfpRA4-00231-00050528-00050799 it's kind of disappointment mainly from TKc_WFfpRA4-00232-00050800-00050879 the youth TKc_WFfpRA4-00233-00050880-00051079 and the civil society and opposition TKc_WFfpRA4-00234-00051080-00051230 parties uh TKc_WFfpRA4-00235-00051232-00051494 you know about this loss of lost TKc_WFfpRA4-00236-00051495-00051607 opportunity TKc_WFfpRA4-00237-00051608-00051887 and mainly against african union and the TKc_WFfpRA4-00238-00051888-00052014 difference TKc_WFfpRA4-00239-00052015-00052399 as supporters of what is happening TKc_WFfpRA4-00240-00052400-00052687 over to you john yeah thank you yeah i TKc_WFfpRA4-00241-00052688-00052775 can imagine it's TKc_WFfpRA4-00242-00052776-00053054 it's been difficult both being feeling TKc_WFfpRA4-00243-00053055-00053215 like the international groups that you TKc_WFfpRA4-00244-00053216-00053359 wanted to come and see and bring change TKc_WFfpRA4-00245-00053360-00053399 didn't TKc_WFfpRA4-00246-00053400-00053615 do that but also the practical TKc_WFfpRA4-00247-00053616-00053726 difficulties of this TKc_WFfpRA4-00248-00053727-00054038 uh sort of unexpected turn of events has TKc_WFfpRA4-00249-00054039-00054303 has probably caused a lot of disruption TKc_WFfpRA4-00250-00054304-00054487 not only in research but also in TKc_WFfpRA4-00251-00054488-00054711 the people going about their daily lives TKc_WFfpRA4-00252-00054712-00054894 their development their education TKc_WFfpRA4-00253-00054895-00055207 their economic activities TKc_WFfpRA4-00254-00055208-00055463 i know for florian this has been a bit TKc_WFfpRA4-00255-00055464-00055607 of a disruption as well as you're TKc_WFfpRA4-00256-00055608-00055775 planning to be in chat now actually and TKc_WFfpRA4-00257-00055776-00055847 how to TKc_WFfpRA4-00258-00055848-00056159 cancel those plans we'll transition away TKc_WFfpRA4-00259-00056160-00056319 from sort of talking about the politics TKc_WFfpRA4-00260-00056320-00056487 which maybe uh i'll be out of my depth TKc_WFfpRA4-00261-00056488-00056679 into talking more about the linguistics TKc_WFfpRA4-00262-00056679-00056854 i want to ask you florian a bit about TKc_WFfpRA4-00263-00056855-00057047 how you got involved TKc_WFfpRA4-00264-00057048-00057238 uh in your research with law i think TKc_WFfpRA4-00265-00057239-00057407 maybe for people who haven't done this TKc_WFfpRA4-00266-00057408-00057599 kind of field work TKc_WFfpRA4-00267-00057600-00057871 it's hard to grasp just how long and TKc_WFfpRA4-00268-00057872-00058054 complex the process can be of building TKc_WFfpRA4-00269-00058055-00058303 the relationships the networks the TKc_WFfpRA4-00270-00058304-00058423 formal permissions you need the TKc_WFfpRA4-00271-00058424-00058615 institutional support you need to be TKc_WFfpRA4-00272-00058616-00058694 able to TKc_WFfpRA4-00273-00058695-00058879 go and do this kind of research so law TKc_WFfpRA4-00274-00058879-00058999 is obviously intriguing TKc_WFfpRA4-00275-00059000-00059142 uh as a language from sort of a TKc_WFfpRA4-00276-00059144-00059326 linguistics point of view as an isolate TKc_WFfpRA4-00277-00059327-00059463 it's a good you know language spoken by TKc_WFfpRA4-00278-00059464-00059607 a small group of people TKc_WFfpRA4-00279-00059608-00059838 but how practically did you go from TKc_WFfpRA4-00280-00059839-00060038 being a european TKc_WFfpRA4-00281-00060039-00060215 graduate student to getting into this TKc_WFfpRA4-00282-00060216-00060359 village in chat and working with this TKc_WFfpRA4-00283-00060360-00060479 group in a way that was TKc_WFfpRA4-00284-00060479-00060791 you know safe and ethical and allowed TKc_WFfpRA4-00285-00060791-00060911 you to do the kind of research that's TKc_WFfpRA4-00286-00060912-00061182 shown in this film TKc_WFfpRA4-00287-00061183-00061399 um uh thanks for the question and thanks TKc_WFfpRA4-00288-00061400-00061542 for organizing this TKc_WFfpRA4-00289-00061544-00061847 discussion um TKc_WFfpRA4-00290-00061848-00062191 so the project started in 2000 the TKc_WFfpRA4-00291-00062191-00062415 project officially started in 2011 TKc_WFfpRA4-00292-00062416-00062742 so exactly 10 years ago in may of 2011 TKc_WFfpRA4-00293-00062744-00062975 but i went to the field before applying TKc_WFfpRA4-00294-00062976-00063191 for funding this was funded by the TKc_WFfpRA4-00295-00063191-00063430 dobes program of the volkswagen TKc_WFfpRA4-00296-00063432-00063591 foundation so documentation of TKc_WFfpRA4-00297-00063591-00063742 endangered languages TKc_WFfpRA4-00298-00063744-00063911 a program that the volkswagen foundation TKc_WFfpRA4-00299-00063912-00064150 had until 2012 i think we were one of TKc_WFfpRA4-00300-00064151-00064223 the last TKc_WFfpRA4-00301-00064224-00064494 projects funded and before i applied i TKc_WFfpRA4-00302-00064495-00064799 needed of course to TKc_WFfpRA4-00303-00064800-00064959 write the application to have a lot of TKc_WFfpRA4-00304-00064960-00065150 very precise um TKc_WFfpRA4-00305-00065151-00065366 information in there to show that i knew TKc_WFfpRA4-00306-00065367-00065494 what i was talking about TKc_WFfpRA4-00307-00065495-00065694 but mostly i needed to make sure that i TKc_WFfpRA4-00308-00065695-00065838 contacted people TKc_WFfpRA4-00309-00065839-00066094 belonging to the lao speaking community TKc_WFfpRA4-00310-00066095-00066319 to make sure that they were interested TKc_WFfpRA4-00311-00066320-00066567 in the project and to see what was TKc_WFfpRA4-00312-00066568-00066671 possible TKc_WFfpRA4-00313-00066672-00067015 and so i went to chad one year before TKc_WFfpRA4-00314-00067016-00067167 the project was accepted a few months TKc_WFfpRA4-00315-00067168-00067350 before the application deadline and i TKc_WFfpRA4-00316-00067351-00067750 visited the villages i TKc_WFfpRA4-00317-00067751-00067935 didn't know how to get to the villages i TKc_WFfpRA4-00318-00067936-00068063 didn't know how to get in contact with TKc_WFfpRA4-00319-00068064-00068279 people so i decided to go to the closest TKc_WFfpRA4-00320-00068280-00068326 town TKc_WFfpRA4-00321-00068327-00068550 which is in southern chat 150 kilometers TKc_WFfpRA4-00322-00068551-00068719 south of the villages TKc_WFfpRA4-00323-00068720-00068991 hoping that there would be at least TKc_WFfpRA4-00324-00068992-00069119 pupils in schools TKc_WFfpRA4-00325-00069120-00069287 students and schools that i could maybe TKc_WFfpRA4-00326-00069288-00069550 contact to get in touch with TKc_WFfpRA4-00327-00069551-00069726 loud speakers or people from the region TKc_WFfpRA4-00328-00069727-00069887 from the villages TKc_WFfpRA4-00329-00069888-00070135 so i went to one of the main high TKc_WFfpRA4-00330-00070136-00070206 schools TKc_WFfpRA4-00331-00070207-00070391 in uh chad which happens to be the high TKc_WFfpRA4-00332-00070392-00070903 school that our colleague here went to TKc_WFfpRA4-00333-00070904-00071119 and asked the director do you know of TKc_WFfpRA4-00334-00071120-00071375 anyone from those villages from the area TKc_WFfpRA4-00335-00071376-00071519 he told me i didn't even know they TKc_WFfpRA4-00336-00071520-00071638 existed so TKc_WFfpRA4-00337-00071639-00071879 i'll try to send somebody around the TKc_WFfpRA4-00338-00071880-00072079 classrooms to ask around but i'm not too TKc_WFfpRA4-00339-00072080-00072223 hopeful TKc_WFfpRA4-00340-00072224-00072494 so he did and two days after that we met TKc_WFfpRA4-00341-00072495-00072662 again and he told me i did not TKc_WFfpRA4-00342-00072663-00072894 we did not find anyone any students in TKc_WFfpRA4-00343-00072895-00072991 the TKc_WFfpRA4-00344-00072992-00073319 school that knew of that area but TKc_WFfpRA4-00345-00073320-00073623 the physical education teacher TKc_WFfpRA4-00346-00073624-00073799 has a colleague in another high school TKc_WFfpRA4-00347-00073800-00074047 that is from that village TKc_WFfpRA4-00348-00074048-00074223 and by the way here he is you can meet TKc_WFfpRA4-00349-00074224-00074399 him right now i've invited him TKc_WFfpRA4-00350-00074400-00074599 and so i met with that person who indeed TKc_WFfpRA4-00351-00074600-00074767 turned out to be the heir of the TKc_WFfpRA4-00352-00074768-00074847 chieftainship TKc_WFfpRA4-00353-00074848-00075182 of the village and so i TKc_WFfpRA4-00354-00075183-00075423 discussed my project with him and said TKc_WFfpRA4-00355-00075424-00075623 well here i am this is what i want to do TKc_WFfpRA4-00356-00075624-00075815 document the language i'm interested in TKc_WFfpRA4-00357-00075816-00075991 such and such questions because TKc_WFfpRA4-00358-00075992-00076287 such and such reasons what do you think TKc_WFfpRA4-00359-00076288-00076399 how should i proceed TKc_WFfpRA4-00360-00076400-00076703 can i meet people blah blah and TKc_WFfpRA4-00361-00076704-00076871 i was lucky enough to that the first TKc_WFfpRA4-00362-00076872-00077031 person i met TKc_WFfpRA4-00363-00077032-00077215 understood what my plan was because he'd TKc_WFfpRA4-00364-00077216-00077423 been to school he had a TKc_WFfpRA4-00365-00077424-00077543 relatively high level of formal TKc_WFfpRA4-00366-00077544-00077687 education spoke french so we could TKc_WFfpRA4-00367-00077688-00077847 communicate very easily TKc_WFfpRA4-00368-00077848-00078135 and so he said yeah we're interested TKc_WFfpRA4-00369-00078136-00078287 that's very good news for us TKc_WFfpRA4-00370-00078288-00078471 um here's my brother he will take you to TKc_WFfpRA4-00371-00078472-00078735 the villages whenever you want TKc_WFfpRA4-00372-00078736-00078943 and so two days after that i was in the TKc_WFfpRA4-00373-00078944-00079079 village with TKc_WFfpRA4-00374-00079080-00079247 his brother who turned out to be the TKc_WFfpRA4-00375-00079248-00079438 chief of the village TKc_WFfpRA4-00376-00079439-00079775 and through him i managed to meet TKc_WFfpRA4-00377-00079776-00079967 the villagers to explain what i wanted TKc_WFfpRA4-00378-00079968-00080231 to do what the project would consist in TKc_WFfpRA4-00379-00080232-00080471 that it would be linguistics and history TKc_WFfpRA4-00380-00080472-00080703 and anthropology and music TKc_WFfpRA4-00381-00080704-00080855 because i had this idea already that i TKc_WFfpRA4-00382-00080856-00081175 wanted it to be a multi-uh disciplinary TKc_WFfpRA4-00383-00081176-00081526 documentation project and TKc_WFfpRA4-00384-00081527-00081926 the i of course spoke no lal or no other TKc_WFfpRA4-00385-00081927-00082094 language of the region at the time so i TKc_WFfpRA4-00386-00082095-00082231 had to speak french and the chief who TKc_WFfpRA4-00387-00082232-00082326 spoke french TKc_WFfpRA4-00388-00082327-00082567 translated into lao to the villages and TKc_WFfpRA4-00389-00082568-00082718 basically everybody seemed to be happy TKc_WFfpRA4-00390-00082719-00082838 with the idea that there could be an TKc_WFfpRA4-00391-00082839-00082982 international team of researchers coming TKc_WFfpRA4-00392-00082983-00083111 to the village and working with them on TKc_WFfpRA4-00393-00083112-00083318 their language TKc_WFfpRA4-00394-00083319-00083655 the first time i arrived the rebellion TKc_WFfpRA4-00395-00083656-00084167 that remiji mentioned a few minutes ago TKc_WFfpRA4-00396-00084168-00084518 was still going on the um chief of this TKc_WFfpRA4-00397-00084519-00084694 rebellious movement had been arrested a TKc_WFfpRA4-00398-00084695-00084887 few months before i got to chad but the TKc_WFfpRA4-00399-00084888-00084950 region TKc_WFfpRA4-00400-00084951-00085231 had been um turned upside down by TKc_WFfpRA4-00401-00085232-00085399 military operations TKc_WFfpRA4-00402-00085400-00085543 and people from the right bank of the TKc_WFfpRA4-00403-00085544-00085694 river and gori is on the right bank of TKc_WFfpRA4-00404-00085695-00085903 the river had been basically chased away TKc_WFfpRA4-00405-00085904-00086038 from their villages and had been TKc_WFfpRA4-00406-00086039-00086287 relocated or had relocated themselves TKc_WFfpRA4-00407-00086288-00086543 in um refugee camps on the other side of TKc_WFfpRA4-00408-00086544-00086711 the river so when i got to the village i TKc_WFfpRA4-00409-00086712-00086831 was not in the village but in the TKc_WFfpRA4-00410-00086832-00087071 refugee camp and i thought TKc_WFfpRA4-00411-00087072-00087255 i'm coming here in a situation of TKc_WFfpRA4-00412-00087256-00087415 distress proposing to write a grammar in TKc_WFfpRA4-00413-00087416-00087526 a dictionary TKc_WFfpRA4-00414-00087527-00087743 this is not going to work this is not TKc_WFfpRA4-00415-00087744-00087855 something that people are going to be TKc_WFfpRA4-00416-00087856-00087950 interested in TKc_WFfpRA4-00417-00087951-00088126 or even willing to listen to because TKc_WFfpRA4-00418-00088127-00088255 they have so much more on their plate TKc_WFfpRA4-00419-00088256-00088335 right now TKc_WFfpRA4-00420-00088336-00088631 and people were actually very interested TKc_WFfpRA4-00421-00088632-00088775 and very happy that TKc_WFfpRA4-00422-00088776-00088918 for once someone was coming to their TKc_WFfpRA4-00423-00088919-00089143 villages to know them basically and to TKc_WFfpRA4-00424-00089144-00089335 spend time with them and to TKc_WFfpRA4-00425-00089336-00089559 be interested in them so i had no TKc_WFfpRA4-00426-00089560-00089726 difficulty in basically getting the TKc_WFfpRA4-00427-00089727-00089855 community to say yes we're very TKc_WFfpRA4-00428-00089856-00089991 interested in getting the TKc_WFfpRA4-00429-00089992-00090087 representatives TKc_WFfpRA4-00430-00090088-00090318 of the community in the two lao speaking TKc_WFfpRA4-00431-00090319-00090399 villages and TKc_WFfpRA4-00432-00090400-00090671 in the town of south to sign a paper TKc_WFfpRA4-00433-00090672-00090718 that i TKc_WFfpRA4-00434-00090719-00091015 wrote in french that i had translated TKc_WFfpRA4-00435-00091016-00091206 orally into lal in the two villages that TKc_WFfpRA4-00436-00091207-00091303 basically TKc_WFfpRA4-00437-00091304-00091671 said we are interested in this project TKc_WFfpRA4-00438-00091672-00091982 which is the the uh consent TKc_WFfpRA4-00439-00091983-00092247 form that i um added to my grant TKc_WFfpRA4-00440-00092248-00092367 application to show that i have been in TKc_WFfpRA4-00441-00092368-00092487 touch with the community TKc_WFfpRA4-00442-00092488-00092638 so this is how i approached the TKc_WFfpRA4-00443-00092639-00092806 community the first time TKc_WFfpRA4-00444-00092807-00093006 uh basically trying to find my way to TKc_WFfpRA4-00445-00093007-00093167 the villages one way or another TKc_WFfpRA4-00446-00093168-00093382 and it ended up working quite well i was TKc_WFfpRA4-00447-00093383-00093535 relatively happy with the people that i TKc_WFfpRA4-00448-00093536-00093679 met first because it made it very easy TKc_WFfpRA4-00449-00093680-00093911 for me to basically get to the villages TKc_WFfpRA4-00450-00093912-00094159 and um some people at first were TKc_WFfpRA4-00451-00094160-00094326 surprised by TKc_WFfpRA4-00452-00094327-00094543 seeing a foreigner a white person coming TKc_WFfpRA4-00453-00094544-00094671 to their villages and pretending that TKc_WFfpRA4-00454-00094672-00094703 they're TKc_WFfpRA4-00455-00094704-00094838 they were interested in learning the TKc_WFfpRA4-00456-00094839-00095006 language which no one else in the TKc_WFfpRA4-00457-00095007-00095167 country is interested in even knowing TKc_WFfpRA4-00458-00095168-00095326 about TKc_WFfpRA4-00459-00095327-00095550 but this suspicion didn't last long when TKc_WFfpRA4-00460-00095551-00095735 they realized that TKc_WFfpRA4-00461-00095736-00095911 what i was doing was actually indeed TKc_WFfpRA4-00462-00095912-00096047 learning the language and speaking TKc_WFfpRA4-00463-00096048-00096247 with them and sitting down with them to TKc_WFfpRA4-00464-00096248-00096423 just learn the language TKc_WFfpRA4-00465-00096424-00096671 some people must have found me strange TKc_WFfpRA4-00466-00096672-00096767 for a little while TKc_WFfpRA4-00467-00096768-00096911 but they were like oh he's weird but TKc_WFfpRA4-00468-00096912-00097087 that's fine TKc_WFfpRA4-00469-00097088-00097367 he's harmless so that's basically how it TKc_WFfpRA4-00470-00097368-00097487 the first um TKc_WFfpRA4-00471-00097488-00097823 uh encounter um went TKc_WFfpRA4-00472-00097824-00098143 and then i came back so i came back to TKc_WFfpRA4-00473-00098144-00098215 france and i TKc_WFfpRA4-00474-00098216-00098550 applied for this grant i um TKc_WFfpRA4-00475-00098551-00098774 looked for colleagues to be the TKc_WFfpRA4-00476-00098775-00098967 anthropologist and the ethnomusicologist TKc_WFfpRA4-00477-00098968-00099094 of the team that's TKc_WFfpRA4-00478-00099095-00099359 how i found sangrin how i find the first TKc_WFfpRA4-00479-00099360-00099479 anthropologist who worked for the TKc_WFfpRA4-00480-00099480-00099615 project for a year and then TKc_WFfpRA4-00481-00099616-00099782 had to go and was replaced a year after TKc_WFfpRA4-00482-00099783-00099959 that by remiji TKc_WFfpRA4-00483-00099960-00100350 so that's how the team was TKc_WFfpRA4-00484-00100351-00100638 assembled and um and then we've been TKc_WFfpRA4-00485-00100639-00100711 going back TKc_WFfpRA4-00486-00100712-00101255 to chad nearly every year since 2010 TKc_WFfpRA4-00487-00101256-00101503 and so the the relationship with the TKc_WFfpRA4-00488-00101504-00101711 villagers was built over time TKc_WFfpRA4-00489-00101712-00102126 um we were very fortunate to TKc_WFfpRA4-00490-00102127-00102406 always have a positive welcome that is TKc_WFfpRA4-00491-00102407-00102566 there were never any problems with TKc_WFfpRA4-00492-00102567-00102710 anyone in the village TKc_WFfpRA4-00493-00102711-00102951 or in the community living in town uh TKc_WFfpRA4-00494-00102952-00103134 and uh it was very interesting to see TKc_WFfpRA4-00495-00103135-00103278 how we got to know each other TKc_WFfpRA4-00496-00103279-00103542 um over time we got to know a few people TKc_WFfpRA4-00497-00103543-00103678 better than others because they turned TKc_WFfpRA4-00498-00103679-00103815 out to be more interested TKc_WFfpRA4-00499-00103816-00103951 or they were our neighbors in the TKc_WFfpRA4-00500-00103952-00104223 village how relationships developed over TKc_WFfpRA4-00501-00104224-00104318 time TKc_WFfpRA4-00502-00104319-00104478 some of those relationships you can see TKc_WFfpRA4-00503-00104479-00104663 in the movie already TKc_WFfpRA4-00504-00104664-00104919 but of course the movie was shot in 2012 TKc_WFfpRA4-00505-00104920-00104975 so TKc_WFfpRA4-00506-00104976-00105310 nine years ago and we've been going back TKc_WFfpRA4-00507-00105311-00105510 every year ever since so many of these TKc_WFfpRA4-00508-00105511-00105686 relationships have gone deeper since TKc_WFfpRA4-00509-00105688-00105886 then TKc_WFfpRA4-00510-00105888-00106031 that really illustrates i think a TKc_WFfpRA4-00511-00106032-00106254 relatively high level of sort of initial TKc_WFfpRA4-00512-00106255-00106399 investment before the project even TKc_WFfpRA4-00513-00106400-00106543 begins and some risks because you TKc_WFfpRA4-00514-00106544-00106671 actually don't know if any of these TKc_WFfpRA4-00515-00106672-00106790 things are going to work but TKc_WFfpRA4-00516-00106791-00106927 in your case it seems like there's been TKc_WFfpRA4-00517-00106928-00107095 a long-term payoff TKc_WFfpRA4-00518-00107096-00107231 both in terms of the research you've TKc_WFfpRA4-00519-00107232-00107423 been able to but also the the TKc_WFfpRA4-00520-00107424-00107566 relationships you've been able to build TKc_WFfpRA4-00521-00107567-00107727 in the mutual sort of TKc_WFfpRA4-00522-00107728-00107958 enrichment get out of that approach to TKc_WFfpRA4-00523-00107959-00108143 to looking at languages TKc_WFfpRA4-00524-00108144-00108407 yeah so sandrine florian mentioned that TKc_WFfpRA4-00525-00108408-00108566 he was looking for an anthropologist TKc_WFfpRA4-00526-00108567-00108807 when you first heard about this project TKc_WFfpRA4-00527-00108808-00108966 what was your reaction i mean you're TKc_WFfpRA4-00528-00108967-00109175 you're you're not really a linguist by TKc_WFfpRA4-00529-00109176-00109319 training you're what you do ethnic TKc_WFfpRA4-00530-00109320-00109447 psychology you're interested in TKc_WFfpRA4-00531-00109448-00109558 filmmaking TKc_WFfpRA4-00532-00109559-00109775 how why did you accept to get involved TKc_WFfpRA4-00533-00109776-00109902 in this project and TKc_WFfpRA4-00534-00109903-00110095 uh why did you want to bring the idea of TKc_WFfpRA4-00535-00110096-00110678 making a documentary into this project TKc_WFfpRA4-00536-00110679-00110999 well um yes i TKc_WFfpRA4-00537-00111000-00111215 i accepted the project thank you thank TKc_WFfpRA4-00538-00111216-00111327 you joy for uh TKc_WFfpRA4-00539-00111328-00111615 inviting us first of all and uh for uh TKc_WFfpRA4-00540-00111616-00111743 and giving us TKc_WFfpRA4-00541-00111744-00112063 the possibility to to show the film TKc_WFfpRA4-00542-00112064-00112495 to to a lot of uh linguists um TKc_WFfpRA4-00543-00112496-00112815 yes uh first of all of course i i TKc_WFfpRA4-00544-00112816-00112871 accepted TKc_WFfpRA4-00545-00112872-00113110 immediately to to participate to this TKc_WFfpRA4-00546-00113111-00113254 project because it was TKc_WFfpRA4-00547-00113255-00113607 very interesting for me it was a raging TKc_WFfpRA4-00548-00113608-00114063 origin i didn't know yet the chad TKc_WFfpRA4-00549-00114064-00114310 in my previous research as uh i had TKc_WFfpRA4-00550-00114311-00114366 worked TKc_WFfpRA4-00551-00114367-00114678 uh in niger and burkina faso TKc_WFfpRA4-00552-00114679-00115071 especially always in the silent TKc_WFfpRA4-00553-00115072-00115407 northern region of these countries so TKc_WFfpRA4-00554-00115408-00115758 we were near the forest and it was TKc_WFfpRA4-00555-00115759-00115990 the first time for me also to to TKc_WFfpRA4-00556-00115991-00116202 participate to a TKc_WFfpRA4-00557-00116203-00116551 multidisciplinary program i was used to TKc_WFfpRA4-00558-00116552-00116863 to work alone and um TKc_WFfpRA4-00559-00116864-00117215 and to do my research in my on my side TKc_WFfpRA4-00560-00117216-00117623 and uh it was very exciting for me to TKc_WFfpRA4-00561-00117624-00117943 er to work with um all the specialty TKc_WFfpRA4-00562-00117944-00118319 and the other researchers uh on the on TKc_WFfpRA4-00563-00118320-00118631 the same project so i TKc_WFfpRA4-00564-00118632-00118871 immediately accepted the proposition of TKc_WFfpRA4-00565-00118872-00119031 florian of course TKc_WFfpRA4-00566-00119032-00119358 and um after that that TKc_WFfpRA4-00567-00119359-00119686 i also um very quickly decided TKc_WFfpRA4-00568-00119688-00120023 that i i wanted to uh to make a film TKc_WFfpRA4-00569-00120024-00120071 during TKc_WFfpRA4-00570-00120072-00120483 this research program um but i separated TKc_WFfpRA4-00571-00120483-00120839 the the work at first i worked only on TKc_WFfpRA4-00572-00120840-00121014 the documentation of the TKc_WFfpRA4-00573-00121015-00121319 music which was my real mission on the TKc_WFfpRA4-00574-00121320-00121447 on this project TKc_WFfpRA4-00575-00121448-00121783 and it's only TKc_WFfpRA4-00576-00121783-00122095 during the third field work that i TKc_WFfpRA4-00577-00122096-00122343 decided i decided to devote myself TKc_WFfpRA4-00578-00122344-00122414 entire TKc_WFfpRA4-00579-00122415-00122775 entire film TKc_WFfpRA4-00580-00122776-00123134 we worked with a female cameraman TKc_WFfpRA4-00581-00123135-00123439 called charlotte krebs who joined us for TKc_WFfpRA4-00582-00123440-00123486 about TKc_WFfpRA4-00583-00123488-00123839 six now five weeks uh just for the TKc_WFfpRA4-00584-00123840-00123958 shooting TKc_WFfpRA4-00585-00123959-00124295 um and mia at the direction and also TKc_WFfpRA4-00586-00124296-00124639 the the shooting sometimes or also the TKc_WFfpRA4-00587-00124640-00124831 the sound TKc_WFfpRA4-00588-00124832-00125207 i made yes the sound um TKc_WFfpRA4-00589-00125208-00125510 and the making of film TKc_WFfpRA4-00590-00125511-00125790 uh in these conditions takes a lot of TKc_WFfpRA4-00591-00125791-00126007 energy TKc_WFfpRA4-00592-00126008-00126271 we we had no electricity no permanent TKc_WFfpRA4-00593-00126272-00126399 house TKc_WFfpRA4-00594-00126400-00126647 so i knew that i couldn't do my research TKc_WFfpRA4-00595-00126648-00126799 and the direction of the film TKc_WFfpRA4-00596-00126800-00127031 at the same time i needed to to be TKc_WFfpRA4-00597-00127032-00127207 totally immersed TKc_WFfpRA4-00598-00127208-00127502 um in the day-to-day process of of TKc_WFfpRA4-00599-00127503-00127631 making the film TKc_WFfpRA4-00600-00127632-00127934 so i devoted entirely TKc_WFfpRA4-00601-00127935-00128247 about five weeks to to the shooting TKc_WFfpRA4-00602-00128248-00128566 and uh regarding this process um TKc_WFfpRA4-00603-00128567-00128854 at the very beginning i'd rather imagine TKc_WFfpRA4-00604-00128855-00128999 making a film about TKc_WFfpRA4-00605-00129000-00129302 music since it is my specialty TKc_WFfpRA4-00606-00129303-00129678 uh but very quickly i realized that um TKc_WFfpRA4-00607-00129679-00129934 what was the most interesting in the in TKc_WFfpRA4-00608-00129935-00130054 the village TKc_WFfpRA4-00609-00130055-00130519 was its small multilingualism TKc_WFfpRA4-00610-00130520-00130807 because um okay for me it was really TKc_WFfpRA4-00611-00130808-00131031 fascinating to to TKc_WFfpRA4-00612-00131032-00131363 to observe this uh as a TKc_WFfpRA4-00613-00131364-00131663 non-linguist person uh TKc_WFfpRA4-00614-00131664-00131975 because uh in the previous uh uh TKc_WFfpRA4-00615-00131976-00132335 regions of uh science africa TKc_WFfpRA4-00616-00132336-00132854 where i used to go um the TKc_WFfpRA4-00617-00132855-00133135 these regions are dominated by much TKc_WFfpRA4-00618-00133136-00133311 larger languages TKc_WFfpRA4-00619-00133312-00133647 and multilingualism is also present TKc_WFfpRA4-00620-00133648-00133959 there but uh vary beyond three or four TKc_WFfpRA4-00621-00133960-00134183 languages TKc_WFfpRA4-00622-00134184-00134502 so this situation was really new for me TKc_WFfpRA4-00623-00134503-00134831 and it made me realize TKc_WFfpRA4-00624-00134832-00135143 suddenly that this this must have been TKc_WFfpRA4-00625-00135144-00135247 the situation of TKc_WFfpRA4-00626-00135248-00135511 all humanity before the emergence of TKc_WFfpRA4-00627-00135512-00135607 centralized TKc_WFfpRA4-00628-00135608-00136023 forms of power and we've forgotten that TKc_WFfpRA4-00629-00136024-00136314 we are inherently multi-lingual TKc_WFfpRA4-00630-00136315-00136431 multilingual TKc_WFfpRA4-00631-00136432-00136783 sorry and it is what this small TKc_WFfpRA4-00632-00136784-00137143 charging village reminded me TKc_WFfpRA4-00633-00137144-00137478 and i think i hope reminds us TKc_WFfpRA4-00634-00137479-00137847 so at the orgy origin of the project TKc_WFfpRA4-00635-00137848-00138166 there is also the um this TKc_WFfpRA4-00636-00138167-00138519 simple question which is uh well which i TKc_WFfpRA4-00637-00138520-00138566 was TKc_WFfpRA4-00638-00138567-00138919 asked several times before my departure TKc_WFfpRA4-00639-00138920-00139054 to chat TKc_WFfpRA4-00640-00139055-00139383 young people that i met told me and TKc_WFfpRA4-00641-00139384-00139711 sometimes also my students asked me TKc_WFfpRA4-00642-00139712-00140031 oh documenting a language spoken by 700 TKc_WFfpRA4-00643-00140032-00140335 people what is the point why TKc_WFfpRA4-00644-00140336-00140647 why do why to do that and why TKc_WFfpRA4-00645-00140648-00141031 learn such a small language so TKc_WFfpRA4-00646-00141032-00141407 um i realized that TKc_WFfpRA4-00647-00141408-00141751 the laws of biodiversity in the world TKc_WFfpRA4-00648-00141752-00142078 is currently as the center of TKc_WFfpRA4-00649-00142079-00142399 many debates but their general public TKc_WFfpRA4-00650-00142400-00142671 is finally very little aware of the TKc_WFfpRA4-00651-00142672-00142959 issues of loss of cultural diversity TKc_WFfpRA4-00652-00142960-00143278 that affects especially small TKc_WFfpRA4-00653-00143279-00143766 so-called indigenous societies TKc_WFfpRA4-00654-00143767-00144151 and yet the two TKc_WFfpRA4-00655-00144152-00144487 are of course closely linked TKc_WFfpRA4-00656-00144488-00144759 uh since uh this small minority TKc_WFfpRA4-00657-00144760-00144854 societies TKc_WFfpRA4-00658-00144855-00145166 which uh yet represent five percent of TKc_WFfpRA4-00659-00145167-00145335 the world population TKc_WFfpRA4-00660-00145336-00145695 uh speak about 5 000 TKc_WFfpRA4-00661-00145696-00146126 of the world's 6500 TKc_WFfpRA4-00662-00146127-00146414 languages and they are also the TKc_WFfpRA4-00663-00146415-00146671 guardians of 80 persons TKc_WFfpRA4-00664-00146672-00147095 of the world's biodiversity so TKc_WFfpRA4-00665-00147096-00147351 it is it was important for me to make a TKc_WFfpRA4-00666-00147352-00147407 film TKc_WFfpRA4-00667-00147408-00147647 that addresses the general public on TKc_WFfpRA4-00668-00147648-00147807 these issues TKc_WFfpRA4-00669-00147808-00148175 um and also um it was important TKc_WFfpRA4-00670-00148176-00148502 um to develop these issues TKc_WFfpRA4-00671-00148503-00148871 with a different point of view of TKc_WFfpRA4-00672-00148872-00149199 from what has already been done TKc_WFfpRA4-00673-00149200-00149623 on the subject that is to say TKc_WFfpRA4-00674-00149624-00149935 not to emphasize the spectacular TKc_WFfpRA4-00675-00149936-00150031 dimension TKc_WFfpRA4-00676-00150032-00150399 of such project it's not TKc_WFfpRA4-00677-00150400-00150711 we didn't study a language TKc_WFfpRA4-00678-00150712-00151047 that have only only a few speakers left TKc_WFfpRA4-00679-00151048-00151375 or it is not a film TKc_WFfpRA4-00680-00151376-00151687 which focuses only on the linguist at TKc_WFfpRA4-00681-00151688-00151783 the new TKc_WFfpRA4-00682-00151784-00152254 adventurer of the 21st century TKc_WFfpRA4-00683-00152255-00152614 uh so it was important for me not to TKc_WFfpRA4-00684-00152615-00152847 emphasize this uh this aspect TKc_WFfpRA4-00685-00152848-00153039 spectacular aspect and TKc_WFfpRA4-00686-00153040-00153319 to show uh the real work the real TKc_WFfpRA4-00687-00153320-00153478 relationship with them TKc_WFfpRA4-00688-00153479-00153702 with the people of the villages uh of TKc_WFfpRA4-00689-00153703-00153887 the village and uh TKc_WFfpRA4-00690-00153888-00154207 and um and also of course what is at TKc_WFfpRA4-00691-00154208-00154271 state TKc_WFfpRA4-00692-00154272-00154671 uh when we document a small language TKc_WFfpRA4-00693-00154672-00154990 that's great thank you sandrine so TKc_WFfpRA4-00694-00154991-00155183 ramanji you came into this project a bit TKc_WFfpRA4-00695-00155184-00155263 later than TKc_WFfpRA4-00696-00155264-00155483 uh the others to fill in for an TKc_WFfpRA4-00697-00155484-00155695 anthropologist TKc_WFfpRA4-00698-00155696-00155935 i wonder if you could say a bit about TKc_WFfpRA4-00699-00155936-00156111 what your role in the project TKc_WFfpRA4-00700-00156112-00156399 was but i'm also curious because i know TKc_WFfpRA4-00701-00156400-00156487 your background TKc_WFfpRA4-00702-00156488-00156711 is in anthropology but more focused on TKc_WFfpRA4-00703-00156712-00156951 economics and politics and not really on TKc_WFfpRA4-00704-00156952-00157223 languages or rural lifestyles TKc_WFfpRA4-00705-00157224-00157447 um so could you say a bit about uh how TKc_WFfpRA4-00706-00157448-00157607 this project impacted you as the TKc_WFfpRA4-00707-00157608-00157759 anthropologist TKc_WFfpRA4-00708-00157760-00158054 as well as how you interact about how TKc_WFfpRA4-00709-00158055-00158166 this project TKc_WFfpRA4-00710-00158167-00160078 impacted you TKc_WFfpRA4-00711-00160079-00160278 all right it's quite broken up but i can TKc_WFfpRA4-00712-00160279-00160383 hear you a bit so TKc_WFfpRA4-00713-00160384-00160583 let's try to hear your response and see TKc_WFfpRA4-00714-00160584-00161639 how it goes TKc_WFfpRA4-00715-00161640-00161863 okay so i'll try and you let me know if TKc_WFfpRA4-00716-00161864-00162095 you're not helping me TKc_WFfpRA4-00717-00162096-00162407 okay so i mean when i when i heard about TKc_WFfpRA4-00718-00162408-00162511 this project TKc_WFfpRA4-00719-00162512-00162695 you know i was sitting in um in holland TKc_WFfpRA4-00720-00162696-00163023 in germany doing my phd so i received TKc_WFfpRA4-00721-00163024-00163375 the ttos and um TKc_WFfpRA4-00722-00163376-00163590 when i read when i read them i was very TKc_WFfpRA4-00723-00163591-00163726 happy because TKc_WFfpRA4-00724-00163727-00163959 i mean the project was taking me back TKc_WFfpRA4-00725-00163960-00164038 home TKc_WFfpRA4-00726-00164039-00164311 and i mean back home not just to chat TKc_WFfpRA4-00727-00164312-00164359 but TKc_WFfpRA4-00728-00164360-00164735 especially in my my home my hometown TKc_WFfpRA4-00729-00164736-00165063 and what was surprising for me was that TKc_WFfpRA4-00730-00165064-00165295 i didn't i never heard about this TKc_WFfpRA4-00731-00165296-00165478 language this learn TKc_WFfpRA4-00732-00165479-00165783 language and so i was excited to be TKc_WFfpRA4-00733-00165784-00165902 excited TKc_WFfpRA4-00734-00165903-00166223 to join to join the project first uh TKc_WFfpRA4-00735-00166224-00166583 yeah i mean to to know this about you TKc_WFfpRA4-00736-00166584-00166814 know what is this language where are TKc_WFfpRA4-00737-00166815-00166999 those people that actually TKc_WFfpRA4-00738-00167000-00167231 i just you know some 700 speaking this TKc_WFfpRA4-00739-00167232-00167351 language TKc_WFfpRA4-00740-00167352-00167807 this was one and the second is also TKc_WFfpRA4-00741-00167808-00168007 the methodology that was proposed for TKc_WFfpRA4-00742-00168008-00168199 the project as an anthropologist TKc_WFfpRA4-00743-00168200-00168454 i didn't get any opportunity you know to TKc_WFfpRA4-00744-00168455-00168519 go TKc_WFfpRA4-00745-00168520-00168838 for this kind of field works that would TKc_WFfpRA4-00746-00168839-00169007 take you TKc_WFfpRA4-00747-00169008-00169383 in those new places out of the urban TKc_WFfpRA4-00748-00169384-00169663 sites and bring you in a society where TKc_WFfpRA4-00749-00169664-00169759 you could like TKc_WFfpRA4-00750-00169760-00170087 you know get more time come to know TKc_WFfpRA4-00751-00170088-00170166 people TKc_WFfpRA4-00752-00170167-00170423 uh come to know how they live et cetera TKc_WFfpRA4-00753-00170424-00170495 because TKc_WFfpRA4-00754-00170496-00170783 for my phd i've been working on oil TKc_WFfpRA4-00755-00170784-00170975 meaning this is something that has more TKc_WFfpRA4-00756-00170976-00171126 to do with cities TKc_WFfpRA4-00757-00171127-00171487 and uh with the economic ecology TKc_WFfpRA4-00758-00171488-00171735 but so this was an opportunity for me TKc_WFfpRA4-00759-00171736-00171863 really getting back TKc_WFfpRA4-00760-00171864-00172119 to what i call traditional anthropology TKc_WFfpRA4-00761-00172120-00172326 uh getting to know a society TKc_WFfpRA4-00762-00172327-00172638 and to discover so TKc_WFfpRA4-00763-00172639-00172966 i was really excited uh going there TKc_WFfpRA4-00764-00172967-00173287 and when i reached uh the chamber was TKc_WFfpRA4-00765-00173288-00173423 already on the field TKc_WFfpRA4-00766-00173424-00173683 and then when i met the first TKc_WFfpRA4-00767-00173684-00173871 representative TKc_WFfpRA4-00768-00173872-00174271 of the bilal people i come to see that TKc_WFfpRA4-00769-00174272-00174526 they they were people that i grown up TKc_WFfpRA4-00770-00174527-00174599 with TKc_WFfpRA4-00771-00174600-00174902 without knowing that they are from this TKc_WFfpRA4-00772-00174903-00175190 very uh very group that we will be TKc_WFfpRA4-00773-00175191-00175278 working about TKc_WFfpRA4-00774-00175279-00175590 so i was kind of you know TKc_WFfpRA4-00775-00175591-00175919 a very surprised and this made TKc_WFfpRA4-00776-00175920-00176223 the excitement more uh more higher TKc_WFfpRA4-00777-00176224-00176495 than from the beginning and then i TKc_WFfpRA4-00778-00176496-00176759 really TKc_WFfpRA4-00779-00176760-00177063 appreciate the field for me it was about TKc_WFfpRA4-00780-00177064-00177375 my job uh doing my job means learning a TKc_WFfpRA4-00781-00177376-00177502 new language TKc_WFfpRA4-00782-00177503-00177878 but it also means learning TKc_WFfpRA4-00783-00177879-00178326 new things and people that i TKc_WFfpRA4-00784-00178327-00178599 i have thought i know but that i really TKc_WFfpRA4-00785-00178600-00178702 didn't know TKc_WFfpRA4-00786-00178703-00179038 and what made things easier for me was TKc_WFfpRA4-00787-00179039-00179311 the the language aspect of the thing is TKc_WFfpRA4-00788-00179312-00179359 that TKc_WFfpRA4-00789-00179360-00179566 the people there could speak even my TKc_WFfpRA4-00790-00179567-00179719 native language while i TKc_WFfpRA4-00791-00179720-00179935 was to start learning their own language TKc_WFfpRA4-00792-00179936-00180143 so i could from the first day TKc_WFfpRA4-00793-00180144-00180454 start my work TKc_WFfpRA4-00794-00180455-00180695 without waiting without sometimes TKc_WFfpRA4-00795-00180696-00180863 needing any translation TKc_WFfpRA4-00796-00180864-00181087 and the last thing is how we manage to TKc_WFfpRA4-00797-00181088-00181223 connect and within the team TKc_WFfpRA4-00798-00181224-00181543 an anthropologist i try to do my work in TKc_WFfpRA4-00799-00181544-00181719 a way that i could always TKc_WFfpRA4-00800-00181720-00181999 uh help florian um go further in TKc_WFfpRA4-00801-00182000-00182183 learning the language TKc_WFfpRA4-00802-00182184-00182454 working on the dictionary discovering TKc_WFfpRA4-00803-00182455-00182559 new words TKc_WFfpRA4-00804-00182560-00182878 discovering new expressions and also TKc_WFfpRA4-00805-00182879-00183151 connecting with sandrine so for her to TKc_WFfpRA4-00806-00183152-00183311 work more deeper TKc_WFfpRA4-00807-00183312-00183559 on other aspects like cultural cultural TKc_WFfpRA4-00808-00183560-00183695 aspects like musical TKc_WFfpRA4-00809-00183696-00184102 aspects etc so i think TKc_WFfpRA4-00810-00184103-00184487 from the beginning what really makes the TKc_WFfpRA4-00811-00184488-00184647 project special for me TKc_WFfpRA4-00812-00184648-00184935 as a side is the opportunity going for TKc_WFfpRA4-00813-00184936-00185014 the excitement TKc_WFfpRA4-00814-00185015-00185199 learning something that was very close TKc_WFfpRA4-00815-00185200-00185438 to me without TKc_WFfpRA4-00816-00185439-00185663 being really close to me because i TKc_WFfpRA4-00817-00185664-00185814 didn't know about TKc_WFfpRA4-00818-00185815-00186135 but also how the world team fit together TKc_WFfpRA4-00819-00186136-00186359 and as a child and anthropologist TKc_WFfpRA4-00820-00186360-00186502 getting opportunity TKc_WFfpRA4-00821-00186503-00186671 to accompany this team and getting the TKc_WFfpRA4-00822-00186672-00186823 opportunity to alter TKc_WFfpRA4-00823-00186824-00187111 what will be one of the only one TKc_WFfpRA4-00824-00187112-00187183 monograph TKc_WFfpRA4-00825-00187184-00187454 on this uh people i mean this is TKc_WFfpRA4-00826-00187455-00187575 something TKc_WFfpRA4-00827-00187576-00187838 for me this is a very big achievement TKc_WFfpRA4-00828-00187839-00187950 because TKc_WFfpRA4-00829-00187951-00188126 you know you know the place here most of TKc_WFfpRA4-00830-00188127-00188302 the people they don't know TKc_WFfpRA4-00831-00188303-00188599 anthropology in this country uh is very TKc_WFfpRA4-00832-00188600-00188790 new actually we are less than TKc_WFfpRA4-00833-00188791-00189119 five phd anthropologists here and the TKc_WFfpRA4-00834-00189120-00189302 development of anthropology TKc_WFfpRA4-00835-00189303-00189590 uh is i've been open since less than 10 TKc_WFfpRA4-00836-00189591-00189654 years TKc_WFfpRA4-00837-00189655-00189919 so it means that i mean it's a it's a TKc_WFfpRA4-00838-00189920-00190071 big field TKc_WFfpRA4-00839-00190072-00190375 and being getting the opportunity you TKc_WFfpRA4-00840-00190376-00190423 know TKc_WFfpRA4-00841-00190424-00190678 to contribute with a monography this TKc_WFfpRA4-00842-00190679-00190838 might be the first monography TKc_WFfpRA4-00843-00190839-00191150 by italian uh so this is something i'm TKc_WFfpRA4-00844-00191151-00191302 very excited about TKc_WFfpRA4-00845-00191303-00191526 so back to you though thank you that's TKc_WFfpRA4-00846-00191527-00191663 very interesting how aspects of the TKc_WFfpRA4-00847-00191664-00191863 project were very familiar and close to TKc_WFfpRA4-00848-00191864-00192047 you but other things were surprising and TKc_WFfpRA4-00849-00192048-00192263 new so there was sort of a mix of TKc_WFfpRA4-00850-00192264-00192399 things that made it easy for you but TKc_WFfpRA4-00851-00192400-00192583 also things that made it interesting TKc_WFfpRA4-00852-00192584-00192775 and i'm sure your contribution from your TKc_WFfpRA4-00853-00192776-00193007 chatty and perspective was invaluable TKc_WFfpRA4-00854-00193008-00193159 both on the linguistics and the TKc_WFfpRA4-00855-00193160-00193847 anthropology and psychology TKc_WFfpRA4-00856-00193848-00194150 i have a list of further questions TKc_WFfpRA4-00857-00194151-00194326 but i also want to open it up to anybody TKc_WFfpRA4-00858-00194327-00194487 else who wants to ask a question so if TKc_WFfpRA4-00859-00194488-00194671 you do want to ask a question TKc_WFfpRA4-00860-00194672-00194871 feel free to either put that in the chat TKc_WFfpRA4-00861-00194872-00195014 and i can read it out TKc_WFfpRA4-00862-00195015-00195247 or you can use the raise hand function TKc_WFfpRA4-00863-00195248-00195423 and i'll ask you to unmute and turn off TKc_WFfpRA4-00864-00195424-00195559 your video turn on your video if you TKc_WFfpRA4-00865-00195560-00195735 would like to ask the question TKc_WFfpRA4-00866-00195736-00195863 while you're thinking or writing your TKc_WFfpRA4-00867-00195864-00195999 question though i'll go ahead and ask TKc_WFfpRA4-00868-00196000-00196078 another one TKc_WFfpRA4-00869-00196079-00196487 and then see what questions come in um TKc_WFfpRA4-00870-00196488-00196654 i wanted to ask a bit about since we TKc_WFfpRA4-00871-00196655-00196790 mentioned already that this film TKc_WFfpRA4-00872-00196791-00197054 began almost 10 years ago and sort of a TKc_WFfpRA4-00873-00197055-00197126 lot has TKc_WFfpRA4-00874-00197127-00197287 changed over there especially in terms TKc_WFfpRA4-00875-00197288-00197471 of linguistic scholarship TKc_WFfpRA4-00876-00197472-00197702 i think in in certain ways uh this film TKc_WFfpRA4-00877-00197703-00197878 was ahead of its time in the focus say TKc_WFfpRA4-00878-00197879-00198087 on small-scale multilingualism TKc_WFfpRA4-00879-00198088-00198302 that seems to have become a much larger TKc_WFfpRA4-00880-00198303-00198390 emphasis TKc_WFfpRA4-00881-00198391-00198566 particularly in connection to language TKc_WFfpRA4-00882-00198567-00198807 documentation and language endangerment TKc_WFfpRA4-00883-00198808-00198950 so i think in that way this film was TKc_WFfpRA4-00884-00198951-00199102 sort of ahead of its time TKc_WFfpRA4-00885-00199103-00199271 in other ways aspects of the film might TKc_WFfpRA4-00886-00199272-00199414 seem a bit dated TKc_WFfpRA4-00887-00199415-00199614 uh in particular some of the statistics TKc_WFfpRA4-00888-00199615-00199766 around language endangerment and some of TKc_WFfpRA4-00889-00199767-00199919 the vocabulary used to talk about TKc_WFfpRA4-00890-00199920-00200047 language endangerment TKc_WFfpRA4-00891-00200048-00200238 would any of you like to comment on what TKc_WFfpRA4-00892-00200239-00200366 things maybe you've learned in the TKc_WFfpRA4-00893-00200367-00200423 process TKc_WFfpRA4-00894-00200424-00200543 while you're making these films what TKc_WFfpRA4-00895-00200544-00200678 things you might change if you were to TKc_WFfpRA4-00896-00200679-00200766 start over and TKc_WFfpRA4-00897-00200767-00201071 and do it again um TKc_WFfpRA4-00898-00201072-00201375 sure um TKc_WFfpRA4-00899-00201376-00201711 so yeah there are these are two aspects TKc_WFfpRA4-00900-00201712-00201911 two of the most important aspects of the TKc_WFfpRA4-00901-00201912-00202166 movie the question of multilingualism TKc_WFfpRA4-00902-00202167-00202287 and the question of language TKc_WFfpRA4-00903-00202288-00202471 endangerment which TKc_WFfpRA4-00904-00202472-00202607 have to do with the fact that as TKc_WFfpRA4-00905-00202608-00202895 sondheim said earlier that she TKc_WFfpRA4-00906-00202896-00203119 was impressed by the small-scale TKc_WFfpRA4-00907-00203120-00203231 multilingual TKc_WFfpRA4-00908-00203232-00203414 situation of the village and really was TKc_WFfpRA4-00909-00203415-00203599 interested in it and inspired by it to TKc_WFfpRA4-00910-00203600-00203719 actually make a movie TKc_WFfpRA4-00911-00203720-00203887 so the movie is mainly about TKc_WFfpRA4-00912-00203888-00204102 multilingualism but the justification of TKc_WFfpRA4-00913-00204103-00204223 the project was TKc_WFfpRA4-00914-00204224-00204366 language endangerment because it was TKc_WFfpRA4-00915-00204367-00204678 funded by a program that basically TKc_WFfpRA4-00916-00204679-00204871 gave money to people who were willing to TKc_WFfpRA4-00917-00204871-00205031 document and ancient languages TKc_WFfpRA4-00918-00205032-00205271 and i had to prove one way or another TKc_WFfpRA4-00919-00205271-00205414 and we could discuss the criteria at TKc_WFfpRA4-00920-00205415-00205486 length TKc_WFfpRA4-00921-00205487-00205623 that the language was endangered in TKc_WFfpRA4-00922-00205623-00205862 order to get the money and do the work TKc_WFfpRA4-00923-00205863-00206166 and so uh since something wanted to show TKc_WFfpRA4-00924-00206167-00206414 uh the team at work uh the question of TKc_WFfpRA4-00925-00206415-00206519 language endangerment TKc_WFfpRA4-00926-00206519-00206703 came into play and had to be displayed TKc_WFfpRA4-00927-00206704-00206927 in the movie uh it was the the TKc_WFfpRA4-00928-00206928-00207198 movie was entirely shot in 2012 so it TKc_WFfpRA4-00929-00207200-00207358 was only released in 2019 TKc_WFfpRA4-00930-00207359-00207551 because something was very busy and it TKc_WFfpRA4-00931-00207552-00207703 took a a long time to TKc_WFfpRA4-00932-00207704-00207942 finalize the movie but indeed at that TKc_WFfpRA4-00933-00207944-00208006 time TKc_WFfpRA4-00934-00208007-00208271 the linguist of the movie me i was a TKc_WFfpRA4-00935-00208271-00208382 young graduate student TKc_WFfpRA4-00936-00208383-00208534 and what i knew about language TKc_WFfpRA4-00937-00208535-00208719 endangerment was what you could read TKc_WFfpRA4-00938-00208719-00208934 in the literature of the time and what TKc_WFfpRA4-00939-00208935-00209062 you heard everywhere TKc_WFfpRA4-00940-00209063-00209262 what you still hear pretty much TKc_WFfpRA4-00941-00209263-00209446 everywhere today despite the fact that TKc_WFfpRA4-00942-00209448-00209598 more and more linguists TKc_WFfpRA4-00943-00209600-00209967 working on these topics are um TKc_WFfpRA4-00944-00209967-00210206 updating the conversation regularly and TKc_WFfpRA4-00945-00210207-00210406 one of these updates of course is TKc_WFfpRA4-00946-00210407-00210606 um the number of languages that are TKc_WFfpRA4-00947-00210607-00210782 threatened so you still read pretty much TKc_WFfpRA4-00948-00210783-00210855 everywhere TKc_WFfpRA4-00949-00210856-00211094 including on the unesco website that 50 TKc_WFfpRA4-00950-00211096-00211175 to 90 TKc_WFfpRA4-00951-00211176-00211327 of the words languages will be extinct TKc_WFfpRA4-00952-00211328-00211463 by the end of the century we've been TKc_WFfpRA4-00953-00211464-00211551 saying that for TKc_WFfpRA4-00954-00211552-00211791 20 30 years now turns out that all the TKc_WFfpRA4-00955-00211792-00211951 languages that should have died by now TKc_WFfpRA4-00956-00211952-00212119 are still alive or not all of them but TKc_WFfpRA4-00957-00212119-00212271 many of them are still alive and so it TKc_WFfpRA4-00958-00212271-00212479 seems that the rate of TKc_WFfpRA4-00959-00212480-00212639 disappearance if that is even the right TKc_WFfpRA4-00960-00212640-00212791 term to use the rate of TKc_WFfpRA4-00961-00212792-00213087 basically language loss is much slower TKc_WFfpRA4-00962-00213088-00213246 than initially thought which of course TKc_WFfpRA4-00963-00213248-00213367 is great news TKc_WFfpRA4-00964-00213367-00213734 even though the rate is still too fast TKc_WFfpRA4-00965-00213735-00213910 and it's still a pity that we're losing TKc_WFfpRA4-00966-00213911-00214231 those languages but instead of losing TKc_WFfpRA4-00967-00214232-00214463 two languages per month which was about TKc_WFfpRA4-00968-00214464-00214551 the estimate TKc_WFfpRA4-00969-00214552-00214879 um 15 20 years ago we think that we're TKc_WFfpRA4-00970-00214880-00214991 on average losing TKc_WFfpRA4-00971-00214992-00215198 three to four to perhaps five per year TKc_WFfpRA4-00972-00215200-00215310 which is much TKc_WFfpRA4-00973-00215311-00215527 fewer languages so that's definitely one TKc_WFfpRA4-00974-00215528-00215631 thing that we would update this TKc_WFfpRA4-00975-00215632-00215831 discourse about um TKc_WFfpRA4-00976-00215832-00215982 how languages how many languages are TKc_WFfpRA4-00977-00215983-00216191 endangered would definitely be updated TKc_WFfpRA4-00978-00216192-00216431 um but then the the there are other TKc_WFfpRA4-00979-00216432-00216671 aspects that TKc_WFfpRA4-00980-00216671-00216958 i guess can come as disappointing points TKc_WFfpRA4-00981-00216959-00217006 for TKc_WFfpRA4-00982-00217007-00217198 linguists in particular linguists TKc_WFfpRA4-00983-00217200-00217391 working in language documentation and on TKc_WFfpRA4-00984-00217392-00217582 the question of language endangerment TKc_WFfpRA4-00985-00217583-00217734 or however you want to call it language TKc_WFfpRA4-00986-00217735-00217934 dormancy all this uh the TKc_WFfpRA4-00987-00217935-00218191 this research basically on how languages TKc_WFfpRA4-00988-00218192-00218358 at some point may TKc_WFfpRA4-00989-00218359-00218503 stop being passed on to the next TKc_WFfpRA4-00990-00218504-00218694 generation because it TKc_WFfpRA4-00991-00218696-00218967 is not the goal is not to to make a TKc_WFfpRA4-00992-00218967-00219151 scientific movie TKc_WFfpRA4-00993-00219152-00219358 so it's not a scholarly article with TKc_WFfpRA4-00994-00219359-00219494 images it really TKc_WFfpRA4-00995-00219496-00219806 was intended to be a movie uh and it was TKc_WFfpRA4-00996-00219807-00219903 intended to TKc_WFfpRA4-00997-00219904-00220206 uh touch a broad as broad as possible a TKc_WFfpRA4-00998-00220207-00220279 broad public TKc_WFfpRA4-00999-00220280-00220591 and so to sensitize people to the TKc_WFfpRA4-01000-00220592-00220727 question of language endangerment TKc_WFfpRA4-01001-00220728-00221134 with the few pieces of information that TKc_WFfpRA4-01002-00221135-00221439 were available and widely available TKc_WFfpRA4-01003-00221440-00221871 at the time so there are aspects that um TKc_WFfpRA4-01004-00221871-00222255 that are um not developed in depth in TKc_WFfpRA4-01005-00222256-00222351 the movie but TKc_WFfpRA4-01006-00222352-00222527 there was no room for that in a 56 TKc_WFfpRA4-01007-00222528-00222687 minute movie TKc_WFfpRA4-01008-00222688-00222927 but we still hope that the movie is a TKc_WFfpRA4-01009-00222928-00223127 good point of departure for discussions TKc_WFfpRA4-01010-00223128-00223191 of those TKc_WFfpRA4-01011-00223192-00223415 um questions on the question of the link TKc_WFfpRA4-01012-00223416-00223551 between language and culture for example TKc_WFfpRA4-01013-00223552-00223742 which is an extremely complex one which TKc_WFfpRA4-01014-00223744-00223975 of course is very very it's not fully TKc_WFfpRA4-01015-00223976-00224071 covered in the movie TKc_WFfpRA4-01016-00224071-00224215 but at least a reflection on what you TKc_WFfpRA4-01017-00224216-00224439 lose culturally speaking or don't lose TKc_WFfpRA4-01018-00224440-00224687 when you lose language TKc_WFfpRA4-01019-00224688-00225182 these sorts of questions for um TKc_WFfpRA4-01020-00225183-00225358 another aspect that is present in the TKc_WFfpRA4-01021-00225359-00225510 movie but we don't discuss TKc_WFfpRA4-01022-00225511-00225782 is the political aspect i guess which TKc_WFfpRA4-01023-00225783-00226063 has become TKc_WFfpRA4-01024-00226064-00226191 which is now at the forefront of TKc_WFfpRA4-01025-00226192-00226327 discussion about language endangerment TKc_WFfpRA4-01026-00226328-00226510 which perhaps was not the case 20 years TKc_WFfpRA4-01027-00226511-00226542 ago TKc_WFfpRA4-01028-00226544-00226879 even 10 years ago the idea that TKc_WFfpRA4-01029-00226880-00227239 languages are not endangered because of TKc_WFfpRA4-01030-00227240-00227423 invisible forces but that there are TKc_WFfpRA4-01031-00227423-00227582 political forces at work that create TKc_WFfpRA4-01032-00227583-00227655 situations TKc_WFfpRA4-01033-00227656-00227879 in which it is difficult to transmit TKc_WFfpRA4-01034-00227880-00228039 languages or to practice once languages TKc_WFfpRA4-01035-00228040-00228142 or to transmit TKc_WFfpRA4-01036-00228144-00228310 one's language or languages to the next TKc_WFfpRA4-01037-00228311-00228479 generation um TKc_WFfpRA4-01038-00228480-00228623 we don't discuss this overtly in the TKc_WFfpRA4-01039-00228623-00228846 movie but you can see um TKc_WFfpRA4-01040-00228848-00229071 aspects of what's driving potential TKc_WFfpRA4-01041-00229071-00229175 language endangerment TKc_WFfpRA4-01042-00229176-00229342 in chad and in other countries such as TKc_WFfpRA4-01043-00229344-00229542 chad you can see that in the fact that TKc_WFfpRA4-01044-00229544-00229782 school is entirely in french which is TKc_WFfpRA4-01045-00229783-00229982 the colonial language and is the TKc_WFfpRA4-01046-00229983-00230158 uh one of the two official languages and TKc_WFfpRA4-01047-00230159-00230351 the main language of education in chad TKc_WFfpRA4-01048-00230352-00230534 formal education and you can see in the TKc_WFfpRA4-01049-00230535-00230782 village that the children just repeat TKc_WFfpRA4-01050-00230783-00231046 words in french that the that the the TKc_WFfpRA4-01051-00231048-00231103 teacher TKc_WFfpRA4-01052-00231104-00231279 shows them without understanding a word TKc_WFfpRA4-01053-00231280-00231406 or what they're saying TKc_WFfpRA4-01054-00231407-00231719 um you also um TKc_WFfpRA4-01055-00231719-00232006 see that people in town speak french and TKc_WFfpRA4-01056-00232007-00232134 the interviews are in french and town TKc_WFfpRA4-01057-00232135-00232206 but they don't TKc_WFfpRA4-01058-00232207-00232310 they're not in french in the village TKc_WFfpRA4-01059-00232311-00232446 because in the village virtually no one TKc_WFfpRA4-01060-00232448-00232582 speaks french TKc_WFfpRA4-01061-00232583-00232791 you see someone at the end of the movie TKc_WFfpRA4-01062-00232792-00232998 say i want my children to abandon the TKc_WFfpRA4-01063-00233000-00233134 traditional culture i want them to be TKc_WFfpRA4-01064-00233135-00233271 good muslims because without islam TKc_WFfpRA4-01065-00233271-00233382 there's no future TKc_WFfpRA4-01066-00233383-00233510 which is also of course something we TKc_WFfpRA4-01067-00233511-00233646 don't elaborate on but this is TKc_WFfpRA4-01068-00233648-00233806 definitely a political force TKc_WFfpRA4-01069-00233807-00234015 at work a socio-political force at work TKc_WFfpRA4-01070-00234016-00234182 in cultural slash TKc_WFfpRA4-01071-00234183-00234382 linguistic uh change potential cultural TKc_WFfpRA4-01072-00234383-00234631 slash linguistics uh linguistic changes TKc_WFfpRA4-01073-00234632-00234975 um so these aspects are are basically TKc_WFfpRA4-01074-00234976-00235039 present TKc_WFfpRA4-01075-00235040-00235494 uh as points of departure for TKc_WFfpRA4-01076-00235496-00235782 discussion on these topics um regarding TKc_WFfpRA4-01077-00235783-00235975 this very last word before i let people TKc_WFfpRA4-01078-00235976-00236087 ask questions TKc_WFfpRA4-01079-00236088-00236158 regarding the question of TKc_WFfpRA4-01080-00236159-00236367 multilingualism it is true and we didn't TKc_WFfpRA4-01081-00236367-00236439 realize that TKc_WFfpRA4-01082-00236440-00236719 when something was working on the movie TKc_WFfpRA4-01083-00236719-00236798 because that literature TKc_WFfpRA4-01084-00236800-00236958 did not exist really at the time people TKc_WFfpRA4-01085-00236959-00237094 were already researching and having TKc_WFfpRA4-01086-00237096-00237255 ideas about this but publications have TKc_WFfpRA4-01087-00237256-00237351 not yet TKc_WFfpRA4-01088-00237352-00237534 um had the impact that they've had now TKc_WFfpRA4-01089-00237535-00237727 about small-scale multilingualism TKc_WFfpRA4-01090-00237728-00237951 um of course i read frederick lupka's TKc_WFfpRA4-01091-00237952-00238142 work on small-scale multi-lingualism in TKc_WFfpRA4-01092-00238144-00238206 the context TKc_WFfpRA4-01093-00238207-00238391 in the one of the possible african TKc_WFfpRA4-01094-00238392-00238710 contexts that of casamas in this case TKc_WFfpRA4-01095-00238711-00238910 also jeff goods and querpaolo dicarlo's TKc_WFfpRA4-01096-00238911-00239046 work on the lower fungum TKc_WFfpRA4-01097-00239048-00239382 in cameroon and i gave a talk recently TKc_WFfpRA4-01098-00239383-00239655 about small small-scale multi-lingualism TKc_WFfpRA4-01099-00239656-00239782 taking examples from TKc_WFfpRA4-01100-00239783-00240006 gori and the language and what the TKc_WFfpRA4-01101-00240007-00240175 situation is in that particular part of TKc_WFfpRA4-01102-00240176-00240319 chad TKc_WFfpRA4-01103-00240319-00240519 and everything every and out in that TKc_WFfpRA4-01104-00240519-00240703 talk i summarize the literature and what TKc_WFfpRA4-01105-00240704-00240958 has been said about the socio-economic TKc_WFfpRA4-01106-00240959-00241071 conditions that TKc_WFfpRA4-01107-00241071-00241287 allow for small-scale multilingualism to TKc_WFfpRA4-01108-00241288-00241391 exist TKc_WFfpRA4-01109-00241392-00241606 to continue to be perpetuated and that TKc_WFfpRA4-01110-00241607-00241806 allows for small languages to TKc_WFfpRA4-01111-00241807-00242182 be passed on to the next generations and TKc_WFfpRA4-01112-00242183-00242367 villages TKc_WFfpRA4-01113-00242367-00242567 and i realized that i had in the movie TKc_WFfpRA4-01114-00242567-00242694 in somebody's movie TKc_WFfpRA4-01115-00242696-00242903 uh a clip illustrating every one of TKc_WFfpRA4-01116-00242904-00243063 these criteria TKc_WFfpRA4-01117-00243064-00243271 you have the the the way children are TKc_WFfpRA4-01118-00243271-00243455 raised not raised just by their parents TKc_WFfpRA4-01119-00243456-00243582 but by the entire village TKc_WFfpRA4-01120-00243583-00243823 to go a little fast on the details which TKc_WFfpRA4-01121-00243823-00243982 exposes them to all the languages spoken TKc_WFfpRA4-01122-00243983-00244151 in the village from a very young age TKc_WFfpRA4-01123-00244152-00244319 that's illustrated in the movie the TKc_WFfpRA4-01124-00244319-00244463 attachment of people TKc_WFfpRA4-01125-00244464-00244639 with to all the languages that they TKc_WFfpRA4-01126-00244640-00244806 speak their linguistic repertoire this TKc_WFfpRA4-01127-00244807-00244958 woman who likes the six languages that TKc_WFfpRA4-01128-00244959-00245046 she speaks and TKc_WFfpRA4-01129-00245048-00245223 only death can make you abandon the TKc_WFfpRA4-01130-00245223-00245327 languages that you speak and she TKc_WFfpRA4-01131-00245328-00245479 wouldn't be able to choose one that she TKc_WFfpRA4-01132-00245480-00245591 prefers over the other ones which is TKc_WFfpRA4-01133-00245592-00245694 also one TKc_WFfpRA4-01134-00245696-00245823 characteristic of small scale TKc_WFfpRA4-01135-00245823-00245991 multilingual societies where people are TKc_WFfpRA4-01136-00245992-00246182 value multilingualism and like TKc_WFfpRA4-01137-00246183-00246391 the the are proud of their linguistic TKc_WFfpRA4-01138-00246392-00246567 repertoires and so on and so forth so TKc_WFfpRA4-01139-00246567-00246887 to a large extent yeah these um TKc_WFfpRA4-01140-00246888-00247063 studies and theoretical notions about TKc_WFfpRA4-01141-00247064-00247294 small-scale multilingualism TKc_WFfpRA4-01142-00247296-00247534 happen to be illustrated in the movie TKc_WFfpRA4-01143-00247535-00247694 just because that's what something TKc_WFfpRA4-01144-00247696-00247927 focused on when she shot the movie and TKc_WFfpRA4-01145-00247928-00247998 when she actually TKc_WFfpRA4-01146-00248000-00248142 chose the images to show them in the TKc_WFfpRA4-01147-00248144-00248358 movie TKc_WFfpRA4-01148-00248359-00248767 novel marriage relationships TKc_WFfpRA4-01149-00248767-00249071 which leads the women to um to leave TKc_WFfpRA4-01150-00249071-00249294 their village and to go TKc_WFfpRA4-01151-00249296-00249742 in other villages TKc_WFfpRA4-01152-00249744-00249887 yeah so lots of lots of points of TKc_WFfpRA4-01153-00249888-00250046 departure there are things that i guess TKc_WFfpRA4-01154-00250048-00250246 anybody who sees their uh their academic TKc_WFfpRA4-01155-00250248-00250406 topic being treated in a popular film TKc_WFfpRA4-01156-00250407-00250446 will have TKc_WFfpRA4-01157-00250448-00250655 some kind of uh criticism or want wanted TKc_WFfpRA4-01158-00250656-00250782 to be TKc_WFfpRA4-01159-00250783-00251015 developed um but maybe you could say TKc_WFfpRA4-01160-00251016-00251103 something about TKc_WFfpRA4-01161-00251104-00251446 uh how non-academics have reacted to the TKc_WFfpRA4-01162-00251448-00251494 film TKc_WFfpRA4-01163-00251496-00251630 and then have you shown the film the TKc_WFfpRA4-01164-00251631-00251798 chatty and the how chatty it's reacted TKc_WFfpRA4-01165-00251800-00251934 to the film have you got the kind of TKc_WFfpRA4-01166-00251935-00252110 conversations that you were hoping to TKc_WFfpRA4-01167-00252111-00252415 get from the champions TKc_WFfpRA4-01168-00252416-00252582 house chad needs manchester united have TKc_WFfpRA4-01169-00252583-00252751 you got what kind of conversation TKc_WFfpRA4-01170-00252752-00253055 yeah yes i i can jump in florian TKc_WFfpRA4-01171-00253056-00253375 could you please hire me joe okay TKc_WFfpRA4-01172-00253376-00254727 i mean yes TKc_WFfpRA4-01173-00254728-00254951 so i yeah i can jump in i think that TKc_WFfpRA4-01174-00254952-00255071 we'll see the details TKc_WFfpRA4-01175-00255071-00255415 when uh um writes his response i think TKc_WFfpRA4-01176-00255416-00255439 what TKc_WFfpRA4-01177-00255440-00255671 hamaji wanted to say is that the TKc_WFfpRA4-01178-00255671-00255919 response that chadian viewers TKc_WFfpRA4-01179-00255919-00256206 gave was different from the responses TKc_WFfpRA4-01180-00256207-00256358 western TKc_WFfpRA4-01181-00256359-00256615 audiences which is a very interesting TKc_WFfpRA4-01182-00256616-00256719 point indeed TKc_WFfpRA4-01183-00256719-00256991 um so reminji is talking about the TKc_WFfpRA4-01184-00256992-00257103 reaction TKc_WFfpRA4-01185-00257104-00257342 from people in jamaina we saw that we TKc_WFfpRA4-01186-00257344-00257623 showed the movie in gemina TKc_WFfpRA4-01187-00257623-00257846 but i also went to the villages last the TKc_WFfpRA4-01188-00257848-00258030 capital city of chiang mai TKc_WFfpRA4-01189-00258031-00258215 oh yeah the capital city of chad we TKc_WFfpRA4-01190-00258216-00258382 showed this in the basically the french TKc_WFfpRA4-01191-00258383-00258479 cultural center TKc_WFfpRA4-01192-00258480-00258830 and we invited uh uh everyone that TKc_WFfpRA4-01193-00258831-00259094 wanted to come which included um people TKc_WFfpRA4-01194-00259096-00259239 for the university TKc_WFfpRA4-01195-00259240-00259494 expats students community members TKc_WFfpRA4-01196-00259496-00259639 loudspeakers TKc_WFfpRA4-01197-00259640-00259871 and um i unfortunately couldn't be there TKc_WFfpRA4-01198-00259871-00260071 because it was kobe times and i had left TKc_WFfpRA4-01199-00260071-00260246 the country with the last flight back to TKc_WFfpRA4-01200-00260248-00260415 france the day before TKc_WFfpRA4-01201-00260416-00260655 oh here's his answer uh do you want me TKc_WFfpRA4-01202-00260656-00260798 to read it aloud maybe all right that's TKc_WFfpRA4-01203-00260800-00260982 another question coming in TKc_WFfpRA4-01204-00260983-00261094 we'll go ahead and comply with your TKc_WFfpRA4-01205-00261096-00261246 answer and then i'll read his next then TKc_WFfpRA4-01206-00261248-00261351 we'll go to the next question TKc_WFfpRA4-01207-00261352-00261630 um but uh so this is one type of TKc_WFfpRA4-01208-00261631-00261719 reaction people TKc_WFfpRA4-01209-00261719-00261879 chatting people who are not members of TKc_WFfpRA4-01210-00261880-00262030 the community but i also went to the TKc_WFfpRA4-01211-00262031-00262230 villages last year in february and TKc_WFfpRA4-01212-00262231-00262334 showed the movie TKc_WFfpRA4-01213-00262335-00262655 to the villagers in gori in dantar which TKc_WFfpRA4-01214-00262656-00262775 is the other village TKc_WFfpRA4-01215-00262776-00263167 but also in saar in town to the TKc_WFfpRA4-01216-00263168-00263319 community to the last speaking community TKc_WFfpRA4-01217-00263320-00263471 in town and in the villages and TKc_WFfpRA4-01218-00263472-00263639 of course the reactions we got were very TKc_WFfpRA4-01219-00263640-00263847 different one of the problems TKc_WFfpRA4-01220-00263848-00264039 uh showing this movie in the village is TKc_WFfpRA4-01221-00264040-00264230 that most of the discussion TKc_WFfpRA4-01222-00264231-00264455 that takes place in the in my interview TKc_WFfpRA4-01223-00264456-00264534 and in the TKc_WFfpRA4-01224-00264535-00264855 um what sondheim says in the movie about TKc_WFfpRA4-01225-00264856-00265095 the multilingual situation about TKc_WFfpRA4-01226-00265096-00265247 language endangerment is in french and TKc_WFfpRA4-01227-00265248-00265287 so TKc_WFfpRA4-01228-00265288-00265430 people in the village in their vast TKc_WFfpRA4-01229-00265431-00265599 majority don't really understand french TKc_WFfpRA4-01230-00265600-00265758 and can't really participate in that so TKc_WFfpRA4-01231-00265759-00265903 that's a part of the movie they're TKc_WFfpRA4-01232-00265904-00266287 not getting but a lot of that is also TKc_WFfpRA4-01233-00266288-00266647 illustrated in the interviews in lao TKc_WFfpRA4-01234-00266648-00266863 of villagers so the relationship of TKc_WFfpRA4-01235-00266864-00266991 villagers with the languages TKc_WFfpRA4-01236-00266992-00267151 the questions about multilingualism TKc_WFfpRA4-01237-00267152-00267295 questioning about language endangerment TKc_WFfpRA4-01238-00267296-00267567 questions questions about um moving to TKc_WFfpRA4-01239-00267568-00267599 town TKc_WFfpRA4-01240-00267600-00267727 why would you want to move to town and TKc_WFfpRA4-01241-00267728-00267895 so on and so forth these things take TKc_WFfpRA4-01242-00267896-00268030 place in love in the movie TKc_WFfpRA4-01243-00268031-00268199 and so there's a lot of the movie that TKc_WFfpRA4-01244-00268200-00268334 is still very much TKc_WFfpRA4-01245-00268335-00268575 um available for discussion and thinking TKc_WFfpRA4-01246-00268576-00268751 but the reactions that we got TKc_WFfpRA4-01247-00268752-00269110 were mostly reactions about TKc_WFfpRA4-01248-00269111-00269319 seeing themselves in a movie seeing TKc_WFfpRA4-01249-00269320-00269479 people they know in the movie TKc_WFfpRA4-01250-00269480-00269758 uh thinking back about what took place TKc_WFfpRA4-01251-00269759-00269903 in the village TKc_WFfpRA4-01252-00269904-00270158 about nearly 10 years ago a lot of TKc_WFfpRA4-01253-00270159-00270255 reactions about TKc_WFfpRA4-01254-00270256-00270391 a lot of the old people that we see in TKc_WFfpRA4-01255-00270392-00270615 the movie um died TKc_WFfpRA4-01256-00270616-00270967 since uh 2012. most of the old people we TKc_WFfpRA4-01257-00270968-00271119 see in the movie are not with us anymore TKc_WFfpRA4-01258-00271120-00271263 and so that of course TKc_WFfpRA4-01259-00271264-00271591 was also um part of the reactions that TKc_WFfpRA4-01260-00271592-00271727 we got like people TKc_WFfpRA4-01261-00271728-00271919 um being reminded of the existence of TKc_WFfpRA4-01262-00271920-00272030 those people and TKc_WFfpRA4-01263-00272031-00272191 um that was an important part of the TKc_WFfpRA4-01264-00272192-00272334 reactions um TKc_WFfpRA4-01265-00272335-00272510 so the the reactions we got from the TKc_WFfpRA4-01266-00272511-00272655 villages were not so much TKc_WFfpRA4-01267-00272656-00272863 about multilingualism about those that TKc_WFfpRA4-01268-00272864-00273039 sort of issues but more about TKc_WFfpRA4-01269-00273040-00273358 um the way they appeared in the movie uh TKc_WFfpRA4-01270-00273359-00273534 reactions we got from people in damtar TKc_WFfpRA4-01271-00273535-00273558 the TKc_WFfpRA4-01272-00273559-00273751 other village we don't really see images TKc_WFfpRA4-01273-00273752-00273910 from that other village because we TKc_WFfpRA4-01274-00273911-00274063 never had the time to shoot images in TKc_WFfpRA4-01275-00274064-00274263 the other village so of course the react TKc_WFfpRA4-01276-00274264-00274439 the first reaction we got is why are TKc_WFfpRA4-01277-00274440-00274687 why are we not in the movie which the TKc_WFfpRA4-01278-00274688-00274799 villagers said half TKc_WFfpRA4-01279-00274800-00275030 jokingly of course um because they knew TKc_WFfpRA4-01280-00275031-00275191 why they weren't there but uh but TKc_WFfpRA4-01281-00275192-00275319 of course that's something they had to TKc_WFfpRA4-01282-00275320-00275519 say um but TKc_WFfpRA4-01283-00275520-00275743 uh overall there was a lot of laughter TKc_WFfpRA4-01284-00275744-00275882 during the TKc_WFfpRA4-01285-00275883-00276199 the um screening of the movies in the TKc_WFfpRA4-01286-00276200-00276279 two villagers TKc_WFfpRA4-01287-00276280-00276430 including in town people were extremely TKc_WFfpRA4-01288-00276431-00276687 happy to see the movie to see the result TKc_WFfpRA4-01289-00276688-00276775 of this work TKc_WFfpRA4-01290-00276776-00276999 uh they were extremely happy to see TKc_WFfpRA4-01291-00277000-00277119 their village TKc_WFfpRA4-01292-00277120-00277439 on a screen in a professional movie TKc_WFfpRA4-01293-00277440-00277775 uh and yeah laughter was was the most TKc_WFfpRA4-01294-00277776-00278006 common reaction to mostly every scene TKc_WFfpRA4-01295-00278007-00278095 and interestingly TKc_WFfpRA4-01296-00278096-00278430 people didn't laugh at the same TKc_WFfpRA4-01297-00278431-00278591 junctures or at the same moments TKc_WFfpRA4-01298-00278592-00278871 as other audiences outside of the TKc_WFfpRA4-01299-00278872-00279015 villages because of course they laughed TKc_WFfpRA4-01300-00279016-00279151 at things that would make TKc_WFfpRA4-01301-00279152-00279319 only a villager laugh because they know TKc_WFfpRA4-01302-00279320-00279479 the context they know the people and so TKc_WFfpRA4-01303-00279480-00279558 on and so forth so TKc_WFfpRA4-01304-00279559-00279791 that was another interesting aspect of TKc_WFfpRA4-01305-00279792-00279943 the reactions we got from the TKc_WFfpRA4-01306-00279944-00280215 the villagers but everyone asked to have TKc_WFfpRA4-01307-00280216-00280382 a copy of the movie TKc_WFfpRA4-01308-00280383-00280599 um which we're still working on because TKc_WFfpRA4-01309-00280600-00280743 the movie is too heavy to TKc_WFfpRA4-01310-00280744-00281095 fit on um memory cards that go into cell TKc_WFfpRA4-01311-00281096-00281175 phones TKc_WFfpRA4-01312-00281176-00281399 but we're gonna the next time i go back TKc_WFfpRA4-01313-00281400-00281527 to chat i'll go back with TKc_WFfpRA4-01314-00281528-00281775 memory cards and a low definition TKc_WFfpRA4-01315-00281776-00281903 version of the movie so everybody can TKc_WFfpRA4-01316-00281904-00282055 have it and show it to everyone they TKc_WFfpRA4-01317-00282056-00282103 want TKc_WFfpRA4-01318-00282104-00282255 and clearly it was obvious they were TKc_WFfpRA4-01319-00282256-00282455 very happy about it and very proud TKc_WFfpRA4-01320-00282456-00282671 of being the object of such a movie so TKc_WFfpRA4-01321-00282672-00282943 that made me very happy to see that TKc_WFfpRA4-01322-00282944-00283167 that's great TKc_WFfpRA4-01323-00283168-00283303 sandrine did you want to add anything TKc_WFfpRA4-01324-00283304-00283751 any reactions uh you've had to the film TKc_WFfpRA4-01325-00283752-00284199 no it's okay said everything TKc_WFfpRA4-01326-00284200-00284558 i agree completely but we got a question TKc_WFfpRA4-01327-00284559-00284767 from our participant uh patricia is TKc_WFfpRA4-01328-00284768-00284958 asking uh if you can give a brief update TKc_WFfpRA4-01329-00284959-00285079 on the documentation TKc_WFfpRA4-01330-00285080-00285399 uh process what are the existing or TKc_WFfpRA4-01331-00285400-00285551 future plans for the project or what TKc_WFfpRA4-01332-00285552-00285687 happened since you know you TKc_WFfpRA4-01333-00285688-00285967 stopped filming uh for this movie uh the TKc_WFfpRA4-01334-00285968-00286103 stuff you did there and then i know you TKc_WFfpRA4-01335-00286104-00286254 started a new project with remiji as TKc_WFfpRA4-01336-00286255-00286406 well maybe you want to talk a bit TKc_WFfpRA4-01337-00286407-00286591 about that but what's been going on in TKc_WFfpRA4-01338-00286592-00286799 terms of the the language documentation TKc_WFfpRA4-01339-00286800-00287127 and research since this was filmed TKc_WFfpRA4-01340-00287128-00287430 so we the project is officially over in TKc_WFfpRA4-01341-00287431-00287543 the sense that the TKc_WFfpRA4-01342-00287544-00287710 funding period has ended and there TKc_WFfpRA4-01343-00287711-00287903 aren't any funds anymore TKc_WFfpRA4-01344-00287904-00288063 for the project so it's lasted TKc_WFfpRA4-01345-00288064-00288319 officially from 2011 to the end of 2019 TKc_WFfpRA4-01346-00288320-00288558 we managed to stretch the funding over TKc_WFfpRA4-01347-00288559-00288615 um TKc_WFfpRA4-01348-00288616-00288919 seven years um eight years eight years TKc_WFfpRA4-01349-00288920-00288967 actually TKc_WFfpRA4-01350-00288968-00289167 uh but it has started a year before and TKc_WFfpRA4-01351-00289168-00289310 i'm going back to chat and every time i TKc_WFfpRA4-01352-00289311-00289423 go back to chat i go back to the TKc_WFfpRA4-01353-00289424-00289647 villages for a few days now only but TKc_WFfpRA4-01354-00289648-00289854 i keep having things to check with the TKc_WFfpRA4-01355-00289855-00290087 people i keep having a few things to TKc_WFfpRA4-01356-00290088-00290327 um to do there so uh the documentation TKc_WFfpRA4-01357-00290328-00290543 is ongoing i would say although now i TKc_WFfpRA4-01358-00290544-00290791 document a lot less because i have a lot TKc_WFfpRA4-01359-00290792-00290910 less work TKc_WFfpRA4-01360-00290911-00291119 a lot less time actually to spend in the TKc_WFfpRA4-01361-00291120-00291282 villages we TKc_WFfpRA4-01362-00291283-00291647 collected um i don't remember how many TKc_WFfpRA4-01363-00291648-00292039 hours of um recordings TKc_WFfpRA4-01364-00292040-00292295 um over a hundred and something hours of TKc_WFfpRA4-01365-00292296-00292415 texts TKc_WFfpRA4-01366-00292416-00292615 about fifteen percent of which are fully TKc_WFfpRA4-01367-00292616-00292751 transcribed and translated TKc_WFfpRA4-01368-00292752-00293015 and glossed and grammatically analyzed TKc_WFfpRA4-01369-00293016-00293247 maybe 30 percent are somewhat TKc_WFfpRA4-01370-00293248-00293399 annotated there's at least a vague TKc_WFfpRA4-01371-00293400-00293606 translation or a transcription or an TKc_WFfpRA4-01372-00293607-00293775 attempt at transcribing TKc_WFfpRA4-01373-00293776-00294030 um we collected hours of recordings of TKc_WFfpRA4-01374-00294031-00294087 music TKc_WFfpRA4-01375-00294088-00294327 sondring collected a lot of music and TKc_WFfpRA4-01376-00294328-00294543 dance so we have a lot of hours of music TKc_WFfpRA4-01377-00294544-00294615 and dance TKc_WFfpRA4-01378-00294616-00294806 including of musical practices and TKc_WFfpRA4-01379-00294807-00294934 dances from TKc_WFfpRA4-01380-00294935-00295134 other groups in the region because this TKc_WFfpRA4-01381-00295135-00295327 is a highly multilingual area TKc_WFfpRA4-01382-00295328-00295495 and it's also an area where there are TKc_WFfpRA4-01383-00295496-00295695 pneumatic fullbay TKc_WFfpRA4-01384-00295696-00295910 and pneumatic arabs in like near the TKc_WFfpRA4-01385-00295911-00296023 village who keep TKc_WFfpRA4-01386-00296024-00296167 passing through the villages and so we TKc_WFfpRA4-01387-00296168-00296375 were often invited to weddings TKc_WFfpRA4-01388-00296376-00296543 and ceremonies in other communities TKc_WFfpRA4-01389-00296544-00296775 where uh someone also shot TKc_WFfpRA4-01390-00296776-00296982 images of people dancing dances that had TKc_WFfpRA4-01391-00296983-00297119 nothing to do with what we were doing in TKc_WFfpRA4-01392-00297120-00297223 the village so we have TKc_WFfpRA4-01393-00297224-00297375 a collection of recordings from the TKc_WFfpRA4-01394-00297376-00297654 region uh we have a TKc_WFfpRA4-01395-00297655-00297871 i don't even know how many thousands of TKc_WFfpRA4-01396-00297872-00298015 pictures that are not yet archived TKc_WFfpRA4-01397-00298016-00298095 because it's TKc_WFfpRA4-01398-00298096-00298247 so many pictures that i really would TKc_WFfpRA4-01399-00298248-00298543 like to give TKc_WFfpRA4-01400-00298544-00298679 titles to so that they're not just TKc_WFfpRA4-01401-00298680-00298799 pictures with pictures with the TKc_WFfpRA4-01402-00298800-00298943 documentation so this is TKc_WFfpRA4-01403-00298944-00299095 an ongoing process of archiving all the TKc_WFfpRA4-01404-00299096-00299287 pictures but we have a huge archive that TKc_WFfpRA4-01405-00299288-00299479 is now entirely online and entirely open TKc_WFfpRA4-01406-00299480-00299558 access TKc_WFfpRA4-01407-00299559-00299734 so that's part of the dobest archive TKc_WFfpRA4-01408-00299735-00299934 which is online um TKc_WFfpRA4-01409-00299935-00300127 curated by the max planck institute of TKc_WFfpRA4-01410-00300128-00300247 psycholinguistics in TKc_WFfpRA4-01411-00300248-00300479 namekhan in the netherlands and all of TKc_WFfpRA4-01412-00300480-00300558 our recordings TKc_WFfpRA4-01413-00300559-00300823 i would say that 95 of what we recorded TKc_WFfpRA4-01414-00300824-00300943 is online we still have about five TKc_WFfpRA4-01415-00300944-00301191 percent to go through and upload and TKc_WFfpRA4-01416-00301192-00301295 it's all TKc_WFfpRA4-01417-00301296-00301606 freely available freely downloadable TKc_WFfpRA4-01418-00301607-00301991 with the consent of the speakers and the TKc_WFfpRA4-01419-00301992-00302279 community of course TKc_WFfpRA4-01420-00302280-00302630 i did get a new TKc_WFfpRA4-01421-00302631-00302879 uh grant new funding to basically do the TKc_WFfpRA4-01422-00302880-00302991 same thing on another language of TKc_WFfpRA4-01423-00302992-00303134 southern chad spoken TKc_WFfpRA4-01424-00303135-00303287 a hundred and something kilometers TKc_WFfpRA4-01425-00303288-00303510 further east and so that's what my TKc_WFfpRA4-01426-00303511-00303582 efforts and TKc_WFfpRA4-01427-00303583-00303958 remig's efforts are focused on now TKc_WFfpRA4-01428-00303959-00304191 but every time i am in chat i always TKc_WFfpRA4-01429-00304192-00304415 find a week to go back to gori TKc_WFfpRA4-01430-00304416-00304615 and danta visit the people and spend TKc_WFfpRA4-01431-00304616-00304775 time with them because i mean many of TKc_WFfpRA4-01432-00304776-00304847 them have become TKc_WFfpRA4-01433-00304848-00305110 become friends and and people i cannot TKc_WFfpRA4-01434-00305111-00305334 go to chat without visiting TKc_WFfpRA4-01435-00305335-00305510 so it's likely that i will continue TKc_WFfpRA4-01436-00305511-00305639 working on the language that i will TKc_WFfpRA4-01437-00305640-00305719 continue TKc_WFfpRA4-01438-00305720-00305934 documenting to a certain extent that i TKc_WFfpRA4-01439-00305935-00306060 will continue trying to TKc_WFfpRA4-01440-00306061-00306206 [Music] TKc_WFfpRA4-01441-00306207-00306430 get texts that we recorded transcribed TKc_WFfpRA4-01442-00306431-00306543 and translated TKc_WFfpRA4-01443-00306544-00306671 everything that we haven't had the time TKc_WFfpRA4-01444-00306672-00306919 to do to annotate we're going to try TKc_WFfpRA4-01445-00306920-00307054 i'm going to try and basically bring a TKc_WFfpRA4-01446-00307055-00307247 little work every time that i go to chat TKc_WFfpRA4-01447-00307248-00307351 find a few people who are willing to TKc_WFfpRA4-01448-00307352-00307487 work with me and continue TKc_WFfpRA4-01449-00307488-00307791 transcribing and translating TKc_WFfpRA4-01450-00307792-00307991 okay thanks lauren we have another TKc_WFfpRA4-01451-00307992-00308119 question from our participant do you TKc_WFfpRA4-01452-00308120-00308391 want to unmute yourself and TKc_WFfpRA4-01453-00308392-00308799 ask your question yes hello i'm sorry i TKc_WFfpRA4-01454-00308800-00309047 was very late now because i have been TKc_WFfpRA4-01455-00309048-00309263 at another meeting there are so many zoo TKc_WFfpRA4-01456-00309264-00309367 meetings TKc_WFfpRA4-01457-00309368-00309647 but i have a question i absolutely loved TKc_WFfpRA4-01458-00309648-00309782 your video TKc_WFfpRA4-01459-00309783-00310151 so i have seen it twice it's fantastic TKc_WFfpRA4-01460-00310152-00310447 and i'm working with multilingualism and TKc_WFfpRA4-01461-00310448-00310639 language acquisition so that's not TKc_WFfpRA4-01462-00310640-00310958 really maybe your your top interest but TKc_WFfpRA4-01463-00310959-00311223 it is one of your interests i'm sure and TKc_WFfpRA4-01464-00311224-00311415 i would like to quote TKc_WFfpRA4-01465-00311416-00311671 uh some things about how they talk about TKc_WFfpRA4-01466-00311672-00311767 how easily TKc_WFfpRA4-01467-00311768-00312015 the children go in and out from between TKc_WFfpRA4-01468-00312016-00312110 languages TKc_WFfpRA4-01469-00312111-00312310 and how early they learn them and do you TKc_WFfpRA4-01470-00312311-00312687 have any publications i can quote TKc_WFfpRA4-01471-00312688-00313071 um not yet but i would like to TKc_WFfpRA4-01472-00313072-00313295 publish a summary of the multilingual TKc_WFfpRA4-01473-00313296-00313399 situation TKc_WFfpRA4-01474-00313400-00313719 in the village in the region with the TKc_WFfpRA4-01475-00313720-00313815 most up-to-date TKc_WFfpRA4-01476-00313816-00314127 um um descriptive tools uh that people TKc_WFfpRA4-01477-00314128-00314287 have developed in particular federico TKc_WFfpRA4-01478-00314288-00314454 lubsco's framework of small-scale TKc_WFfpRA4-01479-00314455-00314639 multilingualism and trying to see what TKc_WFfpRA4-01480-00314640-00314782 this brings to the understanding of the TKc_WFfpRA4-01481-00314783-00314910 local situation and what the local TKc_WFfpRA4-01482-00314911-00315071 situation has to tell us about how we TKc_WFfpRA4-01483-00315072-00315230 might want to change or adapt a few TKc_WFfpRA4-01484-00315231-00315463 aspects of this theory uh but so there TKc_WFfpRA4-01485-00315464-00315543 will be TKc_WFfpRA4-01486-00315544-00315791 something at some point um i suppose you TKc_WFfpRA4-01487-00315792-00315943 could cite the movie TKc_WFfpRA4-01488-00315944-00316143 yes yeah that's that's the only thing TKc_WFfpRA4-01489-00316144-00316303 that is out there right now that you can TKc_WFfpRA4-01490-00316304-00316391 cite yeah TKc_WFfpRA4-01491-00316392-00316623 yeah i will do that thank you very much TKc_WFfpRA4-01492-00316624-00316839 if you want original lyle texts TKc_WFfpRA4-01493-00316840-00317006 so not just the french translation and TKc_WFfpRA4-01494-00317007-00317175 the subtitles of the english translation TKc_WFfpRA4-01495-00317176-00317334 subtitles you can just contact me and TKc_WFfpRA4-01496-00317335-00317510 i'll give you the the loud text printed TKc_WFfpRA4-01497-00317511-00317534 and TKc_WFfpRA4-01498-00317535-00317775 and transcribed and glossed if you want TKc_WFfpRA4-01499-00317776-00317871 wow yes TKc_WFfpRA4-01500-00317872-00318263 i will send you an email okay TKc_WFfpRA4-01501-00318264-00318558 great thank you uh one more question and TKc_WFfpRA4-01502-00318559-00318695 this may be our last question as we're TKc_WFfpRA4-01503-00318696-00318823 running out of time TKc_WFfpRA4-01504-00318824-00319006 andrea asked about multilingualism in TKc_WFfpRA4-01505-00319007-00319230 the village and how prevalent chatty in TKc_WFfpRA4-01506-00319231-00319399 arabic is you don't really hear it in TKc_WFfpRA4-01507-00319400-00319575 the film and i guess it's not as common TKc_WFfpRA4-01508-00319576-00319727 in the in the south of chat as other TKc_WFfpRA4-01509-00319728-00319823 places but TKc_WFfpRA4-01510-00319824-00320047 it is the lillingwood franca for most of TKc_WFfpRA4-01511-00320048-00320127 chad TKc_WFfpRA4-01512-00320128-00320254 but it doesn't seem to really be TKc_WFfpRA4-01513-00320255-00320527 featured in the film TKc_WFfpRA4-01514-00320528-00320951 um i would say that it was probably not TKc_WFfpRA4-01515-00320952-00321015 spoken TKc_WFfpRA4-01516-00321016-00321327 by a lot of people 30 years ago TKc_WFfpRA4-01517-00321328-00321510 that it was probably not spoken by women TKc_WFfpRA4-01518-00321511-00321703 30 years ago by many women TKc_WFfpRA4-01519-00321704-00322023 um today i think that TKc_WFfpRA4-01520-00322024-00322167 all men in the village speak chat in TKc_WFfpRA4-01521-00322168-00322375 arabic to what extent i don't know maybe TKc_WFfpRA4-01522-00322376-00322527 not full bilingualism but TKc_WFfpRA4-01523-00322528-00322839 uh communica communication level um TKc_WFfpRA4-01524-00322840-00323079 chat in arabic and most women probably TKc_WFfpRA4-01525-00323080-00323263 have some competence in chat in arabic TKc_WFfpRA4-01526-00323264-00323358 as well TKc_WFfpRA4-01527-00323359-00323543 most all the people who leave the TKc_WFfpRA4-01528-00323544-00323775 village and travel TKc_WFfpRA4-01529-00323776-00323919 all the people who live in town TKc_WFfpRA4-01530-00323920-00324110 definitely speak chat in arabic TKc_WFfpRA4-01531-00324111-00324239 all the people who've been to town and TKc_WFfpRA4-01532-00324240-00324343 come back to the village and spend the TKc_WFfpRA4-01533-00324344-00324447 rest of their lives in the village of TKc_WFfpRA4-01534-00324448-00324615 course speak chat in arabic too TKc_WFfpRA4-01535-00324616-00324782 it is not a language that people use TKc_WFfpRA4-01536-00324783-00324919 among themselves TKc_WFfpRA4-01537-00324920-00325230 it's very rare to see that except for TKc_WFfpRA4-01538-00325231-00325391 some people who have spent most of their TKc_WFfpRA4-01539-00325392-00325479 lives in town TKc_WFfpRA4-01540-00325480-00325687 and are more comfortable in chatting TKc_WFfpRA4-01541-00325688-00325823 arabic than in lal TKc_WFfpRA4-01542-00325824-00326023 in which case sometimes some TKc_WFfpRA4-01543-00326024-00326143 conversations will be TKc_WFfpRA4-01544-00326144-00326367 in chat in arabic but that's very very TKc_WFfpRA4-01545-00326368-00326454 rare TKc_WFfpRA4-01546-00326455-00326663 it's so rare that i basically did not TKc_WFfpRA4-01547-00326664-00326847 have to learn chat in arabic to do my TKc_WFfpRA4-01548-00326848-00326919 work TKc_WFfpRA4-01549-00326920-00327247 because um i learned lal TKc_WFfpRA4-01550-00327248-00327439 faster than i learned chat in arabic TKc_WFfpRA4-01551-00327440-00327567 because law was more important for me to TKc_WFfpRA4-01552-00327568-00327639 learn and so TKc_WFfpRA4-01553-00327640-00327951 as soon as i was fluent enough in lal TKc_WFfpRA4-01554-00327952-00328239 in my own broken version of lao um that TKc_WFfpRA4-01555-00328240-00328351 was enough to communicate with the TKc_WFfpRA4-01556-00328352-00328495 people and i did not need to TKc_WFfpRA4-01557-00328496-00328630 learn chat in arabic which means that TKc_WFfpRA4-01558-00328631-00328767 now that i'm doing field work in another TKc_WFfpRA4-01559-00328768-00328903 village where the language situation is TKc_WFfpRA4-01560-00328904-00329071 different i have to relearn entirely a TKc_WFfpRA4-01561-00329072-00329199 new language and i can't use chat in TKc_WFfpRA4-01562-00329200-00329303 arabic which is a pity because that TKc_WFfpRA4-01563-00329304-00329375 would be TKc_WFfpRA4-01564-00329376-00329734 um that would be a good thing to TKc_WFfpRA4-01565-00329735-00329919 to be able to do but yeah so chad in TKc_WFfpRA4-01566-00329920-00330054 arabic is becoming more and more TKc_WFfpRA4-01567-00330055-00330158 prevalent but not TKc_WFfpRA4-01568-00330159-00330334 to the point of being a threat to local TKc_WFfpRA4-01569-00330335-00330463 languages for example TKc_WFfpRA4-01570-00330464-00330606 it is definitely a fifth or sixth TKc_WFfpRA4-01571-00330607-00330775 language um TKc_WFfpRA4-01572-00330776-00331071 children respond to orders given to them TKc_WFfpRA4-01573-00331072-00331215 in chat in arabic TKc_WFfpRA4-01574-00331216-00331439 but i've never heard a child speak in TKc_WFfpRA4-01575-00331440-00331543 chat in arabic TKc_WFfpRA4-01576-00331544-00331734 and so my guess is that children just TKc_WFfpRA4-01577-00331735-00331934 know a few expressions and words TKc_WFfpRA4-01578-00331935-00332303 uh but not more than that TKc_WFfpRA4-01579-00332304-00332623 that's great well i think we've gone TKc_WFfpRA4-01580-00332624-00332758 up to an hour announcement we'll TKc_WFfpRA4-01581-00332759-00333006 probably end it there i didn't see any TKc_WFfpRA4-01582-00333007-00333039 more TKc_WFfpRA4-01583-00333040-00333295 uh questions from our participants so TKc_WFfpRA4-01584-00333296-00333399 let me end just by saying TKc_WFfpRA4-01585-00333400-00333599 thank you to florian sandrine and TKc_WFfpRA4-01586-00333600-00333806 reminjee for being available here today TKc_WFfpRA4-01587-00333807-00333958 but also for TKc_WFfpRA4-01588-00333959-00334110 uh doing your work in such a way that TKc_WFfpRA4-01589-00334111-00334254 you've been able to share this film with TKc_WFfpRA4-01590-00334255-00334454 all of us who see that not only TKc_WFfpRA4-01591-00334455-00334678 you know is this film really for people TKc_WFfpRA4-01592-00334679-00334830 interested in language documentation but TKc_WFfpRA4-01593-00334831-00334987 because of your focus on TKc_WFfpRA4-01594-00334988-00335223 multilingualism it seems to have TKc_WFfpRA4-01595-00335224-00335358 attracted the interest of a much TKc_WFfpRA4-01596-00335359-00335519 broader audience and hopefully will TKc_WFfpRA4-01597-00335520-00335663 continue to TKc_WFfpRA4-01598-00335664-00335815 spur the kinds of conversations that you TKc_WFfpRA4-01599-00335816-00335991 were hoping to encourage TKc_WFfpRA4-01600-00335992-00336143 when you were conceiving of the film and TKc_WFfpRA4-01601-00336144-00336391 and making it over this long process TKc_WFfpRA4-01602-00336392-00336527 over all these years so TKc_WFfpRA4-01603-00336528-00336678 thanks for joining us and for sharing TKc_WFfpRA4-01604-00336679-00336847 this film with us um TKc_WFfpRA4-01605-00336848-00337151 just uh perhaps to add the last thing TKc_WFfpRA4-01606-00337152-00337527 um yes it's interesting for uh TKc_WFfpRA4-01607-00337528-00337678 to know that the the film is now TKc_WFfpRA4-01608-00337679-00337895 distributed by an american TKc_WFfpRA4-01609-00337896-00338206 distributor uh called icarus TKc_WFfpRA4-01610-00338207-00338534 icarus so you can find it TKc_WFfpRA4-01611-00338535-00338847 on the website of icarus TKc_WFfpRA4-01612-00338848-00339158 if the university or TKc_WFfpRA4-01613-00339159-00339503 other university needs it okay TKc_WFfpRA4-01614-00339504-00339671 great all right well that's great thank TKc_WFfpRA4-01615-00339672-00339871 you everyone and thank you very much for TKc_WFfpRA4-01616-00339872-00340030 organizing this that was great thank you TKc_WFfpRA4-01617-00340031-00340087 very much TKc_WFfpRA4-01618-00340088-00340239 to everyone who participated that was TKc_WFfpRA4-01619-00340240-00340358 very nice it's always nice to have TKc_WFfpRA4-01620-00340359-00340558 conversations about these topics TKc_WFfpRA4-01621-00340559-00340871 and thank you to all all of you and um TKc_WFfpRA4-01622-00340872-00341167 it's a picture that we couldn't hear uh TKc_WFfpRA4-01623-00341168-00341327 remedy a lot TKc_WFfpRA4-01624-00341328-00341654 yeah sorry about that connection problem TKc_WFfpRA4-01625-00341655-00341782 i'll go ahead and stop the recording now TKc_WFfpRA4-01626-00341783-00342200 thanks everyone TLs2Zv4XF2Y-00000-00000272-00000582 you're amazing you're wonderful my deed TLs2Zv4XF2Y-00001-00000583-00000927 is great and my heart is pure i'm TLs2Zv4XF2Y-00002-00000927-00001111 eternally in your debt TLs2Zv4XF2Y-00003-00001112-00001295 and where would a brave knight be TLs2Zv4XF2Y-00004-00001296-00002199 without his noble steed TLs2Zv4XF2Y-00005-00002200-00002463 a princess is rescued by a brave knight TLs2Zv4XF2Y-00006-00002464-00002734 and then they share true love's first TLs2Zv4XF2Y-00007-00002735-00002966 kiss with shrek oh you think that shrek TLs2Zv4XF2Y-00008-00002967-00003327 is your true love TLs2Zv4XF2Y-00009-00003328-00003575 what's your funny bro TLs2Zv4XF2Y-00010-00003576-00003799 let's just say i'm not your type okay TLs2Zv4XF2Y-00011-00003800-00003999 yes you are you're my rescuer now remove TLs2Zv4XF2Y-00012-00004000-00004086 your health TLs2Zv4XF2Y-00013-00004087-00005463 i really don't think that's a good idea TLs2Zv4XF2Y-00014-00005464-00005951 an ogre TLs2Zv4XF2Y-00015-00005952-00006286 you're expecting prince charming TLs2Zv4XF2Y-00016-00006287-00006478 oh yes actually TLs2Zv4XF2Y-00017-00006479-00006678 oh no i'm supposed to be rescued by my TLs2Zv4XF2Y-00018-00006679-00006887 true love not by TLs2Zv4XF2Y-00019-00006888-00007206 some ogre and his pet TLs2Zv4XF2Y-00020-00007208-00007391 well so much for noble steve you're not TLs2Zv4XF2Y-00021-00007392-00007655 supposed to be an ogre princess TLs2Zv4XF2Y-00022-00007656-00007919 i was sent to rescue you by lord found TLs2Zv4XF2Y-00023-00007920-00008142 cloud okay he's the one who wants to TLs2Zv4XF2Y-00024-00008143-00008319 marry him no then why didn't he come TLs2Zv4XF2Y-00025-00008320-00008542 rescue me good question you should ask TLs2Zv4XF2Y-00026-00008543-00008879 him that when we get there tomorrow TMALVahxfc8-00000-00000016-00000295 hello america tony mcmillan walnut ridge TMALVahxfc8-00001-00000296-00000503 newcastle indiana hey TMALVahxfc8-00002-00000504-00000782 today's walk through wednesday and it is TMALVahxfc8-00003-00000783-00000950 the 16th TMALVahxfc8-00004-00000951-00001087 of march TMALVahxfc8-00005-00001088-00001350 march madness is coming i got it more TMALVahxfc8-00006-00001351-00001495 importantly though TMALVahxfc8-00007-00001496-00001775 most of your campgrounds open april 1st TMALVahxfc8-00008-00001776-00001991 you're right there are two seasons every TMALVahxfc8-00009-00001992-00002199 year camping season and waiting for TMALVahxfc8-00010-00002200-00002407 camping season and TMALVahxfc8-00011-00002408-00002607 we are right there at camping season so TMALVahxfc8-00012-00002608-00002807 take a look at this today i'm going to TMALVahxfc8-00013-00002808-00003183 show you this super cool ibex 20 bhs if TMALVahxfc8-00014-00003184-00003399 you and your family are looking for a TMALVahxfc8-00015-00003400-00003686 super capable camper that you can take TMALVahxfc8-00016-00003688-00003870 really any place TMALVahxfc8-00017-00003871-00004047 any time of the year even for some cold TMALVahxfc8-00018-00004047-00004303 weather camping this ibex is exactly TMALVahxfc8-00019-00004304-00004454 what you're looking for TMALVahxfc8-00020-00004455-00004591 up here in the front TMALVahxfc8-00021-00004592-00004799 you've got a power tongue jack so you TMALVahxfc8-00022-00004800-00004983 don't have to crank anything you've got TMALVahxfc8-00023-00004984-00005295 two 20-pound lp bottles got a nice front TMALVahxfc8-00024-00005296-00005438 window up here in the front with a TMALVahxfc8-00025-00005439-00005735 fiberglass front cap diamond plate stone TMALVahxfc8-00026-00005736-00005902 guard up here TMALVahxfc8-00027-00005903-00006079 big huge pass-through storage TMALVahxfc8-00028-00006080-00006215 compartment takes you all the way TMALVahxfc8-00029-00006216-00006431 through to the other side TMALVahxfc8-00030-00006431-00006687 crank down leveling jacks on all four TMALVahxfc8-00031-00006688-00007023 corners and your big uh powered solera TMALVahxfc8-00032-00007023-00007278 awning with the led lights TMALVahxfc8-00033-00007279-00007463 solid steps TMALVahxfc8-00034-00007464-00007703 swing away grab handle TMALVahxfc8-00035-00007704-00008006 go power solar on board you've got an TMALVahxfc8-00036-00008008-00008246 outside flat top griddle with a place to TMALVahxfc8-00037-00008247-00008519 put you know any of your drinks or your TMALVahxfc8-00038-00008520-00008719 food or anything like that TMALVahxfc8-00039-00008720-00009014 super cool off-road capable wheels like TMALVahxfc8-00040-00009015-00009199 i said this is a unit you can pull TMALVahxfc8-00041-00009200-00009406 really any place and it's going to get TMALVahxfc8-00042-00009407-00009606 you where you want to go quick connect TMALVahxfc8-00043-00009607-00009823 lp line back behind TMALVahxfc8-00044-00009824-00009983 and then back here on the back you've TMALVahxfc8-00045-00009984-00010231 got a spare tire prep for a rear TMALVahxfc8-00046-00010232-00010438 observation camera TMALVahxfc8-00047-00010439-00010742 full uh ladder fully walkable roof but TMALVahxfc8-00048-00010743-00010942 the cool stuff's all inside TMALVahxfc8-00049-00010943-00011110 so inside this unit you've got a TMALVahxfc8-00050-00011111-00011327 walk-around queen-size bed TMALVahxfc8-00051-00011328-00011487 up here at the front TMALVahxfc8-00052-00011488-00011606 and TMALVahxfc8-00053-00011607-00011870 you've got shirt closets and a lot of TMALVahxfc8-00054-00011871-00012103 manufacturers they stick these shirt TMALVahxfc8-00055-00012104-00012351 closets all the way up at the front so TMALVahxfc8-00056-00012352-00012614 they're about this wide at the front and TMALVahxfc8-00057-00012615-00012791 this you know this wide down at the TMALVahxfc8-00058-00012792-00013015 bottom so one of the cool things is TMALVahxfc8-00059-00013016-00013215 there's actually storage space up in TMALVahxfc8-00060-00013216-00013375 behind there so if you want a place to TMALVahxfc8-00061-00013376-00013630 put your cell phone to put a cpap TMALVahxfc8-00062-00013631-00013727 machine TMALVahxfc8-00063-00013728-00013983 uh put books anything like that boxes of TMALVahxfc8-00064-00013984-00014238 kleenexes you've got that that gives you TMALVahxfc8-00065-00014240-00014422 the capability that you've got actual TMALVahxfc8-00066-00014423-00014622 hanging space inside the front that you TMALVahxfc8-00067-00014623-00014766 can really use TMALVahxfc8-00068-00014768-00014951 you've got a pull down shade for your TMALVahxfc8-00069-00014952-00015143 front window up here TMALVahxfc8-00070-00015144-00015350 and you've got all this storage space up TMALVahxfc8-00071-00015351-00015455 here TMALVahxfc8-00072-00015456-00015863 they give you the spring-loaded openers TMALVahxfc8-00073-00015863-00016215 storage space underneath the bed TMALVahxfc8-00074-00016216-00016455 electrical outlets usb chargers TMALVahxfc8-00075-00016456-00016671 everything on both sides of the bed got TMALVahxfc8-00076-00016672-00016927 your television up overhead TMALVahxfc8-00077-00016928-00017119 you've got a super cool dinette that TMALVahxfc8-00078-00017120-00017319 drops down to make an extra bed TMALVahxfc8-00079-00017320-00017558 you've got storage space on each side TMALVahxfc8-00080-00017559-00017814 here TMALVahxfc8-00081-00017815-00018086 that makes a bed three burner stove TMALVahxfc8-00082-00018087-00018463 convection microwave super cool sink TMALVahxfc8-00083-00018464-00018750 single lever faucet with a sprayer TMALVahxfc8-00084-00018751-00019079 huge 12 cubic foot refrigerator glass TMALVahxfc8-00085-00019080-00019343 shelves gallon jug storage or a great TMALVahxfc8-00086-00019344-00019791 place to put a gallon of orange juice TMALVahxfc8-00087-00019792-00020094 anything like that all in there TMALVahxfc8-00088-00020095-00020319 plenty of cabinet space up overhead in TMALVahxfc8-00089-00020320-00020558 your kitchen area TMALVahxfc8-00090-00020559-00020767 of course air conditioner on the ceiling TMALVahxfc8-00091-00020768-00020903 all ducted TMALVahxfc8-00092-00020904-00021063 and then TMALVahxfc8-00093-00021064-00021278 you've got your bunks so you've got bunk TMALVahxfc8-00094-00021279-00021494 beds here built-in metal ladder easy TMALVahxfc8-00095-00021495-00021663 access to get to TMALVahxfc8-00096-00021664-00021814 everything like that TMALVahxfc8-00097-00021815-00021999 and then a great bathroom back here in TMALVahxfc8-00098-00022000-00022271 the back with a walk-in shower TMALVahxfc8-00099-00022272-00022511 mirrored medicine cabinet TMALVahxfc8-00100-00022512-00022750 all the functional stuff built-in TMALVahxfc8-00101-00022751-00023007 central vac system TMALVahxfc8-00102-00023008-00023207 not that anybody ever makes a mess but TMALVahxfc8-00103-00023208-00023478 if you do built-in central back system TMALVahxfc8-00104-00023479-00023750 with a crumb catcher TMALVahxfc8-00105-00023751-00023903 so all you gotta do is split that up TMALVahxfc8-00106-00023904-00024063 somebody spills potato chips on the TMALVahxfc8-00107-00024064-00024214 floor just sweep them right over into TMALVahxfc8-00108-00024215-00024303 there TMALVahxfc8-00109-00024304-00024494 super cool floor plan guys make sure you TMALVahxfc8-00110-00024495-00024663 come out and take out check out this TMALVahxfc8-00111-00024664-00025086 2022 ibex 20 bhs we'll see you soon guys TMALVahxfc8-00112-00025087-00025422 bye-bye TMALVahxfc8-00113-00025423-00026148 [Music] TMALVahxfc8-00114-00026149-00026918 [Music] TMALVahxfc8-00115-00026919-00027127 you TRDgDfe2Wz0-00000-00000079-00000279 you know with this uh with the sanctions TRDgDfe2Wz0-00001-00000280-00000471 that they've put on russia TRDgDfe2Wz0-00002-00000472-00000711 i mean you know biden came out TRDgDfe2Wz0-00003-00000712-00001007 and and said you know that the sanctions TRDgDfe2Wz0-00004-00001008-00001254 you know don't deter the anything TRDgDfe2Wz0-00005-00001255-00001487 and yet they put these sanctions on TRDgDfe2Wz0-00006-00001488-00001743 and inflation is skyrocketing it was TRDgDfe2Wz0-00007-00001744-00001959 going up before then TRDgDfe2Wz0-00008-00001960-00002263 and now it's it's out of control TRDgDfe2Wz0-00009-00002264-00002399 well TRDgDfe2Wz0-00010-00002400-00002583 it was going to be out of control anyway TRDgDfe2Wz0-00011-00002584-00002718 i mean now i think they have a TRDgDfe2Wz0-00012-00002719-00002879 convenient scapegoat where they can TRDgDfe2Wz0-00013-00002880-00003102 blame it all on putin TRDgDfe2Wz0-00014-00003103-00003295 but you know putin you can blame putin TRDgDfe2Wz0-00015-00003296-00003503 for a lot of things but u.s inflation is TRDgDfe2Wz0-00016-00003504-00003703 not one of them uh we're creating the TRDgDfe2Wz0-00017-00003704-00003863 inflation ourselves it's the u.s TRDgDfe2Wz0-00018-00003864-00004063 government it's the u.s federal reserve TRDgDfe2Wz0-00019-00004064-00004263 and you know i don't condone TRDgDfe2Wz0-00020-00004264-00004479 uh what putin is doing TRDgDfe2Wz0-00021-00004480-00004638 but i do think the sanctions are going TRDgDfe2Wz0-00022-00004639-00004879 to backfire which is usually the case TRDgDfe2Wz0-00023-00004880-00005054 with whatever government does i don't TRDgDfe2Wz0-00024-00005055-00005183 think they're going to achieve their TRDgDfe2Wz0-00025-00005184-00005367 desired objective TRDgDfe2Wz0-00026-00005368-00005743 but i think they are going to ultimately TRDgDfe2Wz0-00027-00005744-00005967 uh the u.s economy even further and TRDgDfe2Wz0-00028-00005968-00006191 ultimately put into jeopardy the TRDgDfe2Wz0-00029-00006192-00006391 dollar's role as the reserve currency TRDgDfe2Wz0-00030-00006392-00006598 even sooner than what otherwise would TRDgDfe2Wz0-00031-00006600-00006734 have been the case i mean i think the TRDgDfe2Wz0-00032-00006736-00006959 dollar was on its way out as a global TRDgDfe2Wz0-00033-00006959-00007142 reserve currency but we just gave it a TRDgDfe2Wz0-00034-00007143-00007383 bit of a push and maybe the rest of the TRDgDfe2Wz0-00035-00007384-00007646 world will give up on the dollar sooner TRDgDfe2Wz0-00036-00007647-00007831 rather than later TRDgDfe2Wz0-00037-00007831-00007991 well you know now that china you know TRDgDfe2Wz0-00038-00007992-00008191 china won't come out against russia and TRDgDfe2Wz0-00039-00008192-00008367 the two of them are uniting more and TRDgDfe2Wz0-00040-00008368-00008463 more TRDgDfe2Wz0-00041-00008464-00008695 and india won't come out against russia TRDgDfe2Wz0-00042-00008696-00008791 either TRDgDfe2Wz0-00043-00008792-00008935 and when you're looking at china you TRDgDfe2Wz0-00044-00008936-00009167 know one of my sayings is that the 20th TRDgDfe2Wz0-00045-00009168-00009271 century TRDgDfe2Wz0-00046-00009272-00009574 was the american century and the 21st TRDgDfe2Wz0-00047-00009575-00009735 century is going to be the chinese TRDgDfe2Wz0-00048-00009736-00010006 century because the business of america TRDgDfe2Wz0-00049-00010007-00010151 has been war TRDgDfe2Wz0-00050-00010152-00010455 and the business of china's business TRDgDfe2Wz0-00051-00010456-00010774 and they refused to take a negative TRDgDfe2Wz0-00052-00010775-00010951 stance against TRDgDfe2Wz0-00053-00010952-00011246 russia so do you see you know the yuan TRDgDfe2Wz0-00054-00011247-00011463 going much higher because it's right now TRDgDfe2Wz0-00055-00011464-00011751 it it accounts for very little in in in TRDgDfe2Wz0-00056-00011752-00011895 global trade TRDgDfe2Wz0-00057-00011896-00012095 well i think the chinese currency is TRDgDfe2Wz0-00058-00012096-00012310 going to appreciate rather substantially TRDgDfe2Wz0-00059-00012311-00012478 against the us dollar and i think that's TRDgDfe2Wz0-00060-00012479-00012623 going to be very good for the chinese TRDgDfe2Wz0-00061-00012624-00012799 people it's going to be horrible for the TRDgDfe2Wz0-00062-00012800-00012991 united states because it's going to make TRDgDfe2Wz0-00063-00012991-00013166 chinese goods dramatically more TRDgDfe2Wz0-00064-00013168-00013391 expensive for american consumers so most TRDgDfe2Wz0-00065-00013391-00013615 american consumers will have to give up TRDgDfe2Wz0-00066-00013616-00013855 on on those goods we don't have the TRDgDfe2Wz0-00067-00013856-00014071 ability to produce the goods ourselves TRDgDfe2Wz0-00068-00014072-00014247 it'll take a long time TRDgDfe2Wz0-00069-00014247-00014471 for that to develop but look if you look TRDgDfe2Wz0-00070-00014472-00014558 at TRDgDfe2Wz0-00071-00014559-00014775 china russia and india i mean right TRDgDfe2Wz0-00072-00014776-00014911 there you're close to half the world's TRDgDfe2Wz0-00073-00014912-00015143 population just in those three countries TRDgDfe2Wz0-00074-00015144-00015311 and you have tremendous economic TRDgDfe2Wz0-00075-00015312-00015575 productivity going on in those countries TRDgDfe2Wz0-00076-00015576-00015750 you have china producing all these TRDgDfe2Wz0-00077-00015751-00015975 manufactured goods you have tremendous TRDgDfe2Wz0-00078-00015976-00016263 resources uh production out of russia TRDgDfe2Wz0-00079-00016263-00016479 and there's a lot going on in india as TRDgDfe2Wz0-00080-00016480-00016575 well TRDgDfe2Wz0-00081-00016576-00016727 so you know they don't really need the TRDgDfe2Wz0-00082-00016728-00016863 rest of the world i think those three TRDgDfe2Wz0-00083-00016864-00017086 countries could do very fine even if TRDgDfe2Wz0-00084-00017087-00017279 they were isolated among themselves TRDgDfe2Wz0-00085-00017280-00017430 which they won't be because they'll also TRDgDfe2Wz0-00086-00017431-00017583 be trading with a lot of other parts of TRDgDfe2Wz0-00087-00017584-00017911 the world uh including south america uh TRDgDfe2Wz0-00088-00017912-00018222 africa other parts of southeast asia so TRDgDfe2Wz0-00089-00018223-00018471 you really just have the united states TRDgDfe2Wz0-00090-00018472-00018775 uh western europe and you know maybe the TRDgDfe2Wz0-00091-00018776-00018999 rest of the former united kingdom TRDgDfe2Wz0-00092-00019000-00019158 australia new zealand canada those TRDgDfe2Wz0-00093-00019159-00019391 countries that you know would kind of TRDgDfe2Wz0-00094-00019392-00019727 hold tight in this anti-russia uh TRDgDfe2Wz0-00095-00019728-00019943 sanction mode but uh you know the rest TRDgDfe2Wz0-00096-00019944-00020111 of the world could do very well uh TRDgDfe2Wz0-00097-00020112-00020271 without those countries and the problem TRDgDfe2Wz0-00098-00020272-00020511 is you know we've got the big deaths TRDgDfe2Wz0-00099-00020512-00020694 we've got to borrow all this money and TRDgDfe2Wz0-00100-00020695-00020822 the united states is completely TRDgDfe2Wz0-00101-00020823-00021014 dependent on the rest of the world for TRDgDfe2Wz0-00102-00021015-00021239 the production of the consumer goods TRDgDfe2Wz0-00103-00021240-00021519 uh that that make the economy work and TRDgDfe2Wz0-00104-00021520-00021871 that satisfy uh individual needs and so TRDgDfe2Wz0-00105-00021872-00022039 if we're going to try to piss off and TRDgDfe2Wz0-00106-00022040-00022222 isolate ourselves from our biggest TRDgDfe2Wz0-00107-00022223-00022494 bankers and our biggest suppliers we're TRDgDfe2Wz0-00108-00022495-00022686 we're in for a world of hurt and TRDgDfe2Wz0-00109-00022687-00022878 ultimately the sanctions could be could TRDgDfe2Wz0-00110-00022879-00023055 end up doing a lot more damage in the TRDgDfe2Wz0-00111-00023056-00023311 united states than they do in russia and TRDgDfe2Wz0-00112-00023312-00023494 by the way the russian ruble is actually TRDgDfe2Wz0-00113-00023495-00023655 higher now than it was when the TRDgDfe2Wz0-00114-00023656-00023822 sanctions were imposed there was an TRDgDfe2Wz0-00115-00023823-00024071 initial 40 percent or so drop in the TRDgDfe2Wz0-00116-00024072-00024247 ruble but the ruble has recovered all TRDgDfe2Wz0-00117-00024248-00024447 those losses and is now higher than it TRDgDfe2Wz0-00118-00024448-00024686 was uh when the sanctions were imposed TRDgDfe2Wz0-00119-00024687-00024999 in the day that they invaded ukraine TRDgDfe2Wz0-00120-00025000-00025127 you know the uh TRDgDfe2Wz0-00121-00025128-00025303 going back to what you just said about TRDgDfe2Wz0-00122-00025304-00025550 the when you put together india and TRDgDfe2Wz0-00123-00025551-00025727 china and russia and what are you TRDgDfe2Wz0-00124-00025727-00026006 looking at about uh almost what three TRDgDfe2Wz0-00125-00026007-00026158 billion people right TRDgDfe2Wz0-00126-00026160-00026295 yeah i mean it's better than forty TRDgDfe2Wz0-00127-00026295-00026462 percent closer to fifty percent of the TRDgDfe2Wz0-00128-00026463-00026631 population i mean TRDgDfe2Wz0-00129-00026632-00026951 china is the most populous uh nation and TRDgDfe2Wz0-00130-00026952-00027151 then i think india is number two yeah TRDgDfe2Wz0-00131-00027152-00027327 and they're huge you know you're talking TRDgDfe2Wz0-00132-00027327-00027487 about you know well over a billion TRDgDfe2Wz0-00133-00027488-00027727 people in each country right but yeah TRDgDfe2Wz0-00134-00027727-00027951 about 1.4 billion in each and then you TRDgDfe2Wz0-00135-00027952-00028143 throw russia in there yeah and then you TRDgDfe2Wz0-00136-00028144-00028343 put together all of TRDgDfe2Wz0-00137-00028344-00028567 you know the united states and and TRDgDfe2Wz0-00138-00028568-00028790 european countries and you could throw TRDgDfe2Wz0-00139-00028791-00029031 in in canada there what do you have TRDgDfe2Wz0-00140-00029032-00029311 about 800 million and and you know you TRDgDfe2Wz0-00141-00029312-00029535 you again we go back that nothing is TRDgDfe2Wz0-00142-00029536-00029751 made here anymore and we could thank i TRDgDfe2Wz0-00143-00029752-00029895 guess who was the worst of that bill TRDgDfe2Wz0-00144-00029895-00030087 clinton with nafta and then it got TRDgDfe2Wz0-00145-00030088-00030246 brought in china into the world trade TRDgDfe2Wz0-00146-00030247-00030518 organization it was a nafta you know TRDgDfe2Wz0-00147-00030519-00030751 it's been declining for a long time but TRDgDfe2Wz0-00148-00030752-00030918 the trade deficits really started to TRDgDfe2Wz0-00149-00030919-00031223 explode i think in in the 1980s but a TRDgDfe2Wz0-00150-00031224-00031470 lot of it was the result of going off TRDgDfe2Wz0-00151-00031472-00031702 the gold standard in the 1970s and TRDgDfe2Wz0-00152-00031703-00031895 getting to a position where we no longer TRDgDfe2Wz0-00153-00031895-00032127 had to produce stuff we could just print TRDgDfe2Wz0-00154-00032127-00032318 money because when we were on the gold TRDgDfe2Wz0-00155-00032319-00032455 standard we couldn't just print money TRDgDfe2Wz0-00156-00032456-00032687 because we had to mine gold first uh but TRDgDfe2Wz0-00157-00032688-00032839 once we went off the gold standard and TRDgDfe2Wz0-00158-00032840-00032990 we could just create money out of thin TRDgDfe2Wz0-00159-00032991-00033239 air and then use that money to buy what TRDgDfe2Wz0-00160-00033240-00033479 everybody else produces we started TRDgDfe2Wz0-00161-00033480-00033679 printing more and producing less and TRDgDfe2Wz0-00162-00033680-00033871 relying more and more heavily on the TRDgDfe2Wz0-00163-00033872-00034167 rest of the world and that was also TRDgDfe2Wz0-00164-00034168-00034351 an escape valve for american TRDgDfe2Wz0-00165-00034352-00034631 corporations because as we increased TRDgDfe2Wz0-00166-00034632-00034895 regulation and taxation the way us TRDgDfe2Wz0-00167-00034896-00035118 businesses were able to survive was to TRDgDfe2Wz0-00168-00035119-00035374 move all of their production offshore TRDgDfe2Wz0-00169-00035375-00035567 and to take advantage of what was then TRDgDfe2Wz0-00170-00035568-00035807 much cheaper labor in a regulatory TRDgDfe2Wz0-00171-00035808-00036062 environment that was a lot less costly TRDgDfe2Wz0-00172-00036063-00036343 and so we were able to you know TRDgDfe2Wz0-00173-00036344-00036559 survive because of all that outsourcing TRDgDfe2Wz0-00174-00036560-00036790 but now of course all those decisions TRDgDfe2Wz0-00175-00036791-00036983 are coming back to bite us because we've TRDgDfe2Wz0-00176-00036984-00037255 destroyed the productive capacity of the TRDgDfe2Wz0-00177-00037256-00037495 country and now we're very vulnerable TRDgDfe2Wz0-00178-00037496-00037607 you can look at what's going on with TRDgDfe2Wz0-00179-00037608-00037774 these global supply chains and part of TRDgDfe2Wz0-00180-00037775-00037974 the problem is that whatever we want to TRDgDfe2Wz0-00181-00037975-00038062 buy TRDgDfe2Wz0-00182-00038063-00038262 first has to be shipped over here from TRDgDfe2Wz0-00183-00038263-00038462 china and and not only does it have to TRDgDfe2Wz0-00184-00038463-00038639 be shipped over from china and then TRDgDfe2Wz0-00185-00038640-00038743 unloaded TRDgDfe2Wz0-00186-00038744-00038967 on a port let's say in california but TRDgDfe2Wz0-00187-00038968-00039151 now everything has to be individually TRDgDfe2Wz0-00188-00039152-00039430 loaded up on trucks and sent to various TRDgDfe2Wz0-00189-00039431-00039590 parts of the country TRDgDfe2Wz0-00190-00039591-00039759 you know back when we produced our own TRDgDfe2Wz0-00191-00039760-00039927 stuff we had factories all over the TRDgDfe2Wz0-00192-00039928-00040127 country so stuff didn't have to come TRDgDfe2Wz0-00193-00040128-00040351 here on boats and then a lot of the TRDgDfe2Wz0-00194-00040352-00040590 stuff that was produced was very close TRDgDfe2Wz0-00195-00040591-00040799 to the end consumer but now if TRDgDfe2Wz0-00196-00040800-00040999 everything is showing up in long beach TRDgDfe2Wz0-00197-00041000-00041207 or los angeles and you got to ship it TRDgDfe2Wz0-00198-00041208-00041415 all over the country i mean it's very TRDgDfe2Wz0-00199-00041416-00041599 expensive to distribute all the stuff TRDgDfe2Wz0-00200-00041600-00041783 that we import TRDgDfe2Wz0-00201-00041784-00042007 and that goes back to inflation TRDgDfe2Wz0-00202-00042008-00042199 yeah i mean people forget that the TRDgDfe2Wz0-00203-00042200-00042471 inflation of the 1970s was rooted in the TRDgDfe2Wz0-00204-00042472-00042735 monetary policy and the big deficits of TRDgDfe2Wz0-00205-00042736-00042902 the 1960s TRDgDfe2Wz0-00206-00042903-00043095 and and so the inflation that we're TRDgDfe2Wz0-00207-00043096-00043335 going to experience in this decade that TRDgDfe2Wz0-00208-00043336-00043551 has just started is going to be far TRDgDfe2Wz0-00209-00043552-00043758 worse than anything that we experienced TRDgDfe2Wz0-00210-00043759-00044030 during the 1970s because the monetary TRDgDfe2Wz0-00211-00044031-00044215 and fiscal mistakes that were made this TRDgDfe2Wz0-00212-00044216-00044430 time are much bigger than the ones that TRDgDfe2Wz0-00213-00044431-00044639 were made last time and in fact if you TRDgDfe2Wz0-00214-00044640-00044895 look at year-over-year cpi which the TRDgDfe2Wz0-00215-00044896-00045055 government claims to be about eight TRDgDfe2Wz0-00216-00045056-00045151 percent TRDgDfe2Wz0-00217-00045152-00045479 if we were measuring the cpi today using TRDgDfe2Wz0-00218-00045480-00045718 the same cpi index that we were TRDgDfe2Wz0-00219-00045719-00045823 measuring TRDgDfe2Wz0-00220-00045824-00046079 using during the 1970s TRDgDfe2Wz0-00221-00046080-00046343 the cpi would be at least double TRDgDfe2Wz0-00222-00046344-00046502 what the government is reporting so it's TRDgDfe2Wz0-00223-00046503-00046767 not eight percent it's 16 TRDgDfe2Wz0-00224-00046768-00047055 and so by that measure we are already TRDgDfe2Wz0-00225-00047056-00047318 experiencing inflation that is worse TRDgDfe2Wz0-00226-00047319-00047630 than any year of the 1970s or the early TRDgDfe2Wz0-00227-00047631-00047990 1980s and this is 2022. this decade is TRDgDfe2Wz0-00228-00047991-00048199 just getting started imagine how much TRDgDfe2Wz0-00229-00048200-00048367 higher inflation is going to be when TRDgDfe2Wz0-00230-00048368-00048711 we're nearing the end of the decade TRDgDfe2Wz0-00231-00048712-00049071 you know uh in 1971 the treasury TRDgDfe2Wz0-00232-00049072-00049262 secretary was TRDgDfe2Wz0-00233-00049263-00049511 john connelly TRDgDfe2Wz0-00234-00049512-00049695 that's the guy that also took the bullet TRDgDfe2Wz0-00235-00049696-00049967 in the back sitting in front of jfk as a TRDgDfe2Wz0-00236-00049968-00050102 democrat TRDgDfe2Wz0-00237-00050103-00050371 and he wanted to meet me back in TRDgDfe2Wz0-00238-00050372-00050662 1992 because in one of my books trend TRDgDfe2Wz0-00239-00050663-00050974 tracking i had forecast that um TRDgDfe2Wz0-00240-00050975-00051167 there'd be a new third party and someone TRDgDfe2Wz0-00241-00051168-00051350 like ross perot TRDgDfe2Wz0-00242-00051351-00051566 would be the candidate TRDgDfe2Wz0-00243-00051567-00051807 so i went down to dallas i have a photo TRDgDfe2Wz0-00244-00051808-00051966 of me him and his wife nelly in front of TRDgDfe2Wz0-00245-00051967-00052190 the book depository the first time back TRDgDfe2Wz0-00246-00052191-00052358 since the assassination TRDgDfe2Wz0-00247-00052359-00052535 as we're working walking back into the TRDgDfe2Wz0-00248-00052536-00052799 anatole hotel he looks at me and he said TRDgDfe2Wz0-00249-00052800-00052966 you know i read your book he says a fine TRDgDfe2Wz0-00250-00052967-00053087 piece of work TRDgDfe2Wz0-00251-00053088-00053238 he said i know your heart's in the right TRDgDfe2Wz0-00252-00053239-00053342 place TRDgDfe2Wz0-00253-00053344-00053471 he said well you don't have a clue TRDgDfe2Wz0-00254-00053472-00053623 what's going on TRDgDfe2Wz0-00255-00053624-00053871 and neither do the american people TRDgDfe2Wz0-00256-00053872-00054047 because if they did TRDgDfe2Wz0-00257-00054048-00054350 there'd be a revolution in this country TRDgDfe2Wz0-00258-00054351-00054519 again this is the guy that was a TRDgDfe2Wz0-00259-00054520-00054742 treasury secretary when they took us off TRDgDfe2Wz0-00260-00054744-00054919 the gold standard TRDgDfe2Wz0-00261-00054920-00054991 and TRDgDfe2Wz0-00262-00054991-00055135 going back to what you talked about TRDgDfe2Wz0-00263-00055136-00055494 inflation and again these sanctions have TRDgDfe2Wz0-00264-00055495-00055823 escalated inflation across the globe the TRDgDfe2Wz0-00265-00055824-00055999 emerging markets are being hit the TRDgDfe2Wz0-00266-00056000-00056247 hardest prices you know TRDgDfe2Wz0-00267-00056248-00056550 again from palladium to to oil and all TRDgDfe2Wz0-00268-00056551-00056766 across the board are going up TRDgDfe2Wz0-00269-00056767-00057054 i want to talk and ask you about TRDgDfe2Wz0-00270-00057055-00057263 the interest rates TRDgDfe2Wz0-00271-00057264-00057479 what do you think how much do you think TRDgDfe2Wz0-00272-00057479-00057719 they're going to go up in the states TRDgDfe2Wz0-00273-00057720-00057903 and what do you think the breaking point TRDgDfe2Wz0-00274-00057904-00058207 is going to be when they get too high TRDgDfe2Wz0-00275-00058208-00058454 well first of all interest rates are TRDgDfe2Wz0-00276-00058455-00058711 going substantially higher from here i TRDgDfe2Wz0-00277-00058712-00058919 mean they're still much too low we're TRDgDfe2Wz0-00278-00058920-00059142 now kind of approaching three percent TRDgDfe2Wz0-00279-00059144-00059359 yields on u.s treasuries we're not quite TRDgDfe2Wz0-00280-00059360-00059638 there yet the yield on a two-year us TRDgDfe2Wz0-00281-00059639-00059894 treasury is about 2.75 TRDgDfe2Wz0-00282-00059895-00060103 and if you go out 30 years you're about TRDgDfe2Wz0-00283-00060104-00060423 2.6 so we're still below three TRDgDfe2Wz0-00284-00060424-00060654 but if you figure that inflation is TRDgDfe2Wz0-00285-00060655-00060735 eight TRDgDfe2Wz0-00286-00060736-00060926 and that's what the government admits as TRDgDfe2Wz0-00287-00060927-00061175 i said it's at least double that but if TRDgDfe2Wz0-00288-00061176-00061391 you just accept the government's version TRDgDfe2Wz0-00289-00061391-00061647 of inflation at eight percent TRDgDfe2Wz0-00290-00061648-00061815 why would you loan money to the us TRDgDfe2Wz0-00291-00061816-00062047 government for 30 years at three percent TRDgDfe2Wz0-00292-00062048-00062271 i mean you're losing five percent per TRDgDfe2Wz0-00293-00062272-00062550 year to inflation your your principal is TRDgDfe2Wz0-00294-00062551-00062799 being eroded in value and you're not TRDgDfe2Wz0-00295-00062800-00063023 being compensated for that at all TRDgDfe2Wz0-00296-00063024-00063254 on the coupon interest rates need to be TRDgDfe2Wz0-00297-00063255-00063447 much higher than the rate of inflation TRDgDfe2Wz0-00298-00063448-00063775 you know in 1980 volca had short-term TRDgDfe2Wz0-00299-00063776-00063935 rates up to 20 TRDgDfe2Wz0-00300-00063936-00064279 the highest inflation got in 1980 was 13 TRDgDfe2Wz0-00301-00064279-00064550 and a half percent so you had a huge gap TRDgDfe2Wz0-00302-00064551-00064791 there between the interest rate and the TRDgDfe2Wz0-00303-00064791-00065015 inflation rate so there were very strong TRDgDfe2Wz0-00304-00065016-00065254 positive real interest rates we still TRDgDfe2Wz0-00305-00065255-00065463 have historically low negative interest TRDgDfe2Wz0-00306-00065464-00065711 rates the fed is continuing to fuel the TRDgDfe2Wz0-00307-00065712-00065871 inflation fire TRDgDfe2Wz0-00308-00065872-00066038 by holding interest rates artificially TRDgDfe2Wz0-00309-00066039-00066175 low even though they're raising them TRDgDfe2Wz0-00310-00066176-00066367 they're raising them slowly and even if TRDgDfe2Wz0-00311-00066368-00066582 they raise them by in 50 basis points TRDgDfe2Wz0-00312-00066583-00066815 clips that's still too slow TRDgDfe2Wz0-00313-00066816-00067103 i think that if the fed follows through TRDgDfe2Wz0-00314-00067104-00067343 with its threat to shrink its balance TRDgDfe2Wz0-00315-00067344-00067511 sheet and that really is a threat TRDgDfe2Wz0-00316-00067512-00067679 because if the fed shrinks its balance TRDgDfe2Wz0-00317-00067680-00067975 sheet bond prices are going to implode TRDgDfe2Wz0-00318-00067976-00068150 because that means the federal reserve TRDgDfe2Wz0-00319-00068151-00068375 is now competing with the u.s treasury TRDgDfe2Wz0-00320-00068376-00068550 the treasury has to unload two and a TRDgDfe2Wz0-00321-00068551-00068806 half trillion worth of bonds this year TRDgDfe2Wz0-00322-00068807-00068959 if the federal reserve is going to TRDgDfe2Wz0-00323-00068960-00069175 unload another trillion or trillion and TRDgDfe2Wz0-00324-00069176-00069391 a half you got 4 trillion TRDgDfe2Wz0-00325-00069392-00069575 worth of low yielding treasuries looking TRDgDfe2Wz0-00326-00069576-00069767 for buyers and by the way the social TRDgDfe2Wz0-00327-00069768-00069975 security so-called trust funds they're TRDgDfe2Wz0-00328-00069976-00070150 now selling treasuries too because TRDgDfe2Wz0-00329-00070151-00070350 they're running a deficit so TRDgDfe2Wz0-00330-00070351-00070535 the government is trying to unload TRDgDfe2Wz0-00331-00070536-00070799 trillions and trillions of low yielding TRDgDfe2Wz0-00332-00070800-00071111 bonds in a high inflationary environment TRDgDfe2Wz0-00333-00071112-00071343 bond prices have to collapse interest TRDgDfe2Wz0-00334-00071344-00071606 rates have to skyrocket and that's going TRDgDfe2Wz0-00335-00071607-00071919 to wreak havoc in the stock market in TRDgDfe2Wz0-00336-00071920-00072126 the real estate market the entire u.s TRDgDfe2Wz0-00337-00072127-00072423 economy because thanks to the fed TRDgDfe2Wz0-00338-00072424-00072679 everybody is loaded up with debt the TRDgDfe2Wz0-00339-00072680-00072887 government is loaded up with debt on all TRDgDfe2Wz0-00340-00072888-00073159 levels federal state local corporations TRDgDfe2Wz0-00341-00073160-00073471 households everybody has been gorging on TRDgDfe2Wz0-00342-00073472-00073711 debt thanks to artificially low interest TRDgDfe2Wz0-00343-00073712-00073975 rates which made that debt appear TRDgDfe2Wz0-00344-00073976-00074215 manageable based on how low the TRDgDfe2Wz0-00345-00074216-00074415 servicing costs were well all of a TRDgDfe2Wz0-00346-00074416-00074662 sudden the interest costs skyrocket on TRDgDfe2Wz0-00347-00074663-00074855 all this adjustable rate or short-term TRDgDfe2Wz0-00348-00074856-00075159 debt and now debt that was manageable is TRDgDfe2Wz0-00349-00075160-00075375 completely unaffordable and that means TRDgDfe2Wz0-00350-00075376-00075582 the debtor's default and we know what TRDgDfe2Wz0-00351-00075583-00075831 happens then we saw that movie you know TRDgDfe2Wz0-00352-00075832-00076055 in 2008 only the sequel is going to be TRDgDfe2Wz0-00353-00076056-00076255 even worse which is generally the case TRDgDfe2Wz0-00354-00076256-00076423 right with sequels and you're going to TRDgDfe2Wz0-00355-00076424-00076631 see a bigger wave of defaults and TRDgDfe2Wz0-00356-00076632-00076855 bankruptcies and foreclosures in this TRDgDfe2Wz0-00357-00076856-00077055 financial crisis which again will be TRDgDfe2Wz0-00358-00077056-00077238 much worse than the last one because TRDgDfe2Wz0-00359-00077239-00077447 it's also going to be a currency crisis TRDgDfe2Wz0-00360-00077448-00077655 we're going to have massive inflation at TRDgDfe2Wz0-00361-00077656-00077815 the same time we have the financial TRDgDfe2Wz0-00362-00077816-00077982 crisis TRDgDfe2Wz0-00363-00077983-00078175 when do you think the breakout point TRDgDfe2Wz0-00364-00078176-00078399 like the latest data is showing that TRDgDfe2Wz0-00365-00078400-00078655 what a new mortgage applications are TRDgDfe2Wz0-00366-00078656-00078911 down like 40 or something TRDgDfe2Wz0-00367-00078912-00079175 and and the markets are starting to take TRDgDfe2Wz0-00368-00079176-00079262 a hit TRDgDfe2Wz0-00369-00079263-00079543 when do you think what pers TRDgDfe2Wz0-00370-00079544-00079694 before i go further TRDgDfe2Wz0-00371-00079695-00079903 the the imf TRDgDfe2Wz0-00372-00079904-00080223 says that i believe TRDgDfe2Wz0-00373-00080224-00080455 interest rates should be at least one TRDgDfe2Wz0-00374-00080456-00080662 percent above TRDgDfe2Wz0-00375-00080663-00080919 the inflation rate TRDgDfe2Wz0-00376-00080920-00081111 so that would mean if we're at eight TRDgDfe2Wz0-00377-00081112-00081399 percent now the inflate the the uh the TRDgDfe2Wz0-00378-00081400-00081535 interest rate should be one percent TRDgDfe2Wz0-00379-00081536-00081799 above inflation so our interest rates TRDgDfe2Wz0-00380-00081800-00082126 should be now at least what nine percent TRDgDfe2Wz0-00381-00082127-00082318 yeah and well i would i would want more TRDgDfe2Wz0-00382-00082319-00082503 than one percent above inflation because TRDgDfe2Wz0-00383-00082504-00082671 that's not a good enough return i mean TRDgDfe2Wz0-00384-00082672-00082911 one percent no but i'm just saying yeah TRDgDfe2Wz0-00385-00082912-00083111 you know even what they're saying yeah TRDgDfe2Wz0-00386-00083112-00083303 and then you take not only the united TRDgDfe2Wz0-00387-00083304-00083567 states but the ecb i mean you've got TRDgDfe2Wz0-00388-00083568-00083750 negative interest rates over there well TRDgDfe2Wz0-00389-00083751-00083887 there's negative interest rates TRDgDfe2Wz0-00390-00083888-00084031 everywhere i think they're the most TRDgDfe2Wz0-00391-00084032-00084206 negative here because we've actually got TRDgDfe2Wz0-00392-00084207-00084391 the highest inflation so even though we TRDgDfe2Wz0-00393-00084392-00084591 have higher nominal rates TRDgDfe2Wz0-00394-00084592-00084759 than what you would find in europe or TRDgDfe2Wz0-00395-00084760-00085047 japan we have lower real rates because TRDgDfe2Wz0-00396-00085048-00085279 our inflation rate is higher and of TRDgDfe2Wz0-00397-00085280-00085399 course you know TRDgDfe2Wz0-00398-00085400-00085599 that's the unofficial the real inflation TRDgDfe2Wz0-00399-00085600-00085847 rate or the official one the real one is TRDgDfe2Wz0-00400-00085848-00086111 is is quite a bit higher than that but TRDgDfe2Wz0-00401-00086112-00086343 look when when mortgage rates go up and TRDgDfe2Wz0-00402-00086344-00086518 now they're back up to about five TRDgDfe2Wz0-00403-00086519-00086791 percent right and historically that's TRDgDfe2Wz0-00404-00086792-00087111 still low yeah but in recent years TRDgDfe2Wz0-00405-00087112-00087271 they've been well below four i mean we TRDgDfe2Wz0-00406-00087272-00087455 were people were getting mortgages below TRDgDfe2Wz0-00407-00087456-00087671 three and a half percent on 30-year TRDgDfe2Wz0-00408-00087672-00087831 fixed and you know if you look at home TRDgDfe2Wz0-00409-00087832-00088015 prices you know because they're up like TRDgDfe2Wz0-00410-00088016-00088303 20 year-over-year home prices are at TRDgDfe2Wz0-00411-00088304-00088615 record highs and home affordability is TRDgDfe2Wz0-00412-00088616-00088838 at a record low and that's before TRDgDfe2Wz0-00413-00088839-00089055 interest rates go up so the only thing TRDgDfe2Wz0-00414-00089056-00089311 that's keeping these overpriced homes TRDgDfe2Wz0-00415-00089312-00089550 marginally affordable is the low TRDgDfe2Wz0-00416-00089551-00089750 mortgage rates but if you take away TRDgDfe2Wz0-00417-00089751-00089950 those low mortgage rates and mortgage TRDgDfe2Wz0-00418-00089951-00090150 rates move back up to maybe seven eight TRDgDfe2Wz0-00419-00090151-00090447 nine percent which is was normal you TRDgDfe2Wz0-00420-00090448-00090687 know before the 08 financial crisis we TRDgDfe2Wz0-00421-00090688-00090879 get mortgage rates back there TRDgDfe2Wz0-00422-00090880-00091062 something's got to give you other way TRDgDfe2Wz0-00423-00091063-00091223 otherwise nobody can afford to buy a TRDgDfe2Wz0-00424-00091224-00091431 house and what's going to give are the TRDgDfe2Wz0-00425-00091432-00091631 home prices home prices are going to TRDgDfe2Wz0-00426-00091632-00091838 crash but what's not going to happen TRDgDfe2Wz0-00427-00091839-00092087 though is new construction because TRDgDfe2Wz0-00428-00092088-00092382 inflation is driving the cost of cr of TRDgDfe2Wz0-00429-00092383-00092687 building new homes through the roof so TRDgDfe2Wz0-00430-00092688-00092903 we're not going to get any new homes TRDgDfe2Wz0-00431-00092904-00093023 if you want a home you're going to have TRDgDfe2Wz0-00432-00093024-00093167 to buy one of the homes that already TRDgDfe2Wz0-00433-00093168-00093335 exists TRDgDfe2Wz0-00434-00093336-00093438 but TRDgDfe2Wz0-00435-00093439-00093582 you know if you if you don't have any TRDgDfe2Wz0-00436-00093583-00093823 money and somebody wants to sell you a TRDgDfe2Wz0-00437-00093824-00093967 house i mean the price is going to have TRDgDfe2Wz0-00438-00093968-00094111 to go down TRDgDfe2Wz0-00439-00094112-00094279 at some point real estate could become TRDgDfe2Wz0-00440-00094280-00094487 an all-cash market because most people TRDgDfe2Wz0-00441-00094488-00094638 may not even be able to qualify for a TRDgDfe2Wz0-00442-00094639-00094791 mortgage yeah TRDgDfe2Wz0-00443-00094792-00094935 but when do you think what what TRDgDfe2Wz0-00444-00094936-00095111 inflation rate do you TRDgDfe2Wz0-00445-00095112-00095287 interest rate do you think TRDgDfe2Wz0-00446-00095288-00095511 when the fed gets it goes to TRDgDfe2Wz0-00447-00095512-00095662 that it's really going to bring down the TRDgDfe2Wz0-00448-00095663-00095879 markets and the economy well i think TRDgDfe2Wz0-00449-00095880-00096023 we're already there i mean i think the TRDgDfe2Wz0-00450-00096024-00096255 market's already broke TRDgDfe2Wz0-00451-00096256-00096471 we just haven't collapsed yet but i TRDgDfe2Wz0-00452-00096472-00096711 think we're headed lower the bond market TRDgDfe2Wz0-00453-00096712-00096838 clearly broke TRDgDfe2Wz0-00454-00096839-00097050 uh but if you go back to TRDgDfe2Wz0-00455-00097051-00097215 2018 TRDgDfe2Wz0-00456-00097216-00097503 the wheels really came off the bus TRDgDfe2Wz0-00457-00097504-00097759 in the fourth quarter of 2018 i remember TRDgDfe2Wz0-00458-00097760-00097959 the fed got rates up to about two and a TRDgDfe2Wz0-00459-00097960-00098159 quarter two and a half and then they had TRDgDfe2Wz0-00460-00098160-00098318 to stop hiking TRDgDfe2Wz0-00461-00098319-00098535 and then they had to stop quantitative TRDgDfe2Wz0-00462-00098536-00098735 tightening and they ultimately went back TRDgDfe2Wz0-00463-00098736-00098926 to zero in qe TRDgDfe2Wz0-00464-00098927-00099135 in march of 2020 TRDgDfe2Wz0-00465-00099136-00099343 with covet as the excuse TRDgDfe2Wz0-00466-00099344-00099543 this time around i think the breaking TRDgDfe2Wz0-00467-00099544-00099791 point is much lower than what it was in TRDgDfe2Wz0-00468-00099792-00100094 2018 because the breaking point is a TRDgDfe2Wz0-00469-00100095-00100287 function of how much debt you have so TRDgDfe2Wz0-00470-00100288-00100518 the more debt you have the bigger the TRDgDfe2Wz0-00471-00100519-00100806 impact an increase in interest rates is TRDgDfe2Wz0-00472-00100807-00101094 and the lower the increase has to be to TRDgDfe2Wz0-00473-00101095-00101343 create that impact so because we have so TRDgDfe2Wz0-00474-00101344-00101615 much more debt now than we did before TRDgDfe2Wz0-00475-00101616-00101871 coving the economy is more levered up TRDgDfe2Wz0-00476-00101872-00102174 and more dependent on cheap money TRDgDfe2Wz0-00477-00102175-00102447 as that money becomes less cheap you're TRDgDfe2Wz0-00478-00102448-00102639 going to have a collapse quicker it's TRDgDfe2Wz0-00479-00102640-00102839 like we have a much bigger drug hub TRDgDfe2Wz0-00480-00102840-00102966 habit now TRDgDfe2Wz0-00481-00102967-00103151 and because this drug habit is so much TRDgDfe2Wz0-00482-00103152-00103399 bigger we're going to go into a relapse TRDgDfe2Wz0-00483-00103400-00103678 and withdrawal much sooner eat with an TRDgDfe2Wz0-00484-00103679-00104039 even smaller uh reduction in the dose of TRDgDfe2Wz0-00485-00104040-00104310 our of our you know monetary heroin TRDgDfe2Wz0-00486-00104311-00104463 which is where we're going where we're TRDgDfe2Wz0-00487-00104464-00104718 headed so i don't even know if the fed's TRDgDfe2Wz0-00488-00104719-00104927 going to get to one percent before TRDgDfe2Wz0-00489-00104928-00105078 everything crashes i mean right now TRDgDfe2Wz0-00490-00105079-00105351 we're at a quarter of one percent so one TRDgDfe2Wz0-00491-00105352-00105431 more TRDgDfe2Wz0-00492-00105432-00105734 150 basis point rate hike that might do TRDgDfe2Wz0-00493-00105735-00106076 it you know TXiKGcsRMFI-00000-00006015-00007839 [Music] TXiKGcsRMFI-00001-00007840-00008820 so TXiKGcsRMFI-00002-00008821-00008951 [Music] TXiKGcsRMFI-00003-00008952-00009239 welcome to the mind body and soul show TXiKGcsRMFI-00004-00009240-00009431 with artist author and personal TXiKGcsRMFI-00005-00009432-00009710 development coach john morris TXiKGcsRMFI-00006-00009711-00009942 inspiring motivating and educating you TXiKGcsRMFI-00007-00009943-00010127 on your journey to find balance in the TXiKGcsRMFI-00008-00010128-00010342 craziness of day-to-day life TXiKGcsRMFI-00009-00010343-00010527 learn from and listen to a man who has a TXiKGcsRMFI-00010-00010528-00010767 wealth of life experience from business TXiKGcsRMFI-00011-00010768-00011063 to bodybuilding artist to author and has TXiKGcsRMFI-00012-00011064-00011238 learned to deal with his own physical TXiKGcsRMFI-00013-00011239-00011446 and mental wellness TXiKGcsRMFI-00014-00011447-00011631 but that's not all TXiKGcsRMFI-00015-00011632-00011831 each week john will be joined by guests TXiKGcsRMFI-00016-00011832-00012006 from around the world and all walks of TXiKGcsRMFI-00017-00012007-00012151 life TXiKGcsRMFI-00018-00012152-00012270 where they too will share their TXiKGcsRMFI-00019-00012271-00012510 knowledge and expertise TXiKGcsRMFI-00020-00012511-00012687 and now we welcome you to today's TXiKGcsRMFI-00021-00012688-00012974 episode of the mind body and soul show TXiKGcsRMFI-00022-00012975-00013250 with your host john TXiKGcsRMFI-00023-00013251-00014083 [Music] TXiKGcsRMFI-00024-00014084-00014335 morris well hi there folks i hope you're TXiKGcsRMFI-00025-00014336-00014503 doing great wherever you are in the TXiKGcsRMFI-00026-00014504-00014719 world today welcome to the mind body and TXiKGcsRMFI-00027-00014719-00014927 soul show where we help you find balance TXiKGcsRMFI-00028-00014928-00015150 in the craziness of day-to-day life i am TXiKGcsRMFI-00029-00015151-00015327 as always your host john morris and TXiKGcsRMFI-00030-00015328-00015503 today i'm really really excited because TXiKGcsRMFI-00031-00015504-00015638 we're going to be talking about a topic TXiKGcsRMFI-00032-00015640-00015822 once again that often doesn't get TXiKGcsRMFI-00033-00015823-00015919 covered TXiKGcsRMFI-00034-00015919-00016135 the topic today is really about marriage TXiKGcsRMFI-00035-00016136-00016430 and success and it's really more about TXiKGcsRMFI-00036-00016431-00016703 the pursuit of success relationships and TXiKGcsRMFI-00037-00016704-00016855 entrepreneurs TXiKGcsRMFI-00038-00016856-00017071 and business folk tend to be TXiKGcsRMFI-00039-00017072-00017167 you know TXiKGcsRMFI-00040-00017168-00017311 that they go into relationships but it TXiKGcsRMFI-00041-00017312-00017494 tends to be one of the most shakiest and TXiKGcsRMFI-00042-00017495-00017783 most talked about subject of all mainly TXiKGcsRMFI-00043-00017784-00017975 because in the pursuit of success the TXiKGcsRMFI-00044-00017976-00018111 family is the thing that's usually TXiKGcsRMFI-00045-00018112-00018358 forgotten about or sacrificed TXiKGcsRMFI-00046-00018359-00018550 my guests today though TXiKGcsRMFI-00047-00018551-00018822 have shared their marriage union for TXiKGcsRMFI-00048-00018823-00019055 over 37 years if you can believe that TXiKGcsRMFI-00049-00019056-00019230 they have survived and thrived in the TXiKGcsRMFI-00050-00019231-00019399 world of business and entrepreneurship TXiKGcsRMFI-00051-00019400-00019607 and i can think of no two better people TXiKGcsRMFI-00052-00019608-00019783 to speak on this subject i'm going to TXiKGcsRMFI-00053-00019784-00019999 introduce them individually TXiKGcsRMFI-00054-00020000-00020207 because they are two incredible human TXiKGcsRMFI-00055-00020208-00020503 beings firstly a man who took a company TXiKGcsRMFI-00056-00020504-00020703 that was losing a million plus dollars TXiKGcsRMFI-00057-00020704-00020935 per year and turned it right around to TXiKGcsRMFI-00058-00020936-00021127 make it one of the most successful if TXiKGcsRMFI-00059-00021128-00021278 not the most successful wrestling TXiKGcsRMFI-00060-00021279-00021455 companies in the entire world he's TXiKGcsRMFI-00061-00021456-00021607 entrepreneur he's an author and a TXiKGcsRMFI-00062-00021608-00021783 podcaster in his own right with a TXiKGcsRMFI-00063-00021784-00022030 successful show 83 weeks he is the TXiKGcsRMFI-00064-00022031-00022294 awesome eric bischoff and before i bring TXiKGcsRMFI-00065-00022295-00022486 them on we're just going to introduce TXiKGcsRMFI-00066-00022487-00022767 his wonderful wife as well podcaster in TXiKGcsRMFI-00067-00022768-00022983 her own right with her podcast show TXiKGcsRMFI-00068-00022984-00023214 we're talking shift health and nutrition TXiKGcsRMFI-00069-00023215-00023447 coach author and my friend the awesome TXiKGcsRMFI-00070-00023448-00023671 lori bishop so welcome to you both how TXiKGcsRMFI-00071-00023672-00023886 are you doing today TXiKGcsRMFI-00072-00023887-00024111 doing great excellent john thanks for TXiKGcsRMFI-00073-00024112-00024350 having us i got my jar of moonshine here TXiKGcsRMFI-00074-00024351-00024535 we're famous for moonshine here in the TXiKGcsRMFI-00075-00024536-00024758 states i like to start my day with a TXiKGcsRMFI-00076-00024759-00024927 little moonshine TXiKGcsRMFI-00077-00024928-00025283 room temperature of course no ice TXiKGcsRMFI-00078-00025284-00025494 um what kind of morning is it eric you TXiKGcsRMFI-00079-00025495-00025702 know yeah no it's TXiKGcsRMFI-00080-00025704-00025943 gonna hydrate you know absolutely i've TXiKGcsRMFI-00081-00025944-00026143 got my bucket what's up me and i know TXiKGcsRMFI-00082-00026144-00026302 laura you've always got yours as well TXiKGcsRMFI-00083-00026304-00026590 how's the weather out there for you guys TXiKGcsRMFI-00084-00026591-00026870 uh it's beautiful today um as a matter TXiKGcsRMFI-00085-00026872-00027046 of fact lori got me up early so i was TXiKGcsRMFI-00086-00027047-00027199 prepared for this and TXiKGcsRMFI-00087-00027200-00027439 i took my dog nikki outside and went wow TXiKGcsRMFI-00088-00027439-00027607 this is gonna be a beautiful day today TXiKGcsRMFI-00089-00027608-00027974 probably mid 50s fahrenheit not celsius TXiKGcsRMFI-00090-00027975-00028214 and a little sunny but uh gorgeous TXiKGcsRMFI-00091-00028216-00028462 actually good and it's actually been TXiKGcsRMFI-00092-00028463-00028599 laurie and i we always laugh about the TXiKGcsRMFI-00093-00028600-00028814 weather whenever we do our show together TXiKGcsRMFI-00094-00028816-00029014 um the weather outside has actually been TXiKGcsRMFI-00095-00029016-00029295 very very warm today unusually warm uh TXiKGcsRMFI-00096-00029295-00029431 for this time of year and we're only TXiKGcsRMFI-00097-00029432-00029662 just looking from heating up now folks TXiKGcsRMFI-00098-00029663-00029870 so we're into november we're in scotland TXiKGcsRMFI-00099-00029872-00030046 and we've survived until november before TXiKGcsRMFI-00100-00030047-00030279 putting central heating on so that's TXiKGcsRMFI-00101-00030280-00030567 a big success thing for sure TXiKGcsRMFI-00102-00030568-00030679 okay TXiKGcsRMFI-00103-00030680-00030870 so laurie and eric you know you guys TXiKGcsRMFI-00104-00030872-00031118 have survived 30 years of 37 years of TXiKGcsRMFI-00105-00031119-00031343 marriage which is a phenomenal thing in TXiKGcsRMFI-00106-00031344-00031646 itself um absolutely incredible um TXiKGcsRMFI-00107-00031647-00032151 briefly how did the two of you meet TXiKGcsRMFI-00108-00032152-00032518 um i forgot it was a long time for now TXiKGcsRMFI-00109-00032519-00032767 i need my prevagen prevagen please TXiKGcsRMFI-00110-00032768-00032935 prevagen on the set TXiKGcsRMFI-00111-00032936-00033107 i call him mr romance TXiKGcsRMFI-00112-00033108-00033327 [Laughter] TXiKGcsRMFI-00113-00033328-00033711 no we we we met um at a time when i was TXiKGcsRMFI-00114-00033712-00034055 kind of dabbling in the uh fashion model TXiKGcsRMFI-00115-00034056-00034335 business and laurie and a good friend of TXiKGcsRMFI-00116-00034336-00034631 hers had created their own agency lori TXiKGcsRMFI-00117-00034632-00034790 had been modeling for a long time since TXiKGcsRMFI-00118-00034791-00035015 she was just a youngin as they say here TXiKGcsRMFI-00119-00035016-00035255 in the states just a youngin TXiKGcsRMFI-00120-00035256-00035495 um nobody says that here well they do in TXiKGcsRMFI-00121-00035496-00035646 alabama i was just there last week we're TXiKGcsRMFI-00122-00035647-00035927 in wyoming nobody says that here TXiKGcsRMFI-00123-00035928-00036118 but she had been modeling since she was TXiKGcsRMFI-00124-00036119-00036351 a child and TXiKGcsRMFI-00125-00036352-00036455 her and a friend decided they're going TXiKGcsRMFI-00126-00036456-00036623 to start their own agency and i happened TXiKGcsRMFI-00127-00036624-00036839 to wander in one day looking for a gig TXiKGcsRMFI-00128-00036840-00036902 and TXiKGcsRMFI-00129-00036903-00037087 i looked over and lori was standing she TXiKGcsRMFI-00130-00037088-00037246 had her back to me TXiKGcsRMFI-00131-00037247-00037471 um she was doing something and i was out TXiKGcsRMFI-00132-00037472-00037646 in another part of the office but i took TXiKGcsRMFI-00133-00037647-00037855 a glimpse in her office and TXiKGcsRMFI-00134-00037856-00038174 i said huh how about that TXiKGcsRMFI-00135-00038175-00038487 and that's where it all started TXiKGcsRMFI-00136-00038488-00038790 it's a true romance still reason TXiKGcsRMFI-00137-00038791-00039102 yeah mr romance hey i'm being authentic TXiKGcsRMFI-00138-00039103-00039295 right that's what that's what we do here TXiKGcsRMFI-00139-00039296-00039502 lee yes because there's a lot of people TXiKGcsRMFI-00140-00039503-00039655 that will say oh we TXiKGcsRMFI-00141-00039656-00039911 an eyes crossed lovingly across the room TXiKGcsRMFI-00142-00039912-00040079 you know katie and i we met online we TXiKGcsRMFI-00143-00040080-00040295 had our first date and everything just TXiKGcsRMFI-00144-00040296-00040559 clicked um it was not one of those TXiKGcsRMFI-00145-00040560-00040767 whirlwind romances she initially saw my TXiKGcsRMFI-00146-00040768-00040902 profile picture and thought i was a TXiKGcsRMFI-00147-00040903-00041102 really old guy and then she saw a little TXiKGcsRMFI-00148-00041103-00041262 bit closer and was like oh wow he's TXiKGcsRMFI-00149-00041263-00041439 actually not so TXiKGcsRMFI-00150-00041440-00041695 there you go um but um TXiKGcsRMFI-00151-00041696-00041855 one of the things i find about TXiKGcsRMFI-00152-00041856-00042046 relationships in particular with both TXiKGcsRMFI-00153-00042047-00042190 the people that i work with and friends TXiKGcsRMFI-00154-00042191-00042351 and things is the difference of TXiKGcsRMFI-00155-00042352-00042615 personalities and i'm really intrigued TXiKGcsRMFI-00156-00042616-00042887 to ask you both how your personalities TXiKGcsRMFI-00157-00042888-00043374 personalities differ one from the other TXiKGcsRMFI-00158-00043375-00043727 uh well i would say TXiKGcsRMFI-00159-00043728-00043990 i would say eric is TXiKGcsRMFI-00160-00043991-00044174 got the ability to TXiKGcsRMFI-00161-00044175-00044518 really really focus one of his one of TXiKGcsRMFI-00162-00044519-00044751 his traits is he can kind of just block TXiKGcsRMFI-00163-00044752-00044943 everything else out and focus on one TXiKGcsRMFI-00164-00044944-00045335 thing and and stick with it uh until TXiKGcsRMFI-00165-00045336-00045502 you know until he's done TXiKGcsRMFI-00166-00045503-00045927 um whereas i have a tendency to TXiKGcsRMFI-00167-00045928-00046111 spin plates a lot of plates at the same TXiKGcsRMFI-00168-00046112-00046318 time which sometimes is really fun TXiKGcsRMFI-00169-00046319-00046518 because i like the variety of doing a TXiKGcsRMFI-00170-00046519-00046855 bunch of different things but also TXiKGcsRMFI-00171-00046856-00047102 having having the ability to focus on TXiKGcsRMFI-00172-00047103-00047383 one thing and block out other things is TXiKGcsRMFI-00173-00047384-00047574 something i have to work at so i would TXiKGcsRMFI-00174-00047575-00047727 say that's a big difference between the TXiKGcsRMFI-00175-00047728-00047886 two of us TXiKGcsRMFI-00176-00047887-00048062 i think um TXiKGcsRMFI-00177-00048063-00048246 eric's a big picture TXiKGcsRMFI-00178-00048247-00048343 thinker TXiKGcsRMFI-00179-00048344-00048679 and i'm a detailed person so i think we TXiKGcsRMFI-00180-00048680-00048855 complement each other a lot in that TXiKGcsRMFI-00181-00048856-00048983 respect TXiKGcsRMFI-00182-00048984-00049255 i'm i'm extraordinarily organized and TXiKGcsRMFI-00183-00049256-00049415 detail-oriented TXiKGcsRMFI-00184-00049416-00049702 and and eric is very much focused on on TXiKGcsRMFI-00185-00049703-00049958 the end game and and just knocking down TXiKGcsRMFI-00186-00049959-00050271 the big things to make the vision you TXiKGcsRMFI-00187-00050272-00050446 know happen TXiKGcsRMFI-00188-00050447-00050679 i think that's really really cool yeah TXiKGcsRMFI-00189-00050680-00050862 and i'll take that a step further i TXiKGcsRMFI-00190-00050863-00050951 think TXiKGcsRMFI-00191-00050952-00051111 at the core TXiKGcsRMFI-00192-00051112-00051319 lori is a much more TXiKGcsRMFI-00193-00051320-00051638 pragmatic person than i am she's more TXiKGcsRMFI-00194-00051639-00051902 organized even you know in just TXiKGcsRMFI-00195-00051903-00052046 day-to-day living TXiKGcsRMFI-00196-00052047-00052238 than i am um TXiKGcsRMFI-00197-00052239-00052326 i TXiKGcsRMFI-00198-00052327-00052591 throughout my life TXiKGcsRMFI-00199-00052591-00052759 adult life at least TXiKGcsRMFI-00200-00052760-00053054 have probably reacted more emotionally TXiKGcsRMFI-00201-00053055-00053230 to things where TXiKGcsRMFI-00202-00053232-00053471 laurie tends to TXiKGcsRMFI-00203-00053472-00053791 react a little more intellectually TXiKGcsRMFI-00204-00053791-00054159 uh than i do so that's i think that's a TXiKGcsRMFI-00205-00054160-00054526 big difference at its core and it again TXiKGcsRMFI-00206-00054527-00054711 com we complement each other in that way TXiKGcsRMFI-00207-00054712-00054926 she's talked me off the ledge TXiKGcsRMFI-00208-00054927-00055175 more times than i can count TXiKGcsRMFI-00209-00055176-00055294 um TXiKGcsRMFI-00210-00055295-00055487 but it's helped balance me in that TXiKGcsRMFI-00211-00055488-00055671 respect it's great to be an a-type TXiKGcsRMFI-00212-00055672-00055903 personality which i think i am TXiKGcsRMFI-00213-00055904-00056087 i'm very aggressive you know i see big TXiKGcsRMFI-00214-00056088-00056311 all that happy stuff that sounds great TXiKGcsRMFI-00215-00056312-00056519 but on a day-to-day basis it can TXiKGcsRMFI-00216-00056520-00056726 sometimes be a real problem TXiKGcsRMFI-00217-00056727-00056926 when you're reacting emotionally to TXiKGcsRMFI-00218-00056927-00057111 things instead of kind of breaking them TXiKGcsRMFI-00219-00057112-00057303 down into little pieces and attacking TXiKGcsRMFI-00220-00057304-00057494 them more intellectually than TXiKGcsRMFI-00221-00057495-00057742 emotionally that's really interesting TXiKGcsRMFI-00222-00057744-00058015 because both katie and i share that same TXiKGcsRMFI-00223-00058016-00058150 thing um TXiKGcsRMFI-00224-00058151-00058366 in in a previous life i said i was the TXiKGcsRMFI-00225-00058367-00058607 one that she frequently had to talk off TXiKGcsRMFI-00226-00058608-00058799 the ledge you know and i don't know if TXiKGcsRMFI-00227-00058800-00058950 it's worth something to do with the TXiKGcsRMFI-00228-00058951-00059054 entrepreneur TXiKGcsRMFI-00229-00059055-00059271 entrepreneurial personality the business TXiKGcsRMFI-00230-00059272-00059575 mindset almost um or if it's just that i TXiKGcsRMFI-00231-00059576-00059742 was in a you know completely different TXiKGcsRMFI-00232-00059744-00059894 you know space and time and everything TXiKGcsRMFI-00233-00059895-00060038 whereas now TXiKGcsRMFI-00234-00060039-00060282 you know it's more of an equal footing TXiKGcsRMFI-00235-00060283-00060638 um so i you know and sometimes i think TXiKGcsRMFI-00236-00060639-00060806 with business TXiKGcsRMFI-00237-00060807-00060959 it's important i think to have that TXiKGcsRMFI-00238-00060960-00061150 mindset of you know you're going for it TXiKGcsRMFI-00239-00061151-00061342 and you're passionate about it but then TXiKGcsRMFI-00240-00061344-00061575 i suppose it's it's how we do it and not TXiKGcsRMFI-00241-00061576-00061703 flying off the handle and everything so TXiKGcsRMFI-00242-00061704-00061935 that's that's really interesting for TXiKGcsRMFI-00243-00061936-00062150 sure um but did you think that that TXiKGcsRMFI-00244-00062151-00062287 personality really helped you in TXiKGcsRMFI-00245-00062288-00062535 business eric TXiKGcsRMFI-00246-00062536-00062623 sure TXiKGcsRMFI-00247-00062624-00062838 of course it did it also TXiKGcsRMFI-00248-00062839-00063142 cratered me a few times too TXiKGcsRMFI-00249-00063144-00063359 you know i as i you know kind of step TXiKGcsRMFI-00250-00063360-00063535 back at this stage in my life it's a lot TXiKGcsRMFI-00251-00063536-00063735 easier for me to kind of step back and TXiKGcsRMFI-00252-00063736-00064038 look at things um more honestly TXiKGcsRMFI-00253-00064039-00064247 than perhaps i did in the past TXiKGcsRMFI-00254-00064248-00064342 um TXiKGcsRMFI-00255-00064344-00064638 and there's been multiple times when my TXiKGcsRMFI-00256-00064639-00064894 aggressive personality or the big TXiKGcsRMFI-00257-00064895-00065103 picture approach TXiKGcsRMFI-00258-00065104-00065303 has benefited TXiKGcsRMFI-00259-00065304-00065454 greatly TXiKGcsRMFI-00260-00065455-00065647 but there TXiKGcsRMFI-00261-00065648-00065831 there are bodies and opportunities that TXiKGcsRMFI-00262-00065832-00066311 i left behind yeah as a result so TXiKGcsRMFI-00263-00066312-00066455 yeah that's right they'll never find him TXiKGcsRMFI-00264-00066456-00066726 up back there TXiKGcsRMFI-00265-00066727-00066926 but it is interesting you know because i TXiKGcsRMFI-00266-00066927-00067182 know katie said to me frequently when TXiKGcsRMFI-00267-00067183-00067350 you know when we very first got married TXiKGcsRMFI-00268-00067351-00067511 she was like you weren't like this when TXiKGcsRMFI-00269-00067512-00067663 we were dating and then you know whole TXiKGcsRMFI-00270-00067664-00067782 sequence of events and things that TXiKGcsRMFI-00271-00067783-00068063 happened and it was almost like had she TXiKGcsRMFI-00272-00068064-00068223 known you know TXiKGcsRMFI-00273-00068224-00068487 what was to unfold and and uh to go TXiKGcsRMFI-00274-00068488-00068638 through it's like she still would have TXiKGcsRMFI-00275-00068639-00068759 gone through it she you know i've asked TXiKGcsRMFI-00276-00068760-00068871 her straight out and she you know she TXiKGcsRMFI-00277-00068872-00069094 had said that um TXiKGcsRMFI-00278-00069095-00069279 what's she gonna say now john really TXiKGcsRMFI-00279-00069280-00069455 what you're gonna say you know if i had TXiKGcsRMFI-00280-00069456-00069631 to do this all over again i'd have left TXiKGcsRMFI-00281-00069632-00069799 you in the dust TXiKGcsRMFI-00282-00069800-00070015 human your profile picture TXiKGcsRMFI-00283-00070016-00070408 looks like your dad TXiKGcsRMFI-00284-00070409-00070543 [Music] TXiKGcsRMFI-00285-00070544-00070638 um TXiKGcsRMFI-00286-00070639-00070831 and i think sometimes you know looking TXiKGcsRMFI-00287-00070832-00071062 now through her eyes it's almost like TXiKGcsRMFI-00288-00071063-00071271 had i gone through what she had to put TXiKGcsRMFI-00289-00071272-00071431 up with me i probably would have been TXiKGcsRMFI-00290-00071432-00071782 sitting there saying TXiKGcsRMFI-00291-00071783-00071967 is this really the right person that i TXiKGcsRMFI-00292-00071968-00072135 want to be with and go forward and TXiKGcsRMFI-00293-00072136-00072262 everything and then the crazy thing is TXiKGcsRMFI-00294-00072263-00072479 you you chip and change and you know you TXiKGcsRMFI-00295-00072480-00072726 you saw the guy and she's like right now TXiKGcsRMFI-00296-00072727-00072871 i've got to get to know you all over TXiKGcsRMFI-00297-00072872-00073094 again now so it's a very bizarre thing TXiKGcsRMFI-00298-00073095-00073343 at times how is it for you laurie from a TXiKGcsRMFI-00299-00073344-00073582 female perspective when cause eric can i TXiKGcsRMFI-00300-00073583-00073815 actually talk about the male perspective TXiKGcsRMFI-00301-00073816-00073967 you know what we've just discussed but TXiKGcsRMFI-00302-00073968-00074350 how is it for you seeing that um more TXiKGcsRMFI-00303-00074351-00074494 aggressive personality more dominant TXiKGcsRMFI-00304-00074495-00074694 personality TXiKGcsRMFI-00305-00074695-00074862 oh my goodness TXiKGcsRMFI-00306-00074863-00075175 you know i mean when we first met um i TXiKGcsRMFI-00307-00075176-00075462 had never met anybody like eric so TXiKGcsRMFI-00308-00075463-00075871 um this was a this was a i don't know if TXiKGcsRMFI-00309-00075872-00076094 that's good or bad TXiKGcsRMFI-00310-00076095-00076311 it turned out to be pretty good i'm just TXiKGcsRMFI-00311-00076312-00076567 gonna say but after 37 years i'm gonna TXiKGcsRMFI-00312-00076568-00076719 guess that it was pretty good pretty TXiKGcsRMFI-00313-00076720-00076982 good yeah yeah we're out of the testing TXiKGcsRMFI-00314-00076983-00077126 zone um TXiKGcsRMFI-00315-00077127-00077543 but no i i just i was a very uh TXiKGcsRMFI-00316-00077544-00077775 i was very open-minded person and i was TXiKGcsRMFI-00317-00077776-00078279 very up for adventures and um but i was TXiKGcsRMFI-00318-00078280-00078567 uh i was a very positive thinking kind TXiKGcsRMFI-00319-00078568-00078711 of person TXiKGcsRMFI-00320-00078712-00079103 but i wasn't necessarily a big picture TXiKGcsRMFI-00321-00079104-00079471 person or a uh TXiKGcsRMFI-00322-00079472-00079615 kind of TXiKGcsRMFI-00323-00079616-00079943 blaze my path person i guess i could say TXiKGcsRMFI-00324-00079944-00080279 and so when i met eric and he's got TXiKGcsRMFI-00325-00080280-00080591 big ideas i was just i was very excited TXiKGcsRMFI-00326-00080592-00080767 about that it seemed like we just had so TXiKGcsRMFI-00327-00080768-00081182 much fun together and um and it was just TXiKGcsRMFI-00328-00081183-00081406 uh it was it was really cool to be with TXiKGcsRMFI-00329-00081407-00081511 somebody TXiKGcsRMFI-00330-00081512-00081623 um TXiKGcsRMFI-00331-00081624-00081903 that was such a different kind of TXiKGcsRMFI-00332-00081904-00082135 personality that i had than i had TXiKGcsRMFI-00333-00082136-00082526 experienced before so i didn't have uh i TXiKGcsRMFI-00334-00082527-00082806 didn't have brothers i uh my dad wasn't TXiKGcsRMFI-00335-00082807-00083031 that kind of personality the you know TXiKGcsRMFI-00336-00083032-00083255 people i had dated prior didn't have TXiKGcsRMFI-00337-00083256-00083431 that kind of personality so this was TXiKGcsRMFI-00338-00083432-00083606 this was new for me it was really it was TXiKGcsRMFI-00339-00083607-00083775 really fun and exciting TXiKGcsRMFI-00340-00083776-00083935 that's really awesome and really TXiKGcsRMFI-00341-00083936-00084103 interesting as well TXiKGcsRMFI-00342-00084104-00084447 one of the questions i suppose that TXiKGcsRMFI-00343-00084448-00084638 we're curious about obviously both been TXiKGcsRMFI-00344-00084639-00084879 successful in business and TXiKGcsRMFI-00345-00084880-00085006 we've got an event coming up this TXiKGcsRMFI-00346-00085007-00085238 weekend which is you know talking about TXiKGcsRMFI-00347-00085239-00085423 the new psychology of winning whatever TXiKGcsRMFI-00348-00085424-00085606 that means these days i've got my own TXiKGcsRMFI-00349-00085607-00086013 thoughts and my own ideas TXiKGcsRMFI-00350-00086014-00086215 [Music] TXiKGcsRMFI-00351-00086216-00086479 i think yeah thinking about this so TXiKGcsRMFI-00352-00086480-00086679 in the pursuit of success a lot of TXiKGcsRMFI-00353-00086680-00087055 people tend to neglect the you know the TXiKGcsRMFI-00354-00087056-00087182 things that really matter in terms of TXiKGcsRMFI-00355-00087183-00087375 the family in terms of your kids and you TXiKGcsRMFI-00356-00087376-00087575 know husband wife whatever it might be TXiKGcsRMFI-00357-00087576-00087847 um how did you guys stay grounded i TXiKGcsRMFI-00358-00087848-00088199 suppose in the big business TXiKGcsRMFI-00359-00088200-00088735 took care of home life TXiKGcsRMFI-00360-00088736-00088838 um TXiKGcsRMFI-00361-00088839-00088935 i TXiKGcsRMFI-00362-00088936-00089175 i don't know it wasn't a conscious TXiKGcsRMFI-00363-00089176-00089406 effort i didn't have to discipline TXiKGcsRMFI-00364-00089407-00089703 myself i don't think lori did either TXiKGcsRMFI-00365-00089704-00089838 we TXiKGcsRMFI-00366-00089839-00090118 i'll speak for myself TXiKGcsRMFI-00367-00090119-00090223 to me TXiKGcsRMFI-00368-00090224-00090447 family was the reason i was doing what i TXiKGcsRMFI-00369-00090448-00090694 was doing TXiKGcsRMFI-00370-00090695-00090991 it was my motivation it was TXiKGcsRMFI-00371-00090992-00091215 the impetus behind anything and TXiKGcsRMFI-00372-00091216-00091438 everything that i was doing TXiKGcsRMFI-00373-00091439-00091711 i always had a picture in my mind at TXiKGcsRMFI-00374-00091712-00091911 least and the picture changed of course TXiKGcsRMFI-00375-00091912-00092071 from time to time TXiKGcsRMFI-00376-00092072-00092375 but the picture that i had in my mind TXiKGcsRMFI-00377-00092376-00092543 through all of the things that i went TXiKGcsRMFI-00378-00092544-00092759 through was how will this benefit my TXiKGcsRMFI-00379-00092760-00092862 family TXiKGcsRMFI-00380-00092863-00093126 what will this do for my kids TXiKGcsRMFI-00381-00093127-00093518 so the family and lori were always the TXiKGcsRMFI-00382-00093519-00093782 first priority the business never was TXiKGcsRMFI-00383-00093783-00094055 that's not to say there were times when TXiKGcsRMFI-00384-00094056-00094231 my commitment to the business and the TXiKGcsRMFI-00385-00094232-00094415 things i was doing TXiKGcsRMFI-00386-00094416-00094606 from the outside looked like they were TXiKGcsRMFI-00387-00094607-00094767 taking a priority because they took up TXiKGcsRMFI-00388-00094768-00094943 so much of my time and my conscious TXiKGcsRMFI-00389-00094944-00095238 thought i'd go to bed at night and dream TXiKGcsRMFI-00390-00095239-00095479 about and which is not uncommon but TXiKGcsRMFI-00391-00095480-00095679 think about dream about wake up with TXiKGcsRMFI-00392-00095680-00095855 ideas and you know can't wait to get out TXiKGcsRMFI-00393-00095856-00096047 the door and get to work TXiKGcsRMFI-00394-00096048-00096238 so from the outside one would probably TXiKGcsRMFI-00395-00096239-00096455 suspect that all he cares about is his TXiKGcsRMFI-00396-00096456-00096550 work TXiKGcsRMFI-00397-00096551-00096703 it's not true the work was just a TXiKGcsRMFI-00398-00096704-00097006 vehicle success was just a vehicle TXiKGcsRMFI-00399-00097007-00097247 money was just a vehicle it wasn't the TXiKGcsRMFI-00400-00097248-00097518 it wasn't the destination it was TXiKGcsRMFI-00401-00097519-00097679 one of the stones i had to step on to TXiKGcsRMFI-00402-00097680-00098111 get where i was going TXiKGcsRMFI-00403-00098112-00098350 how is it for you lori yeah TXiKGcsRMFI-00404-00098351-00098494 i think that's TXiKGcsRMFI-00405-00098495-00098726 that's exactly what i would say as well TXiKGcsRMFI-00406-00098727-00098815 i mean TXiKGcsRMFI-00407-00098816-00098903 we TXiKGcsRMFI-00408-00098904-00099126 i think that we were able to maintain TXiKGcsRMFI-00409-00099127-00099271 our focus TXiKGcsRMFI-00410-00099272-00099382 on TXiKGcsRMFI-00411-00099383-00099479 why TXiKGcsRMFI-00412-00099480-00099655 we were doing any of the things we were TXiKGcsRMFI-00413-00099656-00099894 doing and so for us TXiKGcsRMFI-00414-00099895-00100038 we never TXiKGcsRMFI-00415-00100039-00100247 we never veered away from that main TXiKGcsRMFI-00416-00100248-00100447 focus which is why are we doing this and TXiKGcsRMFI-00417-00100448-00100574 that's because TXiKGcsRMFI-00418-00100575-00100918 we were growing our family so TXiKGcsRMFI-00419-00100919-00101079 you know all of the things that we were TXiKGcsRMFI-00420-00101080-00101311 doing or eric was doing was was to TXiKGcsRMFI-00421-00101312-00101694 support that family foundation and our TXiKGcsRMFI-00422-00101695-00101791 um TXiKGcsRMFI-00423-00101792-00102023 our evolution as a family and and our TXiKGcsRMFI-00424-00102024-00102303 development so i think it's really TXiKGcsRMFI-00425-00102304-00102502 really important to TXiKGcsRMFI-00426-00102503-00102782 be able to not lose sight of the target TXiKGcsRMFI-00427-00102783-00103015 because it's it's very easy to you know TXiKGcsRMFI-00428-00103016-00103230 for lots of bright shiny objects TXiKGcsRMFI-00429-00103231-00103518 everywhere uh right and uh especially TXiKGcsRMFI-00430-00103519-00103686 when you're having success because it's TXiKGcsRMFI-00431-00103688-00103847 easier to reward the bright shiny TXiKGcsRMFI-00432-00103848-00104078 objects and be distracted by them but if TXiKGcsRMFI-00433-00104079-00104215 i can i'm going to back up just a little TXiKGcsRMFI-00434-00104216-00104294 bit TXiKGcsRMFI-00435-00104295-00104382 this TXiKGcsRMFI-00436-00104383-00104534 commitment TXiKGcsRMFI-00437-00104535-00104694 natural commitment that we had to each TXiKGcsRMFI-00438-00104695-00104927 other and to our family our kids TXiKGcsRMFI-00439-00104928-00105143 existed before success you know before TXiKGcsRMFI-00440-00105144-00105319 we were successful and you know you TXiKGcsRMFI-00441-00105320-00105599 defied success in different ways but TXiKGcsRMFI-00442-00105600-00105727 there was a period in time where TXiKGcsRMFI-00443-00105728-00105919 financially and critically and all the TXiKGcsRMFI-00444-00105920-00106127 other ways you know i guess we were TXiKGcsRMFI-00445-00106128-00106271 successful TXiKGcsRMFI-00446-00106272-00106407 um TXiKGcsRMFI-00447-00106408-00106623 but even when we weren't when we were TXiKGcsRMFI-00448-00106624-00106839 just flat ass broke TXiKGcsRMFI-00449-00106840-00107086 when i was bouncing checks in order to TXiKGcsRMFI-00450-00107088-00107254 buy diapers TXiKGcsRMFI-00451-00107255-00107495 um we had zero money TXiKGcsRMFI-00452-00107496-00107751 and we were TXiKGcsRMFI-00453-00107752-00107886 poor TXiKGcsRMFI-00454-00107888-00108166 well TXiKGcsRMFI-00455-00108167-00108390 yeah bro that poor is a state of mind TXiKGcsRMFI-00456-00108391-00108654 right we're we're never poor but to that TXiKGcsRMFI-00457-00108655-00108790 point broke TXiKGcsRMFI-00458-00108791-00109110 even when we shouldn't have by any TXiKGcsRMFI-00459-00109111-00109286 estimation TXiKGcsRMFI-00460-00109288-00109534 um gone out and had dinner together or TXiKGcsRMFI-00461-00109535-00109775 gone out for you know drinks and to hear TXiKGcsRMFI-00462-00109776-00110015 our favorite band or had what we call TXiKGcsRMFI-00463-00110016-00110134 date nights TXiKGcsRMFI-00464-00110135-00110310 friday night was date night come hell or TXiKGcsRMFI-00465-00110311-00110447 high water i don't care what happened TXiKGcsRMFI-00466-00110448-00110727 thursday thursday was gone friday night TXiKGcsRMFI-00467-00110728-00110943 was a date night and it was like TXiKGcsRMFI-00468-00110944-00111110 wipe the slate clean forget about TXiKGcsRMFI-00469-00111111-00111302 everything else we're going out to enjoy TXiKGcsRMFI-00470-00111303-00111454 each other's company because i think we TXiKGcsRMFI-00471-00111455-00111695 both realized and it just came naturally TXiKGcsRMFI-00472-00111696-00111871 for us it wasn't a thought process TXiKGcsRMFI-00473-00111872-00112063 didn't read about it in a book or i TXiKGcsRMFI-00474-00112064-00112439 didn't maybe she did but it was like we TXiKGcsRMFI-00475-00112440-00112702 we valued each other so much and we TXiKGcsRMFI-00476-00112703-00112871 enjoyed each other so much that we TXiKGcsRMFI-00477-00112872-00113110 weren't going to let our circumstances TXiKGcsRMFI-00478-00113111-00113254 drag us down TXiKGcsRMFI-00479-00113255-00113439 so we would go out and celebrate friday TXiKGcsRMFI-00480-00113440-00113599 night like it was our second or third TXiKGcsRMFI-00481-00113600-00113695 date TXiKGcsRMFI-00482-00113696-00113823 especially the second one that was TXiKGcsRMFI-00483-00113824-00114015 awesome TXiKGcsRMFI-00484-00114016-00114151 but TXiKGcsRMFI-00485-00114152-00114366 what's in the new generation TXiKGcsRMFI-00486-00114367-00114599 we would go out and enjoy our friday TXiKGcsRMFI-00487-00114600-00114783 nights as if we had a million dollars in TXiKGcsRMFI-00488-00114783-00114958 our checking account TXiKGcsRMFI-00489-00114959-00115183 we didn't spend frivolously but we spent TXiKGcsRMFI-00490-00115183-00115351 money we didn't have because the TXiKGcsRMFI-00491-00115352-00115566 priority was our relationship everything TXiKGcsRMFI-00492-00115567-00115790 else came after that TXiKGcsRMFI-00493-00115791-00116015 that is almost like a breath of fresh TXiKGcsRMFI-00494-00116016-00116223 air when you say that because a lot of TXiKGcsRMFI-00495-00116224-00116454 the time you know it's people get into TXiKGcsRMFI-00496-00116455-00116654 relationships for a variety of reasons TXiKGcsRMFI-00497-00116655-00116943 of course um and oftentimes really don't TXiKGcsRMFI-00498-00116944-00117134 understand what to relate to someone TXiKGcsRMFI-00499-00117135-00117310 else means but the fact that you're able TXiKGcsRMFI-00500-00117311-00117551 to say you know for both of you know we TXiKGcsRMFI-00501-00117552-00117743 just enjoyed spending time together we TXiKGcsRMFI-00502-00117744-00117934 didn't have to be going anywhere doing TXiKGcsRMFI-00503-00117935-00118166 anything specifically we just enjoyed TXiKGcsRMFI-00504-00118167-00118327 and loved spending time together and we TXiKGcsRMFI-00505-00118328-00118543 always kept you know things fresh and TXiKGcsRMFI-00506-00118544-00118702 date nights and everything like that TXiKGcsRMFI-00507-00118703-00118799 because i think that's one of the TXiKGcsRMFI-00508-00118800-00118934 biggest things and we're going to talk TXiKGcsRMFI-00509-00118935-00119063 about this a little bit later in the TXiKGcsRMFI-00510-00119064-00119143 show TXiKGcsRMFI-00511-00119144-00119454 that after a year or six months and TXiKGcsRMFI-00512-00119455-00119719 sometimes for people even less you know TXiKGcsRMFI-00513-00119720-00119902 it's almost like they stopped trying TXiKGcsRMFI-00514-00119903-00120023 and that's i think one of the biggest TXiKGcsRMFI-00515-00120024-00120223 contributing factors that i found was TXiKGcsRMFI-00516-00120224-00120366 people stop trying and then it's the TXiKGcsRMFI-00517-00120367-00120590 communication aspect that goes out the TXiKGcsRMFI-00518-00120591-00120814 window as well i'm assuming for both of TXiKGcsRMFI-00519-00120815-00120958 you you always found a way to TXiKGcsRMFI-00520-00120959-00121278 communicate successfully um what was TXiKGcsRMFI-00521-00121279-00121534 going on in your lives TXiKGcsRMFI-00522-00121535-00121751 yeah i think communication has evolved a TXiKGcsRMFI-00523-00121752-00121990 lot too um you know there's there's a TXiKGcsRMFI-00524-00121991-00122231 there's a learning process um with TXiKGcsRMFI-00525-00122232-00122358 learning to communicate with your TXiKGcsRMFI-00526-00122359-00122534 partner as well and TXiKGcsRMFI-00527-00122535-00122671 um TXiKGcsRMFI-00528-00122672-00122895 you know i think for TXiKGcsRMFI-00529-00122896-00123143 for me it was learning just to TXiKGcsRMFI-00530-00123144-00123375 communicate period TXiKGcsRMFI-00531-00123376-00123575 i didn't see a lot of communication TXiKGcsRMFI-00532-00123576-00123783 demonstrated for me when i was growing TXiKGcsRMFI-00533-00123783-00124014 up between my parents not not what i TXiKGcsRMFI-00534-00124015-00124254 would call really positive healthy TXiKGcsRMFI-00535-00124255-00124447 communication so TXiKGcsRMFI-00536-00124448-00124758 so that was a learning curve i was on TXiKGcsRMFI-00537-00124759-00124983 learning to communicate and and bring TXiKGcsRMFI-00538-00124983-00125231 things up that were uncomfortable um and TXiKGcsRMFI-00539-00125232-00125463 i think for eric he had no problem TXiKGcsRMFI-00540-00125464-00125654 communicating TXiKGcsRMFI-00541-00125655-00125839 however i would sometimes over TXiKGcsRMFI-00542-00125840-00126007 communicate yeah that's a good way to TXiKGcsRMFI-00543-00126008-00126271 not in a fun way over communicating in TXiKGcsRMFI-00544-00126272-00126519 in a way that wasn't always productive TXiKGcsRMFI-00545-00126520-00126799 yeah there we go so so that you know i TXiKGcsRMFI-00546-00126800-00126951 think that that's common though in TXiKGcsRMFI-00547-00126952-00127127 relationships um TXiKGcsRMFI-00548-00127128-00127223 is TXiKGcsRMFI-00549-00127224-00127423 you know in the early TXiKGcsRMFI-00550-00127424-00127702 in the early stages um TXiKGcsRMFI-00551-00127703-00127919 everything is just always great you're TXiKGcsRMFI-00552-00127920-00128095 only focused on all of the fun you're TXiKGcsRMFI-00553-00128096-00128271 having and and all of the newness of TXiKGcsRMFI-00554-00128272-00128439 things but then you know as you spend TXiKGcsRMFI-00555-00128440-00128743 some time together and then maybe you um TXiKGcsRMFI-00556-00128744-00128919 come up against each other you know you TXiKGcsRMFI-00557-00128920-00129127 have a challenge or an obstacle that's TXiKGcsRMFI-00558-00129128-00129351 when you need to really have your TXiKGcsRMFI-00559-00129352-00129647 communication skills um in intact or at TXiKGcsRMFI-00560-00129648-00129927 least be willing to say i'm not i'm not TXiKGcsRMFI-00561-00129928-00130207 sure how to express this so i'm gonna do TXiKGcsRMFI-00562-00130208-00130534 my best and then you each you know show TXiKGcsRMFI-00563-00130535-00130751 each other some grace and help the other TXiKGcsRMFI-00564-00130752-00130999 person express what it is that's up for TXiKGcsRMFI-00565-00131000-00131214 them so that you can learn TXiKGcsRMFI-00566-00131215-00131439 it's a learning process i think i still TXiKGcsRMFI-00567-00131440-00131590 am learning well i was just i didn't TXiKGcsRMFI-00568-00131591-00131775 want to interrupt you but TXiKGcsRMFI-00569-00131776-00132102 i've only i'd say within the last TXiKGcsRMFI-00570-00132103-00132302 three or four years TXiKGcsRMFI-00571-00132303-00132519 gotten to the point where my default TXiKGcsRMFI-00572-00132520-00132799 reaction to things isn't just emotional TXiKGcsRMFI-00573-00132800-00133023 and blurting out going back to the way TXiKGcsRMFI-00574-00133024-00133183 you know it's a big part of my TXiKGcsRMFI-00575-00133184-00133390 personality and you know we've had TXiKGcsRMFI-00576-00133391-00133599 difficult situations before and we've TXiKGcsRMFI-00577-00133600-00133743 seen things from completely different TXiKGcsRMFI-00578-00133744-00133887 angles before it's not like everything's TXiKGcsRMFI-00579-00133888-00134063 always been perfect although it's TXiKGcsRMFI-00580-00134064-00134295 pretty freaking close really TXiKGcsRMFI-00581-00134296-00134407 but TXiKGcsRMFI-00582-00134408-00134511 but my TXiKGcsRMFI-00583-00134512-00134727 when it comes to TXiKGcsRMFI-00584-00134728-00134935 tough situations tough communications TXiKGcsRMFI-00585-00134936-00135159 where feelings are hurt or there's a TXiKGcsRMFI-00586-00135160-00135375 misunderstanding TXiKGcsRMFI-00587-00135376-00135631 that aggressive part of my personality TXiKGcsRMFI-00588-00135632-00135814 which is really just insecurity in some TXiKGcsRMFI-00589-00135815-00136102 respects and defensiveness TXiKGcsRMFI-00590-00136103-00136343 doesn't always didn't and sometimes TXiKGcsRMFI-00591-00136344-00136647 still doesn't always come out right TXiKGcsRMFI-00592-00136648-00136743 and TXiKGcsRMFI-00593-00136744-00136951 lori's always been TXiKGcsRMFI-00594-00136952-00137175 the rock of gibraltar TXiKGcsRMFI-00595-00137176-00137511 in terms of being able to hear my stupid TXiKGcsRMFI-00596-00137512-00137678 stuff TXiKGcsRMFI-00597-00137679-00138023 and see my reaction and know that that's TXiKGcsRMFI-00598-00138024-00138271 my process i yeah i TXiKGcsRMFI-00599-00138272-00138519 explode i vomit you know reaction and TXiKGcsRMFI-00600-00138520-00138631 emotion TXiKGcsRMFI-00601-00138632-00138823 and then about 45 minutes later i TXiKGcsRMFI-00602-00138824-00138983 started actually thinking about what i TXiKGcsRMFI-00603-00138984-00139095 said TXiKGcsRMFI-00604-00139096-00139254 and then it kind of comes back around TXiKGcsRMFI-00605-00139255-00139431 i've gotten better but it's because of TXiKGcsRMFI-00606-00139432-00139671 lori yeah you know in the beginning my TXiKGcsRMFI-00607-00139672-00139847 my default position is always when TXiKGcsRMFI-00608-00139848-00139999 somebody says something i don't want to TXiKGcsRMFI-00609-00140000-00140278 hear it's always lash out go for go as TXiKGcsRMFI-00610-00140279-00140471 laurie has said to me before TXiKGcsRMFI-00611-00140472-00140790 i always go for the juggler first TXiKGcsRMFI-00612-00140791-00141095 i need an attacker i never throw a jab TXiKGcsRMFI-00613-00141096-00141327 i always go for the throat TXiKGcsRMFI-00614-00141328-00141423 and TXiKGcsRMFI-00615-00141424-00141639 that's not and i it sounds funny right TXiKGcsRMFI-00616-00141640-00141783 you can make it sound oh that's kind of TXiKGcsRMFI-00617-00141784-00142047 cool in its own weird way it's not TXiKGcsRMFI-00618-00142048-00142199 it's hurtful TXiKGcsRMFI-00619-00142200-00142399 it's unproductive TXiKGcsRMFI-00620-00142400-00142599 and it actually puts me in a frame of TXiKGcsRMFI-00621-00142600-00142759 mind as the words are coming out of my TXiKGcsRMFI-00622-00142760-00142935 mouth where i'm even more defensive and TXiKGcsRMFI-00623-00142936-00143039 aggressive TXiKGcsRMFI-00624-00143040-00143214 it's really really a wrong way to TXiKGcsRMFI-00625-00143215-00143511 communicate but it's taken you know TXiKGcsRMFI-00626-00143512-00143783 30 some odd years for lori to kind of TXiKGcsRMFI-00627-00143784-00143959 help me learn that TXiKGcsRMFI-00628-00143960-00144159 and i i get a little bit better at it TXiKGcsRMFI-00629-00144160-00144326 every day it's still possible for me TXiKGcsRMFI-00630-00144327-00144647 sometimes but i find myself as a result TXiKGcsRMFI-00631-00144648-00144775 of what i've learned from laurie and the TXiKGcsRMFI-00632-00144776-00145071 way she communicates TXiKGcsRMFI-00633-00145072-00145254 i'm not nearly as angry TXiKGcsRMFI-00634-00145255-00145447 as i normally am because i just don't TXiKGcsRMFI-00635-00145448-00145702 let things push that button in me it's TXiKGcsRMFI-00636-00145703-00145943 it's a lot harder to piss me off now TXiKGcsRMFI-00637-00145944-00146063 than it was TXiKGcsRMFI-00638-00146064-00146295 even a couple of years ago TXiKGcsRMFI-00639-00146296-00146575 that's incredible because i feel in some TXiKGcsRMFI-00640-00146576-00146678 ways TXiKGcsRMFI-00641-00146679-00146823 you're not the only ones there's a TXiKGcsRMFI-00642-00146824-00146983 couple of others that are friends with TXiKGcsRMFI-00643-00146984-00147166 both katie and i and it's almost looking TXiKGcsRMFI-00644-00147167-00147447 like a mirror into the future because TXiKGcsRMFI-00645-00147448-00147663 you know like i said i was that angry TXiKGcsRMFI-00646-00147664-00147966 guy what eric is describing here folks TXiKGcsRMFI-00647-00147967-00148207 was the person that i was you know for TXiKGcsRMFI-00648-00148208-00148447 five years after leaving uh ministerial TXiKGcsRMFI-00649-00148448-00148719 positions um sometimes in life you can TXiKGcsRMFI-00650-00148720-00148902 get so bogged down and so frustrated and TXiKGcsRMFI-00651-00148903-00149039 sometimes it can be a natural part of TXiKGcsRMFI-00652-00149040-00149175 your personality when you are that TXiKGcsRMFI-00653-00149176-00149326 passionate person TXiKGcsRMFI-00654-00149327-00149439 um TXiKGcsRMFI-00655-00149440-00149647 when you don't necessarily always think TXiKGcsRMFI-00656-00149648-00149895 clearly you tend to speak you know TXiKGcsRMFI-00657-00149896-00150095 before you have really thought because TXiKGcsRMFI-00658-00150096-00150223 that's believe it or not the way that TXiKGcsRMFI-00659-00150224-00150487 your brain is designed and then you look TXiKGcsRMFI-00660-00150488-00150671 back and it's like you're exhausted your TXiKGcsRMFI-00661-00150672-00150871 wife's in tears or your husband's in TXiKGcsRMFI-00662-00150872-00151054 tears or you know whatever and you're TXiKGcsRMFI-00663-00151055-00151231 like oh my goodness TXiKGcsRMFI-00664-00151232-00151439 and oftentimes it's the same TXiKGcsRMFI-00665-00151440-00151631 situations that go round and round and TXiKGcsRMFI-00666-00151632-00151775 round time and time again and that's TXiKGcsRMFI-00667-00151776-00151990 what we came up against so many times it TXiKGcsRMFI-00668-00151991-00152214 was never about money for us it was TXiKGcsRMFI-00669-00152215-00152390 about family stuff or stuff that was TXiKGcsRMFI-00670-00152391-00152639 going on with the church and when i TXiKGcsRMFI-00671-00152640-00152847 certainly for me when i found you know TXiKGcsRMFI-00672-00152848-00153063 just that piece and i let all that stuff TXiKGcsRMFI-00673-00153064-00153295 go there are still times like eric says TXiKGcsRMFI-00674-00153296-00153463 you know that you know TXiKGcsRMFI-00675-00153464-00153663 for me nowadays it's more rare which is TXiKGcsRMFI-00676-00153664-00153943 wonderful i love being peaceful i just TXiKGcsRMFI-00677-00153944-00154143 genuinely i i you know i absorb it as TXiKGcsRMFI-00678-00154144-00154454 much as i can because being angry for me TXiKGcsRMFI-00679-00154455-00154671 caused so much you know illness and TXiKGcsRMFI-00680-00154672-00154887 change of um genetic structure and TXiKGcsRMFI-00681-00154888-00155078 things and and it was just like eric was TXiKGcsRMFI-00682-00155079-00155223 saying it was not TXiKGcsRMFI-00683-00155224-00155454 productive you know TXiKGcsRMFI-00684-00155455-00155719 it is what it is um i think oftentimes TXiKGcsRMFI-00685-00155720-00155902 people go into relationships thinking TXiKGcsRMFI-00686-00155903-00156119 that you're just meant to know how to be TXiKGcsRMFI-00687-00156120-00156390 around the other person and TXiKGcsRMFI-00688-00156391-00156607 you know it really isn't that way you TXiKGcsRMFI-00689-00156608-00156711 know like they were saying you know TXiKGcsRMFI-00690-00156712-00156854 you've got to communicate you've got to TXiKGcsRMFI-00691-00156855-00157031 figure out how to communicate as well TXiKGcsRMFI-00692-00157032-00157231 how much do you share how much do you TXiKGcsRMFI-00693-00157232-00157454 not you know and and choosing your right TXiKGcsRMFI-00694-00157455-00157766 times um for kitty and i we refuse to TXiKGcsRMFI-00695-00157767-00158039 have in-depth discussion or meaningful TXiKGcsRMFI-00696-00158040-00158335 discussion uh regarding you know making TXiKGcsRMFI-00697-00158336-00158487 big decisions stuff when we're both TXiKGcsRMFI-00698-00158488-00158790 tired when we're hungry or when we both TXiKGcsRMFI-00699-00158791-00159087 just come from you know busy situation TXiKGcsRMFI-00700-00159088-00159263 um so i don't know about you the pair of TXiKGcsRMFI-00701-00159264-00159414 you if there's a time that you notice TXiKGcsRMFI-00702-00159415-00159575 that you're like yeah we're not gonna TXiKGcsRMFI-00703-00159576-00159790 talk right talk about this right now TXiKGcsRMFI-00704-00159791-00159911 because TXiKGcsRMFI-00705-00159912-00160047 you just know TXiKGcsRMFI-00706-00160048-00160326 yeah yeah hunger is a good one TXiKGcsRMFI-00707-00160327-00160502 this this person TXiKGcsRMFI-00708-00160503-00160735 and and my my our kids inherited that TXiKGcsRMFI-00709-00160736-00160959 gene too when when they're hungry TXiKGcsRMFI-00710-00160960-00161335 they're hangry so um talking about any TXiKGcsRMFI-00711-00161336-00161519 anything other than what should we eat TXiKGcsRMFI-00712-00161520-00161766 is is usually not a good idea i used to TXiKGcsRMFI-00713-00161767-00161943 have a business partner TXiKGcsRMFI-00714-00161944-00162199 years ago uh jason hervey TXiKGcsRMFI-00715-00162200-00162383 we had a television production company TXiKGcsRMFI-00716-00162384-00162551 together and we were based in la and we TXiKGcsRMFI-00717-00162552-00162847 were having a lot of success TXiKGcsRMFI-00718-00162848-00162959 but TXiKGcsRMFI-00719-00162960-00163302 jason always used the acronym halt TXiKGcsRMFI-00720-00163303-00163447 when you're hungry TXiKGcsRMFI-00721-00163448-00163566 angry TXiKGcsRMFI-00722-00163567-00163687 lonely TXiKGcsRMFI-00723-00163688-00163871 or tired TXiKGcsRMFI-00724-00163872-00164159 don't talk to anybody stop halt TXiKGcsRMFI-00725-00164160-00164390 if any of those conditions exist TXiKGcsRMFI-00726-00164391-00164638 feed yourself let your food digest and TXiKGcsRMFI-00727-00164639-00164878 then have a conversation TXiKGcsRMFI-00728-00164879-00165183 hungry angry lonely and tired halt TXiKGcsRMFI-00729-00165184-00165390 stop whatever you're doing don't do it TXiKGcsRMFI-00730-00165391-00165566 with any other people TXiKGcsRMFI-00731-00165567-00165711 because you're going to piss them off or TXiKGcsRMFI-00732-00165712-00165951 hurt their feelings so that's good TXiKGcsRMFI-00733-00165952-00166302 that's mine i think that's fantastic TXiKGcsRMFI-00734-00166303-00166478 i really do i've not heard that one TXiKGcsRMFI-00735-00166479-00166695 before but it is so true i mean for me TXiKGcsRMFI-00736-00166696-00166935 it used to be standing in queues you TXiKGcsRMFI-00737-00166936-00167054 know when you're going to the the TXiKGcsRMFI-00738-00167055-00167254 supermarket or shopping mall or whatever TXiKGcsRMFI-00739-00167255-00167407 and if you're hungry TXiKGcsRMFI-00740-00167408-00167543 if there was a bit of hair that was in TXiKGcsRMFI-00741-00167544-00167735 my face or if it was warm and there's TXiKGcsRMFI-00742-00167736-00167943 other people around me TXiKGcsRMFI-00743-00167944-00168087 i would TXiKGcsRMFI-00744-00168088-00168231 no i'm not i'm not ashamed to say TXiKGcsRMFI-00745-00168232-00168351 because i don't hold any you know shame TXiKGcsRMFI-00746-00168352-00168551 or anything but there'd be times where i TXiKGcsRMFI-00747-00168552-00168726 would get more frustrated and as i got TXiKGcsRMFI-00748-00168727-00168999 more frustrated i would get more vocal TXiKGcsRMFI-00749-00169000-00169166 to the point that the people surrounding TXiKGcsRMFI-00750-00169167-00169366 me was like okay we really need to check TXiKGcsRMFI-00751-00169367-00169519 out really quickly because this guy's TXiKGcsRMFI-00752-00169520-00169695 you know he's going to blow in any TXiKGcsRMFI-00753-00169696-00169863 minute i mean if nothing else it made TXiKGcsRMFI-00754-00169864-00170111 the the cues go quicker you know and and TXiKGcsRMFI-00755-00170112-00170271 we got out there and i got fed but yeah TXiKGcsRMFI-00756-00170272-00170447 but at the end but at the end of it in TXiKGcsRMFI-00757-00170448-00170726 the process of reacting that way you TXiKGcsRMFI-00758-00170727-00170951 probably left that store TXiKGcsRMFI-00759-00170952-00171111 grabbed whatever you grabbed got in your TXiKGcsRMFI-00760-00171112-00171343 car and you were probably you you had an TXiKGcsRMFI-00761-00171344-00171526 you had a hangover you were yeah you TXiKGcsRMFI-00762-00171527-00171807 were you had an angry hangover TXiKGcsRMFI-00763-00171808-00171966 and it affects the way you look at TXiKGcsRMFI-00764-00171967-00172111 things it affects the way you react to TXiKGcsRMFI-00765-00172112-00172295 other things and that's one of the TXiKGcsRMFI-00766-00172296-00172590 things that i i i really noticed the TXiKGcsRMFI-00767-00172591-00172735 most and one of the things i'm most TXiKGcsRMFI-00768-00172736-00172935 grateful for is having learned this TXiKGcsRMFI-00769-00172936-00173175 through lori i didn't do it on my own TXiKGcsRMFI-00770-00173176-00173295 trust me TXiKGcsRMFI-00771-00173296-00173390 um TXiKGcsRMFI-00772-00173391-00173566 it's like i said it's when i say it's TXiKGcsRMFI-00773-00173567-00173911 really hard to piss me off i'm really TXiKGcsRMFI-00774-00173912-00174183 grateful for that because in my unpissed TXiKGcsRMFI-00775-00174184-00174351 off frame of mind TXiKGcsRMFI-00776-00174352-00174543 i'm TXiKGcsRMFI-00777-00174544-00174854 better at my work i'm more pleasant to TXiKGcsRMFI-00778-00174855-00175047 be around which you know we hear the TXiKGcsRMFI-00779-00175048-00175302 laws of attraction well that's true TXiKGcsRMFI-00780-00175303-00175463 because when you're that guy like you TXiKGcsRMFI-00781-00175464-00175663 are standing in line and you know you're TXiKGcsRMFI-00782-00175664-00175814 they don't know why you're irritated or TXiKGcsRMFI-00783-00175815-00175999 angry they don't know that you're hungry TXiKGcsRMFI-00784-00176000-00176183 or that you're warm or you don't like TXiKGcsRMFI-00785-00176184-00176319 hair on your face they don't know why TXiKGcsRMFI-00786-00176320-00176502 you're angry you're just bundle of TXiKGcsRMFI-00787-00176503-00176631 negativity and they don't want to be TXiKGcsRMFI-00788-00176632-00176887 near it the same is true TXiKGcsRMFI-00789-00176888-00177102 here's mine when someone cuts in front TXiKGcsRMFI-00790-00177103-00177383 of me in the line TXiKGcsRMFI-00791-00177384-00177590 it's everything it takes it's my TXiKGcsRMFI-00792-00177591-00177719 discipline that's where i get to TXiKGcsRMFI-00793-00177720-00177831 practice TXiKGcsRMFI-00794-00177832-00178151 because my first reaction is TXiKGcsRMFI-00795-00178152-00178302 aggressive TXiKGcsRMFI-00796-00178303-00178566 and you know any kind of disrespect to TXiKGcsRMFI-00797-00178567-00178638 me TXiKGcsRMFI-00798-00178639-00178871 even in the slightest way it's like the TXiKGcsRMFI-00799-00178872-00179078 one pet peeve i have but i'm aware of it TXiKGcsRMFI-00800-00179079-00179183 now TXiKGcsRMFI-00801-00179184-00179319 more so TXiKGcsRMFI-00802-00179320-00179495 than i normally would be TXiKGcsRMFI-00803-00179496-00179695 but i don't let that stuff irritate me i TXiKGcsRMFI-00804-00179696-00179871 don't let it take me down because TXiKGcsRMFI-00805-00179872-00180031 somebody in the store makes me angry TXiKGcsRMFI-00806-00180032-00180271 somebody cuts me off in traffic i get TXiKGcsRMFI-00807-00180272-00180414 all worked up about and i feel all TXiKGcsRMFI-00808-00180415-00180607 justified about it but when i show up to TXiKGcsRMFI-00809-00180608-00180726 my meeting TXiKGcsRMFI-00810-00180727-00180871 an hour and a half later i'm still TXiKGcsRMFI-00811-00180872-00181063 carrying some of that around it shows TXiKGcsRMFI-00812-00181064-00181271 you know you might not think it does TXiKGcsRMFI-00813-00181272-00181438 but it does TXiKGcsRMFI-00814-00181439-00181535 absolutely TXiKGcsRMFI-00815-00181536-00181838 that emotional uh energetic current that TXiKGcsRMFI-00816-00181839-00182014 you've generated TXiKGcsRMFI-00817-00182015-00182247 goes with you and it walks into the room TXiKGcsRMFI-00818-00182248-00182487 even before you do and everybody around TXiKGcsRMFI-00819-00182488-00182854 feels it it it affects everybody so it's TXiKGcsRMFI-00820-00182855-00183207 been it's been a nice process of TXiKGcsRMFI-00821-00183208-00183414 of him yeah kind of TXiKGcsRMFI-00822-00183415-00183519 getting TXiKGcsRMFI-00823-00183520-00183671 really what that is is learning how to TXiKGcsRMFI-00824-00183672-00183926 master your emotions yes and so but TXiKGcsRMFI-00825-00183927-00184111 whereas before he was really a slave to TXiKGcsRMFI-00826-00184112-00184407 his emotions and now he's you know TXiKGcsRMFI-00827-00184408-00184671 learned to master them more so that he TXiKGcsRMFI-00828-00184672-00185014 can control his risk he can respond in a TXiKGcsRMFI-00829-00185015-00185278 way that is positive rather than react TXiKGcsRMFI-00830-00185279-00185551 in a negative a knee-jerk reaction um TXiKGcsRMFI-00831-00185552-00185799 and which is for him usually attack mode TXiKGcsRMFI-00832-00185800-00186175 uh so and then for me i had to learn to TXiKGcsRMFI-00833-00186176-00186390 actually talk so TXiKGcsRMFI-00834-00186391-00186559 because that's just as that's really TXiKGcsRMFI-00835-00186560-00186743 annoying too if there's an issue and TXiKGcsRMFI-00836-00186744-00187071 your partner is the one is clamming up TXiKGcsRMFI-00837-00187072-00187287 that is frustrating for the other person TXiKGcsRMFI-00838-00187288-00187463 it's not good for the person clamming up TXiKGcsRMFI-00839-00187464-00187614 because you're not expressing anything TXiKGcsRMFI-00840-00187615-00187871 you're you're you're so in control of TXiKGcsRMFI-00841-00187872-00188111 your emotions that you actually repress TXiKGcsRMFI-00842-00188112-00188326 things and that's not a good place to be TXiKGcsRMFI-00843-00188327-00188526 either because then you build TXiKGcsRMFI-00844-00188527-00188895 resentment it builds up so for me it was TXiKGcsRMFI-00845-00188896-00189214 kind of the opposite learning that um i TXiKGcsRMFI-00846-00189215-00189487 needed to communicate learning to TXiKGcsRMFI-00847-00189488-00189775 express what i was feeling uh in a again TXiKGcsRMFI-00848-00189776-00190071 in a in a positive way and not just a TXiKGcsRMFI-00849-00190072-00190166 you know TXiKGcsRMFI-00850-00190167-00190414 an out of control basket case way or TXiKGcsRMFI-00851-00190415-00190647 just not communicating at all so that TXiKGcsRMFI-00852-00190648-00191207 was my learning curve TXiKGcsRMFI-00853-00191208-00191366 laurie and i you know we've talked a TXiKGcsRMFI-00854-00191367-00191502 number of times on various shows and TXiKGcsRMFI-00855-00191503-00191711 things you know and i guess my takeaway TXiKGcsRMFI-00856-00191712-00191863 for anybody that's watching this at this TXiKGcsRMFI-00857-00191864-00192207 point in the show is that you can choose TXiKGcsRMFI-00858-00192208-00192359 how you respond TXiKGcsRMFI-00859-00192360-00192519 and like eric was saying just because TXiKGcsRMFI-00860-00192520-00192654 somebody cuts him up on the on the TXiKGcsRMFI-00861-00192655-00192854 freeway and things you know it doesn't TXiKGcsRMFI-00862-00192855-00193063 mean he needs to turn into angry wolf or TXiKGcsRMFI-00863-00193064-00193238 anything because somebody's rude to me TXiKGcsRMFI-00864-00193239-00193454 and again eric you know to your point TXiKGcsRMFI-00865-00193455-00193578 rudeness and TXiKGcsRMFI-00866-00193579-00193719 [Music] TXiKGcsRMFI-00867-00193720-00193807 just TXiKGcsRMFI-00868-00193808-00194126 were two of my biggest things as well um TXiKGcsRMFI-00869-00194127-00194254 for whatever reason it just used to rub TXiKGcsRMFI-00870-00194255-00194487 me the wrong way but nowadays you know TXiKGcsRMFI-00871-00194488-00194687 i'm more used to the mind i was like TXiKGcsRMFI-00872-00194688-00194983 okay i can't control what they do or how TXiKGcsRMFI-00873-00194984-00195150 they're going to respond but i can TXiKGcsRMFI-00874-00195151-00195319 control how i respond because that's the TXiKGcsRMFI-00875-00195320-00195399 thing TXiKGcsRMFI-00876-00195400-00195583 like you both rightly said you know when TXiKGcsRMFI-00877-00195584-00195902 you blow your top um it's been a it's TXiKGcsRMFI-00878-00195903-00196095 what we call a slow fade so it's almost TXiKGcsRMFI-00879-00196096-00196238 like that bubbling pot that just TXiKGcsRMFI-00880-00196239-00196519 eventually just explodes and it it often TXiKGcsRMFI-00881-00196520-00196831 doesn't just stop there TXiKGcsRMFI-00882-00196832-00196999 and one TXiKGcsRMFI-00883-00197000-00197150 argument that happened and it should TXiKGcsRMFI-00884-00197151-00197295 have been done and dusted in five TXiKGcsRMFI-00885-00197296-00197511 minutes it went on sometimes for three TXiKGcsRMFI-00886-00197512-00197719 or four hours with both people getting TXiKGcsRMFI-00887-00197720-00197950 more and more upset and everything um so TXiKGcsRMFI-00888-00197951-00198190 absolutely so it's humongous TXiKGcsRMFI-00889-00198191-00198383 progress i think for all of us for sure TXiKGcsRMFI-00890-00198384-00198487 we're going to jump quickly to a TXiKGcsRMFI-00891-00198488-00198687 commercial break um but folks when we TXiKGcsRMFI-00892-00198688-00198854 come back laurie and eric will be here TXiKGcsRMFI-00893-00198855-00199014 and we'll be looking at some more TXiKGcsRMFI-00894-00199015-00199207 questions so we'll see you in a moment TXiKGcsRMFI-00895-00199208-00199311 or two TXiKGcsRMFI-00896-00199312-00199583 hello and welcome to the los angeles TXiKGcsRMFI-00897-00199584-00199926 tribune since 1886 our name has been a TXiKGcsRMFI-00898-00199927-00200140 part of the world of journalism TXiKGcsRMFI-00899-00200141-00201590 [Music] TXiKGcsRMFI-00900-00201591-00201790 we've earned a reputation for being a TXiKGcsRMFI-00901-00201791-00202071 publication that practices integrity TXiKGcsRMFI-00902-00202072-00202383 authenticity and responsibility for TXiKGcsRMFI-00903-00202384-00202654 general inquiries contact today TXiKGcsRMFI-00904-00202655-00202902 thank you on behalf of the los angeles TXiKGcsRMFI-00905-00202903-00203145 tribune team TXiKGcsRMFI-00906-00203146-00203407 [Music] TXiKGcsRMFI-00907-00203408-00203638 okay folks we are back and we are TXiKGcsRMFI-00908-00203639-00203847 talking all things about marriage and TXiKGcsRMFI-00909-00203848-00204087 the in the pursuit of success with lori TXiKGcsRMFI-00910-00204088-00204302 and eric bischoff thank you so much for TXiKGcsRMFI-00911-00204303-00205334 being here of course TXiKGcsRMFI-00912-00205335-00205598 um many people not just in the business TXiKGcsRMFI-00913-00205600-00205798 world i think it's i think it's actually TXiKGcsRMFI-00914-00205800-00206046 worldwide now they seem to struggle with TXiKGcsRMFI-00915-00206048-00206398 keeping things fresh and almost TXiKGcsRMFI-00916-00206400-00206631 take each other for granted for you to TXiKGcsRMFI-00917-00206632-00206855 be married for 37 years again which is TXiKGcsRMFI-00918-00206856-00207119 phenomenal how do you still find ways to TXiKGcsRMFI-00919-00207119-00207575 keep your relationship fresh TXiKGcsRMFI-00920-00207576-00207782 well um TXiKGcsRMFI-00921-00207783-00208214 i think one of the things that is always TXiKGcsRMFI-00922-00208215-00208358 fun in TXiKGcsRMFI-00923-00208359-00208623 in my mind is that we are very very TXiKGcsRMFI-00924-00208623-00208838 forward thinking TXiKGcsRMFI-00925-00208839-00209046 people so there's kind of two sides to TXiKGcsRMFI-00926-00209048-00209279 this coin one is we're we're really good TXiKGcsRMFI-00927-00209280-00209510 about just being in the moment and TXiKGcsRMFI-00928-00209511-00209767 really enjoying and appreciating what TXiKGcsRMFI-00929-00209767-00210006 what we have where we are what we're TXiKGcsRMFI-00930-00210007-00210110 doing TXiKGcsRMFI-00931-00210111-00210334 all what we've created we're really good TXiKGcsRMFI-00932-00210335-00210542 about being in the now and appreciating TXiKGcsRMFI-00933-00210544-00210782 that and not losing sight of that TXiKGcsRMFI-00934-00210783-00211055 but at the same time we're also TXiKGcsRMFI-00935-00211056-00211287 extremely forward thinking we're always TXiKGcsRMFI-00936-00211288-00211510 coming up with things we want to do TXiKGcsRMFI-00937-00211511-00211679 plans we want to make things we want to TXiKGcsRMFI-00938-00211680-00211823 create you know what do we want to TXiKGcsRMFI-00939-00211823-00212006 develop next where do we want to go why TXiKGcsRMFI-00940-00212007-00212279 do we want to do this so i i think being TXiKGcsRMFI-00941-00212280-00212398 able to TXiKGcsRMFI-00942-00212400-00212582 to TXiKGcsRMFI-00943-00212583-00212782 i guess really wrap your head around TXiKGcsRMFI-00944-00212783-00213142 those two practices for me that's one TXiKGcsRMFI-00945-00213144-00213358 one thing or two things i guess that TXiKGcsRMFI-00946-00213359-00213719 that keeps it fresh and exciting um and TXiKGcsRMFI-00947-00213719-00214006 i think i think the other thing is TXiKGcsRMFI-00948-00214007-00214134 we are TXiKGcsRMFI-00949-00214135-00214382 very good about getting our quality time TXiKGcsRMFI-00950-00214383-00214663 together still which which is easy TXiKGcsRMFI-00951-00214664-00214991 but it also is just as important that we TXiKGcsRMFI-00952-00214992-00215263 each have our quality time alone and i TXiKGcsRMFI-00953-00215264-00215423 think that's really important too we TXiKGcsRMFI-00954-00215423-00215767 each respect the other person's desire TXiKGcsRMFI-00955-00215767-00216071 to have some time to you know think or TXiKGcsRMFI-00956-00216071-00216294 do whatever that is that's important to TXiKGcsRMFI-00957-00216296-00216446 them we don't we're not we don't have to TXiKGcsRMFI-00958-00216448-00216646 be joined at the hip 24 7. i don't think TXiKGcsRMFI-00959-00216648-00216887 that's necessarily healthy either but TXiKGcsRMFI-00960-00216888-00217079 about so balancing the together time and TXiKGcsRMFI-00961-00217080-00217351 the alone time also i i feel is really TXiKGcsRMFI-00962-00217352-00217542 an important aspect TXiKGcsRMFI-00963-00217544-00217742 and i guess all of this is kind of TXiKGcsRMFI-00964-00217744-00217927 connected you know TXiKGcsRMFI-00965-00217928-00218055 but TXiKGcsRMFI-00966-00218056-00218263 laurie's just fun TXiKGcsRMFI-00967-00218264-00218615 i mean she's got a great sense of humor TXiKGcsRMFI-00968-00218616-00218782 she's she's very creative she's got a TXiKGcsRMFI-00969-00218783-00219006 great imagination TXiKGcsRMFI-00970-00219007-00219171 she's got TXiKGcsRMFI-00971-00219171-00219527 a very high powered intellectual TXiKGcsRMFI-00972-00219528-00219758 curiosity about things TXiKGcsRMFI-00973-00219759-00219991 so we can engage in a conversation we go TXiKGcsRMFI-00974-00219992-00220215 out to dinner tomorrow night with no TXiKGcsRMFI-00975-00220216-00220439 plans with nothing necessarily on our TXiKGcsRMFI-00976-00220440-00220542 minds TXiKGcsRMFI-00977-00220544-00220719 and within 20 minutes of sitting in a TXiKGcsRMFI-00978-00220719-00220846 restaurant we're engaged in a TXiKGcsRMFI-00979-00220848-00220975 conversation that neither one of us TXiKGcsRMFI-00980-00220976-00221134 thought we were going to have TXiKGcsRMFI-00981-00221135-00221303 but it's fun TXiKGcsRMFI-00982-00221304-00221623 um you know and you know fun i use that TXiKGcsRMFI-00983-00221623-00221823 term a lot fun has changed over the TXiKGcsRMFI-00984-00221823-00222055 years you know in the beginning our fun TXiKGcsRMFI-00985-00222056-00222279 was going out and being with our friends TXiKGcsRMFI-00986-00222280-00222351 and TXiKGcsRMFI-00987-00222352-00222558 date nights and part partying all the TXiKGcsRMFI-00988-00222559-00222727 things that you know you would associate TXiKGcsRMFI-00989-00222728-00222998 with a a younger couple you know at that TXiKGcsRMFI-00990-00223000-00223319 time of their lives that kind of fun was TXiKGcsRMFI-00991-00223319-00223519 and we had lots of it TXiKGcsRMFI-00992-00223519-00223839 as we got older our our idea of fun TXiKGcsRMFI-00993-00223840-00224015 changed and certainly when you have kids TXiKGcsRMFI-00994-00224016-00224303 then your idea of fun changed TXiKGcsRMFI-00995-00224304-00224582 but we just have fun together TXiKGcsRMFI-00996-00224583-00224823 which makes it easy you know and it is a TXiKGcsRMFI-00997-00224823-00224967 sense of humor and lori talked about you TXiKGcsRMFI-00998-00224967-00225158 know being in the moment and some of TXiKGcsRMFI-00999-00225159-00225391 those terms are so overused and abused TXiKGcsRMFI-01000-00225392-00225542 people don't really know what it means TXiKGcsRMFI-01001-00225544-00225703 when they say it TXiKGcsRMFI-01002-00225704-00225982 but i think one of the advantages of TXiKGcsRMFI-01003-00225983-00226231 learning to just appreciate the fact TXiKGcsRMFI-01004-00226232-00226375 that hey i get to go out and have a TXiKGcsRMFI-01005-00226376-00226527 cocktail and have dinner with my TXiKGcsRMFI-01006-00226528-00226646 beautiful wife TXiKGcsRMFI-01007-00226648-00226855 not a lot of people get to say that TXiKGcsRMFI-01008-00226856-00227039 some people never have TXiKGcsRMFI-01009-00227040-00227246 so once you're grateful for the little TXiKGcsRMFI-01010-00227248-00227351 stuff TXiKGcsRMFI-01011-00227352-00227742 it becomes so much easier to have fun TXiKGcsRMFI-01012-00227744-00227927 because you're not wishing you were TXiKGcsRMFI-01013-00227928-00228079 doing something else or thinking about TXiKGcsRMFI-01014-00228080-00228206 what you're going to do next week or TXiKGcsRMFI-01015-00228207-00228358 thinking about your job or thinking TXiKGcsRMFI-01016-00228359-00228479 about this TXiKGcsRMFI-01017-00228480-00228751 you're just out in that moment enjoying TXiKGcsRMFI-01018-00228752-00229015 company and TXiKGcsRMFI-01019-00229016-00229271 fun can come in so many different ways TXiKGcsRMFI-01020-00229271-00229510 at that point it doesn't have to be TXiKGcsRMFI-01021-00229511-00229758 going out to a fancy restaurant or a TXiKGcsRMFI-01022-00229759-00229982 four-star hotel or jumping on a plane TXiKGcsRMFI-01023-00229983-00230239 and flying to an exotic place or that TXiKGcsRMFI-01024-00230240-00230431 doesn't have to be your vacation right TXiKGcsRMFI-01025-00230432-00230623 you don't wait all year to have fun for TXiKGcsRMFI-01026-00230623-00230751 two weeks TXiKGcsRMFI-01027-00230752-00230919 we have fun going out for dinner we have TXiKGcsRMFI-01028-00230919-00231223 fun taking our dog for a walk yeah we TXiKGcsRMFI-01029-00231223-00231391 literally TXiKGcsRMFI-01030-00231392-00231575 to make that point even more TXiKGcsRMFI-01031-00231576-00231998 back pre-children when we were broke TXiKGcsRMFI-01032-00232000-00232110 we had TXiKGcsRMFI-01033-00232111-00232303 just as much fun TXiKGcsRMFI-01034-00232304-00232663 um spending you know four dollars on TXiKGcsRMFI-01035-00232664-00232998 some cheap champagne and fake crab legs TXiKGcsRMFI-01036-00233000-00233319 and having brunch together at home we TXiKGcsRMFI-01037-00233319-00233679 had just as much fun doing that as we do TXiKGcsRMFI-01038-00233680-00233958 you know now um going to another city TXiKGcsRMFI-01039-00233959-00234206 staying in a nice hotel and having a TXiKGcsRMFI-01040-00234207-00234463 really nice dinner somewhere TXiKGcsRMFI-01041-00234464-00234742 the the the level of energy and fun and TXiKGcsRMFI-01042-00234744-00235046 enjoyment we have is the same no matter TXiKGcsRMFI-01043-00235048-00235375 what what that outside uh thing is that TXiKGcsRMFI-01044-00235376-00235575 we have going on so TXiKGcsRMFI-01045-00235576-00235791 i think that's really true in the and TXiKGcsRMFI-01046-00235792-00235919 the thing is TXiKGcsRMFI-01047-00235919-00236127 i think a lot of people TXiKGcsRMFI-01048-00236128-00236327 literally start TXiKGcsRMFI-01049-00236328-00236575 minimizing their fun actually ruining TXiKGcsRMFI-01050-00236576-00236823 their fun with their partner because TXiKGcsRMFI-01051-00236823-00237127 they stop focusing on the right things TXiKGcsRMFI-01052-00237128-00237334 they start focusing on the things that TXiKGcsRMFI-01053-00237335-00237598 start to become annoying to them or that TXiKGcsRMFI-01054-00237600-00237798 they don't like or what they think needs TXiKGcsRMFI-01055-00237800-00238151 to change or isn't right so rather than TXiKGcsRMFI-01056-00238152-00238263 rather than TXiKGcsRMFI-01057-00238264-00238503 disciplining yourself and keeping your TXiKGcsRMFI-01058-00238504-00238855 focus on what is good about TXiKGcsRMFI-01059-00238856-00239055 what you have what is good about your TXiKGcsRMFI-01060-00239056-00239255 relationship what are you reminding TXiKGcsRMFI-01061-00239256-00239487 yourself what you really love and enjoy TXiKGcsRMFI-01062-00239488-00239703 about your partner because it is really TXiKGcsRMFI-01063-00239704-00239934 easy we see it all the time for people TXiKGcsRMFI-01064-00239935-00240191 to just you know the focus just drifts TXiKGcsRMFI-01065-00240192-00240391 over to all the things that they think TXiKGcsRMFI-01066-00240392-00240655 are missing are wrong are not right are TXiKGcsRMFI-01067-00240656-00241079 bad our grass is greener yeah yeah and TXiKGcsRMFI-01068-00241080-00241342 that's a that's an easy trap that so TXiKGcsRMFI-01069-00241344-00241694 many people fall into and again it is TXiKGcsRMFI-01070-00241696-00241975 all about managing what you're thinking TXiKGcsRMFI-01071-00241976-00242294 about and focusing on that's a huge part TXiKGcsRMFI-01072-00242296-00242471 of it yeah well it's like we talked TXiKGcsRMFI-01073-00242471-00242679 about on your show i think last friday TXiKGcsRMFI-01074-00242680-00242839 or the friday before you know all about TXiKGcsRMFI-01075-00242840-00243006 the mindset and TXiKGcsRMFI-01076-00243007-00243255 you know you you are going to attract TXiKGcsRMFI-01077-00243256-00243455 whatever you focus on if you focus on TXiKGcsRMFI-01078-00243456-00243694 hey my partner is a you know fill in the TXiKGcsRMFI-01079-00243696-00243967 blank um in a negative way that's all TXiKGcsRMFI-01080-00243967-00244271 you're going to see about him or her TXiKGcsRMFI-01081-00244271-00244494 right equally if you're focusing on like TXiKGcsRMFI-01082-00244496-00244630 eric was saying you know his beautiful TXiKGcsRMFI-01083-00244631-00244839 wife and and go back and listen to the TXiKGcsRMFI-01084-00244840-00245094 words that eric was using you know it's TXiKGcsRMFI-01085-00245096-00245415 still very very important about your TXiKGcsRMFI-01086-00245416-00245591 words about how you think about the TXiKGcsRMFI-01087-00245592-00245710 other person because that's what comes TXiKGcsRMFI-01088-00245711-00245919 out of your mouth you know and even when TXiKGcsRMFI-01089-00245919-00246223 people say something in jest or joking TXiKGcsRMFI-01090-00246223-00246415 it's still coming from a place that's in TXiKGcsRMFI-01091-00246416-00246710 there so you know to eric and laurie's TXiKGcsRMFI-01092-00246711-00246903 credit you know they're still TXiKGcsRMFI-01093-00246904-00247127 finding fun and looking for fun in the TXiKGcsRMFI-01094-00247128-00247327 simplest activities kitty and i went for TXiKGcsRMFI-01095-00247328-00247494 a beautiful walk this morning and was TXiKGcsRMFI-01096-00247496-00247710 surrounded by birch trees you know just TXiKGcsRMFI-01097-00247711-00247871 five minutes away from our home and we TXiKGcsRMFI-01098-00247871-00248119 just loved it you know she's at work and TXiKGcsRMFI-01099-00248119-00248294 and i'm here now but it was something TXiKGcsRMFI-01100-00248296-00248455 that we had because it was that moment TXiKGcsRMFI-01101-00248456-00248679 we have together what i found actually TXiKGcsRMFI-01102-00248680-00248934 during the lockdown was that katie and i TXiKGcsRMFI-01103-00248935-00249142 uh were both thankfully we obviously in TXiKGcsRMFI-01104-00249144-00249391 a bigger house now but we were working TXiKGcsRMFI-01105-00249392-00249791 together you know 24 hours a day and i'm TXiKGcsRMFI-01106-00249792-00249934 just thinking you know had i not gone TXiKGcsRMFI-01107-00249935-00250103 through those changes that i've gone TXiKGcsRMFI-01108-00250104-00250327 through it could have been a very TXiKGcsRMFI-01109-00250328-00250503 miserable experience i think for both of TXiKGcsRMFI-01110-00250504-00250630 us um TXiKGcsRMFI-01111-00250631-00250830 but at the same point you know all of a TXiKGcsRMFI-01112-00250831-00251046 sudden you realize we work really well TXiKGcsRMFI-01113-00251048-00251303 together we enjoy being together you TXiKGcsRMFI-01114-00251304-00251479 know now that we're in the the studio TXiKGcsRMFI-01115-00251480-00251598 and things you know yes it's a big TXiKGcsRMFI-01116-00251600-00251751 enough room where i do my art down the TXiKGcsRMFI-01117-00251752-00251910 other side of the room and she's up here TXiKGcsRMFI-01118-00251911-00252110 you know working on the books and things TXiKGcsRMFI-01119-00252111-00252375 um and we have fun sometimes just TXiKGcsRMFI-01120-00252376-00252582 chatting you know and it's the simplest TXiKGcsRMFI-01121-00252583-00252839 of things that you get the work done you TXiKGcsRMFI-01122-00252840-00253006 just enjoy being with each other but TXiKGcsRMFI-01123-00253007-00253255 once you start to focus on the negative TXiKGcsRMFI-01124-00253256-00253398 things what's TXiKGcsRMFI-01125-00253400-00253606 you know in your mind at least wrong TXiKGcsRMFI-01126-00253607-00253758 with your partner TXiKGcsRMFI-01127-00253759-00253863 i think that's actually when TXiKGcsRMFI-01128-00253864-00254094 relationships can start to fall apart TXiKGcsRMFI-01129-00254096-00254263 any thoughts on that TXiKGcsRMFI-01130-00254264-00254351 i think TXiKGcsRMFI-01131-00254352-00254551 whether you're focusing on TXiKGcsRMFI-01132-00254552-00254710 something that's irritating you about TXiKGcsRMFI-01133-00254711-00254863 your partner TXiKGcsRMFI-01134-00254864-00255030 or you just focus on something that's TXiKGcsRMFI-01135-00255031-00255287 irritating you about your situation or TXiKGcsRMFI-01136-00255288-00255551 your mom your your condition TXiKGcsRMFI-01137-00255552-00255846 whether it's work or financial or TXiKGcsRMFI-01138-00255848-00256046 you don't like where you live you don't TXiKGcsRMFI-01139-00256048-00256206 like your apartment you don't like your TXiKGcsRMFI-01140-00256207-00256439 home you don't like your car TXiKGcsRMFI-01141-00256440-00256663 your body yeah your body you know TXiKGcsRMFI-01142-00256664-00256839 there's a lot of things that so i mean TXiKGcsRMFI-01143-00256840-00257015 oh come on it's life man there's a lot TXiKGcsRMFI-01144-00257016-00257167 of things that can distract you and i TXiKGcsRMFI-01145-00257167-00257398 think it's as loya said having them the TXiKGcsRMFI-01146-00257400-00257582 mental discipline TXiKGcsRMFI-01147-00257583-00257798 uh and control over yourself so when you TXiKGcsRMFI-01148-00257800-00257998 catch yourself well i do this every day TXiKGcsRMFI-01149-00258000-00258239 i do it every single day when i catch TXiKGcsRMFI-01150-00258240-00258471 myself thinking of something TXiKGcsRMFI-01151-00258471-00258623 negative TXiKGcsRMFI-01152-00258623-00258871 i say a little prayer which always opens TXiKGcsRMFI-01153-00258871-00258991 up my mind TXiKGcsRMFI-01154-00258992-00259191 it always grounds me in the moment i TXiKGcsRMFI-01155-00259192-00259303 start thinking wait a minute what are TXiKGcsRMFI-01156-00259304-00259519 you complaining about you you've TXiKGcsRMFI-01157-00259519-00259782 got everything you know you've got your TXiKGcsRMFI-01158-00259783-00259903 health you've TXiKGcsRMFI-01159-00259904-00260055 you've got a wonderful family you've got TXiKGcsRMFI-01160-00260056-00260271 opportunity you've got all the things TXiKGcsRMFI-01161-00260271-00260494 going what are you complaining about the TXiKGcsRMFI-01162-00260496-00260839 minute i say that to myself TXiKGcsRMFI-01163-00260840-00261039 it changes but if you don't have if TXiKGcsRMFI-01164-00261040-00261223 you're not aware TXiKGcsRMFI-01165-00261223-00261398 some because i think sometimes i know TXiKGcsRMFI-01166-00261400-00261679 i'll speak for myself i only know myself TXiKGcsRMFI-01167-00261680-00261798 kinda TXiKGcsRMFI-01168-00261800-00262055 but it's so easy especially if you're an TXiKGcsRMFI-01169-00262056-00262239 entrepreneur right because there's TXiKGcsRMFI-01170-00262240-00262447 always something that's not going the TXiKGcsRMFI-01171-00262448-00262639 way you want it to go TXiKGcsRMFI-01172-00262640-00262839 um if you allow yourself while you're TXiKGcsRMFI-01173-00262840-00263110 out having dinner or going for a hike or TXiKGcsRMFI-01174-00263111-00263295 whatever it is you're doing if you're TXiKGcsRMFI-01175-00263296-00263463 thinking about those negative things or TXiKGcsRMFI-01176-00263464-00263710 those challenges you're not really TXiKGcsRMFI-01177-00263711-00263830 there TXiKGcsRMFI-01178-00263831-00263999 you know you're not really in the moment TXiKGcsRMFI-01179-00264000-00264151 god i'm using the hell out of that term TXiKGcsRMFI-01180-00264152-00264271 that i don't like TXiKGcsRMFI-01181-00264272-00264399 but you know what i mean you're not TXiKGcsRMFI-01182-00264400-00264719 really there you're only half there and TXiKGcsRMFI-01183-00264720-00264927 then the other person feels like TXiKGcsRMFI-01184-00264928-00265175 i guess i'm not that interesting or oh i TXiKGcsRMFI-01185-00265176-00265319 don't really have anything to say that's TXiKGcsRMFI-01186-00265320-00265447 important yeah TXiKGcsRMFI-01187-00265448-00265655 and that's kind of like the beginning of TXiKGcsRMFI-01188-00265656-00265879 a bad situation too TXiKGcsRMFI-01189-00265880-00266095 yeah that's it that's a great point too TXiKGcsRMFI-01190-00266096-00266310 because right now TXiKGcsRMFI-01191-00266311-00266551 uh right now i guess it's been a while TXiKGcsRMFI-01192-00266552-00266839 since we all have phones uh you know TXiKGcsRMFI-01193-00266840-00267151 attached to us like another limb um it's TXiKGcsRMFI-01194-00267152-00267334 it's really easy for people to get into TXiKGcsRMFI-01195-00267335-00267487 the habit of TXiKGcsRMFI-01196-00267488-00267695 not being in the moment that you're TXiKGcsRMFI-01197-00267696-00267830 sitting there with somebody or you're TXiKGcsRMFI-01198-00267831-00268047 having a conversation and TXiKGcsRMFI-01199-00268048-00268199 the other person picks up their phone TXiKGcsRMFI-01200-00268200-00268382 and looks at it and the message that TXiKGcsRMFI-01201-00268383-00268599 that communicates TXiKGcsRMFI-01202-00268600-00269143 is powerful yeah um it's not good TXiKGcsRMFI-01203-00269144-00269319 and so that's a distraction though TXiKGcsRMFI-01204-00269320-00269527 that's that's you know become an TXiKGcsRMFI-01205-00269528-00269830 addiction really for so many of us that TXiKGcsRMFI-01206-00269831-00270079 we have to really really pay attention TXiKGcsRMFI-01207-00270080-00270223 um because it's just it becomes TXiKGcsRMFI-01208-00270224-00270527 autopilot you become like pavlov's dogs TXiKGcsRMFI-01209-00270528-00270823 every time that phone pings or vibrates TXiKGcsRMFI-01210-00270824-00270982 whatever you're doing comes to a TXiKGcsRMFI-01211-00270983-00271134 screeching halt and it grabs your TXiKGcsRMFI-01212-00271135-00271358 attention or what's worse in some no i TXiKGcsRMFI-01213-00271359-00271551 was just i was out of town last week at TXiKGcsRMFI-01214-00271552-00271734 a business meeting with three or four TXiKGcsRMFI-01215-00271735-00271958 people who i TXiKGcsRMFI-01216-00271959-00272119 love them dearly they're very close TXiKGcsRMFI-01217-00272120-00272430 friends and business partners i enjoy TXiKGcsRMFI-01218-00272431-00272582 their company TXiKGcsRMFI-01219-00272583-00272775 when we're together it's almost always TXiKGcsRMFI-01220-00272776-00272895 productive TXiKGcsRMFI-01221-00272896-00273047 and it's wrapped around a lot of good TXiKGcsRMFI-01222-00273048-00273167 times TXiKGcsRMFI-01223-00273168-00273382 but i remember it was that last thursday TXiKGcsRMFI-01224-00273383-00273591 i was sitting in an office and i flew TXiKGcsRMFI-01225-00273592-00273671 you know TXiKGcsRMFI-01226-00273672-00273830 took me all day to get there i had to TXiKGcsRMFI-01227-00273831-00273999 fly there for this meeting i stayed TXiKGcsRMFI-01228-00274000-00274182 there for two or three days my time is TXiKGcsRMFI-01229-00274183-00274447 very valuable to me whether i'm just TXiKGcsRMFI-01230-00274448-00274671 sitting on my deck with my dog TXiKGcsRMFI-01231-00274672-00274847 you know smoking a cigar and drinking a TXiKGcsRMFI-01232-00274848-00275071 beer or whether i'm working TXiKGcsRMFI-01233-00275072-00275255 or whatever TXiKGcsRMFI-01234-00275256-00275406 even when i'm not doing anything TXiKGcsRMFI-01235-00275407-00275671 productive that's valuable time for me TXiKGcsRMFI-01236-00275672-00275855 so for me to jump on a plane fly halfway TXiKGcsRMFI-01237-00275856-00276023 across the country sit in a room full of TXiKGcsRMFI-01238-00276024-00276119 people TXiKGcsRMFI-01239-00276120-00276399 and i notice at one point TXiKGcsRMFI-01240-00276400-00276567 people aren't talking on their phones TXiKGcsRMFI-01241-00276568-00276703 they're looking at their phones and TXiKGcsRMFI-01242-00276704-00276951 having conversations looking at oh yeah TXiKGcsRMFI-01243-00276952-00277119 yeah yeah and then they're TXiKGcsRMFI-01244-00277120-00277255 you know in the midst of another TXiKGcsRMFI-01245-00277256-00277534 conversation and again thanks to lori TXiKGcsRMFI-01246-00277535-00277615 now TXiKGcsRMFI-01247-00277616-00277799 several years ago TXiKGcsRMFI-01248-00277800-00277967 i'd have pulled a pin on that grenade TXiKGcsRMFI-01249-00277968-00278103 yeah and i would just would have let TXiKGcsRMFI-01250-00278104-00278287 that shrapnel fly and whoever survived TXiKGcsRMFI-01251-00278288-00278463 survive whoever didn't didn't it TXiKGcsRMFI-01252-00278464-00278623 wouldn't matter to me TXiKGcsRMFI-01253-00278624-00278895 but i kind of kept my mouth shut and TXiKGcsRMFI-01254-00278896-00279071 didn't let it anger me first and TXiKGcsRMFI-01255-00279072-00279351 foremost i didn't let it irritate me TXiKGcsRMFI-01256-00279352-00279639 and then found a way to by you know TXiKGcsRMFI-01257-00279640-00279871 forcing people to kind of engage with me TXiKGcsRMFI-01258-00279872-00280143 put their phones down and then we we TXiKGcsRMFI-01259-00280144-00280334 went along our merry way but again TXiKGcsRMFI-01260-00280335-00280599 that's an example of allowing you you TXiKGcsRMFI-01261-00280600-00280743 think you're you're in the room you're TXiKGcsRMFI-01262-00280744-00280895 sitting there everybody's in that TXiKGcsRMFI-01263-00280896-00281191 meeting ostensibly to make progress TXiKGcsRMFI-01264-00281192-00281358 but they can't get off their phones to TXiKGcsRMFI-01265-00281359-00281534 do it that's another TXiKGcsRMFI-01266-00281535-00281767 it's a it's it's disrespectful it's what TXiKGcsRMFI-01267-00281768-00281863 it is TXiKGcsRMFI-01268-00281864-00282063 it's crazy the fact that people have now TXiKGcsRMFI-01269-00282064-00282263 become so conditioned and lori you're TXiKGcsRMFI-01270-00282264-00282415 exactly right i'll be speaking about TXiKGcsRMFI-01271-00282416-00282623 this i think at the end of the uh next TXiKGcsRMFI-01272-00282624-00282719 month TXiKGcsRMFI-01273-00282720-00283015 um all about how phones have now become TXiKGcsRMFI-01274-00283016-00283255 you know basically addictive substances TXiKGcsRMFI-01275-00283256-00283423 more addictive pretty much than anything TXiKGcsRMFI-01276-00283424-00283615 else that's out there right now TXiKGcsRMFI-01277-00283616-00283895 um and the issues that that's causing TXiKGcsRMFI-01278-00283896-00284023 with the eyes and the brain and TXiKGcsRMFI-01279-00284024-00284158 everything else but that's a whole other TXiKGcsRMFI-01280-00284159-00284358 topic for another time one of the things TXiKGcsRMFI-01281-00284359-00284654 that i want to ask um for both of you is TXiKGcsRMFI-01282-00284655-00284791 because i know we've touched on this a TXiKGcsRMFI-01283-00284792-00284934 little bit briefly TXiKGcsRMFI-01284-00284935-00285175 um but in every relationships there are TXiKGcsRMFI-01285-00285176-00285423 bumps in the road how did you weather TXiKGcsRMFI-01286-00285424-00285854 the storms TXiKGcsRMFI-01287-00285855-00285982 well TXiKGcsRMFI-01288-00285983-00286127 i would say TXiKGcsRMFI-01289-00286128-00286230 we only TXiKGcsRMFI-01290-00286231-00286430 really honestly TXiKGcsRMFI-01291-00286431-00286551 had TXiKGcsRMFI-01292-00286552-00286734 a couple TXiKGcsRMFI-01293-00286735-00286847 storms TXiKGcsRMFI-01294-00286848-00287023 what what i would call a storm you mean TXiKGcsRMFI-01295-00287024-00287295 personal relationship issues yeah and so TXiKGcsRMFI-01296-00287296-00287454 and they were relatively minor in the TXiKGcsRMFI-01297-00287455-00287599 big scheme of things TXiKGcsRMFI-01298-00287600-00287854 so i think on that note whether you have TXiKGcsRMFI-01299-00287855-00288023 lots of storms or TXiKGcsRMFI-01300-00288024-00288295 you know whatever um i think that i TXiKGcsRMFI-01301-00288296-00288623 think it's really important that you TXiKGcsRMFI-01302-00288624-00288903 have the ability to TXiKGcsRMFI-01303-00288904-00289119 forgive your partner forgiveness is a TXiKGcsRMFI-01304-00289120-00289230 really big TXiKGcsRMFI-01305-00289231-00289527 important aspect of growing together in TXiKGcsRMFI-01306-00289528-00289830 a relationship if you can't TXiKGcsRMFI-01307-00289831-00290215 um you know be the one that needs to TXiKGcsRMFI-01308-00290216-00290439 forgive the other person TXiKGcsRMFI-01309-00290440-00290679 then you obviously have have some more TXiKGcsRMFI-01310-00290680-00290975 communicating to do um and the person TXiKGcsRMFI-01311-00290976-00291119 that is TXiKGcsRMFI-01312-00291120-00291367 asking for forgiveness if you know if if TXiKGcsRMFI-01313-00291368-00291495 somebody has said something or done TXiKGcsRMFI-01314-00291496-00291647 something that they feel they know that TXiKGcsRMFI-01315-00291648-00291854 they shouldn't have said or done and it TXiKGcsRMFI-01316-00291855-00292134 was wrong and they've apologized TXiKGcsRMFI-01317-00292135-00292319 have you apologized in the right way did TXiKGcsRMFI-01318-00292320-00292543 you really apologize did you really TXiKGcsRMFI-01319-00292544-00292895 are you really sorry and and then TXiKGcsRMFI-01320-00292896-00293079 why and what are you going to do about TXiKGcsRMFI-01321-00293080-00293223 it like you know are you going to change TXiKGcsRMFI-01322-00293224-00293430 your behavior or whatever how do you how TXiKGcsRMFI-01323-00293431-00293719 do you make amends so i think on on both TXiKGcsRMFI-01324-00293720-00293903 sides of that whether you need to be TXiKGcsRMFI-01325-00293904-00294095 forgiven or whether you are the one TXiKGcsRMFI-01326-00294096-00294303 doing the forgiving TXiKGcsRMFI-01327-00294304-00294551 that is something that is critically TXiKGcsRMFI-01328-00294552-00294895 important and and there are people that TXiKGcsRMFI-01329-00294896-00295191 i've worked with couples that TXiKGcsRMFI-01330-00295192-00295382 sometimes somebody will TXiKGcsRMFI-01331-00295383-00295630 say they've forgiven but then their TXiKGcsRMFI-01332-00295631-00295839 actions moving forward TXiKGcsRMFI-01333-00295840-00296087 don't actually indicate that like TXiKGcsRMFI-01334-00296088-00296343 they're still in in various ways sort of TXiKGcsRMFI-01335-00296344-00296527 punishing their partner that's not TXiKGcsRMFI-01336-00296528-00296671 really true forgiveness either just TXiKGcsRMFI-01337-00296672-00296863 because you say it but then you don't TXiKGcsRMFI-01338-00296864-00297039 move forward you know TXiKGcsRMFI-01339-00297040-00297119 uh TXiKGcsRMFI-01340-00297120-00297247 with that TXiKGcsRMFI-01341-00297248-00297367 burden TXiKGcsRMFI-01342-00297368-00297551 off of your shoulders if you're still TXiKGcsRMFI-01343-00297552-00297719 punishing your partner then you haven't TXiKGcsRMFI-01344-00297720-00297879 really forgiven them you haven't you TXiKGcsRMFI-01345-00297880-00298015 haven't worked through whatever it is TXiKGcsRMFI-01346-00298016-00298230 you need to work through so i think that TXiKGcsRMFI-01347-00298231-00298487 that's a that's a big one TXiKGcsRMFI-01348-00298488-00298623 well you've had to forgive me more than TXiKGcsRMFI-01349-00298624-00298782 i've had to forgive you so you you're TXiKGcsRMFI-01350-00298783-00298999 the authority on that TXiKGcsRMFI-01351-00299000-00299182 i don't know about that but TXiKGcsRMFI-01352-00299183-00299551 i uh i think that um also you know it's TXiKGcsRMFI-01353-00299552-00299687 you're TXiKGcsRMFI-01354-00299688-00300015 inevitably you will run into challenges TXiKGcsRMFI-01355-00300016-00300199 i mean that's just part of life if you TXiKGcsRMFI-01356-00300200-00300382 don't then you're not really living TXiKGcsRMFI-01357-00300383-00300551 right and TXiKGcsRMFI-01358-00300552-00300767 a lot of people that's where that's TXiKGcsRMFI-01359-00300768-00300991 where they start to TXiKGcsRMFI-01360-00300992-00301239 become they move from being one unit TXiKGcsRMFI-01361-00301240-00301454 into two they move from being on the TXiKGcsRMFI-01362-00301455-00301758 same team to on opposing teams TXiKGcsRMFI-01363-00301759-00302039 and and i think that if you TXiKGcsRMFI-01364-00302040-00302358 keep in mind that TXiKGcsRMFI-01365-00302359-00302615 the challenges and the speed bumps that TXiKGcsRMFI-01366-00302616-00302910 you encounter are your opportunities TXiKGcsRMFI-01367-00302911-00303047 they're they're not TXiKGcsRMFI-01368-00303048-00303247 you know it's not a battle that somebody TXiKGcsRMFI-01369-00303248-00303406 has to win TXiKGcsRMFI-01370-00303407-00303623 making somebody lose it's your TXiKGcsRMFI-01371-00303624-00303758 opportunity TXiKGcsRMFI-01372-00303759-00304006 personally to figure out what you need TXiKGcsRMFI-01373-00304007-00304406 to do to evolve what you need to do to TXiKGcsRMFI-01374-00304407-00304495 you know TXiKGcsRMFI-01375-00304496-00304703 somehow develop yourself a little bit TXiKGcsRMFI-01376-00304704-00304991 more so that you can manage this and TXiKGcsRMFI-01377-00304992-00305206 overcome it and move through it in the TXiKGcsRMFI-01378-00305207-00305615 most productive positive way possible so TXiKGcsRMFI-01379-00305616-00305863 i think that there are so many people TXiKGcsRMFI-01380-00305864-00306023 very willing to TXiKGcsRMFI-01381-00306024-00306375 um give up uh you know relationships um TXiKGcsRMFI-01382-00306376-00306654 have become pretty much you know TXiKGcsRMFI-01383-00306655-00306951 they're so disposable uh and not that TXiKGcsRMFI-01384-00306952-00307095 that's TXiKGcsRMFI-01385-00307096-00307495 a new thing but what's new is that i i TXiKGcsRMFI-01386-00307496-00307775 think is that people aren't willing to TXiKGcsRMFI-01387-00307776-00307919 even TXiKGcsRMFI-01388-00307920-00308319 try to TXiKGcsRMFI-01389-00308320-00308567 yeah yeah it's just easier to say okay TXiKGcsRMFI-01390-00308568-00308758 we're done with this let's move on but TXiKGcsRMFI-01391-00308759-00308975 when you'd haven't figured out and TXiKGcsRMFI-01392-00308976-00309182 learned how to TXiKGcsRMFI-01393-00309183-00309375 move through those challenges in a TXiKGcsRMFI-01394-00309376-00309551 positive productive way then what TXiKGcsRMFI-01395-00309552-00309806 happens is you get rid of that person TXiKGcsRMFI-01396-00309807-00309951 and then you go on to the next one and TXiKGcsRMFI-01397-00309952-00310191 you repeat the same thing and so people TXiKGcsRMFI-01398-00310192-00310351 go through their lives go through these TXiKGcsRMFI-01399-00310352-00310663 relationships um never really figuring TXiKGcsRMFI-01400-00310664-00310863 out how to make it work because they TXiKGcsRMFI-01401-00310864-00311023 haven't they haven't turned the TXiKGcsRMFI-01402-00311024-00311254 spotlight around to themselves their own TXiKGcsRMFI-01403-00311255-00311447 beliefs their own behavior TXiKGcsRMFI-01404-00311448-00311615 and the things that they need to do TXiKGcsRMFI-01405-00311616-00311871 themselves to develop more in order to TXiKGcsRMFI-01406-00311872-00312103 manage things better and then TXiKGcsRMFI-01407-00312104-00312327 it's so sweet then when you do that when TXiKGcsRMFI-01408-00312328-00312551 you overcome the challenges when you TXiKGcsRMFI-01409-00312552-00312871 figure it out whatever it is that's got TXiKGcsRMFI-01410-00312872-00313134 you all you know twisted up TXiKGcsRMFI-01411-00313135-00313487 it's such a wonderful uh you know way to TXiKGcsRMFI-01412-00313488-00313758 go wow i just i just grew i just became TXiKGcsRMFI-01413-00313759-00313967 a better version of myself i mean that's TXiKGcsRMFI-01414-00313968-00314182 a pretty good feeling yeah TXiKGcsRMFI-01415-00314183-00314358 definitely i mean katie and i frequently TXiKGcsRMFI-01416-00314359-00314671 talk about iron sharpening iron um you TXiKGcsRMFI-01417-00314672-00314799 know and it's TXiKGcsRMFI-01418-00314800-00315006 very you know the relationship that we TXiKGcsRMFI-01419-00315007-00315151 have is almost like knocking the hard TXiKGcsRMFI-01420-00315152-00315430 edges off each other um you know because TXiKGcsRMFI-01421-00315431-00315606 i know that TXiKGcsRMFI-01422-00315607-00315791 you know this year as i've shared a TXiKGcsRMFI-01423-00315792-00315951 number of times this year has been TXiKGcsRMFI-01424-00315952-00316175 really a big year of growth uh for both TXiKGcsRMFI-01425-00316176-00316430 of us um and in a really phenomenal way TXiKGcsRMFI-01426-00316431-00316639 to the point now that our relationship TXiKGcsRMFI-01427-00316640-00316830 is so much better TXiKGcsRMFI-01428-00316831-00317103 but it is often a good place to start TXiKGcsRMFI-01429-00317104-00317310 with looking inward you know if there's TXiKGcsRMFI-01430-00317311-00317454 issues going on if there have been TXiKGcsRMFI-01431-00317455-00317679 issues in other relationships going on TXiKGcsRMFI-01432-00317680-00317847 and it's still the same recurring TXiKGcsRMFI-01433-00317848-00318039 pattern it's not a bad thing just and TXiKGcsRMFI-01434-00318040-00318199 it's it's not something to be afraid of TXiKGcsRMFI-01435-00318200-00318423 but to look inside and say TXiKGcsRMFI-01436-00318424-00318575 i've actually got something here that i TXiKGcsRMFI-01437-00318576-00318767 need to work on and whatever that might TXiKGcsRMFI-01438-00318768-00318975 be and however that solution may be TXiKGcsRMFI-01439-00318976-00319215 found you know is open for discussion TXiKGcsRMFI-01440-00319216-00319303 but TXiKGcsRMFI-01441-00319304-00319463 that's always a good place to start i TXiKGcsRMFI-01442-00319464-00319727 think um and and laurie you know like TXiKGcsRMFI-01443-00319728-00319903 you were saying you know i think so many TXiKGcsRMFI-01444-00319904-00320143 people now both in marriage and just in TXiKGcsRMFI-01445-00320144-00320351 relationships in general just throw in TXiKGcsRMFI-01446-00320352-00320687 the towel so easy um you know and that's TXiKGcsRMFI-01447-00320688-00320839 why i'm really glad that i've got both TXiKGcsRMFI-01448-00320840-00321103 of you on because you know the the TXiKGcsRMFI-01449-00321104-00321254 your records are showing at the moment TXiKGcsRMFI-01450-00321255-00321471 that certain marriages you know people TXiKGcsRMFI-01451-00321472-00321679 are getting divorced you know TXiKGcsRMFI-01452-00321680-00321927 some can sometimes within a day um TXiKGcsRMFI-01453-00321928-00322047 believe it or not and other people are TXiKGcsRMFI-01454-00322048-00322239 getting divorced within not mentioning TXiKGcsRMFI-01455-00322240-00322543 any names but within you know a year or TXiKGcsRMFI-01456-00322544-00322799 two so that the era where TXiKGcsRMFI-01457-00322800-00323054 you had marriages that lasted 40 50 60 TXiKGcsRMFI-01458-00323055-00323303 years seem to be you know TXiKGcsRMFI-01459-00323304-00323615 going and and greatly decreasing what TXiKGcsRMFI-01460-00323616-00323799 advice would you give to younger couples TXiKGcsRMFI-01461-00323800-00323927 that are just starting out on their TXiKGcsRMFI-01462-00323928-00324343 journey TXiKGcsRMFI-01463-00324344-00324630 that's yours well i think i mean i think TXiKGcsRMFI-01464-00324631-00324871 the things we just talked about for sure TXiKGcsRMFI-01465-00324872-00325047 i mean you know forgiveness on both TXiKGcsRMFI-01466-00325048-00325358 sides of the coin um looking at the TXiKGcsRMFI-01467-00325359-00325567 challenges that you will come up against TXiKGcsRMFI-01468-00325568-00325806 as opportunities rather than something TXiKGcsRMFI-01469-00325807-00326030 that's trying to uh letting it tear you TXiKGcsRMFI-01470-00326031-00326439 apart uh and i think um people people TXiKGcsRMFI-01471-00326440-00326606 have a tendency TXiKGcsRMFI-01472-00326607-00326910 when they are together for a while TXiKGcsRMFI-01473-00326911-00327158 naturally and hopefully you're going to TXiKGcsRMFI-01474-00327159-00327382 continue to grow TXiKGcsRMFI-01475-00327383-00327710 and a lot of times because growth means TXiKGcsRMFI-01476-00327711-00327919 change people are TXiKGcsRMFI-01477-00327920-00328143 afraid of change and they get really TXiKGcsRMFI-01478-00328144-00328503 worried or nervous or fearful when their TXiKGcsRMFI-01479-00328504-00328695 partners they see changes in their TXiKGcsRMFI-01480-00328696-00328934 partner they assume that somehow that's TXiKGcsRMFI-01481-00328935-00329054 not going to be good for them because TXiKGcsRMFI-01482-00329055-00329223 they maybe are still you know you're not TXiKGcsRMFI-01483-00329224-00329430 you don't always grow at the same pace TXiKGcsRMFI-01484-00329431-00329558 you're doing different things you're TXiKGcsRMFI-01485-00329559-00329727 evolving you're developing as a human TXiKGcsRMFI-01486-00329728-00330078 being um so i think being willing to not TXiKGcsRMFI-01487-00330079-00330271 be afraid of TXiKGcsRMFI-01488-00330272-00330447 growth either in yourself or your TXiKGcsRMFI-01489-00330448-00330727 partner and beyond that supporting their TXiKGcsRMFI-01490-00330728-00330991 growth encouraging their growth i mean TXiKGcsRMFI-01491-00330992-00331247 if you really really love your partner TXiKGcsRMFI-01492-00331248-00331510 and you truly want the best for them TXiKGcsRMFI-01493-00331511-00331823 then you would by definition want them TXiKGcsRMFI-01494-00331824-00332023 to grow and evolve as a human being TXiKGcsRMFI-01495-00332024-00332199 otherwise TXiKGcsRMFI-01496-00332200-00332382 it's TXiKGcsRMFI-01497-00332383-00332599 you're not being honest with yourself or TXiKGcsRMFI-01498-00332600-00332823 your partner so i think that TXiKGcsRMFI-01499-00332824-00332982 being willing to be your partner's TXiKGcsRMFI-01500-00332983-00333230 biggest fan and support their growth and TXiKGcsRMFI-01501-00333231-00333471 be willing to say how can i how can i TXiKGcsRMFI-01502-00333472-00333758 help you what can i do for you and it TXiKGcsRMFI-01503-00333759-00333982 has to be a two-way street i think that TXiKGcsRMFI-01504-00333983-00334151 that's really important and not being TXiKGcsRMFI-01505-00334152-00334406 afraid if if you're kind of at a point TXiKGcsRMFI-01506-00334407-00334567 where you're just sort of treading water TXiKGcsRMFI-01507-00334568-00334782 for a bit but your other partner is TXiKGcsRMFI-01508-00334783-00334991 moving forward don't be afraid of that TXiKGcsRMFI-01509-00334992-00335199 don't be envious don't be jealous be TXiKGcsRMFI-01510-00335200-00335430 supportive because when your time comes TXiKGcsRMFI-01511-00335431-00335599 then your partner if you've got a TXiKGcsRMFI-01512-00335600-00335767 healthy relationship will be there for TXiKGcsRMFI-01513-00335768-00336023 you as well TXiKGcsRMFI-01514-00336024-00336239 couldn't couldn't come close to saying TXiKGcsRMFI-01515-00336240-00336463 it as well as that TXiKGcsRMFI-01516-00336464-00336534 it TXiKGcsRMFI-01517-00336535-00336934 and really to me it it's like i think TXiKGcsRMFI-01518-00336935-00337119 and i'm you know i don't talk to other TXiKGcsRMFI-01519-00337120-00337367 couples about things like this i'm not a TXiKGcsRMFI-01520-00337368-00337615 relationship person like lori is but i TXiKGcsRMFI-01521-00337616-00337775 think people tend to go in even if it's TXiKGcsRMFI-01522-00337776-00337967 a business partnership or TXiKGcsRMFI-01523-00337968-00338143 romantic relationship TXiKGcsRMFI-01524-00338144-00338399 if you go into every situation looking TXiKGcsRMFI-01525-00338400-00338767 at it as if it's a zero-sum game TXiKGcsRMFI-01526-00338768-00338878 meaning TXiKGcsRMFI-01527-00338879-00339295 if i'm if i'm giving up something TXiKGcsRMFI-01528-00339296-00339447 you know it's TXiKGcsRMFI-01529-00339448-00339734 it's going to cost me i'm i'm giving you TXiKGcsRMFI-01530-00339735-00339847 this TXiKGcsRMFI-01531-00339848-00340078 and you look at it as a donation to a TXiKGcsRMFI-01532-00340079-00340247 charity or TXiKGcsRMFI-01533-00340248-00340606 or whatever you don't feel good about it TXiKGcsRMFI-01534-00340607-00340775 it doesn't make you happy TXiKGcsRMFI-01535-00340776-00341023 you get defensive you get resentful TXiKGcsRMFI-01536-00341024-00341206 because you're giving you're giving TXiKGcsRMFI-01537-00341207-00341343 you're giving TXiKGcsRMFI-01538-00341344-00341534 gloria's had to do that with me just TXiKGcsRMFI-01539-00341535-00341806 because of the nature of TXiKGcsRMFI-01540-00341807-00342071 our careers there's been times when lori TXiKGcsRMFI-01541-00342072-00342199 was like TXiKGcsRMFI-01542-00342200-00342399 80 of everything that happened under TXiKGcsRMFI-01543-00342400-00342647 this roof she had to be because i wasn't TXiKGcsRMFI-01544-00342648-00342767 available TXiKGcsRMFI-01545-00342768-00342967 either physically or mentally or TXiKGcsRMFI-01546-00342968-00343127 whatever i was focused on something else TXiKGcsRMFI-01547-00343128-00343471 so she was giving giving giving giving TXiKGcsRMFI-01548-00343472-00343703 to her expense i mean TXiKGcsRMFI-01549-00343704-00343878 meaning in terms of the things that she TXiKGcsRMFI-01550-00343879-00344182 was able to pursue and want to do and if TXiKGcsRMFI-01551-00344183-00344351 she would have had the opinion of oh my TXiKGcsRMFI-01552-00344352-00344623 gosh i'm giving 80 of this relationship TXiKGcsRMFI-01553-00344624-00344839 i'm doing all of this while he's off TXiKGcsRMFI-01554-00344840-00345030 flying around the country you know doing TXiKGcsRMFI-01555-00345031-00345151 what he's doing TXiKGcsRMFI-01556-00345152-00345406 you can easily resent that if you look TXiKGcsRMFI-01557-00345407-00345630 at it as a zero-sum game but if you look TXiKGcsRMFI-01558-00345631-00345871 at it as wait a minute i'm TXiKGcsRMFI-01559-00345872-00346110 i'm investing in my partner i'm not TXiKGcsRMFI-01560-00346111-00346295 giving my partner something i'm TXiKGcsRMFI-01561-00346296-00346534 investing in our in my partner therefore TXiKGcsRMFI-01562-00346535-00346791 i'm investing in my relationship TXiKGcsRMFI-01563-00346792-00346934 and you'll be looking for those TXiKGcsRMFI-01564-00346935-00347110 dividends as opposed to feeling like TXiKGcsRMFI-01565-00347111-00347303 you're just giving something away TXiKGcsRMFI-01566-00347304-00347471 because you feel like it's a zero-sum TXiKGcsRMFI-01567-00347472-00347687 game it's back and forth TXiKGcsRMFI-01568-00347688-00347975 it it will continue to go back and forth TXiKGcsRMFI-01569-00347976-00348167 i can't wait for the day when i have TXiKGcsRMFI-01570-00348168-00348358 nothing else to do but sit around and TXiKGcsRMFI-01571-00348359-00348551 count the money she makes TXiKGcsRMFI-01572-00348552-00348695 and take care of the dog and do the TXiKGcsRMFI-01573-00348696-00348839 dishes and go to the grocery store i'm TXiKGcsRMFI-01574-00348840-00348982 cool with that because TXiKGcsRMFI-01575-00348983-00349158 you know she's had to give so much TXiKGcsRMFI-01576-00349159-00349423 during our time together TXiKGcsRMFI-01577-00349424-00349606 that i look forward to making that TXiKGcsRMFI-01578-00349607-00349830 investment and do as much as i can on a TXiKGcsRMFI-01579-00349831-00350071 daily basis but again if you look at it TXiKGcsRMFI-01580-00350072-00350151 is TXiKGcsRMFI-01581-00350152-00350447 i'm sacrificing yeah TXiKGcsRMFI-01582-00350448-00350582 that's a wrong way to look at it right TXiKGcsRMFI-01583-00350583-00350751 away because now somebody's taking TXiKGcsRMFI-01584-00350752-00350943 something from you and you kind of TXiKGcsRMFI-01585-00350944-00351158 resent it you don't know you are TXiKGcsRMFI-01586-00351159-00351271 or you do TXiKGcsRMFI-01587-00351272-00351430 but you do TXiKGcsRMFI-01588-00351431-00351678 that's not healthy yeah and i think to TXiKGcsRMFI-01589-00351679-00351847 add to that though TXiKGcsRMFI-01590-00351848-00352023 like in that situation TXiKGcsRMFI-01591-00352024-00352310 it also matters that the person that is TXiKGcsRMFI-01592-00352311-00352415 maybe TXiKGcsRMFI-01593-00352416-00352503 you know TXiKGcsRMFI-01594-00352504-00352695 not not there TXiKGcsRMFI-01595-00352696-00352967 to use your analogy not their 80 of the TXiKGcsRMFI-01596-00352968-00353239 time for a phase or whatever TXiKGcsRMFI-01597-00353240-00353503 making sure that that person also is TXiKGcsRMFI-01598-00353504-00353775 acknowledging yeah recognize it dude TXiKGcsRMFI-01599-00353776-00353982 right right so you don't want to take TXiKGcsRMFI-01600-00353983-00354191 the person that's right now in more of a TXiKGcsRMFI-01601-00354192-00354519 supportive place for uh granted TXiKGcsRMFI-01602-00354520-00354606 yeah TXiKGcsRMFI-01603-00354607-00354703 no TXiKGcsRMFI-01604-00354704-00354903 definitely definitely that for me TXiKGcsRMFI-01605-00354904-00355047 actually that was a little bit emotional TXiKGcsRMFI-01606-00355048-00355191 there because it actually brought up TXiKGcsRMFI-01607-00355192-00355582 thoughts and memories um you know of TXiKGcsRMFI-01608-00355583-00355878 you know the other guy as TXiKGcsRMFI-01609-00355879-00356182 because you know for katie TXiKGcsRMFI-01610-00356183-00356367 looking at it in her position it was TXiKGcsRMFI-01611-00356368-00356582 always like she was piggy in the middle TXiKGcsRMFI-01612-00356583-00356799 you know she had me on one side and then TXiKGcsRMFI-01613-00356800-00356999 if she was dealing with family or there TXiKGcsRMFI-01614-00357000-00357215 was conflict that was there you know she TXiKGcsRMFI-01615-00357216-00357375 always felt like she was that person in TXiKGcsRMFI-01616-00357376-00357495 the middle TXiKGcsRMFI-01617-00357496-00357719 as opposed to you know and i did and TXiKGcsRMFI-01618-00357720-00357895 hold my hands up you know frequently TXiKGcsRMFI-01619-00357896-00358110 that i would say why are you never on my TXiKGcsRMFI-01620-00358111-00358327 side and it's it's how about well hang TXiKGcsRMFI-01621-00358328-00358606 on how about you be on her side you know TXiKGcsRMFI-01622-00358607-00358799 and and now being able to look at that TXiKGcsRMFI-01623-00358800-00359023 through those eyes um TXiKGcsRMFI-01624-00359024-00359167 you know that's TXiKGcsRMFI-01625-00359168-00359382 that's a typical thing uh looking at TXiKGcsRMFI-01626-00359383-00359615 that um because TXiKGcsRMFI-01627-00359616-00359703 you know TXiKGcsRMFI-01628-00359704-00359863 and again i know many of the knights TXiKGcsRMFI-01629-00359864-00360078 were you know very very difficult TXiKGcsRMFI-01630-00360079-00360254 because it you know it had to be you TXiKGcsRMFI-01631-00360255-00360423 know john's you know again similar to TXiKGcsRMFI-01632-00360424-00360599 eric you know doing all these things TXiKGcsRMFI-01633-00360600-00360815 with his business she's got her own TXiKGcsRMFI-01634-00360816-00360975 business but she's got family pressure TXiKGcsRMFI-01635-00360976-00361119 she's got you know other pressures as TXiKGcsRMFI-01636-00361120-00361351 well that's going on and TXiKGcsRMFI-01637-00361352-00361551 you know i at that time was very very TXiKGcsRMFI-01638-00361552-00361743 selfish always thinking you know well TXiKGcsRMFI-01639-00361744-00361958 how this affects me and and because i TXiKGcsRMFI-01640-00361959-00362151 wasn't in that right mindset because i TXiKGcsRMFI-01641-00362152-00362334 didn't take care of any engineering and TXiKGcsRMFI-01642-00362335-00362543 self-mastery and all the other stuff you TXiKGcsRMFI-01643-00362544-00362743 know it was a case of TXiKGcsRMFI-01644-00362744-00363023 you know in a very very difficult way TXiKGcsRMFI-01645-00363024-00363206 whereas now you know i mean lori i said TXiKGcsRMFI-01646-00363207-00363319 this to you i think the other day when TXiKGcsRMFI-01647-00363320-00363558 we uh did the show that my in-laws TXiKGcsRMFI-01648-00363559-00363830 actually said after we had left uh my TXiKGcsRMFI-01649-00363831-00364023 father-in-law's birthday party that was TXiKGcsRMFI-01650-00364024-00364239 like talking to a completely different TXiKGcsRMFI-01651-00364240-00364430 guy and katie was like that's because it TXiKGcsRMFI-01652-00364431-00364543 is TXiKGcsRMFI-01653-00364544-00364767 in the best sense and i just thought wow TXiKGcsRMFI-01654-00364768-00364927 that you know for me that was just an TXiKGcsRMFI-01655-00364928-00365206 incredible moment in time and i suppose TXiKGcsRMFI-01656-00365207-00365358 as we're wrapping up here i know we TXiKGcsRMFI-01657-00365359-00365454 would TXiKGcsRMFI-01658-00365455-00365567 gosh i mean there's so many different TXiKGcsRMFI-01659-00365568-00365823 avenues that we can go down but i'm TXiKGcsRMFI-01660-00365824-00366015 intrigued to know TXiKGcsRMFI-01661-00366016-00366134 after all the years and all the TXiKGcsRMFI-01662-00366135-00366327 experiences how has your relationship TXiKGcsRMFI-01663-00366328-00366678 changed over the years TXiKGcsRMFI-01664-00366679-00367039 well i think the biggest thing is um we TXiKGcsRMFI-01665-00367040-00367423 now are in bed by like 9 30. TXiKGcsRMFI-01666-00367424-00367695 that's that's changed instead of just TXiKGcsRMFI-01667-00367696-00367919 getting ready to go out TXiKGcsRMFI-01668-00367920-00368134 yeah that's changed a little bit but TXiKGcsRMFI-01669-00368135-00368358 honestly it's matured as we've matured TXiKGcsRMFI-01670-00368359-00368606 we're not the same people we were thank TXiKGcsRMFI-01671-00368607-00368703 god TXiKGcsRMFI-01672-00368704-00368934 in our 20s and 30s i mean TXiKGcsRMFI-01673-00368935-00369143 i mean i love my life in my 20s and my TXiKGcsRMFI-01674-00369144-00369415 30s and my 40s and my 50s and now into TXiKGcsRMFI-01675-00369416-00369630 my 60s so it's not like i look back at TXiKGcsRMFI-01676-00369631-00369799 my life oh man i'm sure glad i'm not TXiKGcsRMFI-01677-00369800-00370047 that person we had a blast but TXiKGcsRMFI-01678-00370048-00370303 it's just it's different now you know we TXiKGcsRMFI-01679-00370304-00370558 look forward to different things now TXiKGcsRMFI-01680-00370559-00370782 you know i went through a big TXiKGcsRMFI-01681-00370783-00370975 like most people and i think we both did TXiKGcsRMFI-01682-00370976-00371175 this we're both guilty of this where TXiKGcsRMFI-01683-00371176-00371447 it's oh let's get this i'm going to buy TXiKGcsRMFI-01684-00371448-00371623 a porch oh i think i'm going to buy an TXiKGcsRMFI-01685-00371624-00371782 airplane TXiKGcsRMFI-01686-00371783-00371999 all these bright shiny objects that were TXiKGcsRMFI-01687-00372000-00372199 available to us because of the situation TXiKGcsRMFI-01688-00372200-00372510 we're in TXiKGcsRMFI-01689-00372511-00372854 right now i drive a 1995 gmc pickup with TXiKGcsRMFI-01690-00372855-00373271 153 000 miles on it and i love my truck TXiKGcsRMFI-01691-00373272-00373478 there's nothing else there's no material TXiKGcsRMFI-01692-00373479-00373687 things that i want and talk about TXiKGcsRMFI-01693-00373688-00373943 freedom by the way we all talk about oh TXiKGcsRMFI-01694-00373944-00374119 we want freedom financial freedom TXiKGcsRMFI-01695-00374120-00374254 emotional freedom whatever kind of TXiKGcsRMFI-01696-00374255-00374439 freedom we want when you get to the TXiKGcsRMFI-01697-00374440-00374630 point where you don't want things that TXiKGcsRMFI-01698-00374631-00374815 no really don't matter in the first TXiKGcsRMFI-01699-00374816-00374910 place TXiKGcsRMFI-01700-00374911-00375175 to me i'm more free now than i've ever TXiKGcsRMFI-01701-00375176-00375463 been in my life i'm still productive i TXiKGcsRMFI-01702-00375464-00375710 still you know have success in the TXiKGcsRMFI-01703-00375711-00375927 things that i'm doing and all that TXiKGcsRMFI-01704-00375928-00376039 but TXiKGcsRMFI-01705-00376040-00376391 i'm not out trying to find things TXiKGcsRMFI-01706-00376392-00376654 to fill a hole in my soul or something TXiKGcsRMFI-01707-00376655-00376799 that i think is going to make me happy TXiKGcsRMFI-01708-00376800-00376927 because i've been around long enough to TXiKGcsRMFI-01709-00376928-00377151 realize they really won't yeah your TXiKGcsRMFI-01710-00377152-00377302 happiness comes from somewhere other TXiKGcsRMFI-01711-00377303-00377543 than the things that you can buy TXiKGcsRMFI-01712-00377544-00377702 yeah i think that's a really good point TXiKGcsRMFI-01713-00377703-00377927 so really what i think TXiKGcsRMFI-01714-00377928-00378191 as we've grown and matured and gone TXiKGcsRMFI-01715-00378192-00378343 through you know these TXiKGcsRMFI-01716-00378344-00378606 few decades together now uh and raised TXiKGcsRMFI-01717-00378607-00378782 kids that TXiKGcsRMFI-01718-00378783-00379071 the the the things like eric was talking TXiKGcsRMFI-01719-00379072-00379191 about that TXiKGcsRMFI-01720-00379192-00379351 were part of TXiKGcsRMFI-01721-00379352-00379591 what what were important for us and TXiKGcsRMFI-01722-00379592-00379830 that's not unusual when you're in those TXiKGcsRMFI-01723-00379831-00380134 when you're in your like 30s and 40s TXiKGcsRMFI-01724-00380135-00380463 specifically there's a pattern that you TXiKGcsRMFI-01725-00380464-00380710 get to the point where you are amassing TXiKGcsRMFI-01726-00380711-00380799 things TXiKGcsRMFI-01727-00380800-00380951 in your life your TXiKGcsRMFI-01728-00380952-00381295 you're bringing thing things you know TXiKGcsRMFI-01729-00381296-00381487 things in material things and you're TXiKGcsRMFI-01730-00381488-00381743 amassing and you're creating your TXiKGcsRMFI-01731-00381744-00382023 material world and then you get to a TXiKGcsRMFI-01732-00382024-00382278 point we've gotten to a point and i know TXiKGcsRMFI-01733-00382279-00382599 a lot of people have too that in this TXiKGcsRMFI-01734-00382600-00382751 day and age where all of a sudden you TXiKGcsRMFI-01735-00382752-00382902 start to realize TXiKGcsRMFI-01736-00382903-00383143 those things become anchors TXiKGcsRMFI-01737-00383144-00383558 and um and your value system changes a TXiKGcsRMFI-01738-00383559-00383847 little bit it evolves so you start to TXiKGcsRMFI-01739-00383848-00384206 value more the the freedoms of not TXiKGcsRMFI-01740-00384207-00384447 having the attachment to the things and TXiKGcsRMFI-01741-00384448-00384615 you value uh TXiKGcsRMFI-01742-00384616-00384878 you value more some of the simpler TXiKGcsRMFI-01743-00384879-00385167 things you kind of go revert back almost TXiKGcsRMFI-01744-00385168-00385375 in a way you're valuing things like TXiKGcsRMFI-01745-00385376-00385567 going for a walk with a dog you know TXiKGcsRMFI-01746-00385568-00385758 looking at the geese flying overhead TXiKGcsRMFI-01747-00385759-00385943 looking at the beautiful sunrises and TXiKGcsRMFI-01748-00385944-00386206 sunsets and just enjoying you know what TXiKGcsRMFI-01749-00386207-00386471 you're doing together just you you get TXiKGcsRMFI-01750-00386472-00386695 to be where you're really realizing that TXiKGcsRMFI-01751-00386696-00386927 you're just loving TXiKGcsRMFI-01752-00386928-00387134 doing life together yeah we're just TXiKGcsRMFI-01753-00387135-00387334 doing life together with somebody that TXiKGcsRMFI-01754-00387335-00387543 you really enjoy i mean TXiKGcsRMFI-01755-00387544-00387743 a hundred years from now or 200 years TXiKGcsRMFI-01756-00387744-00387991 from now some archaeologists finds our TXiKGcsRMFI-01757-00387992-00388223 cell phones together somewhere in a hole TXiKGcsRMFI-01758-00388224-00388430 here in wyoming and they TXiKGcsRMFI-01759-00388431-00388591 somehow are able to dig into those TXiKGcsRMFI-01760-00388592-00388695 phones TXiKGcsRMFI-01761-00388696-00388839 they're probably going to say these two TXiKGcsRMFI-01762-00388840-00389119 love sunrises what the hell TXiKGcsRMFI-01763-00389120-00389263 i've never seen so many pictures of TXiKGcsRMFI-01764-00389264-00389534 sunrises and this one and the dog TXiKGcsRMFI-01765-00389535-00389687 there's like this is with the stuff TXiKGcsRMFI-01766-00389688-00390023 seven thousand pictures of the dog TXiKGcsRMFI-01767-00390024-00390247 but i don't think that's unusual TXiKGcsRMFI-01768-00390248-00390454 no absolutely and and you know just to TXiKGcsRMFI-01769-00390455-00390599 further the point about the geese we're TXiKGcsRMFI-01770-00390600-00390830 actually where we live right now we see TXiKGcsRMFI-01771-00390831-00391095 some phenomenal sunsets um but also we TXiKGcsRMFI-01772-00391096-00391278 we're in the direct flight path of the TXiKGcsRMFI-01773-00391279-00391439 geese TXiKGcsRMFI-01774-00391440-00391719 and thousands of them literally TXiKGcsRMFI-01775-00391720-00391878 for the last two weeks have just been TXiKGcsRMFI-01776-00391879-00392047 going over honking first thing in the TXiKGcsRMFI-01777-00392048-00392247 morning and we just sat in the bedroom TXiKGcsRMFI-01778-00392248-00392487 with us oh my goodness how many of these TXiKGcsRMFI-01779-00392488-00392606 things are just going over that's TXiKGcsRMFI-01780-00392607-00392710 incredible TXiKGcsRMFI-01781-00392711-00392878 we both love that song when we get a TXiKGcsRMFI-01782-00392879-00393030 flock of geese flying over our house TXiKGcsRMFI-01783-00393031-00393215 i'll stop whatever it is i'm doing if TXiKGcsRMFI-01784-00393216-00393382 i'm on a phone call i'll hang up and TXiKGcsRMFI-01785-00393383-00393495 call him back TXiKGcsRMFI-01786-00393496-00393799 i mean i just love this it takes me to TXiKGcsRMFI-01787-00393800-00393943 another place and i don't know why TXiKGcsRMFI-01788-00393944-00394215 necessarily but when i see geese flying TXiKGcsRMFI-01789-00394216-00394399 because they're so graceful you know the TXiKGcsRMFI-01790-00394400-00394606 wings are barely moving but they're TXiKGcsRMFI-01791-00394607-00394823 going 60 miles an hour yeah and that TXiKGcsRMFI-01792-00394824-00395078 that sound that they make i just TXiKGcsRMFI-01793-00395079-00395287 i literally i'll go into a momentary TXiKGcsRMFI-01794-00395288-00395439 trance TXiKGcsRMFI-01795-00395440-00395639 it's phenomenal it really is have you TXiKGcsRMFI-01796-00395640-00395799 any final thoughts before we wrap up TXiKGcsRMFI-01797-00395800-00396071 today's show TXiKGcsRMFI-01798-00396072-00396415 i gotta go to the bathroom TXiKGcsRMFI-01799-00396416-00396710 that's my final thought no seriously i i TXiKGcsRMFI-01800-00396711-00396902 enjoy this john TXiKGcsRMFI-01801-00396903-00397102 and when we do these kinds of things TXiKGcsRMFI-01802-00397103-00397254 which isn't very often it makes me TXiKGcsRMFI-01803-00397255-00397454 appreciate lori even more and makes me TXiKGcsRMFI-01804-00397455-00397654 more grateful than i already am so thank TXiKGcsRMFI-01805-00397655-00397863 you for inviting us thank you and it has TXiKGcsRMFI-01806-00397864-00398071 been a pleasure and it it's been the TXiKGcsRMFI-01807-00398072-00398295 same for me i mean folks TXiKGcsRMFI-01808-00398296-00398471 you know wishing you guys well from all TXiKGcsRMFI-01809-00398472-00398687 over the world um talking about the TXiKGcsRMFI-01810-00398688-00398919 importance of date night um and to show TXiKGcsRMFI-01811-00398920-00399119 the partner that they are priority and TXiKGcsRMFI-01812-00399120-00399367 to bond of course um and even some of TXiKGcsRMFI-01813-00399368-00399510 the struggles that people had had here's TXiKGcsRMFI-01814-00399511-00399671 an interesting point just to to wrap up TXiKGcsRMFI-01815-00399672-00399991 the show a little bit um you know when TXiKGcsRMFI-01816-00399992-00400078 x TXiKGcsRMFI-01817-00400079-00400423 spoke about uh growth um he always said TXiKGcsRMFI-01818-00400424-00400615 that this person wasn't growing and i TXiKGcsRMFI-01819-00400616-00400895 think to laurie and to eric's point TXiKGcsRMFI-01820-00400896-00401143 we grow at different stages so TXiKGcsRMFI-01821-00401144-00401334 if you have this amazing you know TXiKGcsRMFI-01822-00401335-00401591 life-changing divine you know miraculous TXiKGcsRMFI-01823-00401592-00401743 experience TXiKGcsRMFI-01824-00401744-00401943 that's great but you have to remember TXiKGcsRMFI-01825-00401944-00402095 that perhaps your husband or wife TXiKGcsRMFI-01826-00402096-00402287 boyfriend girlfriend would may not have TXiKGcsRMFI-01827-00402288-00402519 also you know had that same experience TXiKGcsRMFI-01828-00402520-00402671 at the same time and it's important to TXiKGcsRMFI-01829-00402672-00402958 be mindful of that for sure um because TXiKGcsRMFI-01830-00402959-00403110 otherwise like you're both saying it's TXiKGcsRMFI-01831-00403111-00403310 very easy then to become resentful of TXiKGcsRMFI-01832-00403311-00403582 the person and that doesn't you know TXiKGcsRMFI-01833-00403583-00403806 that's where things start unraveling so TXiKGcsRMFI-01834-00403807-00403951 lori have you any final thoughts before TXiKGcsRMFI-01835-00403952-00404087 we wrap up TXiKGcsRMFI-01836-00404088-00404287 no i think i mean i think we made the TXiKGcsRMFI-01837-00404288-00404375 the TXiKGcsRMFI-01838-00404376-00404519 the points that were really important to TXiKGcsRMFI-01839-00404520-00404702 us and i i think it's just the period at TXiKGcsRMFI-01840-00404703-00404863 the end of the sentence is really just TXiKGcsRMFI-01841-00404864-00405127 remember to stay focused on TXiKGcsRMFI-01842-00405128-00405430 the things that you really truly value TXiKGcsRMFI-01843-00405431-00405591 keep your focus there and that is a TXiKGcsRMFI-01844-00405592-00405839 discipline and it is a practice TXiKGcsRMFI-01845-00405840-00406119 absolutely absolutely well from myself TXiKGcsRMFI-01846-00406120-00406287 of course and for lori and eric want to TXiKGcsRMFI-01847-00406288-00406454 thank you guys for watching don't forget TXiKGcsRMFI-01848-00406455-00406710 to share this tell people about it it'll TXiKGcsRMFI-01849-00406711-00406943 be on the roku tv very very soon i TXiKGcsRMFI-01850-00406944-00407071 believe we're going to throw over to our TXiKGcsRMFI-01851-00407072-00407319 sponsors to wrap up the show but from TXiKGcsRMFI-01852-00407320-00407463 all of us here at the mind body and soul TXiKGcsRMFI-01853-00407464-00407663 show we wish you well have a great week TXiKGcsRMFI-01854-00407664-00407823 folks take care god bless we'll see you TXiKGcsRMFI-01855-00407824-00408071 same time same place next week where TXiKGcsRMFI-01856-00408072-00408295 we've got a very unusual guest that's TXiKGcsRMFI-01857-00408296-00409678 going to be joining us TXiKGcsRMFI-01859-00417767-00419692 [Music] TXiKGcsRMFI-01860-00419693-00422670 [Music] TXiKGcsRMFI-01861-00422671-00422880 you TZxnh63QjNI-00000-00000327-00000746 [Music] TZxnh63QjNI-00001-00000747-00001429 [Laughter] TZxnh63QjNI-00002-00001430-00001684 [Laughter] TZxnh63QjNI-00003-00001685-00002583 [Music] TZxnh63QjNI-00004-00002584-00004316 [Music] TZxnh63QjNI-00005-00004317-00004351 [Laughter] TZxnh63QjNI-00007-00007426-00009253 [Music] TZxnh63QjNI-00008-00009254-00011626 [Music] TZxnh63QjNI-00009-00011627-00012711 [Music] TZxnh63QjNI-00010-00012712-00013768 [Music] TZxnh63QjNI-00011-00013769-00015444 [Music] TZxnh63QjNI-00012-00015444-00016372 [Music] TZxnh63QjNI-00013-00016374-00019338 [Music] TZxnh63QjNI-00014-00019339-00020903 [Music] TZxnh63QjNI-00015-00020904-00022445 [Music] TZxnh63QjNI-00016-00022446-00023575 [Music] TZxnh63QjNI-00017-00023576-00025372 [Music] TZxnh63QjNI-00018-00025373-00026263 [Music] TZxnh63QjNI-00019-00026264-00027438 [Music] TZxnh63QjNI-00020-00027439-00028336 [Music] TZxnh63QjNI-00021-00028337-00029614 [Music] TZxnh63QjNI-00022-00029614-00030843 [Music] TZxnh63QjNI-00023-00030844-00032588 [Music] TZxnh63QjNI-00024-00032589-00034280 [Music] TZxnh63QjNI-00025-00034281-00035884 [Music] TZxnh63QjNI-00026-00035885-00036621 [Music] TZxnh63QjNI-00027-00036622-00036652 you TZxnh63QjNI-00028-00036653-00037596 [Music] TZxnh63QjNI-00029-00037597-00037945 [Music] Ta_d3PUthwg-00000-00000000-00000142 marriage when they were coming through Ta_d3PUthwg-00001-00000143-00000366 they actually did find a few bones of Ta_d3PUthwg-00002-00000367-00000647 what they believed to be a teenage girl Ta_d3PUthwg-00003-00000648-00000839 they think that she was probably a Ta_d3PUthwg-00004-00000840-00000999 little native american girl Ta_d3PUthwg-00005-00001000-00001183 that was buried and then her body had Ta_d3PUthwg-00006-00001184-00001303 traveled through Ta_d3PUthwg-00007-00001304-00001574 the different levels of the ground and Ta_d3PUthwg-00008-00001575-00001687 just kind of showed up Ta_d3PUthwg-00009-00001688-00001847 there they only found a few of them they Ta_d3PUthwg-00010-00001848-00001998 didn't find the entire skeleton Ta_d3PUthwg-00011-00002000-00002134 but that is the reason that that is Ta_d3PUthwg-00012-00002135-00002326 called skeletons gorge so you're going Ta_d3PUthwg-00013-00002327-00002375 to see Ta_d3PUthwg-00014-00002376-00002615 a large kind of column in the middle of Ta_d3PUthwg-00015-00002616-00002726 the walkway there Ta_d3PUthwg-00016-00002727-00002926 and that right down there next to that Ta_d3PUthwg-00017-00002927-00003102 is where they found those bones of that Ta_d3PUthwg-00018-00003103-00003311 young girl Ta_d3PUthwg-00019-00003311-00003479 that's all the stories you got other Ta_d3PUthwg-00020-00003479-00003670 than that in blue of course you told Ta_d3PUthwg-00021-00003671-00003775 earlier Ta_d3PUthwg-00022-00003776-00004031 again okay i'll turn this off a second Ta_d3PUthwg-00023-00004032-00004206 i'll turn off the second one Ta_d3PUthwg-00024-00004207-00004391 otherwise i'll never get it on instagram Ta_d3PUthwg-00025-00004392-00004559 all right well there Ta_d3PUthwg-00026-00004560-00004854 there are oh some reason it wouldn't do Ta_d3PUthwg-00027-00004855-00005502 it Ta_d3PUthwg-00028-00005503-00005751 okay so there is a story of a lady in a Ta_d3PUthwg-00029-00005752-00005870 blue dress Ta_d3PUthwg-00030-00005871-00006054 so she is believed to be one of the Ta_d3PUthwg-00031-00006055-00006206 daughters of the original founders of Ta_d3PUthwg-00032-00006207-00006302 the caverns Ta_d3PUthwg-00033-00006303-00006542 those being william campbell andrew Ta_d3PUthwg-00034-00006543-00006742 campbell and benton stebbins Ta_d3PUthwg-00035-00006743-00006983 so some of our guides have said that Ta_d3PUthwg-00036-00006984-00007127 they have seen her Ta_d3PUthwg-00037-00007128-00007478 just walking around after hours when Ta_d3PUthwg-00038-00007479-00007631 they go to close up the cave or they go Ta_d3PUthwg-00039-00007631-00007798 to open it up in the morning Ta_d3PUthwg-00040-00007800-00008103 so that is our main ghost story and then Ta_d3PUthwg-00041-00008104-00008295 there has been said that they've seen a Ta_d3PUthwg-00042-00008296-00008519 green fog around pluto's ghost which is Ta_d3PUthwg-00043-00008520-00008599 a formation here Ta_d3PUthwg-00044-00008600-00008927 in the caverns and then there was a Ta_d3PUthwg-00045-00008928-00009167 few bones of a skeleton of a young girl Ta_d3PUthwg-00046-00009168-00009319 that was found here Ta_d3PUthwg-00047-00009320-00009503 down this way a little bit in skeletons Ta_d3PUthwg-00048-00009504-00009799 gorge which is where they get the name Ta_d3PUthwg-00049-00009800-00010183 thank you very much of course Ta_d3PUthwg-00050-00010184-00010488 i'm also gonna prank i have TaQ9zEwTkz8-00000-00000011-00000078 [Music] TaQ9zEwTkz8-00001-00000079-00000327 my father arrived here TaQ9zEwTkz8-00002-00000328-00000451 in the TaQ9zEwTkz8-00003-00000451-00000607 mid-1930s TaQ9zEwTkz8-00004-00000608-00000943 to washington from an arkansas rice farm TaQ9zEwTkz8-00005-00000944-00001031 and TaQ9zEwTkz8-00006-00001032-00001303 he was very successful at his brokerage TaQ9zEwTkz8-00007-00001304-00001478 work as a young man TaQ9zEwTkz8-00008-00001479-00001791 so the company put him on the train to TaQ9zEwTkz8-00009-00001792-00001926 arlington TaQ9zEwTkz8-00010-00001927-00002231 and said please sell these home building TaQ9zEwTkz8-00011-00002232-00002623 lots to builders and he loved arlington TaQ9zEwTkz8-00012-00002624-00002863 he thought he had come to the promised TaQ9zEwTkz8-00013-00002864-00002958 land TaQ9zEwTkz8-00014-00002959-00003247 so my grandfather ended up working and TaQ9zEwTkz8-00015-00003247-00003422 building some single-family homes in TaQ9zEwTkz8-00016-00003423-00003670 arlington in the 40s eventually TaQ9zEwTkz8-00017-00003671-00003822 moved on up to building apartment TaQ9zEwTkz8-00018-00003823-00004022 buildings and and our company family TaQ9zEwTkz8-00019-00004023-00004199 business owns and manages those TaQ9zEwTkz8-00020-00004200-00004351 apartments to this day TaQ9zEwTkz8-00021-00004352-00004647 dad made some money and he felt it was TaQ9zEwTkz8-00022-00004648-00004919 important to donate to health care and TaQ9zEwTkz8-00023-00004920-00005222 the local hospital is a logical place TaQ9zEwTkz8-00024-00005223-00005431 virginia hospital center TaQ9zEwTkz8-00025-00005432-00005575 is unique TaQ9zEwTkz8-00026-00005576-00005775 in my mind compared to a lot of other TaQ9zEwTkz8-00027-00005776-00005911 hospitals TaQ9zEwTkz8-00028-00005912-00006159 certainly it's a robust hospital TaQ9zEwTkz8-00029-00006160-00006375 but when you come here it doesn't feel TaQ9zEwTkz8-00030-00006376-00006623 to me like you're entering a huge TaQ9zEwTkz8-00031-00006623-00006775 medical campus TaQ9zEwTkz8-00032-00006776-00007023 and kind of leaving the surrounding area TaQ9zEwTkz8-00033-00007023-00007214 and kind of entering this bubble of a TaQ9zEwTkz8-00034-00007215-00007423 world it feels like it's integrated into TaQ9zEwTkz8-00035-00007423-00007567 the community TaQ9zEwTkz8-00036-00007568-00007823 it means a tremendous amount because TaQ9zEwTkz8-00037-00007823-00008078 then you have some place in the area TaQ9zEwTkz8-00038-00008079-00008431 right here to go when you have a pain or TaQ9zEwTkz8-00039-00008432-00008759 anything happens it's important to me TaQ9zEwTkz8-00040-00008760-00008951 for myself and my family to be part of TaQ9zEwTkz8-00041-00008952-00009191 the story of virginia hospital center TaQ9zEwTkz8-00042-00009192-00009399 because i was born here my sister was TaQ9zEwTkz8-00043-00009400-00009703 born here my son was born here we live TaQ9zEwTkz8-00044-00009704-00009791 here TaQ9zEwTkz8-00045-00009792-00009878 and TaQ9zEwTkz8-00046-00009879-00010183 we want it to continue and flourish TaQ9zEwTkz8-00047-00010184-00010342 there's been a lot of changes over the TaQ9zEwTkz8-00048-00010343-00010646 years coming from a dairy farm to TaQ9zEwTkz8-00049-00010647-00010855 all the buildings that we see here today TaQ9zEwTkz8-00050-00010856-00011006 and with the construction of the TaQ9zEwTkz8-00051-00011007-00011238 outpatient pavilion it's growing but TaQ9zEwTkz8-00052-00011239-00011567 it's growing in a very thoughtful and TaQ9zEwTkz8-00053-00011568-00011814 sustainable way fitting within the TaQ9zEwTkz8-00054-00011815-00012078 neighborhood it really feels like it's TaQ9zEwTkz8-00055-00012079-00012287 the puzzle piece that arlington is TaQ9zEwTkz8-00056-00012288-00012438 needing to be TaQ9zEwTkz8-00057-00012439-00012599 the world-class city that i think it can TaQ9zEwTkz8-00058-00012600-00012919 be i just want to be thought TaQ9zEwTkz8-00059-00012919-00013015 of TaQ9zEwTkz8-00060-00013016-00013143 as a TaQ9zEwTkz8-00061-00013144-00013316 happy benefactor TaQ9zEwTkz8-00062-00013316-00013471 [Music] TaQ9zEwTkz8-00063-00013472-00013703 and i think the hospital is the first TaQ9zEwTkz8-00064-00013704-00013838 place to go TaQ9zEwTkz8-00065-00013840-00014071 if you would like to donate funds as a TaQ9zEwTkz8-00066-00014072-00014490 family TaQ9zEwTkz8-00067-00014491-00015116 [Music] Tc3gLEKgA8g-00000-00000400-00000808 I am very proud of NASA you know I think Tc3gLEKgA8g-00001-00000809-00001006 it's it's really the best of this Tc3gLEKgA8g-00002-00001007-00001216 country you know exploration and Tc3gLEKgA8g-00003-00001217-00001632 curiosity and science and diversity and Tc3gLEKgA8g-00004-00001634-00001818 a lot of different people working Tc3gLEKgA8g-00005-00001819-00002059 together and I think I think that's Tc3gLEKgA8g-00006-00002060-00002314 beautiful and you know I see people just Tc3gLEKgA8g-00007-00002315-00002458 walking around in the street from all Tc3gLEKgA8g-00008-00002459-00002641 walks of life with NASA t-shirts you Tc3gLEKgA8g-00009-00002642-00002872 know like I can't think of another brand Tc3gLEKgA8g-00010-00002873-00003130 that people love so much you know all Tc3gLEKgA8g-00011-00003131-00003315 across the political spectrum all walks Tc3gLEKgA8g-00012-00003317-00003556 of life and I think that's fantastic and Tc3gLEKgA8g-00013-00003557-00004050 I love that you know I can only speak as Tc3gLEKgA8g-00014-00004051-00004416 sort of a working scientist I have a lot Tc3gLEKgA8g-00015-00004417-00004680 of confidence in sort of the scientific Tc3gLEKgA8g-00016-00004681-00004881 leadership of NASA you know turns out Tc3gLEKgA8g-00017-00004882-00005004 there are a lot of smart people who work Tc3gLEKgA8g-00018-00005005-00005625 at NASA who know and and I feel like III Tc3gLEKgA8g-00019-00005626-00006105 have views as a citizen and I do science Tc3gLEKgA8g-00020-00006106-00006485 as a scientist and those things are not Tc3gLEKgA8g-00021-00006486-00006676 completely separate from each other Tc3gLEKgA8g-00022-00006677-00006928 right like science is done by people and Tc3gLEKgA8g-00023-00006929-00007117 none of us can sort of check our biases Tc3gLEKgA8g-00024-00007118-00007342 at the door none of us can pretend like Tc3gLEKgA8g-00025-00007343-00007522 science is something that's completely Tc3gLEKgA8g-00026-00007523-00007816 separate from the people who do it but I Tc3gLEKgA8g-00027-00007817-00008103 do think that we have all been very Tc3gLEKgA8g-00028-00008104-00008385 encouraged to keep doing science because Tc3gLEKgA8g-00029-00008386-00008698 physics doesn't care who's in the Oval Tc3gLEKgA8g-00030-00008699-00009004 Office and and that's something that I Tc3gLEKgA8g-00031-00009005-00009243 think we really need to keep in mind Tc3gLEKgA8g-00032-00009244-00009557 [Music] Tc3gLEKgA8g-00033-00009558-00010043 you Tc3gLEKgA8g-00034-00010044-00010250 you TebgQVdxK5A-00000-00000197-00000716 foreign TebgQVdxK5A-00001-00000717-00001076 [Music] TebgQVdxK5A-00002-00001077-00001723 [Applause] TebgQVdxK5A-00003-00001725-00002902 [Music] TebgQVdxK5A-00004-00002903-00003911 [Music] TebgQVdxK5A-00005-00003911-00005928 pretty pictures TebgQVdxK5A-00006-00005929-00007643 [Music] TebgQVdxK5A-00007-00007644-00008476 [Music] TebgQVdxK5A-00008-00008477-00009223 [Music] TebgQVdxK5A-00009-00009224-00010296 [Music] TebgQVdxK5A-00010-00010297-00010662 I wanna know you inside TebgQVdxK5A-00011-00010663-00011285 [Music] TebgQVdxK5A-00012-00011286-00012138 [Music] TebgQVdxK5A-00013-00012139-00013063 [Music] TebgQVdxK5A-00014-00013065-00013574 [Music] TebgQVdxK5A-00015-00013575-00014351 [Music] TebgQVdxK5A-00016-00014352-00015234 foreign TebgQVdxK5A-00017-00015235-00017291 [Music] TebgQVdxK5A-00019-00020501-00022239 alone today TebgQVdxK5A-00020-00022240-00023048 [Music] TebgQVdxK5A-00021-00023049-00023355 [Music] Tj0MAkp4uhA-00000-00000481-00000530 [Music] Tj0MAkp4uhA-00001-00000531-00000981 [Applause] Tj0MAkp4uhA-00002-00000982-00003084 [Music] Tj0MAkp4uhA-00003-00003085-00003670 [Music] Tj0MAkp4uhA-00004-00003671-00003852 ray Tj0MAkp4uhA-00005-00003853-00004202 they're radio Tj0MAkp4uhA-00006-00004203-00004520 goes left I heard he read the same on Tj0MAkp4uhA-00007-00004521-00004554 song Tj0MAkp4uhA-00008-00004555-00004737 [Music] Tj0MAkp4uhA-00009-00004738-00005161 you got the change now so keep you Tj0MAkp4uhA-00010-00005162-00005309 [Music] Tj0MAkp4uhA-00011-00005310-00005520 bring stopped you Tj0MAkp4uhA-00012-00005521-00005843 Jimmy's down Tj0MAkp4uhA-00013-00005844-00006291 cold station tandem uber me Tj0MAkp4uhA-00014-00006292-00006456 [Music] Tj0MAkp4uhA-00015-00006456-00006664 imagination Tj0MAkp4uhA-00016-00006665-00007018 while Adam ending Tj0MAkp4uhA-00017-00007019-00007223 walk straight Tj0MAkp4uhA-00018-00007223-00007434 juhi her scream it out Tj0MAkp4uhA-00019-00007434-00007767 [Music] Tj0MAkp4uhA-00020-00007768-00008110 so you can read about Tj0MAkp4uhA-00021-00008111-00008339 across the nation Tj0MAkp4uhA-00022-00008340-00008536 Tetsuo different round Tj0MAkp4uhA-00023-00008537-00011216 [Music] Tj0MAkp4uhA-00024-00011217-00011693 hi however French of San Francisco our Tj0MAkp4uhA-00025-00011694-00012030 refiners all right well I just show you Tj0MAkp4uhA-00026-00012031-00012504 how to take your settings to play the Tj0MAkp4uhA-00027-00012505-00012708 raid on the radio of general electrics Tj0MAkp4uhA-00028-00012709-00013085 so you go on the setting interface so Tj0MAkp4uhA-00029-00013086-00013278 you can check to be sure you take the Tj0MAkp4uhA-00030-00013279-00013622 factory settings and when you go on the Tj0MAkp4uhA-00031-00013624-00013944 converter you take it to zero now you Tj0MAkp4uhA-00032-00013944-00014460 check an e and a flat D flat minor and Tj0MAkp4uhA-00033-00014461-00014937 an A flat don't forget to validate just Tj0MAkp4uhA-00034-00014938-00015183 to check it then you choose your Tj0MAkp4uhA-00035-00015184-00015456 instruments for the basses you take the Tj0MAkp4uhA-00036-00015457-00015858 center pad lead 8 bass and leads the Tj0MAkp4uhA-00037-00015859-00016697 same four bases just click on for the Tj0MAkp4uhA-00038-00016698-00016958 accompaniment you choose a center pad Tj0MAkp4uhA-00039-00016959-00017397 the pad to warm and now you already you Tj0MAkp4uhA-00040-00017398-00017825 can see your tune is for for half ton Tj0MAkp4uhA-00041-00017826-00018039 more so everything you're right you can Tj0MAkp4uhA-00042-00018040-00019101 sing liking on the video YouTube Tj0MAkp4uhA-00043-00019102-00019308 you Tk6gMhzig1Q-00000-00000000-00000191 today I'm going to be trying the new rev Tk6gMhzig1Q-00001-00000192-00000449 air dryer on my tailbone length hair I'm Tk6gMhzig1Q-00002-00000450-00000617 starting with my hair freshly washed Tk6gMhzig1Q-00003-00000618-00000802 deep conditioned and parted into four Tk6gMhzig1Q-00004-00000803-00000994 semi-even sections I'm going to be Tk6gMhzig1Q-00005-00000996-00001139 prepping my hair with Bumble and Tk6gMhzig1Q-00006-00001140-00001312 bumble's invisible oil as a heat Tk6gMhzig1Q-00007-00001313-00001439 protectant Tk6gMhzig1Q-00008-00001440-00001595 and I'm going to be using this pretty Tk6gMhzig1Q-00009-00001596-00001834 generously on each section making sure Tk6gMhzig1Q-00010-00001835-00002146 everything is nice and protected Tk6gMhzig1Q-00011-00002147-00003475 [Music] Tk6gMhzig1Q-00012-00003476-00003749 here I'm brushing that through to evenly Tk6gMhzig1Q-00013-00003750-00003940 distribute the product and to keep the Tk6gMhzig1Q-00014-00003942-00004465 sections really detangled Tk6gMhzig1Q-00015-00004466-00004720 I'm going to be taking relatively small Tk6gMhzig1Q-00016-00004721-00004936 sections to really make sure that my Tk6gMhzig1Q-00017-00004937-00005151 hair gets as smooth as possible Tk6gMhzig1Q-00018-00005152-00005622 [Music] Tk6gMhzig1Q-00019-00005623-00005885 here is how big my sections will be and Tk6gMhzig1Q-00020-00005886-00006095 here is the wand it has a button on the Tk6gMhzig1Q-00021-00006096-00006227 side here that controls the heat Tk6gMhzig1Q-00022-00006228-00006503 settings cool warm and hot and I'm going Tk6gMhzig1Q-00023-00006504-00006670 to be going in with the highest setting Tk6gMhzig1Q-00024-00006672-00006892 for tension and temperature which is Tk6gMhzig1Q-00025-00006893-00007037 still way less heat than your average Tk6gMhzig1Q-00026-00007038-00007259 hair dryer again making sure everything Tk6gMhzig1Q-00027-00007259-00007678 is detangled before we get started Tk6gMhzig1Q-00028-00007679-00007919 pumping is not necessary but moving it Tk6gMhzig1Q-00029-00007920-00008098 side to side ensures that those roots Tk6gMhzig1Q-00030-00008100-00008270 will get really straight Tk6gMhzig1Q-00031-00008271-00008578 [Music] Tk6gMhzig1Q-00032-00008579-00008771 now look how smooth and straight my hair Tk6gMhzig1Q-00033-00008772-00009077 just got in practically no time I am Tk6gMhzig1Q-00034-00009078-00009185 floored Tk6gMhzig1Q-00035-00009186-00009395 in between sectioning out my hair I can Tk6gMhzig1Q-00036-00009396-00009556 set my wand on this convenient Tk6gMhzig1Q-00037-00009557-00009742 attachment so I don't have to turn it Tk6gMhzig1Q-00038-00009743-00009885 off each time Tk6gMhzig1Q-00039-00009886-00010181 [Music] Tk6gMhzig1Q-00040-00010182-00010391 and I've forgotten to time that first Tk6gMhzig1Q-00041-00010392-00010667 section but this section only took 30 Tk6gMhzig1Q-00042-00010668-00010919 seconds that is truly unbeatable Tk6gMhzig1Q-00043-00010920-00011242 especially for these results Tk6gMhzig1Q-00044-00011243-00011549 foreign the lack of effort and physical Tk6gMhzig1Q-00045-00011550-00011831 labor this took makes this tool a life Tk6gMhzig1Q-00046-00011832-00012059 changer something that usually takes 45 Tk6gMhzig1Q-00047-00012060-00012328 minutes to an hour is taking only 10 to Tk6gMhzig1Q-00048-00012329-00012617 15 minutes rev air is giving me back my Tk6gMhzig1Q-00049-00012618-00012844 time which is more valuable than Tk6gMhzig1Q-00050-00012845-00012971 anything Tk6gMhzig1Q-00051-00012972-00014107 [Music] Tk6gMhzig1Q-00052-00014108-00014303 I don't think I've ever been this Tk6gMhzig1Q-00053-00014304-00014507 relaxed drying my hair I'm typically Tk6gMhzig1Q-00054-00014508-00014747 overheated my shoulder is burning and my Tk6gMhzig1Q-00055-00014747-00015022 scalp on fire this is such a luxurious Tk6gMhzig1Q-00056-00015023-00015197 experience Tk6gMhzig1Q-00057-00015197-00015383 make sure to separate the sections Tk6gMhzig1Q-00058-00015384-00015551 because sometimes hairs can get sucked Tk6gMhzig1Q-00059-00015552-00015719 up in there which can cause little faux Tk6gMhzig1Q-00060-00015719-00016007 knots but look how easily this comes out Tk6gMhzig1Q-00061-00016008-00016235 part of this awesome technology is the Tk6gMhzig1Q-00062-00016236-00016433 way that the hair is dried works with Tk6gMhzig1Q-00063-00016434-00016685 the hair's cuticle causing less frizz Tk6gMhzig1Q-00064-00016686-00017163 and no damage yes I said no damage Tk6gMhzig1Q-00065-00017164-00018049 [Music] Tk6gMhzig1Q-00066-00018050-00018335 here is a close-up on my natural hair Tk6gMhzig1Q-00067-00018336-00018586 texture slightly stretched but I have Tk6gMhzig1Q-00068-00018587-00018875 type 3C for a hair and I'm very Tk6gMhzig1Q-00069-00018876-00019236 multi-textured Tk6gMhzig1Q-00070-00019237-00019469 the way that this blowout is this Tk6gMhzig1Q-00071-00019470-00019733 straight is amazing me Tk6gMhzig1Q-00072-00019734-00020267 one side done one more to go Tk6gMhzig1Q-00073-00020268-00020453 and I'm just going to be repeating those Tk6gMhzig1Q-00074-00020454-00020702 same steps on this side Tk6gMhzig1Q-00075-00020703-00021563 [Music] Tk6gMhzig1Q-00076-00021564-00023286 [Music] Tk6gMhzig1Q-00077-00023287-00023525 I wholeheartedly expected this Tk6gMhzig1Q-00078-00023526-00023711 attachment to be heavy but with the new Tk6gMhzig1Q-00079-00023712-00023921 rough air there is a shorter wand making Tk6gMhzig1Q-00080-00023922-00024167 it even lighter than the original Tk6gMhzig1Q-00081-00024168-00024459 10 minutes in and I'm at my last quarter Tk6gMhzig1Q-00082-00024460-00025330 [Music] Tk6gMhzig1Q-00083-00025331-00025516 foreign Tk6gMhzig1Q-00084-00025517-00027017 [Music] Tk6gMhzig1Q-00085-00027018-00027274 here's a close-up of how rev air Works Tk6gMhzig1Q-00086-00027275-00027485 look at the way that it just sucks it in Tk6gMhzig1Q-00087-00027486-00027624 there Tk6gMhzig1Q-00088-00027625-00028495 [Music] Tk6gMhzig1Q-00089-00028495-00028793 and voila we are done a total of 15 Tk6gMhzig1Q-00090-00028794-00028973 minutes is all it took to dry my Tk6gMhzig1Q-00091-00028974-00029177 extremely thick tailbone length low Tk6gMhzig1Q-00092-00029177-00029381 porosity hair this is how my blowout Tk6gMhzig1Q-00093-00029382-00029705 usually looks the difference is crazy so Tk6gMhzig1Q-00094-00029706-00029908 much smoother with so much less effort Tk6gMhzig1Q-00095-00029910-00030131 if you're looking into cutting your dry Tk6gMhzig1Q-00096-00030132-00030395 time in half too check out revair.com Tk6gMhzig1Q-00097-00030395-00030658 and get 10 off when you use my discount Tk6gMhzig1Q-00098-00030660-00030911 code shy Alexis which I will also Link Tk6gMhzig1Q-00099-00030912-00031067 in the description Tk6gMhzig1Q-00100-00031068-00031324 or use shop pay which can put you as low Tk6gMhzig1Q-00101-00031325-00031589 as 39 a month I got the package deal Tk6gMhzig1Q-00102-00031589-00031745 which came with all of these handy Tk6gMhzig1Q-00103-00031745-00031918 goodies and it is a little bit more Tk6gMhzig1Q-00104-00031919-00032099 expensive but when you look at how much Tk6gMhzig1Q-00105-00032100-00032333 of these items retail for this package Tk6gMhzig1Q-00106-00032333-00032662 is a steal normally retailing for 558 Tk6gMhzig1Q-00107-00032663-00032974 you get an automatic discount of 10 then Tk6gMhzig1Q-00108-00032975-00033293 an additional 10 with my code that's 20 Tk6gMhzig1Q-00109-00033294-00033581 off not only does rep air help you buy Tk6gMhzig1Q-00110-00033582-00033796 back your time it also stands for the Tk6gMhzig1Q-00111-00033797-00033983 beautiful message of self-love and Tk6gMhzig1Q-00112-00033984-00034151 everyone deserving to feel good about Tk6gMhzig1Q-00113-00034152-00034379 their outward appearance and while rev Tk6gMhzig1Q-00114-00034380-00034595 air is made for all hair types the Tk6gMhzig1Q-00115-00034596-00034957 representation is unmatched Tk6gMhzig1Q-00116-00034958-00035290 here is my final look I love the way it Tk6gMhzig1Q-00117-00035291-00035477 turned out I hope you guys enjoyed the Tk6gMhzig1Q-00118-00035478-00035779 video and I will see you in the next one Tk6gMhzig1Q-00119-00035780-00037627 [Music] TmtbQ2-P7e4-00000-00000238-00000415 [Music] TmtbQ2-P7e4-00001-00000416-00000551 hi kathy TmtbQ2-P7e4-00002-00000552-00000862 hi lee good afternoon everyone and TmtbQ2-P7e4-00003-00000863-00000943 welcome TmtbQ2-P7e4-00004-00000944-00001231 my name is kathleen hurley and i am the TmtbQ2-P7e4-00005-00001232-00001487 manager at enigma forensics TmtbQ2-P7e4-00006-00001488-00001671 we are really excited to host this TmtbQ2-P7e4-00007-00001672-00001830 presentation about TmtbQ2-P7e4-00008-00001832-00002183 the keys to unlocking medical records TmtbQ2-P7e4-00009-00002184-00002487 uh and so shortly after the presentation TmtbQ2-P7e4-00010-00002488-00002687 we will be sending out a google TmtbQ2-P7e4-00011-00002688-00003055 survey to obtain each of your ardc TmtbQ2-P7e4-00012-00003056-00003247 numbers so we could send you the mcl TmtbQ2-P7e4-00013-00003247-00003527 credit um for participating in this TmtbQ2-P7e4-00014-00003528-00003654 event TmtbQ2-P7e4-00015-00003655-00003886 enigma forensics is a cyber forensic TmtbQ2-P7e4-00016-00003887-00003983 company with TmtbQ2-P7e4-00017-00003984-00004286 over 20 years of experience in TmtbQ2-P7e4-00018-00004287-00004383 specializing TmtbQ2-P7e4-00019-00004384-00004670 and examining data we have direct TmtbQ2-P7e4-00020-00004671-00004879 hands-on experience with electronic TmtbQ2-P7e4-00021-00004880-00005038 medical records software TmtbQ2-P7e4-00022-00005039-00005351 systems including synapse TmtbQ2-P7e4-00023-00005352-00005654 pax daikom cerner TmtbQ2-P7e4-00024-00005655-00005983 metatech epic forward advantage TmtbQ2-P7e4-00025-00005984-00006375 and imd we partner with attorneys to TmtbQ2-P7e4-00026-00006376-00006478 help them win TmtbQ2-P7e4-00027-00006479-00006831 cases which brings me to the point of TmtbQ2-P7e4-00028-00006831-00006991 oliver's being here TmtbQ2-P7e4-00029-00006992-00007303 let me welcome enigma forensics TmtbQ2-P7e4-00030-00007304-00007639 president and ceo lee new becker TmtbQ2-P7e4-00031-00007640-00007967 lee is cissp TmtbQ2-P7e4-00032-00007968-00008231 certified i know it's a mouthful but TmtbQ2-P7e4-00033-00008232-00008391 that means he certified TmtbQ2-P7e4-00034-00008392-00008614 information systems security TmtbQ2-P7e4-00035-00008615-00008774 professional TmtbQ2-P7e4-00036-00008775-00009351 take it away lee thanks kathy TmtbQ2-P7e4-00037-00009352-00009727 okay let's see so today we're going to TmtbQ2-P7e4-00038-00009728-00009942 be talking about the keys to unlocking TmtbQ2-P7e4-00039-00009943-00010287 electronic medical record audit trails TmtbQ2-P7e4-00040-00010288-00010519 we have a mixture of people on the TmtbQ2-P7e4-00041-00010520-00010655 webinar today TmtbQ2-P7e4-00042-00010656-00010855 i know some people represent health care TmtbQ2-P7e4-00043-00010856-00011095 providers other people represent TmtbQ2-P7e4-00044-00011096-00011283 litigants involved with medical TmtbQ2-P7e4-00045-00011284-00011438 malpractice TmtbQ2-P7e4-00046-00011439-00011559 i'm going to be talking a little bit TmtbQ2-P7e4-00047-00011560-00011870 today about how the process works TmtbQ2-P7e4-00048-00011871-00012238 we'll begin with discussing some of the TmtbQ2-P7e4-00049-00012239-00012478 some of the scenarios where electronic TmtbQ2-P7e4-00050-00012479-00012638 medical records are relevant TmtbQ2-P7e4-00051-00012639-00012855 and important you know if you're TmtbQ2-P7e4-00052-00012856-00012974 suspecting that TmtbQ2-P7e4-00053-00012975-00013191 the elderly has been abused in a nursing TmtbQ2-P7e4-00054-00013191-00013319 home TmtbQ2-P7e4-00055-00013319-00013711 that could be important to know TmtbQ2-P7e4-00056-00013712-00013951 records of care when medications were TmtbQ2-P7e4-00057-00013952-00014111 provided whether or not TmtbQ2-P7e4-00058-00014112-00014358 patients were neglected all of that TmtbQ2-P7e4-00059-00014359-00014535 information can be discerned TmtbQ2-P7e4-00060-00014536-00014766 from reviewing the electronic medical TmtbQ2-P7e4-00061-00014768-00015047 record history TmtbQ2-P7e4-00062-00015047-00015319 in some cases there's allegations about TmtbQ2-P7e4-00063-00015319-00015527 not providing appropriate care TmtbQ2-P7e4-00064-00015528-00015879 over time or the staff providing the TmtbQ2-P7e4-00065-00015880-00016063 wrong type of care TmtbQ2-P7e4-00066-00016063-00016350 so many of these cases become litigated TmtbQ2-P7e4-00067-00016351-00016479 and TmtbQ2-P7e4-00068-00016480-00016758 various medical records experts or TmtbQ2-P7e4-00069-00016759-00017015 clinical experts get involved TmtbQ2-P7e4-00070-00017016-00017279 we'll be talking about later today about TmtbQ2-P7e4-00071-00017280-00017399 how you really want to start with TmtbQ2-P7e4-00072-00017400-00017558 getting command of TmtbQ2-P7e4-00073-00017559-00017871 the emr or electronic medical records so TmtbQ2-P7e4-00074-00017872-00018047 that it can be efficiently reviewed not TmtbQ2-P7e4-00075-00018048-00018207 only by TmtbQ2-P7e4-00076-00018208-00018471 you and your team but also by any TmtbQ2-P7e4-00077-00018472-00018591 experts that might be TmtbQ2-P7e4-00078-00018592-00018911 retained to assist with the case TmtbQ2-P7e4-00079-00018912-00019167 it's important to understand that there TmtbQ2-P7e4-00080-00019168-00019430 might be discussions between staff TmtbQ2-P7e4-00081-00019431-00019711 physicians and nurses and whatnot that TmtbQ2-P7e4-00082-00019712-00019950 aren't in the progress notes or printed TmtbQ2-P7e4-00083-00019951-00020071 medical record TmtbQ2-P7e4-00084-00020072-00020230 so we'll be covering that in a little TmtbQ2-P7e4-00085-00020231-00020455 bit TmtbQ2-P7e4-00086-00020456-00020799 allegations about harm to children by TmtbQ2-P7e4-00087-00020800-00020863 parents TmtbQ2-P7e4-00088-00020864-00021103 or health care providers that's also TmtbQ2-P7e4-00089-00021104-00021255 relevant as well TmtbQ2-P7e4-00090-00021256-00021494 in some cases we've seen situations TmtbQ2-P7e4-00091-00021495-00021671 where the chart reflects TmtbQ2-P7e4-00092-00021672-00021894 a certain color of bruising many days TmtbQ2-P7e4-00093-00021895-00021975 after TmtbQ2-P7e4-00094-00021976-00022303 a child was admitted into a facility TmtbQ2-P7e4-00095-00022304-00022591 for care but the coloration of bruises TmtbQ2-P7e4-00096-00022592-00022678 often TmtbQ2-P7e4-00097-00022679-00022863 can suggest that the bruising happened TmtbQ2-P7e4-00098-00022864-00023014 before entry TmtbQ2-P7e4-00099-00023015-00023375 into a facility well in a case like that TmtbQ2-P7e4-00100-00023376-00023550 knowing whether or not the child was TmtbQ2-P7e4-00101-00023551-00023758 bathed and and whether it was reported TmtbQ2-P7e4-00102-00023759-00023999 early on can help determine TmtbQ2-P7e4-00103-00024000-00024319 was the child injured in the health care TmtbQ2-P7e4-00104-00024320-00024639 provider's place of care or did it TmtbQ2-P7e4-00105-00024640-00024935 happen prior to admission TmtbQ2-P7e4-00106-00024936-00025158 so what typically happens when you ask TmtbQ2-P7e4-00107-00025159-00025350 for the electronic medical record TmtbQ2-P7e4-00108-00025351-00025694 for your patient or your chart TmtbQ2-P7e4-00109-00025695-00025894 the healthcare providers will often TmtbQ2-P7e4-00110-00025895-00026134 produce it in the most TmtbQ2-P7e4-00111-00026135-00026470 unhelpful way they might print it TmtbQ2-P7e4-00112-00026472-00026751 if it's printed or dumped to a pdf TmtbQ2-P7e4-00113-00026752-00026846 that's flattened TmtbQ2-P7e4-00114-00026847-00027151 it's not searchable it might be included TmtbQ2-P7e4-00115-00027152-00027358 with lots of redundant information TmtbQ2-P7e4-00116-00027360-00027743 out of order sorted not intuitively from TmtbQ2-P7e4-00117-00027744-00028087 oldest to newest but backwards TmtbQ2-P7e4-00118-00028088-00028318 oftentimes the the version revision TmtbQ2-P7e4-00119-00028319-00028390 history TmtbQ2-P7e4-00120-00028391-00028599 of the progress notes are completely TmtbQ2-P7e4-00121-00028600-00028702 missing so TmtbQ2-P7e4-00122-00028704-00028927 you know for instance if you have an TmtbQ2-P7e4-00123-00028927-00029046 epic uh TmtbQ2-P7e4-00124-00029047-00029311 emr production with epic they have the TmtbQ2-P7e4-00125-00029312-00029455 ability to enable TmtbQ2-P7e4-00126-00029456-00029679 uh the specific version number so that TmtbQ2-P7e4-00127-00029680-00029807 you can determine TmtbQ2-P7e4-00128-00029808-00030055 the revision history over time and that TmtbQ2-P7e4-00129-00030056-00030214 isn't always what's included in the TmtbQ2-P7e4-00130-00030216-00030287 printed TmtbQ2-P7e4-00131-00030288-00030599 report that gets produced TmtbQ2-P7e4-00132-00030600-00030855 some reports will have unnecessary TmtbQ2-P7e4-00133-00030856-00030943 filters TmtbQ2-P7e4-00134-00030944-00031214 for instance if only named providers are TmtbQ2-P7e4-00135-00031216-00031262 are TmtbQ2-P7e4-00136-00031263-00031431 shown and you don't see a mixture of TmtbQ2-P7e4-00137-00031432-00031567 healthcare staff TmtbQ2-P7e4-00138-00031568-00031774 providing care to a patient that might TmtbQ2-P7e4-00139-00031775-00032023 suggest that the report was produced TmtbQ2-P7e4-00140-00032024-00032262 with only the name key healthcare TmtbQ2-P7e4-00141-00032263-00032335 providers TmtbQ2-P7e4-00142-00032336-00032631 included and so when you're requesting TmtbQ2-P7e4-00143-00032632-00032815 electronic medical records you really TmtbQ2-P7e4-00144-00032816-00032862 want to TmtbQ2-P7e4-00145-00032863-00033111 be very specific to say use no other TmtbQ2-P7e4-00146-00033112-00033207 filter TmtbQ2-P7e4-00147-00033208-00033423 other than the patient identifier or the TmtbQ2-P7e4-00148-00033424-00033671 patient medical record number TmtbQ2-P7e4-00149-00033672-00033983 date filters and whatnot um you know TmtbQ2-P7e4-00150-00033984-00034255 narrowly uh defining the date and time TmtbQ2-P7e4-00151-00034256-00034367 when the patient was TmtbQ2-P7e4-00152-00034368-00034583 in the the hospital or healthcare TmtbQ2-P7e4-00153-00034584-00034679 facility TmtbQ2-P7e4-00154-00034680-00034879 might result in filtering out of TmtbQ2-P7e4-00155-00034880-00035039 important records that show that the TmtbQ2-P7e4-00156-00035040-00035223 chart might have been modified TmtbQ2-P7e4-00157-00035224-00035455 or manipulated well after the patient's TmtbQ2-P7e4-00158-00035456-00035607 departure TmtbQ2-P7e4-00159-00035608-00035895 from the facility and after the patient TmtbQ2-P7e4-00160-00035896-00036207 experienced some type of harm TmtbQ2-P7e4-00161-00036208-00036887 another thing i see oh sorry about that TmtbQ2-P7e4-00162-00036888-00037079 yeah another thing i see that happens TmtbQ2-P7e4-00163-00037080-00037255 sometimes is in addition to different TmtbQ2-P7e4-00164-00037256-00037399 filters such as like TmtbQ2-P7e4-00165-00037400-00037639 filtering by date or filtering by TmtbQ2-P7e4-00166-00037640-00037935 healthcare provider or department TmtbQ2-P7e4-00167-00037936-00038287 sometimes the filters aren't displayed TmtbQ2-P7e4-00168-00038288-00038455 on the reports and you really want to be TmtbQ2-P7e4-00169-00038456-00038751 able to understand what filters are used TmtbQ2-P7e4-00170-00038752-00039039 one other filter that might be used TmtbQ2-P7e4-00171-00039040-00039207 without your knowledge is whether or not TmtbQ2-P7e4-00172-00039208-00039246 the TmtbQ2-P7e4-00173-00039247-00039527 record is considered confidential TmtbQ2-P7e4-00174-00039528-00039646 confidential would TmtbQ2-P7e4-00175-00039647-00039862 suppress the record oftentimes from TmtbQ2-P7e4-00176-00039863-00039983 appearing on TmtbQ2-P7e4-00177-00039984-00040279 the the printed medical record report so TmtbQ2-P7e4-00178-00040280-00040374 you want TmtbQ2-P7e4-00179-00040375-00040655 active inactive all version history TmtbQ2-P7e4-00180-00040656-00040767 confidential TmtbQ2-P7e4-00181-00040768-00041039 you want the entirety another important TmtbQ2-P7e4-00182-00041040-00041143 thing that TmtbQ2-P7e4-00183-00041144-00041407 is relevant in many cases involves the TmtbQ2-P7e4-00184-00041408-00041590 communications between health care TmtbQ2-P7e4-00185-00041591-00041695 providers TmtbQ2-P7e4-00186-00041696-00042055 with epic you have the ability TmtbQ2-P7e4-00187-00042056-00042295 and with cerner you have the ability for TmtbQ2-P7e4-00188-00042296-00042462 routing of communications TmtbQ2-P7e4-00189-00042463-00042735 um either almost like an email system TmtbQ2-P7e4-00190-00042736-00042815 within TmtbQ2-P7e4-00191-00042816-00043023 the healthcare system or something known TmtbQ2-P7e4-00192-00043024-00043158 as sticky notes TmtbQ2-P7e4-00193-00043159-00043351 which is basically like an instant TmtbQ2-P7e4-00194-00043352-00043511 messaging platform TmtbQ2-P7e4-00195-00043512-00043823 between healthcare staff about a patient TmtbQ2-P7e4-00196-00043824-00043974 and there's documentation out there TmtbQ2-P7e4-00197-00043975-00044127 where hospitals say that TmtbQ2-P7e4-00198-00044128-00044399 sticky notes are not part of the medical TmtbQ2-P7e4-00199-00044400-00044471 the legal TmtbQ2-P7e4-00200-00044472-00044758 record well hipaa requires that those TmtbQ2-P7e4-00201-00044759-00044999 all that data be retained so the data is TmtbQ2-P7e4-00202-00045000-00045223 in there it's in the backend database TmtbQ2-P7e4-00203-00045224-00045502 or you have to inspect the hospital TmtbQ2-P7e4-00204-00045503-00045630 information system TmtbQ2-P7e4-00205-00045631-00045911 to be able to document it on photo or TmtbQ2-P7e4-00206-00045912-00046167 video TmtbQ2-P7e4-00207-00046168-00046367 another thing that we see a lot of are TmtbQ2-P7e4-00208-00046368-00046551 records that are entered in TmtbQ2-P7e4-00209-00046552-00046815 after the fact when you enter a record TmtbQ2-P7e4-00210-00046816-00046967 into a TmtbQ2-P7e4-00211-00046968-00047239 hospital information system you can list TmtbQ2-P7e4-00212-00047240-00047279 the TmtbQ2-P7e4-00213-00047280-00047590 reported date and time of the event but TmtbQ2-P7e4-00214-00047591-00047646 that is TmtbQ2-P7e4-00215-00047647-00047823 oftentimes different than when the TmtbQ2-P7e4-00216-00047824-00048055 record was actually saved and created TmtbQ2-P7e4-00217-00048056-00048279 in the system so we'll talk about that TmtbQ2-P7e4-00218-00048280-00048471 more as we go through TmtbQ2-P7e4-00219-00048472-00048646 first i'd like to cover some important TmtbQ2-P7e4-00220-00048647-00048902 concepts and terms that are relevant to TmtbQ2-P7e4-00221-00048903-00049190 electronic medical records in medical TmtbQ2-P7e4-00222-00049191-00049271 malpractice TmtbQ2-P7e4-00223-00049272-00049574 litigation emr electronic medical TmtbQ2-P7e4-00224-00049575-00049679 records TmtbQ2-P7e4-00225-00049680-00049918 is synonymous with ehr the electronic TmtbQ2-P7e4-00226-00049919-00050030 health record TmtbQ2-P7e4-00227-00050031-00050255 a hospital information system is TmtbQ2-P7e4-00228-00050256-00050383 sometimes referred to TmtbQ2-P7e4-00229-00050384-00050743 as his and that's like cerner or TmtbQ2-P7e4-00230-00050744-00050990 epic or meta tech or whatever software TmtbQ2-P7e4-00231-00050991-00051183 system is being used to manage TmtbQ2-P7e4-00232-00051184-00051399 the patient care and store their TmtbQ2-P7e4-00233-00051400-00051607 electronic medical record TmtbQ2-P7e4-00234-00051608-00051999 packs is specific to video photo types TmtbQ2-P7e4-00235-00052000-00052342 uh involved with the documentation of TmtbQ2-P7e4-00236-00052344-00052463 electronic TmtbQ2-P7e4-00237-00052464-00052687 medical records as it pertains to things TmtbQ2-P7e4-00238-00052688-00052911 like mris x-rays TmtbQ2-P7e4-00239-00052912-00053303 videos of surgeries and so on and TmtbQ2-P7e4-00240-00053304-00053463 each of these systems often have their TmtbQ2-P7e4-00241-00053464-00053719 own audit log separate from TmtbQ2-P7e4-00242-00053720-00054111 the his system e-p-h-i TmtbQ2-P7e4-00243-00054112-00054279 is electronic protected health TmtbQ2-P7e4-00244-00054279-00054463 information TmtbQ2-P7e4-00245-00054464-00054782 that's what all the stuff is about data TmtbQ2-P7e4-00246-00054783-00054950 dictionaries are TmtbQ2-P7e4-00247-00054951-00055175 an abstract or key that help you to TmtbQ2-P7e4-00248-00055176-00055279 cross-reference TmtbQ2-P7e4-00249-00055279-00055438 the initials of the healthcare care TmtbQ2-P7e4-00250-00055439-00055719 provider or the department or procedures TmtbQ2-P7e4-00251-00055720-00055759 or TmtbQ2-P7e4-00252-00055760-00056023 or lab test results to the friendly name TmtbQ2-P7e4-00253-00056024-00056191 and if you're working one of these cases TmtbQ2-P7e4-00254-00056191-00056342 you want to include in your request for TmtbQ2-P7e4-00255-00056344-00056454 production TmtbQ2-P7e4-00256-00056455-00056647 a production of the data dictionary so TmtbQ2-P7e4-00257-00056648-00056791 that you can make sense of TmtbQ2-P7e4-00258-00056791-00057063 the the charts and records that are TmtbQ2-P7e4-00259-00057064-00057238 produced to you TmtbQ2-P7e4-00260-00057239-00057479 another thing that i like to ask for TmtbQ2-P7e4-00261-00057479-00057575 when i'm getting TmtbQ2-P7e4-00262-00057576-00057807 electronic medical records is to request TmtbQ2-P7e4-00263-00057808-00057887 that TmtbQ2-P7e4-00264-00057888-00058111 that data be produced in what's known as TmtbQ2-P7e4-00265-00058112-00058303 a delimited format which is TmtbQ2-P7e4-00266-00058304-00058526 like a spreadsheet format sometimes TmtbQ2-P7e4-00267-00058527-00058703 known as comma delimited TmtbQ2-P7e4-00268-00058704-00058950 that allows you to manipulate the data TmtbQ2-P7e4-00269-00058951-00059054 much more easily TmtbQ2-P7e4-00270-00059055-00059350 and filter and aggregate and do things TmtbQ2-P7e4-00271-00059351-00059454 that can help you TmtbQ2-P7e4-00272-00059455-00059663 see into what's happening quickly TmtbQ2-P7e4-00273-00059664-00059854 without having to review TmtbQ2-P7e4-00274-00059855-00060166 oftentimes tens of thousands of pages TmtbQ2-P7e4-00275-00060167-00060494 native files refers to the file as it TmtbQ2-P7e4-00276-00060495-00060591 exists like TmtbQ2-P7e4-00277-00060591-00060942 if there's a transcription that's saved TmtbQ2-P7e4-00278-00060944-00060999 as a wav TmtbQ2-P7e4-00279-00061000-00061335 file that has the original doctor's TmtbQ2-P7e4-00280-00061336-00061494 notes TmtbQ2-P7e4-00281-00061495-00061654 asking for the native file of the TmtbQ2-P7e4-00282-00061655-00061854 transcriptions would give you the actual TmtbQ2-P7e4-00283-00061855-00061991 file that was recorded TmtbQ2-P7e4-00284-00061991-00062271 as opposed to some uh transcription of TmtbQ2-P7e4-00285-00062272-00062406 the file TmtbQ2-P7e4-00286-00062407-00062735 audit trail or audit logs hipaa requires TmtbQ2-P7e4-00287-00062736-00062791 that TmtbQ2-P7e4-00288-00062791-00063111 data be stored about the use of the TmtbQ2-P7e4-00289-00063112-00063238 creation TmtbQ2-P7e4-00290-00063239-00063519 modification and access of electronic TmtbQ2-P7e4-00291-00063520-00063671 health records TmtbQ2-P7e4-00292-00063672-00063887 and these audit logs will show when TmtbQ2-P7e4-00293-00063888-00063999 things are added TmtbQ2-P7e4-00294-00064000-00064294 updated modified the logs and audit TmtbQ2-P7e4-00295-00064295-00064438 trails is produced often TmtbQ2-P7e4-00296-00064439-00064679 don't answer the key question about what TmtbQ2-P7e4-00297-00064679-00064830 changes are happening TmtbQ2-P7e4-00298-00064832-00065223 and usually i get involved with helping TmtbQ2-P7e4-00299-00065224-00065471 the parties understand well what really TmtbQ2-P7e4-00300-00065472-00065638 happened what was a real revision TmtbQ2-P7e4-00301-00065639-00065791 history when did it occur TmtbQ2-P7e4-00302-00065792-00065982 who did it from what computer at what TmtbQ2-P7e4-00303-00065983-00066111 date and time TmtbQ2-P7e4-00304-00066112-00066415 was data deleted was it added TmtbQ2-P7e4-00305-00066416-00066663 and that's very relevant to many medical TmtbQ2-P7e4-00306-00066664-00066919 malpractice cases TmtbQ2-P7e4-00307-00066920-00067223 when we're analyzing data some of the TmtbQ2-P7e4-00308-00067224-00067319 things we can do TmtbQ2-P7e4-00309-00067320-00067575 we can take the electronic medical TmtbQ2-P7e4-00310-00067576-00067711 records if they're produced in a TmtbQ2-P7e4-00311-00067712-00067999 delimited format we can quickly prepare TmtbQ2-P7e4-00312-00068000-00068247 aggregate summary charts that might show TmtbQ2-P7e4-00313-00068248-00068375 how many minutes did TmtbQ2-P7e4-00314-00068376-00068599 or how many interactions with the emr to TmtbQ2-P7e4-00315-00068600-00068887 the supervising physician have TmtbQ2-P7e4-00316-00068888-00069150 what dates and time were the records TmtbQ2-P7e4-00317-00069151-00069231 looked at TmtbQ2-P7e4-00318-00069232-00069431 when did modifications occur if TmtbQ2-P7e4-00319-00069432-00069647 modifications occurred after a patient's TmtbQ2-P7e4-00320-00069648-00069750 discharge TmtbQ2-P7e4-00321-00069751-00070038 which i see quite a lot of times that TmtbQ2-P7e4-00322-00070039-00070223 can be suggestive of efforts to TmtbQ2-P7e4-00323-00070224-00070294 fabricate TmtbQ2-P7e4-00324-00070295-00070615 the medical record history TmtbQ2-P7e4-00325-00070616-00070838 when we get the data in addition to TmtbQ2-P7e4-00326-00070839-00071023 trying to get it into a delimited or TmtbQ2-P7e4-00327-00071024-00071175 spreadsheet format TmtbQ2-P7e4-00328-00071176-00071462 we like to make sure that the data is TmtbQ2-P7e4-00329-00071463-00071550 ocr'd TmtbQ2-P7e4-00330-00071551-00071791 which is optical character text TmtbQ2-P7e4-00331-00071792-00071887 recognition TmtbQ2-P7e4-00332-00071888-00072038 that allows for searching and key TmtbQ2-P7e4-00333-00072039-00072271 concepts names of providers TmtbQ2-P7e4-00334-00072272-00072487 dates and times and so on and all of TmtbQ2-P7e4-00335-00072488-00072679 that can be very important as you work TmtbQ2-P7e4-00336-00072680-00073055 a case so hipaa is the health insurance TmtbQ2-P7e4-00337-00073056-00073311 portability and accountability act of TmtbQ2-P7e4-00338-00073312-00073447 1996. TmtbQ2-P7e4-00339-00073448-00073767 and why this is important is all the TmtbQ2-P7e4-00340-00073768-00073943 hospital information system providers TmtbQ2-P7e4-00341-00073944-00074119 they have to certify that their software TmtbQ2-P7e4-00342-00074120-00074199 is having TmtbQ2-P7e4-00343-00074200-00074423 compliant otherwise the hospitals TmtbQ2-P7e4-00344-00074424-00074591 receiving medicare reimbursement TmtbQ2-P7e4-00345-00074592-00074799 wouldn't be able to use the software TmtbQ2-P7e4-00346-00074800-00075119 so the presumption should be that any TmtbQ2-P7e4-00347-00075120-00075287 healthcare organization that is TmtbQ2-P7e4-00348-00075288-00075423 receiving medicare funding TmtbQ2-P7e4-00349-00075424-00075726 is compliant with the rules of hipaa TmtbQ2-P7e4-00350-00075727-00075887 and we'll talk through what that TmtbQ2-P7e4-00351-00075888-00076055 requires here TmtbQ2-P7e4-00352-00076056-00076359 first hipaa requires that there be TmtbQ2-P7e4-00353-00076360-00076647 application audit trail audit trails TmtbQ2-P7e4-00354-00076648-00076750 that show TmtbQ2-P7e4-00355-00076751-00076991 when the emr was open access closed TmtbQ2-P7e4-00356-00076992-00077111 created TmtbQ2-P7e4-00357-00077112-00077375 edited the original value replacement TmtbQ2-P7e4-00358-00077376-00077591 value who updated it when from what TmtbQ2-P7e4-00359-00077592-00077799 computer whether it was deleted TmtbQ2-P7e4-00360-00077800-00078062 there's system level audit trails which TmtbQ2-P7e4-00361-00078063-00078303 has to do with the logons of the user TmtbQ2-P7e4-00362-00078304-00078503 to the system when they logged on what TmtbQ2-P7e4-00363-00078504-00078735 computer was the nurse's station TmtbQ2-P7e4-00364-00078736-00078894 was it the computer that was actually TmtbQ2-P7e4-00365-00078895-00079087 bedside with the patient TmtbQ2-P7e4-00366-00079088-00079238 so all of that can be relevant TmtbQ2-P7e4-00367-00079239-00079399 especially in establishing whether or TmtbQ2-P7e4-00368-00079400-00079535 not a healthcare provider TmtbQ2-P7e4-00369-00079536-00079719 was with the patient at an important TmtbQ2-P7e4-00370-00079720-00079838 time TmtbQ2-P7e4-00371-00079839-00080182 user audit log trails monitor uh TmtbQ2-P7e4-00372-00080183-00080543 the user activity within a specific ephi TmtbQ2-P7e4-00373-00080544-00080855 application uh it records events what TmtbQ2-P7e4-00374-00080856-00081094 commands were issued and so on TmtbQ2-P7e4-00375-00081095-00081303 healthcare organizations must retain TmtbQ2-P7e4-00376-00081304-00081503 these records for at least six years and TmtbQ2-P7e4-00377-00081504-00081631 typically if there's a TmtbQ2-P7e4-00378-00081632-00081862 issue where litigation is involved at TmtbQ2-P7e4-00379-00081863-00082055 the point in time that they're notified TmtbQ2-P7e4-00380-00082056-00082215 their risk management committee will TmtbQ2-P7e4-00381-00082216-00082335 collect the records and make a TmtbQ2-P7e4-00382-00082336-00082423 preservation TmtbQ2-P7e4-00383-00082424-00082703 of the available data some states have TmtbQ2-P7e4-00384-00082704-00082815 stricter retention TmtbQ2-P7e4-00385-00082816-00083111 requirements beyond six years and in TmtbQ2-P7e4-00386-00083112-00083223 those cases TmtbQ2-P7e4-00387-00083224-00083406 the state rules should apply according TmtbQ2-P7e4-00388-00083407-00083623 to hipaa TmtbQ2-P7e4-00389-00083624-00083926 other requirements of hipaa include the TmtbQ2-P7e4-00390-00083927-00084055 following TmtbQ2-P7e4-00391-00084056-00084294 when a user logs on when changes are TmtbQ2-P7e4-00392-00084295-00084479 made to the databases TmtbQ2-P7e4-00393-00084480-00084718 when users are added access level for TmtbQ2-P7e4-00394-00084719-00084982 each user what rights they have TmtbQ2-P7e4-00395-00084983-00085279 the file accessed by the user logins to TmtbQ2-P7e4-00396-00085280-00085391 the operating system TmtbQ2-P7e4-00397-00085392-00085662 firewall logs anti-malware logs and more TmtbQ2-P7e4-00398-00085663-00085711 so TmtbQ2-P7e4-00399-00085712-00085847 there's a lot of requirements that TmtbQ2-P7e4-00400-00085848-00086006 hospitals are compliant and other TmtbQ2-P7e4-00401-00086007-00086191 healthcare organizations receiving TmtbQ2-P7e4-00402-00086192-00086318 medicare funding TmtbQ2-P7e4-00403-00086319-00086662 follow these these requirements TmtbQ2-P7e4-00404-00086663-00086903 here's an example of what an audit trail TmtbQ2-P7e4-00405-00086904-00087006 log looks like TmtbQ2-P7e4-00406-00087007-00087215 i know it's it's probably a little bit TmtbQ2-P7e4-00407-00087216-00087415 difficult to see all of this TmtbQ2-P7e4-00408-00087416-00087631 but what we see this this one's a meta TmtbQ2-P7e4-00409-00087632-00087743 tech TmtbQ2-P7e4-00410-00087744-00087999 and what you'll see here is there's a TmtbQ2-P7e4-00411-00088000-00088199 run date the date and time the TmtbQ2-P7e4-00412-00088200-00088518 the report was ran the run time TmtbQ2-P7e4-00413-00088519-00088943 the username the database the specific TmtbQ2-P7e4-00414-00088944-00089126 database being accessed and who the TmtbQ2-P7e4-00415-00089127-00089223 patient was TmtbQ2-P7e4-00416-00089224-00089391 then across the top you have different TmtbQ2-P7e4-00417-00089392-00089662 data columns such as date TmtbQ2-P7e4-00418-00089663-00089935 time the user what action were they TmtbQ2-P7e4-00419-00089936-00090262 modifying exporting viewing TmtbQ2-P7e4-00420-00090263-00090599 the description of the action TmtbQ2-P7e4-00421-00090600-00090782 then you have the device being used to TmtbQ2-P7e4-00422-00090783-00090967 access it TmtbQ2-P7e4-00423-00090968-00091118 it also shows here that there's a TmtbQ2-P7e4-00424-00091119-00091375 confidential flag TmtbQ2-P7e4-00425-00091376-00091575 on certain records which may or may not TmtbQ2-P7e4-00426-00091576-00091750 be produced TmtbQ2-P7e4-00427-00091751-00092023 and then there's ability for someone to TmtbQ2-P7e4-00428-00092024-00092247 you know dr smith could enter something TmtbQ2-P7e4-00429-00092248-00092535 and emulate another user and you don't TmtbQ2-P7e4-00430-00092536-00092775 often see TmtbQ2-P7e4-00431-00092776-00093006 the notion that someone else emulated TmtbQ2-P7e4-00432-00093007-00093182 another user when you're viewing the TmtbQ2-P7e4-00433-00093183-00093423 progress note or printed chart TmtbQ2-P7e4-00434-00093424-00093606 so the audit trail is important now TmtbQ2-P7e4-00435-00093607-00093823 unfortunately this audit trail doesn't TmtbQ2-P7e4-00436-00093824-00093999 show you the specific changes TmtbQ2-P7e4-00437-00094000-00094199 being made and oftentimes what's TmtbQ2-P7e4-00438-00094200-00094367 necessary is you actually have to get TmtbQ2-P7e4-00439-00094368-00094511 direct in-camera TmtbQ2-P7e4-00440-00094512-00094871 inspection of the the meta tech or other TmtbQ2-P7e4-00441-00094872-00095087 his system to be able to record and TmtbQ2-P7e4-00442-00095088-00095199 document TmtbQ2-P7e4-00443-00095200-00095582 what the care provider sees TmtbQ2-P7e4-00444-00095583-00095750 so when you're preparing to work with TmtbQ2-P7e4-00445-00095751-00095911 your expert TmtbQ2-P7e4-00446-00095912-00096055 i always recommend that you start off TmtbQ2-P7e4-00447-00096056-00096279 with making a notable timeline of events TmtbQ2-P7e4-00448-00096280-00096391 at the front end TmtbQ2-P7e4-00449-00096392-00096615 to lay out the key dates and times what TmtbQ2-P7e4-00450-00096616-00096767 the allegations are TmtbQ2-P7e4-00451-00096768-00096926 if you're the hospital and you're hiring TmtbQ2-P7e4-00452-00096927-00097103 us or the insurance company TmtbQ2-P7e4-00453-00097104-00097262 you want to have this timeline as well TmtbQ2-P7e4-00454-00097263-00097431 so that we can quickly TmtbQ2-P7e4-00455-00097432-00097743 assess and and let you be aware of what TmtbQ2-P7e4-00456-00097744-00097926 the medical records reflect TmtbQ2-P7e4-00457-00097927-00098094 and help you to make an informed TmtbQ2-P7e4-00458-00098095-00098335 decision that relates to risk in TmtbQ2-P7e4-00459-00098336-00098543 in your your matter that you're TmtbQ2-P7e4-00460-00098544-00098759 defending against TmtbQ2-P7e4-00461-00098760-00099062 organizing the expert the documents to TmtbQ2-P7e4-00462-00099063-00099287 provide to the experts is important TmtbQ2-P7e4-00463-00099288-00099518 uh getting a copy of the complaint any TmtbQ2-P7e4-00464-00099519-00099638 request to produce TmtbQ2-P7e4-00465-00099639-00099974 responses or interrogatories or replies TmtbQ2-P7e4-00466-00099975-00100287 that data is really important for TmtbQ2-P7e4-00467-00100288-00100438 us to have on the front end so that we TmtbQ2-P7e4-00468-00100439-00100599 can effectively TmtbQ2-P7e4-00469-00100600-00100935 work analyze the case and help provide TmtbQ2-P7e4-00470-00100936-00101231 meaningful insight TmtbQ2-P7e4-00471-00101232-00101543 okay um included with that should be any TmtbQ2-P7e4-00472-00101544-00101726 electronic medical records that were TmtbQ2-P7e4-00473-00101727-00101806 produced TmtbQ2-P7e4-00474-00101807-00102103 i recommend giving them all at once if TmtbQ2-P7e4-00475-00102104-00102247 the records total TmtbQ2-P7e4-00476-00102248-00102518 tens of thousands of pages it's best to TmtbQ2-P7e4-00477-00102519-00102671 to produce those at once so that they TmtbQ2-P7e4-00478-00102672-00102799 can be normalized TmtbQ2-P7e4-00479-00102800-00103102 ocr labeled appropriately TmtbQ2-P7e4-00480-00103103-00103399 and keyword searched because many times TmtbQ2-P7e4-00481-00103400-00103606 we're not doing a linear review of every TmtbQ2-P7e4-00482-00103607-00103751 page of the records but we're looking TmtbQ2-P7e4-00483-00103752-00103918 for important concepts and TmtbQ2-P7e4-00484-00103919-00104254 if we only get the the emr piecemeal TmtbQ2-P7e4-00485-00104255-00104471 then we often have to repeat all those TmtbQ2-P7e4-00486-00104472-00104686 searches again when we get the next TmtbQ2-P7e4-00487-00104688-00105295 batch of documents TmtbQ2-P7e4-00488-00105296-00105607 so with the emr making that data TmtbQ2-P7e4-00489-00105608-00105799 efficient to review is going to help not TmtbQ2-P7e4-00490-00105800-00105910 only the attorneys TmtbQ2-P7e4-00491-00105911-00106151 paralegals and medical experts but it's TmtbQ2-P7e4-00492-00106152-00106254 really key TmtbQ2-P7e4-00493-00106255-00106471 uh to be able to make sense of these TmtbQ2-P7e4-00494-00106472-00106775 cases to have the data ocr to have TmtbQ2-P7e4-00495-00106776-00106975 the data put into a spreadsheet format TmtbQ2-P7e4-00496-00106976-00107102 where possible TmtbQ2-P7e4-00497-00107103-00107390 identifying the key events and providers TmtbQ2-P7e4-00498-00107391-00107463 looking for TmtbQ2-P7e4-00499-00107464-00107815 the key dates workers and concepts when TmtbQ2-P7e4-00500-00107816-00107999 the data is normalized it's easy to TmtbQ2-P7e4-00501-00108000-00108247 quickly filter out what's not relevant TmtbQ2-P7e4-00502-00108248-00108351 remove dates TmtbQ2-P7e4-00503-00108352-00108558 not of interest and zoom in on those key TmtbQ2-P7e4-00504-00108559-00108702 dates and times TmtbQ2-P7e4-00505-00108703-00108927 when things or allegations of improper TmtbQ2-P7e4-00506-00108928-00109007 care TmtbQ2-P7e4-00507-00109008-00109366 took place TmtbQ2-P7e4-00508-00109367-00109551 with the emr it's not uncommon that TmtbQ2-P7e4-00509-00109552-00109710 we'll we'll create TmtbQ2-P7e4-00510-00109711-00109958 uh we'll take all the the documents TmtbQ2-P7e4-00511-00109959-00110063 we've received TmtbQ2-P7e4-00512-00110064-00110286 and split them up into a single file per TmtbQ2-P7e4-00513-00110288-00110366 page TmtbQ2-P7e4-00514-00110367-00110686 that are all labeled um but that we can TmtbQ2-P7e4-00515-00110688-00110799 then search for TmtbQ2-P7e4-00516-00110800-00111183 and assemble for instance a a pdf that TmtbQ2-P7e4-00517-00111183-00111478 references care provider a or a specific TmtbQ2-P7e4-00518-00111479-00111654 medication or procedure TmtbQ2-P7e4-00519-00111655-00111919 it's sometimes easier to review tens of TmtbQ2-P7e4-00520-00111920-00112071 thousands of documents if you're doing TmtbQ2-P7e4-00521-00112072-00112519 it on a concept basis TmtbQ2-P7e4-00522-00112520-00112847 so the in-person direct access is TmtbQ2-P7e4-00523-00112848-00113071 what what often is required to be able TmtbQ2-P7e4-00524-00113072-00113215 to get TmtbQ2-P7e4-00525-00113216-00113471 a complete view of what happened some of TmtbQ2-P7e4-00526-00113472-00113639 the data doesn't show TmtbQ2-P7e4-00527-00113640-00113815 when you're just looking at the produced TmtbQ2-P7e4-00528-00113816-00113951 printed charts TmtbQ2-P7e4-00529-00113952-00114207 such as routing history what the notes TmtbQ2-P7e4-00530-00114208-00114263 look like TmtbQ2-P7e4-00531-00114264-00114519 at different points in time and access TmtbQ2-P7e4-00532-00114520-00114758 to inactive or deleted records TmtbQ2-P7e4-00533-00114759-00115063 communications as i mentioned here's TmtbQ2-P7e4-00534-00115064-00115271 some screenshots from some popular TmtbQ2-P7e4-00535-00115272-00115599 his systems that follow TmtbQ2-P7e4-00536-00115600-00115886 so this is epic and here you see the TmtbQ2-P7e4-00537-00115888-00115999 notes view TmtbQ2-P7e4-00538-00116000-00116199 and when you're entering into the system TmtbQ2-P7e4-00539-00116200-00116310 there's TmtbQ2-P7e4-00540-00116311-00116534 routing which can give you additional TmtbQ2-P7e4-00541-00116535-00116654 detail about TmtbQ2-P7e4-00542-00116655-00116839 what happened in terms of the routing of TmtbQ2-P7e4-00543-00116840-00117047 the notes TmtbQ2-P7e4-00544-00117048-00117375 you have a note time a file time TmtbQ2-P7e4-00545-00117376-00117631 and a note time in this case all these TmtbQ2-P7e4-00546-00117632-00117999 records with the exception of TmtbQ2-P7e4-00547-00118000-00118366 this one down here the 1024 1004 TmtbQ2-P7e4-00548-00118367-00118671 am note time was filed TmtbQ2-P7e4-00549-00118672-00119023 uh 15 minutes later so it's important to TmtbQ2-P7e4-00550-00119024-00119102 have both TmtbQ2-P7e4-00551-00119103-00119375 date and time stamps because sometimes TmtbQ2-P7e4-00552-00119376-00119431 the file TmtbQ2-P7e4-00553-00119432-00119847 times are many days after discharge or TmtbQ2-P7e4-00554-00119848-00120127 nowhere contemporaneously to the events TmtbQ2-P7e4-00555-00120128-00120295 and that's important if TmtbQ2-P7e4-00556-00120296-00120575 notes are being entered into this emr TmtbQ2-P7e4-00557-00120576-00120807 days after something awful happened you TmtbQ2-P7e4-00558-00120808-00120847 really TmtbQ2-P7e4-00559-00120848-00121158 want to know when those notes were filed TmtbQ2-P7e4-00560-00121159-00121399 if they're filed long after things went TmtbQ2-P7e4-00561-00121400-00121478 wrong TmtbQ2-P7e4-00562-00121479-00121743 um oftentimes that suggests that TmtbQ2-P7e4-00563-00121744-00121895 fabrication of the emr TmtbQ2-P7e4-00564-00121896-00122263 took place you can see here TmtbQ2-P7e4-00565-00122264-00122495 here's some of the routing it allows for TmtbQ2-P7e4-00566-00122496-00122575 you to TmtbQ2-P7e4-00567-00122576-00122839 specify different recipients and so TmtbQ2-P7e4-00568-00122840-00122927 knowing TmtbQ2-P7e4-00569-00122928-00123166 that routing of information that's TmtbQ2-P7e4-00570-00123167-00123310 important because it's not always TmtbQ2-P7e4-00571-00123311-00123439 evident when you're looking TmtbQ2-P7e4-00572-00123440-00123814 at the chart TmtbQ2-P7e4-00573-00123815-00124047 here's an example of adding a note and TmtbQ2-P7e4-00574-00124048-00124190 you can see here TmtbQ2-P7e4-00575-00124191-00124383 there's ability to copy and paste TmtbQ2-P7e4-00576-00124383-00124543 different notations TmtbQ2-P7e4-00577-00124544-00124758 the date and time on these notes when TmtbQ2-P7e4-00578-00124759-00124934 you first go to create a note they TmtbQ2-P7e4-00579-00124935-00125110 default to the current computer's TmtbQ2-P7e4-00580-00125111-00125486 clock time but it's totally possible to TmtbQ2-P7e4-00581-00125488-00125719 change the date and time to put it TmtbQ2-P7e4-00582-00125720-00126039 back in time by dates or hours TmtbQ2-P7e4-00583-00126040-00126399 and that information is relevant TmtbQ2-P7e4-00584-00126400-00126678 here's example of the cerner notes again TmtbQ2-P7e4-00585-00126679-00126878 cerner allows the user TmtbQ2-P7e4-00586-00126879-00127086 to change the date to something other TmtbQ2-P7e4-00587-00127088-00127239 than the current date TmtbQ2-P7e4-00588-00127240-00127607 and time and it still stores again TmtbQ2-P7e4-00589-00127608-00127895 the creation time of that note even if TmtbQ2-P7e4-00590-00127896-00128039 the note purports to be TmtbQ2-P7e4-00591-00128040-00128390 days earlier and there's also a TmtbQ2-P7e4-00592-00128391-00128702 different filters here when you're TmtbQ2-P7e4-00593-00128703-00128927 looking at the emr with power notes and TmtbQ2-P7e4-00594-00128928-00129039 cerner TmtbQ2-P7e4-00595-00129040-00129223 there's different filters such as my TmtbQ2-P7e4-00596-00129224-00129358 notes only TmtbQ2-P7e4-00597-00129359-00129702 there's inactive active and and so on so TmtbQ2-P7e4-00598-00129703-00129958 directly accessing the software can TmtbQ2-P7e4-00599-00129959-00130271 provide more details TmtbQ2-P7e4-00600-00130272-00130590 here's example in cerner of adding notes TmtbQ2-P7e4-00601-00130591-00130934 and you can see um there's text reports TmtbQ2-P7e4-00602-00130935-00131166 there's different types of notes TmtbQ2-P7e4-00603-00131167-00131343 there's notes that have a status of TmtbQ2-P7e4-00604-00131344-00131566 cancel those notes could be very TmtbQ2-P7e4-00605-00131567-00131695 relevant TmtbQ2-P7e4-00606-00131696-00131951 or inactive notes might be relevant as TmtbQ2-P7e4-00607-00131952-00132031 well but TmtbQ2-P7e4-00608-00132032-00132214 if you're directly interacting with the TmtbQ2-P7e4-00609-00132215-00132390 software you can click that expand TmtbQ2-P7e4-00610-00132391-00132478 detail TmtbQ2-P7e4-00611-00132479-00132751 button and you can see more and so some TmtbQ2-P7e4-00612-00132752-00132927 of that details important TmtbQ2-P7e4-00613-00132928-00133254 has to be captured on site with a TmtbQ2-P7e4-00614-00133255-00133566 video camera or or photo TmtbQ2-P7e4-00615-00133567-00133951 camera shots of the records TmtbQ2-P7e4-00616-00133952-00134183 now you can see here there's documents TmtbQ2-P7e4-00617-00134184-00134263 entered in TmtbQ2-P7e4-00618-00134264-00134623 and it shows a completion date and time TmtbQ2-P7e4-00619-00134624-00134854 it shows the author it shows when the TmtbQ2-P7e4-00620-00134855-00135031 document was last updated TmtbQ2-P7e4-00621-00135032-00135223 well that's additional detail that you TmtbQ2-P7e4-00622-00135224-00135366 often don't receive TmtbQ2-P7e4-00623-00135367-00135647 in the printed production of patient emr TmtbQ2-P7e4-00624-00135648-00135831 but it's highly relevant to know TmtbQ2-P7e4-00625-00135832-00136071 not only the time of service which can TmtbQ2-P7e4-00626-00136072-00136151 be selected TmtbQ2-P7e4-00627-00136152-00136399 at will by the person entering it but TmtbQ2-P7e4-00628-00136400-00136590 when it was last updated and TmtbQ2-P7e4-00629-00136591-00136863 because if you have uh the record was TmtbQ2-P7e4-00630-00136864-00137078 updated days after discharge when TmtbQ2-P7e4-00631-00137079-00137239 something went wrong TmtbQ2-P7e4-00632-00137240-00137390 that's very relevant and you want to be TmtbQ2-P7e4-00633-00137391-00137687 able to know the revision history TmtbQ2-P7e4-00634-00137688-00137951 so in cerner when you're interacting and TmtbQ2-P7e4-00635-00137952-00138111 looking at the consult notes you can TmtbQ2-P7e4-00636-00138112-00138207 actually click TmtbQ2-P7e4-00637-00138208-00138447 on the date and time at the left and TmtbQ2-P7e4-00638-00138448-00138527 you'll see TmtbQ2-P7e4-00639-00138528-00138783 the revision history of the note so this TmtbQ2-P7e4-00640-00138784-00138871 particular TmtbQ2-P7e4-00641-00138872-00139239 note shows a history what it looked like TmtbQ2-P7e4-00642-00139240-00139607 on october 30th 2017 at 7 56 TmtbQ2-P7e4-00643-00139608-00139927 a.m the next page shows what it looks TmtbQ2-P7e4-00644-00139928-00140087 like the day before TmtbQ2-P7e4-00645-00140088-00140254 so i'm going to flip back you can see TmtbQ2-P7e4-00646-00140255-00140519 that basically an addendum was added TmtbQ2-P7e4-00647-00140520-00140823 and addendums are when a note is TmtbQ2-P7e4-00648-00140824-00141223 assigned it becomes read-only lockdown TmtbQ2-P7e4-00649-00141224-00141543 so you have to insert what's known as TmtbQ2-P7e4-00650-00141544-00141887 an addendum for signed notes TmtbQ2-P7e4-00651-00141888-00142126 notes aren't signed immediately in many TmtbQ2-P7e4-00652-00142127-00142271 cases usually TmtbQ2-P7e4-00653-00142272-00142526 supervising nurse or physician might TmtbQ2-P7e4-00654-00142527-00142614 want to review TmtbQ2-P7e4-00655-00142615-00142887 it before the note is signed but in any TmtbQ2-P7e4-00656-00142888-00143111 event the the revision history is TmtbQ2-P7e4-00657-00143112-00143175 available TmtbQ2-P7e4-00658-00143176-00143319 and you can see it when you're TmtbQ2-P7e4-00659-00143320-00143902 interacting with the system directly TmtbQ2-P7e4-00660-00143903-00144207 okay so meta tech here's a screenshot of TmtbQ2-P7e4-00661-00144208-00144439 what meditek looks like and TmtbQ2-P7e4-00662-00144440-00144743 in here you can see that there's various TmtbQ2-P7e4-00663-00144744-00144878 screens there's draft TmtbQ2-P7e4-00664-00144879-00145095 there's sign again the date and time can TmtbQ2-P7e4-00665-00145096-00145207 be altered TmtbQ2-P7e4-00666-00145208-00145526 as desired but it still stores TmtbQ2-P7e4-00667-00145527-00145999 the actual date and time in the back end TmtbQ2-P7e4-00668-00146000-00146287 here's a listing of notes you can see TmtbQ2-P7e4-00669-00146288-00146471 the date and time you can see the status TmtbQ2-P7e4-00670-00146472-00146599 of if it's signed TmtbQ2-P7e4-00671-00146600-00146751 but when you're interacting with the TmtbQ2-P7e4-00672-00146752-00146911 system you can click it you can view TmtbQ2-P7e4-00673-00146912-00147319 details you can see history and so on TmtbQ2-P7e4-00674-00147320-00147471 so now i'm going to talk a little bit TmtbQ2-P7e4-00675-00147472-00147702 about the overview and process of TmtbQ2-P7e4-00676-00147703-00147911 working one of these cases with TmtbQ2-P7e4-00677-00147912-00148095 electronic medical records such as TmtbQ2-P7e4-00678-00148096-00148231 myself TmtbQ2-P7e4-00679-00148232-00148551 i typically cases start off with the TmtbQ2-P7e4-00680-00148552-00148639 need to make TmtbQ2-P7e4-00681-00148640-00148895 the request for the complete electronic TmtbQ2-P7e4-00682-00148896-00149014 medical record TmtbQ2-P7e4-00683-00149015-00149319 oftentimes attorneys contact us when TmtbQ2-P7e4-00684-00149320-00149414 this has already TmtbQ2-P7e4-00685-00149415-00149671 been done but they suspect that the data TmtbQ2-P7e4-00686-00149672-00150031 is deficient in some way or fabricated TmtbQ2-P7e4-00687-00150032-00150271 so we often will review the records TmtbQ2-P7e4-00688-00150272-00150423 produced TmtbQ2-P7e4-00689-00150424-00150631 identify examples or problems with TmtbQ2-P7e4-00690-00150632-00150766 filters TmtbQ2-P7e4-00691-00150767-00151095 anything that looks suspect and then TmtbQ2-P7e4-00692-00151096-00151343 assist with drafting a supplemental TmtbQ2-P7e4-00693-00151344-00151647 request to produce TmtbQ2-P7e4-00694-00151648-00151831 if the supplemental materials are TmtbQ2-P7e4-00695-00151832-00152063 produced we review that we look for TmtbQ2-P7e4-00696-00152064-00152254 deficiencies in the records TmtbQ2-P7e4-00697-00152255-00152478 and oftentimes there will still remain TmtbQ2-P7e4-00698-00152479-00152614 deficiencies TmtbQ2-P7e4-00699-00152615-00152823 so in that case we have to spend time TmtbQ2-P7e4-00700-00152824-00152999 analyzing the emr TmtbQ2-P7e4-00701-00153000-00153271 and working on a report of sorts that TmtbQ2-P7e4-00702-00153272-00153319 shows TmtbQ2-P7e4-00703-00153320-00153583 examples of what's missing and at that TmtbQ2-P7e4-00704-00153584-00153775 point in time we're trying to compel TmtbQ2-P7e4-00705-00153776-00154014 the judge to order an inspection you TmtbQ2-P7e4-00706-00154015-00154078 know on the TmtbQ2-P7e4-00707-00154079-00154335 converse side if we're working for the TmtbQ2-P7e4-00708-00154336-00154423 hospital TmtbQ2-P7e4-00709-00154424-00154583 we'll be looking through the emr and TmtbQ2-P7e4-00710-00154584-00154799 often reporting to them whether or not TmtbQ2-P7e4-00711-00154800-00155095 there was fabrication by hospital staff TmtbQ2-P7e4-00712-00155096-00155247 and that's important for insurance TmtbQ2-P7e4-00713-00155248-00155366 carriers because TmtbQ2-P7e4-00714-00155367-00155543 they want to understand what their risk TmtbQ2-P7e4-00715-00155544-00155831 is if they litigate a case to trial TmtbQ2-P7e4-00716-00155832-00156071 and it may be more advantageous to TmtbQ2-P7e4-00717-00156072-00156199 simply settle the case TmtbQ2-P7e4-00718-00156200-00156687 if if there's some problems in the emr TmtbQ2-P7e4-00719-00156688-00156883 so after we've drafted a motion to TmtbQ2-P7e4-00720-00156884-00157023 compel TmtbQ2-P7e4-00721-00157024-00157278 well typically we write an affidavit in TmtbQ2-P7e4-00722-00157279-00157431 support of a motion to compel TmtbQ2-P7e4-00723-00157432-00157719 an on-site direct inspection that motion TmtbQ2-P7e4-00724-00157720-00157807 gets filed TmtbQ2-P7e4-00725-00157808-00158007 by the attorney with our affidavit TmtbQ2-P7e4-00726-00158008-00158287 attached and then there's a hearing TmtbQ2-P7e4-00727-00158288-00158447 these days the hearings tend to be on TmtbQ2-P7e4-00728-00158448-00158687 zoom telephonically TmtbQ2-P7e4-00729-00158688-00158902 and oftentimes the judge will ask TmtbQ2-P7e4-00730-00158903-00158999 questions you know TmtbQ2-P7e4-00731-00159000-00159254 essentially when we're doing an unsight TmtbQ2-P7e4-00732-00159255-00159478 what we want is we want to be able to TmtbQ2-P7e4-00733-00159479-00159878 see the entire record of the patient TmtbQ2-P7e4-00734-00159879-00160190 as the physician can see it TmtbQ2-P7e4-00735-00160191-00160463 the communications between providers and TmtbQ2-P7e4-00736-00160464-00160735 the complete revision history TmtbQ2-P7e4-00737-00160736-00161047 this often requires videoing TmtbQ2-P7e4-00738-00161048-00161366 or taking photos of the data to capture TmtbQ2-P7e4-00739-00161367-00161526 data that's not easily TmtbQ2-P7e4-00740-00161527-00161775 printed from current reports with the TmtbQ2-P7e4-00741-00161776-00162271 his system TmtbQ2-P7e4-00742-00162272-00162526 so when the on-site inspection happens TmtbQ2-P7e4-00743-00162527-00162654 it's not uncommon that TmtbQ2-P7e4-00744-00162655-00162943 there will be multiple experts there TmtbQ2-P7e4-00745-00162944-00163023 i've been TmtbQ2-P7e4-00746-00163024-00163431 uh hired to observe an inspection TmtbQ2-P7e4-00747-00163432-00163743 by a plaintiff plaintiff TmtbQ2-P7e4-00748-00163744-00163983 council that is seeking to look at the TmtbQ2-P7e4-00749-00163984-00164095 emr TmtbQ2-P7e4-00750-00164096-00164326 in that role i'm looking to just TmtbQ2-P7e4-00751-00164327-00164566 document and understand TmtbQ2-P7e4-00752-00164567-00164743 how they're requesting the data whether TmtbQ2-P7e4-00753-00164744-00164919 data is being withheld TmtbQ2-P7e4-00754-00164920-00165231 despite the onsite and to advise my TmtbQ2-P7e4-00755-00165232-00165278 client TmtbQ2-P7e4-00756-00165279-00165511 in terms of what the data is that was TmtbQ2-P7e4-00757-00165512-00165719 produced and whether there's any issues TmtbQ2-P7e4-00758-00165720-00165959 with it TmtbQ2-P7e4-00759-00165960-00166263 the on-site inspection isn't where the TmtbQ2-P7e4-00760-00166264-00166478 analysis happens it's usually TmtbQ2-P7e4-00761-00166479-00166683 an effort to try to dump all the data TmtbQ2-P7e4-00762-00166684-00166807 out TmtbQ2-P7e4-00763-00166808-00167071 run reports make sure the settings are TmtbQ2-P7e4-00764-00167072-00167143 documented TmtbQ2-P7e4-00765-00167144-00167343 appropriately and really that the only TmtbQ2-P7e4-00766-00167344-00167478 filter being used TmtbQ2-P7e4-00767-00167479-00167647 is the filter for the patient there TmtbQ2-P7e4-00768-00167648-00167783 should be no other need to filter TmtbQ2-P7e4-00769-00167784-00167895 anything TmtbQ2-P7e4-00770-00167896-00168143 those records are the patient's records TmtbQ2-P7e4-00771-00168144-00168199 they TmtbQ2-P7e4-00772-00168200-00168519 have a right to that content and TmtbQ2-P7e4-00773-00168520-00168751 you know this process is one that is TmtbQ2-P7e4-00774-00168752-00168902 going to become much more common TmtbQ2-P7e4-00775-00168903-00169214 as we continue uh with the understanding TmtbQ2-P7e4-00776-00169215-00169407 of medical records and audit trails TmtbQ2-P7e4-00777-00169408-00169678 becoming more prevalent TmtbQ2-P7e4-00778-00169679-00169902 but after the onsite inspection there's TmtbQ2-P7e4-00779-00169903-00170054 a need to review that data TmtbQ2-P7e4-00780-00170055-00170351 oftentimes normalize it again compare it TmtbQ2-P7e4-00781-00170352-00170671 against earlier produced emr TmtbQ2-P7e4-00782-00170672-00170951 that analysis might document that early TmtbQ2-P7e4-00783-00170952-00170999 on TmtbQ2-P7e4-00784-00171000-00171199 that the healthcare organization was you TmtbQ2-P7e4-00785-00171200-00171359 know willfully holding back TmtbQ2-P7e4-00786-00171360-00171599 information that was key and important TmtbQ2-P7e4-00787-00171600-00171671 and so TmtbQ2-P7e4-00788-00171672-00171895 in instances where that happens there's TmtbQ2-P7e4-00789-00171896-00172095 a need to write a report to document TmtbQ2-P7e4-00790-00172096-00172447 those changes or deficiencies TmtbQ2-P7e4-00791-00172448-00172831 and before long before trial happens TmtbQ2-P7e4-00792-00172832-00173175 in a reports issue the expert TmtbQ2-P7e4-00793-00173176-00173414 witness that you use as your emr expert TmtbQ2-P7e4-00794-00173415-00173543 will have to be deposed TmtbQ2-P7e4-00795-00173544-00173854 most likely and what i usually find TmtbQ2-P7e4-00796-00173855-00174031 at least in cases i've been involved TmtbQ2-P7e4-00797-00174032-00174311 with is that the cases typically settle TmtbQ2-P7e4-00798-00174312-00174526 after the deposition because at that TmtbQ2-P7e4-00799-00174527-00174638 point in time TmtbQ2-P7e4-00800-00174639-00174814 you know you're really looking at what TmtbQ2-P7e4-00801-00174815-00174951 does a factual record TmtbQ2-P7e4-00802-00174952-00175223 reflect there's not so much opinions so TmtbQ2-P7e4-00803-00175224-00175287 much as TmtbQ2-P7e4-00804-00175288-00175607 there are uh facts in some cases there TmtbQ2-P7e4-00805-00175608-00175887 are opinions about you know TmtbQ2-P7e4-00806-00175888-00176199 why you know why does the chart show TmtbQ2-P7e4-00807-00176200-00176359 lots of entries TmtbQ2-P7e4-00808-00176360-00176711 that all were created days after TmtbQ2-P7e4-00809-00176712-00176919 discharge and they're all unrounded TmtbQ2-P7e4-00810-00176920-00177214 hours with no minutes in a situation TmtbQ2-P7e4-00811-00177215-00177311 like that TmtbQ2-P7e4-00812-00177312-00177535 you know my opinion would be that's TmtbQ2-P7e4-00813-00177536-00177702 likely fabrication TmtbQ2-P7e4-00814-00177703-00178038 because usually if you're entering notes TmtbQ2-P7e4-00815-00178039-00178278 and other procedures contemporaneous to TmtbQ2-P7e4-00816-00178279-00178359 events TmtbQ2-P7e4-00817-00178360-00178575 you're going to have a randomization of TmtbQ2-P7e4-00818-00178576-00178671 the minutes and TmtbQ2-P7e4-00819-00178672-00178838 everything is not going to be stacked up TmtbQ2-P7e4-00820-00178839-00178975 at 0-0 TmtbQ2-P7e4-00821-00178976-00179319 minutes on the hour so if TmtbQ2-P7e4-00822-00179320-00179502 if a case is going to trial there's a TmtbQ2-P7e4-00823-00179503-00179654 need to to prep your TmtbQ2-P7e4-00824-00179655-00179999 emr expert to let them review TmtbQ2-P7e4-00825-00180000-00180263 review the timeline uh their earlier TmtbQ2-P7e4-00826-00180264-00180366 affidavits TmtbQ2-P7e4-00827-00180367-00180559 and the data that was collected so that TmtbQ2-P7e4-00828-00180560-00180911 they're prepared for trial TmtbQ2-P7e4-00829-00180912-00181135 in most cases though cases tend to TmtbQ2-P7e4-00830-00181136-00181343 settle and they usually settle TmtbQ2-P7e4-00831-00181344-00181559 after the onsite inspection and TmtbQ2-P7e4-00832-00181560-00181702 collection of data TmtbQ2-P7e4-00833-00181703-00182031 sometimes they'll settle much earlier TmtbQ2-P7e4-00834-00182032-00182247 i've seen cases settle as soon as i get TmtbQ2-P7e4-00835-00182248-00182399 involved and help with TmtbQ2-P7e4-00836-00182400-00182566 writing the requests for supplemental TmtbQ2-P7e4-00837-00182567-00182735 production but TmtbQ2-P7e4-00838-00182736-00183038 sometimes the cases go on further my TmtbQ2-P7e4-00839-00183039-00183159 experience TmtbQ2-P7e4-00840-00183160-00183366 the further along through this process TmtbQ2-P7e4-00841-00183367-00183526 the plaintiff gets TmtbQ2-P7e4-00842-00183527-00183838 if we're able to identify willful TmtbQ2-P7e4-00843-00183839-00184119 withholding of records the settlement TmtbQ2-P7e4-00844-00184120-00184559 offer tends to to be much higher TmtbQ2-P7e4-00845-00184560-00184887 so i gave an overview of this TmtbQ2-P7e4-00846-00184888-00185102 there's slides here that i'll walk TmtbQ2-P7e4-00847-00185103-00185254 through um TmtbQ2-P7e4-00848-00185255-00185454 i want to have plenty of time for TmtbQ2-P7e4-00849-00185455-00185575 questions so TmtbQ2-P7e4-00850-00185576-00185911 i'm not going to read each of these but TmtbQ2-P7e4-00851-00185912-00186119 in summary you want to make sure that TmtbQ2-P7e4-00852-00186120-00186359 you're getting all the data TmtbQ2-P7e4-00853-00186360-00186678 and there's outline here for if you TmtbQ2-P7e4-00854-00186679-00186914 email kathy.hurley at TmtbQ2-P7e4-00855-00186915-00187071 enigmaforensics.com TmtbQ2-P7e4-00856-00187072-00187302 she can send you a complimentary sample TmtbQ2-P7e4-00857-00187303-00187438 request for emr TmtbQ2-P7e4-00858-00187439-00187719 that helps you form that request TmtbQ2-P7e4-00859-00187720-00187799 obviously you may TmtbQ2-P7e4-00860-00187800-00188047 want to retain us to help you tweak that TmtbQ2-P7e4-00861-00188048-00188343 for your specific circumstances TmtbQ2-P7e4-00862-00188344-00188559 it's a good idea though to ask for the TmtbQ2-P7e4-00863-00188560-00188743 user manuals when you're doing this TmtbQ2-P7e4-00864-00188744-00188847 process TmtbQ2-P7e4-00865-00188848-00189038 and you want to make sure that you're TmtbQ2-P7e4-00866-00189039-00189159 clear about TmtbQ2-P7e4-00867-00189160-00189735 asking for the complete revision history TmtbQ2-P7e4-00868-00189736-00189871 so i talked about the review of the TmtbQ2-P7e4-00869-00189872-00190183 records produced and typically we're TmtbQ2-P7e4-00870-00190184-00190287 trying to identify TmtbQ2-P7e4-00871-00190288-00190550 examples of withheld records or other TmtbQ2-P7e4-00872-00190551-00190775 things that we can find or prove TmtbQ2-P7e4-00873-00190776-00191054 that are deficient from the production TmtbQ2-P7e4-00874-00191055-00191190 audit trails that lack TmtbQ2-P7e4-00875-00191191-00191407 a definition of what was being changed TmtbQ2-P7e4-00876-00191408-00191638 as an example TmtbQ2-P7e4-00877-00191639-00191831 production of data in a non-usable TmtbQ2-P7e4-00878-00191832-00192054 format you know going on site to TmtbQ2-P7e4-00879-00192055-00192383 have it exported so it's not produced TmtbQ2-P7e4-00880-00192384-00192695 in a crazy out of order duplicative TmtbQ2-P7e4-00881-00192696-00192759 format TmtbQ2-P7e4-00882-00192760-00193175 is often helpful TmtbQ2-P7e4-00883-00193176-00193471 so when we're asking for the records TmtbQ2-P7e4-00884-00193472-00193575 that we're missing TmtbQ2-P7e4-00885-00193576-00193814 we want to be specific on that and TmtbQ2-P7e4-00886-00193815-00194023 ideally pose that directly to TmtbQ2-P7e4-00887-00194024-00194326 opposing counsel in an email TmtbQ2-P7e4-00888-00194327-00194638 so that it's documented and that way if TmtbQ2-P7e4-00889-00194639-00194878 you're hearing a motion you can show the TmtbQ2-P7e4-00890-00194879-00195047 judge that you've already tried to TmtbQ2-P7e4-00891-00195048-00195247 be specific about what you were asking TmtbQ2-P7e4-00892-00195248-00195431 for TmtbQ2-P7e4-00893-00195432-00195623 it should always include the revision TmtbQ2-P7e4-00894-00195624-00195950 history that phrase is so important TmtbQ2-P7e4-00895-00195951-00196431 usually that's missing from productions TmtbQ2-P7e4-00896-00196432-00196719 and it's often the case that even though TmtbQ2-P7e4-00897-00196720-00196966 you ask for things correctly that TmtbQ2-P7e4-00898-00196967-00197319 it still isn't produced as requested so TmtbQ2-P7e4-00899-00197320-00197590 having that clear documentation of TmtbQ2-P7e4-00900-00197591-00198038 asking for it in email is important TmtbQ2-P7e4-00901-00198039-00198190 so when the supplemental production TmtbQ2-P7e4-00902-00198191-00198423 comes in you know we want to TmtbQ2-P7e4-00903-00198424-00198614 typically look at that quickly try to TmtbQ2-P7e4-00904-00198615-00198807 see if they've TmtbQ2-P7e4-00905-00198808-00198999 complied or failed to address certain TmtbQ2-P7e4-00906-00199000-00199263 sections if they failed to TmtbQ2-P7e4-00907-00199264-00199550 disclose their filters or they filtered TmtbQ2-P7e4-00908-00199551-00199614 things TmtbQ2-P7e4-00909-00199615-00199799 differently than requested you want to TmtbQ2-P7e4-00910-00199800-00199983 create a paper trail TmtbQ2-P7e4-00911-00199984-00200214 and send a follow-up email asking for TmtbQ2-P7e4-00912-00200215-00200399 that and then if they don't comply TmtbQ2-P7e4-00913-00200400-00200543 that's going to help you with your TmtbQ2-P7e4-00914-00200544-00200735 motion to compel TmtbQ2-P7e4-00915-00200736-00201087 when appearing in front of the judge TmtbQ2-P7e4-00916-00201088-00201319 so the affidavit that we're generating TmtbQ2-P7e4-00917-00201320-00201390 is TmtbQ2-P7e4-00918-00201391-00201687 typically outlining these deficiencies TmtbQ2-P7e4-00919-00201688-00201878 it might be sharing TmtbQ2-P7e4-00920-00201879-00202102 exhibits that include the emails that TmtbQ2-P7e4-00921-00202103-00202214 you sent TmtbQ2-P7e4-00922-00202215-00202495 asking for the data we want to make sure TmtbQ2-P7e4-00923-00202496-00202663 that we've detailed the foundation for TmtbQ2-P7e4-00924-00202664-00202926 the request TmtbQ2-P7e4-00925-00202927-00203119 pointing out examples of what was asked TmtbQ2-P7e4-00926-00203120-00203295 for what was produced how that was TmtbQ2-P7e4-00927-00203296-00203471 deficient TmtbQ2-P7e4-00928-00203472-00203663 giving examples where the revision TmtbQ2-P7e4-00929-00203664-00203814 history showing changes TmtbQ2-P7e4-00930-00203815-00204071 is important you know specifically the TmtbQ2-P7e4-00931-00204072-00204166 lack of TmtbQ2-P7e4-00932-00204167-00204423 when the records were actually created TmtbQ2-P7e4-00933-00204424-00204495 or last TmtbQ2-P7e4-00934-00204496-00204783 updated who updated them when that TmtbQ2-P7e4-00935-00204784-00204966 information is very important and it's TmtbQ2-P7e4-00936-00204967-00205038 often not TmtbQ2-P7e4-00937-00205039-00205279 in the initial round of production of TmtbQ2-P7e4-00938-00205280-00205871 emr TmtbQ2-P7e4-00939-00205871-00206062 so the finally in the motion to compel TmtbQ2-P7e4-00940-00206063-00206286 the on-site inspection of emr TmtbQ2-P7e4-00941-00206287-00206590 there's a useful case out of kentucky TmtbQ2-P7e4-00942-00206591-00206790 western district of kentucky the bohren TmtbQ2-P7e4-00943-00206791-00206966 versus smith case TmtbQ2-P7e4-00944-00206967-00207327 i think on our website if you search TmtbQ2-P7e4-00945-00207328-00207598 at enigmaforensics.com for borum TmtbQ2-P7e4-00946-00207600-00207831 b-o-r-u-m there's a hyperlink to this TmtbQ2-P7e4-00947-00207832-00207919 case TmtbQ2-P7e4-00948-00207919-00208079 and it's a federal case that lays out TmtbQ2-P7e4-00949-00208080-00208279 the arguments establishing TmtbQ2-P7e4-00950-00208280-00208558 and overcoming objections made by a TmtbQ2-P7e4-00951-00208559-00208679 hospital TmtbQ2-P7e4-00952-00208680-00208910 resisting in on-site inspection so this TmtbQ2-P7e4-00953-00208911-00209071 can be very useful TmtbQ2-P7e4-00954-00209071-00209414 to lay a groundwork for arguing your TmtbQ2-P7e4-00955-00209415-00210110 motion to compel TmtbQ2-P7e4-00956-00210111-00210287 when that motion to compel hearing is TmtbQ2-P7e4-00957-00210288-00210551 held having someone like myself there to TmtbQ2-P7e4-00958-00210552-00210887 be able to answer questions of the judge TmtbQ2-P7e4-00959-00210888-00211134 overcome objections help to establish TmtbQ2-P7e4-00960-00211135-00211303 protocols for the exam TmtbQ2-P7e4-00961-00211304-00211582 to ensure that it's effective and not a TmtbQ2-P7e4-00962-00211583-00211742 waste of everyone's time TmtbQ2-P7e4-00963-00211744-00212087 is important you know recording of TmtbQ2-P7e4-00964-00212088-00212398 the his software should be allowable TmtbQ2-P7e4-00965-00212400-00212719 you know an agreement to redact or call TmtbQ2-P7e4-00966-00212719-00212751 out TmtbQ2-P7e4-00967-00212752-00212903 anything that might have been captured TmtbQ2-P7e4-00968-00212904-00213110 that doesn't relate to the patient TmtbQ2-P7e4-00969-00213111-00213398 is something that i see there's no issue TmtbQ2-P7e4-00970-00213400-00213431 to TmtbQ2-P7e4-00971-00213432-00213615 but the ability to document and record TmtbQ2-P7e4-00972-00213616-00213958 is critical TmtbQ2-P7e4-00973-00213959-00214294 ideally during this on site you want to TmtbQ2-P7e4-00974-00214296-00214639 be able to reproduce what they produced TmtbQ2-P7e4-00975-00214640-00214815 previously so that you can confirm TmtbQ2-P7e4-00976-00214816-00215031 whether or not they had filters applied TmtbQ2-P7e4-00977-00215032-00215110 to it TmtbQ2-P7e4-00978-00215111-00215439 if their earlier production of emr TmtbQ2-P7e4-00979-00215440-00215734 only include active records and no uh TmtbQ2-P7e4-00980-00215735-00215798 historical TmtbQ2-P7e4-00981-00215800-00216110 records producing it in a more complete TmtbQ2-P7e4-00982-00216111-00216231 manner will help you TmtbQ2-P7e4-00983-00216232-00216534 to demonstrate to the court that the TmtbQ2-P7e4-00984-00216535-00216742 hospital was holding back TmtbQ2-P7e4-00985-00216744-00217006 important records that you that were TmtbQ2-P7e4-00986-00217007-00217103 your patients TmtbQ2-P7e4-00987-00217104-00217319 or your clients records that they have a TmtbQ2-P7e4-00988-00217319-00217567 right to TmtbQ2-P7e4-00989-00217567-00217775 so again making sure that inactive TmtbQ2-P7e4-00990-00217776-00217975 historical versions are included in the TmtbQ2-P7e4-00991-00217976-00218094 production of emr TmtbQ2-P7e4-00992-00218096-00218487 is very important TmtbQ2-P7e4-00993-00218488-00218694 so inspection on site during the TmtbQ2-P7e4-00994-00218696-00218927 pandemic a lot of things have shifted to TmtbQ2-P7e4-00995-00218928-00219094 zoom or webex TmtbQ2-P7e4-00996-00219096-00219391 that can certainly happen and on-site TmtbQ2-P7e4-00997-00219392-00219663 inspection does have advantages so TmtbQ2-P7e4-00998-00219664-00220006 and i usually recommend the on-site TmtbQ2-P7e4-00999-00220007-00220310 where possible now that vaccine TmtbQ2-P7e4-01000-00220311-00220687 vaccines are widely available TmtbQ2-P7e4-01001-00220688-00220887 the concerns over going on site should TmtbQ2-P7e4-01002-00220888-00221167 be much less TmtbQ2-P7e4-01003-00221167-00221398 your during this inspection i always TmtbQ2-P7e4-01004-00221400-00221527 recommend that the TmtbQ2-P7e4-01005-00221528-00221831 healthcare providers it person with TmtbQ2-P7e4-01006-00221832-00221967 admin rights TmtbQ2-P7e4-01007-00221967-00222215 actually be the person that's typing at TmtbQ2-P7e4-01008-00222216-00222294 the keyboard TmtbQ2-P7e4-01009-00222296-00222646 moving the mouse but at the direction of TmtbQ2-P7e4-01010-00222648-00223039 the requesting party that helps protect TmtbQ2-P7e4-01011-00223040-00223342 from you know any potential harm to the TmtbQ2-P7e4-01012-00223344-00223591 hospital information system TmtbQ2-P7e4-01013-00223592-00223903 and really uh should allow for TmtbQ2-P7e4-01014-00223904-00224206 a full observation TmtbQ2-P7e4-01015-00224207-00224446 of the emr as it exists within the TmtbQ2-P7e4-01016-00224448-00224663 system TmtbQ2-P7e4-01017-00224664-00224942 typically data is exported to external TmtbQ2-P7e4-01018-00224944-00225046 media TmtbQ2-P7e4-01019-00225048-00225327 and at the conclusion of that the data TmtbQ2-P7e4-01020-00225328-00225479 is shared with TmtbQ2-P7e4-01021-00225480-00225734 producing party and requesting party TmtbQ2-P7e4-01022-00225735-00225855 subject to TmtbQ2-P7e4-01023-00225856-00226191 um the right for either party to TmtbQ2-P7e4-01024-00226192-00226582 uh deem data confidential or redact TmtbQ2-P7e4-01025-00226583-00226894 uh which typically you know TmtbQ2-P7e4-01026-00226896-00227127 the confidentiality requirements TmtbQ2-P7e4-01027-00227128-00227279 hospitals are already TmtbQ2-P7e4-01028-00227280-00227551 following that for the most part um so TmtbQ2-P7e4-01029-00227552-00227639 really as long as TmtbQ2-P7e4-01030-00227640-00228039 the the the data is restricted to TmtbQ2-P7e4-01031-00228040-00228423 the the patient um you know there really TmtbQ2-P7e4-01032-00228423-00228510 shouldn't be TmtbQ2-P7e4-01033-00228511-00228775 much reason to hold back data that TmtbQ2-P7e4-01034-00228776-00228863 belongs to TmtbQ2-P7e4-01035-00228864-00229039 a patient as long as it's just that TmtbQ2-P7e4-01036-00229040-00229231 patient's data TmtbQ2-P7e4-01037-00229232-00229463 that data will be examined after the TmtbQ2-P7e4-01038-00229464-00229646 on-site when there's time to TmtbQ2-P7e4-01039-00229648-00230110 analyze it TmtbQ2-P7e4-01040-00230111-00230334 so after the on-site you know that's TmtbQ2-P7e4-01041-00230335-00230494 when there's more time to TmtbQ2-P7e4-01042-00230496-00230694 look at the data to analyze it to TmtbQ2-P7e4-01043-00230696-00230998 compare it TmtbQ2-P7e4-01044-00231000-00231246 you know if if there's an expectation TmtbQ2-P7e4-01045-00231248-00231398 that smoking guns were TmtbQ2-P7e4-01046-00231400-00231806 captured during the on-site sometimes um TmtbQ2-P7e4-01047-00231807-00232127 if a plaintiff expert might want to uh TmtbQ2-P7e4-01048-00232128-00232294 just hold off for a week or two if they TmtbQ2-P7e4-01049-00232296-00232351 think that TmtbQ2-P7e4-01050-00232352-00232606 a settlement's likely so that the costs TmtbQ2-P7e4-01051-00232607-00233031 aren't incurred TmtbQ2-P7e4-01052-00233032-00233239 i discussed the comparison of initial TmtbQ2-P7e4-01053-00233240-00233375 productions versus TmtbQ2-P7e4-01054-00233376-00233663 what was collected on site you know TmtbQ2-P7e4-01055-00233664-00233823 trying to identify examples of TmtbQ2-P7e4-01056-00233823-00234039 manipulated records or previously TmtbQ2-P7e4-01057-00234040-00234182 withheld records TmtbQ2-P7e4-01058-00234183-00234471 can be important in understanding what TmtbQ2-P7e4-01059-00234471-00234542 happened TmtbQ2-P7e4-01060-00234544-00234919 with the case TmtbQ2-P7e4-01061-00234919-00235198 so whether or not you write a formalized TmtbQ2-P7e4-01062-00235200-00235294 report TmtbQ2-P7e4-01063-00235296-00235494 or just disclose some of the smoking TmtbQ2-P7e4-01064-00235496-00235710 guns that's a decision that TmtbQ2-P7e4-01065-00235711-00236039 plaintiff council often considers a TmtbQ2-P7e4-01066-00236040-00236294 defense counsel often needs to consult TmtbQ2-P7e4-01067-00236296-00236423 with their insurance TmtbQ2-P7e4-01068-00236423-00236855 carrier and have someone like me help TmtbQ2-P7e4-01069-00236856-00237119 tell them what the situation is so that TmtbQ2-P7e4-01070-00237119-00237206 they can decide TmtbQ2-P7e4-01071-00237207-00237710 is it does the case have merit or TmtbQ2-P7e4-01072-00237711-00237975 should you proceed to trial and not make TmtbQ2-P7e4-01073-00237976-00238231 a settlement TmtbQ2-P7e4-01074-00238232-00238494 so the final report that gets written up TmtbQ2-P7e4-01075-00238496-00238558 again TmtbQ2-P7e4-01076-00238559-00238823 details examples of previously will held TmtbQ2-P7e4-01077-00238823-00238982 information TmtbQ2-P7e4-01078-00238983-00239206 examples of fabrication or manipulation TmtbQ2-P7e4-01079-00239207-00239319 of information TmtbQ2-P7e4-01080-00239319-00239567 and trying to clarify you know in human TmtbQ2-P7e4-01081-00239567-00240110 words a storyline of what took place TmtbQ2-P7e4-01082-00240111-00240455 so when the deposition phase occurs it's TmtbQ2-P7e4-01083-00240456-00240663 important that your expert TmtbQ2-P7e4-01084-00240664-00241039 be able to survive a dalbert challenge TmtbQ2-P7e4-01085-00241040-00241319 you don't want to have all the work TmtbQ2-P7e4-01086-00241319-00241542 tossed out because the collection TmtbQ2-P7e4-01087-00241544-00241919 of data was not done properly TmtbQ2-P7e4-01088-00241919-00242151 or not performed by someone that has TmtbQ2-P7e4-01089-00242152-00242398 appropriate experience TmtbQ2-P7e4-01090-00242400-00242671 it's important to try to avoid mistakes TmtbQ2-P7e4-01091-00242671-00242758 which TmtbQ2-P7e4-01092-00242759-00242991 you know sometimes typos happens and TmtbQ2-P7e4-01093-00242992-00243119 whatnot but TmtbQ2-P7e4-01094-00243119-00243415 trying to minimize mistakes typically TmtbQ2-P7e4-01095-00243416-00243591 requires TmtbQ2-P7e4-01096-00243592-00243846 giving your expert time to review and TmtbQ2-P7e4-01097-00243848-00243903 proof TmtbQ2-P7e4-01098-00243904-00244158 their their report having other peer TmtbQ2-P7e4-01099-00244159-00244215 review TmtbQ2-P7e4-01100-00244216-00244510 processes performed and engaging with TmtbQ2-P7e4-01101-00244511-00244591 your expert TmtbQ2-P7e4-01102-00244592-00244879 to make sure that everything is clear TmtbQ2-P7e4-01103-00244880-00244903 and TmtbQ2-P7e4-01104-00244904-00245191 understandable and ultimately you're TmtbQ2-P7e4-01105-00245192-00245423 trying to establish a foundation TmtbQ2-P7e4-01106-00245423-00245710 to admit important information uh that TmtbQ2-P7e4-01107-00245711-00245903 relates to emr TmtbQ2-P7e4-01108-00245904-00246127 so that you can clarify what events took TmtbQ2-P7e4-01109-00246128-00246382 place and having your expert be able to TmtbQ2-P7e4-01110-00246383-00246567 explain that to a judge TmtbQ2-P7e4-01111-00246567-00247023 is really important TmtbQ2-P7e4-01112-00247023-00247158 so one of the things you want to look TmtbQ2-P7e4-01113-00247159-00247351 for when you're picking an expert you TmtbQ2-P7e4-01114-00247352-00247487 want to look for TmtbQ2-P7e4-01115-00247488-00247782 identifying an experienced expert that TmtbQ2-P7e4-01116-00247783-00248030 has testified on cases before TmtbQ2-P7e4-01117-00248031-00248206 and is capable of taking technically TmtbQ2-P7e4-01118-00248207-00248375 complex information TmtbQ2-P7e4-01119-00248376-00248527 and presenting it in an easy to TmtbQ2-P7e4-01120-00248528-00248679 understand manner TmtbQ2-P7e4-01121-00248680-00248975 and that is isn't always easy for many TmtbQ2-P7e4-01122-00248976-00249079 technical TmtbQ2-P7e4-01123-00249080-00249351 geniuses out there that understand a lot TmtbQ2-P7e4-01124-00249352-00249398 of TmtbQ2-P7e4-01125-00249400-00249694 complex information you want to make TmtbQ2-P7e4-01126-00249696-00249791 sure again TmtbQ2-P7e4-01127-00249792-00249958 that your your expert has time to TmtbQ2-P7e4-01128-00249959-00250167 refresh and review the materials before TmtbQ2-P7e4-01129-00250167-00250271 trial TmtbQ2-P7e4-01130-00250271-00250494 experts that are busy are going to be in TmtbQ2-P7e4-01131-00250496-00250655 many different cases and TmtbQ2-P7e4-01132-00250656-00250967 shifting between one med male uh case TmtbQ2-P7e4-01133-00250967-00251015 matter TmtbQ2-P7e4-01134-00251016-00251358 in another involving emr you know takes TmtbQ2-P7e4-01135-00251359-00251694 uh takes some time to shift so i like to TmtbQ2-P7e4-01136-00251696-00252015 try to work on a case solidly for a TmtbQ2-P7e4-01137-00252016-00252103 period of time TmtbQ2-P7e4-01138-00252104-00252391 get it up to a report finish that and TmtbQ2-P7e4-01139-00252392-00252519 then come back to a case TmtbQ2-P7e4-01140-00252519-00252767 at the next checkpoint so that i can TmtbQ2-P7e4-01141-00252767-00252823 focus TmtbQ2-P7e4-01142-00252823-00253127 and not be split between two TmtbQ2-P7e4-01143-00253128-00253479 similar but different cases TmtbQ2-P7e4-01144-00253480-00253703 and as i said before most cases never TmtbQ2-P7e4-01145-00253704-00253798 make it to trial TmtbQ2-P7e4-01146-00253800-00253958 because ultimately the electronic TmtbQ2-P7e4-01147-00253959-00254182 medical records if obtained TmtbQ2-P7e4-01148-00254183-00254494 and produced in their entirety with TmtbQ2-P7e4-01149-00254496-00254671 the date and time that they were entered TmtbQ2-P7e4-01150-00254671-00254846 modified and whatnot TmtbQ2-P7e4-01151-00254848-00255015 that data will typically speak for TmtbQ2-P7e4-01152-00255016-00255255 itself so TmtbQ2-P7e4-01153-00255256-00255551 whether you're defending the case or TmtbQ2-P7e4-01154-00255552-00255679 pursuing one TmtbQ2-P7e4-01155-00255680-00255855 getting an understanding of the events TmtbQ2-P7e4-01156-00255856-00256406 that took place is highly critical TmtbQ2-P7e4-01157-00256407-00256694 so when we find examples of manipulation TmtbQ2-P7e4-01158-00256696-00256855 of information TmtbQ2-P7e4-01159-00256856-00257079 settlement agreements are usually TmtbQ2-P7e4-01160-00257080-00257239 reached because TmtbQ2-P7e4-01161-00257240-00257598 if a hospital took a case to trial TmtbQ2-P7e4-01162-00257600-00257782 and it was proven that they manipulated TmtbQ2-P7e4-01163-00257783-00257903 the records TmtbQ2-P7e4-01164-00257904-00258087 they would face far more litigation from TmtbQ2-P7e4-01165-00258088-00258639 other plaintiffs as a result of that TmtbQ2-P7e4-01166-00258640-00258934 in some cases some of the uh the outcome TmtbQ2-P7e4-01167-00258935-00259071 might not be TmtbQ2-P7e4-01168-00259071-00259279 uh to have a case settlement it might be TmtbQ2-P7e4-01169-00259280-00259423 to TmtbQ2-P7e4-01170-00259423-00259646 for a parent to regain custody of their TmtbQ2-P7e4-01171-00259648-00259734 child TmtbQ2-P7e4-01172-00259735-00259942 because there were inappropriate TmtbQ2-P7e4-01173-00259944-00260094 allegations TmtbQ2-P7e4-01174-00260096-00260406 of harm that aren't substantiated by TmtbQ2-P7e4-01175-00260407-00260703 the electronic medical record if you can TmtbQ2-P7e4-01176-00260704-00260798 prove TmtbQ2-P7e4-01177-00260800-00261015 that healthcare provider purposely TmtbQ2-P7e4-01178-00261016-00261206 withheld information TmtbQ2-P7e4-01179-00261207-00261551 it's it's really TmtbQ2-P7e4-01180-00261552-00261751 really helpful to getting a settlement TmtbQ2-P7e4-01181-00261752-00261951 or a favorable outcome TmtbQ2-P7e4-01182-00261952-00262271 if you're on the plaintiff side and as TmtbQ2-P7e4-01183-00262272-00262351 again TmtbQ2-P7e4-01184-00262352-00262551 as i said what i've seen is the highest TmtbQ2-P7e4-01185-00262552-00262655 settlement offers TmtbQ2-P7e4-01186-00262656-00262919 usually come if you prove willful TmtbQ2-P7e4-01187-00262920-00263287 fabrication or manipulation of emr TmtbQ2-P7e4-01188-00263288-00263630 and i had a case uh back in TmtbQ2-P7e4-01189-00263631-00263975 i think it was around 2004 involving TmtbQ2-P7e4-01190-00263976-00264279 um a heart catheterization operation TmtbQ2-P7e4-01191-00264280-00264327 that TmtbQ2-P7e4-01192-00264328-00264734 went wrong and days after the operation TmtbQ2-P7e4-01193-00264735-00264919 the patient was discharged and then TmtbQ2-P7e4-01194-00264920-00265055 passed away TmtbQ2-P7e4-01195-00265056-00265375 it's unfortunate circumstance that left TmtbQ2-P7e4-01196-00265376-00265455 a family TmtbQ2-P7e4-01197-00265456-00265934 with one fewer parent um one less parent TmtbQ2-P7e4-01198-00265935-00266303 in that case though years after the TmtbQ2-P7e4-01199-00266304-00266382 accident TmtbQ2-P7e4-01200-00266383-00266703 the surgeon produced a cd disc TmtbQ2-P7e4-01201-00266704-00266934 that contained the video clips TmtbQ2-P7e4-01202-00266935-00267015 documenting TmtbQ2-P7e4-01203-00267016-00267310 the surgery but what happened when i TmtbQ2-P7e4-01204-00267311-00267463 examined the cd TmtbQ2-P7e4-01205-00267464-00267719 i was able to establish that the cd had TmtbQ2-P7e4-01206-00267720-00267782 been TmtbQ2-P7e4-01207-00267783-00268158 created a month previously TmtbQ2-P7e4-01208-00268159-00268439 the cds have headers that show the date TmtbQ2-P7e4-01209-00268440-00268606 and time that they're created by a TmtbQ2-P7e4-01210-00268607-00268815 specific computer TmtbQ2-P7e4-01211-00268816-00268999 furthermore i looked at the the video TmtbQ2-P7e4-01212-00269000-00269206 clips there were dicom TmtbQ2-P7e4-01213-00269207-00269487 video files dicom is digital imaging and TmtbQ2-P7e4-01214-00269488-00269647 communication and medicine TmtbQ2-P7e4-01215-00269648-00270030 these video files had embedded metadata TmtbQ2-P7e4-01216-00270031-00270279 that showed the sequence number and the TmtbQ2-P7e4-01217-00270280-00270487 date and time and length of the clip TmtbQ2-P7e4-01218-00270488-00270671 well what had happened is i think it was TmtbQ2-P7e4-01219-00270672-00270830 clips 6 7 and 8 TmtbQ2-P7e4-01220-00270831-00271110 were deleted and 9 10 and 11 were TmtbQ2-P7e4-01221-00271111-00271310 renumbered to be six seven and eight so TmtbQ2-P7e4-01222-00271311-00271503 there were three video clips that were TmtbQ2-P7e4-01223-00271504-00271815 removed and then the renaming of the TmtbQ2-P7e4-01224-00271816-00272119 their files effectively made it look TmtbQ2-P7e4-01225-00272120-00272471 like the deleted clips never existed TmtbQ2-P7e4-01226-00272472-00272687 well in doing forensics on that i was TmtbQ2-P7e4-01227-00272688-00272791 able to establish TmtbQ2-P7e4-01228-00272792-00273030 what had happened and then during my my TmtbQ2-P7e4-01229-00273031-00273143 deposition TmtbQ2-P7e4-01230-00273144-00273479 i testified to that at the end of it the TmtbQ2-P7e4-01231-00273480-00273791 um attorney for the hospital asked me TmtbQ2-P7e4-01232-00273792-00273958 do you have any proof that the hospital TmtbQ2-P7e4-01233-00273959-00274167 had anything to do with this TmtbQ2-P7e4-01234-00274168-00274382 keep in mind the phys the surgeon was TmtbQ2-P7e4-01235-00274383-00274543 the one who produced the cd TmtbQ2-P7e4-01236-00274544-00274855 years after the operation well my reply TmtbQ2-P7e4-01237-00274856-00274982 to TmtbQ2-P7e4-01238-00274983-00275239 the attorney for the hospital was if TmtbQ2-P7e4-01239-00275240-00275415 given the opportunity to examine the TmtbQ2-P7e4-01240-00275416-00275623 hospital's equipment i could determine TmtbQ2-P7e4-01241-00275624-00275863 whether or not the cd that was produced TmtbQ2-P7e4-01242-00275864-00276199 was was generated by their equipment TmtbQ2-P7e4-01243-00276200-00276447 and my deposition ended quickly after TmtbQ2-P7e4-01244-00276448-00276655 that they asked for my business cards TmtbQ2-P7e4-01245-00276656-00276934 and then um the maximum settlement of TmtbQ2-P7e4-01246-00276935-00277103 the insurance TmtbQ2-P7e4-01247-00277104-00277439 coverage from both the the surgeon TmtbQ2-P7e4-01248-00277440-00277751 and the hospital that offer was made in TmtbQ2-P7e4-01249-00277752-00277823 the case TmtbQ2-P7e4-01250-00277824-00278095 so it was a favorable outcome one other TmtbQ2-P7e4-01251-00278096-00278191 thing too TmtbQ2-P7e4-01252-00278192-00278399 in many cases they have caps on TmtbQ2-P7e4-01253-00278400-00278567 liability TmtbQ2-P7e4-01254-00278568-00278879 if the plaintiff is able to prove TmtbQ2-P7e4-01255-00278880-00279158 willful manipulation in some states TmtbQ2-P7e4-01256-00279159-00279343 those caps go away TmtbQ2-P7e4-01257-00279344-00279647 so if you're defending a hospital in one TmtbQ2-P7e4-01258-00279648-00279791 of these cases having someone like TmtbQ2-P7e4-01259-00279792-00280015 myself help you determine TmtbQ2-P7e4-01260-00280016-00280295 if the emr shows willful manipulation or TmtbQ2-P7e4-01261-00280296-00280391 fabrication TmtbQ2-P7e4-01262-00280392-00280534 that can be very important because TmtbQ2-P7e4-01263-00280535-00280743 exposure uh to the hospital TmtbQ2-P7e4-01264-00280744-00280991 could be much greater than in the case TmtbQ2-P7e4-01265-00280992-00281182 where um TmtbQ2-P7e4-01266-00281183-00281482 things simply you know mistakes happen TmtbQ2-P7e4-01267-00281483-00281679 unfortunately mistakes happen TmtbQ2-P7e4-01268-00281680-00282110 and good people TmtbQ2-P7e4-01269-00282111-00282399 suffer harm as a result of disease TmtbQ2-P7e4-01270-00282400-00282639 surgeries and whatnot TmtbQ2-P7e4-01271-00282640-00282919 but in situations where bad things TmtbQ2-P7e4-01272-00282920-00283006 happen TmtbQ2-P7e4-01273-00283007-00283230 and then individuals in a healthcare TmtbQ2-P7e4-01274-00283231-00283358 organization TmtbQ2-P7e4-01275-00283359-00283615 take efforts to fabricate the record to TmtbQ2-P7e4-01276-00283616-00283806 make it look other than what TmtbQ2-P7e4-01277-00283807-00284199 it really what events really took place TmtbQ2-P7e4-01278-00284200-00284454 that can be very risky for a healthcare TmtbQ2-P7e4-01279-00284455-00284534 provider TmtbQ2-P7e4-01280-00284535-00284951 and knowing that early on into a case TmtbQ2-P7e4-01281-00284952-00285151 is really important that hospitals know TmtbQ2-P7e4-01282-00285152-00285463 that and other healthcare providers so TmtbQ2-P7e4-01283-00285464-00285743 in those situations i've had a lot of TmtbQ2-P7e4-01284-00285744-00285806 experience TmtbQ2-P7e4-01285-00285807-00285999 digging in and answering those questions TmtbQ2-P7e4-01286-00286000-00286119 quickly before TmtbQ2-P7e4-01287-00286120-00286327 the plaintiff gets their answers i've TmtbQ2-P7e4-01288-00286328-00286463 also helped the plaintiff TmtbQ2-P7e4-01289-00286464-00286695 get the answers to those questions and TmtbQ2-P7e4-01290-00286696-00286767 reach TmtbQ2-P7e4-01291-00286768-00286948 satisfactory settlements TmtbQ2-P7e4-01292-00286949-00287167 [Music] TmtbQ2-P7e4-01293-00287168-00287430 so we're now at the q and a phase of TmtbQ2-P7e4-01294-00287431-00287527 this TmtbQ2-P7e4-01295-00287528-00287879 and um i'll kathy if you'd email TmtbQ2-P7e4-01296-00287880-00288287 uh our business card they have our email TmtbQ2-P7e4-01297-00288288-00288599 contact details and other information TmtbQ2-P7e4-01298-00288600-00288847 to everyone through the chat window that TmtbQ2-P7e4-01299-00288848-00288927 would be great TmtbQ2-P7e4-01300-00288928-00289167 and then i'm going to stop my screen TmtbQ2-P7e4-01301-00289168-00289271 share TmtbQ2-P7e4-01302-00289272-00289767 so that we can do some q a TmtbQ2-P7e4-01303-00289768-00290710 let's see okay TmtbQ2-P7e4-01304-00290711-00291015 okay kathy do we have any um any TmtbQ2-P7e4-01305-00291016-00291087 questions TmtbQ2-P7e4-01306-00291088-00291439 out there hi lee TmtbQ2-P7e4-01307-00291440-00291758 very good um lots of useful information TmtbQ2-P7e4-01308-00291759-00292175 kathy your your microphone isn't on TmtbQ2-P7e4-01309-00292176-00292430 i can't hear you oh go ahead i have TmtbQ2-P7e4-01310-00292431-00292543 turned my though TmtbQ2-P7e4-01311-00292544-00292871 yeah uh we have TmtbQ2-P7e4-01312-00292872-00293151 uh lisa who is asking what is the best TmtbQ2-P7e4-01313-00293152-00293279 way to word TmtbQ2-P7e4-01314-00293280-00293599 a request to ask for the audit trail TmtbQ2-P7e4-01315-00293600-00293743 could you repeat that one more time TmtbQ2-P7e4-01316-00293744-00294095 please what is the best way to word TmtbQ2-P7e4-01317-00294096-00294447 a request to ask for our audit trail TmtbQ2-P7e4-01318-00294448-00294791 well i think um you know the the sample TmtbQ2-P7e4-01319-00294792-00295151 emr questions if you email uh TmtbQ2-P7e4-01320-00295152-00295471 kathy she can send you those samples TmtbQ2-P7e4-01321-00295472-00295727 and we have some of the language that TmtbQ2-P7e4-01322-00295728-00295847 lays that out but TmtbQ2-P7e4-01323-00295848-00296015 you want to ask for the audit trails you TmtbQ2-P7e4-01324-00296016-00296247 want to ask for the revision history TmtbQ2-P7e4-01325-00296248-00296503 you want this information from any and TmtbQ2-P7e4-01326-00296504-00296567 all TmtbQ2-P7e4-01327-00296568-00296775 connected hospital information systems TmtbQ2-P7e4-01328-00296776-00297030 whether it's the radiology packs TmtbQ2-P7e4-01329-00297031-00297543 system or the anesthesiology records TmtbQ2-P7e4-01330-00297544-00297967 you know there are anesthesiology TmtbQ2-P7e4-01331-00297968-00298287 information systems that monitor TmtbQ2-P7e4-01332-00298288-00298687 blood pressure oxygen saturation levels TmtbQ2-P7e4-01333-00298688-00298847 and other information TmtbQ2-P7e4-01334-00298848-00299191 during a surgery and TmtbQ2-P7e4-01335-00299192-00299510 you have to you have to learn about the TmtbQ2-P7e4-01336-00299511-00299606 hospital TmtbQ2-P7e4-01337-00299607-00299775 or health care provider to understand TmtbQ2-P7e4-01338-00299776-00299967 what systems they're using TmtbQ2-P7e4-01339-00299968-00300230 and you know part of what we do when we TmtbQ2-P7e4-01340-00300231-00300310 help someone TmtbQ2-P7e4-01341-00300311-00300519 uh on the planet side is we're TmtbQ2-P7e4-01342-00300520-00300703 researching the hospital to figure out TmtbQ2-P7e4-01343-00300704-00300823 what's their systems TmtbQ2-P7e4-01344-00300824-00301054 you know there's a lot of information TmtbQ2-P7e4-01345-00301055-00301319 publicly out there on their website TmtbQ2-P7e4-01346-00301320-00301575 that can be found on linkedin and so on TmtbQ2-P7e4-01347-00301576-00301758 and so when we uncover TmtbQ2-P7e4-01348-00301759-00302158 what what software packages are in use TmtbQ2-P7e4-01349-00302159-00302382 we can rely on our experience working TmtbQ2-P7e4-01350-00302383-00302551 with those different systems to help TmtbQ2-P7e4-01351-00302552-00302687 formulate the request TmtbQ2-P7e4-01352-00302688-00302903 in a much more tailored way so i hope TmtbQ2-P7e4-01353-00302904-00303134 that answered the question TmtbQ2-P7e4-01354-00303135-00303343 great thank you lee we have another TmtbQ2-P7e4-01355-00303344-00303534 question from lisa TmtbQ2-P7e4-01356-00303535-00303854 in a nursing home or med mail case if TmtbQ2-P7e4-01357-00303855-00304006 our request to produce TmtbQ2-P7e4-01358-00304007-00304287 asks for the medical records or chart is TmtbQ2-P7e4-01359-00304288-00304510 it worthwhile to ask for the electronic TmtbQ2-P7e4-01360-00304511-00304799 medical records in other words does TmtbQ2-P7e4-01361-00304800-00304934 asking for an emar TmtbQ2-P7e4-01362-00304935-00305263 produce anything different TmtbQ2-P7e4-01363-00305264-00305630 well what i find is that you have to ask TmtbQ2-P7e4-01364-00305631-00305743 for TmtbQ2-P7e4-01365-00305744-00306015 the records a lot of different ways or TmtbQ2-P7e4-01366-00306016-00306134 else TmtbQ2-P7e4-01367-00306135-00306327 you know what i see a lot is there's a TmtbQ2-P7e4-01368-00306328-00306510 minimal response to produce TmtbQ2-P7e4-01369-00306511-00306703 something but it isn't everything and TmtbQ2-P7e4-01370-00306704-00306854 that's really i mean TmtbQ2-P7e4-01371-00306855-00307119 that's why plainups need need me to be TmtbQ2-P7e4-01372-00307120-00307319 able to look at it and say oh TmtbQ2-P7e4-01373-00307320-00307615 you produced the chart but i don't see TmtbQ2-P7e4-01374-00307616-00307687 any TmtbQ2-P7e4-01375-00307688-00307991 uh progress notes for the physician TmtbQ2-P7e4-01376-00307992-00308263 or you know where are the where are the TmtbQ2-P7e4-01377-00308264-00308391 records of TmtbQ2-P7e4-01378-00308392-00308575 the patient vitals you know all this TmtbQ2-P7e4-01379-00308576-00308719 information adds up TmtbQ2-P7e4-01380-00308720-00308934 if if you've got a nursing home TmtbQ2-P7e4-01381-00308935-00309095 situation they're often TmtbQ2-P7e4-01382-00309096-00309295 tracking when they're they're giving TmtbQ2-P7e4-01383-00309296-00309454 medications TmtbQ2-P7e4-01384-00309455-00309758 uh when they're administering bass TmtbQ2-P7e4-01385-00309759-00310006 or or changing diapers or when stool TmtbQ2-P7e4-01386-00310007-00310119 counts are there TmtbQ2-P7e4-01387-00310120-00310495 and so this information might seem TmtbQ2-P7e4-01388-00310496-00310703 not important but if you're getting into TmtbQ2-P7e4-01389-00310704-00310910 neglect TmtbQ2-P7e4-01390-00310911-00311247 knowing when um someone in a nursing TmtbQ2-P7e4-01391-00311248-00311454 home is receiving care and whether TmtbQ2-P7e4-01392-00311455-00311623 or not those care records are being TmtbQ2-P7e4-01393-00311624-00311767 entered in after TmtbQ2-P7e4-01394-00311768-00311975 an injury happened like if someone slips TmtbQ2-P7e4-01395-00311976-00312087 and falls TmtbQ2-P7e4-01396-00312088-00312295 and it's someone that was experiencing TmtbQ2-P7e4-01397-00312296-00312430 dementia and they TmtbQ2-P7e4-01398-00312431-00312734 required a certain level of care if TmtbQ2-P7e4-01399-00312735-00313023 the chart doesn't show regular TmtbQ2-P7e4-01400-00313024-00313223 attendance and care TmtbQ2-P7e4-01401-00313224-00313558 and then or it shows that there were TmtbQ2-P7e4-01402-00313559-00313758 someone was checking on the patient TmtbQ2-P7e4-01403-00313759-00313934 every three hours TmtbQ2-P7e4-01404-00313935-00314279 on the hour well TmtbQ2-P7e4-01405-00314280-00314630 it's not likely that the check-ins are TmtbQ2-P7e4-01406-00314631-00314791 going to be exactly in the hour TmtbQ2-P7e4-01407-00314792-00314887 they're probably going to be a few TmtbQ2-P7e4-01408-00314888-00315082 minutes off if they're entered in TmtbQ2-P7e4-01409-00315083-00315271 contemporaneously TmtbQ2-P7e4-01410-00315272-00315654 but more important than the record TmtbQ2-P7e4-01411-00315655-00315919 the reported record of care is when TmtbQ2-P7e4-01412-00315920-00316063 those records were actually TmtbQ2-P7e4-01413-00316064-00316454 created or updated or viewed TmtbQ2-P7e4-01414-00316455-00316671 in the system because if they were all TmtbQ2-P7e4-01415-00316672-00316871 created after TmtbQ2-P7e4-01416-00316872-00317071 a bad event happened then you've got TmtbQ2-P7e4-01417-00317072-00317279 fabrication which throws away TmtbQ2-P7e4-01418-00317280-00317558 a lot of the limitations on liability so TmtbQ2-P7e4-01419-00317559-00317695 that's something that TmtbQ2-P7e4-01420-00317696-00317919 plaintiff or defense counsel you want to TmtbQ2-P7e4-01421-00317920-00318063 know that because TmtbQ2-P7e4-01422-00318064-00318358 if fabrication can be proved or it can TmtbQ2-P7e4-01423-00318359-00318510 be proved that someone doctored up the TmtbQ2-P7e4-01424-00318511-00318734 record after something went wrong TmtbQ2-P7e4-01425-00318735-00318951 it's in your interest to know that TmtbQ2-P7e4-01426-00318952-00319143 sooner than later TmtbQ2-P7e4-01427-00319144-00319454 thank you one more question and by the TmtbQ2-P7e4-01428-00319455-00319647 way if anyone has any more TmtbQ2-P7e4-01429-00319648-00319823 additional questions they would like to TmtbQ2-P7e4-01430-00319824-00320039 ask please insert that in the q TmtbQ2-P7e4-01431-00320040-00320343 a and we'll be happy to answer them TmtbQ2-P7e4-01432-00320344-00320582 lisa also is asking what are the TmtbQ2-P7e4-01433-00320583-00320727 approximate range of TmtbQ2-P7e4-01434-00320728-00321039 costs to get someone like you involved TmtbQ2-P7e4-01435-00321040-00321191 in this case TmtbQ2-P7e4-01436-00321192-00321423 and this is important when assessing TmtbQ2-P7e4-01437-00321424-00321599 whether or not it's worthwhile TmtbQ2-P7e4-01438-00321600-00321871 to get an expert involved depending on TmtbQ2-P7e4-01439-00321872-00322030 the case's value TmtbQ2-P7e4-01440-00322031-00322223 we get asked this quite a few times TmtbQ2-P7e4-01441-00322224-00322399 don't we lee yeah TmtbQ2-P7e4-01442-00322400-00322830 and it's not it's not necessarily TmtbQ2-P7e4-01443-00322831-00323039 cheap to do this you know we have a TmtbQ2-P7e4-01444-00323040-00323182 minimum project TmtbQ2-P7e4-01445-00323183-00323510 engagement of 3 500 uh to take on a TmtbQ2-P7e4-01446-00323511-00323647 matter TmtbQ2-P7e4-01447-00323648-00323910 i've had cases where we're retained we TmtbQ2-P7e4-01448-00323911-00324071 look at the information we point out TmtbQ2-P7e4-01449-00324072-00324254 some deficiencies TmtbQ2-P7e4-01450-00324255-00324558 and they disclose TmtbQ2-P7e4-01451-00324559-00324847 that i'm working for them as expert and TmtbQ2-P7e4-01452-00324848-00325023 they take a quick settlement it really TmtbQ2-P7e4-01453-00325024-00325110 depends on TmtbQ2-P7e4-01454-00325111-00325399 you know the plaintiff involved TmtbQ2-P7e4-01455-00325400-00325558 sometimes you have plaintiffs that TmtbQ2-P7e4-01456-00325559-00325919 want the truth to come out and they want TmtbQ2-P7e4-01457-00325920-00326239 the healthcare organization to pay for TmtbQ2-P7e4-01458-00326240-00326503 fabricating the record and those cases TmtbQ2-P7e4-01459-00326504-00326543 cost TmtbQ2-P7e4-01460-00326544-00326839 much more so i i would say generally if TmtbQ2-P7e4-01461-00326840-00326919 you're looking TmtbQ2-P7e4-01462-00326920-00327119 to get through the stage of where we TmtbQ2-P7e4-01463-00327120-00327334 have an affidavit to TmtbQ2-P7e4-01464-00327335-00327567 to you know appear and file a motion to TmtbQ2-P7e4-01465-00327568-00327639 compel TmtbQ2-P7e4-01466-00327640-00327895 you know before on-site it's it's not TmtbQ2-P7e4-01467-00327896-00328006 uncommon that that TmtbQ2-P7e4-01468-00328007-00328406 takes anywhere from on the low end 8 000 TmtbQ2-P7e4-01469-00328407-00328847 to moderate and maybe 15 000. TmtbQ2-P7e4-01470-00328848-00329167 it really depends on you know how how TmtbQ2-P7e4-01471-00329168-00329278 much TmtbQ2-P7e4-01472-00329279-00329487 data is there how how many pages of TmtbQ2-P7e4-01473-00329488-00329606 content TmtbQ2-P7e4-01474-00329607-00329887 or how much you want to dig for but also TmtbQ2-P7e4-01475-00329888-00329943 how TmtbQ2-P7e4-01476-00329944-00330230 how willing the other side is to fight TmtbQ2-P7e4-01477-00330231-00330391 if the hospital TmtbQ2-P7e4-01478-00330392-00330719 continues to you know mislead and TmtbQ2-P7e4-01479-00330720-00330823 produce TmtbQ2-P7e4-01480-00330824-00331039 erroneous information then you have to TmtbQ2-P7e4-01481-00331040-00331151 get in front of the judge TmtbQ2-P7e4-01482-00331152-00331367 and every judge is different but most TmtbQ2-P7e4-01483-00331368-00331519 judges will TmtbQ2-P7e4-01484-00331520-00331854 allow you to have greater access TmtbQ2-P7e4-01485-00331855-00332167 for the emr if you can demonstrate that TmtbQ2-P7e4-01486-00332168-00332463 there's something missing right so i i TmtbQ2-P7e4-01487-00332464-00332519 wish TmtbQ2-P7e4-01488-00332520-00332719 i wish i could have a crystal ball to TmtbQ2-P7e4-01489-00332720-00332919 tell you what a case is going to cost TmtbQ2-P7e4-01490-00332920-00333263 but you know on the high end you know TmtbQ2-P7e4-01491-00333264-00333423 high end going through the trial and TmtbQ2-P7e4-01492-00333424-00333615 whatnot that could end up costing fifty TmtbQ2-P7e4-01493-00333616-00333799 thousand dollars or more TmtbQ2-P7e4-01494-00333800-00334054 um i haven't seen cases that i've been TmtbQ2-P7e4-01495-00334055-00334271 involved with go past deposition TmtbQ2-P7e4-01496-00334272-00334823 and you know generally speaking you know TmtbQ2-P7e4-01497-00334824-00335015 i think getting to the point of getting TmtbQ2-P7e4-01498-00335016-00335206 the records that's what's important for TmtbQ2-P7e4-01499-00335207-00335319 winning your case TmtbQ2-P7e4-01500-00335320-00335534 if the records speak for yourself you TmtbQ2-P7e4-01501-00335535-00335710 don't need someone like me to testify TmtbQ2-P7e4-01502-00335711-00335951 at trial and that's usually what happens TmtbQ2-P7e4-01503-00335952-00336063 so TmtbQ2-P7e4-01504-00336064-00336295 and you know with every case with every TmtbQ2-P7e4-01505-00336296-00336439 case i get better at this TmtbQ2-P7e4-01506-00336440-00336599 and i learn more and more about the TmtbQ2-P7e4-01507-00336600-00336758 software TmtbQ2-P7e4-01508-00336759-00336982 and it it becomes quicker to get the TmtbQ2-P7e4-01509-00336983-00337103 records like if you're working with TmtbQ2-P7e4-01510-00337104-00337199 cerner i TmtbQ2-P7e4-01511-00337200-00337527 i know all the games played with cerner TmtbQ2-P7e4-01512-00337528-00337806 same thing with epec and many of the TmtbQ2-P7e4-01513-00337807-00337847 others TmtbQ2-P7e4-01514-00337848-00338167 that i've worked with uh TmtbQ2-P7e4-01515-00338168-00338447 one other question lee how do you handle TmtbQ2-P7e4-01516-00338448-00338615 a hospital who uses TmtbQ2-P7e4-01517-00338616-00338991 a third party to generate their records TmtbQ2-P7e4-01518-00338992-00339191 say the third party claims that they TmtbQ2-P7e4-01519-00339192-00339423 gave you everything in states TmtbQ2-P7e4-01520-00339424-00339639 just tell us what you're missing and TmtbQ2-P7e4-01521-00339640-00339830 then it's like oh well sorry TmtbQ2-P7e4-01522-00339831-00340030 it's not our fault the third party TmtbQ2-P7e4-01523-00340031-00340287 didn't give us everything TmtbQ2-P7e4-01524-00340288-00340503 how do you handle that well again it's TmtbQ2-P7e4-01525-00340504-00340654 looking at what was produced TmtbQ2-P7e4-01526-00340655-00340967 if for instance you know the epic TmtbQ2-P7e4-01527-00340968-00341039 software TmtbQ2-P7e4-01528-00341040-00341223 when you produce the progress notes TmtbQ2-P7e4-01529-00341224-00341430 there's option to produce it with a view TmtbQ2-P7e4-01530-00341431-00341663 that shows TmtbQ2-P7e4-01531-00341664-00341854 typically we'll show the initials of the TmtbQ2-P7e4-01532-00341855-00342047 user name and it will have like TmtbQ2-P7e4-01533-00342048-00342310 1.1 and then there will be a chart that TmtbQ2-P7e4-01534-00342311-00342463 says revision history TmtbQ2-P7e4-01535-00342464-00342727 and it will tell you when the paragraph TmtbQ2-P7e4-01536-00342728-00342954 that or sentence ends with TmtbQ2-P7e4-01537-00342955-00343271 mm1.1 what date and time that was TmtbQ2-P7e4-01538-00343272-00343415 entered and so when you're looking at TmtbQ2-P7e4-01539-00343416-00343510 the notes TmtbQ2-P7e4-01540-00343511-00343775 you can kind of visualize and break TmtbQ2-P7e4-01541-00343776-00343967 apart what the revision history is TmtbQ2-P7e4-01542-00343968-00344151 but i've seen other productions where TmtbQ2-P7e4-01543-00344152-00344278 that is missing TmtbQ2-P7e4-01544-00344279-00344551 so in a situation even if it's a third TmtbQ2-P7e4-01545-00344552-00344647 party TmtbQ2-P7e4-01546-00344648-00344951 you still have a need to document TmtbQ2-P7e4-01547-00344952-00345263 that okay you produce this TmtbQ2-P7e4-01548-00345264-00345551 the software has the capability to do it TmtbQ2-P7e4-01549-00345552-00345663 this way TmtbQ2-P7e4-01550-00345664-00346023 either redo it or give us direct access TmtbQ2-P7e4-01551-00346024-00346158 and you know having someone TmtbQ2-P7e4-01552-00346159-00346358 knowledgeable of the software is really TmtbQ2-P7e4-01553-00346359-00346439 critical TmtbQ2-P7e4-01554-00346440-00346639 to be able to get the judge's attention TmtbQ2-P7e4-01555-00346640-00346854 to order that on-site inspection TmtbQ2-P7e4-01556-00346855-00347230 yeah but it's not it's totally common TmtbQ2-P7e4-01557-00347231-00347639 for you know hospitals from my TmtbQ2-P7e4-01558-00347640-00347823 experience to play a game of TmtbQ2-P7e4-01559-00347824-00348127 shifting the blame observating and TmtbQ2-P7e4-01560-00348128-00348327 trying to delay given production of the TmtbQ2-P7e4-01561-00348328-00348527 complete revision history TmtbQ2-P7e4-01562-00348528-00348830 right so yeah here's a continuation to TmtbQ2-P7e4-01563-00348831-00348982 that question lee TmtbQ2-P7e4-01564-00348983-00349254 so do you end up serving both the TmtbQ2-P7e4-01565-00349255-00349367 hospital TmtbQ2-P7e4-01566-00349368-00349558 and the third party again to get TmtbQ2-P7e4-01567-00349559-00349791 everything how would you handle that TmtbQ2-P7e4-01568-00349792-00350087 well again with after analyzing what the TmtbQ2-P7e4-01569-00350088-00350239 deficiencies are TmtbQ2-P7e4-01570-00350240-00350503 before you file a motion it's good to TmtbQ2-P7e4-01571-00350504-00350558 put on TmtbQ2-P7e4-01572-00350559-00350967 record the email subpoena or other TmtbQ2-P7e4-01573-00350968-00351230 the request for the things that are TmtbQ2-P7e4-01574-00351231-00351343 deficient TmtbQ2-P7e4-01575-00351344-00351519 if you've got a case file and you don't TmtbQ2-P7e4-01576-00351520-00351719 understand what's deficient TmtbQ2-P7e4-01577-00351720-00351943 about your emr that that's really where TmtbQ2-P7e4-01578-00351944-00352167 we come in we can help you identify TmtbQ2-P7e4-01579-00352168-00352495 examples of things that are incomplete TmtbQ2-P7e4-01580-00352496-00352806 or apparently withheld right TmtbQ2-P7e4-01581-00352807-00353167 so um we're 12 59 we're right within TmtbQ2-P7e4-01582-00353168-00353303 that lunch hour TmtbQ2-P7e4-01583-00353304-00353551 the um any parting words you'd like to TmtbQ2-P7e4-01584-00353552-00353719 say to our audience TmtbQ2-P7e4-01585-00353720-00353967 yeah um just if you have an interest in TmtbQ2-P7e4-01586-00353968-00354143 being TmtbQ2-P7e4-01587-00354144-00354278 if you have another colleague that's TmtbQ2-P7e4-01588-00354279-00354463 interested in the seminar TmtbQ2-P7e4-01589-00354464-00354751 please uh email kathy we might try to TmtbQ2-P7e4-01590-00354752-00354847 post it TmtbQ2-P7e4-01591-00354848-00355030 online on videos of people that weren't TmtbQ2-P7e4-01592-00355031-00355254 able to watch it could see it TmtbQ2-P7e4-01593-00355255-00355543 later and please fill out the comment TmtbQ2-P7e4-01594-00355544-00355719 card if you can if you have constructive TmtbQ2-P7e4-01595-00355720-00355854 suggestions TmtbQ2-P7e4-01596-00355855-00356119 about how to improve this presentation TmtbQ2-P7e4-01597-00356120-00356287 or if there's other specific topics TmtbQ2-P7e4-01598-00356288-00356558 you'd like to have a delve into TmtbQ2-P7e4-01599-00356559-00356758 please include that and your feedback's TmtbQ2-P7e4-01600-00356759-00356975 appreciated so TmtbQ2-P7e4-01601-00356976-00357191 all right thank you so much thank you TmtbQ2-P7e4-01602-00357192-00357295 everyone TmtbQ2-P7e4-01603-00357296-00357615 for attending and have a great friday TmtbQ2-P7e4-01604-00357616-00358135 thank you bye UoieQwn4rI4-00000-00000373-00001201 [Music] UoieQwn4rI4-00001-00001202-00001400 you know I think one of the biggest UoieQwn4rI4-00002-00001401-00001604 problems that entrepreneurs have today UoieQwn4rI4-00003-00001605-00001832 is marketing it was a big problem for me UoieQwn4rI4-00004-00001834-00002090 so I made a decision last February to UoieQwn4rI4-00005-00002091-00002445 actually go to Nashville and ghost to UoieQwn4rI4-00006-00002446-00002682 donald miller's build a story brand UoieQwn4rI4-00007-00002683-00002874 workshop i'm putting this book up UoieQwn4rI4-00008-00002875-00003101 because i love Donald Miller I love this UoieQwn4rI4-00009-00003102-00003324 book and I thought today I would just UoieQwn4rI4-00010-00003325-00003506 talk about one little aspect of what I UoieQwn4rI4-00011-00003507-00003756 learned at the workshop the workshop was UoieQwn4rI4-00012-00003757-00003960 packed with entrepreneurs all over the UoieQwn4rI4-00013-00003961-00004122 country from every business you could UoieQwn4rI4-00014-00004123-00004350 imagine I think I was the only speaker UoieQwn4rI4-00015-00004351-00004547 there because there were companies there UoieQwn4rI4-00016-00004548-00004695 that I had heard about there was a UoieQwn4rI4-00017-00004696-00004904 computer company there a software UoieQwn4rI4-00018-00004905-00005111 developer there were churches there all UoieQwn4rI4-00019-00005112-00005313 kinds of businesses were there with one UoieQwn4rI4-00020-00005314-00005649 big problem how do we market better so UoieQwn4rI4-00021-00005650-00005852 Donna Millard has this phrase when you UoieQwn4rI4-00022-00005853-00006045 confuse you lose I took that and I put UoieQwn4rI4-00023-00006046-00006218 it in my office because it's the whole UoieQwn4rI4-00024-00006219-00006465 crux of what he's talking about and the UoieQwn4rI4-00025-00006466-00006708 main thing I got out of this was I was UoieQwn4rI4-00026-00006709-00007085 confusing the buyer I was leading my UoieQwn4rI4-00027-00007086-00007308 marketing with the solutions that I UoieQwn4rI4-00028-00007309-00007563 provided I could give audiences will UoieQwn4rI4-00029-00007564-00007773 walk away with blank or we will give you UoieQwn4rI4-00030-00007773-00008076 this and I was not only confusing the UoieQwn4rI4-00031-00008077-00008268 buyer but I was actually confusing UoieQwn4rI4-00032-00008269-00008526 myself so here's the biggest challenge UoieQwn4rI4-00033-00008527-00008730 that we entrepreneurs have or anyone in UoieQwn4rI4-00034-00008731-00008955 business when we're marketing we lead UoieQwn4rI4-00035-00008956-00009249 with the solution we tell the buyer the UoieQwn4rI4-00036-00009250-00009458 solution and we assume that they're UoieQwn4rI4-00037-00009459-00009705 going to make the connection between the UoieQwn4rI4-00038-00009706-00009902 solution and their problem but they UoieQwn4rI4-00039-00009903-00010169 don't nine times out of ten they don't UoieQwn4rI4-00040-00010170-00010397 make that connection so we have to begin UoieQwn4rI4-00041-00010398-00010602 to sit down and really think about the UoieQwn4rI4-00042-00010603-00010890 problem that we're solving the problem UoieQwn4rI4-00043-00010891-00011007 that we're something that they want UoieQwn4rI4-00044-00011008-00011268 fixed and we need to learn how to lead UoieQwn4rI4-00045-00011269-00011597 with the problem in our marketing want UoieQwn4rI4-00046-00011598-00011802 to learn more get the book battle miller UoieQwn4rI4-00047-00011803-00012027 building a story Brent I love it I love UoieQwn4rI4-00048-00012028-00012258 the book thanks for listening I'm Karen UoieQwn4rI4-00049-00012259-00012452 McCulloh with another lesson from the UoieQwn4rI4-00050-00012453-00013472 road UoieQwn4rI4-00051-00013474-00013680 you U451mTWHl8y-00000-00000052-00000091 [Applause] U451mTWHl8y-00001-00000092-00000371 this one is called the basement of U451mTWHl8y-00002-00000372-00000517 desire U451mTWHl8y-00003-00000518-00000886 sooner or later you realize that all the U451mTWHl8y-00004-00000888-00001166 leftover wood you can save all the U451mTWHl8y-00005-00001167-00001425 scraps of PVC pipe in the utility closet U451mTWHl8y-00006-00001426-00001723 all the plumbing nuggets you squirreled U451mTWHl8y-00007-00001725-00002081 away all the youth sanity loose roofing U451mTWHl8y-00008-00002082-00002504 nails railroad spikes iron finest copper U451mTWHl8y-00009-00002505-00002831 battery caps coils of solder cylinder U451mTWHl8y-00010-00002832-00003089 certain and Charis of gloom single U451mTWHl8y-00011-00003090-00003467 hinges tubs of bulbs 911 Ford bladeless U451mTWHl8y-00012-00003468-00003776 hacksaws rusted guns bent nails U451mTWHl8y-00013-00003777-00004067 long screws broken hammers brutal U451mTWHl8y-00014-00004068-00004356 gaskets please galvanized washes U451mTWHl8y-00015-00004357-00004724 leftover shims installation kiss cans U451mTWHl8y-00016-00004725-00004970 and mineral spirits screen door hardware U451mTWHl8y-00017-00004971-00005288 drawers of squeezed Ozil's not just U451mTWHl8y-00018-00005289-00005579 Saugus the whole evidentiary of plastic U451mTWHl8y-00019-00005580-00005788 pieces she's in connectors and U451mTWHl8y-00020-00005789-00006050 containers is just a metaphor of U451mTWHl8y-00021-00006051-00006321 shifting meaning representing U451mTWHl8y-00022-00006322-00006602 sequentially and recursively your U451mTWHl8y-00023-00006603-00006914 childhood your body your marriage in U451mTWHl8y-00024-00006915-00007188 your mind U451mTWHl8y-00025-00007189-00007504 [Applause] U8XcTf1CDOE-00000-00000024-00000199 hey everybody neil here thanks for U8XcTf1CDOE-00001-00000200-00000415 joining me on the riderguider youtube U8XcTf1CDOE-00002-00000416-00000751 channel um i get 300 hours on average U8XcTf1CDOE-00003-00000752-00001119 of views every month which is U8XcTf1CDOE-00004-00001120-00001327 pretty amazing considering i'm not a big U8XcTf1CDOE-00005-00001328-00001487 channel so thank you all for that U8XcTf1CDOE-00006-00001488-00001647 i have though however got a bit of a U8XcTf1CDOE-00007-00001648-00001910 concern no women U8XcTf1CDOE-00008-00001911-00002199 i look at the stats and it's all blocked U8XcTf1CDOE-00009-00002200-00002342 now let me explain there's U8XcTf1CDOE-00010-00002343-00002663 there's no reason why you need a penis U8XcTf1CDOE-00011-00002664-00002855 to ride a motorbike so where are all the U8XcTf1CDOE-00012-00002856-00002966 girls U8XcTf1CDOE-00013-00002967-00003134 i'm going to be doing something about it U8XcTf1CDOE-00014-00003135-00003359 mrs ryder geider has just bought herself U8XcTf1CDOE-00015-00003360-00003470 a little yamaha U8XcTf1CDOE-00016-00003471-00003790 xt 250 now U8XcTf1CDOE-00017-00003792-00003951 it's got me thinking how we're going to U8XcTf1CDOE-00018-00003952-00004103 transition her U8XcTf1CDOE-00019-00004104-00004422 driving over to motorcycling she's U8XcTf1CDOE-00020-00004423-00004670 been driving over 30 years and is an U8XcTf1CDOE-00021-00004671-00004767 exceptional U8XcTf1CDOE-00022-00004768-00005063 four wheelist and she i watch her U8XcTf1CDOE-00023-00005064-00005238 driving she's obviously takes a lot on U8XcTf1CDOE-00024-00005239-00005438 board in relation to the defensive side U8XcTf1CDOE-00025-00005439-00005502 and U8XcTf1CDOE-00026-00005503-00005727 it's got a lot of experience the thing U8XcTf1CDOE-00027-00005728-00005991 is though she's come from a background U8XcTf1CDOE-00028-00005992-00006215 in the uk like me and we were all U8XcTf1CDOE-00029-00006216-00006311 brought up U8XcTf1CDOE-00030-00006312-00006646 on manual gearboxes and we've got U8XcTf1CDOE-00031-00006647-00006887 some level of knowledge of how a clutch U8XcTf1CDOE-00032-00006888-00006951 works U8XcTf1CDOE-00033-00006952-00007195 now i've noticed however there's a U8XcTf1CDOE-00034-00007195-00007359 generational thing U8XcTf1CDOE-00035-00007359-00007727 and vehicles have changed a lot of cars U8XcTf1CDOE-00036-00007728-00007783 now U8XcTf1CDOE-00037-00007784-00008078 are transitioning straight to flappy U8XcTf1CDOE-00038-00008079-00008271 paddle gear boxes U8XcTf1CDOE-00039-00008272-00008655 to pedals no longer are we required U8XcTf1CDOE-00040-00008656-00008951 to have a left hand for changing gear we U8XcTf1CDOE-00041-00008952-00009103 can of course be texting U8XcTf1CDOE-00042-00009104-00009478 facebooking and um holding the coffee U8XcTf1CDOE-00043-00009479-00009806 it's a free hand it's a problem and U8XcTf1CDOE-00044-00009807-00010078 it's de-skilled a lot of people and this U8XcTf1CDOE-00045-00010079-00010135 is a U8XcTf1CDOE-00046-00010136-00010414 as i said it's a generational thing um U8XcTf1CDOE-00047-00010415-00010583 and i'm noticing and i'm getting asked U8XcTf1CDOE-00048-00010584-00010655 quite a lot U8XcTf1CDOE-00049-00010656-00011014 about how to control U8XcTf1CDOE-00050-00011015-00011327 a motorcycle keep it smooth and i think U8XcTf1CDOE-00051-00011328-00011414 it's because U8XcTf1CDOE-00052-00011415-00011703 the lack of knowledge of the use of the U8XcTf1CDOE-00053-00011704-00011759 clutch U8XcTf1CDOE-00054-00011760-00011887 so i've come up with a little bit of a U8XcTf1CDOE-00055-00011888-00012142 video and i'm hoping that U8XcTf1CDOE-00056-00012143-00012310 i'm going to be able to use it for mrs U8XcTf1CDOE-00057-00012311-00012478 ryder geider as well U8XcTf1CDOE-00058-00012479-00012871 and she'll get a grip of how U8XcTf1CDOE-00059-00012872-00013015 and i think she'll do it quite quickly i U8XcTf1CDOE-00060-00013016-00013158 think she'll get a grip of how much we U8XcTf1CDOE-00061-00013159-00013311 can use the clutch more than just for U8XcTf1CDOE-00062-00013312-00013407 setting off U8XcTf1CDOE-00063-00013408-00013735 changing gear and coming to a stop and U8XcTf1CDOE-00064-00013736-00014135 this smoothing it out and U8XcTf1CDOE-00065-00014136-00014383 easing in the power delivery to your U8XcTf1CDOE-00066-00014384-00014463 back wheel U8XcTf1CDOE-00067-00014463-00014807 as you enter and exit U8XcTf1CDOE-00068-00014808-00014999 a corner for example or even in a U8XcTf1CDOE-00069-00015000-00015158 straight line as you're approaching a U8XcTf1CDOE-00070-00015159-00015215 hazard U8XcTf1CDOE-00071-00015216-00015383 you don't necessarily have to change U8XcTf1CDOE-00072-00015384-00015583 gear to be using your clutch you can U8XcTf1CDOE-00073-00015584-00015719 just U8XcTf1CDOE-00074-00015719-00015935 feather it slightly and bring it in and U8XcTf1CDOE-00075-00015936-00016079 then release it U8XcTf1CDOE-00076-00016080-00016383 just as you're approaching just to U8XcTf1CDOE-00077-00016384-00016607 decrease the speed decrease your power U8XcTf1CDOE-00078-00016608-00016894 and this can be used as a control method U8XcTf1CDOE-00079-00016895-00017094 for in and out of bends and in slow U8XcTf1CDOE-00080-00017095-00017271 moving traffic and i think this is U8XcTf1CDOE-00081-00017272-00017375 something that's U8XcTf1CDOE-00082-00017376-00017711 been missed and U8XcTf1CDOE-00083-00017712-00017927 isn't nearly considered for for people U8XcTf1CDOE-00084-00017928-00018071 that have been brought up U8XcTf1CDOE-00085-00018072-00018430 more recently on or with cars that are U8XcTf1CDOE-00086-00018431-00018775 pretty much automated so transitioning U8XcTf1CDOE-00087-00018776-00018999 from a vehicle that's automatic U8XcTf1CDOE-00088-00019000-00019358 and flappy paddle it's difficult that U8XcTf1CDOE-00089-00019359-00019494 people don't necessarily understand what U8XcTf1CDOE-00090-00019495-00019735 is required to use a clutch properly U8XcTf1CDOE-00091-00019736-00019871 and if they're coming from that U8XcTf1CDOE-00092-00019872-00020079 experience to a bike U8XcTf1CDOE-00093-00020080-00020311 let's see if we can improve it have a U8XcTf1CDOE-00094-00020312-00020591 look at this video U8XcTf1CDOE-00095-00020592-00020783 let's get an example of some nice clutch U8XcTf1CDOE-00096-00020784-00021143 work so as you can see here i've got U8XcTf1CDOE-00097-00021144-00021719 my camera on my left hand lever U8XcTf1CDOE-00098-00021720-00022199 and we're going to go up greenhill road U8XcTf1CDOE-00099-00022200-00022383 and we're going to go through some bends U8XcTf1CDOE-00100-00022384-00022503 and we're going to show how we don't U8XcTf1CDOE-00101-00022504-00022767 necessarily U8XcTf1CDOE-00102-00022768-00023022 like there need to be changing gear just U8XcTf1CDOE-00103-00023023-00023158 to drop the clutch U8XcTf1CDOE-00104-00023159-00023527 and then feed the power in a little bit U8XcTf1CDOE-00105-00023528-00024094 and what i'm talking about there is U8XcTf1CDOE-00106-00024095-00024399 the power smoothly U8XcTf1CDOE-00107-00024400-00024735 to you to your drive so here for example U8XcTf1CDOE-00108-00024736-00024927 let's get third gear through the bend U8XcTf1CDOE-00109-00024928-00025150 and i'm gonna actually U8XcTf1CDOE-00110-00025151-00025358 half clutch it just find that friction U8XcTf1CDOE-00111-00025359-00025471 zone and then U8XcTf1CDOE-00112-00025472-00025711 feed it in the half fixed in half zone U8XcTf1CDOE-00113-00025712-00025831 and when you're happy you can get on the U8XcTf1CDOE-00114-00025832-00025902 power U8XcTf1CDOE-00115-00025904-00026134 fully drop the clutch similar situation U8XcTf1CDOE-00116-00026135-00026295 here i'm looking right around the bend U8XcTf1CDOE-00117-00026295-00026423 up here see what's coming U8XcTf1CDOE-00118-00026424-00026639 i'm going to go left hand side the road U8XcTf1CDOE-00119-00026639-00026735 here U8XcTf1CDOE-00120-00026736-00027062 and i'm going to apex it best i can U8XcTf1CDOE-00121-00027063-00027214 you see did you notice there was a U8XcTf1CDOE-00122-00027216-00027479 clutch i didn't change gear U8XcTf1CDOE-00123-00027480-00027799 but what i did was drop the clutch U8XcTf1CDOE-00124-00027800-00028287 keep the and then re-feed the power in U8XcTf1CDOE-00125-00028288-00028439 like here now i'm not going to go too U8XcTf1CDOE-00126-00028439-00028862 hard down this corner could be cyclists U8XcTf1CDOE-00127-00028863-00029327 concealed driveway okay see the mirror U8XcTf1CDOE-00128-00029327-00029487 for the driveway right do it again we've U8XcTf1CDOE-00129-00029488-00029646 got another right hand hairpin coming up U8XcTf1CDOE-00130-00029647-00029758 that's not happening but it's crashing U8XcTf1CDOE-00131-00029760-00030158 out then so we'll get across here U8XcTf1CDOE-00132-00030160-00030662 smoothing out that power delivery U8XcTf1CDOE-00133-00030663-00030839 now i've been up here earlier there's a U8XcTf1CDOE-00134-00030839-00030935 brick in the road here so i'm going to U8XcTf1CDOE-00135-00030936-00031462 watch for it U8XcTf1CDOE-00136-00031463-00031607 just moving it out the powder now U8XcTf1CDOE-00137-00031608-00031814 without the clutch U8XcTf1CDOE-00138-00031816-00032062 you're talking about this abruptness U8XcTf1CDOE-00139-00032063-00032239 when you're coming into right hand bend U8XcTf1CDOE-00140-00032239-00032583 it's a bad camber there that bit there U8XcTf1CDOE-00141-00032583-00032951 so what we'll do U8XcTf1CDOE-00142-00032952-00033087 we'll do it without the clutch on this U8XcTf1CDOE-00143-00033088-00033279 bend i'm talking U8XcTf1CDOE-00144-00033280-00033607 back brake he's off U8XcTf1CDOE-00145-00033608-00033831 smooth but you don't what you've got to U8XcTf1CDOE-00146-00033832-00033967 try and do is get rid of that abruptness U8XcTf1CDOE-00147-00033968-00034046 now this is U8XcTf1CDOE-00148-00034047-00034374 whether you're in U8XcTf1CDOE-00149-00034375-00034583 it's a slow-moving traffic where you'll U8XcTf1CDOE-00150-00034584-00034735 use your clutch a lot more U8XcTf1CDOE-00151-00034736-00034967 this is an example on faster roads U8XcTf1CDOE-00152-00034968-00035111 through bends now you can smoothen out U8XcTf1CDOE-00153-00035112-00035311 your power delivery U8XcTf1CDOE-00154-00035312-00035462 so i'm coming into this left hand bend U8XcTf1CDOE-00155-00035463-00035718 now give this car a bit of room so U8XcTf1CDOE-00156-00035719-00036023 straight and from here U8XcTf1CDOE-00157-00036024-00036374 we're going to be looking at some right U8XcTf1CDOE-00158-00036375-00036543 to left-hand bends now so what's going U8XcTf1CDOE-00159-00036544-00036655 to happen is i'm going to come into this U8XcTf1CDOE-00160-00036656-00036799 bend i'm covering the clutch already i'm U8XcTf1CDOE-00161-00036800-00037039 not feathering it yet U8XcTf1CDOE-00162-00037040-00037215 i've got a right on bend coming up it U8XcTf1CDOE-00163-00037216-00037343 doesn't matter those cars in front so U8XcTf1CDOE-00164-00037344-00037511 i'm going to be slowing down anyway U8XcTf1CDOE-00165-00037512-00037727 so i'm going to come to this bend now U8XcTf1CDOE-00166-00037728-00038062 fourth gear U8XcTf1CDOE-00167-00038063-00038423 without the clutch it's abrupt it's that U8XcTf1CDOE-00168-00038424-00038671 it's no good that's not good at all but U8XcTf1CDOE-00169-00038672-00038735 you can U8XcTf1CDOE-00170-00038736-00039399 smoothen that out by doing this U8XcTf1CDOE-00171-00039400-00039543 you know i mean it's just let's do it U8XcTf1CDOE-00172-00039544-00039702 again on this next left-hand bench if i U8XcTf1CDOE-00173-00039703-00040167 back off here there's nobody behind me U8XcTf1CDOE-00174-00040168-00040583 let's get third gear right we've got U8XcTf1CDOE-00175-00040584-00040727 a nice bend to show you here now so what U8XcTf1CDOE-00176-00040728-00041223 i'm talking about is this U8XcTf1CDOE-00177-00041224-00041415 notice how feathering the clutch finding U8XcTf1CDOE-00178-00041416-00041951 that friction zone U8XcTf1CDOE-00179-00041952-00042287 again drip the clutch you do have to U8XcTf1CDOE-00180-00042288-00042367 change gear U8XcTf1CDOE-00181-00042368-00043262 just find the friction zone U8XcTf1CDOE-00182-00043263-00043483 great example left on the air pin coming U8XcTf1CDOE-00183-00043484-00043662 up U8XcTf1CDOE-00184-00043663-00043967 so third gear will hold it have a good U8XcTf1CDOE-00185-00043968-00044279 look around the bends down there U8XcTf1CDOE-00186-00044280-00044462 you see i'll dip the clutch there and do U8XcTf1CDOE-00187-00044463-00044607 it again on a back brake U8XcTf1CDOE-00188-00044608-00044790 look into the bend and you notice i just U8XcTf1CDOE-00189-00044791-00044943 stick the clutch and what i've done then U8XcTf1CDOE-00190-00044944-00045087 is find that friction zone U8XcTf1CDOE-00191-00045088-00045383 let it go it's not about changing gear U8XcTf1CDOE-00192-00045384-00045430 it's about U8XcTf1CDOE-00193-00045431-00045639 controlling the power delivery you don't U8XcTf1CDOE-00194-00045640-00045887 just have to do it through U8XcTf1CDOE-00195-00045888-00046135 same again through changing gear i've U8XcTf1CDOE-00196-00046136-00046502 not changed gear there at all U8XcTf1CDOE-00197-00046503-00046711 what i've done is just control the power U8XcTf1CDOE-00198-00046712-00046830 delivery U8XcTf1CDOE-00199-00046831-00047111 and smoothing out that jerkiness that U8XcTf1CDOE-00200-00047112-00047415 fueling U8XcTf1CDOE-00201-00047416-00047727 just by the blending of the throttle the U8XcTf1CDOE-00202-00047728-00047830 back brake U8XcTf1CDOE-00203-00047831-00048062 and the clutch i'm not even touch the U8XcTf1CDOE-00204-00048063-00048246 front brake down there hardly U8XcTf1CDOE-00205-00048247-00048567 um again similar situation here U8XcTf1CDOE-00206-00048568-00049083 another hairpin coming up is he coming U8XcTf1CDOE-00207-00049084-00049239 in U8XcTf1CDOE-00208-00049240-00050102 feather it let it go U8XcTf1CDOE-00209-00050103-00050462 wow left shoulder there just to check U8XcTf1CDOE-00210-00050463-00050630 right so let's do some of that slow U8XcTf1CDOE-00211-00050631-00050990 speed clutch control through here U8XcTf1CDOE-00212-00050991-00051183 speed up a little bit catching them up a U8XcTf1CDOE-00213-00051184-00051366 little bit not just shut on and off the U8XcTf1CDOE-00214-00051367-00051487 floor because you get this this U8XcTf1CDOE-00215-00051488-00051590 jerkiness U8XcTf1CDOE-00216-00051591-00051870 what we're trying to achieve is smooth U8XcTf1CDOE-00217-00051871-00051958 power delivery U8XcTf1CDOE-00218-00051959-00052294 so you semi on and off the clutch U8XcTf1CDOE-00219-00052295-00052647 just find that lovely little blend U8XcTf1CDOE-00220-00052648-00053287 of power on and off U8XcTf1CDOE-00221-00053288-00053542 find that half clutch find that lovely U8XcTf1CDOE-00222-00053544-00053703 friction zone U8XcTf1CDOE-00223-00053704-00053975 you don't need to be on your brakes it's U8XcTf1CDOE-00224-00053976-00054166 too much then U8XcTf1CDOE-00225-00054167-00054294 through traffic like this you should U8XcTf1CDOE-00226-00054295-00054607 really be just back brake only U8XcTf1CDOE-00227-00054608-00054903 front brake gets that dive too much and U8XcTf1CDOE-00228-00054904-00055007 it makes your bike U8XcTf1CDOE-00229-00055008-00055342 imbalanced your back brake will slightly U8XcTf1CDOE-00230-00055344-00055519 bind the back brake it slightly sits U8XcTf1CDOE-00231-00055520-00055559 your U8XcTf1CDOE-00232-00055560-00055799 suspension down and it gives it a nice U8XcTf1CDOE-00233-00055800-00056038 planted feel and keeps that U8XcTf1CDOE-00234-00056039-00056175 balance between your front and rear U8XcTf1CDOE-00235-00056176-00056382 brake so from front and rear wheel sorry U8XcTf1CDOE-00236-00056383-00056582 in front of your suspension perfect U8XcTf1CDOE-00237-00056583-00056782 so as i go a bit further forward i'm U8XcTf1CDOE-00238-00056783-00056942 going to go the round lane U8XcTf1CDOE-00239-00056944-00057271 shoulder checks now U8XcTf1CDOE-00240-00057272-00057391 see what's happening in the front here U8XcTf1CDOE-00241-00057391-00057679 we've got U8XcTf1CDOE-00242-00057679-00057959 see what i'm doing there great example U8XcTf1CDOE-00243-00057960-00058175 of just using the U8XcTf1CDOE-00244-00058176-00058587 clutch without changing gear U8XcTf1CDOE-00245-00058588-00058766 [Music] U8XcTf1CDOE-00246-00058767-00059007 so here's an example and i'm not U8XcTf1CDOE-00247-00059008-00059230 changing gear U8XcTf1CDOE-00248-00059232-00059438 but i've dipped the clutch there almost U8XcTf1CDOE-00249-00059439-00059566 three wheeled round but i was on the U8XcTf1CDOE-00250-00059567-00059911 friction zone U8XcTf1CDOE-00251-00059912-00060142 and it's all that controlling of the U8XcTf1CDOE-00252-00060144-00060238 power U8XcTf1CDOE-00253-00060239-00060526 especially in slow speed minute i'm U8XcTf1CDOE-00254-00060527-00060750 approaching a set of lights U8XcTf1CDOE-00255-00060751-00060991 they're all at red rather than just U8XcTf1CDOE-00256-00060991-00061230 shutting off the throttle U8XcTf1CDOE-00257-00061232-00061438 at that point i'm not changing gears but U8XcTf1CDOE-00258-00061439-00061582 i'd dip my clutch U8XcTf1CDOE-00259-00061583-00061775 and then re-fed in the power it's U8XcTf1CDOE-00260-00061776-00061935 control the power through the U8XcTf1CDOE-00261-00061936-00062255 through the junction and and away we go U8XcTf1CDOE-00262-00062257-00062911 [Music] U8XcTf1CDOE-00263-00062912-00063126 an example here and i'm not gonna change U8XcTf1CDOE-00264-00063127-00063230 gear i'm going to show you what you can U8XcTf1CDOE-00265-00063232-00063406 do U8XcTf1CDOE-00266-00063407-00063750 so just dip the clutch fourth gear U8XcTf1CDOE-00267-00063751-00064015 i'm not suggesting you do fourth but U8XcTf1CDOE-00268-00064016-00064175 look what i did i did the clutch U8XcTf1CDOE-00269-00064176-00064375 smoothed out the delivery didn't change U8XcTf1CDOE-00270-00064376-00064550 gear in a car you'd be changing gear U8XcTf1CDOE-00271-00064551-00064638 wouldn't you U8XcTf1CDOE-00272-00064639-00064830 on a motorbike a very different animal U8XcTf1CDOE-00273-00064832-00065023 i'll go left here U8XcTf1CDOE-00274-00065024-00065303 get third we've got green arrow dip the U8XcTf1CDOE-00275-00065304-00065606 clutch here U8XcTf1CDOE-00276-00065607-00065863 power delivery nice just control the U8XcTf1CDOE-00277-00065864-00066038 power delivery U8XcTf1CDOE-00278-00066039-00066255 okay as i'm going down the road i'm U8XcTf1CDOE-00279-00066256-00066391 still in third gear i'm gonna be turning U8XcTf1CDOE-00280-00066392-00066423 right U8XcTf1CDOE-00281-00066424-00066687 shortly i'm gonna do a u-turn let's go U8XcTf1CDOE-00282-00066688-00067452 talk to this lady in this black mazda U8XcTf1CDOE-00283-00067453-00068006 [Music] U8XcTf1CDOE-00284-00068007-00068343 how you doing U8XcTf1CDOE-00285-00068344-00068743 you're not my camera U8XcTf1CDOE-00286-00068744-00069047 you're gonna be doing this soon U8XcTf1CDOE-00287-00069048-00069406 just saying U8XcTf1CDOE-00288-00069407-00071735 what's all this traffic U8XcTf1CDOE-00289-00071736-00071911 i see in the distance we've got a bus U8XcTf1CDOE-00290-00071912-00072079 packed parked in there's nobody getting U8XcTf1CDOE-00291-00072080-00072223 on an office so he might be part there a U8XcTf1CDOE-00292-00072224-00072294 while U8XcTf1CDOE-00293-00072295-00072511 so we'll drop back let these cars come U8XcTf1CDOE-00294-00072512-00072719 out U8XcTf1CDOE-00295-00072720-00072991 now as we approach i'm just gonna drip U8XcTf1CDOE-00296-00072992-00073247 dip the clutch and just U8XcTf1CDOE-00297-00073248-00073575 it just says that surge of power in and U8XcTf1CDOE-00298-00073576-00073838 out U8XcTf1CDOE-00299-00073839-00074103 he's gonna stay in that round line he's U8XcTf1CDOE-00300-00074104-00074199 indicating he's U8XcTf1CDOE-00301-00074200-00074406 what's happening there you see i'm not U8XcTf1CDOE-00302-00074407-00074543 sure if he's going to keep coming right U8XcTf1CDOE-00303-00074544-00074671 i think he is U8XcTf1CDOE-00304-00074672-00074791 because he's going to be turning right U8XcTf1CDOE-00305-00074792-00075150 so what i'll do left shoulder U8XcTf1CDOE-00306-00075151-00075326 don't die straight across because U8XcTf1CDOE-00307-00075327-00075526 obviously i'm blinded by the back of the U8XcTf1CDOE-00308-00075527-00075743 bus there U8XcTf1CDOE-00309-00075744-00075926 and right we're going to back up here U8XcTf1CDOE-00310-00075927-00076319 not only can behind me mirror U8XcTf1CDOE-00311-00076320-00076438 so obviously i didn't want to dive U8XcTf1CDOE-00312-00076439-00076647 straight down the left-hand lane U8XcTf1CDOE-00313-00076648-00076903 until i on somewhere once my way was U8XcTf1CDOE-00314-00076904-00077047 clear look at that U8XcTf1CDOE-00315-00077048-00077582 did you see that well U8XcTf1CDOE-00316-00077583-00079367 that white car nearly not turned off U8XcTf1CDOE-00317-00079368-00079882 sorry a quick word make sure she's all U8XcTf1CDOE-00318-00079883-00080206 right U8XcTf1CDOE-00319-00080207-00080367 some people are a bit careless i didn't U8XcTf1CDOE-00320-00080368-00080503 actually see what was going on i was too U8XcTf1CDOE-00321-00080504-00080623 busy watching the U8XcTf1CDOE-00322-00080624-00080926 the bus and chatting away and that par U8XcTf1CDOE-00323-00080927-00081111 really appeared to get hit she didn't U8XcTf1CDOE-00324-00081112-00081238 get knocked off but U8XcTf1CDOE-00325-00081239-00082094 it was quite dangerous i'm going U8XcTf1CDOE-00326-00082095-00082391 poor lady um hit i mean i think she's U8XcTf1CDOE-00327-00082392-00082423 looked U8XcTf1CDOE-00328-00082424-00082687 the guys looked at her she from what i U8XcTf1CDOE-00329-00082688-00082775 can gather he's U8XcTf1CDOE-00330-00082776-00082959 he's pulled out on her from the side U8XcTf1CDOE-00331-00082960-00083135 junction and she was at the left-hand U8XcTf1CDOE-00332-00083136-00083279 side but she was actually trying to get U8XcTf1CDOE-00333-00083280-00083423 across to the middle of the road U8XcTf1CDOE-00334-00083424-00083575 to turn right into the junction that he U8XcTf1CDOE-00335-00083576-00083823 was at and as far as i'm concerned he U8XcTf1CDOE-00336-00083824-00083959 should have given way to it but i didn't U8XcTf1CDOE-00337-00083960-00084287 see it i need to look at the footage so U8XcTf1CDOE-00338-00084288-00084599 we will find out now she's not injured U8XcTf1CDOE-00339-00084600-00084926 so that's great she didn't get actually U8XcTf1CDOE-00340-00084927-00085055 getting knocked off U8XcTf1CDOE-00341-00085056-00085359 um U8XcTf1CDOE-00342-00085360-00085759 so that's lucky and the guy obviously U8XcTf1CDOE-00343-00085760-00085935 he did apologize but he's adamant that U8XcTf1CDOE-00344-00085936-00086206 it wasn't his fault um U8XcTf1CDOE-00345-00086207-00086375 i can see his point to some extent U8XcTf1CDOE-00346-00086376-00086559 whereas if she's on the left-hand lane U8XcTf1CDOE-00347-00086560-00086718 and left-hand side of the road U8XcTf1CDOE-00348-00086719-00086903 and then suddenly v is right to turn U8XcTf1CDOE-00349-00086904-00087055 right U8XcTf1CDOE-00350-00087056-00087455 but he he's at a side junction U8XcTf1CDOE-00351-00087456-00087615 turning into a main carriageway he's U8XcTf1CDOE-00352-00087616-00087767 coming out of a side road U8XcTf1CDOE-00353-00087768-00088111 so it's really his responsibility to U8XcTf1CDOE-00354-00088112-00088471 make sure the weight is clear U8XcTf1CDOE-00355-00088472-00088687 the standard of driving even here in U8XcTf1CDOE-00356-00088688-00088782 australia U8XcTf1CDOE-00357-00088783-00089103 is abysmal hence i U8XcTf1CDOE-00358-00089104-00089279 am the rider guider i'm about to look U8XcTf1CDOE-00359-00089280-00090343 after anybody on two wheels U8XcTf1CDOE-00360-00090344-00090551 you UqDsrDvp-II-00000-00000104-00000318 hi i'm tony welcome to sports bike shops UqDsrDvp-II-00001-00000319-00000487 video about the rst UqDsrDvp-II-00002-00000488-00001744 x-rayed ce waterproof gloves UqDsrDvp-II-00003-00001745-00002439 [Music] UqDsrDvp-II-00004-00002440-00002663 rst's x-ray gloves sound like the sort UqDsrDvp-II-00005-00002664-00002847 of thing a dakar racer would wear UqDsrDvp-II-00006-00002848-00003007 but i'd say they're more suited to UqDsrDvp-II-00007-00003008-00003215 touring with a mild hint of adventure UqDsrDvp-II-00008-00003215-00003383 rather than to tackle them whacking UqDsrDvp-II-00009-00003384-00003527 great sand dunes UqDsrDvp-II-00010-00003528-00003783 they're waterproof thanks to a synaqua UqDsrDvp-II-00011-00003784-00003951 waterproof membrane that's also UqDsrDvp-II-00012-00003952-00004022 breathable UqDsrDvp-II-00013-00004023-00004222 and there's also a polyester lining for UqDsrDvp-II-00014-00004223-00004479 warmth that warmth liner is thick enough UqDsrDvp-II-00015-00004480-00004654 to make these a winter glove it's not UqDsrDvp-II-00016-00004655-00004695 the UqDsrDvp-II-00017-00004696-00004902 thickest in that field but it's enough UqDsrDvp-II-00018-00004903-00005063 to feel some extra bulk while you're UqDsrDvp-II-00019-00005064-00005127 riding UqDsrDvp-II-00020-00005128-00005318 the customer reviews suggest they're UqDsrDvp-II-00021-00005319-00005463 warm enough to keep you UqDsrDvp-II-00022-00005464-00005654 comfortable for rides in around about 10 UqDsrDvp-II-00023-00005655-00005806 degrees celsius and i'd say that's about UqDsrDvp-II-00024-00005807-00005943 the right mark UqDsrDvp-II-00025-00005944-00006143 get into about the teens mid-teens and UqDsrDvp-II-00026-00006144-00006263 i'd say these probably make your hands a UqDsrDvp-II-00027-00006264-00006343 bit sticky UqDsrDvp-II-00028-00006344-00006510 but something like that always depends UqDsrDvp-II-00029-00006511-00006719 on the rider and how much you feel the UqDsrDvp-II-00030-00006720-00006846 cold UqDsrDvp-II-00031-00006847-00007023 the outer material for these gloves is a UqDsrDvp-II-00032-00007023-00007310 combination of goat hide and nylon UqDsrDvp-II-00033-00007311-00007614 goat hide covers the palm with synthetic UqDsrDvp-II-00034-00007615-00007767 leather reinforcements UqDsrDvp-II-00035-00007768-00007983 on the outside of the little finger the UqDsrDvp-II-00036-00007984-00008167 area that wraps around the handlebars UqDsrDvp-II-00037-00008168-00008431 and also at the heel of the palm there's UqDsrDvp-II-00038-00008432-00008599 extra reinforcement at the heel of the UqDsrDvp-II-00039-00008600-00008646 palm UqDsrDvp-II-00040-00008647-00008887 with this plastic scaphoid slider that's UqDsrDvp-II-00041-00008888-00009023 designed to stop your hands getting UqDsrDvp-II-00042-00009024-00009199 trapped under your body in a fall UqDsrDvp-II-00043-00009200-00009383 to reduce the risk of breaking bones in UqDsrDvp-II-00044-00009384-00009678 your wrist there's nylon around the cuff UqDsrDvp-II-00045-00009679-00009935 which is secured by this unusual but UqDsrDvp-II-00046-00009936-00010151 effective twin cuff closure UqDsrDvp-II-00047-00010152-00010303 it works in tandem with a wrist UqDsrDvp-II-00048-00010304-00010455 restraint to keep the gloves on your UqDsrDvp-II-00049-00010456-00010551 hand UqDsrDvp-II-00050-00010552-00010774 this section isn't the most generously UqDsrDvp-II-00051-00010775-00010935 sized and i would say these gloves are UqDsrDvp-II-00052-00010936-00011103 best suited to riders like me who prefer UqDsrDvp-II-00053-00011104-00011271 to wear their gloves tucked inside their UqDsrDvp-II-00054-00011272-00011503 jacket sleeves the thumb section UqDsrDvp-II-00055-00011504-00011742 is made from nylon which is made more UqDsrDvp-II-00056-00011743-00011831 flexible UqDsrDvp-II-00057-00011832-00012031 by this accordion stretch panel just UqDsrDvp-II-00058-00012032-00012183 around about the knuckle UqDsrDvp-II-00059-00012184-00012391 and there are further accordion panels UqDsrDvp-II-00060-00012392-00012519 on the back of the hand UqDsrDvp-II-00061-00012520-00012791 and then on the first three fingers the UqDsrDvp-II-00062-00012792-00013015 back of the hand is all made from nylon UqDsrDvp-II-00063-00013016-00013222 with hard inserts to boost slide UqDsrDvp-II-00064-00013223-00013399 protection on the thumbs UqDsrDvp-II-00065-00013400-00013647 and then on the first three fingers here UqDsrDvp-II-00066-00013647-00013830 then there's a plastic knuckle protector UqDsrDvp-II-00067-00013831-00013943 that's covered with UqDsrDvp-II-00068-00013944-00014158 tough ballistic nylon that knuckle UqDsrDvp-II-00069-00014159-00014279 protector does its job UqDsrDvp-II-00070-00014280-00014479 as the gloves meet level one of the ce UqDsrDvp-II-00071-00014480-00014583 safety standard UqDsrDvp-II-00072-00014584-00014791 with the kp mark on the label showing UqDsrDvp-II-00073-00014791-00015022 that the armor protects knuckles UqDsrDvp-II-00074-00015023-00015215 level one is a basic pass but gloves UqDsrDvp-II-00075-00015216-00015391 that are rated to the higher level two UqDsrDvp-II-00076-00015391-00015550 are very few and far between so it's not UqDsrDvp-II-00077-00015551-00015599 a surprise UqDsrDvp-II-00078-00015600-00015799 that these are level one a couple of UqDsrDvp-II-00079-00015800-00015999 little extra details to know about the UqDsrDvp-II-00080-00016000-00016158 more things that are missing really UqDsrDvp-II-00081-00016159-00016350 there's no wipe to clear rain water from UqDsrDvp-II-00082-00016351-00016471 your visor as you ride UqDsrDvp-II-00083-00016472-00016630 for me that's quite an oversight for a UqDsrDvp-II-00084-00016631-00016807 glove that's clearly designed to be worn UqDsrDvp-II-00085-00016808-00016935 in bad weather UqDsrDvp-II-00086-00016936-00017127 and then the tips of the four fingers UqDsrDvp-II-00087-00017128-00017367 and thumbs are touchscreen compatible UqDsrDvp-II-00088-00017368-00017543 i found it a bit tricky to use my phone UqDsrDvp-II-00089-00017544-00017686 while i was wearing these gloves UqDsrDvp-II-00090-00017687-00017822 if you only need to use a touchscreen UqDsrDvp-II-00091-00017823-00017991 now and again they'll be fine UqDsrDvp-II-00092-00017992-00018119 but if you're constantly using your UqDsrDvp-II-00093-00018120-00018255 phone while wearing gloves then i would UqDsrDvp-II-00094-00018256-00018414 predict that you'll get a bit frustrated UqDsrDvp-II-00095-00018415-00018911 with these in that sense UqDsrDvp-II-00096-00018912-00019071 it's early days for customer reviews on UqDsrDvp-II-00097-00019072-00019222 these gloves but they are starting to UqDsrDvp-II-00098-00019223-00019407 flow in and people are generally happy UqDsrDvp-II-00099-00019408-00019471 with them UqDsrDvp-II-00100-00019472-00019679 the gloves meet riders expectations for UqDsrDvp-II-00101-00019680-00019830 warmth and waterproofing UqDsrDvp-II-00102-00019831-00020014 and owners find them comfortable and UqDsrDvp-II-00103-00020015-00020279 well made they cost 54 pounds 99 a pair UqDsrDvp-II-00104-00020280-00020358 which means they're UqDsrDvp-II-00105-00020359-00020583 pretty inexpensive what you get and UqDsrDvp-II-00106-00020584-00020758 riders on a whole are very happy with UqDsrDvp-II-00107-00020759-00020911 the level of performance UqDsrDvp-II-00108-00020912-00021030 i hope that runs through everything you UqDsrDvp-II-00109-00021031-00021247 want to know about the rst x-rayed UqDsrDvp-II-00110-00021248-00021430 ce waterproof gloves but if there's UqDsrDvp-II-00111-00021431-00021622 anything you'd like to ask or to add UqDsrDvp-II-00112-00021623-00021807 then please put a comment below thanks UqDsrDvp-II-00113-00021808-00024047 for watching UqDsrDvp-II-00114-00024048-00024256 you Ut9CseIBGio-00000-00000182-00000977 I know that brick went really fast Ut9CseIBGio-00001-00000977-00001493 didn't it alright welcome to this next Ut9CseIBGio-00002-00001494-00001847 session we are going to talk we're gonna Ut9CseIBGio-00003-00001848-00002065 turn it over now to Pamela D Pasquale Ut9CseIBGio-00004-00002066-00002323 and her team from Cleveland Playhouse Ut9CseIBGio-00005-00002324-00002608 and we are talking about trauma-informed Ut9CseIBGio-00006-00002609-00003016 care I'm turning it over to Pamela hello Ut9CseIBGio-00007-00003017-00003157 everybody Ut9CseIBGio-00008-00003158-00003440 thank you for for coming over in joining Ut9CseIBGio-00009-00003440-00003718 our circle my name is Pamela DiPasquale Ut9CseIBGio-00010-00003719-00003838 and I'm just gonna introduce my Ut9CseIBGio-00011-00003839-00004009 colleagues really quickly or let them Ut9CseIBGio-00012-00004010-00004318 introduce themselves hi I'm Colleen I am Ut9CseIBGio-00013-00004319-00004493 the Associate Director of the care Ut9CseIBGio-00014-00004494-00004807 program at clean Playhouse hi I'm Cassie Ut9CseIBGio-00015-00004808-00005050 I am a care coordinator for Cleveland Ut9CseIBGio-00016-00005051-00005306 Playhouse good and before we get started Ut9CseIBGio-00017-00005307-00005473 we just wanted to sort of walk you Ut9CseIBGio-00018-00005474-00005731 through what we're doing so you're not Ut9CseIBGio-00019-00005732-00005900 worried I'm in a circle what am I gonna Ut9CseIBGio-00020-00005901-00006188 do what's gonna happen to me and so Ut9CseIBGio-00021-00006189-00006406 forth so the first thing we're gonna do Ut9CseIBGio-00022-00006408-00006536 is we're just gonna do a very simple Ut9CseIBGio-00023-00006537-00006959 restorative circle exercise followed by Ut9CseIBGio-00024-00006959-00007184 a theater game that most of you will Ut9CseIBGio-00025-00007184-00007553 recognize will do debrief after that Ut9CseIBGio-00026-00007554-00007834 game and then for the sake of how the Ut9CseIBGio-00027-00007836-00008069 round in our non president audience Ut9CseIBGio-00028-00008070-00008243 members we are gonna ask everybody to Ut9CseIBGio-00029-00008244-00008492 transition back over here Laurie has Ut9CseIBGio-00030-00008493-00008639 counted the seats so there's enough Ut9CseIBGio-00031-00008640-00008948 seats for everyone on this side and then Ut9CseIBGio-00032-00008949-00009140 we are going to talk about the Ut9CseIBGio-00033-00009141-00009422 definition of trauma traumas effects on Ut9CseIBGio-00034-00009423-00009736 memory some adverse childhood experience Ut9CseIBGio-00035-00009737-00010130 understanding revisit components of Ut9CseIBGio-00036-00010131-00010385 trauma-informed care talk about Ut9CseIBGio-00037-00010386-00010607 self-care for those of you who are Ut9CseIBGio-00038-00010608-00010754 working with students who have Ut9CseIBGio-00039-00010755-00010973 experienced chronic trauma and then Ut9CseIBGio-00040-00010974-00011140 we'll finish with our research Ut9CseIBGio-00041-00011141-00011408 restorative circle exercise that we will Ut9CseIBGio-00042-00011409-00011606 do it over there so you don't have to Ut9CseIBGio-00043-00011607-00012020 move here again okay great so we are Ut9CseIBGio-00044-00012021-00012347 gonna join in in this circle and because Ut9CseIBGio-00045-00012348-00012569 we are aware that the microphone is Ut9CseIBGio-00046-00012570-00012869 necessary for this first exercise we're Ut9CseIBGio-00047-00012869-00013133 going to just pass the microphone around Ut9CseIBGio-00048-00013134-00013366 so what I'm gonna ask you to do is just Ut9CseIBGio-00049-00013368-00013519 introduce yourself Ut9CseIBGio-00050-00013520-00013775 let us know the pronouns you prefer and Ut9CseIBGio-00051-00013776-00014005 then just share one word about how Ut9CseIBGio-00052-00014006-00014278 you're feeling right now so my name is Ut9CseIBGio-00053-00014279-00014633 Pamela I prefer she/her/hers and I am Ut9CseIBGio-00054-00014634-00015006 feeling just a little bit nervous Ut9CseIBGio-00055-00015007-00015569 my name is Natalie she/her/hers and I'm Ut9CseIBGio-00056-00015569-00015971 feeling happy to be here my name is Abby Ut9CseIBGio-00057-00015972-00016066 she/her/hers Ut9CseIBGio-00058-00016066-00016616 I'm feeling light Jenny she/her/hers Ut9CseIBGio-00059-00016617-00017155 and I am feeling inspired Sarah Ut9CseIBGio-00060-00017156-00017269 she/her/hers Ut9CseIBGio-00061-00017270-00017702 and I'm feeling open my name is Amy Ut9CseIBGio-00062-00017703-00018139 she/her/hers and I am feeling scattered Ut9CseIBGio-00063-00018140-00018458 my name is Lori she/her/hers and I'm Ut9CseIBGio-00064-00018459-00018917 feeling enlightened Jamie he/him Ut9CseIBGio-00065-00018918-00019403 sluggish my name is Marita she/her/hers Ut9CseIBGio-00066-00019404-00019809 and I'm feeling gratitude Ut9CseIBGio-00067-00019810-00020347 Johanna Morales she/her/hers energized Ut9CseIBGio-00068-00020348-00020672 say her gait she/her/hers they/them Ut9CseIBGio-00069-00020673-00021334 light Simone Emmet she/her/hers and I'm Ut9CseIBGio-00070-00021335-00022243 feeling inquisitive Rachael she/her/hers Ut9CseIBGio-00071-00022244-00022912 can that Ut9CseIBGio-00072-00022913-00023281 uh Emily she/her/hers I was trying to Ut9CseIBGio-00073-00023282-00023560 find a word for that so I'll say Gumby Ut9CseIBGio-00074-00023561-00023905 yeah like stretched Joey and Ut9CseIBGio-00075-00023906-00023983 she/her/hers Ut9CseIBGio-00076-00023984-00024541 intrigued Tim he him his feeling really Ut9CseIBGio-00077-00024542-00024684 engaged Ut9CseIBGio-00078-00024685-00024988 flori she/her/hers I'm feeling Ut9CseIBGio-00079-00024989-00025261 responsible and excited to see it coming Ut9CseIBGio-00080-00025262-00025482 to life Ut9CseIBGio-00081-00025483-00025968 no bra she/her/hers I'm feeling calm Ut9CseIBGio-00082-00025969-00026208 Nicky tomes she/her/hers Ut9CseIBGio-00083-00026210-00026617 the truth is scattered but what I will Ut9CseIBGio-00084-00026618-00027382 put in the atmosphere its energized my Ut9CseIBGio-00085-00027383-00028963 name is Tamara Carol like hey i'm jarrod Ut9CseIBGio-00086-00028964-00029137 bell OTT i use he/him/his pronouns and Ut9CseIBGio-00087-00029138-00029475 I'm feeling like good good Ut9CseIBGio-00088-00029476-00029708 Marn Stern I use she/her/hers Ut9CseIBGio-00089-00029710-00030345 I'm feeling caffeinated Mary Ut9CseIBGio-00090-00030347-00030689 she/her/hers excited Ut9CseIBGio-00091-00030691-00031185 Gary he/him/his and I'm feeling open and Ut9CseIBGio-00092-00031186-00031324 she/her/hers Ut9CseIBGio-00093-00031325-00031798 I'm feeling I'm creaky Amanda Ut9CseIBGio-00094-00031799-00031891 she/her/hers Ut9CseIBGio-00095-00031892-00032445 I'm ready let's do this Alma Ut9CseIBGio-00096-00032447-00032563 she/her/hers Ut9CseIBGio-00097-00032564-00033409 also ready Victoria she/her/hers sassy Ut9CseIBGio-00098-00033410-00033667 for us Ut9CseIBGio-00099-00033668-00033934 Jenny she/her/hers Ut9CseIBGio-00100-00033935-00034184 caffeinated also I'm gonna grab that one Ut9CseIBGio-00101-00034185-00034409 yep Ut9CseIBGio-00102-00034410-00034933 Katie she/her/hers hot Ut9CseIBGio-00103-00034934-00035120 Evelyn she/her/hers Ut9CseIBGio-00104-00035121-00035443 and I'm feeling a little awestruck Ut9CseIBGio-00105-00035444-00035887 Rachael she/her/hers joyful CATI Ut9CseIBGio-00106-00035888-00036395 she/her/hers curious Skippy him is Ut9CseIBGio-00107-00036396-00036787 curious curious how that happened Ut9CseIBGio-00108-00036788-00037283 colleen she/her/hers full suzanne Ut9CseIBGio-00109-00037284-00037379 she/her/hers Ut9CseIBGio-00110-00037380-00037864 grateful Cassie's she here hers and Ut9CseIBGio-00111-00037865-00038393 excited Jade she her hers and Lake a Ut9CseIBGio-00112-00038394-00038768 sponge has anyone just joined the circle Ut9CseIBGio-00113-00038769-00039554 who didn't get an opportunity hi I'm Ut9CseIBGio-00114-00039555-00039787 Rebecca she/her/hers Ut9CseIBGio-00115-00039788-00040740 catching up yet cuz she her hers and Ut9CseIBGio-00116-00040741-00041489 synergized excellent alright so as Ut9CseIBGio-00117-00041490-00041807 promised theater game time okay so what Ut9CseIBGio-00118-00041808-00041975 I need you to do first is pretend like Ut9CseIBGio-00119-00041976-00042089 this is the first time you've ever Ut9CseIBGio-00120-00042090-00042437 played this be excited all right so it's Ut9CseIBGio-00121-00042438-00042658 wind blows west if you're familiar can I Ut9CseIBGio-00122-00042659-00042868 get a hand all right so we're for those Ut9CseIBGio-00123-00042869-00043076 of you who are not familiar I'll give Ut9CseIBGio-00124-00043077-00043477 you a brief set of instructions the Ut9CseIBGio-00125-00043478-00043615 person in the middle is going to say Ut9CseIBGio-00126-00043616-00043783 something that is true about themselves Ut9CseIBGio-00127-00043784-00044065 if it is also true for you you will Ut9CseIBGio-00128-00044066-00044368 stand up and find a new seat if you Ut9CseIBGio-00129-00044369-00044618 didn't move quick enough and you find Ut9CseIBGio-00130-00044619-00044804 yourself in the middle then you are the Ut9CseIBGio-00131-00044805-00045020 person who delivers the next the wind Ut9CseIBGio-00132-00045021-00045227 blows West and say something that is Ut9CseIBGio-00133-00045228-00045605 true about yourself easy we'll practice Ut9CseIBGio-00134-00045606-00045836 a little bit one thing I'm gonna ask is Ut9CseIBGio-00135-00045837-00046090 that you clear the floor so if you have Ut9CseIBGio-00136-00046091-00046289 the packets if you just tuck it all Ut9CseIBGio-00137-00046290-00046595 underneath I see a lot of flip-flops and Ut9CseIBGio-00138-00046596-00046796 things so let's not Ut9CseIBGio-00139-00046797-00047180 do this linebacker style let's move with Ut9CseIBGio-00140-00047181-00047507 energy but with safety yes I've seen Ut9CseIBGio-00141-00047508-00047786 things happen in this game I enjoy Ut9CseIBGio-00142-00047787-00048095 alright so I'll go first I'll say well Ut9CseIBGio-00143-00048096-00048254 we need a space see that's an accident Ut9CseIBGio-00144-00048255-00048479 about to happen there cuz see it no come Ut9CseIBGio-00145-00048480-00048770 on in there we go yes because I need you Ut9CseIBGio-00146-00048771-00049000 no access to the chairs it gets serious Ut9CseIBGio-00147-00049001-00049340 okay all right so I'm gonna say Ut9CseIBGio-00148-00049341-00049490 something that's true about myself and Ut9CseIBGio-00149-00049491-00049727 if it is also true for you stand up find Ut9CseIBGio-00150-00049728-00049991 a new seat and I should probably stay Ut9CseIBGio-00151-00049992-00050165 here with the microphone that's gonna be Ut9CseIBGio-00152-00050166-00050219 interesting Ut9CseIBGio-00153-00050220-00050465 the wind blows West if this is your Ut9CseIBGio-00154-00050466-00052220 first TCG conference the wind blows West Ut9CseIBGio-00155-00052221-00053999 if you love working with youth Ut9CseIBGio-00156-00054000-00054306 the wind blows west if you are from the Ut9CseIBGio-00157-00054307-00055217 Midwest Ut9CseIBGio-00158-00055218-00055863 the wind blows west if you've been in Ut9CseIBGio-00159-00055864-00056851 your position for over seven years Ut9CseIBGio-00160-00056852-00057819 Oh Ut9CseIBGio-00161-00057820-00058084 all right so we're going to add a theme Ut9CseIBGio-00162-00058085-00058329 to it no come and still you uh uh uh uh Ut9CseIBGio-00163-00058329-00058624 good luck with that okay your turn Ut9CseIBGio-00164-00058625-00058842 alright so now we want you to say the Ut9CseIBGio-00165-00058844-00058978 wind blows West and have it be something Ut9CseIBGio-00166-00058979-00059224 related to family whatever that means to Ut9CseIBGio-00167-00059225-00059353 you Ut9CseIBGio-00168-00059354-00059629 the wind blows West on people whose Ut9CseIBGio-00169-00059629-00060450 parents were not born in this country Ut9CseIBGio-00170-00060451-00061035 who's going to find it Ut9CseIBGio-00171-00061036-00061438 the wind blows West if you grew up with Ut9CseIBGio-00172-00061439-00061801 a single mom grew up with a single mom Ut9CseIBGio-00173-00061802-00062601 oh I saw what you did there uh-huh see Ut9CseIBGio-00174-00062602-00064132 but her shoes shoes the wind blows West Ut9CseIBGio-00175-00064133-00064432 if your grandmother was like your second Ut9CseIBGio-00176-00064433-00065194 mom Ut9CseIBGio-00177-00065195-00066435 [Applause] Ut9CseIBGio-00178-00066436-00066739 the wind blows west if both of your Ut9CseIBGio-00179-00066740-00068224 parents have now passed away all right Ut9CseIBGio-00180-00068225-00068392 so here's the next one we're gonna Ut9CseIBGio-00181-00068393-00068767 transition to come back Ut9CseIBGio-00182-00068768-00068971 oh isn't that so nice nice to meet you Ut9CseIBGio-00183-00068972-00069376 come on back all right so the next topic Ut9CseIBGio-00184-00069377-00069772 we are going to switch to is strength so Ut9CseIBGio-00185-00069773-00070009 something that you strengths however you Ut9CseIBGio-00186-00070010-00070150 interpret that but we're gonna add a Ut9CseIBGio-00187-00070151-00070228 twist to it Ut9CseIBGio-00188-00070229-00070393 that we do with some of our older Ut9CseIBGio-00189-00070394-00070648 students when you get up you are going Ut9CseIBGio-00190-00070649-00070846 to stand and instead of running to find Ut9CseIBGio-00191-00070847-00071161 a seat you're going to stay standing the Ut9CseIBGio-00192-00071162-00071344 person in the middle who now has this Ut9CseIBGio-00193-00071345-00071476 thing in common with you will Ut9CseIBGio-00194-00071477-00071674 acknowledge you in some way it could be Ut9CseIBGio-00195-00071675-00071797 a physical it could be or not you just Ut9CseIBGio-00196-00071798-00071965 acknowledge everyone that is standing Ut9CseIBGio-00197-00071966-00072262 and then you say and go and then you go Ut9CseIBGio-00198-00072263-00072655 find your new seat okay Ut9CseIBGio-00199-00072656-00072949 the wind blows West if one of your Ut9CseIBGio-00200-00072950-00073886 strengths is that you make connections Ut9CseIBGio-00201-00073887-00074325 [Music] Ut9CseIBGio-00202-00074326-00074695 you all are so beautiful and wonderful Ut9CseIBGio-00203-00074696-00074971 and I thank you for all the works that Ut9CseIBGio-00204-00074972-00075718 you do go Ut9CseIBGio-00205-00075719-00076597 a strength a strength Ut9CseIBGio-00206-00076598-00077215 the wind blows West if you have a very Ut9CseIBGio-00207-00077216-00078524 large heart it's okay if you don't and Ut9CseIBGio-00208-00078525-00080059 go large heart the wind blows West if Ut9CseIBGio-00209-00080060-00080566 you draw strength out from outside of Ut9CseIBGio-00210-00080567-00081906 your theater walls reconsidering okay Ut9CseIBGio-00211-00081907-00083307 I'll keep keep turning okay go Ut9CseIBGio-00212-00083308-00083745 all right last one struggles so this Ut9CseIBGio-00213-00083746-00083877 time when you stand up to be Ut9CseIBGio-00214-00083878-00084189 acknowledged you want to stay there and Ut9CseIBGio-00215-00084190-00084321 the person in the middle wants to Ut9CseIBGio-00216-00084322-00084486 actually come around and have some Ut9CseIBGio-00217-00084487-00084693 either type of physical highfive fist Ut9CseIBGio-00218-00084694-00084930 bump or at least I - I acknowledgement Ut9CseIBGio-00219-00084931-00085143 with the people who they share this with Ut9CseIBGio-00220-00085144-00085626 so we're thinkin struggles the wind Ut9CseIBGio-00221-00085627-00086112 blows West for anyone with parents who Ut9CseIBGio-00222-00086113-00086448 are divorced and I'm gonna come around Ut9CseIBGio-00223-00086449-00086790 and do a little fist bump if you're ok Ut9CseIBGio-00224-00086791-00087934 with that Ut9CseIBGio-00225-00087935-00089425 and go the wind blows West if you are a Ut9CseIBGio-00226-00089426-00091255 working parent and it's hard Ut9CseIBGio-00227-00091256-00092127 and go Ut9CseIBGio-00228-00092128-00092531 [Laughter] Ut9CseIBGio-00229-00092532-00092805 [Applause] Ut9CseIBGio-00230-00092806-00093130 the wind blows west if there's not Ut9CseIBGio-00231-00093131-00093343 enough time in the day for you for Ut9CseIBGio-00232-00093344-00095284 self-care I'm gonna fist bump to Ut9CseIBGio-00233-00095285-00097213 too many of us and go Ut9CseIBGio-00234-00097214-00097868 Lilya alright our last one okay let's do Ut9CseIBGio-00235-00097869-00098306 this it's cuz I'm got an ankle brace Ut9CseIBGio-00236-00098307-00098618 spine Ut9CseIBGio-00237-00098619-00098888 the wind blows West if you've never Ut9CseIBGio-00238-00098889-00099549 thanked yourself I've never been never Ut9CseIBGio-00239-00099550-00099713 written a thank-you letter to yourself Ut9CseIBGio-00240-00099714-00099945 for everything you've done Ut9CseIBGio-00241-00099946-00100418 [Music] Ut9CseIBGio-00242-00100419-00100659 okay I'm just gonna make eye contact Ut9CseIBGio-00243-00100660-00100832 because I see you and I'm thankful for Ut9CseIBGio-00244-00100833-00103436 you Ut9CseIBGio-00245-00103438-00103852 thank you thank you guys so much you're Ut9CseIBGio-00246-00103853-00104331 gonna sit right there alright so we just Ut9CseIBGio-00247-00104332-00104535 want to take a couple minutes I'm Ut9CseIBGio-00248-00104536-00104706 probably gonna sit because I feel very Ut9CseIBGio-00249-00104707-00105049 formal standing outside the circle we Ut9CseIBGio-00250-00105050-00105277 wanted to debrief just this experience Ut9CseIBGio-00251-00105278-00105645 so I guess to start does anyone have any Ut9CseIBGio-00252-00105646-00105904 comments about what this experience was Ut9CseIBGio-00253-00105905-00106129 like for them any changes they saw from Ut9CseIBGio-00254-00106130-00106321 the time they first started in the Ut9CseIBGio-00255-00106322-00106540 circle to the space that it holds now Ut9CseIBGio-00256-00106541-00107365 any minds really short I just love the Ut9CseIBGio-00257-00107366-00107638 sense of trust being built I just love Ut9CseIBGio-00258-00107639-00107830 that sense of finding out someone Ut9CseIBGio-00259-00107831-00108178 becomes by a word or phrase the story Ut9CseIBGio-00260-00108179-00108379 begins to be built and then trust begins Ut9CseIBGio-00261-00108380-00108523 to happen and it comes out of the Ut9CseIBGio-00262-00108524-00110374 vulnerability from before that but it Ut9CseIBGio-00263-00110375-00110601 was still great it was so great exercise Ut9CseIBGio-00264-00110602-00111004 yeah I just had two things um one I Ut9CseIBGio-00265-00111005-00111229 loved the fact that you made us slow Ut9CseIBGio-00266-00111230-00111400 down a little bit and I really Ut9CseIBGio-00267-00111401-00111664 appreciate that moment even as someone Ut9CseIBGio-00268-00111665-00111783 that was watching maybe I wasn't Ut9CseIBGio-00269-00111784-00111933 necessarily participating but to be able Ut9CseIBGio-00270-00111934-00112246 to watch and witness to people connect Ut9CseIBGio-00271-00112247-00112465 that was beautiful and then also I think Ut9CseIBGio-00272-00112466-00112873 for me it reminded me again I had this Ut9CseIBGio-00273-00112874-00113170 beautiful experience when I went to Ut9CseIBGio-00274-00113171-00113476 India and I realized the power of just Ut9CseIBGio-00275-00113477-00113794 eye contact in human contact that I felt Ut9CseIBGio-00276-00113795-00114019 so close to a group of artists who Ut9CseIBGio-00277-00114020-00114148 didn't speak my language and I didn't Ut9CseIBGio-00278-00114149-00114271 speak their language and so this Ut9CseIBGio-00279-00114272-00114448 exercise just reminded me of that moment Ut9CseIBGio-00280-00114449-00114759 of going back to like just being present Ut9CseIBGio-00281-00114760-00115440 and slowing down so thank you Ut9CseIBGio-00282-00115441-00115723 it was notable to me that I'm very Ut9CseIBGio-00283-00115724-00115963 accustomed to playing these games with Ut9CseIBGio-00284-00115964-00116104 my students but I forget what it's like Ut9CseIBGio-00285-00116105-00116800 to be on the other side sometimes I feel Ut9CseIBGio-00286-00116801-00117193 more awake and just like I I think that Ut9CseIBGio-00287-00117194-00117751 the levelling up we were able to just Ut9CseIBGio-00288-00117752-00117955 keep moving through it moving through it Ut9CseIBGio-00289-00117956-00118273 and kind of caught in the opportunity to Ut9CseIBGio-00290-00118274-00118689 be vulnerable which was appreciate it Ut9CseIBGio-00291-00118690-00118939 yeah just going off of the vulnerability Ut9CseIBGio-00292-00118940-00119179 it was surprising to me how vulnerable I Ut9CseIBGio-00293-00119180-00119353 felt in the circle I think that like Ut9CseIBGio-00294-00119354-00119521 it's a good reminder for like when we do Ut9CseIBGio-00295-00119522-00119683 these games with students that that's Ut9CseIBGio-00296-00119683-00120706 probably how they're feeling - yeah I'm Ut9CseIBGio-00297-00120707-00120970 the vulnerability thing because I feel Ut9CseIBGio-00298-00120971-00121171 like I'm most of the time feel pretty Ut9CseIBGio-00299-00121172-00121567 brave but that one about the parents Ut9CseIBGio-00300-00121568-00121744 both parents being dead and there was Ut9CseIBGio-00301-00121745-00121897 only like a couple people that stood up Ut9CseIBGio-00302-00121898-00122034 and I was like okay if there's not gonna Ut9CseIBGio-00303-00122035-00122203 be a chair for me after this that's Ut9CseIBGio-00304-00122204-00122413 gonna be really hard and it just made me Ut9CseIBGio-00305-00122414-00122653 think about students in a similar Ut9CseIBGio-00306-00122654-00123060 situation that may be in that great Ut9CseIBGio-00307-00123061-00123427 thank you yeah we hope that I mean we Ut9CseIBGio-00308-00123428-00123598 can see the shift from when we first Ut9CseIBGio-00309-00123599-00123810 came or like what's going on we all get Ut9CseIBGio-00310-00123811-00123973 an opportunity to really speak our name Ut9CseIBGio-00311-00123974-00124246 into the circle to have a voice in the Ut9CseIBGio-00312-00124247-00124441 space and really collaborate and create Ut9CseIBGio-00313-00124442-00124693 what this space is going to be which in Ut9CseIBGio-00314-00124694-00124948 turn makes it safe to be vulnerable or Ut9CseIBGio-00315-00124949-00125146 feel like oh we're all in this together Ut9CseIBGio-00316-00125147-00125406 so I can also step up and be vulnerable Ut9CseIBGio-00317-00125407-00125656 and that was just with you know at a Ut9CseIBGio-00318-00125657-00125893 traditional theater game that we all are Ut9CseIBGio-00319-00125894-00126088 very accustomed to playing with just Ut9CseIBGio-00320-00126089-00126382 some adaptations so I think we are going Ut9CseIBGio-00321-00126383-00126724 to shift over here so we can move on and Ut9CseIBGio-00322-00126725-00126973 talk about trauma and the rest of the Ut9CseIBGio-00323-00126974-00127138 presentation thank you so much for Ut9CseIBGio-00324-00127139-00127195 playing Ut9CseIBGio-00325-00127196-00127465 oh yes and please take your packets that Ut9CseIBGio-00327-00133171-00133522 okay alright so we're gonna I know Ut9CseIBGio-00328-00133523-00133672 everyone's still getting settled but we Ut9CseIBGio-00329-00133673-00133864 want to make sure we use all of our time Ut9CseIBGio-00330-00133865-00134041 because we have a lot of good stuff to Ut9CseIBGio-00331-00134042-00134638 talk about so so first anytime we're Ut9CseIBGio-00332-00134639-00134758 talking about trauma we need to Ut9CseIBGio-00333-00134759-00135079 understand what it is there's some Ut9CseIBGio-00334-00135080-00135298 misconceptions around what trauma is and Ut9CseIBGio-00335-00135299-00135556 so we want to just dive into really what Ut9CseIBGio-00336-00135557-00135877 that is as performers we're taught Ut9CseIBGio-00337-00135878-00136081 through classes and schooling that Ut9CseIBGio-00338-00136082-00136495 behavior is communication that as acting Ut9CseIBGio-00339-00136496-00136714 we learn that acting is reacting right Ut9CseIBGio-00340-00136715-00136950 it's all in the behavior in the play and Ut9CseIBGio-00341-00136951-00137316 we also know that there's a lot of Ut9CseIBGio-00342-00137317-00137509 characters behaviors if we're referring Ut9CseIBGio-00343-00137510-00137818 to a play or a piece of text that their Ut9CseIBGio-00344-00137819-00137991 behavior that we may be witnessing Ut9CseIBGio-00345-00137992-00138235 cannot be understood just from Ut9CseIBGio-00346-00138236-00138397 externally looking we got to dive a Ut9CseIBGio-00347-00138398-00138591 little deeper to that subtext to that Ut9CseIBGio-00348-00138592-00138778 backstory to the emotions and things Ut9CseIBGio-00349-00138779-00139006 that are kind of motivating them to Ut9CseIBGio-00350-00139007-00139252 behave in such a way and what that Ut9CseIBGio-00351-00139253-00139522 behavior is trying to say so remembering Ut9CseIBGio-00352-00139523-00139765 that always behavior is communication Ut9CseIBGio-00353-00139766-00140158 right and so when we look at trauma just Ut9CseIBGio-00354-00140159-00140494 a blanket definition for trauma is that Ut9CseIBGio-00355-00140495-00140766 trauma is the freezing and storage of Ut9CseIBGio-00356-00140767-00141052 unresolved emotions triggered by an Ut9CseIBGio-00357-00141053-00141337 adverse event so it's important to note Ut9CseIBGio-00358-00141338-00141579 that trauma isn't the actual event it's Ut9CseIBGio-00359-00141580-00141790 the emotional reaction to the event Ut9CseIBGio-00360-00141791-00142041 that's what trauma is and so what that's Ut9CseIBGio-00361-00142042-00142294 saying is that it's your response to a Ut9CseIBGio-00362-00142295-00142522 really disturbing or distressing Ut9CseIBGio-00363-00142523-00142873 situation and so that chronic stress the Ut9CseIBGio-00364-00142874-00143077 anxiety the grief from those situations Ut9CseIBGio-00365-00143078-00143332 tend to get stored within our body Ut9CseIBGio-00366-00143333-00143725 cellular memory and trauma and something Ut9CseIBGio-00367-00143726-00143893 will speak Pamela will speak a bit more Ut9CseIBGio-00368-00143894-00144235 on a little later when trauma is stored Ut9CseIBGio-00369-00144236-00144429 in our memory it's stored as a sensory Ut9CseIBGio-00370-00144430-00144628 memory so the brain has a really hard Ut9CseIBGio-00371-00144629-00144787 time trying to understand it make sense Ut9CseIBGio-00372-00144788-00144976 because we're storytellers brains want Ut9CseIBGio-00373-00144977-00145246 to categorize things with language in Ut9CseIBGio-00374-00145247-00145399 words because it's a lot neater and Ut9CseIBGio-00375-00145400-00145687 nicer for it to understand and so trauma Ut9CseIBGio-00376-00145688-00145926 gets stuck in this very feeling sensory Ut9CseIBGio-00377-00145927-00146305 memory that's hard to put words to it Ut9CseIBGio-00378-00146306-00146452 so when we have Ut9CseIBGio-00379-00146453-00146674 drama and all of this energy kind of Ut9CseIBGio-00380-00146675-00146944 stored within our body that's when it Ut9CseIBGio-00381-00146945-00147199 can be challenging as new stimuli kind Ut9CseIBGio-00382-00147200-00147397 of enters our world and we're reacting Ut9CseIBGio-00383-00147398-00147931 with other people to be able to to keep Ut9CseIBGio-00384-00147932-00148099 up and kind of process it's kind of this Ut9CseIBGio-00385-00148100-00148246 barrier and that's where you get Ut9CseIBGio-00386-00148247-00148498 flashbacks and triggers because you're Ut9CseIBGio-00387-00148499-00148720 stuck with this energy that is stored in Ut9CseIBGio-00388-00148721-00148855 your body in a way that your brain Ut9CseIBGio-00389-00148856-00149145 doesn't know how to process it clearly Ut9CseIBGio-00390-00149146-00149416 and so really the central there's a Ut9CseIBGio-00391-00149417-00149614 central dialogue within trauma that's Ut9CseIBGio-00392-00149615-00149959 kind of this one side of wanting to hide Ut9CseIBGio-00393-00149960-00150327 and not share this really unspeakable Ut9CseIBGio-00394-00150328-00150643 unfortunate event and on the other side Ut9CseIBGio-00395-00150644-00150865 really wanting to share because that's Ut9CseIBGio-00396-00150866-00151081 how we process things we share we talk Ut9CseIBGio-00397-00151082-00151345 we put language too and so this con this Ut9CseIBGio-00398-00151346-00151609 conflict internally just creates a lot Ut9CseIBGio-00399-00151610-00151798 of dissonance and it's important to know Ut9CseIBGio-00400-00151799-00152035 that it can affect not only the person Ut9CseIBGio-00401-00152036-00152290 who has experienced the traumatic event Ut9CseIBGio-00402-00152291-00152488 but also anyone who's witnessed the Ut9CseIBGio-00403-00152489-00152698 traumatic event can feel these very same Ut9CseIBGio-00404-00152699-00153025 very real feelings from trauma and Ut9CseIBGio-00405-00153026-00153523 trauma symptoms and for a long time Ut9CseIBGio-00406-00153524-00153700 traumatic events were believed to be Ut9CseIBGio-00407-00153701-00154069 really uncommon with the DSM and for Ut9CseIBGio-00408-00154070-00154237 those who don't know that's just the Ut9CseIBGio-00409-00154238-00154495 diagnostic manual that clinicians used Ut9CseIBGio-00410-00154496-00154903 to make mental health diagnosis and it Ut9CseIBGio-00411-00154904-00155221 wasn't until 1980 that PTSD was even put Ut9CseIBGio-00412-00155222-00155485 within that book up until that point Ut9CseIBGio-00413-00155486-00155647 clinicians would classify these Ut9CseIBGio-00414-00155648-00155992 traumatic events as just things outside Ut9CseIBGio-00415-00155993-00156454 the realm of normal life and we really Ut9CseIBGio-00416-00156455-00156748 learned that this these descriptions are Ut9CseIBGio-00417-00156749-00157081 just not accurate and Colleen will share Ut9CseIBGio-00418-00157082-00157249 more about this we get a lot of data Ut9CseIBGio-00419-00157250-00157563 from the ACE study that really showcases Ut9CseIBGio-00420-00157564-00157888 how much trauma that people in children Ut9CseIBGio-00421-00157889-00158173 specifically are experiencing so Ut9CseIBGio-00422-00158174-00158437 traumatic events are not extraordinary Ut9CseIBGio-00423-00158438-00158641 because they happen rarely they're Ut9CseIBGio-00424-00158642-00158944 extraordinary because they overwhelmed Ut9CseIBGio-00425-00158945-00159202 the ordinary human adaptations to life Ut9CseIBGio-00426-00159203-00159457 so they really confront humans with Ut9CseIBGio-00427-00159458-00159695 extremities of helplessness and tear Ut9CseIBGio-00428-00159696-00159989 and the ordinary response to fear is Ut9CseIBGio-00429-00159990-00160289 already kind of a complex system it Ut9CseIBGio-00430-00160290-00160517 arouses your sympathetic nervous system Ut9CseIBGio-00431-00160518-00160658 that's when you get the high heart rate Ut9CseIBGio-00432-00160659-00160880 you're overwhelmed you're on this high Ut9CseIBGio-00433-00160881-00161219 alert and that is kind of where you're Ut9CseIBGio-00434-00161220-00161450 stuck when you're experiencing chronic Ut9CseIBGio-00435-00161451-00161828 trauma and so threats evoke these Ut9CseIBGio-00436-00161829-00162125 intense feelings of fear and anger and Ut9CseIBGio-00437-00162126-00162305 all of these biological and chemical Ut9CseIBGio-00438-00162306-00162548 changes are there for a reason because Ut9CseIBGio-00439-00162549-00162770 they are meant to help protect you your Ut9CseIBGio-00440-00162771-00162965 brain is trying hard to protect you by Ut9CseIBGio-00441-00162966-00163160 saying like you need to do something and Ut9CseIBGio-00442-00163161-00163501 it mobilizes the person to act and so Ut9CseIBGio-00443-00163502-00163849 those symptoms are categorized in three Ut9CseIBGio-00444-00163850-00164165 areas and that's where we get the fight Ut9CseIBGio-00445-00164166-00164615 flight and freeze so hyper arousal is Ut9CseIBGio-00446-00164616-00165080 that flight mode where you're on edge Ut9CseIBGio-00447-00165081-00165380 you're always aware of what's going on Ut9CseIBGio-00448-00165381-00165596 you're ready to just kind of take off at Ut9CseIBGio-00449-00165597-00165809 a moment's notice Ut9CseIBGio-00450-00165810-00166196 intrusion is the fight mode it's a lot Ut9CseIBGio-00451-00166197-00166490 of reliving that experience over and Ut9CseIBGio-00452-00166491-00166813 over so a lot of being triggered and Ut9CseIBGio-00453-00166814-00167078 even within your present moment where Ut9CseIBGio-00454-00167079-00167347 you may be safe but you're still being Ut9CseIBGio-00455-00167348-00167843 triggered and reliving those events and Ut9CseIBGio-00456-00167844-00168185 then constriction and so constriction is Ut9CseIBGio-00457-00168186-00168479 feeling so powerful that your system of Ut9CseIBGio-00458-00168480-00168665 self defense actually shuts down Ut9CseIBGio-00459-00168666-00168863 completely and that's where we get the Ut9CseIBGio-00460-00168864-00169214 freeze and so it allows the person to Ut9CseIBGio-00461-00169215-00169520 escape not by action but by alter a tape Ut9CseIBGio-00462-00169521-00169835 by changing their state of consciousness Ut9CseIBGio-00463-00169836-00170108 so they're just kind of stuck without Ut9CseIBGio-00464-00170109-00170458 action or anything so in the classroom Ut9CseIBGio-00465-00170459-00170783 we we see symptoms of trauma play out a Ut9CseIBGio-00466-00170784-00171062 lot in many different ways and I know Ut9CseIBGio-00467-00171063-00171383 for us we can have students who share Ut9CseIBGio-00468-00171384-00171647 personal trauma experiences with us Ut9CseIBGio-00469-00171648-00172046 through writing or theater exercises but Ut9CseIBGio-00470-00172047-00172196 more often than not it's a lot of Ut9CseIBGio-00471-00172197-00172511 behavior because again the brain doesn't Ut9CseIBGio-00472-00172512-00172772 have a language to put to this this Ut9CseIBGio-00473-00172773-00173009 event especially with children who Ut9CseIBGio-00474-00173010-00173090 aren't Ut9CseIBGio-00475-00173091-00173264 mentally at a place where their language Ut9CseIBGio-00476-00173265-00173498 is fully kind of developed and processed Ut9CseIBGio-00477-00173499-00173789 to be able to even find words to Ut9CseIBGio-00478-00173790-00174017 describe what they've been through so Ut9CseIBGio-00479-00174018-00174260 just some examples of what these Ut9CseIBGio-00480-00174261-00174559 behaviors can look like it's a lot of Ut9CseIBGio-00481-00174560-00174905 students struggling to focus for a long Ut9CseIBGio-00482-00174906-00175310 period of time its students who fight Ut9CseIBGio-00483-00175311-00175616 for no apparent reason I mean yelling Ut9CseIBGio-00484-00175617-00175820 screaming or just start physically Ut9CseIBGio-00485-00175821-00176054 fighting for no reason that we can Ut9CseIBGio-00486-00176055-00176453 really understand and then it's also Ut9CseIBGio-00487-00176454-00176678 students and I think this one is one Ut9CseIBGio-00488-00176679-00176834 that's important because we focus a lot Ut9CseIBGio-00489-00176835-00177044 on the extreme behaviors that kind of Ut9CseIBGio-00490-00177045-00177299 create the chaos but the students who Ut9CseIBGio-00491-00177300-00177608 are very quiet and distant and Ut9CseIBGio-00492-00177609-00177842 withdrawal and isolated like those are Ut9CseIBGio-00493-00177843-00178028 also very important to look in even Ut9CseIBGio-00494-00178029-00178196 though they don't create havoc in your Ut9CseIBGio-00495-00178197-00178592 class they're still showcasing the same Ut9CseIBGio-00496-00178593-00178958 intensity of experiences but just in a Ut9CseIBGio-00497-00178959-00179197 very different way so it's important to Ut9CseIBGio-00498-00179198-00179504 check in on those students and Ut9CseIBGio-00499-00179505-00179632 [Music] Ut9CseIBGio-00500-00179633-00179810 traditionally we will look at these Ut9CseIBGio-00501-00179811-00180038 students and label them you know Ut9CseIBGio-00502-00180039-00180149 problem-child Ut9CseIBGio-00503-00180150-00180404 or behavioral issues or whatever we want Ut9CseIBGio-00504-00180405-00180881 to call and we want to raise our voice Ut9CseIBGio-00505-00180882-00181067 we want to reinstate the order because Ut9CseIBGio-00506-00181068-00181352 it makes our jobs as educators a lot Ut9CseIBGio-00507-00181353-00181544 easier when the class runs how we plan Ut9CseIBGio-00508-00181545-00181874 it to run right and so we we tend to get Ut9CseIBGio-00509-00181875-00182144 into this compliance center especially Ut9CseIBGio-00510-00182145-00182384 that we see in our school systems and Ut9CseIBGio-00511-00182385-00182573 it's very punitive and it's very Ut9CseIBGio-00512-00182574-00182783 compliance centered and that's a very Ut9CseIBGio-00513-00182784-00183005 centered approach as adults and Ut9CseIBGio-00514-00183006-00183314 educators and so knowing that trauma is Ut9CseIBGio-00515-00183315-00183503 so prevalent and knowing that these Ut9CseIBGio-00516-00183504-00183743 symptoms are very persistent Ut9CseIBGio-00517-00183744-00183968 we know that we have to turn to Ut9CseIBGio-00518-00183969-00184205 trauma-informed practices in order to Ut9CseIBGio-00519-00184206-00184424 meet the children and the students where Ut9CseIBGio-00520-00184425-00184745 they are and to help direct our methods Ut9CseIBGio-00521-00184746-00185099 in the classroom and so briefly and Ut9CseIBGio-00522-00185100-00185273 we'll come back to a little later just Ut9CseIBGio-00523-00185274-00185507 introducing trauma-informed care and Ut9CseIBGio-00524-00185508-00185738 there is a worksheet it's like a three Ut9CseIBGio-00525-00185739-00186023 circle graph there that just breaks down Ut9CseIBGio-00526-00186024-00186224 the three main components of Ut9CseIBGio-00527-00186225-00186476 trauma-informed care which Ut9CseIBGio-00528-00186477-00186656 our safe environment building Ut9CseIBGio-00529-00186657-00186851 relationships and then teaching Ut9CseIBGio-00530-00186852-00187190 emotional regulation and so these are Ut9CseIBGio-00531-00187191-00187628 really important when trying to shift a Ut9CseIBGio-00532-00187629-00187862 class or a program to be trauma-informed Ut9CseIBGio-00533-00187863-00188222 and the first and key part of that is Ut9CseIBGio-00534-00188223-00188447 the safe environment and safe Ut9CseIBGio-00535-00188448-00188792 environment and it's just important to Ut9CseIBGio-00536-00188793-00188969 note that until there is a safe Ut9CseIBGio-00537-00188970-00189272 environment established no other work Ut9CseIBGio-00538-00189273-00189491 can be done no other things can be Ut9CseIBGio-00539-00189492-00189707 processed which is why even in our Ut9CseIBGio-00540-00189708-00189866 circle you could kind of see that we Ut9CseIBGio-00541-00189867-00190127 slowly built up to create a slightly Ut9CseIBGio-00542-00190128-00190358 safer we know each other a little bit Ut9CseIBGio-00543-00190359-00190715 more we're building that so that we can Ut9CseIBGio-00544-00190716-00190859 feel more comfortable to be vulnerable Ut9CseIBGio-00545-00190860-00191117 and our students need the same thing Ut9CseIBGio-00546-00191118-00191288 because trauma really Rob's an Ut9CseIBGio-00547-00191289-00191534 individual of their sense of power and Ut9CseIBGio-00548-00191535-00191795 control and so we need to help them Ut9CseIBGio-00549-00191796-00192067 re-establish that power and control and Ut9CseIBGio-00550-00192068-00192407 this can be different it's hard to come Ut9CseIBGio-00551-00192408-00192575 in and say that we've created a safe Ut9CseIBGio-00552-00192576-00192824 environment and maybe not see the Ut9CseIBGio-00553-00192825-00193031 rewards of that as quickly as we would Ut9CseIBGio-00554-00193032-00193220 like to as educators but just Ut9CseIBGio-00555-00193221-00193391 understanding that for a child who's Ut9CseIBGio-00556-00193392-00193687 maybe experienced more acute trauma that Ut9CseIBGio-00557-00193688-00193934 that could take days to weeks but Ut9CseIBGio-00558-00193935-00194084 someone who has experienced chronic Ut9CseIBGio-00559-00194085-00194432 trauma that can take months years it's a Ut9CseIBGio-00560-00194433-00194663 lot of rebuilding of that trust and Ut9CseIBGio-00561-00194664-00194963 understanding that they can be safe and Ut9CseIBGio-00562-00194964-00195230 processing all that their body and brain Ut9CseIBGio-00563-00195231-00195428 are kind of telling them is going on Ut9CseIBGio-00564-00195429-00195869 that's not really happening there's a Ut9CseIBGio-00565-00195870-00196109 lot of research that shows the impact Ut9CseIBGio-00566-00196110-00196331 trauma has on brain and development and Ut9CseIBGio-00567-00196332-00196586 one major way that we know trauma Ut9CseIBGio-00568-00196587-00196745 impacts the brain is with Ut9CseIBGio-00569-00196746-00197036 self-regulation so when we're young our Ut9CseIBGio-00570-00197037-00197333 brains create these neuro pathways that Ut9CseIBGio-00571-00197334-00197576 develop and that's how we are able to Ut9CseIBGio-00572-00197577-00197753 self-regulate so it's a learned behavior Ut9CseIBGio-00573-00197754-00198098 so without these pathways developing we Ut9CseIBGio-00574-00198099-00198404 cannot be expected to self-regulate and Ut9CseIBGio-00575-00198405-00198614 so those students who have experienced Ut9CseIBGio-00576-00198615-00198989 trauma at a younger age and maybe didn't Ut9CseIBGio-00577-00198990-00199135 have somebody to model that Ut9CseIBGio-00578-00199136-00199397 self-regulation they are not capable Ut9CseIBGio-00579-00199398-00199649 they don't have the tools yet just on a Ut9CseIBGio-00580-00199650-00199823 developmental level Ut9CseIBGio-00581-00199824-00200168 let alone a skill level and so the good Ut9CseIBGio-00582-00200169-00200452 news is when the trauma impacts the Ut9CseIBGio-00583-00200453-00200585 brain we know that the brain is really Ut9CseIBGio-00584-00200586-00200768 malleable and that can be changed over Ut9CseIBGio-00585-00200769-00200969 time but we know that it's going to take Ut9CseIBGio-00586-00200970-00201286 a lot of repetition and practice and it Ut9CseIBGio-00587-00201287-00201473 needs to happen in a safe environment in Ut9CseIBGio-00588-00201474-00201748 order for them to master those skills Ut9CseIBGio-00589-00201749-00202043 and to learn to self-regulate their Ut9CseIBGio-00590-00202044-00202252 behaviors and emotions and attentions Ut9CseIBGio-00591-00202253-00202537 and the last part with the relationship Ut9CseIBGio-00592-00202538-00202876 building we know that people who have Ut9CseIBGio-00593-00202877-00203062 experienced trauma tend to feel very Ut9CseIBGio-00594-00203063-00203297 isolated whether that's in regards to Ut9CseIBGio-00595-00203298-00203519 just feeling kind of ashamed of what Ut9CseIBGio-00596-00203520-00203686 they've been through again that that Ut9CseIBGio-00597-00203687-00203972 dialogue of like wanting to hide the Ut9CseIBGio-00598-00203973-00204160 really unspeakable thing and not share Ut9CseIBGio-00599-00204161-00204548 it out and also living in a lot of fear Ut9CseIBGio-00600-00204549-00204763 that disconnects them from wanting to Ut9CseIBGio-00601-00204764-00205103 have relationship with people or feel Ut9CseIBGio-00602-00205104-00205282 like they could trust people in the Ut9CseIBGio-00603-00205283-00205573 first place and so those relationships Ut9CseIBGio-00604-00205575-00205751 and being able to practice those Ut9CseIBGio-00605-00205752-00205948 relationships with a safe person are Ut9CseIBGio-00606-00205950-00206089 really important and we'll talk a little Ut9CseIBGio-00607-00206090-00206371 bit more about how we can do that later Ut9CseIBGio-00608-00206373-00206671 on but for right now I'm gonna turn it Ut9CseIBGio-00609-00206673-00206934 over to Pamela who will speak about how Ut9CseIBGio-00610-00206935-00208165 trauma impacts memory great so there are Ut9CseIBGio-00611-00208166-00208438 two different kinds of memory one is Ut9CseIBGio-00612-00208439-00208657 implicit memory and this is the memory Ut9CseIBGio-00613-00208658-00208864 that has no awareness of language Ut9CseIBGio-00614-00208865-00209194 regarding how that memory exists it's Ut9CseIBGio-00615-00209196-00209402 like learning how to ride a bike once Ut9CseIBGio-00616-00209403-00209638 you learn you just know how to do it so Ut9CseIBGio-00617-00209639-00209758 every time you get on that bike you Ut9CseIBGio-00618-00209759-00209929 don't really have to think about riding Ut9CseIBGio-00619-00209930-00210221 the bike you can just ride the other one Ut9CseIBGio-00620-00210221-00210503 is explicit memory and it involves the Ut9CseIBGio-00621-00210504-00210748 conscious recognition like the story Ut9CseIBGio-00622-00210750-00211003 around how you learned to ride that bike Ut9CseIBGio-00623-00211004-00211301 so my story is my dad taught me with Ut9CseIBGio-00624-00211302-00211487 Seth when I was seven and he sort of Ut9CseIBGio-00625-00211488-00211673 held onto the back of that seat and ran Ut9CseIBGio-00626-00211673-00211919 behind me right until I could do it Ut9CseIBGio-00627-00211919-00212198 without the training wheels so these two Ut9CseIBGio-00628-00212198-00212471 types of memories are like train tracks Ut9CseIBGio-00629-00212471-00212707 running alongside each other from the Ut9CseIBGio-00630-00212708-00212939 base of the brainstem moving up through Ut9CseIBGio-00631-00212940-00213140 the amygdala process in the hip Ut9CseIBGio-00632-00213141-00213428 campus and then into that that cortex Ut9CseIBGio-00633-00213429-00213844 area and human-beings are storytellers Ut9CseIBGio-00634-00213846-00214184 as well so as we we have this need to Ut9CseIBGio-00635-00214185-00214442 fill in that missing information about Ut9CseIBGio-00636-00214442-00214709 those memories and it's a fundamental Ut9CseIBGio-00637-00214710-00214973 need to develop a narrative that is Ut9CseIBGio-00638-00214973-00215288 consistent with ourselves so I know my Ut9CseIBGio-00639-00215289-00215528 dad really loved me so he ran miles Ut9CseIBGio-00640-00215529-00215726 behind me right he was gonna do whatever Ut9CseIBGio-00641-00215727-00215998 it took to get me ride that bike that Ut9CseIBGio-00642-00216000-00216284 might not be the true man you know what Ut9CseIBGio-00643-00216285-00216580 happened but my memory says that it is Ut9CseIBGio-00644-00216581-00217001 so trauma can interfere with how that Ut9CseIBGio-00645-00217002-00217283 memory system works so a traumatic Ut9CseIBGio-00646-00217284-00217519 incident perhaps like getting hit while Ut9CseIBGio-00647-00217521-00217848 I was riding that bike by a car creates Ut9CseIBGio-00648-00217850-00218141 something like a flashbulb memory where Ut9CseIBGio-00649-00218142-00218336 the implicit and explicit memory Ut9CseIBGio-00650-00218337-00218501 traveled together through the brain and Ut9CseIBGio-00651-00218502-00218717 sere the feelings in the language right Ut9CseIBGio-00652-00218717-00219029 there together at your cortex this might Ut9CseIBGio-00653-00219030-00219233 cause a problem like I might close my Ut9CseIBGio-00654-00219234-00219488 eyes and see that accident over and over Ut9CseIBGio-00655-00219489-00219755 again or I have nightmares about it and Ut9CseIBGio-00656-00219756-00220028 I have to sort of work through in a Ut9CseIBGio-00657-00220029-00220469 relaxed state how I can be safe that Ut9CseIBGio-00658-00220469-00220628 like I'm not gonna get hit again and Ut9CseIBGio-00659-00220629-00220727 again and again that's not really Ut9CseIBGio-00660-00220728-00220961 happening to me even though my whole Ut9CseIBGio-00661-00220962-00221177 body has all of those same things Ut9CseIBGio-00662-00221178-00221378 happened when I close my eyes and Ut9CseIBGio-00663-00221379-00221623 picture that but then there's another Ut9CseIBGio-00664-00221625-00222014 kind of trauma so chronic trauma so what Ut9CseIBGio-00665-00222015-00222254 if I when I ride my bike to school every Ut9CseIBGio-00666-00222255-00222476 day I ride through a very dangerous Ut9CseIBGio-00667-00222477-00222704 neighborhood from my home to my school Ut9CseIBGio-00668-00222705-00223025 and I witnessed a number of violent or Ut9CseIBGio-00669-00223026-00223229 unsavory events as I'm going Ut9CseIBGio-00670-00223230-00223478 so that trauma is there every day and Ut9CseIBGio-00671-00223479-00223808 I'm experiencing over and over again so Ut9CseIBGio-00672-00223809-00224114 now what's happening is my while I'm Ut9CseIBGio-00673-00224115-00224351 trying to process all of that my Ut9CseIBGio-00674-00224352-00224657 amygdala is on like that overload it's Ut9CseIBGio-00675-00224658-00224876 living in that fight-or-flight over and Ut9CseIBGio-00676-00224877-00225152 over and over again so as those train Ut9CseIBGio-00677-00225153-00225407 tracks of memories try and go through my Ut9CseIBGio-00678-00225408-00225602 hippocampus they can't get processed Ut9CseIBGio-00679-00225603-00225929 correctly so in children who experience Ut9CseIBGio-00680-00225930-00226205 a lot of chronic trauma they're actually Ut9CseIBGio-00681-00226206-00226335 their hippocampus region Ut9CseIBGio-00682-00226336-00226635 develops its its larger than children Ut9CseIBGio-00683-00226636-00226827 who are not experienced a lot of chronic Ut9CseIBGio-00684-00226828-00227058 trauma but their frontal cortex doesn't Ut9CseIBGio-00685-00227059-00227321 develop as much because that amygdala is Ut9CseIBGio-00686-00227323-00227676 sending up so much you know information Ut9CseIBGio-00687-00227677-00227904 there that it can't process and then Ut9CseIBGio-00688-00227905-00228075 those train tracks go Ut9CseIBGio-00689-00228076-00228306 they sideways right so they're not Ut9CseIBGio-00690-00228307-00228642 parallel anymore and what happens is I Ut9CseIBGio-00691-00228642-00228903 have that fear of having to ride that Ut9CseIBGio-00692-00228904-00229029 that bike through that neighborhood Ut9CseIBGio-00693-00229030-00229191 every day but I no longer have the Ut9CseIBGio-00694-00229192-00229446 language to go along with what that Ut9CseIBGio-00695-00229446-00229755 story is to get there and then because I Ut9CseIBGio-00696-00229756-00230013 don't have the language I I'm having Ut9CseIBGio-00697-00230014-00230331 difficulty processing that so what it Ut9CseIBGio-00698-00230332-00230760 does is it starts to disorganize my Ut9CseIBGio-00699-00230761-00230931 memories so I'm there they're not Ut9CseIBGio-00700-00230932-00231165 they're not in a parallel track anymore Ut9CseIBGio-00701-00231166-00231366 I get little bursts of things I'm Ut9CseIBGio-00702-00231367-00231933 struggling now with a persistent fear my Ut9CseIBGio-00703-00231934-00232179 neuron pathways are starting to break Ut9CseIBGio-00704-00232180-00232448 down and I start overreacting to things Ut9CseIBGio-00705-00232450-00232683 that are non-threatening because I spend Ut9CseIBGio-00706-00232684-00232944 every day riding that bike over and over Ut9CseIBGio-00707-00232944-00233235 again and now I can't call everything is Ut9CseIBGio-00708-00233236-00233391 a threat to me now Ut9CseIBGio-00709-00233392-00233613 not just the bike in the car right now Ut9CseIBGio-00710-00233614-00233934 everything feels threatening my Ut9CseIBGio-00711-00233935-00234159 emotional attachment is disrupted and Ut9CseIBGio-00712-00234160-00234375 I'm confused because I no longer have Ut9CseIBGio-00713-00234376-00234708 the narrative about how I can feel safe Ut9CseIBGio-00714-00234709-00235038 and it actually disrupts my ability to Ut9CseIBGio-00715-00235039-00235530 learn so it's not our job as theatre Ut9CseIBGio-00716-00235531-00236001 educators to help the child create put Ut9CseIBGio-00717-00236002-00236190 their own narratives back together right Ut9CseIBGio-00718-00236191-00236487 that's for a child psychiatrist so what Ut9CseIBGio-00719-00236488-00236642 we want to do is write those train Ut9CseIBGio-00720-00236644-00236892 tracks again but we can't do it by Ut9CseIBGio-00721-00236892-00237096 saying okay let's sit down and talk Ut9CseIBGio-00722-00237096-00237221 about your ride to school Ut9CseIBGio-00723-00237223-00237426 let's try and piece that story back Ut9CseIBGio-00724-00237427-00237681 together like we're not trained to do Ut9CseIBGio-00725-00237682-00237888 that so that's not our job but what we Ut9CseIBGio-00726-00237889-00238155 can do as theatre artists is start Ut9CseIBGio-00727-00238156-00238458 giving them narratives again help them Ut9CseIBGio-00728-00238459-00238785 with some some narrative pieces so even Ut9CseIBGio-00729-00238786-00239010 if it's not their story it's a story Ut9CseIBGio-00730-00239011-00239301 that might feel similar to them it might Ut9CseIBGio-00731-00239302-00239502 help take some of those little bits in Ut9CseIBGio-00732-00239503-00239580 pieces Ut9CseIBGio-00733-00239581-00239802 and dissociated pieces of memory and Ut9CseIBGio-00734-00239803-00240071 give them a longer story and teach them Ut9CseIBGio-00735-00240073-00240279 how to take those little pieces of Ut9CseIBGio-00736-00240280-00240513 memories and bill and try and put their Ut9CseIBGio-00737-00240514-00240746 own stories back together so I'm going Ut9CseIBGio-00738-00240748-00241083 to invite Colleen up for a moment one of Ut9CseIBGio-00739-00241084-00241290 the things we've done is commissioned a Ut9CseIBGio-00740-00241291-00241731 number of monologues that we share with Ut9CseIBGio-00741-00241732-00241962 our sixth through eighth grade students Ut9CseIBGio-00742-00241963-00242144 and Colleen is going to share one of Ut9CseIBGio-00743-00242146-00242367 those monologues written by George Ut9CseIBGio-00744-00242367-00244356 brands sari suitcase stuffed with Ut9CseIBGio-00745-00244357-00244671 Coast's a couple of kitchen chairs trash Ut9CseIBGio-00746-00244671-00244944 bag full of soap Christmas cards and a Ut9CseIBGio-00747-00244944-00245258 space heater all sitting out on the curb Ut9CseIBGio-00748-00245259-00245490 all of it just sitting in the snow on a Ut9CseIBGio-00749-00245491-00245853 curb where they left it landlords crew Ut9CseIBGio-00750-00245854-00246084 came and moved it today they changed the Ut9CseIBGio-00751-00246085-00246435 locks on me I know some of them I mean Ut9CseIBGio-00752-00246436-00246594 we recognize each other but it was like Ut9CseIBGio-00753-00246594-00246767 we had this deal I just pretended I was Ut9CseIBGio-00754-00246769-00247059 somebody else and so did they they Ut9CseIBGio-00755-00247060-00247257 needed the money I suppose you know we Ut9CseIBGio-00756-00247258-00247536 all need the money they're gone now and Ut9CseIBGio-00757-00247537-00248027 it's just me and my house on occur I Ut9CseIBGio-00758-00248028-00248184 can't do it again Ut9CseIBGio-00759-00248185-00248598 I can't not drag my junk around and Ut9CseIBGio-00760-00248598-00248823 chime look for someplace smaller and Ut9CseIBGio-00761-00248823-00248991 cheaper I just I don't think I have it Ut9CseIBGio-00762-00248992-00249246 in me to do it again I just sit in one Ut9CseIBGio-00763-00249246-00249615 of my kitchen chairs sitting Shiva for a Ut9CseIBGio-00764-00249616-00249792 minute and just stare at my house on the Ut9CseIBGio-00765-00249792-00250239 curb stare at my house on the curb for Ut9CseIBGio-00766-00250240-00250625 the garbage man come and take it away Ut9CseIBGio-00767-00250626-00250860 just staring at that space heater I Ut9CseIBGio-00768-00250861-00251048 can't stop staring at the space heater a Ut9CseIBGio-00769-00251050-00251304 space heater sitting out on the curb now Ut9CseIBGio-00770-00251305-00251577 where am I gonna plug it in how's it Ut9CseIBGio-00771-00251578-00251859 gonna heat up the whole outside how's it Ut9CseIBGio-00772-00251860-00252373 gonna heat up my world Ut9CseIBGio-00773-00252373-00252820 [Applause] Ut9CseIBGio-00774-00252821-00253148 so we'll show that monologue to students Ut9CseIBGio-00775-00253149-00253268 and then I'm just gonna walk you through Ut9CseIBGio-00776-00253269-00253502 the process so the playwright didn't Ut9CseIBGio-00777-00253503-00253697 give that character a name but let's go Ut9CseIBGio-00778-00253698-00253863 ahead and name her who'd like to name Ut9CseIBGio-00779-00253864-00254530 her yeah Ut9CseIBGio-00780-00254531-00254862 Diane good what's the first part of Ut9CseIBGio-00781-00254863-00254978 Diane's story Ut9CseIBGio-00782-00254979-00255457 what's the beginning that we heard Ut9CseIBGio-00783-00255458-00255977 suitcase what about that suitcase so Ut9CseIBGio-00784-00255978-00256247 she's moving she's moving what's the Ut9CseIBGio-00785-00256248-00256887 middle part of that story what's going Ut9CseIBGio-00786-00256888-00257555 on in the middle of Diane's story Ut9CseIBGio-00787-00257556-00257873 yeah yeah she knows the people who were Ut9CseIBGio-00788-00257873-00258098 locking her out to those people does she Ut9CseIBGio-00789-00258098-00258257 acknowledge the people and did they in Ut9CseIBGio-00790-00258258-00258671 rolling back no why not do you think she Ut9CseIBGio-00791-00258671-00259259 helps us understand they need the money Ut9CseIBGio-00792-00259260-00259406 so she's forgiving them for doing Ut9CseIBGio-00793-00259407-00259610 something terrible because she knows Ut9CseIBGio-00794-00259611-00259969 they need the money what why does Diane Ut9CseIBGio-00795-00259971-00260150 not want to recognize them or Ut9CseIBGio-00796-00260151-00260398 acknowledge them how do you she's Ut9CseIBGio-00797-00260400-00260588 embarrassed she might be feeling very Ut9CseIBGio-00798-00260589-00260773 very embarrassed that they have to move Ut9CseIBGio-00799-00260775-00260954 her out because what do we what do we Ut9CseIBGio-00800-00260955-00261217 know if she can't be in that apartment Ut9CseIBGio-00801-00261219-00261614 what has she done she wasn't able to pay Ut9CseIBGio-00802-00261615-00261812 her rent correct or that's at least what Ut9CseIBGio-00803-00261813-00262004 we assume what's the end of Diane's Ut9CseIBGio-00804-00262005-00263508 story she's waiting for what Ut9CseIBGio-00805-00263509-00264255 mm-hmm mm-hmm she's feeling lost Ut9CseIBGio-00806-00264256-00264858 somebody else she feels like she's run Ut9CseIBGio-00807-00264859-00264945 out of options Ut9CseIBGio-00808-00264946-00265173 we know she's done it before right Ut9CseIBGio-00809-00265174-00265359 because she talks about how I can't do Ut9CseIBGio-00810-00265360-00265833 it again so we know she's resilient know Ut9CseIBGio-00811-00265834-00266219 where to plug in her space heater right Ut9CseIBGio-00812-00266220-00266621 right she's worried about being cold Ut9CseIBGio-00813-00266622-00266883 she might have kids I don't know as if Ut9CseIBGio-00814-00266884-00267134 she she referenced them in the context Ut9CseIBGio-00815-00267135-00267459 great if we were to write a little Ut9CseIBGio-00816-00267460-00267723 monologue for Diane that happened right Ut9CseIBGio-00817-00267724-00267930 before we just met her what would that Ut9CseIBGio-00818-00267931-00268671 monologue reference do you think maybe Ut9CseIBGio-00819-00268672-00268888 she's worried maybe it's a monologue Ut9CseIBGio-00820-00268889-00269160 about her worried that she can't that Ut9CseIBGio-00821-00269161-00269505 she can't pay her rent excellent if we Ut9CseIBGio-00822-00269506-00269812 were to write a monologue right after we Ut9CseIBGio-00823-00269813-00269976 leave Diane what do you think would Ut9CseIBGio-00824-00269977-00270766 happen what's in that monologue somebody Ut9CseIBGio-00825-00270767-00270906 might come up to her and what happens Ut9CseIBGio-00826-00270907-00271322 when that when that someone comes up Ut9CseIBGio-00827-00271323-00271533 mm-hmm do you think that they'll help Ut9CseIBGio-00828-00271534-00272130 her they're attempting to help her do Ut9CseIBGio-00829-00272131-00272322 you think that Diane sits on that curb Ut9CseIBGio-00830-00272323-00272466 forever and ever Ut9CseIBGio-00831-00272467-00273170 no cuz what's in what what is Diane Ut9CseIBGio-00832-00273171-00273733 exactly Ut9CseIBGio-00833-00273734-00274775 great that's one of the teaching tools Ut9CseIBGio-00834-00274776-00275030 we use in our program and it's touching Ut9CseIBGio-00835-00275031-00275393 because it allows us to and it allows Ut9CseIBGio-00836-00275394-00275651 our students to help us tell stories Ut9CseIBGio-00837-00275652-00275849 that they don't necessarily directly Ut9CseIBGio-00838-00275850-00276023 relate to but it gives them an emotional Ut9CseIBGio-00839-00276024-00276242 distance to be able to share what they Ut9CseIBGio-00840-00276243-00276572 want to to be able to empathize or Ut9CseIBGio-00841-00276573-00276797 sympathise with their peers because when Ut9CseIBGio-00842-00276798-00277082 you're 10 or 11 going through an Ut9CseIBGio-00843-00277083-00277265 experience like that or watching your Ut9CseIBGio-00844-00277266-00277598 parents go through it it always Ut9CseIBGio-00845-00277599-00277829 surprises me how alone they feel and Ut9CseIBGio-00846-00277830-00278108 then they get into a room with half the Ut9CseIBGio-00847-00278109-00278336 people might be familiar or have had a Ut9CseIBGio-00848-00278337-00278561 similar experience and then all of a Ut9CseIBGio-00849-00278562-00278750 sudden there's this kind of breath they Ut9CseIBGio-00850-00278751-00278903 get to take it's interesting to watch Ut9CseIBGio-00851-00278904-00279182 children do that and feel a little bit Ut9CseIBGio-00852-00279183-00279323 more comfortable to be a little bit more Ut9CseIBGio-00853-00279324-00279485 free even if for just that moment in Ut9CseIBGio-00854-00279486-00279713 that space talking about that particular Ut9CseIBGio-00855-00279714-00280064 topic and so instances like that and the Ut9CseIBGio-00856-00280065-00280214 reason why we commissioned writers and Ut9CseIBGio-00857-00280215-00280394 we gave them a list of topics that came Ut9CseIBGio-00858-00280395-00280697 from our students is because as we went Ut9CseIBGio-00859-00280698-00280913 for it in our study we knew it was Ut9CseIBGio-00860-00280914-00281033 important for us to take into Ut9CseIBGio-00861-00281034-00281170 consideration adverse childhood Ut9CseIBGio-00862-00281171-00281432 experiences and so in this trauma work Ut9CseIBGio-00863-00281433-00281708 that's like buzzie everybody says it so Ut9CseIBGio-00864-00281709-00281882 just raise your hands if you have some Ut9CseIBGio-00865-00281883-00282046 familiarity with adverse childhood Ut9CseIBGio-00866-00282047-00282503 experiences great so in the interest of Ut9CseIBGio-00867-00282504-00282647 time I'm going to move swiftly through Ut9CseIBGio-00868-00282648-00282902 this piece but I just want us to talk Ut9CseIBGio-00869-00282903-00283151 about a little bit so we understand why Ut9CseIBGio-00870-00283152-00283625 we do it and how important it is okay Ut9CseIBGio-00871-00283626-00283700 great Ut9CseIBGio-00872-00283701-00283883 in your packet there's some information Ut9CseIBGio-00873-00283884-00284111 about ever shouted experiences we won't Ut9CseIBGio-00874-00284112-00284264 talk about each sheet directly but I Ut9CseIBGio-00875-00284265-00284501 will reference them from time to time so Ut9CseIBGio-00876-00284502-00284708 Evers childhood experiences the way we Ut9CseIBGio-00877-00284709-00284966 define them now they're defined as Ut9CseIBGio-00878-00284967-00285176 stressful or traumatic events that Ut9CseIBGio-00879-00285177-00285539 children experience before age 18 such Ut9CseIBGio-00880-00285540-00285884 as violence at home neglect abuse or Ut9CseIBGio-00881-00285885-00286085 having a parent with mental illness or Ut9CseIBGio-00882-00286086-00286409 substance dependence so this study while Ut9CseIBGio-00883-00286410-00286613 it's wildly popular now is started in Ut9CseIBGio-00884-00286614-00286763 1985 and it's Ut9CseIBGio-00885-00286764-00286940 that I found really interesting there is Ut9CseIBGio-00886-00286941-00287174 a dr. Vincent Fellini who was the chief Ut9CseIBGio-00887-00287175-00287399 of Kaiser Permanente's department of Ut9CseIBGio-00888-00287400-00287552 preventive medicine in San Diego Ut9CseIBGio-00889-00287553-00287930 California and it resulted in a 25-year Ut9CseIBGio-00890-00287931-00288182 quest that involved researchers from the Ut9CseIBGio-00891-00288183-00288371 CDC Centers for Disease Control and Ut9CseIBGio-00892-00288372-00288623 Prevention and more than 17,000 members Ut9CseIBGio-00893-00288624-00288902 of Kaiser Kaiser Permanente's self care Ut9CseIBGio-00894-00288903-00289157 program well care program and it Ut9CseIBGio-00895-00289158-00289349 revealed some things that we know now Ut9CseIBGio-00896-00289350-00289568 but that adverse childhood experiences Ut9CseIBGio-00897-00289569-00289751 are very common and that these Ut9CseIBGio-00898-00289752-00290021 experience can be linked to just about Ut9CseIBGio-00899-00290022-00290278 every major chronic illness and social Ut9CseIBGio-00900-00290279-00290543 problem in the United States and the Ut9CseIBGio-00901-00290544-00290888 billions of dollars we spend on them so Ut9CseIBGio-00902-00290889-00291206 basically dr. felitti had obesity clinic Ut9CseIBGio-00903-00291207-00291455 and over the course of five years more Ut9CseIBGio-00904-00291456-00291665 than half of the people that were in it Ut9CseIBGio-00905-00291666-00291872 were dropping out and he was trying to Ut9CseIBGio-00906-00291873-00292109 find out why this was happening because Ut9CseIBGio-00907-00292110-00292286 the people who were dropping out were Ut9CseIBGio-00908-00292287-00292421 successful it wasn't like they weren't Ut9CseIBGio-00909-00292422-00292610 losing weight they were losing weight Ut9CseIBGio-00910-00292611-00292763 and they were still dropping out and it Ut9CseIBGio-00911-00292764-00292955 happens in over a five years time span Ut9CseIBGio-00912-00292956-00293201 he said over more more than 50% of the Ut9CseIBGio-00913-00293202-00293393 people dropped out so he wanted to do Ut9CseIBGio-00914-00293394-00293570 some research and find out he conducted Ut9CseIBGio-00915-00293571-00293783 a series of interviews where he asked Ut9CseIBGio-00916-00293784-00293918 the people who had dropped out some Ut9CseIBGio-00917-00293919-00294122 questions about just about their life Ut9CseIBGio-00918-00294123-00294398 especially with their weight journey and Ut9CseIBGio-00919-00294399-00294620 in one of those interviews he misspoke Ut9CseIBGio-00920-00294621-00295004 he was asking them how old were you when Ut9CseIBGio-00921-00295005-00295250 you first became sexually active and Ut9CseIBGio-00922-00295251-00295496 instead he said how much did you weigh Ut9CseIBGio-00923-00295497-00295685 when you first became sexually active Ut9CseIBGio-00924-00295686-00296027 and the woman responded forty pounds and Ut9CseIBGio-00925-00296028-00296276 so he thought that he was hearing Ut9CseIBGio-00926-00296277-00296408 something wrong or said something wrong Ut9CseIBGio-00927-00296409-00296675 so he asked it again and she said forty Ut9CseIBGio-00928-00296676-00297059 pounds I was four and it happens with my Ut9CseIBGio-00929-00297060-00297281 father and she broke down into tears Ut9CseIBGio-00930-00297282-00297608 and so being embarrassed of course Ut9CseIBGio-00931-00297609-00297770 initially he thought you know he had Ut9CseIBGio-00932-00297771-00297941 been too invasive and this was too much Ut9CseIBGio-00933-00297942-00298196 information and he had made the person Ut9CseIBGio-00934-00298197-00298391 uncomfortable and he knew he misspoke Ut9CseIBGio-00935-00298392-00298514 because it was an uncomfortable question Ut9CseIBGio-00936-00298515-00298736 to have to ask people but what he did Ut9CseIBGio-00937-00298737-00299033 was he and his colleagues and he asked Ut9CseIBGio-00938-00299034-00299159 them to help him with the interviews Ut9CseIBGio-00939-00299160-00299339 they added this to the interview Ut9CseIBGio-00940-00299340-00299609 questions a question about sexual abuse Ut9CseIBGio-00941-00299610-00299909 and out of the 286 people they Ut9CseIBGio-00942-00299910-00300020 interviewed more than half Ut9CseIBGio-00943-00300021-00300344 of them actually he says in a study most Ut9CseIBGio-00944-00300345-00300566 of them had some type of sexual abuse Ut9CseIBGio-00945-00300567-00300848 and so their obesity issues were Ut9CseIBGio-00946-00300849-00301079 attached in some way to that trauma and Ut9CseIBGio-00947-00301080-00301295 it meant for some of them I think that Ut9CseIBGio-00948-00301296-00301682 he quoted there was a girl who was this Ut9CseIBGio-00949-00301683-00301874 is a lot of information but the when her Ut9CseIBGio-00950-00301875-00302090 father communicated to her and the Ut9CseIBGio-00951-00302091-00302255 reason why he was raping her and not her Ut9CseIBGio-00952-00302256-00302426 sister was that her sister was fat Ut9CseIBGio-00953-00302427-00302672 so she gained weight as a shield and Ut9CseIBGio-00954-00302673-00302873 other people who had experienced sexual Ut9CseIBGio-00955-00302874-00303109 abuse kept the weight on because it made Ut9CseIBGio-00956-00303110-00303269 them invisible or it made them in their Ut9CseIBGio-00957-00303270-00303494 minds unattractive or not a target for Ut9CseIBGio-00958-00303495-00303764 that kind of abuses so these so what he Ut9CseIBGio-00959-00303765-00303962 discovered was that he could tie this Ut9CseIBGio-00960-00303963-00304250 directly to the issues that he found in Ut9CseIBGio-00961-00304251-00304532 his patients so he connected with some Ut9CseIBGio-00962-00304533-00304837 people from the CDC dr. Robert anda and Ut9CseIBGio-00963-00304838-00305114 they decided to do a study because he Ut9CseIBGio-00964-00305115-00305332 was studying the adverse childhood Ut9CseIBGio-00965-00305333-00305579 experiences and their relation to COPD Ut9CseIBGio-00966-00305580-00305774 and so they decided to create a Ut9CseIBGio-00967-00305775-00305932 comprehensive list of questions that Ut9CseIBGio-00968-00305933-00306152 they could ask people and they they were Ut9CseIBGio-00969-00306153-00306377 at Kaiser Permanente they had 26,000 Ut9CseIBGio-00970-00306378-00306575 people who were under the care in San Ut9CseIBGio-00971-00306576-00306881 Diego they said they created a survey Ut9CseIBGio-00972-00306882-00307082 and asked them to voluntarily do it and Ut9CseIBGio-00973-00307083-00307277 they got seventeen thousand four hundred Ut9CseIBGio-00974-00307278-00307448 and twenty-one who agreed and over the Ut9CseIBGio-00975-00307449-00307684 15 years they studied those 17,000 Ut9CseIBGio-00976-00307685-00307862 people that's how we got the adverse Ut9CseIBGio-00977-00307863-00308138 childhood experience information that we Ut9CseIBGio-00978-00308139-00308303 have right now the questions that are on Ut9CseIBGio-00979-00308304-00308546 it and their findings and discoveries Ut9CseIBGio-00980-00308547-00308762 were quite significant one they realize Ut9CseIBGio-00981-00308763-00308894 that there is a direct link between Ut9CseIBGio-00982-00308895-00309131 childhood trauma and the adult onset of Ut9CseIBGio-00983-00309132-00309446 chronic disease and mental illness doing Ut9CseIBGio-00984-00309447-00309692 time in prison work issues such as Ut9CseIBGio-00985-00309693-00309944 absenteeism they also realize that about Ut9CseIBGio-00986-00309945-00310132 two-thirds of the adults in the study Ut9CseIBGio-00987-00310133-00310364 had experienced one or more types of Ut9CseIBGio-00988-00310365-00310592 adverse childhood experiences and of Ut9CseIBGio-00989-00310593-00311048 those 87% had experienced two or more so Ut9CseIBGio-00990-00311049-00311219 they realize the aces don't usually Ut9CseIBGio-00991-00311220-00311540 happen in isolation and then more evers Ut9CseIBGio-00992-00311541-00311723 childhood experience resulted in higher Ut9CseIBGio-00993-00311724-00311939 risk of medical mental and social Ut9CseIBGio-00994-00311940-00312227 problems as an adult they also realized Ut9CseIBGio-00995-00312228-00312334 that things started to get really Ut9CseIBGio-00996-00312335-00312554 serious around the ace score of four Ut9CseIBGio-00997-00312555-00312764 compared with people who had an a score Ut9CseIBGio-00998-00312765-00312947 of zero so just a couple of quick Ut9CseIBGio-00999-00312948-00313181 numbers those with four categories of Ut9CseIBGio-01000-00313182-00313337 aces had a 240 Ut9CseIBGio-01001-00313338-00313568 percent greater risk of hepatitis we're Ut9CseIBGio-01002-00313569-00313715 three hundred and ninety percent more Ut9CseIBGio-01003-00313716-00313862 likely to have chronic obstructive Ut9CseIBGio-01004-00313863-00314138 pulmonary disease and a 240 percent Ut9CseIBGio-01005-00314139-00314321 higher risk of a sexually transmitted Ut9CseIBGio-01006-00314322-00314522 disease they were twice as likely to be Ut9CseIBGio-01007-00314523-00314774 smokers 12 times more likely to have Ut9CseIBGio-01008-00314775-00315002 attempted suicide seven times more Ut9CseIBGio-01009-00315003-00315179 likely to be alcoholic and ten times Ut9CseIBGio-01010-00315180-00315371 more likely to have injected street Ut9CseIBGio-01011-00315372-00315665 drugs so after they concluded these Ut9CseIBGio-01012-00315666-00315830 studies over like a fifteen year time Ut9CseIBGio-01013-00315831-00316040 over sixty publications a lot of people Ut9CseIBGio-01014-00316041-00316144 started to pick it up Ut9CseIBGio-01015-00316145-00316412 pediatricians neuroscientists take this Ut9CseIBGio-01016-00316413-00316568 and try and link it to what they found Ut9CseIBGio-01017-00316569-00316694 and one of the people who has done the Ut9CseIBGio-01018-00316695-00316934 most famous famously is dr. Nadine Burke Ut9CseIBGio-01019-00316935-00317168 Harris and she is a pediatrician in San Ut9CseIBGio-01020-00317169-00317399 Francisco and she found that her Ut9CseIBGio-01021-00317400-00317708 patients who had four or more four or Ut9CseIBGio-01022-00317709-00317831 more categories of adverse childhood Ut9CseIBGio-01023-00317832-00318032 experiences their odds of having Ut9CseIBGio-01024-00318033-00318239 learning and behavior problems in school Ut9CseIBGio-01025-00318240-00318482 were thirty two times as high as kids Ut9CseIBGio-01026-00318483-00318731 who had no childhood ever childhood Ut9CseIBGio-01027-00318732-00318962 experiences and she summed it up this Ut9CseIBGio-01028-00318963-00319214 way children with toxic stress live live Ut9CseIBGio-01029-00319215-00319409 live much of their lives and fight Ut9CseIBGio-01030-00319410-00319637 flight or freeze what Cassie talked Ut9CseIBGio-01031-00319638-00319832 about they respond to the world as a Ut9CseIBGio-01032-00319833-00320102 place of constant danger with their Ut9CseIBGio-01033-00320103-00320321 brains on overload with stress hormones Ut9CseIBGio-01034-00320322-00320447 and unable to function appropriately Ut9CseIBGio-01035-00320448-00320747 they cannot focus on learning they fall Ut9CseIBGio-01036-00320748-00320912 behind in school or fail to develop Ut9CseIBGio-01037-00320913-00321140 healthy relationships with peers or they Ut9CseIBGio-01038-00321141-00321278 create problems with teachers and Ut9CseIBGio-01039-00321279-00321404 principals because they are unable to Ut9CseIBGio-01040-00321405-00321863 trust adults so all of this is important Ut9CseIBGio-01041-00321864-00322103 because when we went into the schools Ut9CseIBGio-01042-00322104-00322328 and we were like we're excited we have a Ut9CseIBGio-01043-00322329-00322544 theater program they want us here right Ut9CseIBGio-01044-00322545-00322712 so while they were interested in they Ut9CseIBGio-01045-00322713-00322859 loved what we were doing we were having Ut9CseIBGio-01046-00322860-00323075 behavior issues that were showing up we Ut9CseIBGio-01047-00323076-00323402 were having difficulty with the student Ut9CseIBGio-01048-00323403-00323561 population or the parent population or Ut9CseIBGio-01049-00323562-00323801 the teacher population just a lot of Ut9CseIBGio-01050-00323802-00323942 difficulties that had nothing to do with Ut9CseIBGio-01051-00323943-00324188 the curriculum just something that hit Ut9CseIBGio-01052-00324189-00324347 us and it was really abrupt so we Ut9CseIBGio-01053-00324348-00324491 started doing our research and in there Ut9CseIBGio-01054-00324492-00324674 the first set of data that you see is Ut9CseIBGio-01055-00324675-00324962 for Ohio and one thing I really want to Ut9CseIBGio-01056-00324963-00325106 point out that's really important to Ut9CseIBGio-01057-00325107-00325316 focus on you see the natural the Ut9CseIBGio-01058-00325317-00325544 national average then you see it by Ut9CseIBGio-01059-00325545-00325997 state by county and by city so the Ut9CseIBGio-01060-00325998-00326168 national average if you look on the Ut9CseIBGio-01061-00326169-00326378 believe the second sheet with the Ohio Ut9CseIBGio-01062-00326379-00326730 numbers I don't have it in front of me Ut9CseIBGio-01063-00326731-00326977 the national average you see what that Ut9CseIBGio-01064-00326978-00327232 is and then if you look at the Cuyahoga Ut9CseIBGio-01065-00327233-00327532 County average or percent then look at Ut9CseIBGio-01066-00327533-00327721 the Cleveland percentage and that's Ut9CseIBGio-01067-00327722-00327938 where our work is based on in Cleveland Ut9CseIBGio-01068-00327939-00328412 and when we look at the numbers if we Ut9CseIBGio-01069-00328413-00328688 only looked at the Ohio percentage we Ut9CseIBGio-01070-00328689-00328865 wouldn't realize how much work we needed Ut9CseIBGio-01071-00328866-00329110 to do in a specific area so if you could Ut9CseIBGio-01072-00329111-00329392 go with me to where it says it's this Ut9CseIBGio-01073-00329393-00329717 page right here and you see we're in the Ut9CseIBGio-01074-00329718-00329893 middle where it says the national Ut9CseIBGio-01075-00329894-00330046 average let's look at the extreme Ut9CseIBGio-01076-00330047-00330307 economic hardship no has been a victim Ut9CseIBGio-01077-00330308-00330496 of or witnessed neighborhood violence Ut9CseIBGio-01078-00330497-00330757 the national average is eight point six Ut9CseIBGio-01079-00330758-00330996 percent Ohio is twelve point five Ut9CseIBGio-01080-00330997-00331258 Cuyahoga County fifteen point six in Ut9CseIBGio-01081-00331259-00331459 Cleveland twenty-three point five Ut9CseIBGio-01082-00331460-00331739 percent and that's where we were we were Ut9CseIBGio-01083-00331740-00332017 in the Tamir rice neighborhoods a couple Ut9CseIBGio-01084-00332018-00332192 of my students found a dead body walking Ut9CseIBGio-01085-00332193-00332410 on their way to work I mean their way to Ut9CseIBGio-01086-00332411-00332599 school and they came in and they said Ut9CseIBGio-01087-00332600-00332710 miss Jackson they put us in the Ut9CseIBGio-01088-00332711-00332932 newspaper we found it at body and it's Ut9CseIBGio-01089-00332933-00333106 the City Council gave them a certificate Ut9CseIBGio-01090-00333107-00333215 for calling the police Ut9CseIBGio-01091-00333216-00333464 because it was a missing person who they Ut9CseIBGio-01092-00333465-00333628 found in this abandoned building a naked Ut9CseIBGio-01093-00333629-00333847 girl sixth graders walking through their Ut9CseIBGio-01094-00333848-00334045 neighborhood and they called the police Ut9CseIBGio-01095-00334046-00334303 and they got a certificate and they came Ut9CseIBGio-01096-00334304-00334429 to me to show me the certificate they Ut9CseIBGio-01097-00334430-00334800 were so proud and I asked them I said Ut9CseIBGio-01098-00334801-00335173 how are you sleeping it was just an Ut9CseIBGio-01099-00335174-00335353 instinct that I had and one of them said Ut9CseIBGio-01100-00335354-00335548 I can't stop seeing it when I close my Ut9CseIBGio-01101-00335549-00335854 eyes and the other brother was a set of Ut9CseIBGio-01102-00335855-00335987 brothers and I asked them I was like we Ut9CseIBGio-01103-00335988-00336169 had a counselor on site I said you want Ut9CseIBGio-01104-00336170-00336341 me to let you talk to somebody and you Ut9CseIBGio-01105-00336342-00336541 know the tough brother no no I'm good so Ut9CseIBGio-01106-00336542-00336676 I knew I needed to keep him close to me Ut9CseIBGio-01107-00336677-00336815 because he was not good but the other Ut9CseIBGio-01108-00336816-00337018 one did want to see somebody and we got Ut9CseIBGio-01109-00337019-00337225 him right away and he really liked it Ut9CseIBGio-01110-00337226-00337425 but because it required parental Ut9CseIBGio-01111-00337426-00337683 permission for him to continue and the Ut9CseIBGio-01112-00337684-00338122 parent did not agree that stopped fast Ut9CseIBGio-01113-00338123-00338269 forward a year later their brother was Ut9CseIBGio-01114-00338270-00338527 shot in the head and killed and so yes Ut9CseIBGio-01115-00338528-00338845 so these are things that happen to them Ut9CseIBGio-01116-00338846-00339103 but they're consider expected to just Ut9CseIBGio-01117-00339104-00339322 keep going to school when they are Ut9CseIBGio-01118-00339323-00339478 failing nobody's thinking oh it's Ut9CseIBGio-01119-00339479-00339590 because they missed three weeks when Ut9CseIBGio-01120-00339591-00339685 their brother died because they had to Ut9CseIBGio-01121-00339686-00339807 watch the baby sister Ut9CseIBGio-01122-00339808-00339975 it's just oh they can't read we're Ut9CseIBGio-01123-00339976-00340116 talking about eighth graders who read it Ut9CseIBGio-01124-00340117-00340245 a third and fourth grade level why Ut9CseIBGio-01125-00340246-00340473 because those brain things stop they Ut9CseIBGio-01126-00340474-00340614 can't learn they can't focus their Ut9CseIBGio-01127-00340615-00340809 fight-or-flight all the time but we want Ut9CseIBGio-01128-00340810-00341358 them to do math and that you understand Ut9CseIBGio-01129-00341359-00341520 what I'm saying so when we look at these Ut9CseIBGio-01130-00341521-00341766 things and we look at these scores it Ut9CseIBGio-01131-00341767-00341925 gives us a little bit about what our Ut9CseIBGio-01132-00341926-00342162 children might be facing but let's talk Ut9CseIBGio-01133-00342163-00342297 about what's not represented here Ut9CseIBGio-01134-00342298-00342534 actually let's read the second one Ut9CseIBGio-01135-00342535-00342744 treated or judged unfairly due to race Ut9CseIBGio-01136-00342745-00343017 or ethnicity and you see how low that Ut9CseIBGio-01137-00343018-00343320 percentage is 3.9% I grew up in Ut9CseIBGio-01138-00343321-00343578 Cleveland and it's at least triple that Ut9CseIBGio-01139-00343579-00343824 I know from my own personal experience Ut9CseIBGio-01140-00343825-00343998 but when you're in a school when Ut9CseIBGio-01141-00343999-00344130 everybody looks like you and you don't Ut9CseIBGio-01142-00344131-00344433 even understand how systemic racism puts Ut9CseIBGio-01143-00344434-00344688 you in extreme economic hardship you Ut9CseIBGio-01144-00344689-00344913 don't know to connect those things you Ut9CseIBGio-01145-00344914-00345243 don't even have the ability to score it Ut9CseIBGio-01146-00345244-00345432 properly when I talk to my students Ut9CseIBGio-01147-00345433-00345678 about racism and they don't think it Ut9CseIBGio-01148-00345679-00345795 affects them they think is something Ut9CseIBGio-01149-00345796-00346110 that expired with slavery until they go Ut9CseIBGio-01150-00346111-00346383 to the movies at 40 minutes outside of Ut9CseIBGio-01151-00346384-00346530 our neighborhood then they come back to Ut9CseIBGio-01152-00346531-00346659 school the next day and tell me about Ut9CseIBGio-01153-00346660-00346890 what happened to them at the movies Ut9CseIBGio-01154-00346891-00347196 so adverse childhood experiences while Ut9CseIBGio-01155-00347197-00347364 this data is really important it's also Ut9CseIBGio-01156-00347365-00347580 important that we realize that the Ut9CseIBGio-01157-00347581-00347778 overall risk for aces is not shared Ut9CseIBGio-01158-00347779-00348069 equally by all children whether the data Ut9CseIBGio-01159-00348070-00348396 examined at a national level or by the Ut9CseIBGio-01160-00348397-00348546 country's major geographic divisions Ut9CseIBGio-01161-00348547-00348783 inequities by race and ethnicity are Ut9CseIBGio-01162-00348784-00348960 evident so if you look on the next three Ut9CseIBGio-01163-00348961-00349161 pages they're maps that map out average Ut9CseIBGio-01164-00349162-00349440 child experience by race ethnicity and Ut9CseIBGio-01165-00349441-00349683 geographic location in just a couple of Ut9CseIBGio-01166-00349684-00350115 the highlights 60% of white non-hispanic Ut9CseIBGio-01167-00350116-00350430 children have had no aces and that's the Ut9CseIBGio-01168-00350431-00350673 case for only 49% of Hispanic children Ut9CseIBGio-01169-00350674-00350985 and 39% of black non-hispanic children Ut9CseIBGio-01170-00350986-00351174 in the United States as a whole and in Ut9CseIBGio-01171-00351175-00351450 every sub-region Asian non-hispanic Ut9CseIBGio-01172-00351451-00351618 children have the lowest prevalence of Ut9CseIBGio-01173-00351619-00351882 aces nationally more than three-quarters Ut9CseIBGio-01174-00351883-00352062 of these children have had no aces in Ut9CseIBGio-01175-00352063-00352410 every region except the specific black Ut9CseIBGio-01176-00352411-00352584 non-hispanic children are more likely Ut9CseIBGio-01177-00352585-00352791 than white non-hispanic children to have Ut9CseIBGio-01178-00352792-00353031 had at least one ace and in every region Ut9CseIBGio-01179-00353032-00353090 except Ut9CseIBGio-01180-00353091-00353252 the West south-central and the East Ut9CseIBGio-01181-00353253-00353465 south-central Hispanic children are more Ut9CseIBGio-01182-00353466-00353627 likely than none than whites Ut9CseIBGio-01183-00353628-00353833 non-hispanic children to have had at Ut9CseIBGio-01184-00353834-00354143 least one ace nationally in the mountain Ut9CseIBGio-01185-00354144-00354418 region black and none Hispanic children Ut9CseIBGio-01186-00354419-00354628 non-hispanic children of other races and Ut9CseIBGio-01187-00354629-00354808 Hispanic children are more likely than Ut9CseIBGio-01188-00354809-00355013 white children to have experienced two Ut9CseIBGio-01189-00355014-00355349 or more aces nationally one in three Ut9CseIBGio-01190-00355350-00355552 black non-hispanic children have had Ut9CseIBGio-01191-00355553-00355906 experience two to eight aces compared to Ut9CseIBGio-01192-00355907-00356312 only one in five non-white children so Ut9CseIBGio-01193-00356313-00356552 while its individual and they're not in Ut9CseIBGio-01194-00356553-00356884 isolation it varies greatly so what I Ut9CseIBGio-01195-00356885-00357071 encourage you I put a list there by Ut9CseIBGio-01196-00357072-00357344 States what you should do because it's Ut9CseIBGio-01197-00357345-00357521 it's available I just couldn't print Ut9CseIBGio-01198-00357522-00357580 them all out Ut9CseIBGio-01199-00357581-00357893 don't look at gesture state numbers find Ut9CseIBGio-01200-00357894-00358064 your community that your work is being Ut9CseIBGio-01201-00358065-00358252 done in because that will help you with Ut9CseIBGio-01202-00358253-00358528 programming and accessibility like we Ut9CseIBGio-01203-00358529-00358759 talked about and challenges things that Ut9CseIBGio-01204-00358760-00359026 might challenge their participation Ut9CseIBGio-01205-00359027-00359315 having that information is really really Ut9CseIBGio-01206-00359316-00359551 helpful and one of the most helpful Ut9CseIBGio-01207-00359552-00359939 things that I have done is find out what Ut9CseIBGio-01208-00359940-00360226 my ace score was because we need to know Ut9CseIBGio-01209-00360227-00360494 as people who do this what we're walking Ut9CseIBGio-01210-00360495-00360923 around with how we enter these spaces so Ut9CseIBGio-01211-00360924-00361084 what we're handing out right now to you Ut9CseIBGio-01212-00361085-00361520 is the current ace quiz I'm gonna give Ut9CseIBGio-01213-00361521-00361946 you a couple of minutes to just take Ut9CseIBGio-01214-00361947-00362704 that quiz for yourself it's a series of Ut9CseIBGio-01215-00362705-00363352 ten questions it walks you through it so Ut9CseIBGio-01216-00363353-00363502 once everyone has it you could just take Ut9CseIBGio-01218-00371711-00371902 I'm gonna ask that once you've completed Ut9CseIBGio-01219-00371903-00372797 your quiz if you just fold it over Ut9CseIBGio-01220-00372798-00373210 and just consider just sit in it for a Ut9CseIBGio-01221-00373211-00373427 second right and once you figure out Ut9CseIBGio-01222-00373428-00373838 what your score is it helps you to well Ut9CseIBGio-01223-00373839-00374032 it connects a lot of dots we've learned Ut9CseIBGio-01224-00374033-00374228 a lot about what aces can do how they Ut9CseIBGio-01225-00374229-00374458 show up but it affects how you show up Ut9CseIBGio-01226-00374459-00374792 in a room the similarities and Ut9CseIBGio-01227-00374793-00374932 differences you have from the people Ut9CseIBGio-01228-00374933-00375200 from your students from your peers Ut9CseIBGio-01229-00375201-00375545 it affects biases we might carry it also Ut9CseIBGio-01230-00375546-00375845 helps us to understand triggers if you Ut9CseIBGio-01231-00375846-00376004 find that you get upset about something Ut9CseIBGio-01232-00376005-00376207 and you really can't put language to it Ut9CseIBGio-01233-00376208-00376463 it could be tied to this and that Ut9CseIBGio-01234-00376464-00376655 enlightenment can help us as we go Ut9CseIBGio-01235-00376656-00376925 through and now that we once we did this Ut9CseIBGio-01236-00376926-00377153 research and we found out what our Ut9CseIBGio-01237-00377154-00377621 students were dealing with we really Ut9CseIBGio-01238-00377622-00377846 broke down those three components of Ut9CseIBGio-01239-00377847-00378095 trauma-informed care now it's practical Ut9CseIBGio-01240-00378096-00378293 application and that's what Cassie will Ut9CseIBGio-01241-00378294-00378985 finish it okay so we've spoken a little Ut9CseIBGio-01242-00378986-00379130 bit about this already but we just Ut9CseIBGio-01243-00379131-00379258 wanted to take a couple minutes to Ut9CseIBGio-01244-00379259-00379609 reflect on specifical specifical I'm Ut9CseIBGio-01245-00379610-00379858 just gonna make up words guys specific Ut9CseIBGio-01246-00379859-00380137 practices we can put into place and just Ut9CseIBGio-01247-00380138-00380351 kind of reflect back on things that Ut9CseIBGio-01248-00380352-00380498 we've been modeling throughout this Ut9CseIBGio-01249-00380499-00380714 presentation so just starting with Ut9CseIBGio-01250-00380715-00380975 creating that safe environment looking Ut9CseIBGio-01251-00380976-00381202 back to the very beginning when we had Ut9CseIBGio-01252-00381203-00381443 Pamela kind of start us off and Ut9CseIBGio-01253-00381444-00381617 introduced us and went through the Ut9CseIBGio-01254-00381618-00381737 structure of here's what we're doing Ut9CseIBGio-01255-00381738-00381933 first here's what we're doing next and Ut9CseIBGio-01256-00381934-00382135 providing that kind of routine and Ut9CseIBGio-01257-00382136-00382442 structure is huge for children who are Ut9CseIBGio-01258-00382443-00382640 struggling to feel safe because it's Ut9CseIBGio-01259-00382641-00382844 that predictability piece it's that okay Ut9CseIBGio-01260-00382845-00383099 I can tell my brain brain thank you for Ut9CseIBGio-01261-00383100-00383294 protecting me but I'm okay right now I Ut9CseIBGio-01262-00383295-00383471 know what's coming this next 50 minutes Ut9CseIBGio-01263-00383472-00383789 or whatever your class time may be and Ut9CseIBGio-01264-00383790-00384143 so providing that we also made sure to Ut9CseIBGio-01265-00384144-00384344 provide an outline I think it was your Ut9CseIBGio-01266-00384345-00384680 second page or first page in the packet Ut9CseIBGio-01267-00384681-00385015 so again how we can show a visual Ut9CseIBGio-01268-00385016-00385226 structure of whatever that class is Ut9CseIBGio-01269-00385227-00385454 going to be verbalized at the beginning Ut9CseIBGio-01270-00385455-00385829 to just help them know it's okay they Ut9CseIBGio-01271-00385830-00386069 don't have to fight flight freeze during Ut9CseIBGio-01272-00386070-00386201 this time Ut9CseIBGio-01273-00386202-00386632 can be a huge help supporting and Ut9CseIBGio-01274-00386633-00386990 teaching social emotional regulation so Ut9CseIBGio-01275-00386991-00387215 one of the ways that we do that is with Ut9CseIBGio-01276-00387216-00387422 our monologues or the texts that we use Ut9CseIBGio-01277-00387423-00387658 within the class one wonderful thing Ut9CseIBGio-01278-00387659-00388129 about providing a text to hard things Ut9CseIBGio-01279-00388130-00388279 that they're already struggling to find Ut9CseIBGio-01280-00388280-00388442 language not only do we get to give them Ut9CseIBGio-01281-00388443-00388622 language and a tool to be able to Ut9CseIBGio-01282-00388623-00388828 process and communicate their own Ut9CseIBGio-01283-00388829-00389096 experience but it also gives them that Ut9CseIBGio-01284-00389097-00389332 social or that emotional distance where Ut9CseIBGio-01285-00389333-00389519 they don't feel so vulnerable that they Ut9CseIBGio-01286-00389520-00389828 have to share every personal hard thing Ut9CseIBGio-01287-00389829-00390014 about themselves that they can talk Ut9CseIBGio-01288-00390015-00390200 about their hardships and their own Ut9CseIBGio-01289-00390201-00390377 experiences but through the lens of this Ut9CseIBGio-01290-00390378-00390701 character and kind of feel protected in Ut9CseIBGio-01291-00390702-00390953 a space until they are in control and Ut9CseIBGio-01292-00390954-00391204 feel like they want to share about their Ut9CseIBGio-01293-00391205-00391451 own personal thing and that they are Ut9CseIBGio-01294-00391452-00391712 able to process and heal a great deal Ut9CseIBGio-01295-00391713-00391953 just from talking about a character's Ut9CseIBGio-01296-00391954-00392203 experiences and relate that to Ut9CseIBGio-01297-00392204-00392482 themselves and just thinking of there's Ut9CseIBGio-01298-00392483-00392659 a variety of theater games that help Ut9CseIBGio-01299-00392660-00392975 teach impulse control all of that works Ut9CseIBGio-01300-00392976-00393263 into social or to self-regulation so we Ut9CseIBGio-01301-00393264-00393559 play a lot of like stop and go and a lot Ut9CseIBGio-01302-00393560-00393767 of other games that help teach that Ut9CseIBGio-01303-00393768-00394022 impulse control and how do I stop give Ut9CseIBGio-01304-00394023-00394238 myself the space to choose how I'm going Ut9CseIBGio-01305-00394239-00394463 to react and practice practice those Ut9CseIBGio-01306-00394464-00394727 skills in a safe space and the last part Ut9CseIBGio-01307-00394728-00394868 with building relationships and Ut9CseIBGio-01308-00394869-00395141 connectedness again with the restorative Ut9CseIBGio-01309-00395142-00395356 circle we try to start all of our Ut9CseIBGio-01310-00395357-00395572 classes with a check-in of some kind Ut9CseIBGio-01311-00395573-00395870 it's a moment to say I see you I Ut9CseIBGio-01312-00395871-00396058 recognize you I'm glad that you're here Ut9CseIBGio-01313-00396059-00396389 and make sure that everyone's voice gets Ut9CseIBGio-01314-00396390-00396569 put into that space and it's this Ut9CseIBGio-01315-00396570-00396848 collaborative community effort and Ut9CseIBGio-01316-00396849-00397025 playing games like wind blows west where Ut9CseIBGio-01317-00397026-00397159 we get to take time to really get to Ut9CseIBGio-01318-00397160-00397403 know who's in the room not just your my Ut9CseIBGio-01319-00397404-00397703 students I'm the teacher and you're you Ut9CseIBGio-01320-00397704-00397847 guys are peers and maybe some of you are Ut9CseIBGio-01321-00397848-00398003 friends and some of you don't like the Ut9CseIBGio-01322-00398004-00398203 other ones but really break down all Ut9CseIBGio-01323-00398204-00398413 those barriers to create and establish Ut9CseIBGio-01324-00398414-00398734 community and relationships and help Ut9CseIBGio-01325-00398735-00398905 them feel comfortable to practice what a Ut9CseIBGio-01326-00398906-00399160 healthy relationship is in that safe Ut9CseIBGio-01327-00399161-00399403 space so I Ut9CseIBGio-01328-00399404-00399589 our next our last thing is talking a Ut9CseIBGio-01329-00399590-00399733 little bit about self-care because doing Ut9CseIBGio-01330-00399734-00399892 this work it's really important that Ut9CseIBGio-01331-00399893-00400653 you're taking care of yourself as well Ut9CseIBGio-01332-00400654-00401065 great so I supervise a department of 25 Ut9CseIBGio-01333-00401066-00401371 full-time staff 20 of those artists are Ut9CseIBGio-01334-00401372-00401698 out in the community every day working Ut9CseIBGio-01335-00401699-00402067 with students who reflect though those Ut9CseIBGio-01336-00402068-00402283 ace numbers that you just saw Ut9CseIBGio-01337-00402284-00402655 so vicarious trauma is a very real thing Ut9CseIBGio-01338-00402656-00402859 and it can result from hearing Ut9CseIBGio-01339-00402860-00403057 children's trauma stories and bearing Ut9CseIBGio-01340-00403058-00403363 witness to their pain their fear the Ut9CseIBGio-01341-00403364-00403669 horrors that they're surviving enduring Ut9CseIBGio-01342-00403670-00403945 and sharing with you Ut9CseIBGio-01343-00403946-00404221 it affects teachers the same way it Ut9CseIBGio-01344-00404222-00404569 affects students the same way so the Ut9CseIBGio-01345-00404570-00404839 brain emits a fear response it releases Ut9CseIBGio-01346-00404840-00405106 excessive cortisol and adrenaline that Ut9CseIBGio-01347-00405107-00405333 can increase heart rate blood pressure Ut9CseIBGio-01348-00405334-00405631 repetition the biological response can Ut9CseIBGio-01349-00405632-00405927 manifest itself in physical symptoms in Ut9CseIBGio-01350-00405928-00406270 caregivers so we can see anger we can Ut9CseIBGio-01351-00406271-00406495 see headaches we can see diminished Ut9CseIBGio-01352-00406496-00406744 workplace behavior like missing meetings Ut9CseIBGio-01353-00406745-00407017 or lateness or avoiding students or not Ut9CseIBGio-01354-00407018-00407428 teaching challenging classes so what are Ut9CseIBGio-01355-00407429-00407584 some of the things that we can do in Ut9CseIBGio-01356-00407585-00407824 practice one of them is to provide a Ut9CseIBGio-01357-00407825-00408010 space to talk it out or reduce Ut9CseIBGio-01358-00408011-00408307 professional isolation and allow and Ut9CseIBGio-01359-00408308-00408516 encourage educators to see each other Ut9CseIBGio-01360-00408517-00408838 and realize that they're struggling with Ut9CseIBGio-01361-00408839-00409057 the same issues so at Cleveland Ut9CseIBGio-01362-00409058-00409306 Playhouse none of my teaching artists Ut9CseIBGio-01363-00409307-00409471 are allowed to work in the field on Ut9CseIBGio-01364-00409472-00409835 Thursdays everybody has to come back to Ut9CseIBGio-01365-00409837-00410139 Cleveland Playhouse where they share Ut9CseIBGio-01366-00410141-00410467 stories they attend meetings they go on Ut9CseIBGio-01367-00410468-00410980 mandatory paired walk-in talks all of Ut9CseIBGio-01368-00410981-00411276 these things you know we we schedule Ut9CseIBGio-01369-00411277-00411553 self-care afternoons where we might go Ut9CseIBGio-01370-00411554-00411759 bowling together or go to the local ice Ut9CseIBGio-01371-00411760-00412059 cream shop whatever we can do to make Ut9CseIBGio-01372-00412060-00412278 sure that we're finding that place for Ut9CseIBGio-01373-00412279-00412629 restorative healing on those Ut9CseIBGio-01374-00412630-00412842 we can build coping strategies that work Ut9CseIBGio-01375-00412843-00413147 specifically for the individual artists Ut9CseIBGio-01376-00413149-00413346 so anything from taking a deep breath Ut9CseIBGio-01377-00413347-00413564 having a ritual where you drink your Ut9CseIBGio-01378-00413566-00413885 coffee every morning reminding yourself Ut9CseIBGio-01379-00413887-00414068 to respond to a yelling child with a Ut9CseIBGio-01380-00414070-00414333 quiet voice so you don't start you know Ut9CseIBGio-01381-00414334-00414668 lifting yourself up to scheduling walks Ut9CseIBGio-01382-00414670-00414924 around the building taking a quiet lunch Ut9CseIBGio-01383-00414925-00415125 and I'm gonna use Colleen as an example Ut9CseIBGio-01384-00415126-00415539 when Colleen was in the field she never Ut9CseIBGio-01385-00415539-00415737 had a moment to herself because the Ut9CseIBGio-01386-00415738-00415917 students loved her they were always in Ut9CseIBGio-01387-00415918-00416124 her drama classroom she could not have Ut9CseIBGio-01388-00416125-00416328 lunch without 18 kids sitting there Ut9CseIBGio-01389-00416329-00416655 asking Miss Jackson for something and so Ut9CseIBGio-01390-00416656-00416901 we actually put a moratorium on that and Ut9CseIBGio-01391-00416902-00417129 we made Colleen close her classroom door Ut9CseIBGio-01392-00417130-00417366 and shut the lights off so she sat Ut9CseIBGio-01393-00417367-00417555 inside sort of behind a little screen Ut9CseIBGio-01394-00417556-00417726 every day because that was the only way Ut9CseIBGio-01395-00417727-00417918 the kids wouldn't come in right but if Ut9CseIBGio-01396-00417918-00418179 she kept trying to work at that pace Ut9CseIBGio-01397-00418180-00418368 every day while she was out in the field Ut9CseIBGio-01398-00418368-00418575 we wouldn't have Colleen you know Ut9CseIBGio-01399-00418576-00418722 working with us today she would have Ut9CseIBGio-01400-00418722-00418920 said peace out I'm going back to New Ut9CseIBGio-01401-00418921-00419205 York and pursuing my acting or something Ut9CseIBGio-01402-00419206-00419322 but she wouldn't be here Ut9CseIBGio-01403-00419322-00419622 so we have to sometimes help and remind Ut9CseIBGio-01404-00419622-00419937 our teachers to do those things we can Ut9CseIBGio-01405-00419938-00420264 always establish a coming-home ritual so Ut9CseIBGio-01406-00420264-00420531 in encouraging your your staff what do Ut9CseIBGio-01407-00420532-00420681 you do when you leave the building do Ut9CseIBGio-01408-00420682-00420939 you put on your favorite playlists or Ut9CseIBGio-01409-00420939-00421122 your radio station or do you go for a Ut9CseIBGio-01410-00421122-00421299 walk before you get in your car what is Ut9CseIBGio-01411-00421300-00421443 it that you do before you get home Ut9CseIBGio-01412-00421443-00421718 because I don't want you to take what Ut9CseIBGio-01413-00421720-00422025 you had told with you we want you to be Ut9CseIBGio-01414-00422026-00422262 able to just go home to put those Ut9CseIBGio-01415-00422263-00422451 boundaries around yourself and to let Ut9CseIBGio-01416-00422452-00422835 yourself regenerate so I'm just gonna in Ut9CseIBGio-01417-00422835-00423120 the last three weeks I have four staff Ut9CseIBGio-01418-00423121-00423354 members full-time staff members who work Ut9CseIBGio-01419-00423355-00423610 very closely together across two schools Ut9CseIBGio-01420-00423612-00423984 and in the last three weeks they have Ut9CseIBGio-01421-00423985-00424170 had to have staff members because Ut9CseIBGio-01422-00424171-00424326 there's also part-time staff their Ut9CseIBGio-01423-00424327-00424647 report three instances of child abuse to Ut9CseIBGio-01424-00424647-00425025 CPS they also actually had to release Ut9CseIBGio-01425-00425026-00425271 one of their community workers because a Ut9CseIBGio-01426-00425272-00425442 parent complained that that community Ut9CseIBGio-01427-00425443-00425637 worker was holding their Ut9CseIBGio-01428-00425638-00425945 - you know like shaking the child so Ut9CseIBGio-01429-00425946-00426162 these staff members were really really Ut9CseIBGio-01430-00426163-00426339 struggling I started to see them Ut9CseIBGio-01431-00426339-00426516 fighting with each other they never Ut9CseIBGio-01432-00426517-00426660 fought but they would they they were at Ut9CseIBGio-01433-00426660-00426810 each other's throats to the point where Ut9CseIBGio-01434-00426810-00426947 another staff member from another Ut9CseIBGio-01435-00426948-00427239 department on Thursday came and said you Ut9CseIBGio-01436-00427239-00427418 might just want to check in on those two Ut9CseIBGio-01437-00427420-00427616 because I think they're a little upset Ut9CseIBGio-01438-00427617-00427908 so you know we have to go find them so Ut9CseIBGio-01439-00427909-00428031 these are fighting with each other they Ut9CseIBGio-01440-00428032-00428210 also started calling out a lot so Ut9CseIBGio-01441-00428212-00428580 excessive PTO days and one of them who Ut9CseIBGio-01442-00428581-00428787 goes between both schools tried not to Ut9CseIBGio-01443-00428788-00429033 like started scheduling herself at one Ut9CseIBGio-01444-00429034-00429210 school and not the other school because Ut9CseIBGio-01445-00429210-00429495 she just wanted to avoid that school so Ut9CseIBGio-01446-00429496-00429750 we know what it was we had to sit down Ut9CseIBGio-01447-00429751-00430017 we had to talk about it we had to put Ut9CseIBGio-01448-00430018-00430220 use all of the structures we had in Ut9CseIBGio-01449-00430221-00430467 place to say you know this is traumatic Ut9CseIBGio-01450-00430468-00430659 this is traumatic for you it's a Ut9CseIBGio-01451-00430660-00430845 vicarious trauma it's for your whole Ut9CseIBGio-01452-00430846-00431205 team's back at at the schools so what do Ut9CseIBGio-01453-00431206-00431414 we have to do to write this because you Ut9CseIBGio-01454-00431416-00431589 don't hate each other you're not funding Ut9CseIBGio-01455-00431589-00431751 because of that you're fighting because Ut9CseIBGio-01456-00431752-00431883 you're traumatized because of what you Ut9CseIBGio-01457-00431884-00432095 just had to do in the last three weeks Ut9CseIBGio-01458-00432096-00432443 but we were we were prepared we had an Ut9CseIBGio-01459-00432445-00432606 organizational structure in place Ut9CseIBGio-01460-00432607-00432864 including a resource that we can Ut9CseIBGio-01461-00432864-00433284 recommend them to go get treatment and Ut9CseIBGio-01462-00433285-00433425 emotional health and so forth if they Ut9CseIBGio-01463-00433426-00433857 chose to have it we have ability to help Ut9CseIBGio-01464-00433858-00434013 them sign up for a gym I mean all of Ut9CseIBGio-01465-00434014-00434280 those things what we've included in your Ut9CseIBGio-01466-00434281-00434447 packet and we don't have time to go Ut9CseIBGio-01467-00434448-00434538 through it right now Ut9CseIBGio-01468-00434539-00434822 but is an organizational checklist so Ut9CseIBGio-01469-00434823-00435051 you can go through and see does my Ut9CseIBGio-01470-00435052-00435237 organization do these things to help Ut9CseIBGio-01471-00435238-00435522 keep its staff healthy there's also an Ut9CseIBGio-01472-00435522-00435780 individual checklist for self-care that Ut9CseIBGio-01473-00435781-00436017 you can distribute to your artists and Ut9CseIBGio-01474-00436018-00436314 your educators and encourage them to do Ut9CseIBGio-01475-00436314-00436551 those same things and then there's just Ut9CseIBGio-01476-00436552-00436710 another packet that gives you more Ut9CseIBGio-01477-00436710-00436922 information about vicarious trauma and Ut9CseIBGio-01478-00436923-00437085 so forth so you have that those Ut9CseIBGio-01479-00437085-00437280 resources to be able to work through Ut9CseIBGio-01480-00437281-00437943 things great and with that it's time to Ut9CseIBGio-01481-00437943-00438334 give opportunity to ask questions Ut9CseIBGio-01482-00438335-00438650 so what we'll do is we'll get them the Ut9CseIBGio-01483-00438651-00438871 mic and we'll come around to ask and Ut9CseIBGio-01484-00438872-00439075 we'll answer whatever questions you Ut9CseIBGio-01485-00439076-00440406 might have thank you any questions I Ut9CseIBGio-01486-00440407-00440647 know that you have a unique model with Ut9CseIBGio-01487-00440648-00440812 your embedded teaching artists but a lot Ut9CseIBGio-01488-00440813-00441037 of us deal with classroom teachers who Ut9CseIBGio-01489-00441038-00441211 don't have these social-emotional skills Ut9CseIBGio-01490-00441212-00441433 or training yeah do you have any advice Ut9CseIBGio-01491-00441434-00441697 what can we do to help them and often Ut9CseIBGio-01492-00441698-00441865 they need help themselves and how do you Ut9CseIBGio-01493-00441866-00441997 convince them of that and give them the Ut9CseIBGio-01494-00441998-00442175 tools that they need yeah without Ut9CseIBGio-01495-00442176-00442411 overstepping yeah I mean the biggest Ut9CseIBGio-01496-00442412-00442618 thing cuz we work across 17 schools and Ut9CseIBGio-01497-00442619-00442900 we we work with staff who who are not Ut9CseIBGio-01498-00442901-00443068 our own staff we work with all these Ut9CseIBGio-01499-00443069-00443260 classroom teachers and principals and so Ut9CseIBGio-01500-00443261-00443509 forth we get we we talked to the Ut9CseIBGio-01501-00443510-00443716 principal because it's his or her or Ut9CseIBGio-01502-00443717-00444040 their building right and we help them Ut9CseIBGio-01503-00444041-00444304 get invested in it and then we offer Ut9CseIBGio-01504-00444305-00444595 professional development we will go in Ut9CseIBGio-01505-00444596-00444889 anytime anywhere and provide this for Ut9CseIBGio-01506-00444890-00445093 free if you're if you're a partner we're Ut9CseIBGio-01507-00445094-00445270 coming in to help you and we'll give you Ut9CseIBGio-01508-00445271-00445529 all of the resources that we have all of Ut9CseIBGio-01509-00445530-00445717 the training that our staff has so we Ut9CseIBGio-01510-00445718-00445979 can help sometimes the principal isn't Ut9CseIBGio-01511-00445980-00446131 ready for that yet because they don't Ut9CseIBGio-01512-00446132-00446338 they don't have the trust in us or they Ut9CseIBGio-01513-00446339-00446509 think that their staff is overwhelmed or Ut9CseIBGio-01514-00446510-00446869 whatever so we model our teachers never Ut9CseIBGio-01515-00446870-00447040 just stay in the classroom they're Ut9CseIBGio-01516-00447041-00447268 always in the classroom when it's time Ut9CseIBGio-01517-00447269-00447496 to teach the students but when it's not Ut9CseIBGio-01518-00447497-00447725 there shut off the lights time or if Ut9CseIBGio-01519-00447726-00447913 it's not their classroom time they are Ut9CseIBGio-01520-00447914-00448291 out modeling what kind of positive adult Ut9CseIBGio-01521-00448292-00448492 role model what that looks like how that Ut9CseIBGio-01522-00448493-00448556 works Ut9CseIBGio-01523-00448557-00448822 how I'm gonna care for myself how I'm Ut9CseIBGio-01524-00448823-00448979 gonna take care of the kids in the Ut9CseIBGio-01525-00448980-00449236 community at the same time but but yeah Ut9CseIBGio-01526-00449237-00449398 as much professional development as you Ut9CseIBGio-01527-00449399-00449907 can and offer it for free Ut9CseIBGio-01528-00449908-00450779 I keep coming back to this question not Ut9CseIBGio-01529-00450780-00451242 having any experience in this yet when Ut9CseIBGio-01530-00451243-00451433 we're talking about particularly Ut9CseIBGio-01531-00451434-00451767 students who are having impulse control Ut9CseIBGio-01532-00451768-00452055 and challenges and where that sits in Ut9CseIBGio-01533-00452056-00452277 the world of students with special needs Ut9CseIBGio-01534-00452278-00452489 and how we kind of are moving between Ut9CseIBGio-01535-00452491-00452709 the two which I know is not black and Ut9CseIBGio-01536-00452710-00452943 white by any means but where the Ut9CseIBGio-01537-00452943-00453207 research is or if it has started in this Ut9CseIBGio-01538-00453208-00453534 this area yet do you mean students with Ut9CseIBGio-01539-00453535-00453792 emotional and behavior disorders or art Ut9CseIBGio-01540-00453793-00454416 autistic which yeah yeah it's it's Ut9CseIBGio-01541-00454417-00454697 really interesting now let Cassie talk Ut9CseIBGio-01542-00454699-00454962 more B and Colleen because they both do Ut9CseIBGio-01543-00454963-00455247 or did have classrooms with students Ut9CseIBGio-01544-00455247-00455643 with multiple issues but we are actually Ut9CseIBGio-01545-00455643-00455864 currently conducting a quasi Ut9CseIBGio-01546-00455866-00456120 experimental long term four year program Ut9CseIBGio-01547-00456121-00456429 to understand how to work with students Ut9CseIBGio-01548-00456430-00456681 who have emotional and behavioral Ut9CseIBGio-01549-00456682-00456879 disorders within the theater classroom Ut9CseIBGio-01550-00456880-00457147 and how we can work with this to improve Ut9CseIBGio-01551-00457149-00457362 impulse control for those specific Ut9CseIBGio-01552-00457363-00457647 students but why don't I have you talk Ut9CseIBGio-01553-00457647-00457947 specifically about some differentiations Ut9CseIBGio-01554-00457947-00458393 and what you do with those students I Ut9CseIBGio-01555-00458393-00458735 know that we in our first programs we Ut9CseIBGio-01556-00458737-00458958 had image classes which is what it's Ut9CseIBGio-01557-00458959-00459072 called in our district so multiple Ut9CseIBGio-01558-00459072-00459324 handicaps anywhere from autism cerebral Ut9CseIBGio-01559-00459325-00459527 palsy all that students in wheelchair Ut9CseIBGio-01560-00459528-00459867 nonverbal and then we also had our IDI Ut9CseIBGio-01561-00459868-00460043 class which is what they call it there Ut9CseIBGio-01562-00460045-00460164 which we don't like and we're trying to Ut9CseIBGio-01563-00460164-00460260 get a change but it's where they Ut9CseIBGio-01564-00460260-00460491 emotionally disturbed is how they put it Ut9CseIBGio-01565-00460492-00460818 and it's where they put behavior but Ut9CseIBGio-01566-00460818-00460995 people who act out outlier in the Ut9CseIBGio-01567-00460996-00461289 behavior and what we found for Ut9CseIBGio-01568-00461289-00461541 differentiation you could be doing four Ut9CseIBGio-01569-00461542-00461735 different things within one classroom to Ut9CseIBGio-01570-00461737-00461946 get all of them doing the same thing Ut9CseIBGio-01571-00461947-00462138 especially in your image classes with Ut9CseIBGio-01572-00462139-00462387 differing abilities but in the IDI Ut9CseIBGio-01573-00462388-00462714 classes specifically this work has been Ut9CseIBGio-01574-00462714-00463017 transformative most of the times the Ut9CseIBGio-01575-00463018-00463143 class sizes are small Ut9CseIBGio-01576-00463143-00463568 so instead of 32 I would have maybe Ut9CseIBGio-01577-00463570-00463908 seven sometimes smallest a group of four Ut9CseIBGio-01578-00463909-00464151 and they were really able to dive into Ut9CseIBGio-01579-00464152-00464400 the work and when there a lot of what we Ut9CseIBGio-01580-00464401-00464547 do is kind of like the modeling so we Ut9CseIBGio-01581-00464547-00464693 would have the pair who would say oh you Ut9CseIBGio-01582-00464695-00464877 can't come today there's a substitute or Ut9CseIBGio-01583-00464878-00465012 they would try to take the student out Ut9CseIBGio-01584-00465013-00465210 if they were being disruptive or being Ut9CseIBGio-01585-00465210-00465432 disrespectful in the ways that we work Ut9CseIBGio-01586-00465433-00465635 around it that restorative justice way Ut9CseIBGio-01587-00465637-00465852 of incorporating them back into it you Ut9CseIBGio-01588-00465853-00466041 know if they offended the group giving Ut9CseIBGio-01589-00466042-00466272 them an opportunity to self-regulate and Ut9CseIBGio-01590-00466272-00466497 then inviting them back in asking the Ut9CseIBGio-01591-00466497-00466767 class do you accept the apology you know Ut9CseIBGio-01592-00466768-00467049 making that conversation happen instead Ut9CseIBGio-01593-00467050-00467360 of them being this bad child they had a Ut9CseIBGio-01594-00467362-00467550 moment and they see how they can be Ut9CseIBGio-01595-00467551-00467718 reintegrated into the classroom and I Ut9CseIBGio-01596-00467718-00467934 automatically eliminate it from it and Ut9CseIBGio-01597-00467935-00468291 the teachers have and the principals of Ut9CseIBGio-01598-00468292-00468414 the buildings have said what a Ut9CseIBGio-01599-00468414-00468705 difference it makes in this IDI behavior Ut9CseIBGio-01600-00468706-00468975 challenged population because most of Ut9CseIBGio-01601-00468976-00469112 the time they're not cognitively Ut9CseIBGio-01602-00469113-00469322 cognitively delayed in any way they're Ut9CseIBGio-01603-00469324-00469524 usually advanced thinkers and really Ut9CseIBGio-01604-00469525-00469746 really smart and over it and not buying Ut9CseIBGio-01605-00469747-00469884 the is what they would say to Ut9CseIBGio-01606-00469885-00470187 aren't to their teachers faces and so we Ut9CseIBGio-01607-00470188-00470325 would say okay well that's not the way Ut9CseIBGio-01608-00470326-00470526 we communicate that but I agree with you Ut9CseIBGio-01609-00470527-00470655 you know like that kind of thing Ut9CseIBGio-01610-00470656-00470850 and giving them that platform for free Ut9CseIBGio-01611-00470851-00471089 discussion that's free just that freedom Ut9CseIBGio-01612-00471091-00471218 to say I don't Ut9CseIBGio-01613-00471220-00471378 I forgive you every time I come in here Ut9CseIBGio-01614-00471379-00471585 you can call me all these names you're Ut9CseIBGio-01615-00471585-00471702 gonna apologize and get your life Ut9CseIBGio-01616-00471703-00471876 together but we get a new start every Ut9CseIBGio-01617-00471877-00472056 week we come back together and all of Ut9CseIBGio-01618-00472057-00472200 our teachers have that special way we Ut9CseIBGio-01619-00472201-00472428 connect is really about authenticity so Ut9CseIBGio-01620-00472429-00472704 we are differentiating our work to meet Ut9CseIBGio-01621-00472705-00472845 that need because that's what they're Ut9CseIBGio-01622-00472846-00473118 responding to their authentic this that Ut9CseIBGio-01623-00473118-00473424 ability to be reintegrated that less Ut9CseIBGio-01624-00473425-00473658 punitive and less compliant based how do Ut9CseIBGio-01625-00473659-00473838 you want to learn this because you're Ut9CseIBGio-01626-00473839-00474066 gonna do it so how do you want to do it Ut9CseIBGio-01627-00474067-00474321 and then having that asking them what Ut9CseIBGio-01628-00474322-00474485 they need instead of telling them what Ut9CseIBGio-01629-00474487-00474660 they're going to do because you're Ut9CseIBGio-01630-00474660-00474870 dealing with kids who have adult lives Ut9CseIBGio-01631-00474871-00475118 outside of it often times so they come Ut9CseIBGio-01632-00475120-00475233 in and you want to treat me like I'm Ut9CseIBGio-01633-00475234-00475401 seven but I'm at home taking care of Ut9CseIBGio-01634-00475402-00475617 three kids until my momma get off work Ut9CseIBGio-01635-00475618-00475800 like that kind of thing so realizing Ut9CseIBGio-01636-00475801-00476010 that and meeting them there so a lot of Ut9CseIBGio-01637-00476010-00476139 it is in the relationship building in Ut9CseIBGio-01638-00476139-00476182 the canoe Ut9CseIBGio-01639-00476183-00476407 fitness and we are that's why we have Ut9CseIBGio-01640-00476408-00476685 this study so that we can see how do we Ut9CseIBGio-01641-00476687-00476818 differentiate this curriculum and make Ut9CseIBGio-01642-00476818-00477049 it so successful for them I think they Ut9CseIBGio-01643-00477050-00477253 found in our study that among middle Ut9CseIBGio-01644-00477254-00477613 school age black boys we had like this Ut9CseIBGio-01645-00477614-00477901 huge spike they were the ones who really Ut9CseIBGio-01646-00477902-00478039 really flourished and I think the first Ut9CseIBGio-01647-00478039-00478225 couple years of our study and everybody Ut9CseIBGio-01648-00478226-00478375 was like what's something that works for Ut9CseIBGio-01649-00478376-00478630 them well yeah cuz things work and we Ut9CseIBGio-01650-00478631-00478855 were so excited and they were excited so Ut9CseIBGio-01651-00478856-00479107 we're still doing the research and we'll Ut9CseIBGio-01652-00479108-00479533 give to you when we got there's a lot of Ut9CseIBGio-01653-00479534-00479722 research outside theater education right Ut9CseIBGio-01654-00479722-00480006 that does show that students with with Ut9CseIBGio-01655-00480007-00480208 emotional and behavioral disorders Ut9CseIBGio-01656-00480209-00480538 thrive in very structured classrooms are Ut9CseIBGio-01657-00480539-00480706 you all of the things that we've talked Ut9CseIBGio-01658-00480707-00480976 about are things that that fit back over Ut9CseIBGio-01659-00480977-00481482 with those that student population Ut9CseIBGio-01660-00481483-00481839 anything else could you talk a little Ut9CseIBGio-01661-00481841-00482221 bit about recruiting and onboarding Ut9CseIBGio-01662-00482222-00482512 teaching artists to do this work I sure Ut9CseIBGio-01663-00482513-00482887 can cuz we learned a lot so the the Ut9CseIBGio-01664-00482888-00483205 first cohort of teaching artists I think Ut9CseIBGio-01665-00483206-00483397 that within we needed for teaching Ut9CseIBGio-01666-00483397-00483564 artists within the first three months we Ut9CseIBGio-01667-00483566-00483907 had gone through ten so we learned a lot Ut9CseIBGio-01668-00483908-00484207 along the way one of the things is we Ut9CseIBGio-01669-00484208-00484468 changed what what we thought were the Ut9CseIBGio-01670-00484468-00484810 requirements right we had two so we Ut9CseIBGio-01671-00484810-00485026 thought oh well you know we have an MFA Ut9CseIBGio-01672-00485027-00485120 and in Ut9CseIBGio-01673-00485121-00485483 and in theater education so in acting so Ut9CseIBGio-01674-00485484-00485702 everybody has to have that what we found Ut9CseIBGio-01675-00485703-00486020 very quickly is no they didn't know they Ut9CseIBGio-01676-00486021-00486380 did it so we have drama therapists on Ut9CseIBGio-01677-00486381-00486629 our team Cassie's as a trained social Ut9CseIBGio-01678-00486630-00487025 worker we have clinical counselors we Ut9CseIBGio-01679-00487026-00487274 have elementary school teachers we also Ut9CseIBGio-01680-00487275-00487601 have people who studied communications Ut9CseIBGio-01681-00487602-00487810 so we stopped looking at what your Ut9CseIBGio-01682-00487812-00488006 degree was that we love having you here Ut9CseIBGio-01683-00488007-00488375 if you have a relatable field degree but Ut9CseIBGio-01684-00488376-00488564 we started looking at cultural Ut9CseIBGio-01685-00488564-00488801 competencies were you culturally Ut9CseIBGio-01686-00488802-00489083 competent could you understand what what Ut9CseIBGio-01687-00489084-00489341 was going on in that classroom and and Ut9CseIBGio-01688-00489342-00489608 how it related to you were you resilient Ut9CseIBGio-01689-00489609-00489830 were you like these kids were you gonna Ut9CseIBGio-01690-00489831-00489997 be resilient because if you weren't we Ut9CseIBGio-01691-00489999-00490175 couldn't have you in there because the Ut9CseIBGio-01692-00490176-00490447 kids needed to see you enough times and Ut9CseIBGio-01693-00490449-00490676 we had one more do you remember what it Ut9CseIBGio-01694-00490677-00490939 was as we were doing the interviews Ut9CseIBGio-01695-00490939-00491347 culture company resilient and just Ut9CseIBGio-01696-00491349-00491555 authentic I think it was just authentic Ut9CseIBGio-01697-00491556-00491792 where could you bring your own self into Ut9CseIBGio-01698-00491793-00492041 the room and if you could do those we Ut9CseIBGio-01699-00492042-00492256 found that you you could be successful Ut9CseIBGio-01700-00492257-00492522 but we have a three week intensive Ut9CseIBGio-01701-00492524-00492731 training period that includes Ut9CseIBGio-01702-00492732-00493012 trauma-informed care restorative justice Ut9CseIBGio-01703-00493013-00493313 theater teeth you know skills I mean it Ut9CseIBGio-01704-00493314-00493517 goes on and on and then you're mentored Ut9CseIBGio-01705-00493518-00493838 for the first six months for the first Ut9CseIBGio-01706-00493839-00494180 six months of your work and then of Ut9CseIBGio-01707-00494181-00494288 course you're still selling to Ut9CseIBGio-01708-00494289-00494471 supervisor pass that to make sure you Ut9CseIBGio-01709-00494472-00494705 can make those transitions but we do a Ut9CseIBGio-01710-00494706-00494872 lot to make sure that they're they're Ut9CseIBGio-01711-00494874-00495881 able to go Ut9CseIBGio-01712-00495882-00496472 I don't want to cut it off it is there Ut9CseIBGio-01713-00496473-00496541 anymore Ut9CseIBGio-01714-00496542-00496745 are there any further questions comments Ut9CseIBGio-01715-00496746-00497141 thoughts in and if before we could go to Ut9CseIBGio-01716-00497142-00497295 lunch if we could just pass the Ut9CseIBGio-01717-00497296-00497481 microphone really quickly one word how Ut9CseIBGio-01718-00497482-00497718 you're feeling just so we can come to an Ut9CseIBGio-01719-00497718-00497847 end that would be lovely Ut9CseIBGio-01720-00497847-00498060 I think that's a great idea can we start Ut9CseIBGio-01721-00498060-00498776 with you Laurie stunned overwhelmed Ut9CseIBGio-01722-00498777-00500237 heavy arrived digesting present inspired Ut9CseIBGio-01723-00500238-00501739 grateful inspired educated reflecting Ut9CseIBGio-01724-00501740-00503497 pondering bursting cautious more sad Ut9CseIBGio-01725-00503497-00504243 huh inspired Wow Ut9CseIBGio-01726-00504243-00505185 reviewing proud inspired thinking Ut9CseIBGio-01727-00505185-00505921 grateful brokenhearted but hopeful yeah Ut9CseIBGio-01728-00505922-00506668 grateful inspired strategizing search Ut9CseIBGio-01729-00506668-00507684 searching reflective purposeful seen and Ut9CseIBGio-01730-00507685-00508807 activated reflective processing for me Ut9CseIBGio-01731-00508808-00508968 I'm gonna say this has been extremely Ut9CseIBGio-01732-00508970-00509347 powerful and I'm hopeful because of you Ut9CseIBGio-01733-00509347-00509575 and all the work that you do and all the Ut9CseIBGio-01734-00509576-00509839 work that you all do so thank you I love Ut9CseIBGio-01735-00509839-00510076 the inspiration because it's pretty Ut9CseIBGio-01736-00510077-00510289 heavy stuff what you all are bringing to Ut9CseIBGio-01737-00510289-00510583 us but my guess is that you're all on Ut9CseIBGio-01738-00510584-00510781 the front lines dealing with this so Ut9CseIBGio-01739-00510782-00510964 thank you for bringing us on this Ut9CseIBGio-01740-00510964-00511364 journey today really thank you Ut9CseIBGio-01741-00511364-00512229 [Applause] Ut9CseIBGio-01742-00512230-00512689 um I I'm gonna charge you as you go off Ut9CseIBGio-01743-00512689-00512950 to lunch to please think about because Ut9CseIBGio-01744-00512951-00513208 at the end of the day because there's Ut9CseIBGio-01745-00513209-00513424 been a lot of a lot of talking at you Ut9CseIBGio-01746-00513425-00513583 and there will be before the end of the Ut9CseIBGio-01747-00513584-00513883 day I we have a half an hour to reflect Ut9CseIBGio-01748-00513884-00514168 together so please be prepared to join Ut9CseIBGio-01749-00514168-00514339 into some what do you want to bring Ut9CseIBGio-01750-00514339-00514549 forward what are you going to take home Ut9CseIBGio-01751-00514550-00514849 to your theaters and if you were to have Ut9CseIBGio-01752-00514850-00515199 a convening again next year let's say Ut9CseIBGio-01753-00515200-00515487 what do you want to focus on so I'm Ut9CseIBGio-01754-00515488-00515739 gonna help facilitate that but if you Ut9CseIBGio-01755-00515740-00515904 could already start to think then we'll Ut9CseIBGio-01756-00515905-00516177 fill that space this afternoon some Ut9CseIBGio-01757-00516178-00516432 logistics Ut_lmetwHqU-00000-00000111-00000499 [Music] Ut_lmetwHqU-00001-00000500-00000862 hello my name is Valdez I'm 34 years old Ut_lmetwHqU-00002-00000863-00001150 and I am from thieves currently I am in Ut_lmetwHqU-00003-00001151-00001427 Malta and I shouldn't be in steel for Ut_lmetwHqU-00004-00001428-00001726 seven years if she took General about my Ut_lmetwHqU-00005-00001727-00002075 experience I had worked like um lawyers Ut_lmetwHqU-00006-00002076-00002368 assistance for one and a half year and Ut_lmetwHqU-00007-00002369-00002602 then I decided to switch myself in 19 Ut_lmetwHqU-00008-00002603-00003017 area as I always wanted to improve my Ut_lmetwHqU-00009-00003018-00003335 English skills and that's how I found Ut_lmetwHqU-00010-00003336-00003640 work in the Translating company I Ut_lmetwHqU-00011-00003642-00003893 translated text to different websites Ut_lmetwHqU-00012-00003894-00004241 also help my colleagues on conferences Ut_lmetwHqU-00013-00004242-00004529 and I had been working there for almost Ut_lmetwHqU-00014-00004530-00004795 two years then due to family Ut_lmetwHqU-00015-00004796-00005027 circumstances we moved to model town Ut_lmetwHqU-00016-00005028-00005356 where I continued to study I'm taking Ut_lmetwHqU-00017-00005357-00005735 um psychology course or online study on Ut_lmetwHqU-00018-00005736-00005885 the weekend Ut_lmetwHqU-00019-00005886-00006281 but I'm studying for myself now as a Ut_lmetwHqU-00020-00006282-00006655 really I was always curious how human Ut_lmetwHqU-00021-00006656-00006917 brains works and reacts in different Ut_lmetwHqU-00022-00006918-00007342 situations and I really believe so my Ut_lmetwHqU-00023-00007343-00007541 knowledge just will help me understand Ut_lmetwHqU-00024-00007542-00007841 people better will develop my Ut_lmetwHqU-00025-00007842-00008148 communication skills and the whole my Ut_lmetwHqU-00026-00008150-00008513 critical thinking I like to studying and Ut_lmetwHqU-00027-00008514-00008771 disprove myself all the time also right Ut_lmetwHqU-00028-00008772-00009028 now I help Ukrainian refugees to settle Ut_lmetwHqU-00029-00009029-00009353 down now in this island beside all I Ut_lmetwHqU-00030-00009354-00009760 have a lot of free time and after many Ut_lmetwHqU-00031-00009761-00010049 years of living in English-speaking Ut_lmetwHqU-00032-00010050-00010373 country practicing English every day in Ut_lmetwHqU-00033-00010374-00010781 my daily routine and communicating in Ut_lmetwHqU-00034-00010782-00011074 multinational groups I decided to share Ut_lmetwHqU-00035-00011075-00011273 my experience with your company I'm Ut_lmetwHqU-00036-00011274-00011501 ready to start working like a translator Ut_lmetwHqU-00037-00011502-00011885 full or a half day or mold a little leg Ut_lmetwHqU-00038-00011886-00012269 languages and English and also I have Ut_lmetwHqU-00039-00012270-00012533 basic knowledges in Spanish language and Ut_lmetwHqU-00040-00012534-00012802 I'm responsible communicated very Ut_lmetwHqU-00041-00012803-00013072 talkative and really Niche we could be Ut_lmetwHqU-00042-00013073-00013288 useful for each other and interesting Ut_lmetwHqU-00043-00013290-00013511 growing in a company Ut_lmetwHqU-00044-00013512-00014021 so looking for light hearing something Ut_lmetwHqU-00045-00014022-00014245 foreign UtNFIofNk9Q-00000-00001528-00001726 hey everyone welcome back to my channel UtNFIofNk9Q-00001-00001727-00001863 for another review UtNFIofNk9Q-00002-00001864-00002079 and of course another watch face UtNFIofNk9Q-00003-00002080-00002295 giveaway now in today's show i want to UtNFIofNk9Q-00004-00002296-00002518 share another really awesome design from UtNFIofNk9Q-00005-00002519-00002575 our friends UtNFIofNk9Q-00006-00002576-00002847 at styles4u and if you're not familiar UtNFIofNk9Q-00007-00002848-00003039 with this developer then i strongly UtNFIofNk9Q-00008-00003040-00003150 encourage you to check out his UtNFIofNk9Q-00009-00003151-00003375 storefront because he specializes UtNFIofNk9Q-00010-00003376-00003615 in creating stunning realistic watch UtNFIofNk9Q-00011-00003615-00003703 face designs UtNFIofNk9Q-00012-00003704-00003879 and i got two new models to show you UtNFIofNk9Q-00013-00003879-00004063 guys today with one of them being a UtNFIofNk9Q-00014-00004064-00004135 giveaway UtNFIofNk9Q-00015-00004136-00004375 and i have 45 codes per country to hand UtNFIofNk9Q-00016-00004376-00004543 out which is not too shabby UtNFIofNk9Q-00017-00004544-00004727 and then the other one is basically the UtNFIofNk9Q-00018-00004728-00004927 same model but with more colorful theme UtNFIofNk9Q-00019-00004928-00005015 variations UtNFIofNk9Q-00020-00005016-00005167 and i'm going to give you just a quick UtNFIofNk9Q-00021-00005168-00005359 sneak peek for that one in case you guys UtNFIofNk9Q-00022-00005360-00005470 want to purchase it UtNFIofNk9Q-00023-00005471-00005647 anyways enough of my jibber jab let me UtNFIofNk9Q-00024-00005648-00005791 show you what you get in the version UtNFIofNk9Q-00025-00005792-00005911 that we're giving away UtNFIofNk9Q-00026-00005912-00006086 and then at the end of the review i'm UtNFIofNk9Q-00027-00006087-00006270 going to give you a glimpse at the other UtNFIofNk9Q-00028-00006271-00006406 variation UtNFIofNk9Q-00029-00006408-00006614 okay guys here we go with this new model UtNFIofNk9Q-00030-00006615-00006734 and i think you can see UtNFIofNk9Q-00031-00006736-00007006 right away the level of work and detail UtNFIofNk9Q-00032-00007008-00007198 that's gone into this design and UtNFIofNk9Q-00033-00007200-00007383 really the video doesn't do it full UtNFIofNk9Q-00034-00007384-00007559 justice because it really does UtNFIofNk9Q-00035-00007559-00007806 look realistic and by that i mean the UtNFIofNk9Q-00036-00007808-00008039 use of the shading and the tones gives UtNFIofNk9Q-00037-00008040-00008159 this a perception of UtNFIofNk9Q-00038-00008159-00008407 depth and 3d like appearance plus you UtNFIofNk9Q-00039-00008408-00008471 get some UtNFIofNk9Q-00040-00008472-00008735 very subtle yet classy background themes UtNFIofNk9Q-00041-00008736-00008951 for this one which just enhances that UtNFIofNk9Q-00042-00008952-00009159 cool factor even further UtNFIofNk9Q-00043-00009160-00009359 now in terms of features well you have UtNFIofNk9Q-00044-00009360-00009487 them spread out in those UtNFIofNk9Q-00045-00009488-00009727 dials and other display areas for the UtNFIofNk9Q-00046-00009728-00009927 three main dials you got your battery UtNFIofNk9Q-00047-00009928-00010095 power remaining shown in the dial to the UtNFIofNk9Q-00048-00010096-00010151 left UtNFIofNk9Q-00049-00010152-00010319 the one on the right shows your daily UtNFIofNk9Q-00050-00010320-00010495 step progress and then the one at the UtNFIofNk9Q-00051-00010496-00010542 bottom UtNFIofNk9Q-00052-00010543-00010838 identifies the current weekday and month UtNFIofNk9Q-00053-00010839-00010935 now that small UtNFIofNk9Q-00054-00010936-00011127 bubble display off to the right shows UtNFIofNk9Q-00055-00011128-00011238 the date and then UtNFIofNk9Q-00056-00011239-00011438 on the opposite side of the face and in UtNFIofNk9Q-00057-00011439-00011599 an equally small display UtNFIofNk9Q-00058-00011600-00011799 is your last recorded heart rate this UtNFIofNk9Q-00059-00011800-00011959 one also comes with six different UtNFIofNk9Q-00060-00011960-00012119 background theme choices UtNFIofNk9Q-00061-00012120-00012359 as well as 10 variations for your date UtNFIofNk9Q-00062-00012360-00012455 display area UtNFIofNk9Q-00063-00012456-00012663 plus you get three fixed app launchers UtNFIofNk9Q-00064-00012664-00012846 to your battery your heart rate and UtNFIofNk9Q-00065-00012847-00013551 schedule apps UtNFIofNk9Q-00066-00013552-00013727 okay guys and here's the other model UtNFIofNk9Q-00067-00013728-00013879 that you can pick up and this is UtNFIofNk9Q-00068-00013880-00014022 available for purchase UtNFIofNk9Q-00069-00014023-00014207 right now so definitely check it out if UtNFIofNk9Q-00070-00014208-00014447 you prefer more color on your display UtNFIofNk9Q-00071-00014447-00014703 but it's identical to the previous model UtNFIofNk9Q-00072-00014704-00014871 in terms of the features the functions UtNFIofNk9Q-00073-00014872-00014958 and layout UtNFIofNk9Q-00074-00014959-00015207 except of course you get even more theme UtNFIofNk9Q-00075-00015208-00016303 choices and colors to select from UtNFIofNk9Q-00076-00016304-00016463 all right guys that's my review of this UtNFIofNk9Q-00077-00016464-00016694 racing inspired watch face from styles4u UtNFIofNk9Q-00078-00016695-00016919 and remember that we are giving away 45 UtNFIofNk9Q-00079-00016920-00017063 codes per country UtNFIofNk9Q-00080-00017064-00017271 to the first design that i show you guys UtNFIofNk9Q-00081-00017272-00017415 so if you want a chance of adding that UtNFIofNk9Q-00082-00017416-00017575 on your collections for free then make UtNFIofNk9Q-00083-00017576-00017775 sure you click on our coupon generator UtNFIofNk9Q-00084-00017776-00017839 link UtNFIofNk9Q-00085-00017840-00018055 down below in that video description UtNFIofNk9Q-00086-00018056-00018191 thanks again for watching our review and UtNFIofNk9Q-00087-00018192-00018358 supporting the channel and please don't UtNFIofNk9Q-00088-00018359-00018399 forget UtNFIofNk9Q-00089-00018400-00018614 to smash that like and subscribe button UtNFIofNk9Q-00090-00018615-00018767 before you leave i'll see you on UtNFIofNk9Q-00091-00018768-00019407 our next video until then take care UtNFIofNk9Q-00092-00019408-00019583 thanks again for watching our review and UtNFIofNk9Q-00093-00019584-00019758 if you liked it then show us some love UtNFIofNk9Q-00094-00019759-00019879 with a thumbs up UtNFIofNk9Q-00095-00019880-00020071 subscribe to the channel and share the UtNFIofNk9Q-00096-00020072-00020214 video with your friends because with UtNFIofNk9Q-00097-00020215-00020407 your support it really helps me keep the UtNFIofNk9Q-00098-00020408-00020494 channel going UtNFIofNk9Q-00099-00020495-00020678 so i can continue to offer you guys UtNFIofNk9Q-00100-00020679-00020894 discounts giveaways and of course fresh UtNFIofNk9Q-00101-00020895-00020967 content UtNFIofNk9Q-00102-00020968-00021167 i'll see you in the next episode until UtNFIofNk9Q-00103-00021168-00021656 then take care UuZ7jMd4ilu-00000-00000588-00002799 [Music] UuZ7jMd4ilu-00001-00002800-00002999 windows 1.0 was released UuZ7jMd4ilu-00002-00003000-00003327 on november 20th 1985 as the first UuZ7jMd4ilu-00003-00003328-00003578 version of the microsoft windows line UuZ7jMd4ilu-00004-00003579-00004231 [Music] UuZ7jMd4ilu-00005-00004232-00004422 it is a graphical personal computer UuZ7jMd4ilu-00006-00004423-00004606 operating environment system UuZ7jMd4ilu-00007-00004607-00004831 developed by microsoft who had worked UuZ7jMd4ilu-00008-00004832-00004991 with apple computer to develop UuZ7jMd4ilu-00009-00004992-00005279 applications for apple's in january 1984 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00010-00005280-00005447 original macintosh UuZ7jMd4ilu-00011-00005448-00005679 it runs as a graphical 16-bit UuZ7jMd4ilu-00012-00005680-00005799 multitasking shell UuZ7jMd4ilu-00013-00005800-00005975 on top of an existing ms-dos UuZ7jMd4ilu-00014-00005976-00006175 installation it provides an UuZ7jMd4ilu-00015-00006176-00006351 environment which can run graphical UuZ7jMd4ilu-00016-00006352-00006550 programs designed for windows UuZ7jMd4ilu-00017-00006551-00006863 as well as existing ms-dos software its UuZ7jMd4ilu-00018-00006864-00007039 development was spearheaded by the UuZ7jMd4ilu-00019-00007040-00007263 company founder bill gates after he saw UuZ7jMd4ilu-00020-00007264-00007470 a demonstration of a similar software UuZ7jMd4ilu-00021-00007472-00007727 suite known as vision at comdex UuZ7jMd4ilu-00022-00007728-00007967 despite positive responses to its early UuZ7jMd4ilu-00023-00007968-00008159 presentations and support from a number UuZ7jMd4ilu-00024-00008159-00008383 of hardware and software makers UuZ7jMd4ilu-00025-00008384-00008751 windows 1.0 was received poly by critics UuZ7jMd4ilu-00026-00008752-00009039 critics felt windows 1.0 did not meet UuZ7jMd4ilu-00027-00009040-00009199 their expectations UuZ7jMd4ilu-00028-00009200-00009527 in particular they felt that windows 1.0 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00029-00009528-00009742 put too much emphasis on mouse input at UuZ7jMd4ilu-00030-00009743-00009935 a time when mouse use was not yet UuZ7jMd4ilu-00031-00009936-00010031 widespread UuZ7jMd4ilu-00032-00010032-00010238 not providing enough resources for new UuZ7jMd4ilu-00033-00010239-00010352 users UuZ7jMd4ilu-00034-00010353-00010411 [Applause] UuZ7jMd4ilu-00035-00010412-00011231 [Music] UuZ7jMd4ilu-00036-00011232-00011495 and for performance issues especially on UuZ7jMd4ilu-00037-00011496-00011687 systems with lower computer hardware UuZ7jMd4ilu-00038-00011688-00011838 specifications UuZ7jMd4ilu-00039-00011839-00012191 despite these criticisms windows 1.0 was UuZ7jMd4ilu-00040-00012192-00012971 an important milestone for microsoft UuZ7jMd4ilu-00041-00012972-00015191 [Music] UuZ7jMd4ilu-00042-00015191-00015471 windows 2.0 allowed application windows UuZ7jMd4ilu-00043-00015472-00015622 to overlap each other UuZ7jMd4ilu-00044-00015623-00015943 unlike its predecessor windows 1.0 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00045-00015944-00016207 which could display only tile to windows UuZ7jMd4ilu-00046-00016208-00016422 it also introduced more sophisticated UuZ7jMd4ilu-00047-00016423-00016558 keyboard shortcuts UuZ7jMd4ilu-00048-00016559-00016743 and the terminology of minimize and UuZ7jMd4ilu-00049-00016744-00016975 maximize as opposed to iconize and zoom UuZ7jMd4ilu-00050-00016976-00018519 in windows 1.0 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00051-00018520-00018735 the basic window setup introduced here UuZ7jMd4ilu-00052-00018736-00019955 would last through windows 3.1 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00053-00019956-00020099 [Applause] UuZ7jMd4ilu-00054-00020100-00020311 [Music] UuZ7jMd4ilu-00055-00020312-00020583 new features in windows 2.0 included UuZ7jMd4ilu-00056-00020584-00020875 support for the new capabilities of the UuZ7jMd4ilu-00057-00020876-00021071 80386 cpu UuZ7jMd4ilu-00058-00021072-00021383 in some version c editions 16 color vga UuZ7jMd4ilu-00059-00021384-00021471 graphics UuZ7jMd4ilu-00060-00021472-00021743 and ems memory support it was also the UuZ7jMd4ilu-00061-00021744-00021958 last version of windows that did not UuZ7jMd4ilu-00062-00021959-00022135 require a hard disk UuZ7jMd4ilu-00063-00022136-00022483 with the improved speed reliability and UuZ7jMd4ilu-00064-00022484-00022827 usability UuZ7jMd4ilu-00065-00022828-00023975 [Music] UuZ7jMd4ilu-00066-00023976-00024199 computers now started becoming a part of UuZ7jMd4ilu-00067-00024200-00024422 daily life for some workers UuZ7jMd4ilu-00068-00024423-00024630 desktop icons and use of keyboard UuZ7jMd4ilu-00069-00024631-00025838 shortcuts help to speed up work UuZ7jMd4ilu-00070-00025839-00025898 [Music] UuZ7jMd4ilu-00071-00025899-00026010 [Applause] UuZ7jMd4ilu-00072-00026011-00028511 [Music] UuZ7jMd4ilu-00073-00028512-00028790 windows 3.0 is the third major release UuZ7jMd4ilu-00074-00028791-00028958 of microsoft windows UuZ7jMd4ilu-00075-00028960-00029311 launched in 1990. like its predecessors UuZ7jMd4ilu-00076-00029312-00029567 it is not an operating system but rather UuZ7jMd4ilu-00077-00029568-00029774 a graphical operating environment UuZ7jMd4ilu-00078-00029775-00029975 that runs on top of dos UuZ7jMd4ilu-00079-00029976-00030423 [Music] UuZ7jMd4ilu-00080-00030424-00030614 it features a new graphical user UuZ7jMd4ilu-00081-00030616-00030790 interface gui UuZ7jMd4ilu-00082-00030791-00030990 where applications are represented as UuZ7jMd4ilu-00083-00030991-00031118 clickable icons UuZ7jMd4ilu-00084-00031119-00031311 as opposed to the list of file names UuZ7jMd4ilu-00085-00031312-00031602 seen in its predecessors UuZ7jMd4ilu-00086-00031602-00031735 [Music] UuZ7jMd4ilu-00087-00031736-00031895 later updates would expand the UuZ7jMd4ilu-00088-00031895-00032062 software's capabilities UuZ7jMd4ilu-00089-00032063-00032262 one of which added multimedia support UuZ7jMd4ilu-00090-00032263-00032455 for sound recording and playback UuZ7jMd4ilu-00091-00032456-00032700 as well as support for cd-roms UuZ7jMd4ilu-00092-00032701-00033295 [Music] UuZ7jMd4ilu-00093-00033296-00033567 windows 3.0 is the first version of UuZ7jMd4ilu-00094-00033568-00033774 windows to perform well both critically UuZ7jMd4ilu-00095-00033775-00033911 and commercially UuZ7jMd4ilu-00096-00033912-00034135 critics and users considered its gui to UuZ7jMd4ilu-00097-00034136-00034295 be a challenger to those of apple UuZ7jMd4ilu-00098-00034296-00034509 macintosh and emix UuZ7jMd4ilu-00099-00034510-00035015 [Music] UuZ7jMd4ilu-00100-00035016-00035207 other praised features were the improved UuZ7jMd4ilu-00101-00035208-00035331 multitasking UuZ7jMd4ilu-00102-00035332-00035543 customizability and especially the UuZ7jMd4ilu-00103-00035544-00035743 utilitarian management of computer UuZ7jMd4ilu-00104-00035744-00035911 memory that troubled the users of UuZ7jMd4ilu-00105-00035912-00036192 windows 3.0 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00106-00036193-00036483 [Music] UuZ7jMd4ilu-00107-00036484-00036911 predecessors UuZ7jMd4ilu-00108-00036912-00037183 windows 3.0 sold 10 million copies UuZ7jMd4ilu-00109-00037184-00037455 before it was succeeded by windows 3.1 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00110-00037456-00038096 in 1992 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00111-00038097-00039359 [Music] UuZ7jMd4ilu-00112-00039360-00039662 windows 3.1x is a series of 16-bit UuZ7jMd4ilu-00113-00039663-00039855 operating environments produced by UuZ7jMd4ilu-00114-00039856-00040127 microsoft for use on personal computers UuZ7jMd4ilu-00115-00040128-00040395 released on april 6 1992. UuZ7jMd4ilu-00116-00040396-00040735 [Music] UuZ7jMd4ilu-00117-00040736-00041046 the series began with windows 3.1 which UuZ7jMd4ilu-00118-00041047-00041327 was first sold during april 1992 as a UuZ7jMd4ilu-00119-00041328-00041590 successor to windows 3.0 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00120-00041591-00041758 subsequent versions were released UuZ7jMd4ilu-00121-00041759-00041902 between 1992 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00122-00041903-00042199 and 1993 until the series was superseded UuZ7jMd4ilu-00123-00042200-00042439 by the windows 9x series starting in UuZ7jMd4ilu-00124-00042440-00042735 1995 with windows 95. UuZ7jMd4ilu-00125-00042736-00043015 during its lifespan windows 3.1 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00126-00043016-00043199 introduced several enhancements to the UuZ7jMd4ilu-00127-00043200-00043415 still ms-dos-based platform UuZ7jMd4ilu-00128-00043416-00043639 including improved system stability UuZ7jMd4ilu-00129-00043640-00043855 expanded support for multimedia UuZ7jMd4ilu-00130-00043856-00044111 truetype fonts and worker group UuZ7jMd4ilu-00131-00044112-00044223 networking UuZ7jMd4ilu-00132-00044224-00044502 official support for windows 3.1 ended UuZ7jMd4ilu-00133-00044503-00044883 on december 31 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00134-00044884-00045208 2001. UuZ7jMd4ilu-00135-00045209-00045671 [Music] UuZ7jMd4ilu-00136-00045672-00045958 however oem licensing for windows for UuZ7jMd4ilu-00137-00045959-00046239 work groups 3.11 on embedded systems UuZ7jMd4ilu-00138-00046240-00046462 continued to be available until november UuZ7jMd4ilu-00139-00046463-00048308 1st 2008 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00140-00048309-00048479 [Music] UuZ7jMd4ilu-00141-00048480-00048767 windows nt 3.1 is an operating system UuZ7jMd4ilu-00142-00048768-00048990 that was produced by microsoft as part UuZ7jMd4ilu-00143-00048991-00049215 of the windows anti-family of operating UuZ7jMd4ilu-00144-00049216-00049358 systems UuZ7jMd4ilu-00145-00049359-00049951 [Music] UuZ7jMd4ilu-00146-00049952-00050302 it was released on july 27 1993 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00147-00050303-00050574 at the time of windows nt's release UuZ7jMd4ilu-00148-00050575-00050830 microsoft's windows 3.1 desktop UuZ7jMd4ilu-00149-00050831-00051015 environment had established brand UuZ7jMd4ilu-00150-00051016-00051246 recognition and market share UuZ7jMd4ilu-00151-00051247-00051494 but windows 3.1 relied on the dos UuZ7jMd4ilu-00152-00051495-00051742 operating system for essential functions UuZ7jMd4ilu-00153-00051744-00051935 and it had a constructive 16-bit UuZ7jMd4ilu-00154-00051936-00052054 architecture UuZ7jMd4ilu-00155-00052055-00052366 windows nt however was a complete UuZ7jMd4ilu-00156-00052367-00052615 32-bit operating system that retained a UuZ7jMd4ilu-00157-00052616-00052838 desktop environment familiar to windows UuZ7jMd4ilu-00158-00052839-00053023 3.1 users UuZ7jMd4ilu-00159-00053024-00053207 by extending the windows brand and UuZ7jMd4ilu-00160-00053208-00053399 beginning windows nt at version UuZ7jMd4ilu-00161-00053400-00053711 3.1 microsoft implied that consumers UuZ7jMd4ilu-00162-00053712-00053982 should expect a familiar user experience UuZ7jMd4ilu-00163-00053983-00054254 the name windows nt new technology UuZ7jMd4ilu-00164-00054255-00054471 advertised that this was a re-engineered UuZ7jMd4ilu-00165-00054472-00054630 version of windows UuZ7jMd4ilu-00166-00054632-00054879 windows nt began as a rewrite of the os2 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00167-00054879-00055007 operating system UuZ7jMd4ilu-00168-00055008-00055215 which microsoft had co-developed with UuZ7jMd4ilu-00169-00055216-00055454 ibm in the 1980s UuZ7jMd4ilu-00170-00055455-00055694 for several reasons including the market UuZ7jMd4ilu-00171-00055695-00056023 success of windows 3.0 in 1990 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00172-00056024-00056254 microsoft decided to advance windows UuZ7jMd4ilu-00173-00056255-00056423 rather than os2 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00174-00056424-00056575 they relinquished their roster UuZ7jMd4ilu-00175-00056576-00056838 development responsibilities to ibm UuZ7jMd4ilu-00176-00056839-00057135 and forked their work on os2 v 3.0 into UuZ7jMd4ilu-00177-00057136-00057366 a competing operating system UuZ7jMd4ilu-00178-00057367-00057630 windows nt 3.1 was available in two UuZ7jMd4ilu-00179-00057632-00057719 editions UuZ7jMd4ilu-00180-00057720-00058038 windows nt 3.1 for workstations and UuZ7jMd4ilu-00181-00058039-00058303 windows nt 3.1 advanced server for UuZ7jMd4ilu-00182-00058304-00058407 servers UuZ7jMd4ilu-00183-00058408-00058615 when these premiered their sales were UuZ7jMd4ilu-00184-00058616-00058847 limited by high system requirements UuZ7jMd4ilu-00185-00058848-00059030 and a general lack of 32-bit UuZ7jMd4ilu-00186-00059032-00059215 applications to take advantage of the UuZ7jMd4ilu-00187-00059216-00060500 os's data processing capabilities UuZ7jMd4ilu-00188-00060501-00061311 [Music] UuZ7jMd4ilu-00189-00061312-00061559 windows 95 is a consumer-oriented UuZ7jMd4ilu-00190-00061560-00061806 operating system developed by microsoft UuZ7jMd4ilu-00191-00061807-00062054 as part of its windows 9x family of UuZ7jMd4ilu-00192-00062055-00062223 operating systems UuZ7jMd4ilu-00193-00062224-00062447 the first operating system in the 9x UuZ7jMd4ilu-00194-00062448-00062682 family it is the successor to windows UuZ7jMd4ilu-00195-00062683-00062806 3.1x UuZ7jMd4ilu-00196-00062807-00063006 and was released to manufacturing on UuZ7jMd4ilu-00197-00063007-00063230 august 15 1995 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00198-00063232-00063506 and generally to retail on august 24 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00199-00063507-00063663 1995 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00200-00063664-00063942 windows 95 merged microsoft's formerly UuZ7jMd4ilu-00201-00063944-00064015 separate UuZ7jMd4ilu-00202-00064016-00064303 ms-dos and microsoft windows products UuZ7jMd4ilu-00203-00064304-00064511 and featured significant improvements UuZ7jMd4ilu-00204-00064512-00064694 over its predecessor UuZ7jMd4ilu-00205-00064695-00064903 most notably in the graphical user UuZ7jMd4ilu-00206-00064904-00065071 interface gui UuZ7jMd4ilu-00207-00065072-00065247 and in its simplified plug-and-play UuZ7jMd4ilu-00208-00065248-00065503 features there were also major changes UuZ7jMd4ilu-00209-00065504-00065663 made to the core components of the UuZ7jMd4ilu-00210-00065664-00065838 operating system UuZ7jMd4ilu-00211-00065839-00065991 such as moving from a mainly UuZ7jMd4ilu-00212-00065992-00066199 cooperatively multitasked 16-bit UuZ7jMd4ilu-00213-00066200-00066415 architecture to a 32-bit preemptive UuZ7jMd4ilu-00214-00066416-00066599 multitasking architecture UuZ7jMd4ilu-00215-00066600-00066823 at least when running only 32-bit UuZ7jMd4ilu-00216-00066824-00067023 protected mode applications UuZ7jMd4ilu-00217-00067024-00067215 accompanied by an extensive marketing UuZ7jMd4ilu-00218-00067216-00067406 campaign windows 95 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00219-00067407-00067591 introduced numerous functions and UuZ7jMd4ilu-00220-00067592-00067775 features that were featured in later UuZ7jMd4ilu-00221-00067776-00067903 windows versions UuZ7jMd4ilu-00222-00067904-00068238 such as the taskbar notification area UuZ7jMd4ilu-00223-00068239-00068487 and the start button three years after UuZ7jMd4ilu-00224-00068488-00068606 its introduction UuZ7jMd4ilu-00225-00068607-00068967 windows 95 was followed by windows 98 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00226-00068968-00069191 microsoft ended extended support for UuZ7jMd4ilu-00227-00069192-00069438 windows 95 on december 31 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00228-00069439-00069767 2001. the initial design and planning of UuZ7jMd4ilu-00229-00069768-00070015 windows 95 can be traced back to around UuZ7jMd4ilu-00230-00070016-00070167 march 1992 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00231-00070168-00070359 just around the time before the release UuZ7jMd4ilu-00232-00070360-00070559 of windows 3.1 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00233-00070560-00070903 at this time windows 4 work groups 3.11 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00234-00070904-00071175 and windows nt 3.1 were still in UuZ7jMd4ilu-00235-00071176-00071399 development and microsoft's plan for the UuZ7jMd4ilu-00236-00071400-00071631 future was focused on cairo UuZ7jMd4ilu-00237-00071632-00071815 cairo would be microsoft's next UuZ7jMd4ilu-00238-00071816-00072023 generation operating system based on UuZ7jMd4ilu-00239-00072024-00073013 windows nt UuZ7jMd4ilu-00240-00073014-00073254 [Music] UuZ7jMd4ilu-00241-00073255-00073372 [Applause] UuZ7jMd4ilu-00242-00073373-00073959 [Music] UuZ7jMd4ilu-00243-00073960-00074255 windows nt 4.0 is an operating system UuZ7jMd4ilu-00244-00074256-00074503 that is part of microsoft's windows nt UuZ7jMd4ilu-00245-00074504-00074735 family of operating systems UuZ7jMd4ilu-00246-00074736-00074943 it was released to manufacturing on july UuZ7jMd4ilu-00247-00074944-00075159 31 1996 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00248-00075160-00075443 and was launched to retail on august 24 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00249-00075444-00075582 1996. UuZ7jMd4ilu-00250-00075583-00075791 it was microsoft's primary business UuZ7jMd4ilu-00251-00075792-00075975 oriented operating system until the UuZ7jMd4ilu-00252-00075976-00076238 introduction of windows 2000. UuZ7jMd4ilu-00253-00076239-00076503 workstation server and embedded editions UuZ7jMd4ilu-00254-00076504-00076582 were sold UuZ7jMd4ilu-00255-00076583-00076799 all editions feature a graphical user UuZ7jMd4ilu-00256-00076800-00077111 interface similar to that of windows 95 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00257-00077112-00077335 microsoft ended mainstream support for UuZ7jMd4ilu-00258-00077336-00077671 windows nt 4.0 workstation on june 30 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00259-00077672-00077943 2002 and extended support on june 30th UuZ7jMd4ilu-00260-00077944-00078062 2004 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00261-00078063-00078343 while windows nt 4.0 server mainstream UuZ7jMd4ilu-00262-00078344-00078623 support ended on december 31st UuZ7jMd4ilu-00263-00078624-00078935 2002 an extended support on december 31 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00264-00078936-00079255 2004. both editions were succeeded by UuZ7jMd4ilu-00265-00079256-00079431 windows 2000 professional UuZ7jMd4ilu-00266-00079432-00079735 and server respectively the successor to UuZ7jMd4ilu-00267-00079736-00080143 windows nt 3.51 windows nt 4.0 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00268-00080144-00080391 introduced the user interface of windows UuZ7jMd4ilu-00269-00080392-00080647 95 to the windows nt family UuZ7jMd4ilu-00270-00080648-00080894 including the windows shell file UuZ7jMd4ilu-00271-00080895-00080991 explorer UuZ7jMd4ilu-00272-00080992-00081271 known as windows nt explorer at the time UuZ7jMd4ilu-00273-00081272-00081494 and the use of my nomenclature for shell UuZ7jMd4ilu-00274-00081495-00081575 folders UuZ7jMd4ilu-00275-00081576-00081879 for example my computer it also includes UuZ7jMd4ilu-00276-00081880-00082103 most components introduced with windows UuZ7jMd4ilu-00277-00082104-00082215 95. UuZ7jMd4ilu-00278-00082216-00082559 internally windows nt 4.0 was known as UuZ7jMd4ilu-00279-00082560-00082703 the shell update release UuZ7jMd4ilu-00280-00082704-00082982 sur while many administrative tools UuZ7jMd4ilu-00281-00082983-00083215 notably user manager for domains UuZ7jMd4ilu-00282-00083216-00083423 server manager and domain name service UuZ7jMd4ilu-00283-00083424-00083623 manager still used the old graphical UuZ7jMd4ilu-00284-00083624-00084462 user interfaces UuZ7jMd4ilu-00285-00084463-00085238 [Music] UuZ7jMd4ilu-00286-00085239-00085526 windows nt 3.51 is the third release of UuZ7jMd4ilu-00287-00085527-00085815 microsoft's windows nt line of operating UuZ7jMd4ilu-00288-00085816-00085911 systems UuZ7jMd4ilu-00289-00085912-00086223 it was released on may 30th 1995 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00290-00086224-00086431 nine months after the release of windows UuZ7jMd4ilu-00291-00086432-00086567 nt 3.5 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00292-00086568-00086750 and three months before the release of UuZ7jMd4ilu-00293-00086751-00087391 windows 95. UuZ7jMd4ilu-00294-00087392-00087623 the most significant enhancement offered UuZ7jMd4ilu-00295-00087624-00087806 in this release was that it provides UuZ7jMd4ilu-00296-00087807-00088031 client server support for interoperating UuZ7jMd4ilu-00297-00088032-00088199 with windows 95 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00298-00088200-00088426 which was released three months after nt UuZ7jMd4ilu-00299-00088427-00088582 3.51 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00300-00088583-00088879 windows nt 4.0 became its successor a UuZ7jMd4ilu-00301-00088880-00089006 year later UuZ7jMd4ilu-00302-00089007-00089382 support for nt 3.51 ended in 2001 and UuZ7jMd4ilu-00303-00089383-00089623 2002 for the workstation and server UuZ7jMd4ilu-00304-00089624-00089711 editions UuZ7jMd4ilu-00305-00089712-00089834 respectively UuZ7jMd4ilu-00306-00089835-00090391 [Music] UuZ7jMd4ilu-00307-00090392-00090711 the release of windows nt 3.51 was UuZ7jMd4ilu-00308-00090712-00091655 dubbed the power pc release at microsoft UuZ7jMd4ilu-00309-00091656-00091855 the original intention was to release a UuZ7jMd4ilu-00310-00091856-00092126 power pc edition of nt 3.5 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00311-00092127-00092326 but according to microsoft's david UuZ7jMd4ilu-00312-00092327-00092447 thompson UuZ7jMd4ilu-00313-00092448-00092655 we basically sat around for nine months UuZ7jMd4ilu-00314-00092656-00092903 fixing bugs while we waited for ibm to UuZ7jMd4ilu-00315-00092904-00093167 finish the power pc hardware UuZ7jMd4ilu-00316-00093168-00093967 [Music] UuZ7jMd4ilu-00317-00093968-00094279 additions of nt 3.51 were also released UuZ7jMd4ilu-00318-00094280-00094431 for the x86 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00319-00094432-00095665 mips and alpha architectures UuZ7jMd4ilu-00320-00095666-00096743 [Music] UuZ7jMd4ilu-00321-00096744-00096974 windows 98 is an operating system UuZ7jMd4ilu-00322-00096975-00097206 developed by microsoft as part of its UuZ7jMd4ilu-00323-00097207-00097503 windows 9x family of microsoft windows UuZ7jMd4ilu-00324-00097504-00097662 operating systems UuZ7jMd4ilu-00325-00097663-00097935 it is the successor to windows 95 and UuZ7jMd4ilu-00326-00097936-00098187 was released to manufacturing on may 15 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00327-00098188-00098311 1998 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00328-00098312-00098562 and generally to retail on june 25th UuZ7jMd4ilu-00329-00098563-00098718 1998. UuZ7jMd4ilu-00330-00098719-00098943 like its predecessor it is a hybrid UuZ7jMd4ilu-00331-00098944-00099199 16-bit and 32-bit monolithic product UuZ7jMd4ilu-00332-00099200-00099462 with the boot stage based on ms-dos UuZ7jMd4ilu-00333-00099463-00099711 windows 98 is a heavily web integrated UuZ7jMd4ilu-00334-00099712-00099911 operating system that bears numerous UuZ7jMd4ilu-00335-00099912-00100126 similarities to its predecessor UuZ7jMd4ilu-00336-00100127-00100294 with most of the improvements being UuZ7jMd4ilu-00337-00100295-00100518 cosmetic or designed to improve the user UuZ7jMd4ilu-00338-00100519-00100647 experience UuZ7jMd4ilu-00339-00100648-00100855 but there are a handful of features that UuZ7jMd4ilu-00340-00100856-00101038 enhance system functionality and UuZ7jMd4ilu-00341-00101039-00101167 capabilities UuZ7jMd4ilu-00342-00101168-00101406 these include improved usb support and UuZ7jMd4ilu-00343-00101407-00101518 accessibility UuZ7jMd4ilu-00344-00101519-00101687 as well as support for hardware UuZ7jMd4ilu-00345-00101688-00101950 advancements such as dvd players UuZ7jMd4ilu-00346-00101951-00102143 it was the first windows operating UuZ7jMd4ilu-00347-00102144-00102430 system to adopt the windows driver model UuZ7jMd4ilu-00348-00102431-00102630 it also introduced features that would UuZ7jMd4ilu-00349-00102631-00102854 become standard in future generations of UuZ7jMd4ilu-00350-00102855-00102942 windows UuZ7jMd4ilu-00351-00102943-00103215 such as this cleanup windows update UuZ7jMd4ilu-00352-00103216-00103375 multi monitor support UuZ7jMd4ilu-00353-00103376-00103599 and internet connection sharing UuZ7jMd4ilu-00354-00103600-00103871 microsoft had marketed windows 98 as a UuZ7jMd4ilu-00355-00103872-00104086 tune-up to windows 95 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00356-00104088-00104294 rather than an entirely improved next UuZ7jMd4ilu-00357-00104295-00104471 generation of windows UuZ7jMd4ilu-00358-00104472-00104678 upon release it was generally well UuZ7jMd4ilu-00359-00104679-00104863 received for its web integrated UuZ7jMd4ilu-00360-00104864-00105054 interface and ease of use UuZ7jMd4ilu-00361-00105055-00105247 as well as for addressing issues that UuZ7jMd4ilu-00362-00105248-00105534 had been present in windows 95 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00363-00105535-00105751 though users had pointed out that it was UuZ7jMd4ilu-00364-00105752-00105958 not significantly more stable than its UuZ7jMd4ilu-00365-00105959-00106071 predecessor UuZ7jMd4ilu-00366-00106072-00106310 it saw one major update called windows UuZ7jMd4ilu-00367-00106311-00106486 98 second edition UuZ7jMd4ilu-00368-00106488-00106895 sa on may 5th 1999 and was succeeded by UuZ7jMd4ilu-00369-00106896-00107086 windows me in 2000. UuZ7jMd4ilu-00370-00107088-00108133 it sold an estimated 58 million licenses UuZ7jMd4ilu-00371-00108134-00109583 [Music] UuZ7jMd4ilu-00372-00109583-00109790 windows 2000 is a business oriented UuZ7jMd4ilu-00373-00109791-00109999 operating system that was produced by UuZ7jMd4ilu-00374-00110000-00110215 microsoft and was released as part of UuZ7jMd4ilu-00375-00110216-00110383 the windows anti family of UuZ7jMd4ilu-00376-00110383-00111399 operating systems UuZ7jMd4ilu-00377-00111400-00111743 it was succeeded by windows xp in 2001 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00378-00111744-00111943 releasing to manufacturing on december UuZ7jMd4ilu-00379-00111944-00112199 15 1999 and being officially UuZ7jMd4ilu-00380-00112200-00112543 released to retail on february 17 2000 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00381-00112544-00112886 it is the successor to windows nt 4.0 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00382-00112888-00113119 four editions of windows 2000 were UuZ7jMd4ilu-00383-00113120-00113190 released UuZ7jMd4ilu-00384-00113191-00113510 professional server advanced server and UuZ7jMd4ilu-00385-00113511-00113647 data center server UuZ7jMd4ilu-00386-00113648-00113799 the latter was both released to UuZ7jMd4ilu-00387-00113800-00113990 manufacturing and launched months after UuZ7jMd4ilu-00388-00113991-00114134 the other editions UuZ7jMd4ilu-00389-00114135-00114375 while each edition of windows 2000 was UuZ7jMd4ilu-00390-00114376-00114566 targeted at a different market UuZ7jMd4ilu-00391-00114567-00114807 they shared a core set of features UuZ7jMd4ilu-00392-00114808-00115031 including many system utilities such as UuZ7jMd4ilu-00393-00115032-00115247 the microsoft management console and UuZ7jMd4ilu-00394-00115248-00115521 standard system administration UuZ7jMd4ilu-00395-00115522-00116283 [Music] UuZ7jMd4ilu-00396-00116283-00116543 applications UuZ7jMd4ilu-00397-00116544-00116902 windows 2000 introduces ntfs 3.0 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00398-00116903-00117166 encrypting file system as well as basic UuZ7jMd4ilu-00399-00117167-00117358 and dynamic disk storage UuZ7jMd4ilu-00400-00117359-00117566 support for people with disabilities was UuZ7jMd4ilu-00401-00117567-00117823 improved over windows nt 4.0 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00402-00117824-00117975 with a number of new assistive UuZ7jMd4ilu-00403-00117976-00118215 technologies and microsoft increased UuZ7jMd4ilu-00404-00118216-00118399 support for different languages and UuZ7jMd4ilu-00405-00118400-00118621 local information UuZ7jMd4ilu-00406-00118622-00118831 [Music] UuZ7jMd4ilu-00407-00118832-00119054 the windows 2000 server family has UuZ7jMd4ilu-00408-00119055-00119199 additional features UuZ7jMd4ilu-00409-00119200-00119415 most notably the introduction of active UuZ7jMd4ilu-00410-00119416-00119502 directory UuZ7jMd4ilu-00411-00119503-00119678 which in the years following became a UuZ7jMd4ilu-00412-00119679-00119871 widely used directory service in UuZ7jMd4ilu-00413-00119872-00120638 business environments UuZ7jMd4ilu-00414-00120639-00121606 [Music] UuZ7jMd4ilu-00415-00121607-00121910 [Music] UuZ7jMd4ilu-00416-00121911-00122199 windows millennium edition or windows me UuZ7jMd4ilu-00417-00122200-00122375 marketed with the pronunciation of the UuZ7jMd4ilu-00418-00122376-00122510 pronoun me UuZ7jMd4ilu-00419-00122511-00122686 is a graphical operating system UuZ7jMd4ilu-00420-00122688-00122919 developed by microsoft as part of its UuZ7jMd4ilu-00421-00122920-00123975 windows 9x family of operating systems UuZ7jMd4ilu-00422-00123976-00124231 it is the successor to windows 98 second UuZ7jMd4ilu-00423-00124232-00124302 edition UuZ7jMd4ilu-00424-00124303-00124558 sa and was released to manufacturing on UuZ7jMd4ilu-00425-00124559-00124727 june 19 2000 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00426-00124728-00124934 with general availability on september UuZ7jMd4ilu-00427-00124935-00126207 14 2000 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00428-00126208-00126439 windows me was the last operating system UuZ7jMd4ilu-00429-00126440-00126686 released in the windows 9x series which UuZ7jMd4ilu-00430-00126688-00126910 was targeted specifically at home pc UuZ7jMd4ilu-00431-00126911-00126983 users UuZ7jMd4ilu-00432-00126983-00127302 and included internet explorer 5.5 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00433-00127303-00127551 windows media player 7 and the new UuZ7jMd4ilu-00434-00127552-00127758 windows movie maker software UuZ7jMd4ilu-00435-00127759-00127990 which provided basic video editing and UuZ7jMd4ilu-00436-00127991-00128251 was designed to be easy to use for home UuZ7jMd4ilu-00437-00128252-00128883 [Music] UuZ7jMd4ilu-00438-00128883-00129039 users UuZ7jMd4ilu-00439-00129040-00129278 microsoft also incorporated features UuZ7jMd4ilu-00440-00129279-00129527 first introduced in windows 2000 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00441-00129528-00129710 which had been released as a business UuZ7jMd4ilu-00442-00129711-00129927 oriented operating system seven months UuZ7jMd4ilu-00443-00129928-00129990 earlier UuZ7jMd4ilu-00444-00129991-00130302 into the graphical user interface shell UuZ7jMd4ilu-00445-00130303-00130478 and windows explorer UuZ7jMd4ilu-00446-00130479-00131423 [Music] UuZ7jMd4ilu-00447-00131424-00131623 windows me was a continuation of the UuZ7jMd4ilu-00448-00131624-00131871 windows 9x model and still does based UuZ7jMd4ilu-00449-00131872-00132023 like its predecessors UuZ7jMd4ilu-00450-00132024-00132231 albeit with restricted access to real UuZ7jMd4ilu-00451-00132232-00132407 mode ms doors in order to decrease UuZ7jMd4ilu-00452-00132408-00133401 system boot time UuZ7jMd4ilu-00453-00133402-00134687 [Music] UuZ7jMd4ilu-00454-00134688-00134902 windows xp is an operating system UuZ7jMd4ilu-00455-00134903-00135119 produced by microsoft as part of the UuZ7jMd4ilu-00456-00135120-00135535 windows nt family of operating systems UuZ7jMd4ilu-00457-00135536-00135727 it was the successor to both windows UuZ7jMd4ilu-00458-00135728-00135975 2000 for professional users and windows UuZ7jMd4ilu-00459-00135976-00136135 me for home users UuZ7jMd4ilu-00460-00136136-00136319 it was released to manufacturing on UuZ7jMd4ilu-00461-00136320-00136535 august 24 2001 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00462-00136536-00136751 and broadly released for retail sale on UuZ7jMd4ilu-00463-00136752-00136871 october 25th UuZ7jMd4ilu-00464-00136872-00137239 2001. development of windows xp began in UuZ7jMd4ilu-00465-00137240-00137399 the late 1990s as UuZ7jMd4ilu-00466-00137400-00137702 neptune an operating system os built on UuZ7jMd4ilu-00467-00137703-00137935 the windows nt kernel which was intended UuZ7jMd4ilu-00468-00137936-00138207 specifically for mainstream consumer use UuZ7jMd4ilu-00469-00138208-00138463 an updated version of windows 2000 was UuZ7jMd4ilu-00470-00138464-00138647 also originally planned for the business UuZ7jMd4ilu-00471-00138648-00138759 market UuZ7jMd4ilu-00472-00138760-00139095 however in january 2000 both projects UuZ7jMd4ilu-00473-00139096-00139311 were scrapped in favor of a single os UuZ7jMd4ilu-00474-00139312-00139502 code named whistler which would serve as UuZ7jMd4ilu-00475-00139503-00139590 a single os UuZ7jMd4ilu-00476-00139591-00139807 platform for both consumer and business UuZ7jMd4ilu-00477-00139808-00139911 markets UuZ7jMd4ilu-00478-00139912-00140151 as such windows xp was the first UuZ7jMd4ilu-00479-00140152-00140366 consumer edition of windows not to be UuZ7jMd4ilu-00480-00140367-00140519 based on ms-dos UuZ7jMd4ilu-00481-00140520-00140790 upon its release windows xp received UuZ7jMd4ilu-00482-00140791-00140895 critical acclaim UuZ7jMd4ilu-00483-00140896-00141039 with critics noting increased UuZ7jMd4ilu-00484-00141040-00141207 performance and stability UuZ7jMd4ilu-00485-00141208-00141463 especially in comparison to windows me a UuZ7jMd4ilu-00486-00141464-00141719 more intuitive user interface UuZ7jMd4ilu-00487-00141720-00141959 improved hardware support and expanded UuZ7jMd4ilu-00488-00141960-00142999 multimedia capabilities UuZ7jMd4ilu-00489-00143000-00143990 [Music] UuZ7jMd4ilu-00490-00143991-00144199 windows vista is an operating system UuZ7jMd4ilu-00491-00144200-00144399 produced by microsoft as a member UuZ7jMd4ilu-00492-00144400-00144631 of the windows anti-family of operating UuZ7jMd4ilu-00493-00144632-00144911 systems for use on personal computers UuZ7jMd4ilu-00494-00144912-00145143 development was completed on november 8 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00495-00145144-00145271 2006 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00496-00145272-00145478 and over the following three months it UuZ7jMd4ilu-00497-00145479-00145671 was released in stages to computer UuZ7jMd4ilu-00498-00145672-00145902 hardware and software manufacturers UuZ7jMd4ilu-00499-00145903-00146175 business customers and retail channels UuZ7jMd4ilu-00500-00146176-00146302 on january 30 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00501-00146303-00146623 2007 it was released worldwide and was UuZ7jMd4ilu-00502-00146624-00146823 made available for purchase and download UuZ7jMd4ilu-00503-00146824-00147023 from the windows marketplace UuZ7jMd4ilu-00504-00147024-00147231 it is the first release of windows to be UuZ7jMd4ilu-00505-00147232-00147383 made available through a digital UuZ7jMd4ilu-00506-00147384-00147566 distribution platform UuZ7jMd4ilu-00507-00147567-00147775 the release of windows vista came more UuZ7jMd4ilu-00508-00147776-00147959 than five years after the introduction UuZ7jMd4ilu-00509-00147960-00148095 of its predecessor UuZ7jMd4ilu-00510-00148096-00148414 windows xp the longest time span between UuZ7jMd4ilu-00511-00148415-00148623 successive releases of microsoft UuZ7jMd4ilu-00512-00148624-00148911 windows desktop operating systems new UuZ7jMd4ilu-00513-00148912-00149119 features of windows vista include an UuZ7jMd4ilu-00514-00149120-00149335 updated graphical user interface and UuZ7jMd4ilu-00515-00149336-00149487 visual style dubbed arrow UuZ7jMd4ilu-00516-00149488-00149695 a new search component called windows UuZ7jMd4ilu-00517-00149696-00149902 search redesigned networking UuZ7jMd4ilu-00518-00149903-00150231 audio print and display subsystems and UuZ7jMd4ilu-00519-00150232-00150495 new multimedia tools such as windows dvd UuZ7jMd4ilu-00520-00150496-00150647 maker UuZ7jMd4ilu-00521-00150648-00150831 vista aim to increase the level of UuZ7jMd4ilu-00522-00150832-00151047 communication between machines on a home UuZ7jMd4ilu-00523-00151048-00151135 network UuZ7jMd4ilu-00524-00151136-00151319 using peer-to-peer technology to UuZ7jMd4ilu-00525-00151320-00151559 simplify sharing files and media between UuZ7jMd4ilu-00526-00151560-00151759 computers and devices UuZ7jMd4ilu-00527-00151760-00152031 windows vista included version 3.0 of UuZ7jMd4ilu-00528-00152032-00152159 the net framework UuZ7jMd4ilu-00529-00152160-00152359 allowing software developers to write UuZ7jMd4ilu-00530-00152360-00152566 applications without traditional windows UuZ7jMd4ilu-00531-00152567-00152663 apps UuZ7jMd4ilu-00532-00152664-00152887 microsoft's primary stated objective UuZ7jMd4ilu-00533-00152888-00153071 with windows vista was to improve the UuZ7jMd4ilu-00534-00153072-00153254 state of security in the windows UuZ7jMd4ilu-00535-00153255-00153407 operating system UuZ7jMd4ilu-00536-00153408-00153654 one common criticism of windows xp and UuZ7jMd4ilu-00537-00153655-00153839 its predecessors was their commonly UuZ7jMd4ilu-00538-00153840-00154087 exploited security vulnerabilities and UuZ7jMd4ilu-00539-00154088-00154326 overall susceptibility to malware UuZ7jMd4ilu-00540-00154327-00155675 viruses and buffer overflows UuZ7jMd4ilu-00541-00155676-00156399 [Music] UuZ7jMd4ilu-00542-00156400-00156631 windows 7 is an operating system that UuZ7jMd4ilu-00543-00156632-00156863 was produced by microsoft and released UuZ7jMd4ilu-00544-00156864-00157087 as part of the windows anti-family of UuZ7jMd4ilu-00545-00157088-00157247 operating systems UuZ7jMd4ilu-00546-00157248-00157463 it was released to manufacturing on july UuZ7jMd4ilu-00547-00157464-00157647 22 2009 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00548-00157648-00157814 and became generally available on UuZ7jMd4ilu-00549-00157815-00158039 october 22nd of the same year UuZ7jMd4ilu-00550-00158040-00158247 and is the operating system for use on UuZ7jMd4ilu-00551-00158248-00158423 personal computers UuZ7jMd4ilu-00552-00158424-00158671 including home and business desktops UuZ7jMd4ilu-00553-00158672-00158766 laptops UuZ7jMd4ilu-00554-00158767-00159071 tablet pcs and media center pcs UuZ7jMd4ilu-00555-00159072-00159302 it is the successor to windows vista UuZ7jMd4ilu-00556-00159303-00159487 released two years prior UuZ7jMd4ilu-00557-00159488-00159735 windows 7 server counterpart windows UuZ7jMd4ilu-00558-00159736-00159926 server 2008 r2 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00559-00159927-00160183 was released at the same time the last UuZ7jMd4ilu-00560-00160184-00160383 supported version of windows based on UuZ7jMd4ilu-00561-00160384-00160590 this operating system was released on UuZ7jMd4ilu-00562-00160591-00160663 july 1 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00563-00160664-00161063 2011 entitled windows embedded pause vd7 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00564-00161064-00161359 on january 12 2016 microsoft ended UuZ7jMd4ilu-00565-00161360-00161559 support for internet explorer versions UuZ7jMd4ilu-00566-00161560-00161759 prior to internet explorer 11 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00567-00161760-00162047 on windows 7. extended support ended on UuZ7jMd4ilu-00568-00162048-00162151 january 14 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00569-00162152-00162439 2020 age 10 since the release of windows UuZ7jMd4ilu-00570-00162440-00162543 7. UuZ7jMd4ilu-00571-00162544-00162766 after which the operating system sees UuZ7jMd4ilu-00572-00162767-00162975 receiving further support or security UuZ7jMd4ilu-00573-00162976-00163047 updates UuZ7jMd4ilu-00574-00163048-00163263 with exceptional security updates being UuZ7jMd4ilu-00575-00163264-00163487 made for example in 2019 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00576-00163488-00163775 to address potential ransomware threats UuZ7jMd4ilu-00577-00163776-00163887 like blue keep UuZ7jMd4ilu-00578-00163888-00164199 to most users windows 7 was primarily UuZ7jMd4ilu-00579-00164200-00164407 intended to be an incremental upgrade to UuZ7jMd4ilu-00580-00164408-00164551 microsoft windows UuZ7jMd4ilu-00581-00164552-00164759 addressing windows vista's poor critical UuZ7jMd4ilu-00582-00164760-00164951 reception while maintaining hardware and UuZ7jMd4ilu-00583-00164952-00165143 software compatibility UuZ7jMd4ilu-00584-00165144-00165351 windows 7 continued improvements on UuZ7jMd4ilu-00585-00165352-00165471 windows aero UuZ7jMd4ilu-00586-00165472-00165702 the user interface introduced in windows UuZ7jMd4ilu-00587-00165703-00165775 vista UuZ7jMd4ilu-00588-00165776-00165926 with the addition of a redesigned UuZ7jMd4ilu-00589-00165927-00166135 taskbar that allows applications to be UuZ7jMd4ilu-00590-00166136-00166995 pinned to it UuZ7jMd4ilu-00591-00166996-00167535 [Music] UuZ7jMd4ilu-00592-00167536-00167743 windows 8 is an operating system that UuZ7jMd4ilu-00593-00167744-00167935 was produced by microsoft UuZ7jMd4ilu-00594-00167936-00168143 released as part of the windows nt UuZ7jMd4ilu-00595-00168144-00168375 family of operating systems UuZ7jMd4ilu-00596-00168376-00168519 the product was released to UuZ7jMd4ilu-00597-00168520-00168687 manufacturing on august 1 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00598-00168688-00168990 2012 and generally to retail on october UuZ7jMd4ilu-00599-00168991-00169063 26 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00600-00169064-00169423 2012 it is the successor to windows 7. UuZ7jMd4ilu-00601-00169424-00169647 windows 8 introduced major changes to UuZ7jMd4ilu-00602-00169648-00169878 the operating system's platform and user UuZ7jMd4ilu-00603-00169879-00170111 interface to improve its user experience UuZ7jMd4ilu-00604-00170112-00170214 on tablets UuZ7jMd4ilu-00605-00170215-00170390 where windows was now competing with UuZ7jMd4ilu-00606-00170391-00170623 mobile operating systems UuZ7jMd4ilu-00607-00170624-00170966 including android and ios in particular UuZ7jMd4ilu-00608-00170967-00171199 these changes included a touch optimized UuZ7jMd4ilu-00609-00171200-00171431 windows shell based on microsoft's metro UuZ7jMd4ilu-00610-00171432-00171583 design language UuZ7jMd4ilu-00611-00171584-00171838 the start screen which displays programs UuZ7jMd4ilu-00612-00171839-00172038 and dynamically updated content on a UuZ7jMd4ilu-00613-00172039-00172143 grid of tiles UuZ7jMd4ilu-00614-00172144-00172351 a new platform for developing apps with UuZ7jMd4ilu-00615-00172352-00172607 an emphasis on touch screen input UuZ7jMd4ilu-00616-00172608-00172838 integration with online services UuZ7jMd4ilu-00617-00172839-00173023 including the ability to synchronize UuZ7jMd4ilu-00618-00173024-00173247 apps and settings between devices UuZ7jMd4ilu-00619-00173248-00173511 and windows store an online distribution UuZ7jMd4ilu-00620-00173512-00173687 for downloading and purchasing new UuZ7jMd4ilu-00621-00173688-00173799 software UuZ7jMd4ilu-00622-00173800-00174135 windows 8 added support for usb 3.0 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00623-00174136-00174407 advanced format hard drives near field UuZ7jMd4ilu-00624-00174408-00174519 communications UuZ7jMd4ilu-00625-00174520-00174799 and cloud computing additional security UuZ7jMd4ilu-00626-00174800-00174966 features were introduced UuZ7jMd4ilu-00627-00174967-00175254 such as built-in anti-wire software UuZ7jMd4ilu-00628-00175255-00175487 integration with microsoft smart screen UuZ7jMd4ilu-00629-00175488-00175671 phishing filtering service and support UuZ7jMd4ilu-00630-00175672-00175926 for ufi secure boot on supported devices UuZ7jMd4ilu-00631-00175927-00176063 with ufi firmware UuZ7jMd4ilu-00632-00176064-00176254 to prevent malware from infecting the UuZ7jMd4ilu-00633-00176255-00176780 boot process UuZ7jMd4ilu-00634-00176781-00177425 [Music] UuZ7jMd4ilu-00635-00177426-00178071 [Applause] UuZ7jMd4ilu-00636-00178072-00178359 windows 8.1 is an operating system that UuZ7jMd4ilu-00637-00178360-00178590 was produced by microsoft and released UuZ7jMd4ilu-00638-00178591-00178719 as part of the windows UuZ7jMd4ilu-00639-00178720-00179014 anti family of operating systems it was UuZ7jMd4ilu-00640-00179015-00179263 released to manufacturing on august 27 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00641-00179264-00179551 2013 and broadly released for retail UuZ7jMd4ilu-00642-00179552-00179807 sale on october 17 2013 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00643-00179808-00180014 about a year after the retail release of UuZ7jMd4ilu-00644-00180015-00180166 its predecessor UuZ7jMd4ilu-00645-00180167-00180407 windows 8.1 was made available for UuZ7jMd4ilu-00646-00180408-00180654 download via msdn and technet and UuZ7jMd4ilu-00647-00180655-00180799 available as a free upgrade UuZ7jMd4ilu-00648-00180800-00181023 for retail copies of windows 8 and UuZ7jMd4ilu-00649-00181024-00181295 windows rt users via the windows store UuZ7jMd4ilu-00650-00181296-00181526 it was succeeded by windows 10 in july UuZ7jMd4ilu-00651-00181527-00181654 2015. UuZ7jMd4ilu-00652-00181655-00181838 a server counterpart was released on UuZ7jMd4ilu-00653-00181839-00182038 october 18 2013 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00654-00182039-00182343 entitled windows server 2012 r2 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00655-00182344-00182575 microsoft ended mainstream support for UuZ7jMd4ilu-00656-00182576-00182807 windows 8.1 on january 9 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00657-00182808-00183087 2018 and extended support will have UuZ7jMd4ilu-00658-00183088-00183366 ended by january 10 2023 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00659-00183367-00183631 windows 8.1 aimed to address complaints UuZ7jMd4ilu-00660-00183632-00183854 of windows 8 users and reviewers on UuZ7jMd4ilu-00661-00183855-00183959 launch UuZ7jMd4ilu-00662-00183960-00184175 visible enhancements include an improved UuZ7jMd4ilu-00663-00184176-00184278 start screen UuZ7jMd4ilu-00664-00184279-00184526 additional snap views additional bundled UuZ7jMd4ilu-00665-00184527-00184583 apps UuZ7jMd4ilu-00666-00184584-00184871 tita onedrive formerly skydrive UuZ7jMd4ilu-00667-00184872-00184975 integration UuZ7jMd4ilu-00668-00184976-00185295 internet explorer 11 ie 11 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00669-00185296-00185543 a bing powered unified search system UuZ7jMd4ilu-00670-00185544-00185750 restoration of a visible start button on UuZ7jMd4ilu-00671-00185751-00185895 the taskbar UuZ7jMd4ilu-00672-00185896-00186087 and the ability to restore the previous UuZ7jMd4ilu-00673-00186088-00186311 behavior of opening the user's desktop UuZ7jMd4ilu-00674-00186312-00186375 on login UuZ7jMd4ilu-00675-00186376-00186695 instead of the start screen ie11 is also UuZ7jMd4ilu-00676-00186696-00186895 shipped with windows 10 on its release UuZ7jMd4ilu-00677-00186896-00187014 on july 29 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00678-00187015-00187319 2015 but microsoft edge is the default UuZ7jMd4ilu-00679-00187320-00187813 browser in this version of windows UuZ7jMd4ilu-00680-00187814-00189159 [Music] UuZ7jMd4ilu-00681-00189160-00189383 windows 10 is a series of operating UuZ7jMd4ilu-00682-00189384-00189599 systems developed by microsoft and UuZ7jMd4ilu-00683-00189600-00189790 released as part of its windows UuZ7jMd4ilu-00684-00189791-00190669 anti-family of operating systems UuZ7jMd4ilu-00685-00190670-00190887 [Music] UuZ7jMd4ilu-00686-00190888-00191166 it is the successor to windows 8.1 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00687-00191167-00191375 released nearly two years earlier UuZ7jMd4ilu-00688-00191376-00191566 and was released to manufacturing on UuZ7jMd4ilu-00689-00191567-00191766 july 15 2015 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00690-00191767-00191935 and broadly released for the general UuZ7jMd4ilu-00691-00191936-00192111 public on july 29 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00692-00192112-00192522 2015. UuZ7jMd4ilu-00693-00192523-00193199 [Music] UuZ7jMd4ilu-00694-00193200-00193390 windows 10 was made available for UuZ7jMd4ilu-00695-00193391-00193631 download via msdn and technet UuZ7jMd4ilu-00696-00193632-00193863 and as a free upgrade for retail copies UuZ7jMd4ilu-00697-00193864-00194126 of windows 8 and windows rt users via UuZ7jMd4ilu-00698-00194127-00194831 the windows store UuZ7jMd4ilu-00699-00194832-00195038 windows 10 receives new builds on an UuZ7jMd4ilu-00700-00195039-00195150 ongoing basis UuZ7jMd4ilu-00701-00195151-00195326 which are available at no additional UuZ7jMd4ilu-00702-00195327-00195559 cost to users in addition to additional UuZ7jMd4ilu-00703-00195560-00195743 test builds of windows 10 UuZ7jMd4ilu-00704-00195744-00195999 which are available to windows insiders UuZ7jMd4ilu-00705-00196000-00196214 devices in enterprise environments can UuZ7jMd4ilu-00706-00196215-00196447 receive these updates at a slower pace UuZ7jMd4ilu-00707-00196448-00196695 or use long-term support milestones that UuZ7jMd4ilu-00708-00196696-00196895 only receive critical updates UuZ7jMd4ilu-00709-00196896-00197159 such as security patches over their UuZ7jMd4ilu-00710-00197160-00197438 10-year lifespan of extended support UuZ7jMd4ilu-00711-00197439-00197631 one of windows 10's most notable UuZ7jMd4ilu-00712-00197632-00197831 features is its support for universal UuZ7jMd4ilu-00713-00197832-00197887 apps UuZ7jMd4ilu-00714-00197888-00198087 an expansion of the metro style first UuZ7jMd4ilu-00715-00198088-00199023 introduced in windows 8. UuZ7jMd4ilu-00716-00199024-00200054 [Music] UuZ7jMd4ilu-00717-00200055-00200264 you UyFym_WDi9c-00000-00000000-00000233 when you're playing Warzone solos this UyFym_WDi9c-00001-00000234-00000773 is not something you expect to see UyFym_WDi9c-00002-00000774-00001115 after taking out TTV ghost 4774 I UyFym_WDi9c-00003-00001116-00001324 figured my duties were done here until I UyFym_WDi9c-00004-00001325-00001573 Heard a Voice in the distance UyFym_WDi9c-00005-00001574-00001793 listen listen listen UyFym_WDi9c-00006-00001794-00002032 now I had a redeploy pack so I figured UyFym_WDi9c-00007-00002034-00002249 the best thing to do was to go back and UyFym_WDi9c-00008-00002250-00002434 try to make things right Hey listen bro UyFym_WDi9c-00009-00002435-00002689 I don't I'm coming peace UyFym_WDi9c-00010-00002690-00003065 yes no way dude it is actually you oh my UyFym_WDi9c-00011-00003066-00003197 god dude I want to be in one of your UyFym_WDi9c-00012-00003198-00003359 YouTube videos so badly everything was UyFym_WDi9c-00013-00003360-00003545 going smooth until I saw this on the UyFym_WDi9c-00014-00003546-00003804 mini-map UyFym_WDi9c-00015-00003805-00004090 dude dude I am so sorry I didn't mean to UyFym_WDi9c-00016-00004092-00004854 kill you stop the cap UyFym_WDi9c-00017-00004855-00005251 is UyFym_WDi9c-00018-00005252-00005488 a famous YouTuber should I show them UyFym_WDi9c-00019-00005489-00005839 what I'm famous for all right U-4pZWb3Ld0-00000-00000043-00000332 homer ancient Greek Camaros Greek U-4pZWb3Ld0-00001-00000333-00000641 pronunciation Home Rose Camaros is the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00002-00000642-00000839 legendary author of the Iliad and the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00003-00000840-00001054 Odyssey two epic poems that are the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00004-00001055-00001208 central works of ancient Greek U-4pZWb3Ld0-00005-00001209-00001507 literature the Iliad is set during the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00006-00001508-00001721 Trojan War the ten-year siege of the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00007-00001722-00001948 city of Troy by a coalition of Greek U-4pZWb3Ld0-00008-00001950-00002258 kingdoms it focuses on a quarrel between U-4pZWb3Ld0-00009-00002259-00002504 King Agamemnon and the warrior Achilles U-4pZWb3Ld0-00010-00002505-00002758 lasting a few weeks during the last year U-4pZWb3Ld0-00011-00002759-00003058 of the war the Odyssey focuses on the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00012-00003059-00003274 journey home of Odysseus king of Ithaca U-4pZWb3Ld0-00013-00003275-00003574 around 20 years after the fall of Troy U-4pZWb3Ld0-00014-00003575-00003902 many accounts of Homer's life circulated U-4pZWb3Ld0-00015-00003903-00004100 in classical antiquity the most U-4pZWb3Ld0-00016-00004101-00004292 widespread being that he was a blind U-4pZWb3Ld0-00017-00004293-00004547 bard from Ionia a region of central U-4pZWb3Ld0-00018-00004548-00004822 coastal Anatolia in present-day Turkey U-4pZWb3Ld0-00019-00004823-00005104 modern scholars consider them legends U-4pZWb3Ld0-00020-00005105-00005368 the Homeric question concerning by whom U-4pZWb3Ld0-00021-00005369-00005542 when where and under what circumstances U-4pZWb3Ld0-00022-00005543-00005825 the Iliad and Odyssey were composed U-4pZWb3Ld0-00023-00005826-00006127 continues to be debated broadly speaking U-4pZWb3Ld0-00024-00006128-00006434 modern scholarly opinion falls into two U-4pZWb3Ld0-00025-00006434-00006716 groups one holds that most of the Iliad U-4pZWb3Ld0-00026-00006717-00006944 and according to some the Odyssey are U-4pZWb3Ld0-00027-00006945-00007253 the works of a single poet of genius the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00028-00007254-00007487 other considers the Homeric poems to be U-4pZWb3Ld0-00029-00007488-00007706 the result of a process of working and U-4pZWb3Ld0-00030-00007706-00007937 reworking by many contributors and that U-4pZWb3Ld0-00031-00007938-00008270 Homer is best seen as a label for an U-4pZWb3Ld0-00032-00008271-00008507 entire tradition it is generally U-4pZWb3Ld0-00033-00008508-00008732 accepted that the poems were composed at U-4pZWb3Ld0-00034-00008733-00008921 some point around the late eighth or U-4pZWb3Ld0-00035-00008922-00009191 early seventh century BC the poems are U-4pZWb3Ld0-00036-00009192-00009419 in Homeric Greek also known as epic U-4pZWb3Ld0-00037-00009420-00009667 Greek a literary language which shows a U-4pZWb3Ld0-00038-00009668-00009928 mixture of features of the ionic and aeo U-4pZWb3Ld0-00039-00009929-00010210 LIC dialects from different centuries U-4pZWb3Ld0-00040-00010211-00010495 the predominant influences Eastern ionic U-4pZWb3Ld0-00041-00010496-00010789 most researchers believe that the poems U-4pZWb3Ld0-00042-00010790-00011051 were originally transmitted orally from U-4pZWb3Ld0-00043-00011052-00011239 antiquity until the present day U-4pZWb3Ld0-00044-00011240-00011480 the influence of the Homeric epics on U-4pZWb3Ld0-00045-00011481-00011705 Western civilization has been great U-4pZWb3Ld0-00046-00011706-00011963 inspiring many of its most famous works U-4pZWb3Ld0-00047-00011964-00012308 of literature music art and film the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00048-00012309-00012488 Homeric epics were the greatest U-4pZWb3Ld0-00049-00012489-00012703 influence on ancient Greek culture and U-4pZWb3Ld0-00050-00012704-00013007 education to Plato Homer was simply the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00051-00013008-00013333 one who has taught Greece ten helada U-4pZWb3Ld0-00052-00013334-00013378 Pepa U-4pZWb3Ld0-00053-00013379-00013880 I do can U-4pZWb3Ld0-00054-00013881-00014513 topic works attributed to Homer U-4pZWb3Ld0-00055-00014515-00014796 today only the Iliad and Odyssey are U-4pZWb3Ld0-00056-00014797-00015083 associated with the name homer in U-4pZWb3Ld0-00057-00015084-00015327 antiquity a very large number of other U-4pZWb3Ld0-00058-00015328-00015563 works were sometimes attributed to him U-4pZWb3Ld0-00059-00015565-00015825 including the Homeric hymns the contests U-4pZWb3Ld0-00060-00015826-00016091 of Homer and Hesiod the little Iliad the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00061-00016093-00016341 nos toy the the bade the supriya the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00062-00016341-00016671 epigonion mini epic Batra Komiyama shia U-4pZWb3Ld0-00063-00016672-00016994 the frogmouth war the maher gates the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00064-00016995-00017280 capture of OHA Leah and the folk' these U-4pZWb3Ld0-00065-00017281-00017469 claims are not considered authentic U-4pZWb3Ld0-00066-00017470-00017733 today and were by no means universally U-4pZWb3Ld0-00067-00017734-00018024 accepted in the ancient world as with U-4pZWb3Ld0-00068-00018025-00018213 the multitude of legends surrounding U-4pZWb3Ld0-00069-00018214-00018431 homers life they indicate little more U-4pZWb3Ld0-00070-00018432-00018630 than the centrality of Homer to ancient U-4pZWb3Ld0-00071-00018631-00019260 Greek culture U-4pZWb3Ld0-00072-00019261-00019905 topic ancient biographies of Homer U-4pZWb3Ld0-00073-00019906-00020142 many traditions circulated in the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00074-00020143-00020397 ancient world concerning homer most of U-4pZWb3Ld0-00075-00020398-00020658 which are lost modern scholarly U-4pZWb3Ld0-00076-00020659-00020902 consensus as that they have no value as U-4pZWb3Ld0-00077-00020903-00021237 history some claims were established U-4pZWb3Ld0-00078-00021238-00021505 early and repeated often they include U-4pZWb3Ld0-00079-00021506-00021703 that Homer was blind taking a U-4pZWb3Ld0-00080-00021704-00021933 self-referential a passage describing U-4pZWb3Ld0-00081-00021934-00022167 the blind bard Demodocus that he was U-4pZWb3Ld0-00082-00022168-00022395 born in chaos that he was the son of the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00083-00022396-00022639 river melis and the nymph critize that U-4pZWb3Ld0-00084-00022640-00022848 he was a wandering bard that he composed U-4pZWb3Ld0-00085-00022849-00023053 a varying list of other works the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00086-00023054-00023367 Homeric ax that he died either in I oz U-4pZWb3Ld0-00087-00023368-00023602 or after failing to solve a riddle set U-4pZWb3Ld0-00088-00023603-00023800 by fishermen and various explanations U-4pZWb3Ld0-00089-00023801-00024175 for the name Homer the two best known U-4pZWb3Ld0-00090-00024176-00024397 ancient biographies of Homer are the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00091-00024398-00024628 life of Homer by the pseudo Herodotus U-4pZWb3Ld0-00092-00024629-00025348 and the contests of Homer and Hesiod U-4pZWb3Ld0-00093-00025349-00026037 topic history of Homeric scholarship U-4pZWb3Ld0-00094-00026038-00026364 you U-4pZWb3Ld0-00095-00026365-00026869 topic ancient U-4pZWb3Ld0-00096-00026870-00027124 the study of Homer as one of the oldest U-4pZWb3Ld0-00097-00027125-00027364 topics in scholarship dating back to U-4pZWb3Ld0-00098-00027364-00027649 antiquity nonetheless the aims of U-4pZWb3Ld0-00099-00027650-00027864 Homeric studies have changed over the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00100-00027866-00028120 course of the millennia the earliest U-4pZWb3Ld0-00101-00028120-00028348 preserved comments on Homer concerned U-4pZWb3Ld0-00102-00028349-00028573 his treatment of the Gods which hostile U-4pZWb3Ld0-00103-00028574-00028762 critics such as the poet xenophanes of U-4pZWb3Ld0-00104-00028763-00029064 colophon denounced as immoral the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00105-00029066-00029314 allegorist theagenes of rhegium is said U-4pZWb3Ld0-00106-00029314-00029530 to have defended homer by arguing that U-4pZWb3Ld0-00107-00029531-00029845 the Homeric poems are allegories the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00108-00029845-00030073 Iliad and the Odyssey were widely used U-4pZWb3Ld0-00109-00030074-00030310 as school texts in ancient Greek and U-4pZWb3Ld0-00110-00030311-00030595 Hellenistic cultures they were the first U-4pZWb3Ld0-00111-00030595-00030829 literary works taught to all students U-4pZWb3Ld0-00112-00030830-00031108 The Iliad particularly its first few U-4pZWb3Ld0-00113-00031108-00031354 books was far more intently studied than U-4pZWb3Ld0-00114-00031355-00031561 the Odyssey during the Hellenistic and U-4pZWb3Ld0-00115-00031562-00031810 Roman periods as a result of the poems U-4pZWb3Ld0-00116-00031811-00032043 prominence in classical Greek education U-4pZWb3Ld0-00117-00032044-00032320 extensive commentaries on them developed U-4pZWb3Ld0-00118-00032320-00032533 to explain parts of the poems that were U-4pZWb3Ld0-00119-00032533-00032763 culturally or linguistically difficult U-4pZWb3Ld0-00120-00032764-00033070 during the Hellenistic and Roman periods U-4pZWb3Ld0-00121-00033071-00033346 many interpreters especially the Stoics U-4pZWb3Ld0-00122-00033347-00033586 who believed that Homeric poems conveyed U-4pZWb3Ld0-00123-00033587-00033781 stoic doctrines regarded them as U-4pZWb3Ld0-00124-00033782-00034044 allegories containing hidden wisdom U-4pZWb3Ld0-00125-00034045-00034300 perhaps partially because of the Homeric U-4pZWb3Ld0-00126-00034301-00034588 poems extensive use in education many U-4pZWb3Ld0-00127-00034589-00034795 authors believed that Homer's original U-4pZWb3Ld0-00128-00034796-00035086 purpose had been to educate homers U-4pZWb3Ld0-00129-00035087-00035338 wisdom became so widely praised that he U-4pZWb3Ld0-00130-00035339-00035560 began to acquire the image of almost a U-4pZWb3Ld0-00131-00035561-00035851 prototypical philosopher Byzantine U-4pZWb3Ld0-00132-00035852-00036055 scholars such as eustathius of U-4pZWb3Ld0-00133-00036056-00036310 Thessalonica and John zetas produced U-4pZWb3Ld0-00134-00036311-00036577 commentaries extensions and show lia to U-4pZWb3Ld0-00135-00036578-00036837 homer especially in the 12th century U-4pZWb3Ld0-00136-00036838-00037126 ustah theses commentary on the Iliad U-4pZWb3Ld0-00137-00037127-00037435 alone as massive sprawling nearly 4000 U-4pZWb3Ld0-00138-00037436-00037660 oversized pages in a 21st century U-4pZWb3Ld0-00139-00037661-00037924 printed version and his commentary on U-4pZWb3Ld0-00140-00037925-00038673 the Odyssey an additional nearly 2,000 U-4pZWb3Ld0-00141-00038674-00039169 topic modern U-4pZWb3Ld0-00142-00039170-00039517 in 1488 the Greek scholar Demetrius U-4pZWb3Ld0-00143-00039518-00039739 cha-cha condyles published the editio U-4pZWb3Ld0-00144-00039740-00040039 princeps of the Homeric poems the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00145-00040040-00040276 earliest modern Homeric scholars started U-4pZWb3Ld0-00146-00040277-00040504 with the same basic approaches towards U-4pZWb3Ld0-00147-00040505-00040708 the Homeric poems as scholars in U-4pZWb3Ld0-00148-00040709-00041035 antiquity the allegorical interpretation U-4pZWb3Ld0-00149-00041036-00041242 of the Homeric poems that had been so U-4pZWb3Ld0-00150-00041243-00041455 prevalent in antiquity returned to U-4pZWb3Ld0-00151-00041456-00041611 become the prevailing view of the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00152-00041612-00041902 Renaissance Renaissance humanists U-4pZWb3Ld0-00153-00041903-00042112 praised Homer as the arc typically wise U-4pZWb3Ld0-00154-00042113-00042325 poet whose writings contain hidden U-4pZWb3Ld0-00155-00042326-00042637 wisdom disguised through allegory in U-4pZWb3Ld0-00156-00042638-00042832 Western Europe during the Renaissance U-4pZWb3Ld0-00157-00042833-00043081 Virgil was more widely read than Homer U-4pZWb3Ld0-00158-00043082-00043273 and Homer was often seen through a U-4pZWb3Ld0-00159-00043274-00043723 virgilian lens in 1664 contradicting the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00160-00043724-00043915 widespread praise of Homer as the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00161-00043916-00044164 epitome of wisdom Francois Edelen a U-4pZWb3Ld0-00162-00044165-00044401 Beethoven yak wrote a scathing attack on U-4pZWb3Ld0-00163-00044402-00044635 the Homeric poems declaring that they U-4pZWb3Ld0-00164-00044636-00044896 were incoherent immoral tasteless and U-4pZWb3Ld0-00165-00044897-00045151 without style that Homer never existed U-4pZWb3Ld0-00166-00045152-00045367 and that the poems were hastily cobbled U-4pZWb3Ld0-00167-00045368-00045574 together by incompetent editors from U-4pZWb3Ld0-00168-00045575-00045904 unrelated oral songs fifty years later U-4pZWb3Ld0-00169-00045905-00046108 the English scholar Richard Bentley U-4pZWb3Ld0-00170-00046109-00046363 concluded that Homer did exist but that U-4pZWb3Ld0-00171-00046364-00046621 he was an obscure prehistoric oral poet U-4pZWb3Ld0-00172-00046622-00046813 whose compositions bear little relation U-4pZWb3Ld0-00173-00046814-00047050 to the Iliad and the Odyssey as they U-4pZWb3Ld0-00174-00047051-00047302 have been passed down according to U-4pZWb3Ld0-00175-00047303-00047593 Bentley Homer wrote a sequel of songs U-4pZWb3Ld0-00176-00047594-00047884 and Rhapsody's to be sung by himself for U-4pZWb3Ld0-00177-00047885-00048112 small earnings and good cheer at U-4pZWb3Ld0-00178-00048113-00048349 festivals and other days of merriment U-4pZWb3Ld0-00179-00048350-00048601 the Ilias he wrote for men and the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00180-00048602-00048943 Odysseus for the other sex these loose U-4pZWb3Ld0-00181-00048944-00049195 songs were not collected together in the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00182-00049196-00049456 form of an epic poem till pissah stratus U-4pZWb3Ld0-00183-00049457-00049897 time about 500 years after friedrich U-4pZWb3Ld0-00184-00049898-00050134 august Wolf's prolegomena ad homer 'm U-4pZWb3Ld0-00185-00050135-00050482 published in 1795 argued that much of U-4pZWb3Ld0-00186-00050483-00050719 the material later incorporated into the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00187-00050720-00050941 Iliad and the Odyssey was originally U-4pZWb3Ld0-00188-00050942-00051196 composed in the tenth century BC in the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00189-00051197-00051463 form of short separate oral songs which U-4pZWb3Ld0-00190-00051464-00051642 passed through oral tradition for U-4pZWb3Ld0-00191-00051644-00051904 roughly 400 years before being assembled U-4pZWb3Ld0-00192-00051904-00052132 into prototypical versions of the Iliad U-4pZWb3Ld0-00193-00052133-00052402 and the Odyssey the sixth century BC by U-4pZWb3Ld0-00194-00052403-00052535 literate authors U-4pZWb3Ld0-00195-00052536-00052828 after being written down wolf maintained U-4pZWb3Ld0-00196-00052829-00053026 that the two poems were extensively U-4pZWb3Ld0-00197-00053027-00053305 edited modernized and eventually shaped U-4pZWb3Ld0-00198-00053306-00053500 into their present state as artistic U-4pZWb3Ld0-00199-00053501-00053978 unities wolf in the analyst school which U-4pZWb3Ld0-00200-00053979-00054244 led the field in the 19th century sought U-4pZWb3Ld0-00201-00054245-00054478 to recover the original authentic poems U-4pZWb3Ld0-00202-00054479-00054637 which were thought to be concealed by U-4pZWb3Ld0-00203-00054638-00054955 later excrescences within the analyst U-4pZWb3Ld0-00204-00054956-00055204 school were two camps proponents of the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00205-00055205-00055535 lay theory which held that the Iliad and U-4pZWb3Ld0-00206-00055536-00055729 the Odyssey were put together from a U-4pZWb3Ld0-00207-00055730-00055954 large number of short independent songs U-4pZWb3Ld0-00208-00055955-00056246 and proponents of the nucleus theory U-4pZWb3Ld0-00209-00056247-00056503 which held that Homer had originally U-4pZWb3Ld0-00210-00056504-00056731 composed shorter versions of the Iliad U-4pZWb3Ld0-00211-00056732-00056921 and the Odyssey which later poets U-4pZWb3Ld0-00212-00056922-00057266 expanded and revised a small group of U-4pZWb3Ld0-00213-00057266-00057543 scholars opposed to the analysts dubbed U-4pZWb3Ld0-00214-00057544-00057868 Unitarians saw the later editions as U-4pZWb3Ld0-00215-00057869-00058099 superior the work of a single inspired U-4pZWb3Ld0-00216-00058100-00058466 poet by around 1830 the central U-4pZWb3Ld0-00217-00058466-00058685 preoccupations of Homeric scholars U-4pZWb3Ld0-00218-00058686-00058956 dealing with whether or not Homer U-4pZWb3Ld0-00219-00058957-00059194 actually existed when and how the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00220-00059195-00059425 Homeric poems originated how they were U-4pZWb3Ld0-00221-00059426-00059597 transmitted when and how they were U-4pZWb3Ld0-00222-00059598-00059812 finally written down and their overall U-4pZWb3Ld0-00223-00059813-00060071 unity had been dubbed the Homeric U-4pZWb3Ld0-00224-00060072-00060371 question following World War one the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00225-00060372-00060584 analyst school began to fall out of U-4pZWb3Ld0-00226-00060585-00060919 favor among Homeric scholars it did not U-4pZWb3Ld0-00227-00060920-00061141 die out entirely but it came to be U-4pZWb3Ld0-00228-00061142-00061363 increasingly seen as a discredited dead U-4pZWb3Ld0-00229-00061364-00061431 end U-4pZWb3Ld0-00230-00061432-00061825 starting in around 1928 Milman Perry and U-4pZWb3Ld0-00231-00061826-00062053 Albert Lord after their studies of folk U-4pZWb3Ld0-00232-00062054-00062338 bards in the Balkans developed the aural U-4pZWb3Ld0-00233-00062339-00062656 formulaic theory that the Homeric poems U-4pZWb3Ld0-00234-00062657-00062840 were originally composed through U-4pZWb3Ld0-00235-00062841-00063065 improvised oral performances which U-4pZWb3Ld0-00236-00063066-00063284 relied on traditional epithets and U-4pZWb3Ld0-00237-00063285-00063616 poetic formulas this theory found very U-4pZWb3Ld0-00238-00063617-00063860 wide scholarly acceptance and explained U-4pZWb3Ld0-00239-00063861-00064105 many previously puzzling features of the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00240-00064106-00064354 Homeric poems including their unusually U-4pZWb3Ld0-00241-00064355-00064600 archaic language their extensive use of U-4pZWb3Ld0-00242-00064601-00064776 stock epithets and their other U-4pZWb3Ld0-00243-00064777-00065104 repetitive features many scholars U-4pZWb3Ld0-00244-00065105-00065447 concluded that the Homeric question had U-4pZWb3Ld0-00245-00065448-00065723 finally been answered meanwhile that neo U-4pZWb3Ld0-00246-00065724-00065875 analysts sought to bridge U-4pZWb3Ld0-00247-00065876-00066049 the gap between the analysts and U-4pZWb3Ld0-00248-00066050-00066397 Unitarians the neo analyst sought to U-4pZWb3Ld0-00249-00066398-00066580 trace the relationships between the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00250-00066581-00066838 Homeric poems and other epic poems which U-4pZWb3Ld0-00251-00066839-00067036 have now been lost but which modern U-4pZWb3Ld0-00252-00067037-00067204 scholars do possess some patchy U-4pZWb3Ld0-00253-00067205-00067423 knowledge of U-4pZWb3Ld0-00254-00067424-00067775 you U-4pZWb3Ld0-00255-00067776-00068447 topic contemporary most contemporary U-4pZWb3Ld0-00256-00068448-00068668 scholars although they disagree on other U-4pZWb3Ld0-00257-00068669-00068906 questions about the genesis of the poems U-4pZWb3Ld0-00258-00068907-00069071 agree that the Iliad and the Odyssey U-4pZWb3Ld0-00259-00069072-00069296 were not produced by the same author U-4pZWb3Ld0-00260-00069297-00069578 based on the many differences of U-4pZWb3Ld0-00261-00069579-00069853 narrative manner theology ethics U-4pZWb3Ld0-00262-00069854-00070162 vocabulary and geographical perspective U-4pZWb3Ld0-00263-00070163-00070367 and by the apparently imitative U-4pZWb3Ld0-00264-00070368-00070592 character of certain passages of the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00265-00070593-00070987 Odyssey in relation to the Iliad nearly U-4pZWb3Ld0-00266-00070988-00071206 all scholars agree that the Iliad and U-4pZWb3Ld0-00267-00071207-00071450 the Odyssey are unified poems in that U-4pZWb3Ld0-00268-00071451-00071684 each poem shows a clear overall design U-4pZWb3Ld0-00269-00071685-00071857 and that they are not merely strung U-4pZWb3Ld0-00270-00071858-00072175 together from unrelated songs it is also U-4pZWb3Ld0-00271-00072176-00072406 generally agreed that each poem was U-4pZWb3Ld0-00272-00072407-00072665 composed mostly by a single author who U-4pZWb3Ld0-00273-00072666-00072905 probably relied heavily on older oral U-4pZWb3Ld0-00274-00072906-00073181 traditions nearly all scholars agree U-4pZWb3Ld0-00275-00073182-00073430 that the dhol WA Nia in book X of the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00276-00073431-00073667 Iliad is not part of the original poem U-4pZWb3Ld0-00277-00073668-00073871 but rather a later insertion by a U-4pZWb3Ld0-00278-00073872-00074093 different poet some ancient scholars U-4pZWb3Ld0-00279-00074094-00074249 believed Homer to have been an U-4pZWb3Ld0-00280-00074250-00074462 eyewitness to the Trojan War others U-4pZWb3Ld0-00281-00074463-00074684 thought he had lived up to 500 years U-4pZWb3Ld0-00282-00074685-00074984 afterwards contemporary scholars U-4pZWb3Ld0-00283-00074985-00075197 continue to debate the date of the poems U-4pZWb3Ld0-00284-00075198-00075503 a long history of oral transmission lies U-4pZWb3Ld0-00285-00075504-00075706 behind the composition of the poems U-4pZWb3Ld0-00286-00075707-00075923 complicating the search for a precise U-4pZWb3Ld0-00287-00075924-00076282 date at one extreme Richard Janko has U-4pZWb3Ld0-00288-00076283-00076501 proposed a date for both poems to the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00289-00076502-00076711 8th century BC based on linguistic U-4pZWb3Ld0-00290-00076712-00077087 analysis and statistics Barry B Powell U-4pZWb3Ld0-00291-00077088-00077330 dates the composition of the Iliad and U-4pZWb3Ld0-00292-00077331-00077587 the Odyssey to sometime between 800 and U-4pZWb3Ld0-00293-00077588-00077873 750 BC based on the statement from U-4pZWb3Ld0-00294-00077874-00078094 Herodotus who lived in the late 5th U-4pZWb3Ld0-00295-00078095-00078404 century BC that Homer lived 400 years U-4pZWb3Ld0-00296-00078405-00078659 before his own time and not more U-4pZWb3Ld0-00297-00078660-00078937 kiyo play Ozzy and on the fact that the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00298-00078938-00079118 poems do not mention hoplite battle U-4pZWb3Ld0-00299-00079119-00079525 tactics inhumation or literacy at the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00300-00079526-00079762 other extreme scholars such as gregory U-4pZWb3Ld0-00301-00079763-00080099 naggy see homer as a continually U-4pZWb3Ld0-00302-00080100-00080336 evolving tradition which grew much more U-4pZWb3Ld0-00303-00080337-00080567 stable as the tradition progressed but U-4pZWb3Ld0-00304-00080568-00080759 which did not fully cease to continue U-4pZWb3Ld0-00305-00080760-00080966 changing and evolving until as late as U-4pZWb3Ld0-00306-00080967-00081119 the middle of the second U-4pZWb3Ld0-00307-00081120-00081488 BC Martyn Litchfield West has argued U-4pZWb3Ld0-00308-00081489-00081686 that the Iliad echoes the poetry of U-4pZWb3Ld0-00309-00081687-00081842 Hesiod and that it must have been U-4pZWb3Ld0-00310-00081843-00082283 composed around 660 to 650 BC at the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00311-00082284-00082484 earliest with the Odyssey up to a U-4pZWb3Ld0-00312-00082485-00082799 generation later he also interprets U-4pZWb3Ld0-00313-00082800-00083003 passages in the Iliad as showing U-4pZWb3Ld0-00314-00083004-00083195 knowledge of historical events that U-4pZWb3Ld0-00315-00083196-00083399 occurred in the ancient Near East during U-4pZWb3Ld0-00316-00083400-00083606 the middle of the seventh century BC U-4pZWb3Ld0-00317-00083607-00083830 including the destruction of Babylon by U-4pZWb3Ld0-00318-00083831-00084179 Sennacherib in 689 BC and the sack of U-4pZWb3Ld0-00319-00084180-00084506 thebes by Ashurbanipal in 660 three U-4pZWb3Ld0-00320-00084507-00084878 quarters bc homer is a name of unknown U-4pZWb3Ld0-00321-00084879-00085133 etymological origin around which many U-4pZWb3Ld0-00322-00085134-00085445 theories were erected in antiquity one U-4pZWb3Ld0-00323-00085446-00085661 such linkage was to the Greek Camaros U-4pZWb3Ld0-00324-00085662-00086138 Camaros hostage or surety the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00325-00086139-00086372 explanation suggested by modern scholars U-4pZWb3Ld0-00326-00086373-00086594 tend to mirror their position on the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00327-00086595-00086885 overall Homeric question naggy U-4pZWb3Ld0-00328-00086886-00087143 interprets it as he who fits the song U-4pZWb3Ld0-00329-00087144-00087524 together West has advanced both possible U-4pZWb3Ld0-00330-00087525-00088190 Greek and Phoenician etymologies U-4pZWb3Ld0-00331-00088191-00088592 topic historicism erica picks and U-4pZWb3Ld0-00332-00088593-00089072 Homeric society U-4pZWb3Ld0-00333-00089073-00089337 scholars continue to debate questions U-4pZWb3Ld0-00334-00089338-00089568 such as whether the Trojan War actually U-4pZWb3Ld0-00335-00089569-00089808 took place and if so when and where and U-4pZWb3Ld0-00336-00089809-00090051 to what extent the society depicted by U-4pZWb3Ld0-00337-00090052-00090294 Homer as based on his own or one which U-4pZWb3Ld0-00338-00090295-00090471 was even at the time of the poems U-4pZWb3Ld0-00339-00090472-00090789 composition known only as legend the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00340-00090790-00091014 Homeric epics are largely set in the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00341-00091015-00091215 east and center of the Mediterranean U-4pZWb3Ld0-00342-00091216-00091455 with some scattered references to Egypt U-4pZWb3Ld0-00343-00091456-00091722 Ethiopia and other distant lands in a U-4pZWb3Ld0-00344-00091723-00091950 warlike society that resembles that of U-4pZWb3Ld0-00345-00091951-00092154 the Greek world slightly before the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00346-00092155-00092346 hypothesized date of the poems U-4pZWb3Ld0-00347-00092347-00092598 composition in ancient Greek chronology U-4pZWb3Ld0-00348-00092599-00093045 the sack of Troy was dated to 1184 BC by U-4pZWb3Ld0-00349-00093046-00093252 the 19th century there was widespread U-4pZWb3Ld0-00350-00093253-00093546 scholarly skepticism that the Trojan War U-4pZWb3Ld0-00351-00093547-00093780 had ever happened and that Troy had even U-4pZWb3Ld0-00352-00093781-00094098 existed but in 1873 Heinrich Schliemann U-4pZWb3Ld0-00353-00094099-00094269 announced to the world that he had U-4pZWb3Ld0-00354-00094270-00094503 discovered the ruins of Homer's Troy at U-4pZWb3Ld0-00355-00094504-00094776 his Erlich in modern Turkey some U-4pZWb3Ld0-00356-00094777-00094953 contemporary scholars think the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00357-00094954-00095304 destruction of Troy VIII a circa 12:20 U-4pZWb3Ld0-00358-00095305-00095526 BC was the origin of the myth of the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00359-00095527-00095736 Trojan War others that the poem was U-4pZWb3Ld0-00360-00095737-00096009 inspired by multiple similar sieges that U-4pZWb3Ld0-00361-00096010-00096201 took place over the centuries most U-4pZWb3Ld0-00362-00096202-00096402 scholars now agree that the Homeric U-4pZWb3Ld0-00363-00096403-00096666 poems depict customs and elements of the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00364-00096667-00096864 material world that are derived from U-4pZWb3Ld0-00365-00096865-00097076 different periods of Greek history U-4pZWb3Ld0-00366-00097077-00097380 for instance the heroes in the poems U-4pZWb3Ld0-00367-00097381-00097635 used bronze weapons characteristic of U-4pZWb3Ld0-00368-00097636-00097848 the Bronze Age in which the poems are U-4pZWb3Ld0-00369-00097849-00098052 set rather than the later Iron Age U-4pZWb3Ld0-00370-00098053-00098286 during which they were composed yet the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00371-00098287-00098511 same heroes are cremated an Iron Age U-4pZWb3Ld0-00372-00098512-00098730 practice rather than buried as they were U-4pZWb3Ld0-00373-00098731-00099033 in the Bronze Age in some parts of the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00374-00099034-00099261 Homeric poems heroes are accurately U-4pZWb3Ld0-00375-00099262-00099516 described as carrying large shields like U-4pZWb3Ld0-00376-00099517-00099714 those used by warriors during the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00377-00099715-00099936 Mycenaean period but in other places U-4pZWb3Ld0-00378-00099937-00100170 they are instead described carrying the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00379-00100171-00100383 smaller shields that were commonly used U-4pZWb3Ld0-00380-00100384-00100569 during the time when the poems were U-4pZWb3Ld0-00381-00100570-00100773 written in the early Iron Age in the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00382-00100774-00101256 Iliad 10.26 0 to 265 odysseus as U-4pZWb3Ld0-00383-00101257-00101463 described as wearing a helmet made of U-4pZWb3Ld0-00384-00101464-00101790 boars tusks such helmets were not worn U-4pZWb3Ld0-00385-00101791-00102048 in homers time but were commonly worn by U-4pZWb3Ld0-00386-00102049-00102248 aristocratic warriors between U-4pZWb3Ld0-00387-00102249-00102644 1600 and 1150 BC the decipherment of U-4pZWb3Ld0-00388-00102645-00102965 Linear B in the 1950s by Michael Ventris U-4pZWb3Ld0-00389-00102966-00103163 and continued archaeological U-4pZWb3Ld0-00390-00103164-00103379 investigation has increased modern U-4pZWb3Ld0-00391-00103380-00103572 scholars understanding of Aegean U-4pZWb3Ld0-00392-00103573-00103778 civilization which in many ways U-4pZWb3Ld0-00393-00103779-00104003 resembles the ancient Near East more U-4pZWb3Ld0-00394-00104004-00104333 than the society described by Homer some U-4pZWb3Ld0-00395-00104334-00104579 aspects of the Homeric world are simply U-4pZWb3Ld0-00396-00104580-00104774 made up for instance the Iliad U-4pZWb3Ld0-00397-00104775-00105035 twenty-two point one four five two fifty U-4pZWb3Ld0-00398-00105036-00105275 six describes there being two Springs U-4pZWb3Ld0-00399-00105276-00105527 that run near the city of Troy one that U-4pZWb3Ld0-00400-00105528-00105720 runs steaming hot and the other that U-4pZWb3Ld0-00401-00105721-00106013 runs icy cold it is here that Hector U-4pZWb3Ld0-00402-00106014-00106312 takes his final stand against Achilles U-4pZWb3Ld0-00403-00106313-00106583 archaeologists however have uncovered no U-4pZWb3Ld0-00404-00106584-00106743 evidence that springs of this U-4pZWb3Ld0-00405-00106744-00107481 description ever actually existed U-4pZWb3Ld0-00406-00107482-00107879 topic homeric language U-4pZWb3Ld0-00407-00107880-00108064 you U-4pZWb3Ld0-00408-00108065-00108304 the Homeric epics are written in an U-4pZWb3Ld0-00409-00108305-00108553 artificial literary language or Const U-4pZWb3Ld0-00410-00108554-00108786 sprache only used in epic examiner U-4pZWb3Ld0-00411-00108788-00109129 poetry Homeric Greek shows features of U-4pZWb3Ld0-00412-00109130-00109354 multiple regional Greek dialects and U-4pZWb3Ld0-00413-00109355-00109582 periods but is fundamentally based on U-4pZWb3Ld0-00414-00109583-00109771 ionic Greek in keeping with the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00415-00109772-00110028 tradition that homer was from Ionia U-4pZWb3Ld0-00416-00110029-00110304 linguistic analysis suggests that the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00417-00110305-00110535 Iliad was composed slightly before the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00418-00110536-00110746 Odyssey and that Homeric formula U-4pZWb3Ld0-00419-00110747-00110958 preserve older features than other parts U-4pZWb3Ld0-00420-00110959-00111177 of the poems U-4pZWb3Ld0-00421-00111178-00111550 you U-4pZWb3Ld0-00422-00111551-00111946 topic homeric style U-4pZWb3Ld0-00423-00111947-00112129 you U-4pZWb3Ld0-00424-00112130-00112383 the Homeric poems were composed in U-4pZWb3Ld0-00425-00112384-00112633 unrhymed dactylic hexameter ancient U-4pZWb3Ld0-00426-00112633-00112825 Greek meter was quantity rather than U-4pZWb3Ld0-00427-00112826-00113184 stress based Homer frequently uses set U-4pZWb3Ld0-00428-00113185-00113476 phrases such as epithets crafty Odysseus U-4pZWb3Ld0-00429-00113477-00113815 rosy-fingered on allied Athena etc U-4pZWb3Ld0-00430-00113816-00114094 Homeric formula and then answered him / U-4pZWb3Ld0-00431-00114095-00114373 Agamemnon king of men when the early U-4pZWb3Ld0-00432-00114374-00114652 born rose fingered on came to light the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00433-00114653-00114952 sea she spoke simile type scenes ring U-4pZWb3Ld0-00434-00114953-00115267 composition and repetition these habits U-4pZWb3Ld0-00435-00115268-00115474 aid the extemporizing bard and are U-4pZWb3Ld0-00436-00115475-00115774 characteristic of oral poetry for U-4pZWb3Ld0-00437-00115775-00115975 instance the main words of the Homeric U-4pZWb3Ld0-00438-00115976-00116203 sentence are generally placed towards U-4pZWb3Ld0-00439-00116204-00116269 the beginning U-4pZWb3Ld0-00440-00116270-00116491 whereas literate poets like Virgil or U-4pZWb3Ld0-00441-00116492-00116711 Milton use longer and more complicated U-4pZWb3Ld0-00442-00116713-00117028 syntactical structures Homer then U-4pZWb3Ld0-00443-00117029-00117253 expands on these ideas in subsequent U-4pZWb3Ld0-00444-00117254-00117505 clauses this technique is called para U-4pZWb3Ld0-00445-00117506-00117781 taxes the so-called type scenes typisch U-4pZWb3Ld0-00446-00117782-00118030 and Zenon were named by Walter arond in U-4pZWb3Ld0-00447-00118031-00118420 1933 he noted that Homer often when U-4pZWb3Ld0-00448-00118421-00118584 describing frequently recurring U-4pZWb3Ld0-00449-00118585-00118798 activities such as eating praying U-4pZWb3Ld0-00450-00118799-00119071 fighting and dressing used blocks of set U-4pZWb3Ld0-00451-00119072-00119251 phrases in sequence that were then U-4pZWb3Ld0-00452-00119252-00119542 elaborated by the poet the analyst U-4pZWb3Ld0-00453-00119543-00119779 school had considered these repetitions U-4pZWb3Ld0-00454-00119780-00119878 as unholy U-4pZWb3Ld0-00455-00119879-00120052 whereas arond interpreted them U-4pZWb3Ld0-00456-00120053-00120376 philosophically Perry and Lord noted U-4pZWb3Ld0-00457-00120377-00120568 that these conventions are found in many U-4pZWb3Ld0-00458-00120569-00120775 other cultures bring composition U-4pZWb3Ld0-00459-00120776-00121059 artistic structure when a phrase or idea U-4pZWb3Ld0-00460-00121060-00121276 is repeated at both the beginning and U-4pZWb3Ld0-00461-00121277-00121549 end of a story or a series of such ideas U-4pZWb3Ld0-00462-00121550-00121953 first appears in the order a b c U-4pZWb3Ld0-00463-00121954-00122483 before being reversed as si B a has been U-4pZWb3Ld0-00464-00122484-00122805 observed in the Homeric epics opinion U-4pZWb3Ld0-00465-00122806-00123003 differs as to whether these occurrences U-4pZWb3Ld0-00466-00123004-00123209 are a conscious artistic device a U-4pZWb3Ld0-00467-00123210-00123474 mnemonic aid or a spontaneous feature of U-4pZWb3Ld0-00468-00123475-00123702 human storytelling both of the Homeric U-4pZWb3Ld0-00469-00123703-00123935 poems begin with an invocation to the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00470-00123936-00124257 muse in the Iliad the poet invokes her U-4pZWb3Ld0-00471-00124258-00124586 to sing of the anger of Achilles and in U-4pZWb3Ld0-00472-00124588-00124854 the Odyssey he asks her to sing of the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00473-00124855-00125223 man of many ways a similar opening was U-4pZWb3Ld0-00474-00125224-00125931 later employed by Virgil in his Aeneid U-4pZWb3Ld0-00475-00125932-00126359 topic textual transmission U-4pZWb3Ld0-00476-00126360-00126550 you U-4pZWb3Ld0-00477-00126551-00126808 the orally transmitted Homeric poems U-4pZWb3Ld0-00478-00126808-00127029 were put into written form at some point U-4pZWb3Ld0-00479-00127030-00127308 between the 8th and 6th centuries BC U-4pZWb3Ld0-00480-00127308-00127554 some scholars believe that they were U-4pZWb3Ld0-00481-00127555-00127836 dictated by the poet Albert Lord noted U-4pZWb3Ld0-00482-00127838-00128050 that in the process of dictating the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00483-00128051-00128281 balkan bards he recorded revised and U-4pZWb3Ld0-00484-00128282-00128553 extended their lays some scholars U-4pZWb3Ld0-00485-00128554-00128790 hypothesized that a similar process U-4pZWb3Ld0-00486-00128791-00128998 occurred when the Homeric poems were U-4pZWb3Ld0-00487-00128999-00129193 first written other scholars such as U-4pZWb3Ld0-00488-00129194-00129463 Gregory naggy hold that after the poems U-4pZWb3Ld0-00489-00129464-00129660 were formed in the 8th century they were U-4pZWb3Ld0-00490-00129661-00129868 orally transmitted with little deviation U-4pZWb3Ld0-00491-00129869-00130102 until they were written down in the 6th U-4pZWb3Ld0-00492-00130103-00130465 century after textual ization the poems U-4pZWb3Ld0-00493-00130466-00130710 were each divided into 24 raps ODEs U-4pZWb3Ld0-00494-00130711-00130969 today referred to as books and labeled U-4pZWb3Ld0-00495-00130970-00131157 by the letters of the Greek alphabet U-4pZWb3Ld0-00496-00131158-00131449 these divisions probably date from U-4pZWb3Ld0-00497-00131450-00131737 before 200 BC and may have been made by U-4pZWb3Ld0-00498-00131738-00132001 Homer in antiquity it was widely held U-4pZWb3Ld0-00499-00132002-00132220 that the Homeric poems were collected U-4pZWb3Ld0-00500-00132221-00132475 and organized in Athens in the late 6th U-4pZWb3Ld0-00501-00132476-00132757 century BC by the tyrant peso stratas U-4pZWb3Ld0-00502-00132758-00133171 died 528 sevenths BC in what subsequent U-4pZWb3Ld0-00503-00133172-00133414 scholars have dubbed the Pesa strategy U-4pZWb3Ld0-00504-00133415-00133735 and recension the idea that the Homeric U-4pZWb3Ld0-00505-00133736-00133965 poems were originally transmitted orally U-4pZWb3Ld0-00506-00133966-00134182 and first written down during the reign U-4pZWb3Ld0-00507-00134183-00134401 of Pi so Stratos is referenced by the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00508-00134402-00134731 1st century BC Roman orator Cicero and U-4pZWb3Ld0-00509-00134732-00134926 is also referenced in a number of other U-4pZWb3Ld0-00510-00134927-00135175 surviving sources including to ancient U-4pZWb3Ld0-00511-00135176-00135583 lives of homer from around 150 BC the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00512-00135584-00135811 texts of the Homeric poems seem to have U-4pZWb3Ld0-00513-00135812-00136116 become relatively established after the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00514-00136117-00136300 establishment of the Library of U-4pZWb3Ld0-00515-00136301-00136594 Alexandria Homeric scholars such as Zen U-4pZWb3Ld0-00516-00136595-00136834 adidas of Ephesus Aristophanes of U-4pZWb3Ld0-00517-00136835-00137065 Byzantium and in particular Aristarchus U-4pZWb3Ld0-00518-00137066-00137278 of Samothrace helped establish a U-4pZWb3Ld0-00519-00137279-00137541 canonical text the first printed edition U-4pZWb3Ld0-00520-00137542-00137868 of homer was produced in 1488 in Milan U-4pZWb3Ld0-00521-00137869-00138216 today scholars use medieval manuscripts U-4pZWb3Ld0-00522-00138217-00138504 papyri and other sources some argue for U-4pZWb3Ld0-00523-00138505-00138901 a multi text view rather than seeking a U-4pZWb3Ld0-00524-00138902-00139203 single definitive text the 19th century U-4pZWb3Ld0-00525-00139204-00139404 edition of Arthur Lud which mainly U-4pZWb3Ld0-00526-00139405-00139669 follows Aristarchus work whereas Van U-4pZWb3Ld0-00527-00139670-00139897 teals 1991 nine U-4pZWb3Ld0-00528-00139898-00140281 1896 follows the medieval Vulgate others U-4pZWb3Ld0-00529-00140282-00140772 such as Martin West 1998 to 2000 or TW U-4pZWb3Ld0-00530-00140773-00141028 allen fall somewhere between these two U-4pZWb3Ld0-00531-00141029-00141598 extremes U-4pZWb3Ld0-00532-00141599-00142156 topic see also U-4pZWb3Ld0-00533-00142157-00142508 you U-4pZWb3Ld0-00534-00142509-00143044 topic notes U-4pZWb3Ld0-00535-00143045-00143413 you U-4pZWb3Ld0-00536-00143414-00144039 topic selected bibliography U-4pZWb3Ld0-00537-00144040-00144392 you U-4pZWb3Ld0-00538-00144393-00144966 topic further reading U-4pZWb3Ld0-00539-00144967-00145319 you U-4pZWb3Ld0-00540-00145320-00145703 topic external links U-4pZWb3Ld0-00541-00145704-00145912 you U-4pZWb3Ld0-00542-00145913-00146122 works by Homer at Perseus digital U-4pZWb3Ld0-00543-00146123-00146595 library homer at encyclopædia Britannica U-4pZWb3Ld0-00544-00146596-00146927 works by Homer at Project Gutenberg U-4pZWb3Ld0-00545-00146928-00147240 works by or about Homer at Internet U-4pZWb3Ld0-00546-00147241-00147577 Archive works by Homer at LibriVox U-4pZWb3Ld0-00547-00147578-00147966 public domain audio books homer Murray U-4pZWb3Ld0-00548-00147967-00148399 80 1925 The Iliad with an English U-4pZWb3Ld0-00549-00148400-00148648 translation in ancient Greek in English U-4pZWb3Ld0-00550-00148649-00149091 I books I twelve London New York William U-4pZWb3Ld0-00551-00149092-00149359 Heinemann limited GP Putnam's sons U-4pZWb3Ld0-00552-00149360-00149877 Internet Archive the Chicago Homer dates U-4pZWb3Ld0-00553-00149878-00150298 Steven reader Homer Iliad book one lines U-4pZWb3Ld0-00554-00150299-00150685 one two fifty two Society for the U-4pZWb3Ld0-00555-00150686-00150861 reading of Greek and Latin literature U-4pZWb3Ld0-00556-00150862-00151566 SOR GL l Heath Malcolm may 4th 2001 clas U-4pZWb3Ld0-00557-00151567-00151849 three one five two further Greek U-4pZWb3Ld0-00558-00151850-00152182 literature to Aristotle's Poetics notes U-4pZWb3Ld0-00559-00152183-00152596 on Homer's Iliad and Odyssey Department U-4pZWb3Ld0-00560-00152597-00152884 of classics University of Leeds Internet U-4pZWb3Ld0-00561-00152885-00153157 Archive archived from the original on U-4pZWb3Ld0-00562-00153158-00153508 September 8 2008 retrieved the seventh U-4pZWb3Ld0-00563-00153509-00153990 of November 2014 bhasin Oh Paula 2014 U-4pZWb3Ld0-00564-00153991-00154440 Homer a guide to selected sources living U-4pZWb3Ld0-00565-00154441-00154664 poets a new approach to ancient history U-4pZWb3Ld0-00566-00154665-00154849 Durham University U-4pZWb3Ld0-00567-00154850-00155308 retrieved November 18 2014