dGdOkuH04vY-00000-00000016-00000359 our goal is to speak to be remembered dGdOkuH04vY-00001-00000360-00000734 and repeated how often dGdOkuH04vY-00002-00000735-00000935 do you talk to people and perhaps the dGdOkuH04vY-00003-00000936-00001254 time is not right dGdOkuH04vY-00004-00001255-00001599 we want them to remember your key ideas dGdOkuH04vY-00005-00001600-00001687 and what was dGdOkuH04vY-00006-00001688-00001951 different about you when the time is dGdOkuH04vY-00007-00001952-00002118 right dGdOkuH04vY-00008-00002119-00002591 if you are proposing a larger project dGdOkuH04vY-00009-00002592-00002926 and you are one of several companies who dGdOkuH04vY-00010-00002927-00003183 are bidding dGdOkuH04vY-00011-00003184-00003406 they're not going to give you an answer dGdOkuH04vY-00012-00003407-00003711 when you are in the meeting dGdOkuH04vY-00013-00003711-00003886 you might be the first person they talk dGdOkuH04vY-00014-00003887-00004191 to they have three other people dGdOkuH04vY-00015-00004192-00004431 so the question then becomes would it be dGdOkuH04vY-00016-00004432-00004535 helpful if people dGdOkuH04vY-00017-00004536-00004751 remembered what you said more than the dGdOkuH04vY-00018-00004752-00004999 other companies dGdOkuH04vY-00019-00005000-00005367 would it be beneficial if they could dGdOkuH04vY-00020-00005368-00005431 remember dGdOkuH04vY-00021-00005432-00005838 the three reasons that you are the best dGdOkuH04vY-00022-00005839-00006215 choice for them and would it be dGdOkuH04vY-00023-00006216-00006567 profitable if they could dGdOkuH04vY-00024-00006568-00006878 tell stories about why dGdOkuH04vY-00025-00006879-00007303 other clients just like them chose you dGdOkuH04vY-00026-00007304-00007610 because that can happen when you have a dGdOkuH04vY-00027-00007611-00007863 well-crafted dGdOkuH04vY-00028-00007864-00008231 thought through conversational dGdOkuH04vY-00029-00008232-00008342 presentation dGdOkuH04vY-00030-00008343-00008495 whether you're sitting down talking to dGdOkuH04vY-00031-00008496-00008695 one or two people or you're standing up dGdOkuH04vY-00032-00008696-00009023 talking up to ten dGdOkuH04vY-00033-00009024-00009214 and just because you know what you're dGdOkuH04vY-00034-00009215-00009335 talking about dGdOkuH04vY-00035-00009336-00009574 and you have years of experience doesn't dGdOkuH04vY-00036-00009575-00009839 mean dGdOkuH04vY-00037-00009840-00010191 you don't have to plan and focus without dGdOkuH04vY-00038-00010192-00010367 exception dGdOkuH04vY-00039-00010368-00010606 and this is going back over a 30-year dGdOkuH04vY-00040-00010607-00010831 plus career dGdOkuH04vY-00041-00010832-00011159 people who know exactly what dGdOkuH04vY-00042-00011160-00011327 they are talking about have great dGdOkuH04vY-00043-00011328-00011471 expertise dGdOkuH04vY-00044-00011472-00011655 very few of them know how to start the dGdOkuH04vY-00045-00011656-00012120 conversation and finish it dKjljm5Ai0g-00000-00000104-00000335 the isabelle theorem prover is an dKjljm5Ai0g-00001-00000336-00000591 interactive theorem prover a higher dKjljm5Ai0g-00002-00000592-00000919 order logic whole theorem prover dKjljm5Ai0g-00003-00000919-00001215 it is an lcf style theorem prover dKjljm5Ai0g-00004-00001216-00001511 written in standard ml so it is based on dKjljm5Ai0g-00005-00001512-00001751 a small logical core to ease logical dKjljm5Ai0g-00006-00001752-00001934 correctness dKjljm5Ai0g-00007-00001935-00002191 isabel is generic it provides a dKjljm5Ai0g-00008-00002192-00002502 metalogic a weak type theory which is dKjljm5Ai0g-00009-00002503-00002799 used to encode object logics like first dKjljm5Ai0g-00010-00002800-00003158 order logic fall higher order logic hull dKjljm5Ai0g-00011-00003159-00003590 or zermelo frankel set theory zfc dKjljm5Ai0g-00012-00003592-00003879 isabelle's main proof method is a higher dKjljm5Ai0g-00013-00003879-00004143 order version of resolution based on dKjljm5Ai0g-00014-00004144-00004406 higher order unification dKjljm5Ai0g-00015-00004407-00004719 though interactive isabel also features dKjljm5Ai0g-00016-00004720-00005015 efficient automatic reasoning tools such dKjljm5Ai0g-00017-00005016-00005222 as a term rewriting engine and a dKjljm5Ai0g-00018-00005223-00005463 tableau's prover as well as various dKjljm5Ai0g-00019-00005464-00005743 decision procedures dKjljm5Ai0g-00020-00005744-00005999 isabelle has been used to formalize dKjljm5Ai0g-00021-00006000-00006254 numerous theorems from mathematics and dKjljm5Ai0g-00022-00006255-00006495 computer science like godel's dKjljm5Ai0g-00023-00006495-00006751 completeness theorem godel's theorem dKjljm5Ai0g-00024-00006752-00006998 about the consistency of the axiom of dKjljm5Ai0g-00025-00007000-00007231 choice the prime number theorem dKjljm5Ai0g-00026-00007231-00007519 correctness of security protocols and dKjljm5Ai0g-00027-00007520-00007719 properties of programming language dKjljm5Ai0g-00028-00007720-00007903 semantics dKjljm5Ai0g-00029-00007904-00008167 the isabelle theorem prover is free dKjljm5Ai0g-00030-00008168-00008478 software released under the revised bsd dKjljm5Ai0g-00031-00008479-00008695 license dKjljm5Ai0g-00032-00008696-00008967 isabelle was named by lawrence paulsen dKjljm5Ai0g-00033-00008968-00009703 after gerard uh's daughter dKjljm5Ai0g-00034-00009704-00010342 topic example proof dKjljm5Ai0g-00035-00010343-00010606 isabel allows proofs to be written in dKjljm5Ai0g-00036-00010607-00010871 two different styles the procedural and dKjljm5Ai0g-00037-00010872-00011063 the declarative dKjljm5Ai0g-00038-00011064-00011359 procedural proofs specify a series of dKjljm5Ai0g-00039-00011360-00011646 tactics or procedures to apply while dKjljm5Ai0g-00040-00011647-00011870 reflecting the procedure that a human dKjljm5Ai0g-00041-00011871-00012110 mathematician might apply to proving a dKjljm5Ai0g-00042-00012111-00012359 result they are typically hard to read dKjljm5Ai0g-00043-00012360-00012583 as they do not describe the outcome of dKjljm5Ai0g-00044-00012584-00012767 these steps dKjljm5Ai0g-00045-00012768-00013022 declarative proofs supported by dKjljm5Ai0g-00046-00013023-00013319 isabelle's proof language ezar on the dKjljm5Ai0g-00047-00013319-00013551 other hand specify the actual dKjljm5Ai0g-00048-00013552-00013830 mathematical operations to be performed dKjljm5Ai0g-00049-00013831-00014047 and are therefore more easily read and dKjljm5Ai0g-00050-00014047-00014319 checked by humans dKjljm5Ai0g-00051-00014319-00014615 the procedural style has been deprecated dKjljm5Ai0g-00052-00014616-00014855 in recent versions of isabelle the dKjljm5Ai0g-00053-00014856-00015135 archive of formal proofs also recommends dKjljm5Ai0g-00054-00015136-00015422 the declarative style dKjljm5Ai0g-00055-00015423-00015703 for example a declarative proof by dKjljm5Ai0g-00056-00015704-00015943 contradiction in izar that the square dKjljm5Ai0g-00057-00015944-00016215 root of 2 is not rational can be written dKjljm5Ai0g-00058-00016216-00016430 as follows dKjljm5Ai0g-00059-00016431-00016883 theorem sqrt 2 underscore not underscore dKjljm5Ai0g-00060-00016884-00017150 rational sqrt dKjljm5Ai0g-00061-00017151-00017399 real 2 dKjljm5Ai0g-00062-00017400-00017583 proof dKjljm5Ai0g-00063-00017584-00017799 let x equals dKjljm5Ai0g-00064-00017800-00017967 sqrt dKjljm5Ai0g-00065-00017968-00018207 real 2 dKjljm5Ai0g-00066-00018208-00018607 assume x element of dKjljm5Ai0g-00067-00018608-00018950 then obtain mn nat where dKjljm5Ai0g-00068-00018951-00019230 sqrt underscore rat dKjljm5Ai0g-00069-00019231-00019630 x equals real m real n dKjljm5Ai0g-00070-00019631-00020183 and lowest underscore terms co-prime mn dKjljm5Ai0g-00071-00020184-00020494 by rule rats underscore abs underscore dKjljm5Ai0g-00072-00020495-00020886 nat underscore div underscore nate dKjljm5Ai0g-00073-00020887-00020991 hence dKjljm5Ai0g-00074-00020992-00021447 real m squared equals x squared asterisk dKjljm5Ai0g-00075-00021448-00021719 real n squared dKjljm5Ai0g-00076-00021720-00022094 by auto simpad power 2 underscore eq dKjljm5Ai0g-00077-00022095-00022343 underscore square dKjljm5Ai0g-00078-00022344-00022478 hence eq dKjljm5Ai0g-00079-00022479-00022950 m squared equals 2 asterisk n squared dKjljm5Ai0g-00080-00022951-00023247 using of underscore nat underscore eq dKjljm5Ai0g-00081-00023248-00023607 underscore iff power 2 underscore eq dKjljm5Ai0g-00082-00023608-00023975 underscore square by fast force dKjljm5Ai0g-00083-00023976-00024086 hence dKjljm5Ai0g-00084-00024087-00024391 2 dv dm squared dKjljm5Ai0g-00085-00024392-00024614 by simp dKjljm5Ai0g-00086-00024615-00024727 hence dKjljm5Ai0g-00087-00024728-00024975 2 dv dm dKjljm5Ai0g-00088-00024976-00025199 by simp dKjljm5Ai0g-00089-00025200-00025527 have 2 dv dn dKjljm5Ai0g-00090-00025528-00025711 proof dKjljm5Ai0g-00091-00025712-00026167 from 2 dvdm obtain k where m equals 2 dKjljm5Ai0g-00092-00026168-00026495 asterisk k dKjljm5Ai0g-00093-00026495-00026935 with eq have 2 asterisk n squared equals dKjljm5Ai0g-00094-00026936-00027431 2 to the power of 2 asterisk k squared dKjljm5Ai0g-00095-00027432-00027646 by simp dKjljm5Ai0g-00096-00027647-00027758 hence dKjljm5Ai0g-00097-00027760-00028079 2 dv dn squared dKjljm5Ai0g-00098-00028080-00028302 by simp dKjljm5Ai0g-00099-00028304-00028399 thus dKjljm5Ai0g-00100-00028400-00028646 2d vdn dKjljm5Ai0g-00101-00028647-00028862 by simp dKjljm5Ai0g-00102-00028863-00029079 qed dKjljm5Ai0g-00103-00029080-00029511 with 2dvdm have dKjljm5Ai0g-00104-00029512-00029567 c 2dvd dKjljm5Ai0g-00105-00029568-00029711 m n dKjljm5Ai0g-00106-00029712-00030151 by rule g c d underscore greatest dKjljm5Ai0g-00107-00030152-00030431 with lowest underscore terms have dKjljm5Ai0g-00108-00030432-00030687 2 d v d 1 dKjljm5Ai0g-00109-00030688-00030902 by simp dKjljm5Ai0g-00110-00030903-00031174 thus false using odd underscore 1 by dKjljm5Ai0g-00111-00031175-00031367 blast dKjljm5Ai0g-00112-00031368-00031951 qed dKjljm5Ai0g-00113-00031952-00032574 topic applications dKjljm5Ai0g-00114-00032575-00032831 isabelle has been used to aid formal dKjljm5Ai0g-00115-00032832-00033046 methods for the specification dKjljm5Ai0g-00116-00033047-00033327 development and verification of software dKjljm5Ai0g-00117-00033328-00033623 and hardware systems dKjljm5Ai0g-00118-00033624-00033895 the use of isabelle by hewlett-packard dKjljm5Ai0g-00119-00033896-00034215 in the design of the hp 9000 line of dKjljm5Ai0g-00120-00034216-00034479 server's runway bus led to the discovery dKjljm5Ai0g-00121-00034480-00034759 of a number of bugs uncaught by previous dKjljm5Ai0g-00122-00034760-00035055 testing and simulation dKjljm5Ai0g-00123-00035056-00035239 in 2009 dKjljm5Ai0g-00124-00035240-00035567 the l4 dot verified project at nicta dKjljm5Ai0g-00125-00035568-00035790 produced the first formal proof of dKjljm5Ai0g-00126-00035791-00036007 functional correctness of a general dKjljm5Ai0g-00127-00036008-00036318 purpose operating system kernel the cell dKjljm5Ai0g-00128-00036319-00036759 4 secure embedded l4 microkernel dKjljm5Ai0g-00129-00036760-00037015 the proof is constructed and checked in dKjljm5Ai0g-00130-00037016-00037399 isabel hall and comprises over 200 000 dKjljm5Ai0g-00131-00037400-00037715 lines of proof script to verify dKjljm5Ai0g-00132-00037716-00038030 7500 lines of see the verification dKjljm5Ai0g-00133-00038031-00038343 covers code design and implementation dKjljm5Ai0g-00134-00038344-00038583 and the main theorem states that the c dKjljm5Ai0g-00135-00038584-00038807 code correctly implements the formal dKjljm5Ai0g-00136-00038808-00039079 specification of the kernel dKjljm5Ai0g-00137-00039080-00039283 the proof uncovered dKjljm5Ai0g-00138-00039284-00039607 144 bugs in an early version of the c dKjljm5Ai0g-00139-00039608-00040007 code of the cell 4 kernel and about 150 dKjljm5Ai0g-00140-00040008-00040190 issues in each of design and dKjljm5Ai0g-00141-00040191-00040479 specification the programming language dKjljm5Ai0g-00142-00040480-00040751 lightweight java was proven type sound dKjljm5Ai0g-00143-00040752-00041030 in isabelle larry paulson keeps a list dKjljm5Ai0g-00144-00041031-00041871 of research projects that use isabelle dKjljm5Ai0g-00145-00041872-00042487 topic alternatives dKjljm5Ai0g-00146-00042488-00042751 the following programs provide similar dKjljm5Ai0g-00147-00042752-00043071 functionality to isabelle dKjljm5Ai0g-00148-00043072-00043527 similar system written in ocaml dKjljm5Ai0g-00149-00043528-00043735 metamath dKjljm5Ai0g-00150-00043736-00044007 hol4 similar to isabelle's hall dKjljm5Ai0g-00151-00044008-00044308 implementation dLkUWeCrbz0-00000-00000049-00000598 [Music] dLkUWeCrbz0-00001-00000599-00000911 why your website is not important it's dLkUWeCrbz0-00002-00000911-00001190 dead and you need a funnel instead guys dLkUWeCrbz0-00003-00001191-00001364 chimera from your social voice and today dLkUWeCrbz0-00004-00001365-00001630 I'm talking to around why you need a dLkUWeCrbz0-00005-00001632-00001885 funnel and not a website right but first dLkUWeCrbz0-00006-00001886-00002120 I want to paint you a word picture right dLkUWeCrbz0-00007-00002121-00002260 I don't want you guys to do is think dLkUWeCrbz0-00008-00002261-00002423 about you've gone into the shopping dLkUWeCrbz0-00009-00002424-00002615 center right you're going into the shops dLkUWeCrbz0-00010-00002616-00002813 you're going to pick up and your partner dLkUWeCrbz0-00011-00002814-00002972 said look I just want you to get me a dLkUWeCrbz0-00012-00002973-00003226 loaf of bread and a bottle of milk yeah dLkUWeCrbz0-00013-00003227-00003410 cool got a loaf of bread bottle of milk dLkUWeCrbz0-00014-00003411-00003715 no problem I've got this you head down dLkUWeCrbz0-00015-00003717-00003920 to the shops you walk in and what dLkUWeCrbz0-00016-00003921-00004076 happens as soon as you walk into that dLkUWeCrbz0-00017-00004077-00004358 supermarket you are bombarded with a dLkUWeCrbz0-00018-00004359-00004538 hundred and fifty million bajillion dLkUWeCrbz0-00019-00004539-00004838 different things for you to look at 150 dLkUWeCrbz0-00020-00004839-00005020 million bajillion different things for dLkUWeCrbz0-00021-00005021-00005222 you to buy and you start walking around dLkUWeCrbz0-00022-00005223-00005561 like avocados 2 for $7 bargain I'll get dLkUWeCrbz0-00023-00005562-00005720 10 and you walk around the next corner dLkUWeCrbz0-00024-00005721-00005936 your cashews are on special great grab dLkUWeCrbz0-00025-00005937-00006179 some of those like I look parsley dLkUWeCrbz0-00026-00006180-00006368 parsnips Oh your favorite veggies dLkUWeCrbz0-00027-00006369-00006532 they're sitting there they're unspecial dLkUWeCrbz0-00028-00006533-00006773 they're ready to go for you what happens dLkUWeCrbz0-00029-00006773-00006950 is then you walk around then you get to dLkUWeCrbz0-00030-00006951-00007135 the counter the worst place to be you're dLkUWeCrbz0-00031-00007136-00007370 waiting in line there's three four five dLkUWeCrbz0-00032-00007370-00007528 people in front of you and what happens dLkUWeCrbz0-00033-00007529-00007814 you see a cheeky Mars bar $0.99 special dLkUWeCrbz0-00034-00007815-00008027 great Christmas just happened so of dLkUWeCrbz0-00035-00008028-00008167 course what are you seeing Easter eggs dLkUWeCrbz0-00036-00008168-00008333 they're sitting there as well get the dLkUWeCrbz0-00037-00008334-00008483 cheeky caramel or whatever it might be dLkUWeCrbz0-00038-00008484-00008728 for you you get those things and you go dLkUWeCrbz0-00039-00008729-00008956 out you hit the counter you pay you walk dLkUWeCrbz0-00040-00008957-00009209 out you get home you unload those bags dLkUWeCrbz0-00041-00009210-00009421 or shopping and your partner just looks dLkUWeCrbz0-00042-00009422-00009658 at you gives you those eyes it's like dLkUWeCrbz0-00043-00009659-00009944 where's the bread and milk right you've dLkUWeCrbz0-00044-00009945-00010112 bought 150 different things where you dLkUWeCrbz0-00045-00010113-00010301 did not get the bread and milk why does dLkUWeCrbz0-00046-00010302-00010510 that happen right is because when you go dLkUWeCrbz0-00047-00010511-00010670 in there even though you had one core dLkUWeCrbz0-00048-00010671-00010867 objective when so many other things were dLkUWeCrbz0-00049-00010868-00011117 on offer you get distracted your brain dLkUWeCrbz0-00050-00011118-00011296 pulls you in all different ways and it dLkUWeCrbz0-00051-00011297-00011449 actually goes back to the way that our dLkUWeCrbz0-00052-00011450-00011723 brains work the whole flight or fight dLkUWeCrbz0-00053-00011724-00011881 mode and your same as when you walk into dLkUWeCrbz0-00054-00011882-00012010 a room and you forget why you went in dLkUWeCrbz0-00055-00012011-00012137 there you're like hang on why did I just dLkUWeCrbz0-00056-00012138-00012299 come into this room for when you have dLkUWeCrbz0-00057-00012300-00012473 way too many different options it's so dLkUWeCrbz0-00058-00012474-00012662 hard for your brain to focus on the dLkUWeCrbz0-00059-00012663-00012764 outcome that you want dLkUWeCrbz0-00060-00012765-00013005 to achieve so that is the same thing dLkUWeCrbz0-00061-00013006-00013230 that happens with a website you could dLkUWeCrbz0-00062-00013231-00013515 all website you've got 16 different tabs dLkUWeCrbz0-00063-00013516-00013674 across the top you scroll down there's dLkUWeCrbz0-00064-00013675-00013824 pictures of all the awards that you've dLkUWeCrbz0-00065-00013825-00013974 won there's pictures of your team dLkUWeCrbz0-00066-00013975-00014153 there's a video about who you are all dLkUWeCrbz0-00067-00014154-00014343 this different stuff if people are just dLkUWeCrbz0-00068-00014344-00014490 hitting that for the very first time dLkUWeCrbz0-00069-00014491-00014760 they get overwhelmed right their brain dLkUWeCrbz0-00070-00014761-00014946 gets little bit fried things start to dLkUWeCrbz0-00071-00014947-00015080 happen internally for them they look dLkUWeCrbz0-00072-00015081-00015222 cool great a click away dLkUWeCrbz0-00073-00015222-00015425 maybe they click on something maybe they dLkUWeCrbz0-00074-00015426-00015552 might give you a call tell you you know dLkUWeCrbz0-00075-00015553-00015750 about you but most of the time they dLkUWeCrbz0-00076-00015751-00015918 click away they take up some other form dLkUWeCrbz0-00077-00015919-00016191 of action because purely but it is not dLkUWeCrbz0-00078-00016191-00016394 set up and it's not optimized for them dLkUWeCrbz0-00079-00016395-00016674 to get the best result possible this is dLkUWeCrbz0-00080-00016675-00016938 why we want to focus on having funds and dLkUWeCrbz0-00081-00016939-00017136 look ammonia's really drinking at the dLkUWeCrbz0-00082-00017137-00017247 beginning you can still have a website dLkUWeCrbz0-00083-00017248-00017466 we have a website there's no problems dLkUWeCrbz0-00084-00017467-00017619 with that but what I want you to think dLkUWeCrbz0-00085-00017620-00017766 about is if you're making offers and dLkUWeCrbz0-00086-00017767-00017880 you're promoting things out to the dLkUWeCrbz0-00087-00017881-00018036 marketplace and people are coming into dLkUWeCrbz0-00088-00018037-00018236 the very first time what you should be dLkUWeCrbz0-00089-00018237-00018627 doing is having one core Avenue one core dLkUWeCrbz0-00090-00018628-00018840 offer for them to click through them for dLkUWeCrbz0-00091-00018841-00019133 them to engage with why because if dLkUWeCrbz0-00092-00019134-00019293 they're new to you they're new to your dLkUWeCrbz0-00093-00019294-00019419 brand they're new to your business dLkUWeCrbz0-00094-00019420-00019596 they're new to your service offering we dLkUWeCrbz0-00095-00019597-00019794 want to ensure that it's a smooth easy dLkUWeCrbz0-00096-00019795-00020064 pathway for them so if they see an ad on dLkUWeCrbz0-00097-00020065-00020234 Facebook they see in that on YouTube you dLkUWeCrbz0-00098-00020235-00020375 see that on LinkedIn whatever it might dLkUWeCrbz0-00099-00020376-00020400 be dLkUWeCrbz0-00100-00020401-00020681 the ads talking about one thing it's not dLkUWeCrbz0-00101-00020682-00020837 talking about the 10 different services dLkUWeCrbz0-00102-00020838-00021030 100 different products that you have is dLkUWeCrbz0-00103-00021031-00021359 talking about one key objective they dLkUWeCrbz0-00104-00021360-00021543 click on that ad then when they get to dLkUWeCrbz0-00105-00021544-00021687 the next page we don't want to over one dLkUWeCrbz0-00106-00021688-00021852 we don't want to stress frustrate them dLkUWeCrbz0-00107-00021853-00022071 caused them to go how do I get here why dLkUWeCrbz0-00108-00022072-00022253 am I looking at this we want it to be dLkUWeCrbz0-00109-00022254-00022527 smooth easy and effective because really dLkUWeCrbz0-00110-00022528-00022689 if we break it down what a funnel is it dLkUWeCrbz0-00111-00022690-00023040 is just a simple one objective web page dLkUWeCrbz0-00112-00023041-00023289 that's all that it is it's a web page dLkUWeCrbz0-00113-00023290-00023480 set up and designed so that they take dLkUWeCrbz0-00114-00023481-00023649 one course of action if you want them to dLkUWeCrbz0-00115-00023650-00023834 download an e-book guess what the dLkUWeCrbz0-00116-00023835-00024053 objective is download this ebook you dLkUWeCrbz0-00117-00024054-00024186 know talking about your courses your dLkUWeCrbz0-00118-00024187-00024315 products your service or anything like dLkUWeCrbz0-00119-00024316-00024519 that if you want to purchase a product dLkUWeCrbz0-00120-00024520-00024708 you know showing them 97 other products dLkUWeCrbz0-00121-00024709-00024809 that you have you're showing them the dLkUWeCrbz0-00122-00024810-00025068 one product that they clicked on that is dLkUWeCrbz0-00123-00025069-00025272 what's most important that's really what dLkUWeCrbz0-00124-00025273-00025371 you want to folk dLkUWeCrbz0-00125-00025372-00025560 so that you can ensure that when people dLkUWeCrbz0-00126-00025561-00025755 come through they take the actions that dLkUWeCrbz0-00127-00025756-00025997 you want now what different types of dLkUWeCrbz0-00128-00025998-00026172 funds could you be using and really if dLkUWeCrbz0-00129-00026173-00026295 you think about it funnel like I said dLkUWeCrbz0-00130-00026295-00026451 it's bringing people in you mentioned dLkUWeCrbz0-00131-00026452-00026583 the funnel they used to put oil or dLkUWeCrbz0-00132-00026583-00026720 petrol into your car whatever that might dLkUWeCrbz0-00133-00026722-00026763 be dLkUWeCrbz0-00134-00026764-00026939 it's exactly the same thing you're dLkUWeCrbz0-00135-00026941-00027089 bringing in a big volume at the front dLkUWeCrbz0-00136-00027091-00027267 and it filters down to the most ideal dLkUWeCrbz0-00137-00027268-00027474 person to come through and utilize your dLkUWeCrbz0-00138-00027475-00027714 products and services so with the fun dLkUWeCrbz0-00139-00027714-00027918 all we're doing is bringing people in dLkUWeCrbz0-00140-00027919-00028092 and going cool download then they go to dLkUWeCrbz0-00141-00028093-00028257 the next step next step next step each dLkUWeCrbz0-00142-00028258-00028508 page that they go to has one key dLkUWeCrbz0-00143-00028510-00028692 objective it might be that you have dLkUWeCrbz0-00144-00028693-00028872 offer an upsell on the next page or it dLkUWeCrbz0-00145-00028873-00029070 might be that you have a page for them dLkUWeCrbz0-00146-00029070-00029283 to book in a khole or to take some other dLkUWeCrbz0-00147-00029283-00029538 form of action each page has one dLkUWeCrbz0-00148-00029539-00029769 objective that's all not two not three dLkUWeCrbz0-00149-00029770-00030164 not 10 not 15 1 and as they go through dLkUWeCrbz0-00150-00030166-00030426 it means it's going to be much more easy dLkUWeCrbz0-00151-00030427-00030639 for them to take action with you which dLkUWeCrbz0-00152-00030639-00030854 is why we want to focus on having a dLkUWeCrbz0-00153-00030855-00031170 simple funnel rather than having a dLkUWeCrbz0-00154-00031170-00031449 website same with Christy a general dLkUWeCrbz0-00155-00031450-00031560 mentor who's sitting in the office right dLkUWeCrbz0-00156-00031561-00031689 now you can probably hear her typing dLkUWeCrbz0-00157-00031689-00031869 away right she is working if she's dLkUWeCrbz0-00158-00031870-00032043 trying to focus on doing ten different dLkUWeCrbz0-00159-00032044-00032214 tasks at once guess what she's not gonna dLkUWeCrbz0-00160-00032214-00032420 get the job done but if she has one dLkUWeCrbz0-00161-00032422-00032552 thing to do she sees it through to dLkUWeCrbz0-00162-00032554-00032790 completion everything else becomes easy dLkUWeCrbz0-00163-00032791-00033057 everything else becomes in flow and it dLkUWeCrbz0-00164-00033058-00033261 works that's why if you're promoting dLkUWeCrbz0-00165-00033262-00033501 anything online you should have the dLkUWeCrbz0-00166-00033502-00033651 option for people to be able to get into dLkUWeCrbz0-00167-00033652-00033945 it simply now like I said just a few dLkUWeCrbz0-00168-00033946-00034212 minutes ago it's not about saying that dLkUWeCrbz0-00169-00034213-00034452 websites should not be used because they dLkUWeCrbz0-00170-00034453-00034604 work great they're easy to reference dLkUWeCrbz0-00171-00034605-00034875 however if someone's seen for the first dLkUWeCrbz0-00172-00034876-00035211 time you want to give them that easy dLkUWeCrbz0-00173-00035212-00035403 pathway to take you think about if dLkUWeCrbz0-00174-00035404-00035546 you've ever gone to markets or anything dLkUWeCrbz0-00175-00035547-00035754 like that or even to the shops where dLkUWeCrbz0-00176-00035755-00036000 they have free samples right in dLkUWeCrbz0-00177-00036001-00036165 supermarkets do this very well which get dLkUWeCrbz0-00178-00036166-00036327 you in because they distract you from dLkUWeCrbz0-00179-00036328-00036483 everything else they're all free cheese dLkUWeCrbz0-00180-00036484-00036720 right I'm gonna have a little taste a dLkUWeCrbz0-00181-00036721-00036879 little bite little nibble of some cheese dLkUWeCrbz0-00182-00036880-00037121 there right that's exactly what happens dLkUWeCrbz0-00183-00037122-00037221 and then what happened ooh you're dLkUWeCrbz0-00184-00037222-00037380 distracted you have a little nibble dLkUWeCrbz0-00185-00037381-00037587 cheeky nip then you go on and what dLkUWeCrbz0-00186-00037588-00037788 happened is you buy the Gouda right dLkUWeCrbz0-00187-00037789-00037968 because you've been taken away you've dLkUWeCrbz0-00188-00037969-00038143 been given one track then dLkUWeCrbz0-00189-00038144-00038339 these guys are just laughing over here dLkUWeCrbz0-00190-00038340-00038483 in the corner I mean guys this is so dLkUWeCrbz0-00191-00038484-00038623 distracting they're trying to film high dLkUWeCrbz0-00192-00038624-00038804 quality content for you guys they'll dLkUWeCrbz0-00193-00038805-00039017 offer that Gouda right because it's that dLkUWeCrbz0-00194-00039018-00039283 good ha ha right sorry dLkUWeCrbz0-00195-00039284-00039457 that's what you want to think about it's dLkUWeCrbz0-00196-00039458-00039592 like how can you do that little sample dLkUWeCrbz0-00197-00039593-00039727 piece if you bring them in from social dLkUWeCrbz0-00198-00039728-00039911 media distracting them from the herd dLkUWeCrbz0-00199-00039912-00040030 you're distracting them from everything dLkUWeCrbz0-00200-00040031-00040220 else you're bringing them in and lining dLkUWeCrbz0-00201-00040221-00040376 them up with the one key objective that dLkUWeCrbz0-00202-00040377-00040576 you want to have happen so that's why dLkUWeCrbz0-00203-00040577-00040736 you shouldn't be sending people to your dLkUWeCrbz0-00204-00040737-00041036 general website if you are running paid dLkUWeCrbz0-00205-00041037-00041170 advertising you shouldn't just be dLkUWeCrbz0-00206-00041171-00041373 sending them down a hundred different dLkUWeCrbz0-00207-00041374-00041608 avenues for a hundred different freeway dLkUWeCrbz0-00208-00041609-00041873 runs I like I love using it now you can dLkUWeCrbz0-00209-00041874-00041977 think of the same as when you're on the dLkUWeCrbz0-00210-00041978-00042151 roads right you have a sign that told dLkUWeCrbz0-00211-00042152-00042340 you to go this way if you imagine trying dLkUWeCrbz0-00212-00042341-00042589 to drive in any capital city of any dLkUWeCrbz0-00213-00042590-00042757 single country in the world if there was dLkUWeCrbz0-00214-00042758-00042901 no street signs if you know what to do dLkUWeCrbz0-00215-00042902-00043114 you'll be chaos but we all need to be dLkUWeCrbz0-00216-00043115-00043430 guided as humans and human behavior we dLkUWeCrbz0-00217-00043431-00043621 need to be guided on what to do next dLkUWeCrbz0-00218-00043622-00043832 right it's that simple that's why you dLkUWeCrbz0-00219-00043833-00043987 shouldn't use a website where you should dLkUWeCrbz0-00220-00043988-00044261 use funnels in your marketing so dLkUWeCrbz0-00221-00044262-00044458 hopefully not hopefully it definitely dLkUWeCrbz0-00222-00044459-00044587 would have been helpful for you guys so dLkUWeCrbz0-00223-00044588-00044726 if you're promoting anything at the dLkUWeCrbz0-00224-00044727-00044911 moment online please make sure you use a dLkUWeCrbz0-00225-00044912-00045232 single objective funnel rather than a dLkUWeCrbz0-00226-00045233-00045499 website hopefully this has been helpful dLkUWeCrbz0-00227-00045500-00045748 to you I know it has and make sure that dLkUWeCrbz0-00228-00045749-00045911 you like this video if you enjoyed it dLkUWeCrbz0-00229-00045912-00046102 please comment let us know what you dLkUWeCrbz0-00230-00046103-00046361 thought about it anything that we can do dLkUWeCrbz0-00231-00046362-00046535 to give you more value any content you dLkUWeCrbz0-00232-00046536-00046636 love to see from us dLkUWeCrbz0-00233-00046637-00046768 please do comment below and let us know dLkUWeCrbz0-00234-00046769-00047117 and as always subscribe so you can see dLkUWeCrbz0-00235-00047118-00047473 this first before anyone else guys until dLkUWeCrbz0-00236-00047474-00047642 next time I'm Kimura you've been awesome dLkUWeCrbz0-00237-00047643-00047778 adios dLkUWeCrbz0-00238-00047779-00048470 [Music] dLkUWeCrbz0-00239-00048471-00048746 [Music] dLAC77LC_mM-00000-00000168-00000461 good morning everyone let's get going dLAC77LC_mM-00001-00000462-00000866 here so you you can have the previous dLAC77LC_mM-00002-00000867-00001115 hand out there with you if you'd like so dLAC77LC_mM-00003-00001116-00001388 what I've done is reproduce some of the dLAC77LC_mM-00004-00001389-00001688 stuff from that from last handout from dLAC77LC_mM-00005-00001689-00002129 class 6a on Monday on to this 16 be just dLAC77LC_mM-00006-00002130-00002339 so it's all coherent and I've actually dLAC77LC_mM-00007-00002340-00002570 decided to modify a little bit of what I dLAC77LC_mM-00008-00002571-00002885 was going to talk about on the last page dLAC77LC_mM-00009-00002886-00003215 of the prior handout so the best option dLAC77LC_mM-00010-00003215-00003410 is actually just to ignore the page the dLAC77LC_mM-00011-00003411-00003697 last page of 6a and just we'll just keep dLAC77LC_mM-00012-00003698-00004043 going here with 6-speed the reason why I dLAC77LC_mM-00013-00004044-00004250 wanted to do that is because in the dLAC77LC_mM-00014-00004251-00004496 prior handout I plan to go straight to dLAC77LC_mM-00015-00004497-00004802 the multi-dimensional visualization but dLAC77LC_mM-00016-00004803-00005069 when reviewing this again over the week dLAC77LC_mM-00017-00005070-00005234 I've been thinking that it might be dLAC77LC_mM-00018-00005235-00005372 better just to step back and take a look dLAC77LC_mM-00019-00005373-00005656 at it univariate lee first and then step dLAC77LC_mM-00020-00005657-00005960 up to the multivariate case so let's do dLAC77LC_mM-00021-00005961-00006218 that then and we basically we dLAC77LC_mM-00022-00006219-00006628 established two things in the class last dLAC77LC_mM-00023-00006629-00006902 Monday the first is that condition right dLAC77LC_mM-00024-00006903-00007376 up there that delta f of X must be 0 at dLAC77LC_mM-00025-00007377-00007578 the optimum right and that's the dLAC77LC_mM-00026-00007579-00007906 multidimensional expression the dLAC77LC_mM-00027-00007908-00008453 univariate version of that is that F dLAC77LC_mM-00028-00008454-00008746 dash of X must equal 0 okay so this is dLAC77LC_mM-00029-00008747-00009449 the multivariate statement and that's dLAC77LC_mM-00030-00009450-00009587 the universe statement and they really dLAC77LC_mM-00031-00009588-00009932 are the same thing this is more specific dLAC77LC_mM-00032-00009933-00010183 though here for the multivariate this is dLAC77LC_mM-00033-00010184-00010367 saying here this is the partial dLAC77LC_mM-00034-00010368-00010880 derivatives dLAC77LC_mM-00035-00010881-00011121 okay so that is what we call it our dLAC77LC_mM-00036-00011122-00011319 necessary condition in the class last dLAC77LC_mM-00037-00011320-00011541 week then we know that that dLAC77LC_mM-00038-00011542-00011774 characterizes when we're at the optimum dLAC77LC_mM-00039-00011775-00012045 so you might want to emphasize this is dLAC77LC_mM-00040-00012046-00012645 at the optimum okay so that's a good way dLAC77LC_mM-00041-00012646-00012866 to know that you're there but we're not dLAC77LC_mM-00042-00012868-00013104 there whenever we start the optimization dLAC77LC_mM-00043-00013105-00013344 problem we're going to be away from the dLAC77LC_mM-00044-00013344-00013899 optimum so we want to move towards the dLAC77LC_mM-00045-00013900-00014382 optimum and we establish last class that dLAC77LC_mM-00046-00014383-00014663 the way to do that is to climb this dLAC77LC_mM-00047-00014665-00014994 direction of steepest essence or ascent dLAC77LC_mM-00048-00014994-00015225 and or if you're looking at minimizing dLAC77LC_mM-00049-00015226-00015366 to look in the direction of steepest dLAC77LC_mM-00050-00015366-00015861 descent so that move that you make is dLAC77LC_mM-00051-00015862-00016251 equal to Delta X or i should say this is dLAC77LC_mM-00052-00016252-00016482 your move direction we're going to talk dLAC77LC_mM-00053-00016483-00016659 about the actual move that you make the dLAC77LC_mM-00054-00016660-00016938 move direction is Delta X and is equal dLAC77LC_mM-00055-00016939-00017269 to plus or minus this gradient direction dLAC77LC_mM-00056-00017270-00017735 and the plus or minus up front here dLAC77LC_mM-00057-00017736-00018285 depends on if you're maximizing and if dLAC77LC_mM-00058-00018286-00018540 you're minimizing that would be negative dLAC77LC_mM-00059-00018541-00019064 so your move direction that is just a dLAC77LC_mM-00060-00019065-00019308 compact statements of saying go up the dLAC77LC_mM-00061-00019309-00019530 mountain up the gradient if you're dLAC77LC_mM-00062-00019531-00019854 maximizing go opposite to the gradients dLAC77LC_mM-00063-00019855-00019992 negative to the gradient if you're dLAC77LC_mM-00064-00019993-00020160 minimizing so we're comfortable with dLAC77LC_mM-00065-00020161-00020652 interpreting that over there and this dLAC77LC_mM-00066-00020653-00021000 move Direction is going to be nonzero if dLAC77LC_mM-00067-00021001-00021279 you're not at the optimum okay so Delta dLAC77LC_mM-00068-00021280-00022075 X is nonzero away from the optimum dLAC77LC_mM-00069-00022076-00022319 so the interpretation of that is as long dLAC77LC_mM-00070-00022320-00022607 as Delta X that move direction is dLAC77LC_mM-00071-00022608-00022862 nonzero you're not reached an optimum dLAC77LC_mM-00072-00022863-00023284 yet and you need to keep going okay now dLAC77LC_mM-00073-00023285-00023579 Delta X the key interpretation of that dLAC77LC_mM-00074-00023580-00023846 is it's your move direction or your dLAC77LC_mM-00075-00023847-00023984 search direction as it's sometimes dLAC77LC_mM-00076-00023985-00024338 called move direction or search dLAC77LC_mM-00077-00024339-00025049 direction but the step where we left dLAC77LC_mM-00078-00025050-00025355 this at clot in the class 6a on Monday dLAC77LC_mM-00079-00025356-00025613 was we know that that's the direction we dLAC77LC_mM-00080-00025614-00025832 need to go the optimizer is telling you dLAC77LC_mM-00081-00025833-00026024 go that way but we don't know how far dLAC77LC_mM-00082-00026025-00026492 along to go right so imagine if you were dLAC77LC_mM-00083-00026493-00026717 up here at this point the optimizer dLAC77LC_mM-00084-00026718-00027002 knows to head down but it doesn't know dLAC77LC_mM-00085-00027002-00027233 how far down right there's a certain dLAC77LC_mM-00086-00027233-00027443 amount that you move down where that's dLAC77LC_mM-00087-00027444-00027662 great but if you had to keep going you'd dLAC77LC_mM-00088-00027663-00027911 start to go up that bowl again right so dLAC77LC_mM-00089-00027912-00028076 you can't just say head in that dLAC77LC_mM-00090-00028077-00028247 direction you need to say by how much dLAC77LC_mM-00091-00028248-00028568 and we try to go only as far as dLAC77LC_mM-00092-00028569-00028802 necessary so if we don't bypass or dLAC77LC_mM-00093-00028802-00029089 exceed the optimum goal that we're dLAC77LC_mM-00094-00029091-00029423 trying to look for okay now to emphasize dLAC77LC_mM-00095-00029424-00029657 this let's look at a univariate picture dLAC77LC_mM-00096-00029658-00030058 and I've drawn it the starting point dLAC77LC_mM-00097-00030060-00030373 over here and we'll add to this diagram dLAC77LC_mM-00098-00030374-00030650 because I want you to have this in the dLAC77LC_mM-00099-00030651-00030836 mindset of the computer code the dLAC77LC_mM-00100-00030837-00031061 computer code does not have that dLAC77LC_mM-00101-00031062-00031229 geometric picture I've emphasized as dLAC77LC_mM-00102-00031230-00031408 many times in the class the computer dLAC77LC_mM-00103-00031410-00031601 software does not see a geometric view dLAC77LC_mM-00104-00031602-00031915 of it we like to learn about it dLAC77LC_mM-00105-00031916-00032114 geometrically but let's take a look at dLAC77LC_mM-00106-00032114-00032327 how a computer algorithm then would dLAC77LC_mM-00107-00032327-00032657 proceed in the simplest of cases the dLAC77LC_mM-00108-00032658-00032894 univariate case and it's fairly dLAC77LC_mM-00109-00032895-00033218 intuitive what's going on here and then dLAC77LC_mM-00110-00033219-00033386 we'll we'll scale it up to the dLAC77LC_mM-00111-00033387-00033584 multivariate case so in the univariate dLAC77LC_mM-00112-00033585-00033971 case we have a single variable X that dLAC77LC_mM-00113-00033972-00034480 we're trying to to move and our current dLAC77LC_mM-00114-00034481-00034775 estimate or our starting point then is dLAC77LC_mM-00115-00034776-00034973 some X naught dLAC77LC_mM-00116-00034974-00035201 so that's my initial condition over dLAC77LC_mM-00117-00035202-00035593 there and the function can be evaluated dLAC77LC_mM-00118-00035594-00035873 at that point so I can go find this f of dLAC77LC_mM-00119-00035874-00036458 X at that particular location and I can dLAC77LC_mM-00120-00036459-00036712 also go find the first derivative of dLAC77LC_mM-00121-00036713-00037049 that function and at that point the dLAC77LC_mM-00122-00037050-00037321 first derivative of the function is dLAC77LC_mM-00123-00037322-00037765 given by that red line f dash of x and dLAC77LC_mM-00124-00037766-00038127 it's particularly at f dash of x naught dLAC77LC_mM-00125-00038128-00038411 okay so all we get is a local estimate dLAC77LC_mM-00126-00038412-00038921 of the slope now I've I've been told dLAC77LC_mM-00127-00038922-00039173 this is politically incorrect analogy to dLAC77LC_mM-00128-00039174-00039362 use but I think it's still descriptive dLAC77LC_mM-00129-00039363-00039524 imagine that you're a blind person at dLAC77LC_mM-00130-00039525-00039937 that point and what this is doing is you dLAC77LC_mM-00131-00039938-00040099 want to climb up the mountain now you dLAC77LC_mM-00132-00040100-00040333 cannot see what's around you right we dLAC77LC_mM-00133-00040334-00040493 don't know what this function f of X dLAC77LC_mM-00134-00040494-00040783 looks like you're totally in that's dLAC77LC_mM-00135-00040784-00041083 invisible to you but what you can do is dLAC77LC_mM-00136-00041084-00041264 you can touch the ground with your cane dLAC77LC_mM-00137-00041265-00041483 or your stick and you can feel which dLAC77LC_mM-00138-00041484-00041770 direction the ground is most going up in dLAC77LC_mM-00139-00041771-00042035 and you would proceed if you want to dLAC77LC_mM-00140-00042036-00042248 climb the mountain fastest to go in the dLAC77LC_mM-00141-00042249-00042581 steepest direction right so this f dash dLAC77LC_mM-00142-00042582-00042914 of x is a geometric way of saying go up dLAC77LC_mM-00143-00042915-00043337 the mountain how far of a step do you dLAC77LC_mM-00144-00043338-00043562 take do you take one big step or you dLAC77LC_mM-00145-00043563-00043765 take several smaller steps and keep dLAC77LC_mM-00146-00043766-00044183 climbing up ok so the this is the dLAC77LC_mM-00147-00044184-00044501 analogy now there's many algorithms to dLAC77LC_mM-00148-00044502-00045014 do this stepping and there's not one dLAC77LC_mM-00149-00045015-00045283 single right way of doing it so one one dLAC77LC_mM-00150-00045284-00045461 way that you can do is simply to say dLAC77LC_mM-00151-00045462-00045692 well I'm here I'm going to take some dLAC77LC_mM-00152-00045693-00046155 sort of step by an amount alpha dLAC77LC_mM-00153-00046156-00046423 and then I'm going to evaluate that dLAC77LC_mM-00154-00046424-00046695 function at that point and so at that dLAC77LC_mM-00155-00046696-00047055 point i get the value of F at that dLAC77LC_mM-00156-00047056-00047513 location and you can take another step dLAC77LC_mM-00157-00047514-00047961 to alpha okay and you can find the dLAC77LC_mM-00158-00047962-00048454 function is over here now no we're not dLAC77LC_mM-00159-00048455-00048598 we're not calculating the slopes we're dLAC77LC_mM-00160-00048599-00049348 simply evaluating the function and I can dLAC77LC_mM-00161-00049349-00050043 take a third step 3 alpha and I can dLAC77LC_mM-00162-00050044-00050708 evaluate the function at that point okay dLAC77LC_mM-00163-00050709-00050994 so you've taken three additional steps dLAC77LC_mM-00164-00050995-00051387 alpha 2 alpha 3 alpha and you're already dLAC77LC_mM-00165-00051388-00051600 can start to guess where this might go dLAC77LC_mM-00166-00051601-00052002 you can start to build a local model a dLAC77LC_mM-00167-00052003-00052204 local approximation of what this dLAC77LC_mM-00168-00052204-00052530 function f is doing right we don't know dLAC77LC_mM-00169-00052531-00052862 what's happening in between these points dLAC77LC_mM-00170-00052863-00053134 but for the most part most functions dLAC77LC_mM-00171-00053135-00053512 behave fairly well so we can expect that dLAC77LC_mM-00172-00053513-00053674 there's some sort of continuity and dLAC77LC_mM-00173-00053675-00054201 smoothness there now what we will go do dLAC77LC_mM-00174-00054202-00054466 is our goal is to approximate that dLAC77LC_mM-00175-00054466-00054646 function and one of the easiest ways to dLAC77LC_mM-00176-00054647-00054916 approximate a function is to build a dLAC77LC_mM-00177-00054916-00055285 quadratic approximation for it so what dLAC77LC_mM-00178-00055286-00055563 we can do is we can use any three points dLAC77LC_mM-00179-00055564-00055840 here to build a quadratic approximation dLAC77LC_mM-00180-00055841-00056306 I could use X naught 2 alpha + 3 alpha dLAC77LC_mM-00181-00056307-00056607 or I could use this point here at 1 dLAC77LC_mM-00182-00056608-00056937 alpha 2 alpha + 3 alpha away from X dLAC77LC_mM-00183-00056938-00057192 naught right any three points can be dLAC77LC_mM-00184-00057193-00057535 chosen to build a quadratic model and dLAC77LC_mM-00185-00057536-00057879 then we go to find we know that the dLAC77LC_mM-00186-00057880-00058068 equation of a quadratic is ax squared dLAC77LC_mM-00187-00058069-00058387 plus BX plus C and we know that the dLAC77LC_mM-00188-00058388-00058699 optimum of a quadratic is minus to be dLAC77LC_mM-00189-00058700-00058932 over a I think of the top of my head I dLAC77LC_mM-00190-00058933-00059104 don't I might be a little bit wrong but dLAC77LC_mM-00191-00059104-00059346 any quadratic can dLAC77LC_mM-00192-00059347-00059729 be uniquely found that the peak the dLAC77LC_mM-00193-00059730-00059966 location of X which maximizes or dLAC77LC_mM-00194-00059967-00060242 minimizes that quadratic all we need dLAC77LC_mM-00195-00060244-00060528 though is three points but we don't need dLAC77LC_mM-00196-00060529-00060708 through any three points there's a dLAC77LC_mM-00197-00060709-00060900 special requirement that that these dLAC77LC_mM-00198-00060901-00061166 three points must have right let me dLAC77LC_mM-00199-00061167-00061413 illustrate it this way for example if I dLAC77LC_mM-00200-00061414-00061737 gave you these three points could you dLAC77LC_mM-00201-00061738-00062649 fit a quadratic to it okay you can fit a dLAC77LC_mM-00202-00062650-00062895 quadratic to any three points but the dLAC77LC_mM-00203-00062896-00063159 quadratic is not going to turn in these dLAC77LC_mM-00204-00063160-00063309 three points write the quadratic might dLAC77LC_mM-00205-00063310-00063558 might fit over there and the turning dLAC77LC_mM-00206-00063559-00063690 points going to be outside the three dLAC77LC_mM-00207-00063691-00064098 points okay similarly if i gave you 3d dLAC77LC_mM-00208-00064099-00064407 sending points again you could find the dLAC77LC_mM-00209-00064408-00064590 quadratic but the quadratic is going to dLAC77LC_mM-00210-00064591-00064728 go through those three points and turn dLAC77LC_mM-00211-00064729-00065160 outside the three this is the special dLAC77LC_mM-00212-00065161-00065388 requirement is that the three points dLAC77LC_mM-00213-00065389-00065826 must have this sort of behavior that if dLAC77LC_mM-00214-00065827-00066030 you're trying to maximize the middle dLAC77LC_mM-00215-00066031-00066228 point must be greater than the other two dLAC77LC_mM-00216-00066229-00066570 and if you're trying to minimize the dLAC77LC_mM-00217-00066571-00066750 middle point must be lower than the dLAC77LC_mM-00218-00066751-00067077 outer tube okay so we call that any dLAC77LC_mM-00219-00067078-00067413 three point pattern we want a dLAC77LC_mM-00220-00067414-00067581 three-point pattern three sequential dLAC77LC_mM-00221-00067582-00067767 points where the objective function in dLAC77LC_mM-00222-00067768-00068181 the middle is superior to the value at dLAC77LC_mM-00223-00068182-00068367 the outer two points and I've dLAC77LC_mM-00224-00068368-00068550 intentionally left superior there dLAC77LC_mM-00225-00068551-00068744 because you want that to be higher for dLAC77LC_mM-00226-00068745-00068931 maximizing and you want the middle point dLAC77LC_mM-00227-00068932-00069132 to be lower when you're minimizing so as dLAC77LC_mM-00228-00069133-00069318 long as you can get any three points dLAC77LC_mM-00229-00069319-00069561 that follow that pattern you can fit a dLAC77LC_mM-00230-00069562-00069773 quadratic and that quadratic will dLAC77LC_mM-00231-00069774-00070251 guarantee to turn around inside that dLAC77LC_mM-00232-00070252-00070482 range right so there are my three points dLAC77LC_mM-00233-00070483-00070785 the quadratic will turn inside the lower dLAC77LC_mM-00234-00070786-00071019 and the upper points and it might be dLAC77LC_mM-00235-00071020-00071403 that the turn is to the between one and dLAC77LC_mM-00236-00071404-00071882 two it might be that the turn is between dLAC77LC_mM-00237-00071883-00072216 two and three or it might be that the dLAC77LC_mM-00238-00072217-00072417 turn is exactly at that middle point if dLAC77LC_mM-00239-00072418-00073485 your if it's coincidental that way it dLAC77LC_mM-00240-00073486-00073644 could be a linear relationship but a dLAC77LC_mM-00241-00073645-00073857 linear function can't be optimized write dLAC77LC_mM-00242-00073858-00074034 a linear function just keeps going up dLAC77LC_mM-00243-00074035-00074520 and up yeah but we're what we're going dLAC77LC_mM-00244-00074521-00074679 to do is you we're going to keep dLAC77LC_mM-00245-00074680-00074970 stepping by alpha 1 alpha 2 units alpha dLAC77LC_mM-00246-00074971-00075311 3 units until we find a 3-point pattern dLAC77LC_mM-00247-00075312-00075630 okay any function that has an optimum if dLAC77LC_mM-00248-00075631-00076041 you keep stepping with this you will go dLAC77LC_mM-00249-00076042-00076191 up and then start to go down again dLAC77LC_mM-00250-00076192-00076611 unless their optimum liters you just dLAC77LC_mM-00251-00076612-00076755 keep stepping and stepping and the dLAC77LC_mM-00252-00076756-00076911 algorithm will set will have to dLAC77LC_mM-00253-00076912-00077130 terminate because there's no actual dLAC77LC_mM-00254-00077131-00078015 optimum in that range dLAC77LC_mM-00255-00078016-00078396 no no so this is the what we're going to dLAC77LC_mM-00256-00078397-00078626 do here is I'm still at X naught I'm dLAC77LC_mM-00257-00078627-00078792 going to what I'm doing is I'm dLAC77LC_mM-00258-00078793-00078990 essentially finding how far to step dLAC77LC_mM-00259-00078991-00079250 right coming back to my problem this is dLAC77LC_mM-00260-00079251-00079400 the problem in today's lecture how big dLAC77LC_mM-00261-00079401-00079560 of a step you take we know which dLAC77LC_mM-00262-00079561-00079746 direction to go in we just don't know by dLAC77LC_mM-00263-00079747-00080147 how much so my I'm going to place my x1 dLAC77LC_mM-00264-00080148-00080454 wherever I find this mini optimum here dLAC77LC_mM-00265-00080455-00080661 so i'm going to i'm solving this smaller dLAC77LC_mM-00266-00080662-00080888 problem then i'm going to place x1 dLAC77LC_mM-00267-00080889-00081713 repeat find x 2 okay so how we find a dLAC77LC_mM-00268-00081714-00081879 three-point pattern is can be fairly dLAC77LC_mM-00269-00081880-00082098 flexible here i'm stepping in steps of dLAC77LC_mM-00270-00082099-00082424 alpha 2 alpha 3 alpha 4 Alpha some dLAC77LC_mM-00271-00082425-00082722 algorithms say go as follows they say dLAC77LC_mM-00272-00082723-00083219 step by alpha 2 alpha 4 alpha 8 alpha 16 dLAC77LC_mM-00273-00083220-00083525 alpha right and you can code up whatever dLAC77LC_mM-00274-00083526-00083912 exotic strategy you like it doesn't dLAC77LC_mM-00275-00083913-00084123 really matter as long as you find any dLAC77LC_mM-00276-00084124-00084326 three points that approximate that dLAC77LC_mM-00277-00084327-00084737 function so let's let's perhaps draw dLAC77LC_mM-00278-00084738-00085025 draw the following here in blue I'm dLAC77LC_mM-00279-00085026-00085851 going to draw the true function dLAC77LC_mM-00280-00085852-00086350 okay and if I use these three points dLAC77LC_mM-00281-00086351-00086896 over here what I'm essentially doing is dLAC77LC_mM-00282-00086897-00087121 I'm fitting a quadratic through those dLAC77LC_mM-00283-00087122-00087553 points and it might be let's draw this dLAC77LC_mM-00284-00087554-00088297 quadratic then in dashed red that's not dLAC77LC_mM-00285-00088298-00089498 quadratic a dLAC77LC_mM-00286-00089499-00089697 okay that's probably a little bit better dLAC77LC_mM-00287-00089698-00090003 the key point is that when you fit that dLAC77LC_mM-00288-00090004-00090156 quadratic to those three points the dLAC77LC_mM-00289-00090157-00090351 quadratic passes through the three dLAC77LC_mM-00290-00090352-00090711 points that you've selected and then we dLAC77LC_mM-00291-00090712-00090906 can go solve that problem ax squared dLAC77LC_mM-00292-00090907-00091463 plus BX plus C and find this location as dLAC77LC_mM-00293-00091464-00091872 my optimum to that quadratic then what dLAC77LC_mM-00294-00091873-00092185 we will do is just let's clean up here a dLAC77LC_mM-00295-00092186-00092491 bit is on my next iteration I'm going to dLAC77LC_mM-00296-00092492-00093312 set that location here as x1 okay and dLAC77LC_mM-00297-00093313-00093715 I'm going to repeat this process of dLAC77LC_mM-00298-00093716-00094119 hunting for the option okay so let's dLAC77LC_mM-00299-00094120-00094338 take a look at it at how we can optimize dLAC77LC_mM-00300-00094339-00094660 this here is an example where at X dLAC77LC_mM-00301-00094661-00094998 naught which I've specified here at the dLAC77LC_mM-00302-00094999-00095310 point 1 let's step by alpha I'm choosing dLAC77LC_mM-00303-00095311-00095572 alpha to be one unit two units three dLAC77LC_mM-00304-00095573-00095823 units again that's arbitrary you can set dLAC77LC_mM-00305-00095824-00096006 up to the user to specify or the dLAC77LC_mM-00306-00096007-00096300 algorithm to specify what these guesses dLAC77LC_mM-00307-00096301-00096525 are and we evaluate the function at dLAC77LC_mM-00308-00096526-00097038 these points f1 f2 f3 f4 when we see dLAC77LC_mM-00309-00097039-00097372 that we notice that there we can have a dLAC77LC_mM-00310-00097373-00097581 three point pattern here f2 is lower dLAC77LC_mM-00311-00097582-00098124 than f3 and f4 is lower than f3 so we dLAC77LC_mM-00312-00098125-00098463 can fit the three-point model to that dLAC77LC_mM-00313-00098464-00098722 and what we have and there's no need to dLAC77LC_mM-00314-00098723-00099168 derive this mathematically but if you dLAC77LC_mM-00315-00099169-00099794 give three function values f1 f2 f3 dLAC77LC_mM-00316-00099795-00100200 evaluated at three levels of X x1 x2 x3 dLAC77LC_mM-00317-00100201-00100476 ok so take your three-point pattern dLAC77LC_mM-00318-00100477-00100965 identify any X 1 X 2 X 3 values evaluate dLAC77LC_mM-00319-00100966-00101355 the function at x1 x2 x3 and this point dLAC77LC_mM-00320-00101356-00101772 here X star is the optimum of that dLAC77LC_mM-00321-00101773-00102010 quadratic okay so this is the solution dLAC77LC_mM-00322-00102011-00102312 to the quadratic equation for three dLAC77LC_mM-00323-00102313-00102654 values of x + 3 function values dLAC77LC_mM-00324-00102655-00102999 f1 f2 f3 okay so in this particular dLAC77LC_mM-00325-00103000-00103581 example if I sub in if i use x2 x3 x4 as dLAC77LC_mM-00326-00103582-00104133 the location for my 3-point pattern x1 dLAC77LC_mM-00327-00104134-00104439 is equal to 2 i sub in that over there dLAC77LC_mM-00328-00104440-00104837 f1 is the function value when X 1 is dLAC77LC_mM-00329-00104838-00105174 evaluated so that's why you see 40 41 dLAC77LC_mM-00330-00105175-00105711 and 27.7 over there we can evaluate that dLAC77LC_mM-00331-00105712-00105943 and we get in this particular case that dLAC77LC_mM-00332-00105944-00106306 X star is 2.56 so let's just go back to dLAC77LC_mM-00333-00106307-00106449 that data here at the bottom of the dLAC77LC_mM-00334-00106450-00106827 prior page make a note here that X star dLAC77LC_mM-00335-00106828-00107409 is 2.56 what we notice then is that our dLAC77LC_mM-00336-00107410-00107691 optimum we're fitting our quadratic dLAC77LC_mM-00337-00107692-00107983 using these last three bullet points our dLAC77LC_mM-00338-00107983-00108276 optimum is a 2.56 summer routine 2 and 3 dLAC77LC_mM-00339-00108277-00108607 between 40 and 41 okay so that makes dLAC77LC_mM-00340-00108608-00108856 sense the quadratic starts at 48 Peaks a dLAC77LC_mM-00341-00108857-00109132 little bit passes down through 41 and dLAC77LC_mM-00342-00109133-00109515 then even lower still a 27.7 so what was dLAC77LC_mM-00343-00109516-00110256 my alpha then dLAC77LC_mM-00344-00110257-00110595 so my optimum X star was a 2.56 what was dLAC77LC_mM-00345-00110596-00111224 alpha 1.56 okay so notice here that X dLAC77LC_mM-00346-00111225-00111693 naught my base case was one my if I take dLAC77LC_mM-00347-00111694-00112008 a step of alpha that x is equal to two dLAC77LC_mM-00348-00112008-00112218 if I take a step of two alpha x is equal dLAC77LC_mM-00349-00112219-00112623 to three and so on so if X star is 2.56 dLAC77LC_mM-00350-00112624-00112857 in this particular example I took a step dLAC77LC_mM-00351-00112858-00113244 of alpha 1.56 so essentially what we've dLAC77LC_mM-00352-00113245-00113520 done is here's my slope function I've dLAC77LC_mM-00353-00113521-00113933 taken a step of 1.5 six units from here dLAC77LC_mM-00354-00113934-00114250 from X naught out in that direction it dLAC77LC_mM-00355-00114251-00114531 happens to coincide with the point X dLAC77LC_mM-00356-00114532-00114929 star equals 2.5 six okay and that will dLAC77LC_mM-00357-00114930-00115187 that point x star equal to two point dLAC77LC_mM-00358-00115188-00115395 five six will become my starting point dLAC77LC_mM-00359-00115396-00115715 for the next iteration so here I've dLAC77LC_mM-00360-00115716-00116228 written that X star is 2.5 6 X naught is dLAC77LC_mM-00361-00116229-00116611 one my next iteration will be a 2.56 and dLAC77LC_mM-00362-00116612-00116970 at that point two point five six you're dLAC77LC_mM-00363-00116971-00117326 going to find the function derivative so dLAC77LC_mM-00364-00117327-00117582 let's perhaps just wipe this all out and dLAC77LC_mM-00365-00117583-00117756 illustrate how this will proceed for the dLAC77LC_mM-00366-00117757-00118344 next iteration so x1 equals to two point dLAC77LC_mM-00367-00118345-00118608 five six this process starts all over dLAC77LC_mM-00368-00118608-00119109 again dLAC77LC_mM-00369-00119110-00119611 I'll explain it in a minute so x1 is dLAC77LC_mM-00370-00119613-00119833 2.56 I'm going to evaluate my function dLAC77LC_mM-00371-00119834-00120206 at that point calculate the first dLAC77LC_mM-00372-00120207-00121033 derivative f dash of x 1 and then i'm dLAC77LC_mM-00373-00121034-00121250 going to start hunting for the optimum dLAC77LC_mM-00374-00121251-00121793 from this point onwards okay mark wanted dLAC77LC_mM-00375-00121794-00122213 to know so x my first iteration was at dLAC77LC_mM-00376-00122214-00122674 one right so x naught equals to 1 so i dLAC77LC_mM-00377-00122675-00123151 stepped out a value from here to there dLAC77LC_mM-00378-00123152-00124571 that's a step of 1.56 dLAC77LC_mM-00379-00124572-00125313 yep he's all for it offers 1.56 Banerjee dLAC77LC_mM-00380-00125314-00126033 really I know oh ok ok I'm seeing the dLAC77LC_mM-00381-00126033-00126335 confusion now ok yeah I ok I'm getting dLAC77LC_mM-00382-00126336-00126803 this yeah I should probably not have dLAC77LC_mM-00383-00126804-00127265 said this I should have probably this ok dLAC77LC_mM-00384-00127266-00127529 I'm seeing why I like because I'm like dLAC77LC_mM-00385-00127530-00127685 talking for the past five minutes and dLAC77LC_mM-00386-00127686-00127829 seeing a lot of confused faces so now dLAC77LC_mM-00387-00127830-00128078 that makes sense ok so let's see what I dLAC77LC_mM-00388-00128079-00128288 intended to to talk about here is that dLAC77LC_mM-00389-00128289-00128459 this is my starting point and that's a dLAC77LC_mM-00390-00128460-00128786 step away by an alpha amount here I'm dLAC77LC_mM-00391-00128788-00128982 stepping by 2 alpha units here I'm dLAC77LC_mM-00392-00128983-00129207 stepping by 3 alpha units I'm taking dLAC77LC_mM-00393-00129208-00129578 steps of one at a time the to find the dLAC77LC_mM-00394-00129579-00129962 optimum I took a step of 1.56 ok that dLAC77LC_mM-00395-00129963-00130163 would be a better way of explaining what dLAC77LC_mM-00396-00130164-00130289 I've would have been trying to get dLAC77LC_mM-00397-00130290-00131097 across ok so the water what we're doing dLAC77LC_mM-00398-00131098-00131276 here is essentially building a local dLAC77LC_mM-00399-00131277-00131481 quadratic model for this unknown dLAC77LC_mM-00400-00131482-00131670 function and we're optimizing that dLAC77LC_mM-00401-00131671-00131912 quadratic model the optimum for the dLAC77LC_mM-00402-00131913-00132099 quadratic model is at this location X dLAC77LC_mM-00403-00132100-00132399 star and our next iteration will proceed dLAC77LC_mM-00404-00132400-00132779 starting at that point okay so apologies dLAC77LC_mM-00405-00132780-00133190 if that didn't make sense but the idea dLAC77LC_mM-00406-00133191-00133553 is that we build a local model step to dLAC77LC_mM-00407-00133554-00133734 the optimum of the local model and dLAC77LC_mM-00408-00133735-00134000 repeat let's take a look at this perhaps dLAC77LC_mM-00409-00134001-00134291 in the multi-dimensional sense so you dLAC77LC_mM-00410-00134292-00134477 get to getting a second chance to try dLAC77LC_mM-00411-00134478-00134634 and understand this concept in two dLAC77LC_mM-00412-00134635-00135191 dimensions dLAC77LC_mM-00413-00135192-00136075 if you start with X this year ok dLAC77LC_mM-00414-00136076-00136442 no every at the next iteration you can dLAC77LC_mM-00415-00136443-00136615 start searching by a different amount dLAC77LC_mM-00416-00136616-00136823 alpha and we're going to actually see dLAC77LC_mM-00417-00136824-00136970 that here in the two dimensional example dLAC77LC_mM-00418-00136971-00137150 the first time we searched will get a dLAC77LC_mM-00419-00137151-00137339 different alpha to the second time that dLAC77LC_mM-00420-00137340-00137690 research yeah okay so it might be a dLAC77LC_mM-00421-00137691-00137843 little easy in two dimensions and dLAC77LC_mM-00422-00137844-00137993 especially because you're seeing it dLAC77LC_mM-00423-00137994-00138362 another time so in two dimensions we're dLAC77LC_mM-00424-00138363-00138497 starting at this particular location dLAC77LC_mM-00425-00138498-00138919 over here and the search direction is dLAC77LC_mM-00426-00138920-00139301 given by the slope right in the same way dLAC77LC_mM-00427-00139302-00139544 that here the search direction is given dLAC77LC_mM-00428-00139545-00139955 by the slope f dash of x the fact that f dLAC77LC_mM-00429-00139956-00140168 dash of x is in this direction tells us dLAC77LC_mM-00430-00140169-00140561 to keep going up the mountain okay in dLAC77LC_mM-00431-00140562-00140828 two dimensions we just don't call our dLAC77LC_mM-00432-00140829-00141041 search direction f dash of x we replace dLAC77LC_mM-00433-00141042-00141446 that with the partial derivatives of F dLAC77LC_mM-00434-00141447-00141719 with respect to X so that it's still the dLAC77LC_mM-00435-00141720-00141923 same meaning it's that the tangent or dLAC77LC_mM-00436-00141924-00142569 the slope at that point dLAC77LC_mM-00437-00142570-00143066 so that's my search direction delta x dLAC77LC_mM-00438-00143067-00144045 and we're asking how far along this dLAC77LC_mM-00439-00144046-00144309 direction do we go we saw this in the dLAC77LC_mM-00440-00144310-00144488 prior class that if I'm at this point dLAC77LC_mM-00441-00144489-00145074 and these contour lines in green point dLAC77LC_mM-00442-00145075-00145371 to a minimum right so the objective in dLAC77LC_mM-00443-00145372-00145518 this particular function excuse the dLAC77LC_mM-00444-00145519-00145679 spelling errors we're trying to minimize dLAC77LC_mM-00445-00145680-00146025 this example we're trying to find the dLAC77LC_mM-00446-00146026-00146327 valley at that local point over there dLAC77LC_mM-00447-00146328-00146678 i'm currently at this iteration at the dLAC77LC_mM-00448-00146679-00147026 red dot and the gradient tells me to dLAC77LC_mM-00449-00147027-00147312 head down this direction so if we looked dLAC77LC_mM-00450-00147313-00147665 at this function and moved along that dLAC77LC_mM-00451-00147666-00147831 dashed blue line this is actually what dLAC77LC_mM-00452-00147832-00148032 we would see here in the graph on the dLAC77LC_mM-00453-00148033-00148332 right we're at that location of F and if dLAC77LC_mM-00454-00148333-00148529 we move along that dashed blue line our dLAC77LC_mM-00455-00148530-00148814 function starts to decrease but if we dLAC77LC_mM-00456-00148815-00149022 keep going more we start to actually dLAC77LC_mM-00457-00149023-00149264 climb up the mountain again out of the dLAC77LC_mM-00458-00149265-00149721 valley our goal then is to find this dLAC77LC_mM-00459-00149722-00150012 amount alpha star how much of a step do dLAC77LC_mM-00460-00150013-00150290 we take ok and that was what I try to dLAC77LC_mM-00461-00150291-00150531 describe in the prior page in a single dLAC77LC_mM-00462-00150532-00150732 dimension here we're doing this in two dLAC77LC_mM-00463-00150733-00151008 dimensions we're changing a little bit dLAC77LC_mM-00464-00151009-00151323 of x1 and we're changing a little bit of dLAC77LC_mM-00465-00151324-00151650 x2 at the same time in the prior example dLAC77LC_mM-00466-00151651-00151896 you only had one x to deal with in two dLAC77LC_mM-00467-00151897-00152334 dimensions you change both x1 and x2 by dLAC77LC_mM-00468-00152335-00152738 some amount in this constant ratio along dLAC77LC_mM-00469-00152739-00153093 that vector ok so if you if you step x1 dLAC77LC_mM-00470-00153094-00153324 by a certain amount you have to step x2 dLAC77LC_mM-00471-00153325-00153578 by a certain amount to remain on that dLAC77LC_mM-00472-00153579-00153851 dashed blue line and that's your search dLAC77LC_mM-00473-00153852-00154004 direction or your direction of steepest dLAC77LC_mM-00474-00154005-00154411 descent dLAC77LC_mM-00475-00154412-00154697 it's exactly right it's your slope at dLAC77LC_mM-00476-00154698-00154982 that particular location okay so it's dLAC77LC_mM-00477-00154983-00155132 telling you that if you want to head dLAC77LC_mM-00478-00155133-00155561 downhill go in that direction and then dLAC77LC_mM-00479-00155562-00155765 you'll go downhill but what you see is dLAC77LC_mM-00480-00155766-00155915 that if you go any further you start to dLAC77LC_mM-00481-00155916-00156272 go uphill so our goal then is we've dLAC77LC_mM-00482-00156273-00156467 changed our goal from trying to find dLAC77LC_mM-00483-00156468-00156659 this minimum to solving a little bit of dLAC77LC_mM-00484-00156660-00156809 a different problem we want to find dLAC77LC_mM-00485-00156810-00157106 where that lowest point is when we find dLAC77LC_mM-00486-00157107-00157289 that lowest point let's call it alpha dLAC77LC_mM-00487-00157290-00157463 star and it's going to be somewhere dLAC77LC_mM-00488-00157464-00157718 around over here we're going to then dLAC77LC_mM-00489-00157719-00157994 stop recalculate our slope and then dLAC77LC_mM-00490-00157995-00158231 start to head in this direction by a dLAC77LC_mM-00491-00158232-00158606 certain amount okay so what the line dLAC77LC_mM-00492-00158607-00158762 search does is it prevents you from dLAC77LC_mM-00493-00158763-00159038 going too far and deviating from your dLAC77LC_mM-00494-00159039-00159410 goal of seeking out the optimum the key dLAC77LC_mM-00495-00159411-00159653 point i want to emphasize is that line dLAC77LC_mM-00496-00159654-00159910 searches don't have to be solved exactly dLAC77LC_mM-00497-00159911-00160273 you can solve it even just approximately dLAC77LC_mM-00498-00160274-00160541 right it's no point in trying to spend a dLAC77LC_mM-00499-00160542-00160769 lot of computational effort to find dLAC77LC_mM-00500-00160770-00160997 exactly where that minimum is because dLAC77LC_mM-00501-00160998-00161249 you're solving this problem of finding dLAC77LC_mM-00502-00161250-00161531 the minimum along this path even if dLAC77LC_mM-00503-00161532-00161753 you're approximately correct you're okay dLAC77LC_mM-00504-00161754-00161929 because you're going to reiterate dLAC77LC_mM-00505-00161930-00162299 recalculate the slope and readjust your dLAC77LC_mM-00506-00162300-00162608 search direction so it's kind of like dLAC77LC_mM-00507-00162609-00162899 finding directions safe from toronto to dLAC77LC_mM-00508-00162900-00163133 montreal there's any number of paths you dLAC77LC_mM-00509-00163134-00163487 can take but you can go from say toronto dLAC77LC_mM-00510-00163488-00163841 to one other town along the way dLAC77LC_mM-00511-00163842-00164072 belleville for example and then re dLAC77LC_mM-00512-00164073-00164291 optimized at that location take another dLAC77LC_mM-00513-00164292-00164504 step re optimize keep going in that dLAC77LC_mM-00514-00164505-00164732 direction you'll eventually get to your dLAC77LC_mM-00515-00164733-00164954 goal there's no sense in trying to find dLAC77LC_mM-00516-00164955-00165286 the exact path that's optimum right dLAC77LC_mM-00517-00165287-00165671 because of these repeated iterations so dLAC77LC_mM-00518-00165672-00165962 let's see how we do that i'm going to dLAC77LC_mM-00519-00165963-00166268 give you an exercise here to try it out dLAC77LC_mM-00520-00166269-00166850 with here's a function f of x dLAC77LC_mM-00521-00166851-00167197 up there on the top of the page and dLAC77LC_mM-00522-00167198-00167407 we're going to start at the simplest dLAC77LC_mM-00523-00167408-00167737 points the zero zero points so the first dLAC77LC_mM-00524-00167738-00168003 step I'd like you to do is we're trying dLAC77LC_mM-00525-00168004-00168416 to minimize this function f of X so dLAC77LC_mM-00526-00168417-00169258 minimize f of X find then the search dLAC77LC_mM-00527-00169259-00169665 direction that we're going to move from dLAC77LC_mM-00528-00169666-00170025 starting at 0 0 okay here's a geometric dLAC77LC_mM-00529-00170026-00170221 picture further down the page but you dLAC77LC_mM-00530-00170222-00170589 could you could do this analytically so dLAC77LC_mM-00532-00173673-00173866 yeah please I just realize that dLAC77LC_mM-00533-00173867-00174260 triangles the wrong way react it's the dLAC77LC_mM-00534-00174261-00176119 regular direction dLAC77LC_mM-00535-00176120-00176390 okay the answer to question one is right dLAC77LC_mM-00536-00176391-00176555 at the top of the handouts on the prior dLAC77LC_mM-00537-00176556-00176879 page page one where we said with our dLAC77LC_mM-00538-00176880-00178689 search directions are dLAC77LC_mM-00539-00178690-00179481 I dLAC77LC_mM-00540-00179482-00180501 you dLAC77LC_mM-00541-00180502-00181576 you dLAC77LC_mM-00542-00181577-00181862 so search directions are a vector you dLAC77LC_mM-00544-00189409-00189987 okay so your search direction recall is dLAC77LC_mM-00545-00189988-00190270 equal to the negative of the gradient dLAC77LC_mM-00546-00190271-00190539 we're trying to minimize so you must dLAC77LC_mM-00547-00190540-00190899 have that negative over there the upside dLAC77LC_mM-00548-00190900-00191221 down triangle f of X refers to this the dLAC77LC_mM-00549-00191222-00191572 partial derivatives of F so let's just dLAC77LC_mM-00550-00191573-00191809 actually write that out here the partial dLAC77LC_mM-00551-00191810-00192249 derivatives of F is a vector so that's dLAC77LC_mM-00552-00192250-00192753 the DF by DX 1 and the partial with dLAC77LC_mM-00553-00192754-00193116 respect to X 2 okay so what that's dLAC77LC_mM-00554-00193117-00193386 saying mathematically so the first dLAC77LC_mM-00555-00193387-00193582 partial derivative then you can dLAC77LC_mM-00556-00193583-00194279 calculate that is equal to 1 plus 4x1 + dLAC77LC_mM-00557-00194280-00194731 2 x2 and the second partial with respect dLAC77LC_mM-00558-00194732-00195646 to X 2 is minus 1 plus 2 x 1 + 2 x2 so dLAC77LC_mM-00559-00195647-00195847 you should have at least calculated dLAC77LC_mM-00560-00195848-00196219 those and then what we're saying is that dLAC77LC_mM-00561-00196220-00196660 that search direction is evaluate that dLAC77LC_mM-00562-00196661-00196953 partial derivative function at our dLAC77LC_mM-00563-00196954-00197412 current location we're at zero zero so dLAC77LC_mM-00564-00197413-00197913 let's just sub in then that Delta F of 0 dLAC77LC_mM-00565-00197914-00198813 0 is equal to 1 and minus 1 okay so dLAC77LC_mM-00566-00198814-00199077 therefore our search direction Delta X dLAC77LC_mM-00567-00199078-00199384 is equal to the negative of that one and dLAC77LC_mM-00568-00199385-00201872 minus 1 is equal to minus 1 plus 1 dLAC77LC_mM-00569-00201873-00202274 okay now before we move on from that it dLAC77LC_mM-00570-00202275-00202521 we shouldn't just calculate these things dLAC77LC_mM-00571-00202522-00202677 without trying to make sure that they're dLAC77LC_mM-00572-00202678-00202896 right let's see what we're doing here dLAC77LC_mM-00573-00202897-00203085 geometrically right so again I'll dLAC77LC_mM-00574-00203086-00203262 emphasize the computer doesn't do this dLAC77LC_mM-00575-00203263-00203502 but we can do this to learn what what's dLAC77LC_mM-00576-00203503-00203757 going on in red are the contour lines of dLAC77LC_mM-00577-00203758-00203945 the function we're trying to minimize dLAC77LC_mM-00578-00203946-00204222 and the minimum is drawn here for us in dLAC77LC_mM-00579-00204223-00204522 the triangle points our current guess dLAC77LC_mM-00580-00204523-00204960 for where we're starting is 0 0 so x 10 dLAC77LC_mM-00581-00204961-00205286 x 20 so that blue circle over there on dLAC77LC_mM-00582-00205287-00205755 the bottom of the graph now search dLAC77LC_mM-00583-00205756-00206100 directions we know go perpendicular to dLAC77LC_mM-00584-00206101-00206310 the contour lines and weary actually see dLAC77LC_mM-00585-00206311-00206585 that here we're heading perpendicular to dLAC77LC_mM-00586-00206586-00206730 the contour lines but notice here that dLAC77LC_mM-00587-00206731-00207089 the search direction here in blue just dLAC77LC_mM-00588-00207090-00207258 simply tells us to go along that dLAC77LC_mM-00589-00207259-00207519 direction but not how far all right so dLAC77LC_mM-00590-00207519-00207708 we haven't even answered that question dLAC77LC_mM-00591-00207709-00207885 yet how far we're going to look at that dLAC77LC_mM-00592-00207886-00208160 next I just want to verify first that dLAC77LC_mM-00593-00208161-00208310 our search direction actually is dLAC77LC_mM-00594-00208311-00208959 reasonable it says step negatively in X dLAC77LC_mM-00595-00208960-00209273 1 and positively in x2 so at the very dLAC77LC_mM-00596-00209275-00209546 least the signs have to agree but if the dLAC77LC_mM-00597-00209548-00209735 signs don't agree you know that right dLAC77LC_mM-00598-00209736-00209867 away that you've made a calculation dLAC77LC_mM-00599-00209869-00210246 error so it says go decrease x1 from dLAC77LC_mM-00600-00210246-00210473 where you currently are so x1 must go dLAC77LC_mM-00601-00210475-00210906 negative we observe that and make X to dLAC77LC_mM-00602-00210907-00211221 go up where it's 0 and we see that X 2 dLAC77LC_mM-00603-00211221-00211533 heads up so at the signs agree let's dLAC77LC_mM-00604-00211534-00211709 take a look at the magnitudes it says if dLAC77LC_mM-00605-00211710-00212139 you take a negative 1 step in x1 you dLAC77LC_mM-00606-00212140-00212508 must also take a plus one step in x2 but dLAC77LC_mM-00607-00212509-00212759 you have to obey that relationship in dLAC77LC_mM-00608-00212760-00213173 order to go along that search direction dLAC77LC_mM-00609-00213173-00213603 so we see there that for every minus one dLAC77LC_mM-00610-00213604-00213876 step we take in x1 so I'm going from 0 dLAC77LC_mM-00611-00213877-00214119 to minus 1 for example I must take a dLAC77LC_mM-00612-00214119-00214544 plus one step in x2 if I decided to take dLAC77LC_mM-00613-00214546-00214881 a step of two units in that direction IE dLAC77LC_mM-00614-00214882-00215184 from 0 to minus 2 dLAC77LC_mM-00615-00215185-00215505 I must make a plus to change in X 2 so I dLAC77LC_mM-00616-00215506-00215862 go from here it's one okay so any point dLAC77LC_mM-00617-00215863-00216044 along this blue line satisfies that dLAC77LC_mM-00618-00216046-00216276 relationship of staying along the minus dLAC77LC_mM-00619-00216277-00216603 1 plus 1 vector so that that is dLAC77LC_mM-00620-00216604-00216831 intuitive to us the next question is how dLAC77LC_mM-00621-00216832-00217157 far if we look at these contours dLAC77LC_mM-00622-00217158-00217421 starting out here at 0 0 we can see that dLAC77LC_mM-00623-00217423-00217619 we decrease decrease decrease decrease dLAC77LC_mM-00624-00217621-00217929 and in fact after we go beyond that blue dLAC77LC_mM-00625-00217930-00218198 circle over there we start to go back up dLAC77LC_mM-00626-00218200-00218484 the contras again so there's a minimum dLAC77LC_mM-00627-00218485-00218892 along this vector we just don't know dLAC77LC_mM-00628-00218892-00219186 where and that's where we use this table dLAC77LC_mM-00629-00219187-00219525 and a computer solving this would do dLAC77LC_mM-00630-00219526-00219759 exactly the same step the computer would dLAC77LC_mM-00631-00219760-00220176 say right i'm here at zero at that point dLAC77LC_mM-00632-00220177-00220512 let me go and take a step of half an dLAC77LC_mM-00633-00220513-00220959 alpha of 1 alpha of 2 alpha and evaluate dLAC77LC_mM-00634-00220960-00221198 the function along that line so that dLAC77LC_mM-00635-00221198-00221490 those function evaluations then show up dLAC77LC_mM-00636-00221491-00221894 here in the last column now when we take dLAC77LC_mM-00637-00221896-00222129 a step of half an alpha what that says dLAC77LC_mM-00638-00222130-00222771 is to increment X 1 by point five times dLAC77LC_mM-00639-00222771-00223119 the search direction and X 2 plus 0 dLAC77LC_mM-00640-00223119-00223287 point five times the search direction so dLAC77LC_mM-00641-00223288-00224685 let's sub in that table there dLAC77LC_mM-00642-00224686-00225194 so alpha we're going to move x1 we're at dLAC77LC_mM-00643-00225194-00225416 the zero of iteration at my initial dLAC77LC_mM-00644-00225417-00225727 guess I'm going to take some step alpha dLAC77LC_mM-00645-00225728-00226132 times the search direction for x1 okay dLAC77LC_mM-00646-00226133-00226333 so let me maybe just record here Delta X dLAC77LC_mM-00647-00226334-00226648 1 Delta x2 these are the search dLAC77LC_mM-00648-00226649-00227216 directions r minus 1 and +1 so i'm going dLAC77LC_mM-00649-00227217-00227470 to move some amount in x1 and i'm going dLAC77LC_mM-00650-00227471-00227744 to move some amount in x2 so x2 at my dLAC77LC_mM-00651-00227744-00228215 initial condition 0 plus alpha times dLAC77LC_mM-00652-00228216-00228512 Delta X 2 okay so subscripts refer to dLAC77LC_mM-00653-00228513-00228733 your variables superscripts refer to dLAC77LC_mM-00654-00228734-00229321 your iteration numbers okay and then at dLAC77LC_mM-00655-00229322-00229524 the last column I'm going to evaluate dLAC77LC_mM-00656-00229525-00229948 that function at that value of x1 and x2 dLAC77LC_mM-00657-00229949-00230197 in the prior columns so when we're dLAC77LC_mM-00658-00230198-00230620 taking zero step our current x1 value is dLAC77LC_mM-00659-00230621-00231007 zero a current x2 value is zero evaluate dLAC77LC_mM-00660-00231008-00231716 F at 0 0 we get 0 okay so that one's dLAC77LC_mM-00661-00231717-00232150 trivial but if we decide to step by half dLAC77LC_mM-00662-00232151-00232534 and alpha what's the century over here dLAC77LC_mM-00663-00232535-00233544 in the second row second column dLAC77LC_mM-00664-00233544-00233925 minus point five the entry in the next dLAC77LC_mM-00665-00233926-00234585 column over plus point five okay and you dLAC77LC_mM-00666-00234586-00234764 can evaluate the function there is minus dLAC77LC_mM-00667-00234765-00235407 point seven five so we're decreasing dLAC77LC_mM-00668-00235408-00235650 that's good right so we're at that point dLAC77LC_mM-00669-00235651-00236016 we're dropping okay let's take another dLAC77LC_mM-00670-00236017-00236223 step of alpha let's take a step then of dLAC77LC_mM-00671-00236223-00236567 one alpha so it says take a full-size dLAC77LC_mM-00672-00236569-00237267 step so that is minus 1 plus 1 and F of dLAC77LC_mM-00673-00237267-00238169 minus 1 plus 1 is equal to minus 1 okay dLAC77LC_mM-00674-00238171-00238365 so that's again that's okay we're dLAC77LC_mM-00675-00238366-00238665 dropping even further still not as much dLAC77LC_mM-00676-00238666-00239096 as we did but we're dropping okay so we dLAC77LC_mM-00677-00239098-00239301 keep going let's take a step then of two dLAC77LC_mM-00678-00239302-00239652 units to alpha units so that's at minus dLAC77LC_mM-00679-00239653-00239925 2 and plus two and then when we evaluate dLAC77LC_mM-00680-00239926-00240273 F at minus two plus two we get an answer dLAC77LC_mM-00681-00240273-00240888 of zero so we've gone down we've gone dLAC77LC_mM-00682-00240889-00241582 down and now we've gone up again dLAC77LC_mM-00683-00241583-00241777 so which three points would you use to dLAC77LC_mM-00684-00241778-00242461 try and fit the quadratic we've got four dLAC77LC_mM-00685-00242462-00242619 points here on the board which of the dLAC77LC_mM-00686-00242621-00243388 three do we pick the last three okay so dLAC77LC_mM-00687-00243389-00243571 we picked the last three go fit the dLAC77LC_mM-00688-00243571-00243721 three-point problem just tedious dLAC77LC_mM-00689-00243721-00243976 mathematics but it's doable and you will dLAC77LC_mM-00690-00243977-00244225 actually find it's it's coincidental in dLAC77LC_mM-00691-00244226-00244473 this particular example that the three dLAC77LC_mM-00692-00244475-00245338 points optimum is at this entry over dLAC77LC_mM-00693-00245339-00245848 here right so at alpha equals one it's dLAC77LC_mM-00694-00245848-00246037 just coincidence in this time it doesn't dLAC77LC_mM-00695-00246038-00246246 have to it won't necessarily be one of dLAC77LC_mM-00696-00246248-00246423 the three points that it picks but in dLAC77LC_mM-00697-00246425-00247258 this case it is okay so my next dLAC77LC_mM-00698-00247259-00247794 iteration then starts at that location dLAC77LC_mM-00699-00247794-00248164 so geometrically I've stepped from zero dLAC77LC_mM-00700-00248165-00248494 I've taken a full step of alpha one dLAC77LC_mM-00701-00248494-00248776 that's where my optimum is and i'm going dLAC77LC_mM-00702-00248777-00249175 to relocate myself at that point so you dLAC77LC_mM-00703-00249176-00249592 can wipe this table clean and we're dLAC77LC_mM-00704-00249592-00250588 going to restart again dLAC77LC_mM-00705-00250589-00250798 it's just the function evaluations at dLAC77LC_mM-00706-00250798-00251437 these two values of x so my next dLAC77LC_mM-00707-00251438-00251869 iteration we can say the following is dLAC77LC_mM-00708-00251869-00252246 just write it over here my next dLAC77LC_mM-00709-00252248-00253182 iteration is x 1 and x 1 is equal to dLAC77LC_mM-00710-00253183-00254050 this location minus 1 plus 1 okay so dLAC77LC_mM-00711-00254051-00254488 start the process again what is my dLAC77LC_mM-00712-00254489-00254815 search direction I'll give you a minute dLAC77LC_mM-00713-00254816-00255376 or two to calculate that the process is dLAC77LC_mM-00714-00255377-00255661 fine search direction find the line dLAC77LC_mM-00716-00261473-00261658 okay when you're done calculate that dLAC77LC_mM-00717-00261659-00261810 cross-check it with the person next to dLAC77LC_mM-00718-00261811-00262330 you to make sure you got agreement if dLAC77LC_mM-00719-00262331-00262600 you've already done that you're welcome dLAC77LC_mM-00720-00262601-00262795 to move on and then go and even solve dLAC77LC_mM-00721-00262796-00263062 the line search problem from there feel dLAC77LC_mM-00722-00263063-00264454 free to work ahead dLAC77LC_mM-00723-00264455-00264694 you see dLAC77LC_mM-00724-00264695-00265979 you can you yeah dLAC77LC_mM-00725-00265980-00266447 everyone get +1 +1 okay so if u sub in dLAC77LC_mM-00726-00266448-00266770 there we're evaluating that function at dLAC77LC_mM-00727-00266771-00267167 minus 1 plus 1 and if you evaluate that dLAC77LC_mM-00728-00267168-00267470 you'll get +1 +1 as your search dLAC77LC_mM-00729-00267471-00268379 direction okay yes no okay so all we're dLAC77LC_mM-00730-00268380-00268669 doing is we're evaluating the the slope dLAC77LC_mM-00731-00268670-00268997 upside down triangle f at our current dLAC77LC_mM-00732-00268998-00269189 point our current point is minus 1 plus dLAC77LC_mM-00733-00269190-00269495 1 sub n minus 1 and +1 at the eft dLAC77LC_mM-00734-00269496-00269744 location take the negative of it because dLAC77LC_mM-00735-00269745-00269990 we're trying to minimize and you get +1 dLAC77LC_mM-00736-00269991-00270410 +1 geometrically on that diagram does dLAC77LC_mM-00737-00270411-00270824 that make sense what is the direction dLAC77LC_mM-00738-00270825-00271418 plus 1 plus 1 look like is that what you dLAC77LC_mM-00739-00271419-00271823 expected dLAC77LC_mM-00740-00271824-00272025 what is the direction of steepest dLAC77LC_mM-00741-00272026-00272316 descent we're trying to decrease this dLAC77LC_mM-00742-00272317-00273236 function perpendicular to the contours dLAC77LC_mM-00743-00273237-00273498 what's perpendicular to the contours at dLAC77LC_mM-00744-00273499-00274001 this Blue Point +1 +1 it is in fact that dLAC77LC_mM-00745-00274002-00274377 it's more like that I guess yet okay 45 dLAC77LC_mM-00746-00274378-00274644 degrees so that is the search direction dLAC77LC_mM-00747-00274645-00274827 that is the the steepest part if you dLAC77LC_mM-00748-00274828-00275028 head that direction that is not the dLAC77LC_mM-00749-00275029-00275250 steepest descent but that's sort of like dLAC77LC_mM-00750-00275251-00275469 climbing down hill by walking diagonally dLAC77LC_mM-00751-00275470-00275628 that's the sort of path you take if dLAC77LC_mM-00752-00275629-00275844 you're driving a car so you don't go too dLAC77LC_mM-00753-00275845-00276087 fast downhill right but the steepest dLAC77LC_mM-00754-00276088-00276225 direction if you wanted to be dLAC77LC_mM-00755-00276226-00276527 tobogganing you'd be heading that way dLAC77LC_mM-00756-00276528-00276768 right is the steepest direction of dLAC77LC_mM-00757-00276769-00277014 descent so that's actually on the page dLAC77LC_mM-00758-00277015-00277215 over you can flip the page over to see dLAC77LC_mM-00759-00277216-00277392 that visually I've drawn it there for dLAC77LC_mM-00760-00277393-00278246 you dLAC77LC_mM-00761-00278247-00278519 right where you notice that we're dLAC77LC_mM-00762-00278520-00278672 heading in the plus one plus one dLAC77LC_mM-00763-00278673-00279179 direction okay now how far of a step do dLAC77LC_mM-00764-00279180-00279398 I take here I've shown you the answer dLAC77LC_mM-00765-00279399-00279625 we're going to go to that next blue dot dLAC77LC_mM-00766-00279626-00279830 remember what the computer algorithm dLAC77LC_mM-00767-00279831-00280100 doesn't know that so how far along that dLAC77LC_mM-00768-00280101-00280496 direction do we go so that's back to the dLAC77LC_mM-00769-00280497-00280916 prior page I've left a little bit of dLAC77LC_mM-00770-00280917-00281081 space here for you and that's probably dLAC77LC_mM-00771-00281082-00281237 not enough space to solve the line dLAC77LC_mM-00772-00281238-00281733 search problem but let's at least take dLAC77LC_mM-00773-00281734-00282074 some points and I'll basically write out dLAC77LC_mM-00774-00282075-00282347 the answer here for you so that you can dLAC77LC_mM-00775-00282348-00283015 go verify this dLAC77LC_mM-00776-00283016-00283390 so what you will do I suggest you go try dLAC77LC_mM-00777-00283391-00283849 this out is your alpha then you take an dLAC77LC_mM-00778-00283850-00284242 initial l fat zero that corresponds to dLAC77LC_mM-00779-00284243-00284527 the point minus one plus one your dLAC77LC_mM-00780-00284528-00284737 current location and you will evaluate dLAC77LC_mM-00781-00284738-00285049 the function there is minus one then you dLAC77LC_mM-00782-00285050-00285295 might say okay I'm going to take a step dLAC77LC_mM-00783-00285296-00285646 of alpha equals 0.5 if you're subbing dLAC77LC_mM-00784-00285647-00285940 the values there you land up at the dLAC77LC_mM-00785-00285941-00286403 location minus point 5 1.5 and f of dLAC77LC_mM-00786-00286404-00287360 minus point 5 1.5 is equal to minus 0.75 dLAC77LC_mM-00787-00287361-00287614 okay now I know that you're just writing dLAC77LC_mM-00788-00287615-00287740 this down and probably not thinking dLAC77LC_mM-00789-00287741-00287968 about it but take a look at what's dLAC77LC_mM-00790-00287969-00288670 happened we've gone too far right we're dLAC77LC_mM-00791-00288671-00288895 at minus 1 we're hoping to decrease dLAC77LC_mM-00792-00288896-00289240 we've decreased or increased we've dLAC77LC_mM-00793-00289241-00289476 actually increased we've gone from minus dLAC77LC_mM-00794-00289477-00289762 1 to minus point 75 that's it so we've dLAC77LC_mM-00795-00289763-00290007 actually stepped too far so there's no dLAC77LC_mM-00796-00290008-00290259 point in just going to try alpha 12 and dLAC77LC_mM-00797-00290260-00290512 further on we've actually overstepped dLAC77LC_mM-00798-00290513-00290793 the optimum so let's pull back a bit dLAC77LC_mM-00799-00290794-00291196 let's try point 25 for example if you dLAC77LC_mM-00800-00291197-00291376 sub in those values you get minus point dLAC77LC_mM-00801-00291377-00291957 75 1.25 and then f evaluated at minus dLAC77LC_mM-00802-00291958-00292423 point 75 1.25 is equal to minus one dLAC77LC_mM-00803-00292424-00292983 point one eight seven five okay so which dLAC77LC_mM-00804-00292984-00293191 well there's your three points to do the dLAC77LC_mM-00805-00293192-00293382 quadratic right I don't even need to ask dLAC77LC_mM-00806-00293383-00293569 you which is your three-point problem dLAC77LC_mM-00807-00293570-00293733 you've got three points there's a dLAC77LC_mM-00808-00293734-00293989 minimum in the middle there and you can dLAC77LC_mM-00809-00293990-00294357 go and find the optimum alpha ok and dLAC77LC_mM-00810-00294358-00294504 that's so that's what the next iteration dLAC77LC_mM-00811-00294505-00294831 on the page shows you so you can you can dLAC77LC_mM-00812-00294832-00294991 you're welcome to work through that and dLAC77LC_mM-00813-00294992-00295312 I've put there on the bottom of page dLAC77LC_mM-00814-00295313-00295602 three the steps that you would proceed dLAC77LC_mM-00815-00295603-00295928 to solve and approach the optimum dLAC77LC_mM-00816-00295929-00296144 I know that we're right at the time so I dLAC77LC_mM-00817-00296145-00296315 just want to point out one of the issues dLAC77LC_mM-00818-00296316-00296498 that happens with these sorts of methods dLAC77LC_mM-00819-00296499-00296936 and that is what we call zigzagging it's dLAC77LC_mM-00820-00296937-00297119 very typical that these sorts of dLAC77LC_mM-00821-00297120-00297389 calculations will proceed and quite dLAC77LC_mM-00822-00297390-00297632 rapidly find you the optimum notice you dLAC77LC_mM-00823-00297633-00297728 that every time we're going dLAC77LC_mM-00824-00297729-00298058 perpendicular to the Contras but those dLAC77LC_mM-00825-00298059-00298331 last few iterations are make very very dLAC77LC_mM-00826-00298332-00298730 slow progress okay so what we're going dLAC77LC_mM-00827-00298731-00299099 to do is in next class is oh well next dLAC77LC_mM-00828-00299100-00299291 after the break break is look at dLAC77LC_mM-00829-00299292-00299546 Newton's method to try and get past dLAC77LC_mM-00830-00299547-00299860 those slow convergence steps okay dLAC77LC_mM-00831-00299861-00300110 Newton's method will get to the optimum dLAC77LC_mM-00832-00300111-00300472 in about two or three iterations here so dLAC77LC_mM-00833-00300473-00300716 that's where we leave it that's also dLAC77LC_mM-00834-00300717-00300937 where the midterm is up till on Monday dLAC77LC_mM-00835-00300938-00301262 i'm debating to have a class on monday dLAC77LC_mM-00836-00301263-00301430 i'm not sure if it's a good idea to be dLAC77LC_mM-00837-00301431-00301961 teaching you stuff for monday i'll be dLAC77LC_mM-00838-00301962-00302129 here let's put it that way i'll be here dLAC77LC_mM-00839-00302130-00302288 in the class to answer any questions dLAC77LC_mM-00840-00302289-00302432 that you have but i'm not going to dLAC77LC_mM-00841-00302433-00302683 prepare election and teach new material dLAC77LC_mM-00842-00302684-00302921 so i'll be available in class on Monday dLAC77LC_mM-00843-00302922-00303155 midterm is up to everything into today's dLAC77LC_mM-00844-00303156-00303406 class all the assignments are returned dLAC77LC_mM-00845-00303407-00303674 assignment for solution will be posted dLAC77LC_mM-00846-00303675-00304013 right away on thursday on friday morning dLAC77LC_mM-00847-00304014-00304199 okay so for those of you handing in on dLAC77LC_mM-00848-00304200-00304409 paper will clear the dropbox friday dLAC77LC_mM-00849-00304410-00304676 morning electronically will post the dLAC77LC_mM-00850-00304677-00305030 solutions for assignment for you dMLdAONb2Mk-00000-00000049-00000386 the Soviet Union began a biological dMLdAONb2Mk-00001-00000387-00000724 weapons program in the 1920s during dMLdAONb2Mk-00002-00000725-00001107 World War two Joseph Stalin was forced dMLdAONb2Mk-00003-00001108-00001431 to move his biological warfare b/w dMLdAONb2Mk-00004-00001432-00001709 operations out of the path of advancing dMLdAONb2Mk-00005-00001710-00001920 German forces and may have used dMLdAONb2Mk-00006-00001921-00002309 tularemia against German troops in 1942 dMLdAONb2Mk-00007-00002310-00002891 near Stalingrad by 1960 numerous BW dMLdAONb2Mk-00008-00002892-00003131 research facilities existed throughout dMLdAONb2Mk-00009-00003132-00003581 the Soviet Union although the USSR also dMLdAONb2Mk-00010-00003582-00003929 signed the 1972 biological weapons dMLdAONb2Mk-00011-00003930-00004343 convention BWC the Soviets subsequently dMLdAONb2Mk-00012-00004344-00004645 augmented their bio warfare programs dMLdAONb2Mk-00013-00004646-00004934 over the course of its history the dMLdAONb2Mk-00014-00004935-00005136 Soviet program is known to have dMLdAONb2Mk-00015-00005137-00005388 weaponized and stockpiled the following dMLdAONb2Mk-00016-00005389-00005654 eleven bio agents and to have pursued dMLdAONb2Mk-00017-00005655-00006054 basic research on many more bacillus dMLdAONb2Mk-00018-00006055-00006516 anthracis anthrax your sin iya pestis dMLdAONb2Mk-00019-00006517-00006909 plague Frances Ella to lorenza's dMLdAONb2Mk-00020-00006909-00007487 tularemia Burk cold area mal a Flanders dMLdAONb2Mk-00021-00007488-00007920 Brucella SPP brucellosis dMLdAONb2Mk-00022-00007920-00008416 coxiella Burnett e.q fever venezuelan dMLdAONb2Mk-00023-00008417-00008890 equine encephalitis virus V botulinum dMLdAONb2Mk-00024-00008891-00009360 toxin botulism staphylococcal dMLdAONb2Mk-00025-00009361-00009904 enterotoxin B smallpox Marburg virus dMLdAONb2Mk-00026-00009905-00010189 these programs became immense and were dMLdAONb2Mk-00027-00010190-00010474 conducted at 52 clandestine sites dMLdAONb2Mk-00028-00010475-00010903 employing over 50,000 people annualized dMLdAONb2Mk-00029-00010904-00011149 production capacity for weaponized dMLdAONb2Mk-00030-00011150-00011560 smallpox for example was 90 to 100 tons dMLdAONb2Mk-00031-00011561-00012040 in the 1980s and 1990s many of these dMLdAONb2Mk-00032-00012041-00012252 agents were genetically altered to dMLdAONb2Mk-00033-00012253-00012710 resist heat cold and antibiotics in the dMLdAONb2Mk-00034-00012711-00013030 1990s Boris Yeltsin admitted to an dMLdAONb2Mk-00035-00013031-00013312 offensive bio weapons program as well as dMLdAONb2Mk-00036-00013313-00013533 to the true nature of the Sverdlovsk dMLdAONb2Mk-00037-00013534-00013906 biological weapons accident of 1979 dMLdAONb2Mk-00038-00013907-00014146 which had resulted in the deaths of at dMLdAONb2Mk-00039-00014147-00014550 least 64 people defecting Soviet dMLdAONb2Mk-00040-00014551-00014821 bioweapons such as Colonel Canadian dMLdAONb2Mk-00041-00014822-00015066 Alaba cough confirmed that the program dMLdAONb2Mk-00042-00015068-00015366 had been massive and still existed an dMLdAONb2Mk-00043-00015366-00015678 agreement was signed with the US and UK dMLdAONb2Mk-00044-00015679-00015972 promising to end bio weapons programs dMLdAONb2Mk-00045-00015973-00016300 and convert BW facilities to benevolent dMLdAONb2Mk-00046-00016301-00016534 purposes but compliance with the dMLdAONb2Mk-00047-00016535-00016800 agreement and the fate of the former dMLdAONb2Mk-00048-00016801-00017134 Soviet bio agents and facilities is dMLdAONb2Mk-00049-00017135-00017883 still mostly undocumented dMLdAONb2Mk-00050-00017884-00018772 topic history dMLdAONb2Mk-00051-00018773-00019397 topic pre-world War two dMLdAONb2Mk-00052-00019398-00019799 the Soviet BW program began in the 1920s dMLdAONb2Mk-00053-00019800-00020138 at the Leningrad Military Academy under dMLdAONb2Mk-00054-00020139-00020308 the control of the state security dMLdAONb2Mk-00055-00020309-00020783 apparatus known as the GPU this occurred dMLdAONb2Mk-00056-00020784-00021065 despite the fact that the USSR was a dMLdAONb2Mk-00057-00021066-00021461 signatory to the 1925 Geneva Convention dMLdAONb2Mk-00058-00021462-00021658 which banned both chemical and dMLdAONb2Mk-00059-00021659-00022094 biological weapons 0.192 8 revolutionary dMLdAONb2Mk-00060-00022095-00022352 military council signed a decree about dMLdAONb2Mk-00061-00022353-00022742 weaponization of typhus the Leningrad dMLdAONb2Mk-00062-00022743-00022993 Military Academy began cultivating dMLdAONb2Mk-00063-00022994-00023350 typhus in chicken embryos human dMLdAONb2Mk-00064-00023351-00023605 experimentation occurred with typhus dMLdAONb2Mk-00065-00023606-00023915 glanders and melioidosis in the Sala vet dMLdAONb2Mk-00066-00023916-00024305 ski camp a laboratory on vaccine and dMLdAONb2Mk-00067-00024306-00024583 serum research was also established near dMLdAONb2Mk-00068-00024584-00024906 Moscow in 1928 within the military dMLdAONb2Mk-00069-00024907-00025322 chemical agency this laboratory was dMLdAONb2Mk-00070-00025323-00025568 turned into the Red Army's scientific dMLdAONb2Mk-00071-00025569-00025861 research institute of microbiology in dMLdAONb2Mk-00072-00025862-00026505 1933 dMLdAONb2Mk-00073-00026506-00027104 Topic World War two dMLdAONb2Mk-00074-00027105-00027455 during World War two Stalin was forced dMLdAONb2Mk-00075-00027456-00027736 to move his BW operations out of the dMLdAONb2Mk-00076-00027737-00028105 path of advancing German forces 1941 dMLdAONb2Mk-00077-00028106-00028379 Soviet bioweapons facilities are dMLdAONb2Mk-00078-00028380-00028855 transferred to the city of Kiev 1942 dMLdAONb2Mk-00079-00028856-00029170 alleged use of tularemia against German dMLdAONb2Mk-00080-00029172-00029227 troops dMLdAONb2Mk-00081-00029228-00029504 tularemia was allegedly used against dMLdAONb2Mk-00082-00029505-00029905 German troops in 1942 near Stalingrad dMLdAONb2Mk-00083-00029906-00030295 around 10,000 cases of tularemia had dMLdAONb2Mk-00084-00030297-00030473 been reported in the Soviet Union dMLdAONb2Mk-00085-00030474-00031112 between 1941 and 1943 however the number dMLdAONb2Mk-00086-00031113-00031439 of cases jumped to more than 100,000 in dMLdAONb2Mk-00087-00031439-00031711 the year of the Stalingrad outbreak dMLdAONb2Mk-00088-00031712-00032024 German Panzer troops fell ill in such dMLdAONb2Mk-00089-00032025-00032239 significant numbers during the late dMLdAONb2Mk-00090-00032240-00032568 summer of 1942 that the German military dMLdAONb2Mk-00091-00032569-00033026 campaign came to a temporary halt German dMLdAONb2Mk-00092-00033027-00033220 soldiers became ill with the rare dMLdAONb2Mk-00093-00033221-00033520 pulmonary form of tularemia which may dMLdAONb2Mk-00094-00033521-00033718 indicate the use of an aerosol dMLdAONb2Mk-00095-00033719-00033958 biological weapon the ordinary dMLdAONb2Mk-00096-00033959-00034199 transmission pathway is through ticks dMLdAONb2Mk-00097-00034200-00034546 and rodents according to Kenneth ala dMLdAONb2Mk-00098-00034547-00034832 Beck the used tularemia weapon had been dMLdAONb2Mk-00099-00034833-00035057 developed in the cure of military dMLdAONb2Mk-00100-00035058-00035414 facility it was suggested by some dMLdAONb2Mk-00101-00035415-00035662 however that the outbreak might have dMLdAONb2Mk-00102-00035663-00035948 been of natural origin since a pulmonary dMLdAONb2Mk-00103-00035949-00036257 form of tularemia has also been noted in dMLdAONb2Mk-00104-00036258-00036502 natural outbreaks in Martha's Vineyard dMLdAONb2Mk-00105-00036503-00036860 in 2000 in the Soviet Union the outbreak dMLdAONb2Mk-00106-00036861-00037151 at Stalingrad was described as a natural dMLdAONb2Mk-00107-00037152-00037499 outbreak crops were left in the field dMLdAONb2Mk-00108-00037500-00037708 during the German offensive and the dMLdAONb2Mk-00109-00037709-00037976 rodent population swelled putting many dMLdAONb2Mk-00110-00037977-00038212 inhabitants into contact with infected dMLdAONb2Mk-00111-00038213-00038608 rodents in some parts of the Stalingrad dMLdAONb2Mk-00112-00038609-00038962 Oblast as many as 75 percent of the dMLdAONb2Mk-00113-00038963-00039326 inhabitants became infected it was also dMLdAONb2Mk-00114-00039327-00039574 noted that before the war there was the dMLdAONb2Mk-00115-00039575-00039992 so-called threshing tularemia caused by dMLdAONb2Mk-00116-00039993-00040288 people inhaling infected dusts soiled by dMLdAONb2Mk-00117-00040289-00040486 rodents while threshing grain dMLdAONb2Mk-00118-00040487-00040738 at the conclusion of the war Soviet dMLdAONb2Mk-00119-00040739-00040939 troops invading Manchuria dMLdAONb2Mk-00120-00040940-00041310 captured many unit 731 Japanese dMLdAONb2Mk-00121-00041311-00041485 scientists and learned of their dMLdAONb2Mk-00122-00041486-00041767 extensive human experimentation through dMLdAONb2Mk-00123-00041768-00041988 captured documents and prisoner dMLdAONb2Mk-00124-00041989-00042319 interrogations emboldened by these dMLdAONb2Mk-00125-00042320-00042649 discoveries Stalin put KGB chief dMLdAONb2Mk-00126-00042650-00042973 Lavrentiy Beria in charge of a new BW dMLdAONb2Mk-00127-00042974-00043542 program dMLdAONb2Mk-00128-00043543-00044206 topic the Cold War dMLdAONb2Mk-00129-00044207-00044593 19:46 a biological weapons facility was dMLdAONb2Mk-00130-00044594-00044975 established in Sverdlovsk the first dMLdAONb2Mk-00131-00044976-00045268 smallpox weapons factory in the Soviet dMLdAONb2Mk-00132-00045269-00045614 Union was established in 1947 in the dMLdAONb2Mk-00133-00045615-00046025 city of Zagorski close to Moscow it was dMLdAONb2Mk-00134-00046026-00046289 produced by injecting small amounts of dMLdAONb2Mk-00135-00046290-00046576 the virus into chicken eggs an dMLdAONb2Mk-00136-00046577-00046850 especially virulent strain codenamed dMLdAONb2Mk-00137-00046851-00047146 India one nine six seven or India one dMLdAONb2Mk-00138-00047147-00047501 was brought from India in 1967 by a dMLdAONb2Mk-00139-00047502-00047774 special Soviet medical team that was dMLdAONb2Mk-00140-00047775-00048008 sent to India to help eradicate the dMLdAONb2Mk-00141-00048009-00048398 virus the pathogen was manufactured and dMLdAONb2Mk-00142-00048399-00048602 stockpiled in large quantities dMLdAONb2Mk-00143-00048603-00049105 throughout the 1970s and 1980s dMLdAONb2Mk-00144-00049106-00049430 19:53 the 15th Directorate of the Red dMLdAONb2Mk-00145-00049431-00049673 Army takes responsibility for the dMLdAONb2Mk-00146-00049674-00050236 program by 1960 numerous BW research dMLdAONb2Mk-00147-00050237-00050483 facilities existed throughout the Soviet dMLdAONb2Mk-00148-00050484-00050964 Union although the USSR also signed the dMLdAONb2Mk-00149-00050965-00051445 1972 biological weapons convention BWC dMLdAONb2Mk-00150-00051446-00051730 the Soviet subsequently augmented their dMLdAONb2Mk-00151-00051732-00052090 bio warfare programs they doubted the dMLdAONb2Mk-00152-00052091-00052345 United States claimed compliance with dMLdAONb2Mk-00153-00052346-00052666 the BWC which further motivated their dMLdAONb2Mk-00154-00052667-00053080 program the Soviet BW effort became a dMLdAONb2Mk-00155-00053082-00053355 huge program comprising various dMLdAONb2Mk-00156-00053357-00053597 institutions under different ministries dMLdAONb2Mk-00157-00053598-00053842 along with commercial facilities and dMLdAONb2Mk-00158-00053844-00054098 collectively known as bio prepara taft dMLdAONb2Mk-00159-00054099-00054599 ER 1973 by appropriate pursue defensive dMLdAONb2Mk-00160-00054600-00054882 research development and production of dMLdAONb2Mk-00161-00054883-00055141 biological agents under the guise of dMLdAONb2Mk-00162-00055142-00055438 legitimate civil biotechnology research dMLdAONb2Mk-00163-00055439-00055829 it conducted its clandestine activities dMLdAONb2Mk-00164-00055829-00056191 at 52 sites and employed over 50,000 dMLdAONb2Mk-00165-00056192-00056575 people annualized production capacity dMLdAONb2Mk-00166-00056576-00056861 for weaponized smallpox rabies and dMLdAONb2Mk-00167-00056862-00057300 typhus for example was 90 to 100 tons dMLdAONb2Mk-00168-00057301-00057821 0.197 3 a civilian main Directorate bio dMLdAONb2Mk-00169-00057822-00058168 prepara twas founded other organizations dMLdAONb2Mk-00170-00058169-00058413 involved in the design and production of dMLdAONb2Mk-00171-00058414-00058661 biological weapons were the Soviet dMLdAONb2Mk-00172-00058662-00058905 Ministry of Defense Ministry of dMLdAONb2Mk-00173-00058907-00059266 Agriculture Ministry of Health USSR dMLdAONb2Mk-00174-00059267-00059682 Academy of Sciences and KGB dMLdAONb2Mk-00175-00059683-00059934 a production line to manufacture dMLdAONb2Mk-00176-00059935-00060213 smallpox on an industrial scale was dMLdAONb2Mk-00177-00060214-00060566 launched in the vector Institute in 1990 dMLdAONb2Mk-00178-00060566-00060885 the development of genetically altered dMLdAONb2Mk-00179-00060886-00061130 strains of smallpox was presumably dMLdAONb2Mk-00180-00061132-00061355 conducted in the Institute under the dMLdAONb2Mk-00181-00061357-00061638 leadership of dr. Sergei net Joseph in dMLdAONb2Mk-00182-00061639-00061947 the mid 1990s according to Kenneth a dMLdAONb2Mk-00183-00061948-00062366 Lebec aka connection ala Beca dMLdAONb2Mk-00184-00062367-00062600 it has been reported that Russia made dMLdAONb2Mk-00185-00062601-00062865 smallpox available to Iraq in the dMLdAONb2Mk-00186-00062866-00063557 beginning of the 1990s dMLdAONb2Mk-00187-00063558-00064297 topic post BWC developments dMLdAONb2Mk-00188-00064298-00064549 the Soviet Union continued the dMLdAONb2Mk-00189-00064550-00064762 development and mass production of dMLdAONb2Mk-00190-00064763-00065050 offensive biological weapons despite dMLdAONb2Mk-00191-00065051-00065533 having signed the 1972 BWC the dMLdAONb2Mk-00192-00065534-00065728 development and production were dMLdAONb2Mk-00193-00065729-00066013 conducted by a main Directorate bio dMLdAONb2Mk-00194-00066014-00066319 prepper it along with the Soviet dMLdAONb2Mk-00195-00066320-00066619 Ministry of Defense the Soviet Ministry dMLdAONb2Mk-00196-00066620-00066898 of Agriculture the Soviet Ministry of dMLdAONb2Mk-00197-00066899-00067288 Health the USSR Academy of Sciences the dMLdAONb2Mk-00198-00067289-00067719 KGB and other state organizations dMLdAONb2Mk-00199-00067720-00068055 in the 1980s the Soviet Ministry of dMLdAONb2Mk-00200-00068056-00068310 Agriculture successfully developed dMLdAONb2Mk-00201-00068311-00068553 variants of foot-and-mouth disease and dMLdAONb2Mk-00202-00068554-00068844 rinderpest against cows African swine dMLdAONb2Mk-00203-00068845-00069147 fever for pigs and psittacosis to kill dMLdAONb2Mk-00204-00069148-00069504 chicken these agents were prepared to be dMLdAONb2Mk-00205-00069505-00069737 sprayed down from tanks attached to dMLdAONb2Mk-00206-00069738-00069982 airplanes over hundreds of miles dMLdAONb2Mk-00207-00069983-00070941 the secret program was codenamed ecology dMLdAONb2Mk-00208-00070942-00071565 topic the post-soviet era dMLdAONb2Mk-00209-00071566-00071874 in the 1990s the President of the dMLdAONb2Mk-00210-00071875-00072144 Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin dMLdAONb2Mk-00211-00072145-00072408 admitted to an offensive bio weapons dMLdAONb2Mk-00212-00072409-00072654 program as well as to the true nature of dMLdAONb2Mk-00213-00072655-00072900 the Sverdlovsk biological weapons dMLdAONb2Mk-00214-00072901-00073284 accident of 1979 which had resulted in dMLdAONb2Mk-00215-00073285-00073704 the deaths of at least 64 people Soviet dMLdAONb2Mk-00216-00073705-00073989 defectors including Colonel Canadian ala dMLdAONb2Mk-00217-00073990-00074271 Becca the first deputy chief of bio dMLdAONb2Mk-00218-00074272-00074748 prepara trum 1988 to 1992 confirmed that dMLdAONb2Mk-00219-00074749-00074979 the program had been massive and that it dMLdAONb2Mk-00220-00074980-00075405 still existed in September 1992 dMLdAONb2Mk-00221-00075406-00075612 Russia signed an agreement with the dMLdAONb2Mk-00222-00075613-00075800 United States and Great Britain dMLdAONb2Mk-00223-00075801-00076062 promising to end its bioweapons program dMLdAONb2Mk-00224-00076063-00076323 and to convert its facilities for dMLdAONb2Mk-00225-00076324-00076517 benevolent scientific and medical dMLdAONb2Mk-00226-00076518-00076824 purposes compliance with the agreement dMLdAONb2Mk-00227-00076825-00077073 as well as the fate of the former Soviet dMLdAONb2Mk-00228-00077074-00077343 bio agents and facilities is still dMLdAONb2Mk-00229-00077344-00077709 mostly undocumented light and bergens dMLdAONb2Mk-00230-00077710-00078000 olenska's in the soviet biological dMLdAONb2Mk-00231-00078001-00078375 weapons program a history 2012 state dMLdAONb2Mk-00232-00078376-00078956 flatly that in march 1992 dMLdAONb2Mk-00233-00078957-00079272 yeltsin acknowledged the existence of an dMLdAONb2Mk-00234-00079273-00079641 illegal BW program in the former Soviet dMLdAONb2Mk-00235-00079642-00080016 Union and ordered it to be dissolved his dMLdAONb2Mk-00236-00080017-00080418 decree was however not obeyed they dMLdAONb2Mk-00237-00080419-00080775 conclude that in hindsight we know that dMLdAONb2Mk-00238-00080776-00081244 with the ultimate failure of the dMLdAONb2Mk-00239-00081245-00081551 negotiations process and the continued dMLdAONb2Mk-00240-00081552-00081953 Russian refusal to open de dMLdAONb2Mk-00241-00081954-00082248 facilities to the present day neither dMLdAONb2Mk-00242-00082249-00082536 the Yeltsin or Putin administration's dMLdAONb2Mk-00243-00082537-00082848 ever carried out a visible campaign to dMLdAONb2Mk-00244-00082849-00083133 dismantle once and for all the residual dMLdAONb2Mk-00245-00083134-00083688 elements of the Soviet BW program 0.199 dMLdAONb2Mk-00246-00083689-00084324 zero - 1999 specimens of deadly bacteria dMLdAONb2Mk-00247-00084325-00084581 and viruses were stolen from Western dMLdAONb2Mk-00248-00084582-00084846 laboratories and delivered by Aeroflot dMLdAONb2Mk-00249-00084847-00085140 planes to support the Russian biological dMLdAONb2Mk-00250-00085141-00085473 weapons program at least one of the dMLdAONb2Mk-00251-00085474-00085662 pilots was a Russian foreign dMLdAONb2Mk-00252-00085663-00086037 intelligence service officer quote . at dMLdAONb2Mk-00253-00086038-00086382 least two agents died presumably from dMLdAONb2Mk-00254-00086383-00086799 the transported pathogens 2000 to 2009 dMLdAONb2Mk-00255-00086800-00087377 the academician AAS proposed a new dMLdAONb2Mk-00256-00087378-00087794 biological warfare program called the dMLdAONb2Mk-00257-00087795-00088098 biological shield of Russia - President dMLdAONb2Mk-00258-00088099-00088431 Vladimir Putin the program reportedly dMLdAONb2Mk-00259-00088432-00088659 includes Institutes of the Russian dMLdAONb2Mk-00260-00088660-00089376 Academy of Sciences from pushchino dMLdAONb2Mk-00261-00089377-00089803 topic list of soviet/russian BW dMLdAONb2Mk-00262-00089804-00090518 institutions programs and projects dMLdAONb2Mk-00263-00090519-00090923 bio prepper at 18 labs test sites and dMLdAONb2Mk-00264-00090924-00091291 production centers step Nagurski dMLdAONb2Mk-00265-00091292-00091603 scientific and technical institute for dMLdAONb2Mk-00266-00091604-00091910 microbiology step Nagurski northern dMLdAONb2Mk-00267-00091911-00092305 kazakhstan institute of ultra-pure dMLdAONb2Mk-00268-00092306-00092530 biochemical preparations dMLdAONb2Mk-00269-00092531-00092890 Leningrad a weaponized plague center dMLdAONb2Mk-00270-00092891-00093230 vector state research center of Ayala G dMLdAONb2Mk-00271-00093231-00093536 and biotechnology vector a weaponized dMLdAONb2Mk-00272-00093537-00093963 smallpox Center Institute of Applied dMLdAONb2Mk-00273-00093964-00094415 biochemistry Oh madness Kirov bioweapons dMLdAONb2Mk-00274-00094416-00094849 production facility Kirov Kirov Oblast dMLdAONb2Mk-00275-00094850-00095192 Zagorski smallpox production facility dMLdAONb2Mk-00276-00095193-00095482 sagorsky today viral aaja khals Center dMLdAONb2Mk-00277-00095483-00095812 and IIM Scientific Research Institute dMLdAONb2Mk-00278-00095813-00096076 Russian defence ministry in sergiyev dMLdAONb2Mk-00279-00096077-00096297 posad dMLdAONb2Mk-00280-00096298-00096618 birds bioweapons production facility dMLdAONb2Mk-00281-00096619-00097020 birds bioweapons research facility dMLdAONb2Mk-00282-00097021-00097404 obolensky spurred liske bioweapons dMLdAONb2Mk-00283-00097405-00097701 production facility military compound dMLdAONb2Mk-00284-00097702-00097977 nineteen spurred lusk a weaponized dMLdAONb2Mk-00285-00097978-00098598 anthrax center AR ALS k7 those Raj Dania dMLdAONb2Mk-00286-00098599-00098847 Renaissance Island RLC dMLdAONb2Mk-00287-00098848-00099195 this BW test site was built here a none dMLdAONb2Mk-00288-00099196-00099653 neighboring Komsomol Ski Island in 1954 dMLdAONb2Mk-00289-00099654-00099954 poison Laboratory of the Soviet secret dMLdAONb2Mk-00290-00099955-00100437 services project bonfire development of dMLdAONb2Mk-00291-00100438-00100844 antibiotic resistant microbial strains dMLdAONb2Mk-00292-00100845-00101184 project factor creation of microbial dMLdAONb2Mk-00293-00101185-00101403 weapons with new properties of high dMLdAONb2Mk-00294-00101404-00101679 virulence improved stability and new dMLdAONb2Mk-00295-00101680-00102275 clinical syndromes dMLdAONb2Mk-00296-00102276-00102704 topic notable bio agent outbreaks and dMLdAONb2Mk-00297-00102705-00103500 accidents dMLdAONb2Mk-00298-00103501-00104061 topic smallpox dMLdAONb2Mk-00299-00104063-00104306 an outbreak of weaponized smallpox dMLdAONb2Mk-00300-00104307-00104832 occurred during testing in 1971 general dMLdAONb2Mk-00301-00104833-00105151 professor Peter Berg Esav former chief dMLdAONb2Mk-00302-00105152-00105408 sanitary physician of the Soviet Army dMLdAONb2Mk-00303-00105409-00105649 and a senior researcher within the dMLdAONb2Mk-00304-00105650-00105943 program of biological weapons described dMLdAONb2Mk-00305-00105944-00106357 this incident on BOS rog dénia island in dMLdAONb2Mk-00306-00106358-00106666 the RLC the strongest formulations of dMLdAONb2Mk-00307-00106667-00107050 smallpox were tested suddenly I was dMLdAONb2Mk-00308-00107051-00107221 informed that there were mysterious dMLdAONb2Mk-00309-00107222-00107574 cases of mortalities in Errol Liske a dMLdAONb2Mk-00310-00107575-00107883 research ship of the RL fleet had come dMLdAONb2Mk-00311-00107884-00108175 within 15 kilometers from the island it dMLdAONb2Mk-00312-00108176-00108463 was forbidden to come any closer than 40 dMLdAONb2Mk-00313-00108464-00108820 kilometers the lab technician of this dMLdAONb2Mk-00314-00108821-00109078 ship took samples of plankton twice a dMLdAONb2Mk-00315-00109079-00109443 day from the top deck the smallpox dMLdAONb2Mk-00316-00109444-00109921 formulation 400 gr of which was exploded dMLdAONb2Mk-00317-00109922-00110227 on the island got her and she became dMLdAONb2Mk-00318-00110228-00110575 infected after returning home to era dMLdAONb2Mk-00319-00110576-00110835 Liske she infected several people dMLdAONb2Mk-00320-00110836-00111228 including children all of them died I dMLdAONb2Mk-00321-00111229-00111499 suspected the reason for this and called dMLdAONb2Mk-00322-00111500-00111708 the general chief of staff at the dMLdAONb2Mk-00323-00111709-00111952 Ministry of Defence and requested to dMLdAONb2Mk-00324-00111953-00112198 forbid the Alma odda train from stopping dMLdAONb2Mk-00325-00112199-00112311 an era Liske dMLdAONb2Mk-00326-00112313-00112669 as a result an epidemic throughout the dMLdAONb2Mk-00327-00112670-00112825 country was prevented dMLdAONb2Mk-00328-00112826-00113136 I called Andropov who at that time was dMLdAONb2Mk-00329-00113138-00113425 the chief of the KGB and informed him of dMLdAONb2Mk-00330-00113426-00113644 the unique formulation of smallpox dMLdAONb2Mk-00331-00113645-00114426 obtained on BOS rog dénia island dMLdAONb2Mk-00332-00114427-00115018 topic anthrax dMLdAONb2Mk-00333-00115019-00115273 spores of weaponized anthrax were dMLdAONb2Mk-00334-00115274-00115480 accidentally released from a military dMLdAONb2Mk-00335-00115481-00115835 facility near the city of Sverdlovsk in dMLdAONb2Mk-00336-00115836-00116365 1979 the death toll was at least 105 but dMLdAONb2Mk-00337-00116366-00116608 no one knows the exact number because dMLdAONb2Mk-00338-00116608-00116848 all hospital records and other evidence dMLdAONb2Mk-00339-00116849-00117178 were destroyed by the KGB according to dMLdAONb2Mk-00340-00117179-00117472 former bio preparatory director Kenneth dMLdAONb2Mk-00341-00117473-00118065 ala Beck dMLdAONb2Mk-00342-00118066-00118667 topic Marburg virus dMLdAONb2Mk-00343-00118668-00118988 the Soviet Union reportedly had a large dMLdAONb2Mk-00344-00118989-00119300 biological weapons program enhancing the dMLdAONb2Mk-00345-00119301-00119635 usefulness of the Marburg virus the dMLdAONb2Mk-00346-00119636-00119873 development was conducted in vector dMLdAONb2Mk-00347-00119874-00120097 Institute under the leadership of dr. dMLdAONb2Mk-00348-00120098-00120404 Ustinov who was accidentally killed by dMLdAONb2Mk-00349-00120405-00120791 the virus the samples of Marburg taken dMLdAONb2Mk-00350-00120792-00121070 from Ustinov zorgons were more powerful dMLdAONb2Mk-00351-00121071-00121411 than the original strain the new strain dMLdAONb2Mk-00352-00121413-00121492 called dMLdAONb2Mk-00353-00121493-00121838 variant you had been successfully dMLdAONb2Mk-00354-00121839-00122083 weaponized and approved by the Soviet dMLdAONb2Mk-00355-00122084-00122893 Ministry of Defense in 1990 dMLdAONb2Mk-00356-00122894-00123314 topic list of Soviet Russian bioweapon dMLdAONb2Mk-00357-00123315-00123696 years dMLdAONb2Mk-00358-00123697-00124167 Igor Doh maretskiy connection ala Beca dMLdAONb2Mk-00359-00124168-00124435 known as Ken a Lebec dMLdAONb2Mk-00360-00124436-00124967 Vladimir pasechnik Sergei Popov dMLdAONb2Mk-00361-00124968-00125480 Yuri ovchinnikov Nikolai Ustinov died of dMLdAONb2Mk-00362-00125481-00125961 Marburg virus disease Pyotr Burgas if dMLdAONb2Mk-00363-00125963-00126608 Boris Kapila dMLdAONb2Mk-00364-00126609-00127195 topic see also dMLdAONb2Mk-00365-00127196-00127683 history of biological warfare Russia and dMLdAONb2Mk-00366-00127684-00127971 weapons of mass destruction dMLdAONb2Mk-00367-00127972-00128484 United States biological weapons program dpA_J_mSAju-00000-00000413-00000745 foreign dpA_J_mSAju-00001-00000746-00001150 Butler interview he pulled it down why dpA_J_mSAju-00002-00001151-00001343 ask him dpA_J_mSAju-00003-00001344-00001607 I think that he was you know because I'd dpA_J_mSAju-00004-00001607-00001732 just done that interview two weeks dpA_J_mSAju-00005-00001734-00001955 before and then it was I I and I like dpA_J_mSAju-00006-00001955-00002123 the guy you know what I mean and I was I dpA_J_mSAju-00007-00002124-00002267 was happy to be on it and all that and dpA_J_mSAju-00008-00002268-00002573 then he pulled it down my but my belief dpA_J_mSAju-00009-00002574-00002765 actually is that the BBC told him to do dpA_J_mSAju-00010-00002766-00002860 it dpA_J_mSAju-00011-00002861-00003029 not that it's any of their business but dpA_J_mSAju-00012-00003030-00003263 this is the kind of level of of dpA_J_mSAju-00013-00003264-00003413 cancellation that people were really dpA_J_mSAju-00014-00003414-00003569 trying to put on me it's like they were dpA_J_mSAju-00015-00003570-00003725 telling people at their own private dpA_J_mSAju-00016-00003726-00003953 things to just take down you know dpA_J_mSAju-00017-00003954-00004127 bafta was deleting my pictures off their dpA_J_mSAju-00018-00004128-00004349 website and and taking my links they're dpA_J_mSAju-00019-00004350-00004583 like it's just describe it's like oh dpA_J_mSAju-00020-00004584-00004733 there's smelly kid at school the smelly dpA_J_mSAju-00021-00004734-00004865 kids at school everyone ran away from dpA_J_mSAju-00022-00004866-00005165 the smelly kid at school and and no dpA_J_mSAju-00023-00005166-00005315 one's going well hold on why do you dpA_J_mSAju-00024-00005316-00005435 smell does he have parents at home dpA_J_mSAju-00025-00005436-00005711 there's like nobody's cared my PR dpA_J_mSAju-00026-00005712-00005986 Company is supposed to dpA_J_mSAju-00027-00005987-00006233 this is their job stiff like the stuff dpA_J_mSAju-00028-00006234-00006317 like this happens that's what PR dpA_J_mSAju-00029-00006318-00006425 companies are for that's what you're dpA_J_mSAju-00030-00006426-00006659 paying for they ran dpA_J_mSAju-00031-00006659-00006791 ran dpA_J_mSAju-00032-00006792-00006964 and then put out a thing saying they had dpA_J_mSAju-00033-00006965-00007205 complaints from from a client dpA_J_mSAju-00034-00007206-00007409 it's families dpA_J_mSAju-00035-00007409-00007601 it's a mistruth this is a woman I dpA_J_mSAju-00036-00007602-00007745 complained to them about six months dpA_J_mSAju-00037-00007745-00007859 previous dpA_J_mSAju-00038-00007859-00008045 I complained to them about her six dpA_J_mSAju-00039-00008045-00008255 months previous So This Woman's been dpA_J_mSAju-00040-00008256-00008392 talking about me should we all have dpA_J_mSAju-00041-00008393-00008549 a sit down and iron it out I know like dpA_J_mSAju-00042-00008550-00008759 no leave it leave it leave it dpA_J_mSAju-00043-00008760-00008969 and then in the papers it's like yeah me dpA_J_mSAju-00044-00008970-00009305 the whole thing is dpA_J_mSAju-00045-00009306-00009606 messy dR23OOhqYXg-00000-00000000-00000311 welcome to home ties a podcast about dR23OOhqYXg-00001-00000312-00000551 staying connected to home dR23OOhqYXg-00002-00000552-00000894 no matter where you are the views and dR23OOhqYXg-00003-00000896-00000958 opinions dR23OOhqYXg-00004-00000959-00001150 expressed in this podcast are not dR23OOhqYXg-00005-00001151-00001270 necessarily those dR23OOhqYXg-00006-00001271-00001491 of the wisconsin evangelical lutheran dR23OOhqYXg-00007-00001492-00002879 synod dR23OOhqYXg-00008-00002880-00003191 i grew up in the suburbs of the united dR23OOhqYXg-00009-00003192-00003286 states dR23OOhqYXg-00010-00003288-00003551 and lived there for quite a while as an dR23OOhqYXg-00011-00003552-00003599 adult dR23OOhqYXg-00012-00003600-00003990 with my family where we lived dR23OOhqYXg-00013-00003992-00004343 it was impossible for you to get dR23OOhqYXg-00014-00004344-00004654 anywhere by foot dR23OOhqYXg-00015-00004655-00004975 if you wanted to go to church or dR23OOhqYXg-00016-00004976-00005351 school or even just to pick up a few dR23OOhqYXg-00017-00005352-00005551 items from the store dR23OOhqYXg-00018-00005552-00005934 you had to have a car otherwise dR23OOhqYXg-00019-00005935-00006183 it would take you hours to get your job dR23OOhqYXg-00020-00006184-00006414 done dR23OOhqYXg-00021-00006415-00006678 where i live in malawi i actually live dR23OOhqYXg-00022-00006679-00006775 within dR23OOhqYXg-00023-00006776-00007119 walking distance of several attractions dR23OOhqYXg-00024-00007120-00007287 like the market dR23OOhqYXg-00025-00007288-00007678 and it is so interesting to me dR23OOhqYXg-00026-00007679-00008095 to walk to places instead of driving dR23OOhqYXg-00027-00008095-00008495 because you see so many different things dR23OOhqYXg-00028-00008496-00008823 that otherwise you wouldn't for example dR23OOhqYXg-00029-00008824-00008878 the dR23OOhqYXg-00030-00008879-00009183 the path that takes you to the market dR23OOhqYXg-00031-00009184-00009567 crosses over huge drainage ditches dR23OOhqYXg-00032-00009568-00009871 and you cross those ditches either dR23OOhqYXg-00033-00009872-00010246 by walking over a narrow cement slab dR23OOhqYXg-00034-00010247-00010591 or you take a running jump dR23OOhqYXg-00035-00010592-00010878 you see people selling all kinds of dR23OOhqYXg-00036-00010879-00011046 things dR23OOhqYXg-00037-00011047-00011359 about tropical fruits grilled dR23OOhqYXg-00038-00011360-00011703 meat even individual pieces of clothing dR23OOhqYXg-00039-00011704-00011838 like trousers dR23OOhqYXg-00040-00011839-00012127 or shirts and that's all before you dR23OOhqYXg-00041-00012128-00012414 reach the market dR23OOhqYXg-00042-00012415-00012751 now these sellers tend to set up dR23OOhqYXg-00043-00012752-00013119 at the same location every day dR23OOhqYXg-00044-00013119-00013383 and i don't know if that's because they dR23OOhqYXg-00045-00013384-00013630 pay the city a license dR23OOhqYXg-00046-00013631-00013935 fee in order to set up there or if it's dR23OOhqYXg-00047-00013936-00014094 just because people are creatures of dR23OOhqYXg-00048-00014095-00014207 habit dR23OOhqYXg-00049-00014208-00014511 but in any case if you walk on the same dR23OOhqYXg-00050-00014512-00014607 route dR23OOhqYXg-00051-00014608-00014863 you're going to run into the same people dR23OOhqYXg-00052-00014863-00015047 over and over again dR23OOhqYXg-00053-00015047-00015399 and i usually try to buy goods from dR23OOhqYXg-00054-00015400-00015750 the same sellers because it gives me a dR23OOhqYXg-00055-00015751-00015855 chance to dR23OOhqYXg-00056-00015856-00016119 develop some kind of a relationship with dR23OOhqYXg-00057-00016119-00016183 them dR23OOhqYXg-00058-00016184-00016486 i recognize them they recognize me dR23OOhqYXg-00059-00016487-00016799 and maybe i'll have the opportunity to dR23OOhqYXg-00060-00016800-00016991 talk about things of a more spiritual dR23OOhqYXg-00061-00016992-00017071 nature dR23OOhqYXg-00062-00017072-00017447 at some point in time now when i lived dR23OOhqYXg-00063-00017448-00017615 in eastern europe dR23OOhqYXg-00064-00017616-00018014 20 years ago it was a similar situation dR23OOhqYXg-00065-00018015-00018207 the city in which we were living didn't dR23OOhqYXg-00066-00018208-00018311 have dR23OOhqYXg-00067-00018312-00018630 a huge supermarket instead they had dR23OOhqYXg-00068-00018631-00018886 individual shops in each store would dR23OOhqYXg-00069-00018887-00019071 sell different kinds of things you might dR23OOhqYXg-00070-00019072-00019279 have one shop selling meats dR23OOhqYXg-00071-00019280-00019486 another shop selling bread another shop dR23OOhqYXg-00072-00019487-00019663 selling drinks dR23OOhqYXg-00073-00019664-00019943 and what you do is you walk into the dR23OOhqYXg-00074-00019944-00020063 shop and dR23OOhqYXg-00075-00020064-00020230 there'd be a counter with the seller dR23OOhqYXg-00076-00020231-00020430 standing behind the counter and dR23OOhqYXg-00077-00020431-00020807 all of his stock was behind him dR23OOhqYXg-00078-00020808-00020983 and so you'd have to go in there and dR23OOhqYXg-00079-00020984-00021111 point out dR23OOhqYXg-00080-00021112-00021430 each individual item that you wanted to dR23OOhqYXg-00081-00021431-00021519 buy dR23OOhqYXg-00082-00021520-00021703 and then they would hand it to you there dR23OOhqYXg-00083-00021704-00021967 would be a queue of people behind you dR23OOhqYXg-00084-00021968-00022230 so they would all know what you were dR23OOhqYXg-00085-00022231-00022335 buying dR23OOhqYXg-00086-00022336-00022558 and of course how much you paid for dR23OOhqYXg-00087-00022559-00022719 everything dR23OOhqYXg-00088-00022720-00023063 now shopping is is a communal experience dR23OOhqYXg-00089-00023064-00023335 in so many parts of the world it's not dR23OOhqYXg-00090-00023336-00023622 that way in the united states though dR23OOhqYXg-00091-00023623-00023967 i did most of my shopping at dR23OOhqYXg-00092-00023968-00024311 a walmart walmart's dR23OOhqYXg-00093-00024312-00024519 are pretty much the same everywhere in dR23OOhqYXg-00094-00024520-00024614 the world you dR23OOhqYXg-00095-00024615-00024742 enter in the front door and there's dR23OOhqYXg-00096-00024743-00025142 somebody that says welcome to walmart dR23OOhqYXg-00097-00025143-00025447 but you don't really pay much attention dR23OOhqYXg-00098-00025448-00025527 to them dR23OOhqYXg-00099-00025528-00025774 and in fact you don't even interact with dR23OOhqYXg-00100-00025775-00025990 with hardly anybody dR23OOhqYXg-00101-00025991-00026270 every walmart in the world is pretty dR23OOhqYXg-00102-00026272-00026311 much dR23OOhqYXg-00103-00026312-00026599 laid out according to the same pattern dR23OOhqYXg-00104-00026600-00026655 whether dR23OOhqYXg-00105-00026656-00026967 it's a walmart across town or in another dR23OOhqYXg-00106-00026968-00027183 state or another part of the country dR23OOhqYXg-00107-00027183-00027423 so you never really have to ask anybody dR23OOhqYXg-00108-00027424-00027527 where anything dR23OOhqYXg-00109-00027527-00027870 is located and then when it comes time dR23OOhqYXg-00110-00027872-00027927 to check dR23OOhqYXg-00111-00027927-00028214 out you don't even have to interact with dR23OOhqYXg-00112-00028216-00028302 any sellers dR23OOhqYXg-00113-00028304-00028502 because now they have self checkout dR23OOhqYXg-00114-00028504-00028774 lanes you scan your items you bag your dR23OOhqYXg-00115-00028775-00028879 own stuff dR23OOhqYXg-00116-00028880-00029118 and you head out the door you know very dR23OOhqYXg-00117-00029119-00029223 rarely do you dR23OOhqYXg-00118-00029224-00029455 run into anybody in a walmart that you dR23OOhqYXg-00119-00029456-00029567 even know dR23OOhqYXg-00120-00029568-00029911 personally or take the time to to greet dR23OOhqYXg-00121-00029912-00029974 them dR23OOhqYXg-00122-00029975-00030135 right because everybody goes shopping at dR23OOhqYXg-00123-00030136-00030439 a different time of the day dR23OOhqYXg-00124-00030439-00030807 i think that the different experiences dR23OOhqYXg-00125-00030808-00030974 of shopping in the united states and dR23OOhqYXg-00126-00030975-00030999 other dR23OOhqYXg-00127-00031000-00031318 parts of the world is a reflection dR23OOhqYXg-00128-00031319-00031574 of the difference between what are known dR23OOhqYXg-00129-00031575-00031718 as individualistic dR23OOhqYXg-00130-00031719-00032079 societies and collectivistic societies dR23OOhqYXg-00131-00032080-00032358 let me try to explain what i mean and in dR23OOhqYXg-00132-00032360-00032502 an individualist dR23OOhqYXg-00133-00032503-00032871 society as you can imagine from the name dR23OOhqYXg-00134-00032872-00032999 the needs of the dR23OOhqYXg-00135-00033000-00033359 individual are supreme everything dR23OOhqYXg-00136-00033360-00033607 in the society is oriented towards dR23OOhqYXg-00137-00033608-00033718 empowering dR23OOhqYXg-00138-00033719-00034046 an individual to achieve what dR23OOhqYXg-00139-00034047-00034431 he or she decides is most important for dR23OOhqYXg-00140-00034432-00034599 them dR23OOhqYXg-00141-00034600-00034862 a person in that kind of a society is dR23OOhqYXg-00142-00034863-00035079 encouraged to take advantage of dR23OOhqYXg-00143-00035080-00035246 opportunities of education and dR23OOhqYXg-00144-00035247-00035487 employment to advance themselves as far dR23OOhqYXg-00145-00035488-00035790 as they can take themselves and dR23OOhqYXg-00146-00035791-00036046 of course people are judged by the dR23OOhqYXg-00147-00036047-00036111 merits dR23OOhqYXg-00148-00036112-00036455 of what they have accomplished dR23OOhqYXg-00149-00036456-00036702 without much regard to where they're dR23OOhqYXg-00150-00036703-00036790 from dR23OOhqYXg-00151-00036791-00037062 or what their parents did now in a dR23OOhqYXg-00152-00037063-00037262 collectivistic society dR23OOhqYXg-00153-00037263-00037615 the needs of the group are supreme dR23OOhqYXg-00154-00037616-00037902 and so really everything is oriented dR23OOhqYXg-00155-00037903-00037974 towards dR23OOhqYXg-00156-00037975-00038407 preserving the honor and the cohesion of dR23OOhqYXg-00157-00038408-00038718 the group and every individual is dR23OOhqYXg-00158-00038719-00039151 expected to submit to that dynamic dR23OOhqYXg-00159-00039152-00039471 and really regardless of what you may dR23OOhqYXg-00160-00039472-00039583 achieve as dR23OOhqYXg-00161-00039584-00039830 far as your education or your employment dR23OOhqYXg-00162-00039831-00039983 opportunities dR23OOhqYXg-00163-00039984-00040295 you cannot grab honor and respect for dR23OOhqYXg-00164-00040296-00040511 yourself it has to be dR23OOhqYXg-00165-00040512-00040815 given to you by the group i've seen this dR23OOhqYXg-00166-00040816-00040871 play out dR23OOhqYXg-00167-00040872-00041207 in my own family my my family is from dR23OOhqYXg-00168-00041208-00041558 a small town in northern wisconsin dR23OOhqYXg-00169-00041559-00041823 most of my relatives are not college dR23OOhqYXg-00170-00041824-00042046 educated but i had an aunt who dR23OOhqYXg-00171-00042047-00042399 left the small town and made it big dR23OOhqYXg-00172-00042400-00042783 she was a professor in a large dR23OOhqYXg-00173-00042784-00043095 american university but when she came dR23OOhqYXg-00174-00043096-00043151 back dR23OOhqYXg-00175-00043152-00043479 to visit her my family for the holidays dR23OOhqYXg-00176-00043480-00043718 she would slide back into the role that dR23OOhqYXg-00177-00043719-00043879 she had before she left dR23OOhqYXg-00178-00043880-00044046 i think everybody in my family dR23OOhqYXg-00179-00044047-00044223 appreciated the fact that she didn't try dR23OOhqYXg-00180-00044224-00044383 to put on errors dR23OOhqYXg-00181-00044384-00044590 or act like she was some kind of big dR23OOhqYXg-00182-00044591-00044711 shot because of what dR23OOhqYXg-00183-00044712-00044846 she had achieved because i think she dR23OOhqYXg-00184-00044847-00045039 knew that the relatives wouldn't stand dR23OOhqYXg-00185-00045040-00045143 for it dR23OOhqYXg-00186-00045144-00045495 now there's a there's a spectrum between dR23OOhqYXg-00187-00045496-00045735 individualism and collectivism as you dR23OOhqYXg-00188-00045736-00045855 could imagine dR23OOhqYXg-00189-00045856-00046174 countries which are located in africa dR23OOhqYXg-00190-00046175-00046246 and asia dR23OOhqYXg-00191-00046247-00046471 tend more towards the collectivistic dR23OOhqYXg-00192-00046472-00046583 side of the dR23OOhqYXg-00193-00046584-00046879 spectrum in the united states the great dR23OOhqYXg-00194-00046880-00047046 great britain other western dR23OOhqYXg-00195-00047047-00047351 democracies tend very high dR23OOhqYXg-00196-00047352-00047607 towards the individualistic side of the dR23OOhqYXg-00197-00047608-00047718 scale dR23OOhqYXg-00198-00047719-00047974 as a person who is coming from an dR23OOhqYXg-00199-00047975-00048102 individualistic dR23OOhqYXg-00200-00048103-00048455 society into a collectivistic society dR23OOhqYXg-00201-00048456-00048502 this dR23OOhqYXg-00202-00048503-00048799 has taken a while for me to wrap my head dR23OOhqYXg-00203-00048800-00048846 around dR23OOhqYXg-00204-00048847-00049083 and still continues to cause me dR23OOhqYXg-00205-00049084-00049230 confusion and dR23OOhqYXg-00206-00049231-00049574 angst let me just give you one example dR23OOhqYXg-00207-00049575-00049943 so i was coming back from one of my dR23OOhqYXg-00208-00049944-00050271 excursions to the market carrying a bag dR23OOhqYXg-00209-00050272-00050407 of vegetables dR23OOhqYXg-00210-00050408-00050727 when i got inside of the gate of my dR23OOhqYXg-00211-00050728-00050871 house dR23OOhqYXg-00212-00050872-00051254 the gardener who is smaller dR23OOhqYXg-00213-00051255-00051582 and older than i am is dR23OOhqYXg-00214-00051583-00052054 sweeping he's busy working he sees me dR23OOhqYXg-00215-00052055-00052382 and immediately he stops what he's doing dR23OOhqYXg-00216-00052383-00052726 and he runs up to me then he dR23OOhqYXg-00217-00052727-00053054 takes the bags from my hands dR23OOhqYXg-00218-00053055-00053294 and carries them into the house for me dR23OOhqYXg-00219-00053295-00053487 the last 50 yards dR23OOhqYXg-00220-00053488-00053815 my american mind says to me what are you dR23OOhqYXg-00221-00053816-00053887 doing dR23OOhqYXg-00222-00053888-00054182 i carried this stuff for two kilometers dR23OOhqYXg-00223-00054183-00054430 without any problem dR23OOhqYXg-00224-00054432-00054647 why should i inconvenience you you've dR23OOhqYXg-00225-00054648-00054887 got other job to do dR23OOhqYXg-00226-00054888-00055079 well i've seen the same thing happen to dR23OOhqYXg-00227-00055079-00055238 me when i've gone to visit dR23OOhqYXg-00228-00055239-00055559 a church i arrive with my bible and my dR23OOhqYXg-00229-00055560-00055919 in my bag and the pastor there takes my dR23OOhqYXg-00230-00055920-00056230 things from me and carries them dR23OOhqYXg-00231-00056232-00056630 into the church and i have learned dR23OOhqYXg-00232-00056632-00057023 that resistance to this dynamic is not dR23OOhqYXg-00233-00057024-00057182 only futile dR23OOhqYXg-00234-00057183-00057623 it causes offense why is that well dR23OOhqYXg-00235-00057624-00057926 it's because carrying someone else's dR23OOhqYXg-00236-00057927-00058287 bags is a way of showing dR23OOhqYXg-00237-00058288-00058607 them respect now people dR23OOhqYXg-00238-00058608-00058950 from collectivistic societies are much dR23OOhqYXg-00239-00058951-00059279 more in tune and sensitive to dR23OOhqYXg-00240-00059279-00059711 giving outward signs of respect dR23OOhqYXg-00241-00059712-00060023 than uh in an individualistic society dR23OOhqYXg-00242-00060024-00060238 where of course everybody is expected to dR23OOhqYXg-00243-00060239-00060423 carry their own weight dR23OOhqYXg-00244-00060424-00060654 and it's actually a matter of pride for dR23OOhqYXg-00245-00060655-00060975 a person to show look at what i can do dR23OOhqYXg-00246-00060976-00061182 if you in the collectivistic society if dR23OOhqYXg-00247-00061183-00061359 you deny somebody dR23OOhqYXg-00248-00061360-00061671 the opportunity to carry dR23OOhqYXg-00249-00061672-00061894 your bags it's like you're saying dR23OOhqYXg-00250-00061895-00062038 they're not worthy dR23OOhqYXg-00251-00062039-00062375 of giving you respect dR23OOhqYXg-00252-00062376-00062599 now there are many other ways of showing dR23OOhqYXg-00253-00062600-00062726 respect dR23OOhqYXg-00254-00062727-00062991 in these societies for example total dR23OOhqYXg-00255-00062991-00063126 strangers dR23OOhqYXg-00256-00063127-00063519 call me boss the workers dR23OOhqYXg-00257-00063520-00063926 at my house give my car a saturday night dR23OOhqYXg-00258-00063927-00064142 bath dR23OOhqYXg-00259-00064144-00064479 when i enter a place in my car dR23OOhqYXg-00260-00064479-00064830 the guard gives me a salute dR23OOhqYXg-00261-00064832-00065150 for somebody from middle class america dR23OOhqYXg-00262-00065151-00065535 it just doesn't seem right to be treated dR23OOhqYXg-00263-00065536-00065575 like dR23OOhqYXg-00264-00065576-00065855 nobility you have to understand this dR23OOhqYXg-00265-00065856-00065926 works dR23OOhqYXg-00266-00065927-00066247 in both directions people in dR23OOhqYXg-00267-00066248-00066663 a weaker socioeconomic position dR23OOhqYXg-00268-00066664-00066991 want to latch on to a more dR23OOhqYXg-00269-00066992-00067343 powerful person who will be dR23OOhqYXg-00270-00067344-00067647 their patron and will dR23OOhqYXg-00271-00067648-00067950 provide for them and all their needs dR23OOhqYXg-00272-00067951-00068111 that arise dR23OOhqYXg-00273-00068112-00068479 as if they were their children dR23OOhqYXg-00274-00068480-00068719 for example we had a gardener who was dR23OOhqYXg-00275-00068720-00068838 much older dR23OOhqYXg-00276-00068839-00069135 than myself and my wife he called my dR23OOhqYXg-00277-00069136-00069255 wife dR23OOhqYXg-00278-00069256-00069567 his mama now this dR23OOhqYXg-00279-00069568-00069911 patron client relationship was at the dR23OOhqYXg-00280-00069912-00069991 core dR23OOhqYXg-00281-00069992-00070326 of ancient pagan religions dR23OOhqYXg-00282-00070327-00070582 the worshipers of of a cult to a god or dR23OOhqYXg-00283-00070583-00070750 a goddess would dR23OOhqYXg-00284-00070751-00071047 devote themselves to the service of that dR23OOhqYXg-00285-00071048-00071223 god or goddess they would offer up dR23OOhqYXg-00286-00071224-00071415 sacrifices they would dR23OOhqYXg-00287-00071416-00071631 alter their schedules to follow dR23OOhqYXg-00288-00071632-00071959 prescribed holidays and rituals dR23OOhqYXg-00289-00071960-00072206 all with the interest that if they did dR23OOhqYXg-00290-00072207-00072406 everything that the god dR23OOhqYXg-00291-00072407-00072719 demanded then they would be under dR23OOhqYXg-00292-00072720-00072950 that god's protection and that god was dR23OOhqYXg-00293-00072951-00073047 bound dR23OOhqYXg-00294-00073048-00073455 to take care of them the apostle paul dR23OOhqYXg-00295-00073456-00073791 spent three years in dR23OOhqYXg-00296-00073792-00074191 the city of ephesus in asia minor dR23OOhqYXg-00297-00074192-00074471 spreading a totally different message dR23OOhqYXg-00298-00074472-00074550 the message dR23OOhqYXg-00299-00074551-00074862 of christianity dR23OOhqYXg-00300-00074863-00075191 now so many people converted dR23OOhqYXg-00301-00075192-00075526 to this new religion that dR23OOhqYXg-00302-00075527-00075838 the city's silversmiths dR23OOhqYXg-00303-00075839-00076143 started a riot their their business dR23OOhqYXg-00304-00076144-00076262 model depended on dR23OOhqYXg-00305-00076263-00076655 selling little silver shrines dR23OOhqYXg-00306-00076656-00076991 to the goddess artemis dR23OOhqYXg-00307-00076992-00077367 in the book of acts chapter 19 verse 27 dR23OOhqYXg-00308-00077368-00077687 this is what we read they were saying dR23OOhqYXg-00309-00077688-00077959 there is danger not only that our trade dR23OOhqYXg-00310-00077960-00078031 will lose dR23OOhqYXg-00311-00078032-00078311 its good name but also that the temple dR23OOhqYXg-00312-00078312-00078431 of the great goddess dR23OOhqYXg-00313-00078432-00078719 artemis will be discredited and the dR23OOhqYXg-00314-00078720-00078847 goddess herself dR23OOhqYXg-00315-00078848-00079038 who is worshiped throughout the province dR23OOhqYXg-00316-00079039-00079231 of asia and the world dR23OOhqYXg-00317-00079232-00079638 will be robbed of her divine majesty dR23OOhqYXg-00318-00079639-00079943 at least silversmiths were angry not dR23OOhqYXg-00319-00079944-00080326 only because paul's message dR23OOhqYXg-00320-00080327-00080638 threatened their livelihoods they dR23OOhqYXg-00321-00080639-00080975 also believed that their dR23OOhqYXg-00322-00080976-00081303 goddess's honor had been dR23OOhqYXg-00323-00081304-00081662 tarnished their fears were well grounded dR23OOhqYXg-00324-00081663-00081743 because dR23OOhqYXg-00325-00081744-00082071 2 000 years later no one in the world dR23OOhqYXg-00326-00082072-00082406 worships artemis of the ephesians dR23OOhqYXg-00327-00082407-00082711 people get uptight pretty quickly today dR23OOhqYXg-00328-00082712-00083031 in the united states over comments dR23OOhqYXg-00329-00083032-00083391 and actions that they feel are dR23OOhqYXg-00330-00083392-00083806 dishonoring their deeply held values dR23OOhqYXg-00331-00083807-00084087 whether that's kneeling during the dR23OOhqYXg-00332-00084088-00084262 national anthem dR23OOhqYXg-00333-00084263-00084582 or making racist jokes dR23OOhqYXg-00334-00084583-00084950 on their facebook page dR23OOhqYXg-00335-00084951-00085287 people sense that the future dR23OOhqYXg-00336-00085288-00085623 perceptions of reality are dR23OOhqYXg-00337-00085624-00085999 being written today they want to dR23OOhqYXg-00338-00086000-00086343 be on the right side of history honestly dR23OOhqYXg-00339-00086344-00086526 in 2000 years from now dR23OOhqYXg-00340-00086527-00086711 nobody's going to be talking about dR23OOhqYXg-00341-00086712-00086871 trump's tweets dR23OOhqYXg-00342-00086872-00087206 or flag burners whatever dR23OOhqYXg-00343-00087207-00087582 lessons people are trying to teach today dR23OOhqYXg-00344-00087583-00087926 will be long forgotten the one dR23OOhqYXg-00345-00087927-00088238 truth that will remain however dR23OOhqYXg-00346-00088239-00088575 is that christ suffered shame and dR23OOhqYXg-00347-00088576-00088894 dishonor on behalf of dR23OOhqYXg-00348-00088895-00089206 abhorrent sinners that we dR23OOhqYXg-00349-00089207-00089591 might receive honor and glory forever dR23OOhqYXg-00350-00089592-00090015 in heaven this is the one thing that we dR23OOhqYXg-00351-00090016-00090191 need to keep in mind dR23OOhqYXg-00352-00090192-00090526 when our blood begins to boil as we're dR23OOhqYXg-00353-00090527-00090903 watching the nightly news for example dR23OOhqYXg-00354-00090904-00091167 the city clerk in the city of ephesus dR23OOhqYXg-00355-00091168-00091271 quieted dR23OOhqYXg-00356-00091272-00091575 the silversmiths by telling them that dR23OOhqYXg-00357-00091576-00091887 artemis's position in their culture dR23OOhqYXg-00358-00091888-00092262 was secure and the writers dR23OOhqYXg-00359-00092263-00092567 went home oh dR23OOhqYXg-00360-00092568-00092959 her glory has faded long since dR23OOhqYXg-00361-00092960-00093423 but christ's glory and our redemption dR23OOhqYXg-00362-00093424-00093791 is yet to be revealed dR23OOhqYXg-00363-00093792-00094047 no one is going to erase jesus's dR23OOhqYXg-00364-00094048-00094255 accomplishments from the record of human dR23OOhqYXg-00365-00094256-00094406 history dR23OOhqYXg-00366-00094407-00094806 so let's not give people a reason to dR23OOhqYXg-00367-00094807-00095174 discredit him by our unkind words dR23OOhqYXg-00368-00095175-00095526 and actions we speak dR23OOhqYXg-00369-00095527-00095871 the truth in love and if we suffer dR23OOhqYXg-00370-00095872-00096255 dishonor alongside christ we know dR23OOhqYXg-00371-00096256-00096591 that he is our judge and he dR23OOhqYXg-00372-00096592-00097062 will justify us before our enemies dR23OOhqYXg-00373-00097063-00097359 when we are interacting with people of dR23OOhqYXg-00374-00097360-00097567 different cultures or dR23OOhqYXg-00375-00097568-00097974 political views we must walk a balance dR23OOhqYXg-00376-00097975-00098047 between dR23OOhqYXg-00377-00098048-00098399 speaking truths from god's word dR23OOhqYXg-00378-00098400-00098911 and expressing our own opinions dR23OOhqYXg-00379-00098912-00099191 i found that humor does not translate dR23OOhqYXg-00380-00099192-00099271 well dR23OOhqYXg-00381-00099272-00099606 across cultures or across political dR23OOhqYXg-00382-00099607-00100079 divisions we do well to remember that dR23OOhqYXg-00383-00100080-00100447 no matter what other people say about us dR23OOhqYXg-00384-00100448-00100774 or about the christian religion god's dR23OOhqYXg-00385-00100775-00100847 power dR23OOhqYXg-00386-00100848-00101303 and glory will remain intact dR23OOhqYXg-00387-00101304-00101631 he is capable of defending his own honor dR23OOhqYXg-00388-00101632-00101823 by himself dR23OOhqYXg-00389-00101824-00102135 so it really is my privilege to use my dR23OOhqYXg-00390-00102136-00102206 words dR23OOhqYXg-00391-00102207-00102623 and actions to give him even more glory dR23OOhqYXg-00392-00102624-00103063 and i also realize that i am only human dR23OOhqYXg-00393-00103064-00103415 that i have a corrupt nature dR23OOhqYXg-00394-00103416-00103734 and that i am not always tactful dR23OOhqYXg-00395-00103735-00104054 or loving i ask the lord to help me dR23OOhqYXg-00396-00104055-00104247 overcome my weaknesses dR23OOhqYXg-00397-00104248-00104575 and deliver me from evil so that i do dR23OOhqYXg-00398-00104576-00104671 not become dR23OOhqYXg-00399-00104672-00104943 a stumbling block to my brothers and dR23OOhqYXg-00400-00104944-00105327 sisters in the faith dR23OOhqYXg-00401-00105328-00105631 next time on home tithes dR23OOhqYXg-00402-00105632-00105878 jesus disciples often argued among dR23OOhqYXg-00403-00105879-00105975 themselves dR23OOhqYXg-00404-00105976-00106239 about which of them would be the dR23OOhqYXg-00405-00106240-00106471 greatest in his kingdom dR23OOhqYXg-00406-00106472-00106743 jesus said that his followers could dR23OOhqYXg-00407-00106744-00106815 expect dR23OOhqYXg-00408-00106816-00107119 the same kind of treatment that he dR23OOhqYXg-00409-00107120-00107463 himself received rejection dR23OOhqYXg-00410-00107464-00107807 ridicule rough treatment dR23OOhqYXg-00411-00107808-00108183 all of the disciples except john dR23OOhqYXg-00412-00108183-00108527 were martyred and so also christian dR23OOhqYXg-00413-00108528-00108678 missionaries dR23OOhqYXg-00414-00108679-00108895 have suffered persecution throughout the dR23OOhqYXg-00415-00108896-00109054 ages dR23OOhqYXg-00416-00109055-00109390 and this continues up to the present dR23OOhqYXg-00417-00109391-00110843 we'll see you next time dR23OOhqYXg-00418-00110844-00112083 [Music] dR23OOhqYXg-00419-00112083-00113231 do dR23OOhqYXg-00420-00113232-00113440 you dRJaPX9fCGM-00000-00000905-00001172 the language we use in the monetary dRJaPX9fCGM-00001-00001173-00001460 system is subject to interpretation and dRJaPX9fCGM-00002-00001461-00001660 our behavior is created by the dRJaPX9fCGM-00003-00001661-00001988 environment which is unequal if we think dRJaPX9fCGM-00004-00001989-00002207 that genes could predispose certain dRJaPX9fCGM-00005-00002208-00002450 behaviors then the present justice dRJaPX9fCGM-00006-00002451-00002804 system is rendered useless if the dRJaPX9fCGM-00007-00002805-00003043 environment is the same for everyone and dRJaPX9fCGM-00008-00003044-00003247 you take into account genes then the dRJaPX9fCGM-00009-00003248-00003638 justice system would be fair why do you dRJaPX9fCGM-00010-00003639-00003886 need a justice system because there are dRJaPX9fCGM-00011-00003887-00004252 injustice but why are there in justices dRJaPX9fCGM-00012-00004253-00004526 because of the environment product and dRJaPX9fCGM-00013-00004527-00004817 service scarcity because of inequality dRJaPX9fCGM-00014-00004818-00005066 among people in the military system dRJaPX9fCGM-00015-00005067-00005395 people are not equal the differences dRJaPX9fCGM-00016-00005396-00005738 between social classes can be huge so a dRJaPX9fCGM-00017-00005739-00005977 justice system would not be useful in dRJaPX9fCGM-00018-00005978-00006308 the monetary system it's just an dRJaPX9fCGM-00019-00006309-00007331 accepted idea nothing more dRJaPX9fCGM-00020-00007331-00007814 even words like criminal behavior you dRJaPX9fCGM-00021-00007815-00008052 know what is a serial killer there's a dRJaPX9fCGM-00022-00008053-00008241 serial killer a guy with a machine gun dRJaPX9fCGM-00023-00008242-00008496 that kills a lot of people what is a dRJaPX9fCGM-00024-00008497-00008741 killer what is a criminal well King dRJaPX9fCGM-00025-00008742-00009027 Solomon had a thousand why's he would be dRJaPX9fCGM-00026-00009028-00009314 arrested as a bigger mess today so what dRJaPX9fCGM-00027-00009315-00009701 you call Admirals behavior in the past dRJaPX9fCGM-00028-00009702-00009996 doesn't make sense I think that all dRJaPX9fCGM-00029-00009997-00010274 lawyers would be considered criminals in dRJaPX9fCGM-00030-00010275-00010478 the future this goes along with all dRJaPX9fCGM-00031-00010479-00010707 politicians would be considered dRJaPX9fCGM-00032-00010708-00010962 criminals because they say things people dRJaPX9fCGM-00033-00010963-00011192 like to hear they don't really speak the dRJaPX9fCGM-00034-00011193-00011346 truth because it wouldn't get them dRJaPX9fCGM-00035-00011347-00011639 anywhere so I would say that insurance dRJaPX9fCGM-00036-00011640-00011910 companies that put out small print that dRJaPX9fCGM-00037-00011911-00012188 is with criminal intention so what you dRJaPX9fCGM-00038-00012189-00012341 call the criminal depends on the dRJaPX9fCGM-00039-00012342-00012617 cultural event when the Romans used to dRJaPX9fCGM-00040-00012618-00012863 feed Christians alliance that was not dRJaPX9fCGM-00041-00012864-00013133 considered criminal behavior today it dRJaPX9fCGM-00042-00013134-00013425 would be considered criminal behavior so dRJaPX9fCGM-00043-00013426-00013653 before you talk to people about there's dRJaPX9fCGM-00044-00013654-00013893 too much crime in the world as to what dRJaPX9fCGM-00045-00013894-00014219 they mean by crime do they mean false dRJaPX9fCGM-00046-00014219-00014456 advertising doesn't mean what the drug dRJaPX9fCGM-00047-00014457-00014643 companies claim about their pills dRJaPX9fCGM-00048-00014644-00014975 because I mean when a doctor says it you dRJaPX9fCGM-00049-00014976-00015191 need an operation is he trying to pay dRJaPX9fCGM-00050-00015193-00015491 off a new boat or a house what do you dRJaPX9fCGM-00051-00015493-00015731 really need the operation in other words dRJaPX9fCGM-00052-00015732-00016037 it's very hard to tell criminal behavior dRJaPX9fCGM-00053-00016038-00016350 and unless you define your terms of what dRJaPX9fCGM-00054-00016351-00016674 you mean by criminal behavior the latest dRJaPX9fCGM-00055-00016675-00017025 definition of a criminal is one who's dRJaPX9fCGM-00056-00017026-00017439 caught dRJaPX9fCGM-00057-00017440-00017705 you can't walk over with judge and say dRJaPX9fCGM-00058-00017706-00018061 everything you do it based on ignorance dRJaPX9fCGM-00059-00018062-00018321 he says how do you see that how do you dRJaPX9fCGM-00060-00018322-00018608 mean that I say if you ever run in or we dRJaPX9fCGM-00061-00018609-00018885 touch the talks that way you worry ref dRJaPX9fCGM-00062-00018886-00019280 by that I've never met a person how do dRJaPX9fCGM-00063-00019281-00019625 you mean if you say to a judge dRJaPX9fCGM-00064-00019626-00019892 everything you do is erroneous unreal dRJaPX9fCGM-00065-00019893-00020264 you might as well be a headhunter you're dRJaPX9fCGM-00066-00020265-00020421 putting deep on jail you're judging dRJaPX9fCGM-00067-00020422-00020609 people you know nothing about their dRJaPX9fCGM-00068-00020610-00020903 background is I know plenty about he's a dRJaPX9fCGM-00069-00020904-00021212 criminal he's been in jail before that's dRJaPX9fCGM-00070-00021213-00021719 his yard sick associative memory so all dRJaPX9fCGM-00071-00021720-00021996 our actions are based on associative dRJaPX9fCGM-00072-00021997-00022192 memory do you understand what that means dRJaPX9fCGM-00073-00022193-00022875 your experience not the truth but there dRJaPX9fCGM-00074-00022876-00023091 are a lot of people that can afford an dRJaPX9fCGM-00075-00023092-00023400 attorney who can look up the percent dRJaPX9fCGM-00076-00023401-00023772 claim array and they could say well it's dRJaPX9fCGM-00077-00023773-00024027 time that once before in another court dRJaPX9fCGM-00078-00024028-00024428 or make her look like she prostitute you dRJaPX9fCGM-00079-00024429-00024608 nor me if you've ever good enough dRJaPX9fCGM-00080-00024609-00024927 attorney he can take anything anybody dRJaPX9fCGM-00081-00024928-00025262 says and twist it around you understand dRJaPX9fCGM-00082-00025263-00025559 and if you can afford only mediocre dRJaPX9fCGM-00083-00025560-00025850 journey you might wind up two years in dRJaPX9fCGM-00084-00025851-00026150 jail you can afford a good attorney you dRJaPX9fCGM-00085-00026151-00026523 might get two weeks probation now among dRJaPX9fCGM-00086-00026524-00027006 ovation so attorneys must on the sand by dRJaPX9fCGM-00087-00027007-00027383 Matt alone they occur rock if you can dRJaPX9fCGM-00088-00027384-00027662 hire a better attorney than I can you dRJaPX9fCGM-00089-00027663-00027849 are corrupt so the attorney for dRJaPX9fCGM-00090-00027850-00028193 defending you if it was honest he said dRJaPX9fCGM-00091-00028194-00028395 the other time you got a point there I dRJaPX9fCGM-00092-00028395-00028725 can't I can't disagree with you and dRJaPX9fCGM-00093-00028726-00029220 attorneys were right dRJaPX9fCGM-00094-00029220-00029520 the punishment of this justice system is dRJaPX9fCGM-00095-00029522-00029737 to deprive man from what the system dRJaPX9fCGM-00096-00029738-00030114 offers objects services access dRJaPX9fCGM-00097-00030114-00030436 information trapping him in some rooms dRJaPX9fCGM-00098-00030437-00030781 almost empty but to get in possession of dRJaPX9fCGM-00099-00030782-00030927 these services includes in the first dRJaPX9fCGM-00100-00030929-00031174 place you have to work for the monetary dRJaPX9fCGM-00101-00031175-00031717 system do not forget that so the justice dRJaPX9fCGM-00102-00031718-00031963 system deprives a man from participation dRJaPX9fCGM-00103-00031964-00032227 in the monetary system locking him into dRJaPX9fCGM-00104-00032227-00032433 a virtually empty room for a period of dRJaPX9fCGM-00105-00032435-00032887 time let's see the effect that prisons dRJaPX9fCGM-00106-00032888-00033349 have among prisoners and guards in the dRJaPX9fCGM-00107-00033350-00033580 early 1970s an experiment on the dRJaPX9fCGM-00108-00033581-00033787 psychology of imprisonment was carried dRJaPX9fCGM-00109-00033788-00033937 out at Stanford University by dRJaPX9fCGM-00110-00033938-00034138 psychologist Philip Zimbardo and his dRJaPX9fCGM-00111-00034139-00034360 colleagues who created their own jail in dRJaPX9fCGM-00112-00034361-00034525 the basement of the Stanford psychology dRJaPX9fCGM-00113-00034526-00034813 building the students who volunteered dRJaPX9fCGM-00114-00034814-00035104 for the study were carefully tested each dRJaPX9fCGM-00115-00035105-00035311 had to be psychologically and physically dRJaPX9fCGM-00116-00035312-00035647 healthy to participate some students dRJaPX9fCGM-00117-00035648-00035869 were then randomly selected to act as dRJaPX9fCGM-00118-00035870-00036178 prisoners while others became God the dRJaPX9fCGM-00119-00036179-00036379 researchers surprised the prisoners by dRJaPX9fCGM-00120-00036380-00036571 having them arrested at their homes and dRJaPX9fCGM-00121-00036572-00036946 dormitories the prison when a series of dRJaPX9fCGM-00122-00036947-00037171 rituals to establish the new lowly dRJaPX9fCGM-00123-00037172-00037504 status they lived in tiny cells 24 hours dRJaPX9fCGM-00124-00037505-00037657 a day cut off from their usual dRJaPX9fCGM-00125-00037658-00039032 surroundings dRJaPX9fCGM-00126-00039033-00039282 because however it only worked eight dRJaPX9fCGM-00127-00039283-00039480 hour shifts and they return to their dRJaPX9fCGM-00128-00039481-00039908 normal routines as students yeah Josh dRJaPX9fCGM-00129-00039909-00040149 what happened surprised everyone dRJaPX9fCGM-00130-00040150-00040487 including Zimbardo the illusion became dRJaPX9fCGM-00131-00040488-00040731 the reality the boundary between the dRJaPX9fCGM-00132-00040732-00040983 world is personal player and his real dRJaPX9fCGM-00133-00040984-00041904 personal identity was erased nice boys dRJaPX9fCGM-00134-00041905-00042228 became brutal guards ducky kids got sick dRJaPX9fCGM-00135-00042229-00042662 yeah active one became passive and dRJaPX9fCGM-00136-00042663-00042936 zombie like prisoners the situation dRJaPX9fCGM-00137-00042937-00043170 became so overpowering that many of the dRJaPX9fCGM-00138-00043171-00043362 prisoners develop extreme stress dRJaPX9fCGM-00139-00043363-00045489 reactions it have to be real tough Jesus dRJaPX9fCGM-00140-00045490-00045693 right I'm putting up inside don't you dRJaPX9fCGM-00141-00045694-00046230 know good to see you your sword was at dRJaPX9fCGM-00142-00046231-00046482 the end of only 36 hours into into the dRJaPX9fCGM-00143-00046483-00046713 study each day after that another dRJaPX9fCGM-00144-00046714-00047019 prisoner had a similar reaction and so dRJaPX9fCGM-00145-00047020-00047211 at the end of five days we had five kids dRJaPX9fCGM-00146-00047212-00047436 kids we chose because they were normal dRJaPX9fCGM-00147-00047437-00047651 and healthy having emotional breakdowns dRJaPX9fCGM-00148-00047652-00047958 but no one ever said i put the dRJaPX9fCGM-00149-00047959-00048260 experiment they had lost all perspective dRJaPX9fCGM-00150-00048261-00048537 what kind of guard would you be sadistic dRJaPX9fCGM-00151-00048538-00048812 for supporting would you be a conforming dRJaPX9fCGM-00152-00048813-00049176 prisoner or a heroic resistor the prison dRJaPX9fCGM-00153-00049177-00049421 study like Milgram's experiment is not dRJaPX9fCGM-00154-00049422-00049634 typical of research in social psychology dRJaPX9fCGM-00155-00049635-00049926 some psychologists feel both studies dRJaPX9fCGM-00156-00049927-00050164 violated ethical guidelines dRJaPX9fCGM-00157-00050165-00050527 never have been done at times even dRJaPX9fCGM-00158-00050528-00050746 Zimbardo pragathi was an experimenter dRJaPX9fCGM-00159-00050747-00051223 and acted like a prison ward though the dRJaPX9fCGM-00160-00051224-00051439 experiment was meant alized two weeks it dRJaPX9fCGM-00161-00051440-00051789 was pulled off after six days and are dRJaPX9fCGM-00162-00051790-00052164 given a role I mean a job saying your dRJaPX9fCGM-00163-00052165-00052435 job is to keep these people in line then dRJaPX9fCGM-00164-00052436-00052582 you're not certainly not the same person dRJaPX9fCGM-00165-00052583-00052747 is if you're a street closer than a dRJaPX9fCGM-00166-00052748-00052948 different role you really become that dRJaPX9fCGM-00167-00052949-00053089 person once you put on that khaki dRJaPX9fCGM-00168-00053090-00053275 uniform you put on the glasses you put dRJaPX9fCGM-00169-00053276-00053503 on you take the nightstick and you know dRJaPX9fCGM-00170-00053504-00053716 you you act the part that's your Yvette dRJaPX9fCGM-00171-00053716-00054076 your costumes and you have to act dRJaPX9fCGM-00172-00054077-00054403 accordingly when you put it on I had dRJaPX9fCGM-00173-00054404-00054651 really thought that I was incapable of dRJaPX9fCGM-00174-00054652-00055198 this kind of behavior I I was surprised dRJaPX9fCGM-00175-00055199-00055459 you not dismayed I thought that I could dRJaPX9fCGM-00176-00055460-00056142 I could really be a that I could act in dRJaPX9fCGM-00177-00056144-00056488 a manner so so absolutely unaccustomed dRJaPX9fCGM-00178-00056489-00056773 to anything i would even really dream of dRJaPX9fCGM-00179-00056774-00057255 doing and I and while I was doing it I I dRJaPX9fCGM-00180-00057257-00057699 didn't feel any regret I didn't feel any dRJaPX9fCGM-00181-00057700-00058087 guilt it was only after afterwards when dRJaPX9fCGM-00182-00058088-00058282 I began to reflect on what I had done dRJaPX9fCGM-00183-00058283-00058594 that this began to this behavior and dRJaPX9fCGM-00184-00058595-00059049 Donna me and I realized that this was dRJaPX9fCGM-00185-00059050-00059301 this was a part of me I hadn't really dRJaPX9fCGM-00186-00059302-00059544 noticed before it still is the prisoner dRJaPX9fCGM-00187-00059545-00059797 me I I don't work on it as an experiment dRJaPX9fCGM-00188-00059798-00060079 or a simulation but just as a prison dRJaPX9fCGM-00189-00060079-00060255 that was run by psychologists instead of dRJaPX9fCGM-00190-00060257-00060594 run by the state I began to feel that dRJaPX9fCGM-00191-00060595-00060982 that that identity the person that I was dRJaPX9fCGM-00192-00060983-00061351 that that had decided to go to prison dRJaPX9fCGM-00193-00061352-00061759 with distant for me was was remote and dRJaPX9fCGM-00194-00061760-00062074 so finally I wasn't that I was I was dRJaPX9fCGM-00195-00062075-00062329 foolish 16 I was really my number and dRJaPX9fCGM-00196-00062329-00062515 food 16 was going to have to decide what dRJaPX9fCGM-00197-00062516-00062797 to do it let me in on some knowledge but dRJaPX9fCGM-00198-00062798-00063107 that I've never experienced firsthand dRJaPX9fCGM-00199-00063108-00063323 I've read about it I've got a lot about dRJaPX9fCGM-00200-00063324-00063578 it but I've never experienced it pretend dRJaPX9fCGM-00201-00063579-00063773 I've never seen someone turn that way dRJaPX9fCGM-00202-00063774-00064129 and I know you're a nice guy you know dRJaPX9fCGM-00203-00064129-00064466 you can understand I do i do know you're dRJaPX9fCGM-00204-00064466-00064778 like to God then why don't I don't hate dRJaPX9fCGM-00205-00064779-00064954 that because I know what you could turn dRJaPX9fCGM-00206-00064955-00065195 into I know what you're willing to do if dRJaPX9fCGM-00207-00065196-00065380 you say oh well I'm not gonna hurt dRJaPX9fCGM-00208-00065382-00065603 anybody oh well it's a limited situation dRJaPX9fCGM-00209-00065604-00065963 is over two weeks well you in position dRJaPX9fCGM-00210-00065964-00067910 what would you have had I don't know the dRJaPX9fCGM-00211-00067911-00068150 solution should be an attempt to escape dRJaPX9fCGM-00212-00068151-00068423 the situations that requires justice dRJaPX9fCGM-00213-00068424-00068804 prevention again education and for dRJaPX9fCGM-00214-00068805-00069074 extreme cases for example mental illness dRJaPX9fCGM-00215-00069075-00069530 medical aid the monetary system cannot dRJaPX9fCGM-00216-00069531-00069782 prevent such situations because people dRJaPX9fCGM-00217-00069783-00070025 aren't considered equal there can be dRJaPX9fCGM-00219-00073122-00073421 environment creates behavior dRJaPX9fCGM-00220-00073422-00073710 predisposing genes are triggered by the dRJaPX9fCGM-00221-00073711-00074058 environment language is subject to dRJaPX9fCGM-00222-00074059-00074295 interpretation today's environment is dRJaPX9fCGM-00223-00074296-00074640 uneven with these influences justice dRJaPX9fCGM-00224-00074641-00074997 system is useless dUN2WyN02XQ-00000-00000053-00000296 livermorium as a synthetic chemical dUN2WyN02XQ-00001-00000297-00000515 element with symbol LV and has an atomic dUN2WyN02XQ-00002-00000516-00000841 number of 116 it is an extremely dUN2WyN02XQ-00003-00000842-00001045 radioactive element that has only been dUN2WyN02XQ-00004-00001046-00001249 created in the laboratory and has not dUN2WyN02XQ-00005-00001250-00001514 been observed in nature the element is dUN2WyN02XQ-00006-00001515-00001643 named after the Lawrence Livermore dUN2WyN02XQ-00007-00001644-00001892 National Laboratory in the United States dUN2WyN02XQ-00008-00001893-00002057 which collaborated with the joint dUN2WyN02XQ-00009-00002058-00002288 Institute for Nuclear Research J I and dUN2WyN02XQ-00010-00002289-00002492 are in Dubna Russia to discover dUN2WyN02XQ-00011-00002493-00002675 livermorium during experiments made dUN2WyN02XQ-00012-00002676-00003032 between 2000 and 2006 the name of the dUN2WyN02XQ-00013-00003033-00003203 laboratory refers to the city of dUN2WyN02XQ-00014-00003204-00003395 Livermore California where it is located dUN2WyN02XQ-00015-00003396-00003590 which in turn was named after the dUN2WyN02XQ-00016-00003590-00003781 rancher and land owner Robert Livermore dUN2WyN02XQ-00017-00003782-00004109 the name was adopted by IUPAC on May dUN2WyN02XQ-00018-00004110-00004454 30th 2012 for isotopes of livermorium dUN2WyN02XQ-00019-00004455-00004736 are known with mass numbers between 290 dUN2WyN02XQ-00020-00004737-00005015 and 293 inclusive the longest-lived dUN2WyN02XQ-00021-00005016-00005402 among them as li ve are mor i um 293 dUN2WyN02XQ-00022-00005403-00005554 with a half-life of about 60 dUN2WyN02XQ-00023-00005555-00005840 milliseconds a fifth possible isotope dUN2WyN02XQ-00024-00005841-00006145 with mass number 294 has been reported dUN2WyN02XQ-00025-00006146-00006448 but not yet confirmed in the periodic dUN2WyN02XQ-00026-00006450-00006673 table it is a P block trans actinide dUN2WyN02XQ-00027-00006675-00006920 element it is a member of the seventh dUN2WyN02XQ-00028-00006920-00007151 period and is placed in group 16 as the dUN2WyN02XQ-00029-00007152-00007376 heaviest chalcogenide has not been dUN2WyN02XQ-00030-00007377-00007523 confirmed to behave as the heavier dUN2WyN02XQ-00031-00007523-00007744 homologue to the Chow so gentiloni 'm dUN2WyN02XQ-00032-00007745-00007991 livermorium is calculated to have some dUN2WyN02XQ-00033-00007992-00008146 similar properties to its lighter dUN2WyN02XQ-00034-00008147-00008408 homologues oxygen sulfur selenium dUN2WyN02XQ-00035-00008409-00008653 tellurium and polonium and be a post dUN2WyN02XQ-00036-00008654-00008842 transition metal although it should also dUN2WyN02XQ-00037-00008843-00009548 show several major differences from them dUN2WyN02XQ-00038-00009549-00010046 topic history dUN2WyN02XQ-00039-00010047-00010386 you dUN2WyN02XQ-00040-00010387-00011042 topic unsuccessful synthesis attempts dUN2WyN02XQ-00041-00011043-00011373 the first search for element 116 using dUN2WyN02XQ-00042-00011374-00011735 the reaction between 248 cm and 48 CA dUN2WyN02XQ-00043-00011736-00012084 was performed in 1977 by Ken Hewlett and dUN2WyN02XQ-00044-00012085-00012216 his team at the Lawrence Livermore dUN2WyN02XQ-00045-00012217-00012548 National Laboratory LLNL they were dUN2WyN02XQ-00046-00012549-00012716 unable to detect any atoms of dUN2WyN02XQ-00047-00012717-00013008 livermorium URI ogen Sen and his team at dUN2WyN02XQ-00048-00013009-00013175 the flare of Laboratory of nuclear dUN2WyN02XQ-00049-00013176-00013407 reactions FL and are in the joint dUN2WyN02XQ-00050-00013408-00013647 Institute for nuclear research ji and dUN2WyN02XQ-00051-00013647-00013863 are subsequently attempted the reaction dUN2WyN02XQ-00052-00013863-00014310 in 1978 and met failure in 1985 a joint dUN2WyN02XQ-00053-00014311-00014505 experiment between Berkeley and Peter dUN2WyN02XQ-00054-00014506-00014760 armbrister steam at GSI the result was dUN2WyN02XQ-00055-00014761-00014919 again negative with a calculated dUN2WyN02XQ-00056-00014919-00015281 cross-section limit of 10 to 100 PB work dUN2WyN02XQ-00057-00015282-00015558 on reactions with 48 CA which had proved dUN2WyN02XQ-00058-00015559-00015771 very useful in the synthesis of nobelium dUN2WyN02XQ-00059-00015772-00016122 from the na t PB + 4 8 CA reaction dUN2WyN02XQ-00060-00016122-00016322 nevertheless continued at Dubna with a dUN2WyN02XQ-00061-00016323-00016527 super-heavy element separator being dUN2WyN02XQ-00062-00016528-00016797 developed in 1989 a search for target dUN2WyN02XQ-00063-00016798-00017009 materials and starting of collaborations dUN2WyN02XQ-00064-00017010-00017292 with LL and L being started in 1990 dUN2WyN02XQ-00065-00017293-00017558 production of more intense 48 CA beams dUN2WyN02XQ-00066-00017559-00017855 being started in 1996 and preparations dUN2WyN02XQ-00067-00017856-00018030 for long-term experiments with three dUN2WyN02XQ-00068-00018031-00018212 orders of magnitude higher sensitivity dUN2WyN02XQ-00069-00018213-00018558 being performed in the early 1990s this dUN2WyN02XQ-00070-00018559-00018762 work led directly to the production of dUN2WyN02XQ-00071-00018763-00019133 new isotopes of elements 112 to 118 in dUN2WyN02XQ-00072-00019134-00019389 the reactions of 48 CA with actinide dUN2WyN02XQ-00073-00019390-00019580 targets and the discovery of the five dUN2WyN02XQ-00074-00019581-00019778 heaviest elements on the periodic table dUN2WyN02XQ-00075-00019779-00020022 fluro viim Muscovy 'm livermorium dUN2WyN02XQ-00076-00020023-00020346 tennyson and Ogun Essen in 1995 an dUN2WyN02XQ-00077-00020347-00020580 international team led by Sigrid Hoffman dUN2WyN02XQ-00078-00020581-00020750 at the ghazal shaft first Schwerin and dUN2WyN02XQ-00079-00020751-00020975 first Chun GSI in Darmstadt Germany dUN2WyN02XQ-00080-00020976-00021318 attempted to synthesize element 116 in a dUN2WyN02XQ-00081-00021319-00021530 radiative capture reaction in which the dUN2WyN02XQ-00082-00021531-00021750 compound nucleus de excites through pure dUN2WyN02XQ-00083-00021751-00021918 gamma emission without evaporating dUN2WyN02XQ-00084-00021919-00022184 neutrons between a lead 208 target and dUN2WyN02XQ-00085-00022185-00022508 selenium 82 projectiles no atoms of dUN2WyN02XQ-00086-00022509-00023198 element 116 were identified dUN2WyN02XQ-00087-00023199-00023819 topic unconfirmed discovery claims dUN2WyN02XQ-00088-00023820-00024167 in late 1998 polish physicist Robert SMO dUN2WyN02XQ-00089-00024168-00024369 logic published calculations on the dUN2WyN02XQ-00090-00024370-00024581 fusion of atomic nuclei towards the dUN2WyN02XQ-00091-00024582-00024789 synthesis of super-heavy atoms including dUN2WyN02XQ-00092-00024790-00025031 ogen Essen and livermorium his dUN2WyN02XQ-00093-00025032-00025242 calculation suggested that it might be dUN2WyN02XQ-00094-00025243-00025433 possible to make these two elements by dUN2WyN02XQ-00095-00025434-00025656 fusing lead with Krypton under carefully dUN2WyN02XQ-00096-00025657-00025871 controlled conditions in 1999 dUN2WyN02XQ-00097-00025872-00026031 researchers at Lawrence Berkeley dUN2WyN02XQ-00098-00026032-00026246 National Laboratory made use of these dUN2WyN02XQ-00099-00026247-00026427 predictions and announced the discovery dUN2WyN02XQ-00100-00026427-00026664 of livermorium and Ogun Essen in a paper dUN2WyN02XQ-00101-00026664-00026877 published in Physical Review Letters and dUN2WyN02XQ-00102-00026877-00027036 very soon after the results were dUN2WyN02XQ-00103-00027037-00027293 reported in science the researchers dUN2WyN02XQ-00104-00027294-00027608 reported to have performed the reaction dUN2WyN02XQ-00105-00027608-00028189 8600 36 KR plus 20,000 882 peta bits dUN2WyN02XQ-00106-00028191-00028818 293,000 118 odd plus n 289,000 116 LV dUN2WyN02XQ-00107-00028819-00028998 plus alpha the following year they dUN2WyN02XQ-00108-00028999-00029195 published a retraction after researchers dUN2WyN02XQ-00109-00029197-00029358 at other laboratories were unable to dUN2WyN02XQ-00110-00029358-00029558 duplicate the results and the berkeley dUN2WyN02XQ-00111-00029559-00029762 lab itself was unable to duplicate them dUN2WyN02XQ-00112-00029763-00030114 as well in june 2002 the director of the dUN2WyN02XQ-00113-00030114-00030314 lab announced that the original claim of dUN2WyN02XQ-00114-00030315-00030495 the discovery of these two elements had dUN2WyN02XQ-00115-00030495-00030675 been based on data fabricated by dUN2WyN02XQ-00116-00030676-00031320 principal author Victor Nina dUN2WyN02XQ-00117-00031322-00031981 topic discovery livermorium was first dUN2WyN02XQ-00118-00031982-00032260 synthesised on July 19 2000 when dUN2WyN02XQ-00119-00032261-00032539 scientists at dubna ji and are bombarded dUN2WyN02XQ-00120-00032539-00032824 a curium 248 target with accelerated dUN2WyN02XQ-00121-00032825-00033151 calcium 48 ions a single atom was dUN2WyN02XQ-00122-00033152-00033373 detected decaying by alpha emission with dUN2WyN02XQ-00123-00033374-00033709 decay energy 10.5 for MeV - an isotope dUN2WyN02XQ-00124-00033710-00033949 of fluorine the results were published dUN2WyN02XQ-00125-00033950-00034857 in December 2020 4896 cm+ 4820 CA dUN2WyN02XQ-00126-00034858-00035551 296,000 116 lv asterisk 293,000 116 lv + dUN2WyN02XQ-00127-00035552-00036067 3 10 and 289,000 114 florida + alpha the dUN2WyN02XQ-00128-00036068-00036232 daughter fluoro Veeam isotope had dUN2WyN02XQ-00129-00036233-00036445 properties matching those of a fleur ovm dUN2WyN02XQ-00130-00036446-00036739 isotope first synthesized in june 1999 dUN2WyN02XQ-00131-00036740-00037006 which was originally assigned to 288 dUN2WyN02XQ-00132-00037007-00037213 florida implying an assignment of the dUN2WyN02XQ-00133-00037214-00037533 parent livermorium isotope to 292 lv dUN2WyN02XQ-00134-00037534-00037890 later work in December 2002 indicated dUN2WyN02XQ-00135-00037891-00038101 that the synthesized floor oviya isotope dUN2WyN02XQ-00136-00038102-00038392 was actually 289 florida and hence the dUN2WyN02XQ-00137-00038393-00038521 assignment of the synthesized dUN2WyN02XQ-00138-00038522-00038734 livermorium atom was correspondingly dUN2WyN02XQ-00139-00038735-00039434 altered to 293 lv dUN2WyN02XQ-00140-00039435-00039974 topic road to confirmation dUN2WyN02XQ-00141-00039975-00040211 to further Adams were reported by the dUN2WyN02XQ-00142-00040212-00040424 Institute during their second experiment dUN2WyN02XQ-00143-00040425-00040736 during April to May 2001 in the same dUN2WyN02XQ-00144-00040737-00040946 experiment they also detected a decay dUN2WyN02XQ-00145-00040947-00041141 chain which corresponding to the first dUN2WyN02XQ-00146-00041142-00041315 observed decay of floor opium in dUN2WyN02XQ-00147-00041316-00041570 December 1998 which had been assigned to dUN2WyN02XQ-00148-00041571-00041954 289 Florida no fluro via isotope with dUN2WyN02XQ-00149-00041955-00042143 the same properties as the one found in dUN2WyN02XQ-00150-00042144-00042371 December 1998 has ever been observed dUN2WyN02XQ-00151-00042372-00042566 again even in repeats of the same dUN2WyN02XQ-00152-00042567-00042902 reaction later it was found that 289 dUN2WyN02XQ-00153-00042903-00043091 Florida has different decay properties dUN2WyN02XQ-00154-00043092-00043298 and that the first observed floor oviya dUN2WyN02XQ-00155-00043299-00043507 madam may have been its nuclear isomer dUN2WyN02XQ-00156-00043508-00044045 289 MFL the observation of 289 MFL in dUN2WyN02XQ-00157-00044046-00044234 this series of experiments may indicate dUN2WyN02XQ-00158-00044235-00044429 the formation of the parent isomer of dUN2WyN02XQ-00159-00044430-00044825 livermorium namely 293 MLV or a rare and dUN2WyN02XQ-00160-00044826-00045035 previously unobserved decay branch of dUN2WyN02XQ-00161-00045036-00045350 the already discovered state 293 lv to dUN2WyN02XQ-00162-00045351-00045752 289 MFL neither possibility is certain dUN2WyN02XQ-00163-00045753-00045950 and research is required to positively dUN2WyN02XQ-00164-00045951-00046238 assign this activity another possibility dUN2WyN02XQ-00165-00046239-00046436 suggested as the assignment of the dUN2WyN02XQ-00166-00046437-00046771 original December 1998 atom to 290 dUN2WyN02XQ-00167-00046772-00046994 Florida as the low beam energy used in dUN2WyN02XQ-00168-00046995-00047201 that original experiment makes the 2n dUN2WyN02XQ-00169-00047202-00047399 channel plausible its parent could then dUN2WyN02XQ-00170-00047400-00047702 conceivably be 294 LV but this dUN2WyN02XQ-00171-00047703-00047867 assignment would still need confirmation dUN2WyN02XQ-00172-00047868-00048455 in the 248 cm 48c a 2n 294 LV reaction dUN2WyN02XQ-00173-00048456-00048638 the team repeated the experiment in dUN2WyN02XQ-00174-00048639-00048884 April to May 2005 and detected eight dUN2WyN02XQ-00175-00048885-00049145 atoms of livermorium the measured decay dUN2WyN02XQ-00176-00049146-00049325 data confirmed the assignment of the dUN2WyN02XQ-00177-00049326-00049658 first discovered isotope as 293 LV in dUN2WyN02XQ-00178-00049659-00049931 this run the team also observed the dUN2WyN02XQ-00179-00049932-00050243 isotope 292 LV for the first time in dUN2WyN02XQ-00180-00050244-00050624 further experiments from 2004 to 2006 dUN2WyN02XQ-00181-00050625-00050948 the team replaced the curium 248 target dUN2WyN02XQ-00182-00050949-00051165 with the lighter curium isotopes curium dUN2WyN02XQ-00183-00051166-00051514 245 here evidence was found for the two dUN2WyN02XQ-00184-00051515-00052019 isotopes 290 LV and 291 LV in May 2009 dUN2WyN02XQ-00185-00052020-00052352 the IUPAC iup AP Joint Working Party dUN2WyN02XQ-00186-00052353-00052565 reported on the discovery of copernicium dUN2WyN02XQ-00187-00052566-00052766 and acknowledged the discovery of the dUN2WyN02XQ-00188-00052766-00053177 isotope 283 CN this implied the de facto dUN2WyN02XQ-00189-00053178-00053375 discovery of the L IV er dUN2WyN02XQ-00190-00053376-00053678 Oh RI um 291 isotope from the dUN2WyN02XQ-00191-00053679-00053849 acknowledgment of the data relating to dUN2WyN02XQ-00192-00053850-00054149 its granddaughter 283 CN although the dUN2WyN02XQ-00193-00054150-00054299 livermorium data was not absolutely dUN2WyN02XQ-00194-00054300-00054505 critical for the demonstration of dUN2WyN02XQ-00195-00054507-00054853 copernicium discovery also in 2009 dUN2WyN02XQ-00196-00054854-00055046 confirmation from Berkeley and the dUN2WyN02XQ-00197-00055047-00055211 ghazal shaft first Schwerin and first dUN2WyN02XQ-00198-00055212-00055469 Chung GSI in Germany came for the fluoro dUN2WyN02XQ-00199-00055470-00055855 Veeam isotopes 286 to 289 immediate dUN2WyN02XQ-00200-00055857-00056027 daughter's of the four known livermorium dUN2WyN02XQ-00201-00056028-00056477 isotopes in 2011 IUPAC evaluated the dug dUN2WyN02XQ-00202-00056478-00056785 net team experiments of 2002 2006 dUN2WyN02XQ-00203-00056786-00057047 whereas they found the earliest data not dUN2WyN02XQ-00204-00057048-00057521 involving 291 LV and 283 CN inconclusive dUN2WyN02XQ-00205-00057522-00057829 the results of 2004 to 2006 were dUN2WyN02XQ-00206-00057830-00058001 accepted as identification of dUN2WyN02XQ-00207-00058002-00058151 livermorium and the element was dUN2WyN02XQ-00208-00058152-00058328 officially recognized as having been dUN2WyN02XQ-00209-00058329-00058529 discovered the synthesis of livermorium dUN2WyN02XQ-00210-00058529-00058763 has been separately confirmed at the GSI dUN2WyN02XQ-00211-00058764-00059261 2012 andreikin 2014 and 2016 in the 2016 dUN2WyN02XQ-00212-00059262-00059483 RIKEN experiment one atom that may be dUN2WyN02XQ-00213-00059484-00059771 assigned to 294 lv was seemingly dUN2WyN02XQ-00214-00059772-00060067 detected alpha decaying to 290 Florida dUN2WyN02XQ-00215-00060069-00060410 and 286 CN which underwent spontaneous dUN2WyN02XQ-00216-00060411-00060629 fission however the first alpha from the dUN2WyN02XQ-00217-00060629-00060833 livermorium nuclide produced was missed dUN2WyN02XQ-00218-00060834-00061139 and the assignment to 294 lv is still dUN2WyN02XQ-00219-00061140-00061742 uncertain though plausible dUN2WyN02XQ-00220-00061744-00062185 topic naming dUN2WyN02XQ-00221-00062186-00062435 using Mendeleev's nomenclature for dUN2WyN02XQ-00222-00062436-00062615 unnamed and undiscovered elements dUN2WyN02XQ-00223-00062616-00062801 livermorium is sometimes called a dUN2WyN02XQ-00224-00062802-00063241 cappella neum in 1979 IUPAC recommended dUN2WyN02XQ-00225-00063242-00063454 that the placeholder systematic element dUN2WyN02XQ-00226-00063455-00063704 name Yunan hex 'i'm uuh be used until dUN2WyN02XQ-00227-00063704-00063848 the discovery of the element was dUN2WyN02XQ-00228-00063849-00064121 confirmed in a name was decided although dUN2WyN02XQ-00229-00064122-00064337 widely used in the chemical community on dUN2WyN02XQ-00230-00064338-00064562 all levels from chemistry classrooms to dUN2WyN02XQ-00231-00064563-00064778 advanced textbooks the recommendations dUN2WyN02XQ-00232-00064779-00064982 were mostly ignored among scientists in dUN2WyN02XQ-00233-00064983-00065363 the field who called it element 116 with dUN2WyN02XQ-00234-00065364-00065788 the symbol of e 116 116 or even simply dUN2WyN02XQ-00235-00065789-00066095 116 according to IUPAC recommendations dUN2WyN02XQ-00236-00066096-00066335 the discoverer discovers of a new dUN2WyN02XQ-00237-00066336-00066515 element have the right to suggest a name dUN2WyN02XQ-00238-00066516-00066767 the discovery of livermorium was dUN2WyN02XQ-00239-00066768-00066946 recognized by the Joint Working Party dUN2WyN02XQ-00240-00066947-00067073 jwp dUN2WyN02XQ-00241-00067074-00067409 of IUPAC on the 1st of June 2011 along dUN2WyN02XQ-00242-00067410-00067640 with that of fluoro Veeam according to dUN2WyN02XQ-00243-00067641-00067892 the vice director of ji n are the Dubna dUN2WyN02XQ-00244-00067893-00068086 team originally wanted to name element dUN2WyN02XQ-00245-00068087-00068372 116 Muscovy 'm after the Moscow Oblast dUN2WyN02XQ-00246-00068373-00068606 in which Dubna is located but it was dUN2WyN02XQ-00247-00068607-00068780 later decided to use this name for dUN2WyN02XQ-00248-00068781-00069131 element 115 instead the name livermorium dUN2WyN02XQ-00249-00069132-00069359 and the symbol L V were adopted on may dUN2WyN02XQ-00250-00069360-00069704 23rd 2012 the name recognises the dUN2WyN02XQ-00251-00069705-00069863 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory dUN2WyN02XQ-00252-00069864-00070084 within the city of Livermore California dUN2WyN02XQ-00253-00070085-00070418 USA which collaborated with Jay INR on dUN2WyN02XQ-00254-00070419-00070700 the discovery the city in turn is named dUN2WyN02XQ-00255-00070701-00070886 after the American rancher Robert dUN2WyN02XQ-00256-00070887-00071135 Livermore a naturalized Mexican citizen dUN2WyN02XQ-00257-00071136-00071420 of English birth the naming ceremony for dUN2WyN02XQ-00258-00071421-00071621 fluoro viim and livermorium was held in dUN2WyN02XQ-00259-00071622-00072390 Moscow on October 24 2012 dUN2WyN02XQ-00260-00072391-00072955 topic predicted properties dUN2WyN02XQ-00261-00072956-00073298 you dUN2WyN02XQ-00262-00073299-00073955 topic nuclear stability and isotopes dUN2WyN02XQ-00263-00073956-00074193 livermorium is expected to be near an dUN2WyN02XQ-00264-00074194-00074361 island of stability centered on dUN2WyN02XQ-00265-00074362-00074667 copernicium element 112 and floor ovm dUN2WyN02XQ-00266-00074668-00075024 element 114 the reasons for the presence dUN2WyN02XQ-00267-00075025-00075149 of this island are still not well dUN2WyN02XQ-00268-00075150-00075419 understood due to the expected high dUN2WyN02XQ-00269-00075420-00075642 fishing barriers any nucleus within this dUN2WyN02XQ-00270-00075643-00075861 island of stability exclusively decays dUN2WyN02XQ-00271-00075862-00076092 by alpha decay and perhaps some electron dUN2WyN02XQ-00272-00076093-00076349 capture in beta decay while the known dUN2WyN02XQ-00273-00076350-00076550 isotopes of livermorium do not actually dUN2WyN02XQ-00274-00076551-00076755 have enough neutrons to be on the island dUN2WyN02XQ-00275-00076756-00076931 of stability they can be seen to dUN2WyN02XQ-00276-00076932-00077093 approach the island as the heavier dUN2WyN02XQ-00277-00077094-00077292 isotopes are generally the longer lived dUN2WyN02XQ-00278-00077293-00077486 ones super-heavy elements are produced dUN2WyN02XQ-00279-00077487-00077813 by nuclear fusion these fusion reactions dUN2WyN02XQ-00280-00077814-00078236 can be divided into hot and cold fusion dUN2WyN02XQ-00281-00078237-00078449 depending on the excitation energy of dUN2WyN02XQ-00282-00078450-00078729 the compound nucleus produced in hot dUN2WyN02XQ-00283-00078730-00078942 fusion reactions very light high-energy dUN2WyN02XQ-00284-00078943-00079187 projectiles are accelerated toward very dUN2WyN02XQ-00285-00079188-00079412 heavy targets actinides giving rise to dUN2WyN02XQ-00286-00079413-00079659 compound nuclei at high excitation dUN2WyN02XQ-00287-00079660-00079923 energy approximately forty to fifty MeV dUN2WyN02XQ-00288-00079924-00080138 that may either fission or evaporate dUN2WyN02XQ-00289-00080139-00080436 several three to five neutrons in cold dUN2WyN02XQ-00290-00080437-00080630 fusion reactions which use heavier dUN2WyN02XQ-00291-00080631-00080831 projectiles typically from the fourth dUN2WyN02XQ-00292-00080832-00081062 period and lighter targets usually led dUN2WyN02XQ-00293-00081063-00081275 in bismuth the produced fused nuclei dUN2WyN02XQ-00294-00081276-00081522 have a relatively low excitation energy dUN2WyN02XQ-00295-00081523-00081792 approximately ten to twenty MeV which dUN2WyN02XQ-00296-00081793-00081972 decreases the probability that these dUN2WyN02XQ-00297-00081973-00082175 products will undergo fission reactions dUN2WyN02XQ-00298-00082176-00082457 as the fused nuclei cooled to the ground dUN2WyN02XQ-00299-00082458-00082671 state they require emission of only one dUN2WyN02XQ-00300-00082672-00082965 or two neutrons hot fusion reactions dUN2WyN02XQ-00301-00082966-00083144 tend to produce more Neutron rich dUN2WyN02XQ-00302-00083145-00083342 products because the actinides have the dUN2WyN02XQ-00303-00083343-00083588 highest neutron to proton ratios of any dUN2WyN02XQ-00304-00083589-00083784 elements that can presently be made in dUN2WyN02XQ-00305-00083785-00083985 macroscopic quantities important dUN2WyN02XQ-00306-00083986-00084149 information could be gained regarding dUN2WyN02XQ-00307-00084150-00084362 the properties of super-heavy nuclei by dUN2WyN02XQ-00308-00084363-00084518 the synthesis of more livermorium dUN2WyN02XQ-00309-00084519-00084774 isotopes specifically those with a few dUN2WyN02XQ-00310-00084775-00084950 neutrons more or less than the known dUN2WyN02XQ-00311-00084951-00085824 ones 286 LV 287 LV 288 LV 289 LV 294 LV dUN2WyN02XQ-00312-00085825-00086196 and 295 LV this is possible because dUN2WyN02XQ-00313-00086197-00086379 there are many reasonably long-lived dUN2WyN02XQ-00314-00086380-00086601 isotopes of curium that can be used to dUN2WyN02XQ-00315-00086602-00086894 target the light isotopes can be made by dUN2WyN02XQ-00316-00086895-00087309 fusing curium 243 with calcium 48 they dUN2WyN02XQ-00317-00087310-00087488 would undergo a chain of alpha decays dUN2WyN02XQ-00318-00087489-00087717 ending at trans actinide isotopes that dUN2WyN02XQ-00319-00087718-00087903 are too light to achieve by hot fusion dUN2WyN02XQ-00320-00087904-00088092 and too heavy to be produced by cold dUN2WyN02XQ-00321-00088093-00088266 fusion the synthesis of the heavy dUN2WyN02XQ-00322-00088267-00088710 isotopes 294 LV and 295 LV could be dUN2WyN02XQ-00323-00088711-00088901 accomplished by fusing the heavy curium dUN2WyN02XQ-00324-00088902-00089310 isotopes curium 250 with calcium 48 the dUN2WyN02XQ-00325-00089311-00089499 cross section of this nuclear reaction dUN2WyN02XQ-00326-00089500-00089715 would be about 1 pica barn though it is dUN2WyN02XQ-00327-00089716-00090009 not yet possible to produce 250 cm in dUN2WyN02XQ-00328-00090010-00090141 the quantities needed for target dUN2WyN02XQ-00329-00090142-00090447 manufacture after a few alpha decays dUN2WyN02XQ-00330-00090448-00090654 these livermorium isotopes would reach dUN2WyN02XQ-00331-00090655-00090901 nuclides at the line of beta stability dUN2WyN02XQ-00332-00090902-00091151 additionally electron capture may also dUN2WyN02XQ-00333-00091152-00091350 become an important decay mode in this dUN2WyN02XQ-00334-00091351-00091569 region allowing affected nuclei to reach dUN2WyN02XQ-00335-00091570-00091832 the middle of the island for example it dUN2WyN02XQ-00336-00091833-00092136 is predicted that 295 LV would alpha dUN2WyN02XQ-00337-00092137-00092415 decay to 291 Florida which would undergo dUN2WyN02XQ-00338-00092416-00092744 successive electron capture to 291 NH dUN2WyN02XQ-00339-00092745-00093060 and then 291 CN which is expected to be dUN2WyN02XQ-00340-00093061-00093201 in the middle of the island of stability dUN2WyN02XQ-00341-00093202-00093504 and have a half-life of about 1,200 dUN2WyN02XQ-00342-00093505-00093701 years affording the most likely hope of dUN2WyN02XQ-00343-00093702-00093867 reaching the middle of the island using dUN2WyN02XQ-00344-00093868-00094137 current technology a drawback is that dUN2WyN02XQ-00345-00094138-00094317 the decay properties of super-heavy dUN2WyN02XQ-00346-00094318-00094521 nuclei this close to the line of beta dUN2WyN02XQ-00347-00094522-00094749 stability are largely unexplored other dUN2WyN02XQ-00348-00094750-00094992 possibilities to synthesize nuclei on dUN2WyN02XQ-00349-00094993-00095187 the island of stability include quasi dUN2WyN02XQ-00350-00095188-00095391 fission partial fusion followed by dUN2WyN02XQ-00351-00095392-00095697 fission of a massive nucleus such nuclei dUN2WyN02XQ-00352-00095698-00095976 tend to fission expelling EE magic or dUN2WyN02XQ-00353-00095977-00096188 nearly EE magic fragments such as dUN2WyN02XQ-00354-00096189-00096572 calcium 40 tin 132 lead 208 or dUN2WyN02XQ-00355-00096573-00096906 bismuth-209 recently it has been shown dUN2WyN02XQ-00356-00096907-00097092 that the multi nucleon transfer dUN2WyN02XQ-00357-00097093-00097281 reactions in collisions of actinide dUN2WyN02XQ-00358-00097282-00097532 nuclei such as uranium and curium might dUN2WyN02XQ-00359-00097533-00097728 be used to synthesize the neutron rich dUN2WyN02XQ-00360-00097729-00097962 super heavy nuclei located at the island dUN2WyN02XQ-00361-00097963-00098031 of stability dUN2WyN02XQ-00362-00098032-00098175 although formation of the lighter dUN2WyN02XQ-00363-00098176-00098412 elements nobelium or seaborgium is more dUN2WyN02XQ-00364-00098413-00098688 favored one last possibility to dUN2WyN02XQ-00365-00098689-00098901 synthesize isotopes near the island as dUN2WyN02XQ-00366-00098902-00099129 to use controlled nuclear explosions to dUN2WyN02XQ-00367-00099130-00099321 create a neutron flux high enough to dUN2WyN02XQ-00368-00099322-00099639 bypass the gaps of instability at 258 to dUN2WyN02XQ-00369-00099640-00099968 260 FM and at mass number 207 dUN2WyN02XQ-00370-00099969-00100334 five atomic numbers 104 to 108 mimicking dUN2WyN02XQ-00371-00100335-00100532 the art process in which the actinides dUN2WyN02XQ-00372-00100533-00100709 were first produced in nature and the dUN2WyN02XQ-00373-00100710-00100951 gap of instability around radon bypassed dUN2WyN02XQ-00374-00100952-00101431 some such isotopes especially 291 CN and dUN2WyN02XQ-00375-00101432-00101747 293 CN may even have been synthesized in dUN2WyN02XQ-00376-00101748-00101928 nature but would have decayed away far dUN2WyN02XQ-00377-00101929-00102104 too quickly with half-lives of only dUN2WyN02XQ-00378-00102105-00102305 thousands of years and be produced in dUN2WyN02XQ-00379-00102306-00102593 far too small quantities about 10-12 the dUN2WyN02XQ-00380-00102594-00102782 abundance of land to be detectable as dUN2WyN02XQ-00381-00102783-00103023 primordial nuclides today outside cosmic dUN2WyN02XQ-00382-00103024-00103549 rays dUN2WyN02XQ-00383-00103550-00104097 topic physical and atomic dUN2WyN02XQ-00384-00104098-00104358 in the periodic table livermorium as a dUN2WyN02XQ-00385-00104358-00104609 member of group 16 the caocao genes in dUN2WyN02XQ-00386-00104610-00104880 the periodic table below oxygen sulfur dUN2WyN02XQ-00387-00104881-00105201 selenium tellurium and polonium every dUN2WyN02XQ-00388-00105202-00105450 previous chalcogenide six electrons in dUN2WyN02XQ-00389-00105451-00105633 its valence shell forming a valence dUN2WyN02XQ-00390-00105633-00105958 electron configuration of NS 2 n p4 in dUN2WyN02XQ-00391-00105959-00106206 livermorium z' case the trend should be dUN2WyN02XQ-00392-00106207-00106383 continued and the valence electron dUN2WyN02XQ-00393-00106383-00106668 configuration is predicted to be 7s 27 dUN2WyN02XQ-00394-00106669-00106902 p4 therefore livermorium will have some dUN2WyN02XQ-00395-00106903-00107134 similarities to it's lighter congeners dUN2WyN02XQ-00396-00107135-00107403 differences are likely to arise a large dUN2WyN02XQ-00397-00107404-00107631 contributing effect as the spin-orbit so dUN2WyN02XQ-00398-00107632-00107883 interaction the mutual interaction dUN2WyN02XQ-00399-00107883-00108099 between the electrons motion and spin it dUN2WyN02XQ-00400-00108100-00108345 is especially strong for the super-heavy dUN2WyN02XQ-00401-00108346-00108555 elements because their electrons move dUN2WyN02XQ-00402-00108556-00108744 much faster than in lighter atoms at dUN2WyN02XQ-00403-00108745-00108948 velocities comparable to the speed of dUN2WyN02XQ-00404-00108949-00109230 light in relation to livermorium atoms dUN2WyN02XQ-00405-00109231-00109482 it lowers the 7s and the 7p electron dUN2WyN02XQ-00406-00109483-00109658 energy levels stabilizing the dUN2WyN02XQ-00407-00109659-00109869 corresponding electrons but two of the dUN2WyN02XQ-00408-00109870-00110127 7p electron energy levels are stabilized dUN2WyN02XQ-00409-00110128-00110315 more than the other for the dUN2WyN02XQ-00410-00110316-00110558 stabilization of the 7s electrons is dUN2WyN02XQ-00411-00110559-00110727 called the inert pair effect and the dUN2WyN02XQ-00412-00110728-00111059 effect tearing the 7 p subshell into the dUN2WyN02XQ-00413-00111060-00111260 more stabilized and the less stabilized dUN2WyN02XQ-00414-00111261-00111488 parts is called subshell splitting dUN2WyN02XQ-00415-00111489-00111726 computation chemists see the split as a dUN2WyN02XQ-00416-00111727-00111939 change of the second as a methyl quantum dUN2WyN02XQ-00417-00111940-00112200 number L from 1 to 1/2 and 3 halfs for dUN2WyN02XQ-00418-00112201-00112407 the more stabilized and less stabilised dUN2WyN02XQ-00419-00112408-00112665 parts of the 7 p subshell respectively dUN2WyN02XQ-00420-00112666-00112958 the 7p 1 half sub shell acts as a second dUN2WyN02XQ-00421-00112959-00113166 inert pair though not as inert as the 7s dUN2WyN02XQ-00422-00113167-00113408 electrons while the 7 p3 halves sub dUN2WyN02XQ-00423-00113409-00113571 shell can easily participate in dUN2WyN02XQ-00424-00113572-00113868 chemistry for many theoretical purposes dUN2WyN02XQ-00425-00113869-00114090 the valence electron configuration may dUN2WyN02XQ-00426-00114091-00114297 be represented to reflect the 7 p dUN2WyN02XQ-00427-00114298-00114777 subshell split as 727 P 21 27 P 23 dUN2WyN02XQ-00428-00114778-00114983 halves the inert pair effect syn dUN2WyN02XQ-00429-00114984-00115191 livermorium should be even stronger than dUN2WyN02XQ-00430-00115192-00115368 for polonium and hence the plus 2 dUN2WyN02XQ-00431-00115369-00115596 oxidation state becomes more stable than dUN2WyN02XQ-00432-00115597-00115808 the +4 state which would be stabilized dUN2WyN02XQ-00433-00115809-00116028 only by the most electronegative ligands dUN2WyN02XQ-00434-00116029-00116205 this is reflected in the expected dUN2WyN02XQ-00435-00116206-00116427 ionization energies of livermorium where dUN2WyN02XQ-00436-00116428-00116613 there are large gaps between the second dUN2WyN02XQ-00437-00116614-00116766 and third ionization energies dUN2WyN02XQ-00438-00116767-00116943 corresponding to the breaching of the dUN2WyN02XQ-00439-00116944-00117204 unreactive 7p 1 half shell and fourth dUN2WyN02XQ-00440-00117205-00117407 and fifth ionization energies dUN2WyN02XQ-00441-00117408-00117680 indeed the sevens electrons are expected dUN2WyN02XQ-00442-00117681-00117883 to be so invert that the +6 state will dUN2WyN02XQ-00443-00117884-00118115 not be attainable the melting and dUN2WyN02XQ-00444-00118116-00118295 boiling points of livermorium are dUN2WyN02XQ-00445-00118296-00118481 expected to continue the trends down the dUN2WyN02XQ-00446-00118482-00118667 calso jhin's thus livermorium should dUN2WyN02XQ-00447-00118668-00118817 melt at a higher temperature than dUN2WyN02XQ-00448-00118818-00119026 polonium but boil at a lower temperature dUN2WyN02XQ-00449-00119027-00119306 it should also be denser than polonium dUN2WyN02XQ-00450-00119307-00119666 alpha lv 12 point 9 grams per CC alpha dUN2WyN02XQ-00451-00119667-00119981 po 9 point 2 grams per CC like polonium dUN2WyN02XQ-00452-00119982-00120152 it should also form an alpha and a beta dUN2WyN02XQ-00453-00120153-00120409 allotrope the electron of the hydrogen dUN2WyN02XQ-00454-00120410-00120685 like livermorium atom oxidized so that dUN2WyN02XQ-00455-00120686-00121060 it only has one electron lv 115 plus is dUN2WyN02XQ-00456-00121061-00121253 expected to move so fast that it has dUN2WyN02XQ-00457-00121254-00121457 amassed one point eight six times that dUN2WyN02XQ-00458-00121458-00121640 of a stationary electron due to dUN2WyN02XQ-00459-00121641-00121943 relativistic effects for comparison the dUN2WyN02XQ-00460-00121944-00122144 figures for hydrogen like polonium and dUN2WyN02XQ-00461-00122145-00122335 tellurium are expected to be one point dUN2WyN02XQ-00462-00122336-00122519 two six and one point zero eight zero dUN2WyN02XQ-00463-00122520-00123110 respectively dUN2WyN02XQ-00464-00123111-00123780 topic chemical livermorium is projected dUN2WyN02XQ-00465-00123781-00124005 to be the fourth member of the 7p series dUN2WyN02XQ-00466-00124006-00124173 of chemical elements and the heaviest dUN2WyN02XQ-00467-00124174-00124419 member of group 16 in the periodic table dUN2WyN02XQ-00468-00124420-00124677 below polonium while it is the least dUN2WyN02XQ-00469-00124678-00124920 theoretically studied of the 7p elements dUN2WyN02XQ-00470-00124921-00125111 it's chemistry is expected to be quite dUN2WyN02XQ-00471-00125113-00125370 similar to that of polonium the group dUN2WyN02XQ-00472-00125371-00125619 oxidation state of plus 6 is known for dUN2WyN02XQ-00473-00125620-00125814 all the kal surgeons apart from oxygen dUN2WyN02XQ-00474-00125815-00126024 which lacks available d orbitals for dUN2WyN02XQ-00475-00126025-00126236 expansion of its octet and is itself one dUN2WyN02XQ-00476-00126238-00126461 of the strongest oxidizing agents among dUN2WyN02XQ-00477-00126463-00126729 the chemical elements oxygen is thus dUN2WyN02XQ-00478-00126730-00126939 limited to a maximum plus 2 state dUN2WyN02XQ-00479-00126940-00127286 exhibited in the fluoride Oh F - the +4 dUN2WyN02XQ-00480-00127288-00127476 state is known for sulfur selenium dUN2WyN02XQ-00481-00127477-00127725 tellurium and polonium undergoing a dUN2WyN02XQ-00482-00127726-00127923 shift in stability from reducing for dUN2WyN02XQ-00483-00127924-00128199 sulphur IV and selenium IV through being dUN2WyN02XQ-00484-00128200-00128418 the most stable state for tellurium IV dUN2WyN02XQ-00485-00128419-00128757 to being oxidizing in polonium IV this dUN2WyN02XQ-00486-00128758-00128973 suggests a decreasing stability for the dUN2WyN02XQ-00487-00128974-00129183 higher oxidation states as the group has dUN2WyN02XQ-00488-00129183-00129335 descended due to the increasing dUN2WyN02XQ-00489-00129336-00129525 importance of relativistic effects dUN2WyN02XQ-00490-00129526-00129789 especially the inert pair effect the dUN2WyN02XQ-00491-00129790-00129963 most stable oxidation state of dUN2WyN02XQ-00492-00129964-00130194 livermorium should thus be +2 with a dUN2WyN02XQ-00493-00130195-00130557 rather unstable +4 state the +2 state dUN2WyN02XQ-00494-00130558-00130752 should be about as easy to form as it is dUN2WyN02XQ-00495-00130753-00130995 for beryllium and magnesium and the +4 dUN2WyN02XQ-00496-00130996-00131160 state should only be achieved with dUN2WyN02XQ-00497-00131161-00131394 strongly electronegative ligands such as dUN2WyN02XQ-00498-00131395-00131757 in livermorium IV fluoride lvf for the dUN2WyN02XQ-00499-00131758-00131997 +6 state should not exist at all due to dUN2WyN02XQ-00500-00131998-00132243 the very strong stabilization of the 7s dUN2WyN02XQ-00501-00132244-00132444 electrons making the valence core of dUN2WyN02XQ-00502-00132445-00132741 livermorium only 4 electrons the lighter dUN2WyN02XQ-00503-00132742-00132936 calso jhin's are also known to form a dUN2WyN02XQ-00504-00132937-00133230 minus 2 state as oxide sulphide selenide dUN2WyN02XQ-00505-00133231-00133437 Telluride and pollen hide due to the dUN2WyN02XQ-00506-00133438-00133716 destabilization of livermorium 7 p3 dUN2WyN02XQ-00507-00133717-00133953 halves subshell the minus 2 state should dUN2WyN02XQ-00508-00133954-00134166 be very unstable for livermorium whose dUN2WyN02XQ-00509-00134167-00134361 chemistry should be essentially purely dUN2WyN02XQ-00510-00134362-00134580 cationic though the larger subshell and dUN2WyN02XQ-00511-00134581-00134763 spinner energy splittings of livermorium dUN2WyN02XQ-00512-00134764-00135021 as compared to polonium should make lv 2 dUN2WyN02XQ-00513-00135022-00135258 - slightly more stable than expected dUN2WyN02XQ-00514-00135259-00135489 liver moraine LVH 2 would be the dUN2WyN02XQ-00515-00135490-00135681 heaviest chalcogenide ride in the dUN2WyN02XQ-00516-00135682-00135873 heaviest homologue of water the lighter dUN2WyN02XQ-00517-00135874-00136125 ones being h2s hydrogen selenide dUN2WyN02XQ-00518-00136126-00136365 hydrogen Telluride and polonium 2 dUN2WyN02XQ-00519-00136366-00136479 hydride dUN2WyN02XQ-00520-00136480-00136707 Pauline polonium hydride is a more dUN2WyN02XQ-00521-00136708-00136887 covalent compound than most metal dUN2WyN02XQ-00522-00136888-00137097 hydrides because polonium straddles the dUN2WyN02XQ-00523-00137098-00137298 border between metals and metalloids and dUN2WyN02XQ-00524-00137299-00137499 has some nonmetallic properties it is dUN2WyN02XQ-00525-00137500-00137700 intermediate between a hydrogen halide dUN2WyN02XQ-00526-00137701-00137970 like hydrogen chloride h-cl and a metal dUN2WyN02XQ-00527-00137971-00138203 hydride like standing tin for hydride dUN2WyN02XQ-00528-00138204-00138459 liver maureen should continue this trend dUN2WyN02XQ-00529-00138460-00138642 it should be a hydride rather than a dUN2WyN02XQ-00530-00138643-00138792 Livermore ID but would still be a dUN2WyN02XQ-00531-00138793-00139089 covalent molecular compound spin-orbit dUN2WyN02XQ-00532-00139090-00139287 interactions are expected to make the dUN2WyN02XQ-00533-00139288-00139545 LVH bond longer than expected simply dUN2WyN02XQ-00534-00139546-00139752 from periodic trends alone and make the dUN2WyN02XQ-00535-00139753-00139974 H LVH bond angle larger than expected dUN2WyN02XQ-00536-00139975-00140187 this is theorized to be because the dUN2WyN02XQ-00537-00140188-00140349 unoccupied Eights orbitals are dUN2WyN02XQ-00538-00140350-00140532 relatively low in energy and can dUN2WyN02XQ-00539-00140533-00140763 hybridize with the valence 7p orbitals dUN2WyN02XQ-00540-00140764-00141024 of livermorium this phenomenon dubbed dUN2WyN02XQ-00541-00141025-00141327 super valent hybridization is not dUN2WyN02XQ-00542-00141328-00141518 particularly uncommon in nonrelativistic dUN2WyN02XQ-00543-00141519-00141747 regions in the periodic table dUN2WyN02XQ-00544-00141748-00141978 for example molecular calcium difluoride dUN2WyN02XQ-00545-00141979-00142200 has four x' and 3d involvement from the dUN2WyN02XQ-00546-00142201-00142485 calcium atom the heavier livermorium de dUN2WyN02XQ-00547-00142486-00142689 holidays are predicted to be linear but dUN2WyN02XQ-00548-00142690-00142830 the lighter ones are predicted to be dUN2WyN02XQ-00549-00142831-00143367 bent dUN2WyN02XQ-00550-00143368-00143997 topic experimental chemistry dUN2WyN02XQ-00551-00143998-00144202 unambiguous determination of the dUN2WyN02XQ-00552-00144203-00144394 chemical characteristics of livermorium dUN2WyN02XQ-00553-00144395-00144705 has not yet been established in 2011 dUN2WyN02XQ-00554-00144706-00144913 experiments were conducted to create dUN2WyN02XQ-00555-00144914-00145156 Nihon iam floor opium and moscovia MYSA dUN2WyN02XQ-00556-00145157-00145345 topes in the reactions between calcium dUN2WyN02XQ-00557-00145346-00145659 48 projectiles and targets of americium dUN2WyN02XQ-00558-00145660-00146089 243 and plutonium 244 the targets dUN2WyN02XQ-00559-00146090-00146314 included lead and bismuth impurities and dUN2WyN02XQ-00560-00146315-00146491 hence some isotopes of bismuth and dUN2WyN02XQ-00561-00146492-00146680 polonium were generated in nucleon dUN2WyN02XQ-00562-00146681-00146932 transfer reactions this while an dUN2WyN02XQ-00563-00146933-00147121 unforeseen complication could give dUN2WyN02XQ-00564-00147122-00147262 information that would help in the dUN2WyN02XQ-00565-00147263-00147460 future chemical investigation of the dUN2WyN02XQ-00566-00147461-00147661 heavier homologs of bismuth and polonium dUN2WyN02XQ-00567-00147662-00147874 which are respectively moscovia min dUN2WyN02XQ-00568-00147875-00148117 livermorium the produced nuclides dUN2WyN02XQ-00569-00148118-00148492 bismuth 213 and polonium - 212 meters dUN2WyN02XQ-00570-00148493-00148768 were transported as the hydrides 213 dUN2WyN02XQ-00571-00148769-00149275 bismuth 3 hydride and 212 MPO h2 at 850 dUN2WyN02XQ-00572-00149276-00149476 degrees celsius through a quartz wool dUN2WyN02XQ-00573-00149477-00149692 filter unit held with tantalum showing dUN2WyN02XQ-00574-00149693-00149866 that these hydrides were surprisingly dUN2WyN02XQ-00575-00149867-00150019 thermally stable although they're dUN2WyN02XQ-00576-00150020-00150316 heavier congeners m CH 3 and lv h 2 dUN2WyN02XQ-00577-00150317-00150496 would be expected to be less thermally dUN2WyN02XQ-00578-00150497-00150694 stable from simple extrapolation of dUN2WyN02XQ-00579-00150695-00150867 periodic trends in the p-block dUN2WyN02XQ-00580-00150868-00151144 further calculations on the stability dUN2WyN02XQ-00581-00151145-00151354 and electronic structure of bismuth 3 dUN2WyN02XQ-00582-00151355-00151714 hydride m CH 3 polonium 2 hydride and lv dUN2WyN02XQ-00583-00151715-00151900 h2 are needed before chemical dUN2WyN02XQ-00584-00151901-00152197 investigations take place moscow viim dUN2WyN02XQ-00585-00152198-00152371 and livermorium are expected to be dUN2WyN02XQ-00586-00152372-00152560 volatile enough as pure elements for dUN2WyN02XQ-00587-00152561-00152743 them to be chemically investigated in dUN2WyN02XQ-00588-00152744-00152944 the near future a property livermorium dUN2WyN02XQ-00589-00152945-00153079 would then share with it's lighter dUN2WyN02XQ-00590-00153080-00153244 congener polonium though the short dUN2WyN02XQ-00591-00153245-00153406 half-lives of all presently known dUN2WyN02XQ-00592-00153407-00153601 livermorium isotopes means that the dUN2WyN02XQ-00593-00153602-00153766 element is still inaccessible to dUN2WyN02XQ-00594-00153767-00154030 experimental chemistry dUN2WyN02XQ-00595-00154031-00154390 equals equals notes dW8hU92GqOo-00000-00000066-00000338 Kawasaki Heavy Industries Limited dW8hU92GqOo-00001-00000339-00000728 ki-choon Qi Gong Gong Yi zu Shi way she dW8hU92GqOo-00002-00000729-00001065 Kawasaki Zhu kogyo kabushiki kaisha is a dW8hU92GqOo-00003-00001066-00001299 Japanese public multinational dW8hU92GqOo-00004-00001300-00001529 corporation primarily known as a dW8hU92GqOo-00005-00001530-00001788 manufacturer of motorcycles heavy dW8hU92GqOo-00006-00001789-00002015 equipment aerospace and defense dW8hU92GqOo-00007-00002016-00002381 equipment rolling stock and ships it is dW8hU92GqOo-00008-00002382-00002580 also active in the production of dW8hU92GqOo-00009-00002581-00002913 industrial robots gas turbines boilers dW8hU92GqOo-00010-00002914-00003215 and other industrial products the dW8hU92GqOo-00011-00003216-00003488 company is named after its founder Shozo dW8hU92GqOo-00012-00003489-00003774 kawasaki and has dual headquarters in dW8hU92GqOo-00013-00003775-00004259 Chuo ku Kobe and Minato Tokyo he is dW8hU92GqOo-00014-00004260-00004493 known as one of the three major heavy dW8hU92GqOo-00015-00004494-00004740 industrial manufacturers of Japan dW8hU92GqOo-00016-00004741-00004973 alongside Mitsubishi Heavy Industries dW8hU92GqOo-00017-00004974-00005502 and IHI prior to world war ii he was dW8hU92GqOo-00018-00005503-00005759 part of the kobe Kawasaki say batsu dW8hU92GqOo-00019-00005760-00006014 which included kawasaki steel and dW8hU92GqOo-00020-00006015-00006384 kawasaki Kissin after the war he became dW8hU92GqOo-00021-00006385-00007187 part of the DKB group keiretsu dW8hU92GqOo-00022-00007188-00008062 topic products dW8hU92GqOo-00023-00008063-00008633 topic aerospace dW8hU92GqOo-00024-00008634-00008949 kawasaki is active in a diverse range of dW8hU92GqOo-00025-00008950-00009243 the aerospace industry the company is a dW8hU92GqOo-00026-00009244-00009498 contractor for the Japanese Ministry of dW8hU92GqOo-00027-00009499-00009756 Defense and has built aircraft such as dW8hU92GqOo-00028-00009757-00010068 the sea one transport aircraft T for dW8hU92GqOo-00029-00010069-00010386 intermediate jet trainer and the p3 C dW8hU92GqOo-00030-00010387-00010590 and two submarine warfare patrol dW8hU92GqOo-00031-00010591-00011079 airplane since 2007 it has built the p1 dW8hU92GqOo-00032-00011080-00011415 maritime patrol aircraft and since 2010 dW8hU92GqOo-00033-00011416-00011816 it has built the c2 transport aircraft dW8hU92GqOo-00034-00011817-00012096 kawasaki also builds helicopters dW8hU92GqOo-00035-00012097-00012516 including the BK 117 jointly developed dW8hU92GqOo-00036-00012517-00012789 and manufactured with mbb it also dW8hU92GqOo-00037-00012790-00013236 produces the ch-47 J yaw helicopter in dW8hU92GqOo-00038-00013237-00013482 the commercial aviation business the dW8hU92GqOo-00039-00013483-00013674 company has involved in the joint dW8hU92GqOo-00040-00013675-00013887 international development and production dW8hU92GqOo-00041-00013888-00014244 of large passenger aircraft it is dW8hU92GqOo-00042-00014244-00014463 involved in joint development and dW8hU92GqOo-00043-00014463-00014934 production of the Boeing 767 boeing 777 dW8hU92GqOo-00044-00014935-00015252 and Boeing 787 with the Boeing Company dW8hU92GqOo-00045-00015253-00015944 and the 170 175 190 and 195 jets with dW8hU92GqOo-00046-00015945-00016281 impressive brasileira de aeronáutica it dW8hU92GqOo-00047-00016282-00016475 is also involved in the joint dW8hU92GqOo-00048-00016476-00016692 international development and production dW8hU92GqOo-00049-00016693-00016965 of turbofan engines for passenger dW8hU92GqOo-00050-00016966-00017425 aircraft such as the v2 500 the rb211 dW8hU92GqOo-00051-00017426-00018008 trent the pw4000 and the cf-30 for dW8hU92GqOo-00052-00018009-00018285 kawasaki also works for the japan dW8hU92GqOo-00053-00018286-00018647 aerospace exploration agency the company dW8hU92GqOo-00054-00018648-00018885 was responsible for the development and dW8hU92GqOo-00055-00018886-00019083 production of the payload fairing x' dW8hU92GqOo-00056-00019084-00019394 payload attached fittings PAF and the dW8hU92GqOo-00057-00019395-00019635 construction of the launch complex for dW8hU92GqOo-00058-00019636-00019986 the h2 rocket it continues to provide dW8hU92GqOo-00059-00019987-00020472 services for the h-iia rocket kawasaki dW8hU92GqOo-00060-00020473-00020744 has also participated in projects such dW8hU92GqOo-00061-00020745-00020985 as the development of reusable launch dW8hU92GqOo-00062-00020986-00021240 vehicles for spacecraft that will handle dW8hU92GqOo-00063-00021241-00021531 future space transport space robotics dW8hU92GqOo-00064-00021532-00021800 projects such as the Japanese experiment dW8hU92GqOo-00065-00021801-00021978 module for the Internet dW8hU92GqOo-00066-00021979-00022283 Space Station the ho packs experimental dW8hU92GqOo-00067-00022284-00022475 orbiting plane and the docking mechanism dW8hU92GqOo-00068-00022476-00022851 for the ETS seven dW8hU92GqOo-00069-00022852-00023495 main products aircraft space systems dW8hU92GqOo-00070-00023496-00024101 helicopters simulators jet engines dW8hU92GqOo-00071-00024102-00024389 missiles dW8hU92GqOo-00072-00024390-00024876 sonic equipment dW8hU92GqOo-00073-00024877-00025453 topic rolling stock dW8hU92GqOo-00074-00025454-00025802 kawasaki as Japan's largest manufacturer dW8hU92GqOo-00075-00025802-00026144 of rolling stock it began operations in dW8hU92GqOo-00076-00026145-00026533 the industry in 1906 it manufactures dW8hU92GqOo-00077-00026535-00026839 Express and commuter trains subway cars dW8hU92GqOo-00078-00026841-00027155 freight trains locomotives mana rails dW8hU92GqOo-00079-00027156-00027583 and new transit systems kawasaki is also dW8hU92GqOo-00080-00027585-00027818 involved in the development and design dW8hU92GqOo-00081-00027819-00028061 of high-speed trains such as Japan's dW8hU92GqOo-00082-00028062-00028323 Shinkansen dW8hU92GqOo-00083-00028324-00028743 main products electric cars including dW8hU92GqOo-00084-00028744-00029152 Shinkansen trains monorails dW8hU92GqOo-00085-00029153-00029492 passenger coaches and freight cars dW8hU92GqOo-00086-00029493-00029799 diesel locomotives dW8hU92GqOo-00087-00029800-00030164 electric locomotives platform screen dW8hU92GqOo-00088-00030166-00030555 door systems passenger coaches and dW8hU92GqOo-00089-00030556-00031242 freight cars integrated transit systems dW8hU92GqOo-00090-00031243-00031793 topic Shipbuilding dW8hU92GqOo-00091-00031794-00032076 kawasaki shipbuilding corporation as a dW8hU92GqOo-00092-00032077-00032310 wholly owned subsidiary of Kawasaki dW8hU92GqOo-00093-00032311-00032664 Heavy Industries its product range dW8hU92GqOo-00094-00032664-00033006 include high performance LNG and LPG dW8hU92GqOo-00095-00033007-00033339 carriers container ships bulk carriers dW8hU92GqOo-00096-00033340-00033756 and VLC seas as well as submarines the dW8hU92GqOo-00097-00033757-00033969 company is also involved in the dW8hU92GqOo-00098-00033970-00034206 development of offshore structures and dW8hU92GqOo-00099-00034207-00034653 research vessels kawasaki also produces dW8hU92GqOo-00100-00034654-00034937 marine machinery and equipment including dW8hU92GqOo-00101-00034938-00035244 main engines propulsion systems steering dW8hU92GqOo-00102-00035245-00035619 gears deck and fishing machinery dW8hU92GqOo-00103-00035620-00036410 main products LNG carriers LPG carriers dW8hU92GqOo-00104-00036411-00036920 container ships high-speed vessels dW8hU92GqOo-00105-00036921-00037422 submarines VLC sees very large crude dW8hU92GqOo-00106-00037423-00037837 carriers bulk carriers dW8hU92GqOo-00107-00037838-00038230 offshore structures marine machinery and dW8hU92GqOo-00108-00038231-00038690 equipment dW8hU92GqOo-00109-00038691-00039351 topic energy plants and facilities dW8hU92GqOo-00110-00039352-00039627 Kawasaki's key offering our high dW8hU92GqOo-00111-00039628-00039954 performance gas turbines the company is dW8hU92GqOo-00112-00039955-00040193 also involved in development of new dW8hU92GqOo-00113-00040194-00040439 energy sources as an alternative to dW8hU92GqOo-00114-00040440-00040632 fossil fuels such as wind power dW8hU92GqOo-00115-00040633-00040940 generation biomass power generation dW8hU92GqOo-00116-00040941-00041235 photovoltaic systems and rechargeable dW8hU92GqOo-00117-00041236-00041450 batteries dW8hU92GqOo-00118-00041451-00041933 main products small and medium-sized gas dW8hU92GqOo-00119-00041934-00042170 turbine generators dW8hU92GqOo-00120-00042171-00042596 gas turbine cogeneration systems gas dW8hU92GqOo-00121-00042597-00043089 engines wind turbine generators dW8hU92GqOo-00122-00043090-00043451 handling systems combined-cycle power dW8hU92GqOo-00123-00043452-00043645 plants dW8hU92GqOo-00124-00043646-00044467 nuclear power plant equipment boilers dW8hU92GqOo-00125-00044468-00045100 topic industrial equipment dW8hU92GqOo-00126-00045101-00045368 kawasaki develops and builds a vast dW8hU92GqOo-00127-00045369-00045619 array of industrial plants and equipment dW8hU92GqOo-00128-00045620-00045908 including large cement chemical and dW8hU92GqOo-00129-00045909-00046160 non-ferrous metal plants prime movers dW8hU92GqOo-00130-00046161-00046393 and compact precision machinery dW8hU92GqOo-00131-00046394-00046706 it also offers industrial plant dW8hU92GqOo-00132-00046707-00047074 engineering from design to sales dW8hU92GqOo-00133-00047075-00047360 kawasaki also develops automation dW8hU92GqOo-00134-00047361-00047723 systems industrial robots for processes dW8hU92GqOo-00135-00047724-00047969 such as assembly handling welding dW8hU92GqOo-00136-00047970-00048185 painting and sealing as well as dW8hU92GqOo-00137-00048186-00048458 automation systems for distribution and dW8hU92GqOo-00138-00048459-00048719 logistics such as automated product and dW8hU92GqOo-00139-00048720-00048971 cargo handling systems for plants and dW8hU92GqOo-00140-00048972-00049191 airports dW8hU92GqOo-00141-00049192-00049437 main products dW8hU92GqOo-00142-00049438-00049690 industrial plant dW8hU92GqOo-00143-00049691-00049999 industrial robots dW8hU92GqOo-00144-00050000-00050339 aerodynamic machinery hydraulic dW8hU92GqOo-00145-00050340-00050805 equipment dW8hU92GqOo-00146-00050806-00051479 topic environment and recycling dW8hU92GqOo-00147-00051480-00051760 kawasaki as involved in the development dW8hU92GqOo-00148-00051761-00051996 of equipment that prevents pollution in dW8hU92GqOo-00149-00051997-00052332 a wide range of industries among the dW8hU92GqOo-00150-00052333-00052519 leading products are fuel gas dW8hU92GqOo-00151-00052520-00052749 desulphurization and denitrification dW8hU92GqOo-00152-00052750-00053149 systems and ash handling systems the dW8hU92GqOo-00153-00053150-00053442 company also supplies municipal refuse dW8hU92GqOo-00154-00053444-00053737 incineration plants gasification and dW8hU92GqOo-00155-00053738-00053989 melting systems sewage treatment and dW8hU92GqOo-00156-00053990-00054424 sludge incineration plants kawasaki has dW8hU92GqOo-00157-00054425-00054670 also been developing systems that enable dW8hU92GqOo-00158-00054671-00054913 a wide range of municipal and industrial dW8hU92GqOo-00159-00054914-00055242 wastes to be recovered recycled and put dW8hU92GqOo-00160-00055244-00055617 to new use such systems include refuse dW8hU92GqOo-00161-00055619-00055834 paper and plastic fuel production dW8hU92GqOo-00162-00055835-00056082 facilities that convert waste paper dW8hU92GqOo-00163-00056083-00056374 plastics into an easy to handle solid dW8hU92GqOo-00164-00056375-00056638 fuel equipment that converts old tires dW8hU92GqOo-00165-00056639-00056935 into highway paving materials and tiles dW8hU92GqOo-00166-00056936-00057196 and machinery that sorts glass bottles dW8hU92GqOo-00167-00057197-00057512 by size and color dW8hU92GqOo-00168-00057513-00057733 main products dW8hU92GqOo-00169-00057734-00058079 municipal refuse incineration plans dW8hU92GqOo-00170-00058080-00058410 water treatment systems dW8hU92GqOo-00171-00058411-00058740 industrial waste recycling equipment dW8hU92GqOo-00172-00058741-00059460 flue gas desulphurization equipment dW8hU92GqOo-00173-00059461-00060004 topic infrastructure dW8hU92GqOo-00174-00060005-00060302 Kawasaki's history of building steel dW8hU92GqOo-00175-00060303-00060580 structure spans more than a century with dW8hU92GqOo-00176-00060582-00060761 bridge building among its first dW8hU92GqOo-00177-00060762-00061124 businesses the company offers of storage dW8hU92GqOo-00178-00061125-00061595 solutions for LNG Kawasaki's portfolio dW8hU92GqOo-00179-00061596-00061889 also includes retractable roofs floors dW8hU92GqOo-00180-00061890-00062147 and other giant structures the sapporo dW8hU92GqOo-00181-00062148-00062505 domes retractable surface as one example dW8hU92GqOo-00182-00062507-00062849 for construction kawasaki produces dW8hU92GqOo-00183-00062850-00063107 products such as wheel loaders tunnel dW8hU92GqOo-00184-00063108-00063422 machines rollers snow plows and purpose dW8hU92GqOo-00185-00063423-00063689 specific loaders the tunnel-boring dW8hU92GqOo-00186-00063690-00063979 machines used to excavate the channel dW8hU92GqOo-00187-00063980-00064319 tunnel and the 14.1 four meters diameter dW8hU92GqOo-00188-00064320-00064595 shield machines used in the Tokyo Bay dW8hU92GqOo-00189-00064596-00064832 aqua line construction are two dW8hU92GqOo-00190-00064833-00065115 well-known examples dW8hU92GqOo-00191-00065116-00065673 main products wheel loaders construction dW8hU92GqOo-00192-00065674-00066141 machinery shield machines tunnel-boring dW8hU92GqOo-00193-00066142-00066947 machines steel bridges LNG and LPG tanks dW8hU92GqOo-00194-00066948-00067371 Airport and port related products snow dW8hU92GqOo-00195-00067372-00067829 plows dW8hU92GqOo-00196-00067830-00068404 topic transportation dW8hU92GqOo-00197-00068405-00068791 kawasaki produces motorcycles jet skis dW8hU92GqOo-00198-00068792-00069013 ATVs and cars dW8hU92GqOo-00199-00069014-00069359 Kawasaki's motorcycle include the ninja dW8hU92GqOo-00200-00069360-00069629 sport bikes and cruisers dual purpose dW8hU92GqOo-00201-00069630-00069896 and motocross motorcycles as well as dW8hU92GqOo-00202-00069897-00070217 utility vehicles ATVs and general dW8hU92GqOo-00203-00070218-00070432 purpose gasoline engines dW8hU92GqOo-00204-00070433-00070862 Kawasaki's jetski has become a dW8hU92GqOo-00205-00070863-00071114 genericized trademark for any type of dW8hU92GqOo-00206-00071115-00071747 personal watercraft dW8hU92GqOo-00207-00071748-00072775 topic affiliates and subsidiaries dW8hU92GqOo-00208-00072776-00073287 topic Japan dW8hU92GqOo-00209-00073288-00073763 akashi ship model basin co limited on dW8hU92GqOo-00210-00073764-00074199 the you Sookie johan co limited benek dW8hU92GqOo-00211-00074200-00074419 solution corp dW8hU92GqOo-00212-00074420-00074846 earth Technica co limited in tech co dW8hU92GqOo-00213-00074847-00075434 limited Fukai POW Tech Corp JP steel dW8hU92GqOo-00214-00075435-00075890 plant echo kawazu Akashi service co dW8hU92GqOo-00215-00075891-00076479 limited Kawasaki engineering co limited dW8hU92GqOo-00216-00076480-00076956 Kawasaki a Eva manufacturing co limited dW8hU92GqOo-00217-00076957-00077373 Kawasaki metal industries limited dW8hU92GqOo-00218-00077374-00077629 Kawasaki set to be Code Lyoko dW8hU92GqOo-00219-00077630-00077998 limited Kawasaki shipbuilding dW8hU92GqOo-00220-00077999-00078385 corporation Kawasaki plant systems dW8hU92GqOo-00221-00078386-00078773 limited Kawasaki precision machinery dW8hU92GqOo-00222-00078774-00079374 limited Kawasaki machine systems limited dW8hU92GqOo-00223-00079375-00079759 Kawasaki motors corporation Japan dW8hU92GqOo-00224-00079760-00080140 Kawasaki hydro mechanics Corp dW8hU92GqOo-00225-00080141-00080623 kawasaki life corporation kawasaki naval dW8hU92GqOo-00226-00080624-00081016 engine service limited kawazu Akashi dW8hU92GqOo-00227-00081017-00081456 engineering co limited key environmental dW8hU92GqOo-00228-00081457-00081860 construction co limited key dW8hU92GqOo-00229-00081861-00082261 environmental service Limited Khawaja dW8hU92GqOo-00230-00082262-00082732 Gifu service co limited Khawaja Gifu dW8hU92GqOo-00231-00082733-00083179 engineering co limited kawasaki prime dW8hU92GqOo-00232-00083180-00083632 mover engineering co limited kawasaki dW8hU92GqOo-00233-00083633-00084097 construction co limited kawasaki rolling dW8hU92GqOo-00234-00084098-00084578 stock technology co limited kawazu shoji dW8hU92GqOo-00235-00084579-00085110 co limited kawazu techno Service Corp dW8hU92GqOo-00236-00085111-00085585 kawazu Tokyo Service Corp khawaja dW8hU92GqOo-00237-00085586-00086038 facility co limited Kawasaki thermal dW8hU92GqOo-00238-00086039-00086488 engineering co limited k career partners dW8hU92GqOo-00239-00086489-00086678 Corp dW8hU92GqOo-00240-00086679-00087398 KJ's co limited k-tec corp kgm Khawaja dW8hU92GqOo-00241-00087399-00087866 Gifu manufacturing co limited kawasaki dW8hU92GqOo-00242-00087867-00088316 set to be Code Lyoko limited kawasaki dW8hU92GqOo-00243-00088317-00088684 construction machinery Hokkaido limited dW8hU92GqOo-00244-00088685-00089131 kawazu saccades service co limited dW8hU92GqOo-00245-00089132-00089636 khawaja kobe support co limited khawaja dW8hU92GqOo-00246-00089637-00090146 marine engineering co limited ki JPS co dW8hU92GqOo-00247-00090147-00090596 limited kawasaki shipbuilding inspection dW8hU92GqOo-00248-00090597-00091082 co limited kawasaki gas turbine research dW8hU92GqOo-00249-00091083-00091502 center limited nichijou manufacturing co dW8hU92GqOo-00250-00091503-00092108 limited ni PP i-- corporation sapporo dW8hU92GqOo-00251-00092109-00092405 kawasaki rolling stock engineering co dW8hU92GqOo-00252-00092406-00092960 limited Technica corp union precision dW8hU92GqOo-00253-00092961-00093547 dico limited dW8hU92GqOo-00254-00093548-00094398 topic international dW8hU92GqOo-00255-00094399-00094929 topic north america dW8hU92GqOo-00256-00094930-00095404 Canadian Kawasaki Motors Inc Kawasaki dW8hU92GqOo-00257-00095405-00095817 construction machinery Corp of America dW8hU92GqOo-00258-00095818-00096267 Kawasaki Heavy Industries USA Inc dW8hU92GqOo-00259-00096268-00096795 Kawasaki Motors Corp USA Kawasaki motors dW8hU92GqOo-00260-00096796-00097246 manufacturing Corp USA kawasaki dW8hU92GqOo-00261-00097247-00097729 precision machinery USA inc kawasaki dW8hU92GqOo-00262-00097730-00098724 rail car inc kawasaki robotics USA inc dW8hU92GqOo-00263-00098725-00099268 topic South America dW8hU92GqOo-00264-00099269-00099644 kawasaki do brasil industrial commercial dW8hU92GqOo-00265-00099645-00100225 ltd a kawasaki machinery do brasil maq dW8hU92GqOo-00266-00100226-00100895 equip ltd a kawasaki motorist do brasil dW8hU92GqOo-00267-00100896-00101062 ltda dW8hU92GqOo-00268-00101063-00101611 s talero NC oughtta do para guaçu essay dW8hU92GqOo-00269-00101612-00101984 topic asia kawasaki marine machinery co dW8hU92GqOo-00270-00101985-00102305 limited Wuhan Kawasaki Heavy Industries dW8hU92GqOo-00271-00102306-00102692 ship engineering co limited non Tong dW8hU92GqOo-00272-00102693-00103018 China Costco Kawasaki Heavy Industries dW8hU92GqOo-00273-00103019-00103427 machinery trading co limited Shanghai dW8hU92GqOo-00274-00103428-00103690 China Kawasaki Heavy Industries dW8hU92GqOo-00275-00103691-00104072 technology co limited Dalian China dW8hU92GqOo-00276-00104073-00104346 Kawasaki precision machinery China dW8hU92GqOo-00277-00104347-00104750 Limited Kawasaki robotics co limited dW8hU92GqOo-00278-00104751-00105050 Tianjin China Kawasaki Heavy Industries dW8hU92GqOo-00279-00105051-00105408 Limited Hong Kong Kawasaki machine dW8hU92GqOo-00280-00105408-00105704 systems limited Korea kawasaki gas dW8hU92GqOo-00281-00105705-00106272 turbine Asia Sdn Bhd Malaysia Kawasaki dW8hU92GqOo-00282-00106273-00106811 motors Malaysia Sdn Bhd Malaysia India dW8hU92GqOo-00283-00106812-00107135 Kawasaki Motors India Kawasaki Heavy dW8hU92GqOo-00284-00107136-00107483 Industries Private Limited Singapore dW8hU92GqOo-00285-00107484-00107813 Kawasaki Motors Enterprise co limited dW8hU92GqOo-00286-00107814-00108198 Thailand KD T key design & Technical dW8hU92GqOo-00287-00108199-00108470 Service Inc passe City Philippines dW8hU92GqOo-00288-00108471-00108775 Kawasaki Motors Philippines Muntinlupa dW8hU92GqOo-00289-00108776-00109390 Philippines PT Kawasaki motor Indonesia dW8hU92GqOo-00290-00109391-00110016 Kawasaki Motors and Lee - dW8hU92GqOo-00291-00110017-00110552 topic Oceania dW8hU92GqOo-00292-00110553-00111239 Kawasaki motors Thai limited dW8hU92GqOo-00293-00111240-00111734 topic Europe dW8hU92GqOo-00294-00111735-00112215 kawasaki precision machinery UK Limited dW8hU92GqOo-00295-00112216-00112723 kawasaki robotics UK Limited kawasaki dW8hU92GqOo-00296-00112724-00113305 robotics GM b h kawasaki gas turbine dW8hU92GqOo-00297-00113306-00113946 europe gmbh kawasaki motors Europe and V dW8hU92GqOo-00298-00113947-00114274 Kawasaki Heavy Industries Europe finance dW8hU92GqOo-00299-00114275-00115051 BV Kawasaki Heavy Industries Europe b v daVLypU_UUE-00000-00000520-00000671 so today daVLypU_UUE-00001-00000672-00000991 soundcheck you can hear me good daVLypU_UUE-00002-00000992-00001191 awesome today we're going to be talking daVLypU_UUE-00003-00001192-00001391 about a new package that we developed daVLypU_UUE-00004-00001392-00001647 called gt reg daVLypU_UUE-00005-00001648-00001767 we're going to talk a little bit about daVLypU_UUE-00006-00001768-00001959 adverse events your first adverse event daVLypU_UUE-00007-00001960-00002151 tables how to modify them some other daVLypU_UUE-00008-00002152-00002318 convenience functions we have and how to daVLypU_UUE-00009-00002319-00002799 get them back at r daVLypU_UUE-00010-00002800-00002966 um so this presentation is under a daVLypU_UUE-00011-00002967-00003206 creative commons license daVLypU_UUE-00012-00003207-00003479 um i'm a developer of gt rag i'm a data daVLypU_UUE-00013-00003479-00003631 scientist at the prostate cancers daVLypU_UUE-00014-00003632-00003783 clinical trials consortium which is daVLypU_UUE-00015-00003784-00004006 housed under memorial slim kettering and daVLypU_UUE-00016-00004007-00004191 daniel soberg is also daVLypU_UUE-00017-00004192-00004359 a biostatistician at memorial slim daVLypU_UUE-00018-00004360-00004535 kettering daVLypU_UUE-00019-00004536-00004695 you might know him because he gave an daVLypU_UUE-00020-00004696-00004911 amazing workshop a couple days ago daVLypU_UUE-00021-00004912-00005415 introducing the gt summary package daVLypU_UUE-00022-00005416-00005559 so i'm using a pretty recent version of daVLypU_UUE-00023-00005560-00005902 r 4.2.0 pretty recent version of rstudio daVLypU_UUE-00024-00005903-00006054 and the primary packages that i'm going daVLypU_UUE-00025-00006055-00006206 to be using for the demonstration today daVLypU_UUE-00026-00006207-00006486 are tinyverse labeled gt summary and gt daVLypU_UUE-00027-00006487-00006751 right daVLypU_UUE-00028-00006752-00006951 so the gt reg package daVLypU_UUE-00029-00006952-00007175 is a package that's built on gt summary daVLypU_UUE-00030-00007176-00007414 which is also built on gt daVLypU_UUE-00031-00007415-00007742 which makes it pretty special daVLypU_UUE-00032-00007743-00007895 here's an overview of what we're going daVLypU_UUE-00033-00007895-00008055 to be talking about today daVLypU_UUE-00034-00008056-00008263 there are some specific gtrek functions daVLypU_UUE-00035-00008264-00008487 for handling adverse events like table daVLypU_UUE-00036-00008488-00008719 ae and then we have a few other daVLypU_UUE-00037-00008720-00008967 convenience functions as well daVLypU_UUE-00038-00008968-00009151 once you take those uh daVLypU_UUE-00039-00009152-00009414 gt reg functions you can then apply gt daVLypU_UUE-00040-00009415-00009695 summary modifications like modify header daVLypU_UUE-00041-00009696-00009871 and bold labels daVLypU_UUE-00042-00009872-00010110 you can use gt reg selectors to assist daVLypU_UUE-00043-00010111-00010374 you with those modifications and finally daVLypU_UUE-00044-00010375-00010951 you can export them to various formats daVLypU_UUE-00045-00010952-00011063 so daVLypU_UUE-00046-00011064-00011206 i don't know if all of you are familiar daVLypU_UUE-00047-00011207-00011335 with adverse events so i thought it daVLypU_UUE-00048-00011336-00011614 might be worth a little introduction daVLypU_UUE-00049-00011615-00011806 an adverse event is a medical issue that daVLypU_UUE-00050-00011807-00011974 occurs during the course of treatment or daVLypU_UUE-00051-00011975-00012103 observation daVLypU_UUE-00052-00012104-00012327 please note that these data were daVLypU_UUE-00053-00012328-00012551 randomly simulated and may or may not be daVLypU_UUE-00054-00012552-00012966 realistic for those of you with a finite daVLypU_UUE-00055-00012967-00013183 adverse events are classified according daVLypU_UUE-00056-00013184-00013422 to a hierarchy and we typically report daVLypU_UUE-00057-00013423-00013630 lower level terms within a system or in daVLypU_UUE-00058-00013631-00013775 class daVLypU_UUE-00059-00013776-00014038 and we'll also record severity and grade daVLypU_UUE-00060-00014040-00014183 or likelihood of attribution to daVLypU_UUE-00061-00014184-00014383 treatment with those adverse events so daVLypU_UUE-00062-00014384-00014519 for example daVLypU_UUE-00063-00014519-00014815 patient one might be on drug b daVLypU_UUE-00064-00014816-00015079 experience an anemia event which is daVLypU_UUE-00065-00015080-00015222 under the blood and lymphatic system daVLypU_UUE-00066-00015223-00015455 disorders of grade four which is daVLypU_UUE-00067-00015456-00015943 unrelated to the treatment of interest daVLypU_UUE-00068-00015944-00016063 but here's some challenges with daVLypU_UUE-00069-00016063-00016222 summarizing this data daVLypU_UUE-00070-00016223-00016463 subjects can experience multiple adverse daVLypU_UUE-00071-00016464-00016679 events notice here in the sample data we daVLypU_UUE-00072-00016680-00016886 have five adverse events recorded over daVLypU_UUE-00073-00016887-00017127 time for a single subject daVLypU_UUE-00074-00017128-00017319 not all subjects on your study might daVLypU_UUE-00075-00017320-00017535 experience an adverse event daVLypU_UUE-00076-00017536-00017735 and we're also interested typically in daVLypU_UUE-00077-00017736-00017958 recording the percent of subjects that daVLypU_UUE-00078-00017959-00018279 experience specific adverse events daVLypU_UUE-00079-00018280-00018486 furthermore in medical monitoring this daVLypU_UUE-00080-00018487-00018703 is something you have to do repeatedly daVLypU_UUE-00081-00018704-00018863 so you might want adverse event tables daVLypU_UUE-00082-00018864-00019047 that are for treatment emergent or in daVLypU_UUE-00083-00019048-00019327 specific treatment cycles daVLypU_UUE-00084-00019328-00019814 um or that are serious daVLypU_UUE-00085-00019815-00019927 so daVLypU_UUE-00086-00019928-00020158 one way to achieve counting at the daVLypU_UUE-00087-00020159-00020279 subject level daVLypU_UUE-00088-00020280-00020494 is that we count by maximum grade so daVLypU_UUE-00089-00020495-00020719 here we have our five adverse events daVLypU_UUE-00090-00020720-00021055 that belong to the same subject daVLypU_UUE-00091-00021056-00021239 note that these adverse events daVLypU_UUE-00092-00021240-00021494 are from three unique terms one term for daVLypU_UUE-00093-00021495-00021783 anemia two terms for increased tendency daVLypU_UUE-00094-00021784-00021975 to bruise and one term for daVLypU_UUE-00095-00021976-00022175 thrombocytopenia daVLypU_UUE-00096-00022176-00022358 when we count by maximum grade that daVLypU_UUE-00097-00022359-00022494 means that we're going to count the daVLypU_UUE-00098-00022495-00022799 highest grade for each term observed daVLypU_UUE-00099-00022800-00023047 so the grade four anemia the grade five daVLypU_UUE-00100-00023048-00023255 for increasing in singapore's and the daVLypU_UUE-00101-00023256-00023527 grade three for thrombocytopenia daVLypU_UUE-00102-00023528-00023863 you're going to see this come back later daVLypU_UUE-00103-00023864-00024047 similar logic applies when counting by daVLypU_UUE-00104-00024048-00024230 severity so if you're counting by a daVLypU_UUE-00105-00024231-00024471 factor stored as mild moderate or severe daVLypU_UUE-00106-00024472-00024911 the highest factor level is retained daVLypU_UUE-00107-00024912-00025047 so what do your first adverse event daVLypU_UUE-00108-00025048-00025271 tables look like daVLypU_UUE-00109-00025272-00025399 we're going to have some data that goes daVLypU_UUE-00110-00025400-00025558 into these adverse event tables the two daVLypU_UUE-00111-00025559-00025774 data sets that come simulated with the daVLypU_UUE-00112-00025775-00026006 package are df patient characteristics daVLypU_UUE-00113-00026007-00026183 which has 100 unique subjects on our daVLypU_UUE-00114-00026183-00026455 trial and one row per subject daVLypU_UUE-00115-00026456-00026695 we also have df adverse events which daVLypU_UUE-00116-00026695-00026943 only has 10 unique subjects in it even daVLypU_UUE-00117-00026944-00027143 though we studied 100 on the trial and daVLypU_UUE-00118-00027144-00027343 we have multiple rows of adverse events daVLypU_UUE-00119-00027344-00027758 recorded per subject daVLypU_UUE-00120-00027760-00027902 another feature of the data in this daVLypU_UUE-00121-00027904-00028118 package is that the data has variable daVLypU_UUE-00122-00028119-00028270 labels which is an attribute of a daVLypU_UUE-00123-00028272-00028439 variable in a data frame daVLypU_UUE-00124-00028439-00028695 so we're applicable in these functions daVLypU_UUE-00125-00028695-00028918 variable labels not variable names are daVLypU_UUE-00126-00028919-00029214 printed in gt summary and gt rect tables daVLypU_UUE-00127-00029216-00029414 so the example data in gt red comes with daVLypU_UUE-00128-00029416-00029614 variable labels and you can see those by daVLypU_UUE-00129-00029616-00029807 looking at the stir of your patient daVLypU_UUE-00130-00029808-00029951 characteristics you see the variable daVLypU_UUE-00131-00029952-00030190 labels are highlighted here so the label daVLypU_UUE-00132-00030191-00030439 for treatment is treatment group daVLypU_UUE-00133-00030439-00030590 you can also see that if you view your daVLypU_UUE-00134-00030591-00030774 data frame where you can see that the daVLypU_UUE-00135-00030775-00030983 variable name is printed first and then daVLypU_UUE-00136-00030983-00031207 the variable label is printed underneath daVLypU_UUE-00137-00031208-00031383 these are what are going to be printed daVLypU_UUE-00138-00031383-00031535 the variable labels are what is going to daVLypU_UUE-00139-00031536-00031702 be printed and your gt summary and daVLypU_UUE-00140-00031703-00032231 gt-reg outputs were applicable daVLypU_UUE-00141-00032232-00032390 so let's focus on our first three ever daVLypU_UUE-00142-00032391-00032727 spent tables daVLypU_UUE-00143-00032727-00032990 table ae count is a function you can use daVLypU_UUE-00144-00032991-00033215 to count all observed adverse events daVLypU_UUE-00145-00033216-00033390 this is not counting by the maximum daVLypU_UUE-00146-00033391-00033583 grade method we just discussed daVLypU_UUE-00147-00033584-00033783 so you take your daVLypU_UUE-00148-00033784-00033967 data frame of adverse events pipe it daVLypU_UUE-00149-00033968-00034223 into table ae count and you specify the daVLypU_UUE-00150-00034224-00034399 variable for the adverse event the daVLypU_UUE-00151-00034400-00034615 variable for the system organ class and daVLypU_UUE-00152-00034616-00034839 how you want to daVLypU_UUE-00153-00034840-00034943 summarize that and here we're daVLypU_UUE-00154-00034944-00035102 summarizing my grade daVLypU_UUE-00155-00035103-00035311 so this code is going to produce this daVLypU_UUE-00156-00035312-00035662 lovely little adverse event table daVLypU_UUE-00157-00035663-00035855 notice the natural grouping that occurs daVLypU_UUE-00158-00035856-00036055 in your adverse event table so we have a daVLypU_UUE-00159-00036056-00036255 system organ class here as a top level daVLypU_UUE-00160-00036256-00036479 header and then our individual terms daVLypU_UUE-00161-00036480-00036679 underneath that specific system working daVLypU_UUE-00162-00036680-00036830 class are indented to show that they are daVLypU_UUE-00163-00036831-00037151 grouped within that larger one daVLypU_UUE-00164-00037152-00037374 in this case we're just represent um for daVLypU_UUE-00165-00037375-00037590 table a count we just present counts of daVLypU_UUE-00166-00037591-00037823 our adverse events so this means that a daVLypU_UUE-00167-00037824-00038239 total of 13 adverse events were recorded daVLypU_UUE-00168-00038240-00038471 of grade 5 in blood and lymphatic system daVLypU_UUE-00169-00038472-00038655 disorders daVLypU_UUE-00170-00038656-00038815 if it helps to have the context of the daVLypU_UUE-00171-00038816-00039007 data that goes behind the adverse events daVLypU_UUE-00172-00039008-00039174 you can click on the tab here to see a daVLypU_UUE-00173-00039175-00039574 sample of the raw data daVLypU_UUE-00174-00039575-00039807 so again that's counting all aes but not daVLypU_UUE-00175-00039808-00039974 by maximum grade daVLypU_UUE-00176-00039975-00040127 what if you want to count by maximum daVLypU_UUE-00177-00040128-00040246 grade daVLypU_UUE-00178-00040247-00040423 this time you'll use the table ae daVLypU_UUE-00179-00040424-00040646 function instead of take away count and daVLypU_UUE-00180-00040647-00040823 we have to use an additional argument of daVLypU_UUE-00181-00040824-00041039 patient id daVLypU_UUE-00182-00041040-00041223 so for a data we just have an additional daVLypU_UUE-00183-00041224-00041462 identifier for our patient daVLypU_UUE-00184-00041463-00041799 the table that comes out looks different daVLypU_UUE-00185-00041800-00042095 now instead of just counts presented daVLypU_UUE-00186-00042096-00042335 we have counts and percentages daVLypU_UUE-00187-00042336-00042558 and the percentages are computed out of daVLypU_UUE-00188-00042559-00042799 the number of subjects observed in your daVLypU_UUE-00189-00042800-00043039 adverse event data set so again we said daVLypU_UUE-00190-00043040-00043239 that only 10 subjects on the study daVLypU_UUE-00191-00043240-00043558 experience adverse events daVLypU_UUE-00192-00043559-00043807 some things you might notice here also daVLypU_UUE-00193-00043808-00043902 um daVLypU_UUE-00194-00043903-00044030 is that the counting looks a little bit daVLypU_UUE-00195-00044031-00044183 different than what we observed before daVLypU_UUE-00196-00044184-00044430 remember i said we had a total of 13 daVLypU_UUE-00197-00044431-00044607 grade 5 blood and lymphatic system daVLypU_UUE-00198-00044608-00044902 disorders but now we're showing 7 here daVLypU_UUE-00199-00044903-00045062 that seven doesn't represent the number daVLypU_UUE-00200-00045063-00045239 of adverse events it represents the daVLypU_UUE-00201-00045240-00045423 number of subjects that experience daVLypU_UUE-00202-00045424-00045671 adverse events uh grade five and blood daVLypU_UUE-00203-00045672-00045902 and system lymphatic system disorders daVLypU_UUE-00204-00045903-00046174 um by counting by maximum grade so seven daVLypU_UUE-00205-00046175-00046511 out of the ten experience grade 5 events daVLypU_UUE-00206-00046512-00046711 another thing to note here is that each daVLypU_UUE-00207-00046712-00046935 of these rows are computed individually daVLypU_UUE-00208-00046936-00047127 and independently daVLypU_UUE-00209-00047128-00047367 so the counting by maximum grade applies daVLypU_UUE-00210-00047368-00047567 to blood and lymphatic system disorders daVLypU_UUE-00211-00047568-00047679 on a whole daVLypU_UUE-00212-00047680-00047983 it also applies to anemia on a whole and daVLypU_UUE-00213-00047984-00048343 increase tendency to bruise on a whole daVLypU_UUE-00214-00048344-00048590 so these roads are computed by maximum daVLypU_UUE-00215-00048591-00049262 grade independently daVLypU_UUE-00216-00049263-00049486 now one problem with the previous table daVLypU_UUE-00217-00049487-00049735 is that we knew we had 100 subjects on daVLypU_UUE-00218-00049736-00049855 our study daVLypU_UUE-00219-00049856-00050039 but we were only showing 10 in our daVLypU_UUE-00220-00050040-00050295 patient subject denominator to correct daVLypU_UUE-00221-00050296-00050455 this you can supply an additional daVLypU_UUE-00222-00050456-00050639 argument to your daVLypU_UUE-00223-00050640-00050927 table ae function which is iddf which is daVLypU_UUE-00224-00050928-00051167 your id data frame in this case it's our daVLypU_UUE-00225-00051168-00051350 d of patient characteristics daVLypU_UUE-00226-00051351-00051526 so now the data that we're supplying to daVLypU_UUE-00227-00051527-00051758 our table ae is two different data sets daVLypU_UUE-00228-00051759-00051950 one representing our adverse events and daVLypU_UUE-00229-00051951-00052230 one representing a data set with unique daVLypU_UUE-00230-00052232-00052399 patients in it daVLypU_UUE-00231-00052400-00052638 the resulting table of this has a minor daVLypU_UUE-00232-00052639-00052759 correction daVLypU_UUE-00233-00052760-00052966 now we appropriately have a daVLypU_UUE-00234-00052967-00053054 correct daVLypU_UUE-00235-00053055-00053263 denominator for our subjects at 100 daVLypU_UUE-00236-00053264-00053479 subjects and the percentages are daVLypU_UUE-00237-00053479-00053726 modified accordingly so seven out of our daVLypU_UUE-00238-00053727-00054054 100 subjects experienced um daVLypU_UUE-00239-00054055-00054247 grade five adverse events which is seven daVLypU_UUE-00240-00054248-00054887 percent of your data daVLypU_UUE-00241-00054888-00055103 another table ae that function that we daVLypU_UUE-00242-00055104-00055350 have is table 18 focus daVLypU_UUE-00243-00055351-00055607 table a focus here we are no longer daVLypU_UUE-00244-00055608-00055879 using the grade or the by argument that daVLypU_UUE-00245-00055879-00056054 you see here so before we're doing five daVLypU_UUE-00246-00056055-00056279 grade grade one two three four five daVLypU_UUE-00247-00056279-00056511 now we're using an include argument uh daVLypU_UUE-00248-00056512-00056671 so include means you can include daVLypU_UUE-00249-00056672-00056863 separate variables that are dichotomous daVLypU_UUE-00250-00056864-00057111 to compare we're gonna focus on these daVLypU_UUE-00251-00057112-00057247 in case you need to see what that looks daVLypU_UUE-00252-00057248-00057471 like any complication and grade three daVLypU_UUE-00253-00057472-00057623 complications are just true false daVLypU_UUE-00254-00057624-00057775 indicators daVLypU_UUE-00255-00057776-00057966 so what this looks like is that now we daVLypU_UUE-00256-00057967-00058279 can summarize and see that um all ten daVLypU_UUE-00257-00058279-00058487 not all ten ten out of our hundred or daVLypU_UUE-00258-00058488-00058679 ten percent of our subjects uh daVLypU_UUE-00259-00058679-00058863 experienced any great complication of daVLypU_UUE-00260-00058864-00059047 blood and lymphatic system disorders daVLypU_UUE-00261-00059048-00059215 nine of those were grade three plus daVLypU_UUE-00262-00059216-00059679 complications daVLypU_UUE-00263-00059679-00060054 so how do we modify those tables daVLypU_UUE-00264-00060055-00060271 we're going to do this by using the gt daVLypU_UUE-00265-00060272-00060526 summary modifications modified header daVLypU_UUE-00266-00060527-00060679 and bold labels daVLypU_UUE-00267-00060679-00060999 and also leveraging the gt reg selectors daVLypU_UUE-00268-00061000-00061247 so let's see some things we can do daVLypU_UUE-00269-00061248-00061359 first you might want to see this by daVLypU_UUE-00270-00061360-00061503 strata like i mentioned we have two daVLypU_UUE-00271-00061504-00061759 treatment arms daVLypU_UUE-00272-00061760-00061959 so here now we have our adverse event daVLypU_UUE-00273-00061960-00062447 table separated by strata daVLypU_UUE-00274-00062448-00062679 you might also want to look at some sort daVLypU_UUE-00275-00062679-00062935 of total or daVLypU_UUE-00276-00062936-00063182 overall column for your data here we're daVLypU_UUE-00277-00063183-00063535 adding uh across uh the by values or the daVLypU_UUE-00278-00063536-00063806 across all grades daVLypU_UUE-00279-00063807-00064030 and there's more functionality in add daVLypU_UUE-00280-00064032-00064182 overall and i encourage you to look at daVLypU_UUE-00281-00064183-00064366 the documentation to see the multitude daVLypU_UUE-00282-00064367-00064654 of ways we have programmed this but now daVLypU_UUE-00283-00064655-00064871 that little ad overall daVLypU_UUE-00284-00064872-00065094 has added a column uh indicating the daVLypU_UUE-00285-00065095-00065399 total number of uh adverse events at any daVLypU_UUE-00286-00065400-00065550 grade level daVLypU_UUE-00287-00065551-00066094 for both strata daVLypU_UUE-00288-00066095-00066215 and some other things you might want to daVLypU_UUE-00289-00066216-00066431 do or modify the header the spanning daVLypU_UUE-00290-00066432-00066679 header or bold your labels i always fold daVLypU_UUE-00291-00066680-00066911 my labels actually so if we daVLypU_UUE-00292-00066912-00067047 go back real quick and see what our daVLypU_UUE-00293-00067048-00067247 previous table looked like here we have daVLypU_UUE-00294-00067248-00067438 numeric values for one two three four daVLypU_UUE-00295-00067439-00067631 five but there's no indication maybe of daVLypU_UUE-00296-00067632-00067750 what those mean daVLypU_UUE-00297-00067751-00067919 and it's a little hard to see the daVLypU_UUE-00298-00067920-00068111 difference between um daVLypU_UUE-00299-00068112-00068294 your system organ class and your lower daVLypU_UUE-00300-00068295-00068406 level term daVLypU_UUE-00301-00068407-00068703 and maybe you might also want your daVLypU_UUE-00302-00068704-00068894 treatment name and your sample size daVLypU_UUE-00303-00068895-00069094 separated by a line daVLypU_UUE-00304-00069095-00069231 so we can achieve all of this with daVLypU_UUE-00305-00069232-00069471 modify header modify spanning header and daVLypU_UUE-00306-00069472-00069703 both labels daVLypU_UUE-00307-00069704-00069975 so now we have our with modify screening daVLypU_UUE-00308-00069976-00070159 header we now have our sample size daVLypU_UUE-00309-00070160-00070375 underneath our treatment name we now daVLypU_UUE-00310-00070376-00070606 have additional annotation for our grade daVLypU_UUE-00311-00070607-00070855 values of grade 1 2 3 4 5 and now our daVLypU_UUE-00312-00070856-00071038 system organ classes really pop with daVLypU_UUE-00313-00071039-00071543 bold labeling daVLypU_UUE-00314-00071544-00071671 there's a couple of other convenience daVLypU_UUE-00315-00071672-00071967 functions in this package as well daVLypU_UUE-00316-00071968-00072150 so that's going to be table rig summary daVLypU_UUE-00317-00072151-00072431 and table listing daVLypU_UUE-00318-00072432-00072623 for table rank summary uh this is going daVLypU_UUE-00319-00072624-00072782 to create summary tables with standard daVLypU_UUE-00320-00072783-00072950 regulatory formatting this is really daVLypU_UUE-00321-00072951-00073159 just a theme wrapper around ut summary daVLypU_UUE-00322-00073160-00073415 table summary daVLypU_UUE-00323-00073416-00073582 so to apply this daVLypU_UUE-00324-00073583-00073775 um this is going to daVLypU_UUE-00325-00073776-00073919 let me go back to the data because this daVLypU_UUE-00326-00073920-00074071 isn't actually adverse event data daVLypU_UUE-00327-00074072-00074223 anymore this is maybe just general daVLypU_UUE-00328-00074224-00074479 characteristics of your patient daVLypU_UUE-00329-00074480-00074735 um i think this is a typo here i think daVLypU_UUE-00330-00074736-00074879 this is df daVLypU_UUE-00331-00074880-00075055 uh patient characteristics not df daVLypU_UUE-00332-00075056-00075182 adverse events daVLypU_UUE-00333-00075183-00075311 but here we're just summarizing the daVLypU_UUE-00334-00075312-00075494 marker and the status of our subjects on daVLypU_UUE-00335-00075495-00075743 our table on our study daVLypU_UUE-00336-00075744-00075926 so the biological marker values were daVLypU_UUE-00337-00075927-00076119 continuous and are summarized with a daVLypU_UUE-00338-00076120-00076382 multi-line continuous summary standard daVLypU_UUE-00339-00076383-00076567 with regulatory formatting daVLypU_UUE-00340-00076568-00076759 and our study status is categorical and daVLypU_UUE-00341-00076760-00077271 summarized accordingly daVLypU_UUE-00342-00077272-00077447 and we also really enjoy using table daVLypU_UUE-00343-00077448-00077694 listing which is a fancy way to print daVLypU_UUE-00344-00077695-00077862 grouped data daVLypU_UUE-00345-00077863-00078087 this is really for raw data printing not daVLypU_UUE-00346-00078088-00078343 for any source summarizing counting or daVLypU_UUE-00347-00078344-00078511 producing means or anything like that daVLypU_UUE-00348-00078512-00078647 what if you just want a nice way to daVLypU_UUE-00349-00078648-00078862 print your grouped data daVLypU_UUE-00350-00078863-00079015 i'll show you what the data looks like daVLypU_UUE-00351-00079016-00079182 so here we can see maybe we want to daVLypU_UUE-00352-00079183-00079382 print out raw listings for our adverse daVLypU_UUE-00353-00079383-00079647 events but classed by our system organ daVLypU_UUE-00354-00079648-00079735 class daVLypU_UUE-00355-00079736-00079975 to do that we would pipe that data into daVLypU_UUE-00356-00079976-00080206 table listing and say group by system daVLypU_UUE-00357-00080207-00080399 oregon class daVLypU_UUE-00358-00080400-00080599 the data for um the output for zeus is daVLypU_UUE-00359-00080600-00080743 just a really nice way of looking at daVLypU_UUE-00360-00080744-00081015 your group's data with a nice print daVLypU_UUE-00361-00081016-00081703 following the same bold and indentation daVLypU_UUE-00362-00081704-00081887 i remember this table that i presented daVLypU_UUE-00363-00081888-00082126 earlier which was about how we count by daVLypU_UUE-00364-00082127-00082271 maximum grade daVLypU_UUE-00365-00082272-00082406 this is actually daVLypU_UUE-00366-00082407-00082623 using table listing daVLypU_UUE-00367-00082624-00082879 i'll show you the data first daVLypU_UUE-00368-00082880-00083118 so here what i did to produce that table daVLypU_UUE-00369-00083119-00083375 is i added an ae label so i assigned daVLypU_UUE-00370-00083376-00083559 term one term two and term three to our daVLypU_UUE-00371-00083560-00083750 three adverse event terms daVLypU_UUE-00372-00083751-00083903 and then the code i used to present that daVLypU_UUE-00373-00083904-00084103 table is i took that table listing daVLypU_UUE-00374-00084104-00084406 object and i converted it to a gt object daVLypU_UUE-00375-00084407-00084599 and then i could use the gt functions to daVLypU_UUE-00376-00084600-00084911 actually style it so because gt reg was daVLypU_UUE-00377-00084912-00085182 built on gt summary was built on gt you daVLypU_UUE-00378-00085183-00085391 can use the conveniences of all your gt daVLypU_UUE-00379-00085392-00085999 functions as well daVLypU_UUE-00380-00086000-00086406 now how do you get it out of r daVLypU_UUE-00381-00086407-00086703 so the default output for daVLypU_UUE-00382-00086704-00087079 gt red tables is html formatting daVLypU_UUE-00383-00087080-00087279 but what if you want it in word daVLypU_UUE-00384-00087280-00087479 you can convert that same table to as daVLypU_UUE-00385-00087480-00087694 flex table and then use flex table save daVLypU_UUE-00386-00087695-00088015 as docx to create your word table daVLypU_UUE-00387-00088016-00088182 what if you want in excel daVLypU_UUE-00388-00088183-00088382 you can take that table 1 and pipe it daVLypU_UUE-00389-00088383-00088606 into astox xlx daVLypU_UUE-00390-00088607-00088871 and what if you want it in pdf you can daVLypU_UUE-00391-00088872-00089062 create a pdf document either from our daVLypU_UUE-00392-00089063-00089315 markdown dot r d or a quarter daVLypU_UUE-00393-00089316-00089623 document.qmd create your table daVLypU_UUE-00394-00089624-00089887 and then in a chunk um pipe it into as daVLypU_UUE-00395-00089888-00090159 cable extra to convert it to attack daVLypU_UUE-00396-00090160-00090375 formatting and then you can use cable daVLypU_UUE-00397-00090376-00090703 styling functions to produce this table daVLypU_UUE-00398-00090704-00090871 and if you scroll quickly across the daVLypU_UUE-00399-00090872-00091079 three tables what's really actually kind daVLypU_UUE-00400-00091080-00091406 of magnificent and incredible is that daVLypU_UUE-00401-00091407-00091647 the styling is pretty much the same daVLypU_UUE-00402-00091648-00091943 across the three stables right like daVLypU_UUE-00403-00091944-00092062 it's pretty incredible that you've daVLypU_UUE-00404-00092063-00092294 managed to achieve the bold headers and daVLypU_UUE-00405-00092295-00092535 the indentation of your daVLypU_UUE-00406-00092536-00092703 system working classes and lower level daVLypU_UUE-00407-00092704-00092806 terms daVLypU_UUE-00408-00092807-00093287 across the three outputs daVLypU_UUE-00409-00093288-00093550 so thank you for attending this talk um daVLypU_UUE-00410-00093551-00093799 this uh package has been newly on daVLypU_UUE-00411-00093800-00094006 crayons you can install it from cram or daVLypU_UUE-00412-00094007-00094191 get the development version daVLypU_UUE-00413-00094192-00094374 if you want to talk to us more about gt daVLypU_UUE-00414-00094375-00094638 reg you can certainly submit an issue or daVLypU_UUE-00415-00094639-00094838 just for discussion feature requests or daVLypU_UUE-00416-00094839-00095031 general questions on how to do things daVLypU_UUE-00417-00095032-00095238 you're welcome to use the github daVLypU_UUE-00418-00095239-00095799 discussion forum so thank you very much daVLypU_UUE-00419-00095800-00096062 so there are a couple of questions in daVLypU_UUE-00420-00096063-00096294 the q and a daVLypU_UUE-00421-00096295-00096599 can you cross tab adverse events with daVLypU_UUE-00422-00096600-00097135 concomitant medications comorbidities daVLypU_UUE-00423-00097136-00097367 such as critical steroids or a risk daVLypU_UUE-00424-00097368-00097694 factor enhancer for daVLypU_UUE-00425-00097695-00097959 adverse events of bte yeah i think you daVLypU_UUE-00426-00097960-00098271 could do i mean if you wanted to daVLypU_UUE-00427-00098272-00098431 ignore your daVLypU_UUE-00428-00098432-00098823 strata right and you wanted to treat daVLypU_UUE-00429-00098824-00099006 that as some sort of stratification daVLypU_UUE-00430-00099007-00099174 factor that might be a way to achieve daVLypU_UUE-00431-00099175-00099655 that daVLypU_UUE-00432-00099656-00099823 and daVLypU_UUE-00433-00099824-00100031 are there any functions that assist with daVLypU_UUE-00434-00100032-00100443 the coding of aes concomitant meds daVLypU_UUE-00435-00100444-00100615 comorbidities daVLypU_UUE-00436-00100616-00100815 using some of the daVLypU_UUE-00437-00100816-00101182 kind of standard dictionaries daVLypU_UUE-00438-00101183-00101511 um not in this package now daVLypU_UUE-00439-00101512-00101799 so you're assuming that the the data is daVLypU_UUE-00440-00101800-00102206 coming in kind of fully labeled with the daVLypU_UUE-00441-00102207-00102367 the different categories and that's like daVLypU_UUE-00442-00102368-00102542 it is not in the scope of the package to daVLypU_UUE-00443-00102543-00102678 assist with the coding but just the daVLypU_UUE-00444-00102679-00102806 reporting daVLypU_UUE-00445-00102807-00103107 okay dbnLB9Yrda4-00000-00000064-00000262 hello everyone and welcome to this dbnLB9Yrda4-00001-00000263-00000463 broadcast dbnLB9Yrda4-00002-00000463-00000647 firstly i'd just like to acknowledge the dbnLB9Yrda4-00003-00000648-00000807 traditional owners of the land in which dbnLB9Yrda4-00004-00000808-00001039 we meet the nunawal and ambry peoples dbnLB9Yrda4-00005-00001040-00001311 and pay my respects to their elders past dbnLB9Yrda4-00006-00001312-00001350 present dbnLB9Yrda4-00007-00001351-00001614 and emerging we're delighted to have you dbnLB9Yrda4-00008-00001616-00001751 all join us this morning dbnLB9Yrda4-00009-00001752-00002110 and this is our second hmi data ai and dbnLB9Yrda4-00010-00002111-00002199 society dbnLB9Yrda4-00011-00002200-00002391 seminar in the series and we're dbnLB9Yrda4-00012-00002392-00002558 absolutely delighted of course to dbnLB9Yrda4-00013-00002559-00002671 welcome the wonderful dbnLB9Yrda4-00014-00002672-00002918 lilly who from harvard university and dbnLB9Yrda4-00015-00002919-00003095 hear more about her work she's going to dbnLB9Yrda4-00016-00003096-00003183 discuss dbnLB9Yrda4-00017-00003184-00003351 what is race in algorithmic dbnLB9Yrda4-00018-00003352-00003583 discrimination on the basis of race dbnLB9Yrda4-00019-00003584-00003751 and just before we get into that i'll dbnLB9Yrda4-00020-00003752-00003935 just do a little dbnLB9Yrda4-00021-00003936-00004199 few little announcements lily will speak dbnLB9Yrda4-00022-00004200-00004359 for 30 minutes dbnLB9Yrda4-00023-00004360-00004511 in which time please feel free to add dbnLB9Yrda4-00024-00004512-00004719 any of your questions to the chat here dbnLB9Yrda4-00025-00004720-00005022 on the zoom channel and then we'll have dbnLB9Yrda4-00026-00005023-00005263 a 30 minute q a session dbnLB9Yrda4-00027-00005264-00005511 and we'll have a hard stop at 10 a.m and dbnLB9Yrda4-00028-00005512-00005638 after that we can continue our dbnLB9Yrda4-00029-00005639-00005831 conversation in slack dbnLB9Yrda4-00030-00005832-00006127 so without further ado lily please if dbnLB9Yrda4-00031-00006128-00006359 you would like to start thank you dbnLB9Yrda4-00032-00006360-00006567 thank you so much for that introduction dbnLB9Yrda4-00033-00006568-00006783 shel first i want to say thank dbnLB9Yrda4-00034-00006784-00007087 thank you um to everybody who's at hmi dbnLB9Yrda4-00035-00007088-00007119 and dbnLB9Yrda4-00036-00007120-00007334 making the ai and society seminar series dbnLB9Yrda4-00037-00007336-00007574 possible they have been so gracious dbnLB9Yrda4-00038-00007575-00007774 allowing me to join you all and give dbnLB9Yrda4-00039-00007775-00007951 this talk in spite of dbnLB9Yrda4-00040-00007952-00008159 a rather foolish and extremely foolish dbnLB9Yrda4-00041-00008159-00008335 error last week failing to do my time dbnLB9Yrda4-00042-00008336-00008583 zone calculation correctly dbnLB9Yrda4-00043-00008584-00008871 a brave soul um uh jumped right in so dbnLB9Yrda4-00044-00008872-00008983 claire i believe dbnLB9Yrda4-00045-00008984-00009174 thank you um for which i'm so grateful dbnLB9Yrda4-00046-00009175-00009295 so i hope dbnLB9Yrda4-00047-00009296-00009623 today's talk will make up a bit for last dbnLB9Yrda4-00048-00009624-00009831 week and maybe even exceed dbnLB9Yrda4-00049-00009832-00010046 what exceed what i would have done last dbnLB9Yrda4-00050-00010047-00010310 week because i'm super prepared now dbnLB9Yrda4-00051-00010311-00010591 okay well thanks again so this is what dbnLB9Yrda4-00052-00010592-00010783 is raised in algorithmic exclamation on dbnLB9Yrda4-00053-00010784-00010823 the dbnLB9Yrda4-00054-00010824-00011206 basis of race dbnLB9Yrda4-00055-00011207-00011446 i'm going to start off with this uh dbnLB9Yrda4-00056-00011447-00011527 court case dbnLB9Yrda4-00057-00011528-00011846 um in august 2018 the united states dbnLB9Yrda4-00058-00011847-00011974 department of housing and urban dbnLB9Yrda4-00059-00011975-00012214 development that's hud filed a housing dbnLB9Yrda4-00060-00012215-00012359 discrimination complaint against dbnLB9Yrda4-00061-00012360-00012470 facebook dbnLB9Yrda4-00062-00012471-00012623 um alleging that the company is dbnLB9Yrda4-00063-00012624-00012791 algorithm-based dbnLB9Yrda4-00064-00012792-00013086 advertisement system quotes mines dbnLB9Yrda4-00065-00013087-00013319 extensive user data and classifies its dbnLB9Yrda4-00066-00013319-00013591 users based on protected characteristics dbnLB9Yrda4-00067-00013591-00013822 and thereby quote unlawfully dbnLB9Yrda4-00068-00013823-00014030 discriminates by enabling dbnLB9Yrda4-00069-00014031-00014238 advertisers to restrict which facebook dbnLB9Yrda4-00070-00014240-00014479 users receive housing-related dbnLB9Yrda4-00071-00014480-00014783 ads based on race color religion sex dbnLB9Yrda4-00072-00014784-00014943 familial status national origin and dbnLB9Yrda4-00073-00014944-00015135 disability dbnLB9Yrda4-00074-00015136-00015383 uh facebook responding to this complaint dbnLB9Yrda4-00075-00015384-00015527 pointed out that its machine learning dbnLB9Yrda4-00076-00015528-00015679 system does not even make dbnLB9Yrda4-00077-00015680-00015903 use of a race feature so it doesn't even dbnLB9Yrda4-00078-00015904-00016030 have the ability dbnLB9Yrda4-00079-00016031-00016366 to target individuals based on race but dbnLB9Yrda4-00080-00016368-00016671 this line was unconvincing in march of dbnLB9Yrda4-00081-00016672-00016855 the following year dbnLB9Yrda4-00082-00016856-00017167 uh hud put forth an actual charge of dbnLB9Yrda4-00083-00017168-00017286 discrimination the earlier was a dbnLB9Yrda4-00084-00017287-00017519 complaint and i'm going to read the text dbnLB9Yrda4-00085-00017520-00017679 in its entirety here but it's on the dbnLB9Yrda4-00086-00017680-00017935 slide but this is an excerpt dbnLB9Yrda4-00087-00017936-00018183 respondent that is facebook combines the dbnLB9Yrda4-00088-00018184-00018463 data it has about user attributes and dbnLB9Yrda4-00089-00018464-00018655 behavior on its platform dbnLB9Yrda4-00090-00018656-00018855 with data it obtains about user behavior dbnLB9Yrda4-00091-00018856-00019039 on other websites and the non-digital dbnLB9Yrda4-00092-00019040-00019143 world dbnLB9Yrda4-00093-00019144-00019358 respondent then uses machine learning dbnLB9Yrda4-00094-00019359-00019527 and other prediction techniques to dbnLB9Yrda4-00095-00019528-00019703 classify and group users so as to dbnLB9Yrda4-00096-00019704-00019999 project each user's likely response dbnLB9Yrda4-00097-00020000-00020350 to a given ad in doing so respondent dbnLB9Yrda4-00098-00020351-00020607 inevitably recreates groupings defined dbnLB9Yrda4-00099-00020608-00020758 by the protected class dbnLB9Yrda4-00100-00020759-00021014 by grouping users who like similar pages dbnLB9Yrda4-00101-00021015-00021183 unrelated to housing and presuming a dbnLB9Yrda4-00102-00021184-00021230 shared dbnLB9Yrda4-00103-00021231-00021399 interest or disinterest in housing dbnLB9Yrda4-00104-00021400-00021558 related advertisements dbnLB9Yrda4-00105-00021559-00021758 respondents mechanism functions just dbnLB9Yrda4-00106-00021759-00021886 like an advertiser who dbnLB9Yrda4-00107-00021887-00022175 intentionally targets or excludes users dbnLB9Yrda4-00108-00022176-00022799 based on their protected class dbnLB9Yrda4-00109-00022800-00022999 so i think there are two questions that dbnLB9Yrda4-00110-00023000-00023247 i want to focus on here dbnLB9Yrda4-00111-00023248-00023439 first we might ask well why does the dbnLB9Yrda4-00112-00023440-00023663 algorithm reconstitute these protected dbnLB9Yrda4-00113-00023664-00023847 class groups dbnLB9Yrda4-00114-00023848-00024071 um and i think some simple observe dbnLB9Yrda4-00115-00024072-00024255 sociological observation dbnLB9Yrda4-00116-00024256-00024391 and as well as observations about how dbnLB9Yrda4-00117-00024392-00024558 machine learning works makes that quite dbnLB9Yrda4-00118-00024559-00024599 clear dbnLB9Yrda4-00119-00024600-00024822 right uh there are sociological facts dbnLB9Yrda4-00120-00024823-00024999 about how certain groups of people dbnLB9Yrda4-00121-00025000-00025175 what kinds of pages they tend to like dbnLB9Yrda4-00122-00025176-00025342 and also um dbnLB9Yrda4-00123-00025343-00025486 facts about clicking on certain and dbnLB9Yrda4-00124-00025487-00025678 apparently as long as the behavioral dbnLB9Yrda4-00125-00025679-00025774 tendencies dbnLB9Yrda4-00126-00025775-00025958 are true in the world the machine dbnLB9Yrda4-00127-00025960-00026118 learning system will learn them so i dbnLB9Yrda4-00128-00026119-00026295 think the first question dbnLB9Yrda4-00129-00026295-00026567 um i can kind of set aside i think the dbnLB9Yrda4-00130-00026568-00026695 second question though dbnLB9Yrda4-00131-00026695-00027199 is rather interesting which is why does dbnLB9Yrda4-00132-00027200-00027599 this count as discrimination so dbnLB9Yrda4-00133-00027600-00027846 if we suppose that hud's reconstruction dbnLB9Yrda4-00134-00027847-00027943 of the events is dbnLB9Yrda4-00135-00027944-00028151 is in fact what is happening why would dbnLB9Yrda4-00136-00028152-00028343 this kind of behavior constitute dbnLB9Yrda4-00137-00028344-00028511 discrimination dbnLB9Yrda4-00138-00028512-00028687 so i think this exchange between dbnLB9Yrda4-00139-00028688-00028846 facebook and hud drills down on a dbnLB9Yrda4-00140-00028847-00029046 critical point of contention dbnLB9Yrda4-00141-00029047-00029174 in debates about algorithmic dbnLB9Yrda4-00142-00029175-00029383 discrimination which is what does it dbnLB9Yrda4-00143-00029383-00029423 take dbnLB9Yrda4-00144-00029424-00029662 for a database system to act on or on dbnLB9Yrda4-00145-00029663-00029758 the basis of dbnLB9Yrda4-00146-00029760-00029999 race and here hud proffers a negative dbnLB9Yrda4-00147-00030000-00030102 proposition dbnLB9Yrda4-00148-00030103-00030231 they say look an algorithm can dbnLB9Yrda4-00149-00030232-00030383 discriminate on the basis of race even dbnLB9Yrda4-00150-00030383-00030423 when dbnLB9Yrda4-00151-00030424-00030655 it does not have access to a race dbnLB9Yrda4-00152-00030656-00030807 feature dbnLB9Yrda4-00153-00030808-00031111 so i want to ask that my kind of talk dbnLB9Yrda4-00154-00031112-00031246 today will be asking dbnLB9Yrda4-00155-00031247-00031631 you know could such a bold claim be true dbnLB9Yrda4-00156-00031632-00031807 in what theory of discrimination what dbnLB9Yrda4-00157-00031808-00032283 theory of race would make it so dbnLB9Yrda4-00158-00032283-00032527 okay so dbnLB9Yrda4-00159-00032527-00032727 i think database predictive tools like dbnLB9Yrda4-00160-00032727-00032935 the ones at the center of the hud versus dbnLB9Yrda4-00161-00032936-00033023 facebook case dbnLB9Yrda4-00162-00033024-00033295 clarify an underappreciated problem for dbnLB9Yrda4-00163-00033296-00033431 discrimination theory dbnLB9Yrda4-00164-00033432-00033583 which i'm going to call the puzzle of dbnLB9Yrda4-00165-00033584-00033839 algorithmic discrimination dbnLB9Yrda4-00166-00033840-00033990 and i'm going to refer keep referring dbnLB9Yrda4-00167-00033991-00034183 back to this as the puzzle so this is dbnLB9Yrda4-00168-00034184-00034271 really dbnLB9Yrda4-00169-00034272-00034407 we got to keep this one in our minds dbnLB9Yrda4-00170-00034408-00034615 here and the question is simply this dbnLB9Yrda4-00171-00034616-00034807 when are decisions made on the basis of dbnLB9Yrda4-00172-00034808-00035023 features that are correlated with race dbnLB9Yrda4-00173-00035024-00035335 decisions made on the basis of race and dbnLB9Yrda4-00174-00035336-00035502 i think this question is not just dbnLB9Yrda4-00175-00035503-00035567 relevant dbnLB9Yrda4-00176-00035568-00035846 to current uh debates about um dbnLB9Yrda4-00177-00035847-00036030 algorithms i think a version of it has dbnLB9Yrda4-00178-00036031-00036079 dogged dbnLB9Yrda4-00179-00036080-00036407 philosophers legal scholars for decades dbnLB9Yrda4-00180-00036408-00036574 under the descriptor proxy dbnLB9Yrda4-00181-00036575-00036727 discrimination in which an dbnLB9Yrda4-00182-00036728-00037071 attribute that is a proxy for race or dbnLB9Yrda4-00183-00037072-00037335 sex or so on is used in decision making dbnLB9Yrda4-00184-00037336-00037487 and i think predictive machine learning dbnLB9Yrda4-00185-00037488-00037687 simply kind of casts this old problem in dbnLB9Yrda4-00186-00037688-00037774 new light dbnLB9Yrda4-00187-00037775-00037959 but also allows us i think to drill down dbnLB9Yrda4-00188-00037960-00038143 on like you know what exactly is dbnLB9Yrda4-00189-00038144-00038335 going on here that's making this so dbnLB9Yrda4-00190-00038336-00038567 puzzling dbnLB9Yrda4-00191-00038568-00038895 so here is the road map for today's dbnLB9Yrda4-00192-00038896-00039151 um talk so i'm going to set up the dbnLB9Yrda4-00193-00039152-00039230 puzzle dbnLB9Yrda4-00194-00039231-00039415 i'm going to pursue a solution to the dbnLB9Yrda4-00195-00039416-00039607 puzzle um not by elaborating a dbnLB9Yrda4-00196-00039608-00039823 distinctive account of discrimination dbnLB9Yrda4-00197-00039824-00040030 but rather a distinctive a social dbnLB9Yrda4-00198-00040031-00040262 constructivist account of race dbnLB9Yrda4-00199-00040263-00040502 and i'm gonna especially talk about um a dbnLB9Yrda4-00200-00040503-00040655 subset of social constructivism which dbnLB9Yrda4-00201-00040656-00040862 i'm gonna call thick constructivism dbnLB9Yrda4-00202-00040863-00041007 i'm going to show how that will offer a dbnLB9Yrda4-00203-00041008-00041183 solution to the puzzle and then i'm dbnLB9Yrda4-00204-00041184-00041327 going to talk about some implications dbnLB9Yrda4-00205-00041328-00041799 for discrimination theory more broadly dbnLB9Yrda4-00206-00041800-00042055 so let's set up the puzzle of setting up dbnLB9Yrda4-00207-00042056-00042158 the puzzle dbnLB9Yrda4-00208-00042159-00042495 okay so dbnLB9Yrda4-00209-00042496-00042695 the hud versus facebook case i think dbnLB9Yrda4-00210-00042696-00042895 well illustrates a central dispute in dbnLB9Yrda4-00211-00042896-00043055 cases of potential algorithmic dbnLB9Yrda4-00212-00043056-00043174 discrimination dbnLB9Yrda4-00213-00043175-00043471 um with each party uh taking a distinct dbnLB9Yrda4-00214-00043472-00043695 interpretation of this notoriously vague dbnLB9Yrda4-00215-00043696-00043871 because of race clause dbnLB9Yrda4-00216-00043872-00044039 that we tend to see in analyses of dbnLB9Yrda4-00217-00044040-00044255 discrimination so consider the following dbnLB9Yrda4-00218-00044256-00044518 i think rather uncontroversial dbnLB9Yrda4-00219-00044519-00044687 but non-moralized analysis of dbnLB9Yrda4-00220-00044688-00044883 discrimination which i'm going to call dbnLB9Yrda4-00221-00044884-00045007 rd dbnLB9Yrda4-00222-00045008-00045255 so x discriminates on the basis of race dbnLB9Yrda4-00223-00045256-00045311 if x dbnLB9Yrda4-00224-00045312-00045639 treats y differently from how x treats dbnLB9Yrda4-00225-00045640-00045839 or would treat some z because y dbnLB9Yrda4-00226-00045840-00046055 supposedly has racial status r dbnLB9Yrda4-00227-00046056-00046246 and z supposedly has a different racial dbnLB9Yrda4-00228-00046247-00046471 status are prime dbnLB9Yrda4-00229-00046472-00046679 so because in the literature tends to be dbnLB9Yrda4-00230-00046680-00046871 read in two ways dbnLB9Yrda4-00231-00046872-00047151 um on one reading we're asked because dbnLB9Yrda4-00232-00047152-00047271 refers to x's dbnLB9Yrda4-00233-00047272-00047518 kind of uh taking race as a reason for dbnLB9Yrda4-00234-00047519-00047662 the differential treatment right dbnLB9Yrda4-00235-00047663-00047871 so the reasons interpretations of dbnLB9Yrda4-00236-00047872-00048023 because asked us to look into the dbnLB9Yrda4-00237-00048024-00048174 considerations x took dbnLB9Yrda4-00238-00048175-00048479 and acting the way that she did um on dbnLB9Yrda4-00239-00048480-00048695 another reading because refers to x's dbnLB9Yrda4-00240-00048696-00048862 treatment of y is just being constantly dbnLB9Yrda4-00241-00048863-00049062 affected by race in just a non-reasons dbnLB9Yrda4-00242-00049063-00049135 way dbnLB9Yrda4-00243-00049136-00049262 so we're going to consider how grace dbnLB9Yrda4-00244-00049263-00049423 might have affected or played a causal dbnLB9Yrda4-00245-00049424-00049486 role dbnLB9Yrda4-00246-00049487-00049735 in how x treated y aside from being a dbnLB9Yrda4-00247-00049736-00049958 part of x's reasons perhaps even in a dbnLB9Yrda4-00248-00049959-00050167 way unbeknownst to her dbnLB9Yrda4-00249-00050168-00050351 so i want to first set aside some easy dbnLB9Yrda4-00250-00050352-00050615 cases of algorithmic discrimination so i dbnLB9Yrda4-00251-00050616-00050695 think that everybody dbnLB9Yrda4-00252-00050696-00050911 would i hope that everyone would gather dbnLB9Yrda4-00253-00050912-00051007 that sort of dbnLB9Yrda4-00254-00051008-00051199 covert intentions to recreate racial dbnLB9Yrda4-00255-00051200-00051335 groupings uh dbnLB9Yrda4-00256-00051336-00051502 and then assign them differential ad dbnLB9Yrda4-00257-00051503-00051646 outcomes on the basis of those dbnLB9Yrda4-00258-00051647-00051807 groupings would be discrimination on the dbnLB9Yrda4-00259-00051808-00052046 basis of race uh and wrongful dbnLB9Yrda4-00260-00052047-00052230 discrimination on basic race like that dbnLB9Yrda4-00261-00052232-00052366 so for the sake of argument i want to dbnLB9Yrda4-00262-00052367-00052575 set aside those cases where there's like dbnLB9Yrda4-00263-00052576-00052711 you know a band of engineers in the dbnLB9Yrda4-00264-00052712-00052982 background doing something dbnLB9Yrda4-00265-00052983-00053254 um i also want to set aside cases where dbnLB9Yrda4-00266-00053255-00053399 the algorithm explicitly has dbnLB9Yrda4-00267-00053400-00053575 a race feature because remember this is dbnLB9Yrda4-00268-00053576-00053782 the the kind of key point of facebook's dbnLB9Yrda4-00269-00053783-00053911 defense they didn't even have a race dbnLB9Yrda4-00270-00053912-00054030 feature right dbnLB9Yrda4-00271-00054032-00054271 and this is a bit of a simplification dbnLB9Yrda4-00272-00054272-00054407 which um dbnLB9Yrda4-00273-00054408-00054623 i'll continue i'll talk more about later dbnLB9Yrda4-00274-00054624-00054726 on but dbnLB9Yrda4-00275-00054727-00054919 i don't want to have to develop a full dbnLB9Yrda4-00276-00054920-00055094 account of what it takes for a machine dbnLB9Yrda4-00277-00055095-00055319 to take something as a reason dbnLB9Yrda4-00278-00055320-00055911 so i'm just going to say now dbnLB9Yrda4-00279-00055912-00056230 you know in fact that that'll be the dbnLB9Yrda4-00280-00056232-00056303 only way dbnLB9Yrda4-00281-00056304-00056479 that it can take races a reason for now dbnLB9Yrda4-00282-00056479-00056623 i'll make that stipulation dbnLB9Yrda4-00283-00056624-00056791 and then that simplification and then dbnLB9Yrda4-00284-00056791-00056991 i'll go go on to dbnLB9Yrda4-00285-00056991-00057215 to revise it and that's because i just dbnLB9Yrda4-00286-00057216-00057359 want to make sure i want to set aside dbnLB9Yrda4-00287-00057360-00057535 kind of more complicated reasons or dbnLB9Yrda4-00288-00057536-00057703 sorry more complicated accounts of what dbnLB9Yrda4-00289-00057704-00057942 it is take something for a reason dbnLB9Yrda4-00290-00057944-00058135 um okay so the the really the tough dbnLB9Yrda4-00291-00058136-00058279 cases are cases when the race feature is dbnLB9Yrda4-00292-00058279-00058423 not a machine learning algorithm dbnLB9Yrda4-00293-00058424-00058630 or machine learning in the database and dbnLB9Yrda4-00294-00058632-00058807 there's also not these covert intentions dbnLB9Yrda4-00295-00058808-00058887 right dbnLB9Yrda4-00296-00058888-00059071 i think for these cases the reasons dbnLB9Yrda4-00297-00059072-00059294 versus causes framing exposes a rather dbnLB9Yrda4-00298-00059295-00059415 deep fault line dbnLB9Yrda4-00299-00059416-00059623 right you go you go for the reasons uh dbnLB9Yrda4-00300-00059624-00059791 view and it would seem that dbnLB9Yrda4-00301-00059791-00060047 algorithms never determine the face of dbnLB9Yrda4-00302-00060048-00060199 race i mean so long as they don't have dbnLB9Yrda4-00303-00060200-00060230 the dbnLB9Yrda4-00304-00060232-00060415 the race feature but if you go with the dbnLB9Yrda4-00305-00060416-00060599 constant interpretation it looks like if dbnLB9Yrda4-00306-00060600-00060735 at least if the machine learning system dbnLB9Yrda4-00307-00060736-00060911 is working properly in many cases dbnLB9Yrda4-00308-00060912-00061079 they almost necessarily discriminate on dbnLB9Yrda4-00309-00061079-00061247 the base of race dbnLB9Yrda4-00310-00061248-00061487 right like race just causes affects so dbnLB9Yrda4-00311-00061488-00061606 many um aspects of dbnLB9Yrda4-00312-00061607-00061950 our lives dbnLB9Yrda4-00313-00061951-00062126 i want to set aside the reasons account dbnLB9Yrda4-00314-00062127-00062271 because i want to talk a little bit dbnLB9Yrda4-00315-00062272-00062359 about dbnLB9Yrda4-00316-00062360-00062647 uh the the literature the kind of more dbnLB9Yrda4-00317-00062648-00062759 technical literature dbnLB9Yrda4-00318-00062760-00063063 on um the causes account which there's dbnLB9Yrda4-00319-00063064-00063094 been dbnLB9Yrda4-00320-00063095-00063238 quite a bit on so scholarship on dbnLB9Yrda4-00321-00063239-00063415 algorithmic discrimination has dbnLB9Yrda4-00322-00063416-00063575 overwhelmingly advanced a version of dbnLB9Yrda4-00323-00063576-00063871 this causal interpretation dbnLB9Yrda4-00324-00063872-00064126 and i want to say a little bit about why dbnLB9Yrda4-00325-00064127-00064182 um dbnLB9Yrda4-00326-00064183-00064399 i find these accounts to be lacking but dbnLB9Yrda4-00327-00064400-00064566 i'm happy to discuss this more in a dbnLB9Yrda4-00328-00064567-00064623 question dbnLB9Yrda4-00329-00064624-00065030 in q a um dbnLB9Yrda4-00330-00065032-00065206 obviously i can't fully address the full dbnLB9Yrda4-00331-00065207-00065359 breadth of the scholarship but i wanted dbnLB9Yrda4-00332-00065360-00065526 to kind of acknowledge it for especially dbnLB9Yrda4-00333-00065527-00065687 computer scientists who are maybe quite dbnLB9Yrda4-00334-00065688-00065838 familiar with um dbnLB9Yrda4-00335-00065839-00065975 causal fairness or causal counter dbnLB9Yrda4-00336-00065976-00066231 factual accounts of fairness dbnLB9Yrda4-00337-00066232-00066479 so there's this uh there's a lot of dbnLB9Yrda4-00338-00066480-00066559 literature dbnLB9Yrda4-00339-00066560-00066782 on um what's called like path specific dbnLB9Yrda4-00340-00066783-00066871 accounts of dbnLB9Yrda4-00341-00066872-00067087 fairness where really what the the algor dbnLB9Yrda4-00342-00067088-00067223 what the um the kind of dbnLB9Yrda4-00343-00067224-00067479 framework is to think about this causal dbnLB9Yrda4-00344-00067480-00067647 diagram of how race affects all the dbnLB9Yrda4-00345-00067648-00067847 other attributes in your data system dbnLB9Yrda4-00346-00067848-00068031 and then to designate which causal dbnLB9Yrda4-00347-00068032-00068199 pathways are bad dbnLB9Yrda4-00348-00068200-00068343 and then to say my algorithm's dbnLB9Yrda4-00349-00068344-00068511 computation is not going to take into dbnLB9Yrda4-00350-00068512-00068559 account dbnLB9Yrda4-00351-00068560-00068831 those pathways i think the problem with dbnLB9Yrda4-00352-00068832-00068950 this approach dbnLB9Yrda4-00353-00068951-00069159 is that the grounds that you need to dbnLB9Yrda4-00354-00069160-00069367 identify those suspect pathways they dbnLB9Yrda4-00355-00069368-00069582 can't come from solely within the causal dbnLB9Yrda4-00356-00069583-00069679 framework dbnLB9Yrda4-00357-00069680-00069847 and i think most work in the area dbnLB9Yrda4-00358-00069848-00069991 concedes as much dbnLB9Yrda4-00359-00069992-00070206 um but and they submit the task of dbnLB9Yrda4-00360-00070207-00070311 designating the dbnLB9Yrda4-00361-00070312-00070671 the um unfair pathways should be um dbnLB9Yrda4-00362-00070672-00070855 should be just directly drawing on dbnLB9Yrda4-00363-00070856-00071023 normative considerations dbnLB9Yrda4-00364-00071024-00071215 but i think this suggestion is simply dbnLB9Yrda4-00365-00071216-00071382 unresponsive to the puzzle of dbnLB9Yrda4-00366-00071383-00071559 algorithmic discrimination as i framed dbnLB9Yrda4-00367-00071560-00071599 it dbnLB9Yrda4-00368-00071600-00071767 because that calls for a descriptive dbnLB9Yrda4-00369-00071768-00071982 account of what it is to act on race dbnLB9Yrda4-00370-00071983-00072231 right setting aside any particular moral dbnLB9Yrda4-00371-00072232-00072382 theory about why acting in that way dbnLB9Yrda4-00372-00072383-00072582 would be wrongful dbnLB9Yrda4-00373-00072583-00072735 and i think skipping to a moralized dbnLB9Yrda4-00374-00072736-00072911 conception of discrimination actually dbnLB9Yrda4-00375-00072912-00073006 overlooks what dbnLB9Yrda4-00376-00073007-00073238 makes algorithms so interesting in the dbnLB9Yrda4-00377-00073239-00073382 first place because oftentimes we're dbnLB9Yrda4-00378-00073383-00073494 asking like dbnLB9Yrda4-00379-00073495-00073711 did the algorithm even act on race right dbnLB9Yrda4-00380-00073712-00073903 like that's kind of the dbnLB9Yrda4-00381-00073904-00074135 thing that's at the at the heart of this dbnLB9Yrda4-00382-00074136-00074399 uh hud versus facebook case dbnLB9Yrda4-00383-00074400-00074655 so i think so i think just kind of going dbnLB9Yrda4-00384-00074656-00074815 the moralized direction kind of dbnLB9Yrda4-00385-00074816-00075071 misses it furthermore though i think any dbnLB9Yrda4-00386-00075072-00075271 such method that does aim to provide a dbnLB9Yrda4-00387-00075272-00075382 descriptive account dbnLB9Yrda4-00388-00075383-00075615 is only able to pick out those pathways dbnLB9Yrda4-00389-00075616-00075726 that count dbnLB9Yrda4-00390-00075727-00075935 as acting on the base of race in light dbnLB9Yrda4-00391-00075936-00076206 of a fundamental theory of race dbnLB9Yrda4-00392-00076207-00076438 right but i think causal causality-based dbnLB9Yrda4-00393-00076439-00076599 approaches have been largely silent on dbnLB9Yrda4-00394-00076600-00076679 these matters dbnLB9Yrda4-00395-00076680-00076926 of metaphysics i think causal dbnLB9Yrda4-00396-00076927-00077094 counterfactual approaches dbnLB9Yrda4-00397-00077095-00077303 um and if you if you're not familiar dbnLB9Yrda4-00398-00077304-00077511 with these i'm almost done here dbnLB9Yrda4-00399-00077512-00077703 causal counter factual approaches also i dbnLB9Yrda4-00400-00077704-00077959 think suffer from similar silences dbnLB9Yrda4-00401-00077960-00078199 you know in virtue of what facts do we dbnLB9Yrda4-00402-00078200-00078367 decide what the relevant counterfactuals dbnLB9Yrda4-00403-00078368-00078550 are or what are the counterparts of dbnLB9Yrda4-00404-00078551-00078682 certain features in our you know dbnLB9Yrda4-00405-00078683-00078919 non-discriminatory possible worlds dbnLB9Yrda4-00406-00078920-00079135 i think there too a theory of race is dbnLB9Yrda4-00407-00079136-00079359 required to even get the method off the dbnLB9Yrda4-00408-00079360-00079494 ground dbnLB9Yrda4-00409-00079495-00079655 just saying that race stands in an dbnLB9Yrda4-00410-00079656-00079791 important causal relationship with a dbnLB9Yrda4-00411-00079792-00079871 given feature dbnLB9Yrda4-00412-00079872-00080126 doesn't by itself make any headway in dbnLB9Yrda4-00413-00080127-00080287 determining whether acting on that dbnLB9Yrda4-00414-00080288-00080455 feature is acting on race dbnLB9Yrda4-00415-00080456-00080687 unless that observation works from an dbnLB9Yrda4-00416-00080688-00080855 account of race in light of which that dbnLB9Yrda4-00417-00080856-00080999 feature and causal relation are dbnLB9Yrda4-00418-00081000-00081087 privileged over dbnLB9Yrda4-00419-00081088-00081294 others okay i'm going to really quickly dbnLB9Yrda4-00420-00081295-00081455 mute my video because there's a dbnLB9Yrda4-00421-00081456-00083135 train passing by dbnLB9Yrda4-00422-00083136-00083399 okay so the principal issue with these dbnLB9Yrda4-00423-00083400-00083462 approaches dbnLB9Yrda4-00424-00083463-00083679 is not just that facts about causation dbnLB9Yrda4-00425-00083680-00083879 don't give us enough information to pick dbnLB9Yrda4-00426-00083880-00083950 out dbnLB9Yrda4-00427-00083951-00084094 you know the the race features from the dbnLB9Yrda4-00428-00084095-00084331 non-race features but it's that any dbnLB9Yrda4-00429-00084332-00084535 implications that these dbnLB9Yrda4-00430-00084536-00084726 uh approaches have for solving the dbnLB9Yrda4-00431-00084727-00084903 puzzle will just depend dbnLB9Yrda4-00432-00084904-00085055 entirely on the theory of race that they dbnLB9Yrda4-00433-00085056-00085238 posit right and a theory that i think dbnLB9Yrda4-00434-00085239-00085359 that the approaches themselves can't dbnLB9Yrda4-00435-00085360-00085438 deliver dbnLB9Yrda4-00436-00085439-00085631 so i think the disagreements across the dbnLB9Yrda4-00437-00085632-00085815 different solutions to the puzzle dbnLB9Yrda4-00438-00085816-00086023 stem from disagreements about what race dbnLB9Yrda4-00439-00086024-00086591 as a social category dbnLB9Yrda4-00440-00086592-00086911 um and dbnLB9Yrda4-00441-00086912-00087223 uh i do want to say though dbnLB9Yrda4-00442-00087224-00087447 approaches are in fact suggestive of an dbnLB9Yrda4-00443-00087448-00087606 account of race right they highlight a dbnLB9Yrda4-00444-00087607-00087703 picture of race dbnLB9Yrda4-00445-00087704-00087967 as producing causal effects in the world dbnLB9Yrda4-00446-00087968-00088118 uh and they suggest in doing so they dbnLB9Yrda4-00447-00088119-00088279 suggest that what race does is a key dbnLB9Yrda4-00448-00088280-00088438 feature of what race is dbnLB9Yrda4-00449-00088439-00088599 how is it possible that there is another dbnLB9Yrda4-00450-00088600-00088791 train i'm sorry about this dbnLB9Yrda4-00451-00088792-00089006 i wholeheartedly endorse this proposal dbnLB9Yrda4-00452-00089007-00089135 of thinking race dbnLB9Yrda4-00453-00089136-00089326 uh to be a social cause but i think we dbnLB9Yrda4-00454-00089327-00089438 need to think dbnLB9Yrda4-00455-00089439-00089647 really deeply about what kind of a dbnLB9Yrda4-00456-00089648-00089815 social cause it is and i think dbnLB9Yrda4-00457-00089816-00090903 their social constructivist account can dbnLB9Yrda4-00458-00090904-00091247 okay well surely there won't be another dbnLB9Yrda4-00459-00091248-00091391 one in the next 15 minutes dbnLB9Yrda4-00460-00091392-00091815 all right so i think to make sense of a dbnLB9Yrda4-00461-00091816-00091999 cause's interpretation of discrimination dbnLB9Yrda4-00462-00092000-00092111 on the basis of race dbnLB9Yrda4-00463-00092112-00092375 we need to elaborate an analysis of race dbnLB9Yrda4-00464-00092376-00092559 and social category that is causally dbnLB9Yrda4-00465-00092560-00092662 affications dbnLB9Yrda4-00466-00092663-00092862 right but i think the straightforward dbnLB9Yrda4-00467-00092863-00093311 thought that race acts as a cause dbnLB9Yrda4-00468-00093312-00093535 kind of a race being just an individual dbnLB9Yrda4-00469-00093536-00093687 attribute that kind of triggers certain dbnLB9Yrda4-00470-00093688-00093791 responses right dbnLB9Yrda4-00471-00093792-00094031 so the claim the police person stopped dbnLB9Yrda4-00472-00094032-00094159 jamal because he was black dbnLB9Yrda4-00473-00094160-00094367 seems to suggest something like at time dbnLB9Yrda4-00474-00094368-00094599 t zero the police person dbnLB9Yrda4-00475-00094600-00094926 perceives jamal perceives race dbnLB9Yrda4-00476-00094927-00095118 and then that triggers a certain set of dbnLB9Yrda4-00477-00095119-00095294 behavioral responses that ends in dbnLB9Yrda4-00478-00095295-00095503 the police person stopping jamal at time dbnLB9Yrda4-00479-00095504-00095703 t1 dbnLB9Yrda4-00480-00095704-00095982 but i think this kind of causal um dbnLB9Yrda4-00481-00095983-00096150 understanding leaves kind of completely dbnLB9Yrda4-00482-00096151-00096206 opaque dbnLB9Yrda4-00483-00096207-00096391 the background conditions of the dbnLB9Yrda4-00484-00096392-00096526 interaction right so dbnLB9Yrda4-00485-00096527-00096711 why did black have the causal effect dbnLB9Yrda4-00486-00096712-00096918 that it did why did the police officer dbnLB9Yrda4-00487-00096919-00097038 react the way he did with dbnLB9Yrda4-00488-00097039-00097199 you know with stop and search rather dbnLB9Yrda4-00489-00097200-00097431 than with pass and i think if a cause's dbnLB9Yrda4-00490-00097432-00097591 interpretation of discrimination is dbnLB9Yrda4-00491-00097592-00097703 primarily dbnLB9Yrda4-00492-00097704-00097935 concerned with the systemic nature of dbnLB9Yrda4-00493-00097936-00098079 racial disadvantage dbnLB9Yrda4-00494-00098080-00098223 then answers to these composite dbnLB9Yrda4-00495-00098224-00098423 questions should explain why black has dbnLB9Yrda4-00496-00098424-00098606 the causal capacities that it does and dbnLB9Yrda4-00497-00098607-00098871 why the causal capacities are configured dbnLB9Yrda4-00498-00098872-00099199 in this way um dbnLB9Yrda4-00499-00099200-00099462 so i think that here what we want is i dbnLB9Yrda4-00500-00099463-00099671 think a picture of race not as a kind of dbnLB9Yrda4-00501-00099672-00099960 attribute that is perceived dbnLB9Yrda4-00502-00099961-00100094 [Music] dbnLB9Yrda4-00503-00100095-00100391 but as a social category that structures dbnLB9Yrda4-00504-00100392-00100599 certain kinds of social responses dbnLB9Yrda4-00505-00100600-00100855 so an explanation of why jamal being dbnLB9Yrda4-00506-00100856-00101047 jamal's being black caused the police dbnLB9Yrda4-00507-00101048-00101126 officer dbnLB9Yrda4-00508-00101127-00101455 to search him or stop him has to address dbnLB9Yrda4-00509-00101456-00101718 the fact that the black carry social dbnLB9Yrda4-00510-00101719-00101774 meaning dbnLB9Yrda4-00511-00101775-00101974 right or that the concept of black is dbnLB9Yrda4-00512-00101975-00102111 linked to in dbnLB9Yrda4-00513-00102112-00102447 america um concepts of you know danger dbnLB9Yrda4-00514-00102448-00102542 or violence dbnLB9Yrda4-00515-00102543-00102686 and i think we can't really understand dbnLB9Yrda4-00516-00102688-00102863 how black acts constantly dbnLB9Yrda4-00517-00102864-00103030 you know causes the police search dbnLB9Yrda4-00518-00103031-00103175 without understanding the origins of dbnLB9Yrda4-00519-00103176-00103327 this representational content dbnLB9Yrda4-00520-00103328-00103478 and this is what social constructivism dbnLB9Yrda4-00521-00103479-00103694 really highlights social constructivism dbnLB9Yrda4-00522-00103695-00103806 highlights that the myriad dbnLB9Yrda4-00523-00103807-00103975 causal powers of jamal's being raised dbnLB9Yrda4-00524-00103976-00104158 black are connected with the social kind dbnLB9Yrda4-00525-00104159-00104230 of thing dbnLB9Yrda4-00526-00104231-00104439 that being raised black is and how the dbnLB9Yrda4-00527-00104440-00105223 category is socially constructed as such dbnLB9Yrda4-00528-00105224-00105551 so construct they foreground this idea dbnLB9Yrda4-00529-00105552-00105678 that racial categories are socially dbnLB9Yrda4-00530-00105679-00105839 constructed to have the causal powers dbnLB9Yrda4-00531-00105840-00105943 that they have right dbnLB9Yrda4-00532-00105944-00106158 and socially constructed because of um dbnLB9Yrda4-00533-00106159-00106334 social and political forces continually dbnLB9Yrda4-00534-00106335-00106502 shaping the boundaries of racial dbnLB9Yrda4-00535-00106503-00106607 categories dbnLB9Yrda4-00536-00106608-00106815 their meanings and as a result their dbnLB9Yrda4-00537-00106816-00107063 their causal capacities dbnLB9Yrda4-00538-00107064-00107271 and since races don't share any dbnLB9Yrda4-00539-00107272-00107447 essential characteristics that naturally dbnLB9Yrda4-00540-00107448-00107583 mark them off from each other dbnLB9Yrda4-00541-00107583-00107758 the divisions can only be maintained and dbnLB9Yrda4-00542-00107759-00107927 produced anew by race making dbnLB9Yrda4-00543-00107928-00108054 institutions dbnLB9Yrda4-00544-00108055-00108286 so um i'm going to use the example of dbnLB9Yrda4-00545-00108288-00108486 police and the prison system in the u.s dbnLB9Yrda4-00546-00108488-00108758 though i'm not a scholar of policing and dbnLB9Yrda4-00547-00108759-00108863 prisons in the u.s dbnLB9Yrda4-00548-00108864-00109190 and for people who um you know want to dbnLB9Yrda4-00549-00109191-00109247 learn dbnLB9Yrda4-00550-00109248-00109415 more about this which we all should i dbnLB9Yrda4-00551-00109416-00109702 think um this little like 20-second dbnLB9Yrda4-00552-00109703-00109910 explanation isn't going to do justice to dbnLB9Yrda4-00553-00109911-00110071 the work that so many scholars have done dbnLB9Yrda4-00554-00110072-00110190 and so dbnLB9Yrda4-00555-00110191-00110566 just to name a few um elizabeth hinton dbnLB9Yrda4-00556-00110567-00110863 ruthie gilmore julie kohler houseman dbnLB9Yrda4-00557-00110864-00111031 like i'm happy to kind of dbnLB9Yrda4-00558-00111032-00111199 give names i think this work is really dbnLB9Yrda4-00559-00111200-00111366 important and also dbnLB9Yrda4-00560-00111367-00111534 don't want people to think this cursory dbnLB9Yrda4-00561-00111535-00111719 explanation of it is ex dbnLB9Yrda4-00562-00111720-00111886 you know kind of covers the expanse of dbnLB9Yrda4-00563-00111888-00112078 scholarship dbnLB9Yrda4-00564-00112079-00112366 um but let me say a little bit about dbnLB9Yrda4-00565-00112367-00112519 this which is that the expansion of the dbnLB9Yrda4-00566-00112520-00112686 american carson system dbnLB9Yrda4-00567-00112688-00112878 starting in the late 60s reinforced dbnLB9Yrda4-00568-00112879-00113102 representations of blacks as deviants as dbnLB9Yrda4-00569-00113103-00113247 criminals dbnLB9Yrda4-00570-00113248-00113471 as is generally dangerous and the rise dbnLB9Yrda4-00571-00113472-00113671 in black crime which was itself a dbnLB9Yrda4-00572-00113672-00113878 product of race-laden policies dbnLB9Yrda4-00573-00113879-00114054 further justifies certain policing dbnLB9Yrda4-00574-00114055-00114263 practices right practices like racial dbnLB9Yrda4-00575-00114264-00114366 profiling dbnLB9Yrda4-00576-00114367-00114590 such that blackness can be become both dbnLB9Yrda4-00577-00114591-00114671 equated with dbnLB9Yrda4-00578-00114672-00114966 criminality at this you know micro level dbnLB9Yrda4-00579-00114967-00115127 of everyday social media dbnLB9Yrda4-00580-00115128-00115327 and police interaction but also this dbnLB9Yrda4-00581-00115328-00115543 macro level of legitimized dbnLB9Yrda4-00582-00115544-00115743 racial policing policies and just dbnLB9Yrda4-00583-00115744-00115966 general policy-making rationale dbnLB9Yrda4-00584-00115967-00116143 and these effects have spilled over in dbnLB9Yrda4-00585-00116144-00116327 the past 50 years dbnLB9Yrda4-00586-00116328-00116639 and in many other spheres making blacks dbnLB9Yrda4-00587-00116640-00116783 further socially economically and dbnLB9Yrda4-00588-00116783-00116990 politically marginalized in very dbnLB9Yrda4-00589-00116991-00117254 in highly specific ways and the concept dbnLB9Yrda4-00590-00117255-00117447 of race is thereby further embedded in dbnLB9Yrda4-00591-00117448-00117527 our society dbnLB9Yrda4-00592-00117528-00117686 figures into new and different dbnLB9Yrda4-00593-00117688-00117886 non-accidental generalizations dbnLB9Yrda4-00594-00117888-00118054 and asserts new and different causal dbnLB9Yrda4-00595-00118055-00118527 pressures on black lives dbnLB9Yrda4-00596-00118528-00118751 so i think a further way to flesh out dbnLB9Yrda4-00597-00118752-00119015 this critical constructivist project dbnLB9Yrda4-00598-00119016-00119183 is to think about race as essentially dbnLB9Yrda4-00599-00119183-00119351 hierarchically constructed dbnLB9Yrda4-00600-00119352-00119478 and i'm going to call this kind of dbnLB9Yrda4-00601-00119479-00119639 strand of constructivist thought thick dbnLB9Yrda4-00602-00119640-00119878 constructivism dbnLB9Yrda4-00603-00119879-00120151 so for instance sally haslinger uh for dbnLB9Yrda4-00604-00120152-00120366 sally hasinger you know race dbnLB9Yrda4-00605-00120367-00120583 uh and gender are social positions dbnLB9Yrda4-00606-00120583-00120751 wherein certain characteristics of dbnLB9Yrda4-00607-00120752-00120934 phenotype and ancestry dbnLB9Yrda4-00608-00120935-00121143 uh in the case of race justify certain dbnLB9Yrda4-00609-00121144-00121295 kinds of differential treatment and dbnLB9Yrda4-00610-00121296-00121478 positioning dbnLB9Yrda4-00611-00121479-00121751 um so she says quote racial oppression dbnLB9Yrda4-00612-00121752-00121799 or dbnLB9Yrda4-00613-00121800-00121943 racial oppression is directly connected dbnLB9Yrda4-00614-00121944-00122102 to correlations of race dbnLB9Yrda4-00615-00122103-00122319 so she writes group domination and the dbnLB9Yrda4-00616-00122320-00122519 effects of earlier injustice positions dbnLB9Yrda4-00617-00122520-00122631 subordinate groups dbnLB9Yrda4-00618-00122632-00122863 socially and economically so that their dbnLB9Yrda4-00619-00122864-00123047 members have much more in common than dbnLB9Yrda4-00620-00123048-00123119 their group dbnLB9Yrda4-00621-00123120-00123423 membership and i think seeing that the dbnLB9Yrda4-00622-00123424-00123527 race structure dbnLB9Yrda4-00623-00123528-00123775 as a hierarchical structure means seeing dbnLB9Yrda4-00624-00123776-00123927 continuity dbnLB9Yrda4-00625-00123928-00124119 in how blacks are subordinated even if dbnLB9Yrda4-00626-00124120-00124271 the particulars of that subordination dbnLB9Yrda4-00627-00124272-00124502 might vary by historical moment dbnLB9Yrda4-00628-00124503-00124702 because the category is essentially dbnLB9Yrda4-00629-00124703-00124871 constructed in such a way dbnLB9Yrda4-00630-00124872-00125047 that black individuals occupy a social dbnLB9Yrda4-00631-00125048-00125214 position that is defined by a set of dbnLB9Yrda4-00632-00125215-00125390 norms and expectations dbnLB9Yrda4-00633-00125391-00125575 that is as a whole oppressive and i dbnLB9Yrda4-00634-00125576-00125831 think this fact of racial oppression dbnLB9Yrda4-00635-00125832-00126031 connects directly with the correlations dbnLB9Yrda4-00636-00126032-00126254 with race issue at the heart of the dbnLB9Yrda4-00637-00126255-00126551 puzzle of algorithmic discrimination dbnLB9Yrda4-00638-00126552-00126599 because dbnLB9Yrda4-00639-00126600-00126823 these correlations you know robust dbnLB9Yrda4-00640-00126824-00127014 non-accidental correlations dbnLB9Yrda4-00641-00127015-00127214 between outcomes of disadvantage and the dbnLB9Yrda4-00642-00127215-00127463 black label that we often see in in dbnLB9Yrda4-00643-00127464-00127710 machine learning and data sets generally dbnLB9Yrda4-00644-00127711-00127886 there are simply just manifestations of dbnLB9Yrda4-00645-00127888-00127966 an unjust dbnLB9Yrda4-00646-00127967-00128231 race structure at work so the thought is dbnLB9Yrda4-00647-00128232-00128407 look if races are constructed as dbnLB9Yrda4-00648-00128408-00128502 different dbnLB9Yrda4-00649-00128503-00128671 then seeing these consistent dbnLB9Yrda4-00650-00128672-00128807 non-accidental correlations dbnLB9Yrda4-00651-00128808-00129031 with race are just are not just kind of dbnLB9Yrda4-00652-00129032-00129214 unfortunate statistical regularities dbnLB9Yrda4-00653-00129215-00129375 that you know algorithms have to find a dbnLB9Yrda4-00654-00129376-00129510 way to skirt around dbnLB9Yrda4-00655-00129511-00129639 in order to not you know not to dbnLB9Yrda4-00656-00129640-00129807 discriminate but i think they track dbnLB9Yrda4-00657-00129808-00129999 empirical facts descriptive dbnLB9Yrda4-00658-00130000-00130247 of what race's quad thick social dbnLB9Yrda4-00659-00130248-00130319 positions dbnLB9Yrda4-00660-00130320-00130551 are right what it is to be raised in the dbnLB9Yrda4-00661-00130552-00131127 first instance dbnLB9Yrda4-00662-00131128-00131359 so for the thick constructivist the dbnLB9Yrda4-00663-00131360-00131487 racial category black dbnLB9Yrda4-00664-00131488-00131702 is defined in reference to its overall dbnLB9Yrda4-00665-00131703-00131823 position of dbnLB9Yrda4-00666-00131824-00132102 disadvantage so for instance to be black dbnLB9Yrda4-00667-00132103-00132271 is to be marked on the basis of one's dbnLB9Yrda4-00668-00132272-00132454 phenotype and supposed ancestry for dbnLB9Yrda4-00669-00132455-00132654 certain norms expectations and practices dbnLB9Yrda4-00670-00132655-00132799 of subordination dbnLB9Yrda4-00671-00132800-00132895 and i think different thick dbnLB9Yrda4-00672-00132896-00133023 constructivist accounts can be dbnLB9Yrda4-00673-00133024-00133135 distinguished by dbnLB9Yrda4-00674-00133136-00133351 the kinds of subordinating factors that dbnLB9Yrda4-00675-00133352-00133535 they're emphasizing and dbnLB9Yrda4-00676-00133536-00133831 defining the category so for instance uh dbnLB9Yrda4-00677-00133832-00134039 du bois in dusk of dawn he has this dbnLB9Yrda4-00678-00134040-00134207 dialogue that he he's speaking with a dbnLB9Yrda4-00679-00134208-00134343 white interlocutor dbnLB9Yrda4-00680-00134344-00134607 and the white interlocutor asks him what dbnLB9Yrda4-00681-00134608-00134702 is this group dbnLB9Yrda4-00682-00134703-00134878 and how do you differentiate it and how dbnLB9Yrda4-00683-00134879-00135063 can you call it black when you admit it dbnLB9Yrda4-00684-00135064-00135166 is not black dbnLB9Yrda4-00685-00135167-00135471 and due boys responds he says the black dbnLB9Yrda4-00686-00135472-00135623 man is a person who must dbnLB9Yrda4-00687-00135624-00135935 ride jim crow in dbnLB9Yrda4-00688-00135936-00136151 and georgia therefore he thereby defines dbnLB9Yrda4-00689-00136152-00136327 black by its relationship to dbnLB9Yrda4-00690-00136328-00136454 legal institutions of racial dbnLB9Yrda4-00691-00136455-00136702 subordination dbnLB9Yrda4-00692-00136703-00136954 paul taylor expands this kind of thick dbnLB9Yrda4-00693-00136955-00137111 constructivist-like approach dbnLB9Yrda4-00694-00137112-00137319 to the race concept more generally so dbnLB9Yrda4-00695-00137320-00137439 for taylor dbnLB9Yrda4-00696-00137440-00137639 races are probabilistically defined dbnLB9Yrda4-00697-00137640-00137854 populations that result from dbnLB9Yrda4-00698-00137855-00138047 the white supremacist determination to dbnLB9Yrda4-00699-00138048-00138254 link appearance and ancestry with social dbnLB9Yrda4-00700-00138255-00138583 location and life chances dbnLB9Yrda4-00701-00138584-00138759 so notice in these accounts that race dbnLB9Yrda4-00702-00138760-00138919 continues to be a causal factor in dbnLB9Yrda4-00703-00138920-00139127 individuals lives absolutely right being dbnLB9Yrda4-00704-00139128-00139335 marked black causally subjects dbnLB9Yrda4-00705-00139336-00139535 into black individuals to certain types dbnLB9Yrda4-00706-00139536-00139663 of social treatment dbnLB9Yrda4-00707-00139664-00139911 but the constructivist account is um of dbnLB9Yrda4-00708-00139912-00140111 the categories constitutive because dbnLB9Yrda4-00709-00140112-00140431 black is in fact defined um as dbnLB9Yrda4-00710-00140432-00140607 to be black is to define to be standing dbnLB9Yrda4-00711-00140608-00140823 in some relation to social factors dbnLB9Yrda4-00712-00140824-00141223 and social agents dbnLB9Yrda4-00713-00141224-00141614 oh sorry about that dbnLB9Yrda4-00714-00141615-00141863 so taking this view we would kind of exp dbnLB9Yrda4-00715-00141864-00142023 you know if we have for instance dbnLB9Yrda4-00716-00142024-00142247 an example here being black is partly dbnLB9Yrda4-00717-00142248-00142407 defined in terms of standing dbnLB9Yrda4-00718-00142408-00142566 one standing in a certain relation to dbnLB9Yrda4-00719-00142567-00142719 institutions of policing dbnLB9Yrda4-00720-00142720-00142943 right if we took this view then we would dbnLB9Yrda4-00721-00142944-00143166 expect policing data to be racially dbnLB9Yrda4-00722-00143167-00143390 skewed dbnLB9Yrda4-00723-00143391-00143631 right a positive correlation between the dbnLB9Yrda4-00724-00143632-00143719 features dbnLB9Yrda4-00725-00143720-00143943 black and past searches like police dbnLB9Yrda4-00726-00143944-00144159 doesn't just expose a causal effect of dbnLB9Yrda4-00727-00144160-00144366 what an individual is being marked black dbnLB9Yrda4-00728-00144367-00144559 but a descriptive effect about what dbnLB9Yrda4-00729-00144560-00144975 black is as a social category dbnLB9Yrda4-00730-00144976-00145175 and if we kind of continue on thinking dbnLB9Yrda4-00731-00145176-00145319 about the racial hierarchy dbnLB9Yrda4-00732-00145320-00145447 racialized policing institutions dbnLB9Yrda4-00733-00145448-00145639 actually forge a distinct pillar in that dbnLB9Yrda4-00734-00145640-00145702 racial dbnLB9Yrda4-00735-00145703-00145975 um hierarchical race uh structure and so dbnLB9Yrda4-00736-00145976-00146078 they partly actually dbnLB9Yrda4-00737-00146079-00146239 form the thick social position that is dbnLB9Yrda4-00738-00146240-00146447 the category black dbnLB9Yrda4-00739-00146448-00146631 and you know if you take this view then dbnLB9Yrda4-00740-00146632-00146919 there is really no clean distinction dbnLB9Yrda4-00741-00146920-00147254 between something dbnLB9Yrda4-00742-00147255-00147566 this race r kind of itself and the com dbnLB9Yrda4-00743-00147567-00147719 the complex of social factors that dbnLB9Yrda4-00744-00147720-00147911 constitute the thick social position dbnLB9Yrda4-00745-00147912-00148263 of race r okay so dbnLB9Yrda4-00746-00148264-00148471 um i want to make a few caveats and dbnLB9Yrda4-00747-00148472-00148607 clarifications before dbnLB9Yrda4-00748-00148608-00148999 i get to the upshot um dbnLB9Yrda4-00749-00149000-00149263 at this point i want to first say that a dbnLB9Yrda4-00750-00149264-00149414 thick construct of this account dbnLB9Yrda4-00751-00149415-00149590 of race doesn't need to take all dbnLB9Yrda4-00752-00149591-00149751 non-accidental correlations with the dbnLB9Yrda4-00753-00149752-00149943 feature block to be constitutive of the dbnLB9Yrda4-00754-00149944-00150126 racial category black dbnLB9Yrda4-00755-00150127-00150351 um i think some i think i would posit dbnLB9Yrda4-00756-00150352-00150543 like most causal effects of being dbnLB9Yrda4-00757-00150544-00150711 labeled black and encountering the world dbnLB9Yrda4-00758-00150712-00150887 as black are not defining features of dbnLB9Yrda4-00759-00150888-00151087 the category but i think the question of dbnLB9Yrda4-00760-00151088-00151287 which ones are essential and which ones dbnLB9Yrda4-00761-00151288-00151543 aren't is an important conceptual dbnLB9Yrda4-00762-00151544-00151751 and i was just like a political question dbnLB9Yrda4-00763-00151752-00151926 that isn't reducible to data mining dbnLB9Yrda4-00764-00151927-00151966 right so dbnLB9Yrda4-00765-00151967-00152095 i don't want i don't mean to suggest dbnLB9Yrda4-00766-00152096-00152343 like oh constitutive you know dbnLB9Yrda4-00767-00152344-00152471 those features that are constitutive are dbnLB9Yrda4-00768-00152472-00152623 the ones that exhibit the strongest or dbnLB9Yrda4-00769-00152624-00152807 most robust correlations or anything dbnLB9Yrda4-00770-00152808-00153199 like that dbnLB9Yrda4-00771-00153200-00153654 i also um you know a potential dbnLB9Yrda4-00772-00153655-00153895 objection might be well you know doesn't dbnLB9Yrda4-00773-00153896-00154054 a feature need to be kind of perfectly dbnLB9Yrda4-00774-00154055-00154214 correlated with the racial label black dbnLB9Yrda4-00775-00154215-00154351 in order for it to be kind of this dbnLB9Yrda4-00776-00154352-00154431 essential dbnLB9Yrda4-00777-00154432-00154766 um constitutive feature of the category dbnLB9Yrda4-00778-00154767-00155087 um and i i want to say dbnLB9Yrda4-00779-00155088-00155343 no and i think this is because standing dbnLB9Yrda4-00780-00155344-00155511 on certain relations of subordination to dbnLB9Yrda4-00781-00155512-00155687 policing doesn't mean having to have dbnLB9Yrda4-00782-00155688-00155790 certain kinds of policing dbnLB9Yrda4-00783-00155791-00155999 outcomes right so not every individual dbnLB9Yrda4-00784-00156000-00156119 will experience those dbnLB9Yrda4-00785-00156120-00156302 um subordinating relations in the exact dbnLB9Yrda4-00786-00156303-00156526 same way but i think that doesn't mean dbnLB9Yrda4-00787-00156527-00156575 that dbnLB9Yrda4-00788-00156576-00156751 subordinating standing and subordinating dbnLB9Yrda4-00789-00156752-00157007 relation with to um policing dbnLB9Yrda4-00790-00157008-00157231 isn't um constitutive of the category dbnLB9Yrda4-00791-00157232-00157383 because i think in fact all dbnLB9Yrda4-00792-00157384-00157599 um black individuals qua black dbnLB9Yrda4-00793-00157600-00157799 individuals do experience race-based dbnLB9Yrda4-00794-00157800-00157854 harms dbnLB9Yrda4-00795-00157855-00158087 and injustices uh because of policing dbnLB9Yrda4-00796-00158088-00158254 and i can talk more about that maybe dbnLB9Yrda4-00797-00158255-00158519 in the q a and the last thing i want to dbnLB9Yrda4-00798-00158520-00158607 say dbnLB9Yrda4-00799-00158608-00158943 um which again will sound very cursory dbnLB9Yrda4-00800-00158944-00159071 because i think a lot of work should be dbnLB9Yrda4-00801-00159072-00159231 dedicated to this dbnLB9Yrda4-00802-00159232-00159478 is that you know intersectional dbnLB9Yrda4-00803-00159479-00159543 theorists dbnLB9Yrda4-00804-00159544-00159726 intersectionality theorists have you dbnLB9Yrda4-00805-00159727-00159902 know urged um dbnLB9Yrda4-00806-00159903-00160119 us to break out of single axis thinking dbnLB9Yrda4-00807-00160120-00160247 right like thinking that there is on the dbnLB9Yrda4-00808-00160248-00160311 one hand dbnLB9Yrda4-00809-00160312-00160471 you know the race hierarchy and the dbnLB9Yrda4-00810-00160472-00160607 gender hierarchy and you can kind of dbnLB9Yrda4-00811-00160608-00160678 like dbnLB9Yrda4-00812-00160679-00161039 just add them up to to think about um dbnLB9Yrda4-00813-00161040-00161175 oppression at you know at the dbnLB9Yrda4-00814-00161176-00161375 intersection and i i want to say that dbnLB9Yrda4-00815-00161376-00161431 that's dbnLB9Yrda4-00816-00161432-00161639 absolutely not the case and i think that dbnLB9Yrda4-00817-00161640-00161783 constructivism dbnLB9Yrda4-00818-00161784-00162031 um must be developed further to kind of dbnLB9Yrda4-00819-00162032-00162102 account for dbnLB9Yrda4-00820-00162103-00162366 intersectional social categories um but dbnLB9Yrda4-00821-00162367-00162535 i think that that's going to require dbnLB9Yrda4-00822-00162536-00162799 a ton of other work um and deserves its dbnLB9Yrda4-00823-00162800-00163295 own kind of dedicated attention dbnLB9Yrda4-00824-00163296-00163678 okay so what is the cash value of this dbnLB9Yrda4-00825-00163679-00163814 so i think with these theoretical dbnLB9Yrda4-00826-00163815-00163990 resources in place i claim we can dbnLB9Yrda4-00827-00163991-00164159 elaborate a causal analysis of dbnLB9Yrda4-00828-00164160-00164343 discrimination on the basis of race dbnLB9Yrda4-00829-00164344-00164551 that answers the puzzle that i set forth dbnLB9Yrda4-00830-00164552-00164702 at the beginning of this talk dbnLB9Yrda4-00831-00164703-00164878 but i think we need to understand how dbnLB9Yrda4-00832-00164879-00165102 race acts as a cause in the right way dbnLB9Yrda4-00833-00165103-00165223 and i think the right way is an dbnLB9Yrda4-00834-00165224-00165375 understanding advanced by the thick dbnLB9Yrda4-00835-00165376-00165543 constructivist account dbnLB9Yrda4-00836-00165544-00165783 so here it is when it comes to dbnLB9Yrda4-00837-00165784-00165959 algorithmic decision systems dbnLB9Yrda4-00838-00165960-00166119 discriminating on the basis of features dbnLB9Yrda4-00839-00166120-00166278 correlated with race constitutes dbnLB9Yrda4-00840-00166279-00166487 discriminating on the basis of race dbnLB9Yrda4-00841-00166488-00166638 when those features are not merely dbnLB9Yrda4-00842-00166639-00166863 causally related to but constitutive of dbnLB9Yrda4-00843-00166864-00167007 the racial category qua dbnLB9Yrda4-00844-00167008-00167502 fixed social position dbnLB9Yrda4-00845-00167503-00167799 so let's kind of run through an example dbnLB9Yrda4-00846-00167800-00167831 so dbnLB9Yrda4-00847-00167832-00167990 you know the constructivists define dbnLB9Yrda4-00848-00167991-00168143 being black in terms of a certain set of dbnLB9Yrda4-00849-00168144-00168311 supporting social factors so dbnLB9Yrda4-00850-00168312-00168454 here maybe black is a thick social dbnLB9Yrda4-00851-00168455-00168566 position whose occupants are dbnLB9Yrda4-00852-00168567-00168823 probabilistically more likely to dbnLB9Yrda4-00853-00168824-00169007 and i have some examples here be on the dbnLB9Yrda4-00854-00169008-00169159 receiving end of a stop-and-frisk dbnLB9Yrda4-00855-00169160-00169366 action be a victim of state violence and dbnLB9Yrda4-00856-00169367-00169566 so on dbnLB9Yrda4-00857-00169567-00169911 now here we have social facts dbnLB9Yrda4-00858-00169912-00170078 in in this box there are social facts dbnLB9Yrda4-00859-00170079-00170231 that constitute the racial category dbnLB9Yrda4-00860-00170232-00170654 black quatic social position dbnLB9Yrda4-00861-00170655-00170999 and i want to say that acting on the dbnLB9Yrda4-00862-00171000-00171287 feature black in a data set and acting dbnLB9Yrda4-00863-00171288-00171351 on dbnLB9Yrda4-00864-00171352-00171647 these features the features in this box dbnLB9Yrda4-00865-00171648-00171751 are dbnLB9Yrda4-00866-00171752-00171926 kind of the dividing line between those dbnLB9Yrda4-00867-00171927-00172054 for the constructivism dbnLB9Yrda4-00868-00172055-00172278 the constructivist is not really there dbnLB9Yrda4-00869-00172279-00172478 right i think constructivist dbnLB9Yrda4-00870-00172479-00172663 um might see that an algorithm that dbnLB9Yrda4-00871-00172664-00172823 includes the race dbnLB9Yrda4-00872-00172824-00173007 race feature and the algorithm that dbnLB9Yrda4-00873-00173008-00173190 includes these features that exhibit dbnLB9Yrda4-00874-00173191-00173399 non-accidental correlations that dbnLB9Yrda4-00875-00173400-00173535 tracking the social facts are dbnLB9Yrda4-00876-00173536-00173719 constitutive being raised are might dbnLB9Yrda4-00877-00173720-00173895 both be discriminating on the basis of dbnLB9Yrda4-00878-00173896-00174023 race dbnLB9Yrda4-00879-00174024-00174199 and i think this helps us understand dbnLB9Yrda4-00880-00174200-00174351 something that i think maybe dbnLB9Yrda4-00881-00174352-00174487 many of you might have heard in dbnLB9Yrda4-00882-00174488-00174631 discussions about algorithmic dbnLB9Yrda4-00883-00174632-00174743 discrimination dbnLB9Yrda4-00884-00174744-00175023 which is this this claim that an dbnLB9Yrda4-00885-00175024-00175199 algorithm can learn race even dbnLB9Yrda4-00886-00175200-00175471 if you exclude race right i think the dbnLB9Yrda4-00887-00175472-00175623 thought here seems to be that dbnLB9Yrda4-00888-00175624-00175919 insofar as race leaves its marks leaves dbnLB9Yrda4-00889-00175920-00176135 its mark on so many non-race features dbnLB9Yrda4-00890-00176136-00176295 keeping those features around in the dbnLB9Yrda4-00891-00176296-00176414 machine learning pipeline is going to dbnLB9Yrda4-00892-00176415-00176590 contribute to certain racially biased dbnLB9Yrda4-00893-00176591-00176687 outcomes dbnLB9Yrda4-00894-00176688-00176854 i think the thick constructivist dbnLB9Yrda4-00895-00176855-00177038 interpretation is to interpret the claim dbnLB9Yrda4-00896-00177039-00177311 quite literally it literally learns race dbnLB9Yrda4-00897-00177312-00177487 it learns via these correlations with dbnLB9Yrda4-00898-00177488-00177726 race what race is dbnLB9Yrda4-00899-00177727-00177902 and acting on the basis of correlations dbnLB9Yrda4-00900-00177903-00178111 produced by social facts that constitute dbnLB9Yrda4-00901-00178112-00178254 race qua social position dbnLB9Yrda4-00902-00178255-00178478 just is acting on the basis of race dbnLB9Yrda4-00903-00178479-00178575 because races just dbnLB9Yrda4-00904-00178576-00178766 are social positions that subject their dbnLB9Yrda4-00905-00178767-00178887 members dbnLB9Yrda4-00906-00178888-00179151 uh member individuals to this matrix of dbnLB9Yrda4-00907-00179152-00179295 privileging and subordinating social dbnLB9Yrda4-00908-00179296-00179535 relations that are just precisely what dbnLB9Yrda4-00909-00179536-00179590 it is dbnLB9Yrda4-00910-00179591-00180023 you know define what it is to be raised dbnLB9Yrda4-00911-00180024-00180135 okay some implications for dbnLB9Yrda4-00912-00180136-00180278 discrimination theory i know i'm at the dbnLB9Yrda4-00913-00180279-00180454 half hour mark so i'll kind of try to dbnLB9Yrda4-00914-00180455-00180551 run through this dbnLB9Yrda4-00915-00180552-00180759 um rather quickly i think i only have dbnLB9Yrda4-00916-00180760-00180854 like two slides dbnLB9Yrda4-00917-00180855-00181166 maybe one slide for i think one slide dbnLB9Yrda4-00918-00181167-00181471 um i think dbnLB9Yrda4-00919-00181472-00181575 there are a lot of implications for dbnLB9Yrda4-00920-00181576-00181719 discrimination theory more broadly i dbnLB9Yrda4-00921-00181720-00181902 want to discuss a few here dbnLB9Yrda4-00922-00181903-00182095 um so i think one place where the dbnLB9Yrda4-00923-00182096-00182247 standard machinery of discrimination dbnLB9Yrda4-00924-00182248-00182399 theory seems to malfunction dbnLB9Yrda4-00925-00182400-00182566 is this commonly held distinction dbnLB9Yrda4-00926-00182567-00182743 between direct and indirect dbnLB9Yrda4-00927-00182744-00182878 discrimination dbnLB9Yrda4-00928-00182879-00183199 um you know kind of to to to explain dbnLB9Yrda4-00929-00183200-00183383 that distinction rather roughly dbnLB9Yrda4-00930-00183384-00183614 which they're still like scholarly dbnLB9Yrda4-00931-00183615-00183863 debate about how best to characterize it dbnLB9Yrda4-00932-00183864-00184054 it's you know the thought roughly is dbnLB9Yrda4-00933-00184055-00184271 that indirect discrimination dbnLB9Yrda4-00934-00184272-00184671 um kind of against blacks harms blacks dbnLB9Yrda4-00935-00184672-00184902 but not by kind of acting on race itself dbnLB9Yrda4-00936-00184903-00185063 but it has some negative disparate dbnLB9Yrda4-00937-00185064-00185207 impact on the group right so for dbnLB9Yrda4-00938-00185208-00185287 instance dbnLB9Yrda4-00939-00185288-00185438 you know because blacks have been more dbnLB9Yrda4-00940-00185439-00185575 often been subject to certain dbnLB9Yrda4-00941-00185576-00185750 subordinating policing practices dbnLB9Yrda4-00942-00185751-00186038 they indirectly bear the brunt of other dbnLB9Yrda4-00943-00186039-00186143 policies that kind of dbnLB9Yrda4-00944-00186144-00186350 use those police encounters as a dbnLB9Yrda4-00945-00186351-00186511 decision-making criterion dbnLB9Yrda4-00946-00186512-00186678 right that's an indirect kind of dbnLB9Yrda4-00947-00186679-00186847 discrimination but dbnLB9Yrda4-00948-00186848-00187087 if as the constructivist holds the dbnLB9Yrda4-00949-00187088-00187287 category black is defined in terms of dbnLB9Yrda4-00950-00187288-00187438 those social facts that constitute the dbnLB9Yrda4-00951-00187439-00187502 position dbnLB9Yrda4-00952-00187503-00187719 in a hierarchical race structure then dbnLB9Yrda4-00953-00187720-00187814 the gap between dbnLB9Yrda4-00954-00187815-00188071 acting on being black and acting on dbnLB9Yrda4-00955-00188072-00188238 having been targeted by violent policing dbnLB9Yrda4-00956-00188239-00188447 practices narrow significantly dbnLB9Yrda4-00957-00188448-00188623 right it seems to act on black in an dbnLB9Yrda4-00958-00188624-00188799 important sense one that challenges the dbnLB9Yrda4-00959-00188800-00188919 idea that dbnLB9Yrda4-00960-00188920-00189119 uh doing so only acts on being black dbnLB9Yrda4-00961-00189120-00189566 kind of indirectly dbnLB9Yrda4-00962-00189567-00189902 um i also dbnLB9Yrda4-00963-00189903-00190135 you know i said you know here's this dbnLB9Yrda4-00964-00190136-00190295 account it solves the puzzle and i want dbnLB9Yrda4-00965-00190296-00190414 to give you dbnLB9Yrda4-00966-00190415-00190711 a quick reason or two for why we should dbnLB9Yrda4-00967-00190712-00190926 adopt the fit constructivist account dbnLB9Yrda4-00968-00190927-00191078 i think that the accounts of our social dbnLB9Yrda4-00969-00191079-00191238 categories um dbnLB9Yrda4-00970-00191239-00191350 you know should be constructed with dbnLB9Yrda4-00971-00191351-00191614 certain theoretical and practical goals dbnLB9Yrda4-00972-00191615-00191814 and i think the thick constructivist dbnLB9Yrda4-00973-00191815-00191999 account has dbnLB9Yrda4-00974-00192000-00192254 you know gives us payoff and let me i'm dbnLB9Yrda4-00975-00192255-00192407 going to work with an analogy dbnLB9Yrda4-00976-00192408-00192735 to economic class okay to show that i dbnLB9Yrda4-00977-00192736-00192775 think the dbnLB9Yrda4-00978-00192776-00192943 constructivist account like gives us dbnLB9Yrda4-00979-00192944-00193111 theoretical and practical payoff dbnLB9Yrda4-00980-00193112-00193343 so suppose i'm an orthodox marxian and i dbnLB9Yrda4-00981-00193344-00193519 take class to be defined dbnLB9Yrda4-00982-00193520-00193823 as an orthodox objectivist marxian dbnLB9Yrda4-00983-00193824-00193990 term so i think your economic class is dbnLB9Yrda4-00984-00193991-00194278 100 established by your relationship to dbnLB9Yrda4-00985-00194279-00194390 the means of production dbnLB9Yrda4-00986-00194391-00194550 so under capitalism you're a member of dbnLB9Yrda4-00987-00194551-00194695 the proletariat or dbnLB9Yrda4-00988-00194696-00194926 a member of the bourgeoisie and i dbnLB9Yrda4-00989-00194927-00195102 discovered that what marx called being a dbnLB9Yrda4-00990-00195103-00195190 proletarian dbnLB9Yrda4-00991-00195191-00195375 is correlated with having a long working dbnLB9Yrda4-00992-00195376-00195614 day limited personal property dbnLB9Yrda4-00993-00195615-00195902 and being subject to behavioral control dbnLB9Yrda4-00994-00195903-00196054 on and off the job dbnLB9Yrda4-00995-00196055-00196214 i find that my algorithm can predict dbnLB9Yrda4-00996-00196215-00196375 with great accuracy which of these dbnLB9Yrda4-00997-00196376-00196526 individuals will experience financial dbnLB9Yrda4-00998-00196527-00196583 hardship dbnLB9Yrda4-00999-00196584-00196750 in the next months and that the people dbnLB9Yrda4-01000-00196751-00196990 who um experience financial hardship dbnLB9Yrda4-01001-00196991-00197126 it's heavily skewed towards those dbnLB9Yrda4-01002-00197127-00197326 labeled proletariat even if i remove the dbnLB9Yrda4-01003-00197327-00197487 class category dbnLB9Yrda4-01004-00197488-00197647 so i think one interpretation that says dbnLB9Yrda4-01005-00197648-00197831 okay well being a proletariat causely dbnLB9Yrda4-01006-00197832-00197999 you know influences you having a long dbnLB9Yrda4-01007-00198000-00198150 working day and so on dbnLB9Yrda4-01008-00198151-00198375 i think this conclusion is fine but it dbnLB9Yrda4-01009-00198376-00198483 seems dbnLB9Yrda4-01010-00198484-00198759 unsatisfying and maybe even a little bit dbnLB9Yrda4-01011-00198760-00198838 wrong dbnLB9Yrda4-01012-00198839-00199014 it seems that when i use an algorithm to dbnLB9Yrda4-01013-00199015-00199207 draw on the fact that you frequently dbnLB9Yrda4-01014-00199208-00199359 experience financial hardship and dbnLB9Yrda4-01015-00199360-00199502 behavior discipline dbnLB9Yrda4-01016-00199503-00199687 i act directly on the fact that you are dbnLB9Yrda4-01017-00199688-00199863 in a particular precarious and dbnLB9Yrda4-01018-00199864-00199990 subordinated position within the dbnLB9Yrda4-01019-00199991-00200135 economic structure dbnLB9Yrda4-01020-00200136-00200302 right a distinctive social position that dbnLB9Yrda4-01021-00200303-00200454 perhaps warrants attention dbnLB9Yrda4-01022-00200455-00200726 as a class category but this thought dbnLB9Yrda4-01023-00200727-00200878 isn't really available to me if i'm kind dbnLB9Yrda4-01024-00200879-00201143 of pre-committed to the marxian account dbnLB9Yrda4-01025-00201144-00201414 right and that i can't kind of can't see dbnLB9Yrda4-01026-00201415-00201487 that in fact dbnLB9Yrda4-01027-00201488-00201654 these features in fact constitute a dbnLB9Yrda4-01028-00201655-00201926 really um important category of dbnLB9Yrda4-01029-00201927-00202111 theoretical interest dbnLB9Yrda4-01030-00202112-00202263 and it seems right to me to say that if dbnLB9Yrda4-01031-00202264-00202487 i deny you social benefits on the basis dbnLB9Yrda4-01032-00202488-00202599 of the fact that you have a dbnLB9Yrda4-01033-00202600-00202775 long working day limited personal dbnLB9Yrda4-01034-00202776-00202935 property and are subject to behavioral dbnLB9Yrda4-01035-00202936-00203031 discipline dbnLB9Yrda4-01036-00203032-00203254 then i'm doing so on the basis of your dbnLB9Yrda4-01037-00203255-00203390 class directly dbnLB9Yrda4-01038-00203391-00203575 and i think this is a claim that we can dbnLB9Yrda4-01039-00203576-00203702 make on a thick constructivist dbnLB9Yrda4-01040-00203703-00203814 conception dbnLB9Yrda4-01041-00203815-00204014 so that example is just to show i think dbnLB9Yrda4-01042-00204015-00204175 different conceptions of our categories dbnLB9Yrda4-01043-00204176-00204214 bear dbnLB9Yrda4-01044-00204215-00204423 different theoretical and practical dbnLB9Yrda4-01045-00204424-00204550 normative fruit dbnLB9Yrda4-01046-00204551-00204862 um and i think the thick constructivist dbnLB9Yrda4-01047-00204863-00204966 category dbnLB9Yrda4-01048-00204967-00205214 um would serve us well both dbnLB9Yrda4-01049-00205215-00205303 theoretically and dbnLB9Yrda4-01050-00205304-00205462 in many of our political projects or dbnLB9Yrda4-01051-00205463-00205719 many of my political projects dbnLB9Yrda4-01052-00205719-00205975 um i also think okay this is really one dbnLB9Yrda4-01053-00205976-00206038 minute now dbnLB9Yrda4-01054-00206039-00206319 i also think that the constructivist um dbnLB9Yrda4-01055-00206319-00206471 the thick constructivist account of race dbnLB9Yrda4-01056-00206471-00206646 shows why acting on the base of race is dbnLB9Yrda4-01057-00206648-00206932 often wrongful so um in dbnLB9Yrda4-01058-00206933-00207238 [Music] dbnLB9Yrda4-01059-00207239-00207390 discrimination theory there's the dbnLB9Yrda4-01060-00207391-00207494 question of what the wrong-making dbnLB9Yrda4-01061-00207496-00207638 feature of discrimination is dbnLB9Yrda4-01062-00207639-00207782 i think if you take the constructivist dbnLB9Yrda4-01063-00207783-00208006 account it's kind of clear to see how dbnLB9Yrda4-01064-00208007-00208166 acting on the basis of being black dbnLB9Yrda4-01065-00208167-00208382 is demeaning as deborah hellman would dbnLB9Yrda4-01066-00208383-00208519 say is a wrong-making feature of dbnLB9Yrda4-01067-00208519-00208719 discrimination or compounds injustice or dbnLB9Yrda4-01068-00208719-00208903 reinforces hierarchy dbnLB9Yrda4-01069-00208904-00209190 um as gary peller would put it so i dbnLB9Yrda4-01070-00209191-00209310 think it kind of connects the dbnLB9Yrda4-01071-00209311-00209471 descriptive and the non-dis are sorry dbnLB9Yrda4-01072-00209471-00209503 that dbnLB9Yrda4-01073-00209504-00209694 moralize the non-moralized quite well dbnLB9Yrda4-01074-00209696-00209815 and the last thing i'll say dbnLB9Yrda4-01075-00209816-00209998 is that there are really serious dbnLB9Yrda4-01076-00210000-00210206 practical limitations of talking about dbnLB9Yrda4-01077-00210207-00210358 certain features is only causally dbnLB9Yrda4-01078-00210359-00210527 related to and not constitutive dbnLB9Yrda4-01079-00210528-00210791 race quatic social positions and that dbnLB9Yrda4-01080-00210792-00210879 cashes out dbnLB9Yrda4-01081-00210880-00211191 in a series of really horrible dbnLB9Yrda4-01082-00211192-00211423 in my view judicial decisions in dbnLB9Yrda4-01083-00211423-00211558 discrimination cases dbnLB9Yrda4-01084-00211559-00211846 in the u.s context and i'm happy to talk dbnLB9Yrda4-01085-00211848-00211958 about that more in q dbnLB9Yrda4-01086-00211959-00212215 a but i'll leave that at that um thank dbnLB9Yrda4-01087-00212216-00212287 you for dbnLB9Yrda4-01088-00212288-00212463 inviting me and allowing me to go a bit dbnLB9Yrda4-01089-00212464-00212758 over thanks dbnLB9Yrda4-01090-00212759-00212982 thank you so much lily that was a really dbnLB9Yrda4-01091-00212983-00213119 wonderful talk dbnLB9Yrda4-01092-00213119-00213439 um i realized i didn't introduce my own dbnLB9Yrda4-01093-00213440-00213639 self which is so i'm shelley adamson the dbnLB9Yrda4-01094-00213640-00213815 chief operations officer of the hmy dbnLB9Yrda4-01095-00213816-00213919 grand challenge dbnLB9Yrda4-01096-00213919-00214127 um and what i'd like to do right now dbnLB9Yrda4-01097-00214128-00214334 though is hand over to sarita rosenstock dbnLB9Yrda4-01098-00214335-00214398 the dbnLB9Yrda4-01099-00214400-00214575 research fellow at hmi and she's going dbnLB9Yrda4-01100-00214576-00214791 to moderate our q a so serena would you dbnLB9Yrda4-01101-00214792-00214839 like to dbnLB9Yrda4-01102-00214840-00215142 take over peace thank you hi everybody dbnLB9Yrda4-01103-00215144-00215319 so uh today i'm going to start by dbnLB9Yrda4-01104-00215319-00215503 calling on our interdisciplinary dbnLB9Yrda4-01105-00215504-00215742 panel um it was associated with the hmi dbnLB9Yrda4-01106-00215744-00215831 group here dbnLB9Yrda4-01107-00215832-00215975 and then i'm going to move on to dbnLB9Yrda4-01108-00215976-00216151 audience questions and so dbnLB9Yrda4-01109-00216152-00216471 you can ask the question in the q a dbnLB9Yrda4-01110-00216471-00216734 function here and you can either i can dbnLB9Yrda4-01111-00216735-00216823 either read it for you dbnLB9Yrda4-01112-00216823-00217031 or uh you can ask it for yourself just dbnLB9Yrda4-01113-00217032-00217255 indicating the question um so i'm going dbnLB9Yrda4-01114-00217256-00217391 to start by calling on dbnLB9Yrda4-01115-00217392-00217767 a tusa who's a another research fellow dbnLB9Yrda4-01116-00217767-00217919 here with the hmi group dbnLB9Yrda4-01117-00217919-00218087 based in the computer science department dbnLB9Yrda4-01118-00218088-00218303 atuza dbnLB9Yrda4-01119-00218304-00218494 hi lilian thank you so much for the dbnLB9Yrda4-01120-00218496-00218606 great talk dbnLB9Yrda4-01121-00218607-00218919 so um i'm i'm totally on board with the dbnLB9Yrda4-01122-00218919-00219039 defense of the dbnLB9Yrda4-01123-00219040-00219255 thick constructivist account of race and dbnLB9Yrda4-01124-00219256-00219431 i think maybe that's the right way to dbnLB9Yrda4-01125-00219432-00219615 think about race if we are dbnLB9Yrda4-01126-00219616-00219903 thinking about like ontological dbnLB9Yrda4-01127-00219904-00220087 questions about raceway dbnLB9Yrda4-01128-00220088-00220287 but what i'm a little bit fearful is dbnLB9Yrda4-01129-00220288-00220415 that if you dbnLB9Yrda4-01130-00220416-00220582 like imagine you want to apply this dbnLB9Yrda4-01131-00220583-00220839 notion which is a correct conception of dbnLB9Yrda4-01132-00220840-00221087 uh metaphysics of race to the case of dbnLB9Yrda4-01133-00221088-00221279 facebook like the example that you dbnLB9Yrda4-01134-00221280-00221455 started dbnLB9Yrda4-01135-00221456-00221671 and so the worry is that if we adopt dbnLB9Yrda4-01136-00221671-00221782 this dislike dbnLB9Yrda4-01137-00221783-00222079 very socially kind of picture it could dbnLB9Yrda4-01138-00222080-00222151 be that in dbnLB9Yrda4-01139-00222152-00222455 a couple of legal systems um it wouldn't dbnLB9Yrda4-01140-00222456-00222551 allow us dbnLB9Yrda4-01141-00222552-00222734 or we wouldn't allow the legal system to dbnLB9Yrda4-01142-00222735-00222927 demarcate when dbnLB9Yrda4-01143-00222928-00223198 uh this notion of race or basically when dbnLB9Yrda4-01144-00223200-00223398 there was a racial discrimination or not dbnLB9Yrda4-01145-00223400-00223631 because at some point maybe you can you dbnLB9Yrda4-01146-00223632-00223806 know if you say that okay there's not dbnLB9Yrda4-01147-00223807-00223863 much dbnLB9Yrda4-01148-00223864-00224015 we don't need to have like very strong dbnLB9Yrda4-01149-00224016-00224255 correlations between features dbnLB9Yrda4-01150-00224256-00224439 particular features and the notion of dbnLB9Yrda4-01151-00224440-00224639 race or any other social category dbnLB9Yrda4-01152-00224640-00224846 then at some point we can end up like dbnLB9Yrda4-01153-00224848-00225039 saying that yeah at some point dbnLB9Yrda4-01154-00225040-00225255 many different features are correlated dbnLB9Yrda4-01155-00225256-00225415 with these social categories dbnLB9Yrda4-01156-00225416-00225703 and that seems to be a kind of a problem dbnLB9Yrda4-01157-00225704-00225751 for dbnLB9Yrda4-01158-00225752-00225919 for like legal decision making in dbnLB9Yrda4-01159-00225919-00226127 practical settings and i was wondering dbnLB9Yrda4-01160-00226128-00226223 if you have dbnLB9Yrda4-01161-00226223-00226439 uh something to say about that kind of dbnLB9Yrda4-01162-00226440-00226615 worry dbnLB9Yrda4-01163-00226616-00226975 yeah um sorry so i'm gonna try to dbnLB9Yrda4-01164-00226976-00227231 phrase the worry and you can correct me dbnLB9Yrda4-01165-00227232-00227342 if i'm getting it dbnLB9Yrda4-01166-00227344-00227639 wrong so the concern is if we don't have dbnLB9Yrda4-01167-00227640-00227919 this kind of clear operationalization dbnLB9Yrda4-01168-00227919-00228103 of the constructivist account that kind dbnLB9Yrda4-01169-00228104-00228303 of maps on to correlations dbnLB9Yrda4-01170-00228304-00228631 then it might be in fact difficult uh dbnLB9Yrda4-01171-00228632-00228855 we might kind of have to like not have dbnLB9Yrda4-01172-00228856-00228967 any uh dbnLB9Yrda4-01173-00228967-00229255 knowledge of which features are dbnLB9Yrda4-01174-00229256-00229391 problematic to act on is dbnLB9Yrda4-01175-00229392-00229798 is that the concern yeah dbnLB9Yrda4-01176-00229800-00230103 yeah yeah i mean dbnLB9Yrda4-01177-00230104-00230431 i think that dbnLB9Yrda4-01178-00230432-00230671 first i think that there are a lot of um dbnLB9Yrda4-01179-00230671-00230782 first there are a lot of like social dbnLB9Yrda4-01180-00230783-00230887 scientists who are dbnLB9Yrda4-01181-00230888-00231119 working on issues of race both empirical dbnLB9Yrda4-01182-00231119-00231223 social scientists dbnLB9Yrda4-01183-00231223-00231558 and also social theorists who've studied dbnLB9Yrda4-01184-00231559-00231831 all sorts of hierarchy and i think that dbnLB9Yrda4-01185-00231832-00232094 you know dbnLB9Yrda4-01186-00232096-00232415 our conceptions of race have to dbnLB9Yrda4-01187-00232416-00232606 kind of take into account historical as dbnLB9Yrda4-01188-00232607-00232775 well as empirical phenomena that might dbnLB9Yrda4-01189-00232776-00232839 not dbnLB9Yrda4-01190-00232840-00233046 be borne out directly in things like dbnLB9Yrda4-01191-00233048-00233198 correlations right sometimes they will dbnLB9Yrda4-01192-00233200-00233367 be like for instance dbnLB9Yrda4-01193-00233367-00233591 policing really you know we can see the dbnLB9Yrda4-01194-00233592-00233742 stark divisions dbnLB9Yrda4-01195-00233744-00234063 um in policing but you know other other dbnLB9Yrda4-01196-00234064-00234263 kinds of cases of oppression are not so dbnLB9Yrda4-01197-00234264-00234446 easily identifiable from the data dbnLB9Yrda4-01198-00234448-00234582 and i i don't know i i don't want this dbnLB9Yrda4-01199-00234583-00234767 to be hand-wavy um dbnLB9Yrda4-01200-00234767-00234903 question but i just think that it's dbnLB9Yrda4-01201-00234904-00235071 something that we're going to have to do dbnLB9Yrda4-01202-00235071-00235182 we're going to have to come dbnLB9Yrda4-01203-00235183-00235463 come to like what in what specific ways dbnLB9Yrda4-01204-00235464-00235606 certain groups are oppressed and dbnLB9Yrda4-01205-00235607-00235719 marginalized dbnLB9Yrda4-01206-00235719-00236031 and keep note of that kind of cluster of dbnLB9Yrda4-01207-00236032-00236134 social facts dbnLB9Yrda4-01208-00236135-00236319 whenever we try to adjudicate questions dbnLB9Yrda4-01209-00236319-00236455 about group inequality or group dbnLB9Yrda4-01210-00236456-00236575 discrimination dbnLB9Yrda4-01211-00236576-00236727 and i think another thing to say that dbnLB9Yrda4-01212-00236728-00237046 about that is that we have to do this dbnLB9Yrda4-01213-00237048-00237206 we have to do this because this is part dbnLB9Yrda4-01214-00237207-00237375 of i can kind of squeeze in dbnLB9Yrda4-01215-00237376-00237575 a response a little bit about my dbnLB9Yrda4-01216-00237576-00237710 practical limitations dbnLB9Yrda4-01217-00237711-00238055 because i write a lot about um dbnLB9Yrda4-01218-00238056-00238342 how reasoning about race and dbnLB9Yrda4-01219-00238344-00238415 discrimination dbnLB9Yrda4-01220-00238416-00238655 cashes out at the u.s legal system and dbnLB9Yrda4-01221-00238656-00238758 how it cashes out dbnLB9Yrda4-01222-00238759-00238951 is that nothing is constitutive of race dbnLB9Yrda4-01223-00238952-00239119 right and so all you need to do dbnLB9Yrda4-01224-00239119-00239327 to show that there's no discrimination dbnLB9Yrda4-01225-00239328-00239527 the statistical the econometrician comes dbnLB9Yrda4-01226-00239528-00239606 in and waves their dbnLB9Yrda4-01227-00239607-00239879 fiscal wand and says look if i condition dbnLB9Yrda4-01228-00239880-00239942 on dbnLB9Yrda4-01229-00239944-00240103 neighborhood poverty rates neighborhood dbnLB9Yrda4-01230-00240104-00240294 crime rates those who economic status dbnLB9Yrda4-01231-00240296-00240334 you know dbnLB9Yrda4-01232-00240335-00240487 my condition on all these extremely dbnLB9Yrda4-01233-00240488-00240639 racialized factors there's no race dbnLB9Yrda4-01234-00240640-00240775 difference at all dbnLB9Yrda4-01235-00240776-00240927 and it's true you'll see this across in dbnLB9Yrda4-01236-00240928-00241119 policing cases you know for dbnLB9Yrda4-01237-00241119-00241446 the people from the us floyd versus city dbnLB9Yrda4-01238-00241448-00241527 of new york dbnLB9Yrda4-01239-00241528-00241734 nypd that's a case where we had to ask dbnLB9Yrda4-01240-00241735-00241855 whether stop and frisk dbnLB9Yrda4-01241-00241856-00242158 was racially biased and both sides said dbnLB9Yrda4-01242-00242159-00242239 look dbnLB9Yrda4-01243-00242240-00242430 if we take this thin account of race you dbnLB9Yrda4-01244-00242431-00242615 can condition on anything dbnLB9Yrda4-01245-00242616-00242791 and ask what the marginal effect of race dbnLB9Yrda4-01246-00242792-00242951 is so i think it just as a practical dbnLB9Yrda4-01247-00242952-00243094 matter you do have to decide dbnLB9Yrda4-01248-00243096-00243223 what are the things that you cannot dbnLB9Yrda4-01249-00243223-00243382 condition on as a matter of fiscal dbnLB9Yrda4-01250-00243383-00243439 practice dbnLB9Yrda4-01251-00243440-00243687 because it is constitutive of race so i dbnLB9Yrda4-01252-00243688-00243775 think dbnLB9Yrda4-01253-00243776-00243942 you know it might be hard to get at that dbnLB9Yrda4-01254-00243944-00244094 question but like otherwise we're never dbnLB9Yrda4-01255-00244096-00244246 going to be able to prove discrimination dbnLB9Yrda4-01256-00244248-00244391 practically dbnLB9Yrda4-01257-00244392-00244894 um sorry if that didn't answer dbnLB9Yrda4-01258-00244896-00245127 all right all right so next on the queue dbnLB9Yrda4-01259-00245128-00245310 we have colin klein from here in the dbnLB9Yrda4-01260-00245311-00245471 philosophy department dbnLB9Yrda4-01261-00245471-00245655 hey thanks lily that was can everyone dbnLB9Yrda4-01262-00245656-00245830 can you hear me right dbnLB9Yrda4-01263-00245831-00246079 good let's hope all right good no thanks dbnLB9Yrda4-01264-00246080-00246206 it was really interesting dbnLB9Yrda4-01265-00246207-00246398 like i think much more subtle than a lot dbnLB9Yrda4-01266-00246400-00246558 of these usually are dbnLB9Yrda4-01267-00246559-00246694 so in the show this is partly my dbnLB9Yrda4-01268-00246696-00246863 contrastivist roots thinking about dbnLB9Yrda4-01269-00246864-00247134 causation but dbnLB9Yrda4-01270-00247135-00247271 sort of thinking through this it seemed dbnLB9Yrda4-01271-00247271-00247439 like you were focusing mainly on this dbnLB9Yrda4-01272-00247440-00247542 question of dbnLB9Yrda4-01273-00247544-00247663 is something discriminating i know on dbnLB9Yrda4-01274-00247664-00247863 the base rather than not dbnLB9Yrda4-01275-00247864-00248055 but it seems like in many cases people dbnLB9Yrda4-01276-00248056-00248239 care about some other contrast so just dbnLB9Yrda4-01277-00248240-00248382 about two one is dbnLB9Yrda4-01278-00248383-00248719 on the basis of race versus income dbnLB9Yrda4-01279-00248719-00248887 um and you know you might put it in dbnLB9Yrda4-01280-00248888-00249055 terms of like does income completely dbnLB9Yrda4-01281-00249056-00249255 screen off the effects of race dbnLB9Yrda4-01282-00249256-00249446 uh you might also care about i mean so dbnLB9Yrda4-01283-00249448-00249598 you're quite focused on the us dbnLB9Yrda4-01284-00249600-00249710 context and particularly dbnLB9Yrda4-01285-00249711-00249927 african-american experience so maybe dbnLB9Yrda4-01286-00249928-00250167 does it discriminate on the basis of dbnLB9Yrda4-01287-00250167-00250287 race so sometimes you dbnLB9Yrda4-01288-00250288-00250398 will say look it doesn't because we dbnLB9Yrda4-01289-00250400-00250615 treat jews and asians fine dbnLB9Yrda4-01290-00250616-00250767 so i'm not discriminating on the basis dbnLB9Yrda4-01291-00250767-00250991 of race uh where really what you mean is dbnLB9Yrda4-01292-00250992-00251206 african-american versus everyone else dbnLB9Yrda4-01293-00251207-00251398 or what you mean is white versus dbnLB9Yrda4-01294-00251400-00251606 everyone else yeah and i'm partly dbnLB9Yrda4-01295-00251607-00251775 curious in the last one because this is dbnLB9Yrda4-01296-00251776-00251951 a kind of generalization question dbnLB9Yrda4-01297-00251952-00252006 because in dbnLB9Yrda4-01298-00252007-00252127 australia we don't have a lot of dbnLB9Yrda4-01299-00252128-00252263 african-americans that mostly work for dbnLB9Yrda4-01300-00252264-00252398 the state department dbnLB9Yrda4-01301-00252400-00252710 um and the indigene say you know they dbnLB9Yrda4-01302-00252711-00252823 don't face heaps of in dbnLB9Yrda4-01303-00252823-00252982 discrimination unless they're mistaken dbnLB9Yrda4-01304-00252983-00253158 for indigenous people uh who are dbnLB9Yrda4-01305-00253159-00253294 horrifically discriminated against but dbnLB9Yrda4-01306-00253296-00253494 in a different pattern than the us dbnLB9Yrda4-01307-00253496-00253655 so so this is trying to tease out how dbnLB9Yrda4-01308-00253656-00253815 much the social constructivist account dbnLB9Yrda4-01309-00253816-00253991 is just focused on that dbnLB9Yrda4-01310-00253992-00254215 first question of race rather than not dbnLB9Yrda4-01311-00254216-00254342 or whether you've got a sense of how it dbnLB9Yrda4-01312-00254344-00254503 could be extended to dbnLB9Yrda4-01313-00254504-00254687 cover the other kinds of contrasts as dbnLB9Yrda4-01314-00254688-00254815 well dbnLB9Yrda4-01315-00254816-00255134 yeah that's a great question thanks um dbnLB9Yrda4-01316-00255135-00255375 well the first thing which is race dbnLB9Yrda4-01317-00255376-00255455 rather than dbnLB9Yrda4-01318-00255456-00255679 something else i think a lot of and i dbnLB9Yrda4-01319-00255680-00255815 didn't talk about this too much in this dbnLB9Yrda4-01320-00255816-00255846 pic dbnLB9Yrda4-01321-00255848-00256119 in this talk but a lot of my work is dbnLB9Yrda4-01322-00256119-00256230 interested in like well dbnLB9Yrda4-01323-00256231-00256487 what do you mean race and some non-race dbnLB9Yrda4-01324-00256488-00256591 thing dbnLB9Yrda4-01325-00256592-00256823 right like race rather than let's say dbnLB9Yrda4-01326-00256823-00257030 like socio-economic status right dbnLB9Yrda4-01327-00257031-00257246 i think that um for people who are dbnLB9Yrda4-01328-00257248-00257391 familiar with these kind of perennial dbnLB9Yrda4-01329-00257392-00257471 debates in dbnLB9Yrda4-01330-00257471-00257663 in the left about whether something is dbnLB9Yrda4-01331-00257664-00257839 in fact a racial disparity or a class dbnLB9Yrda4-01332-00257840-00257934 disparity dbnLB9Yrda4-01333-00257935-00258119 and oftentimes the way that these kinds dbnLB9Yrda4-01334-00258119-00258271 of conversations dbnLB9Yrda4-01335-00258271-00258534 um cash out statistically is like well dbnLB9Yrda4-01336-00258535-00258694 when i adjust for class dbnLB9Yrda4-01337-00258696-00258879 i the racial disparity shrinks by this dbnLB9Yrda4-01338-00258880-00259151 much and the thing i want to say there dbnLB9Yrda4-01339-00259152-00259287 is is dbnLB9Yrda4-01340-00259288-00259510 you know why would you think that in a dbnLB9Yrda4-01341-00259511-00259671 society in which black and white people dbnLB9Yrda4-01342-00259671-00259879 had the same wealth distribution dbnLB9Yrda4-01343-00259880-00260087 that we would even care like that you dbnLB9Yrda4-01344-00260088-00260198 know how dbnLB9Yrda4-01345-00260200-00260334 this phenomenon let's say police dbnLB9Yrda4-01346-00260335-00260487 brutality would affect blacks would even dbnLB9Yrda4-01347-00260488-00260558 be the same dbnLB9Yrda4-01348-00260559-00260798 right like why would you think that in a dbnLB9Yrda4-01349-00260800-00260934 world in which black white people had dbnLB9Yrda4-01350-00260935-00261030 the same incomes dbnLB9Yrda4-01351-00261031-00261206 that blackness in that world reflects dbnLB9Yrda4-01352-00261207-00261375 what blackness in our world is today so dbnLB9Yrda4-01353-00261376-00261446 i think dbnLB9Yrda4-01354-00261448-00261727 so i want to problematize the this like dbnLB9Yrda4-01355-00261728-00261975 clean distinction dbnLB9Yrda4-01356-00261976-00262319 a little bit the second thing about dbnLB9Yrda4-01357-00262320-00262687 um dbnLB9Yrda4-01358-00262688-00262887 reminding me sorry the second thing was dbnLB9Yrda4-01359-00262888-00263071 generalizing okay generalizing dbnLB9Yrda4-01360-00263072-00263295 or so black for so african-american dbnLB9Yrda4-01361-00263296-00263399 versus everything else dbnLB9Yrda4-01362-00263400-00263695 african-american versus white uh dbnLB9Yrda4-01363-00263696-00263879 economically successful minorities dbnLB9Yrda4-01364-00263880-00264030 versus african-american you know dbnLB9Yrda4-01365-00264031-00264230 like you can carve this up quite a dbnLB9Yrda4-01366-00264231-00264334 number of different ways dbnLB9Yrda4-01367-00264335-00264639 especially in the american context yeah dbnLB9Yrda4-01368-00264640-00265039 yeah totally um so for dbnLB9Yrda4-01369-00265040-00265279 people who might be familiar there's dbnLB9Yrda4-01370-00265280-00265471 this there was this case at harvard dbnLB9Yrda4-01371-00265472-00265567 discrimination dbnLB9Yrda4-01372-00265568-00265767 against asians and admissions to harvard dbnLB9Yrda4-01373-00265768-00265919 right and dbnLB9Yrda4-01374-00265920-00266175 i don't want to give this more air time dbnLB9Yrda4-01375-00266176-00266295 than it deserves but dbnLB9Yrda4-01376-00266296-00266471 i i've been thinking about this for a dbnLB9Yrda4-01377-00266472-00266647 while and part of the issue is like dbnLB9Yrda4-01378-00266648-00266823 we have a racial minority in this case dbnLB9Yrda4-01379-00266824-00267334 asians but they're characterized dbnLB9Yrda4-01380-00267335-00267519 kinds of attributes like academic dbnLB9Yrda4-01381-00267520-00267655 attributes dbnLB9Yrda4-01382-00267656-00267999 um and there's a question of whether dbnLB9Yrda4-01383-00268000-00268167 acting on the basis of certain positive dbnLB9Yrda4-01384-00268168-00268327 attributes or you know dbnLB9Yrda4-01385-00268328-00268543 when we're acting against uh asians dbnLB9Yrda4-01386-00268544-00268882 right um dbnLB9Yrda4-01387-00268883-00269199 i dbnLB9Yrda4-01388-00269200-00269471 i think this you know one of the things dbnLB9Yrda4-01389-00269472-00269639 that i think is interesting about racial dbnLB9Yrda4-01390-00269640-00269719 discrimination dbnLB9Yrda4-01391-00269720-00269982 is it's is the way i parse it is like dbnLB9Yrda4-01392-00269983-00270063 how do we treat dbnLB9Yrda4-01393-00270064-00270295 similar people similarly given that they dbnLB9Yrda4-01394-00270296-00270399 have one particular dbnLB9Yrda4-01395-00270400-00270495 difference which is that they're dbnLB9Yrda4-01396-00270496-00270758 different racially right and i think the dbnLB9Yrda4-01397-00270759-00270910 only way to fill in dbnLB9Yrda4-01398-00270911-00271079 that question of given their different dbnLB9Yrda4-01399-00271080-00271215 racially is to dbnLB9Yrda4-01400-00271216-00271519 kind of think about how these two groups dbnLB9Yrda4-01401-00271520-00271567 in dbnLB9Yrda4-01402-00271568-00271743 not just the black white case but let's dbnLB9Yrda4-01403-00271744-00271903 say asians and dbnLB9Yrda4-01404-00271904-00272215 latinx people how they are compared dbnLB9Yrda4-01405-00272216-00272351 relative certain like dbnLB9Yrda4-01406-00272352-00272558 for me like certain material outcomes dbnLB9Yrda4-01407-00272559-00272775 and i think those kinds of axes really dbnLB9Yrda4-01408-00272776-00272910 affect what it means to treat those dbnLB9Yrda4-01409-00272911-00272967 groups dbnLB9Yrda4-01410-00272968-00273191 similarly or differently but that's dbnLB9Yrda4-01411-00273192-00273327 again to think about these groups as dbnLB9Yrda4-01412-00273328-00273503 social positions that are constituted by dbnLB9Yrda4-01413-00273504-00273599 certain dbnLB9Yrda4-01414-00273600-00273734 advantages and privileges and dbnLB9Yrda4-01415-00273735-00273934 disadvantages and injustices dbnLB9Yrda4-01416-00273935-00274119 um but you know i do think it is dbnLB9Yrda4-01417-00274120-00274343 comparat comparative dbnLB9Yrda4-01418-00274344-00274647 it has to be a comparative dbnLB9Yrda4-01419-00274648-00274863 question you know the default is not dbnLB9Yrda4-01420-00274864-00275030 just like white right the default isn't dbnLB9Yrda4-01421-00275031-00275134 just like how are you compared to white dbnLB9Yrda4-01422-00275135-00275279 but they have to be comparative across dbnLB9Yrda4-01423-00275280-00275975 racial categories dbnLB9Yrda4-01424-00275976-00276127 i'm being a good interlocutor and dbnLB9Yrda4-01425-00276128-00276310 letting other people ask questions dbnLB9Yrda4-01426-00276311-00276463 i have plenty more to say if no one else dbnLB9Yrda4-01427-00276464-00276663 wants to see oh yeah okay so dbnLB9Yrda4-01428-00276664-00276830 the um so next i'm going to call on dbnLB9Yrda4-01429-00276831-00277039 katie steele from philosophy department dbnLB9Yrda4-01430-00277040-00277215 here dbnLB9Yrda4-01431-00277216-00277519 hi lily thanks um dbnLB9Yrda4-01432-00277520-00277782 so yeah i like your constructivist dbnLB9Yrda4-01433-00277783-00277839 account dbnLB9Yrda4-01434-00277840-00278143 of race and um i dbnLB9Yrda4-01435-00278144-00278447 took your point that we no longer dbnLB9Yrda4-01436-00278448-00278639 on this account get such a clean dbnLB9Yrda4-01437-00278640-00278863 distinction between direct and dbnLB9Yrda4-01438-00278864-00279239 indirect discrimination um dbnLB9Yrda4-01439-00279240-00279503 but i mean this kind of ties in a little dbnLB9Yrda4-01440-00279504-00279734 bit with what a tusa was getting at dbnLB9Yrda4-01441-00279735-00280047 earlier there's still going to be a dbnLB9Yrda4-01442-00280048-00280167 problem of dbnLB9Yrda4-01443-00280168-00280487 a spectrum of directness dbnLB9Yrda4-01444-00280488-00280782 of discrimination it'll be sort of a dbnLB9Yrda4-01445-00280783-00280871 continuum dbnLB9Yrda4-01446-00280872-00281151 if you like you know there's a sort of dbnLB9Yrda4-01447-00281152-00281263 causal dbnLB9Yrda4-01448-00281264-00281519 like maybe past criminal record is dbnLB9Yrda4-01449-00281520-00281639 pretty closely dbnLB9Yrda4-01450-00281640-00281855 causally related with what it means to dbnLB9Yrda4-01451-00281856-00281943 be black dbnLB9Yrda4-01452-00281944-00282143 but then there's like stuff that's a bit dbnLB9Yrda4-01453-00282144-00282399 further causally downstream from that dbnLB9Yrda4-01454-00282400-00282599 maybe credit history or you know dbnLB9Yrda4-01455-00282600-00282815 whatever um dbnLB9Yrda4-01456-00282816-00283127 so yeah there's still going to be a dbnLB9Yrda4-01457-00283128-00283255 question of like dbnLB9Yrda4-01458-00283256-00283606 where you draw the line perhaps yeah dbnLB9Yrda4-01459-00283607-00283895 yeah totally and i guess what i would dbnLB9Yrda4-01460-00283896-00284039 say is dbnLB9Yrda4-01461-00284040-00284327 i i think that the direct i don't want dbnLB9Yrda4-01462-00284328-00284479 to say that my account totally like dbnLB9Yrda4-01463-00284480-00284647 eviscerates the direct and indirect dbnLB9Yrda4-01464-00284648-00284719 distinction dbnLB9Yrda4-01465-00284720-00284975 i think it you know i leave space dbnLB9Yrda4-01466-00284976-00285095 because a lot often times the direct dbnLB9Yrda4-01467-00285096-00285158 descript dbnLB9Yrda4-01468-00285159-00285382 indirect discrimination is cashed out as dbnLB9Yrda4-01469-00285383-00285510 just disparate impact dbnLB9Yrda4-01470-00285511-00285695 so i'm going to leave room for the fact dbnLB9Yrda4-01471-00285696-00285847 that you can act on correlations with dbnLB9Yrda4-01472-00285848-00286015 race that are not constitutive that dbnLB9Yrda4-01473-00286016-00286119 nevertheless dbnLB9Yrda4-01474-00286120-00286287 produce disparate impact and say i'm dbnLB9Yrda4-01475-00286288-00286471 happy to take on board that that's going dbnLB9Yrda4-01476-00286472-00286582 to be indirect dbnLB9Yrda4-01477-00286583-00286734 i also think there's a danger of dbnLB9Yrda4-01478-00286735-00286895 subsuming too much we want dbnLB9Yrda4-01479-00286896-00287039 we want this concept discrimination to dbnLB9Yrda4-01480-00287040-00287199 do too much for us dbnLB9Yrda4-01481-00287200-00287430 often i think the critiques of indirect dbnLB9Yrda4-01482-00287431-00287558 discrimination are right dbnLB9Yrda4-01483-00287559-00287719 when they think when they say something dbnLB9Yrda4-01484-00287720-00287871 like oftentimes we're concerned about dbnLB9Yrda4-01485-00287872-00288063 distributive justice dbnLB9Yrda4-01486-00288064-00288358 and you know things can be kind of wrong dbnLB9Yrda4-01487-00288359-00288551 for many reasons and it doesn't need to dbnLB9Yrda4-01488-00288552-00288599 be dbnLB9Yrda4-01489-00288600-00288799 because it's discrimination on the basis dbnLB9Yrda4-01490-00288800-00289006 of race it could be wrong dbnLB9Yrda4-01491-00289007-00289182 or unjust as a matter of distributive dbnLB9Yrda4-01492-00289183-00289382 justice just as a matter of what people dbnLB9Yrda4-01493-00289383-00289743 get um so i'm kind of willing to say dbnLB9Yrda4-01494-00289744-00289934 this might dbnLB9Yrda4-01495-00289935-00290134 shrink the cases you know i don't feel a dbnLB9Yrda4-01496-00290135-00290254 need to kind of dbnLB9Yrda4-01497-00290255-00290510 make the concept discrimination do a lot dbnLB9Yrda4-01498-00290511-00290775 uh if things are more causally distal dbnLB9Yrda4-01499-00290776-00290975 um but they nevertheless have desperate dbnLB9Yrda4-01500-00290976-00291134 impact i'm happy to call them indirect dbnLB9Yrda4-01501-00291135-00291215 discrimination dbnLB9Yrda4-01502-00291216-00291510 i'm also happy to um charge that they're dbnLB9Yrda4-01503-00291511-00291695 unjust on other grounds dbnLB9Yrda4-01504-00291696-00292215 i see right dbnLB9Yrda4-01505-00292216-00292527 um all right uh next is will from dbnLB9Yrda4-01506-00292528-00292887 the law department here dbnLB9Yrda4-01507-00292888-00293071 thanks rita and thanks lily that was dbnLB9Yrda4-01508-00293072-00293223 such a fantastic paper dbnLB9Yrda4-01509-00293224-00293510 um good on you really excellent work um dbnLB9Yrda4-01510-00293511-00293703 and i particularly liked it because dbnLB9Yrda4-01511-00293704-00293999 i'm um someone who's who left philosophy dbnLB9Yrda4-01512-00294000-00294039 about dbnLB9Yrda4-01513-00294040-00294327 a decade ago and then went into law and dbnLB9Yrda4-01514-00294328-00294447 your paper was dbnLB9Yrda4-01515-00294448-00294767 really dbnLB9Yrda4-01516-00294768-00294982 engaged engage with the nuts and bolts dbnLB9Yrda4-01517-00294983-00295175 and the concrete aspects of law dbnLB9Yrda4-01518-00295176-00295375 in a really admirable way which is often dbnLB9Yrda4-01519-00295376-00295479 lost in dbnLB9Yrda4-01520-00295480-00295695 a lot of the engagements with this topic dbnLB9Yrda4-01521-00295696-00295823 um outside dbnLB9Yrda4-01522-00295824-00295943 outside law faculties of course law dbnLB9Yrda4-01523-00295944-00296047 faculties have our own problems because dbnLB9Yrda4-01524-00296048-00296151 we don't think about any of the dbnLB9Yrda4-01525-00296152-00296287 conceptual stuff in dbnLB9Yrda4-01526-00296288-00296543 um a sensible or sophisticated way but dbnLB9Yrda4-01527-00296544-00296615 so thanks dbnLB9Yrda4-01528-00296616-00296823 thanks so much for for scratching that dbnLB9Yrda4-01529-00296824-00296999 itch for me i've got a comment dbnLB9Yrda4-01530-00297000-00297334 and then a question the comment is dbnLB9Yrda4-01531-00297335-00297639 um on the direct and indirect dbnLB9Yrda4-01532-00297640-00297758 discrimination dbnLB9Yrda4-01533-00297759-00298151 uh division as you put it i dbnLB9Yrda4-01534-00298152-00298487 i i want to suggest that um indirect dbnLB9Yrda4-01535-00298488-00298719 discrimination or adverse impact dbnLB9Yrda4-01536-00298720-00298919 and i know that there's overlaps between dbnLB9Yrda4-01537-00298920-00299023 those ideas but dbnLB9Yrda4-01538-00299024-00299319 they come from a single source um as a dbnLB9Yrda4-01539-00299320-00299367 matter of dbnLB9Yrda4-01540-00299368-00299630 history i want to suggest that that that dbnLB9Yrda4-01541-00299631-00299710 is dbnLB9Yrda4-01542-00299711-00299982 formulated as a legal category to dbnLB9Yrda4-01543-00299983-00300287 attempt to target direct discrimination dbnLB9Yrda4-01544-00300288-00300615 in an absence of meaningful evidence of dbnLB9Yrda4-01545-00300616-00300854 the mental state of the discriminator dbnLB9Yrda4-01546-00300855-00301134 and i'm not sure exactly what impact dbnLB9Yrda4-01547-00301135-00301223 that has dbnLB9Yrda4-01548-00301224-00301527 on on your paper but it seems that dbnLB9Yrda4-01549-00301528-00301582 there's dbnLB9Yrda4-01550-00301583-00301782 there's a weight attached to some kind dbnLB9Yrda4-01551-00301783-00301934 of meaningful dbnLB9Yrda4-01552-00301935-00302223 um categorical distinction between the dbnLB9Yrda4-01553-00302224-00302375 types of discrimination which are dbnLB9Yrda4-01554-00302376-00302534 targeted by direct dbnLB9Yrda4-01555-00302535-00302767 and indirect discrimination and if you dbnLB9Yrda4-01556-00302768-00302847 look at dbnLB9Yrda4-01557-00302848-00303134 just just as a matter of the kind of the dbnLB9Yrda4-01558-00303135-00303399 raw intellectual history of the law here dbnLB9Yrda4-01559-00303400-00303543 you see it really clearly in the griggs dbnLB9Yrda4-01560-00303544-00303743 case uh originated dbnLB9Yrda4-01561-00303744-00304110 that originated adverse impact um dbnLB9Yrda4-01562-00304111-00304406 that kind of consequential approach dbnLB9Yrda4-01563-00304407-00304575 attaching liability as a result of dbnLB9Yrda4-01564-00304576-00304671 consequential dbnLB9Yrda4-01565-00304672-00304887 um consequences of actions which is dbnLB9Yrda4-01566-00304888-00305006 discriminatory dbnLB9Yrda4-01567-00305007-00305310 uh is can be understood and i think dbnLB9Yrda4-01568-00305311-00305415 should be understood dbnLB9Yrda4-01569-00305416-00305654 as an attempt to say look we're actually dbnLB9Yrda4-01570-00305655-00305758 targeting dbnLB9Yrda4-01571-00305759-00306023 the mind the meant the specific mental dbnLB9Yrda4-01572-00306024-00306079 process dbnLB9Yrda4-01573-00306080-00306334 of the perpetrator but we don't have dbnLB9Yrda4-01574-00306335-00306567 sufficient evidence of that mental state dbnLB9Yrda4-01575-00306568-00306695 so we have to dbnLB9Yrda4-01576-00306696-00307023 adopt a proxy and the proxy is group dbnLB9Yrda4-01577-00307024-00307182 impact dbnLB9Yrda4-01578-00307183-00307558 so that's the comment the question is dbnLB9Yrda4-01579-00307559-00307695 and it's probably a bit of a difficult dbnLB9Yrda4-01580-00307696-00307887 question dbnLB9Yrda4-01581-00307888-00308063 how would you draft the discrimination dbnLB9Yrda4-01582-00308064-00308279 statute which expressed a constructivist dbnLB9Yrda4-01583-00308280-00308582 conception of protected attributes dbnLB9Yrda4-01584-00308583-00309006 oh boy dbnLB9Yrda4-01585-00309007-00309310 oh my gosh um dbnLB9Yrda4-01586-00309311-00309415 that's a hard question because i'm dbnLB9Yrda4-01587-00309416-00309558 asking you to be a legislator on the dbnLB9Yrda4-01588-00309559-00309630 spot dbnLB9Yrda4-01589-00309631-00309967 but it's it's just it's a provocation dbnLB9Yrda4-01590-00309968-00310167 um to help you to think about the dbnLB9Yrda4-01591-00310168-00310447 positive case dbnLB9Yrda4-01592-00310448-00310758 um i dbnLB9Yrda4-01593-00310759-00311023 so okay so in the us content okay i dbnLB9Yrda4-01594-00311024-00311119 don't want to get into the nuts and dbnLB9Yrda4-01595-00311120-00311151 bolts dbnLB9Yrda4-01596-00311152-00311454 i know we don't have that much time but dbnLB9Yrda4-01597-00311455-00311830 um i'm gonna say something dbnLB9Yrda4-01598-00311831-00311982 that perhaps seems like even more dbnLB9Yrda4-01599-00311983-00312182 radical but i don't i think as a result dbnLB9Yrda4-01600-00312183-00312767 of my willing to dbnLB9Yrda4-01601-00312768-00313006 in direct and indirect discrimination is dbnLB9Yrda4-01602-00313007-00313119 i'm kind of willing dbnLB9Yrda4-01603-00313120-00313382 to give up on this like prioritization dbnLB9Yrda4-01604-00313383-00313591 of mental states this like racial animus dbnLB9Yrda4-01605-00313592-00313687 mechanism dbnLB9Yrda4-01606-00313688-00313863 that direct discrimination like dbnLB9Yrda4-01607-00313864-00314015 intentional discrimination tries to get dbnLB9Yrda4-01608-00314016-00314063 at dbnLB9Yrda4-01609-00314064-00314406 i actually think that most dbnLB9Yrda4-01610-00314407-00314582 many cases of disparate impact peer dbnLB9Yrda4-01611-00314583-00314719 disparate impact dbnLB9Yrda4-01612-00314720-00314910 i'm kind of happy at you know if dbnLB9Yrda4-01613-00314911-00315047 discrimination theory could be a lot of dbnLB9Yrda4-01614-00315048-00315158 that you know dbnLB9Yrda4-01615-00315159-00315310 i would be happy for that to kind of dbnLB9Yrda4-01616-00315311-00315591 take primacy over direct discrimination dbnLB9Yrda4-01617-00315592-00315782 um and that's not directly responsive dbnLB9Yrda4-01618-00315783-00316030 but i i do want to say something dbnLB9Yrda4-01619-00316031-00316230 that your earlier comment made me think dbnLB9Yrda4-01620-00316231-00316375 of so people on here might be familiar dbnLB9Yrda4-01621-00316376-00316543 with the boss doc case the u.s supreme dbnLB9Yrda4-01622-00316544-00316679 court had just decided dbnLB9Yrda4-01623-00316680-00316806 which says that discrimination on the dbnLB9Yrda4-01624-00316807-00316999 basis of sexual orientation dbnLB9Yrda4-01625-00317000-00317223 gender nonconforming status and trans dbnLB9Yrda4-01626-00317224-00317415 status is discrimination on the basis of dbnLB9Yrda4-01627-00317416-00317463 sex dbnLB9Yrda4-01628-00317464-00317767 i think that is quite um dbnLB9Yrda4-01629-00317768-00317991 happy you know aligned with something i dbnLB9Yrda4-01630-00317992-00318095 want to say here dbnLB9Yrda4-01631-00318096-00318271 um which is there i think there's a dbnLB9Yrda4-01632-00318272-00318415 blurring of the lines of what it means dbnLB9Yrda4-01633-00318416-00318591 to act on the base of sex dbnLB9Yrda4-01634-00318592-00318895 uh where it would seem that acting on dbnLB9Yrda4-01635-00318896-00319039 you know how you dress would only be dbnLB9Yrda4-01636-00319040-00319215 kind of causally related to dbnLB9Yrda4-01637-00319216-00319399 rather than constitutive of but it seems dbnLB9Yrda4-01638-00319400-00319575 like the the acting on gender dbnLB9Yrda4-01639-00319576-00319767 non-conforming status dbnLB9Yrda4-01640-00319768-00320087 um yeah can be dbnLB9Yrda4-01641-00320088-00320319 seen as saying look the way you dress is dbnLB9Yrda4-01642-00320320-00320447 so con you know dbnLB9Yrda4-01643-00320448-00320751 how you present how you dress is so um dbnLB9Yrda4-01644-00320752-00320951 tied in with the category of sex that dbnLB9Yrda4-01645-00320952-00321103 we're gonna say that acting on the base dbnLB9Yrda4-01646-00321104-00321319 of that is acting on the base of sex dbnLB9Yrda4-01647-00321320-00321567 and i think that's right um sorry will dbnLB9Yrda4-01648-00321568-00321654 that dbnLB9Yrda4-01649-00321655-00321815 that was me just shoehorning in the dbnLB9Yrda4-01650-00321816-00322103 thing i wanted to say in response to dbnLB9Yrda4-01651-00322104-00322303 your difficult practical question but dbnLB9Yrda4-01652-00322304-00322503 i'll own up to it dbnLB9Yrda4-01653-00322504-00322679 we can we can go bilateral on the dbnLB9Yrda4-01654-00322680-00322839 difficult practical question dbnLB9Yrda4-01655-00322840-00323127 yeah okay so next i'm going to call on dbnLB9Yrda4-01656-00323128-00323287 tiberio who is dbnLB9Yrda4-01657-00323288-00323591 coming from uh the gradient institute in dbnLB9Yrda4-01658-00323592-00323773 sydney dbnLB9Yrda4-01659-00323774-00323887 [Music] dbnLB9Yrda4-01660-00323888-00324095 hello ladies thank you so much for such dbnLB9Yrda4-01661-00324096-00324230 a lovely talk dbnLB9Yrda4-01662-00324231-00324623 um it's a a subject that i'm very dbnLB9Yrda4-01663-00324624-00324710 interested to dbnLB9Yrda4-01664-00324711-00325047 learn more about um i think my question dbnLB9Yrda4-01665-00325048-00325223 is around dbnLB9Yrda4-01666-00325224-00325630 um if you within this account dbnLB9Yrda4-01667-00325631-00325934 right you know how could you dbnLB9Yrda4-01668-00325935-00326343 tell if you're making progress dbnLB9Yrda4-01669-00326344-00326695 towards less racial discrimination would dbnLB9Yrda4-01670-00326696-00326879 you know one way to think about it if dbnLB9Yrda4-01671-00326880-00327223 you if you could conceive of a test dbnLB9Yrda4-01672-00327224-00327534 that would determine whether racial dbnLB9Yrda4-01673-00327535-00327727 discrimination had been completely dbnLB9Yrda4-01674-00327728-00327951 eradicated dbnLB9Yrda4-01675-00327952-00328287 which how would you think about that dbnLB9Yrda4-01676-00328288-00328591 um which test would dbnLB9Yrda4-01677-00328592-00328799 would you would actually within this dbnLB9Yrda4-01678-00328800-00328919 account uh dbnLB9Yrda4-01679-00328920-00329247 be able to answer that question um dbnLB9Yrda4-01680-00329248-00329558 or even incremental progress dbnLB9Yrda4-01681-00329559-00329847 right because from the point of view of dbnLB9Yrda4-01682-00329848-00330071 for example there's a facebook case you dbnLB9Yrda4-01683-00330072-00330191 described dbnLB9Yrda4-01684-00330192-00330551 and for any pragmatic purposes dbnLB9Yrda4-01685-00330552-00331015 one is restricted to dbnLB9Yrda4-01686-00331016-00331327 make decisions about dbnLB9Yrda4-01687-00331328-00331719 uh make deliberations based on limited dbnLB9Yrda4-01688-00331720-00332071 amount of information right and we need dbnLB9Yrda4-01689-00332072-00332343 a specific criteria to make decisions dbnLB9Yrda4-01690-00332344-00332454 about dbnLB9Yrda4-01691-00332455-00332799 you know whether we should do a or b dbnLB9Yrda4-01692-00332800-00333206 and that hinges on notions of of dbnLB9Yrda4-01693-00333207-00333423 what what a baseline is where are we dbnLB9Yrda4-01694-00333424-00333663 today in terms of racial discrimination dbnLB9Yrda4-01695-00333664-00333823 where we're going to be tomorrow in dbnLB9Yrda4-01696-00333824-00334015 terms of operation discrimination for dbnLB9Yrda4-01697-00334016-00334151 instance dbnLB9Yrda4-01698-00334152-00334406 is there a simple test to within this dbnLB9Yrda4-01699-00334407-00334567 account to answer the question whether dbnLB9Yrda4-01700-00334568-00334767 today we have more racial discrimination dbnLB9Yrda4-01701-00334768-00334910 than we had last year dbnLB9Yrda4-01702-00334911-00335047 even though today there's much more dbnLB9Yrda4-01703-00335048-00335399 awareness than there was last year dbnLB9Yrda4-01704-00335400-00335591 or five years ago so how would you dbnLB9Yrda4-01705-00335592-00335815 respond to that dbnLB9Yrda4-01706-00335816-00336278 um thank you um i think this question of dbnLB9Yrda4-01707-00336279-00336351 how much dbnLB9Yrda4-01708-00336352-00336510 racial discrimination there is in the dbnLB9Yrda4-01709-00336511-00336663 world or in this dbnLB9Yrda4-01710-00336664-00336943 in our in a given society is a really dbnLB9Yrda4-01711-00336944-00337023 important one dbnLB9Yrda4-01712-00337024-00337599 and i think that um current accounts dbnLB9Yrda4-01713-00337600-00337958 so okay let me start with this um dbnLB9Yrda4-01714-00337959-00338134 in the paper version of this talk i kind dbnLB9Yrda4-01715-00338135-00338278 of end on this this dbnLB9Yrda4-01716-00338279-00338599 observation of the stark disparities dbnLB9Yrda4-01717-00338600-00338830 in how for instance racial minorities in dbnLB9Yrda4-01718-00338831-00339006 the us perceive the prevalence of racial dbnLB9Yrda4-01719-00339007-00339191 discrimination and how white people dbnLB9Yrda4-01720-00339192-00339334 perceive the prevalence of racial dbnLB9Yrda4-01721-00339335-00339543 discrimination uh the pew dbnLB9Yrda4-01722-00339544-00339751 you can like kind of every year that pew dbnLB9Yrda4-01723-00339752-00339903 center does these surveys and they're dbnLB9Yrda4-01724-00339904-00340134 they're astonishing we're talking about dbnLB9Yrda4-01725-00340135-00340319 three times four times the amount of dbnLB9Yrda4-01726-00340320-00340367 expect dbnLB9Yrda4-01727-00340368-00340615 of racial discrimination that um people dbnLB9Yrda4-01728-00340616-00340782 of color dbnLB9Yrda4-01729-00340783-00341063 say exists versus white people so i dbnLB9Yrda4-01730-00341064-00341206 think what this draws out dbnLB9Yrda4-01731-00341207-00341519 to me is the idea of like dbnLB9Yrda4-01732-00341520-00341695 that there is an objective number of dbnLB9Yrda4-01733-00341696-00341823 amount of racial discrimination dbnLB9Yrda4-01734-00341824-00341999 out there that an account can kind of dbnLB9Yrda4-01735-00342000-00342175 like get a hold of dbnLB9Yrda4-01736-00342176-00342391 is it's really challenging and i think dbnLB9Yrda4-01737-00342392-00342519 part of the reason dbnLB9Yrda4-01738-00342520-00342934 that many of the conclusions kind of dbnLB9Yrda4-01739-00342935-00343230 of my my paper or my talk here and how dbnLB9Yrda4-01740-00343231-00343319 it might differ from dbnLB9Yrda4-01741-00343320-00343406 standard accounts of racial dbnLB9Yrda4-01742-00343407-00343639 discrimination is it makes dbnLB9Yrda4-01743-00343640-00343767 at least i think on my account there is dbnLB9Yrda4-01744-00343768-00343958 a lot more racial discrimination dbnLB9Yrda4-01745-00343959-00344239 and i think a lot more cases look like dbnLB9Yrda4-01746-00344240-00344487 count as cases of racial discrimination dbnLB9Yrda4-01747-00344488-00344743 um that i think other accounts miss and dbnLB9Yrda4-01748-00344744-00344871 i think part of the dbnLB9Yrda4-01749-00344872-00345078 problem to kind of put the discipline a dbnLB9Yrda4-01750-00345079-00345287 little bit on blast is to say dbnLB9Yrda4-01751-00345288-00345487 well it's not surprising right if the dbnLB9Yrda4-01752-00345488-00345615 thick constructivist counter race is dbnLB9Yrda4-01753-00345616-00345678 true dbnLB9Yrda4-01754-00345679-00345839 then it wouldn't be surprising to see dbnLB9Yrda4-01755-00345840-00345999 that there are actually material dbnLB9Yrda4-01756-00346000-00346167 kind of differences in the perception of dbnLB9Yrda4-01757-00346168-00346334 race and what kinds of cases are dbnLB9Yrda4-01758-00346335-00346534 canonical cases that my theory has to dbnLB9Yrda4-01759-00346535-00346606 get right dbnLB9Yrda4-01760-00346607-00346719 and what kind you know how my dbnLB9Yrda4-01761-00346720-00346934 methodology continues right dbnLB9Yrda4-01762-00346935-00347310 so um that's to say i think dbnLB9Yrda4-01763-00347311-00347534 like this this really important dbnLB9Yrda4-01764-00347535-00347671 empirical question like how much dbnLB9Yrda4-01765-00347672-00347895 racial discrimination is out there i dbnLB9Yrda4-01766-00347896-00348039 don't even know how to really respond to dbnLB9Yrda4-01767-00348040-00348095 that because dbnLB9Yrda4-01768-00348096-00348271 these stark disparities in in the dbnLB9Yrda4-01769-00348272-00348487 perceptions of ordinary people dbnLB9Yrda4-01770-00348488-00348782 um show there to be just i think not dbnLB9Yrda4-01771-00348783-00348927 even overlapping dbnLB9Yrda4-01772-00348928-00349151 not just like empirical measurements are dbnLB9Yrda4-01773-00349152-00349310 different like people are exposed to dbnLB9Yrda4-01774-00349311-00349478 more or less racial discrimination dbnLB9Yrda4-01775-00349479-00349591 but i think it shows that there might dbnLB9Yrda4-01776-00349592-00349823 not even be convergence on a concept dbnLB9Yrda4-01777-00349824-00350015 right philosophers and legal scholars dbnLB9Yrda4-01778-00350016-00350134 might have one concept of racial dbnLB9Yrda4-01779-00350135-00350199 discrimination dbnLB9Yrda4-01780-00350200-00350351 but i think other people might have dbnLB9Yrda4-01781-00350352-00350534 people um people of color might have a dbnLB9Yrda4-01782-00350535-00350671 different concept and i think that dbnLB9Yrda4-01783-00350672-00350806 challenges the question of how much dbnLB9Yrda4-01784-00350807-00350943 racial discrimination is out there dbnLB9Yrda4-01785-00350944-00351047 because whose concept dbnLB9Yrda4-01786-00351048-00351391 are we trying to measure dbnLB9Yrda4-01787-00351392-00351815 again i don't mean to be evasive dbnLB9Yrda4-01788-00351816-00352158 so we have one last question from jenny dbnLB9Yrda4-01789-00352159-00352367 in sociology before we move this dbnLB9Yrda4-01790-00352368-00352919 conversation over into the slack dbnLB9Yrda4-01791-00352920-00353343 uh sorry hi i'm haley that was um dbnLB9Yrda4-01792-00353344-00353599 uh fantastic talk um really interesting dbnLB9Yrda4-01793-00353600-00353727 i really appreciate dbnLB9Yrda4-01794-00353728-00353878 um the things that you're thinking about dbnLB9Yrda4-01795-00353879-00354063 and the way that you're integrating dbnLB9Yrda4-01796-00354064-00354303 um this sort of social critical lens dbnLB9Yrda4-01797-00354304-00354406 with the technical dbnLB9Yrda4-01798-00354407-00354734 issues of how we manage it um dbnLB9Yrda4-01799-00354735-00354887 and so i'll say that this question is dbnLB9Yrda4-01800-00354888-00355087 also written in slack so if people are dbnLB9Yrda4-01801-00355088-00355239 interested in dbnLB9Yrda4-01802-00355240-00355406 talking more about it since we've got i dbnLB9Yrda4-01803-00355407-00355654 think a minute left dbnLB9Yrda4-01804-00355655-00355878 please come over and do so uh but my dbnLB9Yrda4-01805-00355879-00356039 question is this so dbnLB9Yrda4-01806-00356040-00356263 so given that race profoundly shapes dbnLB9Yrda4-01807-00356264-00356423 life chances which it does dbnLB9Yrda4-01808-00356424-00356615 and which i think of course underlies dbnLB9Yrda4-01809-00356616-00356830 the thick reading of race dbnLB9Yrda4-01810-00356831-00357199 um what if we put this idea of race as a dbnLB9Yrda4-01811-00357200-00357334 reason back on the table dbnLB9Yrda4-01812-00357335-00357599 right so it's already clearly a cause um dbnLB9Yrda4-01813-00357600-00357782 might highlighting race rather than dbnLB9Yrda4-01814-00357783-00357975 trying to diminish its importance help dbnLB9Yrda4-01815-00357976-00358147 us sort of think about dbnLB9Yrda4-01816-00358148-00358447 unambiguously how race matters dbnLB9Yrda4-01817-00358448-00358647 and then potentially in both technical dbnLB9Yrda4-01818-00358648-00358799 and social ways dbnLB9Yrda4-01819-00358800-00359047 um mitigate racial disparities or at dbnLB9Yrda4-01820-00359048-00359182 least sort of lay them plain dbnLB9Yrda4-01821-00359183-00359510 make them clear yeah dbnLB9Yrda4-01822-00359511-00359854 thank you so much um so in i dbnLB9Yrda4-01823-00359855-00360023 tried to cut out a lot of content but in dbnLB9Yrda4-01824-00360024-00360167 the paper i kind of dbnLB9Yrda4-01825-00360168-00360303 say like oh it looks like i did a dbnLB9Yrda4-01826-00360304-00360439 sleight of hand like i started talking dbnLB9Yrda4-01827-00360440-00360575 about the causal analysis and all of a dbnLB9Yrda4-01828-00360576-00360678 sudden i'm saying like dbnLB9Yrda4-01829-00360679-00360871 no what it is to take you know act on dbnLB9Yrda4-01830-00360872-00361039 race is to act on these other features dbnLB9Yrda4-01831-00361040-00361143 so now it looks like i'm doing the dbnLB9Yrda4-01832-00361144-00361351 reasons analysis like what is this dbnLB9Yrda4-01833-00361352-00361606 trickery so like i try to acknowledge dbnLB9Yrda4-01834-00361607-00361727 that a little bit dbnLB9Yrda4-01835-00361728-00362206 um but i think the dbnLB9Yrda4-01836-00362207-00362463 in the end i think that i do want to dbnLB9Yrda4-01837-00362464-00362582 advocate for dbnLB9Yrda4-01838-00362583-00362903 um i mean it's tough because like dbnLB9Yrda4-01839-00362904-00363103 i think it's very hard our our current dbnLB9Yrda4-01840-00363104-00363230 conceptions of what it is to take dbnLB9Yrda4-01841-00363231-00363351 something as a reason dbnLB9Yrda4-01842-00363352-00363575 they don't at least the ones that like dbnLB9Yrda4-01843-00363576-00363734 at least how that is tends dbnLB9Yrda4-01844-00363735-00363967 to be taken in conversations of racial dbnLB9Yrda4-01845-00363968-00364095 discrimination dbnLB9Yrda4-01846-00364096-00364399 are rather uh unsatisfying because you dbnLB9Yrda4-01847-00364400-00364575 you talk about race as a reason and all dbnLB9Yrda4-01848-00364576-00364734 of a sudden you're in intentionality dbnLB9Yrda4-01849-00364735-00364839 world you're in like dbnLB9Yrda4-01850-00364840-00365047 you know what was your mental state you dbnLB9Yrda4-01851-00365048-00365199 know were you acting dbnLB9Yrda4-01852-00365200-00365527 with the racial animosity mechanism on dbnLB9Yrda4-01853-00365528-00365767 turned on or not like were you in fact dbnLB9Yrda4-01854-00365768-00365847 in dbnLB9Yrda4-01855-00365848-00366110 you know implicit bias land or were you dbnLB9Yrda4-01856-00366111-00366271 just acting i was acting at race i was dbnLB9Yrda4-01857-00366272-00366399 acting on like their dbnLB9Yrda4-01858-00366400-00366599 attire or something i think that that dbnLB9Yrda4-01859-00366600-00366823 picture is is really unhelpful dbnLB9Yrda4-01860-00366824-00367039 so like i don't if i if tying myself to dbnLB9Yrda4-01861-00367040-00367167 the reasons view dbnLB9Yrda4-01862-00367168-00367351 means to commit myself to this kind of dbnLB9Yrda4-01863-00367352-00367558 intentionality standard racial animus dbnLB9Yrda4-01864-00367559-00367719 racial prejudice view i don't want to do dbnLB9Yrda4-01865-00367720-00367767 that dbnLB9Yrda4-01866-00367768-00367982 but i want to rather i want to say like dbnLB9Yrda4-01867-00367983-00368095 we need to dbnLB9Yrda4-01868-00368096-00368399 have a better um a fuller account dbnLB9Yrda4-01869-00368400-00368551 of what it is to act on the base of race dbnLB9Yrda4-01870-00368552-00368751 period even as a reason and dbnLB9Yrda4-01871-00368752-00369078 and i don't yet have that um but i think dbnLB9Yrda4-01872-00369079-00369319 that would require us to do a lot more dbnLB9Yrda4-01873-00369320-00369654 um thinking about how to revise dbnLB9Yrda4-01874-00369655-00369823 what it is to take social categories as dbnLB9Yrda4-01875-00369824-00369975 reasons generally when they're markers dbnLB9Yrda4-01876-00369976-00370063 of really dbnLB9Yrda4-01877-00370064-00370334 um hierarchical or social meaning um and dbnLB9Yrda4-01878-00370335-00370519 that requires just a lot more in-depth dbnLB9Yrda4-01879-00370520-00370743 revision of reasons generally dbnLB9Yrda4-01880-00370744-00370967 um which i didn't want to have to dig dbnLB9Yrda4-01881-00370968-00371119 through in this paper but i'm dbnLB9Yrda4-01882-00371120-00371406 i'm absolutely interested and advocate dbnLB9Yrda4-01883-00371407-00372544 for that project dbpNt4UBHy8-00000-00000048-00000238 I will not getting that set up I'm Eton dbpNt4UBHy8-00001-00000239-00000473 I'm another PhD candidate from the mdo dbpNt4UBHy8-00002-00000474-00000773 lab and I want to preface this by saying dbpNt4UBHy8-00003-00000774-00000952 really excited by what's going on with dbpNt4UBHy8-00004-00000953-00001127 Aviary what Jennifer and her team is dbpNt4UBHy8-00005-00001128-00001235 doing I'm looking forward to seeing dbpNt4UBHy8-00006-00001236-00001516 where that goes we have approached dbpNt4UBHy8-00007-00001517-00001775 similar problems and I think hopefully I dbpNt4UBHy8-00008-00001776-00001955 can answer some of the questions and dbpNt4UBHy8-00009-00001955-00002195 open issues they have dbpNt4UBHy8-00010-00002196-00002321 um dbpNt4UBHy8-00011-00002322-00002495 see where there's room for collaboration dbpNt4UBHy8-00012-00002496-00002818 and work together there cool dbpNt4UBHy8-00013-00002819-00003065 all right so let me start by introducing dbpNt4UBHy8-00014-00003066-00003251 what I mean by conceptual design it can dbpNt4UBHy8-00015-00003252-00003359 mean a lot of different things to a lot dbpNt4UBHy8-00016-00003360-00003604 of different people so for me what I dbpNt4UBHy8-00017-00003605-00003803 have in mind is specifically using low dbpNt4UBHy8-00018-00003804-00003995 Fidelity models and coupled with some dbpNt4UBHy8-00019-00003996-00004231 Mission analysis to get some high-level dbpNt4UBHy8-00020-00004232-00004519 I learned yesterday called Moes dbpNt4UBHy8-00021-00004520-00004859 and so you can get fuel burn costs stuff dbpNt4UBHy8-00022-00004860-00005033 like that so the models look something dbpNt4UBHy8-00023-00005034-00005261 like an aerodynamics model you might use dbpNt4UBHy8-00024-00005262-00005452 a parabolic drag puller you could use dbpNt4UBHy8-00025-00005453-00005699 some lookup table you also have dbpNt4UBHy8-00026-00005700-00005897 propulsion models so this can also be a dbpNt4UBHy8-00027-00005898-00006113 lookup table a surrogate model dbpNt4UBHy8-00028-00006114-00006370 uh you also have weight models these can dbpNt4UBHy8-00029-00006371-00006648 be textbook methods also lookup tables dbpNt4UBHy8-00030-00006650-00006928 and finally you might have costs which dbpNt4UBHy8-00031-00006929-00007163 you could use as an objective there and dbpNt4UBHy8-00032-00007164-00007331 then one big thing that comes up dbpNt4UBHy8-00033-00007331-00007505 especially with electric aircraft that dbpNt4UBHy8-00034-00007506-00007720 is often not considered is the thermal dbpNt4UBHy8-00035-00007722-00007901 management side of things you can see dbpNt4UBHy8-00036-00007902-00008063 this is an all-electric aircraft that dbpNt4UBHy8-00037-00008064-00008231 ducked under the nacelle is not an dbpNt4UBHy8-00038-00008232-00008417 intake for a turbo prop there's no turbo dbpNt4UBHy8-00039-00008418-00008692 prop here that's purely a ducted heat dbpNt4UBHy8-00040-00008693-00008903 exchanger to cool the electric motor and dbpNt4UBHy8-00041-00008904-00009191 the electronics in that nacelle so this dbpNt4UBHy8-00042-00009192-00009359 is something that we can take advantage dbpNt4UBHy8-00043-00009360-00009617 of in our tool called open concept dbpNt4UBHy8-00044-00009618-00009773 and so this is our conceptual design dbpNt4UBHy8-00045-00009774-00010109 tool that's built on top of openmdao and dbpNt4UBHy8-00046-00010110-00010283 we're because conceptual design is so dbpNt4UBHy8-00047-00010284-00010451 multi-disciplinary we can take advantage dbpNt4UBHy8-00048-00010452-00010642 of the derivative capabilities in dbpNt4UBHy8-00049-00010643-00010931 openmdo to do efficient dbpNt4UBHy8-00050-00010932-00011159 multi-disciplinary analysis and then use dbpNt4UBHy8-00051-00011160-00011314 the total derivatives to do efficient dbpNt4UBHy8-00052-00011315-00011495 optimization dbpNt4UBHy8-00053-00011496-00011753 so I'm going to be saying dbpNt4UBHy8-00054-00011754-00012442 oh dbpNt4UBHy8-00055-00012443-00012592 stop cursor that for a second there we dbpNt4UBHy8-00056-00012593-00012724 go I'm going to be saying we a lot dbpNt4UBHy8-00057-00012725-00012844 during this presentation I want to give dbpNt4UBHy8-00058-00012845-00013024 credit where credits do dbpNt4UBHy8-00059-00013025-00013096 um dbpNt4UBHy8-00060-00013097-00013427 this is Ben browji for the sake of this dbpNt4UBHy8-00061-00013428-00013655 presentation he is the we dbpNt4UBHy8-00062-00013656-00013738 um dbpNt4UBHy8-00063-00013740-00014213 I he started it in 2018 uh he was a PhD dbpNt4UBHy8-00064-00014213-00014407 candidate also in the mdo lab dbpNt4UBHy8-00065-00014408-00014651 and so a lot of the fundamental stuff he dbpNt4UBHy8-00066-00014652-00014849 was the one who implemented that and dbpNt4UBHy8-00067-00014850-00015011 which is a lot of what I'm going to be dbpNt4UBHy8-00068-00015012-00015208 presenting today he graduated last year dbpNt4UBHy8-00069-00015209-00015497 he's now working for Joby and I'm now dbpNt4UBHy8-00070-00015497-00015671 the primary maintainer of this tool so dbpNt4UBHy8-00071-00015672-00015791 I've worked with him on some of the dbpNt4UBHy8-00072-00015791-00015916 applications and I'll talk a little bit dbpNt4UBHy8-00073-00015918-00016150 about those too dbpNt4UBHy8-00074-00016151-00016336 so let's start off with a simple problem dbpNt4UBHy8-00075-00016337-00016655 that we can solve with this so on the dbpNt4UBHy8-00076-00016656-00016900 top left you can see a King Air in this dbpNt4UBHy8-00077-00016901-00017075 he studied retrofitting this King air dbpNt4UBHy8-00078-00017076-00017225 with a serious hybrid propulsion dbpNt4UBHy8-00079-00017226-00017333 architecture dbpNt4UBHy8-00080-00017334-00017591 and let's look at the the optimization dbpNt4UBHy8-00081-00017592-00017765 problem we're solving so you'll see some dbpNt4UBHy8-00082-00017766-00017915 familiar design variables here we have dbpNt4UBHy8-00083-00017916-00018167 mtau Wing area we also have some dbpNt4UBHy8-00084-00018168-00018389 propulsion system parameters so you have dbpNt4UBHy8-00085-00018390-00018629 the generator power the sizing of some dbpNt4UBHy8-00086-00018630-00018755 other components and then with the dbpNt4UBHy8-00087-00018756-00018893 mission analysis we can get fuel burn dbpNt4UBHy8-00088-00018894-00019193 and we use that as the objective dbpNt4UBHy8-00089-00019194-00019367 we also have some practical constraints dbpNt4UBHy8-00090-00019368-00019517 here we have a balanced field length dbpNt4UBHy8-00091-00019518-00019733 constraint a stall speed constraint dbpNt4UBHy8-00092-00019734-00019900 and with this taking advantage of dbpNt4UBHy8-00093-00019901-00020177 openmdao we can do tons of optimizations dbpNt4UBHy8-00094-00020178-00020399 so this these plots are sweeps over dbpNt4UBHy8-00095-00020400-00020621 design ranges and Battery specific dbpNt4UBHy8-00096-00020622-00020789 energies and each one of those little dbpNt4UBHy8-00097-00020790-00021005 boxes is an optimization it only takes a dbpNt4UBHy8-00098-00021006-00021136 couple minutes so we can do hundreds of dbpNt4UBHy8-00099-00021137-00021358 optimizations in a laptop in an hour or dbpNt4UBHy8-00100-00021359-00021491 two dbpNt4UBHy8-00101-00021492-00021641 but that's a pretty simple problem we dbpNt4UBHy8-00102-00021642-00021863 can do way more than that this is kind dbpNt4UBHy8-00103-00021864-00022067 of a kitchen sink of all the thermal dbpNt4UBHy8-00104-00022068-00022253 components we have and it was actually a dbpNt4UBHy8-00105-00022254-00022564 project for Roger Dyson here at Nasa so dbpNt4UBHy8-00106-00022565-00022721 we start off with a parallel hybrid dbpNt4UBHy8-00107-00022722-00022883 turbofan model this is an offline dbpNt4UBHy8-00108-00022884-00023122 surrogate model of Pi cycle and then we dbpNt4UBHy8-00109-00023123-00023428 use our electric motor from open concept dbpNt4UBHy8-00110-00023429-00023591 we power that electric motor with a dbpNt4UBHy8-00111-00023592-00023741 battery dbpNt4UBHy8-00112-00023742-00023921 connected with a DC bus and a little dbpNt4UBHy8-00113-00023922-00024058 fall protection which is really just an dbpNt4UBHy8-00114-00024059-00024305 efficiency penalty there and then the dbpNt4UBHy8-00115-00024306-00024497 battery produces heat we need to cool it dbpNt4UBHy8-00116-00024498-00024743 so in this we study using a a dbpNt4UBHy8-00117-00024744-00025019 refrigerator so electric active cooling dbpNt4UBHy8-00118-00025020-00025180 to cool the battery and there's a liquid dbpNt4UBHy8-00119-00025181-00025294 coolant Loop that goes through the dbpNt4UBHy8-00120-00025295-00025403 battery dbpNt4UBHy8-00121-00025404-00025583 that refrigerator needs to eventually dbpNt4UBHy8-00122-00025584-00025733 dump the heat somewhere so we end up dbpNt4UBHy8-00123-00025733-00025906 dumping it into the free stream with our dbpNt4UBHy8-00124-00025907-00026062 inducted heat exchanger model which is dbpNt4UBHy8-00125-00026063-00026302 relatively detailed here and what I dbpNt4UBHy8-00126-00026304-00026423 think is really neat is we're getting dbpNt4UBHy8-00127-00026424-00026693 down to the level of like sizing the the dbpNt4UBHy8-00128-00026694-00026885 pump we're sizing even the diameter of dbpNt4UBHy8-00129-00026886-00027052 the tubes we can account for how the dbpNt4UBHy8-00130-00027054-00027335 coolant pipe diameter affects the sizing dbpNt4UBHy8-00131-00027336-00027508 of the tube so for their weight and also dbpNt4UBHy8-00132-00027510-00027629 the pressure drop through the coolant dbpNt4UBHy8-00133-00027630-00027796 Loop so those actually become design dbpNt4UBHy8-00134-00027797-00028055 variables in our optimization Loop and dbpNt4UBHy8-00135-00028056-00028181 roughly this problem ends up with dbpNt4UBHy8-00136-00028182-00028420 something like 50 design variables and a dbpNt4UBHy8-00137-00028422-00028685 few hundred constraints dbpNt4UBHy8-00138-00028686-00028895 uh we also have a similar Loop for the dbpNt4UBHy8-00139-00028895-00029177 electric motor there's no active cooling dbpNt4UBHy8-00140-00029177-00029362 on this side but we still have the same dbpNt4UBHy8-00141-00029363-00029573 pump and liquid coolant Loop situation dbpNt4UBHy8-00142-00029574-00029770 and then because we can why not we also dbpNt4UBHy8-00143-00029772-00030070 do it for the fall protection dbpNt4UBHy8-00144-00030072-00030220 and this is even hiding some of the dbpNt4UBHy8-00145-00030222-00030364 complexity this is just the propulsion dbpNt4UBHy8-00146-00030366-00030551 architecture all of this happens in a dbpNt4UBHy8-00147-00030552-00030677 mission analysis dbpNt4UBHy8-00148-00030677-00030874 furthermore the battery and electric dbpNt4UBHy8-00149-00030875-00031061 motor are not assumed to be at steady dbpNt4UBHy8-00150-00031062-00031193 state the heat in doesn't necessarily dbpNt4UBHy8-00151-00031194-00031396 equal the heat out we can see how the dbpNt4UBHy8-00152-00031397-00031535 thermal mass of the battery and motor dbpNt4UBHy8-00153-00031536-00031720 affects the temperature swings dbpNt4UBHy8-00154-00031722-00031912 throughout the mission and taking taking dbpNt4UBHy8-00155-00031913-00032117 advantage of the the ability to dbpNt4UBHy8-00156-00032118-00032362 accumulate heat there lastly we do some dbpNt4UBHy8-00157-00032363-00032531 kind of rudimentary trajectory dbpNt4UBHy8-00158-00032532-00032818 optimization we can change how the the dbpNt4UBHy8-00159-00032819-00032999 power of the chiller changes over the dbpNt4UBHy8-00160-00033000-00033196 mission we can also change the exit area dbpNt4UBHy8-00161-00033197-00033365 of that duct for dumping the battery dbpNt4UBHy8-00162-00033366-00033599 heat and we can also change the amount dbpNt4UBHy8-00163-00033600-00033724 of electricity going to the electric dbpNt4UBHy8-00164-00033725-00033959 motor so we're effectively changing how dbpNt4UBHy8-00165-00033960-00034271 hybrid this motor is dbpNt4UBHy8-00166-00034272-00034481 and so we run this Mission analysis this dbpNt4UBHy8-00167-00034482-00034673 is the altitude profile and you can see dbpNt4UBHy8-00168-00034674-00034799 it's all for the throttle on the right dbpNt4UBHy8-00169-00034800-00035033 side and after this we can look at dbpNt4UBHy8-00170-00035034-00035243 things like the motor temperature and dbpNt4UBHy8-00171-00035244-00035405 you can kind of identify here top of dbpNt4UBHy8-00172-00035406-00035579 climb tends to be a critical point here dbpNt4UBHy8-00173-00035580-00035873 also battery temperature same deal dbpNt4UBHy8-00174-00035874-00036161 and we did uh you can look at how dbpNt4UBHy8-00175-00036162-00036383 changing the area of the battery dbpNt4UBHy8-00176-00036384-00036587 inductive to heat exchanger changes even dbpNt4UBHy8-00177-00036588-00036737 the thrust on the heat exchanger so you dbpNt4UBHy8-00178-00036738-00036868 can see we're getting a little bit of dbpNt4UBHy8-00179-00036869-00036995 thrust and Crews you get a little bit of dbpNt4UBHy8-00180-00036996-00037246 drag at the beginning of descent dbpNt4UBHy8-00181-00037247-00037415 and all of this happens only in a few dbpNt4UBHy8-00182-00037416-00037601 seconds so here I'm showing you what an dbpNt4UBHy8-00183-00037602-00037799 analysis looks like you run the Newton dbpNt4UBHy8-00184-00037800-00037985 solver and this is from scratch we don't dbpNt4UBHy8-00185-00037986-00038165 really set the initial values very dbpNt4UBHy8-00186-00038166-00038374 carefully it converges to Newton solver dbpNt4UBHy8-00187-00038375-00038567 in six seconds and after that the dbpNt4UBHy8-00188-00038568-00038680 physics are valid you don't need dbpNt4UBHy8-00189-00038681-00038902 optimization so this is getting a dbpNt4UBHy8-00190-00038903-00039035 physically valid mission that you can dbpNt4UBHy8-00191-00039036-00039239 actually gain intuition and results from dbpNt4UBHy8-00192-00039240-00039449 and again this is from the initial dbpNt4UBHy8-00193-00039450-00039652 conditions in an optimization this only dbpNt4UBHy8-00194-00039653-00039845 takes maybe a second maybe less for each dbpNt4UBHy8-00195-00039846-00040121 iteration of the MDA dbpNt4UBHy8-00196-00040122-00040295 so now I'm going to talk about how we dbpNt4UBHy8-00197-00040296-00040499 actually do this I'll talk about our dbpNt4UBHy8-00198-00040500-00040649 philosophy in developing the code we'll dbpNt4UBHy8-00199-00040650-00040745 talk about how we do the mission dbpNt4UBHy8-00200-00040746-00040924 analysis and then I'll discuss a little dbpNt4UBHy8-00201-00040925-00041062 bit of what we've learned through doing dbpNt4UBHy8-00202-00041063-00041255 that process dbpNt4UBHy8-00203-00041256-00041459 so let's start with the code flexibility dbpNt4UBHy8-00204-00041460-00041585 approach dbpNt4UBHy8-00205-00041586-00041818 so there's kind of this uh dbpNt4UBHy8-00206-00041819-00042035 this problem that comes up a lot in dbpNt4UBHy8-00207-00042036-00042179 software development you can make things dbpNt4UBHy8-00208-00042180-00042395 really flexible which means you can use dbpNt4UBHy8-00209-00042396-00042539 them for a wide range of problems really dbpNt4UBHy8-00210-00042540-00042790 customizable but it often means that the dbpNt4UBHy8-00211-00042791-00042946 user needs to do a little bit more work dbpNt4UBHy8-00212-00042947-00043205 and a little more learning on figuring dbpNt4UBHy8-00213-00043206-00043421 out how to actually set up models on the dbpNt4UBHy8-00214-00043422-00043559 other side you can make it easy to use dbpNt4UBHy8-00215-00043560-00043727 you can make really well-defined dbpNt4UBHy8-00216-00043728-00043883 interfaces you plug in the aerodynamics dbpNt4UBHy8-00217-00043884-00044045 plug in the propulsion and it assembles dbpNt4UBHy8-00218-00044046-00044207 everything for you this is easier to dbpNt4UBHy8-00219-00044208-00044423 learn but it tends not to be quite as dbpNt4UBHy8-00220-00044424-00044662 customizable and this tool was dbpNt4UBHy8-00221-00044663-00044830 originally really designed for us so dbpNt4UBHy8-00222-00044831-00045118 yeah we ended up not so easy to use but dbpNt4UBHy8-00223-00045119-00045377 it's it's quite flexible and let's look dbpNt4UBHy8-00224-00045378-00045574 at what I mean by flexible dbpNt4UBHy8-00225-00045575-00045802 so the aircraft model really only has a dbpNt4UBHy8-00226-00045803-00045929 few requirements it ends up being an dbpNt4UBHy8-00227-00045930-00046162 openmdo group the only requirements are dbpNt4UBHy8-00228-00046163-00046301 you need to compute drag and thrust dbpNt4UBHy8-00229-00046302-00046517 those are your outputs you take in lift dbpNt4UBHy8-00230-00046518-00046685 coefficient and throttle and so these dbpNt4UBHy8-00231-00046686-00046846 aren't actually this aerodynamic model dbpNt4UBHy8-00232-00046847-00046961 propulsion model these aren't actually dbpNt4UBHy8-00233-00046962-00047129 in open concept these are kind of dbpNt4UBHy8-00234-00047130-00047267 placeholders dbpNt4UBHy8-00235-00047268-00047429 the only other requirement is you need dbpNt4UBHy8-00236-00047430-00047633 to Output weight and other than that you dbpNt4UBHy8-00237-00047634-00047765 can do whatever you want in this group dbpNt4UBHy8-00238-00047766-00047915 we end up dbpNt4UBHy8-00239-00047916-00048130 assembling all sorts of thermal models dbpNt4UBHy8-00240-00048131-00048352 different propulsion systems and one dbpNt4UBHy8-00241-00048353-00048496 thing you might want to do is integrate dbpNt4UBHy8-00242-00048497-00048605 fuel burn dbpNt4UBHy8-00243-00048606-00048785 so without this integration you wouldn't dbpNt4UBHy8-00244-00048786-00048946 really have any useful information out dbpNt4UBHy8-00245-00048947-00049258 of this so you can use this open concept dbpNt4UBHy8-00246-00049259-00049451 integrator you integrate the fuel flow dbpNt4UBHy8-00247-00049452-00049583 from the propulsion model and you end up dbpNt4UBHy8-00248-00049584-00049871 with a fuel burn at the end of the day dbpNt4UBHy8-00249-00049872-00050033 now with this aircraft model you've got dbpNt4UBHy8-00250-00050034-00050236 to do some Mission analysis so the dbpNt4UBHy8-00251-00050237-00050393 mission analysis group usually starts dbpNt4UBHy8-00252-00050394-00050621 off with this reading in of parameters dbpNt4UBHy8-00253-00050622-00050927 from a dictionary file and I'm showing dbpNt4UBHy8-00254-00050928-00051023 this because I've heard it's pretty dbpNt4UBHy8-00255-00051024-00051304 similar to the way Aviary does it and dbpNt4UBHy8-00256-00051305-00051454 you can see our naming scheme here we dbpNt4UBHy8-00257-00051455-00051682 also have a similar hierarchical naming dbpNt4UBHy8-00258-00051683-00051832 scheme dbpNt4UBHy8-00259-00051833-00052042 and then you do the mission analysis so dbpNt4UBHy8-00260-00052044-00052229 this full mission analysis is one of the dbpNt4UBHy8-00261-00052229-00052402 options that you can use in open Concept dbpNt4UBHy8-00262-00052403-00052649 in practice it's a lot like Daimos you dbpNt4UBHy8-00263-00052650-00052841 might see some nomenclature that's dbpNt4UBHy8-00264-00052841-00053009 similar here there's this num nodes idea dbpNt4UBHy8-00265-00053010-00053176 and then it's built of phases that form dbpNt4UBHy8-00266-00053177-00053363 a trajectory and so you can really dbpNt4UBHy8-00267-00053364-00053513 customize it to be whatever you want but dbpNt4UBHy8-00268-00053514-00053759 we have some predefined profiles and you dbpNt4UBHy8-00269-00053760-00053897 can see into the mission analysis you dbpNt4UBHy8-00270-00053898-00054065 pass this aircraft model and that dbpNt4UBHy8-00271-00054066-00054292 instantiates copies of the openmdo group dbpNt4UBHy8-00272-00054294-00054587 in every one of the phases dbpNt4UBHy8-00273-00054588-00054713 so now I'm going to talk about how we dbpNt4UBHy8-00274-00054714-00054976 actually do that mission analysis dbpNt4UBHy8-00275-00054977-00055223 so I think it's come up a few times so dbpNt4UBHy8-00276-00055224-00055330 far but what do we mean by Mission dbpNt4UBHy8-00277-00055332-00055600 analysis so we're solving this aircraft dbpNt4UBHy8-00278-00055601-00055816 model as it simulates flying this dbpNt4UBHy8-00279-00055817-00056015 Mission with some valid physics so we dbpNt4UBHy8-00280-00056016-00056230 can get useful results so those results dbpNt4UBHy8-00281-00056232-00056453 could be fuel burn we can also look at dbpNt4UBHy8-00282-00056454-00056626 component temperatures in the future we dbpNt4UBHy8-00283-00056627-00056753 might be able to look at hydrogen boil dbpNt4UBHy8-00284-00056754-00056938 off over the mission all sorts of stuff dbpNt4UBHy8-00285-00056939-00057071 that you might not even be able to dbpNt4UBHy8-00286-00057072-00057269 imagine yet dbpNt4UBHy8-00287-00057270-00057569 so the way we do this is we assume we dbpNt4UBHy8-00288-00057570-00057785 break up these phases into nodes and dbpNt4UBHy8-00289-00057786-00057947 then at each one of those nodes we dbpNt4UBHy8-00290-00057948-00058187 assume steady state so we're balancing dbpNt4UBHy8-00291-00058188-00058379 the forces this avoids working directly dbpNt4UBHy8-00292-00058379-00058523 with the equations of motion so we're dbpNt4UBHy8-00293-00058524-00058691 not integrating net force or anything dbpNt4UBHy8-00294-00058691-00058937 like that here and it kind of seems like dbpNt4UBHy8-00295-00058938-00059159 maybe you would be losing some important dbpNt4UBHy8-00296-00059160-00059363 information here so if you're dbpNt4UBHy8-00297-00059364-00059530 accelerating you don't have the extra dbpNt4UBHy8-00298-00059532-00059692 thrust you need to accelerate you're dbpNt4UBHy8-00299-00059694-00059903 just assuming you match the forces at dbpNt4UBHy8-00300-00059904-00060088 every one of those speeds but in dbpNt4UBHy8-00301-00060089-00060232 practice this actually matches flight dbpNt4UBHy8-00302-00060233-00060407 test data quite closely dbpNt4UBHy8-00303-00060408-00060587 so you can see here Ben and his thesis dbpNt4UBHy8-00304-00060588-00060815 got data from pipestral from their dbpNt4UBHy8-00305-00060816-00060994 flight test and with open concept he was dbpNt4UBHy8-00306-00060995-00061144 able to match their data really really dbpNt4UBHy8-00307-00061145-00061391 well dbpNt4UBHy8-00308-00061391-00061666 so let's look at how the the phases are dbpNt4UBHy8-00309-00061667-00061991 generally assembled to form a mission so dbpNt4UBHy8-00310-00061991-00062219 in practice every phase for the study dbpNt4UBHy8-00311-00062220-00062411 flight phases taken an AirSpeed and a dbpNt4UBHy8-00312-00062412-00062585 vertical speed and they use that to dbpNt4UBHy8-00313-00062586-00062794 define the mission profile but those dbpNt4UBHy8-00314-00062795-00062987 alone don't tell you how long the client dbpNt4UBHy8-00315-00062988-00063250 phase needs to be in terms of time so dbpNt4UBHy8-00316-00063251-00063454 each one of them is each one of the dbpNt4UBHy8-00317-00063455-00063629 phases is kind of designed in a custom dbpNt4UBHy8-00318-00063629-00063815 way so the client phase takes in Cruise dbpNt4UBHy8-00319-00063816-00064037 altitude and the duration is set such dbpNt4UBHy8-00320-00064038-00064192 that at the end of The Climb phase here dbpNt4UBHy8-00321-00064194-00064463 at your cruise altitude dbpNt4UBHy8-00322-00064464-00064691 for the cruise phase you're already at dbpNt4UBHy8-00323-00064691-00064841 Cruise altitude so you use Mission range dbpNt4UBHy8-00324-00064841-00064979 to figure out how long the cruise needs dbpNt4UBHy8-00325-00064979-00065099 to be such that at the end of your dbpNt4UBHy8-00326-00065100-00065285 mission you've flown the range that the dbpNt4UBHy8-00327-00065286-00065561 user has specified dbpNt4UBHy8-00328-00065562-00065800 The Descent phase is again just AirSpeed dbpNt4UBHy8-00329-00065801-00065926 and vertical speed but you don't need dbpNt4UBHy8-00330-00065927-00066125 anything else here you just end when you dbpNt4UBHy8-00331-00066126-00066347 reach back to the ground but what you do dbpNt4UBHy8-00332-00066348-00066509 need to do is pass the range at the end dbpNt4UBHy8-00333-00066510-00066665 of The Descent phase back to the cruise dbpNt4UBHy8-00334-00066666-00066881 phase so it knows what the final range dbpNt4UBHy8-00335-00066882-00066994 of the mission is so you get a little dbpNt4UBHy8-00336-00066995-00067229 bit of backward coupling there dbpNt4UBHy8-00337-00067230-00067415 so what happens inside of each one of dbpNt4UBHy8-00338-00067416-00067637 these phases so in this case we'll just dbpNt4UBHy8-00339-00067638-00067799 look at the climb phase dbpNt4UBHy8-00340-00067800-00067973 we have a Newton solver at the top level dbpNt4UBHy8-00341-00067974-00068321 it guesses the the length of this The dbpNt4UBHy8-00342-00068322-00068494 Climb segment as you're as I was saying dbpNt4UBHy8-00343-00068495-00068650 you need the duration for each segment dbpNt4UBHy8-00344-00068651-00068855 and that's the Newton solver's job so it dbpNt4UBHy8-00345-00068856-00069017 guesses a length and then we use our dbpNt4UBHy8-00346-00069018-00069221 integrator to integrate the airspeed and dbpNt4UBHy8-00347-00069222-00069335 vertical speed dbpNt4UBHy8-00348-00069336-00069538 the integrator uses Simpsons rule so dbpNt4UBHy8-00349-00069539-00069688 that just works by taking groups of dbpNt4UBHy8-00350-00069689-00069850 three components fitting a quadratic to dbpNt4UBHy8-00351-00069851-00070037 it taking the area under that and it dbpNt4UBHy8-00352-00070038-00070361 does that sequentially over the mission dbpNt4UBHy8-00353-00070362-00070541 the integrator will then spit out the dbpNt4UBHy8-00354-00070542-00070726 final altitude at the end which we use dbpNt4UBHy8-00355-00070727-00070919 in our we just impose a residual that dbpNt4UBHy8-00356-00070920-00071087 ends up being the the one that Newton dbpNt4UBHy8-00357-00071088-00071225 silver uses to figure out the duration dbpNt4UBHy8-00358-00071226-00071423 of the climb segment dbpNt4UBHy8-00359-00071424-00071609 the integrator also gives us altitude dbpNt4UBHy8-00360-00071610-00071813 over the entire course of the mission in dbpNt4UBHy8-00361-00071814-00071975 this case just the cruise phase and we dbpNt4UBHy8-00362-00071976-00072179 use that with our atmospherics module to dbpNt4UBHy8-00363-00072180-00072353 get out the flight conditions at each dbpNt4UBHy8-00364-00072354-00072575 one of the nodes in the mission dbpNt4UBHy8-00365-00072576-00072719 those flight conditions are passed to dbpNt4UBHy8-00366-00072720-00072959 the aircraft model which uses also the dbpNt4UBHy8-00367-00072960-00073109 throttle and the CL from the Newton dbpNt4UBHy8-00368-00073110-00073349 solver and remember the aircraft model dbpNt4UBHy8-00369-00073350-00073529 just has taken throttle CL spit out dbpNt4UBHy8-00370-00073530-00073673 thrust weight and drag so it does that dbpNt4UBHy8-00371-00073674-00073919 which is sent to the force residual and dbpNt4UBHy8-00372-00073920-00074141 all that does is compute net forces so dbpNt4UBHy8-00373-00074142-00074338 remember we're balancing forces here so dbpNt4UBHy8-00374-00074339-00074585 that the net force is equal zero so dbpNt4UBHy8-00375-00074586-00074711 these end up going back to the Newton dbpNt4UBHy8-00376-00074712-00074843 Silver And they're they're driven to dbpNt4UBHy8-00377-00074844-00075203 zero with the throttle and seal dbpNt4UBHy8-00378-00075204-00075394 in practice we usually use a single dbpNt4UBHy8-00379-00075395-00075706 Newton solver with sub solve subsystems dbpNt4UBHy8-00380-00075707-00076079 on and it tends to be robust enough for dbpNt4UBHy8-00381-00076080-00076312 us we haven't had any problems with it dbpNt4UBHy8-00382-00076313-00076444 so we haven't gone to more advanced dbpNt4UBHy8-00383-00076445-00076732 solver configurations there dbpNt4UBHy8-00384-00076733-00076906 the integrator isn't just used for this dbpNt4UBHy8-00385-00076907-00077062 simple AirSpeed vertical speed dbpNt4UBHy8-00386-00077063-00077285 integration altitude it also shows up in dbpNt4UBHy8-00387-00077286-00077494 other places in the mission so you saw dbpNt4UBHy8-00388-00077495-00077717 this integration of fuel flow to get dbpNt4UBHy8-00389-00077718-00077806 fuel burn dbpNt4UBHy8-00390-00077807-00078221 you also can integrate uh heat flows to dbpNt4UBHy8-00391-00078222-00078376 get with thermal Mass to get dbpNt4UBHy8-00392-00078377-00078623 temperatures and models and then we also dbpNt4UBHy8-00393-00078624-00078797 have this custom Braille G magic dbpNt4UBHy8-00394-00078798-00078959 trademark don't worry we don't charge dbpNt4UBHy8-00395-00078960-00079138 extra for it it comes for free with the dbpNt4UBHy8-00396-00079139-00079397 code and it it automatically finds dbpNt4UBHy8-00397-00079398-00079529 States within the model dbpNt4UBHy8-00398-00079530-00079703 and figures out where they need to be dbpNt4UBHy8-00399-00079704-00079943 integrated and it also like Daimos has dbpNt4UBHy8-00400-00079944-00080200 this link phases kind of idea and it's dbpNt4UBHy8-00401-00080201-00080375 all abstracted so in practice you can dbpNt4UBHy8-00402-00080376-00080525 swap out integrators and you can dbpNt4UBHy8-00403-00080526-00080831 Implement whatever you want here dbpNt4UBHy8-00404-00080832-00080950 all right now let's talk about the dbpNt4UBHy8-00405-00080951-00081125 lessons we learned over the the course dbpNt4UBHy8-00406-00081126-00081347 of the of doing this work so this code dbpNt4UBHy8-00407-00081348-00081473 is definitely not designed for dbpNt4UBHy8-00408-00081474-00081706 trajectory optimization if you try to dbpNt4UBHy8-00409-00081707-00081959 integrate the or optimize the speeds dbpNt4UBHy8-00410-00081960-00082175 that each of the nodes for example in dbpNt4UBHy8-00411-00082176-00082385 cruise we often end up with oscillations dbpNt4UBHy8-00412-00082386-00082649 here Ben attributes this to the dbpNt4UBHy8-00413-00082650-00082841 optimizer exploiting the weightings that dbpNt4UBHy8-00414-00082842-00082997 Simpson's rule uses for the integration dbpNt4UBHy8-00415-00082998-00083194 we also think it might have to do with dbpNt4UBHy8-00416-00083195-00083291 the fact that we're not actually dbpNt4UBHy8-00417-00083292-00083453 accounting for accelerations at each one dbpNt4UBHy8-00418-00083454-00083650 of the points so it's not taking into dbpNt4UBHy8-00419-00083651-00083776 account you need extra throttle to dbpNt4UBHy8-00420-00083777-00083909 accelerate and then you decelerate extra dbpNt4UBHy8-00421-00083910-00084203 throttle Etc dbpNt4UBHy8-00422-00084204-00084353 so to get around this for our dbpNt4UBHy8-00423-00084354-00084556 rudimentary trajectory optimization we dbpNt4UBHy8-00424-00084557-00084706 usually just linearly interpolate dbpNt4UBHy8-00425-00084707-00084923 between phases so we have control points dbpNt4UBHy8-00426-00084924-00085132 at the beginning and end and we just dbpNt4UBHy8-00427-00085133-00085271 assume a linear interpolation for dbpNt4UBHy8-00428-00085272-00085612 whatever variable we're controlling dbpNt4UBHy8-00429-00085613-00085799 another big thing is using vectorization dbpNt4UBHy8-00430-00085800-00085961 for efficiency I think this has come up dbpNt4UBHy8-00431-00085962-00086273 a few times so far so this is a simple dbpNt4UBHy8-00432-00086274-00086519 motor component that we use and you can dbpNt4UBHy8-00433-00086520-00086765 see the option in the initialize dbpNt4UBHy8-00434-00086766-00087029 function num node declares how many dbpNt4UBHy8-00435-00087030-00087365 Vector points you have that are solved dbpNt4UBHy8-00436-00087366-00087587 at once and then the inputs and outputs dbpNt4UBHy8-00437-00087588-00087761 the throttle and the shaft power all dbpNt4UBHy8-00438-00087762-00087923 become vectors two and then we use dbpNt4UBHy8-00439-00087924-00088150 sparse partials to to avoid additional dbpNt4UBHy8-00440-00088151-00088421 cost because of that dbpNt4UBHy8-00441-00088422-00088571 another thing that we've learned is dbpNt4UBHy8-00442-00088572-00088732 using surrogate models for propulsion dbpNt4UBHy8-00443-00088733-00088918 has been really effective so we have dbpNt4UBHy8-00444-00088919-00089147 offline surrogate models of Pi cycle dbpNt4UBHy8-00445-00089148-00089411 that gets around problems that we might dbpNt4UBHy8-00446-00089412-00089591 have with cost if it's not vectorized dbpNt4UBHy8-00447-00089592-00089800 and also robustness that makes the dbpNt4UBHy8-00448-00089801-00090017 problem easier to solve we also have dbpNt4UBHy8-00449-00090018-00090197 offline propulsion models for our dbpNt4UBHy8-00450-00090198-00090526 propeller efficiency map and I've dbpNt4UBHy8-00451-00090527-00090731 actually developed some online surrogate dbpNt4UBHy8-00452-00090732-00090893 models for open arrow struct with Simple dbpNt4UBHy8-00453-00090894-00091079 Plan forms that will automatically dbpNt4UBHy8-00454-00091080-00091325 retrain the data and rerun open Arrow dbpNt4UBHy8-00455-00091326-00091517 struct when any variables change in the dbpNt4UBHy8-00456-00091518-00091709 optimization process otherwise it keeps dbpNt4UBHy8-00457-00091710-00091859 the the model the same and we can take dbpNt4UBHy8-00458-00091860-00091961 advantage of the circuit model dbpNt4UBHy8-00459-00091962-00092218 efficiency dbpNt4UBHy8-00460-00092219-00092476 so now the question here is what do we dbpNt4UBHy8-00461-00092477-00092626 use for Mission analysis we have this dbpNt4UBHy8-00462-00092627-00092867 open concept approach it's fast it's dbpNt4UBHy8-00463-00092868-00093076 robust-ish usually robust enough for dbpNt4UBHy8-00464-00093077-00093317 what we do and it's physically valid you dbpNt4UBHy8-00465-00093318-00093497 don't need an optimization to get useful dbpNt4UBHy8-00466-00093498-00093665 results out of it dbpNt4UBHy8-00467-00093666-00093815 on the other hand we have trajectory dbpNt4UBHy8-00468-00093816-00094012 optimization approaches from what I've dbpNt4UBHy8-00469-00094013-00094187 heard there they tend not to be quite as dbpNt4UBHy8-00470-00094188-00094303 robust dbpNt4UBHy8-00471-00094304-00094541 but they they're obviously better for dbpNt4UBHy8-00472-00094542-00094673 trajectory optimization that's why dbpNt4UBHy8-00473-00094674-00094829 they're used for that so they can dbpNt4UBHy8-00474-00094830-00095032 represent the mission in a way that you dbpNt4UBHy8-00475-00095033-00095261 can actually optimize states with the dbpNt4UBHy8-00476-00095262-00095656 trajectory in a more effective way dbpNt4UBHy8-00477-00095657-00095855 so we've taken the first approach we've dbpNt4UBHy8-00478-00095856-00096023 used it to rapidly optimize aircraft dbpNt4UBHy8-00479-00096024-00096238 architectures and it uses the steady dbpNt4UBHy8-00480-00096239-00096425 flight assumption at each one dbpNt4UBHy8-00481-00096426-00096600 so now the question is dbpNt4UBHy8-00482-00096601-00096868 which do we use and I'll kind of end dbpNt4UBHy8-00483-00096869-00097115 with a suggestion here maybe interesting dbpNt4UBHy8-00484-00097116-00097331 future research Direction both have dbpNt4UBHy8-00485-00097332-00097547 benefits and maybe there's a way we can dbpNt4UBHy8-00486-00097548-00097823 take advantage of both benefits so on dbpNt4UBHy8-00487-00097824-00097967 the open Concept side if you have a dbpNt4UBHy8-00488-00097968-00098159 mission profile defined maybe you want dbpNt4UBHy8-00489-00098160-00098309 to use the open concept one you can take dbpNt4UBHy8-00490-00098310-00098525 advantage of that efficiency having a dbpNt4UBHy8-00491-00098526-00098855 physically valid MDA but if you want to dbpNt4UBHy8-00492-00098856-00099005 do trajectory optimization yeah you dbpNt4UBHy8-00493-00099006-00099137 probably want to use one of those other dbpNt4UBHy8-00494-00099138-00099485 methods so perhaps we could make it a dbpNt4UBHy8-00495-00099486-00099688 switch to the user so that the user dbpNt4UBHy8-00496-00099689-00099850 could change the underlying integration dbpNt4UBHy8-00497-00099851-00100103 method on the fly or perhaps we use dbpNt4UBHy8-00498-00100104-00100276 something like open Concepts to provide dbpNt4UBHy8-00499-00100277-00100511 an initial value for making the the dbpNt4UBHy8-00500-00100512-00100768 trajectory optimization more robust or dbpNt4UBHy8-00501-00100769-00100937 efficient dbpNt4UBHy8-00502-00100938-00101111 so with that I'll close I'm happy to dbpNt4UBHy8-00503-00101112-00101255 take any questions thank you for dbpNt4UBHy8-00504-00101256-00101411 listening dbpNt4UBHy8-00505-00101412-00102065 [Applause] dbpNt4UBHy8-00506-00102066-00102191 I'm going to ask the first question dbpNt4UBHy8-00507-00102192-00102442 sorry Jennifer your online training dbpNt4UBHy8-00508-00102443-00102568 strategy you're differentiating through dbpNt4UBHy8-00509-00102569-00102784 the training of the surrogate model do dbpNt4UBHy8-00510-00102785-00102904 you think you could apply that to the dbpNt4UBHy8-00511-00102905-00103234 propulsion as well or is it not viable dbpNt4UBHy8-00512-00103235-00103313 um dbpNt4UBHy8-00513-00103314-00103625 yeah I think so the the surrogate model dbpNt4UBHy8-00514-00103626-00103780 I'm using for the open air struck side dbpNt4UBHy8-00515-00103781-00104021 is not quite as advanced as the dbpNt4UBHy8-00516-00104022-00104158 surrogate model we use for pi cycle I dbpNt4UBHy8-00517-00104159-00104290 think I was using dbpNt4UBHy8-00518-00104291-00104356 um dbpNt4UBHy8-00519-00104357-00104615 I can't remember the the exact one for dbpNt4UBHy8-00520-00104616-00104725 the open dbpNt4UBHy8-00521-00104726-00105016 mdao model but the pi cycle ones use dbpNt4UBHy8-00522-00105017-00105203 creaking and that ends up getting a dbpNt4UBHy8-00523-00105204-00105473 better fit of the data intriguing or dbpNt4UBHy8-00524-00105474-00105760 gradient enhanced greeting dbpNt4UBHy8-00525-00105761-00105928 Ben was the one who did that I'll have dbpNt4UBHy8-00526-00105929-00106066 to remember I think dbpNt4UBHy8-00527-00106067-00106252 I mean he it was the one that he dbpNt4UBHy8-00528-00106253-00106486 submitted to the openmdo code base so is dbpNt4UBHy8-00529-00106488-00106597 that okay dbpNt4UBHy8-00530-00106598-00107116 number either yeah dbpNt4UBHy8-00531-00107117-00107278 so I have lots of questions for you but dbpNt4UBHy8-00532-00107279-00107428 I'll start with one dbpNt4UBHy8-00533-00107429-00107716 I'm wondering how this scales with an dbpNt4UBHy8-00534-00107717-00107849 increased number of nodes so if you dbpNt4UBHy8-00535-00107850-00108034 wanted to handle say a numerically stiff dbpNt4UBHy8-00536-00108035-00108245 problem and your cruise was really long dbpNt4UBHy8-00537-00108246-00108413 but you had something like a thermal dbpNt4UBHy8-00538-00108414-00108521 that was dbpNt4UBHy8-00539-00108522-00108677 fluctuating a lot something like that dbpNt4UBHy8-00540-00108678-00108934 would that cause a significant code slow dbpNt4UBHy8-00541-00108935-00109121 down would there be code efficiency dbpNt4UBHy8-00542-00109122-00109336 issues or how would it handle that dbpNt4UBHy8-00543-00109338-00109558 yeah that's a good question dbpNt4UBHy8-00544-00109559-00109889 um we haven't run into to challenges dbpNt4UBHy8-00545-00109890-00110183 there yet uh I mean you saw it runs dbpNt4UBHy8-00546-00110183-00110357 pretty efficiently dbpNt4UBHy8-00547-00110358-00110578 um so I think in practice you could dbpNt4UBHy8-00548-00110579-00110723 increase the number of nodes in practice dbpNt4UBHy8-00549-00110724-00111208 we end up with maybe 20 or 30 per phase dbpNt4UBHy8-00550-00111209-00111473 but if you needed more you could could dbpNt4UBHy8-00551-00111474-00111665 be done we don't have the capability to dbpNt4UBHy8-00552-00111666-00111863 do like what uh Justin I think mentioned dbpNt4UBHy8-00553-00111864-00112036 yesterday tandem phases if you want to dbpNt4UBHy8-00554-00112038-00112228 do different time scales for for dbpNt4UBHy8-00555-00112229-00112397 different components we we aren't able dbpNt4UBHy8-00556-00112398-00113254 to do that yet dbpNt4UBHy8-00557-00113255-00113447 small one thank you for the torque very dbpNt4UBHy8-00558-00113448-00113578 interesting dbpNt4UBHy8-00559-00113579-00113675 um dbpNt4UBHy8-00560-00113676-00113933 um how do do the integrator behaves when dbpNt4UBHy8-00561-00113933-00114208 you do not have sufficient thrust does dbpNt4UBHy8-00562-00114209-00114466 it fail or do you have dbpNt4UBHy8-00563-00114467-00114749 bypass things to to overcome this uh dbpNt4UBHy8-00564-00114750-00114893 what was the word when we don't have dbpNt4UBHy8-00565-00114894-00115186 enough what stressed oh thrust from the dbpNt4UBHy8-00566-00115188-00115252 engine dbpNt4UBHy8-00567-00115253-00115481 um yeah that can be a problem that's dbpNt4UBHy8-00568-00115482-00115690 probably the most often one that comes dbpNt4UBHy8-00569-00115691-00115943 up that uh ends up ruining the the dbpNt4UBHy8-00570-00115944-00116110 newtonself dbpNt4UBHy8-00571-00116111-00116231 um dbpNt4UBHy8-00572-00116232-00116578 the advantage is if we start in a dbpNt4UBHy8-00573-00116579-00116765 feasible one which we can usually figure dbpNt4UBHy8-00574-00116766-00117034 out some initial guess the optimizer can dbpNt4UBHy8-00575-00117035-00117215 make its way through the feasible region dbpNt4UBHy8-00576-00117216-00117466 and back out when the analysis fails but dbpNt4UBHy8-00577-00117467-00117647 yeah that's a good question dbpNt4UBHy8-00578-00117648-00117977 um another Technique we use to do that dbpNt4UBHy8-00579-00117978-00118210 is we sometimes let the thrust go beyond dbpNt4UBHy8-00580-00118211-00118373 what the engine's actually capable of dbpNt4UBHy8-00581-00118374-00118666 say like Let It Go to 110 or something dbpNt4UBHy8-00582-00118667-00118847 like that and then in the optimization dbpNt4UBHy8-00583-00118848-00119110 constrain it to 100 so it gives the the dbpNt4UBHy8-00584-00119111-00119236 non-linear solver a little more dbpNt4UBHy8-00585-00119238-00120047 flexibility dbpNt4UBHy8-00586-00120048-00120221 so this is a little bit of a two-part dbpNt4UBHy8-00587-00120222-00120347 question you may have just sort of dbpNt4UBHy8-00588-00120348-00120604 answered part of it but I'm wondering in dbpNt4UBHy8-00589-00120605-00120773 general about incorporating higher dbpNt4UBHy8-00590-00120774-00120893 Fidelity models and then also dbpNt4UBHy8-00591-00120894-00121181 specifically propulsion models so first dbpNt4UBHy8-00592-00121182-00121402 of all how flexible is the code if I dbpNt4UBHy8-00593-00121403-00121643 wanted to drop in a propulsion model and dbpNt4UBHy8-00594-00121644-00121883 then do propulsion sizing and second if dbpNt4UBHy8-00595-00121883-00122069 I wanted to drop in some other High dbpNt4UBHy8-00596-00122070-00122260 Fidelity type model cfd that sort of dbpNt4UBHy8-00597-00122261-00122428 thing is it flexible enough that I could dbpNt4UBHy8-00598-00122429-00122740 do that dbpNt4UBHy8-00599-00122741-00123010 um dbpNt4UBHy8-00600-00123011-00123239 so in practice the aircraft model you dbpNt4UBHy8-00601-00123240-00123413 saw it it's just a group it only has a dbpNt4UBHy8-00602-00123414-00123581 few requirements in and out dbpNt4UBHy8-00603-00123582-00123743 it does dbpNt4UBHy8-00604-00123744-00124090 like to be vectorized so the aircraft dbpNt4UBHy8-00605-00124091-00124397 model does require the throttle NCL will dbpNt4UBHy8-00606-00124398-00124673 come in as a vector and be spit out as a dbpNt4UBHy8-00607-00124674-00124871 vector so if you can handle that dbpNt4UBHy8-00608-00124872-00125086 efficiently I think it would be capable dbpNt4UBHy8-00609-00125088-00125236 of it dbpNt4UBHy8-00610-00125238-00125375 um dbpNt4UBHy8-00611-00125376-00125507 you were saying specifically for dbpNt4UBHy8-00612-00125508-00125836 propulsion was the first part uh yeah I dbpNt4UBHy8-00613-00125838-00126004 think that would be capable again dbpNt4UBHy8-00614-00126005-00126173 surrogate models will depend on the dbpNt4UBHy8-00615-00126174-00126419 number of inputs for scaling the the dbpNt4UBHy8-00616-00126420-00126671 training data you have dbpNt4UBHy8-00617-00126672-00126904 and then the second part was just dbpNt4UBHy8-00618-00126905-00127133 general High Fidelity stuff yeah so we dbpNt4UBHy8-00619-00127133-00127366 haven't gone too much into that space uh dbpNt4UBHy8-00620-00127367-00127552 open aerostruct is probably the highest dbpNt4UBHy8-00621-00127553-00127715 Fidelity we have in there which I think dbpNt4UBHy8-00622-00127716-00127858 most people would not call particularly dbpNt4UBHy8-00623-00127859-00128015 High Fidelity dbpNt4UBHy8-00624-00128016-00128315 um but in practice I think it it could dbpNt4UBHy8-00625-00128316-00128519 be done surrogate models will probably dbpNt4UBHy8-00626-00128520-00128758 be required because Newton solve dbpNt4UBHy8-00627-00128759-00129034 requires on the order of dbpNt4UBHy8-00628-00129035-00129293 you know 10 iterations and in each one dbpNt4UBHy8-00629-00129294-00129436 of those you need to evaluate at each dbpNt4UBHy8-00630-00129438-00129616 one of the nodes so that's 10 times dbpNt4UBHy8-00631-00129617-00129964 maybe 30 40 50 points along the mission dbpNt4UBHy8-00632-00129965-00130186 and that kind of becomes intractable if dbpNt4UBHy8-00633-00130188-00130336 you want to do optimization with that dbpNt4UBHy8-00634-00130338-00130571 directly so in the past surrogate dbpNt4UBHy8-00635-00130572-00130775 modeling has has been used online in dbpNt4UBHy8-00636-00130776-00130936 particular I think real limb has done a dbpNt4UBHy8-00637-00130938-00131104 lot of work work there dbpNt4UBHy8-00638-00131105-00131375 yep dbpNt4UBHy8-00639-00131376-00131561 just a suggestion for you then you might dbpNt4UBHy8-00640-00131562-00131699 want to consider switching some of those dbpNt4UBHy8-00641-00131700-00131945 Newton balances up to like a sand dbpNt4UBHy8-00642-00131946-00132131 approach there dbpNt4UBHy8-00643-00132132-00132311 you might find it's faster it's probably dbpNt4UBHy8-00644-00132312-00132659 also less stable but dbpNt4UBHy8-00645-00132660-00132947 yeah so I guess I'll I'll say for our dbpNt4UBHy8-00646-00132948-00133043 work dbpNt4UBHy8-00647-00133044-00133223 um robustness and speed has been good dbpNt4UBHy8-00648-00133224-00133385 enough so we haven't put a lot of work dbpNt4UBHy8-00649-00133386-00133564 into trying make it faster trying to dbpNt4UBHy8-00650-00133565-00133799 make it more robust but I think in dbpNt4UBHy8-00651-00133800-00134002 practice we definitely could put an dbpNt4UBHy8-00652-00134003-00134164 effort there and make it more effective dbpNt4UBHy8-00653-00134165-00134351 I I was if you're trying to put dbpNt4UBHy8-00654-00134352-00134501 something more expensive in there yeah dbpNt4UBHy8-00655-00134502-00134609 absolutely dbpNt4UBHy8-00656-00134610-00134854 just a note for the audience the openmdo dbpNt4UBHy8-00657-00134855-00135004 team learned something about openmdo dbpNt4UBHy8-00658-00135005-00135173 today you can use pipes in your variable dbpNt4UBHy8-00659-00135174-00135604 names we didn't know that dbpNt4UBHy8-00660-00135605-00136078 even we learned something here dbpNt4UBHy8-00661-00136079-00136409 any last questions dbpNt4UBHy8-00662-00136410-00136697 Jennifer has lots of questions dbpNt4UBHy8-00663-00136698-00136919 I promise I'm just wondering generally dbpNt4UBHy8-00664-00136920-00137081 what are the things that you see about dbpNt4UBHy8-00665-00137082-00137207 this software that are the biggest dbpNt4UBHy8-00666-00137208-00137428 deficits or areas that need Improvement dbpNt4UBHy8-00667-00137429-00137663 or specifically things that Aviary could dbpNt4UBHy8-00668-00137664-00137975 help out with dbpNt4UBHy8-00669-00137976-00138113 um dbpNt4UBHy8-00670-00138114-00138401 as you get bigger models having it be dbpNt4UBHy8-00671-00138402-00138604 this flexible can make it kind of dbpNt4UBHy8-00672-00138605-00138754 challenging to keep track of things so dbpNt4UBHy8-00673-00138755-00139007 in that kitchen sink model I showed the dbpNt4UBHy8-00674-00139008-00139240 aircraft group kind of gets messy you dbpNt4UBHy8-00675-00139241-00139402 end up with a ton of connections and a dbpNt4UBHy8-00676-00139403-00139528 ton of groups floating around and dbpNt4UBHy8-00677-00139529-00139721 subsystems and figuring out how to dbpNt4UBHy8-00678-00139722-00139943 organize that can be kind of tricky and dbpNt4UBHy8-00679-00139944-00140075 it sounds like you might have some dbpNt4UBHy8-00680-00140076-00140297 strategies for for fixing that I think dbpNt4UBHy8-00681-00140298-00140489 that's from a user perspective one of dbpNt4UBHy8-00682-00140490-00140897 the biggest challenges dbpNt4UBHy8-00683-00140898-00141149 thank you dbpNt4UBHy8-00684-00141150-00141551 how do you mean dbpNt4UBHy8-00685-00141552-00141713 are the methods that you have right now dbpNt4UBHy8-00686-00141714-00141904 for the at-home audience the comment was dbpNt4UBHy8-00687-00141905-00142228 the weight estimation dbpNt4UBHy8-00688-00142229-00142475 yeah so I guess I'll cover what we do dbpNt4UBHy8-00689-00142476-00142709 now if that helps a lot of the studies dbpNt4UBHy8-00690-00142710-00142871 have been retrofit so far because we dbpNt4UBHy8-00691-00142872-00143039 have all this propulsion system analysis dbpNt4UBHy8-00692-00143040-00143225 capability so we haven't done as much dbpNt4UBHy8-00693-00143226-00143411 from scratch which means there's kind of dbpNt4UBHy8-00694-00143412-00143566 a limited number of textbook weight dbpNt4UBHy8-00695-00143567-00143764 estimation methods we have in there dbpNt4UBHy8-00696-00143765-00144269 ah okay got it thank you dbpNt4UBHy8-00697-00144270-00144461 I would just like to note we had three dbpNt4UBHy8-00698-00144462-00144695 talks now that mentioned aircraft design dbpNt4UBHy8-00699-00144696-00144952 tools and open Indio Aviary fast OED and dbpNt4UBHy8-00700-00144953-00145157 open concept so dbpNt4UBHy8-00701-00145158-00145343 I for one plan to find a way so that we dbpNt4UBHy8-00702-00145344-00145475 can all collaborate I think there's dbpNt4UBHy8-00703-00145476-00145661 actually three unique approaches there dbpNt4UBHy8-00704-00145662-00145823 that we maybe can all learn from each dbpNt4UBHy8-00705-00145824-00146069 other absolutely it doesn't have to all dbpNt4UBHy8-00706-00146070-00146513 be one code to own them all either so dbpNt4UBHy8-00707-00146514-00146699 all right at this point dbpNt4UBHy8-00708-00146700-00146837 um thank you very much hey Tim great dbpNt4UBHy8-00709-00146838-00146885 thank you dbpNt4UBHy8-00710-00146886-00147461 [Applause] dbHGvsw07FE-00000-00000000-00000254 hey i can show this to mom every day dbHGvsw07FE-00001-00000256-00000447 she's playing it right he's playing dbHGvsw07FE-00002-00000448-00000759 right now just literally right now dbHGvsw07FE-00003-00000760-00001062 okay okay enrollment searched up this dbHGvsw07FE-00004-00001063-00001166 though dbHGvsw07FE-00005-00001167-00002883 um i'm gonna report this to them dbHGvsw07FE-00006-00002884-00003479 um dbHGvsw07FE-00008-00007111-00007455 are you almost calling me right now dbHGvsw07FE-00009-00007456-00007791 hello dbHGvsw07FE-00010-00007792-00008046 and he actually came to your house mama dbHGvsw07FE-00011-00008047-00008142 was right here dbHGvsw07FE-00012-00008143-00008463 well actually i came to my house no no i dbHGvsw07FE-00013-00008464-00008695 could read breathe dbHGvsw07FE-00014-00008696-00010653 no no that's not again dbHGvsw07FE-00015-00010654-00011278 [Music] dbHGvsw07FE-00016-00011279-00011751 in my house must be calling um dbHGvsw07FE-00017-00011752-00012070 right now recalling dbHGvsw07FE-00018-00012071-00012683 here's the real momo here's the real dbHGvsw07FE-00019-00012684-00013919 mama dbHGvsw07FE-00020-00013919-00015303 didn't say dbHGvsw07FE-00021-00015304-00015602 i just started walking downstairs dbHGvsw07FE-00022-00015603-00016750 [Music] dbHGvsw07FE-00023-00016751-00019230 legit i just saw the real santa clause dbHGvsw07FE-00024-00019231-00020255 let's go dbHGvsw07FE-00025-00020256-00020591 and now the small dog is coming dbHGvsw07FE-00026-00020592-00020950 that's the end of the video today dbHGvsw07FE-00027-00020951-00021294 make sure to like and subscribe dbHGvsw07FE-00028-00021295-00021583 right wait longer from small dog on my dbHGvsw07FE-00029-00021584-00021770 computer dbHGvsw07FE-00030-00021771-00022247 [Music] dbHGvsw07FE-00031-00022248-00022678 oh my god is that you smile dog dbHGvsw07FE-00032-00022679-00023263 oh oh my gosh dbHGvsw07FE-00033-00023264-00024078 are you from cage dbHGvsw07FE-00034-00024079-00024422 legit smiles are just causing me sure to dbHGvsw07FE-00035-00024423-00024622 like and subscribe dbHGvsw07FE-00036-00024623-00025368 leave a like and make a comment dbKPI7RCRMo-00000-00000048-00000318 it's wednesday and it's 12 o'clock and dbKPI7RCRMo-00001-00000319-00000615 this is our second episode of the ask dbKPI7RCRMo-00002-00000616-00000799 vanolla how see we've actually branded dbKPI7RCRMo-00003-00000800-00000871 it now dbKPI7RCRMo-00004-00000872-00001062 so ask vanola how and we're sticking dbKPI7RCRMo-00005-00001063-00001174 with this idea dbKPI7RCRMo-00006-00001175-00001495 of strategy okay and dbKPI7RCRMo-00007-00001496-00001695 because i want to explore it and dbKPI7RCRMo-00008-00001696-00001895 demystify it a little bit so that dbKPI7RCRMo-00009-00001896-00002159 each of you can understand it a bit more dbKPI7RCRMo-00010-00002160-00002223 and see dbKPI7RCRMo-00011-00002224-00002502 how to apply it to your business okay dbKPI7RCRMo-00012-00002503-00002695 let's start with this idea dbKPI7RCRMo-00013-00002696-00002983 and this idea is that if someone has dbKPI7RCRMo-00014-00002984-00003150 been there before there's got to be a dbKPI7RCRMo-00015-00003151-00003206 map dbKPI7RCRMo-00016-00003207-00003535 okay and if that's the case there are so dbKPI7RCRMo-00017-00003536-00003719 many entrepreneurs in the world so dbKPI7RCRMo-00018-00003720-00003886 surely there must be a map dbKPI7RCRMo-00019-00003887-00004175 to success for the entrepreneur and dbKPI7RCRMo-00020-00004176-00004238 there is dbKPI7RCRMo-00021-00004239-00004479 okay so we won't leave that till the end dbKPI7RCRMo-00022-00004480-00004638 we'll just state it very clearly dbKPI7RCRMo-00023-00004639-00004815 there is a pattern to how businesses dbKPI7RCRMo-00024-00004816-00005022 grow there is a pattern to how they dbKPI7RCRMo-00025-00005023-00005127 succeed dbKPI7RCRMo-00026-00005128-00005431 and which is the theme of this episode dbKPI7RCRMo-00027-00005432-00005743 is there is a pattern for the challenges dbKPI7RCRMo-00028-00005744-00005902 that they face dbKPI7RCRMo-00029-00005903-00006175 so i've worked with loads of clients dbKPI7RCRMo-00030-00006176-00006351 over 25 plus years dbKPI7RCRMo-00031-00006352-00006510 i don't even want to know about the plus dbKPI7RCRMo-00032-00006511-00006710 part of that but dbKPI7RCRMo-00033-00006711-00006967 um and across different industries so i dbKPI7RCRMo-00034-00006968-00007159 find this really really curious dbKPI7RCRMo-00035-00007159-00007359 that i kept being asked the same dbKPI7RCRMo-00036-00007359-00007559 questions at the same point dbKPI7RCRMo-00037-00007559-00007831 in the life of the business okay and dbKPI7RCRMo-00038-00007831-00007991 there were three challenges dbKPI7RCRMo-00039-00007992-00008214 every single time that they kept facing dbKPI7RCRMo-00040-00008215-00008374 every single time dbKPI7RCRMo-00041-00008375-00008510 so that's what i want to share with you dbKPI7RCRMo-00042-00008511-00008703 today the other thing i wanted to share dbKPI7RCRMo-00043-00008704-00008807 with you is dbKPI7RCRMo-00044-00008808-00009055 that when people would kind of rock on dbKPI7RCRMo-00045-00009056-00009159 into my office dbKPI7RCRMo-00046-00009160-00009310 and we'd talk about where they were in dbKPI7RCRMo-00047-00009311-00009487 their business and i'd be asked dbKPI7RCRMo-00048-00009488-00009671 questions and all the rest of it dbKPI7RCRMo-00049-00009672-00009951 and what was constantly said to me was dbKPI7RCRMo-00050-00009952-00010039 that dbKPI7RCRMo-00051-00010040-00010374 they were kind of nervous or dbKPI7RCRMo-00052-00010375-00010687 even sometimes kind of embarrassed by dbKPI7RCRMo-00053-00010688-00010831 facing the challenges that they were dbKPI7RCRMo-00054-00010832-00011046 facing and dbKPI7RCRMo-00055-00011047-00011231 the most reassuring thing that i could dbKPI7RCRMo-00056-00011232-00011471 say is that's okay dbKPI7RCRMo-00057-00011472-00011759 this is normal and actually most the dbKPI7RCRMo-00058-00011760-00011959 time in my programs i'm saying dbKPI7RCRMo-00059-00011960-00012278 that's okay this is normal and that dbKPI7RCRMo-00060-00012279-00012463 really reassures me even as an dbKPI7RCRMo-00061-00012464-00012670 entrepreneur dbKPI7RCRMo-00062-00012671-00013030 in that they know that this is okay this dbKPI7RCRMo-00063-00013031-00013215 is normal this is just a standard dbKPI7RCRMo-00064-00013216-00013286 challenge dbKPI7RCRMo-00065-00013287-00013511 it's a challenge that everyone faces i'm dbKPI7RCRMo-00066-00013512-00013591 not unique dbKPI7RCRMo-00067-00013591-00013815 i haven't done something wrong i've dbKPI7RCRMo-00068-00013816-00013919 actually done it right dbKPI7RCRMo-00069-00013919-00014119 when i face this challenge that means dbKPI7RCRMo-00070-00014119-00014319 i've actually progressed dbKPI7RCRMo-00071-00014319-00014575 okay and really understand that there dbKPI7RCRMo-00072-00014576-00014766 are points where we hit overwhelm there dbKPI7RCRMo-00073-00014768-00014886 are points where we dbKPI7RCRMo-00074-00014887-00015071 try to accomplish too much there are dbKPI7RCRMo-00075-00015072-00015263 points where we get lost in the way dbKPI7RCRMo-00076-00015263-00015463 and that is often an indication of dbKPI7RCRMo-00077-00015463-00015703 growth it's just a sticking point dbKPI7RCRMo-00078-00015704-00016022 and if we embrace this idea that all the dbKPI7RCRMo-00079-00016023-00016263 sticking points are already on the map dbKPI7RCRMo-00080-00016263-00016486 then we're following the path so we're dbKPI7RCRMo-00081-00016487-00016622 okay dbKPI7RCRMo-00082-00016623-00016943 so let's jump right into the first one dbKPI7RCRMo-00083-00016944-00017167 okay does anyone have any ideas of what dbKPI7RCRMo-00084-00017168-00017335 the first one could be dbKPI7RCRMo-00085-00017336-00017543 the first challenge that every dbKPI7RCRMo-00086-00017544-00017703 entrepreneur faces dbKPI7RCRMo-00087-00017704-00017911 and they can be stuck with the longest dbKPI7RCRMo-00088-00017912-00018071 the first challenge that every dbKPI7RCRMo-00089-00018072-00018207 entrepreneur faces dbKPI7RCRMo-00090-00018208-00018519 is around identity now i see this quite dbKPI7RCRMo-00091-00018520-00018655 a lot dbKPI7RCRMo-00092-00018656-00018830 because people often come to me for dbKPI7RCRMo-00093-00018831-00019030 brand or they're talking about where dbKPI7RCRMo-00094-00019031-00019127 they're positioned dbKPI7RCRMo-00095-00019128-00019414 and all that kind of stuff so identity dbKPI7RCRMo-00096-00019415-00019639 is the toughest one because it's often dbKPI7RCRMo-00097-00019640-00019735 the piece dbKPI7RCRMo-00098-00019736-00020030 that we think is too woolly or it's some dbKPI7RCRMo-00099-00020031-00020222 of the stuff that we worked on last week dbKPI7RCRMo-00100-00020223-00020286 together dbKPI7RCRMo-00101-00020287-00020494 which is the why why are you here your dbKPI7RCRMo-00102-00020495-00020639 purpose mission vision dbKPI7RCRMo-00103-00020640-00020847 and why you're here and it's actually dbKPI7RCRMo-00104-00020848-00021055 the point that if you have no clarity dbKPI7RCRMo-00105-00021056-00021158 here dbKPI7RCRMo-00106-00021159-00021375 your marketing will not work your dbKPI7RCRMo-00107-00021376-00021511 business will not work dbKPI7RCRMo-00108-00021512-00021743 you will end up being stuck because dbKPI7RCRMo-00109-00021744-00021847 you'll it will dbKPI7RCRMo-00110-00021848-00022078 end up having you'll be in a situation dbKPI7RCRMo-00111-00022079-00022167 where dbKPI7RCRMo-00112-00022168-00022486 you cannot choose the right path dbKPI7RCRMo-00113-00022487-00022703 know who the customer is know what the dbKPI7RCRMo-00114-00022704-00022847 customer wants dbKPI7RCRMo-00115-00022848-00023039 knows where the you won't know where the dbKPI7RCRMo-00116-00023040-00023199 match is between you and the right dbKPI7RCRMo-00117-00023200-00023311 customer dbKPI7RCRMo-00118-00023312-00023519 because you haven't spent the time of dbKPI7RCRMo-00119-00023520-00023678 understanding why you're here in the dbKPI7RCRMo-00120-00023679-00023791 first place dbKPI7RCRMo-00121-00023792-00023967 and when we understand why we're here in dbKPI7RCRMo-00122-00023968-00024207 the first place it allows us to do dbKPI7RCRMo-00123-00024208-00024511 our best work ever and dbKPI7RCRMo-00124-00024512-00024735 that's not something that's quite dbKPI7RCRMo-00125-00024736-00024814 ambiguous dbKPI7RCRMo-00126-00024815-00025086 it's actually really kind of gut dbKPI7RCRMo-00127-00025087-00025199 reaction dbKPI7RCRMo-00128-00025200-00025439 that fuels a proper positioning for any dbKPI7RCRMo-00129-00025440-00025591 business because when you know dbKPI7RCRMo-00130-00025592-00025862 you're where your best attributes are dbKPI7RCRMo-00131-00025863-00026014 your best work lies dbKPI7RCRMo-00132-00026016-00026255 then you can deliver more effectively dbKPI7RCRMo-00133-00026256-00026487 than anybody else who's only average dbKPI7RCRMo-00134-00026488-00026807 so think about identity think about dbKPI7RCRMo-00135-00026808-00027143 if you are stuck in your business and dbKPI7RCRMo-00136-00027144-00027455 ask yourself do you have clarity about dbKPI7RCRMo-00137-00027456-00027758 who are you what do you speak about dbKPI7RCRMo-00138-00027760-00028014 what are you known for what are you best dbKPI7RCRMo-00139-00028016-00028087 at dbKPI7RCRMo-00140-00028088-00028543 okay then who can you help the best dbKPI7RCRMo-00141-00028544-00028727 what can you give them that helps the dbKPI7RCRMo-00142-00028727-00028846 most dbKPI7RCRMo-00143-00028847-00029118 what brings you joy in doing this so dbKPI7RCRMo-00144-00029119-00029367 identity is also not just about dbKPI7RCRMo-00145-00029368-00029535 our purpose mission vision which we dbKPI7RCRMo-00146-00029536-00029670 spoke about last week dbKPI7RCRMo-00147-00029672-00029895 it's also about well what's the product dbKPI7RCRMo-00148-00029895-00030143 or service that i'm going to create dbKPI7RCRMo-00149-00030144-00030367 that makes my vision for my business dbKPI7RCRMo-00150-00030368-00030599 come true dbKPI7RCRMo-00151-00030600-00030855 and who is so product so we build our dbKPI7RCRMo-00152-00030856-00031079 product based on our mission dbKPI7RCRMo-00153-00031080-00031407 okay based on our reason for being here dbKPI7RCRMo-00154-00031408-00031623 we craft our product and we bring it dbKPI7RCRMo-00155-00031624-00031758 into alignment with dbKPI7RCRMo-00156-00031760-00031895 what we're trying to achieve in the dbKPI7RCRMo-00157-00031895-00032158 world the other part of identity is dbKPI7RCRMo-00158-00032160-00032207 knowing dbKPI7RCRMo-00159-00032208-00032374 not only who we are and what we're dbKPI7RCRMo-00160-00032375-00032543 offering but also dbKPI7RCRMo-00161-00032544-00032862 who is the best fit for this who is the dbKPI7RCRMo-00162-00032863-00033055 best the customer that i can help dbKPI7RCRMo-00163-00033056-00033367 most with this and if i can help dbKPI7RCRMo-00164-00033368-00033590 those customers with this product can i dbKPI7RCRMo-00165-00033591-00033887 make my product even better can i dbKPI7RCRMo-00166-00033888-00034167 kind of spend time in this identity dbKPI7RCRMo-00167-00034168-00034462 space that brings an alignment between dbKPI7RCRMo-00168-00034463-00034862 me my business my what i offer dbKPI7RCRMo-00169-00034863-00035135 and my customer because when i bring the dbKPI7RCRMo-00170-00035136-00035199 three of those dbKPI7RCRMo-00171-00035200-00035518 into alignment you have this sense of dbKPI7RCRMo-00172-00035519-00035918 clarity you have this sense of dbKPI7RCRMo-00173-00035919-00036271 certainty that you know what to do next dbKPI7RCRMo-00174-00036272-00036471 that you know that you can collaborate dbKPI7RCRMo-00175-00036472-00036607 with your customers because they can dbKPI7RCRMo-00176-00036608-00036718 also guide you dbKPI7RCRMo-00177-00036719-00037023 as much as you guide them so when we dbKPI7RCRMo-00178-00037024-00037183 crack identity and i need to give you dbKPI7RCRMo-00179-00037184-00037351 some examples here dbKPI7RCRMo-00180-00037352-00037574 when the reason i say that this is the dbKPI7RCRMo-00181-00037575-00037799 first challenge for the customer is dbKPI7RCRMo-00182-00037800-00037974 because sometimes we think dbKPI7RCRMo-00183-00037975-00038335 it's too soul-searching it's too dbKPI7RCRMo-00184-00038336-00038639 ambiguous or it's not you know when dbKPI7RCRMo-00185-00038640-00038830 when we talk about in strategy we talk dbKPI7RCRMo-00186-00038831-00038999 about positioning strategy dbKPI7RCRMo-00187-00039000-00039223 you know things like that whereas an dbKPI7RCRMo-00188-00039224-00039399 actual fact and positioning strategy is dbKPI7RCRMo-00189-00039400-00039567 really important because it backs dbKPI7RCRMo-00190-00039568-00039879 up the gut with data with understanding dbKPI7RCRMo-00191-00039880-00039935 with dbKPI7RCRMo-00192-00039936-00040079 understanding that there's a niche in dbKPI7RCRMo-00193-00040080-00040302 the marketplace but if you don't dbKPI7RCRMo-00194-00040303-00040559 feel it it doesn't matter what the data dbKPI7RCRMo-00195-00040560-00040646 tells you dbKPI7RCRMo-00196-00040647-00040951 you won't deliver on it so if you spend dbKPI7RCRMo-00197-00040952-00041215 time i worked with a company a few years dbKPI7RCRMo-00198-00041216-00041318 ago dbKPI7RCRMo-00199-00041319-00041551 several years ago actually and i found dbKPI7RCRMo-00200-00041552-00041623 that dbKPI7RCRMo-00201-00041624-00041846 the identity and the purpose of the dbKPI7RCRMo-00202-00041847-00042030 business was not clear dbKPI7RCRMo-00203-00042031-00042199 and they stayed in that space of dbKPI7RCRMo-00204-00042200-00042390 identity for 10 dbKPI7RCRMo-00205-00042391-00042758 years until they sat down and said okay dbKPI7RCRMo-00206-00042759-00043102 let's do this fluffy exercise and figure dbKPI7RCRMo-00207-00043103-00043374 out and articulate what we're here for dbKPI7RCRMo-00208-00043375-00043599 what our purpose mission and vision is dbKPI7RCRMo-00209-00043600-00043735 and how we'll align dbKPI7RCRMo-00210-00043736-00043958 everything we do in how we treat our dbKPI7RCRMo-00211-00043959-00044095 customers how we treat dbKPI7RCRMo-00212-00044096-00044335 our how we create our products how we dbKPI7RCRMo-00213-00044336-00044487 look after our staff dbKPI7RCRMo-00214-00044488-00044767 and build that all together and then we dbKPI7RCRMo-00215-00044768-00044823 can move dbKPI7RCRMo-00216-00044824-00045135 and they moved that's the point this dbKPI7RCRMo-00217-00045136-00045271 identity piece dbKPI7RCRMo-00218-00045272-00045558 holds people in this stalled position dbKPI7RCRMo-00219-00045559-00045807 for years if they don't face it dbKPI7RCRMo-00220-00045808-00046127 big takeaway for you guys is dbKPI7RCRMo-00221-00046128-00046446 spend the time here it's not indulgent dbKPI7RCRMo-00222-00046447-00046815 it's not uh something that you can dbKPI7RCRMo-00223-00046816-00047158 treat lightly okay so identity is number dbKPI7RCRMo-00224-00047159-00047271 one dbKPI7RCRMo-00225-00047272-00047407 mostly i feel that when you crack dbKPI7RCRMo-00226-00047408-00047662 identity everything else is easy anyway dbKPI7RCRMo-00227-00047663-00047855 second challenge that every single dbKPI7RCRMo-00228-00047856-00048086 business faces okay dbKPI7RCRMo-00229-00048087-00048302 we think it's people because we think we dbKPI7RCRMo-00230-00048303-00048543 want to scale so we need to hire people dbKPI7RCRMo-00231-00048544-00048830 but it isn't don't make the mistake that dbKPI7RCRMo-00232-00048831-00049015 you think that the second big challenge dbKPI7RCRMo-00233-00049016-00049071 is people dbKPI7RCRMo-00234-00049072-00049390 it's not the second challenge and the dbKPI7RCRMo-00235-00049391-00049439 second dbKPI7RCRMo-00236-00049440-00049686 obstacle to face and to overcome is dbKPI7RCRMo-00237-00049687-00049790 systems dbKPI7RCRMo-00238-00049791-00050111 because systems allow you to scale your dbKPI7RCRMo-00239-00050112-00050199 business dbKPI7RCRMo-00240-00050200-00050455 to do things faster to allow you more dbKPI7RCRMo-00241-00050456-00050686 time to have live engagement dbKPI7RCRMo-00242-00050687-00050935 to really listen to your customers to dbKPI7RCRMo-00243-00050936-00051143 create that foundation that allows you dbKPI7RCRMo-00244-00051144-00051207 to take this dbKPI7RCRMo-00245-00051208-00051487 next leap in your business you can't dbKPI7RCRMo-00246-00051488-00051663 take a leap in anything even think about dbKPI7RCRMo-00247-00051664-00051742 a building dbKPI7RCRMo-00248-00051744-00051919 unless you have the right foundation in dbKPI7RCRMo-00249-00051920-00052158 place now what i mean by systems can dbKPI7RCRMo-00250-00052159-00052311 touch lots of things dbKPI7RCRMo-00251-00052312-00052782 systems can be how you issue a contract dbKPI7RCRMo-00252-00052783-00053150 how you uh organize the batching of your dbKPI7RCRMo-00253-00053151-00053279 content dbKPI7RCRMo-00254-00053279-00053591 it can be how you ask for testimonials dbKPI7RCRMo-00255-00053591-00053679 when you're dbKPI7RCRMo-00256-00053679-00053894 getting that last part of your funnel in dbKPI7RCRMo-00257-00053895-00054142 place it can be dbKPI7RCRMo-00258-00054144-00054350 what you standardly how you standardly dbKPI7RCRMo-00259-00054351-00054526 approach the delivery of every product dbKPI7RCRMo-00260-00054527-00054719 or service you give dbKPI7RCRMo-00261-00054720-00055023 if you can write the manual dbKPI7RCRMo-00262-00055024-00055326 for each process in your business or dbKPI7RCRMo-00263-00055327-00055526 build a process in your business for dbKPI7RCRMo-00264-00055527-00055694 every part of it dbKPI7RCRMo-00265-00055695-00055887 then you're ready for to meet the third dbKPI7RCRMo-00266-00055888-00056182 challenge which is people dbKPI7RCRMo-00267-00056183-00056335 okay let's stay with systems for a dbKPI7RCRMo-00268-00056336-00056511 minute dbKPI7RCRMo-00269-00056512-00056830 we have so much technology now dbKPI7RCRMo-00270-00056832-00057135 and often we will spend time on putting dbKPI7RCRMo-00271-00057136-00057223 the technology dbKPI7RCRMo-00272-00057224-00057535 in before we get our identity correct dbKPI7RCRMo-00273-00057536-00057838 we can do things like automate and batch dbKPI7RCRMo-00274-00057839-00057991 social media and stuff dbKPI7RCRMo-00275-00057991-00058254 but think on this if you batch process dbKPI7RCRMo-00276-00058255-00058487 social media content communication and dbKPI7RCRMo-00277-00058488-00058591 everything else dbKPI7RCRMo-00278-00058591-00058879 and output lots and lots of content to dbKPI7RCRMo-00279-00058879-00059111 reach audiences and all the rest of it dbKPI7RCRMo-00280-00059112-00059319 but if your identity is not in place dbKPI7RCRMo-00281-00059320-00059503 what are you doing it for dbKPI7RCRMo-00282-00059504-00059742 what are you creating a system for if dbKPI7RCRMo-00283-00059744-00059982 you don't know what you are for dbKPI7RCRMo-00284-00059983-00060303 okay systems help you scale dbKPI7RCRMo-00285-00060304-00060542 systems help you be more efficient dbKPI7RCRMo-00286-00060544-00060759 systems help you do better for your dbKPI7RCRMo-00287-00060760-00060838 customer dbKPI7RCRMo-00288-00060839-00061199 and create spaces space for your growth dbKPI7RCRMo-00289-00061200-00061623 okay that's systems number three dbKPI7RCRMo-00290-00061624-00061887 people there is a wonderful book that dbKPI7RCRMo-00291-00061888-00062126 i'm going to recommend to you all now dbKPI7RCRMo-00292-00062127-00062399 and it's called ends out a while it's dbKPI7RCRMo-00293-00062400-00062638 called the e-myth revisited by michael dbKPI7RCRMo-00294-00062639-00062742 gerber dbKPI7RCRMo-00295-00062744-00062942 and e doesn't stand for electronic dbKPI7RCRMo-00296-00062944-00063047 electronic dbKPI7RCRMo-00297-00063048-00063366 it stands for entrepreneurial myth dbKPI7RCRMo-00298-00063367-00063663 what often happens when a business grows dbKPI7RCRMo-00299-00063664-00063726 is dbKPI7RCRMo-00300-00063727-00063879 they get things sorted in terms of dbKPI7RCRMo-00301-00063879-00064079 identity and they get moving along dbKPI7RCRMo-00302-00064079-00064342 and they hire somebody okay and they dbKPI7RCRMo-00303-00064344-00064430 hire somebody dbKPI7RCRMo-00304-00064432-00064703 and that person doesn't do those things dbKPI7RCRMo-00305-00064704-00064911 quite the way you would do them dbKPI7RCRMo-00306-00064912-00065159 and then you feel bad because maybe you dbKPI7RCRMo-00307-00065160-00065335 have a customer who's calling you that's dbKPI7RCRMo-00308-00065336-00065415 saying dbKPI7RCRMo-00309-00065416-00065591 well he didn't really do the way you did dbKPI7RCRMo-00310-00065592-00065806 it and i much prefer dealing with you dbKPI7RCRMo-00311-00065807-00065999 and what happens is that may if you dbKPI7RCRMo-00312-00066000-00066167 don't train people properly dbKPI7RCRMo-00313-00066168-00066350 if you haven't written the manual from dbKPI7RCRMo-00314-00066351-00066526 the previous challenge dbKPI7RCRMo-00315-00066527-00066831 which is systems then you dbKPI7RCRMo-00316-00066832-00067071 effectively self-sabotage you dbKPI7RCRMo-00317-00067072-00067231 effectively dbKPI7RCRMo-00318-00067232-00067423 set yourself up as you scale your dbKPI7RCRMo-00319-00067424-00067606 business i always like to think of dbKPI7RCRMo-00320-00067607-00067750 trying to build the entrepreneurial dbKPI7RCRMo-00321-00067751-00067911 journey in a straighter line dbKPI7RCRMo-00322-00067912-00068047 as possible you know what but that dbKPI7RCRMo-00323-00068048-00068247 diagonal going up that way it doesn't dbKPI7RCRMo-00324-00068248-00068335 work like that dbKPI7RCRMo-00325-00068336-00068591 actually what happens is energy build dbKPI7RCRMo-00326-00068592-00068679 business dbKPI7RCRMo-00327-00068680-00068894 plateau because we're putting systems in dbKPI7RCRMo-00328-00068895-00069047 and then you jump again dbKPI7RCRMo-00329-00069048-00069335 but if you you know put all the energy dbKPI7RCRMo-00330-00069336-00069382 in and dbKPI7RCRMo-00331-00069383-00069623 push your business you hire someone to dbKPI7RCRMo-00332-00069624-00069759 give you some more time because you're dbKPI7RCRMo-00333-00069760-00069815 wrecked dbKPI7RCRMo-00334-00069816-00069950 right because you want to push to the dbKPI7RCRMo-00335-00069951-00070238 next stage and if they don't do it the dbKPI7RCRMo-00336-00070239-00070399 way you do it because they should know dbKPI7RCRMo-00337-00070400-00070526 how to do it you know dbKPI7RCRMo-00338-00070527-00070759 this way of doing because you know dbKPI7RCRMo-00339-00070760-00070919 entrepreneurs are doers so we often get dbKPI7RCRMo-00340-00070920-00071055 trapped in our own dbKPI7RCRMo-00341-00071056-00071238 way of being and thinking everything can dbKPI7RCRMo-00342-00071239-00071375 be done the way we would do it dbKPI7RCRMo-00343-00071376-00071679 it can't but we can inspire people from dbKPI7RCRMo-00344-00071680-00071815 our identity piece dbKPI7RCRMo-00345-00071816-00071982 to actually allow them to do it better dbKPI7RCRMo-00346-00071983-00072135 for us this time dbKPI7RCRMo-00347-00072136-00072462 so what happens is if you put your dbKPI7RCRMo-00348-00072463-00072599 systems in place dbKPI7RCRMo-00349-00072600-00072862 when it comes to people coming along dbKPI7RCRMo-00350-00072863-00072959 they will actually dbKPI7RCRMo-00351-00072960-00073206 work with you and collaborate with you dbKPI7RCRMo-00352-00073207-00073423 to take you to the next level dbKPI7RCRMo-00353-00073424-00073719 when you don't do that you can often dbKPI7RCRMo-00354-00073720-00073919 self sabotage and i've seen it so many dbKPI7RCRMo-00355-00073920-00074143 times 10 15 years businesses staying at dbKPI7RCRMo-00356-00074144-00074255 this stage dbKPI7RCRMo-00357-00074256-00074582 where they loads of energy push forward dbKPI7RCRMo-00358-00074583-00074823 strong an identity get everything moving dbKPI7RCRMo-00359-00074824-00074999 moving moving hiring people moving dbKPI7RCRMo-00360-00075000-00075126 moving moving dbKPI7RCRMo-00361-00075127-00075343 they don't do it the way i would do it dbKPI7RCRMo-00362-00075344-00075503 so they let them go dbKPI7RCRMo-00363-00075504-00075735 and now they're back at square one and dbKPI7RCRMo-00364-00075736-00076038 this becomes this inevitable loop dbKPI7RCRMo-00365-00076039-00076238 that you don't break through until you dbKPI7RCRMo-00366-00076239-00076406 bring your awareness dbKPI7RCRMo-00367-00076407-00076655 to those three challenges and what we dbKPI7RCRMo-00368-00076656-00076726 want to do dbKPI7RCRMo-00369-00076727-00077038 is always be very clear who we are what dbKPI7RCRMo-00370-00077039-00077223 we're for what we bring to the market dbKPI7RCRMo-00371-00077224-00077382 why we bring it to the market why it dbKPI7RCRMo-00372-00077383-00077559 helps our customers who is the right dbKPI7RCRMo-00373-00077560-00077743 customer who's the right fit dbKPI7RCRMo-00374-00077744-00078079 who am i best to say no to then dbKPI7RCRMo-00375-00078080-00078271 make everything work better build the dbKPI7RCRMo-00376-00078272-00078479 systems as you go so things get a little dbKPI7RCRMo-00377-00078480-00078575 bit easier dbKPI7RCRMo-00378-00078576-00078855 and create space for growth you cannot dbKPI7RCRMo-00379-00078856-00079023 create space for growth dbKPI7RCRMo-00380-00079024-00079311 until you put the systems in and when dbKPI7RCRMo-00381-00079312-00079503 you have the systems in dbKPI7RCRMo-00382-00079504-00079743 then you can bring people on board to dbKPI7RCRMo-00383-00079744-00079879 grow your business dbKPI7RCRMo-00384-00079880-00080199 and that's what we want this is dbKPI7RCRMo-00385-00080200-00080519 finola howard this is the second episode dbKPI7RCRMo-00386-00080520-00080726 of ask finola how dbKPI7RCRMo-00387-00080727-00080982 please leave comments or questions below dbKPI7RCRMo-00388-00080983-00081150 and i'll see you next week dbKPI7RCRMo-00389-00081151-00081416 have a great day dcDicDRNi8g-00000-00000096-00000238 the crossing was set to be a dcDicDRNi8g-00001-00000239-00000438 first-person shooter video game by dcDicDRNi8g-00002-00000440-00000655 arcane studios which attempted to fuse dcDicDRNi8g-00003-00000656-00000823 single-player and multiplayer by dcDicDRNi8g-00004-00000824-00000999 threading its single-player campaign dcDicDRNi8g-00005-00001000-00001247 through live multiplayer games dcDicDRNi8g-00006-00001248-00001431 the game was first announced on the 9th dcDicDRNi8g-00007-00001432-00001830 of january 2007 but put on hold on the dcDicDRNi8g-00008-00001832-00002118 15th of may 2009 after the company ran dcDicDRNi8g-00009-00002119-00002447 into an unexpected financial challenge dcDicDRNi8g-00010-00002448-00002726 and decided to focus on smaller projects dcDicDRNi8g-00011-00002727-00002902 the crossing was later officially dcDicDRNi8g-00012-00002903-00003126 canceled for arcane studios to work on dcDicDRNi8g-00013-00003127-00003375 lmno with electronic arts and steven dcDicDRNi8g-00014-00003376-00003711 spielberg in october 2016 xenomix media dcDicDRNi8g-00015-00003711-00003935 which acquired arcane studios in august dcDicDRNi8g-00016-00003936-00004191 2010 filed a new trademark for the dcDicDRNi8g-00017-00004192-00004879 crossing dcDicDRNi8g-00018-00004880-00005295 story dcDicDRNi8g-00019-00005296-00005479 the game incorporated the idea of dcDicDRNi8g-00020-00005480-00005679 parallel universes and was to be set dcDicDRNi8g-00021-00005680-00005879 across two vastly different renditions dcDicDRNi8g-00022-00005880-00006070 of modern-day paris dcDicDRNi8g-00023-00006071-00006254 in one universe which shares many dcDicDRNi8g-00024-00006255-00006478 aesthetic similarities to our own paris dcDicDRNi8g-00025-00006479-00006670 has descended into chaos following the dcDicDRNi8g-00026-00006672-00006846 collapse of government dcDicDRNi8g-00027-00006847-00007046 in the other the timeline diverged in dcDicDRNi8g-00028-00007047-00007310 1307 where instead of being disbanded dcDicDRNi8g-00029-00007311-00007503 the knights templar sees control of the dcDicDRNi8g-00030-00007504-00007631 french crown dcDicDRNi8g-00031-00007631-00007839 the story takes the player across both dcDicDRNi8g-00032-00007840-00008495 universes dcDicDRNi8g-00033-00008496-00008927 gameplay dcDicDRNi8g-00034-00008928-00009127 the crossing was to be a first-person dcDicDRNi8g-00035-00009128-00009239 shooter which supported a dcDicDRNi8g-00036-00009240-00009446 narrative-driven single-player game but dcDicDRNi8g-00037-00009447-00009639 with the player's opponents replaced by dcDicDRNi8g-00038-00009640-00009799 human-controlled agents via a dcDicDRNi8g-00039-00009800-00010039 multi-player system an approach called dcDicDRNi8g-00040-00010040-00010310 cross-player by arcane in this dcDicDRNi8g-00041-00010311-00010503 single-player mode the single player dcDicDRNi8g-00042-00010504-00010678 would work through a game level amid the dcDicDRNi8g-00043-00010679-00010887 conflict of a team-based deathmatch game dcDicDRNi8g-00044-00010888-00011087 with teams assigned to either protect or dcDicDRNi8g-00045-00011088-00011271 assassinate the character controlled by dcDicDRNi8g-00046-00011272-00011542 the single player the game also was to dcDicDRNi8g-00047-00011543-00011751 include a team-based multiplayer mode dcDicDRNi8g-00048-00011752-00011910 called skirmish which is also dcDicDRNi8g-00049-00011911-00012087 incorporated into the single-player dcDicDRNi8g-00050-00012088-00012278 campaign where the main player might try dcDicDRNi8g-00051-00012279-00013022 to avoid the skirmish dcDicDRNi8g-00052-00013023-00013455 development dcDicDRNi8g-00053-00013456-00013655 the idea of the crossing was to try to dcDicDRNi8g-00054-00013656-00013838 find a way to fuse a narrative-driven dcDicDRNi8g-00055-00013840-00014022 single-player game with multiplayer dcDicDRNi8g-00056-00014023-00014207 elements with human-controlled players dcDicDRNi8g-00057-00014208-00014383 to take the place of some of the enemies dcDicDRNi8g-00058-00014384-00014599 in the single-player campaign dcDicDRNi8g-00059-00014600-00014783 this amalgamation was dubbed dcDicDRNi8g-00060-00014784-00014927 cross-player dcDicDRNi8g-00061-00014928-00015247 by arcane rafael colantonio arcane's dcDicDRNi8g-00062-00015247-00015479 chief executive officer at the time said dcDicDRNi8g-00063-00015480-00015655 that as a studio they wanted to try a dcDicDRNi8g-00064-00015656-00015847 multiplayer game but felt the standard dcDicDRNi8g-00065-00015847-00016094 multiplayer approach in most games was dcDicDRNi8g-00066-00016095-00016319 pointless and wanted to explore a dcDicDRNi8g-00067-00016319-00016479 different formula this approach dcDicDRNi8g-00068-00016480-00016694 necessitated level designs that had the dcDicDRNi8g-00069-00016695-00016886 single player navigating through linear dcDicDRNi8g-00070-00016887-00017071 sections of levels until they reached a dcDicDRNi8g-00071-00017072-00017215 choke point where they would encounter dcDicDRNi8g-00072-00017216-00017463 the team-based multiplayer battles dcDicDRNi8g-00073-00017464-00017647 during the player traversing linear dcDicDRNi8g-00074-00017648-00017799 sections the game would have brought the dcDicDRNi8g-00075-00017800-00018022 multiplayer teams to spawn into or near dcDicDRNi8g-00076-00018023-00018207 the upcoming choke point so that these dcDicDRNi8g-00077-00018208-00018375 players would always feel close to the dcDicDRNi8g-00078-00018376-00018558 core action of the game dcDicDRNi8g-00079-00018559-00018783 according to colontonio this approach dcDicDRNi8g-00080-00018784-00018919 required them to rethink how they dcDicDRNi8g-00081-00018920-00019103 designed levels they recognized that dcDicDRNi8g-00082-00019104-00019255 they needed to continue to drive the dcDicDRNi8g-00083-00019256-00019447 single player forward through the level dcDicDRNi8g-00084-00019448-00019607 unable to have them stop to solve dcDicDRNi8g-00085-00019608-00019847 puzzles or analyze enemy movements while dcDicDRNi8g-00086-00019848-00020055 also making some of the chokepoint areas dcDicDRNi8g-00087-00020056-00020222 interesting for the other players for dcDicDRNi8g-00088-00020223-00020414 the game's story and setting arcane dcDicDRNi8g-00089-00020415-00020599 wanted to create a new intellectual dcDicDRNi8g-00090-00020600-00020871 property ip for them to build on dcDicDRNi8g-00091-00020872-00021094 cole antonio brought in victor antonov dcDicDRNi8g-00092-00021095-00021247 an artist that had been working for dcDicDRNi8g-00093-00021248-00021455 valve corporation and had helped arcane dcDicDRNi8g-00094-00021456-00021591 with the source engine during their dcDicDRNi8g-00095-00021592-00021807 development of dark messiah of might and dcDicDRNi8g-00096-00021808-00022022 magic 2006 dcDicDRNi8g-00097-00022023-00022271 as both kolantonio and antonov had lived dcDicDRNi8g-00098-00022272-00022471 in paris for some time in their lives dcDicDRNi8g-00099-00022472-00022719 they came upon the idea of a dystopia dcDicDRNi8g-00100-00022720-00023007 utopia setting in paris where part of dcDicDRNi8g-00101-00023008-00023311 the city was a royal aposta while the dcDicDRNi8g-00102-00023312-00023519 other half had fallen into squalor this dcDicDRNi8g-00103-00023520-00023727 reflected on the different experiences dcDicDRNi8g-00104-00023728-00023950 that colantonio and antonov had from how dcDicDRNi8g-00105-00023951-00024111 they came to live in paris and dcDicDRNi8g-00106-00024112-00024367 recognizing that paris itself is a city dcDicDRNi8g-00107-00024368-00024550 of contrasts dcDicDRNi8g-00108-00024551-00024750 as a backstory they envisioned a world dcDicDRNi8g-00109-00024751-00024935 where scientists had developed time dcDicDRNi8g-00110-00024936-00025135 travel through various portals and used dcDicDRNi8g-00111-00025136-00025303 it to change the past and create dcDicDRNi8g-00112-00025304-00025486 alternate dimensions in the present then dcDicDRNi8g-00113-00025487-00025646 taking the best of technology dcDicDRNi8g-00114-00025647-00025814 advancements from that to improve the dcDicDRNi8g-00115-00025816-00025983 original reality dcDicDRNi8g-00116-00025983-00026150 the crossing would have started where an dcDicDRNi8g-00117-00026151-00026327 incident involving the time travel dcDicDRNi8g-00118-00026327-00026502 portal in the center of paris have been dcDicDRNi8g-00119-00026504-00026679 misused to create the cacophony of dcDicDRNi8g-00120-00026680-00026879 different parts of paris dcDicDRNi8g-00121-00026880-00027039 the player discovers that knight's dcDicDRNi8g-00122-00027039-00027207 templar with high-tech weapons have dcDicDRNi8g-00123-00027208-00027390 invaded paris and would be forced to dcDicDRNi8g-00124-00027391-00027567 find the portal to try to set things dcDicDRNi8g-00125-00027568-00027735 right with some of the gameplay and the dcDicDRNi8g-00126-00027736-00027943 narrative down arcane began talking dcDicDRNi8g-00127-00027944-00028111 about the game with the gaming press dcDicDRNi8g-00128-00028112-00028302 including a cover story on games for dcDicDRNi8g-00129-00028304-00028527 windows generating interest in the title dcDicDRNi8g-00130-00028527-00028783 but had not yet secured a publisher dcDicDRNi8g-00131-00028783-00029014 colantonio pitched the idea to the core dcDicDRNi8g-00132-00029016-00029214 20 publishers at that time but none of dcDicDRNi8g-00133-00029216-00029423 them expressed interest in the idea as a dcDicDRNi8g-00134-00029424-00029631 whole instead talking about focusing dcDicDRNi8g-00135-00029632-00029814 only on parts of the crossing such as dcDicDRNi8g-00136-00029816-00029990 using the narrative in another gameplay dcDicDRNi8g-00137-00029991-00030174 setting or having only focus on the dcDicDRNi8g-00138-00030175-00030327 single player dcDicDRNi8g-00139-00030327-00030551 colantonio stated that these publishers dcDicDRNi8g-00140-00030552-00030767 were also concerned about arcane seeking dcDicDRNi8g-00141-00030768-00030943 to focus on the personal computer dcDicDRNi8g-00142-00030944-00031151 release over consoles and the lack of dcDicDRNi8g-00143-00031152-00031383 plans for a playstation 3 port at the dcDicDRNi8g-00144-00031383-00031590 time a limitation of the source engine dcDicDRNi8g-00145-00031591-00031855 having yet to be ported to that console dcDicDRNi8g-00146-00031856-00032062 the publishers also expressed concern dcDicDRNi8g-00147-00032063-00032255 about the matchmaking capabilities of dcDicDRNi8g-00148-00032256-00032487 the game arcane brought in max hobermann dcDicDRNi8g-00149-00032488-00032687 who developed the halo 2 matchmaking dcDicDRNi8g-00150-00032688-00032887 system to try to alleviate publisher dcDicDRNi8g-00151-00032888-00032999 fears dcDicDRNi8g-00152-00033000-00033183 a further challenge from publishers dcDicDRNi8g-00153-00033184-00033374 according to colontonio was the high dcDicDRNi8g-00154-00033375-00033567 development costs they wanted looking dcDicDRNi8g-00155-00033568-00033815 for between 15 million dollars and 20 dcDicDRNi8g-00156-00033816-00034007 million dollars which was an expensive dcDicDRNi8g-00157-00034008-00034159 budget for a game at that time dcDicDRNi8g-00158-00034160-00034367 particularly from a studio that had yet dcDicDRNi8g-00159-00034368-00034607 to establish its own identity eventually dcDicDRNi8g-00160-00034608-00034839 arcane found one unnamed publisher that dcDicDRNi8g-00161-00034840-00035039 was interested in the entire concept of dcDicDRNi8g-00162-00035040-00035167 the crossing dcDicDRNi8g-00163-00035168-00035383 they spent about six months negotiating dcDicDRNi8g-00164-00035384-00035615 with this publisher but colantonio said dcDicDRNi8g-00165-00035616-00035815 as time progressed the negotiations dcDicDRNi8g-00166-00035816-00036023 worsened with a smaller proposed budget dcDicDRNi8g-00167-00036024-00036239 and requiring them to do a playstation 3 dcDicDRNi8g-00168-00036240-00036351 version dcDicDRNi8g-00169-00036352-00036607 colantonio decided after six months that dcDicDRNi8g-00170-00036608-00036743 they were not going to be able to dcDicDRNi8g-00171-00036744-00036895 achieve the vision they wanted with the dcDicDRNi8g-00172-00036896-00037095 crossing and ceased negotiations with dcDicDRNi8g-00173-00037096-00037287 the publisher and effectively shelving dcDicDRNi8g-00174-00037288-00037383 game dcDicDRNi8g-00175-00037384-00037567 arcane switched over to continue dcDicDRNi8g-00176-00037568-00037759 contract work with valve and started dcDicDRNi8g-00177-00037760-00037967 work with electronic arts on a steven dcDicDRNi8g-00178-00037968-00038246 spielberg-backed game lmno itself which dcDicDRNi8g-00179-00038247-00038415 was ultimately cancelled while the dcDicDRNi8g-00180-00038416-00038583 crossing never came to fruition dcDicDRNi8g-00181-00038584-00038807 colantonio said that it was an important dcDicDRNi8g-00182-00038808-00039030 foundation of arcane studio as it helped dcDicDRNi8g-00183-00039031-00039230 with team building establishing a vision dcDicDRNi8g-00184-00039231-00039430 for their own ip and the processes dcDicDRNi8g-00185-00039431-00039615 needed to carry that out which they used dcDicDRNi8g-00186-00039616-00039846 in building the dishonored series dcDicDRNi8g-00187-00039847-00040118 during the 2018 quakecon arcane's lead dcDicDRNi8g-00188-00040119-00040318 designer ricardo baer stated that their dcDicDRNi8g-00189-00040319-00040471 future projects were looking at dcDicDRNi8g-00190-00040472-00040655 multiplayer functionality that they had dcDicDRNi8g-00191-00040656-00040823 been envisioning in the crossing is to dcDicDRNi8g-00192-00040824-00040983 provide seamless multiplayer dcDicDRNi8g-00193-00040984-00041183 functionality alongside single-player dcDicDRNi8g-00194-00041184-00041484 content de7kx7hBWeQ-00000-00000150-00000335 well in this session we're going to be de7kx7hBWeQ-00001-00000336-00000574 looking at policy development de7kx7hBWeQ-00002-00000575-00000815 now the first aspect of policy de7kx7hBWeQ-00003-00000816-00001211 development we're looking at de7kx7hBWeQ-00004-00001212-00001439 is to do with de7kx7hBWeQ-00005-00001440-00001717 organizational learning de7kx7hBWeQ-00006-00001718-00002057 policies shape what is done within an de7kx7hBWeQ-00007-00002058-00002207 organization de7kx7hBWeQ-00008-00002208-00002537 and how an organization learns is a de7kx7hBWeQ-00009-00002538-00002734 little bit different to how individuals de7kx7hBWeQ-00010-00002735-00002873 learn de7kx7hBWeQ-00011-00002874-00003100 and organizational leadership de7kx7hBWeQ-00012-00003101-00003419 has is one of its main challenges that de7kx7hBWeQ-00013-00003420-00003670 process of organizational learning and de7kx7hBWeQ-00014-00003671-00003815 guiding the development of an de7kx7hBWeQ-00015-00003815-00004175 organization over time de7kx7hBWeQ-00016-00004176-00004463 so in the tutorial this week come de7kx7hBWeQ-00017-00004464-00004661 prepared to discuss your own de7kx7hBWeQ-00018-00004662-00004829 organizational learning challenges for de7kx7hBWeQ-00019-00004830-00005063 the organization you've selected for de7kx7hBWeQ-00020-00005064-00005369 your transformation plan de7kx7hBWeQ-00021-00005370-00005525 now so the first aspect of de7kx7hBWeQ-00022-00005526-00005717 organizational learning is this idea de7kx7hBWeQ-00023-00005718-00005917 that de7kx7hBWeQ-00024-00005918-00006238 organizations also create retain and de7kx7hBWeQ-00025-00006239-00006436 transfer knowledge within that de7kx7hBWeQ-00026-00006437-00006634 organization de7kx7hBWeQ-00027-00006636-00006953 um and how that develops and occurs over de7kx7hBWeQ-00028-00006954-00007170 time is an important part of any de7kx7hBWeQ-00029-00007172-00007445 organizational infrastructure de7kx7hBWeQ-00030-00007445-00007733 now it can be through key members of de7kx7hBWeQ-00031-00007734-00008003 Staff in fact also through documentation de7kx7hBWeQ-00032-00008004-00008321 processes management computerized de7kx7hBWeQ-00033-00008322-00008501 systems a whole range of different de7kx7hBWeQ-00034-00008502-00008717 aspects that help maintain an de7kx7hBWeQ-00035-00008718-00008842 organization de7kx7hBWeQ-00036-00008843-00009107 with the knowledge that's inherent in de7kx7hBWeQ-00037-00009108-00009359 that organization and how it can improve de7kx7hBWeQ-00038-00009360-00009671 upon processes over time de7kx7hBWeQ-00039-00009672-00009913 foreign de7kx7hBWeQ-00040-00009914-00010169 aspects of that but one of the key ones de7kx7hBWeQ-00041-00010170-00010355 we're going to look at is the idea of a de7kx7hBWeQ-00042-00010356-00010517 community of learning de7kx7hBWeQ-00043-00010518-00010696 where there are various communities de7kx7hBWeQ-00044-00010697-00010913 within an organization de7kx7hBWeQ-00045-00010914-00011201 that support learning de7kx7hBWeQ-00046-00011202-00011327 um de7kx7hBWeQ-00047-00011328-00011542 and this can be just within the de7kx7hBWeQ-00048-00011543-00011741 organization there can also be between de7kx7hBWeQ-00049-00011742-00012010 organizations so for example one school de7kx7hBWeQ-00050-00012011-00012245 communicating how they have done de7kx7hBWeQ-00051-00012246-00012514 something differently to another school de7kx7hBWeQ-00052-00012515-00012821 or one teacher or classroom or class de7kx7hBWeQ-00053-00012822-00013037 group communicating how they do things de7kx7hBWeQ-00054-00013038-00013307 differently or a nation communicating de7kx7hBWeQ-00055-00013308-00013511 how they've done things differently to de7kx7hBWeQ-00056-00013512-00013703 help other nations learn how to do de7kx7hBWeQ-00057-00013704-00014158 things in education better de7kx7hBWeQ-00058-00014159-00014663 now within communities of learning de7kx7hBWeQ-00059-00014663-00015065 we also have a number of subgroups so de7kx7hBWeQ-00060-00015066-00015449 one is the individual learning oops what de7kx7hBWeQ-00061-00015450-00015736 would you say de7kx7hBWeQ-00062-00015737-00015911 um and this is the smallest sort of de7kx7hBWeQ-00063-00015912-00016271 subgroup within an organization now it de7kx7hBWeQ-00064-00016272-00016522 may be individual teachers individual de7kx7hBWeQ-00065-00016523-00016763 students or individual states or de7kx7hBWeQ-00066-00016764-00017069 countries but it's a it's the individual de7kx7hBWeQ-00067-00017070-00017272 aspect de7kx7hBWeQ-00068-00017273-00017507 and they tend to de7kx7hBWeQ-00069-00017508-00017591 um de7kx7hBWeQ-00070-00017592-00017830 that learning tends to disappear when de7kx7hBWeQ-00071-00017831-00018167 that individual leads de7kx7hBWeQ-00072-00018168-00018425 then you have group learning where you de7kx7hBWeQ-00073-00018426-00018636 have a group of de7kx7hBWeQ-00074-00018637-00018827 individuals de7kx7hBWeQ-00075-00018828-00019211 so in this case it might be a group of de7kx7hBWeQ-00076-00019212-00019499 um communities or group of schools group de7kx7hBWeQ-00077-00019500-00019655 of institutions de7kx7hBWeQ-00078-00019656-00019894 all could be a group of teachers within de7kx7hBWeQ-00079-00019895-00020136 that say or the year five teachers de7kx7hBWeQ-00080-00020137-00020393 and if they were all to leave then there de7kx7hBWeQ-00081-00020394-00020585 would be a loss of that group learning de7kx7hBWeQ-00082-00020586-00020794 but it tends to be that individuals de7kx7hBWeQ-00083-00020795-00021053 might leave but the group learning would de7kx7hBWeQ-00084-00021054-00021499 be retained de7kx7hBWeQ-00085-00021500-00021767 now there's also a process what's called de7kx7hBWeQ-00086-00021768-00021941 error detection and correction within de7kx7hBWeQ-00087-00021942-00022150 group learning so how teachers can de7kx7hBWeQ-00088-00022151-00022397 assist one another or it might be States de7kx7hBWeQ-00089-00022398-00022594 within a country de7kx7hBWeQ-00090-00022595-00022757 um but there are some checks and de7kx7hBWeQ-00091-00022758-00022889 balances that can occur with the de7kx7hBWeQ-00092-00022890-00023189 learning process that's supported by de7kx7hBWeQ-00093-00023190-00023369 groups that isn't necessarily supported de7kx7hBWeQ-00094-00023370-00023539 by individuals de7kx7hBWeQ-00095-00023540-00023933 so when say one teacher is having real de7kx7hBWeQ-00096-00023934-00024083 difficulties they're with classroom de7kx7hBWeQ-00097-00024084-00024286 management then other teachers in that de7kx7hBWeQ-00098-00024287-00024508 group may be able to assist and help de7kx7hBWeQ-00099-00024509-00024719 them with the policies of the de7kx7hBWeQ-00100-00024720-00025025 organization and different approaches or de7kx7hBWeQ-00101-00025026-00025277 even knowing individual students that de7kx7hBWeQ-00102-00025278-00025408 are having difficulties with and de7kx7hBWeQ-00103-00025409-00025564 suggesting other approaches to working de7kx7hBWeQ-00104-00025565-00025805 with those students so there can be a de7kx7hBWeQ-00105-00025806-00026093 way of of a group assisting de7kx7hBWeQ-00106-00026094-00026764 that individuals don't necessarily have de7kx7hBWeQ-00107-00026766-00026908 so again that goes through another de7kx7hBWeQ-00108-00026910-00027131 different another few aspects of task de7kx7hBWeQ-00109-00027132-00027346 Independence de7kx7hBWeQ-00110-00027347-00027646 um where group members what individuals de7kx7hBWeQ-00111-00027647-00027808 are doing don't necessarily affect the de7kx7hBWeQ-00112-00027810-00028096 group but the group can help with the de7kx7hBWeQ-00113-00028097-00028229 individuals de7kx7hBWeQ-00114-00028230-00028445 and there's also social psychological de7kx7hBWeQ-00115-00028445-00028762 awareness where a group can actually to de7kx7hBWeQ-00116-00028763-00029087 have an identity within a larger system de7kx7hBWeQ-00117-00029088-00029296 should say again the year five teachers de7kx7hBWeQ-00118-00029297-00029489 would consider that they would have a de7kx7hBWeQ-00119-00029489-00029693 particular identity de7kx7hBWeQ-00120-00029694-00029908 um and different ways of doing things or de7kx7hBWeQ-00121-00029910-00030143 different habits and processes that they de7kx7hBWeQ-00122-00030144-00030352 could recognize that not necessarily de7kx7hBWeQ-00123-00030354-00030545 other groups within the school would de7kx7hBWeQ-00124-00030545-00030773 have or it may be a particular identity de7kx7hBWeQ-00125-00030774-00031085 that a state has within a country de7kx7hBWeQ-00126-00031086-00031229 um let's say in Australia New South de7kx7hBWeQ-00127-00031230-00031402 Wales may do things somewhat differently de7kx7hBWeQ-00128-00031404-00031649 to other states and they would see that de7kx7hBWeQ-00129-00031650-00031883 as a particular group identity around de7kx7hBWeQ-00130-00031883-00032293 how they approach educational issues de7kx7hBWeQ-00131-00032294-00032489 and then you have organizational de7kx7hBWeQ-00132-00032489-00032717 learning which is the learning processes de7kx7hBWeQ-00133-00032718-00032896 of the organization as a whole de7kx7hBWeQ-00134-00032897-00033143 and how it adapts and changes to de7kx7hBWeQ-00135-00033144-00033311 different environments and circumstances de7kx7hBWeQ-00136-00033312-00033527 and we certainly saw that occurring de7kx7hBWeQ-00137-00033528-00033718 around the pandemic and different de7kx7hBWeQ-00138-00033719-00033868 organizations can approach things de7kx7hBWeQ-00139-00033869-00034229 differently and approach how they make de7kx7hBWeQ-00140-00034230-00034474 improvements or address challenges in de7kx7hBWeQ-00141-00034475-00034679 different ways and can certainly learn de7kx7hBWeQ-00142-00034680-00034907 from other organizations and how they've de7kx7hBWeQ-00143-00034908-00035207 approached doing things de7kx7hBWeQ-00144-00035208-00035309 and then you've got the de7kx7hBWeQ-00145-00035310-00035471 inter-organizational learning that de7kx7hBWeQ-00146-00035472-00035695 learning from other organizations de7kx7hBWeQ-00147-00035696-00036040 some of it can be very formal with de7kx7hBWeQ-00148-00036041-00036251 documentation and research done on de7kx7hBWeQ-00149-00036252-00036467 different approaches and some can be de7kx7hBWeQ-00150-00036468-00036724 just very informal when a new start then de7kx7hBWeQ-00151-00036725-00037012 becomes from another school or another de7kx7hBWeQ-00152-00037013-00037211 country they bring a whole lot of new de7kx7hBWeQ-00153-00037212-00037571 ideas and they percolate into various de7kx7hBWeQ-00154-00037572-00037817 other organizations through that gradual de7kx7hBWeQ-00155-00037818-00037912 process de7kx7hBWeQ-00156-00037913-00038123 that it can also be done by visits to de7kx7hBWeQ-00157-00038124-00038268 other organizations de7kx7hBWeQ-00158-00038269-00038501 again that can be very formalized and de7kx7hBWeQ-00159-00038502-00038668 very informalized just through knowing de7kx7hBWeQ-00160-00038669-00039071 people in those organizations through to de7kx7hBWeQ-00161-00039072-00039299 um organized tours de7kx7hBWeQ-00162-00039300-00039515 I've taken a lot of organizational tours de7kx7hBWeQ-00163-00039516-00039767 to the United States in Canada and de7kx7hBWeQ-00164-00039768-00039839 um de7kx7hBWeQ-00165-00039840-00040001 New Zealand and things of that nature de7kx7hBWeQ-00166-00040002-00040223 where we take teachers along and we de7kx7hBWeQ-00167-00040224-00040379 examine what's happening in those de7kx7hBWeQ-00168-00040380-00040474 countries de7kx7hBWeQ-00169-00040475-00040721 to explicitly learn about what's de7kx7hBWeQ-00170-00040722-00040973 occurring to bring back then to de7kx7hBWeQ-00171-00040974-00041212 organizations in Australia different de7kx7hBWeQ-00172-00041213-00041621 approaches de7kx7hBWeQ-00173-00041622-00041795 and this is just a graphic showing de7kx7hBWeQ-00174-00041796-00042017 various aspects of that and how there de7kx7hBWeQ-00175-00042018-00042209 can be barriers and teamwork and de7kx7hBWeQ-00176-00042210-00042401 Leadership and culture and resourcing de7kx7hBWeQ-00177-00042402-00042718 and structures and characteristics of de7kx7hBWeQ-00178-00042719-00043012 all those different learning processes de7kx7hBWeQ-00179-00043013-00043283 so in examining your own education de7kx7hBWeQ-00180-00043284-00043540 organization think about how it goes de7kx7hBWeQ-00181-00043541-00043709 about learning you're going to be de7kx7hBWeQ-00182-00043710-00043949 introducing a new educational approach de7kx7hBWeQ-00183-00043950-00044093 and Technology de7kx7hBWeQ-00184-00044094-00044290 so the organization is going to have to de7kx7hBWeQ-00185-00044291-00044537 learn and adapt to that and that will de7kx7hBWeQ-00186-00044538-00044735 have to happen at an organizational and de7kx7hBWeQ-00187-00044736-00044980 a group and an individual level and also de7kx7hBWeQ-00188-00044981-00045149 potentially at an inter organizational de7kx7hBWeQ-00189-00045150-00045377 leveling where others will learn from de7kx7hBWeQ-00190-00045378-00045646 what your organization has done around de7kx7hBWeQ-00191-00045647-00045899 the use of that educational technology de7kx7hBWeQ-00192-00045900-00046108 so think through some of those processes de7kx7hBWeQ-00193-00046109-00046457 that could be occurring de7kx7hBWeQ-00194-00046458-00046961 and share onto teams de7kx7hBWeQ-00195-00046962-00047195 in particular this example shared the de7kx7hBWeQ-00196-00047196-00047357 different organizational groups and de7kx7hBWeQ-00197-00047358-00047651 communities that you can see occurring de7kx7hBWeQ-00198-00047652-00048083 within your organization de7kx7hBWeQ-00199-00048084-00048574 okay de7kx7hBWeQ-00200-00048575-00048718 the concept of an organizational de7kx7hBWeQ-00201-00048719-00048851 learning just going in a little bit more de7kx7hBWeQ-00202-00048852-00049049 detail about organizational learning de7kx7hBWeQ-00203-00049050-00049193 theory de7kx7hBWeQ-00204-00049194-00049468 and it breaks it up into a range of de7kx7hBWeQ-00205-00049469-00049708 different uh models with different de7kx7hBWeQ-00206-00049709-00050068 focuses and learning modes so these de7kx7hBWeQ-00207-00050069-00050290 relate to the approaches of behaviors de7kx7hBWeQ-00208-00050291-00050543 and cognitivism social cognitivism and de7kx7hBWeQ-00209-00050544-00050740 the Gestalt method de7kx7hBWeQ-00210-00050741-00050957 but read the paper and have a look at de7kx7hBWeQ-00211-00050958-00051143 those different concepts and we'll de7kx7hBWeQ-00212-00051144-00051382 discuss those in the tutorial de7kx7hBWeQ-00213-00051383-00051616 and it goes through then to look at de7kx7hBWeQ-00214-00051617-00051751 these focuses de7kx7hBWeQ-00215-00051752-00052042 individual learning the processes or de7kx7hBWeQ-00216-00052044-00052252 systems within the organization the de7kx7hBWeQ-00217-00052253-00052607 culture and metaphors that the de7kx7hBWeQ-00218-00052608-00052853 organization May adopt how knowledge is de7kx7hBWeQ-00219-00052854-00053050 managed within the organization de7kx7hBWeQ-00220-00053051-00053309 processes of continuous Improvement or de7kx7hBWeQ-00221-00053310-00053569 learning and Innovations and creative de7kx7hBWeQ-00222-00053570-00053788 processes that could be in place in the de7kx7hBWeQ-00223-00053789-00053950 organization de7kx7hBWeQ-00224-00053951-00054215 and just so see how de7kx7hBWeQ-00225-00054216-00054394 this document has looked at these de7kx7hBWeQ-00226-00054395-00054604 different approaches and Concepts and de7kx7hBWeQ-00227-00054605-00054857 the examples of practices that you may de7kx7hBWeQ-00228-00054858-00055030 be able to incorporate into your own de7kx7hBWeQ-00229-00055032-00055499 transformational learning plan de7kx7hBWeQ-00230-00055500-00055691 and come along to the tutorial prepared de7kx7hBWeQ-00231-00055691-00055913 to discuss the educational challenges de7kx7hBWeQ-00232-00055914-00056188 and technologies that you are hoping to de7kx7hBWeQ-00233-00056189-00056441 see transform your organization from de7kx7hBWeQ-00234-00056441-00056597 this perspective of a learning de7kx7hBWeQ-00235-00056598-00057047 organization de7kx7hBWeQ-00236-00057048-00057287 next is looking at leadership de7kx7hBWeQ-00237-00057288-00057550 and how different leadership strategies de7kx7hBWeQ-00238-00057551-00057803 can assist in supporting an de7kx7hBWeQ-00239-00057804-00058109 organizational's transformation Journey de7kx7hBWeQ-00240-00058110-00058373 so have a look at this document around de7kx7hBWeQ-00241-00058374-00058666 leadership strategies de7kx7hBWeQ-00242-00058667-00058919 and another one related to that is de7kx7hBWeQ-00243-00058920-00059209 digital education making change happen de7kx7hBWeQ-00244-00059210-00059513 which looks in particular around digital de7kx7hBWeQ-00245-00059514-00059737 Technologies and how they can be de7kx7hBWeQ-00246-00059738-00060011 supported in changing within an de7kx7hBWeQ-00247-00060012-00060149 organization de7kx7hBWeQ-00248-00060150-00060304 because again in your transformation de7kx7hBWeQ-00249-00060305-00060454 plan you're going to have to consider de7kx7hBWeQ-00250-00060455-00060707 the leadership processes involved in de7kx7hBWeQ-00251-00060708-00061187 achieving your transformation de7kx7hBWeQ-00252-00061188-00061619 and come along and on teams share an de7kx7hBWeQ-00253-00061620-00061750 educational challenge that you've de7kx7hBWeQ-00254-00061751-00062203 noticed and how leadership applied de7kx7hBWeQ-00255-00062204-00062435 leadership it was involved in that de7kx7hBWeQ-00256-00062436-00062550 transformation de7kx7hBWeQ-00257-00062551-00062800 was it supportive was it non-supportive de7kx7hBWeQ-00258-00062801-00062988 how did they go about de7kx7hBWeQ-00259-00062989-00063311 being involved in the challenge or de7kx7hBWeQ-00260-00063312-00063737 change that you saw occurring de7kx7hBWeQ-00261-00063738-00063941 and come along to the tutorial prepared de7kx7hBWeQ-00262-00063941-00064144 to discuss organizational learning and de7kx7hBWeQ-00263-00064145-00064391 Leadership challenges so from the focus de7kx7hBWeQ-00264-00064391-00064553 of a better understanding of de7kx7hBWeQ-00265-00064554-00064726 organizational learning de7kx7hBWeQ-00266-00064727-00065021 and also of how leadership de7kx7hBWeQ-00267-00065022-00065416 can support various changes within an de7kx7hBWeQ-00268-00065417-00065537 organization de7kx7hBWeQ-00269-00065538-00065741 and we'll explore then how these can de7kx7hBWeQ-00270-00065742-00065926 relate to your de7kx7hBWeQ-00271-00065927-00065999 um de7kx7hBWeQ-00272-00066000-00066275 new educational technology that you want de7kx7hBWeQ-00273-00066276-00066406 to introduce as part of your de7kx7hBWeQ-00274-00066407-00066706 transformation planning de7kx7hBWeQ-00275-00066707-00066965 so that's it and I look forward to de7kx7hBWeQ-00276-00066966-00067310 seeing you in the tutorials deogW3rcHKQ-00000-00000029-00000257 this is one of the most nastiest Snipes deogW3rcHKQ-00001-00000258-00000628 I've ever completed check this out doing deogW3rcHKQ-00002-00000629-00001111 some Snipes today deogW3rcHKQ-00003-00001112-00001270 [Music] deogW3rcHKQ-00004-00001271-00001726 oh my God deogW3rcHKQ-00005-00001727-00001907 if you guys are new subscribe for more deogW3rcHKQ-00006-00001907-00002156 content dgBB8JBkGky-00000-00000053-00000367 good morning everyone before we begin I dgBB8JBkGky-00001-00000368-00000590 want to especially thank corporal Nick dgBB8JBkGky-00002-00000591-00000811 Kerr and Minister McCauley for being dgBB8JBkGky-00003-00000813-00000866 here today dgBB8JBkGky-00004-00000867-00001136 of course thank you all for joining us dgBB8JBkGky-00005-00001137-00001408 as some of you may know I had the honor dgBB8JBkGky-00006-00001409-00001697 of traveling to Europe to mark the 75th dgBB8JBkGky-00007-00001698-00001997 anniversary of the Battle of Normandy it dgBB8JBkGky-00008-00001998-00002291 was an incredibly moving few days and a dgBB8JBkGky-00009-00002292-00002527 chance for Canada to not only remember dgBB8JBkGky-00010-00002528-00002798 the sacrifices of our veterans but also dgBB8JBkGky-00011-00002799-00003179 to reflect on their proud legacy on the dgBB8JBkGky-00012-00003180-00003422 battlefields of Europe francophones dgBB8JBkGky-00013-00003422-00003715 Anglophones indigenous peoples new dgBB8JBkGky-00014-00003717-00004061 Canadians all came together as one and dgBB8JBkGky-00015-00004061-00004313 they have since inspired countless young dgBB8JBkGky-00016-00004314-00004604 people to answer the call of duty like dgBB8JBkGky-00017-00004605-00004702 they once did dgBB8JBkGky-00018-00004703-00005050 in shows chemo Kappa no demo voyage dgBB8JBkGky-00019-00005051-00005377 Sarah fastened only ceremony it is even dgBB8JBkGky-00020-00005378-00005720 more enter generation n the imam muda dgBB8JBkGky-00021-00005721-00005951 father Mickey Eddie deezen kobata dgBB8JBkGky-00022-00005952-00006331 a marshal alone juno beach dijon TX dgBB8JBkGky-00023-00006332-00006493 primero kinesins dgBB8JBkGky-00024-00006494-00006781 each epoch - a deceased Wafaa me on dgBB8JBkGky-00025-00006781-00007058 these testimonies brought into sharp dgBB8JBkGky-00026-00007059-00007417 focus how ones decision to serve can dgBB8JBkGky-00027-00007418-00007717 have a lasting positive impact on so dgBB8JBkGky-00028-00007718-00008074 many others it was a beautiful sight dgBB8JBkGky-00029-00008075-00008369 a tribute worthy of those who gave so dgBB8JBkGky-00030-00008370-00008714 much for us but recognizing the courage dgBB8JBkGky-00031-00008715-00008999 of our servicemen and women remembering dgBB8JBkGky-00032-00009000-00009235 the sacrifices they made and the values dgBB8JBkGky-00033-00009236-00009473 for which they fought shouldn't be dgBB8JBkGky-00034-00009474-00009667 something we do just when a big dgBB8JBkGky-00035-00009668-00010013 milestone comes around in fact I think dgBB8JBkGky-00036-00010014-00010249 it's really important that as Canadians dgBB8JBkGky-00037-00010250-00010556 we create more opportunities both big dgBB8JBkGky-00038-00010557-00010942 and small to say thank you the highway dgBB8JBkGky-00039-00010943-00011234 of Heroes is a beautiful way to do just dgBB8JBkGky-00040-00011235-00011492 that and that's why our government is so dgBB8JBkGky-00041-00011493-00011824 proud to support this initiative with dgBB8JBkGky-00042-00011825-00012023 our latest budget we committed an dgBB8JBkGky-00043-00012024-00012313 additional 2.9 million dollars in dgBB8JBkGky-00044-00012314-00012499 funding through veterans Veterans dgBB8JBkGky-00045-00012500-00013308 Affairs to see this project through dgBB8JBkGky-00046-00013309-00013594 the highway of Heroes is a chance for dgBB8JBkGky-00047-00013594-00013663 all of us dgBB8JBkGky-00048-00013663-00013936 to express our gratitude and celebrate dgBB8JBkGky-00049-00013937-00014188 the many contributions of servicemembers dgBB8JBkGky-00050-00014188-00014536 both at home and abroad but the desire dgBB8JBkGky-00051-00014537-00014752 to help the most vulnerable to better dgBB8JBkGky-00052-00014753-00015061 our world and heal it's whoa does not dgBB8JBkGky-00053-00015062-00015291 stop once they return to Canada or dgBB8JBkGky-00054-00015293-00015634 retire many of them never stopped dgBB8JBkGky-00055-00015635-00015819 answering the call to serve no matter dgBB8JBkGky-00056-00015820-00016138 where they are or what they do take dgBB8JBkGky-00057-00016138-00016390 corporal Nick Kerr of the Canadian Armed dgBB8JBkGky-00058-00016391-00016729 Forces for example in addition to dgBB8JBkGky-00059-00016730-00016906 serving in Afghanistan and being a dgBB8JBkGky-00060-00016907-00017122 primary reserve member with the Canadian dgBB8JBkGky-00061-00017123-00017233 Scottish regiment dgBB8JBkGky-00062-00017234-00017518 corporal Kerr volunteers with so many dgBB8JBkGky-00063-00017519-00017782 organizations to support his fellow dgBB8JBkGky-00064-00017783-00018091 service members he helps them transition dgBB8JBkGky-00065-00018092-00018322 out of the military he helps them find a dgBB8JBkGky-00066-00018323-00018574 job or learn a new skill or access dgBB8JBkGky-00067-00018575-00018955 services available to them the Corporal dgBB8JBkGky-00068-00018956-00019234 Kerr also works incredibly hard to make dgBB8JBkGky-00069-00019235-00019414 sure that those who never returned home dgBB8JBkGky-00070-00019415-00019846 are forever remembered in November 2016 dgBB8JBkGky-00071-00019847-00020103 he organized an event to remember a dgBB8JBkGky-00072-00020104-00020293 former colleague who took her own life dgBB8JBkGky-00073-00020294-00020672 while serving in Afghanistan he also dgBB8JBkGky-00074-00020673-00020896 adopted a section of the highway of dgBB8JBkGky-00075-00020897-00021058 Heroes with some friends and he dgBB8JBkGky-00076-00021059-00021307 continues to play an active role in the dgBB8JBkGky-00077-00021308-00021552 highway of heroes living tribute dgBB8JBkGky-00078-00021553-00021934 corporal Nick thank you you are an dgBB8JBkGky-00079-00021935-00023011 inspiration to us all a tree for every dgBB8JBkGky-00080-00023012-00023380 hero I cannot think of a better way to dgBB8JBkGky-00081-00023381-00023641 remember the spirit and the selfless dgBB8JBkGky-00082-00023642-00023847 service of our men and women in uniform dgBB8JBkGky-00083-00023848-00024184 with every tree we will remember those dgBB8JBkGky-00084-00024185-00024388 who made the ultimate sacrifice and dgBB8JBkGky-00085-00024389-00024634 think of our brave service members who dgBB8JBkGky-00086-00024635-00024859 continue to represent Canada with dgBB8JBkGky-00087-00024860-00025178 unparalleled integrity valor and dgBB8JBkGky-00088-00025179-00025555 perseverance as we remember them we dgBB8JBkGky-00089-00025556-00025852 remember also their families who in so dgBB8JBkGky-00090-00025852-00026097 many ways sacrifice along with that the dgBB8JBkGky-00091-00026098-00026295 communities who support them dgBB8JBkGky-00092-00026297-00026476 extraordinary organizations like the dgBB8JBkGky-00093-00026477-00026668 ones we're celebrating here today who dgBB8JBkGky-00094-00026669-00026998 continue to step up mostly we thank dgBB8JBkGky-00095-00026999-00027241 those who continuously step up and look dgBB8JBkGky-00096-00027242-00027451 to serve their country in ever greater dgBB8JBkGky-00097-00027452-00027706 ways Missi means immediately see avec dgBB8JBkGky-00098-00027707-00027916 nous OG thank you all for being here dgBB8JBkGky-00099-00027917-00028168 today it's a beautiful day for Canada dgBB8JBkGky-00100-00028169-00028444 yes difqrs12uDY-00000-00000029-00000334 foreign difqrs12uDY-00001-00000335-00002323 [Music] difqrs12uDY-00002-00002324-00002623 [Music] difqrs12uDY-00003-00002624-00002867 Capital Theater difqrs12uDY-00004-00002868-00003123 prutish difqrs12uDY-00005-00003124-00004339 [Music] difqrs12uDY-00006-00004340-00005111 [Music] difqrs12uDY-00007-00005112-00005520 foreign difqrs12uDY-00008-00005521-00006264 [Music] difqrs12uDY-00009-00006265-00007523 [Music] difqrs12uDY-00010-00007525-00008756 [Music] difqrs12uDY-00011-00008757-00009113 [Music] difqrs12uDY-00012-00009114-00009539 foreign difqrs12uDY-00013-00009540-00011178 [Music] difqrs12uDY-00014-00011179-00012155 [Music] difqrs12uDY-00016-00016500-00019091 foreign difqrs12uDY-00017-00019092-00019541 foreign difqrs12uDY-00019-00022806-00025612 foreign difqrs12uDY-00020-00025613-00026549 foreign difqrs12uDY-00021-00026550-00026997 foreign difqrs12uDY-00024-00034814-00035177 [Music] difqrs12uDY-00026-00038472-00039028 foreign difqrs12uDY-00027-00039029-00041321 [Music] difqrs12uDY-00028-00041322-00041789 foreign difqrs12uDY-00031-00048506-00050836 foreign honey difqrs12uDY-00032-00050837-00051449 foreign difqrs12uDY-00033-00051450-00052535 foreign difqrs12uDY-00034-00052536-00055211 foreign difqrs12uDY-00035-00055212-00055311 uh difqrs12uDY-00036-00055312-00055607 [Music] difqrs12uDY-00037-00055608-00055750 partham difqrs12uDY-00038-00055751-00056638 into vaporative difqrs12uDY-00039-00056639-00057053 actually difqrs12uDY-00043-00066738-00069659 dude foreign difqrs12uDY-00044-00069660-00071249 foreign difqrs12uDY-00045-00071250-00072413 foreign difqrs12uDY-00046-00072414-00075382 [Music] difqrs12uDY-00047-00075383-00077911 foreign difqrs12uDY-00048-00077912-00078341 [Music] difqrs12uDY-00049-00078342-00078682 foreign difqrs12uDY-00051-00081910-00083105 [Music] difqrs12uDY-00052-00083106-00083412 hello difqrs12uDY-00053-00083413-00084994 [Laughter] difqrs12uDY-00054-00084995-00085787 Akash difqrs12uDY-00055-00085788-00086315 foreign difqrs12uDY-00056-00086316-00088785 foreign difqrs12uDY-00057-00088786-00089123 [Music] difqrs12uDY-00058-00089124-00090850 foreign difqrs12uDY-00059-00090851-00092417 bye difqrs12uDY-00060-00092418-00094703 America College difqrs12uDY-00063-00101651-00102158 foreign difqrs12uDY-00064-00102159-00104706 [Music] difqrs12uDY-00066-00108029-00109203 foreign difqrs12uDY-00067-00109204-00109938 [Music] difqrs12uDY-00068-00109939-00110578 [Music] difqrs12uDY-00069-00110579-00111221 foreign difqrs12uDY-00071-00114317-00115450 foreign difqrs12uDY-00072-00115451-00117105 [Music] difqrs12uDY-00073-00117106-00117239 [Music] difqrs12uDY-00074-00117240-00119063 foreign difqrs12uDY-00075-00119064-00122057 foreign difqrs12uDY-00076-00122058-00123365 foreign difqrs12uDY-00077-00123366-00125644 foreign difqrs12uDY-00078-00125645-00126166 [Music] difqrs12uDY-00079-00126167-00126586 foreign difqrs12uDY-00080-00126588-00128313 foreign difqrs12uDY-00083-00135834-00137318 foreign difqrs12uDY-00084-00137319-00138521 [Music] difqrs12uDY-00085-00138522-00140957 foreign difqrs12uDY-00086-00140958-00143723 foreign difqrs12uDY-00087-00143724-00143890 body difqrs12uDY-00088-00143891-00144211 language difqrs12uDY-00089-00144212-00144616 oh to me give apart difqrs12uDY-00090-00144617-00144923 ILO difqrs12uDY-00091-00144924-00145567 um difqrs12uDY-00092-00145568-00147066 [Music] difqrs12uDY-00094-00150690-00151511 [Music] difqrs12uDY-00096-00155022-00157840 foreign difqrs12uDY-00097-00157841-00158501 foreign difqrs12uDY-00098-00158502-00160997 foreign difqrs12uDY-00099-00160998-00161227 foreign difqrs12uDY-00100-00161228-00162719 [Music] difqrs12uDY-00101-00162720-00164963 foreign difqrs12uDY-00102-00164964-00165731 [Music] difqrs12uDY-00103-00165732-00167026 foreign difqrs12uDY-00104-00167027-00167171 Maya difqrs12uDY-00106-00170712-00173423 foreign difqrs12uDY-00107-00173424-00173926 foreign difqrs12uDY-00108-00173927-00176909 foreign difqrs12uDY-00109-00176910-00177713 foreign difqrs12uDY-00110-00177714-00180485 foreign difqrs12uDY-00111-00180486-00181151 foreign difqrs12uDY-00112-00181152-00182187 foreign difqrs12uDY-00113-00182188-00183707 [Music] difqrs12uDY-00114-00183708-00186635 foreign difqrs12uDY-00116-00190158-00193025 foreign difqrs12uDY-00117-00193026-00193823 foreign difqrs12uDY-00118-00193824-00195221 foreign difqrs12uDY-00119-00195222-00196540 [Music] difqrs12uDY-00120-00196541-00197083 foreign difqrs12uDY-00123-00204738-00207433 foreign difqrs12uDY-00124-00207434-00207766 [Music] difqrs12uDY-00125-00207767-00208206 foreign difqrs12uDY-00126-00208207-00208948 [Music] difqrs12uDY-00127-00208950-00209821 [Music] dkM4zVFFwBY-00000-00000221-00001541 [Music] dkM4zVFFwBY-00001-00001542-00003175 [Music] dkM4zVFFwBY-00002-00003176-00003222 what dkM4zVFFwBY-00003-00003223-00003799 day dkM4zVFFwBY-00004-00003800-00004151 hi what's up dev ben dkM4zVFFwBY-00005-00004152-00004470 wait you are devin right i'm not just dkM4zVFFwBY-00006-00004471-00004751 sitting with some random person i don't dkM4zVFFwBY-00007-00004752-00005022 know i really should do that sometime dkM4zVFFwBY-00008-00005023-00005247 yeah that's me it's been a really good dkM4zVFFwBY-00009-00005248-00005406 day actually dkM4zVFFwBY-00010-00005407-00005767 good day well how fortunate you are dkM4zVFFwBY-00011-00005768-00006118 i guess because i generally feel dkM4zVFFwBY-00012-00006119-00006295 fortunate in life dkM4zVFFwBY-00013-00006296-00006591 well lucky you i could kill for a good dkM4zVFFwBY-00014-00006592-00006742 day dkM4zVFFwBY-00015-00006743-00006951 i'm sorry you heard that dude my dkM4zVFFwBY-00016-00006952-00007103 on what today dkM4zVFFwBY-00017-00007104-00007431 yeah sure first of all my dkM4zVFFwBY-00018-00007431-00007646 cat locked me out of my house this dkM4zVFFwBY-00019-00007647-00007774 morning dkM4zVFFwBY-00020-00007775-00008110 you're a cat yep my dkM4zVFFwBY-00021-00008111-00008487 cat you heard me i mean that dkM4zVFFwBY-00022-00008488-00008735 bastard knows how to work the locks and dkM4zVFFwBY-00023-00008736-00008967 then when i tried to climb in the window dkM4zVFFwBY-00024-00008968-00009263 i fell in his puke it's like he dkM4zVFFwBY-00025-00009264-00009783 booby-trapped the whole damn house dkM4zVFFwBY-00026-00009784-00010014 so i mean you can get me when i say i dkM4zVFFwBY-00027-00010015-00010087 could kill dkM4zVFFwBY-00028-00010088-00010503 for an okay day yeah get it dkM4zVFFwBY-00029-00010504-00010863 that blows i'm sorry to hear that dkM4zVFFwBY-00030-00010864-00011087 but hey maybe things will look up from dkM4zVFFwBY-00031-00011088-00011174 now dkM4zVFFwBY-00032-00011175-00011463 i mean we're here in this nice place got dkM4zVFFwBY-00033-00011464-00011735 good music playing dkM4zVFFwBY-00034-00011736-00011967 oh and by the way i'm sorry it took so dkM4zVFFwBY-00035-00011968-00012183 long to get this date organized dkM4zVFFwBY-00036-00012184-00012383 i didn't even have to reply for a week dkM4zVFFwBY-00037-00012384-00012527 that's because i was on a retreat you dkM4zVFFwBY-00038-00012528-00012638 know dkM4zVFFwBY-00039-00012639-00012855 yeah it's all right i mean if we're dkM4zVFFwBY-00040-00012856-00013038 being honest dkM4zVFFwBY-00041-00013039-00013271 my sister set you up on this date with dkM4zVFFwBY-00042-00013272-00013383 me i mean dkM4zVFFwBY-00043-00013384-00013535 she's been talking to you this whole dkM4zVFFwBY-00044-00013536-00013719 time dkM4zVFFwBY-00045-00013719-00013903 uh you know she just didn't really want dkM4zVFFwBY-00046-00013904-00014094 me to be lonely you know after she dkM4zVFFwBY-00047-00014095-00014583 abandoned me for university dkM4zVFFwBY-00048-00014584-00014911 yeah okay it's cool dkM4zVFFwBY-00049-00014912-00015111 i mean she's looking out for you that's dkM4zVFFwBY-00050-00015112-00015271 neat cool dkM4zVFFwBY-00051-00015272-00015447 i was just afraid you might be weirded dkM4zVFFwBY-00052-00015447-00015630 out by that dkM4zVFFwBY-00053-00015631-00015958 it's chill man listen it's good to have dkM4zVFFwBY-00054-00015959-00016150 somebody looking after you to balance dkM4zVFFwBY-00055-00016151-00016311 the shitty day you had dkM4zVFFwBY-00056-00016312-00016615 yeah tell me about it it's just been one dkM4zVFFwBY-00057-00016616-00016919 nightmare after another dkM4zVFFwBY-00058-00016920-00017311 for real yeah i mean i've moved houses dkM4zVFFwBY-00059-00017312-00017415 like dkM4zVFFwBY-00060-00017416-00017735 four times in six months dkM4zVFFwBY-00061-00017736-00017943 the first place that i moved into was dkM4zVFFwBY-00062-00017944-00018167 just crawling with bed bugs dkM4zVFFwBY-00063-00018168-00018463 and then the second place it was dkM4zVFFwBY-00064-00018464-00018527 flooding dkM4zVFFwBY-00065-00018528-00018799 and cold all the time and then the third dkM4zVFFwBY-00066-00018800-00018894 place dkM4zVFFwBY-00067-00018895-00019335 i mean don't get me started take a guess dkM4zVFFwBY-00068-00019336-00019607 i don't know man the landlord kept dkM4zVFFwBY-00069-00019608-00019711 creeping on me dkM4zVFFwBY-00070-00019712-00020167 he even tried to ask me on a date oh dkM4zVFFwBY-00071-00020168-00020486 you really don't have much luck listen dkM4zVFFwBY-00072-00020487-00020703 you gotta ask the universe the universe dkM4zVFFwBY-00073-00020704-00020927 can provide for you dkM4zVFFwBY-00074-00020928-00021175 can the universe provide me with a stiff dkM4zVFFwBY-00075-00021176-00021230 drink dkM4zVFFwBY-00076-00021231-00021583 because i really need that right now dkM4zVFFwBY-00077-00021584-00021983 right i'm sorry i'm a tea kind of person dkM4zVFFwBY-00078-00021984-00022094 myself dkM4zVFFwBY-00079-00022095-00022447 but we'll get you one any preference dkM4zVFFwBY-00080-00022448-00023883 uh something that's got a kick in it dkM4zVFFwBY-00081-00023884-00024871 okay dkM4zVFFwBY-00082-00024872-00025278 there you go see she's gotta ask dkM4zVFFwBY-00083-00025279-00025599 and the universe provides that's genius dkM4zVFFwBY-00084-00025600-00025750 can the universe provide you a thousand dkM4zVFFwBY-00085-00025751-00025967 bucks right now dkM4zVFFwBY-00086-00025968-00026223 doesn't quite work like that you're dkM4zVFFwBY-00087-00026224-00026455 excited dkM4zVFFwBY-00088-00026456-00026727 well and then i was about to universe dkM4zVFFwBY-00089-00026727-00026839 everything that's gone wrong with my dkM4zVFFwBY-00090-00026839-00027174 life dkM4zVFFwBY-00091-00027175-00027518 so um you must have some good stories dkM4zVFFwBY-00092-00027519-00027655 inside all that bad luck dkM4zVFFwBY-00093-00027656-00027983 yeah no dkM4zVFFwBY-00094-00027983-00028279 wow you like to celebrate your own dkM4zVFFwBY-00095-00028280-00028543 negativity dkM4zVFFwBY-00096-00028544-00028767 i know what you need let me feed your dkM4zVFFwBY-00097-00028768-00029007 mom with some positivity dkM4zVFFwBY-00098-00029008-00029239 so you see you have a cat so you must dkM4zVFFwBY-00099-00029239-00029374 love cats then right dkM4zVFFwBY-00100-00029375-00029631 i actually really hate those buggers but dkM4zVFFwBY-00101-00029632-00029702 okay dkM4zVFFwBY-00102-00029704-00029935 hear me out so there was this old lady dkM4zVFFwBY-00103-00029936-00030070 who had a cat dkM4zVFFwBY-00104-00030072-00030270 and one night it's the middle of the dkM4zVFFwBY-00105-00030272-00030374 night dkM4zVFFwBY-00106-00030375-00030607 and she's sleeping the cat started dkM4zVFFwBY-00107-00030608-00030727 kneading her chest dkM4zVFFwBY-00108-00030727-00030935 and meowing out until she woke up like dkM4zVFFwBY-00109-00030936-00031031 yeah dkM4zVFFwBY-00110-00031032-00031374 yeah and she wakes up dkM4zVFFwBY-00111-00031375-00031599 she set up kind of confused you know dkM4zVFFwBY-00112-00031600-00031774 then she see the cat going back and dkM4zVFFwBY-00113-00031775-00031918 forth between the bed and the door dkM4zVFFwBY-00114-00031919-00032183 relentlessly dkM4zVFFwBY-00115-00032183-00032446 i tell you those little jerks they keep dkM4zVFFwBY-00116-00032447-00032590 you up at night dkM4zVFFwBY-00117-00032591-00032895 hold on so she gets up dkM4zVFFwBY-00118-00032896-00033079 and figures out maybe the cat's hungry dkM4zVFFwBY-00119-00033080-00033199 or thirsty dkM4zVFFwBY-00120-00033200-00033439 so as she walking towards the kitchen dkM4zVFFwBY-00121-00033440-00033615 she smells like something's burning dkM4zVFFwBY-00122-00033616-00033807 so she checks everywhere and everything dkM4zVFFwBY-00123-00033808-00033943 seems fine dkM4zVFFwBY-00124-00033944-00034167 but then you see smoke coming in the dkM4zVFFwBY-00125-00034168-00034295 front door dkM4zVFFwBY-00126-00034296-00034455 so she went to wake up the neighbors and dkM4zVFFwBY-00127-00034456-00034662 call 9-1-1 dkM4zVFFwBY-00128-00034663-00034846 then they all got out safely to the dkM4zVFFwBY-00129-00034847-00034967 streets her dkM4zVFFwBY-00130-00034968-00035159 the cat the neighbors and the little dkM4zVFFwBY-00131-00035160-00035390 kids until the firefighters came dkM4zVFFwBY-00132-00035391-00035807 to extinguish the fire it turns out dkM4zVFFwBY-00133-00035808-00036118 some faulty wire i made a spark in the dkM4zVFFwBY-00134-00036119-00036302 neighbor's fridge dkM4zVFFwBY-00135-00036303-00036607 so if the cat isn't woken up dkM4zVFFwBY-00136-00036608-00036759 who knows if they would admit it you dkM4zVFFwBY-00137-00036760-00037095 know how's that for positive story dkM4zVFFwBY-00138-00037096-00037207 does that make your heart a little dkM4zVFFwBY-00139-00037208-00037455 lighter well dkM4zVFFwBY-00140-00037456-00037783 the one time out of a hundred that a cat dkM4zVFFwBY-00141-00037784-00038046 wakes up it's human for a valid reason dkM4zVFFwBY-00142-00038047-00038671 i'm not joining in the goodbye ass sorry dkM4zVFFwBY-00143-00038672-00038990 okay what about this one so there was dkM4zVFFwBY-00144-00038991-00039167 this guy named lulu dkM4zVFFwBY-00145-00039168-00039479 you had a dog all right the dog was dkM4zVFFwBY-00146-00039480-00039727 named kitty cat dkM4zVFFwBY-00147-00039728-00040023 so what kitty cat did i went to visit dkM4zVFFwBY-00148-00040024-00040151 that old lady dkM4zVFFwBY-00149-00040152-00040287 just to make sure everything was fine in dkM4zVFFwBY-00150-00040288-00040407 the neighborhood now you're just making dkM4zVFFwBY-00151-00040408-00040455 it up dkM4zVFFwBY-00152-00040456-00040607 i'm not making it up yes you're making dkM4zVFFwBY-00153-00040608-00040823 it up no kitty cat was a good thought dkM4zVFFwBY-00154-00040824-00043287 that was my cousin you're making my head dkM4zVFFwBY-00155-00043288-00043646 hey hey dkM4zVFFwBY-00156-00043647-00044023 want a drink yeah sure why definitely dkM4zVFFwBY-00157-00044024-00044135 when did you start playing the guitar dkM4zVFFwBY-00158-00044136-00044351 again today dkM4zVFFwBY-00159-00044352-00044883 i haven't seen this little bad boy since dkM4zVFFwBY-00160-00044884-00045071 esther dkM4zVFFwBY-00161-00045072-00045415 thanks so dkM4zVFFwBY-00162-00045416-00045671 what did you want to talk to me about dkM4zVFFwBY-00163-00045672-00045783 i've dkM4zVFFwBY-00164-00045784-00046046 been a jerk lately i came to apologize dkM4zVFFwBY-00165-00046047-00046167 about how i've been reacting about this dkM4zVFFwBY-00166-00046168-00046287 whole dating thing dkM4zVFFwBY-00167-00046288-00046558 it's fine i mean i actually think you're dkM4zVFFwBY-00168-00046559-00046695 right dkM4zVFFwBY-00169-00046696-00047046 yep yep you're right i never thought i'd dkM4zVFFwBY-00170-00047047-00047158 hear the day dkM4zVFFwBY-00171-00047159-00047343 i actually feel really bad for being you dkM4zVFFwBY-00172-00047344-00047583 know wasting everybody's time dkM4zVFFwBY-00173-00047584-00047807 like today for instance i went on a date dkM4zVFFwBY-00174-00047808-00047895 with this person dkM4zVFFwBY-00175-00047896-00048174 and i spent the whole time being really dkM4zVFFwBY-00176-00048175-00048279 negative dkM4zVFFwBY-00177-00048280-00048446 he on the other hand was being really dkM4zVFFwBY-00178-00048447-00048830 genuine and was trying to cheer me up dkM4zVFFwBY-00179-00048831-00049135 yep and i was this jerk who dug a hole dkM4zVFFwBY-00180-00049136-00049318 so deep i couldn't even climb out to be dkM4zVFFwBY-00181-00049319-00049495 nice to him dkM4zVFFwBY-00182-00049496-00049799 yeah i mean i was miffed because of this dkM4zVFFwBY-00183-00049800-00049967 hole because i remember how bad this dkM4zVFFwBY-00184-00049968-00050174 entire dating thing was the game is dkM4zVFFwBY-00185-00050175-00050271 challenging enough dkM4zVFFwBY-00186-00050272-00050495 and then like you better than anyone dkM4zVFFwBY-00187-00050496-00050711 else remembers how frustrating it got dkM4zVFFwBY-00188-00050712-00050927 i wouldn't talk about anything else yeah dkM4zVFFwBY-00189-00050928-00051214 i know so dkM4zVFFwBY-00190-00051215-00051335 i get a little bit touchy with this dkM4zVFFwBY-00191-00051336-00051646 topic and the game is hard dkM4zVFFwBY-00192-00051647-00051870 and adding someone who's in it who's dkM4zVFFwBY-00193-00051871-00052038 basically there just to dkM4zVFFwBY-00194-00052039-00052358 make fun but there are countless other dkM4zVFFwBY-00195-00052359-00052559 people out there who are doing the exact dkM4zVFFwBY-00196-00052560-00052719 same thing dkM4zVFFwBY-00197-00052720-00052894 so it is what it is i just gotta let it dkM4zVFFwBY-00198-00052895-00053023 go dkM4zVFFwBY-00199-00053024-00053375 yeah and i think i am ready to let go as dkM4zVFFwBY-00200-00053376-00053463 well dkM4zVFFwBY-00201-00053464-00053871 i'm a bit over it how come like i said dkM4zVFFwBY-00202-00053872-00054126 you know i was really mean and negative dkM4zVFFwBY-00203-00054127-00054294 to this guy and he just spent the whole dkM4zVFFwBY-00204-00054295-00054630 time trying to cheer me up dkM4zVFFwBY-00205-00054632-00054982 okay how about this crazy idea dkM4zVFFwBY-00206-00054983-00055230 maybe actually give these fake dates and dkM4zVFFwBY-00207-00055232-00055350 a real try dkM4zVFFwBY-00208-00055351-00055807 like actually go for it i don't know dkM4zVFFwBY-00209-00055808-00056087 it's so forced though i mean do people dkM4zVFFwBY-00210-00056088-00056238 really go in these things for anything dkM4zVFFwBY-00211-00056239-00056382 other than sex dkM4zVFFwBY-00212-00056383-00056663 well yeah well especially you as a dkM4zVFFwBY-00213-00056664-00056830 non-gay man dkM4zVFFwBY-00214-00056832-00057030 what do you say like that but that's a dkM4zVFFwBY-00215-00057032-00057175 good idea i mean dkM4zVFFwBY-00216-00057176-00057526 i could go as a gay man you just said dkM4zVFFwBY-00217-00057527-00057599 you were gonna stop dkM4zVFFwBY-00218-00057600-00057863 doing all these fake costumes i'm dkM4zVFFwBY-00219-00057864-00057966 kidding dkM4zVFFwBY-00220-00057967-00058215 clearly well like knowing you like i dkM4zVFFwBY-00221-00058216-00058279 wouldn't dkM4zVFFwBY-00222-00058279-00058799 imagine that you would not do it dkM4zVFFwBY-00223-00058800-00059079 i don't know i have one more date left dkM4zVFFwBY-00224-00059079-00059230 should i cancel dkM4zVFFwBY-00225-00059232-00059830 i don't know let me see give me a phone dkM4zVFFwBY-00226-00059832-00060206 just cute not my type but dkM4zVFFwBY-00227-00060207-00060519 definitely yours do it don't cancel dkM4zVFFwBY-00228-00060520-00060654 and then maybe this time try not to be dkM4zVFFwBY-00229-00060655-00060903 an upside down pinata dkM4zVFFwBY-00230-00060904-00061271 what does that mean like dkM4zVFFwBY-00231-00061272-00061494 okay for instance you have these dkM4zVFFwBY-00232-00061495-00061654 negative personas dkM4zVFFwBY-00233-00061655-00061894 or you like to push your fake dates a dkM4zVFFwBY-00234-00061895-00062038 little too far dkM4zVFFwBY-00235-00062039-00062199 maybe this time when you're planning dkM4zVFFwBY-00236-00062200-00062366 your dates and your characters for dkM4zVFFwBY-00237-00062367-00062471 yourself dkM4zVFFwBY-00238-00062472-00062719 you instead actually listen to the dkM4zVFFwBY-00239-00062720-00062838 person you're with dkM4zVFFwBY-00240-00062839-00063111 and then you add a bit of humor and be dkM4zVFFwBY-00241-00063112-00063199 funny and dkM4zVFFwBY-00242-00063200-00063375 try and change the situation by being dkM4zVFFwBY-00243-00063376-00063623 silly you're pretty funny dkM4zVFFwBY-00244-00063624-00063806 yeah but isn't that what i do on a dkM4zVFFwBY-00245-00063807-00063942 normal date dkM4zVFFwBY-00246-00063944-00064206 yeah but that's basically goals it's be dkM4zVFFwBY-00247-00064207-00064359 funny add a little humor and then dkM4zVFFwBY-00248-00064360-00064454 you don't have to worry about trying dkM4zVFFwBY-00249-00064455-00064654 anything else i don't know i get really dkM4zVFFwBY-00250-00064655-00064838 nervous when i go on these dates as a dkM4zVFFwBY-00251-00064839-00065087 regular person dkM4zVFFwBY-00252-00065088-00065463 like just try like do it at first dkM4zVFFwBY-00253-00065464-00065647 do your fake character and then as you dkM4zVFFwBY-00254-00065648-00065879 get more comfortable in it let it slide dkM4zVFFwBY-00255-00065880-00066079 be natural and be open to it do what you dkM4zVFFwBY-00256-00066080-00066294 did with that guy you were recently with dkM4zVFFwBY-00257-00066295-00066606 daryl then yeah him dkM4zVFFwBY-00258-00066607-00066799 do what you did with dan i didn't do dkM4zVFFwBY-00259-00066800-00066959 anything with then dkM4zVFFwBY-00260-00066960-00067126 well based on the photo i saw from max dkM4zVFFwBY-00261-00067127-00067447 maybe you should have never anyway i can dkM4zVFFwBY-00262-00067448-00067671 only promise you try dkM4zVFFwBY-00263-00067672-00067838 well trying is better than nothing and dkM4zVFFwBY-00264-00067839-00068206 then maybe you'll be doing something dkM4zVFFwBY-00265-00068207-00069810 try something dkM4zVFFwBY-00266-00069811-00070831 [Music] dkM4zVFFwBY-00267-00070832-00071360 don't tell me what to do dl6zbIOfbGu-00000-00000051-00000281 I'm just ball sundew I'm the faculty dl6zbIOfbGu-00001-00000282-00000614 lead for the funk fellowship part of the dl6zbIOfbGu-00002-00000615-00000950 teaching team along with Mariela Herrick dl6zbIOfbGu-00003-00000951-00001141 and part of a broader team that includes dl6zbIOfbGu-00004-00001142-00001362 dr. Jennifer mold our program director dl6zbIOfbGu-00005-00001363-00001805 in Adrienne Greer and Ashley Villanueva dl6zbIOfbGu-00006-00001805-00002173 who are also joining us today I am dl6zbIOfbGu-00007-00002174-00002401 upfront I'm just going to talk about the dl6zbIOfbGu-00008-00002402-00002558 logistics and how the day is gonna go dl6zbIOfbGu-00009-00002559-00002884 but first I want to turn it over to dr. dl6zbIOfbGu-00010-00002885-00003067 mangle to share some thoughts with you dl6zbIOfbGu-00011-00003068-00003578 all Jennifer thank you just fall and so dl6zbIOfbGu-00012-00003579-00003913 we are really excited to share the work dl6zbIOfbGu-00013-00003914-00004190 that our students have been diligently dl6zbIOfbGu-00014-00004191-00004631 working on in some of the most amazing dl6zbIOfbGu-00015-00004632-00004919 circumstances over the last semester I dl6zbIOfbGu-00016-00004920-00005227 think their commitment innovation dl6zbIOfbGu-00017-00005228-00005563 teamwork has been really outstanding and dl6zbIOfbGu-00018-00005564-00005783 under the best of circumstances which dl6zbIOfbGu-00019-00005784-00005945 makes it even more impressive that they dl6zbIOfbGu-00020-00005946-00006211 you know facing our current societal dl6zbIOfbGu-00021-00006212-00006609 challenges and moving to remote learning dl6zbIOfbGu-00022-00006611-00006959 having to really upend our lives I think dl6zbIOfbGu-00023-00006959-00007246 makes it even more impressive what they dl6zbIOfbGu-00024-00007247-00007567 have been able to accomplish as many as dl6zbIOfbGu-00025-00007568-00007748 you of you know the theme for the dl6zbIOfbGu-00026-00007748-00008110 evening as aging 360s so our population dl6zbIOfbGu-00027-00008111-00008366 that our students focused on was older dl6zbIOfbGu-00028-00008367-00008705 adults and I think which made it even dl6zbIOfbGu-00029-00008706-00008909 more challenging and more important the dl6zbIOfbGu-00030-00008910-00009160 work that they're doing as we know that dl6zbIOfbGu-00031-00009161-00009451 they're one of the most vulnerable dl6zbIOfbGu-00032-00009452-00009830 populations for Kovan 19 and so they dl6zbIOfbGu-00033-00009831-00010006 really stepped it up and and were able dl6zbIOfbGu-00034-00010007-00010349 to continue and press word and that's dl6zbIOfbGu-00035-00010350-00010520 thanks to many of the supporters and dl6zbIOfbGu-00036-00010521-00010689 partners and team that we have here dl6zbIOfbGu-00037-00010690-00011113 tonight and really the the work that dl6zbIOfbGu-00038-00011114-00011327 they focused on touches older adults and dl6zbIOfbGu-00039-00011328-00011503 aging kind of the full lifecycle so dl6zbIOfbGu-00040-00011504-00011728 really thinking from intergenerational dl6zbIOfbGu-00041-00011729-00012041 mentors to aging in place employment for dl6zbIOfbGu-00042-00012042-00012281 older adults the role of caregivers so dl6zbIOfbGu-00043-00012282-00012506 not just older tools but those and their dl6zbIOfbGu-00044-00012507-00012788 care circles that are focused on and a dl6zbIOfbGu-00045-00012789-00012935 meaningful part of their life and dl6zbIOfbGu-00046-00012936-00013147 together the nine teams have really been dl6zbIOfbGu-00047-00013148-00013322 working to address these many dementia dl6zbIOfbGu-00048-00013322-00013907 of Aging and you know I think it's kudos dl6zbIOfbGu-00049-00013908-00014177 to them for being able to adapt to this dl6zbIOfbGu-00050-00014178-00014258 situation dl6zbIOfbGu-00051-00014259-00014474 also thanks to our partners who we would dl6zbIOfbGu-00052-00014475-00014614 not have been able to do it without the dl6zbIOfbGu-00053-00014615-00014774 support and the projects that they dl6zbIOfbGu-00054-00014775-00015113 brought to us so we have care merge ten dl6zbIOfbGu-00055-00015113-00015386 can associates Osher lifelong learning dl6zbIOfbGu-00056-00015387-00015824 at UC Berkeley and SF tech Council they dl6zbIOfbGu-00057-00015825-00015928 have also really been a tremendous dl6zbIOfbGu-00058-00015929-00016150 support and able to pivot and support dl6zbIOfbGu-00059-00016151-00016439 our teams and in this time as well which dl6zbIOfbGu-00060-00016440-00016715 we really really appreciate also one of dl6zbIOfbGu-00061-00016716-00016953 thanks to our honors fellows they were dl6zbIOfbGu-00062-00016954-00017342 mentors to our teams our graduate dl6zbIOfbGu-00063-00017343-00017528 student instructors as joselow mentioned dl6zbIOfbGu-00064-00017529-00017830 Mariela Eric and Jeff's ball our faculty dl6zbIOfbGu-00065-00017831-00018094 to really support and to move to this dl6zbIOfbGu-00066-00018095-00018358 complete online learning situation and dl6zbIOfbGu-00067-00018359-00018596 Adrian gray our program manager and dl6zbIOfbGu-00068-00018597-00018803 adjustable mention Ashley Villanueva who dl6zbIOfbGu-00069-00018804-00018992 really helped the marketing and setting dl6zbIOfbGu-00070-00018993-00019175 up for the events and showcasing the dl6zbIOfbGu-00071-00019176-00019350 great work that our students have done dl6zbIOfbGu-00072-00019351-00019583 so just wanting to acknowledge the dl6zbIOfbGu-00073-00019584-00019756 agility that everyone has had the dl6zbIOfbGu-00074-00019757-00019990 support that we've had it's really dl6zbIOfbGu-00075-00019991-00020197 appreciative and it's it's really a fun dl6zbIOfbGu-00076-00020198-00020356 night to be able to celebrate all the dl6zbIOfbGu-00077-00020357-00020542 hard work that the students have done dl6zbIOfbGu-00078-00020543-00020933 thank you just fall dl6zbIOfbGu-00079-00020934-00021229 thanks for that Jennifer now going to dl6zbIOfbGu-00080-00021230-00021614 turn it over to to Adrienne dl6zbIOfbGu-00081-00021615-00021902 by all as just Paul news my name is dl6zbIOfbGu-00082-00021903-00022036 Adrienne Greer I'm the program manager dl6zbIOfbGu-00083-00022037-00022349 for the Fung Fellowship and as we're dl6zbIOfbGu-00084-00022350-00022525 here tonight gathered for the final dl6zbIOfbGu-00085-00022526-00022727 event I also just really wanted to dl6zbIOfbGu-00086-00022728-00023008 acknowledge the work that you all have dl6zbIOfbGu-00087-00023009-00023192 done the fellows throughout the entire dl6zbIOfbGu-00088-00023193-00023558 year there's a lot to be proud of well dl6zbIOfbGu-00089-00023559-00023738 beyond the amazing deliverables I'm dl6zbIOfbGu-00090-00023739-00024103 excited to see in a few minutes but just dl6zbIOfbGu-00091-00024104-00024242 want to acknowledge that our journey dl6zbIOfbGu-00092-00024243-00024625 really began together in August 20 19 dl6zbIOfbGu-00093-00024626-00024794 which I don't know for you all but for dl6zbIOfbGu-00094-00024795-00025064 me he feels like a long time ago we dl6zbIOfbGu-00095-00025065-00025244 began with a challenge I was really dl6zbIOfbGu-00096-00025245-00025583 focused on a campus service project so dl6zbIOfbGu-00097-00025584-00025805 working with UC Berkeley's health center dl6zbIOfbGu-00098-00025806-00025984 the Tang Center looking at social dl6zbIOfbGu-00099-00025985-00026408 connectedness on campus since then these dl6zbIOfbGu-00100-00026408-00026627 fellows have collectively completed a dl6zbIOfbGu-00101-00026627-00027023 number of design challenges interviewed dl6zbIOfbGu-00102-00027024-00027233 hundreds of users as part of their user dl6zbIOfbGu-00103-00027233-00027485 engagement really grown as empathetic dl6zbIOfbGu-00104-00027486-00027721 and resilient designers and really dl6zbIOfbGu-00105-00027722-00027871 formed friendships and professional dl6zbIOfbGu-00106-00027872-00028045 connections that I've no doubt will dl6zbIOfbGu-00107-00028047-00028348 extend well beyond your time at Berkeley dl6zbIOfbGu-00108-00028349-00028673 I'm really excited for to see these dl6zbIOfbGu-00109-00028674-00028883 presentations tonight and also just dl6zbIOfbGu-00110-00028883-00029132 thank you again for showcasing agility dl6zbIOfbGu-00111-00029133-00029393 tenacity presser variance and so much dl6zbIOfbGu-00112-00029394-00029582 more during these past weeks but also dl6zbIOfbGu-00113-00029583-00029852 throughout the entire year so excited dl6zbIOfbGu-00114-00029852-00030506 first night thanks Adrienne as I dl6zbIOfbGu-00115-00030507-00030710 promised I'll keep my my remarks short dl6zbIOfbGu-00116-00030711-00031052 and to the maybe the operational aspects dl6zbIOfbGu-00117-00031052-00031195 of tonight because tonight's really dl6zbIOfbGu-00118-00031197-00031495 about the students the teams their work dl6zbIOfbGu-00119-00031497-00031952 and our partners this is a rough let's dl6zbIOfbGu-00120-00031952-00032060 call it a rough agenda this is the dl6zbIOfbGu-00121-00032061-00032177 sequence of things that we're going to dl6zbIOfbGu-00122-00032177-00032524 cover over the next two hours as dl6zbIOfbGu-00123-00032525-00032861 Jennifer mentioned we have four partners dl6zbIOfbGu-00124-00032862-00033017 who are all here with us tin-can dl6zbIOfbGu-00125-00033018-00033356 associates SF tech counsel OSHA lifelong dl6zbIOfbGu-00126-00033357-00033671 learning at Berkeley and care merged and dl6zbIOfbGu-00127-00033672-00034190 we have nine teams three that work dl6zbIOfbGu-00128-00034191-00034358 within kin associates in two that worked dl6zbIOfbGu-00129-00034359-00034631 with the other three partners there's dl6zbIOfbGu-00130-00034632-00034823 only one one thing that might look a dl6zbIOfbGu-00131-00034824-00034861 little dl6zbIOfbGu-00132-00034862-00035061 different with this we've clustered the dl6zbIOfbGu-00133-00035062-00035386 teams because it seems like a nice way dl6zbIOfbGu-00134-00035387-00035647 to tell the story and for it to make dl6zbIOfbGu-00135-00035648-00035821 sense to all of us to the fellows to the dl6zbIOfbGu-00136-00035822-00036094 partners and to the many guests that are dl6zbIOfbGu-00137-00036095-00036259 here now and are going to be joining us dl6zbIOfbGu-00138-00036260-00036574 the next few minutes one of the Tim dl6zbIOfbGu-00139-00036575-00036727 Kaine Associates teams is going to be dl6zbIOfbGu-00140-00036728-00036940 joining or is going to be presenting at dl6zbIOfbGu-00141-00036941-00037444 the very end around 6:35 the reason for dl6zbIOfbGu-00142-00037445-00037696 that is that Tim can and Kara merge one dl6zbIOfbGu-00143-00037697-00037942 of the Care March teams that each have a dl6zbIOfbGu-00144-00037943-00038190 team member in Asia one in Taiwan and dl6zbIOfbGu-00145-00038191-00038493 one in India you know this has been dl6zbIOfbGu-00146-00038494-00038878 quite unprecedented as Jennifer said we dl6zbIOfbGu-00147-00038879-00039127 have people that are all over the place dl6zbIOfbGu-00148-00039128-00039400 right now and that includes our fellows dl6zbIOfbGu-00149-00039401-00039577 normally we'd be doing this in person in dl6zbIOfbGu-00150-00039578-00039784 an event at Berkeley at one of our dl6zbIOfbGu-00151-00039785-00040050 lovely venues and we're doing it on zoom dl6zbIOfbGu-00152-00040051-00040440 this is hopefully a way that we can dl6zbIOfbGu-00153-00040441-00040825 still get access to the student work and dl6zbIOfbGu-00154-00040826-00041155 still have a meaningful engagement with dl6zbIOfbGu-00155-00041156-00041587 you all one thing that's nice about this dl6zbIOfbGu-00156-00041588-00041852 is that we we think we can actually get dl6zbIOfbGu-00157-00041853-00042094 even more diverse feedback than we would dl6zbIOfbGu-00158-00042095-00042226 typically get in an in-person dl6zbIOfbGu-00159-00042227-00042562 environment so the format for tonight is dl6zbIOfbGu-00160-00042563-00042748 going to be that each team is gonna have dl6zbIOfbGu-00161-00042749-00042913 three minutes to present they'll be dl6zbIOfbGu-00162-00042914-00043156 presenting from their own computers ever dl6zbIOfbGu-00163-00043157-00043258 he's gonna be there doing their own dl6zbIOfbGu-00164-00043259-00043527 screen share and then they'll have five dl6zbIOfbGu-00165-00043528-00043812 minutes for question and answer and it dl6zbIOfbGu-00166-00043813-00044005 might not seem like a lot of time three dl6zbIOfbGu-00167-00044006-00044224 minutes isn't really a lot of time to dl6zbIOfbGu-00168-00044225-00044496 condense ten weeks of work across the dl6zbIOfbGu-00169-00044497-00044668 team of you know three four five dl6zbIOfbGu-00170-00044669-00044911 students and a partner in dozens of dl6zbIOfbGu-00171-00044912-00045142 interviews and so on but this is dl6zbIOfbGu-00172-00045143-00045460 something that we really train our dl6zbIOfbGu-00173-00045461-00045667 fellows on and coach them on and work dl6zbIOfbGu-00174-00045668-00045961 with them on we really feel like the dl6zbIOfbGu-00175-00045962-00046224 value is going to be in that Q&A piece dl6zbIOfbGu-00176-00046225-00046471 given that there are so many of us where dl6zbIOfbGu-00177-00046472-00046879 current count is 86 participants the Q&A dl6zbIOfbGu-00178-00046880-00047062 is going to be initiated by the partner dl6zbIOfbGu-00179-00047063-00047254 organizations they're going to be you dl6zbIOfbGu-00180-00047255-00047470 know just jump in unmute yourselves dl6zbIOfbGu-00181-00047471-00047812 partners when it's your team and start dl6zbIOfbGu-00182-00047813-00047956 asking questions making comments dl6zbIOfbGu-00183-00047957-00048136 whatever it is dl6zbIOfbGu-00184-00048137-00048321 as we've communicated with with all of dl6zbIOfbGu-00185-00048322-00048556 you partners as well as fellows this is dl6zbIOfbGu-00186-00048557-00048712 not the last engagement we're expecting dl6zbIOfbGu-00187-00048713-00048843 that each of the teams is gonna have a dl6zbIOfbGu-00188-00048844-00049183 follow-up just hand off call or dl6zbIOfbGu-00189-00049184-00049440 conversation with you but it's certainly dl6zbIOfbGu-00190-00049441-00049678 an opportunity to to ask some of those dl6zbIOfbGu-00191-00049679-00050065 key questions for the rest of you and dl6zbIOfbGu-00192-00050066-00050410 that's for our or guests or many guests dl6zbIOfbGu-00193-00050411-00050857 or honors fellows or fun fellow alumni dl6zbIOfbGu-00194-00050858-00051132 or fungus dl6zbIOfbGu-00195-00051133-00051373 even other fellows we really strongly dl6zbIOfbGu-00196-00051374-00051661 encourage you to ask questions or make dl6zbIOfbGu-00197-00051662-00051907 comments in the chat box you don't have dl6zbIOfbGu-00198-00051908-00051990 to wait until the end of the dl6zbIOfbGu-00199-00051991-00052264 presentation it's certainly a way to dl6zbIOfbGu-00200-00052265-00052513 encourage the teams but it's also a dl6zbIOfbGu-00201-00052514-00052926 really rich and important mechanism for dl6zbIOfbGu-00202-00052927-00053215 providing feedback so you know if there dl6zbIOfbGu-00203-00053216-00053386 is spare time there are open questions dl6zbIOfbGu-00204-00053387-00053616 in the chat box for a team would love dl6zbIOfbGu-00205-00053617-00053722 for the teams to be able to address dl6zbIOfbGu-00206-00053723-00054064 those but even if they're not this is dl6zbIOfbGu-00207-00054065-00054255 you know this is all data that we're dl6zbIOfbGu-00208-00054257-00054426 sharing back with the teams and with the dl6zbIOfbGu-00209-00054427-00054607 partners afterwards so those questions dl6zbIOfbGu-00210-00054608-00054988 are are just so so important I can't dl6zbIOfbGu-00211-00054989-00055237 stress that enough and I hope that a few dl6zbIOfbGu-00212-00055238-00055546 of you will crack the ice so to speak so dl6zbIOfbGu-00213-00055547-00055701 I think once a couple of comments and dl6zbIOfbGu-00214-00055702-00055854 questions start flowing other people dl6zbIOfbGu-00215-00055855-00055992 will feel a lot more comfortable doing dl6zbIOfbGu-00216-00055994-00056634 that for the teams now just a couple of dl6zbIOfbGu-00217-00056635-00056976 kind of guidelines I've already made all dl6zbIOfbGu-00218-00056977-00057214 of you who are presenting I think - one dl6zbIOfbGu-00219-00057215-00057499 person I'm waiting to sign in co-host so dl6zbIOfbGu-00220-00057500-00057724 you'll be able to to share your own dl6zbIOfbGu-00221-00057725-00057988 screen you're responsible for managing dl6zbIOfbGu-00222-00057989-00058138 it if anything happens you can pass it dl6zbIOfbGu-00223-00058139-00058264 off to one of your teammates and we're dl6zbIOfbGu-00224-00058265-00058617 the mariela and I and Adrian or the tech dl6zbIOfbGu-00225-00058619-00058774 back up in case anything really goes dl6zbIOfbGu-00226-00058775-00058909 wrong and you need us to drive your dl6zbIOfbGu-00227-00058910-00059066 slides dl6zbIOfbGu-00228-00059067-00059367 whoever's presenting should pin Mari dl6zbIOfbGu-00229-00059369-00059563 Ella's video so you can see it as you're dl6zbIOfbGu-00230-00059564-00059860 presenting she'll be maintaining the dl6zbIOfbGu-00231-00059861-00059911 time dl6zbIOfbGu-00232-00059912-00060139 she's got visual cues to let you know dl6zbIOfbGu-00233-00060140-00060382 how much time you've got left in your dl6zbIOfbGu-00234-00060383-00060532 three minutes and overall your eight dl6zbIOfbGu-00235-00060533-00060760 minutes if you run a little bit over dl6zbIOfbGu-00236-00060761-00060910 your three minutes that's okay but it's dl6zbIOfbGu-00237-00060911-00061056 going to cut into your Q&A time we have dl6zbIOfbGu-00238-00061057-00061183 to keep - a really dl6zbIOfbGu-00239-00061184-00061378 I eight-minute block to make sure we can dl6zbIOfbGu-00240-00061379-00061644 get through everything in this two hours dl6zbIOfbGu-00241-00061645-00061915 so with that I'm gonna stop screen dl6zbIOfbGu-00242-00061916-00062316 sharing and we're gonna start with two dl6zbIOfbGu-00243-00062317-00062665 of the tin can teams and Vanessa I think dl6zbIOfbGu-00244-00062666-00063920 you and your team are up dl6zbIOfbGu-00245-00063921-00065429 okay can everyone see that okay cool dl6zbIOfbGu-00246-00065429-00065874 okay hi everyone so our project partners dl6zbIOfbGu-00247-00065875-00066168 were 10-count associates where our dl6zbIOfbGu-00248-00066169-00066348 primary goal was to help accommodate dl6zbIOfbGu-00249-00066349-00066630 middle aged adults transition into dl6zbIOfbGu-00250-00066631-00066825 living independently and comfortably as dl6zbIOfbGu-00251-00066826-00067128 older adults in their homes we created dl6zbIOfbGu-00252-00067129-00067307 your design a platform where older dl6zbIOfbGu-00253-00067308-00067578 adults can access resources and products dl6zbIOfbGu-00254-00067579-00067731 tailored to their specific needs and dl6zbIOfbGu-00255-00067732-00067935 control their own space and home design dl6zbIOfbGu-00256-00067936-00068085 all while gaining a sense of dl6zbIOfbGu-00257-00068086-00068244 independence comfort and happiness dl6zbIOfbGu-00258-00068245-00068513 throughout this process some focus dl6zbIOfbGu-00259-00068514-00068663 points we want to emphasize about you dl6zbIOfbGu-00260-00068664-00068831 design is importance of creating a dl6zbIOfbGu-00261-00068832-00069032 lively aesthetic to our website to dl6zbIOfbGu-00262-00069033-00069147 deliver experience where we dl6zbIOfbGu-00263-00069148-00069399 simultaneously do stigmatize shopping dl6zbIOfbGu-00264-00069400-00069575 for age and disabilities as well as dl6zbIOfbGu-00265-00069576-00069741 creating access for people of all dl6zbIOfbGu-00266-00069742-00070035 socioeconomic backgrounds and overall dl6zbIOfbGu-00267-00070036-00070206 incorporating a universal design into dl6zbIOfbGu-00268-00070207-00070572 our platform and the experience so user dl6zbIOfbGu-00269-00070573-00070818 research we use Facebook advertisements dl6zbIOfbGu-00270-00070819-00071037 and a Google survey we distributed the dl6zbIOfbGu-00271-00071038-00071207 Facebook ads for three locations that dl6zbIOfbGu-00272-00071208-00071373 have the most people within our targeted dl6zbIOfbGu-00273-00071374-00071582 demographic to adults transitioning to dl6zbIOfbGu-00274-00071583-00071906 ages 45 to 65 along work with caretakers dl6zbIOfbGu-00275-00071907-00072084 related to our demographic and people dl6zbIOfbGu-00276-00072085-00072306 within the aging population so older dl6zbIOfbGu-00277-00072307-00072563 than 65 and through these Facebook ads dl6zbIOfbGu-00278-00072564-00072804 we gain insight on consumer behaviors dl6zbIOfbGu-00279-00072805-00073029 their digital activities to the device dl6zbIOfbGu-00280-00073030-00073269 use time and the location of our to dl6zbIOfbGu-00281-00073270-00073479 select their demographics based on all dl6zbIOfbGu-00282-00073480-00073671 this data this has helped us make our dl6zbIOfbGu-00283-00073672-00073865 platform more personal to our users dl6zbIOfbGu-00284-00073866-00074079 alongside the Facebook ads we dl6zbIOfbGu-00285-00074080-00074282 incorporated a survey link in a web site dl6zbIOfbGu-00286-00074283-00074456 where users could give us feedback on a dl6zbIOfbGu-00287-00074457-00074676 website's presentation and features the dl6zbIOfbGu-00288-00074677-00074868 responses reasons have allowed us to dl6zbIOfbGu-00289-00074869-00075054 further improve our prototypes and also dl6zbIOfbGu-00290-00075055-00075201 situate our design within a larger dl6zbIOfbGu-00291-00075202-00075381 context we realized there's a bigger dl6zbIOfbGu-00292-00075382-00075540 social inequity that our target dl6zbIOfbGu-00293-00075541-00075788 demographic is facing and that's the dl6zbIOfbGu-00294-00075789-00076056 need of affordable housing which expects dl6zbIOfbGu-00295-00076057-00076218 with accessible features dl6zbIOfbGu-00296-00076219-00076536 Niska channels of feedback have expanded dl6zbIOfbGu-00297-00076537-00076743 our project and are understanding the dl6zbIOfbGu-00298-00076744-00076901 needs of the aging population in home dl6zbIOfbGu-00299-00076902-00077088 design as we thought we've been able to dl6zbIOfbGu-00300-00077089-00077282 read the sign up or refine our final dl6zbIOfbGu-00301-00077283-00077472 prototype some more so as you can see dl6zbIOfbGu-00302-00077473-00077655 our first prototype was a simple layout dl6zbIOfbGu-00303-00077656-00077984 of how we want to structure our platform dl6zbIOfbGu-00304-00077985-00078321 whereas our final prototype isn't more dl6zbIOfbGu-00305-00078322-00078561 mock up website with more visuals a dl6zbIOfbGu-00306-00078562-00078761 section to explain who we are our dl6zbIOfbGu-00307-00078762-00079025 purpose and most importantly we included dl6zbIOfbGu-00308-00079026-00079244 a filtering feature where products will dl6zbIOfbGu-00309-00079245-00079487 use a stencil to recommend your layouts dl6zbIOfbGu-00310-00079488-00079826 our products and specify for which dl6zbIOfbGu-00311-00079827-00080391 conditions they are looking for and then dl6zbIOfbGu-00312-00080392-00080561 defining a middle global pandemic we dl6zbIOfbGu-00313-00080562-00080774 realize the needs of our users is beyond dl6zbIOfbGu-00314-00080775-00080979 the capacity of a product therefore a dl6zbIOfbGu-00315-00080980-00081143 groups call-to-action is a sustainable dl6zbIOfbGu-00316-00081144-00081324 collaboration between designers health dl6zbIOfbGu-00317-00081325-00081492 professionals architects community dl6zbIOfbGu-00318-00081493-00081690 advocacy groups and policy makers dl6zbIOfbGu-00319-00081691-00081911 towards affordable housing for the aging dl6zbIOfbGu-00320-00081912-00082134 population we realize that the products dl6zbIOfbGu-00321-00082135-00082331 do not contain animal answers and while dl6zbIOfbGu-00322-00082332-00082526 these problems are complex they aren't dl6zbIOfbGu-00323-00082527-00082769 impossible to solve and overall we hope dl6zbIOfbGu-00324-00082770-00082929 that with you design we can alleviate dl6zbIOfbGu-00325-00082930-00083144 part of the stresses for our aging dl6zbIOfbGu-00326-00083145-00083392 population thank you dl6zbIOfbGu-00327-00083393-00083753 you dl6zbIOfbGu-00328-00083754-00084219 we'll take any questions well I will dl6zbIOfbGu-00329-00084220-00084476 start off first of all congratulations dl6zbIOfbGu-00330-00084477-00084810 team we're really excited by the work dl6zbIOfbGu-00331-00084811-00085236 that you did and I was if you don't mind dl6zbIOfbGu-00332-00085237-00085607 to page back to the way you did the dl6zbIOfbGu-00333-00085608-00086000 social media engagement I have questions dl6zbIOfbGu-00334-00086001-00086201 that this is really amazing that you've dl6zbIOfbGu-00335-00086202-00086466 got so much interactions with people and dl6zbIOfbGu-00336-00086467-00086781 I was curious if you if you gained some dl6zbIOfbGu-00337-00086782-00087021 insight that there's a certain segment dl6zbIOfbGu-00338-00087022-00087309 that have most interest you know who's dl6zbIOfbGu-00339-00087310-00087563 who's really concerned and interested in dl6zbIOfbGu-00340-00087564-00087750 their home design and how they're gonna dl6zbIOfbGu-00341-00087751-00088692 live when they're older yeah so one dl6zbIOfbGu-00342-00088693-00089061 thing that we saw with majority of dl6zbIOfbGu-00343-00089062-00089231 people who engage with their ads for dl6zbIOfbGu-00344-00089232-00089523 women and then also the majority of the dl6zbIOfbGu-00345-00089524-00089772 people who engage with their ads were dl6zbIOfbGu-00346-00089773-00089925 people from California compared to dl6zbIOfbGu-00347-00089926-00090186 Florida we had chosen Florida's location dl6zbIOfbGu-00348-00090187-00090431 because we researched and saw that there dl6zbIOfbGu-00349-00090432-00090705 was a lot of older adults there so this dl6zbIOfbGu-00350-00090706-00091076 just makes us think maybe older adults dl6zbIOfbGu-00351-00091077-00091406 aren't often on Facebook or social media dl6zbIOfbGu-00352-00091407-00091611 so I think this did make us realize we dl6zbIOfbGu-00353-00091612-00092538 should try different marketing we also dl6zbIOfbGu-00354-00092539-00092910 realized that dry wreck engagement was dl6zbIOfbGu-00355-00092911-00093135 we found that mostly when you reached dl6zbIOfbGu-00356-00093136-00093384 out specifically to our own networks and dl6zbIOfbGu-00357-00093385-00093660 even using like the connections where dl6zbIOfbGu-00358-00093661-00094017 you lee and jonathan set like the survey dl6zbIOfbGu-00359-00094018-00094368 to people that was where we got the most dl6zbIOfbGu-00360-00094369-00094611 feedback so I think Facebook is good for dl6zbIOfbGu-00361-00094612-00094875 initial engagement but we really found dl6zbIOfbGu-00362-00094876-00095103 like directly reaching out to people you dl6zbIOfbGu-00363-00095104-00095496 got the most feedback on that excellent dl6zbIOfbGu-00364-00095497-00095693 John do you want to ask a question dl6zbIOfbGu-00365-00095694-00095900 all right of course I just want to dl6zbIOfbGu-00366-00095901-00096107 congratulate the team for all the great dl6zbIOfbGu-00367-00096108-00096422 work it's really conducted in a dl6zbIOfbGu-00368-00096423-00096930 professional logic logical kind of does dl6zbIOfbGu-00369-00096931-00097266 the Design Thinking kind of approach and dl6zbIOfbGu-00370-00097267-00097467 a very difficult atmosphere so applaud dl6zbIOfbGu-00371-00097468-00097704 everybody for that I was actually just dl6zbIOfbGu-00372-00097705-00097965 curious about kind of where you might go dl6zbIOfbGu-00373-00097966-00098076 next dl6zbIOfbGu-00374-00098077-00098340 now you've kind of got a website now dl6zbIOfbGu-00375-00098341-00098553 you've gotten feedback on the website is dl6zbIOfbGu-00376-00098554-00098772 this a project that you might suggest dl6zbIOfbGu-00377-00098773-00098994 like if you had the opportunity to move dl6zbIOfbGu-00378-00098995-00099255 forward with and to evolve the website dl6zbIOfbGu-00379-00099256-00099450 further would you do it would you not do dl6zbIOfbGu-00380-00099451-00099729 it how might you prioritize your efforts dl6zbIOfbGu-00381-00099730-00099963 moving forward in terms of evolving the dl6zbIOfbGu-00382-00099964-00101634 design and the feature set could anybody dl6zbIOfbGu-00383-00101635-00101726 hear me dl6zbIOfbGu-00384-00101727-00102123 yeah we could hear you maybe um you know dl6zbIOfbGu-00385-00102124-00102357 it's not we we know your students and dl6zbIOfbGu-00386-00102358-00102522 this may not be something you would dl6zbIOfbGu-00387-00102523-00102782 immediately want to do right now but but dl6zbIOfbGu-00388-00102783-00103092 just we're we're we're interested in dl6zbIOfbGu-00389-00103093-00103404 your sense did you feel it was an urgent dl6zbIOfbGu-00390-00103405-00103698 issue to the people you are dl6zbIOfbGu-00391-00103699-00103872 communicating with does it seem like dl6zbIOfbGu-00392-00103873-00104067 somebody you should do a business in dl6zbIOfbGu-00393-00104068-00104625 this area I think it is a good idea to dl6zbIOfbGu-00394-00104626-00104885 do business in this area um with the dl6zbIOfbGu-00395-00104886-00105143 Google forum city well we got a lot of dl6zbIOfbGu-00396-00105144-00105483 feedback on was like the actual looks of dl6zbIOfbGu-00397-00105483-00106077 the website and then also basically dl6zbIOfbGu-00398-00106078-00106302 right now with everything going on with dl6zbIOfbGu-00399-00106303-00106443 coronavirus we felt like the bigger dl6zbIOfbGu-00400-00106444-00106610 issue is just being able to find dl6zbIOfbGu-00401-00106611-00106833 affordable housing code results but dl6zbIOfbGu-00402-00106833-00107007 since that's not something we can like dl6zbIOfbGu-00403-00107008-00107135 tackle right on dl6zbIOfbGu-00404-00107136-00107364 I do think providing a platform where dl6zbIOfbGu-00405-00107365-00107538 old results can go to and make it dl6zbIOfbGu-00406-00107539-00107901 accessible is important and so moving dl6zbIOfbGu-00407-00107902-00108114 forward we would just implement like the dl6zbIOfbGu-00408-00108115-00108315 feedback that we got on the surveys and dl6zbIOfbGu-00409-00108316-00108600 just fleshing out the website some more dl6zbIOfbGu-00410-00108601-00108807 and then obviously we wouldn't be the dl6zbIOfbGu-00411-00108808-00108999 ones that produced our own product so dl6zbIOfbGu-00412-00109000-00109263 just finding connections and like with dl6zbIOfbGu-00413-00109264-00109875 other brands that do cater to Boulder dl6zbIOfbGu-00414-00109876-00110108 those great all right then I'm hearing dl6zbIOfbGu-00415-00110109-00110257 you say that dl6zbIOfbGu-00416-00110258-00110570 affordability it was definitely an issue dl6zbIOfbGu-00417-00110571-00110753 of helping people figure out how to make dl6zbIOfbGu-00418-00110754-00110954 affordable modifications of their homes dl6zbIOfbGu-00419-00110955-00111143 or buy affordable products for their dl6zbIOfbGu-00420-00111144-00111383 home so it helped them live well thank dl6zbIOfbGu-00421-00111383-00112163 you that's great all right thanks thanks dl6zbIOfbGu-00422-00112164-00112394 Vanessa and team we'll move to the next dl6zbIOfbGu-00423-00112395-00112745 team now also with tin-can dl6zbIOfbGu-00424-00112746-00114069 Marwa over to you dl6zbIOfbGu-00425-00114070-00114764 great can you guys hear me we can get dl6zbIOfbGu-00426-00114765-00114807 started dl6zbIOfbGu-00427-00114808-00115025 so hello everyone my name is marwitz and dl6zbIOfbGu-00428-00115026-00115283 my team is Nicola off a hog Doris I'm dl6zbIOfbGu-00429-00115284-00115395 Caroline and today we're gonna be dl6zbIOfbGu-00430-00115396-00115610 presenting you guys a foot platform cog dl6zbIOfbGu-00431-00115611-00116285 food food connection so where he kind of dl6zbIOfbGu-00432-00116286-00116481 gathered a few research user research dl6zbIOfbGu-00433-00116482-00116648 and we wanted to kind of personalize dl6zbIOfbGu-00434-00116649-00116954 this to Mary so Mary came in we dl6zbIOfbGu-00435-00116955-00117197 interviewed her and we also did more in dl6zbIOfbGu-00436-00117198-00117447 person research where we found that she dl6zbIOfbGu-00437-00117448-00117608 was having trouble with staying in touch dl6zbIOfbGu-00438-00117609-00117776 with her cultural as well as finding dl6zbIOfbGu-00439-00117777-00117995 ethnic foods that not only meets her dl6zbIOfbGu-00440-00117996-00118247 appetite but also her health needs and dl6zbIOfbGu-00441-00118248-00118572 so overall we found that the way that dl6zbIOfbGu-00442-00118573-00118853 they used elder users get their food is dl6zbIOfbGu-00443-00118854-00119097 through public transportation well dl6zbIOfbGu-00444-00119098-00119333 there's two paratransit community dl6zbIOfbGu-00445-00119334-00119591 delivery services and needles and dl6zbIOfbGu-00446-00119592-00119793 grocery delivery service such as Amazon dl6zbIOfbGu-00447-00119794-00120109 fresh and essentially all in all those dl6zbIOfbGu-00448-00120110-00120365 aspects they were trying to really do dl6zbIOfbGu-00449-00120366-00120611 live independently as much as like you dl6zbIOfbGu-00450-00120612-00120911 know eating ethnic foods having an dl6zbIOfbGu-00451-00120912-00121307 expensive and ones that need help dl6zbIOfbGu-00452-00121308-00121593 introducing food connection an online dl6zbIOfbGu-00453-00121594-00121772 platform that connects approved home dl6zbIOfbGu-00454-00121773-00121991 cooks with local elderly neighbors in dl6zbIOfbGu-00455-00121992-00122216 order to satisfy their health and food dl6zbIOfbGu-00456-00122217-00122426 preferences through homemade ethnic food dl6zbIOfbGu-00457-00122427-00122687 dishes based on the differing needs and dl6zbIOfbGu-00458-00122688-00122933 preferences of our to target groups we dl6zbIOfbGu-00459-00122934-00123098 designed two different platforms a dl6zbIOfbGu-00460-00123099-00123287 website for the elderly and an dl6zbIOfbGu-00461-00123288-00123488 application on an iPhone for the home dl6zbIOfbGu-00462-00123489-00124038 cooks so how will this work dl6zbIOfbGu-00463-00124039-00124311 food connection connects approved home dl6zbIOfbGu-00464-00124313-00124489 cooks with their nearby elderly dl6zbIOfbGu-00465-00124490-00124665 neighbors who are looking for homemade dl6zbIOfbGu-00466-00124666-00124858 ethnic food that satisfies not only dl6zbIOfbGu-00467-00124858-00125023 their health preferences but also their dl6zbIOfbGu-00468-00125024-00125176 desire for tasty foods from different dl6zbIOfbGu-00469-00125177-00125436 cultures after specifying which ethnic dl6zbIOfbGu-00470-00125438-00125620 cuisines they prefer users will be dl6zbIOfbGu-00471-00125621-00125815 connected to cooks in their local area dl6zbIOfbGu-00472-00125816-00125971 who are able to make fresh food from dl6zbIOfbGu-00473-00125972-00126190 their desired cultural cuisine users can dl6zbIOfbGu-00474-00126191-00126352 also designate if they have any health dl6zbIOfbGu-00475-00126353-00126490 conditions that the shucks should be dl6zbIOfbGu-00476-00126491-00126640 aware about before making their food dl6zbIOfbGu-00477-00126641-00126823 users have the option to set up a dl6zbIOfbGu-00478-00126824-00126997 one-time order or subscription-based dl6zbIOfbGu-00479-00126998-00127233 meal plan and can then designate who dl6zbIOfbGu-00480-00127234-00127372 they would like to order their food from dl6zbIOfbGu-00481-00127373-00127501 and when they would like it to be dl6zbIOfbGu-00482-00127502-00127757 delivered dl6zbIOfbGu-00483-00127758-00127987 our app for home cooks lets our chefs dl6zbIOfbGu-00484-00127988-00128179 indicate which dietary needs that they dl6zbIOfbGu-00485-00128180-00128413 accommodate post real-time updates for dl6zbIOfbGu-00486-00128414-00128584 elders on what they'll be cooking and dl6zbIOfbGu-00487-00128585-00128803 use a calendar feature to organize their dl6zbIOfbGu-00488-00128804-00129277 day's deliveries and so safety was a big dl6zbIOfbGu-00489-00129278-00129466 concern for a platform and part of our dl6zbIOfbGu-00490-00129467-00129697 inspiration came from maybe 66 and so we dl6zbIOfbGu-00491-00129698-00129881 designed a five-step plan for a chef dl6zbIOfbGu-00492-00129882-00130024 so they'll sign up they'll go through a dl6zbIOfbGu-00493-00130025-00130196 series of background check will help dl6zbIOfbGu-00494-00130197-00130315 them obtain their licenses with a dl6zbIOfbGu-00495-00130316-00130486 specific County go through a series of dl6zbIOfbGu-00496-00130487-00130619 educational courses that will handle dl6zbIOfbGu-00497-00130620-00130810 food safety and a series of kitchen dl6zbIOfbGu-00498-00130811-00131097 evaluation now that we ready to cook dl6zbIOfbGu-00499-00131098-00131314 reconnections distinguishes itself from dl6zbIOfbGu-00500-00131315-00131527 other brew delivery problems through two dl6zbIOfbGu-00501-00131528-00131704 different channels others at home and dl6zbIOfbGu-00502-00131705-00131902 home cooks with food connections all dl6zbIOfbGu-00503-00131903-00132061 these are connected with the 400 meals dl6zbIOfbGu-00504-00132062-00132262 that meet their nutritional needs and dl6zbIOfbGu-00505-00132263-00132478 have to spend less time worrying about dl6zbIOfbGu-00506-00132479-00132679 cooking for home cooks they're able to dl6zbIOfbGu-00507-00132680-00132901 establish long-term relationships with dl6zbIOfbGu-00508-00132902-00133094 elders in their community and have dl6zbIOfbGu-00509-00133095-00133244 flexible hours when it comes to cooking dl6zbIOfbGu-00510-00133245-00133457 and cooking at home allows us to have dl6zbIOfbGu-00511-00133458-00133646 the financial opportunity to create a dl6zbIOfbGu-00512-00133647-00134462 business at home dl6zbIOfbGu-00513-00134463-00134828 thank you guys this is really excellent dl6zbIOfbGu-00514-00134829-00135111 one of the things that we talked about dl6zbIOfbGu-00515-00135112-00135629 at one point during the course of your dl6zbIOfbGu-00516-00135630-00136014 project was that you had seen that there dl6zbIOfbGu-00517-00136015-00136260 were a couple of instances of dl6zbIOfbGu-00518-00136261-00136473 organizations that did try to set up dl6zbIOfbGu-00519-00136474-00136776 home cooking delivery services they dl6zbIOfbGu-00520-00136777-00136929 weren't they didn't have the aspect of dl6zbIOfbGu-00521-00136930-00137262 Health for older people but what I can't dl6zbIOfbGu-00522-00137263-00137553 remember is what were some of the dl6zbIOfbGu-00523-00137554-00137864 reasons that the other groups stumbled I dl6zbIOfbGu-00524-00137865-00138141 and just because I love this idea so dl6zbIOfbGu-00525-00138142-00138399 much I want to see it happen yeah this dl6zbIOfbGu-00526-00138400-00138556 is definitely something we talked about dl6zbIOfbGu-00527-00138557-00138861 a lot like while through home food dl6zbIOfbGu-00528-00138862-00139072 delivery services are extremely popular dl6zbIOfbGu-00529-00139073-00139350 there's often these gaps that make it dl6zbIOfbGu-00530-00139351-00139582 not as desirable or accessible for dl6zbIOfbGu-00531-00139583-00139791 elderly at the moment and the main dl6zbIOfbGu-00532-00139792-00139953 things contributing to that I would say dl6zbIOfbGu-00533-00139954-00140197 are number one the fact that they don't dl6zbIOfbGu-00534-00140198-00140446 cater to their specific health needs so dl6zbIOfbGu-00535-00140447-00140640 something that our platform will do is dl6zbIOfbGu-00536-00140641-00140877 that if someone let's say has diabetes dl6zbIOfbGu-00537-00140878-00141051 or something along the same lines dl6zbIOfbGu-00538-00141052-00141259 they're able to specify that when they dl6zbIOfbGu-00539-00141260-00141481 sign up and the chefs will be trained to dl6zbIOfbGu-00540-00141482-00141769 make food for them that is still healthy dl6zbIOfbGu-00541-00141770-00141939 for them given their condition but also dl6zbIOfbGu-00542-00141940-00142176 tastes great so that's the first thing I dl6zbIOfbGu-00543-00142177-00142365 would say and then the second thing that dl6zbIOfbGu-00544-00142366-00142621 distinguishes us is the fact that we dl6zbIOfbGu-00545-00142622-00142785 connect you to specific cultural dl6zbIOfbGu-00546-00142786-00143143 cuisines so while other food platforms I dl6zbIOfbGu-00547-00143144-00143368 would say are more generic we allow dl6zbIOfbGu-00548-00143369-00143637 users to really specify which culture dl6zbIOfbGu-00549-00143638-00143736 they would like to be getting dl6zbIOfbGu-00550-00143737-00143940 home-cooked meals from and we connect dl6zbIOfbGu-00551-00143941-00144070 them to different chefs from that dl6zbIOfbGu-00552-00144071-00144283 culture so I would say those are the two dl6zbIOfbGu-00553-00144284-00144576 things that we really focus on that make dl6zbIOfbGu-00554-00144577-00144882 us different from other competitors dl6zbIOfbGu-00555-00144883-00145362 thank you great Sean do you want to add dl6zbIOfbGu-00556-00145363-00145872 anything yes I need to unmute first yeah dl6zbIOfbGu-00557-00145873-00146112 another great job I mean so well thought dl6zbIOfbGu-00558-00146113-00146646 through and and just finding the the dl6zbIOfbGu-00559-00146647-00147024 regulations that allow allow you guys to dl6zbIOfbGu-00560-00147025-00147285 explore the space is is super impressive dl6zbIOfbGu-00561-00147286-00147459 and doing an iPhone application as well dl6zbIOfbGu-00562-00147460-00147497 as dl6zbIOfbGu-00563-00147498-00147827 site prototype Oh awesome dl6zbIOfbGu-00564-00147828-00148004 again you know my question is kind of dl6zbIOfbGu-00565-00148005-00148262 like a little bit more like you guys dl6zbIOfbGu-00566-00148263-00148558 have done some really great work here dl6zbIOfbGu-00567-00148559-00148877 how might we prototype this in in real dl6zbIOfbGu-00568-00148878-00148945 life dl6zbIOfbGu-00569-00148946-00149183 we've talked a little bit about this I dl6zbIOfbGu-00570-00149184-00149315 think in our last call I'm just dl6zbIOfbGu-00571-00149316-00149495 wondering if any more thought as has dl6zbIOfbGu-00572-00149496-00149882 gone into that how might we push forward dl6zbIOfbGu-00573-00149883-00150238 with us because it seems it seems like dl6zbIOfbGu-00574-00150239-00150502 something that would be wonderful to to dl6zbIOfbGu-00575-00150503-00151118 to test in the real world um so we dl6zbIOfbGu-00576-00151119-00151277 actually had a meeting talking about dl6zbIOfbGu-00577-00151278-00151517 this just a couple weeks ago so I would dl6zbIOfbGu-00578-00151518-00151709 say the two main steps you would take is dl6zbIOfbGu-00579-00151710-00151901 first we would want to pilot the program dl6zbIOfbGu-00580-00151902-00152117 in one specific community so starting dl6zbIOfbGu-00581-00152118-00152324 out small and we'd pick where to go dl6zbIOfbGu-00582-00152325-00152474 based on just like the elderly dl6zbIOfbGu-00583-00152475-00152783 population and so like basically the dl6zbIOfbGu-00584-00152784-00153077 demand of the elders and also how many dl6zbIOfbGu-00585-00153078-00153290 like home cooks would be able to get so dl6zbIOfbGu-00586-00153291-00153550 go somewhere more popular and like dl6zbIOfbGu-00587-00153551-00153817 concentrated in terms of the population dl6zbIOfbGu-00588-00153818-00154070 so that would be first and then second I dl6zbIOfbGu-00589-00154071-00154223 would say we would probably start out by dl6zbIOfbGu-00590-00154224-00154433 just piloting with a few different dl6zbIOfbGu-00591-00154434-00154640 cultural cuisines so we wouldn't want to dl6zbIOfbGu-00592-00154641-00154814 start out by offering like every single dl6zbIOfbGu-00593-00154815-00155024 food from every single culture because dl6zbIOfbGu-00594-00155025-00155204 that wouldn't be realistic we would dl6zbIOfbGu-00595-00155205-00155378 probably start out by picking maybe dl6zbIOfbGu-00596-00155379-00155696 three or four cultures that are more dl6zbIOfbGu-00597-00155697-00155873 popular in that area and people have dl6zbIOfbGu-00598-00155874-00156068 more of a desire to get food from and dl6zbIOfbGu-00599-00156069-00156200 we'd start out by doing that and then dl6zbIOfbGu-00600-00156201-00156689 expand from there I think also finding dl6zbIOfbGu-00601-00156690-00156857 like narrowing down the location based dl6zbIOfbGu-00602-00156858-00157046 on where eighty-six Tuesday's have dl6zbIOfbGu-00603-00157047-00157298 accommodated a few counties to actually dl6zbIOfbGu-00604-00157299-00157490 allow for home cooks so there are a few dl6zbIOfbGu-00605-00157491-00157808 counties that are you know have dl6zbIOfbGu-00606-00157809-00158039 registered to be to allow for this and dl6zbIOfbGu-00607-00158040-00158252 so we're kind of narrowed down based on dl6zbIOfbGu-00608-00158253-00158626 what it makes a lot of sense dl6zbIOfbGu-00609-00158627-00158734 they're a bunch of they're a bunch of dl6zbIOfbGu-00610-00158735-00158998 questions by the way in the chat yeah I dl6zbIOfbGu-00611-00158999-00159220 think that they very much I looked at dl6zbIOfbGu-00612-00159221-00159400 the questions wrote that you that you're dl6zbIOfbGu-00613-00159401-00159610 on the road the right path that since dl6zbIOfbGu-00614-00159611-00159991 this law was passed there are some dl6zbIOfbGu-00615-00159992-00160165 counties that have already got people dl6zbIOfbGu-00616-00160166-00160339 signed up and we right now would be very dl6zbIOfbGu-00617-00160340-00160769 hard for home cooks to get an inspector dl6zbIOfbGu-00618-00160770-00160933 to come out to the house and certify dl6zbIOfbGu-00619-00160934-00161188 them so to leverage the fact that some dl6zbIOfbGu-00620-00161189-00161488 of the home cooks have already been dl6zbIOfbGu-00621-00161489-00161728 certified and then see if they want this dl6zbIOfbGu-00622-00161729-00162103 additional market would be a great focus dl6zbIOfbGu-00623-00162104-00162373 I think that these you basically answer dl6zbIOfbGu-00624-00162374-00163048 that question all right great dl6zbIOfbGu-00625-00163049-00163282 thanks team that was really great and dl6zbIOfbGu-00626-00163283-00163435 like John said there's there's a whole dl6zbIOfbGu-00627-00163436-00163643 flow of questions and comments going dl6zbIOfbGu-00628-00163644-00163915 going there some of that's positive dl6zbIOfbGu-00629-00163916-00164083 affirmation in some of its questions dl6zbIOfbGu-00630-00164084-00164374 that I'm sure you have answers to and dl6zbIOfbGu-00631-00164375-00164623 hopefully some of its questions that can dl6zbIOfbGu-00632-00164624-00164906 spark additional thinking as you close dl6zbIOfbGu-00633-00164907-00165123 out and also set up for these next steps dl6zbIOfbGu-00634-00165124-00165419 for everybody else that's not the end of dl6zbIOfbGu-00635-00165420-00165727 our tin can associates work we've got dl6zbIOfbGu-00636-00165728-00165922 one more presentation coming in at the dl6zbIOfbGu-00637-00165923-00166181 at the tail end of our two hours but dl6zbIOfbGu-00638-00166182-00166438 we're going to shift right now to the dl6zbIOfbGu-00639-00166439-00166631 two teams that work with the SF Tech dl6zbIOfbGu-00640-00166632-00166704 Council dl6zbIOfbGu-00641-00166705-00167836 starting with with your team Julia dl6zbIOfbGu-00642-00167837-00168199 hi can you hear me dl6zbIOfbGu-00643-00168200-00168502 awesome hi everybody my name is Lindsay dl6zbIOfbGu-00644-00168503-00168727 working with Julia Cristina Paul and dl6zbIOfbGu-00645-00168728-00168901 woody ha and we'd like to share a dl6zbIOfbGu-00646-00168902-00169327 program skills physics this is rose she dl6zbIOfbGu-00647-00169328-00169513 is a 63 year old resident of San Cisco dl6zbIOfbGu-00648-00169514-00169783 who works as a receptionist she earns dl6zbIOfbGu-00649-00169784-00169975 what is considered low income and with dl6zbIOfbGu-00650-00169976-00170236 technology changing the workspace she dl6zbIOfbGu-00651-00170237-00170431 has found herself confused and lacking dl6zbIOfbGu-00652-00170432-00170587 confidence in interacting with new dl6zbIOfbGu-00653-00170588-00170959 digital aspects at the front desk this dl6zbIOfbGu-00654-00170960-00171193 brings us to our how might we how might dl6zbIOfbGu-00655-00171194-00171385 we support community organization dl6zbIOfbGu-00656-00171386-00171550 seeking to provide training and dl6zbIOfbGu-00657-00171551-00171796 mentorship to older adults facing basic dl6zbIOfbGu-00658-00171797-00172021 technology related challenges in their dl6zbIOfbGu-00659-00172022-00172444 jobs we developed a mentorship program dl6zbIOfbGu-00660-00172445-00172681 with the objectives of improving digital dl6zbIOfbGu-00661-00172682-00172906 education access for low-income older dl6zbIOfbGu-00662-00172907-00173074 adults and building their confidence dl6zbIOfbGu-00663-00173075-00173320 with these skills dl6zbIOfbGu-00664-00173321-00173587 to start off the program Rose is paired dl6zbIOfbGu-00665-00173588-00173734 with a mentor who she meets with dl6zbIOfbGu-00666-00173735-00173998 one-on-one she works with her to develop dl6zbIOfbGu-00667-00173999-00174226 a personalized learning plan they sought dl6zbIOfbGu-00668-00174227-00174668 her needs goals and existing skills dl6zbIOfbGu-00669-00174669-00174847 from here Rose will attend weekly group dl6zbIOfbGu-00670-00174848-00175043 sessions at the computer lab groups will dl6zbIOfbGu-00671-00175044-00175216 be created based on similar tech related dl6zbIOfbGu-00672-00175217-00175457 challenges sessions will consist of a dl6zbIOfbGu-00673-00175458-00175651 video lesson to expose participants to dl6zbIOfbGu-00674-00175652-00175849 online resources and a hands-on activity dl6zbIOfbGu-00675-00175850-00176010 applying what they learned in the lesson dl6zbIOfbGu-00676-00176011-00176258 the purpose of a group setting is to dl6zbIOfbGu-00677-00176259-00176408 foster an environment of peer to peer dl6zbIOfbGu-00678-00176409-00176618 teaching and learning and to promote dl6zbIOfbGu-00679-00176619-00176950 social connectedness as part of our dl6zbIOfbGu-00680-00176951-00177115 solution we have synthesized all of our dl6zbIOfbGu-00681-00177116-00177379 research into a toolkit this toolkit dl6zbIOfbGu-00682-00177380-00177574 describes our research methodology dl6zbIOfbGu-00683-00177575-00177799 components of existing digital literacy dl6zbIOfbGu-00684-00177800-00178057 programs insights on best practices and dl6zbIOfbGu-00685-00178058-00178309 recommendations for next steps for each dl6zbIOfbGu-00686-00178310-00178516 stakeholder and includes an in-depth dl6zbIOfbGu-00687-00178517-00178690 outline of the mentorship program we dl6zbIOfbGu-00688-00178691-00179033 envision we felt that this toolkit was dl6zbIOfbGu-00689-00179034-00179233 especially necessary in the light of the dl6zbIOfbGu-00690-00179234-00179456 coded pandemic because we recognized dl6zbIOfbGu-00691-00179457-00179602 that in-person classes may not be dl6zbIOfbGu-00692-00179603-00179831 feasible at this time nonetheless we dl6zbIOfbGu-00693-00179832-00179962 wanted to share existing online dl6zbIOfbGu-00694-00179963-00180124 resources that older adults and dl6zbIOfbGu-00695-00180125-00180283 community organizations can take dl6zbIOfbGu-00696-00180284-00180719 advantage of remotely ROS is a low dl6zbIOfbGu-00697-00180720-00180916 income older adult living in SF but she dl6zbIOfbGu-00698-00180917-00181058 was able to access our mentorship dl6zbIOfbGu-00699-00181059-00181213 mentorship program through a trusted dl6zbIOfbGu-00700-00181214-00181447 community center in her neighborhood her dl6zbIOfbGu-00701-00181448-00181579 relationship with her mentor and dl6zbIOfbGu-00702-00181580-00181810 experienced the peer collaboration has dl6zbIOfbGu-00703-00181811-00182014 built confidence in asking questions and dl6zbIOfbGu-00704-00182015-00182203 sharing her knowledge and her regular dl6zbIOfbGu-00705-00182204-00182357 exposure to technology through the dl6zbIOfbGu-00706-00182358-00182527 program has helped her develop her dl6zbIOfbGu-00707-00182528-00182756 digital skills after three months of dl6zbIOfbGu-00708-00182757-00182929 skills for success Rose now has a dl6zbIOfbGu-00709-00182930-00183127 connection with her mentor for community dl6zbIOfbGu-00710-00183128-00184120 technology and her own intuition thanks dl6zbIOfbGu-00711-00184121-00184607 thank you so much my colleague Andrew dl6zbIOfbGu-00712-00184608-00184844 Broderick and I are here and we just dl6zbIOfbGu-00713-00184845-00185110 really appreciate your work well one of dl6zbIOfbGu-00714-00185111-00185318 the things that we knew no that was a dl6zbIOfbGu-00715-00185319-00185534 challenge probably for all the groups dl6zbIOfbGu-00716-00185535-00185850 throughout the semester was accessing dl6zbIOfbGu-00717-00185851-00186206 clients or consumers to actually talk dl6zbIOfbGu-00718-00186207-00186541 about these sorts of things and I was dl6zbIOfbGu-00719-00186542-00186746 wondering now that you've come to the dl6zbIOfbGu-00720-00186747-00186920 end of your project do you feel that you dl6zbIOfbGu-00721-00186921-00187315 had sufficient exposure or access to dl6zbIOfbGu-00722-00187316-00187693 older adults as you were doing this dl6zbIOfbGu-00723-00187694-00188310 I can I can dl6zbIOfbGu-00724-00188311-00188637 after that I think that our if we had dl6zbIOfbGu-00725-00188638-00188871 more access to individual user dl6zbIOfbGu-00726-00188872-00189133 interviews our prototype might have dl6zbIOfbGu-00727-00189134-00189258 looked a little bit different it might dl6zbIOfbGu-00728-00189259-00189516 have had more of a focus on specific dl6zbIOfbGu-00729-00189517-00189646 pain points that our users are dl6zbIOfbGu-00730-00189647-00190134 experiencing but since we were I guess dl6zbIOfbGu-00731-00190135-00190335 we've sort of pivoted to more looking at dl6zbIOfbGu-00732-00190336-00190507 secondary sources and what other dl6zbIOfbGu-00733-00190508-00190697 organizations are looking at our dl6zbIOfbGu-00734-00190698-00191070 solution I guess sort of turned toward dl6zbIOfbGu-00735-00191071-00191286 structure like the structure of the dl6zbIOfbGu-00736-00191287-00191588 program and also taking inspiration from dl6zbIOfbGu-00737-00191589-00191802 existing resources which there's there's dl6zbIOfbGu-00738-00191803-00192249 so much of that online so I think things dl6zbIOfbGu-00739-00192250-00192413 would have looked different and dl6zbIOfbGu-00740-00192414-00192627 following the pandemic would be great if dl6zbIOfbGu-00741-00192628-00192849 we could conduct more user interview but dl6zbIOfbGu-00742-00192850-00193074 that's not how our design process was dl6zbIOfbGu-00743-00193075-00193503 focused Andrew yeah hi Lindsay this dl6zbIOfbGu-00744-00193504-00193969 Andrew here at Carter's like appreciate dl6zbIOfbGu-00745-00193970-00194199 very much you know the thought and you dl6zbIOfbGu-00746-00194200-00194340 know output that you've created dl6zbIOfbGu-00747-00194341-00194514 especially the tool kit because that's a dl6zbIOfbGu-00748-00194515-00194683 great resource for many organizations dl6zbIOfbGu-00749-00194684-00194857 you know to think about how they might dl6zbIOfbGu-00750-00194858-00195126 adapt it customize it to their various dl6zbIOfbGu-00751-00195127-00195435 populations so one of the impressions I dl6zbIOfbGu-00752-00195436-00195658 have from your current research is a dl6zbIOfbGu-00753-00195659-00195888 very human centered approach to the dl6zbIOfbGu-00754-00195889-00196071 training and support that older adults dl6zbIOfbGu-00755-00196072-00196393 may need both in terms of their mentor dl6zbIOfbGu-00756-00196394-00196623 and being in a community center where dl6zbIOfbGu-00757-00196624-00196890 they can you know meet peers and dl6zbIOfbGu-00758-00196891-00197066 exchange you know some of their dl6zbIOfbGu-00759-00197067-00197295 experiences and maybe learn about dl6zbIOfbGu-00760-00197296-00197526 strategies that they might be able to dl6zbIOfbGu-00761-00197527-00197901 adapt so my question is and you know now dl6zbIOfbGu-00762-00197902-00198189 like with cocoa vat19 do you kind of see dl6zbIOfbGu-00763-00198190-00198421 opportunities to also kind of apply this dl6zbIOfbGu-00764-00198422-00198777 in a more remote context where you know dl6zbIOfbGu-00765-00198778-00198951 the individual might be still homebound dl6zbIOfbGu-00766-00198952-00199270 is not able to go out and still be dl6zbIOfbGu-00767-00199271-00199500 looking for this essential need to have dl6zbIOfbGu-00768-00199501-00200138 digital literacy training dl6zbIOfbGu-00769-00200139-00200391 yeah I can jump in here that's a great dl6zbIOfbGu-00770-00200392-00200694 question and as lindsay alluded to dl6zbIOfbGu-00771-00200695-00201027 earlier the toolkit has contains dl6zbIOfbGu-00772-00201028-00201489 resources free online resources for both dl6zbIOfbGu-00773-00201490-00201783 mentors both mentors and facility dl6zbIOfbGu-00774-00201784-00202101 facilitators of of digital literacy dl6zbIOfbGu-00775-00202102-00202482 programs as well as folks older adults dl6zbIOfbGu-00776-00202483-00202815 seniors who are looking to gain digital dl6zbIOfbGu-00777-00202816-00203085 literacy skills of some sort and we dl6zbIOfbGu-00778-00203086-00203463 compile the whole list unfortunately for dl6zbIOfbGu-00779-00203464-00203823 those who lack the very very basic dl6zbIOfbGu-00780-00203824-00204153 digital literacy skills or the physical dl6zbIOfbGu-00781-00204154-00204531 infrastructure to to access these dl6zbIOfbGu-00782-00204532-00204774 technologies on their own that is a dl6zbIOfbGu-00783-00204775-00204984 barrier and one that we recognize and dl6zbIOfbGu-00784-00204985-00205209 acknowledge but we're hoping that by dl6zbIOfbGu-00785-00205210-00205446 providing community organizations this dl6zbIOfbGu-00786-00205446-00205707 these resources they can potentially dl6zbIOfbGu-00787-00205708-00205973 distribute them to their community dl6zbIOfbGu-00788-00205975-00206538 members I'm Tanner Adrienne's question dl6zbIOfbGu-00789-00206539-00207009 about what types of tax skills do older dl6zbIOfbGu-00790-00207010-00207312 adults want to learn we're thinking and dl6zbIOfbGu-00791-00207313-00207432 through our research we've known that dl6zbIOfbGu-00792-00207433-00207821 just basic digital literacy and as far dl6zbIOfbGu-00793-00207823-00208169 as like using Gmail and G suite is dl6zbIOfbGu-00794-00208171-00208803 needed for this community so so yeah dl6zbIOfbGu-00795-00208804-00209109 just building general tech literacy and dl6zbIOfbGu-00796-00209110-00209457 teaching them terminology and vocab of dl6zbIOfbGu-00797-00209458-00209898 that space great thank you thank you dl6zbIOfbGu-00798-00209898-00210411 Paul and do you have any you know kind dl6zbIOfbGu-00799-00210412-00210692 of goals yourselves in terms of how you dl6zbIOfbGu-00800-00210694-00210837 might want to take this to the next dl6zbIOfbGu-00801-00210838-00211742 level dl6zbIOfbGu-00802-00211742-00212142 yeah sorry I can answer that um so I dl6zbIOfbGu-00803-00212142-00212453 think a lot of that is I guess there's dl6zbIOfbGu-00804-00212454-00212600 like they're like contingency plans dl6zbIOfbGu-00805-00212601-00212909 embedded in our vision for what next dl6zbIOfbGu-00806-00212910-00213213 steps might be I think it would be great dl6zbIOfbGu-00807-00213214-00213492 to get feedback from community dl6zbIOfbGu-00808-00213492-00213757 organizations in San Francisco who have dl6zbIOfbGu-00809-00213758-00214014 like the physical space required for our dl6zbIOfbGu-00810-00214015-00214319 mentorship program but also dl6zbIOfbGu-00811-00214319-00214502 organizations that have an interest in a dl6zbIOfbGu-00812-00214503-00214662 space who work with older adults who dl6zbIOfbGu-00813-00214663-00215013 need this kind of support so it'd be dl6zbIOfbGu-00814-00215014-00215282 great to hear their feedback and more I dl6zbIOfbGu-00815-00215283-00215442 guess more details that how feasible our dl6zbIOfbGu-00816-00215442-00216005 plan is and I think in terms of dl6zbIOfbGu-00817-00216006-00216291 prototyping there I think there are dl6zbIOfbGu-00818-00216292-00216535 smaller scale prototypes that we could dl6zbIOfbGu-00819-00216536-00216908 implement especially since in Berkeley dl6zbIOfbGu-00820-00216909-00217160 we know we have a lot of organizations dl6zbIOfbGu-00821-00217161-00217419 or clubs that trained mentors student dl6zbIOfbGu-00822-00217419-00217590 mentors and so that's like that's a dl6zbIOfbGu-00823-00217591-00217817 resource we could tap into as well okay dl6zbIOfbGu-00824-00217819-00218309 firing Royale Thank You Lindsay how's dl6zbIOfbGu-00825-00218310-00218609 those perfect timing thanks to the whole dl6zbIOfbGu-00826-00218610-00219028 team and now we'll turn it over to dl6zbIOfbGu-00827-00219029-00219677 Aaron's team also for everybody with SF dl6zbIOfbGu-00828-00219678-00220312 Tech Council dl6zbIOfbGu-00829-00220313-00220642 hi everyone our team worked with the us dl6zbIOfbGu-00830-00220642-00220863 of tech council to design a tool that dl6zbIOfbGu-00831-00220864-00221076 accurately measures the digital skills dl6zbIOfbGu-00832-00221077-00221304 of older adults one of these older dl6zbIOfbGu-00833-00221305-00221812 adults is Laila Laila is six years old dl6zbIOfbGu-00834-00221813-00221994 and has lived in San Francisco for the dl6zbIOfbGu-00835-00221996-00222384 past 20 years she currently works as a dl6zbIOfbGu-00836-00222385-00222573 bakery assistant at boudin bakery and dl6zbIOfbGu-00837-00222574-00222882 her job requires standing for hours it dl6zbIOfbGu-00838-00222883-00223104 has become painful and exhausting she dl6zbIOfbGu-00839-00223105-00223267 would like to transition to a desk job dl6zbIOfbGu-00840-00223267-00223656 but she needs more digital skills she dl6zbIOfbGu-00841-00223657-00223854 visits the library to explore computer dl6zbIOfbGu-00842-00223855-00224041 learning resources and the library has dl6zbIOfbGu-00843-00224042-00224226 her taken assessment to see which class dl6zbIOfbGu-00844-00224227-00224515 is most appropriate for her Lila's dl6zbIOfbGu-00845-00224516-00224706 hesitant to even begin the assessment dl6zbIOfbGu-00846-00224707-00224863 because of the overwhelming amount of dl6zbIOfbGu-00847-00224864-00225144 information on the screen she just dl6zbIOfbGu-00848-00225146-00225316 doesn't know how to use a mouse and she dl6zbIOfbGu-00849-00225317-00225447 doesn't understand the meaning of all dl6zbIOfbGu-00850-00225448-00225701 the little symbols on the screen dl6zbIOfbGu-00851-00225702-00225954 English is Leila's second language so dl6zbIOfbGu-00852-00225955-00226104 she doesn't completely understand all dl6zbIOfbGu-00853-00226105-00226269 the questions especially those with dl6zbIOfbGu-00854-00226269-00226663 complicated computer jargon after dl6zbIOfbGu-00855-00226664-00226869 completing the assessment Leila receives dl6zbIOfbGu-00856-00226871-00227049 a daunting list of all the questions dl6zbIOfbGu-00857-00227050-00227421 that she missed she shares this dl6zbIOfbGu-00858-00227422-00227607 experience with a friend who recommends dl6zbIOfbGu-00859-00227608-00227772 that she try the Tenderloin tech lab dl6zbIOfbGu-00860-00227773-00228120 program at the Tenderloin tech lab Laila dl6zbIOfbGu-00861-00228121-00228300 is asked to take a different assessment dl6zbIOfbGu-00862-00228301-00228528 called confidently digital it's a dl6zbIOfbGu-00863-00228529-00228735 personalized digital literacy assessment dl6zbIOfbGu-00864-00228736-00228981 for older adults a coach helps her set dl6zbIOfbGu-00865-00228982-00229176 up the program with her ideal font size dl6zbIOfbGu-00866-00229177-00229458 and preferred language Laila is also dl6zbIOfbGu-00867-00229459-00229612 given the option to listen to the dl6zbIOfbGu-00868-00229613-00229842 instructions instead of reading the dl6zbIOfbGu-00869-00229844-00230010 coach lets her know how to change her dl6zbIOfbGu-00870-00230011-00230362 preferences at any time she's able to dl6zbIOfbGu-00871-00230363-00230454 choose where to start dl6zbIOfbGu-00872-00230455-00230641 and is finally able to learn how to use dl6zbIOfbGu-00873-00230642-00231064 a mouse each icon also has text that dl6zbIOfbGu-00874-00231065-00231292 describes its function so she's now able dl6zbIOfbGu-00875-00231292-00231626 to understand all of the little symbols dl6zbIOfbGu-00876-00231627-00231858 the assessment includes a progress bar dl6zbIOfbGu-00877-00231859-00232053 and words of encouragement to keep her dl6zbIOfbGu-00878-00232054-00232272 motivated throughout even when she feels dl6zbIOfbGu-00879-00232273-00232414 like she doesn't know the answer to dl6zbIOfbGu-00880-00232415-00232667 something lame dl6zbIOfbGu-00881-00232669-00232854 appreciates the questions related to her dl6zbIOfbGu-00882-00232855-00233057 confidence and problem-solving skills as dl6zbIOfbGu-00883-00233058-00233348 it bolsters her belief in her ability to dl6zbIOfbGu-00884-00233350-00233542 learn these foreign technology skills dl6zbIOfbGu-00885-00233544-00233814 after completing the questionnaire she dl6zbIOfbGu-00886-00233815-00233948 is presented with a summary of her dl6zbIOfbGu-00887-00233950-00234096 strengths and general areas for dl6zbIOfbGu-00888-00234096-00234342 improvement the coach receives a more dl6zbIOfbGu-00889-00234342-00234519 detailed report with a checklist of dl6zbIOfbGu-00890-00234519-00234719 skills and information about Layla's dl6zbIOfbGu-00891-00234721-00234927 learning style and recommendations for dl6zbIOfbGu-00892-00234928-00235188 how to best support her layla dl6zbIOfbGu-00893-00235189-00235382 participates in a technology training dl6zbIOfbGu-00894-00235383-00235631 workshop every week after completing the dl6zbIOfbGu-00895-00235632-00235805 program she finds a job as as a dl6zbIOfbGu-00896-00235806-00236073 secretary at a doctor's office where she dl6zbIOfbGu-00897-00236073-00236246 schedules appointments and manages dl6zbIOfbGu-00898-00236248-00236432 confidential patient information on the dl6zbIOfbGu-00899-00236433-00236769 computer Layla is not alone in her dl6zbIOfbGu-00900-00236769-00237051 experience in fact 40% of older adults dl6zbIOfbGu-00901-00237052-00237246 in San Francisco do not have basic dl6zbIOfbGu-00902-00237246-00237540 digital literacy skills every person's dl6zbIOfbGu-00903-00237541-00237698 needs are different and assessments dl6zbIOfbGu-00904-00237700-00237813 should highlight these different dl6zbIOfbGu-00905-00237814-00238109 strengths confidently digital does dl6zbIOfbGu-00906-00238110-00238302 exactly that by providing a holistic dl6zbIOfbGu-00907-00238303-00238512 view and accessible directions to ensure dl6zbIOfbGu-00908-00238513-00238775 older adults succeed professionally dl6zbIOfbGu-00909-00238776-00239630 thank you well this is Andrew again here dl6zbIOfbGu-00910-00239631-00239925 son and team that was excellent you know dl6zbIOfbGu-00911-00239926-00240273 I had a really good assessment of the dl6zbIOfbGu-00912-00240273-00240485 problem understanding of you know how to dl6zbIOfbGu-00913-00240486-00240744 approach it from a problem-solving dl6zbIOfbGu-00914-00240744-00241064 perspective and I really loved what you dl6zbIOfbGu-00915-00241065-00241365 ate out in terms of how a tool could be dl6zbIOfbGu-00916-00241366-00241578 designed that's customized but at the dl6zbIOfbGu-00917-00241579-00241754 same time addressing a lot of the dl6zbIOfbGu-00918-00241755-00242064 cultural competency and literacy issues dl6zbIOfbGu-00919-00242065-00242355 that individuals may have did you find dl6zbIOfbGu-00920-00242356-00242613 any such tool out there in your research dl6zbIOfbGu-00921-00242614-00242873 or is this one that you conceptually you dl6zbIOfbGu-00922-00242875-00243071 know have come up with yourselves and dl6zbIOfbGu-00923-00243073-00243416 the way you presented it today dl6zbIOfbGu-00924-00243417-00244112 I could take this so we took bits and dl6zbIOfbGu-00925-00244113-00244485 pieces that inspired us from other dl6zbIOfbGu-00926-00244486-00244739 assessments and other tools and other dl6zbIOfbGu-00927-00244740-00245028 websites that were particularly dl6zbIOfbGu-00928-00245029-00245377 accessible and particularly considerate dl6zbIOfbGu-00929-00245378-00245741 of cultural needs and literacy needs and dl6zbIOfbGu-00930-00245742-00246256 also accessibility needs so we would dl6zbIOfbGu-00931-00246257-00246517 there is not a tool out there currently dl6zbIOfbGu-00932-00246517-00246859 that assesses digital skills in a way dl6zbIOfbGu-00933-00246860-00247519 that's so accessible and we think that dl6zbIOfbGu-00934-00247521-00247819 this is a much better tool than what dl6zbIOfbGu-00935-00247821-00248039 currently exists out there and what is dl6zbIOfbGu-00936-00248040-00248267 currently used most frequently which is dl6zbIOfbGu-00937-00248267-00248521 the North Star assessment mmm-hmm oh dl6zbIOfbGu-00938-00248521-00248816 great great and you have a plans to dl6zbIOfbGu-00939-00248817-00248998 continue building on this research now dl6zbIOfbGu-00940-00249000-00249212 in a way that you could build a dl6zbIOfbGu-00941-00249213-00249590 prototype or you know I think it would dl6zbIOfbGu-00942-00249591-00249805 be great to be able to continue to do dl6zbIOfbGu-00943-00249806-00250190 this research one of the things that we dl6zbIOfbGu-00944-00250191-00250544 are interested in is iterating on this dl6zbIOfbGu-00945-00250544-00250774 design and figuring out exactly what dl6zbIOfbGu-00946-00250775-00251182 questions are most effective and what dl6zbIOfbGu-00947-00251183-00251527 kind of timing is best for seniors dl6zbIOfbGu-00948-00251528-00252001 regarding their their needs for dl6zbIOfbGu-00949-00252002-00252328 understanding the questions and also dl6zbIOfbGu-00950-00252329-00252488 understanding a little bit more about dl6zbIOfbGu-00951-00252489-00252850 how to set up the environment for me dl6zbIOfbGu-00952-00252851-00253008 seniors to work best dl6zbIOfbGu-00953-00253009-00253324 okay great thank you this is Carla and dl6zbIOfbGu-00954-00253325-00253589 that was that was fabulous um you know dl6zbIOfbGu-00955-00253590-00253756 at you just mentioned in terms of the dl6zbIOfbGu-00956-00253757-00253930 types of questions that were most dl6zbIOfbGu-00957-00253931-00254273 valuable do you have any sense from your dl6zbIOfbGu-00958-00254273-00254482 research of some questions you would dl6zbIOfbGu-00959-00254483-00254798 definitely add to this or that would be dl6zbIOfbGu-00960-00254798-00255271 critical to asking even as as like the dl6zbIOfbGu-00961-00255273-00255517 beginning of such a program dl6zbIOfbGu-00962-00255519-00255842 I can answer this one something that we dl6zbIOfbGu-00963-00255842-00256075 included in this assessment were dl6zbIOfbGu-00964-00256076-00256292 questions relating to the seniors dl6zbIOfbGu-00965-00256292-00256484 confidence levels and also their dl6zbIOfbGu-00966-00256485-00256763 problem-solving abilities in ways that dl6zbIOfbGu-00967-00256764-00257003 weren't explicitly connected to digital dl6zbIOfbGu-00968-00257004-00257291 skills because in our background dl6zbIOfbGu-00969-00257292-00257531 research one thing we've found that's dl6zbIOfbGu-00970-00257532-00257842 like important for employability is the dl6zbIOfbGu-00971-00257844-00258212 ability to stay confident and stay like dl6zbIOfbGu-00972-00258213-00258367 positive and believe that they can dl6zbIOfbGu-00973-00258369-00258590 continue to learn and continue to make dl6zbIOfbGu-00974-00258591-00258881 progress so we felt that measuring that dl6zbIOfbGu-00975-00258882-00259094 in this assessment was really important dl6zbIOfbGu-00976-00259094-00259369 and did you know was indicative of their dl6zbIOfbGu-00977-00259371-00259505 future employability and that's dl6zbIOfbGu-00978-00259506-00259691 something that existing assessments dl6zbIOfbGu-00979-00259692-00260342 don't include I just had one further dl6zbIOfbGu-00980-00260342-00260717 question on that in terms of you know dl6zbIOfbGu-00981-00260717-00260906 you're looking at people's confidence is dl6zbIOfbGu-00982-00260907-00261094 that something that you're connected to dl6zbIOfbGu-00983-00261096-00261338 the issue of fear because in a lot of dl6zbIOfbGu-00984-00261339-00261605 the people that we've talked to fear dl6zbIOfbGu-00985-00261606-00261919 terror has even been used and is that dl6zbIOfbGu-00986-00261921-00262400 your response to this issue I I would dl6zbIOfbGu-00987-00262401-00262700 say that yes that that's one of the dl6zbIOfbGu-00988-00262701-00262979 reasons that we included questions about dl6zbIOfbGu-00989-00262980-00263542 confidence because that fear about dl6zbIOfbGu-00990-00263543-00263849 computers in general and this fear of dl6zbIOfbGu-00991-00263850-00264086 exploring them and interacting with them dl6zbIOfbGu-00992-00264087-00264470 is so real and trying to target and dl6zbIOfbGu-00993-00264471-00264671 understand how important support will be dl6zbIOfbGu-00994-00264672-00265673 during training is super key and you dl6zbIOfbGu-00995-00265674-00265997 know I think like one our experience at dl6zbIOfbGu-00996-00265998-00266222 the tech council so it was in certain dl6zbIOfbGu-00997-00266223-00266459 areas you know the need for literacy is dl6zbIOfbGu-00998-00266460-00266684 becoming more critical like in virtual dl6zbIOfbGu-00999-00266685-00267050 care services and you know there's a lot dl6zbIOfbGu-01000-00267051-00267260 of need there in terms of how providers dl6zbIOfbGu-01001-00267261-00267590 might be addressing and you know the dl6zbIOfbGu-01002-00267591-00268046 needs of their patient populations to be dl6zbIOfbGu-01003-00268047-00268184 able to get online to see a physician dl6zbIOfbGu-01004-00268185-00268397 etc and have you thought about any dl6zbIOfbGu-01005-00268398-00268604 potential segments that you might focus dl6zbIOfbGu-01006-00268605-00268871 on where the need is greater you know dl6zbIOfbGu-01007-00268872-00269132 to help with digital literacy and dl6zbIOfbGu-01008-00269133-00269555 getting online we're one of the sections dl6zbIOfbGu-01009-00269556-00270016 that we are including is working on dl6zbIOfbGu-01010-00270017-00270433 Medicaid and also food stamps sign up dl6zbIOfbGu-01011-00270434-00270776 online so I work and considering other dl6zbIOfbGu-01012-00270777-00270866 things as well dl6zbIOfbGu-01013-00270867-00271124 okay great thanks thanks Aaron and dl6zbIOfbGu-01014-00271125-00271379 thanks to the team very impressed thank dl6zbIOfbGu-01015-00271380-00271733 you all right thanks team and thanks to dl6zbIOfbGu-01016-00271734-00271952 both you Carla and Andrew for for dl6zbIOfbGu-01017-00271953-00272335 bringing this work to us we are gonna dl6zbIOfbGu-01018-00272336-00272678 now shift to two teams that worked with dl6zbIOfbGu-01019-00272679-00272882 OSHA lifelong learning and after hearing dl6zbIOfbGu-01020-00272883-00273008 their present we're gonna take a dl6zbIOfbGu-01021-00273009-00273140 five-minute stretch break because we dl6zbIOfbGu-01022-00273141-00273356 know it's a law a lot to be on zoom' for dl6zbIOfbGu-01023-00273357-00273610 everybody for two hours so that's dl6zbIOfbGu-01024-00273611-00273770 something to look forward to dl6zbIOfbGu-01025-00273771-00274508 first up we are gonna have Dean let's dl6zbIOfbGu-01026-00274509-00274652 them thanks first of all let me just dl6zbIOfbGu-01027-00274653-00275356 shape screen really fast dl6zbIOfbGu-01028-00275357-00275666 hello everyone we are team six and we dl6zbIOfbGu-01029-00275667-00275813 worked with the Osher Lifelong Learning dl6zbIOfbGu-01030-00275814-00276053 Institute to create the oli at Berkeley dl6zbIOfbGu-01031-00276054-00276398 life journey mentorship program how dl6zbIOfbGu-01032-00276399-00276599 might we form a program that fosters dl6zbIOfbGu-01033-00276600-00276788 intergenerational relationships that dl6zbIOfbGu-01034-00276789-00276938 lead to a sense of fulfillment and dl6zbIOfbGu-01035-00276939-00277181 perspective gaining this was our guiding dl6zbIOfbGu-01036-00277182-00277319 how might we question that helped us dl6zbIOfbGu-01037-00277320-00277523 begin our research process into creating dl6zbIOfbGu-01038-00277524-00277781 this mentorship program our design has dl6zbIOfbGu-01039-00277782-00278048 two primary users UC Berkeley students dl6zbIOfbGu-01040-00278049-00278192 who are interested in gaining guidance dl6zbIOfbGu-01041-00278193-00278375 concerning big life decisions through dl6zbIOfbGu-01042-00278376-00278618 intergenerational friendship and members dl6zbIOfbGu-01043-00278619-00278816 of oli which is a Learning Institute for dl6zbIOfbGu-01044-00278817-00278972 older adults who are interested in dl6zbIOfbGu-01045-00278973-00279188 becoming friends and mentors for a UC dl6zbIOfbGu-01046-00279189-00279596 Berkeley student we conducted two rounds dl6zbIOfbGu-01047-00279597-00279674 of interviews with Berkeley dl6zbIOfbGu-01048-00279675-00279869 undergraduates and oli members along dl6zbIOfbGu-01049-00279870-00280025 with several interviews with leaders of dl6zbIOfbGu-01050-00280026-00280202 existing mentorship programs and a dl6zbIOfbGu-01051-00280203-00280322 literature review surrounding dl6zbIOfbGu-01052-00280323-00280538 intergenerational and mentorship our key dl6zbIOfbGu-01053-00280539-00280700 insights from our user interviews were dl6zbIOfbGu-01054-00280701-00280826 to focus on personal development dl6zbIOfbGu-01055-00280827-00281054 organize regular in-person meetings and dl6zbIOfbGu-01056-00281055-00281237 phosphorus and Zucca media all levels dl6zbIOfbGu-01057-00281238-00281527 for both the mentors and mentees dl6zbIOfbGu-01058-00281528-00281768 yeah when deciding what aspects we dl6zbIOfbGu-01059-00281769-00281939 wanted to focus in on for this dl6zbIOfbGu-01060-00281940-00282128 mentorship program we synthesized six dl6zbIOfbGu-01061-00282129-00282320 key features we thought were most dl6zbIOfbGu-01062-00282321-00282527 important and most impactful as noted on dl6zbIOfbGu-01063-00282528-00282584 the slides dl6zbIOfbGu-01064-00282585-00282791 the most important feature we wanna dl6zbIOfbGu-01065-00282792-00282962 highlight is having our life journey dl6zbIOfbGu-01066-00282963-00283163 that is personalized to fit a mentees dl6zbIOfbGu-01067-00283164-00283391 own needs in addition to helping a dl6zbIOfbGu-01068-00283392-00283657 mentees navigating big life decisions dl6zbIOfbGu-01069-00283658-00283922 its Venn diagram provides a broader dl6zbIOfbGu-01070-00283923-00284111 overview of our proposed mentorship dl6zbIOfbGu-01071-00284112-00284327 program student mentees are enrolled in dl6zbIOfbGu-01072-00284328-00284513 a decal which is a student top force dl6zbIOfbGu-01073-00284514-00284720 four units at Berkeley and have weekly dl6zbIOfbGu-01074-00284721-00284882 discussions and reflections at the start dl6zbIOfbGu-01075-00284883-00285089 of each class oli mentors build their dl6zbIOfbGu-01076-00285090-00285230 own separate community through monthly dl6zbIOfbGu-01077-00285231-00285446 lunches and our program intersects the dl6zbIOfbGu-01078-00285447-00285590 two users through a matching process dl6zbIOfbGu-01079-00285591-00285803 facilitated by coffee shots weekly dl6zbIOfbGu-01080-00285804-00285986 mentor mentee meetings during the decal dl6zbIOfbGu-01081-00285987-00286163 course time and mini cluster meetings dl6zbIOfbGu-01082-00286164-00286325 with two or three pairs throughout the dl6zbIOfbGu-01083-00286326-00286913 semester beta end are the steps taken by dl6zbIOfbGu-01084-00286914-00287129 the mentor and mentee the mentee dl6zbIOfbGu-01085-00287130-00287387 application is for the decal course the dl6zbIOfbGu-01086-00287388-00287884 mentor application is choose the weekly dl6zbIOfbGu-01087-00287885-00288125 time the present timeslot avoid dl6zbIOfbGu-01088-00288126-00288389 scheduling hassles and ensures dl6zbIOfbGu-01089-00288390-00288538 consistent meetings dl6zbIOfbGu-01090-00288539-00288706 mentors and mentees will attend the dl6zbIOfbGu-01091-00288707-00288889 first course to receive guidelines and dl6zbIOfbGu-01092-00288890-00289153 in India of the program trajectory dl6zbIOfbGu-01093-00289154-00289399 mentors and mentees then split into dl6zbIOfbGu-01094-00289400-00289642 specialized orientations next steps dl6zbIOfbGu-01095-00289643-00289897 account for the pairing process mentees dl6zbIOfbGu-01096-00289898-00290074 will read mentor BIOS and choose to dl6zbIOfbGu-01097-00290075-00290340 engage in coffee chats with the mentors dl6zbIOfbGu-01098-00290341-00290638 two or three mentors will be met by dl6zbIOfbGu-01099-00290639-00290860 mentees to mingle mentees will rank dl6zbIOfbGu-01100-00290861-00291049 their final mentor preferences based on dl6zbIOfbGu-01101-00291050-00291286 the coffee chats mentees will be paired dl6zbIOfbGu-01102-00291287-00291661 to mentors to foster relationships once dl6zbIOfbGu-01103-00291662-00291811 the mentorship pairs have been made we dl6zbIOfbGu-01104-00291812-00291997 look forward toward a semesters worth of dl6zbIOfbGu-01105-00291998-00292147 meetings to deepen the relationship dl6zbIOfbGu-01106-00292148-00292372 between mentor and mentee to facilitate dl6zbIOfbGu-01107-00292373-00292564 the connection we plan to have six to dl6zbIOfbGu-01108-00292565-00292765 seven weekly meetings on UC Berkeley dl6zbIOfbGu-01109-00292766-00293050 campus or nearby cafes with suggested dl6zbIOfbGu-01110-00293051-00293302 conversation topics surrounding personal dl6zbIOfbGu-01111-00293303-00293569 development and life journey over the dl6zbIOfbGu-01112-00293570-00293677 course of the semester we have dl6zbIOfbGu-01113-00293678-00293896 additional check-ins to see intersperse dl6zbIOfbGu-01114-00293897-00294082 are the semester to see how both mentee dl6zbIOfbGu-01115-00294083-00294241 and mentor are doing through the program dl6zbIOfbGu-01116-00294242-00294502 for the mentee this includes weekly dl6zbIOfbGu-01117-00294503-00294691 reflections and discussions during the dl6zbIOfbGu-01118-00294692-00294841 decal and for mentors dl6zbIOfbGu-01119-00294842-00295204 monthly lunches at the end to celebrate dl6zbIOfbGu-01120-00295205-00295333 the semesters accomplishments and dl6zbIOfbGu-01121-00295334-00295522 progress we wrap up with the final dl6zbIOfbGu-01122-00295523-00295711 semester banquet and begin focusing on dl6zbIOfbGu-01123-00295712-00295864 continuing the program into the next dl6zbIOfbGu-01124-00295865-00296050 semester including are encouraging dl6zbIOfbGu-01125-00296051-00296245 mentees to continue building their dl6zbIOfbGu-01126-00296246-00296410 mentorship connections and also dl6zbIOfbGu-01127-00296411-00296584 selecting facilitators to continue the dl6zbIOfbGu-01128-00296585-00296872 program thank you so we're gonna open up dl6zbIOfbGu-01129-00296873-00297085 for questions and megan is currently dl6zbIOfbGu-01130-00297086-00297307 adding a link of an example syllabus of dl6zbIOfbGu-01131-00297308-00297634 the decal structure in the chat dl6zbIOfbGu-01132-00297635-00298189 you dl6zbIOfbGu-01133-00298190-00298342 you dl6zbIOfbGu-01134-00298343-00298604 you dl6zbIOfbGu-01135-00298605-00298925 Thank You team Cheryl or I believe dl6zbIOfbGu-01136-00298926-00299740 you're on its we got four minutes for QA dl6zbIOfbGu-01137-00299741-00299921 can you hear me now dl6zbIOfbGu-01138-00299922-00300245 yep okay great congratulations to the dl6zbIOfbGu-01139-00300246-00300512 team it's been really great to be able dl6zbIOfbGu-01140-00300513-00300784 to see the slide deck tonight thank you dl6zbIOfbGu-01141-00300785-00301337 so I have so first off I want to tell dl6zbIOfbGu-01142-00301338-00301541 you that the Ahly members that you dl6zbIOfbGu-01143-00301542-00301862 conducted phone interviews with were dl6zbIOfbGu-01144-00301863-00302351 very impressed with the depth of the dl6zbIOfbGu-01145-00302352-00302612 questions that you asked and your follow dl6zbIOfbGu-01146-00302613-00303035 up they really enjoyed speaking with you dl6zbIOfbGu-01147-00303036-00303274 and they really enjoyed the opportunity dl6zbIOfbGu-01148-00303275-00303896 to have some input to this and the other dl6zbIOfbGu-01149-00303897-00304247 thing I was sort of wondering is one of dl6zbIOfbGu-01150-00304248-00304580 your key features was to have a dl6zbIOfbGu-01151-00304581-00305102 personalized program and you did share dl6zbIOfbGu-01152-00305103-00305306 with me the fact that you had a syllabus dl6zbIOfbGu-01153-00305307-00305552 for the decal which is great because dl6zbIOfbGu-01154-00305553-00305801 decals do require a lot of logistical dl6zbIOfbGu-01155-00305802-00306458 arrangements do you see any issues with dl6zbIOfbGu-01156-00306459-00306719 being having a personalized program and dl6zbIOfbGu-01157-00306720-00306989 a syllabus that has a weekly subject dl6zbIOfbGu-01158-00306990-00307406 matter yeah so actually the way we dl6zbIOfbGu-01159-00307407-00307589 structured the decal was that the weekly dl6zbIOfbGu-01160-00307590-00307778 subject matter or more of suggestions in dl6zbIOfbGu-01161-00307779-00307994 case the mentor and mentee alike weren't dl6zbIOfbGu-01162-00307995-00308171 really sure would talk about but we do dl6zbIOfbGu-01163-00308172-00308396 include you know some discussion of that dl6zbIOfbGu-01164-00308397-00308618 the mentor and mentee are free and talk dl6zbIOfbGu-01165-00308619-00308768 about whatever they'd like and but they dl6zbIOfbGu-01166-00308769-00308903 have a chance to revert back to the dl6zbIOfbGu-01167-00308904-00309382 content that we proposed great thank you dl6zbIOfbGu-01168-00309383-00309704 one of the things that I know you ran dl6zbIOfbGu-01169-00309705-00310031 into and a spoiler alert for everyone dl6zbIOfbGu-01170-00310032-00310337 the two teams have very similar dl6zbIOfbGu-01171-00310338-00310639 solutions which they arrived at dl6zbIOfbGu-01172-00310640-00310907 independently and I did not prompt dl6zbIOfbGu-01173-00310908-00311278 either one of them about this or share dl6zbIOfbGu-01174-00311279-00311657 but what kinds of issues did you find dl6zbIOfbGu-01175-00311658-00311846 when you were speaking with the students dl6zbIOfbGu-01176-00311847-00311981 and what their dl6zbIOfbGu-01177-00311982-00312356 concerns were about a mentorship and so dl6zbIOfbGu-01178-00312357-00312521 some of the students that I spoke to dl6zbIOfbGu-01179-00312522-00312866 raised concerns about maybe not having dl6zbIOfbGu-01180-00312867-00313088 the most like updated information and dl6zbIOfbGu-01181-00313089-00313322 this was also in the mentorship and this dl6zbIOfbGu-01182-00313323-00313472 was also expressed through oli members dl6zbIOfbGu-01183-00313473-00313613 too they were a little bit nervous about dl6zbIOfbGu-01184-00313614-00313823 not having the most up-to-date advice dl6zbIOfbGu-01185-00313824-00314108 for example so this was one of the dl6zbIOfbGu-01186-00314109-00314324 concerns which kind of led us to having dl6zbIOfbGu-01187-00314325-00314602 a more personalized life journey focus dl6zbIOfbGu-01188-00314603-00314978 so while the mentor might not have the dl6zbIOfbGu-01189-00314979-00315260 exact same path as a mentee they still dl6zbIOfbGu-01190-00315261-00315551 have so much general life advice to give dl6zbIOfbGu-01191-00315552-00315704 and they have so much exposure to dl6zbIOfbGu-01192-00315705-00315911 different fields that they'd be able to dl6zbIOfbGu-01193-00315912-00316172 help this mentee throughout their dl6zbIOfbGu-01194-00316173-00316334 process in college and this was dl6zbIOfbGu-01195-00316335-00316577 something that the college students dl6zbIOfbGu-01196-00316578-00316931 expressed a lot of interest in so the dl6zbIOfbGu-01197-00316932-00317260 incentive to join this is essentially dl6zbIOfbGu-01198-00317261-00317612 the decal and the fact that a student dl6zbIOfbGu-01199-00317613-00317870 gets a credit for this yeah also dl6zbIOfbGu-01200-00317871-00318137 additionally with the student needs they dl6zbIOfbGu-01201-00318138-00318662 were worried accountability and actually dl6zbIOfbGu-01202-00318663-00318887 having structured meeting times so the dl6zbIOfbGu-01203-00318888-00319274 decal course was put was created in dl6zbIOfbGu-01204-00319275-00319481 order to assure that structure for them dl6zbIOfbGu-01205-00319482-00319766 and allow them to have a set time a dl6zbIOfbGu-01206-00319767-00319901 preset time where they could have dl6zbIOfbGu-01207-00319902-00320180 consistent meetings with those oli dl6zbIOfbGu-01208-00320181-00320399 members and continue building their dl6zbIOfbGu-01209-00320400-00320660 relationship through that like set time dl6zbIOfbGu-01210-00320661-00320942 through the course great I think that dl6zbIOfbGu-01211-00320943-00321101 having this amount of structure and dl6zbIOfbGu-01212-00321102-00321482 there is a great initial approach to dl6zbIOfbGu-01213-00321483-00321803 this and provides a lot of opportunity dl6zbIOfbGu-01214-00321804-00322537 for this to really happen Thank You team dl6zbIOfbGu-01215-00322538-00322826 all right thanks for that wonderful dl6zbIOfbGu-01216-00322827-00323150 presentation and Cheryl you gave us a dl6zbIOfbGu-01217-00323151-00323291 bit of a preview of the next team but dl6zbIOfbGu-01218-00323292-00323504 let's let's see what they've got and say dl6zbIOfbGu-01219-00323505-00323639 Kay we're gonna turn it over to you and dl6zbIOfbGu-01220-00323640-00324796 your team Oh awesome dl6zbIOfbGu-01221-00324797-00325100 all right like they say great minds dl6zbIOfbGu-01222-00325101-00325790 didn't thinking like so so routine seven dl6zbIOfbGu-01223-00325791-00326078 a part of Ali and basically what I've dl6zbIOfbGu-01224-00326079-00326423 noticed is that every year hundreds of dl6zbIOfbGu-01225-00326424-00326633 thousands of college graduates graduate dl6zbIOfbGu-01226-00326634-00326930 without a job and some of these people dl6zbIOfbGu-01227-00326931-00327083 are friends in our family dl6zbIOfbGu-01228-00327084-00327452 so we inevitably feel their feelings of dl6zbIOfbGu-01229-00327453-00327773 failure and embarrassment but the dl6zbIOfbGu-01230-00327774-00327950 problem is that is not what the students dl6zbIOfbGu-01231-00327951-00328115 is what universities because they don't dl6zbIOfbGu-01232-00328116-00328471 put in to their curriculum getting jobs dl6zbIOfbGu-01233-00328472-00328766 so at the fun fellow Institute I dl6zbIOfbGu-01234-00328767-00328952 function with the funk fellows we dl6zbIOfbGu-01235-00328953-00329201 partner with oddly and I'll use a group dl6zbIOfbGu-01236-00329202-00329396 of older adults who love learning and dl6zbIOfbGu-01237-00329397-00329726 love coaching so we decided to bring our dl6zbIOfbGu-01238-00329727-00330064 collective expertise and makeup dl6zbIOfbGu-01239-00330065-00330626 professional mentorship program to this dl6zbIOfbGu-01240-00330627-00330848 end we answered the question of how dl6zbIOfbGu-01241-00330849-00331052 might we engage older adults and college dl6zbIOfbGu-01242-00331053-00331241 students in a mutually mutually dl6zbIOfbGu-01243-00331242-00331442 beneficial professional mentorship dl6zbIOfbGu-01244-00331443-00332018 program and based on our user studies in dl6zbIOfbGu-01245-00332019-00332213 our user research we found that dl6zbIOfbGu-01246-00332214-00332444 overwhelmingly the mentors and mentees dl6zbIOfbGu-01247-00332445-00332705 wanted in personal contact they want it dl6zbIOfbGu-01248-00332706-00332933 like a personal connection above that dl6zbIOfbGu-01249-00332934-00333176 they want it to be compatible with their dl6zbIOfbGu-01250-00333177-00333512 mentors and mentees but one problem that dl6zbIOfbGu-01251-00333513-00333709 we kept on running into is that how do dl6zbIOfbGu-01252-00333710-00333899 you incentivize Berkeley students dl6zbIOfbGu-01253-00333900-00334060 because when it come to professional dl6zbIOfbGu-01254-00334061-00334205 development it's often like a dl6zbIOfbGu-01255-00334206-00334435 afterthought so how do we put down dl6zbIOfbGu-01256-00334436-00334802 therefore in front of their brain the dl6zbIOfbGu-01257-00334803-00335138 answer was a decal the decal meets the dl6zbIOfbGu-01258-00335139-00335351 students we're at because we're students dl6zbIOfbGu-01259-00335352-00335474 and we're in the mindset of going to dl6zbIOfbGu-01260-00335475-00335771 class so we can offer them unit its dl6zbIOfbGu-01261-00335772-00336034 structure they have it's easy to start dl6zbIOfbGu-01262-00336035-00336179 and it's easier to pass on to the next dl6zbIOfbGu-01263-00336180-00336509 generation and also simply we can dl6zbIOfbGu-01264-00336510-00336728 leverage universities of existing dl6zbIOfbGu-01265-00336729-00337202 resources so here's our process a dl6zbIOfbGu-01266-00337203-00337442 three-step process first we're gonna go dl6zbIOfbGu-01267-00337443-00337607 recruit the students and we gonna dl6zbIOfbGu-01268-00337608-00337772 recruit them with the intent are giving dl6zbIOfbGu-01269-00337773-00337976 them professional development and then dl6zbIOfbGu-01270-00337977-00338063 we're gonna ask them dl6zbIOfbGu-01271-00338064-00338171 gathering information on their dl6zbIOfbGu-01272-00338172-00338353 personality traits and just that dl6zbIOfbGu-01273-00338354-00338476 professional goals and what's the dl6zbIOfbGu-01274-00338477-00338768 trajectory of their career second we're dl6zbIOfbGu-01275-00338769-00338980 gonna mess those students with mentors dl6zbIOfbGu-01276-00338981-00339202 based on the algorithm we develop it dl6zbIOfbGu-01277-00339203-00339443 takes in consideration to the profess dl6zbIOfbGu-01278-00339444-00339614 the profession person has inner dl6zbIOfbGu-01279-00339615-00339835 personality traits impairment teas and dl6zbIOfbGu-01280-00339836-00339973 mentors together dl6zbIOfbGu-01281-00339974-00340292 lastly we don't have a weekly meeting in dl6zbIOfbGu-01282-00340293-00340552 class and a biweekly meeting with their dl6zbIOfbGu-01283-00340553-00340801 particular respective mentors we find dl6zbIOfbGu-01284-00340802-00341008 this is an effective strategy because we dl6zbIOfbGu-01285-00341009-00341200 can hold accountable and make sure that dl6zbIOfbGu-01286-00341201-00341441 mentors and mentees are mutually both dl6zbIOfbGu-01287-00341442-00341881 getting something out of this last this dl6zbIOfbGu-01288-00341882-00342062 is our wireframe we came up with a dl6zbIOfbGu-01289-00342063-00342266 website where the mentors and the dl6zbIOfbGu-01290-00342267-00342553 mentees can work out the logistics that dl6zbIOfbGu-01291-00342554-00342695 when they go and meet how they gonna dl6zbIOfbGu-01292-00342696-00342947 meet also we be consistently posting new dl6zbIOfbGu-01293-00342948-00343145 websites I mean new workshops or what's dl6zbIOfbGu-01294-00343146-00343351 going north and if there's a new student dl6zbIOfbGu-01295-00343352-00343496 out there that want to enjoy our dl6zbIOfbGu-01296-00343497-00343673 particular decal they can find dl6zbIOfbGu-01297-00343674-00343977 information here we strongly feel that dl6zbIOfbGu-01298-00343978-00344281 with this decal is mentorship we don't dl6zbIOfbGu-01299-00344282-00344546 do our part in alleviating recent dl6zbIOfbGu-01300-00344547-00344752 college unemployment thank you very much dl6zbIOfbGu-01301-00344753-00345842 miss RIT thanks sensei Kay and team over dl6zbIOfbGu-01302-00345843-00346324 to you Cheryl okay again team dl6zbIOfbGu-01303-00346325-00346831 congratulations again the Ahly members dl6zbIOfbGu-01304-00346832-00347120 who you interviewed doing phone dl6zbIOfbGu-01305-00347121-00347455 interviews during this incredibly dl6zbIOfbGu-01306-00347456-00347883 challenging period were very very dl6zbIOfbGu-01307-00347884-00348146 impressed with the questions that you dl6zbIOfbGu-01308-00348147-00348641 asked and idea that you had of asking dl6zbIOfbGu-01309-00348642-00348784 them that there might be mutually dl6zbIOfbGu-01310-00348785-00349060 beneficial coaching going on like would dl6zbIOfbGu-01311-00349061-00349231 they like to coach undergraduates and dl6zbIOfbGu-01312-00349232-00349370 what they like the undergraduates to dl6zbIOfbGu-01313-00349371-00349646 coach them and I think that you dl6zbIOfbGu-01314-00349647-00349988 incorporated that which was wonderful so dl6zbIOfbGu-01315-00349989-00350227 that there is some benefit on both sides dl6zbIOfbGu-01316-00350228-00350626 and a give and take on both sides I also dl6zbIOfbGu-01317-00350627-00350966 think that the flexibility that you put dl6zbIOfbGu-01318-00350967-00351301 into this and the matching process you dl6zbIOfbGu-01319-00351302-00351411 put into this dl6zbIOfbGu-01320-00351412-00351774 our truly outstanding I'm very dl6zbIOfbGu-01321-00351775-00352026 interested in the portal I asked a bunch dl6zbIOfbGu-01322-00352027-00352155 of questions about it the other night dl6zbIOfbGu-01323-00352156-00352530 and if you could just explain a little dl6zbIOfbGu-01324-00352531-00352671 bit more about you thought about the dl6zbIOfbGu-01325-00352672-00352845 portal and how it works that would be dl6zbIOfbGu-01326-00352846-00353324 great yeah so I can take this question dl6zbIOfbGu-01327-00353325-00353655 the idea behind the portal is we wanted dl6zbIOfbGu-01328-00353656-00354003 to create a virtual place where mentors dl6zbIOfbGu-01329-00354004-00354159 and mentees can maybe extend their dl6zbIOfbGu-01330-00354160-00354399 relationship beyond just the classroom dl6zbIOfbGu-01331-00354400-00354657 in the decal so there's the opportunity dl6zbIOfbGu-01332-00354658-00355065 to schedule Google Hangouts or like a dl6zbIOfbGu-01333-00355066-00355287 zoom call and there's also the dl6zbIOfbGu-01334-00355288-00355548 opportunities to message directly to dl6zbIOfbGu-01335-00355549-00355905 your mentor taxes past education past dl6zbIOfbGu-01336-00355906-00356187 workshops and such so basically we dl6zbIOfbGu-01337-00356188-00356502 wanted to bring I guess the the decal dl6zbIOfbGu-01338-00356503-00356796 into the virtual realm and really give dl6zbIOfbGu-01339-00356797-00357048 mentors and mentees alike the dl6zbIOfbGu-01340-00357049-00357423 opportunity to carry this and carry this dl6zbIOfbGu-01341-00357424-00357771 outside of the classroom I guess that's dl6zbIOfbGu-01342-00357772-00358095 great one of our original challenges was dl6zbIOfbGu-01343-00358096-00358365 to find a virtual way to do this and I dl6zbIOfbGu-01344-00358366-00358746 think you melded the key findings that dl6zbIOfbGu-01345-00358747-00358959 people really wanted one-on-one personal dl6zbIOfbGu-01346-00358960-00359253 relationships and yet this portal dl6zbIOfbGu-01347-00359254-00359715 provides a virtual way to connect and dl6zbIOfbGu-01348-00359716-00359981 communicate so that's fabulous dl6zbIOfbGu-01349-00359982-00360366 any particular challenges that you felt dl6zbIOfbGu-01350-00360367-00361598 you ran into that you didn't expect dl6zbIOfbGu-01351-00361599-00362104 [Laughter] dl6zbIOfbGu-01352-00362105-00362595 this question for us so I guess if there dl6zbIOfbGu-01353-00362596-00362753 was anything we kept running into that dl6zbIOfbGu-01354-00362754-00363297 issue of incentive just because we when dl6zbIOfbGu-01355-00363298-00363444 we interviewed students they had dl6zbIOfbGu-01356-00363445-00363714 expressed like concerned with something dl6zbIOfbGu-01357-00363715-00363894 like tangible coming out of this like dl6zbIOfbGu-01358-00363895-00364334 program and so our solution was this was dl6zbIOfbGu-01359-00364335-00364603 also addressed in the chat box but what dl6zbIOfbGu-01360-00364604-00364938 we try to do - what we plan to do is dl6zbIOfbGu-01361-00364939-00365238 like leverage like the connections that dl6zbIOfbGu-01362-00365239-00365531 oli members have and provide some sort dl6zbIOfbGu-01363-00365532-00365697 of like internship fair career fair that dl6zbIOfbGu-01364-00365698-00365889 only like students in the decal can like dl6zbIOfbGu-01365-00365890-00366297 access or to like attend and then that dl6zbIOfbGu-01366-00366298-00366546 way they leave this decal program with dl6zbIOfbGu-01367-00366547-00366905 something like concrete or tangible and dl6zbIOfbGu-01368-00366906-00367034 like that can be like a measure of like dl6zbIOfbGu-01369-00367035-00367232 success for the student as well as I dl6zbIOfbGu-01370-00367233-00367566 mentor that's great and I like the idea dl6zbIOfbGu-01371-00367567-00367812 that you left an opportunity to have a dl6zbIOfbGu-01372-00367813-00368078 longer-term relationship if the mentor dl6zbIOfbGu-01373-00368079-00368360 in the mentee you want to continue the dl6zbIOfbGu-01374-00368361-00368550 sort of life professional coaching dl6zbIOfbGu-01375-00368551-00369178 relationships through that portal I dl6zbIOfbGu-01376-00369179-00369380 congratulate you again I'm really dl6zbIOfbGu-01377-00369381-00369605 impressed with the program thanks so dl6zbIOfbGu-01378-00369606-00370200 much thanks team and thanks to you dl6zbIOfbGu-01379-00370201-00370406 Cheryl and Olli for bringing that to us dl6zbIOfbGu-01380-00370407-00370728 we're excited to see to see what comes dl6zbIOfbGu-01381-00370729-00371268 of it so we've got three teams to go as dl6zbIOfbGu-01382-00371269-00371477 promised we're gonna take a five minute dl6zbIOfbGu-01383-00371478-00371847 stretch break keep an eye on your own dl6zbIOfbGu-01384-00371848-00372174 clock encourage you to actually stand up dl6zbIOfbGu-01385-00372175-00372501 and walk around except for you and say dl6zbIOfbGu-01386-00372502-00372860 cake because he already did that during dl6zbIOfbGu-01387-00372861-00373160 the during the break we're gonna also dl6zbIOfbGu-01388-00373161-00373551 play a slide show that it's for the dl6zbIOfbGu-01389-00373552-00373674 fellows but it's for all you it's got dl6zbIOfbGu-01390-00373675-00373890 some some photos and some memories from dl6zbIOfbGu-01391-00373891-00374156 the last the last year of this dl6zbIOfbGu-01392-00374157-00374394 fellowship a lot of it focused on the dl6zbIOfbGu-01393-00374395-00374694 time that we were together in person I dl6zbIOfbGu-01394-00374695-00374960 big thanks to Adrian for curating this dl6zbIOfbGu-01395-00374961-00375230 this set of photographs so we'll see you dl6zbIOfbGu-01399-00391943-00392201 you dl6zbIOfbGu-01401-00397694-00397851 you dl6zbIOfbGu-01402-00397852-00399442 you dl6zbIOfbGu-01403-00399443-00401710 you dl6zbIOfbGu-01404-00401711-00402923 you dl6zbIOfbGu-01405-00402924-00403316 you dl6zbIOfbGu-01406-00403317-00403858 you dl6zbIOfbGu-01407-00403859-00404152 we will start back up in just about a dl6zbIOfbGu-01408-00404153-00404504 minute dl6zbIOfbGu-01409-00404505-00406051 you dl6zbIOfbGu-01410-00406052-00406372 you dl6zbIOfbGu-01411-00406373-00406658 you dl6zbIOfbGu-01412-00406659-00407094 you dl6zbIOfbGu-01413-00407095-00409720 you dl6zbIOfbGu-01414-00409721-00410741 you dl6zbIOfbGu-01415-00410742-00411247 okay so we are gonna get back into it dl6zbIOfbGu-01416-00411248-00411593 we've got two presentations coming up dl6zbIOfbGu-01417-00411594-00411797 from teams that partnered with Care dl6zbIOfbGu-01418-00411798-00412278 Marge and we'll start with Anderson's dl6zbIOfbGu-01419-00412279-00413376 team okay we're gonna go dl6zbIOfbGu-01420-00413377-00413745 get started meet John an 87 year old man dl6zbIOfbGu-01421-00413746-00413918 who moved into an assisted living dl6zbIOfbGu-01422-00413920-00414114 facility two years ago after being dl6zbIOfbGu-01423-00414114-00414405 diagnosed with dementia last year John dl6zbIOfbGu-01424-00414406-00414605 suffered a major fall breaking several dl6zbIOfbGu-01425-00414606-00414891 bones his caregiver was luckily nearby dl6zbIOfbGu-01426-00414892-00415188 and quickly got him to help John isn't dl6zbIOfbGu-01427-00415189-00415482 alone of the 1.6 million residents in dl6zbIOfbGu-01428-00415483-00415757 u.s. nursing facilities approximately dl6zbIOfbGu-01429-00415758-00416045 50% suffer from Falls every year a dl6zbIOfbGu-01430-00416046-00416307 couple of months later John was eating a dl6zbIOfbGu-01431-00416308-00416517 meal in the dining hall when he began dl6zbIOfbGu-01432-00416518-00416735 choking on his food a symptom more dl6zbIOfbGu-01433-00416737-00417032 common in dementia patients since he was dl6zbIOfbGu-01434-00417033-00417230 in a common space his friends quickly dl6zbIOfbGu-01435-00417231-00417410 noticed and called facility staff dl6zbIOfbGu-01436-00417412-00417672 members in March 2020 dl6zbIOfbGu-01437-00417672-00417924 the covin 19 pandemic forced all care dl6zbIOfbGu-01438-00417925-00418212 facilities into quarantine residents dl6zbIOfbGu-01439-00418213-00418368 like John have been forced to spend more dl6zbIOfbGu-01440-00418368-00418605 time in their rooms eating meals alone dl6zbIOfbGu-01441-00418606-00418839 and heightening the risk of undetected dl6zbIOfbGu-01442-00418839-00419070 Falls and symptoms like choking and dl6zbIOfbGu-01443-00419071-00419351 coughing one day John starts coughing dl6zbIOfbGu-01444-00419352-00419463 more than usual dl6zbIOfbGu-01445-00419464-00419727 thankfully he has a cardio to watch over dl6zbIOfbGu-01446-00419728-00421092 him hello John dl6zbIOfbGu-01447-00421093-00421275 I noticed you are coughing more than dl6zbIOfbGu-01448-00421276-00421488 usual would you like me to inform the dl6zbIOfbGu-01449-00421489-00421847 facility staff how might we question our dl6zbIOfbGu-01450-00421849-00422121 solution aims to answer is how might we dl6zbIOfbGu-01451-00422122-00422367 utilize auditory data from care emerges dl6zbIOfbGu-01452-00422368-00422625 Amazon Alexis to detect and act on dl6zbIOfbGu-01453-00422626-00422841 hazards to seniors health and will be dl6zbIOfbGu-01454-00422842-00423108 the flow chart below details the steps dl6zbIOfbGu-01455-00423109-00423408 Alexa takes to get a senior health first dl6zbIOfbGu-01456-00423409-00423600 Alexey uses machine learning to identify dl6zbIOfbGu-01457-00423601-00423885 sounds second it determines if the dl6zbIOfbGu-01458-00423885-00424050 sounds are worrying or out of the dl6zbIOfbGu-01459-00424051-00424124 ordinary dl6zbIOfbGu-01460-00424125-00424410 next it first asked the senior if they dl6zbIOfbGu-01461-00424410-00424632 need help from staff and finally if dl6zbIOfbGu-01462-00424633-00424872 there is no reply Alexa will contact the dl6zbIOfbGu-01463-00424872-00425210 facility staff for the prototype shown dl6zbIOfbGu-01464-00425212-00425409 our team implemented the naivebayes dl6zbIOfbGu-01465-00425410-00425718 algorithm in python to detect coughs we dl6zbIOfbGu-01466-00425718-00425885 additionally looked into the numerous dl6zbIOfbGu-01467-00425887-00426078 research studies on the subject and dl6zbIOfbGu-01468-00426079-00426303 realize how this technology can be used dl6zbIOfbGu-01469-00426304-00426507 even further to distinguish types of dl6zbIOfbGu-01470-00426508-00426750 class dl6zbIOfbGu-01471-00426751-00427032 we we interviewed assisted living dl6zbIOfbGu-01472-00427033-00427278 facility residents administrators and dl6zbIOfbGu-01473-00427279-00427568 geriatric specialists to gain insight on dl6zbIOfbGu-01474-00427570-00427739 the biggest challenges they face dl6zbIOfbGu-01475-00427741-00427976 we learned that safety hazards under dl6zbIOfbGu-01476-00427977-00428289 staffing and privacy are three main dl6zbIOfbGu-01477-00428289-00428514 issues which can all be addressed with dl6zbIOfbGu-01478-00428514-00428826 Gardea privacy matters a lot to seniors dl6zbIOfbGu-01479-00428827-00429021 but it comes less of a concern to dl6zbIOfbGu-01480-00429022-00429272 seniors when at all as features and dl6zbIOfbGu-01481-00429273-00429638 benefits beyond just ensuring safety dl6zbIOfbGu-01482-00429639-00429957 beyond the covered 19 pandemic we will dl6zbIOfbGu-01483-00429958-00430227 use technology as a tool to access human dl6zbIOfbGu-01484-00430228-00430476 support improving the standard of care dl6zbIOfbGu-01485-00430477-00430800 and facilities worldwide our tool will dl6zbIOfbGu-01486-00430801-00431043 assure older adults that help is dl6zbIOfbGu-01487-00431043-00431280 accessible even if no attendant is in dl6zbIOfbGu-01488-00431281-00431571 their room it can also be used for fall dl6zbIOfbGu-01489-00431572-00431822 detection and to help resin start dl6zbIOfbGu-01490-00431823-00432039 callers to loved ones without waiting dl6zbIOfbGu-01491-00432039-00432306 for a staff member to help them these dl6zbIOfbGu-01492-00432307-00432549 functions can be built into Alexa's dl6zbIOfbGu-01493-00432550-00433510 everywhere even beyond care facilities dl6zbIOfbGu-01494-00433512-00433830 great gratulations team for putting this dl6zbIOfbGu-01495-00433831-00434157 together really appreciate the dl6zbIOfbGu-01496-00434158-00434406 collaboration that you guys talen dl6zbIOfbGu-01497-00434407-00434839 attention to details I have one question dl6zbIOfbGu-01498-00434841-00435110 you got the opportunity to meet with dl6zbIOfbGu-01499-00435112-00435354 older adults that are living in their dl6zbIOfbGu-01500-00435355-00435531 apartments as well as in senior living dl6zbIOfbGu-01501-00435532-00435882 communities do you feel both of them dl6zbIOfbGu-01502-00435883-00436155 share same types of challenges or the dl6zbIOfbGu-01503-00436156-00436842 world they were very different I can dl6zbIOfbGu-01504-00436843-00437016 answer that um as it happened most of dl6zbIOfbGu-01505-00437017-00437189 the people that we talked to incident dl6zbIOfbGu-01506-00437191-00437706 they lived in independent facilities um dl6zbIOfbGu-01507-00437707-00437877 and so to kind of make up for that dl6zbIOfbGu-01508-00437878-00438024 difference we spoke with a lot of dl6zbIOfbGu-01509-00438025-00438218 administrators and physicians actually I dl6zbIOfbGu-01510-00438220-00438422 think dr. Kumar is on the call here I'm dl6zbIOfbGu-01511-00438423-00438552 one of the doctors and we talked to and dl6zbIOfbGu-01512-00438553-00438822 stick-on I get a broader picture and so dl6zbIOfbGu-01513-00438822-00438996 while there are differences and eats and dl6zbIOfbGu-01514-00438997-00439317 it's like very bad of us to modernize an dl6zbIOfbGu-01515-00439318-00439568 entire group like that we decided to dl6zbIOfbGu-01516-00439570-00439935 narrow in on users who might need more dl6zbIOfbGu-01517-00439935-00440309 of a safety how dl6zbIOfbGu-01518-00440310-00440745 great the other question I have is that dl6zbIOfbGu-01519-00440746-00441174 you talked about Alexa and I saw that dl6zbIOfbGu-01520-00441175-00441305 the question that you put together dl6zbIOfbGu-01521-00441306-00441600 technology was part of your survey and dl6zbIOfbGu-01522-00441601-00441879 your interviews were you surprised by dl6zbIOfbGu-01523-00441880-00442074 the feedback that you received from dl6zbIOfbGu-01524-00442075-00442425 these conversations that they are so dl6zbIOfbGu-01525-00442426-00442614 comfortable with Alexa and the latest dl6zbIOfbGu-01526-00442614-00443264 technologies did that surprise you I can dl6zbIOfbGu-01527-00443266-00443577 oh sorry go for the girlfriend yeah I'll dl6zbIOfbGu-01528-00443578-00443907 just jump in here I for one was a little dl6zbIOfbGu-01529-00443908-00444291 bit surprised it seems that the elderly dl6zbIOfbGu-01530-00444292-00444501 generation is much more comfortable with dl6zbIOfbGu-01531-00444502-00444722 technology in general and a lot of dl6zbIOfbGu-01532-00444723-00444966 people think one of the users user dl6zbIOfbGu-01533-00444967-00445370 research protocols that we did is we dl6zbIOfbGu-01534-00445371-00445620 went on to Reddit which is an online dl6zbIOfbGu-01535-00445621-00445926 website and we asked a question on a dl6zbIOfbGu-01536-00445927-00446318 forum and we got a bunch of super dl6zbIOfbGu-01537-00446319-00446647 in-depth answers about the opinions of dl6zbIOfbGu-01538-00446648-00446952 these people towards technology and dl6zbIOfbGu-01539-00446953-00447378 towards new technology and as I think dl6zbIOfbGu-01540-00447379-00447645 you pointed out that requires people to dl6zbIOfbGu-01541-00447646-00447822 be logging onto the computer so you go dl6zbIOfbGu-01542-00447822-00447984 into this website and it's be answering dl6zbIOfbGu-01543-00447985-00448470 this question and so in general the the dl6zbIOfbGu-01544-00448471-00448716 target audience was much more dl6zbIOfbGu-01545-00448717-00448857 comfortable with technology in general dl6zbIOfbGu-01546-00448858-00449751 and specifically with Alexis great so if dl6zbIOfbGu-01547-00449752-00450084 you have to pursue this project and the dl6zbIOfbGu-01548-00450085-00450285 older adults living in a senior living dl6zbIOfbGu-01549-00450285-00450600 community what is my undertaking how dl6zbIOfbGu-01550-00450601-00450893 much do I need to learn technology to be dl6zbIOfbGu-01551-00450894-00451466 able to sign up for this product I think dl6zbIOfbGu-01552-00451467-00451647 that the technology needed by the senior dl6zbIOfbGu-01553-00451647-00451895 themselves isn't very high as the dl6zbIOfbGu-01554-00451896-00452052 detection is happening in the background dl6zbIOfbGu-01555-00452053-00452216 while they go along with like their dl6zbIOfbGu-01556-00452217-00452439 daily lives um so it's kind of just an dl6zbIOfbGu-01557-00452439-00452668 extra tool to detect on certain health dl6zbIOfbGu-01558-00452669-00452913 issues that they might be on going dl6zbIOfbGu-01559-00452914-00453135 through and to help notify the senior dl6zbIOfbGu-01560-00453135-00453422 staff we also looked into dl6zbIOfbGu-01561-00453423-00453692 one thing that senior staff and seniors dl6zbIOfbGu-01562-00453693-00453887 brought up is that they want an easy way dl6zbIOfbGu-01563-00453888-00454110 to call loved ones without using dl6zbIOfbGu-01564-00454110-00454266 something like zoom so they wanted kind dl6zbIOfbGu-01565-00454267-00454445 of a voice platform where they could dl6zbIOfbGu-01566-00454446-00454587 just ask to talk to their sister or dl6zbIOfbGu-01567-00454588-00454802 their brother or their children um so dl6zbIOfbGu-01568-00454803-00454997 that's a thing that you would have to dl6zbIOfbGu-01569-00454998-00455156 teach the seniors but it would be an dl6zbIOfbGu-01570-00455157-00455400 easy thing if there's a voice platform dl6zbIOfbGu-01571-00455401-00455541 where they can just ask a simple dl6zbIOfbGu-01572-00455542-00456656 question - Alexa good job guys dl6zbIOfbGu-01573-00456657-00456933 thank you Thanks dl6zbIOfbGu-01574-00456934-00457112 you actually have about one minute left dl6zbIOfbGu-01575-00457113-00457266 if you want to poach one of the dl6zbIOfbGu-01576-00457267-00457442 questions off the chat you're also dl6zbIOfbGu-01577-00457443-00457656 welcome to to pass it forward these are dl6zbIOfbGu-01578-00457657-00457889 also questions you can address yeah we dl6zbIOfbGu-01579-00457890-00458066 have one question from Sena and she's dl6zbIOfbGu-01580-00458067-00458270 talking about false alarms so if you dl6zbIOfbGu-01581-00458271-00458460 have this device and hundreds of them in dl6zbIOfbGu-01582-00458460-00458693 a senior assisted living community and dl6zbIOfbGu-01583-00458694-00458985 nurses are waiting for alarms and alerts dl6zbIOfbGu-01584-00458985-00459137 what if there are so many false alarms dl6zbIOfbGu-01585-00459138-00459366 what and they still have to go into the dl6zbIOfbGu-01586-00459367-00459666 apartment and address them um I think dl6zbIOfbGu-01587-00459667-00459858 for the algorithms and this technology dl6zbIOfbGu-01588-00459859-00460031 to be deployed well there has to be a dl6zbIOfbGu-01589-00460032-00460295 very few percentage of false alarms and dl6zbIOfbGu-01590-00460296-00460472 I think you can get that technology to dl6zbIOfbGu-01591-00460473-00460754 that stage um another idea I had was I'm dl6zbIOfbGu-01592-00460755-00460967 actually implementing so if you know a dl6zbIOfbGu-01593-00460968-00461127 senior is more prone to follows you dl6zbIOfbGu-01594-00461128-00461366 could put them on like a like a fall dl6zbIOfbGu-01595-00461367-00461683 list of seniors who are more inclined or dl6zbIOfbGu-01596-00461684-00461991 who may fall more often and so the dl6zbIOfbGu-01597-00461992-00462141 algorithm can be more sensitive for dl6zbIOfbGu-01598-00462142-00462416 those cases while being less sensitive dl6zbIOfbGu-01599-00462417-00462752 to other people and just to add on to dl6zbIOfbGu-01600-00462753-00462998 that really fast as you can see her from dl6zbIOfbGu-01601-00462999-00463266 the journey map that is in our appendix dl6zbIOfbGu-01602-00463267-00463410 because we couldn't fit it into the dl6zbIOfbGu-01603-00463410-00463754 three-minute presentation time slot at dl6zbIOfbGu-01604-00463755-00463916 the end here dl6zbIOfbGu-01605-00463917-00464219 it likes if it detects trouble and it dl6zbIOfbGu-01606-00464220-00464631 asked John if he is okay and so he dl6zbIOfbGu-01607-00464632-00464831 responds it was just a book falling not dl6zbIOfbGu-01608-00464832-00465089 me and so there's definitely an dl6zbIOfbGu-01609-00465090-00465404 interaction between the Alexa and the dl6zbIOfbGu-01610-00465405-00465777 individual user and so from that dl6zbIOfbGu-01611-00465778-00466031 interaction Alexa can also learn even dl6zbIOfbGu-01612-00466032-00466304 more what sounds are actually trouble dl6zbIOfbGu-01613-00466305-00466714 versus what would be false alarms dl6zbIOfbGu-01614-00466714-00467358 thank you all right thanks team job guys dl6zbIOfbGu-01615-00467359-00467803 next up we have Tiffany's team also with dl6zbIOfbGu-01616-00467804-00469034 care emerge dl6zbIOfbGu-01617-00469035-00469347 you dl6zbIOfbGu-01618-00469349-00469799 hi I'm Carlos I'm Tiffany and on behalf dl6zbIOfbGu-01619-00469800-00470006 of c9 we will be presenting Orton's dl6zbIOfbGu-01620-00470007-00470264 prototype solution for this design times dl6zbIOfbGu-01621-00470264-00470495 we partnered with cameras camera is a dl6zbIOfbGu-01622-00470496-00470684 private venture that focuses on creating dl6zbIOfbGu-01623-00470685-00471010 a complete mobile and web communication dl6zbIOfbGu-01624-00471012-00471179 and point of care for seniors in dl6zbIOfbGu-01625-00471180-00471410 assisted living communities um recently dl6zbIOfbGu-01626-00471410-00471626 they have been working with Amazon Alexa dl6zbIOfbGu-01627-00471627-00471851 as one of the core technologies to bring dl6zbIOfbGu-01628-00471852-00472070 the seniors our goal was to better dl6zbIOfbGu-01629-00472071-00472264 understand how smart technologies such dl6zbIOfbGu-01630-00472266-00472529 as Amazon Alexa could better serve older dl6zbIOfbGu-01631-00472530-00472714 adults and hopefully take care dl6zbIOfbGu-01632-00472716-00472970 coordination and engagements our team dl6zbIOfbGu-01633-00472971-00473168 works to build off of Amazon Alexis dl6zbIOfbGu-01634-00473168-00473368 current capabilities to create a dl6zbIOfbGu-01635-00473370-00473614 personalized platform that supports dl6zbIOfbGu-01636-00473616-00473822 older adults and leading lives with a dl6zbIOfbGu-01637-00473822-00474143 greater independence during our customer dl6zbIOfbGu-01638-00474143-00474343 discovery phase after harkensee senior dl6zbIOfbGu-01639-00474345-00474545 living assisted homes activities dl6zbIOfbGu-01640-00474546-00474770 directors we found that the priority for dl6zbIOfbGu-01641-00474771-00474983 adults were when it came to independence dl6zbIOfbGu-01642-00474984-00475220 was leading healthier lives and when it dl6zbIOfbGu-01643-00475221-00475439 comes to improving the spaces that they dl6zbIOfbGu-01644-00475439-00475679 live in many would like a lot more staff dl6zbIOfbGu-01645-00475680-00476014 around and a more personalized care with dl6zbIOfbGu-01646-00476016-00476174 this in mind we wanted to incorporate dl6zbIOfbGu-01647-00476175-00476414 three key elements convenience user dl6zbIOfbGu-01648-00476414-00476582 friendliness and simplicity into our dl6zbIOfbGu-01649-00476583-00476834 design we aimed at an interface that was dl6zbIOfbGu-01650-00476835-00477127 easy to use for seniors on a daily basis dl6zbIOfbGu-01651-00477128-00477404 with this in mind we developed care dl6zbIOfbGu-01652-00477405-00477641 assists an enhanced version of the smart dl6zbIOfbGu-01653-00477642-00477929 speaker Amazon Alexa kerasys is designed dl6zbIOfbGu-01654-00477930-00478106 to conduct weekly health screenings and dl6zbIOfbGu-01655-00478107-00478289 schedule healthcare appointments for dl6zbIOfbGu-01656-00478289-00478439 seniors living in assisted living dl6zbIOfbGu-01657-00478439-00478735 facilities Karaca slumbers elderly dl6zbIOfbGu-01658-00478737-00478847 health through check-ins dl6zbIOfbGu-01659-00478847-00479014 that are delivered by nurses and dl6zbIOfbGu-01660-00479016-00479153 healthcare workers and they're dl6zbIOfbGu-01661-00479154-00479309 implemented through the Amazon smart dl6zbIOfbGu-01662-00479310-00479552 speaker here's a demo of how care assist dl6zbIOfbGu-01663-00479553-00479793 works dl6zbIOfbGu-01664-00479795-00480092 hello John you have an incoming check-in dl6zbIOfbGu-01665-00480093-00480302 from your nurse Nicole would you like to dl6zbIOfbGu-01666-00480303-00480974 accept the call hi John it's the pull dl6zbIOfbGu-01667-00480975-00481175 your nurse how do you feel today dl6zbIOfbGu-01668-00481176-00481705 are you happy medium or not doing well dl6zbIOfbGu-01669-00481706-00482014 today I'm feeling happy this morning I dl6zbIOfbGu-01670-00482016-00482185 went and saved a little walk around the dl6zbIOfbGu-01671-00482187-00482393 garden and it was nice you got some dl6zbIOfbGu-01672-00482393-00482529 fresh air dl6zbIOfbGu-01673-00482530-00482827 how is your physical health do you feel dl6zbIOfbGu-01674-00482828-00483087 like you're sick if so what are your dl6zbIOfbGu-01675-00483088-00483481 symptoms I'm feeling better today the dl6zbIOfbGu-01676-00483482-00483706 pain in my right knee is going away I dl6zbIOfbGu-01677-00483707-00483889 think the physical therapy is really dl6zbIOfbGu-01678-00483889-00484162 hoping have you been keeping up with dl6zbIOfbGu-01679-00484163-00484537 your medications yes I'm still taking my dl6zbIOfbGu-01680-00484538-00484828 medications at 9 a.m. I think my Alexa dl6zbIOfbGu-01681-00484829-00485155 reminders are really helping how do you dl6zbIOfbGu-01682-00485156-00485380 like your current living situation do dl6zbIOfbGu-01683-00485381-00485530 you feel like you're making lots of dl6zbIOfbGu-01684-00485531-00485966 friends or improving your independence I dl6zbIOfbGu-01685-00485967-00486241 enjoy having people around I like that I dl6zbIOfbGu-01686-00486242-00486516 know how to couch with the music and the dl6zbIOfbGu-01687-00486517-00486868 news on my own now so the use these dl6zbIOfbGu-01688-00486868-00487066 responses are then transcribed into an dl6zbIOfbGu-01689-00487067-00487266 electronic health record where care dl6zbIOfbGu-01690-00487267-00487456 providers are able to keep track of the dl6zbIOfbGu-01691-00487457-00487633 health of the residents these health dl6zbIOfbGu-01692-00487634-00487801 records can also be accessed by the dl6zbIOfbGu-01693-00487802-00487987 residents themselves or by family dl6zbIOfbGu-01694-00487988-00488254 members of the residents i'm kerasys can dl6zbIOfbGu-01695-00488255-00488449 also schedule healthcare appointments dl6zbIOfbGu-01696-00488450-00488629 and schedule rideshare apps to deliver dl6zbIOfbGu-01697-00488630-00488854 residents to their health care providers dl6zbIOfbGu-01698-00488855-00489049 this would also be accomplished through dl6zbIOfbGu-01699-00489050-00489274 the Alexa smart speaker in which a dl6zbIOfbGu-01700-00489275-00489457 resident would simply ask Alexa to dl6zbIOfbGu-01701-00489458-00489622 schedule an appointment on a certain day dl6zbIOfbGu-01702-00489622-00489960 and Alexa would get that done through dl6zbIOfbGu-01703-00489962-00490212 care assist Oh in the future we would dl6zbIOfbGu-01704-00490213-00490452 want to program Alexa to have dl6zbIOfbGu-01705-00490453-00490651 free-flowing conversations with dl6zbIOfbGu-01706-00490652-00490839 residents in order for the smart speaker dl6zbIOfbGu-01707-00490840-00491070 to interact with residents and facility dl6zbIOfbGu-01708-00491071-00491353 staff in a more human manner and through dl6zbIOfbGu-01709-00491354-00491610 kerasys we hope to leverage Amazon Alexa dl6zbIOfbGu-01710-00491612-00491835 as a tool for promoting health social dl6zbIOfbGu-01711-00491837-00492012 activity and independence among the dl6zbIOfbGu-01712-00492013-00492181 elderly in assisted living care and dl6zbIOfbGu-01713-00492182-00492391 that's the end of our presentation and dl6zbIOfbGu-01714-00492392-00492564 we'll dedicate the rest of the time to dl6zbIOfbGu-01715-00492565-00492982 answering any questions thank you so dl6zbIOfbGu-01716-00492983-00493285 much great presentation guys so I have dl6zbIOfbGu-01717-00493285-00493759 my first question is about privacy as it dl6zbIOfbGu-01718-00493760-00494005 appears that care assist will be able to dl6zbIOfbGu-01719-00494006-00494353 wake up the Alexa device and ask the dl6zbIOfbGu-01720-00494354-00494597 question or check in on the residents dl6zbIOfbGu-01721-00494598-00494929 when talking to older adults or dl6zbIOfbGu-01722-00494930-00495447 residents if they were they okay with dl6zbIOfbGu-01723-00495447-00495559 Alexa dl6zbIOfbGu-01724-00495560-00495718 just waking up in the middle of the day dl6zbIOfbGu-01725-00495718-00496153 and asking questions so I can answer dl6zbIOfbGu-01726-00496154-00496452 this like our team recognizes that dl6zbIOfbGu-01727-00496453-00496780 privacy will continue to be at the dl6zbIOfbGu-01728-00496781-00497053 forefront of ethical concerns in any dl6zbIOfbGu-01729-00497054-00497218 kind of technology that involves any dl6zbIOfbGu-01730-00497218-00497431 sort of data collection so we recognize dl6zbIOfbGu-01731-00497432-00497578 that this is a very valid concern to dl6zbIOfbGu-01732-00497579-00497947 have and we would want to implement a dl6zbIOfbGu-01733-00497947-00498133 mechanisms in place to ensure that this dl6zbIOfbGu-01734-00498134-00498360 data would only be accessed through the dl6zbIOfbGu-01735-00498362-00498484 people who are supposed to access that dl6zbIOfbGu-01736-00498485-00498739 data so only through like health care dl6zbIOfbGu-01737-00498739-00498883 workers who are working in the facility dl6zbIOfbGu-01738-00498884-00499081 is only through residents residents dl6zbIOfbGu-01739-00499082-00499279 residents themselves and also the family dl6zbIOfbGu-01740-00499280-00499539 members of those residents and we want dl6zbIOfbGu-01741-00499541-00499764 to like create a procedure that would dl6zbIOfbGu-01742-00499766-00500020 help ensure that privacy but yeah we dl6zbIOfbGu-01743-00500021-00500185 recognize recognize that that is dl6zbIOfbGu-01744-00500185-00500452 definitely a concern to have and we dl6zbIOfbGu-01745-00500453-00500614 would actively worked with the dl6zbIOfbGu-01746-00500614-00500803 facilities to make sure that that would dl6zbIOfbGu-01747-00500804-00501121 be addressed um also to like add on with dl6zbIOfbGu-01748-00501122-00501322 that we also made sure that like dl6zbIOfbGu-01749-00501322-00501541 whatever this would be implemented that dl6zbIOfbGu-01750-00501542-00501793 would be an opt-in system and since it dl6zbIOfbGu-01751-00501793-00501988 is an electronic health record it would dl6zbIOfbGu-01752-00501989-00502285 also be covered under HIPAA so there dl6zbIOfbGu-01753-00502285-00502560 would be like privacy attached to like dl6zbIOfbGu-01754-00502562-00503268 patient confidentiality as well during dl6zbIOfbGu-01755-00503270-00503734 your interviews with others and you I dl6zbIOfbGu-01756-00503735-00503866 thought the question that you put dl6zbIOfbGu-01757-00503867-00504193 together very detailed were there dl6zbIOfbGu-01758-00504193-00505242 anything that you heard so I think that dl6zbIOfbGu-01759-00505243-00505582 one thing that well I guess it wouldn't dl6zbIOfbGu-01760-00505583-00505735 surprise me but I guess I didn't expect dl6zbIOfbGu-01761-00505735-00506085 was that one of the questions that we dl6zbIOfbGu-01762-00506087-00506404 asked was about the current priorities dl6zbIOfbGu-01763-00506405-00506539 that seniors have at this time dl6zbIOfbGu-01764-00506539-00506905 and um overwhelmingly the responses was dl6zbIOfbGu-01765-00506906-00507259 staying healthy and staying alive that I dl6zbIOfbGu-01766-00507260-00507574 understand that but I guess I I wasn't I dl6zbIOfbGu-01767-00507575-00507667 was kind of surprised about how dl6zbIOfbGu-01768-00507668-00507856 overwhelmingly those responses were and dl6zbIOfbGu-01769-00507857-00508168 one of the interviewees I had said dl6zbIOfbGu-01770-00508168-00508285 something to me that really resonated dl6zbIOfbGu-01771-00508285-00508462 with me that I'll share with you she dl6zbIOfbGu-01772-00508463-00508762 said that for older adults unlike other dl6zbIOfbGu-01773-00508763-00508900 age demographics dl6zbIOfbGu-01774-00508901-00509071 older adults aren't as concerned about dl6zbIOfbGu-01775-00509072-00509275 the future because for them they party dl6zbIOfbGu-01776-00509276-00509464 like live their life and like they've dl6zbIOfbGu-01777-00509464-00509662 seen everything it's more of now just dl6zbIOfbGu-01778-00509663-00509920 being comfortable and like living every dl6zbIOfbGu-01779-00509921-00510112 day and enjoying the present and that dl6zbIOfbGu-01780-00510113-00510343 was like wow that definitely made me dl6zbIOfbGu-01781-00510343-00511281 rethink a lot of things dl6zbIOfbGu-01782-00511282-00511607 okay now in order to make this available dl6zbIOfbGu-01783-00511608-00511892 and let's talk about your go-to-market dl6zbIOfbGu-01784-00511893-00512228 will you be selling this technology to dl6zbIOfbGu-01785-00512229-00512454 residents directly or will you be dl6zbIOfbGu-01786-00512455-00512724 selling it to the communities in a dl6zbIOfbGu-01787-00512725-00513534 hospital or bullet I think we created dl6zbIOfbGu-01788-00513535-00513678 this product with the intention of dl6zbIOfbGu-01789-00513679-00513867 focusing on assisted living facilities dl6zbIOfbGu-01790-00513868-00514142 so we would actually want to first dl6zbIOfbGu-01791-00514143-00514449 implement this in senior homes and dl6zbIOfbGu-01792-00514450-00514680 senior living communities first and I dl6zbIOfbGu-01793-00514681-00514917 think based off of that if there is like dl6zbIOfbGu-01794-00514918-00515175 a general like interest in it and like dl6zbIOfbGu-01795-00515176-00515397 we iterate it further to make it more dl6zbIOfbGu-01796-00515397-00515597 cater to individual needs we would dl6zbIOfbGu-01797-00515599-00515735 definitely be interested in opening it dl6zbIOfbGu-01798-00515737-00515835 up to the market because there is dl6zbIOfbGu-01799-00515835-00516260 definitely a market for this dl6zbIOfbGu-01800-00516262-00516546 great again thank you so much a great dl6zbIOfbGu-01801-00516547-00516729 presentation and thanks for all the work dl6zbIOfbGu-01802-00516730-00517160 that you guys did during this program dl6zbIOfbGu-01803-00517160-00517464 thank you to the payment and also to you dl6zbIOfbGu-01804-00517464-00517641 Fahad further for working with these dl6zbIOfbGu-01805-00517642-00517814 teams over the over the past 10 weeks dl6zbIOfbGu-01806-00517814-00518264 we're excited to see the results we've dl6zbIOfbGu-01807-00518266-00518466 got one team left and a few closing dl6zbIOfbGu-01808-00518467-00518775 remarks after that uh uh and for dl6zbIOfbGu-01809-00518776-00518952 everybody that's a reminder this is a dl6zbIOfbGu-01810-00518953-00519218 team that worked with tin-can associates dl6zbIOfbGu-01811-00519220-00519483 you heard from two teams that partnered dl6zbIOfbGu-01812-00519484-00519666 with tin can at the at the top of the dl6zbIOfbGu-01813-00519667-00519979 first hour dl6zbIOfbGu-01814-00519980-00520472 you dl6zbIOfbGu-01815-00520472-00520824 hi quick sound check can you hear me yep dl6zbIOfbGu-01816-00520825-00521243 we can hear you great thank you okay hi dl6zbIOfbGu-01817-00521245-00521481 everybody my name is David our team is dl6zbIOfbGu-01818-00521482-00521553 myself dl6zbIOfbGu-01819-00521554-00521907 neha taylor anna and iris when we were dl6zbIOfbGu-01820-00521908-00522087 presented with this design challenge we dl6zbIOfbGu-01821-00522088-00522234 were living in a very different world dl6zbIOfbGu-01822-00522235-00522471 than the one we occupied today the bonds dl6zbIOfbGu-01823-00522472-00522624 of family and friendship that were once dl6zbIOfbGu-01824-00522625-00522797 so easily accessible to us have been dl6zbIOfbGu-01825-00522799-00523107 challenged the spread of kovat 19 has dl6zbIOfbGu-01826-00523108-00523263 changed the way we communicate and dl6zbIOfbGu-01827-00523264-00523493 interact with one another forever but dl6zbIOfbGu-01828-00523495-00523680 loneliness is nothing new to our society dl6zbIOfbGu-01829-00523681-00523902 a study done in 2012 shows that dl6zbIOfbGu-01830-00523903-00524103 isolation not only worsens mental health dl6zbIOfbGu-01831-00524104-00524331 but also exacerbate pre-existing health dl6zbIOfbGu-01832-00524332-00524589 conditions the world we know has changed dl6zbIOfbGu-01833-00524590-00524799 but the problems we faced before are dl6zbIOfbGu-01834-00524800-00525114 still just as relevant when talking to dl6zbIOfbGu-01835-00525115-00525309 older adults we heard this quote which dl6zbIOfbGu-01836-00525310-00525465 inspired the direction we took with this dl6zbIOfbGu-01837-00525466-00525531 challenge dl6zbIOfbGu-01838-00525532-00525762 you know life can get really hard and dl6zbIOfbGu-01839-00525763-00525975 overwhelming sometimes it's rare that we dl6zbIOfbGu-01840-00525976-00526134 get moments to play and just be a kid dl6zbIOfbGu-01841-00526135-00526305 but I think we should all play a little dl6zbIOfbGu-01842-00526306-00526584 more don't you and so with these changes dl6zbIOfbGu-01843-00526585-00526836 to our daily lives we dare to ask how dl6zbIOfbGu-01844-00526837-00527019 might we help aging adults remain in the dl6zbIOfbGu-01845-00527020-00527205 comfort of their home while they keep dl6zbIOfbGu-01846-00527206-00527376 and strengthen their social connections dl6zbIOfbGu-01847-00527377-00527595 our goal at living room is to provide dl6zbIOfbGu-01848-00527596-00527787 users with the ability to connect and dl6zbIOfbGu-01849-00527788-00528000 have fun with family and friends as if dl6zbIOfbGu-01850-00528001-00528309 all together in their own living room we dl6zbIOfbGu-01851-00528310-00528471 conducted research mainly through two dl6zbIOfbGu-01852-00528472-00528702 methods a Google Form survey and over 10 dl6zbIOfbGu-01853-00528703-00528954 phone interviews one big idea we took dl6zbIOfbGu-01854-00528955-00529104 away from our interviews with older dl6zbIOfbGu-01855-00529105-00529290 adults was the desire to return to dl6zbIOfbGu-01856-00529291-00529557 normalcy the desire and emotional need dl6zbIOfbGu-01857-00529558-00529758 to engage in the activities that used to dl6zbIOfbGu-01858-00529759-00529941 provide them with meaning and social dl6zbIOfbGu-01859-00529942-00530346 connection our quantitative analysis dl6zbIOfbGu-01860-00530347-00530574 provided us with some clear data on our dl6zbIOfbGu-01861-00530575-00530781 target audience and usability we dl6zbIOfbGu-01862-00530782-00530979 surveyed over 70 people arranging from dl6zbIOfbGu-01863-00530980-00531189 children to older adults asking them dl6zbIOfbGu-01864-00531190-00531330 questions ranging from the type of dl6zbIOfbGu-01865-00531331-00531492 platforms they use to how they spend dl6zbIOfbGu-01866-00531493-00531738 their time based on this research our dl6zbIOfbGu-01867-00531739-00531927 team stumbled upon some initial concerns dl6zbIOfbGu-01868-00531928-00532185 regarding a gaming platform many older dl6zbIOfbGu-01869-00532186-00532350 adults found it difficult to work with dl6zbIOfbGu-01870-00532351-00532599 new and complex technologies some had dl6zbIOfbGu-01871-00532600-00532770 reservations with games and some found dl6zbIOfbGu-01872-00532771-00532929 it difficult to connect with the younger dl6zbIOfbGu-01873-00532930-00533163 members of their family taking our user dl6zbIOfbGu-01874-00533164-00533349 research into consideration we created a dl6zbIOfbGu-01875-00533350-00533562 living room living room has four main dl6zbIOfbGu-01876-00533563-00533709 features that stand out in the gaming dl6zbIOfbGu-01877-00533710-00533805 market today dl6zbIOfbGu-01878-00533806-00534054 users can filter through games scheduled dl6zbIOfbGu-01879-00534055-00534288 game times with friends and family send dl6zbIOfbGu-01880-00534289-00534480 out group invitation links and use chat dl6zbIOfbGu-01881-00534481-00534843 or video while using our platform living dl6zbIOfbGu-01882-00534844-00535014 room boasts a wide variety of games and dl6zbIOfbGu-01883-00535015-00535173 activities for all interests from dl6zbIOfbGu-01884-00535174-00535404 traditional games like mahjong chess and dl6zbIOfbGu-01885-00535405-00535653 bridge tomorrow modern activities Exuma dl6zbIOfbGu-01886-00535654-00535932 or crew painting users will be able to dl6zbIOfbGu-01887-00535933-00536082 select their availability in an dl6zbIOfbGu-01888-00536083-00536268 easy-to-use calendar and living room dl6zbIOfbGu-01889-00536269-00536439 will automatically generate an ideal dl6zbIOfbGu-01890-00536440-00536634 time for the group to meet with a dl6zbIOfbGu-01891-00536635-00536793 host-based invitation system dl6zbIOfbGu-01892-00536794-00536967 participants can simply click the link dl6zbIOfbGu-01893-00536968-00537231 and play here our living room we aspire dl6zbIOfbGu-01894-00537232-00537396 to connect friends and family with ease dl6zbIOfbGu-01895-00537397-00537615 simplicity and comfort and most of all dl6zbIOfbGu-01896-00537616-00537894 to play we'd like to thank our mentors dl6zbIOfbGu-01897-00537895-00538047 and especially our partners Tim Kent dl6zbIOfbGu-01898-00538048-00538194 Associates we couldn't do this without dl6zbIOfbGu-01899-00538195-00538585 your support dl6zbIOfbGu-01900-00538586-00538843 well John and I want to thank you guys dl6zbIOfbGu-01901-00538844-00539158 this has really been fun it's the goal dl6zbIOfbGu-01902-00539159-00539509 of the project and we're very impressed dl6zbIOfbGu-01903-00539510-00539953 I wen wondering when you were doing the dl6zbIOfbGu-01904-00539954-00540148 interviews if you had a sense of how to dl6zbIOfbGu-01905-00540149-00540436 overcome the fact that some of the dl6zbIOfbGu-01906-00540437-00540610 seniors wouldn't be super comfortable dl6zbIOfbGu-01907-00540611-00540913 with adopting a new online application a dl6zbIOfbGu-01908-00540914-00541186 new platform what are some ways around dl6zbIOfbGu-01909-00541187-00541828 that um I can take this one so I think dl6zbIOfbGu-01910-00541829-00542074 what we found during our interviews was dl6zbIOfbGu-01911-00542075-00542428 while some folks did have concerns once dl6zbIOfbGu-01912-00542429-00542581 we explained that it would be relatively dl6zbIOfbGu-01913-00542582-00542821 easy for them to view technology given dl6zbIOfbGu-01914-00542822-00543004 that many of them already use email or dl6zbIOfbGu-01915-00543005-00543205 use video trapping application just dl6zbIOfbGu-01916-00543206-00543520 having complications a lot of them found dl6zbIOfbGu-01917-00543521-00543781 that this is something that they can dl6zbIOfbGu-01918-00543782-00544225 integrate so just go back to it the dl6zbIOfbGu-01919-00544226-00544504 important thing about living room is dl6zbIOfbGu-01920-00544505-00544798 that a host creates the game and then dl6zbIOfbGu-01921-00544799-00544921 they just send out a link so it's very dl6zbIOfbGu-01922-00544922-00545092 easy for someone to just click on the dl6zbIOfbGu-01923-00545093-00545467 link and join the game thanks John do dl6zbIOfbGu-01924-00545468-00545689 you want to add something sure sure dl6zbIOfbGu-01925-00545690-00545947 first of all I I love I love the name dl6zbIOfbGu-01926-00545948-00546208 that you guys came up with I just think dl6zbIOfbGu-01927-00546209-00546442 it's simple and it just says so much dl6zbIOfbGu-01928-00546443-00546867 about comfort and being in your home and dl6zbIOfbGu-01929-00546868-00547126 connecting with people you care about dl6zbIOfbGu-01930-00547127-00547467 and you love so kind of just want to dl6zbIOfbGu-01931-00547468-00547858 give you a shout out for that and I also dl6zbIOfbGu-01932-00547859-00548059 I also think there's there there is a dl6zbIOfbGu-01933-00548060-00548203 tremendous opportunity I've just seen it dl6zbIOfbGu-01934-00548204-00548437 in my own aging parents actually you dl6zbIOfbGu-01935-00548438-00548647 spend a lot of time playing games but dl6zbIOfbGu-01936-00548648-00548800 they're often playing games by dl6zbIOfbGu-01937-00548801-00548962 themselves or playing solitaire or dl6zbIOfbGu-01938-00548963-00549313 they're playing they're playing Scrabble dl6zbIOfbGu-01939-00549314-00549436 or what have you but against the dl6zbIOfbGu-01940-00549437-00549871 computer and yet it well it satisfies dl6zbIOfbGu-01941-00549872-00550182 them for the moment it actually I think dl6zbIOfbGu-01942-00550183-00550426 increases their sense of isolation and dl6zbIOfbGu-01943-00550427-00550656 loneliness so I just think this is a dl6zbIOfbGu-01944-00550657-00551023 great place to explore and I think dl6zbIOfbGu-01945-00551024-00551272 there's a real need here and it really dl6zbIOfbGu-01946-00551273-00551697 kind of taps into some basic desires dl6zbIOfbGu-01947-00551698-00551962 around entertainment and connection dl6zbIOfbGu-01948-00551963-00552342 so applaud you guys for focusing and dl6zbIOfbGu-01949-00552343-00552730 landing on this I wanted to ask you guys dl6zbIOfbGu-01950-00552731-00552916 though about kind of the competition and dl6zbIOfbGu-01951-00552917-00553222 what you found and are there platforms dl6zbIOfbGu-01952-00553223-00553447 already out there that kind of do a lot dl6zbIOfbGu-01953-00553448-00553666 of this or individual games that do a dl6zbIOfbGu-01954-00553667-00553888 lot of what you're trying to do and dl6zbIOfbGu-01955-00553889-00554038 maybe you can talk a little bit more dl6zbIOfbGu-01956-00554039-00554346 about you know how this might line up dl6zbIOfbGu-01957-00554347-00554707 against those potential competitors and dl6zbIOfbGu-01958-00554708-00554977 how this might be differentiated yeah dl6zbIOfbGu-01959-00554978-00555145 definitely actually that was one of the dl6zbIOfbGu-01960-00555146-00555277 largest things that we did in the dl6zbIOfbGu-01961-00555278-00555469 beginning of her whole research dl6zbIOfbGu-01962-00555470-00555712 component was identifying market dl6zbIOfbGu-01963-00555713-00555916 research and I was pulling up the slide dl6zbIOfbGu-01964-00555917-00556075 we actually didn't include it because of dl6zbIOfbGu-01965-00556076-00556399 our tight three-minute component but dl6zbIOfbGu-01966-00556400-00556621 there are a lot of different platforms I dl6zbIOfbGu-01967-00556622-00556756 think it was mentioned in the chat that dl6zbIOfbGu-01968-00556757-00556990 game is one of them the main thing that dl6zbIOfbGu-01969-00556991-00557161 we were focusing on was creating a dl6zbIOfbGu-01970-00557162-00557380 platform that was easy to use and a lot dl6zbIOfbGu-01971-00557381-00557596 of these platforms are not as intuitive dl6zbIOfbGu-01972-00557597-00557917 as they might be for older adults for dl6zbIOfbGu-01973-00557918-00558193 example game Pidgeon is used only over dl6zbIOfbGu-01974-00558194-00558475 iOS texting or different types of text dl6zbIOfbGu-01975-00558476-00558691 messages which is not always a super dl6zbIOfbGu-01976-00558692-00558901 accessible platform especially as dl6zbIOfbGu-01977-00558902-00559135 devices are usually small and as you dl6zbIOfbGu-01978-00559136-00559309 grow older your eyesight also start to dl6zbIOfbGu-01979-00559310-00559474 see a little bit worse so those are some dl6zbIOfbGu-01980-00559475-00559693 of the things we considered I believe dl6zbIOfbGu-01981-00559694-00559888 that one of our main competitors that we dl6zbIOfbGu-01982-00559889-00560086 were considering was Jack Fox which is a dl6zbIOfbGu-01983-00560087-00560302 digital gaming platform one of the dl6zbIOfbGu-01984-00560303-00560488 complications with jack box is that it dl6zbIOfbGu-01985-00560489-00560692 is a subscription-based platform so you dl6zbIOfbGu-01986-00560693-00560935 can't access any games for free for free dl6zbIOfbGu-01987-00560936-00561280 and it also requires a separate form of dl6zbIOfbGu-01988-00561281-00561514 video communication and that's one of dl6zbIOfbGu-01989-00561515-00561661 the things we realize is a lot of these dl6zbIOfbGu-01990-00561662-00561889 things don't have an integrated platform dl6zbIOfbGu-01991-00561890-00562075 where you can do multiple things at once dl6zbIOfbGu-01992-00562076-00562267 where everything is somewhat scattered I dl6zbIOfbGu-01993-00562268-00562510 guess so that's one main component to dl6zbIOfbGu-01994-00562511-00562987 our application Thanks what about moving dl6zbIOfbGu-01995-00562988-00563197 forward for you guys I mean what would dl6zbIOfbGu-01996-00563198-00563329 you see as some of the biggest dl6zbIOfbGu-01997-00563330-00563671 challenges and in kind of advancing this dl6zbIOfbGu-01998-00563672-00563926 concept and how might you prioritize dl6zbIOfbGu-01999-00563927-00564127 your efforts moving forward that's the dl6zbIOfbGu-02000-00564128-00565164 kind of a challenging question dl6zbIOfbGu-02001-00565165-00565462 so one of the biggest things that moving dl6zbIOfbGu-02002-00565463-00565618 forward that would probably be the most dl6zbIOfbGu-02003-00565619-00565936 difficult with to integrate the video dl6zbIOfbGu-02004-00565937-00566200 chat aspect of it video chat it's a dl6zbIOfbGu-02005-00566201-00566506 pretty pretty difficult technology to do dl6zbIOfbGu-02006-00566507-00566865 really well as we can all see and so dl6zbIOfbGu-02007-00566866-00567157 that would probably be or one of the dl6zbIOfbGu-02008-00567158-00567537 biggest hurdles to doing this dl6zbIOfbGu-02009-00567538-00567876 how important is a video chat by the way dl6zbIOfbGu-02010-00567877-00568285 well we wanted to of course video chat dl6zbIOfbGu-02011-00568286-00568579 isn't mandatory you can always turn the dl6zbIOfbGu-02012-00568580-00568750 feature off if you don't want to be dl6zbIOfbGu-02013-00568751-00569041 shown which was something and some of dl6zbIOfbGu-02014-00569042-00569368 our interviewees expressed wanting and dl6zbIOfbGu-02015-00569369-00569697 so we wanted video chat to make it feel dl6zbIOfbGu-02016-00569698-00569968 more personable and so that when you're dl6zbIOfbGu-02017-00569969-00570106 playing games and doing activities with dl6zbIOfbGu-02018-00570107-00570280 your friends and family you can see them dl6zbIOfbGu-02019-00570281-00570589 and that makes as close to as closely as dl6zbIOfbGu-02020-00570590-00570907 possible to actually doing it in person dl6zbIOfbGu-02021-00570908-00571306 I had something really quick mm-hmm um dl6zbIOfbGu-02022-00571307-00571513 in our interviews we actually talked to dl6zbIOfbGu-02023-00571514-00571735 a lot of folks and part of the reason dl6zbIOfbGu-02024-00571736-00571939 but this idea even came about was that dl6zbIOfbGu-02025-00571940-00572152 folks said that they were having video dl6zbIOfbGu-02026-00572153-00572302 chats with the younger people in their dl6zbIOfbGu-02027-00572303-00572464 family but those video chats would dl6zbIOfbGu-02028-00572465-00572683 eventually kind of peter out because dl6zbIOfbGu-02029-00572684-00572827 they ran out of things to talk about so dl6zbIOfbGu-02030-00572828-00573142 the idea really is to like have the dl6zbIOfbGu-02031-00573143-00573297 games be a connection but also being dl6zbIOfbGu-02032-00573298-00573726 able to see your loved ones it's huge so dl6zbIOfbGu-02033-00573727-00574249 how might you prototype this idea like dl6zbIOfbGu-02034-00574250-00574627 in an in in a kind of inexpensive timely dl6zbIOfbGu-02035-00574628-00575316 fashion dl6zbIOfbGu-02036-00575317-00575664 sorry I can take this question I think dl6zbIOfbGu-02037-00575665-00575886 the UI and the basic sense of the dl6zbIOfbGu-02038-00575887-00576105 website would not be so difficult to dl6zbIOfbGu-02039-00576106-00576306 create it's more of kind of just dl6zbIOfbGu-02040-00576307-00576471 alluding to what David already mentioned dl6zbIOfbGu-02041-00576472-00576753 is creating the video platform there are dl6zbIOfbGu-02042-00576754-00576894 problems with zoom already as you can dl6zbIOfbGu-02043-00576895-00576996 see and it's a very well developed dl6zbIOfbGu-02044-00576997-00577164 problem so kind of going through those dl6zbIOfbGu-02045-00577165-00577335 aspects and making them simply to use dl6zbIOfbGu-02046-00577336-00577587 video platform but integrate it into a dl6zbIOfbGu-02047-00577588-00577767 web platform would also be a main dl6zbIOfbGu-02048-00577768-00578058 difficulty the scheduling platform is dl6zbIOfbGu-02049-00578059-00578208 nothing different from when to meet dl6zbIOfbGu-02050-00578209-00578421 which is already an existing platform so dl6zbIOfbGu-02051-00578422-00578604 taking some of their source code would dl6zbIOfbGu-02052-00578605-00578820 obviously be one of the fastest ways I dl6zbIOfbGu-02053-00578821-00579102 guess to get to work platform that would dl6zbIOfbGu-02054-00579103-00579552 be in market well thank you guys great dl6zbIOfbGu-02055-00579553-00579878 job yeah this is great dl6zbIOfbGu-02056-00579879-00580083 do you guys think you're gonna be able dl6zbIOfbGu-02057-00580084-00580401 to explore this further or they're super dl6zbIOfbGu-02058-00580402-00580865 over time so sorry Oh so sorry sorry dl6zbIOfbGu-02059-00580866-00581010 that's right dl6zbIOfbGu-02060-00581011-00581187 that's all right thanks thanks to the dl6zbIOfbGu-02061-00581188-00581421 team and things and thank you guys yeah dl6zbIOfbGu-02062-00581422-00581736 this is a lot more to to talk about it dl6zbIOfbGu-02063-00581737-00582021 and really a great way to wrap up Thanks dl6zbIOfbGu-02064-00582022-00582153 thanks to the team and thanks to y'all dl6zbIOfbGu-02065-00582154-00582453 at tin can for also letting us split dl6zbIOfbGu-02066-00582454-00582696 your teams across the two hours and I dl6zbIOfbGu-02067-00582697-00582843 met they were you're on for the whole dl6zbIOfbGu-02068-00582844-00583035 time that I'm sure it was worth hearing dl6zbIOfbGu-02069-00583036-00583578 all the presentations so just to wrap I dl6zbIOfbGu-02070-00583579-00583854 want to turn it over to first Mariela dl6zbIOfbGu-02071-00583855-00584061 then Jennifer and then I'll have a few dl6zbIOfbGu-02072-00584062-00584388 words and then and then we can wrap for dl6zbIOfbGu-02073-00584389-00584573 the evening Mariela dl6zbIOfbGu-02074-00584574-00585057 hi everyone my name is Mariela I am the dl6zbIOfbGu-02075-00585058-00585327 graduate student instructor and I just dl6zbIOfbGu-02076-00585328-00585489 want to say that it's been an honor to dl6zbIOfbGu-02077-00585490-00585711 work with you all fun fellows I think dl6zbIOfbGu-02078-00585712-00585978 each and every one of you has impacted dl6zbIOfbGu-02079-00585979-00586242 me in different ways I've loved our time dl6zbIOfbGu-02080-00586243-00586464 together in the classroom running into dl6zbIOfbGu-02081-00586465-00586716 you all on campus and being stopped at dl6zbIOfbGu-02082-00586717-00586935 random benches with you all having dl6zbIOfbGu-02083-00586936-00587195 coffee with you all and office hours dl6zbIOfbGu-02084-00587196-00587433 it's been really fun to get to know each dl6zbIOfbGu-02085-00587434-00587706 one of you and I think that each one of dl6zbIOfbGu-02086-00587707-00587940 you inspired me everyday to be a better dl6zbIOfbGu-02087-00587941-00588234 presenter to be a better person to show dl6zbIOfbGu-02088-00588235-00588258 up dl6zbIOfbGu-02089-00588259-00588477 I know Tuesdays were really hard for all dl6zbIOfbGu-02090-00588478-00588683 of us because we had five dl6zbIOfbGu-02091-00588684-00588933 five to seven and then after that there dl6zbIOfbGu-02092-00588934-00589191 was a few of us have had class again dl6zbIOfbGu-02093-00589192-00589508 from seven to eight and even though it dl6zbIOfbGu-02094-00589509-00589772 was a long day for me and it for you all dl6zbIOfbGu-02095-00589773-00590033 I always felt rejuvenated after that so dl6zbIOfbGu-02096-00590034-00590258 I would like have to go to the gym or do dl6zbIOfbGu-02097-00590259-00590406 stuff after that because I was just so dl6zbIOfbGu-02098-00590407-00590705 excited after chatting with you also I'm dl6zbIOfbGu-02099-00590706-00590979 graduating this year but I will still be dl6zbIOfbGu-02100-00590980-00591189 here for you all you all have my dl6zbIOfbGu-02101-00591190-00591395 information please feel free to contact dl6zbIOfbGu-02102-00591396-00591705 me and continue to end your semester and dl6zbIOfbGu-02103-00591706-00591995 your academic year really strong I'm dl6zbIOfbGu-02104-00591996-00592227 very proud and honored to have worked dl6zbIOfbGu-02105-00592228-00592625 with all of you dl6zbIOfbGu-02106-00592626-00593039 thanks Marilla Jennifer yeah so just dl6zbIOfbGu-02107-00593040-00593218 reiterating that you all did a dl6zbIOfbGu-02108-00593219-00593425 tremendous job tonight you should be dl6zbIOfbGu-02109-00593426-00593748 very very proud of yourselves I think dl6zbIOfbGu-02110-00593749-00593929 even beyond what we're going through dl6zbIOfbGu-02111-00593930-00594118 just this is really amazing work such dl6zbIOfbGu-02112-00594119-00594335 diversity and the solutions even though dl6zbIOfbGu-02113-00594336-00594566 there are some similarities which we dl6zbIOfbGu-02114-00594567-00594787 noticed but as Sheryl pointed out but dl6zbIOfbGu-02115-00594788-00594970 really really wonderful job very dl6zbIOfbGu-02116-00594971-00595241 impressed I'm so happy for all the dl6zbIOfbGu-02117-00595242-00595533 partners and audience and customers and dl6zbIOfbGu-02118-00595534-00595727 experts that were able to join us dl6zbIOfbGu-02119-00595728-00596108 tonight thank you for that and just good dl6zbIOfbGu-02120-00596109-00596327 luck with the rest of your semester and dl6zbIOfbGu-02121-00596328-00596858 thank you all thanks Jennifer I want to dl6zbIOfbGu-02122-00596859-00597077 echo all our gratitude to everybody that dl6zbIOfbGu-02123-00597078-00597298 joined us this evening you know we had a dl6zbIOfbGu-02124-00597299-00597622 number of our speakers dating back to to dl6zbIOfbGu-02125-00597623-00597910 fall 2019 which is ancient history for a dl6zbIOfbGu-02126-00597911-00598225 lot of people who joined us folks from dl6zbIOfbGu-02127-00598226-00598435 f5 front Institute as well as our dl6zbIOfbGu-02128-00598436-00598877 program some at-large folks and of dl6zbIOfbGu-02129-00598878-00599135 course our partners were deeply grateful dl6zbIOfbGu-02130-00599136-00599446 to to all of you John and Leah from dl6zbIOfbGu-02131-00599447-00599675 tin-can Cheryl from Ally dl6zbIOfbGu-02132-00599676-00599931 Carla and Andrew from SF Tech Council dl6zbIOfbGu-02133-00599932-00600244 Sheryl am I missing dl6zbIOfbGu-02134-00600245-00600575 Fahad from Kara merge we know it's been dl6zbIOfbGu-02135-00600576-00600731 a long journey and a tough one with that dl6zbIOfbGu-02136-00600732-00600991 interruption let's call it five six dl6zbIOfbGu-02137-00600992-00601118 weeks back almost as we were just dl6zbIOfbGu-02138-00601119-00601306 getting started but you stuck with the dl6zbIOfbGu-02139-00601307-00601519 teams and you stuck with us and I think dl6zbIOfbGu-02140-00601520-00601822 the results really speak for themselves dl6zbIOfbGu-02141-00601823-00602150 I want to thank my team Jennifer a dl6zbIOfbGu-02142-00602151-00602312 program director Adrienne or program dl6zbIOfbGu-02143-00602313-00602620 manager Ashley Villanueva who's been in dl6zbIOfbGu-02144-00602621-00602768 and out between this event and another dl6zbIOfbGu-02145-00602769-00602981 event this evening and Mariela who's dl6zbIOfbGu-02146-00602982-00603154 been a real partner this whole year and dl6zbIOfbGu-02147-00603155-00603458 in teaching and who many of you may not dl6zbIOfbGu-02148-00603459-00603697 know one the campus outstanding GSI dl6zbIOfbGu-02149-00603698-00603875 graduate student instructor award last dl6zbIOfbGu-02150-00603876-00604347 month which was really well deserved and dl6zbIOfbGu-02151-00604348-00604604 our alumni and our honors fellows that dl6zbIOfbGu-02152-00604605-00604987 supported this this cohort to all of you dl6zbIOfbGu-02153-00604988-00605381 fellows tonight who went through this dl6zbIOfbGu-02154-00605382-00605773 year with us it's really been a year dl6zbIOfbGu-02155-00605774-00606078 you know I'll speak very honestly dl6zbIOfbGu-02156-00606079-00606270 we had really good times at boot camp dl6zbIOfbGu-02157-00606271-00606456 and in the first semester of the start dl6zbIOfbGu-02158-00606457-00606879 of this semester at our retreat and you dl6zbIOfbGu-02159-00606880-00607233 know when things went belly up there dl6zbIOfbGu-02160-00607234-00607449 were times that I personally wanted to dl6zbIOfbGu-02161-00607450-00607566 just throw in the towel and say let's dl6zbIOfbGu-02162-00607567-00607722 just coast to the end of the year but dl6zbIOfbGu-02163-00607723-00607899 the the thing that kept pulling me back dl6zbIOfbGu-02164-00607900-00608160 was was all of you the relationships dl6zbIOfbGu-02165-00608161-00608376 that we built the energy that you dl6zbIOfbGu-02166-00608377-00608676 brought and understanding that many of dl6zbIOfbGu-02167-00608677-00608853 you are doing this in really really dl6zbIOfbGu-02168-00608854-00609344 tough times that in spite of you know dl6zbIOfbGu-02169-00609345-00609642 having school go completely digital dl6zbIOfbGu-02170-00609643-00609891 having to move for many of you to places dl6zbIOfbGu-02171-00609892-00610041 really far away and then having to take dl6zbIOfbGu-02172-00610042-00610166 on additional work and family dl6zbIOfbGu-02173-00610167-00610488 responsibilities you stuck with this and dl6zbIOfbGu-02174-00610489-00610860 that is what we gave me energy I think dl6zbIOfbGu-02175-00610861-00611127 is what gave all of us energy and you dl6zbIOfbGu-02176-00611128-00611505 know I'm not trying to put silver lining dl6zbIOfbGu-02177-00611506-00611712 on something falsely here I really do dl6zbIOfbGu-02178-00611713-00612006 think that in some ways this disruption dl6zbIOfbGu-02179-00612007-00612234 as many bad things have come out of it I dl6zbIOfbGu-02180-00612235-00612435 think your work is actually stronger for dl6zbIOfbGu-02181-00612436-00612708 it and and it's about more than the work dl6zbIOfbGu-02182-00612709-00612885 it's about the relationships and like dl6zbIOfbGu-02183-00612886-00613062 Mariela said even though we're we're dl6zbIOfbGu-02184-00613063-00613467 parting parting ways now we're in a dl6zbIOfbGu-02185-00613468-00613599 couple weeks when everything's submitted dl6zbIOfbGu-02186-00613600-00613899 and we've done all our assessment you dl6zbIOfbGu-02187-00613900-00614040 know we're still going to be in touch dl6zbIOfbGu-02188-00614041-00614169 some of you through the Honors Program dl6zbIOfbGu-02189-00614170-00614558 and others of you as as alumni and dl6zbIOfbGu-02190-00614559-00614766 that's when the really beautiful stuff dl6zbIOfbGu-02191-00614767-00614901 happens and we're looking forward to dl6zbIOfbGu-02192-00614902-00615357 that so thanks everyone we appreciate dl6zbIOfbGu-02193-00615358-00615552 the time we appreciate the energy and dl6zbIOfbGu-02194-00615553-00615726 the positivity and we're excited to see dl6zbIOfbGu-02195-00615727-00615984 what what comes out of this in terms of dl6zbIOfbGu-02196-00615985-00616393 next steps dl6zbIOfbGu-02197-00616394-00616874 everybody have a good evening thank you dl6zbIOfbGu-02198-00616875-00617037 hi everybody dl6zbIOfbGu-02199-00617038-00617739 bye thank you thank you everybody thank dl6zbIOfbGu-02200-00617740-00618297 you thank you so much thank you thank dl6zbIOfbGu-02201-00618298-00618761 you thank you thank you thank you dl6zbIOfbGu-02202-00618762-00619043 [Music] dl6zbIOfbGu-02203-00619044-00619635 jumping on to thank you Aegon Thank You dl6zbIOfbGu-02204-00619636-00621537 Stanley dl6zbIOfbGu-02205-00621538-00622066 you dl6zbIOfbGu-02206-00622067-00622393 okay now we can have a team meeting tell dl6zbIOfbGu-02207-00622394-00622690 somebody on dm16QN2s598-00000-00000008-00000199 hey everybody welcome to the channel i dm16QN2s598-00001-00000200-00000407 hope you're having a great day my name dm16QN2s598-00002-00000408-00000630 is eric and thanks for joining us today dm16QN2s598-00003-00000631-00000774 i'm going to show you dm16QN2s598-00004-00000775-00001127 the absolute easiest possible way to dm16QN2s598-00005-00001128-00001391 make live cultured buttermilk at home dm16QN2s598-00006-00001392-00001574 having live cultured buttermilk at home dm16QN2s598-00007-00001575-00001687 makes for dm16QN2s598-00008-00001688-00001863 an incredible ingredient i mean for dm16QN2s598-00009-00001864-00002071 starters it's loaded with beneficial dm16QN2s598-00010-00002072-00002255 bacteria so if you just drink it it dm16QN2s598-00011-00002256-00002479 would be good for you but live cultured dm16QN2s598-00012-00002480-00002799 buttermilk acts as a mesophilic culture dm16QN2s598-00013-00002800-00003031 in cheese making so you could use your dm16QN2s598-00014-00003032-00003295 live active culture buttermilk and make dm16QN2s598-00015-00003296-00003551 any cheese that requires a mesophilic dm16QN2s598-00016-00003552-00003886 culture cheeses like feta blue brie dm16QN2s598-00017-00003887-00004222 camembert chef fromage blanc i mean just dm16QN2s598-00018-00004223-00004447 to name a few you can also use live dm16QN2s598-00019-00004448-00004702 culture buttermilk in your baking cakes dm16QN2s598-00020-00004703-00004951 buttermilk biscuits pancakes waffles dm16QN2s598-00021-00004952-00005183 make an awesome sourdough bread with dm16QN2s598-00022-00005184-00005447 live cultured buttermilk and you can use dm16QN2s598-00023-00005448-00005679 it as an incredible tenderizer we'll dm16QN2s598-00024-00005680-00005999 often marinate chicken beef or pork in dm16QN2s598-00025-00006000-00006183 live cultured buttermilk overnight to dm16QN2s598-00026-00006184-00006470 produce a juicy juicy tender bite so dm16QN2s598-00027-00006472-00006663 there are lots of uses for live cultured dm16QN2s598-00028-00006664-00006806 buttermilk and so i'm going to show you dm16QN2s598-00029-00006808-00006991 right now how to make it at home this dm16QN2s598-00030-00006992-00007198 thing is absolutely crazy easy all right dm16QN2s598-00031-00007200-00007334 and so before we begin i just want to dm16QN2s598-00032-00007336-00007567 say one tiny little thing to avoid any dm16QN2s598-00033-00007568-00007687 confusion dm16QN2s598-00034-00007688-00007991 actual real buttermilk is the byproduct dm16QN2s598-00035-00007992-00008223 of making butter now that's not an easy dm16QN2s598-00036-00008224-00008431 process and there's really no way to dm16QN2s598-00037-00008432-00008583 make that an easy process i mean you dm16QN2s598-00038-00008584-00008831 have to take raw milk you have to dm16QN2s598-00039-00008832-00009023 separate the cream from the milk and dm16QN2s598-00040-00009024-00009167 then you have to separate the milk dm16QN2s598-00041-00009168-00009423 solids from the fat solids and what dm16QN2s598-00042-00009424-00009671 you're left with is butter on one side dm16QN2s598-00043-00009672-00009919 and then butter milk on the other side dm16QN2s598-00044-00009920-00010110 now because that comes from raw cow's dm16QN2s598-00045-00010111-00010351 milk that buttermilk is usually loaded dm16QN2s598-00046-00010352-00010574 with beneficial bacteria as well and dm16QN2s598-00047-00010575-00010751 that's where buttermilk originally came dm16QN2s598-00048-00010752-00010903 from well and so what we're going to be dm16QN2s598-00049-00010904-00011183 making today is cultured milk and that's dm16QN2s598-00050-00011184-00011463 what's most commonly referred to today dm16QN2s598-00051-00011464-00011606 as buttermilk and we're going to be dm16QN2s598-00052-00011607-00011799 adding bacteria dm16QN2s598-00053-00011800-00011959 to milk and it's going to give us the dm16QN2s598-00054-00011960-00012174 nice acidity it's going to give us that dm16QN2s598-00055-00012175-00012399 yogurt-like consistency it's also going dm16QN2s598-00056-00012400-00012623 to give us a flavor that's got very dm16QN2s598-00057-00012624-00012815 subtle buttery notes it's going to be dm16QN2s598-00058-00012816-00013071 absolutely amazing so let me show you dm16QN2s598-00059-00013072-00013255 how to make buttermilk the easiest dm16QN2s598-00060-00013256-00013391 possible way the first thing you're dm16QN2s598-00061-00013391-00013655 going to need is some milk now i'm going dm16QN2s598-00062-00013656-00013903 to be using a gallon of milk you don't dm16QN2s598-00063-00013904-00014047 have to use a gallon you could use a dm16QN2s598-00064-00014047-00014247 half a gallon or a quart dm16QN2s598-00065-00014247-00014415 if you really want we make a lot of dm16QN2s598-00066-00014416-00014583 buttermilk at a time the cool thing dm16QN2s598-00067-00014584-00014735 about buttermilk is that if you get to dm16QN2s598-00068-00014736-00014886 the point where you feel like you're not dm16QN2s598-00069-00014887-00015111 going to use it all you can freeze it dm16QN2s598-00070-00015112-00015303 and then use it later this makes an dm16QN2s598-00071-00015304-00015630 excellent ingredient in soap making it dm16QN2s598-00072-00015631-00015855 gives you a great beautiful lather if dm16QN2s598-00073-00015856-00016015 you're into soap making buttermilk is dm16QN2s598-00074-00016016-00016255 amazing so i haven't even opened it and dm16QN2s598-00075-00016256-00016430 this literally just came out of my dm16QN2s598-00076-00016431-00016663 refrigerator so it's very cold and we're dm16QN2s598-00077-00016664-00016822 just going to set this to the side the dm16QN2s598-00078-00016823-00016943 other thing you're going to need to make dm16QN2s598-00079-00016944-00017191 buttermilk is a buttermilk starter dm16QN2s598-00080-00017192-00017358 culture now this particular starter dm16QN2s598-00081-00017359-00017550 culture comes from the new england dm16QN2s598-00082-00017551-00017791 cheese making supply company and if you dm16QN2s598-00083-00017792-00017958 happen to buy a pack of buttermilk dm16QN2s598-00084-00017959-00018150 starter culture you're going to get five dm16QN2s598-00085-00018151-00018383 individual packs within it and you just dm16QN2s598-00086-00018384-00018511 want to make sure that you store it in dm16QN2s598-00087-00018512-00018686 the freezer i'm going to put a link in dm16QN2s598-00088-00018687-00018879 the description box below if you want dm16QN2s598-00089-00018880-00019055 more information on the buttermilk dm16QN2s598-00090-00019056-00019222 starter culture i've been using this dm16QN2s598-00091-00019223-00019367 culture for the past six years to make dm16QN2s598-00092-00019368-00019558 buttermilk and i like it because the dm16QN2s598-00093-00019559-00019719 collection of bacteria that we're going dm16QN2s598-00094-00019720-00019919 to be adding are going to give it a very dm16QN2s598-00095-00019920-00020255 nice thick yogurt like consistency with dm16QN2s598-00096-00020256-00020455 buttery undertones and so it's a very dm16QN2s598-00097-00020456-00020703 very delicious buttermilk as far as the dm16QN2s598-00098-00020704-00020950 directions go on the pack it says dm16QN2s598-00099-00020951-00021239 heat one quart of pasteurized milk to 86 dm16QN2s598-00100-00021240-00021486 fahrenheit pour into a thermos like dm16QN2s598-00101-00021487-00021743 container or yogurt therm add one pack dm16QN2s598-00102-00021744-00021983 let rehydrate for two minutes then stir dm16QN2s598-00103-00021984-00022222 cover and let sit okay so already that's dm16QN2s598-00104-00022223-00022407 way too complicated let me show you how dm16QN2s598-00105-00022408-00022591 we're gonna do this right so let me just dm16QN2s598-00106-00022592-00022799 tell you i haven't opened up my milk dm16QN2s598-00107-00022800-00022935 it's brand new dm16QN2s598-00108-00022936-00023063 it literally just came out of the dm16QN2s598-00109-00023064-00023222 refrigerator dm16QN2s598-00110-00023223-00023447 and i've got one pack of this buttermilk dm16QN2s598-00111-00023448-00023639 starter culture all we're going to do is dm16QN2s598-00112-00023640-00023878 open up this milk dm16QN2s598-00113-00023879-00024094 and it's very cold i mean it literally dm16QN2s598-00114-00024095-00024391 just came outside of the refrigerator dm16QN2s598-00115-00024392-00024542 and i've got my starter culture right dm16QN2s598-00116-00024543-00024719 here so here's what we're going to do dm16QN2s598-00117-00024720-00024830 we're going to open up the starter dm16QN2s598-00118-00024831-00025055 culture dm16QN2s598-00119-00025056-00025286 and i'm just going to dm16QN2s598-00120-00025287-00025503 pour that right in there dm16QN2s598-00121-00025504-00025646 that's it dm16QN2s598-00122-00025647-00025855 so once we add the starter culture to dm16QN2s598-00123-00025856-00026062 the milk i'm going to go ahead and close dm16QN2s598-00124-00026063-00026343 that off all right now that it's closed dm16QN2s598-00125-00026344-00026646 we're going to give that a shake dm16QN2s598-00126-00026647-00026902 okay we've given it a little shake it's dm16QN2s598-00127-00026904-00027070 got our starter culture in there and i'm dm16QN2s598-00128-00027072-00027262 going to open it up just a quarter turn dm16QN2s598-00129-00027263-00027502 to let it breathe and that is it this is dm16QN2s598-00130-00027504-00027702 going to sit on our counter for anywhere dm16QN2s598-00131-00027704-00027799 between dm16QN2s598-00132-00027800-00028143 12 and 24 hours and so tomorrow after dm16QN2s598-00133-00028144-00028367 about 12 or 24 hours i'm going to show dm16QN2s598-00134-00028368-00028535 you what your milk is going to look like dm16QN2s598-00135-00028536-00028799 once it's ready but until then this dm16QN2s598-00136-00028800-00029070 newly opened gallon of milk that just dm16QN2s598-00137-00029072-00029223 came out of my refrigerator so it's dm16QN2s598-00138-00029224-00029527 probably 43 44 degrees fahrenheit right dm16QN2s598-00139-00029527-00029758 now in which we added one pack of dm16QN2s598-00140-00029760-00029967 starter culture to it's just gonna sit dm16QN2s598-00141-00029968-00030239 on my counter undisturbed i'll see you dm16QN2s598-00142-00030239-00031318 tomorrow dm16QN2s598-00143-00031319-00031502 our milk has now been sitting on the dm16QN2s598-00144-00031503-00031718 counter exactly where we left it for dm16QN2s598-00145-00031719-00032014 about 16 hours this is the warmest room dm16QN2s598-00146-00032016-00032223 in our kitchen and just to let you know dm16QN2s598-00147-00032224-00032470 if you have a relatively warm kitchen dm16QN2s598-00148-00032472-00032711 this process happens a little faster if dm16QN2s598-00149-00032712-00032951 you have a relatively cool kitchen this dm16QN2s598-00150-00032952-00033135 process happens a little bit slower but dm16QN2s598-00151-00033136-00033359 that's why we say anywhere between 12 to dm16QN2s598-00152-00033360-00033574 24 hours let me now open this up and dm16QN2s598-00153-00033575-00033815 show you exactly what your buttermilk is dm16QN2s598-00154-00033816-00033974 going to look like when it's ready so dm16QN2s598-00155-00033975-00034174 here we go okay you'll notice as soon as dm16QN2s598-00156-00034175-00034343 it's opened up that it's going to have dm16QN2s598-00157-00034344-00034671 like the consistency of a soft yogurt if dm16QN2s598-00158-00034672-00034895 you tilt your container to the side it's dm16QN2s598-00159-00034896-00035271 no longer liquid like a milk is and it dm16QN2s598-00160-00035272-00035431 pulls away from the edge very easy so dm16QN2s598-00161-00035432-00035567 let me just pour some into a glass so dm16QN2s598-00162-00035568-00036199 that you can see what i'm talking about dm16QN2s598-00163-00036200-00037295 see that see how nice and thick that is dm16QN2s598-00164-00037296-00037551 there we go this is our buttermilk dm16QN2s598-00165-00037552-00037727 and that's exactly what it's supposed to dm16QN2s598-00166-00037728-00037990 look like at this point like a very soft dm16QN2s598-00167-00037991-00038183 yogurt all right so let's just go ahead dm16QN2s598-00168-00038184-00038343 and give this a little taste dm16QN2s598-00169-00038344-00038583 all right well here is our freshly made dm16QN2s598-00170-00038584-00038783 cultured buttermilk and i gotta tell you dm16QN2s598-00171-00038784-00038990 this looks great it's thickened up a dm16QN2s598-00172-00038991-00039190 little bit over the night and now that dm16QN2s598-00173-00039191-00039687 we know it's ready let's give it a smell dm16QN2s598-00174-00039688-00039871 it smells great i mean it has a slight dm16QN2s598-00175-00039872-00040167 cultured smell like like a mild yogurt dm16QN2s598-00176-00040168-00040343 and that's exactly how it's supposed to dm16QN2s598-00177-00040344-00040984 smell so now let's give it a taste dm16QN2s598-00178-00040985-00041135 [Music] dm16QN2s598-00179-00041136-00041255 that's beautiful dm16QN2s598-00180-00041256-00041462 slightly acidic which is characteristic dm16QN2s598-00181-00041463-00041702 of buttermilk and why it's so great in dm16QN2s598-00182-00041703-00041902 some of your baking recipes and it's got dm16QN2s598-00183-00041903-00042135 these wonderful wonderful buttery notes dm16QN2s598-00184-00042136-00042262 so now that you know how to make dm16QN2s598-00185-00042263-00042495 buttermilk from a starter culture let me dm16QN2s598-00186-00042496-00042727 show you how to make buttermilk using dm16QN2s598-00187-00042728-00042935 live cultured buttermilk you see once dm16QN2s598-00188-00042936-00043127 you've made live culture buttermilk and dm16QN2s598-00189-00043128-00043367 you have active bacteria in this dm16QN2s598-00190-00043368-00043590 buttermilk this is all you need to dm16QN2s598-00191-00043591-00043783 continue propagating buttermilk so dm16QN2s598-00192-00043784-00043927 here's what we're going to do i'm going dm16QN2s598-00193-00043928-00044230 to come back to you when this gallon is dm16QN2s598-00194-00044231-00044439 almost empty and for me that happens dm16QN2s598-00195-00044440-00044590 pretty quick and then i'm going to show dm16QN2s598-00196-00044591-00044751 you what we're going to do next dm16QN2s598-00197-00044752-00045039 see in a bit okay we're now back dm16QN2s598-00198-00045040-00045279 our buttermilk container is just about dm16QN2s598-00199-00045280-00045511 empty and i'm not sure how much we have dm16QN2s598-00200-00045512-00045687 in there left it doesn't look like much dm16QN2s598-00201-00045688-00045830 let me just go ahead and pour some out dm16QN2s598-00202-00045831-00046095 and the trick to continually making dm16QN2s598-00203-00046096-00046287 buttermilk is that you always want to dm16QN2s598-00204-00046288-00046479 save just a little bit from the previous dm16QN2s598-00205-00046480-00046679 batch and so it looks like we have about dm16QN2s598-00206-00046680-00046902 a cup left that's absolutely perfect dm16QN2s598-00207-00046903-00047102 we're just going to set that to the side dm16QN2s598-00208-00047103-00047343 as i grab some milk for my refrigerator dm16QN2s598-00209-00047344-00047574 so let me just grab a quick jug and dm16QN2s598-00210-00047575-00047774 notice this one's already open and so dm16QN2s598-00211-00047775-00047927 you know like i said in the beginning dm16QN2s598-00212-00047928-00048071 the amount of milk that you start off dm16QN2s598-00213-00048072-00048255 with is mostly irrelevant you could use dm16QN2s598-00214-00048256-00048574 a cup a pint a gallon a cord it doesn't dm16QN2s598-00215-00048575-00048735 matter but i do want to take the dm16QN2s598-00216-00048736-00048895 temperature of this just to show you dm16QN2s598-00217-00048896-00049071 what we're working with you certainly dm16QN2s598-00218-00049072-00049230 don't have to take the temperature as i dm16QN2s598-00219-00049231-00049407 said this just came out of my fridge dm16QN2s598-00220-00049408-00049639 we're at 41.5 dm16QN2s598-00221-00049640-00049871 this is great all i'm going to do is put dm16QN2s598-00222-00049872-00050055 a funnel on top of that dm16QN2s598-00223-00050056-00050255 gallon so i don't spill it everywhere dm16QN2s598-00224-00050256-00050455 and then just go ahead and pour that dm16QN2s598-00225-00050456-00050639 live cultured buttermilk dm16QN2s598-00226-00050640-00050927 into that fresh milk and that's it now dm16QN2s598-00227-00050928-00051095 basically what we're doing is adding a dm16QN2s598-00228-00051096-00051302 lot of bacteria i'm going to cover it up dm16QN2s598-00229-00051303-00051542 just like we did in the first segment dm16QN2s598-00230-00051544-00051726 give it a little shake dm16QN2s598-00231-00051727-00052007 and you are done it is literally as easy dm16QN2s598-00232-00052008-00052254 as that we're now going to leave this in dm16QN2s598-00233-00052255-00052550 our kitchen ideally the most warm spot dm16QN2s598-00234-00052551-00052679 in your kitchen dm16QN2s598-00235-00052679-00052894 70 degrees fahrenheit or higher would be dm16QN2s598-00236-00052895-00053079 better and just let it hang out there dm16QN2s598-00237-00053079-00053366 for 12 to 24 hours let me show you what dm16QN2s598-00238-00053367-00053647 this looks like roughly 15 hours later dm16QN2s598-00239-00053648-00053871 all right well here is our milk the next dm16QN2s598-00240-00053872-00054191 day and it's thickened up exactly as dm16QN2s598-00241-00054191-00054399 it's supposed to let's just go ahead and dm16QN2s598-00242-00054400-00054871 open it up and pour a glass dm16QN2s598-00243-00054872-00055071 see that nice and thick dm16QN2s598-00244-00055072-00055407 oh doesn't that look nice dm16QN2s598-00245-00055408-00055550 this is exactly what your buttermilk dm16QN2s598-00246-00055551-00055694 should look like dm16QN2s598-00247-00055695-00055935 and let's go ahead and give it a taste dm16QN2s598-00248-00055936-00056119 all right well here's our fresh batch of dm16QN2s598-00249-00056120-00056366 buttermilk using only a cup from our dm16QN2s598-00250-00056367-00056542 previous batch and i got to tell you dm16QN2s598-00251-00056544-00056926 this looks great it's nice and thick dm16QN2s598-00252-00056927-00057150 it smells wonderful exactly as a dm16QN2s598-00253-00057151-00057287 buttermilk should let's just give it a dm16QN2s598-00254-00057288-00057691 quick taste dm16QN2s598-00255-00057692-00057871 [Music] dm16QN2s598-00256-00057872-00058079 a little tangy it's got really nice dm16QN2s598-00257-00058079-00058199 acidity dm16QN2s598-00258-00058200-00058415 very nice buttery notes dm16QN2s598-00259-00058416-00058654 absolutely delicious and now you know dm16QN2s598-00260-00058655-00058838 how to make an endless supply of dm16QN2s598-00261-00058839-00059087 buttermilk just by saving a little bit dm16QN2s598-00262-00059088-00059287 from your previous batch and adding it dm16QN2s598-00263-00059288-00059494 to fresh milk one little tip when it dm16QN2s598-00264-00059495-00059663 comes to making an endless supply of dm16QN2s598-00265-00059664-00059903 buttermilk is not to wait too long dm16QN2s598-00266-00059904-00060063 between the times that you make it as a dm16QN2s598-00267-00060064-00060238 rule of thumb i try to make a fresh dm16QN2s598-00268-00060239-00060471 batch once a week and it doesn't have to dm16QN2s598-00269-00060472-00060687 be a lot i mean it could be as little as dm16QN2s598-00270-00060688-00060919 a cup of fresh buttermilk and the reason dm16QN2s598-00271-00060920-00061135 you want to do it at least once a week dm16QN2s598-00272-00061136-00061287 is because you're constantly dm16QN2s598-00273-00061288-00061535 replenishing the food for your bacteria dm16QN2s598-00274-00061536-00061735 this is going to keep them alive keep dm16QN2s598-00275-00061736-00061911 them strong keep them healthy keep them dm16QN2s598-00276-00061912-00062175 happy if you wait too long between the dm16QN2s598-00277-00062176-00062415 batches the bacteria could get a little dm16QN2s598-00278-00062416-00062719 slow a little sluggish and not produce dm16QN2s598-00279-00062720-00062999 as well as they did so if you commit to dm16QN2s598-00280-00063000-00063175 making buttermilk using a little bit of dm16QN2s598-00281-00063176-00063391 starter from your previous batch at dm16QN2s598-00282-00063391-00063575 least once a week dm16QN2s598-00283-00063576-00063815 you will never have to buy buttermilk dm16QN2s598-00284-00063816-00064006 again thanks for watching this video if dm16QN2s598-00285-00064007-00064142 you have any questions leave them in the dm16QN2s598-00286-00064144-00064335 comment section below and if you enjoyed dm16QN2s598-00287-00064336-00064503 this video or found it helpful in any dm16QN2s598-00288-00064504-00064766 way a thumbs up would be appreciated if dm16QN2s598-00289-00064767-00064919 you're new to our channel we'd like to dm16QN2s598-00290-00064920-00065094 say welcome consider hitting that dm16QN2s598-00291-00065095-00065294 subscribe button and that notification dm16QN2s598-00292-00065295-00065550 bell we post new videos each week dm16QN2s598-00293-00065551-00066103 we'll see you soon bye dm16QN2s598-00294-00066104-00066393 delicious dm16QN2s598-00295-00066394-00069294 [Music] dm16QN2s598-00296-00069295-00069504 you dmyp1eAMiCY-00001-00007084-00008114 so dmyp1eAMiCY-00003-00011339-00011889 [Applause] dmyp1eAMiCY-00005-00018284-00018492 do dmyp1eAMiCY-00007-00027095-00027304 you eoMmYeu1HEk-00000-00000157-00000466 hi everyone jalisa here with something eoMmYeu1HEk-00001-00000467-00000778 really innovative from Clinique so when eoMmYeu1HEk-00002-00000779-00001018 I think of Clinique the first thing that eoMmYeu1HEk-00003-00001019-00001231 comes to mind for me is their iconic eoMmYeu1HEk-00004-00001232-00001378 dramatically different moisturizing eoMmYeu1HEk-00005-00001379-00001741 lotion well Clinique has built upon the eoMmYeu1HEk-00006-00001742-00002001 icon and released a personalized eoMmYeu1HEk-00007-00002002-00002260 moisturizer to fit your specific skin eoMmYeu1HEk-00008-00002261-00002493 care concerns the Clinique ID eoMmYeu1HEk-00009-00002494-00002788 moisturizer line so you get to pick your eoMmYeu1HEk-00010-00002789-00003022 type of moisturizer and your type of eoMmYeu1HEk-00011-00003023-00003254 treatment that is right for your skin eoMmYeu1HEk-00012-00003255-00003522 when you pump it out a combination of eoMmYeu1HEk-00013-00003523-00003727 the treatment and the moisturizer comes eoMmYeu1HEk-00014-00003728-00004075 out at the same time so step one of this eoMmYeu1HEk-00015-00004076-00004276 process is picking your hydration face eoMmYeu1HEk-00016-00004277-00004528 you can choose the dramatically eoMmYeu1HEk-00017-00004529-00004704 different moisturizing lotion which is eoMmYeu1HEk-00018-00004705-00004999 good for dry skin the dramatically eoMmYeu1HEk-00019-00005000-00005218 different oil control gel which is good eoMmYeu1HEk-00020-00005219-00005734 for oily or combination skin or you can eoMmYeu1HEk-00021-00005735-00005856 choose the dramatically different eoMmYeu1HEk-00022-00005857-00006063 hydrating gel II which is good for all eoMmYeu1HEk-00023-00006064-00006388 skin types and is very lightweight step eoMmYeu1HEk-00024-00006389-00006435 2 eoMmYeu1HEk-00025-00006436-00006598 is picking your treatment cartridge eoMmYeu1HEk-00026-00006598-00006935 green soothes irritated skin blue eoMmYeu1HEk-00027-00006936-00007251 retexturize --is and refines pores white eoMmYeu1HEk-00028-00007252-00007545 helps even out skin tone orange calms eoMmYeu1HEk-00029-00007546-00007851 fatigue and purple helps smooth fine eoMmYeu1HEk-00030-00007852-00008256 lines and wrinkles so if you do the math eoMmYeu1HEk-00031-00008257-00008583 all of these combinations make up 15 eoMmYeu1HEk-00032-00008584-00008787 different moisturizing and treatment eoMmYeu1HEk-00033-00008788-00009076 options and I do want to note that all eoMmYeu1HEk-00034-00009077-00009258 of these products are all free from eoMmYeu1HEk-00035-00009259-00009637 parabens bay lights and fragrance so if eoMmYeu1HEk-00036-00009638-00009883 I had to choose a combination that's eoMmYeu1HEk-00037-00009884-00010167 personalized for me I would go with the eoMmYeu1HEk-00038-00010168-00010365 dramatically different oil control gel eoMmYeu1HEk-00039-00010366-00010677 because I have very oily skin and I eoMmYeu1HEk-00040-00010678-00010930 would go with the white cartridge to eoMmYeu1HEk-00041-00010931-00011142 help even out my skin tone since I have eoMmYeu1HEk-00042-00011143-00011322 some hyper pigmentation from years of eoMmYeu1HEk-00043-00011323-00011560 acne as a teenager eoMmYeu1HEk-00044-00011561-00011788 when I pump it out a combination of the eoMmYeu1HEk-00045-00011789-00011945 treatment and the moisturizer comes out eoMmYeu1HEk-00046-00011946-00012263 at the same time what combination would eoMmYeu1HEk-00047-00012264-00012517 you choose well all clinic combinations eoMmYeu1HEk-00048-00012518-00012701 are available at your local exchange or eoMmYeu1HEk-00049-00012702-00012963 at shop my exchange comm at 15% off MSRP eoMmYeu1HEk-00050-00012964-00013228 everyday thanks for watching eoMmYeu1HEk-00051-00013229-00013484 bye guys e0EQNbgwHNg-00000-00000000-00000257 the lessons never learned by Rob Hayes e0EQNbgwHNg-00001-00000258-00000593 the second book in the original again an e0EQNbgwHNg-00002-00000594-00000802 old review but I am making it available e0EQNbgwHNg-00003-00000803-00001091 in a video format for a brand new e0EQNbgwHNg-00004-00001092-00001324 audience of e0EQNbgwHNg-00005-00001325-00001684 three people hopefully anyway let's jump e0EQNbgwHNg-00006-00001685-00001907 into it shall we e0EQNbgwHNg-00007-00001907-00002129 the second act e0EQNbgwHNg-00008-00002130-00002452 of any fantasy series e0EQNbgwHNg-00009-00002453-00002633 can often be the one that the series e0EQNbgwHNg-00010-00002634-00002963 lives or dies by a first impression is e0EQNbgwHNg-00011-00002964-00003191 important but following up on the e0EQNbgwHNg-00012-00003192-00003401 Promises the opening of series makes e0EQNbgwHNg-00013-00003402-00003809 while many novel has faulted there e0EQNbgwHNg-00014-00003810-00003970 the lessons never learned however e0EQNbgwHNg-00015-00003971-00004270 there's an admirable job of doing e0EQNbgwHNg-00016-00004271-00004445 exactly that e0EQNbgwHNg-00017-00004446-00004793 it builds up on the threads for setup by e0EQNbgwHNg-00018-00004794-00005117 along the races Edge in perfect ways the e0EQNbgwHNg-00019-00005118-00005477 novel offers explosive sorceress action e0EQNbgwHNg-00020-00005478-00005777 a racially emotional Arc for series e0EQNbgwHNg-00021-00005778-00006136 protagonist eskara and explores an e0EQNbgwHNg-00022-00006137-00006484 imaginative world full of peril and e0EQNbgwHNg-00023-00006486-00006659 scarred by War e0EQNbgwHNg-00024-00006659-00006995 it's a hell of a read but it does have e0EQNbgwHNg-00025-00006995-00007205 something of a problem to start with e0EQNbgwHNg-00026-00007206-00007553 either rough go of the first head of the e0EQNbgwHNg-00027-00007554-00007751 lessons never learned this story is e0EQNbgwHNg-00028-00007752-00007967 framed as being told by an although far e0EQNbgwHNg-00029-00007968-00008278 more experienced esker and this version e0EQNbgwHNg-00030-00008279-00008501 of the character is not always the e0EQNbgwHNg-00031-00008502-00008735 finest Storyteller she's prone to going e0EQNbgwHNg-00032-00008736-00008974 on tangents on heavy foreshadowing that e0EQNbgwHNg-00033-00008975-00009209 edges on the theatrical e0EQNbgwHNg-00034-00009210-00009389 and some of the paragraph long sections e0EQNbgwHNg-00035-00009390-00009533 of her commentary would make most e0EQNbgwHNg-00036-00009534-00009791 villains cheeks turn red at the sheer e0EQNbgwHNg-00037-00009792-00010181 amount of megalomania at this play I e0EQNbgwHNg-00038-00010182-00010391 found out Beyond Charming this type of e0EQNbgwHNg-00039-00010392-00010559 foreshadowing is something Gene wolf e0EQNbgwHNg-00040-00010560-00010751 does with great success in the book of e0EQNbgwHNg-00041-00010752-00011069 the new sun in the opening third of the e0EQNbgwHNg-00042-00011070-00011195 Never e0EQNbgwHNg-00043-00011196-00011464 of this one the lessons Never Land e0EQNbgwHNg-00044-00011465-00011705 however I found myself a little too e0EQNbgwHNg-00045-00011706-00011878 exhausted by the digressions as quick e0EQNbgwHNg-00046-00011879-00012064 goes into time and again e0EQNbgwHNg-00047-00012065-00012449 I will say with e0EQNbgwHNg-00048-00012450-00012922 hindsight now well in view e0EQNbgwHNg-00049-00012923-00013408 this is only ever an issue in this e0EQNbgwHNg-00050-00013409-00013753 first third of the lessons Never Land e0EQNbgwHNg-00051-00013754-00014044 it's never again an issue e0EQNbgwHNg-00052-00014045-00014380 in the fourth and fifth books asgar is e0EQNbgwHNg-00053-00014381-00014785 the aggressions are ever entertaining e0EQNbgwHNg-00054-00014786-00015058 or um sometimes the reason for e0EQNbgwHNg-00055-00015059-00015377 existential Angus honestly there is e0EQNbgwHNg-00056-00015378-00015677 quite a bit of growth but anyway e0EQNbgwHNg-00057-00015678-00015971 the story telling here suffered somewhat e0EQNbgwHNg-00058-00015972-00016180 and I had a hard time getting through e0EQNbgwHNg-00059-00016181-00016319 some of these e0EQNbgwHNg-00060-00016319-00016553 first chapters don't get me wrong a e0EQNbgwHNg-00061-00016554-00016835 number of them are the usual treading e0EQNbgwHNg-00062-00016836-00017099 Terror fair I learned to expect from Rob e0EQNbgwHNg-00063-00017100-00017279 Hayes early on e0EQNbgwHNg-00064-00017280-00017489 but there's too many a tangent that e0EQNbgwHNg-00065-00017490-00017722 makes of the opening of this sequel slow e0EQNbgwHNg-00066-00017723-00017939 burner that did not suck me in the way e0EQNbgwHNg-00067-00017940-00018263 the opening of raiser's edge did e0EQNbgwHNg-00068-00018264-00018544 when you get past that first e0EQNbgwHNg-00069-00018545-00018772 third of the book however the sky's the e0EQNbgwHNg-00070-00018773-00019025 limit for this one escrow battles gods e0EQNbgwHNg-00071-00019026-00019241 and faces her inner demons in more ways e0EQNbgwHNg-00072-00019242-00019493 than one makes mistakes and pays the e0EQNbgwHNg-00073-00019494-00019786 ultimate price for them e0EQNbgwHNg-00074-00019787-00020105 and not in the way you might think the e0EQNbgwHNg-00075-00020106-00020399 trails the action the twists and turns e0EQNbgwHNg-00076-00020400-00020579 and betrayals compounded by yet further e0EQNbgwHNg-00077-00020580-00021022 betrayals but Gods this book covers a e0EQNbgwHNg-00078-00021023-00021286 lot of ground and it does so with e0EQNbgwHNg-00079-00021287-00021569 expertise the magic system is further e0EQNbgwHNg-00080-00021570-00021833 developed in ways that were very cool e0EQNbgwHNg-00081-00021834-00022180 and never contradicted the setup in the e0EQNbgwHNg-00082-00022181-00022450 previous installment of the series e0EQNbgwHNg-00083-00022451-00022780 allow me to catch you up with a quote e0EQNbgwHNg-00084-00022781-00023033 cool imaginative Twist on the schools e0EQNbgwHNg-00085-00023034-00023164 with magic you might be familiar with e0EQNbgwHNg-00086-00023165-00023405 the magic in this world is internally e0EQNbgwHNg-00087-00023406-00023627 consistent in what I'd call hard magic e0EQNbgwHNg-00088-00023628-00024053 and yes I can't believe I had the nerve e0EQNbgwHNg-00089-00024054-00024322 to quote my own review e0EQNbgwHNg-00090-00024323-00024730 oh well but I saw Stones the sorcerer e0EQNbgwHNg-00091-00024731-00025013 must swallow each Stone has a different e0EQNbgwHNg-00092-00025014-00025325 magical Affinity Neverland offers a e0EQNbgwHNg-00093-00025326-00025577 number of Revelations as to the origins e0EQNbgwHNg-00094-00025578-00025955 of these Soul Stones the relationship of e0EQNbgwHNg-00095-00025956-00026273 the source with the god-like gin and e0EQNbgwHNg-00096-00026274-00026417 rent e0EQNbgwHNg-00097-00026418-00026699 and some fascinating developments on our e0EQNbgwHNg-00098-00026700-00026879 fronts e0EQNbgwHNg-00099-00026880-00027101 so too with the World building which has e0EQNbgwHNg-00100-00027102-00027346 elements ranging from the fascinating to e0EQNbgwHNg-00101-00027347-00027617 the downright Eldridge the first book in e0EQNbgwHNg-00102-00027618-00027790 the war is Hill series now the sense of e0EQNbgwHNg-00103-00027791-00027983 containing a bigger World outside of the e0EQNbgwHNg-00104-00027983-00028199 pit that the vast majority of the action e0EQNbgwHNg-00105-00028200-00028445 took place in if one of the greatest e0EQNbgwHNg-00106-00028445-00028840 successes of this sequel is that lessons e0EQNbgwHNg-00107-00028841-00029146 delivers on this promise e0EQNbgwHNg-00108-00029147-00029557 it manages to e0EQNbgwHNg-00109-00029558-00030190 show just how deep this world goes and e0EQNbgwHNg-00110-00030191-00030395 it promises e0EQNbgwHNg-00111-00030395-00030685 to show so much more promises that again e0EQNbgwHNg-00112-00030686-00030881 the series e0EQNbgwHNg-00113-00030882-00031324 delivers on time and again e0EQNbgwHNg-00114-00031325-00031708 one description in particular is worth e0EQNbgwHNg-00115-00031710-00031990 quoting e0EQNbgwHNg-00116-00031991-00032273 in palatia deep within the desert there e0EQNbgwHNg-00117-00032274-00032524 is an oasis where the watches run red e0EQNbgwHNg-00118-00032525-00032837 and the trees grow purple above that e0EQNbgwHNg-00119-00032838-00033167 Oasis the sky is cracked open and e0EQNbgwHNg-00120-00033168-00033401 through the jagged scar above a great e0EQNbgwHNg-00121-00033402-00033851 eye stairs down on the world hell of an e0EQNbgwHNg-00122-00033852-00034096 image and one e0EQNbgwHNg-00123-00034097-00034493 I'd love to one day see rendered into a e0EQNbgwHNg-00124-00034494-00034739 visual medium be it fan art or an e0EQNbgwHNg-00125-00034740-00035068 animated show or anything of the sort e0EQNbgwHNg-00126-00035069-00035351 an illustrated book there we go that e0EQNbgwHNg-00127-00035352-00035561 would be cool Illustrated editions I e0EQNbgwHNg-00128-00035562-00035812 would petition the Aussie to get on them e0EQNbgwHNg-00129-00035813-00036023 right now e0EQNbgwHNg-00130-00036024-00036215 anyway e0EQNbgwHNg-00131-00036216-00036599 oh and and by the way this description e0EQNbgwHNg-00132-00036600-00036905 only a description here e0EQNbgwHNg-00133-00036906-00037283 so much more later on e0EQNbgwHNg-00134-00037284-00037559 the characters are even more appealing e0EQNbgwHNg-00135-00037560-00037829 than they were the first time around new e0EQNbgwHNg-00136-00037830-00038033 additions include silver an aspect of e0EQNbgwHNg-00137-00038034-00038393 the Rand whose connection with eska e0EQNbgwHNg-00138-00038394-00038668 was hinted at in the previous novel the e0EQNbgwHNg-00139-00038669-00038765 nature of these two characters e0EQNbgwHNg-00140-00038766-00038980 relationship is a large part of the e0EQNbgwHNg-00141-00038981-00039239 emotional backbone of the novel and e0EQNbgwHNg-00142-00039240-00039589 lessons is climax rests on it entirely e0EQNbgwHNg-00143-00039590-00039865 eskara herself shows a great deal more e0EQNbgwHNg-00144-00039866-00040252 emotional range and depths here than she e0EQNbgwHNg-00145-00040253-00040468 did in the first novel where anger was e0EQNbgwHNg-00146-00040469-00040649 often followed by Fury and fear and e0EQNbgwHNg-00147-00040650-00040901 equal measure in escrow's time in the e0EQNbgwHNg-00148-00040902-00040996 pit e0EQNbgwHNg-00149-00040997-00041261 life outside the dreaded prison allows e0EQNbgwHNg-00150-00041262-00041555 this card young woman e0EQNbgwHNg-00151-00041556-00041939 to really Embrace and experience love in e0EQNbgwHNg-00152-00041940-00042107 all its aspects e0EQNbgwHNg-00153-00042108-00042371 for all that her flows remain and we e0EQNbgwHNg-00154-00042372-00042611 have them to thank for some exceptional e0EQNbgwHNg-00155-00042612-00042827 action e0EQNbgwHNg-00156-00042828-00043030 scenes and plenty of exciting New e0EQNbgwHNg-00157-00043031-00043289 Revelations but some of my favorite e0EQNbgwHNg-00158-00043290-00043595 paragraphs are of These Quiet Moments of e0EQNbgwHNg-00159-00043596-00043924 reflection when the old wrestler takes e0EQNbgwHNg-00160-00043925-00044093 stock of her experiences with e0EQNbgwHNg-00161-00044094-00044374 observations rich in both clarity e0EQNbgwHNg-00162-00044375-00044579 and wisdom e0EQNbgwHNg-00163-00044580-00044890 quote both hearts and Tamara looked at e0EQNbgwHNg-00164-00044891-00045143 me hearts has always followed me ever e0EQNbgwHNg-00165-00045144-00045352 since our time in the pit I have often e0EQNbgwHNg-00166-00045353-00045551 wondered why what I did to earn the e0EQNbgwHNg-00167-00045552-00046007 trust and loyalty of such a man e0EQNbgwHNg-00168-00046008-00046223 I have no answer I'm as much a monster e0EQNbgwHNg-00169-00046224-00046390 as the creatures that inhabit the other e0EQNbgwHNg-00170-00046391-00046667 World perhaps even worse for most of e0EQNbgwHNg-00171-00046668-00046877 them are Mindless and don't understand e0EQNbgwHNg-00172-00046878-00047243 what they do but Hart is a good man he e0EQNbgwHNg-00173-00047244-00047380 would be a good man if not for the e0EQNbgwHNg-00174-00047381-00047543 things I've made him do over the years e0EQNbgwHNg-00175-00047544-00047824 there are two followed my lead and e0EQNbgwHNg-00176-00047825-00048112 accepted my decisions but for him I know e0EQNbgwHNg-00177-00048113-00048424 why he's all power in me the potential e0EQNbgwHNg-00178-00048425-00048683 to be part of something great or e0EQNbgwHNg-00179-00048684-00048785 terrible e0EQNbgwHNg-00180-00048786-00049049 I think I ended up being both and I e0EQNbgwHNg-00181-00049050-00049217 don't think it mattered to him either e0EQNbgwHNg-00182-00049218-00049373 way e0EQNbgwHNg-00183-00049374-00049577 if I had a year to wait for the release e0EQNbgwHNg-00184-00049578-00049895 of from cold Ash's risen out of her belt e0EQNbgwHNg-00185-00049896-00050380 at the Cliffhanger but I didn't e0EQNbgwHNg-00186-00050381-00050765 fortunately uh Hayes did decide to e0EQNbgwHNg-00187-00050766-00050945 release every book of this Trilogy e0EQNbgwHNg-00188-00050946-00051244 basically a month apart e0EQNbgwHNg-00189-00051245-00051616 from one another which meant that e0EQNbgwHNg-00190-00051617-00051796 even as e0EQNbgwHNg-00191-00051797-00052129 the original readers of this review e0EQNbgwHNg-00192-00052129-00052438 enjoyed my e0EQNbgwHNg-00193-00052439-00052769 worst missing e0EQNbgwHNg-00194-00052770-00053111 I am I was likely digging into the e0EQNbgwHNg-00195-00053112-00053525 conclusion to what's continued to be e0EQNbgwHNg-00196-00053526-00053842 and and has cemented itself as my e0EQNbgwHNg-00197-00053844-00054023 favorite e0EQNbgwHNg-00198-00054024-00054376 um Trilogy of 2020. it ended up not e0EQNbgwHNg-00199-00054377-00054797 being a Trilogy Of course but e0EQNbgwHNg-00200-00054798-00055007 we can only benefit from that because e0EQNbgwHNg-00201-00055008-00055288 the fourth and fifth books e0EQNbgwHNg-00202-00055289-00055504 are even better than these e0EQNbgwHNg-00203-00055505-00055661 I kid you not e0EQNbgwHNg-00204-00055662-00056200 so much better the the investment you e0EQNbgwHNg-00205-00056201-00056579 end up with in escrow in her friends her e0EQNbgwHNg-00206-00056579-00056771 family e0EQNbgwHNg-00207-00056772-00057023 of the charts e0EQNbgwHNg-00208-00057024-00057371 what these books put you through is e0EQNbgwHNg-00209-00057372-00057682 the most Exquisite torture and I cannot e0EQNbgwHNg-00210-00057683-00057869 recommend you e0EQNbgwHNg-00211-00057870-00058259 read them enough e0EQNbgwHNg-00212-00058260-00058487 anyway if you enjoyed this review and e0EQNbgwHNg-00213-00058488-00058771 would like to see the next one e0EQNbgwHNg-00214-00058772-00058961 please e0EQNbgwHNg-00215-00058962-00059309 tune in to my YouTube channel again e0EQNbgwHNg-00216-00059310-00059585 subscribe like share whatever it is that e0EQNbgwHNg-00217-00059586-00059837 YouTube people say I was never too good e0EQNbgwHNg-00218-00059838-00060161 at it and uh no amount of deprecating e0EQNbgwHNg-00219-00060162-00060371 humor e0EQNbgwHNg-00220-00060372-00060599 what was up with that pause no amount of e0EQNbgwHNg-00221-00060600-00060916 deprecating humor will ever change that e0EQNbgwHNg-00222-00060917-00061374 I'll see you again next time bye e22kl92eC9E-00000-00000211-00001680 [Music] e22kl92eC9E-00001-00001682-00004651 [Music] e22kl92eC9E-00002-00004652-00004895 [Music] e22kl92eC9E-00003-00004896-00005838 do e22kl92eC9E-00004-00005839-00006191 [Music] e22kl92eC9E-00005-00006192-00006629 so e22kl92eC9E-00006-00006630-00007188 [Music] e22kl92eC9E-00007-00007189-00007759 [Music] e22kl92eC9E-00008-00007759-00008193 do e22kl92eC9E-00009-00008194-00010651 [Music] e22kl92eC9E-00010-00010652-00010786 [Applause] e22kl92eC9E-00011-00010787-00011919 [Music] e22kl92eC9E-00012-00011920-00012492 do e22kl92eC9E-00014-00015927-00018822 [Music] e22kl92eC9E-00015-00018823-00019216 so e22kl92eC9E-00016-00019217-00020343 [Music] e22kl92eC9E-00017-00020344-00020631 do e22kl92eC9E-00018-00020632-00021652 [Music] e22kl92eC9E-00019-00021653-00022583 [Music] e22kl92eC9E-00020-00022584-00022792 you e8gveQ9CKDo-00000-00000071-00001383 [Music] e8gveQ9CKDo-00001-00001384-00001614 you can see the riding on the pavement e8gveQ9CKDo-00002-00001616-00001847 young kids are growing up in basements e8gveQ9CKDo-00003-00001848-00002102 online a whole new generation imma make e8gveQ9CKDo-00004-00002103-00002359 mine so you better go take it always e8gveQ9CKDo-00005-00002360-00002531 they need a new replacement e8gveQ9CKDo-00006-00002532-00002791 decentralized can't contain it we're e8gveQ9CKDo-00007-00002792-00003167 changing lives yeah upgrading e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00000-00000053-00000399 Savitri by Jodi Rahul the 3rd of January e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00001-00000400-00000763 1831 to the 10th of March 1897 was an e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00002-00000764-00001000 Indian social reformer educationalist e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00003-00001001-00001256 and poet she is regarded as the first e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00004-00001257-00001493 lady teacher of India along with her e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00005-00001494-00001712 husband Joe dear a fool she played an e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00006-00001713-00001885 important role in improving women's e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00007-00001886-00002167 rights in India during British rule fool e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00008-00002168-00002377 along with her husband founded the first e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00009-00002378-00002579 girls school in Pune Iran by native e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00010-00002580-00002930 Indians at buyed wada in 1848 she worked e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00011-00002931-00003146 to abolish the discrimination and unfair e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00012-00003147-00003344 treatment of people based on caste and e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00013-00003345-00003613 gender she is regarded as an important e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00014-00003614-00003809 figure of the social reform movement in e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00015-00003810-00004388 Maharashtra e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00016-00004389-00004717 topic early life e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00017-00004718-00004918 you e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00018-00004919-00005230 Savitri bye fool was born in 1831 in e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00019-00005231-00005485 Nagin Bombay presidency in a farming e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00020-00005486-00005754 family at the age of nine she was e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00021-00005755-00005956 married to 12 year-old Jody Ralph fool e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00022-00005957-00006084 in 1840 e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00023-00006085-00006349 Savitri buy and jodi rell had no e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00024-00006350-00006529 children of their own but they adopted e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00025-00006530-00006751 yah Siobhan trow a son born to a Brahmin e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00026-00006752-00007291 widow e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00027-00007292-00007611 topic career e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00028-00007612-00007795 you e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00029-00007797-00008072 when Jodi Raul started the girls school e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00030-00008073-00008261 in Pune in 1848 e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00031-00008262-00008458 Savitri by was its first teacher e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00032-00008459-00008684 together with her husband she taught e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00033-00008685-00008852 children from different castes and e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00034-00008853-00009161 opened a total of 18 schools the couple e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00035-00009162-00009359 also opened a care center called Bal e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00036-00009360-00009581 Hagia pretty bond agree ha for pregnant e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00037-00009582-00009743 rape victims and helped deliver their e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00038-00009744-00010288 children e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00039-00010289-00010587 topic death e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00040-00010588-00010768 you e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00041-00010769-00011048 Savitri bye and her adopted son Yashwant e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00042-00011049-00011273 opened a clinic to treat those affected e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00043-00011274-00011468 by the worldwide third pandemic of the e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00044-00011469-00011635 bubonic plague when it appeared in the e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00045-00011636-00011989 area around Nala's Opera in 1897 the e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00046-00011990-00012155 clinic was established at stern e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00047-00012156-00012362 outskirts of Pune in an area free of e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00048-00012363-00012445 infection e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00049-00012446-00012721 Savitri by personally took patients to e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00050-00012722-00012881 the clinic where her son served them e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00051-00012882-00013124 while caring for the patients she e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00052-00013125-00013358 contracted the disease herself she died e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00053-00013359-00013622 from it on the 10th of March 1897 while e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00054-00013622-00014247 serving a plague patient e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00055-00014247-00014572 topic poetry e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00056-00014574-00014758 you e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00057-00014759-00014992 Savitri bye fool wrote many poems e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00058-00014993-00015184 against discrimination and advised e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00059-00015185-00015472 people to get educated to books of her e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00060-00015473-00015700 poems were published posthumously kavya e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00061-00015701-00016006 fool 1954 and bavin kashi submode e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00062-00016007-00016690 Ratnakar 1982 e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00063-00016691-00017202 topic legacy e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00064-00017203-00017496 Pune City corporation created a memorial e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00065-00017497-00017952 for her in 1983 in 2015 the University e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00066-00017953-00018174 of Pune was renamed as Savitri by fool e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00067-00018175-00018501 Pune University in her honor on the 10th e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00068-00018502-00018783 of March 1998 a stamp was released by e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00069-00018784-00019014 India Post in honor of fool on the 3rd e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00070-00019015-00019284 of January 2017 the search engine Google e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00071-00019285-00019581 marked the 186th anniversary of the e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00072-00019582-00019794 birth of Savitri by fool with a Google e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00073-00019795-00020007 doodle along with Ambedkar and and about e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00074-00020008-00020202 saith fool has become an icon in e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00075-00020203-00020502 particular for the Dalit man caste women e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00076-00020503-00020694 in local branches of the Manavi haqq e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00077-00020695-00020922 Abhiyan human rights campaign amang e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00078-00020923-00021150 Ambedkar egg body frequently organized e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00079-00021151-00021357 processions on their Jandy birthday in e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00080-00021358-00021578 Marathi and other Indian languages a e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00081-00021579-00021867 Kannada movie was made on biopic a fool e8MZ-7zJQ9g-00082-00021868-00022173 in 2018 e8Yxy1p5jOE-00000-00000028-00000087 [Music] e8Yxy1p5jOE-00001-00000088-00000223 how's it going e8Yxy1p5jOE-00002-00000224-00000366 okay e8Yxy1p5jOE-00003-00000367-00000703 that's a busy day so far busy day so far e8Yxy1p5jOE-00004-00000704-00000950 so good so far so good you know what e8Yxy1p5jOE-00005-00000951-00001143 that is today e8Yxy1p5jOE-00006-00001144-00001535 uh groundhog day it is two two two two e8Yxy1p5jOE-00007-00001536-00001807 two two two two two all the twos which e8Yxy1p5jOE-00008-00001807-00002215 makes it groundhog day 2022. here we are e8Yxy1p5jOE-00009-00002216-00002342 it doesn't seem like groundhog day e8Yxy1p5jOE-00010-00002343-00002591 because we haven't done this over e8Yxy1p5jOE-00011-00002592-00002750 now i want you to pull this up real e8Yxy1p5jOE-00012-00002751-00002926 quick just to make sure so we get the e8Yxy1p5jOE-00013-00002927-00003126 comments on there see if we're in frame e8Yxy1p5jOE-00014-00003127-00003406 out of frame see how that looks e8Yxy1p5jOE-00015-00003407-00003719 make sure we go hi everybody we are e8Yxy1p5jOE-00016-00003720-00003863 just e8Yxy1p5jOE-00017-00003864-00004111 getting organized here i'm lisa i'm gary e8Yxy1p5jOE-00018-00004112-00004375 we're in the home studio yes we are in e8Yxy1p5jOE-00019-00004376-00004495 the studio e8Yxy1p5jOE-00020-00004496-00004647 and thought we'd come to you today with e8Yxy1p5jOE-00021-00004648-00004806 some interesting information about e8Yxy1p5jOE-00022-00004807-00004959 millennials e8Yxy1p5jOE-00023-00004960-00005127 because you know no one ever thought e8Yxy1p5jOE-00024-00005128-00005254 that the millennials were actually going e8Yxy1p5jOE-00025-00005255-00005406 to buy a home e8Yxy1p5jOE-00026-00005407-00005670 until they did that's right so our top e8Yxy1p5jOE-00027-00005671-00005870 story today is e8Yxy1p5jOE-00028-00005871-00006409 millennials are in the marketplace e8Yxy1p5jOE-00029-00006411-00006798 [Music] e8Yxy1p5jOE-00030-00006800-00006959 that's right e8Yxy1p5jOE-00031-00006959-00007246 so the millennials generation is the e8Yxy1p5jOE-00032-00007247-00007455 largest in this group's the prime e8Yxy1p5jOE-00033-00007456-00007655 they're in their prime household e8Yxy1p5jOE-00034-00007656-00007887 formation years e8Yxy1p5jOE-00035-00007888-00008183 they are formed 12.3 million new e8Yxy1p5jOE-00036-00008184-00008423 households have been formed since 2012 e8Yxy1p5jOE-00037-00008424-00008623 and in that same amount of time only e8Yxy1p5jOE-00038-00008624-00008895 seven million homes have been built e8Yxy1p5jOE-00039-00008896-00009063 so you can do some quick math there and e8Yxy1p5jOE-00040-00009064-00009206 figure out why we're in the position e8Yxy1p5jOE-00041-00009207-00009439 we're in right now with limited tight e8Yxy1p5jOE-00042-00009440-00009631 inventory in all the markets across the e8Yxy1p5jOE-00043-00009632-00009814 nation because we're just from the e8Yxy1p5jOE-00044-00009815-00010046 millennials we're five five million e8Yxy1p5jOE-00045-00010047-00010174 units short e8Yxy1p5jOE-00046-00010175-00010319 that's right so they're building seven e8Yxy1p5jOE-00047-00010320-00010510 million we're five million short and e8Yxy1p5jOE-00048-00010511-00010767 it's just unbelievable we can feel the e8Yxy1p5jOE-00049-00010768-00011055 pinch for sure oh definitely um but e8Yxy1p5jOE-00050-00011056-00011342 that's that's why the market the macro e8Yxy1p5jOE-00051-00011343-00011623 demand for the market is just crazy e8Yxy1p5jOE-00052-00011624-00011759 right now the builders haven't been able e8Yxy1p5jOE-00053-00011760-00011870 to keep up e8Yxy1p5jOE-00054-00011871-00012103 the builders are having hard time also e8Yxy1p5jOE-00055-00012104-00012374 with labor the supply chain problems and e8Yxy1p5jOE-00056-00012375-00012606 the labor problems are two things that e8Yxy1p5jOE-00057-00012607-00012822 are currently hurting them but in the e8Yxy1p5jOE-00058-00012823-00013030 last 10 years they should have built e8Yxy1p5jOE-00059-00013031-00013263 more houses that's right that's right i e8Yxy1p5jOE-00060-00013263-00013438 always like to throw a how-to in there e8Yxy1p5jOE-00061-00013440-00013638 what would you like to how to how to e8Yxy1p5jOE-00062-00013640-00013999 write an offer is that how to yes e8Yxy1p5jOE-00063-00014000-00014191 number one thing you start before you e8Yxy1p5jOE-00064-00014191-00014422 write an offer is e8Yxy1p5jOE-00065-00014423-00014638 you got to get with a lender that's the e8Yxy1p5jOE-00066-00014640-00014799 number one you've got to be approved e8Yxy1p5jOE-00067-00014800-00015022 with the lender if you're paying cash e8Yxy1p5jOE-00068-00015023-00015207 you got to have your proof of funds so e8Yxy1p5jOE-00069-00015208-00015335 number one thing e8Yxy1p5jOE-00070-00015336-00015527 on how to write an offer e8Yxy1p5jOE-00071-00015528-00015743 get with a lender and boy do we have a e8Yxy1p5jOE-00072-00015744-00015975 great one yep we have several depending e8Yxy1p5jOE-00073-00015976-00016143 on your needs that's right so another e8Yxy1p5jOE-00074-00016144-00016422 segment of the market is the boomers um e8Yxy1p5jOE-00075-00016423-00016775 10 000 people turn 65 every day in the e8Yxy1p5jOE-00076-00016776-00017063 united states if you can believe that e8Yxy1p5jOE-00077-00017064-00017215 and the older americans they are going e8Yxy1p5jOE-00078-00017216-00017486 to double in the next decade so those e8Yxy1p5jOE-00079-00017487-00017686 people are going to be probably needing e8Yxy1p5jOE-00080-00017687-00017911 some different housing arrangements so e8Yxy1p5jOE-00081-00017912-00018263 10 000 people turn 65 today today today e8Yxy1p5jOE-00082-00018264-00018471 and they will tomorrow too do you know e8Yxy1p5jOE-00083-00018472-00018639 any of them i do e8Yxy1p5jOE-00084-00018640-00018847 if we get closer to that age range we e8Yxy1p5jOE-00085-00018848-00019030 know more of them e8Yxy1p5jOE-00086-00019031-00019247 um they're staying put longer in their e8Yxy1p5jOE-00087-00019248-00019535 family home than they have traditionally e8Yxy1p5jOE-00088-00019536-00019799 but the survey says they will downsize e8Yxy1p5jOE-00089-00019800-00020039 eventually well i think a lot of reasons e8Yxy1p5jOE-00090-00020040-00020191 or why they're staying in their home e8Yxy1p5jOE-00091-00020192-00020391 longer is the fact that e8Yxy1p5jOE-00092-00020392-00020767 we had coveted us we've had in our area e8Yxy1p5jOE-00093-00020768-00020927 we've had a couple of different fires e8Yxy1p5jOE-00094-00020928-00021135 we've had mudslides we've had a lot of e8Yxy1p5jOE-00095-00021136-00021319 reasons to keep people put in their e8Yxy1p5jOE-00096-00021320-00021439 places e8Yxy1p5jOE-00097-00021440-00021750 people keep putting their homes e8Yxy1p5jOE-00098-00021751-00021894 that's right e8Yxy1p5jOE-00099-00021895-00022158 so right now like we said that the delta e8Yxy1p5jOE-00100-00022159-00022303 on the macro e8Yxy1p5jOE-00101-00022304-00022558 demand is you know at least 5 million e8Yxy1p5jOE-00102-00022559-00022743 units short at least e8Yxy1p5jOE-00103-00022744-00022975 so did you get us up on that uh nope e8Yxy1p5jOE-00104-00022976-00023127 we're not there no e8Yxy1p5jOE-00105-00023128-00023422 we're around we know that we are live e8Yxy1p5jOE-00106-00023423-00023550 yep e8Yxy1p5jOE-00107-00023551-00023791 we're in the studio e8Yxy1p5jOE-00108-00023792-00024086 so if you're thinking about selling uh e8Yxy1p5jOE-00109-00024087-00024335 you know this your house e8Yxy1p5jOE-00110-00024336-00024527 this year there's three kind of key e8Yxy1p5jOE-00111-00024528-00024750 points the demand is strong that are all e8Yxy1p5jOE-00112-00024751-00024919 in your favor e8Yxy1p5jOE-00113-00024920-00025158 coupled with the limited supply that e8Yxy1p5jOE-00114-00025159-00025358 maximizes your leverage so what that e8Yxy1p5jOE-00115-00025359-00025591 means as a seller as you're in a pretty e8Yxy1p5jOE-00116-00025592-00025862 strong negotiating position number one e8Yxy1p5jOE-00117-00025863-00026055 you're probably going to get on average e8Yxy1p5jOE-00118-00026056-00026279 three offers on your property and that's e8Yxy1p5jOE-00119-00026280-00026462 an average depending on your price range e8Yxy1p5jOE-00120-00026463-00026655 and location that's right and you could e8Yxy1p5jOE-00121-00026656-00026918 get as high as 90 offers e8Yxy1p5jOE-00122-00026919-00027079 we've heard of that i mean we've heard e8Yxy1p5jOE-00123-00027080-00027318 of it it might be off it's just been e8Yxy1p5jOE-00124-00027319-00027455 crazy you know you call up you're like e8Yxy1p5jOE-00125-00027456-00027751 oh we have 75 offers already oh good i'm e8Yxy1p5jOE-00126-00027752-00027943 going to write one e8Yxy1p5jOE-00127-00027944-00028151 you got another one let's make it 76. e8Yxy1p5jOE-00128-00028152-00028358 yeah it's just crazy but they're going e8Yxy1p5jOE-00129-00028360-00028543 to choose one they might as well choose e8Yxy1p5jOE-00130-00028544-00028743 yours and that all depends on a lot e8Yxy1p5jOE-00131-00028744-00028895 about relationships and the e8Yxy1p5jOE-00132-00028895-00029111 relationships that we have in the e8Yxy1p5jOE-00133-00029112-00029367 marketplace with other people and it e8Yxy1p5jOE-00134-00029368-00029551 depends what you want where you want to e8Yxy1p5jOE-00135-00029552-00029774 go what you want to do i love what this e8Yxy1p5jOE-00136-00029775-00029943 stat said it said that we have the e8Yxy1p5jOE-00137-00029944-00030039 lowest e8Yxy1p5jOE-00138-00030039-00030335 inventory in the last century e8Yxy1p5jOE-00139-00030336-00030495 well when you think about that you think e8Yxy1p5jOE-00140-00030495-00030727 century 100 years but this century is e8Yxy1p5jOE-00141-00030727-00031031 only 22 years but still we are at record e8Yxy1p5jOE-00142-00031032-00031302 low inventory of the last 22 years yes e8Yxy1p5jOE-00143-00031303-00031502 the lowest inventory in the last 22 e8Yxy1p5jOE-00144-00031503-00031855 years that's the century e8Yxy1p5jOE-00145-00031856-00032055 so i read that quickly and had to e8Yxy1p5jOE-00146-00032056-00032246 chuckle at that e8Yxy1p5jOE-00147-00032247-00032535 at that one so anyway so we talked about e8Yxy1p5jOE-00148-00032536-00032790 the leverage and the inventory e8Yxy1p5jOE-00149-00032791-00033143 and the other we have competitive prices e8Yxy1p5jOE-00150-00033144-00033407 i mean pretty much every market you're e8Yxy1p5jOE-00151-00033408-00033639 looking in everyone's kind of surprised e8Yxy1p5jOE-00152-00033640-00034015 at the prices in that wild i know i mean e8Yxy1p5jOE-00153-00034016-00034199 this surprises us so it definitely e8Yxy1p5jOE-00154-00034200-00034359 surprises buyers e8Yxy1p5jOE-00155-00034360-00034607 and the happiest surprise of all is for e8Yxy1p5jOE-00156-00034608-00034959 the sellers they love it oh my gosh e8Yxy1p5jOE-00157-00034960-00035167 we couldn't have imagined that that e8Yxy1p5jOE-00158-00035168-00035367 could have ever happened that's right i e8Yxy1p5jOE-00159-00035368-00035623 have clients coming in this weekend from e8Yxy1p5jOE-00160-00035624-00035871 out of town and we are going to go look e8Yxy1p5jOE-00161-00035872-00036046 at property well i'm not sure we're e8Yxy1p5jOE-00162-00036047-00036183 going to look at property or we're just e8Yxy1p5jOE-00163-00036184-00036318 going to tour around i'm going to show e8Yxy1p5jOE-00164-00036319-00036495 them the neighborhoods because i pretty e8Yxy1p5jOE-00165-00036496-00036630 much don't have a house in every e8Yxy1p5jOE-00166-00036631-00036918 neighborhood i could even show them e8Yxy1p5jOE-00167-00036919-00037055 or the neighborhoods they might be e8Yxy1p5jOE-00168-00037056-00037190 interested in e8Yxy1p5jOE-00169-00037191-00037367 they have a friend of mine thinking e8Yxy1p5jOE-00170-00037368-00037518 about selling and he said well if my e8Yxy1p5jOE-00171-00037519-00037695 house is worth 10 million dollars i'll e8Yxy1p5jOE-00172-00037696-00037879 go ahead and sell it he got an appraisal e8Yxy1p5jOE-00173-00037880-00038174 on his house and appraised at 17 million e8Yxy1p5jOE-00174-00038175-00038415 dollars an extra 7 million dollars he e8Yxy1p5jOE-00175-00038416-00038630 wasn't counting on yeah e8Yxy1p5jOE-00176-00038631-00038830 that's just crazy that's kind of market e8Yxy1p5jOE-00177-00038831-00038990 that we're in right now e8Yxy1p5jOE-00178-00038991-00039223 um yeah so if you're thinking about e8Yxy1p5jOE-00179-00039224-00039327 selling e8Yxy1p5jOE-00180-00039328-00039446 a home e8Yxy1p5jOE-00181-00039447-00039655 please give us a call let's talk about e8Yxy1p5jOE-00182-00039656-00039902 it because it is a terrific time to be e8Yxy1p5jOE-00183-00039903-00040023 talking about that if you're making e8Yxy1p5jOE-00184-00040024-00040271 plans for 2022 e8Yxy1p5jOE-00185-00040272-00040543 we are um would love to help you walk e8Yxy1p5jOE-00186-00040544-00040718 through the process e8Yxy1p5jOE-00187-00040719-00040990 yes it's a stroll in the park or it can e8Yxy1p5jOE-00188-00040991-00041158 be a e8Yxy1p5jOE-00189-00041159-00041255 not so e8Yxy1p5jOE-00190-00041256-00041358 gentle e8Yxy1p5jOE-00191-00041359-00041567 awakening e8Yxy1p5jOE-00192-00041568-00041702 one of the things that if you're e8Yxy1p5jOE-00193-00041703-00041839 thinking about doing some work to your e8Yxy1p5jOE-00194-00041840-00042055 home before you sell it it might take e8Yxy1p5jOE-00195-00042056-00042279 some extra time because getting the subs e8Yxy1p5jOE-00196-00042280-00042495 there to do the work and the product you e8Yxy1p5jOE-00197-00042496-00042655 might need you think you can just go get e8Yxy1p5jOE-00198-00042656-00042927 a vanity or get appliances it might not e8Yxy1p5jOE-00199-00042928-00043127 necessarily be that easy it might be a e8Yxy1p5jOE-00200-00043128-00043335 longer lead time than you think so you e8Yxy1p5jOE-00201-00043336-00043487 might want to start a couple months e8Yxy1p5jOE-00202-00043488-00043743 before you are actually planning e8Yxy1p5jOE-00203-00043744-00043935 because if you haven't done any remodel e8Yxy1p5jOE-00204-00043936-00044055 lately e8Yxy1p5jOE-00205-00044056-00044262 it is a little more challenging to get e8Yxy1p5jOE-00206-00044263-00044439 the supplies you need and the people you e8Yxy1p5jOE-00207-00044440-00044607 need to help you that's right once you e8Yxy1p5jOE-00208-00044608-00044743 get the people in you got to get the e8Yxy1p5jOE-00209-00044744-00045039 supplies so it's a definitely a supply e8Yxy1p5jOE-00210-00045040-00045135 chain e8Yxy1p5jOE-00211-00045136-00045279 nightmare e8Yxy1p5jOE-00212-00045280-00045479 yes so we love talking about real estate e8Yxy1p5jOE-00213-00045480-00045623 if you want to talk about real estate e8Yxy1p5jOE-00214-00045624-00045846 with us you know you can always find us e8Yxy1p5jOE-00215-00045847-00046087 at gary and lisa.com your real estate e8Yxy1p5jOE-00216-00046088-00046613 edge we'll talk to you soon thanks guys e8Yxy1p5jOE-00217-00046614-00048190 [Music] e8Yxy1p5jOE-00218-00048191-00048391 do e8Yxy1p5jOE-00219-00048392-00049358 [Music] e8Yxy1p5jOE-00220-00049359-00049568 you e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00000-00000168-00000663 [Music] e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00001-00000664-00000807 hey traders e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00002-00000808-00001135 welcome to another video on my youtube e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00003-00001136-00001183 channel e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00004-00001184-00001495 equities and today's e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00005-00001496-00001823 video is part 2 in e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00006-00001823-00002159 the financial statements series e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00007-00002160-00002423 today we will learn about income e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00008-00002424-00002607 statements e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00009-00002608-00002879 quick note after we are done with the e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00010-00002880-00003166 financial statements e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00011-00003167-00003535 we still have maybe another two or three e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00012-00003536-00003775 videos after this we have we still have e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00013-00003776-00003919 the balance sheet e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00014-00003920-00004279 the cash flow statement and a couple of e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00015-00004280-00004438 other statements e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00016-00004439-00004686 the next topic is going to be the e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00017-00004687-00004791 financial e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00018-00004792-00005215 issues which is a part of the financial e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00019-00005216-00005295 statements e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00020-00005296-00005670 analysis so we are going to do this e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00021-00005671-00005870 after we're done with the financial e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00022-00005871-00006022 statements e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00023-00006023-00006318 so please subscribe to my channel to be e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00024-00006319-00006463 notified e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00025-00006464-00006791 when new videos are uploaded e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00026-00006792-00007103 i have included my contact details here e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00027-00007104-00007206 on the first slide e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00028-00007208-00007534 if anyone would like to connect with me e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00029-00007536-00007863 or send me any questions i'll do my best e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00030-00007864-00007934 to answer e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00031-00007936-00008246 as many questions as possible e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00032-00008247-00008559 first let me get the legal stuff e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00033-00008560-00008878 out of the way please make sure to read e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00034-00008879-00008974 the disclaimer e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00035-00008975-00009342 before proceeding in brief e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00036-00009343-00009663 i'm not a financial advisor e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00037-00009664-00009895 these videos represent my own e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00038-00009896-00010127 understanding and opinion about e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00039-00010128-00010438 the topics presented these e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00040-00010439-00010927 are not recommendations of any sort e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00041-00010928-00011159 all the information and the data e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00042-00011160-00011238 presented e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00043-00011239-00011527 are from sources believed to be accurate e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00044-00011528-00011559 but e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00045-00011560-00011919 accuracy is not guaranteed e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00046-00011920-00012206 okay so with this out of the way let's e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00047-00012207-00012438 get started e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00048-00012439-00012751 we saw this agenda before in the first e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00049-00012752-00013119 video in in in financial statements um e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00050-00013119-00013447 part one where we finished e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00051-00013447-00013847 the introduction number one e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00052-00013847-00014086 so we will continue from where we left e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00053-00014087-00014303 we are done with the introduction as i e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00054-00014304-00014343 said e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00055-00014344-00014647 so the next is income statement e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00056-00014647-00015166 and other comprehensive income e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00057-00015168-00015503 okay so for today's video the first e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00058-00015504-00015694 thing we are going to do we are going to e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00059-00015695-00015822 go e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00060-00015823-00016127 uh over accounting standards again e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00061-00016128-00016455 just to remind you and then e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00062-00016456-00016671 we will see what do we mean by income e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00063-00016672-00016855 statements e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00064-00016856-00017183 why do we need income statements and e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00065-00017184-00017583 instead of spending like 30 minutes e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00066-00017584-00017886 on a video just giving you some e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00067-00017887-00018039 information e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00068-00018040-00018283 i thought that it would be more e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00069-00018284-00018430 beneficial e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00070-00018431-00018711 more useful if we could actually look at e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00071-00018712-00018879 actual statements e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00072-00018880-00019222 i mentioned this in part one so e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00073-00019223-00019527 as i promised we are going to look at e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00074-00019528-00019847 apple income statement e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00075-00019848-00020167 and we'll see what we have there and e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00076-00020168-00020463 as usual i'm going to end my video with e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00077-00020464-00020711 the closing notes e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00078-00020712-00021119 okay so this is we saw this slide e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00079-00021120-00021463 in part one so let me quickly e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00080-00021464-00021839 just review it uh i'm going to e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00081-00021840-00022086 explain to you what do we mean by e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00082-00022087-00022263 accounting standards accounting e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00083-00022264-00022383 standards e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00084-00022384-00022639 are a set of guidelines and rules that e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00085-00022640-00022847 companies must follow e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00086-00022848-00023191 when they are preparing their financial e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00087-00023192-00023327 statements e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00088-00023328-00023607 companies follow the standard principles e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00089-00023608-00023727 and procedures e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00090-00023728-00024014 that define the basis of financial e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00091-00024015-00024167 accounting policies e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00092-00024168-00024542 and practices the purpose of having e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00093-00024543-00024719 accounting standards e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00094-00024720-00025135 is to ensure that financial statements e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00095-00025136-00025519 from multiple companies are comparable e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00096-00025520-00025831 because all the companies will e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00097-00025832-00026127 follow the same set of rules there are e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00098-00026127-00026270 differences between gaap e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00099-00026272-00026614 and ifrs that i mentioned in part one e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00100-00026616-00026958 but generally speaking because there is e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00101-00026960-00027262 a set of rules that comp e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00102-00027263-00027614 companies follow we could compare e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00103-00027616-00027879 their financial statements accounting e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00104-00027880-00027999 standards because e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00105-00028000-00028295 there are accounting standards the e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00106-00028295-00028462 financial statements are e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00107-00028463-00028814 more credible and allow for more e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00108-00028816-00029151 economic decisions based on e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00109-00029152-00029483 accurate and more importantly e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00110-00029483-00029846 consistent information important one e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00111-00029847-00030095 we mentioned that there are many e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00112-00030095-00030223 differences between e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00113-00030224-00030567 gaap and ifrs or else we will just have e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00114-00030568-00030783 one accounting standard e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00115-00030783-00031111 and the the difference that we e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00116-00031112-00031423 discussed was the treatment e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00117-00031424-00031846 of inventory how the cost is calculated e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00118-00031847-00032135 today we are going to have another e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00119-00032136-00032279 difference e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00120-00032280-00032623 between ifrs and gaap and that e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00121-00032624-00032987 is there is a category of e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00122-00032988-00033279 extraordinary items that are e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00123-00033280-00033599 prohibited from being included in the e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00124-00033600-00033727 income statement e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00125-00033728-00034046 when it's prepared under ifrs e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00126-00034047-00034415 what i mean by extraordinary items e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00127-00034416-00034727 it's exceptional in nature or e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00128-00034728-00035111 in size or it's an event that we don't e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00129-00035112-00035383 expect that it's going to happen again e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00130-00035384-00035462 gap e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00131-00035463-00035774 allows this line item to be e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00132-00035775-00036007 to be stated in the in the income e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00133-00036008-00036095 statement e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00134-00036096-00036559 the point is that if you have e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00135-00036560-00036871 something that not usual and you e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00136-00036872-00037143 included it in the income statement e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00137-00037144-00037327 either as a deduction or an e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00138-00037328-00037711 addition this line item will affect e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00139-00037712-00038039 the net income we are going to see that e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00140-00038040-00038223 in the income statement we have e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00141-00038224-00038407 something called net income e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00142-00038408-00038687 so if you include something that is not e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00143-00038688-00038799 usual e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00144-00038800-00039079 it's extraordinary you don't expect to e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00145-00039080-00039215 see the same line e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00146-00039216-00039546 next year this will affect the e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00147-00039547-00039862 sustainability the reliability and the e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00148-00039863-00040039 consistency e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00149-00040040-00040279 of net income so when you're trying to e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00150-00040280-00040351 forecast e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00151-00040352-00040630 the net income of a certain company you e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00152-00040631-00040846 have to exclude e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00153-00040847-00041095 the unusual items because you don't e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00154-00041096-00041223 expect this to happen e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00155-00041224-00041590 again in the future okay again i'm not e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00156-00041591-00041743 going to go over e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00157-00041744-00042087 all the differences as i said in part e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00158-00042088-00042199 one uh e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00159-00042200-00042502 it's it's it's a huge subject but e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00160-00042503-00042846 the purpose of these videos e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00161-00042847-00043127 of the videos on my channel about the e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00162-00043128-00043215 stocks e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00163-00043216-00043590 options i'm going to upload a video e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00164-00043591-00043799 introduction about technical analysis e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00165-00043800-00044023 and then candlestick charts e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00166-00044024-00044383 the purpose is to help you become e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00167-00044384-00044687 a better trader to start understanding e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00168-00044688-00044774 the basics e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00169-00044775-00045007 and then we are moving on step by step e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00170-00045008-00045190 as you can see e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00171-00045191-00045455 when discussing financial statement my e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00172-00045456-00045623 goal is not to help you become an e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00173-00045624-00045727 accountant e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00174-00045728-00046071 but to be able to read the financial e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00175-00046072-00046199 statements e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00176-00046200-00046527 and to do some comparison to do some e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00177-00046528-00046855 analysis to be able to take a better e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00178-00046856-00047271 decision okay now i have a quick e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00179-00047272-00047623 note to mention in the in the sub e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00180-00047624-00047983 agenda for today's video i said that we e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00181-00047984-00048111 are going to cover the e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00182-00048112-00048502 income statement and other comprehensive e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00183-00048503-00048774 income both together are called e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00184-00048775-00048886 comprehensive e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00185-00048887-00049062 income statement the statement of e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00186-00049063-00049262 comprehensive income e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00187-00049263-00049543 it could be presented in zinc in a e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00188-00049544-00049646 single statement e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00189-00049647-00050007 it doesn't always have to be separated e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00190-00050008-00050279 into an income statement and other e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00191-00050280-00050486 comprehensive e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00192-00050487-00050758 income statement and then at the end you e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00193-00050759-00050846 would find e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00194-00050847-00051158 a line which says comprehensive inc e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00195-00051159-00051519 it could be done in a single statement e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00196-00051520-00051807 or in two separate statements as we are e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00197-00051808-00051879 going to see e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00198-00051879-00052207 to see today when we look at apple's e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00199-00052208-00052335 income statement e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00200-00052336-00052663 in case of two separate statement e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00201-00052664-00052919 you will find a separate statement for e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00202-00052920-00053063 the income statement e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00203-00053064-00053319 then in the statement of comprehensive e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00204-00053320-00053399 income e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00205-00053400-00053654 the first line is going to be the net e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00206-00053655-00053742 income e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00207-00053744-00054007 which we get from the income statement e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00208-00054008-00054175 then followed by the other e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00209-00054176-00054494 comprehensive income entries or e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00210-00054495-00054879 or lines and then e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00211-00054879-00055238 the last would be the total e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00212-00055239-00055591 comprehensive income okay e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00213-00055591-00055791 just so you know what we will be looking e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00214-00055791-00055959 at okay e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00215-00055960-00056230 perfect so first question what do we e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00216-00056232-00056319 mean by e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00217-00056320-00056623 income state the income statement e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00218-00056624-00056959 is also known as the profit and loss e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00219-00056960-00057430 statement p and l for short e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00220-00057432-00057703 and the income statement is also known e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00221-00057704-00057766 as e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00222-00057767-00058175 the statement of income or statement of e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00223-00058176-00058479 operations uh apple e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00224-00058479-00058782 calls it statement of operations as we e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00225-00058783-00058942 are going to see e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00226-00058944-00059279 in the income statement we are going to e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00227-00059279-00059342 see e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00228-00059344-00059687 revenues and we are going to see e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00229-00059688-00060071 expenses if you deduct expenses from the e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00230-00060072-00060230 revenues e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00231-00060232-00060559 you will get the net income so now the e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00232-00060560-00060671 question is e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00233-00060672-00060975 why do we need income statement of e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00234-00060976-00061175 course to to know what's the net income e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00235-00061176-00061303 but why e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00236-00061304-00061687 because it makes it easier for investors e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00237-00061688-00062015 to analyze and evaluate e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00238-00062016-00062447 a company's profitability e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00239-00062448-00062894 and also they can forecast e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00240-00062895-00063247 future periods the income statement that e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00241-00063248-00063350 we are looking e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00242-00063351-00063647 to look at for apple we will find the e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00243-00063648-00063735 figures from e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00244-00063736-00064303 three years so by doing some analysis e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00245-00064304-00064671 you could have an expectation about e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00246-00064672-00064999 for example apple's revenue e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00247-00065000-00065303 apple's income e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00248-00065304-00065615 next year and the year after in the e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00249-00065616-00065791 income statement e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00250-00065792-00066159 you will you will always find two parts e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00251-00066160-00066599 or two categories operating income e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00252-00066600-00066943 and then non-operating income operating e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00253-00066944-00067255 income is simply e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00254-00067256-00067543 income that's generated from the e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00255-00067544-00067631 company's e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00256-00067632-00068150 core business non-operating e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00257-00068151-00068663 activities or income is from e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00258-00068664-00069111 other sources of income like for example e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00259-00069112-00069455 interest income or e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00260-00069456-00069791 sales of some e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00261-00069792-00069982 securities that we are going to see e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00262-00069983-00070119 shortly e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00263-00070120-00070550 but this is not the core of the business e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00264-00070551-00070871 of course strong growing operating e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00265-00070872-00071167 income is a positive sign of healthy e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00266-00071168-00071238 business e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00267-00071239-00071543 if you see that net income is e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00268-00071544-00071855 increasing you should go back to the e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00269-00071856-00072023 income statement e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00270-00072024-00072471 and look for the sources of this income e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00271-00072472-00072782 if it was not operating income e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00272-00072783-00073079 then you shouldn't be excited because e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00273-00073080-00073215 maybe the cause e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00274-00073216-00073547 of the increase in income which is e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00275-00073548-00073743 non-operating e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00276-00073744-00074062 is not sustainable correct e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00277-00074063-00074326 and finally when looking at income e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00278-00074327-00074438 statement e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00279-00074439-00074735 you could tell is this company making e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00280-00074736-00074791 money e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00281-00074792-00075103 or not profitability is e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00282-00075104-00075431 the main purpose why we have income e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00283-00075432-00075526 statement e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00284-00075527-00075847 the next statement is e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00285-00075848-00076167 other comprehensive income statement e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00286-00076168-00076638 as the title says it's other income e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00287-00076639-00077006 so this is typically not related to the e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00288-00077007-00077206 company's school business e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00289-00077207-00077531 but it's an income or e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00290-00077532-00077903 unrealized gains or losses e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00291-00077904-00078223 from infrequently businesses e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00292-00078224-00078423 something that we don't expect it would e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00293-00078424-00078679 happen every year e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00294-00078680-00078999 other comprehensive income statement can e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00295-00079000-00079111 also be seen e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00296-00079112-00079423 as a more expansive view e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00297-00079424-00079711 of net income it includes everything e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00298-00079712-00079935 like for example e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00299-00079936-00080215 foreign currencies transactions if it's e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00300-00080216-00080423 gains or losses e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00301-00080424-00080655 it's a line item in the other e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00302-00080656-00080871 comprehensive income e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00303-00080872-00081126 you will not find this in the income e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00304-00081127-00081294 statement e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00305-00081295-00081487 although the maybe the company has e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00306-00081488-00081759 generated income e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00307-00081760-00082167 by some foreign currencies transactions e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00308-00082168-00082431 but this is not part of its core e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00309-00082432-00082631 business e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00310-00082632-00082982 so this is stated in the other e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00311-00082983-00083071 comprehensive e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00312-00083072-00083287 income statement having a separate e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00313-00083288-00083418 statement for e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00314-00083419-00083787 non-recurring items or unusual items or e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00315-00083788-00084094 unfrequent items it's it e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00316-00084095-00084399 improves the reliability and e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00317-00084400-00084543 effectiveness e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00318-00084544-00084862 when analyzing a company's income e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00319-00084863-00085143 because you could tell that this part of e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00320-00085144-00085206 the income e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00321-00085207-00085462 is the core business this part of the e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00322-00085463-00085543 income e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00323-00085544-00085862 it's investment in securities this part e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00324-00085863-00086094 of the income it's other comprehensive e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00325-00086095-00086375 income so you could evaluate how e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00326-00086376-00086582 efficient net income is e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00327-00086583-00086871 other comprehensive income also shows e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00328-00086872-00086999 how the firm's e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00329-00087000-00087391 investment portfolio is performing e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00330-00087392-00087726 by revealing its unrealized gains e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00331-00087727-00087999 and losses the next slide will explain e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00332-00088000-00088206 exactly what i mean by this e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00333-00088207-00088535 so we may say that comprehensive e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00334-00088536-00088838 income not other comprehensive the e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00335-00088839-00088943 comprehensive e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00336-00088944-00089318 income is the sum of the companies e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00337-00089319-00089623 regular income and other e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00338-00089624-00089991 income okay remember this comprehensive e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00339-00089992-00090326 income is the net income that you get e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00340-00090327-00090687 from the income statement plus the other e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00341-00090688-00091015 income that's found as line e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00342-00091016-00091303 items in the other comprehensive income e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00343-00091304-00091367 the sum e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00344-00091368-00091711 is the comprehensive income okay so far e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00345-00091712-00091967 we will go over apple's income statement e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00346-00091968-00092055 so we e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00347-00092056-00092255 apply everything that we learned but e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00348-00092256-00092431 first but first e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00349-00092432-00092679 let me draw your attention to the fact e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00350-00092680-00092831 of how e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00351-00092832-00093206 some line items are classified e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00352-00093207-00093518 and hence will be included in the income e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00353-00093519-00093599 statement e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00354-00093600-00093894 or the other comprehensive income e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00355-00093895-00094055 because this is again e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00356-00094056-00094359 important this is affects the e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00357-00094360-00094471 reliability e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00358-00094472-00094774 and the sustainability of the net income e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00359-00094775-00095094 figure and also note that the e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00360-00095095-00095326 the the next slide we are going to look e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00361-00095327-00095526 at this is e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00362-00095527-00095855 the there was a modification uh e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00363-00095856-00096191 which is uh ifrs e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00364-00096192-00096518 9 for example the e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00365-00096519-00096806 afs the available for sale is not e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00366-00096807-00096871 available e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00367-00096872-00097191 anymore but the point of from this e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00368-00097192-00097455 slide that i'm going to show you now is e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00369-00097456-00097543 to show you e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00370-00097544-00097887 the way the companies decide on how to e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00371-00097888-00098006 create e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00372-00098007-00098382 different investments affect e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00373-00098383-00098703 the net income statement if it includes e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00374-00098704-00098750 it e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00375-00098751-00099055 in the income statement it will affect e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00376-00099056-00099359 net income if it includes it in other e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00377-00099360-00099550 comprehensive income e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00378-00099551-00099871 it will not affect net income e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00379-00099872-00100135 so the net income figure would be more e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00380-00100136-00100247 reliable e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00381-00100248-00100503 but it will have an effect on the other e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00382-00100504-00100606 comprehensive e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00383-00100607-00100894 income this is this is pure accounting i e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00384-00100895-00100982 don't want to get e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00385-00100983-00101206 into this because this is not the scope e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00386-00101207-00101406 of my videos again as e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00387-00101407-00101743 as a reminder the the the purpose of my e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00388-00101744-00101806 channel e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00389-00101807-00102111 is to make you a better trader not e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00390-00102112-00102399 an accountant so just so you know the e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00391-00102400-00102542 the coming slide e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00392-00102543-00102886 is prior to ifrs e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00393-00102888-00103230 9 and now it's uh it's a bit e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00394-00103231-00103571 different okay we have three e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00395-00103572-00103718 classifications of e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00396-00103719-00104039 security this is one e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00397-00104040-00104399 this is two and this is three e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00398-00104400-00104790 the first one is securities e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00399-00104791-00105095 held to maturity the company e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00400-00105096-00105478 owns securities and these securities e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00401-00105479-00105807 will be held to maturity e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00402-00105808-00106127 these marketable securities e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00403-00106128-00106527 could be debt or equity insurance e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00404-00106528-00106854 and and held to maturity securities are e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00405-00106855-00107183 typically reported as a non-current e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00406-00107183-00107502 asset in the balance sheet don't bother e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00407-00107503-00107558 about e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00408-00107559-00107775 this line i just thought of mentioning e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00409-00107776-00108015 but we are going to see everything about e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00410-00108016-00108143 balance sheets e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00411-00108144-00108463 in part three of this video series e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00412-00108464-00108815 interest income this will be e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00413-00108816-00109239 presented in the income statement okay e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00414-00109240-00109558 so the first one held to maturity it e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00415-00109559-00109678 affects e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00416-00109679-00109983 the balance sheet this is an e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00417-00109983-00110231 asset so it it has an effect on the e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00418-00110232-00110343 balance sheet e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00419-00110344-00110719 and the interest the revenue that you e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00420-00110720-00110999 get from these securities which will be e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00421-00111000-00111199 held to maturity e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00422-00111200-00111454 will be included as a line item in the e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00423-00111455-00111599 income statement e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00424-00111600-00111943 okay what's next held e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00425-00111944-00112271 for trading the first one was held to e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00426-00112272-00112415 maturity e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00427-00112416-00112710 the second one hell to trading so these e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00428-00112711-00112863 are securities e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00429-00112864-00113263 that again the company owns but e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00430-00113264-00113623 the purpose of owning them is e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00431-00113624-00113934 trading to make a quick profit out of e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00432-00113935-00114047 them e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00433-00114048-00114407 to be bought and sold in the short term e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00434-00114408-00114654 and also these securities could be e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00435-00114655-00114727 either e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00436-00114728-00115039 debt or equity this will be a line e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00437-00115040-00115502 item of unrealized gains or losses e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00438-00115503-00115854 and are recorded in the income statement e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00439-00115855-00116199 okay the third one that we have e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00440-00116200-00116590 is available for sale this is like e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00441-00116591-00116895 it combines both categories it includes e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00442-00116896-00117231 debt and equity securities as well e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00443-00117232-00117683 that the company plans on holding e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00444-00117683-00117927 here e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00445-00117928-00118343 this is a better color just to see e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00446-00118344-00118654 that the company plans on holding e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00447-00118655-00119031 for a while but e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00448-00119032-00119431 they could also sell it if there is an e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00449-00119432-00119647 opportunity they're not going to keep it e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00450-00119648-00119934 they are going to sell it e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00451-00119935-00120247 the changes in the value of available e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00452-00120248-00120663 for sale e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00453-00120664-00121102 these are recorded as unrealized e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00454-00121103-00121447 gain or loss in other comprehensive e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00455-00121448-00121534 income e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00456-00121535-00122110 so this oci this e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00457-00122111-00122558 income state clear e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00458-00122559-00122902 so now let's take a look at an actual e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00459-00122903-00123263 income statement and review everything e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00460-00123264-00123654 that we said e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00461-00123655-00124134 this is apple e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00462-00124135-00124439 don't worry about the word consolidated e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00463-00124440-00124807 this means that this income statement e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00464-00124808-00125247 includes apples and all of its subsidies e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00465-00125248-00125575 and as i said we don't call it e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00466-00125576-00125766 income statement they call a statement e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00467-00125767-00126039 of operations which is the same thing e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00468-00126040-00126423 when you look at any financial statement e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00469-00126424-00126727 first thing that you need to notice e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00470-00126728-00127110 how the years are e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00471-00127111-00127423 presented here it's from e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00472-00127424-00127886 right to left it's this way e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00473-00127888-00128110 it could be the other way but it's e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00474-00128111-00128271 important this is the first thing that e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00475-00128272-00128383 you look at e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00476-00128383-00128702 the second thing that you look at e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00477-00128703-00129007 is to see the units e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00478-00129008-00129358 that the company is using here it says e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00479-00129359-00129686 in millions except number of shares e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00480-00129688-00130023 which are in thousands e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00481-00130024-00130423 so this is times e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00482-00130424-00130807 1 million okay e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00483-00130808-00131151 so this is like 220.7 billion e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00484-00131152-00131471 and so on the first part e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00485-00131472-00131807 you would find the revenue e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00486-00131808-00132190 the sales and apple has e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00487-00132191-00132519 two sources of revenue from e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00488-00132520-00132902 its products and from services e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00489-00132903-00133223 we know that apple sells iphone e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00490-00133224-00133575 macbook ipad and so on and they sell e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00491-00133576-00133823 services e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00492-00133824-00134078 maintenance for the products support for e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00493-00134079-00134295 the products the cloud storage e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00494-00134296-00134607 and and so on so these are e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00495-00134608-00134927 the revenge the sum of e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00496-00134928-00135278 these two items will give us the total e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00497-00135279-00135407 sales e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00498-00135408-00135807 and you could compare from year to year e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00499-00135808-00136111 you could get some information e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00500-00136112-00136390 the first thing that we would notice is e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00501-00136391-00136447 from e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00502-00136448-00136831 2018 to 2019 it dropped e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00503-00136832-00137190 from 225 to 213 e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00504-00137191-00137599 that's 10 it's maybe 5 e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00505-00137600-00137975 and then from 2019 e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00506-00137976-00138375 to 2020 it went up about e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00507-00138376-00138727 7 billion e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00508-00138728-00139063 seven it's like 3.5 e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00509-00139064-00139351 when you're looking at statements like e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00510-00139352-00139551 this e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00511-00139552-00139863 start taking notes about e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00512-00139864-00140231 questions that are going e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00513-00140232-00140495 to come from the figures the first thing e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00514-00140496-00140535 that e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00515-00140536-00140847 you might be interested in knowing e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00516-00140848-00141071 why there was a drop between 2018 and e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00517-00141072-00141214 2019 and why e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00518-00141215-00141502 there was an increase maybe apple e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00519-00141503-00141599 introduced a new e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00520-00141600-00141959 product maybe the the drop between e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00521-00141960-00142326 2018 to 2019 um the iphone sales e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00522-00142327-00142583 dropped but if you looked at the e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00523-00142584-00142719 services e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00524-00142720-00143071 the services increased dramatically e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00525-00143072-00143399 like here it's uh from 40 let's say 40 e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00526-00143400-00143495 to 46 e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00527-00143496-00143799 six it's like 15 percent and from e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00528-00143800-00144166 46 to 53 7 it's like another e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00529-00144167-00144535 i don't know maybe 14 15 e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00530-00144536-00144823 again what's the reason and is this e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00531-00144824-00144926 increase e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00532-00144927-00145271 sustainable or it was e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00533-00145272-00145631 there was a reason behind this increase e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00534-00145632-00145887 and then this is the final this is the e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00535-00145888-00145959 final e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00536-00145960-00146278 revenue before i move on e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00537-00146279-00146607 i want to mention something about how e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00538-00146608-00146807 the financial statements e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00539-00146808-00147126 are presented there is another way e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00540-00147127-00147495 of presenting financial statements e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00541-00147496-00147814 not just the the income statement e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00542-00147815-00148159 all the financial statements and it's e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00543-00148160-00148519 what's called a common size presentation e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00544-00148520-00148887 so a common size income statement e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00545-00148888-00149199 is an income statement in which each e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00546-00149200-00149247 line e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00547-00149248-00149647 item is expressed as a percentage e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00548-00149648-00150014 of the revenue this one this would e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00549-00150015-00150071 present e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00550-00150072-00150551 100 this would present 100 e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00551-00150552-00151078 and this would present 100 e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00552-00151079-00151439 this is sometimes called vertical e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00553-00151440-00151607 analysis e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00554-00151608-00151926 so if this represents 100 e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00555-00151927-00152111 i shouldn't be pointing at 2018 let's e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00556-00152112-00152439 look at 2020. this is 2020. e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00557-00152440-00152766 if this represents e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00558-00152767-00153078 100 e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00559-00153079-00153559 let's see what's the cost of goods sold e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00560-00153560-00154087 as a percentage of the total net sales e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00561-00154088-00154399 we have 274 billion e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00562-00154400-00154751 the total cost is one six e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00563-00154752-00155159 nine five five nine so we just divide e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00564-00155160-00155478 this by this as the e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00565-00155479-00155878 the hundred percent so this represents e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00566-00155879-00156535 uh about 62 percent e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00567-00156536-00156943 so apple cost of goods sold e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00568-00156944-00157319 cost of sales is 62 e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00569-00157320-00157711 so this should be 38 e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00570-00157712-00158071 so it's gross profit e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00571-00158072-00158407 is 104.9 e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00572-00158408-00158839 billion and this 38 percent e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00573-00158840-00159190 is the gross profit e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00574-00159191-00159719 margin you remember this term e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00575-00159720-00160111 i introduced this uh in in part one e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00576-00160112-00160326 of course you can do the same for 2018 e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00577-00160327-00160471 2019 i just don't e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00578-00160472-00160639 don't want to waste time in this you can e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00579-00160640-00160878 do it on your own actually it's a good e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00580-00160879-00161014 practice e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00581-00161015-00161223 to open companies that you are e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00582-00161224-00161375 interested in e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00583-00161376-00161639 just look at the income statement the e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00584-00161640-00161751 basic figures e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00585-00161752-00161983 and do this kind of calculations you'd e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00586-00161984-00162066 start e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00587-00162067-00162351 visualizing things that you didn't see e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00588-00162352-00162454 before e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00589-00162455-00162895 apple services sales is increasing e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00590-00162896-00163390 it's increasing from 40 to 46 this is 15 e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00591-00163391-00163590 this is not one percent or two percent e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00592-00163591-00163702 increase e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00593-00163703-00164135 and the same for between 2019 and 2020 e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00594-00164136-00164326 so e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00595-00164327-00164543 it's not steady but i would say there is e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00596-00164544-00164631 a 15 e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00597-00164632-00164943 and 15 percent in 2021 e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00598-00164944-00165278 do we expect to see another 15 e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00599-00165279-00165583 or we're not going to the e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00600-00165584-00165943 products sales is not increasing e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00601-00165944-00166351 as we can see in 2018 it went down e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00602-00166352-00166702 in 2019 and then it went up e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00603-00166703-00167111 what about 2021 e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00604-00167112-00167454 maybe if you could look at the income e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00605-00167455-00167614 statement e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00606-00167615-00167935 on the quarterly uh e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00607-00167936-00168375 filing the the quarterly statements e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00608-00168376-00168583 you would see the composition of these e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00609-00168584-00168814 numbers maybe you could get e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00610-00168815-00169143 better idea about what was the reason of e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00611-00169144-00169375 the increase what was the reason e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00612-00169376-00169702 of the drop okay e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00613-00169703-00170038 so we have a gross margin again the e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00614-00170039-00170135 gross margin e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00615-00170136-00170399 more or less it's there's a drop about e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00616-00170400-00170647 two percent and then an increase of e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00617-00170648-00170975 maybe six percent so far we are e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00618-00170976-00171295 in apple's core business e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00619-00171296-00171535 you see all this part i'm not sure if e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00620-00171536-00171695 it's visible or not e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00621-00171696-00172054 all this is related to apple's core e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00622-00172055-00172359 business so e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00623-00172360-00172678 we had the sales of the products e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00624-00172679-00173054 and we have cost of of of e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00625-00173055-00173375 the the products the cost of goods sold e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00626-00173376-00173678 but we also we still have other e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00627-00173679-00173983 expenses that should be deducted from e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00628-00173984-00174359 the gross profit like the salaries like e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00629-00174360-00174454 the e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00630-00174455-00174790 uh the the research and development e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00631-00174791-00175199 this is the line item operating expenses e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00632-00175200-00175559 which is the rnd e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00633-00175560-00175926 and sgna e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00634-00175927-00176359 and this equals 38 billion e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00635-00176360-00176807 we had a gross profit of 104.5 e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00636-00176808-00177183 billion 104.9 billions right e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00637-00177184-00177623 and we have 38.7 e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00638-00177624-00178078 billion operating expenses if you deduct e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00639-00178079-00178414 this from that minus e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00640-00178415-00178695 you would get what's called operating e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00641-00178696-00178799 income e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00642-00178800-00179111 income from operations e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00643-00179112-00179454 this is the income from apple's e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00644-00179455-00179854 core business this line e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00645-00179855-00180126 and this is very important because you e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00646-00180127-00180190 could see e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00647-00180191-00180566 you could look at very fancy income e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00648-00180567-00180759 statements e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00649-00180760-00181126 with huge net income but the operating e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00650-00181127-00181454 income is not impressive e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00651-00181455-00181766 the profit margin is not impressive you e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00652-00181767-00181951 understand what what i'm trying to to e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00653-00181952-00182199 point out to here e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00654-00182200-00182383 this is what you care about the e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00655-00182384-00182590 operating income e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00656-00182591-00182902 this is the income generated from the e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00657-00182903-00182959 core e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00658-00182960-00183399 business and then we have e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00659-00183400-00183751 other income or expenses this is the net e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00660-00183752-00184087 so here you could find interest income e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00661-00184088-00184519 interest expense depreciation e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00662-00184520-00184863 and so on so this is the net of all this e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00663-00184864-00185190 it's it 803 million e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00664-00185191-00185614 remember that the units are in millions e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00665-00185615-00185983 and then you have income before tax e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00666-00185984-00186366 you deduct the tax e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00667-00186367-00186687 and you get the net income very good now e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00668-00186688-00186766 what e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00669-00186767-00187095 does apple have any other e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00670-00187096-00187366 income that it didn't mention here of e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00671-00187367-00187502 course it does e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00672-00187503-00187838 okay let's look at other comprehensive e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00673-00187839-00188335 income statement again consolidated e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00674-00188336-00188614 it means that apples plus its e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00675-00188615-00188759 subsidiaries and e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00676-00188760-00189038 other businesses first thing that you e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00677-00189039-00189150 would notice here e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00678-00189151-00189447 is that we started the other e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00679-00189448-00189575 comprehensive e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00680-00189576-00190031 income with net income e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00681-00190032-00190343 you see and then we have some other e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00682-00190344-00190454 comprehensive e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00683-00190455-00190814 income items and e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00684-00190815-00191166 this what we are trying to reach e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00685-00191167-00191575 total comprehensive income okay e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00686-00191576-00191807 so what do we expect to see in other e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00687-00191808-00191919 comprehensive e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00688-00191920-00192238 income or loss we said e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00689-00192239-00192511 in the beginning of the video that e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00690-00192512-00192775 foreign currency transactions e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00691-00192776-00193126 this could be an item here apple e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00692-00193127-00193487 had 88 million plus e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00693-00193488-00193783 between brackets it's a minus without e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00694-00193784-00193863 brackets e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00695-00193864-00194190 it's a plus so this is plus minus minus e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00696-00194191-00194554 and you remember when we mentioned about e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00697-00194555-00194823 classification of securities that a e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00698-00194824-00194983 company has e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00699-00194984-00195526 we said that let me open the slide again e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00700-00195527-00195911 we said that available for sale e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00701-00195912-00196359 securities unrealized gain e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00702-00196360-00196750 here unrealized gains or losses e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00703-00196751-00197102 are a line item in the oci the other e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00704-00197103-00197302 comprehensive income e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00705-00197303-00197743 here derivative this is e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00706-00197744-00198119 an instrument that its price is derived e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00707-00198120-00198287 from e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00708-00198288-00198583 something else i explained this in the e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00709-00198584-00198678 options e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00710-00198679-00198911 videos by the way but just to know a e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00711-00198912-00198999 derivative e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00712-00199000-00199311 instrument it's a trading e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00713-00199312-00199638 instrument whose price is derived e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00714-00199639-00199983 from something called the underlying e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00715-00199984-00200359 okay so these derivatives e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00716-00200360-00200687 are available for sale change e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00717-00200688-00201054 in fair value in the last e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00718-00201055-00201231 comprehensive income or other e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00719-00201232-00201526 comprehensive income it had a value e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00720-00201527-00201814 these securities were reported and today e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00721-00201815-00201878 there is an e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00722-00201879-00202214 increase of 79 million e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00723-00202215-00202590 okay some adjustments to the net gains e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00724-00202591-00202711 or losses e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00725-00202712-00203054 then another line this is also available e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00726-00203055-00203175 for sale e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00727-00203176-00203511 marked that securities it's securities e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00728-00203512-00203814 that apple is holding and it's available e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00729-00203815-00203878 for sale e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00730-00203879-00204126 it could sell sell them anytime it could e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00731-00204127-00204326 hold it but it could sell them anytime e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00732-00204327-00204671 and then the sum here and the sum here e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00733-00204672-00205119 and then you add all this together here e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00734-00205119-00205406 this part sorry and and this part as e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00735-00205407-00205598 well e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00736-00205600-00205882 and this what you get total e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00737-00205883-00206038 comprehensive income e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00738-00206039-00206375 so apple's total comprehensive e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00739-00206376-00206742 income all the income that apple e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00740-00206744-00207110 received from everything that it's doing e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00741-00207111-00207398 everything it's core business it's the e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00742-00207400-00207606 the marketplace securities the e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00743-00207607-00208006 the the securities e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00744-00208007-00208319 held to maturity everything e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00745-00208319-00208727 it made 57.5 e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00746-00208728-00209071 billion 56.5 e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00747-00209071-00209598 58 57.5 e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00748-00209600-00209887 this is like a steady figure throughout e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00749-00209888-00210063 the year e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00750-00210064-00210391 although if you remember that we said e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00751-00210392-00210775 that the sales between 2018 and 2019 it e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00752-00210776-00210871 dropped e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00753-00210871-00211198 correct but e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00754-00211200-00211463 let me bring this slide back again from e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00755-00211464-00211663 two to five e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00756-00211664-00212023 to two one three there was an increase e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00757-00212023-00212319 in the services and here there was an e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00758-00212319-00212510 increase as well it's about e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00759-00212511-00212806 less than two percent when you open e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00760-00212807-00212975 financial statements e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00761-00212976-00213375 in general it's very important that you e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00762-00213376-00213510 try to analyze e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00763-00213511-00213791 the figures or else why are you opening e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00764-00213792-00214046 just to see how much apple is making e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00765-00214048-00214215 it doesn't worth anything if you know e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00766-00214216-00214351 that apple e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00767-00214352-00214823 is selling for 100 billion or 10 billion e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00768-00214823-00215039 the figure on its own doesn't mean e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00769-00215040-00215263 anything the comparison e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00770-00215264-00215582 this is the most important thing and e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00771-00215583-00215910 for companies that file for its e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00772-00215911-00216079 quarterly e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00773-00216080-00216439 statements on regular basis because as e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00774-00216440-00216591 we said e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00775-00216592-00216910 the companies are obliged to submit e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00776-00216911-00217231 the statements at least annually but e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00777-00217232-00217510 of course for big companies like apple e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00778-00217511-00217679 microsoft tesla and e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00779-00217680-00218063 all the big companies they report e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00780-00218064-00218455 quarterly so it's very important that e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00781-00218456-00218767 you look at this figure in 2019 for e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00782-00218767-00219006 instance e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00783-00219007-00219431 and you see the breakdown if you open e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00784-00219432-00219694 the the four quarter defiling of apple e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00785-00219696-00219823 in 2019 e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00786-00219823-00220167 they should sum up to this amount e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00787-00220167-00220415 and you could analyze it quarter by e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00788-00220416-00220487 quart e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00789-00220488-00220782 okay again it's there is no rocket e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00790-00220783-00220951 science in here e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00791-00220952-00221134 after we finish the the financial e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00792-00221135-00221319 statements we are going to look e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00793-00221319-00221623 at how to do some analysis we are going e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00794-00221623-00221663 to e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00795-00221664-00221991 go over a lot of financial e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00796-00221992-00222334 issues how to compute how to e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00797-00222335-00222655 value profitability the the company's e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00798-00222656-00223046 solvency the turnover of its inventory e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00799-00223048-00223463 and a lot of financial issues e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00800-00223464-00223815 the point is when you do this kind of e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00801-00223816-00224119 analysis you should start e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00802-00224119-00224527 to create an opinion about the company e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00803-00224528-00224855 this is the point of analyzing financial e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00804-00224856-00225055 statements you want to take e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00805-00225056-00225375 an investing investing decision e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00806-00225376-00225798 correct and a quick reminder e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00807-00225800-00226094 all these figures are history this is e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00808-00226096-00226303 2020. e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00809-00226304-00226623 you see all everything that you see in e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00810-00226623-00226863 financial statements e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00811-00226864-00227206 are already reflected in the process e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00812-00227207-00227631 your job is to analyze these figures e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00813-00227632-00227942 and use you try to come up e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00814-00227944-00228327 with some some kind of forecast e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00815-00228328-00228679 if we say that this is 56.5 this is e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00816-00228680-00229023 58 this is 57.5 so e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00817-00229023-00229319 next year it's fair to say that the e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00818-00229319-00229598 total apple's total comprehensive income e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00819-00229600-00229967 is going to be between let's say 56 e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00820-00229967-00230479 and 58.5 e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00821-00230480-00230839 something like that you understand what e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00822-00230840-00231039 i'm trying to say here e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00823-00231040-00231351 this is the point of looking at e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00824-00231352-00231791 financial statements in general okay e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00825-00231792-00232103 next video we are going to discuss e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00826-00232104-00232391 balance sheets in part three and then in e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00827-00232392-00232487 part four e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00828-00232488-00232871 the cash flow statement and in part 5 or e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00829-00232871-00233055 the last video of the financial e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00830-00233056-00233263 statements e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00831-00233264-00233631 series or parts i'll try to include e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00832-00233632-00233823 the last three statements that we are e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00833-00233823-00234110 going to look at the financial notes e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00834-00234111-00234423 the md and a and the statement of e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00835-00234423-00234646 changes in owner's equity e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00836-00234648-00235055 okay finally the closing notes e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00837-00235056-00235375 so where do we go from here e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00838-00235376-00235694 now as you can see that apple's e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00839-00235696-00235998 shareholders they have a very nice fat e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00840-00236000-00236351 income how do they get it do they get e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00841-00236352-00236439 all of it e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00842-00236440-00236846 or part of it this this is what's called e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00843-00236848-00237231 18 earnings this we are going to see e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00844-00237232-00237527 when we start discussing uh balance e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00845-00237528-00237679 sheets e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00846-00237680-00238071 we will understand assets liabilities e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00847-00238071-00238415 and equities equities it's e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00848-00238416-00238782 what the shareholders own in the company e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00849-00238783-00239175 and this amount increase it increases by e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00850-00239176-00239406 what's called the return retained e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00851-00239407-00239542 earnings e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00852-00239544-00239798 okay we still have a lot of questions e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00853-00239800-00239975 about financial statements i'm just e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00854-00239976-00240182 taking it step by step and as i said in e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00855-00240183-00240375 the beginning this is going to be e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00856-00240376-00240742 a long journey um i'll do my best to e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00857-00240744-00241046 get to to get you answers to all the e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00858-00241048-00241167 questions e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00859-00241167-00241551 uh that you might have on my next video e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00860-00241552-00241823 about financial statements part three e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00861-00241823-00241942 when we discuss e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00862-00241944-00242303 balance sheets finally as i always say e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00863-00242304-00242471 at the end of my videos e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00864-00242471-00242839 let's all trade like a pro e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00865-00242840-00243127 thank you everyone good luck and have a e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00866-00243128-00244823 great day e9Jk9xvG5Bk-00867-00244823-00245031 you eqRA7juYDiU-00000-00000059-00000299 tonight on the 10 o'clock news cracking eqRA7juYDiU-00001-00000300-00000521 down on dangerous drug cartels the eqRA7juYDiU-00002-00000522-00000682 results are in from a year-long eqRA7juYDiU-00003-00000683-00001079 investigation dubbed operation Last Mile eqRA7juYDiU-00004-00001080-00001357 the Mexican cartels are mass producing eqRA7juYDiU-00005-00001358-00001577 fentanyl the majority of the fentanyl if eqRA7juYDiU-00006-00001578-00001714 not all of the fentanyl that comes into eqRA7juYDiU-00007-00001716-00001930 our country eqRA7juYDiU-00008-00001932-00002105 during operation Last Mile The Drug eqRA7juYDiU-00009-00002106-00002267 Enforcement Administration went after eqRA7juYDiU-00010-00002268-00002495 members and Associates of two of the eqRA7juYDiU-00011-00002496-00002668 world's most ruthless Mexican drug eqRA7juYDiU-00012-00002669-00002897 cartels operating within the U.S and eqRA7juYDiU-00013-00002898-00003089 thousands of people were arrested news eqRA7juYDiU-00014-00003090-00003281 for Jacks reporter air company a covers eqRA7juYDiU-00015-00003282-00003538 DEA investigations and he joins us live eqRA7juYDiU-00016-00003539-00004061 with more on this massive operation Eric eqRA7juYDiU-00017-00004061-00004288 well Denise right now the dea's main eqRA7juYDiU-00018-00004289-00004583 priority is defeating uh the Sinaloa eqRA7juYDiU-00019-00004584-00004852 cartel also the cartel Jalisco New eqRA7juYDiU-00020-00004853-00005177 Generation also known as cjng a federal eqRA7juYDiU-00021-00005178-00005459 agency that both of those cartels are eqRA7juYDiU-00022-00005460-00005729 responsible for a majority of the Fatal eqRA7juYDiU-00023-00005730-00005956 overdoses here in the U.S they also say eqRA7juYDiU-00024-00005957-00006197 that both cartels are fueling the gun eqRA7juYDiU-00025-00006198-00006605 violence on America's streets eqRA7juYDiU-00026-00006606-00006875 operation Last Mile DEA agents track eqRA7juYDiU-00027-00006876-00007078 down drug distribution networks across eqRA7juYDiU-00028-00007079-00007295 the U.S that were tied to both the Cena eqRA7juYDiU-00029-00007295-00007601 lower cartel and cjng these are great eqRA7juYDiU-00030-00007602-00007798 investigators Mike dubet who is the eqRA7juYDiU-00031-00007800-00007973 assistant special agent in charge of the eqRA7juYDiU-00032-00007973-00008213 Jacksonville DEA office explains this eqRA7juYDiU-00033-00008214-00008399 investigation eqRA7juYDiU-00034-00008400-00008801 targeted the folks that received drugs eqRA7juYDiU-00035-00008802-00008969 from these cartels and ultimately eqRA7juYDiU-00036-00008970-00009251 distributed within our neighborhoods our eqRA7juYDiU-00037-00009252-00009671 homes our schools eqRA7juYDiU-00038-00009672-00009881 Federal investigators say the operation eqRA7juYDiU-00039-00009882-00010096 revealed the two cartels utilized eqRA7juYDiU-00040-00010097-00010301 violent street gangs and criminal groups eqRA7juYDiU-00041-00010302-00010487 to flood communities throughout the U.S eqRA7juYDiU-00042-00010488-00010805 with fentanyl and meth in fact the DEA eqRA7juYDiU-00043-00010806-00010973 says most of the deadly fentanyl eqRA7juYDiU-00044-00010974-00011183 overdoses in America are tied to both eqRA7juYDiU-00045-00011184-00011477 cartels that investigation also revealed eqRA7juYDiU-00046-00011478-00011669 that both drug cartels including their eqRA7juYDiU-00047-00011670-00011896 Associates here in the U.S were using eqRA7juYDiU-00048-00011897-00012131 every single social media platform you eqRA7juYDiU-00049-00012132-00012341 could think of to coordinate drug eqRA7juYDiU-00050-00012342-00012551 trafficking and sales under the radar eqRA7juYDiU-00051-00012552-00012731 nobody wants to get caught by the police eqRA7juYDiU-00052-00012732-00012910 everybody wants to disguise their eqRA7juYDiU-00053-00012911-00013063 activities eqRA7juYDiU-00054-00013063-00013336 operation Last Mile led to the arrest of eqRA7juYDiU-00055-00013337-00013715 3 37 people Nationwide the operation eqRA7juYDiU-00056-00013716-00013930 also led to the seizure of nearly 44 eqRA7juYDiU-00057-00013931-00014213 million fentanyl pills 6 500 pounds of eqRA7juYDiU-00058-00014213-00014494 fentanyl powder more than 91 000 pounds eqRA7juYDiU-00059-00014495-00014693 of methamphetamine more than eight eqRA7juYDiU-00060-00014694-00014957 thousand guns and more than 100 million eqRA7juYDiU-00061-00014958-00015208 dollars in cash locally here in Florida eqRA7juYDiU-00062-00015209-00015569 we seized about 300 pounds of eqRA7juYDiU-00063-00015569-00015916 methamphetamine about 90 pounds of eqRA7juYDiU-00064-00015918-00016397 powder fentanyl about 540 eqRA7juYDiU-00065-00016398-00016649 000 fake fentanyl pills so it was eqRA7juYDiU-00066-00016650-00016835 significant over 100 arrests although eqRA7juYDiU-00067-00016836-00017008 this is a great success we still have a eqRA7juYDiU-00068-00017009-00017194 lot of work to do and that's because the eqRA7juYDiU-00069-00017195-00017417 DEA says the cartels are still working eqRA7juYDiU-00070-00017418-00017585 hard to flood our communities with eqRA7juYDiU-00071-00017586-00018077 dangerous and highly addictive drugs eqRA7juYDiU-00072-00018078-00018286 it's also worth noting that operation eqRA7juYDiU-00073-00018287-00018575 Last Mile led to 28 indictments in eqRA7juYDiU-00074-00018576-00018803 Mexico Central America and China eqRA7juYDiU-00075-00018804-00019067 reporting live Eric Avenue Channel 4 the eqRA7juYDiU-00076-00019068-00019319 local station Eric there are a lot of eqRA7juYDiU-00077-00019320-00019547 different cartels why is there so much eqRA7juYDiU-00078-00019548-00019889 attention on these two eqRA7juYDiU-00079-00019890-00020093 well because these two not only are they eqRA7juYDiU-00080-00020094-00020279 the most ruthless but they are the most eqRA7juYDiU-00081-00020280-00020494 prevalent especially in our area when it eqRA7juYDiU-00082-00020495-00020783 comes to the amount of Fentanyl and meth eqRA7juYDiU-00083-00020784-00021011 that gets pumped into our area here in eqRA7juYDiU-00084-00021012-00021191 Florida and throughout parts of the eqRA7juYDiU-00085-00021192-00021479 throughout parts of the Eastern seaboard eqRA7juYDiU-00086-00021480-00021653 all right again Eric hopne reporting eqRA7juYDiU-00087-00021654-00021931 live thank you Eric es8OCM7BptE-00000-00000050-00000307 a proxy war is an armed conflict between es8OCM7BptE-00001-00000308-00000555 two states or non-state actors which act es8OCM7BptE-00002-00000556-00000753 on the instigation or on behalf of other es8OCM7BptE-00003-00000754-00000952 parties that are not directly involved es8OCM7BptE-00004-00000952-00001189 in the hostilities in order for a es8OCM7BptE-00005-00001190-00001390 conflict to be considered a proxy war es8OCM7BptE-00006-00001391-00001566 there must be a direct long-term es8OCM7BptE-00007-00001567-00001785 relationship between external actors and es8OCM7BptE-00008-00001786-00001972 the belligerents involved the es8OCM7BptE-00009-00001973-00002142 aforementioned relationship usually es8OCM7BptE-00010-00002143-00002365 takes the form of funding military es8OCM7BptE-00011-00002366-00002584 training arms or other forms of material es8OCM7BptE-00012-00002585-00002788 assistance which assists a belligerent es8OCM7BptE-00013-00002789-00002989 party in sustaining its war effort es8OCM7BptE-00014-00002990-00003192 during classical antiquity in the Middle es8OCM7BptE-00015-00003193-00003397 Ages many non-state proxies were es8OCM7BptE-00016-00003397-00003574 external parties which were introduced es8OCM7BptE-00017-00003575-00003745 to an internal conflict and aligned es8OCM7BptE-00018-00003746-00003915 themselves with a belligerent in order es8OCM7BptE-00019-00003917-00004078 to gain influence and further their own es8OCM7BptE-00020-00004079-00004351 interests in the region proxies could be es8OCM7BptE-00021-00004352-00004561 introduced by an external or local power es8OCM7BptE-00022-00004562-00004744 and most commonly took the form of es8OCM7BptE-00023-00004745-00004920 irregular armies which were used to es8OCM7BptE-00024-00004921-00005079 achieve their sponsors goals in a es8OCM7BptE-00025-00005080-00005352 contested region some medieval states es8OCM7BptE-00026-00005353-00005599 such as the Byzantine Empire used proxy es8OCM7BptE-00027-00005600-00005809 warfare as a foreign policy tool by es8OCM7BptE-00028-00005810-00005995 deliberately cultivating intrigue among es8OCM7BptE-00029-00005996-00006168 hostile rivals and then backing them es8OCM7BptE-00030-00006169-00006325 when they went to war with each other es8OCM7BptE-00031-00006326-00006621 other states regarded proxy wars as es8OCM7BptE-00032-00006622-00006789 merely a useful extension of a es8OCM7BptE-00033-00006790-00007020 pre-existing conflict such as France and es8OCM7BptE-00034-00007022-00007180 England during the Hundred Years War es8OCM7BptE-00035-00007181-00007381 both of which initiated a long-standing es8OCM7BptE-00036-00007381-00007584 practice of supporting piracy which es8OCM7BptE-00037-00007586-00007741 targeted the others merchant shipping es8OCM7BptE-00038-00007742-00008023 the Ottoman Empire likewise used the es8OCM7BptE-00039-00008023-00008230 Barbary pirates as proxies to harass es8OCM7BptE-00040-00008231-00008410 Western European powers in the es8OCM7BptE-00041-00008411-00008644 Mediterranean Sea since the early 20th es8OCM7BptE-00042-00008645-00008871 century proxy wars have most commonly es8OCM7BptE-00043-00008872-00009058 taken the form of states assuming the es8OCM7BptE-00044-00009059-00009280 role of sponsors to non-state proxies es8OCM7BptE-00045-00009281-00009481 essentially using them as fifth columns es8OCM7BptE-00046-00009482-00009748 to undermine an adversarial power this es8OCM7BptE-00047-00009749-00010003 type of proxy warfare includes external es8OCM7BptE-00048-00010004-00010216 support for a faction engaged in a civil es8OCM7BptE-00049-00010217-00010408 war terrorists national liberation es8OCM7BptE-00050-00010409-00010614 movements and insurgent groups or es8OCM7BptE-00051-00010615-00010824 assistance to a national revolt against es8OCM7BptE-00052-00010825-00011088 foreign occupation for example the es8OCM7BptE-00053-00011089-00011313 British partly organized and instigated es8OCM7BptE-00054-00011314-00011503 the Arab revolt to undermine the Ottoman es8OCM7BptE-00055-00011504-00011755 Empire during World War one many proxy es8OCM7BptE-00056-00011756-00011941 wars began assuming a distinctive es8OCM7BptE-00057-00011942-00012160 ideological dimension after the Spanish es8OCM7BptE-00058-00012161-00012339 Civil War which pitted the fascist es8OCM7BptE-00059-00012340-00012577 political ideology of Italy and National es8OCM7BptE-00060-00012578-00012802 Socialist ideology of Nazi Germany es8OCM7BptE-00061-00012803-00012988 against the communist ideology of the es8OCM7BptE-00062-00012988-00013161 Soviet Union without involving these es8OCM7BptE-00063-00013162-00013407 states in open warfare with each other es8OCM7BptE-00064-00013408-00013659 sponsors of both sides also used the es8OCM7BptE-00065-00013660-00013875 Spanish conflict as a proving ground for es8OCM7BptE-00066-00013876-00014016 their own weapons and battlefield es8OCM7BptE-00067-00014016-00014310 tactics during the Cold War proxy es8OCM7BptE-00068-00014311-00014516 warfare was motivated by fears that a es8OCM7BptE-00069-00014518-00014679 conventional war between the United es8OCM7BptE-00070-00014680-00014913 States and Soviet Union would result in es8OCM7BptE-00071-00014913-00015119 nuclear holocaust rendering the use of es8OCM7BptE-00072-00015121-00015338 ideological proxies a safer way of es8OCM7BptE-00073-00015340-00015615 exercising hostilities the Soviet es8OCM7BptE-00074-00015616-00015804 government found that supporting parties es8OCM7BptE-00075-00015805-00015990 antagonistic to the US and Western es8OCM7BptE-00076-00015991-00016176 nations was a cost-effective way to es8OCM7BptE-00077-00016177-00016422 combat NATO influence in lieu of direct es8OCM7BptE-00078-00016423-00016698 military engagement in addition the es8OCM7BptE-00079-00016699-00016926 proliferation of televised media and its es8OCM7BptE-00080-00016927-00017154 impact on public perception made the US es8OCM7BptE-00081-00017155-00017358 public especially susceptible to war es8OCM7BptE-00082-00017359-00017541 weariness and skeptical of risking es8OCM7BptE-00083-00017542-00017817 American life abroad this encouraged the es8OCM7BptE-00084-00017818-00018021 American practice of arming and Sergent es8OCM7BptE-00085-00018022-00018225 forces such as the funneling of supplies es8OCM7BptE-00086-00018226-00018372 to the Mujahideen during the es8OCM7BptE-00087-00018373-00018998 soviet-afghan war es8OCM7BptE-00088-00018999-00019540 topic as abstract es8OCM7BptE-00089-00019541-00019750 a significant disparity in the es8OCM7BptE-00090-00019751-00019900 belligerents conventional military es8OCM7BptE-00091-00019901-00020113 strength may motivate the weaker party es8OCM7BptE-00092-00020114-00020311 to begin or continue a conflict through es8OCM7BptE-00093-00020312-00020620 Allied nations or non-state actors such es8OCM7BptE-00094-00020621-00020779 a situation arose during the es8OCM7BptE-00095-00020780-00021007 arab-israeli conflict which continued as es8OCM7BptE-00096-00021008-00021211 a series of proxy wars following es8OCM7BptE-00097-00021212-00021409 Israel's decisive defeat of the Arab es8OCM7BptE-00098-00021410-00021706 coalition's in the 1948 arab-israeli war es8OCM7BptE-00099-00021707-00021921 the six-day war in the Yom Kippur War es8OCM7BptE-00100-00021922-00022219 the coalition members upon failing to es8OCM7BptE-00101-00022220-00022408 achieve military dominance via direct es8OCM7BptE-00102-00022409-00022654 conventional warfare have since resorted es8OCM7BptE-00103-00022655-00022810 to funding armed insurgent and es8OCM7BptE-00104-00022811-00023038 paramilitary organizations such as es8OCM7BptE-00105-00023039-00023245 Hezbollah to engage in a regular combat es8OCM7BptE-00106-00023246-00023443 against Israel additionally the es8OCM7BptE-00107-00023444-00023632 governments of some nations particularly es8OCM7BptE-00108-00023633-00023860 liberal democracies may choose to engage es8OCM7BptE-00109-00023861-00023995 in proxy warfare es8OCM7BptE-00110-00023996-00024211 despite military superiority when a es8OCM7BptE-00111-00024212-00024382 majority of their citizens oppose es8OCM7BptE-00112-00024383-00024589 declaring or entering a conventional war es8OCM7BptE-00113-00024590-00024871 this featured prominently in US strategy es8OCM7BptE-00114-00024872-00025090 following the Vietnam War due to the es8OCM7BptE-00115-00025091-00025414 so-called Vietnam syndrome of extreme es8OCM7BptE-00116-00025415-00025585 war weariness among the American es8OCM7BptE-00117-00025586-00025839 population this was also a significant es8OCM7BptE-00118-00025841-00026038 factor in motivating the u.s. to enter es8OCM7BptE-00119-00026039-00026248 conflicts such as the syrian civil war es8OCM7BptE-00120-00026249-00026482 via proxy actors after a series of es8OCM7BptE-00121-00026483-00026722 costly drawn-out direct engagements in es8OCM7BptE-00122-00026723-00026889 the Middle East spurred a recurrence of es8OCM7BptE-00123-00026891-00027133 war weariness a so-called war on terror es8OCM7BptE-00124-00027133-00027424 syndrome nations may also resort to es8OCM7BptE-00125-00027425-00027633 proxy warfare to avoid potential es8OCM7BptE-00126-00027635-00027826 negative international reactions from es8OCM7BptE-00127-00027827-00028030 allied nations profitable trading es8OCM7BptE-00128-00028031-00028176 partners or intergovernmental es8OCM7BptE-00129-00028177-00028417 organizations such as the United Nations es8OCM7BptE-00130-00028418-00028683 this is especially significant when es8OCM7BptE-00131-00028685-00028906 standing peace treaties acts of alliance es8OCM7BptE-00132-00028907-00029092 or other international agreements es8OCM7BptE-00133-00029093-00029305 ostensibly forbid direct warfare es8OCM7BptE-00134-00029306-00029500 breaking such agreements could lead to a es8OCM7BptE-00135-00029501-00029737 variety of negative consequences due to es8OCM7BptE-00136-00029738-00029905 either negative international reaction es8OCM7BptE-00137-00029906-00030163 see above punitive provisions listed in es8OCM7BptE-00138-00030164-00030322 the prior agreement or retaliatory es8OCM7BptE-00139-00030323-00030511 action by the other parties and their es8OCM7BptE-00140-00030512-00030840 allies in some cases nations may be es8OCM7BptE-00141-00030841-00031105 motivated to engage in proxy warfare due es8OCM7BptE-00142-00031106-00031302 to financial concerns supporting es8OCM7BptE-00143-00031304-00031402 irregular troops es8OCM7BptE-00144-00031402-00031630 insurgents non-state actors or less es8OCM7BptE-00145-00031631-00031843 advanced Allied militaries often with es8OCM7BptE-00146-00031844-00032047 obsolete or surplus equipment can be es8OCM7BptE-00147-00032048-00032224 significantly cheaper than deploying es8OCM7BptE-00148-00032225-00032449 national Armed Forces and the proxies es8OCM7BptE-00149-00032450-00032646 usually bear the brunt of casualties and es8OCM7BptE-00150-00032647-00032915 economic damage resulting from prolonged es8OCM7BptE-00151-00032916-00033135 flicked another common motivating factor es8OCM7BptE-00152-00033136-00033343 is the existence of a security dilemma es8OCM7BptE-00153-00033344-00033573 leaders that feel threatened by a rival es8OCM7BptE-00154-00033574-00033792 nations military power may respond es8OCM7BptE-00155-00033793-00033980 aggressively to perceived efforts by the es8OCM7BptE-00156-00033981-00034187 rival to strengthen their position such es8OCM7BptE-00157-00034188-00034383 as military intervention to install a es8OCM7BptE-00158-00034384-00034560 more favorable government in a third es8OCM7BptE-00159-00034561-00034802 party state they may respond by es8OCM7BptE-00160-00034803-00034983 attempting to undermine such efforts es8OCM7BptE-00161-00034984-00035198 often by backing parties favorable to es8OCM7BptE-00162-00035199-00035351 their own interests such as those es8OCM7BptE-00163-00035352-00035520 directly or indirectly under their es8OCM7BptE-00164-00035521-00035730 control sympathetic to their cause or es8OCM7BptE-00165-00035731-00036023 ideologically aligned in this case if es8OCM7BptE-00166-00036024-00036210 one or both rivals come to believe that es8OCM7BptE-00167-00036211-00036351 their favorite faction is at a es8OCM7BptE-00168-00036352-00036564 disadvantage they will often respond by es8OCM7BptE-00169-00036565-00036782 escalating military and/or financial es8OCM7BptE-00170-00036783-00037058 support if their counterparts perceiving es8OCM7BptE-00171-00037059-00037260 a material threat are desiring to avoid es8OCM7BptE-00172-00037261-00037430 the appearance of weakness or defeat es8OCM7BptE-00173-00037431-00037695 follow suit a proxy war ensues between es8OCM7BptE-00174-00037696-00037952 the two powers this was a major factor es8OCM7BptE-00175-00037953-00038165 in many of the proxy wars during the es8OCM7BptE-00176-00038166-00038417 Cold War between the u.s. and USSR as es8OCM7BptE-00177-00038418-00038573 well as in the ongoing series of es8OCM7BptE-00178-00038574-00038812 conflicts between Saudi Arabia and Iran es8OCM7BptE-00179-00038813-00039522 especially in Yemen and Syria es8OCM7BptE-00180-00039523-00040033 topic effects es8OCM7BptE-00181-00040034-00040252 proxy wars can have a huge impact es8OCM7BptE-00182-00040253-00040612 especially on the local area a proxy war es8OCM7BptE-00183-00040613-00040783 with significant effects occurred es8OCM7BptE-00184-00040784-00040987 between the United States and the USSR es8OCM7BptE-00185-00040988-00041323 during the Vietnam War in particular the es8OCM7BptE-00186-00041324-00041500 bombing campaign Operation Rolling es8OCM7BptE-00187-00041501-00041722 Thunder destroyed significant amounts of es8OCM7BptE-00188-00041723-00041899 infrastructure making life more es8OCM7BptE-00189-00041900-00042097 difficult for North Vietnamese citizens es8OCM7BptE-00190-00042098-00042400 in addition unexploded bombs dropped es8OCM7BptE-00191-00042401-00042595 during the campaign have killed tens of es8OCM7BptE-00192-00042596-00042778 thousands since the war ended not only es8OCM7BptE-00193-00042779-00043074 in Vietnam but also in Cambodia and Laos es8OCM7BptE-00194-00043075-00043333 also significant was the soviet-afghan es8OCM7BptE-00195-00043334-00043567 war which cost thousands of lives and es8OCM7BptE-00196-00043568-00043750 billions of dollars bankrupting the es8OCM7BptE-00197-00043751-00043942 Soviet Union and contributing to its es8OCM7BptE-00198-00043943-00044140 collapse the proxy war in the Middle es8OCM7BptE-00199-00044141-00044374 East between Saudi Arabia and Iran as es8OCM7BptE-00200-00044375-00044539 another example of the destructive es8OCM7BptE-00201-00044540-00044845 impact of proxy wars this conflict has es8OCM7BptE-00202-00044846-00045037 resulted in among other things the es8OCM7BptE-00203-00045038-00045277 Syrian civil war the rise of ISIL the es8OCM7BptE-00204-00045278-00045454 current civil war in Yemen and the es8OCM7BptE-00205-00045455-00045784 re-emergence of the Taliban since 2003 es8OCM7BptE-00206-00045785-00046041 more than 500,000 have died in Iraq es8OCM7BptE-00207-00046042-00046447 since 2011 more than 220,000 have died es8OCM7BptE-00208-00046448-00046786 in Syria in Yemen over 1,000 have died es8OCM7BptE-00209-00046787-00047083 in just one month in Afghanistan more es8OCM7BptE-00210-00047084-00047374 than 17,000 have been killed since 2009 es8OCM7BptE-00211-00047375-00047746 in Pakistan more than 57,000 have been es8OCM7BptE-00212-00047747-00048031 killed since 2003 in general the lengths es8OCM7BptE-00213-00048032-00048217 intensities and scales of armed es8OCM7BptE-00214-00048218-00048403 conflicts are often greatly increased es8OCM7BptE-00215-00048404-00048577 when belligerents capabilities are es8OCM7BptE-00216-00048578-00048768 augmented by external support es8OCM7BptE-00217-00048769-00048979 belligerents are often less likely to es8OCM7BptE-00218-00048980-00049231 engage in diplomatic negotiations peace es8OCM7BptE-00219-00049232-00049426 talks are less likely to bear fruit and es8OCM7BptE-00220-00049427-00049612 damage to infrastructure can be many es8OCM7BptE-00221-00049613-00049818 times greater es8OCM7BptE-00222-00049819-00050211 equals equals see also esyfZMIrQcQ-00000-00000142-00000654 [Music] esyfZMIrQcQ-00001-00000655-00000852 welcome to inside produced in esyfZMIrQcQ-00002-00000853-00001135 partnership with a valley PBS today we esyfZMIrQcQ-00003-00001136-00001342 are chatting with Jeremy Tobias the CEO esyfZMIrQcQ-00004-00001343-00001513 of the Community Action Partnership of esyfZMIrQcQ-00005-00001514-00001839 Kern Nicole celaya is community food esyfZMIrQcQ-00006-00001840-00002040 system director of food link for Tulare esyfZMIrQcQ-00007-00002041-00002272 County and Tim Adam is director of esyfZMIrQcQ-00008-00002273-00002448 programming operations for the Merced esyfZMIrQcQ-00009-00002449-00002647 rescue mission they have generously esyfZMIrQcQ-00010-00002648-00002797 agreed to share some of their experience esyfZMIrQcQ-00011-00002798-00002931 with us like to thank you all for esyfZMIrQcQ-00012-00002932-00003177 joining us today thank you esyfZMIrQcQ-00013-00003178-00003481 so serving people in need particularly esyfZMIrQcQ-00014-00003482-00003765 when there is such a broad range of esyfZMIrQcQ-00015-00003767-00004120 needs in this area is always challenging esyfZMIrQcQ-00016-00004121-00004402 how do you take very scarce resources esyfZMIrQcQ-00017-00004403-00004647 and invest them so that they really have esyfZMIrQcQ-00018-00004648-00004854 impact on the daily lives of people esyfZMIrQcQ-00019-00004855-00005041 so Tim starting with you talk a little esyfZMIrQcQ-00020-00005042-00005386 bit about the rescue mission and and the esyfZMIrQcQ-00021-00005387-00005545 work that you do the people that you esyfZMIrQcQ-00022-00005546-00005873 serve at the rescue mission we have esyfZMIrQcQ-00023-00005874-00006123 three different programs going on right esyfZMIrQcQ-00024-00006124-00006366 now we have a nine-month new life esyfZMIrQcQ-00025-00006367-00006534 transformation program which is a esyfZMIrQcQ-00026-00006536-00006756 faith-based program for people that are esyfZMIrQcQ-00027-00006758-00007048 trying to get off of drugs alcohol or esyfZMIrQcQ-00028-00007048-00007291 just get out of homelessness we also esyfZMIrQcQ-00029-00007292-00007600 have sober living homes which are for esyfZMIrQcQ-00030-00007601-00007759 people who have finished a program or esyfZMIrQcQ-00031-00007759-00008014 going to school working that still want esyfZMIrQcQ-00032-00008015-00008280 that safe sober structured environment esyfZMIrQcQ-00033-00008281-00008512 that aren't quite ready to take that esyfZMIrQcQ-00034-00008513-00008674 step into getting their own place and esyfZMIrQcQ-00035-00008675-00008896 then we have a respite care home which esyfZMIrQcQ-00036-00008897-00009082 is for homeless people getting esyfZMIrQcQ-00037-00009083-00009226 discharged from the hospital that have esyfZMIrQcQ-00038-00009227-00009436 no other place to go so we provide them esyfZMIrQcQ-00039-00009437-00009679 with the short-term stay well we try and esyfZMIrQcQ-00040-00009680-00009793 work with them and do case management esyfZMIrQcQ-00041-00009794-00010126 get them housing or get them reconnected esyfZMIrQcQ-00042-00010127-00010393 with family whatever we can do to help esyfZMIrQcQ-00043-00010394-00010615 them stay off the street and stay out of esyfZMIrQcQ-00044-00010616-00010768 the hospital and there's so many esyfZMIrQcQ-00045-00010769-00011020 different aspects of this right you have esyfZMIrQcQ-00046-00011021-00011284 the fact that there is a mental health esyfZMIrQcQ-00047-00011285-00011610 aspect to this there's a physical health esyfZMIrQcQ-00048-00011611-00011874 piece to this of course addiction being esyfZMIrQcQ-00049-00011875-00012127 up at the part that bridges both but esyfZMIrQcQ-00050-00012128-00012241 then there are also the practical esyfZMIrQcQ-00051-00012242-00012499 realities of holding a job of finding a esyfZMIrQcQ-00052-00012500-00012760 home of having shelter it's it's a very esyfZMIrQcQ-00053-00012761-00013090 very complex problem set yes it is esyfZMIrQcQ-00054-00013091-00013456 and that's why we provide a very intense esyfZMIrQcQ-00055-00013457-00013660 case management with all of our clients esyfZMIrQcQ-00056-00013661-00013933 and all of our programs where we create esyfZMIrQcQ-00057-00013934-00014094 goals for them whether it be finding a esyfZMIrQcQ-00058-00014096-00014212 primary care physician esyfZMIrQcQ-00059-00014213-00014476 we provide peer navigation to get them esyfZMIrQcQ-00060-00014477-00014731 to all of their appointments we work in esyfZMIrQcQ-00061-00014732-00014908 partnership with a lot of other agencies esyfZMIrQcQ-00062-00014909-00015163 in Merced County to help with housing or esyfZMIrQcQ-00063-00015163-00015385 to help with after we do assessments if esyfZMIrQcQ-00064-00015386-00015563 they need to go to behavioral health or esyfZMIrQcQ-00065-00015565-00015912 if we see the need for them to get esyfZMIrQcQ-00066-00015913-00016147 disability we'll connect them with the esyfZMIrQcQ-00067-00016147-00016441 soar worker so through our case esyfZMIrQcQ-00068-00016442-00016762 management we're able to really find out esyfZMIrQcQ-00069-00016763-00017032 what are their exact needs at that time esyfZMIrQcQ-00070-00017033-00017245 and we want to get them addressed as esyfZMIrQcQ-00071-00017246-00017424 quickly as possible and provide all the esyfZMIrQcQ-00072-00017425-00017722 navigation and accompaniment we can for esyfZMIrQcQ-00073-00017723-00017992 them and Nicole in Tulare County you're esyfZMIrQcQ-00074-00017993-00018229 working primarily your organization is esyfZMIrQcQ-00075-00018230-00018427 working primarily with the food part of esyfZMIrQcQ-00076-00018428-00018700 this of this issue so talk about the esyfZMIrQcQ-00077-00018701-00018904 range of your services and your support esyfZMIrQcQ-00078-00018905-00019225 right so food link provides many esyfZMIrQcQ-00079-00019226-00019414 different programs throughout Tulare esyfZMIrQcQ-00080-00019415-00019644 County the main one of course being esyfZMIrQcQ-00081-00019645-00019945 providing emergency food assistance to esyfZMIrQcQ-00082-00019946-00020155 about 30 different pantries we work with esyfZMIrQcQ-00083-00020156-00020314 with about 30 different pantries esyfZMIrQcQ-00084-00020315-00020476 throughout Tulare County where we esyfZMIrQcQ-00085-00020477-00020686 provide them with USDA commodities and esyfZMIrQcQ-00086-00020687-00020908 then we also do free farmers markets esyfZMIrQcQ-00087-00020909-00021055 where we go out especially to the more esyfZMIrQcQ-00088-00021056-00021241 rural areas that don't have access to esyfZMIrQcQ-00089-00021242-00021481 fresh fruits and vegetables as easily so esyfZMIrQcQ-00090-00021482-00021640 we'll do free farmers markets in those esyfZMIrQcQ-00091-00021641-00022008 areas we also do a program where we send esyfZMIrQcQ-00092-00022009-00022336 packs of food home with children about esyfZMIrQcQ-00093-00022337-00022528 four to five hundred different kids esyfZMIrQcQ-00094-00022529-00022735 throughout Tulare County every week we esyfZMIrQcQ-00095-00022736-00022963 send them home with a pack of food on esyfZMIrQcQ-00096-00022964-00023218 Fridays the the school's help us esyfZMIrQcQ-00097-00023219-00023482 identify food insecure children and so esyfZMIrQcQ-00098-00023483-00023710 those are the kids that rely on the free esyfZMIrQcQ-00099-00023711-00023902 and reduced lunches and breakfasts at esyfZMIrQcQ-00100-00023903-00024097 school and so when they go home they esyfZMIrQcQ-00101-00024098-00024241 don't have access to the food that they esyfZMIrQcQ-00102-00024242-00024385 need so we make sure to send them with esyfZMIrQcQ-00103-00024386-00024571 packs of food kid-friendly food home esyfZMIrQcQ-00104-00024572-00024793 that they can share with their families esyfZMIrQcQ-00105-00024794-00024976 and then they can also prepare very esyfZMIrQcQ-00106-00024977-00025267 easily themselves we also do have a lot esyfZMIrQcQ-00107-00025268-00025513 of nutrition education we have a really esyfZMIrQcQ-00108-00025514-00025702 beautiful teaching kitchen at our esyfZMIrQcQ-00109-00025702-00025922 facility and we provide free esyfZMIrQcQ-00110-00025923-00026261 community-based classes around nutrition esyfZMIrQcQ-00111-00026262-00026558 around cooking for health and using food esyfZMIrQcQ-00112-00026558-00026815 as medicine and then we also do a lot of esyfZMIrQcQ-00113-00026816-00026987 food systems work Tulare County it's esyfZMIrQcQ-00114-00026988-00027230 ironic toilet Tulare County is one of esyfZMIrQcQ-00115-00027231-00027542 the highest profit producing counties in esyfZMIrQcQ-00116-00027543-00027865 the state around agriculture but we have esyfZMIrQcQ-00117-00027866-00028070 a high high food insecurity rate about esyfZMIrQcQ-00118-00028070-00028462 40 40 % and so we also do a lot of esyfZMIrQcQ-00119-00028463-00028925 community organizing and helping to work esyfZMIrQcQ-00120-00028926-00029057 with specific communities around esyfZMIrQcQ-00121-00029058-00029354 bringing food security to them and their esyfZMIrQcQ-00122-00029355-00029677 and their neighborhoods focusing on esyfZMIrQcQ-00123-00029677-00029964 growing their own food or bringing esyfZMIrQcQ-00124-00029966-00030161 grocery stores into their small esyfZMIrQcQ-00125-00030162-00030356 communities anything to help them access esyfZMIrQcQ-00126-00030357-00030562 the food that they need it really does esyfZMIrQcQ-00127-00030563-00030785 beg the question if we are so productive esyfZMIrQcQ-00128-00030786-00031208 if our wealth is so based in agriculture esyfZMIrQcQ-00129-00031208-00031564 and food why do we have 40 percent food esyfZMIrQcQ-00130-00031566-00031877 insecurity in this region need is so esyfZMIrQcQ-00131-00031877-00032111 great but but there is also tremendous esyfZMIrQcQ-00132-00032112-00032279 wealth that is produced by Kern County esyfZMIrQcQ-00133-00032280-00032561 exactly Kern County being one of the esyfZMIrQcQ-00134-00032562-00032732 largest egg producing counties in the esyfZMIrQcQ-00135-00032733-00032921 nation as are many of the counties in esyfZMIrQcQ-00136-00032922-00033200 the valley and also one of the largest esyfZMIrQcQ-00137-00033201-00033415 oil producing counties in the nation esyfZMIrQcQ-00138-00033416-00033689 energy an agriculture agriculture it's a esyfZMIrQcQ-00139-00033690-00033929 seen as a fairly you know wealthy County esyfZMIrQcQ-00140-00033930-00034271 at the top but we face many of the same esyfZMIrQcQ-00141-00034272-00034544 problems the rest of the counties in the esyfZMIrQcQ-00142-00034545-00034733 valley deal with very very high poverty esyfZMIrQcQ-00143-00034734-00035012 rates very high unemployment rates and esyfZMIrQcQ-00144-00035013-00035225 an extremely high food insecurity rate esyfZMIrQcQ-00145-00035226-00035512 and at Community Action Partnership of esyfZMIrQcQ-00146-00035513-00035737 Kuran we promote self-sufficiency and esyfZMIrQcQ-00147-00035738-00035969 one of our programs we do operate as a esyfZMIrQcQ-00148-00035970-00036185 food bank and we see the needs you know esyfZMIrQcQ-00149-00036186-00036473 on a daily basis in Kern County what you esyfZMIrQcQ-00150-00036474-00036881 see is the fundamental set of issues esyfZMIrQcQ-00151-00036882-00037160 that need to be addressed that could esyfZMIrQcQ-00152-00037161-00037502 could systematically begin to shift the esyfZMIrQcQ-00153-00037503-00037724 realities for so many people living in esyfZMIrQcQ-00154-00037725-00038012 poverty I think housing is one of the esyfZMIrQcQ-00155-00038013-00038267 primary factors that leaves very little esyfZMIrQcQ-00156-00038268-00038573 income for necessary items such as food esyfZMIrQcQ-00157-00038574-00038921 utilities and all not another problem is esyfZMIrQcQ-00158-00038922-00039119 the inability of the low income workers esyfZMIrQcQ-00159-00039120-00039386 to move up in the system and the working esyfZMIrQcQ-00160-00039387-00039560 poor they're they're trying to make ends esyfZMIrQcQ-00161-00039561-00039672 meet esyfZMIrQcQ-00162-00039673-00039832 they're out there working and hustling esyfZMIrQcQ-00163-00039833-00040060 these aren't people are looking for free esyfZMIrQcQ-00164-00040061-00040191 handouts or they're out there working esyfZMIrQcQ-00165-00040192-00040344 and they're hustling and they they're esyfZMIrQcQ-00166-00040345-00040515 making minimum wage and it's tough to esyfZMIrQcQ-00167-00040516-00040772 make ends meet in an expensive state and esyfZMIrQcQ-00168-00040773-00040980 you know when most of your income goes esyfZMIrQcQ-00169-00040981-00041121 towards housing there's very little left esyfZMIrQcQ-00170-00041122-00041391 for food and and other essential esyfZMIrQcQ-00171-00041392-00041700 supplies and and how do you see it at esyfZMIrQcQ-00172-00041701-00041982 him you've got on the one hand you have esyfZMIrQcQ-00173-00041983-00042174 housing on the other hand you have esyfZMIrQcQ-00174-00042175-00042710 addiction right the this this issue of esyfZMIrQcQ-00175-00042711-00043146 housing is it related to addiction or esyfZMIrQcQ-00176-00043147-00043458 are these just two separate book ends of esyfZMIrQcQ-00177-00043459-00043764 the continuum of poverty that we have in esyfZMIrQcQ-00178-00043765-00044181 this region well I see housing being one esyfZMIrQcQ-00179-00044182-00044373 of the big issues in Merced County we esyfZMIrQcQ-00180-00044374-00044811 have a 1 percent vacancy rate so I mean esyfZMIrQcQ-00181-00044812-00044976 I can do my best to get Housing Choice esyfZMIrQcQ-00182-00044977-00045165 vouchers for people or get them on esyfZMIrQcQ-00183-00045166-00045450 disability but there's still no place to esyfZMIrQcQ-00184-00045451-00045675 put them into housing right now plus esyfZMIrQcQ-00185-00045676-00046011 with the prices of rentals going up like esyfZMIrQcQ-00186-00046012-00046350 Jeremy was saying there's very little esyfZMIrQcQ-00187-00046351-00046905 left over for utilities and food with esyfZMIrQcQ-00188-00046906-00047346 addiction that is an issue and we esyfZMIrQcQ-00189-00047347-00047541 address out by getting them set up with esyfZMIrQcQ-00190-00047542-00047706 behavioral health and stuff but our main esyfZMIrQcQ-00191-00047707-00047868 thing is to get them into housing first esyfZMIrQcQ-00192-00047869-00048165 we go with the housing first model so we esyfZMIrQcQ-00193-00048166-00048360 try and do a very low barrier esyfZMIrQcQ-00194-00048361-00048489 harm-reduction esyfZMIrQcQ-00195-00048490-00048732 type of housing let's get them in and esyfZMIrQcQ-00196-00048733-00048921 then address the issues of substance esyfZMIrQcQ-00197-00048922-00049110 abuse and provide case management to esyfZMIrQcQ-00198-00049111-00049437 help them remain in that housing as far esyfZMIrQcQ-00199-00049438-00049722 as Merced goes housing is a very big esyfZMIrQcQ-00200-00049723-00049890 issue there's just not enough of it esyfZMIrQcQ-00201-00049891-00049929 right now esyfZMIrQcQ-00202-00049930-00050076 do you feel that there's a connection esyfZMIrQcQ-00203-00050077-00050367 between addiction and self medication to esyfZMIrQcQ-00204-00050368-00050814 alleviate the stress that Jeremy was esyfZMIrQcQ-00205-00050815-00051131 talking about of having low wage jobs esyfZMIrQcQ-00206-00051132-00051567 struggling struggling struggling until a esyfZMIrQcQ-00207-00051568-00051819 bump in the road is hit you you become esyfZMIrQcQ-00208-00051820-00052011 injured or you have to take some sick esyfZMIrQcQ-00209-00052012-00052233 time or your child or your family member esyfZMIrQcQ-00210-00052234-00052512 needs some time and all of a sudden that esyfZMIrQcQ-00211-00052513-00053026 tenuous existence becomes out of reach esyfZMIrQcQ-00212-00053027-00053311 then the stress just builds and builds esyfZMIrQcQ-00213-00053312-00053527 and builds you start off self-medicating esyfZMIrQcQ-00214-00053528-00053677 maybe you're drinking a little bit maybe esyfZMIrQcQ-00215-00053678-00054064 or you're you are taking a pill or esyfZMIrQcQ-00216-00054065-00054370 smoking some weed and over time it takes esyfZMIrQcQ-00217-00054371-00054610 over your life do you feel that those esyfZMIrQcQ-00218-00054611-00055090 two areas are connected I I can see that esyfZMIrQcQ-00219-00055091-00055276 happening I know from personal esyfZMIrQcQ-00220-00055277-00055573 experience I was in a low-paying job esyfZMIrQcQ-00221-00055574-00055789 when I first moved back to Merced from esyfZMIrQcQ-00222-00055790-00056074 Sacramento things weren't going well esyfZMIrQcQ-00223-00056075-00056257 when the stress was getting to me I esyfZMIrQcQ-00224-00056258-00056512 started drinking too much and I ended up esyfZMIrQcQ-00225-00056513-00056725 losing the job losing my place and was esyfZMIrQcQ-00226-00056726-00056920 homeless for about two and a half almost esyfZMIrQcQ-00227-00056921-00057244 three years until I went to the merced esyfZMIrQcQ-00228-00057245-00057429 rescue mission I'm actually a graduate esyfZMIrQcQ-00229-00057430-00057709 from the mission and got hired on thank esyfZMIrQcQ-00230-00057710-00058291 you but it is possible to get past the esyfZMIrQcQ-00231-00058291-00058507 hurdle of addiction and substance abuse esyfZMIrQcQ-00232-00058508-00058737 if you're willing to seek out the help esyfZMIrQcQ-00233-00058738-00059026 that's many things some people they want esyfZMIrQcQ-00234-00059027-00059188 the housing but they don't want to seek esyfZMIrQcQ-00235-00059189-00059422 the help for other underlying issues in esyfZMIrQcQ-00236-00059423-00059707 their life and Nicole in terms of the esyfZMIrQcQ-00237-00059708-00059979 the the work that you do you were esyfZMIrQcQ-00238-00059979-00060178 mentioning that you provide a whole esyfZMIrQcQ-00239-00060179-00060361 range of different services beyond food esyfZMIrQcQ-00240-00060362-00060480 could you describe some of those esyfZMIrQcQ-00241-00060482-00060736 services a lot of what we do is like I esyfZMIrQcQ-00242-00060737-00060891 said community organizing where we're esyfZMIrQcQ-00243-00060892-00061183 working in specific communities talking esyfZMIrQcQ-00244-00061184-00061369 to the leaders and the communities and esyfZMIrQcQ-00245-00061370-00061591 finding out what they need meeting these esyfZMIrQcQ-00246-00061591-00061864 people where they are and it's always if esyfZMIrQcQ-00247-00061865-00062035 there's always a connection with housing esyfZMIrQcQ-00248-00062036-00062404 with addiction it's it's everything is esyfZMIrQcQ-00249-00062404-00062557 so intertwined with environment with esyfZMIrQcQ-00250-00062558-00062892 health that you know we do a lot to of esyfZMIrQcQ-00251-00062894-00063179 talking about food as medicine because esyfZMIrQcQ-00252-00063180-00063427 when it comes to access to healthy esyfZMIrQcQ-00253-00063428-00063804 healthy food that that's usually the esyfZMIrQcQ-00254-00063805-00064024 first thing to go when people are having esyfZMIrQcQ-00255-00064025-00064191 to pay rent or people are having to buy esyfZMIrQcQ-00256-00064192-00064465 medications and so all of it just esyfZMIrQcQ-00257-00064466-00064716 becomes a huge snowball and so we see esyfZMIrQcQ-00258-00064717-00065044 that that meeting these people where esyfZMIrQcQ-00259-00065045-00065188 they are and going to the communities esyfZMIrQcQ-00260-00065189-00065347 and finding out where we can help not esyfZMIrQcQ-00261-00065348-00065560 just with emergency food but also with esyfZMIrQcQ-00262-00065561-00065818 access to to healthcare and education esyfZMIrQcQ-00263-00065819-00066079 and that kind of thing like we make sure esyfZMIrQcQ-00264-00066080-00066334 to think systemically when it esyfZMIrQcQ-00265-00066335-00066574 two food systems and food insecurity and esyfZMIrQcQ-00266-00066575-00066808 so it's very important to us to take esyfZMIrQcQ-00267-00066809-00066982 more of a grassroots kind of community esyfZMIrQcQ-00268-00066983-00067210 organizing standpoint let's talk a esyfZMIrQcQ-00269-00067211-00067369 little bit about the term community esyfZMIrQcQ-00270-00067370-00067585 organizing I always find this to be esyfZMIrQcQ-00271-00067586-00067822 fascinating because it seems to have esyfZMIrQcQ-00272-00067823-00068128 become politicized since President Obama esyfZMIrQcQ-00273-00068129-00068488 had had mentioned that he had a esyfZMIrQcQ-00274-00068489-00068737 community organizing background what is esyfZMIrQcQ-00275-00068738-00069052 community organizing in this sense one esyfZMIrQcQ-00276-00069053-00069232 of the the main ideas that I always esyfZMIrQcQ-00277-00069233-00069448 think about is with us bias for us I'm a esyfZMIrQcQ-00278-00069449-00069712 I'm a long time resident of Tulare esyfZMIrQcQ-00279-00069713-00070219 County with us with us by us for us we esyfZMIrQcQ-00280-00070220-00070465 never go into a community and say here's esyfZMIrQcQ-00281-00070466-00070711 what you need we always ask we always esyfZMIrQcQ-00282-00070712-00070840 develop relationships esyfZMIrQcQ-00283-00070841-00071206 so the us is we the people we the people esyfZMIrQcQ-00284-00071207-00071368 of the United States of America right esyfZMIrQcQ-00285-00071369-00071608 and so you know being a resident a esyfZMIrQcQ-00286-00071609-00071764 longtime resident of Tulare County and esyfZMIrQcQ-00287-00071765-00072136 growing up a little bit poor and learn esyfZMIrQcQ-00288-00072137-00072328 knowing what food insecurity is I know esyfZMIrQcQ-00289-00072329-00072550 that we cannot just go into communities esyfZMIrQcQ-00290-00072551-00072859 and dictate the circumstances or dictate esyfZMIrQcQ-00291-00072860-00073054 the need they they have to tell us and esyfZMIrQcQ-00292-00073055-00073174 they have to trust us esyfZMIrQcQ-00293-00073175-00073498 so it's it's time-consuming it takes esyfZMIrQcQ-00294-00073499-00073681 time to develop those relationships with esyfZMIrQcQ-00295-00073682-00073819 communities so when you're saying they esyfZMIrQcQ-00296-00073820-00073978 have to trust us you're not saying you esyfZMIrQcQ-00297-00073979-00074368 have to trust us you're saying we have esyfZMIrQcQ-00298-00074369-00074473 to earn your trust esyfZMIrQcQ-00299-00074474-00074776 exactly by listening exactly so we the esyfZMIrQcQ-00300-00074777-00075084 people are going to come together and esyfZMIrQcQ-00301-00075085-00075535 talk about our problems and the esyfZMIrQcQ-00302-00075536-00075784 solutions correct and you're listening esyfZMIrQcQ-00303-00075785-00076108 correct it is it's about listening and esyfZMIrQcQ-00304-00076109-00076234 it's about meeting people where they are esyfZMIrQcQ-00305-00076235-00076603 and not vilifying people not judging esyfZMIrQcQ-00306-00076604-00076852 people but always looking at esyfZMIrQcQ-00307-00076853-00077085 circumstances and systems as a whole esyfZMIrQcQ-00308-00077086-00077275 Jeremie how does Community Action esyfZMIrQcQ-00309-00077276-00077518 Partnership a gather that intelligence esyfZMIrQcQ-00310-00077519-00077716 from the communities that you serve it's esyfZMIrQcQ-00311-00077717-00078079 all about engagement so and you know esyfZMIrQcQ-00312-00078080-00078226 meeting people at their point of need is esyfZMIrQcQ-00313-00078227-00078406 important going out to the community and esyfZMIrQcQ-00314-00078407-00078607 showing them you know showing up being esyfZMIrQcQ-00315-00078608-00078868 there for them not just you know sending esyfZMIrQcQ-00316-00078869-00079006 out flyers and things like that but esyfZMIrQcQ-00317-00079007-00079210 being there in person we operate a esyfZMIrQcQ-00318-00079211-00079342 couple of community centers and we esyfZMIrQcQ-00319-00079343-00079576 routinely have community organizing esyfZMIrQcQ-00320-00079577-00079632 events esyfZMIrQcQ-00321-00079633-00079899 centers it's about engaging with the esyfZMIrQcQ-00322-00079900-00080202 public we have a wonderful yet complex esyfZMIrQcQ-00323-00080203-00080409 system in the United States it can be esyfZMIrQcQ-00324-00080410-00080637 very rewarding and people can become esyfZMIrQcQ-00325-00080638-00080823 very successful but there's just you esyfZMIrQcQ-00326-00080824-00081006 know it's not perfect and I don't think esyfZMIrQcQ-00327-00081007-00081120 it's supposed to be perfect and there's esyfZMIrQcQ-00328-00081121-00081255 people that fall through the cracks and esyfZMIrQcQ-00329-00081256-00081453 being able to engage with those people esyfZMIrQcQ-00330-00081454-00081687 and finding out what it is they need so esyfZMIrQcQ-00331-00081688-00081831 they can find their peace the American esyfZMIrQcQ-00332-00081832-00081993 Dream is what's really important and esyfZMIrQcQ-00333-00081994-00082191 listening to them so when you interact esyfZMIrQcQ-00334-00082192-00082557 with people and you are collecting esyfZMIrQcQ-00335-00082558-00082776 intelligence and you are employing them esyfZMIrQcQ-00336-00082777-00083025 where do you employ them from who are esyfZMIrQcQ-00337-00083026-00083199 the people who work for your esyfZMIrQcQ-00338-00083200-00083409 organization's we're a rather large esyfZMIrQcQ-00339-00083410-00083706 nonprofit we have about 860 paid esyfZMIrQcQ-00340-00083707-00083865 employees but we have hundreds and esyfZMIrQcQ-00341-00083866-00084105 hundreds of volunteers as well and I'll esyfZMIrQcQ-00342-00084106-00084336 use my food bank as an example our food esyfZMIrQcQ-00343-00084337-00084513 bank distributes well over a million esyfZMIrQcQ-00344-00084514-00084885 pounds a year of food in Kern County and esyfZMIrQcQ-00345-00084886-00085002 we do that esyfZMIrQcQ-00346-00085003-00085302 with about you know 15 staff but esyfZMIrQcQ-00347-00085303-00085632 hundreds of volunteers and they're from esyfZMIrQcQ-00348-00085633-00085719 throughout the community esyfZMIrQcQ-00349-00085720-00085926 it can be large organizations that come esyfZMIrQcQ-00350-00085927-00086073 in and volunteer individuals that want esyfZMIrQcQ-00351-00086074-00086331 to volunteer but volunteerism is still esyfZMIrQcQ-00352-00086332-00086478 alive and well the United States and esyfZMIrQcQ-00353-00086479-00086640 that's a very very important part of esyfZMIrQcQ-00354-00086641-00086859 what we do so your organization is also esyfZMIrQcQ-00355-00086860-00087348 shaped and staffed and helped by We the esyfZMIrQcQ-00356-00087349-00087660 People that's correct I mean Americans esyfZMIrQcQ-00357-00087661-00087936 are extremely generous people and giving esyfZMIrQcQ-00358-00087937-00088179 people and you see that everyday in the esyfZMIrQcQ-00359-00088180-00088422 programs we all operate there's always esyfZMIrQcQ-00360-00088423-00088740 people asking how can I help and and I esyfZMIrQcQ-00361-00088741-00088863 think that's important for the people esyfZMIrQcQ-00362-00088864-00089034 who are helping as well seeing that esyfZMIrQcQ-00363-00089035-00089192 their fellow citizens are helping them esyfZMIrQcQ-00364-00089193-00089439 it's not just some paid bureaucrat that esyfZMIrQcQ-00365-00089440-00089610 Sarah to you know help them out but it's esyfZMIrQcQ-00366-00089611-00089796 it's their fellow citizens and we esyfZMIrQcQ-00367-00089797-00089952 oftentimes see those clients once esyfZMIrQcQ-00368-00089953-00090120 they're engaged back in that successful esyfZMIrQcQ-00369-00090121-00090300 system they come right back and they esyfZMIrQcQ-00370-00090301-00090654 volunteer at our Food Bank held back esyfZMIrQcQ-00371-00090655-00090945 that's right and and the food that you esyfZMIrQcQ-00372-00090946-00091254 that you bring in from your food for esyfZMIrQcQ-00373-00091255-00091530 your food bank Jeremy or for you for you esyfZMIrQcQ-00374-00091531-00091761 Nicole where does that food come from we esyfZMIrQcQ-00375-00091762-00092076 procure food from both from donations esyfZMIrQcQ-00376-00092077-00092229 and we purchase quite a bit especially esyfZMIrQcQ-00377-00092230-00092547 our fresh fruits and vegetables we we do esyfZMIrQcQ-00378-00092548-00092823 have to buy most of that but the food esyfZMIrQcQ-00379-00092824-00092997 that we distribute to our pan esyfZMIrQcQ-00380-00092998-00093285 trees comes from the USDA program and so esyfZMIrQcQ-00381-00093286-00093525 that that is provided through the state esyfZMIrQcQ-00382-00093526-00093843 and but then we also do a lot of esyfZMIrQcQ-00383-00093844-00094032 purchasing as I said through through esyfZMIrQcQ-00384-00094033-00094314 various different avenues we will of esyfZMIrQcQ-00385-00094315-00094602 course accept donations from from esyfZMIrQcQ-00386-00094603-00094836 packing houses from farmers from esyfZMIrQcQ-00387-00094837-00095175 agriculture producers so we procure it esyfZMIrQcQ-00388-00095176-00095379 from as many different places as we can esyfZMIrQcQ-00389-00095380-00095649 in terms of the price that you pay for esyfZMIrQcQ-00390-00095650-00095871 your fresh fruits and vegetables are esyfZMIrQcQ-00391-00095872-00096279 they competitive market prices are they esyfZMIrQcQ-00392-00096280-00096645 particularly set in in certain ways that esyfZMIrQcQ-00393-00096646-00096909 that take into account the needs of the esyfZMIrQcQ-00394-00096910-00097311 of the region for the most part they are esyfZMIrQcQ-00395-00097312-00097502 they fluctuate depending on the market esyfZMIrQcQ-00396-00097503-00097818 we are able to make our dollars go esyfZMIrQcQ-00397-00097819-00098048 farther we can usually buy it wholesale esyfZMIrQcQ-00398-00098049-00098436 or at a very reduced price we we buy a esyfZMIrQcQ-00399-00098437-00098589 lot through California Association of esyfZMIrQcQ-00400-00098590-00098823 food banks and so they're able to to get esyfZMIrQcQ-00401-00098824-00098997 the price down for us so are you any esyfZMIrQcQ-00402-00098998-00099255 donated dollar goes very far for us and esyfZMIrQcQ-00403-00099256-00099639 how do you create your your your housing esyfZMIrQcQ-00404-00099640-00099882 and your and your various physical esyfZMIrQcQ-00405-00099883-00100239 assets that were acquired Tim to support esyfZMIrQcQ-00406-00100240-00100587 your constituents pretty much everything esyfZMIrQcQ-00407-00100588-00100755 we get is based off of donations esyfZMIrQcQ-00408-00100756-00100998 whenever we get a new sober-living house esyfZMIrQcQ-00409-00100999-00101181 we reach out to the community and let esyfZMIrQcQ-00410-00101182-00101403 them know we need beds or dishes or esyfZMIrQcQ-00411-00101404-00101592 whatever and you know people are very esyfZMIrQcQ-00412-00101593-00101913 generous with donations we sometimes get esyfZMIrQcQ-00413-00101914-00102060 more than we can use in all of our esyfZMIrQcQ-00414-00102061-00102315 houses a lot of our food is from esyfZMIrQcQ-00415-00102316-00102600 donations from local restaurants on esyfZMIrQcQ-00416-00102601-00102879 Panda Express Little Caesars Pizza Hut esyfZMIrQcQ-00417-00102880-00103074 they all provide us we are the community esyfZMIrQcQ-00418-00103075-00103310 leaders who have franchises people who esyfZMIrQcQ-00419-00103311-00103569 are operating those businesses so we're esyfZMIrQcQ-00420-00103570-00103770 able to take that food hand it out to esyfZMIrQcQ-00421-00103771-00103958 the homeless people in parks or the esyfZMIrQcQ-00422-00103958-00104226 really low income neighborhoods we know esyfZMIrQcQ-00423-00104227-00104458 of we'll take that food out there so esyfZMIrQcQ-00424-00104459-00104670 ninety percent of what we get is esyfZMIrQcQ-00425-00104671-00104919 donations we don't purchase a lot when esyfZMIrQcQ-00426-00104920-00105081 we do have to purchase food and stuff we esyfZMIrQcQ-00427-00105082-00105333 go to our local food bank in Merced the esyfZMIrQcQ-00428-00105333-00105485 thing that's also interesting to me is esyfZMIrQcQ-00429-00105486-00105633 that nobody's waiting none of you are esyfZMIrQcQ-00430-00105633-00105849 waiting for somebody else to solve the esyfZMIrQcQ-00431-00105850-00106220 problems and indeed the people who are esyfZMIrQcQ-00432-00106221-00106628 who are working with you they're not esyfZMIrQcQ-00433-00106629-00106871 waiting either they are basically taking esyfZMIrQcQ-00434-00106872-00107083 the power they sometimes need guidance esyfZMIrQcQ-00435-00107084-00107294 they sometimes need help they sometimes esyfZMIrQcQ-00436-00107295-00107458 need to organizing sometimes other esyfZMIrQcQ-00437-00107459-00107736 competencies are required to deliver the esyfZMIrQcQ-00438-00107738-00108058 the particular service or product or esyfZMIrQcQ-00439-00108059-00108269 food at a particular place at a esyfZMIrQcQ-00440-00108270-00108569 particular time when people show up but esyfZMIrQcQ-00441-00108570-00108830 that's partly what a team is about it's esyfZMIrQcQ-00442-00108831-00109186 about helping each other to to develop a esyfZMIrQcQ-00443-00109188-00109445 solution and that solution is actually esyfZMIrQcQ-00444-00109446-00109601 coming from the community from the esyfZMIrQcQ-00445-00109602-00109861 community that you are helping to esyfZMIrQcQ-00446-00109863-00110228 community organize how many people do esyfZMIrQcQ-00447-00110229-00110543 you serve on an annual basis Tim in last esyfZMIrQcQ-00448-00110544-00110819 year we served probably around a esyfZMIrQcQ-00449-00110820-00111122 thousand people but that's not including esyfZMIrQcQ-00450-00111123-00111404 our like community stewardship like esyfZMIrQcQ-00451-00111405-00111557 picking up the food from other esyfZMIrQcQ-00452-00111558-00111716 organizations and spreading that out esyfZMIrQcQ-00453-00111717-00111922 into the community we also do a esyfZMIrQcQ-00454-00111923-00112157 Thanksgiving and a Christmas Eve dinner esyfZMIrQcQ-00455-00112158-00112322 for the homeless which will serve about esyfZMIrQcQ-00456-00112323-00112727 a thousand people at each so it's really esyfZMIrQcQ-00457-00112728-00112898 hard to say exactly how many people esyfZMIrQcQ-00458-00112899-00113174 we've reached out to I do know that esyfZMIrQcQ-00459-00113175-00113366 through just our respite care program esyfZMIrQcQ-00460-00113367-00113546 about sixty to eighty percent of those esyfZMIrQcQ-00461-00113547-00113732 we are able to get into some kind of esyfZMIrQcQ-00462-00113733-00114164 housing so that is a pretty big chunk of esyfZMIrQcQ-00463-00114165-00114392 the high utilizers that tribe morbid esyfZMIrQcQ-00464-00114393-00114521 people that have been on the streets esyfZMIrQcQ-00465-00114522-00114664 being able to get them into housing esyfZMIrQcQ-00466-00114665-00115019 lower their hospital stays which saves esyfZMIrQcQ-00467-00115020-00115388 the county money also and Nicole how esyfZMIrQcQ-00468-00115389-00115580 many people do you serve I know that esyfZMIrQcQ-00469-00115581-00115865 last year we served over 350 thousand esyfZMIrQcQ-00470-00115866-00116075 individuals and families both through esyfZMIrQcQ-00471-00116076-00116315 our emergency food distributions and esyfZMIrQcQ-00472-00116316-00116518 also through our nutrition education esyfZMIrQcQ-00473-00116519-00116809 Jeremy well we keep track of two numbers esyfZMIrQcQ-00474-00116810-00117023 duplicated which means how many lives we esyfZMIrQcQ-00475-00117024-00117346 touch you know it's upwards of 500,000 esyfZMIrQcQ-00476-00117347-00117617 people serve but unduplicated we're esyfZMIrQcQ-00477-00117618-00117985 talking about 70,000 a year how would esyfZMIrQcQ-00478-00117986-00118250 this community as a whole be affected if esyfZMIrQcQ-00479-00118251-00118534 you didn't exist I think the goal of a esyfZMIrQcQ-00480-00118535-00118766 lot of community organizations is get to esyfZMIrQcQ-00481-00118767-00118981 the point to where we're not needed esyfZMIrQcQ-00482-00118982-00119432 that's our goal if we're able to solve esyfZMIrQcQ-00483-00119433-00119526 or great esyfZMIrQcQ-00484-00119527-00119775 diminish the homeless problem in our esyfZMIrQcQ-00485-00119776-00120051 area then I'm not needed anymore the esyfZMIrQcQ-00486-00120052-00120288 rescue mission isn't needed anymore esyfZMIrQcQ-00487-00120289-00120600 I think that all community organizations esyfZMIrQcQ-00488-00120601-00120846 need to work together to help get to esyfZMIrQcQ-00489-00120847-00121056 that point and there's a lot of money esyfZMIrQcQ-00490-00121057-00121227 coming in from the states and from esyfZMIrQcQ-00491-00121228-00121508 different HUD funding that can help with esyfZMIrQcQ-00492-00121509-00121905 that it's all having a community vote on esyfZMIrQcQ-00493-00121906-00122052 the best way to spend that money in the esyfZMIrQcQ-00494-00122053-00122226 best way for your community in your esyfZMIrQcQ-00495-00122227-00122627 County to get that done in a sense isn't esyfZMIrQcQ-00496-00122628-00122982 your work part of making the more esyfZMIrQcQ-00497-00122983-00123284 perfect union more perfect right if we esyfZMIrQcQ-00498-00123285-00123495 can take the people who fall between the esyfZMIrQcQ-00499-00123496-00123816 cracks and help to elevate them into esyfZMIrQcQ-00500-00123817-00124140 self-sufficiency isn't that part of what esyfZMIrQcQ-00501-00124141-00124368 that system that you were referring to esyfZMIrQcQ-00502-00124369-00124653 geremy requires it's part of the esyfZMIrQcQ-00503-00124654-00124872 lubrication to actually allow that esyfZMIrQcQ-00504-00124873-00125118 system to function for everyone and not esyfZMIrQcQ-00505-00125119-00125391 just for the few that's correct in my esyfZMIrQcQ-00506-00125392-00125660 mind without our agencies and and and esyfZMIrQcQ-00507-00125661-00125856 and community members stepping up and esyfZMIrQcQ-00508-00125857-00126123 and and providing services such as this esyfZMIrQcQ-00509-00126124-00126477 the system really would fall apart this esyfZMIrQcQ-00510-00126478-00126645 beautiful and perfect system we have esyfZMIrQcQ-00511-00126646-00126864 part of it is this compact we all have esyfZMIrQcQ-00512-00126865-00127104 of those of us that are successful and esyfZMIrQcQ-00513-00127105-00127320 self-sufficient is making sure as many esyfZMIrQcQ-00514-00127321-00127491 people as possible can reach that you esyfZMIrQcQ-00515-00127492-00127740 know dream the American dream and you esyfZMIrQcQ-00516-00127741-00127914 know there's always gonna be this esyfZMIrQcQ-00517-00127915-00128049 imperfect balance where there's people esyfZMIrQcQ-00518-00128050-00128190 following through that crack and being esyfZMIrQcQ-00519-00128191-00128469 able to boost them back up they have to esyfZMIrQcQ-00520-00128470-00128622 take care of themselves some way and esyfZMIrQcQ-00521-00128623-00128834 their families and they're certainly not esyfZMIrQcQ-00522-00128835-00128967 going to let their family starve to esyfZMIrQcQ-00523-00128968-00129165 death and I don't think any of us would esyfZMIrQcQ-00524-00129166-00129483 and so if there's not a system in place esyfZMIrQcQ-00525-00129483-00129657 to help catch these people and providing esyfZMIrQcQ-00526-00129658-00129809 these safety net programs and boost them esyfZMIrQcQ-00527-00129810-00130029 back up and into the end of the esyfZMIrQcQ-00528-00130030-00130317 successful system I think the system esyfZMIrQcQ-00529-00130318-00130634 falls apart I don't imagine where it esyfZMIrQcQ-00530-00130635-00130827 might go I mean are people gonna let esyfZMIrQcQ-00531-00130828-00130950 their family starve to death esyfZMIrQcQ-00532-00130951-00131076 I wouldn't I wouldn't let my family esyfZMIrQcQ-00533-00131077-00131295 starve to death and you're gonna do esyfZMIrQcQ-00534-00131296-00131547 whatever you have to do and I think we esyfZMIrQcQ-00535-00131548-00131709 all owe it you know as part of the esyfZMIrQcQ-00536-00131710-00131949 successful society to make sure that esyfZMIrQcQ-00537-00131950-00132144 when people do slip through that crack esyfZMIrQcQ-00538-00132145-00132360 for whatever reason that we offer a esyfZMIrQcQ-00539-00132361-00132522 helping hand and get them back engaged esyfZMIrQcQ-00540-00132523-00132774 in that system and that's part of our esyfZMIrQcQ-00541-00132775-00132927 responsibilities American esyfZMIrQcQ-00542-00132928-00133320 Nakul correct yes the we think of esyfZMIrQcQ-00543-00133321-00133485 ourselves as feeling filling the gap esyfZMIrQcQ-00544-00133486-00133719 that the the safety net doesn't provide esyfZMIrQcQ-00545-00133720-00134097 and you know it is it is unfortunate esyfZMIrQcQ-00546-00134098-00134306 that our tax dollars aren't providing esyfZMIrQcQ-00547-00134307-00134766 the the base of what people need the esyfZMIrQcQ-00548-00134767-00135123 just basic housing food clean water and esyfZMIrQcQ-00549-00135124-00135387 clean air I would much rather my tax esyfZMIrQcQ-00550-00135388-00135666 dollars go to spending spending that esyfZMIrQcQ-00551-00135667-00135843 money on my neighbor's health and esyfZMIrQcQ-00552-00135844-00136119 well-being and so with Foodlink esyfZMIrQcQ-00553-00136120-00136320 you know we see that the gap is just esyfZMIrQcQ-00554-00136321-00136509 keeps getting wider and wider and so our esyfZMIrQcQ-00555-00136510-00136671 resources keep getting stretched farther esyfZMIrQcQ-00556-00136672-00136911 and farther and so if our social safety esyfZMIrQcQ-00557-00136912-00137142 net is falling apart it just puts so esyfZMIrQcQ-00558-00137143-00137556 much more pressure on us and it seems esyfZMIrQcQ-00559-00137557-00137745 like a never-ending cycle at times but esyfZMIrQcQ-00560-00137746-00137865 when we're looking at things esyfZMIrQcQ-00561-00137866-00138081 systemically we want to see people of esyfZMIrQcQ-00562-00138082-00138288 course being self-sufficient but we also esyfZMIrQcQ-00563-00138289-00138468 don't want there to be cracks in the esyfZMIrQcQ-00564-00138469-00138633 first place in the in the state in the esyfZMIrQcQ-00565-00138634-00138840 system falling through the cracks just esyfZMIrQcQ-00566-00138841-00139110 it shouldn't happen in a country like esyfZMIrQcQ-00567-00139111-00139295 ours with such wealth and such resources esyfZMIrQcQ-00568-00139296-00139734 we want our people to to be to be esyfZMIrQcQ-00569-00139735-00139911 autonomous and to be strong and to be esyfZMIrQcQ-00570-00139912-00140127 healthy in every sense of the word and esyfZMIrQcQ-00571-00140128-00140321 so looking at systemic changes is esyfZMIrQcQ-00572-00140322-00140679 difficult but it is necessary I feel so esyfZMIrQcQ-00573-00140680-00140919 we are forming a more perfect union by esyfZMIrQcQ-00574-00140920-00141126 taking care of those who fall through esyfZMIrQcQ-00575-00141127-00141363 the cracks and we are forming a more esyfZMIrQcQ-00576-00141364-00141654 perfect union by discussing systemic esyfZMIrQcQ-00577-00141655-00141900 solutions to those problems so that esyfZMIrQcQ-00578-00141901-00142200 fewer and fewer people fall through the esyfZMIrQcQ-00579-00142201-00142515 cracks so that we as service providers esyfZMIrQcQ-00580-00142516-00142791 are less necessary I'd like to thank you esyfZMIrQcQ-00581-00142792-00143118 all for for sharing the experience of esyfZMIrQcQ-00582-00143119-00143334 the Community Action Partnership of Kern esyfZMIrQcQ-00583-00143335-00143658 Jeremy Tobias Foodlink for Tulare County esyfZMIrQcQ-00584-00143659-00144060 Nicole Celaya and Merced rescue mission esyfZMIrQcQ-00585-00144061-00144300 Tim Adam thank you so much for your esyfZMIrQcQ-00586-00144301-00144489 support of the community and thank you esyfZMIrQcQ-00587-00144490-00145431 so much for your insights thank you esyfZMIrQcQ-00588-00145432-00148027 you esyfZMIrQcQ-00589-00148028-00148234 you et8AkQ0Y8yu-00000-00001479-00002758 say et8AkQ0Y8yu-00001-00002759-00003551 to another town et8AkQ0Y8yu-00002-00003552-00003967 i hope it will be fine et8AkQ0Y8yu-00003-00003968-00004415 i drink too much et8AkQ0Y8yu-00004-00004416-00004557 yesterday's wine et8AkQ0Y8yu-00005-00004558-00004767 [Music] et8AkQ0Y8yu-00006-00004768-00005183 morning morning will come et8AkQ0Y8yu-00007-00005184-00005466 if i'm still alive et8AkQ0Y8yu-00008-00005467-00005606 [Music] et8AkQ0Y8yu-00009-00005607-00006015 oh i will ride a train et8AkQ0Y8yu-00010-00006016-00006406 to a place for lonely time et8AkQ0Y8yu-00011-00006408-00006798 and i wonder what will be et8AkQ0Y8yu-00012-00006800-00009663 what will happen to my past et8AkQ0Y8yu-00013-00009664-00009996 oh i'm looking for the sunshine et8AkQ0Y8yu-00014-00009997-00010206 [Music] et8AkQ0Y8yu-00015-00010207-00012952 in the future et8AkQ0Y8yu-00016-00012953-00014083 [Music] et8AkQ0Y8yu-00017-00014084-00014607 45 and he said i'm the panel et8AkQ0Y8yu-00018-00014608-00015047 well he looked me in the eye et8AkQ0Y8yu-00019-00015047-00015847 and i saw him smile et8AkQ0Y8yu-00020-00015847-00016279 do you wanna die et8AkQ0Y8yu-00022-00019431-00019911 and i'm on my way et8AkQ0Y8yu-00023-00019912-00021104 to align with i've seen evsnNaObDAk-00000-00000054-00000357 the IHF World Player of the Year as a evsnNaObDAk-00001-00000358-00000584 handball award given annually to the evsnNaObDAk-00002-00000585-00000744 player who is considered to have evsnNaObDAk-00003-00000745-00000948 performed the best in the previous evsnNaObDAk-00004-00000949-00001182 season both at club and international evsnNaObDAk-00005-00001183-00001502 competitions it is awarded based on evsnNaObDAk-00006-00001503-00002296 votes from experts media and fans evsnNaObDAk-00007-00002297-00002803 topic about evsnNaObDAk-00008-00002804-00003199 the award was awarded by IH F since 1988 evsnNaObDAk-00009-00003200-00003414 in both men's and women's category evsnNaObDAk-00010-00003415-00003808 separately no award was awarded in the evsnNaObDAk-00011-00003809-00004911 years 1991 1992 1993 and 2017 evsnNaObDAk-00012-00004912-00005599 topic men evsnNaObDAk-00013-00005600-00005795 you evsnNaObDAk-00014-00005796-00006413 topic women evsnNaObDAk-00015-00006414-00006683 you evsnNaObDAk-00016-00006684-00007273 topic previous Awards evsnNaObDAk-00017-00007273-00007603 while the IHF has only reported awards evsnNaObDAk-00018-00007604-00007909 since 1988 other players have been voted evsnNaObDAk-00019-00007909-00008210 best players in the world before evsnNaObDAk-00020-00008211-00008492 thus the Romanian Stefan Bertillon was evsnNaObDAk-00021-00008493-00008888 elected World Player of the Year in 1974 evsnNaObDAk-00022-00008889-00009677 1976 and 1977 evsnNaObDAk-00023-00009678-00010339 topic best players of all time evsnNaObDAk-00024-00010340-00010750 in 1992 Gergely grew you of Romania was evsnNaObDAk-00025-00010751-00010969 named best player of all time by the evsnNaObDAk-00026-00010970-00011212 International handball Federation in evsnNaObDAk-00027-00011213-00011521 2000 the Swedish Magnus visa launder and evsnNaObDAk-00028-00011522-00011728 the Ukrainians an editor Chino were evsnNaObDAk-00029-00011729-00011986 elected players of the 20th century by evsnNaObDAk-00030-00011987-00012313 the IHF additionally in 2010 Ivano evsnNaObDAk-00031-00012314-00012589 Ballack of croatia and svetlana kaduk of evsnNaObDAk-00032-00012590-00012819 yugoslavia were voted by the website evsnNaObDAk-00033-00012821-00013057 users the best players ever but they evsnNaObDAk-00034-00013058-00013833 were not named directly by the IHF evsnNaObDAk-00035-00013834-00014397 topic other Awards evsnNaObDAk-00036-00014399-00014782 in 2010 the fans voted Treo a year as evsnNaObDAk-00037-00014783-00015127 world's best goalkeeper ever and in 2011 evsnNaObDAk-00038-00015128-00015441 the fans voted for Luminita d new-born evsnNaObDAk-00039-00015443-00015709 who to pan as best female goalkeeper evsnNaObDAk-00040-00015710-00016090 ever previously in 2009 Stefan fat and evsnNaObDAk-00041-00016091-00016351 Cristina neo goo respectively won Rookie evsnNaObDAk-00042-00016352-00017115 of the Year award for male and female evsnNaObDAk-00043-00017116-00017673 topic see also evsnNaObDAk-00044-00017674-00018087 eh f players of the year exm053oDhHc-00000-00001551-00002230 Oh exm053oDhHc-00002-00007778-00008357 Oh exm053oDhHc-00003-00008358-00010231 [Music] exm053oDhHc-00004-00010232-00010435 Oh exFdlnh-AGQ-00000-00000008-00000199 yo what's going on guys it is your voice exFdlnh-AGQ-00001-00000200-00000383 so so really quick have you guys ever exFdlnh-AGQ-00002-00000384-00000543 tried to like guess a logo before it exFdlnh-AGQ-00003-00000544-00000719 becomes unblurred for instance let's exFdlnh-AGQ-00004-00000720-00000886 just try it really quick right now three exFdlnh-AGQ-00005-00000888-00001254 two one exFdlnh-AGQ-00006-00001255-00001431 did you guys get it i if you guys did it exFdlnh-AGQ-00007-00001432-00001543 at that time then you probably aren't exFdlnh-AGQ-00008-00001544-00001695 good at this game but if you guys did exFdlnh-AGQ-00009-00001696-00001839 maybe you guys are good and that's what exFdlnh-AGQ-00010-00001839-00001959 we're doing today's video with three of exFdlnh-AGQ-00011-00001960-00002207 my friends george noack home scopes and exFdlnh-AGQ-00012-00002208-00002350 blue bell they're all gonna be competing exFdlnh-AGQ-00013-00002351-00002463 i'm gonna be doing this little hosting exFdlnh-AGQ-00014-00002464-00002639 thing they're gonna buzz in and let's exFdlnh-AGQ-00015-00002640-00002775 just see if they can actually figure out exFdlnh-AGQ-00016-00002776-00002926 these logos i recommend you guys exFdlnh-AGQ-00017-00002927-00003055 actually play along and let me know if exFdlnh-AGQ-00018-00003056-00003238 you guys like what your score got if you exFdlnh-AGQ-00019-00003239-00003422 guys did buzz in early enough right in exFdlnh-AGQ-00020-00003423-00003606 your mind let me know and that's all i exFdlnh-AGQ-00021-00003607-00003902 got enjoy exFdlnh-AGQ-00022-00003903-00004470 [Music] exFdlnh-AGQ-00023-00004471-00004751 all right it is time are you yo honestly exFdlnh-AGQ-00024-00004752-00004999 uh i i i made a little correction i went exFdlnh-AGQ-00025-00005000-00005095 for black and white because if you can exFdlnh-AGQ-00026-00005096-00005215 see the logos in color it's a little bit exFdlnh-AGQ-00027-00005216-00005391 easier so i'm gonna say to you guys now exFdlnh-AGQ-00028-00005392-00005615 it's gonna be way harder than it really exFdlnh-AGQ-00029-00005616-00005822 needs to be so are you guys okay with exFdlnh-AGQ-00030-00005823-00005918 all that exFdlnh-AGQ-00031-00005919-00006118 yeah let's go we haven't seen him yet so exFdlnh-AGQ-00032-00006119-00006270 we don't know i mean i mean it's gonna exFdlnh-AGQ-00033-00006271-00006375 be okay okay exFdlnh-AGQ-00034-00006376-00006598 i think we start off pretty easily so uh exFdlnh-AGQ-00035-00006600-00006759 if you guys are ready let's get this exFdlnh-AGQ-00036-00006759-00007023 started okay and three exFdlnh-AGQ-00037-00007023-00007142 two exFdlnh-AGQ-00038-00007143-00007614 one exFdlnh-AGQ-00039-00007615-00007791 okay exFdlnh-AGQ-00040-00007792-00007934 okay exFdlnh-AGQ-00041-00007936-00008078 i mean exFdlnh-AGQ-00042-00008079-00008183 no one exFdlnh-AGQ-00043-00008184-00008351 you guys don't know what this is are you exFdlnh-AGQ-00044-00008352-00008631 serious this is so easy i buzzed in oh exFdlnh-AGQ-00045-00008632-00008846 okay no i buzzed in exFdlnh-AGQ-00046-00008847-00009214 7 11. it is 7 11. why don't you get it exFdlnh-AGQ-00047-00009215-00009542 that quick wait get the buzz in bro exFdlnh-AGQ-00048-00009543-00009719 why did you not buzz in holmes i thought exFdlnh-AGQ-00049-00009720-00009919 you said you knew what it was bro i was exFdlnh-AGQ-00050-00009920-00010095 trolling i was trying to i was trying to exFdlnh-AGQ-00051-00010096-00010271 get them to mess up ready for the next exFdlnh-AGQ-00052-00010272-00010383 one are you guys ready for the next one exFdlnh-AGQ-00053-00010384-00010623 then yeah it gets a lot more difficult exFdlnh-AGQ-00054-00010624-00010727 for sure exFdlnh-AGQ-00055-00010728-00010887 yeah yes sorry exFdlnh-AGQ-00056-00010888-00011071 yeah that was so easy exFdlnh-AGQ-00057-00011072-00011174 three exFdlnh-AGQ-00058-00011175-00011263 two exFdlnh-AGQ-00059-00011264-00012399 one exFdlnh-AGQ-00060-00012400-00013303 that's a t baby exFdlnh-AGQ-00061-00013304-00013519 what the heck wait wait wait wait wait exFdlnh-AGQ-00062-00013519-00013719 okay this guy's cheating for sure for exFdlnh-AGQ-00063-00013719-00013943 sure george just drives by locations as exFdlnh-AGQ-00064-00013944-00014063 fast as he can to see if he can just exFdlnh-AGQ-00065-00014063-00014230 grab the logo in that like split amount exFdlnh-AGQ-00066-00014231-00014494 of time oh yeah okay three exFdlnh-AGQ-00067-00014495-00014591 two exFdlnh-AGQ-00068-00014591-00015086 one exFdlnh-AGQ-00069-00015087-00015286 okay exFdlnh-AGQ-00070-00015287-00015455 come on man like exFdlnh-AGQ-00071-00015456-00015638 i think i know what it is but i don't exFdlnh-AGQ-00072-00015640-00015783 want to risk it i think george's is exFdlnh-AGQ-00073-00015784-00015966 faster exFdlnh-AGQ-00074-00015968-00016271 what is this exFdlnh-AGQ-00075-00016272-00016422 oh exFdlnh-AGQ-00076-00016423-00016663 all right noah exFdlnh-AGQ-00077-00016664-00017319 baby it is chicken oh my god exFdlnh-AGQ-00078-00017320-00017591 i can't have this he can't win against exFdlnh-AGQ-00079-00017592-00017727 everybody i've never even had exFdlnh-AGQ-00080-00017728-00017919 chick-fil-a it's only american right or exFdlnh-AGQ-00081-00017920-00018150 is it i don't know about all that exFdlnh-AGQ-00082-00018151-00018286 i don't know if you should also say that exFdlnh-AGQ-00083-00018287-00018519 because i think i have a lot of l.a.v exFdlnh-AGQ-00084-00018520-00018599 three exFdlnh-AGQ-00085-00018600-00018847 i'm i'm chalked my mentor exFdlnh-AGQ-00086-00018848-00019086 what exFdlnh-AGQ-00087-00019087-00019391 oh okay what is that exFdlnh-AGQ-00088-00019392-00019735 it's gotta be a pipe oh he's in he's in exFdlnh-AGQ-00089-00019736-00019958 what is it i still don't know exFdlnh-AGQ-00090-00019959-00020591 in and out it is in and out exFdlnh-AGQ-00091-00020592-00020775 that one's insane exFdlnh-AGQ-00092-00020776-00021135 let's do it okay it's insane three exFdlnh-AGQ-00093-00021136-00021247 two exFdlnh-AGQ-00094-00021248-00021550 one exFdlnh-AGQ-00095-00021551-00021830 oh i was late oh it's a little late that exFdlnh-AGQ-00096-00021831-00022143 is monster you are correct homes for a exFdlnh-AGQ-00097-00022144-00022222 two exFdlnh-AGQ-00098-00022223-00022558 let's go back to back my guy so the next exFdlnh-AGQ-00099-00022559-00022814 one you guys ready three two exFdlnh-AGQ-00100-00022815-00023135 one exFdlnh-AGQ-00101-00023136-00023486 oh yeah it's so obvious exFdlnh-AGQ-00102-00023487-00023703 you guys got it it's okay exFdlnh-AGQ-00103-00023704-00024847 okay it's it's it's a it's horizontal exFdlnh-AGQ-00104-00024848-00025071 what is happening right now no i learned exFdlnh-AGQ-00105-00025072-00025255 i know what he's doing i know it you exFdlnh-AGQ-00106-00025256-00025503 know what he's doing okay okay okay wait exFdlnh-AGQ-00107-00025504-00025678 wait wait what am i doing yeah i'm not exFdlnh-AGQ-00108-00025679-00025911 telling you oh okay actually that's more exFdlnh-AGQ-00109-00025912-00026070 so what i'm doing wrong i'm doing exFdlnh-AGQ-00110-00026072-00026246 something very wrong all right next one exFdlnh-AGQ-00111-00026247-00026431 three two exFdlnh-AGQ-00112-00026432-00028495 one exFdlnh-AGQ-00113-00028495-00028783 oh my goodness three exFdlnh-AGQ-00114-00028783-00028870 two exFdlnh-AGQ-00115-00028872-00029207 one exFdlnh-AGQ-00116-00029208-00029807 what exFdlnh-AGQ-00117-00029808-00030014 oh exFdlnh-AGQ-00118-00030016-00030151 what did you say exFdlnh-AGQ-00119-00030152-00030718 nfl it is the nfl logo you are correct exFdlnh-AGQ-00120-00030719-00030911 i i had the wrong guess anyway so i exFdlnh-AGQ-00121-00030912-00031135 wouldn't have won that okay yo holmes exFdlnh-AGQ-00122-00031136-00031270 you're going nuts right now you can exFdlnh-AGQ-00123-00031272-00031462 still win it literally right now and exFdlnh-AGQ-00124-00031463-00031543 blue exFdlnh-AGQ-00125-00031544-00031751 you can still get some points against exFdlnh-AGQ-00126-00031752-00031951 that on there still do this so all right exFdlnh-AGQ-00127-00031952-00032079 this is gonna be pretty hard so i don't exFdlnh-AGQ-00128-00032080-00032279 know if jor's gonna get this fast so exFdlnh-AGQ-00129-00032280-00032495 three maybe i'll get it straight away exFdlnh-AGQ-00130-00032495-00033046 turn it on one exFdlnh-AGQ-00131-00033047-00033207 i feel like a exFdlnh-AGQ-00132-00033208-00033574 um exFdlnh-AGQ-00133-00033575-00033842 disney oh exFdlnh-AGQ-00134-00033843-00034671 [Laughter] exFdlnh-AGQ-00135-00034672-00034862 all right three exFdlnh-AGQ-00136-00034863-00035083 two exFdlnh-AGQ-00137-00035084-00035383 one come back starts now exFdlnh-AGQ-00138-00035384-00035487 doordash exFdlnh-AGQ-00139-00035488-00035774 oh my god exFdlnh-AGQ-00140-00035775-00036023 what is this video exFdlnh-AGQ-00141-00036024-00036199 okay boy exFdlnh-AGQ-00142-00036200-00036551 bro ugh exFdlnh-AGQ-00143-00036552-00036830 george is crying right now i don't know exFdlnh-AGQ-00144-00036831-00037087 how you're going to title this video but exFdlnh-AGQ-00145-00037088-00037230 it's yo there's going to be a comeback exFdlnh-AGQ-00146-00037231-00037423 comment i know for a fact i feel it in exFdlnh-AGQ-00147-00037424-00038022 the souls okay here we go next one exFdlnh-AGQ-00148-00038023-00038471 [Laughter] exFdlnh-AGQ-00149-00038472-00038895 rockstar it is rockstar you are correct exFdlnh-AGQ-00150-00038896-00039159 that is number four oh dude diagonal exFdlnh-AGQ-00151-00039160-00039383 blur threw me off you can still tie this exFdlnh-AGQ-00152-00039384-00039543 home so you can still tie this for the exFdlnh-AGQ-00153-00039544-00039767 culture you can still touch blue there's exFdlnh-AGQ-00154-00039768-00040102 no way you can win maybe but exFdlnh-AGQ-00155-00040103-00040318 you're you can make someone lose you can exFdlnh-AGQ-00156-00040319-00040583 make someone lose let's do it okay all exFdlnh-AGQ-00157-00040584-00040895 right next one three two exFdlnh-AGQ-00158-00040896-00041135 one exFdlnh-AGQ-00159-00041136-00041535 face plan exFdlnh-AGQ-00160-00041536-00041662 oh my gosh exFdlnh-AGQ-00161-00041663-00042039 okay so the next one are we ready exFdlnh-AGQ-00162-00042040-00042255 three no two exFdlnh-AGQ-00163-00042256-00042367 one exFdlnh-AGQ-00164-00042368-00042485 oh that was me sorry exFdlnh-AGQ-00165-00042486-00042911 [Laughter] exFdlnh-AGQ-00166-00042912-00042999 three exFdlnh-AGQ-00167-00043000-00043367 two one exFdlnh-AGQ-00168-00043368-00043551 is that uh exFdlnh-AGQ-00169-00043552-00043687 google drive exFdlnh-AGQ-00170-00043688-00043862 it is google exFdlnh-AGQ-00171-00043863-00044183 drive yes it is exFdlnh-AGQ-00172-00044184-00044511 like gonna be like trailers exFdlnh-AGQ-00173-00044512-00044639 i thought it might have been adobe exFdlnh-AGQ-00174-00044640-00044879 acrobat so i was i was a little scared exFdlnh-AGQ-00175-00044880-00045102 oh this guy three exFdlnh-AGQ-00176-00045103-00045207 two exFdlnh-AGQ-00177-00045208-00045543 one exFdlnh-AGQ-00178-00045544-00045887 that's an ass cash app it is not exFdlnh-AGQ-00179-00045888-00046279 cash app exFdlnh-AGQ-00180-00046280-00046439 okay i'm gonna exFdlnh-AGQ-00181-00046440-00046671 recontinuing yeah you cannot play exFdlnh-AGQ-00182-00046672-00046895 anymore home sorry exFdlnh-AGQ-00183-00046896-00047151 what else could this be an s i just exFdlnh-AGQ-00184-00047152-00047230 threw exFdlnh-AGQ-00185-00047231-00047479 i still don't know what it is exFdlnh-AGQ-00186-00047480-00047671 it might not be an s exFdlnh-AGQ-00187-00047672-00047879 i know is it nice what the heck is it is exFdlnh-AGQ-00188-00047880-00048374 that not cash app it is not cash app exFdlnh-AGQ-00189-00048375-00048527 what exFdlnh-AGQ-00190-00048528-00048815 what is that are you guys serious exFdlnh-AGQ-00191-00048816-00049095 that's cash app have you ever purchased exFdlnh-AGQ-00192-00049096-00049367 my everything pack in existence exFdlnh-AGQ-00193-00049368-00049471 oh exFdlnh-AGQ-00194-00049472-00049743 this is cash app so exFdlnh-AGQ-00195-00049744-00050095 yes you're right homes exFdlnh-AGQ-00196-00050096-00050423 what is that exFdlnh-AGQ-00197-00050424-00050567 oh by the way guys if you guys are exFdlnh-AGQ-00198-00050568-00050727 watching you can purchase my everything exFdlnh-AGQ-00199-00050728-00050911 pack link down in the description below exFdlnh-AGQ-00200-00050912-00051071 like i knew is that the plug is that why exFdlnh-AGQ-00201-00051072-00051174 you did that exFdlnh-AGQ-00202-00051175-00051423 yes i did and yes exFdlnh-AGQ-00203-00051424-00051679 that's so hq everything 30 bucks exFdlnh-AGQ-00204-00051679-00051838 did you do that on purpose i did that on exFdlnh-AGQ-00205-00051839-00052175 purpose okay wow yeah yeah yeah yeah all exFdlnh-AGQ-00206-00052176-00052375 right i'm thrilled exFdlnh-AGQ-00207-00052376-00052535 two exFdlnh-AGQ-00208-00052536-00053153 one exFdlnh-AGQ-00209-00053154-00053479 [Music] exFdlnh-AGQ-00210-00053479-00053615 what okay exFdlnh-AGQ-00211-00053616-00053830 i don't think i even ordered it yeah um exFdlnh-AGQ-00212-00053832-00054023 oh blue it's slack exFdlnh-AGQ-00213-00054024-00054487 it does oh slack you're on your head exFdlnh-AGQ-00214-00054488-00054903 baby let's go let's go let's go blue exFdlnh-AGQ-00215-00054904-00055150 okay next three exFdlnh-AGQ-00216-00055151-00055263 two exFdlnh-AGQ-00217-00055264-00055599 one exFdlnh-AGQ-00218-00055600-00056071 oh this is a hard one oh oh steam exFdlnh-AGQ-00219-00056072-00056391 yo okay how did you get that exFdlnh-AGQ-00220-00056391-00056766 wow exFdlnh-AGQ-00221-00056767-00056935 wait what made you say exFdlnh-AGQ-00222-00056936-00057175 steam so fast you just saw it yeah exFdlnh-AGQ-00223-00057176-00057326 that's the steam logo i don't know what exFdlnh-AGQ-00224-00057327-00057550 you wanted me you're cracked for that exFdlnh-AGQ-00225-00057551-00057791 you're crying for that okay three exFdlnh-AGQ-00226-00057791-00057903 two exFdlnh-AGQ-00227-00057904-00058223 one exFdlnh-AGQ-00228-00058224-00058335 take talk exFdlnh-AGQ-00229-00058336-00058599 are you okay all right exFdlnh-AGQ-00230-00058600-00058919 i mean obviously obviously nice let's go exFdlnh-AGQ-00231-00058920-00059103 home at least you got yo for the boys exFdlnh-AGQ-00232-00059104-00059215 all right at least you can for the exFdlnh-AGQ-00233-00059216-00059375 culture you get a free shout out for exFdlnh-AGQ-00234-00059376-00059526 this one here we go this is you this is exFdlnh-AGQ-00235-00059527-00059711 all you what is it exFdlnh-AGQ-00236-00059712-00059959 homescope yeah that's my tic toc exFdlnh-AGQ-00237-00059960-00060223 oh i i'm doing another 365 coming up exFdlnh-AGQ-00238-00060224-00060415 very soon we're gonna be designing exFdlnh-AGQ-00239-00060416-00060623 t-shirts love it for you i love that for exFdlnh-AGQ-00240-00060624-00060806 you here we go exFdlnh-AGQ-00241-00060807-00060911 three exFdlnh-AGQ-00242-00060912-00061015 two exFdlnh-AGQ-00243-00061016-00061503 one exFdlnh-AGQ-00244-00061504-00062215 a second oh [__] exFdlnh-AGQ-00245-00062216-00062454 it is not quick books i was going to say exFdlnh-AGQ-00246-00062455-00062966 pinterest it is pictures exFdlnh-AGQ-00247-00062967-00063166 oh that was such a stupid guess on my exFdlnh-AGQ-00248-00063167-00063294 part oh exFdlnh-AGQ-00249-00063295-00063438 my gosh exFdlnh-AGQ-00250-00063439-00063703 you guys are correct at this there's two exFdlnh-AGQ-00251-00063704-00063879 more two more exFdlnh-AGQ-00252-00063879-00064071 okay three exFdlnh-AGQ-00253-00064072-00064182 two exFdlnh-AGQ-00254-00064183-00064542 one exFdlnh-AGQ-00255-00064544-00064799 oh no how do i get this wrong no exFdlnh-AGQ-00256-00064800-00065111 oh no exFdlnh-AGQ-00257-00065112-00065271 oh my god meet me in the death match exFdlnh-AGQ-00258-00065272-00065494 right now reaction time exFdlnh-AGQ-00259-00065495-00065919 dude oh my god okay so for the last one exFdlnh-AGQ-00260-00065920-00066159 here we go three exFdlnh-AGQ-00261-00066160-00066279 two exFdlnh-AGQ-00262-00066280-00066615 one exFdlnh-AGQ-00263-00066616-00067079 what youtube oh it is youtube yeah oh exFdlnh-AGQ-00264-00067080-00067287 that's slant really messed me up dude exFdlnh-AGQ-00265-00067288-00067535 that was actually pretty close though exFdlnh-AGQ-00266-00067536-00067806 we take that that was a very close game exFdlnh-AGQ-00267-00067807-00068015 bluebell we won't talk about it exFdlnh-AGQ-00268-00068016-00068399 um it's okay welcome to the channel uh exFdlnh-AGQ-00269-00068400-00068623 these guys are logan designers like logo exFdlnh-AGQ-00270-00068624-00068782 like entertainers in their own right and exFdlnh-AGQ-00271-00068783-00068950 like certain social medias okay so exFdlnh-AGQ-00272-00068951-00069087 that's just how it is blue don't worry exFdlnh-AGQ-00273-00069088-00069303 about it uh it's okay no one's gonna exFdlnh-AGQ-00274-00069304-00069526 talk you know whatever about it however exFdlnh-AGQ-00275-00069527-00069726 holmes george that was pretty head to exFdlnh-AGQ-00276-00069727-00069887 head did were you guys were you nervous exFdlnh-AGQ-00277-00069888-00070031 george at any point in time what's up i exFdlnh-AGQ-00278-00070032-00070255 got more nervous towards the end but you exFdlnh-AGQ-00279-00070256-00070479 know what they say homescope bluebell exFdlnh-AGQ-00280-00070480-00070735 got an l no wack got a w that's just all exFdlnh-AGQ-00281-00070736-00070903 i'm gonna say i have three l's in my exFdlnh-AGQ-00282-00070904-00071055 name it comes natural exFdlnh-AGQ-00283-00071056-00071191 oh no exFdlnh-AGQ-00284-00071192-00071375 once i found out like my actual strats i exFdlnh-AGQ-00285-00071376-00071575 was doing it wrong then i i was exFdlnh-AGQ-00286-00071576-00071799 unstoppable i love i love it for you i exFdlnh-AGQ-00287-00071800-00071959 love it for you we might have to do this exFdlnh-AGQ-00288-00071960-00072182 again someday what are you guys please exFdlnh-AGQ-00289-00072183-00072303 you guys are we going again should we exFdlnh-AGQ-00290-00072304-00072559 get like 50 of these mother bad boys for exFdlnh-AGQ-00291-00072560-00072735 the love of god if you want to see me exFdlnh-AGQ-00292-00072736-00072919 come back for my redemption arc and take exFdlnh-AGQ-00293-00072920-00073326 down george and have bluebell exFdlnh-AGQ-00294-00073327-00073471 do the same exFdlnh-AGQ-00295-00073472-00073559 support exFdlnh-AGQ-00296-00073560-00073919 oh my god not like that exFdlnh-AGQ-00297-00073920-00074279 that felt awful okay so with that said i exFdlnh-AGQ-00298-00074280-00074479 appreciate you very much homes congrats exFdlnh-AGQ-00299-00074480-00074719 george again dude we need to take a i'm exFdlnh-AGQ-00300-00074720-00074911 gonna champion on this channel to be exFdlnh-AGQ-00301-00074912-00075143 honest this is kind of rigged a little exFdlnh-AGQ-00302-00075144-00075382 bit but it's okay um blue i appreciate exFdlnh-AGQ-00303-00075383-00075543 you stopping by and coming by it's not exFdlnh-AGQ-00304-00075544-00075719 your this is not your last time for sure exFdlnh-AGQ-00305-00075720-00075919 blue bell one of our champions on design exFdlnh-AGQ-00306-00075920-00076126 royale motion royale was episode one or exFdlnh-AGQ-00307-00076127-00076350 two was it episode one it was the first exFdlnh-AGQ-00308-00076351-00076535 motion design we take oh you were the exFdlnh-AGQ-00309-00076536-00076775 first winner good good on you honestly exFdlnh-AGQ-00310-00076776-00076903 uh please check her out for sure exFdlnh-AGQ-00311-00076904-00077087 obviously check out george obviously exFdlnh-AGQ-00312-00077088-00077223 holmes got a shout out we don't want to exFdlnh-AGQ-00313-00077224-00077662 go go next anyway yo exFdlnh-AGQ-00314-00077663-00077919 i forgot to keep smiling stay positive exFdlnh-AGQ-00315-00077920-00078111 and stay freaking proud of guys that are exFdlnh-AGQ-00316-00078112-00078367 much love peace and uh yeah i just hate exFdlnh-AGQ-00317-00078368-00078503 george right now i don't know that's all exFdlnh-AGQ-00318-00078504-00078783 i got ezPZM48RKMU-00001-00007697-00009907 foreign ezPZM48RKMU-00002-00009908-00012269 [Applause] ezPZM48RKMU-00004-00015330-00015719 foreign ezPZM48RKMU-00005-00015719-00018130 excellent work ezPZM48RKMU-00007-00021222-00022450 thank you ezPZM48RKMU-00008-00022451-00022751 foreign ezYQZB8V1FE-00000-00000351-00001679 [Music] ezYQZB8V1FE-00001-00001680-00001855 it was the first time i had left the ezYQZB8V1FE-00002-00001855-00002063 safety of my home station ezYQZB8V1FE-00003-00002064-00002247 it troubled me that i hadn't told my ezYQZB8V1FE-00004-00002248-00002502 stepfather the truth i would not be ezYQZB8V1FE-00005-00002503-00002758 heading straight back from riga ezYQZB8V1FE-00006-00002759-00004479 but hunter was depending on me ezYQZB8V1FE-00007-00004480-00004735 so where are you from riga i'm making ezYQZB8V1FE-00008-00004736-00004975 the rounds buying merchandise well i bet ezYQZB8V1FE-00009-00004976-00005199 you've seen a few places then yeah the ezYQZB8V1FE-00010-00005200-00005399 market is right next to riga and that's ezYQZB8V1FE-00011-00005400-00005591 a big matter already ezYQZB8V1FE-00012-00005592-00005775 i used to make regular trips to police ezYQZB8V1FE-00013-00005776-00005967 but getting there now requires a lot of ezYQZB8V1FE-00014-00005968-00006183 luck that tour being from house the safe ezYQZB8V1FE-00015-00006184-00006311 trip how come ezYQZB8V1FE-00016-00006312-00006503 hanza connects to the whole metro and ezYQZB8V1FE-00017-00006504-00006734 has a lot of stations ezYQZB8V1FE-00018-00006736-00006951 but doesn't welcome outsiders ezYQZB8V1FE-00019-00006952-00007142 and if it's not hansa then you have to ezYQZB8V1FE-00020-00007143-00007406 go through the reds the nazis or your ezYQZB8V1FE-00021-00007408-00007551 regular bandits ezYQZB8V1FE-00022-00007552-00007742 and these guys are really going at it ezYQZB8V1FE-00023-00007743-00008087 lately ezYQZB8V1FE-00024-00008088-00008223 they're not ezYQZB8V1FE-00025-00008224-00008646 hitting every ezYQZB8V1FE-00026-00008647-00008799 everyone else they're warring with each ezYQZB8V1FE-00027-00008800-00009199 other ezYQZB8V1FE-00028-00009200-00009383 the first thing that i've ever been ezYQZB8V1FE-00029-00009384-00010327 through ezYQZB8V1FE-00030-00010328-00010638 slow down guys ezYQZB8V1FE-00031-00010639-00010823 peter what's up ezYQZB8V1FE-00032-00010824-00011095 a military caravan got stuck near alexis ezYQZB8V1FE-00033-00011096-00011303 a tunnel collapse or other [__] you have ezYQZB8V1FE-00034-00011304-00011974 to use the service tunnel bypassing alex ezYQZB8V1FE-00035-00011975-00012238 all right peter open up the gate ezYQZB8V1FE-00036-00012239-00012535 no point being stuck here forever ezYQZB8V1FE-00037-00012536-00012838 why what's wrong with that tunnel ezYQZB8V1FE-00038-00012839-00013151 well it's an ordinary tunnel not as well ezYQZB8V1FE-00039-00013152-00013319 lit maybe ezYQZB8V1FE-00040-00013319-00013566 i went through that last month and well ezYQZB8V1FE-00041-00013568-00014886 i just don't like it that's all ezYQZB8V1FE-00042-00014887-00015086 have a safe trip ezYQZB8V1FE-00043-00015087-00015327 we're riding a ham car in our arm so i ezYQZB8V1FE-00044-00015328-00016894 think we'll make it there okay ezYQZB8V1FE-00045-00016895-00017255 that's my head hurt ezYQZB8V1FE-00046-00017256-00017447 if you help push the labor ezYQZB8V1FE-00047-00017448-00017743 we'll get there sooner ezYQZB8V1FE-00048-00017744-00017935 okay eugene you go help the man we ezYQZB8V1FE-00049-00017936-00018079 should move faster here ezYQZB8V1FE-00050-00018080-00018263 you watch the back aren't you ezYQZB8V1FE-00051-00018264-00018463 sure i'll help that way we'll get to ezYQZB8V1FE-00052-00018464-00018719 riga in no time right now we should get ezYQZB8V1FE-00053-00018720-00018911 out of here sooner it's scary when ezYQZB8V1FE-00054-00018912-00019039 they're around ezYQZB8V1FE-00055-00019040-00019207 and i pity them ezYQZB8V1FE-00056-00019208-00019319 them ezYQZB8V1FE-00057-00019320-00019630 oh who owe them can you hear them weave ezYQZB8V1FE-00058-00019631-00021063 what do you mean ezYQZB8V1FE-00059-00021064-00021839 what's happening ezYQZB8V1FE-00060-00021840-00022494 to me ezYQZB8V1FE-00061-00022495-00022655 my head ezYQZB8V1FE-00062-00022656-00022830 aren't you ezYQZB8V1FE-00063-00022831-00024758 what is it ezYQZB8V1FE-00064-00024759-00025411 artium ezYQZB8V1FE-00065-00025412-00025934 [Music] ezYQZB8V1FE-00066-00025935-00026735 over ezYQZB8V1FE-00067-00026736-00028122 at here ezYQZB8V1FE-00068-00028123-00029249 [Music] ezYQZB8V1FE-00069-00029250-00030761 [Music] ezYQZB8V1FE-00070-00030762-00031439 [Music] ezYQZB8V1FE-00071-00031439-00032799 so ezYQZB8V1FE-00072-00032800-00032927 all right ezYQZB8V1FE-00073-00032928-00033159 what the hell is going on ezYQZB8V1FE-00074-00033160-00033318 [__] ezYQZB8V1FE-00075-00033319-00033527 wake up people people wake up for ezYQZB8V1FE-00076-00033528-00033662 christ's sake ezYQZB8V1FE-00077-00033663-00033943 what is what is wake up buddies ezYQZB8V1FE-00078-00033944-00034655 [__] it's no good ezYQZB8V1FE-00079-00034656-00035335 oh god ezYQZB8V1FE-00080-00035336-00035767 [Music] ezYQZB8V1FE-00081-00035768-00036830 oh they'll take the levers come on ezYQZB8V1FE-00082-00036831-00037231 save me ezYQZB8V1FE-00083-00037232-00037367 [Music] ezYQZB8V1FE-00084-00037368-00038302 save me ezYQZB8V1FE-00085-00038303-00038799 [Music] ezYQZB8V1FE-00086-00038800-00039701 take my shotgun here ezYQZB8V1FE-00087-00039702-00040255 [Music] ezYQZB8V1FE-00088-00040256-00040945 save me ezYQZB8V1FE-00089-00040946-00041679 [Music] ezYQZB8V1FE-00090-00041680-00041884 ammo ezYQZB8V1FE-00092-00046359-00046665 hello ezYQZB8V1FE-00094-00049759-00050677 uh ezYQZB8V1FE-00095-00050678-00051399 [Music] ezYQZB8V1FE-00096-00051400-00052503 we're almost ezYQZB8V1FE-00097-00052504-00052605 oh ezYQZB8V1FE-00098-00052607-00054166 [Music] ezYQZB8V1FE-00100-00057424-00060108 yourself ezYQZB8V1FE-00103-00068007-00070543 man ezYQZB8V1FE-00104-00070544-00072271 so ezYQZB8V1FE-00105-00072272-00073004 he's alive ezYQZB8V1FE-00107-00083351-00083592 so ezYQZB8V1FE-00110-00091072-00092038 not ezYQZB8V1FE-00111-00092039-00093064 god ezYQZB8V1FE-00112-00093065-00093311 [Applause] ezYQZB8V1FE-00113-00093312-00093479 that was hot ezYQZB8V1FE-00114-00093480-00093771 i need a drink ezYQZB8V1FE-00115-00093772-00095055 [Music] ezYQZB8V1FE-00116-00095056-00095263 you e-6sobd7bng-00000-00000038-00000111 [Music] e-6sobd7bng-00001-00000112-00000243 um e-6sobd7bng-00003-00003960-00004116 bye e-6sobd7bng-00004-00004117-00005159 [Music] e-6sobd7bng-00005-00005160-00005532 oh e-6sobd7bng-00007-00011039-00011279 bye e-6sobd7bng-00009-00017551-00017759 you e-S_IiShiYg-00000-00000041-00000413 Dalmatia Croatian Dalma kita Delma Suja e-S_IiShiYg-00001-00000413-00000674 Italian Dalmatia see names in other e-S_IiShiYg-00002-00000675-00000893 languages is one of the four historical e-S_IiShiYg-00003-00000894-00001120 regions of Croatia alongside Croatia e-S_IiShiYg-00004-00001121-00001528 proper Slavonia and hysteria Dalmatia is e-S_IiShiYg-00005-00001529-00001709 a narrow belt of the east shore of the e-S_IiShiYg-00006-00001710-00001937 Adriatic Sea stretching from the island e-S_IiShiYg-00007-00001938-00002123 of Rab in the north to the Bay of Kotor e-S_IiShiYg-00008-00002124-00002438 in the south the hinterland dalmatians e-S_IiShiYg-00009-00002439-00002705 Agora ranges in width from 50 kilometers e-S_IiShiYg-00010-00002706-00002921 in the north to just a few kilometers in e-S_IiShiYg-00011-00002922-00003107 the south it is mostly covered by the e-S_IiShiYg-00012-00003108-00003470 rugged dinner ik mountains 79 islands e-S_IiShiYg-00013-00003471-00003734 and about 500 islets run parallel to the e-S_IiShiYg-00014-00003735-00003988 coast the largest in Dalmatia being brac e-S_IiShiYg-00015-00003989-00004403 park and h VAR the largest city is split e-S_IiShiYg-00016-00004404-00004693 followed by zara dubrovnik and sibenik e-S_IiShiYg-00017-00004694-00004958 the name of the region stems from an e-S_IiShiYg-00018-00004959-00005174 illyrian Tribe Called the dal Mata who e-S_IiShiYg-00019-00005175-00005404 lived in the area in classical antiquity e-S_IiShiYg-00020-00005405-00005704 later he became a Roman province and as e-S_IiShiYg-00021-00005705-00005936 result a romance culture emerged along e-S_IiShiYg-00022-00005937-00006143 with the now extinct Dalmatian language e-S_IiShiYg-00023-00006144-00006343 later largely replaced with related e-S_IiShiYg-00024-00006344-00006626 Venetian with the arrival of crow hats e-S_IiShiYg-00025-00006627-00006823 to the area in the 8th century who e-S_IiShiYg-00026-00006825-00007060 occupied most of the hinterland Croatian e-S_IiShiYg-00027-00007061-00007267 and romance elements began to intermix e-S_IiShiYg-00028-00007268-00007531 in language and culture during the e-S_IiShiYg-00029-00007533-00007712 Middle Ages its cities were often e-S_IiShiYg-00030-00007713-00007921 conquered by or switched allegiance to e-S_IiShiYg-00031-00007922-00008207 the kingdoms of the region the longest e-S_IiShiYg-00032-00008208-00008408 lasting rule was the one of the Republic e-S_IiShiYg-00033-00008409-00008576 of Venice which controlled most of e-S_IiShiYg-00034-00008577-00008942 Dalmatia between 14:20 and 1797 with the e-S_IiShiYg-00035-00008943-00009121 exception of the small but stable e-S_IiShiYg-00036-00009122-00009476 Republic of Ragusa 1358 to 1808 in the e-S_IiShiYg-00037-00009477-00009896 south between 1815 and 1918 it was a e-S_IiShiYg-00038-00009897-00010109 province of the Austrian Empire known as e-S_IiShiYg-00039-00010110-00010384 the kingdom of Dalmatia after the e-S_IiShiYg-00040-00010385-00010580 austro-hungarian defeat in the First e-S_IiShiYg-00041-00010581-00010642 World War e-S_IiShiYg-00042-00010643-00010856 Dalmatia was split between the kingdom e-S_IiShiYg-00043-00010857-00011078 of Serbs Croats and Slovenes which e-S_IiShiYg-00044-00011079-00011260 controlled most of it and the Kingdom of e-S_IiShiYg-00045-00011261-00011474 Italy which held several smaller parts e-S_IiShiYg-00046-00011475-00011717 and after world war ii sfr yugoslavia e-S_IiShiYg-00047-00011718-00012459 took complete control over the area e-S_IiShiYg-00048-00012460-00013129 topic name the name Dalmatia derives e-S_IiShiYg-00049-00013130-00013300 from the name of the doll met a tribe e-S_IiShiYg-00050-00013301-00013483 which is connected with the illyrian e-S_IiShiYg-00051-00013484-00013825 word doll meaning sheep Albanian dome e-S_IiShiYg-00052-00013826-00014119 its latin form Dalmatia gave rise to its e-S_IiShiYg-00053-00014119-00014353 current english name in the venetian e-S_IiShiYg-00054-00014354-00014590 language once dominant in the area it is e-S_IiShiYg-00055-00014591-00014824 spelled al messiah and in modern italian e-S_IiShiYg-00056-00014825-00014896 de mazia e-S_IiShiYg-00057-00014897-00015172 the modern croatian spelling is Dale e-S_IiShiYg-00058-00015172-00015472 Mejia pronounced del Monte CJ Dalmatia e-S_IiShiYg-00059-00015472-00015666 is referenced in the New Testament that e-S_IiShiYg-00060-00015668-00015916 second Timothy chapter 4 verse 10 so e-S_IiShiYg-00061-00015916-00016122 it's name has been translated in many of e-S_IiShiYg-00062-00016124-00016722 the world's languages e-S_IiShiYg-00063-00016723-00017242 topic definition e-S_IiShiYg-00064-00017243-00017475 in antiquity the Roman province of e-S_IiShiYg-00065-00017476-00017647 Dalmatia was much larger than the e-S_IiShiYg-00066-00017648-00017844 present-day split Dalmatia county e-S_IiShiYg-00067-00017845-00018058 stretching from austria in the north to e-S_IiShiYg-00068-00018059-00018372 modern-day Albania in the South Dalmatia e-S_IiShiYg-00069-00018373-00018600 signified not only a geographical unit e-S_IiShiYg-00070-00018601-00018822 but was an entity based on common e-S_IiShiYg-00071-00018823-00019027 culture and settlement types a common e-S_IiShiYg-00072-00019028-00019228 narrow eastern Adriatic coastal belt e-S_IiShiYg-00073-00019229-00019447 Mediterranean climate sclera Phylis e-S_IiShiYg-00074-00019448-00019636 vegetation of the illyrian province e-S_IiShiYg-00075-00019637-00019880 adriatic carbonate platform and cast e-S_IiShiYg-00076-00019881-00020444 geomorphology e-S_IiShiYg-00077-00020445-00021111 topic modern area Dalmatia is today a e-S_IiShiYg-00078-00021112-00021351 historical region only not formally e-S_IiShiYg-00079-00021352-00021666 instituted in Croatian law its exact e-S_IiShiYg-00080-00021667-00021843 extent is therefore uncertain and e-S_IiShiYg-00081-00021844-00022098 subject to public perception according e-S_IiShiYg-00082-00022099-00022308 to Lina mirrors Vic and Yosef Ferris e-S_IiShiYg-00083-00022309-00022514 each of the University of Zadar e-S_IiShiYg-00084-00022515-00022803 dot the modern perception of Dalmatia is e-S_IiShiYg-00085-00022804-00023019 mainly based on the territorial extent e-S_IiShiYg-00086-00023020-00023238 of the Austrian kingdom of Dalmatia with e-S_IiShiYg-00087-00023239-00023412 the exception of RAB island which is e-S_IiShiYg-00088-00023413-00023637 geographically related to the k Varna e-S_IiShiYg-00089-00023638-00023817 area and functionally to the literal e-S_IiShiYg-00090-00023818-00024054 Gorski Kotar area and with the exception e-S_IiShiYg-00091-00024055-00024246 of the Bay of Kotor which was annexed to e-S_IiShiYg-00092-00024247-00024419 another state Montenegro e-S_IiShiYg-00093-00024420-00024753 after World War one simultaneously the e-S_IiShiYg-00094-00024754-00024950 southern part of Lika and upper pounder e-S_IiShiYg-00095-00024951-00025110 which were not a part of Austrian e-S_IiShiYg-00096-00025111-00025361 Dalmatia became a part of Zeno County e-S_IiShiYg-00097-00025362-00025628 from the present-day administrative and e-S_IiShiYg-00098-00025629-00025824 territorial point-of-view Dalmatia e-S_IiShiYg-00099-00025825-00026037 comprises the for Croatian littoral e-S_IiShiYg-00100-00026038-00026252 counties with seats in Zadar sibenik e-S_IiShiYg-00101-00026254-00026661 split and Dubrovnik Dalmatia he is e-S_IiShiYg-00102-00026662-00026856 therefore generally perceived to extend e-S_IiShiYg-00103-00026857-00027018 approximately to the borders of the e-S_IiShiYg-00104-00027019-00027357 Austrian Kingdom of Dalmatia however due e-S_IiShiYg-00105-00027358-00027533 to territorial and administrative e-S_IiShiYg-00106-00027535-00027735 changes over the past century the e-S_IiShiYg-00107-00027736-00027918 perception can be seen to have altered e-S_IiShiYg-00108-00027919-00028095 somewhat with regard to certain areas e-S_IiShiYg-00109-00028095-00028305 and sources conflict as to their being e-S_IiShiYg-00110-00028306-00028540 part of the region in modern times the e-S_IiShiYg-00111-00028541-00028950 Bay of Kotor area in Montenegro with the e-S_IiShiYg-00112-00028951-00029163 subdivision of the kingdom of Yugoslavia e-S_IiShiYg-00113-00029164-00029475 into Oblast in 1922 the whole of the Bay e-S_IiShiYg-00114-00029476-00029702 of Kotor from suit arena to Sudama was e-S_IiShiYg-00115-00029704-00029915 granted to the Zita oblast so that the e-S_IiShiYg-00116-00029916-00030089 border of Dalmatia was formed at that e-S_IiShiYg-00117-00030091-00030249 point by the southern border of the e-S_IiShiYg-00118-00030250-00030504 former Republic of Ragusa the e-S_IiShiYg-00119-00030505-00030764 Encyclopedia Britannica defines Dalmatia e-S_IiShiYg-00120-00030766-00031037 as extending to the narrows of kottoor e-S_IiShiYg-00121-00031038-00031317 ie the southernmost tip of continental e-S_IiShiYg-00122-00031318-00031638 Croatia the prevalent insula other e-S_IiShiYg-00123-00031639-00031881 sources however such as the Tri Connie e-S_IiShiYg-00124-00031882-00032133 encyclopedia and the rough guide to e-S_IiShiYg-00125-00032133-00032418 Croatia still include the bay as being e-S_IiShiYg-00126-00032419-00032736 part of the region the island of Rab e-S_IiShiYg-00127-00032737-00032934 along with the small islands of sveti e-S_IiShiYg-00128-00032935-00033042 grew and goli e-S_IiShiYg-00129-00033043-00033210 were a part of the kingdom of Dalmatia e-S_IiShiYg-00130-00033211-00033363 and are historically and culturally e-S_IiShiYg-00131-00033364-00033573 related to the region but a today e-S_IiShiYg-00132-00033574-00033693 associated more e-S_IiShiYg-00133-00033694-00033870 the Croatian literal due to geographical e-S_IiShiYg-00134-00033871-00034181 vicinity and administrative expediency e-S_IiShiYg-00135-00034182-00034506 grass ik municipality in northern park a e-S_IiShiYg-00136-00034507-00034707 number of sources expressed the view e-S_IiShiYg-00137-00034708-00034971 that from the modern-day administrative e-S_IiShiYg-00138-00034972-00035244 point of view the extent of Dalmatia e-S_IiShiYg-00139-00035245-00035412 equates to the four southernmost e-S_IiShiYg-00140-00035413-00035679 counties of Croatia Zadar sibenik men e-S_IiShiYg-00141-00035680-00035939 split Dalmatia and Dubrovnik neretva e-S_IiShiYg-00142-00035940-00036216 this definition does not include the Bay e-S_IiShiYg-00143-00036217-00036279 of Kotor e-S_IiShiYg-00144-00036280-00036495 nor the islands of rabbits vetti grower e-S_IiShiYg-00145-00036496-00036816 and gali it also excludes the northern e-S_IiShiYg-00146-00036817-00037026 part of the island of park which is part e-S_IiShiYg-00147-00037027-00037311 of the lake assay county however it e-S_IiShiYg-00148-00037312-00037524 includes the grass ik municipality in e-S_IiShiYg-00149-00037525-00037728 Zadar county which was not a part of the e-S_IiShiYg-00150-00037729-00037887 kingdom of Dalmatia and is not e-S_IiShiYg-00151-00037888-00038082 traditionally associated with the region e-S_IiShiYg-00152-00038083-00038758 but instead the region of Lika e-S_IiShiYg-00153-00038759-00039344 topic culture and ethnicity e-S_IiShiYg-00154-00039345-00039551 the inhabitants of Dalmatia are e-S_IiShiYg-00155-00039552-00039755 culturally subdivided into two groups e-S_IiShiYg-00156-00039756-00040025 the urban families of the coastal cities e-S_IiShiYg-00157-00040026-00040253 commonly known as feta V are culturally e-S_IiShiYg-00158-00040254-00040460 akin to the inhabitants of the Dalmatian e-S_IiShiYg-00159-00040461-00040763 islands known derogatorily as bodily the e-S_IiShiYg-00160-00040764-00040931 two are together distinct in the e-S_IiShiYg-00161-00040932-00041135 Mediterranean aspects of their culture e-S_IiShiYg-00162-00041136-00041321 from the more numerous inhabitants of e-S_IiShiYg-00163-00041322-00041606 the salad the hinterland referred to e-S_IiShiYg-00164-00041607-00041750 sometimes derogatorily e-S_IiShiYg-00165-00041751-00041987 as the Vladdy their name originated from e-S_IiShiYg-00166-00041988-00042170 the blacks with whom they have no ethnic e-S_IiShiYg-00167-00042171-00042380 or connection the latter are e-S_IiShiYg-00168-00042381-00042581 historically more influenced by Ottoman e-S_IiShiYg-00169-00042582-00042815 culture merging almost seamlessly at the e-S_IiShiYg-00170-00042816-00043010 border with the herzegovinian crow hats e-S_IiShiYg-00171-00043011-00043226 in southern Bosnia and Herzegovina in e-S_IiShiYg-00172-00043227-00043484 general population of present-day e-S_IiShiYg-00173-00043485-00043724 Dalmatia is descended from Croats who e-S_IiShiYg-00174-00043725-00043871 assimilated with already existing e-S_IiShiYg-00175-00043872-00044105 romanized illyrians upon their arrival e-S_IiShiYg-00176-00044106-00044360 the former two groups inhabitants of the e-S_IiShiYg-00177-00044361-00044534 islands and the cities historically e-S_IiShiYg-00178-00044535-00044741 included many Venetian and Italian e-S_IiShiYg-00179-00044742-00044957 speakers many of whom identified as e-S_IiShiYg-00180-00044958-00045179 Italians especially after the Italian e-S_IiShiYg-00181-00045180-00045467 unification their presents relative to e-S_IiShiYg-00182-00045468-00045698 those identifying as Croat decreased e-S_IiShiYg-00183-00045699-00045848 dramatically over the course of the e-S_IiShiYg-00184-00045849-00046019 nineteenth and the first half of the e-S_IiShiYg-00185-00046020-00046313 20th century the Italian speakers e-S_IiShiYg-00186-00046314-00046517 constituted according to the Italian e-S_IiShiYg-00187-00046518-00046727 linguist Bartoli nearly one-third of e-S_IiShiYg-00188-00046728-00046913 Dalmatians in the second half of the e-S_IiShiYg-00189-00046914-00047213 18th century according to the Austrian e-S_IiShiYg-00190-00047214-00047606 census it had decreased to 12.5% in 1865 e-S_IiShiYg-00191-00047607-00048002 and 3.1 percent in 1890 there remains e-S_IiShiYg-00192-00048003-00048272 however a strong cultural and in part e-S_IiShiYg-00193-00048273-00048497 ancestral heritage among the natives of e-S_IiShiYg-00194-00048498-00048704 the cities and islands who today almost e-S_IiShiYg-00195-00048705-00048977 exclusively identify as Croat but retain e-S_IiShiYg-00196-00048978-00049630 a sense of regional identity e-S_IiShiYg-00197-00049631-00050222 topic geography and climate e-S_IiShiYg-00198-00050223-00050480 most of the area is covered by dinner ik e-S_IiShiYg-00199-00050481-00050651 Alps mountain ranges running from e-S_IiShiYg-00200-00050652-00050945 Northwest to Southeast on the coasts the e-S_IiShiYg-00201-00050946-00051149 climate is Mediterranean while further e-S_IiShiYg-00202-00051150-00051434 inland at his moderate Mediterranean in e-S_IiShiYg-00203-00051435-00051521 the mountains e-S_IiShiYg-00204-00051522-00051737 winters are frosty and snowy while some e-S_IiShiYg-00205-00051738-00052021 is a hot and dry to the south winters e-S_IiShiYg-00206-00052022-00052253 are milder over the centuries many e-S_IiShiYg-00207-00052254-00052451 forests have been cut down and replaced e-S_IiShiYg-00208-00052452-00052705 with bush and brush there is evergreen e-S_IiShiYg-00209-00052707-00052979 vegetation on the coast the soils are e-S_IiShiYg-00210-00052979-00053167 generally poor except on the plains e-S_IiShiYg-00211-00053169-00053414 where areas with natural grass fertile e-S_IiShiYg-00212-00053415-00053612 soils and warm summers provide an e-S_IiShiYg-00213-00053613-00053903 opportunity for tillage elsewhere land e-S_IiShiYg-00214-00053904-00054130 cultivation is mostly unsuccessful e-S_IiShiYg-00215-00054132-00054320 because of the mountains hot summers and e-S_IiShiYg-00216-00054321-00054505 poor soils although olives and grapes e-S_IiShiYg-00217-00054507-00054838 flourish energy resources are scarce e-S_IiShiYg-00218-00054839-00055061 electricity is mainly produced by e-S_IiShiYg-00219-00055062-00055283 hydropower stations there is a e-S_IiShiYg-00220-00055284-00055475 considerable amount of bauxite the e-S_IiShiYg-00221-00055476-00055682 largest dalmatian mountains are dinara e-S_IiShiYg-00222-00055683-00055754 moza e-S_IiShiYg-00223-00055754-00056045 swallow gia bio covo boesak velikiy e-S_IiShiYg-00224-00056046-00056099 kozjak e-S_IiShiYg-00225-00056100-00056369 and molly cause jack the regional e-S_IiShiYg-00226-00056370-00056600 geographical unit of historical Dalmatia e-S_IiShiYg-00227-00056601-00056828 the coastal region between Istria and e-S_IiShiYg-00228-00056829-00056917 the gulf of kottoor e-S_IiShiYg-00229-00056919-00057104 includes the origin mountains with the e-S_IiShiYg-00230-00057104-00057505 highest peak in montenegro 1894 metres e-S_IiShiYg-00231-00057507-00057833 in present-day Dalmatia the highest peak e-S_IiShiYg-00232-00057834-00058208 is dinara 1913 metres which is not a e-S_IiShiYg-00233-00058209-00058366 coastal mountain while the highest e-S_IiShiYg-00234-00058367-00058538 coastal dinner ik mountains are on e-S_IiShiYg-00235-00058539-00059135 byakova sv jure 1762 meters and velvet e-S_IiShiYg-00236-00059136-00059597 began ski vrh 1757 metres although the e-S_IiShiYg-00237-00059598-00059888 vegan ski vrh itself is located in Lika e-S_IiShiYg-00238-00059889-00060134 se County the largest Dalmatian islands e-S_IiShiYg-00239-00060135-00060512 are brac korcula Doogie o tok mlj ET VI e-S_IiShiYg-00240-00060513-00060902 h VAR parg and Passman the major rivers e-S_IiShiYg-00241-00060903-00061178 RZ are manga krka Cetina e-S_IiShiYg-00242-00061179-00061535 and neretva the adriatic seas high water e-S_IiShiYg-00243-00061536-00061745 quality along with the immense number of e-S_IiShiYg-00244-00061746-00061966 coves islands and channels makes e-S_IiShiYg-00245-00061967-00062129 Dalmatia an attractive place for e-S_IiShiYg-00246-00062129-00062375 nautical races nautical tourism and e-S_IiShiYg-00247-00062376-00062678 tourism in general Dalmatia also e-S_IiShiYg-00248-00062679-00062873 includes several national parks that are e-S_IiShiYg-00249-00062874-00063079 tourist attractions per clinica cast e-S_IiShiYg-00250-00063080-00063391 river corner t archipelago krka river e-S_IiShiYg-00251-00063392-00064098 rapids and MLJ ET island e-S_IiShiYg-00252-00064099-00064786 topic administrative division the area e-S_IiShiYg-00253-00064787-00064980 of Dalmatia roughly corresponds to e-S_IiShiYg-00254-00064982-00065161 Croatia's for southernmost counties e-S_IiShiYg-00255-00065162-00065376 listed here north to south e-S_IiShiYg-00256-00065377-00065686 other large Dalmatian cities include by e-S_IiShiYg-00257-00065687-00065968 a grad class teller si NJ Solan e-S_IiShiYg-00258-00065969-00066244 Ami's Ninh met cabbage McCosker Draghi e-S_IiShiYg-00259-00066245-00066884 r+ and emits key e-S_IiShiYg-00260-00066885-00067700 topic history e-S_IiShiYg-00261-00067701-00068213 topic antiquity e-S_IiShiYg-00262-00068214-00068460 Dalmatians name is derived from the name e-S_IiShiYg-00263-00068461-00068652 of an illyrian tribes called the dharma e-S_IiShiYg-00264-00068653-00068847 teh who lived in the area of the eastern e-S_IiShiYg-00265-00068848-00069107 adriatic coast in the 1st millennium BC e-S_IiShiYg-00266-00069108-00069381 it was part of the illyrian kingdom e-S_IiShiYg-00267-00069382-00069591 between the 4th century BC and the e-S_IiShiYg-00268-00069592-00070017 illyrian Wars 220 168 BC when the Roman e-S_IiShiYg-00269-00070018-00070203 Republic established at protectorate e-S_IiShiYg-00270-00070204-00070463 south of the river neretva the name e-S_IiShiYg-00271-00070464-00070791 Dalmatia was in use probably from the e-S_IiShiYg-00272-00070792-00071040 second half of the second century BC and e-S_IiShiYg-00273-00071041-00071208 certainly from the first half of the e-S_IiShiYg-00274-00071209-00071484 first century BC defining a coastal area e-S_IiShiYg-00275-00071485-00071742 of the eastern adriatic between the krka e-S_IiShiYg-00276-00071743-00072012 and there at the rivers it was slowly e-S_IiShiYg-00277-00072013-00072225 incorporated into Roman possessions e-S_IiShiYg-00278-00072226-00072396 until the Roman province of Illyricum e-S_IiShiYg-00279-00072397-00072708 was formally established around 32 to 27 e-S_IiShiYg-00280-00072709-00073065 BC in 9 AD the Dalmatians raised the e-S_IiShiYg-00281-00073066-00073266 last in a series of revolts together e-S_IiShiYg-00282-00073267-00073446 with the Pannonian 's but it was finally e-S_IiShiYg-00283-00073447-00073719 crushed and in 10 AD Illyricum was split e-S_IiShiYg-00284-00073720-00073821 into two provinces e-S_IiShiYg-00285-00073822-00074055 Pannonia and Dalmatia which spread into e-S_IiShiYg-00286-00074056-00074265 larger area inland to cover all of the e-S_IiShiYg-00287-00074266-00074439 Deanery kelps and most of the eastern e-S_IiShiYg-00288-00074440-00074667 adriatic coast the historian Theodor e-S_IiShiYg-00289-00074668-00074868 Mommsen wrote in his book the provinces e-S_IiShiYg-00290-00074869-00075081 of the Roman Empire that all Dalmatia e-S_IiShiYg-00291-00075082-00075297 was fully romanized by the 4th century e-S_IiShiYg-00292-00075298-00075389 AD e-S_IiShiYg-00293-00075390-00075675 however analysis of archaeological e-S_IiShiYg-00294-00075676-00075876 material from that period has shown that e-S_IiShiYg-00295-00075877-00076082 the process of romanization was rather e-S_IiShiYg-00296-00076083-00076371 selective while urban centers both e-S_IiShiYg-00297-00076372-00076527 coastal and inland were almost e-S_IiShiYg-00298-00076528-00076779 completely romanized the situation in e-S_IiShiYg-00299-00076780-00077003 the countryside was completely different e-S_IiShiYg-00300-00077004-00077277 despite the illyrians being subject to a e-S_IiShiYg-00301-00077278-00077496 strong process of acculturation they e-S_IiShiYg-00302-00077497-00077694 continued to speak their native language e-S_IiShiYg-00303-00077695-00077889 worship their own gods and traditions e-S_IiShiYg-00304-00077890-00078066 and follow their own social political e-S_IiShiYg-00305-00078067-00078324 tribal organization which was adapted to e-S_IiShiYg-00306-00078325-00078522 Roman administration and political e-S_IiShiYg-00307-00078523-00078732 structure only in some necessities the e-S_IiShiYg-00308-00078733-00078891 collapse of the Western Roman Empire e-S_IiShiYg-00309-00078892-00079095 with the beginning of the migration e-S_IiShiYg-00310-00079096-00079323 period left the region subject to gothic e-S_IiShiYg-00311-00079324-00079541 rulers odo ASA and Theodoric the great e-S_IiShiYg-00312-00079542-00079989 they ruled Dalmatia from 480 to 535 ad e-S_IiShiYg-00313-00079990-00080190 when it was restored to the eastern e-S_IiShiYg-00314-00080191-00080903 Byzantine Empire by Justinian the first e-S_IiShiYg-00315-00080904-00081551 topic Middle Ages the Middle Ages in e-S_IiShiYg-00316-00081552-00081719 Dalmatia were a period of intense e-S_IiShiYg-00317-00081720-00081950 rivalry among neighboring powers the e-S_IiShiYg-00318-00081951-00082185 waning Byzantine Empire the kingdom of e-S_IiShiYg-00319-00082186-00082400 Croatia later in a personal union with e-S_IiShiYg-00320-00082401-00082611 Hungary the Bosnian Kingdom and the e-S_IiShiYg-00321-00082612-00082911 Venetian Republic Dalmatia at the time e-S_IiShiYg-00322-00082912-00083073 consisted of the coastal cities e-S_IiShiYg-00323-00083074-00083274 functioning much like city-states with e-S_IiShiYg-00324-00083275-00083475 extensive autonomy but in mutual e-S_IiShiYg-00325-00083476-00083651 conflict and without control of the e-S_IiShiYg-00326-00083652-00083955 rural hinterland the Zagora ethnically e-S_IiShiYg-00327-00083956-00084212 Dalmatia started out as a Roman region e-S_IiShiYg-00328-00084213-00084407 with a romance culture that began to e-S_IiShiYg-00329-00084408-00084612 develop independently forming the now e-S_IiShiYg-00330-00084613-00084950 extinct Dalmatian language in the early e-S_IiShiYg-00331-00084951-00085206 medieval period Byzantine Dalmatia was e-S_IiShiYg-00332-00085207-00085394 ravaged by a Navarre invasion that e-S_IiShiYg-00333-00085395-00085706 destroyed its capital cilona in 639 AD e-S_IiShiYg-00334-00085707-00085923 an event that allowed for the settlement e-S_IiShiYg-00335-00085924-00086124 of the nearby diocletian's palace in e-S_IiShiYg-00336-00086125-00086373 spell atom split by Solana tons greatly e-S_IiShiYg-00337-00086374-00086551 increasing the importance of the city e-S_IiShiYg-00338-00086552-00086813 the Avars were followed by the great e-S_IiShiYg-00339-00086814-00087032 south slavic migrations the Slavs e-S_IiShiYg-00340-00087033-00087206 loosely allied with the Avars e-S_IiShiYg-00341-00087207-00087396 permanently settled the region in the e-S_IiShiYg-00342-00087397-00087630 first half of the seventh century AD and e-S_IiShiYg-00343-00087631-00087818 remained its predominant ethnic group e-S_IiShiYg-00344-00087819-00088100 ever since the crow act soon formed e-S_IiShiYg-00345-00088101-00088290 their own realm the Principality of e-S_IiShiYg-00346-00088291-00088497 Dalmatian croatia ruled by native e-S_IiShiYg-00347-00088498-00088793 princes of good özkan origin the meaning e-S_IiShiYg-00348-00088794-00089121 of the geographical term Dalmatia now e-S_IiShiYg-00349-00089122-00089300 shrank to the coastal cities and their e-S_IiShiYg-00350-00089301-00089537 immediate hinterland these cities were e-S_IiShiYg-00351-00089538-00089709 the romance-speaking Dalmatian e-S_IiShiYg-00352-00089710-00089918 city-states and remained influential as e-S_IiShiYg-00353-00089919-00090107 they were well fortified and maintained e-S_IiShiYg-00354-00090108-00090257 their connection with the Byzantine e-S_IiShiYg-00355-00090258-00090557 Empire the original name of the cities e-S_IiShiYg-00356-00090558-00090828 was Jude ara spell Artem Crespo Harbor e-S_IiShiYg-00357-00090829-00090921 tragg Maryam e-S_IiShiYg-00358-00090922-00091205 Voeckler Raghu see'em and Caterham the e-S_IiShiYg-00359-00091206-00091353 language and the laws were initially e-S_IiShiYg-00360-00091354-00091587 Latin but after a few centuries they e-S_IiShiYg-00361-00091588-00091779 developed their own Leo Latin language e-S_IiShiYg-00362-00091780-00092103 they Dalmatia Co that lasted until the e-S_IiShiYg-00363-00092104-00092385 19th century the cities were maritime e-S_IiShiYg-00364-00092386-00092576 centers with a huge communist mainly e-S_IiShiYg-00365-00092577-00092768 with the Italian peninsula and with the e-S_IiShiYg-00366-00092769-00093021 growing Republic of Venice the two e-S_IiShiYg-00367-00093022-00093210 communities were somewhat hostile at e-S_IiShiYg-00368-00093211-00093390 first but as the Croats became e-S_IiShiYg-00369-00093391-00093575 Christianized this tension increasingly e-S_IiShiYg-00370-00093576-00093885 subsided a degree of cultural mingling e-S_IiShiYg-00371-00093886-00094067 soon took place in some enclaves e-S_IiShiYg-00372-00094068-00094155 stronger e-S_IiShiYg-00373-00094156-00094383 others weaker as Slavic influence and e-S_IiShiYg-00374-00094384-00094611 culture was more accentuated in Ragusa e-S_IiShiYg-00375-00094612-00095043 spell item and trigger iam in about 925 e-S_IiShiYg-00376-00095044-00095244 ad jube Tomislav was crowned e-S_IiShiYg-00377-00095245-00095472 establishing the kingdom of Croatia and e-S_IiShiYg-00378-00095473-00095634 extending his influence further e-S_IiShiYg-00379-00095635-00095943 southwards to Zach Lamia as an ally of e-S_IiShiYg-00380-00095944-00096174 the Byzantine Empire the King was given e-S_IiShiYg-00381-00096175-00096384 the status of protector of Dalmatia and e-S_IiShiYg-00382-00096385-00096717 became its de facto ruler in the high e-S_IiShiYg-00383-00096718-00096948 medieval period the Byzantine Empire was e-S_IiShiYg-00384-00096949-00097167 no longer able to maintain its power e-S_IiShiYg-00385-00097168-00097404 consistently in Dalmatia and was finally e-S_IiShiYg-00386-00097405-00097601 rendered impotent so far west by the e-S_IiShiYg-00387-00097602-00097938 Fourth Crusade in 1204 the Venetian e-S_IiShiYg-00388-00097939-00098142 Republic on the other hand was in the e-S_IiShiYg-00389-00098143-00098325 ascendant while the kingdom of Croatia e-S_IiShiYg-00390-00098326-00098507 became increasingly influenced by e-S_IiShiYg-00391-00098508-00098721 Hungary to the north being absorbed into e-S_IiShiYg-00392-00098722-00099099 it via personal union in 1102 thus these e-S_IiShiYg-00393-00099100-00099291 two factions became involved in a e-S_IiShiYg-00394-00099292-00099476 struggle in this area intermittently e-S_IiShiYg-00395-00099477-00099656 controlling it as the balance shifted e-S_IiShiYg-00396-00099657-00099921 during the reign of king Emmerich the e-S_IiShiYg-00397-00099922-00100161 Dalmatian City separated from Hungary by e-S_IiShiYg-00398-00100162-00100434 Oh Treaty a consistent period of e-S_IiShiYg-00399-00100435-00100656 Hungarian rule in Dalmatia was ended e-S_IiShiYg-00400-00100657-00100854 with the Mongol invasion of Hungary in e-S_IiShiYg-00401-00100855-00101207 1241 the mongols severely impaired the e-S_IiShiYg-00402-00101208-00101424 feudal state so much so that that same e-S_IiShiYg-00403-00101425-00101619 year king Bela the fourth had to take e-S_IiShiYg-00404-00101620-00101859 refuge in Dalmatia as far south as the e-S_IiShiYg-00405-00101860-00102174 KO lies fortress the mongols attacked e-S_IiShiYg-00406-00102175-00102372 the Dalmatian cities for the next few e-S_IiShiYg-00407-00102373-00102542 years but eventually withdrew without e-S_IiShiYg-00408-00102543-00102903 major success in the south due to its e-S_IiShiYg-00409-00102904-00103118 protected location kottoor became a e-S_IiShiYg-00410-00103119-00103430 major city for the salt trade the area e-S_IiShiYg-00411-00103431-00103647 flourished during the 14th century under e-S_IiShiYg-00412-00103648-00103851 the rule of serbian emperor douching the e-S_IiShiYg-00413-00103852-00104025 mighty who was notorious for his e-S_IiShiYg-00414-00104026-00104229 aggressive law-enforcement and made the e-S_IiShiYg-00415-00104230-00104427 Bay of Kotor a particularly safe place e-S_IiShiYg-00416-00104428-00104858 for doing business in 1389 TV RT KO i e-S_IiShiYg-00417-00104859-00105083 the founder of the bosnian kingdom was e-S_IiShiYg-00418-00105084-00105284 able to control the adriatic littoral e-S_IiShiYg-00419-00105285-00105485 between cotta and sibenik and even e-S_IiShiYg-00420-00105486-00105672 claimed control over the northern coast e-S_IiShiYg-00421-00105673-00105860 up to rejigger and his own independent e-S_IiShiYg-00422-00105861-00105951 ally e-S_IiShiYg-00423-00105952-00106251 dubrovnik Ragusa this was only temporary e-S_IiShiYg-00424-00106252-00106491 as Hungary and the Venetians continued e-S_IiShiYg-00425-00106492-00106695 their struggle over Dalmatia after tea e-S_IiShiYg-00426-00106696-00107097 because death in 1391 by this time the e-S_IiShiYg-00427-00107098-00107316 whole Hungarian and Croatian Kingdom was e-S_IiShiYg-00428-00107317-00107547 facing increasing internal difficulties e-S_IiShiYg-00429-00107548-00107742 as a 20 years civil war ensued between e-S_IiShiYg-00430-00107743-00107949 the Capetian House of Anjou from the e-S_IiShiYg-00431-00107950-00108165 kingdom of Naples and King Sigismund of e-S_IiShiYg-00432-00108166-00108444 the House of Luxembourg during the war e-S_IiShiYg-00433-00108445-00108710 the losing contender Ladislaus of Naples e-S_IiShiYg-00434-00108711-00109044 sold his rights on Dalmatia to the e-S_IiShiYg-00435-00109045-00109302 Venetian Republic for a mere 100,000 e-S_IiShiYg-00436-00109303-00109551 ducats the much more centralized e-S_IiShiYg-00437-00109552-00109779 Republic came to control all of Dalmatia e-S_IiShiYg-00438-00109780-00110064 by the Year 1420 it was to remain under e-S_IiShiYg-00439-00110065-00111033 Venetian rule for 377 years 14:22 1797 e-S_IiShiYg-00440-00111034-00111298 topic early modern period e-S_IiShiYg-00441-00111299-00111846 14:22 1815 e-S_IiShiYg-00442-00111847-00112233 from 1420 to 1797 the Republic of Venice e-S_IiShiYg-00443-00112233-00112470 controlled most of Dalmatia calling at e-S_IiShiYg-00444-00112471-00112691 esque Livonia in the 15th century with e-S_IiShiYg-00445-00112692-00112872 the southern enclaves the Bay of Kotor e-S_IiShiYg-00446-00112873-00113228 being called Albania Vinita Venetian was e-S_IiShiYg-00447-00113229-00113399 the commercial lingua franca in the e-S_IiShiYg-00448-00113400-00113585 Mediterranean at that time and it e-S_IiShiYg-00449-00113586-00113772 heavily influenced Dalmatian and to a e-S_IiShiYg-00450-00113773-00113960 lesser degree coastal Croatian in e-S_IiShiYg-00451-00113961-00114294 Albanian the southern city of Ragusa e-S_IiShiYg-00452-00114295-00114551 Dubrovnik became de facto independent in e-S_IiShiYg-00453-00114552-00114791 1358 through the Treaty of Zeta when e-S_IiShiYg-00454-00114792-00114965 Venice relinquished its suzerainty over e-S_IiShiYg-00455-00114966-00115340 it to Louie the first of Hungary in 1481 e-S_IiShiYg-00456-00115341-00115545 Ragusa switched allegiance to the e-S_IiShiYg-00457-00115546-00115845 Ottoman Empire this gave its tradesmen e-S_IiShiYg-00458-00115846-00116051 advantages such as access to the Black e-S_IiShiYg-00459-00116052-00116264 Sea and the Republic of Ragusa was the e-S_IiShiYg-00460-00116265-00116429 fiercest competitor to Venice's e-S_IiShiYg-00461-00116430-00116716 merchants in the 15th and 16th centuries e-S_IiShiYg-00462-00116717-00117008 the Republic of Venice was also one of e-S_IiShiYg-00463-00117009-00117209 the powers most hostile to the Ottoman e-S_IiShiYg-00464-00117210-00117447 Empire's expansion and participated in e-S_IiShiYg-00465-00117448-00117723 many wars against it as the Ottomans e-S_IiShiYg-00466-00117724-00117911 took control of the hinterland many e-S_IiShiYg-00467-00117912-00118103 Christians took refuge in the coastal e-S_IiShiYg-00468-00118104-00118368 cities of Dalmatia the border between e-S_IiShiYg-00469-00118369-00118586 the Dalmatian hinterland and the Ottoman e-S_IiShiYg-00470-00118587-00118775 Bosnia and Herzegovina greatly e-S_IiShiYg-00471-00118776-00118998 fluctuated until the Mauryan war when e-S_IiShiYg-00472-00118999-00119228 the Venetian capture of nin and SI NJ e-S_IiShiYg-00473-00119229-00119390 set much of the borderline at its e-S_IiShiYg-00474-00119391-00119711 current position after the great Turkish e-S_IiShiYg-00475-00119712-00119912 war and the Peace of par Sara Watts more e-S_IiShiYg-00476-00119913-00120161 peaceful times made Dalmatia experienced e-S_IiShiYg-00477-00120162-00120348 a period of certain economic and e-S_IiShiYg-00478-00120349-00120566 cultural growth in the 18th century with e-S_IiShiYg-00479-00120567-00120737 the re-establishment of trade and e-S_IiShiYg-00480-00120738-00121025 exchange with the hinterland this period e-S_IiShiYg-00481-00121026-00121211 was abruptly interrupted with the fall e-S_IiShiYg-00482-00121212-00121537 of the Republic of Venice in 1797 e-S_IiShiYg-00483-00121538-00121782 Napoleon's troops stormed the region and e-S_IiShiYg-00484-00121783-00121968 ended the independence of the Republic e-S_IiShiYg-00485-00121969-00122150 of Ragusa as well saving it from e-S_IiShiYg-00486-00122151-00122358 occupation by the Russian Empire and e-S_IiShiYg-00487-00122358-00122813 Montenegro in 1805 Napoleon created his e-S_IiShiYg-00488-00122814-00123011 Kingdom of Italy around the Adriatic Sea e-S_IiShiYg-00489-00123012-00123227 annexing - at the former Venetian e-S_IiShiYg-00490-00123228-00123566 Dalmatia from Istria to Couture in 1808 e-S_IiShiYg-00491-00123567-00123785 here next to this Italian Kingdom the e-S_IiShiYg-00492-00123786-00124088 just conquered Republic of Ragusa a year e-S_IiShiYg-00493-00124089-00124349 later in 1809 he removed the Venetian e-S_IiShiYg-00494-00124350-00124548 Dalmatia from his kingdom of Italy and e-S_IiShiYg-00495-00124549-00124746 created the Illyrian provinces which e-S_IiShiYg-00496-00124747-00124949 were annexed to France and created his e-S_IiShiYg-00497-00124950-00125254 marshal Nicholas salt Duke of Dalmatia e-S_IiShiYg-00498-00125255-00125522 Napoleon's rule in Dalmatia was marked e-S_IiShiYg-00499-00125523-00125735 with war in high taxation which caused e-S_IiShiYg-00500-00125736-00126018 several rebellions on the other hand e-S_IiShiYg-00501-00126019-00126209 French rule greatly contributed to e-S_IiShiYg-00502-00126210-00126428 Croatian national awakening the first e-S_IiShiYg-00503-00126429-00126653 newspaper in Croatian was published then e-S_IiShiYg-00504-00126654-00126704 in Zadar e-S_IiShiYg-00505-00126705-00126950 the ill regio dal mada krevske dal e-S_IiShiYg-00506-00126951-00127112 maiden the legal system and e-S_IiShiYg-00507-00127113-00127296 infrastructure were finally modernized e-S_IiShiYg-00508-00127297-00127545 somewhat in Dalmatia and the educational e-S_IiShiYg-00509-00127546-00127818 system flourished french rule brought a e-S_IiShiYg-00510-00127819-00127997 lot of improvements in infrastructure e-S_IiShiYg-00511-00127998-00128284 many roads were built or reconstructed e-S_IiShiYg-00512-00128285-00128558 Napoleon himself blamed marshal Auguste e-S_IiShiYg-00513-00128559-00128777 Marmont the governor of Dalmatia that e-S_IiShiYg-00514-00128778-00128941 too much money was spent e-S_IiShiYg-00515-00128942-00129323 however in 1813 the Habsburgs once again e-S_IiShiYg-00516-00129324-00129500 declared war on France and by the e-S_IiShiYg-00517-00129501-00129740 following year had restored control over e-S_IiShiYg-00518-00129741-00130270 Dalmatia e-S_IiShiYg-00519-00130271-00130834 topic nineteenth-century e-S_IiShiYg-00520-00130835-00131059 at the Congress of Vienna in 1815 e-S_IiShiYg-00521-00131060-00131312 Dalmatia was granted as a province to e-S_IiShiYg-00522-00131313-00131597 the Emperor of Austria it was officially e-S_IiShiYg-00523-00131598-00131987 known as the kingdom of Dalmatia in 1848 e-S_IiShiYg-00524-00131988-00132241 the Croatian assembly Sabha published e-S_IiShiYg-00525-00132242-00132407 the people's requests in which they e-S_IiShiYg-00526-00132408-00132569 requested among other things the e-S_IiShiYg-00527-00132570-00132743 abolition of serfdom and the unification e-S_IiShiYg-00528-00132744-00133088 of Dalmatia and Croatia the Dubrovnik e-S_IiShiYg-00529-00133089-00133322 municipality was the most outspoken of e-S_IiShiYg-00530-00133323-00133496 all the Dalmatian communes in its e-S_IiShiYg-00531-00133497-00133736 support for unification with Croatia a e-S_IiShiYg-00532-00133737-00134024 letter was sent from Dubrovnik to Zagreb e-S_IiShiYg-00533-00134025-00134316 with pledges to work for this idea in e-S_IiShiYg-00534-00134317-00134606 18-49 Dubrovnik continued to lead the e-S_IiShiYg-00535-00134607-00134791 Dalmatian cities in the struggle for e-S_IiShiYg-00536-00134792-00135112 unification a large-scale campaign was e-S_IiShiYg-00537-00135113-00135323 launched in the Dubrovnik papal a venire e-S_IiShiYg-00538-00135324-00135529 the future based on a clearly formulated e-S_IiShiYg-00539-00135530-00135751 program the federal system for the e-S_IiShiYg-00540-00135752-00135947 Habsburg territories the inclusion of e-S_IiShiYg-00541-00135948-00136157 Dalmatia into Croatia and the Slovak e-S_IiShiYg-00542-00136158-00136394 Brotherhood the President of the Council e-S_IiShiYg-00543-00136395-00136579 of Kingdom of Dalmatia was the e-S_IiShiYg-00544-00136580-00136961 politician Baron vlog italic in the same e-S_IiShiYg-00545-00136962-00137171 year the first issue of the Dubrovnik e-S_IiShiYg-00546-00137172-00137384 almanac appeared flower of the national e-S_IiShiYg-00547-00137385-00137618 literature dubrovnik savage Etna rod nog e-S_IiShiYg-00548-00137619-00137827 news FV in which Peter pre radevich e-S_IiShiYg-00549-00137828-00138088 published his noted poem to Dubrovnik e-S_IiShiYg-00550-00138089-00138310 this and other literary and journalistic e-S_IiShiYg-00551-00138311-00138537 texts which continued to be published e-S_IiShiYg-00552-00138538-00138743 contributed to the awakening of the e-S_IiShiYg-00553-00138744-00138925 national consciousness reflected in e-S_IiShiYg-00554-00138926-00139102 efforts to introduce the Croatian e-S_IiShiYg-00555-00139103-00139315 language into schools and offices and to e-S_IiShiYg-00556-00139316-00139612 promote Croatian books the Emperor Franz e-S_IiShiYg-00557-00139613-00139801 Josef brought the so called imposed e-S_IiShiYg-00558-00139802-00139982 Constitution which prohibited the e-S_IiShiYg-00559-00139983-00140219 unification of Dalmatia and Croatia and e-S_IiShiYg-00560-00140220-00140452 also any further political activity with e-S_IiShiYg-00561-00140453-00140732 this end in view the political struggle e-S_IiShiYg-00562-00140733-00140948 of Dubrovnik to be united with Croatia e-S_IiShiYg-00563-00140949-00141265 which was intense throughout 1848 249 e-S_IiShiYg-00564-00141266-00141710 did not succeed at that time in 1861 was e-S_IiShiYg-00565-00141711-00141877 the meeting of the first Dalmatian e-S_IiShiYg-00566-00141878-00142049 Assembly with representatives from e-S_IiShiYg-00567-00142050-00142373 dubrovnik representatives of kotor came e-S_IiShiYg-00568-00142374-00142556 to dubrovnik to join the struggle for e-S_IiShiYg-00569-00142557-00142871 unification with croatia the citizens of e-S_IiShiYg-00570-00142872-00143065 dubrovnik gave them a festive welcome e-S_IiShiYg-00571-00143066-00143309 flying croatian flags from the ramparts e-S_IiShiYg-00572-00143310-00143519 and exhibiting the slogan Ragusa with e-S_IiShiYg-00573-00143520-00143771 kott or the kotor ins elected a e-S_IiShiYg-00574-00143772-00143999 delegation to go to Vienna Dubrovnik e-S_IiShiYg-00575-00144000-00144200 nominated Nikko pusuk who went e-S_IiShiYg-00576-00144201-00144365 to vienna to demand not only the e-S_IiShiYg-00577-00144366-00144620 unification of Dalmatia with croatia but e-S_IiShiYg-00578-00144621-00144839 also the unification of all croatian e-S_IiShiYg-00579-00144840-00145491 territories under one common assembly e-S_IiShiYg-00580-00145492-00146028 topic twentieth-century e-S_IiShiYg-00581-00146029-00146355 in 1905 a dispute arose in the Austrian e-S_IiShiYg-00582-00146356-00146526 Reich's rap over whether Austria should e-S_IiShiYg-00583-00146527-00146835 pay for Dalmatia it has been argued that e-S_IiShiYg-00584-00146836-00147093 in the conclusion of the so-called april e-S_IiShiYg-00585-00147094-00147447 laws is written given by banners count e-S_IiShiYg-00586-00147448-00147720 Kegley which are buzzin which explained e-S_IiShiYg-00587-00147721-00147927 the historical affiliation of Dalmatia e-S_IiShiYg-00588-00147928-00148014 to hungary e-S_IiShiYg-00589-00148015-00148245 two years later Dalmatia elected e-S_IiShiYg-00590-00148246-00148428 representatives to the austrian Reich's e-S_IiShiYg-00591-00148429-00148770 rad Dalmatia was a strategic region e-S_IiShiYg-00592-00148771-00148977 during world war one that both Italy and e-S_IiShiYg-00593-00148978-00149133 Serbia are intended to cease from e-S_IiShiYg-00594-00149134-00149603 Austria Hungary Italy joined the triple e-S_IiShiYg-00595-00149604-00149814 entendre to the London pact that e-S_IiShiYg-00596-00149815-00150018 guaranteed Italy the right to annex a e-S_IiShiYg-00597-00150019-00150228 large portion of Dalmatia in exchange e-S_IiShiYg-00598-00150229-00150438 for Italy's participation on the Allied e-S_IiShiYg-00599-00150439-00150813 side from five to six November 1918 e-S_IiShiYg-00600-00150814-00151020 Italian forces were reported to have e-S_IiShiYg-00601-00151021-00151272 reached Lissa la gusta Sabine eco and e-S_IiShiYg-00602-00151273-00151508 other localities on the Dalmatian coast e-S_IiShiYg-00603-00151509-00151803 by the end of hostilities in November e-S_IiShiYg-00604-00151804-00152079 1918 the Italian military had seized e-S_IiShiYg-00605-00152080-00152256 control of the entire portion of e-S_IiShiYg-00606-00152257-00152439 Dalmatia that had been guaranteed to e-S_IiShiYg-00607-00152440-00152682 Italy by the London pact and by the 17th e-S_IiShiYg-00608-00152683-00152895 of November had seized rejector as well e-S_IiShiYg-00609-00152896-00153303 in 1918 Admiral Enrico Mello declared e-S_IiShiYg-00610-00153304-00153542 himself Italy's governor of Dalmatia e-S_IiShiYg-00611-00153543-00153837 famous Italian nationalist Gabriel de e-S_IiShiYg-00612-00153838-00154059 Nunzio supported the seizure of Dalmatia e-S_IiShiYg-00613-00154060-00154281 and proceeded to Zeta in an Italian e-S_IiShiYg-00614-00154282-00154650 warship in December 1918 however in e-S_IiShiYg-00615-00154651-00154842 spite of the guarantees of the London e-S_IiShiYg-00616-00154843-00155028 pact to Italy of a large portion of e-S_IiShiYg-00617-00155029-00155286 Dalmatia and Italian military occupation e-S_IiShiYg-00618-00155287-00155448 of claimed territories of Dalmatia e-S_IiShiYg-00619-00155449-00155685 during the peace settlement negotiations e-S_IiShiYg-00620-00155686-00156018 of 1919 to 1922 fourteen points of e-S_IiShiYg-00621-00156019-00156170 Woodrow Wilson that advocated e-S_IiShiYg-00622-00156171-00156369 self-determination of Nations took e-S_IiShiYg-00623-00156370-00156531 precedence with Italy only being e-S_IiShiYg-00624-00156532-00156699 permitted to annex data from Dalmatia e-S_IiShiYg-00625-00156700-00156927 while the rest of Dalmatia was to be e-S_IiShiYg-00626-00156928-00157245 part of Yugoslavia at the end of the e-S_IiShiYg-00627-00157246-00157460 first world war the austrian empire e-S_IiShiYg-00628-00157461-00157692 disintegrated and Dalmatia was again e-S_IiShiYg-00629-00157693-00157860 split between the kingdom of serbs e-S_IiShiYg-00630-00157861-00158031 croats and slovenes e-S_IiShiYg-00631-00158032-00158235 later the kingdom of Yugoslavia which e-S_IiShiYg-00632-00158236-00158418 controlled most of it and the Kingdom of e-S_IiShiYg-00633-00158419-00158598 Italy which held small portions of e-S_IiShiYg-00634-00158599-00158790 northern Dalmatia around zeda and the e-S_IiShiYg-00635-00158791-00158997 islands of Crescent lozenge and last e-S_IiShiYg-00636-00158998-00159273 over Italy entered the first world war e-S_IiShiYg-00637-00159274-00159444 in a territorial e-S_IiShiYg-00638-00159445-00159750 mostly to gain Dalmatia but italy got e-S_IiShiYg-00639-00159751-00159984 only a small part of its pretensions so e-S_IiShiYg-00640-00159985-00160236 Dalmatian mostly stayed Yugoslav until e-S_IiShiYg-00641-00160237-00160493 Benito Mussolini invaded Yugoslavia in e-S_IiShiYg-00642-00160494-00161013 1941 and occupied the region in 1922 the e-S_IiShiYg-00643-00161014-00161175 territory of the former kingdom of e-S_IiShiYg-00644-00161176-00161376 Dalmatia was divided into two provinces e-S_IiShiYg-00645-00161377-00161625 the district of split splits car Oblast e-S_IiShiYg-00646-00161626-00161802 with its capital in split and the e-S_IiShiYg-00647-00161803-00162039 district of Dubrovnik Dubrovnik Oblast e-S_IiShiYg-00648-00162040-00162369 with its capital in Dubrovnik in 1929 e-S_IiShiYg-00649-00162370-00162606 the literal banovina prime Oscar e-S_IiShiYg-00650-00162607-00162804 Bonavena a province of the kingdom of e-S_IiShiYg-00651-00162805-00163113 Yugoslavia was formed its capital was e-S_IiShiYg-00652-00163114-00163335 split and it included most of Dalmatia e-S_IiShiYg-00653-00163336-00163542 and parts of present-day Bosnia and e-S_IiShiYg-00654-00163543-00163800 Herzegovina the southern parts of e-S_IiShiYg-00655-00163801-00164034 Dalmatia were in Zita banovina from the e-S_IiShiYg-00656-00164035-00164253 gulf of kotor to purchase a peninsula e-S_IiShiYg-00657-00164254-00164625 including dubrovnik in 1939 littoral e-S_IiShiYg-00658-00164626-00164844 banovina was joined with suburban Avena e-S_IiShiYg-00659-00164845-00165033 and with smaller parts of other bana e-S_IiShiYg-00660-00165034-00165237 venus to form a new province named the e-S_IiShiYg-00661-00165238-00165552 banovina of croatia the same year the e-S_IiShiYg-00662-00165553-00165747 ethnic croatian areas of the zeta e-S_IiShiYg-00663-00165748-00165963 banovina from the gulf of kotor - Pelle e-S_IiShiYg-00664-00165964-00166170 G sac including Dubrovnik were merged e-S_IiShiYg-00665-00166171-00166521 with a new banovina of croatia during e-S_IiShiYg-00666-00166522-00166866 world war ii in 1941 Nazi Germany e-S_IiShiYg-00667-00166867-00167076 fascist Italy Hungary and Bulgaria e-S_IiShiYg-00668-00167077-00167349 occupied Yugoslavia redrawing their e-S_IiShiYg-00669-00167350-00167541 borders to include former parts of the e-S_IiShiYg-00670-00167542-00167856 Yugoslavian state a new Nazi puppet e-S_IiShiYg-00671-00167857-00168060 state the independent state of Croatia e-S_IiShiYg-00672-00168061-00168357 ndh was created and fascist Italy was e-S_IiShiYg-00673-00168358-00168552 given some parts of the Dalmatian coast e-S_IiShiYg-00674-00168553-00168795 notably arounds adarand split as well as e-S_IiShiYg-00675-00168796-00169095 many of the area's Islands the remaining e-S_IiShiYg-00676-00169096-00169379 parts of Dalmatia became part of the ndh e-S_IiShiYg-00677-00169380-00169656 many crow hats moved from the Italian e-S_IiShiYg-00678-00169657-00169863 occupied area and took refuge in the e-S_IiShiYg-00679-00169864-00170082 satellite state of Croatia which became e-S_IiShiYg-00680-00170083-00170247 the battleground for a guerilla war e-S_IiShiYg-00681-00170248-00170433 between the axis and the Yugoslav e-S_IiShiYg-00682-00170434-00170703 partisans following the surrender of e-S_IiShiYg-00683-00170704-00171027 Italy in 1943 most of Italian controlled e-S_IiShiYg-00684-00171028-00171261 Dalmatia was taken over by German forces e-S_IiShiYg-00685-00171262-00171480 and reverted to control under the puppet e-S_IiShiYg-00686-00171481-00171783 independent state of Croatia Zeta was e-S_IiShiYg-00687-00171784-00171972 raised by the Allies during World War e-S_IiShiYg-00688-00171973-00172032 two e-S_IiShiYg-00689-00172033-00172203 starting the exodus of its Italian e-S_IiShiYg-00690-00172204-00172575 population after world war ii Dalmatia e-S_IiShiYg-00691-00172576-00172798 became part of the People's Republic of e-S_IiShiYg-00692-00172799-00173079 Croatia part of the SFR Yugoslavia then e-S_IiShiYg-00693-00173080-00173229 called the Federative People's Republic e-S_IiShiYg-00694-00173230-00173587 of Yugoslavia the territory of former e-S_IiShiYg-00695-00173588-00173797 Kingdom of Dalmatia was divided between e-S_IiShiYg-00696-00173798-00174037 two federal republics of Yugoslavia and e-S_IiShiYg-00697-00174038-00174229 most of the territory went to Croatia e-S_IiShiYg-00698-00174230-00174436 leaving only the Bay of Kotor to e-S_IiShiYg-00699-00174437-00174768 Montenegro when Yugoslavia dissolved in e-S_IiShiYg-00700-00174769-00175039 1991 those borders were retained and e-S_IiShiYg-00701-00175040-00175354 remain in force during the Croatian war e-S_IiShiYg-00702-00175355-00175573 of independence most of Dalmatia was a e-S_IiShiYg-00703-00175574-00175750 battleground between the Croatian e-S_IiShiYg-00704-00175751-00175945 government and local serb rebels with e-S_IiShiYg-00705-00175946-00176119 much of the region being placed under e-S_IiShiYg-00706-00176120-00176437 the control of Serbs Croatia did regain e-S_IiShiYg-00707-00176438-00176640 southern parts of these territories in e-S_IiShiYg-00708-00176641-00176899 1992 but did not regain all of the e-S_IiShiYg-00709-00176900-00177596 territory until 1995 e-S_IiShiYg-00710-00177597-00178464 topic cities by population split 178,000 e-S_IiShiYg-00711-00178465-00179463 102 Zadar 75080 to sipping ik 46,000 332 e-S_IiShiYg-00712-00179464-00180157 Dubrovnik 40 2615 e-S_IiShiYg-00713-00180158-00180998 topic gallery e-S_IiShiYg-00714-00180999-00181522 topic see also e-S_IiShiYg-00715-00181523-00182008 history of Dalmatia Dell met a lie e-S_IiShiYg-00716-00182009-00182248 Bonilla