FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00000-00000229-00000900 um I spent the summer in 1967 in Madrid FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00001-00000901-00001375 before all you were born and it's one of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00002-00001376-00001627 the great times of my early life and I'm FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00003-00001628-00002101 really happy to be back here the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00004-00002102-00002309 presupposition of all of us here that FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00005-00002310-00002579 you'll be hearing today is that culture FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00006-00002580-00002912 is a product of evolution it's a way of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00007-00002913-00003113 adapting that certain certain species FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00008-00003114-00003404 have come to and other species perhaps FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00009-00003404-00004631 not and one of the major ways of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00010-00004632-00004872 investigating the evolutionary roots of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00011-00004873-00005159 culture in whatever species in the human FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00012-00005160-00005393 species is by looking at culture in FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00013-00005394-00005567 other species which is what a number of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00014-00005568-00006092 the people here have done and the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00015-00006093-00006322 dimension that has been focused on FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00016-00006323-00006673 mostly is the trans the dimension of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00017-00006675-00007037 cultural transmission that is in the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00018-00007038-00007205 biological way of looking at things FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00019-00007206-00007427 there's genetic transmission of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00020-00007428-00007592 information and then there's this FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00021-00007593-00007795 cultural transmission of information by FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00022-00007797-00008242 social learning and so forth and the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00023-00008243-00008648 dimension that I would like to focus on FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00024-00008649-00008935 today is the more coordinate of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00025-00008936-00009127 dimension that is things like FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00026-00009128-00009476 collaboration communication and in the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00027-00009477-00009724 case of humans social institutions which FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00028-00009725-00009920 are the way we coordinate ourselves FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00029-00009921-00010180 together in a culture to create these FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00030-00010181-00010523 supra individual structures like a FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00031-00010524-00010688 collaborative group or a social FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00032-00010689-00010973 institution those are then transmitted FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00033-00010974-00011285 across generations so the two dimensions FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00034-00011286-00011945 are closely tied together but the I'm FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00035-00011946-00012134 going to focus on cooperation FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00036-00012135-00012367 coordination communication collaboration FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00037-00012368-00012664 all the codes the code doing things FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00038-00012665-00013397 together now FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00039-00013397-00014466 ok FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00040-00014468-00014891 no no no FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00041-00014893-00015080 they can't go over the other machine FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00042-00015081-00015294 they can't go for the other machine it FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00043-00015294-00015549 has to stay here I videos and they're FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00044-00015550-00016341 all over the place FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00045-00016341-00019175 but FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00046-00019176-00019452 okay and i would argue i'm not going to FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00047-00019453-00019661 make that argument today but i would FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00048-00019662-00019911 argue that in fact if you look at human FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00049-00019912-00020169 culture what makes it unique is this FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00050-00020170-00020313 coordinate of dimension the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00051-00020314-00020508 collaboration communication institutions FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00052-00020509-00020772 that in fact are going to lead to unique FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00053-00020773-00020988 forms of transmission in humans what FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00054-00020989-00021487 Fernando referred to as teaching and as FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00055-00021488-00021872 the culture ratchet effect and teaching FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00056-00021873-00022271 and all that those are a result of this FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00057-00022272-00022530 unique coordinate to coordinate to FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00058-00022531-00022749 dimension that humans have okay the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00059-00022750-00023030 starting point is in talking about all FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00060-00023031-00023161 this collaboration communication FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00061-00023162-00023483 coordination the starting point is going FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00062-00023484-00023694 to be the intelligent action of our FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00063-00023695-00023936 nearest primate relatives that mainly FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00064-00023937-00024278 chimpanzees I'll focus on and so this is FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00065-00024279-00024500 a old study that we did some years ago FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00066-00024501-00024755 looking at the social cognitive skills FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00067-00024756-00025183 of great apes and in this experiment FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00068-00025184-00025536 this is there's here's a banana if you FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00069-00025537-00025677 put the banana right out here in the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00070-00025677-00025889 middle of the floor this is a FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00071-00025890-00026075 subordinate chimpanzee here and a FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00072-00026076-00026301 dominant chimpanzee here and if you just FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00073-00026302-00026517 let them in the dominant chimpanzee FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00074-00026518-00026748 would always get the banana you say how FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00075-00026749-00026864 do I know that because that's how we FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00076-00026865-00027018 define dominance the one that always FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00077-00027019-00027183 gets the banana is the dominant and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00078-00027183-00027405 we've done a pretest that establish that FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00079-00027406-00027652 and so what you're going to see is FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00080-00027653-00027900 there's one banana here that they both FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00081-00027901-00028143 can see but there's one banana over here FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00082-00028144-00028398 that only the subordinate chimpanzee can FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00083-00028399-00028640 see so it's kind of knowledge versus FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00084-00028641-00028974 Power the dominant knows about that one FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00085-00028975-00029142 and you'll see what the subordinate does FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00086-00029143-00029477 is the door will go down so we can't see FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00087-00029478-00029783 what the dominant is doing and he goes FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00088-00029784-00030137 first very carefully checks out and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00089-00030138-00030314 grabs the piece that the dominant can't FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00090-00030315-00030486 see the dominant comes and gets it and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00091-00030487-00030693 comes to check to make sure there's not FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00092-00030694-00030864 some more over here that he that he FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00093-00030864-00031227 can't see it's important that the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00094-00031227-00031473 subordinates door goes open first the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00095-00031474-00031656 subordinate is not waiting to see what FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00096-00031657-00031814 the dominant does and reacting he's FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00097-00031815-00031958 having to predict what the dominance FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00098-00031959-00032157 going to do and he predicts the dominant FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00099-00032158-00032325 will go for the food he can see FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00100-00032326-00032586 not for the food that he cannot see so FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00101-00032587-00032781 they understand others as having goals FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00102-00032782-00032970 the other guy wants the banana that's FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00103-00032971-00033302 why he's going to come and he has FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00104-00033303-00033567 perceptions he can see the banana or not FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00105-00033568-00033804 if he didn't want the banana if he FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00106-00033805-00033921 didn't have the goal of getting the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00107-00033922-00034086 banana he wouldn't be going for it if he FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00108-00034087-00034260 couldn't see it he wouldn't be going for FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00109-00034261-00034500 it so they understand that the behavior FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00110-00034501-00034764 of others is driven by their goals and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00111-00034765-00034962 perceptions so this is a basic FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00112-00034963-00035271 understanding of how intentional action FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00113-00035272-00035433 works that you pursue your goals and you FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00114-00035434-00035796 monitor them by perceiving the world but FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00115-00035797-00036135 it turns out the hypothesis that we've FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00116-00036136-00036462 been investigating for some time it FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00117-00036463-00036627 turns out that chimps chimpanzees do FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00118-00036628-00036861 this most often in competition with one FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00119-00036862-00037086 another so I at one time thought that if FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00120-00037087-00037227 you understood others as intentional FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00121-00037228-00037482 agents then you would automatically want FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00122-00037483-00037632 to cooperate with them and communicate FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00123-00037633-00037776 with them and share with them but that's FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00124-00037777-00037964 not the case you can figure out others FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00125-00037965-00038217 for purposes of outsmarting them in FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00126-00038218-00038388 competition and we think that's what FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00127-00038389-00038658 chimps mainly do and what humans are FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00128-00038659-00038874 mainly doing is using that kind of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00129-00038875-00039042 mind-reading that social cognitive FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00130-00039043-00039339 skills to now share intentions with them FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00131-00039340-00039594 so the distinction that we've made we FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00132-00039595-00039747 borrowed this from some philosophers of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00133-00039748-00039903 action who talked about shared FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00134-00039904-00040125 intentionality is that chimps are FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00135-00040126-00040383 incredibly intelligent more intelligent FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00136-00040384-00040557 than we would ever have imagined a FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00137-00040558-00040875 couple of decades ago at acting FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00138-00040876-00041049 intentionally themselves but also FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00139-00041050-00041310 understanding others as acting FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00140-00041311-00041529 intentionally but it's all individual FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00141-00041530-00041700 intentionality they're acting for FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00142-00041701-00041898 themselves for their own goal trying to FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00143-00041899-00042087 outsmart others and compete and exploit FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00144-00042088-00042369 others as far as they can what happened FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00145-00042370-00042702 with humans was given individuals who FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00146-00042703-00042987 already had a lot of smarts in this area FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00147-00042988-00043127 and you can't just start cooperating FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00148-00043128-00043410 anywhere and create this it's when you FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00149-00043411-00043808 have already intelligent beings and now FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00150-00043809-00043995 humans have what we call shared FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00151-00043996-00044223 intentionality we act collaboratively FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00152-00044224-00044379 with a joint goal we work together FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00153-00044380-00044631 toward a joint goal we have shared FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00154-00044632-00044796 attention we both know that we're both FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00155-00044797-00044970 focused on this and we're monitoring one FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00156-00044971-00045144 another so we're sharing goals were FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00157-00045145-00045489 sharing intentions and so we create this FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00158-00045490-00045603 triangle FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00159-00045604-00045816 of we're both going toward the same goal FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00160-00045817-00046065 and where we know about one another that FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00161-00046066-00046200 we have the same goal and we're doing it FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00162-00046201-00046646 together so this is our most general FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00163-00046647-00046904 hypothesis about the difference between FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00164-00046905-00047138 our nearest primate relatives especially FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00165-00047139-00047445 chimpanzees and humans about what makes FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00166-00047446-00047586 for the difference in the ways that we FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00167-00047587-00047739 coordinate communicate and collaborate FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00168-00047740-00047931 with one another that we have a new set FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00169-00047932-00048108 of cognitive skills that have evolved in FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00170-00048109-00048492 the last six million years for sure but FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00171-00048493-00048695 probably the last million years or so FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00172-00048696-00049152 and and these enable us to interact with FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00173-00049153-00049344 others in unique ways and also to pass FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00174-00049345-00049491 along information teaching and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00175-00049492-00049872 everything else as well now in some more FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00176-00049873-00050010 recent theoretical work we've actually FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00177-00050011-00050223 divided shared intentionality if we FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00178-00050224-00050601 think about human evolution into two key FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00179-00050602-00050892 steps one of them is joint FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00180-00050893-00051069 intentionality which is um between FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00181-00051070-00051324 individuals so you and I collaborate to FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00182-00051325-00051540 get something done we hunt together for FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00183-00051541-00051786 an antelope or whatever it is we do we FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00184-00051787-00052176 have joint action whoops a joint action FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00185-00052177-00052421 we form a joint agency some of the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00186-00052422-00052545 Philosopher's talk about we have a joint FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00187-00052546-00052752 agent where we are a single agent with FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00188-00052753-00052974 two individuals we have joined attention FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00189-00052975-00053136 common ground joint commitment to one FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00190-00053137-00053307 another it's all second personal it's FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00191-00053308-00053625 about you and me working together all FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00192-00053626-00053886 right as individuals but then later and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00193-00053887-00054066 this is the focus I believe will be the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00194-00054066-00054195 focus of the other talk this morning FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00195-00054196-00054491 robb boyd we've done a lot of talks FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00196-00054492-00054789 together is collective intentionality or FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00197-00054790-00055023 culture proper which is the topic of our FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00198-00055024-00055260 seminar here this is about things that FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00199-00055261-00055434 are not about you and me as individuals FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00200-00055435-00055596 this about things you and I are both FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00201-00055597-00055803 born into as members of our culture FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00202-00055804-00056115 conventions norms institutions cultural FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00203-00056116-00056346 common ground you and I have never met FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00204-00056347-00056502 but there are certain things that I'm FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00205-00056503-00056721 sure we all know together as a part FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00206-00056722-00056966 being part of Western culture in general FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00207-00056966-00057309 normative self-governance we we follow FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00208-00057310-00057540 moral rules and not only that but we FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00209-00057541-00057738 don't we expect others to follow them we FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00210-00057739-00057936 think badly of others who don't follow FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00211-00057937-00058107 them we think badly of ourselves and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00212-00058108-00058299 feel guilty if we don't follow them all FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00213-00058300-00058620 of these things are about our cultural FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00214-00058621-00058883 expectancies and our life in a group FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00215-00058884-00059069 this is about individual relationships FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00216-00059070-00059383 this is about life in a group okay now FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00217-00059384-00059666 Rob boy who will talk after me I will FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00218-00059666-00059951 focus on this on this level and this is FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00219-00059952-00060065 the level that really gets us to FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00220-00060066-00060241 uniquely human culture but I've argued FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00221-00060242-00060485 before and I will argue again here that FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00222-00060486-00060761 this is the thing that you can already FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00223-00060762-00061097 see differences between humans and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00224-00061098-00061397 non-human primates chimpanzees even in FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00225-00061398-00061586 young children so in young children who FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00226-00061587-00061832 are not yet fully cultural beings they FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00227-00061833-00062012 don't have all the moral norms they FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00228-00062013-00062123 don't really know a lot about FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00229-00062124-00062327 institutions that that kind of thing FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00230-00062328-00062639 they're already cooperative in unique FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00231-00062640-00062905 ways so I'm going to focus on i'm going FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00232-00062907-00063020 to say just a little bit at the end FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00233-00063021-00063161 about this but I'm going to mainly focus FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00234-00063162-00063440 on the ways that humans cooperate FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00235-00063441-00063695 collaborate with one another and the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00236-00063696-00064045 vehicle for this is experiments between FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00237-00064046-00064334 chimpanzees mostly and young human FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00238-00064335-00064463 children so we're going to take FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00239-00064464-00064616 chimpanzees and children we're going to FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00240-00064616-00064790 put them in very similar experimental FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00241-00064791-00065012 situations now you'll hear a lot from FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00242-00065013-00065258 especially from Andy whiten and CARLMAN FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00243-00065259-00065455 shake and Kevin Leyland you'll hear a FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00244-00065457-00065759 lot about the continuities in cultural FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00245-00065760-00065990 processes between non-human primates and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00246-00065991-00066296 even other animals and human culture and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00247-00066297-00066620 those are all true but the humans also FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00248-00066621-00066854 have some special things and these FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00249-00066855-00066971 special things are what I'm going to FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00250-00066972-00067289 focus on and we do that in these FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00251-00067290-00067672 experiments this is just a very brief FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00252-00067673-00067961 reference to an evolutionary fairy tale FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00253-00067962-00068219 the evolutionary fairy tale is that FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00254-00068220-00068564 humans may be some between a million and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00255-00068565-00068747 a half a million years ago gradually FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00256-00068748-00069089 start engaging in collaborative foraging FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00257-00069090-00069209 collaborative hunting collaborative FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00258-00069210-00069667 foraging for resources um and it becomes FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00259-00069668-00070001 obligate that is to say if you were not FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00260-00070002-00070232 a good collaborator you couldn't get any FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00261-00070233-00070442 food anymore getting food by yourself FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00262-00070443-00070721 other monkeys and baboons and stuff FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00263-00070722-00070832 we're stealing all the food before FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00264-00070833-00071000 humans could get them the only the new FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00265-00071001-00071273 niche for them was to collaborate to go FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00266-00071274-00071441 hunt together and get an antelope or FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00267-00071442-00071645 gather tubers together as these women FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00268-00071646-00072074 are doing here and so if you weren't a FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00269-00072075-00072473 good collaborator you died okay that was FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00270-00072474-00072707 all there was to it so and now you go FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00271-00072708-00072914 kalau you and I go collaborating some FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00272-00072915-00073115 time to kill an antelope we kill the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00273-00073116-00073361 Antelope I eat it all and chase you away FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00274-00073362-00073595 well next time you're not going to FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00275-00073596-00073814 choose me as a partner so if you were a FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00276-00073815-00073991 bad collaborator nobody wanted you as a FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00277-00073992-00074288 partner and so you were out and so FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00278-00074289-00074453 that's the selection pressure that led FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00279-00074454-00074690 to this cooperation among individuals is FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00280-00074691-00075001 social selection for good co-operators FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00281-00075002-00075206 so now what I'm going to do is I'm going FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00282-00075207-00075467 to go through two sets of experiments FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00283-00075468-00075719 one motivational one focusing on FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00284-00075720-00075896 motivation the other focusing on FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00285-00075897-00076220 cognition for ways that human children FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00286-00076221-00076598 are already adapted for this special FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00287-00076599-00076811 form of collaboration in a way that FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00288-00076812-00077018 great apes are not the differences are FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00289-00077019-00077213 really subtle great apes collaborate FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00290-00077214-00077525 great apes communicate but that's why we FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00291-00077526-00077678 need these comparative experiments FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00292-00077679-00077819 because you need to put them in exactly FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00293-00077820-00078017 the same situation or the situation is FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00294-00078018-00078248 close to exactly the same as possible FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00295-00078249-00078437 and see if some subtle differences FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00296-00078438-00078656 emerge and that's what our whole FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00297-00078657-00078893 research program is about so I'm going FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00298-00078894-00079166 to briefly talk about the motivation to FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00299-00079167-00079376 collaborate the motivation to share the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00300-00079377-00079559 spoils of the collaboration which is key FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00301-00079560-00079808 and the motivation to exclude Free FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00302-00079809-00080357 Riders all of these are key criteria FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00303-00080358-00080549 that enable the evolution of cooperation FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00304-00080550-00080942 in some new ways so here's a very very FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00305-00080943-00081287 simple experiment the chip comes in and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00306-00081288-00081440 this is done with children and chimps FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00307-00081441-00081605 but sometimes I show chimps and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00308-00081606-00081764 sometimes I saw children but almost all FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00309-00081765-00082204 of them are comparative so that's the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00310-00082205-00082592 anyway so the subject comes in and there FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00311-00082593-00082760 are two birds with food on them here FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00312-00082761-00082916 you're actually going to see a video of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00313-00082917-00083066 how the board works in a minute but i'm FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00314-00083067-00083246 going to show this first the birds have FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00315-00083247-00083468 exactly the same rewards on them there's FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00316-00083469-00083711 one banana for this guy and one banana FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00317-00083712-00083894 for this guy and the same here one FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00318-00083895-00084122 banana for this guy one banana for this FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00319-00084123-00084419 guy and the subjects choice is do I want FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00320-00084420-00084656 to pull in this board collaboratively FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00321-00084657-00084932 with this guy or do I want to pull in FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00322-00084933-00085166 this board by myself the rewards are FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00323-00085167-00085260 exactly the same FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00324-00085261-00085457 both for me and the other guy so the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00325-00085458-00085656 motivational side from the food point of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00326-00085657-00085925 view is absolutely the same but what do FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00327-00085926-00086223 I choose chimps are indifferent they FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00328-00086224-00086421 slightly go more for the for the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00329-00086422-00086606 individual option but basically since FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00330-00086607-00086781 the food is the same they go the same FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00331-00086782-00087026 kids are almost eighty percent they FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00332-00087027-00087269 prefer to collaborate well why well FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00333-00087270-00087482 collaboration is fun they like it they FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00334-00087483-00087669 prefer it that's all there is to it so I FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00335-00087670-00087843 said this was very simple it's a very FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00336-00087844-00088011 simple experiment which do you prefer FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00337-00088012-00088386 and children prefer to collaborate and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00338-00088387-00088619 the chimps are indifferent unless sorry FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00339-00088620-00088821 anybody who knows anything about chimps FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00340-00088822-00088994 knows how to make them go one way or the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00341-00088995-00089346 other all you have to do is dump sorry FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00342-00089347-00089943 is a double the food over here and now FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00343-00089944-00090255 they prefer the collaborative one so if FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00344-00090256-00090450 you if you double the food on the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00345-00090451-00090603 collaborative option you can get them to FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00346-00090604-00090756 go for it so this shows you they're FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00347-00090757-00090999 going for the food and the kids are FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00348-00091000-00091272 motivated by the collaboration per se it FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00349-00091273-00091376 doesn't say that chimps don't FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00350-00091377-00091560 collaborate they collaborate how almost FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00351-00091561-00091725 half the time they collaborate but this FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00352-00091726-00092168 is a difference in motivation and now FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00353-00092169-00092438 one of the keys I think this is in some FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00354-00092439-00092672 ways this is absolutely the key of why FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00355-00092673-00092991 chimps don't collaborate like humans do FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00356-00092992-00093251 is that chimps are evolved to when FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00357-00093252-00093453 there's a contest over food the dominant FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00358-00093454-00093642 gets the food this is very general in FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00359-00093643-00093881 mammalian mammals in general and with FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00360-00093882-00094144 all the great apes and the chimps FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00361-00094145-00094488 including bonobos and with chimps in FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00362-00094489-00094712 particular they're evolved to get the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00363-00094713-00094911 for the dominant to get the food so FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00364-00094912-00095055 here's an experiment this is the this is FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00365-00095056-00095243 the the board the pulling in the board FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00366-00095244-00095432 that i showed you before you have to do FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00367-00095433-00095661 it together the rope is is through here FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00368-00095662-00095813 so if you pull by yourself you just get FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00369-00095814-00095985 rope you have to wait for the other guy FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00370-00095986-00096176 and then you have to pull together and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00371-00096177-00096417 what we've done here is and so here FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00372-00096418-00096771 you'll see this here comes the guy he FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00373-00096772-00097025 knows he needs the partner so he comes FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00374-00097026-00097284 to his rope he knows if he pulls it it's FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00375-00097285-00097485 bad so he goes can actually opens the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00376-00097486-00097836 door for his partner this is incredible FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00377-00097837-00098093 on its own they know they need the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00378-00098094-00098298 partner so this is really impressive FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00379-00098299-00098513 that they can do it together they know FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00380-00098514-00098645 they need the partners they go FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00381-00098646-00098978 the partner but the trick is we've FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00382-00098979-00099233 divided the food for them already okay FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00383-00099234-00099464 the problem of sharing the spoils has FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00384-00099465-00099734 been solved nano we put the food in the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00385-00099735-00099941 middle they have to figure out a way to FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00386-00099942-00100250 share it he does the same thing he opens FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00387-00100251-00100448 the door for his partner the foods in FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00388-00100449-00100750 the middle he's unenthusiastic because FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00389-00100751-00101150 she knows what's coming this is normal FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00390-00101151-00101279 chimp behavior this is not something FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00391-00101280-00101438 weird this is what chimps do the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00392-00101439-00101615 dominant gets the food okay and it FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00393-00101616-00101726 doesn't matter whether you pulled her FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00394-00101727-00101927 didn't pull and so what happens is on FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00395-00101928-00102149 the next trial the subordinate stops FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00396-00102150-00102323 there's nothing in it for me what's the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00397-00102324-00102586 point right so collaboration breaks down FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00398-00102588-00102886 because you can't share the spoils FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00399-00102888-00103123 equitably now look at young children FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00400-00103124-00103360 generally the same situation obviously FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00401-00103361-00103613 slightly different that can be discussed FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00402-00103614-00103861 as a methodological issues but roughly FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00403-00103863-00104078 the same situation here they come this FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00404-00104079-00104354 is for gummy bears in the middle the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00405-00104355-00104474 only in the middle this time you're only FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00406-00104475-00104579 going to see the one where it's in the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00407-00104580-00104768 middle and they're going to pull FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00408-00104769-00104993 together they each have their own little FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00409-00104994-00105230 ball here i'm showing you this one FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00410-00105231-00105398 because the boy on the right is going to FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00411-00105399-00105656 act like the dominant chimp he's going FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00412-00105657-00105848 to come over immediately this little boy FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00413-00105849-00106319 is slow but he doesn't take all four he FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00414-00106320-00106463 doesn't take all four he actually only FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00415-00106464-00106691 has one right now this guy is saying FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00416-00106692-00106880 there's none over here he comes over he FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00417-00106881-00107075 starts to take all the threats the other FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00418-00107076-00107801 kid says okay and they end up with two FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00419-00107802-00107986 each and in fact they end up with two FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00420-00107988-00108704 each almost every time ok and now ok all FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00421-00108705-00108920 right and they can do this as long as FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00422-00108921-00109178 you want ok they trust they build up FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00423-00109179-00109301 they know the other one is not going to FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00424-00109302-00109435 take more than their share they just FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00425-00109436-00109628 keep going and now here's what happens FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00426-00109629-00109860 when one does take more than their share FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00427-00109861-00110110 these are two little girls and they're FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00428-00110111-00110258 going to pull too hard these kids are FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00429-00110258-00110492 three years old by the way they're going FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00430-00110493-00110608 to pull too hard and they're going to go FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00431-00110609-00110858 down on the rug and this little girl FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00432-00110858-00111225 takes more FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00433-00111226-00111465 and she protests and then we're going to FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00434-00111466-00111651 put it back so now we have two and two FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00435-00111652-00111885 all right so if the other one tries to FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00436-00111886-00112152 be greedy she protests and the other one FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00437-00112153-00112359 relents so in this kind of situation in FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00438-00112360-00112653 this study this is now this is really FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00439-00112654-00113068 important okay the child the children FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00440-00113069-00113358 never protest if the if it's two and two FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00441-00113359-00113640 if the protest is I want more I want FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00442-00113641-00113862 more than I should protest if you take FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00443-00113863-00114078 any if you take one or two i'm going to FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00444-00114079-00114291 say what are you doing i want them all FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00445-00114292-00114469 that's not what they do if it's two and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00446-00114470-00114603 two they don't protest they're happy FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00447-00114604-00114864 they only protest if the other guy takes FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00448-00114865-00115231 more than two and then they protest and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00449-00115232-00115497 the other one almost always relents and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00450-00115498-00115653 gives it up and they why did they give FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00451-00115654-00115781 it up because they know they're wrong FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00452-00115782-00115986 they know they shouldn't be doing that FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00453-00115987-00116265 so there's uh okay all right that's it FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00454-00116266-00116613 all right it's not if it was um if they FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00455-00116614-00116745 already have two and two and the other FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00456-00116746-00116968 one protested which they don't but if FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00457-00116969-00117120 they did they wouldn't give it up they FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00458-00117121-00117228 wouldn't give it up because they know FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00459-00117229-00117408 two and two is ok you have no basis for FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00460-00117409-00117633 your protest so they're understanding FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00461-00117634-00117972 the logic behind dividing the spoils in FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00462-00117973-00118425 an equal way now here we really push FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00463-00118426-00118695 this to the hilt is here's an experiment FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00464-00118696-00119068 where the kids are we did the chimps in FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00465-00119069-00119202 this also and I'm not going to talk FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00466-00119203-00119358 about that but the chimps did not do the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00467-00119359-00119565 same thing so what they're going to do FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00468-00119566-00119703 is they're going to pull together here FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00469-00119704-00119919 they're pulling collaboratively and we FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00470-00119920-00120078 wanted to make life difficult for them FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00471-00120079-00120482 and so you'll see what happens what's FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00472-00120483-00120807 three two one side one to the other now FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00473-00120808-00121227 what do they do the one with three how's FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00474-00121228-00121452 that if you i'll use the economics FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00475-00121453-00121725 language an aversion to advantageous in FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00476-00121726-00122143 equity okay they are costly sharing they FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00477-00122144-00122340 are giving up one and they are giving FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00478-00122341-00122652 that one because we pull together we FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00479-00122653-00122799 should have an equal share so they do FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00480-00122800-00123048 this eighty percent of the time eighty FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00481-00123049-00123256 percent of the time they give up one FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00482-00123257-00123504 research on three year old children has FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00483-00123505-00123672 consistently shown three year old FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00484-00123673-00123856 children or selfish you give them a FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00485-00123857-00124041 bunch of stuff you say share some with FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00486-00124042-00124278 your friend share whatever you want and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00487-00124279-00124558 then they'll give one you know they just FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00488-00124558-00124758 minimum that's because they already have FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00489-00124759-00124900 it in their possession here's a FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00490-00124901-00125200 situation where nobody owns it it's out FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00491-00125201-00125310 in the open this would be like FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00492-00125311-00125500 collaborative hunting nobody owns it FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00493-00125501-00125674 it's already out there we produce it FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00494-00125675-00125908 together and now we share so we had a FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00495-00125908-00126163 control condition where they come in and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00496-00126164-00126408 it's already divided three two one we FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00497-00126409-00126547 actually had another control condition FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00498-00126548-00126694 where they pulled and they produce the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00499-00126695-00126874 three in the one separately and when FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00500-00126875-00127099 they do that they almost never share so FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00501-00127100-00127254 indeed they are selfish with stuff they FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00502-00127255-00127444 already own but this situation of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00503-00127445-00127882 collaboration promotes fair sharing so FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00504-00127883-00128151 we think this is evidence or at least FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00505-00128152-00128358 consistent with the hypothesis that FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00506-00128358-00128776 collaboration generates a sense of equal FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00507-00128777-00128995 sharing in humans naturally and it FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00508-00128996-00129168 doesn't in chimps so chimps don't FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00509-00129169-00129408 voluntarily share that much we create we FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00510-00129409-00129670 constructed a situation where they could FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00511-00129671-00129850 protect their three or let the other guy FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00512-00129851-00130051 reach over and grab their three and they FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00513-00130052-00130219 didn't care one way or the other whether FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00514-00130220-00130348 they produced it together it didn't FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00515-00130349-00130549 produce it it was the same alright so FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00516-00130550-00130798 there was no difference between FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00517-00130799-00130986 collaboration and non collaboration in FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00518-00130988-00131356 the chimps okay so this is the sharing FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00519-00131357-00131488 of the spoils you can't get FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00520-00131489-00131722 collaboration going if everybody's not FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00521-00131723-00131893 incentivized if everybody's not FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00522-00131894-00132100 motivated and if one guy's hogging all FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00523-00132101-00132235 the spoils you're never going to get FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00524-00132236-00132568 motivated so to get collaboration going FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00525-00132569-00132796 in humans you need some kind of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00526-00132797-00133084 tolerance and understanding of doing it FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00527-00133085-00133411 together now another critically FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00528-00133412-00133684 important aspect of this sharing of the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00529-00133685-00134059 Spoils is excluding Free Riders rob and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00530-00134060-00134263 others have done all kinds of models of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00531-00134264-00134461 the evolution of cooperation where the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00532-00134462-00134773 basic premise in all of them is you FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00533-00134774-00134940 can't have free riders because they FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00534-00134941-00135189 undermine the whole system so you can't FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00535-00135190-00135331 have people that wait for you and I to FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00536-00135332-00135538 do all the work and we work for an hour FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00537-00135539-00135714 hunting an antelope or five hours FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00538-00135715-00135883 hunting an antelope and killing it and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00539-00135884-00136029 they come up and say oh I'll have my FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00540-00136030-00136213 share now that doesn't work and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00541-00136214-00136543 undermines the whole system so we had an FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00542-00136544-00136747 experiment where this was done with FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00543-00136748-00136897 children and chimpanzees I'm showing you FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00544-00136898-00137131 the chimpanzee version here and I'm it's FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00545-00137132-00137377 a two by two experimental design I just FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00546-00137378-00137690 focus on the key thing which is that FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00547-00137691-00137902 either this guy FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00548-00137903-00138226 help to pull or not all the rewards are FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00549-00138227-00138436 coming to one guy and the question is is FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00550-00138437-00138709 he going to share them if he helped to FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00551-00138710-00138967 pull then he should really share some FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00552-00138968-00139099 with him because he helped produce them FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00553-00139100-00139399 all right or if he didn't pull and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00554-00139400-00139552 actually when he didn't pull it was FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00555-00139553-00139702 because this guy had both ropes and he FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00556-00139703-00139888 could pull it in together if he didn't FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00557-00139889-00140032 pull then there's no reason to share FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00558-00140033-00140224 with him he's a free rider right and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00559-00140225-00140548 what we found was that the chimps don't FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00560-00140549-00140748 care whether the other guy pulled or not FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00561-00140749-00140980 they share with him a little bit or not FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00562-00140981-00141184 so much it depends we made this actually FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00563-00141185-00141415 so they couldn't really monopolize it it FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00564-00141416-00141658 was this big mango or something like FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00565-00141659-00141966 that or so any case and with children FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00566-00141967-00142447 with children we actually had to we had FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00567-00142448-00142615 to ramp it up a little bit so let me be FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00568-00142616-00142756 honest with you the first thing we tried FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00569-00142757-00142906 they didn't exclude Free Riders very FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00570-00142907-00143164 well but then we had the kid come in FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00571-00143165-00143299 together and say no I don't want to do FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00572-00143300-00143422 that no no I'm going to play something FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00573-00143423-00143659 else instead and now the guy produces by FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00574-00143660-00143803 himself and he comes out he says now I'd FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00575-00143804-00143971 like some and they don't share with them FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00576-00143972-00144193 so they exclude Free Riders if they kind FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00577-00144194-00144442 of announce their their their intention FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00578-00144443-00145120 to not participate so what we have is FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00579-00145121-00145440 children more motivated to collaborate FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00580-00145441-00145696 better able to share the spoils in a FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00581-00145697-00145849 fair way that keeps everybody motivated FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00582-00145850-00146218 and excluding Free Riders so these are FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00583-00146219-00146698 three things that stabilize dyadic FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00584-00146699-00146982 two-person cooperation in young children FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00585-00146983-00147487 that chimps don't do okay now let's talk FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00586-00147488-00147625 just a little bit about the cognitive FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00587-00147626-00147934 side of things so cognitive adaptations FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00588-00147935-00148141 that humans might have human children FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00589-00148142-00148477 might have already for collaboration and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00590-00148478-00148750 communication I've written a whole book FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00591-00148751-00148999 on communication human-like FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00592-00149000-00149269 communication evolving in the context of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00593-00149270-00149404 collaborative activities to help FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00594-00149405-00149619 coordinate collaborative activities FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00595-00149620-00149838 joint goal and joint commitment FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00596-00149839-00150205 individual roles in these collaborative FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00597-00150206-00150415 activities a key thing is that we have a FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00598-00150416-00150628 joint goal but we each have our own role FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00599-00150629-00150829 right you're going to do X I'm going to FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00600-00150830-00151093 do why both towards this joint goal we FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00601-00151094-00151221 have individual roles FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00602-00151222-00151659 print of communication to to coordinate FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00603-00151660-00151911 this activity and this is why i said i'm FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00604-00151912-00152054 going to mention the cultural level i'm FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00605-00152055-00152232 going to mention here also social norms FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00606-00152233-00152406 at the end that stabilize the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00607-00152407-00152613 cooperation as well and this is again FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00608-00152614-00152850 shared or shared intentionality FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00609-00152851-00153045 sometimes because we intentionality we FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00610-00153046-00153416 are going to do this okay so here's a FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00611-00153417-00153726 little coordination experiment this is FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00612-00153727-00153902 kids and we have chimps in the same FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00613-00153903-00154214 thing but they just have to coordinate FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00614-00154215-00154572 on one of these tubes and this is an 18 FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00615-00154573-00155289 month old child and you cease FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00616-00155290-00155591 coordinating quite well he's going to FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00617-00155592-00155823 tease him okay he starts to put in the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00618-00155824-00155961 other one but he's kind of got a play FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00619-00155962-00156108 face and then he comes back to the other FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00620-00156109-00156408 one now the experiment is that the human FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00621-00156409-00156578 is now going to go blank he's going to FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00622-00156579-00156786 quit cooperating now what is the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00623-00156787-00157131 childhood when he quits cooperating he FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00624-00157132-00157323 says come over play your part what are FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00625-00157324-00157640 you doing come come come okay come do FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00626-00157641-00157851 your part he's got his hand stuck in the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00627-00157852-00158118 tube now it's extracts it has come come FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00628-00158119-00158397 come do your part all right so now he FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00629-00158398-00158613 comes back again so he's programmed FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00630-00158614-00158802 experimented he's programmed for 15 FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00631-00158803-00158994 seconds not to do anything and the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00632-00158995-00159203 children almost always do some form of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00633-00159204-00159393 communication beckoning pointing FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00634-00159394-00159558 something to get the other guy to FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00635-00159559-00159887 reengage in the collaborative activity FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00636-00159888-00160158 now with chimps this is a different this FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00637-00160159-00160314 is a different experiment I didn't show FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00638-00160315-00160482 the other apparatus so when were the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00639-00160483-00160623 tubes because what the chips preferred FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00640-00160624-00160836 to do is they would put the toy in the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00641-00160837-00160977 tube and then they run around to the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00642-00160978-00161129 other end to catch it so they actually FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00643-00161130-00161327 preferred making an individual game but FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00644-00161328-00161511 here's one where we made it where they FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00645-00161512-00161733 had to cooperate so cooperating here FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00646-00161734-00161973 with a human this is basically there's FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00647-00161974-00162195 some food in here and she has to lift FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00648-00162196-00162414 the door and then the human can reach in FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00649-00162415-00162588 and get it and you'll see and the point FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00650-00162589-00162756 is the human fairly early in this FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00651-00162757-00163091 sequence is going to go blank so now she FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00652-00163092-00163339 stopped interacting she's not reaching FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00653-00163340-00163754 so this is a net a human race chimp not FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00654-00163755-00164106 very happy and now just coming around FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00655-00164107-00164262 and basically trying to get on herself FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00656-00164263-00164496 so she's saying this guy stopped I don't FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00657-00164497-00164512 know FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00658-00164513-00164644 what to do but I just try to get it FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00659-00164645-00164784 myself she's trying to get it herself FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00660-00164785-00165085 now 15 seconds is over she's signaling FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00661-00165086-00165310 she's ready she's signaling she's ready FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00662-00165311-00165865 and indeed they succeed okay but notice FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00663-00165866-00166078 when the other one stops interacting she FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00664-00166079-00166261 doesn't say what are you doing why play FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00665-00166262-00166396 your part why aren't you doing your FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00666-00166397-00166621 thing she just said well stuff happens FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00667-00166622-00166801 you know and then going to go and try to FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00668-00166802-00167005 do it myself so they try to solve it by FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00669-00167006-00167152 themselves they don't try to reengage FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00670-00167153-00167395 the partner so we think we have used FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00671-00167396-00167575 this as one piece of evidence about the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00672-00167576-00167809 notion of a joint goal the child has an FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00673-00167810-00168073 idea we are doing this we are playing FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00674-00168074-00168361 this game why did you stop we're doing FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00675-00168362-00168508 it the chimps don't have the idea of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00676-00168509-00168625 we're doing it they have the idea if FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00677-00168626-00168787 you're doing that I'm doing this and it FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00678-00168788-00169015 works out now some people have asked me FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00679-00169016-00169222 they said well look the kids up become FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00680-00169223-00169399 you know collaborating with someone of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00681-00169400-00169543 his own species there's a chimp FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00682-00169544-00169750 collaborating with a human well we FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00683-00169751-00169924 actually had two human race chips doing FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00684-00169925-00170089 this and every once in a while they FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00685-00170090-00170284 would be successful but guess what FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00686-00170285-00170464 happened you noticed here the human got FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00687-00170465-00170671 it and sheridan the one who got it FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00688-00170672-00170857 didn't share it so then nobody would FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00689-00170858-00171118 pull the thing up anymore so the failure FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00690-00171119-00171607 to share the spoils again shows its face FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00691-00171608-00171973 here now the idea of a joint commitment FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00692-00171974-00172183 there's a little bit more this is FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00693-00172184-00172342 ratcheting up just a little bit from FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00694-00172343-00172594 joint goal a joint commitment the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00695-00172595-00172735 philosopher Margaret Gilbert has a FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00696-00172736-00172906 wonderful paper called on taking a walk FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00697-00172907-00173221 together the ideas i say to you uh let's FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00698-00173222-00173356 go have a cup of car let's go get a cup FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00699-00173357-00173551 of coffee in the cafe okay and we start FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00700-00173552-00173689 walking to the cafe to get a cup of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00701-00173690-00174202 coffee and I just walk off we said we FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00702-00174203-00174313 were going to get a cup of coffee how FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00703-00174314-00174580 can you just can't walk off right now of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00704-00174581-00174793 course I can walk off if I say oh I'm FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00705-00174794-00174940 sorry I just remembered something okay I FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00706-00174941-00175075 got to go do something and then you say FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00707-00175076-00175285 okay so you allow me to break the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00708-00175286-00175462 commitment and then I can do it but if I FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00709-00175463-00175654 don't ask your permission to break the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00710-00175655-00175846 commitment then we have a commitment and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00711-00175847-00176056 that means following through until we FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00712-00176057-00176275 reach the goal that we're going for so FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00713-00176276-00176527 what we did here was these kids come in FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00714-00176528-00177027 and these are this is a stick with two FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00715-00177028-00177331 buckets two bowls on it and they have FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00716-00177332-00177562 rewards in them but we've rigged it so FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00717-00177563-00177748 that this little girl is going to get FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00718-00177749-00177808 her FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00719-00177809-00178144 first her pole over here is blocked and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00720-00178145-00178810 you'll see what happens so so I actually FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00721-00178811-00179011 when I see this I see early humans I FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00722-00179012-00179185 have to tell you I see early humans here FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00723-00179186-00179328 trying to work out a collaborative FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00724-00179329-00179881 arrangement they finally get it up she FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00725-00179882-00180073 gets her reward she has to go over here FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00726-00180074-00180271 to cash it in but she's not going to FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00727-00180272-00180723 cash it in the other girl ask for help FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00728-00180724-00181014 she sees it now she sees the problem she FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00729-00181015-00181537 didn't know it at first and now they FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00730-00181538-00181894 push it on up and now they're over and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00731-00181895-00182304 cashing in see that's that's that's a FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00732-00182305-00182497 reward for them they could get to put in FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00733-00182498-00182763 this little thing now importantly we had FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00734-00182764-00183223 a control condition here where the bird FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00735-00183224-00183438 with the stick with the bowl started FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00736-00183439-00183598 right here so they just came in the room FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00737-00183599-00183738 and this girl just reached hers with no FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00738-00183739-00183951 collaboration now the other girl asked FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00739-00183952-00184128 for help they helped her sometimes but FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00740-00184129-00184387 helps are almost twice as much if it's FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00741-00184388-00184614 in the middle of a collaboration rather FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00742-00184615-00184843 than just pure help so again the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00743-00184844-00185086 collaboration somehow structures helping FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00744-00185087-00185323 your partner now that makes sense right FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00745-00185324-00185628 we're doing it together I need you if FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00746-00185629-00185746 you don't if you if you're unsuccessful FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00747-00185747-00185863 we're not going to be successful FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00748-00185864-00186181 together so I need to help you in this FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00749-00186182-00186354 case we had the special condition where FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00750-00186355-00186484 she got her first and she actually FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00751-00186485-00186697 doesn't need her anymore for her own FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00752-00186698-00186907 reward but still we had a commitment so FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00753-00186908-00187210 we finished on through to the end chimps FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00754-00187211-00187447 don't do this so anybody who's work with FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00755-00187448-00187602 chance knows we have them Ewing that FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00756-00187603-00187807 pulling n thing we changed it a little FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00757-00187808-00188044 bit so it was on a side thing they put FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00758-00188045-00188466 in chimp gets hers game over okay tough FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00759-00188467-00188715 luck for the partner but I got out of it FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00760-00188716-00188896 what I wanted out of it I got the food FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00761-00188897-00189133 out of it and so that's the end of it we FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00762-00189134-00189322 we sometimes talk about the chimp FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00763-00189323-00189552 version of this kind of collaboration as FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00764-00189553-00189823 social tool they using each other as FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00765-00189824-00190038 social tools which is quite clever okay FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00766-00190039-00190203 quite clever but it's not the same FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00767-00190204-00190464 motivation as a joint commitment where I FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00768-00190465-00190660 we said we were going to do it together FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00769-00190661-00190819 and so we're going to finish it through FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00770-00190820-00191101 to the end FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00771-00191102-00191430 here now I will have to tell you that FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00772-00191431-00191665 explicit joint commitments where you say FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00773-00191666-00191818 them out loud you make a joint FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00774-00191819-00192070 commitment out loud is not normal in FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00775-00192071-00192235 children they don't do it very often all FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00776-00192236-00192562 right so here is a case where I actually FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00777-00192563-00192724 captured one on film so I'm going to FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00778-00192725-00193021 show it to you this is a little we had FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00779-00193022-00193219 chimps in this one too you can see the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00780-00193220-00193513 site over there but the task is this we FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00781-00193514-00193789 pull together to this side and only I FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00782-00193790-00194041 get a reward but if we pull together FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00783-00194042-00194419 this side only you get a reward so the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00784-00194420-00194647 solution the natural solution is to take FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00785-00194648-00194830 turns the natural solution as we pull to FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00786-00194831-00195040 your side then we pull the my side but FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00787-00195041-00195283 where do we go first okay that's a FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00788-00195284-00195463 little bit of a problem and so these are FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00789-00195464-00195598 five year olds so they're a little bit FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00790-00195599-00195832 older and I'm going to preview it for FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00791-00195833-00195973 you because it goes very quickly you may FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00792-00195974-00196174 have trouble hearing it what they're FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00793-00196175-00196351 going to be saying is this kids they say FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00794-00196352-00196762 no here nemesis no here no here no here FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00795-00196763-00197059 and then this one stops and says but FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00796-00197060-00197287 then here okay and the other kid says FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00797-00197288-00197506 okay so you'll see that so they have a FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00798-00197507-00197749 joint commitment that okay I'm going to FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00799-00197750-00197989 pull the your side but that means next FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00800-00197990-00198985 one we're pulling back to my son okay FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00801-00198986-00199230 and so now they work it out okay now FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00802-00199231-00199429 when you have a joint commitment like FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00803-00199430-00199591 that and you don't hold your end up if FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00804-00199592-00199741 this guy took his prize and ran away FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00805-00199742-00199981 whoa okay that's going to be bad news FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00806-00199982-00200215 for his reputation all right and and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00807-00200216-00200323 nobody's going to want to collaborate FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00808-00200324-00200545 with him again so you make a joint FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00809-00200546-00200785 commitment it's out in the public that FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00810-00200786-00200965 we that we made this commitment and it FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00811-00200966-00201070 means you have to follow through or FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00812-00201071-00201469 suffer serious consequences so you can FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00813-00201470-00201664 see here these are three and five year FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00814-00201665-00201874 old children's pool together about sixty FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00815-00201875-00202075 percent of them learn to take turns one FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00816-00202076-00202234 of the really interesting things is that FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00817-00202235-00202429 some of the children took a while to FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00818-00202430-00202612 figure out the turn taking strategy so FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00819-00202613-00202747 it took them half or three-quarters of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00820-00202748-00202996 the supreme once they got to turn taking FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00821-00202997-00203206 strategy they never went back they FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00822-00203207-00203359 always stayed in the turn taking a FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00823-00203360-00203566 couple of the chimps would one time go FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00824-00203567-00203716 one side and one guy inside go to the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00825-00203717-00203854 other side and we got very excited and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00826-00203855-00203986 thinking oh boy they're gonna and then FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00827-00203987-00204277 it just fall apart so so that it wasn't FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00828-00204278-00204406 really a strategy for them it was FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00829-00204407-00204439 something FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00830-00204440-00204577 that they sort of stumbled into but they FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00831-00204578-00204751 couldn't maintain it the kids always FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00832-00204752-00205046 maintained it once they discovered it FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00833-00205048-00205288 okay now I never sort of cognitive FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00834-00205289-00205542 dimension of this is so so this is the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00835-00205544-00205735 girl side the joint goal the joint FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00836-00205736-00205927 commitment so this is something that FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00837-00205928-00206056 humans do they have a joint commitment FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00838-00206057-00206244 it has a normative force we have to do FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00839-00206246-00206407 it together once we've committed to it FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00840-00206408-00206629 and then there is the understanding of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00841-00206630-00206878 the roles involved I'm going to just FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00842-00206879-00207013 sort of let this run because this is one FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00843-00207014-00207163 of my favorite films showing it for FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00844-00207164-00207471 about 10 years now this was actually a FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00845-00207473-00207811 pilot subject for a helping study and he FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00846-00207812-00208069 puts away the he puts away the magazines FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00847-00208069-00208371 and then he's going to have a little FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00848-00208373-00208814 trouble here and the 18 month old baby FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00849-00208815-00209176 and I got here's the key part for what FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00850-00209177-00209353 I'm talking about today he says they go FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00851-00209354-00209644 there ok right and he's going to do it FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00852-00209644-00209892 again and look to the face take over so FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00853-00209894-00210058 he's telling you how to play his role FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00854-00210059-00210483 because he knows what they're all is now FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00855-00210484-00210712 now he knows what's going on now he FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00856-00210713-00210928 knows what the task is and now he's FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00857-00210929-00211204 felix is going to do it again navika FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00858-00211205-00211381 doesn't wait for him to have trouble he FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00859-00211382-00211615 actually opens it up before he even has FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00860-00211616-00211837 the trouble he knows it and he knows FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00861-00211838-00211954 what the other guys supposed to do they FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00862-00211955-00212448 go there hey hey so we have argued that FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00863-00212450-00212740 from this incredibly early age this is FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00864-00212741-00212971 this kid is still in diapers ok from FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00865-00212971-00213202 this incredibly early age this kid FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00866-00213203-00213391 understands the collaborative activity FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00867-00213392-00213565 we've said from a bird's eye view that FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00868-00213566-00213744 is he understands both of the roles and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00869-00213746-00213883 that you could play this role and I FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00870-00213884-00214039 could pull you that role we have FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00871-00214040-00214269 experiments showing that that the kids FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00872-00214271-00214489 can switch roles and actually here i'm FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00873-00214490-00214630 going to show you an experiment or that FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00874-00214631-00214810 demonstrates this with vs chimps and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00875-00214811-00215056 kids this is chimps and kids again and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00876-00215057-00215290 here's the here's the here's the final FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00877-00215291-00215617 test the final test is how well do you FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00878-00215617-00215796 play role be in this collaborative FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00879-00215798-00215992 activity how quickly do you learn it how FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00880-00215992-00216217 quickly are you skillful at role be now FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00881-00216217-00216655 what we manipulate is in a baseline FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00882-00216656-00216910 condition you're just coming in cold you FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00883-00216911-00217126 have no experience in role be so this is FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00884-00217127-00217309 a baseline how long does it take you to FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00885-00217310-00217546 learn to play role be in a collaborative FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00886-00217546-00217700 activity FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00887-00217701-00217832 the experimental condition the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00888-00217833-00218021 participant condition is you've already FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00889-00218021-00218357 played row a so you've been on the other FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00890-00218358-00218675 side of the collaboration you've never FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00891-00218676-00218837 played Roby before but you've played FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00892-00218838-00219098 role a all right and now the question is FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00893-00219098-00219332 does this help you is there value added FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00894-00219333-00219551 once you've been on the other side of it FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00895-00219552-00219788 and you probably by now have gotten the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00896-00219789-00219983 pattern of my studies and results of my FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00897-00219984-00220130 studies and know what the answer is FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00898-00220131-00220316 going to be three our children are FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00899-00220317-00220550 better if they played the opposite FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00900-00220551-00220792 reciprocal role they learn something by FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00901-00220794-00221033 monitoring the other guy the chimps FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00902-00221034-00221198 didn't learn anything they learn the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00903-00221198-00221371 role the same whether they'd been enroll FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00904-00221373-00221759 a or not so again our hypothesis is that FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00905-00221760-00221933 children understand the collaborative FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00906-00221934-00222148 activity from a bird's eye view they FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00907-00222150-00222332 understand the two roles the roles can FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00908-00222333-00222566 be reversed when they're cooperating FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00909-00222567-00222734 with the other guy they're monitoring FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00910-00222735-00222938 what he's doing trying to adjust to him FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00911-00222939-00223187 and the chimps are more in social tool FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00912-00223188-00223369 mode they're doing something FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00913-00223371-00223621 collaborative they can solve the task FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00914-00223623-00223802 they learn how to do it but they're just FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00915-00223803-00224180 not doing it the same way so we have FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00916-00224181-00224567 actually i would i'm not going to say FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00917-00224567-00224783 especially not in the presence of rob FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00918-00224784-00224957 boy i'm not gonna say finalize it we've FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00919-00224958-00225269 depicted it in a picture where we try to FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00920-00225269-00225452 say here's the essence of this FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00921-00225453-00225701 adaptation that humans have for FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00922-00225702-00225854 collaborative activity that I've been FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00923-00225855-00226208 showing you is that we have things that FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00924-00226209-00226361 we share that our joint we have a joint FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00925-00226362-00226598 goal we have joint attention around what FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00926-00226598-00226835 we're doing and but you have your role FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00927-00226836-00227084 and I have my role and you have your FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00928-00227085-00227264 perspective on this situation we're FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00929-00227265-00227492 jointly looking at this ok you and I are FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00930-00227492-00227738 looking at it together but I see this FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00931-00227739-00227981 side and you see that side so you have FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00932-00227982-00228110 your perspective and I have my FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00933-00228111-00228407 perspective and indeed we have argued FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00934-00228408-00228710 that the whole notion of perspective FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00935-00228711-00228971 which is key to human cognition what's FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00936-00228971-00229232 key to human cognition is I can I can FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00937-00229233-00229487 call the same animal a dog or an animal FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00938-00229488-00229805 or a pet or a pest I can call the same FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00939-00229806-00229979 animal different things different I can FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00940-00229980-00230141 take different perspectives on it human FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00941-00230142-00230321 language encodes these different FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00942-00230321-00230759 perspectives on things and we argue that FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00943-00230760-00231036 it's only possible if you have this FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00944-00231037-00231315 joint attention we together are looking FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00945-00231316-00231477 at something but you're looking from FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00946-00231478-00231633 this this way and I'm looking at it that FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00947-00231634-00231842 way and if you just look at one side of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00948-00231844-00232014 the room and I look out the other side FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00949-00232015-00232158 we don't have different we just see FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00950-00232159-00232338 completely different things but if we FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00951-00232339-00232506 look at the same thing but from FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00952-00232507-00232719 different perspectives then that's got FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00953-00232719-00233069 this simultaneous sadness and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00954-00233069-00233328 individuality and it's a new kind of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00955-00233329-00233700 individuality that's that's created by FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00956-00233701-00234050 this joint activity complementary roles FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00957-00234051-00234312 complementary perspectives and so this FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00958-00234313-00234548 is the cognitive schema that leads FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00959-00234550-00234696 humans down this road to having the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00960-00234696-00234864 flexible cognition that we do where we FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00961-00234865-00234996 can see things in different ways for FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00962-00234996-00235398 different purposes and so communication FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00963-00235398-00235694 is a key part of this and this is just a FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00964-00235696-00235929 the simplest experiment you can imagine FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00965-00235930-00236123 which is that she's going to hide this FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00966-00236125-00236652 toy 3 she gets him interest this is 12 FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00967-00236653-00236802 month old pre-linguistic pre-linguistic FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00968-00236803-00237138 now she's going to Center him she's FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00969-00237139-00237267 going to hide the toy he doesn't know FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00970-00237267-00237390 where it is she's going to Center him to FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00971-00237391-00237771 the middle and now she's going to point FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00972-00237771-00238089 and show him where it is and sure enough FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00973-00238090-00238298 12 month old gets it and he said well of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00974-00238300-00238455 course he gets it she told him where it FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00975-00238456-00238704 was well it turns out we've been doing a FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00976-00238705-00238842 lot of experiments in this kind of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00977-00238842-00239109 paradigm and you know you can go up to FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00978-00239110-00239316 some animal in the zoo and say they're FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00979-00239317-00239544 okay and they won't just know that FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00980-00239544-00239667 there's food there okay this FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00981-00239667-00239888 understanding this takes a certain FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00982-00239889-00240189 cognitive skills already so for example FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00983-00240190-00240666 when chimps are given this and this is FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00984-00240667-00240821 not just one study this is a whole FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00985-00240823-00241098 series of studies you point and the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00986-00241098-00241394 chimp chooses randomly okay so they FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00987-00241396-00241551 don't know and in fact they don't always FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00988-00241552-00241689 choose the opposite thinking you're FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00989-00241690-00241857 trying to cheat them to trick them FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00990-00241858-00242069 that's it's random they choose randomly FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00991-00242069-00242342 there are a couple of studies showing a FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00992-00242344-00242481 couple of little things that I won't get FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00993-00242482-00242667 into the nuances here but in any case FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00994-00242667-00242814 generally they're they're very poor FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00995-00242815-00243039 young children are very good at 12 FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00996-00243040-00243210 months pretty linguistically and by 18 FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00997-00243211-00243414 months they're almost there almost FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00998-00243415-00243678 solving it every single time now you may FE7Mwz3KvcQ-00999-00243679-00243819 say well this is because the chimps FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01000-00243819-00244062 can't make an inference at all kids are FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01001-00244063-00244254 good at making an inference they see the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01002-00244255-00244410 bucket they infer there must be food FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01003-00244411-00244563 in there but if you put it in a FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01004-00244564-00244817 competitive context so what we did is we FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01005-00244819-00245051 get competitive ecom Pete with the chimp FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01006-00245052-00245267 this is done with a human the human FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01007-00245269-00245519 competes with the chimp and then on a FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01008-00245521-00245805 certain trial the human reaches like FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01009-00245806-00245967 this trying to get at the food in the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01010-00245967-00246150 bucket but their hand is going through a FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01011-00246151-00246323 hole in a Plexiglas and they can't get FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01012-00246325-00246507 it they're trying to compete and now the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01013-00246508-00246708 chimp gets his turn now they know where FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01014-00246709-00247014 it is okay so what they're doing is in a FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01015-00247015-00247161 competitive context they're making the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01016-00247162-00247398 inference he wants to get in that bucket FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01017-00247398-00247575 there must be something good in there FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01018-00247576-00247788 okay they can make that inference by the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01019-00247789-00247914 way your dog can make that inference FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01020-00247915-00248171 also okay he's trying to get in that FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01021-00248173-00248346 bucket there must be something good in FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01022-00248346-00248564 there but what they can't get is the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01023-00248565-00248853 communicative inference and the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01024-00248854-00248988 communicative entrance has the following FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01025-00248989-00249405 structure he wants me he intends for me FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01026-00249406-00249636 to know that the food is there or he FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01027-00249637-00249786 intends for me to pay attention to their FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01028-00249787-00250305 so basically you can gloss this as the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01029-00250306-00250694 child understands that he intends for me FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01030-00250696-00250953 to know that there is a banana in the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01031-00250954-00251157 bucket okay and I'm going to I'm going FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01032-00251158-00251829 to skip those okay so the more cognitive FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01033-00251830-00252330 side of human collaboration uniquely FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01034-00252331-00252594 human collaboration is this structure of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01035-00252594-00252786 joint agency this duel level structure FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01036-00252787-00253142 and it structures us having a joint goal FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01037-00253144-00253419 with a joint commitment to which we both FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01038-00253419-00253769 are normatively committed to pursue and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01039-00253771-00254010 its structures our individual roles and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01040-00254011-00254301 our individual perspectives such that we FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01041-00254302-00254448 are able to take the perspective of the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01042-00254448-00254601 other to understand the role of the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01043-00254602-00255108 other and so this is a uniquely human FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01044-00255109-00255390 cognitive adaptations for collaboration FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01045-00255391-00255869 so humans are uniquely adapted for FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01046-00255871-00256101 collaborating with others in this way FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01047-00256102-00256416 now the second step onto culture which I FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01048-00256417-00256544 said I'm not going to i mean i'm not FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01049-00256546-00256869 going to talk about that at length but i FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01050-00256869-00257004 am going to just show you two quick FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01051-00257005-00257238 videos here of what happens at around FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01052-00257239-00257436 three years of age when children start FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01053-00257437-00257600 getting a little FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01054-00257601-00257777 understanding about culture and how FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01055-00257778-00258031 culture works and this is the following FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01056-00258032-00258308 children are of course grow up in the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01057-00258309-00258544 presence of social norms their whole FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01058-00258546-00258725 lives the adults are telling them do FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01059-00258726-00258905 this don't do this in all kinds of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01060-00258906-00259139 things but our contention is that one FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01061-00259140-00259294 year olds don't really understand those FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01062-00259296-00259475 as social norms one year olds and two FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01063-00259476-00259685 year olds understand them as mom is FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01064-00259686-00259871 telling me what to do as an individual FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01065-00259871-00260108 they're understanding it in this second FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01066-00260109-00260276 personal way their understanding is FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01067-00260277-00260591 coming from one person to another they FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01068-00260592-00260767 conform to the norms they learn the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01069-00260769-00260996 norms but here is a key behavior a key FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01070-00260996-00261188 behavior is at around three years of age FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01071-00261189-00261530 they start enforcing norms on others so FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01072-00261531-00261677 this is the famous third party FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01073-00261678-00261836 punishment that Rob and others have FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01074-00261837-00262154 touted as so critically important in the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01075-00262155-00262379 evolution of human cooperation in large FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01076-00262380-00262598 groups which is culture and later on in FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01077-00262599-00262796 evolution so here's what you see three FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01078-00262797-00262997 year olds doing what has happened here FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01079-00262998-00263420 is that this guy here has demonstrated a FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01080-00263421-00263681 game called decking decking is a made-up FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01081-00263682-00264032 word and this child saw how to play the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01082-00264033-00264281 game and then the puppet comes in and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01083-00264282-00264587 plays the game the wrong way so now this FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01084-00264588-00264773 is key its third party because the child FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01085-00264774-00264992 is not affected at all this is the game FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01086-00264993-00265247 a this is a game an individual game it's FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01087-00265248-00265382 not like it's ruining the game for the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01088-00265383-00265577 child the child is just watching so this FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01089-00265578-00265841 is a disinterested spectator and you'll FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01090-00265842-00265991 see what the child does when he plays FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01091-00265992-00266138 the gate when the puppet plays the game FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01092-00266139-00266816 the wrong way yeah no it doesn't look FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01093-00266817-00267179 like that it doesn't go out that no no FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01094-00267180-00267557 not it doesn't work like that at all no FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01095-00267558-00268114 it does look like that FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01096-00268115-00268568 now now he's going to teach you have to FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01097-00268569-00268820 take this you have to take this and here FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01098-00268821-00268981 you do it like this and now he's telling FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01099-00268982-00269212 him how it is showing him how to do it FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01100-00269213-00269533 okay so from a third-party perspective FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01101-00269534-00269785 no negative consequences on him the kids FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01102-00269786-00269939 are enforcing the norm and I know what FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01103-00269940-00270038 they're saying they're they're saying FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01104-00270039-00270179 these are little German kids that's what FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01105-00270180-00270338 that's what they're saying okay I FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01106-00270339-00270682 understand that okay we are we are doing FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01107-00270683-00270883 some cross cultural things now it's true FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01108-00270884-00271025 the German children love their little FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01109-00271026-00271333 rules but still okay this has been FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01110-00271334-00271550 replicated in America for sure we're now FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01111-00271551-00271748 replicating it in other in other FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01112-00271749-00272273 cultural settings and so but show you FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01113-00272274-00272504 one show you one more here this one is a FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01114-00272505-00272663 little more explicit this is a five year FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01115-00272664-00272945 old also we taught them a little game FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01116-00272946-00273152 here and again the child's watching the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01117-00273153-00273392 puppet play the game and the puppets FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01118-00273393-00273563 playing it by the wrong rules and you'll FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01119-00273564-00275934 see FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01120-00275935-00276183 she's instructed not to pay attention so FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01121-00276184-00277896 she's not engaging again the child is FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01122-00277897-00278093 only an observer so this third-party FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01123-00278094-00278364 intervention we had we also have studies FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01124-00278365-00278526 where it's a moral thing the other guys FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01125-00278527-00278697 getting ready to tear up the picture of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01126-00278698-00278874 somebody else or whatever they intervene FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01127-00278875-00279090 in moral transgressions they intervene FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01128-00279091-00279375 in breaking the rules so now just FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01129-00279376-00279537 following the rules is one thing FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01130-00279538-00279690 following the rules is being prudent FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01131-00279691-00279852 it's it's fitting in with the group it's FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01132-00279853-00280086 not getting punished it's conforming is FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01133-00280087-00280350 a good is a smart thing to do this is FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01134-00280351-00280584 about enforcing and it's kind of hard to FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01135-00280585-00280818 generate what is motivating the children FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01136-00280819-00280941 here if you try to think in an FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01137-00280942-00281148 evolutionary context of selfishness FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01138-00281149-00281316 what's the child getting out of it it's FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01139-00281317-00281454 a little bit hard to figure out what FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01140-00281455-00281601 they're getting out of it unless you FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01141-00281602-00281823 think of some kind of notion of group FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01142-00281824-00282045 concern orderliness things should go the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01143-00282046-00282186 way they go because that's good for FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01144-00282187-00282375 everybody and the way things go some FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01145-00282376-00282672 kind of a group minded concern does this FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01146-00282673-00282981 so children start to we would say by the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01147-00282982-00283113 way this is the age at which children FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01148-00283114-00283269 actually start beginning to understand FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01149-00283270-00283668 that linguistic conventions are indeed FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01150-00283669-00283827 conventions that there are other ways of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01151-00283828-00283989 saying things in doing things that they FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01152-00283990-00284193 have learned some language before but FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01153-00284194-00284331 they haven't understood it as FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01154-00284332-00284493 conventions that could be could have FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01155-00284494-00284673 been done a different way if you ask a FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01156-00284674-00285018 three-year-old you know if years ago you FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01157-00285019-00285222 know we had somebody had decided to call FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01158-00285223-00285423 this an elephant you know could we have FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01159-00285424-00285603 done that you know no you know you FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01160-00285604-00285786 couldn't have well why not well because FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01161-00285787-00286041 it's a pin that's so they think of it as FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01162-00286042-00286368 the word is part of it okay and by the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01163-00286369-00286740 way so we never tested chimps on that FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01164-00286741-00286860 but we did test chimps on third-party FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01165-00286861-00287151 punishment that is two chimps intervene FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01166-00287152-00287376 so if somebody steals something from me FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01167-00287377-00287622 and I'm a chimp I retaliate that's well FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01168-00287623-00287895 established by many people but if i FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01169-00287896-00288174 watch you stealing something from him do FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01170-00288175-00288393 i intervene and the answer is no Keith FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01171-00288394-00288576 Jensen study shows no third-party FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01172-00288577-00288855 punishment in chimpanzees now negative FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01173-00288856-00289050 results you somebody else may find FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01174-00289051-00289218 intervention in some case there are no FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01175-00289219-00289326 experimental demonstration FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01176-00289327-00289500 of third-party intervention there are FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01177-00289501-00289725 some of these policing things in natural FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01178-00289726-00289926 groups that probably have other FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01179-00289927-00290121 motivations but in any case there are no FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01180-00290122-00290313 experimental demonstrations that hold FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01181-00290314-00290547 everything constant a second part of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01182-00290548-00290712 social norms that's key for young FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01183-00290713-00290853 children and that we have found to be FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01184-00290854-00291030 different with apes because again we're FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01185-00291031-00291309 going to say chimps no is worrying about FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01186-00291310-00291552 your reputation we worry about our FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01187-00291553-00291753 reputations all day every day children FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01188-00291754-00291975 about five years of age we set up a FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01189-00291976-00292257 situation where this job needs a big FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01190-00292258-00292452 sticker to finish her little thing here FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01191-00292453-00292761 and this is supposedly another child FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01192-00292762-00293040 that's coming in later and these are for FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01193-00293041-00293241 her and she has more big stickers than FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01194-00293242-00293619 she needs okay so and so now the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01195-00293620-00294051 question is will she take borrow steal FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01196-00294052-00294255 one of these big stickers and the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01197-00294256-00294507 manipulation is is she alone in the room FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01198-00294508-00294735 or does she have somebody watching her FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01199-00294736-00294897 the little girl watching her we have FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01200-00294898-00295122 earphones on because if you don't put FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01201-00295123-00295311 earphones in they tend to talk and tell FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01202-00295312-00295443 the other one what to do if they have FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01203-00295444-00295605 earphones on they don't so she's just FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01204-00295606-00295794 sitting there not talking and now you'll FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01205-00295795-00295980 see this little girl who needs one of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01206-00295981-00296832 the big stickers she starts through but FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01207-00296833-00297585 no she doesn't take it okay she now FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01208-00297586-00297813 she's being watched okay so we actually FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01209-00297814-00298089 have also the situation where she could FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01210-00298090-00298242 share a sticker this other little girl FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01211-00298243-00298443 doesn't have one and so as you can FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01212-00298444-00298707 imagine if you're being watched you FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01213-00298708-00299025 share more you still less chimpanzees FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01214-00299026-00299229 don't care okay now they married you FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01215-00299230-00299379 know they do their big dominance FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01216-00299380-00299535 displays they may do something where FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01217-00299536-00299637 they want the others to think their FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01218-00299638-00299799 dominance but when the issue is FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01219-00299800-00300099 cooperation stealing and sharing they FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01220-00300100-00300252 don't care who's watching so they're not FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01221-00300253-00300381 care they're not worried about their FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01222-00300382-00300680 cooperative reputation so social norms FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01223-00300681-00301044 are playing a role to have this kind of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01224-00301045-00301209 social norms that we humans have you FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01225-00301210-00301404 have to engage in third party punishment FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01226-00301405-00301611 and you have to care when other people FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01227-00301612-00301728 are gossiping behind your back and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01228-00301729-00301920 saying bad things about you you have to FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01229-00301921-00302028 care about that you have to care about FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01230-00302029-00302268 your reputation and you have to enforce FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01231-00302269-00302466 norms third party so FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01232-00302467-00302778 um I'm going to skip those those are FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01233-00302779-00302988 basically advertisements for my new FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01234-00302989-00303150 books but I'll skip them now because I FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01235-00303151-00303270 don't have time that's that's important FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01236-00303271-00303513 these kinds of things i should say we FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01237-00303514-00303672 are just now starting to really engage FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01238-00303673-00304028 in the kind of cross cultural research FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01239-00304029-00304176 that people that people have been FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01240-00304177-00304403 encouraging us to do for a while to say FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01241-00304404-00304551 these aren't just little german kids are FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01242-00304552-00304698 little american kids but this is going FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01243-00304699-00304947 to be more general so this was one study FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01244-00304948-00305148 we did now this is important these were FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01245-00305149-00305309 the one year old things these were the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01246-00305310-00305616 basic skills that get you into a culture FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01247-00305617-00305858 so being able to imitate others being FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01248-00305859-00306012 able to understand others intentions FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01249-00306013-00306216 following their gaze direction pointing FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01250-00306217-00306455 for them collaborating with them in a FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01251-00306456-00306648 simple task and engaging enjoying FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01252-00306649-00306833 attention with them and all these dashes FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01253-00306834-00307176 mean the ages of emergence were the same FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01254-00307177-00307535 we're identical these are two rural non FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01255-00307536-00307737 literate cultures in one in India and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01256-00307738-00307982 one in Peru your typical small-scale FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01257-00307983-00308206 cultures which have a lot of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01258-00308207-00308475 collaborative things going on and in FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01259-00308476-00308654 these one year old things these are FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01260-00308655-00308820 things that emerged in Western children FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01261-00308821-00309029 between one and two years of age 10 year FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01262-00309030-00309348 and 18 months most often and they're the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01263-00309349-00309509 same everywhere and they have to be the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01264-00309510-00309653 same everywhere because if you don't do FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01265-00309654-00309873 these things you'll be diagnosed with FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01266-00309874-00310116 autism or something like that ok these FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01267-00310117-00310302 are you have to be able to do these FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01268-00310303-00310535 kinds of things to participate in human FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01269-00310536-00310689 cultures so these are prerequisites and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01270-00310690-00310931 these are universal in my opinion I mean FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01271-00310932-00311103 we're jumping it's a large jump from FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01272-00311104-00311292 three cultures to universal but I would FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01273-00311293-00311453 hypothesize that they're all universal FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01274-00311454-00311708 but now when we get the later things FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01275-00311709-00311940 when we get to social norms when we get FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01276-00311941-00312099 to cooperation and sharing the spoils FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01277-00312100-00312278 and sharing fairly and that kind of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01278-00312279-00312530 stuff now we have cultural differences FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01279-00312531-00312714 so these are things i divide the world FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01280-00312715-00312867 into one year old things and three year FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01281-00312868-00313082 old things these are three to five year FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01282-00313083-00313212 old things three to five year old FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01283-00313213-00313443 children are being really massively FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01284-00313444-00313638 affected by the practices in their FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01285-00313639-00313909 culture by the norms in their culture so FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01286-00313910-00314151 we have already a couple of published FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01287-00314152-00314322 studies showing cultural differences in FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01288-00314323-00314528 notions of fairness and what's fair and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01289-00314529-00314793 dividing the spoils so I'm going to just FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01290-00314794-00315027 emphasize that this is the basic stuff FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01291-00315028-00315278 is universal and then the more derived FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01292-00315279-00315533 stuff is going to be different in FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01293-00315534-00315805 different cultures another FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01294-00315806-00316201 he so to this universality a lot of a FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01295-00316202-00316423 lot of people if you're not from the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01296-00316424-00316597 behavioral scientists our natural FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01297-00316598-00316816 science friends will often say oh but FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01298-00316817-00317005 this behavior stuff it's so you can't FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01299-00317006-00317191 really touch it it's not well we FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01300-00317192-00317377 actually have a physical characteristic FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01301-00317378-00317665 of humans that is potentially by one FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01302-00317666-00318025 hypothesis any way related to their FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01303-00318026-00318352 cooperativeness and this is over 200 FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01304-00318353-00318583 species of non-human primates all of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01305-00318584-00318973 them have very little of this white FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01306-00318974-00319159 scelera around the eye they have white FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01307-00319160-00319345 square around the eye if they look to FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01308-00319346-00319618 the side you can see it but if they look FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01309-00319619-00319849 straight ahead you can almost not see it FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01310-00319850-00319996 some species you can see a little bit FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01311-00319997-00320197 Carl's orangutans you can see a little FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01312-00320198-00320383 bit of it but if they look straight FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01313-00320384-00320563 ahead you can you can hardly see any at FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01314-00320564-00320820 all over 200 species is all the same FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01315-00320821-00321121 humans have this what is that all about FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01316-00321122-00321361 and not only that there's almost no FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01317-00321362-00321601 variability in humans you cannot find FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01318-00321602-00321841 like people with almost no Heights Clara FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01319-00321842-00322144 you can't find a syndrome of a genetic FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01320-00322145-00322336 syndrome of people without whites calera FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01321-00322337-00322498 that it almost doesn't exist so there's FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01322-00322499-00322678 almost no variability in the population FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01323-00322679-00322852 that means very strong selective FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01324-00322853-00323209 pressure and what we did in our study FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01325-00323210-00323470 was simply the hypothesis is that this FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01326-00323471-00323596 has something to do with cooperation FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01327-00323597-00323950 that is if you are competing with other FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01328-00323951-00324118 people you don't want them to know where FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01329-00324119-00324241 you're looking we're fighting we're FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01330-00324242-00324415 going for food I don't want you to know FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01331-00324416-00324613 where I'm looking and where I see FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01332-00324614-00324823 predator coming I don't want you to see FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01333-00324824-00324961 him because I want to run first and so FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01334-00324962-00325195 he can catch you alright so if we're FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01335-00325196-00325450 competing I want to keep it private if FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01336-00325451-00325756 you watch professional poker players on FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01337-00325757-00326056 television they wear sunglasses the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01338-00326057-00326173 other guy can't see where they're FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01339-00326174-00326539 looking so so what humans are doing is FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01340-00326540-00326806 advertising their gaze direction they're FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01341-00326807-00327001 advertising where they're looking and we FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01342-00327002-00327154 would argue that this could only emerge FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01343-00327155-00327370 in a cooperative context where we're FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01344-00327371-00327544 doing stuff together joint attention FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01345-00327545-00327715 it's important I want you to know what FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01346-00327716-00327862 I'm looking so you can coordinate with FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01347-00327863-00328084 me human communication cooperative FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01348-00328085-00328252 communication has the same structure I FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01349-00328253-00328432 tell you what I'm thinking because I FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01350-00328433-00328525 want you to know what I'm thinking FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01351-00328526-00328669 because we're going to be working FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01352-00328670-00328858 together I'm advertising what I'm FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01353-00328859-00328981 thinking I'm advertising where I'm FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01354-00328982-00329152 looking that can only happen FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01355-00329153-00329332 cooperative context it can't happen in a FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01356-00329333-00329506 competitive context so this might FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01357-00329507-00329701 actually be a morphological marker that FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01358-00329702-00329908 would indicate at least a period when FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01359-00329909-00330154 cooperation became even more important FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01360-00330155-00330346 in human evolution our little experiment FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01361-00330347-00330538 here was just a show that it does have a FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01362-00330539-00330778 function in gaze following one person FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01363-00330779-00330967 actually had proposed it advertises your FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01364-00330968-00331108 health because when you have sick FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01365-00331109-00331282 looking whites of the eyes you look sick FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01366-00331283-00331444 or something but what we showed was that FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01367-00331445-00331702 we had a two by two design so you either FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01368-00331703-00331906 looked up or you look straight ahead and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01369-00331907-00332062 you had your eyes open or your eyes FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01370-00332063-00332314 closed and so the key conditions are FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01371-00332315-00332560 chintz filed ahead so if you close your FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01372-00332561-00332773 eyes and look up chimps look up if you FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01373-00332774-00332919 look up with your eyes only they don't FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01374-00332920-00333184 kids you look up with your close your FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01375-00333185-00333334 eyes and look up they don't look up look FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01376-00333335-00333505 up with your eyes only they look up so FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01377-00333506-00333766 chimps follow the head kids follow the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01378-00333767-00334003 eyes you can't jump from a current FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01379-00334004-00334207 function to an evolutionary set of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01380-00334208-00334501 conditions but it at least shows that FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01381-00334502-00334840 the lights of the eyes may be serving FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01382-00334841-00334969 the function or at least one of its FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01383-00334970-00335218 functions being to facilitate gaze FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01384-00335219-00335590 following ok so that's the end human FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01385-00335591-00335749 children and I have a very simple FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01386-00335750-00335929 message for you that human children are FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01387-00335930-00336163 adapted for cooperation collaboration in FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01388-00336164-00336403 ways that other great apes are not and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01389-00336404-00336592 that these adaptations are fundamental FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01390-00336593-00336808 to uniquely human processes of cognition FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01391-00336809-00337123 communication culture and morality thank FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01392-00337124-00339105 you very much FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01393-00339106-00339883 thank you very much Mike I said thanks FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01394-00339884-00340150 thank you very much it's not working FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01395-00340151-00340582 anyway yeah okay now it's time for FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01396-00340583-00341098 questions actually we have a few minutes FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01397-00341099-00341438 to ask questions that we are interested FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01398-00341439-00343219 in digging right over there FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01399-00343220-00343493 meh-meh comenten que se pueden hacer las FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01400-00343494-00344780 preguntas en espanol y quien quien esta FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01401-00344781-00347579 en esta FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01402-00347580-00348410 Shane hmm Jamie it's a song yeah um in FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01403-00348411-00348642 the experiment with chimpanzees and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01404-00348643-00349020 humans where they work together for four FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01405-00349021-00349307 goal do they have experience with each FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01406-00349308-00349695 other before the experiment yes that's FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01407-00349696-00349977 actually the mama that's actually their FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01408-00349978-00350330 caretaker yeah okay yeah and another FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01409-00350331-00350654 question that I had was um they've shown FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01410-00350655-00351104 experiments where dogs uh take decisions FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01411-00351105-00351294 depending on if their owner has their FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01412-00351295-00351683 eyes opened or closed um knowing that FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01413-00351684-00352014 yeah if the humid air owner has their FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01414-00352015-00352167 eyes closed then it's okay to take the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01415-00352168-00352299 treat because the owners not looking but FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01416-00352300-00352491 if it has his eyes open then now he's FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01417-00352492-00352628 worked because you might say something FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01418-00352629-00353139 mean yeah um does the the eyes have FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01419-00353140-00353376 function functionality with other FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01420-00353377-00353601 species yes yeah so with chimps they're FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01421-00353602-00353775 done a somewhat similar experiment and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01422-00353776-00354008 and with the same result that they know FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01423-00354009-00354147 if your back is turned they can steal FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01424-00354148-00354276 the thing and if your backs not turn FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01425-00354277-00354498 they can they're not so great with FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01426-00354499-00354648 looking ahead and just closing your eyes FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01427-00354649-00354921 in fact dogs are I mean there have been FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01428-00354922-00355050 compared directly the dogs are probably FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01429-00355051-00355207 a little bit better with the eyes only FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01430-00355208-00355398 but chimps definitely know whether FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01431-00355399-00355521 you're looking or not we've done some FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01432-00355522-00355677 experiments like that in other people as FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01433-00355678-00357304 well so that's quite widespread yep FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01434-00357305-00357671 well thank you so much i'm totally FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01435-00357672-00357854 profane actually but I'm worried about FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01436-00357855-00358183 more about dynamics in the sense that FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01437-00358184-00358379 human-animal interaction produce FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01438-00358380-00358634 changing socially right away so you work FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01439-00358635-00358802 with primates with having totally FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01440-00358803-00359003 segregated from interaction with humans FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01441-00359004-00359294 now that dogs have come up and saw that FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01442-00359295-00359564 out like cat maybe the question is to FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01443-00359565-00359828 which extent how do you thought about FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01444-00359829-00360044 undergoing those experiments when humans FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01445-00360045-00360257 are there I've understood not only the I FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01446-00360258-00360452 question but for example France Duvall FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01447-00360453-00360851 etc have proved that literally equity FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01448-00360852-00361109 and fairness are almost the same when FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01449-00361110-00361334 the administrator is a human interacting FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01450-00361335-00361571 with two even birds or some other FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01451-00361572-00361802 monkey's not necessarily great apes so FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01452-00361803-00362192 the question is okay what about the fact FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01453-00362193-00362501 that it's simply isolation species FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01454-00362502-00362684 isolation what might have caused and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01455-00362685-00362990 then what we could call sentence or FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01456-00362991-00363292 cognitive sending capacity might change FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01457-00363293-00363563 concerning companion animals maybe also FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01458-00363564-00363805 farm animals etc do you have any idea FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01459-00363806-00364118 about what that process might imply and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01460-00364119-00364499 why is it God cognitive intelligent FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01461-00364500-00364823 people have all an only focused on jims FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01462-00364824-00365102 why the natural and intuitive thing is FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01463-00365103-00365363 that animals that interact with humans FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01464-00365364-00365558 supposedly are like you must have FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01465-00365559-00365792 interrupted with humans it's like a FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01466-00365793-00365993 domain when you take kids are don't FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01467-00365994-00366302 interact both kids etc didn't seem to FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01468-00366303-00366455 have we don't have that experiment we FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01469-00366456-00366602 have only George of Kipling's you know FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01470-00366603-00366839 they better yeah can you perhaps sure FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01471-00366840-00367199 about this yeah and the chimpanzees that FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01472-00367200-00367364 live in different environments are FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01473-00367365-00367559 different in some ways the ones in a FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01474-00367560-00367829 while there once in an hour standing FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01475-00367830-00367973 there in a zoo setting there in a very FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01476-00367974-00368144 large area they grow up in a social FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01477-00368145-00368342 group just like in the wild it's a FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01478-00368343-00368489 smaller area but they're not FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01479-00368490-00368696 impoverished socially at all they're not FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01480-00368697-00368870 impoverished from a cognitive point of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01481-00368871-00369065 view they have to use things we have FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01482-00369066-00369278 artificial termite mounds artificial FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01483-00369279-00369525 fishing things and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01484-00369526-00369771 I would say in terms of social dynamics FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01485-00369772-00369990 of course it's very different in terms FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01486-00369991-00370224 of foraging space of large space of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01487-00370225-00370377 course it's different but the kind of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01488-00370378-00370751 things that we look at we think are not FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01489-00370752-00371085 affected in major ways by that kind of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01490-00371086-00371229 rearing history we could be wrong there FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01491-00371230-00371403 have not been experiments that actually FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01492-00371404-00371574 compare them one of the reasons is that FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01493-00371575-00371772 you in the wild you can't get the kind FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01494-00371773-00371982 of control that you need we want this FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01495-00371983-00372159 animal to wait here until this one does FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01496-00372160-00372318 something or whatever you just can't get FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01497-00372319-00372576 the control so it's an open question I FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01498-00372577-00372804 have colleagues who have the point of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01499-00372805-00372975 view that the animals in captivity are FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01500-00372976-00373320 not the real thing they're not the wild FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01501-00373321-00373626 animals and so we shouldn't make too FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01502-00373627-00373914 much of it but Hans comer the famous FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01503-00373915-00374133 Hans comer of mr. primatology in Europe FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01504-00374134-00374382 for many years actually made an argument FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01505-00374383-00374550 that went in the opposite direction FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01506-00374551-00374742 which is that in their natural FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01507-00374743-00374865 environment they're already naturally FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01508-00374866-00375036 adapted to do all these things easily FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01509-00375037-00375276 and you put them in captivity where FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01510-00375277-00375438 they're faced with problems sometimes FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01511-00375439-00375588 especially in our experiments they've FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01512-00375589-00375759 never faced before they develop FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01513-00375760-00375903 cognitive skills that they don't develop FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01514-00375904-00376176 in the wild a good example is to use so FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01515-00376177-00376446 gorillas and bonobos do not use tools in FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01516-00376447-00376632 the wild and only some populations of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01517-00376633-00376818 orangutans and in captivity they're FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01518-00376819-00377031 great tool users so if we only had FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01519-00377032-00377193 natural observations in the while we FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01520-00377194-00377307 wouldn't know that they were great tool FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01521-00377308-00377600 users we put them in novel situations so FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01522-00377601-00377877 it's an open question we don't know we FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01523-00377878-00378009 don't know and I'm just giving you my FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01524-00378010-00378309 opinion that it depends on what you're FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01525-00378310-00378432 looking at if you're looking at certain FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01526-00378433-00378648 kinds of things captivity makes a big FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01527-00378649-00378807 difference to in the wild if you're FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01528-00378808-00379011 looking at very basic things if you were FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01529-00379012-00379194 looking at color perception it wouldn't FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01530-00379195-00379338 matter whether they grew up in the wild FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01531-00379339-00379554 or captivity or wherever so is it more FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01532-00379555-00379695 like color perception or is it more like FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01533-00379696-00380136 you know some kind of subtle social FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01534-00380137-00380262 thing that would obviously be very FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01535-00380263-00380478 different in a while my question was FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01536-00380479-00380724 rather a different point of view what if FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01537-00380725-00381006 they interact in a domestic setting well FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01538-00381007-00381258 we have a couple ways with doubts I mean FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01539-00381259-00381480 which is we have that so we have chimps FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01540-00381481-00381678 who have been raised by humans several FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01541-00381679-00381915 of them know we have a haze in hays FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01542-00381916-00382185 gardener and gardener whatever and and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01543-00382186-00382383 that and what we know is that they end FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01544-00382384-00382692 up doing some things that other chimps FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01545-00382693-00382833 don't do obviously because they're FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01546-00382834-00382872 present FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01547-00382873-00383064 in this new situation but they don't FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01548-00383065-00383244 turn into humans and they have not been FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01549-00383245-00383463 tested on all the sort of tests that I FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01550-00383464-00383601 have up here they haven't been tested FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01551-00383602-00383772 all all those so we don't really know FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01552-00383773-00384671 how they would perform in those so yeah FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01553-00384672-00385502 and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01554-00385503-00385799 very dreadful a dark i like it very much FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01555-00385800-00386051 thank you thank you just a very simple FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01556-00386052-00386276 question do you think that the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01557-00386277-00386717 cooperation remains constant of more or FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01558-00386718-00387077 less constant until all age and the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01559-00387078-00387410 second one is did you think this FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01560-00387411-00387704 cooperation is disrupted could be FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01561-00387705-00388213 disrupted by hypothesis for his son I FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01562-00388214-00388415 wouldn't know anything about old age FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01563-00388416-00389405 myself but but projecting I have I have FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01564-00389406-00389708 no idea I really don't they haven't it FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01565-00389709-00390071 hasn't been older people have been FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01566-00390072-00390221 tested in all kinds of cognitive FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01567-00390222-00390398 paradigms I don't know of any studies of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01568-00390399-00390695 cooperation I don't I could imagine I FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01569-00390696-00390905 could certainly imagine less but I don't FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01570-00390906-00391547 know for sure sorry please how big is ok FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01571-00391548-00391874 I'm I get I i I'm not even sure I could FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01572-00391875-00392486 guess I'm just thinking uh yeah yeah I FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01573-00392487-00392627 one thing that does seem to happen with FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01574-00392628-00392906 old people that I that I've heard again FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01575-00392907-00393089 i'm not an expert in this is they care FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01576-00393090-00393320 less about their reputations they don't FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01577-00393321-00393458 care what people think anymore I've FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01578-00393459-00393623 heard people say it's liberating when FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01579-00393624-00393806 you get older you care less about you FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01580-00393807-00393956 the young people out here on the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01581-00393957-00394073 facebook and worried about what people FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01582-00394074-00394226 are saying about them dopey won't care FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01583-00394227-00394463 you know that's okay so I and I think FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01584-00394464-00394631 there is some data on that but but not FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01585-00394632-00395354 yeah thanks for the talk abou is huge FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01586-00395355-00395774 amount of work wonderful work not cut FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01587-00395775-00396188 off topics not polite with evolution of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01588-00396189-00396494 cooperation you refer to third-party FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01589-00396495-00396767 punishment to reputation these notions FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01590-00396768-00397046 that are importance of the theories of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01591-00397047-00397223 the evolution of cooperation and maybe FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01592-00397224-00397529 of the evolution of morality but well FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01593-00397530-00398048 you've said it might just happen that we FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01594-00398049-00398423 evolved with motivation to cooperate but FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01595-00398424-00398740 for just four FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01596-00398741-00399212 selfish interests according to these FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01597-00399213-00399484 theories corporation may be just the a FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01598-00399485-00399749 nice arrangement they advance our own FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01599-00399750-00399992 entry I understand but for the evolution FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01600-00399993-00400271 of morality it seems that we also want FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01601-00400272-00400574 some sort of other concern concern for FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01602-00400575-00400783 other Internet I would like to know FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01603-00400784-00400984 whether you think that there's evidence FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01604-00400985-00401237 I suppose for this volley volution of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01605-00401238-00401606 this goodwill or this concern for the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01606-00401607-00401864 interests of others ok I have a book FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01607-00401865-00402131 coming out in about two months on every FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01608-00402132-00402266 set which I will answer your question FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01609-00402267-00402431 fully but for the moment I would say two FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01610-00402432-00402743 things one is I caught the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01611-00402744-00402977 interdependence hypothesis that what FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01612-00402978-00403187 happens is the first step back with FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01613-00403188-00403424 these collaborative foraging is that FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01614-00403425-00403673 we're interdependent I need you now the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01615-00403674-00403913 logic even if you take the fully selfish FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01616-00403914-00404300 logic is that if you're my if you're the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01617-00404301-00404441 only person that will collaborate with FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01618-00404442-00404693 me and you're in trouble I need to help FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01619-00404694-00404864 you because otherwise I'm going to be FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01620-00404865-00405017 unsuccessful tomorrow if you're the only FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01621-00405018-00405164 person that will mate with me if you're FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01622-00405165-00405281 the only female in the group that will FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01623-00405282-00405488 mate with me I don't want to take all FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01624-00405489-00405644 the food and leave you with none then FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01625-00405645-00405845 I'm not going to pass my genes along so FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01626-00405846-00406046 there's this logic of interdependence FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01627-00406047-00406313 it's basically Hamilton's equation and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01628-00406314-00406505 you substitute for the coefficient of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01629-00406506-00406790 relatedness you so if you substitute a FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01630-00406791-00406994 coefficient of interdependence how much FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01631-00406995-00407263 do I depend on you so when we become FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01632-00407264-00407600 interdependent we start these the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01633-00407601-00407842 evolutionary selfish explanation is I FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01634-00407843-00408155 invest in you because you doing better FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01635-00408156-00408377 means I do better but I also believe FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01636-00408378-00408749 that we go beyond that and this is part FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01637-00408750-00409007 of what I argue in the book is that FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01638-00409008-00409337 collaborating in these ways yields as a FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01639-00409338-00409630 byproduct as a cognitive by-product that FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01640-00409631-00409868 I see you as an equal to me we're FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01641-00409868-00410018 working together we both have to work FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01642-00410018-00410182 together we need one another I could FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01643-00410183-00410324 play your role you could play my role FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01644-00410325-00410555 the standards for your role if we're FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01645-00410556-00410699 going to hunt antelopes the person in FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01646-00410700-00410968 roll a has to do these three things the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01647-00410970-00411118 person enrolled be has to do these three FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01648-00411120-00411407 things and it's completely impartial it FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01649-00411408-00411518 doesn't matter whether you're my mother FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01650-00411518-00411697 you're my friend whoever it is if we're FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01651-00411698-00411968 going to collaborate successfully we you FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01652-00411968-00412153 to live up to those standards I have to FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01653-00412154-00412391 live up to these standards and so this FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01654-00412392-00412592 collaborative activity generates the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01655-00412593-00412859 notion of your equal to me in some way FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01656-00412860-00413126 now notice this is not a moral FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01657-00413127-00413474 motivation I wish it wasn't true I wish FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01658-00413475-00413632 all you people weren't equal to me I FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01659-00413633-00413843 wish I was the only person in the world FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01660-00413843-00413951 that mattered and I could have FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01661-00413952-00414107 everything it doesn't matter what I want FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01662-00414108-00414320 it's not a motivation I can't help but FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01663-00414321-00414497 understand that you are a person like me FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01664-00414497-00414818 with needs and desires like me and who FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01665-00414818-00415009 in some sense deserves stuff as much as FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01666-00415010-00415220 I do you know I really want it more but FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01667-00415221-00415409 in terms of deserving its its its equal FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01668-00415410-00415639 so I think it generates as a kind of a FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01669-00415641-00415955 byproduct so this is kind of a spandrel FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01670-00415956-00416176 if you will this notion of equality and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01671-00416177-00416474 this leads to what I call in the book we FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01672-00416475-00416764 over me morality so I make a joint FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01673-00416766-00416899 commitment with you because I'm FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01674-00416900-00417068 interdependent with you I see you as an FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01675-00417068-00417347 equally deserving partner and so we work FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01676-00417347-00417514 toward this outcome where we both are FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01677-00417516-00417695 get what we both deserve which is an FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01678-00417696-00417989 equal share of the of the stuff so I'm FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01679-00417989-00418184 concerned about the we I'm concerned FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01680-00418185-00418403 about me but I'm also concerned about we FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01681-00418404-00418574 and so I think that human morality FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01682-00418575-00418913 really begins with a we and the concern FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01683-00418914-00419288 for we also i should say the kind of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01684-00419289-00419662 Rousseau ian moved there also is that FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01685-00419663-00420017 the we I'm a part of the we so the wii FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01686-00420018-00420239 over me is not they over me it's not you FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01687-00420239-00420410 over me it's not they over me it's we FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01688-00420410-00420650 over me and I'm a part of the wii and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01689-00420651-00420818 i'm in the me so it's the kind of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01690-00420818-00421010 Rousseau lien it makes it legitimate I FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01691-00421010-00421184 agreed to this I think it's a good idea FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01692-00421185-00421388 that we have these social norms and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01693-00421389-00421676 therefore I subject myself to them so FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01694-00421677-00421870 it's a kind of a cognitive spandrel that FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01695-00421871-00422695 leads to the moral conclusion and we're FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01696-00422696-00422947 all internal things I and my question FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01697-00422948-00423224 was related to the one that she asked FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01698-00423225-00423443 before about the h and cooperativeness FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01699-00423443-00423722 and maybe you said it before and I FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01700-00423722-00423974 didn't get it a what site where the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01701-00423975-00424313 chimpanzees that were comparable this is FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01702-00424314-00424478 a limitation of some of some of the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01703-00424479-00424687 research the chimpanzees were mainly FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01704-00424688-00425051 juvenile adolescents and some adults and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01705-00425052-00425228 you saw a couple of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01706-00425229-00425410 one's there so that was just that's a FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01707-00425412-00425666 lucky thing that we could work with some FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01708-00425667-00425810 of the young ones but they're kind of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01709-00425810-00426131 all kind of ages and more I mean most of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01710-00426132-00426343 the experiments they are adult like FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01711-00426345-00426596 they're juvenile or listen and the kids FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01712-00426597-00426812 are kids so we don't have enough FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01713-00426813-00427037 developmental data on chimps we have two FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01714-00427038-00427193 large-scale studies where we have young FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01715-00427193-00427541 chimps but we didn't do all the tests on FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01716-00427542-00427817 them so and do you think that maybe when FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01717-00427818-00428138 they get to sexual maturity this could FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01718-00428139-00428321 be interfering in their ability to FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01719-00428322-00428722 cooperate it's possible but we do that FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01720-00428724-00428914 the few studies we do have you saw the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01721-00428916-00429257 little one there covering and and we FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01722-00429258-00429437 don't see any difference but but it's FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01723-00429438-00429589 not been systematic and it hasn't FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01724-00429591-00429725 covered all the studies for sure but FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01725-00429726-00429860 that that's an interesting possibility FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01726-00429860-00430097 so one of the things with kids our FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01727-00430097-00430376 hypothesis about human children is that FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01728-00430377-00430502 they're kind of indiscriminate FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01729-00430503-00430885 co-operators indiscriminate altruists FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01730-00430887-00431078 until about three years of age so if you FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01731-00431079-00431218 look at these little kids these one year FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01732-00431220-00431327 olds and two year olds and they're FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01733-00431328-00431453 helping you know you know they're not FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01734-00431454-00431576 thinking about how much effort they're FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01735-00431577-00431672 putting they're not doing it you know FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01736-00431672-00431792 they're just helping and whatever and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01737-00431793-00431981 then when they get to you about three or FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01738-00431982-00432346 so that's weaning age in the normal FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01739-00432347-00432581 classic you know evolutionary FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01740-00432582-00432743 environment that's weaning age they're FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01741-00432743-00432920 on their own now now they start worrying FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01742-00432921-00433088 about being lied to being taken FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01743-00433089-00433271 advantage of and they're more selective FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01744-00433272-00433478 in their cooperation so I would say that FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01745-00433479-00433700 in some sense humans in some sense they FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01746-00433701-00433832 become more cooperative because they're FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01747-00433833-00434000 more capable of doing more things but in FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01748-00434001-00434110 other ways they're being more selective FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01749-00434112-00434342 in their cooperation whereas the kids FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01750-00434343-00434528 they just don't know any better and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01751-00434529-00434657 they're just being indiscriminately FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01752-00434658-00434870 cooperative so it's conceivable your FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01753-00434871-00435071 hypothesis is conceivable that the that FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01754-00435072-00435209 the chimps could be more cooperative or FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01755-00435210-00435385 younger ages the little evidence we have FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01756-00435387-00435575 doesn't support that but we don't really FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01757-00435576-00435830 have a lot of evidence thank you it is FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01758-00435831-00436118 true that almost all of our studies the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01759-00436118-00436334 best subjects the ones who are who do FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01760-00436335-00436724 the best for us are the juvenile chimps FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01761-00436725-00436901 rather than the old age once i'm sorry FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01762-00436902-00437512 to say okay yeah my question is about FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01763-00437513-00437810 the roots the beginning of cooperation FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01764-00437810-00438197 in human beings early on in life the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01765-00438197-00438439 rich cooperation are symmetrical the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01766-00438441-00438563 adult needs the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01767-00438564-00438731 child to do some things in order to be FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01768-00438732-00438943 able to feed or yeah what do you make of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01769-00438945-00439184 this a symmetrical cooperation and how FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01770-00439185-00439409 important will be the longitudinal study FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01771-00439410-00439705 of this cooperation before they FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01772-00439706-00440089 symmetrical yeah between equals so PHA FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01773-00440091-00440471 has always talked about the two social FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01774-00440472-00440645 worlds of childhood the world of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01775-00440646-00440804 interacting with adults where adults are FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01776-00440805-00440966 more knowledgeable and powerful than you FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01777-00440967-00441230 and interaction with peers on an equal FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01778-00441231-00441452 plane and in moral development he FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01779-00441453-00441710 proposes that you get you develop moral FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01780-00441710-00441926 development occurs as a result of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01781-00441927-00442091 interaction with peers because following FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01782-00442092-00442295 adult rules is not being moral it's just FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01783-00442296-00442514 following rules and its peer interaction FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01784-00442514-00442709 that matters and I think this notion of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01785-00442710-00442907 coming to see your partner as an equal FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01786-00442908-00443066 and as an equally deserving partner FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01787-00443067-00443237 happens with peers it doesn't happen FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01788-00443238-00443422 with adults because adults are too FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01789-00443424-00443660 powerful and you defer to adults and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01790-00443660-00443797 adults help you and you rely on adults FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01791-00443799-00444197 so I think that's an interesting idea FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01792-00444197-00444343 that has not been pursued in FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01793-00444345-00444485 developmental psychology to the degree FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01794-00444485-00444728 that it could be we've done a couple of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01795-00444729-00444835 things we're doing a couple of things FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01796-00444837-00445064 now but i think the interaction with FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01797-00445064-00445243 adults this asymmetrical interaction is FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01798-00445245-00445541 you call it leads to one set of things FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01799-00445542-00445754 and is critical and important like for FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01800-00445755-00445922 passing along cultural knowledge and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01801-00445922-00446051 learning skills and stuff you have to FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01802-00446052-00446362 have that but this symmetrical FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01803-00446363-00446752 interaction with peers has some other FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01804-00446753-00447013 advantages and develop some other things FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01805-00447014-00447766 and especially in the moral domain hello FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01806-00447767-00448076 my question refers to the cross-cultural FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01807-00448077-00448322 starving put the mic a little bit closer FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01808-00448322-00448589 just put it more closely method okay the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01809-00448589-00448766 girls cultural study and is partly a FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01810-00448767-00449014 request for further information and if I FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01811-00449016-00449201 remember correctly there were FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01812-00449202-00449483 differences between India and Canada's FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01813-00449484-00449920 in emergency of pointing yes they FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01814-00449921-00450218 collaboration yes yes it was a few FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01815-00450218-00450410 months in either direction yes if I am FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01816-00450410-00450806 correct it became it came later in India FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01817-00450807-00451018 the point in came later in India FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01818-00451018-00451300 operation game earlier I is that right I FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01819-00451301-00451651 I believe so that sounds right no my FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01820-00451652-00451864 question reversed and the painting is FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01821-00451864-00452022 earlier in india and the collaborations FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01822-00452023-00452220 earlier in canada by a few months each FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01823-00452221-00452577 and is that related i don't know how you FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01824-00452578-00452853 assess that is that related to the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01825-00452854-00453175 possibility of having more proximal FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01826-00453176-00453328 interactions between mothers and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01827-00453329-00453645 children in india in relation to canada FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01828-00453646-00453838 it's one thing and the other thing do FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01829-00453839-00454035 you think that proximity in the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01830-00454037-00454306 interaction if that is right also FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01831-00454307-00454564 facilitates collaboration and the third FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01832-00454564-00454735 question is how do you assess the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01833-00454735-00455002 intervention because usually one of the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01834-00455003-00455191 standard ways of assessing gentle FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01835-00455192-00455343 tension is a comprehension and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01836-00455344-00455731 production of pointing yes yes okay can FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01837-00455732-00456103 I remember the same it sorry let me let FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01838-00456104-00456349 me let me let me try my hand here ok so FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01839-00456350-00456535 the third money I go backwards that'll FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01840-00456535-00456793 help ok so the third one we assess joint FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01841-00456793-00456945 attention in a very simple way it was FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01842-00456946-00457126 simply the looking back and forth like FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01843-00457127-00457351 this that's not the best way but it's FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01844-00457352-00457633 just the alternating days and with some FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01845-00457634-00457858 kind of sharing type smile or emotion or FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01846-00457859-00458005 something like that so very a FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01847-00458006-00458622 straightforward way and then help me out FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01848-00458623-00459052 here what the weather there wasn't do FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01849-00459053-00459300 you think it's a there can be any FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01850-00459301-00459592 relationship between right the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01851-00459593-00459793 experience of proximal rather than FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01852-00459793-00460054 distal joint at the attention FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01853-00460055-00460237 experiences or interactions between FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01854-00460238-00460485 mother and child yeah we didn't have the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01855-00460487-00460699 kind of ethnographies that we would need FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01856-00460700-00460954 to have to know that I I just don't know FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01857-00460955-00461172 the answer to that but as possible but I FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01858-00461173-00461326 don't know and you had one end to one FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01859-00461327-00461772 more relationship well sorry whether FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01860-00461773-00462042 there was a relationship between and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01861-00462043-00462250 proximal interaction so that could be FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01862-00462251-00462489 good you speculate on yeah there could FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01863-00462491-00462982 be okay one interesting thing that I FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01864-00462983-00463147 think is possible this is totally FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01865-00463147-00463309 totally speculative and comes back to FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01866-00463310-00463483 your question is that one of the things FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01867-00463484-00463743 like you see here collaboration in the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01868-00463744-00463999 Indian and Kane example one of the big FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01869-00464000-00464245 differences between Western cultures FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01870-00464246-00464347 so-called we're FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01871-00464347-00464671 cultures western-educated industrial FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01872-00464672-00464847 rich democratic countries and more FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01873-00464848-00465091 traditional cultures is that the in the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01874-00465092-00465243 weird cultures the adults get down on FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01875-00465245-00465370 the floor and play with kids and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01876-00465371-00465514 communicate with them whatever in a lot FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01877-00465514-00465697 of the more traditional cultures the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01878-00465697-00465829 adults take care of the kids but they FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01879-00465830-00465982 don't get down and do it on the equal FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01880-00465983-00466183 level maybe the Canadian mother's FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01881-00466184-00466335 getting down on the floor collaborating FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01882-00466337-00466570 with their kids leads to these FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01883-00466571-00466693 collaborative skills where these other FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01884-00466693-00466843 kids are waiting for their peer FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01885-00466843-00467029 interactions to really collaborate but I FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01886-00467030-00467167 really i don't i'm sorry but i don't FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01887-00467168-00467920 know the answer to that hello here Mike FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01888-00467921-00468367 okay hi thanks for the no hawk hello my FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01889-00468368-00468637 question is about the evolutionary FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01890-00468638-00468805 scenario in which you think that FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01891-00468806-00468964 cooperation evolved at the beginning you FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01892-00468964-00469159 talked about hunting you mentioned FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01893-00469160-00469347 gathering also but if you look at FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01894-00469348-00469564 small-scale societies often you see that FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01895-00469564-00469764 gathering is quite individual maybe FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01896-00469766-00469951 people go together they are gathering FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01897-00469952-00470230 individually so we sit hunting really if FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01898-00470231-00470524 you think or maybe much I mean I've had FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01899-00470525-00470734 this from Sarah Hardy and Kirsten Hawks FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01900-00470735-00470985 previously so there are two things one FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01901-00470987-00471172 is modern hunter gatherers are not a FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01902-00471172-00471355 great model because they have weapons FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01903-00471356-00471618 that in a and tools enable you to do it FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01904-00471620-00471822 by yourself so the proposal is at an FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01905-00471823-00471955 earlier stage they didn't have the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01906-00471956-00472138 technology to do these things together FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01907-00472139-00472401 that's one thing the other thing is FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01908-00472402-00472630 sometimes you can do something where you FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01909-00472631-00472768 could do it by yourself but it's better FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01910-00472768-00472930 collaboratively the gathering tubers FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01911-00472931-00473155 that you saw with the women digging you FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01912-00473156-00473364 can do that by yourself but it's but FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01913-00473366-00473524 what they do is one of them watches the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01914-00473525-00473695 kids and keeps an eye out for any FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01915-00473696-00473932 whatever predators and the other one did FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01916-00473933-00474109 and the other to dig and it helps if two FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01917-00474110-00474232 of you are digging from different sides FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01918-00474233-00474703 so some of the gathering honey often I FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01919-00474704-00475027 guess is often a male activity but still FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01920-00475028-00475453 requires collaboration as well so it FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01921-00475454-00475597 could be hunting there's a lot of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01922-00475597-00475825 stories I know that again the people who FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01923-00475826-00476122 want to tell a more feminist version of FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01924-00476122-00476302 human evolution hate the man the hunter FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01925-00476303-00476650 story and but you know meat was very FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01926-00476651-00476770 important in FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01927-00476771-00476960 in the supply and kind of protein that FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01928-00476960-00477106 allows us to have a brain three times FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01929-00477107-00477331 the size of other Apes and meters was FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01930-00477332-00477656 very important in in human evolution so FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01931-00477657-00477820 i think i think it was part of it FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01932-00477821-00477997 another thing that Kirsten hawks and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01933-00477998-00478379 Sarah Hardy press on and this I don't FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01934-00478380-00478625 know and Carl I think is going to know FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01935-00478626-00478862 you talk about it in Berlin but not here FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01936-00478863-00479314 is a cooperative breeding and so I think FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01937-00479315-00479647 a lot of a cooperative childcare is a FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01938-00479648-00479806 key part so again you got one of them FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01939-00479807-00479960 watching the kids while the other one FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01940-00479960-00480227 works sometimes you the women get FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01941-00480228-00480404 together and one of them watches the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01942-00480405-00480562 kids while the others go forage and it's FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01943-00480563-00480835 much more efficient to do it that way so FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01944-00480836-00481033 it could be that the gathering the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01945-00481034-00481316 collaboration and gathering was both for FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01946-00481317-00481687 actually gathering stuff but also in the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01947-00481688-00481858 child care as part of the collaborative FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01948-00481859-00482098 activity which means we have to come FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01949-00482099-00482347 back and bring some of it back for the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01950-00482348-00482531 babysitter okay it's only going to work FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01951-00482532-00482750 if the babysitter gets her share so it FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01952-00482751-00482981 has this collaborative sharing of the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01953-00482982-00483520 Spoils component as well so the story is FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01954-00483521-00483685 about collaborative foraging I don't FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01955-00483686-00483881 know the details about the male and FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01956-00483882-00484248 female roles and that but I think both I FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01957-00484249-00484679 assume it's both okay thanks thank you FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01958-00484680-00484900 very much we have to stop here we have a FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01959-00484901-00485320 break for a coffee and but dun feel FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01960-00485321-00485527 frustrated because tomorrow we will have FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01961-00485528-00485737 a session where we can bring all the FE7Mwz3KvcQ-01962-00485738-00486307 questions that we cannot ask now thanks FG1bMmSUMsy-00000-00000000-00000229 now at the same time Secretary of State FG1bMmSUMsy-00001-00000231-00000580 Pompeo taking the lead as he should in FG1bMmSUMsy-00002-00000581-00000778 something like this has doubled the FG1bMmSUMsy-00003-00000779-00000979 number of diplomats in the liberated FG1bMmSUMsy-00004-00000980-00001425 parts of Syria Brett McGurk has been FG1bMmSUMsy-00005-00001426-00001655 magnificent at orchestrating the FG1bMmSUMsy-00006-00001655-00001850 international coalition including the FG1bMmSUMsy-00007-00001851-00002134 funding for the emergency services and FG1bMmSUMsy-00008-00002135-00002509 that is continues to go on now will that FG1bMmSUMsy-00009-00002510-00002746 in itself by getting the locals FG1bMmSUMsy-00010-00002747-00003050 empowered to represent their own FG1bMmSUMsy-00011-00003051-00003235 communities to defend their own FG1bMmSUMsy-00012-00003236-00003613 communities against a return of Isis in FG1bMmSUMsy-00013-00003614-00003917 itself stop the Iranian influence no it FG1bMmSUMsy-00014-00003918-00004154 will not but that is where the Geneva FG1bMmSUMsy-00015-00004155-00004499 process comes in to say Iran you have no FG1bMmSUMsy-00016-00004500-00004691 business in Syria you've not been FG1bMmSUMsy-00017-00004692-00004972 helpful there your militia that is FG1bMmSUMsy-00018-00004973-00005252 destabilizing in Lebanon against the FG1bMmSUMsy-00019-00005253-00005563 government the Lebanese Hezbollah and FG1bMmSUMsy-00020-00005564-00005852 their fighters inside Syria and ones FG1bMmSUMsy-00021-00005853-00006059 like that need to get out of Syria if FG1bMmSUMsy-00022-00006060-00006347 we're going to have peace inside Iraq I FG1bMmSUMsy-00023-00006348-00006683 think it's a matter of the United States FG1bMmSUMsy-00024-00006684-00007020 and NATO training mission Iraq a NATO FG1bMmSUMsy-00025-00007022-00007283 element that's going to make a rocky FG1bMmSUMsy-00026-00007284-00007534 military something that stands up for FG1bMmSUMsy-00027-00007536-00007928 Iraq and is not reliant on the on the FG1bMmSUMsy-00028-00007929-00008291 goodwill of the of the Tehran regime FG1bMmSUMsy-00029-00008292-00008578 again this is not a contest with the FG1bMmSUMsy-00030-00008579-00008953 Iranian people this is a senseless war FG1bMmSUMsy-00031-00008954-00009278 for the Iranian people to be in Syria or FG1bMmSUMsy-00032-00009279-00009569 to be trying to make Iraq into a rump FG1bMmSUMsy-00033-00009570-00009842 state of Tehran it's not going to work FG1bMmSUMsy-00034-00009843-00010049 and it's just wasting a lot of the FG1bMmSUMsy-00035-00010050-00010260 resources that would help the people in FG1bMmSUMsy-00036-00010261-00010577 in Iran if that was not a revolutionary FG1bMmSUMsy-00037-00010578-00010835 regime if it was really a government FG1bMmSUMsy-00038-00010836-00011168 that cared about its people FGN1xg77-Cy-00000-00000354-00002793 foreign FGN1xg77-Cy-00001-00002794-00003529 [Music] FGN1xg77-Cy-00002-00003531-00004222 [Music] FGN1xg77-Cy-00003-00004223-00004428 foreign FGN1xg77-Cy-00005-00007650-00010031 foreign FGN1xg77-Cy-00006-00010032-00010049 [Applause] FGN1xg77-Cy-00007-00010050-00011327 [Music] FGN1xg77-Cy-00008-00011328-00012336 figurative FGN1xg77-Cy-00009-00012337-00012455 [Music] FGN1xg77-Cy-00010-00012456-00013311 ly FGN1xg77-Cy-00011-00013312-00013871 [Music] FGN1xg77-Cy-00012-00013872-00014122 ah FGN1xg77-Cy-00013-00014124-00014416 [Music] FGN1xg77-Cy-00015-00019031-00019821 tonight FGN1xg77-Cy-00016-00019822-00020850 [Music] FGN1xg77-Cy-00017-00020851-00021588 very good idea FGN1xg77-Cy-00018-00021589-00023022 [Music] FGN1xg77-Cy-00019-00023023-00023428 creative Tax Plus critical tax FGN1xg77-Cy-00020-00023429-00026056 critical taxes FGN1xg77-Cy-00021-00026057-00026549 [Music] FGN1xg77-Cy-00022-00026550-00027161 thank you FGN1xg77-Cy-00023-00027162-00029691 [Music] FGN1xg77-Cy-00024-00029692-00030214 [Music] FGN1xg77-Cy-00025-00030216-00032129 aha FGN1xg77-Cy-00026-00032130-00034217 both males yes FGN1xg77-Cy-00027-00034218-00036502 foreign FGN1xg77-Cy-00028-00036503-00037331 [Music] FGN1xg77-Cy-00029-00037332-00039180 foreign FGN1xg77-Cy-00030-00039181-00041909 [Music] FGN1xg77-Cy-00031-00041910-00042899 foreign FGN1xg77-Cy-00032-00042900-00044568 [Music] FGN1xg77-Cy-00033-00044569-00044999 [Music] FGN1xg77-Cy-00034-00045000-00045355 foreign FGN1xg77-Cy-00035-00045356-00046166 [Music] FGN1xg77-Cy-00036-00046167-00047080 [Music] FGN1xg77-Cy-00037-00047081-00049265 [Music] FGN1xg77-Cy-00039-00054600-00054833 thank you FGN1xg77-Cy-00040-00054834-00055999 [Music] FGN1xg77-Cy-00041-00056000-00057450 mixture is FGN1xg77-Cy-00042-00057451-00057869 most important FGN1xg77-Cy-00043-00057870-00058138 [Music] FGN1xg77-Cy-00044-00058139-00058257 foreign FGN1xg77-Cy-00046-00061487-00064235 [Music] FGN1xg77-Cy-00047-00064236-00064475 [Music] FGN1xg77-Cy-00048-00064476-00065619 foreign FGN1xg77-Cy-00049-00065620-00067415 [Music] FGN1xg77-Cy-00050-00067416-00068013 foreign FGN1xg77-Cy-00051-00068014-00069597 [Music] FGN1xg77-Cy-00052-00069598-00069665 [Applause] FGN1xg77-Cy-00053-00069666-00070805 [Music] FGN1xg77-Cy-00054-00070806-00071294 foreign FGN1xg77-Cy-00055-00071295-00071579 [Music] FGN1xg77-Cy-00056-00071580-00071947 foreign FGN1xg77-Cy-00057-00071948-00074441 [Music] FGN1xg77-Cy-00058-00074442-00074745 thank you FGN1xg77-Cy-00059-00074746-00076163 [Music] FGN1xg77-Cy-00060-00076164-00076266 hmm FGN1xg77-Cy-00061-00076267-00077399 [Music] FGN1xg77-Cy-00062-00077400-00078815 foreign FGN1xg77-Cy-00063-00078816-00079037 [Music] FGN1xg77-Cy-00064-00079038-00081794 foreign FGN1xg77-Cy-00065-00081795-00082387 [Music] FGN1xg77-Cy-00066-00082388-00082515 thank you FGN1xg77-Cy-00067-00082516-00083044 [Music] FGN1xg77-Cy-00068-00083045-00083694 foreign FGN1xg77-Cy-00069-00083695-00084682 [Music] FGN1xg77-Cy-00070-00084683-00085573 foreign FGN1xg77-Cy-00071-00085574-00085769 tragic thrilling stunning family FGN1xg77-Cy-00072-00085770-00086050 sentiment story FGN1xg77-Cy-00073-00086051-00086561 Cinema FGN1xg77-Cy-00074-00086562-00086759 mm-hmm FGN1xg77-Cy-00075-00086760-00087161 audio FGN1xg77-Cy-00076-00087162-00088957 foreign FGN1xg77-Cy-00077-00088958-00089506 [Music] FGN1xg77-Cy-00078-00089507-00090078 foreign FGN1xg77-Cy-00079-00090079-00090553 [Music] FGN1xg77-Cy-00080-00090554-00090813 [Applause] FGN1xg77-Cy-00081-00090814-00092087 [Music] FGN1xg77-Cy-00082-00092088-00092303 foreign FGN1xg77-Cy-00083-00092304-00094204 [Music] FGN1xg77-Cy-00084-00094205-00095009 [Music] FGN1xg77-Cy-00085-00095010-00097900 foreign FGN1xg77-Cy-00086-00097901-00098356 General FGN1xg77-Cy-00087-00098357-00098634 cheers FGN1xg77-Cy-00088-00098635-00099509 [Music] FGN1xg77-Cy-00090-00103405-00104434 [Music] FGN1xg77-Cy-00091-00104435-00105789 foreign FGN1xg77-Cy-00092-00105790-00106633 [Music] FGN1xg77-Cy-00093-00106634-00106910 [Music] FGN1xg77-Cy-00094-00106911-00107049 [Applause] FGN1xg77-Cy-00095-00107050-00107884 [Music] FGN1xg77-Cy-00096-00107885-00108718 foreign FGN1xg77-Cy-00098-00112126-00112625 [Music] FGN1xg77-Cy-00099-00112626-00115408 foreign FGN1xg77-Cy-00100-00115409-00116660 foreign FGN1xg77-Cy-00101-00116661-00117036 [Music] FGWN6cnWNj4-00000-00000059-00000159 foreign FGWN6cnWNj4-00001-00000160-00001410 [Music] FGWN6cnWNj4-00002-00001411-00003179 [Music] FGWN6cnWNj4-00003-00003180-00003699 foreign FGWN6cnWNj4-00004-00003700-00005977 [Music] FGWN6cnWNj4-00005-00005978-00006893 [Music] FGWN6cnWNj4-00006-00006894-00007360 [Music] FGWN6cnWNj4-00007-00007361-00007438 foreign FGWN6cnWNj4-00008-00007439-00008426 [Music] FGWN6cnWNj4-00009-00008427-00009440 [Music] FGWN6cnWNj4-00010-00009441-00010500 [Music] FGWN6cnWNj4-00011-00010501-00010877 [Music] FGWN6cnWNj4-00012-00010878-00011186 please FGWN6cnWNj4-00014-00014376-00015606 foreign FGWN6cnWNj4-00015-00015607-00018322 [Music] FGWN6cnWNj4-00016-00018323-00020837 thank you FGWN6cnWNj4-00017-00020838-00021455 [Music] FGWN6cnWNj4-00018-00021456-00023849 thank you FGWN6cnWNj4-00019-00023850-00024197 she might bhagavatam Kanto one FGWN6cnWNj4-00020-00024198-00024508 chapter 15. FGWN6cnWNj4-00021-00024509-00024803 chapters entitled The pandavas retired FGWN6cnWNj4-00022-00024804-00025330 timely and this is verse 43. FGWN6cnWNj4-00023-00025331-00025900 thank you FGWN6cnWNj4-00024-00025901-00026266 um FGWN6cnWNj4-00025-00026267-00026683 [Music] FGWN6cnWNj4-00026-00026685-00028564 [Applause] FGWN6cnWNj4-00027-00028566-00028757 foreign FGWN6cnWNj4-00030-00035928-00036122 foreign FGWN6cnWNj4-00031-00036123-00036920 [Music] FGWN6cnWNj4-00032-00036921-00037485 [Music] FGWN6cnWNj4-00033-00037486-00039346 [Music] FGWN6cnWNj4-00034-00039347-00041061 anyone else FGWN6cnWNj4-00035-00041062-00043205 [Music] FGWN6cnWNj4-00036-00043206-00043733 foreign FGWN6cnWNj4-00037-00043734-00045874 [Music] FGWN6cnWNj4-00038-00045875-00046840 [Music] FGWN6cnWNj4-00039-00046841-00047057 thank you FGWN6cnWNj4-00040-00047058-00048007 any ladies any ladies FGWN6cnWNj4-00041-00048008-00048635 accepted torn clothing FGWN6cnWNj4-00042-00048636-00049295 gave up all solid food stuff FGWN6cnWNj4-00043-00049296-00049877 talking FGWN6cnWNj4-00044-00049878-00050227 untied his hair FGWN6cnWNj4-00045-00050228-00050423 darshayan FGWN6cnWNj4-00046-00050424-00050657 began to show FGWN6cnWNj4-00047-00050658-00050843 at Mana FGWN6cnWNj4-00048-00050844-00051223 of himself FGWN6cnWNj4-00049-00051224-00051485 bodily features FGWN6cnWNj4-00050-00051486-00051635 Jada FGWN6cnWNj4-00051-00051636-00051779 inert FGWN6cnWNj4-00052-00051779-00051946 Mata FGWN6cnWNj4-00053-00051947-00052152 mad FGWN6cnWNj4-00054-00052153-00052426 cha but FGWN6cnWNj4-00055-00052427-00053176 just like an urchin FGWN6cnWNj4-00056-00053177-00053788 without waiting for FGWN6cnWNj4-00057-00053789-00054215 was situated FGWN6cnWNj4-00058-00054216-00054437 without hearing FGWN6cnWNj4-00059-00054438-00054641 bandira FGWN6cnWNj4-00060-00054641-00054953 just like a deaf man FGWN6cnWNj4-00061-00054954-00055097 guitar FGWN6cnWNj4-00062-00055098-00055300 as if FGWN6cnWNj4-00063-00055301-00055523 so we're hearing towards the vinyl FGWN6cnWNj4-00064-00055524-00055804 stages where yudistir Maharaja is giving FGWN6cnWNj4-00065-00055805-00055921 up FGWN6cnWNj4-00066-00055922-00056309 all material attachments now he's giving FGWN6cnWNj4-00067-00056310-00056680 up all activities not only attachments FGWN6cnWNj4-00068-00056682-00056776 but FGWN6cnWNj4-00069-00056777-00057065 he's giving up everything FGWN6cnWNj4-00070-00057066-00057382 and hearing the verse is after that FGWN6cnWNj4-00071-00057383-00057725 Maharaj sudister dressed himself in torn FGWN6cnWNj4-00072-00057726-00057850 clothing FGWN6cnWNj4-00073-00057851-00058194 gave up eating all solid foods FGWN6cnWNj4-00074-00058195-00058487 voluntarily became dumb and let his hair FGWN6cnWNj4-00075-00058488-00058625 hang loose FGWN6cnWNj4-00076-00058626-00058835 all this combined to make him look like FGWN6cnWNj4-00077-00058836-00059285 an urchin or a Madman with no occupation FGWN6cnWNj4-00078-00059286-00059500 he did not depend on his brothers or FGWN6cnWNj4-00079-00059501-00059782 anything and just like a deaf man he FGWN6cnWNj4-00080-00059783-00060059 heard nothing FGWN6cnWNj4-00081-00060060-00060335 Krishna FGWN6cnWNj4-00082-00060336-00060604 purple thus being freed from all FGWN6cnWNj4-00083-00060605-00060832 external Affairs he had nothing to do FGWN6cnWNj4-00084-00060833-00061126 with Imperial life or family Prestige FGWN6cnWNj4-00085-00061127-00061469 and for all practical purposes he posed FGWN6cnWNj4-00086-00061470-00061865 himself exactly like an inert man mad FGWN6cnWNj4-00087-00061866-00062147 urchin and did not speak of material FGWN6cnWNj4-00088-00062148-00062266 affairs FGWN6cnWNj4-00089-00062267-00062525 he had no dependence on his brothers who FGWN6cnWNj4-00090-00062526-00062788 had all along been helping him FGWN6cnWNj4-00091-00062789-00063059 this stage of complete independence from FGWN6cnWNj4-00092-00063060-00063226 everything is called FGWN6cnWNj4-00093-00063227-00063599 also called the purified stage of FGWN6cnWNj4-00094-00063600-00064615 fearlessness FGWN6cnWNj4-00095-00064616-00066763 [Music] FGWN6cnWNj4-00097-00069936-00070409 and so they wrote 30 43 and 44 in the FGWN6cnWNj4-00098-00070410-00070517 born FGWN6cnWNj4-00099-00070518-00070744 so they want me to read that verse too FGWN6cnWNj4-00100-00070745-00070943 so I will FGWN6cnWNj4-00101-00070944-00071176 then it continues he then started FGWN6cnWNj4-00102-00071177-00071344 towards the North FGWN6cnWNj4-00103-00071345-00071561 shredding the path accepted by his FGWN6cnWNj4-00104-00071562-00071800 forefathers and great men FGWN6cnWNj4-00105-00071801-00072029 and devoted himself completely to the FGWN6cnWNj4-00106-00072030-00072226 thought of the Supreme personality of FGWN6cnWNj4-00107-00072227-00072329 godhead FGWN6cnWNj4-00108-00072330-00072593 and he lived in that way wherever he FGWN6cnWNj4-00109-00072594-00072694 went FGWN6cnWNj4-00110-00072695-00072976 so this is a longer report FGWN6cnWNj4-00111-00072977-00073199 it is understood from this verse that FGWN6cnWNj4-00112-00073200-00073450 Maharaja are followed in the footsteps FGWN6cnWNj4-00113-00073451-00073691 of his forefathers and the great FGWN6cnWNj4-00114-00073692-00073871 devotees of the Lord FGWN6cnWNj4-00115-00073872-00074153 we have discussed many times before that FGWN6cnWNj4-00116-00074154-00074393 the system of an ashram Dharma FGWN6cnWNj4-00117-00074394-00074579 as was strictly followed by the FGWN6cnWNj4-00118-00074580-00074861 inhabitants of the world specifically by FGWN6cnWNj4-00119-00074862-00075125 those who inhabited the arabata province FGWN6cnWNj4-00120-00075126-00075238 of the world FGWN6cnWNj4-00121-00075239-00075509 emphasizes the importance of leaving all FGWN6cnWNj4-00122-00075510-00075755 household connections at a certain stage FGWN6cnWNj4-00123-00075756-00075923 in life FGWN6cnWNj4-00124-00075924-00076175 the training in education was so FGWN6cnWNj4-00125-00076176-00076517 delivered and thus a repair respectable FGWN6cnWNj4-00126-00076518-00076876 person like Maharaj udistir had to leave FGWN6cnWNj4-00127-00076877-00077026 all family connection for FGWN6cnWNj4-00128-00077027-00077387 self-realization and going back to FGWN6cnWNj4-00129-00077388-00077488 godhead FGWN6cnWNj4-00130-00077489-00077800 no king or respectable gentleman would FGWN6cnWNj4-00131-00077801-00078100 continue Family Life till the end FGWN6cnWNj4-00132-00078101-00078437 because that was considered suicidal and FGWN6cnWNj4-00133-00078438-00078605 against the interests of the Perfection FGWN6cnWNj4-00134-00078606-00078821 of human life FGWN6cnWNj4-00135-00078822-00079019 in order to be free from all family FGWN6cnWNj4-00136-00079020-00079235 encumbrances FGWN6cnWNj4-00137-00079236-00079606 and devoted and devote oneself sent FGWN6cnWNj4-00138-00079607-00079835 percent in a devotional service of the FGWN6cnWNj4-00139-00079836-00080099 Lord this system is recommended for FGWN6cnWNj4-00140-00080100-00080350 everyone because it is the path of FGWN6cnWNj4-00141-00080351-00080488 authority FGWN6cnWNj4-00142-00080489-00080723 the Lord instructs in the bhagavad-gita FGWN6cnWNj4-00143-00080724-00080938 that one must become a devotee of the FGWN6cnWNj4-00144-00080939-00081262 Lord at least at the last stage of one's FGWN6cnWNj4-00145-00081263-00081341 life FGWN6cnWNj4-00146-00081342-00081665 a sincere soul of the Lord like Maharaja FGWN6cnWNj4-00147-00081666-00081953 judistir must abide by this instruction FGWN6cnWNj4-00148-00081954-00082265 of the Lord for his own interest FGWN6cnWNj4-00149-00082266-00082606 the specific words Brahma Parma param FGWN6cnWNj4-00150-00082607-00082949 indicate Lord Krishna this is FGWN6cnWNj4-00151-00082950-00083147 corroborated in the bhagavad-gita by FGWN6cnWNj4-00152-00083148-00083321 Arjun with reference to Great FGWN6cnWNj4-00153-00083322-00083699 authorities like aceto Devilla Narda and FGWN6cnWNj4-00154-00083700-00084059 Vias FGWN6cnWNj4-00155-00084060-00084281 thus Maharaja used here while leaving FGWN6cnWNj4-00156-00084282-00084509 home for the north constantly remembered FGWN6cnWNj4-00157-00084510-00084725 Lord Krishna within himself FGWN6cnWNj4-00158-00084726-00084953 following the footsteps of his FGWN6cnWNj4-00159-00084954-00085132 forefathers as well as the Great FGWN6cnWNj4-00160-00085133-00086007 devotees of all times FGWN6cnWNj4-00161-00086008-00087371 [Music] FGWN6cnWNj4-00162-00087372-00088391 foreign FGWN6cnWNj4-00163-00088392-00088756 so as there is a system for living in FGWN6cnWNj4-00164-00088757-00088865 the world FGWN6cnWNj4-00165-00088866-00089105 there is a system for getting out of the FGWN6cnWNj4-00166-00089106-00089375 world FGWN6cnWNj4-00167-00089376-00089597 and this system for getting out of the FGWN6cnWNj4-00168-00089598-00089687 world FGWN6cnWNj4-00169-00089688-00089909 is very simple FGWN6cnWNj4-00170-00089910-00090197 one has to detach themselves from all FGWN6cnWNj4-00171-00090198-00090406 worldly activities FGWN6cnWNj4-00172-00090407-00090712 and it says here at least FGWN6cnWNj4-00173-00090713-00091055 at the very end of one's life FGWN6cnWNj4-00174-00091056-00091259 this may not happen FGWN6cnWNj4-00175-00091260-00091487 in the early part of his life because FGWN6cnWNj4-00176-00091488-00091823 usually it's very difficult FGWN6cnWNj4-00177-00091824-00092321 four people to not want to go experience FGWN6cnWNj4-00178-00092322-00092747 their materialistic ideas and Adventures FGWN6cnWNj4-00179-00092748-00093047 when we come into this world we are FGWN6cnWNj4-00180-00093048-00093335 surrounded by so many arrangements made FGWN6cnWNj4-00181-00093336-00093671 for our material activities FGWN6cnWNj4-00182-00093672-00094109 such as such as family responsibilities FGWN6cnWNj4-00183-00094110-00094356 getting involved with education FGWN6cnWNj4-00184-00094357-00094618 completing education and getting a good FGWN6cnWNj4-00185-00094619-00094831 position in society FGWN6cnWNj4-00186-00094832-00095117 establishing one's own family and then FGWN6cnWNj4-00187-00095118-00095321 supporting that family through FGWN6cnWNj4-00188-00095322-00095585 occupation and other activities FGWN6cnWNj4-00189-00095586-00095723 and dealing with all the FGWN6cnWNj4-00190-00095724-00095968 responsibilities that come FGWN6cnWNj4-00191-00095969-00096244 this is material life and usually FGWN6cnWNj4-00192-00096245-00096406 everyone goes through FGWN6cnWNj4-00193-00096407-00096988 so in order to make it what we say FGWN6cnWNj4-00194-00096989-00097300 natural for the living entity FGWN6cnWNj4-00195-00097301-00097631 gradually one should move away from FGWN6cnWNj4-00196-00097632-00097955 these activities and ultimately come to FGWN6cnWNj4-00197-00097956-00098237 in the later stage of one's life to FGWN6cnWNj4-00198-00098238-00098494 complete surrender to the Supreme Lord FGWN6cnWNj4-00199-00098495-00098873 in devotion and that means one has to FGWN6cnWNj4-00200-00098874-00099191 very carefully and systematically FGWN6cnWNj4-00201-00099192-00099431 relieve oneself of all material FGWN6cnWNj4-00202-00099432-00099629 responsibilities FGWN6cnWNj4-00203-00099630-00099887 because as it's very sin in the FGWN6cnWNj4-00204-00099888-00100085 scriptures that is ultimately the goal FGWN6cnWNj4-00205-00100086-00100187 of life FGWN6cnWNj4-00206-00100188-00100438 is to again awaken our loving FGWN6cnWNj4-00207-00100439-00100768 relationship with Krishna and then reach FGWN6cnWNj4-00208-00100769-00101099 receive the reward of that love by it FGWN6cnWNj4-00209-00101100-00101315 returning to Christian the spiritual FGWN6cnWNj4-00210-00101316-00101411 world FGWN6cnWNj4-00211-00101412-00101729 and engaging in our real activities as a FGWN6cnWNj4-00212-00101730-00101999 pure Spirit Soul serving the lord in FGWN6cnWNj4-00213-00102000-00102226 loving devotion FGWN6cnWNj4-00214-00102227-00102604 so this process is there then here it's FGWN6cnWNj4-00215-00102605-00102832 mentioned there is a system by which one FGWN6cnWNj4-00216-00102833-00102947 does that FGWN6cnWNj4-00217-00102948-00103265 and that is called the van ashram system FGWN6cnWNj4-00218-00103266-00103528 normally in the beginning of Life when FGWN6cnWNj4-00219-00103529-00103744 one enters into spiritual life they FGWN6cnWNj4-00220-00103745-00104075 practice what is called brahmacharya FGWN6cnWNj4-00221-00104076-00104386 and in that stage of development they FGWN6cnWNj4-00222-00104388-00104789 learn how to serve the spiritual master FGWN6cnWNj4-00223-00104790-00105154 how to engage in various activities that FGWN6cnWNj4-00224-00105155-00105310 please the Lord FGWN6cnWNj4-00225-00105311-00105883 how to understand and and to also FGWN6cnWNj4-00226-00105883-00106343 speak shastra acknowledge read study and FGWN6cnWNj4-00227-00106344-00106607 speak shastra acknowledge and gradually FGWN6cnWNj4-00228-00106608-00106966 learn Detachment from the material world FGWN6cnWNj4-00229-00106967-00107302 and then there is a choice after that FGWN6cnWNj4-00230-00107303-00107627 matures to us so that one can move on or FGWN6cnWNj4-00231-00107628-00107969 move to the grihasana ashram except the FGWN6cnWNj4-00232-00107970-00108227 wife and develop what is called family FGWN6cnWNj4-00233-00108228-00108328 life FGWN6cnWNj4-00234-00108329-00108599 and practice Krishna Consciousness in FGWN6cnWNj4-00235-00108600-00108736 that atmosphere FGWN6cnWNj4-00236-00108738-00109084 along with developing children and FGWN6cnWNj4-00237-00109085-00109402 teaching them the process of devotional FGWN6cnWNj4-00238-00109403-00109528 service FGWN6cnWNj4-00239-00109529-00109895 gradually as one as the children grow up FGWN6cnWNj4-00240-00109896-00110260 and then they go on into their own life FGWN6cnWNj4-00241-00110261-00110483 and take on their own responsibilities FGWN6cnWNj4-00242-00110483-00110795 and then the family activities reduce FGWN6cnWNj4-00243-00110796-00111077 and then as the man and Wyman women get FGWN6cnWNj4-00244-00111078-00111358 older the man starts to look towards FGWN6cnWNj4-00245-00111359-00111647 renunciation of all material activities FGWN6cnWNj4-00246-00111648-00111916 and he takes Divana prosta FGWN6cnWNj4-00247-00111917-00112151 in that one of prostate he still he FGWN6cnWNj4-00248-00112152-00112373 engages in devotional service along with FGWN6cnWNj4-00249-00112374-00112613 the other devotees FGWN6cnWNj4-00250-00112614-00112966 and the woman goes to a holy place she FGWN6cnWNj4-00251-00112967-00113189 has no more responsibilities with family FGWN6cnWNj4-00252-00113190-00113465 and lives her life in a holy Place FGWN6cnWNj4-00253-00113466-00113777 serving the main deity in that Holy FGWN6cnWNj4-00254-00113778-00114052 place and then she will return back to FGWN6cnWNj4-00255-00114053-00114508 godhead dedicating her life to the Lord FGWN6cnWNj4-00256-00114509-00114778 and then the man in his final stage of FGWN6cnWNj4-00257-00114779-00115019 Life takes complete Detachment from FGWN6cnWNj4-00258-00115020-00115373 everything and takes the sunniass order FGWN6cnWNj4-00259-00115374-00115534 now FGWN6cnWNj4-00260-00115535-00115763 it was very difficult for people to FGWN6cnWNj4-00261-00115764-00116051 actually follow that process so Sheila FGWN6cnWNj4-00262-00116052-00116399 bhakti siddhante Sarah Swati FGWN6cnWNj4-00263-00116400-00116716 is FGWN6cnWNj4-00264-00116717-00117071 spiritual Master took the sanyas ashram FGWN6cnWNj4-00265-00117072-00117419 and divided into four categories FGWN6cnWNj4-00266-00117420-00117823 which was FGWN6cnWNj4-00267-00117824-00118051 bahudak FGWN6cnWNj4-00268-00118052-00118519 pariva jackacharja and parmahansa FGWN6cnWNj4-00269-00118520-00118775 kutichak means that FGWN6cnWNj4-00270-00118776-00119104 one still lives in the village where FGWN6cnWNj4-00271-00119105-00119410 they were performing a living before FGWN6cnWNj4-00272-00119411-00119831 and be detaches their activities in in FGWN6cnWNj4-00273-00119832-00120058 family life doesn't perform any more FGWN6cnWNj4-00274-00120059-00120334 activities but they live in the village FGWN6cnWNj4-00275-00120335-00120652 Bahu doc means that they move out of a FGWN6cnWNj4-00276-00120653-00120793 particular FGWN6cnWNj4-00277-00120794-00121036 dominant domain that they're living in FGWN6cnWNj4-00278-00121038-00121289 and go around in the Village area FGWN6cnWNj4-00279-00121290-00121528 begging food and living simply on FGWN6cnWNj4-00280-00121529-00121715 whatever they receive FGWN6cnWNj4-00281-00121716-00121919 that helps them to come to develop FGWN6cnWNj4-00282-00121920-00122254 Detachment and more dependence on the FGWN6cnWNj4-00283-00122255-00122525 Supreme personality of godhead FGWN6cnWNj4-00284-00122526-00122801 as that becomes developed and mature the FGWN6cnWNj4-00285-00122802-00123065 third stage is parivakajario FGWN6cnWNj4-00286-00123066-00123281 where they start to wander and travel FGWN6cnWNj4-00287-00123282-00123449 all over the world FGWN6cnWNj4-00288-00123450-00123652 and start to preach Krishna FGWN6cnWNj4-00289-00123653-00123857 Consciousness in different places around FGWN6cnWNj4-00290-00123858-00124031 the world in different Villages and FGWN6cnWNj4-00291-00124032-00124195 different towns FGWN6cnWNj4-00292-00124196-00124402 enlightening others FGWN6cnWNj4-00293-00124403-00124702 when that matures to the stage of FGWN6cnWNj4-00294-00124703-00124925 perfection in other words when one has FGWN6cnWNj4-00295-00124926-00125152 developed full realization of Krishna FGWN6cnWNj4-00296-00125153-00125489 through that process then one can retire FGWN6cnWNj4-00297-00125490-00125857 to a holy place and simply finish their FGWN6cnWNj4-00298-00125858-00126143 spiritual life simply meditating on the FGWN6cnWNj4-00299-00126144-00126395 Supreme personality of godhead FGWN6cnWNj4-00300-00126396-00126665 that is the traditional system that is FGWN6cnWNj4-00301-00126666-00126977 not the iskcon system FGWN6cnWNj4-00302-00126978-00127199 the iskcon system is a little different FGWN6cnWNj4-00303-00127200-00127504 is that from the very beginning of Life FGWN6cnWNj4-00304-00127505-00127951 you detach for everything FGWN6cnWNj4-00305-00127952-00128183 and then as you perform Krishna FGWN6cnWNj4-00306-00128183-00128663 conscious you become more attached FGWN6cnWNj4-00307-00128664-00128927 which is not supposed to happen FGWN6cnWNj4-00308-00128928-00129277 but it does we get attached to our FGWN6cnWNj4-00309-00129278-00129551 little cubicle where we keep all our FGWN6cnWNj4-00310-00129552-00129649 stuff FGWN6cnWNj4-00311-00129650-00129893 we get attached at a place where we FGWN6cnWNj4-00312-00129894-00130151 sleep on the floor every day FGWN6cnWNj4-00313-00130152-00130360 we get attached to the purushottam FGWN6cnWNj4-00314-00130361-00130663 making sure it's the the kind I like FGWN6cnWNj4-00315-00130664-00131014 so we developed some and say well it FGWN6cnWNj4-00316-00131015-00131243 shouldn't happen like that but the idea FGWN6cnWNj4-00317-00131244-00131519 is that devotional service FGWN6cnWNj4-00318-00131520-00132004 is actually cannot wait to old age FGWN6cnWNj4-00319-00132005-00132311 because especially in kala yoga people FGWN6cnWNj4-00320-00132312-00132539 don't live so long FGWN6cnWNj4-00321-00132540-00132816 um FGWN6cnWNj4-00322-00132817-00133139 this age the duration of life is FGWN6cnWNj4-00323-00133140-00133409 decreased simply by the atmosphere FGWN6cnWNj4-00324-00133410-00133619 and because the atmosphere is so FGWN6cnWNj4-00325-00133620-00133895 permeated with sinful activities and FGWN6cnWNj4-00326-00133896-00134064 also FGWN6cnWNj4-00327-00134065-00134407 people are not accustomed to to FGWN6cnWNj4-00328-00134408-00134728 renunciation and at the same time FGWN6cnWNj4-00329-00134729-00134959 practice devotional service it is FGWN6cnWNj4-00330-00134960-00135293 recommended that one take up the FGWN6cnWNj4-00331-00135294-00135514 devotional service very quickly just FGWN6cnWNj4-00332-00135515-00135778 like you see Sheila prabhupan FGWN6cnWNj4-00333-00135779-00136061 he came to the Western world FGWN6cnWNj4-00334-00136062-00136247 and uh FGWN6cnWNj4-00335-00136248-00136487 you'll see the people that came to him FGWN6cnWNj4-00336-00136488-00136702 when he was preaching Krishna conscious FGWN6cnWNj4-00337-00136703-00136973 he was allowing anyone and everyone to FGWN6cnWNj4-00338-00136974-00137207 come and hear his lectures and take part FGWN6cnWNj4-00339-00137208-00137399 in the programs FGWN6cnWNj4-00340-00137400-00137752 but only the young people came FGWN6cnWNj4-00341-00137753-00138059 we found hardly anyone who was elderly FGWN6cnWNj4-00342-00138060-00138401 coming because as Prophet said it's very FGWN6cnWNj4-00343-00138402-00138652 hard to preach to the old fools FGWN6cnWNj4-00344-00138653-00138766 thank you FGWN6cnWNj4-00345-00138767-00139025 because they're so set in their own ways FGWN6cnWNj4-00346-00139026-00139349 that they can't change FGWN6cnWNj4-00347-00139350-00139714 and so he found that the hippie FGWN6cnWNj4-00348-00139715-00139931 generation those who were somewhat young FGWN6cnWNj4-00349-00139932-00140213 and were adventurous and were looking FGWN6cnWNj4-00350-00140214-00140609 for a way of life that was like that if FGWN6cnWNj4-00351-00140610-00140878 I could find satisfaction in he FGWN6cnWNj4-00352-00140879-00141289 presented himself and then by making FGWN6cnWNj4-00353-00141290-00141640 prashadam and kirtan and a little bit of FGWN6cnWNj4-00354-00141641-00141904 knowledge on the shastras his main FGWN6cnWNj4-00355-00141905-00142145 preaching and people came FGWN6cnWNj4-00356-00142146-00142481 and they were young I was quite older I FGWN6cnWNj4-00357-00142482-00142702 was 25 when I joined but most of the FGWN6cnWNj4-00358-00142703-00142913 devotees joined I joined around the age FGWN6cnWNj4-00359-00142914-00143219 of 20. or even even younger some FGWN6cnWNj4-00360-00143220-00143609 devotees joined 18 19 years old left FGWN6cnWNj4-00361-00143610-00143801 their families left all of their FGWN6cnWNj4-00362-00143802-00144059 material responsibilities moved into the FGWN6cnWNj4-00363-00144060-00144359 ashram and became fixed in Krishna FGWN6cnWNj4-00364-00144360-00144502 consciousness FGWN6cnWNj4-00365-00144503-00144766 and they became so fixed in Krishna FGWN6cnWNj4-00366-00144767-00144940 Consciousness that Prophet but actually FGWN6cnWNj4-00367-00144941-00145204 gave them very important assignments to FGWN6cnWNj4-00368-00145205-00145451 go in different places around the world FGWN6cnWNj4-00369-00145452-00145727 and open up krsna conscious teams FGWN6cnWNj4-00370-00145728-00145973 temples and centers and so prabhupada FGWN6cnWNj4-00371-00145974-00146452 sent devotees to Germany to France and FGWN6cnWNj4-00372-00146453-00146728 to various other European countries FGWN6cnWNj4-00373-00146729-00147040 and after doing that for a while FGWN6cnWNj4-00374-00147041-00147252 what about India FGWN6cnWNj4-00375-00147253-00147659 I tried very hard to pray to preach FGWN6cnWNj4-00376-00147660-00147887 Krishna Consciousness in India before I FGWN6cnWNj4-00377-00147888-00148054 came to America FGWN6cnWNj4-00378-00148055-00148325 but nobody came forward FGWN6cnWNj4-00379-00148326-00148547 he said the Indians were not interested FGWN6cnWNj4-00380-00148548-00148771 in what I had to offer FGWN6cnWNj4-00381-00148772-00149027 they were always thinking well you know FGWN6cnWNj4-00382-00149028-00149327 we for so many years we know all now FGWN6cnWNj4-00383-00149328-00149593 about spiritual life now it's time for FGWN6cnWNj4-00384-00149594-00149790 technology FGWN6cnWNj4-00385-00149791-00150173 and so the technological Revolution was FGWN6cnWNj4-00386-00150174-00150466 starting to come and you know cars were FGWN6cnWNj4-00387-00150467-00150719 getting better and people's phones were FGWN6cnWNj4-00388-00150720-00150952 getting more advanced FGWN6cnWNj4-00389-00150953-00151177 and people were more in FGWN6cnWNj4-00390-00151178-00151525 inclined to a more what we say FGWN6cnWNj4-00391-00151526-00151763 materialistic way of life FGWN6cnWNj4-00392-00151764-00151997 the problem I thought I shouldn't give FGWN6cnWNj4-00393-00151998-00152345 up on India because you know they they FGWN6cnWNj4-00394-00152346-00152704 have the Dharma they have the punya they FGWN6cnWNj4-00395-00152705-00153131 have the the uh adhikari to become easy FGWN6cnWNj4-00396-00153132-00153352 Krishna Consciousness but they're going FGWN6cnWNj4-00397-00153353-00153545 in the wrong direction FGWN6cnWNj4-00398-00153546-00153778 so what should I do to preach to them FGWN6cnWNj4-00399-00153779-00154126 they don't want to hear me okay so he FGWN6cnWNj4-00400-00154127-00154457 took many of his young devotees FGWN6cnWNj4-00401-00154458-00154775 who were I mean young really young most FGWN6cnWNj4-00402-00154776-00155039 of them weren't married somewhere FGWN6cnWNj4-00403-00155040-00155231 and brought them to India FGWN6cnWNj4-00404-00155232-00155525 and he brought them to vrindavan he FGWN6cnWNj4-00405-00155526-00155711 brought them he also brought them here FGWN6cnWNj4-00406-00155712-00155951 to Bombay in the early 70s and many FGWN6cnWNj4-00407-00155952-00156107 other places FGWN6cnWNj4-00408-00156108-00156478 just to show the population the local FGWN6cnWNj4-00409-00156479-00156652 population here FGWN6cnWNj4-00410-00156653-00156863 that FGWN6cnWNj4-00411-00156864-00157090 this is what you're chasing after but FGWN6cnWNj4-00412-00157091-00157307 they gave it all up FGWN6cnWNj4-00413-00157308-00157523 now they're sitting on the floor eating FGWN6cnWNj4-00414-00157524-00157801 kitchery chanting and dancing and FGWN6cnWNj4-00415-00157802-00158135 finding life very very happy FGWN6cnWNj4-00416-00158136-00158476 so he wanted to show by example how the FGWN6cnWNj4-00417-00158477-00158825 Western mentality was now inclined to FGWN6cnWNj4-00418-00158826-00159071 our renunciation because FGWN6cnWNj4-00419-00159072-00159371 people had everything in the west and FGWN6cnWNj4-00420-00159372-00159575 some of the devotees that came to join FGWN6cnWNj4-00421-00159576-00159713 Sheila Brown FGWN6cnWNj4-00422-00159714-00159983 their families were quite rich I mean FGWN6cnWNj4-00423-00159984-00160361 not only rich but very very very rich FGWN6cnWNj4-00424-00160362-00160576 and that's where most of the people came FGWN6cnWNj4-00425-00160577-00160889 from after the initial persons people FGWN6cnWNj4-00426-00160890-00161273 who had good positions in society their FGWN6cnWNj4-00427-00161274-00161399 parents FGWN6cnWNj4-00428-00161400-00161795 we were all here hearing from just a few FGWN6cnWNj4-00429-00161796-00162178 days ago from giriraj Swami father was a FGWN6cnWNj4-00430-00162179-00162407 millionaire FGWN6cnWNj4-00431-00162408-00162652 his father was a millionaire FGWN6cnWNj4-00432-00162653-00162959 and when he started to become serious in FGWN6cnWNj4-00433-00162960-00163228 Krishna Consciousness his father said FGWN6cnWNj4-00434-00163229-00163463 you come back home FGWN6cnWNj4-00435-00163464-00163954 and I'll give you one million dollars FGWN6cnWNj4-00436-00163955-00164524 one million dollars now that was 1970s FGWN6cnWNj4-00437-00164525-00164633 [Music] FGWN6cnWNj4-00438-00164634-00164866 how much was a million dollars worth FGWN6cnWNj4-00439-00164867-00165269 then compared to now the the you know FGWN6cnWNj4-00440-00165270-00165623 the the devaluation of currency has been FGWN6cnWNj4-00441-00165624-00165863 very strong so one million dollars then FGWN6cnWNj4-00442-00165864-00166276 was about 30 million dollars today FGWN6cnWNj4-00443-00166277-00166528 so but FGWN6cnWNj4-00444-00166529-00166787 he refused FGWN6cnWNj4-00445-00166788-00167014 he turned down this one million dollar FGWN6cnWNj4-00446-00167015-00167237 offer by his father his father wanted to FGWN6cnWNj4-00447-00167238-00167651 give him in plus a nice position in in FGWN6cnWNj4-00448-00167652-00167878 an occupation at the same time his FGWN6cnWNj4-00449-00167879-00168221 father was a high court judge FGWN6cnWNj4-00450-00168222-00168413 and then he practiced Krishna FGWN6cnWNj4-00451-00168414-00168695 Consciousness for many years FGWN6cnWNj4-00452-00168696-00168887 and then FGWN6cnWNj4-00453-00168888-00169276 uh after some time he as we all know he FGWN6cnWNj4-00454-00169277-00169576 joined Sheila profot in helping open the FGWN6cnWNj4-00455-00169577-00169864 Bombay Temple which he wrote a beautiful FGWN6cnWNj4-00456-00169865-00170249 book about Maharaj was offering his FGWN6cnWNj4-00457-00170250-00170501 books when he was here on Sunday FGWN6cnWNj4-00458-00170502-00170831 it's a magnificent story of the struggle FGWN6cnWNj4-00459-00170832-00171095 that Sheila prabhupada went through in FGWN6cnWNj4-00460-00171096-00171373 order to secure that Temple FGWN6cnWNj4-00461-00171374-00171695 how the previous owners were doing FGWN6cnWNj4-00462-00171696-00171995 everything to cheat the devotees take FGWN6cnWNj4-00463-00171996-00172204 them only devotees money and not give FGWN6cnWNj4-00464-00172205-00172523 him the land or the temple FGWN6cnWNj4-00465-00172524-00172913 but they didn't know who prabhupada was FGWN6cnWNj4-00466-00172914-00173176 I hope I was a fighter and probably also FGWN6cnWNj4-00467-00173177-00173452 knew how to deal in legal matters too FGWN6cnWNj4-00468-00173453-00173740 although he was a great you know FGWN6cnWNj4-00469-00173741-00173873 spiritualist FGWN6cnWNj4-00470-00173874-00174299 you know Asado in all sense he knew FGWN6cnWNj4-00471-00174300-00174725 medicine and he knew legalities and so FGWN6cnWNj4-00472-00174726-00174989 he knew how to use the legal his legal FGWN6cnWNj4-00473-00174990-00175219 intelligence how to somehow or other FGWN6cnWNj4-00474-00175220-00175583 fight against that and Gary Rod Swami FGWN6cnWNj4-00475-00175584-00175823 was his right hand man and carrying out FGWN6cnWNj4-00476-00175824-00176045 Sheila prophet's on the FGWN6cnWNj4-00477-00176046-00176314 on the ground work in order to develop FGWN6cnWNj4-00478-00176315-00176543 that Temple FGWN6cnWNj4-00479-00176544-00176825 and then his father and mother FGWN6cnWNj4-00480-00176826-00177238 came to see their son FGWN6cnWNj4-00481-00177239-00177569 when they were when he was with Sheila FGWN6cnWNj4-00482-00177570-00177845 and his mother was a little distraught FGWN6cnWNj4-00483-00177846-00178235 she wanted her son backwards when she FGWN6cnWNj4-00484-00178236-00178451 saw her son she said oh my God he's not FGWN6cnWNj4-00485-00178452-00178561 eating FGWN6cnWNj4-00486-00178562-00178973 he had been performing some austerities FGWN6cnWNj4-00487-00178974-00179201 so his father was very because he's an FGWN6cnWNj4-00488-00179202-00179476 intelligent man very respectable so he FGWN6cnWNj4-00489-00179477-00179554 very FGWN6cnWNj4-00490-00179555-00179764 carefully again approached Sheila FGWN6cnWNj4-00491-00179765-00180040 prophet and said Sheila prabhupada FGWN6cnWNj4-00492-00180041-00180378 I'll give you one million dollars FGWN6cnWNj4-00493-00180379-00180959 if you sent him back FGWN6cnWNj4-00494-00180960-00181288 again the offer of one million dollars FGWN6cnWNj4-00495-00181289-00181693 and uh Papa said you have to ask him FGWN6cnWNj4-00496-00181694-00182045 another problem deferred to Gary rods FGWN6cnWNj4-00497-00182046-00182376 for me and the answer was the same FGWN6cnWNj4-00498-00182377-00182657 Christian is more valuable than any of FGWN6cnWNj4-00499-00182658-00182849 that paper money you're trying to offer FGWN6cnWNj4-00500-00182850-00182999 me FGWN6cnWNj4-00501-00183000-00183166 so yeah FGWN6cnWNj4-00502-00183167-00183487 so you see how devotees who had FGWN6cnWNj4-00503-00183488-00183761 opportunities and this he was just one FGWN6cnWNj4-00504-00183762-00183869 of many FGWN6cnWNj4-00505-00183870-00184175 devotees like that in America and also FGWN6cnWNj4-00506-00184176-00184535 in New York who were quite materially FGWN6cnWNj4-00507-00184536-00184733 well situated FGWN6cnWNj4-00508-00184734-00185026 but when they tasted the happiness of FGWN6cnWNj4-00509-00185027-00185243 Krishna Consciousness and the mercy of FGWN6cnWNj4-00510-00185244-00185495 Sheila problem they were ready to give FGWN6cnWNj4-00511-00185496-00185621 everything up FGWN6cnWNj4-00512-00185622-00185933 and live very simply on chandhari FGWN6cnWNj4-00513-00185934-00186199 Krishna and FGWN6cnWNj4-00514-00186200-00186637 and I would simply engage in very FGWN6cnWNj4-00515-00186638-00186899 you know nice activities into the FGWN6cnWNj4-00516-00186900-00187102 service of the Supreme personality of FGWN6cnWNj4-00517-00187103-00187223 godhead FGWN6cnWNj4-00518-00187224-00187540 so Lord caitanya who is Krishna himself FGWN6cnWNj4-00519-00187541-00187763 has made this process of Krishna FGWN6cnWNj4-00520-00187764-00188123 Consciousness really really simple FGWN6cnWNj4-00521-00188124-00188338 when you read the shastras it's very FGWN6cnWNj4-00522-00188339-00188602 difficult to understand how to apply the FGWN6cnWNj4-00523-00188603-00188951 shastras but caitanya mahaprabhu is very FGWN6cnWNj4-00524-00188952-00189107 very merciful FGWN6cnWNj4-00525-00189108-00189383 he's Christian himself SRI Krishna FGWN6cnWNj4-00526-00189384-00189797 caitanya Radha krishnaionya he is he is FGWN6cnWNj4-00527-00189798-00190025 Krishna in the mood of radharani his own FGWN6cnWNj4-00528-00190026-00190288 pure devotee in order to teach FGWN6cnWNj4-00529-00190289-00190571 how to serve the Supreme Lord from the FGWN6cnWNj4-00530-00190572-00190793 position of a devotee FGWN6cnWNj4-00531-00190794-00191135 he is the devil he is the Lord but he FGWN6cnWNj4-00532-00191136-00191333 takes the position of his own devotee FGWN6cnWNj4-00533-00191334-00191633 teaching from the position of a devotee FGWN6cnWNj4-00534-00191634-00191890 how to serve himself FGWN6cnWNj4-00535-00191891-00192143 and so he is very merciful he makes the FGWN6cnWNj4-00536-00192144-00192293 process easy FGWN6cnWNj4-00537-00192294-00192652 but when he was here in his in his form FGWN6cnWNj4-00538-00192653-00192971 as Krishna vrindavan FGWN6cnWNj4-00539-00192972-00193259 he spoke very carefully in the science FGWN6cnWNj4-00540-00193260-00193559 of bhagavad-gita to Arjuna FGWN6cnWNj4-00541-00193560-00193816 and that is the basis FGWN6cnWNj4-00542-00193817-00194038 of all the philosophical knowledge that FGWN6cnWNj4-00543-00194039-00194345 we practice in Krishna Consciousness and FGWN6cnWNj4-00544-00194346-00194590 at the end after summing up all of the FGWN6cnWNj4-00545-00194591-00194819 different aspects FGWN6cnWNj4-00546-00194820-00195040 of the knowledge FGWN6cnWNj4-00547-00195041-00195307 krsna said FGWN6cnWNj4-00548-00195308-00195635 you know sarvadharma pariksha mummy FGWN6cnWNj4-00549-00195636-00196009 comes FGWN6cnWNj4-00550-00196010-00196325 just surrender to me that's all forget FGWN6cnWNj4-00551-00196326-00196535 about everything else you have so many FGWN6cnWNj4-00552-00196536-00196751 ideas on how you're going to be happy in FGWN6cnWNj4-00553-00196752-00196961 this world and you may also have on the FGWN6cnWNj4-00554-00196962-00197207 ideas how you can practice spiritual FGWN6cnWNj4-00555-00197208-00197428 life but forget all of these things just FGWN6cnWNj4-00556-00197429-00197616 surrender to me FGWN6cnWNj4-00557-00197617-00197975 I'll take care of you do not fear FGWN6cnWNj4-00558-00197976-00198425 do not worry and do not hesitate FGWN6cnWNj4-00559-00198426-00198713 here we're hearing from this particular FGWN6cnWNj4-00560-00198714-00198893 previous verse that the end of the FGWN6cnWNj4-00561-00198894-00199288 purple and that one who who has faith in FGWN6cnWNj4-00562-00199289-00199576 Krishna develops fearlessness FGWN6cnWNj4-00563-00199577-00199919 in the material world fear is a very FGWN6cnWNj4-00564-00199920-00200135 strong element where people are FGWN6cnWNj4-00565-00200136-00200464 motivated to do things by fear people FGWN6cnWNj4-00566-00200465-00200885 are are motivated to do things and to FGWN6cnWNj4-00567-00200886-00201100 not do things by fear FGWN6cnWNj4-00568-00201101-00201388 fear is an element that somehow or other FGWN6cnWNj4-00569-00201389-00201683 pervades people's life in such a way FGWN6cnWNj4-00570-00201684-00202000 that they think how to do things based FGWN6cnWNj4-00571-00202001-00202252 on how they how fearful they are or not FGWN6cnWNj4-00572-00202253-00202361 are FGWN6cnWNj4-00573-00202362-00202528 you know we just went through this FGWN6cnWNj4-00574-00202529-00202883 epidemic of this coronavirus and fear FGWN6cnWNj4-00575-00202884-00203104 was a very strong element FGWN6cnWNj4-00576-00203105-00203431 for people in order to FGWN6cnWNj4-00577-00203432-00203887 live in such a way as to uh FGWN6cnWNj4-00578-00203888-00204214 downsize all of their activities FGWN6cnWNj4-00579-00204215-00204526 but fear is very debilitating FGWN6cnWNj4-00580-00204527-00204778 recently I heard a story about fear and FGWN6cnWNj4-00581-00204779-00204953 how fear works FGWN6cnWNj4-00582-00204954-00205253 fear is so bad that it actually causes FGWN6cnWNj4-00583-00205254-00205457 actually death FGWN6cnWNj4-00584-00205458-00205703 so here it says one who's free from Fear FGWN6cnWNj4-00585-00205704-00205955 can one can only be free from Fear if FGWN6cnWNj4-00586-00205956-00206225 they take full shelter of the lotus feet FGWN6cnWNj4-00587-00206226-00206338 of the Lord FGWN6cnWNj4-00588-00206339-00206740 who is fear feared by fear personified FGWN6cnWNj4-00589-00206741-00207023 in the very beginning of the this first FGWN6cnWNj4-00590-00207023-00207371 Canto of srimad-bhagavatam and one verse FGWN6cnWNj4-00591-00207371-00207688 in the first chapter it's mentioned that FGWN6cnWNj4-00592-00207689-00208021 I think it's verse number FGWN6cnWNj4-00593-00208021-00208631 14. you know says FGWN6cnWNj4-00594-00208632-00208936 yeah living beings who are entangled in FGWN6cnWNj4-00595-00208937-00209158 the complicated missions of birth and FGWN6cnWNj4-00596-00209159-00209279 death FGWN6cnWNj4-00597-00209280-00209562 can be freed immediately even FGWN6cnWNj4-00598-00209563-00209819 unconsciously by chanting the holy name FGWN6cnWNj4-00599-00209819-00210263 of Krishna which is feared by fear FGWN6cnWNj4-00600-00210264-00210442 personified FGWN6cnWNj4-00601-00210444-00210779 so krsna says the wind blows out of fear FGWN6cnWNj4-00602-00210780-00210906 of me FGWN6cnWNj4-00603-00210907-00211271 death takes its toll out of fear of me FGWN6cnWNj4-00604-00211271-00211613 so Krishna is the Supreme principle of FGWN6cnWNj4-00605-00211614-00211846 all shelter and therefore even fear FGWN6cnWNj4-00606-00211848-00212146 itself has no entrance to one who takes FGWN6cnWNj4-00607-00212148-00212417 shelter of Krishna FGWN6cnWNj4-00608-00212417-00212639 but I'll explain to you in one little FGWN6cnWNj4-00609-00212640-00212806 story and I think that's a little FGWN6cnWNj4-00610-00212807-00212932 interesting FGWN6cnWNj4-00611-00212933-00213269 one story how fear works FGWN6cnWNj4-00612-00213269-00213646 this is an antidote it's a little story FGWN6cnWNj4-00613-00213648-00213946 where one man he's living in a a small FGWN6cnWNj4-00614-00213948-00214073 town FGWN6cnWNj4-00615-00214073-00214373 and he's walking around and he's coming FGWN6cnWNj4-00616-00214373-00214631 to the outskirts of the town and he sees FGWN6cnWNj4-00617-00214632-00214996 his very tall man standing there dressed FGWN6cnWNj4-00618-00214998-00215129 all in black FGWN6cnWNj4-00619-00215130-00215321 he's never seen anything like that FGWN6cnWNj4-00620-00215321-00215560 before so he gets curious FGWN6cnWNj4-00621-00215561-00215806 so he walks up to the man and asks him FGWN6cnWNj4-00622-00215807-00215992 who you are who are you what are you FGWN6cnWNj4-00623-00215994-00216101 doing FGWN6cnWNj4-00624-00216102-00216413 the man pulls he has a mask on he poses FGWN6cnWNj4-00625-00216414-00216701 a mask off he says I am death FGWN6cnWNj4-00626-00216702-00217037 I've come to take 500 people from this FGWN6cnWNj4-00627-00217038-00217127 town FGWN6cnWNj4-00628-00217128-00217558 in the next one month FGWN6cnWNj4-00629-00217559-00217732 right to the point FGWN6cnWNj4-00630-00217733-00218008 so the man gets a little concerned he's FGWN6cnWNj4-00631-00218009-00218284 hearing that 500 of us will no longer be FGWN6cnWNj4-00632-00218285-00218482 living after one month FGWN6cnWNj4-00633-00218483-00218855 so he goes all around the town and tells FGWN6cnWNj4-00634-00218856-00219256 everyone death is has come and 500 of us FGWN6cnWNj4-00635-00219257-00219556 are going to die in the next FGWN6cnWNj4-00636-00219557-00220025 you know next month so take precaution FGWN6cnWNj4-00637-00220026-00220355 and so he spreads this FGWN6cnWNj4-00638-00220356-00220546 statement around FGWN6cnWNj4-00639-00220548-00220829 so after one month FGWN6cnWNj4-00640-00220830-00221237 uh five thousand people died not 500. FGWN6cnWNj4-00641-00221238-00221429 five thousand FGWN6cnWNj4-00642-00221430-00221573 so now FGWN6cnWNj4-00643-00221573-00221825 he's still there he goes to the FGWN6cnWNj4-00644-00221826-00222058 outskirts of town he sees that same man FGWN6cnWNj4-00645-00222059-00222196 standing there FGWN6cnWNj4-00646-00222198-00222455 and he comes up to him he said you know FGWN6cnWNj4-00647-00222456-00222610 death you said you were going to take FGWN6cnWNj4-00648-00222611-00222910 500 but you took 5 000. FGWN6cnWNj4-00649-00222911-00223439 he said no I took 500 4 500 died out of FGWN6cnWNj4-00650-00223440-00223763 fear FGWN6cnWNj4-00651-00223764-00223996 yeah FGWN6cnWNj4-00652-00223998-00224351 how debilitating fear can be where FGWN6cnWNj4-00653-00224352-00224723 people become so paralyzed simply by FGWN6cnWNj4-00654-00224723-00225053 this this mindset that they actually FGWN6cnWNj4-00655-00225054-00225292 everything goes wrong FGWN6cnWNj4-00656-00225294-00225587 so one one can be Fearless when they FGWN6cnWNj4-00657-00225588-00225808 take shelter of Krishna because Krishna FGWN6cnWNj4-00658-00225809-00226037 because that's why Krishna says just FGWN6cnWNj4-00659-00226038-00226325 simply surrender to me and I'll take FGWN6cnWNj4-00660-00226326-00226691 I'll free you from all anxiety all FGWN6cnWNj4-00661-00226692-00226894 fearfulness everything if you take FGWN6cnWNj4-00662-00226896-00227273 shelter of me you're fully protected FGWN6cnWNj4-00663-00227273-00227482 Krishna guarantees that one who FGWN6cnWNj4-00664-00227483-00227771 surrenders to me I give them full FGWN6cnWNj4-00665-00227771-00227932 protection FGWN6cnWNj4-00666-00227933-00228281 in all aspects of life so when Krishna FGWN6cnWNj4-00667-00228282-00228460 said that FGWN6cnWNj4-00668-00228461-00228839 and not too many people believed him FGWN6cnWNj4-00669-00228840-00229067 although they read bhagavad-gita and FGWN6cnWNj4-00670-00229067-00229379 they found bhagavad-gita in a very FGWN6cnWNj4-00671-00229380-00229792 uh attractive and interesting when it FGWN6cnWNj4-00672-00229794-00230153 came to surrender it wasn't like that FGWN6cnWNj4-00673-00230154-00230489 so SRI saitanya mahaprabhu he came FGWN6cnWNj4-00674-00230490-00230687 after and he said don't worry about FGWN6cnWNj4-00675-00230688-00230825 surrender FGWN6cnWNj4-00676-00230826-00231046 just chant dance and take prashad that's FGWN6cnWNj4-00677-00231048-00231232 all FGWN6cnWNj4-00678-00231233-00231460 he said just chant the holy names of the FGWN6cnWNj4-00679-00231461-00231556 Lord FGWN6cnWNj4-00680-00231557-00231844 develop your your Krishna Consciousness FGWN6cnWNj4-00681-00231846-00232042 by serving and associating with FGWN6cnWNj4-00682-00232044-00232415 vaisnavas and take nice Krishna prasadam FGWN6cnWNj4-00683-00232416-00232727 that is the process caribou FGWN6cnWNj4-00684-00232728-00232919 so he made it easy FGWN6cnWNj4-00685-00232919-00233141 and Prophet said even though mahaprabhu FGWN6cnWNj4-00686-00233142-00233356 made it so easy still people are not FGWN6cnWNj4-00687-00233357-00233542 coming FGWN6cnWNj4-00688-00233544-00233951 so then mahaprabhu would would send his FGWN6cnWNj4-00689-00233952-00234191 devotees to different places to try to FGWN6cnWNj4-00690-00234192-00234406 really beg them to come so he would send FGWN6cnWNj4-00691-00234407-00234589 nithyananda FGWN6cnWNj4-00692-00234590-00234875 would travel together they would knock FGWN6cnWNj4-00693-00234876-00235019 on people's door in the different FGWN6cnWNj4-00694-00235019-00235253 Villages under the order of Lord FGWN6cnWNj4-00695-00235254-00235456 caitanya and Lord caitanya said make FGWN6cnWNj4-00696-00235457-00235655 everyone Krishna conscious teach them FGWN6cnWNj4-00697-00235656-00235858 how to chant this Hare Krishna Maha FGWN6cnWNj4-00698-00235859-00236092 Mantra so they would go and knock on the FGWN6cnWNj4-00699-00236094-00236351 doors and say oh mahaprabhu the Supreme FGWN6cnWNj4-00700-00236352-00236591 Lord he's here and he's come with the FGWN6cnWNj4-00701-00236592-00236879 mercy of the Holy Name if you chat the FGWN6cnWNj4-00702-00236880-00237160 holy names of God you will be happy and FGWN6cnWNj4-00703-00237161-00237479 all of your problems will be solved FGWN6cnWNj4-00704-00237480-00237784 and they would say oh nityananda what FGWN6cnWNj4-00705-00237785-00238067 you're saying is very nice but we have FGWN6cnWNj4-00706-00238067-00238458 so many things to do we have no time FGWN6cnWNj4-00707-00238459-00238756 we have our families we have our FGWN6cnWNj4-00708-00238757-00239069 occupations we have our animals to take FGWN6cnWNj4-00709-00239069-00239303 care of we have so many things to do FGWN6cnWNj4-00710-00239304-00239694 we'll never be able to find time FGWN6cnWNj4-00711-00239696-00240137 he would not accept their refusals so he FGWN6cnWNj4-00712-00240138-00240382 would grab a straw or a stick and he'd FGWN6cnWNj4-00713-00240383-00240539 put it in his mouth and then he would FGWN6cnWNj4-00714-00240540-00240731 roll on the ground FGWN6cnWNj4-00715-00240732-00240917 and beg them FGWN6cnWNj4-00716-00240917-00241163 this is the Supreme Lord Lord sreenity FGWN6cnWNj4-00717-00241164-00241427 himself he would beg the people to chant FGWN6cnWNj4-00718-00241428-00241625 the Hari Krishna Muhammad they would say FGWN6cnWNj4-00719-00241626-00241937 oh get up get up get out okay we'll chat FGWN6cnWNj4-00720-00241938-00242215 we'll chat we'll chat FGWN6cnWNj4-00721-00242216-00242537 so he would go to that extreme just to FGWN6cnWNj4-00722-00242538-00242873 just to give them her so therefore the FGWN6cnWNj4-00723-00242873-00243184 mercy of gornetai is the highest form of FGWN6cnWNj4-00724-00243185-00243406 all Mercy well if I said even if you FGWN6cnWNj4-00725-00243407-00243737 don't want it you get it FGWN6cnWNj4-00726-00243738-00244031 and he used the example a man a rich man FGWN6cnWNj4-00727-00244032-00244253 you'll be you'll be with a in the FGWN6cnWNj4-00728-00244254-00244510 presence of a rich man and he likes you FGWN6cnWNj4-00729-00244511-00244721 and he wants to give you something so he FGWN6cnWNj4-00730-00244721-00244894 takes some money out of his pocket and FGWN6cnWNj4-00731-00244896-00245158 says here this is for you FGWN6cnWNj4-00732-00245159-00245351 and you say well you're very nice you're FGWN6cnWNj4-00733-00245352-00245608 very kind but thank you very much that's FGWN6cnWNj4-00734-00245609-00245896 okay you keep it he says no no I want to FGWN6cnWNj4-00735-00245898-00246160 give it to you no no no that's okay okay FGWN6cnWNj4-00736-00246161-00246305 but then FGWN6cnWNj4-00737-00246306-00246539 he sees you're not going to take it so FGWN6cnWNj4-00738-00246540-00246821 he pushes it in your pocket closes your FGWN6cnWNj4-00739-00246821-00246996 pocket says it's yours FGWN6cnWNj4-00740-00246998-00247265 another way he forces you to take it FGWN6cnWNj4-00741-00247266-00247510 that's Lord caitanya FGWN6cnWNj4-00742-00247511-00247787 just like I remember when we were here FGWN6cnWNj4-00743-00247788-00247942 many years ago FGWN6cnWNj4-00744-00247944-00248194 it was a sankirtan story that the FGWN6cnWNj4-00745-00248196-00248405 devotees told during the Christmas FGWN6cnWNj4-00746-00248406-00248771 Marathon which we just were involved in FGWN6cnWNj4-00747-00248771-00249023 where the devotees were in uh what is FGWN6cnWNj4-00748-00249023-00249401 there shivaji chatter was the train FGWN6cnWNj4-00749-00249402-00249846 station what is it called FGWN6cnWNj4-00750-00249848-00250115 shivaji's train station so the devotees FGWN6cnWNj4-00751-00250116-00250379 had book tables there and they were they FGWN6cnWNj4-00752-00250380-00250631 were Distributing books there FGWN6cnWNj4-00753-00250632-00250942 saw one man there was a few of the book FGWN6cnWNj4-00754-00250944-00251242 distributors in that area so one man FGWN6cnWNj4-00755-00251244-00251471 he was walking along so one of our FGWN6cnWNj4-00756-00251471-00251746 devotees came up to him and offered to FGWN6cnWNj4-00757-00251748-00251944 sell them a book he said no I'm not FGWN6cnWNj4-00758-00251946-00252101 interested thank you very much and he FGWN6cnWNj4-00759-00252102-00252203 walked on FGWN6cnWNj4-00760-00252204-00252419 so he's walking a little farther in the FGWN6cnWNj4-00761-00252419-00252658 train area and another devotee comes up FGWN6cnWNj4-00762-00252659-00252892 to him same person FGWN6cnWNj4-00763-00252894-00253139 and it tries to sell them a book FGWN6cnWNj4-00764-00253140-00253373 first devoted the second devotee didn't FGWN6cnWNj4-00765-00253373-00253582 know he was already approached FGWN6cnWNj4-00766-00253583-00253891 so he just happened to pick the same man FGWN6cnWNj4-00767-00253892-00254231 again the man said I'm sorry thank you FGWN6cnWNj4-00768-00254232-00254513 very much I I I'm not interested I'm FGWN6cnWNj4-00769-00254514-00254782 going on so he went on and then after FGWN6cnWNj4-00770-00254783-00254981 walking for some time a third book FGWN6cnWNj4-00771-00254982-00255323 distributor came to the same man FGWN6cnWNj4-00772-00255323-00255605 and then he said FGWN6cnWNj4-00773-00255606-00255923 all right it must be must be God's FGWN6cnWNj4-00774-00255923-00256187 arrangement FGWN6cnWNj4-00775-00256188-00256432 so devotees don't give up they're so FGWN6cnWNj4-00776-00256433-00256558 easy FGWN6cnWNj4-00777-00256559-00256775 so after being approached three times he FGWN6cnWNj4-00778-00256776-00257087 eventually bought the book FGWN6cnWNj4-00779-00257088-00257321 so that is the mercy of Lord caitanya FGWN6cnWNj4-00780-00257321-00257641 and he makes sure you can't go away FGWN6cnWNj4-00781-00257642-00257987 just like it says that people in India FGWN6cnWNj4-00782-00257988-00258317 come to the West for two reasons FGWN6cnWNj4-00783-00258317-00258556 they go to the Western countries for two FGWN6cnWNj4-00784-00258557-00258869 reasons one for says gratification FGWN6cnWNj4-00785-00258869-00259165 and two to preach FGWN6cnWNj4-00786-00259166-00259489 one of the two FGWN6cnWNj4-00787-00259490-00259787 sarasanti makes this so we meet people FGWN6cnWNj4-00788-00259788-00260089 from India coming to the West for FGWN6cnWNj4-00789-00260090-00260380 sanskratification all the time and then FGWN6cnWNj4-00790-00260381-00260579 we invite him into our temples and then FGWN6cnWNj4-00791-00260580-00260813 they become devotees FGWN6cnWNj4-00792-00260814-00261082 so they leave India so they want to make FGWN6cnWNj4-00793-00261083-00261298 more money they hear the West is just FGWN6cnWNj4-00794-00261300-00261587 you know it's a land of milk and honey FGWN6cnWNj4-00795-00261588-00261869 and money just falls off the trees and FGWN6cnWNj4-00796-00261869-00262006 you can pick it up off the ground FGWN6cnWNj4-00797-00262007-00262295 there's so much there even people walk FGWN6cnWNj4-00798-00262296-00262499 past it as there's been this this FGWN6cnWNj4-00799-00262500-00262925 morning for every it's not like that FGWN6cnWNj4-00800-00262926-00263260 but this is this idea that the West has FGWN6cnWNj4-00801-00263261-00263471 everything so people come to the Western FGWN6cnWNj4-00802-00263472-00263687 countries in order to further their FGWN6cnWNj4-00803-00263688-00263951 economic growth FGWN6cnWNj4-00804-00263952-00264215 and to live very nicely FGWN6cnWNj4-00805-00264216-00264449 but a lot of times they meet the FGWN6cnWNj4-00806-00264450-00264791 devotees and then their life changes and FGWN6cnWNj4-00807-00264792-00264917 so um FGWN6cnWNj4-00808-00264918-00265295 so that that's why it says that if you FGWN6cnWNj4-00809-00265296-00265523 try to run away from India to get to FGWN6cnWNj4-00810-00265524-00265745 escape to the Western countries Lord FGWN6cnWNj4-00811-00265746-00266034 Saint Tanya will chase you down so FGWN6cnWNj4-00812-00266035-00266279 it's better to surrender where you are FGWN6cnWNj4-00813-00266280-00266377 now FGWN6cnWNj4-00814-00266378-00266591 instead of getting chased by Lord FGWN6cnWNj4-00815-00266592-00266825 caitanya later on FGWN6cnWNj4-00816-00266826-00267101 so that's his Mercy he's so kind and so FGWN6cnWNj4-00817-00267102-00267265 merciful that FGWN6cnWNj4-00818-00267266-00267769 he he has this strong desire to give FGWN6cnWNj4-00819-00267770-00268115 everyone this great treasure of love of FGWN6cnWNj4-00820-00268116-00268391 God which is the FGWN6cnWNj4-00821-00268392-00268589 it's the greatest of all Treasures FGWN6cnWNj4-00822-00268590-00268823 because when you have Krishna you have FGWN6cnWNj4-00823-00268824-00268949 everything and when you don't have FGWN6cnWNj4-00824-00268950-00269249 Krishna you have nothing even though you FGWN6cnWNj4-00825-00269250-00269503 may have everything because Krishna FGWN6cnWNj4-00826-00269504-00269747 Krishna is the foundation by which FGWN6cnWNj4-00827-00269748-00269927 everything exists FGWN6cnWNj4-00828-00269928-00270197 and happiness centers around devotional FGWN6cnWNj4-00829-00270198-00270365 service to Krishna FGWN6cnWNj4-00830-00270366-00270832 so Maharaja Judas there he had a kingdom FGWN6cnWNj4-00831-00270833-00271030 I mean he was not only a kingdom he was FGWN6cnWNj4-00832-00271031-00271223 the emperor of the world they had fought FGWN6cnWNj4-00833-00271224-00271471 a huge battle where FGWN6cnWNj4-00834-00271472-00271847 640 million soldiers were killed in FGWN6cnWNj4-00835-00271848-00272063 order to establish yudhisthira on the FGWN6cnWNj4-00836-00272064-00272369 throne and the pandavas as the rifle the FGWN6cnWNj4-00837-00272370-00272737 rulers of the world FGWN6cnWNj4-00838-00272738-00273041 he ruled for for a long time but after FGWN6cnWNj4-00839-00273042-00273317 some time he understood that the goal of FGWN6cnWNj4-00840-00273318-00273701 life's not simply to maintain one's FGWN6cnWNj4-00841-00273702-00273941 material occupation to the end of life FGWN6cnWNj4-00842-00273942-00274330 as it says here that a later part of FGWN6cnWNj4-00843-00274331-00274553 life for those who haven't actually made FGWN6cnWNj4-00844-00274554-00274930 that step before means that you know the FGWN6cnWNj4-00845-00274931-00275129 body is breaking down time is getting FGWN6cnWNj4-00846-00275130-00275506 short and therefore the goal of life FGWN6cnWNj4-00847-00275507-00275747 should be the only focus at that time FGWN6cnWNj4-00848-00275748-00276065 because what can you do at that point in FGWN6cnWNj4-00849-00276066-00276167 life FGWN6cnWNj4-00850-00276168-00276473 but you see many people prabha talks FGWN6cnWNj4-00851-00276474-00276623 about that in Western countries FGWN6cnWNj4-00852-00276624-00276767 specifically FGWN6cnWNj4-00853-00276768-00277043 people when they get old they just go on FGWN6cnWNj4-00854-00277044-00277295 vacation they use whatever money they FGWN6cnWNj4-00855-00277296-00277619 save and they sit around playing ping FGWN6cnWNj4-00856-00277620-00278039 pong and checkers and and uh and play FGWN6cnWNj4-00857-00278040-00278321 golf and they just talk about how nice FGWN6cnWNj4-00858-00278322-00278610 it was when they were young FGWN6cnWNj4-00859-00278611-00278884 you know take out the old books with the FGWN6cnWNj4-00860-00278885-00279215 pictures of the family 50 years ago and FGWN6cnWNj4-00861-00279216-00279569 just reminisce how wonderful it was FGWN6cnWNj4-00862-00279570-00279887 but so this is it's just like this sad FGWN6cnWNj4-00863-00279888-00280247 Nostalgia that people in Western FGWN6cnWNj4-00864-00280248-00280432 countries when they get old rather than FGWN6cnWNj4-00865-00280433-00280655 taking up spiritual life FGWN6cnWNj4-00866-00280656-00281023 they just leave their body in a very FGWN6cnWNj4-00867-00281024-00281249 unhappy situation FGWN6cnWNj4-00868-00281250-00281591 just finishing their life up more like a FGWN6cnWNj4-00869-00281592-00281849 vegetable who can't do anything so have FGWN6cnWNj4-00870-00281850-00282119 they in America it's very big they have FGWN6cnWNj4-00871-00282120-00282353 these old age homes FGWN6cnWNj4-00872-00282354-00282545 where your parent your children don't FGWN6cnWNj4-00873-00282546-00282743 want you anymore because they're grown FGWN6cnWNj4-00874-00282744-00282923 up and they consider the parents a FGWN6cnWNj4-00875-00282924-00283180 burden to take care of they want to live FGWN6cnWNj4-00876-00283181-00283517 their life so they they put the parents FGWN6cnWNj4-00877-00283518-00283858 in these homes they pay money for these FGWN6cnWNj4-00878-00283859-00284069 caretakers to take care of the old FGWN6cnWNj4-00879-00284070-00284189 people FGWN6cnWNj4-00880-00284190-00284387 and then they just sit around doing FGWN6cnWNj4-00881-00284388-00284543 nothing they've been talking about FGWN6cnWNj4-00882-00284544-00284908 nonsense and just eating some food a FGWN6cnWNj4-00883-00284909-00285106 couple times a day and is watching FGWN6cnWNj4-00884-00285107-00285334 television FGWN6cnWNj4-00885-00285335-00285725 and it's a very sad situation because as FGWN6cnWNj4-00886-00285726-00285941 it's explained here in the van ashram FGWN6cnWNj4-00887-00285942-00286223 system teaches one that life has FGWN6cnWNj4-00888-00286224-00286469 different stages and at least in the FGWN6cnWNj4-00889-00286470-00286708 last stage of life one should though FGWN6cnWNj4-00890-00286709-00286984 dedicate themselves fully in pure FGWN6cnWNj4-00891-00286985-00287206 devotional service to the Lord FGWN6cnWNj4-00892-00287207-00287437 so we have the example FGWN6cnWNj4-00893-00287438-00287843 of Maharaja Judas there who showed that FGWN6cnWNj4-00894-00287844-00288179 renunciation is the process but what was FGWN6cnWNj4-00895-00288180-00288401 he renouncing he wasn't renouncing a FGWN6cnWNj4-00896-00288402-00288677 nice house and some family members he FGWN6cnWNj4-00897-00288678-00288953 was renouncing a kingdom FGWN6cnWNj4-00898-00288954-00289379 with so many you know Arrangements FGWN6cnWNj4-00899-00289380-00289630 for his glorification FGWN6cnWNj4-00900-00289631-00289979 he had everything unrivaled Kingdom FGWN6cnWNj4-00901-00289980-00290332 but gave it all up because he understood FGWN6cnWNj4-00902-00290333-00290651 that this material world is simply a FGWN6cnWNj4-00903-00290652-00290927 stepping stone to go back to the FGWN6cnWNj4-00904-00290928-00291058 spiritual world FGWN6cnWNj4-00905-00291059-00291347 it's not a place where you hang out it's FGWN6cnWNj4-00906-00291348-00291521 a place where you go FGWN6cnWNj4-00907-00291522-00291808 Lord Jesus Christ said FGWN6cnWNj4-00908-00291809-00292169 this world is like a bridge walk across FGWN6cnWNj4-00909-00292170-00292510 it but do not establish any permanent FGWN6cnWNj4-00910-00292511-00292775 resident upon it FGWN6cnWNj4-00911-00292776-00293027 so it's a place where we move forward FGWN6cnWNj4-00912-00293028-00293321 towards our real home which is the FGWN6cnWNj4-00913-00293322-00293537 spiritual world and here we get so many FGWN6cnWNj4-00914-00293538-00293663 examples FGWN6cnWNj4-00915-00293664-00293982 throughout the scriptures of great Souls FGWN6cnWNj4-00916-00293983-00294280 maharaja's parikshit also Maharaja Judas FGWN6cnWNj4-00917-00294281-00294541 there FGWN6cnWNj4-00918-00294542-00294845 and many many other great personalities FGWN6cnWNj4-00919-00294846-00295201 have left everything and simply FGWN6cnWNj4-00920-00295202-00295517 are teaching Us by their own example FGWN6cnWNj4-00921-00295518-00295865 that the goal of life is to dedicate FGWN6cnWNj4-00922-00295866-00296069 one's life to the service of the Supreme FGWN6cnWNj4-00923-00296070-00296410 personality of godhead FGWN6cnWNj4-00924-00296411-00296765 okay so we'll stop here see if there's FGWN6cnWNj4-00925-00296766-00297484 any comments or questions FGWN6cnWNj4-00926-00297485-00297965 anyone FGWN6cnWNj4-00927-00297966-00298180 yes FGWN6cnWNj4-00928-00298181-00298432 a fisherman bar FGWN6cnWNj4-00929-00298433-00298817 yeah yeah FGWN6cnWNj4-00930-00298818-00299110 with a name like that wow that's the FGWN6cnWNj4-00931-00299111-00299405 name for Lord shaytania he's big like FGWN6cnWNj4-00932-00299406-00300079 Lord changed and he was very tall FGWN6cnWNj4-00933-00300080-00300395 we are blessed by your Association for FGWN6cnWNj4-00934-00300396-00300677 so many days here so FGWN6cnWNj4-00935-00300678-00301210 I am thinking of like this theme is of FGWN6cnWNj4-00936-00301211-00301463 our renunciation of yudhastia Maharaj he FGWN6cnWNj4-00937-00301464-00301669 renounced a kingdom FGWN6cnWNj4-00938-00301670-00302045 and similarly all the devotees in the FGWN6cnWNj4-00939-00302046-00302263 Hare Krishna movement FGWN6cnWNj4-00940-00302264-00302453 there are there FGWN6cnWNj4-00941-00302454-00302699 variably supposed to FGWN6cnWNj4-00942-00302700-00302843 uh FGWN6cnWNj4-00943-00302844-00303095 raise their internal level of FGWN6cnWNj4-00944-00303096-00303287 pronunciation like it's about FGWN6cnWNj4-00945-00303288-00303497 renunciation of the heart FGWN6cnWNj4-00946-00303498-00303563 um FGWN6cnWNj4-00947-00303564-00303815 so just like bahutak FGWN6cnWNj4-00948-00303816-00304049 that way gradually FGWN6cnWNj4-00949-00304050-00304303 so FGWN6cnWNj4-00950-00304304-00304471 how FGWN6cnWNj4-00951-00304472-00304758 can a devotee actually FGWN6cnWNj4-00952-00304759-00305110 have this quality of renunciation in his FGWN6cnWNj4-00953-00305111-00305380 heart in the sense how can we FGWN6cnWNj4-00954-00305381-00305539 happy FGWN6cnWNj4-00955-00305540-00305873 he stay happy performing devotional FGWN6cnWNj4-00956-00305874-00306139 service in spite of FGWN6cnWNj4-00957-00306140-00306419 going through several reversals in this FGWN6cnWNj4-00958-00306420-00306803 life which is going to be a natural FGWN6cnWNj4-00959-00306804-00307079 thing in this world like reversals are FGWN6cnWNj4-00960-00307080-00307247 natural thing in his life and so FGWN6cnWNj4-00961-00307248-00307547 everyone will go through many many FGWN6cnWNj4-00962-00307548-00307739 things that he doesn't expect to happen FGWN6cnWNj4-00963-00307740-00308177 so how can a devotee stay happy and FGWN6cnWNj4-00964-00308178-00308441 detached and be satisfied FGWN6cnWNj4-00965-00308442-00308789 doing devotional service that's easy FGWN6cnWNj4-00966-00308790-00309023 who Krishna says in the bhagavad-gita FGWN6cnWNj4-00967-00309024-00309929 visayang delivered FGWN6cnWNj4-00968-00309930-00310325 he said you can't give up to lower taste FGWN6cnWNj4-00969-00310326-00310606 unless you get the higher taste FGWN6cnWNj4-00970-00310607-00310787 if you're hungry FGWN6cnWNj4-00971-00310788-00311008 and you haven't eaten for a long time FGWN6cnWNj4-00972-00311009-00311363 and someone comes along with a you know FGWN6cnWNj4-00973-00311364-00311645 like a three-day old chapati FGWN6cnWNj4-00974-00311646-00311849 and says here well here's something to FGWN6cnWNj4-00975-00311850-00312082 eat well you think oh well I'm so hungry FGWN6cnWNj4-00976-00312083-00312413 I'll I'll take it but then after you he FGWN6cnWNj4-00977-00312414-00312658 hands you to your body and then FGWN6cnWNj4-00978-00312659-00312893 vishwambar comes over with a big feast FGWN6cnWNj4-00979-00312894-00313037 and says here FGWN6cnWNj4-00980-00313038-00313384 here's a nice Feast of Couture's porries FGWN6cnWNj4-00981-00313385-00314015 ladus samosas and you know pav bhaji so FGWN6cnWNj4-00982-00314016-00314482 many nice things FGWN6cnWNj4-00983-00314483-00314867 and merry Krishna we haven't given that FGWN6cnWNj4-00984-00314868-00315089 one up yet FGWN6cnWNj4-00985-00315090-00315371 so then you think wow what is this this FGWN6cnWNj4-00986-00315372-00315556 old chapati you know I'll take the FGWN6cnWNj4-00987-00315557-00315665 figures FGWN6cnWNj4-00988-00315666-00315893 so it's like that so when you get that FGWN6cnWNj4-00989-00315894-00316132 higher taste which is Krishna FGWN6cnWNj4-00990-00316133-00316343 Consciousness then it's easy FGWN6cnWNj4-00991-00316344-00316804 and natural to give up these um this FGWN6cnWNj4-00992-00316805-00317075 lower taste which comes by you know just FGWN6cnWNj4-00993-00317076-00317291 trying to satisfy your senses in this FGWN6cnWNj4-00994-00317292-00317530 material world FGWN6cnWNj4-00995-00317531-00317782 so there is a Krishna Consciousness is FGWN6cnWNj4-00996-00317783-00317958 the higher taste FGWN6cnWNj4-00997-00317959-00318365 it's sweet FGWN6cnWNj4-00998-00318366-00318677 it's not only sweet it's actually the FGWN6cnWNj4-00999-00318678-00318941 platform of freedom FGWN6cnWNj4-01000-00318942-00319247 nobody likes to be controlled FGWN6cnWNj4-01001-00319248-00319499 therefore if you want to be free from FGWN6cnWNj4-01002-00319500-00319817 all control they could be a devotee then FGWN6cnWNj4-01003-00319818-00320129 you're free and then you're free FGWN6cnWNj4-01004-00320130-00320363 in the sense that you're only controlled FGWN6cnWNj4-01005-00320364-00320669 by one person that's Krishna FGWN6cnWNj4-01006-00320670-00320980 his representatives are also are in that FGWN6cnWNj4-01007-00320981-00321341 position but Krishna controls his FGWN6cnWNj4-01008-00321342-00321604 devotee in such a way is that he makes FGWN6cnWNj4-01009-00321605-00321839 his devotee happy FGWN6cnWNj4-01010-00321840-00322097 he seizes devotee engaged in devotional FGWN6cnWNj4-01011-00322098-00322313 service the Lord becomes pleased he FGWN6cnWNj4-01012-00322314-00322529 gives the devotee happiness FGWN6cnWNj4-01013-00322530-00322780 so the devotee is free to serve the Lord FGWN6cnWNj4-01014-00322781-00323045 and actually becomes happy at the same FGWN6cnWNj4-01015-00323046-00323165 time FGWN6cnWNj4-01016-00323166-00323495 really happy FGWN6cnWNj4-01017-00323496-00323904 not just artificially happy FGWN6cnWNj4-01018-00323905-00324227 artificially happy means that you have FGWN6cnWNj4-01019-00324228-00324419 to believe you're happy in order to live FGWN6cnWNj4-01020-00324420-00324580 life because if you don't believe you're FGWN6cnWNj4-01021-00324581-00324923 happy you can't go on that's artificial FGWN6cnWNj4-01022-00324924-00325132 but a devoting experience is that FGWN6cnWNj4-01023-00325133-00325608 happiness FGWN6cnWNj4-01024-00325609-00325984 what is that Brahma Buddha personnatma FGWN6cnWNj4-01025-00325985-00327247 the society yeah FGWN6cnWNj4-01026-00327248-00327580 means not only happy but joyful real FGWN6cnWNj4-01027-00327581-00327977 happiness that's Krishna consciousness FGWN6cnWNj4-01028-00327978-00328219 so go for the happiness FGWN6cnWNj4-01029-00328220-00328487 and then it becomes easy to give up all FGWN6cnWNj4-01030-00328488-00328817 these other things FGWN6cnWNj4-01031-00328818-00328960 natural FGWN6cnWNj4-01032-00328961-00329141 but if you give them up ahead of time FGWN6cnWNj4-01033-00329142-00329369 without being happy and you engage in FGWN6cnWNj4-01034-00329370-00329549 devotional service you'll still become FGWN6cnWNj4-01035-00329550-00329825 happy FGWN6cnWNj4-01036-00329826-00330047 it's a little harder that way that's why FGWN6cnWNj4-01037-00330048-00330329 we invite people just come chat with us FGWN6cnWNj4-01038-00330330-00330629 dance take some prashadam read some nice FGWN6cnWNj4-01039-00330630-00330899 books and get a taste for Krishna FGWN6cnWNj4-01040-00330900-00331054 consciousness FGWN6cnWNj4-01041-00331055-00331295 as that taste develops then it becomes FGWN6cnWNj4-01042-00331296-00331589 easy to leave behind all of the material FGWN6cnWNj4-01043-00331590-00331853 things that are just keeping us FGWN6cnWNj4-01044-00331854-00333421 struggling in this world FGWN6cnWNj4-01045-00333422-00333743 even if you don't believe in Krishna at FGWN6cnWNj4-01046-00333744-00334156 least devotional service is happy FGWN6cnWNj4-01047-00334157-00334451 it's even that we we would sometimes say FGWN6cnWNj4-01048-00334452-00334829 people would say they would say to us FGWN6cnWNj4-01049-00334830-00335123 well what happens if everything you FGWN6cnWNj4-01050-00335124-00335393 you're doing is not true FGWN6cnWNj4-01051-00335394-00335608 in other words if there was no Krishna FGWN6cnWNj4-01052-00335609-00335932 there you're wasting your whole life FGWN6cnWNj4-01053-00335933-00336227 no we would say no it's actually even if FGWN6cnWNj4-01054-00336228-00336425 Krishna is not there the process of FGWN6cnWNj4-01055-00336426-00336658 devotional service is so nice FGWN6cnWNj4-01056-00336659-00337151 that we're happy anyway FGWN6cnWNj4-01057-00337152-00337373 and you you have to make believe you're FGWN6cnWNj4-01058-00337374-00337530 happy and FGWN6cnWNj4-01059-00337531-00337787 there's nothing there at the end of life FGWN6cnWNj4-01060-00337788-00338249 you lose everything FGWN6cnWNj4-01061-00338250-00338380 so yeah FGWN6cnWNj4-01062-00338381-00338525 so FGWN6cnWNj4-01063-00338526-00338795 from what all angles of vision you can't FGWN6cnWNj4-01064-00338796-00339082 lose FGWN6cnWNj4-01065-00339083-00339299 if you if you take up Krishna FGWN6cnWNj4-01066-00339300-00339604 Consciousness at every stage it becomes FGWN6cnWNj4-01067-00339605-00339953 a feature of freeing ourselves from FGWN6cnWNj4-01068-00339954-00340427 suffering and Awakening our uh what is FGWN6cnWNj4-01069-00340428-00340627 it called FGWN6cnWNj4-01070-00340628-00340901 and that that happiness that is FGWN6cnWNj4-01071-00340902-00341695 unlimited FGWN6cnWNj4-01072-00341696-00342065 read books FGWN6cnWNj4-01073-00342066-00342317 and if you feel really inclined come and FGWN6cnWNj4-01074-00342318-00343019 do some service FGWN6cnWNj4-01075-00343020-00343480 is that all right FGWN6cnWNj4-01076-00343481-00343949 that life is a testimony for us you when FGWN6cnWNj4-01077-00343950-00344171 you sing Guru Puja you just sing for FGWN6cnWNj4-01078-00344172-00344393 prabhupada for the pleasure of FGWN6cnWNj4-01079-00344394-00344897 uh profile and Krishna and that's why FGWN6cnWNj4-01080-00344898-00345121 you are happy so FGWN6cnWNj4-01081-00345122-00345443 we can learn from your example to be FGWN6cnWNj4-01082-00345444-00345713 focused on Guru and Krishna FGWN6cnWNj4-01083-00345714-00345953 you know Papa had made FGWN6cnWNj4-01084-00345954-00346397 hippies into happys FGWN6cnWNj4-01085-00346398-00346745 so prabhupada is magical so you come in FGWN6cnWNj4-01086-00346746-00346997 contact with prabhupada your life FGWN6cnWNj4-01087-00346998-00347669 changes automatically FGWN6cnWNj4-01088-00347670-00348010 prophet's Mercy FGWN6cnWNj4-01089-00348011-00348491 anyone else any other comments questions FGWN6cnWNj4-01090-00348492-00349001 thank you FGWN6cnWNj4-01091-00349002-00349506 [Music] FGWN6cnWNj4-01092-00349507-00349820 all right FHQzhCq6l0k-00000-00000064-00000293 [Music] FHQzhCq6l0k-00001-00000294-00000454 foreign FHQzhCq6l0k-00002-00000455-00001391 [Music] FHQzhCq6l0k-00003-00001392-00001673 [Music] FHQzhCq6l0k-00004-00001673-00001895 we got a new one right here this is by FHQzhCq6l0k-00005-00001896-00002081 the individual by the name of devour FHQzhCq6l0k-00006-00002082-00002302 he's badass but again if you guys like FHQzhCq6l0k-00007-00002303-00002489 his content please go like And subscribe FHQzhCq6l0k-00008-00002490-00002989 to him FHQzhCq6l0k-00009-00002990-00003269 you want me baby hey I'm Buddha slim the FHQzhCq6l0k-00010-00003270-00003467 Polish Mexican this right here this FHQzhCq6l0k-00011-00003468-00003586 individual right here I don't think he FHQzhCq6l0k-00012-00003588-00003904 gets enough credit he a very very FHQzhCq6l0k-00013-00003905-00004138 artistic individual this dude is badass FHQzhCq6l0k-00014-00004139-00004433 man he goes by the name of devour you FHQzhCq6l0k-00015-00004434-00004679 know like cause I'll devour your ass FHQzhCq6l0k-00016-00004680-00004852 let's get up into this one Buddha gang FHQzhCq6l0k-00017-00004853-00005009 if you guys like this content please go FHQzhCq6l0k-00018-00005010-00005317 like And subscribe to him FHQzhCq6l0k-00019-00005318-00005579 hit us up on Instagram Buddha underscore FHQzhCq6l0k-00020-00005580-00005788 slim let's get it baby FHQzhCq6l0k-00021-00005789-00006286 this one is called unborn child FHQzhCq6l0k-00022-00006287-00006418 unborn child FHQzhCq6l0k-00023-00006419-00007369 [Music] FHQzhCq6l0k-00024-00007370-00007703 hey beautiful FHQzhCq6l0k-00025-00007704-00008213 it's just something about your smile FHQzhCq6l0k-00026-00008214-00008489 I cherish every moment when I'm with you FHQzhCq6l0k-00027-00008490-00008801 oh girl cause I don't know how long I'll FHQzhCq6l0k-00028-00008802-00008981 be around FHQzhCq6l0k-00029-00008982-00009381 um FHQzhCq6l0k-00030-00009382-00010238 [Music] FHQzhCq6l0k-00031-00010239-00010519 [Music] FHQzhCq6l0k-00032-00010520-00011047 this is a letter to his unborn child FHQzhCq6l0k-00033-00011048-00011419 [Music] FHQzhCq6l0k-00034-00011420-00011623 every moment FHQzhCq6l0k-00035-00011624-00012542 [Music] FHQzhCq6l0k-00036-00012543-00013972 [Music] FHQzhCq6l0k-00038-00017023-00017249 he says he's writing a letter to his FHQzhCq6l0k-00039-00017250-00017429 unborn child FHQzhCq6l0k-00040-00017430-00017753 baby has not even existed it's not hear FHQzhCq6l0k-00041-00017754-00018022 that child it's still in his sick that FHQzhCq6l0k-00042-00018023-00018233 Charter student is not sick has not even FHQzhCq6l0k-00043-00018234-00018467 came into this Earth FHQzhCq6l0k-00044-00018468-00018779 even took a breath of fresh air FHQzhCq6l0k-00045-00018780-00019121 but he's already giving his baby his her FHQzhCq6l0k-00046-00019122-00019372 his or her flowers this is a letter to FHQzhCq6l0k-00047-00019373-00019708 my unborn child oh we gotta hit that FHQzhCq6l0k-00048-00019709-00020029 shit back though that shit is FHQzhCq6l0k-00049-00020030-00021067 [Music] FHQzhCq6l0k-00050-00021068-00021371 so hard so my baby's living large always FHQzhCq6l0k-00051-00021372-00021599 stay ten toes down and don't fall always FHQzhCq6l0k-00052-00021600-00021803 put your money over bitches fuck a hoe FHQzhCq6l0k-00053-00021804-00021989 always put your money over dummies cause FHQzhCq6l0k-00054-00021990-00022169 they lame if I ever have a girl I'd be FHQzhCq6l0k-00055-00022170-00022355 today I gonna sing when your mind FHQzhCq6l0k-00056-00022356-00022493 tripping straight enough you gotta get FHQzhCq6l0k-00057-00022494-00022685 it right right FHQzhCq6l0k-00058-00022686-00023627 your FHQzhCq6l0k-00059-00023628-00023885 pet whether they're FHQzhCq6l0k-00060-00023886-00024077 wrong let's get them up whatever the FHQzhCq6l0k-00061-00024078-00024317 situation is you're there for them hey FHQzhCq6l0k-00062-00024318-00024514 you ask questions later if they're on FHQzhCq6l0k-00063-00024515-00024622 the wrong FHQzhCq6l0k-00064-00024623-00024808 you mother why do you put me in this FHQzhCq6l0k-00065-00024809-00024989 predicament you crack the shit out of me FHQzhCq6l0k-00066-00024990-00025175 you do what you gotta do but don't ever FHQzhCq6l0k-00067-00025176-00025313 do that in front of an individual FHQzhCq6l0k-00068-00025314-00025600 because you know why that's in-house FHQzhCq6l0k-00069-00025601-00025762 shit that nobody else needs to know FHQzhCq6l0k-00070-00025763-00025961 what's going on with you you jump FHQzhCq6l0k-00071-00025962-00026237 whether or not for your family bro FHQzhCq6l0k-00072-00026238-00026543 family over everything I got family FHQzhCq6l0k-00073-00026544-00026783 right here my Buddha fam that I love FHQzhCq6l0k-00074-00026783-00027046 more than motherfucking my blood and FHQzhCq6l0k-00075-00027047-00027220 that I would jump for FHQzhCq6l0k-00076-00027222-00027449 inform my fucking blur FHQzhCq6l0k-00077-00027450-00027617 better stick up for your brother and FHQzhCq6l0k-00078-00027618-00027790 your sister if they wrong or right right FHQzhCq6l0k-00079-00027791-00028120 yeah I got my mind on my business I'm FHQzhCq6l0k-00080-00028122-00028324 just trying to get mine to the millions FHQzhCq6l0k-00081-00028325-00028661 I ain't trying to waste no time if I say FHQzhCq6l0k-00082-00028662-00028823 it and I like it but I get it give my FHQzhCq6l0k-00083-00028824-00029207 life's time to live FHQzhCq6l0k-00084-00029208-00029374 you don't pay no mind on your little FHQzhCq6l0k-00085-00029375-00029555 young FHQzhCq6l0k-00086-00029556-00029837 tell me about your life baby come on if FHQzhCq6l0k-00087-00029838-00030193 there's any advice FHQzhCq6l0k-00088-00030194-00030443 don't fall victims to your very own FHQzhCq6l0k-00089-00030444-00030785 Pride FHQzhCq6l0k-00090-00030786-00031561 hey FHQzhCq6l0k-00091-00031562-00032828 [Music] FHQzhCq6l0k-00092-00032829-00034681 [Music] FHQzhCq6l0k-00093-00034682-00034931 Money Trees underneath is a perfect FHQzhCq6l0k-00094-00034932-00035052 place FHQzhCq6l0k-00095-00035053-00035357 Money Trees is the perfect place for our FHQzhCq6l0k-00096-00035358-00035609 shade you get what I'm saying my boy FHQzhCq6l0k-00097-00035610-00035833 come on my boy are you talking about FHQzhCq6l0k-00098-00035834-00036107 money the shade I it's the way I'm FHQzhCq6l0k-00099-00036108-00036233 taking this is like he's talking about FHQzhCq6l0k-00100-00036234-00036383 the trees yeah but at the same time he's FHQzhCq6l0k-00101-00036384-00036659 talking about that money trees grow on FHQzhCq6l0k-00102-00036660-00036868 money that's a perfect place for his FHQzhCq6l0k-00103-00036869-00037061 shade for all the shade motherfuckers FHQzhCq6l0k-00104-00037062-00037223 throwing on them it's all good if FHQzhCq6l0k-00105-00037224-00037571 whether that bro this is badass he is FHQzhCq6l0k-00106-00037572-00037843 letting his baby know FHQzhCq6l0k-00107-00037844-00038140 they him or her is the best thing that's FHQzhCq6l0k-00108-00038141-00038411 ever gonna be in his life no matter what FHQzhCq6l0k-00109-00038412-00038668 you're gonna ask why I hustled hard why FHQzhCq6l0k-00110-00038669-00038873 did this why I did that why I stood on FHQzhCq6l0k-00111-00038874-00039059 my own why my circle is so small why FHQzhCq6l0k-00112-00039060-00039202 that fuck with these people why I didn't FHQzhCq6l0k-00113-00039203-00039365 mess with these people why I didn't mess FHQzhCq6l0k-00114-00039366-00039580 with them FHQzhCq6l0k-00115-00039581-00039737 because like I told you all the other FHQzhCq6l0k-00116-00039738-00039983 time life is like a chess game it ain't FHQzhCq6l0k-00117-00039984-00040162 no Checkers out here FHQzhCq6l0k-00118-00040163-00040457 he's staying 10 toes down he's staying FHQzhCq6l0k-00119-00040458-00040667 trying at least to stay two three moves FHQzhCq6l0k-00120-00040668-00040865 ahead hell some people already looking FHQzhCq6l0k-00121-00040866-00041068 at the Checkmate before I ain't that FHQzhCq6l0k-00122-00041069-00041309 good I try to stay at least three four FHQzhCq6l0k-00123-00041310-00041452 or five fucking who's ahead but FHQzhCq6l0k-00124-00041453-00041627 sometimes it never works out but you FHQzhCq6l0k-00125-00041628-00041812 always have to have alternate plan if FHQzhCq6l0k-00126-00041813-00041968 this don't work out you gotta jump over FHQzhCq6l0k-00127-00041969-00042173 here okay and do this sometimes it don't FHQzhCq6l0k-00128-00042174-00042268 work FHQzhCq6l0k-00129-00042269-00042635 this fucking flow was so bad bro this FHQzhCq6l0k-00130-00042636-00042845 fucking float is sick I when I first FHQzhCq6l0k-00131-00042846-00042929 heard this right now I thought it was FHQzhCq6l0k-00132-00042930-00043049 gonna be some like FHQzhCq6l0k-00133-00043050-00043295 real gangster because he hey he's dude FHQzhCq6l0k-00134-00043296-00043493 this just showed his artism right here FHQzhCq6l0k-00135-00043494-00043685 he this dude is an artist FHQzhCq6l0k-00136-00043686-00043877 this dude's artist because this right FHQzhCq6l0k-00137-00043878-00044057 here is sick with it bro you got to hear FHQzhCq6l0k-00138-00044058-00044411 his other stuff it is bad this is a FHQzhCq6l0k-00139-00044412-00044561 sight I've never heard of FHQzhCq6l0k-00140-00044562-00044705 I've never heard this part this this FHQzhCq6l0k-00141-00044706-00045108 side of this FHQzhCq6l0k-00142-00045109-00046467 cats long nights FHQzhCq6l0k-00143-00046468-00046849 [Music] FHQzhCq6l0k-00144-00046850-00047099 this is for everybody that I told I was FHQzhCq6l0k-00145-00047100-00047345 gonna buff to my people in my unborn FHQzhCq6l0k-00146-00047346-00047521 child fuck the street still love you FHQzhCq6l0k-00147-00047522-00047723 have the streets they don't love you FHQzhCq6l0k-00148-00047724-00047885 motherfucker FHQzhCq6l0k-00149-00047886-00048137 it's just something about your smile FHQzhCq6l0k-00150-00048138-00048377 [Music] FHQzhCq6l0k-00151-00048378-00048780 yeah FHQzhCq6l0k-00152-00048781-00049024 cause I don't know how long I'll be FHQzhCq6l0k-00153-00049025-00049183 around FHQzhCq6l0k-00154-00049184-00049465 yeah FHQzhCq6l0k-00155-00049466-00049817 hey beautiful hey beautiful FHQzhCq6l0k-00156-00049818-00050290 it's just something about your smile FHQzhCq6l0k-00157-00050291-00050635 got trash every moment when I'm with you FHQzhCq6l0k-00158-00050636-00050915 yo girl cause I don't know how long I'll FHQzhCq6l0k-00159-00050916-00051130 be around FHQzhCq6l0k-00160-00051131-00051594 yeah but there's a letter to my um FHQzhCq6l0k-00161-00051595-00051880 whoa the value you killed it on this FHQzhCq6l0k-00162-00051882-00052102 boy cause it's a letter to my unborn FHQzhCq6l0k-00163-00052103-00052351 child FHQzhCq6l0k-00164-00052352-00052709 my blood don't be a Tupac dog don't be a FHQzhCq6l0k-00165-00052710-00053032 Tupac baby I have some kids my boy you FHQzhCq6l0k-00166-00053033-00053411 too talented you too talented not to FHQzhCq6l0k-00167-00053412-00053813 have some of your blood and your legacy FHQzhCq6l0k-00168-00053814-00054059 to live oh my boy imma tell you right FHQzhCq6l0k-00169-00054060-00054215 now I never met you I don't know you FHQzhCq6l0k-00170-00054216-00054442 from Adam and Eve FHQzhCq6l0k-00171-00054444-00054682 oh motherfucking Adam or Steve I don't FHQzhCq6l0k-00172-00054683-00054965 know my boy I I don't know what I don't FHQzhCq6l0k-00173-00054966-00055132 Adam or Eve or Adam and Steve I don't FHQzhCq6l0k-00174-00055133-00055282 know what the fuck's going on nowadays FHQzhCq6l0k-00175-00055283-00055438 but let me tell you something dog I'm FHQzhCq6l0k-00176-00055439-00055661 gonna give you flowers while you're here FHQzhCq6l0k-00177-00055662-00055997 cause you you're very underrated FHQzhCq6l0k-00178-00055998-00056350 very slept on you rare you know how all FHQzhCq6l0k-00179-00056351-00056537 these artists are going on and these FHQzhCq6l0k-00180-00056538-00056861 little podcast is in their little genre FHQzhCq6l0k-00181-00056862-00057053 nobody talks about you FHQzhCq6l0k-00182-00057054-00057185 that's what I've been looking at it's FHQzhCq6l0k-00183-00057186-00057347 all good baby boy FHQzhCq6l0k-00184-00057348-00057569 you got a platform right here it may not FHQzhCq6l0k-00185-00057570-00057688 be as much FHQzhCq6l0k-00186-00057689-00057935 but welcome to Poland baby and welcome FHQzhCq6l0k-00187-00057936-00058204 to ukraina and welcome to Indonesia and FHQzhCq6l0k-00188-00058205-00058342 welcome to the other side of the United FHQzhCq6l0k-00189-00058344-00058535 States welcome to the Philippines FHQzhCq6l0k-00190-00058536-00058744 welcome to UK though FHQzhCq6l0k-00191-00058745-00059021 cause that's how we roll over here FHQzhCq6l0k-00192-00059022-00059291 until next time baby FHQzhCq6l0k-00193-00059291-00059573 out FHQzhCq6l0k-00194-00059574-00059839 are you late FLHkQZXlMFM-00000-00000092-00000593 so far we've got the HTML portion of the FLHkQZXlMFM-00001-00000594-00000989 project some input fields we need to FLHkQZXlMFM-00002-00000990-00001268 them now capture what has been typed FLHkQZXlMFM-00003-00001269-00001564 into those fields and then process that FLHkQZXlMFM-00004-00001565-00001882 process that info and then eventually FLHkQZXlMFM-00005-00001884-00002258 store it in the database we have the FLHkQZXlMFM-00006-00002259-00002608 ability to read what's in these fields FLHkQZXlMFM-00007-00002609-00003058 and then store to a database so that's FLHkQZXlMFM-00008-00003059-00003560 going to require a lot of JavaScript in FLHkQZXlMFM-00009-00003561-00003647 our code FLHkQZXlMFM-00010-00003647-00004052 I've got line 27 and 28 yours might not FLHkQZXlMFM-00011-00004053-00004238 line up but whatever numbers they're at FLHkQZXlMFM-00012-00004239-00004508 we've got the script tags that point to FLHkQZXlMFM-00013-00004509-00004994 the two libraries after those before the FLHkQZXlMFM-00014-00004995-00005081 end of body FLHkQZXlMFM-00015-00005082-00005506 it's add another script block this time FLHkQZXlMFM-00016-00005507-00005702 as a pair FLHkQZXlMFM-00017-00005703-00005929 except dated like that we're going to FLHkQZXlMFM-00018-00005930-00006211 keep this all very simple and write our FLHkQZXlMFM-00019-00006212-00006304 JavaScript FLHkQZXlMFM-00020-00006305-00006602 in this file we could of course and we FLHkQZXlMFM-00021-00006603-00006859 should write it in a separate file so FLHkQZXlMFM-00022-00006861-00007298 that it can be used more efficiently but FLHkQZXlMFM-00023-00007298-00007475 once we transfer this over back to the FLHkQZXlMFM-00024-00007476-00007745 cddb project we'll just copy and paste FLHkQZXlMFM-00025-00007745-00008181 this script into index jas of entually FLHkQZXlMFM-00026-00008183-00008449 so we're putting it in this order FLHkQZXlMFM-00027-00008450-00008781 because it matters load the basic jQuery FLHkQZXlMFM-00028-00008782-00009046 library or its basic nowadays or back in FLHkQZXlMFM-00029-00009047-00009271 the day this was revolutionary and then FLHkQZXlMFM-00030-00009272-00009574 load the pouch DB libraries so we can do FLHkQZXlMFM-00031-00009575-00009803 this database stuff and then we'll later FLHkQZXlMFM-00032-00009804-00010103 all all of our custom JavaScript code to FLHkQZXlMFM-00033-00010104-00010373 do something we're going to start off FLHkQZXlMFM-00034-00010374-00010880 with first the traditional immediately FLHkQZXlMFM-00035-00010881-00011281 invoked function expression this will FLHkQZXlMFM-00036-00011282-00011702 make our code more efficient and other FLHkQZXlMFM-00037-00011703-00011938 of the reasons remember we've got FLHkQZXlMFM-00038-00011939-00012212 opening closed parentheses opening in FLHkQZXlMFM-00039-00012213-00012514 closed parenthesis semicolon inside of FLHkQZXlMFM-00040-00012515-00012785 the first parenthesis we'll write FLHkQZXlMFM-00041-00012786-00012994 function with its own parentheses in its FLHkQZXlMFM-00042-00012995-00013394 own curly braces FLHkQZXlMFM-00043-00013394-00013593 to be immediately invoked function FLHkQZXlMFM-00044-00013594-00013821 expression we're going to create a FLHkQZXlMFM-00045-00013822-00014124 function at this point all of the code FLHkQZXlMFM-00046-00014125-00014361 that we're going to write will exist in FLHkQZXlMFM-00047-00014362-00014672 this function and this code will be FLHkQZXlMFM-00048-00014674-00015116 processed faster this code will you know FLHkQZXlMFM-00049-00015118-00015435 the namespace with variables and such FLHkQZXlMFM-00050-00015436-00015699 will be more efficient this is the FLHkQZXlMFM-00051-00015700-00015971 visible index and he got this FLHkQZXlMFM-00052-00015972-00016485 automatically in visual studio in visual FLHkQZXlMFM-00053-00016486-00016758 studio and I wrote it for us but here we FLHkQZXlMFM-00054-00016759-00017061 have to write it manually so then I'm FLHkQZXlMFM-00055-00017062-00017337 going to break the curly braces and the FLHkQZXlMFM-00056-00017338-00017532 movie has curly braces will make them FLHkQZXlMFM-00057-00017533-00017721 right here and all our echo is going on FLHkQZXlMFM-00058-00017722-00018582 between so break that and it will FLHkQZXlMFM-00059-00018583-00019259 activate use strict strict mode I want FLHkQZXlMFM-00060-00019260-00019683 more feedback from the browser FLHkQZXlMFM-00061-00019684-00019940 I want the browser to process the code FLHkQZXlMFM-00062-00019941-00020367 stricter I want more errors there's FLHkQZXlMFM-00063-00020368-00020592 examples of silent errors that the FLHkQZXlMFM-00064-00020593-00020730 browser will never tell you there's a FLHkQZXlMFM-00065-00020731-00021231 problem with strict mode it will we're FLHkQZXlMFM-00066-00021232-00021516 activating strict mode of JavaScript FLHkQZXlMFM-00067-00021517-00022646 processes last time we wrote JavaScript FLHkQZXlMFM-00068-00022647-00023022 for the visual studio project I believe FLHkQZXlMFM-00069-00023023-00023439 we wrote our code in the different FLHkQZXlMFM-00070-00023440-00023829 blocks or areas an area setting up FLHkQZXlMFM-00071-00023830-00024084 variables or objects and areas setting FLHkQZXlMFM-00072-00024085-00024275 up or section setting up functions and FLHkQZXlMFM-00073-00024276-00024519 in a section setting up events listeners FLHkQZXlMFM-00074-00024520-00024740 I'm going to follow that convention FLHkQZXlMFM-00075-00024741-00025074 often it's best to define our variables FLHkQZXlMFM-00076-00025075-00025308 early on our objects so we'll create FLHkQZXlMFM-00077-00025309-00025590 some variables here I'm going to use FLHkQZXlMFM-00078-00025591-00025790 jQuery Mobile so we'll start with the I FLHkQZXlMFM-00079-00025791-00026069 mean jQuery so also with the dollar el FLHkQZXlMFM-00080-00026070-00026468 element form save comic FLHkQZXlMFM-00081-00026469-00026927 equal to the jQuery selector that's FLHkQZXlMFM-00082-00026927-00027145 equivalent to document dot get element FLHkQZXlMFM-00083-00027147-00027557 by ID quotes but then you have to FLHkQZXlMFM-00084-00027558-00027745 remember is to include the prep the FLHkQZXlMFM-00085-00027747-00028382 pound sign in the selector form save FLHkQZXlMFM-00086-00028383-00029458 comic so creating a jQuery based FLHkQZXlMFM-00087-00029460-00029926 available using the difficulty to find FLHkQZXlMFM-00088-00029927-00030487 means think of an i-beam form City conch FLHkQZXlMFM-00089-00030488-00030899 should be the same as your form right up FLHkQZXlMFM-00090-00030900-00031310 there form ID equals form saved comic FLHkQZXlMFM-00091-00031311-00031499 we're going to setup more than one FLHkQZXlMFM-00092-00031500-00031787 variable here so I didn't put a FLHkQZXlMFM-00093-00031788-00032300 semicolon we're not done yet we're going FLHkQZXlMFM-00094-00032301-00033968 to do a little bit more yes I did say FLHkQZXlMFM-00095-00033969-00034184 that a moment ago we're writing it in FLHkQZXlMFM-00096-00034185-00034385 the file right now for simplicity and FLHkQZXlMFM-00097-00034386-00034571 then later when we get it back into our FLHkQZXlMFM-00098-00034572-00034793 visual studio project we will move this FLHkQZXlMFM-00099-00034794-00035279 to the index J as well I think so we're FLHkQZXlMFM-00100-00035280-00036230 creating this this first object comma D FLHkQZXlMFM-00101-00036231-00037215 be semicolon now this one is not a FLHkQZXlMFM-00102-00037216-00037562 jQuery based variable - plain old FLHkQZXlMFM-00103-00037563-00037964 JavaScript variable and I'm not setting FLHkQZXlMFM-00104-00037965-00038249 it to anything at the moment of creating FLHkQZXlMFM-00105-00038250-00038639 it sometimes you do this if you want to FLHkQZXlMFM-00106-00038640-00038864 do other things right now we're appeared FLHkQZXlMFM-00107-00038865-00039020 I'm creating a variable and setting it FLHkQZXlMFM-00108-00039021-00039308 to something I'm not going to set it to FLHkQZXlMFM-00109-00039309-00039437 anything yet FLHkQZXlMFM-00110-00039438-00039740 because that's their variable that's FLHkQZXlMFM-00111-00039741-00040136 going to hold our database basically and FLHkQZXlMFM-00112-00040137-00040558 we saw in the pouch website VAR DB FLHkQZXlMFM-00113-00040559-00041165 equals new pouch and that'll work but FLHkQZXlMFM-00114-00041166-00041411 looking ahead with that documentation FLHkQZXlMFM-00115-00041412-00041699 can tell you is there is an instance use FLHkQZXlMFM-00116-00041700-00041960 case where the person wants to start FLHkQZXlMFM-00117-00041961-00042278 over they have the app installed they FLHkQZXlMFM-00118-00042279-00042401 want to start over they were playing FLHkQZXlMFM-00119-00042402-00042629 with it they they want to delete all the FLHkQZXlMFM-00120-00042630-00042755 comics and start over I was just FLHkQZXlMFM-00121-00042756-00043004 checking it out so eventually we're FLHkQZXlMFM-00122-00043005-00043139 going to set a code to delete the FLHkQZXlMFM-00123-00043140-00043274 database to delete everything the FLHkQZXlMFM-00124-00043275-00043667 database we then need to re-establish FLHkQZXlMFM-00125-00043668-00044045 the database so through the years of FLHkQZXlMFM-00126-00044046-00044336 teaching this class this is a way that FLHkQZXlMFM-00127-00044337-00044612 will help us do that easier than other FLHkQZXlMFM-00128-00044613-00044786 ways we're going to create the database FLHkQZXlMFM-00129-00044787-00045029 but we're actually not going to set the FLHkQZXlMFM-00130-00045030-00045200 database up yet which is creating the FLHkQZXlMFM-00131-00045201-00045479 variable for it you can write a comment FLHkQZXlMFM-00132-00045480-00045920 here set up database that will say set FLHkQZXlMFM-00133-00045921-00046786 up database variable but don't connect FLHkQZXlMFM-00134-00046787-00047456 quote connect it connect with pouch DB FLHkQZXlMFM-00135-00047457-00048083 yet so that we can set up a way to FLHkQZXlMFM-00136-00048084-00048662 create the database quickly if we do DB FLHkQZXlMFM-00137-00048663-00049103 equals new pouch DB right now that I've FLHkQZXlMFM-00138-00049104-00049844 found limits us in the future so that's FLHkQZXlMFM-00139-00049845-00050117 what it looks like that not really set FLHkQZXlMFM-00140-00050118-00050704 to anything next line FLHkQZXlMFM-00141-00050705-00051037 don't forget to end that semicolon there FLHkQZXlMFM-00142-00051038-00051386 next line will create a function called FLHkQZXlMFM-00143-00051387-00053017 init DB initialize database FLHkQZXlMFM-00144-00053019-00053334 so we want to first create the database FLHkQZXlMFM-00145-00053335-00053660 variable globally you want to be able to FLHkQZXlMFM-00146-00053661-00053922 reference the database anywhere in our FLHkQZXlMFM-00147-00053923-00054222 code so it's outside of a function FLHkQZXlMFM-00148-00054223-00054369 except the immediately invoked function FLHkQZXlMFM-00149-00054370-00054648 that's a special case so I've got this FLHkQZXlMFM-00150-00054649-00054830 variable that can be used all over our FLHkQZXlMFM-00151-00054832-00055041 code because if you ever create a FLHkQZXlMFM-00152-00055041-00055791 variable inside of a function this FLHkQZXlMFM-00153-00055791-00056040 variable can only be used in this FLHkQZXlMFM-00154-00056041-00056429 function don't write this but saying FLHkQZXlMFM-00155-00056430-00056661 that variable can only be used in this FLHkQZXlMFM-00156-00056662-00056964 function to have a scope it only exists FLHkQZXlMFM-00157-00056965-00057288 basically in this subject so if we did FLHkQZXlMFM-00158-00057289-00057783 our DB ghostie pouch in this function we FLHkQZXlMFM-00159-00057784-00058119 don't think it exists in assumption we FLHkQZXlMFM-00160-00058120-00058466 created a variable of database outside FLHkQZXlMFM-00161-00058467-00058707 in the global scope so that it can be FLHkQZXlMFM-00162-00058708-00059088 used throughout the whole project in FLHkQZXlMFM-00163-00059089-00059325 this initialization function will set it FLHkQZXlMFM-00164-00059326-00060123 to DB equals new pouch DB because we FLHkQZXlMFM-00165-00060124-00060515 have a connection to the pouch file this FLHkQZXlMFM-00166-00060516-00060945 is valid without that pouch j/s file if FLHkQZXlMFM-00167-00060946-00061140 we try to do deep party we will say I FLHkQZXlMFM-00168-00061141-00061485 don't know what party B is because we're FLHkQZXlMFM-00169-00061486-00061686 going to do a patch file we can create a FLHkQZXlMFM-00170-00061687-00062064 new party instance of the database and FLHkQZXlMFM-00171-00062065-00062480 store it in this video the documentation FLHkQZXlMFM-00172-00062482-00062727 says ok we need an internal name a name FLHkQZXlMFM-00173-00062728-00062922 that the user never sees which can be FLHkQZXlMFM-00174-00062923-00063249 called anything like kitty cat or how FLHkQZXlMFM-00175-00063250-00063369 about a name is something meaningful FLHkQZXlMFM-00176-00063370-00063921 like my comics the user will never see FLHkQZXlMFM-00177-00063922-00064200 this you will see this in the console FLHkQZXlMFM-00178-00064201-00064422 output if you choose you will see this FLHkQZXlMFM-00179-00064423-00064665 in the developers panel if you choose FLHkQZXlMFM-00180-00064666-00065103 the user will never see this FLHkQZXlMFM-00181-00065104-00065446 so here now we have a way to initialize FLHkQZXlMFM-00182-00065447-00065698 a database more dynamically whenever we FLHkQZXlMFM-00183-00065699-00065980 want at this we had written it up here FLHkQZXlMFM-00184-00065981-00066193 would have initialized one time for the FLHkQZXlMFM-00185-00066194-00066466 first time that the program loads I want FLHkQZXlMFM-00186-00066467-00066595 a way to be able to initialize a FLHkQZXlMFM-00187-00066596-00066786 database whenever I need it FLHkQZXlMFM-00188-00066787-00067387 the next line return the database object FLHkQZXlMFM-00189-00067388-00067773 back out to the rest of the world of the FLHkQZXlMFM-00190-00067774-00068806 project notes function to initialize the FLHkQZXlMFM-00191-00068807-00069655 database create a new instance of the FLHkQZXlMFM-00192-00069656-00071160 pouch to be object the database return FLHkQZXlMFM-00193-00071161-00072732 the object to the global scope FLHkQZXlMFM-00194-00072733-00072904 leshing to initialize the database FLHkQZXlMFM-00195-00072905-00075799 whenever we need that sets up a function FLHkQZXlMFM-00196-00075800-00076018 to be able to initialize the database FLHkQZXlMFM-00197-00076019-00076249 whenever we need it the database has not FLHkQZXlMFM-00198-00076250-00076447 to be initialized so that function has FLHkQZXlMFM-00199-00076448-00076857 never been run let's run the function FLHkQZXlMFM-00200-00076858-00077410 and then now we can start using DB dot FLHkQZXlMFM-00201-00077411-00078382 something DVD put TBD TBD info I want to FLHkQZXlMFM-00202-00078383-00080008 show the database info in the console FLHkQZXlMFM-00203-00080009-00080246 if you've got a function that will let FLHkQZXlMFM-00204-00080247-00080441 us initialize a database the database is FLHkQZXlMFM-00205-00080442-00080756 ready to start to save data we actually FLHkQZXlMFM-00206-00080757-00080879 then initialize it FLHkQZXlMFM-00207-00080880-00081149 activate the database to start using the FLHkQZXlMFM-00208-00081150-00082595 data database console output show the FLHkQZXlMFM-00209-00082596-00083690 database save it and run it f12 to see FLHkQZXlMFM-00210-00083691-00084038 your console output it will probably FLHkQZXlMFM-00211-00084039-00084214 look something like some weird output FLHkQZXlMFM-00212-00084215-00084598 but it should give you some results I FLHkQZXlMFM-00213-00084599-00084842 think I've also seen depending on the FLHkQZXlMFM-00214-00084843-00085340 version of Firefox it may want to FLHkQZXlMFM-00215-00085341-00085550 cooperate or not so if it looks kind of FLHkQZXlMFM-00216-00085551-00085841 weird in Firefox check it in Chrome let FLHkQZXlMFM-00217-00085842-00085976 me let me check it on both so I'm going FLHkQZXlMFM-00218-00085977-00086569 to run it on Firefox first f12 console FLHkQZXlMFM-00219-00086570-00086870 it looks fine promise state fulfill FLHkQZXlMFM-00220-00086871-00087086 value object okay I guess that's fine FLHkQZXlMFM-00221-00087087-00087446 I'm going to run it in chrome chrome FLHkQZXlMFM-00222-00087447-00088034 will give me console promise and it says FLHkQZXlMFM-00223-00088035-00088211 stuff inside of it resolved FLHkQZXlMFM-00224-00088212-00088754 okay and it's not that nice looking for FLHkQZXlMFM-00225-00088755-00089972 people FLHkQZXlMFM-00226-00089973-00090264 but this this creativity base if you get FLHkQZXlMFM-00227-00090265-00090993 a weird error about something like sale FLHkQZXlMFM-00228-00090994-00091236 to low resource that most likely will be FLHkQZXlMFM-00229-00091237-00091503 you miss type your link over to your FLHkQZXlMFM-00230-00091504-00091800 JavaScript libraries I'm sure your FLHkQZXlMFM-00231-00091801-00091959 address is the same I'll check you in a FLHkQZXlMFM-00232-00091960-00092007 moment FLHkQZXlMFM-00233-00092008-00092301 but other possible errors could be uncut FLHkQZXlMFM-00234-00092302-00092553 reference but it says uncontroversial FLHkQZXlMFM-00235-00092554-00092877 some couch DVD if not defined that means FLHkQZXlMFM-00236-00092878-00093012 you didn't write your pouch DB FLHkQZXlMFM-00237-00093013-00093288 javascript library link it doesn't know FLHkQZXlMFM-00238-00093289-00093684 what Cox DB is part of there did anyone FLHkQZXlMFM-00239-00093685-00095496 get any weird errors unsupported FLHkQZXlMFM-00240-00095497-00095673 character that has to do most likely FLHkQZXlMFM-00241-00095674-00096030 with your utf-8 character up here let's FLHkQZXlMFM-00242-00096031-00096246 go take a quick look either one of the FLHkQZXlMFM-00245-00146801-00147290 all right so this initialization of the FLHkQZXlMFM-00246-00147291-00147662 database is very useful to pause for a FLHkQZXlMFM-00247-00147663-00148181 moment if I look at it in in Firefox my FLHkQZXlMFM-00248-00148182-00148508 console output says a certain kind of FLHkQZXlMFM-00249-00148509-00148808 thing if I look at it also in Chrome FLHkQZXlMFM-00250-00148809-00149092 looks a little bit different now in FLHkQZXlMFM-00251-00149093-00149384 let's look at this in Chrome at the FLHkQZXlMFM-00252-00149385-00149699 moment if you run it in Chrome and you FLHkQZXlMFM-00253-00149700-00150110 see that it says promise this is okay FLHkQZXlMFM-00254-00150111-00150455 something happened we created something FLHkQZXlMFM-00255-00150456-00150620 now in Chrome FLHkQZXlMFM-00256-00150621-00150899 another screen to see where your FLHkQZXlMFM-00257-00150900-00151208 database is is the same screen where we FLHkQZXlMFM-00258-00151209-00151514 were storing our localhost cookies FLHkQZXlMFM-00259-00151515-00151781 remember that a while ago the localhost FLHkQZXlMFM-00260-00151782-00152144 object local storage the local storage FLHkQZXlMFM-00261-00152145-00152332 object that was saving the login system FLHkQZXlMFM-00262-00152333-00152767 in Chrome we can see it by going to the FLHkQZXlMFM-00263-00152768-00153044 application tab of the developers FLHkQZXlMFM-00264-00153045-00153347 console and we have local storage but FLHkQZXlMFM-00265-00153348-00153509 now we're going to see our pouch DB FLHkQZXlMFM-00266-00153510-00153892 database inside of the index DB group FLHkQZXlMFM-00267-00153893-00154130 this is in Chrome we'll see how that FLHkQZXlMFM-00268-00154131-00154373 looks like in Firefox in a moment the FLHkQZXlMFM-00269-00154374-00154751 index DB if you open that up ouch my FLHkQZXlMFM-00270-00154752-00154934 comics the name of the database you FLHkQZXlMFM-00271-00154935-00155195 created will show up there even outside FLHkQZXlMFM-00272-00155196-00155372 of that you can see your data in a FLHkQZXlMFM-00273-00155373-00155606 variety of ways for example by sequence FLHkQZXlMFM-00274-00155607-00155819 I've already stored from stuff in my FLHkQZXlMFM-00275-00155820-00156083 database so I think stuff I'm going to FLHkQZXlMFM-00276-00156084-00156329 delete this at home probably nothing FLHkQZXlMFM-00277-00156330-00156482 because you haven't saved anything to FLHkQZXlMFM-00278-00156483-00157034 the database in Firefox if you want to FLHkQZXlMFM-00279-00157035-00157366 see how that looks like in Firefox FLHkQZXlMFM-00280-00157367-00157766 the default tabs in Firefox don't have FLHkQZXlMFM-00281-00157767-00158207 like a databases tab in Firefox you have FLHkQZXlMFM-00282-00158208-00158474 to be in the console then you open up FLHkQZXlMFM-00283-00158475-00158885 the options of the console and you see FLHkQZXlMFM-00284-00158886-00159287 also show me the storage tab now you get FLHkQZXlMFM-00285-00159288-00159701 a new storage tab this isn't Firefox and FLHkQZXlMFM-00286-00159702-00160027 I've got an index TV FLHkQZXlMFM-00287-00160028-00160648 inside of that a pouch in database so FLHkQZXlMFM-00288-00160649-00161130 different ways to look at your data I FLHkQZXlMFM-00289-00161131-00161413 have stuff in there that I want to get FLHkQZXlMFM-00290-00161414-00162903 rid of so let me just get rid of that FLHkQZXlMFM-00291-00162904-00163117 don't worry about this at the moment FLHkQZXlMFM-00293-00166625-00167072 okay so what we've done then is created FLHkQZXlMFM-00294-00167073-00167552 a database instantiate it put some FLHkQZXlMFM-00295-00167553-00167851 console output we can comment that out FLHkQZXlMFM-00296-00167852-00168104 we can kind of verify yeah we get a FLHkQZXlMFM-00297-00168105-00168497 database I don't need to constantly see FLHkQZXlMFM-00298-00168498-00168827 that in my output so I'll just comment FLHkQZXlMFM-00299-00168828-00169352 it out okay what we need to do is read FLHkQZXlMFM-00300-00169353-00169643 the information that the person typed FLHkQZXlMFM-00301-00169644-00170258 into the into the fields so on the next FLHkQZXlMFM-00302-00170259-00170731 line we're going to create a function FLHkQZXlMFM-00303-00170732-00171662 called SN prep comic a function that FLHkQZXlMFM-00304-00171663-00172454 will prepare the data input into those FLHkQZXlMFM-00305-00172455-00172727 fields we'll have a function to read the FLHkQZXlMFM-00306-00172728-00172901 data to prepare the data we'll have FLHkQZXlMFM-00307-00172902-00173129 another function to save the data I have FLHkQZXlMFM-00308-00173130-00173414 another function to read the data from FLHkQZXlMFM-00309-00173415-00173588 the database we'll have another function FLHkQZXlMFM-00310-00173589-00173954 to update the data and so forth you do FLHkQZXlMFM-00311-00173955-00174293 something there in a moment just to FLHkQZXlMFM-00312-00174294-00175307 console.log and the reference input FLHkQZXlMFM-00313-00175308-00176224 field FLHkQZXlMFM-00314-00176225-00176624 function to prepare to get the data on FLHkQZXlMFM-00316-00179987-00180272 all right so what function is going to FLHkQZXlMFM-00317-00180273-00180578 do its thing once you click Submit so we FLHkQZXlMFM-00318-00180579-00180872 need to set up an event handler on the FLHkQZXlMFM-00319-00180873-00181366 event of a submit run that function so FLHkQZXlMFM-00320-00181367-00181736 after the function will set up our event FLHkQZXlMFM-00321-00181737-00182516 handler L form save comic because we FLHkQZXlMFM-00322-00182517-00183559 create it up here the object dot submit FLHkQZXlMFM-00323-00183560-00184160 on the event of a submit is forward with FLHkQZXlMFM-00324-00184161-00184463 that ie one source click submit to the FLHkQZXlMFM-00325-00184464-00184823 power run that function so we're going FLHkQZXlMFM-00326-00184824-00185201 to then say function parentheses curly FLHkQZXlMFM-00327-00185202-00185666 base once the click submit upon a FLHkQZXlMFM-00328-00185667-00185933 function let's run a function was it FLHkQZXlMFM-00329-00185934-00186263 click Submit upon a full arm for the FLHkQZXlMFM-00330-00186264-00186542 function now the default behavior of FLHkQZXlMFM-00331-00186543-00187088 submitting forms on a usual website is FLHkQZXlMFM-00332-00187089-00187337 that the screen reloads to go off FLHkQZXlMFM-00333-00187338-00187604 somewhere else to process the data on a FLHkQZXlMFM-00334-00187605-00187817 traditional web browser this is the same FLHkQZXlMFM-00335-00187818-00188030 sort of issue we had we were doing the FLHkQZXlMFM-00336-00188031-00188255 login system well we weren't running FLHkQZXlMFM-00337-00188256-00188456 that login system inside of a server FLHkQZXlMFM-00338-00188457-00188657 we're running it in an app so we have to FLHkQZXlMFM-00339-00188658-00188885 override the default behavior it's not FLHkQZXlMFM-00340-00188886-00189059 running on a server we need to change FLHkQZXlMFM-00341-00189060-00189167 the behavior of how FLHkQZXlMFM-00342-00189168-00189608 submittal works so an event has happened FLHkQZXlMFM-00343-00189609-00189887 from trying to submit it but it's the FLHkQZXlMFM-00344-00189888-00190115 event of we're on a server no we're not FLHkQZXlMFM-00345-00190116-00190346 on a server so this function is going to FLHkQZXlMFM-00346-00190347-00190547 deal with the event object and pass it FLHkQZXlMFM-00347-00190548-00190927 into our function prep comic function FLHkQZXlMFM-00348-00190928-00191612 parentheses event so this really causes FLHkQZXlMFM-00349-00191613-00191888 an event you could deal with this event FLHkQZXlMFM-00350-00191889-00192404 in this function so before we do the FLHkQZXlMFM-00351-00192405-00192775 console log we'll see event dot prevent FLHkQZXlMFM-00352-00192776-00193355 default don't refresh the screen don't FLHkQZXlMFM-00353-00193356-00193529 go to some other screen we're not on a FLHkQZXlMFM-00354-00193530-00194215 web server don't do the default behavior FLHkQZXlMFM-00355-00194216-00194549 stop the default behavior prevent the FLHkQZXlMFM-00356-00194550-00195991 default behavior absolute mating a form FLHkQZXlMFM-00357-00195992-00197476 like don't refresh you can have here a FLHkQZXlMFM-00358-00197477-00198427 comment event handler for a submittal FLHkQZXlMFM-00359-00198428-00199674 and capture the event to prevent it FLHkQZXlMFM-00360-00199675-00200683 to prevent default so if you save it and FLHkQZXlMFM-00361-00200684-00201043 run it you try to submit that form of FLHkQZXlMFM-00362-00201044-00201172 course it will ask for a couple of FLHkQZXlMFM-00363-00201173-00201559 required fields but if you fill in the FLHkQZXlMFM-00364-00201560-00201796 form with the required fields you click FLHkQZXlMFM-00365-00201797-00202104 Submit in your console you should get FLHkQZXlMFM-00367-00205461-00206046 excuse mine works so again if I just FLHkQZXlMFM-00368-00206048-00206251 simply try to save it'll say fill out FLHkQZXlMFM-00369-00206252-00206476 the fields fill in whatever for the FLHkQZXlMFM-00370-00206477-00207366 moment getting getting the fields so the FLHkQZXlMFM-00371-00207367-00207646 form doesn't clear doesn't say through FLHkQZXlMFM-00372-00207646-00207810 the database yet I'm just confirming FLHkQZXlMFM-00373-00207811-00208009 that clicking the button will do FLHkQZXlMFM-00374-00208010-00208326 something you should see then the output FLHkQZXlMFM-00375-00208327-00208641 console output and we should see it FLHkQZXlMFM-00376-00208642-00208882 should recognize if you don't fill FLHkQZXlMFM-00377-00208883-00209053 anything in now obviously for beta FLHkQZXlMFM-00378-00209054-00209275 testing it's annoying to have to fill FLHkQZXlMFM-00379-00209276-00209485 those it for beta testing you could FLHkQZXlMFM-00380-00209486-00209863 remove the required attribute of the FLHkQZXlMFM-00381-00209864-00210055 title and the number so just some quick FLHkQZXlMFM-00382-00210056-00210246 testing what I happen to always type FLHkQZXlMFM-00383-00210248-00210421 something for title number remove the FLHkQZXlMFM-00384-00210421-00210648 required attribute I'm not going to FLHkQZXlMFM-00385-00210650-00210744 because I probably going to forget to FLHkQZXlMFM-00386-00210746-00210846 put it back in later FLHkQZXlMFM-00387-00210848-00211146 one way to quick test it quicker remove FLHkQZXlMFM-00388-00211148-00212388 the required attributes of those inputs FLHkQZXlMFM-00389-00212389-00212632 there's another one that we maybe don't FLHkQZXlMFM-00390-00212633-00212830 really need to keep announcing that it's FLHkQZXlMFM-00391-00212831-00213712 working so I'm commented in this FLHkQZXlMFM-00392-00213713-00213844 function I'm going to create a variety FLHkQZXlMFM-00393-00213844-00214075 of variables that will only be FLHkQZXlMFM-00394-00214076-00214519 meaningful at this moment when I'm FLHkQZXlMFM-00395-00214519-00214690 retreating them I don't need to create FLHkQZXlMFM-00396-00214691-00215010 variable that exists always by creating FLHkQZXlMFM-00397-00215011-00215296 variables outside of a function right FLHkQZXlMFM-00398-00215296-00215434 some of the first things we did by FLHkQZXlMFM-00399-00215435-00215584 creating these variables right away FLHkQZXlMFM-00400-00215585-00215833 these exist always and we can use them FLHkQZXlMFM-00401-00215834-00216055 always and they take up memory always FLHkQZXlMFM-00402-00216056-00216321 when we have variables created in a FLHkQZXlMFM-00403-00216323-00216514 function they only exist for the time FLHkQZXlMFM-00404-00216515-00216802 the function is running so in this FLHkQZXlMFM-00405-00216803-00217069 function prep conic I want to create FLHkQZXlMFM-00406-00217069-00217405 some variables that will only exist for FLHkQZXlMFM-00407-00217406-00217788 the moment that I need them FLHkQZXlMFM-00408-00217789-00218292 so we're going to create dollar bill au FLHkQZXlMFM-00409-00218292-00219023 in title equals the value of the input FLHkQZXlMFM-00410-00219025-00219510 field title which we get from the jQuery FLHkQZXlMFM-00411-00219511-00220385 selector we call the entitled pound sign FLHkQZXlMFM-00412-00220386-00220908 very important pound sign document that FLHkQZXlMFM-00413-00220909-00221706 I get element by ID ID already very end FLHkQZXlMFM-00414-00221707-00222210 of that dot Val the jQuery method to FLHkQZXlMFM-00415-00222211-00222537 check what is the value currently FLHkQZXlMFM-00416-00222538-00222948 written in the input field title store FLHkQZXlMFM-00417-00222948-00223298 it in the Val the value in title FLHkQZXlMFM-00418-00223300-00224123 variable so we have at the top these IDs FLHkQZXlMFM-00419-00224125-00224696 this idea of in title being found by the FLHkQZXlMFM-00420-00224698-00224958 jQuery selector we check its value and FLHkQZXlMFM-00421-00224959-00225210 we store it in a variable we will do FLHkQZXlMFM-00422-00225211-00225378 that for the other fields as well so FLHkQZXlMFM-00423-00225379-00225657 this will be tedious but it'll be the FLHkQZXlMFM-00424-00225658-00225798 same thing over and over FLHkQZXlMFM-00425-00225798-00226511 dollar valve in number equals jQuery FLHkQZXlMFM-00426-00226512-00227205 pound in number dot Val comma comma at FLHkQZXlMFM-00427-00227206-00227400 the end of all of these because we're FLHkQZXlMFM-00428-00227401-00227592 going to create like six variables or FLHkQZXlMFM-00429-00227592-00228327 five variables FLHkQZXlMFM-00430-00228328-00228538 and create a variable for each one of FLHkQZXlMFM-00431-00228539-00228931 these fields one two three four five now FLHkQZXlMFM-00432-00228932-00229126 here's a here's a kind of cool thing FLHkQZXlMFM-00433-00229127-00229544 with notepad you right-click your tab FLHkQZXlMFM-00434-00229546-00229873 clone to other view you can see at the FLHkQZXlMFM-00435-00229873-00230221 top on one view at the top so you can FLHkQZXlMFM-00436-00230221-00230733 see what your what your IDs are and then FLHkQZXlMFM-00437-00230734-00231057 on the other window you can write the FLHkQZXlMFM-00438-00231058-00231108 code FLHkQZXlMFM-00439-00231109-00231316 I forget by the way what I mean my FLHkQZXlMFM-00440-00231317-00231565 things have to go back and forth if I FLHkQZXlMFM-00441-00231566-00231831 called my view I think I can get the FLHkQZXlMFM-00442-00231832-00232030 part where I need so I can decode and if FLHkQZXlMFM-00443-00232031-00232215 it always come in at the same time FLHkQZXlMFM-00444-00232216-00232659 that's right click the tab clone to FLHkQZXlMFM-00445-00232660-00233610 other view we need to get away these FLHkQZXlMFM-00446-00233611-00233781 were names sort of hopefully in a way FLHkQZXlMFM-00447-00233782-00234057 that is memorable with a sort of a FLHkQZXlMFM-00448-00234058-00234790 syntax that we made up now in here equal FLHkQZXlMFM-00449-00234791-00236785 to dollar after pound year ow FLHkQZXlMFM-00450-00236786-00237706 the last one which is the comment FLHkQZXlMFM-00452-00242902-00243852 we can clear the console output FLHkQZXlMFM-00453-00243853-00244201 obviously this is TDs also but it's very FLHkQZXlMFM-00454-00244202-00244617 useful to check that we're capturing FLHkQZXlMFM-00455-00244619-00245823 what we think for capture you maybe FLHkQZXlMFM-00456-00245825-00245956 never thought about it but you can break FLHkQZXlMFM-00457-00245957-00246135 the parentheses of your console output FLHkQZXlMFM-00458-00246136-00246439 your constant log if you want I'm just FLHkQZXlMFM-00459-00246440-00246556 going to break it to the next line so FLHkQZXlMFM-00460-00246557-00247019 you can read it but you can do that then FLHkQZXlMFM-00461-00247021-00247921 publisher commas after each one now if FLHkQZXlMFM-00462-00247921-00248212 you if you run it you type stuff in FLHkQZXlMFM-00463-00248213-00248421 those boxes and click Submit what you FLHkQZXlMFM-00465-00252607-00252813 so be careful here instead of the FLHkQZXlMFM-00466-00252814-00253116 console.log open close parenthesis and FLHkQZXlMFM-00467-00253117-00253337 close the parentheses on the second line FLHkQZXlMFM-00468-00253338-00255927 I've got a comma after each variable so FLHkQZXlMFM-00469-00255928-00256215 I type some data you're typing Donald FLHkQZXlMFM-00470-00256216-00256707 touch for some reason doc okay so I FLHkQZXlMFM-00471-00256708-00256917 guess I'm data if I say even then my FLHkQZXlMFM-00472-00256917-00257226 console tells me each one without any FLHkQZXlMFM-00473-00257227-00257439 context because I didn't write any extra FLHkQZXlMFM-00474-00257440-00257930 string output but I get them the data in FLHkQZXlMFM-00475-00257931-00258450 title in here in title in name in year FLHkQZXlMFM-00476-00258451-00258771 in publisher and in comment of course FLHkQZXlMFM-00477-00258771-00258915 eventually I may get tired of typing FLHkQZXlMFM-00478-00258916-00259094 real data and it's a perfectly fine for FLHkQZXlMFM-00479-00259096-00259425 you put your --brush just to quickly get FLHkQZXlMFM-00480-00259426-00259826 something to show it'll be fine FLHkQZXlMFM-00481-00259827-00260052 we should start to see some of that in FLHkQZXlMFM-00482-00260053-00261679 the console FLHkQZXlMFM-00483-00261680-00262007 do one more thing noble and for the day FLHkQZXlMFM-00484-00262008-00262443 yes well let me just do this one thing FLHkQZXlMFM-00485-00262444-00262684 and then we're about to do the laptop FLHkQZXlMFM-00486-00262685-00263118 all of these are separate pieces of data FLHkQZXlMFM-00487-00263119-00263408 I want to bundle them together Jason FLHkQZXlMFM-00488-00263409-00263664 what we create when we worked within the FLHkQZXlMFM-00489-00263665-00263734 network's FLHkQZXlMFM-00490-00263735-00264117 project that was a bundle of data in a FLHkQZXlMFM-00491-00264118-00264366 social network this is a bundle of data FLHkQZXlMFM-00492-00264367-00264570 that I want to put together and then FLHkQZXlMFM-00493-00264571-00265306 store in CouchDB so next one bar I could FLHkQZXlMFM-00494-00265307-00265653 define the bar up here too I just kind FLHkQZXlMFM-00495-00265654-00266169 of liked it here because it kind of FLHkQZXlMFM-00496-00266170-00266816 flows capture the beta process to be FLHkQZXlMFM-00497-00266817-00267109 curly brackets because it's going to be FLHkQZXlMFM-00498-00267110-00267824 G's and data you will have to : value FLHkQZXlMFM-00499-00267825-00268551 break this the one that we need is FLHkQZXlMFM-00500-00268552-00269359 underscore ID FLHkQZXlMFM-00501-00269360-00269679 [Music] FLHkQZXlMFM-00502-00269680-00270032 a score ID has to be a unique identifier FLHkQZXlMFM-00503-00270033-00270648 if you are going to store this data of FLHkQZXlMFM-00504-00270649-00271020 comic books what would you say in your FLHkQZXlMFM-00505-00271021-00271358 opinion here would be like the unique FLHkQZXlMFM-00506-00271359-00271584 identifier that will separate things FLHkQZXlMFM-00507-00271585-00271998 from other comics the title and number FLHkQZXlMFM-00508-00271999-00272277 exactly Mickey Mouse number 12 is FLHkQZXlMFM-00509-00272278-00272454 different than Mickey Mouse number 11 so FLHkQZXlMFM-00510-00272455-00272805 using the title and the number could be FLHkQZXlMFM-00511-00272806-00273168 a could be a valid ID that is separate FLHkQZXlMFM-00512-00273169-00273291 there isn't anything else going to be FLHkQZXlMFM-00513-00273292-00273432 called Mickey Mouse number twelve it's FLHkQZXlMFM-00514-00273433-00274011 just one Mickey Mouse to us so ID is FLHkQZXlMFM-00515-00274012-00274434 going to then be based on Val in titles FLHkQZXlMFM-00516-00274435-00275502 plus go and number no close because we FLHkQZXlMFM-00517-00275503-00275703 don't need that to be a string we need FLHkQZXlMFM-00518-00275704-00276176 to see what in the variable so maybe now FLHkQZXlMFM-00519-00276177-00276744 twelve will combine to video ie comma FLHkQZXlMFM-00520-00276745-00276960 because then we're just going to store FLHkQZXlMFM-00521-00276961-00277590 here quotes the title of the comic based FLHkQZXlMFM-00522-00277591-00278067 on Val in title I also want to store the FLHkQZXlMFM-00523-00278068-00278304 title separately if I want to retrieve FLHkQZXlMFM-00524-00278305-00278531 it I also want to store the number FLHkQZXlMFM-00525-00278532-00279063 separately but we need an ID to refer to FLHkQZXlMFM-00526-00279064-00279543 a unique record a unique document in our FLHkQZXlMFM-00527-00279544-00279933 pouch database we'll write comments in a FLHkQZXlMFM-00528-00279934-00280137 moment remember we should not write FLHkQZXlMFM-00529-00280138-00280476 comments in a JSON file you may be FLHkQZXlMFM-00530-00280477-00280667 tempted to write comments over here FLHkQZXlMFM-00531-00280668-00281034 that's going to break the JSON syntax if FLHkQZXlMFM-00532-00281035-00281262 you're going to write any comments you FLHkQZXlMFM-00533-00281263-00281709 should write them before or after the FLHkQZXlMFM-00534-00281710-00282120 JSON object FLHkQZXlMFM-00535-00282121-00282442 right comments in a moment here we're FLHkQZXlMFM-00536-00282443-00282739 creating a variable that holds Jason FLHkQZXlMFM-00537-00282740-00283165 data we also have to store the year the FLHkQZXlMFM-00538-00283166-00283737 publisher and the comment will have year FLHkQZXlMFM-00539-00283738-00284596 based on valve in year publisher you FLHkQZXlMFM-00540-00284597-00284889 could write capital letters but FLHkQZXlMFM-00541-00284890-00285088 lowercase is good because then you have FLHkQZXlMFM-00542-00285089-00285265 to remember if you both uppercase or FLHkQZXlMFM-00543-00285266-00286171 lowercase no if you put a you know a FLHkQZXlMFM-00544-00286172-00286300 bunch of spaces here and stuff though FLHkQZXlMFM-00545-00286301-00286597 that won't matter if you put a space in FLHkQZXlMFM-00546-00286598-00287125 the quotes though that woman final one FLHkQZXlMFM-00547-00287126-00288519 is comment a in comments no final comma FLHkQZXlMFM-00548-00288520-00289081 console.log coming up here I had the FLHkQZXlMFM-00549-00289082-00289729 data second separated process the data FLHkQZXlMFM-00550-00289730-00290080 as one bundle in Jason now it's all FLHkQZXlMFM-00551-00290081-00290488 above there is one object comic when you FLHkQZXlMFM-00552-00290489-00290716 output that the browser okay you've got FLHkQZXlMFM-00553-00290717-00291145 an object with these IDs these are these FLHkQZXlMFM-00554-00291146-00292272 keys and these valleys FLHkQZXlMFM-00555-00292273-00292836 now scavengers number one from 2005 FLHkQZXlMFM-00556-00292837-00293457 Disney no comment no comment FLHkQZXlMFM-00557-00293458-00294142 radical save the raw data on the FLHkQZXlMFM-00558-00294143-00294538 previous line in our object data with FLHkQZXlMFM-00559-00294539-00295974 the actual meaning unique identifier FLHkQZXlMFM-00560-00295975-00296215 I'll add some comments and then we'll FLHkQZXlMFM-00561-00296216-00298186 wrap up for the day yes yes it works FLHkQZXlMFM-00562-00298187-00298450 because we I believe it script where the FLHkQZXlMFM-00563-00298451-00298732 JavaScript block which happens to be in FLHkQZXlMFM-00564-00298733-00299062 html5 so I examined this Jason is FLHkQZXlMFM-00565-00299063-00299578 JavaScript object notation yeah exactly FLHkQZXlMFM-00566-00299579-00299713 if you write it outside of the script FLHkQZXlMFM-00567-00299714-00300064 block it won't understand it so this FLHkQZXlMFM-00568-00300065-00300511 first part here is gather the values of FLHkQZXlMFM-00569-00300512-00301662 the input fields this one here FLHkQZXlMFM-00570-00301663-00302784 fungal data in JSON format for pouch TV FLHkQZXlMFM-00571-00302785-00303501 you must have an ID underscore ID field FLHkQZXlMFM-00572-00303502-00303688 everything else is completely optional FLHkQZXlMFM-00573-00303689-00304006 we can make it up hi everyone we need an FLHkQZXlMFM-00574-00304007-00304219 underscore ID something that will be FLHkQZXlMFM-00575-00304220-00304495 unique the examples on page TV comm used FLHkQZXlMFM-00576-00304496-00304738 an email think about when you sign up FLHkQZXlMFM-00577-00304739-00304942 for a social network I'm trying to sign FLHkQZXlMFM-00578-00304943-00305098 up with an email that's already been FLHkQZXlMFM-00579-00305099-00305356 used so I can't use that email that is a FLHkQZXlMFM-00580-00305357-00305728 unique identifier in that network I'm FLHkQZXlMFM-00581-00305729-00305863 going to tell you right now this is FLHkQZXlMFM-00582-00305864-00306040 actually not the best way to do it but FLHkQZXlMFM-00583-00306041-00306169 for the moment we'll do it like this and FLHkQZXlMFM-00584-00306170-00306319 we come back next time we'll do it the FLHkQZXlMFM-00585-00306320-00306571 better way but we need some identifiers FLHkQZXlMFM-00586-00306572-00307093 unique identifier for that ID I'll do it FLHkQZXlMFM-00587-00307094-00307477 better next time this is the code so far FLHkQZXlMFM-00588-00307478-00307624 I'm going to put the code in the folder FLHkQZXlMFM-00589-00307625-00307882 in a moment but we started to work with FLHkQZXlMFM-00590-00307883-00308092 the database that will eventually be FLHkQZXlMFM-00591-00308093-00308341 integrated into our visual studio CBD B FLHkQZXlMFM-00592-00308342-00308416 projects FLHkQZXlMFM-00593-00308417-00308671 we're digging it out in notepad out on FLHkQZXlMFM-00594-00308672-00308842 its own so that we are not distracted FLHkQZXlMFM-00595-00308843-00309102 with the overhead of a big old editor FLHkQZXlMFM-00596-00309103-00309325 once this works we'll drop it into our FLHkQZXlMFM-00597-00309326-00309553 main project and we're reusing the FLHkQZXlMFM-00598-00309554-00309852 concepts of JSON with a new database FLHkQZXlMFM-00599-00309853-00310279 pouch TV which we see the benefits of FLHkQZXlMFM-00600-00310280-00310543 simplicity using the same syntax other FLHkQZXlMFM-00601-00310544-00310819 databases have other syntax if you're FLHkQZXlMFM-00602-00310820-00311044 using MySQL you have to write the FLHkQZXlMFM-00603-00311045-00311221 commands to get the data and such and FLHkQZXlMFM-00604-00311222-00311383 save the data in a completely different FLHkQZXlMFM-00605-00311384-00311752 way here we're using familiar JavaScript FLHkQZXlMFM-00606-00311753-00312094 commands to eventually put the data get FLHkQZXlMFM-00607-00312095-00312379 the data delete the data that we're FLHkQZXlMFM-00608-00312380-00312613 still preparing our data and that's what FLHkQZXlMFM-00609-00312614-00312814 this whole function is doing here one FLHkQZXlMFM-00610-00312815-00313099 last thing for this function after that FLHkQZXlMFM-00611-00313100-00313378 console output after we process this FLHkQZXlMFM-00612-00313379-00313717 data return comic out to the larger FLHkQZXlMFM-00613-00313718-00314265 world of the of the of the program FLHkQZXlMFM-00614-00314266-00314568 technically only exists in this world FLHkQZXlMFM-00615-00314569-00314868 create the variable comic FLHkQZXlMFM-00616-00314869-00315141 let's get that data out of this function FLHkQZXlMFM-00617-00315142-00315465 so we can use it elsewhere return the FLHkQZXlMFM-00618-00315466-00316334 data from comic so for the moment let's FLHkQZXlMFM-00619-00316335-00316647 have a little lap time and we'll FLHkQZXlMFM-00620-00316648-00316982 continue this on Thursday FpgEdWP4NnQ-00000-00000545-00002810 [Music] FpgEdWP4NnQ-00001-00002811-00003370 another wonderful day in fall scar and FpgEdWP4NnQ-00002-00003371-00004149 there go the Wolves right now which way FpgEdWP4NnQ-00003-00004150-00004542 that's East FpgEdWP4NnQ-00004-00004543-00004981 South is this way and that down there I FpgEdWP4NnQ-00005-00004982-00005467 think sambar Creek at least I hope it's FpgEdWP4NnQ-00006-00005468-00005902 amber Creek not there it is I'm going to FpgEdWP4NnQ-00007-00005903-00006052 have to go back to the Priory at some FpgEdWP4NnQ-00008-00006053-00006978 point to get the horse back yeah FpgEdWP4NnQ-00009-00006979-00007449 anything else to say look I've got a FpgEdWP4NnQ-00010-00007450-00008364 list - I'm fighting with a deer I wonder FpgEdWP4NnQ-00011-00008365-00009109 what happened to that tree FpgEdWP4NnQ-00012-00009110-00009334 it's dead standing would ever happen to FpgEdWP4NnQ-00013-00009335-00009966 it FpgEdWP4NnQ-00014-00009967-00010353 well FpgEdWP4NnQ-00015-00010354-00010914 did you kill that skipper good job FpgEdWP4NnQ-00016-00010915-00011814 ah well I got the book get back to your FpgEdWP4NnQ-00017-00011815-00013230 lab nah but it was a mess that was FpgEdWP4NnQ-00018-00013231-00013316 beautiful FpgEdWP4NnQ-00019-00013318-00014049 uh-huh they're running from the hawk I'm FpgEdWP4NnQ-00020-00014050-00014751 starting to notice more things about the FpgEdWP4NnQ-00021-00014752-00015333 wildlife outside of solstein more FpgEdWP4NnQ-00022-00015334-00015531 familiar with ash hoppers than I am with FpgEdWP4NnQ-00023-00015532-00015581 hawks FpgEdWP4NnQ-00024-00015582-00017013 at this point Wow FpgEdWP4NnQ-00025-00017014-00017571 I'm glad I got to see that nah you're FpgEdWP4NnQ-00026-00017572-00017822 kind of glad that I got to see lockers FpgEdWP4NnQ-00027-00017823-00018208 homeland FpgEdWP4NnQ-00028-00018209-00018867 because I kind of despise the man FpgEdWP4NnQ-00029-00018868-00019461 this is gorgeous FpgEdWP4NnQ-00030-00019462-00019808 huh I'm an early riser these days and I FpgEdWP4NnQ-00031-00019809-00020228 used to be waking up before the dawn FpgEdWP4NnQ-00032-00020229-00020705 good times FpgEdWP4NnQ-00033-00020706-00020922 well there was a path down through here FpgEdWP4NnQ-00034-00020923-00021777 somewhere apparently I was wrong you'll FpgEdWP4NnQ-00035-00021778-00022068 kill me if I tell you and I'll kill you FpgEdWP4NnQ-00036-00022069-00022450 if you don't where are they right now FpgEdWP4NnQ-00037-00022451-00022605 okay okay FpgEdWP4NnQ-00038-00022606-00022778 they're at Fort Rock you wanted them FpgEdWP4NnQ-00039-00022779-00023006 taken there but I don't know why I swear FpgEdWP4NnQ-00040-00023007-00023630 I don't know why very well vegard oh I'm FpgEdWP4NnQ-00041-00023631-00024333 on it convenient that's where you swing FpgEdWP4NnQ-00042-00024334-00024615 that kid did you find the book yes I did FpgEdWP4NnQ-00043-00024616-00024950 what Oblivion happened here in Barra has FpgEdWP4NnQ-00044-00024951-00025325 crossed yet another line he attacked the FpgEdWP4NnQ-00045-00025326-00025619 town and why we were out fighting his FpgEdWP4NnQ-00046-00025620-00026139 men more snuck in and they took y'all FpgEdWP4NnQ-00047-00026139-00026589 maan real hard what they took them they FpgEdWP4NnQ-00048-00026589-00026985 took them away from me we are going to FpgEdWP4NnQ-00049-00026986-00027444 get them back please tell me you found FpgEdWP4NnQ-00050-00027445-00027893 the book yes I did FpgEdWP4NnQ-00051-00027894-00028632 right here here finally good news we're FpgEdWP4NnQ-00052-00028633-00028970 going to get them back agnostic solo she FpgEdWP4NnQ-00053-00028972-00029375 got it take a look at the book hmm FpgEdWP4NnQ-00054-00029376-00029529 interesting FpgEdWP4NnQ-00055-00029530-00030277 yes so what does it say good FpgEdWP4NnQ-00056-00030278-00030652 good news everyone does it have what we FpgEdWP4NnQ-00057-00030653-00030973 need yes unless the location of the FpgEdWP4NnQ-00058-00030974-00031154 heart chamber and much else this is FpgEdWP4NnQ-00059-00031155-00031405 wonderful great FpgEdWP4NnQ-00060-00031406-00031677 and there does not waste any more time FpgEdWP4NnQ-00061-00031678-00032039 we are going before the arrow to save my FpgEdWP4NnQ-00062-00032039-00032204 wife and child FpgEdWP4NnQ-00063-00032205-00032507 oh of course Maya FpgEdWP4NnQ-00064-00032508-00032870 we are ready shall we meet near the fort FpgEdWP4NnQ-00065-00032871-00033361 to plan the attack yes that is what we FpgEdWP4NnQ-00066-00033362-00033727 will do will you help us attack for FpgEdWP4NnQ-00067-00033728-00034105 dirac and save my family of course I FpgEdWP4NnQ-00068-00034106-00034221 will FpgEdWP4NnQ-00069-00034222-00034765 sorry uh that was a bit I know what it's FpgEdWP4NnQ-00070-00034766-00035117 like to lose children I don't want to FpgEdWP4NnQ-00071-00035118-00035545 see you lose yours thank you you are a FpgEdWP4NnQ-00072-00035546-00035857 virtuous warrior my friend I don't know FpgEdWP4NnQ-00073-00035858-00036076 about you me those at the base of the FpgEdWP4NnQ-00074-00036077-00036454 cliffs below for the Arawak we are going FpgEdWP4NnQ-00075-00036455-00037302 to break in and get my family back yes FpgEdWP4NnQ-00076-00037303-00037648 God FpgEdWP4NnQ-00077-00037649-00038607 I will meet them there FpgEdWP4NnQ-00078-00038608-00039435 first first I have to do something FpgEdWP4NnQ-00079-00039436-00040018 gods FpgEdWP4NnQ-00080-00040019-00040410 blacksmith FpgEdWP4NnQ-00081-00040411-00040640 I have a question for you good morning FpgEdWP4NnQ-00082-00040641-00040917 morning boy I still can't believe what FpgEdWP4NnQ-00083-00040918-00041192 happened to poor Lord oh I can't believe FpgEdWP4NnQ-00084-00041193-00041383 what happened here FpgEdWP4NnQ-00085-00041384-00041664 so you're the best blacksmith in file FpgEdWP4NnQ-00086-00041665-00041973 star huh hi but I owe it all to my FpgEdWP4NnQ-00087-00041974-00042314 father he taught me everything I know FpgEdWP4NnQ-00088-00042315-00042602 his father taught him and his father FpgEdWP4NnQ-00089-00042603-00043133 before and so on our family has run this FpgEdWP4NnQ-00090-00043134-00043460 blacksmith since amber Creek was founded FpgEdWP4NnQ-00091-00043461-00043824 though I fear I have no child to pass my FpgEdWP4NnQ-00092-00043825-00043949 knowledge on dear FpgEdWP4NnQ-00093-00043950-00044402 and I never will that will happen to my FpgEdWP4NnQ-00094-00044403-00044973 wife but I do have Mekhi Asst I don't FpgEdWP4NnQ-00095-00044974-00045164 think my father would mind that he isn't FpgEdWP4NnQ-00096-00045165-00045545 my son too much it's about the knowledge FpgEdWP4NnQ-00097-00045546-00045918 the graft is skilled all that matters is FpgEdWP4NnQ-00098-00045919-00046308 that I teach someone and one day before FpgEdWP4NnQ-00099-00046309-00046857 I die I'll graph my masterpiece just FpgEdWP4NnQ-00100-00046858-00047193 like my father did even if it was taken FpgEdWP4NnQ-00101-00047194-00047632 from me FpgEdWP4NnQ-00102-00047633-00047842 I was about to say yes that's all that FpgEdWP4NnQ-00103-00047843-00048183 matters passing down FpgEdWP4NnQ-00104-00048184-00048427 passing down booth the craft because FpgEdWP4NnQ-00105-00048428-00048634 that's that's not something that you FpgEdWP4NnQ-00106-00048635-00048778 want to lose but what happened to your FpgEdWP4NnQ-00107-00048779-00049183 father's masterpiece yes many years ago FpgEdWP4NnQ-00108-00049184-00049486 my father rather dayal and Norse father FpgEdWP4NnQ-00109-00049487-00049942 a great Warhammer years later when my FpgEdWP4NnQ-00110-00049943-00050260 father passed away and now returning to FpgEdWP4NnQ-00111-00050261-00050650 my family we buried it with my father in FpgEdWP4NnQ-00112-00050651-00050733 his honor FpgEdWP4NnQ-00113-00050734-00051031 any blacksmith should rest with the FpgEdWP4NnQ-00114-00051032-00051492 finest of his craft but one day we found FpgEdWP4NnQ-00115-00051494-00051829 his grave dug up the hammer was gone FpgEdWP4NnQ-00116-00051829-00052315 stolen by someone we had no evidence but FpgEdWP4NnQ-00117-00052316-00052684 I know it was stolen by Garret his FpgEdWP4NnQ-00118-00052685-00053077 family was always jealous of mine last I FpgEdWP4NnQ-00119-00053078-00053341 heard he was hiding out at the old Aspen FpgEdWP4NnQ-00120-00053341-00053629 for Lodge to the Southey's in the amber FpgEdWP4NnQ-00121-00053629-00053965 hole I haven't a clue if he's still FpgEdWP4NnQ-00122-00053966-00054361 there but it's certainly worth a try if FpgEdWP4NnQ-00123-00054362-00054649 you can find my father's hammer I will FpgEdWP4NnQ-00124-00054650-00055191 be greatly appreciative well I can do FpgEdWP4NnQ-00125-00055192-00055413 that FpgEdWP4NnQ-00126-00055414-00055753 but first I need you to do something for FpgEdWP4NnQ-00127-00055754-00056200 me I have this old armor well not old FpgEdWP4NnQ-00128-00056201-00056611 per se but it was crafted by the finest FpgEdWP4NnQ-00129-00056612-00056974 blacksmith in Skyrim and on even the FpgEdWP4NnQ-00130-00056975-00057475 finest blacksmith in fall scar to give FpgEdWP4NnQ-00131-00057476-00057811 it a bit of an adjustment I have need of FpgEdWP4NnQ-00132-00057812-00058753 it unfortunately FpgEdWP4NnQ-00133-00058754-00059166 yes I can I help you no I think you've FpgEdWP4NnQ-00134-00059167-00059487 done quite well with this actually it FpgEdWP4NnQ-00135-00059488-00059659 fits perfect thank you again for helping FpgEdWP4NnQ-00136-00059660-00059856 me out of that cave who knows what would FpgEdWP4NnQ-00137-00059857-00060016 have happened to me otherwise hmm I FpgEdWP4NnQ-00138-00060016-00060565 thank you for your contributions this FpgEdWP4NnQ-00139-00060566-00060726 might save my life right now with FpgEdWP4NnQ-00140-00060727-00061367 anything it might save the Earl's life FpgEdWP4NnQ-00141-00061369-00061936 keep working and thank you again I'll FpgEdWP4NnQ-00142-00061937-00062536 find that hammer for you now I have to FpgEdWP4NnQ-00143-00062537-00062904 catch up with you with a ganar agna FpgEdWP4NnQ-00144-00062905-00063273 Ranga are so many names here FpgEdWP4NnQ-00145-00063274-00063930 it all sounds similar I suppose I FpgEdWP4NnQ-00146-00063932-00064541 probably shouldn't be too judgmental FpgEdWP4NnQ-00147-00064542-00065154 I wish I had gotten recourse back FpgEdWP4NnQ-00148-00065154-00065328 honestly we don't have time for that FpgEdWP4NnQ-00149-00065329-00065475 right now I need to figure out where for FpgEdWP4NnQ-00150-00065476-00066294 thew rock yoke is FpgEdWP4NnQ-00151-00066295-00066510 the bandits said Iraq so I'm going to FpgEdWP4NnQ-00152-00066511-00066873 trust his pronunciation it's a bit FpgEdWP4NnQ-00153-00066874-00067733 easier anyway the fort FpgEdWP4NnQ-00154-00067734-00068813 hello folks FpgEdWP4NnQ-00155-00068814-00069609 it's ask yourself it's been through a FpgEdWP4NnQ-00156-00069610-00070451 lot already but perhaps to help protect FpgEdWP4NnQ-00157-00070452-00071137 me in this coming battle I wear it with FpgEdWP4NnQ-00158-00071138-00071624 the utmost respect for the old man I say FpgEdWP4NnQ-00159-00071625-00071790 old man but I think he was younger than FpgEdWP4NnQ-00160-00071791-00072704 me hopefully his spirit is still with FpgEdWP4NnQ-00161-00072705-00073578 this armor in a way his fighting spirit FpgEdWP4NnQ-00162-00073579-00073923 he seems to be the one that protected FpgEdWP4NnQ-00163-00073924-00074393 the companions FpgEdWP4NnQ-00164-00074394-00074960 nobody else well he seemed like COD FpgEdWP4NnQ-00165-00074961-00075713 lakhs seconds outside of Al and the two FpgEdWP4NnQ-00166-00075714-00076866 boys FpgEdWP4NnQ-00167-00076867-00077151 ha probably it's heavier than my other FpgEdWP4NnQ-00168-00077152-00078039 armor and warmer which doesn't exactly FpgEdWP4NnQ-00169-00078040-00078296 work well with the Sun beating down well FpgEdWP4NnQ-00170-00078297-00079020 beating issue 4th Arrakis on the other FpgEdWP4NnQ-00171-00079021-00079458 side of board vault this is going to be FpgEdWP4NnQ-00172-00079459-00080508 a bit of a trek isn't it well hey maybe FpgEdWP4NnQ-00173-00080509-00080700 at some point I can get my knees and FpgEdWP4NnQ-00174-00080701-00080898 like my knees and lungs to catch up with FpgEdWP4NnQ-00175-00080899-00081938 the rest of me otherwise I have to hurry FpgEdWP4NnQ-00176-00081939-00082710 but I hope Agner will understand FpgEdWP4NnQ-00177-00082711-00083513 things are getting serious here this is FpgEdWP4NnQ-00178-00083514-00083943 what I left soul Stein for anyway in the FpgEdWP4NnQ-00179-00083944-00084504 first place two fights so that the young FpgEdWP4NnQ-00180-00084505-00084822 don't have to huh FpgEdWP4NnQ-00181-00084823-00084987 listen to me I'm starting to sound like FpgEdWP4NnQ-00182-00084988-00085611 I'm from false car well do you just to FpgEdWP4NnQ-00183-00085612-00086235 make such fun of me for that but before FpgEdWP4NnQ-00184-00086236-00087624 he got obsessed with that damn temple FpgEdWP4NnQ-00185-00087625-00087990 looks like that guard FpgEdWP4NnQ-00186-00087991-00090096 cleaned everything up you know I kind of FpgEdWP4NnQ-00187-00090097-00090618 don't want to go past a bar vault I'm FpgEdWP4NnQ-00188-00090619-00090800 not entirely sure what kind of state FpgEdWP4NnQ-00189-00090801-00091378 it's in FpgEdWP4NnQ-00190-00091379-00091581 I didn't know him long but I'm pretty FpgEdWP4NnQ-00191-00091582-00092542 sure they are allied in that blast FpgEdWP4NnQ-00192-00092543-00093115 well that is kind of you know sobering FpgEdWP4NnQ-00193-00093116-00094053 depressing have to keep going though FpgEdWP4NnQ-00194-00094054-00094218 hello FpgEdWP4NnQ-00195-00094219-00095518 whatever that wasn't ominous at all well FpgEdWP4NnQ-00196-00095519-00095877 the walls are intact FpgEdWP4NnQ-00197-00095878-00096909 hey she lives FpgEdWP4NnQ-00198-00096910-00097396 dude on him I'm thinking it would be FpgEdWP4NnQ-00199-00097397-00097765 smarter to go through here it would be FpgEdWP4NnQ-00200-00097766-00098729 faster anyway FpgEdWP4NnQ-00201-00098730-00098973 look like I can't handle myself against FpgEdWP4NnQ-00202-00098974-00100035 anything I might find out here I have an FpgEdWP4NnQ-00203-00100036-00100256 axe well I have a halberd FpgEdWP4NnQ-00204-00100257-00101824 I am this is where FpgEdWP4NnQ-00205-00101825-00103155 this is where I jumped in FpgEdWP4NnQ-00206-00103156-00103394 that looks like FpgEdWP4NnQ-00207-00103395-00103634 and long way up it's still smoldering up FpgEdWP4NnQ-00208-00103635-00104334 there FpgEdWP4NnQ-00209-00104335-00104574 something tells me the are done jumping FpgEdWP4NnQ-00210-00104575-00105436 after me FpgEdWP4NnQ-00211-00105438-00106254 well FpgEdWP4NnQ-00212-00106255-00106433 maybe they all make or treat everyone FpgEdWP4NnQ-00213-00106434-00106821 who died in that last time three or I FpgEdWP4NnQ-00214-00106822-00107558 suppose a favor leave ensure they FpgEdWP4NnQ-00215-00107559-00108179 solving God be kind to them FpgEdWP4NnQ-00216-00108180-00108344 don't know if I believe in something FpgEdWP4NnQ-00217-00108345-00109550 that myself but FpgEdWP4NnQ-00218-00109551-00109811 right FpgEdWP4NnQ-00219-00109813-00111210 from the wolf now FpgEdWP4NnQ-00220-00111211-00112152 [Music] FT1br1grmoc-00000-00002000-00002855 oh FT1br1grmoc-00001-00002856-00003177 [Music] FTFJtCv1X8I-00000-00000000-00000118 yo what's going on everybody this is FTFJtCv1X8I-00001-00000119-00000327 mythical sandbagging monk monday number FTFJtCv1X8I-00002-00000328-00000551 67 i believe it is and if you're new FTFJtCv1X8I-00003-00000552-00000678 here or don't know what that is FTFJtCv1X8I-00004-00000679-00000831 uh pretty much you send any gameplay you FTFJtCv1X8I-00005-00000832-00001023 have to this email right here FTFJtCv1X8I-00006-00001024-00001223 and i critique it go over it anything i FTFJtCv1X8I-00007-00001224-00001439 can to help you improve uh that's what i FTFJtCv1X8I-00008-00001440-00001503 do FTFJtCv1X8I-00009-00001504-00001798 um you can send me any mmr arena i don't FTFJtCv1X8I-00010-00001800-00001918 care if you're 1400 FTFJtCv1X8I-00011-00001919-00002175 2700 200 it doesn't matter you could FTFJtCv1X8I-00012-00002176-00002334 send me any mythic plus you got you can FTFJtCv1X8I-00013-00002335-00002487 send me a one a 16 FTFJtCv1X8I-00014-00002488-00002663 anything you got anything you want to FTFJtCv1X8I-00015-00002664-00002791 get another set of eyes on FTFJtCv1X8I-00016-00002792-00002966 please feel free to send them to me i'm FTFJtCv1X8I-00017-00002967-00003118 more than happy to go over FTFJtCv1X8I-00018-00003119-00003286 anything you might be struggling with or FTFJtCv1X8I-00019-00003288-00003543 want to improve on so today we have FTFJtCv1X8I-00020-00003544-00003767 isak we have and he says i'm a FTFJtCv1X8I-00021-00003768-00003983 subscriber thank you so much uh linda FTFJtCv1X8I-00022-00003984-00004103 sack of course FTFJtCv1X8I-00023-00004104-00004254 i have a couple games i'd love to review FTFJtCv1X8I-00024-00004255-00004359 on youtube of course i haven't played a FTFJtCv1X8I-00025-00004360-00004583 while since cataclysm until shadowlands FTFJtCv1X8I-00026-00004584-00004727 uh it's definitely a lot different now FTFJtCv1X8I-00027-00004728-00004854 really liking it thus far even though FTFJtCv1X8I-00028-00004855-00004967 i'm a miss weaver FTFJtCv1X8I-00029-00004968-00005167 i feel european i love the playstyle of FTFJtCv1X8I-00030-00005168-00005375 miss weaver i wish i'd been doing it uh FTFJtCv1X8I-00031-00005376-00005679 been there during the glory days yeah i FTFJtCv1X8I-00032-00005680-00005806 wish we can go back it's been hard to be FTFJtCv1X8I-00033-00005807-00005943 featured on yo thank you cheers FTFJtCv1X8I-00034-00005944-00006054 from sweden hello FTFJtCv1X8I-00035-00006055-00006263 to sweden wow i've always wanted to FTFJtCv1X8I-00036-00006264-00006406 visit there so it looks like we got FTFJtCv1X8I-00037-00006408-00006495 three games FTFJtCv1X8I-00038-00006495-00006742 so i'm just gonna hopefully this full FTFJtCv1X8I-00039-00006743-00006927 screens there we go perfect FTFJtCv1X8I-00040-00006928-00007198 and uh yeah i'm gonna do my best just do FTFJtCv1X8I-00041-00007200-00007310 what i can FTFJtCv1X8I-00042-00007311-00007431 it looks like let's see you're playing FTFJtCv1X8I-00043-00007431-00007623 miss weaver warrior i do i do have a lot FTFJtCv1X8I-00044-00007623-00007751 of experience with this comp we're FTFJtCv1X8I-00045-00007752-00007870 playing against wrestler drew affliction FTFJtCv1X8I-00046-00007872-00008023 warlock FTFJtCv1X8I-00047-00008023-00008246 now this comp is very annoying for your FTFJtCv1X8I-00048-00008247-00008407 warrior so normally FTFJtCv1X8I-00049-00008408-00008559 okay i see that your or lord and we FTFJtCv1X8I-00050-00008560-00008703 already got the flesh craft up which is FTFJtCv1X8I-00051-00008704-00008783 really good FTFJtCv1X8I-00052-00008784-00009014 um talent wise i see that we're going FTFJtCv1X8I-00053-00009015-00009287 orbs which is also very nice orbs FTFJtCv1X8I-00054-00009288-00009559 again very important now i see that FTFJtCv1X8I-00055-00009560-00009695 you're in voice with your warrior which FTFJtCv1X8I-00056-00009696-00009742 is FTFJtCv1X8I-00057-00009743-00009935 a plus it's really nice that you FTFJtCv1X8I-00058-00009936-00010078 actually are in voice so just let them FTFJtCv1X8I-00059-00010079-00010310 know hey you know i'm playing orbs FTFJtCv1X8I-00060-00010311-00010519 look for them my warrior calls them i'm FTFJtCv1X8I-00061-00010520-00010671 going to pack man FTFJtCv1X8I-00062-00010672-00010878 and try to eat the orbs and now for you FTFJtCv1X8I-00063-00010879-00010974 personally what you're going to want to FTFJtCv1X8I-00064-00010975-00011055 do is you're going to want to FTFJtCv1X8I-00065-00011056-00011303 put your port down and then put orb on FTFJtCv1X8I-00066-00011304-00011438 top of your port FTFJtCv1X8I-00067-00011439-00011583 just so if you they get an unstable FTFJtCv1X8I-00068-00011584-00011759 afflictions on you you can just port FTFJtCv1X8I-00069-00011760-00012046 and kind of just you know immediately uh FTFJtCv1X8I-00070-00012047-00012206 dispel anything that's on you FTFJtCv1X8I-00071-00012207-00012503 so we'll see how that goes and we have FTFJtCv1X8I-00072-00012504-00012638 net we have a bonus spree which is FTFJtCv1X8I-00073-00012639-00012807 really solid i'm swapping nickelodeon FTFJtCv1X8I-00074-00012808-00012855 this FTFJtCv1X8I-00075-00012856-00013127 tuesday i believe and um a lot of free FTFJtCv1X8I-00076-00013128-00013391 healing from the ooze as well so FTFJtCv1X8I-00077-00013391-00013519 yeah we got our statue down which is FTFJtCv1X8I-00078-00013519-00013694 beautiful get our new mists up i'm FTFJtCv1X8I-00079-00013695-00013783 actually FTFJtCv1X8I-00080-00013784-00013935 okay oh my god i was like lost first FTFJtCv1X8I-00081-00013936-00014055 thing i got we're doing this on both of FTFJtCv1X8I-00082-00014056-00014271 them which is perfect uh both you and FTFJtCv1X8I-00083-00014272-00014447 your warrior so that's really good FTFJtCv1X8I-00084-00014447-00014807 don't enveloping mist is okay but FTFJtCv1X8I-00085-00014808-00014966 don't don't get in the habit of using FTFJtCv1X8I-00086-00014968-00015127 the openness too often FTFJtCv1X8I-00087-00015128-00015319 um put an orb down let your warrior run FTFJtCv1X8I-00088-00015319-00015430 through it and just you're really FTFJtCv1X8I-00089-00015431-00015711 mostly healing through renewing mists FTFJtCv1X8I-00090-00015712-00015750 and FTFJtCv1X8I-00091-00015751-00015903 and vivifies that's pretty much what FTFJtCv1X8I-00092-00015904-00016111 you're healing with um but so far i'd FTFJtCv1X8I-00093-00016112-00016247 say so good um i don't know if you're FTFJtCv1X8I-00094-00016247-00016511 playing song of chiji FTFJtCv1X8I-00095-00016512-00016758 no i say green piece okay which is fine FTFJtCv1X8I-00096-00016759-00016830 which is fine FTFJtCv1X8I-00097-00016831-00017119 we are out of range of port i feel like FTFJtCv1X8I-00098-00017120-00017230 maybe not FTFJtCv1X8I-00099-00017231-00017486 i'm trying to find the icon i don't see FTFJtCv1X8I-00100-00017487-00017599 it but good in cap here FTFJtCv1X8I-00101-00017600-00017783 song of chi-chi is also good if you're FTFJtCv1X8I-00102-00017784-00017958 running it but um yeah ring piece is FTFJtCv1X8I-00103-00017959-00018086 still a really good ring piece there FTFJtCv1X8I-00104-00018087-00018183 from you FTFJtCv1X8I-00105-00018184-00018319 and mystic touch there perfect there's FTFJtCv1X8I-00106-00018320-00018463 string of port from the warlock which is FTFJtCv1X8I-00107-00018464-00018527 really good FTFJtCv1X8I-00108-00018528-00018783 um i forgot to mention tiger's lust is FTFJtCv1X8I-00109-00018784-00018871 really good FTFJtCv1X8I-00110-00018872-00019022 versus affliction rolex just because it FTFJtCv1X8I-00111-00019023-00019191 dispels and gives your warriors some FTFJtCv1X8I-00112-00019192-00019279 movement speed FTFJtCv1X8I-00113-00019280-00019439 uh because it is quite miserable for FTFJtCv1X8I-00114-00019440-00019614 your warrior i'm not gonna lie it's it's FTFJtCv1X8I-00115-00019615-00019727 really uh FTFJtCv1X8I-00116-00019728-00019999 not a whole lot of fun so there's a FTFJtCv1X8I-00117-00020000-00020055 house FTFJtCv1X8I-00118-00020056-00020239 howl of terror on you you weigh on you FTFJtCv1X8I-00119-00020240-00020367 as well so this is one of those FTFJtCv1X8I-00120-00020368-00020527 situations where you pour it FTFJtCv1X8I-00121-00020528-00020678 if you put it if you put your port down FTFJtCv1X8I-00122-00020679-00020847 drop an orb on top you instantly just FTFJtCv1X8I-00123-00020848-00020958 public ua FTFJtCv1X8I-00124-00020959-00021078 and you don't really have to worry about FTFJtCv1X8I-00125-00021079-00021230 too much um but i definitely wouldn't FTFJtCv1X8I-00126-00021231-00021407 stay in here too much FTFJtCv1X8I-00127-00021408-00021655 um you don't want them to see like FTFJtCv1X8I-00128-00021656-00021775 what's happening right now FTFJtCv1X8I-00129-00021776-00021927 we don't want this to happen we don't FTFJtCv1X8I-00130-00021928-00022086 want like um FTFJtCv1X8I-00131-00022087-00022247 the spread from the warlock because it's FTFJtCv1X8I-00132-00022248-00022486 really hard to kind of it's gonna FTFJtCv1X8I-00133-00022487-00022694 tax you man a lot and they might FTFJtCv1X8I-00134-00022695-00022839 actually get a lot of cooldowns here so FTFJtCv1X8I-00135-00022840-00022983 good job just rolling away put an orb FTFJtCv1X8I-00136-00022984-00023094 down run through it FTFJtCv1X8I-00137-00023095-00023414 uh there's the drain drain life so and FTFJtCv1X8I-00138-00023415-00023575 then focus is perfect as well perry from FTFJtCv1X8I-00139-00023576-00023807 your warrior i believe it was dark soul FTFJtCv1X8I-00140-00023808-00023855 so FTFJtCv1X8I-00141-00023856-00024014 again that's it's fine to trade FTFJtCv1X8I-00142-00024015-00024158 cooldowns for dark soul FTFJtCv1X8I-00143-00024159-00024271 because they don't really have a whole FTFJtCv1X8I-00144-00024272-00024463 lot of pressure outside of it uh you can FTFJtCv1X8I-00145-00024464-00024607 normally just orb FTFJtCv1X8I-00146-00024608-00024727 yeah you could and by the way look at FTFJtCv1X8I-00147-00024728-00024935 the druids mana right now um FTFJtCv1X8I-00148-00024936-00025135 weigh your way ahead your way that's how FTFJtCv1X8I-00149-00025136-00025271 that's normally how you win this match FTFJtCv1X8I-00150-00025272-00025327 up FTFJtCv1X8I-00151-00025328-00025550 and and uh yeah i can see you put an orb FTFJtCv1X8I-00152-00025551-00025670 there beautiful orb FTFJtCv1X8I-00153-00025672-00025878 um from you hopefully a warrior charges FTFJtCv1X8I-00154-00025879-00026031 through it FTFJtCv1X8I-00155-00026032-00026239 let's see if they're perfect charge or FTFJtCv1X8I-00156-00026239-00026358 it looks like jordan is going for a FTFJtCv1X8I-00157-00026360-00026502 drink but i would say just keep doing FTFJtCv1X8I-00158-00026504-00026631 damage to warlock FTFJtCv1X8I-00159-00026632-00026887 and try to get some cc off uh as soon as FTFJtCv1X8I-00160-00026888-00027039 they leave the drink so again in cap FTFJtCv1X8I-00161-00027039-00027174 like sweep when you can FTFJtCv1X8I-00162-00027175-00027343 ring a piece of the warlock can't run is FTFJtCv1X8I-00163-00027344-00027502 really nice just lock him into the room FTFJtCv1X8I-00164-00027504-00027743 maybe double leg sweep how terror FTFJtCv1X8I-00165-00027744-00027823 happens FTFJtCv1X8I-00166-00027824-00027958 it happens i mean it's insane nothing FTFJtCv1X8I-00167-00027960-00028118 much you do about a really good incap FTFJtCv1X8I-00168-00028119-00028367 though really really good in cab FTFJtCv1X8I-00169-00028368-00028551 now there are uh rolling good luck sweet FTFJtCv1X8I-00170-00028552-00028735 mike get your trick in here FTFJtCv1X8I-00171-00028736-00029087 that was also fear um no just be a poor FTFJtCv1X8I-00172-00029088-00029327 warrior man i actually FTFJtCv1X8I-00173-00029327-00029518 feel kind of bad in this matchup i FTFJtCv1X8I-00174-00029519-00029662 really do FTFJtCv1X8I-00175-00029663-00029951 but we're doing okay warlock still FTFJtCv1X8I-00176-00029952-00030046 doesn't have trinket FTFJtCv1X8I-00177-00030047-00030279 um again great job with your orbs as FTFJtCv1X8I-00178-00030280-00030439 well letting your warrior know probably FTFJtCv1X8I-00179-00030439-00030599 that there's orbs on the ground FTFJtCv1X8I-00180-00030600-00030870 and uh yeah no pretty solid i don't know FTFJtCv1X8I-00181-00030872-00031070 where our port is though right now FTFJtCv1X8I-00182-00031072-00031374 um two minutes ago i don't know i lost FTFJtCv1X8I-00183-00031375-00031558 track of it FTFJtCv1X8I-00184-00031560-00031727 but normally on this map like if you're FTFJtCv1X8I-00185-00031727-00031918 gonna push in it's fine FTFJtCv1X8I-00186-00031919-00032079 i would say put your port behind this FTFJtCv1X8I-00187-00032080-00032255 middle pillar put an orb on top and FTFJtCv1X8I-00188-00032256-00032318 you're in your FTFJtCv1X8I-00189-00032319-00032431 your chair and i also see that we're FTFJtCv1X8I-00190-00032432-00032695 playing life cycles which is FTFJtCv1X8I-00191-00032695-00032951 really sick i've been testing a lot i FTFJtCv1X8I-00192-00032952-00033543 like it i'm a huge fan of it FTFJtCv1X8I-00193-00033544-00033918 uh how terror you may be getting cap on FTFJtCv1X8I-00194-00033919-00033990 the druid FTFJtCv1X8I-00195-00033991-00034318 um FTFJtCv1X8I-00196-00034319-00034455 but yeah we're doing we're doing good so FTFJtCv1X8I-00197-00034456-00034623 far we're honestly FTFJtCv1X8I-00198-00034624-00034751 mystic touch is about to fall on the FTFJtCv1X8I-00199-00034752-00034911 warlock it's hard to keep it up all the FTFJtCv1X8I-00200-00034912-00034983 time FTFJtCv1X8I-00201-00034984-00035159 but that is also ironbark on the warlock FTFJtCv1X8I-00202-00035160-00035287 so good swap off oh FTFJtCv1X8I-00203-00035288-00035590 back on which is fine as well uh doing FTFJtCv1X8I-00204-00035591-00035735 damage here because i think you're on FTFJtCv1X8I-00205-00035736-00035823 you're on dr for FTFJtCv1X8I-00206-00035824-00036111 everything pretty much send focus t or FTFJtCv1X8I-00207-00036112-00036483 intervene from your warrior FTFJtCv1X8I-00208-00036484-00036623 there FTFJtCv1X8I-00209-00036624-00036783 and we're kind of just as you when FTFJtCv1X8I-00210-00036784-00036879 you're warrior can connect to the FTFJtCv1X8I-00211-00036880-00037071 warlock it's like FTFJtCv1X8I-00212-00037072-00037223 you can get cooldowns it's just actually FTFJtCv1X8I-00213-00037224-00037511 getting a warrior there um FTFJtCv1X8I-00214-00037512-00037646 are we doing a lot of damage here a FTFJtCv1X8I-00215-00037647-00037799 double howl i'm just going to go for FTFJtCv1X8I-00216-00037800-00037871 damage maybe FTFJtCv1X8I-00217-00037872-00038030 touch death i would go for probably a FTFJtCv1X8I-00218-00038031-00038215 paralysis on the druid here FTFJtCv1X8I-00219-00038216-00038518 really good paralysis into maybe or a FTFJtCv1X8I-00220-00038519-00038774 leg sweep if we have it but i'd say so FTFJtCv1X8I-00221-00038775-00038887 far we're doing the right orbs are FTFJtCv1X8I-00222-00038888-00038959 perfect FTFJtCv1X8I-00223-00038960-00039118 uh that is dark glare though so that FTFJtCv1X8I-00224-00039119-00039295 does extend the dots this is the one FTFJtCv1X8I-00225-00039296-00039415 time during the game there's FTFJtCv1X8I-00226-00039416-00039559 two times you want to really dispel as FTFJtCv1X8I-00227-00039560-00039799 many dots as you can um FTFJtCv1X8I-00228-00039800-00040015 during dark soul because they just go so FTFJtCv1X8I-00229-00040016-00040207 much value it gets so much so many stats FTFJtCv1X8I-00230-00040208-00040359 so much damage and then during dark FTFJtCv1X8I-00231-00040360-00040574 glare because it extends the dots so FTFJtCv1X8I-00232-00040575-00040815 right now is the most important time to FTFJtCv1X8I-00233-00040816-00041079 dispel FTFJtCv1X8I-00234-00041080-00041302 uas um this isn't the time where you FTFJtCv1X8I-00235-00041303-00041487 drop orbs or if you have a orb over here FTFJtCv1X8I-00236-00041488-00041671 behind behind the pillar that you have FTFJtCv1X8I-00237-00041672-00041823 uh run through it if you have dots on FTFJtCv1X8I-00238-00041824-00041999 yourself because this is this is pretty FTFJtCv1X8I-00239-00042000-00042502 much their big damage FTFJtCv1X8I-00240-00042503-00042895 bonus brew revival there FTFJtCv1X8I-00241-00042896-00043055 and then you could probably go for if FTFJtCv1X8I-00242-00043056-00043207 you get kicked you're fine because you FTFJtCv1X8I-00243-00043208-00043374 can just go for flesh grab beautiful FTFJtCv1X8I-00244-00043375-00043543 beautiful fleshcraft really nice final FTFJtCv1X8I-00245-00043544-00043751 form as well FTFJtCv1X8I-00246-00043752-00043958 big shield doing a lot of damage make FTFJtCv1X8I-00247-00043959-00044102 sure make sure warrior doesn't over FTFJtCv1X8I-00248-00044103-00044407 extend really gonna bring a piece here FTFJtCv1X8I-00249-00044408-00044655 okay how will terror a little little FTFJtCv1X8I-00250-00044656-00044735 scary FTFJtCv1X8I-00251-00044736-00045039 uh just because why why didn't life FTFJtCv1X8I-00252-00045040-00045462 can go off FTFJtCv1X8I-00253-00045463-00045807 all right that's weird rally oh no FTFJtCv1X8I-00254-00045808-00046199 did we win i hope we won um FTFJtCv1X8I-00255-00046200-00046511 i would i would assume that we did but FTFJtCv1X8I-00256-00046512-00046558 uh FTFJtCv1X8I-00257-00046559-00046743 let me see if any of the other one no i FTFJtCv1X8I-00258-00046744-00046855 think the other ones are different games FTFJtCv1X8I-00259-00046856-00046967 yeah FTFJtCv1X8I-00260-00046968-00047158 i would assume that we we won i'm gonna FTFJtCv1X8I-00261-00047159-00047335 i'm gonna you know what we won that game FTFJtCv1X8I-00262-00047336-00047423 for sure FTFJtCv1X8I-00263-00047424-00047751 100 we won that game um this game FTFJtCv1X8I-00264-00047752-00047918 i thought you guys are doing really well FTFJtCv1X8I-00265-00047919-00048079 try not to stack up on your warrior for FTFJtCv1X8I-00266-00048080-00048143 the double FTFJtCv1X8I-00267-00048144-00048423 how of howl of terror you can absolutely FTFJtCv1X8I-00268-00048424-00048551 stack with your warrior do damage FTFJtCv1X8I-00269-00048552-00048679 especially in the down time when you're FTFJtCv1X8I-00270-00048680-00048774 on fear dr FTFJtCv1X8I-00271-00048775-00048911 because fear and clone deal with each FTFJtCv1X8I-00272-00048912-00049007 other and you're off done you are from FTFJtCv1X8I-00273-00049008-00049079 the druid FTFJtCv1X8I-00274-00049080-00049302 um but make sure when the warlock does FTFJtCv1X8I-00275-00049303-00049455 have howl of terror FTFJtCv1X8I-00276-00049456-00049774 and you know you're not on fear dr that FTFJtCv1X8I-00277-00049775-00049862 you FTFJtCv1X8I-00278-00049863-00050046 kind of kind of wait until they press it FTFJtCv1X8I-00279-00050047-00050167 and don't stack because FTFJtCv1X8I-00280-00050168-00050407 getting double howled is not it doesn't FTFJtCv1X8I-00281-00050408-00050527 feel that good especially since you FTFJtCv1X8I-00282-00050528-00050607 can't dispel FTFJtCv1X8I-00283-00050608-00050862 and your warrior just loses up time um FTFJtCv1X8I-00284-00050863-00050967 besides that though FTFJtCv1X8I-00285-00050968-00051214 really good orbs really really good orbs FTFJtCv1X8I-00286-00051215-00051358 uh make sure you always FTFJtCv1X8I-00287-00051359-00051526 enrich your port and then i would FTFJtCv1X8I-00288-00051527-00051750 honestly put your port down FTFJtCv1X8I-00289-00051751-00051911 put an orb on top anytime you get they FTFJtCv1X8I-00290-00051912-00052079 get a ua on you FTFJtCv1X8I-00291-00052079-00052263 just pour it boom instantly dispels it FTFJtCv1X8I-00292-00052264-00052407 you don't need to worry about it it does FTFJtCv1X8I-00293-00052408-00052519 you don't even need to give it any gas FTFJtCv1X8I-00294-00052520-00052679 reset your port put an orb on top FTFJtCv1X8I-00295-00052679-00052863 and you just do that the whole game but FTFJtCv1X8I-00296-00052864-00053047 your orbs for your warrior your warrior FTFJtCv1X8I-00297-00053048-00053254 is doing a great job of um FTFJtCv1X8I-00298-00053255-00053407 getting the orbs so that's really nice i FTFJtCv1X8I-00299-00053408-00053535 would i would i would assume you guys FTFJtCv1X8I-00300-00053536-00053638 won because you guys are really far FTFJtCv1X8I-00301-00053639-00053726 ahead and FTFJtCv1X8I-00302-00053727-00053903 uh even though affliction walks are FTFJtCv1X8I-00303-00053904-00054094 tough uh if as soon as your warrior can FTFJtCv1X8I-00304-00054095-00054223 connect it's FTFJtCv1X8I-00305-00054224-00054550 normally could force cooldowns FTFJtCv1X8I-00306-00054551-00054766 all right what do we got here we got a FTFJtCv1X8I-00307-00054767-00054903 all right cool all right i'm i'm good FTFJtCv1X8I-00308-00054904-00054975 with warrior FTFJtCv1X8I-00309-00054976-00055119 i played like a thousand games of war FTFJtCv1X8I-00310-00055120-00055238 this season so this is good at least FTFJtCv1X8I-00311-00055239-00055366 shaman rep pally all right i thought it FTFJtCv1X8I-00312-00055367-00055454 was a holy pally FTFJtCv1X8I-00313-00055455-00055711 all right let me see what we got um life FTFJtCv1X8I-00314-00055712-00055847 cycles again FTFJtCv1X8I-00315-00055848-00056199 solid solid talent and let's see we got FTFJtCv1X8I-00316-00056200-00056447 chi torpedo tigers on okay that's that's FTFJtCv1X8I-00317-00056448-00056566 fine FTFJtCv1X8I-00318-00056567-00056742 personally maybe diffuse magic just FTFJtCv1X8I-00319-00056744-00056919 because pretty much all of their damage FTFJtCv1X8I-00320-00056920-00057111 is magical ellie is all magic FTFJtCv1X8I-00321-00057112-00057287 and a lot of the rep pally damages magic FTFJtCv1X8I-00322-00057288-00057487 but but uh FTFJtCv1X8I-00323-00057488-00057815 it's fine i mean FTFJtCv1X8I-00324-00057816-00057919 you can't use it well you can't use FTFJtCv1X8I-00325-00057920-00058135 either raw stun right so FTFJtCv1X8I-00326-00058136-00058350 um in this oh wait one second let me FTFJtCv1X8I-00327-00058351-00058823 just check your pb towns again FTFJtCv1X8I-00328-00058824-00059079 uh refreshing breeze and focus t FTFJtCv1X8I-00329-00059079-00059487 chrysalis FTFJtCv1X8I-00330-00059488-00059807 i would maybe maybe drop FTFJtCv1X8I-00331-00059808-00060119 zen focus t for a grapple weapon um FTFJtCv1X8I-00332-00060120-00060487 just because have one kick FTFJtCv1X8I-00333-00060488-00060694 and odds are that i think they're FTFJtCv1X8I-00334-00060695-00060830 probably gonna kill your warrior FTFJtCv1X8I-00335-00060832-00061079 and try to cc you rather than train you FTFJtCv1X8I-00336-00061079-00061135 down FTFJtCv1X8I-00337-00061136-00061438 so i'd probably say FTFJtCv1X8I-00338-00061439-00061735 drop zen focus t and go for the disarm FTFJtCv1X8I-00339-00061736-00061935 oh character magic's good too FTFJtCv1X8I-00340-00061936-00062271 um FTFJtCv1X8I-00341-00062272-00062535 but we'll see maybe wrong i could be FTFJtCv1X8I-00342-00062536-00062726 wrong FTFJtCv1X8I-00343-00062727-00063038 i'm i'm wrong a lot of time it's import FTFJtCv1X8I-00344-00063039-00063150 down statue up FTFJtCv1X8I-00345-00063151-00063503 beautiful job FTFJtCv1X8I-00346-00063504-00063926 and uh looks like the rat FTFJtCv1X8I-00347-00063927-00064030 i i would assume they're gonna try to FTFJtCv1X8I-00348-00064032-00064230 kill your warrior and the ccu FTFJtCv1X8I-00349-00064232-00064382 um they can potentially kill you in a FTFJtCv1X8I-00350-00064383-00064559 hodge but you are necro lord so you FTFJtCv1X8I-00351-00064560-00064742 actually are pretty FTFJtCv1X8I-00352-00064744-00065054 pretty tanky so here's the hodge FTFJtCv1X8I-00353-00065055-00065166 i'm actually surprised that they're FTFJtCv1X8I-00354-00065167-00065279 going to because oh yeah they broke FTFJtCv1X8I-00355-00065279-00065391 through your shield that's wings that's FTFJtCv1X8I-00356-00065391-00065487 that's an instant port FTFJtCv1X8I-00357-00065488-00065815 perfect um and they're trying to FTFJtCv1X8I-00358-00065816-00065919 i don't know if they teeing off on your FTFJtCv1X8I-00359-00065920-00066094 warrior no they're just trying to go you FTFJtCv1X8I-00360-00066095-00066263 all right this is FTFJtCv1X8I-00361-00066264-00066471 this is fine i would say uh pretty good FTFJtCv1X8I-00362-00066472-00066599 positioning from your warrior FTFJtCv1X8I-00363-00066600-00066838 i would just hang back this is storm FTFJtCv1X8I-00364-00066839-00067006 keeper from the shaman FTFJtCv1X8I-00365-00067007-00067191 uh i think we got a little bit uh left FTFJtCv1X8I-00366-00067192-00067326 of wings on the red so just FTFJtCv1X8I-00367-00067327-00067631 just hang back um don't try to push in FTFJtCv1X8I-00368-00067632-00067855 i would say good in cap there good fear FTFJtCv1X8I-00369-00067856-00068006 shop with my trinket FTFJtCv1X8I-00370-00068007-00068199 no trigger from the shaman which is good FTFJtCv1X8I-00371-00068200-00068438 um i think we just paralysis as well FTFJtCv1X8I-00372-00068439-00068687 so uh definitely on paralysis dr and FTFJtCv1X8I-00373-00068688-00068815 then you know you can go for legs we FTFJtCv1X8I-00374-00068816-00068943 bought that but i would say just FTFJtCv1X8I-00375-00068944-00069119 hang back uh and you're gonna try to FTFJtCv1X8I-00376-00069120-00069487 dampen them there's a lot so FTFJtCv1X8I-00377-00069488-00069759 shouldn't get too much again really good FTFJtCv1X8I-00378-00069760-00069855 i think that's healing like serious FTFJtCv1X8I-00379-00069856-00069967 intervene from your warrior healing FTFJtCv1X8I-00380-00069968-00070175 surgeries coming out from the uh FTFJtCv1X8I-00381-00070176-00070399 wrestle shaman ellie shaman and uh yeah FTFJtCv1X8I-00382-00070400-00070503 you just want to hang back FTFJtCv1X8I-00383-00070504-00070726 um versus ellie shaman as well you want FTFJtCv1X8I-00384-00070727-00070879 to make sure you dispel FTFJtCv1X8I-00385-00070880-00071159 these flame shots as much as you can so FTFJtCv1X8I-00386-00071160-00071335 the reason why you want to dispel them FTFJtCv1X8I-00387-00071336-00071511 is it does two things for the rest of FTFJtCv1X8I-00388-00071512-00071815 the the ellie shaman one it gives them FTFJtCv1X8I-00389-00071816-00072023 procs for instant lava bursts FTFJtCv1X8I-00390-00072024-00072350 and then two it makes their lava bursts FTFJtCv1X8I-00391-00072351-00072399 crit FTFJtCv1X8I-00392-00072400-00072694 every time so if they cast a lava burst FTFJtCv1X8I-00393-00072695-00072799 and the target has FTFJtCv1X8I-00394-00072800-00073071 flame shock on them it'll it 100 crit so FTFJtCv1X8I-00395-00073072-00073191 that's why you want to dispel FTFJtCv1X8I-00396-00073192-00073423 flame shock as much as you can i believe FTFJtCv1X8I-00397-00073424-00073591 it has a six second cooldown FTFJtCv1X8I-00398-00073592-00073799 so you can't keep up with them every FTFJtCv1X8I-00399-00073800-00073982 time they put a flame shock out but most FTFJtCv1X8I-00400-00073983-00074079 the time you can FTFJtCv1X8I-00401-00074080-00074311 so just keep that in mind um you just FTFJtCv1X8I-00402-00074312-00074399 stop a lot of the damage FTFJtCv1X8I-00403-00074400-00074606 pretty much you just stop a whole a huge FTFJtCv1X8I-00404-00074607-00074919 amount of just parry from your warrior FTFJtCv1X8I-00405-00074920-00075423 at 100 health no cooldowns it's kind of FTFJtCv1X8I-00406-00075424-00075550 it might be a little bit scary that FTFJtCv1X8I-00407-00075551-00075831 could potentially go him um i can see FTFJtCv1X8I-00408-00075832-00075903 we're just kind of FTFJtCv1X8I-00409-00075904-00076062 we're kind towards our port which is a FTFJtCv1X8I-00410-00076063-00076294 little bit okay that's cocoon is fine FTFJtCv1X8I-00411-00076295-00076582 um cocoon is fine there's a lot of FTFJtCv1X8I-00412-00076583-00076655 damage FTFJtCv1X8I-00413-00076656-00076943 it was a lot of damage um so basically FTFJtCv1X8I-00414-00076944-00077062 what you're going to try to do FTFJtCv1X8I-00415-00077063-00077271 as the missed weaver in this situation FTFJtCv1X8I-00416-00077272-00077455 is when you see this pressure on the red FTFJtCv1X8I-00417-00077456-00077582 pallet you want to you want to do your FTFJtCv1X8I-00418-00077583-00077750 best i know that you already in caps so FTFJtCv1X8I-00419-00077751-00077855 really good job FTFJtCv1X8I-00420-00077856-00078079 but you want to save your end cap leg FTFJtCv1X8I-00421-00078080-00078175 sweep whenever FTFJtCv1X8I-00422-00078176-00078319 the warrior has a strong bolt for the FTFJtCv1X8I-00423-00078320-00078519 dps otherwise i feel like this guy's FTFJtCv1X8I-00424-00078520-00078638 just gonna heal through the damage it's FTFJtCv1X8I-00425-00078639-00078743 actually crazy FTFJtCv1X8I-00426-00078744-00078911 um nothing we can do about hexes FTFJtCv1X8I-00427-00078912-00079159 unfortunately um FTFJtCv1X8I-00428-00079160-00079335 yeah really good wrap there perfect FTFJtCv1X8I-00429-00079336-00079519 actually perfect um FTFJtCv1X8I-00430-00079520-00079823 i am scared for us though we don't have FTFJtCv1X8I-00431-00079824-00080023 shield here uh FTFJtCv1X8I-00432-00080024-00080238 lasso we have trinket port beautiful and FTFJtCv1X8I-00433-00080239-00080406 we killed a rat there awesome FTFJtCv1X8I-00434-00080407-00080615 no that was that was good good trinket FTFJtCv1X8I-00435-00080616-00080719 there FTFJtCv1X8I-00436-00080720-00081023 i would say oh that was a good game that FTFJtCv1X8I-00437-00081024-00081182 was a good game uh necro lord seems FTFJtCv1X8I-00438-00081183-00081287 really solid FTFJtCv1X8I-00439-00081288-00081415 they try to go through his shield and we FTFJtCv1X8I-00440-00081416-00081535 didn't see i wouldn't get much value FTFJtCv1X8I-00441-00081536-00081694 from the zenfoxy disarm is probably a FTFJtCv1X8I-00442-00081695-00081838 little bit better for the rep pally FTFJtCv1X8I-00443-00081839-00081959 it just shuts down their damage FTFJtCv1X8I-00444-00081960-00082135 especially if they don't shrink it or if FTFJtCv1X8I-00445-00082136-00082279 they already drink it or FTFJtCv1X8I-00446-00082280-00082550 uh don't have trinket available so but FTFJtCv1X8I-00447-00082551-00082647 still really good FTFJtCv1X8I-00448-00082648-00082782 honestly that was that was a really good FTFJtCv1X8I-00449-00082783-00082991 game that that comp is tough i've cued FTFJtCv1X8I-00450-00082992-00083062 into like FTFJtCv1X8I-00451-00083063-00083255 ellie rat and ellie firemage and it's FTFJtCv1X8I-00452-00083256-00083447 it's it's it's a tough comp FTFJtCv1X8I-00453-00083448-00083671 um but make sure you spell those flame FTFJtCv1X8I-00454-00083672-00083815 shots as much as you can FTFJtCv1X8I-00455-00083816-00084150 uh because for anything else it just it FTFJtCv1X8I-00456-00084151-00084199 just stops FTFJtCv1X8I-00457-00084200-00084543 a lot of damage holy pally havoc demon FTFJtCv1X8I-00458-00084544-00084703 hunter oh lord FTFJtCv1X8I-00459-00084704-00085023 um FTFJtCv1X8I-00460-00085024-00085367 this one this one's tough FTFJtCv1X8I-00461-00085368-00085526 this one i would say is tough are we FTFJtCv1X8I-00462-00085527-00085911 panda FTFJtCv1X8I-00463-00085912-00086062 oh for panda make sure you're using the FTFJtCv1X8I-00464-00086063-00086311 panda food i see it right here FTFJtCv1X8I-00465-00086312-00086423 so i don't know if i don't know if it's FTFJtCv1X8I-00466-00086424-00086599 a macro if it were actually panda but FTFJtCv1X8I-00467-00086600-00086703 make sure you use it i think it's like FTFJtCv1X8I-00468-00086704-00086775 36 FTFJtCv1X8I-00469-00086776-00087103 36 first um so FTFJtCv1X8I-00470-00087104-00087326 we're not using disarm i would assume FTFJtCv1X8I-00471-00087327-00087526 versus this FTFJtCv1X8I-00472-00087527-00087950 you probably want short port FTFJtCv1X8I-00473-00087951-00088271 chrysalis well the last bee FTFJtCv1X8I-00474-00088272-00088679 disarm maybe uh maybe refreshing breeze FTFJtCv1X8I-00475-00088680-00088903 but um we'll see and then legendary FTFJtCv1X8I-00476-00088904-00089023 maybe cefus because they have a lot of FTFJtCv1X8I-00477-00089024-00089118 stuns FTFJtCv1X8I-00478-00089119-00089487 but i don't know actually FTFJtCv1X8I-00479-00089488-00089694 maybe a cloud of focus just for the FTFJtCv1X8I-00480-00089695-00089950 healing uh wrap there FTFJtCv1X8I-00481-00089951-00090135 that's good uh i would highly recommend FTFJtCv1X8I-00482-00090136-00090367 nice there's there was a good um FTFJtCv1X8I-00483-00090368-00090494 your ring piece actually stopped some of FTFJtCv1X8I-00484-00090495-00090687 the damage from uh the hunt which is FTFJtCv1X8I-00485-00090688-00090935 actually insane FTFJtCv1X8I-00486-00090936-00091055 i was gonna say something oh make sure FTFJtCv1X8I-00487-00091056-00091191 you put the demon hard in focus just so FTFJtCv1X8I-00488-00091192-00091399 it's easier to um FTFJtCv1X8I-00489-00091400-00091694 to track the cast bar but it looks like FTFJtCv1X8I-00490-00091695-00091806 that's ash and hollow FTFJtCv1X8I-00491-00091807-00092055 you want your warrior listen to me your FTFJtCv1X8I-00492-00092056-00092303 warrior can absolutely 100 get sold by FTFJtCv1X8I-00493-00092304-00092494 the holy pally when ashton hollows down FTFJtCv1X8I-00494-00092495-00092799 so just keep that in mind right now um i FTFJtCv1X8I-00495-00092800-00092855 know FTFJtCv1X8I-00496-00092856-00093038 we parried there but your warrior can FTFJtCv1X8I-00497-00093039-00093174 still die FTFJtCv1X8I-00498-00093175-00093415 yeah kite it out there right now the FTFJtCv1X8I-00499-00093416-00093559 holy pally is scarier than the demon FTFJtCv1X8I-00500-00093560-00093647 hunter FTFJtCv1X8I-00501-00093648-00093879 so just kind of hide behind the pillar FTFJtCv1X8I-00502-00093880-00094135 um i've seen like 20k FTFJtCv1X8I-00503-00094136-00094367 hammers coming out from holy pally so FTFJtCv1X8I-00504-00094368-00094455 just FTFJtCv1X8I-00505-00094456-00094687 be scared i would say that's fear on the FTFJtCv1X8I-00506-00094688-00094806 pally FTFJtCv1X8I-00507-00094807-00094982 and and the demon hunter but really good FTFJtCv1X8I-00508-00094983-00095111 on the palate probably sitting FTFJtCv1X8I-00509-00095112-00095294 uh normally in this situation when you FTFJtCv1X8I-00510-00095295-00095494 get when you know we get a full fear FTFJtCv1X8I-00511-00095495-00095735 try to follow that up with the pink cab FTFJtCv1X8I-00512-00095736-00095806 at least i know FTFJtCv1X8I-00513-00095807-00095935 i know you just used leg sweep to peel FTFJtCv1X8I-00514-00095936-00096126 on the demon hunter which was good uh FTFJtCv1X8I-00515-00096127-00096247 really really good FTFJtCv1X8I-00516-00096248-00096535 um but you try to follow up that uh FTFJtCv1X8I-00517-00096536-00096606 intimidation FTFJtCv1X8I-00518-00096607-00096855 intimidating shout with the end cap just FTFJtCv1X8I-00519-00096856-00096911 um FTFJtCv1X8I-00520-00096912-00097247 to make the cc chain longer but that's FTFJtCv1X8I-00521-00097248-00097318 darkness FTFJtCv1X8I-00522-00097319-00097471 got darkness done here they don't have FTFJtCv1X8I-00523-00097472-00097647 the hunt which is fine FTFJtCv1X8I-00524-00097648-00097759 and i think we have port on the other FTFJtCv1X8I-00525-00097760-00098082 pillar yeah perfect good in cap FTFJtCv1X8I-00526-00098083-00098487 um our port is somewhere FTFJtCv1X8I-00527-00098488-00098871 so maybe um FTFJtCv1X8I-00528-00098872-00099015 try not to soak too much damage just FTFJtCv1X8I-00529-00099016-00099126 because it kind of gets scary but i FTFJtCv1X8I-00530-00099127-00099199 think you're doing a FTFJtCv1X8I-00531-00099200-00099318 great job that's soul ship use some FTFJtCv1X8I-00532-00099319-00099518 demon hunter oh there's our port okay FTFJtCv1X8I-00533-00099519-00099782 um it's important don't kite to okay FTFJtCv1X8I-00534-00099783-00099943 we're using these unfocused t all right FTFJtCv1X8I-00535-00099944-00100111 exam focus is good yeah that's a good FTFJtCv1X8I-00536-00100112-00100350 choice um yeah yeah good good good FTFJtCv1X8I-00537-00100351-00100591 yeah kite between these so your port is FTFJtCv1X8I-00538-00100592-00100662 right here FTFJtCv1X8I-00539-00100663-00100879 which is great it's fine and then you FTFJtCv1X8I-00540-00100880-00101047 want to kite towards this port FTFJtCv1X8I-00541-00101048-00101247 this um this pillar and then pour it FTFJtCv1X8I-00542-00101248-00101415 back FTFJtCv1X8I-00543-00101416-00101543 and then just keep doing that over and FTFJtCv1X8I-00544-00101544-00102079 over again until you wear them out FTFJtCv1X8I-00545-00102080-00102406 hey oh nice like sweep there touch that FTFJtCv1X8I-00546-00102407-00102447 please FTFJtCv1X8I-00547-00102448-00102758 oh bubble okay bubbles good bubbles good FTFJtCv1X8I-00548-00102759-00102918 bubble bubble's great that's also wings FTFJtCv1X8I-00549-00102919-00103086 from the pally uh you guys are getting a FTFJtCv1X8I-00550-00103088-00103230 lot of cool downs i would almost feel FTFJtCv1X8I-00551-00103231-00103375 like you guys are FTFJtCv1X8I-00552-00103376-00103606 ahead i would definitely feel that way FTFJtCv1X8I-00553-00103607-00104015 um you have cocoon FTFJtCv1X8I-00554-00104016-00104454 and trinket okay perfect great FTFJtCv1X8I-00555-00104455-00104702 uh we are out of range of port though so FTFJtCv1X8I-00556-00104703-00104902 just that's the only thing right now FTFJtCv1X8I-00557-00104903-00105054 versus demon hunters especially demon FTFJtCv1X8I-00558-00105055-00105286 hunters wind walkers can punish it FTFJtCv1X8I-00559-00105288-00105415 because they can do so much damage and FTFJtCv1X8I-00560-00105416-00105590 they have a ton of mobility uh just make FTFJtCv1X8I-00561-00105591-00105663 sure you FTFJtCv1X8I-00562-00105664-00105799 for the most part stay in range of your FTFJtCv1X8I-00563-00105800-00105999 port at all times here comes the hunt FTFJtCv1X8I-00564-00106000-00106254 um i would probably use a good life FTFJtCv1X8I-00565-00106255-00106407 cocoon there probably dispel the hodge a FTFJtCv1X8I-00566-00106408-00106463 little bit FTFJtCv1X8I-00567-00106464-00106663 a little bit quicker but besides that FTFJtCv1X8I-00568-00106664-00106847 really good luckily that didn't crit FTFJtCv1X8I-00569-00106848-00106983 look the pally's probably looking for a FTFJtCv1X8I-00570-00106983-00107158 drink right now FTFJtCv1X8I-00571-00107159-00107486 um oh he's just running all right FTFJtCv1X8I-00572-00107488-00107686 we have in cap and four and we have leg FTFJtCv1X8I-00573-00107688-00107831 sweep FTFJtCv1X8I-00574-00107832-00108039 oh that's fear okay that's fear probably FTFJtCv1X8I-00575-00108040-00108239 gonna get a bob here or something FTFJtCv1X8I-00576-00108240-00108575 we're not that's fine too all right FTFJtCv1X8I-00577-00108576-00108766 that's all right we set your port so FTFJtCv1X8I-00578-00108767-00108958 like right now we we've moved around on FTFJtCv1X8I-00579-00108959-00109039 the map FTFJtCv1X8I-00580-00109040-00109151 so what you want to do is you want to FTFJtCv1X8I-00581-00109152-00109407 move your port around because right FTFJtCv1X8I-00582-00109408-00109590 you're out of range of port FTFJtCv1X8I-00583-00109591-00109783 and demon hunters have a lot of mobility FTFJtCv1X8I-00584-00109783-00109919 so you don't want to you basically you FTFJtCv1X8I-00585-00109920-00110095 don't want to waste your rolls FTFJtCv1X8I-00586-00110096-00110254 to get in range your port when you could FTFJtCv1X8I-00587-00110255-00110439 have just had a port in your range FTFJtCv1X8I-00588-00110440-00110686 and then you like save a roll but good FTFJtCv1X8I-00589-00110688-00110807 didn't cap on that beam there that was FTFJtCv1X8I-00590-00110808-00110886 really good FTFJtCv1X8I-00591-00110888-00110999 if we have leg sweep i don't know if we FTFJtCv1X8I-00592-00111000-00111351 have it FTFJtCv1X8I-00593-00111352-00111486 but they would be okay yeah i would just FTFJtCv1X8I-00594-00111488-00111686 pour it after the stun and like FTFJtCv1X8I-00595-00111688-00112015 try to avoid the damage uh is that bonus FTFJtCv1X8I-00596-00112016-00112183 brew bonus brew here is pretty good FTFJtCv1X8I-00597-00112183-00112319 that's a lot of healing decent amount of FTFJtCv1X8I-00598-00112320-00112734 healing FTFJtCv1X8I-00599-00112735-00112863 doing a good job of keeping doing messed FTFJtCv1X8I-00600-00112864-00112966 up make sure you keep your missed on FTFJtCv1X8I-00601-00112967-00113078 yourself i know that we're i could see FTFJtCv1X8I-00602-00113079-00113239 that renewing this is falling on us FTFJtCv1X8I-00603-00113240-00113375 so make sure you keep that when you FTFJtCv1X8I-00604-00113376-00113566 messed up good leg sweep there on both FTFJtCv1X8I-00605-00113567-00113607 of them FTFJtCv1X8I-00606-00113608-00113799 really really nice uh good job kevin FTFJtCv1X8I-00607-00113800-00113943 doing this on you good in cap here to FTFJtCv1X8I-00608-00113944-00114199 stop some of the damage FTFJtCv1X8I-00609-00114200-00114383 and i would just go for a port yeah i FTFJtCv1X8I-00610-00114383-00114599 would i would just pour off this FTFJtCv1X8I-00611-00114600-00114783 i'm pretty sure just to avoid any of the FTFJtCv1X8I-00612-00114783-00114902 damage yeah good yeah FTFJtCv1X8I-00613-00114903-00115047 perfect and you just do that every time FTFJtCv1X8I-00614-00115048-00115207 when ports are off cooldown FTFJtCv1X8I-00615-00115208-00115343 you want because you want the demon FTFJtCv1X8I-00616-00115344-00115495 hunter to use their mobility to get to FTFJtCv1X8I-00617-00115496-00115527 you FTFJtCv1X8I-00618-00115528-00115695 and by the time they get to you you FTFJtCv1X8I-00619-00115696-00115847 probably have poor pack FTFJtCv1X8I-00620-00115848-00116015 especially the warrior just chunking FTFJtCv1X8I-00621-00116016-00116551 them so good in cap here on the pally FTFJtCv1X8I-00622-00116552-00116863 duel from your warrior okay duel FTFJtCv1X8I-00623-00116864-00117047 duel parry wow i haven't seen duel use FTFJtCv1X8I-00624-00117048-00117199 this season that's pretty good FTFJtCv1X8I-00625-00117200-00117575 um holy lights coming out from the pally FTFJtCv1X8I-00626-00117576-00117702 we do we're doing a good job good storm FTFJtCv1X8I-00627-00117703-00117854 ball on the pally maybe getting touch of FTFJtCv1X8I-00628-00117855-00117990 death range on demon hunter no that's FTFJtCv1X8I-00629-00117991-00118127 trinket sack from the pally FTFJtCv1X8I-00630-00118128-00118463 uh pali really has nothing so FTFJtCv1X8I-00631-00118464-00118702 i think they have one bop left and FTFJtCv1X8I-00632-00118703-00118854 that's that's just about it but it looks FTFJtCv1X8I-00633-00118855-00118983 like your pal is getting crushed FTFJtCv1X8I-00634-00118983-00119215 uh we have cocoon if we need it but i FTFJtCv1X8I-00635-00119216-00119390 think oh there's bob condemned through FTFJtCv1X8I-00636-00119391-00119431 it FTFJtCv1X8I-00637-00119432-00119695 done really well played the only thing FTFJtCv1X8I-00638-00119696-00119854 on this game FTFJtCv1X8I-00639-00119855-00120086 uh is try to use port a little bit more FTFJtCv1X8I-00640-00120088-00120247 um because you're kind of just taking a FTFJtCv1X8I-00641-00120248-00120383 lot of the damage which is i mean you FTFJtCv1X8I-00642-00120383-00120471 guys won so FTFJtCv1X8I-00643-00120472-00120807 you guys said fine but um try to pour it FTFJtCv1X8I-00644-00120808-00121190 as much as you can just so that you're FTFJtCv1X8I-00645-00121191-00121327 you don't have to eat a lot of damage FTFJtCv1X8I-00646-00121328-00121534 you have to use mana um and then also FTFJtCv1X8I-00647-00121535-00121727 versus demon hunters the hunt is FTFJtCv1X8I-00648-00121728-00122095 um magic damage is it matched in nature FTFJtCv1X8I-00649-00122096-00122158 damage FTFJtCv1X8I-00650-00122159-00122343 so diffuse magic works for us so just FTFJtCv1X8I-00651-00122344-00122486 keep that in mind um FTFJtCv1X8I-00652-00122488-00122686 healing elixirs also works too but if FTFJtCv1X8I-00653-00122688-00122831 you find yourself kind of getting one FTFJtCv1X8I-00654-00122832-00122951 shot or getting kind of annoyed with FTFJtCv1X8I-00655-00122952-00123014 dean hunter FTFJtCv1X8I-00656-00123015-00123134 just keep that in mind that the fuse FTFJtCv1X8I-00657-00123135-00123399 magic can stop a lot of damage and the FTFJtCv1X8I-00658-00123400-00123519 dot that it does FTFJtCv1X8I-00659-00123520-00123799 uh but overall man these games were good FTFJtCv1X8I-00660-00123800-00123983 these games were pretty good i FTFJtCv1X8I-00661-00123983-00124231 i don't see many big issues you know you FTFJtCv1X8I-00662-00124232-00124390 guys doing your healing rotation pretty FTFJtCv1X8I-00663-00124391-00124583 right you're using life cycles which is FTFJtCv1X8I-00664-00124583-00124766 honestly it's nice to see it actually FTFJtCv1X8I-00665-00124767-00124958 working and um FTFJtCv1X8I-00666-00124959-00125158 the trading cooldowns right and i'm sure FTFJtCv1X8I-00667-00125159-00125351 you guys won the affliction warlock game FTFJtCv1X8I-00668-00125352-00125583 so i would say just keep it up man just FTFJtCv1X8I-00669-00125583-00125743 keep it up keep grinding and FTFJtCv1X8I-00670-00125744-00125990 and you you'll be getting so much rating FTFJtCv1X8I-00671-00125991-00126078 i swear FTFJtCv1X8I-00672-00126079-00126278 really really well done really keeping FTFJtCv1X8I-00673-00126279-00126431 keeping the mystery dream alive FTFJtCv1X8I-00674-00126432-00126583 uh but that is pretty much it hopefully FTFJtCv1X8I-00675-00126583-00126790 this was helpful for you and for anyone FTFJtCv1X8I-00676-00126791-00126895 else watching and FTFJtCv1X8I-00677-00126896-00127047 that's pretty much it hope everyone has FTFJtCv1X8I-00678-00127048-00127214 a fantastic rest of your day hope you FTFJtCv1X8I-00679-00127215-00127310 enjoy the video FTFJtCv1X8I-00680-00127311-00127923 and i'll see you later FTFJtCv1X8I-00681-00127924-00128825 [Music] FTFJtCv1X8I-00682-00128826-00129390 [Music] FTFJtCv1X8I-00683-00129391-00129600 you FUla94vCTIA-00001-00011482-00011860 hey check out my events in San Francisco FUla94vCTIA-00002-00011861-00012134 if you want to learn how to take amazing FUla94vCTIA-00003-00012135-00012626 pictures with any camera you have so the FUla94vCTIA-00004-00012627-00012887 link is coming up and it's a lot of fun FUla94vCTIA-00005-00012888-00013193 you can read the reviews and join me in FUla94vCTIA-00006-00013194-00013475 San Francisco FUUecb3Csto-00000-00000000-00000028 [Music] FUUecb3Csto-00001-00000029-00000937 I think my top qualities in my current FUUecb3Csto-00002-00000938-00001397 role would be extreme organization and FUUecb3Csto-00003-00001398-00001667 very quick to follow up very organized FUUecb3Csto-00004-00001668-00001927 very on top of all the things that I FUUecb3Csto-00005-00001928-00002312 have on my plate I think that I'm FUUecb3Csto-00006-00002313-00002513 building relationships with my my FUUecb3Csto-00007-00002514-00002771 clients more and more the longer that FUUecb3Csto-00008-00002772-00003085 I'm in this role being that I have been FUUecb3Csto-00009-00003086-00003326 on the acute team for a little bit over FUUecb3Csto-00010-00003327-00003494 a year now I've had a year to kind of FUUecb3Csto-00011-00003495-00003731 solidify those relationships and really FUUecb3Csto-00012-00003732-00003902 get to know my clients a little bit more FUUecb3Csto-00013-00003903-00004106 which has been really great best part of FUUecb3Csto-00014-00004107-00004356 the job I mean that people are very FUUecb3Csto-00015-00004357-00004601 surprised to find out is that I actually FUUecb3Csto-00016-00004602-00004961 really love pop music big fan of Britney FUUecb3Csto-00017-00004962-00005384 Spears Taylor people are very surprised FUUecb3Csto-00018-00005385-00005618 about that so so in the next five years FUUecb3Csto-00019-00005619-00005816 I'm really looking forward to updating FUUecb3Csto-00020-00005817-00006272 my new house that was lived in for 65 FUUecb3Csto-00021-00006273-00006331 years FUUecb3Csto-00022-00006332-00006812 so it's very her and I'm looking forward FUUecb3Csto-00023-00006813-00007226 to making it meet I would say I am if if FUUecb3Csto-00024-00007227-00007655 you could make cooking with cauliflower FUUecb3Csto-00025-00007656-00008051 to replace carbohydrates a Olympic sport FUUecb3Csto-00026-00008052-00008399 I'm pretty up there I have I eat so much FUUecb3Csto-00027-00008400-00009040 cauliflower so that's a skill of mine FWxb8mNUG08-00000-00000000-00000087 [Music] FWxb8mNUG08-00001-00000088-00000390 we got to build strong airmen FWxb8mNUG08-00002-00000391-00000935 and resilient families FWxb8mNUG08-00003-00000936-00001270 every airman counts FWxb8mNUG08-00004-00001271-00001462 we've got to make them feel valued we've FWxb8mNUG08-00005-00001463-00001655 got to empower them and let them get FWxb8mNUG08-00006-00001655-00001863 after the mission FWxb8mNUG08-00007-00001864-00002055 we've got to create a culture where your FWxb8mNUG08-00008-00002056-00002183 airmen come to you FWxb8mNUG08-00009-00002184-00002471 you can help fix that we need your ideas FWxb8mNUG08-00010-00002472-00002599 we want your idea FWxb8mNUG08-00011-00002600-00003011 move out i got you you're empowered FWxb8mNUG08-00012-00003012-00003360 [Applause] FWyt8FsiXtE-00000-00000006-00000176 hey guys what's up my name is Sonali FWyt8FsiXtE-00001-00000177-00000394 welcome back to my channel today we are FWyt8FsiXtE-00002-00000395-00000559 going to do a get ready with me with FWyt8FsiXtE-00003-00000560-00000808 some of my best friends I'm Charlotte FWyt8FsiXtE-00004-00000809-00001094 I'm Meagan them Kaelyn and I'm Sonali if FWyt8FsiXtE-00005-00001095-00001310 you guys don't know and yeah let's get FWyt8FsiXtE-00006-00001311-00001532 started the ones face is so dry we've FWyt8FsiXtE-00007-00001533-00001630 been like waiting FWyt8FsiXtE-00008-00001632-00001900 so what moisturizers does everyone use I FWyt8FsiXtE-00009-00001901-00002138 use Jergens natural glow because I'm a FWyt8FsiXtE-00010-00002139-00002493 pale girl FWyt8FsiXtE-00011-00002494-00002708 okay I'm using the Clinique Moisture FWyt8FsiXtE-00012-00002709-00003056 Surge millennial pink Kanna shed FWyt8FsiXtE-00013-00003057-00003388 I'm using this is new soap & Glory speed FWyt8FsiXtE-00014-00003389-00003715 plump all-day super moisture moisturizer FWyt8FsiXtE-00015-00003717-00003938 and it's really really nice and it's so FWyt8FsiXtE-00016-00003939-00004088 moisturizing it actually makes me like FWyt8FsiXtE-00017-00004089-00004393 glow I love it what about you char I FWyt8FsiXtE-00018-00004394-00004967 already did that and I use a Neutrogena FWyt8FsiXtE-00019-00004968-00005161 one I think and a blue thing and it's FWyt8FsiXtE-00020-00005162-00005870 like gel base all right I already did FWyt8FsiXtE-00021-00005871-00007231 primer - what is it in my makeup yeah so FWyt8FsiXtE-00022-00007233-00007781 that was this baby face yeah yeah it was FWyt8FsiXtE-00023-00007781-00007970 all new when you got it are you on to FWyt8FsiXtE-00024-00007970-00008030 primer FWyt8FsiXtE-00025-00008031-00008345 I don't know so I'm using I guess I'm FWyt8FsiXtE-00026-00008346-00008552 using the Mac strobe cream so I don't FWyt8FsiXtE-00027-00008553-00008746 know that's not really primer but I just FWyt8FsiXtE-00028-00008747-00008963 like to say super moisturize I do with FWyt8FsiXtE-00029-00008964-00009085 that does it actually moisturize your FWyt8FsiXtE-00030-00009086-00009274 skin because I see it but you'll FWyt8FsiXtE-00031-00009275-00010520 generally like I'm I'm using the serving FWyt8FsiXtE-00032-00010521-00010673 boy one heck of a blot supposed to be FWyt8FsiXtE-00033-00010674-00010844 really good for a boy at least did you FWyt8FsiXtE-00034-00010845-00011024 get that free from Rachel or no no I FWyt8FsiXtE-00035-00011025-00011242 purchased this Casey mom's uses it oh FWyt8FsiXtE-00036-00011243-00011510 yeah I'm using the next photo loving FWyt8FsiXtE-00037-00011511-00011653 primer and it looks exactly like the FWyt8FsiXtE-00038-00011654-00011828 smashbox one i think it's actually FWyt8FsiXtE-00039-00011829-00011891 really good FWyt8FsiXtE-00040-00011892-00012092 alright I guess maybe onto foundation I FWyt8FsiXtE-00041-00012093-00012294 know FWyt8FsiXtE-00042-00012295-00012596 you can go first it okay so um Caitlyn FWyt8FsiXtE-00043-00012597-00012915 yeah believer wait and fart and bought FWyt8FsiXtE-00044-00012916-00013122 the wedding a wild that I've been using FWyt8FsiXtE-00045-00013122-00013478 for years and she's so jealous FWyt8FsiXtE-00046-00013479-00013802 was she copy me oh I'm smells like paint FWyt8FsiXtE-00047-00013803-00014157 I'm using the Giorgio Armani luminous FWyt8FsiXtE-00048-00014158-00014376 self foundation and I got it during the FWyt8FsiXtE-00049-00014377-00014669 VIP sale didn't really realize that FWyt8FsiXtE-00050-00014670-00014963 was like $60 or something like that but FWyt8FsiXtE-00051-00014965-00015327 you know my guess is you're using this FWyt8FsiXtE-00052-00015328-00015732 first seed beauty I to be charming FWyt8FsiXtE-00053-00015733-00016407 because we got some eggs there so we are FWyt8FsiXtE-00054-00016408-00016683 all gonna be seniors this coming year FWyt8FsiXtE-00055-00016684-00016875 well this coming fall we are seniors FWyt8FsiXtE-00056-00016876-00017082 technically right now what are you guys FWyt8FsiXtE-00057-00017083-00017265 looking forward to the most senior year FWyt8FsiXtE-00058-00017266-00017796 oh I'm 21 I'm most looking forward to FWyt8FsiXtE-00059-00017797-00018677 oh you need 21 at tailgate see that's FWyt8FsiXtE-00060-00018678-00018959 nothing we go out that much honestly but FWyt8FsiXtE-00061-00018960-00019644 it's just nice to be 21 and it's this FWyt8FsiXtE-00062-00019645-00019925 head thing what was your favorite thing FWyt8FsiXtE-00063-00019926-00020150 of junior year that's very broad but FWyt8FsiXtE-00064-00020151-00020322 let's see what you guys can come up with FWyt8FsiXtE-00065-00020323-00020514 you're gonna say meeting focus but I FWyt8FsiXtE-00066-00020515-00020646 feel like that's just like melting FWyt8FsiXtE-00067-00020647-00020841 everybody's like that's the coolest FWyt8FsiXtE-00068-00020842-00020940 thing I've done in years FWyt8FsiXtE-00069-00020941-00021197 you know yeah Charlotte's president of FWyt8FsiXtE-00070-00021198-00021425 do you want to tell them you can recruit FWyt8FsiXtE-00071-00021426-00021878 people through my channel I think FWyt8FsiXtE-00072-00021879-00022253 my potentially ingrates and stuff and FWyt8FsiXtE-00073-00022254-00023314 like wow good about yourself like so I FWyt8FsiXtE-00074-00023315-00023783 think junior for me like I figured out FWyt8FsiXtE-00075-00023784-00024022 how to make money FWyt8FsiXtE-00076-00024023-00024397 ya know you really did like I got a lot FWyt8FsiXtE-00077-00024398-00024583 of paint gigs and I finally started like FWyt8FsiXtE-00078-00024584-00024847 you know making my money back on all FWyt8FsiXtE-00079-00024848-00025042 these investments she was nice to get FWyt8FsiXtE-00080-00025043-00025211 paid you know what I mean this is not FWyt8FsiXtE-00081-00025212-00025480 like a thing like hmm not like something FWyt8FsiXtE-00082-00025481-00025744 that like like you just need to find FWyt8FsiXtE-00083-00025745-00025903 something you love and then find someone FWyt8FsiXtE-00084-00025904-00026128 that'll pay you to do it I was like what FWyt8FsiXtE-00085-00026129-00028229 you actually did I'm going yeah which FWyt8FsiXtE-00086-00028230-00028387 one make a product you guys can't live FWyt8FsiXtE-00087-00028388-00028661 without you mean like specific like tart FWyt8FsiXtE-00088-00028662-00028843 shaped hitter like do me like it makes FWyt8FsiXtE-00089-00028844-00029099 you feel like mascara lipstick yeah I FWyt8FsiXtE-00090-00029100-00029507 like sealer - or maybe lipstick I feel FWyt8FsiXtE-00091-00029508-00029639 like when you don't think you almost FWyt8FsiXtE-00092-00029639-00029770 like I don't know if I like your lips FWyt8FsiXtE-00093-00029772-00029930 makes a huge I can't put on lipstick FWyt8FsiXtE-00094-00029931-00030689 without having foundation on yeah I say FWyt8FsiXtE-00095-00030689-00031202 for me and be mascara everyone it's FWyt8FsiXtE-00096-00031202-00031348 probably just cuz their skin tone you FWyt8FsiXtE-00097-00031349-00031789 sure yeah I just done with mascara if I FWyt8FsiXtE-00098-00031790-00032960 don't have like yeah I guess it doesn't FWyt8FsiXtE-00099-00032961-00033970 hide anything but it definitely enhances FWyt8FsiXtE-00100-00033971-00034262 um finally getting an internship maybe FWyt8FsiXtE-00101-00034263-00034553 it's pretty exciting is like getting FWyt8FsiXtE-00102-00034554-00035204 involved like finally thanks yeah FWyt8FsiXtE-00103-00035205-00035549 miscellaneous jobs yeah so I don't know FWyt8FsiXtE-00104-00035550-00035756 if this side where we are right now but FWyt8FsiXtE-00105-00035757-00035999 basically we are at Beach condo in st. FWyt8FsiXtE-00106-00036000-00036314 Augustine on Anastasia Island is that FWyt8FsiXtE-00107-00036315-00036368 what it's called FWyt8FsiXtE-00108-00036369-00036563 you don't like crossing the beach or FWyt8FsiXtE-00109-00036564-00036983 like a mezuzah and we're going to TPC FWyt8FsiXtE-00110-00036984-00037208 tomorrow to see Luke combs for harmony FWyt8FsiXtE-00111-00037209-00037475 just a plan so that's exciting FWyt8FsiXtE-00112-00037476-00037679 Luke combs actually came to UCF and like FWyt8FsiXtE-00113-00037680-00037943 performed out like a tailgate for the FWyt8FsiXtE-00114-00037944-00038300 game and I stupidly didn't go but I FWyt8FsiXtE-00115-00038301-00038593 don't think you don't you only think her FWyt8FsiXtE-00116-00038594-00038879 yeah yeah it's so nice to put on makeup FWyt8FsiXtE-00117-00038880-00039077 I feel like already like ten times for FWyt8FsiXtE-00118-00039078-00039790 you know cleaner yeah we've just been so FWyt8FsiXtE-00119-00039791-00040598 dirty all day so what are you gonna miss FWyt8FsiXtE-00120-00040599-00041174 most flexibility of your schedule that's FWyt8FsiXtE-00121-00041175-00041360 true I feel like I'm appreciated I don't FWyt8FsiXtE-00122-00041361-00041744 know to make a belly ten leg I'll go to FWyt8FsiXtE-00123-00041745-00041906 a restaurant on a Saturday and be like FWyt8FsiXtE-00124-00041907-00042053 are you kidding I have to wait because I FWyt8FsiXtE-00125-00042054-00042455 yeah you go to restaurants you can go to FWyt8FsiXtE-00126-00042456-00042646 movies whenever yeah like when you're FWyt8FsiXtE-00127-00042647-00042842 working yeah you have to wake up every FWyt8FsiXtE-00128-00042843-00043115 morning like you don't get to do things FWyt8FsiXtE-00129-00043116-00043610 and it's not crowded that's true I'm FWyt8FsiXtE-00130-00043611-00043971 gonna miss my sorority of course that is FWyt8FsiXtE-00131-00043972-00044192 an obvious statement FWyt8FsiXtE-00132-00044193-00044381 just because I'm I'm like always FWyt8FsiXtE-00133-00044382-00044645 surrounded by people and I can't even FWyt8FsiXtE-00134-00044646-00044815 imagine what its gonna be like what it's FWyt8FsiXtE-00135-00044816-00045053 not like that you know I'm gonna miss FWyt8FsiXtE-00136-00045054-00045377 like how your family like pities you and FWyt8FsiXtE-00137-00045378-00045545 like a funny cute way it's like I'll FWyt8FsiXtE-00138-00045546-00045935 take some food back with you yeah like FWyt8FsiXtE-00139-00045936-00046220 graduate it's like a sub pity way yeah FWyt8FsiXtE-00140-00046221-00047524 oh it's important yeah what are you FWyt8FsiXtE-00141-00047525-00047882 gonna miss most King oh my gosh FWyt8FsiXtE-00142-00047883-00048211 everything I don't know it's just really FWyt8FsiXtE-00143-00048212-00048389 nice because like in high school you FWyt8FsiXtE-00144-00048390-00048796 have full days like of school and then FWyt8FsiXtE-00145-00048797-00048935 when you go to college you realize like FWyt8FsiXtE-00146-00048936-00049108 how much time you have to do whatever FWyt8FsiXtE-00147-00049109-00049226 you want yeah FWyt8FsiXtE-00148-00049227-00049355 and then I feel like once you're in the FWyt8FsiXtE-00149-00049356-00049511 workforce again it's like almost going FWyt8FsiXtE-00150-00049512-00049639 back to high school because you have a FWyt8FsiXtE-00151-00049640-00049793 schedule again this time in the morning FWyt8FsiXtE-00152-00049794-00050005 - this time at night and it's just like FWyt8FsiXtE-00153-00050006-00050273 the most time ever we're gonna have this FWyt8FsiXtE-00154-00050274-00050452 amount of free time and yes we like FWyt8FsiXtE-00155-00050453-00050887 retire so that's one thing though yeah FWyt8FsiXtE-00156-00050888-00051652 you're gonna make me depressed like know FWyt8FsiXtE-00157-00051653-00051769 that though because you can take FWyt8FsiXtE-00158-00051770-00052037 advantage of yeah now that you can you FWyt8FsiXtE-00159-00052038-00052165 remind me that I need like prints that FWyt8FsiXtE-00160-00052166-00052424 come yeah just so I like take advantage FWyt8FsiXtE-00161-00052425-00052663 next year not even like take advantage FWyt8FsiXtE-00162-00052664-00052796 it's like relax FWyt8FsiXtE-00163-00052797-00053000 yeah like appreciate the time you can FWyt8FsiXtE-00164-00053001-00053313 sleep in for a day and like lay there FWyt8FsiXtE-00165-00053314-00053648 never be like that yeah it's so weird FWyt8FsiXtE-00166-00053649-00053830 too because like sometimes I don't get FWyt8FsiXtE-00167-00053832-00054043 across with like cold or like rainy or FWyt8FsiXtE-00168-00054044-00054299 something yeah I'm you imagine if I did FWyt8FsiXtE-00169-00054300-00054563 on high school today like oh you have a FWyt8FsiXtE-00170-00054564-00055787 doctor's note I'm like oh yeah their FWyt8FsiXtE-00171-00055788-00055922 rooms are a little bit like oh I FWyt8FsiXtE-00172-00055923-00056036 actually didn't do anything yesterday FWyt8FsiXtE-00173-00056037-00056743 cuz like it was raining dry I know I FWyt8FsiXtE-00174-00056744-00057193 tried really God look at mine usually FWyt8FsiXtE-00175-00057194-00057479 does what everyone's favorite meal at FWyt8FsiXtE-00176-00057479-00058038 Katie meal plan whoo FWyt8FsiXtE-00177-00058039-00058365 I'm free chicken I'm over it I'm over it FWyt8FsiXtE-00178-00058366-00058590 - I loved your freshman year not oniy - FWyt8FsiXtE-00179-00058591-00058803 because I only like them in science so I FWyt8FsiXtE-00180-00058804-00059491 want to eat like three and cut off FWyt8FsiXtE-00181-00059492-00060489 everyone still baked or no yeah yeah I FWyt8FsiXtE-00182-00060490-00060753 don't leave it on for like that long but FWyt8FsiXtE-00183-00060754-00061088 I definitely like I like top like a tad FWyt8FsiXtE-00184-00061089-00061362 Justin like certain places this brush FWyt8FsiXtE-00185-00061363-00062391 I'm smelly you guys prefer Sephora or FWyt8FsiXtE-00186-00062391-00063072 Ulta bolts up the drugstore swing one FWyt8FsiXtE-00187-00063073-00063294 you always have doubts and like deals FWyt8FsiXtE-00188-00063295-00063522 are problems I like soup or stock better FWyt8FsiXtE-00189-00063523-00063747 but I don't want to pay for it yes if FWyt8FsiXtE-00190-00063748-00063903 money wasn't an object FWyt8FsiXtE-00191-00063904-00064038 I like supporter butters I mean FWyt8FsiXtE-00192-00064039-00065556 considering money is a factor hey party FWyt8FsiXtE-00193-00065557-00065916 yeah okay good before right yeah yeah FWyt8FsiXtE-00194-00065917-00066135 that's so unfair all the Sephora little FWyt8FsiXtE-00195-00066136-00066318 sample things are white people dealers I FWyt8FsiXtE-00196-00066319-00066537 mean not joking that's my goodness yard FWyt8FsiXtE-00197-00066538-00066879 that's true Jana gives me her someone FWyt8FsiXtE-00198-00066880-00067613 say my Marc Jacobs like digital lipstick FWyt8FsiXtE-00199-00067614-00068205 so message she gave me all sent lost me FWyt8FsiXtE-00200-00068206-00068388 so long it's like the sample size looks FWyt8FsiXtE-00201-00068389-00068592 like oh I know I hit hand but I haven't FWyt8FsiXtE-00202-00068593-00069524 yet no this is also snorri's FWyt8FsiXtE-00203-00069525-00069831 what's the color what's the color FWyt8FsiXtE-00204-00069832-00070290 is Rodeo Drive um this is a wet and wild FWyt8FsiXtE-00205-00070291-00070521 mega glue highlighting powder and it's FWyt8FsiXtE-00206-00070522-00070776 like five dollars in this bomb to be FWyt8FsiXtE-00207-00070777-00070995 honest she swears by it her and Tiffany FWyt8FsiXtE-00208-00070996-00071220 yeah - you've ever seen - his cologne FWyt8FsiXtE-00209-00071221-00071645 how her like shorter hyleri gosh yeah FWyt8FsiXtE-00210-00071646-00072690 why did you guys pick UCF was a mutual FWyt8FsiXtE-00211-00072691-00073023 selection process oh I loved it when I FWyt8FsiXtE-00212-00073024-00073185 went on tour it was the first yeah FWyt8FsiXtE-00213-00073186-00073341 that's where I went on and I was so FWyt8FsiXtE-00214-00073342-00073521 impressed yeah and then I went to like FWyt8FsiXtE-00215-00073522-00073821 three others after that and I just FWyt8FsiXtE-00216-00073822-00073962 wasn't as impressed and I just like FWyt8FsiXtE-00217-00073963-00074097 wanted to go home because I was like I FWyt8FsiXtE-00218-00074098-00074307 want to go to UCF and then I got FWyt8FsiXtE-00219-00074308-00074484 accepted to all the colleges I apply to FWyt8FsiXtE-00220-00074485-00074733 but I didn't care because I wanted to go FWyt8FsiXtE-00221-00074734-00075432 to Europe I um FSU USF and then UNF FWyt8FsiXtE-00222-00075433-00075771 accepted me but I didn't apply except FWyt8FsiXtE-00223-00075772-00076071 that fit me and you know oh I think I FWyt8FsiXtE-00224-00076072-00076218 got that too like I let her I was like FWyt8FsiXtE-00225-00076219-00076467 you can come here if you like we know FWyt8FsiXtE-00226-00076468-00077412 you didn't apply the lake yeah so I FWyt8FsiXtE-00227-00077413-00077655 never toured it or anything but I didn't FWyt8FsiXtE-00228-00077656-00077910 know I wanted to go to Auburn so bad and FWyt8FsiXtE-00229-00077911-00078167 that's it and I had my mind set on that FWyt8FsiXtE-00230-00078168-00078414 and I said okay whatever I'll just go to FWyt8FsiXtE-00231-00078415-00078567 this other school and every was like you FWyt8FsiXtE-00232-00078568-00078789 should tour it and I did and I hated it FWyt8FsiXtE-00233-00078790-00079436 so much but you later burn no no I FWyt8FsiXtE-00234-00079437-00079821 really got captivated by UCF when I was FWyt8FsiXtE-00235-00079822-00080127 on the tour yeah me too the you to show FWyt8FsiXtE-00236-00080128-00080316 and daughter and everything so modern so FWyt8FsiXtE-00237-00080317-00080823 clean yeah an area like every time I go FWyt8FsiXtE-00238-00080824-00081078 there's like okay so like what's the FWyt8FsiXtE-00239-00081079-00081315 itinerary like you literally just sit FWyt8FsiXtE-00240-00081316-00081471 around until nighttime in the hope that FWyt8FsiXtE-00241-00081472-00081651 you get texted an address or something FWyt8FsiXtE-00242-00081652-00081837 and that's it that's all they do there's FWyt8FsiXtE-00243-00081838-00081977 so much to do and then here FWyt8FsiXtE-00244-00081978-00082142 like okay so we're going to brunch in FWyt8FsiXtE-00245-00082143-00082322 Winter Park and then we'll walk around FWyt8FsiXtE-00246-00082323-00082493 there's a farmers market and then we can FWyt8FsiXtE-00247-00082494-00082652 go to Lake Eola and then we can might go FWyt8FsiXtE-00248-00082653-00082853 to the pool and yeah there's just so FWyt8FsiXtE-00249-00082854-00083036 much to do like in this city and like FWyt8FsiXtE-00250-00083037-00083360 just the area restaurants like right FWyt8FsiXtE-00251-00083361-00083555 like two minutes from campus FWyt8FsiXtE-00252-00083556-00083996 yeah like universities yeah which I've FWyt8FsiXtE-00253-00083997-00084281 noticed too is that people are just so FWyt8FsiXtE-00254-00084282-00084584 nice at UCI like I was aiming a campus FWyt8FsiXtE-00255-00084585-00084752 tour the other day and I was like like FWyt8FsiXtE-00256-00084753-00084941 calling them how like it's just such a FWyt8FsiXtE-00257-00084942-00085100 nice atmosphere like everybody's so FWyt8FsiXtE-00258-00085101-00085301 friendly like if you ever have any FWyt8FsiXtE-00259-00085302-00085517 questions don't be scared to just stop FWyt8FsiXtE-00260-00085518-00085688 the first person I see and ask if you FWyt8FsiXtE-00261-00085689-00085988 want answer and like while we were on FWyt8FsiXtE-00262-00085989-00086222 the tour easily three students like FWyt8FsiXtE-00263-00086223-00086432 initiated conversation with us like it FWyt8FsiXtE-00264-00086433-00086591 was just like yeah interacting with FWyt8FsiXtE-00265-00086592-00087047 people and other schools it's like they FWyt8FsiXtE-00266-00087048-00087200 don't even make eye contact or smile FWyt8FsiXtE-00267-00087201-00087350 like it's just weird FWyt8FsiXtE-00268-00087351-00087551 what from like what Maya said when she FWyt8FsiXtE-00269-00087552-00087872 transferred here like how she said like FWyt8FsiXtE-00270-00087873-00088082 that people there were so judgy yeah FWyt8FsiXtE-00271-00088083-00088319 like I I feel like I don't even go there FWyt8FsiXtE-00272-00088320-00088544 but I feel that way definitely and like FWyt8FsiXtE-00273-00088545-00088775 people here yeah for like not judge eat FWyt8FsiXtE-00274-00088776-00089081 a lot of school like especially over FWyt8FsiXtE-00275-00089082-00089345 traditional like yeah if you're not good FWyt8FsiXtE-00276-00089346-00089498 like you're no one you don't exist as a FWyt8FsiXtE-00277-00089499-00089762 pretty and like you see if it doesn't FWyt8FsiXtE-00278-00089763-00089942 yeah no one would care if you're in FWyt8FsiXtE-00279-00089943-00090128 grief I her not yeah my parents right FWyt8FsiXtE-00280-00090129-00090281 okay what you're paying for it I was FWyt8FsiXtE-00281-00090282-00091151 like okay I guess I just assumed not FWyt8FsiXtE-00282-00091152-00091292 like if I was going to a school that big FWyt8FsiXtE-00283-00091293-00091403 I'm like I needed to make friends like FWyt8FsiXtE-00284-00091404-00091577 that was a really good opportunity and FWyt8FsiXtE-00285-00091578-00091730 like I honestly never thought twice FWyt8FsiXtE-00286-00091731-00091931 about yeah I figured like college just FWyt8FsiXtE-00287-00091932-00092261 like sorority like it yeah like I was FWyt8FsiXtE-00288-00092262-00092474 really I was like I don't think I would FWyt8FsiXtE-00289-00092475-00092546 fit in FWyt8FsiXtE-00290-00092547-00092657 really like hanging out with like a FWyt8FsiXtE-00291-00092658-00092867 bunch of girls I was always like the FWyt8FsiXtE-00292-00092868-00093047 cheer team and stuff so yeah that's just FWyt8FsiXtE-00293-00093048-00093458 saved Oh a teen girls friend same like FWyt8FsiXtE-00294-00093459-00093680 me no that was really friends with guys FWyt8FsiXtE-00295-00093681-00093854 ever like I had some guy friends but FWyt8FsiXtE-00296-00093855-00094157 like I just need like two or three close FWyt8FsiXtE-00297-00094158-00094474 girlfriends and I'll be fine for like FWyt8FsiXtE-00298-00094475-00094805 yeah yeah so I didn't really think I FWyt8FsiXtE-00299-00094806-00095009 needed like 200 in check and then I FWyt8FsiXtE-00300-00095010-00095216 thought they'd be like drama and like I FWyt8FsiXtE-00301-00095217-00095477 was like not like or people or something FWyt8FsiXtE-00302-00095478-00095921 like I don't know yeah I thought it four FWyt8FsiXtE-00303-00095922-00096728 years later still with us I think I'm FWyt8FsiXtE-00304-00096729-00096869 done I know I was just gonna say oh FWyt8FsiXtE-00305-00096870-00097091 really how I might a horse window I'd FWyt8FsiXtE-00306-00097092-00097424 literally just was like I'm really good FWyt8FsiXtE-00307-00097425-00097613 what am I missed I feel weird I put up FWyt8FsiXtE-00308-00097614-00097829 two guys now you're you almost done I am FWyt8FsiXtE-00309-00097830-00097856 done FWyt8FsiXtE-00310-00097857-00098042 oh well oh I can do it and you know I FWyt8FsiXtE-00311-00098043-00098225 need that I'm gonna let wait until we're FWyt8FsiXtE-00312-00098226-00098468 gonna go where are we going tonight call FWyt8FsiXtE-00313-00098469-00098786 me and think George Street that was st. FWyt8FsiXtE-00314-00098787-00099011 John Street something like that George FWyt8FsiXtE-00315-00099012-00099560 oh these are cool thing John I am FWyt8FsiXtE-00316-00099561-00099731 finishing off my makeup look with the FWyt8FsiXtE-00317-00099732-00100019 tatcha luminous dewy skin mist and I got FWyt8FsiXtE-00318-00100020-00100160 like a sample size I got like the FWyt8FsiXtE-00319-00100161-00100451 bestsellers kit and it was like $60 I'm FWyt8FsiXtE-00320-00100452-00100631 just now realizing it I don't know if it FWyt8FsiXtE-00321-00100632-00100874 was really worth it because it doesn't FWyt8FsiXtE-00322-00100875-00101021 even believe it will make me look dewy FWyt8FsiXtE-00323-00101022-00101186 like because I know they say don't spray FWyt8FsiXtE-00324-00101187-00101303 like too much because you're gonna look FWyt8FsiXtE-00325-00101304-00101600 too dewy but I keep on spring and I FWyt8FsiXtE-00326-00101601-00101810 don't know maybe it's maybe my skin's FWyt8FsiXtE-00327-00101811-00101996 too dry but I'm still gonna keep on FWyt8FsiXtE-00328-00101997-00102305 trying this alright and you kind of got FWyt8FsiXtE-00329-00102306-00103082 to do close up to FWyt8FsiXtE-00330-00103083-00103979 I'll give your forehead some love yeah FWyt8FsiXtE-00331-00103980-00104442 yeah just as well that's what I'm saying FWyt8FsiXtE-00332-00104443-00104649 like I feel like it's gonna dry like I FWyt8FsiXtE-00333-00104650-00106013 it also smells wrong spray tan well geez FWyt8FsiXtE-00334-00106014-00106356 yeah normally press it anymore honestly FWyt8FsiXtE-00335-00106357-00106521 sometimes I hate when I leave the house FWyt8FsiXtE-00336-00106522-00106685 without setting my face because it looks FWyt8FsiXtE-00337-00106686-00106934 so like powdery you know yeah good I FWyt8FsiXtE-00338-00106935-00107103 love Connor because I'm oily but like FWyt8FsiXtE-00339-00107104-00107547 yeah yeah okay so we're gonna come back FWyt8FsiXtE-00340-00107548-00107781 and show you guys our hair and outfit FWyt8FsiXtE-00341-00107782-00108161 and you know you'll you'll see a FWyt8FsiXtE-00342-00108163-00108558 different side of us so give us a quick FWyt8FsiXtE-00343-00108558-00108846 rundown where everything's from and wait FWyt8FsiXtE-00344-00108847-00109544 ready woman hearing target forever21 FWyt8FsiXtE-00345-00109545-00109771 target FWyt8FsiXtE-00346-00109772-00110146 learn learn okay my dress is from O'Neal FWyt8FsiXtE-00347-00110147-00110640 my shoes are Steve Madden is my curse is FWyt8FsiXtE-00348-00110641-00111066 Rebecca Minkoff yeah the shirt is from a FWyt8FsiXtE-00349-00111067-00111220 boutique from home I can't remember it's FWyt8FsiXtE-00350-00111221-00111408 called these pants are from forever 21 FWyt8FsiXtE-00351-00111409-00111912 and these shoes are from Marshalls Oh FWyt8FsiXtE-00352-00111913-00112191 oh that's from Amazon I think what it FWyt8FsiXtE-00353-00112192-00112408 was I actually got it from Plato's FWyt8FsiXtE-00354-00112408-00112587 Closet shot it's a Kailyn because she FWyt8FsiXtE-00355-00112588-00112774 told me I should get it I was like no FWyt8FsiXtE-00356-00112775-00113034 because it's not that super cute then FWyt8FsiXtE-00357-00113035-00113182 she was like it's three people and I was FWyt8FsiXtE-00358-00113183-00113337 like oh hell yeah I'm getting it so then FWyt8FsiXtE-00359-00113338-00113458 I tried it on and it was actually cute FWyt8FsiXtE-00360-00113458-00113674 okay yeah three people but found it uh FWyt8FsiXtE-00361-00113675-00113925 Plato's Closet Gert is from American FWyt8FsiXtE-00362-00113926-00114327 Eagle and shoes are worn Conrad and I FWyt8FsiXtE-00363-00114328-00114493 got some holes they are so nice and FWyt8FsiXtE-00364-00114494-00114708 comfy and I just like the patent leather FWyt8FsiXtE-00365-00114708-00115008 look so that was all of our outfit I FWyt8FsiXtE-00366-00115009-00115164 hope you guys enjoyed our get ready with FWyt8FsiXtE-00367-00115165-00115321 us and I'll see you guys in my next FWyt8FsiXtE-00368-00115322-00115491 video bye guys bye FWyt8FsiXtE-00369-00115492-00115583 [Applause] FWyt8FsiXtE-00370-00115583-00116617 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00000-00000088-00002339 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00001-00002340-00002687 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00002-00002688-00003456 there ain't no doubt i care Fbn3rf4V6-u-00003-00003457-00005367 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00004-00005368-00005875 but i won't forget Fbn3rf4V6-u-00005-00005876-00006463 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00006-00006464-00006781 again Fbn3rf4V6-u-00008-00009856-00010389 getting away Fbn3rf4V6-u-00009-00010390-00011078 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00010-00011079-00011292 and forgive you Fbn3rf4V6-u-00011-00011293-00012069 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00012-00012070-00012327 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00013-00012328-00012527 again Fbn3rf4V6-u-00014-00012528-00012769 and again Fbn3rf4V6-u-00015-00012770-00012863 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00016-00012865-00013116 [Applause] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00017-00013118-00014143 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00018-00014144-00014391 and the darkest night through the heap Fbn3rf4V6-u-00019-00014391-00014758 will not hide the sound of the teeth Fbn3rf4V6-u-00020-00014759-00015063 ripping life from inside Fbn3rf4V6-u-00021-00015063-00015340 get down Fbn3rf4V6-u-00022-00015341-00016727 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00023-00016728-00016942 my knees Fbn3rf4V6-u-00024-00016943-00018086 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00025-00018087-00018302 even at the bottom Fbn3rf4V6-u-00026-00018303-00019635 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00027-00019636-00020878 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00028-00020879-00021075 i Fbn3rf4V6-u-00029-00021076-00021903 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00030-00021904-00022084 again Fbn3rf4V6-u-00031-00022085-00022294 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00032-00022295-00022371 and Fbn3rf4V6-u-00033-00022372-00022655 again and again Fbn3rf4V6-u-00034-00022656-00023107 again Fbn3rf4V6-u-00035-00023108-00023632 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00036-00023633-00024078 [Applause] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00037-00024079-00024512 okay the next one's called the mirror Fbn3rf4V6-u-00038-00024513-00026055 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00039-00026056-00026316 me Fbn3rf4V6-u-00040-00026317-00027633 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00041-00027633-00027935 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00042-00027936-00028438 oh Fbn3rf4V6-u-00043-00028439-00029439 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00044-00029439-00029783 till my back is Fbn3rf4V6-u-00045-00029785-00031532 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00046-00031533-00032127 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00047-00032127-00032297 and divine Fbn3rf4V6-u-00048-00032298-00033151 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00049-00033152-00033393 always Fbn3rf4V6-u-00050-00033394-00033902 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00051-00033903-00034507 oh Fbn3rf4V6-u-00052-00034508-00035335 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00053-00035336-00035558 is Fbn3rf4V6-u-00054-00035559-00037879 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00055-00037880-00038333 oh please Fbn3rf4V6-u-00056-00038334-00040551 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00057-00040552-00040863 till my back is Fbn3rf4V6-u-00059-00043888-00044087 okay so this is called clarity Fbn3rf4V6-u-00060-00044088-00044255 i've rewritten this song like three or Fbn3rf4V6-u-00061-00044256-00044495 four times i was telling you earlier Fbn3rf4V6-u-00062-00044496-00044623 and Fbn3rf4V6-u-00063-00044624-00044823 i almost gave up on it but Fbn3rf4V6-u-00064-00044824-00045062 i'm realizing that like Fbn3rf4V6-u-00065-00045063-00045190 sometimes i just need to approach it Fbn3rf4V6-u-00066-00045191-00045367 differently and here i just changed the Fbn3rf4V6-u-00067-00045368-00045535 tempo and i changed Fbn3rf4V6-u-00068-00045536-00045695 the rhythm and Fbn3rf4V6-u-00069-00045696-00046706 just changed Fbn3rf4V6-u-00071-00051479-00051994 underneath Fbn3rf4V6-u-00072-00051995-00052795 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00073-00052796-00053103 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00074-00053104-00053573 set free Fbn3rf4V6-u-00075-00053574-00054182 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00076-00054183-00054544 knowing what i truly Fbn3rf4V6-u-00077-00054545-00054879 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00078-00054879-00055269 knowing what i truly need Fbn3rf4V6-u-00079-00055270-00056189 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00080-00056190-00056447 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00081-00056448-00057076 take me through the right way Fbn3rf4V6-u-00082-00057077-00058679 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00083-00058679-00058962 i've been set free Fbn3rf4V6-u-00084-00058963-00059782 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00085-00059783-00060400 knowing when i do Fbn3rf4V6-u-00086-00060401-00060894 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00087-00060895-00061214 me Fbn3rf4V6-u-00088-00061215-00062015 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00089-00062016-00062402 nothing that will feel this way Fbn3rf4V6-u-00090-00062403-00062871 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00091-00062872-00063445 closer than the time before Fbn3rf4V6-u-00092-00063446-00064182 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00093-00064183-00064398 oh Fbn3rf4V6-u-00094-00064399-00065599 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00095-00065600-00066046 know Fbn3rf4V6-u-00096-00066047-00066711 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00097-00066712-00066860 me Fbn3rf4V6-u-00098-00066861-00068887 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00099-00068888-00069119 okay i'm going to do an original song Fbn3rf4V6-u-00100-00069120-00069247 called home Fbn3rf4V6-u-00101-00069248-00069455 it's not so fresh Fbn3rf4V6-u-00102-00069456-00070669 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00103-00070670-00071326 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00104-00071327-00071624 he used Fbn3rf4V6-u-00105-00071625-00072806 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00106-00072807-00073150 the children Fbn3rf4V6-u-00107-00073151-00074815 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00108-00074816-00075638 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00109-00075639-00075800 never Fbn3rf4V6-u-00110-00075801-00078431 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00111-00078432-00078782 the bulletproof the hungry Fbn3rf4V6-u-00112-00078783-00079182 the travelers on their feet Fbn3rf4V6-u-00113-00079183-00079647 the sinners looked like angels shackled Fbn3rf4V6-u-00114-00079648-00079999 by the time we meet Fbn3rf4V6-u-00115-00080000-00080326 we seem to find Fbn3rf4V6-u-00116-00080327-00080983 that better days Fbn3rf4V6-u-00117-00080984-00082350 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00118-00082351-00082818 home is just Fbn3rf4V6-u-00119-00082819-00083759 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00120-00083760-00084167 thanks to the wine Fbn3rf4V6-u-00121-00084168-00084666 thanks to the fathers Fbn3rf4V6-u-00122-00084667-00086823 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00123-00086824-00087290 years to the plans we made in georgia Fbn3rf4V6-u-00124-00087291-00087631 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00125-00087632-00088142 years to the ones we will never keep Fbn3rf4V6-u-00126-00088143-00088471 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00127-00088472-00088547 the Fbn3rf4V6-u-00128-00088548-00088831 melodies the lessons Fbn3rf4V6-u-00129-00088832-00089062 that we're going to Fbn3rf4V6-u-00130-00089063-00089318 repeat Fbn3rf4V6-u-00131-00089319-00089735 we'll have them feel satisfaction Fbn3rf4V6-u-00132-00089736-00090967 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00133-00090968-00091390 home is just Fbn3rf4V6-u-00134-00091391-00092656 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00135-00092657-00092954 [Applause] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00136-00092955-00093179 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00137-00093180-00093343 [Applause] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00138-00093344-00093806 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00139-00093807-00094253 i don't know Fbn3rf4V6-u-00140-00094254-00095023 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00141-00095024-00095240 and i don't know Fbn3rf4V6-u-00142-00095241-00096374 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00143-00096375-00096685 these words Fbn3rf4V6-u-00144-00096686-00096855 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00145-00096856-00097111 you will be mine Fbn3rf4V6-u-00146-00097112-00097371 these words Fbn3rf4V6-u-00147-00097372-00097582 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00148-00097583-00098015 you will be mine Fbn3rf4V6-u-00149-00098016-00098442 all the time Fbn3rf4V6-u-00150-00098443-00099215 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00151-00099216-00099391 but i'd be foolish Fbn3rf4V6-u-00152-00099392-00099831 not to say Fbn3rf4V6-u-00153-00099832-00100094 i'm gonna take whatever it takes ring Fbn3rf4V6-u-00154-00100095-00100374 you up call you down sign your name Fbn3rf4V6-u-00155-00100375-00100655 secret love make it rhyme take you in Fbn3rf4V6-u-00156-00100656-00100735 and Fbn3rf4V6-u-00157-00100736-00101094 make you mine Fbn3rf4V6-u-00158-00101095-00101599 these words Fbn3rf4V6-u-00159-00101600-00101838 will be mine Fbn3rf4V6-u-00160-00101839-00101977 these words Fbn3rf4V6-u-00161-00101978-00102150 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00162-00102151-00102432 will be mine Fbn3rf4V6-u-00163-00102433-00103463 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00164-00103464-00103626 did Fbn3rf4V6-u-00165-00103627-00104966 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00166-00104967-00105654 you know Fbn3rf4V6-u-00167-00105655-00105944 and here is Fbn3rf4V6-u-00168-00105945-00106902 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00169-00106903-00107223 breath just to fool myself to catch Fbn3rf4V6-u-00170-00107224-00107601 myself Fbn3rf4V6-u-00171-00107602-00108158 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00172-00108159-00108399 will be mine Fbn3rf4V6-u-00173-00108400-00108527 these words Fbn3rf4V6-u-00174-00108528-00108710 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00175-00108711-00109119 will be mine Fbn3rf4V6-u-00176-00109120-00109283 all the time Fbn3rf4V6-u-00177-00109284-00110471 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00178-00110472-00110684 oh Fbn3rf4V6-u-00179-00110685-00112095 [Music] Fbn3rf4V6-u-00180-00112096-00112227 love's Fbn3rf4V6-u-00181-00112228-00112628 confined to FfaZ_Eiegyy-00000-00000008-00000231 so i often argue that youtube is where FfaZ_Eiegyy-00001-00000231-00000399 many of the lasting artists careers are FfaZ_Eiegyy-00002-00000400-00000559 made today there's no denying that FfaZ_Eiegyy-00003-00000560-00000711 spotify is the place where most of the FfaZ_Eiegyy-00004-00000712-00000847 artists we all know and love FfaZ_Eiegyy-00005-00000848-00001039 and can't stop listening to have had FfaZ_Eiegyy-00006-00001040-00001174 many of their big breaks FfaZ_Eiegyy-00007-00001175-00001319 that have started their career so it FfaZ_Eiegyy-00008-00001320-00001511 makes sense that musicians want to know FfaZ_Eiegyy-00009-00001512-00001614 how to take advantage of this FfaZ_Eiegyy-00010-00001616-00001814 opportunity but there's so much garbage FfaZ_Eiegyy-00011-00001816-00001991 information you get from blogs or for FfaZ_Eiegyy-00012-00001992-00002126 that matter from some of the clowns who FfaZ_Eiegyy-00013-00002127-00002255 make these youtube videos FfaZ_Eiegyy-00014-00002256-00002471 who basically summarize those blogs like FfaZ_Eiegyy-00015-00002472-00002599 the shitty book reports FfaZ_Eiegyy-00016-00002600-00002775 they handed in in high school so i want FfaZ_Eiegyy-00017-00002776-00002934 to fix that so this video i'm going to FfaZ_Eiegyy-00018-00002935-00003087 fix that and tell you as fast as FfaZ_Eiegyy-00019-00003088-00003150 possible FfaZ_Eiegyy-00020-00003151-00003359 how you do spotify better than everyone FfaZ_Eiegyy-00021-00003360-00003543 else including many of your favorite FfaZ_Eiegyy-00022-00003544-00004191 artists FfaZ_Eiegyy-00023-00004192-00004406 hi i'm jesse cannon a music marketing FfaZ_Eiegyy-00024-00004407-00004559 nerd who's teaching musicians how to FfaZ_Eiegyy-00025-00004560-00004654 grow from zero FfaZ_Eiegyy-00026-00004655-00004847 to ten thousand fans on youtube and this FfaZ_Eiegyy-00027-00004848-00004983 is music formation one of the biggest FfaZ_Eiegyy-00028-00004984-00005118 mistakes musicians make FfaZ_Eiegyy-00029-00005119-00005286 is they don't release their music in a FfaZ_Eiegyy-00030-00005287-00005447 way that spotify likes FfaZ_Eiegyy-00031-00005448-00005583 and do the work that is needed to FfaZ_Eiegyy-00032-00005584-00005735 promote it there so that they can see FfaZ_Eiegyy-00033-00005736-00005918 their songs reach their potential i FfaZ_Eiegyy-00034-00005919-00006079 it's pretty silly when you have this big FfaZ_Eiegyy-00035-00006080-00006247 of an opportunity and you won't even do FfaZ_Eiegyy-00036-00006248-00006334 the simple things FfaZ_Eiegyy-00037-00006335-00006550 spotify wants you to do in order for FfaZ_Eiegyy-00038-00006551-00006646 them to promote you FfaZ_Eiegyy-00039-00006647-00006839 this is especially silly since if you FfaZ_Eiegyy-00040-00006840-00007063 take videos and photo shoots and making FfaZ_Eiegyy-00041-00007064-00007206 the songs out of the equation this FfaZ_Eiegyy-00042-00007208-00007303 doesn't take more than FfaZ_Eiegyy-00043-00007304-00007534 five to ten hours a week to do all the FfaZ_Eiegyy-00044-00007536-00007670 things that i'm going to tell you FfaZ_Eiegyy-00045-00007672-00007855 on how to promote your music here and i FfaZ_Eiegyy-00046-00007856-00008014 always hear from these people who always FfaZ_Eiegyy-00047-00008015-00008183 complain about how long this takes is FfaZ_Eiegyy-00048-00008184-00008327 that their music is the most important FfaZ_Eiegyy-00049-00008328-00008471 thing in the world to them and then i FfaZ_Eiegyy-00050-00008472-00008583 have to hit them with one of those FfaZ_Eiegyy-00051-00008584-00008791 stairs akin to like tony soprano looking FfaZ_Eiegyy-00052-00008792-00008983 at christopher multusati when he talks FfaZ_Eiegyy-00053-00008984-00009142 about working on his movie script but i FfaZ_Eiegyy-00054-00009143-00009295 know many of you are willing to put in FfaZ_Eiegyy-00055-00009296-00009367 this work FfaZ_Eiegyy-00056-00009368-00009535 and you just don't know what to do so in FfaZ_Eiegyy-00057-00009536-00009663 this video we're going to spell it out FfaZ_Eiegyy-00058-00009664-00009839 in order but before we get started FfaZ_Eiegyy-00059-00009840-00010006 the key to this video is i'm actually FfaZ_Eiegyy-00060-00010007-00010159 going to tell you how to do this all FfaZ_Eiegyy-00061-00010160-00010399 in chronological order for each song you FfaZ_Eiegyy-00062-00010400-00010519 release as well FfaZ_Eiegyy-00063-00010520-00010678 the most annoying part of this is i'm FfaZ_Eiegyy-00064-00010679-00010855 going to refer to a lot of other videos FfaZ_Eiegyy-00065-00010856-00010919 i've made FfaZ_Eiegyy-00066-00010920-00011087 since this is a complex subject and i FfaZ_Eiegyy-00067-00011088-00011238 want you to know where you can go to go FfaZ_Eiegyy-00068-00011239-00011431 deeper if you want to learn more on any FfaZ_Eiegyy-00069-00011432-00011559 particular subject FfaZ_Eiegyy-00070-00011560-00011710 sorry that's the way it's got to be FfaZ_Eiegyy-00071-00011711-00011878 until youtube enables choose your own FfaZ_Eiegyy-00072-00011879-00012023 adventure style videos FfaZ_Eiegyy-00073-00012024-00012206 and these videos will be in the playlist FfaZ_Eiegyy-00074-00012207-00012359 in chronological order FfaZ_Eiegyy-00075-00012360-00012542 linked at the end of this video or in FfaZ_Eiegyy-00076-00012543-00012678 the description below FfaZ_Eiegyy-00077-00012679-00012871 so first step one should start happening FfaZ_Eiegyy-00078-00012872-00013015 once you finish this video FfaZ_Eiegyy-00079-00013016-00013175 which is we need you to get your house FfaZ_Eiegyy-00080-00013176-00013343 in good order and your house is your FfaZ_Eiegyy-00081-00013344-00013407 spotify FfaZ_Eiegyy-00082-00013408-00013599 artist profile since we need to make FfaZ_Eiegyy-00083-00013600-00013807 sure you're a good citizen on spotify FfaZ_Eiegyy-00084-00013808-00013943 but you're probably thinking why the FfaZ_Eiegyy-00085-00013944-00014111 hell am i talking like that since FfaZ_Eiegyy-00086-00014112-00014286 frankly it sounds stupid as so FfaZ_Eiegyy-00087-00014287-00014471 startups love talking about their users FfaZ_Eiegyy-00088-00014472-00014527 being FfaZ_Eiegyy-00089-00014528-00014807 quote unquote good citizens meaning that FfaZ_Eiegyy-00090-00014808-00014975 the users of their site are behaving the FfaZ_Eiegyy-00091-00014976-00015094 way they want FfaZ_Eiegyy-00092-00015095-00015263 and what they want is musicians to do FfaZ_Eiegyy-00093-00015263-00015463 things that engage the users FfaZ_Eiegyy-00094-00015463-00015630 they show their music think of it this FfaZ_Eiegyy-00095-00015631-00015799 way they bring people there FfaZ_Eiegyy-00096-00015800-00015999 they want you to not it up this FfaZ_Eiegyy-00097-00016000-00016119 means they want you to take FfaZ_Eiegyy-00098-00016119-00016294 under 30 minutes to just clean up your FfaZ_Eiegyy-00099-00016295-00016527 profile and keep it regularly up to date FfaZ_Eiegyy-00100-00016528-00016727 using their spotify for artists portal FfaZ_Eiegyy-00101-00016728-00016927 all they want you to do is put up a few FfaZ_Eiegyy-00102-00016928-00017111 current presentable pictures that are FfaZ_Eiegyy-00103-00017112-00017255 high-res that look good FfaZ_Eiegyy-00104-00017256-00017455 if you have two to three that's amazing FfaZ_Eiegyy-00105-00017456-00017622 but put up more if you have them FfaZ_Eiegyy-00106-00017623-00017799 then update your bio with something FfaZ_Eiegyy-00107-00017800-00017950 compelling that would make people want FfaZ_Eiegyy-00108-00017951-00018103 to listen to more of your music FfaZ_Eiegyy-00109-00018104-00018350 link your social media enter your latest FfaZ_Eiegyy-00110-00018351-00018430 single or FfaZ_Eiegyy-00111-00018431-00018647 playlist in the artist pick field and FfaZ_Eiegyy-00112-00018648-00018855 regularly update your user playlist FfaZ_Eiegyy-00113-00018856-00019039 which we will get way more into in this FfaZ_Eiegyy-00114-00019040-00019230 video but simply put in that bare FfaZ_Eiegyy-00115-00019231-00019279 minimum FfaZ_Eiegyy-00116-00019280-00019455 effort since spotify doesn't like to FfaZ_Eiegyy-00117-00019456-00019630 promote you unless you do that FfaZ_Eiegyy-00118-00019631-00019814 the second step is to get your release FfaZ_Eiegyy-00119-00019815-00020022 strategy right if you missed it a few FfaZ_Eiegyy-00120-00020023-00020247 weeks ago i released a thorough video on FfaZ_Eiegyy-00121-00020248-00020407 the release strategy i use that appeals FfaZ_Eiegyy-00122-00020408-00020503 to spotify FfaZ_Eiegyy-00123-00020504-00020727 and youtube's algorithms in order to FfaZ_Eiegyy-00124-00020728-00020894 make your music spread as far as FfaZ_Eiegyy-00125-00020895-00021078 possible what this entails is releasing FfaZ_Eiegyy-00126-00021079-00021239 your music often enough that you take FfaZ_Eiegyy-00127-00021240-00021407 advantage of your potential fans FfaZ_Eiegyy-00128-00021408-00021614 attention span which is no more than FfaZ_Eiegyy-00129-00021615-00021727 every 30 days FfaZ_Eiegyy-00130-00021728-00021911 but making sure to put it out every 60 FfaZ_Eiegyy-00131-00021912-00022127 days is what i find to be the sweet spot FfaZ_Eiegyy-00132-00022128-00022183 but again FfaZ_Eiegyy-00133-00022184-00022335 watch this video since it's such a FfaZ_Eiegyy-00134-00022336-00022511 complex subject but if you have a few FfaZ_Eiegyy-00135-00022512-00022655 songs that are ready for release FfaZ_Eiegyy-00136-00022656-00022822 you can put one out every six to eight FfaZ_Eiegyy-00137-00022823-00022950 weeks and you could really take FfaZ_Eiegyy-00138-00022951-00023135 advantage of the spotify algorithm and FfaZ_Eiegyy-00139-00023136-00023286 how it helps promote you FfaZ_Eiegyy-00140-00023287-00023519 the next step happens 30 days before you FfaZ_Eiegyy-00141-00023520-00023686 want your song to come out which is to FfaZ_Eiegyy-00142-00023687-00023775 make sure you do FfaZ_Eiegyy-00143-00023776-00023942 everything right to submit it to an FfaZ_Eiegyy-00144-00023943-00024150 editorial playlist properly this means FfaZ_Eiegyy-00145-00024151-00024263 submitting your signal to your FfaZ_Eiegyy-00146-00024264-00024422 distributor 30 days in advance and FfaZ_Eiegyy-00147-00024423-00024630 writing a really good editorial playlist FfaZ_Eiegyy-00148-00024631-00024694 pitch FfaZ_Eiegyy-00149-00024695-00024822 if you don't know how to make a great FfaZ_Eiegyy-00150-00024823-00024999 editorial playlist pitch FfaZ_Eiegyy-00151-00025000-00025183 i have one of my most popular videos on FfaZ_Eiegyy-00152-00025184-00025350 how to write one which has up tons of FfaZ_Eiegyy-00153-00025351-00025494 musicians which you can click on the FfaZ_Eiegyy-00154-00025495-00025575 screen now FfaZ_Eiegyy-00155-00025576-00025758 or in the description below let's also FfaZ_Eiegyy-00156-00025760-00025950 remember before your signal is out FfaZ_Eiegyy-00157-00025951-00026102 please do not waste your time on FfaZ_Eiegyy-00158-00026104-00026311 pre-saves since they do not matter at FfaZ_Eiegyy-00159-00026312-00026351 all FfaZ_Eiegyy-00160-00026352-00026574 but racking up followers does and if you FfaZ_Eiegyy-00161-00026575-00026718 want to learn more about that FfaZ_Eiegyy-00162-00026719-00026887 watch my video on that as well which is FfaZ_Eiegyy-00163-00026888-00027031 in the description but you're probably FfaZ_Eiegyy-00164-00027032-00027174 wondering what you should be doing now FfaZ_Eiegyy-00165-00027175-00027343 with 30 days to go before your song FfaZ_Eiegyy-00166-00027344-00027407 comes out FfaZ_Eiegyy-00167-00027408-00027551 and that's to start preparing your FfaZ_Eiegyy-00168-00027552-00027718 videos photos and the stories you're FfaZ_Eiegyy-00169-00027719-00027774 going to tell FfaZ_Eiegyy-00170-00027775-00027951 around your music the time you spend FfaZ_Eiegyy-00171-00027952-00028127 getting things ready so it's as easy to FfaZ_Eiegyy-00172-00028127-00028183 launch as FfaZ_Eiegyy-00173-00028183-00028399 release day comes it's time that ensures FfaZ_Eiegyy-00174-00028400-00028518 your release goes as FfaZ_Eiegyy-00175-00028519-00028743 smooth as possible okay but more on that FfaZ_Eiegyy-00176-00028744-00028911 later now we're on to step four and your FfaZ_Eiegyy-00177-00028912-00029087 song is finally out and we've made it to FfaZ_Eiegyy-00178-00029088-00029287 release day let's remember release days FfaZ_Eiegyy-00179-00029288-00029479 are a lot like throwing stones in a lake FfaZ_Eiegyy-00180-00029480-00029655 the bigger the splash you make at first FfaZ_Eiegyy-00181-00029656-00029870 the bigger the ripple the pond will have FfaZ_Eiegyy-00182-00029872-00030023 and the easier it will be to promote FfaZ_Eiegyy-00183-00030024-00030127 your songs as FfaZ_Eiegyy-00184-00030127-00030302 that ripple will last longer and make FfaZ_Eiegyy-00185-00030303-00030495 your promotions easier that's not to say FfaZ_Eiegyy-00186-00030495-00030662 you don't need to sustain your promotion FfaZ_Eiegyy-00187-00030663-00030823 which i always talk about and would FfaZ_Eiegyy-00188-00030824-00030983 argue is way more important than your FfaZ_Eiegyy-00189-00030983-00031135 release day but you want to make sure FfaZ_Eiegyy-00190-00031136-00031255 you're in front of your computer FfaZ_Eiegyy-00191-00031256-00031407 responding to comments on youtube and FfaZ_Eiegyy-00192-00031408-00031470 instagram FfaZ_Eiegyy-00193-00031472-00031646 and talking to people on social media FfaZ_Eiegyy-00194-00031647-00031783 and telling stories FfaZ_Eiegyy-00195-00031783-00031967 since the more people hear it while it's FfaZ_Eiegyy-00196-00031968-00032151 fresh the more chance the algorithms FfaZ_Eiegyy-00197-00032152-00032327 push it and gets seen by others and can FfaZ_Eiegyy-00198-00032327-00032487 spread as well if you're getting added FfaZ_Eiegyy-00199-00032488-00032646 to playlists be sure to share them on FfaZ_Eiegyy-00200-00032647-00032839 your socials so the playlisters are FfaZ_Eiegyy-00201-00032840-00032974 encouraged to keep adding you in the FfaZ_Eiegyy-00202-00032975-00033183 future well not everyone has spotify FfaZ_Eiegyy-00203-00033184-00033351 most people do and those who don't are FfaZ_Eiegyy-00204-00033352-00033511 used to looking up songs on other FfaZ_Eiegyy-00205-00033512-00033590 services FfaZ_Eiegyy-00206-00033591-00033823 so i like to link it into spotify since FfaZ_Eiegyy-00207-00033824-00033951 that's where you want to drive up your FfaZ_Eiegyy-00208-00033952-00034151 listens i do these links with pre-save FfaZ_Eiegyy-00209-00034152-00034318 links which since your song is now FfaZ_Eiegyy-00210-00034319-00034511 out you link the song and allow people FfaZ_Eiegyy-00211-00034512-00034662 to follow you as well FfaZ_Eiegyy-00212-00034663-00034846 when linking videos i like to use what i FfaZ_Eiegyy-00213-00034847-00035118 like to call nudge services like show.co FfaZ_Eiegyy-00214-00035119-00035279 which allow you to have a follow button FfaZ_Eiegyy-00215-00035280-00035471 for your youtube video for spotify FfaZ_Eiegyy-00216-00035472-00035646 so you can rack up follows while people FfaZ_Eiegyy-00217-00035647-00035830 watch your music and lyric videos FfaZ_Eiegyy-00218-00035831-00036023 these are great to link on social media FfaZ_Eiegyy-00219-00036024-00036174 and if you want to learn more watch the FfaZ_Eiegyy-00220-00036175-00036318 video linked in the description FfaZ_Eiegyy-00221-00036319-00036462 let's remember these follows are FfaZ_Eiegyy-00222-00036463-00036655 important since for everyone you get you FfaZ_Eiegyy-00223-00036656-00036702 end up FfaZ_Eiegyy-00224-00036703-00036902 on another release radar playlist and FfaZ_Eiegyy-00225-00036903-00037102 they help set up your future singles for FfaZ_Eiegyy-00226-00037103-00037199 your success FfaZ_Eiegyy-00227-00037200-00037374 always try to work in a nudge to follow FfaZ_Eiegyy-00228-00037375-00037518 you on spotify while promoting your FfaZ_Eiegyy-00229-00037519-00037662 music and help pay off FfaZ_Eiegyy-00230-00037663-00037839 as we'll get you a more release radar FfaZ_Eiegyy-00231-00037840-00038007 playlist and increase your performance FfaZ_Eiegyy-00232-00038008-00038174 each time you release a new song FfaZ_Eiegyy-00233-00038175-00038390 step 5 happens after release and that's FfaZ_Eiegyy-00234-00038391-00038615 the pitchier songs to user playlists FfaZ_Eiegyy-00235-00038616-00038790 since spotify editorial playlists can FfaZ_Eiegyy-00236-00038791-00038959 only be pitched to pre-release FfaZ_Eiegyy-00237-00038960-00039111 there's nothing you can do to pitch them FfaZ_Eiegyy-00238-00039112-00039271 again aside from releasing an FfaZ_Eiegyy-00239-00039272-00039455 alternate version which i explained in FfaZ_Eiegyy-00240-00039456-00039583 the video linked below FfaZ_Eiegyy-00241-00039584-00039839 but you can pitch user playlists to find FfaZ_Eiegyy-00242-00039840-00039990 the user playlist you could pitch the FfaZ_Eiegyy-00243-00039991-00040143 service playlist supply FfaZ_Eiegyy-00244-00040144-00040327 allows you to do this for twenty dollars FfaZ_Eiegyy-00245-00040328-00040471 you can search similar artists and FfaZ_Eiegyy-00246-00040472-00040583 genres for playlists FfaZ_Eiegyy-00247-00040584-00040743 that may put you on them and if you want FfaZ_Eiegyy-00248-00040744-00040935 to learn more of course i have a video FfaZ_Eiegyy-00249-00040936-00041055 on this as well FfaZ_Eiegyy-00250-00041056-00041215 just make sure you don't pay anyone who FfaZ_Eiegyy-00251-00041216-00041374 asks for money to get on a playlist FfaZ_Eiegyy-00252-00041375-00041551 as that is some con artist and they FfaZ_Eiegyy-00253-00041552-00041767 are a ripoff as well you can also employ FfaZ_Eiegyy-00254-00041768-00041974 services like playlist pitch submit hub FfaZ_Eiegyy-00255-00041975-00042183 and spot a match and playlisters club FfaZ_Eiegyy-00256-00042184-00042358 these allow you to pay a fee to have FfaZ_Eiegyy-00257-00042359-00042551 playlist curators hear your music FfaZ_Eiegyy-00258-00042552-00042743 but here's the thing these services only FfaZ_Eiegyy-00259-00042744-00042927 work for some people well enough that FfaZ_Eiegyy-00260-00042928-00043062 it's worth the investment FfaZ_Eiegyy-00261-00043063-00043223 some people get added to great playlists FfaZ_Eiegyy-00262-00043224-00043407 for a little money others spend a lot of FfaZ_Eiegyy-00263-00043408-00043511 money and get nothing FfaZ_Eiegyy-00264-00043512-00043679 it's all dependent on budget and what FfaZ_Eiegyy-00265-00043680-00043879 scale you find getting new listeners FfaZ_Eiegyy-00266-00043880-00044087 per dollar is worth to you what i can FfaZ_Eiegyy-00267-00044088-00044183 tell you is this FfaZ_Eiegyy-00268-00044184-00044358 if you're thinking about carpet bombing FfaZ_Eiegyy-00269-00044359-00044551 these and submitting to every playlist FfaZ_Eiegyy-00270-00044552-00044630 possible FfaZ_Eiegyy-00271-00044631-00044783 it's never going to be worth the money FfaZ_Eiegyy-00272-00044784-00044927 and it's not going to go well for your FfaZ_Eiegyy-00273-00044928-00044983 wallet FfaZ_Eiegyy-00274-00044984-00045158 these services tend to work best for FfaZ_Eiegyy-00275-00045159-00045383 people who submit to a few playlists who FfaZ_Eiegyy-00276-00045384-00045511 seem to be a perfect fit FfaZ_Eiegyy-00277-00045512-00045727 and then hope for the best step six is FfaZ_Eiegyy-00278-00045728-00045927 to make your own rs playlist and find FfaZ_Eiegyy-00279-00045928-00046158 small acts in your genre and add to them FfaZ_Eiegyy-00280-00046159-00046343 and then tag them on social media i'm FfaZ_Eiegyy-00281-00046344-00046495 talking about is to make a playlist of FfaZ_Eiegyy-00282-00046496-00046671 let's say your local scene FfaZ_Eiegyy-00283-00046672-00046862 people in your micro genre or people FfaZ_Eiegyy-00284-00046863-00047023 have written songs about the same things FfaZ_Eiegyy-00285-00047024-00047246 or whatever creative ideas you have FfaZ_Eiegyy-00286-00047247-00047415 if you do this every two weeks and FfaZ_Eiegyy-00287-00047416-00047639 continually update playlists while using FfaZ_Eiegyy-00288-00047640-00047711 social media FfaZ_Eiegyy-00289-00047712-00047935 tag the artists you add you can get fans FfaZ_Eiegyy-00290-00047936-00048071 of similar artists to listen to your FfaZ_Eiegyy-00291-00048072-00048286 music and gain new fans every week FfaZ_Eiegyy-00292-00048287-00048423 this is one of those techniques that FfaZ_Eiegyy-00293-00048424-00048615 takes a good amount of research to find FfaZ_Eiegyy-00294-00048616-00048686 good artists FfaZ_Eiegyy-00295-00048687-00048886 who are the right size and some hustle FfaZ_Eiegyy-00296-00048887-00049007 on tagging them FfaZ_Eiegyy-00297-00049008-00049230 on social media but is the best trick i FfaZ_Eiegyy-00298-00049231-00049423 know for finding the right type of fans FfaZ_Eiegyy-00299-00049424-00049607 and could really help set you up for big FfaZ_Eiegyy-00300-00049608-00049767 things in the future and if you want to FfaZ_Eiegyy-00301-00049768-00049879 learn more about this you should FfaZ_Eiegyy-00302-00049880-00050007 definitely watch my video on this FfaZ_Eiegyy-00303-00050008-00050071 technique FfaZ_Eiegyy-00304-00050072-00050246 as i'm getting messages from musicians FfaZ_Eiegyy-00305-00050247-00050446 every single day on how this is helping FfaZ_Eiegyy-00306-00050447-00050655 them grow their fan base step seven is FfaZ_Eiegyy-00307-00050656-00050823 to make sure to tell stories for the FfaZ_Eiegyy-00308-00050824-00050983 duration of your singles FfaZ_Eiegyy-00309-00050984-00051158 one of the hardest things for musicians FfaZ_Eiegyy-00310-00051159-00051311 to do seems to be to keep their FfaZ_Eiegyy-00311-00051312-00051487 attention on talking about their song FfaZ_Eiegyy-00312-00051488-00051679 and making content that keeps reminding FfaZ_Eiegyy-00313-00051679-00051790 people to listen FfaZ_Eiegyy-00314-00051791-00051966 whether this is picks from a video FfaZ_Eiegyy-00315-00051967-00052119 telling stories about what the song is FfaZ_Eiegyy-00316-00052120-00052166 about FfaZ_Eiegyy-00317-00052167-00052382 doing play throughs unboxing of the daw FfaZ_Eiegyy-00318-00052383-00052575 session talking about the lyrics FfaZ_Eiegyy-00319-00052576-00052726 showing behind the scenes or whatever FfaZ_Eiegyy-00320-00052727-00052854 else you could do to keep commands FfaZ_Eiegyy-00321-00052855-00053007 reminded to grow their relationship with FfaZ_Eiegyy-00322-00053008-00053094 your music FfaZ_Eiegyy-00323-00053095-00053279 and also there's another one of these FfaZ_Eiegyy-00324-00053279-00053471 videos linked below since it will set up FfaZ_Eiegyy-00325-00053472-00053615 your next song to do better than your FfaZ_Eiegyy-00326-00053616-00053679 last one FfaZ_Eiegyy-00327-00053679-00053919 which brings me the last step the last FfaZ_Eiegyy-00328-00053920-00054159 step is to repeat this over and over FfaZ_Eiegyy-00329-00054160-00054215 again FfaZ_Eiegyy-00330-00054216-00054399 let's remember this nearly never works FfaZ_Eiegyy-00331-00054400-00054630 unless you're using consistent sustained FfaZ_Eiegyy-00332-00054632-00054703 promotion FfaZ_Eiegyy-00333-00054704-00054838 meaning you need to release music FfaZ_Eiegyy-00334-00054839-00054982 regularly and just putting out two to FfaZ_Eiegyy-00335-00054983-00055142 three tracks isn't going to do the trick FfaZ_Eiegyy-00336-00055144-00055215 today FfaZ_Eiegyy-00337-00055216-00055382 instead you have to release a string of FfaZ_Eiegyy-00338-00055383-00055566 songs and sustain it as well as working FfaZ_Eiegyy-00339-00055567-00055687 hard to promote it FfaZ_Eiegyy-00340-00055688-00055911 if you watch who spotify works best for FfaZ_Eiegyy-00341-00055912-00056126 they are regularly releasing singles and FfaZ_Eiegyy-00342-00056127-00056230 following this technique FfaZ_Eiegyy-00343-00056232-00056359 there's a playlist that's about to be up FfaZ_Eiegyy-00344-00056360-00056487 on the screen that has every one of the FfaZ_Eiegyy-00345-00056488-00056630 videos i just mentioned FfaZ_Eiegyy-00346-00056632-00056766 so if you click there or in the FfaZ_Eiegyy-00347-00056767-00056966 description you can kick back and watch FfaZ_Eiegyy-00348-00056967-00057126 and learn even more on how to win at FfaZ_Eiegyy-00349-00057127-00057279 spotify in 2021 FfaZ_Eiegyy-00350-00057279-00057454 otherwise i have a ton more videos on FfaZ_Eiegyy-00351-00057455-00057654 how to go from zero to ten thousand fans FfaZ_Eiegyy-00352-00057655-00057863 that's also linked now so please get FfaZ_Eiegyy-00353-00057864-00058038 subscribed and like the video FfaZ_Eiegyy-00354-00058039-00060063 thanks for watching FfaZ_Eiegyy-00355-00060064-00060272 you Fh0vJl3Rrdo-00002-00040372-00041094 [Music] Fh0vJl3Rrdo-00004-00053722-00054591 [Music] Fh0vJl3Rrdo-00005-00054591-00057316 [Music] Fh0vJl3Rrdo-00006-00057316-00057983 [Music] Fh0vJl3Rrdo-00007-00057984-00058817 [Music] FjiW7gu4V1g-00000-00000030-00001028 [Music] FjiW7gu4V1g-00001-00001029-00001582 [Applause] FjiW7gu4V1g-00002-00001583-00002057 welcome back in the last segment we did FjiW7gu4V1g-00003-00002058-00002398 a somewhat detailed example of how FjiW7gu4V1g-00004-00002399-00002837 structures could be used and how they FjiW7gu4V1g-00005-00002838-00003113 might presumably improve the readability FjiW7gu4V1g-00006-00003114-00003602 of our programs now in this segment we FjiW7gu4V1g-00007-00003603-00003992 are going to talk about how pointers can FjiW7gu4V1g-00008-00003993-00004195 be used in conjunction with structures FjiW7gu4V1g-00009-00004196-00004691 and we'll also have a conclusion for FjiW7gu4V1g-00010-00004692-00004883 this entire lecture the sequence of FjiW7gu4V1g-00011-00004884-00005477 segments so you have seen pointers FjiW7gu4V1g-00012-00005478-00005761 earlier and pointers to structures are FjiW7gu4V1g-00013-00005762-00006176 created in a natural manner so we have FjiW7gu4V1g-00014-00006177-00006523 in this statement we are defining a disk FjiW7gu4V1g-00015-00006523-00006863 so this is it is a variable of type disk FjiW7gu4V1g-00016-00006864-00007262 and we are also defining a pointer to a FjiW7gu4V1g-00017-00007263-00007531 structure or variable of type disk so FjiW7gu4V1g-00018-00007533-00007991 it's so that pointer is DP TR and I'll FjiW7gu4V1g-00019-00007992-00008170 just remind you what this is so this is FjiW7gu4V1g-00020-00008172-00008426 a disk so I guess we have had two kinds FjiW7gu4V1g-00021-00008427-00008627 of disks now but this is the risk in FjiW7gu4V1g-00022-00008628-00008876 which we had the first member was a FjiW7gu4V1g-00023-00008877-00009131 point and here we are saying that the x FjiW7gu4V1g-00024-00009132-00009395 coordinate is 2 the y coordinate of that FjiW7gu4V1g-00025-00009396-00009924 Center is 3 and then the radius is 4 FjiW7gu4V1g-00026-00009925-00010430 yeah now you can do the normal pointer FjiW7gu4V1g-00027-00010431-00010717 operations on structure structure FjiW7gu4V1g-00028-00010718-00010924 pointers as well so for example I can FjiW7gu4V1g-00029-00010925-00011328 write D PTR equal to the address of this FjiW7gu4V1g-00030-00011329-00011749 disk type variable D 1 ok so that's FjiW7gu4V1g-00031-00011750-00012119 that's what you normally do and then I FjiW7gu4V1g-00032-00012120-00012476 can take I can be reference this d PTR FjiW7gu4V1g-00033-00012477-00012739 as well so if I get dereference this d FjiW7gu4V1g-00034-00012740-00013099 PTR what do I get I get D 1 itself but FjiW7gu4V1g-00035-00013100-00013251 then I can take it FjiW7gu4V1g-00036-00013252-00013497 Arius member and I can say that look I FjiW7gu4V1g-00037-00013497-00013731 want the radius to be 5 rather than the FjiW7gu4V1g-00038-00013732-00014063 4 that it currently is so that is what FjiW7gu4V1g-00039-00014065-00014499 this statement is going to do okay now FjiW7gu4V1g-00040-00014500-00014861 this idiom okay FjiW7gu4V1g-00041-00014862-00015330 star X dot comes up quite frequently and FjiW7gu4V1g-00042-00015331-00015657 therefore C++ gives a different way of FjiW7gu4V1g-00043-00015658-00015869 writing it so here is another operator FjiW7gu4V1g-00044-00015871-00016176 the arrow operator which is made up of FjiW7gu4V1g-00045-00016177-00016494 the characters - and greater than you FjiW7gu4V1g-00046-00016495-00017003 should read it as arrow so star x dot y FjiW7gu4V1g-00047-00017004-00017451 can be written as X arrow Y so in X FjiW7gu4V1g-00048-00017452-00017753 arrow why this X should be a pointer and FjiW7gu4V1g-00049-00017754-00018459 why should be a member so I could have FjiW7gu4V1g-00050-00018460-00018804 written this statement as this so I FjiW7gu4V1g-00051-00018805-00019002 could have written DPT our arrow radius FjiW7gu4V1g-00052-00019003-00019422 equals v naught t PT r dot radius if I FjiW7gu4V1g-00053-00019423-00019635 want to write DP t r dot radius and DP FjiW7gu4V1g-00054-00019636-00019944 TR had better beam had better be a disk FjiW7gu4V1g-00055-00019945-00020208 type variable wendy PTR is not a FjiW7gu4V1g-00056-00020209-00020583 described variable it is a pointer to a FjiW7gu4V1g-00057-00020584-00020784 described period and therefore I should FjiW7gu4V1g-00058-00020785-00021033 use this arrow which dereferences first FjiW7gu4V1g-00059-00021034-00021419 as well FjiW7gu4V1g-00060-00021420-00021780 now pointers can be structure members as FjiW7gu4V1g-00061-00021781-00022278 well okay so I can have struct disk - FjiW7gu4V1g-00062-00022279-00022623 okay which has a double radius and which FjiW7gu4V1g-00063-00022624-00023037 has point but this time my remember is FjiW7gu4V1g-00064-00023038-00023268 not a point but it is a point star or FjiW7gu4V1g-00065-00023269-00023658 it's a pointer to a point FjiW7gu4V1g-00066-00023659-00023994 okay so Center PTR but Center PTR equal FjiW7gu4V1g-00067-00023995-00024603 to address of P okay so this is a FjiW7gu4V1g-00068-00024604-00025074 pointer and in into it I am storing the FjiW7gu4V1g-00069-00025075-00025789 address of this point okay now I can I FjiW7gu4V1g-00070-00025791-00026258 want to print the x-coordinate of the FjiW7gu4V1g-00071-00026260-00026339 send FjiW7gu4V1g-00072-00026341-00026795 of this disk D so how do I get to that FjiW7gu4V1g-00073-00026797-00027285 so I get to D dot center PTR which gives FjiW7gu4V1g-00074-00027286-00027552 me a pointer to the point which is the FjiW7gu4V1g-00075-00027552-00027897 center and since this is a pointer and I FjiW7gu4V1g-00076-00027898-00028245 want the X variable the X member of it I FjiW7gu4V1g-00077-00028245-00028895 right arrow X okay then I can have disc FjiW7gu4V1g-00078-00028897-00029544 to f so f is another disc too and maybe FjiW7gu4V1g-00079-00029545-00029958 I can set its center PTR also to the FjiW7gu4V1g-00080-00029958-00030342 same point okay so essentially these and FjiW7gu4V1g-00081-00030343-00030660 making these to be concentric disks okay FjiW7gu4V1g-00082-00030661-00031008 but there is there is a subtle point FjiW7gu4V1g-00083-00031008-00031341 over here if I change this if I change FjiW7gu4V1g-00084-00031342-00031551 the center of this then the same center FjiW7gu4V1g-00085-00031552-00031866 of this also changes so you should do FjiW7gu4V1g-00086-00031867-00032367 this only if you intend that okay and FjiW7gu4V1g-00087-00032368-00032550 yes this might be a possible motivation FjiW7gu4V1g-00088-00032551-00032751 for using pointers so that we can have FjiW7gu4V1g-00089-00032752-00033143 discs which are sharing the center's and FjiW7gu4V1g-00090-00033144-00033483 we can do similar things we can set F FjiW7gu4V1g-00091-00033484-00033831 dot Center PTR x equals 15 and that will FjiW7gu4V1g-00092-00033832-00034224 set the coordinate for the disc D as FjiW7gu4V1g-00093-00034225-00034844 well okay so this will also print out 15 FjiW7gu4V1g-00094-00034845-00035331 now with pointers especially in this FjiW7gu4V1g-00095-00035332-00035676 current context we might want to say FjiW7gu4V1g-00096-00035677-00035973 that a particular pointer is not FjiW7gu4V1g-00097-00035974-00036261 pointing to anything at all okay so for FjiW7gu4V1g-00098-00036262-00036513 that there is a keyword null which is FjiW7gu4V1g-00099-00036514-00036747 reserved so it can be assigned to any FjiW7gu4V1g-00100-00036748-00037047 pointer to indicate the pointer does not FjiW7gu4V1g-00101-00037048-00037227 contain does not point to anything FjiW7gu4V1g-00102-00037228-00037412 meaningful FjiW7gu4V1g-00103-00037413-00037839 we have remarked long ago that a pointer FjiW7gu4V1g-00104-00037840-00038277 to disks cannot be assigned to a pointer FjiW7gu4V1g-00105-00038278-00038535 to points but null is kind of a FjiW7gu4V1g-00106-00038536-00038808 universal universal pointer so you can FjiW7gu4V1g-00107-00038809-00039138 assign you can store null into any kind FjiW7gu4V1g-00108-00039139-00039357 of pointer you can essentially you can FjiW7gu4V1g-00109-00039358-00039648 say that this particular pointer FjiW7gu4V1g-00110-00039649-00039918 in point to anything at all and you can FjiW7gu4V1g-00111-00039919-00040224 check whether pointer points to nothing FjiW7gu4V1g-00112-00040225-00040551 by writing PTR equal to equal to null FjiW7gu4V1g-00113-00040552-00040964 here is an example where we have FjiW7gu4V1g-00114-00040965-00041262 pointers to the structure of the same FjiW7gu4V1g-00115-00041263-00041601 type so we have a struct employee but FjiW7gu4V1g-00116-00041602-00041949 inside it is an employee employee FjiW7gu4V1g-00117-00041950-00042360 pointer so boss is a pointer to another FjiW7gu4V1g-00118-00042361-00042570 employee okay FjiW7gu4V1g-00119-00042571-00042924 this is allowed okay this looks like it FjiW7gu4V1g-00120-00042925-00043187 is referring to itself in some sense it FjiW7gu4V1g-00121-00043188-00043479 is but what the purpose of writing this FjiW7gu4V1g-00122-00043480-00043824 at least in in this limited context is FjiW7gu4V1g-00123-00043825-00044085 we need to know how much how much space FjiW7gu4V1g-00124-00044086-00044552 to reserve for this employee PTR okay or FjiW7gu4V1g-00125-00044553-00044930 this member boss but all PTR's FjiW7gu4V1g-00126-00044931-00045149 essentially have the same amount of FjiW7gu4V1g-00127-00045150-00045402 space and therefore this is okay and FjiW7gu4V1g-00128-00045403-00045624 this of course says that subsequently if FjiW7gu4V1g-00129-00045625-00045954 you use boss it is expected to point to FjiW7gu4V1g-00130-00045955-00046364 a variable of type employee so here is FjiW7gu4V1g-00131-00046365-00046707 how we might create employees so this FjiW7gu4V1g-00132-00046708-00047154 says even is precedent okay so the title FjiW7gu4V1g-00133-00047155-00047645 is precedent and there is no boss FjiW7gu4V1g-00134-00047646-00047921 okay so presumably we might be writing FjiW7gu4V1g-00135-00047922-00048177 this for somebody who is the head of FjiW7gu4V1g-00136-00048178-00048408 that institution okay so that that FjiW7gu4V1g-00137-00048409-00048657 person does not have a boss okay so it's FjiW7gu4V1g-00138-00048658-00049064 boss is pointing to null there might be FjiW7gu4V1g-00139-00049065-00049352 n there might be an MD in that FjiW7gu4V1g-00140-00049353-00049565 institution a managing director and FjiW7gu4V1g-00141-00049566-00049851 maybe the managing directors boss is the FjiW7gu4V1g-00142-00049852-00050118 precedent so here we can supply the FjiW7gu4V1g-00143-00050119-00050457 address of the precedent okay and so FjiW7gu4V1g-00144-00050458-00050714 address of even is supplied over here FjiW7gu4V1g-00145-00050715-00051006 similarly III maybe the executive FjiW7gu4V1g-00146-00051007-00051387 director has as boss the precedent so FjiW7gu4V1g-00147-00051388-00051600 here we are supply here we are supplying FjiW7gu4V1g-00148-00051601-00052029 the address of that precedent now we can FjiW7gu4V1g-00149-00052029-00052394 do this so we can say e 2 dot boss so we FjiW7gu4V1g-00150-00052395-00052769 get to this address of even over here FjiW7gu4V1g-00151-00052770-00052965 and if you want to print out the title FjiW7gu4V1g-00152-00052966-00053045 of that FjiW7gu4V1g-00153-00053046-00053378 person so to get to the title the title FjiW7gu4V1g-00154-00053379-00053755 is a member of even but we have an FjiW7gu4V1g-00155-00053757-00053912 address of even and therefore we should FjiW7gu4V1g-00156-00053913-00054275 put an arrow here so this will print FjiW7gu4V1g-00157-00054276-00054892 president now if we write a free dot FjiW7gu4V1g-00158-00054894-00055349 boss we will get to even we will get a FjiW7gu4V1g-00159-00055350-00055684 pointer to even if we take its boss FjiW7gu4V1g-00160-00055685-00056021 member we arrow to boss FjiW7gu4V1g-00161-00056022-00056504 then we'll get null okay so if we then FjiW7gu4V1g-00162-00056504-00056741 print it out and then take the title FjiW7gu4V1g-00163-00056741-00056982 then we are making the mistake because FjiW7gu4V1g-00164-00056983-00057304 null is not pointing to anything so we FjiW7gu4V1g-00165-00057305-00057479 can't take a title of it and therefore FjiW7gu4V1g-00166-00057479-00057848 this is going to cause an error so at FjiW7gu4V1g-00167-00057849-00058085 execution time the program will say that FjiW7gu4V1g-00168-00058086-00058546 that there is something wrong okay so FjiW7gu4V1g-00169-00058547-00059009 what did we discuss in this lecture so FjiW7gu4V1g-00170-00059010-00059332 we talked about structures and we said FjiW7gu4V1g-00171-00059333-00059617 that structures enable us to group FjiW7gu4V1g-00172-00059619-00059923 together variables of different types FjiW7gu4V1g-00173-00059924-00060241 now I should note that arrays also FjiW7gu4V1g-00174-00060242-00060504 grouped together variables but in arrays FjiW7gu4V1g-00175-00060505-00060887 the variables are of the same type FjiW7gu4V1g-00176-00060888-00061190 whereas in structures they can be of FjiW7gu4V1g-00177-00061191-00061346 different types they may be of the same FjiW7gu4V1g-00178-00061347-00061594 type but they can be of as many FjiW7gu4V1g-00179-00061595-00061957 different types as you want a structure FjiW7gu4V1g-00180-00061958-00062416 name behaves like a variable okay so the FjiW7gu4V1g-00181-00062417-00062546 structure name doesn't denote the FjiW7gu4V1g-00182-00062547-00062696 address of that structure but it denotes FjiW7gu4V1g-00183-00062697-00062924 the content of that structure so if you FjiW7gu4V1g-00184-00062925-00063179 pass it or if you copy it that content FjiW7gu4V1g-00185-00063179-00063497 gets copied okay again this is something FjiW7gu4V1g-00186-00063498-00063823 different from the way Iranians behaved FjiW7gu4V1g-00187-00063824-00064424 and then why we got onto this we did all FjiW7gu4V1g-00188-00064425-00064640 this because by grouping things together FjiW7gu4V1g-00189-00064641-00064862 we can reduce the clutter in our FjiW7gu4V1g-00190-00064863-00065242 argument lists okay and we can organize FjiW7gu4V1g-00191-00065244-00065579 our data better and because our clutter FjiW7gu4V1g-00192-00065580-00065984 is reduced okay we are more inclined FjiW7gu4V1g-00193-00065985-00066313 possibly to write smaller FjiW7gu4V1g-00194-00066314-00066862 smaller functions and this functions can FjiW7gu4V1g-00195-00066863-00067156 be written at different levels so as we FjiW7gu4V1g-00196-00067157-00067501 saw in the example the main function was FjiW7gu4V1g-00197-00067502-00067762 written at a very high level so whereas FjiW7gu4V1g-00198-00067763-00068002 the call from the other functions sort FjiW7gu4V1g-00199-00068003-00068386 of dealt with the internals of the disks FjiW7gu4V1g-00200-00068387-00068560 whereas the main function just said oh FjiW7gu4V1g-00201-00068561-00068869 here I do these things with a disk FjiW7gu4V1g-00202-00068870-00069028 without really worrying about what is FjiW7gu4V1g-00203-00069029-00069715 going on inside so so so that so so let FjiW7gu4V1g-00204-00069716-00069913 me conclude this lecture them by saying FjiW7gu4V1g-00205-00069914-00070216 that disks is that sorry FjiW7gu4V1g-00206-00070217-00070606 that structures are a way by which you FjiW7gu4V1g-00207-00070607-00070906 can improve the readability of your FjiW7gu4V1g-00208-00070907-00071230 program because they help you to group FjiW7gu4V1g-00209-00071231-00071500 all the attributes associated with an FjiW7gu4V1g-00210-00071501-00071803 entry entity into a single structure or FjiW7gu4V1g-00211-00071804-00072226 a single super variable and as always I FjiW7gu4V1g-00212-00072227-00072762 will suggest that please look at look at FjiW7gu4V1g-00213-00072763-00073066 the problems at the end of this chapter FjiW7gu4V1g-00214-00073067-00073378 of course the next job the next lecture FjiW7gu4V1g-00215-00073379-00073765 will also continue with chapter 17 so FjiW7gu4V1g-00216-00073766-00073948 maybe you can wait until the next FjiW7gu4V1g-00217-00073949-00074113 lecture to look at the problems at the FjiW7gu4V1g-00218-00074114-00074481 end of chapter 17 thank you FjiW7gu4V1g-00219-00074482-00075625 [Music] FjiW7gu4V1g-00220-00075626-00075958 [Applause] FjiW7gu4V1g-00221-00075959-00076112 [Music] FjiW7gu4V1g-00222-00076113-00077070 [Applause] FjiW7gu4V1g-00223-00077071-00077639 [Applause] FjiW7gu4V1g-00224-00077640-00078105 [Music] Fk1I0YSuV2o-00000-00000003-00000164 okay let's Katrina saw wait hear that Fk1I0YSuV2o-00001-00000165-00000292 jump start your business coach we Fk1I0YSuV2o-00002-00000293-00000599 jumpstart your marketing calm and my Fk1I0YSuV2o-00003-00000600-00001025 co-host Alicia white with a love so many Fk1I0YSuV2o-00004-00001026-00001331 different websites once you fill of me I Fk1I0YSuV2o-00005-00001332-00001495 was happy to introduce yourself in just Fk1I0YSuV2o-00006-00001496-00001664 a minute Alicia and tell them we're Fk1I0YSuV2o-00007-00001664-00001948 about what you do so we're on my Fk1I0YSuV2o-00008-00001948-00002366 business group page today jumpstart your Fk1I0YSuV2o-00009-00002367-00002734 marketing and business now so hopefully Fk1I0YSuV2o-00010-00002735-00002879 you're seeing this those of you in the Fk1I0YSuV2o-00011-00002880-00003100 group we didn't get a lot of pre Fk1I0YSuV2o-00012-00003101-00003359 marketing plans for this so you'll have Fk1I0YSuV2o-00013-00003360-00003538 to catch it in the replay if you missed Fk1I0YSuV2o-00014-00003539-00003842 it but we're talking all about today Fk1I0YSuV2o-00015-00003843-00004222 branding and exposure strategies for Fk1I0YSuV2o-00016-00004223-00004529 your exhibitor back of the room set up Fk1I0YSuV2o-00017-00004530-00004879 and so Alicia's an expert in helping you Fk1I0YSuV2o-00018-00004880-00005129 create the graphics and branding and Fk1I0YSuV2o-00019-00005130-00005429 those are not back in the room I am an Fk1I0YSuV2o-00020-00005430-00005660 expert in creating the strategy as well Fk1I0YSuV2o-00021-00005661-00005968 for lead generation and so together we Fk1I0YSuV2o-00022-00005969-00006184 thought we can help a lot of you who do Fk1I0YSuV2o-00023-00006185-00006452 those table displays whether it's a Fk1I0YSuV2o-00024-00006453-00006685 small 20 person event or a huge Fk1I0YSuV2o-00025-00006686-00006851 conference and you have a huge booth Fk1I0YSuV2o-00026-00006852-00007234 space we just we've done booths together Fk1I0YSuV2o-00027-00007236-00007498 before and we have a lot of experience Fk1I0YSuV2o-00028-00007500-00007645 and so I'm going to share a few key Fk1I0YSuV2o-00029-00007647-00007810 things that we know you don't want to Fk1I0YSuV2o-00030-00007811-00008053 forget and so you know a little bit Fk1I0YSuV2o-00031-00008054-00008299 about me hopefully I love to help you Fk1I0YSuV2o-00032-00008300-00008519 make more money doing what you love and Fk1I0YSuV2o-00033-00008520-00008726 jumpstart your marketing back time is my Fk1I0YSuV2o-00034-00008727-00008909 website let me have Alicia tell you a Fk1I0YSuV2o-00035-00008910-00009101 little bit what she does and then we're Fk1I0YSuV2o-00036-00009102-00009217 gonna dive right in and if you have Fk1I0YSuV2o-00037-00009218-00009385 questions go I haven't put them in the Fk1I0YSuV2o-00038-00009386-00009623 comments and we will try to get to them Fk1I0YSuV2o-00039-00009624-00009896 it is hard to see the comments at the Fk1I0YSuV2o-00040-00009897-00010109 same time live time but I'm gonna do my Fk1I0YSuV2o-00041-00010110-00010513 very best to do that and then but Alicia Fk1I0YSuV2o-00042-00010514-00010580 take it away Fk1I0YSuV2o-00043-00010581-00010859 thanks Katrina hey y'all I'm Alicia Fk1I0YSuV2o-00044-00010860-00011087 white with back of the Ring productions Fk1I0YSuV2o-00045-00011088-00011520 and speaker sheets calm and I build Fk1I0YSuV2o-00046-00011521-00011867 speakers business owners coaches Fk1I0YSuV2o-00047-00011868-00012266 consultants advisers entrepreneurs who Fk1I0YSuV2o-00048-00012267-00012458 want to use speaking to grow their Fk1I0YSuV2o-00049-00012459-00012815 business need to be successful at it in Fk1I0YSuV2o-00050-00012816-00013024 order to grow their business so I help Fk1I0YSuV2o-00051-00013025-00013369 these people become successful speakers Fk1I0YSuV2o-00052-00013371-00013729 give them strategies tools and ideas to Fk1I0YSuV2o-00053-00013730-00014024 really look like the expert that they Fk1I0YSuV2o-00054-00014025-00014465 are and that comes with branding design Fk1I0YSuV2o-00055-00014466-00014912 and then the strategy the keys of you Fk1I0YSuV2o-00056-00014913-00015143 know how to use this tool this speaker Fk1I0YSuV2o-00057-00015144-00015397 tool or this this other speaker tool or Fk1I0YSuV2o-00058-00015399-00015787 resource I lay it all out for you and Fk1I0YSuV2o-00059-00015788-00016061 people are loving the book that I just Fk1I0YSuV2o-00060-00016062-00016532 recently published and it was endorsed Fk1I0YSuV2o-00061-00016533-00016940 by Tom Ziegler of Ziegler II and the Fk1I0YSuV2o-00062-00016941-00017207 proud son of Zig Ziglar and he endorsed Fk1I0YSuV2o-00063-00017208-00017465 the book called the successful speakers Fk1I0YSuV2o-00064-00017466-00017636 handbook and you can find that on my Fk1I0YSuV2o-00065-00017637-00018005 Amazon great you don't have it to hold Fk1I0YSuV2o-00066-00018006-00018827 that and so number one obviously it's Fk1I0YSuV2o-00067-00018828-00018965 good to have a book especially if you Fk1I0YSuV2o-00068-00018966-00019091 have it in the back of the room when Fk1I0YSuV2o-00069-00019092-00019325 you're a speaker and this is great for Fk1I0YSuV2o-00070-00019326-00019496 you if even if you're not speaking but Fk1I0YSuV2o-00071-00019497-00019655 you're doing exhibitor booths so even if Fk1I0YSuV2o-00072-00019656-00019790 you're a network marketer and you dude Fk1I0YSuV2o-00073-00019791-00019940 senator booths pay attention people Fk1I0YSuV2o-00074-00019941-00020285 because there's a lot of tips and I've Fk1I0YSuV2o-00075-00020286-00020480 got a lot of trade shows and events so Fk1I0YSuV2o-00076-00020481-00020732 does Alicia and we see people like not Fk1I0YSuV2o-00077-00020733-00020996 even collecting database information on Fk1I0YSuV2o-00078-00020997-00021236 the table right it's like oh my god Fk1I0YSuV2o-00079-00021237-00021485 you're just here to sell your jewelry or Fk1I0YSuV2o-00080-00021486-00021755 whatnot but then there's a dozens of Fk1I0YSuV2o-00081-00021756-00021911 people walking by you're not capturing Fk1I0YSuV2o-00082-00021912-00022244 them for later marketing right what's Fk1I0YSuV2o-00083-00022245-00022397 one of the biggest mistakes you see Fk1I0YSuV2o-00084-00022398-00022709 Alicia besides not doing that besides Fk1I0YSuV2o-00085-00022710-00022907 not collecting and doing a drawing Fk1I0YSuV2o-00086-00022908-00023108 what's one of the biggest mistakes you Fk1I0YSuV2o-00087-00023109-00023354 think oh I think one of the biggest Fk1I0YSuV2o-00088-00023355-00023663 mistakes that you have at the back of Fk1I0YSuV2o-00089-00023664-00024170 the room is not asking for that table at Fk1I0YSuV2o-00090-00024171-00024344 the back of the room so if you are an Fk1I0YSuV2o-00091-00024345-00024482 exhibitor then you already know that Fk1I0YSuV2o-00092-00024483-00024734 you're going to be setting up a display Fk1I0YSuV2o-00093-00024735-00024995 setting up your products setting up some Fk1I0YSuV2o-00094-00024996-00025450 kind of imaging of your services and Fk1I0YSuV2o-00095-00025451-00025826 really and but if you're a speaker or Fk1I0YSuV2o-00096-00025827-00026083 coach you need to be sitting at the Fk1I0YSuV2o-00097-00026085-00026440 table also eat the display signs I'm Fk1I0YSuV2o-00098-00026441-00026652 beating people who want Fk1I0YSuV2o-00099-00026654-00026845 you know want to grow their business Fk1I0YSuV2o-00100-00026845-00027223 that sell services they miss out on that Fk1I0YSuV2o-00101-00027224-00027526 opportunity I've seen people do that all Fk1I0YSuV2o-00102-00027527-00027718 the time and I think one of the biggest Fk1I0YSuV2o-00103-00027719-00027922 things to have at the back of the room Fk1I0YSuV2o-00104-00027923-00028183 other than the order form or the raffle Fk1I0YSuV2o-00105-00028183-00028683 drawing strategy is a big banner yeah Fk1I0YSuV2o-00106-00028685-00028843 thanks Fk1I0YSuV2o-00107-00028844-00029116 and so when you're like those fake Fk1I0YSuV2o-00108-00029117-00029289 speakers for example even if you're Fk1I0YSuV2o-00109-00029291-00029593 going to speak at a room of 10 people to Fk1I0YSuV2o-00110-00029594-00029872 2,000 people always trying to negotiate Fk1I0YSuV2o-00111-00029873-00030067 a table in the back of the room or Fk1I0YSuV2o-00112-00030068-00030214 somewhere in the room even if it's just Fk1I0YSuV2o-00113-00030214-00030439 immediately following your talk and then Fk1I0YSuV2o-00114-00030439-00030643 you know so people can come to you on Fk1I0YSuV2o-00115-00030644-00030874 the break or something and then you you Fk1I0YSuV2o-00116-00030875-00031024 know you can't have one the whole time Fk1I0YSuV2o-00117-00031025-00031318 there's always room to negotiate so we Fk1I0YSuV2o-00118-00031319-00031555 write down the word negotiate put it in Fk1I0YSuV2o-00119-00031556-00031687 the comments if you're like ding ding Fk1I0YSuV2o-00120-00031688-00031914 ding you know negotiate you got to Fk1I0YSuV2o-00121-00031916-00032062 negotiate that you got to negotiate Fk1I0YSuV2o-00122-00032063-00032506 maybe I'm a door links or logos on the Fk1I0YSuV2o-00123-00032507-00032812 website promoting you so like if they're Fk1I0YSuV2o-00124-00032813-00033124 if they do your picture in your bio make Fk1I0YSuV2o-00125-00033125-00033334 sure in the back of the room is also the Fk1I0YSuV2o-00126-00033335-00033499 home line back to the room so don't Fk1I0YSuV2o-00127-00033500-00033807 forget that online back in the room and Fk1I0YSuV2o-00128-00033808-00034207 one of the things I think is when the Fk1I0YSuV2o-00129-00034208-00034474 big mistakes people make when they're Fk1I0YSuV2o-00130-00034475-00034798 doing exhibitor tables is not having a Fk1I0YSuV2o-00131-00034799-00035002 follow up plan in place before you even Fk1I0YSuV2o-00132-00035003-00035242 start your your table before you even do Fk1I0YSuV2o-00133-00035243-00035509 the event right don't you agree Alicia I Fk1I0YSuV2o-00134-00035510-00035737 agree and one of the things that you Fk1I0YSuV2o-00135-00035738-00035935 taught me as my business coach for over Fk1I0YSuV2o-00136-00035936-00036229 the last four or five years is that Fk1I0YSuV2o-00137-00036230-00036535 having that follow-up system is key it Fk1I0YSuV2o-00138-00036536-00036820 is so crucial yes you can get on stage Fk1I0YSuV2o-00139-00036821-00037063 to speak yes you can be a good exhibitor Fk1I0YSuV2o-00140-00037064-00037456 at an event but once you collect those Fk1I0YSuV2o-00141-00037457-00037723 cards you don't want those cards to sit Fk1I0YSuV2o-00142-00037724-00038167 on that desk in a pile right you need to Fk1I0YSuV2o-00143-00038168-00038578 get half a system in place whether it's Fk1I0YSuV2o-00144-00038579-00038890 a free email software right now until Fk1I0YSuV2o-00145-00038891-00039085 you can you know and make an investment Fk1I0YSuV2o-00146-00039086-00039421 into a soft email software program that Fk1I0YSuV2o-00147-00039422-00039715 has more and more engagement Fk1I0YSuV2o-00148-00039716-00039943 opportunities you Fk1I0YSuV2o-00149-00039944-00040183 to have some kind of email campaign Fk1I0YSuV2o-00150-00040184-00040381 already set up before you even go to do Fk1I0YSuV2o-00151-00040382-00040666 that hey I met you at such a such event Fk1I0YSuV2o-00152-00040667-00040894 and it was nice to meet you you asked Fk1I0YSuV2o-00153-00040895-00041157 for more information here it is Fk1I0YSuV2o-00154-00041158-00041512 yes and so the follow-up plan so let's Fk1I0YSuV2o-00155-00041513-00041668 let's back up a little bit there's stuff Fk1I0YSuV2o-00156-00041669-00041836 to do before the event there's stuff to Fk1I0YSuV2o-00157-00041837-00042013 do during the event and there's stuff to Fk1I0YSuV2o-00158-00042014-00042256 do after me a bit when you're doing an Fk1I0YSuV2o-00159-00042257-00042376 exhibit or booths whether you're Fk1I0YSuV2o-00160-00042377-00042604 speaking or just exhibiting okay and Fk1I0YSuV2o-00161-00042605-00042883 before the event is when to plan the Fk1I0YSuV2o-00162-00042884-00043135 follow-up you want to plan especially Fk1I0YSuV2o-00163-00043136-00043435 when you're creating your offer of what Fk1I0YSuV2o-00164-00043436-00043657 you're gonna do for your drum right so I Fk1I0YSuV2o-00165-00043658-00043831 was just an exhibitor at the ewomen Fk1I0YSuV2o-00166-00043832-00044020 network conference with a thousand women Fk1I0YSuV2o-00167-00044021-00044347 in Dallas right and you did that with me Fk1I0YSuV2o-00168-00044348-00044578 like a couple years ago and but you were Fk1I0YSuV2o-00169-00044579-00045115 in it this time but but the thing that Fk1I0YSuV2o-00170-00045116-00045352 we did was we there was four of us that Fk1I0YSuV2o-00171-00045353-00045514 shared the booth it was a bigger booth Fk1I0YSuV2o-00172-00045515-00045832 space and we actually donated a bunch of Fk1I0YSuV2o-00173-00045833-00046006 our products programs and services and Fk1I0YSuV2o-00174-00046007-00046297 coaching sessions so the actual value of Fk1I0YSuV2o-00175-00046298-00046549 all of it together was over eleven Fk1I0YSuV2o-00176-00046550-00046807 thousand dollars right so we planned Fk1I0YSuV2o-00177-00046808-00047269 ahead to create a Wow drawing so that we Fk1I0YSuV2o-00178-00047270-00047434 can stand out from the rest of the Fk1I0YSuV2o-00179-00047435-00047593 vendors and I talked with a lot of the Fk1I0YSuV2o-00180-00047594-00047761 vendors and they said oh there have been Fk1I0YSuV2o-00181-00047762-00048007 their tables were slow like they didn't Fk1I0YSuV2o-00182-00048008-00048163 get a lot of things but guess what Fk1I0YSuV2o-00183-00048164-00048319 people wanted to go enter into the Fk1I0YSuV2o-00184-00048320-00048640 $11,000 drawing yes they did so planning Fk1I0YSuV2o-00185-00048641-00048892 ahead with a gimmick a WOW factor a Fk1I0YSuV2o-00186-00048893-00049072 shock and awe something that you could Fk1I0YSuV2o-00187-00049073-00049336 do number one but we had graphics Fk1I0YSuV2o-00188-00049337-00049588 created so then we had a banner created Fk1I0YSuV2o-00189-00049589-00049914 just for that drawing we had an online Fk1I0YSuV2o-00190-00049915-00050302 Facebook page group to put people from Fk1I0YSuV2o-00191-00050303-00050605 online sources so we cultivated leads Fk1I0YSuV2o-00192-00050606-00050974 online as well okay I had a landing page Fk1I0YSuV2o-00193-00050975-00051204 on the website that was all where you Fk1I0YSuV2o-00194-00051205-00051420 can sign up online you didn't have to go Fk1I0YSuV2o-00195-00051421-00051514 in person Fk1I0YSuV2o-00196-00051515-00051771 so before ahead before you do the show Fk1I0YSuV2o-00197-00051772-00052020 think of things you can that can make Fk1I0YSuV2o-00198-00052021-00052288 you stand out before what are some of Fk1I0YSuV2o-00199-00052289-00052423 the other things that you would say in Fk1I0YSuV2o-00200-00052424-00052641 the before that they need to think about Fk1I0YSuV2o-00201-00052642-00052929 Alicia well you know I'm looking at the Fk1I0YSuV2o-00202-00052930-00053192 book I wrote Fk1I0YSuV2o-00203-00053194-00053574 and I talk a lot about having handouts Fk1I0YSuV2o-00204-00053575-00054017 available for you know what you know Fk1I0YSuV2o-00205-00054019-00054333 your handout can be a six-page brochure Fk1I0YSuV2o-00206-00054334-00054905 or it come for my for card that has you Fk1I0YSuV2o-00207-00054907-00055244 know the eye-catching title the one that Fk1I0YSuV2o-00208-00055245-00055521 interests them to want to talk to you so Fk1I0YSuV2o-00209-00055522-00055698 what is an eye-catching Kyle can I talk Fk1I0YSuV2o-00210-00055699-00055923 about that person can because I know Fk1I0YSuV2o-00211-00055924-00056211 that you've got one got some ideas on Fk1I0YSuV2o-00212-00056212-00056467 get having an attention-getting title Fk1I0YSuV2o-00213-00056469-00057017 it's one that I talked about how you Fk1I0YSuV2o-00214-00057019-00057219 print out what what is your target Fk1I0YSuV2o-00215-00057220-00057570 audiences problem and then what is the Fk1I0YSuV2o-00216-00057571-00057966 solution you provide and you add in some Fk1I0YSuV2o-00217-00057966-00058146 adjectives so it's kind of like an Fk1I0YSuV2o-00218-00058147-00058595 equation you know problem plus solution Fk1I0YSuV2o-00219-00058596-00059127 equals the result so that's kind of how Fk1I0YSuV2o-00220-00059128-00059469 I look at doing that but you have that Fk1I0YSuV2o-00221-00059470-00059729 on your message cards or your brochure Fk1I0YSuV2o-00222-00059730-00059930 or whatever some kind of handout you Fk1I0YSuV2o-00223-00059932-00060102 want to give something to them that they Fk1I0YSuV2o-00224-00060103-00060333 can look at later not just your business Fk1I0YSuV2o-00225-00060334-00060564 card because again these go in the trash Fk1I0YSuV2o-00226-00060565-00060738 after I enter enter them into my Fk1I0YSuV2o-00227-00060739-00060803 database Fk1I0YSuV2o-00228-00060804-00061077 so there's yeah so I would say I would Fk1I0YSuV2o-00229-00061078-00061292 say that you could create a flyer around Fk1I0YSuV2o-00230-00061294-00061497 your program product or service or event Fk1I0YSuV2o-00231-00061498-00061710 that will have information about that Fk1I0YSuV2o-00232-00061711-00061866 specific event again if they're not Fk1I0YSuV2o-00233-00061866-00062042 interested they're not taking that right Fk1I0YSuV2o-00234-00062044-00062271 you can have a postcard I do some Fk1I0YSuV2o-00235-00062272-00062523 postcards about events I also have a Fk1I0YSuV2o-00236-00062524-00062816 plain postcard that talks about you know Fk1I0YSuV2o-00237-00062817-00063027 general are you getting response and Fk1I0YSuV2o-00238-00063028-00063402 that just leads them to a free call with Fk1I0YSuV2o-00239-00063403-00063629 me and I have those on my table and now Fk1I0YSuV2o-00240-00063630-00063825 these aren't very well graphically Fk1I0YSuV2o-00241-00063826-00063945 designing trust me you need at least Fk1I0YSuV2o-00242-00063946-00064430 show to help you but um I know I do them Fk1I0YSuV2o-00243-00064432-00064796 sometimes quick and easy right but and Fk1I0YSuV2o-00244-00064797-00065121 but then there's what I call a tip sheet Fk1I0YSuV2o-00245-00065122-00065376 and a tip sheet is different it's not a Fk1I0YSuV2o-00246-00065377-00065604 flier about your services necessarily Fk1I0YSuV2o-00247-00065605-00065787 it's something of value so it could be Fk1I0YSuV2o-00248-00065788-00066006 an article about a topic that you teach Fk1I0YSuV2o-00249-00066007-00066234 it could be like Fk1I0YSuV2o-00250-00066235-00066429 like I have a tip sheet that gives you Fk1I0YSuV2o-00251-00066430-00066672 seven revenue generating activities you Fk1I0YSuV2o-00252-00066673-00066873 can do every day for under 20 minutes Fk1I0YSuV2o-00253-00066874-00067140 and so it gives you those little tips on Fk1I0YSuV2o-00254-00067141-00067380 things you can do to go get leads and Fk1I0YSuV2o-00255-00067381-00067551 clients everyday and then at the bottom Fk1I0YSuV2o-00256-00067552-00067785 of the sheet it actually does talk about Fk1I0YSuV2o-00257-00067786-00067994 one of my little two hour masterclass Fk1I0YSuV2o-00258-00067995-00068319 monthly coaching sessions for 79 bucks Fk1I0YSuV2o-00259-00068320-00068628 right and I have the link to go buy that Fk1I0YSuV2o-00260-00068629-00068835 if they want to write but it has good Fk1I0YSuV2o-00261-00068836-00069048 value on the majority of the front page Fk1I0YSuV2o-00262-00069049-00069327 on the back page it always used the back Fk1I0YSuV2o-00263-00069328-00069510 right you utilize the back of your Fk1I0YSuV2o-00264-00069511-00069765 flyers and your pages it has a little Fk1I0YSuV2o-00265-00069766-00069989 bio of me and has like four different Fk1I0YSuV2o-00266-00069990-00070260 testimonials so it's a tip sheet that Fk1I0YSuV2o-00267-00070261-00070485 people will want to keep so something Fk1I0YSuV2o-00268-00070486-00070659 that they really really want to keep Fk1I0YSuV2o-00269-00070660-00070872 that they want to keep on hand to remind Fk1I0YSuV2o-00270-00070873-00071151 them to do something now so whatever Fk1I0YSuV2o-00271-00071152-00071292 your business you have that might be Fk1I0YSuV2o-00272-00071293-00071574 something you know different than my Fk1I0YSuV2o-00273-00071575-00071745 revenue generating tips but what could Fk1I0YSuV2o-00274-00071746-00071790 it be Fk1I0YSuV2o-00275-00071791-00071964 like so really brainstorm on what that Fk1I0YSuV2o-00276-00071965-00072114 could be and then put a little bit of Fk1I0YSuV2o-00277-00072115-00072357 salesy around it not a lot and not Fk1I0YSuV2o-00278-00072358-00072528 something too expensive something really Fk1I0YSuV2o-00279-00072529-00072846 easy and cheap so that's another thing Fk1I0YSuV2o-00280-00072847-00073107 you could create on your table you're Fk1I0YSuV2o-00281-00073108-00073275 gonna want order forms right there's so Fk1I0YSuV2o-00282-00073276-00073425 many different ways to make order forms Fk1I0YSuV2o-00283-00073426-00073560 I don't know if you have a sample there Fk1I0YSuV2o-00284-00073561-00073797 I have one that I did at the conference Fk1I0YSuV2o-00285-00073798-00073962 it was like a one hundred and ninety Fk1I0YSuV2o-00286-00073963-00074154 seven dollar offer something really Fk1I0YSuV2o-00287-00074155-00074457 inexpensive remember initially to try Fk1I0YSuV2o-00288-00074458-00074742 you out is really important so I put Fk1I0YSuV2o-00289-00074743-00074898 everything in the kitchen sink on there Fk1I0YSuV2o-00290-00074899-00075153 I mean they get a call with me one of my Fk1I0YSuV2o-00291-00075154-00075489 events they get a two-hour a masterclass Fk1I0YSuV2o-00292-00075490-00075804 coaching session they get both of my Fk1I0YSuV2o-00293-00075805-00076086 books they get another video training Fk1I0YSuV2o-00294-00076087-00076245 all for two hundred bucks and it's like Fk1I0YSuV2o-00295-00076246-00076488 a twenty four hundred other value and Fk1I0YSuV2o-00296-00076489-00076617 then there are a couple ways to make Fk1I0YSuV2o-00297-00076618-00076869 just so that you can just say check here Fk1I0YSuV2o-00298-00076870-00077019 if you just want my free stuff or check Fk1I0YSuV2o-00299-00077020-00077157 here if you just want to buy the book or Fk1I0YSuV2o-00300-00077158-00077451 whatever um but have it order form and Fk1I0YSuV2o-00301-00077452-00077808 it doesn't have to be the two part and Fk1I0YSuV2o-00302-00077809-00078009 CR that's what this is where you take Fk1I0YSuV2o-00303-00078010-00078216 one and they take the other it can be Fk1I0YSuV2o-00304-00078217-00078453 but if you aren't sure what your offers Fk1I0YSuV2o-00305-00078454-00078678 are they're gonna change often I Fk1I0YSuV2o-00306-00078679-00078906 come in just a single sheet and you can Fk1I0YSuV2o-00307-00078907-00079113 always then print more and not print too Fk1I0YSuV2o-00308-00079114-00079293 many so you don't waste the printing Fk1I0YSuV2o-00309-00079294-00079545 other ideas for order forms and things Fk1I0YSuV2o-00310-00079546-00079704 like that or other things that they need Fk1I0YSuV2o-00311-00079705-00079806 on their table Fk1I0YSuV2o-00312-00079807-00080193 oh I like to print my order forms just Fk1I0YSuV2o-00313-00080194-00080457 at the local print shop and I actually Fk1I0YSuV2o-00314-00080458-00080808 have them up at the top I will use that Fk1I0YSuV2o-00315-00080809-00081132 as a piece that they can fill out to let Fk1I0YSuV2o-00316-00081133-00081432 me know if they want a free consultation Fk1I0YSuV2o-00317-00081433-00081675 with me if they want to add it to my Fk1I0YSuV2o-00318-00081676-00081942 email newsletter and then the bottom Fk1I0YSuV2o-00319-00081943-00082356 half has the the package or program that Fk1I0YSuV2o-00320-00082357-00082599 I'm offering for that event Fk1I0YSuV2o-00321-00082600-00082956 so I'll you print a few each time Fk1I0YSuV2o-00322-00082957-00083316 because my it dependent hunger I'm going Fk1I0YSuV2o-00323-00083317-00083676 to be right who I'm serving and then I Fk1I0YSuV2o-00324-00083677-00084099 just have them cut along the along the Fk1I0YSuV2o-00325-00084100-00084261 white space and now I have an Fk1I0YSuV2o-00326-00084262-00084450 eight-and-a-half by eleven that was you Fk1I0YSuV2o-00327-00084451-00084657 know that are now that's now you know Fk1I0YSuV2o-00328-00084658-00085110 one third is a leave behind for me to Fk1I0YSuV2o-00329-00085111-00085338 enter them into my database and the Fk1I0YSuV2o-00330-00085339-00085632 other has the other two-thirds is the Fk1I0YSuV2o-00331-00085633-00085926 order form but one thing you taught me a Fk1I0YSuV2o-00332-00085927-00086154 long time ago is to always have an order Fk1I0YSuV2o-00333-00086155-00086499 form and because you never know no Fk1I0YSuV2o-00334-00086500-00086649 matter where you go where your network Fk1I0YSuV2o-00335-00086650-00086871 because one of the things I learned if Fk1I0YSuV2o-00336-00086872-00087153 you're just starting out and it doesn't Fk1I0YSuV2o-00337-00087154-00087438 matter what you're selling it can be a Fk1I0YSuV2o-00338-00087439-00087753 product through a networking marketing Fk1I0YSuV2o-00339-00087754-00088164 company or it can be a service that you Fk1I0YSuV2o-00340-00088165-00088341 offer but you know what you have you Fk1I0YSuV2o-00341-00088342-00088824 have time and knowledge and you can Fk1I0YSuV2o-00342-00088825-00089207 offer that as a free consultation of pay Fk1I0YSuV2o-00343-00089208-00089583 transportation and so you have an order Fk1I0YSuV2o-00344-00089584-00090162 form and now put on their power of Fk1I0YSuV2o-00345-00090163-00090405 yourself or a 50 minute call or a 30 Fk1I0YSuV2o-00346-00090406-00090693 minute caller what not give one away and Fk1I0YSuV2o-00347-00090694-00090831 you're drawing - so you got to be Fk1I0YSuV2o-00348-00090832-00090957 thinking about what you're gonna do in Fk1I0YSuV2o-00349-00090958-00091146 your drawing you don't necessarily have Fk1I0YSuV2o-00350-00091147-00091440 to go buy a gift basket gift basket or a Fk1I0YSuV2o-00351-00091441-00091716 gift card and give that away think of Fk1I0YSuV2o-00352-00091717-00091842 what you can offer Fk1I0YSuV2o-00353-00091843-00092130 um what an idea I gave to my realtor Fk1I0YSuV2o-00354-00092131-00092343 client earlier today in fact she was Fk1I0YSuV2o-00355-00092344-00092588 here and she's doing a trade show in Fk1I0YSuV2o-00356-00092589-00092781 September and I said well white because Fk1I0YSuV2o-00357-00092782-00092946 your realtor and you want to help the Fk1I0YSuV2o-00358-00092947-00093182 community and you're in the chamber go Fk1I0YSuV2o-00359-00093183-00093405 around to some Chamber members and ask Fk1I0YSuV2o-00360-00093406-00093624 them to donate a little bit of something Fk1I0YSuV2o-00361-00093625-00093867 from their business whether it's a gift Fk1I0YSuV2o-00362-00093868-00094230 card or an a menu to their restaurant or Fk1I0YSuV2o-00363-00094231-00094512 maybe a candle from their shop with Fk1I0YSuV2o-00364-00094513-00094722 their business card or whatever and put Fk1I0YSuV2o-00365-00094723-00094962 a big you know local gift basket Fk1I0YSuV2o-00366-00094963-00095144 together that you would give away then Fk1I0YSuV2o-00367-00095145-00095343 you didn't pay for all that stuff Fk1I0YSuV2o-00368-00095344-00095637 they're getting exposure and there's a Fk1I0YSuV2o-00369-00095638-00095801 winner you know it's a win-win-win all Fk1I0YSuV2o-00370-00095802-00095940 the way around if you can do something Fk1I0YSuV2o-00371-00095941-00096132 like that I've done that before when I Fk1I0YSuV2o-00372-00096133-00096482 was really in the local area but another Fk1I0YSuV2o-00373-00096483-00096663 thing I wanted to talk about is the Fk1I0YSuV2o-00374-00096664-00096930 drying slips when you do drawings don't Fk1I0YSuV2o-00375-00096931-00097206 just take business cards because most Fk1I0YSuV2o-00376-00097207-00097425 people's business cards only have their Fk1I0YSuV2o-00377-00097426-00097594 name email and their phone number Fk1I0YSuV2o-00378-00097595-00097832 sometimes it has their website and Fk1I0YSuV2o-00379-00097833-00098085 sometimes their email is just a Gmail Fk1I0YSuV2o-00380-00098086-00098298 and it doesn't have a website so you Fk1I0YSuV2o-00381-00098299-00098454 have no idea what their website is you Fk1I0YSuV2o-00382-00098455-00098715 can't go get more information if their Fk1I0YSuV2o-00383-00098716-00098964 phone number or their email doesn't work Fk1I0YSuV2o-00384-00098965-00099219 right and these days you really really Fk1I0YSuV2o-00385-00099220-00099399 really need to be doing something in the Fk1I0YSuV2o-00386-00099400-00099626 mail as well and you also need their Fk1I0YSuV2o-00387-00099627-00100035 phone numbers so I recommend and it's Fk1I0YSuV2o-00388-00100036-00100290 also helpful to have more of a drawing Fk1I0YSuV2o-00389-00100291-00100518 slip so we asked for full contact Fk1I0YSuV2o-00390-00100519-00100974 information plus we and the bottom right Fk1I0YSuV2o-00391-00100975-00101205 you have some to the bottom I always ask Fk1I0YSuV2o-00392-00101206-00101373 like what are you interested in learning Fk1I0YSuV2o-00393-00101374-00101610 about so I have things like marketing Fk1I0YSuV2o-00394-00101611-00101828 and sales training become an author Fk1I0YSuV2o-00395-00101829-00102192 website designer update speaker events Fk1I0YSuV2o-00396-00102193-00102419 or speaker training social media video Fk1I0YSuV2o-00397-00102420-00102897 so when they click so I know what I'm Fk1I0YSuV2o-00398-00102898-00103074 following up with them the things that Fk1I0YSuV2o-00399-00103075-00103244 they really want to know more about that Fk1I0YSuV2o-00400-00103245-00103425 I can focus in on when I do that Fk1I0YSuV2o-00401-00103426-00103706 follow-up call and so doing it drives up Fk1I0YSuV2o-00402-00103707-00103859 it just gives you more detailed Fk1I0YSuV2o-00403-00103860-00104022 information that you can use in the Fk1I0YSuV2o-00404-00104023-00104265 follow-up what is yours to have on it Fk1I0YSuV2o-00405-00104266-00104565 the mine has would you like to get Fk1I0YSuV2o-00406-00104566-00104861 speaker tips mm-hmm visual branding Fk1I0YSuV2o-00407-00104863-00105183 consistent mm-hmm do your product Fk1I0YSuV2o-00408-00105183-00105546 reflect your value and want to schedule Fk1I0YSuV2o-00409-00105547-00105851 a quick call with me so we have a little Fk1I0YSuV2o-00410-00105852-00106323 quiz like action there right those boxes Fk1I0YSuV2o-00411-00106324-00106541 so however you do it just make sure Fk1I0YSuV2o-00412-00106542-00106671 you're collecting full contact Fk1I0YSuV2o-00413-00106672-00106883 information and you know like when we Fk1I0YSuV2o-00414-00106884-00107111 did that $11,000 Christ on a couple Fk1I0YSuV2o-00415-00107113-00107384 weeks ago we required flow contact Fk1I0YSuV2o-00416-00107385-00107595 information you're gonna win that you're Fk1I0YSuV2o-00417-00107596-00107763 gonna be one of the five winners we Fk1I0YSuV2o-00418-00107764-00107958 required your full contact information Fk1I0YSuV2o-00419-00107958-00108104 to qualify otherwise you're not going to Fk1I0YSuV2o-00420-00108105-00108239 qualify you're still gonna get the free Fk1I0YSuV2o-00421-00108240-00108446 stuff that you go for and showing that Fk1I0YSuV2o-00422-00108447-00108758 but you gotta give it up so when you're Fk1I0YSuV2o-00423-00108759-00108938 in person with people you can require Fk1I0YSuV2o-00424-00108939-00109221 more contact information than say on a Fk1I0YSuV2o-00425-00109222-00109443 webpage great just one ask for name and Fk1I0YSuV2o-00426-00109444-00109821 email so yeah before oh and the the big Fk1I0YSuV2o-00427-00109822-00110090 signs right so what kind of banners do Fk1I0YSuV2o-00428-00110091-00110433 you need I just want to recap that so we Fk1I0YSuV2o-00429-00110433-00110670 have two forms right now guys right Fk1I0YSuV2o-00430-00110671-00110951 you're drawing or a rifle form that you Fk1I0YSuV2o-00431-00110952-00111263 want everyone to fill out you stand or Fk1I0YSuV2o-00432-00111264-00111558 you tell everyone that you see fill out Fk1I0YSuV2o-00433-00111558-00111756 this form put it in the box Fk1I0YSuV2o-00434-00111757-00112103 because some everyone can get this X Fk1I0YSuV2o-00435-00112104-00112356 free gift I do that a lot I give away a Fk1I0YSuV2o-00436-00112357-00112664 digital download and Katrina gives away Fk1I0YSuV2o-00437-00112665-00113066 an audio CD with a PDF that comes in the Fk1I0YSuV2o-00438-00113067-00113508 email but everybody is available to you Fk1I0YSuV2o-00439-00113508-00113856 know get this this this digital download Fk1I0YSuV2o-00440-00113857-00114083 or if it's for a drawing for a Fk1I0YSuV2o-00441-00114084-00114357 consultation yes so have that right Fk1I0YSuV2o-00442-00114358-00114590 other form you have is the order form Fk1I0YSuV2o-00443-00114591-00114819 that she talked about that we talked Fk1I0YSuV2o-00444-00114820-00115206 about and and then you and then you have Fk1I0YSuV2o-00445-00115207-00115401 your follow up system set up before you Fk1I0YSuV2o-00446-00115402-00115644 even go to the event so yeah love a Fk1I0YSuV2o-00447-00115645-00115998 recap yeah thank you and then we didn't Fk1I0YSuV2o-00448-00115999-00116175 talk really about the signage you said Fk1I0YSuV2o-00449-00116176-00116585 banner but there's a sign so depending Fk1I0YSuV2o-00450-00116586-00116847 on a budget and you're brand new you Fk1I0YSuV2o-00451-00116848-00117236 know you can get a 11 by 17 a little Fk1I0YSuV2o-00452-00117238-00117618 bear that sits on the tabletop yeah you Fk1I0YSuV2o-00453-00117619-00117846 could get it designed which might only Fk1I0YSuV2o-00454-00117847-00118100 be a couple hundred bucks maybe less but Fk1I0YSuV2o-00455-00118101-00118258 printing I just Fk1I0YSuV2o-00456-00118258-00118525 a couple of those at FedEx for 20 bucks Fk1I0YSuV2o-00457-00118526-00118699 okay and it comes with a little stand Fk1I0YSuV2o-00458-00118700-00118935 and everything I granted I'm not a fan Fk1I0YSuV2o-00459-00118936-00119131 of the stands that they sell for 20 Fk1I0YSuV2o-00460-00119132-00119431 bucks but for 20 bucks you know you can Fk1I0YSuV2o-00461-00119432-00119604 get started and have a table a Fk1I0YSuV2o-00462-00119605-00119889 professional tabletop sign on your table Fk1I0YSuV2o-00463-00119890-00120163 the next and she's probably haslund and Fk1I0YSuV2o-00464-00120164-00120360 the next step up would be one that like Fk1I0YSuV2o-00465-00120361-00120585 a retractable sign those are much more Fk1I0YSuV2o-00466-00120586-00120775 better much more better much better Fk1I0YSuV2o-00467-00120776-00121065 trust me there's so much more Fk1I0YSuV2o-00468-00121066-00121273 professional and easier and so show the Fk1I0YSuV2o-00469-00121274-00121498 bottom of it the stand like pickets at Fk1I0YSuV2o-00470-00121499-00121683 the stand so it's a retractable up and Fk1I0YSuV2o-00471-00121684-00121941 down yeah and it's just like you see Fk1I0YSuV2o-00472-00121942-00122125 those floor banner signs but they Fk1I0YSuV2o-00473-00122126-00122320 actually make tabletop ones that's where Fk1I0YSuV2o-00474-00122321-00122586 I would start honestly and especially if Fk1I0YSuV2o-00475-00122588-00122826 you're not in a huge conference room if Fk1I0YSuV2o-00476-00122827-00123009 you're in a huge conference room though Fk1I0YSuV2o-00477-00123010-00123358 or a huge room you want a floor banner Fk1I0YSuV2o-00478-00123358-00123615 and sometimes I even put my floor banner Fk1I0YSuV2o-00479-00123616-00123936 on top of my table so it actually you Fk1I0YSuV2o-00480-00123938-00124144 can see it from across the room and big Fk1I0YSuV2o-00481-00124145-00124393 bold print so those are the kinds of Fk1I0YSuV2o-00482-00124394-00124645 signs there's also the plexi not Fk1I0YSuV2o-00483-00124646-00124999 plexiglass but the cork board signs I Fk1I0YSuV2o-00484-00125000-00125184 have one made that I made from my book Fk1I0YSuV2o-00485-00125185-00125533 but it's very awkward to doesn't fold Fk1I0YSuV2o-00486-00125533-00125872 right so there's that this is a foam Fk1I0YSuV2o-00487-00125873-00126360 core or and it's 11 by 17 oh it's I Fk1I0YSuV2o-00488-00126361-00126861 can't remember 1200 huh may 21 or Fk1I0YSuV2o-00489-00126863-00127201 something like that watch maybe 17 by 21 Fk1I0YSuV2o-00490-00127202-00127854 talk hard to move around but this is Fk1I0YSuV2o-00491-00127855-00128008 probably one of your least expensive Fk1I0YSuV2o-00492-00128008-00128478 option because you can go to to any you Fk1I0YSuV2o-00493-00128479-00128701 know office printing supplies store that Fk1I0YSuV2o-00494-00128702-00128944 has a cottage yeah and sometimes they do Fk1I0YSuV2o-00495-00128945-00129148 the graphics too now Alicia's an amazing Fk1I0YSuV2o-00496-00129149-00129510 graphic person to do this for you but if Fk1I0YSuV2o-00497-00129511-00129786 you're on a budget you know you can make Fk1I0YSuV2o-00498-00129788-00129990 do it's just at some point you're gonna Fk1I0YSuV2o-00499-00129991-00130198 want to upgrade right the graphics now Fk1I0YSuV2o-00500-00130199-00130383 with that you're gonna need a little to Fk1I0YSuV2o-00501-00130384-00130641 stand it on right so I buy an easel but Fk1I0YSuV2o-00502-00130642-00130908 um so that's those are all the things I Fk1I0YSuV2o-00503-00130909-00131286 can think of before Fk1I0YSuV2o-00504-00131287-00131526 now I just want to work quickly one of Fk1I0YSuV2o-00505-00131527-00131763 the reasons why you want the signage is Fk1I0YSuV2o-00506-00131764-00131970 not just to call their attention to what Fk1I0YSuV2o-00507-00131971-00132229 you're offering and what your value is Fk1I0YSuV2o-00508-00132230-00132495 they're people this is where the Fk1I0YSuV2o-00509-00132496-00132699 branding strategy comes in there's a lot Fk1I0YSuV2o-00510-00132700-00133001 of psychology in how people perceive you Fk1I0YSuV2o-00511-00133002-00133287 as an expert and if you're one of the Fk1I0YSuV2o-00512-00133288-00133733 people who has the large floor banner a Fk1I0YSuV2o-00513-00133734-00134102 couple of signs you know and you have Fk1I0YSuV2o-00514-00134103-00134436 your product displayed nicely you will Fk1I0YSuV2o-00515-00134437-00134772 be favored over someone who does not Fk1I0YSuV2o-00516-00134773-00135060 I've seen it happen time and time again Fk1I0YSuV2o-00517-00135061-00135384 where coaches who share a very similar Fk1I0YSuV2o-00518-00135385-00135675 information and you go to the back of Fk1I0YSuV2o-00519-00135676-00135878 the room or you visit them at their Fk1I0YSuV2o-00520-00135879-00136257 vendor table and the one with the Fk1I0YSuV2o-00521-00136258-00136395 beautiful display or a Fk1I0YSuV2o-00522-00136396-00136659 professional-looking display is the one Fk1I0YSuV2o-00523-00136660-00137090 that has more aspects okay more traffic Fk1I0YSuV2o-00524-00137091-00137349 and I've been posting some notes in the Fk1I0YSuV2o-00525-00137350-00137571 in the chat underneath as to well I Fk1I0YSuV2o-00526-00137572-00137700 meant so I look kind of funny because Fk1I0YSuV2o-00527-00137701-00138344 I'm are answering the comments and stuff Fk1I0YSuV2o-00528-00138345-00138641 so you know we could go on and on them Fk1I0YSuV2o-00529-00138642-00138834 for a pion hour and a half all anything Fk1I0YSuV2o-00530-00138835-00139047 else you need to do the gist of it from Fk1I0YSuV2o-00531-00139048-00139204 here and there's so much more to know Fk1I0YSuV2o-00532-00139205-00139611 for during and after what I really want Fk1I0YSuV2o-00533-00139612-00139802 you to take away when you're when you're Fk1I0YSuV2o-00534-00139803-00140078 at the show is you cannot I mean we get Fk1I0YSuV2o-00535-00140079-00140291 rid of the chairs you don't sit behind Fk1I0YSuV2o-00536-00140292-00140496 your table you push the table back and Fk1I0YSuV2o-00537-00140497-00140649 you stand in front of it and you walk Fk1I0YSuV2o-00538-00140650-00140847 out into the crowd and pull people into Fk1I0YSuV2o-00539-00140848-00141072 your booth you cannot sit there do not Fk1I0YSuV2o-00540-00141073-00141225 eat it your booths do not look silly Fk1I0YSuV2o-00541-00141226-00141438 like that please walk away and go eat Fk1I0YSuV2o-00542-00141439-00141600 and have someone else help man you it Fk1I0YSuV2o-00543-00141601-00141941 man the table if you need to but you Fk1I0YSuV2o-00544-00141942-00142134 have to pull people in into your booth Fk1I0YSuV2o-00545-00142135-00142323 you have to say hey you went into the Fk1I0YSuV2o-00546-00142324-00142526 eleven thousand dollars Ryan hey do you Fk1I0YSuV2o-00547-00142527-00142647 want to win a free whatever Fk1I0YSuV2o-00548-00142648-00142950 right come on in sign up right and then Fk1I0YSuV2o-00549-00142951-00143220 draw sometimes might be the sign up I Fk1I0YSuV2o-00550-00143221-00143504 know you want to sell your stuff but get Fk1I0YSuV2o-00551-00143505-00143651 them on the list so you can continue to Fk1I0YSuV2o-00552-00143652-00143879 market to them later because what else Fk1I0YSuV2o-00553-00143880-00144026 are you there for you're there to get Fk1I0YSuV2o-00554-00144027-00144260 leads yes if you sell some stuff Fk1I0YSuV2o-00555-00144261-00144369 fantastic Fk1I0YSuV2o-00556-00144370-00144615 but if you don't get the leaves you Fk1I0YSuV2o-00557-00144616-00144846 can't market to them later and then it's Fk1I0YSuV2o-00558-00144847-00145050 it's you know you have residual Fk1I0YSuV2o-00559-00145051-00145326 opportunity to continue marketing what Fk1I0YSuV2o-00560-00145327-00145530 would you say about like during the show Fk1I0YSuV2o-00561-00145531-00146252 at least I'm well during the it's hard Fk1I0YSuV2o-00562-00146253-00146514 because how are you going to meet people Fk1I0YSuV2o-00563-00146515-00146724 if you're not in front of the table Fk1I0YSuV2o-00564-00146725-00147099 calling them in I also would suggest to Fk1I0YSuV2o-00565-00147100-00147489 talk to you know when you see a group of Fk1I0YSuV2o-00566-00147490-00147792 people on a table and they're just Fk1I0YSuV2o-00567-00147793-00148056 sitting there ask them hey dude have you Fk1I0YSuV2o-00568-00148057-00148281 come back here yet have you you know Fk1I0YSuV2o-00569-00148282-00148551 engage they'll guy you know that may be Fk1I0YSuV2o-00570-00148552-00148848 out of some people's comfort zone but in Fk1I0YSuV2o-00571-00148849-00149016 order to do this Fk1I0YSuV2o-00572-00149017-00149322 just be yourself be authentic people Fk1I0YSuV2o-00573-00149323-00149817 will come to you be authentic but be a Fk1I0YSuV2o-00574-00149818-00150000 little bit more aggressive then maybe Fk1I0YSuV2o-00575-00150001-00150348 you might normally be not annoying be Fk1I0YSuV2o-00576-00150349-00150474 annoying especially if you're an Fk1I0YSuV2o-00577-00150475-00150744 introvert you just asking someone is not Fk1I0YSuV2o-00578-00150745-00150870 annoying because you're probably not Fk1I0YSuV2o-00579-00150871-00151002 going to be able to be annoying if Fk1I0YSuV2o-00580-00151003-00151152 you're an introvert so don't worry about Fk1I0YSuV2o-00581-00151153-00151440 that it's those annoying extroverts that Fk1I0YSuV2o-00582-00151441-00151668 are gonna be really you know okay so I'm Fk1I0YSuV2o-00583-00151669-00151797 an extrovert but I don't think I'm an Fk1I0YSuV2o-00584-00151798-00152019 annoying but I do go up to tables of Fk1I0YSuV2o-00585-00152020-00152154 people and say hey did you guys know Fk1I0YSuV2o-00586-00152155-00152442 that we were giving away a blanket late Fk1I0YSuV2o-00587-00152443-00152619 did you do that yet no here's some Fk1I0YSuV2o-00588-00152620-00152775 here's some subs once you fill it out Fk1I0YSuV2o-00589-00152776-00153045 and although enter for you don't make Fk1I0YSuV2o-00590-00153046-00153207 them get up and go there you're gonna Fk1I0YSuV2o-00591-00153208-00153345 slip right there and they can fill it Fk1I0YSuV2o-00592-00153346-00153549 out right there and make it easy for Fk1I0YSuV2o-00593-00153550-00153846 people right so yeah and make it easy on Fk1I0YSuV2o-00594-00153847-00154122 them have a bunch of pins sitting there Fk1I0YSuV2o-00595-00154123-00154293 I mean you may only want to put two or Fk1I0YSuV2o-00596-00154294-00154479 three out of the times but they walk Fk1I0YSuV2o-00597-00154480-00154820 away so always have the guns where Fk1I0YSuV2o-00598-00154821-00155091 there's I have a whole like tool kit Fk1I0YSuV2o-00599-00155092-00155310 thing that I bring for exhibit shows I Fk1I0YSuV2o-00600-00155311-00155622 mean I have those little you know when Fk1I0YSuV2o-00601-00155623-00155826 you have a pipe injury kind of thing I Fk1I0YSuV2o-00602-00155827-00155997 have those little hooky things that hold Fk1I0YSuV2o-00603-00155998-00156297 signed up with grommets and I have extra Fk1I0YSuV2o-00604-00156298-00156465 ones of those little hooky things just Fk1I0YSuV2o-00605-00156466-00156618 because you never know I needed him at Fk1I0YSuV2o-00606-00156619-00156849 Dallas because we had a banner with six Fk1I0YSuV2o-00607-00156850-00156999 grommets in it and they only gave you Fk1I0YSuV2o-00608-00157000-00157182 two hooky so I had extra Fk1I0YSuV2o-00609-00157183-00157415 so you know you gotta have stuff and Fk1I0YSuV2o-00610-00157416-00157652 sometimes I have rope or fishing wire oh Fk1I0YSuV2o-00611-00157653-00158195 I also tie things down and take ya take Fk1I0YSuV2o-00612-00158196-00158535 gotta be permanent markers Fk1I0YSuV2o-00613-00158536-00158939 well deeper you forget your drawing sign Fk1I0YSuV2o-00614-00158940-00159125 you could take a piece of colored paper Fk1I0YSuV2o-00615-00159126-00159375 fold it over and shirt be out of sign Fk1I0YSuV2o-00616-00159376-00159585 and stick it on your table and that's Fk1I0YSuV2o-00617-00159586-00159870 not bad I mean do it your new friend Fk1I0YSuV2o-00618-00159871-00160107 time or you just may not know what your Fk1I0YSuV2o-00619-00160108-00160356 offer is and your business coach comes Fk1I0YSuV2o-00620-00160357-00160550 up to you and writes it out for you and Fk1I0YSuV2o-00621-00160551-00161085 sticks it on strangers though - I'm Fk1I0YSuV2o-00622-00161086-00161649 gonna change I was like oh oh I didn't Fk1I0YSuV2o-00623-00161650-00162012 know and then I grab a wine glass from Fk1I0YSuV2o-00624-00162013-00162266 the bar I'll grab a piece of paper and I Fk1I0YSuV2o-00625-00162267-00162420 usually have a sharpie so I pull out my Fk1I0YSuV2o-00626-00162421-00162645 sharpie and I say what can you get for Fk1I0YSuV2o-00627-00162646-00162914 free and then okay and then I make a big Fk1I0YSuV2o-00628-00162915-00163229 sign with big bold letters in a red Fk1I0YSuV2o-00629-00163230-00163500 sharpie even if their table is purple Fk1I0YSuV2o-00630-00163501-00163845 okay so again you gotta stand out so Fk1I0YSuV2o-00631-00163846-00164012 those are some things that you can do Fk1I0YSuV2o-00632-00164013-00164162 during but don't just sit there you Fk1I0YSuV2o-00633-00164163-00164385 can't if you're gonna really work it you Fk1I0YSuV2o-00634-00164386-00164537 gotta work it and they're from stage if Fk1I0YSuV2o-00635-00164538-00164789 you're speaking have a reason for people Fk1I0YSuV2o-00636-00164790-00165060 to go to your table have them make sure Fk1I0YSuV2o-00637-00165061-00165231 they have to go and fill out the drawing Fk1I0YSuV2o-00638-00165232-00165444 I know some people are tempted these Fk1I0YSuV2o-00639-00165445-00165650 days with text message checks this word Fk1I0YSuV2o-00640-00165651-00165926 - link be blank but if you're not going Fk1I0YSuV2o-00641-00165927-00166154 to follow up with more tech stuff and Fk1I0YSuV2o-00642-00166155-00166323 email you're not getting full contact Fk1I0YSuV2o-00643-00166324-00166529 information that way by the way you know Fk1I0YSuV2o-00644-00166530-00166668 and you can get a lot more information Fk1I0YSuV2o-00645-00166669-00166901 in the back of the room so I don't know Fk1I0YSuV2o-00646-00166902-00167043 I don't I don't agree Fk1I0YSuV2o-00647-00167044-00167268 I don't do the text message stuff Fk1I0YSuV2o-00648-00167269-00167508 because first of all not everybody does Fk1I0YSuV2o-00649-00167509-00167954 it and people are tired of I think that Fk1I0YSuV2o-00650-00167955-00168231 strategy so but you just have to figure Fk1I0YSuV2o-00651-00168232-00168372 out what's gonna be really juicy in the Fk1I0YSuV2o-00652-00168373-00168812 back of the room um I want to talk Fk1I0YSuV2o-00653-00168813-00169047 there's so much to talk about follow up Fk1I0YSuV2o-00654-00169048-00169247 I'm just gonna give out a free resource Fk1I0YSuV2o-00655-00169248-00169593 but I can't talk right now so fill in Fk1I0YSuV2o-00656-00169594-00169749 when I talk for a minute and I'll give a Fk1I0YSuV2o-00657-00169750-00169877 free resource for follow that Fk1I0YSuV2o-00658-00169878-00170197 information Fk1I0YSuV2o-00659-00170198-00170519 while she's doing that I wanted you to Fk1I0YSuV2o-00660-00170520-00171028 know that branding is so important and Fk1I0YSuV2o-00661-00171029-00171251 that's one of the things you want to Fk1I0YSuV2o-00662-00171252-00171475 make sure before you start creating Fk1I0YSuV2o-00663-00171476-00171836 brackla forms order forms your posters Fk1I0YSuV2o-00664-00171837-00172127 your banners your business cards your Fk1I0YSuV2o-00665-00172128-00172352 takeaways you know your little postcards Fk1I0YSuV2o-00666-00172353-00172694 or brochure make sure that it is Fk1I0YSuV2o-00667-00172695-00172955 consistent that your colors your style Fk1I0YSuV2o-00668-00172956-00173330 your message is consistent from from Fk1I0YSuV2o-00669-00173331-00173669 each piece because you only have a few Fk1I0YSuV2o-00670-00173670-00173849 seconds for someone to get that Fk1I0YSuV2o-00671-00173850-00174116 information in and then when they see it Fk1I0YSuV2o-00672-00174117-00174350 they go they take your your information Fk1I0YSuV2o-00673-00174351-00174593 home and they see it on the website if Fk1I0YSuV2o-00674-00174594-00174934 it's the same there will be a connection Fk1I0YSuV2o-00675-00174935-00175184 if it's not the same there's a Fk1I0YSuV2o-00676-00175185-00175469 disconnect and then be able to recall Fk1I0YSuV2o-00677-00175470-00175862 you your product and so keep that Fk1I0YSuV2o-00678-00175863-00176180 consistent your social media images your Fk1I0YSuV2o-00679-00176181-00176507 website consistent with your printed and Fk1I0YSuV2o-00680-00176508-00177017 digital materials i I do break the rules Fk1I0YSuV2o-00681-00177018-00177206 a little bit on that but yes I totally Fk1I0YSuV2o-00682-00177207-00177977 agree with you something really quickly Fk1I0YSuV2o-00683-00177978-00178304 ladies like the if you're on the listen Fk1I0YSuV2o-00684-00178305-00178643 group page the the current profile Fk1I0YSuV2o-00685-00178644-00178922 picture for the group right now is just Fk1I0YSuV2o-00686-00178923-00179114 an advertisement thing for my next live Fk1I0YSuV2o-00687-00179115-00179309 event right it doesn't look like my Fk1I0YSuV2o-00688-00179310-00179513 branding at all although it has my jump Fk1I0YSuV2o-00689-00179514-00179648 start your busines though and I have a Fk1I0YSuV2o-00690-00179649-00179851 bunch of different jump start logos but Fk1I0YSuV2o-00691-00179852-00180083 yeah it doesn't look like my brand but Fk1I0YSuV2o-00692-00180084-00180293 listen to what Alicia says cuz really Fk1I0YSuV2o-00693-00180294-00180530 it's true if you could just get someone Fk1I0YSuV2o-00694-00180531-00180779 like her to just and I should do that Fk1I0YSuV2o-00695-00180780-00180938 but I think of pink last minute Fk1I0YSuV2o-00696-00180939-00181217 sometimes so don't be like me like her Fk1I0YSuV2o-00697-00181218-00181541 and I'm just being real all right this Fk1I0YSuV2o-00698-00181542-00182075 is real this is reality TV um alright so Fk1I0YSuV2o-00699-00182076-00182210 I was going to share a follow-up Fk1I0YSuV2o-00700-00182211-00182411 resource and then if you have something Fk1I0YSuV2o-00701-00182412-00182621 to send people to for more information Fk1I0YSuV2o-00702-00182622-00182774 you should definitely get a book for Fk1I0YSuV2o-00703-00182775-00182987 sure if you're speaking I'm her book is Fk1I0YSuV2o-00704-00182988-00183041 awesome Fk1I0YSuV2o-00705-00183042-00183088 you can Fk1I0YSuV2o-00706-00183089-00183526 Amazon on your website - it will be soon Fk1I0YSuV2o-00707-00183527-00183754 yes I have a shopping cart now okay all Fk1I0YSuV2o-00708-00183755-00183979 right good um but jumpstart your Fk1I0YSuV2o-00709-00183980-00184300 follow-up com jumpstart your follow-up Fk1I0YSuV2o-00710-00184301-00184708 com is a place you can go for a free Fk1I0YSuV2o-00711-00184709-00184891 audio training where I talk about my Fk1I0YSuV2o-00712-00184892-00185170 whole follow up system and what's this Fk1I0YSuV2o-00713-00185171-00185515 and when to send it how often and how - Fk1I0YSuV2o-00714-00185516-00185725 from events and things like that and Fk1I0YSuV2o-00715-00185726-00185911 then it also gives you my flow chart Fk1I0YSuV2o-00716-00185912-00186127 which is a visual it's a visual flow Fk1I0YSuV2o-00717-00186128-00186368 chart of what I'm talking about so Fk1I0YSuV2o-00718-00186369-00186559 you'll get that for free if you want to Fk1I0YSuV2o-00719-00186560-00186695 go to the jump start your follow up Fk1I0YSuV2o-00720-00186696-00186937 phone and grab that and then because Fk1I0YSuV2o-00721-00186938-00187108 it's so much to explain about the follow Fk1I0YSuV2o-00722-00187109-00187360 up there's more to it than just emailing Fk1I0YSuV2o-00723-00187361-00187612 and making one call it's there's a lot Fk1I0YSuV2o-00724-00187613-00187750 to it I talked about four types of Fk1I0YSuV2o-00725-00187751-00188029 follow-up and 28 touches and you want to Fk1I0YSuV2o-00726-00188030-00188263 get this so I would recommend going Fk1I0YSuV2o-00727-00188264-00188434 there for that so you know what to do on Fk1I0YSuV2o-00728-00188435-00188611 the follow-up of these kinds of events Fk1I0YSuV2o-00729-00188612-00188819 which is what I'm in the middle of now Fk1I0YSuV2o-00730-00188820-00189148 from the ewomen thing and what about you Fk1I0YSuV2o-00731-00189149-00189196 Alicia Fk1I0YSuV2o-00732-00189197-00189494 I know you can do all kinds of stuff for Fk1I0YSuV2o-00733-00189495-00189750 people in regards to helping them either Fk1I0YSuV2o-00734-00189751-00190057 redo their brand if they need brand do a Fk1I0YSuV2o-00735-00190058-00190258 couple things as far as signage if they Fk1I0YSuV2o-00736-00190259-00190513 need signage but also you do more Fk1I0YSuV2o-00737-00190514-00191098 strategy - what's Thanks one of the Fk1I0YSuV2o-00738-00191099-00191306 things that I would love for you to do Fk1I0YSuV2o-00739-00191307-00191782 is even though it's a tool that's Fk1I0YSuV2o-00740-00191783-00192090 labeled its title the seven tools unique Fk1I0YSuV2o-00741-00192091-00192397 the seven tools speakers need to get Fk1I0YSuV2o-00742-00192398-00192656 more business this is true about what Fk1I0YSuV2o-00743-00192657-00193157 you're putting on your on your exhibit Fk1I0YSuV2o-00744-00193158-00193446 if you're an exhibitor a vendor so Fk1I0YSuV2o-00745-00193447-00193832 you'll want this information also so you Fk1I0YSuV2o-00746-00193833-00194127 can simply go to back of the room Fk1I0YSuV2o-00747-00194128-00194674 productions.com back of the room Fk1I0YSuV2o-00748-00194675-00195259 productions.com and I have a free offer Fk1I0YSuV2o-00749-00195260-00195687 there you can sign up to get the free Fk1I0YSuV2o-00750-00195688-00196009 seven tools speakers need to get more Fk1I0YSuV2o-00751-00196010-00196381 business Fk1I0YSuV2o-00752-00196382-00196648 well you hear my clicking pretty quickly Fk1I0YSuV2o-00753-00196649-00197038 so let's see I didn't catch that URL so Fk1I0YSuV2o-00754-00197039-00197212 I was writing mine but you'll put it in Fk1I0YSuV2o-00755-00197213-00197413 the thing when we're done here Fk1I0YSuV2o-00756-00197414-00197914 it's muttering slide and but when you Fk1I0YSuV2o-00757-00197915-00198469 are really serious about getting to you Fk1I0YSuV2o-00758-00198470-00198781 know starting your branding give me a Fk1I0YSuV2o-00759-00198782-00199108 call we I love doing these branding Fk1I0YSuV2o-00760-00199109-00199369 branding consultation I'm sorry these Fk1I0YSuV2o-00761-00199370-00199591 branding development sessions gonna do Fk1I0YSuV2o-00762-00199592-00199825 their ninety minutes I work with the Fk1I0YSuV2o-00763-00199826-00200122 person on video just like this but I Fk1I0YSuV2o-00764-00200123-00200356 open up my screen and we start choosing Fk1I0YSuV2o-00765-00200357-00200740 colors and fonts and styles and then you Fk1I0YSuV2o-00766-00200741-00201097 get the style guide that shares Fk1I0YSuV2o-00767-00201098-00201403 information about everything that we Fk1I0YSuV2o-00768-00201404-00201685 that you selected and it's just it's Fk1I0YSuV2o-00769-00201686-00201970 it's a lot of fun yes but it is the Fk1I0YSuV2o-00770-00201971-00202282 foundation for every visual piece that Fk1I0YSuV2o-00771-00202283-00202705 you create digital or printed awesome Fk1I0YSuV2o-00772-00202706-00203119 and what's for creasing again if you'll Fk1I0YSuV2o-00773-00203120-00203356 go to my website back of the Fk1I0YSuV2o-00774-00203357-00203626 reproductions it's the seven tools I Fk1I0YSuV2o-00775-00203627-00203845 guess I can type that in there the seven Fk1I0YSuV2o-00776-00203846-00204207 tool speakers need to get more business Fk1I0YSuV2o-00777-00204208-00204885 other tools speakers need to get more Fk1I0YSuV2o-00778-00204886-00205516 yeah all right and then let's see what's Fk1I0YSuV2o-00779-00205517-00206155 one do you have an epic fail story that Fk1I0YSuV2o-00780-00206156-00206377 I know I just kind of threw this out for Fk1I0YSuV2o-00781-00206378-00206544 you I have what I can probably share Fk1I0YSuV2o-00782-00206546-00206758 epic fail for back in the room just so Fk1I0YSuV2o-00783-00206759-00206935 people don't do this okay this is what Fk1I0YSuV2o-00784-00206936-00207337 not to do people and I'll tell you I'll Fk1I0YSuV2o-00785-00207338-00207644 tell you mine well yeah tell me years Fk1I0YSuV2o-00786-00207646-00207928 well it wasn't even my fault but when I Fk1I0YSuV2o-00787-00207929-00208084 went to a speaking gig one time and Fk1I0YSuV2o-00788-00208085-00208384 Knoxville Tennessee the airline lost my Fk1I0YSuV2o-00789-00208385-00208698 luggage right and what's funny is I had Fk1I0YSuV2o-00790-00208700-00208936 my cable display stuff but I didn't have Fk1I0YSuV2o-00791-00208937-00209428 any clothes or toiletries or so the epic Fk1I0YSuV2o-00792-00209429-00209584 fail would be too Fk1I0YSuV2o-00793-00209585-00209728 you have lost all your marketing Fk1I0YSuV2o-00794-00209729-00209892 materials right and then would have and Fk1I0YSuV2o-00795-00209894-00210130 so I probably would have gone and just Fk1I0YSuV2o-00796-00210131-00210355 handwritten some stuff you know what Fk1I0YSuV2o-00797-00210356-00210760 time I did one time is you just kind of Fk1I0YSuV2o-00798-00210761-00211014 make do right and I've actually done Fk1I0YSuV2o-00799-00211015-00211375 business cards like this before I had Fk1I0YSuV2o-00800-00211376-00211558 business cards on me but I wanted to do Fk1I0YSuV2o-00801-00211559-00211780 a little promotion so I took a blank Fk1I0YSuV2o-00802-00211781-00211960 piece of paper like from the business Fk1I0YSuV2o-00803-00211961-00212230 center at a hotel right and I made Fk1I0YSuV2o-00804-00212231-00212458 little squares and then I would have a Fk1I0YSuV2o-00805-00212459-00212959 big call to action I would hand write it Fk1I0YSuV2o-00806-00212960-00213280 obviously neater than that right but I Fk1I0YSuV2o-00807-00213281-00213487 would hand write like meet me in my Fk1I0YSuV2o-00808-00213488-00213814 hotel room or a lunch free breakfast at Fk1I0YSuV2o-00809-00213815-00214153 7 a.m. on Thursday or whatever and my Fk1I0YSuV2o-00810-00214154-00214323 phone number or something text me if you Fk1I0YSuV2o-00811-00214325-00214510 want in or something like that some kind Fk1I0YSuV2o-00812-00214511-00214687 of last-minute thought I had and I Fk1I0YSuV2o-00813-00214688-00214864 literally would go handwrite ten of them Fk1I0YSuV2o-00814-00214865-00215092 on a page and then go make copies of it Fk1I0YSuV2o-00815-00215092-00215371 and pass those out so if you don't think Fk1I0YSuV2o-00816-00215371-00215551 of something ahead of time don't not do Fk1I0YSuV2o-00817-00215552-00215713 something if you come up with a Fk1I0YSuV2o-00818-00215714-00215914 brilliant idea I got 20 people to come Fk1I0YSuV2o-00819-00215915-00216069 to a breakfast one time because I pass Fk1I0YSuV2o-00820-00216071-00216256 out these stupid handwritten copy things Fk1I0YSuV2o-00821-00216257-00216562 okay and I got clients from it so when Fk1I0YSuV2o-00822-00216563-00216748 you can think of really things on the Fk1I0YSuV2o-00823-00216748-00217017 spot you do whatever it takes to get Fk1I0YSuV2o-00824-00217019-00217240 that lead or get that thing and so Fk1I0YSuV2o-00825-00217241-00217567 that's just a weird funny story but the Fk1I0YSuV2o-00826-00217567-00217735 Knoxville thing I actually did lose my Fk1I0YSuV2o-00827-00217736-00217969 luggage when I had to actually I flew in Fk1I0YSuV2o-00828-00217969-00218142 it like 11 o'clock at night luckily Fk1I0YSuV2o-00829-00218144-00218428 there was a 24-hour Walmart and so I Fk1I0YSuV2o-00830-00218429-00218653 rented a car and I went to Walmart and I Fk1I0YSuV2o-00831-00218654-00219054 bought clothes shoes bras panties makeup Fk1I0YSuV2o-00832-00219055-00219423 curling iron I mean everything I needed Fk1I0YSuV2o-00833-00219425-00219648 to get ready for the next day and it Fk1I0YSuV2o-00834-00219650-00219805 wasn't the best outfit let me tell you Fk1I0YSuV2o-00835-00219806-00220077 because you know it's just Walmart but Fk1I0YSuV2o-00836-00220078-00220327 anywho that's a couple stories for you Fk1I0YSuV2o-00837-00220328-00220469 for fun Fk1I0YSuV2o-00838-00220471-00220723 speaking stories how about you well Fk1I0YSuV2o-00839-00220723-00220954 actually in Las Vegas just a couple of Fk1I0YSuV2o-00840-00220955-00221203 weeks ago I left all of my jewelry back Fk1I0YSuV2o-00841-00221204-00221776 home jewelry but it was part of my Fk1I0YSuV2o-00842-00221777-00222136 branding because it's my stuff right and Fk1I0YSuV2o-00843-00222137-00222391 so but that was okay gave me an excuse Fk1I0YSuV2o-00844-00222392-00222889 to get some more jewelry and all right Fk1I0YSuV2o-00845-00222890-00223294 but but as far as a big fail well I will Fk1I0YSuV2o-00846-00223294-00223494 tell you in the beginning guys if you're Fk1I0YSuV2o-00847-00223496-00223969 not if you're not giving them to fill Fk1I0YSuV2o-00848-00223969-00224244 out something with their with their Fk1I0YSuV2o-00849-00224246-00224437 contact information on it you're going Fk1I0YSuV2o-00850-00224438-00224527 to miss the boat Fk1I0YSuV2o-00851-00224528-00224769 especially asking them this question I Fk1I0YSuV2o-00852-00224771-00225064 wish I had done that years earlier it Fk1I0YSuV2o-00853-00225065-00225256 wasn't until much later that I learned Fk1I0YSuV2o-00854-00225257-00225423 that you're supposed to do that when Fk1I0YSuV2o-00855-00225425-00225937 you're back of the room yeah and then Fk1I0YSuV2o-00856-00225938-00226185 and we already touched on it you can't Fk1I0YSuV2o-00857-00226186-00226516 expect people to come to your table you Fk1I0YSuV2o-00858-00226517-00226815 have to go and create the excitement Fk1I0YSuV2o-00859-00226816-00227059 what are the things that I thought was a Fk1I0YSuV2o-00860-00227060-00227371 fail that turned to a success I went to Fk1I0YSuV2o-00861-00227371-00227662 a workshop in Austin and there were Fk1I0YSuV2o-00862-00227663-00227986 supposed to be three speakers giving Fk1I0YSuV2o-00863-00227987-00228423 workshops at the same time and that's Fk1I0YSuV2o-00864-00228425-00228627 okay these are called breakout sessions Fk1I0YSuV2o-00865-00228628-00229023 except that two more speakers were added Fk1I0YSuV2o-00866-00229025-00229375 to the same timeslot I was in and I Fk1I0YSuV2o-00867-00229376-00229692 thought you know yeah we have 200 people Fk1I0YSuV2o-00868-00229694-00230065 here and now my chances of getting you Fk1I0YSuV2o-00869-00230066-00230482 know 50 50 50 you know if I wanted more Fk1I0YSuV2o-00870-00230483-00230716 than just you know 20 people showing up Fk1I0YSuV2o-00871-00230717-00230904 here because one guy was a noteworthy Fk1I0YSuV2o-00872-00230905-00231253 keynote I went out and started marketing Fk1I0YSuV2o-00873-00231254-00231517 myself to everybody say hey have you Fk1I0YSuV2o-00874-00231517-00231648 thought about speaking to grow your Fk1I0YSuV2o-00875-00231650-00232141 business or mmm and there were at least Fk1I0YSuV2o-00876-00232142-00232363 three that I remember seeing that said Fk1I0YSuV2o-00877-00232364-00232462 they were going to the other Fk1I0YSuV2o-00878-00232463-00232636 presentation but ended up at mine Fk1I0YSuV2o-00879-00232637-00232834 because I had that one-on-one never say Fk1I0YSuV2o-00880-00232835-00233067 yeah and a lot of times those big-name Fk1I0YSuV2o-00881-00233069-00233290 people they won't do that mark and rim Fk1I0YSuV2o-00882-00233291-00233533 work in the room thing so when you can Fk1I0YSuV2o-00883-00233534-00233796 work the room in addition to your booth Fk1I0YSuV2o-00884-00233798-00233973 I mean you have to work the room Fk1I0YSuV2o-00885-00233975-00234128 sometimes so Fk1I0YSuV2o-00886-00234129-00234356 and in order to get the people I've done Fk1I0YSuV2o-00887-00234357-00234563 lots of breakout sessions and when Fk1I0YSuV2o-00888-00234564-00234716 you're up against a couple other really Fk1I0YSuV2o-00889-00234717-00234989 cool topics for people it's it's tough Fk1I0YSuV2o-00890-00234990-00235267 it's like okay why do people come to my Fk1I0YSuV2o-00891-00235269-00235417 and maybe I'll give them out something Fk1I0YSuV2o-00892-00235419-00235583 or I'll give a freebie just for coming Fk1I0YSuV2o-00893-00235584-00235892 or whatever some good ideas well and I Fk1I0YSuV2o-00894-00235892-00236296 have one more thing to mention and it's Fk1I0YSuV2o-00895-00236298-00236588 I created this huge floor banner and Fk1I0YSuV2o-00896-00236589-00236767 it's a good investment you know it's a Fk1I0YSuV2o-00897-00236769-00236932 pretty price you know it's not Fk1I0YSuV2o-00898-00236933-00237338 exorbitant but it's it cost to print Fk1I0YSuV2o-00899-00237339-00237863 these banners and I noticed right off Fk1I0YSuV2o-00900-00237864-00238283 the bat that I had a symbol for the Fk1I0YSuV2o-00901-00238284-00238573 website next to my phone number and the Fk1I0YSuV2o-00902-00238575-00238934 phone symbol next to my website okay so Fk1I0YSuV2o-00903-00238935-00239183 I mix the two yeah Fk1I0YSuV2o-00904-00239184-00239306 the mill should have been next to my Fk1I0YSuV2o-00905-00239307-00239681 phone number not my website and I said Fk1I0YSuV2o-00906-00239682-00239801 well there's nothing I'm gonna do about Fk1I0YSuV2o-00907-00239802-00239876 it now Fk1I0YSuV2o-00908-00239877-00240067 first you know you're always in a hurry Fk1I0YSuV2o-00909-00240069-00240223 trying to get your printing materials Fk1I0YSuV2o-00910-00240225-00240394 before new then so I went ahead and Fk1I0YSuV2o-00911-00240396-00240638 displayed it no one said anything I'm Fk1I0YSuV2o-00912-00240639-00240989 use that thing five times until a man I Fk1I0YSuV2o-00913-00240990-00241229 mean nothing punk with min but I guess Fk1I0YSuV2o-00914-00241230-00241471 he's gonna burn care of it a man walked Fk1I0YSuV2o-00915-00241473-00241744 up to me and said hey did you know yes Fk1I0YSuV2o-00916-00241746-00241996 thank you and I guess I'm the drug liner Fk1I0YSuV2o-00917-00241998-00242414 thank you get people to proof your stuff Fk1I0YSuV2o-00918-00242415-00242669 when I have clients that go and do those Fk1I0YSuV2o-00919-00242669-00242846 kinds of designs and you're gonna spend Fk1I0YSuV2o-00920-00242846-00243005 hundreds of dollars to get something Fk1I0YSuV2o-00921-00243006-00243248 printed on my ceaseless they show me the Fk1I0YSuV2o-00922-00243248-00243461 proof before you go to print because Fk1I0YSuV2o-00923-00243462-00243796 inevitably I will miss they will miss Fk1I0YSuV2o-00924-00243798-00244040 finding the lack of website or lack a Fk1I0YSuV2o-00925-00244041-00244352 phone number or a lack of calm whatever Fk1I0YSuV2o-00926-00244353-00244703 I mean nobody seems missing and or the Fk1I0YSuV2o-00927-00244704-00244919 font size will be so damn small that Fk1I0YSuV2o-00928-00244919-00245069 nobody can read it and I'll be like oh Fk1I0YSuV2o-00929-00245069-00245327 are you sure this is regular size I mean Fk1I0YSuV2o-00930-00245328-00245615 you got a lip so yeah but we should Fk1I0YSuV2o-00931-00245616-00245765 really wrap it up we could sit here for Fk1I0YSuV2o-00932-00245766-00246050 hours and I know we can and pretty much Fk1I0YSuV2o-00933-00246051-00246223 give it away all our secrets to the back Fk1I0YSuV2o-00934-00246225-00246494 of the room so hopefully you're going to Fk1I0YSuV2o-00935-00246494-00246746 use some of these things helpful people Fk1I0YSuV2o-00936-00246746-00247004 but but come and get more because there Fk1I0YSuV2o-00937-00247005-00247219 is more you can't just do what we said Fk1I0YSuV2o-00938-00247221-00247403 and not follow up you can't just do what Fk1I0YSuV2o-00939-00247404-00247467 we said and Fk1I0YSuV2o-00940-00247467-00247701 crappy-looking graphics or not the right Fk1I0YSuV2o-00941-00247702-00248007 wording or the message or so there's Fk1I0YSuV2o-00942-00248008-00248169 some gaps here with what we're saying Fk1I0YSuV2o-00943-00248169-00248340 and not for a reason it's just we don't Fk1I0YSuV2o-00944-00248341-00248571 have enough time so we can work with you Fk1I0YSuV2o-00945-00248571-00248775 all individually somehow we'd love to Fk1I0YSuV2o-00946-00248776-00248955 and we'd love to help you make more Fk1I0YSuV2o-00947-00248956-00249204 money doing what you love become more Fk1I0YSuV2o-00948-00249205-00249507 more speaker or just more of a lead Fk1I0YSuV2o-00949-00249508-00249816 generating machine so I mean grow your Fk1I0YSuV2o-00950-00249817-00250062 business you know it's it's what are you Fk1I0YSuV2o-00951-00250063-00250482 waiting for waiting for stop it all Fk1I0YSuV2o-00952-00250483-00250500 right Fk1I0YSuV2o-00953-00250501-00250767 have a great day everyone thanks this Fk1I0YSuV2o-00954-00250767-00250973 Katrina Sawa jumpstart your marketing Fk1I0YSuV2o-00955-00250975-00251196 and Alicia white with speaker sheets Fk1I0YSuV2o-00956-00251196-00251631 calm and we'll talk to Eunice thanks Fk1I0YSuV2o-00957-00251632-00251850 guys Fm8aI1sH5m0-00000-00000000-00002560 foreign Fm8aI1sH5m0-00001-00002561-00002837 good afternoon and welcome to moments Fm8aI1sH5m0-00002-00002838-00003089 with Melinda I am your host Melinda Fm8aI1sH5m0-00003-00003090-00003479 Moulton and today I have Jennifer sicaro Fm8aI1sH5m0-00004-00003479-00003767 the head of school of Vermont Academy is Fm8aI1sH5m0-00005-00003768-00004043 my guest Jennifer thank you for being Fm8aI1sH5m0-00006-00004044-00004427 here thank you I'm so honored to be here Fm8aI1sH5m0-00007-00004428-00004654 I'm really excited I've known you now Fm8aI1sH5m0-00008-00004655-00004906 for quite a while and Fm8aI1sH5m0-00009-00004907-00005147 um and I've always been so intrigued Fm8aI1sH5m0-00010-00005148-00005518 about your life and your work and um and Fm8aI1sH5m0-00011-00005519-00005836 about Vermont Academy and so I really am Fm8aI1sH5m0-00012-00005837-00006059 so honored to have you with me today on Fm8aI1sH5m0-00013-00006060-00006238 moments with Melinda so let's start Fm8aI1sH5m0-00014-00006239-00006539 let's start right off I I would love to Fm8aI1sH5m0-00015-00006540-00006701 know a little bit about your childhood Fm8aI1sH5m0-00016-00006702-00006910 and before we start I do want to wish Fm8aI1sH5m0-00017-00006911-00007120 you a happy birthday oh thank you so Fm8aI1sH5m0-00018-00007122-00007283 much because you've just had a birthday Fm8aI1sH5m0-00019-00007284-00007469 and I want to wish you happy I did on Fm8aI1sH5m0-00020-00007470-00007834 Monday it was terrific thank you did so Fm8aI1sH5m0-00021-00007836-00007984 um can you share with us a little bit Fm8aI1sH5m0-00022-00007986-00008273 about your childhood of course I I Fm8aI1sH5m0-00023-00008274-00008627 actually come from a family of Educators Fm8aI1sH5m0-00024-00008628-00008837 um my my father was a teacher when I was Fm8aI1sH5m0-00025-00008838-00008981 very young and later he went into Fm8aI1sH5m0-00026-00008982-00009281 business and and his uh my relatives Fm8aI1sH5m0-00027-00009282-00009460 going back to a great grandfather in Fm8aI1sH5m0-00028-00009461-00009760 Italy were were teachers and that great Fm8aI1sH5m0-00029-00009761-00009935 grandfather was a professor at the Fm8aI1sH5m0-00030-00009936-00010295 University of Matera so learning was Fm8aI1sH5m0-00031-00010296-00010637 highly valued very exciting I had a lot Fm8aI1sH5m0-00032-00010638-00010835 of outdoor experiences when I was young Fm8aI1sH5m0-00033-00010836-00011117 and honestly Melinda coming to Vermont Fm8aI1sH5m0-00034-00011118-00011405 felt very familiar to me because I grew Fm8aI1sH5m0-00035-00011406-00011573 up in Connecticut when Vermont when Fm8aI1sH5m0-00036-00011574-00011746 Connecticut looked like Vermont does now Fm8aI1sH5m0-00037-00011747-00011956 and it wasn't all built up with those Fm8aI1sH5m0-00038-00011957-00012155 strip malls and things like that so it Fm8aI1sH5m0-00039-00012156-00012401 really felt so comfortable to be here Fm8aI1sH5m0-00040-00012402-00012688 and and part of my decision to come Fm8aI1sH5m0-00041-00012689-00012946 so did you come from a big family yeah Fm8aI1sH5m0-00042-00012947-00013288 well well I have four uh in my family Fm8aI1sH5m0-00043-00013290-00013558 but I had a first cousin so I was very Fm8aI1sH5m0-00044-00013559-00013925 close to with 10 children and um five on Fm8aI1sH5m0-00045-00013926-00014141 the other side so we were just a very Fm8aI1sH5m0-00046-00014141-00014494 close-knit larger family Network Fm8aI1sH5m0-00047-00014495-00014722 so tell us a little bit about Fm8aI1sH5m0-00048-00014723-00015071 um who had the most uh impact and who Fm8aI1sH5m0-00049-00015072-00015413 was most instrumental in your life to Fm8aI1sH5m0-00050-00015413-00015629 um to help you to choose your your path Fm8aI1sH5m0-00051-00015630-00015827 in life that brought you to where you Fm8aI1sH5m0-00052-00015828-00016103 are today yeah it definitely was my Fm8aI1sH5m0-00053-00016104-00016294 father and I don't know how many women Fm8aI1sH5m0-00054-00016295-00016577 say that about their dads good for dads Fm8aI1sH5m0-00055-00016578-00016853 that they do such a good job but uh you Fm8aI1sH5m0-00056-00016854-00017177 know my father uh for each of us we Fm8aI1sH5m0-00057-00017178-00017399 realized this after he passed away as my Fm8aI1sH5m0-00058-00017400-00017536 siblings and I were chatting and Fm8aI1sH5m0-00059-00017537-00017849 reminiscing that he had these uh what he Fm8aI1sH5m0-00060-00017850-00018011 called object lessons where he would Fm8aI1sH5m0-00061-00018012-00018203 take a moment when it arrived and he Fm8aI1sH5m0-00062-00018204-00018400 knew it was a teaching moment and he Fm8aI1sH5m0-00063-00018401-00018689 would stop everything and just focus on Fm8aI1sH5m0-00064-00018690-00018958 us and individually give us a little Fm8aI1sH5m0-00065-00018959-00019217 anecdote about something and make it Fm8aI1sH5m0-00066-00019218-00019433 come alive and some of us had the same Fm8aI1sH5m0-00067-00019434-00019643 stories told but many of us had Fm8aI1sH5m0-00068-00019644-00019805 completely different ones so we were Fm8aI1sH5m0-00069-00019806-00020033 sharing all of these stories that were Fm8aI1sH5m0-00070-00020034-00020285 seminal moments in our childhood from a Fm8aI1sH5m0-00071-00020286-00020597 man who really understood that taking Fm8aI1sH5m0-00072-00020598-00020872 the time like that he's dividends going Fm8aI1sH5m0-00073-00020873-00021029 forward because we then do it with our Fm8aI1sH5m0-00074-00021030-00021185 children and so on Fm8aI1sH5m0-00075-00021186-00021413 I love hearing stories about about Fm8aI1sH5m0-00076-00021414-00021719 Father's impacts on their daughters I Fm8aI1sH5m0-00077-00021720-00021964 think that's really really special so Fm8aI1sH5m0-00078-00021965-00022144 what would you say was one of his most Fm8aI1sH5m0-00079-00022145-00022294 important lessons that he taught you Fm8aI1sH5m0-00080-00022295-00022417 Jennifer Fm8aI1sH5m0-00081-00022418-00022703 well uh the first one that comes to mind Fm8aI1sH5m0-00082-00022704-00022919 is one that I've shared often with my Fm8aI1sH5m0-00083-00022920-00023158 own students and I was learning to drive Fm8aI1sH5m0-00084-00023159-00023458 I had my permit at 15 and I think we had Fm8aI1sH5m0-00085-00023459-00023872 this big Oldsmobile 98 car that it was Fm8aI1sH5m0-00086-00023873-00024113 new at the time but it's it's rather Fm8aI1sH5m0-00087-00024114-00024269 large compared to the cars that are Fm8aI1sH5m0-00088-00024270-00024413 around now and it had a big steering Fm8aI1sH5m0-00089-00024414-00024628 wheel and I was trying to navigate up a Fm8aI1sH5m0-00090-00024629-00024814 hill toward our house and my father said Fm8aI1sH5m0-00091-00024815-00025061 pull over and Fm8aI1sH5m0-00092-00025062-00025283 um I looked at him very afraid that he's Fm8aI1sH5m0-00093-00025284-00025433 just going to yell at me and he said are Fm8aI1sH5m0-00094-00025434-00025594 you driving the car or is the car Fm8aI1sH5m0-00095-00025595-00025846 driving you and I said the car is Fm8aI1sH5m0-00096-00025847-00026128 definitely driving me definitely and he Fm8aI1sH5m0-00097-00026129-00026387 said you know fix it turn it around you Fm8aI1sH5m0-00098-00026388-00026668 are the Navigator and I have used that Fm8aI1sH5m0-00099-00026669-00026890 it really was a metaphor for me though I Fm8aI1sH5m0-00100-00026891-00027023 didn't at the moment I was really Fm8aI1sH5m0-00101-00027024-00027196 nervous that I was disappointing my dad Fm8aI1sH5m0-00102-00027197-00027424 but that idea that you have to steer Fm8aI1sH5m0-00103-00027425-00027652 your own ship and that circumstances can Fm8aI1sH5m0-00104-00027654-00027851 kind of push you in directions and then Fm8aI1sH5m0-00105-00027852-00028007 you're not really you're not making Fm8aI1sH5m0-00106-00028008-00028301 choices and so I've pulled aside many Fm8aI1sH5m0-00107-00028302-00028601 students over the years who um who Fm8aI1sH5m0-00108-00028602-00028757 really were not directing their lives Fm8aI1sH5m0-00109-00028758-00029062 and this one boy actually painted it on Fm8aI1sH5m0-00110-00029063-00029255 the ceiling of his dorm window are you Fm8aI1sH5m0-00111-00029256-00029590 driving the car and I as I said oh no Fm8aI1sH5m0-00112-00029591-00029740 we're gonna have to repaint that after Fm8aI1sH5m0-00113-00029741-00029867 you leave but Fm8aI1sH5m0-00114-00029868-00030058 you know the story it was just so simple Fm8aI1sH5m0-00115-00030060-00030287 but it had great impact it's sort of Fm8aI1sH5m0-00116-00030288-00030539 like the whole concept of initiative yes Fm8aI1sH5m0-00117-00030539-00030743 you know find you know find your path Fm8aI1sH5m0-00118-00030744-00031079 and and and and walk your walk that's a Fm8aI1sH5m0-00119-00031080-00031277 that's a beautiful lesson for your Fm8aI1sH5m0-00120-00031277-00031481 father to have given you and one that Fm8aI1sH5m0-00121-00031482-00031727 you can partake with your students so Fm8aI1sH5m0-00122-00031727-00031985 let's talk a little bit you are you say Fm8aI1sH5m0-00123-00031986-00032218 that now people say head of school now Fm8aI1sH5m0-00124-00032219-00032573 in my day it would be Headmaster and you Fm8aI1sH5m0-00125-00032574-00032801 are the head of school the Headmaster at Fm8aI1sH5m0-00126-00032802-00033167 Vermont Academy which is one of just a Fm8aI1sH5m0-00127-00033168-00033485 few private preparatory schools in Fm8aI1sH5m0-00128-00033486-00033695 Vermont can you just tell us a little Fm8aI1sH5m0-00129-00033696-00033887 bit about Vermont Academy and why is the Fm8aI1sH5m0-00130-00033888-00034081 school so important to Vermont Fm8aI1sH5m0-00131-00034082-00034421 oh it's a very special place we are Fm8aI1sH5m0-00132-00034422-00034729 approaching our 150th anniversary in Fm8aI1sH5m0-00133-00034730-00035099 2026. uh we're nestled in saxon's river Fm8aI1sH5m0-00134-00035100-00035602 on a hill and um we have 450 acres and Fm8aI1sH5m0-00135-00035603-00035861 our whole of Fm8aI1sH5m0-00136-00035862-00036035 approach which we call the Vermont Fm8aI1sH5m0-00137-00036036-00036317 Academy way of teaching and learning is Fm8aI1sH5m0-00138-00036318-00036574 really rooted in the state of Vermont Fm8aI1sH5m0-00139-00036575-00036899 and our land so we have a strategic plan Fm8aI1sH5m0-00140-00036900-00037109 with with four pillars and two of them Fm8aI1sH5m0-00141-00037110-00037331 are so relevant to Fm8aI1sH5m0-00142-00037332-00037577 um to Vermont and and they are community Fm8aI1sH5m0-00143-00037578-00037990 and land so our early Founders really Fm8aI1sH5m0-00144-00037991-00038327 laid down that track of learning by Fm8aI1sH5m0-00145-00038328-00038429 doing Fm8aI1sH5m0-00146-00038430-00038795 of learning in nature of the importance Fm8aI1sH5m0-00147-00038796-00038999 of community and citizenship and Fm8aI1sH5m0-00148-00039000-00039089 character Fm8aI1sH5m0-00149-00039090-00039389 and each uh head of school who came Fm8aI1sH5m0-00150-00039390-00039580 along really carried that mantle forward Fm8aI1sH5m0-00151-00039581-00039874 I think very often schools frequently Fm8aI1sH5m0-00152-00039875-00040085 try to reinvent themselves with a Fm8aI1sH5m0-00153-00040086-00040289 Headmasters or a head of school's Vision Fm8aI1sH5m0-00154-00040290-00040559 but that has remained constant and that Fm8aI1sH5m0-00155-00040560-00040852 core is there and part of our our sense Fm8aI1sH5m0-00156-00040853-00041135 of purpose in educating students we have Fm8aI1sH5m0-00157-00041136-00041411 a beautiful campus uh it's it's very Fm8aI1sH5m0-00158-00041412-00041879 historic uh and the view from the Fm8aI1sH5m0-00159-00041880-00042083 playing fields uh really captures Fm8aI1sH5m0-00160-00042084-00042311 everything that is Vermont because you Fm8aI1sH5m0-00161-00042312-00042515 can also see Sax's River in the church Fm8aI1sH5m0-00162-00042516-00042718 Steeples and it just looks like a Fm8aI1sH5m0-00163-00042719-00042905 painting so Fm8aI1sH5m0-00164-00042906-00043133 um our close personal attention is very Fm8aI1sH5m0-00165-00043134-00043324 important as well we're a small school Fm8aI1sH5m0-00166-00043325-00043661 we're about 200 and we'd hope to grow a Fm8aI1sH5m0-00167-00043662-00043949 little bit more to 230 as part of our Fm8aI1sH5m0-00168-00043950-00044165 strategic plan but we don't want to get Fm8aI1sH5m0-00169-00044166-00044380 very big as some of the other boarding Fm8aI1sH5m0-00170-00044381-00044590 schools are 500 600 Fm8aI1sH5m0-00171-00044591-00044795 000 students because we really want to Fm8aI1sH5m0-00172-00044796-00045083 be continuing that authenticity Fm8aI1sH5m0-00173-00045084-00045311 relationship with understanding students Fm8aI1sH5m0-00174-00045312-00045671 and really crafting a path for them with Fm8aI1sH5m0-00175-00045672-00045971 them that is distinct and will help them Fm8aI1sH5m0-00176-00045972-00046174 as they pitch themselves to college and Fm8aI1sH5m0-00177-00046175-00046330 into careers Fm8aI1sH5m0-00178-00046331-00046480 it's so interesting because I just went Fm8aI1sH5m0-00179-00046481-00046643 to my high school my 55th High School Fm8aI1sH5m0-00180-00046644-00046949 reunion and we had 57 kids in my Fm8aI1sH5m0-00181-00046950-00047117 graduating class Fm8aI1sH5m0-00182-00047118-00047345 and and a quarter of our class of course Fm8aI1sH5m0-00183-00047346-00047590 is passed on but one of the one of the Fm8aI1sH5m0-00184-00047591-00047789 things that came out of the of the Fm8aI1sH5m0-00185-00047790-00047987 reunion that we were saying to each Fm8aI1sH5m0-00186-00047988-00048190 other is that we were like a family that Fm8aI1sH5m0-00187-00048191-00048407 we knew each other and we were all close Fm8aI1sH5m0-00188-00048408-00048551 you couldn't have a click because there Fm8aI1sH5m0-00189-00048552-00048796 weren't enough people to be clicky and Fm8aI1sH5m0-00190-00048797-00048940 um so that's how I feel a little bit but Fm8aI1sH5m0-00191-00048941-00049151 I've been to Vermont Academy many times Fm8aI1sH5m0-00192-00049152-00049445 my husband is a graduate Fm8aI1sH5m0-00193-00049446-00049757 um yes that's right yes he is and he and Fm8aI1sH5m0-00194-00049758-00049985 I've asked him um because he he's been Fm8aI1sH5m0-00195-00049986-00050165 in other he's gone to other schools and Fm8aI1sH5m0-00196-00050166-00050317 I've always said to him Fm8aI1sH5m0-00197-00050318-00050567 where do you feel the most Fm8aI1sH5m0-00198-00050568-00050915 um connected and the most uh love and he Fm8aI1sH5m0-00199-00050916-00051163 always says it's Vermont Academy Fm8aI1sH5m0-00200-00051164-00051430 was he made his most notable friendships Fm8aI1sH5m0-00201-00051432-00051658 who by the way he's still very close to Fm8aI1sH5m0-00202-00051659-00051796 today Fm8aI1sH5m0-00203-00051797-00051976 um so thank you for that overview of Fm8aI1sH5m0-00204-00051977-00052132 Vermont Academy Fm8aI1sH5m0-00205-00052133-00052337 um uh could you share with us a little Fm8aI1sH5m0-00206-00052338-00052511 bit about some of the notables you've Fm8aI1sH5m0-00207-00052512-00052847 got some very wonderful people who have Fm8aI1sH5m0-00208-00052848-00053032 who have graduated from Vermont Academy Fm8aI1sH5m0-00209-00053033-00053176 could you share with us a little bit Fm8aI1sH5m0-00210-00053177-00053563 about those folks we do we do uh Fm8aI1sH5m0-00211-00053564-00053794 nobody's more notable than our current Fm8aI1sH5m0-00212-00053795-00054059 students I have to say but are are Fm8aI1sH5m0-00213-00054060-00054503 really most important uh alumni award is Fm8aI1sH5m0-00214-00054504-00054803 given in honor of Florence Sabin and I'm Fm8aI1sH5m0-00215-00054804-00054988 proud to say that our school was co-ed Fm8aI1sH5m0-00216-00054989-00055379 to begin with which was really rare in Fm8aI1sH5m0-00217-00055379-00055685 those days and and Florence uh went on Fm8aI1sH5m0-00218-00055686-00056057 to she had laboratory science here which Fm8aI1sH5m0-00219-00056058-00056326 is also unusual in the late 1800s I Fm8aI1sH5m0-00220-00056327-00056609 think it was 1898 was her class and she Fm8aI1sH5m0-00221-00056610-00056975 went on to study at Smith and then to be Fm8aI1sH5m0-00222-00056976-00057257 the first female professor at Johns Fm8aI1sH5m0-00223-00057258-00057449 Hopkins she founded the Colorado State Fm8aI1sH5m0-00224-00057450-00057773 Health Care and just was really a Fm8aI1sH5m0-00225-00057774-00057971 seminal figure her statue is in the Fm8aI1sH5m0-00226-00057972-00058265 capital as well so we have a Florence Fm8aI1sH5m0-00227-00058266-00058438 Saban award that we give out for Fm8aI1sH5m0-00228-00058439-00058619 distinguished alumni Fm8aI1sH5m0-00229-00058620-00058859 uh one of our earliest assistant heads Fm8aI1sH5m0-00230-00058860-00059111 of school who came with the then head Fm8aI1sH5m0-00231-00059112-00059357 from Colgate we had a really strong Fm8aI1sH5m0-00232-00059358-00059525 connection with Colgate in our early Fm8aI1sH5m0-00233-00059526-00059819 years because of that Baptist Foundation Fm8aI1sH5m0-00234-00059820-00060071 at both schools and uh this man Fm8aI1sH5m0-00235-00060072-00060407 assistant head was James P Taylor who Fm8aI1sH5m0-00236-00060408-00060587 founded the Long Trail and he actually Fm8aI1sH5m0-00237-00060588-00061013 was creating uh a trail and trailblazing Fm8aI1sH5m0-00238-00061014-00061138 opportunities for Vermont Academy Fm8aI1sH5m0-00239-00061139-00061361 students trying to get them out of their Fm8aI1sH5m0-00240-00061362-00061565 dorm room so now we are always focused Fm8aI1sH5m0-00241-00061566-00061792 on getting kids away from screens but if Fm8aI1sH5m0-00242-00061794-00061966 you can imagine they were you know cozy Fm8aI1sH5m0-00243-00061967-00062099 in their dorm rooms with their friends Fm8aI1sH5m0-00244-00062100-00062326 and he he thought trailblazing and Fm8aI1sH5m0-00245-00062327-00062500 really getting out and understanding Fm8aI1sH5m0-00246-00062501-00062825 what he called the Grand Campus of Fm8aI1sH5m0-00247-00062826-00063161 Vermont itself meant for Vermont Academy Fm8aI1sH5m0-00248-00063162-00063485 students would be a wonderful design and Fm8aI1sH5m0-00249-00063486-00063779 while he was doing this he came up with Fm8aI1sH5m0-00250-00063779-00063941 a larger idea for the Long Trail and Fm8aI1sH5m0-00251-00063941-00064085 then took it forward and moved up to Fm8aI1sH5m0-00252-00064086-00064241 Burlington Fm8aI1sH5m0-00253-00064241-00064523 um and I have seen some beautiful Fm8aI1sH5m0-00254-00064524-00064738 Lantern slides at the University of Fm8aI1sH5m0-00255-00064739-00064849 Vermont Fm8aI1sH5m0-00256-00064850-00065135 that Rick showed me Rick Moulton showed Fm8aI1sH5m0-00257-00065136-00065441 me that capture Vermont Academy students Fm8aI1sH5m0-00258-00065441-00065776 with James P Taylor we also have Paul Fm8aI1sH5m0-00259-00065777-00065956 Harris the the founder of the Rotary Fm8aI1sH5m0-00260-00065957-00066209 Club graduated from Vermont Academy and Fm8aI1sH5m0-00261-00066210-00066455 again there's that Vermont idea of Fm8aI1sH5m0-00262-00066456-00066773 business and tinkering and getting out Fm8aI1sH5m0-00263-00066774-00067115 in the community so we're very proud uh Fm8aI1sH5m0-00264-00067116-00067409 there as well and we have a lot of uh Fm8aI1sH5m0-00265-00067410-00067829 inventors Russell Porter uh created uh Fm8aI1sH5m0-00266-00067830-00068206 the Palomar telescope George Chaney the Fm8aI1sH5m0-00267-00068207-00068453 Hubble telescope Fm8aI1sH5m0-00268-00068454-00068699 um and we have our own Observatory here Fm8aI1sH5m0-00269-00068700-00068879 which is wonderful it's in a barn and Fm8aI1sH5m0-00270-00068880-00069031 the roof slides open and we have Fm8aI1sH5m0-00271-00069032-00069232 telescopes and students looking up at Fm8aI1sH5m0-00272-00069233-00069515 the skies uh to this day and the list Fm8aI1sH5m0-00273-00069516-00069629 goes on and then there are some Fm8aI1sH5m0-00274-00069630-00069863 wonderful Joe Perry graduated from Fm8aI1sH5m0-00275-00069864-00070187 Vermont Academy and um well he may have Fm8aI1sH5m0-00276-00070188-00070379 missed the very ending ceremony I have Fm8aI1sH5m0-00277-00070380-00070511 to say but Fm8aI1sH5m0-00278-00070512-00070656 um Fm8aI1sH5m0-00279-00070657-00070825 [Music] Fm8aI1sH5m0-00280-00070826-00071182 the lead guitarist for Fm8aI1sH5m0-00281-00071183-00071429 um Aerosmith and I could go on and on Fm8aI1sH5m0-00282-00071430-00071741 but they're I'm very proud of of all of Fm8aI1sH5m0-00283-00071742-00071999 these graduates and we have a wall with Fm8aI1sH5m0-00284-00072000-00072287 their stories uh in our main hall here Fm8aI1sH5m0-00285-00072288-00072443 in Fuller Fm8aI1sH5m0-00286-00072444-00072676 um and that students are often stopping Fm8aI1sH5m0-00287-00072677-00072923 and reading the biographies Fm8aI1sH5m0-00288-00072924-00073132 um they're they're just so varied and Fm8aI1sH5m0-00289-00073133-00073288 interesting and Fm8aI1sH5m0-00290-00073289-00073475 um and inspiring and they help them to Fm8aI1sH5m0-00291-00073476-00073697 realize that these people were at the Fm8aI1sH5m0-00292-00073698-00073913 same place where they are now and they Fm8aI1sH5m0-00293-00073914-00074123 have possibilities for their lives that Fm8aI1sH5m0-00294-00074124-00074375 are similar so how open to the public is Fm8aI1sH5m0-00295-00074376-00074531 Vermont Academy I mean if somebody Fm8aI1sH5m0-00296-00074532-00074759 wanted to come down and and walk through Fm8aI1sH5m0-00297-00074760-00075071 the campus is it is it accessible yes it Fm8aI1sH5m0-00298-00075072-00075275 was only during covid that we really had Fm8aI1sH5m0-00299-00075276-00075569 to have restrictions and recently we Fm8aI1sH5m0-00300-00075570-00075737 actually just had a big event with Fm8aI1sH5m0-00301-00075738-00076097 Robert shetterly uh painter uh creator Fm8aI1sH5m0-00302-00076098-00076276 of the truth tellers program on Sunday Fm8aI1sH5m0-00303-00076277-00076582 and Monday uh and he exhibited his Works Fm8aI1sH5m0-00304-00076583-00076873 in in the Fm8aI1sH5m0-00305-00076874-00077153 Horowitz building and spoke in the Nita Fm8aI1sH5m0-00306-00077154-00077393 chicas theater and we showed his film Fm8aI1sH5m0-00307-00077394-00077626 and this was open to the community and Fm8aI1sH5m0-00308-00077627-00077855 we invited you know we actively Fm8aI1sH5m0-00309-00077856-00078029 advertised to have everybody come and Fm8aI1sH5m0-00310-00078030-00078371 see it so our Arts are thriving here and Fm8aI1sH5m0-00311-00078372-00078581 uh our theater program our Visual Arts Fm8aI1sH5m0-00312-00078582-00078779 performing arts and so we invite the Fm8aI1sH5m0-00313-00078780-00079006 community in for those things and then Fm8aI1sH5m0-00314-00079007-00079367 we also have a strong following of uh Fm8aI1sH5m0-00315-00079368-00079661 local people who come to our games Fm8aI1sH5m0-00316-00079662-00079841 um so that's that's really fun we have Fm8aI1sH5m0-00317-00079842-00080188 three basketball players in the pros uh Fm8aI1sH5m0-00318-00080189-00080332 at our little school here we've got Fm8aI1sH5m0-00319-00080333-00080782 Bruce Brown Jordan Nora and Simi shitu Fm8aI1sH5m0-00320-00080783-00081082 and um we also have Olympians and so on Fm8aI1sH5m0-00321-00081083-00081359 so it's just really great to see this Fm8aI1sH5m0-00322-00081360-00081635 little small Powerhouse and um we have a Fm8aI1sH5m0-00323-00081636-00081761 fan base Fm8aI1sH5m0-00324-00081762-00082019 I find it extraordinary that you that Fm8aI1sH5m0-00325-00082020-00082300 Vermont Academy had had was co-ed back Fm8aI1sH5m0-00326-00082301-00082732 in the in the late 1800s I mean how how Fm8aI1sH5m0-00327-00082733-00083026 rare was that I mean women Fm8aI1sH5m0-00328-00083027-00083338 you know school school teachers were not Fm8aI1sH5m0-00329-00083339-00083567 allowed to be married I mean it was I Fm8aI1sH5m0-00330-00083568-00083891 mean women were so isolated and um and Fm8aI1sH5m0-00331-00083892-00084082 disenfranchised during this period I Fm8aI1sH5m0-00332-00084083-00084353 mean how how rare and Progressive was Fm8aI1sH5m0-00333-00084354-00084617 that Jennifer it was very rare I haven't Fm8aI1sH5m0-00334-00084618-00084803 found another school I'm sure there is Fm8aI1sH5m0-00335-00084804-00085061 if I did a thorough search but Fm8aI1sH5m0-00336-00085062-00085367 um I just had a gift from uh alumnus art Fm8aI1sH5m0-00337-00085368-00085600 Kelton he sent me these gorgeous framed Fm8aI1sH5m0-00338-00085601-00085900 pictures of a production in Fm8aI1sH5m0-00339-00085901-00086309 um 1920 or no wait it was 1911 but you Fm8aI1sH5m0-00340-00086310-00086519 know women got the vote in 1920 and it Fm8aI1sH5m0-00341-00086520-00086800 was a play all about Fm8aI1sH5m0-00342-00086801-00087076 um they they had protests around campus Fm8aI1sH5m0-00343-00087077-00087382 with signs saying women need the vote Fm8aI1sH5m0-00344-00087383-00087593 and then there was a play that was all Fm8aI1sH5m0-00345-00087594-00087844 about that and I I didn't notice I had Fm8aI1sH5m0-00346-00087845-00088031 to look closely our director of Health Fm8aI1sH5m0-00347-00088032-00088229 Services said those are all men dressed Fm8aI1sH5m0-00348-00088230-00088426 as women so Fm8aI1sH5m0-00349-00088427-00088781 it was a little Shakespearean there Fm8aI1sH5m0-00350-00088782-00088991 um but uh you know they were clearly Fm8aI1sH5m0-00351-00088992-00089267 having a a lot of fun but also very Fm8aI1sH5m0-00352-00089268-00089711 dedicated uh in 1911 to this cause that Fm8aI1sH5m0-00353-00089712-00089867 would not you know come to fruition Fm8aI1sH5m0-00354-00089868-00090179 until a few years later so Fm8aI1sH5m0-00355-00090180-00090355 um I credit that to the the Fm8aI1sH5m0-00356-00090356-00090556 high-mindedness of these baptist Fm8aI1sH5m0-00357-00090557-00090743 ministers who founded the school they Fm8aI1sH5m0-00358-00090744-00091061 were very Progressive and one of them Fm8aI1sH5m0-00359-00091062-00091385 was Levi Fuller who married into the SD Fm8aI1sH5m0-00360-00091386-00091625 Oregon family in Brattleboro and Fm8aI1sH5m0-00361-00091626-00091882 um you know really uh gave a lot to Fm8aI1sH5m0-00362-00091883-00092065 build the first buildings at the school Fm8aI1sH5m0-00363-00092066-00092381 and they were open-minded people we also Fm8aI1sH5m0-00364-00092382-00092567 were Melinda you'll be really interested Fm8aI1sH5m0-00365-00092568-00092837 in this we were very diverse from the Fm8aI1sH5m0-00366-00092838-00093041 beginning because they gave free access Fm8aI1sH5m0-00367-00093042-00093268 to Vermont Academy to all missionaries Fm8aI1sH5m0-00368-00093269-00093550 children so we had children from all Fm8aI1sH5m0-00369-00093551-00093838 over the world from the beginning and as Fm8aI1sH5m0-00370-00093839-00094067 I was looking at the rosters in the Fm8aI1sH5m0-00371-00094068-00094379 University of Vermont archives I Fm8aI1sH5m0-00372-00094380-00094517 couldn't believe of all the countries Fm8aI1sH5m0-00373-00094518-00094655 that these kids were from and that's Fm8aI1sH5m0-00374-00094656-00094955 true today we have students from I Fm8aI1sH5m0-00375-00094956-00095255 believe it's 22 countries around the Fm8aI1sH5m0-00376-00095256-00095423 world Fm8aI1sH5m0-00377-00095424-00095626 do you know how powerful that is I mean Fm8aI1sH5m0-00378-00095627-00095831 Jennifer that um to my viewers I'm Fm8aI1sH5m0-00379-00095832-00096035 talking to Jennifer zakaro who is the Fm8aI1sH5m0-00380-00096036-00096359 head of school for Vermont Academy Fm8aI1sH5m0-00381-00096360-00096617 um that is just that's an exceptional Fm8aI1sH5m0-00382-00096618-00096976 story and um and and I wanna I wanna Fm8aI1sH5m0-00383-00096977-00097229 move on for a second you mentioned the Fm8aI1sH5m0-00384-00097230-00097565 Olympics and you know Vermont Academy is Fm8aI1sH5m0-00385-00097566-00097900 a very strong sports program and for a Fm8aI1sH5m0-00386-00097901-00098231 school that's small 200 students uh Fm8aI1sH5m0-00387-00098232-00098453 could become to 2 30 at some point down Fm8aI1sH5m0-00388-00098454-00098706 the road but a small school Fm8aI1sH5m0-00389-00098707-00099053 you win a lot of titles and you've got a Fm8aI1sH5m0-00390-00099054-00099256 lot of extraordinary athletes and you Fm8aI1sH5m0-00391-00099257-00099581 have a history of Olympians um so would Fm8aI1sH5m0-00392-00099582-00099779 you share a little bit about that Fm8aI1sH5m0-00393-00099780-00100138 yeah we I think Melinda that it's it's Fm8aI1sH5m0-00394-00100139-00100385 it's rooted in the fact that healthy Fm8aI1sH5m0-00395-00100386-00100661 competition is so much a part of our Fm8aI1sH5m0-00396-00100662-00101003 lives here I think competition can Fm8aI1sH5m0-00397-00101004-00101224 um have a negative uh connotation but Fm8aI1sH5m0-00398-00101225-00101512 not here we do a strength finder test Fm8aI1sH5m0-00399-00101513-00101687 when students arrive and they they Fm8aI1sH5m0-00400-00101688-00101938 discover their top five strengths and Fm8aI1sH5m0-00401-00101939-00102065 kind of work from there to build out Fm8aI1sH5m0-00402-00102066-00102281 their program it's a Clifton strength Fm8aI1sH5m0-00403-00102282-00102682 test and um we found out that our Fm8aI1sH5m0-00404-00102683-00102923 students all share competition is one of Fm8aI1sH5m0-00405-00102924-00103192 their top five and that also is very Fm8aI1sH5m0-00406-00103193-00103486 rare so so they encourage each other and Fm8aI1sH5m0-00407-00103488-00103666 it could be that you're going to be Fm8aI1sH5m0-00408-00103667-00103882 competitive and strive for your best uh Fm8aI1sH5m0-00409-00103883-00104056 in your painting class it doesn't have Fm8aI1sH5m0-00410-00104057-00104332 to be Athletics but we encourage each Fm8aI1sH5m0-00411-00104333-00104513 other and it's part of our Our Heritage Fm8aI1sH5m0-00412-00104514-00104818 uh Warren Shivers was our first Olympian Fm8aI1sH5m0-00413-00104819-00104975 that I know of Fm8aI1sH5m0-00414-00104976-00105310 um and I wish I had met this man he was Fm8aI1sH5m0-00415-00105311-00105778 a four event skier but I believe he was Fm8aI1sH5m0-00416-00105779-00106019 a jumper and a Nordic competitor in the Fm8aI1sH5m0-00417-00106020-00106439 1938 Olympics and he came here with uh Fm8aI1sH5m0-00418-00106440-00106763 Larry Levitt who was a Dartmouth uh Fm8aI1sH5m0-00419-00106764-00107008 scholar athlete and was the head of Fm8aI1sH5m0-00420-00107009-00107284 school for 25 years and um could be an Fm8aI1sH5m0-00421-00107285-00107639 even longer maybe 28 but uh more in uh Fm8aI1sH5m0-00422-00107640-00107849 really established our whole outdoor Fm8aI1sH5m0-00423-00107850-00108034 program went back to the legacy of James Fm8aI1sH5m0-00424-00108035-00108251 P Taylor in the Long Trail and then Fm8aI1sH5m0-00425-00108252-00108563 built out a ski program and we've had Fm8aI1sH5m0-00426-00108564-00108966 many many Fantastic skiers graduate from Fm8aI1sH5m0-00427-00108967-00109252 Vermont Academy our most recent Fm8aI1sH5m0-00428-00109253-00109577 Olympians were Brooke Mooney who rode on Fm8aI1sH5m0-00429-00109578-00109883 the women's eight in the last Olympics Fm8aI1sH5m0-00430-00109883-00110110 and she is the daughter of Jim Mooney Fm8aI1sH5m0-00431-00110111-00110458 former head of school here and then Simi Fm8aI1sH5m0-00432-00110459-00110704 shitu who I mentioned uh played for his Fm8aI1sH5m0-00433-00110705-00111047 home country on a basketball team and he Fm8aI1sH5m0-00434-00111048-00111173 is now Fm8aI1sH5m0-00435-00111174-00111677 um on the Orlando Magic wow amazing I Fm8aI1sH5m0-00436-00111678-00111839 mean I saw that when I was down there of Fm8aI1sH5m0-00437-00111840-00112031 all the all the trophies that you all Fm8aI1sH5m0-00438-00112032-00112402 have won as a small school so Fm8aI1sH5m0-00439-00112403-00112601 um you're doing something right and Fm8aI1sH5m0-00440-00112602-00112847 these these young people are getting a Fm8aI1sH5m0-00441-00112848-00113027 terrific education Fm8aI1sH5m0-00442-00113028-00113273 um so you were the first woman women Fm8aI1sH5m0-00443-00113274-00113578 head of school Headmaster Vermont Fm8aI1sH5m0-00444-00113579-00113945 Academy in 150 years so what are the Fm8aI1sH5m0-00445-00113946-00114154 joys and the challenges that you are Fm8aI1sH5m0-00446-00114155-00114334 feeling in this role Fm8aI1sH5m0-00447-00114335-00114634 well the joys are that I'm really Fm8aI1sH5m0-00448-00114635-00114947 focused on and watching uh the the Fm8aI1sH5m0-00449-00114948-00115313 population of girls grow here and Thrive Fm8aI1sH5m0-00450-00115314-00115577 um we are really wanting to get to that Fm8aI1sH5m0-00451-00115578-00115895 magic number of 50 50 girls and boys Fm8aI1sH5m0-00452-00115896-00116104 um it is the case that many families Fm8aI1sH5m0-00453-00116105-00116345 don't send their daughters away until Fm8aI1sH5m0-00454-00116346-00116657 sophomore junior year so that is I'm Fm8aI1sH5m0-00455-00116658-00116890 working against that goal but at the Fm8aI1sH5m0-00456-00116891-00117245 same time to see our our girls really Fm8aI1sH5m0-00457-00117246-00117460 thriving is really important to me and Fm8aI1sH5m0-00458-00117461-00117689 for them to see me in this position Fm8aI1sH5m0-00459-00117690-00118007 helps them to realize possibilities as Fm8aI1sH5m0-00460-00118008-00118108 well Fm8aI1sH5m0-00461-00118109-00118366 um you know I met I had the the luxury Fm8aI1sH5m0-00462-00118367-00118625 of interviewing Madeline Albright at a Fm8aI1sH5m0-00463-00118626-00118871 prior school that I was at and before Fm8aI1sH5m0-00464-00118872-00119093 she got up on the stage she said to me I Fm8aI1sH5m0-00465-00119094-00119321 bet you've been in a lot of board rooms Fm8aI1sH5m0-00466-00119322-00119602 with a lot of men and I said how did you Fm8aI1sH5m0-00467-00119603-00119921 know like some sort of naive moment but Fm8aI1sH5m0-00468-00119922-00120202 um you know she just she she's such an Fm8aI1sH5m0-00469-00120203-00120502 inspiration for women and I'd say the Fm8aI1sH5m0-00470-00120503-00120647 challenges because you had asked me Fm8aI1sH5m0-00471-00120648-00120923 about that too are just really Fm8aI1sH5m0-00472-00120924-00121234 um you know we've we've had a wonderful Fm8aI1sH5m0-00473-00121235-00121408 um increase in diversity on our board Fm8aI1sH5m0-00474-00121409-00121757 and um you know getting uh mindsets to Fm8aI1sH5m0-00475-00121758-00122033 open up Beyond maybe what was Fm8aI1sH5m0-00476-00122033-00122236 traditionally here Fm8aI1sH5m0-00477-00122238-00122507 um when Larry was heading to school and Fm8aI1sH5m0-00478-00122508-00122783 doing such a great job uh it was all the Fm8aI1sH5m0-00479-00122783-00123040 school did go to all boys when he was Fm8aI1sH5m0-00480-00123041-00123502 had and um so that was about from 1935 Fm8aI1sH5m0-00481-00123503-00123613 until Fm8aI1sH5m0-00482-00123614-00123910 1976 or thereabouts Fm8aI1sH5m0-00483-00123911-00124186 um other heads came after him in that Fm8aI1sH5m0-00484-00124188-00124373 period but because he had come from Fm8aI1sH5m0-00485-00124374-00124631 Dartmouth and Dartmouth was all boys Fm8aI1sH5m0-00486-00124632-00124840 um that was more familiar to him and the Fm8aI1sH5m0-00487-00124841-00125021 school became all boys for a little Fm8aI1sH5m0-00488-00125022-00125177 while so Fm8aI1sH5m0-00489-00125178-00125447 um just as any other school would go Fm8aI1sH5m0-00490-00125448-00125758 through transition time in co-education Fm8aI1sH5m0-00491-00125759-00126028 um we have had the same but we have that Fm8aI1sH5m0-00492-00126029-00126154 wonderful Fm8aI1sH5m0-00493-00126155-00126508 um original time uh that I am pulling Fm8aI1sH5m0-00494-00126509-00126784 back and Dorothy Levitt Larry's wife Fm8aI1sH5m0-00495-00126785-00127019 called it the era of The Lost Generation Fm8aI1sH5m0-00496-00127020-00127247 it was a little bit like the Hemingway Fm8aI1sH5m0-00497-00127248-00127445 um analog there uh with Hemingway Fm8aI1sH5m0-00498-00127446-00127702 Fitzgerald and Gertrude Stein Fm8aI1sH5m0-00499-00127703-00127966 um so I'm really actively drawing on Fm8aI1sH5m0-00500-00127967-00128219 that those early days of the school Fm8aI1sH5m0-00501-00128220-00128477 um to really uh help everyone to to Fm8aI1sH5m0-00502-00128478-00128716 recall now that we are co-ed in that Fm8aI1sH5m0-00503-00128717-00128921 even though there were those great sort Fm8aI1sH5m0-00504-00128922-00129202 of golden years and a lot of the alumni Fm8aI1sH5m0-00505-00129203-00129508 uh the imaginations of alumni who were Fm8aI1sH5m0-00506-00129509-00129754 here when it was all boys we have that Fm8aI1sH5m0-00507-00129755-00129964 Dimension now and more Fm8aI1sH5m0-00508-00129965-00130145 do you know a lot happened in American Fm8aI1sH5m0-00509-00130146-00130408 history during that time which we were Fm8aI1sH5m0-00510-00130409-00130560 all sort of scratching our heads about Fm8aI1sH5m0-00511-00130561-00130889 so but I think Vermont Academy gets a Fm8aI1sH5m0-00512-00130890-00131213 huge Kudo for have being starting out as Fm8aI1sH5m0-00513-00131214-00131477 a co-ed school only only not being co-ed Fm8aI1sH5m0-00514-00131478-00131633 for a short period of time when our Fm8aI1sH5m0-00515-00131634-00131801 country was going through a lot of weird Fm8aI1sH5m0-00516-00131802-00131933 stuff Fm8aI1sH5m0-00517-00131934-00132227 um certainly I was very anti-female and Fm8aI1sH5m0-00518-00132228-00132413 then coming back to it and now having Fm8aI1sH5m0-00519-00132414-00132778 their first female Headmaster head of Fm8aI1sH5m0-00520-00132779-00132928 school which Fm8aI1sH5m0-00521-00132929-00133235 um just you know warms the cockles of my Fm8aI1sH5m0-00522-00133236-00133439 heart and I'm sure of many other people Fm8aI1sH5m0-00523-00133440-00133571 out there Fm8aI1sH5m0-00524-00133572-00133739 um that you're in this role and that Fm8aI1sH5m0-00525-00133740-00133966 you're leading this incredible school Fm8aI1sH5m0-00526-00133967-00134164 um I wanna I wanna I have a lot that I Fm8aI1sH5m0-00527-00134165-00134285 want to talk to you about but we are Fm8aI1sH5m0-00528-00134286-00134501 getting close to the end of our show so Fm8aI1sH5m0-00529-00134502-00134651 I want to talk to you about how what do Fm8aI1sH5m0-00530-00134652-00134902 you envision the future of Education Fm8aI1sH5m0-00531-00134903-00135209 looking like in today's world of the of Fm8aI1sH5m0-00532-00135210-00135443 the 21st century that's an exciting Fm8aI1sH5m0-00533-00135444-00135581 question for me Fm8aI1sH5m0-00534-00135582-00135827 um I actually moved from being a Fm8aI1sH5m0-00535-00135828-00135959 full-time teacher into Administration Fm8aI1sH5m0-00536-00135960-00136264 Nation because of that question I I love Fm8aI1sH5m0-00537-00136265-00136619 tradition but I also love the future and Fm8aI1sH5m0-00538-00136620-00136835 right now it's so important for us to Fm8aI1sH5m0-00539-00136836-00137140 inspire our young people because uh Fm8aI1sH5m0-00540-00137141-00137428 we're divided as a country and Fm8aI1sH5m0-00541-00137429-00137627 we're facing so many Fm8aI1sH5m0-00542-00137628-00137699 um Fm8aI1sH5m0-00543-00137700-00137945 just negative messages that come all the Fm8aI1sH5m0-00544-00137946-00138275 time on through the media and so if you Fm8aI1sH5m0-00545-00138276-00138527 imagine or if you watch uh young people Fm8aI1sH5m0-00546-00138528-00138671 when they're hearing these conversations Fm8aI1sH5m0-00547-00138672-00138887 adults are having their their heads kind Fm8aI1sH5m0-00548-00138888-00139157 of start to go down and I want to bring Fm8aI1sH5m0-00549-00139158-00139397 it up and have them realize that they Fm8aI1sH5m0-00550-00139398-00139745 have agency to make a better world so I Fm8aI1sH5m0-00551-00139746-00140016 see education in answer to question Fm8aI1sH5m0-00552-00140017-00140428 really moving into even more of what we Fm8aI1sH5m0-00553-00140429-00140740 do best which is Hands-On experiences so Fm8aI1sH5m0-00554-00140741-00140885 we're trying to develop some Fm8aI1sH5m0-00555-00140886-00141059 opportunities for students to move into Fm8aI1sH5m0-00556-00141060-00141299 communities solve Community problems Fm8aI1sH5m0-00557-00141300-00141490 work side by side with Community Fm8aI1sH5m0-00558-00141491-00141935 organizers learn how to take an idea a Fm8aI1sH5m0-00559-00141936-00142264 concept into a product they will I'm Fm8aI1sH5m0-00560-00142265-00142493 very inspired by northeastern's Co-op Fm8aI1sH5m0-00561-00142494-00142661 program that's been around for a while Fm8aI1sH5m0-00562-00142662-00142997 program and they have students Fm8aI1sH5m0-00563-00142998-00143423 graduating with a um a uh you know their Fm8aI1sH5m0-00564-00143424-00143777 resume as well as their transcript and Fm8aI1sH5m0-00565-00143778-00143999 so they've got work experience and we Fm8aI1sH5m0-00566-00144000-00144166 have many area businesses that are Fm8aI1sH5m0-00567-00144167-00144293 interested in having Vermont Academy Fm8aI1sH5m0-00568-00144294-00144521 students get some work experience as Fm8aI1sH5m0-00569-00144522-00144766 well so we want to have that practical Fm8aI1sH5m0-00570-00144767-00144928 Dimension Fm8aI1sH5m0-00571-00144929-00145169 um part of students experience and then Fm8aI1sH5m0-00572-00145170-00145390 they also really need to be nimble and Fm8aI1sH5m0-00573-00145391-00145571 flexible I know these are terms that are Fm8aI1sH5m0-00574-00145572-00145828 bandied about a lot right now but Fm8aI1sH5m0-00575-00145829-00145985 um you have to be able to invent your Fm8aI1sH5m0-00576-00145986-00146177 own job too you have to be able to Fm8aI1sH5m0-00577-00146178-00146404 manage your own business or manage your Fm8aI1sH5m0-00578-00146405-00146704 life as you're in between jobs because Fm8aI1sH5m0-00579-00146705-00147016 the world is so rapidly changing uh so Fm8aI1sH5m0-00580-00147017-00147209 that kind of social emotional learning Fm8aI1sH5m0-00581-00147210-00147328 and Fm8aI1sH5m0-00582-00147329-00147563 um wherewithal and confidence is really Fm8aI1sH5m0-00583-00147564-00147743 important as well Fm8aI1sH5m0-00584-00147744-00147995 getting getting getting kids out of the Fm8aI1sH5m0-00585-00147996-00148301 lecture hall and into the real world I Fm8aI1sH5m0-00586-00148302-00148595 so wish I had that in my day Fm8aI1sH5m0-00587-00148596-00148847 um I this is so ex I wish I was young Fm8aI1sH5m0-00588-00148848-00149051 enough to go to Vermont Academy I I Fm8aI1sH5m0-00589-00149052-00149261 regret that I did not go to Vermont Fm8aI1sH5m0-00590-00149262-00149393 Academy Fm8aI1sH5m0-00591-00149394-00149602 um it's such an exciting Fm8aI1sH5m0-00592-00149603-00149854 um school and to all my viewers uh Fm8aI1sH5m0-00593-00149855-00150095 Jennifer zacaro is the Headmaster head Fm8aI1sH5m0-00594-00150096-00150328 of school at Vermont Academy Jennifer if Fm8aI1sH5m0-00595-00150329-00150581 if my viewers would like to get in touch Fm8aI1sH5m0-00596-00150582-00150749 with you or to learn more about Vermont Fm8aI1sH5m0-00597-00150750-00151037 academy uh can you let us can you tell Fm8aI1sH5m0-00598-00151038-00151301 us out how they can do that absolutely Fm8aI1sH5m0-00599-00151302-00151613 uh if you go to our website Fm8aI1sH5m0-00600-00151614-00151919 um you'll see uh all of our emails and Fm8aI1sH5m0-00601-00151920-00152140 phone numbers and that's the easiest way Fm8aI1sH5m0-00602-00152141-00152278 to get it rather than translating it Fm8aI1sH5m0-00603-00152279-00152435 right now but Fm8aI1sH5m0-00604-00152436-00152771 um I'm just so eager to reach out and Fm8aI1sH5m0-00605-00152772-00153035 and to hear from everyone I'm just going Fm8aI1sH5m0-00606-00153036-00153202 to a Rockingham planning board Fm8aI1sH5m0-00607-00153203-00153431 commission meeting tonight and I am Fm8aI1sH5m0-00608-00153432-00153659 actively involved in the village of Fm8aI1sH5m0-00609-00153660-00153875 Saxons River deciding what to do with Fm8aI1sH5m0-00610-00153876-00154073 the building and how to reinvent spaces Fm8aI1sH5m0-00611-00154074-00154343 so it's it's important to me to be Fm8aI1sH5m0-00612-00154344-00154559 connected with Community I moved into Fm8aI1sH5m0-00613-00154560-00154763 the Village from the traditional hedge Fm8aI1sH5m0-00614-00154764-00155152 house for that reason so please do reach Fm8aI1sH5m0-00615-00155153-00155357 out and that's how to find us just go to Fm8aI1sH5m0-00616-00155358-00155566 our website and and you'll see my email Fm8aI1sH5m0-00617-00155567-00155725 and what is the website Fm8aI1sH5m0-00618-00155726-00156031 vermontacademy.org yes Vermont Fm8aI1sH5m0-00619-00156032-00156209 vermontacademy.org go to the website Fm8aI1sH5m0-00620-00156210-00156437 it's a fabulous website if you're down Fm8aI1sH5m0-00621-00156438-00156652 in Saxons River Fm8aI1sH5m0-00622-00156653-00156911 um stop in to the school please do a Fm8aI1sH5m0-00623-00156912-00157090 beautiful campus it's one of the most Fm8aI1sH5m0-00624-00157091-00157402 beautiful campuses uh and the buildings Fm8aI1sH5m0-00625-00157403-00157702 are extraordinary and um so how do we Fm8aI1sH5m0-00626-00157703-00157828 have a few minutes here I wanted to ask Fm8aI1sH5m0-00627-00157829-00158069 you how you how you coped with covid Fm8aI1sH5m0-00628-00158070-00158266 because you stayed open you kept the Fm8aI1sH5m0-00629-00158267-00158566 school open and running Jennifer we did Fm8aI1sH5m0-00630-00158567-00158849 yes it's so it's so important for Fm8aI1sH5m0-00631-00158850-00159131 students to have in-person instruction Fm8aI1sH5m0-00632-00159132-00159347 um and and to going through a pandemic Fm8aI1sH5m0-00633-00159348-00159569 when there are so many restrictions if Fm8aI1sH5m0-00634-00159570-00159766 they were further isolated at home it Fm8aI1sH5m0-00635-00159767-00159928 would have been so difficult so I'm so Fm8aI1sH5m0-00636-00159929-00160109 my heart goes out to all the public Fm8aI1sH5m0-00637-00160110-00160337 school teachers and others who had to go Fm8aI1sH5m0-00638-00160338-00160595 through that for longer than we did we Fm8aI1sH5m0-00639-00160596-00160883 were just very we were Vigilant we had Fm8aI1sH5m0-00640-00160884-00161237 mask wearing protocols we tested Fm8aI1sH5m0-00641-00161238-00161383 regularly Fm8aI1sH5m0-00642-00161384-00161747 and we put in air filtration units in Fm8aI1sH5m0-00643-00161748-00161964 every classroom we had tents outside Fm8aI1sH5m0-00644-00161965-00162239 depending the weather you know and so we Fm8aI1sH5m0-00645-00162240-00162628 we just uh we we had one case the first Fm8aI1sH5m0-00646-00162629-00162923 year of covet one case of covet the Fm8aI1sH5m0-00647-00162924-00163114 second year it was when the restrictions Fm8aI1sH5m0-00648-00163115-00163373 were lifted we had a few more coming Fm8aI1sH5m0-00649-00163374-00163595 back from winter break but you know not Fm8aI1sH5m0-00650-00163596-00163883 more than about a dozen so those are Fm8aI1sH5m0-00651-00163884-00164159 really good numbers actually and we just Fm8aI1sH5m0-00652-00164160-00164326 basically had a coveted planning team Fm8aI1sH5m0-00653-00164327-00164573 that met once a week I also was in Fm8aI1sH5m0-00654-00164574-00164854 dialogue with uh two different heads Fm8aI1sH5m0-00655-00164855-00165095 groups in The Lakes Region which is our Fm8aI1sH5m0-00656-00165096-00165383 athletic competitive league and then Fm8aI1sH5m0-00657-00165384-00165647 also uh through azny the Association of Fm8aI1sH5m0-00658-00165648-00165983 Independent Schools of new New England Fm8aI1sH5m0-00659-00165984-00166252 I have loved this half hour with you I Fm8aI1sH5m0-00660-00166253-00166601 would love to spend a day with you which Fm8aI1sH5m0-00661-00166602-00166811 someday we will do but um I'd love to Fm8aI1sH5m0-00662-00166812-00166990 have you on my show Again Jennifer Fm8aI1sH5m0-00663-00166991-00167452 cicaro um any last thoughts to uh to my Fm8aI1sH5m0-00664-00167453-00167543 viewers Fm8aI1sH5m0-00665-00167544-00167681 um that you'd like to share any more Fm8aI1sH5m0-00666-00167682-00167866 words of wisdom Fm8aI1sH5m0-00667-00167867-00167951 um Fm8aI1sH5m0-00668-00167952-00168239 yes I'll just say that we we have been Fm8aI1sH5m0-00669-00168240-00168569 historically as a school not waving our Fm8aI1sH5m0-00670-00168570-00168778 Banner in the state of Vermont enough Fm8aI1sH5m0-00671-00168779-00169061 and we are vermonters and we love this Fm8aI1sH5m0-00672-00169062-00169313 state and everything that is a part of Fm8aI1sH5m0-00673-00169314-00169475 our educational philosophy is really Fm8aI1sH5m0-00674-00169476-00169763 rooted here so I just we're going to be Fm8aI1sH5m0-00675-00169764-00169990 doing more and more uh to reach out to Fm8aI1sH5m0-00676-00169991-00170159 the community make sure you know we're Fm8aI1sH5m0-00677-00170160-00170387 here and that we're accessible for Fm8aI1sH5m0-00678-00170388-00170669 students we have some really great ways Fm8aI1sH5m0-00679-00170670-00170993 in which students can come to Vermont Fm8aI1sH5m0-00680-00170994-00171137 um when they think they couldn't afford Fm8aI1sH5m0-00681-00171138-00171328 it and so reach out to admissions as Fm8aI1sH5m0-00682-00171329-00171449 well Fm8aI1sH5m0-00683-00171450-00171773 Vermont Academy has been around for 150 Fm8aI1sH5m0-00684-00171774-00172061 years to my viewers 150 years Fm8aI1sH5m0-00685-00172062-00172385 it is a extraordinary school on a Fm8aI1sH5m0-00686-00172386-00172666 beautiful campus and it has created so Fm8aI1sH5m0-00687-00172667-00172835 many wonderful human beings who have Fm8aI1sH5m0-00688-00172836-00173123 done so much to change our world and so Fm8aI1sH5m0-00689-00173124-00173328 I encourage you to visit their website Fm8aI1sH5m0-00690-00173329-00173561 vermontacademy.org and to reach out to Fm8aI1sH5m0-00691-00173562-00173681 Jennifer if you're interested in Fm8aI1sH5m0-00692-00173682-00173957 learning more about the school and Fm8aI1sH5m0-00693-00173958-00174251 um Jennifer I just want to tell you that Fm8aI1sH5m0-00694-00174252-00174545 I am going to paint on my ceiling to Fm8aI1sH5m0-00695-00174546-00174749 drive my own car I think that message Fm8aI1sH5m0-00696-00174750-00174940 from your father that resonates today Fm8aI1sH5m0-00697-00174941-00175331 with us to to to walk your walk and make Fm8aI1sH5m0-00698-00175332-00175564 sure that you you you drive your own Fm8aI1sH5m0-00699-00175565-00175852 life and when you get battered about by Fm8aI1sH5m0-00700-00175853-00176093 other things that you study up and you Fm8aI1sH5m0-00701-00176094-00176273 stay on your own path and stay really Fm8aI1sH5m0-00702-00176274-00176428 true to yourself that's the message Fm8aI1sH5m0-00703-00176429-00176638 today that you have really left us Fm8aI1sH5m0-00704-00176639-00176801 through your father and for that I want Fm8aI1sH5m0-00705-00176802-00176999 to thank you I want to thank you for Fm8aI1sH5m0-00706-00177000-00177190 your time and for your dedication to the Fm8aI1sH5m0-00707-00177191-00177425 school and I'm so proud that you are the Fm8aI1sH5m0-00708-00177426-00177713 first female to uh to run Vermont Fm8aI1sH5m0-00709-00177714-00177911 Academy after 150 years I think that's Fm8aI1sH5m0-00710-00177912-00178204 that's a milestone and that um and that Fm8aI1sH5m0-00711-00178205-00178366 you should be honored for that and for Fm8aI1sH5m0-00712-00178367-00178601 that I do honor you and I'm and I'm Fm8aI1sH5m0-00713-00178602-00178775 honored to call you my friend Fm8aI1sH5m0-00714-00178776-00179045 so well ditto and I just want to thank Fm8aI1sH5m0-00715-00179046-00179219 you Melinda for all the great work Fm8aI1sH5m0-00716-00179220-00179404 you've done for the state of Vermont and Fm8aI1sH5m0-00717-00179405-00179537 most recently with that train track Fm8aI1sH5m0-00718-00179538-00179873 going down I'm just really excited and Fm8aI1sH5m0-00719-00179874-00180064 and you've done a great job thank you Fm8aI1sH5m0-00720-00180065-00180328 for your work thank you so to my viewers Fm8aI1sH5m0-00721-00180329-00180640 I thank you for being with us today and Fm8aI1sH5m0-00722-00180641-00180911 I will see you shortly enjoy the rest of Fm8aI1sH5m0-00723-00180912-00181160 your day FmTBRX8djkI-00000-00000052-00000261 Mormons are a religious and cultural FmTBRX8djkI-00001-00000262-00000516 group related to Mormonism the principle FmTBRX8djkI-00002-00000517-00000663 branch of the Latter day Saint movement FmTBRX8djkI-00003-00000664-00000939 of restorationist Christianity initiated FmTBRX8djkI-00004-00000940-00001112 by Joseph Smith in upstate New York FmTBRX8djkI-00005-00001113-00001454 during the 1820s after Smith's death in FmTBRX8djkI-00006-00001455-00001727 1844 the Mormons followed Brigham Young FmTBRX8djkI-00007-00001728-00001933 to what would become the Utah Territory FmTBRX8djkI-00008-00001934-00002210 today most Mormons are understood to be FmTBRX8djkI-00009-00002211-00002415 members of the Church of Jesus Christ of FmTBRX8djkI-00010-00002416-00002717 latter-day saints LDS church some FmTBRX8djkI-00011-00002718-00002918 Mormons are also either independent or FmTBRX8djkI-00012-00002919-00003140 non practicing the center of Mormon FmTBRX8djkI-00013-00003141-00003365 cultural influences in Utah and North FmTBRX8djkI-00014-00003367-00003570 America has more Mormons than any other FmTBRX8djkI-00015-00003571-00003761 continent though the majority of Mormons FmTBRX8djkI-00016-00003763-00004074 live outside the United States Mormons FmTBRX8djkI-00017-00004075-00004239 have developed a strong sense of FmTBRX8djkI-00018-00004240-00004395 commonality that stems from their FmTBRX8djkI-00019-00004396-00004662 doctrine and history during the 19th FmTBRX8djkI-00020-00004663-00004890 century Mormon converts tended to gather FmTBRX8djkI-00021-00004891-00005100 to a central geographic location and FmTBRX8djkI-00022-00005101-00005430 between 1852 and 1890 a minority of FmTBRX8djkI-00023-00005431-00005640 Mormons openly practiced plural marriage FmTBRX8djkI-00024-00005641-00005931 a form of religious polygamy Mormons FmTBRX8djkI-00025-00005932-00006120 dedicate large amounts of time and FmTBRX8djkI-00026-00006121-00006315 resources to serving in their church and FmTBRX8djkI-00027-00006316-00006479 many young Mormons choose to serve a FmTBRX8djkI-00028-00006480-00006777 full-time proselytizing mission Mormons FmTBRX8djkI-00029-00006778-00006923 have a health code which issues FmTBRX8djkI-00030-00006925-00007230 alcoholic beverages tobacco coffee tea FmTBRX8djkI-00031-00007231-00007512 and other addictive substances they tend FmTBRX8djkI-00032-00007513-00007701 to be very family-oriented and have FmTBRX8djkI-00033-00007702-00007910 strong connections across generations FmTBRX8djkI-00034-00007911-00008123 and with extended family reflective of FmTBRX8djkI-00035-00008124-00008295 their belief that families can be sealed FmTBRX8djkI-00036-00008296-00008420 together beyond death FmTBRX8djkI-00037-00008421-00008660 Mormons also have a strict law of FmTBRX8djkI-00038-00008661-00008849 chastity requiring abstention from FmTBRX8djkI-00039-00008850-00009105 sexual relations outside heterosexual FmTBRX8djkI-00040-00009106-00009328 marriage and fidelity within marriage FmTBRX8djkI-00041-00009329-00009596 Mormons self-identify as Christian FmTBRX8djkI-00042-00009597-00009762 although some non Mormons consider FmTBRX8djkI-00043-00009763-00009948 Mormons non-christian and some of their FmTBRX8djkI-00044-00009949-00010062 beliefs differ from mainstream FmTBRX8djkI-00045-00010063-00010355 Christianity Mormons believe in the FmTBRX8djkI-00046-00010356-00010523 Bible as well as other books of FmTBRX8djkI-00047-00010524-00010709 Scripture such as the Book of Mormon FmTBRX8djkI-00048-00010710-00010995 they have a unique view of cosmology and FmTBRX8djkI-00049-00010996-00011156 believe that all people are spirit FmTBRX8djkI-00050-00011157-00011420 children of God Mormons believe that FmTBRX8djkI-00051-00011421-00011627 returning to God requires following the FmTBRX8djkI-00052-00011628-00011852 example of Jesus Christ and accepting FmTBRX8djkI-00053-00011853-00012038 his atonement through ordinances such as FmTBRX8djkI-00054-00012039-00012299 baptism they believe that Christ Church FmTBRX8djkI-00055-00012300-00012494 was restored through Joseph Smith and is FmTBRX8djkI-00056-00012495-00012730 guided by living prophets and apostles FmTBRX8djkI-00057-00012731-00012978 central to Mormon faith as the belief FmTBRX8djkI-00058-00012979-00013158 that God speaks to his children and FmTBRX8djkI-00059-00013159-00013326 answers their prayers FmTBRX8djkI-00060-00013327-00013527 due to their high birth and conversion FmTBRX8djkI-00061-00013528-00013728 rates the Mormon population has grown FmTBRX8djkI-00062-00013729-00014004 significantly in recent decades the FmTBRX8djkI-00063-00014005-00014274 number of members in 1971 was three FmTBRX8djkI-00064-00014275-00014421 million nine thousand nine hundred FmTBRX8djkI-00065-00014422-00014672 fifty-three and as of 2018 there are FmTBRX8djkI-00066-00014674-00014868 sixteen million one hundred eighteen FmTBRX8djkI-00067-00014869-00015069 thousand one hundred sixty-nine members FmTBRX8djkI-00068-00015069-00015494 worldwide FmTBRX8djkI-00069-00015496-00015963 topic terminology FmTBRX8djkI-00070-00015965-00016305 the word Mormons most often refers to FmTBRX8djkI-00071-00016306-00016525 members of the Church of Jesus Christ of FmTBRX8djkI-00072-00016526-00016768 latter-day saints LDS Church because of FmTBRX8djkI-00073-00016769-00016936 their belief in the Book of Mormon the FmTBRX8djkI-00074-00016937-00017116 members often refer to themselves as FmTBRX8djkI-00075-00017117-00017283 latter-day saints or sometimes just FmTBRX8djkI-00076-00017284-00017655 saints the term Mormons has been FmTBRX8djkI-00077-00017656-00017875 embraced by others most notably Mormon FmTBRX8djkI-00078-00017876-00018058 fundamentalists while other latter-day FmTBRX8djkI-00079-00018059-00018255 Saint denominations such as the FmTBRX8djkI-00080-00018256-00018456 community of Christ have rejected it FmTBRX8djkI-00081-00018457-00018747 both LDS church members and members of FmTBRX8djkI-00082-00018748-00018958 fundamentalist groups commonly use the FmTBRX8djkI-00083-00018959-00019236 word Mormon in reference to themselves FmTBRX8djkI-00084-00019237-00019486 LDS church leaders have encouraged FmTBRX8djkI-00085-00019487-00019699 members to use the church's full name to FmTBRX8djkI-00086-00019700-00019930 emphasize its focus on Jesus Christ and FmTBRX8djkI-00087-00019931-00020068 have discouraged the use of the FmTBRX8djkI-00088-00020069-00020266 shortened form Church of the Latter day FmTBRX8djkI-00089-00020267-00020664 Saints as well as the acronym LDS and FmTBRX8djkI-00090-00020665-00021072 the nickname Mormons the word Mormon is FmTBRX8djkI-00091-00021073-00021364 often associated with polygamy or plural FmTBRX8djkI-00092-00021365-00021531 marriage which was a distinguishing FmTBRX8djkI-00093-00021532-00021742 practice of many early Mormons however FmTBRX8djkI-00094-00021743-00021969 it was renounced by the LDS Church in FmTBRX8djkI-00095-00021970-00022336 1890 and discontinued over the next 15 FmTBRX8djkI-00096-00022337-00022519 years today FmTBRX8djkI-00097-00022520-00022740 polygamy is practiced within Mormonism FmTBRX8djkI-00098-00022741-00022912 only by people that have broken with the FmTBRX8djkI-00099-00022913-00023396 LDS Church FmTBRX8djkI-00100-00023397-00023893 topic history FmTBRX8djkI-00101-00023894-00024109 the history of the Mormons has shaped FmTBRX8djkI-00102-00024110-00024280 them into a people with a strong sense FmTBRX8djkI-00103-00024281-00024574 of unity and commonality from the start FmTBRX8djkI-00104-00024575-00024772 Mormons have tried to establish what FmTBRX8djkI-00105-00024773-00025120 they call Zion a utopian society of the FmTBRX8djkI-00106-00025121-00025423 righteous Mormon history can be divided FmTBRX8djkI-00107-00025424-00025660 into three broad time periods one the FmTBRX8djkI-00108-00025661-00025822 early history during the lifetime of FmTBRX8djkI-00109-00025823-00026197 Joseph Smith - pioneer era under the FmTBRX8djkI-00110-00026198-00026356 leadership of Brigham Young and his FmTBRX8djkI-00111-00026357-00026560 successors and three a modern era FmTBRX8djkI-00112-00026561-00026745 beginning around the turn of the 20th FmTBRX8djkI-00113-00026747-00027037 century in the first period Smith had FmTBRX8djkI-00114-00027038-00027208 tried literally to build a city called FmTBRX8djkI-00115-00027208-00027420 Zion in which converts could gather FmTBRX8djkI-00116-00027420-00027714 during the pioneer era Zion became a FmTBRX8djkI-00117-00027714-00028093 landscape of villages in Utah in modern FmTBRX8djkI-00118-00028094-00028138 times FmTBRX8djkI-00119-00028139-00028348 Zion is still an ideal though Mormons FmTBRX8djkI-00120-00028349-00028510 gathered together in their individual FmTBRX8djkI-00121-00028511-00028693 congregations rather than a central FmTBRX8djkI-00122-00028694-00029081 geographic location FmTBRX8djkI-00123-00029082-00029558 topic beginnings FmTBRX8djkI-00124-00029559-00029774 Mormons trace their origins to the FmTBRX8djkI-00125-00029775-00029976 visions that Joseph Smith reported he FmTBRX8djkI-00126-00029977-00030188 had in the early 1820s while living in FmTBRX8djkI-00127-00030189-00030576 upstate New York in 1823 Smith said an FmTBRX8djkI-00128-00030577-00030755 angel directed him to a buried book FmTBRX8djkI-00129-00030756-00030944 written on golden plates containing the FmTBRX8djkI-00130-00030945-00031138 religious history of an ancient people FmTBRX8djkI-00131-00031139-00031361 Smith published what he said was a FmTBRX8djkI-00132-00031362-00031548 translation of these plates in March FmTBRX8djkI-00133-00031549-00031793 1830 as the Book of Mormon named after FmTBRX8djkI-00134-00031794-00032024 Mormon the ancient prophet historian who FmTBRX8djkI-00135-00032025-00032354 compiled the book on April 6 to 1830 FmTBRX8djkI-00136-00032355-00032627 Smith founded the Church of Christ the FmTBRX8djkI-00137-00032628-00032840 early church grew westward as Smith sent FmTBRX8djkI-00138-00032841-00033182 missionaries to proselytize in 1831 the FmTBRX8djkI-00139-00033183-00033401 church moved to Kirtland Ohio where FmTBRX8djkI-00140-00033402-00033585 missionaries had made a large number of FmTBRX8djkI-00141-00033586-00033818 converts and Smith began establishing an FmTBRX8djkI-00142-00033819-00034073 outpost in Jackson County Missouri where FmTBRX8djkI-00143-00034074-00034242 he planned to eventually build the city FmTBRX8djkI-00144-00034243-00034580 of Zion or the New Jerusalem in 1833 FmTBRX8djkI-00145-00034581-00034844 Missouri settlers alarmed by the rapid FmTBRX8djkI-00146-00034845-00035024 influx of Mormons expelled them from FmTBRX8djkI-00147-00035025-00035235 Jackson County into the nearby Clay FmTBRX8djkI-00148-00035236-00035426 County where local residents were more FmTBRX8djkI-00149-00035427-00035714 welcoming after Smith led a mission FmTBRX8djkI-00150-00035715-00035945 known as Zions camp to recover the land FmTBRX8djkI-00151-00035946-00036140 he began building Kirtland temple in FmTBRX8djkI-00152-00036141-00036338 Lake County Ohio where the church FmTBRX8djkI-00153-00036339-00036585 flourished when the Missouri Mormons FmTBRX8djkI-00154-00036586-00036779 were later asked to leave Clay County in FmTBRX8djkI-00155-00036780-00037046 1836 they secured land in what would FmTBRX8djkI-00156-00037047-00037268 become Caldwell County the Kirtland era FmTBRX8djkI-00157-00037269-00037544 ended in 1838 after the failure of a FmTBRX8djkI-00158-00037545-00037718 church sponsored and II Bank caused FmTBRX8djkI-00159-00037719-00037907 widespread defections and Smith FmTBRX8djkI-00160-00037908-00038085 regrouped with the remaining Church in FmTBRX8djkI-00161-00038086-00038367 Far West Missouri during the fall of FmTBRX8djkI-00162-00038368-00038636 1838 tensions escalated into the Mormon FmTBRX8djkI-00163-00038637-00038869 war with the old Missouri settlers on FmTBRX8djkI-00164-00038870-00039131 October 27th the governor of Missouri FmTBRX8djkI-00165-00039132-00039354 ordered that the Mormons must be treated FmTBRX8djkI-00166-00039355-00039665 as enemies and be exterminated or driven FmTBRX8djkI-00167-00039666-00039908 from the state between November and FmTBRX8djkI-00168-00039909-00040098 April some eight thousand displaced FmTBRX8djkI-00169-00040099-00040399 Mormons migrated east into Illinois in FmTBRX8djkI-00170-00040400-00040682 1839 the Mormons purchased the small FmTBRX8djkI-00171-00040683-00040907 town of commerce converted swampland on FmTBRX8djkI-00172-00040908-00041081 the banks of the Mississippi River and FmTBRX8djkI-00173-00041082-00041306 renamed the area Nauvoo Illinois and FmTBRX8djkI-00174-00041307-00041482 began construction of the Nauvoo temple FmTBRX8djkI-00175-00041483-00041735 the city became the church's new FmTBRX8djkI-00176-00041736-00041942 headquarters in gathering place and it FmTBRX8djkI-00177-00041943-00042170 grew rapidly fueled in part by converts FmTBRX8djkI-00178-00042171-00042452 immigrating from Europe meanwhile Smith FmTBRX8djkI-00179-00042453-00042654 introduced temple ceremonies meant to FmTBRX8djkI-00180-00042655-00042861 seal families together for eternity as FmTBRX8djkI-00181-00042862-00042903 well FmTBRX8djkI-00182-00042904-00043098 the doctrines of eternal progression or FmTBRX8djkI-00183-00043099-00043419 exaltation and plural marriage Smith FmTBRX8djkI-00184-00043420-00043644 created a service organization for women FmTBRX8djkI-00185-00043645-00043872 called the Relief Society as well as an FmTBRX8djkI-00186-00043873-00044088 organization called the Council of 50 FmTBRX8djkI-00187-00044089-00044292 representing a future Thea democratic FmTBRX8djkI-00188-00044293-00044706 kingdom of God on the earth Smith also FmTBRX8djkI-00189-00044707-00044901 published the story of his first vision FmTBRX8djkI-00190-00044902-00045102 in which the father and the son appeared FmTBRX8djkI-00191-00045103-00045332 to him while he was about 14 years old FmTBRX8djkI-00192-00045333-00045591 this vision would come to be regarded by FmTBRX8djkI-00193-00045592-00045801 some Mormons as the most important event FmTBRX8djkI-00194-00045802-00045966 in human history after the birth FmTBRX8djkI-00195-00045967-00046173 ministry and resurrection of Jesus FmTBRX8djkI-00196-00046174-00046560 Christ in 1844 local prejudices and FmTBRX8djkI-00197-00046561-00046761 political tensions fueled by Mormon FmTBRX8djkI-00198-00046762-00046941 peculiarity and internal dissent FmTBRX8djkI-00199-00046942-00047175 escalated into conflicts between Mormons FmTBRX8djkI-00200-00047176-00047673 and anti Mormons On June 27 1844 Smith FmTBRX8djkI-00201-00047674-00047844 and his brother Hyrum were killed by a FmTBRX8djkI-00202-00047845-00048150 mob in Carthage Illinois because Hiram FmTBRX8djkI-00203-00048151-00048339 was Smith's logical successor their FmTBRX8djkI-00204-00048340-00048537 deaths caused a succession crisis and FmTBRX8djkI-00205-00048538-00048717 Brigham Young assumed leadership over FmTBRX8djkI-00206-00048718-00049005 the majority of Latter day Saints Young FmTBRX8djkI-00207-00049006-00049194 had been a close associate of Smith's FmTBRX8djkI-00208-00049195-00049398 and was senior apostle of the quorum of FmTBRX8djkI-00209-00049399-00049659 the twelve smaller groups of latter-day FmTBRX8djkI-00210-00049660-00049851 saints followed other leaders to form FmTBRX8djkI-00211-00049852-00050025 other denominations of the Latter day FmTBRX8djkI-00212-00050026-00050389 Saint movement FmTBRX8djkI-00213-00050390-00051028 topic pioneer era for two years after FmTBRX8djkI-00214-00051029-00051247 Smith's death conflicts escalated FmTBRX8djkI-00215-00051248-00051409 between Mormons and other Illinois FmTBRX8djkI-00216-00051410-00051703 residents to prevent war Brigham Young FmTBRX8djkI-00217-00051704-00051916 led the Mormon pioneers constituting FmTBRX8djkI-00218-00051916-00052080 most of the Latter day Saints to a FmTBRX8djkI-00219-00052082-00052297 temporary winter quarters in Nebraska FmTBRX8djkI-00220-00052298-00052591 and then eventually beginning in 1847 to FmTBRX8djkI-00221-00052591-00052870 what became the Utah Territory having FmTBRX8djkI-00222-00052871-00053067 failed to build Zion within the confines FmTBRX8djkI-00223-00053069-00053221 of American society FmTBRX8djkI-00224-00053222-00053434 the Mormons began to construct a society FmTBRX8djkI-00225-00053435-00053626 in isolation based on their beliefs and FmTBRX8djkI-00226-00053627-00053890 values the co-operative ethic that FmTBRX8djkI-00227-00053891-00054037 Mormons had developed over the last FmTBRX8djkI-00228-00054038-00054274 decade and a half became important as FmTBRX8djkI-00229-00054275-00054472 settlers branched out and colonized a FmTBRX8djkI-00230-00054473-00054652 large desert region now known as the FmTBRX8djkI-00231-00054653-00054946 Mormon Corridor colonizing efforts were FmTBRX8djkI-00232-00054947-00055138 seen as religious duties and the new FmTBRX8djkI-00233-00055139-00055303 villages were governed by the Mormon FmTBRX8djkI-00234-00055304-00055597 bishops local lay religious leaders the FmTBRX8djkI-00235-00055598-00055774 Mormons viewed land as Commonwealth FmTBRX8djkI-00236-00055775-00055992 devising and maintaining a cooperative FmTBRX8djkI-00237-00055994-00056176 system of irrigation that allowed them FmTBRX8djkI-00238-00056177-00056341 to build a farming community in the FmTBRX8djkI-00239-00056341-00056698 desert from 1849 to 1852 the Mormons FmTBRX8djkI-00240-00056699-00056860 greatly expanded their missionary FmTBRX8djkI-00241-00056861-00057091 efforts establishing several missions in FmTBRX8djkI-00242-00057091-00057274 Europe Latin America and the South FmTBRX8djkI-00243-00057275-00057610 Pacific converts were expected to gather FmTBRX8djkI-00244-00057611-00057929 to Zion and during Young's presidency FmTBRX8djkI-00245-00057930-00058317 1847 to 77 over 70,000 Mormon converts FmTBRX8djkI-00246-00058319-00058564 immigrated to America many of the FmTBRX8djkI-00247-00058565-00058723 converts came from England and FmTBRX8djkI-00248-00058724-00058945 Scandinavia and were quickly assimilated FmTBRX8djkI-00249-00058946-00059194 into the Mormon community many of these FmTBRX8djkI-00250-00059195-00059379 immigrants crossed the Great Plains in FmTBRX8djkI-00251-00059380-00059584 wagons drawn by oxen while some later FmTBRX8djkI-00252-00059585-00059766 groups pulled their possessions in small FmTBRX8djkI-00253-00059767-00060112 hand carts during the 1860s newcomers FmTBRX8djkI-00254-00060113-00060298 began using the new railroad that was FmTBRX8djkI-00255-00060299-00060565 under construction in 1852 church FmTBRX8djkI-00256-00060566-00060792 leaders publicized the previously secret FmTBRX8djkI-00257-00060794-00061005 practice of plural marriage a form of FmTBRX8djkI-00258-00061007-00061305 polygamy over the next 50 years many FmTBRX8djkI-00259-00061307-00061534 Mormons between 20 and 30 percent of FmTBRX8djkI-00260-00061535-00061714 Mormon families entered into plural FmTBRX8djkI-00261-00061715-00061921 marriages as a religious duty with the FmTBRX8djkI-00262-00061922-00062101 number of plural marriages reaching a FmTBRX8djkI-00263-00062102-00062332 peak around 1860 and then declining FmTBRX8djkI-00264-00062333-00062487 through the rest of the century FmTBRX8djkI-00265-00062488-00062752 besides the doctrinal reasons for plural FmTBRX8djkI-00266-00062753-00062955 marriage the practice made some economic FmTBRX8djkI-00267-00062957-00063154 sense as many of the plural wives were FmTBRX8djkI-00268-00063154-00063342 single women who arrived in Utah FmTBRX8djkI-00269-00063344-00063499 without brothers or fathers to offer FmTBRX8djkI-00270-00063500-00063685 them societal support FmTBRX8djkI-00271-00063686-00064039 by 1857 tensions had again escalated FmTBRX8djkI-00272-00064040-00064219 between Mormons and other Americans FmTBRX8djkI-00273-00064220-00064438 largely as a result of accusations FmTBRX8djkI-00274-00064439-00064600 involving polygamy and the theocratic FmTBRX8djkI-00275-00064601-00064842 rule of the Utah Territory by Brigham FmTBRX8djkI-00276-00064844-00065200 Young in 1857 u.s. President James FmTBRX8djkI-00277-00065201-00065422 Buchanan sent an army to Utah which FmTBRX8djkI-00278-00065423-00065620 Mormons interpreted as open aggression FmTBRX8djkI-00279-00065621-00065686 against them FmTBRX8djkI-00280-00065687-00065962 fearing a repeat of Missouri in Illinois FmTBRX8djkI-00281-00065963-00066082 the Mormons prepared to defend FmTBRX8djkI-00282-00066083-00066304 themselves determined to torch their own FmTBRX8djkI-00283-00066305-00066487 homes in the case that they were invaded FmTBRX8djkI-00284-00066488-00066784 the relatively peaceful Utah war ensued FmTBRX8djkI-00285-00066785-00067123 from 1857 to 1858 in which the most FmTBRX8djkI-00286-00067124-00067312 notable instance of violence was the FmTBRX8djkI-00287-00067313-00067486 Mountain Meadows Massacre when leaders FmTBRX8djkI-00288-00067487-00067690 of a local Mormon militia ordered the FmTBRX8djkI-00289-00067691-00067867 killing of a civilian emigrant party FmTBRX8djkI-00290-00067868-00068044 that was travelling through Utah during FmTBRX8djkI-00291-00068045-00068389 the escalating tensions in 1858 young FmTBRX8djkI-00292-00068390-00068581 agreed to step down from his position as FmTBRX8djkI-00293-00068582-00068755 governor and was replaced by a non FmTBRX8djkI-00294-00068756-00069058 Mormon Alfred coming nevertheless the FmTBRX8djkI-00295-00069059-00069289 LDS Church still wielded significant FmTBRX8djkI-00296-00069290-00069520 political power in the Utah Territory at FmTBRX8djkI-00297-00069521-00069826 Young's death in 1877 he was followed by FmTBRX8djkI-00298-00069827-00070069 other LDS church presidents who resisted FmTBRX8djkI-00299-00070070-00070270 efforts by the United States Congress to FmTBRX8djkI-00300-00070271-00070542 outlaw Mormon polygamist marriages in FmTBRX8djkI-00301-00070543-00070828 1878 the US Supreme Court ruled in FmTBRX8djkI-00302-00070829-00071137 Reynolds V United States that religious FmTBRX8djkI-00303-00071138-00071329 Duty was not as suitable defense for FmTBRX8djkI-00304-00071330-00071521 practicing polygamy and many Mormon FmTBRX8djkI-00305-00071522-00071704 polygamists went into hiding later FmTBRX8djkI-00306-00071705-00071979 Congress began seizing church assets in FmTBRX8djkI-00307-00071980-00072280 September 1890 President Wilford FmTBRX8djkI-00308-00072281-00072460 Woodruff issued a manifesto that FmTBRX8djkI-00309-00072461-00072655 officially suspended the practice of FmTBRX8djkI-00310-00072656-00072943 polygamy although this manifesto did not FmTBRX8djkI-00311-00072944-00073129 dissolve existing plural marriages FmTBRX8djkI-00312-00073130-00073273 relations with the United States FmTBRX8djkI-00313-00073274-00073579 markedly improved after 1890 such that FmTBRX8djkI-00314-00073580-00073893 Utah was admitted as a US state in 1896 FmTBRX8djkI-00315-00073894-00074143 after the manifesto some Mormons FmTBRX8djkI-00316-00074144-00074320 continued to enter into polygamous FmTBRX8djkI-00317-00074321-00074506 marriages but these eventually stopped FmTBRX8djkI-00318-00074507-00074791 in 1904 when Church President Joseph F FmTBRX8djkI-00319-00074792-00075022 Smith disavowed polygamy before Congress FmTBRX8djkI-00320-00075023-00075343 and issued a second manifesto calling FmTBRX8djkI-00321-00075344-00075514 for all plural marriages in the church FmTBRX8djkI-00322-00075515-00075799 to cease eventually the church adopted a FmTBRX8djkI-00323-00075800-00076018 policy of excommunicating members found FmTBRX8djkI-00324-00076019-00076222 practicing polygamy and today Sikhs FmTBRX8djkI-00325-00076223-00076413 actively to distance itself from FmTBRX8djkI-00326-00076414-00076696 fundamentalist groups that continue the FmTBRX8djkI-00327-00076697-00077090 practice FmTBRX8djkI-00328-00077091-00077536 topic modern times FmTBRX8djkI-00329-00077537-00077809 during the early 20th century Mormons FmTBRX8djkI-00330-00077810-00078001 began to reintegrate into the American FmTBRX8djkI-00331-00078002-00078331 mainstream in 1929 the Mormon Tabernacle FmTBRX8djkI-00332-00078332-00078577 Choir began broadcasting a weekly FmTBRX8djkI-00333-00078578-00078796 performance on national radio becoming FmTBRX8djkI-00334-00078797-00078990 an asset for public relations FmTBRX8djkI-00335-00078991-00079261 Mormons emphasized patriotism and FmTBRX8djkI-00336-00079262-00079531 industry rising in socioeconomic status FmTBRX8djkI-00337-00079532-00079723 from the bottom among American religious FmTBRX8djkI-00338-00079724-00080026 denominations to middle class in the FmTBRX8djkI-00339-00080027-00080329 1920s and 1930s Mormons began migrating FmTBRX8djkI-00340-00080330-00080575 out of Utah a trend hurried by the Great FmTBRX8djkI-00341-00080576-00080761 Depression as Mormons looked for work FmTBRX8djkI-00342-00080762-00080998 wherever they could find it as Mormons FmTBRX8djkI-00343-00080999-00081184 spread out church leaders created FmTBRX8djkI-00344-00081185-00081349 programs that would help preserve the FmTBRX8djkI-00345-00081350-00081538 tight-knit community feel of Mormon FmTBRX8djkI-00346-00081539-00081802 culture in addition to weekly worship FmTBRX8djkI-00347-00081803-00081889 services FmTBRX8djkI-00348-00081890-00082114 Mormons began participating in numerous FmTBRX8djkI-00349-00082115-00082339 programs such as Boy Scouting a young FmTBRX8djkI-00350-00082340-00082516 women organization church sponsored FmTBRX8djkI-00351-00082517-00082796 dances Ward basketball camping trips FmTBRX8djkI-00352-00082797-00083044 plays and religious education programs FmTBRX8djkI-00353-00083045-00083293 for youth and college students during FmTBRX8djkI-00354-00083294-00083491 the Great Depression the church started FmTBRX8djkI-00355-00083492-00083677 a welfare program to meet the needs of FmTBRX8djkI-00356-00083678-00083846 poor members which has since grown to FmTBRX8djkI-00357-00083847-00084037 include a humanitarian branch that FmTBRX8djkI-00358-00084038-00084273 provides relief to disaster victims FmTBRX8djkI-00359-00084274-00084490 during the later half of the 20th FmTBRX8djkI-00360-00084491-00084655 century there was a retrenchment FmTBRX8djkI-00361-00084656-00084871 movement in Mormonism in which Mormons FmTBRX8djkI-00362-00084872-00085060 became more conservative attempting to FmTBRX8djkI-00363-00085061-00085434 regain their status as a peculiar people FmTBRX8djkI-00364-00085435-00085731 though the 1960s and 1970s brought FmTBRX8djkI-00365-00085732-00085947 changes such as women's liberation and FmTBRX8djkI-00366-00085948-00086142 the civil rights movement Mormon leaders FmTBRX8djkI-00367-00086143-00086289 were alarmed by the erosion of FmTBRX8djkI-00368-00086290-00086487 traditional values the sexual revolution FmTBRX8djkI-00369-00086488-00086766 the widespread use of recreational drugs FmTBRX8djkI-00370-00086767-00087003 moral relativism and other forces they FmTBRX8djkI-00371-00087004-00087315 saw is damaging to the family partly to FmTBRX8djkI-00372-00087316-00087516 counter this Mormons put an even greater FmTBRX8djkI-00373-00087517-00087726 emphasis on family life religious FmTBRX8djkI-00374-00087727-00087945 education and missionary work becoming FmTBRX8djkI-00375-00087946-00088206 more conservative in the process as a FmTBRX8djkI-00376-00088207-00088449 result Mormons today are probably less FmTBRX8djkI-00377-00088450-00088665 integrated with mainstream society than FmTBRX8djkI-00378-00088666-00088884 they were in the early 1960s although FmTBRX8djkI-00379-00088885-00089079 black people have been members of Mormon FmTBRX8djkI-00380-00089080-00089283 congregations since Joseph Smith's time FmTBRX8djkI-00381-00089284-00089576 before 1978 black membership was small FmTBRX8djkI-00382-00089577-00090015 from 1852 to 1978 the LDS Church FmTBRX8djkI-00383-00090016-00090243 enforced a policy that restricted men of FmTBRX8djkI-00384-00090244-00090405 black African descent from being FmTBRX8djkI-00385-00090406-00090594 ordained to the church's lay priesthood FmTBRX8djkI-00386-00090595-00090864 the church was sharply criticized for FmTBRX8djkI-00387-00090865-00091011 its policy during the civil rights FmTBRX8djkI-00388-00091012-00091209 movement but the policy remained in FmTBRX8djkI-00389-00091210-00091491 force until a 1978 reversal that was FmTBRX8djkI-00390-00091492-00091683 prompted in part by questions about FmTBRX8djkI-00391-00091684-00091983 mixed-race converts in Brazil in general FmTBRX8djkI-00392-00091984-00092190 mormons greeted the change with joy and FmTBRX8djkI-00393-00092191-00092541 relief since 1978 black membership has FmTBRX8djkI-00394-00092542-00092748 grown and in 1997 there were FmTBRX8djkI-00395-00092749-00093036 approximately 500,000 black members of FmTBRX8djkI-00396-00093037-00093243 the church about 5% of the total FmTBRX8djkI-00397-00093244-00093477 membership mostly in africa brazil in FmTBRX8djkI-00398-00093478-00093723 the caribbean black membership has FmTBRX8djkI-00399-00093724-00093866 continued to grow substantially FmTBRX8djkI-00400-00093867-00094113 especially in west africa where two FmTBRX8djkI-00401-00094114-00094353 temples have been built many black FmTBRX8djkI-00402-00094354-00094557 mormons are members of the Genesis group FmTBRX8djkI-00403-00094558-00094767 an organization of black members that FmTBRX8djkI-00404-00094768-00094941 predates the priesthood ban and is FmTBRX8djkI-00405-00094942-00095268 endorsed by the church the LDS Church FmTBRX8djkI-00406-00095269-00095499 grew rapidly after World War 2 and FmTBRX8djkI-00407-00095500-00095703 became a worldwide organization as FmTBRX8djkI-00408-00095704-00095883 missionaries were sent across the globe FmTBRX8djkI-00409-00095884-00096201 the church doubled in size every 15 to FmTBRX8djkI-00410-00096202-00096471 20 years and by 1996 there were more FmTBRX8djkI-00411-00096472-00096669 Mormons outside the United States than FmTBRX8djkI-00412-00096670-00096954 inside in 2012 there were an estimated FmTBRX8djkI-00413-00096955-00097259 14 point 8 million Mormons with roughly FmTBRX8djkI-00414-00097260-00097545 57% living outside the United States it FmTBRX8djkI-00415-00097546-00097869 is estimated that approximately 4.5 FmTBRX8djkI-00416-00097870-00098151 million Mormons roughly 30% of the total FmTBRX8djkI-00417-00098152-00098405 membership regularly attend services a FmTBRX8djkI-00418-00098406-00098664 majority of us Mormons are white and FmTBRX8djkI-00419-00098665-00098878 non-hispanic 84 FmTBRX8djkI-00420-00098879-00099109 most Mormons are distributed in North FmTBRX8djkI-00421-00099110-00099334 and South America the South Pacific and FmTBRX8djkI-00422-00099335-00099571 Western Europe the global distribution FmTBRX8djkI-00423-00099572-00099853 of Mormons resembles a contact diffusion FmTBRX8djkI-00424-00099854-00099994 model radiating out from the FmTBRX8djkI-00425-00099995-00100279 organization's headquarters in Utah the FmTBRX8djkI-00426-00100280-00100471 church enforces general doctrinal FmTBRX8djkI-00427-00100472-00100681 uniformity and congregations on all FmTBRX8djkI-00428-00100682-00100885 continents teach the same doctrines and FmTBRX8djkI-00429-00100886-00101089 international Mormons tend to absorb a FmTBRX8djkI-00430-00101090-00101305 good deal of Mormon culture possibly FmTBRX8djkI-00431-00101306-00101452 because of the church's top-down FmTBRX8djkI-00432-00101453-00101650 hierarchy and a missionary presence FmTBRX8djkI-00433-00101651-00101947 however international Mormons often FmTBRX8djkI-00434-00101948-00102136 bring pieces of their own heritage into FmTBRX8djkI-00435-00102137-00102361 the church adapting church practices to FmTBRX8djkI-00436-00102362-00102633 local cultures Chile Uruguay and several FmTBRX8djkI-00437-00102634-00102838 areas in the South Pacific have a higher FmTBRX8djkI-00438-00102839-00103024 percentage of Mormons than the United FmTBRX8djkI-00439-00103025-00103308 States which is at about 2 percent South FmTBRX8djkI-00440-00103309-00103516 Pacific countries and dependencies that FmTBRX8djkI-00441-00103517-00103734 are more than 10% Mormon include FmTBRX8djkI-00442-00103735-00103975 American Samoa the Cook Islands Kiera FmTBRX8djkI-00443-00103976-00104517 bass new UA Samoa and Tonga FmTBRX8djkI-00444-00104518-00105225 topic culture and practices isolation in FmTBRX8djkI-00445-00105226-00105414 Utah had allowed Mormons to create a FmTBRX8djkI-00446-00105415-00105681 culture of their own as the faith spread FmTBRX8djkI-00447-00105682-00105843 around the world many of its more FmTBRX8djkI-00448-00105844-00106116 distinctive practices followed Mormon FmTBRX8djkI-00449-00106117-00106320 converts are urged to undergo lifestyle FmTBRX8djkI-00450-00106321-00106518 changes repent of sins and adopt FmTBRX8djkI-00451-00106519-00106783 sometimes atypical standards of conduct FmTBRX8djkI-00452-00106784-00107022 practices common to Mormons include FmTBRX8djkI-00453-00107023-00107193 studying scriptures praying daily FmTBRX8djkI-00454-00107194-00107411 fasting regularly attending Sunday FmTBRX8djkI-00455-00107413-00107655 worship services participating in church FmTBRX8djkI-00456-00107656-00107889 programs and activities on weekdays and FmTBRX8djkI-00457-00107890-00108081 refraining from work on Sundays when FmTBRX8djkI-00458-00108082-00108348 possible the most important part of the FmTBRX8djkI-00459-00108349-00108543 church services is considered to be the FmTBRX8djkI-00460-00108544-00108758 Lord's Supper commonly called sacrament FmTBRX8djkI-00461-00108759-00108957 in which church members renew covenants FmTBRX8djkI-00462-00108958-00109251 made at baptism Mormons also emphasize FmTBRX8djkI-00463-00109252-00109419 standards they believe were taught by FmTBRX8djkI-00464-00109420-00109658 Jesus Christ including personal honesty FmTBRX8djkI-00465-00109659-00109914 integrity obedience to law chaste to the FmTBRX8djkI-00466-00109915-00110103 outside marriage and fidelity within FmTBRX8djkI-00467-00110104-00110340 marriage in 2010 around thirteen to FmTBRX8djkI-00468-00110341-00110529 fourteen percent of Mormons lived in FmTBRX8djkI-00469-00110530-00110739 Utah the center of cultural influence FmTBRX8djkI-00470-00110740-00111030 for Mormonism Utah Mormons as well as FmTBRX8djkI-00471-00111031-00111192 Mormons living in the Intermountain West FmTBRX8djkI-00472-00111193-00111432 are on average more culturally and/or FmTBRX8djkI-00473-00111433-00111594 politically conservative than those FmTBRX8djkI-00474-00111595-00111795 living in some cosmopolitan centers FmTBRX8djkI-00475-00111796-00111941 elsewhere in the u.s. Utahns FmTBRX8djkI-00476-00111942-00112176 self-identifying as Mormon also attend FmTBRX8djkI-00477-00112177-00112356 church somewhat more on average than FmTBRX8djkI-00478-00112357-00112494 Mormons living in other states FmTBRX8djkI-00479-00112495-00112722 nonetheless whether they live in Utah or FmTBRX8djkI-00480-00112723-00112824 elsewhere in the US FmTBRX8djkI-00481-00112825-00112974 Mormons tend to be more culturally FmTBRX8djkI-00482-00112975-00113190 and/or politically conservative than FmTBRX8djkI-00483-00113191-00113388 members of other US religious groups FmTBRX8djkI-00484-00113389-00113592 Utah Mormons often place a greater FmTBRX8djkI-00485-00113593-00113781 emphasis on pioneer heritage than FmTBRX8djkI-00486-00113782-00113967 international Mormons who generally are FmTBRX8djkI-00487-00113968-00114206 not descendants of the Mormon pioneers FmTBRX8djkI-00488-00114207-00114444 Mormons have a strong sense of community FmTBRX8djkI-00489-00114445-00114648 that stems from their doctrine and FmTBRX8djkI-00490-00114649-00114935 history LDS church members have a FmTBRX8djkI-00491-00114936-00115140 responsibility to dedicate their time FmTBRX8djkI-00492-00115141-00115296 and talents to helping the poor and FmTBRX8djkI-00493-00115297-00115521 building the church the church is FmTBRX8djkI-00494-00115522-00115767 divided by locality into congregations FmTBRX8djkI-00495-00115768-00116070 called wards with several wards or FmTBRX8djkI-00496-00116071-00116370 branches to create a stake the vast FmTBRX8djkI-00497-00116371-00116589 majority of church leadership positions FmTBRX8djkI-00498-00116590-00116802 are lay positions and church leaders may FmTBRX8djkI-00499-00116803-00117033 work 10 to 15 hours a week in unpaid FmTBRX8djkI-00500-00117033-00117335 church service observant Mormons also FmTBRX8djkI-00501-00117336-00117549 contribute 10% of their income to the FmTBRX8djkI-00502-00117550-00117726 church's tithing and are often involved FmTBRX8djkI-00503-00117727-00117909 in humanitarian effort FmTBRX8djkI-00504-00117910-00118209 many LDS young men women and elderly FmTBRX8djkI-00505-00118210-00118426 couples choose to serve a proselytizing FmTBRX8djkI-00506-00118427-00118603 mission during which they dedicate all FmTBRX8djkI-00507-00118604-00118801 of their time to the church without pay FmTBRX8djkI-00508-00118802-00118993 Mormons adhere to the word of wisdom a FmTBRX8djkI-00509-00118994-00119215 health law or code that is interpreted FmTBRX8djkI-00510-00119216-00119374 as prohibiting the consumption of FmTBRX8djkI-00511-00119375-00119628 tobacco alcohol coffee and tea while FmTBRX8djkI-00512-00119629-00119811 encouraging the use of herbs grains FmTBRX8djkI-00513-00119813-00120028 fruits and a moderate consumption of FmTBRX8djkI-00514-00120029-00120274 meat the word of wisdom is also FmTBRX8djkI-00515-00120275-00120472 understood to forbid other harmful and FmTBRX8djkI-00516-00120473-00120700 addictive substances and practices such FmTBRX8djkI-00517-00120701-00120913 as the use of illegal drugs and abuse of FmTBRX8djkI-00518-00120914-00121147 prescription drugs Mormons are FmTBRX8djkI-00519-00121148-00121341 encouraged to keep a year supplies that FmTBRX8djkI-00520-00121342-00121525 include a food supply and a financial FmTBRX8djkI-00521-00121526-00121836 reserve Mormons also oppose behaviors FmTBRX8djkI-00522-00121838-00122053 such as viewing pornography and gambling FmTBRX8djkI-00523-00122054-00122263 the concept of a united family that FmTBRX8djkI-00524-00122264-00122470 lives in progress is forever is at the FmTBRX8djkI-00525-00122471-00122656 core of latter-day saint doctrine and FmTBRX8djkI-00526-00122657-00122833 Mormons place a high importance on FmTBRX8djkI-00527-00122833-00123106 family life many Mormons hold weekly FmTBRX8djkI-00528-00123107-00123328 family home evenings in which an evening FmTBRX8djkI-00529-00123329-00123565 is set aside for family bonding study FmTBRX8djkI-00530-00123566-00123735 prayer and other activities they FmTBRX8djkI-00531-00123736-00123954 consider to be wholesome latter-day FmTBRX8djkI-00532-00123955-00124128 Saint fathers who hold the priesthood FmTBRX8djkI-00533-00124129-00124348 typically name and bless their children FmTBRX8djkI-00534-00124349-00124549 shortly after birth to formally give the FmTBRX8djkI-00535-00124550-00124825 child a name Mormon parents hope and FmTBRX8djkI-00536-00124826-00124953 pray that their children will gain FmTBRX8djkI-00537-00124954-00125239 testimonies of the gospel so they can FmTBRX8djkI-00538-00125240-00125443 grow up and marry in temples Mormons FmTBRX8djkI-00539-00125444-00125653 have a strict law of chastity requiring FmTBRX8djkI-00540-00125654-00125872 abstention from sexual relations outside FmTBRX8djkI-00541-00125873-00126066 opposite sex marriage and strict FmTBRX8djkI-00542-00126067-00126333 fidelity within marriage all sexual FmTBRX8djkI-00543-00126334-00126536 activity heterosexual and homosexual FmTBRX8djkI-00544-00126538-00126804 outside marriage is considered a serious FmTBRX8djkI-00545-00126805-00126994 sin with marriage recognized as only FmTBRX8djkI-00546-00126995-00127258 between a man and a woman same-sex FmTBRX8djkI-00547-00127258-00127479 marriages are not performed or supported FmTBRX8djkI-00548-00127480-00127771 by the LDS Church church members are FmTBRX8djkI-00549-00127772-00127903 encouraged to marry and have children FmTBRX8djkI-00550-00127904-00128152 and latter-day Saint families tend to be FmTBRX8djkI-00551-00128153-00128419 larger than average Mormons are opposed FmTBRX8djkI-00552-00128420-00128628 to abortion except in some exceptional FmTBRX8djkI-00553-00128629-00128875 circumstances such as when pregnancy is FmTBRX8djkI-00554-00128876-00129084 the result of incest or rape or when the FmTBRX8djkI-00555-00129085-00129244 life or health of the mother is in FmTBRX8djkI-00556-00129245-00129534 serious jeopardy many practicing adult FmTBRX8djkI-00557-00129535-00129733 Mormons wear religious undergarments FmTBRX8djkI-00558-00129733-00129883 that remind them of covenants and FmTBRX8djkI-00559-00129883-00130058 encourage them to dress modestly FmTBRX8djkI-00560-00130059-00130306 latter-day saints are counseled not to FmTBRX8djkI-00561-00130307-00130498 partake of any form of media that is FmTBRX8djkI-00562-00130499-00130702 obscene or pornographic in any way FmTBRX8djkI-00563-00130703-00130911 including media that depicts graphic FmTBRX8djkI-00564-00130913-00131191 representations of sex or violence FmTBRX8djkI-00565-00131192-00131384 tattoos and body piercings are also FmTBRX8djkI-00566-00131385-00131573 discouraged with the exception of a FmTBRX8djkI-00567-00131574-00131807 single pair of earrings for LDS women FmTBRX8djkI-00568-00131808-00132049 LGBT Mormons or Mormons who FmTBRX8djkI-00569-00132050-00132296 self-identify as gay lesbian or bisexual FmTBRX8djkI-00570-00132297-00132541 remain in good standing in the church if FmTBRX8djkI-00571-00132542-00132748 they abstain from homosexual relations FmTBRX8djkI-00572-00132749-00133015 and obey the law of chastity while there FmTBRX8djkI-00573-00133016-00133220 are no official numbers LDS Family FmTBRX8djkI-00574-00133221-00133411 Services estimates that there are on FmTBRX8djkI-00575-00133412-00133651 average four or five members per LDS FmTBRX8djkI-00576-00133652-00133883 Ward who experience same-sex attraction FmTBRX8djkI-00577-00133884-00134026 gary watts FmTBRX8djkI-00578-00134027-00134224 former president of family fellowship FmTBRX8djkI-00579-00134225-00134507 estimates that only 10% of homosexuals FmTBRX8djkI-00580-00134508-00134728 stay in the church many of these FmTBRX8djkI-00581-00134729-00134921 individuals have come forward through FmTBRX8djkI-00582-00134922-00135110 different support groups or websites FmTBRX8djkI-00583-00135111-00135325 discussing their homosexual attractions FmTBRX8djkI-00584-00135326-00135825 and concurrent church membership FmTBRX8djkI-00585-00135826-00136339 topic groups within Mormonism FmTBRX8djkI-00586-00136340-00136552 note that the categories below are not FmTBRX8djkI-00587-00136553-00137065 necessary mutually exclusive FmTBRX8djkI-00588-00137066-00137785 topic latter-day saints the LDS FmTBRX8djkI-00589-00137786-00138066 members of the LDS Church also known as FmTBRX8djkI-00590-00138067-00138366 latter-day saints constitute over 95% of FmTBRX8djkI-00591-00138367-00138685 Mormons the beliefs and practices of LDS FmTBRX8djkI-00592-00138686-00138859 Mormons are generally guided by the FmTBRX8djkI-00593-00138860-00139174 teachings of LDS church leaders however FmTBRX8djkI-00594-00139175-00139393 several smaller groups substantially FmTBRX8djkI-00595-00139394-00139684 differ from mainstream Mormonism in FmTBRX8djkI-00596-00139685-00140047 various ways LDS church members who do FmTBRX8djkI-00597-00140048-00140248 not actively participate in worship FmTBRX8djkI-00598-00140249-00140443 services or church callings are often FmTBRX8djkI-00599-00140444-00140860 called less active or inactive akin to FmTBRX8djkI-00600-00140861-00141085 the qualifying expressions non-observant FmTBRX8djkI-00601-00141086-00141276 or non practicing used in relation to FmTBRX8djkI-00602-00141277-00141547 members of other religious groups the FmTBRX8djkI-00603-00141548-00141738 LDS Church does not release statistics FmTBRX8djkI-00604-00141739-00141975 on church activity but it is likely that FmTBRX8djkI-00605-00141976-00142215 about 40% of Mormons in the United FmTBRX8djkI-00606-00142216-00142362 States and 30 percent worldwide FmTBRX8djkI-00607-00142363-00142613 regularly attend worship services FmTBRX8djkI-00608-00142614-00142854 reasons for an activity can include FmTBRX8djkI-00609-00142855-00143050 lifestyle issues and problems with FmTBRX8djkI-00610-00143051-00143347 social integration activity rates tend FmTBRX8djkI-00611-00143348-00143509 to vary with age and disengagement FmTBRX8djkI-00612-00143510-00143763 occurs most frequently between age 16 FmTBRX8djkI-00613-00143764-00144097 and 25 a majority of less active members FmTBRX8djkI-00614-00144098-00144338 return to church activity later in life FmTBRX8djkI-00615-00144339-00144579 former latter-day saints who seek to FmTBRX8djkI-00616-00144580-00144736 disassociate themselves from the FmTBRX8djkI-00617-00144737-00144919 religion are often referred to as ex FmTBRX8djkI-00618-00144920-00145245 Mormons FmTBRX8djkI-00619-00145246-00145801 topic fundamentalist Mormons FmTBRX8djkI-00620-00145802-00146062 members of sects that broke with the LDS FmTBRX8djkI-00621-00146063-00146254 Church over the issue of polygamy have FmTBRX8djkI-00622-00146255-00146449 become known as fundamentalist Mormons FmTBRX8djkI-00623-00146450-00146599 these groups differ from mainstream FmTBRX8djkI-00624-00146600-00146824 Mormonism primarily in their belief in FmTBRX8djkI-00625-00146825-00147066 and practice of plural marriage there FmTBRX8djkI-00626-00147067-00147259 are thought to be between 20,000 and FmTBRX8djkI-00627-00147260-00147543 60,000 members of fundamentalist sects FmTBRX8djkI-00628-00147544-00147913 0.12 0.4% of Mormons with roughly half FmTBRX8djkI-00629-00147914-00148168 of them practicing polygamy there are a FmTBRX8djkI-00630-00148169-00148357 number of fundamentalist sects the FmTBRX8djkI-00631-00148358-00148540 largest to being the Fundamentalist FmTBRX8djkI-00632-00148541-00148723 Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day FmTBRX8djkI-00633-00148724-00148969 saints FLDS Church in the Apostolic FmTBRX8djkI-00634-00148970-00149323 United Brethren AUB in addition to FmTBRX8djkI-00635-00149324-00149485 plural marriage some of these groups FmTBRX8djkI-00636-00149486-00149677 also practice a form of Christian FmTBRX8djkI-00637-00149678-00149833 communalism known as the law of FmTBRX8djkI-00638-00149834-00150160 consecration or the United order the LDS FmTBRX8djkI-00639-00150161-00150366 Church seeks to distance itself from all FmTBRX8djkI-00640-00150367-00150591 such polygamous groups excommunicating FmTBRX8djkI-00641-00150592-00150784 their members have discovered practicing FmTBRX8djkI-00642-00150785-00150985 or teaching it and today a majority of FmTBRX8djkI-00643-00150986-00151179 Mormon fundamentalists have never been FmTBRX8djkI-00644-00151180-00151613 members of the LDS Church FmTBRX8djkI-00645-00151614-00152261 topic liberal Mormons liberal Mormons FmTBRX8djkI-00646-00152262-00152479 also known as progressive Mormons take FmTBRX8djkI-00647-00152480-00152660 an interpretive approach to LDS FmTBRX8djkI-00648-00152661-00152915 teachings in Scripture they look to the FmTBRX8djkI-00649-00152916-00153113 Scriptures for spiritual guidance but FmTBRX8djkI-00650-00153114-00153272 may not necessarily believe the FmTBRX8djkI-00651-00153273-00153454 teachings to be literally or uniquely FmTBRX8djkI-00652-00153455-00153754 true for liberal Mormons revelation as a FmTBRX8djkI-00653-00153755-00153947 process through which God gradually FmTBRX8djkI-00654-00153948-00154139 brings fallible human beings to greater FmTBRX8djkI-00655-00154140-00154403 understanding liberal Mormons placed FmTBRX8djkI-00656-00154404-00154595 doing good and loving fellow human FmTBRX8djkI-00657-00154596-00154775 beings above the importance of believing FmTBRX8djkI-00658-00154776-00155084 correctly in a separate context members FmTBRX8djkI-00659-00155085-00155270 of small progressive breakaway groups FmTBRX8djkI-00660-00155271-00155703 have also adopted the label FmTBRX8djkI-00661-00155704-00156224 topic cultural Mormons FmTBRX8djkI-00662-00156225-00156478 cultural Mormons are individuals who may FmTBRX8djkI-00663-00156479-00156647 not believe in certain doctrines or FmTBRX8djkI-00664-00156648-00156869 practices of the institutional LDS FmTBRX8djkI-00665-00156870-00157066 Church yet identify as member of the FmTBRX8djkI-00666-00157067-00157366 Mormon ethnic identity usually this is a FmTBRX8djkI-00667-00157367-00157583 result of having been raised in the LDS FmTBRX8djkI-00668-00157584-00157799 faith or as having converted and spent a FmTBRX8djkI-00669-00157800-00158006 large portion of one's life as an active FmTBRX8djkI-00670-00158007-00158273 member of the LDS Church cultural FmTBRX8djkI-00671-00158274-00158464 Mormons may or may not be actively FmTBRX8djkI-00672-00158465-00158752 involved with the LDS Church in some FmTBRX8djkI-00673-00158753-00158972 cases they may not be members of the LDS FmTBRX8djkI-00674-00158973-00159321 Church FmTBRX8djkI-00675-00159322-00159821 topic beliefs FmTBRX8djkI-00676-00159822-00160036 Mormons have a scriptural canon FmTBRX8djkI-00677-00160037-00160252 consisting of the Bible both old and new FmTBRX8djkI-00678-00160253-00160445 testaments the Book of Mormon and a FmTBRX8djkI-00679-00160446-00160631 collection of revelations and writings FmTBRX8djkI-00680-00160632-00160823 by Joseph Smith known as the Doctrine FmTBRX8djkI-00681-00160824-00161037 and Covenants and pearl of great price FmTBRX8djkI-00682-00161038-00161306 Mormons however have a relatively open FmTBRX8djkI-00683-00161307-00161554 definition of Scripture as a general FmTBRX8djkI-00684-00161555-00161756 rule anything spoken or written by a FmTBRX8djkI-00685-00161757-00161950 prophet while under inspiration is FmTBRX8djkI-00686-00161951-00162127 considered to be the Word of God FmTBRX8djkI-00687-00162128-00162403 thus the Bible written by prophets and FmTBRX8djkI-00688-00162404-00162664 apostles is the Word of God so far as it FmTBRX8djkI-00689-00162665-00162923 is translated correctly the Book of FmTBRX8djkI-00690-00162924-00163090 Mormon is also believed to have been FmTBRX8djkI-00691-00163091-00163261 written by ancient prophets and is FmTBRX8djkI-00692-00163262-00163511 viewed as a companion to the Bible by FmTBRX8djkI-00693-00163512-00163711 this definition the teachings of Smith's FmTBRX8djkI-00694-00163712-00163895 successors are also accepted as FmTBRX8djkI-00695-00163896-00164011 Scripture though they are always FmTBRX8djkI-00696-00164012-00164212 measured against and draw heavily from FmTBRX8djkI-00697-00164213-00164515 the scriptural canon Mormons believe in FmTBRX8djkI-00698-00164516-00164815 a friendly universe governed by a God FmTBRX8djkI-00699-00164816-00165001 whose aim it is to bring his children to FmTBRX8djkI-00700-00165002-00165293 immortality and eternal life Mormons FmTBRX8djkI-00701-00165294-00165466 have a unique perspective on the nature FmTBRX8djkI-00702-00165467-00165712 of God the origin of man and the purpose FmTBRX8djkI-00703-00165713-00165775 of life FmTBRX8djkI-00704-00165776-00166043 for instance Mormons believe in a pre FmTBRX8djkI-00705-00166044-00166213 mortal existence where people were FmTBRX8djkI-00706-00166214-00166406 literal spirit children of God and that FmTBRX8djkI-00707-00166407-00166636 God presented a plan of salvation that FmTBRX8djkI-00708-00166637-00166820 would allow his children to progress and FmTBRX8djkI-00709-00166821-00167072 become more like him the plan involved FmTBRX8djkI-00710-00167073-00167243 the spirits receiving bodies on earth FmTBRX8djkI-00711-00167244-00167444 and going through trials in order to FmTBRX8djkI-00712-00167445-00167701 learn progress and receive a fullness of FmTBRX8djkI-00713-00167702-00167984 joy the most important part of the plan FmTBRX8djkI-00714-00167985-00168187 involved Jesus the eldest of God's FmTBRX8djkI-00715-00168188-00168388 children coming to earth as the literal FmTBRX8djkI-00716-00168389-00168608 son of God to conquer sin and death so FmTBRX8djkI-00717-00168609-00168801 that God's other children could return FmTBRX8djkI-00718-00168802-00169058 according to Mormons every person who FmTBRX8djkI-00719-00169059-00169240 lives on earth will be resurrected and FmTBRX8djkI-00720-00169241-00169414 nearly all of them will be received into FmTBRX8djkI-00721-00169415-00169718 various kingdoms of glory to be accepted FmTBRX8djkI-00722-00169719-00169907 into the highest kingdom a person must FmTBRX8djkI-00723-00169908-00170050 fully accept Christ through faith FmTBRX8djkI-00724-00170051-00170275 repentance and through ordinances such FmTBRX8djkI-00725-00170276-00170521 as baptism and the laying on of hands FmTBRX8djkI-00726-00170522-00170764 according to Mormons a deviation from FmTBRX8djkI-00727-00170765-00170972 the original principles of Christianity FmTBRX8djkI-00728-00170973-00171202 known as the great apostasy began not FmTBRX8djkI-00729-00171203-00171410 long after the Ascension of Jesus Christ FmTBRX8djkI-00730-00171411-00171647 it was marked with the corruption of FmTBRX8djkI-00731-00171648-00171821 Christian doctrine by Greek and other FmTBRX8djkI-00732-00171822-00172024 philosophies with followers dividing FmTBRX8djkI-00733-00172025-00172227 into different ideological groups FmTBRX8djkI-00734-00172228-00172436 Mormons claimed the martyrdom of the FmTBRX8djkI-00735-00172437-00172649 Apostles led to a loss of priesthood FmTBRX8djkI-00736-00172650-00172828 authority to administer the church in FmTBRX8djkI-00737-00172829-00172983 its ordinances FmTBRX8djkI-00738-00172984-00173211 Mormons believe that God restored the FmTBRX8djkI-00739-00173212-00173382 early Christian church through Joseph FmTBRX8djkI-00740-00173383-00173685 Smith in particular Mormons believe that FmTBRX8djkI-00741-00173686-00173961 angels such as Peter James John John the FmTBRX8djkI-00742-00173962-00174204 Baptist Moses and Elijah appeared to FmTBRX8djkI-00743-00174205-00174393 Smith and others and bestowed various FmTBRX8djkI-00744-00174394-00174645 priesthood authorities on them Mormons FmTBRX8djkI-00745-00174646-00174816 believe that their church is the only FmTBRX8djkI-00746-00174817-00175119 true and living church because of the FmTBRX8djkI-00747-00175120-00175311 divine authority restored through Smith FmTBRX8djkI-00748-00175312-00175593 Mormons self-identify as being Christian FmTBRX8djkI-00749-00175594-00175760 while many Christians particularly FmTBRX8djkI-00750-00175761-00175995 evangelical Protestants disagree with FmTBRX8djkI-00751-00175996-00176066 this view FmTBRX8djkI-00752-00176067-00176325 Mormons view other religions as having FmTBRX8djkI-00753-00176326-00176514 portions of the truth doing good works FmTBRX8djkI-00754-00176515-00176766 and having genuine value though the LDS FmTBRX8djkI-00755-00176767-00176952 church has a top-down hierarchical FmTBRX8djkI-00756-00176953-00177132 structure with a president prophet FmTBRX8djkI-00757-00177133-00177294 dictating revelations for the whole FmTBRX8djkI-00758-00177295-00177489 church there is a bottom-up aspect as FmTBRX8djkI-00759-00177490-00177542 well FmTBRX8djkI-00760-00177543-00177810 ordinary Mormons have access to the same FmTBRX8djkI-00761-00177811-00177966 inspiration that is thought to guide FmTBRX8djkI-00762-00177967-00178152 their profits and are encouraged to seek FmTBRX8djkI-00763-00178153-00178422 their own personal revelations Mormons FmTBRX8djkI-00764-00178423-00178644 see Joseph Smith's first vision as proof FmTBRX8djkI-00765-00178645-00178821 that the heavens are open and that God FmTBRX8djkI-00766-00178822-00179106 answers prayers they place considerable FmTBRX8djkI-00767-00179107-00179430 emphasis on asking God to find out if FmTBRX8djkI-00768-00179431-00179676 something is true most Mormons do not FmTBRX8djkI-00769-00179677-00179850 claim to have had heavenly visions like FmTBRX8djkI-00770-00179851-00180072 Smith's in response to prayers but feel FmTBRX8djkI-00771-00180073-00180228 that God talks to them in their hearts FmTBRX8djkI-00772-00180229-00180465 and minds through the Holy Ghost though FmTBRX8djkI-00773-00180466-00180624 Mormons have some beliefs that are FmTBRX8djkI-00774-00180625-00180822 considered strange in a modernized world FmTBRX8djkI-00775-00180823-00180966 they continue to hold on to their FmTBRX8djkI-00776-00180967-00181158 beliefs because they feel God has spoken FmTBRX8djkI-00777-00181159-00181493 to them FmTBRX8djkI-00778-00181494-00181990 topic C also FmTBRX8djkI-00779-00181991-00182348 list of latter-day saints list of FmTBRX8djkI-00780-00182349-00182540 denominations in the Latter day Saint FmTBRX8djkI-00781-00182541-00182852 movement followers of Brigham Young list FmTBRX8djkI-00782-00182853-00183377 of former or dissident LDS FmTBRX8djkI-00783-00183378-00183896 topic references FmTBRX8djkI-00784-00183897-00184435 topic external reading FmTBRX8djkI-00785-00184436-00184983 topic external links FmTBRX8djkI-00786-00184984-00185388 lds.org and mormon org official websites FmTBRX8djkI-00787-00185389-00185559 of the Church of Jesus Christ of FmTBRX8djkI-00788-00185560-00185694 latter-day saints FmTBRX8djkI-00789-00185695-00185968 Mormons page at the Public Broadcasting FmTBRX8djkI-00790-00185969-00186189 Service G2CGCB3dsI0-00000-00000039-00000182 hey everybody i'm tap tap and i want to G2CGCB3dsI0-00001-00000183-00000311 tell you where to find the eight G2CGCB3dsI0-00002-00000312-00000503 locations for the tentacles for abby's G2CGCB3dsI0-00003-00000504-00000623 side quest G2CGCB3dsI0-00004-00000624-00000807 um all of this footage is taken from my G2CGCB3dsI0-00005-00000808-00001007 live stream of the game i have G2CGCB3dsI0-00006-00001008-00001166 both complete playthroughs if you want G2CGCB3dsI0-00007-00001167-00001335 to watch that so you can just check that G2CGCB3dsI0-00008-00001336-00001423 out on my channel G2CGCB3dsI0-00009-00001424-00001679 um little warning this will if you don't G2CGCB3dsI0-00010-00001680-00001847 know what the hiku kumari route means G2CGCB3dsI0-00011-00001848-00002047 and you haven't beaten the game yet G2CGCB3dsI0-00012-00002048-00002231 pause this video now and just leave beat G2CGCB3dsI0-00013-00002232-00002415 the game before you you even check this G2CGCB3dsI0-00014-00002416-00002487 out G2CGCB3dsI0-00015-00002488-00002839 um because spoilers so now that that's G2CGCB3dsI0-00016-00002840-00002902 all done G2CGCB3dsI0-00017-00002903-00003071 um you have to be on the hikikomori G2CGCB3dsI0-00018-00003072-00003295 route to do this you have to have all 26 G2CGCB3dsI0-00019-00003296-00003470 keys and you can only do that on the G2CGCB3dsI0-00020-00003471-00003599 hikikomori route G2CGCB3dsI0-00021-00003600-00003743 you might have heard it called the omori G2CGCB3dsI0-00022-00003744-00003967 route or the secret route G2CGCB3dsI0-00023-00003968-00004199 um but once you get all 26 keys you can G2CGCB3dsI0-00024-00004200-00004359 access the abyss which is right here at G2CGCB3dsI0-00025-00004360-00004519 the end of the endless highway G2CGCB3dsI0-00026-00004520-00004679 you talk to that shady hitchhiker and G2CGCB3dsI0-00027-00004680-00004822 you get let in um G2CGCB3dsI0-00028-00004823-00005079 abby is not the hardest boss in the game G2CGCB3dsI0-00029-00005080-00005231 if you're having trouble with abby i G2CGCB3dsI0-00030-00005232-00005399 recommend that you clear your emotions G2CGCB3dsI0-00031-00005400-00005559 with an all emotions G2CGCB3dsI0-00032-00005560-00005799 item like the rain cloud and stuff um G2CGCB3dsI0-00033-00005800-00005870 use lots of G2CGCB3dsI0-00034-00005871-00006199 area of effect attacks and um make sure G2CGCB3dsI0-00035-00006200-00006351 if you're level if you're not level 50 G2CGCB3dsI0-00036-00006352-00006534 then grind up to level 50 the squizzards G2CGCB3dsI0-00037-00006536-00006646 help a lot G2CGCB3dsI0-00038-00006647-00006846 so here i'll show you all of the G2CGCB3dsI0-00039-00006847-00006991 locations for all eight of them G2CGCB3dsI0-00040-00006992-00007214 make sure you get all eight so you can G2CGCB3dsI0-00041-00007215-00007375 opt to get abby's eye G2CGCB3dsI0-00042-00007376-00007663 if you don't spare her abby's eye is a G2CGCB3dsI0-00043-00007664-00007903 great item probably the single best G2CGCB3dsI0-00044-00007904-00008110 uh equipment item but the thing is if G2CGCB3dsI0-00045-00008111-00008303 you spare her you get eight items G2CGCB3dsI0-00046-00008304-00008407 including all four G2CGCB3dsI0-00047-00008408-00008663 ultimate weapons and four arguably G2CGCB3dsI0-00048-00008664-00008823 ultimate equipment items for each G2CGCB3dsI0-00049-00008824-00008935 character G2CGCB3dsI0-00050-00008936-00009199 um i really think abby's eye is not G2CGCB3dsI0-00051-00009200-00009374 worth it i really recommend that you go G2CGCB3dsI0-00052-00009375-00009495 the eight tentacles route G2CGCB3dsI0-00053-00009496-00009623 and you're probably already on a G2CGCB3dsI0-00054-00009624-00009751 tentacles route because you searched for G2CGCB3dsI0-00055-00009752-00009831 this video G2CGCB3dsI0-00056-00009832-00010174 but just just keep that in mind um i'll G2CGCB3dsI0-00057-00010175-00010351 show you the stats G2CGCB3dsI0-00058-00010352-00010463 you probably have seen the stats G2CGCB3dsI0-00059-00010464-00010638 actually before the abbey's eye and i'll G2CGCB3dsI0-00060-00010639-00010831 show you the stats for the one item G2CGCB3dsI0-00061-00010832-00011038 that does not show its stats but maury's G2CGCB3dsI0-00062-00011039-00011223 red knife you can't tell what its stats G2CGCB3dsI0-00063-00011224-00011263 are G2CGCB3dsI0-00064-00011264-00011431 but it is an upgrade over the prior G2CGCB3dsI0-00065-00011432-00011638 knife i'll put those on screen G2CGCB3dsI0-00066-00011639-00011814 all of the other stats you'll find them G2CGCB3dsI0-00067-00011815-00011959 when you get the weapon so i didn't G2CGCB3dsI0-00068-00011960-00012110 bother wasting your time on showing you G2CGCB3dsI0-00069-00012111-00012214 those G2CGCB3dsI0-00070-00012215-00012503 so there's really not too much more to G2CGCB3dsI0-00071-00012504-00012646 it than that i'll just let you watch the G2CGCB3dsI0-00072-00012647-00012759 rest of the video G2CGCB3dsI0-00073-00012760-00012927 all of these locations should be very G2CGCB3dsI0-00074-00012928-00013086 familiar the G2CGCB3dsI0-00075-00013087-00013294 snowy place if you're not familiar with G2CGCB3dsI0-00076-00013295-00013407 where the heck that is G2CGCB3dsI0-00077-00013408-00013630 that is a hikikomori route only you need G2CGCB3dsI0-00078-00013631-00013743 to go to other worlds G2CGCB3dsI0-00079-00013744-00013991 go to captain space boys house you can G2CGCB3dsI0-00080-00013991-00014199 get batteries for that fish that's in G2CGCB3dsI0-00081-00014200-00014407 the icy area in other worlds G2CGCB3dsI0-00082-00014408-00014655 um and then once you clear through that G2CGCB3dsI0-00083-00014656-00014783 place you should find G2CGCB3dsI0-00084-00014784-00015007 where that tentacle is all of the other G2CGCB3dsI0-00085-00015008-00015086 ones are G2CGCB3dsI0-00086-00015087-00015311 pretty easy to find if you don't know G2CGCB3dsI0-00087-00015312-00015463 what the orange oasis G2CGCB3dsI0-00088-00015463-00015703 is the the desert area you got to go to G2CGCB3dsI0-00089-00015704-00015799 the train station G2CGCB3dsI0-00090-00015800-00015903 hopefully you haven't missed that G2CGCB3dsI0-00091-00015904-00016047 because that's a pretty major optional G2CGCB3dsI0-00092-00016047-00016191 area G2CGCB3dsI0-00093-00016191-00016399 but remember to like comment subscribe G2CGCB3dsI0-00094-00016400-00016591 let me know in the comments what other G2CGCB3dsI0-00095-00016592-00016783 guides you would like to see for amore G2CGCB3dsI0-00096-00016784-00017022 um i have a written guide on my website G2CGCB3dsI0-00097-00017023-00017086 it's G2CGCB3dsI0-00098-00017087-00017191 calm i'll have a link to that in the G2CGCB3dsI0-00099-00017192-00017399 description um i have all the key G2CGCB3dsI0-00100-00017400-00017607 locations so if you need to find all the G2CGCB3dsI0-00101-00017608-00017783 keys that's there for you G2CGCB3dsI0-00102-00017784-00017975 um i have a whole bunch of other stuff i G2CGCB3dsI0-00103-00017976-00018191 have some boss strategies i have G2CGCB3dsI0-00104-00018192-00018375 some secrets and i'll try to do some G2CGCB3dsI0-00105-00018376-00018511 other little videos here G2CGCB3dsI0-00106-00018512-00018799 i like to do these as short as i can and G2CGCB3dsI0-00107-00018800-00018958 um G2CGCB3dsI0-00108-00018959-00019175 these these will really these weapons G2CGCB3dsI0-00109-00019176-00019319 will really get you going G2CGCB3dsI0-00110-00019320-00019527 um for certain bosses and hikikomori G2CGCB3dsI0-00111-00019528-00019679 around i really don't recommend going G2CGCB3dsI0-00112-00019680-00019822 with the super bosses G2CGCB3dsI0-00113-00019823-00020094 until you get these all right so a quick G2CGCB3dsI0-00114-00020095-00020286 theory here uh i think G2CGCB3dsI0-00115-00020287-00020614 abby is probably amory's G2CGCB3dsI0-00116-00020615-00020927 childhood um imaginary friend G2CGCB3dsI0-00117-00020928-00021199 we get a hint from the the uh coral G2CGCB3dsI0-00118-00021200-00021391 branch tree that abby is the wisest and G2CGCB3dsI0-00119-00021392-00021591 she was locked away for knowing a secret G2CGCB3dsI0-00120-00021592-00021886 that amore didn't want to uh reconcile G2CGCB3dsI0-00121-00021887-00022014 with her talking G2CGCB3dsI0-00122-00022015-00022375 her dialogue is very childish and G2CGCB3dsI0-00123-00022376-00022575 she just seems very odd and doesn't have G2CGCB3dsI0-00124-00022576-00022703 any connection with anything else in the G2CGCB3dsI0-00125-00022704-00022839 world it seems like G2CGCB3dsI0-00126-00022840-00022983 and i really feel like in a magic G2CGCB3dsI0-00127-00022984-00023135 childhood imaginary friend fits all G2CGCB3dsI0-00128-00023136-00023255 those descriptors G2CGCB3dsI0-00129-00023256-00023399 she would have kind of a childish G2CGCB3dsI0-00130-00023400-00023639 mindset and ability to talk G2CGCB3dsI0-00131-00023640-00023911 so might be wrong as far as i know there G2CGCB3dsI0-00132-00023912-00024094 is no official confirmation in the game G2CGCB3dsI0-00133-00024095-00024263 so it's just theories G2CGCB3dsI0-00134-00024264-00025064 but that's what i think G5ll2gb58sE-00000-00000408-00000713 so we were talking about the high seas G5ll2gb58sE-00001-00000714-00000911 and the different Provisions under the G5ll2gb58sE-00002-00000911-00001145 United Nation convention on the law of G5ll2gb58sE-00003-00001146-00001387 the sea now this is a continuation again G5ll2gb58sE-00004-00001388-00001751 we had stopped at this particular slide G5ll2gb58sE-00005-00001752-00002149 that is at article 110 we just finished G5ll2gb58sE-00006-00002150-00002609 article 109 just some few minutes back G5ll2gb58sE-00007-00002610-00002933 and now we are going to do uh or study G5ll2gb58sE-00008-00002934-00003304 article 110 article 110 of the United G5ll2gb58sE-00009-00003305-00003515 Nations Convention of the law of the sea G5ll2gb58sE-00010-00003515-00003883 talks about the right of visit G5ll2gb58sE-00011-00003884-00004049 now G5ll2gb58sE-00012-00004050-00004391 except where acts of interference derive G5ll2gb58sE-00013-00004392-00004727 from Powers conferred by treaty G5ll2gb58sE-00014-00004728-00005152 or a warship which encounters on the G5ll2gb58sE-00015-00005153-00005417 high seas a foreign ship other than the G5ll2gb58sE-00016-00005418-00005693 ship entitled to complete immunity in G5ll2gb58sE-00017-00005694-00006035 accordance with articles 95 and 96 is G5ll2gb58sE-00018-00006036-00006263 not justified in boarding it unless G5ll2gb58sE-00019-00006264-00006431 there is a reasonable ground for G5ll2gb58sE-00020-00006431-00006677 suspecting that there is some kind of a G5ll2gb58sE-00021-00006678-00006923 piracy that is a ship is engaged in G5ll2gb58sE-00022-00006923-00007210 piracy or the ship is engaged in slave G5ll2gb58sE-00023-00007211-00007396 trade or the ship is engaged in G5ll2gb58sE-00024-00007397-00007703 unauthorized broadcasting so G5ll2gb58sE-00025-00007704-00007973 or the ship is without nationality or G5ll2gb58sE-00026-00007973-00008207 the or though flying a pardon flag or G5ll2gb58sE-00027-00008208-00008459 refusing to show its flag the ship is in G5ll2gb58sE-00028-00008460-00008746 reality of the same nationality as the G5ll2gb58sE-00029-00008747-00008987 warship so G5ll2gb58sE-00030-00008988-00009281 this article suggests that piracy is G5ll2gb58sE-00031-00009282-00009577 prohibited slave trade is prohibited G5ll2gb58sE-00032-00009578-00009839 unauthorized broadcasting is prohibited G5ll2gb58sE-00033-00009840-00010078 then the ship must have a particular G5ll2gb58sE-00034-00010079-00010474 nationality and fly its flag okay and in G5ll2gb58sE-00035-00010475-00010769 K and you know refusing to show its flag G5ll2gb58sE-00036-00010770-00011117 and the flag documents again would go uh G5ll2gb58sE-00037-00011118-00011387 against or is in contravention of the G5ll2gb58sE-00038-00011388-00011621 international laws and in con is in G5ll2gb58sE-00039-00011622-00011788 contravention of this particular G5ll2gb58sE-00040-00011789-00012064 convention G5ll2gb58sE-00041-00012065-00012328 now in the cases provided for in G5ll2gb58sE-00042-00012329-00012641 paragraph one that is uh one of article G5ll2gb58sE-00043-00012642-00013115 110 cases that in the sense from a to E G5ll2gb58sE-00044-00013116-00013429 in these circumstances that is piracy G5ll2gb58sE-00045-00013430-00013744 slave trade unauthorized broadcasting G5ll2gb58sE-00046-00013745-00014086 and a ship without nationality and that G5ll2gb58sE-00047-00014087-00014261 the ship is refusing to show its flag G5ll2gb58sE-00048-00014262-00014615 and flag documents then in these cases G5ll2gb58sE-00049-00014616-00014903 the warship May proceed to verify the G5ll2gb58sE-00050-00014904-00015227 ship's rights to pla to fly its flag G5ll2gb58sE-00051-00015228-00015521 to this end it may send a boat under the G5ll2gb58sE-00052-00015522-00015730 command of an officer to the suspected G5ll2gb58sE-00053-00015731-00016001 ship in case of Suspicion then the you G5ll2gb58sE-00054-00016002-00016169 know the boat G5ll2gb58sE-00055-00016169-00016408 a boat may be sent a special boat may be G5ll2gb58sE-00056-00016409-00016672 sent under the command of an officer to G5ll2gb58sE-00057-00016673-00017033 check the suspected ship if suspicion G5ll2gb58sE-00058-00017034-00017279 remains after the documents have been G5ll2gb58sE-00059-00017280-00017380 checked G5ll2gb58sE-00060-00017381-00017608 it may proceed to further examination G5ll2gb58sE-00061-00017609-00017843 board the ship which will be carried out G5ll2gb58sE-00062-00017844-00018149 with all possible consideration G5ll2gb58sE-00063-00018150-00018419 now if the suspicions proved to be G5ll2gb58sE-00064-00018420-00018641 unfounded and provided that the ship G5ll2gb58sE-00065-00018642-00018875 voted has not committed any act G5ll2gb58sE-00066-00018876-00019139 justifying them it shall be compensated G5ll2gb58sE-00067-00019140-00019480 for any loss of damage that it might or G5ll2gb58sE-00068-00019481-00019691 may have sustained G5ll2gb58sE-00069-00019692-00019979 these Provisions apply montages within G5ll2gb58sE-00070-00019980-00020272 this now what is this it's a Latin term G5ll2gb58sE-00071-00020273-00020471 which means ask for changing G5ll2gb58sE-00072-00020472-00020736 circumstances that means this Provisions G5ll2gb58sE-00073-00020737-00021185 are flexible and it is applicable as per G5ll2gb58sE-00074-00021186-00021364 the circumstances in the circumstances G5ll2gb58sE-00075-00021365-00021636 changes so it can be applied G5ll2gb58sE-00076-00021637-00022043 to the military aircraft G5ll2gb58sE-00077-00022044-00022253 so these Provisions that means even a G5ll2gb58sE-00078-00022254-00022517 military aircraft can come and you know G5ll2gb58sE-00079-00022518-00022744 check G5ll2gb58sE-00080-00022745-00023272 um any ship that is kind of uh you know G5ll2gb58sE-00081-00023273-00023561 uh where there is G5ll2gb58sE-00082-00023562-00023825 um a you know the the there is uh you G5ll2gb58sE-00083-00023826-00024047 know kind of Suspicion against a G5ll2gb58sE-00084-00024048-00024275 particular ship and in case they have G5ll2gb58sE-00085-00024276-00024491 valid and reasonable suspicion in fact G5ll2gb58sE-00086-00024492-00024833 against a particular ship then uh a G5ll2gb58sE-00087-00024834-00025157 warship or even a military aircraft can G5ll2gb58sE-00088-00025158-00025403 go and you know conduct further G5ll2gb58sE-00089-00025404-00025678 examination maybe on both the ship or G5ll2gb58sE-00090-00025679-00026002 even ask them to show relevant documents G5ll2gb58sE-00091-00026004-00026285 now these Provisions also apply to any G5ll2gb58sE-00092-00026286-00026495 other Duty authorized ships or aircraft G5ll2gb58sE-00093-00026495-00026812 clearly marked an identifiable as being G5ll2gb58sE-00094-00026813-00027383 on government service G5ll2gb58sE-00095-00027383-00027796 article 111 talks about the right of Hot G5ll2gb58sE-00096-00027797-00027940 Pursuit G5ll2gb58sE-00097-00027941-00028240 now the hot pursuit of a foreign ship G5ll2gb58sE-00098-00028241-00028433 may be undertaken when the competent G5ll2gb58sE-00099-00028433-00028679 authorities of the coastal State have G5ll2gb58sE-00100-00028680-00028889 good reason to believe that the ship has G5ll2gb58sE-00101-00028889-00029111 violated the laws and regulations of G5ll2gb58sE-00102-00029112-00029405 that state now such Pursuit must be G5ll2gb58sE-00103-00029406-00029681 commenced when the foreign ship or one G5ll2gb58sE-00104-00029682-00029939 of its boats is within the internal G5ll2gb58sE-00105-00029939-00030208 Waters the archipelagic waters the G5ll2gb58sE-00106-00030210-00030412 territorial sea or the contiguous zones G5ll2gb58sE-00107-00030413-00030670 of the pursuing State and may only be G5ll2gb58sE-00108-00030672-00030917 continued outside the territorial sea or G5ll2gb58sE-00109-00030918-00031168 the contiguous Zone if the pursuit has G5ll2gb58sE-00110-00031169-00031355 not been interrupted G5ll2gb58sE-00111-00031356-00031631 so it is not necessary in fact that at G5ll2gb58sE-00112-00031632-00031883 the time when the foreign ship within G5ll2gb58sE-00113-00031883-00032068 the territorial sea or the contiguous G5ll2gb58sE-00114-00032069-00032296 Zone receives the order to stop the ship G5ll2gb58sE-00115-00032297-00032489 giving the order should likewise be G5ll2gb58sE-00116-00032489-00032699 within the territorial sea or the G5ll2gb58sE-00117-00032700-00032831 contiguous Zone G5ll2gb58sE-00118-00032832-00033052 if the foreign ship is within a G5ll2gb58sE-00119-00033053-00033293 contiguous Zone as defined in article 33 G5ll2gb58sE-00120-00033294-00033593 of the same convention the pursuit may G5ll2gb58sE-00121-00033594-00033862 only be undertaken if there has been a G5ll2gb58sE-00122-00033863-00034055 violation of the rights for the G5ll2gb58sE-00123-00034056-00034271 protection of which The Zone was G5ll2gb58sE-00124-00034272-00034433 established G5ll2gb58sE-00125-00034434-00034696 at the right of Hot Pursuit should apply G5ll2gb58sE-00126-00034697-00035027 also again this that is it it should G5ll2gb58sE-00127-00035028-00035249 adapt to changes make changes as per the G5ll2gb58sE-00128-00035250-00035518 change so two violations in exclusive G5ll2gb58sE-00129-00035519-00035746 economic zones as well or also on the G5ll2gb58sE-00130-00035747-00035987 continental shelf including safety zones G5ll2gb58sE-00131-00035988-00036185 around continental shelf installations G5ll2gb58sE-00132-00036186-00036424 of the laws and regulations of the G5ll2gb58sE-00133-00036425-00036635 coastal State applicable in accordance G5ll2gb58sE-00134-00036636-00036857 with this convention through the G5ll2gb58sE-00135-00036858-00037037 exclusive economic zone or the G5ll2gb58sE-00136-00037038-00037277 continental shelf including such safety G5ll2gb58sE-00137-00037278-00037409 zones G5ll2gb58sE-00138-00037410-00037673 and the right of what Pursuit seizes as G5ll2gb58sE-00139-00037674-00037961 soon as the ship pursued enters the G5ll2gb58sE-00140-00037962-00038296 territorial sea of its own state or of a G5ll2gb58sE-00141-00038297-00038615 third state so this is the right of Hot G5ll2gb58sE-00142-00038616-00038735 Pursuit G5ll2gb58sE-00143-00038736-00039059 and further Hot Pursuit is not deemed to G5ll2gb58sE-00144-00039060-00039323 have been begun unless the pursuing ship G5ll2gb58sE-00145-00039324-00039640 has satisfied Itself by such practicable G5ll2gb58sE-00146-00039641-00039943 means as may be available by the ship G5ll2gb58sE-00147-00039944-00040229 pursued or one of its boats or other G5ll2gb58sE-00148-00040230-00040517 craft working as a team and using the G5ll2gb58sE-00149-00040518-00040793 ship pursued as a mothership is within G5ll2gb58sE-00150-00040794-00040937 the limits G5ll2gb58sE-00151-00040938-00041201 of the territorial sea or as a case may G5ll2gb58sE-00152-00041202-00041405 be within the contiguous zones or the G5ll2gb58sE-00153-00041406-00041633 exclusive economic zones or above the G5ll2gb58sE-00154-00041634-00041849 continental shelf so the pursuit may be G5ll2gb58sE-00155-00041850-00042005 only commenced after a visual or G5ll2gb58sE-00156-00042006-00042209 auditory signal to stop the ship has G5ll2gb58sE-00157-00042210-00042437 been given at a distance which enables G5ll2gb58sE-00158-00042438-00042635 it to be seen or heard by the foreign G5ll2gb58sE-00159-00042636-00042868 ship and this right when we exercised G5ll2gb58sE-00160-00042869-00043115 only by warships mind you or military G5ll2gb58sE-00161-00043116-00043385 aircraft or other ships or aircraft G5ll2gb58sE-00162-00043386-00043637 clearly marked and identifiable as being G5ll2gb58sE-00163-00043638-00043924 on government service and authorized to G5ll2gb58sE-00164-00043925-00044165 that effect so that means a right of G5ll2gb58sE-00165-00044166-00044471 what pursued can be exercised only by G5ll2gb58sE-00166-00044472-00044590 the government G5ll2gb58sE-00167-00044591-00044896 all by warships or by military aircraft G5ll2gb58sE-00168-00044897-00045149 or any ships or aircraft that you know G5ll2gb58sE-00169-00045150-00045449 clearly is marked as being on government G5ll2gb58sE-00170-00045450-00045737 service and it is authorized to that G5ll2gb58sE-00171-00045738-00045958 effect now G5ll2gb58sE-00172-00045959-00046217 where Hot Pursuit is affected by an G5ll2gb58sE-00173-00046218-00046457 aircraft the provision of paragraph G5ll2gb58sE-00174-00046458-00046649 again the other paragraphs or Clause is G5ll2gb58sE-00175-00046650-00046902 Wonder portion of this G5ll2gb58sE-00176-00046903-00047140 that is make amends us for changing G5ll2gb58sE-00177-00047141-00047345 circumstances it is applicable as per G5ll2gb58sE-00178-00047346-00047687 the circumstance the the aircraft giving G5ll2gb58sE-00179-00047688-00048046 the order to stop must itself actively G5ll2gb58sE-00180-00048047-00048257 pursue the ship until a ship or another G5ll2gb58sE-00181-00048258-00048496 aircraft the coastal State summoned by G5ll2gb58sE-00182-00048497-00048724 the aircraft arrives to take over the G5ll2gb58sE-00183-00048725-00049012 pursuit unless aircraft is itself able G5ll2gb58sE-00184-00049013-00049302 to arrest the ship it does not suffice G5ll2gb58sE-00185-00049303-00049589 to justify an arrest outside the G5ll2gb58sE-00186-00049590-00049774 territorial sea that the ship was nearly G5ll2gb58sE-00187-00049775-00050062 cited by the aircraft as an offender or G5ll2gb58sE-00188-00050063-00050315 suspected offender if it was not both G5ll2gb58sE-00189-00050316-00050555 ordered to stop and pursued by the G5ll2gb58sE-00190-00050556-00050783 aircraft itself or other aircraft or G5ll2gb58sE-00191-00050784-00051005 ship which continues the pursuit without G5ll2gb58sE-00192-00051006-00051340 interruption G5ll2gb58sE-00193-00051341-00051587 the release of a ship arrested within G5ll2gb58sE-00194-00051588-00051887 the jurisdiction of a state and escorted G5ll2gb58sE-00195-00051888-00052138 to a port of that state for that purpose G5ll2gb58sE-00196-00052139-00052342 of an inquiry before the complement G5ll2gb58sE-00197-00052344-00052601 authorities may not be claimed solely on G5ll2gb58sE-00198-00052602-00052829 the ground the ship in the course of its G5ll2gb58sE-00199-00052829-00053165 Voyage was escorted across a portion of G5ll2gb58sE-00200-00053166-00053441 exclusive economic zone or the high seas G5ll2gb58sE-00201-00053441-00053669 if the circumstances rendered this G5ll2gb58sE-00202-00053670-00053794 necessary G5ll2gb58sE-00203-00053795-00053999 where a ship has been stopped or G5ll2gb58sE-00204-00054000-00054257 arrested outside the territorial sea and G5ll2gb58sE-00205-00054258-00054503 circumstances which do not justify the G5ll2gb58sE-00206-00054504-00054682 exercise of the right of Hot Pursuit G5ll2gb58sE-00207-00054683-00054899 then it shall be compensated for any G5ll2gb58sE-00208-00054900-00055087 loss of damage that may have been G5ll2gb58sE-00209-00055088-00055373 thereby sustained G5ll2gb58sE-00210-00055374-00055961 so this question or uh you know G5ll2gb58sE-00211-00055962-00056230 there can be a question G5ll2gb58sE-00212-00056232-00056549 for your exams on the right of Hot G5ll2gb58sE-00213-00056550-00056669 Pursuit G5ll2gb58sE-00214-00056670-00056885 this is something that is important I G5ll2gb58sE-00215-00056886-00057130 want you to you know make a note of that G5ll2gb58sE-00216-00057132-00057430 for your final exams G5ll2gb58sE-00217-00057432-00057857 the right Accord pursued can come as a G5ll2gb58sE-00218-00057858-00058121 short note G5ll2gb58sE-00219-00058122-00058469 please make a note of this G5ll2gb58sE-00220-00058470-00058780 in your notebooks or wherever your you G5ll2gb58sE-00221-00058782-00059003 know take a note of it so the right of G5ll2gb58sE-00222-00059004-00059435 Hot Pursuit can come as a short note for G5ll2gb58sE-00223-00059436-00059825 your final exams G5ll2gb58sE-00224-00059826-00060700 okay G5ll2gb58sE-00225-00060701-00060880 and this is a very very important G5ll2gb58sE-00226-00060882-00061132 chapter so G5ll2gb58sE-00227-00061133-00061516 uh uh uh you know a long question or an G5ll2gb58sE-00228-00061517-00061937 essay type of question for 20 marks can G5ll2gb58sE-00229-00061938-00062273 come on this entire chapter that is the G5ll2gb58sE-00230-00062274-00062632 high seas and G5ll2gb58sE-00231-00062633-00063004 the uh United Nation convention on the G5ll2gb58sE-00232-00063005-00063142 law of the sea like you'll have to G5ll2gb58sE-00233-00063144-00063425 mention all these articles that are G5ll2gb58sE-00234-00063426-00063766 important G5ll2gb58sE-00235-00063767-00064007 now article 112 G5ll2gb58sE-00236-00064008-00064265 talks about the rights to lay submarine G5ll2gb58sE-00237-00064266-00064613 cables and pipelines now all states are G5ll2gb58sE-00238-00064614-00064780 entitled to lay submarine cables and G5ll2gb58sE-00239-00064782-00064949 pipelines on the bed of the high seas G5ll2gb58sE-00240-00064950-00065200 beyond the continental shelf now article G5ll2gb58sE-00241-00065201-00065513 79 in fact paragraph 5 applies to such G5ll2gb58sE-00242-00065514-00065705 cables and pipelines so what does G5ll2gb58sE-00243-00065706-00066071 article 79 uh close subclass to say it G5ll2gb58sE-00244-00066072-00066263 stipulates that subject to its right to G5ll2gb58sE-00245-00066264-00066449 take reasonable measures for the G5ll2gb58sE-00246-00066450-00066706 exploration of the continental shelf the G5ll2gb58sE-00247-00066707-00066887 exploitation of its natural resources G5ll2gb58sE-00248-00066888-00067073 and the prevention reduction and G5ll2gb58sE-00249-00067074-00067306 controller pollution from pipelines the G5ll2gb58sE-00250-00067307-00067613 coastal state may not impede or may not G5ll2gb58sE-00251-00067614-00067756 obstruct G5ll2gb58sE-00252-00067757-00068273 or may not stop obstruct impede delaying G5ll2gb58sE-00253-00068274-00068537 or maintenance of such cables or G5ll2gb58sE-00254-00068538-00068782 pipelines it's a cross reference also to G5ll2gb58sE-00255-00068783-00068963 Article 4 of The Law of the Sea of G5ll2gb58sE-00256-00068964-00069155 convention where this principle was G5ll2gb58sE-00257-00069156-00069406 originally crafted and Incorporated in G5ll2gb58sE-00258-00069407-00069550 the draft G5ll2gb58sE-00259-00069551-00069911 this is article 112 of United Nation G5ll2gb58sE-00260-00069912-00070247 convention on the law of the sea as you G5ll2gb58sE-00261-00070248-00070397 know there was an earlier convention G5ll2gb58sE-00262-00070398-00070667 prior to the convention which was there G5ll2gb58sE-00263-00070668-00071069 in the 1980s convention in 1950s that is G5ll2gb58sE-00264-00071070-00071341 a law of the C convention G5ll2gb58sE-00265-00071342-00071717 losc so if you do a cross reference G5ll2gb58sE-00266-00071718-00072005 there to Article 4 in article fours G5ll2gb58sE-00267-00072006-00072137 where I mean you would find the G5ll2gb58sE-00268-00072138-00072371 connection there and you know this G5ll2gb58sE-00269-00072372-00072581 principle of laying submarine cables and G5ll2gb58sE-00270-00072582-00072911 pipelines was originally crafted and G5ll2gb58sE-00271-00072912-00073194 Incorporated in the draft of G5ll2gb58sE-00272-00073195-00073637 l-o-s-c article 4. G5ll2gb58sE-00273-00073638-00074105 now 113 talks about breaking or injury G5ll2gb58sE-00274-00074106-00074369 of a submarine cable or pipeline what G5ll2gb58sE-00275-00074370-00074603 happens if a pipeline breaks which are G5ll2gb58sE-00276-00074604-00074879 laid under the high seas now every state G5ll2gb58sE-00277-00074880-00075041 should adopt the laws and regulations G5ll2gb58sE-00278-00075042-00075341 necessary to provide that breaking or G5ll2gb58sE-00279-00075342-00075659 injury by a ship flying its flag or by a G5ll2gb58sE-00280-00075660-00075856 person subject to its jurisdiction of a G5ll2gb58sE-00281-00075857-00076156 submarine cable beneath the high seas is G5ll2gb58sE-00282-00076157-00076355 done willfully or through culpable G5ll2gb58sE-00283-00076356-00076606 negligence in case there is it is G5ll2gb58sE-00284-00076607-00076738 willfully done G5ll2gb58sE-00285-00076739-00077062 or the there is culpable negligence in G5ll2gb58sE-00286-00077063-00077219 such a manner as to be liable to G5ll2gb58sE-00287-00077220-00077494 interrupt or obstruct telephonic or G5ll2gb58sE-00288-00077495-00077765 telegraphic Communications and similarly G5ll2gb58sE-00289-00077766-00078029 the breaking or injury of a submarine G5ll2gb58sE-00290-00078030-00078256 pipeline or high voltage power cable G5ll2gb58sE-00291-00078257-00078581 shall be a punishable offense so this G5ll2gb58sE-00292-00078582-00078809 provision should apply also to conduct G5ll2gb58sE-00293-00078810-00079169 calculated to conduct calculated I'm G5ll2gb58sE-00294-00079170-00079403 sure you know the difference between G5ll2gb58sE-00295-00079404-00079744 conduct and conduct that is the action G5ll2gb58sE-00296-00079745-00080035 to action calculated conductors action G5ll2gb58sE-00297-00080036-00080399 and you know so conduct calculated or G5ll2gb58sE-00298-00080400-00080669 action calculated or likely to result in G5ll2gb58sE-00299-00080670-00080921 such a breaking or injury however it G5ll2gb58sE-00300-00080922-00081191 shall not apply to any break or injury G5ll2gb58sE-00301-00081192-00081503 caused by persons who act merely with G5ll2gb58sE-00302-00081504-00081700 the legitimate object of saving their G5ll2gb58sE-00303-00081701-00081935 lives or their ships after having taken G5ll2gb58sE-00304-00081936-00082217 all necessary precautions to avoid such G5ll2gb58sE-00305-00082218-00082675 a break or injury G5ll2gb58sE-00306-00082676-00083105 article 114 114 talks about breaking or G5ll2gb58sE-00307-00083106-00083332 injury by owners of a submarine cable a G5ll2gb58sE-00308-00083333-00083573 pipeline of another submarine cable or G5ll2gb58sE-00309-00083574-00083837 pipeline now every state shall adopt the G5ll2gb58sE-00310-00083838-00083999 laws and regulations that are necessary G5ll2gb58sE-00311-00084000-00084221 to provide that a person subject to its G5ll2gb58sE-00312-00084222-00084382 jurisdiction who are owners of a G5ll2gb58sE-00313-00084383-00084653 submarine cable or pipeline beneath the G5ll2gb58sE-00314-00084654-00084959 high seas is laying or repairing that G5ll2gb58sE-00315-00084960-00085300 cable or pipeline cause a break or G5ll2gb58sE-00316-00085301-00085565 injury to another cable or pipeline then G5ll2gb58sE-00317-00085566-00085756 they shall bear the cost of repairs that G5ll2gb58sE-00318-00085757-00085967 is the one who has caused the break or G5ll2gb58sE-00319-00085968-00086129 cause the injury to that particular G5ll2gb58sE-00320-00086130-00086447 cable or pipeline shall bear the cost of G5ll2gb58sE-00321-00086448-00086812 what of repairs now article 115 talks G5ll2gb58sE-00322-00086813-00087162 about Indemnity for the loss incurred in G5ll2gb58sE-00323-00087163-00087562 avoiding injury to a submarine cable or G5ll2gb58sE-00324-00087563-00087875 pipeline now what happens if they have G5ll2gb58sE-00325-00087876-00088091 tried to avoid an injury and in the G5ll2gb58sE-00326-00088092-00088343 pursuit of avoiding injury there is some G5ll2gb58sE-00327-00088344-00088600 loss that has incurred to the person or G5ll2gb58sE-00328-00088601-00089015 to the ship so how so how are they going G5ll2gb58sE-00329-00089016-00089165 to make good the laws so they are going G5ll2gb58sE-00330-00089166-00089368 to indemnify the laws that is to make G5ll2gb58sE-00331-00089369-00089615 good the laws or they are compensated G5ll2gb58sE-00332-00089616-00089867 for the loss so every state should adopt G5ll2gb58sE-00333-00089868-00090082 the laws and regulations necessary to G5ll2gb58sE-00334-00090083-00090412 ensure that the owners of the ship who G5ll2gb58sE-00335-00090413-00090671 can prove that they have sacrificed an G5ll2gb58sE-00336-00090672-00090953 anchor a net or any other fishing gear G5ll2gb58sE-00337-00090954-00091175 in order to avoid injuring a submarine G5ll2gb58sE-00338-00091176-00091421 cable or pipeline shall be indemnified G5ll2gb58sE-00339-00091422-00091637 by the owner of the cable of pipeline G5ll2gb58sE-00340-00091638-00091847 provided that the owner of the ship has G5ll2gb58sE-00341-00091848-00092171 taken all reasonable precautionary G5ll2gb58sE-00342-00092172-00092455 measures beforehand G5ll2gb58sE-00343-00092456-00092873 now let's move on to part two of part G5ll2gb58sE-00344-00092874-00093149 seven of this convention which deals G5ll2gb58sE-00345-00093150-00093431 with conservation of living resources in G5ll2gb58sE-00346-00093432-00093629 the high seas living resources such as G5ll2gb58sE-00347-00093630-00094067 fish mammals sea animals G5ll2gb58sE-00348-00094068-00094415 so article 116 talks about the right to G5ll2gb58sE-00349-00094416-00094768 fish on the high sea all states have the G5ll2gb58sE-00350-00094769-00094997 right for their Nationals to engage in G5ll2gb58sE-00351-00094998-00095200 fishing on the high sea subject to their G5ll2gb58sE-00352-00095201-00095375 treaty obligations G5ll2gb58sE-00353-00095376-00095585 the rights and duties as well as the G5ll2gb58sE-00354-00095586-00095765 interests of the coastal States provided G5ll2gb58sE-00355-00095766-00096041 for interalia in article 63 paragraph 2 G5ll2gb58sE-00356-00096042-00096341 and 64-67 and the provisions of the G5ll2gb58sE-00357-00096342-00096706 section they give right to fishing on G5ll2gb58sE-00358-00096707-00096947 their High sea so right to fishing comes G5ll2gb58sE-00359-00096948-00097276 under article 116 of the United Nation G5ll2gb58sE-00360-00097277-00097499 convention on the law of the sea G5ll2gb58sE-00361-00097500-00097894 article 117 talks about the duty of the G5ll2gb58sE-00362-00097895-00098147 states to adopt National measures for G5ll2gb58sE-00363-00098148-00098453 the conservation of living resources of G5ll2gb58sE-00364-00098454-00098644 the high sea G5ll2gb58sE-00365-00098645-00098975 all states have the duty to take or to G5ll2gb58sE-00366-00098976-00099250 cooperate with other states in taking G5ll2gb58sE-00367-00099251-00099437 such measures for their respective G5ll2gb58sE-00368-00099438-00099706 Nationals as may be necessary for the G5ll2gb58sE-00369-00099707-00099941 conservation of the living resources of G5ll2gb58sE-00370-00099942-00100115 the high sea G5ll2gb58sE-00371-00100116-00100426 and 118 talks about cooperation of the G5ll2gb58sE-00372-00100427-00100582 states in the conservation and G5ll2gb58sE-00373-00100583-00100865 management of living resources G5ll2gb58sE-00374-00100866-00101074 States shall cooperate with each other G5ll2gb58sE-00375-00101075-00101344 for the conservation and management of G5ll2gb58sE-00376-00101345-00101537 living resources that is the Nations G5ll2gb58sE-00377-00101538-00101800 should cooperate with one another for G5ll2gb58sE-00378-00101801-00101993 the purpose of conservation and G5ll2gb58sE-00379-00101994-00102262 management of the living resources in G5ll2gb58sE-00380-00102263-00102677 the high seas where National Nations its G5ll2gb58sE-00381-00102678-00102899 Nations can exploit identical living G5ll2gb58sE-00382-00102900-00103210 resources or different living resources G5ll2gb58sE-00383-00103211-00103421 in the same area they shall enter into G5ll2gb58sE-00384-00103422-00103630 negotiations with a view to take the G5ll2gb58sE-00385-00103631-00103906 measures necessary for conservation or G5ll2gb58sE-00386-00103907-00104158 protection of the living resources G5ll2gb58sE-00387-00104159-00104404 concerned so they shall as appropriate G5ll2gb58sE-00388-00104405-00104656 cooperate to establish sub-regional or G5ll2gb58sE-00389-00104657-00104842 regional fisheries organization to this G5ll2gb58sE-00390-00104843-00105139 end G5ll2gb58sE-00391-00105140-00105353 119 specifically talks about G5ll2gb58sE-00392-00105354-00105533 conservation of living resources of the G5ll2gb58sE-00393-00105533-00105719 high seas again and in determining the G5ll2gb58sE-00394-00105720-00105978 allowable catch and establishing G5ll2gb58sE-00395-00105979-00106175 conservation measures for the living G5ll2gb58sE-00396-00106176-00106354 resources on the high seas the state G5ll2gb58sE-00397-00106355-00106504 shall take all measures that are G5ll2gb58sE-00398-00106505-00106786 possible uh you know in a way that is G5ll2gb58sE-00399-00106788-00107057 designed with best scientific evidence G5ll2gb58sE-00400-00107058-00107254 available to the state's concern to G5ll2gb58sE-00401-00107255-00107525 maintain or restore populations of G5ll2gb58sE-00402-00107526-00107740 harvested species at levels which can G5ll2gb58sE-00403-00107741-00108034 produce the maximum sustainable yield as G5ll2gb58sE-00404-00108035-00108316 qualified by relevant environmental and G5ll2gb58sE-00405-00108317-00108616 economic factors and also take into G5ll2gb58sE-00406-00108617-00108851 consideration the effect on species that G5ll2gb58sE-00407-00108852-00109066 are associated with ore which are G5ll2gb58sE-00408-00109067-00109207 dependent upon G5ll2gb58sE-00409-00109208-00109552 harvested species with a view to G5ll2gb58sE-00410-00109553-00109828 maintaining or restoring populations of G5ll2gb58sE-00411-00109829-00110110 such Associated or dependent species G5ll2gb58sE-00412-00110111-00110333 above levels at which their reproduction G5ll2gb58sE-00413-00110333-00110854 may be seriously threatened G5ll2gb58sE-00414-00110855-00111115 for the available scientific information G5ll2gb58sE-00415-00111116-00111478 catch and fishing effort statistics and G5ll2gb58sE-00416-00111479-00111658 other data relevant to the conservation G5ll2gb58sE-00417-00111659-00111904 of fish stocks shall be contributed and G5ll2gb58sE-00418-00111905-00113140 exchange on a regular basis G5ll2gb58sE-00419-00113141-00113458 article 120 talks about the protection G5ll2gb58sE-00420-00113459-00113873 of marine mammals and article 65 there G5ll2gb58sE-00421-00113874-00114047 is you can do a cross-reference there G5ll2gb58sE-00422-00114048-00114328 which deals with the conservation and G5ll2gb58sE-00423-00114329-00114665 management of marine mammals in the high G5ll2gb58sE-00424-00114666-00114983 seas G5ll2gb58sE-00425-00114983-00115619 and lastly article 100 to article 108 G5ll2gb58sE-00426-00115620-00116104 and 110 it deals with piracy which will G5ll2gb58sE-00427-00116105-00116483 be discussed in the next chapter G5ll2gb58sE-00428-00116483-00116719 so this is all that we have done today G5ll2gb58sE-00429-00116720-00117077 the freedom of navigation and we have G5ll2gb58sE-00430-00117078-00117245 studied G5ll2gb58sE-00431-00117246-00117340 um G5ll2gb58sE-00432-00117341-00117473 you know G5ll2gb58sE-00433-00117474-00117778 relevant provisions of United Nations G5ll2gb58sE-00434-00117779-00118066 convention on the law of the sea G5ll2gb58sE-00435-00118067-00118433 on the high seas or the international G5ll2gb58sE-00436-00118433-00118751 waters G5ll2gb58sE-00437-00118752-00119095 foreign G5ll2gb58sE-00438-00119096-00119404 just please write your names in the chat G5ll2gb58sE-00439-00119405-00120215 box for your attendance G5ll2gb58sE-00440-00120216-00120508 and also I'd like to um G5ll2gb58sE-00441-00120509-00120977 uh you know G5ll2gb58sE-00442-00120978-00121258 remind you of your assignments and the G5ll2gb58sE-00443-00121259-00121595 due date for it is tomorrow G5ll2gb58sE-00444-00121596-00121828 and yet another thing is G5ll2gb58sE-00445-00121829-00121966 um G5ll2gb58sE-00446-00121967-00122339 you can have a question G5ll2gb58sE-00447-00122340-00122597 for your final exams I mean a question G5ll2gb58sE-00448-00122598-00122734 can come G5ll2gb58sE-00449-00122735-00123028 on the G5ll2gb58sE-00450-00123029-00123569 right of fishing on the high seas so G5ll2gb58sE-00451-00123570-00123845 what would be your answer right of G5ll2gb58sE-00452-00123846-00124097 fishing on the high seas G5ll2gb58sE-00453-00124098-00124469 okay that would come as a short note say G5ll2gb58sE-00454-00124470-00124775 for around five marks G5ll2gb58sE-00455-00124776-00125027 it can be five or it can be 10 marks G5ll2gb58sE-00456-00125028-00125243 that I will let you know later but this G5ll2gb58sE-00457-00125244-00125495 is also one of you know the important G5ll2gb58sE-00458-00125496-00125728 questions that can come for your final G5ll2gb58sE-00459-00125729-00125999 exams so so far I have said that right G5ll2gb58sE-00460-00126000-00126221 of Hot Pursuit is an important question G5ll2gb58sE-00461-00126222-00126527 it can come for your short note write a G5ll2gb58sE-00462-00126528-00126815 phishing on the high sea can come for a G5ll2gb58sE-00463-00126816-00127115 short note and this chapter as a whole G5ll2gb58sE-00464-00127116-00127378 can come as an essay type of question G5ll2gb58sE-00465-00127379-00127852 for 20 marks there is the high seas and G5ll2gb58sE-00466-00127853-00128110 the provisions of United Nation G5ll2gb58sE-00467-00128111-00128266 convention on the law of the sea G5ll2gb58sE-00468-00128267-00128447 pertaining to the high seas so the G5ll2gb58sE-00469-00128448-00128710 question can be like this explain in G5ll2gb58sE-00470-00128711-00128999 detail the provisions G5ll2gb58sE-00471-00129000-00129281 of the United Nations Convention of law G5ll2gb58sE-00472-00129282-00129497 of the sea pertaining to the high seas G5ll2gb58sE-00473-00129498-00129760 so that means this is the answer G5ll2gb58sE-00474-00129761-00129916 okay G5ll2gb58sE-00475-00129917-00130060 so G5ll2gb58sE-00476-00130061-00130552 that's all for this class G5ll2gb58sE-00477-00130553-00130786 I'm repeating again Suppose there is a G5ll2gb58sE-00478-00130788-00131075 question or like a short note right G5ll2gb58sE-00479-00131076-00131314 short write a short note on the right to G5ll2gb58sE-00480-00131315-00131561 fetch or the right of fishing so you're G5ll2gb58sE-00481-00131562-00131723 going to mention that it comes under G5ll2gb58sE-00482-00131724-00131995 article 116 of the United Nation G5ll2gb58sE-00483-00131996-00132287 Convention of the law of the sea it G5ll2gb58sE-00484-00132288-00132643 comes under Section 2 Part F of the G5ll2gb58sE-00485-00132644-00132916 unclos and you're going to mention this G5ll2gb58sE-00486-00132917-00133163 provision you're going to explain it and G5ll2gb58sE-00487-00133164-00133307 also you're going to make mention of G5ll2gb58sE-00488-00133308-00133877 article 63 paragraph two article 64 267 G5ll2gb58sE-00489-00133878-00134369 that means 64 65 66 and 67 right G5ll2gb58sE-00490-00134370-00134669 you'll have to refer to the United G5ll2gb58sE-00491-00134670-00134951 Nations convention on the law of the sea G5ll2gb58sE-00492-00134952-00135281 for these particular articles G5ll2gb58sE-00493-00135282-00135485 so this is it G5ll2gb58sE-00494-00135486-00135701 so meet your next class let me know if G5ll2gb58sE-00495-00135702-00135967 you have any questions G6VGW-NftlI-00000-00000016-00000115 um G6VGW-NftlI-00001-00000117-00000194 [Music] G6VGW-NftlI-00002-00000195-00000272 [Applause] G6VGW-NftlI-00003-00000273-00000613 [Music] G6VGW-NftlI-00004-00000614-00000742 [Applause] G6VGW-NftlI-00005-00000743-00003079 [Music] G6VGW-NftlI-00006-00003080-00003263 yeah i spent some time here G6VGW-NftlI-00007-00003264-00003486 with my friend on burn velasquez back in G6VGW-NftlI-00008-00003488-00003575 the day G6VGW-NftlI-00009-00003576-00003990 so i know the town pretty well G6VGW-NftlI-00010-00003992-00004159 so let's just walk around G6VGW-NftlI-00011-00004160-00004686 and let you see belize G6VGW-NftlI-00012-00004687-00004863 corazon G6VGW-NftlI-00013-00004864-00005344 corazon belize or corazon town belize G6VGW-NftlI-00014-00005345-00005518 [Music] G6VGW-NftlI-00015-00005519-00005670 and then once you get to the borders the G6VGW-NftlI-00016-00005671-00005854 area they call it G6VGW-NftlI-00017-00005855-00006215 the free uh i think the free zone G6VGW-NftlI-00018-00006216-00006454 and they got casinos there G6VGW-NftlI-00019-00006455-00006575 they got places where you can buy G6VGW-NftlI-00020-00006576-00006767 clothes and different things like that i G6VGW-NftlI-00021-00006768-00006934 don't know if it changed G6VGW-NftlI-00022-00006936-00007175 because of the G6VGW-NftlI-00023-00007176-00007367 the kovis situation but you could go G6VGW-NftlI-00024-00007368-00007687 there and add casino there G6VGW-NftlI-00025-00007688-00007863 more than one casino G6VGW-NftlI-00026-00007864-00008110 you could buy clothes G6VGW-NftlI-00027-00008111-00008807 sneakers cell phones everything G6VGW-NftlI-00028-00008808-00009014 let's walk around guys and let you see G6VGW-NftlI-00029-00009015-00009110 uh G6VGW-NftlI-00030-00009111-00009263 belize G6VGW-NftlI-00031-00009264-00009871 corazon belize G6VGW-NftlI-00032-00009872-00010031 see what's going on up in here real G6VGW-NftlI-00033-00010032-00011903 quick G6VGW-NftlI-00034-00011904-00012735 also guys G6VGW-NftlI-00035-00012736-00012879 i was gonna tell you guys something i G6VGW-NftlI-00036-00012880-00013399 just forgot G6VGW-NftlI-00037-00013400-00013871 let's keep walking on down G6VGW-NftlI-00038-00013872-00014055 oh i have some more information to tell G6VGW-NftlI-00039-00014056-00014127 you G6VGW-NftlI-00040-00014128-00015158 about this town G6VGW-NftlI-00041-00015159-00015358 okay coral on G6VGW-NftlI-00042-00015359-00015558 corazon town G6VGW-NftlI-00043-00015559-00015879 it's a town in belize it's uh G6VGW-NftlI-00044-00015880-00016111 the capital of the corazon G6VGW-NftlI-00045-00016112-00016350 the corozal district which is G6VGW-NftlI-00046-00016351-00016783 i guess it goes you know beyond the town G6VGW-NftlI-00047-00016784-00017086 and they saying this is the G6VGW-NftlI-00048-00017087-00017255 corazon district G6VGW-NftlI-00049-00017256-00017758 some stuff that i read earlier today G6VGW-NftlI-00050-00017759-00017919 okay it's about like 80 miles i'm like G6VGW-NftlI-00051-00017920-00018086 80 miles north G6VGW-NftlI-00052-00018087-00018694 of belize city G6VGW-NftlI-00053-00018695-00018839 and it's real close to the border like i G6VGW-NftlI-00054-00018840-00019183 said before and chakama mexico is the G6VGW-NftlI-00055-00019184-00019414 border place that's right next to it G6VGW-NftlI-00056-00019415-00019607 what's up my brother G6VGW-NftlI-00057-00019608-00020614 it's real close to it G6VGW-NftlI-00058-00020615-00020871 so corazon G6VGW-NftlI-00059-00020872-00021094 and G6VGW-NftlI-00060-00021095-00021319 chat tomorrow mexico horizon belize and G6VGW-NftlI-00061-00021320-00021535 chat about mexico like about eight miles G6VGW-NftlI-00062-00021536-00021863 away from each other G6VGW-NftlI-00063-00021864-00022089 let's keep walking around G6VGW-NftlI-00064-00022090-00022358 [Music] G6VGW-NftlI-00065-00022359-00023383 let you see what's going on out here G6VGW-NftlI-00066-00023384-00023519 and you know i'm doing this little tour G6VGW-NftlI-00067-00023520-00023622 for you guys G6VGW-NftlI-00068-00023623-00023839 i don't have a particular place i walk G6VGW-NftlI-00069-00023840-00024022 i do have an idea i know if i get closer G6VGW-NftlI-00070-00024023-00024383 to the ocean it's a good area maybe i'll G6VGW-NftlI-00071-00024384-00024558 uh maybe i'll go down this way and walk G6VGW-NftlI-00072-00024559-00024878 around G6VGW-NftlI-00073-00024879-00025678 see what's going on G6VGW-NftlI-00074-00025679-00025839 all right just keep walking i just keep G6VGW-NftlI-00075-00025839-00025967 walking down this way G6VGW-NftlI-00076-00025968-00026358 eventually i'll circle back to that way G6VGW-NftlI-00077-00026360-00026479 what's up guys we're hanging out with G6VGW-NftlI-00078-00026480-00026711 the one and only philly don got the G6VGW-NftlI-00079-00026712-00026951 green not the green but the G6VGW-NftlI-00080-00026952-00027295 red face mask on today G6VGW-NftlI-00081-00027295-00028111 trying to change up on you guys G6VGW-NftlI-00082-00028112-00028543 but welcome to corazon belize G6VGW-NftlI-00083-00028544-00028718 ah get on this side G6VGW-NftlI-00084-00028719-00030423 i'm all over like i'm zigzagging like G6VGW-NftlI-00085-00030424-00032062 okay G6VGW-NftlI-00086-00032063-00032414 okay G6VGW-NftlI-00087-00032416-00032527 all right G6VGW-NftlI-00088-00032527-00032646 yeah i'm gonna walk towards the ocean G6VGW-NftlI-00089-00032647-00033143 that's always good G6VGW-NftlI-00090-00033144-00033318 it's a little park over here it's called G6VGW-NftlI-00091-00033319-00033399 the G6VGW-NftlI-00092-00033400-00033687 corazon town G6VGW-NftlI-00093-00033688-00033862 central park G6VGW-NftlI-00094-00033863-00034887 right here G6VGW-NftlI-00095-00034888-00035062 oh that's the corals are right across G6VGW-NftlI-00096-00035063-00035462 the street is the coral zou uh G6VGW-NftlI-00097-00035463-00036343 town hall G6VGW-NftlI-00098-00036344-00036574 i ain't been here in a while so G6VGW-NftlI-00099-00036575-00036711 i'm still getting familiar but i know G6VGW-NftlI-00100-00036712-00036902 the place pretty well so there's no real G6VGW-NftlI-00101-00036903-00037095 no stress on my back G6VGW-NftlI-00102-00037096-00037790 i know the area pretty well G6VGW-NftlI-00103-00037791-00037935 oh my goodness i'll give you this right G6VGW-NftlI-00104-00037936-00038135 here i'll show you everything G6VGW-NftlI-00105-00038136-00038302 since we getting a little tour of G6VGW-NftlI-00106-00038303-00038487 everything when i see some stuff i might G6VGW-NftlI-00107-00038488-00038671 not see G6VGW-NftlI-00108-00038672-00038879 welcome to the corazon public library G6VGW-NftlI-00109-00038880-00038983 which is G6VGW-NftlI-00110-00038984-00039318 right in front of you right here G6VGW-NftlI-00111-00039319-00039630 they said monday friday 9 a.m to 7 p.m G6VGW-NftlI-00112-00039631-00040646 and saturday 9 a.m to 1 p.m G6VGW-NftlI-00114-00046000-00046167 it's a beautiful day out here it's G6VGW-NftlI-00115-00046168-00046383 perfect weather it's not too hot G6VGW-NftlI-00116-00046384-00046487 not too warm G6VGW-NftlI-00117-00046488-00047030 [Music] G6VGW-NftlI-00118-00047031-00047215 welcome to the real streets G6VGW-NftlI-00119-00047216-00047527 corazon town belize or corazon belize G6VGW-NftlI-00120-00047528-00047679 what they call it quarters out town G6VGW-NftlI-00121-00047680-00047951 belize i think belize only has two G6VGW-NftlI-00122-00047952-00048118 cities G6VGW-NftlI-00123-00048119-00048383 which is uh belize city G6VGW-NftlI-00124-00048384-00048695 and obama pond which is the capital G6VGW-NftlI-00125-00048696-00049207 of belize G6VGW-NftlI-00126-00049208-00049783 which is the capital i believes G6VGW-NftlI-00127-00049784-00049974 is a city after that i call everything G6VGW-NftlI-00128-00049975-00050183 towns which i noticed G6VGW-NftlI-00129-00050184-00050327 ah G6VGW-NftlI-00130-00050328-00050495 walk down this way G6VGW-NftlI-00131-00050496-00050630 sorry about that that i'm all over the G6VGW-NftlI-00132-00050631-00050758 place guys G6VGW-NftlI-00133-00050759-00051062 i apologize G6VGW-NftlI-00134-00051063-00051287 i apologize G6VGW-NftlI-00135-00051288-00053126 i'm all over the place G6VGW-NftlI-00136-00053127-00054007 this right here G6VGW-NftlI-00137-00054008-00054335 it's definitely not G6VGW-NftlI-00138-00054336-00054566 as many people here G6VGW-NftlI-00139-00054567-00054735 and believe that G6VGW-NftlI-00140-00054736-00054903 that is G6VGW-NftlI-00141-00054904-00055263 in the dominican republic and also haiti G6VGW-NftlI-00142-00055264-00055666 as you can see G6VGW-NftlI-00143-00055666-00056503 [Music] G6VGW-NftlI-00144-00056504-00058111 i gotta keep walking down G6VGW-NftlI-00145-00058112-00059879 so G6VGW-NftlI-00146-00059879-00060047 and i can run bikes in the chat let's G6VGW-NftlI-00147-00060048-00060863 see G6VGW-NftlI-00148-00060864-00062350 so G6VGW-NftlI-00149-00062351-00063911 it's a little view G6VGW-NftlI-00150-00063912-00064150 this is beautiful beautiful beautiful G6VGW-NftlI-00151-00064151-00064950 beautiful G6VGW-NftlI-00152-00064951-00065135 let's keep going down guys so let's just G6VGW-NftlI-00153-00065136-00065655 see G6VGW-NftlI-00154-00065656-00065823 so i i would think when the bus dropped G6VGW-NftlI-00155-00065824-00066047 me off that's the downtown area G6VGW-NftlI-00156-00066048-00066238 and now i'm just G6VGW-NftlI-00157-00066239-00067879 walking out of that area G6VGW-NftlI-00158-00067880-00069471 nice little hotel right there G6VGW-NftlI-00159-00069472-00069750 oh it's a guest house and G6VGW-NftlI-00160-00069751-00071079 and bar okay G6VGW-NftlI-00161-00071080-00071367 some other places right here some nice G6VGW-NftlI-00162-00071368-00071799 houses right there as well G6VGW-NftlI-00163-00071800-00071959 you gotta bear with me on this one guys G6VGW-NftlI-00164-00071960-00072079 i'm just G6VGW-NftlI-00165-00072080-00073535 what we call a freestyle G6VGW-NftlI-00166-00073536-00073662 oh and another thing i can tell you G6VGW-NftlI-00167-00073663-00073887 about belize if you need a taxi G6VGW-NftlI-00168-00073888-00074406 they have green lights and sweets G6VGW-NftlI-00169-00074407-00074543 and yeah i'm gonna do some videos on G6VGW-NftlI-00170-00074544-00074726 food and different things like that G6VGW-NftlI-00171-00074727-00074823 because G6VGW-NftlI-00172-00074824-00075031 everybody doesn't really know G6VGW-NftlI-00173-00075032-00075182 the belizean food like that so G6VGW-NftlI-00174-00075183-00075287 definitely G6VGW-NftlI-00175-00075288-00075967 i will do videos on the food okay G6VGW-NftlI-00176-00075968-00076367 little workout G6VGW-NftlI-00177-00076368-00076750 things right there G6VGW-NftlI-00178-00076751-00076991 so G6VGW-NftlI-00179-00076992-00077103 i guess you can call this like the G6VGW-NftlI-00180-00077104-00077294 intercoastal whatever G6VGW-NftlI-00181-00077295-00078406 where i'm at G6VGW-NftlI-00182-00078407-00080423 horizontal G6VGW-NftlI-00183-00080424-00080599 let's see what's going on over here real G6VGW-NftlI-00184-00080600-00081215 quick and i'll keep making my way down G6VGW-NftlI-00185-00081216-00081887 it's a cannon there old cannon G6VGW-NftlI-00186-00081888-00082087 you gotta see that G6VGW-NftlI-00187-00082088-00082518 the old cannon right there G6VGW-NftlI-00188-00082519-00082735 some kids over there swimming G6VGW-NftlI-00189-00082736-00082975 over that way G6VGW-NftlI-00190-00082976-00083150 let's just let you see this beautiful G6VGW-NftlI-00191-00083151-00084199 sight G6VGW-NftlI-00192-00084200-00084343 okay G6VGW-NftlI-00193-00084344-00085255 just keep walking G6VGW-NftlI-00194-00085256-00085935 palm trees right here G6VGW-NftlI-00195-00085936-00086182 welcome to the royal streets of corazon G6VGW-NftlI-00196-00086183-00086375 belize aka G6VGW-NftlI-00197-00086376-00086631 corazon town G6VGW-NftlI-00198-00086632-00086823 yeah you know i'm going on real real G6VGW-NftlI-00199-00086824-00086967 streets and i know they got rough areas G6VGW-NftlI-00200-00086968-00087103 here too G6VGW-NftlI-00201-00087104-00087255 like G6VGW-NftlI-00202-00087256-00087455 belize city but G6VGW-NftlI-00203-00087456-00087679 i'll keep it safe G6VGW-NftlI-00204-00087680-00088015 like i said i'll keep it safe G6VGW-NftlI-00205-00088016-00088159 the longer i stay here if i get some G6VGW-NftlI-00206-00088160-00088815 tour guide or something like that G6VGW-NftlI-00207-00088816-00088982 i will uh G6VGW-NftlI-00208-00088983-00089231 venture out into some other places G6VGW-NftlI-00209-00089232-00091679 but now i need to keep it safe G6VGW-NftlI-00210-00091680-00091918 okay G6VGW-NftlI-00211-00091919-00092094 the more i walk out of G6VGW-NftlI-00212-00092095-00092279 the little downtown area it's more like G6VGW-NftlI-00213-00092280-00092743 a ghost town G6VGW-NftlI-00214-00092744-00092950 yes brother G6VGW-NftlI-00215-00092951-00093087 you hear me try to talk to action yes G6VGW-NftlI-00216-00093088-00093271 brother i think i got that down i hear a G6VGW-NftlI-00217-00093272-00094550 lot of blessings today yes brother G6VGW-NftlI-00218-00094551-00095655 did you see this G6VGW-NftlI-00219-00095656-00095903 [Music] G6VGW-NftlI-00220-00095904-00096150 next stop at a restaurant maybe G6VGW-NftlI-00221-00096151-00096503 go to bathroom G6VGW-NftlI-00222-00096504-00096767 [Music] G6VGW-NftlI-00223-00096768-00096982 look at a restaurant G6VGW-NftlI-00224-00096983-00097350 sunset view restaurant and bar yeah can G6VGW-NftlI-00225-00097351-00098150 i have a bathroom man G6VGW-NftlI-00226-00098151-00098615 i'm about to trip over myself G6VGW-NftlI-00227-00098616-00099126 there you go let's just see it G6VGW-NftlI-00228-00099127-00099382 excuse me sorry i mean it's frankie like G6VGW-NftlI-00229-00099383-00099518 that G6VGW-NftlI-00230-00099519-00099774 um do you have a bathroom here G6VGW-NftlI-00231-00099775-00099894 i'll get a drink or something but i G6VGW-NftlI-00232-00099895-00100255 gotta go to the bathroom yes G6VGW-NftlI-00233-00100256-00100511 i'll sit for a second and get a drink G6VGW-NftlI-00234-00100512-00100782 and relax yes okay appreciate you G6VGW-NftlI-00235-00100783-00100926 appreciate you G6VGW-NftlI-00236-00100927-00101135 show me where is that G6VGW-NftlI-00237-00101136-00101726 right there G6VGW-NftlI-00238-00101727-00101943 it's over this way it's over there G6VGW-NftlI-00239-00101944-00103247 okay thank you okay thank you G6VGW-NftlI-00240-00103248-00103463 i'm on my way out of here G6VGW-NftlI-00241-00103464-00103671 went to the bathroom got a drink now i'm G6VGW-NftlI-00242-00103672-00103839 gonna make my way out of here G6VGW-NftlI-00243-00103840-00104015 and um G6VGW-NftlI-00244-00104016-00105358 keep walking around G6VGW-NftlI-00245-00105359-00105502 i ain't gonna lie i look kind of boring G6VGW-NftlI-00246-00105503-00105615 on the G6VGW-NftlI-00247-00105616-00105815 on the beach not the beach but the G6VGW-NftlI-00248-00105816-00106007 intercoastal let's say intercoast that's G6VGW-NftlI-00249-00106008-00106278 what it is in the coast G6VGW-NftlI-00250-00106279-00107983 it's like nobody nobody's out here G6VGW-NftlI-00251-00107983-00109283 a little spot right there G6VGW-NftlI-00252-00109283-00109543 actually another little place they got G6VGW-NftlI-00253-00109544-00109895 right here looks nice G6VGW-NftlI-00254-00109896-00110431 another little bar restaurant G6VGW-NftlI-00255-00110432-00110599 like i'm just walking along it's just us G6VGW-NftlI-00256-00110600-00111653 walking together G6VGW-NftlI-00257-00111654-00111863 [Music] G6VGW-NftlI-00258-00111864-00112047 chorus i believe that's where we at G6VGW-NftlI-00259-00112048-00112271 right now G6VGW-NftlI-00260-00112272-00112527 eight miles from the mexican border G6VGW-NftlI-00261-00112528-00112727 choctaw mexico is the border town right G6VGW-NftlI-00262-00112728-00113415 there G6VGW-NftlI-00263-00113416-00115663 let's keep walking on down G6VGW-NftlI-00264-00115664-00115919 to see some of this mayan uh G6VGW-NftlI-00265-00115920-00117086 look at this man G6VGW-NftlI-00266-00117088-00117966 keep walking on down here G6VGW-NftlI-00267-00117967-00118151 shout out to my people from belize G6VGW-NftlI-00268-00118152-00118310 that's watching G6VGW-NftlI-00269-00118311-00118543 i know somebody's from corazon we got G6VGW-NftlI-00270-00118544-00118783 family members from corazon G6VGW-NftlI-00271-00118783-00119199 i know i know i know G6VGW-NftlI-00272-00119200-00120734 i know i know i know G6VGW-NftlI-00273-00120735-00120895 shout out to my boy alaska pat i don't G6VGW-NftlI-00274-00120896-00121110 forget you man last competition forget G6VGW-NftlI-00275-00121111-00121439 you hold on just a little longer G6VGW-NftlI-00276-00121440-00121847 hold on a little longer alaska pack G6VGW-NftlI-00277-00121848-00122078 shout out to barbara world tv G6VGW-NftlI-00278-00122079-00122839 aka international zoo G6VGW-NftlI-00279-00122840-00123031 out there and believe it's not belize in G6VGW-NftlI-00280-00123032-00123439 brazil doing this thing G6VGW-NftlI-00281-00123440-00123614 i guess we walking through soldier park G6VGW-NftlI-00282-00123615-00123758 right here G6VGW-NftlI-00283-00123759-00123958 welcome to soldier park whatever that G6VGW-NftlI-00284-00123959-00124999 means G6VGW-NftlI-00285-00125000-00125151 man i think i'm ahead inland i was gonna G6VGW-NftlI-00286-00125152-00125463 walk down a little further G6VGW-NftlI-00287-00125464-00125847 but i'm sure i want to see some people G6VGW-NftlI-00288-00125848-00126063 and guess what G6VGW-NftlI-00289-00126064-00126247 i don't see no people G6VGW-NftlI-00290-00126248-00126454 only cars driving around G6VGW-NftlI-00291-00126455-00126639 so i think um G6VGW-NftlI-00292-00126640-00126990 the smart thing to do philly G6VGW-NftlI-00293-00126991-00127190 is to make a right G6VGW-NftlI-00294-00127191-00127414 and go where the people at because they G6VGW-NftlI-00295-00127415-00128878 want to see people G6VGW-NftlI-00296-00128879-00129071 corazon always been like a low-key town G6VGW-NftlI-00297-00129072-00129343 anyway i ain't even a lot of you guys G6VGW-NftlI-00298-00129344-00129558 corazon always been like a low-key town G6VGW-NftlI-00299-00129559-00129807 anyway G6VGW-NftlI-00300-00129808-00130095 so G6VGW-NftlI-00301-00130096-00130263 the pandemic probably pushed it over the G6VGW-NftlI-00302-00130264-00130502 edge G6VGW-NftlI-00303-00130503-00130751 oh yeah we'll make the right G6VGW-NftlI-00304-00130752-00131111 make the right G6VGW-NftlI-00305-00131112-00131375 we gotta our mennonites here yes they G6VGW-NftlI-00306-00131376-00131551 have mennonites here G6VGW-NftlI-00307-00131552-00131735 you know if anybody's from pennsylvania G6VGW-NftlI-00308-00131736-00131966 where i'm from we call them amish they G6VGW-NftlI-00309-00131967-00132183 got amish they got mennonites here i G6VGW-NftlI-00310-00132184-00132311 think they have G6VGW-NftlI-00311-00132312-00132535 german descent or some kind of european G6VGW-NftlI-00312-00132536-00132631 descent G6VGW-NftlI-00313-00132632-00132863 see them across there they sell peanuts G6VGW-NftlI-00314-00132864-00133047 they they they got a big stronghold here G6VGW-NftlI-00315-00133048-00133239 in um belize they G6VGW-NftlI-00316-00133240-00133583 they definitely G6VGW-NftlI-00317-00133584-00134014 making money down here G6VGW-NftlI-00318-00134015-00134183 i'm gonna try to walk past them so you G6VGW-NftlI-00319-00134184-00134351 can see them a little closer G6VGW-NftlI-00320-00134352-00134566 see how that works out for me G6VGW-NftlI-00321-00134567-00135143 that's them right there G6VGW-NftlI-00322-00135144-00135623 how you guys going G6VGW-NftlI-00323-00135624-00135790 also yes they talk with a belizean G6VGW-NftlI-00324-00135791-00136095 accent they're blown hair raised hair G6VGW-NftlI-00325-00136096-00136327 yes they're just europeans G6VGW-NftlI-00326-00136328-00136519 so if anybody G6VGW-NftlI-00327-00136520-00137127 wanted to know that G6VGW-NftlI-00328-00137128-00137302 i went i went right man because there G6VGW-NftlI-00329-00137303-00137878 was nothing going on G6VGW-NftlI-00330-00137879-00139239 nothing going on G6VGW-NftlI-00331-00139240-00140231 [Applause] G6VGW-NftlI-00332-00140232-00140335 all right i'll probably get some chicken G6VGW-NftlI-00333-00140336-00140495 before i get out of here G6VGW-NftlI-00334-00140496-00141295 that'll be my meal for the day G6VGW-NftlI-00335-00141296-00141414 trying to see some sign across the G6VGW-NftlI-00336-00141415-00141519 street G6VGW-NftlI-00337-00141520-00142302 what's going on with that sign G6VGW-NftlI-00338-00142303-00142575 [Music] G6VGW-NftlI-00339-00142576-00142799 and pelican is the bed they drink here G6VGW-NftlI-00340-00142800-00142959 that's their top bed they drank here G6VGW-NftlI-00341-00142960-00143854 bellicon bear G6VGW-NftlI-00342-00143855-00144007 maybe we might go on the real streets G6VGW-NftlI-00343-00144008-00144231 today we might go on the real streets G6VGW-NftlI-00344-00144232-00144375 today because uh G6VGW-NftlI-00345-00144376-00145383 walking down there wasn't helping me G6VGW-NftlI-00346-00145384-00145599 there are a lot G6VGW-NftlI-00347-00145600-00145831 of chinese restaurants here the chinese G6VGW-NftlI-00348-00145832-00146031 are definitely G6VGW-NftlI-00349-00146032-00146166 in belize G6VGW-NftlI-00350-00146167-00146414 i can't say in all of central america G6VGW-NftlI-00351-00146415-00146543 but G6VGW-NftlI-00352-00146544-00146719 without a doubt G6VGW-NftlI-00353-00146720-00146926 100 percent G6VGW-NftlI-00354-00146927-00147119 they are in belize G6VGW-NftlI-00355-00147120-00148223 believe me when i tell you that G6VGW-NftlI-00356-00148224-00148359 so you know i do these videos just to G6VGW-NftlI-00357-00148360-00148502 give you a little feel G6VGW-NftlI-00358-00148503-00149071 of the town G6VGW-NftlI-00359-00149072-00149287 so if you ever pass it through here G6VGW-NftlI-00360-00149288-00149543 from mexico or you and belize city you G6VGW-NftlI-00361-00149544-00149735 want to come up here and check it out G6VGW-NftlI-00362-00149736-00149863 it's definitely good for one or two G6VGW-NftlI-00363-00149864-00150183 nighter G6VGW-NftlI-00364-00150184-00150359 i wouldn't really stay that long like G6VGW-NftlI-00365-00150360-00150471 most of G6VGW-NftlI-00366-00150472-00150775 all the good stuff about belize is south G6VGW-NftlI-00367-00150776-00150983 and no no disrespect to the town of G6VGW-NftlI-00368-00150984-00151135 corazon G6VGW-NftlI-00369-00151136-00151319 but G6VGW-NftlI-00370-00151320-00151519 southern belize dick G6VGW-NftlI-00371-00151520-00151919 peacock san pedro G6VGW-NftlI-00372-00151920-00152375 some other places i didn't even name G6VGW-NftlI-00373-00152376-00152551 santa nacia G6VGW-NftlI-00374-00152552-00152775 cayo G6VGW-NftlI-00375-00152776-00153031 green some other places there's more G6VGW-NftlI-00376-00153032-00153287 places i'm not naming all of them G6VGW-NftlI-00377-00153288-00154454 so G6VGW-NftlI-00378-00154455-00155351 that for sure G6VGW-NftlI-00379-00155352-00156207 some places for sure definitely um G6VGW-NftlI-00380-00156208-00156447 what i was going to say them places G6VGW-NftlI-00381-00156448-00156695 for sure have a lot G6VGW-NftlI-00382-00156696-00156878 more to offer G6VGW-NftlI-00383-00156879-00157702 when it comes to belize G6VGW-NftlI-00384-00157703-00157966 man i'm in the places i shouldn't go G6VGW-NftlI-00385-00157967-00158166 and if your child you shouldn't do this G6VGW-NftlI-00386-00158167-00158319 going on these side streets i don't know G6VGW-NftlI-00387-00158320-00158535 if this gang neighborhoods G6VGW-NftlI-00388-00158536-00158695 i don't know if these good people or the G6VGW-NftlI-00389-00158696-00158902 cops are right there so i don't think G6VGW-NftlI-00390-00158903-00161047 too much gonna go along G6VGW-NftlI-00391-00161048-00161278 so i'll make this right G6VGW-NftlI-00392-00161279-00161447 half at the corner so i should be G6VGW-NftlI-00393-00161448-00163175 alright G6VGW-NftlI-00394-00163176-00163383 man belize is like a ghost town here G6VGW-NftlI-00395-00163384-00163614 this is a little side street let you see G6VGW-NftlI-00396-00163615-00164071 what's going on G6VGW-NftlI-00397-00164072-00164735 off the forbidden path G6VGW-NftlI-00398-00164736-00164983 why i don't see no people G6VGW-NftlI-00399-00164984-00165119 i'm trying to G6VGW-NftlI-00400-00165120-00165271 let you guys see what's going on here G6VGW-NftlI-00401-00165272-00165366 but G6VGW-NftlI-00402-00165367-00165751 obviously G6VGW-NftlI-00403-00165752-00165902 it's not that many people don't believe G6VGW-NftlI-00404-00165903-00166087 i don't know before that to come there G6VGW-NftlI-00405-00166088-00166223 was a lot of people in belize i'm not G6VGW-NftlI-00406-00166224-00166383 saying it was like haiti or the G6VGW-NftlI-00407-00166384-00166575 dominican republic i was saying earlier G6VGW-NftlI-00408-00166576-00166759 but it was G6VGW-NftlI-00409-00166760-00167111 i don't see nobody G6VGW-NftlI-00410-00167112-00167359 it's like a ghost town G6VGW-NftlI-00411-00167360-00167902 it's ghostbusters G6VGW-NftlI-00412-00167903-00169383 that's how the houses look G6VGW-NftlI-00413-00169384-00169483 what's up G6VGW-NftlI-00414-00169484-00169647 man G6VGW-NftlI-00415-00169648-00170999 yeah man G6VGW-NftlI-00416-00171000-00173414 um G6VGW-NftlI-00417-00173415-00174126 wonderful day man not too hot G6VGW-NftlI-00418-00174127-00174287 you guys need to come on down to belize G6VGW-NftlI-00419-00174288-00174407 check it out G6VGW-NftlI-00420-00174408-00174623 good people good food G6VGW-NftlI-00421-00174624-00174847 good culture good lifestyle G6VGW-NftlI-00422-00174848-00175871 religions are good people man G6VGW-NftlI-00423-00175872-00176790 yes brother G6VGW-NftlI-00424-00176791-00176943 i saw some people but i want to put the G6VGW-NftlI-00425-00176944-00177126 camera on G6VGW-NftlI-00426-00177127-00179383 the whole family G6VGW-NftlI-00427-00179384-00179543 i kind of want the black sheep so y'all G6VGW-NftlI-00428-00179544-00179863 can see the real belief G6VGW-NftlI-00429-00179864-00180071 hopefully i'm passing somebody's house G6VGW-NftlI-00430-00180072-00180447 where they grew up or something G6VGW-NftlI-00431-00180448-00181111 what's up my brother G6VGW-NftlI-00432-00181112-00182895 so G6VGW-NftlI-00433-00182896-00183431 yes brother G6VGW-NftlI-00434-00183432-00183966 all right G6VGW-NftlI-00435-00183967-00184087 i guess it's turned into the real G6VGW-NftlI-00436-00184088-00187031 streets of the league G6VGW-NftlI-00437-00187032-00187175 doing the best i can do to show you G6VGW-NftlI-00438-00187176-00187383 what's going on around me i mean i can G6VGW-NftlI-00439-00187384-00187687 show you what's in front of me G6VGW-NftlI-00440-00187688-00187895 on the camera you know G6VGW-NftlI-00441-00187896-00189031 car wash over there G6VGW-NftlI-00442-00189032-00189319 restaurant aka china chinese G6VGW-NftlI-00443-00189320-00189463 restaurant they call it G6VGW-NftlI-00444-00189464-00189631 restaurant well they eat some chicken G6VGW-NftlI-00445-00189632-00189902 here they must be pounds and pounds and G6VGW-NftlI-00446-00189903-00191047 pounds of chicken here G6VGW-NftlI-00447-00191048-00194031 one G6VGW-NftlI-00448-00194032-00195102 so G6VGW-NftlI-00449-00195103-00195311 this is like a little touch G6VGW-NftlI-00450-00195312-00195471 of course obviously it's a lot bigger G6VGW-NftlI-00451-00195472-00195583 than this G6VGW-NftlI-00452-00195584-00195838 corazon town but i'm just G6VGW-NftlI-00453-00195839-00196671 trying to show you what i can show you G6VGW-NftlI-00454-00196672-00196807 i was gonna walk to the hotel where i'm G6VGW-NftlI-00455-00196808-00197007 at but it was like nobody on the road G6VGW-NftlI-00456-00197008-00197126 so i was like that's why i turned back G6VGW-NftlI-00457-00197127-00197663 up this way G6VGW-NftlI-00458-00197664-00197790 they're the buses that take you to G6VGW-NftlI-00459-00197791-00198095 belize city buses just like that G6VGW-NftlI-00460-00198096-00200463 the school buses we call them G6VGW-NftlI-00461-00200464-00200711 so peace by peace i'll break down belize G6VGW-NftlI-00462-00200712-00201335 let you see more and more beliefs G6VGW-NftlI-00463-00201336-00201583 as much as i can you know G6VGW-NftlI-00464-00201584-00201950 i'm only one guy G6VGW-NftlI-00465-00201951-00202102 it's a big country G6VGW-NftlI-00466-00202103-00202263 so now let me stop joking it's not a big G6VGW-NftlI-00467-00202264-00202447 country a little country but i'm gonna G6VGW-NftlI-00468-00202448-00202623 show you how much i can show you G6VGW-NftlI-00469-00202624-00203245 of the country G6VGW-NftlI-00470-00203246-00205200 [Music] G6VGW-NftlI-00471-00205201-00206798 [Music] G6VGW-NftlI-00472-00206800-00206958 oh and the music that they played out G6VGW-NftlI-00473-00206959-00207198 here G6VGW-NftlI-00474-00207200-00207358 i think reggae is the strongest john G6VGW-NftlI-00475-00207359-00207694 durbin music dancehall reggae G6VGW-NftlI-00476-00207696-00207942 at the strongest genre of music but G6VGW-NftlI-00477-00207944-00208086 believers have their own music called G6VGW-NftlI-00478-00208087-00208390 pumta G6VGW-NftlI-00479-00208391-00208519 and it's G6VGW-NftlI-00480-00208519-00208734 it's played a lot out here G6VGW-NftlI-00481-00208735-00209086 and i can't make it right G6VGW-NftlI-00482-00209087-00209214 they definitely building up a life G6VGW-NftlI-00483-00209215-00209342 called punta G6VGW-NftlI-00484-00209344-00209510 it's the music G6VGW-NftlI-00485-00209511-00209734 damn i can't make a right G6VGW-NftlI-00486-00209735-00209919 this is getting G6VGW-NftlI-00487-00209919-00210287 getting worse by the second G6VGW-NftlI-00488-00210288-00210534 i want to circle back around G6VGW-NftlI-00489-00210535-00210679 i might have to circle back around i G6VGW-NftlI-00490-00210680-00210871 thought i could G6VGW-NftlI-00491-00210871-00211406 what the heck G6VGW-NftlI-00492-00211407-00211967 i gotta go back around man this is crazy G6VGW-NftlI-00493-00211967-00212231 to go back on the main street G6VGW-NftlI-00494-00212232-00212463 i think i could just make a right G6VGW-NftlI-00495-00212464-00212663 i see why some of you youtubers travel G6VGW-NftlI-00496-00212664-00212775 youtubers G6VGW-NftlI-00497-00212776-00212927 or youtubers that do walk and talk G6VGW-NftlI-00498-00212928-00213039 videos G6VGW-NftlI-00499-00213040-00213191 like they map out that chorus because G6VGW-NftlI-00500-00213192-00213294 this G6VGW-NftlI-00501-00213296-00213815 i just know i can make a right G6VGW-NftlI-00502-00213816-00214439 obviously that's not the case silly dom G6VGW-NftlI-00503-00214440-00214551 i'm gonna have to get some chicken to G6VGW-NftlI-00504-00214552-00215679 get my mind right G6VGW-NftlI-00505-00215680-00216646 let's see this G6VGW-NftlI-00506-00216648-00217039 now we're gonna make the left over here G6VGW-NftlI-00507-00217040-00218046 the deception the betrayal G6VGW-NftlI-00508-00218048-00218223 shout out to sean barros man doing his G6VGW-NftlI-00509-00218223-00218503 thing man G6VGW-NftlI-00510-00218504-00218671 yeah government official down here shout G6VGW-NftlI-00511-00218671-00218831 out to him definitely would like to meet G6VGW-NftlI-00512-00218832-00219015 him if anybody know him G6VGW-NftlI-00513-00219016-00219167 personally G6VGW-NftlI-00514-00219167-00219398 link philly dime up with him G6VGW-NftlI-00515-00219400-00219598 i would do a little uh G6VGW-NftlI-00516-00219600-00219839 interview with him not big G6VGW-NftlI-00517-00219840-00219982 i know he a busy man i know he's G6VGW-NftlI-00518-00219983-00220175 government official G6VGW-NftlI-00519-00220176-00220655 just a little something G6VGW-NftlI-00520-00220656-00220823 telling philly dumb looking for him tell G6VGW-NftlI-00521-00220823-00221079 sean barros if y'all know him G6VGW-NftlI-00522-00221080-00221303 y'all know his family telling philly dom G6VGW-NftlI-00523-00221304-00221527 is down here here youtuber travel G6VGW-NftlI-00524-00221528-00221734 youtube and i'm looking for him G6VGW-NftlI-00525-00221735-00222031 pass the word G6VGW-NftlI-00526-00222032-00222327 i want to do a little interview with him G6VGW-NftlI-00527-00222328-00222471 something basic G6VGW-NftlI-00528-00222471-00222615 i know one of his cousins i'm real type G6VGW-NftlI-00529-00222616-00222919 of one of his cousins G6VGW-NftlI-00530-00222919-00223158 so i think it might work out G6VGW-NftlI-00531-00223159-00223719 it might go in my favor G6VGW-NftlI-00532-00223719-00223879 a little G6VGW-NftlI-00533-00223880-00224134 fruit market right here G6VGW-NftlI-00534-00224135-00224398 in fact let me buy it now G6VGW-NftlI-00535-00224400-00225167 i don't know i gotta get some onions G6VGW-NftlI-00536-00225167-00225951 welcome to you whom that who what G6VGW-NftlI-00537-00225952-00226734 oh man this is like michael jackson G6VGW-NftlI-00538-00226735-00226887 yeah i mean matter of fact how much are G6VGW-NftlI-00539-00226888-00227198 they G6VGW-NftlI-00540-00227200-00227367 how much was that one G6VGW-NftlI-00541-00227367-00227463 what what G6VGW-NftlI-00542-00227464-00227863 how much yeah 125 125 G6VGW-NftlI-00543-00227864-00228527 125 belize okay G6VGW-NftlI-00544-00228528-00228767 got some onions man i got some romaine G6VGW-NftlI-00545-00228767-00228927 romaine noodles G6VGW-NftlI-00546-00228928-00229119 ramen noodles so G6VGW-NftlI-00547-00229119-00229255 i like the onions man so i could be G6VGW-NftlI-00548-00229256-00229591 healthy when i eat them G6VGW-NftlI-00549-00229592-00230863 put this in my backpack G6VGW-NftlI-00550-00230864-00231079 so how much you give me back G6VGW-NftlI-00551-00231080-00231334 you got me five six G6VGW-NftlI-00552-00231335-00231567 seven eight okay G6VGW-NftlI-00553-00231567-00231846 yeah brother yeah brother G6VGW-NftlI-00554-00231848-00232510 yes indeed brother G6VGW-NftlI-00555-00232511-00232639 oh man G6VGW-NftlI-00556-00232640-00232798 [Applause] G6VGW-NftlI-00557-00232800-00233182 belize through the world G6VGW-NftlI-00558-00233183-00233406 oh G6VGW-NftlI-00559-00233407-00233679 you guys have a good day okay G6VGW-NftlI-00560-00233680-00233927 yeah man man no you the man you're the G6VGW-NftlI-00561-00233928-00234150 man you're the man G6VGW-NftlI-00562-00234151-00234934 [Laughter] G6VGW-NftlI-00563-00234935-00235063 i don't know if they robbed me on that G6VGW-NftlI-00564-00235064-00235179 they said G6VGW-NftlI-00565-00235180-00235519 1.25 man for a dollar fifty i don't know G6VGW-NftlI-00566-00235519-00235687 i didn't pay attention G6VGW-NftlI-00567-00235688-00235823 for one onion G6VGW-NftlI-00568-00235823-00235975 is that the right price any belizean G6VGW-NftlI-00569-00235976-00236175 watch let me know man i think they might G6VGW-NftlI-00570-00236176-00236694 have got over on the kid G6VGW-NftlI-00571-00236696-00236894 they might have got over on me G6VGW-NftlI-00572-00236896-00237710 i don't know G6VGW-NftlI-00573-00237711-00239975 he said no you the man you the man G6VGW-NftlI-00574-00239976-00240119 there's a chicken spot i used to go to G6VGW-NftlI-00575-00240119-00240806 let's see if it's still open G6VGW-NftlI-00576-00240807-00241063 watch this guys G6VGW-NftlI-00577-00241064-00241296 i like your sandals they're nice G6VGW-NftlI-00578-00241298-00241727 [Music] G6VGW-NftlI-00579-00241728-00242582 she said thank you G6VGW-NftlI-00580-00242583-00242734 that's the bus G6VGW-NftlI-00581-00242735-00244215 that's the bus stop right there G6VGW-NftlI-00582-00244216-00244503 so this little chinese spot i go to G6VGW-NftlI-00583-00244504-00245494 i got a couple of them let me try G6VGW-NftlI-00584-00245496-00245887 is it that one right there G6VGW-NftlI-00585-00245888-00245991 it's been a while since i've been in G6VGW-NftlI-00586-00245992-00246206 this fort of belize G6VGW-NftlI-00587-00246207-00246889 look at that one G6VGW-NftlI-00588-00246890-00247198 [Music] G6VGW-NftlI-00589-00247200-00249023 we're gonna find out G6VGW-NftlI-00590-00249023-00249223 get that china mine chicken G6VGW-NftlI-00591-00249223-00249342 that's what the legion say i got that G6VGW-NftlI-00592-00249344-00249719 from them G6VGW-NftlI-00593-00249719-00249951 is it this spot G6VGW-NftlI-00594-00249952-00250079 we're gonna find let's go here first G6VGW-NftlI-00595-00250080-00250694 guys let's check it out check it out G6VGW-NftlI-00596-00250696-00250798 you gotta pay attention you get this G6VGW-NftlI-00597-00250800-00251167 camera more you can lose your light G6VGW-NftlI-00598-00251167-00251879 now assistant G6VGW-NftlI-00599-00251880-00252055 this is cool i'm gonna go to the other G6VGW-NftlI-00600-00252056-00252151 one G6VGW-NftlI-00601-00252152-00252271 i don't know i'll just go on vibes i'm G6VGW-NftlI-00602-00252271-00253039 gonna go to the other chicken spot G6VGW-NftlI-00603-00253040-00253319 i don't think it's hey G6VGW-NftlI-00604-00253319-00253823 let me ask them to still ask G6VGW-NftlI-00605-00253823-00254055 excuse me G6VGW-NftlI-00606-00254056-00254758 excuse me G6VGW-NftlI-00607-00254759-00254942 all right nobody came up to the front so G6VGW-NftlI-00608-00254944-00255423 i'm gonna just go to the other place G6VGW-NftlI-00609-00255423-00255646 i'm assume G6VGW-NftlI-00610-00255648-00255846 they might not be there no more G6VGW-NftlI-00611-00255848-00255998 we're just gonna make an assumption that G6VGW-NftlI-00612-00256000-00258271 it's not G6VGW-NftlI-00613-00258271-00258406 must be a barber shop right there if G6VGW-NftlI-00614-00258407-00258542 they put a barbershop that's the right G6VGW-NftlI-00615-00258544-00258710 move i'm gonna go to this other china G6VGW-NftlI-00616-00258711-00259151 mine G6VGW-NftlI-00617-00259152-00259927 it's a chicken shop G6VGW-NftlI-00618-00259928-00260246 yes brother G6VGW-NftlI-00619-00260248-00260679 see i got the dumb pack yes brother G6VGW-NftlI-00620-00260680-00260839 i believe it's a cool vibe man are G6VGW-NftlI-00621-00260840-00260958 people cool G6VGW-NftlI-00622-00260959-00261215 everything is cool G6VGW-NftlI-00623-00261216-00261430 you know you hear about the gangs and G6VGW-NftlI-00624-00261431-00261567 the violence G6VGW-NftlI-00625-00261567-00261798 as you know i mean G6VGW-NftlI-00626-00261800-00262087 of course uh G6VGW-NftlI-00627-00262088-00262199 you care about the gangs and the G6VGW-NftlI-00628-00262200-00262615 violence by the end of the day G6VGW-NftlI-00629-00262616-00262767 the beautiful beaches and everything is G6VGW-NftlI-00630-00262768-00262919 all about this G6VGW-NftlI-00631-00262920-00263143 it's all about this right here G6VGW-NftlI-00632-00263144-00263367 one love G6VGW-NftlI-00633-00263368-00264206 one love one love G6VGW-NftlI-00634-00264207-00266367 for the other china my chicken G6VGW-NftlI-00635-00266368-00266823 this one G6VGW-NftlI-00636-00266824-00267079 don't hesitate to get vaccinated G6VGW-NftlI-00637-00267080-00267751 so they got up there's a sign G6VGW-NftlI-00638-00267752-00268191 okay G6VGW-NftlI-00639-00268192-00270923 what time is it right now G6VGW-NftlI-00640-00270924-00271328 [Applause] G6VGW-NftlI-00641-00271329-00271751 [Music] G6VGW-NftlI-00642-00271752-00272823 it's a supermarket G6VGW-NftlI-00643-00272824-00273006 definitely not there G6VGW-NftlI-00644-00273007-00273295 where can i get some chinese chicken at G6VGW-NftlI-00645-00273296-00273534 right there okay G6VGW-NftlI-00646-00273535-00274151 thank you G6VGW-NftlI-00647-00274152-00274519 excuse me G6VGW-NftlI-00648-00274520-00274782 right here G6VGW-NftlI-00649-00274783-00275175 a one-stop shop G6VGW-NftlI-00650-00275176-00275758 excuse me G6VGW-NftlI-00651-00275759-00275910 don't they're paying me no mind right G6VGW-NftlI-00652-00275911-00276358 now excuse me G6VGW-NftlI-00653-00276359-00276782 i would like to get some chicken G6VGW-NftlI-00654-00276783-00277399 chicken chicken G6VGW-NftlI-00655-00277400-00277919 want to get two two platters of chicken G6VGW-NftlI-00656-00277920-00278006 yes G6VGW-NftlI-00657-00278007-00278134 what do you G6VGW-NftlI-00658-00278135-00278447 can i get 250 three dollars what do you G6VGW-NftlI-00659-00278448-00278671 have G6VGW-NftlI-00660-00278672-00278863 what do you have G6VGW-NftlI-00661-00278864-00279423 help me out help me out G6VGW-NftlI-00662-00279424-00279895 what'd you say G6VGW-NftlI-00663-00279896-00280143 oh no i'm losing you you said we don't G6VGW-NftlI-00664-00280144-00280447 have what G6VGW-NftlI-00665-00280448-00280799 250 of chicken 250. okay yes G6VGW-NftlI-00666-00280800-00280991 two of them uh-huh can i get you G6VGW-NftlI-00667-00280992-00281095 one G6VGW-NftlI-00668-00281096-00281247 huh G6VGW-NftlI-00669-00281248-00281727 it's six dollars for one yeah G6VGW-NftlI-00670-00281728-00281927 how much you want G6VGW-NftlI-00671-00281928-00282063 how much chicken is that because in G6VGW-NftlI-00672-00282064-00282303 belize city i did it for like 253 G6VGW-NftlI-00673-00282304-00282679 i know i'm speaking a little accident G6VGW-NftlI-00674-00282680-00283055 six dollars up yeah G6VGW-NftlI-00675-00283056-00283463 okay let me get two of them G6VGW-NftlI-00676-00283464-00284054 let me check the chicken out real quick G6VGW-NftlI-00677-00284055-00284558 okay okay G6VGW-NftlI-00678-00284559-00284791 yeah they get you a nice little amount G6VGW-NftlI-00679-00284792-00285039 okay okay G6VGW-NftlI-00680-00285040-00286254 just double checking with them G6VGW-NftlI-00681-00286255-00286767 got my chicken G6VGW-NftlI-00682-00286768-00286910 man i think i just get a haircut or G6VGW-NftlI-00683-00286911-00287503 something G6VGW-NftlI-00684-00287504-00287671 oh maybe i wait to believe city because G6VGW-NftlI-00685-00287672-00288023 i don't really G6VGW-NftlI-00686-00288024-00289951 trust the barbers here like that G6VGW-NftlI-00687-00289952-00290079 maybe i'll get a cut here what y'all G6VGW-NftlI-00688-00290080-00290191 think G6VGW-NftlI-00689-00290192-00290319 what you think i should get a cut here G6VGW-NftlI-00690-00290320-00290927 what's your thing G6VGW-NftlI-00691-00290928-00291110 i know the barbers in belize city i know G6VGW-NftlI-00692-00291111-00291223 them well G6VGW-NftlI-00693-00291224-00292495 i don't know if they can cut out here G6VGW-NftlI-00694-00292496-00293903 oh man G6VGW-NftlI-00695-00293904-00295503 maybe i'll go this way G6VGW-NftlI-00696-00295504-00297324 leave right there G6VGW-NftlI-00697-00297325-00297679 [Music] G6VGW-NftlI-00698-00297680-00298815 let's keep on pushing all through G6VGW-NftlI-00699-00298816-00300358 so G6VGW-NftlI-00700-00300359-00302158 so G6VGW-NftlI-00701-00302159-00302295 so if you ain't never been to belize now G6VGW-NftlI-00702-00302296-00302567 you see what it looks like G6VGW-NftlI-00703-00302568-00302782 the different towns G6VGW-NftlI-00704-00302783-00302975 when you saw belize city G6VGW-NftlI-00705-00302976-00303158 we're definitely gonna G6VGW-NftlI-00706-00303159-00303367 go to other places G6VGW-NftlI-00707-00303368-00303534 so you'll see G6VGW-NftlI-00708-00303535-00303703 i'm gonna show you much as belize as G6VGW-NftlI-00709-00303704-00303854 possible G6VGW-NftlI-00710-00303855-00306639 the ghost town the ghost country G6VGW-NftlI-00711-00306640-00309391 yes G6VGW-NftlI-00712-00309392-00309654 i'll definitely be rotating back G6VGW-NftlI-00713-00309655-00309895 to these different towns so you can get G6VGW-NftlI-00714-00309896-00310127 a more G6VGW-NftlI-00715-00310128-00310295 feel of the town but G6VGW-NftlI-00716-00310296-00310454 this is you know show you a little G6VGW-NftlI-00717-00310455-00310710 something G6VGW-NftlI-00718-00310711-00310847 so if you pass it through you know what G6VGW-NftlI-00719-00310848-00311063 to expect you know what the vibe is like G6VGW-NftlI-00720-00311064-00313119 you know everything G6VGW-NftlI-00721-00313120-00313982 so G6VGW-NftlI-00722-00313983-00316599 what's the glazing cat look like G6VGW-NftlI-00723-00316600-00319116 wow G6VGW-NftlI-00724-00319117-00319391 [Applause] G6VGW-NftlI-00725-00319392-00319615 shout out to ace live G6VGW-NftlI-00726-00319616-00319782 shout out to iron maver richard the G6VGW-NftlI-00727-00319783-00320047 world traveler and jack wilkins my G6VGW-NftlI-00728-00320048-00320271 cousin G6VGW-NftlI-00729-00320272-00320423 young and growing entertainment in the G6VGW-NftlI-00730-00320424-00321991 house without a doubt G6VGW-NftlI-00731-00321992-00322375 my G6VGW-NftlI-00732-00322376-00323975 so G6VGW-NftlI-00733-00323976-00324199 i'm trying to go slow G6VGW-NftlI-00734-00324200-00327143 so you can see everything G6VGW-NftlI-00735-00327144-00329230 car wash over there G6VGW-NftlI-00736-00329231-00329367 we go by the barber shop we'll see how G6VGW-NftlI-00737-00329368-00329510 much the haircuts come G6VGW-NftlI-00738-00329511-00329703 we out here G6VGW-NftlI-00739-00329704-00330351 i'm already in the area G6VGW-NftlI-00740-00330352-00331206 i might as well check G6VGW-NftlI-00741-00331207-00331671 got the aaa meeting going on right there G6VGW-NftlI-00742-00331672-00332487 all right G6VGW-NftlI-00744-00337055-00337303 there's more people driving than walking G6VGW-NftlI-00745-00337304-00337495 in belize G6VGW-NftlI-00746-00337496-00339303 please please me G6VGW-NftlI-00747-00339304-00339487 i must have G6VGW-NftlI-00748-00339488-00340839 went the wrong way by accident G6VGW-NftlI-00749-00340840-00342591 okay that's the main street G6VGW-NftlI-00750-00342592-00342758 also guys please share my videos please G6VGW-NftlI-00751-00342759-00342982 give my videos a like share my videos G6VGW-NftlI-00752-00342983-00343295 man so people can see what G6VGW-NftlI-00753-00343296-00343575 the leaves look like G6VGW-NftlI-00754-00343576-00345910 small country with a big heart man G6VGW-NftlI-00755-00345911-00347782 yes yes G6VGW-NftlI-00756-00347783-00348047 oh man let's go this way i'll be doing G6VGW-NftlI-00757-00348048-00348239 what i want to do G6VGW-NftlI-00758-00348240-00349734 i don't know what i want G6VGW-NftlI-00759-00349735-00349887 i'm going by the barbershop real quick G6VGW-NftlI-00760-00349888-00350039 at least to see the price G6VGW-NftlI-00762-00353424-00355358 so G6VGW-NftlI-00763-00355359-00355551 a little filler town man just a little G6VGW-NftlI-00764-00355552-00355647 fill G6VGW-NftlI-00765-00355648-00356134 so you know what it looked like G6VGW-NftlI-00766-00356135-00356343 the energy the vibes G6VGW-NftlI-00767-00356344-00356510 how do people act G6VGW-NftlI-00768-00356511-00356751 kabulis get a bad name too G6VGW-NftlI-00769-00356752-00356958 in the media like haiti it's dangerous G6VGW-NftlI-00770-00356959-00357303 it's crazy it's this is that G6VGW-NftlI-00771-00357304-00357454 yeah they got that crazy parts but they G6VGW-NftlI-00772-00357455-00357734 got their good parts too it's not G6VGW-NftlI-00773-00357735-00357871 when you go to these countries and you G6VGW-NftlI-00774-00357872-00357975 travel G6VGW-NftlI-00775-00357976-00358206 it's not G6VGW-NftlI-00776-00358207-00358343 the whole country and it's not G6VGW-NftlI-00777-00358344-00358654 everywhere it has pockets of problems G6VGW-NftlI-00778-00358655-00358895 like los angeles philadelphia G6VGW-NftlI-00779-00358896-00359095 chicago G6VGW-NftlI-00780-00359096-00359334 new york city G6VGW-NftlI-00781-00359335-00359551 miami florida G6VGW-NftlI-00782-00359552-00359799 memphis tennessee and the list goes on G6VGW-NftlI-00783-00359800-00360167 so G6VGW-NftlI-00784-00360168-00360358 because new york is bad or philly's bad G6VGW-NftlI-00785-00360359-00360630 or chicago's bad or la that means the G6VGW-NftlI-00786-00360631-00360734 whole G6VGW-NftlI-00787-00360735-00361030 united states is dangerous G6VGW-NftlI-00788-00361031-00362078 food for thought G6VGW-NftlI-00789-00362079-00362271 i'm good G6VGW-NftlI-00790-00362272-00362375 huh G6VGW-NftlI-00791-00362376-00362527 i'm good my brother G6VGW-NftlI-00792-00362528-00362623 get ready G6VGW-NftlI-00793-00362624-00363263 what's going on oh man G6VGW-NftlI-00794-00363264-00363454 how much are your cuts G6VGW-NftlI-00795-00363455-00363663 how much of your hair cuts G6VGW-NftlI-00796-00363664-00363975 how much of your hair cut G6VGW-NftlI-00797-00363976-00365487 okay G6VGW-NftlI-00798-00365488-00365806 myself G6VGW-NftlI-00799-00365807-00366087 yeah yeah i am a youtuber all right G6VGW-NftlI-00800-00366088-00367287 yeah yeah phillydom you can check it out G6VGW-NftlI-00801-00367288-00367567 stay on my way to belize city man to uh G6VGW-NftlI-00802-00367568-00368239 get a haircut G6VGW-NftlI-00803-00368240-00368551 what about a ticket G6VGW-NftlI-00804-00368552-00368703 for believe city G6VGW-NftlI-00805-00368704-00368934 the ticket right there you G6VGW-NftlI-00806-00368935-00369375 okay G6VGW-NftlI-00807-00369376-00369663 yeah that's what they told me G6VGW-NftlI-00808-00369664-00370015 what time is it right now G6VGW-NftlI-00809-00370016-00370782 oh okay 3 20. oh it's close G6VGW-NftlI-00810-00370783-00370934 until they both come in you have to buy G6VGW-NftlI-00811-00370935-00371695 your tickets G6VGW-NftlI-00812-00371696-00371943 okay so don't worry about it now G6VGW-NftlI-00813-00371944-00372095 okay okay thank you G6VGW-NftlI-00814-00372096-00372247 every place doing different something G6VGW-NftlI-00815-00372248-00372719 something different all right thank you G6VGW-NftlI-00816-00372720-00373423 [Music] G6VGW-NftlI-00817-00373424-00373678 so i'm waiting for my bus G6VGW-NftlI-00818-00373679-00373934 to go back to belize city G6VGW-NftlI-00819-00373935-00374110 that was a little tour let you guys see G6VGW-NftlI-00820-00374111-00374278 what's going on out here G6VGW-NftlI-00821-00374279-00374439 and um G6VGW-NftlI-00822-00374440-00374647 chorus i believe G6VGW-NftlI-00823-00374648-00374791 eight miles G6VGW-NftlI-00824-00374792-00375943 from the chateau mall mexico border G6VGW-NftlI-00825-00375944-00376143 yeah i'm just keep doing these videos so G6VGW-NftlI-00826-00376144-00376247 you know it's helping people because G6VGW-NftlI-00827-00376248-00376447 people call me all the time say phil you G6VGW-NftlI-00828-00376448-00376567 help me i was coming to that area i G6VGW-NftlI-00829-00376568-00376710 wanted to know what it looked like or G6VGW-NftlI-00830-00376711-00376854 what the vibe was like what's going on G6VGW-NftlI-00831-00376855-00377415 with this G6VGW-NftlI-00832-00377416-00377639 any time a car pull up from you know i G6VGW-NftlI-00833-00377640-00377782 get a little scared i'm like what's G6VGW-NftlI-00834-00377783-00378823 going on G6VGW-NftlI-00835-00378824-00378991 and the bus station i guess is on first G6VGW-NftlI-00836-00378992-00379239 street G6VGW-NftlI-00837-00379240-00379375 first street i'll let you guys know G6VGW-NftlI-00838-00379376-00379799 right now G6VGW-NftlI-00839-00379800-00380695 1st street and G6VGW-NftlI-00840-00380696-00382087 17th ave G6VGW-NftlI-00841-00382088-00382591 should be coming in a second G6VGW-NftlI-00842-00382592-00383393 so i got everything i need with me G6VGW-NftlI-00843-00383394-00383999 [Music] G6VGW-NftlI-00844-00384000-00384127 hope this is helping somebody from G6VGW-NftlI-00845-00384128-00384343 belize but once again guys please share G6VGW-NftlI-00846-00384344-00384463 my videos G6VGW-NftlI-00847-00384464-00384687 please subscribe to my channel and G6VGW-NftlI-00848-00384688-00384943 please please please G6VGW-NftlI-00849-00384944-00385239 please give my videos a like and share G6VGW-NftlI-00850-00385240-00385471 them tell everybody about your boy G6VGW-NftlI-00851-00385472-00385687 philly dom and his adventures G6VGW-NftlI-00852-00385688-00385895 throughout the world i would greatly G6VGW-NftlI-00853-00385896-00387423 greatly greatly greatly appreciate that G6VGW-NftlI-00854-00387424-00389551 okay G6VGW-NftlI-00855-00389552-00389775 my bus to be here in a couple of minutes G6VGW-NftlI-00856-00389776-00390399 somebody will just G6VGW-NftlI-00857-00390400-00391071 sit down and rest up a little bit G6VGW-NftlI-00858-00391072-00391430 we're just coming G6VGW-NftlI-00859-00391431-00391591 we're in out here right now as we all G6VGW-NftlI-00860-00391592-00392502 can see we'll be here soon G6VGW-NftlI-00861-00392503-00392630 all right making my way back to the G6VGW-NftlI-00862-00392631-00393206 loose city G6VGW-NftlI-00863-00393207-00393695 it's a couple hour ride G6VGW-NftlI-00864-00393696-00393907 the police city G6VGW-NftlI-00866-00396992-00397287 so G6VGW-NftlI-00869-00412527-00412735 you G8oEMWj-iuM-00000-00000003-00000403 all right trash truck is gone nothing to G8oEMWj-iuM-00001-00000404-00000536 it but to do it right G8oEMWj-iuM-00002-00000537-00000821 officially episode 24 of the camping G8oEMWj-iuM-00003-00000822-00001220 corner live this time so welcome hello G8oEMWj-iuM-00004-00001221-00001549 America we are ready to get to it on G8oEMWj-iuM-00005-00001550-00001948 location from beautiful walnut ridge G8oEMWj-iuM-00006-00001950-00002149 campground at my home away from home as G8oEMWj-iuM-00007-00002150-00002615 always on the secondary co-host Oh your G8oEMWj-iuM-00008-00002616-00002947 secondary now I'm primary your primary G8oEMWj-iuM-00009-00002948-00003313 you got it going hey tomorrow a happy G8oEMWj-iuM-00010-00003314-00003515 birthday two hundred and forty fourth G8oEMWj-iuM-00011-00003515-00003743 birthday of the United States of States G8oEMWj-iuM-00012-00003744-00003956 of America yeah the second biggest G8oEMWj-iuM-00013-00003957-00004540 birthday in history come on now really G8oEMWj-iuM-00014-00004541-00005786 what happens December 25th yeah in my G8oEMWj-iuM-00015-00005787-00006041 mind all right cliff Latvia let's get G8oEMWj-iuM-00016-00006042-00006281 going all right ready you have the G8oEMWj-iuM-00017-00006282-00006509 control because they're here all right G8oEMWj-iuM-00018-00006509-00006823 we're on that side hey first off legal G8oEMWj-iuM-00019-00006825-00007048 said we have to remind everybody that G8oEMWj-iuM-00020-00007050-00007337 camping corner is reboot is record is G8oEMWj-iuM-00021-00007338-00007645 filmed live on location in front of a G8oEMWj-iuM-00022-00007647-00007802 live studio audience G8oEMWj-iuM-00023-00007803-00008260 viewer discretion is advised rated tv-ma G8oEMWj-iuM-00024-00008261-00008692 LSB are G something something something G8oEMWj-iuM-00025-00008693-00009131 something but let's get to it so we're G8oEMWj-iuM-00026-00009132-00009328 gonna we get to control stuff today our G8oEMWj-iuM-00027-00009329-00009551 executive producers really doing not G8oEMWj-iuM-00028-00009552-00009767 much of anything today so we're going to G8oEMWj-iuM-00029-00009768-00009935 start out with our first segment what's G8oEMWj-iuM-00030-00009936-00010359 the buzz what is the buzz G8oEMWj-iuM-00031-00010360-00010607 here alive they might come over here G8oEMWj-iuM-00032-00010608-00011102 alright you can only choose two smells I G8oEMWj-iuM-00033-00011103-00011313 haven't read all of these yet so G8oEMWj-iuM-00034-00011314-00011460 fresh-cut grass G8oEMWj-iuM-00035-00011461-00011853 homemade bread strong coffee line dried G8oEMWj-iuM-00036-00011854-00012108 sheets dark chocolate garden dirt G8oEMWj-iuM-00037-00012109-00012609 campfire brownies baking chlorine baby G8oEMWj-iuM-00038-00012610-00012987 snuggles apple pie banana boat sunscreen G8oEMWj-iuM-00039-00012988-00013340 new books whose ever smelled a new book G8oEMWj-iuM-00040-00013341-00013734 fresh towels leather boots and right G8oEMWj-iuM-00041-00013735-00013935 before it rains so you get you get the G8oEMWj-iuM-00042-00013936-00014169 opportunity to you can only pick two of G8oEMWj-iuM-00043-00014169-00014307 those I already know G8oEMWj-iuM-00044-00014308-00014618 let's hear campfire and strong coffee G8oEMWj-iuM-00045-00014619-00014829 cuz what did I say when we were driving G8oEMWj-iuM-00046-00014830-00014963 to the campground this morning like I G8oEMWj-iuM-00047-00014965-00015230 love the spell it can't be okay yeah G8oEMWj-iuM-00048-00015231-00015575 yeah uh you know I obviously can't go G8oEMWj-iuM-00049-00015576-00015759 with new books cuz I have no idea what G8oEMWj-iuM-00050-00015760-00016271 that smells like homemade bread mmm G8oEMWj-iuM-00051-00016272-00016494 although it smells good I'd have to go G8oEMWj-iuM-00052-00016495-00017000 with I'd have to go probably with G8oEMWj-iuM-00053-00017001-00017447 campfire and I do love the smell of some G8oEMWj-iuM-00054-00017448-00017824 new leather boots G8oEMWj-iuM-00055-00017825-00018121 - you know I was pretty rapid fire with G8oEMWj-iuM-00056-00018122-00018502 mine yeah sorry so comment below let us G8oEMWj-iuM-00057-00018503-00018877 know what you think which would you G8oEMWj-iuM-00058-00018878-00018951 choose G8oEMWj-iuM-00059-00018952-00019222 well if we were trying to sell it if G8oEMWj-iuM-00060-00019223-00019390 this was part of the sell it segment G8oEMWj-iuM-00061-00019391-00019866 know which one I would give you but G8oEMWj-iuM-00062-00019867-00020104 which one would you ok which one would G8oEMWj-iuM-00063-00020105-00020149 you choose G8oEMWj-iuM-00064-00020150-00020569 Tony I'm not driving a yeah see I have G8oEMWj-iuM-00065-00020570-00020806 to go for B but a just looks a tad bit G8oEMWj-iuM-00066-00020807-00021097 obnoxious for me yeah I don't yeah I G8oEMWj-iuM-00067-00021098-00021419 don't I don't I want to keep it simple G8oEMWj-iuM-00068-00021420-00021706 but I do love the fact that you know on G8oEMWj-iuM-00069-00021707-00021979 B he's got the sunscreen in the front G8oEMWj-iuM-00070-00021980-00022200 windshield trying to keep the heat out G8oEMWj-iuM-00071-00022201-00022834 but alright so Cara Joe just sent this G8oEMWj-iuM-00072-00022835-00023053 in and said enjoying our new Cougar for G8oEMWj-iuM-00073-00023054-00023287 the first time home away from home for G8oEMWj-iuM-00074-00023288-00023515 the week live in it loving it G8oEMWj-iuM-00075-00023516-00023728 we've actually had quite a few people G8oEMWj-iuM-00076-00023729-00023962 yesterday start sitting their stuff in G8oEMWj-iuM-00077-00023963-00024217 so we'll share those next week but G8oEMWj-iuM-00078-00024218-00024427 definitely more people should send their G8oEMWj-iuM-00079-00024428-00024568 pictures in because I get real jealous G8oEMWj-iuM-00080-00024569-00024694 during the week when I can't go camping G8oEMWj-iuM-00081-00024695-00024979 hey we are we also have a special guest G8oEMWj-iuM-00082-00024980-00025177 here in a little bit and I've been G8oEMWj-iuM-00083-00025178-00025405 trying to figure this out because all my G8oEMWj-iuM-00084-00025406-00025653 life growing up watching The Price is G8oEMWj-iuM-00085-00025654-00025969 Right there was Bob's beauties and then G8oEMWj-iuM-00086-00025970-00026358 you watch like wheel wheel of fortune G8oEMWj-iuM-00087-00026360-00026713 and there's Vanna White so camping G8oEMWj-iuM-00088-00026714-00027027 corner we have our own celebrity visitor G8oEMWj-iuM-00089-00027029-00027193 this week so you're saying he's like G8oEMWj-iuM-00090-00027194-00027538 it's like a Bob butier why we brought a G8oEMWj-iuM-00091-00027539-00027892 combination of Bob's beauties I don't G8oEMWj-iuM-00092-00027893-00028008 know what they're called now that drew G8oEMWj-iuM-00093-00028010-00028467 carey's the host yeah garbage probably G8oEMWj-iuM-00094-00028468-00028635 because that's what happened to the show G8oEMWj-iuM-00095-00028636-00029037 but we've got our own little letter G8oEMWj-iuM-00096-00029038-00029178 turner so we're gonna have a lot of fun G8oEMWj-iuM-00097-00029179-00029466 with that we're gonna we'll bring our G8oEMWj-iuM-00098-00029467-00029661 celebrity guests on here amen G8oEMWj-iuM-00099-00029662-00029868 we did lose our hand model we did lose G8oEMWj-iuM-00100-00029869-00030636 our hand model the web you guys don't G8oEMWj-iuM-00101-00030637-00030861 know your own graphics we don't ever see G8oEMWj-iuM-00102-00030862-00031617 them fair enough welcome to live all G8oEMWj-iuM-00103-00031618-00031758 right so this is around the web you G8oEMWj-iuM-00104-00031759-00032076 should know that hey did you notice it G8oEMWj-iuM-00105-00032077-00032289 that we both have red shoes on yeah G8oEMWj-iuM-00106-00032290-00032547 I prepared in case it rains you're not G8oEMWj-iuM-00107-00032548-00033096 yeah anyway so around the web this G8oEMWj-iuM-00108-00033097-00033264 launched a wall out with this little G8oEMWj-iuM-00109-00033265-00033588 camper how stinking cute is that is that G8oEMWj-iuM-00110-00033589-00033768 like the size of what the toaster what G8oEMWj-iuM-00111-00033769-00033897 are the chances that that little G8oEMWj-iuM-00112-00033898-00034335 chihuahua sit there going like right G8oEMWj-iuM-00113-00034336-00034585 just ready to like chew somebody's big G8oEMWj-iuM-00114-00034586-00034851 toenail off sometimes the small ones you G8oEMWj-iuM-00115-00034852-00035016 gotta watch out for that's super cool G8oEMWj-iuM-00116-00035017-00035185 you can hear my small one one of my G8oEMWj-iuM-00117-00035186-00035313 small ones in the background they're G8oEMWj-iuM-00118-00035314-00035847 adorable like this breaking news G8oEMWj-iuM-00119-00035848-00036054 insurance companies are warning campers G8oEMWj-iuM-00120-00036055-00036252 if your tip is stolen during the night G8oEMWj-iuM-00121-00036253-00036630 you might you won't be covered I love G8oEMWj-iuM-00122-00036631-00036855 this like this is like a classic dad G8oEMWj-iuM-00123-00036856-00037230 joke right here yeah and typically like G8oEMWj-iuM-00124-00037231-00037464 on on big budget on big budget G8oEMWj-iuM-00125-00037465-00037632 television shows right after that you G8oEMWj-iuM-00126-00037633-00037913 would hear wha G8oEMWj-iuM-00127-00037914-00038151 doo-doo-doo G8oEMWj-iuM-00128-00038152-00038586 Dan's lettuce no we're number one hey G8oEMWj-iuM-00129-00038587-00038778 this is this is absolutely a super G8oEMWj-iuM-00130-00038779-00038970 awesome picture that that would make a G8oEMWj-iuM-00131-00038971-00039231 great background like on your screen on G8oEMWj-iuM-00132-00039232-00039492 your screensaver at work in the office G8oEMWj-iuM-00133-00039493-00039668 just to remind you what it's all about G8oEMWj-iuM-00134-00039669-00040005 but that's a great lead-in to the fact G8oEMWj-iuM-00135-00040006-00040278 that so many campers now our solar prep G8oEMWj-iuM-00136-00040279-00040509 so you have the option to put solar G8oEMWj-iuM-00137-00040510-00040824 panels on the roof yep yep so that's G8oEMWj-iuM-00138-00040825-00040935 exactly what this picture demonstrates G8oEMWj-iuM-00139-00040936-00041139 obviously they're on the beach somewhere G8oEMWj-iuM-00140-00041140-00041397 you've got your boondocking nowhere near G8oEMWj-iuM-00141-00041398-00041655 an electric hookup right so Solar prep G8oEMWj-iuM-00142-00041656-00041886 is another option for you is that the G8oEMWj-iuM-00143-00041887-00042054 same camper that we watched a couple G8oEMWj-iuM-00144-00042055-00042567 weeks ago that was stuck in the surf it G8oEMWj-iuM-00145-00042568-00042918 could be you know miss you know you you G8oEMWj-iuM-00146-00042919-00043074 pulled out there at low tide G8oEMWj-iuM-00147-00043075-00043233 the other one was nowhere near new G8oEMWj-iuM-00148-00043234-00043551 enough to be solely friends okay says G8oEMWj-iuM-00149-00043552-00043755 you G8oEMWj-iuM-00150-00043756-00043998 when you walk into a trailer hitch oh G8oEMWj-iuM-00151-00043999-00044262 we've all we've all been there G8oEMWj-iuM-00152-00044263-00044562 I've done it numerous times yeah so you G8oEMWj-iuM-00153-00044563-00044877 lie down try not to cry or cry a lot I G8oEMWj-iuM-00154-00044878-00045318 don't I don't just cry there's there's a G8oEMWj-iuM-00155-00045319-00045515 lot of words G8oEMWj-iuM-00156-00045516-00045752 nice words right yeah very nice G8oEMWj-iuM-00157-00045753-00046011 family-friendly words being every time G8oEMWj-iuM-00158-00046012-00046389 shoot God's darlin gosh governor to be G8oEMWj-iuM-00159-00046390-00046620 like Ned Flanders that's exactly what G8oEMWj-iuM-00160-00046621-00046680 happened G8oEMWj-iuM-00161-00046681-00046992 good golly good golly G8oEMWj-iuM-00162-00046993-00047408 Matthias what do you say G8oEMWj-iuM-00163-00047409-00047657 [Laughter] G8oEMWj-iuM-00164-00047658-00048033 hey it's time for everybody's the third G8oEMWj-iuM-00165-00048034-00048380 favorite segment tech monkey gadget G8oEMWj-iuM-00166-00048381-00048737 corner and we're gonna meet Mallory's G8oEMWj-iuM-00167-00048738-00048814 man G8oEMWj-iuM-00168-00048815-00049720 not really I'm the store manager here G8oEMWj-iuM-00169-00049721-00049895 and I want to talk to you about the G8oEMWj-iuM-00170-00049896-00050085 gadget of the week so here I have a pod G8oEMWj-iuM-00171-00050086-00050201 rocker which if you were paying G8oEMWj-iuM-00172-00050202-00050426 attention Tony was also sitting in the G8oEMWj-iuM-00173-00050427-00050664 Tony must be a fan of them I have tons G8oEMWj-iuM-00174-00050665-00050820 of these in stock and I actually have G8oEMWj-iuM-00175-00050821-00051070 them on sale for $49.99 right now look G8oEMWj-iuM-00176-00051071-00051320 what's the amazing thing about those I G8oEMWj-iuM-00177-00051321-00051498 mean look at how comfortable it is and G8oEMWj-iuM-00178-00051499-00051680 you can just kick back relax and you're G8oEMWj-iuM-00179-00051682-00051900 rocking right I mean this is what I'm G8oEMWj-iuM-00180-00051901-00052004 gonna be watching the fireworks in G8oEMWj-iuM-00181-00052005-00052301 tomorrow but right it's probably what G8oEMWj-iuM-00182-00052302-00052449 I'm gonna be watching today right here G8oEMWj-iuM-00183-00052450-00053026 either that or laying flat on the ground G8oEMWj-iuM-00184-00053027-00053588 we're live Sean well I have tons of G8oEMWj-iuM-00185-00053589-00053792 these I have blue and then Tony also has G8oEMWj-iuM-00186-00053794-00054066 red like I said $49.99 this is the GC G8oEMWj-iuM-00187-00054066-00054317 iPod rocker it even has a cup holder on G8oEMWj-iuM-00188-00054319-00054474 the side and then a lot pocket for your G8oEMWj-iuM-00189-00054475-00055186 phone G8oEMWj-iuM-00190-00055187-00055412 yeah we can talk about them they are G8oEMWj-iuM-00191-00055413-00056350 let's see the socks there butterfly cats G8oEMWj-iuM-00192-00056351-00056795 okay I got all I got I got I got two G8oEMWj-iuM-00193-00056796-00057221 cans soldered on I got two cane socks on G8oEMWj-iuM-00194-00057222-00057488 dan do you have any festive socks G8oEMWj-iuM-00195-00057489-00057679 Dan's got like some weird tribal guy G8oEMWj-iuM-00196-00057680-00057979 stuff online like guys hold the TV G8oEMWj-iuM-00197-00057980-00058255 screen yeah it's got the stick figures G8oEMWj-iuM-00198-00058257-00058550 kind of looks like that I don't have any G8oEMWj-iuM-00199-00058551-00059041 socks I'm sorry nobody else around us G8oEMWj-iuM-00200-00059042-00059279 because they're everybody else there are G8oEMWj-iuM-00201-00059279-00059459 four people in the campground that are G8oEMWj-iuM-00202-00059460-00059641 technically that are officially working G8oEMWj-iuM-00203-00059642-00059969 and everybody else around us is all on G8oEMWj-iuM-00204-00059970-00060938 full-on vacation mode but oh what the G8oEMWj-iuM-00205-00060939-00061373 what what do what I made you a low G8oEMWj-iuM-00206-00061374-00061553 graphic I like it G8oEMWj-iuM-00207-00061554-00061763 what the what it's the same it's the G8oEMWj-iuM-00208-00061764-00061940 same graphic as all the rest of them G8oEMWj-iuM-00209-00061941-00062392 just up closer we're going like the what G8oEMWj-iuM-00210-00062394-00062759 was it walk like an Egyptian video what G8oEMWj-iuM-00211-00062760-00062917 is it they do with talent they can place G8oEMWj-iuM-00212-00062919-00063800 you pipe so they get rid of them oh this G8oEMWj-iuM-00213-00063801-00064151 is like a tree house camper Hey look at G8oEMWj-iuM-00214-00064152-00064412 that damn that is a heartbeat of America G8oEMWj-iuM-00215-00064413-00064553 parked right underneath it too you know G8oEMWj-iuM-00216-00064554-00064790 I'm glad it's not afford that is 100% G8oEMWj-iuM-00217-00064791-00065051 I'm glad it's not afford oh you know G8oEMWj-iuM-00218-00065052-00065219 what that might be a three I've never G8oEMWj-iuM-00219-00065220-00065467 treated for that badly you know that's G8oEMWj-iuM-00220-00065469-00065789 one of those it might be a Ford it G8oEMWj-iuM-00221-00065790-00066008 actually might be that Ford Explorer G8oEMWj-iuM-00222-00066009-00066439 Sport truck things don't count of sports G8oEMWj-iuM-00223-00066440-00066675 I'm glad you all get to witness G8oEMWj-iuM-00224-00066676-00067086 this fish live that they have every week G8oEMWj-iuM-00225-00067087-00067337 on trucks but let's focus on the fact G8oEMWj-iuM-00226-00067338-00067530 that how is this thing even held up by G8oEMWj-iuM-00227-00067531-00067898 those posts like that looks questionable G8oEMWj-iuM-00228-00067899-00068150 what's the weight capacity you think on G8oEMWj-iuM-00229-00068151-00068432 the inside of that camper yeah I have no G8oEMWj-iuM-00230-00068433-00068651 idea I have no idea what the tensile G8oEMWj-iuM-00231-00068652-00069000 strength of those four befores may be G8oEMWj-iuM-00232-00069001-00069423 six by sixes but but even better yet how G8oEMWj-iuM-00233-00069424-00069656 many people do you how enjoyable would G8oEMWj-iuM-00234-00069657-00069840 have that been to stand there and watch G8oEMWj-iuM-00235-00069841-00070074 when they were put that up there yeah G8oEMWj-iuM-00236-00070075-00070560 hold my beer yeah I could do I could do G8oEMWj-iuM-00237-00070561-00071201 the voice of what it sounded like I got G8oEMWj-iuM-00238-00071202-00071412 a great idea I got a flat tire let's G8oEMWj-iuM-00239-00071413-00071576 just lift that whole thing up we'll put G8oEMWj-iuM-00240-00071577-00072188 it right up there I suppose it could G8oEMWj-iuM-00241-00072189-00072474 have been hold my grey poupon while I G8oEMWj-iuM-00242-00072475-00072879 put my camper away up there I'm really G8oEMWj-iuM-00243-00072880-00073509 above everyone this is in some sort of G8oEMWj-iuM-00244-00073510-00073888 foreign country G8oEMWj-iuM-00245-00073889-00074251 just based on the the truck thing that's G8oEMWj-iuM-00246-00074252-00074488 hauling it should actually got the G8oEMWj-iuM-00247-00074489-00074654 chairs from inside the camper legs that G8oEMWj-iuM-00248-00074655-00074779 look like these pulling one out G8oEMWj-iuM-00249-00074780-00075094 so does that technically does that move G8oEMWj-iuM-00250-00075095-00075584 from being a towable unit is that no G8oEMWj-iuM-00251-00075585-00075734 longer a travel trailer that's now a G8oEMWj-iuM-00252-00075735-00076072 Motorhome G8oEMWj-iuM-00253-00076073-00076329 what say you America G8oEMWj-iuM-00254-00076330-00076756 what say you if you put a travel trailer G8oEMWj-iuM-00255-00076757-00077176 on a flatbed or whatever that rickety G8oEMWj-iuM-00256-00077177-00077597 thing is does it technically is it still G8oEMWj-iuM-00257-00077598-00077806 a travel trailer on a flatbed truck or G8oEMWj-iuM-00258-00077807-00078173 do you call it a Motorhome now I'm gonna G8oEMWj-iuM-00259-00078174-00078556 say I just feel like that's what the G8oEMWj-iuM-00260-00078557-00078712 people that created it wouldn't want it G8oEMWj-iuM-00261-00078713-00079074 to be considered I thought you could be G8oEMWj-iuM-00262-00079075-00079621 next three oh goodness gracious G8oEMWj-iuM-00263-00079622-00080573 it's s freaking oh this is like the nut G8oEMWj-iuM-00264-00080574-00080704 like this is what you teach your G8oEMWj-iuM-00265-00080705-00081088 children not to go towards but it look G8oEMWj-iuM-00266-00081089-00081434 past look past the catastrophe that that G8oEMWj-iuM-00267-00081435-00081740 is look at how did they get such a G8oEMWj-iuM-00268-00081741-00082125 garbage piece of whatever that is it's G8oEMWj-iuM-00269-00082126-00082393 it's in front of such a beautiful G8oEMWj-iuM-00270-00082394-00082811 location no the little mountain back G8oEMWj-iuM-00271-00082812-00083191 behind it the clouds crest in the G8oEMWj-iuM-00272-00083192-00083398 mountain you can barely like see the G8oEMWj-iuM-00273-00083399-00083536 truck under there because it's all so G8oEMWj-iuM-00274-00083537-00083668 dark G8oEMWj-iuM-00275-00083669-00084029 but this thing is like you see straight G8oEMWj-iuM-00276-00084030-00084205 out of a horror movie G8oEMWj-iuM-00277-00084206-00084470 all's it needs is like some chainsaw G8oEMWj-iuM-00278-00084471-00084956 yeah yeah the beginning of a Texas G8oEMWj-iuM-00279-00084957-00085442 Chainsaw Massacre or free candy and it's G8oEMWj-iuM-00280-00085443-00085661 funny look at the spacing between the R G8oEMWj-iuM-00281-00085662-00085930 and the two E's and then they were gonna G8oEMWj-iuM-00282-00085931-00086156 somebody went I ain't even got enough G8oEMWj-iuM-00283-00086157-00086360 room to put candy on there now I'm just G8oEMWj-iuM-00284-00086361-00086996 gonna do that Langille oh you couldn't G8oEMWj-iuM-00285-00086997-00087155 even see the banner whoa look at that G8oEMWj-iuM-00286-00087156-00087406 heartbeat of America underneath it G8oEMWj-iuM-00287-00087407-00087560 that's it G8oEMWj-iuM-00288-00087561-00087911 that is a suburb and on the bottom you G8oEMWj-iuM-00289-00087912-00088211 get all those oh but you know what you G8oEMWj-iuM-00290-00088212-00088451 know what you know what's on the top of G8oEMWj-iuM-00291-00088452-00088874 it that is a Ford Aerostar van without G8oEMWj-iuM-00292-00088875-00089144 the motor Ford on top of Chevy it's G8oEMWj-iuM-00293-00089145-00089381 because the Ford was broke down and the G8oEMWj-iuM-00294-00089382-00089624 Chevy had to carry it and it sat up G8oEMWj-iuM-00295-00089625-00089849 there so long that the Ford rusted right G8oEMWj-iuM-00296-00089850-00090086 straight to the top of that which one of G8oEMWj-iuM-00297-00090087-00090302 them is the driving one yeah because all G8oEMWj-iuM-00298-00090303-00090485 the way obviously the one with the G8oEMWj-iuM-00299-00090486-00090707 wheels and the motor you know they're G8oEMWj-iuM-00300-00090708-00090905 all painted only the windows are not G8oEMWj-iuM-00301-00090906-00091178 painted on the van oh yeah that would G8oEMWj-iuM-00302-00091179-00091406 make me think that the van is yep G8oEMWj-iuM-00303-00091407-00091715 the drivable looking and it looks like G8oEMWj-iuM-00304-00091716-00091931 it's got somebody's getting ready for G8oEMWj-iuM-00305-00091932-00092060 the apocalypse G8oEMWj-iuM-00306-00092061-00092261 right there it's got a bulletproof G8oEMWj-iuM-00307-00092262-00092432 shield right there on the front there's G8oEMWj-iuM-00308-00092433-00092579 a lot of bottled water and canned goods G8oEMWj-iuM-00309-00092580-00092987 inside yes I can't believe it's got at G8oEMWj-iuM-00310-00092988-00093164 least two matching hubcaps though that's G8oEMWj-iuM-00311-00093165-00093401 amazing and MREs meals ready to eat yeah G8oEMWj-iuM-00312-00093402-00093879 out of those lots of MREs yep G8oEMWj-iuM-00313-00093880-00094694 oh that's a rocket ship G8oEMWj-iuM-00314-00094695-00094886 I want to know what this backdoor is G8oEMWj-iuM-00315-00094887-00095018 what's that is that like that your G8oEMWj-iuM-00316-00095019-00095455 killer outdoor kitchen it's a toy hauler G8oEMWj-iuM-00317-00095456-00095915 it's a toy hauler I'm gonna go full G8oEMWj-iuM-00318-00095916-00096287 outdoor kitchen it's full it's a full G8oEMWj-iuM-00319-00096288-00096485 fridge it's a residential fridge what's G8oEMWj-iuM-00320-00096486-00096755 the what's the TV chef that that yells G8oEMWj-iuM-00321-00096756-00096824 at everybody G8oEMWj-iuM-00322-00096825-00097070 Gordon Ramsay Lord Ramsay you open that G8oEMWj-iuM-00323-00097071-00097313 outdoor kitchen and he like um now he's G8oEMWj-iuM-00324-00097314-00097682 making hot dogs hamburgers and hot dogs G8oEMWj-iuM-00325-00097683-00098452 in the camp room is that a porta potty G8oEMWj-iuM-00326-00098453-00098765 it's that okay the fifth wheel backwards G8oEMWj-iuM-00327-00098766-00099107 it's a truck camper okay truck it's G8oEMWj-iuM-00328-00099108-00099662 still backwards and the main the towing G8oEMWj-iuM-00329-00099663-00099797 part of the truck looks like it's been G8oEMWj-iuM-00330-00099798-00100232 slapped together it's a crew cab G8oEMWj-iuM-00331-00100233-00100379 everything there has been slapped G8oEMWj-iuM-00332-00100380-00100694 together and oppresses the ratchet G8oEMWj-iuM-00333-00100695-00100940 straps how does that go what happens G8oEMWj-iuM-00334-00100941-00101129 when you put what happens when you put G8oEMWj-iuM-00335-00101130-00101585 ratchet straps on the thighs chewie our G8oEMWj-iuM-00336-00101586-00101819 live studio audience is eating in front G8oEMWj-iuM-00337-00101820-00102444 of us it'll you know that last little G8oEMWj-iuM-00338-00102445-00103091 ain't going nowhere that'll do it so we G8oEMWj-iuM-00339-00103092-00103397 were told to pause yes since Tony thinks G8oEMWj-iuM-00340-00103398-00103568 everything's a conspiracy against him G8oEMWj-iuM-00341-00103569-00103823 we're gonna let you choose whether you G8oEMWj-iuM-00342-00103824-00104059 want one or two this week it doesn't G8oEMWj-iuM-00343-00104060-00104413 matter even our even members of our live G8oEMWj-iuM-00344-00104414-00104672 campground audience pointed out the fact G8oEMWj-iuM-00345-00104673-00105214 that Malory always gets the good ones so G8oEMWj-iuM-00346-00105215-00105482 do you choose one or two and I'm gonna G8oEMWj-iuM-00347-00105483-00105760 I'm gonna step in and control one or two G8oEMWj-iuM-00348-00105761-00105883 [Music] G8oEMWj-iuM-00349-00105883-00106163 I'm taking number two okay both of you G8oEMWj-iuM-00350-00106164-00106565 look away our hand model stepped in okay G8oEMWj-iuM-00351-00106566-00106700 there's your number two Tony G8oEMWj-iuM-00352-00106701-00106771 yes G8oEMWj-iuM-00353-00106772-00107089 [Laughter] G8oEMWj-iuM-00354-00107090-00107348 all right hold on I get I get it I'm G8oEMWj-iuM-00355-00107349-00107507 gonna turn the screen so I can get a G8oEMWj-iuM-00356-00107508-00107852 little better look at the Sun that is a G8oEMWj-iuM-00357-00107853-00108053 straight-up Cadillac right now I think G8oEMWj-iuM-00358-00108054-00108459 or a Ford LTD one of the two the boat G8oEMWj-iuM-00359-00108460-00108773 but man you are living large and in G8oEMWj-iuM-00360-00108774-00108815 charge G8oEMWj-iuM-00361-00108816-00109175 that's a tri-axial at the back look at G8oEMWj-iuM-00362-00109176-00109343 all those crank out jealousy windows G8oEMWj-iuM-00363-00109344-00109499 that can be opened in the rain so you G8oEMWj-iuM-00364-00109500-00109748 don't get the rain coming in metal roof G8oEMWj-iuM-00365-00109749-00109991 because there's nothing better Bend the G8oEMWj-iuM-00366-00109992-00110425 sound of rain on a hot tin roof at night G8oEMWj-iuM-00367-00110426-00110710 obviously they really like their G8oEMWj-iuM-00368-00110711-00110894 location because they haven't we needed G8oEMWj-iuM-00369-00110895-00111784 around that hot second but it's pretty I G8oEMWj-iuM-00370-00111785-00111980 mean it's got its you know its color G8oEMWj-iuM-00371-00111981-00112172 matched it's not too bright it's not too G8oEMWj-iuM-00372-00112173-00112375 dull you've got the cream color on the G8oEMWj-iuM-00373-00112376-00112640 garbage in the front whatever that thing G8oEMWj-iuM-00374-00112641-00112958 is with in the gray stripe I mean it G8oEMWj-iuM-00375-00112958-00113174 just it's it's really pretty I mean the G8oEMWj-iuM-00376-00113175-00113363 color flows I've seen worse G8oEMWj-iuM-00377-00113364-00114050 yeah you have action that's from that is G8oEMWj-iuM-00378-00114051-00114224 definitely not the worst one I think G8oEMWj-iuM-00379-00114225-00114460 okay so hit the back button and we'll G8oEMWj-iuM-00380-00114461-00115541 see what Mallory has this thing is a G8oEMWj-iuM-00381-00115542-00115664 beaut isn't it G8oEMWj-iuM-00382-00115665-00115940 okay so you've got some lovely windows G8oEMWj-iuM-00383-00115941-00116110 here in the front for some and it looks G8oEMWj-iuM-00384-00116111-00116321 like there's windows on the other side G8oEMWj-iuM-00385-00116322-00116551 so lots of natural light in this thing G8oEMWj-iuM-00386-00116552-00116809 you know and you may like the sound of G8oEMWj-iuM-00387-00116810-00117038 rain on the tin of the camper but who G8oEMWj-iuM-00388-00117039-00117208 doesn't like the sound of rain on a G8oEMWj-iuM-00389-00117209-00117617 target I mean you did well can't G8oEMWj-iuM-00390-00117618-00117863 experienced in this you know but you're G8oEMWj-iuM-00391-00117864-00118106 on wheels though it's a little better G8oEMWj-iuM-00392-00118107-00118395 and you know it's free gain here you G8oEMWj-iuM-00393-00118396-00118685 could you could paint that plywood make G8oEMWj-iuM-00394-00118686-00118886 it look real pretty with the blue tarp G8oEMWj-iuM-00395-00118888-00119265 and the gray on the truck bed there's G8oEMWj-iuM-00396-00119266-00119463 just there's so much opportunity here to G8oEMWj-iuM-00397-00119464-00119706 make this thing and it's got did you G8oEMWj-iuM-00398-00119707-00119892 notice the plywood G8oEMWj-iuM-00399-00119893-00120198 it runs I'm relatively sure the one that G8oEMWj-iuM-00400-00120199-00120483 I had didn't run away and I'm gonna G8oEMWj-iuM-00401-00120483-00120744 guess that this one does run and they G8oEMWj-iuM-00402-00120745-00120918 put a piece of plywood over because I G8oEMWj-iuM-00403-00120919-00121098 can't have no water running down that G8oEMWj-iuM-00404-00121099-00121368 curb rater yeah you got plenty of space G8oEMWj-iuM-00405-00121369-00121793 you could spray paint free candy on it I G8oEMWj-iuM-00406-00121794-00122190 mean this thing it's just an open G8oEMWj-iuM-00407-00122191-00122427 opportunity and again it's it's in a G8oEMWj-iuM-00408-00122428-00122664 nice location your crack in the back it G8oEMWj-iuM-00409-00122665-00122768 looks like G8oEMWj-iuM-00410-00122769-00123225 [Music] G8oEMWj-iuM-00411-00123226-00123438 I don't know what else to say I think G8oEMWj-iuM-00412-00123439-00123648 without even on who sold it better like G8oEMWj-iuM-00413-00123649-00123948 me that I don't know I'm just happy that G8oEMWj-iuM-00414-00123949-00124182 you actually got a juggling juggling G8oEMWj-iuM-00415-00124183-00124590 that's prime camper 9 one step above it G8oEMWj-iuM-00416-00124591-00125024 hit really hard G8oEMWj-iuM-00417-00125025-00125261 somebody in the campgrounds missing the G8oEMWj-iuM-00418-00125263-00126069 tarp that was over there I think all of G8oEMWj-iuM-00419-00126070-00126215 it Oh Dan G8oEMWj-iuM-00420-00126216-00126541 Dan's given us to wrap it up wrap it up G8oEMWj-iuM-00421-00126542-00126975 yeah that is episode 24 live let us know G8oEMWj-iuM-00422-00126976-00127218 what you think of the live episodes you G8oEMWj-iuM-00423-00127219-00127418 may put Dan through this stress more G8oEMWj-iuM-00424-00127419-00127770 yeah next time we'll do Q&A from the G8oEMWj-iuM-00425-00127771-00128060 viewers I'll have that set up we'll do G8oEMWj-iuM-00426-00128061-00128373 Q&A with the viewers Matthias G8oEMWj-iuM-00427-00128374-00128778 you are not allowed to ask questions it G8oEMWj-iuM-00428-00128779-00128933 might be too busy too busy eating a G8oEMWj-iuM-00429-00128934-00129414 sausage biscuit anyway yeah but I think G8oEMWj-iuM-00430-00129415-00129710 that's it hey guys big weekend obviously G8oEMWj-iuM-00431-00129711-00130020 big huge camping weekend please please G8oEMWj-iuM-00432-00130021-00130233 please send in your photos let us know G8oEMWj-iuM-00433-00130233-00130527 where you're watching fireworks at what G8oEMWj-iuM-00434-00130528-00130824 you and your family are doing as much as G8oEMWj-iuM-00435-00130825-00131157 I hate when people post pictures of this G8oEMWj-iuM-00436-00131158-00131361 is what I had for dinner last night it G8oEMWj-iuM-00437-00131362-00131765 is completely acceptable on the camping G8oEMWj-iuM-00438-00131766-00131886 court and when you're in the campground G8oEMWj-iuM-00439-00131887-00132185 so if you got something good I I know G8oEMWj-iuM-00440-00132186-00132474 Rea who's and all of us for our camping G8oEMWj-iuM-00441-00132475-00132819 we've got ribs and brisket that's gonna G8oEMWj-iuM-00442-00132820-00133173 happen on on Saturday and so we're G8oEMWj-iuM-00443-00133174-00133308 pretty excited about all that we might G8oEMWj-iuM-00444-00133309-00133443 even share a couple pictures of that G8oEMWj-iuM-00445-00133444-00133638 will catch mathias when he's got a G8oEMWj-iuM-00446-00133639-00133920 mouthful of brisket or something did you G8oEMWj-iuM-00447-00133921-00134163 guys really roll up in a golf cart this G8oEMWj-iuM-00448-00134164-00134433 has talent on the front most certainly G8oEMWj-iuM-00449-00134434-00134774 you just now notice that I was busy G8oEMWj-iuM-00450-00134775-00135120 slaving setting stuff up we were busy G8oEMWj-iuM-00451-00135121-00135407 having someone else time sorry G8oEMWj-iuM-00452-00135408-00135752 wow I'm down here pouring with sweat G8oEMWj-iuM-00453-00135753-00136079 setting this up you guys show up at 9:00 G8oEMWj-iuM-00454-00136080-00136475 nine and thirty seconds I've been here G8oEMWj-iuM-00455-00136476-00136778 since five o'clock this morning that's G8oEMWj-iuM-00456-00136779-00137012 who I heard drive-by you roll up with a G8oEMWj-iuM-00457-00137013-00137252 golf cart this is Talent I like how you G8oEMWj-iuM-00458-00137253-00137564 just now notice that we want to put an G8oEMWj-iuM-00459-00137565-00137714 arrow towards the passenger's seat G8oEMWj-iuM-00460-00137715-00137879 because that's where Mallory was yeah G8oEMWj-iuM-00461-00137880-00138002 absolutely G8oEMWj-iuM-00462-00138003-00138173 Lord I'd like we're done with this G8oEMWj-iuM-00463-00138174-00138350 episode this episode say goodbye your G8oEMWj-iuM-00464-00138351-00138866 God this episode is over turn the camera G8oEMWj-iuM-00465-00138867-00139043 off guys say goodbye first G8oEMWj-iuM-00466-00139044-00139268 alright everybody you have a happy and G8oEMWj-iuM-00467-00139269-00139499 safe 4th of July and we'll see you next G8oEMWj-iuM-00468-00139500-00139727 week hey and put in the comments that G8oEMWj-iuM-00469-00139728-00140137 Dan needs to slow his roll G8oEMWj-iuM-00470-00140138-00140446 [Music] G93VF93Hy_M-00000-00002176-00002455 to heal the earth G93VF93Hy_M-00001-00002456-00002647 for the few who remain G93VF93Hy_M-00002-00002648-00003110 vision is only a myth G93VF93Hy_M-00003-00003111-00003622 but after so many years G93VF93Hy_M-00004-00003623-00003903 to heal the earth G93VF93Hy_M-00005-00003904-00004103 for the few who remain G93VF93Hy_M-00006-00004104-00004567 vision is only a myth G93VF93Hy_M-00007-00004568-00004831 but after so many years the power of G93VF93Hy_M-00008-00004832-00005231 sight has returned G93VF93Hy_M-00009-00005232-00005367 what is it G93VF93Hy_M-00010-00005368-00005606 something's different G93VF93Hy_M-00011-00005607-00005683 the G93VF93Hy_M-00012-00005684-00006128 children they have the ability to see G93VF93Hy_M-00013-00006129-00006575 [Music] G93VF93Hy_M-00014-00006576-00006727 my children G93VF93Hy_M-00015-00006728-00006919 they have power that we would call G93VF93Hy_M-00016-00006920-00007039 magical G93VF93Hy_M-00017-00007040-00007670 or evil must protect them G93VF93Hy_M-00018-00007672-00007934 for centuries we feared this day would G93VF93Hy_M-00019-00007936-00008063 come G93VF93Hy_M-00020-00008064-00008303 the evil of light once almost destroyed G93VF93Hy_M-00021-00008304-00008510 the world G93VF93Hy_M-00022-00008511-00008759 and now it has returned G93VF93Hy_M-00023-00008760-00009078 find the children who can see G93VF93Hy_M-00024-00009079-00010759 and bring them to me G93VF93Hy_M-00025-00010760-00011278 your mother always knew you were special G93VF93Hy_M-00026-00011279-00011631 you are a part of something deeper G93VF93Hy_M-00027-00011632-00011838 you are the bridge G93VF93Hy_M-00028-00011839-00012837 between land and sea G93VF93Hy_M-00029-00012838-00013079 [Music] G93VF93Hy_M-00030-00013080-00013430 atlantis has always had a king G93VF93Hy_M-00031-00013431-00013819 now i need something more G9brleBVB7u-00000-00003458-00003672 [Music] G9brleBVB7u-00001-00003674-00004084 [Applause] G9brleBVB7u-00002-00004085-00005231 [Music] G9brleBVB7u-00003-00005232-00005849 [Music] G9brleBVB7u-00004-00005850-00006157 [Music] Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00000-00000831-00001399 you Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00001-00001400-00001730 nation news I'm tio here here with Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00002-00001732-00002058 Demetria and Terrence and that's our Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00003-00002059-00002271 show last night there was a game between Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00004-00002272-00002472 the charlotte bobcats and chicago goals Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00005-00002473-00002690 which is a very tough matchup your Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00006-00002691-00002994 thoughts 33 I mean in Chicago it was a Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00007-00002995-00003192 good game to Kabul control most of the Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00008-00003193-00003417 game but surely at the same time could Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00009-00003418-00003603 have won the game based on the way they Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00010-00003604-00003810 were scorned I mean Michael Jordan has a Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00011-00003811-00003981 good team this season and his team could Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00012-00003982-00004145 possibly go into the playoffs they stay Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00013-00004146-00004344 focused and went from here on out there Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00014-00004345-00004509 possibilities your play all scientists Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00015-00004510-00004727 so that's all my plus pushing us to do Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00016-00004728-00005061 like you said on Chicago Chicago but Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00017-00005062-00005330 Charlotte is pretty much the underdog Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00018-00005331-00005529 team and his men took they played hard Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00019-00005530-00005838 they execute it but it is capable of Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00020-00005839-00006059 short well it's such an there's such a Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00021-00006060-00006197 young team they have a lot of young Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00022-00006198-00006417 players Michael Kidd go search came a Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00023-00006418-00006656 walker and in the remotest age which is Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00024-00006658-00006900 very troubled in the lead right now so Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00025-00006901-00007041 to try to get some wins together and Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00026-00007042-00007220 papago season they're already better Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00027-00007222-00007377 than last season I seen only on seven Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00028-00007378-00007589 games worse when I'm centers in history Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00029-00007590-00007770 so pretty much all the viruses that Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00030-00007770-00008154 improving every year all right next time Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00031-00008155-00008319 I let's talk about the other lectures Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00032-00008320-00008528 and the thumbs now to me I may have been Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00033-00008529-00008859 really not been la la was on a Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00034-00008860-00008994 seven-game losing streak and a guy Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00035-00008995-00009141 snapped when he played the tons of the Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00036-00009142-00009336 other night and the reason I said Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00037-00009337-00009680 there's no super snap but you never know Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00038-00009681-00009936 even though they won this game they Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00039-00009937-00010131 still have a full season plus they got Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00040-00010132-00010230 to all-star break to get ready for Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00041-00010231-00010710 copiona scored 21 points 21 points colby Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00042-00010711-00010926 does better than it and when he does Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00043-00010927-00011157 better that they win better so what I Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00044-00011158-00011367 say by that is it could easily went the Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00045-00011368-00011520 other way because Kobe is not being Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00046-00011521-00011793 deleted a step up to me at the time he's Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00047-00011794-00011997 giving me cookie I scored a lot of Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00048-00011998-00012207 points all season alone and if team back Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00049-00012208-00012429 to come together if none players for 60 Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00050-00012430-00012606 points and the rest of team can't get Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00051-00012607-00012750 the shots together it's not going to Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00052-00012751-00012930 even make a difference I mean I can Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00053-00012931-00013163 scroll 50 points a game I'm not passing Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00054-00013165-00013319 the ball other people are getting shots Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00055-00013320-00013586 it's going to be me controlling the Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00056-00013587-00013749 whole folder all friends and we're not Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00057-00013750-00013938 going to bench did is sitting there Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00058-00013938-00014087 trying to do something but Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00059-00014088-00014263 come together see try this for years Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00060-00014265-00014413 he's been taking over the game and doing Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00061-00014415-00014603 everything yourself but now he's finally Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00062-00014604-00014722 realized if they're not there do Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00063-00014724-00014906 anything it's no point in him trying Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00064-00014907-00015041 some pretty much teachers giving up on Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00065-00015041-00015236 the game but at the same time he's Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00066-00015237-00015410 getting older and I think this will be Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00067-00015411-00015554 the year that Kobe announces his Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00068-00015555-00015763 retirement after if they don't make it Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00069-00015765-00015947 farther clowns because you getting Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00070-00015947-00016133 loaded and if he does not stop by his Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00071-00016134-00016283 head he's going to end up like Shaquille Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00072-00016284-00016493 O'Neal she kill is having trouble to Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00073-00016494-00016724 walk because he's been in the game so Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00074-00016725-00016925 long and he played past this product Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00075-00016926-00017111 that's the same thing with Jordan well Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00076-00017112-00017246 Jordan came back and he wasn't the same Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00077-00017247-00017444 with her so if Kobe decided to leave and Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00078-00017445-00017669 come back it's gonna be bad either way Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00079-00017670-00017870 he does so my thoughts on that kobe Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00080-00017871-00018026 needs to go ahead and get our way and Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00081-00018027-00018169 that's how i mayn't I was ironing Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00082-00018170-00018515 problem most valuable player was Kevin Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00083-00018516-00018842 Rudd he came in he had a good day and he Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00084-00018843-00018989 scored a lot of touchdowns he played Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00085-00018990-00019223 receiver and tight end in this girl so Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00086-00019224-00019436 what are your thoughts on this I mean in Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00087-00019437-00019715 provo oh it's good for car we'd off the Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00088-00019716-00019906 phone we take the Pro Bowl seriously Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00089-00019907-00020108 because a lot of players don't take it Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00090-00020109-00020288 seriously like even and JJ wash they Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00091-00020289-00020456 quitted my receiver they think Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00092-00020457-00020594 about the fun game that's the problem Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00093-00020595-00020828 nine-week medium seriously you got a few Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00094-00020829-00021089 catches in any did his thing and even Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00095-00021090-00021245 told the Commissioner that they she Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00096-00021246-00021431 can't be pro bowl in cuz I think about Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00097-00021432-00021629 knocking time to leave stopping it Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00098-00021630-00021860 completely good think about it in this Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00099-00021861-00022055 game in a seat was unstoppable and like Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00100-00022056-00022481 you said JJ watt's 28a have sex can't Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00101-00022482-00022742 say that wasn't good I mean it's just oh Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00102-00022743-00022946 it's just a great overall point front of Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00103-00022947-00023119 everything I think the leave should keep Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00104-00023120-00023363 the pro ball head I mean what you got to Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00105-00023364-00023552 think about the one playing make sound Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00106-00023553-00023822 serious was jay-z what he let it so the Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00107-00023823-00024065 where it needed to be as a player making Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00108-00024066-00024182 these things because Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00109-00024183-00024410 even in the bloodiest finger second Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00110-00024411-00024617 Peyton Manning you can't tell me this Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00111-00024618-00024797 game is the series how they played yeah Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00112-00024798-00024974 they have fun that's what it's there for Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00113-00024975-00025160 its the Pro Bowl so you have your fun Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00114-00025161-00025373 but at the same time taking serious Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00115-00025374-00025720 you're defending your athletic Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00116-00025722-00025922 department if you're from the NFC you're Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00117-00025923-00026057 defending the intimacy if you from the Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00118-00026058-00026426 FC infinitum AFC so what it is is the Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00119-00026427-00026663 Commissioner wants them to play harder Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00120-00026664-00026855 play better and make it more serious Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00121-00026856-00027167 when they are playing next up let's go Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00122-00027168-00027485 to suitable I'm going with the rapist Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00123-00027486-00027698 because Ray Lewis hasn't let me down yet Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00124-00027699-00028049 I mean I told y'all a few expect what I Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00125-00028050-00028319 tell you I said ray lewis and the Ravens Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00126-00028320-00028469 will be in the Super Bowl against the Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00127-00028470-00028760 49ers and when they do the Ravens will Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00128-00028761-00029105 be before he does what supplements he is Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00129-00029106-00029294 going to be a very soon be very Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00130-00029295-00029468 difficult you don't have to rent in Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00131-00029469-00029654 there you have to well develop teams Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00132-00029655-00029888 who've been in the West and constantly Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00133-00029889-00030137 go to playoffs every single year so I Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00134-00030138-00030275 think it's gonna be really good named Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00135-00030276-00030512 Ray Lewis want to leave on a rim that's Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00136-00030513-00030727 why I'm serious I got him maybe was Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00137-00030729-00030956 taken away community I think the 49ers Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00138-00030957-00031165 are gonna win they've been a run adult Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00139-00031166-00031400 team a long time to develop the team I Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00140-00031401-00031544 think I'm really going to come up there Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00141-00031545-00031814 do that all right we had fun today was a Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00142-00031814-00032065 great day talk about sports I'm the Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00143-00032066-00032312 meters this is teo this is TG and we'll Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00144-00032313-00032543 see you next week coolin asia network Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00145-00032544-00034439 sports Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00146-00034440-00034599 you Gq2Ch2ODYa0-00147-00034600-00034806 you GqQidXR9aeE-00000-00000377-00001327 [Music] GqQidXR9aeE-00001-00001328-00001543 yo yo yo it's your man dj double k this GqQidXR9aeE-00002-00001544-00001687 is that's one and we all GqQidXR9aeE-00003-00001688-00001951 people under the stairs checking out g4 GqQidXR9aeE-00004-00001952-00002151 tv's freestyle 101 let's go get in the GqQidXR9aeE-00005-00002152-00002231 booth come on man GqQidXR9aeE-00006-00002232-00002668 all right let's do it GqQidXR9aeE-00007-00002669-00002879 [Music] GqQidXR9aeE-00008-00002880-00003079 somebody pass me a beer and pop that GqQidXR9aeE-00009-00003080-00003263 video game in GqQidXR9aeE-00010-00003264-00003406 we're gonna do it like this we about to GqQidXR9aeE-00011-00003407-00003631 waste a whole bunch of time today GqQidXR9aeE-00012-00003632-00003790 get your hands ready we'll do it like GqQidXR9aeE-00013-00003792-00003943 this check it out yo GqQidXR9aeE-00014-00003944-00004167 creep with me as i ride through the hood GqQidXR9aeE-00015-00004168-00004367 maniac lunatic they call me mike GqQidXR9aeE-00016-00004368-00004447 westwood GqQidXR9aeE-00017-00004448-00004622 controller in my hand and i'm rotting GqQidXR9aeE-00018-00004623-00004847 with cj in the drop top pro ham they GqQidXR9aeE-00019-00004848-00004959 give me some leeway GqQidXR9aeE-00020-00004960-00005183 we bout to hit the 110 these goof ups go GqQidXR9aeE-00021-00005184-00005422 too GqQidXR9aeE-00022-00005423-00005631 old school they pass me a mushroom see GqQidXR9aeE-00023-00005632-00005815 they like bad dudes we stopped at burger GqQidXR9aeE-00024-00005816-00006102 time i took the brawl to the bathroom GqQidXR9aeE-00025-00006103-00006270 keep it rolling keep it rolling keep it GqQidXR9aeE-00026-00006271-00006414 rolling i keep it rolling GqQidXR9aeE-00027-00006415-00006598 my thumbs are swollen i play too many GqQidXR9aeE-00028-00006600-00006814 games i drew too many dames they say GqQidXR9aeE-00029-00006815-00006983 that's a sage i say i'm playing a GqQidXR9aeE-00030-00006984-00007206 rampage chop chop bubble goose running GqQidXR9aeE-00031-00007208-00007351 with a big monster GqQidXR9aeE-00032-00007352-00007574 you'll play me in a game i'mma stomp ya GqQidXR9aeE-00033-00007575-00007791 and yeah you know how i try to avoid GqQidXR9aeE-00034-00007792-00007974 every time i beat ping pong and back and GqQidXR9aeE-00035-00007975-00008159 forth like arc north i'm old school GqQidXR9aeE-00036-00008159-00008391 yeah you know we ate the toy i delivered GqQidXR9aeE-00037-00008392-00008583 a rhyme like a deliver on paper boy GqQidXR9aeE-00038-00008584-00008742 swinging swinging back and forth GqQidXR9aeE-00039-00008743-00008974 up the street i want a thing like a GqQidXR9aeE-00040-00008975-00009119 freaking track meet GqQidXR9aeE-00041-00009120-00009303 i used to put the pencil up on the GqQidXR9aeE-00042-00009304-00009503 button fronting like i was doing it and GqQidXR9aeE-00043-00009504-00009567 run real GqQidXR9aeE-00044-00009568-00009783 fast and track me ayotte rhymes sounds GqQidXR9aeE-00045-00009784-00010023 so sweet double k get on a mic all right GqQidXR9aeE-00046-00010024-00010255 i'm getting something to eat yo i used GqQidXR9aeE-00047-00010256-00010406 to play with the advantage GqQidXR9aeE-00048-00010407-00010655 i had the super max i had all of that i GqQidXR9aeE-00049-00010656-00010719 used to love GqQidXR9aeE-00050-00010720-00010959 operation wolf until my mom took it from GqQidXR9aeE-00051-00010960-00011119 me when i went on punishment GqQidXR9aeE-00052-00011120-00011359 but i was running it in my bedroom my GqQidXR9aeE-00053-00011360-00011519 days are used to bring the homies over GqQidXR9aeE-00054-00011520-00011687 before we smoke the haze and we would GqQidXR9aeE-00055-00011688-00011767 get down GqQidXR9aeE-00056-00011768-00011974 but only two buttons start in select GqQidXR9aeE-00057-00011975-00012191 double and the best one we catch back in GqQidXR9aeE-00058-00012192-00012255 the tv GqQidXR9aeE-00059-00012256-00012455 room we gonna do it like that consume a GqQidXR9aeE-00060-00012456-00012574 whole bunch of foods GqQidXR9aeE-00061-00012575-00012846 and get yeah you know what it is y'all GqQidXR9aeE-00062-00012847-00012958 um what is it GqQidXR9aeE-00063-00012959-00013119 video games operation world we used to GqQidXR9aeE-00064-00013119-00013279 play compounds play street fighter all GqQidXR9aeE-00065-00013280-00013335 you can GqQidXR9aeE-00066-00013336-00013503 use to pick e honda and i used to smash GqQidXR9aeE-00067-00013504-00013647 them GqQidXR9aeE-00068-00013647-00013879 you never beat me i'm undefeated with e GqQidXR9aeE-00069-00013880-00014127 honda the big fat man jump up and break GqQidXR9aeE-00070-00014128-00014335 the honda i mean the lexus i'm like GqQidXR9aeE-00071-00014336-00014575 lexus nexus lay down the lie people GqQidXR9aeE-00072-00014576-00014815 under the stairs fun dmc is raw GqQidXR9aeE-00073-00014816-00014966 you should get it man i'll help you when GqQidXR9aeE-00074-00014968-00015207 i fight it's like up up down down left GqQidXR9aeE-00075-00015208-00015247 right GqQidXR9aeE-00076-00015247-00015430 left right all night keep it tight GqQidXR9aeE-00077-00015431-00015575 people under the stairs GqQidXR9aeE-00078-00015576-00015735 nobody's scared man we bring it through GqQidXR9aeE-00079-00015736-00015903 like this switch from your hands and get GqQidXR9aeE-00080-00015904-00015958 it going GqQidXR9aeE-00081-00015959-00016166 do what you gotta do i play marvel GqQidXR9aeE-00082-00016168-00016375 madness dude with the trackball cool GqQidXR9aeE-00083-00016376-00016558 all right we can spin it like that GqQidXR9aeE-00084-00016559-00016750 people under the stairs i'm kinda skinny GqQidXR9aeE-00085-00016751-00016943 he's kinda fat it really doesn't matter GqQidXR9aeE-00086-00016944-00017175 cause we don't pull girls we pull games GqQidXR9aeE-00087-00017176-00017399 dames all right we used to go to the GqQidXR9aeE-00088-00017400-00017519 thames river GqQidXR9aeE-00089-00017520-00017750 over in london i'm fronting somebody GqQidXR9aeE-00090-00017751-00017822 smells like GqQidXR9aeE-00091-00017823-00018135 funyuns or something wrong GqQidXR9aeE-00092-00018136-00018550 i think somebody should have independent GqQidXR9aeE-00093-00018551-00018703 guitar things you know what i'm saying GqQidXR9aeE-00094-00018704-00018886 and i never liked checking GqQidXR9aeE-00095-00018887-00019471 oh i never liked mortal kombat GqQidXR9aeE-00096-00019472-00019671 the hip-hop community that i knew that i GqQidXR9aeE-00097-00019672-00019799 was kind of brought up in the kind of GqQidXR9aeE-00098-00019800-00019879 community GqQidXR9aeE-00099-00019880-00020183 where dudes would walk up to you suck GqQidXR9aeE-00100-00020184-00020335 and if you did you couldn't do anything GqQidXR9aeE-00101-00020336-00020550 about it i didn't go home and get on on GqQidXR9aeE-00102-00020551-00020622 a forum GqQidXR9aeE-00103-00020623-00020878 and complain these guys said jerry you GqQidXR9aeE-00104-00020879-00020927 know GqQidXR9aeE-00105-00020928-00021055 the thing about it was that's what it GqQidXR9aeE-00106-00021056-00021239 was and that people did that to me and GqQidXR9aeE-00107-00021240-00021399 so i tried to get better so that next GqQidXR9aeE-00108-00021400-00021583 week when i went back to the club GqQidXR9aeE-00109-00021584-00021799 i would be better and so what's changed GqQidXR9aeE-00110-00021800-00021935 now in hip-hop there's a lot of stuff GqQidXR9aeE-00111-00021936-00022086 that's changed it's not the way that it GqQidXR9aeE-00112-00022087-00022143 was GqQidXR9aeE-00113-00022144-00022455 and the internet is one part of GqQidXR9aeE-00114-00022456-00022599 why it's different it's not the only GqQidXR9aeE-00115-00022600-00022750 reason and i'm not saying the internet GqQidXR9aeE-00116-00022751-00022886 is bad i'm just saying GqQidXR9aeE-00117-00022887-00023047 it's different when you can talk to GqQidXR9aeE-00118-00023048-00023167 people on the internet about what GqQidXR9aeE-00119-00023168-00023367 releases you like and you don't like GqQidXR9aeE-00120-00023368-00023575 on the internet and not have to go to GqQidXR9aeE-00121-00023576-00023767 the club and stand by the bar in a GqQidXR9aeE-00122-00023768-00023894 circle with some dudes and be like yo GqQidXR9aeE-00123-00023895-00024055 did you buy blah blah yeah i didn't like GqQidXR9aeE-00124-00024056-00024142 it so be like GqQidXR9aeE-00125-00024143-00024342 here you why didn't you like that i love GqQidXR9aeE-00126-00024343-00024535 that you know people don't have to be GqQidXR9aeE-00127-00024536-00024671 accountable for anything they say GqQidXR9aeE-00128-00024672-00024719 anymore GqQidXR9aeE-00129-00024720-00024927 that catch sitting around you know on GqQidXR9aeE-00130-00024928-00025135 your keyboard talking a bunch of mess GqQidXR9aeE-00131-00025136-00025335 putting out their whack little music and GqQidXR9aeE-00132-00025336-00025455 they're not out there in the field like GqQidXR9aeE-00133-00025456-00025599 we work we go out there and give our GqQidXR9aeE-00134-00025600-00025662 tapes GqQidXR9aeE-00135-00025663-00025822 let people hear it in the car and we GqQidXR9aeE-00136-00025823-00025967 were subject to them saying that just GqQidXR9aeE-00137-00025968-00026014 sucks GqQidXR9aeE-00138-00026016-00026318 people said that to us what the hell is GqQidXR9aeE-00139-00026319-00026431 that now they can do it over the GqQidXR9aeE-00140-00026432-00026574 internet it's like man that's the most GqQidXR9aeE-00141-00026575-00026639 famous but GqQidXR9aeE-00142-00026639-00026814 i'm from la so i don't really believe in GqQidXR9aeE-00143-00026816-00027062 all that you know it's face to face GqQidXR9aeE-00144-00027063-00027231 that's what it is we internet in real GqQidXR9aeE-00145-00027232-00027431 life whatever man it's GqQidXR9aeE-00146-00027432-00027558 i mean it's actually helped a lot of GqQidXR9aeE-00147-00027560-00027702 artists get this stuff out yeah and GqQidXR9aeE-00148-00027704-00027814 that's great you're GqQidXR9aeE-00149-00027816-00027958 just trying to do anything get out there GqQidXR9aeE-00150-00027960-00028127 you know more power to use that mind GqQidXR9aeE-00151-00028127-00028311 space to put your music out right dudes GqQidXR9aeE-00152-00028312-00028470 are getting beats placed on 50 cent GqQidXR9aeE-00153-00028472-00028623 albums because of that right but to get GqQidXR9aeE-00154-00028624-00028831 on there and give your opinion it's just GqQidXR9aeE-00155-00028832-00028974 you're only known on the internet but GqQidXR9aeE-00156-00028975-00029214 nobody's ever seen you you know i ask GqQidXR9aeE-00157-00029216-00029318 anyone do you think GqQidXR9aeE-00158-00029319-00029462 into the stage where black women came GqQidXR9aeE-00159-00029463-00029695 out now in this day and age that it GqQidXR9aeE-00160-00029695-00029943 would sell a few hundred thousand units GqQidXR9aeE-00161-00029944-00030070 you know and that's to me that's the GqQidXR9aeE-00162-00030072-00030295 strongest argument against GqQidXR9aeE-00163-00030295-00030455 everything right now not just the GqQidXR9aeE-00164-00030456-00030679 internet but everything it's not GqQidXR9aeE-00165-00030680-00030823 things are not what they were it's not GqQidXR9aeE-00166-00030824-00030999 as great as it was you know you GqQidXR9aeE-00167-00031000-00031239 got 400 000 friends on myspace but when GqQidXR9aeE-00168-00031239-00031343 you need to move your couch GqQidXR9aeE-00169-00031344-00031535 no one shows up they don't buy your GqQidXR9aeE-00170-00031536-00031727 record i don't care how many foul GqQidXR9aeE-00171-00031727-00031870 i don't care how many friends you got on GqQidXR9aeE-00172-00031872-00032079 myspace ain't buy your record GqQidXR9aeE-00173-00032080-00032784 senior sound scam GqQidXR9aeE-00174-00032785-00032946 [Music] GqQidXR9aeE-00175-00032947-00033247 see Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00000-00001000-00001270 hello everyone hello fellow users Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00001-00001271-00001478 good late afternoon europe good morning Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00002-00001479-00001607 america good evening Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00003-00001607-00001895 good night to our friends in australia Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00004-00001896-00001975 and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00005-00001976-00002151 that corner of the world my name is Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00006-00002152-00002423 federico i'm a bioinformatician and i'm Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00007-00002424-00002526 joining you from Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00008-00002527-00002815 mainz germany it's my immense pleasure Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00009-00002816-00003063 to chair this joint keynote today about Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00010-00003064-00003311 communication for this global very Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00011-00003311-00003527 global edition of user Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00012-00003528-00003686 i see that our speakers are already with Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00013-00003688-00003903 me on stage so we are pretty much all Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00014-00003904-00004047 set Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00015-00004047-00004286 first things first one of the things Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00016-00004287-00004511 that make all of this conference Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00017-00004512-00004647 taking place in such a smooth and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00018-00004648-00004943 colorful way is thanks to our sponsors Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00019-00004944-00004999 so Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00020-00005000-00005222 before we start with the keynote itself Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00021-00005223-00005438 i kindly ask you to please join me in Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00022-00005439-00005599 listening to what our sponsor Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00023-00005600-00005879 absalom is willing to share in this Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00024-00005880-00006006 short message with us Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00025-00006007-00006286 glo and i work in apsilon i've joined Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00026-00006287-00006375 apsilon in Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00027-00006376-00006687 april and i work as project leader Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00028-00006688-00006942 today i would like to show you an app Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00029-00006943-00007167 this is the application that i prepared Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00030-00007168-00007198 for Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00031-00007200-00007503 our studio shiny contest and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00032-00007504-00007734 actually it's not a typical app it's a Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00033-00007736-00007927 story Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00034-00007928-00008271 but before we start let me tell you that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00035-00008272-00008519 the whole ui of this application was Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00036-00008520-00008574 built with Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00037-00008575-00008863 shiny fluent and shiny fluent is one of Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00038-00008864-00008974 the packages Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00039-00008975-00009295 that we built also here in epsilon Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00040-00009296-00009678 so make sure you check this out later Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00041-00009679-00010006 and now let's start with the story Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00042-00010007-00010295 this is the story of adam adam is an art Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00043-00010296-00010374 developer Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00044-00010375-00010671 and he's a bit frustrated recently he's Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00045-00010672-00010783 frustrated Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00046-00010784-00010999 because he received an email from john Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00047-00011000-00011119 his manager Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00048-00011120-00011391 right before the weekend in the email Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00049-00011392-00011431 john Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00050-00011432-00011767 asked adam to finish one very Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00051-00011768-00012159 small task before client demo on monday Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00052-00012160-00012455 so adam checked the task and although he Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00053-00012456-00012495 was Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00054-00012496-00012807 extremely unhappy he decided to take Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00055-00012808-00013207 it and assign it to himself Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00056-00013208-00013479 and by the way a small off topic here Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00057-00013480-00013671 look at this functionality it's called Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00058-00013672-00013919 people picker and i must say this is my Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00059-00013919-00014166 absolutely favorite one from shiny Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00060-00014168-00014230 fluent Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00061-00014231-00014558 so you need to check this out so coming Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00062-00014559-00014758 back to the story Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00063-00014759-00015007 adam assigned the task to himself and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00064-00015008-00015263 started working on that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00065-00015263-00015503 but as it usually turns out in such Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00066-00015504-00015622 situations Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00067-00015623-00015879 the task was much bigger than expected Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00068-00015880-00016079 and adam needed to spend the whole Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00069-00016080-00016238 weekend at work Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00070-00016240-00016543 but he finally managed to finish it and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00071-00016544-00016599 he was Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00072-00016600-00016943 ready to present on monday right when he Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00073-00016944-00017119 was joining the call Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00074-00017120-00017350 he received a text from the client Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00075-00017351-00017430 saying Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00076-00017431-00017735 sorry adam i can't join the call but Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00077-00017736-00018022 don't worry the priorities has changed Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00078-00018023-00018391 which actually means that what adam was Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00079-00018392-00018479 working on Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00080-00018480-00018743 throughout the whole weekend isn't that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00081-00018744-00018950 important anymore Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00082-00018951-00019207 so i think now you can imagine how Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00083-00019208-00019430 frustrated adam was Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00084-00019431-00019767 and though it's not a true story i think Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00085-00019768-00019919 we've all been there Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00086-00019920-00020222 so if you want to change something Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00087-00020223-00020455 i would encourage you to check our Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00088-00020456-00020607 careers page Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00089-00020608-00020847 we have plenty of open positions for Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00090-00020848-00021094 developers and project leaders Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00091-00021095-00021327 so if you have any questions about our Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00092-00021328-00021511 recruitment process Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00093-00021512-00021758 about the positions don't hesitate to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00094-00021759-00021927 contact me Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00095-00021928-00022271 you can also find contact details to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00096-00022272-00022527 paulina from the hr team at the bottom Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00097-00022528-00022703 of the page Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00098-00022704-00023047 so if you prefer you can also Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00099-00023048-00023263 contact with paulina and i'm sure she Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00100-00023264-00023399 will be happy to answer Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00101-00023400-00023671 all your questions and from my Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00102-00023672-00023767 experience as Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00103-00023768-00024094 i also joined epsilon recently i must Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00104-00024095-00024142 say Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00105-00024143-00024250 uh i have Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00106-00024251-00024471 [Music] Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00107-00024472-00024775 very and from the recruitment process Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00108-00024776-00025078 it was really smooth also later the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00109-00025079-00025263 onboarding process it's Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00110-00025264-00025503 it's really well organized so i must say Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00111-00025504-00025631 that epsilon makes Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00112-00025632-00026183 everything to make that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00113-00026183-00026470 process which i think is a bit stressful Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00114-00026472-00026662 for everyone the process of changing Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00115-00026663-00026831 your job Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00116-00026832-00027127 but epsilon makes it as smooth and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00117-00027127-00027199 pleasant Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00118-00027200-00027527 as possible so i hope you feel Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00119-00027527-00027646 encouraged Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00120-00027647-00027911 this is all from me today thanks a lot Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00121-00027912-00027951 and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00122-00027952-00028318 see you on board thank you and we are Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00123-00028319-00028655 back all together so Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00124-00028656-00028895 again thanks for joining me in this Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00125-00028895-00029039 virtual round of applause Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00126-00029039-00029390 for our sponsor epsilon Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00127-00029391-00029631 and let's go back to the main slide set Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00128-00029632-00029751 and let me Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00129-00029752-00029990 please introduce it properly to our next Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00130-00029991-00030143 two speakers Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00131-00030144-00030335 we will hear about the importance of Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00132-00030336-00030535 communication so first of all the topic Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00133-00030536-00030702 we will be working Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00134-00030703-00030935 we all are working with data we need to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00135-00030936-00031135 communicate results in an accurate and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00136-00031136-00031462 efficient way if we want our work to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00137-00031463-00031623 make a real impact Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00138-00031624-00031902 and therefore this is what brings the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00139-00031903-00032118 values of a single analysis and the data Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00140-00032119-00032246 contained in them Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00141-00032247-00032646 to elevate it to make a real impact so Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00142-00032647-00032887 i am very humbled and at the same time Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00143-00032888-00033102 honored to share the stage with Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00144-00033103-00033431 two excellent speakers which i Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00145-00033432-00033807 incidentally share also almost the name Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00146-00033808-00034031 so it's going to be a catherine and a Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00147-00034032-00034143 catherine Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00148-00034144-00034318 so you will probably not be able to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00149-00034319-00034502 dissect who is who Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00150-00034503-00034759 so i kind of have a nice deal with them Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00151-00034760-00034935 that is going to be catherine with c and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00152-00034936-00035015 cutting with Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00153-00035016-00035423 k our first speaker in jesus joined kent Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00154-00035424-00035879 is catherine gishiro please catherine Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00155-00035880-00036135 join me on stage she will provide us Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00156-00036136-00036318 with the perspective of a veteran data Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00157-00036319-00036407 journalist Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00158-00036408-00036607 working working mainly on gender health Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00159-00036608-00036783 and development issue Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00160-00036784-00037015 and she's joining us from kenya welcome Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00161-00037016-00037495 catherine good afternoon to you Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00162-00037496-00037718 sorry it's actually eight o'clock almost Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00163-00037719-00037883 7 30. Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00164-00037884-00038271 okay Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00165-00038272-00038487 our second speaker in this joint keynote Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00166-00038488-00038695 is catherine hey ho Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00167-00038696-00038902 she's an atmospheric scientist whose Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00168-00038903-00039102 work is centered around what the effects Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00169-00039103-00039199 of climate change Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00170-00039200-00039462 are on the people and the places we live Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00171-00039463-00039511 in Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00172-00039512-00039774 she joins us from texas us welcome Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00173-00039775-00039862 catherine Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00174-00039863-00040079 good morning to you i think i didn't Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00175-00040080-00040207 butcher this one Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00176-00040208-00040487 before we start we needed to set up a Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00177-00040488-00040639 kind of a few basic rules on how we Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00178-00040640-00040743 would like to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00179-00040744-00040974 you to enjoy this at best each of our Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00180-00040975-00041095 speakers will first present their Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00181-00041096-00041295 contribution in a consecutive way Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00182-00041296-00041583 and while they do so we encourage you to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00183-00041584-00041799 ask questions already in the q a Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00184-00041800-00041983 upvote the ones which have been already Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00185-00041984-00042190 proposed or ask them in the in the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00186-00042191-00042302 select lounge Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00187-00042303-00042567 so we will make sure that we use our Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00188-00042568-00042662 time at best Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00189-00042663-00042902 of course we will uh refer to the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00190-00042903-00043062 correct person so Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00191-00043063-00043262 follow the catherine c and catherine k Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00192-00043263-00043423 nicknames if you want Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00193-00043424-00043590 and after the two individual talks i'll Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00194-00043591-00043774 be kind of opening up the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00195-00043775-00043990 the virtual doors of our common living Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00196-00043991-00044158 room where all the questions can be Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00197-00044159-00044318 addressed to any of the speakers maybe Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00198-00044319-00044487 the same question to both of them Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00199-00044488-00044662 so that we can gain a lot of extra Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00200-00044663-00044958 insight by cross asking these questions Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00201-00044959-00045311 okay let's now get the stage ready for Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00202-00045312-00045415 catherine Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00203-00045416-00045646 catherine is an award-winning journalist Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00204-00045647-00045807 she is an international center for Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00205-00045808-00045958 journalist knight fellow Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00206-00045959-00046158 she currently spearheads the africa Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00207-00046159-00046343 women journalism project Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00208-00046344-00046486 she has been a co-founder of east Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00209-00046487-00046695 africa's first budget and public finance Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00210-00046696-00046839 fact-checking and verification Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00211-00046840-00047046 initiative called pesach Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00212-00047047-00047230 and among her many acknowledgments over Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00213-00047231-00047390 the years she was recognized with a Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00214-00047391-00047567 courage in journalism award Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00215-00047568-00047751 catherine i look very much forward to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00216-00047752-00047895 your talk please Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00217-00047896-00048230 the stage is yours no thank you very Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00218-00048231-00048343 much federico Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00219-00048344-00048623 i am so glad to be here and it's quite a Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00220-00048624-00048799 privilege to join all of you Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00221-00048800-00049135 in all your in all your different spaces Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00222-00049136-00049311 and in different times Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00223-00049312-00049518 i think the pandemic has showed us that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00224-00049519-00049702 we don't need to be all in one place to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00225-00049703-00049807 be able to have an Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00226-00049808-00050135 interesting conversation uh i just Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00227-00050136-00050207 wanted to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00228-00050208-00050495 today i will not be talking too much Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00229-00050496-00050679 about what we do Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00230-00050680-00050902 i'll definitely be telling you about how Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00231-00050903-00051174 i see data journalism the uptake of data Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00232-00051175-00051319 journalism in uh Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00233-00051320-00051599 in our country as well as within the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00234-00051600-00051711 continent Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00235-00051712-00051966 so i'll essentially be talking about how Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00236-00051967-00052014 data Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00237-00052015-00052214 how journalists are using data to tell Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00238-00052215-00052438 compelling stories about the pandemic Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00239-00052439-00052630 but also how we can use data to tell Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00240-00052632-00052759 compelling stories about Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00241-00052760-00053087 many other issues i just wanted to start Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00242-00053088-00053191 by setting the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00243-00053191-00053399 scene by saying that journalists have Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00244-00053400-00053591 always used data Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00245-00053591-00053871 except most times most of the times most Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00246-00053872-00054007 journalists don't think that what Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00247-00054008-00054087 they're doing Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00248-00054088-00054263 what they're doing is actually data Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00249-00054264-00054407 journalism Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00250-00054408-00054750 and one of the thing is that uh the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00251-00054751-00054966 concept has been data journalism you Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00252-00054967-00055191 need to have a lot of advanced computer Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00253-00055191-00055407 assisted reporting equipment Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00254-00055408-00055638 which most of us don't really have and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00255-00055639-00055854 actually if we do have them it's not in Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00256-00055855-00056015 all the newsrooms you need Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00257-00056016-00056342 you need to have access in advanced uh Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00258-00056344-00056663 quantitative methods uh which again not Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00259-00056664-00056766 all journalists have Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00260-00056767-00057023 not most journalists have and this has Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00261-00057024-00057079 also Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00262-00057079-00057279 this has been a problem in most of our Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00263-00057279-00057423 newsrooms Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00264-00057424-00057654 there is also a gender dimension when it Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00265-00057655-00057759 comes to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00266-00057760-00058038 the uptake of data journalism in in in Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00267-00058039-00058150 the continent Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00268-00058151-00058366 according to recite that was conducted Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00269-00058367-00058463 in tanzania Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00270-00058464-00058791 and zambia for example the researchers Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00271-00058791-00058863 found that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00272-00058864-00059054 a lot of women journalists were very Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00273-00059055-00059175 skeptical about Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00274-00059176-00059479 the practice of data journalism and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00275-00059479-00059630 very few of them were actually Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00276-00059632-00059879 interested in taking it up Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00277-00059879-00060166 beyond elite news organizations like the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00278-00060167-00060335 nation media group in Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00279-00060336-00060663 kenya which is actually regional and and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00280-00060664-00061030 and and and premium times in nigeria for Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00281-00061032-00061166 example even Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00282-00061167-00061366 quite a number of news organizations in Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00283-00061367-00061559 south africa Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00284-00061560-00061935 many of them are not yet introducing Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00285-00061936-00062079 most of these newsrooms are actually Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00286-00062079-00062319 introducing data journalism but in a Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00287-00062320-00062454 very slow rate Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00288-00062455-00062694 and this is because they don't actually Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00289-00062695-00062999 have the specific skills that are needed Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00290-00063000-00063326 to be able to do data journalism Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00291-00063327-00063591 it is therefore something that is still Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00292-00063591-00063719 in its infancy Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00293-00063720-00064006 and it is still being received and its Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00294-00064007-00064175 adoption is also being received with a Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00295-00064176-00064359 bit of skepticism Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00296-00064360-00064542 a lot of curiosity but also some Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00297-00064544-00064703 skepticism Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00298-00064704-00064903 in many of our newsrooms also the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00299-00064904-00065166 practice of data journalism is actually Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00300-00065167-00065319 spearheaded by Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00301-00065320-00065655 a core group of our few Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00302-00065656-00066038 champions who have the skills to adopt Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00303-00066039-00066279 data journalism that is one of the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00304-00066280-00066391 objectives that we Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00305-00066392-00066735 as awjp have in providing the women Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00306-00066736-00067055 journalists we work with with the skills Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00307-00067056-00067247 with the data journalism skills that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00308-00067248-00067479 they can then become Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00309-00067480-00067726 innovators in their own newsrooms and we Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00310-00067727-00067871 do this by Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00311-00067872-00068079 making sure that they actually learn how Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00312-00068080-00068382 to not only wrangle but Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00313-00068383-00068782 analyze but also present Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00314-00068783-00068975 the diversity of actors such as Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00315-00068976-00069103 programmers Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00316-00069104-00069382 designers illustrators are not available Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00317-00069383-00069519 in most of our newsrooms Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00318-00069520-00069799 and therefore data journalism is yet to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00319-00069800-00069999 become something that is internalized Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00320-00070000-00070175 within our newsrooms Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00321-00070176-00070455 again just to set a stage in terms of Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00322-00070456-00070511 the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00323-00070512-00070759 situation as far as data journalism is Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00324-00070760-00070919 concerned Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00325-00070920-00071223 the most of the data the push for data Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00326-00071224-00071382 journalism has been done Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00327-00071383-00071615 or has been done with the support of Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00328-00071616-00071735 international news Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00329-00071736-00071919 not news organizations but actually Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00330-00071920-00072143 civil society organizations Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00331-00072144-00072471 or non-profits who in negotiating their Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00332-00072472-00072543 roles as Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00333-00072544-00072799 in activism and advocacy have realized Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00334-00072800-00072991 the importance of having journalists as Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00335-00072992-00073103 mediators Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00336-00073104-00073294 and this has had an impact on the kind Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00337-00073295-00073511 of general data journalism that is being Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00338-00073512-00073606 done Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00339-00073607-00073926 uh for example just like uh Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00340-00073927-00074135 federico mentioned i co-founded i was Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00341-00074136-00074359 privileged to co-found the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00342-00074360-00074567 the peso check which is east africa's Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00343-00074568-00074735 first fast-checking Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00344-00074736-00075126 um organization and we did this with the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00345-00075127-00075287 support of international budget Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00346-00075288-00075471 partnership because there was Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00347-00075472-00075862 a dire need for informed reporting on Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00348-00075863-00075991 public finance Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00349-00075992-00076335 and and budgets and because of that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00350-00076336-00076623 initially the whole fact-checking was Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00351-00076624-00076726 around Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00352-00076727-00076991 fact-checking statements by public Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00353-00076992-00077111 figures or even news Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00354-00077112-00077431 news organizations around the issue of Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00355-00077432-00077726 budgets and public finance and the idea Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00356-00077727-00077759 is Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00357-00077760-00078071 not only to inform but to also Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00358-00078072-00078367 hold those who are spending our tax Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00359-00078368-00078438 shillings Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00360-00078439-00078726 to account and being able to do that in Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00361-00078727-00078799 a way that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00362-00078800-00079038 can personalize that information because Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00363-00079039-00079255 as you understand budgets are too Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00364-00079256-00079519 tend to be too dense in terms of numbers Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00365-00079520-00079726 but actually personalizing being able to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00366-00079727-00079975 personalize that information so that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00367-00079976-00080167 people can consume it and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00368-00080168-00080415 be able to make informed decisions with Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00369-00080416-00080655 that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00370-00080656-00080935 um at the obvious start of data Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00371-00080936-00081111 journalism or is Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00372-00081112-00081455 i'll be able to share one of the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00373-00081456-00081879 sorry just give me a uh Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00374-00081880-00082135 i need to share my screen with you so Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00375-00082136-00082391 that i can be able to show you what Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00376-00082392-00082718 i am presenting in terms of the con yeah Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00377-00082719-00083111 here we are sorry sorry about that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00378-00083112-00083326 i have been i've been talking without Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00379-00083327-00083462 actually showing you some of Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00380-00083463-00083703 the slides i had prepared for this so Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00381-00083704-00083903 you will forgive me if i am Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00382-00083904-00084206 fumbling a little bit um Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00383-00084207-00084526 yeah let me share this with you Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00384-00084527-00084838 all i have um i did you maybe you can Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00385-00084839-00085103 help me with the screen share of Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00386-00085104-00085655 the slide three Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00387-00085656-00086262 not sure yeah slide three Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00388-00086263-00086559 sorry i wasn't able to to to get the oh Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00389-00086560-00086638 here we are Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00390-00086639-00087135 okay yeah share screen Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00391-00087136-00087471 yeah that's the one i was hoping for Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00392-00087472-00087838 anyhow the obvious i mean for me the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00393-00087839-00088111 biggest challenge that has we face as Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00394-00088112-00088311 data journalists is actually accessing Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00395-00088312-00088511 data because most of the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00396-00088512-00088879 most of the data is usually collected by Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00397-00088880-00089118 national statistics office Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00398-00089119-00089311 and the problem has always been that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00399-00089312-00089455 sometimes the data Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00400-00089456-00089606 that government departments and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00401-00089607-00089815 government ministries collect such as Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00402-00089816-00090023 the ministry of finance communications Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00403-00090024-00090135 transport and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00404-00090136-00090471 all the rest it's usually not Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00405-00090472-00090718 accessible or it's not made available to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00406-00090719-00090775 to see Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00407-00090776-00090967 to to citizens or for that matter to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00408-00090968-00091094 journalists Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00409-00091095-00091382 and that tends to make it very difficult Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00410-00091383-00091575 for journalists especially if you're Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00411-00091576-00091950 you're interested in accessing data and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00412-00091951-00092238 one of the other thing is that a lot of Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00413-00092239-00092511 private sector organizations and even Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00414-00092512-00092726 not-for-profit organizations have a lot Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00415-00092727-00092959 of data they do collect a lot of data Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00416-00092960-00093247 but again access to this data is not Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00417-00093248-00093503 available to journalists because Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00418-00093504-00093750 it they either share it amongst Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00419-00093751-00093823 themselves Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00420-00093824-00094055 or they share it maybe with government Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00421-00094056-00094182 but even then Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00422-00094183-00094382 sometimes they also don't want to share Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00423-00094383-00094623 it with the journalists because Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00424-00094624-00094799 it they want to share with people who Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00425-00094800-00094974 are able to pay for it because obviously Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00426-00094975-00095223 there's a high cost in data collection Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00427-00095224-00095479 so i can understand why they are Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00428-00095480-00095631 unwilling to share that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00429-00095632-00095887 their data freely but it also makes it a Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00430-00095888-00096062 bit of a challenge for Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00431-00096063-00096223 for most journalists who are interested Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00432-00096224-00096431 in doing data journalism Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00433-00096432-00096694 uh in the early 2000s i know all of you Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00434-00096695-00096918 understand about the open data movement Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00435-00096919-00097126 where most governments were encouraged Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00436-00097127-00097262 to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00437-00097263-00097526 kind of make public whatever data they Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00438-00097527-00097679 had in their Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00439-00097680-00098006 in their in they had publicly to make Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00440-00098007-00098150 public the data that they have been Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00441-00098151-00098350 collecting about their citizens or Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00442-00098351-00098615 about their whatever policies that they Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00443-00098616-00098774 are implementing Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00444-00098775-00098959 then the evolution of the open data Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00445-00098960-00099174 movement was quite substantial but it's Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00446-00099175-00099294 still very far from Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00447-00099295-00099599 maturity because finding data is Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00448-00099600-00099894 often very unstable and very inadequate Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00449-00099895-00100094 we actually have a big challenge Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00450-00100095-00100406 especially in uh in in Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00451-00100407-00100726 like i mentioned getting data and then Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00452-00100727-00100959 in the last few years there's been this Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00453-00100960-00101182 data for development mantra which seems Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00454-00101183-00101359 to have taken every government Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00455-00101360-00101543 at least in sub-saharan africa every Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00456-00101544-00101718 government is singing a song data for Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00457-00101719-00101806 development Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00458-00101807-00102103 you need data to make evidence-based Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00459-00102104-00102367 decisions and all the rest of it Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00460-00102368-00102615 but what has been of concern is that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00461-00102616-00102694 amongst Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00462-00102695-00102942 this in in the midst of all this and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00463-00102943-00103078 because there's lack of Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00464-00103079-00103358 expertise internally especially Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00465-00103359-00103582 expertise in handling big data Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00466-00103583-00103775 the un among others have been Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00467-00103776-00103902 encouraging Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00468-00103903-00104102 african governments and ngos to work Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00469-00104103-00104215 with u.s and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00470-00104216-00104606 european based private sector Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00471-00104607-00104951 actors who seem to have who have the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00472-00104952-00105143 expertise and the knowledge to work with Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00473-00105144-00105254 big data Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00474-00105255-00105599 to and and the idea is to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00475-00105600-00105799 this for this government to be able to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00476-00105800-00105934 work with this Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00477-00105935-00106271 european or u.s based expert Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00478-00106272-00106543 to be able to understand how big data Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00479-00106544-00106686 can be used to improve their Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00480-00106688-00106975 service delivery as well as monitoring Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00481-00106976-00107078 in real time Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00482-00107079-00107383 their development activities Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00483-00107383-00107590 as governments are being asked to do Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00484-00107591-00107807 this there's this question about Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00485-00107808-00108134 where where the data is collected and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00486-00108135-00108439 the analysis is is i mean Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00487-00108440-00108663 i can understand why governments would Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00488-00108664-00108815 want to take up those kind of Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00489-00108816-00109078 um that kind of urgent from the u n and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00490-00109079-00109223 others but then the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00491-00109224-00109631 problem with that is once this data is Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00492-00109632-00109895 flow it's taken out of our continent and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00493-00109896-00109958 it's Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00494-00109959-00110190 it it compounds the inequalities that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00495-00110191-00110343 already exist Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00496-00110344-00110678 and and it means that we cannot Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00497-00110679-00111054 do we cannot develop homegrown Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00498-00111055-00111343 expertise in big data analysis and also Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00499-00111344-00111454 hampers the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00500-00111455-00111719 capacity of our innovators for me the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00501-00111720-00111910 real value of big data is not the data Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00502-00111911-00112023 itself nor Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00503-00112024-00112327 this technical expertise but really Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00504-00112328-00112607 the analysis that we can give we can we Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00505-00112608-00112727 can make about this Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00506-00112728-00113007 big data and also be able to put to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00507-00113008-00113158 bring on board local Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00508-00113159-00113495 insights into how these data Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00509-00113496-00113854 references or impacts on our situation Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00510-00113855-00113958 not from Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00511-00113959-00114239 some other understanding of this data so Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00512-00114240-00114431 for me it's the happy marriage between Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00513-00114432-00114454 the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00514-00114455-00114686 technical expertise as well as the local Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00515-00114688-00114799 understanding Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00516-00114800-00115054 that leads to innovative use of data and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00517-00115055-00115166 that is now where Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00518-00115167-00115343 when you have this kind of data being Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00519-00115344-00115575 able to communicate what it means Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00520-00115576-00115807 and then the other thing is even where Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00521-00115808-00116007 the data is available there are numerous Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00522-00116008-00116071 gaps Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00523-00116072-00116399 and unfortunately this has come through Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00524-00116400-00116599 especially now during the pandemic Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00525-00116600-00116702 because Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00526-00116703-00116943 a lot of the data we're getting is very Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00527-00116944-00117007 general Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00528-00117008-00117295 it's not really granular enough for us Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00529-00117296-00117486 to be as journalists to be able to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00530-00117488-00117671 actually understand what is going on Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00531-00117672-00117839 with the pandemic and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00532-00117840-00118207 who is where is and how is this pandemic Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00533-00118208-00118351 impacting on Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00534-00118352-00118599 specific subgroups within the population Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00535-00118600-00118654 or even Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00536-00118655-00118839 especially the marginalized communities Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00537-00118840-00119023 within our societies and that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00538-00119024-00119247 that has really kind of you you have Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00539-00119248-00119486 this homogeneous reporting of data about Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00540-00119488-00119663 the pandemic but really it doesn't give Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00541-00119664-00119727 you Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00542-00119728-00119983 granular enough details to be able to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00543-00119983-00120071 say Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00544-00120072-00120239 are the measures that the government is Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00545-00120240-00120454 taking either to do lockdowns or to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00546-00120455-00120727 institute curfews or whatever it is are Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00547-00120728-00120886 they making sense and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00548-00120888-00121286 and how can we be able to inform or even Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00549-00121288-00121534 critique whatever is the government is Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00550-00121535-00121751 doing especially as far as the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00551-00121752-00121943 whether it's the rollout on vaccines or Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00552-00121944-00122054 whether it's the measures that the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00553-00122055-00122175 government is taking Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00554-00122176-00122447 are we do we have we don't have enough Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00555-00122448-00122710 granular data to be able to understand Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00556-00122711-00122766 that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00557-00122767-00122999 and it also doesn't help us to say okay Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00558-00123000-00123119 we have covered in Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00559-00123120-00123263 yeah for example we have cohered in Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00560-00123264-00123463 kenya yes everybody knows that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00561-00123464-00123710 but where are the areas which are worst Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00562-00123711-00123854 affected Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00563-00123855-00124039 and are there local measures that can be Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00564-00124040-00124247 taken just to deal with that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00565-00124248-00124583 place if it's a zone or whatever because Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00566-00124583-00124951 it's been very generalized information Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00567-00124952-00125143 and the other thing is also i mean for Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00568-00125144-00125351 me i've been wondering Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00569-00125352-00125614 um when we have been told x number of Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00570-00125615-00125790 people because we do get daily Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00571-00125791-00125999 updates of how many people get affected Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00572-00126000-00126190 or infected or whatever been tested Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00573-00126191-00126423 really tested and found to be positive Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00574-00126424-00126678 but then the question is at this is the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00575-00126679-00126727 government Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00576-00126728-00127039 including those who are who are Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00577-00127040-00127231 symptomatic in those affected because Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00578-00127232-00127343 they may have it but they are not Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00579-00127344-00127527 showing the signs of this disease Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00580-00127528-00127751 and then they they all they're not even Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00581-00127752-00127910 telling us those with underlying Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00582-00127911-00128023 conditions Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00583-00128024-00128214 being counted amongst the ones who are Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00584-00128215-00128327 dying i mean Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00585-00128328-00128551 we don't know and it would really be Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00586-00128552-00128743 informative and really interesting Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00587-00128744-00128966 to be able then to say okay when you're Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00588-00128967-00129078 told to do this Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00589-00129079-00129254 this is what it means if you have this Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00590-00129255-00129478 underlying condition not just to assume Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00591-00129479-00129734 everybody it's happening homogeneously Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00592-00129735-00129902 to everybody at the same time Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00593-00129903-00130286 in the same way i mean it would also Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00594-00130288-00130327 help Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00595-00130328-00130607 us in understanding why are certain Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00596-00130608-00130783 measures being came by the government Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00597-00130783-00131199 i i i i keep on grappling with this idea Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00598-00131200-00131463 we at the initial stages there was the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00599-00131464-00131719 cafes there was the lockdown and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00600-00131720-00131935 soft or hard whatever then we started Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00601-00131936-00132151 easing the lockdowns but then Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00602-00132152-00132527 why if we don't understand how this Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00603-00132528-00132839 disease is spread Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00604-00132840-00133302 and whether general measures really Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00605-00133303-00133502 having any impact other than punishing Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00606-00133503-00133687 people quote unquote i'm using the word Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00607-00133688-00133766 punish Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00608-00133767-00134095 because when you have a county lock down Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00609-00134096-00134175 an account is Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00610-00134176-00134399 almost like a real moment it's locked Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00611-00134400-00134607 down it means there's no movement Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00612-00134608-00134790 in and out what does that mean for Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00613-00134791-00135007 people because we are all interrelated Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00614-00135008-00135135 in all our different Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00615-00135136-00135351 the in terms of economics in terms of Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00616-00135352-00135439 everything Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00617-00135440-00135631 schools for example schools are about to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00618-00135632-00135775 be closed now but one Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00619-00135776-00136063 one country might be shut down because Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00620-00136064-00136143 the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00621-00136144-00136271 spread of the pandemic i mean the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00622-00136272-00136478 pandemic has become too it's too much Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00623-00136479-00136511 and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00624-00136512-00136671 but then the question is how what what Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00625-00136672-00136814 are those kids who are in boarding Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00626-00136815-00136878 schools Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00627-00136879-00137054 in those areas going to do if they have Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00628-00137055-00137207 to travel out of there Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00629-00137208-00137527 to go to their homes in other areas Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00630-00137528-00137743 anyhow to make a long story short Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00631-00137744-00137927 insufficient data makes it Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00632-00137928-00138263 difficult for us to to to to work but Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00633-00138264-00138495 we have to we generally have to sift Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00634-00138496-00138647 through multiple Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00635-00138648-00138863 reports to find trends and in some Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00636-00138864-00139054 instances governments Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00637-00139055-00139199 some governments have been down playing Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00638-00139200-00139463 the pandemic by doctoring Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00639-00139464-00139759 the data that they release i mean a good Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00640-00139760-00139943 example is tanzania where actually there Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00641-00139944-00140095 was no data being reported Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00642-00140096-00140327 there were no there was no there was no Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00643-00140328-00140439 coverage Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00644-00140440-00140711 because there was no there was but they Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00645-00140712-00140783 were not Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00646-00140784-00141071 releasing any data i think the situation Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00647-00141072-00141302 has eased up somewhat since then Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00648-00141303-00141607 but without official data and then what Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00649-00141608-00141831 it meant is that the journalists were Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00650-00141832-00142023 working with especially as well as other Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00651-00142024-00142199 journalists in tanzania Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00652-00142200-00142590 actually had to start reporting Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00653-00142591-00142999 not about covered cases or people Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00654-00143000-00143351 dying from covey but actually looking at Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00655-00143352-00143663 the high insta you you start unders Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00656-00143664-00143878 and get trying to find data around the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00657-00143879-00144031 high instance of maybe people who are Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00658-00144032-00144214 dying from pneumonia or Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00659-00144215-00144439 recipe other respiratory diseases or Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00660-00144440-00144678 even using anecdotal information about Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00661-00144679-00144887 night barriers not that there were Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00662-00144888-00145143 or maybe there were a few but really we Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00663-00145144-00145214 had to go Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00664-00145215-00145471 that way because it's not possible to it Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00665-00145472-00145683 wasn't possible to get any data from the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00666-00145684-00145935 government and he also made it possible Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00667-00145936-00146014 made it Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00668-00146015-00146302 actually criminal offence to to report Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00669-00146303-00146335 on Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00670-00146336-00146566 any data that is not released by the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00671-00146567-00146639 government's Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00672-00146640-00147007 authorities and the other thing is also Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00673-00147008-00147159 in terms of the data we're getting it Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00674-00147160-00147239 sometimes Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00675-00147240-00147543 doesn't have historical context so you Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00676-00147544-00147847 maybe get data that is being released in Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00677-00147848-00148039 the last 24 hours but Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00678-00148040-00148271 not the one maybe last week or last week Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00679-00148272-00148447 but one so you have to start looking for Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00680-00148448-00148687 it and kind of just to so how Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00681-00148688-00148990 show how the trend is happening but Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00682-00148991-00149254 under the guise of uh actually Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00683-00149255-00149439 controlling information some governments Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00684-00149440-00149663 have also enacted laws again alzheimer's Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00685-00149664-00149799 and here because Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00686-00149800-00150039 i think some governments don't want to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00687-00150040-00150190 be criticized Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00688-00150191-00150359 yeah the manner in which they are Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00689-00150360-00150559 handling the pandemic so Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00690-00150560-00150878 i i think tanzania has eased up somewhat Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00691-00150879-00150911 so Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00692-00150912-00151087 at least now we're getting data from Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00693-00151088-00151335 there at least statistics daily just Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00694-00151336-00151495 statistics about the number of people Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00695-00151496-00151799 hospitalized or affected or infected Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00696-00151800-00151990 with by the disease Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00697-00151991-00152190 uh will not go too much into the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00698-00152191-00152302 obstacles but i Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00699-00152303-00152583 want to say one thing despite all this Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00700-00152584-00152631 uh Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00701-00152632-00152807 i mean in terms of accessing data in Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00702-00152808-00153007 africa we can write a whole book about Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00703-00153008-00153319 it which i wouldn't but it would be the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00704-00153320-00153559 the challenges are not insurmountable Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00705-00153560-00153614 but Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00706-00153615-00153887 and i'm happy to say that we're able to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00707-00153888-00154047 somehow manage and get Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00708-00154048-00154447 to to to do something as far as Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00709-00154448-00154623 reporting and using data and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00710-00154624-00154823 communicating data with our audiences Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00711-00154824-00154911 are Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00712-00154912-00155214 despite all this it is data journalism Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00713-00155215-00155311 is growing Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00714-00155312-00155599 yeah a pace i wouldn't say fast a pace Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00715-00155600-00155799 and i think the main attraction for this Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00716-00155800-00156007 is the ability to be able to tell Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00717-00156008-00156095 stories with Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00718-00156096-00156431 uh engaging visualizations i mean yeah i Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00719-00156432-00156487 can Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00720-00156488-00156799 i can describe something but i think Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00721-00156800-00157087 a picture tells uh a thousand words is Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00722-00157088-00157254 better than a thousand words and for me Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00723-00157255-00157439 the ability to visualize Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00724-00157440-00157654 and put these huge numbers or small Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00725-00157655-00157743 numbers or Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00726-00157744-00157983 context contextualize these numbers into Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00727-00157984-00158087 something that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00728-00158088-00158447 is visual is really really um Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00729-00158448-00158719 attractive for us it's just another Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00730-00158720-00158943 layer of our storytelling Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00731-00158944-00159247 and i want to quote uh paul bradshaw who Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00732-00159248-00159439 i believe is the one of the fathers of Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00733-00159440-00159575 data journalism Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00734-00159576-00159775 when he was asked okay what makes data Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00735-00159776-00159959 journalism different from the rest of Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00736-00159960-00160063 journalism and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00737-00160064-00160343 his answer was perhaps it's the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00738-00160344-00160519 possibility that up and up when you Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00739-00160520-00160775 combine traditional no's for news Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00740-00160776-00160966 and the ability to tell a compelling Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00741-00160967-00161295 story with a sheer scale and range Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00742-00161296-00161590 of digital information now available Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00743-00161591-00161759 those possibilities can come Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00744-00161760-00162039 at any time at any stage of the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00745-00162040-00162239 journalistic process Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00746-00162240-00162431 using programming to automate the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00747-00162432-00162607 process of gathering and combining Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00748-00162608-00162935 information is one of them Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00749-00162936-00163119 some newsrooms can be able to get a Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00750-00163120-00163359 designer data analyst to assist in the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00751-00163360-00163487 interpretation but Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00752-00163488-00163823 for freelancers and small newsrooms who Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00753-00163824-00164031 don't have the capacity or don't have Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00754-00164032-00164199 the resources for that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00755-00164200-00164375 they have to depend on either Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00756-00164376-00164583 collaborating with people who have those Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00757-00164584-00164775 skills and that for me is Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00758-00164776-00164951 is quite interesting because then you Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00759-00164952-00165111 have people who are non Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00760-00165112-00165302 journalists who are coming into the new Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00761-00165303-00165535 space we're coming into the journalism Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00762-00165536-00165647 space because Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00763-00165648-00165878 we have seen a need for their services Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00764-00165879-00166071 where previously we may not have thought Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00765-00166072-00166190 we needed them Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00766-00166191-00166543 in our newsrooms and uh one of the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00767-00166544-00166814 one way like i mentioned earlier awgp Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00768-00166815-00166983 apart from training Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00769-00166984-00167166 we we train the fellows as well as Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00770-00167167-00167351 provide them with the skills to be able Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00771-00167352-00167511 to do this on their own Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00772-00167512-00167702 hoping that they will become those Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00773-00167703-00167919 internal champions in their newsrooms Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00774-00167920-00168102 so that they can encourage the uptake of Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00775-00168103-00168302 data journalism Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00776-00168303-00168631 i've been also Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00777-00168632-00168951 uh able we've also been able to to to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00778-00168952-00169263 to to get journalists to see the need Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00779-00169264-00169607 to to share actually not only share but Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00780-00169608-00169831 actually to collaborate across newsrooms Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00781-00169832-00169926 because Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00782-00169927-00170143 one user one small newsroom has one Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00783-00170144-00170351 skill another small newsroom has another Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00784-00170352-00170431 skill Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00785-00170432-00170638 if they combine the two skills together Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00786-00170639-00170790 they have a team Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00787-00170791-00171183 and it's not necessarily uh Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00788-00171184-00171414 cannibalizing the different newsrooms Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00789-00171415-00171519 it's actually Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00790-00171520-00171823 being able to to share what what what Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00791-00171824-00172151 what what you can be able to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00792-00172152-00172343 combine in your resources to do Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00793-00172344-00172614 something together let's not necessarily Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00794-00172615-00172863 uh the same story but actually the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00795-00172864-00172966 skills that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00796-00172967-00173223 i need one newsroom needs uh nonetheless Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00797-00173224-00173375 another needs uh Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00798-00173376-00173526 an illustrator and both of them can Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00799-00173527-00173735 actually work together so collaboration Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00800-00173736-00174054 is quite key to that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00801-00174055-00174359 i am going to talk about the raw data Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00802-00174360-00174526 itself is Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00803-00174527-00174743 oh yeah actually i wanted to talk about Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00804-00174744-00174943 our and i mean a lot of us when i talk Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00805-00174944-00175102 about training people i Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00806-00175103-00175319 were in training journalists most of us Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00807-00175320-00175526 know how to use excel and google Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00808-00175527-00175695 and i'm hoping that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00809-00175696-00175975 uh at least if you haven't got i mean Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00810-00175976-00176143 most journalists at least know how to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00811-00176144-00176343 use an excel sheet and if they haven't Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00812-00176344-00176487 they'll at least learning Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00813-00176488-00176654 how to use that but there's also Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00814-00176655-00176838 something that i've come to realize that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00815-00176839-00176926 we Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00816-00176927-00177247 there's much more beyond that that we Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00817-00177248-00177423 can do with data which Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00818-00177424-00177654 a google sheet and an excel sheet cannot Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00819-00177655-00177951 do and i think for me that is where Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00820-00177952-00178135 learning a programming language and i'm Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00821-00178136-00178335 not saying our only but Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00822-00178336-00178663 are for journalists it's the it's it's Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00823-00178664-00178926 it's not difficult i mean if i can learn Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00824-00178927-00178990 it so can Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00825-00178991-00179223 everybody else i'm not a tech i'm not a Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00826-00179224-00179463 techie but i'm saying i've never wanted Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00827-00179464-00179519 to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00828-00179520-00179854 be a coder but when i looked and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00829-00179855-00180063 working with r i've just said okay it's Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00830-00180064-00180207 very intuitive it's Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00831-00180208-00180423 very it's not very complicated and i Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00832-00180424-00180638 don't need to learn too much Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00833-00180639-00180838 stuff i don't really want and i'm not Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00834-00180839-00180990 saying it's there's anything wrong with Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00835-00180991-00181175 learning it but it's just that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00836-00181176-00181383 that is not my strength but at least Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00837-00181384-00181526 using our Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00838-00181527-00181759 it does come in handy especially when Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00839-00181760-00181926 we're hunting big data Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00840-00181927-00182199 and and the other thing is also it's the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00841-00182200-00182326 fact that you're able to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00842-00182327-00182551 do interesting visualizations there are Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00843-00182552-00182711 very many other free tools which can Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00844-00182712-00182863 help you do many Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00845-00182864-00183295 interesting visualizations and stuff but Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00846-00183296-00183590 the fact that you can use for analysis Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00847-00183591-00183751 as well as visualizations Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00848-00183752-00183919 that makes sense for me and i really Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00849-00183920-00184102 think it's one thing i can Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00850-00184103-00184278 i would encourage journalists to learn Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00851-00184279-00184407 if just Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00852-00184408-00184599 understand how it works even if you're Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00853-00184600-00184814 not going to have to do it every single Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00854-00184815-00184975 day but i think it's one of the things Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00855-00184976-00185119 that can be Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00856-00185120-00185271 that journalists can be able to do Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00857-00185272-00185502 because apart from telling stories we Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00858-00185503-00185687 really need to be able to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00859-00185688-00185999 to to kind of contextualize and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00860-00186000-00186254 maps and chats and stuff can help us do Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00861-00186255-00186463 that so with our make sense Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00862-00186464-00186750 and also it means that we're able to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00863-00186751-00186854 communicate Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00864-00186855-00187214 in a more how do you say granular Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00865-00187215-00187487 level and and make people actually Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00866-00187488-00187623 understand what Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00867-00187624-00187838 that data says about them what it means Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00868-00187839-00187926 for them Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00869-00187927-00188159 so that they they need to care or why Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00870-00188160-00188326 they should care Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00871-00188327-00188631 and i also think that for Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00872-00188632-00188902 for for data to resonate we definitely Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00873-00188903-00189071 need to be able to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00874-00189072-00189271 know who our audiences are and sometimes Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00875-00189272-00189502 you cannot be using charts all the time Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00876-00189503-00189607 or whatever Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00877-00189608-00189823 and and coming up with infographics for Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00878-00189824-00190007 example it really makes much more sense Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00879-00190008-00190063 than Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00880-00190064-00190375 looking for stock photography or using Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00881-00190376-00190687 just to be able to make people see Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00882-00190688-00190959 or even understand what their data is Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00883-00190960-00191135 telling us or whatever information that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00884-00191136-00191350 you want to communicate Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00885-00191351-00191638 uh we've been able to use the way we've Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00886-00191639-00191823 been able to use data is we've been Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00887-00191824-00192047 using data to highlight solutions Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00888-00192048-00192223 where they exist and sometimes they've Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00889-00192224-00192463 really been interesting solutions Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00890-00192464-00192678 like this particular one where i don't Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00891-00192679-00192814 know how many of you know Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00892-00192815-00193150 about the motorbike taxis Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00893-00193151-00193375 i mean during the pandemic because women Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00894-00193376-00193559 were not able some women are not able to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00895-00193560-00193735 access sexual and reproductive health Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00896-00193736-00193814 services Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00897-00193815-00193959 but they're able to communicate with Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00898-00193960-00194183 their health provider but Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00899-00194184-00194438 uh their clinic and then but they can't Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00900-00194439-00194654 go they were not able to travel out or Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00901-00194655-00194783 to leave their home Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00902-00194784-00195166 then the health provider works with a Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00903-00195167-00195495 motorbike taxi a dedicated one who then Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00904-00195496-00195671 delivers this uh these goods and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00905-00195672-00195807 services to this Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00906-00195808-00195999 to the women and i thought that was Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00907-00196000-00196254 quite an interesting situation because Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00908-00196255-00196438 who would have thought that you'd have Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00909-00196439-00196647 to you could send a motorbike rider to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00910-00196648-00196838 go and collect your Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00911-00196839-00197166 your your your your your products Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00912-00197167-00197319 whatever products you want from your Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00913-00197320-00197375 clinic Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00914-00197376-00197719 from your family planning our Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00915-00197720-00198102 srh clinic we've also been using data to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00916-00198103-00198302 we've been presenting data in an Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00917-00198303-00198511 audience friendly way and the reason i Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00918-00198512-00198799 use audience friendly because when you Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00919-00198800-00198847 look Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00920-00198848-00199214 at how data is presented in Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00921-00199215-00199414 in some of the international news Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00922-00199415-00199638 outlets for example Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00923-00199639-00199966 they take into account the understanding Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00924-00199967-00200190 of the levels of comprehension or Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00925-00200191-00200438 or understanding that their audiences Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00926-00200439-00200502 may have Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00927-00200503-00200663 so we are not dumbing down but we are Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00928-00200664-00200807 seriously not Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00929-00200808-00201054 going into very intricate and whatever Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00930-00201055-00201119 just so Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00931-00201120-00201278 that we make a point the beautiful Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00932-00201279-00201431 designs are not beautiful if they are Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00933-00201432-00201495 not Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00934-00201496-00201671 explaining anything or they are not Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00935-00201672-00201847 telling me anything or not not Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00936-00201848-00202014 communicating anything Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00937-00202015-00202190 we've also been avoiding terms that are Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00938-00202191-00202366 too technical Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00939-00202367-00202678 so we use terms that are in common usage Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00940-00202679-00202919 they may not be quote unquote Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00941-00202920-00203166 uh i use the word quote unquote uh Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00942-00203167-00203295 correct english Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00943-00203296-00203511 but that's the english we're speaking so Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00944-00203512-00203663 for example Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00945-00203664-00203895 care packages in nigeria are known as Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00946-00203896-00204014 palliatives and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00947-00204015-00204175 for me palliative means something Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00948-00204176-00204431 totally different in kenya but Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00949-00204432-00204575 it was something that everybody in Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00950-00204576-00204750 nigeria knew palliative Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00951-00204751-00204886 were the care packages that the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00952-00204887-00205079 government was given to the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00953-00205080-00205398 most uh uh affected the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00954-00205400-00205662 the the destitute and the poor and we Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00955-00205663-00205703 also Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00956-00205704-00205982 avoid concepts that can be misunderstood Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00957-00205983-00206071 a lot of Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00958-00206071-00206494 uh science communication coming from Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00959-00206496-00206655 government or even from the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00960-00206656-00206879 scientists themselves is talking about Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00961-00206880-00207031 health surveillance Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00962-00207032-00207246 in our context especially in kenya when Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00963-00207248-00207414 you say surveillance so already Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00964-00207415-00207606 everybody thinks it's the police Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00965-00207607-00207823 and you don't want people to be able to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00966-00207823-00207982 misunderstand that health surveillance Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00967-00207983-00208127 is not it has nothing to do with the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00968-00208128-00208198 policeman Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00969-00208200-00208366 it has nothing to do with the security Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00970-00208367-00208558 agencies health surveillance means this Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00971-00208559-00208719 so you can't use the words health Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00972-00208719-00208806 surveillance Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00973-00208807-00209031 you need to think of another way to talk Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00974-00209032-00209119 about that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00975-00209119-00209375 so we've also been explaining how how Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00976-00209376-00209590 data impacts on our audiences by saying Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00977-00209591-00209734 okay for example Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00978-00209735-00210071 in one instance looking so Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00979-00210071-00210271 if you have x number of people who've Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00980-00210271-00210398 been affected Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00981-00210400-00210639 what does that mean in real terms what Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00982-00210640-00210751 does that mean Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00983-00210752-00211158 for me so we also work with the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00984-00211159-00211358 present data in distinctive ways so that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00985-00211359-00211494 people can actually get Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00986-00211496-00211775 we get the attention of the communities Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00987-00211776-00211967 we've also been using data to debunk Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00988-00211967-00212063 claims and i know Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00989-00212064-00212206 a lot of you know about all the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00990-00212207-00212415 misleading uh Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00991-00212416-00212703 missing the emphademic is the word that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00992-00212704-00212782 has been going Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00993-00212783-00213039 on so we've been using data essentially Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00994-00213040-00213246 to debunk a lot of claims and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00995-00213248-00213646 we try and do this by not necessarily Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00996-00213648-00213751 taking sides Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00997-00213752-00213919 and telling people you are wrong you're Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00998-00213919-00214119 wrong you're wrong but actually Gvdu9wuv0VQ-00999-00214119-00214431 adopting uh how do you call it a Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01000-00214432-00214598 diplomatic way of telling somebody Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01001-00214600-00214791 actually what you're saying is not true Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01002-00214792-00214991 and this is actually what it is so you Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01003-00214992-00215151 don't preach at them Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01004-00215152-00215334 you actually have a comment persuade Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01005-00215335-00215463 them into the truth Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01006-00215464-00215655 of what it is that you are debunking Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01007-00215656-00215887 because obviously when you tell me Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01008-00215888-00216167 i am wrong i'll just become stiff and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01009-00216167-00216342 refuse to listen to what it is that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01010-00216344-00216542 you're telling me about Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01011-00216544-00216798 and then we've also found that a lot of Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01012-00216800-00216998 people find it difficult to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01013-00217000-00217310 understand standard data presentation Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01014-00217311-00217398 format so Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01015-00217400-00217582 we've been using obviously telling Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01016-00217583-00217815 stories in more engaging ways it's not Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01017-00217816-00217919 the usual Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01018-00217919-00218151 and actually personalizing humanizing Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01019-00218152-00218503 them and one thing that we found is that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01020-00218504-00218839 once we personalize and humanize Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01021-00218840-00219079 the the data then people actually can Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01022-00219080-00219158 engage Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01023-00219159-00219319 so in this instance for example we're Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01024-00219319-00219463 talking about the number of women who Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01025-00219464-00219655 are not able to undergo Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01026-00219656-00219903 fistula operations because of a pandemic Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01027-00219904-00219998 that means Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01028-00220000-00220175 they continue leaking and all the rest Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01029-00220176-00220351 of the madness that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01030-00220352-00220655 goes along with the with the fistula Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01031-00220656-00220879 when you have a problem with fistula Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01032-00220880-00221079 and one of the things that happened is Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01033-00221080-00221271 that the community Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01034-00221271-00221542 several communities in ghana then where Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01035-00221544-00221782 especially where these women were living Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01036-00221783-00222015 got together and decided to at least Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01037-00222016-00222127 build them Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01038-00222128-00222303 proper facilities and make sure that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01039-00222304-00222463 they have access to water Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01040-00222464-00222663 and because you need to keep cleaning Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01041-00222664-00222767 yourself up Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01042-00222767-00223094 and also a few cso started uh engaging Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01043-00223096-00223223 with the government Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01044-00223223-00223591 to not to to leave the suspension of the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01045-00223592-00223782 fistula operations because they said Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01046-00223783-00223903 it's elective Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01047-00223904-00224087 i mean fiscal law operation is not Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01048-00224088-00224246 elective surgery it's Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01049-00224248-00224479 it's a matter of life and death dignity Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01050-00224480-00224575 and and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01051-00224576-00224806 the womb if you want to call it that way Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01052-00224807-00224919 so really that was Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01053-00224919-00225231 i mean you you you need to be able to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01054-00225232-00225431 tell the stories using the data to tell Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01055-00225432-00225606 these stories what that means Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01056-00225607-00225846 for them and that i mean the other thing Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01057-00225848-00225967 is also in terms of Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01058-00225967-00226287 um like the story we did on the blood Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01059-00226288-00226463 a lot of people are not thinking about Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01060-00226464-00226767 it but we do get a lot most of our blood Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01061-00226767-00226927 in our blood banks in most of our Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01062-00226928-00227191 countries actually comes from students Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01063-00227192-00227406 and because the schools were closed Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01064-00227407-00227503 there were no Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01065-00227504-00227742 blood drives there were the blood donor Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01066-00227744-00227942 campaigns that tend to happen Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01067-00227944-00228198 every month usually targeting school to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01068-00228200-00228319 the school i mean Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01069-00228319-00228575 secondary school students and university Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01070-00228576-00228751 when we closed down the schools and the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01071-00228752-00228975 university it meant that we had no way Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01072-00228976-00229103 to get those kids Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01073-00229104-00229303 not really kids those young adults to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01074-00229304-00229503 contribute or to donate blood Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01075-00229504-00229710 which meant that the blood bank is in Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01076-00229711-00229879 trouble because we are always Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01077-00229880-00230239 and our most of our blood banks don't Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01078-00230240-00230382 even have enough blood Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01079-00230383-00230655 on other times in other times but now it Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01080-00230656-00230719 was Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01081-00230719-00230934 quite acute and then you still have the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01082-00230935-00231103 same number of women maybe in blood Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01083-00231104-00231151 because Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01084-00231152-00231351 they have they've been bleeding when Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01085-00231352-00231519 they're having babies with Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01086-00231519-00231687 you know all the needs for blood and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01087-00231688-00231894 especially now with malaria Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01088-00231896-00232175 children under five requiring blood so Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01089-00232176-00232246 when people Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01090-00232248-00232534 when you tell those the numbers what it Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01091-00232535-00232671 means then you say oh Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01092-00232671-00232871 really i need to be able to do something Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01093-00232871-00232998 about that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01094-00233000-00233327 so we also share obviously what Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01095-00233328-00233519 i said earlier which is actionable Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01096-00233519-00233679 information so that people can be able Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01097-00233680-00233831 then to make a decision what are we Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01098-00233832-00233982 going to do about it Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01099-00233983-00234167 and one of the stories we did was about Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01100-00234167-00234351 the albanian markets and how they are Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01101-00234352-00234719 centers of the super spreading Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01102-00234719-00234887 i mean they're the super spreader Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01103-00234888-00235071 sections of our community Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01104-00235071-00235415 because nobody is enforcing the wearing Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01105-00235416-00235439 of Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01106-00235440-00235710 masks or the hand washing or the basic Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01107-00235711-00235831 whatever and that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01108-00235832-00236063 got a lot of attention and i do believe Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01109-00236064-00236175 that it Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01110-00236176-00236687 it made a difference for me Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01111-00236688-00236927 i just want to end by saying one thing Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01112-00236928-00237134 generally we have to acknowledge that we Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01113-00237135-00237287 don't have Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01114-00237288-00237639 i mean we don't have all the data and as Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01115-00237640-00237839 especially with the pandemic we know Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01116-00237840-00238046 it's evolving and things the situation Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01117-00238048-00238175 is changing Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01118-00238176-00238519 so fast and and and what we know today Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01119-00238519-00238879 is next week will not be will not be the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01120-00238880-00238919 same Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01121-00238919-00239110 so we really need to be able to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01122-00239111-00239319 understand that what is important today Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01123-00239319-00239510 may not be important next week Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01124-00239511-00239710 but and we need to be able to tell our Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01125-00239711-00239942 audience or our readers Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01126-00239944-00240271 actually cite the date of Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01127-00240271-00240558 the data we are quoting because if i got Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01128-00240559-00240663 data of Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01129-00240664-00240919 last year this year the situation has Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01130-00240919-00241158 changed so if i'm making assumptions or Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01131-00241159-00241263 making i'm drawing Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01132-00241264-00241503 any kind of conclusions based on data Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01133-00241504-00241646 that is dated Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01134-00241648-00241830 in the sense that it might be not Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01135-00241831-00242039 current then we need to be able to tell Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01136-00242040-00242271 our audience that so that they know Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01137-00242271-00242598 and understand why the that understand Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01138-00242600-00242815 the constraints and why Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01139-00242816-00242951 it's not a definite because the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01140-00242952-00243094 situation may have changed by the time Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01141-00243096-00243294 that you've actually done that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01142-00243296-00243758 uh i also want to end by saying that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01143-00243759-00244198 turning mercy incomplete and reliable Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01144-00244200-00244319 data Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01145-00244319-00244694 into credible journalism is a very Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01146-00244696-00244863 demanding task Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01147-00244864-00245110 and it's also very frustrating i keep on Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01148-00245111-00245198 saying frustration Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01149-00245200-00245439 yes especially when we have to fight Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01150-00245440-00245598 just to get the data Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01151-00245600-00245823 access to reliable data so that we can Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01152-00245823-00245991 be able to inform people Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01153-00245992-00246182 because at the end of the day if Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01154-00246183-00246327 citizens don't Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01155-00246328-00246623 get the correct information they're not Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01156-00246623-00246734 able to get Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01157-00246735-00246967 to make informed decisions about issues Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01158-00246967-00247046 that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01159-00247048-00247246 actually have a bearing on their lives i Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01160-00247248-00247527 mean it's a matter of life and death so Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01161-00247528-00247782 yes communicating data is important but Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01162-00247783-00247958 we need the data and we need Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01163-00247959-00248263 accurate data and reliable data to be Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01164-00248264-00248342 able to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01165-00248344-00248623 effectively communicate so i want to end Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01166-00248623-00248806 there i'm sorry i've taken too long Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01167-00248807-00248951 thank you federico Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01168-00248952-00249206 i'll welcome any questions no problem at Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01169-00249207-00249263 all i Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01170-00249264-00249575 i in these cases these are the moments Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01171-00249576-00249751 where i don't mind going one or two Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01172-00249752-00249958 minutes over time because it's Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01173-00249959-00250191 uh i'm i don't know i may know of your Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01174-00250192-00250271 competence Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01175-00250271-00250463 and of your of the heart that you put in Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01176-00250464-00250591 this so Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01177-00250592-00250879 i also in that interest i would probably Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01178-00250880-00250927 not Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01179-00250928-00251191 kind of stop this flow of uh don't know Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01180-00251192-00251319 feelings and content Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01181-00251319-00251487 i will keep the questions for later Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01182-00251488-00251703 where we all join together Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01183-00251704-00251991 and i will basically call on stage first Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01184-00251992-00252167 of all thank you all again Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01185-00252167-00252391 thank you catherine again and call on Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01186-00252392-00252519 stage catherine Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01187-00252519-00252879 k and while she shows up Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01188-00252880-00253182 i will also take a few Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01189-00253183-00253391 minutes to also introduce her properly Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01190-00253392-00253510 again so again Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01191-00253511-00253775 the q a is the way to interact with our Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01192-00253776-00253951 speakers at best and then Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01193-00253952-00254151 also upvoting and the opportunity Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01194-00254152-00254406 mechanism is the best way that we can Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01195-00254407-00254687 actually make sure that we ask the most Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01196-00254688-00254791 wanting questions Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01197-00254792-00255134 so our next speaker catherine hey ho Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01198-00255135-00255430 or catherine k as she kindly allows me Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01199-00255431-00255558 to call her Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01200-00255559-00255839 she is an atmospheric scientist her Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01201-00255840-00255967 research is focused on Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01202-00255967-00256223 understanding how the climate change Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01203-00256223-00256391 actually affects people and the place Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01204-00256392-00256510 where they live Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01205-00256511-00256710 she is an endowed professor of public Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01206-00256711-00256951 policy and law at texas tech university Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01207-00256952-00257206 she has been named one of the times 100 Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01208-00257207-00257398 most influential people Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01209-00257400-00257575 the united nations champions of the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01210-00257576-00257775 environment and also what emergency Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01211-00257776-00257982 alliance climate ambassador so and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01212-00257983-00258263 i'm kind of asking myself what am i Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01213-00258264-00258463 doing here introducing her to this Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01214-00258464-00258655 i'm probably here for the same passion Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01215-00258656-00258775 that we have about data and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01216-00258776-00258910 communicating that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01217-00258911-00259175 and in all of this she really solemnly Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01218-00259176-00259303 guarantee that she Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01219-00259304-00259558 uses r for her daily work even if we Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01220-00259559-00259719 once your code chunk Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01221-00259719-00260071 in our talk today code uh so a talk Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01222-00260071-00260294 for which i'm very much looking forward Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01223-00260296-00260463 to so please catherine Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01224-00260464-00260839 the stage is all yours now Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01225-00260840-00261110 thank you so much and that is absolutely Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01226-00261111-00261142 true Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01227-00261144-00261358 i am an r user i was converted by a Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01228-00261359-00261479 statistician Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01229-00261480-00261639 and even though people have tried to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01230-00261640-00261806 persuade me to move to matlab or Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01231-00261807-00262063 mathematica i have resisted i still use Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01232-00262064-00262127 art Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01233-00262128-00262430 please do research yes i am Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01234-00262431-00262734 so my research is based on our the data Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01235-00262735-00262919 analysis that i do uses r Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01236-00262920-00263071 but what i'm talking about today is i'm Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01237-00263072-00263215 actually building on catherine with the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01238-00263216-00263327 c's talk Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01239-00263328-00263575 to talk about not only how data is Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01240-00263576-00263655 important Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01241-00263656-00263982 but what type of data because sometimes Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01242-00263983-00264167 it's not enough we think we've provided Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01243-00264168-00264287 everybody with the data that they need Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01244-00264288-00264430 to make a good decision and people say Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01245-00264431-00264503 ah Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01246-00264504-00264734 i don't think so how can we change Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01247-00264735-00264879 people's minds Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01248-00264880-00265182 well i study climate change which is Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01249-00265183-00265415 the most contentious difficult thorny Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01250-00265416-00265623 complex issue that there is currently on Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01251-00265624-00265703 science Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01252-00265704-00265823 so what i'm going to do is i'm going to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01253-00265824-00266039 answer that question focusing on Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01254-00266040-00266343 climate data and let me put this into Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01255-00266344-00266534 full screen mode here Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01256-00266535-00266863 all right i want to start off Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01257-00266864-00267030 with just highlighting picking up where Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01258-00267031-00267191 catherine was a c left off Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01259-00267192-00267495 how data is very important because Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01260-00267496-00267734 in the famous quote everyone is entitled Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01261-00267735-00268023 to his own opinion but not his own facts Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01262-00268024-00268158 and of course the original quote said Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01263-00268159-00268382 his but it relates to everyone everyone Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01264-00268383-00268558 is entitled to their own opinion but not Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01265-00268559-00268679 their own facts Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01266-00268680-00268934 you can say gravity isn't real but if Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01267-00268935-00269071 you step off the cliff you're still Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01268-00269072-00269319 going down Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01269-00269320-00269567 on climate change the facts are very Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01270-00269568-00269647 clear Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01271-00269648-00269943 we know that climate is changing humans Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01272-00269944-00270110 are responsible Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01273-00270111-00270558 scientists agree the impacts are serious Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01274-00270559-00270871 and there are solutions now Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01275-00270872-00271239 we have known the simple facts of how Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01276-00271240-00271455 people are changing climate since Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01277-00271456-00271758 scientists from the 1800s yes Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01278-00271759-00271975 the data that shows that our planet has Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01279-00271976-00272247 a natural blanket of heat trapping gases Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01280-00272248-00272430 that keeps us over 30 degrees celsius Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01281-00272431-00272623 warmer than we would be otherwise Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01282-00272624-00272815 but by digging up and burning coal and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01283-00272816-00272991 gas and oil we are producing more heat Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01284-00272992-00273134 trapping gases that wrap an Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01285-00273135-00273303 extra blanket around our planet that we Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01286-00273304-00273487 do not need the data Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01287-00273488-00273663 proving that and proving that that is Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01288-00273664-00273830 why the war world is warming Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01289-00273831-00274215 was collected and analyzed in the 1800s Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01290-00274216-00274734 before they had computers let alone our Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01291-00274735-00274975 we use r though today to do all kinds of Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01292-00274976-00275175 analysis and one analysis we did a few Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01293-00275176-00275279 years ago Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01294-00275280-00275575 was there are thousands of studies Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01295-00275576-00275647 thousands Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01296-00275648-00275815 that agree that climate is changing and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01297-00275816-00276063 humans are responsible but in the last Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01298-00276064-00276310 10 years there were 38 Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01299-00276311-00276567 studies that found that that was not the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01300-00276568-00276679 case Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01301-00276680-00277034 so we took those 38 studies and we Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01302-00277035-00277263 re-analyzed every single one of them Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01303-00277264-00277447 from scratch Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01304-00277448-00277823 using r and what we found was that every Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01305-00277824-00278063 single one of those 38 studies Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01306-00278064-00278382 had at least one error in it Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01307-00278383-00278558 sometimes it would be a mathematical Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01308-00278559-00278734 error or calculation error sometimes it Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01309-00278735-00278799 would be a false Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01310-00278800-00279023 assumption or an important factor that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01311-00279024-00279143 was left out Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01312-00279144-00279439 but every single study had at least one Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01313-00279440-00279503 error Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01314-00279504-00279727 that when corrected brought that study Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01315-00279728-00279887 into line with the thousands of other Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01316-00279888-00280015 studies that have been published in the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01317-00280016-00280167 last 200 years Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01318-00280168-00280415 showing that climate is changing and yes Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01319-00280416-00280847 humans are responsible Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01320-00280848-00281071 because of the data analysis that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01321-00281072-00281230 scientists have been doing for decades Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01322-00281231-00281358 and even centuries Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01323-00281359-00281687 it was 1965 when scientists were Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01324-00281688-00281847 confident enough that climate was Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01325-00281848-00281903 changing Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01326-00281904-00282095 humans were responsible and the impacts Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01327-00282096-00282215 were bad Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01328-00282216-00282495 to warn a u.s president that president Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01329-00282496-00282582 was lyndon b Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01330-00282583-00282919 johnson and now Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01331-00282920-00283223 the headlines look like this expensive Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01332-00283224-00283327 wildfires Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01333-00283328-00283558 record-breaking heat waves sea ice Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01334-00283559-00283758 melting flood losses Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01335-00283759-00284095 hurricanes devastating entire islands Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01336-00284096-00284406 so people often ask did climate change Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01337-00284407-00284663 cause this event and that is not the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01338-00284664-00284847 right question because we've always had Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01339-00284848-00285079 hurricanes cyclones typhoons droughts Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01340-00285080-00285254 floods heatwave storms Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01341-00285255-00285487 we've always had those the right Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01342-00285488-00285567 question is Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01343-00285568-00285879 did climate change make it worse Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01344-00285880-00286158 and by analyzing the data we are we can Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01345-00286159-00286351 answer that question Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01346-00286352-00286534 we can show and this is a brand new Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01347-00286535-00286671 headline from yesterday Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01348-00286672-00286895 we can show that climate change made the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01349-00286896-00287063 north american heat wave Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01350-00287064-00287254 from british columbia down to california Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01351-00287255-00287387 last week Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01352-00287388-00287743 150 times more likely Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01353-00287744-00287934 it made the devastating australian brush Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01354-00287935-00288199 fire season from january 2020 30 times Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01355-00288200-00288319 more likely Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01356-00288320-00288487 climate change was responsible for at Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01357-00288488-00288695 least 67 billion dollars worth of the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01358-00288696-00288903 damages from hurricane harvey Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01359-00288904-00289087 climate change is driving migration Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01360-00289088-00289247 crises in many countries including Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01361-00289248-00289382 bangladesh Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01362-00289383-00289703 when we analyze the data this is what it Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01363-00289704-00289967 shows us Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01364-00289968-00290158 so if that's the case why are we not Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01365-00290159-00290423 treating it like an emergency Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01366-00290424-00290815 right because it is well Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01367-00290816-00290982 to understand this we have to go to the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01368-00290983-00291167 social sciences not the physical Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01369-00291168-00291247 sciences Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01370-00291248-00291510 teleshot is a neuroscientist and she Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01371-00291511-00291663 writes in a book that she wrote called Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01372-00291664-00291806 the influential mind she says Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01373-00291807-00291982 our brains are programmed to get a kick Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01374-00291983-00292167 out of information Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01375-00292168-00292351 but when we give people new information Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01376-00292352-00292527 they typically only accept it if they Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01377-00292528-00292830 already believe it if it contradicts Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01378-00292831-00292903 what they believe Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01379-00292904-00293310 their brain shuts off Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01380-00293311-00293510 and she goes on to say the wealth of Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01381-00293511-00293687 information available in this internet Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01382-00293688-00293767 era Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01383-00293768-00294023 makes us more resistant to change Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01384-00294024-00294134 because we can just go Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01385-00294135-00294295 on the internet and we can find a Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01386-00294296-00294471 youtube video about Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01387-00294472-00294734 anything that says that we're right i'm Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01388-00294735-00294903 paraphrasing here but you get the idea Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01389-00294904-00294967 right Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01390-00294968-00295167 and even worse as we're exposed to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01391-00295168-00295382 contradicting information and opinions Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01392-00295383-00295615 polarization expands with time as people Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01393-00295616-00295806 get more and more info Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01394-00295807-00296006 dan cahan is a social scientist from Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01395-00296007-00296310 yale who studies political polarization Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01396-00296311-00296510 and his research was prompted by the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01397-00296511-00296663 fact that for Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01398-00296664-00296991 years now climate change has been the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01399-00296992-00297158 most politically polarized issue in the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01400-00297159-00297391 whole us Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01401-00297392-00297615 and i'm sorry the width of the gray bars Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01402-00297616-00297782 how polarized things are and you can see Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01403-00297783-00297967 climate change is right up at the top Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01404-00297968-00298182 this was before covet so what happened Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01405-00298183-00298287 after covet Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01406-00298288-00298551 they redid this study last august and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01407-00298552-00298710 here's what they found and this time Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01408-00298711-00298854 it's not in the order of the width of Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01409-00298855-00299015 the gray bar so i'll point out number Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01410-00299016-00299158 three two and one Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01411-00299159-00299479 they redid this and now the coronavirus Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01412-00299480-00299623 outbreak is the number three most Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01413-00299624-00299806 politically polarized issue Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01414-00299807-00300039 race and ethnic inequality is a number Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01415-00300040-00300110 two Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01416-00300111-00300527 and climate change is still number one Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01417-00300528-00300734 so dan studies this and he said he found Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01418-00300735-00300839 that it has nothing to do with Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01419-00300840-00300958 intelligence Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01420-00300959-00301087 people with the highest degree of Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01421-00301088-00301239 scientific literacy we're not most Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01422-00301240-00301343 concerned Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01423-00301344-00301775 they were the most what polarized Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01424-00301776-00302087 and in fact he went on to find Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01425-00302088-00302430 and i'll translate this into english Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01426-00302431-00302679 being smarter doesn't make you more Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01427-00302680-00302847 accepting of the data Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01428-00302848-00303079 it just makes you better able to cherry Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01429-00303080-00303279 pick the pieces of information that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01430-00303280-00303671 show that you are right Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01431-00303672-00303927 now this reaction is not invoked when Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01432-00303928-00304047 we're talking about issues that aren't Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01433-00304048-00304215 politically polarized like what like Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01434-00304216-00304471 dark matter if you give people Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01435-00304472-00304623 information on dark matter most people Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01436-00304624-00304782 will nod and say okay Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01437-00304783-00304934 and they won't argue they might not Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01438-00304935-00305191 remember it but they won't disagree Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01439-00305192-00305454 but on very politically polarized issues Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01440-00305455-00305591 which now sadly include Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01441-00305592-00305958 covet and include climate change Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01442-00305959-00306134 if people already have an opinion and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01443-00306135-00306279 you show data that doesn't agree with Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01444-00306280-00306382 their opinion Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01445-00306383-00306654 they will reject the data rather than Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01446-00306655-00306951 rejecting their opinion Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01447-00306952-00307134 and this is not only in the united Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01448-00307135-00307343 states i know you might be thinking well Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01449-00307344-00307551 i'm not in the united states so why is Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01450-00307552-00307727 she talking about this Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01451-00307728-00308110 they did an analysis across 56 countries Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01452-00308111-00308287 and they found that what people think Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01453-00308288-00308439 about climate change Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01454-00308440-00308647 is not influenced as much by their Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01455-00308648-00308815 education Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01456-00308816-00309030 and their experience as it is by their Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01457-00309031-00309167 ideology Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01458-00309168-00309582 their world view and their political Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01459-00309583-00309958 and across 64 countries they found Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01460-00309959-00310143 that when people who are politically Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01461-00310144-00310343 liberal are more educated they're more Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01462-00310344-00310527 concerned about climate change Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01463-00310528-00310758 but in wealthy countries where people Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01464-00310759-00310934 have big carbon footprints and use a lot Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01465-00310935-00311039 of energy Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01466-00311040-00311223 if people are more conservative the more Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01467-00311224-00311358 information they get about climate Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01468-00311359-00311415 change Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01469-00311416-00311582 it only makes them a little bit not more Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01470-00311583-00311758 worried not a lot Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01471-00311759-00311910 because political ideology is Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01472-00311911-00312167 interfering Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01473-00312168-00312391 so what happens is climate changes and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01474-00312392-00312487 we get worried Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01475-00312488-00312775 if we follow the data how could we not Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01476-00312776-00312943 be worried Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01477-00312944-00313167 so often what we do is we simply share Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01478-00313168-00313399 more scary data Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01479-00313400-00313623 but that just causes people to reject it Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01480-00313624-00313934 even more and inaction results and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01481-00313935-00314151 climate changes even more Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01482-00314152-00314351 as neuroscientist tally schwab says she Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01483-00314352-00314567 says fear and anxiety causes to withdraw Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01484-00314568-00314743 to freeze to give up rather than take Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01485-00314744-00314879 action Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01486-00314880-00315215 so this type of data is not moving the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01487-00315216-00315279 needle Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01488-00315280-00315663 any more than it already has Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01489-00315664-00315975 how do we break this vicious cycle Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01490-00315976-00316382 by sharing the right kind of data Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01491-00316383-00316679 what do i mean by that well the real Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01492-00316680-00316895 problems we have with climate change Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01493-00316896-00317071 is not that we think that 200 years of Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01494-00317072-00317223 physics are wrong Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01495-00317224-00317391 i mean the same physics that explains Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01496-00317392-00317558 why climate is changing explains why Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01497-00317559-00317663 airplanes fly Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01498-00317664-00317910 and why stoves heat food there's not a Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01499-00317911-00318071 lot of people who say that stoves don't Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01500-00318072-00318230 actually heat food or airplanes don't Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01501-00318231-00318334 fly Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01502-00318335-00318471 there's probably one or two and you can Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01503-00318472-00318663 probably find them on youtube but in Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01504-00318664-00318823 general most people would agree that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01505-00318824-00319030 basic physics is real Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01506-00319031-00319191 the real problem we have is we don't Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01507-00319192-00319367 think climate change matters to us and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01508-00319368-00319487 we don't think there's anything we can Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01509-00319488-00319615 do to fix it Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01510-00319616-00319982 to put it another way our threat meter Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01511-00319983-00320303 is unbalanced we think the climate Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01512-00320304-00320479 solutions are bad Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01513-00320480-00320671 and we think the climate impacts are far Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01514-00320672-00320863 off and they don't really matter Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01515-00320864-00321103 whereas in fact what the data says is Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01516-00321104-00321358 climate solutions are good for us Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01517-00321359-00321534 short term and long term they clean up Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01518-00321535-00321767 our air they give us clean water they Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01519-00321768-00321934 create jobs Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01520-00321935-00322110 and climate impacts are bad for us and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01521-00322111-00322415 they're right here right now too Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01522-00322416-00322663 so how do we address the sense of Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01523-00322664-00322839 disconnection Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01524-00322840-00323095 well these maps show what it looks like Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01525-00323096-00323230 i actually want to give you a picture of Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01526-00323231-00323479 what this disconnection looks like Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01527-00323480-00323654 across the united states and this is Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01528-00323655-00323823 just an example but we do see similar Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01529-00323824-00324015 patterns in other rich countries Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01530-00324016-00324230 across the u.s most people will say yes Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01531-00324231-00324430 climate is changing Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01532-00324431-00324679 anything that is any county here that is Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01533-00324680-00324743 orange Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01534-00324744-00324887 means more than 50 percent of people Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01535-00324888-00325095 said yes and the darker color the more Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01536-00325096-00325263 people said yes Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01537-00325264-00325591 they asked people will it harm plants Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01538-00325592-00325887 and animals a different species and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01539-00325888-00326054 people say yes Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01540-00326055-00326415 will it harm oops sorry will it harm Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01541-00326416-00326575 future generations Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01542-00326576-00326951 yes will it harm people in developing Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01543-00326952-00327087 countries Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01544-00327088-00327423 yes probably and then they say will it Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01545-00327424-00327682 harm Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01546-00327683-00327903 you this Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01547-00327904-00328182 is the biggest gap we have the gap Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01548-00328183-00328367 between people who think that climate is Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01549-00328368-00328503 changing and it will affect Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01550-00328504-00328719 other species future generations and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01551-00328720-00328919 people who live far away Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01552-00328920-00329271 and the people who say it will affect me Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01553-00329272-00329399 and if you're wondering about the yellow Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01554-00329400-00329606 counties there's some people groups who Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01555-00329607-00329743 are more concerned about climate change Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01556-00329744-00329830 than others Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01557-00329831-00329991 one of the most concerned people groups Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01558-00329992-00330199 in the us is hispanic catholics Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01559-00330200-00330406 and another is native americans so Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01560-00330407-00330558 that's part of what you see there in Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01561-00330559-00330878 terms of the pattern Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01562-00330879-00331023 what we're looking at is something that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01563-00331024-00331223 is known as psychological Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01564-00331224-00331534 distance the idea that a risk of Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01565-00331535-00331599 anything Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01566-00331600-00331830 a risk of heart disease a risk of not Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01567-00331831-00331999 saving enough money for retirement a Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01568-00332000-00332182 risk of climate change Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01569-00332183-00332463 is distant in time future generations Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01570-00332464-00332534 not now Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01571-00332535-00332830 distant in space over there not here Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01572-00332831-00333054 abstract global average temperature Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01573-00333055-00333247 instead of what's happening where i live Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01574-00333248-00333487 and irrelevant to things that i care Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01575-00333488-00333591 about Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01576-00333592-00333823 of course all of these are false climate Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01577-00333824-00334030 change is here it is now it is affecting Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01578-00334031-00334167 us in very real ways Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01579-00334168-00334375 in ways that matter to all of us it is Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01580-00334376-00334527 not just about the polar bear it is Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01581-00334528-00334687 about us Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01582-00334688-00334919 so how can we communicate the data in Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01583-00334920-00335143 ways that directly connect with people Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01584-00335144-00335519 well catherine c alluded to this Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01585-00335520-00335775 it's by telling stories that are what Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01586-00335776-00335887 that are here Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01587-00335888-00336158 rather than over there that are now Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01588-00336159-00336295 rather than the future Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01589-00336296-00336534 and that are relevant it turns out Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01590-00336535-00336687 neuroscientists have found that when we Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01591-00336688-00336799 tell a story Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01592-00336800-00337006 people listening to us their brain waves Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01593-00337007-00337151 actually synchronize with Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01594-00337152-00337375 ours and we're able to empathize with Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01595-00337376-00337454 each other Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01596-00337455-00337799 rather than only sharing data by itself Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01597-00337800-00338039 so for example and this is these are Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01598-00338040-00338239 examples of data i work with Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01599-00338240-00338478 we can say heavy precipitation has Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01600-00338479-00338678 increased across the united states Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01601-00338679-00338887 and we can show the percentage increase Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01602-00338888-00339103 by region of the united states Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01603-00339104-00339415 and we can talk about how it's already Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01604-00339416-00339630 happened this is in the past Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01605-00339631-00339878 but how much more powerful to connect Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01606-00339879-00339999 with people Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01607-00340000-00340278 by telling stories of what's happening Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01608-00340279-00340430 the midwest flood Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01609-00340431-00340734 of spring 2019. here is a farmer whose Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01610-00340735-00340830 fields were flooded Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01611-00340831-00341078 here is a homeowner who lost their home Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01612-00341079-00341223 what's happening in china Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01613-00341224-00341391 they're putting up sandbags on the edge Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01614-00341392-00341599 of the lake because of the flooding Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01615-00341600-00341823 when we make it personal when we make it Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01616-00341824-00341999 here when we make it now Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01617-00342000-00342310 we engage with that data at an entirely Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01618-00342311-00342430 different level than if we're just Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01619-00342431-00342839 showing colored areas on a map Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01620-00342840-00343151 this one's even worse sea level rise Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01621-00343152-00343327 all we have here is some colored lines Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01622-00343328-00343527 and they're nice rainbow colors Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01623-00343528-00343743 they look attractive they look pretty Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01624-00343744-00343951 you think oh sea level rise Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01625-00343952-00344278 feet let's see 2 4 6 8. Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01626-00344279-00344503 well that sounds interesting what does Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01627-00344504-00344654 that mean Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01628-00344655-00344895 what that means is we have 700 million Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01629-00344896-00345054 people living within a few feet of sea Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01630-00345055-00345143 level Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01631-00345144-00345375 where are they going to go what that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01632-00345376-00345447 means is Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01633-00345448-00345678 there is literally ocean water on Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01634-00345679-00345878 streets that people are driving through Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01635-00345879-00345919 now Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01636-00345920-00346182 during high tide plus sea level rise Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01637-00346183-00346263 cities are Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01638-00346264-00346447 elevating the level of their streets by Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01639-00346448-00346654 two feet two feet look at that they're Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01640-00346655-00346839 building up the streets Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01641-00346840-00347078 to prevent sea level flooding we know Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01642-00347079-00347191 that properties Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01643-00347192-00347430 the price of properties are dropping and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01644-00347431-00347623 it's people like zillow and real estate Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01645-00347624-00347847 companies that are telling us this Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01646-00347848-00348087 this brings that data home in a whole Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01647-00348088-00348175 different way Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01648-00348176-00348391 because we're not talking about meters Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01649-00348392-00348495 we're talking about Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01650-00348496-00348799 dollars we're talking about feet we're Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01651-00348800-00348958 talking about things that are happening Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01652-00348959-00349206 where we live Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01653-00349207-00349519 here's an even more esoteric one the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01654-00349520-00349943 oceans are warming in units of accidents Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01655-00349944-00350087 now i don't think anybody could really Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01656-00350088-00350263 identify with that one i mean people Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01657-00350264-00350367 would be like what is that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01658-00350368-00350678 why does it matter oceans of course it Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01659-00350679-00350830 matters but why Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01660-00350831-00351071 it matters because coral reefs are being Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01661-00351072-00351303 bleached during marine heat waves Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01662-00351304-00351527 it matters because toxic algae is on the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01663-00351528-00351734 rise as oceans warm Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01664-00351735-00351999 it matters because hurricanes cyclones Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01665-00352000-00352127 and typhoons Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01666-00352128-00352247 they're all the same type of storm Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01667-00352248-00352358 they're just called different names in Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01668-00352359-00352495 different parts of the world Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01669-00352496-00352815 they're all powered by warm ocean water Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01670-00352816-00353078 and so these hurricanes are getting Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01671-00353079-00353134 bigger Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01672-00353135-00353382 they're intensifying faster they're Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01673-00353383-00353582 getting stronger Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01674-00353583-00353815 and slower and they have a lot more rain Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01675-00353816-00353934 associated with them Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01676-00353935-00354151 and we are able to put numbers on how Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01677-00354152-00354343 much worse climate change made it in Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01678-00354344-00354439 dollars Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01679-00354440-00354687 and maps showing the area flooded in a Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01680-00354688-00354863 city that would not have been flooded as Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01681-00354864-00355015 the same hurricane had happened 100 Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01682-00355016-00355103 years ago Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01683-00355104-00355263 that's the type of data that connects Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01684-00355264-00355527 directly Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01685-00355528-00355806 what about temperature increases i study Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01686-00355807-00356095 how different carbon choices on the left Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01687-00356096-00356295 lead to different temperature increases Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01688-00356296-00356510 on the right but we might think oh Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01689-00356511-00356734 one two four degrees celsius that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01690-00356735-00356967 doesn't sound like a lot Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01691-00356968-00357182 it doesn't until we start thinking about Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01692-00357183-00357399 what that looks like where we live Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01693-00357400-00357582 the heat waves that people are enduring Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01694-00357583-00357751 literally today Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01695-00357752-00357934 record-breaking heat waves leading to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01696-00357935-00358151 massive die-offs in marine life Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01697-00358152-00358319 hundreds and even thousands of human Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01698-00358320-00358503 deaths all kinds of infrastructure Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01699-00358504-00358751 damage crop damage Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01700-00358752-00358982 these are relevant and those colored Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01701-00358983-00359206 lines on a figure do not convey them in Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01702-00359207-00359367 a way that allow people to connect with Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01703-00359368-00359430 them Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01704-00359431-00359743 but analyzing data at the local scale Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01705-00359744-00360047 in ways that matter does Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01706-00360048-00360206 and of course wildfires are getting Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01707-00360207-00360543 bigger burning more area as well Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01708-00360544-00360710 why do we care about climate change we Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01709-00360711-00360863 care about it because it affects Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01710-00360864-00361054 everything we already care about Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01711-00361055-00361239 our water our food our safety our Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01712-00361240-00361423 economy our health Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01713-00361424-00361558 to care about climate change we Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01714-00361559-00361703 literally only have to be one thing and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01715-00361704-00361951 that's a human living on this planet Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01716-00361952-00362199 and every single one of us are that it's Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01717-00362200-00362382 not about the polar bear on the iceberg Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01718-00362383-00362543 yes polar bears are affected Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01719-00362544-00362775 but after the polar bear we're next it's Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01720-00362776-00362958 humans there on that iceberg Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01721-00362959-00363223 so to speak metaphorically we are the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01722-00363224-00363439 ones who are at risk and that is what Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01723-00363440-00363591 the data shows Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01724-00363592-00363943 very clearly it gets really interesting Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01725-00363944-00364063 though circling back to that whole Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01726-00364064-00364278 political polarization this is chris chu Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01727-00364279-00364471 he's a researcher at my university texas Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01728-00364472-00364623 tech you can see i like to show you the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01729-00364624-00364751 pictures of people so you know who they Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01730-00364752-00364815 are Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01731-00364816-00365030 and he's found that when we talk about Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01732-00365031-00365215 climate impacts in a way that is Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01733-00365216-00365567 here not over there in a way that is now Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01734-00365568-00365767 not the future in a way that is relevant Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01735-00365768-00365982 to us that matters it engages with the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01736-00365983-00366191 things we already care about Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01737-00366192-00366423 it turns out that that not only Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01738-00366424-00366615 decreases psychological distance it Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01739-00366616-00366703 decreases Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01740-00366704-00366951 political polarization too because we Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01741-00366952-00367119 are connecting over something that is Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01742-00367120-00367375 important to us that we agree on Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01743-00367376-00367551 rather than just been connecting over Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01744-00367552-00367710 something we disagree on Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01745-00367711-00368015 isn't that amazing Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01746-00368016-00368215 but there's one more piece and i don't Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01747-00368216-00368454 want to stop without this one more piece Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01748-00368455-00368630 and that is the fact that many people Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01749-00368631-00368863 just feel helpless and paralyzed Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01750-00368864-00369030 even when you convince them it matters Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01751-00369031-00369199 they don't know what to do Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01752-00369200-00369423 in the united states 50 of people feel Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01753-00369424-00369558 helpless when they think about climate Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01754-00369559-00369727 change over 50 percent don't know where Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01755-00369728-00369943 to start when it comes to climate action Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01756-00369944-00370143 this global survey of countries around Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01757-00370144-00370310 the world um Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01758-00370311-00370543 feel like i could be doing more or my Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01759-00370544-00370671 country could be doing more Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01760-00370672-00370991 a lot of people are less than 50 percent Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01761-00370992-00371223 they really don't have a sense of what Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01762-00371224-00371391 could be done Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01763-00371392-00371630 this is a word that social scientists Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01764-00371631-00371839 call efficacy Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01765-00371840-00372134 efficacy is the idea that if i do Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01766-00372135-00372254 something Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01767-00372255-00372551 could it make a difference if we do Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01768-00372552-00372647 something Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01769-00372648-00372919 could it make a difference most people Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01770-00372920-00373054 when it comes to climate change would Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01771-00373055-00373182 say no Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01772-00373183-00373447 i'm not a ceo i'm not a president i'm Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01773-00373448-00373591 not a prime minister i'm not an Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01774-00373592-00373839 influential person i'm not a rich person Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01775-00373840-00374087 i don't think i can make a difference Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01776-00374088-00374271 and so that's the last piece of Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01777-00374272-00374510 information we need to share Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01778-00374511-00374719 because people need to know that as Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01779-00374720-00375087 individuals we can make a difference Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01780-00375088-00375343 so i like to share information about Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01781-00375344-00375495 what all kinds of different people are Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01782-00375496-00375591 doing Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01783-00375592-00375871 whether it's new technology to show that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01784-00375872-00376071 yes our technology is changing Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01785-00376072-00376263 the fact that countries are acting Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01786-00376264-00376463 phasing out coal divesting from fossil Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01787-00376464-00376543 fuels Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01788-00376544-00376734 why not because the prime minister Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01789-00376735-00376919 decided to do so with the president Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01790-00376920-00377182 because individual people decided and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01791-00377183-00377343 raised their voices and said the world Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01792-00377344-00377471 needs to change Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01793-00377472-00377623 corporations are changing but why did Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01794-00377624-00377782 they change was it because the ceo Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01795-00377783-00377878 decided no Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01796-00377879-00378071 it was because people who worked there Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01797-00378072-00378263 decided that it had to change they use Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01798-00378264-00378423 their voice within their sphere of Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01799-00378424-00378551 influence to say Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01800-00378552-00378806 we need to do things differently known Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01801-00378807-00378967 people are using their voices Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01802-00378968-00379199 and they're changing the world too we Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01803-00379200-00379382 know their names we know that friday's Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01804-00379383-00379478 for future Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01805-00379479-00379671 we know about it because they are using Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01806-00379672-00379791 their voices Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01807-00379792-00380134 to talk about why this matters the world Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01808-00380135-00380230 is changing Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01809-00380231-00380575 last year during kovid 90 of new energy Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01810-00380576-00380702 installed around the world was clean Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01811-00380703-00380791 energy Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01812-00380792-00380951 some of it in some of the poorest places Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01813-00380952-00381063 in the world where people don't have Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01814-00381064-00381271 access to fossil fuels Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01815-00381272-00381510 but if we don't know that this is Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01816-00381511-00381671 happening we don't feel like we could Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01817-00381672-00381799 ever make a difference Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01818-00381800-00382006 and so that's why it's so important when Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01819-00382007-00382127 climate changes Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01820-00382128-00382454 and when we get worried to break the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01821-00382455-00382606 cycle how Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01822-00382607-00382847 rather than dumping more scary data on Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01823-00382848-00382982 people Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01824-00382983-00383206 break the cycle by showing how it Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01825-00383207-00383334 affects us Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01826-00383335-00383591 and how there are positive solutions and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01827-00383592-00383743 this creates a true Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01828-00383744-00383975 positive feedback loop researchers like Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01829-00383976-00384127 matthew goldberg have found Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01830-00384128-00384254 where the more we know the more Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01831-00384255-00384399 concerned we are the more concerned we Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01832-00384400-00384615 are the more we talk about it Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01833-00384616-00384887 people feel empowered rather than frozen Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01834-00384888-00384927 and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01835-00384928-00385271 action results to quote tali shabbat one Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01836-00385272-00385358 last time Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01837-00385359-00385551 our brain is built to associate forward Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01838-00385552-00385767 action with a reward not avoiding harm Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01839-00385768-00385958 so we need to reframe what we talk about Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01840-00385959-00386143 so the information we provide Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01841-00386144-00386710 induces hope not dread Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01842-00386711-00387006 data is important but data alone is not Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01843-00387007-00387054 enough Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01844-00387055-00387327 we have to think about how to share it Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01845-00387328-00387454 what to share Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01846-00387455-00387871 and how people respond to that data Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01847-00387872-00388087 because only by doing so will we truly Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01848-00388088-00388199 be able to communicate Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01849-00388200-00388782 what that data contains thank you Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01850-00388783-00389110 thank you catherine that was Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01851-00389111-00389478 a roller coaster of the information Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01852-00389479-00389767 emotion because i was basically flowing Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01853-00389768-00389910 with you on this and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01854-00389911-00390382 i wish you didn't stop now somehow Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01855-00390383-00390751 yeah so now it's time to actually Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01856-00390752-00391134 ask you something and while our audience Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01857-00391135-00391415 might already be start typing some Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01858-00391416-00391582 questions in the in the slack Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01859-00391583-00391871 lounge or in the q a i do have one Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01860-00391872-00392134 provocative question for both of you Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01861-00392135-00392471 i just found a tiny Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01862-00392472-00392895 genie lamp and you have one wish Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01863-00392896-00393191 a small realizable wish that could make Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01864-00393192-00393495 a change make an impact in what you do Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01865-00393496-00393815 what's your wish let's start with Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01866-00393816-00393982 catherine c Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01867-00393983-00394478 uh you both muted catherine's Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01868-00394479-00394882 so if you are you what one wish i have Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01869-00394883-00395030 for Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01870-00395031-00395223 to do something that could improve what Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01871-00395224-00395454 you do on a daily basis Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01872-00395455-00395615 it doesn't have to be a too big change Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01873-00395616-00395815 or it can be a very big change Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01874-00395816-00395982 but something that can really improve Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01875-00395983-00396215 what you do Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01876-00396216-00396534 i i think Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01877-00396535-00396734 it's actually been able to access Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01878-00396735-00396854 information Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01879-00396855-00397087 being able to make it possible to give Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01880-00397088-00397230 more than what we Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01881-00397231-00397558 just lessen the struggle to get the good Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01882-00397559-00397806 information that we can be able to use Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01883-00397807-00398015 to communicate with people to let people Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01884-00398016-00398175 know what is happening Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01885-00398176-00398519 i mean save me the time of having to go Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01886-00398520-00398734 from point a to point b to point three Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01887-00398735-00398927 just to get one fact you know what i Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01888-00398928-00398999 mean Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01889-00399000-00399334 because i think it it Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01890-00399335-00399647 it takes so much of our energy yet we Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01891-00399648-00399775 could be doing so much Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01892-00399776-00400119 more and i i think the strain and the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01893-00400120-00400182 stress Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01894-00400183-00400487 and the agony of going through this this Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01895-00400488-00400599 is what really Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01896-00400600-00400967 kills a lot of uh our Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01897-00400968-00401463 ability oh it's it takes our energy out Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01898-00401464-00401719 so that's what i would do i mean i'm a Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01899-00401720-00401902 bioinformatician totally different color Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01900-00401903-00402087 of science from yours probably Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01901-00402088-00402367 but i know the pain of having to access Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01902-00402368-00402478 research data Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01903-00402479-00402710 and say the upon reasonable requests Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01904-00402711-00402951 when i see that i kind of get Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01905-00402952-00403278 this kind of reaction so i i kind of uh Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01906-00403279-00403678 yeah okay katherine k what's your wish Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01907-00403679-00403910 well i know that if you ever get one Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01908-00403911-00404071 wish what you wish is that all your Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01909-00404072-00404215 wishes could come true Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01910-00404216-00404567 yeah that's a cheap one so Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01911-00404568-00404823 i know but i thought about it okay so i Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01912-00404824-00404934 mean other than you know Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01913-00404935-00405119 an extra hour to the day and things like Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01914-00405120-00405254 that um Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01915-00405255-00405591 i i if if it's not too big um Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01916-00405592-00405782 i think that we really need the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01917-00405783-00405967 sustainable development goals Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01918-00405968-00406327 they're so basic no hunger no poverty Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01919-00406328-00406558 gender equity clean water for people to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01920-00406559-00406775 drink affordable energy Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01921-00406776-00407006 if that's too big if we have to go even Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01922-00407007-00407158 smaller than that i would say Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01923-00407159-00407391 we need a price on carbon because we're Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01924-00407392-00407471 producing Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01925-00407472-00407678 so much damaging carbon and the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01926-00407679-00407791 pollution Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01927-00407792-00407943 just the air pollution alone is Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01928-00407944-00408143 responsible for nine million deaths a Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01929-00408144-00408191 year Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01930-00408192-00408391 let alone climate change i didn't even Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01931-00408392-00408510 talk about the air pollution or the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01932-00408511-00408575 health Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01933-00408576-00408767 if we just had a price on carbon so that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01934-00408768-00408927 polluters paid Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01935-00408928-00409087 the people who were polluting this Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01936-00409088-00409247 planet actually paid for what they were Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01937-00409248-00409334 doing Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01938-00409335-00409591 and that money was used to first of all Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01939-00409592-00409703 get them to stop Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01940-00409704-00409863 and second of all to help the people who Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01941-00409864-00410039 were suffering i think that would be a Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01942-00410039-00410095 small Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01943-00410096-00410278 very manageable practical first step Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01944-00410279-00410526 towards actually fixing this problem Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01945-00410527-00410839 okay thank you for making it say Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01946-00410839-00411166 small and and manageable as i wish Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01947-00411167-00411318 there are already some questions from Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01948-00411319-00411599 the q a so i'll take one from eba rita Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01949-00411600-00411655 mal Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01950-00411656-00411895 which asks you where can we learn more Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01951-00411896-00412047 about communicating in a way that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01952-00412047-00412559 empowers people Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01953-00412560-00412814 goes say let's let's keep the let's keep Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01954-00412815-00412918 the catering see Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01955-00412919-00413263 uh see with a c cutting with a k Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01956-00413264-00413582 uh order if you if you if you don't mind Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01957-00413583-00413799 oh okay so the question is where you can Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01958-00413800-00413934 learn how to communicate Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01959-00413935-00414374 data in a way that empowers people yes Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01960-00414375-00414703 okay i i think i always tell people that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01961-00414704-00414839 google is your friend and there are Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01962-00414839-00414999 quite a number of people who are doing Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01963-00415000-00415182 interesting and very Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01964-00415183-00415503 very useful work i mean very interesting Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01965-00415504-00415551 stuff Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01966-00415552-00415895 online but i for as a journalist i Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01967-00415896-00416095 always use the data journalism handbook Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01968-00416096-00416239 it's quite interesting Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01969-00416239-00416559 and not only that one but i actually try Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01970-00416560-00416607 and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01971-00416608-00416814 get this understand the concepts of the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01972-00416815-00417014 principles and then apply them within my Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01973-00417015-00417118 situation Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01974-00417119-00417430 or in your situation because there's no Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01975-00417431-00417510 way Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01976-00417512-00417822 you're going to get the kind of in terms Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01977-00417823-00418039 of data especially Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01978-00418039-00418222 if you're doing data journalism for Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01979-00418223-00418359 example and you want to be able to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01980-00418360-00418534 communicate it Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01981-00418535-00418822 it's not possible to get all but there Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01982-00418823-00418903 are some Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01983-00418904-00419166 some ways of or some skills you can Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01984-00419167-00419207 learn Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01985-00419208-00419439 of online but there are also skills you Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01986-00419439-00419727 can learn from Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01987-00419728-00419927 going to school maybe if you want to do Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01988-00419928-00420127 that communication classes Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01989-00420128-00420447 but really i just think Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01990-00420447-00420727 break it down to this way i always tell Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01991-00420728-00420855 people when i'm Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01992-00420856-00421159 writing or when i'm they're writing tell Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01993-00421160-00421287 it to your grandmother how would you Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01994-00421288-00421375 tell it to your Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01995-00421376-00421687 grandmother it's a very very esoteric Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01996-00421688-00421918 very complicated like kathy was talking Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01997-00421919-00421991 about Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01998-00421992-00422310 climate change freezes you or releases Gvdu9wuv0VQ-01999-00422312-00422343 you Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02000-00422343-00422622 because of how you understand it and and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02001-00422623-00422655 and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02002-00422656-00422895 for me is break it down to simple ways Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02003-00422896-00423014 how would you communicate Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02004-00423015-00423270 it to your mother or your grandmother Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02005-00423271-00423463 and my grandmother not because she's not Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02006-00423464-00423663 able to read but she can read but i want Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02007-00423664-00423847 to break this very complex thing into Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02008-00423847-00423959 something simple Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02009-00423960-00424110 then we can have a conversation then Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02010-00424112-00424270 it's personalized it's Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02011-00424271-00424583 it's not this complex animal out there Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02012-00424584-00424751 you know just think about it that way Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02013-00424752-00424863 how would you tell it to your Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02014-00424864-00424966 grandmother Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02015-00424967-00425175 yeah i i can also and why should she Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02016-00425176-00425287 care to know Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02017-00425288-00425655 to you the next question i Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02018-00425656-00425870 ask is so what after this or what what Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02019-00425871-00426007 do you want them to do Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02020-00426008-00426303 or what you want her to feel so think Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02021-00426304-00426518 about your messaging and what it is you Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02022-00426519-00426710 want them to get out of it and what it Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02023-00426712-00426863 is you want them to know Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02024-00426864-00427055 and what it is that you want them to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02025-00427056-00427199 feel after Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02026-00427200-00427375 even if it's gloom and doom we're all Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02027-00427376-00427535 going to die but you are going to die Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02028-00427535-00427687 with a smile on your face Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02029-00427688-00427959 because that's the face of it sorry Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02030-00427960-00428079 that's the way i look at it Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02031-00428080-00428199 communicating Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02032-00428200-00428535 information is you need to connect guys Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02033-00428535-00428927 sorry i mean that's true okay yeah Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02034-00428928-00429127 i i've seen catherine nicking but say if Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02035-00429128-00429383 you want to add something more on this Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02036-00429384-00429679 kathryn k yes i completely agree so for Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02037-00429680-00429710 me Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02038-00429712-00429883 i always literally thought about my Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02039-00429884-00430103 grandfather how could i tell this to my Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02040-00430104-00430222 grandfather Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02041-00430223-00430422 and why would he care and why would Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02042-00430423-00430551 anyone else care Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02043-00430552-00430759 so when we have these conversations and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02044-00430760-00430910 i put a link to my ted talk Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02045-00430912-00431095 in the zoom chat and if anybody else is Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02046-00431096-00431263 interested just google my name and ted Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02047-00431264-00431503 and you'll find it i'm in my ted talk i Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02048-00431504-00431663 talk a lot about communication Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02049-00431664-00432039 and i say the place to start is not here Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02050-00432039-00432366 it's here that's the place to start Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02051-00432367-00432614 figure out what the person or people who Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02052-00432615-00432710 you're talking to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02053-00432712-00432918 care about like today you notice we're Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02054-00432919-00433110 both doing this we all care about data Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02055-00433112-00433375 so we're starting by talking about data Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02056-00433376-00433614 i have begun conversations about climate Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02057-00433615-00433703 change Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02058-00433704-00433975 but by talking about food by talking Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02059-00433976-00434039 about Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02060-00434039-00434287 knitting by talking about the place Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02061-00434288-00434439 where i live by talking about the fact Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02062-00434439-00434583 that we're both parents Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02063-00434584-00434718 by talking about the fact that i love Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02064-00434719-00434991 snow so if we can begin Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02065-00434992-00435159 a conversation on data with something Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02066-00435160-00435318 that connects to people's hearts so then Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02067-00435319-00435543 they understand why it matters Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02068-00435543-00435887 then step number two connect the dots Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02069-00435888-00436214 to the data but then step number three Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02070-00436215-00436366 talk about what people can do in Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02071-00436367-00436583 response because if you tell people that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02072-00436584-00436695 there's a problem and they don't know Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02073-00436696-00436807 what to do about it Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02074-00436808-00437079 we tend our human um defense mechanism Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02075-00437080-00437255 is just to dissociate Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02076-00437256-00437431 i mean if i told you an asteroid is Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02077-00437432-00437687 hitting the earth and you're not a nasa Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02078-00437688-00437839 person you don't work for a department Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02079-00437839-00438118 of defense there's nothing you can do Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02080-00438119-00438231 what are you supposed to do with that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02081-00438232-00438518 information we need to empower people Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02082-00438519-00438679 so our data needs to connect to the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02083-00438680-00438918 heart provide the information people Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02084-00438919-00439103 need to understand why it matters Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02085-00439104-00439551 and then empower them to act Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02086-00439552-00439910 perfect yeah i couldn't agree more Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02087-00439912-00440159 uh connected to this somehow we just Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02088-00440160-00440214 mentioned Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02089-00440215-00440447 how to actually deliver data there is a Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02090-00440447-00440718 there is a question from jesus castaneda Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02091-00440719-00440879 how do we deal with the cherry picking Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02092-00440880-00441055 of data and the interpretation Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02093-00441056-00441231 bubble when talking to people that we Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02094-00441232-00441366 know and interact with Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02095-00441367-00441551 this is a question of how to approach Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02096-00441552-00441822 the matter or the way the information is Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02097-00441823-00442127 is conveyed or and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02098-00442128-00442439 i i continue his dot dot dot so i mean Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02099-00442439-00442655 i had a point about internet being a Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02100-00442656-00442766 very Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02101-00442767-00443055 say way too large resource of Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02102-00443056-00443151 information Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02103-00443152-00443503 or misinformation is it a bad Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02104-00443504-00443783 thing to to have or a good thing to have Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02105-00443784-00443943 and so how to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02106-00443943-00444263 actually curate this kind of uh Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02107-00444264-00444479 i i wouldn't say cancer but how to to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02108-00444480-00444631 create this sickness Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02109-00444632-00444927 of being able to find data that would Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02110-00444928-00445014 support Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02111-00445015-00445270 a negationist theory just for the sake Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02112-00445271-00445422 of doing it Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02113-00445423-00445735 so to me to make it short Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02114-00445735-00446007 how do we deal with that with this Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02115-00446008-00446079 actually Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02116-00446080-00446383 this is a very huge thing and it Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02117-00446384-00446710 can be a very big obstacle to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02118-00446712-00447110 against the work that you do actually Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02119-00447112-00447518 let's start with you catherine c Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02120-00447519-00447743 the one thing i know is that you you Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02121-00447743-00447935 start off with a hypothesis and then you Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02122-00447935-00448110 look for evidence that will Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02123-00448112-00448351 either prove your hypothesis to be true Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02124-00448352-00448414 or Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02125-00448415-00448631 it totally kills your story in the sense Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02126-00448632-00448727 that you get Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02127-00448728-00448903 evidence or data that tells you no Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02128-00448904-00449039 you're not going this way you should be Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02129-00449039-00449143 going this way Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02130-00449143-00449383 and for me it's to be open-minded to the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02131-00449384-00449551 fact that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02132-00449552-00449814 this is what i think is happening and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02133-00449815-00450007 this is the evidence i'm going to look Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02134-00450008-00450135 out for Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02135-00450135-00450351 but if i find evidence that is showing Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02136-00450352-00450551 me the other side of this thing i need Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02137-00450552-00450822 to be open-minded enough to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02138-00450823-00451183 to accept that what i've started out Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02139-00451184-00451559 with may not be true to be proved wrong Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02140-00451560-00451855 because you want to be improved right Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02141-00451856-00451918 and you Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02142-00451919-00452095 you have a deadline as a journalist you Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02143-00452096-00452239 have a deadline you have to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02144-00452239-00452510 hit it on the head and then you started Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02145-00452512-00452703 off with an interesting hypothesis and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02146-00452704-00452791 you know yeah Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02147-00452792-00453079 evidence blah blah if i really wanted to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02148-00453080-00453263 be a horrible journalist i just go with Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02149-00453264-00453527 the evidence that is partially proven Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02150-00453528-00453735 but it's not the whole story and i'll be Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02151-00453735-00453879 found out anyway Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02152-00453880-00454118 and it's human nature like kathy says to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02153-00454119-00454263 just want to believe what you Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02154-00454264-00454479 other people or like ourselves or Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02155-00454480-00454599 whatever but Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02156-00454600-00454903 i think the the beauty of Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02157-00454904-00455151 learning and the beauty of understanding Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02158-00455152-00455359 thing is to be able to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02159-00455360-00455663 to push the limits of what we think we Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02160-00455664-00455759 know and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02161-00455760-00455935 look at what is coming in which is Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02162-00455935-00456151 telling me what i know is not true Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02163-00456152-00456375 and then being able to engage with that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02164-00456376-00456591 being open-minded enough to be able to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02165-00456592-00456718 engage with that because Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02166-00456719-00456966 at the end of it you'll just be in that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02167-00456967-00457151 bubble of yourself Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02168-00457152-00457375 and why they why i keep on saying the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02169-00457376-00457535 internet makes it possible for you to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02170-00457535-00457583 access Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02171-00457584-00457799 all manner of information why the hell Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02172-00457800-00457991 are you limiting yourself to one lane Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02173-00457992-00458143 one small portion Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02174-00458143-00458318 get everything that is there for you Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02175-00458319-00458479 it's free anyway Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02176-00458480-00458670 and all it can do for you is broaden Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02177-00458671-00458791 your mind Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02178-00458792-00458951 and if you still want to insist there's Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02179-00458952-00459110 no climate change that's your problem Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02180-00459112-00459231 but there's evidence Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02181-00459232-00459551 and other information but let it come in Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02182-00459552-00459910 let it let let your mind Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02183-00459912-00460263 be enriched by whatever is out there not Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02184-00460264-00460359 just what Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02185-00460360-00460614 it's like what we say unless you travel Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02186-00460615-00460703 you don't know Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02187-00460704-00460879 there's there's somebody else who can Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02188-00460880-00461070 cook better than your mother Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02189-00461071-00461255 so in this case it's the same thing with Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02190-00461256-00461391 your mind Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02191-00461392-00461670 let all that is there come in it can Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02192-00461671-00461847 illuminate what you know Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02193-00461847-00462047 and shows you some dark corners of your Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02194-00462047-00462151 mind which Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02195-00462152-00462414 are totally not they need to be Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02196-00462415-00462639 illuminated and given some fresh air Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02197-00462639-00462903 sorry as an italian i hardly believe i Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02198-00462904-00463063 hope i respond to your issue Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02199-00463064-00463270 yeah but as an italian i hardly believe Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02200-00463271-00463483 anyone cooks better than my mother Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02201-00463484-00463847 but you need to travel that's why you're Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02202-00463847-00463966 talking about they did travel Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02203-00463967-00464214 yes and so humans have a strong Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02204-00464215-00464359 confirmation bias let's Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02205-00464360-00464614 say even i i know about that even if i'm Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02206-00464615-00464751 not a psychologist Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02207-00464752-00465103 what's your point uh on this catherine Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02208-00465104-00465279 well i actually have a twitter thread Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02209-00465280-00465431 specifically on this question i will Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02210-00465432-00465583 post it after we're done so if you just Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02211-00465584-00465718 follow me on twitter you'll see my Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02212-00465719-00465814 thread there i'll Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02213-00465815-00466166 repost it in 15 minutes or less Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02214-00466167-00466375 but i wanted to share a story about a Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02215-00466376-00466527 colleague of mine named john cook Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02216-00466528-00466791 he's from queensland in australia and he Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02217-00466792-00466935 had a father Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02218-00466935-00467118 every time he went home for dinner his Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02219-00467119-00467295 father would say oh john there's more Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02220-00467296-00467527 polar bears now than there ever were so Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02221-00467528-00467735 how could the planet be warming Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02222-00467735-00467910 and he would look up the information he Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02223-00467912-00468127 would explain to his father how no polar Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02224-00468128-00468287 bears really are endangered Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02225-00468288-00468495 and he ended up creating a website Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02226-00468496-00468687 called skeptical science Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02227-00468688-00469014 that lists every single zombie myth Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02228-00469015-00469231 about climate change and gives a full Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02229-00469232-00469366 scientific answer Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02230-00469367-00469575 with citations to all the scientific Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02231-00469576-00469959 papers to every one of those 198 Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02232-00469960-00470303 myths skepticalscience.com do you think Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02233-00470304-00470535 it changed his father's mind Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02234-00470535-00470822 no it didn't because it wasn't Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02235-00470823-00470975 scientific information that was the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02236-00470976-00471087 problem Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02237-00471088-00471407 so john went back to school he got a phd Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02238-00471408-00471591 in cognitive psychology Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02239-00471592-00471839 he has become the world expert in Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02240-00471839-00472007 debunking misinformation Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02241-00472008-00472207 and i put a link to his youtube channel Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02242-00472208-00472383 in the zoom chat and if you're listening Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02243-00472384-00472487 not on zoom Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02244-00472488-00472863 google cranky uncle and john cook Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02245-00472864-00473022 and it will pop right up and there are Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02246-00473023-00473231 amazing videos that he has studied on Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02247-00473232-00473414 how to debunk this information Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02248-00473415-00473543 and what do you think happened with his Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02249-00473543-00473743 father well Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02250-00473743-00473966 it turned out that there was a rebate on Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02251-00473967-00474166 solar panels in the rural area where his Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02252-00474167-00474270 father lived Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02253-00474271-00474463 and so john explained to his father how Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02254-00474464-00474639 much money he would save if he got the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02255-00474639-00474775 solar panels Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02256-00474776-00474943 so his father got them and he saved a Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02257-00474943-00475135 lot of money and he started to tell john Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02258-00475135-00475318 every month look how much money i saved Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02259-00475319-00475518 i'm saving all kinds of money and it Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02260-00475519-00475743 made his father even more conservative Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02261-00475743-00476007 even more shrewd even more thrifty than Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02262-00476008-00476110 he was already Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02263-00476112-00476351 so it reinforced his father's identity Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02264-00476352-00476527 and a few years later john was talking Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02265-00476528-00476614 to his father Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02266-00476615-00476951 and his father said oh global warming of Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02267-00476952-00477014 course i Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02268-00477015-00477263 always thought that was real and john Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02269-00477264-00477463 said he almost fell off his chair Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02270-00477464-00477622 because not only had his father changed Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02271-00477623-00477775 his mind but he had forgotten that he'd Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02272-00477776-00477918 ever denied it Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02273-00477919-00478127 and did you see my bill this month look Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02274-00478128-00478287 how much money i saved Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02275-00478288-00478470 so because he was able to help his Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02276-00478471-00478647 father be part of the solution Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02277-00478647-00478895 the denial disappeared so rather than Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02278-00478896-00479007 addressing the denial Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02279-00479008-00479287 directly if we can work around it and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02280-00479288-00479463 help people see how they can be part of Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02281-00479464-00479566 the solution Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02282-00479567-00479887 often the denial evaporates but there's Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02283-00479888-00479975 some people who Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02284-00479976-00480151 will never people who are dismissive Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02285-00480152-00480327 seven percent of people in the u.s maybe Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02286-00480328-00480479 three or four percent in europe in the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02287-00480480-00480591 uk Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02288-00480592-00480743 there's certain people who just won't Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02289-00480743-00480966 listen long enough and so for them Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02290-00480967-00481270 coco chanel said you know don't try to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02291-00481271-00481527 turn a wall into a door you know if Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02292-00481528-00481703 you're not going to be able to get Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02293-00481704-00481799 through to them don't waste Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02294-00481800-00482014 your time on those seven percent so Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02295-00482015-00482175 again my twitter thread explains who Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02296-00482176-00482351 those are but for everybody else Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02297-00482352-00482495 if we can connect from the heart if we Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02298-00482496-00482670 can help people be part of the solution Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02299-00482671-00482935 we can often get them to move past the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02300-00482935-00483031 disinformation Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02301-00483032-00483175 but if we address the disinformation Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02302-00483176-00483351 directly it's like we're playing a game Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02303-00483352-00483535 like at the carnival or the fair Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02304-00483535-00483727 there's a game called whack-a-mole where Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02305-00483728-00483895 it's like a mole pops up and you hit it Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02306-00483896-00483983 with a hammer Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02307-00483984-00484110 and then as soon as you hit it with the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02308-00484112-00484295 hammer what happens another one pops up Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02309-00484296-00484479 and another one another one Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02310-00484480-00484655 it's just a whack-a-mole game that never Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02311-00484656-00484791 ends if we try to address the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02312-00484792-00484999 disinformation directly Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02313-00485000-00485295 i heard it yesterday in a course uh Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02314-00485296-00485487 grant me the power to change the thing i Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02315-00485488-00485575 can change Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02316-00485576-00485887 the exit the strong to accept what i can Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02317-00485888-00486118 what i cannot and the wisdom to dissect Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02318-00486119-00486255 between the two of them Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02319-00486256-00486439 so that's the probably the part that you Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02320-00486439-00486710 don't see here as a third one Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02321-00486712-00486959 okay it's probably actually related to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02322-00486960-00487110 this one and also related Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02323-00487112-00487431 nicely to a platform such as the r Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02324-00487432-00487695 universe but let's call it any open Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02325-00487696-00487887 platform that can actually Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02326-00487888-00488239 enable data journalists to have an Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02327-00488239-00488551 opinion supported with data and allow Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02328-00488552-00488639 them to share Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02329-00488639-00488910 their written work the figures along Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02330-00488912-00489070 with the code so making Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02331-00489071-00489447 a full reproducible work out of it and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02332-00489447-00489735 would that probably strengthen the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02333-00489735-00489822 opinion Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02334-00489823-00490166 or say let's say the the message that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02335-00490167-00490199 one Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02336-00490200-00490543 wants to carry and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02337-00490543-00490822 change the opinion of such person or a Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02338-00490823-00491039 small percentage of these Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02339-00491039-00491527 this question was asked by kim martin Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02340-00491528-00491847 catherine c Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02341-00491847-00492047 so working with journalists to be able Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02342-00492047-00492159 to to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02343-00492160-00492487 to to to collaborate with journalists to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02344-00492488-00492695 be able to produce data Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02345-00492696-00492887 on to support their narrative Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02346-00492888-00493207 storytelling is that a question Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02347-00493208-00493366 something like they have misunderstood Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02348-00493367-00493559 you maybe no no no it's uh it's Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02349-00493560-00493759 it's probably the wish of a platform of Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02350-00493760-00493895 an open platform that can Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02351-00493896-00494110 basically have i don't know let's let's Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02352-00494112-00494247 imagine just like uh Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02353-00494247-00494583 like a server of journalism stories that Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02354-00494584-00494727 are supported with data Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02355-00494728-00494951 where the output the the the code and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02356-00494952-00495070 the and and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02357-00495071-00495287 the input itself are all available i Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02358-00495288-00495455 mean we are all familiar of Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02359-00495456-00495751 of these things working it with r but Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02360-00495752-00495879 would something like this Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02361-00495880-00496183 second open platform from journalism how Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02362-00496184-00496391 strong would that be Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02363-00496392-00496639 i paraphrased the question i think it Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02364-00496639-00496807 would be really useful because like i Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02365-00496808-00496966 mentioned earlier there is a luck in Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02366-00496967-00497239 terms of expertise within our newsrooms Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02367-00497239-00497399 and journalists themselves don't have Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02368-00497400-00497551 that kind of expertise so it would Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02369-00497552-00497647 really be Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02370-00497647-00497775 helpful to have that kind of Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02371-00497776-00498110 collaboration and also being able to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02372-00498112-00498527 to share because i think in terms of Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02373-00498528-00498783 what we're producing or the data we're Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02374-00498784-00498966 using or the data maybe Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02375-00498967-00499287 uh now our user is using or as Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02376-00499288-00499470 has access to or whatever it would Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02377-00499471-00499599 really be useful Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02378-00499600-00499951 i think it would be a useful thing Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02379-00499952-00500383 okay catherine kay Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02380-00500384-00500655 um yes but as as someone commented on Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02381-00500656-00500799 the q a here too Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02382-00500800-00500959 i also think it's important to have a Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02383-00500960-00501222 platform where people understand and see Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02384-00501223-00501455 what's happening how solutions work and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02385-00501456-00501614 positive stories about that and there's Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02386-00501615-00501766 actually a really interesting website Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02387-00501767-00501903 that's starting to do that called bright Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02388-00501904-00502014 action Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02389-00502015-00502207 where they allow communities which can Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02390-00502208-00502407 be physical communities like a city Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02391-00502408-00502655 or they can be communities like virtual Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02392-00502656-00502799 communities like the episcopal Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02393-00502800-00503110 church of america where all the members Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02394-00503112-00503270 of the community can connect and they Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02395-00503271-00503414 can talk about what they're doing and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02396-00503415-00503543 what works and what doesn't work and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02397-00503543-00503679 they can track what they're doing and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02398-00503680-00503910 they can add up the cumulative impact Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02399-00503912-00504135 of their collective action in terms of Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02400-00504135-00504262 reducing their carbon or having Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02401-00504263-00504495 conversations or actually accomplishing Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02402-00504496-00504766 different specific steps so i i'm a big Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02403-00504767-00504935 fan of making data available Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02404-00504935-00505070 and there's all kinds of data and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02405-00505071-00505510 numerical data is only one kind of data Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02406-00505512-00505631 i would also add two people are Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02407-00505632-00505791 commenting i'm not on slack right now Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02408-00505792-00505959 but i'm going to go to slack as soon as Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02409-00505960-00506103 we're done and answer more questions Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02410-00506104-00506151 there Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02411-00506152-00506295 so if you put a question on slack and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02412-00506296-00506439 you're looking for more feedback from me Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02413-00506439-00506575 you will get it just stay tuned until Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02414-00506576-00506695 we're done Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02415-00506696-00506943 awesome thank you thank you catherine Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02416-00506943-00507135 there's another question so Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02417-00507135-00507327 basically you pick up on the point of Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02418-00507328-00507487 elisa which mentioned Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02419-00507488-00507718 about say the power of showing positive Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02420-00507719-00507822 solutions Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02421-00507823-00508039 way too often we focus on the problem Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02422-00508039-00508191 and not giving the hopeful Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02423-00508192-00508447 of course it's a scary scenario what we Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02424-00508447-00508543 are facing or Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02425-00508543-00508903 we might be facing soon so i Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02426-00508904-00509287 just hijack the q a by by asking Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02427-00509288-00509527 what else does it still need to happen Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02428-00509528-00509631 before people Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02429-00509632-00509879 really think that this is happening Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02430-00509880-00510047 climate change but also Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02431-00510047-00510214 all the issues that are somehow Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02432-00510215-00510487 connected to misinformation what happens Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02433-00510488-00510759 in africa right now Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02434-00510760-00510991 how long does it still have to take Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02435-00510992-00511087 before we start Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02436-00511088-00511735 believing that these are real things Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02437-00511735-00511966 okay i i think when it comes to missing Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02438-00511967-00512087 oh sorry cathy you Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02439-00512088-00512399 why are you going to that's correct Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02440-00512400-00512647 okay i was just going to say when it Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02441-00512647-00512870 comes to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02442-00512871-00513062 getting the story connected to the story Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02443-00513063-00513239 whether it's climate change or whatever Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02444-00513239-00513543 like i say ours is to be able to make Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02445-00513543-00513735 people care about what it is that we're Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02446-00513735-00513966 reporting on what the issues are Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02447-00513967-00514135 and when it comes to misinformation Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02448-00514135-00514310 again don't go ahead and don't tell me Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02449-00514312-00514383 it's a lie Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02450-00514384-00514639 i i won't believe you but most likely Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02451-00514639-00514687 i'll Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02452-00514688-00514895 i'll be i'll be persuaded if you explain Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02453-00514896-00515039 to me why why Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02454-00515039-00515351 why what i'm thinking is not be Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02455-00515352-00515607 diplomatic about it so for me Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02456-00515608-00515943 it's literacy what i'd call um Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02457-00515943-00516239 i don't want to call it literacy some so Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02458-00516239-00516351 patronizing Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02459-00516352-00516518 it's actually getting people to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02460-00516519-00516718 understand and to learn Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02461-00516719-00517135 how to be able to identify or to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02462-00517135-00517366 to identify what is and what isn't good Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02463-00517367-00517470 information Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02464-00517471-00517743 and why it is bad information it is also Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02465-00517743-00518062 being able to explain to people why Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02466-00518063-00518310 well okay for example we are facing very Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02467-00518312-00518543 cold weather in nairobi it's extremely Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02468-00518543-00518775 it's nine degrees right now nine degrees Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02469-00518776-00518903 celsius Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02470-00518904-00519118 we don't do fahrenheit but i mean it's Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02471-00519119-00519295 extremely cold for july even Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02472-00519296-00519479 normally we would not be this cold and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02473-00519480-00519614 everybody i need to start Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02474-00519615-00519831 we need to i mean telling people what Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02475-00519832-00519991 this means Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02476-00519992-00520318 why we do not have any more potatoes or Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02477-00520319-00520470 the potatoes we are not going to be able Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02478-00520471-00520662 to get potatoes or the price has gone up Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02479-00520663-00520727 because of Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02480-00520728-00521047 light and it's hot cold so where they Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02481-00521047-00521183 grow potatoes and potatoes Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02482-00521184-00521479 so you need to break down things into Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02483-00521480-00521655 you break down some of these Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02484-00521656-00521935 issues and explain to people in ways Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02485-00521935-00522055 they understand Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02486-00522056-00522283 and break them down and make them Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02487-00522284-00522447 personalized Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02488-00522447-00522687 and also educate people in learning how Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02489-00522688-00522887 to understand the difference Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02490-00522888-00523214 good things bad things true things Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02491-00523215-00523575 not true things slightly true things Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02492-00523576-00523751 you know because it's all across the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02493-00523752-00524014 board so they're able to do that for Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02494-00524015-00524118 themselves Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02495-00524119-00524439 because journalists and fact-checkers Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02496-00524440-00524799 we have too few the m the armies of Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02497-00524800-00524903 misinformers Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02498-00524904-00525303 are bigger than the army of Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02499-00525304-00525543 truth seekers or truth tellers so we Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02500-00525544-00525687 will never win so Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02501-00525688-00525870 the people consuming the information if Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02502-00525871-00526214 you can inoculate them against this Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02503-00526215-00526495 by showing them how the same way we're Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02504-00526496-00526679 protecting ourselves by wearing masks Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02505-00526680-00526751 blah blah blah Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02506-00526752-00526911 same thing we should do for Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02507-00526912-00527151 misinformation and blood information Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02508-00527152-00527351 and getting people to understand why i Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02509-00527352-00527503 have to wash my hands i have to wear a Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02510-00527504-00527543 mask Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02511-00527544-00527879 all that it's it's common sense i mean Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02512-00527880-00527983 it's Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02513-00527984-00528262 it's cheap i don't want to call it cheap Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02514-00528263-00528335 but it Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02515-00528336-00528639 it's the most obvious thing to do yeah i Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02516-00528640-00528839 don't know why we're not doing it Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02517-00528840-00529062 i know what's happening i don't know Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02518-00529063-00529143 yeah Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02519-00529144-00529318 catherine what's what's your what's your Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02520-00529319-00529559 take on this Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02521-00529560-00529766 absolutely i mean john coco i mentioned Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02522-00529767-00529935 before he actually literally talks about Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02523-00529936-00530070 inoculating people Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02524-00530071-00530399 against misinformation and their Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02525-00530400-00530543 teaching critical thinking is one of the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02526-00530544-00530703 most important things we can do actually Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02527-00530704-00530799 created a brand new class Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02528-00530800-00531014 for my students about critical thinking Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02529-00531015-00531191 just teaching them how to evaluate Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02530-00531192-00531279 sources Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02531-00531280-00531495 so yes the internet is a big place but Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02532-00531496-00531655 there is good and there is bad and we Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02533-00531656-00531791 need to be able to tell the difference Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02534-00531792-00531911 and it's important for all of us to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02535-00531912-00532079 educate our children Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02536-00532080-00532375 our students our co-workers people we Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02537-00532376-00532439 know Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02538-00532440-00532670 to be able to critically think and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02539-00532671-00532847 examine our personal biases like you Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02540-00532848-00533022 said our confirmation biases Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02541-00533023-00533303 our opinions in the light of data so Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02542-00533304-00533455 this has been absolutely amazing thank Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02543-00533456-00533599 you everybody and yes i'll answer Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02544-00533600-00533783 a few more questions on slack later this Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02545-00533784-00533975 afternoon okay Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02546-00533976-00534191 great i think we are kind of running out Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02547-00534192-00534327 of time and i wish this Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02548-00534328-00534591 was not just one hour and a half so i Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02549-00534592-00534662 mean with this Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02550-00534663-00534951 call to to increase our level of data Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02551-00534952-00534999 literacy Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02552-00535000-00535166 not just for ourselves but for the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02553-00535167-00535414 people around us i think this is one of Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02554-00535415-00535447 the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02555-00535448-00535727 ways that we can really make our work Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02556-00535728-00535918 have an impact and for real Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02557-00535919-00536231 and for good so without sounding like a Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02558-00536232-00536439 preacher in this case i mean Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02559-00536440-00536743 it's we we this is probably the best and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02560-00536744-00536991 most powerful way that we have in our Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02561-00536992-00537047 hands Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02562-00537048-00537383 as worker with data that we can use to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02563-00537384-00537527 empower people and Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02564-00537528-00537887 make our world a little better so Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02565-00537888-00538087 i hate to say this but we probably Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02566-00538088-00538262 really have to wrap it here Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02567-00538263-00538535 and um yes the best part of it you can Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02568-00538536-00538687 still interact with our speakers in the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02569-00538688-00538766 lounge slack Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02570-00538767-00538918 and where you can make sure that no Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02571-00538919-00539103 question stays unanswered Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02572-00539104-00539431 for this once again i am more than Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02573-00539432-00539535 thankful to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02574-00539536-00539807 catherine c and catherine kay for the Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02575-00539808-00539870 time Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02576-00539871-00540039 and the insight that we were able to Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02577-00540040-00540279 share and next will be a Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02578-00540280-00540647 recharge session so i wish Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02579-00540648-00541007 all of you a further pleasant Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02580-00541008-00542575 user globally thank you thank you Gvdu9wuv0VQ-02581-00542576-00542784 you