Gxcw1KztQHk-00000-00000208-00000438 good morning the thing that is on my Gxcw1KztQHk-00001-00000440-00000871 mind this morning is your intuition Gxcw1KztQHk-00002-00000872-00001143 and what happens when you follow it and Gxcw1KztQHk-00003-00001144-00001383 what happens when you don't i got a call Gxcw1KztQHk-00004-00001384-00001663 the other day from a woman who i used to Gxcw1KztQHk-00005-00001664-00001847 work with who i haven't heard from in a Gxcw1KztQHk-00006-00001848-00002007 long time Gxcw1KztQHk-00007-00002007-00002350 and she had a story for me about Gxcw1KztQHk-00008-00002351-00002463 how Gxcw1KztQHk-00009-00002464-00002783 not following her intuition led her to Gxcw1KztQHk-00010-00002784-00002966 trust some people at work Gxcw1KztQHk-00011-00002967-00003279 who really really let her down Gxcw1KztQHk-00012-00003279-00003470 they were toxic Gxcw1KztQHk-00013-00003471-00003663 and they resulted in that work Gxcw1KztQHk-00014-00003664-00003863 experience being a very very negative Gxcw1KztQHk-00015-00003864-00003999 experience Gxcw1KztQHk-00016-00004000-00004199 and she said you know if i had to listen Gxcw1KztQHk-00017-00004200-00004519 to my intuition like i knew Gxcw1KztQHk-00018-00004520-00004711 inside that this was not right but i Gxcw1KztQHk-00019-00004712-00004902 didn't want to believe it i believed Gxcw1KztQHk-00020-00004903-00005102 that they were being supportive for the Gxcw1KztQHk-00021-00005103-00005343 women that are listening to this yeah it Gxcw1KztQHk-00022-00005344-00005486 was one of those Gxcw1KztQHk-00023-00005487-00005638 kind of woman-on-woman bullying Gxcw1KztQHk-00024-00005639-00005886 situations where there was a lot of just Gxcw1KztQHk-00025-00005887-00006127 bad stuff happening in the background Gxcw1KztQHk-00026-00006128-00006359 and she didn't want to believe it she Gxcw1KztQHk-00027-00006360-00006454 wanted Gxcw1KztQHk-00028-00006455-00006687 to trust them she wanted to get over Gxcw1KztQHk-00029-00006688-00006927 this feeling of Gxcw1KztQHk-00030-00006928-00007142 of just not believing that the other Gxcw1KztQHk-00031-00007143-00007303 women she was working with were not Gxcw1KztQHk-00032-00007304-00007551 there to honor and support her Gxcw1KztQHk-00033-00007552-00007710 and in the end she ended up leaving the Gxcw1KztQHk-00034-00007711-00007887 company and Gxcw1KztQHk-00035-00007888-00008183 it was a toxic environment right so Gxcw1KztQHk-00036-00008184-00008471 the best thing for her and Gxcw1KztQHk-00037-00008472-00008791 she said i learned how important it is Gxcw1KztQHk-00038-00008792-00009055 to follow my intuition because even when Gxcw1KztQHk-00039-00009056-00009223 i don't want it to be Gxcw1KztQHk-00040-00009224-00009319 true Gxcw1KztQHk-00041-00009320-00009510 or i can't put my finger on why i feel Gxcw1KztQHk-00042-00009511-00009655 the way i feel Gxcw1KztQHk-00043-00009656-00009783 our feelings are valid and they're Gxcw1KztQHk-00044-00009784-00010031 leading us in the right direction Gxcw1KztQHk-00045-00010032-00010342 so i'm curious curious this morning what Gxcw1KztQHk-00046-00010343-00010606 is your intuition telling you even if it Gxcw1KztQHk-00047-00010607-00010806 is something that you can't quite put Gxcw1KztQHk-00048-00010807-00010951 your finger on Gxcw1KztQHk-00049-00010952-00011142 even if you can't explain exactly why Gxcw1KztQHk-00050-00011143-00011310 you feel like you need to make a certain Gxcw1KztQHk-00051-00011311-00011495 move or go in a certain direction i'm Gxcw1KztQHk-00052-00011496-00011574 going to Gxcw1KztQHk-00053-00011575-00011814 encourage you to honor that lean into it Gxcw1KztQHk-00054-00011815-00012055 and take that step your intuition knows Gxcw1KztQHk-00055-00012056-00012303 the way it's constantly gathering data Gxcw1KztQHk-00056-00012304-00012503 facts information Gxcw1KztQHk-00057-00012504-00012783 and even when we can't consciously quite Gxcw1KztQHk-00058-00012784-00012974 put it together Gxcw1KztQHk-00059-00012975-00013263 your mind is always working on making Gxcw1KztQHk-00060-00013263-00013463 sure that you are going in the right Gxcw1KztQHk-00061-00013463-00013711 direction and that the journey the path Gxcw1KztQHk-00062-00013712-00013911 that you're on is right for you Gxcw1KztQHk-00063-00013912-00014047 so if there's something that's been Gxcw1KztQHk-00064-00014047-00014255 tugging at you and your intuition is Gxcw1KztQHk-00065-00014256-00014375 telling you Gxcw1KztQHk-00066-00014376-00014535 that you need to apply for a different Gxcw1KztQHk-00067-00014536-00014815 job start a business move to another Gxcw1KztQHk-00068-00014816-00014919 state Gxcw1KztQHk-00069-00014919-00015111 i want you to think today about how you Gxcw1KztQHk-00070-00015112-00015358 can take action on that because Gxcw1KztQHk-00071-00015359-00015527 your intuition Gxcw1KztQHk-00072-00015528-00015847 is guiding you to take that next amazing Gxcw1KztQHk-00073-00015847-00016094 step that is going to create your dream Gxcw1KztQHk-00074-00016095-00016620 life this is how we rise Gy7PtvZf_4u-00001-00005519-00007087 foreign Gy7PtvZf_4u-00002-00007088-00009831 one Gy7PtvZf_4u-00003-00009832-00010783 is Gy7PtvZf_4u-00004-00010784-00010960 bye Gy7PtvZf_4u-00005-00010961-00012830 [Music] Gy7PtvZf_4u-00006-00012831-00013039 you G-7dynuTT-u-00000-00000053-00000634 nah G-7dynuTT-u-00001-00000635-00002129 [Music] G-7dynuTT-u-00002-00002130-00002734 if you're anybody G-7dynuTT-u-00003-00002735-00005615 foreign G-7dynuTT-u-00004-00005616-00008195 foreign G-7dynuTT-u-00005-00008196-00009395 album G-7dynuTT-u-00006-00009396-00010924 s again G-7dynuTT-u-00007-00010925-00011764 is G-7dynuTT-u-00008-00011765-00014644 foreign G-7dynuTT-u-00009-00014645-00015665 foreign G-7dynuTT-u-00011-00019368-00022175 foreign G-7dynuTT-u-00012-00022176-00023021 foreign G-7dynuTT-u-00013-00023022-00023513 unakua G-7dynuTT-u-00014-00023514-00024383 now let's talk about G-7dynuTT-u-00015-00024384-00024755 it G-7dynuTT-u-00016-00024756-00027052 is G-7dynuTT-u-00020-00037103-00037517 Mexican G-7dynuTT-u-00023-00045540-00048190 foreign G-7dynuTT-u-00025-00051455-00052961 foreign G-7dynuTT-u-00028-00059633-00060371 foreign G-7dynuTT-u-00029-00060372-00061166 foreign G-7dynuTT-u-00030-00061167-00063991 [Music] G-7dynuTT-u-00031-00063991-00064469 so good G-7dynuTT-u-00032-00064470-00065603 a produces G-7dynuTT-u-00033-00065604-00068092 videos G-7dynuTT-u-00034-00068093-00069100 [Applause] G-7dynuTT-u-00037-00076944-00077433 foreign G-7dynuTT-u-00038-00077434-00079853 [Applause] G-7dynuTT-u-00039-00079854-00082085 America G-7dynuTT-u-00040-00082086-00082709 okay G-7dynuTT-u-00041-00082710-00084755 foreign G-7dynuTT-u-00043-00089010-00090965 Guinea G-7dynuTT-u-00044-00090966-00092021 Pig G-7dynuTT-u-00045-00092022-00094906 foreign G-7dynuTT-u-00046-00094907-00095662 foreign G-7dynuTT-u-00047-00095663-00097894 [Music] G-7dynuTT-u-00048-00097895-00098950 foreign G-7dynuTT-u-00049-00098951-00101735 foreign G-7dynuTT-u-00050-00101736-00102754 Obama G-7dynuTT-u-00051-00102755-00103073 followers G-7dynuTT-u-00052-00103074-00103584 followers G-7dynuTT-u-00053-00103585-00103818 tick tock G-7dynuTT-u-00054-00103819-00105251 buddhazoni Instagram buddhazonium G-7dynuTT-u-00055-00105252-00105599 platform G-7dynuTT-u-00056-00105600-00106123 yeah G-7dynuTT-u-00057-00106124-00106673 it is G-7dynuTT-u-00059-00110983-00111277 [Music] G-7dynuTT-u-00060-00111278-00111492 thank you G-7dynuTT-u-00061-00111493-00111809 [Music] G-x-caBQrk0-00001-00009384-00009592 you G_ra_Tro_bY-00001-00009660-00010096 foreign G_ra_Tro_bY-00003-00017898-00018949 foreign G_ra_Tro_bY-00005-00023023-00025336 [Music] G_ra_Tro_bY-00006-00025337-00026368 foreign G_ra_Tro_bY-00007-00026369-00029102 [Music] G_ra_Tro_bY-00010-00038927-00039227 [Music] GDmzf6dlJY4-00000-00000327-00001039 [Music] GDmzf6dlJY4-00001-00001040-00001079 and GDmzf6dlJY4-00002-00001080-00001491 so it begins the old coots van GDmzf6dlJY4-00003-00001492-00001607 conversion GDmzf6dlJY4-00004-00001607-00002014 hola people paul carlson here old coot GDmzf6dlJY4-00005-00002016-00002247 in my other life i'm known as small GDmzf6dlJY4-00006-00002248-00002479 workshop guy so the two of us GDmzf6dlJY4-00007-00002480-00002750 the old coot and the small workshop guy GDmzf6dlJY4-00008-00002751-00002807 are gonna GDmzf6dlJY4-00009-00002808-00003126 do primarily most of the work to convert GDmzf6dlJY4-00010-00003127-00003166 this GDmzf6dlJY4-00011-00003167-00003583 brand new mercedes sprinter van GDmzf6dlJY4-00012-00003584-00003935 uh it's 144 wheelbase the short wheel GDmzf6dlJY4-00013-00003936-00003999 base GDmzf6dlJY4-00014-00004000-00004254 because i'm the only one traveling most GDmzf6dlJY4-00015-00004255-00004311 of the time GDmzf6dlJY4-00016-00004312-00004551 so i'm going to design it primarily for GDmzf6dlJY4-00017-00004552-00004686 me GDmzf6dlJY4-00018-00004687-00005011 well i picked it up on august the 1st GDmzf6dlJY4-00019-00005012-00005199 2021 GDmzf6dlJY4-00020-00005200-00005527 over uh in san jose california GDmzf6dlJY4-00021-00005528-00005791 i got lucky went over to look at another GDmzf6dlJY4-00022-00005792-00005847 uh GDmzf6dlJY4-00023-00005848-00006286 model sprinter van 3500 GDmzf6dlJY4-00024-00006287-00006446 and because i thought that was the only GDmzf6dlJY4-00025-00006447-00006646 one on the lot and i was anxious to get GDmzf6dlJY4-00026-00006647-00006870 started and lo and behold GDmzf6dlJY4-00027-00006872-00007087 after we talked about that one quite a GDmzf6dlJY4-00028-00007088-00007198 bit i said well i GDmzf6dlJY4-00029-00007200-00007375 i guess i'm just going to have to order GDmzf6dlJY4-00030-00007376-00007670 the appropriate one which is the 2500 GDmzf6dlJY4-00031-00007672-00007878 and then wait for eight months until it GDmzf6dlJY4-00032-00007879-00008023 can get built and GDmzf6dlJY4-00033-00008023-00008255 delivered he says well why do you want GDmzf6dlJY4-00034-00008256-00008439 to do that he says i've got GDmzf6dlJY4-00035-00008440-00008599 two of them right back there and he GDmzf6dlJY4-00036-00008600-00008751 pointed back on the lot GDmzf6dlJY4-00037-00008752-00009039 and i said oh my god and one of the big GDmzf6dlJY4-00038-00009040-00009183 things i didn't like GDmzf6dlJY4-00039-00009184-00009567 was white you know 99 of all the cargo GDmzf6dlJY4-00040-00009568-00009719 vans that you're going to get that are GDmzf6dlJY4-00041-00009720-00009855 designed for business GDmzf6dlJY4-00042-00009856-00010142 are white i don't know why i guess it GDmzf6dlJY4-00043-00010143-00010246 keeps it cooler and GDmzf6dlJY4-00044-00010247-00010406 makes it cheaper to paint them all at GDmzf6dlJY4-00045-00010407-00010631 one time but anyway this one is GDmzf6dlJY4-00046-00010632-00010838 iridium silver which is really what i GDmzf6dlJY4-00047-00010839-00010974 would have ordered GDmzf6dlJY4-00048-00010975-00011238 i had also convinced myself that i GDmzf6dlJY4-00049-00011239-00011455 wanted the shorter wheelbase GDmzf6dlJY4-00050-00011456-00011678 i actually have on order and i'm trying GDmzf6dlJY4-00051-00011679-00011838 to cancel it and get my GDmzf6dlJY4-00052-00011839-00012214 deposit back a ford transit GDmzf6dlJY4-00053-00012215-00012438 with the extended wheelbase meaning the GDmzf6dlJY4-00054-00012439-00012767 long wheelbase plus the extra extension GDmzf6dlJY4-00055-00012768-00013111 but i realized that GDmzf6dlJY4-00056-00013112-00013263 or thought about the fact i'm going to GDmzf6dlJY4-00057-00013263-00013543 use this probably 80 percent GDmzf6dlJY4-00058-00013544-00013911 in town at my home as GDmzf6dlJY4-00059-00013912-00014238 my one and only vehicle at least at a GDmzf6dlJY4-00060-00014240-00014407 certain time in the future GDmzf6dlJY4-00061-00014408-00014686 and so i needed it to fit to get around GDmzf6dlJY4-00062-00014687-00014886 the city easily get on the freeways GDmzf6dlJY4-00063-00014887-00014958 easily GDmzf6dlJY4-00064-00014959-00015183 go down the city streets and i needed to GDmzf6dlJY4-00065-00015184-00015311 be able to fit GDmzf6dlJY4-00066-00015312-00015694 into a normal parking spots GDmzf6dlJY4-00067-00015695-00015966 probably not in a parallel parking GDmzf6dlJY4-00068-00015968-00016143 because the uh GDmzf6dlJY4-00069-00016144-00016319 the rear view camera on this thing GDmzf6dlJY4-00070-00016319-00016694 frankly sucks and i didn't get a super GDmzf6dlJY4-00071-00016695-00017063 you know specked out glamorous glorious GDmzf6dlJY4-00072-00017064-00017422 mercedes i got kind of an entry level GDmzf6dlJY4-00073-00017423-00017647 with a few things on it uh air GDmzf6dlJY4-00074-00017648-00017822 conditioning and some GDmzf6dlJY4-00075-00017823-00018047 uh storage and some other things and GDmzf6dlJY4-00076-00018048-00018207 this uh floor GDmzf6dlJY4-00077-00018208-00018383 was in there already and these side GDmzf6dlJY4-00078-00018384-00018639 panels but probably the floor may or may GDmzf6dlJY4-00079-00018640-00018783 not work i like it GDmzf6dlJY4-00080-00018784-00018950 i'm going to try to make it work but i GDmzf6dlJY4-00081-00018951-00019207 got to get insulation under it GDmzf6dlJY4-00082-00019208-00019422 anyway the only point of this video is GDmzf6dlJY4-00083-00019423-00019535 to say that GDmzf6dlJY4-00084-00019536-00019799 the process has started so here's the GDmzf6dlJY4-00085-00019800-00020022 way it's going to work GDmzf6dlJY4-00086-00020023-00020214 i've got my primary youtube channel and GDmzf6dlJY4-00087-00020215-00020486 that's called small workshop guy GDmzf6dlJY4-00088-00020487-00020822 and i'm going to have a playlist on that GDmzf6dlJY4-00089-00020823-00020911 channel GDmzf6dlJY4-00090-00020912-00021239 which is the old coot rv GDmzf6dlJY4-00091-00021240-00021591 adventures let me take that back it's GDmzf6dlJY4-00092-00021592-00021655 going to be the GDmzf6dlJY4-00093-00021656-00022135 old coot van adventures GDmzf6dlJY4-00094-00022136-00022375 not rv the reason i say not rv is i'm GDmzf6dlJY4-00095-00022376-00022527 not going to stay in many rv GDmzf6dlJY4-00096-00022528-00022814 parks i'm going to be mostly in bureau GDmzf6dlJY4-00097-00022815-00023022 of land management places i could be in GDmzf6dlJY4-00098-00023023-00023230 national forest i'm going to be GDmzf6dlJY4-00099-00023231-00023447 in boondocker's welcome i'm going to be GDmzf6dlJY4-00100-00023448-00023639 at harvest host GDmzf6dlJY4-00101-00023640-00023958 i'm not going to be in regular rv GDmzf6dlJY4-00102-00023959-00024207 parks very often because they're crowded GDmzf6dlJY4-00103-00024208-00024319 they're hard GDmzf6dlJY4-00104-00024320-00024622 to reserve they're expensive GDmzf6dlJY4-00105-00024623-00024935 and they're they're crowded did i say GDmzf6dlJY4-00106-00024936-00025078 that already GDmzf6dlJY4-00107-00025079-00025342 particularly now so i don't want to be GDmzf6dlJY4-00108-00025343-00025519 in that i want to get out and see nature GDmzf6dlJY4-00109-00025520-00025718 i want to photograph nature and so forth GDmzf6dlJY4-00110-00025719-00025774 so GDmzf6dlJY4-00111-00025775-00025983 i will have a playlist which is all GDmzf6dlJY4-00112-00025983-00026199 about the van conversion GDmzf6dlJY4-00113-00026200-00026527 and i probably will have a playlist uh GDmzf6dlJY4-00114-00026527-00026774 as well about my travel logs and so GDmzf6dlJY4-00115-00026775-00026855 forth GDmzf6dlJY4-00116-00026856-00026990 one of the things i'm going to do in GDmzf6dlJY4-00117-00026991-00027255 traveling is visit workshops of friends GDmzf6dlJY4-00118-00027256-00027407 that i've made through GDmzf6dlJY4-00119-00027408-00027735 both youtube GDmzf6dlJY4-00120-00027736-00028190 facebook groups maker's mob and small GDmzf6dlJY4-00121-00028191-00028399 workshop woodworking community which i GDmzf6dlJY4-00122-00028400-00028470 started in GDmzf6dlJY4-00123-00028472-00028799 august of 2019 GDmzf6dlJY4-00124-00028800-00029118 which is now 100 000 members so GDmzf6dlJY4-00125-00029119-00029358 i've met a lot of really really cool GDmzf6dlJY4-00126-00029360-00029446 people through that GDmzf6dlJY4-00127-00029447-00029631 who have been generous and helped each GDmzf6dlJY4-00128-00029632-00029743 other and i'm going to go out there and GDmzf6dlJY4-00129-00029744-00029895 meet those people GDmzf6dlJY4-00130-00029895-00030158 and shoot videos of their workshops and GDmzf6dlJY4-00131-00030160-00030374 that'll be on my regular channel GDmzf6dlJY4-00132-00030375-00030687 my small workshop guide channel even GDmzf6dlJY4-00133-00030688-00030862 though i'm not going to do a second GDmzf6dlJY4-00134-00030863-00031079 youtube channel but rather have a GDmzf6dlJY4-00135-00031080-00031214 playlist GDmzf6dlJY4-00136-00031216-00031558 i am gonna have a second web page GDmzf6dlJY4-00137-00031560-00031835 i've got a webpage now called GDmzf6dlJY4-00138-00031836-00031951 smallworkshopguy.com GDmzf6dlJY4-00139-00031952-00032158 and over there i've got links to all the GDmzf6dlJY4-00140-00032160-00032279 videos GDmzf6dlJY4-00141-00032280-00032574 i've got links to a tool store for all GDmzf6dlJY4-00142-00032575-00032727 the things that i bought and that you GDmzf6dlJY4-00143-00032727-00032846 might want to consider GDmzf6dlJY4-00144-00032847-00033151 amazon affiliate link and i've got GDmzf6dlJY4-00145-00033152-00033359 links over let's see what else i got GDmzf6dlJY4-00146-00033360-00033518 links over there to GDmzf6dlJY4-00147-00033519-00033799 some plans for my sauce stallions and my GDmzf6dlJY4-00148-00033800-00033959 pop-up work GDmzf6dlJY4-00149-00033960-00034279 so in that old coot GDmzf6dlJY4-00150-00034280-00034590 van adventures that's going to be GDmzf6dlJY4-00151-00034591-00034927 more for the uh people who are GDmzf6dlJY4-00152-00034928-00035039 interested in GDmzf6dlJY4-00153-00035040-00035367 rvs and and class b vans GDmzf6dlJY4-00154-00035368-00035559 and they'll get to follow my adventures GDmzf6dlJY4-00155-00035560-00035751 of both doing the conversion GDmzf6dlJY4-00156-00035752-00035967 and then later when i hit the road so GDmzf6dlJY4-00157-00035968-00036135 that's the concept GDmzf6dlJY4-00158-00036136-00036446 sign up subscribe and we look forward to GDmzf6dlJY4-00159-00036447-00036502 seeing you GDmzf6dlJY4-00160-00036503-00036799 as we start working on this van it's GDmzf6dlJY4-00161-00036800-00036967 august the 3rd GDmzf6dlJY4-00162-00036968-00037351 or maybe 4th i don't know 2021 GDmzf6dlJY4-00163-00037352-00037543 we'll see if we can get this done by GDmzf6dlJY4-00164-00037544-00037674 august the 1st GDmzf6dlJY4-00165-00037675-00037974 2022 small workshop guy GDmzf6dlJY4-00166-00037975-00039502 and old coot signing off GDmzf6dlJY4-00167-00039503-00039712 you GE3egW3OZv0-00000-00000026-00000451 live from Las Vegas it's the Cuban GE3egW3OZv0-00001-00000452-00000539 covering GE3egW3OZv0-00002-00000540-00001079 AWS reinvent 2017 presented by AWS Intel GE3egW3OZv0-00003-00001080-00001801 and our ecosystem of partners welcome GE3egW3OZv0-00004-00001802-00001993 back to the cubes continuing coverage of GE3egW3OZv0-00005-00001994-00002372 AWS re-invent 2017 this is day two for GE3egW3OZv0-00006-00002373-00002758 us incredible day 1 we had great buzz on GE3egW3OZv0-00007-00002759-00002981 a day two great announcements coming out GE3egW3OZv0-00008-00002982-00003245 from AWS today I'm Lisa Martin with my GE3egW3OZv0-00009-00003246-00003425 co-host Keith Townsend were excited to GE3egW3OZv0-00010-00003426-00003701 be joined by cube alumni Aaron Cal the GE3egW3OZv0-00011-00003702-00003908 head of product and a founder of elation GE3egW3OZv0-00012-00003909-00004063 welcome back to the show thanks so much GE3egW3OZv0-00013-00004064-00004195 for having me excited to be here GE3egW3OZv0-00014-00004196-00004361 perhaps oh so speaking of excitement you GE3egW3OZv0-00015-00004362-00004658 can hear the buzz behind us interesting GE3egW3OZv0-00016-00004659-00004934 about elation the first data catalog GE3egW3OZv0-00017-00004935-00005236 designed for human collaboration what GE3egW3OZv0-00018-00005237-00005459 gap did elation see in the market five GE3egW3OZv0-00019-00005460-00005588 years ago when you started GE3egW3OZv0-00020-00005589-00005750 that's a great question Lisa so yeah so GE3egW3OZv0-00021-00005751-00005909 we're the first date of catalog period GE3egW3OZv0-00022-00005910-00006026 and we're excited to see a lot of other GE3egW3OZv0-00023-00006027-00006266 people using that label Italy validates GE3egW3OZv0-00024-00006267-00006409 this is a space anything that everybody GE3egW3OZv0-00025-00006411-00006578 needs and I think our approach as you GE3egW3OZv0-00026-00006579-00006719 said was to really approach it from the GE3egW3OZv0-00027-00006720-00006944 human side to say the data might be GE3egW3OZv0-00028-00006945-00007103 generated by machines or stored on GE3egW3OZv0-00029-00007104-00007220 machines but it's not meant to GE3egW3OZv0-00030-00007220-00007412 ultimately be consumed by machines even GE3egW3OZv0-00031-00007413-00007538 if there's algorithms that are pulling GE3egW3OZv0-00032-00007539-00007739 it in is to ultimately serve human GE3egW3OZv0-00033-00007740-00007870 interest so the goal is to design from GE3egW3OZv0-00034-00007872-00008105 the human back and really think what GE3egW3OZv0-00035-00008106-00008321 does this data mean can I trust it is it GE3egW3OZv0-00036-00008322-00008542 gonna drive the processes correctly so GE3egW3OZv0-00037-00008543-00008801 I've have seen that term quite a bit and GE3egW3OZv0-00038-00008802-00009044 data catalogues for me means one GE3egW3OZv0-00039-00009045-00009374 specific team thing can you can you kind GE3egW3OZv0-00040-00009375-00009569 of wrap that up for us what what is a GE3egW3OZv0-00041-00009570-00009701 data catalog that's a really great GE3egW3OZv0-00042-00009702-00009827 question Keith and I I think what's GE3egW3OZv0-00043-00009828-00009971 interesting is we took a lot of GE3egW3OZv0-00044-00009972-00010130 inspiration in the early days actually GE3egW3OZv0-00045-00010131-00010460 from amazon.com right so Amazon is an GE3egW3OZv0-00046-00010461-00010760 amazing modern product catalog you can GE3egW3OZv0-00047-00010761-00010955 go in type in English and see a variety GE3egW3OZv0-00048-00010956-00011249 of products that match that keyword and GE3egW3OZv0-00049-00011250-00011441 for each one you can see you know who's GE3egW3OZv0-00050-00011442-00011614 bought it before how many stars did they GE3egW3OZv0-00051-00011615-00011774 give it is it good so it's you find GE3egW3OZv0-00052-00011775-00012026 understand and trust and get the right GE3egW3OZv0-00053-00012027-00012181 product for your need we learn through GE3egW3OZv0-00054-00012182-00012463 that same thing for data how do you find GE3egW3OZv0-00055-00012464-00012581 the trust really the trust with the day GE3egW3OZv0-00056-00012582-00012692 the asset understand what it isn't put GE3egW3OZv0-00057-00012693-00012869 it to you so that's exactly the goal so GE3egW3OZv0-00058-00012869-00013079 a simple problem is I've worked with a GE3egW3OZv0-00059-00013080-00013250 ton of researchers in the big GE3egW3OZv0-00060-00013251-00013505 farmer industry data across the world GE3egW3OZv0-00061-00013506-00013783 basically absolutely and a lot of data GE3egW3OZv0-00062-00013784-00014056 sets repetitive team and German is GE3egW3OZv0-00063-00014057-00014281 working with one set of data team in New GE3egW3OZv0-00064-00014282-00014630 Jersey working with another one how does GE3egW3OZv0-00065-00014631-00014849 that your solution help those GE3egW3OZv0-00066-00014850-00015071 researchers find the data that they're GE3egW3OZv0-00067-00015072-00015146 looking for GE3egW3OZv0-00068-00015147-00015358 it's a exactly right so the problem is GE3egW3OZv0-00069-00015359-00015544 many different data sets many different GE3egW3OZv0-00070-00015545-00015677 things claiming to be true GE3egW3OZv0-00071-00015678-00015824 some of them are just plain wrong GE3egW3OZv0-00072-00015825-00016036 sometimes the answer might be one thing GE3egW3OZv0-00073-00016037-00016192 in Germany but something else elsewhere GE3egW3OZv0-00074-00016193-00016391 and they're both valid and so you've hit GE3egW3OZv0-00075-00016392-00016589 the nail on the head the way people use GE3egW3OZv0-00076-00016590-00016825 data contains a lot of hints about the GE3egW3OZv0-00077-00016826-00016997 way you should use data so just like GE3egW3OZv0-00078-00016998-00017180 Amazon again because we're here you know GE3egW3OZv0-00079-00017181-00017359 we'll say oh customers who bought what GE3egW3OZv0-00080-00017360-00017555 you're about to buy also bought this and GE3egW3OZv0-00081-00017556-00017741 that can help you discover something GE3egW3OZv0-00082-00017742-00017950 useful we try to expose recalled GE3egW3OZv0-00083-00017951-00018044 behavior IO GE3egW3OZv0-00084-00018045-00018218 let the past behavior of the most GE3egW3OZv0-00085-00018219-00018371 knowledgeable people in the organization GE3egW3OZv0-00086-00018372-00018614 drive the future behavior it's the big GE3egW3OZv0-00087-00018615-00018761 party what we do so one of the things I GE3egW3OZv0-00088-00018762-00018928 was reading about you guys on your GE3egW3OZv0-00089-00018929-00019166 website and some editorial says a lot of GE3egW3OZv0-00090-00019167-00019367 data likes fail why is that GE3egW3OZv0-00091-00019368-00019658 how is elation different that's a great GE3egW3OZv0-00092-00019659-00019756 question so I think what's interesting GE3egW3OZv0-00093-00019757-00019943 about a data like is it's kind of like GE3egW3OZv0-00094-00019944-00020281 having a huge basement right and it can GE3egW3OZv0-00095-00020282-00020506 make you adopt a hoarder mentality you GE3egW3OZv0-00096-00020507-00020672 say oh it's so cheap to store everything GE3egW3OZv0-00097-00020673-00020822 we'll just store it and then when we GE3egW3OZv0-00098-00020823-00020999 need it we'll figure it out then well GE3egW3OZv0-00099-00021000-00021143 the truth is it's not always how it goes GE3egW3OZv0-00100-00021144-00021340 often you store so many things it's GE3egW3OZv0-00101-00021341-00021536 cheap to store it but when that actual GE3egW3OZv0-00102-00021537-00021709 human it was an actual analytical GE3egW3OZv0-00103-00021710-00021880 question they want to answer or an GE3egW3OZv0-00104-00021881-00022018 actual business process they want to GE3egW3OZv0-00105-00022019-00022193 improve goes looking for the data all GE3egW3OZv0-00106-00022194-00022405 they see are all B's unlabeled boxes GE3egW3OZv0-00107-00022406-00022622 right so I think the key is to think GE3egW3OZv0-00108-00022623-00022880 about how do you make information you GE3egW3OZv0-00109-00022881-00023024 know searchable discoverable GE3egW3OZv0-00110-00023025-00023252 understandable trustworthy and what's GE3egW3OZv0-00111-00023253-00023386 great is a lot of people are migrating GE3egW3OZv0-00112-00023387-00023575 from their on-premise data lakes to the GE3egW3OZv0-00113-00023576-00023828 clouds and obviously your s3 it oh this GE3egW3OZv0-00114-00023829-00024083 is a big leader in where that's going it GE3egW3OZv0-00115-00024084-00024227 gives you opportunity to ask just like GE3egW3OZv0-00116-00024228-00024406 when you move houses to say let me look GE3egW3OZv0-00117-00024407-00024580 at what I've got and can I adopt it GE3egW3OZv0-00118-00024581-00024709 approach the you know what do I actually GE3egW3OZv0-00119-00024710-00024896 need you might keep it all but what's GE3egW3OZv0-00120-00024897-00025075 gonna be in the top shelf what's gonna GE3egW3OZv0-00121-00025076-00025231 be in the basement and how do you make GE3egW3OZv0-00122-00025232-00025424 everything accessible so Erica you talk GE3egW3OZv0-00123-00025425-00025600 a little bit about today's announcements GE3egW3OZv0-00124-00025601-00025858 a lot of machine learning analytics GE3egW3OZv0-00125-00025859-00026219 announces from AWS however GE3egW3OZv0-00126-00026220-00026549 I don't know what I already have so how GE3egW3OZv0-00127-00026550-00026845 can I make use of that data can you help GE3egW3OZv0-00128-00026847-00027214 talk about how elation helps to leverage GE3egW3OZv0-00129-00027216-00027382 some of these new tools from AWS GE3egW3OZv0-00130-00027383-00027641 absolutely so so we have a bunch of GE3egW3OZv0-00131-00027642-00027842 customers on AWS stock already and GE3egW3OZv0-00132-00027843-00027970 increasingly so you know we're GE3egW3OZv0-00133-00027972-00028102 fundamentally our customers are people GE3egW3OZv0-00134-00028104-00028273 who do analysis a lot of them are using GE3egW3OZv0-00135-00028274-00028637 s3 redshift the like many people are GE3egW3OZv0-00136-00028638-00028751 hosting you know on the cloud GE3egW3OZv0-00137-00028752-00028997 increasingly and it's exactly the GE3egW3OZv0-00138-00028998-00029180 problem you described it's I know I have GE3egW3OZv0-00139-00029181-00029348 it somewhere but I can't get my head I GE3egW3OZv0-00140-00029349-00029539 would I already have what region it is GE3egW3OZv0-00141-00029541-00029798 sitting in what exactly is it in the GE3egW3OZv0-00142-00029799-00029966 region is it my data center where is it GE3egW3OZv0-00143-00029967-00030145 exactly so whether that data is in GE3egW3OZv0-00144-00030147-00030332 redshift in s to B or somewhere else GE3egW3OZv0-00145-00030333-00030572 maybe it's you know in a post grassroot GE3egW3OZv0-00146-00030573-00030830 sequel server or Oracle server often GE3egW3OZv0-00147-00030831-00030977 that's an RDS hosted one right whatever GE3egW3OZv0-00148-00030977-00031247 it is we crawl and index everything you GE3egW3OZv0-00149-00031248-00031487 have just the way Google crawls indexes GE3egW3OZv0-00150-00031488-00031757 everything out on the web and we make it GE3egW3OZv0-00151-00031758-00031931 searchable and we put information about GE3egW3OZv0-00152-00031932-00032177 who's used it and how good it is front GE3egW3OZv0-00153-00032177-00032333 and center just the way you can say oh GE3egW3OZv0-00154-00032333-00032504 this is the five star clock on Amazon GE3egW3OZv0-00155-00032505-00032747 I'm gonna go click buy it now so what GE3egW3OZv0-00156-00032748-00032909 one challenge with data leaks is GE3egW3OZv0-00157-00032910-00033095 security around that data so data GE3egW3OZv0-00158-00033096-00033371 catalog I get metadata around the data GE3egW3OZv0-00159-00033372-00033554 that I have but some of that data is GE3egW3OZv0-00160-00033555-00033668 sensitive how do you guys handle GE3egW3OZv0-00161-00033669-00033919 security around the data catalog itself GE3egW3OZv0-00162-00033920-00034145 absolutely so we respect all the GE3egW3OZv0-00163-00034146-00034301 security and privacy settings that GE3egW3OZv0-00164-00034302-00034475 exists that are on the data itself and GE3egW3OZv0-00165-00034476-00034589 we should have surfaced those in the GE3egW3OZv0-00166-00034590-00034865 catalog some of our customers say look GE3egW3OZv0-00167-00034866-00035078 we want to let people know what exists GE3egW3OZv0-00168-00035079-00035261 so they can ask for permission others GE3egW3OZv0-00169-00035262-00035456 say even having awareness of his data is GE3egW3OZv0-00170-00035457-00035621 too much for us and that we mission GE3egW3OZv0-00171-00035622-00035849 farmer that'll vary by industry where do GE3egW3OZv0-00172-00035850-00036008 you guys get involved in the customer GE3egW3OZv0-00173-00036009-00036320 conversation you met you said many GE3egW3OZv0-00174-00036321-00036641 customers of yours are already using AWS GE3egW3OZv0-00175-00036642-00036779 for different things but where does GE3egW3OZv0-00176-00036780-00037022 elation come in to the conversation are GE3egW3OZv0-00177-00037023-00037223 you brought in by AWS are you brought in GE3egW3OZv0-00178-00037224-00037391 by customers where are they on this GE3egW3OZv0-00179-00037392-00037643 journey towards leveraging the cloud for GE3egW3OZv0-00180-00037644-00037805 the things that they need agility the GE3egW3OZv0-00181-00037806-00038036 speed and a cost reduction absolutely so GE3egW3OZv0-00182-00038037-00038291 our promises we help you find understand GE3egW3OZv0-00183-00038292-00038492 and trust your data wherever it lives in GE3egW3OZv0-00184-00038493-00038696 whoever you are about democratizing it GE3egW3OZv0-00185-00038697-00038876 so customers choose the right GE3egW3OZv0-00186-00038877-00039035 infrastructure for their needs given GE3egW3OZv0-00187-00039036-00039308 costs given performance obviously Amazon GE3egW3OZv0-00188-00039309-00039511 is increasingly a part of that GE3egW3OZv0-00189-00039512-00039658 but that's the first they make and we GE3egW3OZv0-00190-00039659-00039832 resolved to hang out wherever it is and GE3egW3OZv0-00191-00039833-00039964 there's our customers our customers were GE3egW3OZv0-00192-00039965-00040137 so smart we learned so much from them GE3egW3OZv0-00193-00040138-00040353 we're meeting a bunch of CIOs GE3egW3OZv0-00194-00040354-00040558 both the prospects also talking some GE3egW3OZv0-00195-00040559-00040737 current customers like Expedia today GE3egW3OZv0-00196-00040738-00040981 here at AWS lunch with our investor GE3egW3OZv0-00197-00040982-00041146 Costa NOAA and in another at dinner GE3egW3OZv0-00198-00041147-00041503 tonight and folks like like Chegg and GE3egW3OZv0-00199-00041504-00041625 invoiced ago who've been long-standing GE3egW3OZv0-00200-00041626-00041923 AWS customers using s to be using GE3egW3OZv0-00201-00041924-00042160 redshift and trying to say actually in GE3egW3OZv0-00202-00042161-00042304 checks case they have a lot of homegrown GE3egW3OZv0-00203-00042305-00042502 tooling that they developed on the back GE3egW3OZv0-00204-00042503-00042687 end but they said elation is the best GE3egW3OZv0-00205-00042688-00042840 place to surface that have it be the GE3egW3OZv0-00206-00042841-00043096 central portal for business users and GE3egW3OZv0-00207-00043097-00043309 analysts might not be able to otherwise GE3egW3OZv0-00208-00043310-00043495 access things that are just available GE3egW3OZv0-00209-00043496-00043740 via an API and the more technical so how GE3egW3OZv0-00210-00043741-00044023 are you elation and AWS helping a GE3egW3OZv0-00211-00044024-00044332 customer like Chegg extract ROI quickly GE3egW3OZv0-00212-00044333-00044721 yeah it's a great question so AWS is GE3egW3OZv0-00213-00044722-00044917 really great for cost containment you GE3egW3OZv0-00214-00044918-00045154 have all this data you know and all this GE3egW3OZv0-00215-00045155-00045334 processing but you have peaks and you GE3egW3OZv0-00216-00045335-00045462 have troughs and how do you make sure GE3egW3OZv0-00217-00045463-00045580 you're not overpaying and scale GE3egW3OZv0-00218-00045581-00045706 elastically so it's great for helping GE3egW3OZv0-00219-00045707-00045961 with storage and computation and elation GE3egW3OZv0-00220-00045962-00046150 helps with the human side how do you get GE3egW3OZv0-00221-00046151-00046357 that upside by saying you have this data GE3egW3OZv0-00222-00046358-00046573 that could affect the way you stock your GE3egW3OZv0-00223-00046574-00046768 shelves the way you price your products GE3egW3OZv0-00224-00046769-00046945 or who you hire what markets you go into GE3egW3OZv0-00225-00046946-00047104 and that requires that last set if you GE3egW3OZv0-00226-00047105-00047287 have the data but it isn't in the right GE3egW3OZv0-00227-00047288-00047419 hands at the right time or it's GE3egW3OZv0-00228-00047420-00047614 interpreted incorrectly it has no value GE3egW3OZv0-00229-00047615-00047796 so we've put through them together vital GE3egW3OZv0-00230-00047797-00047965 at end-to-end solution so Aaron with GE3egW3OZv0-00231-00047966-00048171 gdpr coming up quick the enforcement of GE3egW3OZv0-00232-00048172-00048481 that coming up may 2018 customers have GE3egW3OZv0-00233-00048482-00048637 to be concerned about having day of a GE3egW3OZv0-00234-00048638-00048907 shouldn't have the elation help identify GE3egW3OZv0-00235-00048908-00049132 some of that data absolutely so we're GE3egW3OZv0-00236-00049133-00049336 gonna did a catalog is fundamentally an GE3egW3OZv0-00237-00049337-00049552 inventory of everything you have plus GE3egW3OZv0-00238-00049553-00049752 information about how it has been and GE3egW3OZv0-00239-00049753-00050037 could be consumed we very much focus on GE3egW3OZv0-00240-00050038-00050224 the upside potential of using that to GE3egW3OZv0-00241-00050225-00050446 drive better business choices and better GE3egW3OZv0-00242-00050447-00050689 analysis but we have customers actually GE3egW3OZv0-00243-00050690-00050839 saying oh we can use that same GE3egW3OZv0-00244-00050840-00050992 information about what we have who's GE3egW3OZv0-00245-00050993-00051157 using it what's in it to instead make GE3egW3OZv0-00246-00051158-00051325 sure that it's used compliantly with a GE3egW3OZv0-00247-00051326-00051546 regulation like gdpr to make sure that GE3egW3OZv0-00248-00051547-00051666 you aren't you know holding on to health GE3egW3OZv0-00249-00051667-00051850 records longer than you should or PII GE3egW3OZv0-00250-00051851-00052036 and it's absolutely a very big use case GE3egW3OZv0-00251-00052037-00052242 for many of our customers so you know GE3egW3OZv0-00252-00052244-00052426 data is touched by a lot of people in an GE3egW3OZv0-00253-00052427-00052741 organization AWS was done a great job of GE3egW3OZv0-00254-00052741-00052804 really GE3egW3OZv0-00255-00052804-00053055 developing a lot of synergy with a GE3egW3OZv0-00256-00053057-00053308 developer community for a long time now GE3egW3OZv0-00257-00053309-00053653 but we're also seeing a lot of or some GE3egW3OZv0-00258-00053654-00053812 trends suggesting they're going up the GE3egW3OZv0-00259-00053813-00053955 stuck they want to get more enterprises GE3egW3OZv0-00260-00053957-00054196 enterprises are at the the precipice is GE3egW3OZv0-00261-00054197-00054328 and each asset a set of this mass GE3egW3OZv0-00262-00054329-00054658 migration to the cloud you mentioned all GE3egW3OZv0-00263-00054659-00054895 of you work with AWS and the CIO events GE3egW3OZv0-00264-00054896-00055104 that you're having here where are you GE3egW3OZv0-00265-00055105-00055297 guys in in a conversation with customers GE3egW3OZv0-00266-00055298-00055570 are you more now having to get to that C GE3egW3OZv0-00267-00055571-00055807 suite as now their businesses are GE3egW3OZv0-00268-00055808-00056158 absolutely predicated upon the best use GE3egW3OZv0-00269-00056159-00056416 of data identify ways to monetize it new GE3egW3OZv0-00270-00056416-00056608 revenue streams how influential is that GE3egW3OZv0-00271-00056609-00056770 C level in this conversation it's a GE3egW3OZv0-00272-00056771-00056929 great question so I think what's GE3egW3OZv0-00273-00056929-00057340 interesting is all companies we sort of GE3egW3OZv0-00274-00057341-00057567 commoditized a basic business school GE3egW3OZv0-00275-00057569-00057822 consultant best practice knowledge GE3egW3OZv0-00276-00057823-00058045 everyone is kind of already doing that GE3egW3OZv0-00277-00058046-00058258 to do to the next level our customers GE3egW3OZv0-00278-00058259-00058438 and recently telling us it is only by GE3egW3OZv0-00279-00058439-00058663 finding key insights in data that GE3egW3OZv0-00280-00058664-00058762 they're gonna beat out the competition GE3egW3OZv0-00281-00058763-00059011 and stay relevant I mean look what GE3egW3OZv0-00282-00059012-00059215 Amazon and Netflix have done to the GE3egW3OZv0-00283-00059216-00059500 industries that used to be you know they GE3egW3OZv0-00284-00059501-00059679 weren't as data-driven didn't have that GE3egW3OZv0-00285-00059680-00059904 kind of agility around data so everybody GE3egW3OZv0-00286-00059905-00060166 wants to do the same thing so CIOs cdo's GE3egW3OZv0-00287-00060166-00060316 chief data officer x' we're seeing them GE3egW3OZv0-00288-00060316-00060487 pop up more and more and being more and GE3egW3OZv0-00289-00060488-00060649 more empowered in the organization GE3egW3OZv0-00290-00060650-00060855 because it's seen as central it hitting GE3egW3OZv0-00291-00060857-00061005 revenue targets and making an impact but GE3egW3OZv0-00292-00061007-00061153 to a customer about customers want to do GE3egW3OZv0-00293-00061154-00061363 and I imagine the CISOs as well with the GE3egW3OZv0-00294-00061364-00061471 question that you asked Keith about GE3egW3OZv0-00295-00061472-00062224 security the C says that the chief yeah GE3egW3OZv0-00296-00062225-00062389 absolutely so I think usually you know GE3egW3OZv0-00297-00062390-00062641 often a CIS are put into a CIO often see GE3egW3OZv0-00298-00062641-00062791 digit is in to them there's somebody who GE3egW3OZv0-00299-00062791-00062950 needs to have the confidence as they do GE3egW3OZv0-00300-00062951-00063190 in relations process of mirroring what's GE3egW3OZv0-00301-00063191-00063334 in the data source not introducing GE3egW3OZv0-00302-00063335-00063574 security halls potentially even you know GE3egW3OZv0-00303-00063575-00063717 taking stepped forward and saying as I GE3egW3OZv0-00304-00063719-00063832 implement gdpr GE3egW3OZv0-00305-00063833-00064027 and other policies how do I use a GE3egW3OZv0-00306-00064028-00064242 comprehensive automated inventory like GE3egW3OZv0-00307-00064244-00064423 relations to make sure that process GE3egW3OZv0-00308-00064424-00064591 isn't just started but actually finished GE3egW3OZv0-00309-00064591-00064777 and avoid the fines in the adverse GE3egW3OZv0-00310-00064778-00064921 events we absolutely see accross the GE3egW3OZv0-00311-00064922-00065116 c-suite a lot of interest so let's go GE3egW3OZv0-00312-00065116-00065428 one step below the cio and after you GE3egW3OZv0-00313-00065429-00065602 know I think the CIO understands this GE3egW3OZv0-00314-00065603-00065866 this data is the new oil GE3egW3OZv0-00315-00065867-00066181 the very very straightforward but now GE3egW3OZv0-00316-00066182-00066325 you're getting into the Enterprise GE3egW3OZv0-00317-00066326-00066604 Architect the VP of infrastructure and GE3egW3OZv0-00318-00066605-00066742 they have to implement these GE3egW3OZv0-00319-00066743-00066999 technologies what have been some of the GE3egW3OZv0-00320-00067000-00067192 rewards and challenges with those GE3egW3OZv0-00321-00067193-00067332 conversations it's a great question GE3egW3OZv0-00322-00067333-00067534 right so here a Taurus reinvent we have GE3egW3OZv0-00323-00067535-00067735 a very technical audience very interest GE3egW3OZv0-00324-00067736-00067963 reminded those are folks that we love to GE3egW3OZv0-00325-00067964-00068181 engage with but our primary audience is GE3egW3OZv0-00326-00068182-00068413 the business right right and so I think GE3egW3OZv0-00327-00068414-00068596 what's interesting is the problem we GE3egW3OZv0-00328-00068597-00068815 solve for the more infrastructure minded GE3egW3OZv0-00329-00068816-00069028 executives is how do I deal with these GE3egW3OZv0-00330-00069029-00069132 business users how do I turn this GE3egW3OZv0-00331-00069133-00069298 relationship that feels adversarial GE3egW3OZv0-00332-00069299-00069496 we're there putting strain on my system GE3egW3OZv0-00333-00069497-00069736 they're upset about cost overruns we GE3egW3OZv0-00334-00069737-00069862 don't speak the same language of the GE3egW3OZv0-00335-00069863-00070042 same values elation can be a great GE3egW3OZv0-00336-00070043-00070225 bridge because we do all of this GE3egW3OZv0-00337-00070226-00070396 automated extraction and tying to the GE3egW3OZv0-00338-00070397-00070579 sources where they are and kind of meet GE3egW3OZv0-00339-00070580-00070762 different people where they live but GE3egW3OZv0-00340-00070763-00070996 then can communicate the value in a GE3egW3OZv0-00341-00070997-00071179 clean interface that demonstrates real GE3egW3OZv0-00342-00071180-00071404 business ROI to the business we can go GE3egW3OZv0-00343-00071405-00071575 to be an ambassador between those sides GE3egW3OZv0-00344-00071576-00071791 of the customer I love that being an GE3egW3OZv0-00345-00071792-00072016 ambassador well Aaron your passion for GE3egW3OZv0-00346-00072017-00072298 elation what you do your your engagement GE3egW3OZv0-00347-00072299-00072468 with customers is is palpable GE3egW3OZv0-00348-00072469-00072655 so we thank you for joining us on the GE3egW3OZv0-00349-00072656-00072838 cube and wish you guys the best of luck GE3egW3OZv0-00350-00072839-00073036 with what you're doing here AWS reinvent GE3egW3OZv0-00351-00073037-00073330 thanks for having me awesome bridge over GE3egW3OZv0-00352-00073331-00073551 thank you for watching we are live at GE3egW3OZv0-00353-00073552-00073869 AWS reinvent 2017 with 42,000 other GE3egW3OZv0-00354-00073870-00073938 people GE3egW3OZv0-00355-00073939-00074125 I'm Lisa Martin for my co-host Keith GE3egW3OZv0-00356-00074126-00074329 Townsend and Aaron cab stick around GE3egW3OZv0-00357-00074330-00075109 we'll be right back GE3egW3OZv0-00358-00075110-00075416 [Music] GIm45IRsrLu-00000-00000012-00001602 foreign GIm45IRsrLu-00001-00001603-00002853 [Music] GIm45IRsrLu-00002-00002854-00003166 [Music] GIm45IRsrLu-00003-00003167-00003961 foreign GIm45IRsrLu-00004-00003963-00004883 [Music] GIm45IRsrLu-00005-00004884-00005460 [Music] GIm45IRsrLu-00006-00005461-00006587 [Music] GIm45IRsrLu-00007-00006588-00006730 in your neck GIm45IRsrLu-00008-00006731-00006934 [Music] GIm45IRsrLu-00009-00006936-00007463 um GIm45IRsrLu-00010-00007464-00009185 foreign GIm45IRsrLu-00011-00009186-00010163 [Music] GIm45IRsrLu-00013-00014366-00015961 foreign foreign GIm45IRsrLu-00014-00015962-00016699 [Music] GIm45IRsrLu-00015-00016700-00017438 [Music] GIm45IRsrLu-00016-00017439-00017580 [Music] GIm45IRsrLu-00017-00017581-00017794 I mean GIm45IRsrLu-00018-00017795-00019017 foreign GIm45IRsrLu-00019-00019018-00020153 [Music] GIm45IRsrLu-00020-00020154-00021580 [Music] GIm45IRsrLu-00021-00021581-00021999 foreign GIm45IRsrLu-00022-00022000-00022560 [Music] GIm45IRsrLu-00023-00022561-00023291 [Music] GIm45IRsrLu-00024-00023292-00023845 [Music] GIm45IRsrLu-00025-00023846-00024508 [Music] GIm45IRsrLu-00026-00024509-00024951 foreign GIm45IRsrLu-00027-00024952-00025875 [Music] GIm45IRsrLu-00028-00025876-00028157 [Music] GIm45IRsrLu-00029-00028158-00029524 foreign GIm45IRsrLu-00030-00029525-00031175 foreign GIm45IRsrLu-00031-00031176-00033101 [Music] GIm45IRsrLu-00032-00033102-00033391 foreign GJKmq8WWVuA-00000-00000704-00000943 uh opposition and how to handle it GJKmq8WWVuA-00001-00000944-00001103 okay GJKmq8WWVuA-00002-00001104-00001335 uh the problem that arises is this GJKmq8WWVuA-00003-00001336-00001462 people find themselves thinking GJKmq8WWVuA-00004-00001463-00001607 christians find themselves thinking and GJKmq8WWVuA-00005-00001607-00001734 of course others find themselves GJKmq8WWVuA-00006-00001735-00001982 thinking given that christianity is so GJKmq8WWVuA-00007-00001984-00002207 hard and faces such difficulty and GJKmq8WWVuA-00008-00002208-00002487 frustration and opposition GJKmq8WWVuA-00009-00002488-00002815 can it possibly be right GJKmq8WWVuA-00010-00002816-00002999 now you can understand you can identify GJKmq8WWVuA-00011-00003000-00003142 the pattern of thought GJKmq8WWVuA-00012-00003143-00003279 well if it's that hard can it possibly GJKmq8WWVuA-00013-00003279-00003470 be right and and there are times when of GJKmq8WWVuA-00014-00003471-00003606 course we won't GJKmq8WWVuA-00015-00003607-00003799 phrase it in those terms but there are GJKmq8WWVuA-00016-00003800-00003943 times when we can start to think like GJKmq8WWVuA-00017-00003944-00004047 that too GJKmq8WWVuA-00018-00004047-00004479 as believers if such we are okay GJKmq8WWVuA-00019-00004480-00004606 the key to it is working out the GJKmq8WWVuA-00020-00004607-00004759 significance of the opposition that you GJKmq8WWVuA-00021-00004760-00004927 face it seems to me from a spiritual GJKmq8WWVuA-00022-00004928-00005038 perspective something's going wrong GJKmq8WWVuA-00023-00005039-00005175 something's there's grit in the machine GJKmq8WWVuA-00024-00005176-00005367 the spanner in the works GJKmq8WWVuA-00025-00005368-00005583 what's going on here GJKmq8WWVuA-00026-00005584-00005695 when we make the mistake of thinking GJKmq8WWVuA-00027-00005696-00005822 there's a spanner in the works and GJKmq8WWVuA-00028-00005823-00005959 that's the problem there's a spanner and GJKmq8WWVuA-00029-00005960-00006111 it's in the works wait a minute GJKmq8WWVuA-00030-00006112-00006231 somebody's put that spanner in the works GJKmq8WWVuA-00031-00006232-00006359 what is it GJKmq8WWVuA-00032-00006360-00006518 what's it doing there how's that GJKmq8WWVuA-00033-00006519-00006798 happened how's that arisen GJKmq8WWVuA-00034-00006800-00006934 because we live in a universe it's in GJKmq8WWVuA-00035-00006936-00007110 the hand of a god who's almighty that's GJKmq8WWVuA-00036-00007111-00007423 a difficult one a god who is sovereign GJKmq8WWVuA-00037-00007423-00007719 and allows or works out everything GJKmq8WWVuA-00038-00007720-00007942 according to his perfect will right so GJKmq8WWVuA-00039-00007943-00008023 if there's a spanner in the works GJKmq8WWVuA-00040-00008023-00008127 there's a reason that span is in the GJKmq8WWVuA-00041-00008128-00008319 works GJKmq8WWVuA-00042-00008320-00008519 i'll give you a silly illustration i GJKmq8WWVuA-00043-00008520-00008710 wound up my awning which i had very GJKmq8WWVuA-00044-00008711-00009039 valiantly put onto the roof rack myself GJKmq8WWVuA-00045-00009040-00009239 on friday afternoon wound it all out GJKmq8WWVuA-00046-00009240-00009359 wound it back the bloody thing wouldn't GJKmq8WWVuA-00047-00009360-00009439 shut GJKmq8WWVuA-00048-00009440-00009631 there's a snag GJKmq8WWVuA-00049-00009632-00009863 there's a reason for that GJKmq8WWVuA-00050-00009864-00010055 and the difficulty for me was i can't i GJKmq8WWVuA-00051-00010056-00010167 can't see what's wrong here it was GJKmq8WWVuA-00052-00010168-00010278 closer to both ends but the middle GJKmq8WWVuA-00053-00010279-00010399 wasn't closing so we're in a bit of a GJKmq8WWVuA-00054-00010400-00010614 bit of a banana developing in the yeah GJKmq8WWVuA-00055-00010615-00010791 you know that it'll bend it GJKmq8WWVuA-00056-00010792-00010974 so you know i needed somebody else to GJKmq8WWVuA-00057-00010975-00011174 look at it because i could not see what GJKmq8WWVuA-00058-00011175-00011446 i had i couldn't i couldn't identify GJKmq8WWVuA-00059-00011447-00011614 i couldn't identify let alone tell you GJKmq8WWVuA-00060-00011615-00011759 the significance of the spanner that was GJKmq8WWVuA-00061-00011760-00011895 in the works GJKmq8WWVuA-00062-00011896-00012023 and sometimes we do need that little bit GJKmq8WWVuA-00063-00012024-00012135 of help with that we do need our GJKmq8WWVuA-00064-00012136-00012335 brethren around us we need god's word we GJKmq8WWVuA-00065-00012336-00012527 need to be praying perhaps to see it GJKmq8WWVuA-00066-00012528-00012678 sometimes GJKmq8WWVuA-00067-00012679-00012974 we've got to trust him with that GJKmq8WWVuA-00068-00012975-00013102 on this occasion i went down to see the GJKmq8WWVuA-00069-00013103-00013238 bloke down the works and as you know he GJKmq8WWVuA-00070-00013240-00013391 was very nice guy and then blah blah GJKmq8WWVuA-00071-00013391-00013583 blah oh it is this here he said that's GJKmq8WWVuA-00072-00013584-00013719 that's polling on that let me just move GJKmq8WWVuA-00073-00013719-00013991 it move it like a quarter of an inch GJKmq8WWVuA-00074-00013991-00014238 how annoying is that and then GJKmq8WWVuA-00075-00014240-00014438 yep that makes sense identifying the GJKmq8WWVuA-00076-00014440-00014607 significance the source and the GJKmq8WWVuA-00077-00014608-00014799 significance of the problem is a big GJKmq8WWVuA-00078-00014800-00014935 deal GJKmq8WWVuA-00079-00014936-00015143 it's a big deal and when you get that GJKmq8WWVuA-00080-00015144-00015286 sort of opposition and when it's in your GJKmq8WWVuA-00081-00015287-00015471 face and when it's very difficult then GJKmq8WWVuA-00082-00015472-00015647 sometimes to work it out just as i've GJKmq8WWVuA-00083-00015647-00015822 been frustrated with this awning and i GJKmq8WWVuA-00084-00015823-00016015 couldn't get the thing GJKmq8WWVuA-00085-00016016-00016127 sorted GJKmq8WWVuA-00086-00016128-00016366 too close to it GJKmq8WWVuA-00087-00016368-00016543 from a spiritual perspective this thing GJKmq8WWVuA-00088-00016544-00016671 that's happening this opposition you GJKmq8WWVuA-00089-00016672-00016894 face what does it actually show what GJKmq8WWVuA-00090-00016895-00017094 does it actually mean because the answer GJKmq8WWVuA-00091-00017095-00017286 to that question is going to determine GJKmq8WWVuA-00092-00017287-00017479 both what you make of the opposition and GJKmq8WWVuA-00093-00017480-00017855 how you should rightly respond to it GJKmq8WWVuA-00094-00017856-00017975 or is going to drive you to wrongly GJKmq8WWVuA-00095-00017976-00018127 respond to GJKmq8WWVuA-00096-00018128-00018311 how do you respond to opposition well is GJKmq8WWVuA-00097-00018312-00018486 it coming from what is that what was GJKmq8WWVuA-00098-00018487-00018847 this mean GJKmq8WWVuA-00099-00018848-00019150 there is no doubt that following christ GJKmq8WWVuA-00100-00019151-00019479 in this world will get you opposed right GJKmq8WWVuA-00101-00019480-00019663 because we live in the sort of world we GJKmq8WWVuA-00102-00019664-00019822 inhabit GJKmq8WWVuA-00103-00019823-00020039 where christ was opposed and it is GJKmq8WWVuA-00104-00020040-00020247 christ we're following so it is GJKmq8WWVuA-00105-00020248-00020591 something is going right GJKmq8WWVuA-00106-00020592-00020814 this is bonkers on it something is going GJKmq8WWVuA-00107-00020815-00021150 right when you find you're being opposed GJKmq8WWVuA-00108-00021151-00021294 you're following a jesus who in this GJKmq8WWVuA-00109-00021295-00021407 sort of world because of the sort of GJKmq8WWVuA-00110-00021408-00021663 world it is was opposed there's no doubt GJKmq8WWVuA-00111-00021664-00021799 that following christ will get you GJKmq8WWVuA-00112-00021800-00022071 opposed in this sort of world GJKmq8WWVuA-00113-00022072-00022255 but your answer to the question of why GJKmq8WWVuA-00114-00022256-00022407 this is happening what it means where GJKmq8WWVuA-00115-00022408-00022558 it's coming from that's going to GJKmq8WWVuA-00116-00022559-00022822 determine how you respond GJKmq8WWVuA-00117-00022823-00022991 to that opposition and the lord gives us GJKmq8WWVuA-00118-00022992-00023247 a big worked out example of that in the GJKmq8WWVuA-00119-00023248-00023414 passage we're looking at today here's a GJKmq8WWVuA-00120-00023415-00023591 worked example for you to have a look at GJKmq8WWVuA-00121-00023592-00023719 how to deal with opposition when it GJKmq8WWVuA-00122-00023720-00024127 comes flying at you GJKmq8WWVuA-00123-00024128-00024247 here's where the passage fits into the GJKmq8WWVuA-00124-00024248-00024503 gospel GJKmq8WWVuA-00125-00024504-00024822 this section of mark's gospel GJKmq8WWVuA-00126-00024823-00024999 at the start there GJKmq8WWVuA-00127-00025000-00025278 mark 3 13-35 you get the appointing of GJKmq8WWVuA-00128-00025279-00025430 the 12 apostles we saw that the other GJKmq8WWVuA-00129-00025431-00025662 day and you get opposition from family GJKmq8WWVuA-00130-00025663-00025814 opposition from religious leaders GJKmq8WWVuA-00131-00025816-00025983 opposition from family again that is the GJKmq8WWVuA-00132-00025983-00026150 introduction to this section GJKmq8WWVuA-00133-00026151-00026343 and then the middle part GJKmq8WWVuA-00134-00026344-00026614 amazingness four parables and four GJKmq8WWVuA-00135-00026616-00026727 miracles GJKmq8WWVuA-00136-00026727-00026918 showing jesus is the right one jesus is GJKmq8WWVuA-00137-00026919-00027079 the way jesus is and he's speaking truth GJKmq8WWVuA-00138-00027080-00027214 and dealing with GJKmq8WWVuA-00139-00027216-00027383 how you deal with opposition how you to GJKmq8WWVuA-00140-00027383-00027567 respond to a world that opposes you for GJKmq8WWVuA-00141-00027568-00027711 following jesus GJKmq8WWVuA-00142-00027712-00027807 right GJKmq8WWVuA-00143-00027808-00028014 so opposition from family opposition GJKmq8WWVuA-00144-00028016-00028167 from religious leaders our position from GJKmq8WWVuA-00145-00028168-00028383 family again we're doing today but then GJKmq8WWVuA-00146-00028383-00028543 it's no accident he goes straight on and GJKmq8WWVuA-00147-00028544-00028662 he said it talks about the parable of GJKmq8WWVuA-00148-00028663-00028767 the sower GJKmq8WWVuA-00149-00028768-00029031 a bit more about that at the end GJKmq8WWVuA-00150-00029032-00029183 proving who jesus is proving he is the GJKmq8WWVuA-00151-00029183-00029279 deal GJKmq8WWVuA-00152-00029280-00029446 and then at the end of that section GJKmq8WWVuA-00153-00029447-00029614 opposition from family and friends again GJKmq8WWVuA-00154-00029616-00029743 do you see how it's all bracketed with GJKmq8WWVuA-00155-00029744-00029911 opposition GJKmq8WWVuA-00156-00029912-00030055 so if you want to understand the parable GJKmq8WWVuA-00157-00030056-00030183 of the soul the parable of the lamp the GJKmq8WWVuA-00158-00030183-00030311 parable of the seed growing secret the GJKmq8WWVuA-00159-00030312-00030439 parable the mustard seed if you want to GJKmq8WWVuA-00160-00030439-00030599 understand the still another storm the GJKmq8WWVuA-00161-00030600-00030702 driving out legion the healing of the GJKmq8WWVuA-00162-00030703-00030887 sick woman the raising lives of jairus's GJKmq8WWVuA-00163-00030888-00031255 daughter it's all in between this bit of GJKmq8WWVuA-00164-00031256-00031414 appointing people to go and serve him in GJKmq8WWVuA-00165-00031416-00031527 the world GJKmq8WWVuA-00166-00031527-00031895 and the opposition that results from it GJKmq8WWVuA-00167-00031895-00032023 have we got that GJKmq8WWVuA-00168-00032024-00032158 clean off my notes but we've got to get GJKmq8WWVuA-00169-00032160-00032335 that okay GJKmq8WWVuA-00170-00032336-00032479 we don't get that we're not going to get GJKmq8WWVuA-00171-00032480-00032807 there GJKmq8WWVuA-00172-00032808-00032943 jesus has come and he's preached that GJKmq8WWVuA-00173-00032944-00033118 god's kingdom is at hand so repent and GJKmq8WWVuA-00174-00033119-00033343 believe the good news it's a big ask GJKmq8WWVuA-00175-00033344-00033535 and mark has shown how that fits in with GJKmq8WWVuA-00176-00033536-00033799 centuries of old testament prophecy but GJKmq8WWVuA-00177-00033800-00034095 opposition begins to break out as soon GJKmq8WWVuA-00178-00034096-00034351 as jesus heals a paralytic by forgiving GJKmq8WWVuA-00179-00034352-00034687 his sins GJKmq8WWVuA-00180-00034688-00034951 they won't have that GJKmq8WWVuA-00181-00034952-00035118 they don't like jesus fulfilling old GJKmq8WWVuA-00182-00035119-00035271 testament prophecy before their very GJKmq8WWVuA-00183-00035272-00035583 eyes doesn't fit their agenda and him GJKmq8WWVuA-00184-00035584-00035799 forgiving sins is a claim to be god and GJKmq8WWVuA-00185-00035800-00036071 they don't like that either GJKmq8WWVuA-00186-00036072-00036327 opposition comes from truth GJKmq8WWVuA-00187-00036328-00036574 in a world hostile to god GJKmq8WWVuA-00188-00036575-00036767 and as that happens jesus immediately GJKmq8WWVuA-00189-00036768-00036927 predicted a radical break with GJKmq8WWVuA-00190-00036928-00037127 religiosity in that language we had the GJKmq8WWVuA-00191-00037128-00037311 other day about new wine and new GJKmq8WWVuA-00192-00037312-00037487 wineskins GJKmq8WWVuA-00193-00037488-00037823 remember that GJKmq8WWVuA-00194-00037824-00038015 and immediately his followers expect GJKmq8WWVuA-00195-00038016-00038262 expect opposition arising directly from GJKmq8WWVuA-00196-00038263-00038471 the fact that they follow that jesus GJKmq8WWVuA-00197-00038472-00038695 arising directly from who he is and what GJKmq8WWVuA-00198-00038696-00038855 he says and what he's about and what he GJKmq8WWVuA-00199-00038856-00039071 does if you follow that jesus you'll get GJKmq8WWVuA-00200-00039072-00039239 the opposition that he got for being who GJKmq8WWVuA-00201-00039240-00039446 he is saying what he was and so on GJKmq8WWVuA-00202-00039447-00039630 making sense GJKmq8WWVuA-00203-00039631-00039839 and then in this immediately following GJKmq8WWVuA-00204-00039840-00040062 section jesus deals with this GJKmq8WWVuA-00205-00040063-00040246 seemingly schizophrenic clash then GJKmq8WWVuA-00206-00040247-00040439 between the power of the gospel and the GJKmq8WWVuA-00207-00040440-00040711 opposition his followers face because GJKmq8WWVuA-00208-00040712-00040935 they believe that gospel with a visible GJKmq8WWVuA-00209-00040936-00041199 effect that they follow him GJKmq8WWVuA-00210-00041200-00041335 that will get you into trouble now if GJKmq8WWVuA-00211-00041336-00041511 you if you say you believe it but GJKmq8WWVuA-00212-00041512-00041630 there's not the visible effect that GJKmq8WWVuA-00213-00041631-00041751 you're following him you won't get that GJKmq8WWVuA-00214-00041752-00042087 effect GJKmq8WWVuA-00215-00042088-00042215 paul says isn't he you know if he went GJKmq8WWVuA-00216-00042216-00042311 for the cross of christ if we weren't GJKmq8WWVuA-00217-00042312-00042439 preaching christ crucified the only way GJKmq8WWVuA-00218-00042440-00042615 to be saved then you know we've been GJKmq8WWVuA-00219-00042616-00043062 facing opposition GJKmq8WWVuA-00220-00043063-00043190 here are the twelve GJKmq8WWVuA-00221-00043191-00043383 appointed a take on his mission all GJKmq8WWVuA-00222-00043384-00043551 subsequent disciples falling on from GJKmq8WWVuA-00223-00043552-00043767 that but immediately the way he shows GJKmq8WWVuA-00224-00043768-00043943 them in which they will follow results GJKmq8WWVuA-00225-00043944-00044151 in opposition contrary to expectation GJKmq8WWVuA-00226-00044152-00044343 conjured in nature and it is precisely GJKmq8WWVuA-00227-00044344-00044471 against that background that the GJKmq8WWVuA-00228-00044472-00044639 parables and the miracles again GJKmq8WWVuA-00229-00044640-00044807 affirming who he is and explaining GJKmq8WWVuA-00230-00044808-00044943 opposition GJKmq8WWVuA-00231-00044944-00045102 arise GJKmq8WWVuA-00232-00045103-00045279 if you're faithful to christ GJKmq8WWVuA-00233-00045280-00045446 all you roman christians that this GJKmq8WWVuA-00234-00045447-00045623 gospel of mark was written for right GJKmq8WWVuA-00235-00045624-00045758 they're in rome GJKmq8WWVuA-00236-00045759-00045918 they're facing emperors like you know GJKmq8WWVuA-00237-00045919-00046239 nero and caligula and all those but GJKmq8WWVuA-00238-00046240-00046423 they have yeah they will be facing GJKmq8WWVuA-00239-00046424-00046623 caligula you know they're facing all GJKmq8WWVuA-00240-00046624-00047143 those guys here's what you need to know GJKmq8WWVuA-00241-00047144-00047302 those who seek to live a godly life in GJKmq8WWVuA-00242-00047303-00047683 christ jesus will be GJKmq8WWVuA-00243-00047684-00047943 blessed well yeah GJKmq8WWVuA-00244-00047944-00048679 but it says persecuted GJKmq8WWVuA-00245-00048680-00048918 not enough enough right so there's the GJKmq8WWVuA-00246-00048919-00049374 background jesus goes home GJKmq8WWVuA-00247-00049375-00049518 you think when you've been off preaching GJKmq8WWVuA-00248-00049519-00049639 out you know being around the place GJKmq8WWVuA-00249-00049640-00049758 facing all these people and doing all GJKmq8WWVuA-00250-00049759-00049855 this stuff you think when you know we'd GJKmq8WWVuA-00251-00049856-00050055 have a bit of a break yeah no GJKmq8WWVuA-00252-00050056-00050215 it's not like that it's not like that GJKmq8WWVuA-00253-00050216-00050343 jesus went GJKmq8WWVuA-00254-00050344-00050479 home GJKmq8WWVuA-00255-00050480-00050695 and a crowd gathered so that they were GJKmq8WWVuA-00256-00050696-00050943 not able to eat this is madness isn't it GJKmq8WWVuA-00257-00050944-00051118 not able to eat and when his family GJKmq8WWVuA-00258-00051119-00051375 heard this they went out to restrain him GJKmq8WWVuA-00259-00051376-00051614 for they said GJKmq8WWVuA-00260-00051615-00051882 he's lost the GJKmq8WWVuA-00261-00051883-00052407 plot he's lost the plot GJKmq8WWVuA-00262-00052408-00052582 jesus is not on what you'd expect to be GJKmq8WWVuA-00263-00052583-00052775 a hostile situation he's in a situation GJKmq8WWVuA-00264-00052776-00052975 that god had carefully chosen for him GJKmq8WWVuA-00265-00052976-00053166 with people we know god chose because GJKmq8WWVuA-00266-00053167-00053494 they were godly GJKmq8WWVuA-00267-00053495-00053926 his mother GJKmq8WWVuA-00268-00053927-00054087 from all we know of these people that GJKmq8WWVuA-00269-00054088-00054279 god put them put him with us as earthly GJKmq8WWVuA-00270-00054279-00054479 parents they're poor people but they're GJKmq8WWVuA-00271-00054479-00054671 godly people they're familiar with the GJKmq8WWVuA-00272-00054672-00054903 workings of the jewish religion they try GJKmq8WWVuA-00273-00054904-00055094 to keep its precepts and regulations in GJKmq8WWVuA-00274-00055095-00055207 spite of the fact it's been made very GJKmq8WWVuA-00275-00055208-00055423 hard for them by the bigwigs and no GJKmq8WWVuA-00276-00055424-00055607 doubt they are properly in awe of the GJKmq8WWVuA-00277-00055608-00055863 constituted religious authorities who GJKmq8WWVuA-00278-00055864-00056015 are hostile to jesus that's the big GJKmq8WWVuA-00279-00056016-00056254 issue at the moment did you get that GJKmq8WWVuA-00280-00056255-00056407 you know they tried to be tidy people GJKmq8WWVuA-00281-00056408-00056647 they try go chapel yeah GJKmq8WWVuA-00282-00056648-00056799 and they're in all of the winning dog GJKmq8WWVuA-00283-00056800-00056999 you know he's like quitting it up GJKmq8WWVuA-00284-00057000-00057230 or you know like my my father's mother GJKmq8WWVuA-00285-00057232-00057679 always did went in fear of the priest GJKmq8WWVuA-00286-00057679-00057903 there's a situation GJKmq8WWVuA-00287-00057904-00058054 so now you can begin to see the bind GJKmq8WWVuA-00288-00058055-00058207 there and when jesus is doing all these GJKmq8WWVuA-00289-00058208-00058382 things because they're they're in fear GJKmq8WWVuA-00290-00058383-00058542 of the authorities the religious GJKmq8WWVuA-00291-00058544-00058654 authorities they're trying to show GJKmq8WWVuA-00292-00058655-00058871 proper respect and be tidy GJKmq8WWVuA-00293-00058872-00059094 and their son is doing this GJKmq8WWVuA-00294-00059095-00059526 see the point GJKmq8WWVuA-00295-00059527-00059687 mary's stuck with that seems to be fine GJKmq8WWVuA-00296-00059688-00059830 now without a husband to help her with GJKmq8WWVuA-00297-00059832-00060079 that what would you do you a son GJKmq8WWVuA-00298-00060079-00060247 raised to be a good lad work with his GJKmq8WWVuA-00299-00060248-00060479 hands go to synagogue takes on a role GJKmq8WWVuA-00300-00060479-00060679 way above his station GJKmq8WWVuA-00301-00060679-00060887 in a socially economically politically GJKmq8WWVuA-00302-00060888-00061063 troubled society GJKmq8WWVuA-00303-00061064-00061271 and he draws crowds fulfilling a GJKmq8WWVuA-00304-00061272-00061526 ministry for which he has not studied GJKmq8WWVuA-00305-00061527-00061838 he has not been to bible college GJKmq8WWVuA-00306-00061839-00062006 he is not ordained GJKmq8WWVuA-00307-00062007-00062375 right GJKmq8WWVuA-00308-00062376-00062559 and which annoys intensely the existing GJKmq8WWVuA-00309-00062560-00062775 bigwigs because god is in it GJKmq8WWVuA-00310-00062776-00063006 and they can't bear that GJKmq8WWVuA-00311-00063007-00063182 so verse 20 jesus goes amongst his own GJKmq8WWVuA-00312-00063183-00063375 people he draws crowds the like of which GJKmq8WWVuA-00313-00063376-00063519 the religious leaders the teachers of GJKmq8WWVuA-00314-00063520-00063703 the law they do not draw that sort of GJKmq8WWVuA-00315-00063704-00064030 crowd GJKmq8WWVuA-00316-00064032-00064199 and he's so busy none of his crowd or GJKmq8WWVuA-00317-00064200-00064415 his disciples not specified none of them GJKmq8WWVuA-00318-00064416-00064638 get to eat and that is the final straw GJKmq8WWVuA-00319-00064639-00064854 for his own people GJKmq8WWVuA-00320-00064855-00065038 you haven't had a dinner you're not GJKmq8WWVuA-00321-00065039-00065159 going out preaching you haven't had your GJKmq8WWVuA-00322-00065160-00065342 dinner GJKmq8WWVuA-00323-00065344-00065575 can you see i mean all right you know GJKmq8WWVuA-00324-00065576-00065726 we're messing up the cultural context GJKmq8WWVuA-00325-00065727-00065863 but you can see that you can see what's GJKmq8WWVuA-00326-00065864-00066135 going to happen here GJKmq8WWVuA-00327-00066136-00066319 so they went out to restrain him the way GJKmq8WWVuA-00328-00066320-00066479 in chapter five the people tried to GJKmq8WWVuA-00329-00066480-00067094 restrain the gathering demoniac GJKmq8WWVuA-00330-00067095-00067535 they tried to restrain him GJKmq8WWVuA-00331-00067536-00067687 they're handling this the way they GJKmq8WWVuA-00332-00067688-00067903 handled what they perceived as insanity GJKmq8WWVuA-00333-00067904-00068111 because they said excess stay that is GJKmq8WWVuA-00334-00068112-00068326 he's dazed he's amazed he's thrown out GJKmq8WWVuA-00335-00068327-00068655 of place his mind is out of kilter GJKmq8WWVuA-00336-00068656-00069015 he's come off the rails mentally GJKmq8WWVuA-00337-00069016-00069175 now there are different sorts of GJKmq8WWVuA-00338-00069176-00069343 opposition right there are different GJKmq8WWVuA-00339-00069344-00069575 responses jesus makes to different sorts GJKmq8WWVuA-00340-00069576-00069823 of opposition this is not the opposition GJKmq8WWVuA-00341-00069824-00070038 of the religious this is not the GJKmq8WWVuA-00342-00070039-00070231 opposition of those who are hostile to GJKmq8WWVuA-00343-00070232-00070463 god per se but of those who are good and GJKmq8WWVuA-00344-00070464-00070647 meek and godly and sometimes the most GJKmq8WWVuA-00345-00070648-00070871 difficult opposition personally i've had GJKmq8WWVuA-00346-00070872-00071063 to face has come from the good and the GJKmq8WWVuA-00347-00071064-00071182 godly GJKmq8WWVuA-00348-00071183-00071567 and it's difficult to deal with GJKmq8WWVuA-00349-00071568-00071743 sometimes it comes from those you know GJKmq8WWVuA-00350-00071744-00072223 love you GJKmq8WWVuA-00351-00072224-00072399 in a sense that opposition is it most GJKmq8WWVuA-00352-00072400-00072606 hurtful because it comes from those who GJKmq8WWVuA-00353-00072607-00072855 who are very well intentioned it is most GJKmq8WWVuA-00354-00072856-00073047 hurtful because of their relationship to GJKmq8WWVuA-00355-00073048-00073415 jesus it's his own people physically GJKmq8WWVuA-00356-00073416-00073791 opposing him GJKmq8WWVuA-00357-00073792-00074015 but they are outside the jesus movement GJKmq8WWVuA-00358-00074016-00074182 which means they are only his own people GJKmq8WWVuA-00359-00074183-00074767 in a very limited physical sense GJKmq8WWVuA-00360-00074768-00074919 jesus knows what he's saying when he GJKmq8WWVuA-00361-00074920-00075087 teaches that a man's enemies will be GJKmq8WWVuA-00362-00075088-00075287 those of his own household GJKmq8WWVuA-00363-00075288-00075815 brother will betray brother to death GJKmq8WWVuA-00364-00075816-00075950 and that's a reality around the world GJKmq8WWVuA-00365-00075951-00076303 today GJKmq8WWVuA-00366-00076304-00076599 how painful is that GJKmq8WWVuA-00367-00076600-00076767 but in this case you see jesus facing GJKmq8WWVuA-00368-00076768-00076926 devastating upsetting opposition it's GJKmq8WWVuA-00369-00076927-00077206 not malicious opposition it is it is it GJKmq8WWVuA-00370-00077207-00077582 is opposition that doesn't understand GJKmq8WWVuA-00371-00077583-00077726 they don't get it GJKmq8WWVuA-00372-00077727-00077831 now we've got to perceive that GJKmq8WWVuA-00373-00077832-00077943 difference right GJKmq8WWVuA-00374-00077944-00078062 just because somebody's wrong i don't GJKmq8WWVuA-00375-00078063-00078367 mean they're wicked GJKmq8WWVuA-00376-00078368-00078487 for the trouble somebody's wrong we GJKmq8WWVuA-00377-00078488-00078662 treat them like they're wicked GJKmq8WWVuA-00378-00078663-00078991 does that make sense GJKmq8WWVuA-00379-00078992-00079126 it might be GJKmq8WWVuA-00380-00079127-00079294 but it doesn't necessarily follow from GJKmq8WWVuA-00381-00079295-00079511 that and this opposition doesn't GJKmq8WWVuA-00382-00079512-00079703 understand and how does he understand it GJKmq8WWVuA-00383-00079704-00079950 even when it is sounding most rational GJKmq8WWVuA-00384-00079951-00080167 boy you've got to eat yeah yeah he GJKmq8WWVuA-00385-00080168-00080335 simply doesn't allow himself to be GJKmq8WWVuA-00386-00080336-00080535 distracted by it GJKmq8WWVuA-00387-00080536-00080871 he won't be distracted by it GJKmq8WWVuA-00388-00080872-00081038 and the consequences of that at first GJKmq8WWVuA-00389-00081039-00081206 look quite damaging what his family GJKmq8WWVuA-00390-00081207-00081382 perhaps wanted most to avoid is what GJKmq8WWVuA-00391-00081383-00081543 actually happens next with the next wave GJKmq8WWVuA-00392-00081544-00081679 of opposition GJKmq8WWVuA-00393-00081680-00081806 because they've tried that lovingly GJKmq8WWVuA-00394-00081807-00082143 caringly and so on and he's just GJKmq8WWVuA-00395-00082144-00082799 yeah i love you mum and kept on you know GJKmq8WWVuA-00396-00082800-00082967 bad news is that GJKmq8WWVuA-00397-00082968-00083062 next GJKmq8WWVuA-00398-00083063-00083182 knocking at the door is a spanish GJKmq8WWVuA-00399-00083183-00083343 inquisition GJKmq8WWVuA-00400-00083344-00083526 nobody expects the spanish inquisition GJKmq8WWVuA-00401-00083527-00083631 okay GJKmq8WWVuA-00402-00083632-00083815 the jewish leaders the scribes have come GJKmq8WWVuA-00403-00083816-00084006 down from jerusalem GJKmq8WWVuA-00404-00084007-00084231 and here's the second thing and they're GJKmq8WWVuA-00405-00084232-00084343 coming along and they're poking their GJKmq8WWVuA-00406-00084344-00084582 noses in is really bad news GJKmq8WWVuA-00407-00084583-00084791 okay that's bad news for the family GJKmq8WWVuA-00408-00084792-00084967 the family had acted beforehand because GJKmq8WWVuA-00409-00084968-00085118 they really wanted to avoid trouble with GJKmq8WWVuA-00410-00085119-00085287 the spanish inquisition or first century GJKmq8WWVuA-00411-00085288-00085482 palestinian equivalent GJKmq8WWVuA-00412-00085483-00085815 okay a few things to note here quickly GJKmq8WWVuA-00413-00085816-00086006 the experts in the law that's who he's GJKmq8WWVuA-00414-00086007-00086135 up against now different ballgame GJKmq8WWVuA-00415-00086136-00086318 different different clientele watch how GJKmq8WWVuA-00416-00086319-00086494 we react differently GJKmq8WWVuA-00417-00086495-00086655 they come down from jerusalem and they GJKmq8WWVuA-00418-00086656-00086926 are not even the local scribes then GJKmq8WWVuA-00419-00086927-00087118 this is the boys from GJKmq8WWVuA-00420-00087119-00087359 you know the big boys right watch it GJKmq8WWVuA-00421-00087360-00087518 they are dodgy right GJKmq8WWVuA-00422-00087519-00087782 he is possessed from by beelzebub they GJKmq8WWVuA-00423-00087783-00087991 said and by the ruler of demons he casts GJKmq8WWVuA-00424-00087992-00088087 out demons well they got the GJKmq8WWVuA-00425-00088088-00088255 qualifications they got the fancy talks GJKmq8WWVuA-00426-00088256-00088375 they're the boys who bound to know i GJKmq8WWVuA-00427-00088376-00088623 mean tidy little you know pious people GJKmq8WWVuA-00428-00088624-00088847 living in the back end of jerusalem of GJKmq8WWVuA-00429-00088848-00088967 palestine they ought to just listen a GJKmq8WWVuA-00430-00088968-00089087 bit GJKmq8WWVuA-00431-00089088-00089415 well they're the guys who know oh yeah GJKmq8WWVuA-00432-00089416-00089591 so jesus calls them and he speaks them GJKmq8WWVuA-00433-00089592-00089767 in parables he speaks in parables quite GJKmq8WWVuA-00434-00089768-00089918 often so that they've got nothing GJKmq8WWVuA-00435-00089919-00090103 against him you know these guys when GJKmq8WWVuA-00436-00090104-00090262 he's telling parables with this lot he's GJKmq8WWVuA-00437-00090263-00090391 being careful that they don't have some GJKmq8WWVuA-00438-00090392-00090543 leverage on him but he's telling them GJKmq8WWVuA-00439-00090544-00090847 the truth direct confrontational how can GJKmq8WWVuA-00440-00090848-00091111 satan cast out satan yeah muppets GJKmq8WWVuA-00441-00091112-00091326 if a kingdom is divided against itself GJKmq8WWVuA-00442-00091327-00091479 that kingdom will not be able to stand GJKmq8WWVuA-00443-00091480-00091647 does that make sense he's arguing from GJKmq8WWVuA-00444-00091648-00091887 what is known to what they really don't GJKmq8WWVuA-00445-00091888-00091991 understand GJKmq8WWVuA-00446-00091992-00092167 and possibly quite possibly he's doing GJKmq8WWVuA-00447-00092168-00092262 it for the sake of the people who are GJKmq8WWVuA-00448-00092263-00092375 listening GJKmq8WWVuA-00449-00092376-00092526 who will be easily led by those who GJKmq8WWVuA-00450-00092527-00092655 supposed to know GJKmq8WWVuA-00451-00092656-00092782 i mean the archbishop said that she's GJKmq8WWVuA-00452-00092783-00092991 supposed to be right anyway GJKmq8WWVuA-00453-00092992-00093223 it could be complete tosh GJKmq8WWVuA-00454-00093224-00093391 if the kingdom is divided against itself GJKmq8WWVuA-00455-00093392-00093526 that kingdom will not be able to stand GJKmq8WWVuA-00456-00093527-00093687 if a house is divided against itself GJKmq8WWVuA-00457-00093688-00093838 that house will not be able to stand and GJKmq8WWVuA-00458-00093839-00093975 if satan rises against himself as GJKmq8WWVuA-00459-00093976-00094111 divided he's not able to stand and his GJKmq8WWVuA-00460-00094112-00094271 end has come what has jesus been GJKmq8WWVuA-00461-00094272-00094494 preaching since chapter 1 verse 15 that GJKmq8WWVuA-00462-00094495-00094671 kingdom of god is at hand repent and GJKmq8WWVuA-00463-00094672-00094838 believe the gospel GJKmq8WWVuA-00464-00094839-00095047 turning back the kingdom of darkness son GJKmq8WWVuA-00465-00095048-00095206 your sins are forgiven get your bed and GJKmq8WWVuA-00466-00095207-00095431 go home GJKmq8WWVuA-00467-00095432-00095631 jesus has been demonstrating this truth GJKmq8WWVuA-00468-00095632-00095791 and there he says look that is the GJKmq8WWVuA-00469-00095792-00096038 significance of what you're seeing GJKmq8WWVuA-00470-00096039-00096335 does that make sense in the context GJKmq8WWVuA-00471-00096336-00096487 first point GJKmq8WWVuA-00472-00096488-00096694 oh next point GJKmq8WWVuA-00473-00096695-00096847 no one is able to enter a strong man's GJKmq8WWVuA-00474-00096848-00096999 house and steal his property unless he GJKmq8WWVuA-00475-00097000-00097159 first ties up the strong man then he can GJKmq8WWVuA-00476-00097160-00097294 thoroughly plunder his ass what are you GJKmq8WWVuA-00477-00097295-00097399 seeing GJKmq8WWVuA-00478-00097400-00097638 when these guys are healed when when all GJKmq8WWVuA-00479-00097639-00097847 this stuff goes on the blind sea the GJKmq8WWVuA-00480-00097848-00097999 name walk the GJKmq8WWVuA-00481-00098000-00098255 guy's bed gone GJKmq8WWVuA-00482-00098256-00098511 what's happening GJKmq8WWVuA-00483-00098512-00098687 satan's work is being undone his GJKmq8WWVuA-00484-00098688-00099038 treasury his his what he's gained GJKmq8WWVuA-00485-00099039-00099255 the brokenness that he's created to his GJKmq8WWVuA-00486-00099256-00099423 own pleasure in the lives of human GJKmq8WWVuA-00487-00099424-00099831 beings he's being despoiled GJKmq8WWVuA-00488-00099832-00099959 you can't do that unless you type the GJKmq8WWVuA-00489-00099960-00100135 strong man GJKmq8WWVuA-00490-00100136-00100318 the kingdom of god is at hand GJKmq8WWVuA-00491-00100319-00100494 satan is being thrown out GJKmq8WWVuA-00492-00100495-00100623 watch GJKmq8WWVuA-00493-00100624-00100903 see understand GJKmq8WWVuA-00494-00100904-00101079 and then he says turning directly to GJKmq8WWVuA-00495-00101080-00101318 them no more parables third thing GJKmq8WWVuA-00496-00101319-00101518 i'll tell you the truth GJKmq8WWVuA-00497-00101519-00101759 people will be forgiven for all sins GJKmq8WWVuA-00498-00101760-00101911 you've just seen that in chapter two GJKmq8WWVuA-00499-00101912-00102094 boys you know hole in the roof yeah GJKmq8WWVuA-00500-00102095-00102326 fantastic off he goes you've just seen GJKmq8WWVuA-00501-00102327-00102575 that happen even all the blasphemies you GJKmq8WWVuA-00502-00102576-00102775 utter but whoever blasphemes against the GJKmq8WWVuA-00503-00102776-00102942 holy spirit will never be forgiven is GJKmq8WWVuA-00504-00102943-00103118 guilty of an eternal GJKmq8WWVuA-00505-00103119-00103302 sin GJKmq8WWVuA-00506-00103303-00103527 an eternal sin GJKmq8WWVuA-00507-00103528-00103694 how does he identify the blasphemy of GJKmq8WWVuA-00508-00103695-00104015 the holy spirit GJKmq8WWVuA-00509-00104016-00104286 what have they just done GJKmq8WWVuA-00510-00104288-00104430 they've said that that which the spirit GJKmq8WWVuA-00511-00104431-00104615 of god is doing GJKmq8WWVuA-00512-00104616-00104990 is the devil at work GJKmq8WWVuA-00513-00104991-00105231 you go on doing that there's no GJKmq8WWVuA-00514-00105232-00105527 forgiveness for your sins GJKmq8WWVuA-00515-00105528-00105678 see even those people who come into GJKmq8WWVuA-00516-00105679-00105790 church and they're being converted but GJKmq8WWVuA-00517-00105791-00105910 basically they've got a habit in bad GJKmq8WWVuA-00518-00105911-00106102 language what i mean GJKmq8WWVuA-00519-00106103-00106302 some of us do they GJKmq8WWVuA-00520-00106303-00106607 they're forgiven GJKmq8WWVuA-00521-00106608-00106734 could you go on blaspheme in the holy GJKmq8WWVuA-00522-00106735-00106854 spirit putting yourself outside the GJKmq8WWVuA-00523-00106855-00106999 kingdom of god by attributing to the GJKmq8WWVuA-00524-00107000-00107166 devil what god has done GJKmq8WWVuA-00525-00107167-00107310 i'll hope for you GJKmq8WWVuA-00526-00107311-00107447 making sense GJKmq8WWVuA-00527-00107448-00107558 so very happy about that one because GJKmq8WWVuA-00528-00107559-00107719 people getting a stew about it GJKmq8WWVuA-00529-00107720-00108583 you're okay with that GJKmq8WWVuA-00530-00108583-00108751 jesus he's taking no prisoners and i'm GJKmq8WWVuA-00531-00108752-00108886 cracking through my notes without using GJKmq8WWVuA-00532-00108888-00109566 them which was the best way either GJKmq8WWVuA-00533-00109567-00109758 yeah um GJKmq8WWVuA-00534-00109759-00109983 you can even GJKmq8WWVuA-00535-00109983-00110127 you can even blaspheme against the son GJKmq8WWVuA-00536-00110128-00110358 of man right GJKmq8WWVuA-00537-00110359-00110527 the son of man is the figure from daniel GJKmq8WWVuA-00538-00110528-00110702 chapter 7 who shares the throne with the GJKmq8WWVuA-00539-00110703-00110878 ancient of days GJKmq8WWVuA-00540-00110879-00111119 god can take it GJKmq8WWVuA-00541-00111120-00111423 you can even slight his authority and be GJKmq8WWVuA-00542-00111424-00111734 forgiven for that sin GJKmq8WWVuA-00543-00111735-00111966 but if you blaspheme against the holy GJKmq8WWVuA-00544-00111967-00112134 spirit by saying that this which is GJKmq8WWVuA-00545-00112135-00112351 clearly of god is not but is it the GJKmq8WWVuA-00546-00112352-00112575 devil forget it GJKmq8WWVuA-00547-00112576-00112743 now let me be very controversial because GJKmq8WWVuA-00548-00112744-00113015 you like it when i am GJKmq8WWVuA-00549-00113016-00113223 i have recently read a lot of stuff GJKmq8WWVuA-00550-00113224-00113366 coming out of you know that little GJKmq8WWVuA-00551-00113367-00113543 country across the pond that talks to us GJKmq8WWVuA-00552-00113544-00113671 a lot um GJKmq8WWVuA-00553-00113672-00113815 out of the states GJKmq8WWVuA-00554-00113816-00114071 about GJKmq8WWVuA-00555-00114072-00114431 manifestations of the spirit about GJKmq8WWVuA-00556-00114432-00114663 not just the loopy stuff GJKmq8WWVuA-00557-00114664-00114871 but denying the possibility that god GJKmq8WWVuA-00558-00114872-00115102 should be actively at work GJKmq8WWVuA-00559-00115103-00115327 liberating souls today right now be GJKmq8WWVuA-00560-00115328-00115463 careful GJKmq8WWVuA-00561-00115464-00115590 be careful of the blasphemy of the GJKmq8WWVuA-00562-00115591-00115783 spirit and be careful of those who GJKmq8WWVuA-00563-00115783-00116007 promote that and pursue GJKmq8WWVuA-00564-00116008-00116223 just be careful GJKmq8WWVuA-00565-00116224-00116415 we were in a meeting the other day where GJKmq8WWVuA-00566-00116416-00116654 um you know the blasphemy of the spirit GJKmq8WWVuA-00567-00116655-00116799 could we didn't get there but it could GJKmq8WWVuA-00568-00116800-00116927 have been coming from the other end from GJKmq8WWVuA-00569-00116928-00117158 the from the very charismatic end right GJKmq8WWVuA-00570-00117159-00117295 because sometimes things are done there GJKmq8WWVuA-00571-00117296-00117495 and you think GJKmq8WWVuA-00572-00117496-00117631 this gets pretty close to blasphemous GJKmq8WWVuA-00573-00117632-00117871 but we watch this right but it comes GJKmq8WWVuA-00574-00117872-00118110 from the other direction too GJKmq8WWVuA-00575-00118111-00118319 okay it comes from the hard-line GJKmq8WWVuA-00576-00118320-00118510 cessationist direction GJKmq8WWVuA-00577-00118511-00118783 and we've got to watch that too GJKmq8WWVuA-00578-00118783-00118910 so be careful GJKmq8WWVuA-00579-00118911-00119047 in the middle there GJKmq8WWVuA-00580-00119048-00119247 god's truth lies right GJKmq8WWVuA-00581-00119248-00119390 somewhere in the middle GJKmq8WWVuA-00582-00119391-00119551 uh let's just be careful because that is GJKmq8WWVuA-00583-00119552-00119727 a very GJKmq8WWVuA-00584-00119728-00120063 that's a very clear warning isn't it GJKmq8WWVuA-00585-00120064-00120415 serious one GJKmq8WWVuA-00586-00120416-00120534 what about these guys who are giving GJKmq8WWVuA-00587-00120535-00120710 this opposition to jesus are they GJKmq8WWVuA-00588-00120711-00121143 sinning in ignorance GJKmq8WWVuA-00589-00121144-00121295 they're the guys who've studied the law GJKmq8WWVuA-00590-00121296-00121447 right they're the guy you're supposed to GJKmq8WWVuA-00591-00121448-00121590 know they're the guys who make the law GJKmq8WWVuA-00592-00121591-00121910 hard work for everybody else GJKmq8WWVuA-00593-00121911-00122023 are they sitting in ignorance they're GJKmq8WWVuA-00594-00122024-00122231 not so how does jesus deal with them GJKmq8WWVuA-00595-00122232-00122375 they go GJKmq8WWVuA-00596-00122376-00122510 take that GJKmq8WWVuA-00597-00122511-00122710 does he go to their complicated legal GJKmq8WWVuA-00598-00122711-00122847 arguments and all that stuff he could GJKmq8WWVuA-00599-00122848-00122958 have done that he could have done an GJKmq8WWVuA-00600-00122959-00123431 easy just good it's a bit sensitive GJKmq8WWVuA-00601-00123432-00123566 it feels like you know the burger van on GJKmq8WWVuA-00602-00123567-00123790 a monday or the martin on a wednesday or GJKmq8WWVuA-00603-00123791-00123919 thursday you know hang on boys does that GJKmq8WWVuA-00604-00123920-00124110 make sense to you just you know GJKmq8WWVuA-00605-00124111-00124319 sensible argument arguing from what GJKmq8WWVuA-00606-00124320-00124519 people know to what they don't GJKmq8WWVuA-00607-00124520-00124663 that's a cracker GJKmq8WWVuA-00608-00124664-00124934 you know okay they they are not ignorant GJKmq8WWVuA-00609-00124935-00125158 but they haven't seen GJKmq8WWVuA-00610-00125159-00125319 they haven't got it GJKmq8WWVuA-00611-00125320-00125454 they should know GJKmq8WWVuA-00612-00125455-00125678 they profess to know and the worst thing GJKmq8WWVuA-00613-00125679-00125990 is they lead other people GJKmq8WWVuA-00614-00125991-00126271 to not believe so jesus is not going to GJKmq8WWVuA-00615-00126272-00126414 leave him where they are GJKmq8WWVuA-00616-00126415-00126575 it's not that he's upset it's not that GJKmq8WWVuA-00617-00126576-00126743 he's offended it's not that his emotions GJKmq8WWVuA-00618-00126744-00126847 are tied up in this and he feels GJKmq8WWVuA-00619-00126848-00127031 criticized and gets on his high horse GJKmq8WWVuA-00620-00127032-00127223 right what it is is this is implications GJKmq8WWVuA-00621-00127224-00127431 for the kingdom of god GJKmq8WWVuA-00622-00127432-00127719 now i'll talk to you GJKmq8WWVuA-00623-00127720-00127847 and he's pretty plain and clear and GJKmq8WWVuA-00624-00127848-00128007 that's how he deals with that level of GJKmq8WWVuA-00625-00128008-00128166 religious GJKmq8WWVuA-00626-00128167-00128399 we're in the no yes you're not GJKmq8WWVuA-00627-00128400-00128566 opposition GJKmq8WWVuA-00628-00128567-00128695 does that make sense GJKmq8WWVuA-00629-00128696-00128919 how very different from his family GJKmq8WWVuA-00630-00128920-00129158 are very different from those who GJKmq8WWVuA-00631-00129159-00129519 you know are pious but they don't get it GJKmq8WWVuA-00632-00129520-00129702 guys we really got to be careful with GJKmq8WWVuA-00633-00129703-00129790 this GJKmq8WWVuA-00634-00129791-00129990 how we how we relate to our position and GJKmq8WWVuA-00635-00129991-00130134 criticism GJKmq8WWVuA-00636-00130135-00130278 we've got to look behind it you are GJKmq8WWVuA-00637-00130279-00130454 saying about spanish and works what's GJKmq8WWVuA-00638-00130455-00130710 actually going on here GJKmq8WWVuA-00639-00130711-00130895 and then do what serves the interests of GJKmq8WWVuA-00640-00130896-00131102 the kingdom of god and the salvation of GJKmq8WWVuA-00641-00131103-00131335 souls and the liberation of the lost GJKmq8WWVuA-00642-00131336-00131535 yeah make sense GJKmq8WWVuA-00643-00131536-00131695 really we've got to get on top of that GJKmq8WWVuA-00644-00131696-00131927 because too often i find people who are GJKmq8WWVuA-00645-00131928-00132166 alienated from church god religion GJKmq8WWVuA-00646-00132167-00132327 gospel because that's not what's GJKmq8WWVuA-00647-00132328-00132478 happened GJKmq8WWVuA-00648-00132479-00132671 in any given context is that making GJKmq8WWVuA-00649-00132672-00132847 sense to everybody GJKmq8WWVuA-00650-00132848-00132959 you know throw something at me if you're GJKmq8WWVuA-00651-00132960-00133199 getting really angry by now but i think GJKmq8WWVuA-00652-00133200-00133327 i'm safe enough by that that's all right GJKmq8WWVuA-00653-00133328-00133551 there's any cushions anyway okay so GJKmq8WWVuA-00654-00133552-00133975 that's the the second incident GJKmq8WWVuA-00655-00133976-00134095 just let me get through a few of these GJKmq8WWVuA-00656-00134096-00134263 ah there we go GJKmq8WWVuA-00657-00134264-00134454 no no that's not it GJKmq8WWVuA-00658-00134455-00134719 there we go GJKmq8WWVuA-00659-00134720-00134895 yeah GJKmq8WWVuA-00660-00134896-00135031 yeah if he's coming from innocent GJKmq8WWVuA-00661-00135032-00135183 ignorance jesus got a different response GJKmq8WWVuA-00662-00135184-00135390 didn't he but these are the religious GJKmq8WWVuA-00663-00135391-00135543 guys who were saying we're right and GJKmq8WWVuA-00664-00135544-00136095 that's wrong that's not god and GJKmq8WWVuA-00665-00136096-00136254 we got to perceive all those differences GJKmq8WWVuA-00666-00136255-00136383 is what we're trying to trying to learn GJKmq8WWVuA-00667-00136384-00136527 from this passage because it's obvious GJKmq8WWVuA-00668-00136528-00136695 to me that it's there you know GJKmq8WWVuA-00669-00136696-00136854 jesus is making different responses to GJKmq8WWVuA-00670-00136855-00137143 opposition okay finally and less uh GJKmq8WWVuA-00671-00137144-00137414 less at length than that um first GJKmq8WWVuA-00672-00137415-00137607 opposition pattern of opposition was GJKmq8WWVuA-00673-00137608-00137799 from people who cared for jesus were GJKmq8WWVuA-00674-00137800-00138039 pious as far as we know about them and GJKmq8WWVuA-00675-00138040-00138135 trying to do things for the right GJKmq8WWVuA-00676-00138136-00138271 reasons but they were not actually GJKmq8WWVuA-00677-00138272-00138711 following jesus GJKmq8WWVuA-00678-00138712-00138878 they were distraction GJKmq8WWVuA-00679-00138879-00139063 personally emotionally upsetting but GJKmq8WWVuA-00680-00139064-00139302 with the best intentions right and no GJKmq8WWVuA-00681-00139303-00139447 doubt they were also a little bit afraid GJKmq8WWVuA-00682-00139448-00139590 of the ruling authorities the jewish GJKmq8WWVuA-00683-00139591-00139751 authorities the roman authorities in GJKmq8WWVuA-00684-00139752-00139935 days of disquiet and disruption in the GJKmq8WWVuA-00685-00139936-00140175 state and jesus is simply not deflected GJKmq8WWVuA-00686-00140176-00140343 by their intervention GJKmq8WWVuA-00687-00140344-00140478 not deflected GJKmq8WWVuA-00688-00140479-00140702 it just keeps moving on GJKmq8WWVuA-00689-00140703-00140878 second part of opposition very different GJKmq8WWVuA-00690-00140879-00141054 as we were saying coming from those who GJKmq8WWVuA-00691-00141055-00141199 purportedly to know who should have GJKmq8WWVuA-00692-00141200-00141390 known better who were a much more real GJKmq8WWVuA-00693-00141391-00141583 risk of teaching people away from the GJKmq8WWVuA-00694-00141584-00141807 gospel who are attributing the incoming GJKmq8WWVuA-00695-00141808-00141999 kingdom of god to evil and demonic GJKmq8WWVuA-00696-00142000-00142175 agency and they were doing all that GJKmq8WWVuA-00697-00142176-00142335 deliberately and jesus responds very GJKmq8WWVuA-00698-00142336-00142502 differently to those people GJKmq8WWVuA-00699-00142503-00142639 he exposes their flaws in their GJKmq8WWVuA-00700-00142640-00142911 arguments he argues from what's known GJKmq8WWVuA-00701-00142912-00143111 known to what's not known he teaches GJKmq8WWVuA-00702-00143112-00143287 truth that will seal the hearts of the GJKmq8WWVuA-00703-00143288-00143439 heroes against the error they're trying GJKmq8WWVuA-00704-00143440-00143639 to lead people into GJKmq8WWVuA-00705-00143640-00143887 it's a battle worth fighting GJKmq8WWVuA-00706-00143888-00144031 they're not just outside the followers GJKmq8WWVuA-00707-00144032-00144207 of jesus with good intentions they're GJKmq8WWVuA-00708-00144208-00144366 outside with bad intentions trying to GJKmq8WWVuA-00709-00144367-00144639 keep other people out too take them on GJKmq8WWVuA-00710-00144640-00145126 just take them on GJKmq8WWVuA-00711-00145127-00145287 finally GJKmq8WWVuA-00712-00145288-00145683 the family come back on the GJKmq8WWVuA-00713-00145684-00145895 scene is getting really dangerous now GJKmq8WWVuA-00714-00145896-00146023 for the family as far as they perceive GJKmq8WWVuA-00715-00146024-00146254 it the scribes have failed right GJKmq8WWVuA-00716-00146255-00146399 he's not listening even to the scribes GJKmq8WWVuA-00717-00146400-00146743 who come down from jerusalem GJKmq8WWVuA-00718-00146744-00146959 the scribes have failed GJKmq8WWVuA-00719-00146960-00147087 they perhaps fear the stakes are GJKmq8WWVuA-00720-00147088-00147239 therefore raised perhaps their fears are GJKmq8WWVuA-00721-00147240-00147359 the consequences of what's happened GJKmq8WWVuA-00722-00147360-00147535 they're greatly heightened and their GJKmq8WWVuA-00723-00147536-00147735 persistence in distracting him is going GJKmq8WWVuA-00724-00147736-00147911 to need to be addressed and we're about GJKmq8WWVuA-00725-00147912-00148366 to see why GJKmq8WWVuA-00726-00148367-00148526 jesus mother and his brothers came and GJKmq8WWVuA-00727-00148527-00148702 standing outside they sent word to him GJKmq8WWVuA-00728-00148703-00148847 to summon him GJKmq8WWVuA-00729-00148848-00149111 come here son GJKmq8WWVuA-00730-00149112-00149207 right GJKmq8WWVuA-00731-00149208-00149471 jesus is a good jewish boy GJKmq8WWVuA-00732-00149472-00149743 he's got good jewish parents GJKmq8WWVuA-00733-00149744-00150014 he's got a good jewish audience GJKmq8WWVuA-00734-00150015-00150278 well you know a few drugs thrown in but GJKmq8WWVuA-00735-00150279-00150487 just go with me on this one GJKmq8WWVuA-00736-00150488-00150623 what is his responsibility when his GJKmq8WWVuA-00737-00150624-00150887 parents summon him GJKmq8WWVuA-00738-00150888-00151063 what is the responsibility of a good GJKmq8WWVuA-00739-00151064-00151287 jewish boy to his parents GJKmq8WWVuA-00740-00151288-00151454 jesus is about to look if he's not very GJKmq8WWVuA-00741-00151455-00151687 careful he's about to look as if he is GJKmq8WWVuA-00742-00151688-00151983 in fundamental breach of basic old GJKmq8WWVuA-00743-00151984-00152183 testament law about how a son should GJKmq8WWVuA-00744-00152184-00152375 relate to his mum and dad that's not GJKmq8WWVuA-00745-00152376-00152590 there anymore but mum GJKmq8WWVuA-00746-00152591-00152726 now we know he loves his mum because GJKmq8WWVuA-00747-00152727-00152854 when he's hanging on the cross he says GJKmq8WWVuA-00748-00152855-00153135 to john the dearly beloved disciple says GJKmq8WWVuA-00749-00153136-00153359 please look after my mother GJKmq8WWVuA-00750-00153360-00153575 look after my mother GJKmq8WWVuA-00751-00153576-00153831 we know he loves his mum GJKmq8WWVuA-00752-00153832-00154239 how's he going to deal with this GJKmq8WWVuA-00753-00154240-00154519 mark consistently portrays the physical GJKmq8WWVuA-00754-00154520-00154759 family of jesus as outside the circle of GJKmq8WWVuA-00755-00154760-00154926 his followers he knows what that feels GJKmq8WWVuA-00756-00154927-00155223 like GJKmq8WWVuA-00757-00155224-00155463 and in verses 20 to 21 they were outside GJKmq8WWVuA-00758-00155464-00155631 again they're standing outside and that GJKmq8WWVuA-00759-00155632-00155823 word outside is getting some emphasis GJKmq8WWVuA-00760-00155824-00156263 here in this passage of scripture GJKmq8WWVuA-00761-00156264-00156431 in mark's gospel GJKmq8WWVuA-00762-00156432-00156623 they remain because mark is brief and to GJKmq8WWVuA-00763-00156624-00156719 the point GJKmq8WWVuA-00764-00156720-00156887 he doesn't you know GJKmq8WWVuA-00765-00156888-00157095 get getting more developed than that GJKmq8WWVuA-00766-00157096-00157302 they stay outside the jesus movement his GJKmq8WWVuA-00767-00157303-00157454 family stay outside right throughout GJKmq8WWVuA-00768-00157455-00157695 mass gospel they are at best skeptical GJKmq8WWVuA-00769-00157696-00157871 onlookers GJKmq8WWVuA-00770-00157872-00158007 and their outsidership is what's GJKmq8WWVuA-00771-00158008-00158151 completely underlined here isn't it GJKmq8WWVuA-00772-00158152-00158414 they're outsiders GJKmq8WWVuA-00773-00158415-00158566 mark the lord's brother is going to be GJKmq8WWVuA-00774-00158567-00158854 very prominent in the jerusalem church GJKmq8WWVuA-00775-00158855-00158975 through the middle years of the first GJKmq8WWVuA-00776-00158976-00159214 century james james the lord's brother GJKmq8WWVuA-00777-00159215-00159343 mark GJKmq8WWVuA-00778-00159344-00159599 too tired which makes this outside in us GJKmq8WWVuA-00779-00159600-00159783 now really odd he's going to be key he's GJKmq8WWVuA-00780-00159784-00159959 going to be a crucial man but there they GJKmq8WWVuA-00781-00159960-00160151 are at this point outside summoning GJKmq8WWVuA-00782-00160152-00160414 jesus away from what he does in god's GJKmq8WWVuA-00783-00160415-00160495 name GJKmq8WWVuA-00784-00160496-00160654 we we have to be very clear with our GJKmq8WWVuA-00785-00160655-00160926 families we love them we care for them GJKmq8WWVuA-00786-00160927-00161590 but the kingdom of god has priority GJKmq8WWVuA-00787-00161591-00161726 if you want to tell me that earth i can GJKmq8WWVuA-00788-00161727-00161854 tell you that it's from my young GJKmq8WWVuA-00789-00161855-00161990 experience as a christian i can tell you GJKmq8WWVuA-00790-00161991-00162351 that it's like crazy GJKmq8WWVuA-00791-00162352-00162535 this summoning jesus from the outside GJKmq8WWVuA-00792-00162536-00162871 begins to exert influence GJKmq8WWVuA-00793-00162872-00163063 on the group in the inside jesus mother GJKmq8WWVuA-00794-00163064-00163223 came jesus brothers came they are GJKmq8WWVuA-00795-00163224-00163383 asserting that his very successful GJKmq8WWVuA-00796-00163384-00163663 ministry is madness you are mad GJKmq8WWVuA-00797-00163664-00163823 humanity tends to explain the things it GJKmq8WWVuA-00798-00163824-00163959 can't understand in terms of madness GJKmq8WWVuA-00799-00163960-00164335 doesn't it GJKmq8WWVuA-00800-00164336-00164607 things it feels threatened by GJKmq8WWVuA-00801-00164608-00164759 and people tend to seek solace and GJKmq8WWVuA-00802-00164760-00164919 comfort for their own cognitive failure GJKmq8WWVuA-00803-00164920-00165095 their failure and understanding by GJKmq8WWVuA-00804-00165096-00165254 attributing madness to things they GJKmq8WWVuA-00805-00165255-00165478 simply don't get GJKmq8WWVuA-00806-00165479-00165639 be ready for that GJKmq8WWVuA-00807-00165640-00165887 be kind to that GJKmq8WWVuA-00808-00165888-00166047 but it looks like mud is being slung at GJKmq8WWVuA-00809-00166048-00166199 the gospel you know so jesus is going to GJKmq8WWVuA-00810-00166200-00166487 respond he can't have that GJKmq8WWVuA-00811-00166488-00166759 and he can't have that because GJKmq8WWVuA-00812-00166760-00166999 there are jewish obligations GJKmq8WWVuA-00813-00167000-00167223 to family GJKmq8WWVuA-00814-00167224-00167383 but these guys are going to get handled GJKmq8WWVuA-00815-00167384-00167599 very very differently to the way he GJKmq8WWVuA-00816-00167600-00167847 handles the scribes GJKmq8WWVuA-00817-00167848-00168063 he'll respond by teaching a truth that GJKmq8WWVuA-00818-00168064-00168207 they don't get yet and this is very GJKmq8WWVuA-00819-00168208-00168366 important because GJKmq8WWVuA-00820-00168367-00168566 that emphasis of old testament on family GJKmq8WWVuA-00821-00168567-00168775 and obedience is very clear jesus has to GJKmq8WWVuA-00822-00168776-00169014 redefine something for people GJKmq8WWVuA-00823-00169015-00169214 he has to redefine the fundamental GJKmq8WWVuA-00824-00169215-00169543 nature of family GJKmq8WWVuA-00825-00169544-00169759 family finds its origin in the family of GJKmq8WWVuA-00826-00169760-00170102 god GJKmq8WWVuA-00827-00170103-00170278 jesus can proclaim in the most urgent GJKmq8WWVuA-00828-00170279-00170478 way that the kingdom of god is at hand GJKmq8WWVuA-00829-00170479-00170614 that everyone should repent and believe GJKmq8WWVuA-00830-00170615-00170807 the gospel and express that by the sort GJKmq8WWVuA-00831-00170808-00171038 of repentant lifestyle that chooses to GJKmq8WWVuA-00832-00171039-00171231 leave all that encumbers a person and GJKmq8WWVuA-00833-00171232-00171454 follow him where were the boats and GJKmq8WWVuA-00834-00171455-00171654 where were the nets and where were james GJKmq8WWVuA-00835-00171655-00171799 and john's father on the beach left GJKmq8WWVuA-00836-00171800-00172111 behind GJKmq8WWVuA-00837-00172112-00172283 now that can be an GJKmq8WWVuA-00838-00172284-00172559 implication and family distract hears GJKmq8WWVuA-00839-00172560-00172807 the consequence GJKmq8WWVuA-00840-00172808-00172966 doing the will of god makes you family GJKmq8WWVuA-00841-00172967-00173159 with jesus GJKmq8WWVuA-00842-00173160-00173278 doesn't mean you walk away from your GJKmq8WWVuA-00843-00173279-00173423 family it doesn't mean you neglect them GJKmq8WWVuA-00844-00173424-00173543 doesn't mean you've got to cut them off GJKmq8WWVuA-00845-00173544-00173683 but it means that GJKmq8WWVuA-00846-00173684-00174038 primarily the family of god GJKmq8WWVuA-00847-00174039-00174471 i'm adopted son of the king of kings GJKmq8WWVuA-00848-00174472-00174678 and distracting a person from that is a GJKmq8WWVuA-00849-00174679-00174847 matter so serious GJKmq8WWVuA-00850-00174848-00175102 jesus says hang on GJKmq8WWVuA-00851-00175103-00175623 do you want to be unfamiliar GJKmq8WWVuA-00852-00175624-00175814 the most important thing that we could GJKmq8WWVuA-00853-00175815-00176023 ever want for our children is not that GJKmq8WWVuA-00854-00176024-00176390 they put mum and dad first GJKmq8WWVuA-00855-00176391-00176566 but that they put following jesus first GJKmq8WWVuA-00856-00176567-00176695 and it's going to cost them the way it GJKmq8WWVuA-00857-00176696-00177271 cost us GJKmq8WWVuA-00858-00177272-00177407 the most important thing we can walk for GJKmq8WWVuA-00859-00177408-00177526 them is that they would prioritize GJKmq8WWVuA-00860-00177527-00178111 following jesus GJKmq8WWVuA-00861-00178112-00178302 i've had this conversation with ben GJKmq8WWVuA-00862-00178303-00178423 because it's quite possible one of these GJKmq8WWVuA-00863-00178424-00178526 days he's not going to be there when his GJKmq8WWVuA-00864-00178527-00178695 old man pegs it GJKmq8WWVuA-00865-00178696-00179111 how's he going to feel about that GJKmq8WWVuA-00866-00179112-00179223 we've all got things in our own GJKmq8WWVuA-00867-00179224-00179366 experience perhaps that make us think oh GJKmq8WWVuA-00868-00179367-00179543 that's a bit of a sensitive issue i have GJKmq8WWVuA-00869-00179544-00179647 because i don't GJKmq8WWVuA-00870-00179648-00179847 mind but uh GJKmq8WWVuA-00871-00179848-00180007 you know listen son GJKmq8WWVuA-00872-00180008-00180183 proud of what you're doing GJKmq8WWVuA-00873-00180184-00180351 paying a price for doing it GJKmq8WWVuA-00874-00180352-00180551 see you in glory GJKmq8WWVuA-00875-00180552-00180683 you GJKmq8WWVuA-00876-00180684-00180919 know got to prioritize our kids GJKmq8WWVuA-00877-00180920-00181151 following jesus and jesus just says look GJKmq8WWVuA-00878-00181152-00181487 guys the important thing GJKmq8WWVuA-00879-00181488-00181687 is that the one who does the will of god GJKmq8WWVuA-00880-00181688-00181863 is the one who's my brother and sister GJKmq8WWVuA-00881-00181864-00182054 and mother and we've got to prioritize GJKmq8WWVuA-00882-00182055-00182183 the kingdom of god because the kingdom GJKmq8WWVuA-00883-00182184-00182326 of god is at hand and you need to repent GJKmq8WWVuA-00884-00182327-00182487 and believe the gospel because the GJKmq8WWVuA-00885-00182488-00182990 consequences have not a return GJKmq8WWVuA-00886-00182991-00183183 how do you deal with opposition he has GJKmq8WWVuA-00887-00183184-00183375 gently taught them a most difficult GJKmq8WWVuA-00888-00183376-00183614 difficult difficult thing to have that GJKmq8WWVuA-00889-00183615-00184102 is a hard thing to live with GJKmq8WWVuA-00890-00184103-00184319 okay big question GJKmq8WWVuA-00891-00184320-00184463 how would you deal with opposition then GJKmq8WWVuA-00892-00184464-00184575 that's where we started this is where GJKmq8WWVuA-00893-00184576-00184711 we're going to finish we'll be long now GJKmq8WWVuA-00894-00184712-00185038 we're done okay how do you deal GJKmq8WWVuA-00895-00185039-00185311 with it jesus consistently handles it in GJKmq8WWVuA-00896-00185312-00185575 this passage with a clear eye GJKmq8WWVuA-00897-00185576-00185823 to where it is coming from and to the GJKmq8WWVuA-00898-00185824-00186007 threat or otherwise that it poses to GJKmq8WWVuA-00899-00186008-00186247 people believing the gospel being led GJKmq8WWVuA-00900-00186248-00186454 and encouraged to trust the gospel or GJKmq8WWVuA-00901-00186455-00186599 distrust the gospel because that's going GJKmq8WWVuA-00902-00186600-00186790 to have eternal GJKmq8WWVuA-00903-00186791-00186926 consequences beyond anything we can GJKmq8WWVuA-00904-00186927-00187319 imagine GJKmq8WWVuA-00905-00187320-00187471 jesus views our position not through the GJKmq8WWVuA-00906-00187472-00187638 lens of the hurt or the upset it costs GJKmq8WWVuA-00907-00187639-00187847 him he's bigger than that but in terms GJKmq8WWVuA-00908-00187848-00188087 of the impact of this issue on the GJKmq8WWVuA-00909-00188088-00188326 advance of the gospel GJKmq8WWVuA-00910-00188327-00188566 it's a gospel issue GJKmq8WWVuA-00911-00188567-00188935 let's turn it for gospel ends GJKmq8WWVuA-00912-00188936-00189126 jesus is not reluctant to either let it GJKmq8WWVuA-00913-00189127-00189263 go without being distracted from his GJKmq8WWVuA-00914-00189264-00189471 purpose or to take it on decisively GJKmq8WWVuA-00915-00189472-00189719 determinedly actually he destroys those GJKmq8WWVuA-00916-00189720-00189871 scribes have come down from jerusalem GJKmq8WWVuA-00917-00189872-00190038 completely guys let's have a bit of GJKmq8WWVuA-00918-00190039-00190223 sense yeah we all know this we all have GJKmq8WWVuA-00919-00190224-00190390 that look GJKmq8WWVuA-00920-00190391-00190863 come on wally GJKmq8WWVuA-00921-00190864-00191038 it's not about how it makes him feel GJKmq8WWVuA-00922-00191039-00191190 it's not about what he personally wants GJKmq8WWVuA-00923-00191191-00191343 to do to the person or persons who are GJKmq8WWVuA-00924-00191344-00191702 opposing him it's a matter of GJKmq8WWVuA-00925-00191703-00191863 well GJKmq8WWVuA-00926-00191864-00192071 where's god going with this one GJKmq8WWVuA-00927-00192072-00192447 what are the implications for eternity GJKmq8WWVuA-00928-00192448-00192566 we've got to be careful because there's GJKmq8WWVuA-00929-00192567-00192711 a tendency isn't there for opposition to GJKmq8WWVuA-00930-00192712-00192807 make people think there must be GJKmq8WWVuA-00931-00192808-00193014 something in it GJKmq8WWVuA-00932-00193015-00193175 even if reality there's nothing in the GJKmq8WWVuA-00933-00193176-00193471 opposition you know GJKmq8WWVuA-00934-00193472-00193614 seems to be where our society works i GJKmq8WWVuA-00935-00193615-00193775 wonder how things went next for jesus GJKmq8WWVuA-00936-00193776-00193950 see if a man's nearest and dearest after GJKmq8WWVuA-00937-00193951-00194126 the flesh don't support his ministry and GJKmq8WWVuA-00938-00194127-00194287 if the studied and learned exports GJKmq8WWVuA-00939-00194288-00194471 experts in the religion that he's got GJKmq8WWVuA-00940-00194472-00194638 there don't support him surely this GJKmq8WWVuA-00941-00194639-00194783 opposition must have made some of GJKmq8WWVuA-00942-00194784-00194990 jesus's newly found followers also GJKmq8WWVuA-00943-00194991-00195335 wonder if he could really be from god GJKmq8WWVuA-00944-00195336-00195871 the answer is it proves that he is GJKmq8WWVuA-00945-00195872-00196071 which may well be why jesus turns GJKmq8WWVuA-00946-00196072-00196271 immediately next to the parable of the GJKmq8WWVuA-00947-00196272-00196390 soils GJKmq8WWVuA-00948-00196391-00196599 and the responses that you get to the GJKmq8WWVuA-00949-00196600-00196783 word of god and the opposition and the GJKmq8WWVuA-00950-00196784-00197126 rejection that arise from that GJKmq8WWVuA-00951-00197127-00197295 does that make sense GJKmq8WWVuA-00952-00197296-00197487 it might do GJKmq8WWVuA-00953-00197488-00197631 we'll have to have a look and see next GJKmq8WWVuA-00954-00197632-00197932 time GJSxjhXFfsI-00000-00000717-00001187 so here it is this is the head upside GJSxjhXFfsI-00001-00001188-00001440 down you have the hinge that is gonna go GJSxjhXFfsI-00002-00001441-00001610 in the back GJSxjhXFfsI-00003-00001611-00001877 hinge starts gonna go in the back and GJSxjhXFfsI-00004-00001878-00002088 before you put the hair down you wanna GJSxjhXFfsI-00005-00002089-00002505 go ahead and fasten the screws there are GJSxjhXFfsI-00006-00002506-00002883 four screws and the hinge and we're GJSxjhXFfsI-00007-00002884-00003051 gonna come back and we're gonna put the GJSxjhXFfsI-00008-00003052-00003651 head up so here we put the headrest pin GJSxjhXFfsI-00009-00003652-00003963 back here in the hole right here and if GJSxjhXFfsI-00010-00003964-00004122 you see there's a hole here for the GJSxjhXFfsI-00011-00004123-00004353 thread stand and now you're gonna go GJSxjhXFfsI-00012-00004354-00004749 ahead and put the head on top well GJSxjhXFfsI-00013-00004750-00004920 you're not gonna miss the space right GJSxjhXFfsI-00014-00004921-00005456 here easy and then in the back we're GJSxjhXFfsI-00015-00005457-00005943 gonna go ahead and put up the hinge and GJSxjhXFfsI-00016-00005944-00006417 put the screw on and in the front you GJSxjhXFfsI-00017-00006418-00006785 want to go ahead and lock this so the GJSxjhXFfsI-00018-00006786-00007641 head won't come off GJSxjhXFfsI-00019-00007642-00008184 next step you have to put down the hand GJSxjhXFfsI-00020-00008186-00008581 wheel on the hand wheel the way you do GJSxjhXFfsI-00021-00008582-00008895 it you have to take this out there's GJSxjhXFfsI-00022-00008896-00009117 that screw you open up the screw and you GJSxjhXFfsI-00023-00009118-00009283 see there is a slit right here they do GJSxjhXFfsI-00024-00009284-00009508 not right here you're gonna make sure GJSxjhXFfsI-00025-00009509-00009906 that when you want to put this in there GJSxjhXFfsI-00026-00009907-00010210 is a screw right there here and you put GJSxjhXFfsI-00027-00010211-00010354 the screw right there GJSxjhXFfsI-00028-00010355-00011008 [Music] GJSxjhXFfsI-00029-00011009-00011578 and then you go ahead and tie that one GJSxjhXFfsI-00030-00011579-00011888 gonna leave this alone for now and I GJSxjhXFfsI-00031-00011889-00012002 tell you why because we're gonna be GJSxjhXFfsI-00032-00012003-00012479 putting a needle positioning system on GJSxjhXFfsI-00033-00012480-00012584 this machine and we're gonna tell you GJSxjhXFfsI-00034-00012585-00012749 how this thing is gonna bypass for right GJSxjhXFfsI-00035-00012750-00013187 now there's two space for this screw set GJSxjhXFfsI-00036-00013188-00013585 screw right there one number one and GJSxjhXFfsI-00037-00013586-00014600 number two right there so now when you GJSxjhXFfsI-00038-00014601-00014729 do this you gotta make sure when you GJSxjhXFfsI-00039-00014730-00015077 move this you see this up and down it's GJSxjhXFfsI-00040-00015078-00015316 working so when you moving this around GJSxjhXFfsI-00041-00015316-00015566 this thing should be moving around to GJSxjhXFfsI-00042-00015566-00015863 see all D are we gonna come back and GJSxjhXFfsI-00043-00015863-00016076 we're gonna put the belt on actually GJSxjhXFfsI-00044-00016077-00016219 we're gonna do it right now all you have GJSxjhXFfsI-00045-00016221-00016784 to do is to pull this back put the head GJSxjhXFfsI-00046-00016785-00017581 on okay and now this is a little bit GJSxjhXFfsI-00047-00017582-00017933 tight so what you need to do it's very GJSxjhXFfsI-00048-00017934-00018541 easy you come back here and we see this GJSxjhXFfsI-00049-00018542-00018911 screw you open that up and you move this GJSxjhXFfsI-00050-00018912-00019216 push this forward the more you push the GJSxjhXFfsI-00051-00019217-00019847 motor forward maybe half an inch or 3/4 GJSxjhXFfsI-00052-00019848-00020308 of inch and it will work out very easy GJSxjhXFfsI-00053-00020309-00020776 open the shop and push this patch and GJSxjhXFfsI-00054-00020777-00021149 you're gonna be in business you could GJSxjhXFfsI-00055-00021150-00021646 also make sure that all the screws are GJSxjhXFfsI-00056-00021647-00022160 tight after you're done so you see that GJSxjhXFfsI-00057-00022161-00022505 right now this is GJSxjhXFfsI-00058-00022506-00022916 way too loose so again we're gonna go GJSxjhXFfsI-00059-00022917-00023153 back down there and adjust the motor and GJSxjhXFfsI-00060-00023154-00023429 we're gonna make it tighter meaning that GJSxjhXFfsI-00061-00023430-00023680 we're gonna push it back push it back GJSxjhXFfsI-00062-00023681-00023966 this way so this won't be as tough as GJSxjhXFfsI-00063-00023967-00024388 Lou that you see gotta be more tight GJSxjhXFfsI-00064-00024389-00024791 just a quick note you see how this belt GJSxjhXFfsI-00065-00024792-00025166 is centered that's how it has to be the GJSxjhXFfsI-00066-00025167-00025661 belt has to be centered and we have to GJSxjhXFfsI-00067-00025662-00025775 come back when you're gonna come back GJSxjhXFfsI-00068-00025776-00026042 i'm gonna obviously put on the bobbin GJSxjhXFfsI-00069-00026043-00026233 winder and the thread stand but this is GJSxjhXFfsI-00070-00026235-00026510 exactly where the belt should be right GJSxjhXFfsI-00071-00026511-00027050 in the middle of that hole or slit right GJSxjhXFfsI-00072-00027051-00027470 there so here you go we're gonna use the GJSxjhXFfsI-00073-00027470-00027808 chain there are three holes here you can GJSxjhXFfsI-00074-00027810-00028061 use one of these s hook attach it to the GJSxjhXFfsI-00075-00028062-00028319 chain and we're gonna put it through the GJSxjhXFfsI-00076-00028320-00028592 hole that is right there see that hole I GJSxjhXFfsI-00077-00028593-00028814 mean even I could do it by one hand I GJSxjhXFfsI-00078-00028814-00029220 think I could do it goes in there and GJSxjhXFfsI-00079-00029222-00029801 you could later on just to leave it like GJSxjhXFfsI-00080-00029802-00029827 this GJSxjhXFfsI-00081-00029829-00030110 the s hook or you could just tie it but GJSxjhXFfsI-00082-00030111-00030470 it's gonna go all the way down to here GJSxjhXFfsI-00083-00030470-00030727 and here I'm going to be gonna have a GJSxjhXFfsI-00084-00030728-00031015 put an extension the same way and you GJSxjhXFfsI-00085-00031016-00031223 have an extension here we're gonna put GJSxjhXFfsI-00086-00031224-00031448 an extension here too and we're gonna GJSxjhXFfsI-00087-00031449-00031627 come back and show you how that's gonna GJSxjhXFfsI-00088-00031628-00032252 work okay so we had put on the extension GJSxjhXFfsI-00089-00032252-00033021 to the foot pedal and use the chain and GJSxjhXFfsI-00090-00033022-00033361 [Music] GJSxjhXFfsI-00091-00033362-00033901 you could either do what we did like we GJSxjhXFfsI-00092-00033902-00034215 did double here or just use single one I GJSxjhXFfsI-00093-00034216-00034510 don't know why they use double you could GJSxjhXFfsI-00094-00034511-00034798 even do a single one if you want but on GJSxjhXFfsI-00095-00034799-00035317 the back right here so the way is that GJSxjhXFfsI-00096-00035318-00035752 whenever you first read this comes up GJSxjhXFfsI-00097-00035753-00036165 you see that will come back and we do GJSxjhXFfsI-00098-00036166-00036529 the rest when you wanna when you wanna GJSxjhXFfsI-00099-00036530-00037087 put in the bobbin winder it's gotta be GJSxjhXFfsI-00100-00037088-00037540 in a way that when you push this back it GJSxjhXFfsI-00101-00037541-00038343 will hit the belt so you set it up the GJSxjhXFfsI-00102-00038344-00038631 way I'm doing it right now GJSxjhXFfsI-00103-00038632-00039268 so when it'll be straight the threaded GJSxjhXFfsI-00104-00039269-00039430 time would go right here in this hole GJSxjhXFfsI-00105-00039431-00039933 and obviously you could always use a GJSxjhXFfsI-00106-00039934-00040270 measuring device just to make sure that GJSxjhXFfsI-00107-00040271-00040756 you are straight go ahead and use the GJSxjhXFfsI-00108-00040757-00041011 same type of school that used for GJSxjhXFfsI-00109-00041012-00041851 putting a machine together and you have GJSxjhXFfsI-00110-00041852-00041958 another one right there GJSxjhXFfsI-00111-00041959-00042258 you could always adjust that it is not GJSxjhXFfsI-00112-00042259-00042724 the end of the world if you not in a GJSxjhXFfsI-00113-00042725-00043744 right for this GJSxjhXFfsI-00114-00043745-00044351 perfect so here is the fault for the GJSxjhXFfsI-00115-00044352-00044897 thread stand this one the main rod go GJSxjhXFfsI-00116-00044898-00045245 through the table this one is the GJSxjhXFfsI-00117-00045246-00045542 extension for the top of this you have GJSxjhXFfsI-00118-00045543-00046400 two guys one guide right here for the GJSxjhXFfsI-00119-00046401-00046646 thread and this one is actually where GJSxjhXFfsI-00120-00046647-00046958 the thread stand goes what I mean by it GJSxjhXFfsI-00121-00046959-00047195 will stand is this one so we're gonna go GJSxjhXFfsI-00122-00047196-00047294 ahead and assemble it and you're gonna GJSxjhXFfsI-00123-00047295-00047690 see them okeydoke GJSxjhXFfsI-00124-00047691-00047960 we're gonna go ahead and put the thread GJSxjhXFfsI-00125-00047961-00048533 stand GJSxjhXFfsI-00126-00048534-00048875 in the back and I'm gonna show you so GJSxjhXFfsI-00127-00048876-00049148 while they're doing the bottom try the GJSxjhXFfsI-00128-00049149-00049541 bottom oh we have some crazy rain going GJSxjhXFfsI-00129-00049542-00049859 on back up cry now so that's how you do GJSxjhXFfsI-00130-00049860-00050249 it very easy we seed one part the second GJSxjhXFfsI-00131-00050250-00050558 part which is the thread stand where the GJSxjhXFfsI-00132-00050559-00050806 thread goes one goes for the thread GJSxjhXFfsI-00133-00050807-00051254 bobbin winder one for the sewing machine GJSxjhXFfsI-00134-00051254-00051766 and here we go almost ready we'll come GJSxjhXFfsI-00135-00051767-00052219 back with the needle positioning system GJSxjhXFfsI-00136-00052220-00052388 [Applause] GJSxjhXFfsI-00137-00052389-00052424 [Music] GJSxjhXFfsI-00138-00052425-00053105 [Applause] GJSxjhXFfsI-00139-00053107-00054202 you GJSxjhXFfsI-00140-00054203-00055351 [Music] GJSxjhXFfsI-00141-00055352-00055630 [Music] GJSxjhXFfsI-00142-00055632-00055838 you GKxh4nWyqWo-00000-00000064-00000223 my training career pathway started with GKxh4nWyqWo-00001-00000224-00000463 menzies school of health and i GKxh4nWyqWo-00002-00000463-00000671 saw the opportunity to apply for this GKxh4nWyqWo-00003-00000672-00000911 cert 3 community services which i did GKxh4nWyqWo-00004-00000911-00001095 and went on to GKxh4nWyqWo-00005-00001096-00001262 be nominated for the group training GKxh4nWyqWo-00006-00001263-00001639 awards with gtnt gtnt provided me with a GKxh4nWyqWo-00007-00001639-00001791 fantastic GKxh4nWyqWo-00008-00001792-00002047 employment specialist hannah and she GKxh4nWyqWo-00009-00002048-00002295 encouraged me to apply myself to work a GKxh4nWyqWo-00010-00002296-00002495 little bit harder and she was the one GKxh4nWyqWo-00011-00002496-00002655 that nominated me for this award so i'm GKxh4nWyqWo-00012-00002656-00002791 very thankful to have hannah and her GKxh4nWyqWo-00013-00002792-00002991 support what motivated me to take on GKxh4nWyqWo-00014-00002992-00003206 this training pathway was my GKxh4nWyqWo-00015-00003207-00003359 initial interest in the community GKxh4nWyqWo-00016-00003360-00003622 services sector but also my family GKxh4nWyqWo-00017-00003623-00003886 background so they have struggled with GKxh4nWyqWo-00018-00003887-00004047 addiction and mental health so it's GKxh4nWyqWo-00019-00004047-00004359 definitely fostered my interest in GKxh4nWyqWo-00020-00004360-00004519 our community services GKxh4nWyqWo-00021-00004520-00004727 winning this award would mean GKxh4nWyqWo-00022-00004728-00004863 i GKxh4nWyqWo-00023-00004864-00005079 had more chances to be taken seriously GKxh4nWyqWo-00024-00005080-00005270 i've put in the hard work i have taken GKxh4nWyqWo-00025-00005271-00005479 my career pathway seriously so in the GKxh4nWyqWo-00026-00005480-00005702 future potentially people would listen GKxh4nWyqWo-00027-00005703-00005927 to what i've got to say more so i might GKxh4nWyqWo-00028-00005928-00006118 be able to make more of a difference in GKxh4nWyqWo-00029-00006119-00006286 the future with if i was to win this GKxh4nWyqWo-00030-00006287-00006463 award GKxh4nWyqWo-00031-00006464-00007303 [Music] GKxh4nWyqWo-00032-00007304-00007511 you GM64P5dDn8A-00000-00000000-00000398 foreign GM64P5dDn8A-00001-00000399-00001193 [Music] GNCPLqCvKG0-00000-00000367-00000582 hello and welcome my name is ayan and GNCPLqCvKG0-00001-00000583-00000807 i'm one of the campaign managers at baka GNCPLqCvKG0-00002-00000808-00001039 buddy and the last seven years we've GNCPLqCvKG0-00003-00001040-00001223 been overwhelmed by the generosity of GNCPLqCvKG0-00004-00001224-00001407 south africans and donors from all GNCPLqCvKG0-00005-00001408-00001558 around the world who we're supporting GNCPLqCvKG0-00006-00001559-00001910 more than 40 000 courses on our platform GNCPLqCvKG0-00007-00001911-00002151 one of my favorite campaigns is the one GNCPLqCvKG0-00008-00002152-00002310 that was set up by the gift of the GNCPLqCvKG0-00009-00002311-00002559 givers for the war victims in ukraine GNCPLqCvKG0-00010-00002560-00002710 and i'll never forget it because the war GNCPLqCvKG0-00011-00002711-00002934 had just broken out and donors were GNCPLqCvKG0-00012-00002935-00003110 contenting us saying you know we want to GNCPLqCvKG0-00013-00003111-00003286 help what can we do GNCPLqCvKG0-00014-00003288-00003463 and in true gift of the givers fashion GNCPLqCvKG0-00015-00003464-00003695 within days of the campaign going up GNCPLqCvKG0-00016-00003696-00003854 they were there they were on the ground GNCPLqCvKG0-00017-00003855-00004022 handing out food parcels and warm GNCPLqCvKG0-00018-00004023-00004143 clothing GNCPLqCvKG0-00019-00004144-00004335 and we were able to share that impact GNCPLqCvKG0-00020-00004336-00004519 and those images with the donors who GNCPLqCvKG0-00021-00004520-00004791 donated it was really special GNCPLqCvKG0-00022-00004792-00005015 my favorite campaign on becca buddy has GNCPLqCvKG0-00023-00005016-00005222 to be one from nikki seeger who keeps a GNCPLqCvKG0-00024-00005223-00005431 decade-long promise by running in GNCPLqCvKG0-00025-00005432-00005654 support of nelly kuzwario's final year GNCPLqCvKG0-00026-00005655-00005775 of schooling GNCPLqCvKG0-00027-00005776-00005991 it was amazing to see so many south GNCPLqCvKG0-00028-00005992-00006254 africans as well as global donors unite GNCPLqCvKG0-00029-00006255-00006534 behind an educational course by not only GNCPLqCvKG0-00030-00006536-00006759 fully funding her campaign but also GNCPLqCvKG0-00031-00006759-00007006 providing additional funds so that nelly GNCPLqCvKG0-00032-00007008-00007342 could study towards becoming a nurse GNCPLqCvKG0-00033-00007343-00007527 a project that really stands out to me GNCPLqCvKG0-00034-00007528-00007734 is a little girl by the name of the lady GNCPLqCvKG0-00035-00007736-00007942 she was four years old and he did urgent GNCPLqCvKG0-00036-00007943-00008142 heart surgery to save her life and GNCPLqCvKG0-00037-00008143-00008407 within about four days she raised 270 GNCPLqCvKG0-00038-00008408-00008695 000 rand enough to have her surgery and GNCPLqCvKG0-00039-00008696-00008878 i've actually been back to see her and GNCPLqCvKG0-00040-00008879-00009095 to see how happy she is and how lovely GNCPLqCvKG0-00041-00009096-00009295 she is that her whole life is ahead of GNCPLqCvKG0-00042-00009296-00009519 her because people were kind and because GNCPLqCvKG0-00043-00009520-00009799 they cared is really inspiring GNCPLqCvKG0-00044-00009800-00010095 one of my favorite campaigns was mario GNCPLqCvKG0-00045-00010096-00010367 the little eco warrior for his last two GNCPLqCvKG0-00046-00010368-00010599 birthdays mario raised funds on baka GNCPLqCvKG0-00047-00010600-00010846 buddy to support his favorite bird park GNCPLqCvKG0-00048-00010847-00011127 in durban plant trees and build a new GNCPLqCvKG0-00049-00011128-00011438 aviary he is dedicated to saving the GNCPLqCvKG0-00050-00011439-00011678 environment and his efforts have gained GNCPLqCvKG0-00051-00011679-00011991 romario international recognition he's GNCPLqCvKG0-00052-00011992-00012238 been featured on 5050 national GNCPLqCvKG0-00053-00012239-00012574 geographic kids global citizen and even GNCPLqCvKG0-00054-00012575-00012774 appeared on the panel for the united GNCPLqCvKG0-00055-00012775-00012958 nations GNCPLqCvKG0-00056-00012959-00013191 i never imagined myself working within GNCPLqCvKG0-00057-00013191-00013358 the non-profit space at all but yeah i GNCPLqCvKG0-00058-00013359-00013591 am grateful and fortunate to be doing so GNCPLqCvKG0-00059-00013591-00013815 i work alongside great organizations GNCPLqCvKG0-00060-00013816-00013983 such as gifts of the givers rainbows and GNCPLqCvKG0-00061-00013984-00014222 smiles angels essay as well as cape GNCPLqCvKG0-00062-00014223-00014415 cultural collective just to name a few GNCPLqCvKG0-00063-00014416-00014583 of our awesome charities we have on our GNCPLqCvKG0-00064-00014584-00014838 platform we help great people to create GNCPLqCvKG0-00065-00014840-00015038 the things out there GNCPLqCvKG0-00066-00015040-00015391 and my favorite campaign was in corsi's GNCPLqCvKG0-00067-00015391-00015663 campaign i think the story resonates so GNCPLqCvKG0-00068-00015663-00016007 well because what happened was monet GNCPLqCvKG0-00069-00016008-00016263 ran our petrol and needed to fill up a GNCPLqCvKG0-00070-00016263-00016415 car so she went to a petrol station in GNCPLqCvKG0-00071-00016416-00016583 cape town GNCPLqCvKG0-00072-00016584-00016743 of course he actually GNCPLqCvKG0-00073-00016744-00017007 filled her car but then she realized GNCPLqCvKG0-00074-00017008-00017327 that she doesn't have her wallet so he GNCPLqCvKG0-00075-00017328-00017543 so he offered to give her a hundred GNCPLqCvKG0-00076-00017544-00017639 grand GNCPLqCvKG0-00077-00017640-00017839 just so that she could drive home and GNCPLqCvKG0-00078-00017840-00018071 obviously go and fetch her wallet um GNCPLqCvKG0-00079-00018072-00018430 monet was so excited and so grateful for GNCPLqCvKG0-00080-00018431-00018543 this GNCPLqCvKG0-00081-00018544-00018758 good deed that she created a campaign on GNCPLqCvKG0-00082-00018759-00018958 baka buddy with a target of about a GNCPLqCvKG0-00083-00018959-00019222 hundred thousand ranges to say thank you GNCPLqCvKG0-00084-00019223-00019447 and the campaign went on to raise five GNCPLqCvKG0-00085-00019448-00019694 hundred thousand and over GNCPLqCvKG0-00086-00019695-00019935 two thousand five hundred donors so GNCPLqCvKG0-00087-00019936-00020199 that's one of my favorite memories um on GNCPLqCvKG0-00088-00020200-00020422 becca buddy GNCPLqCvKG0-00089-00020423-00020622 so for the last nine months we've been GNCPLqCvKG0-00090-00020623-00020814 quietly and enthusiastically been GNCPLqCvKG0-00091-00020815-00021119 working on packer body 2.0 GNCPLqCvKG0-00092-00021120-00021422 a new world-class platform that provides GNCPLqCvKG0-00093-00021423-00021630 us with brand new technology that allows GNCPLqCvKG0-00094-00021631-00021839 to grow exponentially and support more GNCPLqCvKG0-00095-00021840-00022150 than 40 million people in africa GNCPLqCvKG0-00096-00022151-00022367 now if you have launched a campaign with GNCPLqCvKG0-00097-00022368-00022599 us or you donate to something you are GNCPLqCvKG0-00098-00022600-00022799 passionate about you heard one of our GNCPLqCvKG0-00099-00022800-00022999 stories and you want to be part of GNCPLqCvKG0-00100-00023000-00023311 igniting the generosity around the globe GNCPLqCvKG0-00101-00023312-00023583 please donate to our campaign and cheat GNCPLqCvKG0-00102-00023584-00023866 with someone you know GNCPLqCvKG0-00103-00023867-00025967 [Music] GNCPLqCvKG0-00104-00025968-00026175 you GNaR9eWEF4c-00000-00000003-00000260 hey I know the videos late today I had a GNaR9eWEF4c-00001-00000261-00000473 long day actually just got home looking GNaR9eWEF4c-00002-00000474-00000601 a little tired aren't I GNaR9eWEF4c-00003-00000602-00000983 okay my quick quick quick video how to GNaR9eWEF4c-00004-00000984-00001343 keep your your clients raving fans so GNaR9eWEF4c-00005-00001344-00001544 they'll never ever even think about GNaR9eWEF4c-00006-00001545-00001892 going anywhere else okay I just met with GNaR9eWEF4c-00007-00001893-00002117 a couple clients today who are doing GNaR9eWEF4c-00008-00002118-00002306 something that I did with my business GNaR9eWEF4c-00009-00002307-00002575 and a lot of other people who had GNaR9eWEF4c-00010-00002576-00002771 successful businesses did with theirs GNaR9eWEF4c-00011-00002772-00003058 when I had my educational Learning GNaR9eWEF4c-00012-00003059-00003233 Center my tutoring after school program GNaR9eWEF4c-00013-00003234-00003506 all of the clients that would come in GNaR9eWEF4c-00014-00003507-00003679 they would come in for the first time GNaR9eWEF4c-00015-00003680-00003868 whether they bought anything or not or GNaR9eWEF4c-00016-00003869-00004241 signed up or whatever before they even GNaR9eWEF4c-00017-00004242-00004519 got to their car we were writing them a GNaR9eWEF4c-00018-00004520-00004958 note a card a thank-you card that we GNaR9eWEF4c-00019-00004959-00005126 were putting in the mail we'd stamp it GNaR9eWEF4c-00020-00005127-00005254 and get ready to and put it in the mail GNaR9eWEF4c-00021-00005255-00005608 so they get it in a few days and almost GNaR9eWEF4c-00022-00005609-00005720 everybody GNaR9eWEF4c-00023-00005721-00006017 honestly they would get the card it was GNaR9eWEF4c-00024-00006018-00006251 a really nice thank-you card GNaR9eWEF4c-00025-00006252-00006421 if we could do pictures that would be GNaR9eWEF4c-00026-00006422-00006689 really cool too and it just made all the GNaR9eWEF4c-00027-00006690-00006839 difference and you know I was talking to GNaR9eWEF4c-00028-00006840-00007048 someone else today who in her business GNaR9eWEF4c-00029-00007050-00007253 that's how she keeps her clients happy GNaR9eWEF4c-00030-00007254-00007412 and they keep coming back for more and GNaR9eWEF4c-00031-00007413-00007664 more and more so a big problem that GNaR9eWEF4c-00032-00007665-00007913 people have with when they're selling GNaR9eWEF4c-00033-00007914-00008153 something is they're only thinking of GNaR9eWEF4c-00034-00008154-00008327 the money that they're that they're GNaR9eWEF4c-00035-00008328-00008684 getting from the first sale okay but you GNaR9eWEF4c-00036-00008685-00008984 probably have a business that you want GNaR9eWEF4c-00037-00008985-00009152 the clients to keep coming back or GNaR9eWEF4c-00038-00009153-00009356 coming or telling other people about it GNaR9eWEF4c-00039-00009357-00009551 so what is the lifetime value of your GNaR9eWEF4c-00040-00009552-00009821 clients and how important it is is it GNaR9eWEF4c-00041-00009822-00010124 for you to keep them happy so I was GNaR9eWEF4c-00042-00010125-00010342 talking to two people today one has a GNaR9eWEF4c-00043-00010343-00010613 cleaning business she has a house GNaR9eWEF4c-00044-00010614-00010999 cleaning business so she is signing up GNaR9eWEF4c-00045-00011000-00011234 for send out cards which is what I GNaR9eWEF4c-00046-00011235-00011606 recently did and I am loving it I'm GNaR9eWEF4c-00047-00011607-00011930 living it for two reasons it's a I love GNaR9eWEF4c-00048-00011931-00012074 being able to send them out to my GNaR9eWEF4c-00049-00012075-00012298 clients like just like I did before but GNaR9eWEF4c-00050-00012299-00012824 I also am terrible at at taking car or GNaR9eWEF4c-00051-00012825-00012988 sending cards for birthdays and stuff GNaR9eWEF4c-00052-00012989-00013175 like that I'm terrible at it so anyway GNaR9eWEF4c-00053-00013176-00013286 let me go back to my friend who has a GNaR9eWEF4c-00054-00013287-00013399 cleaning business GNaR9eWEF4c-00055-00013400-00013606 and she wants to grow her business so I GNaR9eWEF4c-00056-00013607-00013897 said okay why don't you have your girls GNaR9eWEF4c-00057-00013897-00014065 whoever goes to clean the house when GNaR9eWEF4c-00058-00014066-00014218 they're done cleaning a brand new house GNaR9eWEF4c-00059-00014219-00014446 let's say the first time take a picture GNaR9eWEF4c-00060-00014447-00014632 of the house you know that's nice and GNaR9eWEF4c-00061-00014633-00014896 clean and shiny write a nice note to go GNaR9eWEF4c-00062-00014897-00015127 with it maybe send them some cookies or GNaR9eWEF4c-00063-00015128-00015349 brownies or a gift of some sort if you GNaR9eWEF4c-00064-00015350-00015661 want to and have it sent to them so a GNaR9eWEF4c-00065-00015662-00015841 few days later they're gonna get this GNaR9eWEF4c-00066-00015841-00016108 awesome card thanking them from for GNaR9eWEF4c-00067-00016109-00016312 letting you clean their house and maybe GNaR9eWEF4c-00068-00016313-00016522 a small gift and you know what maybe GNaR9eWEF4c-00069-00016523-00016738 even you can give them gift cards you GNaR9eWEF4c-00070-00016739-00017071 can also give them you know $25 off your GNaR9eWEF4c-00071-00017072-00017317 next cleaning or why don't you refer GNaR9eWEF4c-00072-00017318-00017584 someone and I'll send them something so GNaR9eWEF4c-00073-00017585-00017773 there's so many things that you can do GNaR9eWEF4c-00074-00017774-00018091 with sending out cards to your clients GNaR9eWEF4c-00075-00018092-00018373 and send out cards is I you know what I GNaR9eWEF4c-00076-00018374-00018601 kind of didn't really think about it for GNaR9eWEF4c-00077-00018602-00018799 a long time but I'm using it now and I GNaR9eWEF4c-00078-00018800-00018976 absolutely love it so if you don't have GNaR9eWEF4c-00079-00018977-00019099 that or don't even know what the heck GNaR9eWEF4c-00080-00019100-00019273 I'm talking about will you private GNaR9eWEF4c-00081-00019274-00019441 message me because I really would love GNaR9eWEF4c-00082-00019442-00019696 to tell you a little bit about it so in GNaR9eWEF4c-00083-00019697-00019912 fact I think you can go to send out GNaR9eWEF4c-00084-00019913-00020464 cards comm /su Brooke go try that if it GNaR9eWEF4c-00085-00020465-00020689 doesn't work private message me anyway GNaR9eWEF4c-00086-00020690-00020806 I'm super tired GNaR9eWEF4c-00087-00020807-00020974 I've been going and going going all day GNaR9eWEF4c-00088-00020975-00021208 long just got home having fun talking GNaR9eWEF4c-00089-00021209-00021406 about talking to people about keeping GNaR9eWEF4c-00090-00021407-00021727 their clients so try that that's my tip GNaR9eWEF4c-00091-00021728-00021877 of the day I'll see you tomorrow I'm GNaR9eWEF4c-00092-00021878-00022159 going to bed back GOSfF8u-eq8-00000-00000380-00000737 hi naturalist Heidi here back again for GOSfF8u-eq8-00001-00000738-00001270 snake week part 2 today we meet gopher GOSfF8u-eq8-00002-00001271-00001556 our bull snake which are also called GOSfF8u-eq8-00003-00001557-00001841 gopher snakes they have that name GOSfF8u-eq8-00004-00001842-00002284 because they live in gopher homes and GOSfF8u-eq8-00005-00002285-00002621 they also like to eat Gophers other GOSfF8u-eq8-00006-00002622-00002810 things that they like to eat our mice GOSfF8u-eq8-00007-00002811-00003163 and small birds or smaller mammals like GOSfF8u-eq8-00008-00003164-00003868 squirrels gopher here is above five GOSfF8u-eq8-00009-00003869-00004423 years old and about five feet long he GOSfF8u-eq8-00010-00004424-00004780 can get another foot long and live up to GOSfF8u-eq8-00011-00004781-00005366 almost twenty years in the wild animals GOSfF8u-eq8-00012-00005367-00005775 eat maybe once every seven days and GOSfF8u-eq8-00013-00005776-00006127 today is his feeding day so we're gonna GOSfF8u-eq8-00014-00006128-00006421 be feeding him some of his favorite food GOSfF8u-eq8-00015-00006422-00006760 mice I have his feeding tank here and GOSfF8u-eq8-00016-00006761-00006962 I'll be putting him in there and then GOSfF8u-eq8-00017-00006963-00007298 offering him one or maybe two mice we'll GOSfF8u-eq8-00018-00007298-00007862 see if he eats for us all right so I GOSfF8u-eq8-00019-00007863-00008123 have gopher our bull snake in his GOSfF8u-eq8-00020-00008123-00008312 feeding tank and I'm getting ready to GOSfF8u-eq8-00021-00008313-00008645 feed him a medium-sized mouse let's see GOSfF8u-eq8-00022-00008646-00008902 if he eats I'm gonna drop it on in GOSfF8u-eq8-00023-00008903-00010380 because remember they are a predator GOSfF8u-eq8-00025-00014201-00014458 it looks like he's smelling I can see GOSfF8u-eq8-00026-00014459-00015147 his tongue flicking in and out there he GOSfF8u-eq8-00027-00015148-00015666 goes so if it was a live prey that I GOSfF8u-eq8-00028-00015668-00016011 gave him he would have constricted it he GOSfF8u-eq8-00029-00016012-00016225 is a constrictor so that means that he GOSfF8u-eq8-00030-00016226-00016494 would wrap his body around until he GOSfF8u-eq8-00031-00016495-00016813 squeezed all the air out of it right now GOSfF8u-eq8-00032-00016814-00017142 what he's doing is maneuvering the mouse GOSfF8u-eq8-00033-00017143-00017413 to make it fit inside his mouth they GOSfF8u-eq8-00034-00017414-00018012 swallow their prey whole from this angle GOSfF8u-eq8-00035-00018013-00018722 it looks like he's disconnecting his jaw GOSfF8u-eq8-00036-00018723-00019128 but their jaws are different than our GOSfF8u-eq8-00037-00019129-00019359 jaws they're not connected the top and GOSfF8u-eq8-00038-00019360-00019819 the bottom their jaw bottom jaw is a GOSfF8u-eq8-00039-00019820-00020253 stretchy ligament so when they open GOSfF8u-eq8-00040-00020254-00020833 their mouth wide it just stretches it's GOSfF8u-eq8-00041-00020834-00021405 not connected you can see he's GOSfF8u-eq8-00042-00021406-00022630 swallowing his prey whole GOSfF8u-eq8-00043-00022631-00024532 can you hear him breathing GOSfF8u-eq8-00044-00024533-00024910 and he's done eating should we try one GOSfF8u-eq8-00045-00024911-00025468 more all right we're gonna go ahead and GOSfF8u-eq8-00046-00025469-00025750 give him his second-most today let's see GOSfF8u-eq8-00047-00025751-00026230 if he eats this one and he stroke at it GOSfF8u-eq8-00048-00026231-00027276 right away GOSfF8u-eq8-00049-00027277-00027602 so like I said earlier he eats maybe GOSfF8u-eq8-00050-00027603-00027882 once every five to seven days those are GOSfF8u-eq8-00051-00027883-00028104 when we offer him food whether he eats GOSfF8u-eq8-00052-00028105-00028361 it or not is up to him GOSfF8u-eq8-00053-00028362-00028905 and we usually feed him at least two to GOSfF8u-eq8-00054-00028906-00029520 the three rat sized mice or rats today GOSfF8u-eq8-00055-00029520-00029904 was an in-between feeding for a smaller GOSfF8u-eq8-00056-00029905-00030393 portion of his regular diet and after GOSfF8u-eq8-00057-00030394-00030699 they're done eating just like humans we GOSfF8u-eq8-00058-00030700-00031287 grow and he needs to grow too but his GOSfF8u-eq8-00059-00031288-00031643 skin doesn't grow with him so he shuts GOSfF8u-eq8-00060-00031644-00032082 his skin we know that he's ready to shed GOSfF8u-eq8-00061-00032083-00032487 his skin when his eyes turn a milky GOSfF8u-eq8-00062-00032488-00032852 white to a blue color that means that GOSfF8u-eq8-00063-00032853-00033126 he's ready to concentrate on shedding GOSfF8u-eq8-00064-00033127-00033446 his skin and then his whole body will GOSfF8u-eq8-00065-00033447-00033887 turn a lighter color and he will then GOSfF8u-eq8-00066-00033888-00034260 shed his skin by rubbing against rocks GOSfF8u-eq8-00067-00034261-00035068 or logs that we have in his home and GOSfF8u-eq8-00068-00035069-00036504 then he has grown GOSfF8u-eq8-00069-00036505-00036858 it looks like he ate that mouse from the GOSfF8u-eq8-00070-00036859-00037133 head down to the tail and that's a GOSfF8u-eq8-00071-00037134-00037352 really easy way for them to eat their GOSfF8u-eq8-00072-00037353-00037787 food because their fur or feathers if GOSfF8u-eq8-00073-00037788-00037977 they were to eat a bird all go in one GOSfF8u-eq8-00074-00037978-00038214 direction so he's eating with the green GOSfF8u-eq8-00075-00038215-00038355 instead of against it GOSfF8u-eq8-00076-00038356-00038496 so that one went down a little bit GOSfF8u-eq8-00077-00038497-00039180 faster than the first one thank you for GOSfF8u-eq8-00078-00039181-00039414 joining us for Gophers afternoon snack GOSfF8u-eq8-00079-00039415-00039699 we'll see you back here on Friday with GOSfF8u-eq8-00080-00039700-00039918 our special guest Ramsey County Library GOSfF8u-eq8-00081-00039919-00040200 see you then GPbiwbLXKB4-00000-00000124-00000715 [Music] GPbiwbLXKB4-00001-00000716-00000806 [Music] GPbiwbLXKB4-00002-00000807-00000851 [Applause] GPbiwbLXKB4-00003-00000852-00001082 [Music] GPbiwbLXKB4-00004-00001083-00001441 [Applause] GPbiwbLXKB4-00005-00001442-00001962 thank you GPbiwbLXKB4-00006-00001963-00002118 [Music] GPbiwbLXKB4-00007-00002119-00002680 [Applause] GPbiwbLXKB4-00008-00002681-00003078 [Applause] GPbiwbLXKB4-00009-00003079-00004103 [Music] GPbiwbLXKB4-00010-00004104-00004722 [Music] GPbiwbLXKB4-00011-00004723-00005146 thank you GPbiwbLXKB4-00012-00005147-00006125 [Music] GPbiwbLXKB4-00013-00006126-00006913 [Music] GPbiwbLXKB4-00014-00006914-00008014 [Music] GPbiwbLXKB4-00015-00008015-00008396 foreign GPbiwbLXKB4-00016-00008397-00010097 [Music] GPbiwbLXKB4-00017-00010098-00010713 [Music] GPbiwbLXKB4-00018-00010714-00011110 [Music] GPbiwbLXKB4-00019-00011111-00012111 foreign GPbiwbLXKB4-00020-00012112-00014327 [Music] GPbiwbLXKB4-00021-00014328-00014741 foreign GPbiwbLXKB4-00023-00019040-00019365 thank you GPbiwbLXKB4-00024-00019366-00021247 [Music] GPbiwbLXKB4-00025-00021248-00021693 thank you GPbiwbLXKB4-00026-00021694-00023371 [Music] GPbiwbLXKB4-00027-00023372-00023844 thank you GPbiwbLXKB4-00028-00023845-00025367 [Music] GPbiwbLXKB4-00029-00025368-00025850 foreign GPbiwbLXKB4-00030-00025851-00028355 [Music] GPbiwbLXKB4-00031-00028356-00028644 foreign GPbiwbLXKB4-00032-00028645-00031540 [Music] GPbiwbLXKB4-00033-00031541-00031594 foreign GPbiwbLXKB4-00034-00031595-00032975 [Music] GQCx0aBuINE-00000-00000052-00000369 Kobe beef Shen who by Foucault be by foo GQCx0aBuINE-00001-00000370-00000603 is Wagyu beef from the Tajima strain of GQCx0aBuINE-00002-00000604-00000825 Japanese black cattle raised in Japan's GQCx0aBuINE-00003-00000826-00001049 Yoko Prefecture according to rules set GQCx0aBuINE-00004-00001050-00001232 out by the Kobe beef marketing and GQCx0aBuINE-00005-00001233-00001511 distribution promotion Association the GQCx0aBuINE-00006-00001512-00001727 meat is a delicacy valued for its flavor GQCx0aBuINE-00007-00001728-00001941 tenderness and fatty well marbled GQCx0aBuINE-00008-00001942-00002223 texture Kobe beef can be prepared as GQCx0aBuINE-00009-00002224-00002529 steak sukiyaki shabu shabu sashimi and GQCx0aBuINE-00010-00002530-00002820 teppanyaki Kobe beef is generally GQCx0aBuINE-00011-00002821-00002999 considered one of the three top brands GQCx0aBuINE-00012-00003000-00003296 known as sandy Wagyu the three big beefs GQCx0aBuINE-00013-00003297-00003590 along with Matsusaka beef and omie beef GQCx0aBuINE-00014-00003592-00003936 or yonezawa beef Kobe beef is also GQCx0aBuINE-00015-00003936-00004293 called Kobe niku shenhua Kobe meet Kobe GQCx0aBuINE-00016-00004294-00004656 Gyu gen who knew orko bu Shi Shen who GQCx0aBuINE-00017-00004657-00005361 knew Kobe cattle in Japanese GQCx0aBuINE-00018-00005362-00005872 topic history GQCx0aBuINE-00019-00005873-00006109 cattle were brought to Japan from China GQCx0aBuINE-00020-00006110-00006313 at the same time as the cultivation of GQCx0aBuINE-00021-00006314-00006559 rice in about the second century AD in GQCx0aBuINE-00022-00006559-00006823 the Yayoi period 209 until about the GQCx0aBuINE-00023-00006823-00007030 time of the Meiji Restoration in 1868 GQCx0aBuINE-00024-00007031-00007297 they were used only as draft animals in GQCx0aBuINE-00025-00007298-00007537 agriculture forestry mining and for GQCx0aBuINE-00026-00007538-00007745 transport and as a source of fertilizer GQCx0aBuINE-00027-00007747-00008034 milk consumption was unknown and for GQCx0aBuINE-00028-00008036-00008242 cultural and religious reasons meat was GQCx0aBuINE-00029-00008243-00008452 not even Japan was effectively isolated GQCx0aBuINE-00030-00008453-00008734 from the rest of the world from 1635 GQCx0aBuINE-00031-00008735-00009021 until 1854 there was no possibility of GQCx0aBuINE-00032-00009022-00009205 intermission of foreign genes to the GQCx0aBuINE-00033-00009206-00009373 cattle population during this time GQCx0aBuINE-00034-00009374-00009696 between 1868 the year of the Meiji GQCx0aBuINE-00035-00009697-00010093 Restoration in 1887 some 2,600 foreign GQCx0aBuINE-00036-00010094-00010296 cattle were imported including bran V GQCx0aBuINE-00037-00010297-00010651 Shorthorn and Devon between about 1900 GQCx0aBuINE-00038-00010652-00010810 and 1910 there was extensive GQCx0aBuINE-00039-00010811-00011021 crossbreeding of these with native stock GQCx0aBuINE-00040-00011022-00011353 from 1919 the various heterogeneous GQCx0aBuINE-00041-00011354-00011566 regional populations that resulted from GQCx0aBuINE-00042-00011567-00011767 this brief period of crossbreeding were GQCx0aBuINE-00043-00011768-00012004 registered and selected as improved GQCx0aBuINE-00044-00012005-00012304 Japanese cattle four separate strains GQCx0aBuINE-00045-00012305-00012510 were characterized based mainly on which GQCx0aBuINE-00046-00012511-00012670 type of foreign cattle had most GQCx0aBuINE-00047-00012671-00012819 influenced the hybrids and were GQCx0aBuINE-00048-00012821-00013174 recognized as breeds in 1944 these were GQCx0aBuINE-00049-00013175-00013378 the four whadya breeds the Japanese GQCx0aBuINE-00050-00013379-00013609 black the Japanese Brown the Japanese GQCx0aBuINE-00051-00013610-00013861 pulled and the Japanese short horn the GQCx0aBuINE-00052-00013862-00014077 Tajima is a strain of the Japanese black GQCx0aBuINE-00053-00014078-00014350 the most populous breed around 90% of GQCx0aBuINE-00054-00014351-00014524 the four breeds beef consumption GQCx0aBuINE-00055-00014525-00014751 remained low until after World War Two GQCx0aBuINE-00056-00014752-00015028 Kobe beef grew in popularity and GQCx0aBuINE-00057-00015029-00015265 extended its global reach in the 1980s GQCx0aBuINE-00058-00015266-00015565 and 1990s in 1983 the Kobe beef GQCx0aBuINE-00059-00015566-00015759 marketing and distribution promotion GQCx0aBuINE-00060-00015760-00015982 association was formed to define and GQCx0aBuINE-00061-00015983-00016230 promote the Kobe trademark it sets GQCx0aBuINE-00062-00016231-00016423 standards for animals to be labeled as GQCx0aBuINE-00063-00016424-00016771 Kobe beef in 2009 the USDA placed a ban GQCx0aBuINE-00064-00016772-00016975 on the import of all Japanese beef to GQCx0aBuINE-00065-00016976-00017113 prevent the Japan foot-and-mouth GQCx0aBuINE-00066-00017114-00017433 outbreak from reaching us shores the ban GQCx0aBuINE-00067-00017434-00017713 was relaxed in August 2012 shortly GQCx0aBuINE-00068-00017714-00017923 thereafter Kobe beef was imported into GQCx0aBuINE-00069-00017924-00018577 the US for the first time GQCx0aBuINE-00070-00018578-00019094 topic industry GQCx0aBuINE-00071-00019095-00019350 Kobe beef in Japan as a registered GQCx0aBuINE-00072-00019351-00019575 trademark of the Kobe beef marketing and GQCx0aBuINE-00073-00019576-00019817 distribution promotion Association Shen GQCx0aBuINE-00074-00019818-00020100 who ruler Tong to each in Chiayi way GQCx0aBuINE-00075-00020101-00020352 Kobe niku Ryu to sue eëtion Kildee Chi GQCx0aBuINE-00076-00020353-00020586 it must fulfill all the following GQCx0aBuINE-00077-00020587-00020919 conditions Tajima cattle born in he'll GQCx0aBuINE-00078-00020920-00021219 go Prefecture farm feeding and he'll go GQCx0aBuINE-00079-00021220-00021525 Prefecture Bullock steer or castrated GQCx0aBuINE-00080-00021526-00021819 bull processed at slaughterhouses in GQCx0aBuINE-00081-00021820-00022103 Kobe Nishinomiya sanda kakegawa or GQCx0aBuINE-00082-00022104-00022428 himeji and he'll go prefecture marbling GQCx0aBuINE-00083-00022429-00022733 ratio called BMS of level 6 and above GQCx0aBuINE-00084-00022734-00023150 meat quality score of 4 or 5 gross GQCx0aBuINE-00085-00023151-00023433 weight of beef from one animal as 470 GQCx0aBuINE-00086-00023434-00023649 kilograms or less the cattle are fed on GQCx0aBuINE-00087-00023650-00023850 grain fodder and brushed sometimes for GQCx0aBuINE-00088-00023851-00024117 setting fur the melting point of fat of GQCx0aBuINE-00089-00024118-00024362 Kobe beef Tajima cattle is lower than GQCx0aBuINE-00090-00024363-00024603 common beef fat Kobe beef is expensive GQCx0aBuINE-00091-00024604-00024839 as only about 3,000 head of cattle may GQCx0aBuINE-00092-00024840-00025145 qualify as Kobe as of March 2018 GQCx0aBuINE-00093-00025146-00025436 imported Kobe beef on sale inherits cost GQCx0aBuINE-00094-00025437-00025662 six hundred twenty five pounds per kilo GQCx0aBuINE-00095-00025663-00025986 in Japan all cattle not just those that GQCx0aBuINE-00096-00025987-00026199 end up as Kobe beef can be tracked via a GQCx0aBuINE-00097-00026200-00026385 ten digit number through every step of GQCx0aBuINE-00098-00026386-00027007 its entire lifecycle GQCx0aBuINE-00099-00027008-00027652 topic Kobe beef in other countries GQCx0aBuINE-00100-00027654-00028001 prior to 2012 Kobe beef was not exported GQCx0aBuINE-00101-00028002-00028325 the first exports in January 2012 were GQCx0aBuINE-00102-00028326-00028622 to Macau then to Hong Kong in July 2012 GQCx0aBuINE-00103-00028623-00028892 since then exports have also been made GQCx0aBuINE-00104-00028893-00029135 to the United States Singapore Thailand GQCx0aBuINE-00105-00029136-00029339 the United Kingdom and one chef in GQCx0aBuINE-00106-00029339-00029862 Canada GQCx0aBuINE-00107-00029863-00030530 topic Kobe style beef GQCx0aBuINE-00108-00030531-00030791 the increase in popularity of Japanese GQCx0aBuINE-00109-00030792-00031001 beef in the United States has led to the GQCx0aBuINE-00110-00031002-00031325 creation of Kobe style beef taken from GQCx0aBuINE-00111-00031326-00031540 domestically raised Wagyu crossbred with GQCx0aBuINE-00112-00031541-00031837 Angus cattle to meet the demand farms in GQCx0aBuINE-00113-00031838-00032000 the United States and Britain have GQCx0aBuINE-00114-00032001-00032152 attempted to replicate the Kobe GQCx0aBuINE-00115-00032154-00032395 traditions from the first Wagyu cattle GQCx0aBuINE-00116-00032397-00032807 imported in the 1970s 150 US ranches now GQCx0aBuINE-00117-00032808-00033076 raise tens of thousands of Wagyu cattle GQCx0aBuINE-00118-00033077-00033344 the meat produced by these cross breeds GQCx0aBuINE-00119-00033345-00033626 is different from the authentic Kobe GQCx0aBuINE-00120-00033627-00033940 beef though this is often by design due GQCx0aBuINE-00121-00033941-00034142 to the perception that American palates GQCx0aBuINE-00122-00034143-00034313 do not actually want the richness of GQCx0aBuINE-00123-00034314-00034499 Japanese beef and would prefer a more GQCx0aBuINE-00124-00034500-00034814 familiar flavor profile some US meat GQCx0aBuINE-00125-00034815-00035009 producers claim any differences between GQCx0aBuINE-00126-00035010-00035135 they're less expensive GQCx0aBuINE-00127-00035136-00035456 Kobe style beef and true Kobe beef are GQCx0aBuINE-00128-00035457-00035699 largely cosmetic cuts of us GQCx0aBuINE-00129-00035700-00036005 Kobe style beef tend to have darker meat GQCx0aBuINE-00130-00036006-00036269 and a bolder flavor in Europe UK grocery GQCx0aBuINE-00131-00036270-00036443 retailer Asda owned by Walmart GQCx0aBuINE-00132-00036444-00036698 introduced Wagyu beef at the end of 2011 GQCx0aBuINE-00133-00036699-00036929 under its butchers selection line using GQCx0aBuINE-00134-00036930-00037142 meat from a herd in Yorkshire bread from GQCx0aBuINE-00135-00037143-00037382 Holstein dairy cows impregnated with GQCx0aBuINE-00136-00037383-00037685 Wagyu semen this not only made the beef GQCx0aBuINE-00137-00037686-00037907 more affordable but it also resulted in GQCx0aBuINE-00138-00037908-00038123 less marbled meat more familiar to UK GQCx0aBuINE-00139-00038124-00038459 consumers in June 2014 the German GQCx0aBuINE-00140-00038460-00038636 discounters Aldi announced that it was GQCx0aBuINE-00141-00038637-00038821 going to introduce Wagyu beef steaks GQCx0aBuINE-00142-00038822-00039074 with every store receiving a limited GQCx0aBuINE-00143-00039075-00039320 number of 50 steaks priced at a very GQCx0aBuINE-00144-00039321-00039539 competitive six pounds and ninety nine GQCx0aBuINE-00145-00039540-00039926 pence for an 8 oz 225 g sirloin and GQCx0aBuINE-00146-00039927-00040321 ribeye however all DS Wagyu beef was GQCx0aBuINE-00147-00040322-00040475 sourced from New Zealand where the GQCx0aBuINE-00148-00040476-00040706 exclusively grass-fed cattle are allowed GQCx0aBuINE-00149-00040707-00040892 to roam more in keeping with changing GQCx0aBuINE-00150-00040893-00041102 norms around animal welfare in Japan GQCx0aBuINE-00151-00041103-00041393 cattle are confined in small pens and GQCx0aBuINE-00152-00041394-00042085 given much more energy-dense feed GQCx0aBuINE-00153-00042086-00042585 topic mislabelling GQCx0aBuINE-00154-00042586-00042840 the proliferation of beef outside Japan GQCx0aBuINE-00155-00042841-00043071 marketed as Kobe beef as an issue for GQCx0aBuINE-00156-00043072-00043374 Kobe beef farmers due to a lack of legal GQCx0aBuINE-00157-00043375-00043584 recognition of the Kobe beef trademark GQCx0aBuINE-00158-00043585-00043788 in the United States it is possible to GQCx0aBuINE-00159-00043789-00043980 sell meat that is incorrectly labeled as GQCx0aBuINE-00160-00043981-00044283 Kobe beef the Kobe beef marketing and GQCx0aBuINE-00161-00044284-00044442 distribution promotion Association GQCx0aBuINE-00162-00044443-00044694 planned to publish pamphlets about Kobe GQCx0aBuINE-00163-00044695-00044922 beef in foreign languages Japan has a GQCx0aBuINE-00164-00044923-00045652 Wagyu beef export promotion committee GQCx0aBuINE-00165-00045653-00046185 topic see also GQCx0aBuINE-00166-00046186-00046686 Akashi geographical indication Matsusaka GQCx0aBuINE-00167-00046687-00047226 beef Mishima beef Yonezawa beef list of GQCx0aBuINE-00168-00047227-00047487 delicacies GRitenn7sgM-00000-00000024-00000318 what happens now is not even in the GRitenn7sgM-00001-00000319-00000511 script am i right GRitenn7sgM-00002-00000512-00000775 no way GV7o1YKCCck-00000-00000003-00000209 and we start with question number one GV7o1YKCCck-00001-00000210-00000515 from Claudia be wish Thank You presiding GV7o1YKCCck-00002-00000516-00000586 officer GV7o1YKCCck-00003-00000587-00000784 to ask the Scottish Government for what GV7o1YKCCck-00004-00000785-00001040 reason Cara's assistance is not included GV7o1YKCCck-00005-00001041-00001220 in its proposed amendments to the social GV7o1YKCCck-00006-00001221-00001804 security Scotland bill mr. Gean female GV7o1YKCCck-00007-00001805-00002302 thank you for saving officer and if I GV7o1YKCCck-00008-00002303-00002593 may I think Ms Beamish is referring to GV7o1YKCCck-00009-00002594-00002822 the operating amendment because of GV7o1YKCCck-00010-00002823-00003065 course Kira's allowance is in our GV7o1YKCCck-00011-00003066-00003440 proposed Social Security bill later this GV7o1YKCCck-00012-00003440-00003608 year we will honor our commitment and GV7o1YKCCck-00013-00003609-00003833 implement okay Kira's allowance GV7o1YKCCck-00014-00003834-00004067 supplement this will provide extra money GV7o1YKCCck-00015-00004068-00004328 for carers up to the rate of job seekers GV7o1YKCCck-00016-00004329-00004520 allowance in recognition of the GV7o1YKCCck-00017-00004521-00004744 important role they play this is GV7o1YKCCck-00018-00004745-00004963 increase substantially more than the GV7o1YKCCck-00019-00004964-00005192 rate of inflation under our proposed GV7o1YKCCck-00020-00005193-00005450 amendment on operating ministers would GV7o1YKCCck-00021-00005451-00005651 have a statutory duty to annually review GV7o1YKCCck-00022-00005652-00005888 the rates of social security assistance GV7o1YKCCck-00023-00005889-00006218 to assess the impact of inflation that GV7o1YKCCck-00024-00006219-00006400 will give ministers the flexibility to GV7o1YKCCck-00025-00006401-00006623 consider different effects on the GV7o1YKCCck-00026-00006623-00006812 different types of Kiera's assistance we GV7o1YKCCck-00027-00006813-00006998 will provide such as carers allowance GV7o1YKCCck-00028-00006998-00007498 and the young Kira grant coordination I GV7o1YKCCck-00029-00007500-00007688 thank the Minister for that answer and GV7o1YKCCck-00030-00007689-00008030 looking to the future I would urge her GV7o1YKCCck-00031-00008031-00008207 to support the amendments laid by my GV7o1YKCCck-00032-00008208-00008392 colleague mark Griffin to afford GV7o1YKCCck-00033-00008393-00008642 Scotland 72,000 carers allowance GV7o1YKCCck-00034-00008643-00008855 responses the same protection from GV7o1YKCCck-00035-00008856-00009031 inflation which is currently running at GV7o1YKCCck-00036-00009032-00009449 3% the minister will recall that I have GV7o1YKCCck-00037-00009450-00009671 a strong interest in this issue as the GV7o1YKCCck-00038-00009672-00009791 koch of you know the cross-party group GV7o1YKCCck-00039-00009792-00010121 for carers and in august in a question GV7o1YKCCck-00040-00010122-00010381 she told she told me an answer that the GV7o1YKCCck-00041-00010382-00010528 combined weekly rate of Clara's GV7o1YKCCck-00042-00010529-00010688 allowance and Cara's supplement would be GV7o1YKCCck-00043-00010689-00011162 73 pounds 10 plants in 2018 19 and GV7o1YKCCck-00044-00011163-00011441 2019-20 does the minister have her GV7o1YKCCck-00045-00011442-00011720 accept that passing on the UK government GV7o1YKCCck-00046-00011721-00011984 benefit freeze will see carers over 50 GV7o1YKCCck-00047-00011985-00012346 pounds worse off in real terms in 2019 GV7o1YKCCck-00048-00012347-00012670 20 while the government saves by our GV7o1YKCCck-00049-00012671-00012943 calculations five million pounds GV7o1YKCCck-00050-00012944-00013325 Minister thank you and I I do indeed we GV7o1YKCCck-00051-00013326-00013379 call me GV7o1YKCCck-00052-00013380-00013571 Misha's longstanding interest and GV7o1YKCCck-00053-00013572-00013787 commitment indeed to Chara's across GV7o1YKCCck-00054-00013788-00013985 scotland i should point out that the GV7o1YKCCck-00055-00013986-00014231 increase that we will implement as they GV7o1YKCCck-00056-00014232-00014462 are a very first delivery of Social GV7o1YKCCck-00057-00014463-00014722 Security benefits once the bill has GV7o1YKCCck-00058-00014724-00014927 passed through this Parliament received GV7o1YKCCck-00059-00014928-00015116 Parliament's approval and Royal Assent GV7o1YKCCck-00060-00015116-00015290 the very first one will be that GV7o1YKCCck-00061-00015291-00015593 increased allowance which is a 13% GV7o1YKCCck-00062-00015594-00015916 increase on the current state of play GV7o1YKCCck-00063-00015918-00016283 for carers I take the view that the GV7o1YKCCck-00064-00016284-00016469 right place to discuss and negotiate GV7o1YKCCck-00065-00016470-00016820 amendments on a draft bill is in fact in GV7o1YKCCck-00066-00016821-00017030 committee and I look forward to the GV7o1YKCCck-00067-00017031-00017261 stage two amendments procedure which GV7o1YKCCck-00068-00017262-00017447 begins in Social Security Committee GV7o1YKCCck-00069-00017448-00017870 tomorrow Mara Griffin Thank You GV7o1YKCCck-00070-00017871-00018011 presiding officer GV7o1YKCCck-00071-00018012-00018242 remember the low incomes tax reform GV7o1YKCCck-00072-00018243-00018473 group have written to the Social GV7o1YKCCck-00073-00018474-00018650 Security Committee with concerns about GV7o1YKCCck-00074-00018651-00018862 how they the carosone supplement will GV7o1YKCCck-00075-00018863-00019178 interact with the tax regime across the GV7o1YKCCck-00076-00019179-00019361 whole of the UK Minister say whether GV7o1YKCCck-00077-00019362-00019562 there have been any discussions and with GV7o1YKCCck-00078-00019563-00019819 the UK government and HMRC so that GV7o1YKCCck-00079-00019820-00020090 anyone who receives the supplement won't GV7o1YKCCck-00080-00020091-00020599 have to pay any additional tax Minister GV7o1YKCCck-00081-00020600-00020966 and thank you for that mr. Griffin I GV7o1YKCCck-00082-00020967-00021152 have not had the benefit of sight of GV7o1YKCCck-00083-00021153-00021281 that letter I don't know if they wrote GV7o1YKCCck-00084-00021282-00021560 to me as well as to others but certainly GV7o1YKCCck-00085-00021561-00021767 we have a fiscal framework which makes GV7o1YKCCck-00086-00021768-00022043 very clear that where an individual's GV7o1YKCCck-00087-00022044-00022337 income increases as a consequence of the GV7o1YKCCck-00088-00022338-00022532 Scottish Government's exercise of GV7o1YKCCck-00089-00022533-00022775 devolved benefits that individual should GV7o1YKCCck-00090-00022776-00023081 not subsequently be penalized or lose GV7o1YKCCck-00091-00023082-00023387 that interest by its interaction with UK GV7o1YKCCck-00092-00023388-00023624 matters will be a benefit or indeed tax GV7o1YKCCck-00093-00023625-00023936 so in all of this our officials of GV7o1YKCCck-00094-00023937-00024152 course are in constant discussion with GV7o1YKCCck-00095-00024153-00024371 DWP to ensure this you'll recall I'm GV7o1YKCCck-00096-00024372-00024632 sure a previous area on this matter GV7o1YKCCck-00097-00024633-00024797 where we were talking about the GV7o1YKCCck-00098-00024798-00024994 abolition of the bedroom tax source GV7o1YKCCck-00099-00024995-00025193 which we will do and the potential GV7o1YKCCck-00100-00025194-00025418 impact that might have with respect to GV7o1YKCCck-00101-00025419-00025631 the UK government's benefit copper mater GV7o1YKCCck-00102-00025632-00025817 I'm pleased to say know that we have GV7o1YKCCck-00103-00025818-00026036 managed to resolve and some of which GV7o1YKCCck-00104-00026037-00026249 we'll discuss when we look at Social GV7o1YKCCck-00105-00026250-00026487 Security draft bill GV7o1YKCCck-00106-00026488-00026724 I'm happy to look again at that to be GV7o1YKCCck-00107-00026725-00027014 sure that we are in the right place on GV7o1YKCCck-00108-00027016-00027239 it but I think the fiscal framework is GV7o1YKCCck-00109-00027241-00027420 our starting point there and that GV7o1YKCCck-00110-00027420-00027663 framework which we negotiated is very GV7o1YKCCck-00111-00027664-00027894 clear about how individuals should not GV7o1YKCCck-00112-00027895-00028194 be adversely affected by UK government GV7o1YKCCck-00113-00028195-00028416 decisions where they have had their GV7o1YKCCck-00114-00028417-00028605 situation improved by Scottish GV7o1YKCCck-00115-00028606-00028739 Government's decisions GV7o1YKCCck-00116-00028741-00029395 question umber to Gordon lenders to GV7o1YKCCck-00117-00029397-00029627 homelessness and rough sleeping Action GV7o1YKCCck-00118-00029629-00029916 Group Minister Kevin Stewart Thank You GV7o1YKCCck-00119-00029917-00030069 presiding officer I'm pleased to say GV7o1YKCCck-00120-00030070-00030312 that the homelessness and rough sleeping GV7o1YKCCck-00121-00030313-00030525 action group which was set up in October GV7o1YKCCck-00122-00030526-00030762 has moved quickly to recommend actions GV7o1YKCCck-00123-00030763-00030960 to minimise rough sleeping last winter GV7o1YKCCck-00124-00030961-00031167 these recommendations have been GV7o1YKCCck-00125-00031168-00031389 implemented back to the tour funding GV7o1YKCCck-00126-00031389-00031602 package of three hundred and twenty GV7o1YKCCck-00127-00031602-00031812 eight thousand panes including two GV7o1YKCCck-00128-00031813-00031977 hundred and sixty two thousand pounds GV7o1YKCCck-00129-00031977-00032183 from the Scottish government the swift GV7o1YKCCck-00130-00032185-00032373 action is increasing emergency GV7o1YKCCck-00131-00032374-00032610 accommodation and at each provision for GV7o1YKCCck-00132-00032611-00032817 people at risk of sleeping rough and is GV7o1YKCCck-00133-00032818-00033012 providing crucial support and protection GV7o1YKCCck-00134-00033013-00033216 to people this winter the action group GV7o1YKCCck-00135-00033217-00033468 is now examining longer-term actions to GV7o1YKCCck-00136-00033469-00033615 end rough sleeping forged and GV7o1YKCCck-00137-00033616-00033870 transformed temporary accommodation with GV7o1YKCCck-00138-00033871-00034047 recommendations G in the spring GV7o1YKCCck-00139-00034048-00034275 crucially the action group is engaging GV7o1YKCCck-00140-00034276-00034464 with the wider sector in partners and GV7o1YKCCck-00141-00034465-00034632 learning from those with the direct GV7o1YKCCck-00142-00034633-00034821 personal experience of homelessness and GV7o1YKCCck-00143-00034822-00035076 taking this work forward I'm very GV7o1YKCCck-00144-00035077-00035262 grateful to the action group for their GV7o1YKCCck-00145-00035263-00035454 excellent work to date including their GV7o1YKCCck-00146-00035455-00035724 commitment to working at peace and I GV7o1YKCCck-00147-00035725-00035868 look forward to receiving their further GV7o1YKCCck-00148-00035869-00036168 recommendations Gordon lenders mmm I GV7o1YKCCck-00149-00036169-00036393 thank the Minister for that that answer GV7o1YKCCck-00150-00036394-00036522 according to the recently released GV7o1YKCCck-00151-00036523-00036729 homelessness in Scotland by annual GV7o1YKCCck-00152-00036730-00036891 update Edinburgh saw the largest GV7o1YKCCck-00153-00036892-00037044 increase in numbers of homeless GV7o1YKCCck-00154-00037045-00037254 households and temporary accommodations GV7o1YKCCck-00155-00037255-00037599 Scotland last year as a 30th September GV7o1YKCCck-00156-00037600-00037908 2017 the 25 households in Edinburgh an GV7o1YKCCck-00157-00037909-00038091 unsuitable accommodation accounted for GV7o1YKCCck-00158-00038092-00038433 74 percent of the Scottish total and 11 GV7o1YKCCck-00159-00038434-00038631 breaches of the unsuitable accommodation GV7o1YKCCck-00160-00038632-00038955 order 92% of the Scottish figure that is GV7o1YKCCck-00161-00038956-00039285 now I have heard what the minister said GV7o1YKCCck-00162-00039286-00039440 but can he explain why the Scottish GV7o1YKCCck-00163-00039441-00039600 government has failed to deliver the GV7o1YKCCck-00164-00039601-00039803 2011 SNP manifest GV7o1YKCCck-00165-00039804-00040034 to a commitment to build over 6,000 new GV7o1YKCCck-00166-00040035-00040247 socially rented houses each year and GV7o1YKCCck-00167-00040248-00040505 what in particular is doing to reverse GV7o1YKCCck-00168-00040506-00040928 these trends in Edinburgh presenting GV7o1YKCCck-00169-00040929-00041090 officer since say this government came GV7o1YKCCck-00170-00041091-00041560 to power in 2007 we have bel over 70,000 GV7o1YKCCck-00171-00041561-00041849 affordable homes in Scotland and over GV7o1YKCCck-00172-00041850-00042044 the period of this parliament as mr. GV7o1YKCCck-00173-00042045-00042290 Lyndhurst will be aware our ambition is GV7o1YKCCck-00174-00042291-00042604 to deliver 50,000 affordable homes GV7o1YKCCck-00175-00042605-00042929 35,000 of them for social rent of which GV7o1YKCCck-00176-00042930-00043199 Edinburgh will get a large amount of GV7o1YKCCck-00177-00043200-00043601 resource to ensure that the bells in GV7o1YKCCck-00178-00043602-00044032 Leicester City - I am NOT happy at GV7o1YKCCck-00179-00044033-00044392 Edinburgh in terms of the unsuitable GV7o1YKCCck-00180-00044393-00044654 accommodation that some Fokker and they GV7o1YKCCck-00181-00044655-00044891 have breached recently unsuitable GV7o1YKCCck-00182-00044892-00045194 accommodation orders 11 times the only GV7o1YKCCck-00183-00045195-00045476 other king so as done so as East Lothian GV7o1YKCCck-00184-00045477-00045766 who have done that once I want to ensure GV7o1YKCCck-00185-00045767-00046133 that Edinburgh and other places across GV7o1YKCCck-00186-00046134-00046445 Scotland midnight cognisance of the GV7o1YKCCck-00187-00046446-00046754 recommendations that come forward from GV7o1YKCCck-00188-00046755-00046958 the action group we will look at those GV7o1YKCCck-00189-00046959-00047270 closely and implement them to try and GV7o1YKCCck-00190-00047271-00047534 improve the situation right across the GV7o1YKCCck-00191-00047535-00047576 country GV7o1YKCCck-00192-00047577-00047936 I would point out to mr. Len Hirst that GV7o1YKCCck-00193-00047937-00048251 since 2010 homelessness in Scotland has GV7o1YKCCck-00194-00048252-00048587 decreased by some 38% I think we could GV7o1YKCCck-00195-00048588-00048872 even do even better if we didn't have GV7o1YKCCck-00196-00048873-00049148 the constant Tory austerity which is GV7o1YKCCck-00197-00049149-00049657 blighted our country Polly McNeill GV7o1YKCCck-00198-00049658-00049940 research by Glasgow homelessness Network GV7o1YKCCck-00199-00049941-00050222 in 2014 found that 65% of people who GV7o1YKCCck-00200-00050223-00050420 asked for help were told that there were GV7o1YKCCck-00201-00050421-00050681 no beds left in the city now that's the GV7o1YKCCck-00202-00050682-00050909 most recent figures that I can find and GV7o1YKCCck-00203-00050910-00051077 the minister will be aware that there is GV7o1YKCCck-00204-00051078-00051304 a statute to write for homeless people GV7o1YKCCck-00205-00051305-00051541 to get emergency accommodation yeah this GV7o1YKCCck-00206-00051542-00051698 does not seem to be the case across the GV7o1YKCCck-00207-00051699-00051883 country the Scottish government is not GV7o1YKCCck-00208-00051884-00052115 currently collect data on how many GV7o1YKCCck-00209-00052116-00052351 people are families asked for emergency GV7o1YKCCck-00210-00052352-00052630 accommodation or were given emergency GV7o1YKCCck-00211-00052632-00052829 accommodation if the minister is the GV7o1YKCCck-00212-00052829-00052985 series have attacked on the problem GV7o1YKCCck-00213-00052986-00053176 surely he would degree is GV7o1YKCCck-00214-00053177-00053396 to start having some data on the number GV7o1YKCCck-00215-00053397-00053563 of people who have I started to write GV7o1YKCCck-00216-00053564-00053755 for the emergency accomodation but yet GV7o1YKCCck-00217-00053756-00054211 I've been turned away there's like no GV7o1YKCCck-00218-00054212-00054436 sir I would remind the chamber that GV7o1YKCCck-00219-00054437-00054746 local government have responsibility in GV7o1YKCCck-00220-00054747-00055075 terms of dealing with folks who present GV7o1YKCCck-00221-00055076-00055436 as homeless and I expect every local GV7o1YKCCck-00222-00055437-00055756 authority to abide by the legislation GV7o1YKCCck-00223-00055757-00056116 that this Parliament has put in place I GV7o1YKCCck-00224-00056117-00056557 have been quite robust in terms of GV7o1YKCCck-00225-00056558-00056879 saying that I want to know of any GV7o1YKCCck-00226-00056879-00057130 gatekeeping that is going on in King GV7o1YKCCck-00227-00057131-00057355 souls where they are not responding GV7o1YKCCck-00228-00057356-00057734 appropriately to meet folks needs and GV7o1YKCCck-00229-00057735-00058028 I'm grateful for organizations and GV7o1YKCCck-00230-00058029-00058229 individuals who have provided me with GV7o1YKCCck-00231-00058229-00058666 detail of that I will continue to look GV7o1YKCCck-00232-00058667-00059007 at those situations I'm not averse to GV7o1YKCCck-00233-00059008-00059242 looking at things and debts to see if we GV7o1YKCCck-00234-00059243-00059575 require any more data at any point I GV7o1YKCCck-00235-00059576-00059806 know that the Action Group are looking GV7o1YKCCck-00236-00059807-00060076 at this very very closely indeed and I GV7o1YKCCck-00237-00060077-00060266 expect them to make some recommendations GV7o1YKCCck-00238-00060266-00060463 around abate that which the government GV7o1YKCCck-00239-00060464-00060706 will look at very closely indeed John GV7o1YKCCck-00240-00060707-00060923 Mason a thank you I think I heard the GV7o1YKCCck-00241-00060924-00061087 minister saying that a rough sleeping GV7o1YKCCck-00242-00061088-00061316 was down 38 percent since 2010 I GV7o1YKCCck-00243-00061316-00061541 understand in England it's up hundreds GV7o1YKCCck-00244-00061541-00061754 at homelessness was it in England a GV7o1YKCCck-00245-00061754-00062101 rough sleeping is up 169 percent so I GV7o1YKCCck-00246-00062102-00062266 wonder if he thinks that we have lessons GV7o1YKCCck-00247-00062267-00062488 to learn from the Conservatives down GV7o1YKCCck-00248-00062489-00062648 south or if they might have lessons to GV7o1YKCCck-00249-00062649-00063031 learn from us Minister I think that GV7o1YKCCck-00250-00063032-00063229 there are many lessons that the UK GV7o1YKCCck-00251-00063230-00063590 government could take from us mr. Mason GV7o1YKCCck-00252-00063591-00063706 is absolutely right GV7o1YKCCck-00253-00063707-00064042 in the last seven years in England there GV7o1YKCCck-00254-00064043-00064196 has been a hundred and sixty nine GV7o1YKCCck-00255-00064197-00064456 percent increase and rough sleeping at GV7o1YKCCck-00256-00064457-00064666 the same time here in Scotland because GV7o1YKCCck-00257-00064667-00064882 of our prevention activity rough GV7o1YKCCck-00258-00064883-00065062 sleeping numbers have fallen by around GV7o1YKCCck-00259-00065063-00065536 41% in that same period since 2010 GV7o1YKCCck-00260-00065537-00065812 indeed Scotland has some of the GV7o1YKCCck-00261-00065813-00066112 strongest rates for homeless people in GV7o1YKCCck-00262-00066113-00066325 the world everybody found to be homeless GV7o1YKCCck-00263-00066326-00066533 is entitled to housing and GV7o1YKCCck-00264-00066534-00066716 most people are provided with sales GV7o1YKCCck-00265-00066717-00066956 permanent accommodation and stark GV7o1YKCCck-00266-00066957-00067250 contrast to the light touch approach of GV7o1YKCCck-00267-00067251-00067436 the waste minster government we are GV7o1YKCCck-00268-00067437-00067655 absolutely committed to tackling GV7o1YKCCck-00269-00067656-00067856 homelessness and that's why we've GV7o1YKCCck-00270-00067857-00068138 established the 50 million pounds ending GV7o1YKCCck-00271-00068139-00068471 homelessness together fund to drive GV7o1YKCCck-00272-00068472-00068792 sustainable and lasting change to tackle GV7o1YKCCck-00273-00068793-00069014 homelessness in Scotland I also think GV7o1YKCCck-00274-00069015-00069209 that the Westminster Government could do GV7o1YKCCck-00275-00069210-00069572 a great deal more if they were to look GV7o1YKCCck-00276-00069573-00069853 at their policies of welfare reform GV7o1YKCCck-00277-00069854-00070172 cutting Social Security and putting a GV7o1YKCCck-00278-00070173-00070451 cap on benefits because this is adding GV7o1YKCCck-00279-00070452-00070688 to the Wars of people in Scotland and GV7o1YKCCck-00280-00070689-00070940 right across the United Kingdom question GV7o1YKCCck-00281-00070941-00071279 number three is run amok I can the GV7o1YKCCck-00282-00071280-00071399 Scottish government see what GV7o1YKCCck-00283-00071400-00071528 arrangements have been put in place to GV7o1YKCCck-00284-00071529-00071720 empower community councils GV7o1YKCCck-00285-00071721-00071966 so mr. Supplementary could just the GV7o1YKCCck-00286-00071967-00072281 question the first question about to ask GV7o1YKCCck-00287-00072282-00072386 the Scottish Government were arranged in GV7o1YKCCck-00288-00072387-00072596 certain place I think you asked your GV7o1YKCCck-00289-00072597-00072728 supplementary rather than your first GV7o1YKCCck-00290-00072729-00073816 your first question yep beg your pardon GV7o1YKCCck-00291-00073817-00074000 presiding officer the community GV7o1YKCCck-00292-00074001-00074246 empowerment act creates opportunities GV7o1YKCCck-00293-00074247-00074441 for community councils to enter into GV7o1YKCCck-00294-00074442-00074681 dialogue with public authorities about GV7o1YKCCck-00295-00074682-00074993 local issues and local services on their GV7o1YKCCck-00296-00074994-00075296 terms through the new participation GV7o1YKCCck-00297-00075297-00075464 requests I know that a number of GV7o1YKCCck-00298-00075465-00075629 community came to us have already taken GV7o1YKCCck-00299-00075630-00075806 advantage of this opportunity an GV7o1YKCCck-00300-00075807-00076127 addition since 2016 a number of GV7o1YKCCck-00301-00076128-00076331 community councils across Scotland have GV7o1YKCCck-00302-00076332-00076487 received a total of three hundred and GV7o1YKCCck-00303-00076488-00076733 thirty-seven thousand pounds from the GV7o1YKCCck-00304-00076734-00076943 community choices fund to involve people GV7o1YKCCck-00305-00076944-00077183 directly on local spending priorities GV7o1YKCCck-00306-00077184-00077510 and in December last year the cabinet GV7o1YKCCck-00307-00077511-00077693 secretary launched the local governance GV7o1YKCCck-00308-00077694-00077903 review with kossler an extensive GV7o1YKCCck-00309-00077904-00078167 engagement process will help decide how GV7o1YKCCck-00310-00078168-00078365 base to bring control over local public GV7o1YKCCck-00311-00078366-00078647 services closer to communities community GV7o1YKCCck-00312-00078648-00078863 councils can help ensure that the views GV7o1YKCCck-00313-00078864-00079052 of the communities they represent are GV7o1YKCCck-00314-00079053-00079220 heard loud and clear GV7o1YKCCck-00315-00079221-00079454 my apologies had pre-empting you remark GV7o1YKCCck-00316-00079455-00079756 I thanks presiding officer GV7o1YKCCck-00317-00079757-00079978 can the does the minister agree with me GV7o1YKCCck-00318-00079979-00080131 that community councils with a lifeblood GV7o1YKCCck-00319-00080132-00080347 of our communities and local authorities GV7o1YKCCck-00320-00080348-00080487 should be engaging with them at every GV7o1YKCCck-00321-00080488-00080655 level GV7o1YKCCck-00322-00080656-00080850 Minister thank you for saying officer I GV7o1YKCCck-00323-00080851-00081142 certainly welcome the approach of those GV7o1YKCCck-00324-00081143-00081355 community councils who undertake a wide GV7o1YKCCck-00325-00081356-00081600 range of roles and activities for the GV7o1YKCCck-00326-00081601-00081847 benefit of their community and I would GV7o1YKCCck-00327-00081848-00082048 agree that local authorities should GV7o1YKCCck-00328-00082049-00082267 certainly be engaging with their GV7o1YKCCck-00329-00082268-00082524 community councils on local issues and GV7o1YKCCck-00330-00082525-00082755 as I said in my answer we have also GV7o1YKCCck-00331-00082756-00082966 given community councils the right to GV7o1YKCCck-00332-00082967-00083169 raise the issues of importance to them GV7o1YKCCck-00333-00083170-00083412 through the community empowerment act GV7o1YKCCck-00334-00083413-00083757 and participation requests and I hope GV7o1YKCCck-00335-00083758-00083982 that community councils across the GV7o1YKCCck-00336-00083983-00084268 country will take advantage of them if GV7o1YKCCck-00337-00084269-00084755 the needs arise question for bill kid GV7o1YKCCck-00338-00084756-00084946 Thank You presiding officer GV7o1YKCCck-00339-00084947-00085131 to ask the Scottish Government who is GV7o1YKCCck-00340-00085132-00085425 encouraging public bodies to do more to GV7o1YKCCck-00341-00085426-00085674 promote human rights cabinet secretary GV7o1YKCCck-00342-00085675-00085930 Angela Constance so in office that human GV7o1YKCCck-00343-00085931-00086104 rights are relevant to the work of every GV7o1YKCCck-00344-00086105-00086359 public authority in Scotland all public GV7o1YKCCck-00345-00086360-00086596 bodies have a responsibility to act in GV7o1YKCCck-00346-00086597-00086850 ways that respect protect and promote GV7o1YKCCck-00347-00086851-00087079 human rights the Scottish government GV7o1YKCCck-00348-00087080-00087262 actively supports and encourages public GV7o1YKCCck-00349-00087263-00087511 bodies to act in ways that make human GV7o1YKCCck-00350-00087512-00087703 rights real for every member of Scottish GV7o1YKCCck-00351-00087704-00087940 society we do so by working in GV7o1YKCCck-00352-00087941-00088111 partnership by demonstrating leadership GV7o1YKCCck-00353-00088112-00088338 and for your necessary by issuing GV7o1YKCCck-00354-00088339-00088471 guidance and bringing forward GV7o1YKCCck-00355-00088472-00088800 legislation bill good I thank the GV7o1YKCCck-00356-00088801-00088968 cabinet secretary for that response and GV7o1YKCCck-00357-00088969-00089200 does she agree that no more than ever GV7o1YKCCck-00358-00089201-00089455 the rest created by bear eggs and the UK GV7o1YKCCck-00359-00089456-00089671 government's proposals to repeal the GV7o1YKCCck-00360-00089672-00089866 Human Rights Act mean there must be GV7o1YKCCck-00361-00089867-00090097 resolute and encouraging human rights GV7o1YKCCck-00362-00090098-00090310 which should be embedded in everything GV7o1YKCCck-00363-00090311-00090523 we do as such what makes a difference in GV7o1YKCCck-00364-00090524-00090685 helping people in communities loved with GV7o1YKCCck-00365-00090686-00090912 dignity wherever they are in Scotland GV7o1YKCCck-00366-00090913-00091134 and whatever their circumstances GV7o1YKCCck-00367-00091135-00091524 Cavan sanity so it is absolutely GV7o1YKCCck-00368-00091525-00091804 imperative that we acknowledge that the GV7o1YKCCck-00369-00091805-00092059 UK government proposals to repeal the GV7o1YKCCck-00370-00092060-00092244 Human Rights Act or even to withdraw GV7o1YKCCck-00371-00092245-00092461 from the European Convention on Human GV7o1YKCCck-00372-00092462-00092667 Rights combined of course what the GV7o1YKCCck-00373-00092668-00092854 potential impacts of GV7o1YKCCck-00374-00092855-00093193 do indeed present a very real danger to GV7o1YKCCck-00375-00093194-00093328 the human rights protections we GV7o1YKCCck-00376-00093329-00093649 currently had enjoy and thus is a risk GV7o1YKCCck-00377-00093650-00093793 of hurting the most vulnerable members GV7o1YKCCck-00378-00093794-00094063 over Society and her newest members of GV7o1YKCCck-00379-00094064-00094327 the hardest therefore the Scottish GV7o1YKCCck-00380-00094328-00094528 Government is committed to defending the GV7o1YKCCck-00381-00094529-00094708 existing human rights safeguards GV7o1YKCCck-00382-00094709-00094909 provided by the Human Rights Act the GV7o1YKCCck-00383-00094910-00095248 Scotland Act and EU law and to embed and GV7o1YKCCck-00384-00095249-00095482 Human Rights equality and respect and GV7o1YKCCck-00385-00095483-00095689 everything we do so that everyone in GV7o1YKCCck-00386-00095690-00095884 Scotland can live a life of human GV7o1YKCCck-00387-00095885-00096199 dignity and to that end we also wanted GV7o1YKCCck-00388-00096200-00096409 to go further and the First Minister as GV7o1YKCCck-00389-00096410-00096583 people made a call has recently GV7o1YKCCck-00390-00096584-00096841 established an advisory group on human GV7o1YKCCck-00391-00096842-00097003 rights leadership to make GV7o1YKCCck-00392-00097004-00097264 recommendations and how Scotland it can GV7o1YKCCck-00393-00097265-00097510 continue to lead by example and human GV7o1YKCCck-00394-00097511-00097693 rights include an economic social GV7o1YKCCck-00395-00097694-00097996 cultural and environmental race question GV7o1YKCCck-00396-00097997-00098251 5 ODS under surgeon Thank You presiding GV7o1YKCCck-00397-00098252-00098425 officer to ask the Scottish Government GV7o1YKCCck-00398-00098426-00098638 what recent discussions it has had GV7o1YKCCck-00399-00098639-00098800 regarding the provision of new housing GV7o1YKCCck-00400-00098801-00099028 stock to meet future needs Minister GV7o1YKCCck-00401-00099029-00099190 Kevin Stewart thank you for saying GV7o1YKCCck-00402-00099191-00099421 officer as part of our more home GV7o1YKCCck-00403-00099422-00099604 Scotland approach to support the GV7o1YKCCck-00404-00099605-00099796 increase of the supply of homes across GV7o1YKCCck-00405-00099797-00100057 all 10 years I and my officials take GV7o1YKCCck-00406-00100058-00100249 every opportunity to engage with GV7o1YKCCck-00407-00100250-00100444 stakeholders to drive forward the GV7o1YKCCck-00408-00100445-00100738 planning and delivery of more homes this GV7o1YKCCck-00409-00100739-00101002 happens at both national and local level GV7o1YKCCck-00410-00101003-00101227 and includes housing providers will GV7o1YKCCck-00411-00101228-00101388 cloth or tease house builders GV7o1YKCCck-00412-00101389-00101611 infrastructure providers and policy GV7o1YKCCck-00413-00101612-00101869 experts from a range of organisations GV7o1YKCCck-00414-00101870-00102079 this government is constantly seeking GV7o1YKCCck-00415-00102080-00102301 ways to build more homes and looking GV7o1YKCCck-00416-00102302-00102553 forward and looking to push forward new GV7o1YKCCck-00417-00102554-00102814 and innovative approaches to resourcing GV7o1YKCCck-00418-00102815-00103102 and delivery how it's understood I thank GV7o1YKCCck-00419-00103103-00103339 the Minister for the answer the hosting GV7o1YKCCck-00420-00103340-00103501 statistics for Scotland's quarterly GV7o1YKCCck-00421-00103502-00103705 update published last month revealed GV7o1YKCCck-00422-00103706-00103855 that there were four thousand five GV7o1YKCCck-00423-00103856-00103975 hundred and three new build homes GV7o1YKCCck-00424-00103976-00104254 completed between April and June 2017 GV7o1YKCCck-00425-00104255-00104469 this brings the total for the year to GV7o1YKCCck-00426-00104470-00104709 the end of June to 17 thousand one GV7o1YKCCck-00427-00104710-00104866 hundred and seventy eight down one GV7o1YKCCck-00428-00104867-00105106 percent compared to previous years these GV7o1YKCCck-00429-00105107-00105292 figures come against a backdrop of the GV7o1YKCCck-00430-00105293-00105583 number of new homes compared has fallen GV7o1YKCCck-00431-00105583-00105907 by one third since 2007 can the minister GV7o1YKCCck-00432-00105908-00106123 confirm how he intends to increase the GV7o1YKCCck-00433-00106124-00106194 supply GV7o1YKCCck-00434-00106195-00106380 of new-build Hastings to sufficient GV7o1YKCCck-00435-00106381-00106583 levels change secure Scotland's future GV7o1YKCCck-00436-00106584-00106727 prosperity GV7o1YKCCck-00437-00106728-00107178 mr. president officer the government GV7o1YKCCck-00438-00107179-00107547 contains to increase supply through our GV7o1YKCCck-00439-00107548-00107724 more home Scotland approach and GV7o1YKCCck-00440-00107725-00107949 delivering 50,000 affordable homes GV7o1YKCCck-00441-00107950-00108279 across Scotland over the course of this GV7o1YKCCck-00442-00108280-00108600 Parliament 35,000 of them for social GV7o1YKCCck-00443-00108601-00108864 rent and if I can give mr. Stewart GV7o1YKCCck-00444-00108865-00109128 examples of the resourcing behind that GV7o1YKCCck-00445-00109129-00109413 in the region that he represents over GV7o1YKCCck-00446-00109414-00109629 the course of this period and GV7o1YKCCck-00447-00109630-00109920 Clackmannanshire Kane soul will benefit GV7o1YKCCck-00448-00109921-00110172 from twenty four point four eight GV7o1YKCCck-00449-00110173-00110448 million five council a hundred and GV7o1YKCCck-00450-00110449-00110682 thirty seven point zero two million GV7o1YKCCck-00451-00110683-00110727 Payne's GV7o1YKCCck-00452-00110728-00111069 paracin Kinross seventy one point two GV7o1YKCCck-00453-00111070-00111294 three five million pounds sterling GV7o1YKCCck-00454-00111295-00111603 thirty eight point three nine seven GV7o1YKCCck-00455-00111604-00111974 million pounds that's a total of 271 GV7o1YKCCck-00456-00111975-00112458 million pounds in mr. Stewart region GV7o1YKCCck-00457-00112458-00112770 alone three billion pains across GV7o1YKCCck-00458-00112771-00113097 Scotland to deliver 50,000 affordable GV7o1YKCCck-00459-00113098-00113451 homes beyond that and we continue to GV7o1YKCCck-00460-00113452-00113853 invest in our shared equity C schemes GV7o1YKCCck-00461-00113854-00114318 which allow new new owners to enter into GV7o1YKCCck-00462-00114319-00114648 the market and we will continue to work GV7o1YKCCck-00463-00114649-00114836 with all of the stakeholders that I've GV7o1YKCCck-00464-00114838-00115077 mentioned to continue to drive forward GV7o1YKCCck-00465-00115078-00115350 to ensure that Scotland gets the homes GV7o1YKCCck-00466-00115351-00115703 that it needs and deserves Richard Lyon GV7o1YKCCck-00467-00115704-00116016 no statesí Scottish government its GV7o1YKCCck-00468-00116017-00116336 supply of affordable housing per capita GV7o1YKCCck-00469-00116338-00116544 compares to that of the UK government GV7o1YKCCck-00470-00116545-00116831 supply in England GV7o1YKCCck-00471-00116832-00117222 mr. well I'm sure that there's about to GV7o1YKCCck-00472-00117223-00117410 be some noise from the tortilla benches GV7o1YKCCck-00473-00117411-00117765 presiding officer but since 2007 the GV7o1YKCCck-00474-00117766-00118002 supply of affordable housing per head of GV7o1YKCCck-00475-00118003-00118302 population in Scotland has been a third GV7o1YKCCck-00476-00118303-00118542 higher than in England GV7o1YKCCck-00477-00118543-00118743 this difference in supply has become GV7o1YKCCck-00478-00118744-00119022 even more pronounced over the last three GV7o1YKCCck-00479-00119023-00119301 years reflecting our continued GV7o1YKCCck-00480-00119302-00119481 commitment to delivering affordable GV7o1YKCCck-00481-00119482-00119534 housing GV7o1YKCCck-00482-00119535-00120048 since 2014 we have delivered 50% more GV7o1YKCCck-00483-00120049-00120282 affordable housing units per head of GV7o1YKCCck-00484-00120283-00120588 population here in Scotland than that in GV7o1YKCCck-00485-00120589-00121188 England Canada up till Thank You GV7o1YKCCck-00486-00121189-00121254 presiding officer GV7o1YKCCck-00487-00121255-00121488 Minister I recently visited the Rock GV7o1YKCCck-00488-00121489-00121614 trusted Edinburgh which is an GV7o1YKCCck-00489-00121615-00121824 organization supporting young homeless GV7o1YKCCck-00490-00121825-00122009 people in Edinburgh and they told me GV7o1YKCCck-00491-00122010-00122130 that the single biggest reason that GV7o1YKCCck-00492-00122131-00122274 young people at Edinburgh to clearing GV7o1YKCCck-00493-00122275-00122457 themselves homeless is because if I the GV7o1YKCCck-00494-00122458-00122733 negative experience of coming out forty GV7o1YKCCck-00495-00122733-00122874 percent of people that arrive on the GV7o1YKCCck-00496-00122875-00123083 doors of The Rock trust are identifying GV7o1YKCCck-00497-00123084-00123198 themselves as homeless because they've GV7o1YKCCck-00498-00123199-00123345 had a negative experience of telling the GV7o1YKCCck-00499-00123346-00123531 parents that they're gay can I ask the GV7o1YKCCck-00500-00123532-00123648 minister therefore what work the GV7o1YKCCck-00501-00123649-00123780 homelessness and rough sleeping action GV7o1YKCCck-00502-00123781-00123915 group is doing to address this GV7o1YKCCck-00503-00123916-00124053 fundamental root cause of youth GV7o1YKCCck-00504-00124054-00124449 homelessness first I thank mr. Doug dill GV7o1YKCCck-00505-00124450-00124709 very much for that question GV7o1YKCCck-00506-00124710-00124977 I - you have recently visited the rock GV7o1YKCCck-00507-00124978-00125238 trust and I applaud them for their GV7o1YKCCck-00508-00125239-00125604 efforts and the work that they do over GV7o1YKCCck-00509-00125605-00126045 the course of the of my time and office GV7o1YKCCck-00510-00126046-00126345 I've met with young folk arraigned about GV7o1YKCCck-00511-00126346-00126690 homelessness issues including members of GV7o1YKCCck-00512-00126691-00127010 LGBT youth Scotland who have done a huge GV7o1YKCCck-00513-00127011-00127329 amount of work in this area the GV7o1YKCCck-00514-00127330-00127554 homelessness in rough sleeping action GV7o1YKCCck-00515-00127555-00127890 group are looking very closely at the GV7o1YKCCck-00516-00127891-00128357 situation that young LGBT people face GV7o1YKCCck-00517-00128358-00129039 and I fully intend in terms of the the GV7o1YKCCck-00518-00129040-00129291 the strategy group which we have to deal GV7o1YKCCck-00519-00129292-00129485 with homelessness to ensure that there GV7o1YKCCck-00520-00129486-00129795 is a presence from young people on that GV7o1YKCCck-00521-00129796-00130061 and future and we will definitely GV7o1YKCCck-00522-00130063-00130329 without doubt take cognisance of the GV7o1YKCCck-00523-00130330-00130602 experience of all young people but in GV7o1YKCCck-00524-00130603-00130878 particular those LGBT young people who GV7o1YKCCck-00525-00130879-00131085 have faced the kind of difficulties that GV7o1YKCCck-00526-00131086-00131367 miss Doug deal has highlighted question GV7o1YKCCck-00527-00131368-00131574 number six is Rachael Hamilton to ask GV7o1YKCCck-00528-00131575-00131727 the Scottish Government what recent GV7o1YKCCck-00529-00131728-00131886 discussions it has had regarding the GV7o1YKCCck-00530-00131887-00132090 provision of social housing mr. Kevin GV7o1YKCCck-00531-00132091-00132381 Stewart presiding officers I've just GV7o1YKCCck-00532-00132382-00132597 confirmed to Alexander Stewart and my GV7o1YKCCck-00533-00132598-00132825 previous answer as part of our more home GV7o1YKCCck-00534-00132826-00132869 Scott GV7o1YKCCck-00535-00132870-00133040 approach to support the increase in the GV7o1YKCCck-00536-00133041-00133286 supply of housing I my officials take GV7o1YKCCck-00537-00133287-00133454 every opportunity to engage with the GV7o1YKCCck-00538-00133455-00133760 stakeholders to drive forward the GV7o1YKCCck-00539-00133761-00133970 planning and delivery of more homes my GV7o1YKCCck-00540-00133971-00134141 officials and I met with Hazen conveners GV7o1YKCCck-00541-00134142-00134279 at the convention of Scottish local GV7o1YKCCck-00542-00134280-00134519 authorities last week and officials met GV7o1YKCCck-00543-00134520-00134672 with Scottish Borders Kingsville this GV7o1YKCCck-00544-00134673-00134909 week to discuss the provision of social GV7o1YKCCck-00545-00134910-00135179 housing there Mitchell Hamilton I thank GV7o1YKCCck-00546-00135180-00135299 the Minister for that answer GV7o1YKCCck-00547-00135300-00135473 as we've heard today the latest figures GV7o1YKCCck-00548-00135474-00135680 show that the SNP is not meeting its new GV7o1YKCCck-00549-00135681-00135872 social housing completion commitments GV7o1YKCCck-00550-00135873-00136082 and new build completions have also GV7o1YKCCck-00551-00136083-00136322 stagnated in your earlier answer to GV7o1YKCCck-00552-00136323-00136550 Gordon Lyndhurst and Alexander Stuart's GV7o1YKCCck-00553-00136551-00136778 questions the Minister outlined GV7o1YKCCck-00554-00136779-00137015 commitments that the government has to GV7o1YKCCck-00555-00137016-00137402 numbers but what steps will the SNP GV7o1YKCCck-00556-00137403-00137630 government take to ensure new social GV7o1YKCCck-00557-00137631-00137807 rent at homes to meet housing GV7o1YKCCck-00558-00137808-00137972 commitments ensure that Scotland has GV7o1YKCCck-00559-00137973-00138245 sufficient provision and scope for GV7o1YKCCck-00560-00138246-00138389 appropriate housing to meet future GV7o1YKCCck-00561-00138390-00138572 demand particularly for those seeking GV7o1YKCCck-00562-00138573-00139076 larger accommodation Minister thank you GV7o1YKCCck-00563-00139077-00139241 for staying officer I'm glad that the GV7o1YKCCck-00564-00139242-00139481 housing convener in the Scottish Borders GV7o1YKCCck-00565-00139482-00139697 who I met recently as a little bit more GV7o1YKCCck-00566-00139698-00139979 positive than some of the folk some of GV7o1YKCCck-00567-00139980-00140237 his colleagues and the Tory benches in GV7o1YKCCck-00568-00140238-00140453 terms of investment and the Scottish GV7o1YKCCck-00569-00140454-00140744 Borders over the piece of this GV7o1YKCCck-00570-00140745-00140990 Parliament Scottish Borders will benefit GV7o1YKCCck-00571-00140991-00141557 from 62.67 eight million panes and I've GV7o1YKCCck-00572-00141558-00141821 told the housing convener and Scottish GV7o1YKCCck-00573-00141822-00142166 Borders as well as others that in terms GV7o1YKCCck-00574-00142167-00142493 of looking at need in their areas which GV7o1YKCCck-00575-00142494-00142685 should be driven by local housing GV7o1YKCCck-00576-00142686-00142949 strategies and their knowledge and then GV7o1YKCCck-00577-00142950-00143222 the investment of that should feature in GV7o1YKCCck-00578-00143223-00143390 their strategic housing investment plans GV7o1YKCCck-00579-00143391-00143747 I've said that in terms of need if an GV7o1YKCCck-00580-00143748-00144124 area requires hazing for larger families GV7o1YKCCck-00581-00144125-00144490 that my officials will look very closely GV7o1YKCCck-00582-00144491-00144824 in terms of subsidy required for that GV7o1YKCCck-00583-00144825-00145073 there is a level of flexibility that we GV7o1YKCCck-00584-00145074-00145415 have to add the same goes for housing GV7o1YKCCck-00585-00145416-00145709 for disabled people the same message has GV7o1YKCCck-00586-00145710-00146126 gone across in that regard t my GV7o1YKCCck-00587-00146127-00146246 officials are GV7o1YKCCck-00588-00146247-00146648 always willing to meet with local GV7o1YKCCck-00589-00146649-00146861 authorities including housing conveners GV7o1YKCCck-00590-00146862-00147251 to make sure that we get less right but GV7o1YKCCck-00591-00147252-00147446 one of the things which must be done is GV7o1YKCCck-00592-00147447-00147686 that local authorities must ensure that GV7o1YKCCck-00593-00147687-00147944 their local housing strategies the needs GV7o1YKCCck-00594-00147945-00148118 and demands assessments that they carry GV7o1YKCCck-00595-00148119-00148463 out are right but we will be flexible on GV7o1YKCCck-00596-00148464-00148666 a number of these issues tell Martha GV7o1YKCCck-00597-00148667-00148868 thank you can officers can the minister GV7o1YKCCck-00598-00148869-00149063 Atlantic Harlem and what support the GV7o1YKCCck-00599-00149064-00149203 Scottish Government is giving to GV7o1YKCCck-00600-00149204-00149369 increase the supply of affordable homes GV7o1YKCCck-00601-00149370-00149623 and my constriction co-official South GV7o1YKCCck-00602-00149624-00150004 and Wren future saves the presiding GV7o1YKCCck-00603-00150005-00150371 officer we of course are doing what GV7o1YKCCck-00604-00150372-00150577 we're doing right across Scotland and GV7o1YKCCck-00605-00150578-00150794 that is increasing the amount of GV7o1YKCCck-00606-00150795-00151043 resource that we are giving to every GV7o1YKCCck-00607-00151044-00151361 case or area including rent for sure to GV7o1YKCCck-00608-00151362-00151682 ensure that they have the stability and GV7o1YKCCck-00609-00151683-00151960 the comfort of knowing what they are GV7o1YKCCck-00610-00151961-00152290 going to receive in terms of of money GV7o1YKCCck-00611-00152291-00152543 over the next number of years that gives GV7o1YKCCck-00612-00152544-00152902 them the ability to plan and some depth GV7o1YKCCck-00613-00152903-00153152 many local authorities are doing GV7o1YKCCck-00614-00153153-00153443 extremely well in terms of delivery GV7o1YKCCck-00615-00153444-00153746 already others with Housing Association GV7o1YKCCck-00616-00153747-00154094 partners are taking a little longer to GV7o1YKCCck-00617-00154095-00154370 get plans in place but I am committed to GV7o1YKCCck-00618-00154371-00154603 ensure that we meet that ambitious GV7o1YKCCck-00619-00154604-00154847 target of delivering 50,000 affordable GV7o1YKCCck-00620-00154848-00155099 homes right across the country to GV7o1YKCCck-00621-00155100-00155329 benefit constituencies like Graham GV7o1YKCCck-00622-00155330-00155573 Fisher safe but also every other one in GV7o1YKCCck-00623-00155574-00155813 Scotland t question I was having Gordon GV7o1YKCCck-00624-00155814-00156101 don't justice Scottish government how it GV7o1YKCCck-00625-00156102-00156263 meets the hosting demand of old of GV7o1YKCCck-00626-00156264-00156548 tenants with mobility issues Minister GV7o1YKCCck-00627-00156549-00156860 confusion design officer the Scottish GV7o1YKCCck-00628-00156861-00157031 government wants everyone to have a home GV7o1YKCCck-00629-00157032-00157279 that is the right size and the right GV7o1YKCCck-00630-00157280-00157538 location and able to meet people's needs GV7o1YKCCck-00631-00157539-00157784 and to ensure people are able to live GV7o1YKCCck-00632-00157785-00158041 independently in spring this year we GV7o1YKCCck-00633-00158042-00158234 both jointly with Kozlov publish a GV7o1YKCCck-00634-00158235-00158462 refreshed aged home and community GV7o1YKCCck-00635-00158463-00158689 strategy strategy which will set out GV7o1YKCCck-00636-00158690-00158890 plans to ensure the housing needs and GV7o1YKCCck-00637-00158891-00159125 choices of all their people are made GV7o1YKCCck-00638-00159126-00159398 we're investing over 3 billion pounds GV7o1YKCCck-00639-00159399-00159593 and affordable housing to deliver GV7o1YKCCck-00640-00159594-00159799 least 50,000 affordable homes over the GV7o1YKCCck-00641-00159800-00160114 lifetime of this Parliament a 76 percent GV7o1YKCCck-00642-00160115-00160291 increase on our previous five-year GV7o1YKCCck-00643-00160292-00160634 investment 35,000 of these homes will be GV7o1YKCCck-00644-00160635-00160871 for social rent most of these homes will GV7o1YKCCck-00645-00160872-00161065 be delivered by housing associations and GV7o1YKCCck-00646-00161066-00161249 councils and will be sufficiently GV7o1YKCCck-00647-00161250-00161495 flexible and adaptable to meet people's GV7o1YKCCck-00648-00161496-00161684 varying needs as they age and their GV7o1YKCCck-00649-00161685-00161933 mobility decreases latest available GV7o1YKCCck-00650-00161934-00162320 statistics show that 91% of homes built GV7o1YKCCck-00651-00162321-00162532 by housing associations and councils in GV7o1YKCCck-00652-00162533-00162881 2016 17 met housing for varying needs GV7o1YKCCck-00653-00162882-00163114 standards I expect this level of GV7o1YKCCck-00654-00163115-00163387 compliance to continue to apply to the GV7o1YKCCck-00655-00163388-00163599 delivery of the 50,000 target GV7o1YKCCck-00656-00163600-00163861 appropriate adaptations can also help GV7o1YKCCck-00657-00163862-00164081 older and disabled people with mobility GV7o1YKCCck-00658-00164082-00164348 issues live safely and independently in GV7o1YKCCck-00659-00164349-00164543 their own home we're working with health GV7o1YKCCck-00660-00164544-00164759 and social care partnerships all there GV7o1YKCCck-00661-00164760-00164962 in disabled people's organizations and GV7o1YKCCck-00662-00164963-00165214 the housing sector to ensure that people GV7o1YKCCck-00663-00165215-00165424 who would benefit from adaptations to GV7o1YKCCck-00664-00165425-00165674 their home can access these services GV7o1YKCCck-00665-00165675-00165995 when needed coordinate on a fight the GV7o1YKCCck-00666-00165996-00166174 Minister for the answered and GV7o1YKCCck-00667-00166175-00166349 Edinborough all the tenants with GV7o1YKCCck-00668-00166350-00166619 mobility issues and awarded go priority GV7o1YKCCck-00669-00166620-00166840 that entitles them to a ground floor GV7o1YKCCck-00670-00166841-00167072 property however there are not enough GV7o1YKCCck-00671-00167073-00167369 homes to meet the demand what steps to GV7o1YKCCck-00672-00167370-00167510 the Scottish Government taking to GV7o1YKCCck-00673-00167511-00167708 encourage more developers to build GV7o1YKCCck-00674-00167709-00167969 suitable affordable homes for all that GV7o1YKCCck-00675-00167970-00168383 people with mobility issues in terms of GV7o1YKCCck-00676-00168384-00168644 the social housing that we are GV7o1YKCCck-00677-00168645-00169051 delivering I as I said earlier to miss GV7o1YKCCck-00678-00169052-00169310 Hamilton would expect local authorities GV7o1YKCCck-00679-00169311-00169663 to look at need in their area now I kind GV7o1YKCCck-00680-00169664-00169922 of remember off the top of my head the GV7o1YKCCck-00681-00169923-00170168 contents of Edinburgh strategic housing GV7o1YKCCck-00682-00170169-00170440 investment plan but it's clear to me GV7o1YKCCck-00683-00170441-00170701 that some local authorities seem to have GV7o1YKCCck-00684-00170702-00171001 done more work in this area than others GV7o1YKCCck-00685-00171002-00171272 I think it was - MS MacNeil presiding GV7o1YKCCck-00686-00171273-00171473 officer the other week I highlighted the GV7o1YKCCck-00687-00171474-00171829 angus King saw had stated that that they GV7o1YKCCck-00688-00171830-00172216 were looking at to create 16 percent of GV7o1YKCCck-00689-00172217-00172390 their new homes for wheelchair GV7o1YKCCck-00690-00172391-00172718 accessibility and specialists need and I GV7o1YKCCck-00691-00172719-00172912 think that Edinburgh and other GV7o1YKCCck-00692-00172913-00173173 authorities need to use the knowledge GV7o1YKCCck-00693-00173174-00173389 that they have to ensure that the new GV7o1YKCCck-00694-00173390-00173626 houses that are being built are the GV7o1YKCCck-00695-00173627-00173965 right houses including provision for GV7o1YKCCck-00696-00173966-00174247 older and disabled people people beyond GV7o1YKCCck-00697-00174248-00174454 that presiding officer and the private GV7o1YKCCck-00698-00174455-00174802 sector I've tasked by building standards GV7o1YKCCck-00699-00174803-00175192 officials to look at what we need to do GV7o1YKCCck-00700-00175193-00175630 in terms of ensuring the private housing GV7o1YKCCck-00701-00175631-00175987 also can be improved for the needs of GV7o1YKCCck-00702-00175988-00176242 older and disabled people that work is GV7o1YKCCck-00703-00176243-00176527 ongoing as I say and there will be of GV7o1YKCCck-00704-00176528-00176716 course the publication of the joint GV7o1YKCCck-00705-00176717-00177007 document with cause 'la we are on in the GV7o1YKCCck-00706-00177008-00177364 year which will again highlight what we GV7o1YKCCck-00707-00177365-00177535 are doing in this in this area of GV7o1YKCCck-00708-00177536-00177787 business Morris Cory thank you for GV7o1YKCCck-00709-00177788-00178006 joining us I'm sure the Minister would GV7o1YKCCck-00710-00178007-00178144 agree with me that looking after the GV7o1YKCCck-00711-00178145-00178324 housing requirements of our our wounded GV7o1YKCCck-00712-00178325-00178552 veterans community is vital the Scottish GV7o1YKCCck-00713-00178553-00178750 Veterans Garden City Association was GV7o1YKCCck-00714-00178751-00178930 just attorney work for our veterans GV7o1YKCCck-00715-00178931-00179128 community has been working closely with GV7o1YKCCck-00716-00179129-00179431 several local councils where possible to GV7o1YKCCck-00717-00179432-00179575 provide housing that meets both the GV7o1YKCCck-00718-00179576-00179719 physical requirements of disabled GV7o1YKCCck-00719-00179720-00179950 veterans and also provides inclusiveness GV7o1YKCCck-00720-00179951-00180124 within a community which they so dearly GV7o1YKCCck-00721-00180125-00180304 need would the minister consider GV7o1YKCCck-00722-00180305-00180538 bringing this to a national level and GV7o1YKCCck-00723-00180539-00180721 encouraging all local authorities and GV7o1YKCCck-00724-00180722-00180868 Scotland to engage with the third sector GV7o1YKCCck-00725-00180869-00181066 organisations like the Scottish Veterans GV7o1YKCCck-00726-00181067-00181276 Garden City Association so that they can GV7o1YKCCck-00727-00181277-00181477 we can ensure that housing is built GV7o1YKCCck-00728-00181478-00181705 appropriately for hard-to-reach groups GV7o1YKCCck-00729-00181706-00181978 like our so deserving disabled veterans GV7o1YKCCck-00730-00181979-00182210 yes GV7o1YKCCck-00731-00182211-00182451 presenting officer would encourage all GV7o1YKCCck-00732-00182452-00182697 local authorities to work with all GV7o1YKCCck-00733-00182698-00182937 partners she have an interest in hazing GV7o1YKCCck-00734-00182938-00183135 at the pleasure of meeting GV7o1YKCCck-00735-00183136-00183438 representatives from the guards that GV7o1YKCCck-00736-00183439-00183843 hazing organization a recent opening of GV7o1YKCCck-00737-00183844-00184047 a linked housing scheme here in GV7o1YKCCck-00738-00184048-00184233 Edinburgh and I'm very pleased that GV7o1YKCCck-00739-00184234-00184530 Edinburgh City Council has reached GV7o1YKCCck-00740-00184531-00184848 agreement with the Association arraigned GV7o1YKCCck-00741-00184849-00185067 about housing provision here and I would GV7o1YKCCck-00742-00185068-00185286 encourage all other local authorities to GV7o1YKCCck-00743-00185287-00185607 do likewise but what also would be very GV7o1YKCCck-00744-00185608-00185967 useful in terms of helping us meet our GV7o1YKCCck-00745-00185968-00186219 housing needs here in Scotland it would GV7o1YKCCck-00746-00186220-00186495 actually be a lot of cooperation from GV7o1YKCCck-00747-00186496-00186885 the Ministry of Defence in terms of some GV7o1YKCCck-00748-00186886-00187239 of the land housing and buildings that GV7o1YKCCck-00749-00187240-00187485 they own here in Scotland the cabinet GV7o1YKCCck-00750-00187486-00187794 secretary for the economy who is also GV7o1YKCCck-00751-00187795-00188010 the valence ministers sitting to my GV7o1YKCCck-00752-00188011-00188235 right here and I know that he has made GV7o1YKCCck-00753-00188236-00188508 lots of effort and trying to get the GV7o1YKCCck-00754-00188509-00188787 Ministry of Defence to live up to what I GV7o1YKCCck-00755-00188788-00189078 see is its responsibilities and helping GV7o1YKCCck-00756-00189079-00189366 us in this regard I wish that the GV7o1YKCCck-00757-00189367-00189672 answers that he had had back were more GV7o1YKCCck-00758-00189673-00189873 positive than they have been and maybe GV7o1YKCCck-00759-00189874-00190140 mr. Kouri can help in that regard to GV7o1YKCCck-00760-00190141-00190317 make the Ministry of Defence see sense GV7o1YKCCck-00761-00190318-00190476 and to cooperate with the Scottish GV7o1YKCCck-00762-00190477-00190716 government in these matters question GV7o1YKCCck-00763-00190717-00190986 eight rooted round to ask the Scottish GV7o1YKCCck-00764-00190987-00191205 Government which stakeholders that has GV7o1YKCCck-00765-00191206-00191382 had discussions with regard and GV7o1YKCCck-00766-00191383-00191586 providing alternatives to cash in lieu GV7o1YKCCck-00767-00191587-00191826 of disability benefits Minister Jean GV7o1YKCCck-00768-00191827-00191892 Freeman GV7o1YKCCck-00769-00191893-00192219 thank you alternative cash were raised GV7o1YKCCck-00770-00192220-00192423 with us during our extensive GV7o1YKCCck-00771-00192424-00192585 consultation on Social Security in GV7o1YKCCck-00772-00192586-00192786 Scotland in 2016 GV7o1YKCCck-00773-00192787-00192948 since then there has been ongoing GV7o1YKCCck-00774-00192949-00193122 engagement with a number of stakeholders GV7o1YKCCck-00775-00193123-00193434 including those on the disability and GV7o1YKCCck-00776-00193435-00193656 carers benefits expert advisory group GV7o1YKCCck-00777-00193657-00193934 the ill health and disability benefits GV7o1YKCCck-00778-00193935-00194172 stakeholder reference group and others GV7o1YKCCck-00779-00194173-00194502 and we had always intended of course GV7o1YKCCck-00780-00194503-00194880 that cash alternatives would be for the GV7o1YKCCck-00781-00194881-00195099 individuals choice and I have listened GV7o1YKCCck-00782-00195100-00195339 to those who have rightly pointed out GV7o1YKCCck-00783-00195340-00195522 that are a draft Social Security GV7o1YKCCck-00784-00195523-00195744 does not clearly reflect that and have GV7o1YKCCck-00785-00195745-00196005 lodged amendments which I hope with GV7o1YKCCck-00786-00196006-00196209 members support will ensure that that GV7o1YKCCck-00787-00196210-00196539 choice is central to this aspect of cash GV7o1YKCCck-00788-00196540-00196956 alternatives good a grant I thank the GV7o1YKCCck-00789-00196957-00197151 Minister for that response and I hope GV7o1YKCCck-00790-00197152-00197403 the bill will give claimants real choice GV7o1YKCCck-00791-00197404-00197688 and she will also be aware that the GV7o1YKCCck-00792-00197689-00197886 Department of Work and Pensions has GV7o1YKCCck-00793-00197887-00198204 began to review cases of 1.6 million GV7o1YKCCck-00794-00198205-00198597 people who claim including 13,000 across GV7o1YKCCck-00795-00198598-00198807 the highland region to establish whether GV7o1YKCCck-00796-00198808-00198957 they should have been treated with GV7o1YKCCck-00797-00198958-00199248 parity regardless of their condition can GV7o1YKCCck-00798-00199249-00199404 she give the assurance that she will GV7o1YKCCck-00799-00199405-00199629 make specific provision so that no GV7o1YKCCck-00800-00199630-00199782 government can ever unfairly GV7o1YKCCck-00801-00199783-00199983 differentiate between physical and GV7o1YKCCck-00802-00199984-00200247 mental conditions and the determination GV7o1YKCCck-00803-00200248-00200685 of disability assistance again I thank GV7o1YKCCck-00804-00200686-00200880 miss grant for that supplementary GV7o1YKCCck-00805-00200881-00201057 question and I do of course welcome the GV7o1YKCCck-00806-00201058-00201252 UK government's decision not to appeal GV7o1YKCCck-00807-00201253-00201561 that ruling and to begin what is an GV7o1YKCCck-00808-00201562-00201759 extensive and significant piece of work GV7o1YKCCck-00809-00201760-00201990 on their part to identify those GV7o1YKCCck-00810-00201991-00202191 individuals who have been adversely GV7o1YKCCck-00811-00202192-00202470 affected by their decisions and take GV7o1YKCCck-00812-00202471-00202674 steps to remedy that and we will keep in GV7o1YKCCck-00813-00202675-00202890 close contact with that in as much as we GV7o1YKCCck-00814-00202891-00203118 can and the DWP is willing to share that GV7o1YKCCck-00815-00203119-00203328 information with us with respect to GV7o1YKCCck-00816-00203329-00203565 individuals living here in Scotland I GV7o1YKCCck-00817-00203566-00203820 absolutely can give Ms grant that GV7o1YKCCck-00818-00203821-00203982 assurance because of course we have GV7o1YKCCck-00819-00203983-00204216 brought forward a hate speech Social GV7o1YKCCck-00820-00204217-00204537 Security bill in legislation in our GV7o1YKCCck-00821-00204538-00204711 draft bill that is the subject know of GV7o1YKCCck-00822-00204712-00204996 detailed discussion and in that and GV7o1YKCCck-00823-00204996-00205265 indeed in our own Parliament with our GV7o1YKCCck-00824-00205266-00205569 requirement to comply with echr and our GV7o1YKCCck-00825-00205569-00205848 responsibility as ministers in our court GV7o1YKCCck-00826-00205848-00206079 to make sure that we behave and act in GV7o1YKCCck-00827-00206080-00206511 that way then is goes some way to not GV7o1YKCCck-00828-00206512-00206696 only provide the assurance that ms grant GV7o1YKCCck-00829-00206698-00206910 seeks but by our practice to ensure that GV7o1YKCCck-00830-00206911-00207288 we deliver on that in charge item Thank GV7o1YKCCck-00831-00207289-00207432 You presiding officer can I ask the GV7o1YKCCck-00832-00207433-00207630 minister how she sees the use of GV7o1YKCCck-00833-00207631-00207804 experienced panels as influence in GV7o1YKCCck-00834-00207805-00207978 delivery of devolved benefits under the GV7o1YKCCck-00835-00207979-00208335 new social security system minister and GV7o1YKCCck-00836-00208336-00208527 I'm grateful to mr. Adam for that GV7o1YKCCck-00837-00208528-00208815 supplementary the chamber will of course GV7o1YKCCck-00838-00208816-00208889 be a GV7o1YKCCck-00839-00208890-00209078 we're of the 2,000 volunteers that we GV7o1YKCCck-00840-00209079-00209285 have it recruited to experience panels GV7o1YKCCck-00841-00209286-00209652 and our most recent extra recruitment GV7o1YKCCck-00842-00209653-00209877 exercise to bring in additional young GV7o1YKCCck-00843-00209878-00210104 carers to assist us with that particular GV7o1YKCCck-00844-00210105-00210344 aspect of our work the whole rationale GV7o1YKCCck-00845-00210346-00210567 behind that is that you build a proper GV7o1YKCCck-00846-00210567-00210767 system if you found it through listening GV7o1YKCCck-00847-00210769-00211050 to those with personal experience of GV7o1YKCCck-00848-00211051-00211241 being on benefits and you pay attention GV7o1YKCCck-00849-00211242-00211491 to that personal experience and try to GV7o1YKCCck-00850-00211492-00211713 address their concerns the experience GV7o1YKCCck-00851-00211714-00211998 panels so far have been involved with us GV7o1YKCCck-00852-00211998-00212346 in initial design questions particularly GV7o1YKCCck-00853-00212346-00212523 around the first wave of benefits that GV7o1YKCCck-00854-00212523-00212742 we have committed to delivering around GV7o1YKCCck-00855-00212742-00213110 the carers allowance supplement best GV7o1YKCCck-00856-00213111-00213281 start grant and funeral assistance GV7o1YKCCck-00857-00213282-00213506 helping us with everything from the GV7o1YKCCck-00858-00213507-00213741 nature of the application form right GV7o1YKCCck-00859-00213742-00213987 through to how decisions are made how GV7o1YKCCck-00860-00213988-00214196 they are informed and the manner of the GV7o1YKCCck-00861-00214198-00214469 communication that they receive from us GV7o1YKCCck-00862-00214471-00214652 and the various choices that are within GV7o1YKCCck-00863-00214653-00214931 that to testing some of the online GV7o1YKCCck-00864-00214932-00215166 offers that we are beginning to design GV7o1YKCCck-00865-00215167-00215378 and build and of course they will GV7o1YKCCck-00866-00215379-00215681 continue to be with us all of them and GV7o1YKCCck-00867-00215682-00215901 we will talk where necessary and look to GV7o1YKCCck-00868-00215902-00216128 increase our reach through hard to reach GV7o1YKCCck-00869-00216129-00216363 groups that are not perhaps not as well GV7o1YKCCck-00870-00216364-00216581 represented on the experience panels as GV7o1YKCCck-00871-00216582-00216798 we would hope by our work with GV7o1YKCCck-00872-00216798-00217014 stakeholders like farm H and others and GV7o1YKCCck-00873-00217015-00217212 they will continue to be with us right GV7o1YKCCck-00874-00217213-00217440 through this exercise to the end of this GV7o1YKCCck-00875-00217441-00217610 Parliament and I would hope that a GV7o1YKCCck-00876-00217611-00217796 future government would also consider GV7o1YKCCck-00877-00217798-00218040 following this good practice in how they GV7o1YKCCck-00878-00218041-00218250 involve those who will use a system in GV7o1YKCCck-00879-00218251-00218541 designing it question number nine Neil GV7o1YKCCck-00880-00218542-00218834 Findlay justice government and lay off GV7o1YKCCck-00881-00218835-00218981 the statement and its program for GV7o1YKCCck-00882-00218982-00219144 government that the third sector needs GV7o1YKCCck-00883-00219144-00219390 stability of funding and the opportunity GV7o1YKCCck-00884-00219391-00219578 for long term planning and development GV7o1YKCCck-00885-00219579-00219803 how this has been rolled out across its GV7o1YKCCck-00886-00219804-00220017 departments and agencies camera GV7o1YKCCck-00887-00220017-00220283 secretary under concerns sign-offs GV7o1YKCCck-00888-00220284-00220421 they're all funded under the Scottish GV7o1YKCCck-00889-00220423-00220646 Government's equality budget moved to GV7o1YKCCck-00890-00220648-00220938 three years funding at the start of 2017 GV7o1YKCCck-00891-00220939-00221231 18 and we have increased the budget by GV7o1YKCCck-00892-00221232-00221766 2.3 75 million for 2018-19 our community GV7o1YKCCck-00893-00221767-00222008 capacity and resilience fund as enabling GV7o1YKCCck-00894-00222009-00222230 community groups to secure a three GV7o1YKCCck-00895-00222231-00222414 ruin funding commitment to the aired GV7o1YKCCck-00896-00222415-00222581 work and we have also announced GV7o1YKCCck-00897-00222582-00222755 three-year commitments for the social GV7o1YKCCck-00898-00222756-00222974 entrepreneurs fund and the volunteer GV7o1YKCCck-00899-00222975-00223376 support right from 2018 onwards support GV7o1YKCCck-00900-00223377-00223590 for the third sector is from a wide GV7o1YKCCck-00901-00223591-00223841 range of portfolios and we will continue GV7o1YKCCck-00902-00223842-00224042 to extend three-year ruing funding where GV7o1YKCCck-00903-00224043-00224309 possible across the Scottish Government GV7o1YKCCck-00904-00224310-00224567 together with our transparent and feared GV7o1YKCCck-00905-00224568-00224816 basis for the extension of court funding GV7o1YKCCck-00906-00224817-00224978 this will give the third sector a GV7o1YKCCck-00907-00224979-00225173 significant level of stability of GV7o1YKCCck-00908-00225174-00225421 funding and the ability to plan ahead GV7o1YKCCck-00909-00225422-00225734 Neil Findlay given these statements and GV7o1YKCCck-00910-00225735-00225884 the programme for government doesn't GV7o1YKCCck-00911-00225885-00226076 mean that voluntary organisations who GV7o1YKCCck-00912-00226077-00226304 currently receive one-year funding can I GV7o1YKCCck-00913-00226305-00226442 look forward to three-year course GV7o1YKCCck-00914-00226443-00226665 funding to allow them the opportunity GV7o1YKCCck-00915-00226666-00227101 for longer-term planning and development GV7o1YKCCck-00916-00227102-00227495 and well as I've already said to mr. GV7o1YKCCck-00917-00227496-00227681 Finley and others on numerous occasions GV7o1YKCCck-00918-00227682-00227920 in this chamber we have very firm GV7o1YKCCck-00919-00227921-00228288 commitments to the voluntary sector it's GV7o1YKCCck-00920-00228289-00228440 ashamed that he didn't welcome the GV7o1YKCCck-00921-00228441-00228704 progress that was made thus far despite GV7o1YKCCck-00922-00228705-00228902 a very difficult financial position GV7o1YKCCck-00923-00228903-00229244 imposed upon us by the UK government and GV7o1YKCCck-00924-00229245-00229488 the austerity and cuts but nonetheless GV7o1YKCCck-00925-00229489-00229788 we have made good progress with three GV7o1YKCCck-00926-00229789-00230002 years funding organizations of course GV7o1YKCCck-00927-00230003-00230534 apply for funding and on their merits of GV7o1YKCCck-00928-00230535-00230744 their application but has also seen that GV7o1YKCCck-00929-00230745-00230924 he didn't welcome it either they GV7o1YKCCck-00930-00230925-00231107 increased for their quality budget or GV7o1YKCCck-00931-00231108-00231275 indeed the protection of the third GV7o1YKCCck-00932-00231276-00231551 sector budget 24 half million pounds or GV7o1YKCCck-00933-00231552-00231869 indeed the empowering communities fund GV7o1YKCCck-00934-00231870-00232169 or indeed our commitment to start sector GV7o1YKCCck-00935-00232170-00232346 interspaces that eight million pounds GV7o1YKCCck-00936-00232347-00232532 away it's the birth of Scotland and that GV7o1YKCCck-00937-00232533-00232737 I have to say master friendly includes GV7o1YKCCck-00938-00232738-00232919 two hundred and thirty four thousand GV7o1YKCCck-00939-00232920-00233168 pounds to the West Lothian gave me the GV7o1YKCCck-00940-00233169-00233459 this government is invest and locally I GV7o1YKCCck-00941-00233460-00233696 wonder if we're smoothing council it GV7o1YKCCck-00942-00233697-00233927 will continue to make their investment GV7o1YKCCck-00943-00233928-00234143 of sixty thousand pounds at going GV7o1YKCCck-00944-00234144-00234241 forward GV7o1YKCCck-00945-00234242-00234692 Morris golden what tools and techniques GV7o1YKCCck-00946-00234693-00234944 are the government using to measure the GV7o1YKCCck-00947-00234945-00235202 social impact of their funding awards to GV7o1YKCCck-00948-00235203-00235484 the third sector cabinet agency well GV7o1YKCCck-00949-00235485-00235602 social impact GV7o1YKCCck-00950-00235603-00235779 it informs a wide range of our work GV7o1YKCCck-00951-00235780-00236069 across government and if the the main GV7o1YKCCck-00952-00236071-00236262 but looks at things like you know grant GV7o1YKCCck-00953-00236263-00236573 award letters that we are indeed looking GV7o1YKCCck-00954-00236575-00236871 at the impact of continuous and GV7o1YKCCck-00955-00236871-00237087 significant investment in this third GV7o1YKCCck-00956-00237088-00237330 sector we're particularly interested in GV7o1YKCCck-00957-00237331-00237521 the role of the third sector in terms of GV7o1YKCCck-00958-00237523-00237807 public sector reform in terms of the GV7o1YKCCck-00959-00237808-00238046 rule and real and meaningful civic GV7o1YKCCck-00960-00238048-00238266 engagement the contribution that they GV7o1YKCCck-00961-00238267-00238539 commit make to our economy and the GV7o1YKCCck-00962-00238540-00238788 social enterprise census has helped us GV7o1YKCCck-00963-00238789-00239028 to unpack some of that the contribution GV7o1YKCCck-00964-00239029-00239214 that they can make to the well-being not GV7o1YKCCck-00965-00239215-00239442 just of individuals but to communities GV7o1YKCCck-00966-00239442-00239667 and of course that the contribution that GV7o1YKCCck-00967-00239667-00239919 the voluntary sector can make and GV7o1YKCCck-00968-00239919-00240062 working in partnership with government GV7o1YKCCck-00969-00240063-00240312 to help tackle some of the toughest GV7o1YKCCck-00970-00240313-00240708 social problems thank you very much to GV7o1YKCCck-00971-00240709-00240896 ministers and members that concludes a GV7o1YKCCck-00972-00240896-00241217 question session GWSrJ5q-X1E-00000-00000119-00000214 all right GWSrJ5q-X1E-00001-00000215-00000415 now we have some images here in the GWSrJ5q-X1E-00002-00000416-00000623 images folder GWSrJ5q-X1E-00003-00000624-00000799 um and remember GWSrJ5q-X1E-00004-00000800-00001070 when i chose file open GWSrJ5q-X1E-00005-00001071-00001582 originally i i navigated straight to my GWSrJ5q-X1E-00006-00001583-00001926 documents folder my web production class GWSrJ5q-X1E-00007-00001927-00002263 and my week 10 folder and that's why GWSrJ5q-X1E-00008-00002264-00002463 everything that changes in this week 10 GWSrJ5q-X1E-00009-00002464-00002558 folder GWSrJ5q-X1E-00010-00002559-00003079 like the images that i just added GWSrJ5q-X1E-00011-00003080-00003399 remember i did that mock-up assets and i GWSrJ5q-X1E-00012-00003400-00003590 didn't save those but i did save the GWSrJ5q-X1E-00013-00003592-00003806 images say i moved them into the images GWSrJ5q-X1E-00014-00003807-00004038 folder so they're all here and that's GWSrJ5q-X1E-00015-00004039-00004303 why i can see them here now GWSrJ5q-X1E-00016-00004304-00004527 and i've just added all of these images GWSrJ5q-X1E-00017-00004528-00004806 through photoshop's fantastic GWSrJ5q-X1E-00018-00004807-00005031 generate process GWSrJ5q-X1E-00019-00005032-00005143 and now GWSrJ5q-X1E-00020-00005144-00005335 i would like to place GWSrJ5q-X1E-00021-00005336-00005567 this at the top of the page GWSrJ5q-X1E-00022-00005568-00005686 and this GWSrJ5q-X1E-00023-00005687-00005902 i i a little bit regret naming this GWSrJ5q-X1E-00024-00005903-00006063 header.jpg GWSrJ5q-X1E-00025-00006064-00006591 because i do also have an html tag GWSrJ5q-X1E-00026-00006592-00006678 here GWSrJ5q-X1E-00027-00006679-00007006 that is called header and those two are GWSrJ5q-X1E-00028-00007008-00007223 not related so i probably should have GWSrJ5q-X1E-00029-00007223-00007446 named that um GWSrJ5q-X1E-00030-00007447-00007639 this one i should have probably just GWSrJ5q-X1E-00031-00007640-00007855 named it kevin in footloose or something GWSrJ5q-X1E-00032-00007856-00008119 like that but i didn't so GWSrJ5q-X1E-00033-00008120-00008271 we'll live with that GWSrJ5q-X1E-00034-00008272-00008639 so back here on my html this is where i GWSrJ5q-X1E-00035-00008640-00008814 have the header tag which is where i'm GWSrJ5q-X1E-00036-00008815-00009087 going to put that logo GWSrJ5q-X1E-00037-00009088-00009191 and GWSrJ5q-X1E-00038-00009192-00009335 uh GWSrJ5q-X1E-00039-00009336-00009519 i have a couple of options let me just GWSrJ5q-X1E-00040-00009520-00009655 show you GWSrJ5q-X1E-00041-00009656-00009871 the final result and let's talk about GWSrJ5q-X1E-00042-00009872-00010174 these options so this logo that as you GWSrJ5q-X1E-00043-00010175-00010463 know we generated in photoshop GWSrJ5q-X1E-00044-00010464-00010727 this looks like the words kevin bacon GWSrJ5q-X1E-00045-00010728-00010974 that looks like text but it's really not GWSrJ5q-X1E-00046-00010975-00011174 it's an image GWSrJ5q-X1E-00047-00011175-00011414 so when a search engine crawler goes GWSrJ5q-X1E-00048-00011415-00011623 crawling all over this GWSrJ5q-X1E-00049-00011624-00011806 it's not going to read that as kevin GWSrJ5q-X1E-00050-00011807-00012078 bacon it's going to read it as an image GWSrJ5q-X1E-00051-00012079-00012367 but you and i both know that here in the GWSrJ5q-X1E-00052-00012368-00012670 index if i insert the image here i can GWSrJ5q-X1E-00053-00012671-00012935 give it an alt tag so that the crawlers GWSrJ5q-X1E-00054-00012936-00013079 will find it GWSrJ5q-X1E-00055-00013080-00013286 so let's place that here so that i can GWSrJ5q-X1E-00056-00013287-00013583 give it an alt tag GWSrJ5q-X1E-00057-00013584-00013807 oh let's see i'm going to go to my GWSrJ5q-X1E-00058-00013808-00014038 assets my images GWSrJ5q-X1E-00059-00014040-00014279 and the logo GWSrJ5q-X1E-00060-00014280-00014551 and i'll scooch out here out of the GWSrJ5q-X1E-00061-00014552-00014958 marks and give it an alt GWSrJ5q-X1E-00062-00014959-00015183 and i'll call it GWSrJ5q-X1E-00063-00015184-00015366 kevin GWSrJ5q-X1E-00064-00015368-00015486 bacon GWSrJ5q-X1E-00065-00015487-00015743 logo GWSrJ5q-X1E-00066-00015744-00015958 and then i should be able to see my GWSrJ5q-X1E-00067-00015959-00016279 image save and refresh GWSrJ5q-X1E-00068-00016280-00016415 there it is GWSrJ5q-X1E-00069-00016416-00016567 so of course i need to do a few other GWSrJ5q-X1E-00070-00016568-00016743 things with this i need to center it and GWSrJ5q-X1E-00071-00016744-00017319 i can do that in the css GWSrJ5q-X1E-00072-00017320-00017455 this is GWSrJ5q-X1E-00073-00017456-00017743 not text but it's image and layout so GWSrJ5q-X1E-00074-00017744-00018255 i'll put it down here GWSrJ5q-X1E-00075-00018256-00018455 and even though it's not text the way to GWSrJ5q-X1E-00076-00018456-00018663 center something is to use the text GWSrJ5q-X1E-00077-00018664-00018799 align GWSrJ5q-X1E-00078-00018800-00019039 and i know that's a little confusing and GWSrJ5q-X1E-00079-00019040-00019271 i want to apologize for that but GWSrJ5q-X1E-00080-00019272-00019494 really i didn't write this code GWSrJ5q-X1E-00081-00019495-00019711 there it is save and let's refresh this GWSrJ5q-X1E-00082-00019712-00019879 and see what that looks like GWSrJ5q-X1E-00083-00019880-00019983 great GWSrJ5q-X1E-00084-00019984-00020535 great now let's uh go back to GWSrJ5q-X1E-00085-00020536-00020719 the code and GWSrJ5q-X1E-00086-00020720-00021111 let's look at placing this image GWSrJ5q-X1E-00087-00021112-00021463 so this one i am more inclined to place GWSrJ5q-X1E-00088-00021464-00021614 in the css GWSrJ5q-X1E-00089-00021615-00021894 rather than in the html GWSrJ5q-X1E-00090-00021895-00022191 and the reason is that based on this GWSrJ5q-X1E-00091-00022192-00022519 i know that as i resize the page GWSrJ5q-X1E-00092-00022520-00022847 this image needs to resize with it GWSrJ5q-X1E-00093-00022848-00023078 i will want to contain the height but GWSrJ5q-X1E-00094-00023079-00023367 i'll want to i want the image to go GWSrJ5q-X1E-00095-00023368-00023550 wide GWSrJ5q-X1E-00096-00023551-00023863 so now i want to place this image here GWSrJ5q-X1E-00097-00023864-00024055 which i did title GWSrJ5q-X1E-00098-00024056-00024319 header image and like i said i'm i'm a GWSrJ5q-X1E-00099-00024320-00024486 little bit disappointed in myself for GWSrJ5q-X1E-00100-00024487-00024647 choosing that name GWSrJ5q-X1E-00101-00024648-00024822 because i don't want you to confuse it GWSrJ5q-X1E-00102-00024823-00025078 with this portion GWSrJ5q-X1E-00103-00025079-00025375 of the html document GWSrJ5q-X1E-00104-00025376-00025694 but in any case i want to let's go over GWSrJ5q-X1E-00105-00025695-00025870 to the GWSrJ5q-X1E-00106-00025872-00025950 this GWSrJ5q-X1E-00107-00025951-00026183 i want to place it right above this text GWSrJ5q-X1E-00108-00026183-00026439 here and below that line so let's do an GWSrJ5q-X1E-00109-00026439-00026614 inspection GWSrJ5q-X1E-00110-00026616-00026807 and just take a quick peek at what that GWSrJ5q-X1E-00111-00026808-00026958 area is GWSrJ5q-X1E-00112-00026960-00027318 uh GWSrJ5q-X1E-00113-00027319-00027670 it is GWSrJ5q-X1E-00114-00027672-00027974 there it is it's a div id that's called GWSrJ5q-X1E-00115-00027975-00028158 subhead GWSrJ5q-X1E-00116-00028160-00028583 so that's where i want to put it and GWSrJ5q-X1E-00117-00028583-00028870 remember i want the image GWSrJ5q-X1E-00118-00028872-00029174 i want that image GWSrJ5q-X1E-00119-00029175-00029455 to stretch all the way across the page GWSrJ5q-X1E-00120-00029456-00029718 no matter what size the page is let's GWSrJ5q-X1E-00121-00029719-00029846 look at this GWSrJ5q-X1E-00122-00029847-00030039 i wanted to stretch and that is GWSrJ5q-X1E-00123-00030039-00030255 something that can really only happen in GWSrJ5q-X1E-00124-00030256-00030543 css it's a property it's a background GWSrJ5q-X1E-00125-00030544-00030807 property called cover GWSrJ5q-X1E-00126-00030808-00031135 so i'm going to go up here to my css GWSrJ5q-X1E-00127-00031136-00031223 and GWSrJ5q-X1E-00128-00031224-00031487 create a GWSrJ5q-X1E-00129-00031488-00031718 um GWSrJ5q-X1E-00130-00031719-00031839 it's a div GWSrJ5q-X1E-00131-00031839-00031999 remember GWSrJ5q-X1E-00132-00032000-00032351 is a div id called subhead it's right GWSrJ5q-X1E-00133-00032352-00032702 underneath the pink navigation GWSrJ5q-X1E-00134-00032703-00032807 uh GWSrJ5q-X1E-00135-00032808-00033111 jumping back to css so i'm going to GWSrJ5q-X1E-00136-00033112-00033383 type sub head if i remember correctly GWSrJ5q-X1E-00137-00033384-00033646 it's got a capital h this is called sort GWSrJ5q-X1E-00138-00033647-00033895 of like camel case GWSrJ5q-X1E-00139-00033896-00034095 and i'll use the background shortcut GWSrJ5q-X1E-00140-00034096-00034695 because i have a few things to do here GWSrJ5q-X1E-00141-00034696-00034927 the url will be where i'll get the image GWSrJ5q-X1E-00142-00034928-00035062 i got to get GWSrJ5q-X1E-00143-00035063-00035246 out of the folder GWSrJ5q-X1E-00144-00035247-00035471 into the images folder and i'm looking GWSrJ5q-X1E-00145-00035472-00035508 for GWSrJ5q-X1E-00146-00035509-00035662 [Music] GWSrJ5q-X1E-00147-00035663-00036023 that image header.jpg GWSrJ5q-X1E-00148-00036024-00036262 and then i will skip a space get out of GWSrJ5q-X1E-00149-00036263-00036535 those parens skip a space and give it no GWSrJ5q-X1E-00150-00036536-00036711 repeat because i'm sure i don't want it GWSrJ5q-X1E-00151-00036712-00037030 to repeat and skip another space and put GWSrJ5q-X1E-00152-00037031-00037287 center because oops GWSrJ5q-X1E-00153-00037288-00037543 pretty sure it needs to be centered GWSrJ5q-X1E-00154-00037544-00038039 and now i'll do that all important GWSrJ5q-X1E-00155-00038040-00038271 background GWSrJ5q-X1E-00156-00038272-00038543 size GWSrJ5q-X1E-00157-00038544-00038767 and the word cover so that it will GWSrJ5q-X1E-00158-00038768-00038959 stretch GWSrJ5q-X1E-00159-00038960-00039246 so let's take a peek at that GWSrJ5q-X1E-00160-00039247-00039374 let me just GWSrJ5q-X1E-00161-00039375-00039767 i know i have it open here GWSrJ5q-X1E-00162-00039768-00040023 there it is oh there it's not what's GWSrJ5q-X1E-00163-00040024-00040302 happening here see i know it's here uh GWSrJ5q-X1E-00164-00040303-00040479 subhead there it is GWSrJ5q-X1E-00165-00040480-00040671 but what what is happening is look at GWSrJ5q-X1E-00166-00040672-00041046 this it's zero pixels tall GWSrJ5q-X1E-00167-00041047-00041271 and we do need to give it a height so we GWSrJ5q-X1E-00168-00041272-00041423 need to GWSrJ5q-X1E-00169-00041424-00041830 figure out exactly how tall to make this GWSrJ5q-X1E-00170-00041831-00042062 all right let's jump back and see if we GWSrJ5q-X1E-00171-00042063-00042302 can give this sub head GWSrJ5q-X1E-00172-00042303-00042471 let's jump back and see if we can give GWSrJ5q-X1E-00173-00042472-00042774 this sub head some height and i'm not GWSrJ5q-X1E-00174-00042775-00042935 quite sure GWSrJ5q-X1E-00175-00042936-00043207 how tall it should be but it's going to GWSrJ5q-X1E-00176-00043208-00043551 be at least 200 maybe 300 so we'll start GWSrJ5q-X1E-00177-00043552-00043862 there GWSrJ5q-X1E-00178-00043863-00044743 height GWSrJ5q-X1E-00179-00044744-00044958 save and now let's refresh and see what GWSrJ5q-X1E-00180-00044959-00045223 we have there we go GWSrJ5q-X1E-00181-00045224-00045630 so we've got uh this image is in place GWSrJ5q-X1E-00182-00045631-00045974 and this image is in place and let's in GWSrJ5q-X1E-00183-00045975-00046262 our next video let's attack the next GWSrJ5q-X1E-00184-00046263-00046563 trick Ga0AxRByWg8-00000-00000014-00000524 the women's lacrosse World Cup wlw see Ga0AxRByWg8-00001-00000525-00000790 the international championship of Ga0AxRByWg8-00002-00000791-00001058 women's lacrosse is held every four Ga0AxRByWg8-00003-00001059-00001558 years from its inception in 1982 it was Ga0AxRByWg8-00004-00001559-00001807 sponsored by the governing body for Ga0AxRByWg8-00005-00001809-00002087 women's lacrosse the International Ga0AxRByWg8-00006-00002088-00002325 Federation of women's lacrosse Ga0AxRByWg8-00007-00002326-00002656 associations until that body merged in Ga0AxRByWg8-00008-00002657-00003010 2008 with the former governing body for Ga0AxRByWg8-00009-00003011-00003670 men's lacrosse since 2009 the wlw C has Ga0AxRByWg8-00010-00003671-00003913 been sponsored by the sport's new Ga0AxRByWg8-00011-00003914-00004256 unified governing body the Federation of Ga0AxRByWg8-00012-00004257-00004727 international lacrosse the 2017 women's Ga0AxRByWg8-00013-00004728-00005029 lacrosse World Cup was held in Guildford Ga0AxRByWg8-00014-00005030-00005347 England and was won by the United States Ga0AxRByWg8-00015-00005348-00005779 / Canada by the score of 10 to 5 Ga0AxRByWg8-00016-00005780-00006213 you Ga0AxRByWg8-00017-00006214-00006764 topic history Ga0AxRByWg8-00018-00006765-00007067 four players took part in all of the Ga0AxRByWg8-00019-00007068-00007295 first five editions of the women's Ga0AxRByWg8-00020-00007296-00007623 lacrosse World Cup Vivian Jones of Wales Ga0AxRByWg8-00021-00007623-00007949 Louis Richardson of England and Sue Ga0AxRByWg8-00022-00007950-00008238 Sophie nose and Marge Barlow both of Ga0AxRByWg8-00023-00008239-00008862 Australia Ga0AxRByWg8-00024-00008863-00009157 topic championship games Ga0AxRByWg8-00025-00009158-00009527 [Music] Ga0AxRByWg8-00026-00009528-00009894 you Ga0AxRByWg8-00027-00009895-00010487 topic metal table Ga0AxRByWg8-00028-00010488-00010856 you Ga0AxRByWg8-00029-00010857-00011483 topic passed results Ga0AxRByWg8-00030-00011484-00011848 you Ga0AxRByWg8-00031-00011849-00012444 topic see also Ga0AxRByWg8-00032-00012445-00012916 Men's World lacrosse championship Ga0AxRByWg8-00033-00012916-00013221 and women's under-19 world lacrosse Ga0AxRByWg8-00034-00013222-00013522 championships GeS1P2kO-64-00000-00000015-00000432 [Music] GeS1P2kO-64-00001-00000433-00003395 thank you GeS1P2kO-64-00002-00003396-00004429 [Music] GeS1P2kO-64-00003-00004430-00006185 very much GeS1P2kO-64-00004-00006186-00006496 all right GeS1P2kO-64-00005-00006497-00006792 we just got a cruise GeS1P2kO-64-00006-00006793-00007505 we're just gonna Cruise GeS1P2kO-64-00007-00007506-00007942 oh Barry this is funny as GeS1P2kO-64-00008-00007943-00008483 with the JDM plates GeS1P2kO-64-00009-00008484-00008699 at least 10 000. please tell me why he's GeS1P2kO-64-00010-00008700-00010135 got this Triton on this track GeS1P2kO-64-00011-00010136-00011063 [Music] GeS1P2kO-64-00012-00011064-00011691 just can't stop living in a joke GeS1P2kO-64-00013-00011692-00012137 [Music] GeS1P2kO-64-00014-00012138-00012924 my room GeS1P2kO-64-00015-00012925-00014849 [Music] GeS1P2kO-64-00016-00014850-00015108 bring your brother's wife GeS1P2kO-64-00017-00015109-00015365 can you bring your brother and make sure GeS1P2kO-64-00018-00015366-00015508 he gets a picture of Detroit on this GeS1P2kO-64-00019-00015509-00016493 track please GeS1P2kO-64-00020-00016494-00017385 foreign GeS1P2kO-64-00021-00017386-00018870 [Music] GeS1P2kO-64-00022-00018871-00019999 [Music] GeS1P2kO-64-00023-00020000-00020625 [Music] GeS1P2kO-64-00025-00023712-00026520 first the flame is great yeah GeS1P2kO-64-00026-00026522-00029149 [Music] GeS1P2kO-64-00027-00029150-00031764 [Music] GeS1P2kO-64-00028-00031764-00033011 [Music] GeS1P2kO-64-00029-00033012-00033338 nice GeS1P2kO-64-00030-00033339-00035861 [Music] GeS1P2kO-64-00031-00035862-00036834 I'm pretty sure GeS1P2kO-64-00032-00036835-00037783 [Music] GeS1P2kO-64-00033-00037784-00040252 [Music] GeS1P2kO-64-00034-00040253-00040575 foreign GeS1P2kO-64-00035-00040576-00042423 [Music] GeS1P2kO-64-00036-00042424-00042979 [Music] GeS1P2kO-64-00037-00042980-00043775 [Music] GeS1P2kO-64-00038-00043776-00045361 [Music] GeS1P2kO-64-00039-00045362-00045786 one day GeS1P2kO-64-00040-00045787-00047087 [Music] GeS1P2kO-64-00041-00047088-00049232 foreign GeS1P2kO-64-00042-00049233-00050017 [Music] GeS1P2kO-64-00043-00050018-00050707 [Music] GeS1P2kO-64-00044-00050708-00051349 as well GeS1P2kO-64-00045-00051350-00051773 [Music] GgiliKJNtjI-00000-00000494-00000598 [Music] GgiliKJNtjI-00001-00000599-00000989 [Applause] GgiliKJNtjI-00002-00000990-00001982 [Music] GgiliKJNtjI-00003-00001984-00002192 you GjrpfgCTgZu-00000-00000409-00000719 look what happened here I made it the GjrpfgCTgZu-00001-00000720-00000952 whole way made it the whole way through GjrpfgCTgZu-00002-00000953-00001204 lunch and then I went to go take a drink GjrpfgCTgZu-00003-00001205-00001684 of the Ice broke got me all wet oh would GjrpfgCTgZu-00004-00001685-00001841 you look at that I thought I was gonna GjrpfgCTgZu-00005-00001842-00001975 get out of here GjrpfgCTgZu-00006-00001976-00002329 unscathed never did not happen GjrpfgCTgZu-00007-00002330-00002897 [Music] GjrpfgCTgZu-00008-00002898-00003001 really GjrpfgCTgZu-00009-00003002-00003307 [Music] GkKU25tOaru-00000-00000025-00000418 G B G by G bi is Namco's first GkKU25tOaru-00001-00000419-00000607 internally designed arcade game released GkKU25tOaru-00002-00000608-00000889 in 1978 and licensed to gremlin GkKU25tOaru-00003-00000890-00001084 industries for US manufacture and GkKU25tOaru-00004-00001085-00001342 distribution it was designed by Toru GkKU25tOaru-00005-00001343-00001537 Iwatani who later went on to create GkKU25tOaru-00006-00001538-00001782 pacman pole position and libel rabble GkKU25tOaru-00007-00001784-00002011 when it was released in the United GkKU25tOaru-00008-00002012-00002194 States by gremlin industries they GkKU25tOaru-00009-00002195-00002479 replaced the Namco lettering on the GkKU25tOaru-00010-00002480-00002644 light-up bumpers with their distinctive GkKU25tOaru-00011-00002645-00003091 G logo this is a combination of a GkKU25tOaru-00012-00003092-00003277 pinball style game with that of a ball GkKU25tOaru-00013-00003278-00003475 and paddle game where the player bounces GkKU25tOaru-00014-00003476-00003727 a ball in two blocks the goal of the GkKU25tOaru-00015-00003728-00003883 game is to keep the ball from falling GkKU25tOaru-00016-00003884-00004075 off the bottom of the screen for as long GkKU25tOaru-00017-00004076-00004351 as possible and get the high score two GkKU25tOaru-00018-00004352-00004687 replays extra credits will also be GkKU25tOaru-00019-00004688-00004924 awarded at preset point values depending GkKU25tOaru-00020-00004925-00005119 on how the cabinet is set there were two GkKU25tOaru-00021-00005120-00005395 sequels Bom B and Q DQ which were also GkKU25tOaru-00022-00005396-00005611 designed by yu itani and released in the GkKU25tOaru-00023-00005612-00005860 following year the second of these was GkKU25tOaru-00024-00005861-00006085 also the first game from Namco to award GkKU25tOaru-00025-00006086-00006304 an extra life at a preset point value GkKU25tOaru-00026-00006305-00006618 instead of a credit GmX2B0brQlA-00000-00000000-00000142 [Music] GmX2B0brQlA-00001-00000143-00000969 foreign GmX2B0brQlA-00003-00004746-00004883 thank you GmX2B0brQlA-00004-00004884-00005201 hi I'm Keith Ghostland hi I'm Linda GmX2B0brQlA-00005-00005202-00005513 Quinlan I'm Ann Charles it's Tuesday GmX2B0brQlA-00006-00005514-00006047 April 4th welcome to all things lgbtq as GmX2B0brQlA-00007-00006048-00006245 you know we're taping in Montpelier GmX2B0brQlA-00008-00006246-00006563 Vermont which is unseated indigenous GmX2B0brQlA-00009-00006564-00006701 land GmX2B0brQlA-00010-00006702-00006983 so let's take it away with Keith GmX2B0brQlA-00011-00006984-00007109 and GmX2B0brQlA-00012-00007109-00007427 I'm gonna start slightly differently GmX2B0brQlA-00013-00007428-00007660 than usual GmX2B0brQlA-00014-00007661-00007948 I want to acknowledge the passing of a GmX2B0brQlA-00015-00007950-00008231 true Vermont Legend and icon from the GmX2B0brQlA-00016-00008232-00008537 queer Community as people may have read GmX2B0brQlA-00017-00008538-00008837 Michael Hayes who most people know as GmX2B0brQlA-00018-00008838-00009209 Marguerite Lemay passed over due to a GmX2B0brQlA-00019-00009210-00009371 massive heart attack GmX2B0brQlA-00020-00009372-00009617 what people should appreciate GmX2B0brQlA-00021-00009618-00010006 about Marguerite other than GmX2B0brQlA-00022-00010007-00010321 being bigger than life and considering GmX2B0brQlA-00023-00010322-00010673 that Michael was six foot four before GmX2B0brQlA-00024-00010674-00010978 the stilettos got put on that's GmX2B0brQlA-00025-00010979-00011273 this was the comment from Darren Perrin GmX2B0brQlA-00026-00011274-00011542 Margaret had a smile that could light up GmX2B0brQlA-00027-00011543-00011674 a room GmX2B0brQlA-00028-00011675-00011963 she's the queen who made the Queen City GmX2B0brQlA-00029-00011964-00012317 a lot more fabulous GmX2B0brQlA-00030-00012318-00012492 what people should appreciate about GmX2B0brQlA-00031-00012493-00012869 Michael Hayes and Bob boliard GmX2B0brQlA-00032-00012869-00013313 in Halloween 1992 they founded the house GmX2B0brQlA-00033-00013313-00013744 of Lemay because they wanted to go out GmX2B0brQlA-00034-00013745-00013943 and have Greater Community involvement GmX2B0brQlA-00035-00013944-00014219 and they wanted to raise funds to GmX2B0brQlA-00036-00014219-00014465 support our efforts GmX2B0brQlA-00037-00014466-00014753 and they were later joined by Lucy Bell GmX2B0brQlA-00038-00014754-00015113 Lemay they were all from hot damn GmX2B0brQlA-00039-00015113-00015466 trailer park in Beaver Pond Vermont GmX2B0brQlA-00040-00015468-00015893 and in their time since 1992 it is GmX2B0brQlA-00041-00015894-00016366 estimated they have raised well over 300 GmX2B0brQlA-00042-00016368-00016505 000 dollars GmX2B0brQlA-00043-00016506-00016789 that have gone to charitable Works GmX2B0brQlA-00044-00016790-00017063 predominantly direct care services for GmX2B0brQlA-00045-00017064-00017321 people living with HIV so GmX2B0brQlA-00046-00017322-00017608 safe journey GmX2B0brQlA-00047-00017609-00017993 so this is National poetry month GmX2B0brQlA-00048-00017994-00018221 and I'm going to say right up front I GmX2B0brQlA-00049-00018222-00018467 started the clue and professor Charles GmX2B0brQlA-00050-00018468-00018761 got it before I even finished it GmX2B0brQlA-00051-00018762-00019043 although an obscure poet during their GmX2B0brQlA-00052-00019044-00019349 lifetime they are widely considered the GmX2B0brQlA-00053-00019350-00019607 most distinguished Greek poet of the GmX2B0brQlA-00054-00019608-00019763 20th century GmX2B0brQlA-00055-00019764-00019967 they chose to circulate their verse GmX2B0brQlA-00056-00019968-00020122 among friends GmX2B0brQlA-00057-00020123-00020453 due to the highly personal nature of GmX2B0brQlA-00058-00020454-00020819 many poems and the highly erotic nature GmX2B0brQlA-00059-00020820-00021094 that made no attempt to conceal their GmX2B0brQlA-00060-00021095-00021341 sexual orientation without hesitation GmX2B0brQlA-00061-00021342-00021521 she got it it was right in the tip of my GmX2B0brQlA-00062-00021522-00021757 time but you GmX2B0brQlA-00063-00021758-00022180 okay all right first thing right up GmX2B0brQlA-00064-00022181-00022517 front salamander alert it is that time GmX2B0brQlA-00065-00022518-00022763 of year when the salamanders and frogs GmX2B0brQlA-00066-00022764-00023057 are migrating into the bogs what fish GmX2B0brQlA-00067-00023058-00023243 and wildlife has said rather than doing GmX2B0brQlA-00068-00023244-00023519 traditional traffic stops if you happen GmX2B0brQlA-00069-00023520-00023878 to be driving and see salamanders or GmX2B0brQlA-00070-00023879-00024136 frogs migrating stop take a picture and GmX2B0brQlA-00071-00024137-00024305 send it to them GmX2B0brQlA-00072-00024306-00024503 better than a roadblock GmX2B0brQlA-00073-00024504-00024713 so looking at events coming up we've got GmX2B0brQlA-00074-00024714-00024899 rainbow umbrella with the women's in the GmX2B0brQlA-00075-00024900-00025114 books discussion groups and I love the GmX2B0brQlA-00076-00025115-00025313 notes and I love the conversations GmX2B0brQlA-00077-00025314-00025427 you're having GmX2B0brQlA-00078-00025428-00025727 it's at some point I may sneak in and GmX2B0brQlA-00079-00025727-00025925 hide behind the corner GmX2B0brQlA-00080-00025926-00026068 Monday GmX2B0brQlA-00081-00026069-00026320 April 10th Kellogg Harvard Library GmX2B0brQlA-00082-00026322-00026645 starting at 6 pm and this is a live GmX2B0brQlA-00083-00026645-00026777 event GmX2B0brQlA-00084-00026777-00027055 this is a poem City GmX2B0brQlA-00085-00027056-00027508 lgbtq Plus poets and it's eve Alexandra GmX2B0brQlA-00086-00027510-00027833 Allison Pine Jay Turk GmX2B0brQlA-00087-00027833-00028211 and maybe our own Renown Linda Quinlan GmX2B0brQlA-00088-00028212-00028499 isn't it Jordan jerk yeah Jordan but I GmX2B0brQlA-00089-00028500-00028679 it was listed as Jay though it was GmX2B0brQlA-00090-00028680-00029039 listed as j-term so that's and one of GmX2B0brQlA-00091-00029039-00029273 them might be the you know Wicked Woman GmX2B0brQlA-00092-00029274-00029496 yes GmX2B0brQlA-00093-00029497-00029902 so Friday April 14th GmX2B0brQlA-00094-00029904-00030214 is out in Bradford and it's from five to GmX2B0brQlA-00095-00030216-00030527 nine pm and it's built as a casual GmX2B0brQlA-00096-00030527-00030887 hangout and it's at Little's House of GmX2B0brQlA-00097-00030888-00031108 brew and they're trying to get this GmX2B0brQlA-00098-00031110-00031385 established second Friday of each month GmX2B0brQlA-00099-00031386-00031739 Social Gathering GmX2B0brQlA-00100-00031739-00031949 mark on your calendars and there is GmX2B0brQlA-00101-00031950-00032164 still time to register for Saturday GmX2B0brQlA-00102-00032166-00032477 April 22nd this is the health Summit AT GmX2B0brQlA-00103-00032477-00032746 Vermont Technical College eight to four GmX2B0brQlA-00104-00032747-00032974 sponsored by The Pride Center out in the GmX2B0brQlA-00105-00032975-00033185 open outright Vermont GmX2B0brQlA-00106-00033186-00033521 and if you go on to their website GmX2B0brQlA-00107-00033522-00033755 they're starting to do listings of the GmX2B0brQlA-00108-00033756-00033899 workshops they're going to be offering GmX2B0brQlA-00109-00033900-00034145 so you can look to see oh I would really GmX2B0brQlA-00110-00034146-00034433 like to see this or how could I miss GmX2B0brQlA-00111-00034434-00034535 that GmX2B0brQlA-00112-00034536-00034824 mark your calendar for upcoming event GmX2B0brQlA-00113-00034825-00035255 Wednesday May 3rd and this is I believe GmX2B0brQlA-00114-00035256-00035615 this is a hybrid event but it you can GmX2B0brQlA-00115-00035616-00035999 attend it at the Kellogg Library 7 pm GmX2B0brQlA-00116-00036000-00036373 dare not speak the campaign to silence GmX2B0brQlA-00117-00036374-00036790 lgbtq plus communities it's a panel or a GmX2B0brQlA-00118-00036791-00037157 film no it it is a presentation about GmX2B0brQlA-00119-00037158-00037517 the effort from the alt-right to silence GmX2B0brQlA-00120-00037518-00037715 and make us invisible GmX2B0brQlA-00121-00037716-00037889 so I think it should be really GmX2B0brQlA-00122-00037890-00038087 interesting and I just want to put a GmX2B0brQlA-00123-00038088-00038296 plug out there of you know going going GmX2B0brQlA-00124-00038297-00038512 around and checking for events looking GmX2B0brQlA-00125-00038513-00038818 at all of the various groups support GmX2B0brQlA-00126-00038819-00039017 mechanisms that our organizations are GmX2B0brQlA-00127-00039018-00039227 offering such as proud and sober GmX2B0brQlA-00128-00039228-00039467 survivors to sexual violence people with GmX2B0brQlA-00129-00039468-00039712 disabilities the momentum group for GmX2B0brQlA-00130-00039713-00040001 people over 50 the five Friday night GmX2B0brQlA-00131-00040002-00040235 groups for our youth check their GmX2B0brQlA-00132-00040236-00040589 websites you may find something that you GmX2B0brQlA-00133-00040590-00040757 didn't know was there GmX2B0brQlA-00134-00040758-00041212 that could actually help support you GmX2B0brQlA-00135-00041213-00041524 so with that oh you're you're not going GmX2B0brQlA-00136-00041525-00041740 to challenge me with bad news aren't you GmX2B0brQlA-00137-00041741-00042005 well Trump was indicted today and well GmX2B0brQlA-00138-00042006-00042299 we'll see how that goes but um it was GmX2B0brQlA-00139-00042300-00042521 nice to see his lovely face sitting on GmX2B0brQlA-00140-00042522-00042718 the bench in front of the judge to see GmX2B0brQlA-00141-00042719-00042911 how many times you can try and no matter GmX2B0brQlA-00142-00042912-00043157 what happens okay GmX2B0brQlA-00143-00043158-00043411 so we're going to start out with GmX2B0brQlA-00144-00043412-00043679 transgender activists and transphobic GmX2B0brQlA-00145-00043680-00043865 conservatives on Twitter finally agree GmX2B0brQlA-00146-00043866-00043996 on something GmX2B0brQlA-00147-00043997-00044261 both groups are just pleased with the GmX2B0brQlA-00148-00044262-00044477 social media platform for censoring in GmX2B0brQlA-00149-00044478-00044818 images of a poster advertising the trans GmX2B0brQlA-00150-00044819-00045223 day of Vengeance a now canceled weekend GmX2B0brQlA-00151-00045224-00045593 protest against trans genocide GmX2B0brQlA-00152-00045594-00045851 the protests organized by a little known GmX2B0brQlA-00153-00045852-00046115 group called the trans radical activist GmX2B0brQlA-00154-00046116-00046240 Network GmX2B0brQlA-00155-00046241-00046529 was set to occur outside the U.S Supreme GmX2B0brQlA-00156-00046530-00046817 Court this weekend the event would have GmX2B0brQlA-00157-00046818-00047057 marked the annual transgender day of his GmX2B0brQlA-00158-00047058-00047262 ability while also demonstrating against GmX2B0brQlA-00159-00047263-00047590 transphobic policies like bands on trans GmX2B0brQlA-00160-00047591-00047830 students athletes and gender affirming GmX2B0brQlA-00161-00047831-00048058 care which threatened the safety and GmX2B0brQlA-00162-00048059-00048323 well-being of trans people on Tuesday GmX2B0brQlA-00163-00048324-00048479 Twitter announced that it began GmX2B0brQlA-00164-00048480-00048737 automatically removing images of the GmX2B0brQlA-00165-00048738-00049001 events poster when right-week figures GmX2B0brQlA-00166-00049002-00049174 like representative GmX2B0brQlA-00167-00049175-00049421 Marjorie Taylor Greene Republican GmX2B0brQlA-00168-00049422-00049679 Georgia and Senator J.D Vance Republican GmX2B0brQlA-00169-00049680-00050086 Ohio began retweeting retweeting it's it GmX2B0brQlA-00170-00050087-00050345 as proof of a violent GmX2B0brQlA-00171-00050346-00050668 occasion organized by a trans-terrorist GmX2B0brQlA-00172-00050669-00051229 group as green put it so GmX2B0brQlA-00173-00051229-00051587 and at um Donald Trump's rally in Waco GmX2B0brQlA-00174-00051588-00051707 Texas GmX2B0brQlA-00175-00051708-00052025 one person wearing an ultra Omega GmX2B0brQlA-00176-00052026-00052204 t-shirt said he didn't know how many GmX2B0brQlA-00177-00052205-00052487 people per year Drake shows killed but GmX2B0brQlA-00178-00052488-00052811 that it was definitely more than guns oh GmX2B0brQlA-00179-00052812-00053171 that's outrageous the Trumper claimed GmX2B0brQlA-00180-00053172-00053375 that the long-term effects of Drake's GmX2B0brQlA-00181-00053376-00053603 shows on kids are more dangerous GmX2B0brQlA-00182-00053604-00053885 to their lives than guns it's the GmX2B0brQlA-00183-00053886-00054142 stilettos GmX2B0brQlA-00184-00054144-00054341 and when the interviewers shared the GmX2B0brQlA-00185-00054341-00054725 statistic that 48 000 people die every GmX2B0brQlA-00186-00054726-00054953 year from gun violence the Trump GmX2B0brQlA-00187-00054954-00055247 supporter responded that there's GmX2B0brQlA-00188-00055248-00055504 probably a hundred thousand that die GmX2B0brQlA-00189-00055505-00056021 from trade shows so there you go GmX2B0brQlA-00190-00056022-00056273 what a country I know GmX2B0brQlA-00191-00056274-00056542 a Louisiana library has decided to keep GmX2B0brQlA-00192-00056544-00056830 several lgbtq children's books on the GmX2B0brQlA-00193-00056832-00057059 shelves despite GmX2B0brQlA-00194-00057060-00057287 heeded our position from right ring GmX2B0brQlA-00195-00057288-00057659 white wing resonance the Saint Tammany GmX2B0brQlA-00196-00057660-00057911 Library control board voted this week GmX2B0brQlA-00197-00057912-00058192 against Banning five books GmX2B0brQlA-00198-00058194-00058354 four of the books in question were GmX2B0brQlA-00199-00058355-00058553 children's book about gender identity GmX2B0brQlA-00200-00058554-00058787 including I am Jazz a children's picture GmX2B0brQlA-00201-00058788-00059153 book by Annabelle trans youth activist GmX2B0brQlA-00202-00059154-00059549 Jazz Jennings and my rainbow a GmX2B0brQlA-00203-00059550-00059716 children's book about a mother's love GmX2B0brQlA-00204-00059717-00060016 for her trans artistic daughter that was GmX2B0brQlA-00205-00060017-00060311 written by the mother-daughter Duo GmX2B0brQlA-00206-00060312-00060544 the library received multiple complaints GmX2B0brQlA-00207-00060545-00060780 about the titles claiming they violated GmX2B0brQlA-00208-00060782-00061247 a 2017 state law being this distribution GmX2B0brQlA-00209-00061248-00061582 of material harmful to minors but the GmX2B0brQlA-00210-00061583-00061853 board disagreed that the material in GmX2B0brQlA-00211-00061854-00062135 child the material that was challenged GmX2B0brQlA-00212-00062136-00062513 was harmful so good for Louisiana say GmX2B0brQlA-00213-00062514-00062747 Tammany I know GmX2B0brQlA-00214-00062748-00063016 an 18 year old black Transformer shot to GmX2B0brQlA-00215-00063017-00063288 death last week outside of Maryland bar GmX2B0brQlA-00216-00063289-00063635 tashisha shiha Woodland was shot GmX2B0brQlA-00217-00063636-00064000 multiple times in a parking lot of uh GmX2B0brQlA-00218-00064001-00064429 the big dogs in Paradise Bar located in GmX2B0brQlA-00219-00064429-00064750 Mechanicsville Maryland police do not GmX2B0brQlA-00220-00064751-00064861 believe her GmX2B0brQlA-00221-00064862-00065123 gender identity played a role in this GmX2B0brQlA-00222-00065124-00065206 murder GmX2B0brQlA-00223-00065207-00065453 they are said her shooting was an GmX2B0brQlA-00224-00065454-00065765 isolated incident so we'll see about GmX2B0brQlA-00225-00065766-00066100 that huh sounds suspicious to me I know GmX2B0brQlA-00226-00066101-00066376 North Dakota governor Doug Bergen GmX2B0brQlA-00227-00066377-00066563 Brigham GmX2B0brQlA-00228-00066564-00066785 Republican vetoed a bill that would have GmX2B0brQlA-00229-00066786-00066982 uh forbidden school districts from GmX2B0brQlA-00230-00066983-00067199 adopting any transgender inclusive GmX2B0brQlA-00231-00067200-00067463 qualities without first notifying GmX2B0brQlA-00232-00067464-00067763 parents the bill would have outed trans GmX2B0brQlA-00233-00067764-00067943 students and parents GmX2B0brQlA-00234-00067944-00068165 if the students wanted to be addressed GmX2B0brQlA-00235-00068166-00068347 correctly and the state's Republican GmX2B0brQlA-00236-00068348-00068723 legislature may not have enough votes to GmX2B0brQlA-00237-00068724-00069006 override his veto GmX2B0brQlA-00238-00069007-00069293 the answer is they didn't they didn't GmX2B0brQlA-00239-00069294-00069575 good right all right so all right that's GmX2B0brQlA-00240-00069576-00069791 good to know Keys up to the minute yeah GmX2B0brQlA-00241-00069792-00070103 Kentucky Kentucky republican-led GmX2B0brQlA-00242-00070104-00070373 Legislature has overridden GmX2B0brQlA-00243-00070374-00070703 Democratic governor Andy beshears veto GmX2B0brQlA-00244-00070704-00071087 of a sweeping anti-transgender bill GmX2B0brQlA-00245-00071088-00071513 and Omnibus legislation covering the GmX2B0brQlA-00246-00071514-00071861 refs the raft of anti-trans restrictions GmX2B0brQlA-00247-00071862-00072137 and bans was expanded and passed by GmX2B0brQlA-00248-00072138-00072509 Kentucky lawmakers GmX2B0brQlA-00249-00072510-00072863 so that was that one after career GmX2B0brQlA-00250-00072864-00073361 spending six decades Darcel the 15th the GmX2B0brQlA-00251-00073362-00073691 world's oldest working drag queen has GmX2B0brQlA-00252-00073692-00073967 died at 92. GmX2B0brQlA-00253-00073968-00074291 and she was still working and here's a GmX2B0brQlA-00254-00074292-00074537 picture GmX2B0brQlA-00255-00074538-00074782 on time dragonis was performing in her GmX2B0brQlA-00256-00074783-00075113 native Portland until just days before GmX2B0brQlA-00257-00075114-00075263 her death GmX2B0brQlA-00258-00075264-00075556 from unknown causes at this time so GmX2B0brQlA-00259-00075557-00075850 there's the picture GmX2B0brQlA-00260-00075851-00076097 and a federal judge in Texas ruled that GmX2B0brQlA-00261-00076098-00076288 at least 12 books removed from public GmX2B0brQlA-00262-00076289-00076667 libraries by liamo County officials many GmX2B0brQlA-00263-00076668-00076919 because of their LGBT and racial content GmX2B0brQlA-00264-00076920-00077332 must be placed back into shows within 24 GmX2B0brQlA-00265-00077333-00077632 hours according to an order filed GmX2B0brQlA-00266-00077633-00077753 Thursday GmX2B0brQlA-00267-00077754-00078029 seven residents sued County officials in GmX2B0brQlA-00268-00078030-00078281 April claiming their first and 14th GmX2B0brQlA-00269-00078282-00078437 amendments rights were violated when GmX2B0brQlA-00270-00078438-00078641 books deemed inappropriate by some GmX2B0brQlA-00271-00078642-00078899 people in the community and Republican GmX2B0brQlA-00272-00078900-00079049 lawmakers were removed from public GmX2B0brQlA-00273-00079050-00079493 libraries our access was restricted GmX2B0brQlA-00274-00079494-00079769 the lawsuit filed in the use U.S GmX2B0brQlA-00275-00079770-00079949 District Court from the Western District GmX2B0brQlA-00276-00079950-00080297 of Texas in San Antonio claimed County GmX2B0brQlA-00277-00080298-00080555 officials removed books from the shelves GmX2B0brQlA-00278-00080556-00080717 of the three branch public library GmX2B0brQlA-00279-00080718-00080969 system because they disagree with the GmX2B0brQlA-00280-00080970-00081185 ideas that are in them GmX2B0brQlA-00281-00081186-00081443 and terminated access of thousands of GmX2B0brQlA-00282-00081444-00081682 digital books because they could not be GmX2B0brQlA-00283-00081683-00081893 in two specific titles GmX2B0brQlA-00284-00081894-00082205 books ordered to return to the shells GmX2B0brQlA-00285-00082206-00082385 include cast GmX2B0brQlA-00286-00082386-00082655 the origins of odd discontents by GmX2B0brQlA-00287-00082656-00082912 Isabelle Wilkerson they call themselves GmX2B0brQlA-00288-00082913-00083206 the KKK the birth of an American GmX2B0brQlA-00289-00083207-00083531 terrorist group by Susan Campbell GmX2B0brQlA-00290-00083532-00083915 Barton Luddy and being Jazz My Life as a GmX2B0brQlA-00291-00083916-00084179 transgender teen by jazz GmX2B0brQlA-00292-00084180-00084341 Jennings GmX2B0brQlA-00293-00084342-00084569 and so for my last story before we move GmX2B0brQlA-00294-00084570-00084865 on to Anne GmX2B0brQlA-00295-00084866-00085271 is country music Superstar Reba McEntire GmX2B0brQlA-00296-00085272-00085571 says she tries to stay out of politics GmX2B0brQlA-00297-00085572-00085781 but she can't help being disappointed in GmX2B0brQlA-00298-00085782-00086050 the anti-drag bill recently signed into GmX2B0brQlA-00299-00086051-00086369 law by Tennessee governor Bill Lee GmX2B0brQlA-00300-00086370-00086662 the Los Angeles Times asked McIntyre GmX2B0brQlA-00301-00086663-00086879 what she thought of the drag law which GmX2B0brQlA-00302-00086880-00087179 defines male and female impersonators as GmX2B0brQlA-00303-00087180-00087443 adult Cabaret performers and bands adult GmX2B0brQlA-00304-00087444-00087706 orientated performances that are harmful GmX2B0brQlA-00305-00087707-00087826 to minors GmX2B0brQlA-00306-00087827-00088126 as the legislation legislations take GmX2B0brQlA-00307-00088127-00088426 States drag performances are being from GmX2B0brQlA-00308-00088427-00088715 public property and venues accessible to GmX2B0brQlA-00309-00088716-00088967 minors I wish they would spend as much GmX2B0brQlA-00310-00088968-00089255 time she said and energy and money on GmX2B0brQlA-00311-00089256-00089476 feeding the homeless children and other GmX2B0brQlA-00312-00089477-00089761 people in our culture GmX2B0brQlA-00313-00089762-00090094 and she said of the state legislator so GmX2B0brQlA-00314-00090095-00090371 good for you and and also take away the GmX2B0brQlA-00315-00090372-00090568 drag queen and she just lost her fashion GmX2B0brQlA-00316-00090569-00090609 tips GmX2B0brQlA-00317-00090610-00091043 [Laughter] GmX2B0brQlA-00318-00091044-00091300 all right Ann what do you have exotic GmX2B0brQlA-00319-00091301-00091523 places we can go to well first we're GmX2B0brQlA-00320-00091524-00091781 going to go to the world and because I GmX2B0brQlA-00321-00091782-00092105 have world news involving track bands of GmX2B0brQlA-00322-00092106-00092353 transgender athletes GmX2B0brQlA-00323-00092354-00092638 this tightens the rule for caster GmX2B0brQlA-00324-00092639-00093076 semenya I was pictured before you now uh GmX2B0brQlA-00325-00093077-00093305 track and field band transgender GmX2B0brQlA-00326-00093306-00093599 athletes from inter national competition GmX2B0brQlA-00327-00093600-00093893 Thursday while adopting new regulations GmX2B0brQlA-00328-00093894-00094162 that could keep caster semenya and other GmX2B0brQlA-00329-00094163-00094415 athletes with differences in sex GmX2B0brQlA-00330-00094416-00094756 development from competing a pair of GmX2B0brQlA-00331-00094757-00095218 decisions expected to stoke outrage GmX2B0brQlA-00332-00095219-00095549 according to in a pair of decisions the GmX2B0brQlA-00333-00095550-00095837 world Athletics Council adopted the same GmX2B0brQlA-00334-00095838-00096155 rules as swimming did last year to Bar GmX2B0brQlA-00335-00096156-00096376 athletes who have transitioned from male GmX2B0brQlA-00336-00096377-00096575 to female and who have gone through male GmX2B0brQlA-00337-00096576-00096882 puberty no such athletes currently GmX2B0brQlA-00338-00096883-00097211 compete at the highest levels of track GmX2B0brQlA-00339-00097212-00097499 another set of updates for athletes with GmX2B0brQlA-00340-00097500-00097644 differences GmX2B0brQlA-00341-00097645-00098032 and sex development could impact up to GmX2B0brQlA-00342-00098033-00098243 13 high-level runners GmX2B0brQlA-00343-00098244-00098711 uh wa president Sebastian Co said they GmX2B0brQlA-00344-00098712-00098975 include semenya a two-time Olympic GmX2B0brQlA-00345-00098976-00099293 champion at 800 meters who has been GmX2B0brQlA-00346-00099294-00099623 barred from that event since 2019. so GmX2B0brQlA-00347-00099624-00099785 many and others have been able to GmX2B0brQlA-00348-00099786-00100055 compete without restrictions in events GmX2B0brQlA-00349-00100056-00100373 outside the range of 400 meters through GmX2B0brQlA-00350-00100374-00100631 one mile but now still have to undergo GmX2B0brQlA-00351-00100632-00100871 hormone suppressing treatment for six GmX2B0brQlA-00352-00100872-00101203 months before competing to be eligible GmX2B0brQlA-00353-00101204-00101393 co-considered that there are no easy GmX2B0brQlA-00354-00101394-00101681 answers to this topic which has turned GmX2B0brQlA-00355-00101682-00101999 into social societal lightning involving GmX2B0brQlA-00356-00102000-00102221 Advocates concerned with keeping a Level GmX2B0brQlA-00357-00102222-00102497 Playing Field in women's sports and GmX2B0brQlA-00358-00102498-00102718 others who don't want to discriminate GmX2B0brQlA-00359-00102719-00103182 against transgender and DSD athletes GmX2B0brQlA-00360-00103183-00103536 at athletes with sex development GmX2B0brQlA-00361-00103538-00103889 differences such as semenya and Olympic GmX2B0brQlA-00362-00103890-00104140 200 meter silver medalist Christine GmX2B0brQlA-00363-00104141-00104425 Bulma of Namibia are not transgender GmX2B0brQlA-00364-00104426-00104710 though the two issues share similarities GmX2B0brQlA-00365-00104711-00105023 when it comes to sports such athletes GmX2B0brQlA-00366-00105024-00105286 were legalized legalized legally GmX2B0brQlA-00367-00105288-00105604 identified as female at Birth but have a GmX2B0brQlA-00368-00105605-00105881 medical condition that leads to some GmX2B0brQlA-00369-00105882-00106097 traits including high levels of GmX2B0brQlA-00370-00106098-00106433 testosterone that world Athletics argues GmX2B0brQlA-00371-00106433-00106702 gives them the same kind of unfair GmX2B0brQlA-00372-00106703-00107051 Advantage as transgender athletes so GmX2B0brQlA-00373-00107052-00107321 menya has been running in longer events GmX2B0brQlA-00374-00107322-00107633 she finished her teeth in her qualifying GmX2B0brQlA-00375-00107633-00107934 Heat at 5 000 meters at World GmX2B0brQlA-00376-00107935-00108215 Championships last year in a recent GmX2B0brQlA-00377-00108216-00108436 interview she said she was aiming to run GmX2B0brQlA-00378-00108438-00108839 in the Olympics at a longer distance now GmX2B0brQlA-00379-00108840-00109090 in order to compete at next year's GmX2B0brQlA-00380-00109091-00109295 Olympics she would have to undergo GmX2B0brQlA-00381-00109296-00109534 hormone suppressing treatment for six GmX2B0brQlA-00382-00109535-00109793 months something she has said she will GmX2B0brQlA-00383-00109794-00110015 never do again having undergone the GmX2B0brQlA-00384-00110016-00110213 treatment a decade ago under previous GmX2B0brQlA-00385-00110214-00110633 rules another athlete Olympic 800 meter GmX2B0brQlA-00386-00110633-00111016 silver medalist Francine neon Saba of GmX2B0brQlA-00387-00111017-00111352 Burundi also said she would not undergo GmX2B0brQlA-00388-00111353-00111569 treatment while semenya struggled at GmX2B0brQlA-00389-00111570-00112025 longer distances neon neon Sabah had GmX2B0brQlA-00390-00112026-00112319 relative success winning Diamond League GmX2B0brQlA-00391-00112320-00112528 titles at three thousand and five GmX2B0brQlA-00392-00112529-00112786 thousand meters and running in the five GmX2B0brQlA-00393-00112788-00112889 thousand GmX2B0brQlA-00394-00112890-00113207 running in the 5000 at the Tokyo GmX2B0brQlA-00395-00113208-00113484 Olympics under the new regulations GmX2B0brQlA-00396-00113485-00113777 athletes in the previously unrestricted GmX2B0brQlA-00397-00113778-00114058 events would have to suppress GmX2B0brQlA-00398-00114059-00114316 testosterone levels below a certain GmX2B0brQlA-00399-00114317-00114563 level per liter of blood for six months GmX2B0brQlA-00400-00114564-00114808 ultimately they would have to stable all GmX2B0brQlA-00401-00114809-00115090 those levels for two years so this is a GmX2B0brQlA-00402-00115091-00115421 terrible legislation that's you know as GmX2B0brQlA-00403-00115422-00115649 far for the course these days in GmX2B0brQlA-00404-00115650-00115834 athletics and I have another story about GmX2B0brQlA-00405-00115835-00115943 that GmX2B0brQlA-00406-00115944-00116236 later but now let's turn to really bad GmX2B0brQlA-00407-00116238-00116477 kind of miserable news that I'm just GmX2B0brQlA-00408-00116478-00116657 going to give it to you straight and at GmX2B0brQlA-00409-00116658-00116758 length GmX2B0brQlA-00410-00116759-00117077 uganda's Parliament has passes and has GmX2B0brQlA-00411-00117078-00117307 passed an extremely GmX2B0brQlA-00412-00117308-00117527 anti-lgbtq bill GmX2B0brQlA-00413-00117528-00117952 yesterday uh Ugandan lawmakers approved GmX2B0brQlA-00414-00117953-00118210 new legislation that entrenches the GmX2B0brQlA-00415-00118211-00118540 criminalization of same-sex conduct it GmX2B0brQlA-00416-00118541-00118783 also creates new offenses GmX2B0brQlA-00417-00118783-00119152 that were will curtail any activism on GmX2B0brQlA-00418-00119153-00119410 lesbian gay bisexual and transgender GmX2B0brQlA-00419-00119411-00119807 issues and eradicate LGBT people from GmX2B0brQlA-00420-00119808-00119999 any form of social thank you American GmX2B0brQlA-00421-00120000-00120233 Christians huh well yeah and that's GmX2B0brQlA-00422-00120233-00120497 another story I didn't discuss at length GmX2B0brQlA-00423-00120498-00120760 but U.S evangelicals have been over GmX2B0brQlA-00424-00120761-00121066 there promoting this legislation for a GmX2B0brQlA-00425-00121067-00121165 long time GmX2B0brQlA-00426-00121166-00121608 the anti the 2023 GmX2B0brQlA-00427-00121609-00121913 anti-homosexuality Bill confirms an GmX2B0brQlA-00428-00121914-00122165 already existing public punishment of GmX2B0brQlA-00429-00122166-00122513 life imprisonment for same-sex conduct GmX2B0brQlA-00430-00122514-00122813 while also increasing to 10 years the GmX2B0brQlA-00431-00122814-00122993 prison sentence for an attempted GmX2B0brQlA-00432-00122994-00123166 same-sex conduct GmX2B0brQlA-00433-00123167-00123484 but one of the most egregious provisions GmX2B0brQlA-00434-00123485-00123702 the Bill calls it aggravated GmX2B0brQlA-00435-00123703-00123923 homosexuality calls for the death GmX2B0brQlA-00436-00123924-00124151 penalty in certain circumstances GmX2B0brQlA-00437-00124152-00124469 including for serial offenders or for GmX2B0brQlA-00438-00124470-00124745 anyone having same-sex relations with a GmX2B0brQlA-00439-00124746-00124943 person with a disability thereby GmX2B0brQlA-00440-00124944-00125158 automatically denying persons with GmX2B0brQlA-00441-00125159-00125495 disabilities the capacity could just GmX2B0brQlA-00442-00125496-00125651 consent to sex GmX2B0brQlA-00443-00125652-00125963 the bill also Outlaws the promotion of GmX2B0brQlA-00444-00125964-00126263 homosexuality effectively instituting a GmX2B0brQlA-00445-00126264-00126604 system of complete censorship of LGBT GmX2B0brQlA-00446-00126605-00126971 issues anyone advocating for the rights GmX2B0brQlA-00447-00126972-00127240 of LGBT people or providing financial GmX2B0brQlA-00448-00127241-00127540 support for organizations that do so GmX2B0brQlA-00449-00127541-00128016 could face up to 20 years imprisonment GmX2B0brQlA-00450-00128017-00128393 lgbtq rights can also be deemed unable GmX2B0brQlA-00451-00128394-00128752 to legally operate GmX2B0brQlA-00452-00128753-00128819 um GmX2B0brQlA-00453-00128820-00128986 in addition GmX2B0brQlA-00454-00128988-00129384 anyone who advertises publishes prints GmX2B0brQlA-00455-00129385-00129664 broadcasts distributes material GmX2B0brQlA-00456-00129665-00129958 including digitally is regarded as GmX2B0brQlA-00457-00129959-00130199 promoting or encouraging homosexuality GmX2B0brQlA-00458-00130200-00130445 and would face criminal sanction GmX2B0brQlA-00459-00130446-00130721 the bill also criminalizes any person GmX2B0brQlA-00460-00130722-00130925 who fails to report someone they GmX2B0brQlA-00461-00130926-00131225 suspected participating in same-sex how GmX2B0brQlA-00462-00131226-00131525 do they get such a footholding GmX2B0brQlA-00463-00131526-00131759 the country well it's been going on for GmX2B0brQlA-00464-00131760-00131902 a while remember they had to kill the GmX2B0brQlA-00465-00131903-00132071 gays building right right but I mean GmX2B0brQlA-00466-00132072-00132311 they seem to have gotten a real a really GmX2B0brQlA-00467-00132312-00132485 big foothold and wasn't there a GmX2B0brQlA-00468-00132486-00132713 demonstration against them in South GmX2B0brQlA-00469-00132714-00132940 Africa well that's what you told me yeah GmX2B0brQlA-00470-00132941-00133187 I was going to report on that last time GmX2B0brQlA-00471-00133188-00133366 next time because okay it's late GmX2B0brQlA-00472-00133367-00133589 breaking news but there's been an inter GmX2B0brQlA-00473-00133590-00133775 I mean it's really important that South GmX2B0brQlA-00474-00133776-00134152 Africa take a stand against this bill GmX2B0brQlA-00475-00134153-00134501 but that's outside of Uganda yeah yeah GmX2B0brQlA-00476-00134502-00134716 the question is how did it get such a GmX2B0brQlA-00477-00134717-00135007 foothold in Uganda and it's because GmX2B0brQlA-00478-00135008-00135311 the Christians you know the evangelism GmX2B0brQlA-00479-00135312-00135551 was giving them support when nobody else GmX2B0brQlA-00480-00135552-00135690 was GmX2B0brQlA-00481-00135691-00136073 they were already Protestant country I GmX2B0brQlA-00482-00136074-00136195 wonder GmX2B0brQlA-00483-00136196-00136547 yeah I don't know I'll have to research GmX2B0brQlA-00484-00136548-00136883 that and speaking of questions that I GmX2B0brQlA-00485-00136884-00137219 failed to answer last time I which is GmX2B0brQlA-00486-00137220-00137464 you know I responded halfway to this GmX2B0brQlA-00487-00137465-00137651 question but when we were talking about GmX2B0brQlA-00488-00137652-00137945 Namibia next time both of you said if GmX2B0brQlA-00489-00137946-00138113 the Supreme Court has ruled against GmX2B0brQlA-00490-00138114-00138502 those uh fathers what recourse do they GmX2B0brQlA-00491-00138503-00138652 have and I looked it up and couldn't GmX2B0brQlA-00492-00138653-00138904 find anything so my only belated GmX2B0brQlA-00493-00138905-00139054 response is that they're going to have GmX2B0brQlA-00494-00139055-00139207 to probably GmX2B0brQlA-00495-00139208-00139637 find other ways to appeal it also to the GmX2B0brQlA-00496-00139638-00139973 Supreme Court in my you know pie in this GmX2B0brQlA-00497-00139974-00140207 guy hope is that if they keep appealing GmX2B0brQlA-00498-00140208-00140435 the Supreme Court will get sick of their GmX2B0brQlA-00499-00140436-00140740 appeal as has happened in well but GmX2B0brQlA-00500-00140741-00140975 anyway it doesn't look great in Namibia GmX2B0brQlA-00501-00140976-00141131 but GmX2B0brQlA-00502-00141132-00141185 um GmX2B0brQlA-00503-00141186-00141533 so the bill also criminalizes any person GmX2B0brQlA-00504-00141534-00141766 who fails to report someone they suspect GmX2B0brQlA-00505-00141767-00142001 of participating in the same-sex is to GmX2B0brQlA-00506-00142002-00142201 the police which I just mentioned GmX2B0brQlA-00507-00142202-00142487 calling for a finer imprisonment for six GmX2B0brQlA-00508-00142488-00142709 months effectively supportive family GmX2B0brQlA-00509-00142710-00143033 members or friends of lgbtq people could GmX2B0brQlA-00510-00143034-00143290 not be imprisoned could be imprisoned if GmX2B0brQlA-00511-00143291-00143471 they failed to report their loved ones GmX2B0brQlA-00512-00143472-00143719 to authorities if anyone conducts GmX2B0brQlA-00513-00143720-00143987 same-sex marriage ceremony they could be GmX2B0brQlA-00514-00143988-00144263 imprisoned up to 10 years a provision in GmX2B0brQlA-00515-00144264-00144475 the bill also Outlaws providing GmX2B0brQlA-00516-00144476-00144790 accommodation that facilitates the GmX2B0brQlA-00517-00144791-00145054 offensive homosexuality so if anyone GmX2B0brQlA-00518-00145055-00145451 were to rent a room to a gay couple they GmX2B0brQlA-00519-00145452-00145804 could go to jail for 10 years with 70 GmX2B0brQlA-00520-00145805-00146189 the president has 30 days to assent or GmX2B0brQlA-00521-00146190-00146501 reject the anti-homosexuality bill if GmX2B0brQlA-00522-00146502-00146771 the law comes into force it will violate GmX2B0brQlA-00523-00146772-00146993 the rights to freedom of expression and GmX2B0brQlA-00524-00146994-00147269 Association Liberty privacy equality GmX2B0brQlA-00525-00147270-00147527 freedom from discrimination and human GmX2B0brQlA-00526-00147528-00147785 integrating treatment and a fair hearing GmX2B0brQlA-00527-00147786-00148049 all guaranteed under Ugandan and GmX2B0brQlA-00528-00148050-00148463 international law for all ugandans now a GmX2B0brQlA-00529-00148464-00148661 little background more than 30 African GmX2B0brQlA-00530-00148662-00148877 countries including Uganda already GmX2B0brQlA-00531-00148878-00149213 banned same-sex relations the new law GmX2B0brQlA-00532-00149214-00149447 appears to be the first Outlaw merely GmX2B0brQlA-00533-00149448-00149699 identifying as lesbian gay bisexual GmX2B0brQlA-00534-00149700-00150004 transgender and queer supporters of the GmX2B0brQlA-00535-00150005-00150304 law says it's intended to support a GmX2B0brQlA-00536-00150305-00150640 broader array of lgbtq activities which GmX2B0brQlA-00537-00150641-00150928 they say threaten Traditional Values in GmX2B0brQlA-00538-00150929-00151157 the conservative and religious East GmX2B0brQlA-00539-00151158-00151385 African nation now I have a picture GmX2B0brQlA-00540-00151386-00151643 before you of of GmX2B0brQlA-00541-00151644-00152002 profile encourage Frank magisha who is a GmX2B0brQlA-00542-00152003-00152375 prominent Ugandan lgbtq activist of GmX2B0brQlA-00543-00152376-00152573 course he has denounced the legislation GmX2B0brQlA-00544-00152574-00152909 this law is very extreme and Draconian GmX2B0brQlA-00545-00152910-00153245 it criminalizes being an lgbtq person GmX2B0brQlA-00546-00153246-00153509 but also they're trying to erase the GmX2B0brQlA-00547-00153510-00153857 entire existence of any lgbtq I hope he GmX2B0brQlA-00548-00153858-00154133 doesn't still live there uh sure he's GmX2B0brQlA-00549-00154134-00154426 there and a prominent activist was GmX2B0brQlA-00550-00154427-00154690 murdered not that a few years ago with GmX2B0brQlA-00551-00154691-00155026 70 has not commented on the urgent GmX2B0brQlA-00552-00155027-00155290 on the current proposal but has long GmX2B0brQlA-00553-00155291-00155652 opposed lgbtq rights and signed an GmX2B0brQlA-00554-00155653-00156016 anti-lgbtq law in 13 that Western GmX2B0brQlA-00555-00156017-00156281 countries condemned before a domestic GmX2B0brQlA-00556-00156282-00156485 court Struck it down on procedural GmX2B0brQlA-00557-00156486-00156676 grounds that was the kill the gays bill GmX2B0brQlA-00558-00156677-00156899 in recent weeks GmX2B0brQlA-00559-00156900-00157104 Ugandan authorities have cracked down on GmX2B0brQlA-00560-00157105-00157409 lgbtq people after religious leaders and GmX2B0brQlA-00561-00157410-00157661 politicians alleged students were being GmX2B0brQlA-00562-00157662-00157949 recruited into homosexuality in schools GmX2B0brQlA-00563-00157950-00158183 this month authorities arrested the GmX2B0brQlA-00564-00158184-00158404 secondary school teacher in the Easter GmX2B0brQlA-00565-00158405-00158764 District of Virginia over accusations of GmX2B0brQlA-00566-00158765-00158975 grooming of the grooming of young girls GmX2B0brQlA-00567-00158976-00159263 into unnatural I think we should start a GmX2B0brQlA-00568-00159264-00159461 movement too like GmX2B0brQlA-00569-00159462-00159709 pay for um GmX2B0brQlA-00570-00159710-00159931 our GmX2B0brQlA-00571-00159932-00160223 evangelicals to go live over there GmX2B0brQlA-00572-00160224-00160475 she was subsequently charged with growth GmX2B0brQlA-00573-00160476-00160751 gross indecency and is in prison GmX2B0brQlA-00574-00160752-00161039 awaiting trial the police said on Monday GmX2B0brQlA-00575-00161040-00161278 they had arrested six people accused of GmX2B0brQlA-00576-00161279-00161507 running a network that was actively GmX2B0brQlA-00577-00161508-00161719 involved in the grooming of young boys GmX2B0brQlA-00578-00161720-00162113 into acts of sodomy oh we're going to GmX2B0brQlA-00579-00162114-00162257 have to move on in you're gonna have to GmX2B0brQlA-00580-00162258-00162407 get to the rest of your stories after GmX2B0brQlA-00581-00162408-00162773 okay can I just have a related story uh GmX2B0brQlA-00582-00162774-00163049 Kamala Harris as we know went and GmX2B0brQlA-00583-00163050-00163385 visited Ghana recently and GmX2B0brQlA-00584-00163386-00163673 um there's hope that she has softened GmX2B0brQlA-00585-00163674-00163919 the country's stance because Ghana has GmX2B0brQlA-00586-00163920-00164285 an anti-lgbtq bill that's just just as GmX2B0brQlA-00587-00164286-00164621 bad as this so maybe GmX2B0brQlA-00588-00164622-00164890 Harris was able to make inroads and I GmX2B0brQlA-00589-00164891-00165047 certainly hope so GmX2B0brQlA-00590-00165048-00165263 all right so GmX2B0brQlA-00591-00165264-00165719 on our Becca watch this from our U.S GmX2B0brQlA-00592-00165720-00166001 representative Becca balanth Republicans GmX2B0brQlA-00593-00166002-00166235 have just introduced and passed a bill GmX2B0brQlA-00594-00166236-00166451 in the U.S house to defund public GmX2B0brQlA-00595-00166452-00166745 schools that allow trans children to GmX2B0brQlA-00596-00166746-00166997 participate in sports or that allow GmX2B0brQlA-00597-00166998-00167254 books on lgbtq history in their GmX2B0brQlA-00598-00167255-00167537 classrooms this bill is a part of a GmX2B0brQlA-00599-00167538-00167740 growing movement to push transgender GmX2B0brQlA-00600-00167741-00168121 Americans out of public life to labor GmX2B0brQlA-00601-00168122-00168443 lgbtq adults as groomers GmX2B0brQlA-00602-00168444-00168754 and to isolate lgbtq youth from any GmX2B0brQlA-00603-00168755-00168964 sense of belonging in our schools or GmX2B0brQlA-00604-00168965-00169090 communities GmX2B0brQlA-00605-00169091-00169361 this month I traveled around Vermont to GmX2B0brQlA-00606-00169362-00169564 speak with folks about the Urgent issues GmX2B0brQlA-00607-00169565-00169864 people are facing housing child care and GmX2B0brQlA-00608-00169865-00170116 protecting social safety nets like GmX2B0brQlA-00609-00170117-00170387 Social Security and Medicare I also GmX2B0brQlA-00610-00170388-00170614 spoke directly with high school students GmX2B0brQlA-00611-00170615-00170849 about their need for additional support GmX2B0brQlA-00612-00170850-00171163 in schools for things like mental health GmX2B0brQlA-00613-00171164-00171616 not one person not one in all my travels GmX2B0brQlA-00614-00171617-00171904 around the state advocated for Less GmX2B0brQlA-00615-00171905-00172211 funding for schools or for punishing and GmX2B0brQlA-00616-00172212-00172447 ostracizing trans children GmX2B0brQlA-00617-00172448-00172816 increased visibility for lgbtq Americans GmX2B0brQlA-00618-00172817-00173039 over the past several decades has GmX2B0brQlA-00619-00173040-00173321 allowed for greater progress but today GmX2B0brQlA-00620-00173322-00173651 it is now being weaponized bipartisan GmX2B0brQlA-00621-00173652-00173933 extremists across the country to Target GmX2B0brQlA-00622-00173934-00174319 the most vulnerable in our communities GmX2B0brQlA-00623-00174320-00174743 lgbtq Youth and following up on that GmX2B0brQlA-00624-00174744-00175037 Becca and state treasurer Michael P GmX2B0brQlA-00625-00175038-00175397 check were at the transgender day of GmX2B0brQlA-00626-00175398-00175637 disability which was also the outright GmX2B0brQlA-00627-00175638-00175816 Leadership Summit on the State House GmX2B0brQlA-00628-00175817-00176093 lawn where they well I was going to say GmX2B0brQlA-00629-00176094-00176514 which we all attended to which the youth GmX2B0brQlA-00630-00176515-00176849 handed them GmX2B0brQlA-00631-00176850-00177233 their priorities for solidarity saying GmX2B0brQlA-00632-00177234-00177690 these are the things we need there were GmX2B0brQlA-00633-00177691-00178025 268 youth in attendance GmX2B0brQlA-00634-00178026-00178361 28 of them spoke and there were times GmX2B0brQlA-00635-00178362-00178716 when the youth speaking became GmX2B0brQlA-00636-00178717-00179014 overwhelmed and just stopped to which GmX2B0brQlA-00637-00179015-00179333 the people around them just yelled we GmX2B0brQlA-00638-00179334-00179525 love you GmX2B0brQlA-00639-00179526-00179771 and the youth was able to continue GmX2B0brQlA-00640-00179772-00180013 this was GmX2B0brQlA-00641-00180014-00180359 one of GmX2B0brQlA-00642-00180360-00180671 the comments that were made by one of GmX2B0brQlA-00643-00180672-00180935 our youth we need the state to act in GmX2B0brQlA-00644-00180936-00181145 our defense and say queer people are GmX2B0brQlA-00645-00181146-00181451 safe here by passing laws that protect GmX2B0brQlA-00646-00181452-00181852 us we deserve to live and work and play GmX2B0brQlA-00647-00181853-00182052 like kids GmX2B0brQlA-00648-00182053-00182602 we're still kids GmX2B0brQlA-00649-00182603-00182843 it was so encouraging to see them GmX2B0brQlA-00650-00182844-00183035 marching and they were coming and they GmX2B0brQlA-00651-00183036-00183316 just kept coming and chanting well I GmX2B0brQlA-00652-00183317-00183502 mean it was really uh one of the things GmX2B0brQlA-00653-00183503-00183797 that just ordered from The Geek GmX2B0brQlA-00654-00183798-00184121 perspective they had to move the GmX2B0brQlA-00655-00184122-00184349 Leadership Summit from the state house GmX2B0brQlA-00656-00184350-00184690 to the Pavilion Auditorium because they GmX2B0brQlA-00657-00184691-00185081 had too many people they exceeded the GmX2B0brQlA-00658-00185082-00185309 limit on what any of the rooms in the GmX2B0brQlA-00659-00185310-00185597 state house could contain so thank you GmX2B0brQlA-00660-00185598-00186004 yes but related to that the house has GmX2B0brQlA-00661-00186005-00186252 given has passed GmX2B0brQlA-00662-00186253-00186569 h.483 now this is the bill that we've GmX2B0brQlA-00663-00186570-00186869 been talking about for a while and it GmX2B0brQlA-00664-00186870-00187061 would strengthen anti-discrimination GmX2B0brQlA-00665-00187062-00187378 measures place a moratorium a new GmX2B0brQlA-00666-00187379-00187649 Independent School approvals and make it GmX2B0brQlA-00667-00187650-00187816 impossible GmX2B0brQlA-00668-00187817-00188051 or nearly impossible for Independent GmX2B0brQlA-00669-00188052-00188278 Schools to reject publicly tuition GmX2B0brQlA-00670-00188279-00188531 students and this is the part that gives GmX2B0brQlA-00671-00188532-00188801 Clarity to it under this proposed GmX2B0brQlA-00672-00188802-00189102 legislation Independent Schools GmX2B0brQlA-00673-00189103-00189449 private schools would need to affirm GmX2B0brQlA-00674-00189450-00189690 that they would comply with State GmX2B0brQlA-00675-00189691-00189964 anti-discrimination rules and would be GmX2B0brQlA-00676-00189965-00190313 subject to more oversight from public GmX2B0brQlA-00677-00190314-00190631 school and officials all right so GmX2B0brQlA-00678-00190632-00190823 they've put some strong language it's GmX2B0brQlA-00679-00190824-00191051 now in the Senate it's already in Senate GmX2B0brQlA-00680-00191052-00191278 Judiciary and I'm waiting to see when GmX2B0brQlA-00681-00191279-00191501 it's going to be put up and I'm going to GmX2B0brQlA-00682-00191502-00191716 close really quickly because I want I GmX2B0brQlA-00683-00191717-00191975 want time to share the poem GmX2B0brQlA-00684-00191976-00192328 for our trivia question but this is for GmX2B0brQlA-00685-00192329-00192509 for Anne GmX2B0brQlA-00686-00192510-00192802 H which no that's the wrong bill GmX2B0brQlA-00687-00192803-00193085 the GmX2B0brQlA-00688-00193086-00193559 house has passed h.230 mechanism to GmX2B0brQlA-00689-00193560-00193757 reduce suicide GmX2B0brQlA-00690-00193758-00194219 this bill includes in it a safe storage GmX2B0brQlA-00691-00194220-00194614 requirement if there are vulnerable GmX2B0brQlA-00692-00194615-00194764 adults GmX2B0brQlA-00693-00194765-00195097 or underage children in the household GmX2B0brQlA-00694-00195098-00195587 and there is a 72 hour waiting period on GmX2B0brQlA-00695-00195588-00196090 the purchase of a handgun yes and GmX2B0brQlA-00696-00196091-00196373 anybody who is selling handguns GmX2B0brQlA-00697-00196374-00196823 like the shop in Waterbury has to post GmX2B0brQlA-00698-00196824-00196978 this sign GmX2B0brQlA-00699-00196979-00197381 and it specifies how large the sign GmX2B0brQlA-00700-00197382-00197752 needs to be warning access to a firearm GmX2B0brQlA-00701-00197753-00198083 in the home significantly increases the GmX2B0brQlA-00702-00198084-00198401 risk of suicide death during domestic GmX2B0brQlA-00703-00198402-00198707 violence disputes and the unintentional GmX2B0brQlA-00704-00198708-00198959 death of children household members and GmX2B0brQlA-00705-00198960-00199240 others if you or a loved one is GmX2B0brQlA-00706-00199241-00199487 experiencing distress or depression GmX2B0brQlA-00707-00199488-00199816 called the 988 suicide and crisis GmX2B0brQlA-00708-00199817-00200340 hotline or tax VT to GmX2B0brQlA-00709-00200341-00200695 741-741 they have to display it nice GmX2B0brQlA-00710-00200696-00201095 they cannot remove it good and they and GmX2B0brQlA-00711-00201096-00201364 it isn't just this little sign that it GmX2B0brQlA-00712-00201365-00201611 would miss coming in the door no and the GmX2B0brQlA-00713-00201612-00201959 legislation says how large the lettering GmX2B0brQlA-00714-00201960-00202163 needs to be so with that I'm going to GmX2B0brQlA-00715-00202164-00202390 move to you okay GmX2B0brQlA-00716-00202391-00202709 well we don't have good news around the GmX2B0brQlA-00717-00202710-00202888 country like this but that maybe we GmX2B0brQlA-00718-00202889-00203093 should go right to the poem yeah really GmX2B0brQlA-00719-00203094-00203416 oh that's some good news according to a GmX2B0brQlA-00720-00203417-00203699 Texas federal judge ensuring against HIV GmX2B0brQlA-00721-00203700-00203981 transmission violates the religious GmX2B0brQlA-00722-00203982-00204187 freedom of companies that object to GmX2B0brQlA-00723-00204188-00204569 lgbtq plus people so insurance companies GmX2B0brQlA-00724-00204570-00204821 cannot be forced to cover the medicines GmX2B0brQlA-00725-00204821-00205157 as a result of his ruling a whole host GmX2B0brQlA-00726-00205158-00205444 of preventive Services required to be GmX2B0brQlA-00727-00205446-00205614 covered by insurance GmX2B0brQlA-00728-00205615-00205888 providers under the GmX2B0brQlA-00729-00205889-00206158 Affordable Care Act are in doubt so that GmX2B0brQlA-00730-00206159-00206416 would be like prep or anything like that GmX2B0brQlA-00731-00206417-00206962 okay GmX2B0brQlA-00732-00206963-00207269 speaker GmX2B0brQlA-00733-00207269-00207827 Nancy well speaker emerita America GmX2B0brQlA-00734-00207828-00208096 Nancy Pelosi took the stage at the Human GmX2B0brQlA-00735-00208098-00208390 Rights Campaign dinner in Los Angeles GmX2B0brQlA-00736-00208391-00208648 the esteemed congresswoman GmX2B0brQlA-00737-00208650-00208973 to Advocate oh take pride in what you GmX2B0brQlA-00738-00208973-00209164 have she said look at what has been done GmX2B0brQlA-00739-00209165-00209458 by showing our pride pat yourself on the GmX2B0brQlA-00740-00209459-00209746 back let's be hopeful for the sex for GmX2B0brQlA-00741-00209748-00210017 the success we've had and the love we GmX2B0brQlA-00742-00210017-00210323 have shown each other and that's what we GmX2B0brQlA-00743-00210323-00210569 have to do for the trans Community now GmX2B0brQlA-00744-00210569-00210844 especially the children GmX2B0brQlA-00745-00210846-00211156 there's very hateful things that the GmX2B0brQlA-00746-00211157-00211415 other side is crooking up so beware GmX2B0brQlA-00747-00211416-00212021 Pelosi says GmX2B0brQlA-00748-00212021-00212267 Texas Republicans have proposed a bill GmX2B0brQlA-00749-00212267-00212627 to make recognizing lgbtq Pride GmX2B0brQlA-00750-00212628-00212896 illegally in schools GmX2B0brQlA-00751-00212898-00213094 that's nice GmX2B0brQlA-00752-00213096-00213298 a Wisconsin Elementary School GmX2B0brQlA-00753-00213300-00213544 administration told a first grade GmX2B0brQlA-00754-00213546-00213755 teacher that her class could not sing a GmX2B0brQlA-00755-00213756-00214019 song by Dolly Parton in my my Miley GmX2B0brQlA-00756-00214019-00214456 Cyrus that's so celebrates acceptance GmX2B0brQlA-00757-00214457-00214775 because it might be controversial the GmX2B0brQlA-00758-00214776-00215015 song's titled rainbowland seems to be GmX2B0brQlA-00759-00215016-00215273 the source of the problem GmX2B0brQlA-00760-00215273-00215717 a Hayer elementary teacher in GmX2B0brQlA-00761-00215717-00216058 is it Waukesha yeah suggested the song GmX2B0brQlA-00762-00216059-00216358 Rainbow Land for the upcoming concert so GmX2B0brQlA-00763-00216359-00216521 the music teacher asked the school's GmX2B0brQlA-00764-00216521-00216808 principal whether it was appropriate GmX2B0brQlA-00765-00216809-00217084 concerned enough to inquire further the GmX2B0brQlA-00766-00217085-00217217 principal checked with the school GmX2B0brQlA-00767-00217217-00217360 district about the tomb's GmX2B0brQlA-00768-00217361-00217667 appropriateness however the District GmX2B0brQlA-00769-00217667-00217906 central office deemed this on two GmX2B0brQlA-00770-00217907-00218194 controversial after reviewing it under GmX2B0brQlA-00771-00218196-00218579 its District School Board policy 2240 GmX2B0brQlA-00772-00218580-00218855 this policy policy addresses GmX2B0brQlA-00773-00218856-00219113 controversial topics in the classroom GmX2B0brQlA-00774-00219114-00219689 this is a Sesame Street song oh my God GmX2B0brQlA-00775-00219690-00219917 and just quickly before I move on to Ann GmX2B0brQlA-00776-00219917-00220048 because we want to make sure we have GmX2B0brQlA-00777-00220050-00220396 enough uh enough finish season next time GmX2B0brQlA-00778-00220398-00220751 uh three-time Formula One champion GmX2B0brQlA-00779-00220752-00221153 Nelson P piquette or Pico GmX2B0brQlA-00780-00221154-00221410 was ordered to pay a fine of nearly 1 GmX2B0brQlA-00781-00221411-00221681 million dollars in moral damages for GmX2B0brQlA-00782-00221682-00221981 racist and homophobics comments aimed at GmX2B0brQlA-00783-00221982-00222346 Mercedes driver Lewis Hamilton a Court GmX2B0brQlA-00784-00222348-00222527 ruling published GmX2B0brQlA-00785-00222528-00222863 um on Friday said the substitute judge GmX2B0brQlA-00786-00222864-00223151 of the 20th Civic Court of Brasilia GmX2B0brQlA-00787-00223152-00223415 sentence sentence Formula One driver GmX2B0brQlA-00788-00223416-00223753 Nelson Pico to pay 5 million in GmX2B0brQlA-00789-00223754-00224008 compensation for Collective moral GmX2B0brQlA-00790-00224009-00224275 damages GmX2B0brQlA-00791-00224276-00224506 well not really because I think the GmX2B0brQlA-00792-00224507-00224855 Lewis Hamilton is from the United States GmX2B0brQlA-00793-00224856-00225155 but homegrown yeah GmX2B0brQlA-00794-00225156-00225317 all righty GmX2B0brQlA-00795-00225317-00225713 Annie I have so much you have about GmX2B0brQlA-00796-00225714-00226087 um nine minutes so let's go GmX2B0brQlA-00797-00226088-00226408 well I don't have bad news entirely I GmX2B0brQlA-00798-00226409-00226577 didn't mean to overwhelm our viewers GmX2B0brQlA-00799-00226578-00226834 with Uganda because other things are GmX2B0brQlA-00800-00226835-00226984 happening around the world that aren't GmX2B0brQlA-00801-00226985-00227442 so bad including uh constitutional Court GmX2B0brQlA-00802-00227444-00227734 legalizing same-sex marriage in Bolivia GmX2B0brQlA-00803-00227735-00227844 and now GmX2B0brQlA-00804-00227846-00228108 before you is a picture of David GmX2B0brQlA-00805-00228109-00228605 arrukhipa and Guido Montano they filed a GmX2B0brQlA-00806-00228606-00228913 lawsuit in 2018 five years later GmX2B0brQlA-00807-00228914-00229253 same-sex may they they won the suit in GmX2B0brQlA-00808-00229254-00229631 same-sex marriage is legal in Bolivia GmX2B0brQlA-00809-00229632-00229967 okay going that was the South American GmX2B0brQlA-00810-00229967-00230215 news now in Asia GmX2B0brQlA-00811-00230216-00230494 following the sort of anti-transgender GmX2B0brQlA-00812-00230496-00230773 theme that seems to be going around GmX2B0brQlA-00813-00230773-00231046 conservatives in the liberal Democratic GmX2B0brQlA-00814-00231048-00231377 party in Japan issue they have an issue GmX2B0brQlA-00815-00231378-00231655 with the gender identity clause in an GmX2B0brQlA-00816-00231656-00231937 lgbtq Bill GmX2B0brQlA-00817-00231938-00232391 their conservative lawmakers and called GmX2B0brQlA-00818-00232392-00232648 the liberal Democratic party they have GmX2B0brQlA-00819-00232650-00232846 yet to begin internal discussions GmX2B0brQlA-00820-00232848-00233110 because they don't want to even GmX2B0brQlA-00821-00233111-00233437 cover even touch this GmX2B0brQlA-00822-00233438-00233777 lgbtq Rights bill until April after GmX2B0brQlA-00823-00233778-00234073 their elections but at a Thursday GmX2B0brQlA-00824-00234073-00234329 Parliament committee meeting prime GmX2B0brQlA-00825-00234330-00234623 minister fumio kishida who is also the GmX2B0brQlA-00826-00234623-00234953 LGB president only said that the party GmX2B0brQlA-00827-00234954-00235181 is preparing to submit the bill so GmX2B0brQlA-00828-00235182-00235469 they're okay apparently with LGBT rights GmX2B0brQlA-00829-00235469-00235703 but not they want to include gender GmX2B0brQlA-00830-00235704-00235834 identity GmX2B0brQlA-00831-00235835-00236153 good news from Nepal the Supreme Court GmX2B0brQlA-00832-00236154-00236458 has made a historic decision recognizing GmX2B0brQlA-00833-00236459-00236644 same-sex marriage and I have another GmX2B0brQlA-00834-00236646-00236982 picture before you of odd Heap co-carl GmX2B0brQlA-00835-00236983-00237431 who is Nepali and German citizen Tawas GmX2B0brQlA-00836-00237432-00237773 Holtz and so uh they are married I know GmX2B0brQlA-00837-00237773-00238217 it they a poel they applied uh for a GmX2B0brQlA-00838-00238217-00238481 tourist visa that was denied and so GmX2B0brQlA-00839-00238482-00238763 finally uh it has been accepted in the GmX2B0brQlA-00840-00238764-00238991 Supreme Court is issued an order of the GmX2B0brQlA-00841-00238992-00239177 name of the government to recognize GmX2B0brQlA-00842-00239178-00239410 same-sex marriage so if they can have a GmX2B0brQlA-00843-00239411-00239632 tourist visa why can't they get married GmX2B0brQlA-00844-00239633-00239908 it's the essence of the message from the GmX2B0brQlA-00845-00239909-00240215 Supreme Court now let's turn to a clip GmX2B0brQlA-00846-00240216-00240503 from a Pakistan GmX2B0brQlA-00847-00240504-00240858 film called Joyland GmX2B0brQlA-00848-00240859-00241271 in Inner City Lahore a severe patriarch GmX2B0brQlA-00849-00241271-00241487 is the head of the middle class Rana GmX2B0brQlA-00850-00241488-00241794 family which includes his two sons GmX2B0brQlA-00851-00241796-00242015 daughters-in-law and four granddaughters GmX2B0brQlA-00852-00242016-00242279 he wants his children to give him a GmX2B0brQlA-00853-00242280-00242525 grandson and forces his daughter-in-law GmX2B0brQlA-00854-00242526-00242903 mumtaz to quit her job after hey there GmX2B0brQlA-00855-00242904-00243263 his younger son and her husband find GmX2B0brQlA-00856-00243264-00243389 work GmX2B0brQlA-00857-00243390-00243682 wait a minute and her husband finds work GmX2B0brQlA-00858-00243683-00244025 at an erotic dance theater but all GmX2B0brQlA-00859-00244026-00244271 changes when Hadar falls in love with GmX2B0brQlA-00860-00244271-00244721 Biba a transgender dancer so let's look GmX2B0brQlA-00861-00244721-00244984 at a clip of Joyland GmX2B0brQlA-00862-00244985-00245903 Jones GmX2B0brQlA-00863-00245904-00246150 foreign GmX2B0brQlA-00864-00246151-00247937 [Music] GmX2B0brQlA-00865-00247938-00248596 thank you GmX2B0brQlA-00866-00248598-00249539 theater manager GmX2B0brQlA-00867-00249540-00251614 everybody GmX2B0brQlA-00868-00251615-00252229 [Music] GmX2B0brQlA-00869-00252230-00252665 all right GmX2B0brQlA-00870-00252666-00252737 [Music] GmX2B0brQlA-00871-00252738-00255304 [Applause] GmX2B0brQlA-00872-00255305-00255629 [Music] GmX2B0brQlA-00873-00255630-00255856 oh that looks good kind of looks intense GmX2B0brQlA-00874-00255857-00256246 useful question and I could see this how GmX2B0brQlA-00875-00256248-00256660 or where crime video Disney plus HBO Max GmX2B0brQlA-00876-00256661-00257008 Apple TV plus Paramount and all GmX2B0brQlA-00877-00257009-00257182 streaming services GmX2B0brQlA-00878-00257183-00257482 you anticipated I did I'm getting ready GmX2B0brQlA-00879-00257483-00257813 for your questions now let's go to GmX2B0brQlA-00880-00257814-00257908 um GmX2B0brQlA-00881-00257909-00258239 Europe a Ukraine Soldier calls for GmX2B0brQlA-00882-00258240-00258479 marriage equality as the war with Russia GmX2B0brQlA-00883-00258480-00258779 wages we could die tomorrow 30 year old GmX2B0brQlA-00884-00258780-00259182 Anna to Cova lamented and apparently GmX2B0brQlA-00885-00259183-00259480 marriage heterosexual marriages have GmX2B0brQlA-00886-00259481-00259732 skyrocketed since the War Began because GmX2B0brQlA-00887-00259733-00260182 of the sense of urgency and she says she GmX2B0brQlA-00888-00260183-00260477 serves in the 47th Brigade of Ukraine's GmX2B0brQlA-00889-00260478-00260969 Armed Forces says that um GmX2B0brQlA-00890-00260969-00261191 I feel like something is taken from me GmX2B0brQlA-00891-00261192-00261448 every time I see one of our soldiers is GmX2B0brQlA-00892-00261450-00261653 getting married as I think of the fact GmX2B0brQlA-00893-00261654-00261892 that I can't do it if I wanted to with a GmX2B0brQlA-00894-00261894-00262025 woman GmX2B0brQlA-00895-00262026-00262325 um a marriage proposal was presented to GmX2B0brQlA-00896-00262326-00262582 zielinski a same-sex marriage proposal GmX2B0brQlA-00897-00262583-00262853 and he said yes yes of course but we GmX2B0brQlA-00898-00262854-00263063 can't do it till after the war GmX2B0brQlA-00899-00263064-00263189 so GmX2B0brQlA-00900-00263190-00263434 um she's purging GmX2B0brQlA-00901-00263435-00263830 more urgency and someone has proposed a GmX2B0brQlA-00902-00263831-00264101 more urgent bill for same-sex marriage GmX2B0brQlA-00903-00264102-00264295 we must do it immediately GmX2B0brQlA-00904-00264296-00264629 lgbtq ukrainians deserve to have a GmX2B0brQlA-00905-00264630-00264869 family every day can be their last just GmX2B0brQlA-00906-00264870-00265241 like for any other Ukrainian GmX2B0brQlA-00907-00265242-00265349 um GmX2B0brQlA-00908-00265350-00265510 so let me GmX2B0brQlA-00909-00265511-00265721 I may have to GmX2B0brQlA-00910-00265722-00265967 go through quickly the rest of my GmX2B0brQlA-00911-00265968-00266267 European news but I do have pictures the GmX2B0brQlA-00912-00266268-00266477 first same-sex couple to marry in GmX2B0brQlA-00913-00266478-00266729 Northern Ireland are humbled and GmX2B0brQlA-00914-00266730-00266939 grateful to be making history and here GmX2B0brQlA-00915-00266940-00267280 they are Robin peoples on the left and GmX2B0brQlA-00916-00267281-00267599 Shawnee Edwards waitress Shawnee Edwards GmX2B0brQlA-00917-00267600-00267851 and senior care assistant Robin people's GmX2B0brQlA-00918-00267852-00268306 26 got married on Tuesday February 11th GmX2B0brQlA-00919-00268307-00268558 which is their sixth anniversary GmX2B0brQlA-00920-00268559-00268955 so they had a little bit of a long GmX2B0brQlA-00921-00268956-00269260 distance relationship GmX2B0brQlA-00922-00269261-00269629 one is from Brighton GmX2B0brQlA-00923-00269630-00269927 Charney is originally from Brighton they GmX2B0brQlA-00924-00269928-00270145 moved there but she GmX2B0brQlA-00925-00270146-00270425 she was there and then they she visited GmX2B0brQlA-00926-00270426-00270821 her cousin in Belfast and met Robin then GmX2B0brQlA-00927-00270822-00271127 they both moved to um GmX2B0brQlA-00928-00271128-00271427 Brighton but then got homesick and went GmX2B0brQlA-00929-00271428-00271708 back to Belfast they became engaged in GmX2B0brQlA-00930-00271709-00272039 2015 on a trip to Paris to see Ariana GmX2B0brQlA-00931-00272040-00272410 Grande in concert Robin had a lock GmX2B0brQlA-00932-00272411-00272621 engraved with their names on it when GmX2B0brQlA-00933-00272622-00272932 they went to the place where they to add GmX2B0brQlA-00934-00272933-00273197 the Love Lock in Paris GmX2B0brQlA-00935-00273198-00273556 um Robin that's been just mantles hasn't GmX2B0brQlA-00936-00273557-00273767 it well I don't know but it when it GmX2B0brQlA-00937-00273768-00273937 occurred GmX2B0brQlA-00938-00273938-00274379 Robin got down on one knee to propose so GmX2B0brQlA-00939-00274380-00274619 um the following year Charney proposed GmX2B0brQlA-00940-00274620-00274799 back in their house on Robin's birthday GmX2B0brQlA-00941-00274800-00275099 I laid out loads of rose petals that GmX2B0brQlA-00942-00275100-00275382 spelled out will you marry me GmX2B0brQlA-00943-00275383-00275680 that's very romantic GmX2B0brQlA-00944-00275681-00275939 um I have a few more stories I'll just GmX2B0brQlA-00945-00275940-00276149 do the headlines a lesbian couple from GmX2B0brQlA-00946-00276150-00276455 Ukraine opened up about how they fled GmX2B0brQlA-00947-00276456-00276743 the war and got married in Ireland so GmX2B0brQlA-00948-00276744-00276863 they were very close they've been GmX2B0brQlA-00949-00276864-00277049 involved for 11 years before they got GmX2B0brQlA-00950-00277050-00277229 married they were very closeted in GmX2B0brQlA-00951-00277230-00277751 Ukraine moved to Ireland and got married GmX2B0brQlA-00952-00277752-00277871 um GmX2B0brQlA-00953-00277872-00278087 bad news from England we have to I'm GmX2B0brQlA-00954-00278088-00278434 afraid England okay London and you know GmX2B0brQlA-00955-00278435-00278675 I defer to Keith and not reporting the GmX2B0brQlA-00956-00278676-00279005 creepy creepy details of this story and GmX2B0brQlA-00957-00279006-00279180 I figured I wouldn't have time anyway GmX2B0brQlA-00958-00279181-00279629 the Metropolitan Police in report that GmX2B0brQlA-00959-00279630-00279880 the London Police GmX2B0brQlA-00960-00279881-00280001 um GmX2B0brQlA-00961-00280002-00280349 are full of homophobic officers obsessed GmX2B0brQlA-00962-00280350-00280679 with gay sex and they Grill lesbian GmX2B0brQlA-00963-00280680-00280960 officers and this report was finally GmX2B0brQlA-00964-00280961-00281291 issued and read and it details chapter GmX2B0brQlA-00965-00281292-00281530 and verse of all the creepy things that GmX2B0brQlA-00966-00281531-00281710 happened in the London Police Department GmX2B0brQlA-00967-00281711-00282130 so they're taking action and finally the GmX2B0brQlA-00968-00282131-00282377 government yeah okay are the our police GmX2B0brQlA-00969-00282378-00282695 officials both okay both because now the GmX2B0brQlA-00970-00282696-00282856 report has been made public and GmX2B0brQlA-00971-00282857-00282967 everybody GmX2B0brQlA-00972-00282968-00283229 they can't get the officers out of the GmX2B0brQlA-00973-00283230-00283613 public bathrooms all right well GmX2B0brQlA-00974-00283614-00283906 um let's end on a transphobic note swim GmX2B0brQlA-00975-00283907-00284179 England bans trans women from female GmX2B0brQlA-00976-00284180-00284423 competitions going along with the world GmX2B0brQlA-00977-00284424-00284677 trekken field GmX2B0brQlA-00978-00284678-00285149 so real quickly we're following up with GmX2B0brQlA-00979-00285150-00285371 the British police officers the two GmX2B0brQlA-00980-00285372-00285658 officers in Vermont that were being GmX2B0brQlA-00981-00285659-00286049 investigated for engaging in racic and GmX2B0brQlA-00982-00286050-00286391 homophobic comments online game GmX2B0brQlA-00983-00286392-00286613 online games they were from Southern GmX2B0brQlA-00984-00286614-00286889 Vermont Vermont State Police GmX2B0brQlA-00985-00286890-00287243 they weren't able to validate all but GmX2B0brQlA-00986-00287244-00287555 enough of the allegations that the GmX2B0brQlA-00987-00287556-00287765 Commissioners said disciplinary action GmX2B0brQlA-00988-00287766-00288058 up to and including termination was GmX2B0brQlA-00989-00288059-00288419 warranted they both have resigned and GmX2B0brQlA-00990-00288420-00288749 they have issued a formal apology saying GmX2B0brQlA-00991-00288750-00289180 our actions are inexcusable we let down GmX2B0brQlA-00992-00289181-00289499 our fellow officers and be let down GmX2B0brQlA-00993-00289500-00289775 Vermont so GmX2B0brQlA-00994-00289776-00289943 but I hope they don't get a job GmX2B0brQlA-00995-00289944-00290106 somewhere else well GmX2B0brQlA-00996-00290107-00290405 I I anticipated that comment Vermont GmX2B0brQlA-00997-00290406-00290771 still doesn't have the listing of these GmX2B0brQlA-00998-00290772-00290915 are GmX2B0brQlA-00999-00290916-00291227 the discredited officers which is is GmX2B0brQlA-01000-00291228-00291395 something that people are really pushing GmX2B0brQlA-01001-00291396-00291610 for them and looking at police reform GmX2B0brQlA-01002-00291611-00292055 and What needs to do GmX2B0brQlA-01003-00292056-00292337 those no they were something they were a GmX2B0brQlA-01004-00292338-00292499 number of them engaging in the game but GmX2B0brQlA-01005-00292500-00292732 there were only two that engaged in the GmX2B0brQlA-01006-00292733-00293056 racist and homophobic comments and the GmX2B0brQlA-01007-00293057-00293260 the actual report lists some of the GmX2B0brQlA-01008-00293261-00293453 things that the two officers said and GmX2B0brQlA-01009-00293454-00293597 but I mean GmX2B0brQlA-01010-00293598-00293867 they also went back and looked at all of GmX2B0brQlA-01011-00293868-00294197 their apology I did and but they went GmX2B0brQlA-01012-00294198-00294389 back and looked at all of their GmX2B0brQlA-01013-00294390-00294545 reporting and there was nothing that GmX2B0brQlA-01014-00294546-00294773 indicated a bias in their actual GmX2B0brQlA-01015-00294774-00294934 policing GmX2B0brQlA-01016-00294935-00295199 well what was that very disturbing GmX2B0brQlA-01017-00295200-00295456 besides the actions especially against GmX2B0brQlA-01018-00295457-00295691 lesbian police officers is that they GmX2B0brQlA-01019-00295692-00295991 remain they remain silent they just took GmX2B0brQlA-01020-00295992-00296219 it yeah well with this it was other GmX2B0brQlA-01021-00296220-00296482 officers in Vermont that reported them GmX2B0brQlA-01022-00296483-00296873 yeah so imagine outside so since it GmX2B0brQlA-01023-00296874-00297149 since you're up and going the answer to GmX2B0brQlA-01024-00297150-00297401 the two over your question although an GmX2B0brQlA-01025-00297402-00297575 obscure poet during their lifetime GmX2B0brQlA-01026-00297576-00297797 widely considered the most distinguished GmX2B0brQlA-01027-00297798-00297955 Greek poet GmX2B0brQlA-01028-00297956-00298379 kafavi and this is what w.h Auden said GmX2B0brQlA-01029-00298380-00298732 in a preface to a collection of poetry GmX2B0brQlA-01030-00298733-00299039 kafavi was a homosexual in his erotic GmX2B0brQlA-01031-00299040-00299369 poems made no attempt to conceal it as a GmX2B0brQlA-01032-00299370-00299627 witness kafavi is exceptionally honest GmX2B0brQlA-01033-00299628-00299951 he neither boulderizes nor glamorizes GmX2B0brQlA-01034-00299952-00300353 nor Giggles he refuses to pretend that GmX2B0brQlA-01035-00300354-00300563 his memories of moments of sensual GmX2B0brQlA-01036-00300564-00301001 pleasure are unhappy or spoiled by GmX2B0brQlA-01037-00301002-00301271 feelings of guilt and this is one of his GmX2B0brQlA-01038-00301272-00301643 poems the afternoon sun GmX2B0brQlA-01039-00301644-00301949 this room how well I know it now they're GmX2B0brQlA-01040-00301950-00302165 renting it and the one next to it is GmX2B0brQlA-01041-00302166-00302471 offices the whole house has become an GmX2B0brQlA-01042-00302472-00302705 office building for agents businessmen GmX2B0brQlA-01043-00302706-00302860 companies GmX2B0brQlA-01044-00302861-00303227 this room how familiar it is the couch GmX2B0brQlA-01045-00303228-00303556 was here near the door a Turkish carpet GmX2B0brQlA-01046-00303557-00303910 in front of it close by the Shelf with GmX2B0brQlA-01047-00303911-00304229 two yellow vases on the right no GmX2B0brQlA-01048-00304230-00304625 opposite a wardrobe with a mirror in the GmX2B0brQlA-01049-00304626-00304877 middle of the table where he wrote in GmX2B0brQlA-01050-00304878-00305104 the three big wicker chairs GmX2B0brQlA-01051-00305105-00305380 beside the window the bed where we made GmX2B0brQlA-01052-00305381-00305608 love so many times GmX2B0brQlA-01053-00305609-00305843 there must still be around somewhere GmX2B0brQlA-01054-00305844-00306034 those old things GmX2B0brQlA-01055-00306035-00306329 beside the window the bed the afternoon GmX2B0brQlA-01056-00306330-00306641 sun used to touch half of it GmX2B0brQlA-01057-00306642-00306923 one afternoon at four o'clock we GmX2B0brQlA-01058-00306924-00307319 separated for a week only and then that GmX2B0brQlA-01059-00307320-00307939 week became forever oh so GmX2B0brQlA-01060-00307940-00308363 so with that with that lovely romantic GmX2B0brQlA-01061-00308364-00308579 do you have anything else to say oh I GmX2B0brQlA-01062-00308580-00308830 have plenty else to say I mean we have a GmX2B0brQlA-01063-00308831-00309154 few more minutes well I could see so all GmX2B0brQlA-01064-00309155-00309389 right you thought the poem was larger GmX2B0brQlA-01065-00309390-00309701 you thought the poem was one of yours I GmX2B0brQlA-01066-00309702-00310115 had more verses we should have a poem on GmX2B0brQlA-01067-00310116-00310373 every show GmX2B0brQlA-01068-00310374-00310565 um all right let's go back to these GmX2B0brQlA-01069-00310566-00310847 Ukrainian this Ukrainian couple they GmX2B0brQlA-01070-00310848-00311089 moved to Ireland last St Patrick's Day GmX2B0brQlA-01071-00311090-00311501 uh their names are uliana and Alina uh GmX2B0brQlA-01072-00311502-00311693 they've been a couple for over a decade GmX2B0brQlA-01073-00311694-00312097 as I said GmX2B0brQlA-01074-00312098-00312479 yeah it's a little more positive maybe GmX2B0brQlA-01075-00312480-00312743 um St Patrick's Day marks one year since GmX2B0brQlA-01076-00312744-00313025 they landed safely on the Emerald Isle GmX2B0brQlA-01077-00313026-00313301 they met online through a dating website GmX2B0brQlA-01078-00313302-00313571 called Mamba where they were living when GmX2B0brQlA-01079-00313572-00313734 they were living in their home nation GmX2B0brQlA-01080-00313735-00314056 they exchanged messages and went out for GmX2B0brQlA-01081-00314057-00314353 tea chatting effortlessly for hours GmX2B0brQlA-01082-00314354-00314608 after that initial meeting they GmX2B0brQlA-01083-00314609-00314903 continued to meet again and again dating GmX2B0brQlA-01084-00314904-00315119 privately and pretending to be friends GmX2B0brQlA-01085-00315120-00315421 they were able to live together in Kiev GmX2B0brQlA-01086-00315422-00315658 but they couldn't tell anyone they were GmX2B0brQlA-01087-00315659-00315856 a couple they said to everyone else we GmX2B0brQlA-01088-00315857-00316132 were sisters we were friends for 10 GmX2B0brQlA-01089-00316133-00316229 years GmX2B0brQlA-01090-00316230-00316523 when Russia invaded Ukraine in February GmX2B0brQlA-01091-00316524-00316804 last year they decided to move away GmX2B0brQlA-01092-00316805-00317015 it was very difficult to leave their GmX2B0brQlA-01093-00317016-00317189 families behind GmX2B0brQlA-01094-00317190-00317537 as they decided to remain in Ukraine but GmX2B0brQlA-01095-00317538-00317729 living in Ireland allowed them to get GmX2B0brQlA-01096-00317730-00318071 married in November 2022 something they GmX2B0brQlA-01097-00318072-00318382 had previously only dreamed of this war GmX2B0brQlA-01098-00318383-00318580 has brought a lot of grief to the GmX2B0brQlA-01099-00318581-00318797 Ukrainian people and we couldn't believe GmX2B0brQlA-01100-00318798-00319013 that such horror could happen in the GmX2B0brQlA-01101-00319014-00319132 modern world GmX2B0brQlA-01102-00319133-00319354 but the strong Spirit of Ukrainian GmX2B0brQlA-01103-00319355-00319589 people and their desire to fight for GmX2B0brQlA-01104-00319590-00319804 their independence and development as GmX2B0brQlA-01105-00319805-00320017 well as the support of other nations GmX2B0brQlA-01106-00320018-00320356 gives us faith that Justice will Triumph GmX2B0brQlA-01107-00320357-00320608 and the terrorist state of the Russian GmX2B0brQlA-01108-00320609-00320891 Federation will be punished for every GmX2B0brQlA-01109-00320892-00321401 crime against humanity GmX2B0brQlA-01110-00321402-00321593 coming back to the Vermont story real GmX2B0brQlA-01111-00321594-00321803 quickly and I was going to talk with you GmX2B0brQlA-01112-00321804-00322001 both at dinner if you had heard about GmX2B0brQlA-01113-00322002-00322321 this Jag Productions GmX2B0brQlA-01114-00322322-00322506 absolutely GmX2B0brQlA-01115-00322507-00322847 well another theater company is coming GmX2B0brQlA-01116-00322848-00323334 in and being the company in Residence GmX2B0brQlA-01117-00323335-00323723 within the opera house so they're taking GmX2B0brQlA-01118-00323724-00324017 up most of the time so now Jag GmX2B0brQlA-01119-00324018-00324347 has no performance space Oh no although GmX2B0brQlA-01120-00324348-00324623 right now a driver's green is doing a GmX2B0brQlA-01121-00324624-00325001 one-man show there there is there at the GmX2B0brQlA-01122-00325002-00325193 Briggs opera house right so what are GmX2B0brQlA-01123-00325194-00325415 they going to do he well that's what the GmX2B0brQlA-01124-00325416-00325667 whole story was about is he doesn't know GmX2B0brQlA-01125-00325668-00325858 what he's going to do he's looking for GmX2B0brQlA-01126-00325859-00326075 alternative space there is some GmX2B0brQlA-01127-00326076-00326387 performance space uh the theater on the GmX2B0brQlA-01128-00326388-00326651 hill at King Arthur Baking Company we've GmX2B0brQlA-01129-00326652-00326854 been there yeah but but it's limited GmX2B0brQlA-01130-00326855-00327149 space well and it was outside because of GmX2B0brQlA-01131-00327150-00327401 covid right but what he's saying is GmX2B0brQlA-01132-00327402-00327695 there isn't other performance space in GmX2B0brQlA-01133-00327696-00327947 the area GmX2B0brQlA-01134-00327948-00328127 Lost Nation GmX2B0brQlA-01135-00328128-00328349 well we went well they have they have GmX2B0brQlA-01136-00328350-00328571 City Center so they're the company in GmX2B0brQlA-01137-00328572-00328829 Residence and they take up most of the GmX2B0brQlA-01138-00328830-00329039 time that that space is available yeah GmX2B0brQlA-01139-00329040-00329267 well there's Northern Stage which is GmX2B0brQlA-01140-00329268-00329447 right down the block and I have to say GmX2B0brQlA-01141-00329448-00329680 Lynn and I were just at a play there GmX2B0brQlA-01142-00329681-00329945 last weekend we saw Sweat by Lynn it was GmX2B0brQlA-01143-00329946-00330208 really good and that's a nice venue but GmX2B0brQlA-01144-00330209-00330484 but Jarvis is saying is I may have to GmX2B0brQlA-01145-00330485-00330767 leave Vermont oh that would be awful but GmX2B0brQlA-01146-00330768-00331060 well and but in the meantime go and see GmX2B0brQlA-01147-00331061-00331379 as one man show GmX2B0brQlA-01148-00331380-00331643 um okay all righty well on that note GmX2B0brQlA-01149-00331644-00331882 definitely go to the theater go to the GmX2B0brQlA-01150-00331883-00332177 movies listen to poetry listen to poetry GmX2B0brQlA-01151-00332178-00332531 and resist GmX2B0brQlA-01152-00332532-00333217 [Music] GmX2B0brQlA-01153-00333218-00334273 [Music] H06C4Irf1v4-00000-00000127-00001478 [Music] H06C4Irf1v4-00001-00001479-00001597 when i H06C4Irf1v4-00002-00001598-00001934 [Music] H06C4Irf1v4-00003-00001935-00002055 what is up everyone my name is H06C4Irf1v4-00004-00002056-00002199 exceptional and today we are looking at H06C4Irf1v4-00005-00002200-00002407 the m91 lmg H06C4Irf1v4-00006-00002408-00002615 i like lmgs lmg's do very well in H06C4Irf1v4-00007-00002616-00002839 warzone i love the mk9 bruin H06C4Irf1v4-00008-00002840-00003126 i like the pkm and the m91 is actually H06C4Irf1v4-00009-00003127-00003222 very strong H06C4Irf1v4-00010-00003223-00003422 i haven't done a video about it yet so i H06C4Irf1v4-00011-00003423-00003575 thought why not H06C4Irf1v4-00012-00003576-00003815 the m91 is a hard-hitting lmg it doesn't H06C4Irf1v4-00013-00003815-00004006 hit the hardest in the lmg category that H06C4Irf1v4-00014-00004007-00004143 is the s87 H06C4Irf1v4-00015-00004144-00004351 but it does very good damage it has H06C4Irf1v4-00016-00004352-00004535 pretty good range and the recoil is very H06C4Irf1v4-00017-00004536-00004606 manageable H06C4Irf1v4-00018-00004607-00004815 i really enjoyed using the m91 i had H06C4Irf1v4-00019-00004816-00004959 multiple good games with it H06C4Irf1v4-00020-00004960-00005135 and in this video i will show you a game H06C4Irf1v4-00021-00005136-00005270 that is just H06C4Irf1v4-00022-00005271-00005502 just amazing the ending is not how it's H06C4Irf1v4-00023-00005503-00005599 supposed to be H06C4Irf1v4-00024-00005600-00005743 but the flow in the game and the H06C4Irf1v4-00025-00005744-00005967 constant action it is just how you want H06C4Irf1v4-00026-00005968-00006006 it H06C4Irf1v4-00027-00006007-00006215 so stay around and check that out as H06C4Irf1v4-00028-00006216-00006375 well but before we go into the class H06C4Irf1v4-00029-00006376-00006431 setup H06C4Irf1v4-00030-00006431-00006598 if you like this video drop a like it H06C4Irf1v4-00031-00006600-00006767 will help me out a lot and if you're new H06C4Irf1v4-00032-00006768-00006839 to the channel H06C4Irf1v4-00033-00006840-00007070 subscribe man i'm almost at 3k it will H06C4Irf1v4-00034-00007072-00007270 it will make both of us happy H06C4Irf1v4-00035-00007272-00007470 and now let's go into the class setup H06C4Irf1v4-00036-00007472-00007670 this is my m91 class setup and of course H06C4Irf1v4-00037-00007672-00007823 the first attachment you are using is H06C4Irf1v4-00038-00007823-00008006 the monolithic suppressor this will give H06C4Irf1v4-00039-00008008-00008110 you sound suppression H06C4Irf1v4-00040-00008111-00008342 damage range and extra bullet velocity H06C4Irf1v4-00041-00008343-00008510 after that we're using the m91 heavy H06C4Irf1v4-00042-00008511-00008646 barrel this gives you the most damage H06C4Irf1v4-00043-00008647-00008783 range full of velocity and recoil H06C4Irf1v4-00044-00008784-00008910 control H06C4Irf1v4-00045-00008911-00009127 and some people will use the m91 special H06C4Irf1v4-00046-00009128-00009287 forces but it doesn't give you H06C4Irf1v4-00047-00009288-00009503 any extra recoil control and the m91 H06C4Irf1v4-00048-00009504-00009614 heavy does H06C4Irf1v4-00049-00009615-00009774 after that we use the feel gate three H06C4Irf1v4-00050-00009775-00010014 times optic because it gives you 10 H06C4Irf1v4-00051-00010015-00010206 vertical and horizontal recoil reduction H06C4Irf1v4-00052-00010207-00010399 and that is very important H06C4Irf1v4-00053-00010400-00010535 after that we're using the range of 4 H06C4Irf1v4-00054-00010536-00010814 grip most of the times on any ar or lmg H06C4Irf1v4-00055-00010815-00010967 i'm using command of 4 grip for the H06C4Irf1v4-00056-00010968-00011078 horizontal bounce H06C4Irf1v4-00057-00011079-00011446 but the m91 has literally almost no H06C4Irf1v4-00058-00011447-00011614 horizontal bounce so i just went for H06C4Irf1v4-00059-00011615-00011767 some vertical recoil control H06C4Irf1v4-00060-00011768-00012038 so i chose the ranger for grip we're not H06C4Irf1v4-00061-00012039-00012199 using an ammo conversion because it H06C4Irf1v4-00062-00012200-00012406 already had 100 in the mag H06C4Irf1v4-00063-00012407-00012683 and we are using the slate of hand perk H06C4Irf1v4-00064-00012684-00012799 because H06C4Irf1v4-00065-00012800-00012974 you need some reload speed because it is H06C4Irf1v4-00066-00012975-00013247 slow this m91 shreds it has H06C4Irf1v4-00067-00013247-00013486 a beautiful recoil control it has great H06C4Irf1v4-00068-00013487-00013663 range it does a lot of damage H06C4Irf1v4-00069-00013663-00013815 and with the slide of hand perk the H06C4Irf1v4-00070-00013816-00013991 reload is manageable H06C4Irf1v4-00071-00013991-00014166 so try it out yourself and let me know H06C4Irf1v4-00072-00014168-00014319 in the comments if you like it or not i H06C4Irf1v4-00073-00014319-00014455 actually think this is one of the most H06C4Irf1v4-00074-00014456-00014686 underrated weapons in the game right now H06C4Irf1v4-00075-00014687-00014838 and now without further ado let's get H06C4Irf1v4-00076-00014840-00015022 into this sick m91 gameplay H06C4Irf1v4-00077-00015023-00015319 i hope you guys enjoy yeah we're kind of H06C4Irf1v4-00078-00015319-00015686 good here H06C4Irf1v4-00079-00015687-00015991 let's go this side jk let's go left H06C4Irf1v4-00080-00015991-00016358 i'm good i'm good H06C4Irf1v4-00081-00016359-00016815 let's push left from left to right H06C4Irf1v4-00082-00016816-00017199 i think there's people here H06C4Irf1v4-00083-00017200-00017807 yeah people here H06C4Irf1v4-00084-00017808-00019663 right there heading out okay H06C4Irf1v4-00085-00019664-00020647 he's going this way come H06C4Irf1v4-00086-00020648-00020919 very nice i think there's more you have H06C4Irf1v4-00087-00020920-00021007 spare plate maybe H06C4Irf1v4-00088-00021008-00021214 let's go let's go let's go a wee plate H06C4Irf1v4-00089-00021215-00021535 let's go to um H06C4Irf1v4-00090-00021536-00021975 let's just get a load of man H06C4Irf1v4-00091-00021976-00022143 i do not know if they're up i don't H06C4Irf1v4-00092-00022144-00022550 think they're up H06C4Irf1v4-00093-00022551-00022758 let's just go push them [__] it i think H06C4Irf1v4-00094-00022759-00022950 it's i think it's him as well H06C4Irf1v4-00095-00022951-00023191 okay yeah probably yeah it's amazing H06C4Irf1v4-00096-00023192-00023630 yeah H06C4Irf1v4-00097-00023631-00025222 wait 17 once up what's up H06C4Irf1v4-00098-00025223-00025855 is your grenade yep H06C4Irf1v4-00099-00025856-00026623 all right um let's buy yui H06C4Irf1v4-00100-00026624-00027574 oh yeah so five to five H06C4Irf1v4-00101-00027575-00027895 yeah that wait still H06C4Irf1v4-00102-00027895-00028343 pushing us yep H06C4Irf1v4-00103-00028344-00028583 nothing my heartbeat yeah 38 meters H06C4Irf1v4-00104-00028583-00028887 northeast H06C4Irf1v4-00105-00028888-00029351 29 meters just two H06C4Irf1v4-00106-00029352-00030883 27 dead up the H06C4Irf1v4-00107-00030883-00031318 still H06C4Irf1v4-00108-00031319-00031831 uh i need [__] plot that's bro H06C4Irf1v4-00109-00031832-00033383 yeah it's definitely storage H06C4Irf1v4-00110-00033384-00034279 what's that H06C4Irf1v4-00111-00034280-00035223 i know where the other guy is H06C4Irf1v4-00112-00035224-00035662 let's get another gun H06C4Irf1v4-00113-00035663-00035855 it's a team uh on the world where we H06C4Irf1v4-00114-00035856-00036087 were at the airport H06C4Irf1v4-00115-00036088-00036246 all right but also wouldn't do it on the H06C4Irf1v4-00116-00036247-00036399 train still now he's on the train [__] H06C4Irf1v4-00117-00036400-00036623 him yeah let's go to airport H06C4Irf1v4-00118-00036624-00037639 here again just right there H06C4Irf1v4-00119-00037640-00037883 oh there's multiple teams here man watch H06C4Irf1v4-00120-00037884-00038046 out H06C4Irf1v4-00121-00038047-00038262 there's a team close to me homie on me H06C4Irf1v4-00122-00038263-00038383 on the bus H06C4Irf1v4-00123-00038384-00038839 going this way H06C4Irf1v4-00124-00038840-00040743 pick me pick me pick me up H06C4Irf1v4-00125-00040744-00040911 there's another team still on the on the H06C4Irf1v4-00126-00040912-00041055 parking lot H06C4Irf1v4-00127-00041056-00041807 i need to reload H06C4Irf1v4-00128-00041808-00042083 you've got incoming your vue by the H06C4Irf1v4-00129-00042084-00042295 chance H06C4Irf1v4-00130-00042296-00044455 okay let's go up okay H06C4Irf1v4-00131-00044456-00044655 [Music] H06C4Irf1v4-00132-00044656-00045223 all that H06C4Irf1v4-00133-00045224-00045407 i need recon on my position i'm going to H06C4Irf1v4-00134-00045408-00045511 drop you some cash so you have some H06C4Irf1v4-00135-00045512-00045615 extra cash show H06C4Irf1v4-00136-00045616-00045871 i think i'm moving forward nice flying H06C4Irf1v4-00137-00045872-00046223 and flying in H06C4Irf1v4-00138-00046224-00046605 there he is him H06C4Irf1v4-00139-00046606-00046751 [Music] H06C4Irf1v4-00140-00046752-00047199 nice good [__] H06C4Irf1v4-00141-00047200-00047702 love you puppy H06C4Irf1v4-00142-00047703-00048151 one is a please level with this H06C4Irf1v4-00143-00048152-00048567 oh i saw that H06C4Irf1v4-00144-00048568-00050423 the others iron tower H06C4Irf1v4-00145-00050424-00050558 they're pushing the other team's pushing H06C4Irf1v4-00146-00050559-00050735 probably H06C4Irf1v4-00147-00050736-00051687 need to reload can you uv uv H06C4Irf1v4-00148-00051688-00051879 nice yeah just going left side probably H06C4Irf1v4-00149-00051879-00052214 yeah he's left H06C4Irf1v4-00150-00052215-00052542 good nice it's also people H06C4Irf1v4-00151-00052544-00053094 let's push that H06C4Irf1v4-00152-00053095-00053638 oh shooting me H06C4Irf1v4-00153-00053639-00054366 knock them nice H06C4Irf1v4-00154-00054367-00055871 teamwork nice H06C4Irf1v4-00155-00055872-00056223 i'm gonna grab this car we're going to H06C4Irf1v4-00156-00056224-00056350 hold no we're going to hold all these H06C4Irf1v4-00157-00056351-00056479 guys look look H06C4Irf1v4-00158-00056479-00056863 look at all those teams H06C4Irf1v4-00159-00056864-00057079 i'm going to the first okay i'm going to H06C4Irf1v4-00160-00057079-00057391 do the right team H06C4Irf1v4-00161-00057391-00057663 they're coming they're coming to me H06C4Irf1v4-00162-00057664-00058415 three H06C4Irf1v4-00163-00058416-00059999 okay left left side airport H06C4Irf1v4-00164-00060000-00061663 push it H06C4Irf1v4-00165-00061664-00062935 requesting H06C4Irf1v4-00166-00062936-00063599 never mind H06C4Irf1v4-00167-00063600-00063806 yeah let's push this [__] there's one H06C4Irf1v4-00168-00063807-00063919 more over there right there yeah let's H06C4Irf1v4-00169-00063920-00064415 push it H06C4Irf1v4-00170-00064416-00065631 hello there no push H06C4Irf1v4-00171-00065632-00066759 really low H06C4Irf1v4-00172-00066760-00067231 okay H06C4Irf1v4-00173-00067232-00067575 instead of ar maybe H06C4Irf1v4-00174-00067576-00068006 yeah thanks let's push that [__] H06C4Irf1v4-00175-00068007-00068311 it's two teams i think yeah i think so H06C4Irf1v4-00176-00068312-00068350 as well H06C4Irf1v4-00177-00068351-00068682 one solo oh i see one H06C4Irf1v4-00178-00068683-00069126 nice went dark H06C4Irf1v4-00179-00069127-00069247 i still don't want to set the road H06C4Irf1v4-00180-00069248-00069623 campaign okay i'm going H06C4Irf1v4-00181-00069624-00069982 there live yeah H06C4Irf1v4-00182-00069983-00070703 he's going on a hill H06C4Irf1v4-00183-00070704-00071038 you have you eating still noah i don't H06C4Irf1v4-00184-00071039-00071262 like this H06C4Irf1v4-00185-00071263-00072782 you need to stay together now H06C4Irf1v4-00186-00072783-00072887 there's another theme there they're H06C4Irf1v4-00187-00072888-00073087 gonna fight pretty soon let's go on this H06C4Irf1v4-00188-00073088-00073350 road let's go in here let's go in here H06C4Irf1v4-00189-00073351-00073655 he's on the road right now near the H06C4Irf1v4-00190-00073656-00075319 right H06C4Irf1v4-00191-00075320-00076455 three two one H06C4Irf1v4-00192-00076456-00077082 oh [__] did you kill the other yeah they H06C4Irf1v4-00193-00077083-00078482 both H06C4Irf1v4-00194-00078483-00078815 blow H06C4Irf1v4-00195-00078816-00078943 i need to reload he's right closed just H06C4Irf1v4-00196-00078944-00079238 very close to me movement H06C4Irf1v4-00197-00079239-00079882 you see the vehicle i think recon H06C4Irf1v4-00198-00079883-00081282 broken H06C4Irf1v4-00199-00081283-00081871 [__] H06C4Irf1v4-00200-00081872-00083159 i'm gonna i'm gonna do daddy H06C4Irf1v4-00201-00083160-00083791 they're in H06C4Irf1v4-00202-00083792-00083991 let's both win three two one let's go H06C4Irf1v4-00203-00083992-00085482 come on let's go H06C4Irf1v4-00204-00085483-00086882 shotgun H06C4Irf1v4-00205-00086883-00087423 overhead H06C4Irf1v4-00206-00087424-00088282 no good snipe from all the way over H06C4Irf1v4-00207-00088283-00090371 there H06C4Irf1v4-00208-00090372-00091082 [Music] H06C4Irf1v4-00209-00091083-00091423 oh H06C4Irf1v4-00210-00091424-00091582 when i was younger i was happy now they H06C4Irf1v4-00211-00091583-00092224 feel like no one understands H0yN7Cy07GQ-00001-00003900-00004007 buddy H0yN7Cy07GQ-00003-00009016-00009378 I'm here H0yN7Cy07GQ-00004-00009379-00010655 [Music] H0yN7Cy07GQ-00005-00010656-00011718 [Music] H0yN7Cy07GQ-00007-00019955-00020387 [Music] H0yN7Cy07GQ-00008-00020388-00020601 there's no need H0yN7Cy07GQ-00009-00020602-00021022 [Music] H0yN7Cy07GQ-00010-00021023-00021299 so there H0yN7Cy07GQ-00011-00021300-00022689 [Music] H0yN7Cy07GQ-00012-00022690-00022915 No H0yN7Cy07GQ-00013-00022916-00025322 [Music] H0yN7Cy07GQ-00014-00025323-00026061 [Music] H0yN7Cy07GQ-00015-00026062-00026257 [Applause] H0yN7Cy07GQ-00016-00026258-00026633 there's a H0yN7Cy07GQ-00017-00026942-00027232 kidnapper all it H0yN7Cy07GQ-00018-00027233-00028039 [Music] H0yN7Cy07GQ-00019-00028041-00028307 Bishan H0yN7Cy07GQ-00020-00028308-00028792 [Music] H0yN7Cy07GQ-00021-00028793-00029112 going first H0yN7Cy07GQ-00022-00029113-00029386 oh boy H0yN7Cy07GQ-00023-00029387-00029583 is it H0yN7Cy07GQ-00024-00029583-00030217 [Music] H0yN7Cy07GQ-00025-00030218-00030344 see H0yN7Cy07GQ-00026-00030345-00030815 [Music] H0yN7Cy07GQ-00027-00030816-00032474 Oh H0yN7Cy07GQ-00028-00032475-00033855 [Music] H0yN7Cy07GQ-00029-00033856-00034136 yes H0yN7Cy07GQ-00030-00034137-00035195 [Music] H0yN7Cy07GQ-00031-00035196-00035254 Oh H0yN7Cy07GQ-00032-00035255-00035856 [Music] H0yN7Cy07GQ-00033-00035857-00035886 [Applause] H0yN7Cy07GQ-00034-00035887-00036640 [Music] H0yN7Cy07GQ-00035-00036641-00037313 [Applause] H0yN7Cy07GQ-00036-00037314-00039490 [Music] H0yN7Cy07GQ-00037-00039491-00040953 [Music] H0yN7Cy07GQ-00038-00040954-00042020 [Music] H0yN7Cy07GQ-00039-00042021-00043447 [Music] H0yN7Cy07GQ-00040-00043448-00044751 [Music] H0zO54sfkjy-00000-00000315-00001116 [Music] H0zO54sfkjy-00001-00001117-00001567 [Applause] H0zO54sfkjy-00002-00001568-00001714 [Music] H0zO54sfkjy-00003-00001714-00003102 [Applause] H0zO54sfkjy-00004-00003103-00004803 [Music] H0zO54sfkjy-00005-00004804-00005185 so most cars have it here someone will H0zO54sfkjy-00006-00005186-00005320 have it no it's deeper in H0zO54sfkjy-00007-00005321-00005554 so it's BMWs Mercedes are all the way in H0zO54sfkjy-00008-00005555-00006193 the back of these cars and girls doing H0zO54sfkjy-00009-00006194-00006459 such a big part I mean I like big toys H0zO54sfkjy-00010-00006459-00006676 so most cars have a second release H0zO54sfkjy-00011-00006677-00006954 usually placed in the middle of the hood H0zO54sfkjy-00012-00006955-00007719 so how big is this motor H0zO54sfkjy-00013-00007720-00007962 your boyfriend's car is something H0zO54sfkjy-00014-00007963-00008287 Julie's my girl's car maybe if I had one H0zO54sfkjy-00015-00008288-00008433 it could H0zO54sfkjy-00016-00008434-00008910 okay alright so we're gonna check the H0zO54sfkjy-00017-00008911-00009238 oil on these part you want to wipe it H0zO54sfkjy-00018-00009239-00009481 down the first time so that you get a H0zO54sfkjy-00019-00009482-00009999 clean reading there's no on it you H0zO54sfkjy-00020-00010000-00010221 always an ellipsis yellow green red ring H0zO54sfkjy-00021-00010222-00010504 you can use for transmissions and H0zO54sfkjy-00022-00010505-00010749 transmission fluid is a little harder to H0zO54sfkjy-00023-00010750-00011473 gauge pull it back out and step into the H0zO54sfkjy-00024-00011474-00011698 light if it looks a little light and H0zO54sfkjy-00025-00011699-00012041 it's at least to its minimum or maximum H0zO54sfkjy-00026-00012042-00012301 then you're good you really want to put H0zO54sfkjy-00027-00012302-00012427 it on a piece of paper just so you can H0zO54sfkjy-00028-00012428-00012685 really see the color of it and you know H0zO54sfkjy-00029-00012686-00012862 you can tell this is about a half life H0zO54sfkjy-00030-00012863-00013090 so you're in good condition and a H0zO54sfkjy-00031-00013091-00014158 boyfriend takes care of it no I am fi H0zO54sfkjy-00032-00014159-00015053 the hole bro H0zO54sfkjy-00033-00015054-00015300 all right so yeah you're good on the oil H0zO54sfkjy-00034-00015301-00015522 change now if you ever do need to change H0zO54sfkjy-00035-00015522-00015739 it these cars typically take about seven H0zO54sfkjy-00036-00015740-00016025 simplified Ford's maybe even eight you H0zO54sfkjy-00037-00016026-00016196 know I'm usually the bigger motors so H0zO54sfkjy-00038-00016197-00016400 wherever you go you know if you're ready H0zO54sfkjy-00039-00016401-00016511 to spend about 100 bucks H0zO54sfkjy-00040-00016512-00016674 better than that you should be good I H0zO54sfkjy-00041-00016675-00016803 mean I don't think worried about that H0zO54sfkjy-00042-00016804-00017063 guess like six dollars for these cars H0zO54sfkjy-00043-00017064-00017434 [Applause] H0zO54sfkjy-00044-00017435-00019933 [Music] H0zO54sfkjy-00045-00019934-00020178 official sponsors thank you H0zO54sfkjy-00046-00020179-00020717 blacksmith blades face scissors I don't H0zO54sfkjy-00047-00020718-00020906 know exactly what you're made of H0zO54sfkjy-00048-00020907-00021150 I'm a barber I like machines more than H0zO54sfkjy-00049-00021151-00021431 scissors but when I do use scissors I H0zO54sfkjy-00050-00021432-00021656 make sure the blacksmith places so for H0zO54sfkjy-00051-00021657-00021905 tonight's segment I want to welcome the H0zO54sfkjy-00052-00021906-00022200 girl that I've taught how to check our H0zO54sfkjy-00053-00022201-00023286 oil right so everybody welcome that is H0zO54sfkjy-00054-00023287-00023718 one of my students I chose her to stick H0zO54sfkjy-00055-00023719-00024000 this interview up on with me because H0zO54sfkjy-00056-00024001-00024117 she's one of the more confidence to H0zO54sfkjy-00057-00024118-00024333 dance and I have I feel like she doesn't H0zO54sfkjy-00058-00024334-00024618 have any stage fright and by that I mean H0zO54sfkjy-00059-00024619-00024881 on an actual stage and cutting behind H0zO54sfkjy-00060-00024882-00025262 this chair so I decided that she'd be a H0zO54sfkjy-00061-00025263-00025508 good fit for this and we're gonna H0zO54sfkjy-00062-00025509-00025877 discuss a few topics tonight like give a H0zO54sfkjy-00063-00025878-00026331 few insiders on the actual loss TDLR as H0zO54sfkjy-00064-00026332-00026508 far as men H0zO54sfkjy-00065-00026508-00026777 training of skills and of course we'll H0zO54sfkjy-00066-00026779-00026997 talk about a couple tools tell me a H0zO54sfkjy-00067-00026998-00027126 little bit about yourself today H0zO54sfkjy-00068-00027127-00027345 what's your nationality first of all H0zO54sfkjy-00069-00027345-00027567 it's kind of hard to do well my parents H0zO54sfkjy-00070-00027568-00027906 are from Mexico that means you're H0zO54sfkjy-00071-00027907-00027957 Mexican H0zO54sfkjy-00072-00027958-00028362 yes I'm Mexican full Mexican there from H0zO54sfkjy-00073-00028363-00028770 Tamaulipas which is literally right when H0zO54sfkjy-00074-00028770-00028968 you cross the border so a lot of people H0zO54sfkjy-00075-00028969-00029229 like also front arrows like yes we are H0zO54sfkjy-00076-00029230-00029499 basically just when you cross over there H0zO54sfkjy-00077-00029500-00029892 you are the same interested me H0zO54sfkjy-00078-00029893-00030192 she likes fast cars likes to cut and H0zO54sfkjy-00079-00030193-00030492 also has some of the some good friends H0zO54sfkjy-00080-00030493-00030930 that we share one on 100k and a couple H0zO54sfkjy-00081-00030931-00031104 other it's like I've been naked about H0zO54sfkjy-00082-00031105-00031412 the original and what do you think is H0zO54sfkjy-00083-00031413-00031614 one of the most important things that H0zO54sfkjy-00084-00031614-00031752 you're trying to learn here at bluff H0zO54sfkjy-00085-00031752-00032001 throughout the party school I would say H0zO54sfkjy-00086-00032002-00032229 to be like a really good cutter like you H0zO54sfkjy-00087-00032230-00032502 you know and have customers come back a H0zO54sfkjy-00088-00032502-00032724 lot of people that I met here so far H0zO54sfkjy-00089-00032725-00033027 like your customers a lot of them all H0zO54sfkjy-00090-00033028-00033195 tell me that they've been coming here H0zO54sfkjy-00091-00033196-00033360 for years and I think that's really H0zO54sfkjy-00092-00033361-00033594 that's really cool to have somebody just H0zO54sfkjy-00093-00033595-00033849 like come even though you have different H0zO54sfkjy-00094-00033850-00034008 locations they come to the one that H0zO54sfkjy-00095-00034009-00034236 you're at so oh that's dope you know H0zO54sfkjy-00096-00034237-00034362 like sometimes it's hard for me to look H0zO54sfkjy-00097-00034363-00034614 at it that way just because like I told H0zO54sfkjy-00098-00034615-00034782 you earlier my mind to stay scattered H0zO54sfkjy-00099-00034783-00035064 you know it's really hard for you to H0zO54sfkjy-00100-00035065-00035283 grasp my thoughts sometimes I have a H0zO54sfkjy-00101-00035284-00035514 buddy yeah once once I sit down and I H0zO54sfkjy-00102-00035515-00035979 really choose to scissor reminisce on H0zO54sfkjy-00103-00035980-00036233 how long I've been in the industry and H0zO54sfkjy-00104-00036234-00036477 how long people have followed me it's H0zO54sfkjy-00105-00036478-00036639 pretty dull you know because people H0zO54sfkjy-00106-00036640-00036780 don't have to do and you know at that H0zO54sfkjy-00107-00036781-00037020 I've taken my own shops where there's a H0zO54sfkjy-00108-00037021-00037362 lot of talent as well and they still H0zO54sfkjy-00109-00037363-00037692 decided to come and chill here and get H0zO54sfkjy-00110-00037693-00037890 their cuts here give the kids and my H0zO54sfkjy-00111-00037891-00038040 school the opportunity to actually cut H0zO54sfkjy-00112-00038041-00038223 up and mess them up Martin Maher was H0zO54sfkjy-00113-00038224-00038341 this guy that heals H0zO54sfkjy-00114-00038342-00038617 barbarous you know he does this all over H0zO54sfkjy-00115-00038618-00038776 the country you know he's like super H0zO54sfkjy-00116-00038777-00039015 famous but he's more like a H0zO54sfkjy-00117-00039016-00039250 revolutionary guy you know and he's got H0zO54sfkjy-00118-00039251-00039544 a really like deep voice that really H0zO54sfkjy-00119-00039545-00039697 makes us stand out like when he's here H0zO54sfkjy-00120-00039698-00039856 we give him the mic right away by here H0zO54sfkjy-00121-00039857-00040426 you go okay and anyhow he was you know H0zO54sfkjy-00122-00040427-00040849 just letting me know how everywhere he H0zO54sfkjy-00123-00040850-00041095 goes the main thing he hears they're H0zO54sfkjy-00124-00041096-00041392 complaining of Twitter Barbara's saying H0zO54sfkjy-00125-00041393-00041581 that they mean learn anything at Parker H0zO54sfkjy-00126-00041582-00041980 school that you mean it's like you know H0zO54sfkjy-00127-00041981-00042514 like all the party school so it's a hit H0zO54sfkjy-00128-00042515-00042775 to the heart you know but I do my best H0zO54sfkjy-00129-00042776-00043045 to the enterprise and innovate H0zO54sfkjy-00130-00043046-00043306 you know the systems that we have at our H0zO54sfkjy-00131-00043307-00043597 school so that you know the kids are H0zO54sfkjy-00132-00043598-00043852 actually learning you know so I you seen H0zO54sfkjy-00133-00043853-00044005 me I do a lot of hands-on like I H0zO54sfkjy-00134-00044006-00044221 actually hands-on like I'll hold hands H0zO54sfkjy-00135-00044222-00044437 with my students and move the Clipper in H0zO54sfkjy-00136-00044438-00044632 the direction and the motion that it's H0zO54sfkjy-00137-00044633-00044821 supposed to you know and we have a H0zO54sfkjy-00138-00044822-00045031 million other ways to address state H0zO54sfkjy-00139-00045032-00045331 board exams as well as actual practical H0zO54sfkjy-00140-00045332-00045733 or written exam and we just like to H0zO54sfkjy-00141-00045734-00045874 actually prepare the students we're not H0zO54sfkjy-00142-00045875-00046140 government funded we're private all so H0zO54sfkjy-00143-00046141-00046402 our best recommendation is gonna come H0zO54sfkjy-00144-00046403-00046618 from the students that graduate here so H0zO54sfkjy-00145-00046619-00046765 we want to make sure that everybody's H0zO54sfkjy-00146-00046766-00046996 actually coming in because they want to H0zO54sfkjy-00147-00046997-00047197 learn how to cut and not just because H0zO54sfkjy-00148-00047198-00047398 the government funders get to come here H0zO54sfkjy-00149-00047399-00047623 so I'm really glad that you're making H0zO54sfkjy-00150-00047624-00048000 the sacrifice and the compromise to H0zO54sfkjy-00151-00048001-00048307 enroll in our one year program so that H0zO54sfkjy-00152-00048308-00048478 you can actually come learn with us and H0zO54sfkjy-00153-00048479-00048745 I see a huge potential and you so like I H0zO54sfkjy-00154-00048746-00048889 said it I really appreciate it and I H0zO54sfkjy-00155-00048890-00049093 really appreciate your students that can H0zO54sfkjy-00156-00049094-00049285 listen and follow direction with most of H0zO54sfkjy-00157-00049286-00049492 the time it's really hard to memorize H0zO54sfkjy-00158-00049493-00049732 steps or even memorize a few seconds of H0zO54sfkjy-00159-00049733-00050008 my lesson or anybody's lesson at that H0zO54sfkjy-00160-00050009-00050245 you know our memories spend this is so H0zO54sfkjy-00161-00050246-00050376 short H0zO54sfkjy-00162-00050377-00050643 that it's become a problem you know so H0zO54sfkjy-00163-00050644-00050823 you know I'm telling you earlier that I H0zO54sfkjy-00164-00050824-00051018 wanted to get a a brain coach you know H0zO54sfkjy-00165-00051019-00051317 because I'm so scattered that oh I can't H0zO54sfkjy-00166-00051319-00051636 grasp everything you know when I need it H0zO54sfkjy-00167-00051637-00051857 or when I want it so there's got to be a H0zO54sfkjy-00168-00051858-00052125 way to divide it the files in my brain H0zO54sfkjy-00169-00052126-00052304 and where I can just like right click H0zO54sfkjy-00170-00052305-00052488 and then pull it and then I could speak H0zO54sfkjy-00171-00052489-00052737 to you guys about exactly what it was H0zO54sfkjy-00172-00052738-00052944 you know a nice actually have to like oh H0zO54sfkjy-00173-00052945-00053172 my lord I said you know and you probably H0zO54sfkjy-00174-00053173-00053369 see me close quatre minded few time H0zO54sfkjy-00175-00053370-00053637 tonight to note but the whole thing is H0zO54sfkjy-00176-00053638-00053888 to actually practice using your memory H0zO54sfkjy-00177-00053889-00054213 one of the biggest things is that you H0zO54sfkjy-00178-00054214-00054447 can you imagine that there's somebody H0zO54sfkjy-00179-00054448-00054860 out there that in 2005 recited sixty H0zO54sfkjy-00180-00054861-00055296 7890 words I mean words numbers with the H0zO54sfkjy-00181-00055297-00055512 word in every allowed as a book right H0zO54sfkjy-00182-00055513-00055599 yeah H0zO54sfkjy-00183-00055600-00055923 their numbers so 67,000 numbers today H0zO54sfkjy-00184-00055924-00056091 what does that tell you that you know H0zO54sfkjy-00185-00056091-00056535 it's our brain is able to do a lot you H0zO54sfkjy-00186-00056536-00056882 know so that inspires me you know so I H0zO54sfkjy-00187-00056883-00057092 try to stay as clean as possible with H0zO54sfkjy-00188-00057094-00057504 eating and actual just any consumption H0zO54sfkjy-00189-00057504-00057765 that interrupts my thoughts or it or H0zO54sfkjy-00190-00057766-00058038 they might not let me have solid solid H0zO54sfkjy-00191-00058039-00058221 top you know so because I think one of H0zO54sfkjy-00192-00058222-00058391 the biggest thing to say that that is H0zO54sfkjy-00193-00058392-00058635 that affects your your brain this H0zO54sfkjy-00194-00058636-00058974 exercise will sleep yeah for sure which H0zO54sfkjy-00195-00058975-00059156 one of your uh your most embarrassing H0zO54sfkjy-00196-00059157-00059634 memories this memory we begin there a H0zO54sfkjy-00197-00059635-00059928 little bit Dublin files story and H0zO54sfkjy-00198-00059929-00060116 there's so many but the most H0zO54sfkjy-00199-00060117-00060569 embarrassing one to me is probably you H0zO54sfkjy-00200-00060570-00060726 know we have those moments where you're H0zO54sfkjy-00201-00060727-00060907 laughing really really hard H0zO54sfkjy-00202-00060908-00061102 can't even breathe and then all of a H0zO54sfkjy-00203-00061103-00061369 sudden old fart comes out yeah that's my H0zO54sfkjy-00204-00061370-00061566 embarrassing moment that so wait a H0zO54sfkjy-00205-00061567-00061876 moment this girl's fart yes you know H0zO54sfkjy-00206-00061877-00062050 it's weird a lot of guys ask that like H0zO54sfkjy-00207-00062051-00062434 the girls fire duh like why movie not we H0zO54sfkjy-00208-00062435-00062938 all have a bow obviously part but that's H0zO54sfkjy-00209-00062939-00063100 really embarrassing like you know don't H0zO54sfkjy-00210-00063101-00063279 if you fart when you're laughing just H0zO54sfkjy-00211-00063280-00063478 you know just don't say the night um H0zO54sfkjy-00212-00063479-00063642 notice unless it really does stink then H0zO54sfkjy-00213-00063644-00065229 you know walk away I mean I guess it's H0zO54sfkjy-00214-00065230-00065371 been the subject of partying and not a H0zO54sfkjy-00215-00065372-00065551 good one everybody knows guys fart right H0zO54sfkjy-00216-00065552-00065836 so definitely one of my posterity H0zO54sfkjy-00217-00065837-00066235 moments is uh with the only barbershop H0zO54sfkjy-00218-00066236-00066418 I've ever been with when did I was just H0zO54sfkjy-00219-00066419-00066706 sitting in the barber chair and I H0zO54sfkjy-00220-00066707-00067432 sneezed and I farted right and the owner H0zO54sfkjy-00221-00067433-00067681 comes Ryan tells me it's all right right H0zO54sfkjy-00222-00067682-00068005 I have this and I'm just like how H0zO54sfkjy-00223-00068006-00068881 light-skinned so I'm already actually H0zO54sfkjy-00224-00068882-00069124 kind of like shooting twice denying it H0zO54sfkjy-00225-00069125-00069319 no no it's just like down just own it H0zO54sfkjy-00226-00069320-00069556 you know so I ended up on in it but H0zO54sfkjy-00227-00069557-00069724 definitely one of the most embarrassing H0zO54sfkjy-00228-00069725-00069919 moments and I don't even think anybody H0zO54sfkjy-00229-00069920-00070101 knows about that story besides it there H0zO54sfkjy-00230-00070102-00070528 [Music] H0zO54sfkjy-00231-00070529-00070714 let's let's change the subject a little H0zO54sfkjy-00232-00070715-00071146 bit no more parts however good what H0zO54sfkjy-00233-00071147-00071350 about customers chairs then they party H0zO54sfkjy-00234-00071351-00071684 too H0zO54sfkjy-00235-00071685-00071892 obviously I don't know what I would do H0zO54sfkjy-00236-00071893-00071934 this H0zO54sfkjy-00237-00071935-00072114 our customer farted in front of me I H0zO54sfkjy-00238-00072115-00072471 would find exactly guy didn't even wash H0zO54sfkjy-00239-00072472-00072756 my shirt actually one in here my chariot H0zO54sfkjy-00240-00072757-00072999 have been here at the barber school and H0zO54sfkjy-00241-00073000-00073233 it was actually by my student recent H0zO54sfkjy-00242-00073234-00073400 fights like turning heads in this guy H0zO54sfkjy-00243-00073401-00074049 literally part says nothing just dwell H0zO54sfkjy-00244-00074050-00074367 in his I can't even know what to call it H0zO54sfkjy-00245-00074368-00074748 but disgust you know kiss just kick me H0zO54sfkjy-00246-00074749-00075132 in the nostrils man and now facts about H0zO54sfkjy-00247-00075133-00075927 my Lewis please know that you know can I H0zO54sfkjy-00248-00075928-00076839 do that thank you he's like a H0zO54sfkjy-00249-00076840-00076911 centromeric H0zO54sfkjy-00250-00076912-00077208 in a Mexican guy speaks no English right H0zO54sfkjy-00251-00077209-00078747 away I'm like man this guy doesn't lie H0zO54sfkjy-00252-00078748-00078909 you know notice it's like one of the H0zO54sfkjy-00253-00078910-00079116 most legit in the regions I know that H0zO54sfkjy-00254-00079117-00079356 I'm not we didn't hear this excuse H0zO54sfkjy-00255-00079357-00079704 themselves you know and I was like you H0zO54sfkjy-00256-00079705-00080007 [__] it on the front you literally just H0zO54sfkjy-00257-00080008-00080463 on it but no for you right so what we H0zO54sfkjy-00258-00080464-00080721 had to do to step back it is little H0zO54sfkjy-00259-00080722-00080779 [Music] H0zO54sfkjy-00260-00080780-00080912 [Applause] H0zO54sfkjy-00261-00080913-00081567 wrong instinct so anyhow who move to H0zO54sfkjy-00262-00081568-00081738 tools United static [__] that you know H0zO54sfkjy-00263-00081739-00081879 foreign stories girls pretty funny H0zO54sfkjy-00264-00081880-00082230 anyhow one of the newest tools out right H0zO54sfkjy-00265-00082231-00082430 now it's a cordless beat Taylor H0zO54sfkjy-00266-00082431-00082884 everybody's getting it and everybody's H0zO54sfkjy-00267-00082885-00083112 using it and for the most part H0zO54sfkjy-00268-00083113-00083283 everybody's pretty satisfied with it H0zO54sfkjy-00269-00083284-00083541 including myself I'll tell you what did H0zO54sfkjy-00270-00083542-00083961 let me down the B and E's massive for H0zO54sfkjy-00271-00083962-00084096 excellence all good price that they get H0zO54sfkjy-00272-00084097-00084327 paid about 250 for it H0zO54sfkjy-00273-00084328-00085008 and the machine is lighter it's a lot H0zO54sfkjy-00274-00085009-00085517 like a senior so it's not necessarily H0zO54sfkjy-00275-00085518-00085830 what I was expecting out of and if H0zO54sfkjy-00276-00085831-00085941 you're not like I figured if you're H0zO54sfkjy-00277-00085942-00086175 gonna innovate a machine that's that H0zO54sfkjy-00278-00086176-00086478 classic game that part that big of a H0zO54sfkjy-00279-00086479-00086691 part of a barber culture that you like H0zO54sfkjy-00280-00086692-00087069 definitely follow people's mind away and H0zO54sfkjy-00281-00087070-00087309 to be honest I used to cut with and H0zO54sfkjy-00282-00087310-00087507 masters like Allen's nest for seven H0zO54sfkjy-00283-00087508-00087762 years and I loved the Machine and gave H0zO54sfkjy-00284-00087763-00088002 me the results that looking forward and H0zO54sfkjy-00285-00088003-00088332 then I try to magical it which it's half H0zO54sfkjy-00286-00088333-00088704 price of what an actual master and these H0zO54sfkjy-00287-00088705-00089027 masters cause and it does the job H0zO54sfkjy-00288-00089028-00089274 content better this portal is this H0zO54sfkjy-00289-00089275-00089508 lighter and this is where the detailer H0zO54sfkjy-00290-00089509-00089733 comes in because this was well and they H0zO54sfkjy-00291-00089734-00089922 complement each other to achieve you H0zO54sfkjy-00292-00089923-00090051 know when it comes to doing for a H0zO54sfkjy-00293-00090052-00090237 cleaner said though to clean those H0zO54sfkjy-00294-00090238-00090483 lineups and it comes sit straight out of H0zO54sfkjy-00295-00090484-00090648 the box this is the first time in H0zO54sfkjy-00296-00090649-00090804 history that I go to a barber shop at H0zO54sfkjy-00297-00090805-00090981 the barber shop for barber dr. barber H0zO54sfkjy-00298-00090982-00091179 and they all tell me that begins the H0zO54sfkjy-00299-00091180-00091398 same result without even having a set of H0zO54sfkjy-00300-00091399-00091629 leg and I usually never happens you open H0zO54sfkjy-00301-00091630-00091821 up a delivery you have to play with it H0zO54sfkjy-00302-00091822-00092121 and you have to set the blade so you H0zO54sfkjy-00303-00092122-00092424 don't end up kind of people have you had H0zO54sfkjy-00304-00092425-00093021 any of those experiences here to say the H0zO54sfkjy-00305-00093022-00093351 truth or you want me to know yeah I H0zO54sfkjy-00306-00093352-00093591 learned where the detailer should not go H0zO54sfkjy-00307-00093592-00093822 for worse and not using it cuz I'm not H0zO54sfkjy-00308-00093823-00094236 ready for that it was actually a tea H0zO54sfkjy-00309-00094237-00094446 outline there that was say it wrong so H0zO54sfkjy-00310-00094447-00094772 don't take it out on the theater okay H0zO54sfkjy-00311-00094773-00095379 well I used a better cordless but yes so H0zO54sfkjy-00312-00095380-00095544 I was shaving the back of the neck right H0zO54sfkjy-00313-00095545-00095907 and you know I was a friend obviously H0zO54sfkjy-00314-00095908-00096045 you know if your friend looks bad you H0zO54sfkjy-00315-00096046-00096091 want H0zO54sfkjy-00316-00096092-00096292 kind of like that well in this situation H0zO54sfkjy-00317-00096293-00096531 my friend didn't tell me I was hurting H0zO54sfkjy-00318-00096532-00096784 him so I was cut and I was like your H0zO54sfkjy-00319-00096785-00096940 skin looks a little red you know like H0zO54sfkjy-00320-00096941-00097135 it's just getting irritating as I guess H0zO54sfkjy-00321-00097136-00097303 you're cutting me and I was like did H0zO54sfkjy-00322-00097304-00097756 something I when I first cut you off but H0zO54sfkjy-00323-00097757-00098076 I felt bad definitely something that H0zO54sfkjy-00324-00098077-00098331 happens when you're starting out and I H0zO54sfkjy-00325-00098332-00098671 have barbers time anyway I've actually H0zO54sfkjy-00326-00098672-00099048 had really good experiences with H0zO54sfkjy-00327-00099049-00099312 customer service with this so one time I H0zO54sfkjy-00328-00099313-00099598 had a barber that did this kid I have H0zO54sfkjy-00329-00099599-00099850 pictures we're gonna put them up and H0zO54sfkjy-00330-00099851-00100150 this kid his mom brought him the next H0zO54sfkjy-00331-00100151-00100388 day and he literally had an edge of scab H0zO54sfkjy-00332-00100389-00100759 all the way around and then I was in H0zO54sfkjy-00333-00100760-00100932 this guy swore he was like the best H0zO54sfkjy-00334-00100933-00101374 barber in the city means this their H0zO54sfkjy-00335-00101375-00101590 gayness can be and I couldn't wait to H0zO54sfkjy-00336-00101591-00102000 show him pictures you know Anka thank H0zO54sfkjy-00337-00102001-00102223 you for finding me sir evidence we could H0zO54sfkjy-00338-00102224-00102483 show this guy that it kind of sucks H0zO54sfkjy-00339-00102484-00102922 actually enough and the guy that you H0zO54sfkjy-00340-00102923-00102976 heard H0zO54sfkjy-00341-00102977-00103249 luckily yeah first time that's happened H0zO54sfkjy-00342-00103250-00103528 to go to the barber shops too and come H0zO54sfkjy-00343-00103529-00103836 back with the lineup you know just H0zO54sfkjy-00344-00103838-00104331 permanently engraved you know it happens H0zO54sfkjy-00345-00104332-00104480 it happens H0zO54sfkjy-00346-00104481-00105043 20/20 is right around the corner yes H0zO54sfkjy-00347-00105044-00105135 definitely H0zO54sfkjy-00348-00105136-00105523 a goal for me is to travel more than I H0zO54sfkjy-00349-00105524-00105733 did this year and be a little less H0zO54sfkjy-00350-00105733-00106015 stress of work you know focus a little H0zO54sfkjy-00351-00106016-00106208 more on myself H0zO54sfkjy-00352-00106209-00106422 swing the big ones H0zO54sfkjy-00353-00106423-00106761 so you said you want to travel more so H0zO54sfkjy-00354-00106763-00107004 how much did you travel this year this H0zO54sfkjy-00355-00107005-00107596 year almost every month on the weekend H0zO54sfkjy-00356-00107597-00107833 these two times two weekends of the H0zO54sfkjy-00357-00107833-00108064 month I always go visit my family in H0zO54sfkjy-00358-00108065-00108384 Mexico so that's like a normal thing got H0zO54sfkjy-00359-00108385-00109040 to go to Cali let's see I went to H0zO54sfkjy-00360-00109041-00109645 Oklahoma and did you by week no I didn't H0zO54sfkjy-00361-00109646-00109854 but I went to what is that thing called H0zO54sfkjy-00362-00109855-00110038 Wichita Falls or something like that H0zO54sfkjy-00363-00110039-00111001 like a water park type thing Falls yes H0zO54sfkjy-00364-00111002-00111178 Turner falls is dope it is in Oklahoma H0zO54sfkjy-00365-00111179-00112377 about three I walk on water H0zO54sfkjy-00366-00112378-00112672 yeah went there but I do want to go to H0zO54sfkjy-00367-00112673-00112825 Wichita Falls that was the next one I H0zO54sfkjy-00368-00112826-00113050 wanted to go to but I went to like H0zO54sfkjy-00369-00113051-00113302 little cities like that that's close H0zO54sfkjy-00370-00113303-00113545 around definitely I've got to do some H0zO54sfkjy-00371-00113546-00113773 travel in the last few years and mainly H0zO54sfkjy-00372-00113774-00114163 this West Coast as I'm very hopeful my H0zO54sfkjy-00373-00114164-00114478 but definitely in the same situation H0zO54sfkjy-00374-00114479-00114710 Lee's 2020 H0zO54sfkjy-00375-00114711-00115209 first thing as a port to die you guys to H0zO54sfkjy-00376-00115210-00115519 tell land the best condition but I'm H0zO54sfkjy-00377-00115520-00115648 thirty years along with it I want to be H0zO54sfkjy-00378-00115649-00115858 arrived at least another two years I H0zO54sfkjy-00379-00115858-00116325 mean another twenty then you have H0zO54sfkjy-00380-00116326-00116743 definitely not considering being healthy H0zO54sfkjy-00381-00116744-00116950 and being fit just so that I can at H0zO54sfkjy-00382-00116951-00117153 least be around maybe to have grandkids H0zO54sfkjy-00383-00117154-00117501 or see my kid grow so the first thing H0zO54sfkjy-00384-00117502-00117757 we're doing to change that because I'm H0zO54sfkjy-00385-00117758-00117988 so short on time is that we're adding a H0zO54sfkjy-00386-00117989-00118233 gym here to the barber school so that H0zO54sfkjy-00387-00118233-00118596 our students when they have downtime H0zO54sfkjy-00388-00118597-00118760 instead of wasting their time sitting H0zO54sfkjy-00389-00118761-00118956 there not doing anything and invest H0zO54sfkjy-00390-00118957-00119364 their time working out and you know just H0zO54sfkjy-00391-00119365-00119508 keeping their mind sharp their body H0zO54sfkjy-00392-00119508-00119751 sharp and that'll actually help them H0zO54sfkjy-00393-00119752-00120083 keep their skills sharp you know so and H0zO54sfkjy-00394-00120084-00120327 most of it more than anything it will H0zO54sfkjy-00395-00120328-00120600 help me actually have the time to work H0zO54sfkjy-00396-00120601-00120915 out because believe it or not even on H0zO54sfkjy-00397-00120916-00121182 super busy there is little gaps that get H0zO54sfkjy-00398-00121183-00121473 wasted that I can actually add up to a H0zO54sfkjy-00399-00121474-00121692 dip session I don't know why I can do it H0zO54sfkjy-00400-00121693-00121896 is if I don't know Drive so eliminating H0zO54sfkjy-00401-00121897-00122208 the transportation will give me that H0zO54sfkjy-00402-00122208-00122483 time right from the exercise so it'll be H0zO54sfkjy-00403-00122484-00122820 you know phenomenal to have it ready to H0zO54sfkjy-00404-00122821-00123228 go by the beginning of the year we even H0zO54sfkjy-00405-00123229-00123780 have any plan for using the gym here and H0zO54sfkjy-00406-00123781-00124023 we will have a small locker room type H0zO54sfkjy-00407-00124024-00124392 deal so it'll be beneficial yeah you H0zO54sfkjy-00408-00124393-00124614 know I think that'd be fun especially to H0zO54sfkjy-00409-00124615-00125022 hang out more with the rest of the H0zO54sfkjy-00410-00125023-00125373 classmates I know I met most of them I H0zO54sfkjy-00411-00125374-00125558 think all the ones that come at night I H0zO54sfkjy-00412-00125559-00125703 don't know if I met everybody that comes H0zO54sfkjy-00413-00125704-00126048 in the morning but it's really fun being H0zO54sfkjy-00414-00126049-00126330 here and I think that adding the gym and H0zO54sfkjy-00415-00126331-00126504 if I do come to the gym here will be H0zO54sfkjy-00416-00126505-00126750 also like another bonding with the clay H0zO54sfkjy-00417-00126751-00127118 the classmates and stuff so I'd be cool H0zO54sfkjy-00418-00127119-00127500 we actually interview every single is H0zO54sfkjy-00419-00127501-00127653 business comment just to make sure that H0zO54sfkjy-00420-00127654-00127857 you're a good fit and that we keep the H0zO54sfkjy-00421-00127858-00128190 vibe there's nice clean and energetic H0zO54sfkjy-00422-00128191-00128520 dinners and just positive overall Jesus H0zO54sfkjy-00423-00128521-00128721 if you don't bring they're people that H0zO54sfkjy-00424-00128722-00128907 are positive and so we get to change the H0zO54sfkjy-00425-00128908-00129153 vibes and sooner than later you'll be H0zO54sfkjy-00426-00129154-00129480 having conflicts and we want to avoid H0zO54sfkjy-00427-00129481-00129615 all the situation make sure that H0zO54sfkjy-00428-00129616-00129807 everybody's a good fit and like I said H0zO54sfkjy-00429-00129808-00130167 buying the gym that will maximize our H0zO54sfkjy-00430-00130168-00130482 energetic levels as well as positive H0zO54sfkjy-00431-00130483-00130953 energy and you know just simply maybe we H0zO54sfkjy-00432-00130954-00131148 get to live a little longer and there's H0zO54sfkjy-00433-00131149-00131363 this smile twinkle H0zO54sfkjy-00434-00131364-00131716 so with that up you know we're gonna go H0zO54sfkjy-00435-00131717-00132143 back to my remarks main focus right now H0zO54sfkjy-00436-00132144-00132485 which is he was telling me that he wants H0zO54sfkjy-00437-00132486-00132758 borrowers who actually attend board H0zO54sfkjy-00438-00132759-00132944 meetings do you know what board meetings H0zO54sfkjy-00439-00132945-00133460 are usually it's like to hire people no H0zO54sfkjy-00440-00133461-00133709 one talked about like what they can do H0zO54sfkjy-00441-00133710-00134029 to them through yeah typically yeah so H0zO54sfkjy-00442-00134030-00134324 the state of Texas holds these meetings H0zO54sfkjy-00443-00134325-00134702 like monthly quarterly and sometimes H0zO54sfkjy-00444-00134703-00135032 weekly we get an email as a actually as H0zO54sfkjy-00445-00135033-00135290 a barber you can just sign up just H0zO54sfkjy-00446-00135291-00135520 remember one of the biggest things in in H0zO54sfkjy-00447-00135521-00136013 in life is to not be ignorant or to be H0zO54sfkjy-00448-00136014-00136298 neglect nor to neglect information you H0zO54sfkjy-00449-00136299-00136493 know so we want to make sure that you H0zO54sfkjy-00450-00136494-00136649 know we know where to go get this H0zO54sfkjy-00451-00136650-00136793 information so you can always visit H0zO54sfkjy-00452-00136794-00136973 their website which is city at large H0zO54sfkjy-00453-00136974-00137231 then you can just google TDLR and it'll H0zO54sfkjy-00454-00137232-00137351 take you to their website you're not H0zO54sfkjy-00455-00137352-00137588 long dead ends and docked up then it's H0zO54sfkjy-00456-00137589-00137753 usually official you know if if that H0zO54sfkjy-00457-00137754-00138224 means of code so we're gonna start with H0zO54sfkjy-00458-00138225-00138548 me give you these tips and advice as a H0zO54sfkjy-00459-00138549-00138872 Texas barber shop owner or even a barber H0zO54sfkjy-00460-00138873-00139253 in a barber shop so that you guys can H0zO54sfkjy-00461-00139254-00139516 actually benefit from some of my H0zO54sfkjy-00462-00139517-00139952 experiences and some of my education and H0zO54sfkjy-00463-00139953-00140171 one of the best tips that I can give H0zO54sfkjy-00464-00140172-00140440 anybody you have any issue where TDLR H0zO54sfkjy-00465-00140441-00140728 comes in to your barber shop and you run H0zO54sfkjy-00466-00140729-00141158 into any fines then which wanted to hire H0zO54sfkjy-00467-00141159-00141518 an attorney out of Austin Texas to give H0zO54sfkjy-00468-00141519-00141764 you their to $300 the song this is not H0zO54sfkjy-00469-00141765-00142148 like a severe situation you know but H0zO54sfkjy-00470-00142149-00142301 let's say you have an unlicensed part H0zO54sfkjy-00471-00142302-00142603 will work in there and you can find it H0zO54sfkjy-00472-00142604-00142688 these it's fine H0zO54sfkjy-00473-00142689-00142868 it's not that big of a deal just make H0zO54sfkjy-00474-00142869-00143215 sure you actually have direction you H0zO54sfkjy-00475-00143216-00143351 know that's what we're doing this so H0zO54sfkjy-00476-00143352-00143564 that you're not ignorant to the fact H0zO54sfkjy-00477-00143565-00143828 that there is some bad you know 300 H0zO54sfkjy-00478-00143829-00144032 bucks you know you can negotiate better H0zO54sfkjy-00479-00144033-00144098 terms H0zO54sfkjy-00480-00144099-00144308 so the uterine and having a face full H0zO54sfkjy-00481-00144309-00144412 fine H0zO54sfkjy-00482-00144413-00144694 you know TV I'd like to be willing to H0zO54sfkjy-00483-00144695-00144910 work with individuals for as long as H0zO54sfkjy-00484-00144911-00145111 their promising to better themselves you H0zO54sfkjy-00485-00145112-00145191 know that they want to have H0zO54sfkjy-00486-00145192-00145353 communication with barber shop owner at H0zO54sfkjy-00487-00145354-00145620 the barber schools to better them and H0zO54sfkjy-00488-00145621-00145858 not necessarily wanting to just take H0zO54sfkjy-00489-00145859-00146040 your money you know so I've had H0zO54sfkjy-00490-00146041-00146308 situations where negotiated terms of to H0zO54sfkjy-00491-00146309-00146640 half of penalties because you know I H0zO54sfkjy-00492-00146641-00146896 promise that I'm gonna continue trying H0zO54sfkjy-00493-00146897-00147100 better myself and try inform individuals H0zO54sfkjy-00494-00147101-00147301 to do better themselves and I let them H0zO54sfkjy-00495-00147302-00147487 doing that one of the things that made H0zO54sfkjy-00496-00147488-00147688 my remark discussed which proved a H0zO54sfkjy-00497-00147689-00147864 little bit of my clearance which there H0zO54sfkjy-00498-00147865-00148219 is a National Board for barbers you know H0zO54sfkjy-00499-00148220-00148459 and it's actually the national barber H0zO54sfkjy-00500-00148460-00148854 board so if you google that find them H0zO54sfkjy-00501-00148855-00149089 and get a little bit information so that H0zO54sfkjy-00502-00149090-00149287 you can kind of see that United stares H0zO54sfkjy-00503-00149288-00149359 you alone H0zO54sfkjy-00504-00149360-00149565 so my remarks plan is to go state by H0zO54sfkjy-00505-00149566-00149845 state and join these board meetings so H0zO54sfkjy-00506-00149846-00150109 that we can actually as barbers with H0zO54sfkjy-00507-00150110-00150376 good platforms and social media that we H0zO54sfkjy-00508-00150377-00150547 can come together and actually better H0zO54sfkjy-00509-00150548-00150765 the system so if y'all make sure y'all H0zO54sfkjy-00510-00150766-00151102 follow bar b bar and join his movement H0zO54sfkjy-00511-00151103-00151486 which is ready to be standard so it's H0zO54sfkjy-00512-00151487-00151716 hashtag rates to standard and actually H0zO54sfkjy-00513-00151717-00151876 right now if you send a screenshot there H0zO54sfkjy-00514-00151877-00152245 with that hashtag they actually post is H0zO54sfkjy-00515-00152246-00152452 he wanting stories so you can actually H0zO54sfkjy-00516-00152453-00152643 get some followers out of it as well H0zO54sfkjy-00517-00152644-00152950 make sure that your reader for to make H0zO54sfkjy-00518-00152951-00153151 sure that you're updated through the H0zO54sfkjy-00519-00153152-00153523 state laws of your state and make sure H0zO54sfkjy-00520-00153524-00153823 to tune in to our next episode it's been H0zO54sfkjy-00521-00153824-00154096 a pleasure having you Sonny and thank H0zO54sfkjy-00522-00154097-00154321 you for coming out thank you for joining H0zO54sfkjy-00523-00154322-00154561 my school and we hope to see you again H0zO54sfkjy-00524-00154562-00154834 for sure thank you H0zO54sfkjy-00525-00154835-00154914 [Music] H0zO54sfkjy-00526-00154915-00155031 [Laughter] H0zO54sfkjy-00527-00155032-00156371 [Music] H3CXY-20A6u-00000-00000003-00000347 I sing the body electric is a 1969 H3CXY-20A6u-00001-00000348-00000548 collection of short stories by ray H3CXY-20A6u-00002-00000549-00000817 bradbury the book takes its name from an H3CXY-20A6u-00003-00000818-00001022 included short story of the same title H3CXY-20A6u-00004-00001023-00001214 which in turn took the title from a poem H3CXY-20A6u-00005-00001215-00001364 by Walt Whitman published in his H3CXY-20A6u-00006-00001365-00002110 collection leaves of grass topic H3CXY-20A6u-00007-00002111-00002714 contents the collection includes these H3CXY-20A6u-00008-00002715-00003051 stories the Kilimanjaro device H3CXY-20A6u-00009-00003052-00003308 originally titled the Kilimanjaro H3CXY-20A6u-00010-00003309-00003593 machine first appeared in Life magazine H3CXY-20A6u-00011-00003594-00004049 January 1965 after a long drive a man H3CXY-20A6u-00012-00004050-00004231 arrives in Idaho and begins to ask H3CXY-20A6u-00013-00004232-00004433 questions about a local who had died in H3CXY-20A6u-00014-00004434-00004718 a bar he finally finds someone who was H3CXY-20A6u-00015-00004719-00004888 familiar with the person he is looking H3CXY-20A6u-00016-00004889-00005156 for though never referred to by name it H3CXY-20A6u-00017-00005157-00005309 becomes clear that the person in H3CXY-20A6u-00018-00005310-00005459 question is none other than Ernest H3CXY-20A6u-00019-00005460-00005711 Hemingway when asked why he's looking H3CXY-20A6u-00020-00005712-00005872 for him the traveler reveals that his H3CXY-20A6u-00021-00005873-00006061 truck has the ability to travel in time H3CXY-20A6u-00022-00006062-00006308 he goes further to explain that there H3CXY-20A6u-00023-00006309-00006488 are right graves and wrong graves that H3CXY-20A6u-00024-00006489-00006653 people do not always die at the right H3CXY-20A6u-00025-00006654-00006845 time and this local man is one of them H3CXY-20A6u-00026-00006845-00007091 the traveler then departs to search for H3CXY-20A6u-00027-00007092-00007273 Hemingway hoping to help him find a H3CXY-20A6u-00028-00007275-00007589 better end the terrible conflagration up H3CXY-20A6u-00029-00007590-00007945 at the place a band of rebels plot to H3CXY-20A6u-00030-00007947-00008144 overthrow the local lordship and express H3CXY-20A6u-00031-00008145-00008314 their own freedom by burning down his H3CXY-20A6u-00032-00008315-00008558 stately home before they can get on with H3CXY-20A6u-00033-00008559-00008749 it the lordship himself catches them in H3CXY-20A6u-00034-00008750-00009008 the act and invites him inside offering H3CXY-20A6u-00035-00009009-00009191 drinks he resigns to let him burn his H3CXY-20A6u-00036-00009192-00009364 house though bargains with him to do it H3CXY-20A6u-00037-00009365-00009521 the following night so that he and his H3CXY-20A6u-00038-00009522-00009773 wife may still attend the theater the H3CXY-20A6u-00039-00009774-00009944 rebels ultimately agree that it is the H3CXY-20A6u-00040-00009945-00010226 only decent thing to do however before H3CXY-20A6u-00041-00010227-00010433 they leave the house the lordship asks H3CXY-20A6u-00042-00010434-00010606 that they also spare the priceless works H3CXY-20A6u-00043-00010607-00010898 of art residing in the house before long H3CXY-20A6u-00044-00010899-00011069 the complications of burning the house H3CXY-20A6u-00045-00011070-00011258 become too much and the lordship too H3CXY-20A6u-00046-00011259-00011444 friendly leaving the rebel plans long H3CXY-20A6u-00047-00011445-00011878 forgotten tomorrow's child Peter and H3CXY-20A6u-00048-00011879-00012046 Polly are excited about the birth of H3CXY-20A6u-00049-00012047-00012214 their first child but the doctor has H3CXY-20A6u-00050-00012215-00012494 unfortunate news due to a series of H3CXY-20A6u-00051-00012495-00012656 malfunctions in the new birthing H3CXY-20A6u-00052-00012657-00012847 machines their newborn child has been H3CXY-20A6u-00053-00012848-00013079 born into another dimension while H3CXY-20A6u-00054-00013080-00013286 ultimately healthy the baby's appearance H3CXY-20A6u-00055-00013287-00013394 is that of a small H3CXY-20A6u-00056-00013394-00013597 pyramid with tentacle like appendages H3CXY-20A6u-00057-00013597-00013865 Peter and Polly decide to take the baby H3CXY-20A6u-00058-00013866-00014038 home on the condition that the doctors H3CXY-20A6u-00059-00014040-00014236 continue ongoing work and research to H3CXY-20A6u-00060-00014237-00014408 try to bring their child back into his H3CXY-20A6u-00061-00014409-00014690 rightful dimension time passes with both H3CXY-20A6u-00062-00014691-00014861 Peter and Polly dealing with the burden H3CXY-20A6u-00063-00014862-00015058 of raising their abnormal child Polly H3CXY-20A6u-00064-00015059-00015233 takes it especially hard and begins H3CXY-20A6u-00065-00015234-00015325 drinking heavily H3CXY-20A6u-00066-00015326-00015613 after almost exactly a year the doctors H3CXY-20A6u-00067-00015615-00015830 give them a difficult choice their H3CXY-20A6u-00068-00015831-00015997 attempts to retrieve the baby have H3CXY-20A6u-00069-00015998-00016219 proved futile however they would be able H3CXY-20A6u-00070-00016220-00016388 to send Peter and Polly to the same H3CXY-20A6u-00071-00016389-00016628 dimension they would be reunited with H3CXY-20A6u-00072-00016629-00016750 their child but they're altered H3CXY-20A6u-00073-00016751-00016874 appearance would force them into H3CXY-20A6u-00074-00016875-00017183 solitude from the rest of society the H3CXY-20A6u-00075-00017184-00017233 women H3CXY-20A6u-00076-00017234-00017486 originally published in famous fantastic H3CXY-20A6u-00077-00017487-00017872 mysteries October 1948 a man and his H3CXY-20A6u-00078-00017873-00018035 wife are at the beach but something H3CXY-20A6u-00079-00018036-00018219 sinister has awakened in the water H3CXY-20A6u-00080-00018220-00018449 calling out for the man to step in the H3CXY-20A6u-00081-00018450-00018658 ocean the water entity attempts to draw H3CXY-20A6u-00082-00018659-00018938 him to the depths increasingly aware of H3CXY-20A6u-00083-00018939-00019136 the danger his wife does all she can to H3CXY-20A6u-00084-00019137-00019308 distract him from the call of the ocean H3CXY-20A6u-00085-00019309-00019565 time ticks bite the intelligence in the H3CXY-20A6u-00086-00019566-00019739 water growing desperate knowing that if H3CXY-20A6u-00087-00019740-00019912 it cannot lure the man before he leaves H3CXY-20A6u-00088-00019913-00020228 today it will be over storm clouds roll H3CXY-20A6u-00089-00020229-00020419 in and wife believes she has won her H3CXY-20A6u-00090-00020420-00020569 husband does not understand why she H3CXY-20A6u-00091-00020570-00020771 seems to be cheerful that their last day H3CXY-20A6u-00092-00020772-00021002 at the beach has been ruined as they H3CXY-20A6u-00093-00021003-00021181 begin to walk away the husband suddenly H3CXY-20A6u-00094-00021182-00021386 hears a drowning voice call out for help H3CXY-20A6u-00095-00021387-00021653 and rushes into the water to save it the H3CXY-20A6u-00096-00021654-00021866 entity envelops the man and hours later H3CXY-20A6u-00097-00021867-00022090 releases his body to wash up on shore H3CXY-20A6u-00098-00022091-00022384 the inspired chicken motel H3CXY-20A6u-00099-00022385-00022658 the narrator recalls the time he spent H3CXY-20A6u-00100-00022659-00022819 traveling with his family during the H3CXY-20A6u-00101-00022820-00023099 Great Depression in particular he looks H3CXY-20A6u-00102-00023100-00023278 back fondly on a motel where the owner H3CXY-20A6u-00103-00023279-00023447 was the proud owner of a chicken with H3CXY-20A6u-00104-00023448-00023705 the ability to tell fortunes when the H3CXY-20A6u-00105-00023706-00023894 family arrives the owner presents him H3CXY-20A6u-00106-00023895-00024092 with two eggs laid only days before H3CXY-20A6u-00107-00024093-00024337 their arrival on one is the raised image H3CXY-20A6u-00108-00024338-00024505 of a longhorn steer and the other H3CXY-20A6u-00109-00024506-00024730 contains the message rest in peace H3CXY-20A6u-00110-00024731-00024977 prosperity is near unsure what to make H3CXY-20A6u-00111-00024978-00025159 of the message but ultimately given new H3CXY-20A6u-00112-00025160-00025330 hope the family sets back out on the H3CXY-20A6u-00113-00025331-00025627 road downwind from Gettysburg H3CXY-20A6u-00114-00025627-00025825 originally published in Playboy magazine H3CXY-20A6u-00115-00025826-00026290 June 1969 when a robotic recreation of H3CXY-20A6u-00116-00026291-00026501 Abraham Lincoln is shot dead in a movie H3CXY-20A6u-00117-00026502-00026695 theater Bayes finds the dead Lincoln in H3CXY-20A6u-00118-00026697-00026758 a seat on H3CXY-20A6u-00119-00026760-00026951 stage and reminiscence of the past when H3CXY-20A6u-00120-00026952-00027107 he and phipps worked together to create H3CXY-20A6u-00121-00027108-00027398 him BAE's confronts the killer mr. booth H3CXY-20A6u-00122-00027399-00027617 a self-pitying man who takes pleasure in H3CXY-20A6u-00123-00027618-00027920 doing harm BAE's interrogate him finding H3CXY-20A6u-00124-00027920-00028091 mr. booth had killed Lincoln to gain H3CXY-20A6u-00125-00028092-00028349 attention and pleasure Bayes then takes H3CXY-20A6u-00126-00028350-00028520 that away from the killer ensuring that H3CXY-20A6u-00127-00028520-00028699 he will gain no attention for the murder H3CXY-20A6u-00128-00028700-00028931 the killer fights back but Bayes H3CXY-20A6u-00129-00028932-00029123 intimidates him going to the point where H3CXY-20A6u-00130-00029124-00029258 he threatens him with death should he H3CXY-20A6u-00131-00029258-00029516 ever talk about the murder mr. booth H3CXY-20A6u-00132-00029517-00029683 flees from the theater while Bayes H3CXY-20A6u-00133-00029685-00029867 reflects on himself over letting the H3CXY-20A6u-00134-00029868-00030164 killer go yes we'll gather at the river H3CXY-20A6u-00135-00030164-00030524 a small town is confronted with the H3CXY-20A6u-00136-00030525-00030802 reality of a new roadway being built the H3CXY-20A6u-00137-00030804-00030995 new road bypasses the town completely H3CXY-20A6u-00138-00030995-00031193 and threatens the livelihood of all the H3CXY-20A6u-00139-00031194-00031439 town's businesses the store owners H3CXY-20A6u-00140-00031439-00031639 reflect on how things have changed roads H3CXY-20A6u-00141-00031641-00031835 used to take years to build and now only H3CXY-20A6u-00142-00031836-00032102 a matter of hours they each know that H3CXY-20A6u-00143-00032102-00032276 even though they will move onward a part H3CXY-20A6u-00144-00032277-00032420 of them will die with the town they H3CXY-20A6u-00145-00032420-00032543 ultimately accept this without H3CXY-20A6u-00146-00032544-00032711 ill-feeling seeing the inevitably H3CXY-20A6u-00147-00032712-00032882 changing course of the road like out of H3CXY-20A6u-00148-00032883-00033176 a flowing river the cold wind and the H3CXY-20A6u-00149-00033177-00033416 warm originally published in Harper's H3CXY-20A6u-00150-00033417-00033899 Magazine July 1964 in Dublin Ireland are H3CXY-20A6u-00151-00033900-00034094 David and his team of strange travelers H3CXY-20A6u-00152-00034095-00034313 arrive at the Royal Hibernian Hotel with H3CXY-20A6u-00153-00034314-00034478 the intention of doing something H3CXY-20A6u-00154-00034479-00034733 mysterious they meet a few of the H3CXY-20A6u-00155-00034734-00034904 townspeople some of which find the H3CXY-20A6u-00156-00034905-00035171 visitors bizarre the townspeople find H3CXY-20A6u-00157-00035172-00035360 the visitors suspicious and they observe H3CXY-20A6u-00158-00035361-00035555 the travelers finding him standing still H3CXY-20A6u-00159-00035556-00035714 in Park watching the leaves change H3CXY-20A6u-00160-00035715-00035981 colors they report their findings back H3CXY-20A6u-00161-00035982-00036170 at the tavern only to have David walk H3CXY-20A6u-00162-00036171-00036428 into the tavern himself he tells the H3CXY-20A6u-00163-00036429-00036608 story of two races traveling to the H3CXY-20A6u-00164-00036609-00036800 other's countries to escape the heat or H3CXY-20A6u-00165-00036801-00036989 cold and reveals that he himself was H3CXY-20A6u-00166-00036990-00037127 trying to escape the heat of the H3CXY-20A6u-00167-00037128-00037328 equatorial countries and visit a colder H3CXY-20A6u-00168-00037329-00037439 country like Ireland H3CXY-20A6u-00169-00037440-00037658 the townspeople watch the leaves change H3CXY-20A6u-00170-00037659-00037874 colors as David and his team traveled H3CXY-20A6u-00171-00037875-00038141 back to their country's night call H3CXY-20A6u-00172-00038142-00038507 collect a man stranded on Mars sits in H3CXY-20A6u-00173-00038508-00038795 an empty town in an empty house a phone H3CXY-20A6u-00174-00038796-00038984 rings and when he picks up he hears his H3CXY-20A6u-00175-00038985-00039254 own voice he spent all his early years H3CXY-20A6u-00176-00039255-00039488 recording messages for his older self he H3CXY-20A6u-00177-00039489-00039650 is setting up the connections so that he H3CXY-20A6u-00178-00039651-00039899 might never feel alone now years later H3CXY-20A6u-00179-00039900-00040164 the calls all begin to come at once H3CXY-20A6u-00180-00040165-00040380 at first they are comforting but quickly H3CXY-20A6u-00181-00040381-00040551 become a maddening reminder of all that H3CXY-20A6u-00182-00040552-00040848 he has lost his youthful self sits out H3CXY-20A6u-00183-00040849-00041021 of the reach of time mocking him as he H3CXY-20A6u-00184-00041022-00041301 grows only older maddened he sets off H3CXY-20A6u-00185-00041302-00041484 across the planet attempting to destroy H3CXY-20A6u-00186-00041485-00041757 every vestige of his own voice on his H3CXY-20A6u-00187-00041758-00041964 way he gets a call from a passing ship H3CXY-20A6u-00188-00041965-00042180 is he finally rescued or is it simply H3CXY-20A6u-00189-00042181-00042339 another trick played on him by his own H3CXY-20A6u-00190-00042340-00042807 voice the haunting of the new Nora a H3CXY-20A6u-00191-00042808-00042968 rich owner of an illustrious house H3CXY-20A6u-00192-00042969-00043185 invites Charlie to investigate her house H3CXY-20A6u-00193-00043186-00043389 after it seemingly causes her previous H3CXY-20A6u-00194-00043390-00043598 party to die down and end quickly as H3CXY-20A6u-00195-00043599-00043821 Charlie drives to her house he H3CXY-20A6u-00196-00043822-00044012 reminisces of the time here Nora had H3CXY-20A6u-00197-00044013-00044202 spent together and when he investigates H3CXY-20A6u-00198-00044203-00044402 the house he finds a few good memories H3CXY-20A6u-00199-00044403-00044493 from his past H3CXY-20A6u-00200-00044494-00044730 Nora then reveals that the real house H3CXY-20A6u-00201-00044731-00044940 had burned down four years ago but she H3CXY-20A6u-00202-00044941-00045108 had recreated it down to the finest H3CXY-20A6u-00203-00045109-00045264 details with the help of numerous H3CXY-20A6u-00204-00045265-00045558 artisans she also wants Charlie to own H3CXY-20A6u-00205-00045559-00045756 the house saying that she was too sinful H3CXY-20A6u-00206-00045757-00045930 and old for the house claiming that her H3CXY-20A6u-00207-00045931-00046112 sins had caused the original house to H3CXY-20A6u-00208-00046113-00046280 burn down in the first place H3CXY-20A6u-00209-00046281-00046571 Charlie refuses and he and Nora drive to H3CXY-20A6u-00210-00046572-00046796 her other home while holding hands I H3CXY-20A6u-00211-00046797-00047142 sing the body electric originally titled H3CXY-20A6u-00212-00047143-00047475 the beautiful one is here first appeared H3CXY-20A6u-00213-00047476-00047721 in McCall's magazine August 1969 H3CXY-20A6u-00214-00047722-00047915 initially a screenplay by the author H3CXY-20A6u-00215-00047916-00048114 appearing on the TV series The Twilight H3CXY-20A6u-00216-00048115-00048321 Zone with an original air date of May H3CXY-20A6u-00217-00048322-00048714 18th 1962 following the untimely death H3CXY-20A6u-00218-00048715-00048915 of their mother a family decides to buy H3CXY-20A6u-00219-00048916-00049098 an electric grandmother in order to help H3CXY-20A6u-00220-00049099-00049262 around the house and serve as a nanny H3CXY-20A6u-00221-00049263-00049487 for the three children thrilled at the H3CXY-20A6u-00222-00049488-00049733 idea Tom Timothy and Agatha go with H3CXY-20A6u-00223-00049734-00049920 their father to the Fantini company H3CXY-20A6u-00224-00049921-00050100 showroom in order to custom build their H3CXY-20A6u-00225-00050101-00050352 new grandmother the children take turns H3CXY-20A6u-00226-00050353-00050537 selecting her parts the color of her H3CXY-20A6u-00227-00050538-00050814 eyes even the tone of her voice weeks H3CXY-20A6u-00228-00050815-00051024 later a mysterious package arrives a H3CXY-20A6u-00229-00051025-00051165 sarcophagus containing their H3CXY-20A6u-00230-00051166-00051407 factory-fresh electric grandmother at H3CXY-20A6u-00231-00051408-00051605 the turn of a key she springs to life H3CXY-20A6u-00232-00051607-00051813 and quickly becomes an essential part of H3CXY-20A6u-00233-00051814-00052089 the family Tom Timothy and their father H3CXY-20A6u-00234-00052090-00052283 immediately begin to love her but Agatha H3CXY-20A6u-00235-00052284-00052578 remains distant untrusting it slowly H3CXY-20A6u-00236-00052579-00052749 becomes clear that Agatha does not H3CXY-20A6u-00237-00052750-00052911 believe that the grandmother will always H3CXY-20A6u-00238-00052912-00053088 be there for them she is afraid that she H3CXY-20A6u-00239-00053089-00053244 will leave them just as their mother did H3CXY-20A6u-00240-00053245-00053432 when she died one day H3CXY-20A6u-00241-00053433-00053562 Agatha runs from the H3CXY-20A6u-00242-00053563-00053823 in tears straight into traffic in a H3CXY-20A6u-00243-00053824-00053991 flash the grandmother pushes her to H3CXY-20A6u-00244-00053991-00054241 safety only to be hit by the car herself H3CXY-20A6u-00245-00054242-00054525 agatha cries but finds herself comforted H3CXY-20A6u-00246-00054526-00054720 by the grandmother who is unscathed by H3CXY-20A6u-00247-00054721-00054966 the accident the grandmother insists H3CXY-20A6u-00248-00054966-00055113 that she will never leave her and that H3CXY-20A6u-00249-00055114-00055377 not even death could separate him agatha H3CXY-20A6u-00250-00055378-00055541 realizes that the grandmother is the H3CXY-20A6u-00251-00055542-00055719 only one who can keep that promise and H3CXY-20A6u-00252-00055720-00056064 finally opens up to her the tumbling day H3CXY-20A6u-00253-00056065-00056317 originally published in Shenandoah fall H3CXY-20A6u-00254-00056319-00056729 1952 any friend of Nicholas Nickleby ziz H3CXY-20A6u-00255-00056730-00056966 a friend of mine originally titled H3CXY-20A6u-00256-00056967-00057291 charlie is my darling first appeared in H3CXY-20A6u-00257-00057291-00057738 McCall's magazine January 1966 a man H3CXY-20A6u-00258-00057739-00057929 calling himself Charles Dickens arrives H3CXY-20A6u-00259-00057930-00058154 in a small Midwestern merican town and H3CXY-20A6u-00260-00058155-00058326 moves into the boarding house run by the H3CXY-20A6u-00261-00058327-00058602 mother of the narrator a young boy he H3CXY-20A6u-00262-00058603-00058890 proceeds to write the novels of Dickens H3CXY-20A6u-00263-00058891-00059082 sometimes dictating them to the boy and H3CXY-20A6u-00264-00059083-00059342 sometimes with a pen and paper to the H3CXY-20A6u-00265-00059344-00059550 boy the man is an inspiration to the H3CXY-20A6u-00266-00059551-00059844 town's adults he is a fraud heavyset H3CXY-20A6u-00267-00059845-00060023 originally published in Playboy magazine H3CXY-20A6u-00268-00060024-00060420 October 1964 the man in the Rorschach H3CXY-20A6u-00269-00060421-00060609 shirt originally published in Playboy H3CXY-20A6u-00270-00060610-00060924 magazine October 1966 Henry the ninth H3CXY-20A6u-00271-00060925-00061146 originally titled a final scepter a H3CXY-20A6u-00272-00061147-00061386 lasting crown first appeared in fantasy H3CXY-20A6u-00273-00061387-00061671 and science fiction October 1969 the H3CXY-20A6u-00274-00061672-00061782 lost city of Mars H3CXY-20A6u-00275-00061783-00061952 originally published in Playboy magazine H3CXY-20A6u-00276-00061953-00062648 January 1967 Christie Cipolla H3CXY-20A6u-00277-00062649-00062958 topic I sing the body electric and other H3CXY-20A6u-00278-00062959-00063666 stories in 1998 Avon books published I H3CXY-20A6u-00279-00063666-00063858 sing the body electric and other stories H3CXY-20A6u-00280-00063859-00064044 which includes all the stories from the H3CXY-20A6u-00281-00064045-00064205 original collection as well as the H3CXY-20A6u-00282-00064207-00064371 following stories from long after H3CXY-20A6u-00283-00064372-00064812 midnight the Blue Bottle one timeless H3CXY-20A6u-00284-00064813-00065301 spring the parrot who met papa the H3CXY-20A6u-00285-00065302-00065933 Burning Man a piece of wood the Messiah H3CXY-20A6u-00286-00065934-00066509 gb/s mark 5 the utterly perfect murder H3CXY-20A6u-00287-00066510-00066891 punishment without crime getting H3CXY-20A6u-00288-00066892-00067299 Sunday somehow drink entire against a H3CXY-20A6u-00289-00067300-00068490 madness of crowds topic reception Joanna H3CXY-20A6u-00290-00068491-00068681 Russ reviewed the collection favorably H3CXY-20A6u-00291-00068682-00068904 saying this is third-rate Bradbury H3CXY-20A6u-00292-00068905-00069111 mostly it is silly H3CXY-20A6u-00293-00069112-00069338 it totally perverts the quotation from H3CXY-20A6u-00294-00069339-00069644 Whitman which it uses in its title it is H3CXY-20A6u-00295-00069645-00069875 very good Russ noted that Bradbury H3CXY-20A6u-00296-00069876-00070110 presents almost everything either in H3CXY-20A6u-00297-00070111-00070307 lyrical catalogue or dramatically and H3CXY-20A6u-00298-00070308-00070515 while the lyrical catalogues sometimes H3CXY-20A6u-00299-00070516-00070761 fall flat the dramatic dialogue hardly H3CXY-20A6u-00300-00070762-00071067 ever does this gives his work tremendous H3CXY-20A6u-00301-00071068-00071331 immediate presence the New York Times H3CXY-20A6u-00302-00071332-00071556 also received body electric favorably H3CXY-20A6u-00303-00071557-00071738 saying whatever the premise the author H3CXY-20A6u-00304-00071739-00071937 retains an enthusiasm for both the H3CXY-20A6u-00305-00071938-00072119 natural world and the supernatural that H3CXY-20A6u-00306-00072120-00072281 sends a tingle of excitement through H3CXY-20A6u-00307-00072282-00073028 even the flimsiest conceit topic H3CXY-20A6u-00308-00073029-00073713 adaptations the title story I sing the H3CXY-20A6u-00309-00073714-00074040 body electric was adapted from a 1962 H3CXY-20A6u-00310-00074041-00074256 Twilight Zone episode of the same name H3CXY-20A6u-00311-00074257-00074517 which Bradbury had written it was later H3CXY-20A6u-00312-00074518-00074793 adapted as a 1982 television movie the H3CXY-20A6u-00313-00074794-00075003 electric grandmother starring Maureen H3CXY-20A6u-00314-00075004-00075545 Stapleton equals equals notes H94G5Wprlgu-00000-00000000-00000727 I know I did not do video this last week H94G5Wprlgu-00001-00000728-00000839 sorry H94G5Wprlgu-00002-00000840-00001148 the guilt that has really been weighing H94G5Wprlgu-00003-00001149-00001349 on me but I have to let that go because H94G5Wprlgu-00004-00001350-00001549 there are a lot of really exciting H94G5Wprlgu-00005-00001550-00001766 things happening behind the scenes and I H94G5Wprlgu-00006-00001767-00002005 have just been really busy I can't wait H94G5Wprlgu-00007-00002007-00002246 to tell you what's going on I can't H94G5Wprlgu-00008-00002247-00002582 share just yet but stay tuned and be H94G5Wprlgu-00009-00002583-00002840 sure to subscribe so that you don't miss H94G5Wprlgu-00010-00002841-00003083 the big announcements that I do have H94G5Wprlgu-00011-00003084-00003503 coming but this week I am gonna squeeze H94G5Wprlgu-00012-00003504-00003661 in a video and I want to talk about H94G5Wprlgu-00013-00003663-00003827 something that's been on my mind and H94G5Wprlgu-00014-00003828-00004235 that is about food and nutrition so if H94G5Wprlgu-00015-00004236-00004406 you are interested and want to hear my H94G5Wprlgu-00016-00004407-00004577 thoughts on food and nutrition stay H94G5Wprlgu-00017-00004578-00005236 tuned so food is incredibly important to H94G5Wprlgu-00018-00005237-00005734 our bodies we put food in and food has H94G5Wprlgu-00019-00005735-00006152 minerals and vitamins and you know H94G5Wprlgu-00020-00006153-00006383 calcium and all these things that you H94G5Wprlgu-00021-00006384-00006703 need the building blocks of your brain H94G5Wprlgu-00022-00006704-00006998 and fuel your immune system and give you H94G5Wprlgu-00023-00006998-00007342 energy if you are not getting a lot of H94G5Wprlgu-00024-00007343-00007539 nutrition and eating a lot of crap food H94G5Wprlgu-00025-00007540-00007787 maybe not right away but eventually H94G5Wprlgu-00026-00007788-00008030 you're gonna start to feel like crap and H94G5Wprlgu-00027-00008031-00008399 your quality of life is gonna suffer so H94G5Wprlgu-00028-00008400-00008627 because of that I think it's extremely H94G5Wprlgu-00029-00008628-00009017 important that we talk about the way we H94G5Wprlgu-00030-00009018-00009374 tend to view food these days I do think H94G5Wprlgu-00031-00009375-00009767 it's very problematic when we go to the H94G5Wprlgu-00032-00009768-00010242 store and we look around at food H94G5Wprlgu-00033-00010243-00010619 oftentimes the lower quality food that H94G5Wprlgu-00034-00010620-00010985 is not nutritious tends to be things are H94G5Wprlgu-00035-00010986-00011263 just a lot of empty carbs and sugar H94G5Wprlgu-00036-00011264-00011753 sodas sugary cereals bread things that H94G5Wprlgu-00037-00011754-00012152 are cheap are often when you look at H94G5Wprlgu-00038-00012153-00012301 their nutrition H94G5Wprlgu-00039-00012302-00012624 you're getting a lot of food like you H94G5Wprlgu-00040-00012625-00012910 know pound-for-pound food for your money H94G5Wprlgu-00041-00012911-00013116 but then if you look at the nutritional H94G5Wprlgu-00042-00013118-00013300 value on the food when you're buying H94G5Wprlgu-00043-00013301-00013672 these cheaper foods unfortunately a lot H94G5Wprlgu-00044-00013672-00013983 of times always these cheaper foods that H94G5Wprlgu-00045-00013984-00014307 are cheaper pound-for-pound are H94G5Wprlgu-00046-00014308-00014775 nutritionally deficient we need to H94G5Wprlgu-00047-00014776-00015105 really change the way we look at food H94G5Wprlgu-00048-00015106-00015463 the fruits and vegetables are more H94G5Wprlgu-00049-00015463-00015753 expensive than the 99 cent dollar menu H94G5Wprlgu-00050-00015754-00016155 burgers and fast food that we're getting H94G5Wprlgu-00051-00016156-00016582 but if and those things you know maybe H94G5Wprlgu-00052-00016583-00016728 you can have those as a treat here and H94G5Wprlgu-00053-00016729-00017017 there but those things aren't really H94G5Wprlgu-00054-00017018-00017397 helping you as much as say a smoothie or H94G5Wprlgu-00055-00017398-00017677 just something that's a lot more natural H94G5Wprlgu-00056-00017678-00018000 and ready for your body to absorb and H94G5Wprlgu-00057-00018001-00018517 use up so I want to challenge all of you H94G5Wprlgu-00058-00018518-00018678 when you're going to the grocery store H94G5Wprlgu-00059-00018679-00019021 and when you're shopping don't look at H94G5Wprlgu-00060-00019022-00019321 how much food like to fill might just to H94G5Wprlgu-00061-00019322-00019537 fill my belly food am I getting for the H94G5Wprlgu-00062-00019538-00019878 dollar think about how much nutritional H94G5Wprlgu-00063-00019879-00020296 fuel nutritional value am I getting to H94G5Wprlgu-00064-00020297-00020724 feel and to fuel my body for the dollar H94G5Wprlgu-00065-00020725-00021214 and I started to change the way I looked H94G5Wprlgu-00066-00021215-00021571 at food years ago because I will admit H94G5Wprlgu-00067-00021572-00021871 that when I was fresh out of high school H94G5Wprlgu-00068-00021872-00022336 and in my early 20s I ate a lot of fast H94G5Wprlgu-00069-00022337-00022578 food the dollar menus were my best H94G5Wprlgu-00070-00022579-00022797 friend and there were some of my H94G5Wprlgu-00071-00022798-00023128 favorite things but I really didn't feel H94G5Wprlgu-00072-00023129-00023325 great and when you're young you can kind H94G5Wprlgu-00073-00023326-00023518 of get away with that for a while as I H94G5Wprlgu-00074-00023519-00023831 started to get older I'm thirty now I H94G5Wprlgu-00075-00023832-00024175 noticed that my body was a lot more H94G5Wprlgu-00076-00024176-00024405 sensitive to the types of food that I H94G5Wprlgu-00077-00024406-00024784 was putting into it and you know I'm on H94G5Wprlgu-00078-00024785-00024909 a special diet now because I've been H94G5Wprlgu-00079-00024910-00025128 trying to take care of my health but H94G5Wprlgu-00080-00025129-00025417 before that I did notice like after I H94G5Wprlgu-00081-00025418-00025558 started doing clean H94G5Wprlgu-00082-00025559-00025742 when I would go back and I would have H94G5Wprlgu-00083-00025743-00025918 you know some junk H94G5Wprlgu-00084-00025919-00026122 I would really almost even feel H94G5Wprlgu-00085-00026123-00026374 instantly like I have to take a nap now H94G5Wprlgu-00086-00026375-00026608 because I ate this and I'm tired from H94G5Wprlgu-00087-00026610-00026890 eating it and I don't really I don't I H94G5Wprlgu-00088-00026891-00027070 don't not not really I don't at all get H94G5Wprlgu-00089-00027072-00027283 that anymore now that I've cleaned up H94G5Wprlgu-00090-00027284-00027646 the way I eat I focus on a lot of Whole H94G5Wprlgu-00091-00027647-00027956 Foods I know the ingredients of my food H94G5Wprlgu-00092-00027957-00028295 are you know natural ingredients there's H94G5Wprlgu-00093-00028295-00028645 no high fructose corn syrup and weird H94G5Wprlgu-00094-00028645-00028939 things I can't pronounce basically my H94G5Wprlgu-00095-00028941-00029299 rule when I'm picking food and I'm H94G5Wprlgu-00096-00029300-00029477 reading ingredients because I believe H94G5Wprlgu-00097-00029477-00029579 it's really important to pay attention H94G5Wprlgu-00098-00029580-00029770 to ingredients is when I look at the H94G5Wprlgu-00099-00029772-00029974 ingredients and if the word in the H94G5Wprlgu-00100-00029975-00030121 ingredient is something that I can't H94G5Wprlgu-00101-00030122-00030302 easily imagine like Apple oh I see an H94G5Wprlgu-00102-00030302-00030533 apple I know what that is it's some malt H94G5Wprlgu-00103-00030533-00030710 owed extra what I'm like what is a multi H94G5Wprlgu-00104-00030711-00030905 dextro like thought-bubble H94G5Wprlgu-00105-00030906-00031120 nothing I have nothing to visualize my H94G5Wprlgu-00106-00031122-00031468 head for that I don't eat it because H94G5Wprlgu-00107-00031469-00031811 your body is made to eat food and it's H94G5Wprlgu-00108-00031812-00032077 very pure natural form and all of these H94G5Wprlgu-00109-00032077-00032432 weirdo chemicals just to me that makes H94G5Wprlgu-00110-00032433-00032590 me really uncomfortable and a lot of H94G5Wprlgu-00111-00032591-00032831 them we're you know starting to find out H94G5Wprlgu-00112-00032832-00033187 now are really bad for us and some of H94G5Wprlgu-00113-00033188-00033364 these things that we think might be okay H94G5Wprlgu-00114-00033365-00033658 now we may find out down the line that H94G5Wprlgu-00115-00033659-00033883 really they weren't good for you in the H94G5Wprlgu-00116-00033884-00034090 future like aspartame or Isparta mean H94G5Wprlgu-00117-00034091-00034262 depending on what side of the pond H94G5Wprlgu-00118-00034263-00034712 you're on that was thought to be safe H94G5Wprlgu-00119-00034713-00035036 when it came out and there's oh if you H94G5Wprlgu-00120-00035037-00035287 google aspartame or as part of mean and H94G5Wprlgu-00121-00035288-00035587 dangers or health problems you'll find a H94G5Wprlgu-00122-00035588-00035924 lot of stuff so and there are other H94G5Wprlgu-00123-00035925-00036089 countries in America you can still give H94G5Wprlgu-00124-00036090-00036320 it to kids but there are countries that H94G5Wprlgu-00125-00036321-00036640 it's illegal to put aspartame in H94G5Wprlgu-00126-00036641-00036840 products that are made for kids because H94G5Wprlgu-00127-00036841-00037043 there's a whole lot of things I'm not a H94G5Wprlgu-00128-00037044-00037183 scientist I'm not can go into that but H94G5Wprlgu-00129-00037184-00037556 just really think carefully about the H94G5Wprlgu-00130-00037557-00037664 things you're putting into your body H94G5Wprlgu-00131-00037665-00037933 because it's really important to take H94G5Wprlgu-00132-00037934-00038231 care of yourself anyway guys that's a H94G5Wprlgu-00133-00038232-00038423 little bit longer video than normal but H94G5Wprlgu-00134-00038424-00038714 it's really important and I just had to H94G5Wprlgu-00135-00038715-00038900 share those thoughts and my food H94G5Wprlgu-00136-00038901-00039137 obsession with you I will talk to you H94G5Wprlgu-00137-00039138-00039518 guys next week I hope subscribe and have H94G5Wprlgu-00138-00039519-00039766 a good one HqYACPwxeRc-00002-00012810-00013819 [Music] HqYACPwxeRc-00003-00013819-00014412 [Music] HqYACPwxeRc-00004-00014413-00014957 [Music] HrQA39wjibA-00000-00000003-00000221 the canvas told me evolution this year HrQA39wjibA-00001-00000222-00000455 chronicles is a cannabis infused social HrQA39wjibA-00002-00000456-00000655 dating platform that allows marijuana HrQA39wjibA-00003-00000656-00000875 enthusiasts to find partners or friends HrQA39wjibA-00004-00000876-00001124 to smoke and hang out with take the HrQA39wjibA-00005-00001125-00001244 guesswork out of knowing if your HrQA39wjibA-00006-00001245-00001490 potential soulmate is 420 friendly we HrQA39wjibA-00007-00001491-00001657 match you based on common interests from HrQA39wjibA-00008-00001659-00001862 your social profiles including movies HrQA39wjibA-00009-00001863-00002132 music books or sports teams you could HrQA39wjibA-00010-00002133-00002312 even share artist tracks from Spotify to HrQA39wjibA-00011-00002313-00002535 indulge in auditory exploration of taste HrQA39wjibA-00012-00002536-00002783 play a night out and coordinate your HrQA39wjibA-00013-00002784-00003016 Google Calendar for your adventure book HrQA39wjibA-00014-00003017-00003179 a table for millions of restaurants HrQA39wjibA-00015-00003180-00003374 purchase tickets to updated list of HrQA39wjibA-00016-00003375-00003653 events and concerts get there using uber HrQA39wjibA-00017-00003654-00003845 or lyft and if you were the romantic HrQA39wjibA-00018-00003846-00004133 type then flowers ahead of time all from HrQA39wjibA-00019-00004134-00004406 chronic Souls website or iOS or Android HrQA39wjibA-00020-00004407-00004604 app it's an all-inclusive dating HrQA39wjibA-00021-00004605-00004751 platform that will lead to lasting HrQA39wjibA-00022-00004752-00005237 connections join chronic Souls today HsjeDrkc84I-00000-00000008-00000238 on behalf of the local government of HsjeDrkc84I-00001-00000239-00000534 brooks point our punishment guys our HsjeDrkc84I-00002-00000535-00000759 department heads different units here in HsjeDrkc84I-00003-00000760-00000999 the municipality of brooks point HsjeDrkc84I-00004-00001000-00001207 we welcome you our distinguished HsjeDrkc84I-00005-00001208-00001527 visitors and our guests from us we are HsjeDrkc84I-00006-00001528-00001791 so excited to accommodate you here and i HsjeDrkc84I-00007-00001792-00002055 hope you experience the filipino HsjeDrkc84I-00008-00002056-00002350 hospitality that we have HsjeDrkc84I-00009-00002351-00002495 and HsjeDrkc84I-00010-00002496-00002679 anything that you need please don't HsjeDrkc84I-00011-00002680-00002926 hesitate to ask any of our staff here HsjeDrkc84I-00012-00002927-00003279 and maybe have a wonderful experience HsjeDrkc84I-00013-00003279-00003543 today thank you very much and good HsjeDrkc84I-00014-00003544-00004422 morning HsjeDrkc84I-00015-00004423-00004572 um HsjeDrkc84I-00016-00004573-00006950 [Music] HsjeDrkc84I-00018-00010070-00010374 [Music] HsjeDrkc84I-00020-00014506-00014751 [Applause] HsjeDrkc84I-00021-00014752-00015446 [Music] HsjeDrkc84I-00022-00015447-00016047 [Music] HsjeDrkc84I-00024-00021118-00022461 [Music] HsjeDrkc84I-00025-00022462-00023975 [Music] HsjeDrkc84I-00026-00023976-00024184 foreign Hs-uypnuLZY-00000-00000051-00000337 precision agriculture PA satellite Hs-uypnuLZY-00001-00000338-00000590 farming or site-specific crop management Hs-uypnuLZY-00002-00000591-00000925 s SCM is a farming management concept Hs-uypnuLZY-00003-00000926-00001127 based on observing measuring and Hs-uypnuLZY-00004-00001128-00001322 responding to enter an intra field Hs-uypnuLZY-00005-00001323-00001622 variability in crops the goal of Hs-uypnuLZY-00006-00001623-00001825 precision agriculture research as to Hs-uypnuLZY-00007-00001826-00002152 define a decision support system DSS for Hs-uypnuLZY-00008-00002153-00002330 whole farm management with the goal of Hs-uypnuLZY-00009-00002331-00002560 optimizing returns on inputs while Hs-uypnuLZY-00010-00002561-00002782 preserving resources among these many Hs-uypnuLZY-00011-00002783-00002983 approaches as a phyto geomorphological Hs-uypnuLZY-00012-00002984-00003260 approach which ties multi-year crop Hs-uypnuLZY-00013-00003261-00003481 growth stability characteristics to Hs-uypnuLZY-00014-00003482-00003772 topological terrain attributes the Hs-uypnuLZY-00015-00003773-00003956 interest in the phyto geomorphological Hs-uypnuLZY-00016-00003957-00004199 approach stems from the fact that the Hs-uypnuLZY-00017-00004200-00004409 geomorphology component typically Hs-uypnuLZY-00018-00004410-00004640 dictates the hydrology of the farm field Hs-uypnuLZY-00019-00004641-00004834 the practice of precision agriculture Hs-uypnuLZY-00020-00004835-00005081 has been enabled by the advent of GPS Hs-uypnuLZY-00021-00005082-00005500 and GNSS the farmers and or researchers Hs-uypnuLZY-00022-00005501-00005729 ability to locate their precise position Hs-uypnuLZY-00023-00005730-00005945 in a field allows for the creation of Hs-uypnuLZY-00024-00005946-00006170 maps of the spatial variability of as Hs-uypnuLZY-00025-00006171-00006413 many variables as can be measured eg Hs-uypnuLZY-00026-00006414-00006683 crop yield terrain features topography Hs-uypnuLZY-00027-00006684-00006947 organic matter content moisture levels Hs-uypnuLZY-00028-00006948-00007438 nitrogen levels pH EC M G K and others Hs-uypnuLZY-00029-00007439-00007715 similar data is collected by sensor Hs-uypnuLZY-00030-00007716-00008003 arrays mounted on GPS equipped combine Hs-uypnuLZY-00031-00008004-00008309 harvesters these arrays consist of Hs-uypnuLZY-00032-00008310-00008465 real-time sensors that measure Hs-uypnuLZY-00033-00008466-00008693 everything from chlorophyll levels to Hs-uypnuLZY-00034-00008694-00008876 plant water status along with Hs-uypnuLZY-00035-00008877-00009176 multispectral imagery this data is used Hs-uypnuLZY-00036-00009177-00009449 in conjunction with satellite imagery by Hs-uypnuLZY-00037-00009450-00009773 variable rate technology VRT including Hs-uypnuLZY-00038-00009774-00010040 ceders sprayers etc to optimally Hs-uypnuLZY-00039-00010041-00010346 distribute resources precision Hs-uypnuLZY-00040-00010347-00010571 agriculture has also been enabled by Hs-uypnuLZY-00041-00010572-00010823 unmanned aerial vehicles like the DJI Hs-uypnuLZY-00042-00010824-00010999 phantom which are relatively inexpensive Hs-uypnuLZY-00043-00011000-00011308 and can be operated by novice pilots Hs-uypnuLZY-00044-00011309-00011588 these agricultural drones can be Hs-uypnuLZY-00045-00011589-00011804 equipped with hyperspectral or RGB Hs-uypnuLZY-00046-00011805-00012056 cameras to capture many images of a Hs-uypnuLZY-00047-00012057-00012223 field that can be processed using Hs-uypnuLZY-00048-00012224-00012491 photogrammetric methods to create ortho Hs-uypnuLZY-00049-00012492-00012859 photos and NDVI maps these drones are Hs-uypnuLZY-00050-00012860-00013081 capable of capturing several metric Hs-uypnuLZY-00051-00013082-00013255 points of the land that can later be Hs-uypnuLZY-00052-00013256-00013427 used to deliver proper Hs-uypnuLZY-00053-00013428-00014133 and fertilization to crops Hs-uypnuLZY-00054-00014134-00014644 topic history Hs-uypnuLZY-00055-00014645-00014897 precision agriculture as a key component Hs-uypnuLZY-00056-00014897-00015155 of the third wave of modern agricultural Hs-uypnuLZY-00057-00015156-00015461 revolutions the first agricultural Hs-uypnuLZY-00058-00015462-00015631 revolution was the increase of Hs-uypnuLZY-00059-00015632-00015997 mechanized agriculture from 1900 to 1930 Hs-uypnuLZY-00060-00015997-00016297 each farmer produced enough food to feed Hs-uypnuLZY-00061-00016298-00016649 about 26 people during this time the Hs-uypnuLZY-00062-00016650-00016945 1990s prompted the Green Revolution with Hs-uypnuLZY-00063-00016946-00017095 new methods of genetic modification Hs-uypnuLZY-00064-00017096-00017406 which led to each farmer feeding about Hs-uypnuLZY-00065-00017407-00017839 155 people it is expected that by 2050 Hs-uypnuLZY-00066-00017840-00018064 the global population will reach about Hs-uypnuLZY-00067-00018065-00018278 nine point six billion and food Hs-uypnuLZY-00068-00018279-00018500 production must effectively double from Hs-uypnuLZY-00069-00018501-00018706 current levels in order to feed every Hs-uypnuLZY-00070-00018707-00018928 mouth with new technological Hs-uypnuLZY-00071-00018929-00019127 advancements in the agricultural Hs-uypnuLZY-00072-00019128-00019342 revolution of precision farming each Hs-uypnuLZY-00073-00019343-00019690 farmer will be able to feed 265 people Hs-uypnuLZY-00074-00019691-00020315 on the same acreage Hs-uypnuLZY-00075-00020316-00020824 topic overview Hs-uypnuLZY-00076-00020825-00021028 the first wave of the precision Hs-uypnuLZY-00077-00021029-00021259 agricultural revolution will come in the Hs-uypnuLZY-00078-00021260-00021472 forms of satellite and aerial imagery Hs-uypnuLZY-00079-00021473-00021697 weather prediction variable rate Hs-uypnuLZY-00080-00021698-00021925 fertilizer application and crop health Hs-uypnuLZY-00081-00021926-00022195 indicators the second wave will Hs-uypnuLZY-00082-00022196-00022429 aggregate the Machine data for even more Hs-uypnuLZY-00083-00022430-00022654 precise planting topographical mapping Hs-uypnuLZY-00084-00022655-00022939 and soil data precision agriculture aims Hs-uypnuLZY-00085-00022940-00023182 to optimize field level management with Hs-uypnuLZY-00086-00023183-00023494 regard to crop science by matching Hs-uypnuLZY-00087-00023495-00023758 farming practices more closely to crop Hs-uypnuLZY-00088-00023759-00024178 needs eg fertilizer inputs environmental Hs-uypnuLZY-00089-00024179-00024397 protection by reducing environmental Hs-uypnuLZY-00090-00024398-00024634 risks and footprint of farming eg Hs-uypnuLZY-00091-00024635-00024969 limiting leaching of nitrogen economics Hs-uypnuLZY-00092-00024970-00025183 by boosting competitiveness through more Hs-uypnuLZY-00093-00025184-00025399 efficient practices eg improved Hs-uypnuLZY-00094-00025400-00025639 management of fertilizer usage and other Hs-uypnuLZY-00095-00025639-00025888 inputs precision agriculture also Hs-uypnuLZY-00096-00025889-00026068 provides farmers with a wealth of Hs-uypnuLZY-00097-00026069-00026374 information to build up a record of Hs-uypnuLZY-00098-00026375-00026730 their farm improve decision making Hs-uypnuLZY-00099-00026731-00027108 foster greater traceability enhanced Hs-uypnuLZY-00100-00027110-00027354 marketing of farm products Hs-uypnuLZY-00101-00027355-00027537 improve lease arrangements and Hs-uypnuLZY-00102-00027538-00027867 relationship with landlords enhanced the Hs-uypnuLZY-00103-00027868-00028172 inherent quality of farm products eg Hs-uypnuLZY-00104-00028173-00028827 protein level in bread flour wheat Hs-uypnuLZY-00105-00028829-00029383 topic prescriptive planting Hs-uypnuLZY-00106-00029385-00029594 prescriptive planting is a type of Hs-uypnuLZY-00107-00029595-00029837 farming system that delivers data-driven Hs-uypnuLZY-00108-00029838-00030032 planting advice that can determine Hs-uypnuLZY-00109-00030033-00030272 variable planting rates to accommodate Hs-uypnuLZY-00110-00030273-00030518 varying conditions across a single field Hs-uypnuLZY-00111-00030519-00030842 in order to maximize yield it has been Hs-uypnuLZY-00112-00030843-00031164 described as big data on the farm Hs-uypnuLZY-00113-00031166-00031457 Monsanto DuPont and others are launching Hs-uypnuLZY-00114-00031458-00032146 this technology in the US Hs-uypnuLZY-00115-00032147-00032654 topic tools Hs-uypnuLZY-00116-00032655-00032951 precision agriculture is usually done as Hs-uypnuLZY-00117-00032952-00033212 a four-stage process to observe spatial Hs-uypnuLZY-00118-00033213-00033690 variability Hs-uypnuLZY-00119-00033691-00034214 topic data collection Hs-uypnuLZY-00120-00034215-00034508 gyah locating a field enables the farmer Hs-uypnuLZY-00121-00034509-00034703 to overlay information gathered from Hs-uypnuLZY-00122-00034704-00034991 analysis of soils and residual nitrogen Hs-uypnuLZY-00123-00034992-00035231 and information on previous crops and Hs-uypnuLZY-00124-00035232-00035579 soil resistivity geolocation is done in Hs-uypnuLZY-00125-00035580-00035939 two ways the field is delineated using Hs-uypnuLZY-00126-00035940-00036227 an in vehicle GPS receiver as the farmer Hs-uypnuLZY-00127-00036228-00036536 drives a tractor around the field the Hs-uypnuLZY-00128-00036537-00036740 field is delineated on a base map Hs-uypnuLZY-00129-00036741-00036998 derived from aerial or satellite imagery Hs-uypnuLZY-00130-00036999-00037265 the base images must have the right Hs-uypnuLZY-00131-00037266-00037481 level of resolution and geometric Hs-uypnuLZY-00132-00037482-00037724 quality to ensure that geolocation is Hs-uypnuLZY-00133-00037725-00038332 sufficiently accurate Hs-uypnuLZY-00134-00038333-00038832 topic variables Hs-uypnuLZY-00135-00038833-00039120 intra and Inter field variability may Hs-uypnuLZY-00136-00039121-00039399 result from a number of factors these Hs-uypnuLZY-00137-00039400-00039627 include climatic conditions hail Hs-uypnuLZY-00138-00039628-00040049 droughts rain etc soils texture depth Hs-uypnuLZY-00139-00040050-00040296 nitrogen levels cropping practices Hs-uypnuLZY-00140-00040297-00040589 no-till farming weeds and disease Hs-uypnuLZY-00141-00040590-00040902 permanent indicators chiefly soil Hs-uypnuLZY-00142-00040903-00041136 indicators provide farmers with Hs-uypnuLZY-00143-00041137-00041339 information about the main environmental Hs-uypnuLZY-00144-00041340-00041736 constants point indicators allow them to Hs-uypnuLZY-00145-00041737-00041912 track a crop status ie Hs-uypnuLZY-00146-00041913-00042135 to see whether diseases are developing Hs-uypnuLZY-00147-00042136-00042324 if the crop is suffering from water Hs-uypnuLZY-00148-00042325-00042573 stress nitrogen stress or lodging Hs-uypnuLZY-00149-00042574-00042768 whether it has been damaged by ice and Hs-uypnuLZY-00150-00042769-00043139 so on this information may come from Hs-uypnuLZY-00151-00043140-00043380 weather stations and other sensors soil Hs-uypnuLZY-00152-00043381-00043614 electrical resistivity detection with Hs-uypnuLZY-00153-00043615-00044027 the naked eye satellite imagery etc soil Hs-uypnuLZY-00154-00044028-00044249 resistivity measurements combined with Hs-uypnuLZY-00155-00044250-00044462 soil analysis make it possible to Hs-uypnuLZY-00156-00044463-00044730 measure moisture content soil Hs-uypnuLZY-00157-00044731-00044976 resistivity is also a relatively simple Hs-uypnuLZY-00158-00044977-00045207 and cheap measurement soil apparent Hs-uypnuLZY-00159-00045208-00045483 electrical conductivity eca is another Hs-uypnuLZY-00160-00045484-00045674 chief parameter that can provide a Hs-uypnuLZY-00161-00045675-00045824 measure of the spatial differences Hs-uypnuLZY-00162-00045825-00046089 associated with soil physical and Hs-uypnuLZY-00163-00046090-00046323 chemical properties which for paddy soil Hs-uypnuLZY-00164-00046324-00046551 may be a measure of soil suitability for Hs-uypnuLZY-00165-00046552-00046790 crop growth its water demand and its Hs-uypnuLZY-00166-00046791-00047437 productivity Hs-uypnuLZY-00167-00047438-00047946 topic strategies Hs-uypnuLZY-00168-00047947-00048279 using soil maps farmers can pursue two Hs-uypnuLZY-00169-00048280-00048561 strategies to adjust field inputs Hs-uypnuLZY-00170-00048562-00048852 predictive approach based on analysis of Hs-uypnuLZY-00171-00048853-00049158 static indicators soil resistivity field Hs-uypnuLZY-00172-00049159-00049464 history etc during the crop cycle Hs-uypnuLZY-00173-00049465-00049789 control approach information from static Hs-uypnuLZY-00174-00049790-00050020 indicators as regularly updated during Hs-uypnuLZY-00175-00050021-00050349 the crop cycle by sampling weighing Hs-uypnuLZY-00176-00050350-00050580 biomass measuring leaf chlorophyll Hs-uypnuLZY-00177-00050581-00050937 content weighing fruit etc remote Hs-uypnuLZY-00178-00050938-00051145 sensing measuring parameters like Hs-uypnuLZY-00179-00051146-00051444 temperature air soil humidity air soil Hs-uypnuLZY-00180-00051445-00051741 leaf wind or stem diameter as possible Hs-uypnuLZY-00181-00051742-00052125 thanks to wireless sensor networks proxy Hs-uypnuLZY-00182-00052126-00052350 detection in vehicle sensors measure Hs-uypnuLZY-00183-00052351-00052609 leaf status this requires the farmer to Hs-uypnuLZY-00184-00052610-00052941 drive around the entire field aerial or Hs-uypnuLZY-00185-00052942-00053203 satellite remote sensing multispectral Hs-uypnuLZY-00186-00053204-00053422 imagery is acquired and processed to Hs-uypnuLZY-00187-00053423-00053637 derive maps of crop biophysical Hs-uypnuLZY-00188-00053638-00053850 parameters including indicators of Hs-uypnuLZY-00189-00053851-00054160 disease airborne instruments are able to Hs-uypnuLZY-00190-00054161-00054369 measure the amount of plant cover and to Hs-uypnuLZY-00191-00054370-00054565 distinguish between crops and weeds Hs-uypnuLZY-00192-00054566-00054804 decisions may be based on decision Hs-uypnuLZY-00193-00054805-00055056 support models crop simulation models Hs-uypnuLZY-00194-00055057-00055263 and recommendation models but in the Hs-uypnuLZY-00195-00055264-00055506 final analysis it is up to the farmer to Hs-uypnuLZY-00196-00055507-00055735 decide in terms of business value and Hs-uypnuLZY-00197-00055736-00056025 impacts on the environment it is Hs-uypnuLZY-00198-00056026-00056301 important to realize why PA technology Hs-uypnuLZY-00199-00056302-00056592 as or as not adopted for PA technology Hs-uypnuLZY-00200-00056594-00056800 adoption to occur the farmer has to Hs-uypnuLZY-00201-00056801-00057018 perceive the technology as useful and Hs-uypnuLZY-00202-00057019-00057328 easy to use it might be insufficient to Hs-uypnuLZY-00203-00057329-00057531 have positive outside data on the Hs-uypnuLZY-00204-00057532-00057801 economic benefits of PA technology as Hs-uypnuLZY-00205-00057802-00058015 perceptions of farmers have to reflect Hs-uypnuLZY-00206-00058016-00058695 these economic considerations Hs-uypnuLZY-00207-00058696-00059280 topic implementing practices Hs-uypnuLZY-00208-00059282-00059517 new information and communication Hs-uypnuLZY-00209-00059519-00059857 technologies n ICT make field level crop Hs-uypnuLZY-00210-00059858-00060094 management more operational and easier Hs-uypnuLZY-00211-00060095-00060433 to achieve for farmers application of Hs-uypnuLZY-00212-00060434-00060661 crop management decisions calls for Hs-uypnuLZY-00213-00060662-00060871 agricultural equipment that supports Hs-uypnuLZY-00214-00060872-00061219 variable rate technology VRT for example Hs-uypnuLZY-00215-00061220-00061486 varying seed density along with variable Hs-uypnuLZY-00216-00061487-00061669 rate application VRA Hs-uypnuLZY-00217-00061670-00061933 of nitrogen and phytosanitary products Hs-uypnuLZY-00218-00061934-00062217 precision agriculture uses technology on Hs-uypnuLZY-00219-00062219-00062461 agricultural equipment eg tractors Hs-uypnuLZY-00220-00062462-00062866 sprayers harvesters etc positioning Hs-uypnuLZY-00221-00062866-00063160 system eg GPS receivers that use Hs-uypnuLZY-00222-00063161-00063379 satellite signals to precisely determine Hs-uypnuLZY-00223-00063379-00063717 a position on the globe geographic Hs-uypnuLZY-00224-00063719-00064102 information systems GIS ie software that Hs-uypnuLZY-00225-00064103-00064377 makes sense of all the available data Hs-uypnuLZY-00226-00064378-00064651 variable rate farming equipment cedar Hs-uypnuLZY-00227-00064652-00065237 spreader Hs-uypnuLZY-00228-00065238-00065833 topic usage around the world Hs-uypnuLZY-00229-00065834-00066064 the concept of precision agriculture Hs-uypnuLZY-00230-00066065-00066319 first emerged in the United States in Hs-uypnuLZY-00231-00066320-00066772 the early 1980s in 1985 researchers at Hs-uypnuLZY-00232-00066773-00067006 the University of Minnesota varied lime Hs-uypnuLZY-00233-00067007-00067339 inputs in crop fields it was also at Hs-uypnuLZY-00234-00067340-00067519 this time that the practice of grid Hs-uypnuLZY-00235-00067520-00067756 sampling appeared applying a fixed grid Hs-uypnuLZY-00236-00067757-00068065 of one sample per hectare towards the Hs-uypnuLZY-00237-00068066-00068314 end of the 1980s this technique was used Hs-uypnuLZY-00238-00068315-00068581 to derive the first input recommendation Hs-uypnuLZY-00239-00068582-00068856 maps for fertilizers and pH Corrections Hs-uypnuLZY-00240-00068857-00069166 the use of yield sensors developed from Hs-uypnuLZY-00241-00069167-00069367 new technologies combined with the Hs-uypnuLZY-00242-00069368-00069643 advent of GPS receivers has been gaining Hs-uypnuLZY-00243-00069644-00069970 ground ever since today such systems Hs-uypnuLZY-00244-00069971-00070332 cover several million hectares in the Hs-uypnuLZY-00245-00070333-00070624 American Midwest u.s. it is associated Hs-uypnuLZY-00246-00070625-00070851 not with sustainable agriculture but Hs-uypnuLZY-00247-00070852-00071050 with mainstream farmers who are trying Hs-uypnuLZY-00248-00071051-00071269 to maximize profits by spending money Hs-uypnuLZY-00249-00071270-00071538 only in areas that require fertilizer Hs-uypnuLZY-00250-00071539-00071836 this practice allows the farmer to vary Hs-uypnuLZY-00251-00071837-00072064 the rate of fertilizer across the field Hs-uypnuLZY-00252-00072065-00072343 according to the need identified by GPS Hs-uypnuLZY-00253-00072344-00072679 guided grid or zone sampling fertilizer Hs-uypnuLZY-00254-00072680-00072871 that would have been spread in areas Hs-uypnuLZY-00255-00072872-00073063 that don't need it can be placed in Hs-uypnuLZY-00256-00073064-00073398 areas that do thereby optimizing its use Hs-uypnuLZY-00257-00073399-00073675 around the world precision agriculture Hs-uypnuLZY-00258-00073676-00073966 developed at a varying pace precursor Hs-uypnuLZY-00259-00073967-00074191 nations were the United States Canada Hs-uypnuLZY-00260-00074192-00074443 and Australia in Europe the United Hs-uypnuLZY-00261-00074444-00074668 Kingdom was the first to go down this Hs-uypnuLZY-00262-00074669-00074941 path followed closely by France where it Hs-uypnuLZY-00263-00074942-00075388 first appeared in 1997 1998 in Latin Hs-uypnuLZY-00264-00075389-00075628 America the leading country as Argentina Hs-uypnuLZY-00265-00075629-00075817 where it was introduced in the middle Hs-uypnuLZY-00266-00075818-00076072 1990s with the support of the National Hs-uypnuLZY-00267-00076073-00076414 Agricultural Technology Institute Brazil Hs-uypnuLZY-00268-00076415-00076615 established a state-owned enterprise Hs-uypnuLZY-00269-00076616-00076834 Embrapa to research and develop Hs-uypnuLZY-00270-00076835-00077149 sustainable agriculture the development Hs-uypnuLZY-00271-00077150-00077398 of GPS and variable rate spreading Hs-uypnuLZY-00272-00077399-00077599 techniques helped to anchor precision Hs-uypnuLZY-00273-00077600-00077929 farming management practices today less Hs-uypnuLZY-00274-00077930-00078166 than 10 percent of Frances farmers are Hs-uypnuLZY-00275-00078167-00078405 equipped with variable rate systems Hs-uypnuLZY-00276-00078406-00078742 uptake of GPS as more widespread but Hs-uypnuLZY-00277-00078743-00078961 this hasn't stopped them using precision Hs-uypnuLZY-00278-00078962-00079207 agriculture services which supplies Hs-uypnuLZY-00279-00079208-00079372 field level recommendation maps Hs-uypnuLZY-00280-00079373-00079633 one-third of the global population still Hs-uypnuLZY-00281-00079634-00079852 relies on agriculture for a living Hs-uypnuLZY-00282-00079853-00080116 although more advanced precision farming Hs-uypnuLZY-00283-00080117-00080353 technologies require large upfront Hs-uypnuLZY-00284-00080354-00080529 investments farmers in developing Hs-uypnuLZY-00285-00080530-00080767 countries are benefiting from mobile Hs-uypnuLZY-00286-00080768-00081091 technology this service assists farmers Hs-uypnuLZY-00287-00081092-00081292 with mobile payments and receipts to Hs-uypnuLZY-00288-00081293-00081619 improve efficiencies for example thirty Hs-uypnuLZY-00289-00081620-00081871 thousand farmers in Tanzania used mobile Hs-uypnuLZY-00290-00081872-00082165 phones for contracts payments loans and Hs-uypnuLZY-00291-00082166-00082417 business organization the economic and Hs-uypnuLZY-00292-00082418-00082621 environmental benefits of precision Hs-uypnuLZY-00293-00082622-00082852 agriculture have also been confirmed in Hs-uypnuLZY-00294-00082853-00083044 China but China is lagging behind Hs-uypnuLZY-00295-00083045-00083263 countries such as Europe and the United Hs-uypnuLZY-00296-00083264-00083469 States because the Chinese agricultural Hs-uypnuLZY-00297-00083470-00083767 system is characterized by small-scale Hs-uypnuLZY-00298-00083768-00083983 family-run farms which makes the Hs-uypnuLZY-00299-00083984-00084181 adoption rate of precision agriculture Hs-uypnuLZY-00300-00084182-00084451 lower than other countries therefore Hs-uypnuLZY-00301-00084452-00084697 China is trying to better introduce Hs-uypnuLZY-00302-00084698-00084943 precision agriculture technology into Hs-uypnuLZY-00303-00084944-00085162 its own country and reduce some risks Hs-uypnuLZY-00304-00085163-00085414 paving the way for China's technology to Hs-uypnuLZY-00305-00085415-00085618 develop precision agriculture in the Hs-uypnuLZY-00306-00085619-00086173 future Hs-uypnuLZY-00307-00086174-00086895 topic economic and environmental impacts Hs-uypnuLZY-00308-00086896-00087132 precision agriculture as the name Hs-uypnuLZY-00309-00087133-00087413 implies means application of precise and Hs-uypnuLZY-00310-00087414-00087603 correct amount of inputs like water Hs-uypnuLZY-00311-00087604-00087921 fertilizer pesticides etc at the correct Hs-uypnuLZY-00312-00087922-00088116 time to the crop for increasing its Hs-uypnuLZY-00313-00088117-00088394 productivity and maximizing its yields Hs-uypnuLZY-00314-00088395-00088632 precision agriculture management Hs-uypnuLZY-00315-00088633-00088863 practices can significantly reduce the Hs-uypnuLZY-00316-00088864-00089103 amount of nutrient and other crop inputs Hs-uypnuLZY-00317-00089104-00089421 used while boosting yields farmers thus Hs-uypnuLZY-00318-00089422-00089637 obtain a return on their investment by Hs-uypnuLZY-00319-00089638-00089904 saving on water pesticide and fertilizer Hs-uypnuLZY-00320-00089905-00090309 costs the second larger scale benefit of Hs-uypnuLZY-00321-00090310-00090551 targeting inputs concerns environmental Hs-uypnuLZY-00322-00090552-00090834 impacts applying the right amount of Hs-uypnuLZY-00323-00090835-00091035 chemicals in the right place and at the Hs-uypnuLZY-00324-00091036-00091287 right time benefits crops soils and Hs-uypnuLZY-00325-00091288-00091509 groundwater and thus the entire crop Hs-uypnuLZY-00326-00091510-00091838 cycle consequently precision agriculture Hs-uypnuLZY-00327-00091839-00092091 has become a cornerstone of sustainable Hs-uypnuLZY-00328-00092092-00092316 agriculture since it respects crops Hs-uypnuLZY-00329-00092317-00092625 soils and farmers sustainable Hs-uypnuLZY-00330-00092626-00092871 agriculture seeks to assure a continued Hs-uypnuLZY-00331-00092872-00093101 supply of food within the ecological Hs-uypnuLZY-00332-00093102-00093366 economic and social limits required to Hs-uypnuLZY-00333-00093367-00093674 sustain production in the long term a Hs-uypnuLZY-00334-00093675-00093903 2013 article tried to show that Hs-uypnuLZY-00335-00093904-00094131 precision agriculture can help farmers Hs-uypnuLZY-00336-00094132-00094322 in developing countries like India Hs-uypnuLZY-00337-00094323-00094575 precision agriculture reduces the Hs-uypnuLZY-00338-00094576-00094746 pressure on agriculture for the Hs-uypnuLZY-00339-00094747-00094944 environment by increasing the efficiency Hs-uypnuLZY-00340-00094945-00095255 of machinery and putting it into use for Hs-uypnuLZY-00341-00095256-00095505 example the use of remote management Hs-uypnuLZY-00342-00095506-00095814 devices such as GPS reduces fuel Hs-uypnuLZY-00343-00095815-00096015 consumption for agriculture while Hs-uypnuLZY-00344-00096016-00096255 variable rate application of nutrients Hs-uypnuLZY-00345-00096256-00096498 or pesticides can potentially reduce the Hs-uypnuLZY-00346-00096499-00096765 use of these inputs thereby saving costs Hs-uypnuLZY-00347-00096766-00096963 and reducing harmful runoff into the Hs-uypnuLZY-00348-00096964-00097544 waterways Hs-uypnuLZY-00349-00097545-00098153 topic emerging technologies Hs-uypnuLZY-00350-00098154-00098438 precision agriculture as an application Hs-uypnuLZY-00351-00098439-00098606 of breakthrough Digital farming Hs-uypnuLZY-00352-00098607-00098957 technologies over 4.6 billion dollars Hs-uypnuLZY-00353-00098958-00099185 has been invested in agriculture tech Hs-uypnuLZY-00354-00099186-00099932 companies sometimes called AG tech Hs-uypnuLZY-00355-00099933-00100279 topic robots Hs-uypnuLZY-00356-00100280-00100440 you Hs-uypnuLZY-00357-00100441-00100708 self-steering tractors have existed for Hs-uypnuLZY-00358-00100709-00100942 some time now as John Deere equipment Hs-uypnuLZY-00359-00100943-00101230 works like a plane on autopilot the Hs-uypnuLZY-00360-00101231-00101428 tractor does most of the work with the Hs-uypnuLZY-00361-00101429-00101694 farmers stepping in for emergencies Hs-uypnuLZY-00362-00101695-00101902 technology is advancing towards Hs-uypnuLZY-00363-00101903-00102202 driverless machinery programmed by GPS Hs-uypnuLZY-00364-00102203-00102507 to spread fertilizer or plow land other Hs-uypnuLZY-00365-00102508-00102721 innovations include a solar-powered Hs-uypnuLZY-00366-00102722-00102973 machine that identifies weeds and Hs-uypnuLZY-00367-00102974-00103168 precisely kills them with a dose of Hs-uypnuLZY-00368-00103169-00103513 herbicide or lasers agricultural robots Hs-uypnuLZY-00369-00103514-00103816 also known as AG BOTS already exist but Hs-uypnuLZY-00370-00103817-00104014 advanced harvesting robots are being Hs-uypnuLZY-00371-00104015-00104283 developed to identify ripe fruits adjust Hs-uypnuLZY-00372-00104284-00104494 to their shape and size and carefully Hs-uypnuLZY-00373-00104495-00105108 pluck them from branches Hs-uypnuLZY-00374-00105109-00105723 topic drones and satellite imagery Hs-uypnuLZY-00375-00105724-00105952 advances in drone and satellite Hs-uypnuLZY-00376-00105953-00106174 technology benefits precision farming Hs-uypnuLZY-00377-00106175-00106441 because drones take high quality images Hs-uypnuLZY-00378-00106442-00106624 while satellites capture the bigger Hs-uypnuLZY-00379-00106625-00106931 picture light aircraft pilots can Hs-uypnuLZY-00380-00106932-00107144 combine aerial photography with data Hs-uypnuLZY-00381-00107145-00107372 from satellite records to predict future Hs-uypnuLZY-00382-00107373-00107584 yields based on the current level of Hs-uypnuLZY-00383-00107585-00107914 field biomass aggregated images can Hs-uypnuLZY-00384-00107915-00108151 create contour maps to track where water Hs-uypnuLZY-00385-00108152-00108403 flows determine variable rate seating Hs-uypnuLZY-00386-00108404-00108649 and create yield maps of areas that were Hs-uypnuLZY-00387-00108650-00109270 more or less productive Hs-uypnuLZY-00388-00109271-00109833 topic the Internet of Things Hs-uypnuLZY-00389-00109834-00110083 the internet of things as the network of Hs-uypnuLZY-00390-00110083-00110259 physical objects outfitted with Hs-uypnuLZY-00391-00110260-00110506 electronics that enable data collection Hs-uypnuLZY-00392-00110507-00110872 and aggregation IOT comes into play with Hs-uypnuLZY-00393-00110873-00111063 the development of sensors and farm Hs-uypnuLZY-00394-00111064-00111399 management software for example farmers Hs-uypnuLZY-00395-00111400-00111633 can spectroscopically measure nitrogen Hs-uypnuLZY-00396-00111634-00111864 phosphorus and potassium and liquid Hs-uypnuLZY-00397-00111865-00112125 manure which is notoriously inconsistent Hs-uypnuLZY-00398-00112126-00112396 they can then scan the ground to see Hs-uypnuLZY-00399-00112397-00112621 where cows have already urinated and Hs-uypnuLZY-00400-00112622-00112843 apply fertilizer to only the spots that Hs-uypnuLZY-00401-00112844-00112908 need it Hs-uypnuLZY-00402-00112909-00113286 this cuts fertilizer use by up to 30% Hs-uypnuLZY-00403-00113287-00113550 moisture sensors in the soil determine Hs-uypnuLZY-00404-00113551-00113786 the best times to remotely water plants Hs-uypnuLZY-00405-00113787-00114102 the irrigation systems can be programmed Hs-uypnuLZY-00406-00114103-00114327 to switch which side of tree trunk they Hs-uypnuLZY-00407-00114328-00114528 water based on the plants need and Hs-uypnuLZY-00408-00114529-00114750 rainfall innovations are not just Hs-uypnuLZY-00409-00114751-00115014 limited to plants they can be used for Hs-uypnuLZY-00410-00115015-00115299 the welfare of animals cattle can be Hs-uypnuLZY-00411-00115300-00115527 outfitted with internal sensors to keep Hs-uypnuLZY-00412-00115528-00115758 track of stomach acidity and digestive Hs-uypnuLZY-00413-00115759-00116103 problems external sensors track movement Hs-uypnuLZY-00414-00116104-00116308 patterns to determine the cows health Hs-uypnuLZY-00415-00116308-00116553 and fitness sense physical injuries and Hs-uypnuLZY-00416-00116554-00116784 identify the optimal times for breeding Hs-uypnuLZY-00417-00116785-00117066 all this data from sensors can be Hs-uypnuLZY-00418-00117067-00117327 aggregated and analyzed to detect trends Hs-uypnuLZY-00419-00117328-00117599 and patterns as another example Hs-uypnuLZY-00420-00117600-00117864 monitoring technology can be used to Hs-uypnuLZY-00421-00117865-00118156 make beekeeping more efficient honeybees Hs-uypnuLZY-00422-00118157-00118396 are of significant economic value and Hs-uypnuLZY-00423-00118397-00118626 provide a vital service to agriculture Hs-uypnuLZY-00424-00118627-00118896 by pollinating a variety of crops Hs-uypnuLZY-00425-00118897-00119146 monitoring of a honeybee colonies health Hs-uypnuLZY-00426-00119147-00119403 via wireless temperature humidity and Hs-uypnuLZY-00427-00119404-00119644 co2 sensors helps to improve the Hs-uypnuLZY-00428-00119645-00119883 productivity of bees and to read early Hs-uypnuLZY-00429-00119884-00120070 warnings in the data that might threaten Hs-uypnuLZY-00430-00120071-00120785 the very survival of an entire hive Hs-uypnuLZY-00431-00120786-00121397 topic smartphone applications Hs-uypnuLZY-00432-00121398-00121661 smartphone and tablet applications are Hs-uypnuLZY-00433-00121662-00121838 becoming increasingly popular in Hs-uypnuLZY-00434-00121839-00122148 precision agriculture smartphones come Hs-uypnuLZY-00435-00122149-00122375 with many useful applications already Hs-uypnuLZY-00436-00122376-00122558 installed including the camera Hs-uypnuLZY-00437-00122559-00122966 microphone GPS and accelerometer there Hs-uypnuLZY-00438-00122967-00123227 are also applications may dedicate it to Hs-uypnuLZY-00439-00123228-00123468 various agriculture applications such as Hs-uypnuLZY-00440-00123469-00123747 field mapping tracking animals obtaining Hs-uypnuLZY-00441-00123748-00123961 weather and crop information and more Hs-uypnuLZY-00442-00123962-00124262 they are easily portable affordable and Hs-uypnuLZY-00443-00124263-00124916 have a high computing power Hs-uypnuLZY-00444-00124917-00125443 topic machine-learning Hs-uypnuLZY-00445-00125444-00125701 machine learning is commonly used in Hs-uypnuLZY-00446-00125702-00125932 conjunction with drones robots and Hs-uypnuLZY-00447-00125933-00126258 Internet of Things devices it allows for Hs-uypnuLZY-00448-00126259-00126435 the input of data from each of these Hs-uypnuLZY-00449-00126436-00126772 sources the computer then processes this Hs-uypnuLZY-00450-00126773-00126984 information and sends the appropriate Hs-uypnuLZY-00451-00126985-00127264 actions back to these devices this Hs-uypnuLZY-00452-00127265-00127507 allows for robots to deliver the perfect Hs-uypnuLZY-00453-00127508-00127795 amount of fertilizer or for IOT devices Hs-uypnuLZY-00454-00127796-00128032 to provide the perfect quantity of water Hs-uypnuLZY-00455-00128033-00128326 directly to the soil the future of Hs-uypnuLZY-00456-00128327-00128554 agriculture moves more toward a machine Hs-uypnuLZY-00457-00128555-00128821 learning architecture every year it has Hs-uypnuLZY-00458-00128822-00129049 allowed for more efficient and precise Hs-uypnuLZY-00459-00129050-00129769 farming with less human manpower Hs-uypnuLZY-00460-00129770-00130309 topic conferences Hs-uypnuLZY-00461-00130310-00130688 in folk conference European conference Hs-uypnuLZY-00462-00130689-00130958 on precision agriculture ECPA Hs-uypnuLZY-00463-00130958-00131297 biennial international conference on Hs-uypnuLZY-00464-00131298-00132013 precision agriculture ICP a biennial Hs-uypnuLZY-00465-00132014-00132561 topic see also Hs-uypnuLZY-00466-00132562-00132999 agricultural drones geostatistics Hs-uypnuLZY-00467-00133000-00133336 integrated farming integrated pest Hs-uypnuLZY-00468-00133337-00133786 management Landsat program nutrient Hs-uypnuLZY-00469-00133787-00133908 budgeting Hs-uypnuLZY-00470-00133909-00134123 nutrient management Hs-uypnuLZY-00471-00134124-00134533 phyto biome precision beekeeping Hs-uypnuLZY-00472-00134534-00134903 precision livestock farming precision Hs-uypnuLZY-00473-00134904-00135289 viticulture satellite crop monitoring Hs-uypnuLZY-00474-00135290-00136159 spot satellites variable rate technology Hs-uypnuLZY-00475-00136160-00136833 topic notes Hs-uypnuLZY-00476-00136834-00137026 you Hs-uypnuLZY-00477-00137027-00137592 topic external links Hs-uypnuLZY-00478-00137593-00137865 media related to precision farming at Hs-uypnuLZY-00479-00137866-00138200 wikimedia commons precision agriculture Hs-uypnuLZY-00480-00138201-00138501 IBM Hzf4yQL7XqI-00000-00000448-00000607 hi dave jack here superintendent of Hzf4yQL7XqI-00001-00000608-00000743 walker county schools with another Hzf4yQL7XqI-00002-00000744-00000839 edition of Hzf4yQL7XqI-00003-00000840-00001070 uh three great things um i wanted to Hzf4yQL7XqI-00004-00001071-00001191 highlight some uh Hzf4yQL7XqI-00005-00001192-00001431 really interesting things quickly that Hzf4yQL7XqI-00006-00001432-00001519 um Hzf4yQL7XqI-00007-00001520-00001687 sort of the unconventional approach to Hzf4yQL7XqI-00008-00001688-00001830 three great things Hzf4yQL7XqI-00009-00001832-00002039 based on our current situation but first Hzf4yQL7XqI-00010-00002039-00002167 i want to mention thing i want to Hzf4yQL7XqI-00011-00002168-00002263 mention is Hzf4yQL7XqI-00012-00002264-00002526 our communication scorecard and our Hzf4yQL7XqI-00013-00002527-00002695 communication scorecard is something our Hzf4yQL7XqI-00014-00002696-00002799 pio Hzf4yQL7XqI-00015-00002800-00003142 uh puts together and it sort of outlines Hzf4yQL7XqI-00016-00003143-00003166 and Hzf4yQL7XqI-00017-00003167-00003486 and shares data relative to uh Hzf4yQL7XqI-00018-00003488-00003654 how we're communicating and how those Hzf4yQL7XqI-00019-00003655-00003838 different communication outlets Hzf4yQL7XqI-00020-00003839-00004127 are reaching people and to what extent Hzf4yQL7XqI-00021-00004128-00004167 uh Hzf4yQL7XqI-00022-00004168-00004479 for example during the month of august Hzf4yQL7XqI-00023-00004480-00004695 we had two newsletters that went out Hzf4yQL7XqI-00024-00004696-00004854 during the month of august Hzf4yQL7XqI-00025-00004855-00005279 and those two newsletters reached 31 467 Hzf4yQL7XqI-00026-00005280-00005599 people or families and Hzf4yQL7XqI-00027-00005600-00005886 but the total number of views on august Hzf4yQL7XqI-00028-00005887-00005959 25th Hzf4yQL7XqI-00029-00005960-00006318 alone was 17 503. Hzf4yQL7XqI-00030-00006319-00006598 that's remarkable and and granted we're Hzf4yQL7XqI-00031-00006600-00006710 in a different time and Hzf4yQL7XqI-00032-00006711-00006846 and folks are really eager to get Hzf4yQL7XqI-00033-00006847-00007046 information but uh Hzf4yQL7XqI-00034-00007047-00007255 it just shows it's a good newsletter and Hzf4yQL7XqI-00035-00007256-00007478 it contains lots of good information Hzf4yQL7XqI-00036-00007479-00007639 and it's reaching a lot of people but i Hzf4yQL7XqI-00037-00007640-00007798 also wanted to mention two other things Hzf4yQL7XqI-00038-00007800-00007887 one Hzf4yQL7XqI-00039-00007888-00008134 our podcast so we've we did our 30th Hzf4yQL7XqI-00040-00008136-00008310 podcast in august Hzf4yQL7XqI-00041-00008311-00008510 and it was uh teachers discussing Hzf4yQL7XqI-00042-00008511-00008639 virtual learning Hzf4yQL7XqI-00043-00008640-00008959 and there were 581 downloads of that Hzf4yQL7XqI-00044-00008960-00009167 podcast which smashed Hzf4yQL7XqI-00045-00009168-00009535 our previous record and um Hzf4yQL7XqI-00046-00009536-00009814 that's that's very exciting because the Hzf4yQL7XqI-00047-00009815-00009910 podcasts are Hzf4yQL7XqI-00048-00009911-00010199 really they're honed and they're they're Hzf4yQL7XqI-00049-00010200-00010271 uh Hzf4yQL7XqI-00050-00010272-00010574 scheduled and designed to um Hzf4yQL7XqI-00051-00010575-00010767 tackle subjects and provide information Hzf4yQL7XqI-00052-00010768-00010959 that are are timely Hzf4yQL7XqI-00053-00010960-00011199 and are are really necessary at the Hzf4yQL7XqI-00054-00011200-00011287 moment Hzf4yQL7XqI-00055-00011288-00011542 and and 581 downloads is really really Hzf4yQL7XqI-00056-00011543-00011599 great Hzf4yQL7XqI-00057-00011600-00011742 and the third thing i wanted to mention Hzf4yQL7XqI-00058-00011743-00012023 is just the reach in august Hzf4yQL7XqI-00059-00012024-00012231 from social media in general facebook Hzf4yQL7XqI-00060-00012232-00012399 twitter instagram Hzf4yQL7XqI-00061-00012400-00012703 and youtube and and the reach was for Hzf4yQL7XqI-00062-00012704-00012935 facebook 14706 Hzf4yQL7XqI-00063-00012936-00013255 twitter 9004 427. Hzf4yQL7XqI-00064-00013256-00013743 um instagram impressions was 1617 Hzf4yQL7XqI-00065-00013744-00013975 and uh the video that we produced on Hzf4yQL7XqI-00066-00013976-00014151 synchronous versus asynchronous virtual Hzf4yQL7XqI-00067-00014152-00014230 learning Hzf4yQL7XqI-00068-00014231-00014535 had 2321 views so Hzf4yQL7XqI-00069-00014536-00014879 um kudos to our Hzf4yQL7XqI-00070-00014880-00015103 public information office staff which is Hzf4yQL7XqI-00071-00015104-00015311 a person of staff of one Hzf4yQL7XqI-00072-00015312-00015471 of putting this together it's really Hzf4yQL7XqI-00073-00015472-00015671 great also Hzf4yQL7XqI-00074-00015672-00015822 i wanted to talk a little bit and just Hzf4yQL7XqI-00075-00015823-00015999 quickly about fresh and i wanted to Hzf4yQL7XqI-00076-00016000-00016175 point out one thing so fresh Hzf4yQL7XqI-00077-00016176-00016319 you're probably familiar with the fresh Hzf4yQL7XqI-00078-00016319-00016519 program by now vodka reaches for Hzf4yQL7XqI-00079-00016520-00016743 excellence in school health Hzf4yQL7XqI-00080-00016744-00016935 and they produced this pamphlet recently Hzf4yQL7XqI-00081-00016936-00017111 shared it with me and i was thinking to Hzf4yQL7XqI-00082-00017112-00017239 myself what a tough Hzf4yQL7XqI-00083-00017240-00017439 tough tough year for fresh i mean one of Hzf4yQL7XqI-00084-00017440-00017671 fresher's goals is to get into schools Hzf4yQL7XqI-00085-00017672-00017871 during instructional time and you know Hzf4yQL7XqI-00086-00017872-00018247 teach kids and teach teachers how to Hzf4yQL7XqI-00087-00018248-00018583 put activity and exercise into Hzf4yQL7XqI-00088-00018584-00018871 uh lessons and how to uh teach kids to Hzf4yQL7XqI-00089-00018872-00018983 eat better and Hzf4yQL7XqI-00090-00018984-00019311 and and and share uh train a Hzf4yQL7XqI-00091-00019312-00019543 cafeteria staff to produce healthier Hzf4yQL7XqI-00092-00019544-00019671 food etc etc Hzf4yQL7XqI-00093-00019672-00019871 and those things are still those Hzf4yQL7XqI-00094-00019872-00020103 trainings etc are still taking place Hzf4yQL7XqI-00095-00020104-00020286 but i wanted to point out one thing that Hzf4yQL7XqI-00096-00020287-00020447 really got my attention Hzf4yQL7XqI-00097-00020448-00020903 it says um there were 225 volunteers Hzf4yQL7XqI-00098-00020904-00021327 who donated 5 314 hours of their time Hzf4yQL7XqI-00099-00021328-00021622 in the coordination and distribution of Hzf4yQL7XqI-00100-00021623-00021714 drum roll Hzf4yQL7XqI-00101-00021715-00022158 253 641 meals to our families Hzf4yQL7XqI-00102-00022159-00022455 and a heartfelt thank you to the fresh Hzf4yQL7XqI-00103-00022456-00022503 staff Hzf4yQL7XqI-00104-00022504-00022750 and the volunteers that have helped out Hzf4yQL7XqI-00105-00022751-00022871 and are Hzf4yQL7XqI-00106-00022872-00023183 our cafeteria nutrition workers dave Hzf4yQL7XqI-00107-00023184-00023239 graham Hzf4yQL7XqI-00108-00023240-00023503 april plummer no missing some folks but Hzf4yQL7XqI-00109-00023504-00023655 all those folks who Hzf4yQL7XqI-00110-00023656-00023814 coordinated and worked so hard to get Hzf4yQL7XqI-00111-00023815-00024030 meals to our families and Hzf4yQL7XqI-00112-00024031-00024342 um 250 000 meals is really Hzf4yQL7XqI-00113-00024343-00024599 really remarkable and i'm not even sure Hzf4yQL7XqI-00114-00024600-00024807 that includes the gram and go meals that Hzf4yQL7XqI-00115-00024808-00024983 we provide to the school system but Hzf4yQL7XqI-00116-00024984-00025078 that's Hzf4yQL7XqI-00117-00025079-00025350 that's the fresh meals only so thank you Hzf4yQL7XqI-00118-00025351-00025407 very much Hzf4yQL7XqI-00119-00025408-00025646 for that and what an awesome resource Hzf4yQL7XqI-00120-00025647-00025806 for our families Hzf4yQL7XqI-00121-00025807-00025967 and last but not least maybe that one of Hzf4yQL7XqI-00122-00025968-00026199 the more creative things um Hzf4yQL7XqI-00123-00026200-00026343 i received some correspondence from Hzf4yQL7XqI-00124-00026344-00026735 teachers about these handy-dandy um Hzf4yQL7XqI-00125-00026736-00027039 uh laptop cameras Hzf4yQL7XqI-00126-00027039-00027270 uh to be that students can use or Hzf4yQL7XqI-00127-00027272-00027414 teachers can use Hzf4yQL7XqI-00128-00027416-00027614 uh that essentially take a picture a Hzf4yQL7XqI-00129-00027616-00027807 snapshot in real time Hzf4yQL7XqI-00130-00027808-00028079 of you know whatever is on a student's Hzf4yQL7XqI-00131-00028080-00028246 laptop or a teacher's laptop Hzf4yQL7XqI-00132-00028247-00028423 kind of a neat little thing and one of Hzf4yQL7XqI-00133-00028424-00028614 our teachers kathleen beachboard said Hzf4yQL7XqI-00134-00028616-00028758 you know i don't buy those Hzf4yQL7XqI-00135-00028760-00029079 i can make those for you with uh our 3d Hzf4yQL7XqI-00136-00029080-00029183 printer Hzf4yQL7XqI-00137-00029183-00029374 and i thought wow that is extremely Hzf4yQL7XqI-00138-00029375-00029518 creative and straight extremely Hzf4yQL7XqI-00139-00029519-00029679 unselfish and generous Hzf4yQL7XqI-00140-00029680-00029879 a miss beach board who was one of our Hzf4yQL7XqI-00141-00029880-00030046 rock star teachers at taylor middle Hzf4yQL7XqI-00142-00030047-00030127 school so Hzf4yQL7XqI-00143-00030127-00030302 she is currently for teachers who want Hzf4yQL7XqI-00144-00030303-00030431 them currently Hzf4yQL7XqI-00145-00030432-00030702 making these uh cameras and i think Hzf4yQL7XqI-00146-00030703-00030839 we'll probably have a picture of one up Hzf4yQL7XqI-00147-00030839-00030887 here Hzf4yQL7XqI-00148-00030888-00031174 while i'm talking hopefully but we can Hzf4yQL7XqI-00149-00031175-00031335 make them for free with 3d printer so Hzf4yQL7XqI-00150-00031336-00031527 it's our 3d printers in action Hzf4yQL7XqI-00151-00031527-00031799 and uh for things that can be used as Hzf4yQL7XqI-00152-00031800-00031943 resources for our kids Hzf4yQL7XqI-00153-00031944-00032158 and our family so some really great Hzf4yQL7XqI-00154-00032160-00032246 stuff going on Hzf4yQL7XqI-00155-00032247-00032558 and again hats off to everyone a tough Hzf4yQL7XqI-00156-00032560-00032646 time Hzf4yQL7XqI-00157-00032647-00032927 and uh but my feeling based on what i've Hzf4yQL7XqI-00158-00032928-00033087 read and what i hear is Hzf4yQL7XqI-00159-00033088-00033223 we're improving every day and the Hzf4yQL7XqI-00160-00033224-00033407 quality of the instructional virtual Hzf4yQL7XqI-00161-00033408-00033567 instruction we're providing Hzf4yQL7XqI-00162-00033568-00033790 so uh thanks to all are involved in that Hzf4yQL7XqI-00163-00033791-00033974 and i hope everyone has a great rest of Hzf4yQL7XqI-00164-00033975-00034087 the week and weekend Hzf4yQL7XqI-00165-00034088-00034816 thank you HBuUDLro8MA-00000-00000038-00000323 understanding jizia and is it a HBuUDLro8MA-00001-00000324-00000665 non-muslim tax HBuUDLro8MA-00002-00000666-00000928 fight those who do not believe in Allah HBuUDLro8MA-00003-00000930-00001169 in the last day nor truly comply with HBuUDLro8MA-00004-00001170-00001349 what Allah and his messenger have HBuUDLro8MA-00005-00001350-00001558 forbidden nor embrace the religion of HBuUDLro8MA-00006-00001559-00001714 truth from among those who were given HBuUDLro8MA-00007-00001716-00001909 the scripture until they pay the tax HBuUDLro8MA-00008-00001910-00002225 willingly submitting fully humbled HBuUDLro8MA-00009-00002226-00002633 Quran chapter 9 verse 29. HBuUDLro8MA-00010-00002634-00002867 there is wisdom and logic behind the HBuUDLro8MA-00011-00002868-00003208 concept of jizya the word jizya is HBuUDLro8MA-00012-00003209-00003431 derived from the word jazza which HBuUDLro8MA-00013-00003432-00003679 translates to mean compensation HBuUDLro8MA-00014-00003679-00003977 was a form of compensation or payment to HBuUDLro8MA-00015-00003978-00004133 the Islamic State for its public HBuUDLro8MA-00016-00004134-00004354 services rendered to non-muslims living HBuUDLro8MA-00017-00004355-00004547 under Islamic rule HBuUDLro8MA-00018-00004548-00004751 all states need funding to run their HBuUDLro8MA-00019-00004752-00004936 organized government which is why all HBuUDLro8MA-00020-00004937-00005165 nations today level taxes against their HBuUDLro8MA-00021-00005166-00005279 citizens HBuUDLro8MA-00022-00005280-00005465 funding goes to support Public Services HBuUDLro8MA-00023-00005466-00005747 like police military protection welfare HBuUDLro8MA-00024-00005748-00005945 services and more to help protect HBuUDLro8MA-00025-00005946-00006233 citizens lives families property and HBuUDLro8MA-00026-00006234-00006484 wealth HBuUDLro8MA-00027-00006486-00006791 in an Islamic State Muslim citizens pay HBuUDLro8MA-00028-00006792-00007001 zakat as their tax HBuUDLro8MA-00029-00007002-00007246 zakat stands as one of the five pillars HBuUDLro8MA-00030-00007247-00007433 of Islam one that goes to help less HBuUDLro8MA-00031-00007434-00007606 fortunate citizens and supports the HBuUDLro8MA-00032-00007608-00007745 welfare system HBuUDLro8MA-00033-00007745-00008027 zakat is obligatory for Muslims so that HBuUDLro8MA-00034-00008028-00008183 a certain amount of their wealth will be HBuUDLro8MA-00035-00008184-00008377 contributed to the welfare of the poor HBuUDLro8MA-00036-00008378-00008677 zakat is a form of worship HBuUDLro8MA-00037-00008678-00008909 non-muslims on the other hand cannot be HBuUDLro8MA-00038-00008910-00009064 forced to engage in religious HBuUDLro8MA-00039-00009065-00009274 obligations such as paying this as a cat HBuUDLro8MA-00040-00009275-00009478 as it is a form of worship and HBuUDLro8MA-00041-00009479-00009664 compulsory payment would infringe on HBuUDLro8MA-00042-00009665-00010027 non-muslims religious rights HBuUDLro8MA-00043-00010028-00010301 non-muslims living under Muslim rule are HBuUDLro8MA-00044-00010302-00010510 free to practice their own religion in HBuUDLro8MA-00045-00010511-00010696 any Muslim land without being forced HBuUDLro8MA-00046-00010697-00010985 into any form of Islamic practice but HBuUDLro8MA-00047-00010986-00011177 since non-muslims also reap the social HBuUDLro8MA-00048-00011178-00011381 benefits of services provided by their HBuUDLro8MA-00049-00011382-00011614 Islamic host state it is only fair that HBuUDLro8MA-00050-00011615-00011819 they pay attacks similar to that paid by HBuUDLro8MA-00051-00011820-00012035 their Muslim neighbors identical to HBuUDLro8MA-00052-00012036-00012323 those taxes paid in all countries today HBuUDLro8MA-00053-00012324-00012527 it would be an act of Injustice toward HBuUDLro8MA-00054-00012528-00012808 Muslims to require them to pay a tax and HBuUDLro8MA-00055-00012809-00013007 not require non-muslims living in the HBuUDLro8MA-00056-00013008-00013349 same land to pay a share too HBuUDLro8MA-00057-00013350-00013547 honoring and upholding treaties with HBuUDLro8MA-00058-00013547-00013769 non-muslims is a solemn obligation for HBuUDLro8MA-00059-00013769-00013919 the Muslim Community HBuUDLro8MA-00060-00013919-00014147 the payment of jesia ensures that the HBuUDLro8MA-00061-00014147-00014363 Islamic State protects and guards HBuUDLro8MA-00062-00014363-00014566 non-muslim citizens against harassment HBuUDLro8MA-00063-00014568-00014788 from external enemies and funds any HBuUDLro8MA-00064-00014790-00014975 Ransom imposed on their behalf if they HBuUDLro8MA-00065-00014976-00015172 are taken as captives by an external HBuUDLro8MA-00066-00015173-00015377 enemy HBuUDLro8MA-00067-00015378-00015653 suppose that the Islamic State fails to HBuUDLro8MA-00068-00015654-00015851 protect or fears they cannot guarantee HBuUDLro8MA-00069-00015852-00016061 security for the non-muslims living in HBuUDLro8MA-00070-00016062-00016288 their land as imposed by an external HBuUDLro8MA-00071-00016290-00016589 enemy in that case they will return the HBuUDLro8MA-00072-00016590-00016853 jesia paid by the non-muslims HBuUDLro8MA-00073-00016854-00017063 this happened when Umar the second HBuUDLro8MA-00074-00017064-00017272 caliph ordered the treasury officer to HBuUDLro8MA-00075-00017273-00017483 refund jizia collected from Syrian HBuUDLro8MA-00076-00017484-00017663 Christians because he feared he could HBuUDLro8MA-00077-00017664-00017836 not protect them from a military attack HBuUDLro8MA-00078-00017837-00018155 by the byzantines HBuUDLro8MA-00079-00018156-00018400 unlike countries today that charge taxes HBuUDLro8MA-00080-00018401-00018730 to all citizens jesia is not paid by all HBuUDLro8MA-00081-00018731-00019007 non-muslim citizens but only by men of HBuUDLro8MA-00082-00019008-00019241 sound mind and of military age who are HBuUDLro8MA-00083-00019242-00019530 healthy and capable of earning a living HBuUDLro8MA-00084-00019531-00019925 children the poor students the blind the HBuUDLro8MA-00085-00019926-00020207 disabled enslaved people monks the HBuUDLro8MA-00086-00020208-00020393 elderly and those who choose to fight in HBuUDLro8MA-00087-00020394-00020567 the military were exempt from paying HBuUDLro8MA-00088-00020568-00020705 this tax HBuUDLro8MA-00089-00020706-00020975 on the other hand zakat is paid for by HBuUDLro8MA-00090-00020976-00021208 Muslim men and women but Muslim men HBuUDLro8MA-00091-00021209-00021400 cannot be exempt from being drafted into HBuUDLro8MA-00092-00021401-00021557 the military HBuUDLro8MA-00093-00021558-00021833 still Vegeta payment exempts non-muslims HBuUDLro8MA-00094-00021834-00022000 from joining the military even though HBuUDLro8MA-00095-00022001-00022193 the state's military benefits Muslims HBuUDLro8MA-00096-00022194-00022427 and non-muslims alike HBuUDLro8MA-00097-00022428-00022661 the jizier paid by non-muslims is HBuUDLro8MA-00098-00022662-00022871 generally less than what Muslims pay for HBuUDLro8MA-00099-00022872-00023099 zakat HBuUDLro8MA-00100-00023100-00023380 the Islamic state is required to provide HBuUDLro8MA-00101-00023381-00023608 Social Security Services to non-muslims HBuUDLro8MA-00102-00023609-00023855 with disabilities who cannot work HBuUDLro8MA-00103-00023856-00024053 there have been many instances where HBuUDLro8MA-00104-00024054-00024208 Muslims provided Social Security HBuUDLro8MA-00105-00024209-00024436 Services to non-muslim Citizens living HBuUDLro8MA-00106-00024437-00024707 in their land HBuUDLro8MA-00107-00024708-00024893 it's important to mention that in an HBuUDLro8MA-00108-00024894-00025150 Islamic State non-muslims can observe HBuUDLro8MA-00109-00025151-00025319 the civil law prescribed by their own HBuUDLro8MA-00110-00025320-00025505 religious scriptures in matters such as HBuUDLro8MA-00111-00025506-00025744 marriage and divorce and others and they HBuUDLro8MA-00112-00025745-00025931 are allowed to practice those acts and HBuUDLro8MA-00113-00025932-00026093 rituals that they consider permissible HBuUDLro8MA-00114-00026094-00026399 such as eating pork and drinking wine HBuUDLro8MA-00115-00026400-00026645 furthermore non-muslims living under HBuUDLro8MA-00116-00026645-00026824 Muslim rule have the right to work HBuUDLro8MA-00117-00026825-00027058 housing education Transportation HBuUDLro8MA-00118-00027060-00027593 religious centers Etc just like Muslims HBuUDLro8MA-00119-00027594-00027839 if a non-muslim resident refuses to pay HBuUDLro8MA-00120-00027839-00028096 the gizia consequences would be imposed HBuUDLro8MA-00121-00028097-00028264 on them similar to the consequences HBuUDLro8MA-00122-00028266-00028493 faced by citizens who don't pay taxes to HBuUDLro8MA-00123-00028494-00028696 their government today they often face HBuUDLro8MA-00124-00028697-00028877 criminal penalties HBuUDLro8MA-00125-00028877-00029111 gesia is not collected in modern Muslim HBuUDLro8MA-00126-00029112-00029320 nation states and hasn't been accrued HBuUDLro8MA-00127-00029322-00029654 since the 19th century HBNhIAj-Fcg-00000-00000016-00000199 all right before we start the speedrun HBNhIAj-Fcg-00001-00000200-00000390 let me give you a rundown of three major HBNhIAj-Fcg-00002-00000391-00000526 things you need to do to get to this HBNhIAj-Fcg-00003-00000527-00000695 point in the game HBNhIAj-Fcg-00004-00000696-00000886 the first and most obvious step is to HBNhIAj-Fcg-00005-00000888-00001039 select wittlamite as the beginning of HBNhIAj-Fcg-00006-00001040-00001270 your playthrough you then need to select HBNhIAj-Fcg-00007-00001271-00001487 the expand appeal to middle class reform HBNhIAj-Fcg-00008-00001488-00001726 option in the alp section lastly and HBNhIAj-Fcg-00009-00001727-00001926 this is a tricky one to pull off but you HBNhIAj-Fcg-00010-00001927-00002126 actually need to take a pro-vietnam HBNhIAj-Fcg-00011-00002127-00002350 stance which should cause an explosion HBNhIAj-Fcg-00012-00002351-00002534 vote against whitlam who with a high HBNhIAj-Fcg-00013-00002535-00002718 enough speech check can cause the vote HBNhIAj-Fcg-00014-00002719-00002855 to fail and the leader should be HBNhIAj-Fcg-00015-00002856-00003126 replaced with cal well to whitlam only HBNhIAj-Fcg-00016-00003127-00003327 30 of australians get this in the HBNhIAj-Fcg-00017-00003328-00003503 government so i think we got pretty HBNhIAj-Fcg-00018-00003504-00003751 lucky this run okay we start the game HBNhIAj-Fcg-00019-00003752-00003927 first thing we gotta do is revolutionize HBNhIAj-Fcg-00020-00003928-00004135 the policy tree if we cram in as many HBNhIAj-Fcg-00021-00004136-00004286 amendments as possible that should make HBNhIAj-Fcg-00022-00004287-00004486 the elite class weariness level higher HBNhIAj-Fcg-00023-00004487-00004638 the first way to do this is to form a HBNhIAj-Fcg-00024-00004639-00004822 dumb vert with this two-person HBNhIAj-Fcg-00025-00004823-00004983 government we shouldn't have a problem HBNhIAj-Fcg-00026-00004984-00005159 taking the first step towards our speed HBNhIAj-Fcg-00027-00005160-00005367 run by establishing relations with the HBNhIAj-Fcg-00028-00005368-00005591 people's republic of china because a HBNhIAj-Fcg-00029-00005592-00005775 hidden feature in this game is that HBNhIAj-Fcg-00030-00005776-00005991 america's move directly correlates with HBNhIAj-Fcg-00031-00005992-00006175 government stability i don't know if HBNhIAj-Fcg-00032-00006176-00006359 this feature is a bug but for this HBNhIAj-Fcg-00033-00006360-00006550 speedrun we're going to try and exploit HBNhIAj-Fcg-00034-00006551-00006759 the hell out of it now the first HBNhIAj-Fcg-00035-00006759-00006927 roadblock you're going to encounter is HBNhIAj-Fcg-00036-00006928-00007127 the blocking of the supply bill but HBNhIAj-Fcg-00037-00007128-00007327 contrary to what most players think from HBNhIAj-Fcg-00038-00007328-00007542 the game trailers this actually has very HBNhIAj-Fcg-00039-00007543-00007767 little effect on gameplay as if you just HBNhIAj-Fcg-00040-00007768-00007959 wait a few weeks a supply bill has to HBNhIAj-Fcg-00041-00007959-00008167 get past now that we have a full HBNhIAj-Fcg-00042-00008168-00008310 government in power we should have the HBNhIAj-Fcg-00043-00008311-00008519 ability to threaten closure of pine gap HBNhIAj-Fcg-00044-00008520-00008703 they should further anger the united HBNhIAj-Fcg-00045-00008704-00008927 states now given the rest of the run is HBNhIAj-Fcg-00046-00008928-00009110 just a waiting game a good way to HBNhIAj-Fcg-00047-00009111-00009287 quickly tell if you've got the dismissal HBNhIAj-Fcg-00048-00009288-00009510 event is if america sends marshall green HBNhIAj-Fcg-00049-00009511-00009719 as the ambassador of australia if you've HBNhIAj-Fcg-00050-00009720-00009887 done everything right then we should get HBNhIAj-Fcg-00051-00009888-00010167 this cutscene and that's time thank you HBNhIAj-Fcg-00052-00010168-00010391 for joining me in this willem speedrun HBNhIAj-Fcg-00053-00010392-00010692 adventure HIBsRghj7dA-00000-00000143-00002825 [Music] HIBsRghj7dA-00001-00002826-00004156 [Music] HIBsRghj7dA-00002-00004157-00004279 [Music] HIBsRghj7dA-00003-00004280-00004631 woody HIBsRghj7dA-00004-00004632-00004931 oh HIBsRghj7dA-00005-00004932-00006092 [Music] HIBsRghj7dA-00006-00006093-00007142 [Music] HIBsRghj7dA-00007-00007143-00008862 [Music] HIBsRghj7dA-00008-00008863-00008991 [Music] HIBsRghj7dA-00009-00008992-00009205 um HIBsRghj7dA-00010-00009206-00010367 [Music] HIBsRghj7dA-00011-00010368-00010577 um HIBsRghj7dA-00012-00010578-00011605 [Music] HIBsRghj7dA-00013-00011606-00012610 [Music] HJ6szuPHnIM-00000-00000109-00001040 [Music] HJ6szuPHnIM-00001-00001041-00001934 [Music] HJ6szuPHnIM-00002-00001935-00002153 foreign HJ6szuPHnIM-00004-00005424-00005474 [Applause] HJ6szuPHnIM-00006-00010552-00010720 so HJ6szuPHnIM-00007-00010721-00011652 [Music] HJ6szuPHnIM-00008-00011653-00012292 [Applause] HJ6szuPHnIM-00010-00016240-00016376 so HJ6szuPHnIM-00011-00016377-00016746 [Music] HJ6szuPHnIM-00012-00016747-00016827 [Applause] HJ6szuPHnIM-00013-00016828-00016933 [Music] HJ6szuPHnIM-00014-00016934-00017018 [Applause] HJ6szuPHnIM-00015-00017019-00017191 [Music] HJ6szuPHnIM-00016-00017192-00017444 [Applause] HJ6szuPHnIM-00017-00017445-00017629 [Music] HJ6szuPHnIM-00018-00017630-00018128 [Applause] HJ6szuPHnIM-00019-00018129-00018230 [Music] HJ6szuPHnIM-00020-00018231-00018447 [Applause] HJ6szuPHnIM-00021-00018448-00019047 [Music] HJ6szuPHnIM-00022-00019048-00019256 you HJO6Kis6iQQ-00000-00000017-00000233 salads are the [__] worst want to HJO6Kis6iQQ-00001-00000234-00000329 know why not because they're not HJO6Kis6iQQ-00002-00000330-00000451 delicious they're [__] delicious HJO6Kis6iQQ-00003-00000452-00000584 they're the most [__] delicious thing HJO6Kis6iQQ-00004-00000585-00000746 on the planet take something cover and HJO6Kis6iQQ-00005-00000747-00000947 sauce that's a salad but you know what HJO6Kis6iQQ-00006-00000948-00001127 they're [__] to eat you got to open HJO6Kis6iQQ-00007-00001128-00001265 your mouth like a [__] [__] and HJO6Kis6iQQ-00008-00001266-00001364 you know what you look like an [__] HJO6Kis6iQQ-00009-00001365-00001487 nobody's gonna tell you you look like an HJO6Kis6iQQ-00010-00001488-00001646 [__] but you do put you much [__] HJO6Kis6iQQ-00011-00001647-00001807 lettuce on the plate the dressing always HJO6Kis6iQQ-00012-00001809-00001976 sucks and there's not enough of it so I HJO6Kis6iQQ-00013-00001977-00002152 fixed it here you go you stick this HJO6Kis6iQQ-00014-00002153-00002315 [__] vegetable [__] syringe in your HJO6Kis6iQQ-00015-00002316-00002762 mouth oh [__] you do it yogurt we're HJO6Kis6iQQ-00016-00002763-00002963 gonna do it vegetables I fixed you done HJO6Kis6iQQ-00017-00002964-00003206 next HMpVcI51JzI-00000-00000000-00002113 [Music] HMpVcI51JzI-00001-00002114-00003861 [Music] HMpVcI51JzI-00002-00003863-00004907 [Music] HMpVcI51JzI-00003-00004908-00006375 [Music] HMpVcI51JzI-00004-00006376-00006847 [Music] HMpVcI51JzI-00005-00006848-00007209 [Applause] HMpVcI51JzI-00006-00007211-00007397 [Music] HMpVcI51JzI-00007-00007398-00007509 [Applause] HMpVcI51JzI-00008-00007511-00007880 [Music] HMpVcI51JzI-00009-00007881-00008147 [Applause] HMpVcI51JzI-00010-00008148-00008290 [Music] HMpVcI51JzI-00011-00008291-00008345 [Applause] HMpVcI51JzI-00013-00012681-00014155 [Music] HMpVcI51JzI-00014-00014156-00016848 [Music] HMpVcI51JzI-00015-00016849-00018667 [Music] HMpVcI51JzI-00016-00018668-00019143 [Music] HMpVcI51JzI-00017-00019144-00019194 you HMpVcI51JzI-00018-00019195-00019469 [Music] HMylxBkcXqy-00000-00000060-00000324 electric race about era is an HMylxBkcXqy-00001-00000325-00000594 all-electric sports car developed by the HMylxBkcXqy-00002-00000595-00000861 Helsinki Metropole II a University of HMylxBkcXqy-00003-00000861-00001239 Applied Sciences era has lithium HMylxBkcXqy-00004-00001240-00001518 titanate batteries for direct drive HMylxBkcXqy-00005-00001519-00001760 electric motors and a carbon-fiber HMylxBkcXqy-00006-00001761-00002183 monocoque chassis with steel subframes HMylxBkcXqy-00007-00002184-00002534 era has an operational range of 200 HMylxBkcXqy-00008-00002535-00002987 kilometers its total weight as 1,700 HMylxBkcXqy-00009-00002988-00003361 kilograms with 550 kilograms battery HMylxBkcXqy-00010-00003363-00003797 pack power output of its engines as 200 HMylxBkcXqy-00011-00003797-00004090 kilowatts with a peak output of 300 HMylxBkcXqy-00012-00004092-00004486 kilowatts 10 seconds engine's nominal HMylxBkcXqy-00013-00004487-00004784 torque is 1,000 Newton meters with a HMylxBkcXqy-00014-00004785-00005272 peak torque of 3200 Newton meters era HMylxBkcXqy-00015-00005273-00005825 has top speed of 200 km/h with 0 to 100 HMylxBkcXqy-00016-00005826-00006306 kilometers acceleration in 6.0 seconds HMylxBkcXqy-00017-00006307-00006706 era was introduced in summer 2009 with a HMylxBkcXqy-00018-00006706-00007044 target to reach a low volume production HMylxBkcXqy-00019-00007045-00007401 era took part in automotive x prize HMylxBkcXqy-00020-00007402-00007671 competition and came in second in its HMylxBkcXqy-00021-00007672-00008101 class era made a new road-legal electric HMylxBkcXqy-00022-00008102-00008349 vehicle lap record in Nurburgring nor HMylxBkcXqy-00023-00008350-00008724 shall 'if in September 2011 in winter HMylxBkcXqy-00024-00008725-00009033 2011-2012 era had its inverters HMylxBkcXqy-00025-00009034-00009324 aerodynamics and power steering upgraded HMylxBkcXqy-00026-00009325-00009580 after improvements eras total motor HMylxBkcXqy-00027-00009581-00009960 power of 282 kilowatts was measured on HMylxBkcXqy-00028-00009961-00010420 dynamometer in March 2012 era topped a HMylxBkcXqy-00029-00010421-00010906 speed of 260 km/h while driven on ice at HMylxBkcXqy-00030-00010907-00011326 Lake Yukon jarv inari with average speed HMylxBkcXqy-00031-00011327-00011910 of 252 km/h era as the fastest EV on ice HMylxBkcXqy-00032-00011911-00012249 era was parked outside in freezing HMylxBkcXqy-00033-00012250-00012496 temperatures before the event proving HMylxBkcXqy-00034-00012497-00012724 that an F can operate in freezing HMylxBkcXqy-00035-00012725-00012971 temperatures HMylxBkcXqy-00036-00012972-00013380 Chinese car manufacturer AET is planning HMylxBkcXqy-00037-00013381-00013647 to produce electric cars based on era HMylxBkcXqy-00038-00013647-00013944 technology HMcAsZeqjoI-00000-00000021-00002255 [Music] HMcAsZeqjoI-00001-00002256-00002730 [Applause] HMcAsZeqjoI-00002-00002731-00005593 [Music] HMcAsZeqjoI-00004-00009634-00010158 you HMcAsZeqjoI-00005-00010159-00012393 [Music] HMcAsZeqjoI-00006-00012394-00012865 [Applause] HMcAsZeqjoI-00007-00012866-00015697 [Music] HMcAsZeqjoI-00009-00019086-00019773 you HMcAsZeqjoI-00010-00019774-00022258 you HMcAsZeqjoI-00012-00035531-00036432 [Music] HMcAsZeqjoI-00013-00036433-00037861 [Music] HMcAsZeqjoI-00014-00037862-00038810 [Music] HMcAsZeqjoI-00015-00038811-00039467 [Music] HMcAsZeqjoI-00016-00039468-00040344 [Music] HMcAsZeqjoI-00017-00040345-00041558 [Music] HMcAsZeqjoI-00019-00045218-00046589 [Music] HMcAsZeqjoI-00020-00046590-00047382 [Music] HMcAsZeqjoI-00021-00047383-00049049 [Music] HMcAsZeqjoI-00022-00049050-00049736 [Music] HMcAsZeqjoI-00023-00049737-00050700 [Music] HMcAsZeqjoI-00024-00050701-00051387 [Music] HMcAsZeqjoI-00025-00051388-00051945 [Music] HMcAsZeqjoI-00026-00051946-00053565 [Music] HMcAsZeqjoI-00027-00053566-00054129 [Music] HMcAsZeqjoI-00028-00054129-00054836 [Applause] HMcAsZeqjoI-00030-00059928-00062162 [Music] HMcAsZeqjoI-00031-00062163-00062635 [Applause] HMcAsZeqjoI-00032-00062636-00065501 [Music] HMcAsZeqjoI-00034-00069724-00070626 [Music] HMcAsZeqjoI-00035-00070627-00072121 [Music] HMcAsZeqjoI-00036-00072122-00073004 [Music] HMcAsZeqjoI-00037-00073005-00073659 [Music] HMcAsZeqjoI-00038-00073660-00074537 [Music] HMcAsZeqjoI-00039-00074538-00075750 [Music] HMcAsZeqjoI-00041-00080779-00081576 [Music] HMcAsZeqjoI-00042-00081577-00083243 [Music] HMcAsZeqjoI-00043-00083244-00083929 [Music] HMcAsZeqjoI-00044-00083930-00084895 [Music] HMcAsZeqjoI-00045-00084896-00085579 [Music] HMcAsZeqjoI-00046-00085580-00086266 [Music] HMcAsZeqjoI-00047-00086267-00087758 [Music] HMcAsZeqjoI-00048-00087759-00088320 [Music] HMcAsZeqjoI-00049-00088321-00089036 [Applause] HMcAsZeqjoI-00050-00089037-00090276 [Music] HMcAsZeqjoI-00051-00090277-00092511 [Music] HMcAsZeqjoI-00052-00092512-00092984 [Applause] HMcAsZeqjoI-00053-00092985-00095849 [Music] HMcAsZeqjoI-00054-00095850-00098797 [Music] HMcAsZeqjoI-00055-00098798-00099267 you HMcAsZeqjoI-00056-00099268-00099888 you HMcAsZeqjoI-00057-00099889-00100095 you HpFqCcXjSpg-00001-00007959-00008151 do HpFqCcXjSpg-00002-00008152-00009214 [Music] HpFqCcXjSpg-00003-00009215-00009488 so HpFqCcXjSpg-00005-00012527-00014079 [Music] HpFqCcXjSpg-00006-00014080-00014287 you HpS9aBwVsyQ-00000-00000079-00000214 good morning HpS9aBwVsyQ-00001-00000215-00000438 it's 1105 am HpS9aBwVsyQ-00002-00000440-00000719 do you know where your home equity is HpS9aBwVsyQ-00003-00000720-00001079 welcome to the velocity of money HpS9aBwVsyQ-00004-00001080-00001303 here now to answer your questions about HpS9aBwVsyQ-00005-00001304-00001535 real estate capital equity funding and HpS9aBwVsyQ-00006-00001536-00001759 finance your host of the velocity of HpS9aBwVsyQ-00007-00001760-00002295 money michael j barnes HpS9aBwVsyQ-00008-00002296-00002479 is so you only lowered the guys interest HpS9aBwVsyQ-00009-00002480-00002639 rate by an eighth of a percent weren't HpS9aBwVsyQ-00010-00002640-00002767 there a whole bunch of closing costs HpS9aBwVsyQ-00011-00002768-00003063 involved with that uh good question no HpS9aBwVsyQ-00012-00003064-00003222 actually there were in this particular HpS9aBwVsyQ-00013-00003223-00003390 case there were no closing costs HpS9aBwVsyQ-00014-00003392-00003559 associated with that with that yeah well HpS9aBwVsyQ-00015-00003560-00003711 then it definitely makes sense to lower HpS9aBwVsyQ-00016-00003711-00003822 your interest rate if it's not going to HpS9aBwVsyQ-00017-00003823-00004015 cost you anything and you can lower your HpS9aBwVsyQ-00018-00004015-00004175 monthly payment by 100 bucks a month HpS9aBwVsyQ-00019-00004176-00004327 that you'd be crazy not to do it his HpS9aBwVsyQ-00020-00004328-00004599 break even was one day one day HpS9aBwVsyQ-00021-00004600-00004895 so in that particular case so HpS9aBwVsyQ-00022-00004896-00005054 and it goes back to this velocity of HpS9aBwVsyQ-00023-00005055-00005318 money concept if you are unsure if it HpS9aBwVsyQ-00024-00005319-00005502 makes sense for you or not HpS9aBwVsyQ-00025-00005503-00005695 it's kind of a no-brainer give the team HpS9aBwVsyQ-00026-00005696-00005863 a velocity call they'll you'll do the HpS9aBwVsyQ-00027-00005864-00006070 analysis for them to to determine if it HpS9aBwVsyQ-00028-00006071-00006231 makes sense or not based on their unique HpS9aBwVsyQ-00029-00006232-00006406 circumstance and then from there it buys HpS9aBwVsyQ-00030-00006408-00006575 them on the appropriate type of law and HpS9aBwVsyQ-00031-00006576-00006687 what they should be doing you know it's HpS9aBwVsyQ-00032-00006688-00006855 funny so so HpS9aBwVsyQ-00033-00006856-00007063 so many people over the years they get HpS9aBwVsyQ-00034-00007064-00007287 hyper focused on the interest rate of HpS9aBwVsyQ-00035-00007288-00007487 the loan HpS9aBwVsyQ-00036-00007488-00007703 interestingly enough i had a recent case HpS9aBwVsyQ-00037-00007704-00007903 with some close HpS9aBwVsyQ-00038-00007904-00007998 clients HpS9aBwVsyQ-00039-00008000-00008183 and their focus wasn't on the interest HpS9aBwVsyQ-00040-00008184-00008391 rate it was on the closing cost the HpS9aBwVsyQ-00041-00008392-00008559 problem is there is a correlation HpS9aBwVsyQ-00042-00008560-00008639 between HpS9aBwVsyQ-00043-00008640-00008814 the cost of the money HpS9aBwVsyQ-00044-00008815-00009023 and and the you know and the rate you HpS9aBwVsyQ-00045-00009024-00009223 have to pay that it's not it's not HpS9aBwVsyQ-00046-00009224-00009406 really free for anyone no cost loans HpS9aBwVsyQ-00047-00009407-00009639 aren't really no cost you're paying a HpS9aBwVsyQ-00048-00009640-00009959 higher rate um to get it so HpS9aBwVsyQ-00049-00009960-00010167 where does it make the most sense for HpS9aBwVsyQ-00050-00010168-00010367 you and your family how long are you HpS9aBwVsyQ-00051-00010368-00010631 going to use this mortgage HpS9aBwVsyQ-00052-00010632-00010887 there's so many factors there's an HpS9aBwVsyQ-00053-00010888-00011031 incredible amount of discovery that HpS9aBwVsyQ-00054-00011032-00011183 needs to be done if you walk into your HpS9aBwVsyQ-00055-00011184-00011295 local HpS9aBwVsyQ-00056-00011296-00011495 institution financial institution not HpS9aBwVsyQ-00057-00011496-00011623 necessarily a bank it could be any HpS9aBwVsyQ-00058-00011624-00011855 number of financial institutions and you HpS9aBwVsyQ-00059-00011856-00012055 say hey what's uh your rate today it's HpS9aBwVsyQ-00060-00012056-00012310 vanilla i mean it's not 31 flavors it's HpS9aBwVsyQ-00061-00012311-00012487 vanilla this is what we have HpS9aBwVsyQ-00062-00012488-00012646 well we have a couple of other options HpS9aBwVsyQ-00063-00012647-00012774 it doesn't that's that's not how it HpS9aBwVsyQ-00064-00012775-00012951 works HpS9aBwVsyQ-00065-00012952-00013230 well one thing i want to say michael was HpS9aBwVsyQ-00066-00013231-00013494 what is it back in 2003 i think is when HpS9aBwVsyQ-00067-00013495-00013703 we saw interest rates that were close to HpS9aBwVsyQ-00068-00013704-00013871 this low not nearly as low as they are HpS9aBwVsyQ-00069-00013872-00014143 now and a lot of people got into the HpS9aBwVsyQ-00070-00014144-00014303 same type of loans that i got into which HpS9aBwVsyQ-00071-00014304-00014486 i got into a three-year adjustable at HpS9aBwVsyQ-00072-00014487-00014727 that time and i'm really kicking myself HpS9aBwVsyQ-00073-00014728-00014903 because i wish i had gotten into the HpS9aBwVsyQ-00074-00014904-00015175 30-year fixed and i would say with HpS9aBwVsyQ-00075-00015176-00015366 anyone especially as low as interest HpS9aBwVsyQ-00076-00015368-00015535 rates have gotten at this point here HpS9aBwVsyQ-00077-00015536-00015750 they definitely have to get into this HpS9aBwVsyQ-00078-00015751-00016007 jump in get themselves into a 30-year HpS9aBwVsyQ-00079-00016008-00016199 fix and just be happy with it forever HpS9aBwVsyQ-00080-00016200-00016375 that's a really good point HpS9aBwVsyQ-00081-00016376-00016630 and um it's it's safe HpS9aBwVsyQ-00082-00016631-00016871 if you have a three-year arm right or a HpS9aBwVsyQ-00083-00016872-00017022 two-year adjustable or a five-year HpS9aBwVsyQ-00084-00017023-00017222 adjustable and you're one two three four HpS9aBwVsyQ-00085-00017223-00017455 years into it you're absolutely right HpS9aBwVsyQ-00086-00017456-00017711 it's the safe way to go uh HpS9aBwVsyQ-00087-00017712-00017847 more than likely the interest rate is HpS9aBwVsyQ-00088-00017848-00018007 going to be lower than what you have on HpS9aBwVsyQ-00089-00018008-00018199 these in in the case of these arms uh HpS9aBwVsyQ-00090-00018200-00018391 adjustable rate mortgages today they do HpS9aBwVsyQ-00091-00018392-00018607 absolutely do not make sense to do one HpS9aBwVsyQ-00092-00018608-00018847 of these today if you have one 30-year HpS9aBwVsyQ-00093-00018848-00019119 fix is the safe bet hey danny if you're HpS9aBwVsyQ-00094-00019120-00019335 wrong and real estate values continue if HpS9aBwVsyQ-00095-00019336-00019486 you and i are wrong and real estate HpS9aBwVsyQ-00096-00019487-00019743 values continue to tumble well you know HpS9aBwVsyQ-00097-00019744-00019919 what you've got a good safe loan and you HpS9aBwVsyQ-00098-00019920-00020135 don't have to worry about it for a long HpS9aBwVsyQ-00099-00020136-00020358 time on the other hand if you live there HpS9aBwVsyQ-00100-00020359-00020503 for you know you want to live there for HpS9aBwVsyQ-00101-00020504-00020678 20 minutes 20 years HpS9aBwVsyQ-00102-00020679-00020839 you don't have to mess with it it's the HpS9aBwVsyQ-00103-00020840-00021039 right thing to do for most people HpS9aBwVsyQ-00104-00021040-00021214 but i think anyone who's out shopping HpS9aBwVsyQ-00105-00021215-00021383 for a home over the weekend here has to HpS9aBwVsyQ-00106-00021384-00021607 keep that in mind that what they're HpS9aBwVsyQ-00107-00021608-00021878 really looking for is not only asking HpS9aBwVsyQ-00108-00021879-00022047 the seller to pay as much as they HpS9aBwVsyQ-00109-00022048-00022303 possibly can for the closing costs but HpS9aBwVsyQ-00110-00022304-00022391 also HpS9aBwVsyQ-00111-00022392-00022583 to well first off get pre-qualified HpS9aBwVsyQ-00112-00022584-00022783 first by calling you at velocity HpS9aBwVsyQ-00113-00022784-00023007 financial for no velocity well let me HpS9aBwVsyQ-00114-00023008-00023183 throw that in is that the number 480 HpS9aBwVsyQ-00115-00023184-00023342 velocity all right thank you HpS9aBwVsyQ-00116-00023343-00023575 but they they want to make sure that HpS9aBwVsyQ-00117-00023576-00023830 they get themselves a 30-year fixed fha HpS9aBwVsyQ-00118-00023831-00023991 is probably the best product out there HpS9aBwVsyQ-00119-00023992-00024222 right now because it is such a low down HpS9aBwVsyQ-00120-00024223-00024399 payment and if you're a first time home HpS9aBwVsyQ-00121-00024400-00024703 buyer and you're making 50 60 000 a year HpS9aBwVsyQ-00122-00024704-00024855 as your family and you go out there and HpS9aBwVsyQ-00123-00024856-00025207 buy that 200 250 000 house and have a HpS9aBwVsyQ-00124-00025208-00025422 place for your family to be in after the HpS9aBwVsyQ-00125-00025423-00025694 first of the year and never have to live HpS9aBwVsyQ-00126-00025695-00025870 another year in an apartment and have HpS9aBwVsyQ-00127-00025872-00026006 christmas in an apartment you can have HpS9aBwVsyQ-00128-00026007-00026183 it in your own home next year absolutely HpS9aBwVsyQ-00129-00026183-00026367 you know that is a really really good HpS9aBwVsyQ-00130-00026368-00026535 point you know we don't want to forget HpS9aBwVsyQ-00131-00026536-00026911 about the 7 500 tax credit that goes HpS9aBwVsyQ-00132-00026912-00027087 along with buying a home if you haven't HpS9aBwVsyQ-00133-00027088-00027231 owned real estate in the last three HpS9aBwVsyQ-00134-00027232-00027414 years the other thing i want to point HpS9aBwVsyQ-00135-00027416-00027646 out as the show gets wrapped up today is HpS9aBwVsyQ-00136-00027647-00027846 the fact that if there's interest rate HpS9aBwVsyQ-00137-00027847-00027983 risk here just like there is in the bond HpS9aBwVsyQ-00138-00027983-00028190 market the interest rate risk is you the HpS9aBwVsyQ-00139-00028191-00028407 buyer not looking at what you can do to HpS9aBwVsyQ-00140-00028408-00028543 increase your velocity of money to HpS9aBwVsyQ-00141-00028544-00028711 increase the efficiency in your existing HpS9aBwVsyQ-00142-00028712-00028902 mortgage or into a new mortgage because HpS9aBwVsyQ-00143-00028904-00029055 money is cheaper today than it's ever HpS9aBwVsyQ-00144-00029056-00029327 been ever been and um we hope it sticks HpS9aBwVsyQ-00145-00029327-00029495 around for a little while we're going to HpS9aBwVsyQ-00146-00029495-00029631 certainly stick around for a little bit HpS9aBwVsyQ-00147-00029632-00029831 a little while we sure appreciate wayne HpS9aBwVsyQ-00148-00029832-00029967 doing a great job on the show today HpS9aBwVsyQ-00149-00029968-00030151 thanks very much brett thank you so much HpS9aBwVsyQ-00150-00030152-00030287 for coming in once again thanks for HpS9aBwVsyQ-00151-00030288-00030470 having me back and danny uh will you HpS9aBwVsyQ-00152-00030472-00030639 guys maybe you guys can come back one HpS9aBwVsyQ-00153-00030639-00030790 more time next week for a christmas eve HpS9aBwVsyQ-00154-00030791-00030918 what are you saying yeah i have nothing HpS9aBwVsyQ-00155-00030919-00031095 else to do on christmas eve HpS9aBwVsyQ-00156-00031095-00031318 okay for more information call 480 HpS9aBwVsyQ-00157-00031319-00031587 velocity that's HpS9aBwVsyQ-00158-00031588-00031839 480-835-6248 thanks a lot and stay tuned HpS9aBwVsyQ-00159-00031839-00033039 for bill o'reilly HpS9aBwVsyQ-00160-00033040-00034983 so HpS9aBwVsyQ-00161-00034984-00035191 you HRjyQspXFfk-00000-00000107-00000245 I was just chilling I made up the HRjyQspXFfk-00001-00000246-00000359 certified like tell me what you think HRjyQspXFfk-00002-00000360-00000529 about in the comments HRjyQspXFfk-00003-00000530-00003080 [Music] HSKSBHPo0OQ-00000-00000119-00000599 hi hello and welcome to our Channel HSKSBHPo0OQ-00001-00000600-00000844 and today I'm going to do a new HSKSBHPo0OQ-00002-00000846-00001189 character HSKSBHPo0OQ-00003-00001190-00002081 we started race HSKSBHPo0OQ-00004-00002082-00002249 golfing HSKSBHPo0OQ-00005-00002250-00002609 is one of the best races in the game HSKSBHPo0OQ-00006-00002610-00002860 I will explain shortly so close to HSKSBHPo0OQ-00007-00002861-00003034 dexterity give you plus two Max HSKSBHPo0OQ-00008-00003035-00003347 dexterity so your dexterity Max is 22 HSKSBHPo0OQ-00009-00003347-00003803 instead of 20 or 21 like in elves HSKSBHPo0OQ-00010-00003804-00004115 so your speed is increased as well HSKSBHPo0OQ-00011-00004116-00004379 rolling useless don't use less five HSKSBHPo0OQ-00012-00004380-00004703 percent huge critical chance this is HSKSBHPo0OQ-00013-00004704-00005035 insane and Ministry strength by itself HSKSBHPo0OQ-00014-00005036-00005411 this in this race looks like minus one HSKSBHPo0OQ-00015-00005412-00005699 race because it has put this plus 5 crit HSKSBHPo0OQ-00016-00005700-00006065 and fact that it's close to dexterity HSKSBHPo0OQ-00017-00006066-00006299 and fact that this sprawling and Dodge HSKSBHPo0OQ-00018-00006300-00006608 kind of barely compensate a lack of HSKSBHPo0OQ-00019-00006609-00006809 [Music] HSKSBHPo0OQ-00020-00006809-00006875 Kings HSKSBHPo0OQ-00021-00006876-00007031 [Music] HSKSBHPo0OQ-00022-00007031-00007306 make somehow help I don't know if I want HSKSBHPo0OQ-00023-00007308-00007492 to take this guy HSKSBHPo0OQ-00024-00007493-00007798 or this guy I kind of prefer this guy HSKSBHPo0OQ-00025-00007800-00008027 because HSKSBHPo0OQ-00026-00008028-00008166 this guy HSKSBHPo0OQ-00027-00008167-00008410 [Music] HSKSBHPo0OQ-00028-00008411-00008681 I mean I definitely don't want this guys HSKSBHPo0OQ-00029-00008682-00008873 with a lot of Gringos because I don't HSKSBHPo0OQ-00030-00008874-00009131 have a respect for people like that okay HSKSBHPo0OQ-00031-00009132-00010205 and you cannot transgender HSKSBHPo0OQ-00032-00010206-00010931 this is absolutely terrible HSKSBHPo0OQ-00033-00010932-00011237 this is great rice by monks HSKSBHPo0OQ-00034-00011238-00011603 you get free perception for almost no HSKSBHPo0OQ-00035-00011604-00011678 additional cost HSKSBHPo0OQ-00036-00011679-00011824 [Music] HSKSBHPo0OQ-00037-00011825-00012263 you just have starting gold reduced HSKSBHPo0OQ-00038-00012264-00012517 and shield of hero is telling her HSKSBHPo0OQ-00039-00012518-00013291 [Music] HSKSBHPo0OQ-00040-00013291-00013685 [Music] HSKSBHPo0OQ-00041-00013686-00014411 and I just give you a risk of cash HSKSBHPo0OQ-00042-00014412-00014693 this is useless special person Minister HSKSBHPo0OQ-00043-00014694-00015047 intelligence HSKSBHPo0OQ-00044-00015047-00015599 useless HSKSBHPo0OQ-00045-00015600-00015779 I mean this one dexterity foreign HSKSBHPo0OQ-00046-00015780-00016001 useless HSKSBHPo0OQ-00047-00016002-00016397 useless useless HSKSBHPo0OQ-00048-00016398-00016636 just to you plus one intelligence minus HSKSBHPo0OQ-00049-00016637-00017015 one perception kind of okay but useless HSKSBHPo0OQ-00050-00017016-00017279 bully means one intelligence plus one HSKSBHPo0OQ-00051-00017280-00017399 strength HSKSBHPo0OQ-00052-00017400-00017872 kind of not useless but it's zero HSKSBHPo0OQ-00053-00017873-00018197 Elven blood HSKSBHPo0OQ-00054-00018198-00018365 useless HSKSBHPo0OQ-00055-00018366-00018605 keep it active this is very good HSKSBHPo0OQ-00056-00018606-00018821 because you have an additional speed you HSKSBHPo0OQ-00057-00018822-00019241 have 22 to base speed 27 as a base speed HSKSBHPo0OQ-00058-00019242-00019679 plus test give you 28 basically HSKSBHPo0OQ-00059-00019680-00019955 if you want a good time wizard halfink HSKSBHPo0OQ-00060-00019956-00020075 uh HSKSBHPo0OQ-00061-00020076-00020394 time wizard is absolute monster HSKSBHPo0OQ-00062-00020395-00020813 army training okay it's useless HSKSBHPo0OQ-00063-00020814-00021058 I mean it's plus it's a bonus always HSKSBHPo0OQ-00064-00021059-00021257 it's just straight HSKSBHPo0OQ-00065-00021258-00021394 wait HSKSBHPo0OQ-00066-00021395-00021683 I have said okay this is this is HSKSBHPo0OQ-00067-00021684-00022030 actually very good HSKSBHPo0OQ-00068-00022031-00022330 because this is only minus 5 this means HSKSBHPo0OQ-00069-00022331-00022480 to strength HSKSBHPo0OQ-00070-00022481-00022967 and I gain Plus 5. in exchange HSKSBHPo0OQ-00071-00022968-00023327 so yes I'm weak as HSKSBHPo0OQ-00072-00023328-00023608 but in exchange it's please Pro Zero HSKSBHPo0OQ-00073-00023609-00024043 thanks to this race HSKSBHPo0OQ-00074-00024044-00024311 however you have to keep in mind that HSKSBHPo0OQ-00075-00024312-00024580 this strength basically make you you you HSKSBHPo0OQ-00076-00024581-00024767 should not hit anything with this HSKSBHPo0OQ-00077-00024768-00024971 strength HSKSBHPo0OQ-00078-00024972-00025241 Pro offspring HSKSBHPo0OQ-00079-00025242-00025486 yeah this is terrible HSKSBHPo0OQ-00080-00025487-00025872 run away with Cyrus this is HSKSBHPo0OQ-00081-00025873-00026212 will power perception traditions HSKSBHPo0OQ-00082-00026213-00026483 yeah both plus sixth strength is always HSKSBHPo0OQ-00083-00026483-00026620 good HSKSBHPo0OQ-00084-00026622-00026945 Rising Pizza is terrible it's very good HSKSBHPo0OQ-00085-00026945-00027161 only for downtown HSKSBHPo0OQ-00086-00027162-00027589 seeking it's terrible HSKSBHPo0OQ-00087-00027589-00027808 stick is terrible HSKSBHPo0OQ-00088-00027810-00028114 like this man is nice but it's also HSKSBHPo0OQ-00089-00028116-00028331 terrible because he lost all important HSKSBHPo0OQ-00090-00028332-00028931 points HSKSBHPo0OQ-00091-00028932-00029651 foreign HSKSBHPo0OQ-00092-00029652-00029951 oh this is very good this is plus 2 on HSKSBHPo0OQ-00093-00029952-00030190 paper however you lose this combat HSKSBHPo0OQ-00094-00030191-00030499 skills HSKSBHPo0OQ-00095-00030500-00030905 lost in combat skill it's not not as HSKSBHPo0OQ-00096-00030906-00031114 important the strength comes the HSKSBHPo0OQ-00097-00031116-00031264 Constitution HSKSBHPo0OQ-00098-00031266-00031523 it's plus two and you it doesn't HSKSBHPo0OQ-00099-00031524-00031817 penalize you in a substantial way at HSKSBHPo0OQ-00100-00031818-00032045 first HSKSBHPo0OQ-00101-00032045-00032285 for example if a bonus does as hell HSKSBHPo0OQ-00102-00032286-00032417 thing so HSKSBHPo0OQ-00103-00032418-00032729 here you are at least zero HSKSBHPo0OQ-00104-00032730-00033046 you will be Max Indulgence and 20 out of HSKSBHPo0OQ-00105-00033047-00033437 20 and the only you will only feel a HSKSBHPo0OQ-00106-00033438-00033743 penalty to melee which you will get for HSKSBHPo0OQ-00107-00033744-00033971 free three points HSKSBHPo0OQ-00108-00033972-00034235 and also finger of maranox will give you HSKSBHPo0OQ-00109-00034236-00034385 all Half Point HSKSBHPo0OQ-00110-00034386-00034602 half point is HSKSBHPo0OQ-00111-00034603-00035135 rather not important here HSKSBHPo0OQ-00112-00035136-00035446 so so far this is plus two as one only HSKSBHPo0OQ-00113-00035447-00035707 single background I found HSKSBHPo0OQ-00114-00035708-00036017 Educators useless because I have mode HSKSBHPo0OQ-00115-00036018-00036245 installed that basically give me HSKSBHPo0OQ-00116-00036246-00036562 educator HSKSBHPo0OQ-00117-00036563-00036881 so so and die and night on sky and HSKSBHPo0OQ-00118-00036882-00037055 naturally is useless HSKSBHPo0OQ-00119-00037056-00037312 I got a phobic HSKSBHPo0OQ-00120-00037313-00037673 plus two and minus six and plus HSKSBHPo0OQ-00121-00037674-00037768 two HSKSBHPo0OQ-00122-00037769-00038290 this is useless hydrophobic HSKSBHPo0OQ-00123-00038291-00038573 okay you are deadly afraid of water and HSKSBHPo0OQ-00124-00038574-00039376 of drawing us shiny HSKSBHPo0OQ-00125-00039377-00040259 [Music] HSKSBHPo0OQ-00126-00040260-00040517 yeah this is useless this hydrophobic HSKSBHPo0OQ-00127-00040518-00040949 this is like zero because it never works HSKSBHPo0OQ-00128-00040950-00041717 afraid of the dark HSKSBHPo0OQ-00129-00041718-00041962 okay Afraid of the Dark contrary to HSKSBHPo0OQ-00130-00041963-00042155 others is not as terrible with his HSKSBHPo0OQ-00131-00042156-00042695 garbage magical energy HSKSBHPo0OQ-00132-00042696-00043187 this trash arsonist HSKSBHPo0OQ-00133-00043188-00043361 minute one strength Municipal HSKSBHPo0OQ-00134-00043362-00043431 Constitution HSKSBHPo0OQ-00135-00043432-00045101 [Music] HSKSBHPo0OQ-00136-00045102-00045562 not doctor HSKSBHPo0OQ-00137-00045563-00045911 okay this is far so far and now this is HSKSBHPo0OQ-00138-00045912-00046121 absolutely crash HSKSBHPo0OQ-00139-00046122-00046607 a miracle operation HSKSBHPo0OQ-00140-00046608-00047237 distress HSKSBHPo0OQ-00141-00047238-00047530 okay so so far erased by monks and HSKSBHPo0OQ-00142-00047531-00048017 Sherlock and Prodigy HSKSBHPo0OQ-00143-00048018-00048557 are absolute winners HSKSBHPo0OQ-00144-00048558-00048862 in case of making character HSKSBHPo0OQ-00145-00048863-00049199 there is also not trash HSKSBHPo0OQ-00146-00049200-00049535 this means strength HSKSBHPo0OQ-00147-00049536-00049985 I forgot it but it's not trash I mean HSKSBHPo0OQ-00148-00049986-00050152 it's honestly HSKSBHPo0OQ-00149-00050153-00050386 a number of backgrounds that are HSKSBHPo0OQ-00150-00050387-00050543 terrible in this game HSKSBHPo0OQ-00151-00050544-00050824 or are zero HSKSBHPo0OQ-00152-00050825-00051214 is insane HSKSBHPo0OQ-00153-00051215-00051442 okay this is template character so we HSKSBHPo0OQ-00154-00051444-00051869 name him Bob just to name him HSKSBHPo0OQ-00155-00051870-00052138 okay I can't be my Emily I can't have HSKSBHPo0OQ-00156-00052139-00052480 one point in melee this is insane HSKSBHPo0OQ-00157-00052482-00052842 foreign HSKSBHPo0OQ-00158-00052844-00053111 for me HSKSBHPo0OQ-00159-00053112-00053353 because look at the strength now the HSKSBHPo0OQ-00160-00053354-00053682 dexterity dictate HSKSBHPo0OQ-00161-00053683-00054197 never mind I have my mistake HSKSBHPo0OQ-00162-00054198-00054544 [Music] HSKSBHPo0OQ-00163-00054545-00054749 prowling bonus HSKSBHPo0OQ-00164-00054750-00055042 I like going one big bucket HSKSBHPo0OQ-00165-00055044-00055409 one haggu HSKSBHPo0OQ-00166-00055410-00055666 one persuasion is okay but not important HSKSBHPo0OQ-00167-00055667-00056021 one meaning light should have 1.3 so I HSKSBHPo0OQ-00168-00056022-00056242 will hope for this one Dodge HSKSBHPo0OQ-00169-00056244-00056525 I have two points I am intelligent no I HSKSBHPo0OQ-00170-00056526-00057111 am not HSKSBHPo0OQ-00171-00057112-00057275 [Music] HSKSBHPo0OQ-00172-00057276-00057611 okay I promise to make a techno HSKSBHPo0OQ-00173-00057612-00057850 character HSKSBHPo0OQ-00174-00057851-00058565 we might start from charge rings HSKSBHPo0OQ-00175-00058566-00058787 and it's very hard to make character in HSKSBHPo0OQ-00176-00058788-00058942 this game that doesn't suck because HSKSBHPo0OQ-00177-00058944-00059249 everything he chose kind of suck HSKSBHPo0OQ-00178-00059250-00059429 but yeah we will definitely go pick HSKSBHPo0OQ-00179-00059429-00059735 locks HSKSBHPo0OQ-00180-00059736-00060041 we might select it at level one to pick HSKSBHPo0OQ-00181-00060041-00060203 lock and I think HSKSBHPo0OQ-00182-00060204-00060797 it's not exactly good HSKSBHPo0OQ-00183-00060798-00061061 I will also try to go Firearms but only HSKSBHPo0OQ-00184-00061062-00061294 go to level 2 Firearms so it's not that HSKSBHPo0OQ-00185-00061295-00061499 important HSKSBHPo0OQ-00186-00061500-00061697 yeah Peak looks definitely this is HSKSBHPo0OQ-00187-00061698-00061919 supposed to be Technology's character HSKSBHPo0OQ-00188-00061920-00062147 because my friends told me they will HSKSBHPo0OQ-00189-00062148-00062392 kill me if I will not do that HSKSBHPo0OQ-00190-00062394-00062650 I will most likely quit on the Abundant HSKSBHPo0OQ-00191-00062651-00062849 this round because playing Technologies HSKSBHPo0OQ-00192-00062850-00062963 is like HSKSBHPo0OQ-00193-00062964-00063523 basically not playing Catal it's painful HSKSBHPo0OQ-00194-00063524-00063892 technologists suck HSKSBHPo0OQ-00195-00063894-00064204 honestly imagine not taking it or at HSKSBHPo0OQ-00196-00064205-00064432 least let's take teleport HSKSBHPo0OQ-00197-00064433-00064756 and maybe time Magic HSKSBHPo0OQ-00198-00064757-00065153 uh at least let me take charm be HSKSBHPo0OQ-00199-00065154-00065338 instant that can't we really take on HSKSBHPo0OQ-00200-00065339-00065543 over this this is a good weight HSKSBHPo0OQ-00201-00065544-00065921 wait we could fight ghost a conjured HSKSBHPo0OQ-00202-00065922-00066317 spirit is so good HSKSBHPo0OQ-00203-00066318-00066537 no technologists HSKSBHPo0OQ-00204-00066538-00066647 [Music] HSKSBHPo0OQ-00205-00066648-00066944 or technology is some kind of HSKSBHPo0OQ-00206-00066945-00067061 [Music] HSKSBHPo0OQ-00207-00067062-00067313 should I take him Dutch I have full HSKSBHPo0OQ-00208-00067314-00067493 point full point HSKSBHPo0OQ-00209-00067494-00067781 okay that was worth it HSKSBHPo0OQ-00210-00067782-00067961 yeah this is perfect this has no HSKSBHPo0OQ-00211-00067962-00068519 penalties for me HSKSBHPo0OQ-00212-00068520-00068993 okay we have this HSKSBHPo0OQ-00213-00068994-00069317 you should pay attention to Pink size HSKSBHPo0OQ-00214-00069318-00069502 items HSKSBHPo0OQ-00215-00069503-00070506 [Music] HSKSBHPo0OQ-00216-00070507-00070612 [Applause] HSKSBHPo0OQ-00217-00070613-00071650 [Music] HSKSBHPo0OQ-00218-00071651-00072017 okay it's still same coin HSKSBHPo0OQ-00219-00072018-00072359 so we need to find either buy items that HSKSBHPo0OQ-00220-00072360-00072611 are hard to obtain gauntlets for example HSKSBHPo0OQ-00221-00072612-00072977 are hard to obtain HSKSBHPo0OQ-00222-00072978-00073171 [Music] HSKSBHPo0OQ-00223-00073172-00073667 boots are easiest to obtain HSKSBHPo0OQ-00224-00073668-00073925 lock Peaks are not hard to obtain but HSKSBHPo0OQ-00225-00073926-00074194 quite late to obtain we might not take HSKSBHPo0OQ-00226-00074195-00074513 them just because we will still HSKSBHPo0OQ-00227-00074514-00074837 a copper rink is not hard to obtain you HSKSBHPo0OQ-00228-00074838-00075023 should spend it only if you have nothing HSKSBHPo0OQ-00229-00075024-00075356 nothing else to buy HSKSBHPo0OQ-00230-00075357-00075473 [Music] HSKSBHPo0OQ-00231-00075474-00075719 a lot of people might be wondering which HSKSBHPo0OQ-00232-00075720-00075965 weapons should they choose HSKSBHPo0OQ-00233-00075966-00076325 honestly HSKSBHPo0OQ-00234-00076326-00076565 and when you select weapon it's most HSKSBHPo0OQ-00235-00076566-00077231 important HSKSBHPo0OQ-00236-00077232-00077494 to no speed HSKSBHPo0OQ-00237-00077495-00078149 so for example the swords has become HSKSBHPo0OQ-00238-00078150-00078491 much better speed is much lighter but HSKSBHPo0OQ-00239-00078492-00078688 it's only slightly more expensive so HSKSBHPo0OQ-00240-00078689-00079156 Rapier is definitely better of the two HSKSBHPo0OQ-00241-00079157-00079397 you should take something that has a lot HSKSBHPo0OQ-00242-00079398-00079762 of speed oh and if you choose dagger the HSKSBHPo0OQ-00243-00079763-00079925 difference between this HSKSBHPo0OQ-00244-00079926-00080176 and this HSKSBHPo0OQ-00245-00080177-00080543 like the board costs 26 but this is HSKSBHPo0OQ-00246-00080544-00080800 better fine steel dagger it's one to HSKSBHPo0OQ-00247-00080801-00081047 three fatigue and two to six so HSKSBHPo0OQ-00248-00081048-00081388 definitely this one also from all these HSKSBHPo0OQ-00249-00081389-00081844 weapons dagger and rap here are the best HSKSBHPo0OQ-00250-00081845-00082103 is that HSKSBHPo0OQ-00251-00082104-00082385 as for helmet helmets are quite HSKSBHPo0OQ-00252-00082386-00082715 everywhere it's better to get Shield if HSKSBHPo0OQ-00253-00082716-00083032 you can do it can't afford yes HSKSBHPo0OQ-00254-00083033-00083243 okay another for the last HSKSBHPo0OQ-00255-00083244-00083411 pennies dagger HSKSBHPo0OQ-00256-00083412-00083909 dagger will be perfectly fine HSKSBHPo0OQ-00257-00083910-00084209 and we have five gold uh things called HSKSBHPo0OQ-00258-00084210-00084629 for wing and we might keep gold HSKSBHPo0OQ-00259-00084630-00084850 but it's not ideal HSKSBHPo0OQ-00260-00084851-00085091 if I would sell it HSKSBHPo0OQ-00261-00085092-00085432 it will be 39 HSKSBHPo0OQ-00262-00085433-00085703 perfect for boots boots give you HSKSBHPo0OQ-00263-00085704-00085865 something HSKSBHPo0OQ-00264-00085866-00086111 these are very good boots so it's not HSKSBHPo0OQ-00265-00086112-00086525 useless to build this trade good HSKSBHPo0OQ-00266-00086526-00086837 yes cell armor for ring might be better HSKSBHPo0OQ-00267-00086838-00087403 or sir armor for 39 block picks HSKSBHPo0OQ-00268-00087404-00087893 it would be very hard to find my size HSKSBHPo0OQ-00269-00087894-00088121 but I think it might be right choice to HSKSBHPo0OQ-00270-00088122-00088318 take big looks HSKSBHPo0OQ-00271-00088319-00088650 instead of you know dignity HSKSBHPo0OQ-00272-00088651-00089099 it's very hard hard to deal hard HSKSBHPo0OQ-00273-00089100-00089453 the you know decision right because HSKSBHPo0OQ-00274-00089454-00089717 Normal characters don't need to make HSKSBHPo0OQ-00275-00089718-00090113 this kind of decisions HSKSBHPo0OQ-00276-00090114-00090443 [Music] HSKSBHPo0OQ-00277-00090444-00090791 yeah but it's not stupid HSKSBHPo0OQ-00278-00090792-00091211 to get this big looks HSKSBHPo0OQ-00279-00091212-00091367 the healing items are worthless HSKSBHPo0OQ-00280-00091368-00091729 absolutely waste of cash HSKSBHPo0OQ-00281-00091730-00092243 okay then we wanna HSKSBHPo0OQ-00282-00092244-00093017 do you wanna do this HSKSBHPo0OQ-00283-00093018-00093287 um HSKSBHPo0OQ-00284-00093288-00094012 it's a very hard call I swear HSKSBHPo0OQ-00285-00094013-00094894 it HSKSBHPo0OQ-00286-00094895-00095123 okay this is most likely my character HSKSBHPo0OQ-00287-00095124-00095347 template HSKSBHPo0OQ-00288-00095348-00095638 also excuse me for skipping I just don't HSKSBHPo0OQ-00289-00095639-00095782 give a HSKSBHPo0OQ-00290-00095783-00096487 I played a lot of times HSKSBHPo0OQ-00291-00096488-00096803 yes yes right right HSKSBHPo0OQ-00292-00096804-00097037 look I understand this whole thing HSKSBHPo0OQ-00293-00097038-00097265 sounds nothing it's it's that the living HSKSBHPo0OQ-00294-00097266-00097793 one is the reincarnation HSKSBHPo0OQ-00295-00097794-00098123 remember his name but I HSKSBHPo0OQ-00296-00098124-00098338 as far as I can remember you're not the HSKSBHPo0OQ-00298-00101557-00103234 okay so when you are in combat HSKSBHPo0OQ-00299-00103235-00103415 you have to keep in mind critical HSKSBHPo0OQ-00300-00103416-00103666 failures and other sheets HSKSBHPo0OQ-00301-00103667-00103906 and so for me HSKSBHPo0OQ-00302-00103907-00104303 with my pathetic attack skills it's HSKSBHPo0OQ-00303-00104304-00104477 sometimes more beneficial to not fight HSKSBHPo0OQ-00304-00104478-00104651 at all HSKSBHPo0OQ-00305-00104652-00104969 and just style and run around Virgil and HSKSBHPo0OQ-00306-00104970-00105173 let him like HSKSBHPo0OQ-00307-00105174-00105374 do the work HSKSBHPo0OQ-00308-00105375-00106007 [Music] HSKSBHPo0OQ-00309-00106008-00106457 okay I will show you secret chest HSKSBHPo0OQ-00310-00106458-00107039 it's somewhere here it's hidden HSKSBHPo0OQ-00311-00107040-00107254 here HSKSBHPo0OQ-00312-00107255-00107602 it has Pure or which can be used with HSKSBHPo0OQ-00313-00107603-00107945 this to craft a balanced sword under the HSKSBHPo0OQ-00314-00107946-00108047 copper HSKSBHPo0OQ-00315-00108048-00108340 very useful air defined HSKSBHPo0OQ-00316-00108341-00108563 of course nothing of it gives you HSKSBHPo0OQ-00317-00108564-00108851 Advantage if go in combat HSKSBHPo0OQ-00318-00108852-00109469 but a lot of it is useful HSKSBHPo0OQ-00319-00109470-00109745 it's very good idea to give virtual HSKSBHPo0OQ-00320-00109746-00110033 items you might not want HSKSBHPo0OQ-00321-00110033-00110651 to carry HSKSBHPo0OQ-00322-00110652-00110915 all of these items will find use later HSKSBHPo0OQ-00323-00110916-00111233 in the game so it's not trash HSKSBHPo0OQ-00324-00111233-00111490 just keep in mind when you overload HSKSBHPo0OQ-00325-00111491-00111719 Virgil like a pack more HSKSBHPo0OQ-00326-00111720-00112084 you find yourself later in situation HSKSBHPo0OQ-00327-00112085-00112486 where there is nobody to carry your loot HSKSBHPo0OQ-00328-00112488-00112907 no idea why you cannot take it HSKSBHPo0OQ-00329-00112908-00113321 okay as for the build HSKSBHPo0OQ-00330-00113322-00113597 lock picking can Fallout is under two HSKSBHPo0OQ-00331-00113598-00113927 however I like it under five so it HSKSBHPo0OQ-00332-00113928-00114365 depends on preference HSKSBHPo0OQ-00333-00114366-00114652 sneak is under one HSKSBHPo0OQ-00334-00114653-00114940 stealing is on the tree HSKSBHPo0OQ-00335-00114941-00115265 and this arm trap is under for what I HSKSBHPo0OQ-00336-00115266-00115565 doubt I will have the skill at all HSKSBHPo0OQ-00337-00115566-00115828 I think traps in this game are HSKSBHPo0OQ-00338-00115829-00116231 joke and in investing spells skills HSKSBHPo0OQ-00339-00116232-00116519 into disarming them is make your HSKSBHPo0OQ-00340-00116520-00116825 character less effective in the game HSKSBHPo0OQ-00341-00116826-00117233 because traps are not present as HSKSBHPo0OQ-00342-00117233-00117514 as they should be HSKSBHPo0OQ-00343-00117515-00118386 [Music] HSKSBHPo0OQ-00344-00118388-00118558 [Music] HSKSBHPo0OQ-00346-00125088-00125902 all right HSKSBHPo0OQ-00347-00125903-00126821 ah HSKSBHPo0OQ-00348-00126822-00126943 a HSKSBHPo0OQ-00349-00126944-00127919 I quit myself HSKSBHPo0OQ-00350-00127920-00128986 okay now usually HSKSBHPo0OQ-00351-00128988-00129178 well that will be it I don't wanna be HSKSBHPo0OQ-00352-00129179-00129539 named Bob HSKSBHPo0OQ-00353-00129540-00129821 I just placed character and to see if HSKSBHPo0OQ-00354-00129822-00129995 you can even freaking pull it off with HSKSBHPo0OQ-00355-00129996-00130193 three strength HSKSBHPo0OQ-00356-00130194-00130475 I honestly don't feel like strength is HSKSBHPo0OQ-00357-00130476-00130631 the three months to anything in this HSKSBHPo0OQ-00358-00130632-00131195 game HSKSBHPo0OQ-00359-00131196-00131375 the auto should clear things up for us a HSKSBHPo0OQ-00360-00131376-00131447 bit HSKSBHPo0OQ-00361-00131448-00131801 hmm HSKSBHPo0OQ-00362-00131802-00132016 yes of course HSKSBHPo0OQ-00363-00132017-00132221 all right thank you for watching I'm HSKSBHPo0OQ-00364-00132222-00132389 downloading this for now please HSKSBHPo0OQ-00365-00132390-00132626 here HTorNZvrSL0-00000-00000000-00001135 [Music] HTorNZvrSL0-00001-00001136-00001391 all right welcome so we are back here HTorNZvrSL0-00002-00001392-00001582 we're doing ted HTorNZvrSL0-00003-00001583-00001942 gaming services llc case study we're in HTorNZvrSL0-00004-00001943-00002207 section five we are just getting ready HTorNZvrSL0-00005-00002208-00002350 to do some HTorNZvrSL0-00006-00002351-00002599 uh invoices right so the invoices at the HTorNZvrSL0-00007-00002600-00002734 end of the chapter HTorNZvrSL0-00008-00002735-00003087 so to do those invoices and really what HTorNZvrSL0-00009-00003088-00003390 invoices are right is invoices are us HTorNZvrSL0-00010-00003392-00003575 telling our clients they all owe us HTorNZvrSL0-00011-00003576-00003799 money right so we're saying okay we did HTorNZvrSL0-00012-00003800-00003983 services we HTorNZvrSL0-00013-00003984-00004159 delivered product whatever it was you HTorNZvrSL0-00014-00004160-00004335 owe us money now so we're going to HTorNZvrSL0-00015-00004336-00004463 invoice you HTorNZvrSL0-00016-00004464-00004559 and HTorNZvrSL0-00017-00004560-00004695 um HTorNZvrSL0-00018-00004696-00004854 and so HTorNZvrSL0-00019-00004855-00005022 it's kind of it depends on which end of HTorNZvrSL0-00020-00005023-00005215 the deal you're on right so if you're HTorNZvrSL0-00021-00005216-00005422 sending the invoice right you're HTorNZvrSL0-00022-00005423-00005679 invoicing clients to pay you if you're HTorNZvrSL0-00023-00005680-00005854 on the other end and you're a client HTorNZvrSL0-00024-00005855-00005999 and you're receiving an invoice from HTorNZvrSL0-00025-00006000-00006222 your vendor then that looks that we call HTorNZvrSL0-00026-00006223-00006567 that a bill right and so HTorNZvrSL0-00027-00006568-00006823 either way it works but in this in this HTorNZvrSL0-00028-00006823-00006975 case we're going to do invoices right so HTorNZvrSL0-00029-00006976-00007214 this is for our customers or our clients HTorNZvrSL0-00030-00007215-00007342 and so HTorNZvrSL0-00031-00007343-00007487 we're going to click on the plus new up HTorNZvrSL0-00032-00007488-00007639 there on the top left and we're going to HTorNZvrSL0-00033-00007640-00007927 click on invoice here HTorNZvrSL0-00034-00007928-00008023 okay HTorNZvrSL0-00035-00008023-00008287 and we're going to need to make sure HTorNZvrSL0-00036-00008288-00008503 that let's see we need to make sure our HTorNZvrSL0-00037-00008504-00008663 invoice is HTorNZvrSL0-00038-00008664-00008823 uh invoice HTorNZvrSL0-00039-00008824-00009039 1001 right this is going to be our first HTorNZvrSL0-00040-00009040-00009271 invoice and yours may come up that way HTorNZvrSL0-00041-00009272-00009478 right from the get go HTorNZvrSL0-00042-00009479-00009695 our client is going to be in the HTorNZvrSL0-00043-00009696-00009839 publishing HTorNZvrSL0-00044-00009840-00010151 and uh we put that in and then it HTorNZvrSL0-00045-00010152-00010446 will put all the information in for us HTorNZvrSL0-00046-00010447-00010591 um HTorNZvrSL0-00047-00010592-00010910 make sure it's due net 30 right HTorNZvrSL0-00048-00010911-00011127 our invoice date on here we need to HTorNZvrSL0-00049-00011128-00011351 update that that is going to be HTorNZvrSL0-00050-00011352-00011519 uh 1 HTorNZvrSL0-00051-00011520-00011831 15 2025 HTorNZvrSL0-00052-00011832-00012014 okay HTorNZvrSL0-00053-00012015-00012151 oops HTorNZvrSL0-00054-00012152-00012438 got that in the wrong spot HTorNZvrSL0-00055-00012439-00012670 redo this HTorNZvrSL0-00056-00012671-00013007 150 HTorNZvrSL0-00057-00013008-00013271 there we go and our due date will uh HTorNZvrSL0-00058-00013272-00013407 automatically update because of the HTorNZvrSL0-00059-00013408-00013511 terms HTorNZvrSL0-00060-00013512-00013783 okay so we're going to want to put in HTorNZvrSL0-00061-00013784-00014086 our products and services here so HTorNZvrSL0-00062-00014087-00014271 in this case we've got some design HTorNZvrSL0-00063-00014272-00014558 services that we did HTorNZvrSL0-00064-00014559-00014758 and we're going to put the rate in for HTorNZvrSL0-00065-00014759-00014966 that HTorNZvrSL0-00066-00014968-00015183 and we also have some programming and HTorNZvrSL0-00067-00015184-00015527 coding services that we did HTorNZvrSL0-00068-00015528-00015719 same thing we're going to put the amount HTorNZvrSL0-00069-00015719-00015950 or the rate in for that right so HTorNZvrSL0-00070-00015951-00016135 quantity times rate is going to give us HTorNZvrSL0-00071-00016136-00016479 our amounts 30 000 that looks good HTorNZvrSL0-00072-00016480-00016639 okay HTorNZvrSL0-00073-00016640-00016767 and HTorNZvrSL0-00074-00016768-00017222 we will go ahead and do a save on that HTorNZvrSL0-00075-00017223-00017471 okay HTorNZvrSL0-00076-00017472-00017663 all right so let's go ahead and look and HTorNZvrSL0-00077-00017664-00017886 see where this shows up here so we're HTorNZvrSL0-00078-00017887-00018039 gonna do we're gonna go ahead and close HTorNZvrSL0-00079-00018040-00018167 this out HTorNZvrSL0-00080-00018168-00018494 so this shows up over here in the sales HTorNZvrSL0-00081-00018495-00018694 area HTorNZvrSL0-00082-00018695-00018847 right so we're going to click on all HTorNZvrSL0-00083-00018848-00019207 sales and sure enough there it is HTorNZvrSL0-00084-00019208-00019439 there is our invoice that we just put in HTorNZvrSL0-00085-00019440-00019511 so HTorNZvrSL0-00086-00019512-00019655 now what we want to do we're going to go HTorNZvrSL0-00087-00019656-00019871 up to plus new again and we're going to HTorNZvrSL0-00088-00019872-00020119 do uh the receive payment we can do it HTorNZvrSL0-00089-00020120-00020311 down here as well right receive payment HTorNZvrSL0-00090-00020312-00020407 here HTorNZvrSL0-00091-00020408-00020558 and so that's going to bring up a screen HTorNZvrSL0-00092-00020559-00020735 for us where we're going to do the HTorNZvrSL0-00093-00020736-00021039 receive payment HTorNZvrSL0-00094-00021040-00021207 okay so here's the receive payment HTorNZvrSL0-00095-00021208-00021599 window if we if we do this just as as i HTorNZvrSL0-00096-00021600-00021847 write the plus new and just do that then HTorNZvrSL0-00097-00021848-00022063 we're going to put in our HTorNZvrSL0-00098-00022064-00022183 vendor again HTorNZvrSL0-00099-00022184-00022455 and it looks like it'll bring up right HTorNZvrSL0-00100-00022456-00022575 what that HTorNZvrSL0-00101-00022576-00022822 vendor owes us what they may be paying HTorNZvrSL0-00102-00022823-00022919 for HTorNZvrSL0-00103-00022920-00023230 so we see our invoice 101 down here that HTorNZvrSL0-00104-00023231-00023494 is it right there perfect HTorNZvrSL0-00105-00023495-00023639 so there's several different ways to do HTorNZvrSL0-00106-00023640-00023855 this we saw back on the invoice as well HTorNZvrSL0-00107-00023856-00024030 we saw there's different buttons that we HTorNZvrSL0-00108-00024031-00024222 can click on receive payment and it'll HTorNZvrSL0-00109-00024223-00024447 cue all this stuff up for us but but HTorNZvrSL0-00110-00024448-00024727 that's kind of what uh what it right the HTorNZvrSL0-00111-00024728-00024942 next step along the path right we we HTorNZvrSL0-00112-00024943-00025278 sent the invoice they send us payment HTorNZvrSL0-00113-00025279-00025455 on the deposit HTorNZvrSL0-00114-00025456-00025614 two we're not going to send this HTorNZvrSL0-00115-00025616-00025758 directly to our checking account what HTorNZvrSL0-00116-00025760-00025870 we're going to do is we're going to put HTorNZvrSL0-00117-00025872-00026134 this in a kind of a holding account in HTorNZvrSL0-00118-00026135-00026279 the middle right a middle account it's HTorNZvrSL0-00119-00026280-00026455 called undeposited funds HTorNZvrSL0-00120-00026456-00026631 and that'll allow us to queue everything HTorNZvrSL0-00121-00026632-00026855 up and then do deposits all together and HTorNZvrSL0-00122-00026856-00027014 process that that's kind of the order HTorNZvrSL0-00123-00027016-00027207 that we're going to do it in HTorNZvrSL0-00124-00027208-00027462 our payment date it has to be on or HTorNZvrSL0-00125-00027463-00027670 after right the invoice date which is HTorNZvrSL0-00126-00027672-00027831 totally fine so HTorNZvrSL0-00127-00027832-00028031 this date we're just going to take that HTorNZvrSL0-00128-00028032-00028231 we're going to say they paid us the same HTorNZvrSL0-00129-00028232-00028502 day we invoiced them they're super quick HTorNZvrSL0-00130-00028504-00028735 on this payment method one thing you'll HTorNZvrSL0-00131-00028736-00028862 note here HTorNZvrSL0-00132-00028863-00029118 is that we want to do an ach if you HTorNZvrSL0-00133-00029119-00029311 don't have ach on yours you're going to HTorNZvrSL0-00134-00029312-00029511 want to hit this HTorNZvrSL0-00135-00029512-00029846 add new right here and and HTorNZvrSL0-00136-00029847-00030279 select ach so ach really what that is HTorNZvrSL0-00137-00030280-00030543 is that stands for automated HTorNZvrSL0-00138-00030544-00030758 clearinghouse so that's really where HTorNZvrSL0-00139-00030760-00030943 banks transfer HTorNZvrSL0-00140-00030944-00031167 money in right so our client transferred HTorNZvrSL0-00141-00031168-00031351 money in straight into our bank account HTorNZvrSL0-00142-00031352-00031614 is the way that worked right so that's HTorNZvrSL0-00143-00031616-00031774 that works HTorNZvrSL0-00144-00031775-00031967 we can put a reference number here or HTorNZvrSL0-00145-00031968-00032183 not doesn't necessarily HTorNZvrSL0-00146-00032183-00032446 matter in this case study and so it HTorNZvrSL0-00147-00032447-00032599 looks like we've got everything else set HTorNZvrSL0-00148-00032600-00032839 up and we can go ahead and do HTorNZvrSL0-00149-00032840-00033062 save and close HTorNZvrSL0-00150-00033063-00033502 so now we see back here on in our sales HTorNZvrSL0-00151-00033503-00033711 items we see that we do have a payment HTorNZvrSL0-00152-00033712-00033943 here right so it is paid HTorNZvrSL0-00153-00033944-00034199 our invoice is also marked paid there as HTorNZvrSL0-00154-00034200-00034295 well HTorNZvrSL0-00155-00034296-00034527 so that's the next step so now as we HTorNZvrSL0-00156-00034528-00034783 continue on down that path right so we HTorNZvrSL0-00157-00034784-00035046 we sent our client that invoice HTorNZvrSL0-00158-00035047-00035302 a notification that they need to pay us HTorNZvrSL0-00159-00035303-00035655 then they paid us and now we need to HTorNZvrSL0-00160-00035656-00035855 process that payment we need to we need HTorNZvrSL0-00161-00035856-00036079 to go up here to plus new again and go HTorNZvrSL0-00162-00036080-00036407 to other bank deposit right there HTorNZvrSL0-00163-00036408-00036662 and we see it sitting right here right HTorNZvrSL0-00164-00036663-00036855 so that is our HTorNZvrSL0-00165-00036856-00037151 uh payment that we need to then uh make HTorNZvrSL0-00166-00037152-00037367 sure it ends up in here at the top we HTorNZvrSL0-00167-00037368-00037583 need to make sure that's checking HTorNZvrSL0-00168-00037584-00037895 uh the date of the deposit is going to HTorNZvrSL0-00169-00037896-00038102 be uh HTorNZvrSL0-00170-00038103-00038302 o2 10 HTorNZvrSL0-00171-00038303-00038574 2025 HTorNZvrSL0-00172-00038575-00038711 okay HTorNZvrSL0-00173-00038712-00038902 and anything else that we may need to HTorNZvrSL0-00174-00038903-00039102 put in there it looks like it looks like HTorNZvrSL0-00175-00039103-00039239 we've got everything that we need at HTorNZvrSL0-00176-00039240-00039430 this point HTorNZvrSL0-00177-00039431-00039718 and we can go ahead and do HTorNZvrSL0-00178-00039719-00040174 save and close on that one HTorNZvrSL0-00179-00040175-00040407 okay so those are all set up there so HTorNZvrSL0-00180-00040408-00040639 now what i'm going to go go ahead and do HTorNZvrSL0-00181-00040640-00040895 real quick is i'm going to go through HTorNZvrSL0-00182-00040896-00041062 all of the other HTorNZvrSL0-00183-00041063-00041279 [Music] HTorNZvrSL0-00184-00041280-00041462 invoices that we're sending out and i'm HTorNZvrSL0-00185-00041463-00041751 going to go ahead and and then HTorNZvrSL0-00186-00041752-00041951 receive payments on those and then do HTorNZvrSL0-00187-00041952-00042158 the deposits that we want to do on those HTorNZvrSL0-00188-00042159-00042287 so i'm going to go ahead and go through HTorNZvrSL0-00189-00042288-00042612 those really quick and i'll speed this HTorNZvrSL0-00190-00042613-00044911 [Music] HTorNZvrSL0-00191-00044912-00045087 okay so that looks like i've got HTorNZvrSL0-00192-00045088-00045246 everything set there HTorNZvrSL0-00193-00045247-00045607 uh i've got uh three more invoices that HTorNZvrSL0-00194-00045608-00045855 i entered in and now i'm going to go HTorNZvrSL0-00195-00045856-00046118 ahead and receive some payments on HTorNZvrSL0-00196-00046119-00046302 uh HTorNZvrSL0-00197-00046303-00046732 one thousand two and one thousand three HTorNZvrSL0-00198-00046733-00048046 [Music] HTorNZvrSL0-00199-00048047-00048199 okay so now HTorNZvrSL0-00200-00048200-00048479 those have been paid there's only HTorNZvrSL0-00201-00048480-00048790 uh one that has not been paid right so HTorNZvrSL0-00202-00048791-00049030 that's going to be 1004 has not been HTorNZvrSL0-00203-00049031-00049215 paid yet HTorNZvrSL0-00204-00049216-00049502 these other two that i just received i HTorNZvrSL0-00205-00049503-00049623 need to do HTorNZvrSL0-00206-00049624-00049774 the uh HTorNZvrSL0-00207-00049775-00049935 bank deposits for those so i'm going to HTorNZvrSL0-00208-00049936-00050086 do those separately they're on different HTorNZvrSL0-00209-00050087-00050327 dates so i'll do those separately and HTorNZvrSL0-00210-00050328-00050696 then i'll be done HTorNZvrSL0-00211-00050697-00050990 [Music] HTorNZvrSL0-00212-00050991-00051254 so i'm going to do the afk gamer game HTorNZvrSL0-00213-00051255-00051446 developers first i got their date on HTorNZvrSL0-00214-00051447-00051599 there i've got that one selected the HTorNZvrSL0-00215-00051600-00051766 other one's not selected HTorNZvrSL0-00216-00051767-00051935 typically HTorNZvrSL0-00217-00051936-00052079 these are kind of big batch ones that HTorNZvrSL0-00218-00052079-00052214 we're doing is case study typically HTorNZvrSL0-00219-00052215-00052430 we're going to do this as we go HTorNZvrSL0-00220-00052432-00052703 um so there may not be all these other HTorNZvrSL0-00221-00052704-00052926 ones mixed in there but there may be HTorNZvrSL0-00222-00052927-00053023 some HTorNZvrSL0-00223-00053024-00053247 when you do deposit batches where you do HTorNZvrSL0-00224-00053248-00053447 want to separate them so just check the HTorNZvrSL0-00225-00053448-00053599 box if if it's going to be part of the HTorNZvrSL0-00226-00053600-00053830 deposit and then HTorNZvrSL0-00227-00053832-00053959 you can HTorNZvrSL0-00228-00053960-00054166 you can go ahead and and process it that HTorNZvrSL0-00229-00054167-00054279 way HTorNZvrSL0-00230-00054279-00054779 so i'm going to do save and new on this HTorNZvrSL0-00231-00054779-00055063 [Music] HTorNZvrSL0-00232-00055064-00055263 okay there we go so i got my deposits HTorNZvrSL0-00233-00055264-00055359 prepped HTorNZvrSL0-00234-00055360-00055519 and everything's HTorNZvrSL0-00235-00055520-00055711 set on that one HTorNZvrSL0-00236-00055712-00055879 and so now the next video i'm going to HTorNZvrSL0-00237-00055879-00056142 go through and walk through some of the HTorNZvrSL0-00238-00056144-00056359 reports that we do for this section but HTorNZvrSL0-00239-00056360-00056638 i think we should be good to go and as HTorNZvrSL0-00240-00056639-00056815 long as yours looks like mine and kind HTorNZvrSL0-00241-00056816-00056959 of went through those same steps if you HTorNZvrSL0-00242-00056960-00057094 have any questions HTorNZvrSL0-00243-00057095-00057294 feel free to reach out email me contact HTorNZvrSL0-00244-00057295-00057661 me and i will help you out thanks bye HTorNZvrSL0-00245-00057662-00058682 [Music] HUECbjzHX5Y-00000-00000000-00000388 I want to bring to our attention that HUECbjzHX5Y-00001-00000389-00000761 sitam Church of Christ is the answer HUECbjzHX5Y-00002-00000762-00001162 Ministry subscribe to the infilling of HUECbjzHX5Y-00003-00001163-00001366 the holy spirit with the outward HUECbjzHX5Y-00004-00001367-00001751 evidence of speaking in tongues praise HUECbjzHX5Y-00005-00001752-00001876 the Lord HUECbjzHX5Y-00006-00001877-00002357 I know in front here we can see our logo HUECbjzHX5Y-00007-00002358-00002776 our logo normally people say that it is HUECbjzHX5Y-00008-00002777-00003047 a bad and then HUECbjzHX5Y-00009-00003048-00003251 when I was in kisumu some people were HUECbjzHX5Y-00010-00003252-00003509 complaining why is it that that bad of HUECbjzHX5Y-00011-00003510-00003756 sitam is looking down instead of looking HUECbjzHX5Y-00012-00003757-00004103 up that is what they were saying but I HUECbjzHX5Y-00013-00004104-00004367 want Also to clarify that today to us HUECbjzHX5Y-00014-00004368-00004745 here that this is not a bad okay it is HUECbjzHX5Y-00015-00004746-00005063 um a symbol of the holy spirit in form HUECbjzHX5Y-00016-00005064-00005213 of a dove HUECbjzHX5Y-00017-00005214-00005536 the dove is looking down if we read in HUECbjzHX5Y-00018-00005537-00005863 Matthew chapter 3 and verse 11 HUECbjzHX5Y-00019-00005864-00006043 to HUECbjzHX5Y-00020-00006044-00006425 the end there we will realize that when HUECbjzHX5Y-00021-00006426-00006796 Jesus was baptized in water the Holy HUECbjzHX5Y-00022-00006797-00007246 Spirit descended on him in form of adaf HUECbjzHX5Y-00023-00007247-00007642 so this Dove looking down on the Holy HUECbjzHX5Y-00024-00007643-00007984 Spirit descending looking down is meant HUECbjzHX5Y-00025-00007986-00008459 to descend on us as Believers and also a HUECbjzHX5Y-00026-00008460-00008789 farmers as children of God that God is HUECbjzHX5Y-00027-00008790-00009046 well pleased with us HUECbjzHX5Y-00028-00009047-00009346 amen praise the Lord HUECbjzHX5Y-00029-00009347-00009556 so I want to read a scripture from the HUECbjzHX5Y-00030-00009557-00009887 book of Acts chapter 2 and verse 1 to 4 HUECbjzHX5Y-00031-00009888-00010241 the Bible says HUECbjzHX5Y-00032-00010242-00010553 when the day of Pentecost came they were HUECbjzHX5Y-00033-00010554-00010871 all gathered in one place suddenly a HUECbjzHX5Y-00034-00010872-00011224 sound like the blowing of a violent wind HUECbjzHX5Y-00035-00011225-00011405 came from heaven HUECbjzHX5Y-00036-00011406-00011819 and filled the whole house where they HUECbjzHX5Y-00037-00011820-00012124 were sitting they saw what seemed to be HUECbjzHX5Y-00038-00012125-00012556 tanks of fire that separated and came to HUECbjzHX5Y-00039-00012557-00012851 rest on each of them all of them were HUECbjzHX5Y-00040-00012852-00013102 filled with the Holy Spirit and began to HUECbjzHX5Y-00041-00013103-00013375 speak in other tongues other Spirit HUECbjzHX5Y-00042-00013376-00013594 enabled them HUECbjzHX5Y-00043-00013595-00014219 amen HUECbjzHX5Y-00044-00014219-00015205 man sorry HUECbjzHX5Y-00045-00015206-00015671 what is baptism in the Holy Spirit what HUECbjzHX5Y-00046-00015672-00015947 is baptism in the Holy Spirit HUECbjzHX5Y-00047-00015947-00016469 baptism is an act of immersion baptism HUECbjzHX5Y-00048-00016470-00016817 is an act of immersion the word baptism HUECbjzHX5Y-00049-00016818-00017215 is derived from the ancient Greek word HUECbjzHX5Y-00050-00017216-00017729 baptism or baptism whichever which means HUECbjzHX5Y-00051-00017730-00018143 to deep or to immerse we have three HUECbjzHX5Y-00052-00018144-00018433 kinds of baptism in the New Testament HUECbjzHX5Y-00053-00018434-00018863 number one we have the baptism in the HUECbjzHX5Y-00054-00018864-00019186 water which is done by by a pastor a HUECbjzHX5Y-00055-00019187-00019486 church pastor and church Elder and which HUECbjzHX5Y-00056-00019487-00019799 was done by John the Baptist in the Book HUECbjzHX5Y-00057-00019800-00020255 of Matthew chapter 3 and verse 11 it is HUECbjzHX5Y-00058-00020256-00020536 not John it is Matthew chapter 3 and HUECbjzHX5Y-00059-00020537-00021011 verse 11. for John says I baptize you in HUECbjzHX5Y-00060-00021012-00021341 water for repentance but there is HUECbjzHX5Y-00061-00021342-00021557 another person who is going to come who HUECbjzHX5Y-00062-00021558-00021833 is more powerful than me that is going HUECbjzHX5Y-00063-00021834-00022157 to baptize you with the Holy Spirit and HUECbjzHX5Y-00064-00022158-00022349 Fire HUECbjzHX5Y-00065-00022350-00022649 so we have baptism in water then another HUECbjzHX5Y-00066-00022650-00022955 kind of baptism we go through in the New HUECbjzHX5Y-00067-00022956-00023272 Testament is identified from The Book of HUECbjzHX5Y-00068-00023273-00023549 John chapter 16 and verse 8 where the HUECbjzHX5Y-00069-00023550-00023843 Bible says the Holy Spirit when he comes HUECbjzHX5Y-00070-00023844-00024221 is going to convict the world of sin and HUECbjzHX5Y-00071-00024222-00024491 of righteousness and of the coming HUECbjzHX5Y-00072-00024492-00024628 judgment HUECbjzHX5Y-00073-00024629-00024989 so when we hear the gospel those of us HUECbjzHX5Y-00074-00024990-00025192 who are here of God born again when we HUECbjzHX5Y-00075-00025193-00025441 had the gospel there was somebody HUECbjzHX5Y-00076-00025442-00025750 ministering deep in our hearts many HUECbjzHX5Y-00077-00025751-00025990 people say I heard something telling me HUECbjzHX5Y-00078-00025991-00026189 it is not something HUECbjzHX5Y-00079-00026189-00026531 that is the person of the Holy Ghost he HUECbjzHX5Y-00080-00026532-00026764 convicts us like when I'm speaking to HUECbjzHX5Y-00081-00026766-00026987 you right now the holy spirit is HUECbjzHX5Y-00082-00026988-00027301 convicting you so the Holy Spirit HUECbjzHX5Y-00083-00027302-00027623 convicts us of sin then we come to HUECbjzHX5Y-00084-00027624-00027946 repentance and he baptized he baptizes HUECbjzHX5Y-00085-00027947-00028355 Us in Jesus Christ HUECbjzHX5Y-00086-00028356-00028714 baptism number three we can see this HUECbjzHX5Y-00087-00028716-00028974 from the book of Acts chapter 1 verse 5 HUECbjzHX5Y-00088-00028975-00029333 and where Jesus HUECbjzHX5Y-00089-00029333-00029620 said told the disciples for John HUECbjzHX5Y-00090-00029622-00029920 baptized with water but in a few days HUECbjzHX5Y-00091-00029922-00030202 you will be baptized with the Holy HUECbjzHX5Y-00092-00030204-00030664 Spirit and the baptizer in the Holy HUECbjzHX5Y-00093-00030666-00031151 Spirit is Jesus himself Jesus immerses HUECbjzHX5Y-00094-00031152-00031433 us we have I told you from the beginning HUECbjzHX5Y-00095-00031433-00031702 it is either it is too deep HUECbjzHX5Y-00096-00031704-00032008 deep completely or we must physically HUECbjzHX5Y-00097-00032010-00032329 when we baptize people we immerse them HUECbjzHX5Y-00098-00032330-00032596 sometime I have once baptized and I HUECbjzHX5Y-00099-00032597-00032801 found some people being very stiff they HUECbjzHX5Y-00100-00032802-00033107 don't want to be immersed we can immerse HUECbjzHX5Y-00101-00033108-00033335 you many times we can struggle with the HUECbjzHX5Y-00102-00033336-00033623 until you go deep inside that is HUECbjzHX5Y-00103-00033624-00033737 immersion HUECbjzHX5Y-00104-00033738-00034090 so the way we are immersed in water that HUECbjzHX5Y-00105-00034091-00034265 is the way we are supposed to be HUECbjzHX5Y-00106-00034266-00034624 immersed in Jesus Christ so that there HUECbjzHX5Y-00107-00034625-00034924 is no mention of sin anywhere we are HUECbjzHX5Y-00108-00034925-00035207 completely immersed in Jesus Christ and HUECbjzHX5Y-00109-00035208-00035429 that is what is going to happen or what HUECbjzHX5Y-00110-00035430-00035705 happened to you or what will happen to HUECbjzHX5Y-00111-00035706-00036101 you when you are immersed in the holy HUECbjzHX5Y-00112-00036102-00036437 spirit so it is an immersion those are HUECbjzHX5Y-00113-00036438-00036743 the three kinds of baptism in the Old HUECbjzHX5Y-00114-00036744-00036940 Testament HUECbjzHX5Y-00115-00036941-00037235 uh there is a prophet who will predict HUECbjzHX5Y-00116-00037236-00037757 you predicted about the baptism of the HUECbjzHX5Y-00117-00037758-00037895 Holy Spirit HUECbjzHX5Y-00118-00037896-00038237 just like the birth of Christ baptism in HUECbjzHX5Y-00119-00038238-00038489 the Holy Spirit was foretold HUECbjzHX5Y-00120-00038490-00038796 as one of the events of the coming HUECbjzHX5Y-00121-00038797-00039130 redemption in the book of prophet Joel HUECbjzHX5Y-00122-00039131-00039539 chapter 2 verse 28 to 29 the Bible says HUECbjzHX5Y-00123-00039540-00039845 and afterwards I will pour out my spirit HUECbjzHX5Y-00124-00039846-00040180 upon All Flesh your sons and daughters HUECbjzHX5Y-00125-00040181-00040480 will prophesy your young men will dream HUECbjzHX5Y-00126-00040481-00040873 dreams you are young HUECbjzHX5Y-00127-00040874-00041201 your old men will dream dreams your HUECbjzHX5Y-00128-00041202-00041543 young men will see Visions even on my HUECbjzHX5Y-00129-00041544-00041927 servants both men and women I will pour HUECbjzHX5Y-00130-00041928-00042383 out my spirit in those days praise the HUECbjzHX5Y-00131-00042384-00042677 Lord in the Old Testament the Holy HUECbjzHX5Y-00132-00042678-00043043 Spirit used to be poured only to a few HUECbjzHX5Y-00133-00043044-00043433 people that the prophet that the rulers HUECbjzHX5Y-00134-00043434-00043687 civil rulers like HUECbjzHX5Y-00135-00043688-00044183 David King Saul like Craftsmen like only HUECbjzHX5Y-00136-00044184-00044311 only HUECbjzHX5Y-00137-00044312-00044674 in Genesis and HUECbjzHX5Y-00138-00044675-00045137 and on on Kings that there were few HUECbjzHX5Y-00139-00045138-00045412 people that used to operate in the power HUECbjzHX5Y-00140-00045413-00045762 of the Holy Spirit but Joel was HUECbjzHX5Y-00141-00045763-00046157 prophesizing in our days these last days HUECbjzHX5Y-00142-00046158-00046601 God says I will pour out my spirit upon HUECbjzHX5Y-00143-00046602-00046883 All Flesh HUECbjzHX5Y-00144-00046884-00047290 that is the thing none of us is Exempted HUECbjzHX5Y-00145-00047291-00047440 from that HUECbjzHX5Y-00146-00047441-00047740 then we have confirmations of Joel's HUECbjzHX5Y-00147-00047741-00048035 Prophecy in the New Testament number one HUECbjzHX5Y-00148-00048036-00048317 by John the Baptist in the Book of HUECbjzHX5Y-00149-00048318-00048695 Matthew chapter 3 and verse 11 I had HUECbjzHX5Y-00150-00048696-00049018 talked about that Matthew chapter 3 and HUECbjzHX5Y-00151-00049019-00049390 verse 11 John says I baptize you with HUECbjzHX5Y-00152-00049391-00049667 water for repentance but after me will HUECbjzHX5Y-00153-00049668-00049936 come one who is more powerful than I HUECbjzHX5Y-00154-00049937-00050285 whose sandals are not fit to Curry he HUECbjzHX5Y-00155-00050286-00050518 will baptize you with the Holy Spirit HUECbjzHX5Y-00156-00050519-00050815 and with fire HUECbjzHX5Y-00157-00050816-00051130 that is a confirmation from John the HUECbjzHX5Y-00158-00051131-00051364 Baptist in the New Testament number two HUECbjzHX5Y-00159-00051365-00051682 then prior to his Ascension Jesus HUECbjzHX5Y-00160-00051683-00051982 directed his disciples to stay in HUECbjzHX5Y-00161-00051983-00052294 Jerusalem and wait to be baptized with HUECbjzHX5Y-00162-00052295-00052504 the Holy Spirit HUECbjzHX5Y-00163-00052505-00052949 this is found in Acts chapter 1 Acts HUECbjzHX5Y-00164-00052950-00053207 chapter 1 and verse HUECbjzHX5Y-00165-00053208-00053519 Acts chapter 1 verse 4 to 5 the Bible HUECbjzHX5Y-00166-00053520-00053813 says on HUECbjzHX5Y-00167-00053814-00054065 four to five the Bible says on one HUECbjzHX5Y-00168-00054066-00054365 occasion while he was eating with them HUECbjzHX5Y-00169-00054366-00054707 he gave he gave them this command do not HUECbjzHX5Y-00170-00054708-00055049 leave Jerusalem but wait for the gift my HUECbjzHX5Y-00171-00055050-00055397 father promised which you have re which HUECbjzHX5Y-00172-00055398-00055775 you have had me speak about for John HUECbjzHX5Y-00173-00055776-00056026 baptized with water but in a few days HUECbjzHX5Y-00174-00056027-00056321 you will be baptized with the Holy HUECbjzHX5Y-00175-00056322-00056411 Spirit HUECbjzHX5Y-00176-00056412-00056704 that was another confirmation from our HUECbjzHX5Y-00177-00056705-00057082 Lord Jesus Christ number three HUECbjzHX5Y-00178-00057083-00057526 this was fulfilled at Pentecost in Acts HUECbjzHX5Y-00179-00057527-00057811 chapter 2 verse 1 to 4 that one I read HUECbjzHX5Y-00180-00057812-00058097 where the disciples came and gathered HUECbjzHX5Y-00181-00058098-00058307 and they were all filled with the Holy HUECbjzHX5Y-00182-00058308-00058642 Spirit this was the baptism in the holy HUECbjzHX5Y-00183-00058644-00059026 spirit that had had been promised by HUECbjzHX5Y-00184-00059027-00059387 Jesus it was the mark that the disciples HUECbjzHX5Y-00185-00059388-00059944 were now initiated into the realm of the HUECbjzHX5Y-00186-00059945-00060185 Holy Spirit HUECbjzHX5Y-00187-00060186-00060594 foreign HUECbjzHX5Y-00188-00060595-00061032 what is the significance of Holy Spirit HUECbjzHX5Y-00189-00061033-00061391 baptism or what is the importance the HUECbjzHX5Y-00190-00061391-00061732 Holy Spirit baptism marked a significant HUECbjzHX5Y-00191-00061733-00062009 turning point in the life and Ministry HUECbjzHX5Y-00192-00062010-00062344 of the disciples the men and women who HUECbjzHX5Y-00193-00062345-00062597 had been waiting in the upper room in HUECbjzHX5Y-00194-00062598-00062915 fear of persecution were transformed HUECbjzHX5Y-00195-00062916-00063299 into a different kind of people several HUECbjzHX5Y-00196-00063300-00063569 changes are notable HUECbjzHX5Y-00197-00063570-00063954 number one the disciples became bold HUECbjzHX5Y-00198-00063955-00064487 witness they became bold witness that is HUECbjzHX5Y-00199-00064488-00064823 found in Acts chapter 2 and verse 1 to HUECbjzHX5Y-00200-00064824-00065080 37 we will not read that scripture here HUECbjzHX5Y-00201-00065082-00065471 because of time the baptism of the Holy HUECbjzHX5Y-00202-00065472-00065794 Spirit emboldens the believer to share HUECbjzHX5Y-00203-00065795-00066149 his or her faith with others praise the HUECbjzHX5Y-00204-00066150-00066256 Lord HUECbjzHX5Y-00205-00066257-00066479 I know some of us HUECbjzHX5Y-00206-00066480-00066821 even when you maybe I guess speak on you HUECbjzHX5Y-00207-00066822-00067121 and I tell you to come in front here you HUECbjzHX5Y-00208-00067122-00067391 will tell me no sometimes in meetings HUECbjzHX5Y-00209-00067392-00067726 I've I've chosen I've chosen people to HUECbjzHX5Y-00210-00067727-00067967 pray I've just said so and so pray for HUECbjzHX5Y-00211-00067968-00068279 us somebody has said no they are not HUECbjzHX5Y-00212-00068280-00068531 even able to pray if you are not even HUECbjzHX5Y-00213-00068532-00068788 able to pray the Lord's Prayer tell me HUECbjzHX5Y-00214-00068789-00069059 how will you share your faith you need HUECbjzHX5Y-00215-00069060-00069376 the baptism in the Holy Spirit for HUECbjzHX5Y-00216-00069377-00069785 boldness HUECbjzHX5Y-00217-00069786-00070043 some of us even in our places of work HUECbjzHX5Y-00218-00070044-00070288 nobody knows whether we are born again HUECbjzHX5Y-00219-00070289-00070441 or not HUECbjzHX5Y-00220-00070442-00070859 in fact if a Believer comes there and HUECbjzHX5Y-00221-00070860-00071200 they say praise the Lord you shy away HUECbjzHX5Y-00222-00071201-00071441 some of us even look our doors and we HUECbjzHX5Y-00223-00071442-00071621 behave as if we don't know those people HUECbjzHX5Y-00224-00071622-00071855 why HUECbjzHX5Y-00225-00071856-00072173 we don't have the boldness the boldness HUECbjzHX5Y-00226-00072174-00072437 come from baptism in the Holy Spirit HUECbjzHX5Y-00227-00072438-00072761 number two they cultivated a special HUECbjzHX5Y-00228-00072762-00073091 Spirit of devotion Acts chapter 2 42 HUECbjzHX5Y-00229-00073092-00073438 they devoted themselves to the Apostle's HUECbjzHX5Y-00230-00073439-00073756 teaching and the fellowship to the HUECbjzHX5Y-00231-00073757-00074063 breaking of bread and to prayer this HUECbjzHX5Y-00232-00074064-00074285 implication is that the Holy Spirit HUECbjzHX5Y-00233-00074286-00074617 creates in The Believer a specialty HUECbjzHX5Y-00234-00074618-00075119 desire for Spiritual things as HUECbjzHX5Y-00235-00075120-00075437 Paul has told us Apostle Paul has told HUECbjzHX5Y-00236-00075438-00075803 us in in Acts chapter in Romans chapter HUECbjzHX5Y-00237-00075804-00076294 8 and verse 5 he says those who have who HUECbjzHX5Y-00238-00076295-00076594 live according to the sinful nature have HUECbjzHX5Y-00239-00076595-00076912 their minds set on what that nature HUECbjzHX5Y-00240-00076913-00077153 desires but those who live in accordance HUECbjzHX5Y-00241-00077154-00077537 with the spirit have their mindset on HUECbjzHX5Y-00242-00077538-00077849 what the spirit desires HUECbjzHX5Y-00243-00077850-00078100 so these people had HUECbjzHX5Y-00244-00078101-00078365 um cultivated a special Spirit of HUECbjzHX5Y-00245-00078366-00078706 devotion they were so much devoted to HUECbjzHX5Y-00246-00078707-00079006 the apostles teaching and breaking of HUECbjzHX5Y-00247-00079007-00079265 bread they were coming they were looking HUECbjzHX5Y-00248-00079266-00079625 out up to the time of Fellowship so that HUECbjzHX5Y-00249-00079626-00079888 they can go and pray together go and HUECbjzHX5Y-00250-00079889-00080161 hear the word of God and go and HUECbjzHX5Y-00251-00080162-00080476 evangelize tell people about Jesus HUECbjzHX5Y-00252-00080477-00080675 Christ they were looking up to it HUECbjzHX5Y-00253-00080676-00080993 because their mind was set on the things HUECbjzHX5Y-00254-00080994-00081300 that are above HUECbjzHX5Y-00255-00081301-00081641 and that is the spirit of devotion that HUECbjzHX5Y-00256-00081642-00082019 we need in the church HUECbjzHX5Y-00257-00082020-00082349 number three the disciples witnessed HUECbjzHX5Y-00258-00082350-00082679 signs and wonders in their Ministry HUECbjzHX5Y-00259-00082680-00082991 Acts chapter 2 verse 43 the Bible says HUECbjzHX5Y-00260-00082992-00083261 everyone was filled with HUECbjzHX5Y-00261-00083262-00083632 o and Many Wonders and miraculous signs HUECbjzHX5Y-00262-00083633-00084000 were done by the apostles these people HUECbjzHX5Y-00263-00084001-00084562 did signs and wonders Miracles happened HUECbjzHX5Y-00264-00084563-00084941 because of the power they were having HUECbjzHX5Y-00265-00084942-00085187 the power that was coming from the holy HUECbjzHX5Y-00266-00085188-00085432 spirit this remember this these are the HUECbjzHX5Y-00267-00085433-00085799 same same disciples we look we find in HUECbjzHX5Y-00268-00085800-00086362 the book of of Mark 9 17 to 18. they are HUECbjzHX5Y-00269-00086363-00086947 the same one the same one mark 19 17 to HUECbjzHX5Y-00270-00086948-00087556 18 Mark 9 not 19 sorry 17 to 18 the HUECbjzHX5Y-00271-00087557-00087744 Bible says HUECbjzHX5Y-00272-00087745-00088067 a man in a crowd answer teacher I HUECbjzHX5Y-00273-00088068-00088337 brought you my son who is possessed by a HUECbjzHX5Y-00274-00088338-00088559 spirit that has robbed him of speech HUECbjzHX5Y-00275-00088560-00088943 whenever it is says it says as him it HUECbjzHX5Y-00276-00088944-00089249 throws him to the ground he forms at the HUECbjzHX5Y-00277-00089250-00089353 mouth HUECbjzHX5Y-00278-00089354-00089687 nashes his teeth and become becomes HUECbjzHX5Y-00279-00089688-00090005 rigid I I ask your disciples to drive HUECbjzHX5Y-00280-00090006-00090347 out the spirit but they could not HUECbjzHX5Y-00281-00090348-00090599 these are the disciples initially who HUECbjzHX5Y-00282-00090600-00091006 could not even the the drive out even a HUECbjzHX5Y-00283-00091007-00091397 fly they were not able but now because HUECbjzHX5Y-00284-00091398-00091750 of the baptism in the Holy Spirit the HUECbjzHX5Y-00285-00091751-00092165 Bible says miracles signs and wonders HUECbjzHX5Y-00286-00092166-00092459 were performed by them people like Peter HUECbjzHX5Y-00287-00092460-00092747 you remember when they met that lemon at HUECbjzHX5Y-00288-00092748-00093059 the beautiful gate and he said he wanted HUECbjzHX5Y-00289-00093060-00093323 money from them they said that Peter HUECbjzHX5Y-00290-00093324-00093682 said silver Have I None but Have I None HUECbjzHX5Y-00291-00093683-00094043 but in the name of Jesus Christ rise up HUECbjzHX5Y-00292-00094044-00094441 and walk and immediately the man through HUECbjzHX5Y-00293-00094442-00094817 a way that whatever he was using to work HUECbjzHX5Y-00294-00094818-00095123 and he rose and he went away praising HUECbjzHX5Y-00295-00095124-00095447 the Lord great signs and wonders they HUECbjzHX5Y-00296-00095448-00095591 were performing HUECbjzHX5Y-00297-00095592-00095921 we realized that the disciples had the HUECbjzHX5Y-00298-00095922-00096125 disciples had completely been HUECbjzHX5Y-00299-00096126-00096443 transformed in their Ministry and I know HUECbjzHX5Y-00300-00096444-00096767 we are here and we are wondering why am HUECbjzHX5Y-00301-00096768-00097138 I not even able to trust God even only HUECbjzHX5Y-00302-00097139-00097600 to heal a flu you have never been able HUECbjzHX5Y-00303-00097601-00097900 you have never trusted God to heal even HUECbjzHX5Y-00304-00097901-00098326 the simple ailment you need the baptism HUECbjzHX5Y-00305-00098327-00098693 in the Holy Spirit the implication here HUECbjzHX5Y-00306-00098694-00099011 is that the holy spirit empowers for HUECbjzHX5Y-00307-00099012-00099594 extra ordinary spiritual gifts HUECbjzHX5Y-00308-00099595-00099959 number four the disciples developed a HUECbjzHX5Y-00309-00099960-00100276 unique sense of unity after the HUECbjzHX5Y-00310-00100277-00100493 outpouring of the Holy Spirit a new HUECbjzHX5Y-00311-00100494-00100799 sense of togetherness and generosity HUECbjzHX5Y-00312-00100800-00101123 developed among the disciples in the HUECbjzHX5Y-00313-00101124-00101473 book of Acts chapter 2 verse 40 4-45 HUECbjzHX5Y-00314-00101474-00101765 these people were so United and they HUECbjzHX5Y-00315-00101766-00102059 were so generous and HUECbjzHX5Y-00316-00102060-00102268 uh the senior pastor liked preaching HUECbjzHX5Y-00317-00102269-00102713 about uh giving that he wants to be the HUECbjzHX5Y-00318-00102714-00102940 greatest giver but I don't know whether HUECbjzHX5Y-00319-00102941-00103271 he can he can match to this group HUECbjzHX5Y-00320-00103272-00103680 because they gave over a hundred percent HUECbjzHX5Y-00321-00103681-00103984 praise the Lord because they sold HUECbjzHX5Y-00322-00103985-00104278 everything they had and they were HUECbjzHX5Y-00323-00104279-00104615 sharing with those among them that they HUECbjzHX5Y-00324-00104616-00105049 were in need there was great generosity HUECbjzHX5Y-00325-00105050-00105301 there was um HUECbjzHX5Y-00326-00105302-00105658 togetherness Unity they were so bonded HUECbjzHX5Y-00327-00105659-00106057 together something that is maybe lacking HUECbjzHX5Y-00328-00106058-00106547 in our church today we need the baptism HUECbjzHX5Y-00329-00106548-00106907 in the Holy Spirit then when you compare HUECbjzHX5Y-00330-00106908-00107281 thus that acts chapter 2 verse 44-45 HUECbjzHX5Y-00331-00107282-00107645 with Paul's evaluation of the contact of HUECbjzHX5Y-00332-00107646-00108047 the Corinthians First Corinthians First HUECbjzHX5Y-00333-00108048-00108508 Corinthians chapter 3 HUECbjzHX5Y-00334-00108509-00108821 First Corinthians chapter 3 and get it HUECbjzHX5Y-00335-00108822-00108983 and read to you first Corinthians HUECbjzHX5Y-00336-00108983-00109390 chapter 3 verse 3 to 4 Paul was saying HUECbjzHX5Y-00337-00109391-00109799 this if we compare that he says for HUECbjzHX5Y-00338-00109800-00110219 when one says I follow Paul another I HUECbjzHX5Y-00339-00110220-00110584 follow Apollos are you not me a man HUECbjzHX5Y-00340-00110585-00111028 what what after all is Apollos and what HUECbjzHX5Y-00341-00111029-00111299 is Paul only servants through whom you HUECbjzHX5Y-00342-00111300-00111683 came to believe as the Lord has assigned HUECbjzHX5Y-00343-00111683-00112036 each his task HUECbjzHX5Y-00344-00112038-00112313 I think I left out verse 3 you are still HUECbjzHX5Y-00345-00112314-00112475 worldly HUECbjzHX5Y-00346-00112476-00112715 for since there is jealousy and HUECbjzHX5Y-00347-00112716-00113069 quarreling among you are you not worldly HUECbjzHX5Y-00348-00113070-00113513 are you not acting like Mia men HUECbjzHX5Y-00349-00113514-00113765 this is the Church of Corinth that Paul HUECbjzHX5Y-00350-00113766-00114101 was in was in and if you compare this HUECbjzHX5Y-00351-00114102-00114431 church with the the early church you HUECbjzHX5Y-00352-00114432-00114708 find that there is a very big difference HUECbjzHX5Y-00353-00114709-00115049 that church in Collins they were worldly HUECbjzHX5Y-00354-00115050-00115384 as Paul is is calling them they were HUECbjzHX5Y-00355-00115385-00115739 Canon they were they were jealousy they HUECbjzHX5Y-00356-00115740-00115943 were quarreling among themselves they HUECbjzHX5Y-00357-00115944-00116284 were fighting and they were following HUECbjzHX5Y-00358-00116285-00116602 their leaders instead of following Jesus HUECbjzHX5Y-00359-00116603-00116833 Christ HUECbjzHX5Y-00360-00116833-00117173 and some of these things we can see them HUECbjzHX5Y-00361-00117174-00117497 even in the Church of today why is it HUECbjzHX5Y-00362-00117498-00117821 that many fellowships break up why is it HUECbjzHX5Y-00363-00117822-00118049 that they break up why is it that um HUECbjzHX5Y-00364-00118050-00118349 even Servants of God you find them HUECbjzHX5Y-00365-00118350-00118666 exchanging or fighting and breaking even HUECbjzHX5Y-00366-00118667-00118931 the fellowship of Brethren why is it HUECbjzHX5Y-00367-00118932-00119239 that there is tribalism in the church HUECbjzHX5Y-00368-00119240-00119536 one person says I'm a challenging HUECbjzHX5Y-00369-00119538-00119813 another one says amaluya you want to HUECbjzHX5Y-00370-00119814-00120239 identify with your tribe why is it that HUECbjzHX5Y-00371-00120240-00120604 we are inclined to political affiliation HUECbjzHX5Y-00372-00120605-00121025 that is what Paul is saying canality and HUECbjzHX5Y-00373-00121026-00121421 worldlyness HUECbjzHX5Y-00374-00121422-00122045 we need the baptism in the Holy Spirit HUECbjzHX5Y-00375-00122046-00122352 a spirit baptism different from being HUECbjzHX5Y-00376-00122353-00122633 Spirit-filled a spirit baptism different HUECbjzHX5Y-00377-00122633-00122933 from being a Spirit-filled though HUECbjzHX5Y-00378-00122933-00123175 sometimes Spirit baptism is used HUECbjzHX5Y-00379-00123176-00123484 interchangeably with being Spirit-filled HUECbjzHX5Y-00380-00123485-00123725 they seem to be HUECbjzHX5Y-00381-00123726-00124240 different Spirit baptism occurs once the HUECbjzHX5Y-00382-00124241-00124552 term baptism generally refers to an act HUECbjzHX5Y-00383-00124553-00124960 of initiation and initiations are HUECbjzHX5Y-00384-00124961-00125239 generally one time HUECbjzHX5Y-00385-00125240-00125560 events for example a person who was HUECbjzHX5Y-00386-00125561-00125831 circumcised only once HUECbjzHX5Y-00387-00125832-00126173 in order to join the family of God under HUECbjzHX5Y-00388-00126174-00126563 the abrahamic Covenant in Genesis 17 HUECbjzHX5Y-00389-00126564-00126875 9-11 HUECbjzHX5Y-00390-00126876-00127247 and if I may I ask our Brethren who come HUECbjzHX5Y-00391-00127248-00127486 from this locality HUECbjzHX5Y-00392-00127488-00127877 who of us has circumcised their boy HUECbjzHX5Y-00393-00127878-00128249 twice or Thrice HUECbjzHX5Y-00394-00128250-00128633 nobody isn't it it is only once because HUECbjzHX5Y-00395-00128633-00128993 it is an initiation so we get baptized HUECbjzHX5Y-00396-00128994-00129364 in the Holy Spirit once because it is an HUECbjzHX5Y-00397-00129365-00129916 initiation HUECbjzHX5Y-00398-00129917-00130240 then we come to be spirit HUECbjzHX5Y-00399-00130241-00130547 to be Spirit-filled is continuous or HUECbjzHX5Y-00400-00130548-00130949 repeated the bibilical incidence of HUECbjzHX5Y-00401-00130950-00131237 being filled with the Holy Spirit imply HUECbjzHX5Y-00402-00131238-00131561 repeated occurrence in the life of HUECbjzHX5Y-00403-00131562-00131933 of the individual similarly the call or HUECbjzHX5Y-00404-00131934-00132154 command to be filled with the Holy HUECbjzHX5Y-00405-00132155-00132559 Spirit signify a continuous requirement HUECbjzHX5Y-00406-00132560-00132935 Acts chapter 4 verse 8 the Bible says HUECbjzHX5Y-00407-00132936-00133247 then Peter filled with the Holy Spirit HUECbjzHX5Y-00408-00133248-00133681 said rulers and Elders of the people HUECbjzHX5Y-00409-00133682-00134069 remember Peter had been baptized in the HUECbjzHX5Y-00410-00134070-00134483 Holy Spirit and now the Bible says then HUECbjzHX5Y-00411-00134484-00134890 Peter filled with the Holy Spirit the HUECbjzHX5Y-00412-00134891-00135166 feeling with the Holy Spirit when we get HUECbjzHX5Y-00413-00135167-00135485 baptized in the Holy Spirit we continue HUECbjzHX5Y-00414-00135486-00136039 to be filled with the Holy Spirit how by HUECbjzHX5Y-00415-00136040-00136475 abiding continually abiding in The Vine HUECbjzHX5Y-00416-00136476-00136919 by dwelling in prayers by reading and HUECbjzHX5Y-00417-00136920-00137237 doing the word of God by praying and HUECbjzHX5Y-00418-00137238-00137669 fasting by sharing the message of the HUECbjzHX5Y-00419-00137670-00137927 love of Jesus Christ with those around HUECbjzHX5Y-00420-00137928-00138347 us that is continual abiding continual HUECbjzHX5Y-00421-00138348-00138649 abiding that is what it means to HUECbjzHX5Y-00422-00138650-00138995 continue to be filled with the Holy HUECbjzHX5Y-00423-00138996-00139283 Spirit baptism is once but HUECbjzHX5Y-00424-00139284-00139414 pretty HUECbjzHX5Y-00425-00139415-00139702 is continuous HUECbjzHX5Y-00426-00139703-00140052 in Ephesians chapter 5 18 HUECbjzHX5Y-00427-00140053-00140423 Paul told this church do not be drunk on HUECbjzHX5Y-00428-00140424-00140759 wine which leads to debauchery instead HUECbjzHX5Y-00429-00140760-00141245 be filled with the Holy Spirit we need HUECbjzHX5Y-00430-00141246-00141469 to be filled with the Holy Spirit HUECbjzHX5Y-00431-00141470-00141809 continually yes we were baptized we were HUECbjzHX5Y-00432-00141810-00142151 not to remain there and saying that we HUECbjzHX5Y-00433-00142152-00142414 are now baptized I talk in tongues there HUECbjzHX5Y-00434-00142415-00142751 is nothing more that I can do no we HUECbjzHX5Y-00435-00142752-00143071 continue Abiding and we continue HUECbjzHX5Y-00436-00143072-00143411 to be filled with the holy spirit daily HUECbjzHX5Y-00437-00143412-00143764 that is why when Peter and the apostles HUECbjzHX5Y-00438-00143765-00144028 continued in Breaking the word together HUECbjzHX5Y-00439-00144029-00144389 in prayer they were able to counter HUECbjzHX5Y-00440-00144390-00144616 attack even there the people were HUECbjzHX5Y-00441-00144617-00144940 opposing them and the Bible says that HUECbjzHX5Y-00442-00144941-00145301 morning Peter was full of the Holy HUECbjzHX5Y-00443-00145302-00145523 Spirit HUECbjzHX5Y-00444-00145524-00145807 I don't know where when we we receive HUECbjzHX5Y-00445-00145808-00146069 oppositions Even in our places of work HUECbjzHX5Y-00446-00146070-00146411 whether we are able to counter attack HUECbjzHX5Y-00447-00146412-00146813 the works of the enemy the thing is be HUECbjzHX5Y-00448-00146814-00147275 filled with the holy spirit daily or HUECbjzHX5Y-00449-00147276-00147778 continually HUECbjzHX5Y-00450-00147779-00148093 foreign HUECbjzHX5Y-00451-00148094-00148366 baptism necessary HUECbjzHX5Y-00452-00148367-00148577 one of the questions that has been HUECbjzHX5Y-00453-00148578-00148835 debated among theologians and ordinary HUECbjzHX5Y-00454-00148836-00149159 Christians alike is whether the baptism HUECbjzHX5Y-00455-00149160-00149452 in the Holy Spirit is necessary for HUECbjzHX5Y-00456-00149453-00149825 every believer this is similar to asking HUECbjzHX5Y-00457-00149826-00150125 whether circumcision was necessary for HUECbjzHX5Y-00458-00150126-00150425 every believer under the abrahamic HUECbjzHX5Y-00459-00150426-00150989 Covenant of course it was and also if I HUECbjzHX5Y-00460-00150990-00151307 may just go back to the question I asked HUECbjzHX5Y-00461-00151308-00151543 is circumcision HUECbjzHX5Y-00462-00151544-00152081 necessary for kalenjin boys to be HUECbjzHX5Y-00463-00152082-00152533 associated with the kalenjin community HUECbjzHX5Y-00464-00152534-00152854 yes it is it is HUECbjzHX5Y-00465-00152855-00153190 I'm here to see one who or I may not HUECbjzHX5Y-00466-00153191-00153316 know but HUECbjzHX5Y-00467-00153317-00153539 I don't think there is one who is not HUECbjzHX5Y-00468-00153540-00153773 circumcised at least at some point HUECbjzHX5Y-00469-00153774-00154037 they'll be circumcised that one is a HUECbjzHX5Y-00470-00154038-00154254 condition so HUECbjzHX5Y-00471-00154255-00154601 likewise it is apparent that we need to HUECbjzHX5Y-00472-00154602-00154978 be baptized in the Holy Spirit if we are HUECbjzHX5Y-00473-00154979-00155363 to operate effectively in the realm of HUECbjzHX5Y-00474-00155364-00155711 the Holy Spirit we need to be baptized HUECbjzHX5Y-00475-00155712-00156102 that means it is very necessary HUECbjzHX5Y-00476-00156103-00156526 for every believer to be baptized in the HUECbjzHX5Y-00477-00156527-00156761 Holy Spirit HUECbjzHX5Y-00478-00156762-00157013 Paul encourage the efficients to receive HUECbjzHX5Y-00479-00157014-00157307 the Holy Spirit baptism during his HUECbjzHX5Y-00480-00157308-00157535 missionary visit to Ephesus Paul HUECbjzHX5Y-00481-00157536-00157811 questioned the Believers about their HUECbjzHX5Y-00482-00157812-00158164 encounter with the Holy Spirit in Acts HUECbjzHX5Y-00483-00158165-00158525 Chapter 19 Verse 1 to 4. HUECbjzHX5Y-00484-00158526-00158771 since they were already Believers the HUECbjzHX5Y-00485-00158772-00158957 Holy Spirit was HUECbjzHX5Y-00486-00158958-00159328 definitely already dwelling in them for HUECbjzHX5Y-00487-00159329-00159581 no one can be a believer without the HUECbjzHX5Y-00488-00159582-00160007 Holy Spirit remember I said the Holy HUECbjzHX5Y-00489-00160008-00160307 Spirit convicts us of sin at that point HUECbjzHX5Y-00490-00160308-00160552 when you get born again the holy spirit HUECbjzHX5Y-00491-00160553-00160919 is abiding in you but that is not the HUECbjzHX5Y-00492-00160920-00161225 baptism he is with you that is why you HUECbjzHX5Y-00493-00161226-00161651 are able to say Jesus is Lord you have HUECbjzHX5Y-00494-00161652-00161975 the Holy Spirit within you he then LED HUECbjzHX5Y-00495-00161976-00162263 them to the experience in Acts Chapter HUECbjzHX5Y-00496-00162264-00162678 19 Verse 5 to 7 the bible says they were HUECbjzHX5Y-00497-00162679-00163037 baptized into the Lord Jesus When Paul HUECbjzHX5Y-00498-00163038-00163373 placed his hands on them the Holy Spirit HUECbjzHX5Y-00499-00163374-00163649 came upon them and they spoke in tongues HUECbjzHX5Y-00500-00163650-00164140 and prophesized HUECbjzHX5Y-00501-00164141-00164401 the Holy Spirit baptism HUECbjzHX5Y-00502-00164402-00164897 authenticated Gentile Believers one of HUECbjzHX5Y-00503-00164898-00165131 the biggest debate among the leadership HUECbjzHX5Y-00504-00165132-00165378 of the early church was whether the HUECbjzHX5Y-00505-00165379-00165647 uncircumcised Believers could be HUECbjzHX5Y-00506-00165648-00165881 accepted into the fellowship of HUECbjzHX5Y-00507-00165882-00166199 Believers this matter was settled in HUECbjzHX5Y-00508-00166200-00166439 Cornelius house where Peter had been HUECbjzHX5Y-00509-00166440-00166745 sent to preach in Acts chapter 10 verse HUECbjzHX5Y-00510-00166746-00167183 44 to 47 the Bible says that while Peter HUECbjzHX5Y-00511-00167184-00167440 was still preaching to them they were HUECbjzHX5Y-00512-00167441-00167723 filled with the Holy Spirit I wish that HUECbjzHX5Y-00513-00167724-00167957 happens to me that while I'm still HUECbjzHX5Y-00514-00167958-00168233 preaching to you you just start speaking HUECbjzHX5Y-00515-00168234-00168635 tongues and prophesying amen HUECbjzHX5Y-00516-00168636-00168899 for the the Bible says for they had them HUECbjzHX5Y-00517-00168900-00169325 speaking in tongues and praising God so HUECbjzHX5Y-00518-00169326-00169702 this one is just confirming what Joel HUECbjzHX5Y-00519-00169703-00170021 The Prophet had prophesied that God will HUECbjzHX5Y-00520-00170022-00170533 pour out his Spirit upon All Flesh HUECbjzHX5Y-00521-00170534-00170854 both Gentile and the Jews who are filled HUECbjzHX5Y-00522-00170855-00171095 with the Holy Spirit what is the HUECbjzHX5Y-00523-00171096-00171443 evidence of Holy Spirit baptism it seems HUECbjzHX5Y-00524-00171444-00171676 clear from scripture that in all cases HUECbjzHX5Y-00525-00171677-00171952 of baptism in the Holy Spirit there was HUECbjzHX5Y-00526-00171953-00172426 a public evidence HUECbjzHX5Y-00527-00172427-00172781 number one at the upper room HUECbjzHX5Y-00528-00172782-00173104 all spoke in other tongues in Acts HUECbjzHX5Y-00529-00173105-00173476 chapter 2 verse 1 to form number two in HUECbjzHX5Y-00530-00173477-00173716 Cornelius house they spoke in tongues HUECbjzHX5Y-00531-00173717-00174131 and praised God Acts chapter 10 verse 44 HUECbjzHX5Y-00532-00174132-00174569 to 46 number three in Ephesus they spoke HUECbjzHX5Y-00533-00174570-00174887 in tongues and prophesized HUECbjzHX5Y-00534-00174888-00175426 in Acts Chapter 19 Verse 3 2 6 you can HUECbjzHX5Y-00535-00175427-00175769 read that Jesus reaffirmed this in Mark HUECbjzHX5Y-00536-00175770-00176290 16 and verse 17 to 18 when he was HUECbjzHX5Y-00537-00176291-00176614 commissioning the disciples I'll read HUECbjzHX5Y-00538-00176615-00177307 that HUECbjzHX5Y-00539-00177308-00177881 max distance 17 to 18 the Bible says and HUECbjzHX5Y-00540-00177882-00178138 these signs will accompany those who HUECbjzHX5Y-00541-00178139-00178445 believe who believe in my name they will HUECbjzHX5Y-00542-00178446-00178745 drive out demons they will speak in new HUECbjzHX5Y-00543-00178746-00179026 tongues they will pick up snakes with HUECbjzHX5Y-00544-00179027-00179314 their hands and when they drink deadly HUECbjzHX5Y-00545-00179315-00179657 poison it will not hurt them at all they HUECbjzHX5Y-00546-00179658-00179843 will place their hands on the sick HUECbjzHX5Y-00547-00179844-00180257 people and they will get well Jesus said HUECbjzHX5Y-00548-00180258-00180604 those who will believe in him one of the HUECbjzHX5Y-00549-00180605-00180821 things they were going to benefit from HUECbjzHX5Y-00550-00180822-00182064 it was to speak in new tongues HUECbjzHX5Y-00551-00182065-00182369 therefore speaking in tongues HUECbjzHX5Y-00552-00182370-00182813 is the initial evidence of the baptism HUECbjzHX5Y-00553-00182814-00183166 in the Holy Spirit and that is what we HUECbjzHX5Y-00554-00183167-00183437 believe in as Christ is the answer HUECbjzHX5Y-00555-00183438-00184025 Ministry HUECbjzHX5Y-00556-00184026-00184373 there is a not there I want us to not HUECbjzHX5Y-00557-00184374-00184771 we have two kinds of tongues number one HUECbjzHX5Y-00558-00184772-00185116 the initial evidence of baptism in the HUECbjzHX5Y-00559-00185117-00185290 Holy Spirit HUECbjzHX5Y-00560-00185291-00185626 this is for all believers the initial HUECbjzHX5Y-00561-00185627-00186047 evidence all believers who are filled in HUECbjzHX5Y-00562-00186048-00186209 the Holy Spirit HUECbjzHX5Y-00563-00186210-00186587 must have that outward evidence of HUECbjzHX5Y-00564-00186588-00186959 speaking in tongues and these tongues HUECbjzHX5Y-00565-00186960-00187325 are for self-edification if you read HUECbjzHX5Y-00566-00187326-00187576 First Corinthians chapter 14 and verse HUECbjzHX5Y-00567-00187577-00188116 4A you will read that these tongues as a HUECbjzHX5Y-00568-00188117-00188369 sign that you are filled with the Holy HUECbjzHX5Y-00569-00188370-00188693 Spirit are for self-edification they are HUECbjzHX5Y-00570-00188694-00188969 edifying you which means when you HUECbjzHX5Y-00571-00188970-00189275 continue speaking in tongues when you HUECbjzHX5Y-00572-00189276-00189652 continue just abiding in him you HUECbjzHX5Y-00573-00189653-00189952 continue to edify yourself why when you HUECbjzHX5Y-00574-00189953-00190204 allow the holy spirit of God to HUECbjzHX5Y-00575-00190205-00190493 intercede on your behalf the holy spirit HUECbjzHX5Y-00576-00190494-00190907 of God is God himself he is all knowing HUECbjzHX5Y-00577-00190908-00191188 he he knows the mind of God about you HUECbjzHX5Y-00578-00191189-00191590 and he knows your mind so he intercedes HUECbjzHX5Y-00579-00191591-00191881 for you the things that you cannot HUECbjzHX5Y-00580-00191882-00192364 intercede with your ordinary mind the HUECbjzHX5Y-00581-00192365-00192623 holy spirit of God will intercede for HUECbjzHX5Y-00582-00192624-00192863 you maybe the enemy has just laid a trap HUECbjzHX5Y-00583-00192864-00193066 for you so that when you leave your HUECbjzHX5Y-00584-00193067-00193240 house you are knocked with a motorbike HUECbjzHX5Y-00585-00193241-00193487 but you the spirit of God wakes you HUECbjzHX5Y-00586-00193488-00193733 early in the morning and you pray in HUECbjzHX5Y-00587-00193734-00194081 tongues you didn't just realize that you HUECbjzHX5Y-00588-00194082-00194302 are to die that day but the holy spirit HUECbjzHX5Y-00589-00194303-00194687 of God who is all knowing has interceded HUECbjzHX5Y-00590-00194688-00194861 for you HUECbjzHX5Y-00591-00194862-00195059 praise the Lord HUECbjzHX5Y-00592-00195060-00195485 number two tongues as a gift we have HUECbjzHX5Y-00593-00195486-00195725 another kind of tongue and this is HUECbjzHX5Y-00594-00195726-00196061 thanks as a gift this is not for all HUECbjzHX5Y-00595-00196062-00196535 people this is for church edification in HUECbjzHX5Y-00596-00196536-00196871 in a First Corinthians chapter 14 and HUECbjzHX5Y-00597-00196872-00197231 verse 4 B you will realize Paul and HUECbjzHX5Y-00598-00197232-00197464 mentioning about this tongue of church HUECbjzHX5Y-00599-00197465-00197795 edification and it is a gift it is not HUECbjzHX5Y-00600-00197796-00197938 for everyone HUECbjzHX5Y-00601-00197939-00198173 and when we come here and we are HUECbjzHX5Y-00602-00198174-00198359 worshiping the Lord and worshiping and HUECbjzHX5Y-00603-00198360-00198683 worshiping and we be silent someone who HUECbjzHX5Y-00604-00198684-00198983 has this gift will rise up and begin HUECbjzHX5Y-00605-00198984-00199435 talking in tongues alone HUECbjzHX5Y-00606-00199436-00199738 acquired either God will give that HUECbjzHX5Y-00607-00199739-00200050 person the gift of interpretation and HUECbjzHX5Y-00608-00200051-00200326 they will interpret to us what God is HUECbjzHX5Y-00609-00200327-00200602 speaking to the church HUECbjzHX5Y-00610-00200603-00200993 that is for church edification and Paul HUECbjzHX5Y-00611-00200994-00201347 was saying I'd rather you you you you do HUECbjzHX5Y-00612-00201348-00201749 what you prophesy then you speak the HUECbjzHX5Y-00613-00201750-00202025 tongues of a self-edification because HUECbjzHX5Y-00614-00202026-00202343 for self edification they are edifying HUECbjzHX5Y-00615-00202344-00202625 you alone but when you have this gift HUECbjzHX5Y-00616-00202626-00202973 you will be edifying the entire body of HUECbjzHX5Y-00617-00202974-00203459 Jesus Christ so it is a gift HUECbjzHX5Y-00618-00203460-00203657 and I think this is where there is a HUECbjzHX5Y-00619-00203658-00203914 burn of contention with some people who HUECbjzHX5Y-00620-00203915-00204143 do not believe in talking in tongues HUECbjzHX5Y-00621-00204144-00204449 they say talking in tongues is a gift HUECbjzHX5Y-00622-00204450-00204838 for a particular people so it is not not HUECbjzHX5Y-00623-00204839-00205210 for all people yes this is the the HUECbjzHX5Y-00624-00205211-00205469 tongue that is a gift and it is not for HUECbjzHX5Y-00625-00205469-00205732 all people but for the initial evidence HUECbjzHX5Y-00626-00205733-00206194 is for all who believe in Jesus Christ HUECbjzHX5Y-00627-00206196-00206542 so we have nine fruit of the holy spirit HUECbjzHX5Y-00628-00206544-00207040 in Galatians Chapter 5 Verse 22 to 23 HUECbjzHX5Y-00629-00207041-00207323 and we have also the nine gifts of the HUECbjzHX5Y-00630-00207323-00207598 Holy Spirit In First Corinthians chapter HUECbjzHX5Y-00631-00207600-00207953 12 and verse 4 to 11. the difference HUECbjzHX5Y-00632-00207954-00208216 between this and our senior pastor took HUECbjzHX5Y-00633-00208217-00208384 us through the fruit of the Holy Spirit HUECbjzHX5Y-00634-00208385-00208732 and even Reverend keep prop also were HUECbjzHX5Y-00635-00208733-00209021 talked about it and Reverend Tor also HUECbjzHX5Y-00636-00209021-00209284 talked about it about the fruit of the HUECbjzHX5Y-00637-00209285-00209555 Holy Spirit the difference between the HUECbjzHX5Y-00638-00209556-00209867 fruit of the Holy Spirit and the gift is HUECbjzHX5Y-00639-00209867-00210125 the tongue the fruit of the holy spirit HUECbjzHX5Y-00640-00210126-00210503 is the character of Jesus Christ and it HUECbjzHX5Y-00641-00210504-00210881 is depends on your own initiative to HUECbjzHX5Y-00642-00210882-00211313 grow in the character of Jesus Christ it HUECbjzHX5Y-00643-00211314-00211589 is you to continue in reading of the HUECbjzHX5Y-00644-00211590-00211858 word in doing the word of God in prayer HUECbjzHX5Y-00645-00211859-00212158 and just continue to abide in the vine HUECbjzHX5Y-00646-00212159-00212615 and to share that the message of love to HUECbjzHX5Y-00647-00212616-00212908 other people who are around you HUECbjzHX5Y-00648-00212909-00213269 then you will grow in the character of HUECbjzHX5Y-00649-00213269-00213587 Jesus Christ this one you have to will HUECbjzHX5Y-00650-00213588-00213887 yourself it will not come to you HUECbjzHX5Y-00651-00213888-00214234 instantly but for the gifts of the holy HUECbjzHX5Y-00652-00214235-00214523 spirit we can be worshiping here in the HUECbjzHX5Y-00653-00214523-00214810 church the Bible says God give to whom HUECbjzHX5Y-00654-00214811-00215242 he pleases and these gifts God will be HUECbjzHX5Y-00655-00215244-00215494 just dropping him you can receive a gift HUECbjzHX5Y-00656-00215496-00215777 of working of Miracles you receive a HUECbjzHX5Y-00657-00215778-00215992 gift of faith they are called that that HUECbjzHX5Y-00658-00215994-00216292 the gift of power you can receive the HUECbjzHX5Y-00659-00216294-00216737 gift of discernment of spirits so this HUECbjzHX5Y-00660-00216738-00217127 is the power of Jesus Christ so as HUECbjzHX5Y-00661-00217128-00217456 Believers we need to Endeavor we need to HUECbjzHX5Y-00662-00217457-00217756 abide continually so that we can be able HUECbjzHX5Y-00663-00217757-00218063 to grow in the character and in the HUECbjzHX5Y-00664-00218064-00218375 power of Jesus Christ that we will HUECbjzHX5Y-00665-00218376-00218753 become Victorious Christians HUECbjzHX5Y-00666-00218754-00219617 amen praise the Lord HUECbjzHX5Y-00667-00219617-00219923 how can one get baptized in the Holy HUECbjzHX5Y-00668-00219923-00220360 Spirit number one have a desire HUECbjzHX5Y-00669-00220361-00220817 have a desire once you have a desire you HUECbjzHX5Y-00670-00220817-00221063 are done you will be baptized in the HUECbjzHX5Y-00671-00221064-00221351 Holy Spirit the holy spirit is available HUECbjzHX5Y-00672-00221352-00221760 for all believers as Joel prophesized HUECbjzHX5Y-00673-00221761-00222179 the Holy Spirit has already been poured HUECbjzHX5Y-00674-00222180-00222532 upon All Flesh this house is already HUECbjzHX5Y-00675-00222533-00222982 full of the Holy Spirit HUECbjzHX5Y-00676-00222983-00223210 in John HUECbjzHX5Y-00677-00223211-00223667 chapter 7 and verse 37 John chapter 7 HUECbjzHX5Y-00678-00223667-00224087 and verse 37 this is what John was HUECbjzHX5Y-00679-00224088-00224434 saying what Jesus was saying this was a HUECbjzHX5Y-00680-00224435-00224951 Clarion call in the time of John and HUECbjzHX5Y-00681-00224952-00225292 Jesus was calling upon his people in HUECbjzHX5Y-00682-00225294-00225610 verse from verse 37 to 39 the Bible say HUECbjzHX5Y-00683-00225611-00225892 on the last and greatest day of the HUECbjzHX5Y-00684-00225894-00226169 feast Jesus stood and said in a loud HUECbjzHX5Y-00685-00226169-00226517 voice if anyone is thirsty let him come HUECbjzHX5Y-00686-00226517-00226853 to me and drink whoever believes in me HUECbjzHX5Y-00687-00226854-00227189 as the scripture has said streams of HUECbjzHX5Y-00688-00227190-00227544 Living Water will flow from within him HUECbjzHX5Y-00689-00227546-00227927 by this he meant the spirit HUECbjzHX5Y-00690-00227928-00228287 whom those who believed in him were HUECbjzHX5Y-00691-00228288-00228581 letter to receive up to that that time HUECbjzHX5Y-00692-00228582-00228875 the spirit had not been given since HUECbjzHX5Y-00693-00228876-00229306 Jesus had not yet been glorified so the HUECbjzHX5Y-00694-00229307-00229594 thing is you have to desire you have to HUECbjzHX5Y-00695-00229596-00230021 test I like the task of this Ethiopian HUECbjzHX5Y-00696-00230021-00230296 eunuch in the book of Acts chapter 8. HUECbjzHX5Y-00697-00230298-00230627 this Ethiopian eunuch when um HUECbjzHX5Y-00698-00230628-00231005 when Philip was evangelizing him HUECbjzHX5Y-00699-00231006-00231479 um in verse 36 and 37 the Bible says as HUECbjzHX5Y-00700-00231480-00231719 they travel along the road they came to HUECbjzHX5Y-00701-00231719-00231982 some water and the eunuch said look here HUECbjzHX5Y-00702-00231983-00232246 is water why should shouldn't I be HUECbjzHX5Y-00703-00232248-00232541 baptized and he gave others to stop the HUECbjzHX5Y-00704-00232542-00232781 Chariot then both Philip and the eunuch HUECbjzHX5Y-00705-00232782-00233117 went down into the water and Philip HUECbjzHX5Y-00706-00233117-00233339 baptized him HUECbjzHX5Y-00707-00233340-00233771 it is us that age should be there you HUECbjzHX5Y-00708-00233771-00233998 see this Ethiopian eunuch he didn't wait HUECbjzHX5Y-00709-00234000-00234413 for Peter to say or and HUECbjzHX5Y-00710-00234414-00234646 Peter to say that you go to the new HUECbjzHX5Y-00711-00234648-00234856 Believers class you go learn about HUECbjzHX5Y-00712-00234857-00235181 baptism or what whatever he had Philip HUECbjzHX5Y-00713-00235182-00235510 telling him really caught him and he HUECbjzHX5Y-00714-00235511-00235787 gained that thirst under urge when he HUECbjzHX5Y-00715-00235788-00236069 saw the what I even wanted to jump in by HUECbjzHX5Y-00716-00236069-00236291 himself but he could not baptize himself HUECbjzHX5Y-00717-00236292-00236777 he told Philip why can't you baptize me HUECbjzHX5Y-00718-00236778-00237082 that is the urge HUECbjzHX5Y-00719-00237083-00237389 number two the father is ready and HUECbjzHX5Y-00720-00237390-00237742 willing to give all who ask in Luke HUECbjzHX5Y-00721-00237744-00238355 chapter 11 in Luke chapter 11. HUECbjzHX5Y-00722-00238356-00238787 Luke chapter 11 verse 11 to 13 this is HUECbjzHX5Y-00723-00238788-00238913 what HUECbjzHX5Y-00724-00238914-00239075 um HUECbjzHX5Y-00725-00239076-00239482 what Jesus what Jesus was telling his HUECbjzHX5Y-00726-00239483-00239681 disciples HUECbjzHX5Y-00727-00239682-00239921 Luke chapter HUECbjzHX5Y-00728-00239921-00240089 11 HUECbjzHX5Y-00729-00240090-00240484 verse 11 to 13 He says which of you HUECbjzHX5Y-00730-00240485-00240719 fathers if your son asks you for fish HUECbjzHX5Y-00731-00240719-00241060 will give him a snake instead or if he HUECbjzHX5Y-00732-00241061-00241319 asks you for an egg he will give you a HUECbjzHX5Y-00733-00241319-00241679 scorpion if you then though you are evil HUECbjzHX5Y-00734-00241680-00241973 know how to give good gifts to your HUECbjzHX5Y-00735-00241973-00242242 children how much more will your father HUECbjzHX5Y-00736-00242244-00242531 in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those HUECbjzHX5Y-00737-00242532-00242806 who ask of him HUECbjzHX5Y-00738-00242807-00243082 I'm not talking about any evil spirit HUECbjzHX5Y-00739-00243083-00243425 here anybody who wants to be filled with HUECbjzHX5Y-00740-00243426-00243653 the spirit of the Living God he will be HUECbjzHX5Y-00741-00243654-00244181 given the holy spirit of God and HUECbjzHX5Y-00742-00244182-00244546 Jesus was asking the disciples who of HUECbjzHX5Y-00743-00244548-00244834 you though you are evil your child can HUECbjzHX5Y-00744-00244835-00245177 ask you for a fish and you give them a HUECbjzHX5Y-00745-00245178-00245548 snake instead or he asked for an egg and HUECbjzHX5Y-00746-00245550-00245884 you give him a scorpion as evil as we HUECbjzHX5Y-00747-00245885-00246167 are we really love our children and when HUECbjzHX5Y-00748-00246167-00246455 they ask for us anything we give exactly HUECbjzHX5Y-00749-00246456-00246742 what they have asked for and Jesus said HUECbjzHX5Y-00750-00246744-00247306 how much more is me who is not evil will HUECbjzHX5Y-00751-00247307-00247679 give you the Holy Spirit when you ask HUECbjzHX5Y-00752-00247680-00248129 for the Lord is more than willing to HUECbjzHX5Y-00753-00248130-00248434 fill us with the holy spirit amen HUECbjzHX5Y-00754-00248435-00248944 I like this writer A.W toza who said he HUECbjzHX5Y-00755-00248946-00249246 normally comments on Holy Spirit HUECbjzHX5Y-00756-00249248-00249610 Baptist baptism so he says if God were HUECbjzHX5Y-00757-00249611-00249856 to take the Holy Spirit out of this HUECbjzHX5Y-00758-00249857-00250181 world much of what we are doing in our HUECbjzHX5Y-00759-00250182-00250553 churches Will Go On and nobody will know HUECbjzHX5Y-00760-00250554-00250853 the difference nobody HUECbjzHX5Y-00761-00250854-00251171 this is what he commended and I tend to HUECbjzHX5Y-00762-00251171-00251471 agree with him why did he say this HUECbjzHX5Y-00763-00251471-00251848 because the church has locked the Holy HUECbjzHX5Y-00764-00251850-00252232 Spirit out and we are doing our own HUECbjzHX5Y-00765-00252233-00252767 things minus the holy spirit that is why HUECbjzHX5Y-00766-00252767-00253108 even if God can come and take away the HUECbjzHX5Y-00767-00253109-00253427 Holy Spirit we will continue doing the HUECbjzHX5Y-00768-00253428-00253715 things we are doing here why because we HUECbjzHX5Y-00769-00253716-00253979 are doing these things with our own HUECbjzHX5Y-00770-00253980-00254375 might and our own strength HUECbjzHX5Y-00771-00254376-00254542 praise the Lord HUECbjzHX5Y-00772-00254544-00254771 and I want to challenge you today church HUECbjzHX5Y-00773-00254771-00255046 that we need the baptism in the Holy HUECbjzHX5Y-00774-00255048-00255310 Spirit we need to be filled with the HUECbjzHX5Y-00775-00255311-00255598 holy spirit of God for us to be able to HUECbjzHX5Y-00776-00255600-00255881 counter attack the things that the enemy HUECbjzHX5Y-00777-00255882-00256192 is doing even in our generation in the HUECbjzHX5Y-00778-00256194-00256487 first service I was giving them at um a HUECbjzHX5Y-00779-00256488-00256684 testimony something that happened last HUECbjzHX5Y-00780-00256685-00257075 week on Sunday after service there are HUECbjzHX5Y-00781-00257076-00257332 the ministry ahead one of them had just HUECbjzHX5Y-00782-00257333-00257632 received a bereavement and they came and HUECbjzHX5Y-00783-00257633-00257903 wanted me to go with them and I was busy HUECbjzHX5Y-00784-00257904-00258239 I told them go I'll come later so in the HUECbjzHX5Y-00785-00258240-00258544 week I went to that funeral and I just HUECbjzHX5Y-00786-00258546-00258730 wanted to know what happened because I HUECbjzHX5Y-00787-00258731-00259192 had heard I'm a nephew of this sister HUECbjzHX5Y-00788-00259194-00259510 had committed suicide so I thought it is HUECbjzHX5Y-00789-00259511-00259792 a big person a grown-up person HUECbjzHX5Y-00790-00259794-00260146 so it shocked me when first I had it was HUECbjzHX5Y-00791-00260148-00260458 a 12 year old HUECbjzHX5Y-00792-00260459-00260758 so I wanted to hear what really happened HUECbjzHX5Y-00793-00260759-00261034 and they told me they don't know HUECbjzHX5Y-00794-00261035-00261389 anything nobody had quarrel him the HUECbjzHX5Y-00795-00261390-00261641 grandmother loved this boy very very HUECbjzHX5Y-00796-00261642-00261977 much and he was a good boy no one could HUECbjzHX5Y-00797-00261978-00262265 suspect the teachers came they looked in HUECbjzHX5Y-00798-00262266-00262595 his back just to see if they can get a HUECbjzHX5Y-00799-00262596-00262955 last knot there was no last not this boy HUECbjzHX5Y-00800-00262956-00263179 was just playing with others on Sunday HUECbjzHX5Y-00801-00263180-00263573 and and all of a sudden he got lost HUECbjzHX5Y-00802-00263574-00263806 and the grandmother because he loved him HUECbjzHX5Y-00803-00263807-00264077 he started looking for him they didn't HUECbjzHX5Y-00804-00264078-00264317 find him they called the relatives he HUECbjzHX5Y-00805-00264318-00264587 was not there and at around nine at HUECbjzHX5Y-00806-00264588-00264779 night when one of the child in the house HUECbjzHX5Y-00807-00264780-00265151 said he has not even fed the rabbit and HUECbjzHX5Y-00808-00265152-00265384 while they were going to feed the child HUECbjzHX5Y-00809-00265385-00265703 was going to feed the rabbit came across HUECbjzHX5Y-00810-00265704-00265967 this small boy hanging he was already HUECbjzHX5Y-00811-00265968-00266237 dead HUECbjzHX5Y-00812-00266238-00266543 so we were wondering what really HUECbjzHX5Y-00813-00266544-00266884 happened what really happened to this HUECbjzHX5Y-00814-00266885-00267130 young boy and HUECbjzHX5Y-00815-00267131-00267353 and the Auntie was telling us that this HUECbjzHX5Y-00816-00267354-00267677 young boy loved to watch a program there HUECbjzHX5Y-00817-00267678-00268006 is this program it is a nation program I HUECbjzHX5Y-00818-00268007-00268337 hear the children watch it it's so the HUECbjzHX5Y-00819-00268338-00268558 independence them and I think there are HUECbjzHX5Y-00820-00268559-00268858 some spirits that are released and they HUECbjzHX5Y-00821-00268859-00269077 reach at some point and they are told HUECbjzHX5Y-00822-00269078-00269356 commit if you commit suicide you will be HUECbjzHX5Y-00823-00269357-00269471 a hero HUECbjzHX5Y-00824-00269472-00269806 so our dear small children think when HUECbjzHX5Y-00825-00269807-00270005 they commit suicide they will come back HUECbjzHX5Y-00826-00270006-00270167 to life HUECbjzHX5Y-00827-00270168-00270460 and this sister told us when they took HUECbjzHX5Y-00828-00270461-00270815 their body to the mock they found three HUECbjzHX5Y-00829-00270816-00271205 more children on that particular day who HUECbjzHX5Y-00830-00271206-00271660 had committed suicide one age 14 another HUECbjzHX5Y-00831-00271661-00272177 one age nine and two age 12. HUECbjzHX5Y-00832-00272178-00272453 you can imagine and we are talking about HUECbjzHX5Y-00833-00272454-00272777 only washing issue County what about HUECbjzHX5Y-00834-00272778-00273034 other counties what is happening in HUECbjzHX5Y-00835-00273035-00273305 other towns if our children are watching HUECbjzHX5Y-00836-00273306-00273587 such programs if our children are being HUECbjzHX5Y-00837-00273588-00274032 initiated in things that we do not know HUECbjzHX5Y-00838-00274033-00274330 that is why that clip you are using us HUECbjzHX5Y-00839-00274331-00274679 is very important to the church because HUECbjzHX5Y-00840-00274680-00275008 we cannot continue to recite our vision HUECbjzHX5Y-00841-00275009-00275351 and Mission day in day out and we are HUECbjzHX5Y-00842-00275352-00275632 doing nothing about it we need to get HUECbjzHX5Y-00843-00275633-00275837 out and reach out to our children in HUECbjzHX5Y-00844-00275838-00276082 primary schools we need to reach them HUECbjzHX5Y-00845-00276083-00276358 out in our Estates through Bible clubs HUECbjzHX5Y-00846-00276359-00276658 we need to reach our teenagers in high HUECbjzHX5Y-00847-00276659-00276845 school that is on those who are only HUECbjzHX5Y-00848-00276846-00277073 children we've not talked about the HUECbjzHX5Y-00849-00277074-00277343 challenges of teenagers we need to reach HUECbjzHX5Y-00850-00277344-00277745 to our young people in the universities HUECbjzHX5Y-00851-00277746-00278008 thank God our senior pastor is from HUECbjzHX5Y-00852-00278009-00278255 ministering to our young people we need HUECbjzHX5Y-00853-00278256-00278549 to get out here a community of Believers HUECbjzHX5Y-00854-00278550-00278884 impacting the world we need the thin HUECbjzHX5Y-00855-00278885-00279215 feeling of the holy spirit for us to go HUECbjzHX5Y-00856-00279216-00279310 out HUECbjzHX5Y-00857-00279311-00279580 and we were talking about uh what the HUECbjzHX5Y-00858-00279581-00279871 the what the the ruling of the Court HUECbjzHX5Y-00859-00279872-00280301 recently on lgbtq they had said that HUECbjzHX5Y-00860-00280302-00280469 they are free to register their HUECbjzHX5Y-00861-00280470-00280810 organization through the ngos HUECbjzHX5Y-00862-00280811-00281201 you can imagine the society that we are HUECbjzHX5Y-00863-00281202-00281627 in with the power of God we will not HUECbjzHX5Y-00864-00281628-00281806 manage HUECbjzHX5Y-00865-00281807-00282017 we need the power HUECbjzHX5Y-00866-00282018-00282365 we need the power like yesterday we need HUECbjzHX5Y-00867-00282366-00282682 to be filled daily for us to do the HUECbjzHX5Y-00868-00282683-00282953 works that God has called us to do choir HUECbjzHX5Y-00869-00282954-00283271 you can come I want as the choir come HUECbjzHX5Y-00870-00283272-00283582 think about yourself how has been your HUECbjzHX5Y-00871-00283583-00283799 work with the Lord we are not just HUECbjzHX5Y-00872-00283800-00284147 singing songs here about abiding in the HUECbjzHX5Y-00873-00284148-00284387 Vine with a very serious and very HUECbjzHX5Y-00874-00284388-00284669 intentional and we will give you all the HUECbjzHX5Y-00875-00284670-00284927 platforms that you need to go outside HUECbjzHX5Y-00876-00284928-00285245 there and impact the world HUECbjzHX5Y-00877-00285246-00285587 the same yesterday we went to pray for HUECbjzHX5Y-00878-00285588-00285863 cancer for a cancer patient one of us HUECbjzHX5Y-00879-00285864-00286189 the parent was sick and we went there HUECbjzHX5Y-00880-00286190-00286493 immediately we finished the neighbor of HUECbjzHX5Y-00881-00286494-00286739 this one came and said do not leave us HUECbjzHX5Y-00882-00286740-00287153 alone come and pray so we went and I led HUECbjzHX5Y-00883-00287154-00287477 this cancer patient to Christ and after HUECbjzHX5Y-00884-00287478-00287813 it all they were so happy and when we HUECbjzHX5Y-00885-00287814-00288034 were going they came and said pastor HUECbjzHX5Y-00886-00288035-00288395 think about just coming to hospital and HUECbjzHX5Y-00887-00288396-00288641 leading people to Christ there are so HUECbjzHX5Y-00888-00288642-00288893 many people people are dying of cancer HUECbjzHX5Y-00889-00288894-00289289 people are dying of chronic ailments and HUECbjzHX5Y-00890-00289290-00289534 they need the church HUECbjzHX5Y-00891-00289535-00290072 they need you and me praise the Lord HVYYUnFz5EI-00000-00000351-00000541 [Music] HVYYUnFz5EI-00001-00000542-00000860 the new s-series lift truck from clark HVYYUnFz5EI-00002-00000861-00001102 features a self activating parking brake HVYYUnFz5EI-00003-00001103-00001391 when the operator present system detects HVYYUnFz5EI-00004-00001392-00001582 that the operator has exited the seat HVYYUnFz5EI-00005-00001583-00001864 the parking brake will self activate HVYYUnFz5EI-00006-00001864-00002165 this is a multi-disc parking brake HVYYUnFz5EI-00007-00002166-00002527 internal to the transmission the spring HVYYUnFz5EI-00008-00002528-00002696 applied and hydraulically released HVYYUnFz5EI-00009-00002697-00002921 system will also automatically apply HVYYUnFz5EI-00010-00002922-00003245 during loss of engine power there is no HVYYUnFz5EI-00011-00003246-00003434 need for the operator to remember to HVYYUnFz5EI-00012-00003435-00003670 apply the parking brake there are no HVYYUnFz5EI-00013-00003671-00003890 annoying brake reminders and there are HVYYUnFz5EI-00014-00003890-00004136 no park brake adjustments needed because HVYYUnFz5EI-00015-00004137-00004372 there are no cables to stretch or brake HVYYUnFz5EI-00016-00004373-00004604 shoes to wear the parking brake HVYYUnFz5EI-00017-00004605-00004813 deactivates when the operator is seated HVYYUnFz5EI-00018-00004814-00005000 with his or her foot on the brake and HVYYUnFz5EI-00019-00005001-00005300 the truck is placed in gear the new S HVYYUnFz5EI-00020-00005301-00005581 series lift truck from Clark smart HVYYUnFz5EI-00021-00005582-00005837 strong safe HVYYUnFz5EI-00022-00005838-00006037 [Music] HVYYUnFz5EI-00023-00006038-00007020 you HVYYUnFz5EI-00024-00007020-00007227 you HXeqqzerVrU-00000-00000112-00000428 the common language Kinema ghen cinema HXeqqzerVrU-00001-00000429-00000649 again quina megan is a manila language HXeqqzerVrU-00002-00000650-00000833 spoken on the island have come again in HXeqqzerVrU-00003-00000834-00001103 the philippines it is declining as most HXeqqzerVrU-00004-00001104-00001466 inhabitants have shifted to say guano HXeqqzerVrU-00005-00001467-00002026 grammar ethnologue lists the following HXeqqzerVrU-00006-00002027-00002376 grammatical features for Kinema ghen HXeqqzerVrU-00007-00002377-00003051 Voss VSO word order prepositions HXeqqzerVrU-00008-00003052-00003518 genitive z' after noun heads articles HXeqqzerVrU-00009-00003519-00003731 adjectives and numerals before noun HXeqqzerVrU-00010-00003732-00004275 head's relatives after noun head's HXeqqzerVrU-00011-00004276-00004504 question word and sentence initial HXeqqzerVrU-00012-00004505-00004877 position word order distinguishes HXeqqzerVrU-00013-00004878-00005143 subjects objects and indirect objects in HXeqqzerVrU-00014-00005144-00005363 some structures word order distinguishes HXeqqzerVrU-00015-00005364-00005575 given a new information topic and HXeqqzerVrU-00016-00005576-00005999 comment affixes do not indicate case of HXeqqzerVrU-00017-00006000-00006580 noun phrases verb affixes mark number HXeqqzerVrU-00018-00006581-00007494 passives positives comparatives HXeqqzerVrU-00019-00007495-00007795 references HaVHCz2mGOQ-00000-00000000-00000169 [Music] HaVHCz2mGOQ-00001-00000170-00001800 make the best HaVHCz2mGOQ-00002-00001801-00002459 [Music] HaVHCz2mGOQ-00003-00002460-00003617 [Music] HaVHCz2mGOQ-00004-00003618-00005148 foreign HaVHCz2mGOQ-00005-00005149-00005800 [Music] HaVHCz2mGOQ-00006-00005801-00006731 [Music] HaVHCz2mGOQ-00007-00006731-00007800 foreign HaVHCz2mGOQ-00008-00007801-00010133 [Music] HaVHCz2mGOQ-00009-00010134-00010396 [Music] HaVHCz2mGOQ-00010-00010397-00011675 foreign HaVHCz2mGOQ-00011-00011676-00013361 [Music] HaVHCz2mGOQ-00012-00013362-00013800 foreign HaVHCz2mGOQ-00013-00013801-00014459 [Music] HaVHCz2mGOQ-00014-00014460-00015091 [Music] HaVHCz2mGOQ-00015-00015093-00016403 [Music] HaVHCz2mGOQ-00016-00016404-00016825 foreign HaVHCz2mGOQ-00017-00016826-00017134 [Music] HfidpONBtHM-00002-00008484-00010971 oh HfidpONBtHM-00003-00010972-00012683 [Music] HfidpONBtHM-00005-00017174-00018290 [Applause] HfidpONBtHM-00006-00018291-00018652 [Applause] HfidpONBtHM-00007-00018653-00019683 [Music] HfidpONBtHM-00008-00019684-00022576 is HfidpONBtHM-00009-00022577-00025283 [Music] HfidpONBtHM-00010-00025284-00026683 me HfidpONBtHM-00012-00031563-00031863 my Hf_yQyTBj5u-00000-00000000-00000534 see you son hot Widger hey mr. cemento Hf_yQyTBj5u-00001-00000535-00000805 thank you the line right Institute Hf_yQyTBj5u-00002-00000806-00000961 believes that to say that women need to Hf_yQyTBj5u-00003-00000963-00001100 be encouraged back into the workforce Hf_yQyTBj5u-00004-00001101-00001354 quite frankly is insulting thank you to Hf_yQyTBj5u-00005-00001355-00001516 say that women's participation in the Hf_yQyTBj5u-00006-00001517-00001664 workforce needs to be bolstered to Hf_yQyTBj5u-00007-00001664-00001935 increase society's productivity is a lie Hf_yQyTBj5u-00008-00001936-00002162 GNP or the female labor force Hf_yQyTBj5u-00009-00002163-00002359 participation rate of simply statistics Hf_yQyTBj5u-00010-00002360-00002555 they only have the value which we want Hf_yQyTBj5u-00011-00002556-00002762 to attach to them something which is not Hf_yQyTBj5u-00012-00002763-00002963 caught by these statistics not accounted Hf_yQyTBj5u-00013-00002964-00003215 for in GNP is the value added by a Hf_yQyTBj5u-00014-00003215-00003365 homemaker providing a loving and Hf_yQyTBj5u-00015-00003365-00003533 supportive environment as her child Hf_yQyTBj5u-00016-00003534-00003797 grows should this be her choice and that Hf_yQyTBj5u-00017-00003797-00004106 is just it this is a choice who are you Hf_yQyTBj5u-00018-00004107-00004253 to say that she has made the wrong Hf_yQyTBj5u-00019-00004254-00004454 choice choosing to be a homemaker rather Hf_yQyTBj5u-00020-00004455-00004606 than a member of the counted labor force Hf_yQyTBj5u-00021-00004607-00004865 we reject the entire premise of the Hf_yQyTBj5u-00022-00004866-00005051 government's inquiry which is that Hong Hf_yQyTBj5u-00023-00005052-00005218 Kong women was somehow forth to become Hf_yQyTBj5u-00024-00005219-00005441 homemakers and the insulting belief that Hf_yQyTBj5u-00025-00005442-00005600 they need an artificial push to get back Hf_yQyTBj5u-00026-00005601-00005863 into the workforce firstly this implies Hf_yQyTBj5u-00027-00005864-00006031 that homemakers contribute nothing to Hf_yQyTBj5u-00028-00006032-00006268 society if the government recognizes the Hf_yQyTBj5u-00029-00006269-00006556 incalculable value of a homemaker then Hf_yQyTBj5u-00030-00006558-00006709 maybe they would better understand that Hf_yQyTBj5u-00031-00006711-00006884 simply pushing women into work is not Hf_yQyTBj5u-00032-00006884-00007112 going to produce a better outcome the Hf_yQyTBj5u-00033-00007113-00007264 second thing I see wrong with this is Hf_yQyTBj5u-00034-00007265-00007420 that it panders to the belief that women Hf_yQyTBj5u-00035-00007422-00007592 are delicate and require assistance to Hf_yQyTBj5u-00036-00007593-00007853 make choices with one premise a hundred Hf_yQyTBj5u-00037-00007854-00008059 years of global liban women liberation Hf_yQyTBj5u-00038-00008061-00008267 has effectively been overturned here in Hf_yQyTBj5u-00039-00008268-00008542 Hong Kong women just like men act in Hf_yQyTBj5u-00040-00008543-00008759 self-interest they weigh up decisions in Hf_yQyTBj5u-00041-00008760-00008894 action away which they believe will Hf_yQyTBj5u-00042-00008895-00009056 maximize theirs and their family's Hf_yQyTBj5u-00043-00009057-00009292 well-being who is the government to Hf_yQyTBj5u-00044-00009293-00009533 intervene in this process a question Hf_yQyTBj5u-00045-00009534-00009677 posed by the government was how do we Hf_yQyTBj5u-00046-00009678-00009845 better encourage homemakers back into Hf_yQyTBj5u-00047-00009846-00010058 the workforce my answer to this would be Hf_yQyTBj5u-00048-00010059-00010217 do not price them out of the market with Hf_yQyTBj5u-00049-00010218-00010424 minimum wage minimum wage is an Hf_yQyTBj5u-00050-00010425-00010601 artificial determination which has no Hf_yQyTBj5u-00051-00010602-00010735 ascertainable linked to what was Hf_yQyTBj5u-00052-00010736-00010937 actually contributed maybe if the Hf_yQyTBj5u-00053-00010938-00011087 government were to remove minimum wage Hf_yQyTBj5u-00054-00011088-00011242 then the homemakers they've identified Hf_yQyTBj5u-00055-00011243-00011438 as wanting employment may be able to Hf_yQyTBj5u-00056-00011439-00011648 find it it is a fact that when a Hf_yQyTBj5u-00057-00011649-00011803 homemaker ran into the labor market Hf_yQyTBj5u-00058-00011804-00012020 after a long period out it is likely Hf_yQyTBj5u-00059-00012021-00012188 that readjustments are required and Hf_yQyTBj5u-00060-00012189-00012434 during this time a low wage is needed to Hf_yQyTBj5u-00061-00012435-00012677 enable such readjustments when employers Hf_yQyTBj5u-00062-00012678-00012869 do not have the relevant flexibility to Hf_yQyTBj5u-00063-00012869-00013049 offer this and employees of flexibility Hf_yQyTBj5u-00064-00013050-00013244 to accept it simply creates less Hf_yQyTBj5u-00065-00013244-00013337 employment Hf_yQyTBj5u-00066-00013338-00013569 more the line Rock Institute that the Hf_yQyTBj5u-00067-00013571-00013787 line Rock Institute believes the Hf_yQyTBj5u-00068-00013788-00013904 government is merely doing this Hf_yQyTBj5u-00069-00013905-00014096 consultation for show it is merely Hf_yQyTBj5u-00070-00014097-00014297 discussion dissatisfied trade unionists Hf_yQyTBj5u-00071-00014297-00014453 who have passed the minimum wage law and Hf_yQyTBj5u-00072-00014454-00014675 are now seeing the consequence the Land Hf_yQyTBj5u-00073-00014676-00014822 Institute was forward to the actual Hf_yQyTBj5u-00074-00014822-00015011 discussion regarding population policy Hf_yQyTBj5u-00075-00015012-00015172 the discussion on birth rate and Hf_yQyTBj5u-00076-00015174-00015371 immigration and of course the true Hf_yQyTBj5u-00077-00015372-00015530 reason we're here which is an Hf_yQyTBj5u-00078-00015531-00015721 unsustainable welfare structure on the Hf_yQyTBj5u-00079-00015722-00015963 population trajectory thank you thank Hf_yQyTBj5u-00080-00015965-00016265 you HhUZkk92rzg-00000-00000053-00000343 Ohio's 19th congressional district was HhUZkk92rzg-00001-00000344-00000583 created following the 1830 census and HhUZkk92rzg-00002-00000584-00000828 was eliminated after the 2000 census HhUZkk92rzg-00003-00000830-00001229 from 1992 to 2002 it included all of HhUZkk92rzg-00004-00001230-00001415 Lake County and Ashtabula County HhUZkk92rzg-00005-00001416-00001600 together with a collection of eastern HhUZkk92rzg-00006-00001601-00001930 suburbs of Cleveland after 2002 it was HhUZkk92rzg-00007-00001932-00002207 replaced by the 14th district parts of HhUZkk92rzg-00008-00002208-00002423 its old territory were redistricted into HhUZkk92rzg-00009-00002424-00003152 the 10th 11th and 13th districts HhUZkk92rzg-00010-00003153-00003738 topic list of Representatives HhUZkk92rzg-00011-00003739-00004106 you HhUZkk92rzg-00012-00004107-00004686 topic election results HhUZkk92rzg-00013-00004687-00004909 the following chart shows historic HhUZkk92rzg-00014-00004910-00005163 election results bold type indicates HhUZkk92rzg-00015-00005164-00005635 Victor italic type indicates incumbent HjvblrYQZ9A-00000-00000012-00000249 the international standard atmosphere HjvblrYQZ9A-00001-00000250-00000516 ISA is an atmospheric model of how the HjvblrYQZ9A-00002-00000517-00000726 pressure temperature density and HjvblrYQZ9A-00003-00000727-00000864 viscosity of the Earth's atmosphere HjvblrYQZ9A-00004-00000865-00001128 change over a wide range of altitudes or HjvblrYQZ9A-00005-00001129-00001392 elevations it has been established to HjvblrYQZ9A-00006-00001393-00001548 provide a common reference for HjvblrYQZ9A-00007-00001549-00001752 temperature and pressure and consists of HjvblrYQZ9A-00008-00001753-00001926 tables of values at various altitudes HjvblrYQZ9A-00009-00001927-00002187 plus some formulas by which those values HjvblrYQZ9A-00010-00002188-00002415 were derived the International HjvblrYQZ9A-00011-00002416-00002646 Organization for Standardization ISO HjvblrYQZ9A-00012-00002647-00002859 publishes the ISA as an international HjvblrYQZ9A-00013-00002860-00003452 standard ISO 2533 to 1975 other HjvblrYQZ9A-00014-00003453-00003659 standards organizations such as the HjvblrYQZ9A-00015-00003660-00003791 International Civil Aviation HjvblrYQZ9A-00016-00003792-00004112 Organization ICAO and the United States HjvblrYQZ9A-00017-00004113-00004350 government publish extensions or subsets HjvblrYQZ9A-00018-00004351-00004536 of the same atmospheric model under HjvblrYQZ9A-00019-00004537-00005068 their own standards making Authority HjvblrYQZ9A-00020-00005069-00005511 topic description HjvblrYQZ9A-00021-00005512-00005775 the ISA mathematical model divides the HjvblrYQZ9A-00022-00005776-00005967 atmosphere into layers with an assumed HjvblrYQZ9A-00023-00005968-00006150 linear distribution of absolute HjvblrYQZ9A-00024-00006151-00006336 temperature T against geopotential HjvblrYQZ9A-00025-00006337-00006669 altitude H the other two values pressure HjvblrYQZ9A-00026-00006670-00006888 P and density Rho are computed by HjvblrYQZ9A-00027-00006889-00007098 simultaneously solving the equations HjvblrYQZ9A-00028-00007098-00007353 resulting from the vertical pressure HjvblrYQZ9A-00029-00007354-00007559 gradient resulting from hydrostatic HjvblrYQZ9A-00030-00007561-00007724 balance which relates the rate of change HjvblrYQZ9A-00031-00007725-00008126 of pressure with geopotential altitude D HjvblrYQZ9A-00032-00008127-00009249 P D H equals minus rho g display style HjvblrYQZ9A-00033-00009250-00009807 frac DP d H equals Rho G and the ideal HjvblrYQZ9A-00034-00009808-00010029 gas law in molar form which relates HjvblrYQZ9A-00035-00010030-00010402 pressure density and temperature P HjvblrYQZ9A-00036-00010403-00010848 equals Rho HjvblrYQZ9A-00037-00010849-00012171 as p e-- c i f i see t display style p HjvblrYQZ9A-00038-00012172-00012410 equals row are underscore firm specific HjvblrYQZ9A-00039-00012411-00012804 t at each geopotential altitude where g HjvblrYQZ9A-00040-00012805-00012966 is the standard acceleration of gravity HjvblrYQZ9A-00041-00012966-00013208 and our specific is the specific gas HjvblrYQZ9A-00042-00013209-00013544 constant for dry air air density must be HjvblrYQZ9A-00043-00013545-00013719 calculated in order to solve for the HjvblrYQZ9A-00044-00013719-00013913 pressure and is used in calculating HjvblrYQZ9A-00045-00013915-00014141 dynamic pressure for moving vehicles HjvblrYQZ9A-00046-00014141-00014385 dynamic viscosity as an empirical HjvblrYQZ9A-00047-00014386-00014600 function of temperature and kinematic HjvblrYQZ9A-00048-00014601-00014787 viscosity is calculated by dividing HjvblrYQZ9A-00049-00014788-00015141 dynamic viscosity by the density thus HjvblrYQZ9A-00050-00015141-00015366 the standard consists of a tabulation of HjvblrYQZ9A-00051-00015366-00015578 values at various altitudes plus some HjvblrYQZ9A-00052-00015579-00015759 formulas by which those values were HjvblrYQZ9A-00053-00015760-00016041 derived to accommodate the lowest points HjvblrYQZ9A-00054-00016041-00016218 on earth the model starts at a base HjvblrYQZ9A-00055-00016219-00016572 geopotential altitude of 610 metres 2000 HjvblrYQZ9A-00056-00016573-00016761 feet below sea level with standard HjvblrYQZ9A-00057-00016762-00016986 temperature set at 19 degrees celsius HjvblrYQZ9A-00058-00016987-00017268 with a temperature lapse rate of minus HjvblrYQZ9A-00059-00017269-00017493 six point five degrees celsius minus HjvblrYQZ9A-00060-00017494-00017694 eleven point seven degrees fahrenheit HjvblrYQZ9A-00061-00017695-00017900 per kilometer roughly minus two degrees HjvblrYQZ9A-00062-00017901-00018134 Celsius minus three point six degrees HjvblrYQZ9A-00063-00018135-00018393 Fahrenheit per 1000 feet the table HjvblrYQZ9A-00064-00018394-00018584 interpolates to the standard mean sea HjvblrYQZ9A-00065-00018585-00018825 level values of fifteen degrees Celsius HjvblrYQZ9A-00066-00018826-00019202 59 degrees Fahrenheit temperature HjvblrYQZ9A-00067-00019203-00019815 101,325 pascals fourteen 6950 9 psi one HjvblrYQZ9A-00068-00019816-00020061 atmosphere pressure and a density of one HjvblrYQZ9A-00069-00020062-00020280 point two two five zero kilograms per HjvblrYQZ9A-00070-00020281-00020559 cubic meter zero point zero seven six HjvblrYQZ9A-00071-00020560-00020844 four seven pounds cu feet the HjvblrYQZ9A-00072-00020845-00021069 tropospheric tabulation continues to HjvblrYQZ9A-00073-00021070-00021321 11,000 meters thirty six thousand eighty HjvblrYQZ9A-00074-00021322-00021503 nine feet where the temperature has HjvblrYQZ9A-00075-00021504-00021708 fallen to minus fifty six point five HjvblrYQZ9A-00076-00021709-00021956 degrees celsius minus sixty nine point HjvblrYQZ9A-00077-00021957-00022146 seven degrees fahrenheit the pressure HjvblrYQZ9A-00078-00022147-00022322 took twenty two thousand six hundred HjvblrYQZ9A-00079-00022323-00022547 thirty two Pascal's three point two HjvblrYQZ9A-00080-00022548-00022803 eight to five psi and the density to HjvblrYQZ9A-00081-00022804-00022983 zero point three six three nine HjvblrYQZ9A-00082-00022984-00023225 kilograms per cubic meter zero point HjvblrYQZ9A-00083-00023226-00023622 zero two 272 pounds cu feet between HjvblrYQZ9A-00084-00023623-00023837 eleven kilometers and twenty kilometers HjvblrYQZ9A-00085-00023838-00024095 the temperature remains constant HjvblrYQZ9A-00086-00024096-00024302 a lapse rate given per kilometer of HjvblrYQZ9A-00087-00024303-00024515 geopotential altitude in the above table HjvblrYQZ9A-00088-00024516-00024779 geopotential altitude is calculated from HjvblrYQZ9A-00089-00024780-00024980 a mathematical model that adjusts the HjvblrYQZ9A-00090-00024981-00025163 altitude to include the variation of HjvblrYQZ9A-00091-00025164-00025346 gravity with height while geometric HjvblrYQZ9A-00092-00025347-00025565 altitude as the standard direct vertical HjvblrYQZ9A-00093-00025566-00025730 distance above mean sea level HjvblrYQZ9A-00094-00025731-00025964 note that the lapse rates cited in the HjvblrYQZ9A-00095-00025964-00026170 table are given as degree Celsius per HjvblrYQZ9A-00096-00026172-00026408 kilometer of geopotential altitude not HjvblrYQZ9A-00097-00026408-00026729 geometric altitude the isa model is HjvblrYQZ9A-00098-00026730-00026908 based on average conditions at mid HjvblrYQZ9A-00099-00026910-00027185 latitudes as determined by the ISO STC HjvblrYQZ9A-00100-00027186-00027554 20s c6 Technical Committee it has been HjvblrYQZ9A-00101-00027555-00027739 revised from time to time since the HjvblrYQZ9A-00102-00027741-00028230 middle of the 20th century HjvblrYQZ9A-00103-00028231-00028789 epic use it non-standard day conditions HjvblrYQZ9A-00104-00028791-00029060 the ISA model is a hypothetical standard HjvblrYQZ9A-00105-00029061-00029276 day to allow reproducible engineering HjvblrYQZ9A-00106-00029277-00029480 reference for calculation and testing of HjvblrYQZ9A-00107-00029481-00029648 engine and vehicle performance at HjvblrYQZ9A-00108-00029649-00029914 various altitudes it does not provide a HjvblrYQZ9A-00109-00029916-00030158 rigorous meteorological model of actual HjvblrYQZ9A-00110-00030158-00030362 atmospheric conditions for example HjvblrYQZ9A-00111-00030363-00030560 changes in barometric pressure due to HjvblrYQZ9A-00112-00030561-00030827 wind conditions neither does it account HjvblrYQZ9A-00113-00030827-00031031 for humidity effects air is assumed to HjvblrYQZ9A-00114-00031032-00031211 be dry and clean and of constant HjvblrYQZ9A-00115-00031212-00031463 composition humidity effects are HjvblrYQZ9A-00116-00031464-00031637 accounted for in vehicle or engine HjvblrYQZ9A-00117-00031638-00031847 analysis by adding water vapor to the HjvblrYQZ9A-00118-00031848-00032030 thermodynamic state of the air after HjvblrYQZ9A-00119-00032031-00032210 obtaining the pressure and density from HjvblrYQZ9A-00120-00032211-00032443 the standard atmosphere model HjvblrYQZ9A-00121-00032444-00032663 non-standard hot or cold days are HjvblrYQZ9A-00122-00032664-00032816 modeled by adding a specified HjvblrYQZ9A-00123-00032817-00032987 temperature delta to the standard HjvblrYQZ9A-00124-00032988-00033164 temperature at altitude but pressure HjvblrYQZ9A-00125-00033165-00033359 density and viscosity are not HjvblrYQZ9A-00126-00033360-00033536 recalculated at the resultant non HjvblrYQZ9A-00127-00033537-00033764 standard temperature thus the HjvblrYQZ9A-00128-00033765-00033905 temperature effects on them are HjvblrYQZ9A-00129-00033906-00034085 considered to be much less important HjvblrYQZ9A-00130-00034086-00034301 than the effect of altitude hot day cold HjvblrYQZ9A-00131-00034302-00034520 day tropical and polar temperature HjvblrYQZ9A-00132-00034521-00034730 profiles with altitude have been defined HjvblrYQZ9A-00133-00034731-00034958 for use as performance references such HjvblrYQZ9A-00134-00034959-00035126 as United States Department of Defense HjvblrYQZ9A-00135-00035127-00035570 mil-std - 1 OC and its successor mil HDB HjvblrYQZ9A-00136-00035571-00035989 k 310 HjvblrYQZ9A-00137-00035990-00036642 topic ICAO standard atmosphere HjvblrYQZ9A-00138-00036643-00036848 the International Civil Aviation HjvblrYQZ9A-00139-00036849-00037200 Organization ICAO published their ICAO HjvblrYQZ9A-00140-00037201-00037542 standard atmosphere as dock seven four HjvblrYQZ9A-00141-00037543-00037923 eight eight CD in 1993 it has the same HjvblrYQZ9A-00142-00037924-00038115 model as the ISA but extends the HjvblrYQZ9A-00143-00038116-00038349 altitude coverage to 80 kilometers two HjvblrYQZ9A-00144-00038350-00038541 hundred sixty two thousand five hundred HjvblrYQZ9A-00145-00038542-00038814 feet the ICAO standard atmosphere like HjvblrYQZ9A-00146-00038815-00039053 the ISA does not contain water vapor HjvblrYQZ9A-00147-00039054-00039434 some of the values defined by ICAO are HjvblrYQZ9A-00148-00039435-00039699 aviation standards and flying rules are HjvblrYQZ9A-00149-00039700-00039873 based on the international standard HjvblrYQZ9A-00150-00039874-00040137 atmosphere airspeed indicators are HjvblrYQZ9A-00151-00040138-00040308 calibrated on the assumption that they HjvblrYQZ9A-00152-00040309-00040470 are operating at sea level in the HjvblrYQZ9A-00153-00040471-00040674 international standard atmosphere where HjvblrYQZ9A-00154-00040675-00040896 the air density is one point two to five HjvblrYQZ9A-00155-00040897-00041421 kilograms per cubic meter HjvblrYQZ9A-00156-00041422-00041955 topic other standard atmospheres HjvblrYQZ9A-00157-00041956-00042228 the US standard atmosphere as a set of HjvblrYQZ9A-00158-00042229-00042396 models that define values for HjvblrYQZ9A-00159-00042397-00042624 atmospheric temperature density pressure HjvblrYQZ9A-00160-00042625-00042834 and other properties over a wide range HjvblrYQZ9A-00161-00042835-00043137 of altitudes the first model based on an HjvblrYQZ9A-00162-00043138-00043329 existing international standard was HjvblrYQZ9A-00163-00043330-00043596 published in 1958 by the u.s. committee HjvblrYQZ9A-00164-00043597-00043806 on extension to the standard atmosphere HjvblrYQZ9A-00165-00043807-00044290 and was updated in 1962 1966 and 1976 HjvblrYQZ9A-00166-00044291-00044628 the US standard atmosphere international HjvblrYQZ9A-00167-00044629-00044883 standard atmosphere and wmo world HjvblrYQZ9A-00168-00044884-00045132 meteorological organization standard HjvblrYQZ9A-00169-00045133-00045321 atmospheres are the same as the ISO HjvblrYQZ9A-00170-00045322-00045521 international standard atmosphere for HjvblrYQZ9A-00171-00045522-00045846 altitudes up to 32 kilometers NRL ms is HjvblrYQZ9A-00172-00045847-00046062 eoo as a newer model of the Earth's HjvblrYQZ9A-00173-00046063-00046233 atmosphere from ground to space HjvblrYQZ9A-00174-00046234-00046425 developed by the US Naval Research HjvblrYQZ9A-00175-00046426-00046674 Laboratory taking actual satellite drag HjvblrYQZ9A-00176-00046675-00046977 data into account a primary use of this HjvblrYQZ9A-00177-00046978-00047196 model as to aid predictions of satellite HjvblrYQZ9A-00178-00047197-00047411 orbital decay due to atmospheric drag HjvblrYQZ9A-00179-00047412-00047685 the Coast bar international reference HjvblrYQZ9A-00180-00047686-00048056 atmosphere CIRA 2012 in the iso 14000 HjvblrYQZ9A-00181-00048057-00048348 222 earth atmosphere density standard HjvblrYQZ9A-00182-00048349-00048654 both recommend and are LMS is eoo for HjvblrYQZ9A-00183-00048655-00049062 composition uses jb 200 8 as a newer HjvblrYQZ9A-00184-00049063-00049335 model of the Earth's atmosphere from 120 HjvblrYQZ9A-00185-00049336-00049587 to 2000 kilometres developed by the US HjvblrYQZ9A-00186-00049588-00049767 Air Force Space Command and space HjvblrYQZ9A-00187-00049768-00049980 environment technologies taking into HjvblrYQZ9A-00188-00049981-00050187 account realistic solar irradiance and HjvblrYQZ9A-00189-00050188-00050511 time evolution of geomagnetic storms it HjvblrYQZ9A-00190-00050512-00050739 is most useful for calculating satellite HjvblrYQZ9A-00191-00050740-00050951 orbital decay due to atmospheric drag HjvblrYQZ9A-00192-00050952-00051225 the coast bar International reference HjvblrYQZ9A-00193-00051226-00051595 atmosphere CIRA 2012 in the ISO 14000 HjvblrYQZ9A-00194-00051596-00051885 222 earth atmosphere density standard HjvblrYQZ9A-00195-00051886-00052214 both recommend jb 200 8 for mass density HjvblrYQZ9A-00196-00052215-00052521 and drag uses the standard conditions HjvblrYQZ9A-00197-00052522-00052713 for temperature and pressure are a model HjvblrYQZ9A-00198-00052714-00052919 of gas temperature and pressure used in HjvblrYQZ9A-00199-00052920-00053348 chemistry HjvblrYQZ9A-00200-00053349-00053807 topic see also HjvblrYQZ9A-00201-00053808-00054146 acronyms and abbreviations in avionics HjvblrYQZ9A-00202-00054147-00054871 density of air jet standard atmosphere HjvblrYQZ9A-00203-00054872-00055378 topic references HjvblrYQZ9A-00204-00055379-00055744 Davy's mark 2003 the standard handbook HjvblrYQZ9A-00205-00055745-00055896 for aeronautical and astronautical HjvblrYQZ9A-00206-00055897-00056395 engineers New York mcgraw-hill ISBN 0:07 HjvblrYQZ9A-00207-00056396-00056794 one three six two two nine Oh NASA JPL HjvblrYQZ9A-00208-00056795-00057241 reference notes ICAO manual of the ICAO HjvblrYQZ9A-00209-00057241-00057469 standard atmosphere extended to 80 HjvblrYQZ9A-00210-00057470-00057654 kilometers two hundred sixty two HjvblrYQZ9A-00211-00057655-00057889 thousand five hundred feet doc seven HjvblrYQZ9A-00212-00057890-00058234 four eight eight CD third edition 1993 HjvblrYQZ9A-00213-00058235-00058972 ISBN nine two nine one nine 400 four six HjvblrYQZ9A-00214-00058973-00059522 topic external links HjvblrYQZ9A-00215-00059523-00059842 on line 1976 standard atmosphere HjvblrYQZ9A-00216-00059844-00060011 calculator with table and graph HjvblrYQZ9A-00217-00060012-00060212 generator HjvblrYQZ9A-00218-00060213-00060467 multilingual windows calculator which HjvblrYQZ9A-00219-00060469-00060696 calculates the atmospheric standard and HjvblrYQZ9A-00220-00060697-00060876 not standard characteristics according HjvblrYQZ9A-00221-00060877-00061235 to the 1976 standard atmosphere and HjvblrYQZ9A-00222-00061236-00061509 convert between various air speeds true HjvblrYQZ9A-00223-00061510-00061719 equivalent calibrated according to the HjvblrYQZ9A-00224-00061720-00061952 appropriate atmospheric conditions a HjvblrYQZ9A-00225-00061953-00062199 free Android version for complete HjvblrYQZ9A-00226-00062200-00062429 international standard atmosphere model HjvblrYQZ9A-00227-00062429-00062729 new byte standard atmosphere calculator HjvblrYQZ9A-00228-00062730-00063092 and speed converter Android version ICAO HjvblrYQZ9A-00229-00063094-00063529 atmosphere calculator ICAO standards HjvblrYQZ9A-00230-00063530-00064041 complete Lisa calculator 1976 model JB HjvblrYQZ9A-00231-00064041-00064497 200 8 source code and references HlnTSTMNfJo-00000-00000057-00000299 this is a list of gravitationally HlnTSTMNfJo-00001-00000300-00000518 rounded objects of the solar system HlnTSTMNfJo-00002-00000519-00000724 which are objects that have a rounded HlnTSTMNfJo-00003-00000725-00000968 ellipsoidal shape due to the forces of HlnTSTMNfJo-00004-00000969-00001181 their own gravity hydrostatic HlnTSTMNfJo-00005-00001182-00001520 equilibrium the sizes range from dwarf HlnTSTMNfJo-00006-00001521-00001757 planets and moons to the planets and the HlnTSTMNfJo-00007-00001757-00002093 Sun this list does not include any small HlnTSTMNfJo-00008-00002094-00002345 solar system bodies but it does include HlnTSTMNfJo-00009-00002346-00002594 a sample of planetary mass objects whose HlnTSTMNfJo-00010-00002595-00002756 shape has yet to be accurately HlnTSTMNfJo-00011-00002757-00003038 determined the sun's orbital HlnTSTMNfJo-00012-00003039-00003272 characteristics are listed in relation HlnTSTMNfJo-00013-00003272-00003485 to the galactic center while all other HlnTSTMNfJo-00014-00003486-00003665 objects are listed in order of their HlnTSTMNfJo-00015-00003665-00004316 distance from the Sun HlnTSTMNfJo-00016-00004317-00004845 topic son HlnTSTMNfJo-00017-00004846-00005160 the Sun is a g-type main-sequence star HlnTSTMNfJo-00018-00005161-00005565 it contains almost 99.9 percent of all HlnTSTMNfJo-00019-00005566-00006267 the mass in the solar system HlnTSTMNfJo-00020-00006268-00006826 topic planets HlnTSTMNfJo-00021-00006827-00007146 the 2006 International Astronomical HlnTSTMNfJo-00022-00007147-00007488 Union IAU defines a planet as a body in HlnTSTMNfJo-00023-00007489-00007671 orbit around the Sun that was large HlnTSTMNfJo-00024-00007672-00007888 enough to have achieved hydrostatic HlnTSTMNfJo-00025-00007889-00008116 equilibrium and to have cleared the HlnTSTMNfJo-00026-00008117-00008424 neighborhood around its orbit the HlnTSTMNfJo-00027-00008425-00008649 practical meaning of cleared the HlnTSTMNfJo-00028-00008650-00008896 neighborhood is that a planet is HlnTSTMNfJo-00029-00008897-00009106 comparatively massive enough for its HlnTSTMNfJo-00030-00009107-00009349 gravitation to control the orbits of all HlnTSTMNfJo-00031-00009350-00009706 objects in its vicinity by the iae use HlnTSTMNfJo-00032-00009707-00009937 definition there are eight planets in HlnTSTMNfJo-00033-00009938-00010207 the solar system for terrestrial planets HlnTSTMNfJo-00034-00010208-00010543 Mercury Venus Earth and Mars and four HlnTSTMNfJo-00035-00010544-00010777 giant planets which can be divided HlnTSTMNfJo-00036-00010778-00011062 further into two gas giants Jupiter and HlnTSTMNfJo-00037-00011063-00011355 Saturn and two ice giants Uranus and HlnTSTMNfJo-00038-00011356-00011424 Neptune HlnTSTMNfJo-00039-00011425-00011752 when excluding the Sun the four giant HlnTSTMNfJo-00040-00011753-00012055 planets account for more than 99% of the HlnTSTMNfJo-00041-00012056-00012737 mass of the solar system HlnTSTMNfJo-00042-00012738-00013349 topic dwarf planets HlnTSTMNfJo-00043-00013350-00013663 the IAU the internationally recognized HlnTSTMNfJo-00044-00013665-00013925 authority for assigning designations to HlnTSTMNfJo-00045-00013926-00014207 celestial bodies defines dwarf planets HlnTSTMNfJo-00046-00014208-00014405 as bodies that are large enough to have HlnTSTMNfJo-00047-00014406-00014654 achieved hydrostatic equilibrium but HlnTSTMNfJo-00048-00014655-00014825 have not cleared their neighborhoods of HlnTSTMNfJo-00049-00014826-00015212 similar objects since 2008 HlnTSTMNfJo-00050-00015213-00015407 there have been five dwarf planets HlnTSTMNfJo-00051-00015408-00015800 recognized by the IAU Ceres orbits in HlnTSTMNfJo-00052-00015801-00016037 the asteroid belt between the orbits of HlnTSTMNfJo-00053-00016038-00016361 Mars and Jupiter the others orbit beyond HlnTSTMNfJo-00054-00016362-00016904 Neptune HlnTSTMNfJo-00055-00016905-00017243 topic most likely additional dwarf HlnTSTMNfJo-00056-00017244-00017612 planets with radius 450 plus killer HlnTSTMNfJo-00057-00017613-00018033 meter HlnTSTMNfJo-00058-00018034-00018297 these trans-neptunian objects are HlnTSTMNfJo-00059-00018298-00018508 theoretically large enough to be dwarf HlnTSTMNfJo-00060-00018509-00018811 planets dozens more could have been HlnTSTMNfJo-00061-00018812-00019095 included both Cuellar and Orcas have HlnTSTMNfJo-00062-00019096-00019275 known moons that have allowed the mass HlnTSTMNfJo-00063-00019276-00019608 of the systems to be determined both are HlnTSTMNfJo-00064-00019609-00019809 more massive than the five times one HlnTSTMNfJo-00065-00019810-00019977 thousand and twenty kilograms HlnTSTMNfJo-00066-00019978-00020325 recommendation of the IAU 2006 draft HlnTSTMNfJo-00067-00020326-00020488 proposal is sufficient for HlnTSTMNfJo-00068-00020489-00020842 classification as a dwarf planet however HlnTSTMNfJo-00069-00020843-00021105 it is possible that dark low-density HlnTSTMNfJo-00070-00021106-00021381 objects like Silesia retain internal HlnTSTMNfJo-00071-00021382-00021600 porosity from their formation and are HlnTSTMNfJo-00072-00021601-00021999 not planetary bodies in this case only HlnTSTMNfJo-00073-00022000-00022539 2007 or10 2002 Ms for Quay or orcas and HlnTSTMNfJo-00074-00022540-00023350 said Nura likely dwarf planet candidates HlnTSTMNfJo-00075-00023351-00023941 topic satellites HlnTSTMNfJo-00076-00023942-00024223 there are 19 natural satellites in the HlnTSTMNfJo-00077-00024224-00024397 solar system that are known to be HlnTSTMNfJo-00078-00024398-00024567 massive enough to be close to HlnTSTMNfJo-00079-00024568-00024904 hydrostatic equilibrium Allen Stern HlnTSTMNfJo-00080-00024905-00025159 calls these satellite planets although HlnTSTMNfJo-00081-00025160-00025434 the term major moon is more common HlnTSTMNfJo-00082-00025435-00025647 several of these were once in HlnTSTMNfJo-00083-00025648-00025861 equilibrium but are no longer these HlnTSTMNfJo-00084-00025862-00026074 include all of the moons listed for HlnTSTMNfJo-00085-00026075-00026374 Saturn apart from Titan and Rhea other HlnTSTMNfJo-00086-00026375-00026611 moons that were once in equilibrium but HlnTSTMNfJo-00087-00026612-00026827 are no longer very round such as HlnTSTMNfJo-00088-00026827-00027105 Saturn's Phoebe are not included HlnTSTMNfJo-00089-00027106-00027361 satellites are listed first in order HlnTSTMNfJo-00090-00027362-00027592 from the Sun and second an order from HlnTSTMNfJo-00091-00027593-00027874 their parent body HlnTSTMNfJo-00092-00027875-00028237 equals equals notes Hm6b9vDKwZM-00000-00000200-00000438 awesome welcome Hm6b9vDKwZM-00001-00000440-00000711 um what would be great is to Hm6b9vDKwZM-00002-00000712-00000927 just take a couple of minutes and Hm6b9vDKwZM-00003-00000927-00001150 go around and tell us a little bit about Hm6b9vDKwZM-00004-00001151-00001311 your journey here Hm6b9vDKwZM-00005-00001312-00001495 and some of the ways that you've been Hm6b9vDKwZM-00006-00001496-00001798 involved in the education space and Hm6b9vDKwZM-00007-00001800-00001959 what excites you about the future of Hm6b9vDKwZM-00008-00001960-00002207 education Hm6b9vDKwZM-00009-00002208-00002431 okay well um Hm6b9vDKwZM-00010-00002432-00002671 my in terms of my journey here today to Hm6b9vDKwZM-00011-00002672-00002926 here Hm6b9vDKwZM-00012-00002927-00003134 kiwi connect my partner works at kiwi Hm6b9vDKwZM-00013-00003135-00003254 connect so that was sort of the Hm6b9vDKwZM-00014-00003255-00003454 beginning the introductions i've spent Hm6b9vDKwZM-00015-00003455-00003686 the week here uh Hm6b9vDKwZM-00016-00003688-00003967 really listening in to what's Hm6b9vDKwZM-00017-00003968-00004206 uh what's different in each in each Hm6b9vDKwZM-00018-00004207-00004422 group each day there seems to be a Hm6b9vDKwZM-00019-00004423-00004719 slightly different crowd Hm6b9vDKwZM-00020-00004720-00004927 so my journey here to education day Hm6b9vDKwZM-00021-00004928-00005215 today at kiwi connect Hm6b9vDKwZM-00022-00005216-00005543 has kind of been like a build up of Hm6b9vDKwZM-00023-00005544-00005815 sort of checking out each day and seeing Hm6b9vDKwZM-00024-00005816-00006047 how they vary in the crowds as much as Hm6b9vDKwZM-00025-00006048-00006286 anything has been interesting um Hm6b9vDKwZM-00026-00006287-00006470 in terms of my journey for like with Hm6b9vDKwZM-00027-00006472-00006775 education and my passion i've come from Hm6b9vDKwZM-00028-00006776-00006878 having Hm6b9vDKwZM-00029-00006879-00007119 second chance learning and community Hm6b9vDKwZM-00030-00007120-00007383 empowerment and education as things that Hm6b9vDKwZM-00031-00007384-00007542 are intertwined Hm6b9vDKwZM-00032-00007543-00007727 i come from a family of ex-high school Hm6b9vDKwZM-00033-00007728-00007910 teachers who Hm6b9vDKwZM-00034-00007911-00008103 really got frustrated with seeing Hm6b9vDKwZM-00035-00008104-00008319 systematic failure happening in low Hm6b9vDKwZM-00036-00008320-00008503 socioeconomic communities especially Hm6b9vDKwZM-00037-00008504-00008910 with pacific communities um and so i was Hm6b9vDKwZM-00038-00008911-00009110 born into a family that had a very Hm6b9vDKwZM-00039-00009111-00009439 strong social justice bent and on the um Hm6b9vDKwZM-00040-00009440-00009831 the role of education to um to create Hm6b9vDKwZM-00041-00009832-00010087 change and equality Hm6b9vDKwZM-00042-00010088-00010335 of opportunities so my education Hm6b9vDKwZM-00043-00010336-00010623 background is very much in working with Hm6b9vDKwZM-00044-00010624-00010927 at-risk and low-literacy learners adults Hm6b9vDKwZM-00045-00010928-00011095 and youth Hm6b9vDKwZM-00046-00011096-00011342 maori and pacific communities and being Hm6b9vDKwZM-00047-00011343-00011527 very employment and employability Hm6b9vDKwZM-00048-00011528-00011751 focused uh there are many other reasons Hm6b9vDKwZM-00049-00011752-00011983 to to to talk about education but the Hm6b9vDKwZM-00050-00011984-00012206 employment and employability economic Hm6b9vDKwZM-00051-00012207-00012455 empowerment opportunities is where my Hm6b9vDKwZM-00052-00012456-00012799 passion really lies with education Hm6b9vDKwZM-00053-00012800-00012974 thank you Hm6b9vDKwZM-00054-00012975-00013271 kiara my name's sylvia Hm6b9vDKwZM-00055-00013272-00013438 and i was thinking Hm6b9vDKwZM-00056-00013440-00013599 i guess it's always in these introducing Hm6b9vDKwZM-00057-00013600-00013766 ways there's so many different hats and Hm6b9vDKwZM-00058-00013768-00013879 lenses that you can bring to a Hm6b9vDKwZM-00059-00013880-00014038 conversation Hm6b9vDKwZM-00060-00014040-00014222 so i thought i'd just touch on a couple Hm6b9vDKwZM-00061-00014223-00014471 ones um the very first one is i'm a Hm6b9vDKwZM-00062-00014472-00014686 wellintonian and so i thought i'd just Hm6b9vDKwZM-00063-00014687-00014855 sort of touch to wellington and welcome Hm6b9vDKwZM-00064-00014856-00015063 all of you who have come from overseas Hm6b9vDKwZM-00065-00015063-00015230 and from outside of wellington Hm6b9vDKwZM-00066-00015231-00015422 i grew up in wellington Hm6b9vDKwZM-00067-00015423-00015638 and i guess though then Hm6b9vDKwZM-00068-00015640-00015775 the other one that i want to introduce Hm6b9vDKwZM-00069-00015776-00016094 myself as on the stage is as a daughter Hm6b9vDKwZM-00070-00016095-00016247 and it's really nice to be on the stage Hm6b9vDKwZM-00071-00016247-00016479 with my mother and it's also really nice Hm6b9vDKwZM-00072-00016480-00016639 to be sitting next to um brian and Hm6b9vDKwZM-00073-00016640-00016863 matthew's mom so it's really nice to Hm6b9vDKwZM-00074-00016864-00017030 think of family as an introduction here Hm6b9vDKwZM-00075-00017031-00017143 as well because i think when we're Hm6b9vDKwZM-00076-00017144-00017311 talking about education i think you know Hm6b9vDKwZM-00077-00017312-00017486 you get your first education from your Hm6b9vDKwZM-00078-00017487-00017630 family Hm6b9vDKwZM-00079-00017631-00017743 um Hm6b9vDKwZM-00080-00017744-00017935 i think the the next lens that i want to Hm6b9vDKwZM-00081-00017936-00018143 bring is i'm very actively engaged Hm6b9vDKwZM-00082-00018144-00018343 within spiral network and i think that's Hm6b9vDKwZM-00083-00018344-00018503 a core lens that i currently bring to a Hm6b9vDKwZM-00084-00018504-00018727 lot of my work um i think one of the Hm6b9vDKwZM-00085-00018728-00018958 questions we're asking out in spiral is Hm6b9vDKwZM-00086-00018959-00019222 how does inspiral do education Hm6b9vDKwZM-00087-00019223-00019367 what are the core principles that we Hm6b9vDKwZM-00088-00019368-00019622 hold to that and what is the core Hm6b9vDKwZM-00089-00019623-00019847 sort of impulse behind the education Hm6b9vDKwZM-00090-00019848-00019991 system that we're trying to create Hm6b9vDKwZM-00091-00019992-00020167 through the inspiral lens Hm6b9vDKwZM-00092-00020168-00020367 um and i guess the fourth sort of Hm6b9vDKwZM-00093-00020368-00020591 primary one that i would bring is Hm6b9vDKwZM-00094-00020592-00020839 through the lens of chalkel um chocola Hm6b9vDKwZM-00095-00020840-00021039 is the startup that i'm working with Hm6b9vDKwZM-00096-00021040-00021311 with the crew out of in spiral and chalk Hm6b9vDKwZM-00097-00021312-00021527 on a very base level is really looking Hm6b9vDKwZM-00098-00021528-00021711 at the foundational infrastructure on Hm6b9vDKwZM-00099-00021712-00021927 how we can rewire the adult education Hm6b9vDKwZM-00100-00021928-00022022 system Hm6b9vDKwZM-00101-00022023-00022255 so what we're looking at there is going Hm6b9vDKwZM-00102-00022256-00022483 let's move the education system from an Hm6b9vDKwZM-00103-00022484-00022743 industrialized batched productized Hm6b9vDKwZM-00104-00022744-00022935 system into a Hm6b9vDKwZM-00105-00022936-00023278 human-centric empowered system and i can Hm6b9vDKwZM-00106-00023279-00023447 talk further on what that actually means Hm6b9vDKwZM-00107-00023448-00023607 in a real practical level with charcoal Hm6b9vDKwZM-00108-00023608-00023903 but that's my core work at the moment Hm6b9vDKwZM-00109-00023904-00024103 but i guess fundamentally what i really Hm6b9vDKwZM-00110-00024104-00024358 want to introduce myself as as someone Hm6b9vDKwZM-00111-00024359-00024694 who sees education as the acupuncture Hm6b9vDKwZM-00112-00024695-00024894 point that i can use to make real Hm6b9vDKwZM-00113-00024895-00025086 systemic social change Hm6b9vDKwZM-00114-00025087-00025319 if there's so many problems out there Hm6b9vDKwZM-00115-00025320-00025583 and i'm drawn to so many of them Hm6b9vDKwZM-00116-00025584-00025678 food Hm6b9vDKwZM-00117-00025679-00026014 tech you know politics it's it's Hm6b9vDKwZM-00118-00026016-00026158 there's so many things i want to do but Hm6b9vDKwZM-00119-00026160-00026358 there's a limited number of hours i have Hm6b9vDKwZM-00120-00026360-00026574 and i kind of made the assessment that Hm6b9vDKwZM-00121-00026575-00026767 actually if i'm going to focus all of my Hm6b9vDKwZM-00122-00026768-00026918 energy where do i want it to focus and Hm6b9vDKwZM-00123-00026919-00027087 i've decided on the education system Hm6b9vDKwZM-00124-00027088-00027351 because it's empowering human beings and Hm6b9vDKwZM-00125-00027352-00027574 enabling them to realize Hm6b9vDKwZM-00126-00027575-00027695 that Hm6b9vDKwZM-00127-00027695-00027895 the discovery of finding their own real Hm6b9vDKwZM-00128-00027895-00028079 potential is actually going to then mean Hm6b9vDKwZM-00129-00028080-00028231 that people can go out and change those Hm6b9vDKwZM-00130-00028232-00028383 systems themselves so that's where i Hm6b9vDKwZM-00131-00028383-00028639 focus my um my work at the moment Hm6b9vDKwZM-00132-00028639-00028870 yes thank you Hm6b9vDKwZM-00133-00028872-00029079 hi everybody i'm denise and as she Hm6b9vDKwZM-00134-00029080-00029246 mentioned i'm the mother of matthew and Hm6b9vDKwZM-00135-00029247-00029470 bryant so that's where my journey began Hm6b9vDKwZM-00136-00029472-00029623 i think that's why i got a spot up here Hm6b9vDKwZM-00137-00029624-00029879 too Hm6b9vDKwZM-00138-00029880-00030039 my i'm coming more from a background as Hm6b9vDKwZM-00139-00030039-00030183 just your traditional public school Hm6b9vDKwZM-00140-00030183-00030383 teacher i taught for a long time in Hm6b9vDKwZM-00141-00030383-00030567 illinois i taught middle school language Hm6b9vDKwZM-00142-00030568-00030758 arts and history Hm6b9vDKwZM-00143-00030760-00030958 i grew up in chicago and everyone in my Hm6b9vDKwZM-00144-00030960-00031158 family my mother grandmother all her Hm6b9vDKwZM-00145-00031160-00031358 brothers and sisters were all chicago Hm6b9vDKwZM-00146-00031360-00031590 public school teachers so they were on Hm6b9vDKwZM-00147-00031591-00031887 strike this was the days of Hm6b9vDKwZM-00148-00031888-00032102 allowing people who had individuals with Hm6b9vDKwZM-00149-00032103-00032367 disability acts all the Hm6b9vDKwZM-00150-00032368-00032527 fundamental changes that happened to the Hm6b9vDKwZM-00151-00032527-00032823 60s around public education Hm6b9vDKwZM-00152-00032824-00032895 so Hm6b9vDKwZM-00153-00032896-00033055 that's the perspective i come from and Hm6b9vDKwZM-00154-00033056-00033190 now that i've moved from illinois to Hm6b9vDKwZM-00155-00033191-00033311 california i'm seeing a totally Hm6b9vDKwZM-00156-00033312-00033446 different side Hm6b9vDKwZM-00157-00033447-00033702 of public education and all the cool Hm6b9vDKwZM-00158-00033703-00033879 innovative product projects that are Hm6b9vDKwZM-00159-00033880-00034135 happening in places like california and Hm6b9vDKwZM-00160-00034136-00034215 it's Hm6b9vDKwZM-00161-00034216-00034543 it's exciting and inspiring although i Hm6b9vDKwZM-00162-00034544-00034783 still kind of look at uh issues of Hm6b9vDKwZM-00163-00034784-00035031 inequity and Hm6b9vDKwZM-00164-00035032-00035215 neighborhood the way that we fund public Hm6b9vDKwZM-00165-00035216-00035407 education and things like that and who Hm6b9vDKwZM-00166-00035408-00035615 who really is getting access to some of Hm6b9vDKwZM-00167-00035616-00035807 the really good stuff with the high Hm6b9vDKwZM-00168-00035808-00036151 tuition costs so uh that's but it is Hm6b9vDKwZM-00169-00036152-00036279 there is room Hm6b9vDKwZM-00170-00036280-00036446 for me to be excited even in the public Hm6b9vDKwZM-00171-00036447-00036671 schools i've been working the last year Hm6b9vDKwZM-00172-00036672-00036927 in a school that's located in silicon Hm6b9vDKwZM-00173-00036928-00037207 valley but it's a lower ses school Hm6b9vDKwZM-00174-00037208-00037407 so they do get the benefits of lots of Hm6b9vDKwZM-00175-00037408-00037662 resources grants from facebook things Hm6b9vDKwZM-00176-00037663-00037774 like that Hm6b9vDKwZM-00177-00037775-00037967 so it's not resources Hm6b9vDKwZM-00178-00037968-00038095 it's uh what are we gonna do with the Hm6b9vDKwZM-00179-00038096-00038359 resources in the most effective way Hm6b9vDKwZM-00180-00038360-00038487 so Hm6b9vDKwZM-00181-00038488-00038751 thank you Hm6b9vDKwZM-00182-00038752-00038855 thank you Hm6b9vDKwZM-00183-00038856-00039102 my name is doris and i've landed on this Hm6b9vDKwZM-00184-00039103-00039423 spot through my connection with sylvia Hm6b9vDKwZM-00185-00039424-00039574 she gets me into all these exciting Hm6b9vDKwZM-00186-00039575-00039687 spaces Hm6b9vDKwZM-00187-00039688-00039990 thank you for inviting me to joseph Hm6b9vDKwZM-00188-00039991-00040262 and i've grown up in switzerland and had Hm6b9vDKwZM-00189-00040263-00040518 my formal education there until i was 22 Hm6b9vDKwZM-00190-00040519-00040767 coming to new zealand Hm6b9vDKwZM-00191-00040768-00040871 my Hm6b9vDKwZM-00192-00040872-00041167 qualification is science but my Hm6b9vDKwZM-00193-00041168-00041471 profession has been in education Hm6b9vDKwZM-00194-00041472-00041671 i've been involved with waldorf Hm6b9vDKwZM-00195-00041672-00041974 education having founded a school 25 Hm6b9vDKwZM-00196-00041975-00042295 years ago and watched its development Hm6b9vDKwZM-00197-00042296-00042518 and focused on young children from Hm6b9vDKwZM-00198-00042519-00042774 kindergarten to 13. Hm6b9vDKwZM-00199-00042775-00042846 and Hm6b9vDKwZM-00200-00042847-00043007 focusing on Hm6b9vDKwZM-00201-00043008-00043383 the actual unfolding of the child Hm6b9vDKwZM-00202-00043384-00043687 in a balanced way in an unhurried Hm6b9vDKwZM-00203-00043688-00044039 balanced way drawing out Hm6b9vDKwZM-00204-00044040-00044279 not so much popping in Hm6b9vDKwZM-00205-00044280-00044574 and watching for the balance of academic Hm6b9vDKwZM-00206-00044575-00044883 artistic and practical truly Hm6b9vDKwZM-00207-00044884-00045262 experiential experiential learning Hm6b9vDKwZM-00208-00045263-00045471 i'm now witnessing all our pioneer Hm6b9vDKwZM-00209-00045472-00045687 children in their twenties and i've Hm6b9vDKwZM-00210-00045688-00045879 witnessed my three daughters going Hm6b9vDKwZM-00211-00045880-00046102 through their schooling and in their Hm6b9vDKwZM-00212-00046103-00046223 twenties Hm6b9vDKwZM-00213-00046224-00046511 my key interest and passion now Hm6b9vDKwZM-00214-00046512-00046711 is watching the questions of young Hm6b9vDKwZM-00215-00046712-00046815 people Hm6b9vDKwZM-00216-00046816-00047030 leaving school Hm6b9vDKwZM-00217-00047031-00047230 i hear questions Hm6b9vDKwZM-00218-00047231-00047462 what do i need to learn to get prepared Hm6b9vDKwZM-00219-00047463-00047999 for this fast changing world Hm6b9vDKwZM-00220-00048000-00048351 i watch and observe them with a sense of Hm6b9vDKwZM-00221-00048352-00048590 receiving a sense of pressure Hm6b9vDKwZM-00222-00048591-00048790 young people are asked who you want to Hm6b9vDKwZM-00223-00048791-00048967 be what are you going to do what are you Hm6b9vDKwZM-00224-00048968-00049223 going to study Hm6b9vDKwZM-00225-00049224-00049479 they're experiencing this pressure Hm6b9vDKwZM-00226-00049480-00049767 while they're feeling a sense of Hm6b9vDKwZM-00227-00049768-00049974 disconnect Hm6b9vDKwZM-00228-00049975-00050143 and actually are dealing with the Hm6b9vDKwZM-00229-00050144-00050390 question who am i Hm6b9vDKwZM-00230-00050391-00050711 where do i belong to Hm6b9vDKwZM-00231-00050712-00050990 how can i serve in this world Hm6b9vDKwZM-00232-00050991-00051326 what is my contribution the core human Hm6b9vDKwZM-00233-00051327-00051502 question Hm6b9vDKwZM-00234-00051503-00051719 i'm interested of Hm6b9vDKwZM-00235-00051720-00051942 how do we deal with these softer values Hm6b9vDKwZM-00236-00051944-00052230 of education the hard Hm6b9vDKwZM-00237-00052232-00052335 the Hm6b9vDKwZM-00238-00052336-00052454 technical Hm6b9vDKwZM-00239-00052455-00052550 knowledge Hm6b9vDKwZM-00240-00052551-00052791 aspect of information is so well taken Hm6b9vDKwZM-00241-00052791-00052919 care of Hm6b9vDKwZM-00242-00052920-00053182 technology made it accessible online Hm6b9vDKwZM-00243-00053183-00053326 it's marvelous Hm6b9vDKwZM-00244-00053327-00053566 we can now focus on the complementary Hm6b9vDKwZM-00245-00053567-00053807 aspect of education Hm6b9vDKwZM-00246-00053808-00054079 responding to those key questions Hm6b9vDKwZM-00247-00054079-00054294 and i'm excited with my involvement with Hm6b9vDKwZM-00248-00054295-00054623 orientation our terror which i feel Hm6b9vDKwZM-00249-00054624-00054903 responds to those questions providing a Hm6b9vDKwZM-00250-00054904-00055166 space for young people residentially one Hm6b9vDKwZM-00251-00055167-00055542 year to explore that very cool human Hm6b9vDKwZM-00252-00055544-00055782 question who am i Hm6b9vDKwZM-00253-00055783-00055854 and Hm6b9vDKwZM-00254-00055855-00056094 what do i need to learn to contribute Hm6b9vDKwZM-00255-00056095-00056542 meaningfully Hm6b9vDKwZM-00256-00056544-00056623 um Hm6b9vDKwZM-00257-00056624-00056823 so my first first question to all of you Hm6b9vDKwZM-00258-00056824-00057175 is uh sylvia brought up human-centric Hm6b9vDKwZM-00259-00057176-00057479 uh uh learning and does this concept Hm6b9vDKwZM-00260-00057479-00057603 been playing around of Hm6b9vDKwZM-00261-00057604-00057775 community-oriented Hm6b9vDKwZM-00262-00057776-00058047 learning and education i'm curious to Hm6b9vDKwZM-00263-00058048-00058279 hear what does that really mean how Hm6b9vDKwZM-00264-00058279-00058375 should we Hm6b9vDKwZM-00265-00058376-00058623 start to understand such a way of Hm6b9vDKwZM-00266-00058624-00059359 approaching education Hm6b9vDKwZM-00267-00059360-00059607 i guess when the way that i understand Hm6b9vDKwZM-00268-00059608-00059766 it is going Hm6b9vDKwZM-00269-00059767-00059999 every single individual is unique we say Hm6b9vDKwZM-00270-00060000-00060119 that right Hm6b9vDKwZM-00271-00060120-00060335 but what i'm interested in then why do Hm6b9vDKwZM-00272-00060336-00060503 we then create Hm6b9vDKwZM-00273-00060504-00060703 infrastructure educational Hm6b9vDKwZM-00274-00060704-00060919 infrastructure that doesn't allow people Hm6b9vDKwZM-00275-00060920-00061142 to actually uniquely find the path that Hm6b9vDKwZM-00276-00061144-00061271 they want to follow Hm6b9vDKwZM-00277-00061272-00061430 so on a real practical level you can Hm6b9vDKwZM-00278-00061432-00061711 think about this in primary school and Hm6b9vDKwZM-00279-00061712-00061959 you know you group kids by their age and Hm6b9vDKwZM-00280-00061960-00062079 if you're nine you're nine and you go Hm6b9vDKwZM-00281-00062079-00062294 there well but where are all the Hm6b9vDKwZM-00282-00062295-00062542 different talents and unique elements of Hm6b9vDKwZM-00283-00062544-00062694 a child Hm6b9vDKwZM-00284-00062695-00062871 i think though what might be really Hm6b9vDKwZM-00285-00062872-00063030 important as a frame setting for this Hm6b9vDKwZM-00286-00063032-00063238 panel is to recognize that primary Hm6b9vDKwZM-00287-00063239-00063415 education and adult education are quite Hm6b9vDKwZM-00288-00063416-00063519 different Hm6b9vDKwZM-00289-00063520-00063766 so creating a primary education that's Hm6b9vDKwZM-00290-00063767-00064015 human-centric will be looking at who is Hm6b9vDKwZM-00291-00064016-00064247 this individuality in front of me as a Hm6b9vDKwZM-00292-00064248-00064423 growing child that's finding their own Hm6b9vDKwZM-00293-00064424-00064711 personality whereas in an adult you're Hm6b9vDKwZM-00294-00064712-00064887 actually perhaps more trying to more Hm6b9vDKwZM-00295-00064888-00065047 empower them Hm6b9vDKwZM-00296-00065048-00065254 and figure out how they want to find Hm6b9vDKwZM-00297-00065255-00065463 their task in the world Hm6b9vDKwZM-00298-00065464-00065638 so i guess then Hm6b9vDKwZM-00299-00065639-00065847 for my personal lens where i'm looking Hm6b9vDKwZM-00300-00065848-00066023 at it with charcoal what we're asking Hm6b9vDKwZM-00301-00066024-00066247 the question is going okay yes there's Hm6b9vDKwZM-00302-00066248-00066431 all of this information out there yes Hm6b9vDKwZM-00303-00066432-00066647 there's all these people but how Hm6b9vDKwZM-00304-00066648-00066887 actually do you discover and learn the Hm6b9vDKwZM-00305-00066888-00067055 real practical skills that i need right Hm6b9vDKwZM-00306-00067056-00067135 now Hm6b9vDKwZM-00307-00067136-00067382 and why is it that so often the Hm6b9vDKwZM-00308-00067383-00067623 educational institutions are batch Hm6b9vDKwZM-00309-00067624-00067726 teaching Hm6b9vDKwZM-00310-00067727-00067831 you know Hm6b9vDKwZM-00311-00067832-00068047 media marketing managing you know Hm6b9vDKwZM-00312-00068048-00068319 something which is really important but Hm6b9vDKwZM-00313-00068320-00068455 at the same time when things are Hm6b9vDKwZM-00314-00068456-00068655 changing so fast what you learn at the Hm6b9vDKwZM-00315-00068656-00068894 beginning of your degree may l Hm6b9vDKwZM-00316-00068895-00069087 may no longer be relevant when you come Hm6b9vDKwZM-00317-00069088-00069255 out after three years Hm6b9vDKwZM-00318-00069256-00069431 so what we're trying to do with choco is Hm6b9vDKwZM-00319-00069432-00069638 find the people in your community Hm6b9vDKwZM-00320-00069639-00069782 that actually have the skills that you Hm6b9vDKwZM-00321-00069783-00069959 need right now and how do we connect Hm6b9vDKwZM-00322-00069960-00070063 them on a Hm6b9vDKwZM-00323-00070064-00070550 on a human to human level Hm6b9vDKwZM-00324-00070551-00070831 part of the difficulty i think is is the Hm6b9vDKwZM-00325-00070832-00071015 as catelyn brought up you know it would Hm6b9vDKwZM-00326-00071016-00071191 be nice if somebody had a product at the Hm6b9vDKwZM-00327-00071192-00071382 end of the year i do see a lot of Hm6b9vDKwZM-00328-00071383-00071582 classrooms moving to a portfolio type Hm6b9vDKwZM-00329-00071583-00071831 basis for for grading or assessing but Hm6b9vDKwZM-00330-00071832-00072038 it's really hard to measure Hm6b9vDKwZM-00331-00072039-00072279 a large number of students Hm6b9vDKwZM-00332-00072280-00072462 on their soft skills Hm6b9vDKwZM-00333-00072463-00072735 so we we just do testing and more Hm6b9vDKwZM-00334-00072736-00073023 testing Hm6b9vDKwZM-00335-00073024-00073199 we're greatly challenged at the moment Hm6b9vDKwZM-00336-00073200-00073423 with our initiative you know every Hm6b9vDKwZM-00337-00073424-00073599 funding application asks you for Hm6b9vDKwZM-00338-00073600-00073759 outcomes Hm6b9vDKwZM-00339-00073760-00073991 and we feel we're creating a platform Hm6b9vDKwZM-00340-00073992-00074103 that's Hm6b9vDKwZM-00341-00074104-00074367 beyond measurable outcomes Hm6b9vDKwZM-00342-00074368-00074487 and Hm6b9vDKwZM-00343-00074488-00074694 to me it's like Hm6b9vDKwZM-00344-00074695-00074847 i love what you said Hm6b9vDKwZM-00345-00074848-00075087 um the difference of the child and the Hm6b9vDKwZM-00346-00075088-00075182 adult Hm6b9vDKwZM-00347-00075183-00075462 in the adult you really want to go Hm6b9vDKwZM-00348-00075463-00075631 um Hm6b9vDKwZM-00349-00075632-00075879 you want to nurture the curiosity for Hm6b9vDKwZM-00350-00075880-00076079 learning just like the child Hm6b9vDKwZM-00351-00076080-00076382 but you actually want to instill Hm6b9vDKwZM-00352-00076383-00076567 the capacities Hm6b9vDKwZM-00353-00076568-00076750 it's no longer just knowledge it's the Hm6b9vDKwZM-00354-00076751-00077082 capacities of problem solving and Hm6b9vDKwZM-00355-00077083-00077399 creativity that makes you able Hm6b9vDKwZM-00356-00077400-00077606 to respond to this incredible fast Hm6b9vDKwZM-00357-00077607-00077743 changing world Hm6b9vDKwZM-00358-00077744-00077943 the knowledge is yes the skill that you Hm6b9vDKwZM-00359-00077944-00078191 will need then but the resilience Hm6b9vDKwZM-00360-00078192-00078447 the creativity and the imagination to Hm6b9vDKwZM-00361-00078448-00078767 forever imagine something new Hm6b9vDKwZM-00362-00078768-00078999 because the present is not necessarily Hm6b9vDKwZM-00363-00079000-00079382 at times working Hm6b9vDKwZM-00364-00079383-00079582 can i just Hm6b9vDKwZM-00365-00079583-00079775 this doesn't answer your question so Hm6b9vDKwZM-00366-00079776-00080094 much as where it has gone to um so Hm6b9vDKwZM-00367-00080095-00080375 i'm doing a another hat i'm doing a phd Hm6b9vDKwZM-00368-00080376-00080631 right now and looking at evaluating what Hm6b9vDKwZM-00369-00080632-00080894 different programs work to support Hm6b9vDKwZM-00370-00080895-00081159 youth transitions from education to Hm6b9vDKwZM-00371-00081160-00081303 employment and how to develop Hm6b9vDKwZM-00372-00081304-00081550 employability Hm6b9vDKwZM-00373-00081551-00081743 and soft skills has been coming up every Hm6b9vDKwZM-00374-00081744-00081855 single day Hm6b9vDKwZM-00375-00081856-00081982 this week Hm6b9vDKwZM-00376-00081983-00082150 and i was just just talking Hm6b9vDKwZM-00377-00082151-00082238 at Hm6b9vDKwZM-00378-00082239-00082479 morning tea about soft skills and that Hm6b9vDKwZM-00379-00082480-00082782 word that that term triggers so many Hm6b9vDKwZM-00380-00082783-00083006 different interpretations Hm6b9vDKwZM-00381-00083007-00083231 uh i think one thing that we really need Hm6b9vDKwZM-00382-00083232-00083455 to do in education in Hm6b9vDKwZM-00383-00083456-00083767 not just in education in in our society Hm6b9vDKwZM-00384-00083768-00084182 is get a clearer set of terms Hm6b9vDKwZM-00385-00084183-00084350 that we so that we underst we're not Hm6b9vDKwZM-00386-00084351-00084543 talking past each other about what it is Hm6b9vDKwZM-00387-00084544-00084662 that we're trying to achieve for Hm6b9vDKwZM-00388-00084663-00084782 outcomes Hm6b9vDKwZM-00389-00084783-00084943 because um Hm6b9vDKwZM-00390-00084944-00085071 you know on the day focused on Hm6b9vDKwZM-00391-00085072-00085255 entrepreneurs there was lots of demand Hm6b9vDKwZM-00392-00085256-00085431 for soft skills and how important it is Hm6b9vDKwZM-00393-00085432-00085662 to have soft skills Hm6b9vDKwZM-00394-00085663-00085806 and in Hm6b9vDKwZM-00395-00085807-00085991 in employer circles you talk about soft Hm6b9vDKwZM-00396-00085992-00086150 skills and every you know employer Hm6b9vDKwZM-00397-00086151-00086318 surveys say that's one of the top things Hm6b9vDKwZM-00398-00086319-00086526 they value above qualifications a lot of Hm6b9vDKwZM-00399-00086527-00086662 the time Hm6b9vDKwZM-00400-00086663-00086831 then you go into the education sector Hm6b9vDKwZM-00401-00086832-00087087 and people have again multiple different Hm6b9vDKwZM-00402-00087088-00087238 definitions of what that does and Hm6b9vDKwZM-00403-00087239-00087415 doesn't mean and whether it's a cabbage Hm6b9vDKwZM-00404-00087416-00087615 subject and it's only for people who Hm6b9vDKwZM-00405-00087616-00088031 aren't academics um so we need a clearer Hm6b9vDKwZM-00406-00088032-00088247 definition so that we can all agree what Hm6b9vDKwZM-00407-00088248-00088511 it is that we we want to achieve as Hm6b9vDKwZM-00408-00088512-00088862 outcomes from education and especially Hm6b9vDKwZM-00409-00088863-00089126 around that area of soft skills Hm6b9vDKwZM-00410-00089127-00089238 um Hm6b9vDKwZM-00411-00089239-00089367 personally Hm6b9vDKwZM-00412-00089368-00089550 and it's something i'm arguing in in my Hm6b9vDKwZM-00413-00089551-00089671 thesis Hm6b9vDKwZM-00414-00089672-00089894 soft skills are very hard to measure not Hm6b9vDKwZM-00415-00089895-00090167 impossible okay Hm6b9vDKwZM-00416-00090168-00090462 our formal education systems Hm6b9vDKwZM-00417-00090463-00090775 are focused on standardized ways of Hm6b9vDKwZM-00418-00090776-00090999 measuring things okay Hm6b9vDKwZM-00419-00091000-00091238 they need to standardize things because Hm6b9vDKwZM-00420-00091239-00091455 it's public money and the expectation is Hm6b9vDKwZM-00421-00091456-00091606 that you can say how many widgets you Hm6b9vDKwZM-00422-00091607-00091831 produced it you know that can do this x Hm6b9vDKwZM-00423-00091832-00092175 y and z in a standardized assessment way Hm6b9vDKwZM-00424-00092176-00092423 but if you think about a cv Hm6b9vDKwZM-00425-00092424-00092535 as Hm6b9vDKwZM-00426-00092536-00092767 representing the different things that Hm6b9vDKwZM-00427-00092768-00092982 um not just employers value but other Hm6b9vDKwZM-00428-00092983-00093174 people in the community like a cv for a Hm6b9vDKwZM-00429-00093175-00093406 volunteer role okay Hm6b9vDKwZM-00430-00093407-00093631 qualifications is one section on the cv Hm6b9vDKwZM-00431-00093632-00093887 and that's a way of qualifications is a Hm6b9vDKwZM-00432-00093888-00094087 standardized way of signaling to Hm6b9vDKwZM-00433-00094088-00094255 employers and different people that Hm6b9vDKwZM-00434-00094256-00094462 you've got often technical or hard Hm6b9vDKwZM-00435-00094463-00094726 skills okay and it might imply some Hm6b9vDKwZM-00436-00094727-00094943 other things too Hm6b9vDKwZM-00437-00094944-00095206 but soft skills if you think about Hm6b9vDKwZM-00438-00095207-00095479 referees and um Hm6b9vDKwZM-00439-00095480-00095774 how much weight people place on referees Hm6b9vDKwZM-00440-00095775-00095974 or seeing what else you've done where Hm6b9vDKwZM-00441-00095975-00096223 you might have demonstrated your soft Hm6b9vDKwZM-00442-00096224-00096326 skills Hm6b9vDKwZM-00443-00096327-00096550 i think it is possible for us to talk Hm6b9vDKwZM-00444-00096551-00096638 about Hm6b9vDKwZM-00445-00096639-00096943 ways that we can develop Hm6b9vDKwZM-00446-00096944-00097215 validation signaling um Hm6b9vDKwZM-00447-00097216-00097494 so that we're we're actually creating Hm6b9vDKwZM-00448-00097495-00097726 validation systems as you kind of do on Hm6b9vDKwZM-00449-00097727-00097911 something like linkedin okay when you Hm6b9vDKwZM-00450-00097912-00098159 endorse people Hm6b9vDKwZM-00451-00098160-00098391 maybe we could talk more about that uh Hm6b9vDKwZM-00452-00098392-00098662 between both education Hm6b9vDKwZM-00453-00098663-00098879 you know groups but in employer groups Hm6b9vDKwZM-00454-00098880-00098991 as well Hm6b9vDKwZM-00455-00098992-00099103 sorry that's not your question it's Hm6b9vDKwZM-00456-00099104-00099294 where they were going Hm6b9vDKwZM-00457-00099295-00099511 it's actually this is very relevant and Hm6b9vDKwZM-00458-00099512-00099638 when we think about Hm6b9vDKwZM-00459-00099639-00099718 um Hm6b9vDKwZM-00460-00099719-00099991 many of the soft skills like um Hm6b9vDKwZM-00461-00099992-00100223 about last year there was a research Hm6b9vDKwZM-00462-00100224-00100423 that was done across technology Hm6b9vDKwZM-00463-00100424-00100615 employers around new zealand and what Hm6b9vDKwZM-00464-00100616-00100743 are some of the most important things Hm6b9vDKwZM-00465-00100744-00100935 that they're all looking for and they Hm6b9vDKwZM-00466-00100936-00101118 say this is soft skills leadership Hm6b9vDKwZM-00467-00101119-00101311 communication ability to work with one Hm6b9vDKwZM-00468-00101312-00101606 another as the most important even Hm6b9vDKwZM-00469-00101607-00101918 beyond academic qualifications Hm6b9vDKwZM-00470-00101919-00102079 so i'm actually curious to hear if Hm6b9vDKwZM-00471-00102080-00102271 anyone in this group has Hm6b9vDKwZM-00472-00102272-00102575 had any experience with ways of uh Hm6b9vDKwZM-00473-00102576-00102951 measuring uh and and tracking the Hm6b9vDKwZM-00474-00102952-00103206 development and work of soft skills Hm6b9vDKwZM-00475-00103207-00103486 rather than just um transfer of Hm6b9vDKwZM-00476-00103488-00104454 information through classroom activities Hm6b9vDKwZM-00477-00104455-00104758 there is an intersection i saw recently Hm6b9vDKwZM-00478-00104759-00104975 called the classroom dojo and it's this Hm6b9vDKwZM-00479-00104976-00105239 online platform where teachers have like Hm6b9vDKwZM-00480-00105240-00105495 everyone in the classes names listed Hm6b9vDKwZM-00481-00105496-00105831 and it's sort of a behavioral response Hm6b9vDKwZM-00482-00105832-00106047 sheet so people can be sort of given Hm6b9vDKwZM-00483-00106048-00106295 feedback easily a teacher can go in and Hm6b9vDKwZM-00484-00106296-00106527 in 15 minutes give some feedback to Hm6b9vDKwZM-00485-00106528-00106678 everyone's behavior from throughout the Hm6b9vDKwZM-00486-00106679-00106871 day or i saw you being very helpful with Hm6b9vDKwZM-00487-00106872-00107095 this or i saw this and sort of just this Hm6b9vDKwZM-00488-00107096-00107271 reinforcement so that the parents can Hm6b9vDKwZM-00489-00107272-00107471 know what was going on behaviorally Hm6b9vDKwZM-00490-00107472-00107695 throughout the day and also reward that Hm6b9vDKwZM-00491-00107696-00107927 or provide feedback so this is very easy Hm6b9vDKwZM-00492-00107928-00108166 way that tech is kind of trying to Hm6b9vDKwZM-00493-00108167-00108375 bring some more attention to that area Hm6b9vDKwZM-00494-00108376-00108790 so i thought that was relevant to share Hm6b9vDKwZM-00495-00108791-00109207 another Hm6b9vDKwZM-00496-00109208-00109447 so we've at dev academy we focus a lot Hm6b9vDKwZM-00497-00109448-00109631 on soft skills and training it Hm6b9vDKwZM-00498-00109632-00109823 and so there's lots of curriculum and Hm6b9vDKwZM-00499-00109824-00110031 things you can do but the question about Hm6b9vDKwZM-00500-00110032-00110254 how to measure it and how to track it Hm6b9vDKwZM-00501-00110255-00110478 the only solution we've got so far is Hm6b9vDKwZM-00502-00110479-00110743 really high touch and sort of teacher Hm6b9vDKwZM-00503-00110744-00110999 time so that we sort of have like a one Hm6b9vDKwZM-00504-00111000-00111254 to five teacher ratio so that when Hm6b9vDKwZM-00505-00111255-00111454 people progress through there isn't a Hm6b9vDKwZM-00506-00111455-00111631 formal test or anything but there is a Hm6b9vDKwZM-00507-00111632-00111783 big amount of the teacher's judgment and Hm6b9vDKwZM-00508-00111783-00111983 a recommendation about what you need to Hm6b9vDKwZM-00509-00111983-00112151 work on where do you need to go Hm6b9vDKwZM-00510-00112152-00112351 so that's based off spending lots of Hm6b9vDKwZM-00511-00112352-00112558 time with the students and having a Hm6b9vDKwZM-00512-00112559-00112847 a very non-standardized recommendation Hm6b9vDKwZM-00513-00112848-00113031 or assessment at the end of it would be Hm6b9vDKwZM-00514-00113032-00113223 how we're doing it Hm6b9vDKwZM-00515-00113224-00113415 can i jump straight to that because i Hm6b9vDKwZM-00516-00113416-00113631 think that links to a really interesting Hm6b9vDKwZM-00517-00113632-00113902 question about the online offline Hm6b9vDKwZM-00518-00113903-00114183 education and you know with with all the Hm6b9vDKwZM-00519-00114183-00114375 different online education things at the Hm6b9vDKwZM-00520-00114376-00114615 moment like coursera and udacity and all Hm6b9vDKwZM-00521-00114616-00114790 of these different ones Hm6b9vDKwZM-00522-00114791-00114983 what they're making education more Hm6b9vDKwZM-00523-00114983-00115215 accessible granted but if you look at Hm6b9vDKwZM-00524-00115216-00115375 the drop-off rates it's incredible you Hm6b9vDKwZM-00525-00115376-00115527 know you start with 20 000 people and Hm6b9vDKwZM-00526-00115528-00115654 the people that actually finish it you Hm6b9vDKwZM-00527-00115655-00115871 might end up with 500. so i think that's Hm6b9vDKwZM-00528-00115872-00116078 an interesting stat but i guess i would Hm6b9vDKwZM-00529-00116079-00116271 ask this just as an open question if Hm6b9vDKwZM-00530-00116272-00116447 soft skills are so important can you Hm6b9vDKwZM-00531-00116448-00116631 measure soft skills online and i really Hm6b9vDKwZM-00532-00116632-00116783 like what josh is saying because i would Hm6b9vDKwZM-00533-00116783-00117023 perhaps use that as an argument to say Hm6b9vDKwZM-00534-00117024-00117310 no you can't and therefore is that the Hm6b9vDKwZM-00535-00117311-00117543 value of face-to-face education and Hm6b9vDKwZM-00536-00117544-00117766 perhaps to then ask the next you know Hm6b9vDKwZM-00537-00117767-00117983 provocative question of do we need Hm6b9vDKwZM-00538-00117983-00118239 face-to-face education you know why why Hm6b9vDKwZM-00539-00118240-00118407 should we all be in a room together what Hm6b9vDKwZM-00540-00118408-00118631 is the actual value when actually you Hm6b9vDKwZM-00541-00118632-00118886 can you know teach 5000 people online Hm6b9vDKwZM-00542-00118888-00118983 and i Hm6b9vDKwZM-00543-00118983-00119158 definitely think you have to be face to Hm6b9vDKwZM-00544-00119159-00119334 face but i can see that you also think Hm6b9vDKwZM-00545-00119335-00119639 so Hm6b9vDKwZM-00546-00119640-00119902 i think face to face responds to core Hm6b9vDKwZM-00547-00119903-00120007 human Hm6b9vDKwZM-00548-00120008-00120247 and character we have we are social Hm6b9vDKwZM-00549-00120248-00120390 beings Hm6b9vDKwZM-00550-00120391-00120639 we're not just curious we are social Hm6b9vDKwZM-00551-00120640-00120902 and so it's not just who am i it's the Hm6b9vDKwZM-00552-00120903-00121134 curiosity who are you Hm6b9vDKwZM-00553-00121135-00121343 and there's a limit of how i can figure Hm6b9vDKwZM-00554-00121344-00121575 that one out online Hm6b9vDKwZM-00555-00121576-00121751 but i'd love to ask another question Hm6b9vDKwZM-00556-00121752-00121927 around the soft skill before we get into Hm6b9vDKwZM-00557-00121928-00122143 measuring them can we explore a little Hm6b9vDKwZM-00558-00122144-00122343 bit more you know Hm6b9vDKwZM-00559-00122344-00122702 how do we develop soft skills and Hm6b9vDKwZM-00560-00122703-00122902 but maybe we're not quite answer that Hm6b9vDKwZM-00561-00122903-00123023 question Hm6b9vDKwZM-00562-00123024-00123175 may i ask that question Hm6b9vDKwZM-00563-00123176-00123583 may i answer it Hm6b9vDKwZM-00564-00123583-00123831 in our fast world Hm6b9vDKwZM-00565-00123832-00124110 my belief is that some of the key soft Hm6b9vDKwZM-00566-00124111-00124478 skills you can't just pop in overnight Hm6b9vDKwZM-00567-00124479-00124631 they take space Hm6b9vDKwZM-00568-00124632-00124766 and time Hm6b9vDKwZM-00569-00124767-00124975 and experience and Hm6b9vDKwZM-00570-00124976-00125254 enter counter with each other and and Hm6b9vDKwZM-00571-00125255-00125543 my actions and the response Hm6b9vDKwZM-00572-00125544-00125719 from the world Hm6b9vDKwZM-00573-00125720-00125871 my action Hm6b9vDKwZM-00574-00125872-00126199 but that poor spot that pause button of Hm6b9vDKwZM-00575-00126200-00126366 reflection Hm6b9vDKwZM-00576-00126367-00126614 sometimes slow Hm6b9vDKwZM-00577-00126615-00126871 can really create the soft skill and i Hm6b9vDKwZM-00578-00126872-00127071 just want to challenge our fast world Hm6b9vDKwZM-00579-00127072-00127166 you know Hm6b9vDKwZM-00580-00127167-00127423 we we are fighting for this Hm6b9vDKwZM-00581-00127424-00127686 a year of space Hm6b9vDKwZM-00582-00127688-00127958 giving young people space Hm6b9vDKwZM-00583-00127959-00128271 take the pressure off and give time to Hm6b9vDKwZM-00584-00128272-00128590 truly explore and i believe that is what Hm6b9vDKwZM-00585-00128591-00128702 develops Hm6b9vDKwZM-00586-00128703-00128975 the soft skills such as compassion a Hm6b9vDKwZM-00587-00128976-00129166 sense of morality Hm6b9vDKwZM-00588-00129167-00129399 and and all the other skills that we are Hm6b9vDKwZM-00589-00129400-00129614 after as employers Hm6b9vDKwZM-00590-00129615-00129766 and we have to remember that the Hm6b9vDKwZM-00591-00129767-00129966 majority of that does not come during Hm6b9vDKwZM-00592-00129967-00130183 the school day Hm6b9vDKwZM-00593-00130183-00130343 i remember in a teacher education Hm6b9vDKwZM-00594-00130344-00130454 program Hm6b9vDKwZM-00595-00130455-00130639 class that said Hm6b9vDKwZM-00596-00130640-00130902 you can get the kid and i'm i'm mostly Hm6b9vDKwZM-00597-00130903-00131271 in you know 32 to 1 ratios Hm6b9vDKwZM-00598-00131272-00131414 you could get the kid if you have at Hm6b9vDKwZM-00599-00131415-00131647 least three to five minutes of eye Hm6b9vDKwZM-00600-00131648-00131766 contact Hm6b9vDKwZM-00601-00131767-00132007 throughout the day with that individual Hm6b9vDKwZM-00602-00132008-00132175 so trying to keep track of like did i Hm6b9vDKwZM-00603-00132176-00132431 look at johnny yet you know or or Hm6b9vDKwZM-00604-00132432-00132687 recognize him for his inherent worth in Hm6b9vDKwZM-00605-00132688-00132814 the room Hm6b9vDKwZM-00606-00132815-00133078 so it does not we can't rely only on the Hm6b9vDKwZM-00607-00133079-00133271 schools to do that those soft skills Hm6b9vDKwZM-00608-00133272-00133439 have to be developed in the home in the Hm6b9vDKwZM-00609-00133440-00133671 community and the extracurricular Hm6b9vDKwZM-00610-00133672-00133902 programs i just want to point that out Hm6b9vDKwZM-00611-00133903-00134095 and that's my next question is when we Hm6b9vDKwZM-00612-00134096-00134390 talk about a holistic model of education Hm6b9vDKwZM-00613-00134391-00134551 what is the role Hm6b9vDKwZM-00614-00134552-00134671 of Hm6b9vDKwZM-00615-00134672-00134943 formal education what is the role that Hm6b9vDKwZM-00616-00134944-00135111 parents play and what is the role that Hm6b9vDKwZM-00617-00135112-00135383 communities around us play Hm6b9vDKwZM-00618-00135384-00135654 in in providing a more holistic Hm6b9vDKwZM-00619-00135655-00135999 educational experience for our children Hm6b9vDKwZM-00620-00136000-00136143 perhaps i'll just jump in there on a Hm6b9vDKwZM-00621-00136144-00136319 real personal note as it's been really Hm6b9vDKwZM-00622-00136320-00136495 interesting with an inspira how many Hm6b9vDKwZM-00623-00136496-00136663 people say they're still recovering from Hm6b9vDKwZM-00624-00136664-00136814 their primary school Hm6b9vDKwZM-00625-00136815-00137063 and you know i know and i think ritual Hm6b9vDKwZM-00626-00137064-00137247 let me share that but rich from lumio Hm6b9vDKwZM-00627-00137248-00137502 described how he's he went through you Hm6b9vDKwZM-00628-00137503-00137702 know 15 years of Hm6b9vDKwZM-00629-00137703-00137847 primary and high school education and Hm6b9vDKwZM-00630-00137848-00138054 it's taken him 15 years to recover from Hm6b9vDKwZM-00631-00138055-00138271 that you know in terms of the bullying Hm6b9vDKwZM-00632-00138272-00138519 in terms of the you know the structure Hm6b9vDKwZM-00633-00138520-00138711 and me personally i never had that Hm6b9vDKwZM-00634-00138712-00139039 experience i loved my education and i Hm6b9vDKwZM-00635-00139040-00139247 thrived in it and i think Hm6b9vDKwZM-00636-00139248-00139423 that was part of that feeling of Hm6b9vDKwZM-00637-00139424-00139559 actually Hm6b9vDKwZM-00638-00139560-00139759 what's going on in there why are these Hm6b9vDKwZM-00639-00139760-00139975 people not not Hm6b9vDKwZM-00640-00139976-00140159 yeah thriving in their education system Hm6b9vDKwZM-00641-00140160-00140351 and how can i try and help people have Hm6b9vDKwZM-00642-00140352-00140511 more of the experiences that i had but i Hm6b9vDKwZM-00643-00140512-00140631 guess that's just from a personal Hm6b9vDKwZM-00644-00140632-00140999 response Hm6b9vDKwZM-00645-00141000-00141190 i can i guess um Hm6b9vDKwZM-00646-00141191-00141535 in terms of holistic education or um Hm6b9vDKwZM-00647-00141536-00141663 that sort of overlaps with the Hm6b9vDKwZM-00648-00141664-00141854 student-centered learning Hm6b9vDKwZM-00649-00141855-00141966 discussion Hm6b9vDKwZM-00650-00141967-00142111 um Hm6b9vDKwZM-00651-00142112-00142399 i find that often you've got Hm6b9vDKwZM-00652-00142400-00142590 community groups Hm6b9vDKwZM-00653-00142591-00142854 who naturally do learn holistically and Hm6b9vDKwZM-00654-00142855-00143063 as communities together Hm6b9vDKwZM-00655-00143064-00143271 um and maybe we could tap into that a Hm6b9vDKwZM-00656-00143272-00143566 bit more um because especially with Hm6b9vDKwZM-00657-00143567-00143751 disadvantaged communities and in the new Hm6b9vDKwZM-00658-00143752-00143895 zealand context Hm6b9vDKwZM-00659-00143896-00143990 so Hm6b9vDKwZM-00660-00143991-00144231 we ran some really awesome um Hm6b9vDKwZM-00661-00144232-00144599 uh community learning uh hubs in Hm6b9vDKwZM-00662-00144600-00144839 um samoan churches in around the hutt Hm6b9vDKwZM-00663-00144840-00144935 valley Hm6b9vDKwZM-00664-00144936-00145166 and they came in and they talked about Hm6b9vDKwZM-00665-00145167-00145407 themselves being a learning village Hm6b9vDKwZM-00666-00145408-00145678 and they were just natural at holistic Hm6b9vDKwZM-00667-00145679-00145863 learning we didn't have to you know Hm6b9vDKwZM-00668-00145864-00146014 introduce them to this new thing called Hm6b9vDKwZM-00669-00146015-00146254 holistic learning it was Hm6b9vDKwZM-00670-00146255-00146639 just they just um it was holistic in um Hm6b9vDKwZM-00671-00146640-00146831 what they thought was worth learning so Hm6b9vDKwZM-00672-00146832-00147102 we we did some digital literacy Hm6b9vDKwZM-00673-00147103-00147343 introduction to the computer and then we Hm6b9vDKwZM-00674-00147344-00147463 did some Hm6b9vDKwZM-00675-00147464-00147654 cooking together and we took we Hm6b9vDKwZM-00676-00147655-00147831 integrated numeracy and literacy into Hm6b9vDKwZM-00677-00147832-00148014 that we talked about Hm6b9vDKwZM-00678-00148015-00148311 goal setting and and life goals Hm6b9vDKwZM-00679-00148312-00148390 and Hm6b9vDKwZM-00680-00148391-00148654 how to be able to plan Hm6b9vDKwZM-00681-00148655-00148871 plan goals that are baby steps and to Hm6b9vDKwZM-00682-00148872-00149071 you know Hm6b9vDKwZM-00683-00149072-00149302 plan and review your progress and Hm6b9vDKwZM-00684-00149303-00149463 actively learn how to do that in a Hm6b9vDKwZM-00685-00149464-00149663 holistic way not just get my Hm6b9vDKwZM-00686-00149664-00149895 qualification but also i want to get my Hm6b9vDKwZM-00687-00149896-00150087 driver's license or i want to learn to Hm6b9vDKwZM-00688-00150088-00150287 cook three new recipes Hm6b9vDKwZM-00689-00150288-00150463 you know through these community group Hm6b9vDKwZM-00690-00150464-00150631 learning sessions Hm6b9vDKwZM-00691-00150632-00150823 but anyway i think holistic learning and Hm6b9vDKwZM-00692-00150824-00150990 community learning often go together Hm6b9vDKwZM-00693-00150991-00151263 very naturally as a combination Hm6b9vDKwZM-00694-00151264-00151463 and maybe we could actually Hm6b9vDKwZM-00695-00151464-00151671 look at some of those Hm6b9vDKwZM-00696-00151672-00151831 informal learning Hm6b9vDKwZM-00697-00151832-00152039 setups that happen naturally in Hm6b9vDKwZM-00698-00152040-00152231 tight-knit communities like often it is Hm6b9vDKwZM-00699-00152232-00152399 around a church group or something like Hm6b9vDKwZM-00700-00152400-00152526 that Hm6b9vDKwZM-00701-00152527-00152654 observe Hm6b9vDKwZM-00702-00152655-00152878 what is working and why that way and Hm6b9vDKwZM-00703-00152879-00153087 then see if we can somehow replicate Hm6b9vDKwZM-00704-00153088-00153366 that in our more formal systems rather Hm6b9vDKwZM-00705-00153367-00153511 than go the other way because actually Hm6b9vDKwZM-00706-00153512-00153631 they've got a lot of answers there Hm6b9vDKwZM-00707-00153632-00153775 already Hm6b9vDKwZM-00708-00153776-00154023 i wonder um oh i'm just gonna i'm in the Hm6b9vDKwZM-00709-00154024-00154231 middle so i'm gonna grab the mic i just Hm6b9vDKwZM-00710-00154232-00154423 want to ask the quick question of um i Hm6b9vDKwZM-00711-00154424-00154647 heard both of you say families school Hm6b9vDKwZM-00712-00154648-00154847 structures and communities i'm really Hm6b9vDKwZM-00713-00154848-00154951 interested in what's the role of Hm6b9vDKwZM-00714-00154952-00155047 business Hm6b9vDKwZM-00715-00155048-00155214 and how do we get if we're talking about Hm6b9vDKwZM-00716-00155215-00155454 real world education Hm6b9vDKwZM-00717-00155455-00155726 why is it that you spend 20 years Hm6b9vDKwZM-00718-00155727-00155902 not interacting with business and then Hm6b9vDKwZM-00719-00155903-00156078 suddenly the next 20 years whether Hm6b9vDKwZM-00720-00156079-00156223 starting a business or working in a Hm6b9vDKwZM-00721-00156224-00156414 business and why isn't there that Hm6b9vDKwZM-00722-00156415-00156599 connection and you know what are the Hm6b9vDKwZM-00723-00156600-00156799 different with choco right now we're Hm6b9vDKwZM-00724-00156800-00156935 trying to see if we can partner with one Hm6b9vDKwZM-00725-00156936-00157047 of the biggest tech companies in Hm6b9vDKwZM-00726-00157048-00157151 wellington Hm6b9vDKwZM-00727-00157152-00157326 to create alternative forms of Hm6b9vDKwZM-00728-00157327-00157463 professional development where we Hm6b9vDKwZM-00729-00157464-00157702 connect their staff with young people Hm6b9vDKwZM-00730-00157703-00157878 and their impulses around youth Hm6b9vDKwZM-00731-00157879-00158054 employment and they're saying we're a Hm6b9vDKwZM-00732-00158055-00158223 tech company and there's no young people Hm6b9vDKwZM-00733-00158224-00158366 to be able to hire and they're not Hm6b9vDKwZM-00734-00158367-00158559 seeing tech as an alternative career Hm6b9vDKwZM-00735-00158560-00158663 option Hm6b9vDKwZM-00736-00158664-00158823 so what we're saying is chocolate saying Hm6b9vDKwZM-00737-00158824-00159007 well actually you have all the skills Hm6b9vDKwZM-00738-00159008-00159151 you have some of the best it Hm6b9vDKwZM-00739-00159152-00159366 professionals in your company how do we Hm6b9vDKwZM-00740-00159367-00159511 help you connect them to the young Hm6b9vDKwZM-00741-00159512-00159751 people so that then it becomes you're Hm6b9vDKwZM-00742-00159752-00159935 starting to reduce the barriers that way Hm6b9vDKwZM-00743-00159936-00160111 so when i would be talking about Hm6b9vDKwZM-00744-00160112-00160383 holistic societal education i'd be Hm6b9vDKwZM-00745-00160384-00160526 interested in the role of family Hm6b9vDKwZM-00746-00160527-00161031 community institutions and businesses Hm6b9vDKwZM-00747-00161032-00161159 yeah one other point i want to make Hm6b9vDKwZM-00748-00161160-00161390 about community schools is also Hm6b9vDKwZM-00749-00161391-00161487 uh Hm6b9vDKwZM-00750-00161488-00161766 the need to be careful not to uh have Hm6b9vDKwZM-00751-00161767-00161959 the schools segregated then because Hm6b9vDKwZM-00752-00161960-00162223 community in this in a big city usually Hm6b9vDKwZM-00753-00162224-00162359 employ uh Hm6b9vDKwZM-00754-00162360-00162631 the way they're arranged is ethnically Hm6b9vDKwZM-00755-00162632-00162823 so like for example in a hispanic Hm6b9vDKwZM-00756-00162824-00163014 neighborhood you come out and all the Hm6b9vDKwZM-00757-00163015-00163247 smells of all you know the food carts Hm6b9vDKwZM-00758-00163248-00163607 and it it's colorful murals and and they Hm6b9vDKwZM-00759-00163608-00163790 walk to school and it's it's beautiful Hm6b9vDKwZM-00760-00163791-00164031 expression of community so but we also Hm6b9vDKwZM-00761-00164032-00164199 have to make sure that they also get Hm6b9vDKwZM-00762-00164200-00164414 included in the global Hm6b9vDKwZM-00763-00164415-00164719 uh connection Hm6b9vDKwZM-00764-00164720-00164935 my view on holistic education is it's Hm6b9vDKwZM-00765-00164936-00165095 all of the above you know all what Hm6b9vDKwZM-00766-00165096-00165302 you've listed and you forever look for Hm6b9vDKwZM-00767-00165303-00165526 the balance and Hm6b9vDKwZM-00768-00165527-00165678 so when we say Hm6b9vDKwZM-00769-00165679-00165863 you've got a prodigy child in front of Hm6b9vDKwZM-00770-00165864-00166166 you that's a genius at in in math you Hm6b9vDKwZM-00771-00166167-00166495 celebrate that but a holistic approach Hm6b9vDKwZM-00772-00166496-00166711 would be to also look oh what else is Hm6b9vDKwZM-00773-00166712-00166838 missing Hm6b9vDKwZM-00774-00166839-00167047 you know do you don't want an and Hm6b9vDKwZM-00775-00167048-00167375 hyperactive or an antisocial um Hm6b9vDKwZM-00776-00167376-00167735 math genius you want an all-rounded mass Hm6b9vDKwZM-00777-00167736-00167966 genius that's also good at growing your Hm6b9vDKwZM-00778-00167967-00168143 own potatoes Hm6b9vDKwZM-00779-00168144-00168326 you just forever look for the balance Hm6b9vDKwZM-00780-00168327-00168551 and for me that's holistic education Hm6b9vDKwZM-00781-00168552-00168902 it's really balancing all aspect online Hm6b9vDKwZM-00782-00168903-00169023 formal Hm6b9vDKwZM-00783-00169024-00169375 experiential hands-on education all have Hm6b9vDKwZM-00784-00169376-00169535 got its place Hm6b9vDKwZM-00785-00169536-00169751 and i guess just sometimes where i feel Hm6b9vDKwZM-00786-00169752-00169935 we've gone out of balance Hm6b9vDKwZM-00787-00169936-00170263 that it's formal online and the face to Hm6b9vDKwZM-00788-00170264-00170526 face experiential is is a little bit at Hm6b9vDKwZM-00789-00170527-00170631 risk Hm6b9vDKwZM-00790-00170632-00170847 we touched upon this in the conversation Hm6b9vDKwZM-00791-00170848-00171063 so far Hm6b9vDKwZM-00792-00171064-00171359 the topic of inequality Hm6b9vDKwZM-00793-00171360-00171543 how do we overcome inequality and Hm6b9vDKwZM-00794-00171544-00171743 education what are some Hm6b9vDKwZM-00795-00171744-00171943 thoughts that you have around that and Hm6b9vDKwZM-00796-00171944-00172247 also any models that you've seen that we Hm6b9vDKwZM-00797-00172248-00172519 can learn from Hm6b9vDKwZM-00798-00172520-00172726 just real briefly i think one of the Hm6b9vDKwZM-00799-00172727-00172926 main ways we could reduce inequality is Hm6b9vDKwZM-00800-00172927-00173095 to Hm6b9vDKwZM-00801-00173096-00173183 help Hm6b9vDKwZM-00802-00173184-00173478 help minority groups become teachers Hm6b9vDKwZM-00803-00173479-00173702 you walk into schools it is still all Hm6b9vDKwZM-00804-00173703-00173983 white females Hm6b9vDKwZM-00805-00173984-00174214 you know other than like the secretaries Hm6b9vDKwZM-00806-00174215-00174471 and stuff so if they if children see Hm6b9vDKwZM-00807-00174472-00174671 more role models of their own Hm6b9vDKwZM-00808-00174672-00174966 kind and also a total restructure of the Hm6b9vDKwZM-00809-00174967-00175247 whole way we finance public education Hm6b9vDKwZM-00810-00175248-00175447 so could you take care of that yourself Hm6b9vDKwZM-00811-00175448-00175711 anytime Hm6b9vDKwZM-00812-00175712-00175951 um i spent some time in benin west Hm6b9vDKwZM-00813-00175952-00176231 africa teaching in a small school there Hm6b9vDKwZM-00814-00176232-00176438 and it was interesting because i came in Hm6b9vDKwZM-00815-00176439-00176583 having gone through a steiner ward off Hm6b9vDKwZM-00816-00176584-00176702 school and going i'm going to bring you Hm6b9vDKwZM-00817-00176703-00176854 know holistic education to these Hm6b9vDKwZM-00818-00176855-00177038 children and i'm going to teach them how Hm6b9vDKwZM-00819-00177039-00177302 to knit and i realized within the first Hm6b9vDKwZM-00820-00177303-00177463 two days that actually it was the Hm6b9vDKwZM-00821-00177464-00177687 foundational structure that we needed to Hm6b9vDKwZM-00822-00177688-00177895 try and support the teachers with these Hm6b9vDKwZM-00823-00177896-00178119 were classrooms with 50 kids and when Hm6b9vDKwZM-00824-00178120-00178278 you walked in there's a whip on the Hm6b9vDKwZM-00825-00178279-00178495 table so anytime i went near the whip Hm6b9vDKwZM-00826-00178496-00178671 all of the kids cowered Hm6b9vDKwZM-00827-00178672-00178831 and that was when i realized that Hm6b9vDKwZM-00828-00178832-00178943 actually Hm6b9vDKwZM-00829-00178944-00179278 no not knitting but actually how do you Hm6b9vDKwZM-00830-00179279-00179454 empower the teachers that were standing Hm6b9vDKwZM-00831-00179455-00179590 at the front they needed a whip because Hm6b9vDKwZM-00832-00179591-00179814 they had 50 unruly kids because the Hm6b9vDKwZM-00833-00179815-00179975 parents sent them there and they'd never Hm6b9vDKwZM-00834-00179976-00180207 had really proper any interaction in the Hm6b9vDKwZM-00835-00180208-00180351 past Hm6b9vDKwZM-00836-00180352-00180575 so i guess i bring that as a story of Hm6b9vDKwZM-00837-00180576-00180823 going there's so many different layers Hm6b9vDKwZM-00838-00180824-00181007 to education and if we talk about Hm6b9vDKwZM-00839-00181008-00181159 inequality Hm6b9vDKwZM-00840-00181160-00181383 i can go in as a white well-educated Hm6b9vDKwZM-00841-00181384-00181559 woman into west africa Hm6b9vDKwZM-00842-00181560-00181743 and try and teach kids to knit but Hm6b9vDKwZM-00843-00181744-00181887 actually when i leave they don't have Hm6b9vDKwZM-00844-00181888-00182063 knitting knees and needles and wool so Hm6b9vDKwZM-00845-00182064-00182366 it's useless but therefore Hm6b9vDKwZM-00846-00182367-00182583 i can go in and i can have conversations Hm6b9vDKwZM-00847-00182584-00182759 with the teachers and go actually how Hm6b9vDKwZM-00848-00182760-00183047 can i help you as an individual and Hm6b9vDKwZM-00849-00183048-00183247 start with the individual teachers and Hm6b9vDKwZM-00850-00183248-00183431 through that way then be able to create Hm6b9vDKwZM-00851-00183432-00183647 the systemic change and i guess that was Hm6b9vDKwZM-00852-00183648-00183783 just my Hm6b9vDKwZM-00853-00183784-00183975 yeah frustration at the inequality that Hm6b9vDKwZM-00854-00183976-00184214 i was experiencing there Hm6b9vDKwZM-00855-00184215-00184311 i Hm6b9vDKwZM-00856-00184312-00184478 i actually have Hm6b9vDKwZM-00857-00184479-00184647 and i'm saying this as currently an Hm6b9vDKwZM-00858-00184648-00184790 academic Hm6b9vDKwZM-00859-00184791-00185038 you know focused on qualifications Hm6b9vDKwZM-00860-00185039-00185326 um and for informal systems Hm6b9vDKwZM-00861-00185327-00185647 i have in some ways more confidence and Hm6b9vDKwZM-00862-00185648-00185959 hope in the private sector and in groups Hm6b9vDKwZM-00863-00185960-00186143 like those gathering together at kiwi Hm6b9vDKwZM-00864-00186144-00186423 connect who are entrepreneurs Hm6b9vDKwZM-00865-00186424-00186607 i have more confidence that there will Hm6b9vDKwZM-00866-00186608-00186743 be Hm6b9vDKwZM-00867-00186744-00187014 groundbreaking relationships that can Hm6b9vDKwZM-00868-00187015-00187278 happen between entrepreneur communities Hm6b9vDKwZM-00869-00187279-00187526 and the business community Hm6b9vDKwZM-00870-00187527-00187702 to do more things like supporting Hm6b9vDKwZM-00871-00187703-00188038 michelle's omg type setups Hm6b9vDKwZM-00872-00188039-00188375 to really tap into disadvantaged Hm6b9vDKwZM-00873-00188376-00188638 communities and give them access to Hm6b9vDKwZM-00874-00188639-00188983 education that is holistic focused but i Hm6b9vDKwZM-00875-00188984-00189126 you know i've got my employability head Hm6b9vDKwZM-00876-00189127-00189326 on is also employment focused and Hm6b9vDKwZM-00877-00189327-00189535 self-employment focused is part of it Hm6b9vDKwZM-00878-00189536-00189614 right Hm6b9vDKwZM-00879-00189615-00189702 um Hm6b9vDKwZM-00880-00189703-00189863 i have more confidence that that can Hm6b9vDKwZM-00881-00189864-00190126 happen faster with greater impact than Hm6b9vDKwZM-00882-00190127-00190366 relying on the public sector and public Hm6b9vDKwZM-00883-00190367-00190671 um public education systems to be able Hm6b9vDKwZM-00884-00190672-00190926 to do the same thing as fast because Hm6b9vDKwZM-00885-00190927-00191119 there's more restrictions on the public Hm6b9vDKwZM-00886-00191120-00191343 sector than there is Hm6b9vDKwZM-00887-00191344-00191454 on Hm6b9vDKwZM-00888-00191455-00191575 these communities that have been Hm6b9vDKwZM-00889-00191576-00191831 gathering here to directly go in and Hm6b9vDKwZM-00890-00191832-00191990 have partnerships with schools and Hm6b9vDKwZM-00891-00191991-00192111 communities Hm6b9vDKwZM-00892-00192112-00192287 it's it's a much Hm6b9vDKwZM-00893-00192288-00192519 faster and more likely thing to to Hm6b9vDKwZM-00894-00192520-00192719 happen so Hm6b9vDKwZM-00895-00192720-00193183 as a member of that community you go Hm6b9vDKwZM-00896-00193184-00193350 i love to open it up to questions from Hm6b9vDKwZM-00897-00193351-00193566 the audience or any reflections that you Hm6b9vDKwZM-00898-00193567-00194359 might have Hm6b9vDKwZM-00899-00194360-00194550 thank you all for being here look at all Hm6b9vDKwZM-00900-00194551-00194719 the women on the stage Hm6b9vDKwZM-00901-00194720-00194895 um Hm6b9vDKwZM-00902-00194896-00194990 so Hm6b9vDKwZM-00903-00194991-00195135 one thing i just wanted to add into the Hm6b9vDKwZM-00904-00195136-00195311 space as a reflection Hm6b9vDKwZM-00905-00195312-00195502 in addition to the um Hm6b9vDKwZM-00906-00195503-00195695 it ties into the soft skills and it ties Hm6b9vDKwZM-00907-00195696-00196014 into the community driven approach is Hm6b9vDKwZM-00908-00196015-00196302 one way to to kind of break down a Hm6b9vDKwZM-00909-00196303-00196575 format of experiential education Hm6b9vDKwZM-00910-00196576-00196966 is by um things that students care about Hm6b9vDKwZM-00911-00196967-00197223 so and so the work that i've done is a Hm6b9vDKwZM-00912-00197224-00197390 lot around i call it like a social Hm6b9vDKwZM-00913-00197391-00197735 change boot camp for teens um but you Hm6b9vDKwZM-00914-00197736-00197975 take issues that affect them and you let Hm6b9vDKwZM-00915-00197976-00198175 them throw that out there on the board Hm6b9vDKwZM-00916-00198176-00198359 of like so it could be environmental Hm6b9vDKwZM-00917-00198360-00198526 issues it could be gang violence it Hm6b9vDKwZM-00918-00198527-00198783 could be sexual abuse and sexual assault Hm6b9vDKwZM-00919-00198784-00198926 can be bullying all these things that Hm6b9vDKwZM-00920-00198927-00199126 have affected them since they were Hm6b9vDKwZM-00921-00199127-00199271 young Hm6b9vDKwZM-00922-00199272-00199399 and then you can do this in a whole Hm6b9vDKwZM-00923-00199400-00199575 school you can do this in a community Hm6b9vDKwZM-00924-00199576-00199783 group you can do this really anywhere Hm6b9vDKwZM-00925-00199784-00200063 with young people um and then what it Hm6b9vDKwZM-00926-00200064-00200254 does is it inherently creates a safe Hm6b9vDKwZM-00927-00200255-00200495 space for students to be vulnerable Hm6b9vDKwZM-00928-00200496-00200663 because they're aligned based on certain Hm6b9vDKwZM-00929-00200664-00200783 things that they care about that have Hm6b9vDKwZM-00930-00200784-00201038 affected them so it has them be more Hm6b9vDKwZM-00931-00201039-00201166 engaged Hm6b9vDKwZM-00932-00201167-00201399 and then from that place you have their Hm6b9vDKwZM-00933-00201400-00201607 attention their attention span grows so Hm6b9vDKwZM-00934-00201608-00201935 much more and then there's so much of Hm6b9vDKwZM-00935-00201936-00202159 you can use a multi-disciplinary or Hm6b9vDKwZM-00936-00202160-00202383 multiple intelligences approach to be Hm6b9vDKwZM-00937-00202384-00202543 able to teach them multiple different Hm6b9vDKwZM-00938-00202544-00202711 things because you have them aligned in Hm6b9vDKwZM-00939-00202712-00202926 a group in a community of people that Hm6b9vDKwZM-00940-00202927-00203143 care about addressing the same things Hm6b9vDKwZM-00941-00203144-00203366 and you also start teaching them problem Hm6b9vDKwZM-00942-00203367-00203614 solving and help shift them from a place Hm6b9vDKwZM-00943-00203615-00203895 of feeling powerless which may not be so Hm6b9vDKwZM-00944-00203896-00204102 applicable when they're in early Hm6b9vDKwZM-00945-00204103-00204271 elementary school but as they get older Hm6b9vDKwZM-00946-00204272-00204454 they start to feel like who am i you Hm6b9vDKwZM-00947-00204455-00204702 know who am i in the world um what do i Hm6b9vDKwZM-00948-00204703-00204919 have to offer and you start to help them Hm6b9vDKwZM-00949-00204919-00205103 shift into a place of feeling powerful Hm6b9vDKwZM-00950-00205104-00205206 like Hm6b9vDKwZM-00951-00205207-00205479 i don't have to be 18 to vote to affect Hm6b9vDKwZM-00952-00205480-00205662 to be more compassionate and kind to the Hm6b9vDKwZM-00953-00205663-00205934 kids in my class um so it's it's just Hm6b9vDKwZM-00954-00205935-00206262 kind of an interesting way um to section Hm6b9vDKwZM-00955-00206263-00206351 out Hm6b9vDKwZM-00956-00206352-00206558 learning in an experiential way that Hm6b9vDKwZM-00957-00206559-00206862 helps them be rallying because a certain Hm6b9vDKwZM-00958-00206863-00207079 thing is something that Hm6b9vDKwZM-00959-00207080-00207271 is something that's affected them deeply Hm6b9vDKwZM-00960-00207271-00207455 in their heart so it's very like Hm6b9vDKwZM-00961-00207456-00207790 behavioral heart to heart human to human Hm6b9vDKwZM-00962-00207791-00208006 which gives them more space to receive Hm6b9vDKwZM-00963-00208007-00208879 other types of skills Hm6b9vDKwZM-00964-00208880-00209703 they're the reflections over here adam Hm6b9vDKwZM-00965-00209704-00209806 i just had a quick thought about Hm6b9vDKwZM-00966-00209807-00209967 something here is a question earlier Hm6b9vDKwZM-00967-00209967-00210255 about how to recognize soft skills and Hm6b9vDKwZM-00968-00210256-00210367 that's something that i tried to figure Hm6b9vDKwZM-00969-00210367-00210694 out for myself and for a long time Hm6b9vDKwZM-00970-00210696-00210846 i i was listening to what other people Hm6b9vDKwZM-00971-00210848-00210967 were telling me i was good at but i Hm6b9vDKwZM-00972-00210967-00211134 wasn't thinking about you know what what Hm6b9vDKwZM-00973-00211135-00211342 i what am i really spending my time on Hm6b9vDKwZM-00974-00211344-00211542 what are my skills deeply Hm6b9vDKwZM-00975-00211544-00211758 and so i i eventually kind of Hm6b9vDKwZM-00976-00211759-00211927 started to think about you know what Hm6b9vDKwZM-00977-00211928-00212182 what do i always do when um when i don't Hm6b9vDKwZM-00978-00212183-00212334 have to do anything else Hm6b9vDKwZM-00979-00212335-00212487 like when i'm bored Hm6b9vDKwZM-00980-00212488-00212631 and i started to list those things out Hm6b9vDKwZM-00981-00212632-00212846 and there were patterns to that and uh Hm6b9vDKwZM-00982-00212848-00213015 and i found out that that actually like Hm6b9vDKwZM-00983-00213016-00213206 what i would the things that i'm that i Hm6b9vDKwZM-00984-00213207-00213334 really enjoy doing deeply and i'm Hm6b9vDKwZM-00985-00213335-00213503 actually better at are the things that i Hm6b9vDKwZM-00986-00213504-00213655 do when i'm bored Hm6b9vDKwZM-00987-00213656-00213806 and i think that um it's important for Hm6b9vDKwZM-00988-00213807-00213919 kids to Hm6b9vDKwZM-00989-00213919-00214063 to be bored at certain times and i think Hm6b9vDKwZM-00990-00214064-00214198 for you know for their learning it Hm6b9vDKwZM-00991-00214200-00214398 should be structured but also Hm6b9vDKwZM-00992-00214400-00214623 unstructured they need unstructured time Hm6b9vDKwZM-00993-00214623-00214798 and that's something that a lot of kids Hm6b9vDKwZM-00994-00214800-00214942 don't get these days Hm6b9vDKwZM-00995-00214944-00215646 so i just want to add that Hm6b9vDKwZM-00996-00215648-00215934 i'd like to really just support doris's Hm6b9vDKwZM-00997-00215935-00216142 insights which to me are absolutely Hm6b9vDKwZM-00998-00216144-00216351 crucial i've been involved for quite Hm6b9vDKwZM-00999-00216352-00216534 some time now with Hm6b9vDKwZM-01000-00216535-00216775 u.s based tertiary students doing Hm6b9vDKwZM-01001-00216776-00216967 experiential education in various parts Hm6b9vDKwZM-01002-00216967-00217158 of the planet and some pretty wild Hm6b9vDKwZM-01003-00217159-00217415 places um up in the himalayas and Hm6b9vDKwZM-01004-00217416-00217646 native american communities and and our Hm6b9vDKwZM-01005-00217648-00217863 potential communities Hm6b9vDKwZM-01006-00217864-00218046 and the focus of that particular program Hm6b9vDKwZM-01007-00218048-00218239 apart from an underlying theme of how do Hm6b9vDKwZM-01008-00218240-00218327 we Hm6b9vDKwZM-01009-00218328-00218591 shift perception shift awareness Hm6b9vDKwZM-01010-00218592-00218806 is follow curiosity and establish Hm6b9vDKwZM-01011-00218807-00218975 learning communities Hm6b9vDKwZM-01012-00218976-00219110 look at all these gifts and how they can Hm6b9vDKwZM-01013-00219111-00219231 be challenged Hm6b9vDKwZM-01014-00219232-00219391 and more and more we Hm6b9vDKwZM-01015-00219392-00219567 we have to grade to a certain extent to Hm6b9vDKwZM-01016-00219567-00219758 satisfy host communities school Hm6b9vDKwZM-01017-00219759-00219942 communities back in the states Hm6b9vDKwZM-01018-00219944-00220175 but outcomes i think are totally Hm6b9vDKwZM-01019-00220176-00220358 overstressed grading is totally Hm6b9vDKwZM-01020-00220359-00220510 overstressed Hm6b9vDKwZM-01021-00220511-00220687 how do these kids ask better questions Hm6b9vDKwZM-01022-00220688-00220910 how do they see the connections um what Hm6b9vDKwZM-01023-00220911-00221071 is their shift in awareness how do they Hm6b9vDKwZM-01024-00221071-00221223 cope with silence Hm6b9vDKwZM-01025-00221223-00221358 the power of ritual where you can Hm6b9vDKwZM-01026-00221359-00221582 actually open your heart to see and feel Hm6b9vDKwZM-01027-00221583-00221839 more clearly um those can be expressed Hm6b9vDKwZM-01028-00221840-00222031 in all sorts of ways you know we get our Hm6b9vDKwZM-01029-00222032-00222287 kids to do some stunning academic work Hm6b9vDKwZM-01030-00222288-00222487 but we also get them to be incredibly Hm6b9vDKwZM-01031-00222488-00222639 creative Hm6b9vDKwZM-01032-00222640-00222846 and of course you can't grab creativity Hm6b9vDKwZM-01033-00222848-00223063 you've got to give them 10 out of 10. um Hm6b9vDKwZM-01034-00223064-00223327 but the all-roundedness i think is what Hm6b9vDKwZM-01035-00223328-00223582 what really is the key element and i Hm6b9vDKwZM-01036-00223583-00223815 think our ultimate test would be that if Hm6b9vDKwZM-01037-00223816-00223958 they haven't shifted their perception Hm6b9vDKwZM-01038-00223959-00224127 and awareness and to see connections Hm6b9vDKwZM-01039-00224128-00224375 we've failed Hm6b9vDKwZM-01040-00224376-00224598 there's a wonderful um phrase that says Hm6b9vDKwZM-01041-00224600-00224767 you know we we grow in the direction of Hm6b9vDKwZM-01042-00224767-00224934 the questions we ask Hm6b9vDKwZM-01043-00224935-00225231 and i would put on top of that how do we Hm6b9vDKwZM-01044-00225232-00225471 create an education system that empowers Hm6b9vDKwZM-01045-00225471-00225679 our young kids to ask non-googleable Hm6b9vDKwZM-01046-00225680-00225806 questions Hm6b9vDKwZM-01047-00225807-00226046 because so much is around you know i i'm Hm6b9vDKwZM-01048-00226048-00226206 just someone that i'm constantly asking Hm6b9vDKwZM-01049-00226207-00226367 questions and often i will ask a Hm6b9vDKwZM-01050-00226367-00226510 hypothetical question that i'm living Hm6b9vDKwZM-01051-00226511-00226719 into and the very first response is oh Hm6b9vDKwZM-01052-00226719-00226934 hang on i'll just go check that no no no Hm6b9vDKwZM-01053-00226935-00227198 no let's just let's just explore it and Hm6b9vDKwZM-01054-00227200-00227431 live into it and through that see if we Hm6b9vDKwZM-01055-00227432-00227663 can collectively discover it so those Hm6b9vDKwZM-01056-00227664-00227846 are just two two directions that i Hm6b9vDKwZM-01057-00227848-00228039 really hear what you're saying Hm6b9vDKwZM-01058-00228040-00228327 i i really like that hook sorry to just Hm6b9vDKwZM-01059-00228328-00228510 jump in there but you know throughout Hm6b9vDKwZM-01060-00228511-00228734 this discussion i've been thinking Hm6b9vDKwZM-01061-00228735-00228894 you know around what doris was saying Hm6b9vDKwZM-01062-00228896-00228998 around Hm6b9vDKwZM-01063-00229000-00229134 if we are going to have holistic Hm6b9vDKwZM-01064-00229135-00229391 education we need the families the Hm6b9vDKwZM-01065-00229392-00229487 the Hm6b9vDKwZM-01066-00229488-00229727 formal education the communities Hm6b9vDKwZM-01067-00229728-00229910 or surrounding Hm6b9vDKwZM-01068-00229911-00230175 this child and young person or adult in Hm6b9vDKwZM-01069-00230176-00230375 their journey and i'm thinking whose Hm6b9vDKwZM-01070-00230376-00230558 responsibility is it to look at all Hm6b9vDKwZM-01071-00230559-00230719 these gaps and how are we going to Hm6b9vDKwZM-01072-00230719-00231119 ensure that that happens for every Hm6b9vDKwZM-01073-00231119-00231375 person that is as part of the education Hm6b9vDKwZM-01074-00231376-00231463 system Hm6b9vDKwZM-01075-00231464-00231751 and maybe um what you're saying sylvia Hm6b9vDKwZM-01076-00231752-00231951 as far as Hm6b9vDKwZM-01077-00231952-00232151 encouraging people to ask the right Hm6b9vDKwZM-01078-00232152-00232375 questions might cover some of that i Hm6b9vDKwZM-01079-00232376-00232487 don't know what your thoughts are on Hm6b9vDKwZM-01080-00232488-00232646 that Hm6b9vDKwZM-01081-00232648-00232879 oh so strongly echo with all these Hm6b9vDKwZM-01082-00232880-00233342 responses um i got two reflections um Hm6b9vDKwZM-01083-00233344-00233679 yes the curiosity that's one thing but i Hm6b9vDKwZM-01084-00233680-00234191 strongly echo was it adam yeah um Hm6b9vDKwZM-01085-00234192-00234519 the boredom yes Hm6b9vDKwZM-01086-00234519-00234767 it's creating again that gap Hm6b9vDKwZM-01087-00234767-00234991 and it's the opposite of over Hm6b9vDKwZM-01088-00234992-00235094 filling Hm6b9vDKwZM-01089-00235096-00235423 if if we feel the task of education is Hm6b9vDKwZM-01090-00235423-00235703 lighting the fire really Hm6b9vDKwZM-01091-00235704-00235991 finding your passion your interest Hm6b9vDKwZM-01092-00235992-00236255 it needs a moment Hm6b9vDKwZM-01093-00236256-00236519 for that to come out if you keep Hm6b9vDKwZM-01094-00236519-00236727 overfilling if you keep the children Hm6b9vDKwZM-01095-00236728-00236839 forever Hm6b9vDKwZM-01096-00236840-00236934 you know Hm6b9vDKwZM-01097-00236935-00237191 one program after the next structured Hm6b9vDKwZM-01098-00237192-00237439 there is no space for something to grow Hm6b9vDKwZM-01099-00237440-00237823 that's truly your own unique passion Hm6b9vDKwZM-01100-00237823-00238023 and and that needs to happen again as an Hm6b9vDKwZM-01101-00238023-00238327 adult you know find yourself Hm6b9vDKwZM-01102-00238328-00238623 give yourself the space Hm6b9vDKwZM-01103-00238623-00238734 of Hm6b9vDKwZM-01104-00238735-00238975 exploring what's next Hm6b9vDKwZM-01105-00238976-00239191 and that's what i feel a 21 year old Hm6b9vDKwZM-01106-00239192-00239455 needs but it's actually all of us Hm6b9vDKwZM-01107-00239456-00239742 deserve that at some stage in our lives Hm6b9vDKwZM-01108-00239744-00239982 i had the privilege of finishing my job Hm6b9vDKwZM-01109-00239983-00240110 two years ago Hm6b9vDKwZM-01110-00240111-00240279 everyone asked me what are you going to Hm6b9vDKwZM-01111-00240280-00240623 do next i felt like a 21 year old Hm6b9vDKwZM-01112-00240623-00240919 and i took a year just to to to wander Hm6b9vDKwZM-01113-00240919-00241127 the world my answer was just give me a Hm6b9vDKwZM-01114-00241128-00241239 moment Hm6b9vDKwZM-01115-00241240-00241430 and that moment Hm6b9vDKwZM-01116-00241431-00241734 i want to give to a 21 year old to that Hm6b9vDKwZM-01117-00241735-00242039 the true fire comes out and then that Hm6b9vDKwZM-01118-00242040-00242215 fire can get Hm6b9vDKwZM-01119-00242216-00242534 trained and and formally educated and if Hm6b9vDKwZM-01120-00242535-00243175 you're on fire you are employable Hm6b9vDKwZM-01121-00243176-00243398 a quick comment to make on that when we Hm6b9vDKwZM-01122-00243400-00243591 talk about curiosity one of the Hm6b9vDKwZM-01123-00243592-00243975 best gifts that i've received was Hm6b9vDKwZM-01124-00243976-00244119 the way my parents Hm6b9vDKwZM-01125-00244119-00244342 taught me as i grew up is Hm6b9vDKwZM-01126-00244344-00244551 when asked a question they respond back Hm6b9vDKwZM-01127-00244552-00244751 with a question Hm6b9vDKwZM-01128-00244752-00244894 and Hm6b9vDKwZM-01129-00244896-00245239 that really actually allowed me to Hm6b9vDKwZM-01130-00245240-00245503 ask and wonder and explore Hm6b9vDKwZM-01131-00245504-00245767 and when we think about education Hm6b9vDKwZM-01132-00245767-00246055 oftentimes we think about Hm6b9vDKwZM-01133-00246056-00246271 teachers being the sources of Hm6b9vDKwZM-01134-00246271-00246510 information and you're withdrawing Hm6b9vDKwZM-01135-00246511-00246663 information from them i don't know if Hm6b9vDKwZM-01136-00246664-00246782 you've heard of Hm6b9vDKwZM-01137-00246783-00247079 philosopher paolo frere from brazil Hm6b9vDKwZM-01138-00247080-00247158 he Hm6b9vDKwZM-01139-00247159-00247310 coined the term of Hm6b9vDKwZM-01140-00247311-00247551 a banking system of education which is Hm6b9vDKwZM-01141-00247552-00248039 uh throughout the year the teacher is um Hm6b9vDKwZM-01142-00248040-00248246 the student is withdrawing information Hm6b9vDKwZM-01143-00248248-00248367 from the teacher Hm6b9vDKwZM-01144-00248367-00248558 you're basically depositing it and then Hm6b9vDKwZM-01145-00248559-00248742 and then the teacher then withdraws that Hm6b9vDKwZM-01146-00248744-00249006 during an exam so it's just transferring Hm6b9vDKwZM-01147-00249007-00249215 information and one of the themes that Hm6b9vDKwZM-01148-00249216-00249391 has come up over the last few days is Hm6b9vDKwZM-01149-00249392-00249742 just the exponential rate of change in Hm6b9vDKwZM-01150-00249744-00249871 everything that we're doing we're Hm6b9vDKwZM-01151-00249871-00250127 creating so much information where Hm6b9vDKwZM-01152-00250128-00250358 everything is just becoming obsolete and Hm6b9vDKwZM-01153-00250359-00250606 evolving over time and so moving Hm6b9vDKwZM-01154-00250607-00250903 education from an information-based Hm6b9vDKwZM-01155-00250904-00251182 economy to a knowledge-based economy Hm6b9vDKwZM-01156-00251183-00251398 knowledge being something that's Hm6b9vDKwZM-01157-00251400-00251646 co-created and it's actively evolving Hm6b9vDKwZM-01158-00251648-00251839 and that's a very much a pedagogical Hm6b9vDKwZM-01159-00251840-00252063 approach to learning where we have Hm6b9vDKwZM-01160-00252064-00252223 discourse and discussions and Hm6b9vDKwZM-01161-00252223-00252446 conversations uh rather than working Hm6b9vDKwZM-01162-00252448-00252710 towards a very specific outcome uh we're Hm6b9vDKwZM-01163-00252711-00252927 in the space of creativity using all the Hm6b9vDKwZM-01164-00252928-00253398 resources that are available to us Hm6b9vDKwZM-01165-00253400-00253727 two two quotes that are that i love um Hm6b9vDKwZM-01166-00253728-00253927 one is i can't remember who said it but Hm6b9vDKwZM-01167-00253928-00254158 google it Hm6b9vDKwZM-01168-00254159-00254382 that we had we are now we're drowning in Hm6b9vDKwZM-01169-00254383-00254727 information and starving for knowledge Hm6b9vDKwZM-01170-00254728-00254991 and that's that's true and it ties into Hm6b9vDKwZM-01171-00254992-00255246 what doris has been going and you know Hm6b9vDKwZM-01172-00255248-00255527 talking about and Hm6b9vDKwZM-01173-00255528-00255710 the other thing is that paralyzing Hm6b9vDKwZM-01174-00255711-00255934 question we keep asking school leavers Hm6b9vDKwZM-01175-00255935-00256142 and teenagers what do you want to be Hm6b9vDKwZM-01176-00256144-00256287 when you grow up Hm6b9vDKwZM-01177-00256288-00256575 it's paralyzing to realize you know i've Hm6b9vDKwZM-01178-00256576-00256710 got to make a decision and commit Hm6b9vDKwZM-01179-00256711-00256815 forever Hm6b9vDKwZM-01180-00256816-00257006 can we please at least change that to Hm6b9vDKwZM-01181-00257007-00257255 what do you want to be next Hm6b9vDKwZM-01182-00257256-00257534 because it will be many things Hm6b9vDKwZM-01183-00257535-00257727 you are even asking him a soft skill Hm6b9vDKwZM-01184-00257728-00257879 question like what do you want to be Hm6b9vDKwZM-01185-00257880-00258294 like Hm6b9vDKwZM-01186-00258296-00258510 i just want to respond to the ungoogable Hm6b9vDKwZM-01187-00258511-00258751 question Hm6b9vDKwZM-01188-00258752-00259071 does it take away the wonder Hm6b9vDKwZM-01189-00259071-00259342 and do we celebrate the sacred Hm6b9vDKwZM-01190-00259344-00259639 you know everything is google Hm6b9vDKwZM-01191-00259640-00259894 and is it is it healthy to sometimes Hm6b9vDKwZM-01192-00259896-00260030 live and wonder Hm6b9vDKwZM-01193-00260031-00260215 and not being able to explain everything Hm6b9vDKwZM-01194-00260216-00260391 and be quite comfortable in that Hm6b9vDKwZM-01195-00260392-00260655 question and just follow the quest of Hm6b9vDKwZM-01196-00260656-00260782 questions Hm6b9vDKwZM-01197-00260783-00261110 and be comfortable in it Hm6b9vDKwZM-01198-00261111-00261271 because i i think i want to jump off to Hm6b9vDKwZM-01199-00261271-00261471 that and bring it practical in terms of Hm6b9vDKwZM-01200-00261471-00261606 what for example some of us are trying Hm6b9vDKwZM-01201-00261607-00261823 to do within spiral you know if we're Hm6b9vDKwZM-01202-00261823-00261982 taking it i think many of us are here Hm6b9vDKwZM-01203-00261983-00262223 right now because the current paradigm Hm6b9vDKwZM-01204-00262224-00262358 of society Hm6b9vDKwZM-01205-00262359-00262503 there's many things that we might all Hm6b9vDKwZM-01206-00262504-00262758 personally believe is wrong but how Hm6b9vDKwZM-01207-00262759-00262903 we're trying to shift that into the Hm6b9vDKwZM-01208-00262904-00263119 future none of us know Hm6b9vDKwZM-01209-00263120-00263375 and if we want to wonder about the Hm6b9vDKwZM-01210-00263376-00263534 future and recreate it in the Hm6b9vDKwZM-01211-00263535-00263782 imagination of what it could be we can't Hm6b9vDKwZM-01212-00263783-00263919 google what the future's going to look Hm6b9vDKwZM-01213-00263920-00264134 like so if we're creating an education Hm6b9vDKwZM-01214-00264135-00264303 system and i guess this was always what Hm6b9vDKwZM-01215-00264304-00264510 frustrated me the most about of my Hm6b9vDKwZM-01216-00264511-00264775 university time was writing papers Hm6b9vDKwZM-01217-00264776-00264951 coming up with crazy ideas and my Hm6b9vDKwZM-01218-00264952-00265158 lecturer is saying where's the reference Hm6b9vDKwZM-01219-00265159-00265310 and i'd say i don't know because i made Hm6b9vDKwZM-01220-00265311-00265479 it up and then i don't know you can't Hm6b9vDKwZM-01221-00265480-00265623 have that in your research paper because Hm6b9vDKwZM-01222-00265624-00265839 it needs to be reference of the past Hm6b9vDKwZM-01223-00265840-00266030 but if you're trying to Hm6b9vDKwZM-01224-00266031-00266223 create a new future you know if with Hm6b9vDKwZM-01225-00266224-00266367 choco we're trying to create a new Hm6b9vDKwZM-01226-00266368-00266543 education system within spiral we're Hm6b9vDKwZM-01227-00266544-00266767 trying to create new businesses there is Hm6b9vDKwZM-01228-00266768-00267006 no reference to the past of how you Hm6b9vDKwZM-01229-00267007-00267287 create a decentralized organization or Hm6b9vDKwZM-01230-00267288-00267479 whatever it is that you're trying to do Hm6b9vDKwZM-01231-00267480-00267558 so Hm6b9vDKwZM-01232-00267559-00267775 where do we create that wonder which Hm6b9vDKwZM-01233-00267776-00268039 then so tangibly comes out in my work Hm6b9vDKwZM-01234-00268040-00268215 and in many of our works as we're trying Hm6b9vDKwZM-01235-00268216-00268319 to create Hm6b9vDKwZM-01236-00268320-00268495 organizations and businesses that are Hm6b9vDKwZM-01237-00268496-00268606 trying to feed Hm6b9vDKwZM-01238-00268607-00269206 the future Hm6b9vDKwZM-01239-00269207-00269406 um Hm6b9vDKwZM-01240-00269407-00269567 one one last question Hm6b9vDKwZM-01241-00269568-00269910 yes Hm6b9vDKwZM-01242-00269911-00270119 sorry Hm6b9vDKwZM-01243-00270120-00270319 yo so's assistant here Hm6b9vDKwZM-01244-00270320-00270439 thank you Hm6b9vDKwZM-01245-00270440-00270591 i just wanted to kind of tie in a few Hm6b9vDKwZM-01246-00270592-00270687 things that we've kind of been Hm6b9vDKwZM-01247-00270688-00270863 discussing throughout our time here over Hm6b9vDKwZM-01248-00270864-00271103 the last five days and Hm6b9vDKwZM-01249-00271104-00271182 um Hm6b9vDKwZM-01250-00271183-00271358 this idea of creating wonder is Hm6b9vDKwZM-01251-00271359-00271487 something that i've been thinking a lot Hm6b9vDKwZM-01252-00271488-00271623 about and Hm6b9vDKwZM-01253-00271624-00271775 a research group out of berkeley Hm6b9vDKwZM-01254-00271776-00271967 university is doing a study right now on Hm6b9vDKwZM-01255-00271968-00272151 awe and so i had an opportunity to hear Hm6b9vDKwZM-01256-00272152-00272230 them Hm6b9vDKwZM-01257-00272231-00272415 speak about this on facebook's campus Hm6b9vDKwZM-01258-00272416-00272543 actually they pulled all these leaders Hm6b9vDKwZM-01259-00272544-00272734 together and this was for the wisdom 2.0 Hm6b9vDKwZM-01260-00272735-00272927 event last year and they're talking Hm6b9vDKwZM-01261-00272928-00273095 about how all the response of awe and Hm6b9vDKwZM-01262-00273096-00273295 the body actually decreases inflammation Hm6b9vDKwZM-01263-00273296-00273527 response so in that space where the body Hm6b9vDKwZM-01264-00273528-00273695 is not in an inflamed Hm6b9vDKwZM-01265-00273696-00273799 position Hm6b9vDKwZM-01266-00273800-00273975 you actually are able to learn you're Hm6b9vDKwZM-01267-00273976-00274215 actually able to take in information and Hm6b9vDKwZM-01268-00274216-00274447 so thinking about that in terms of how Hm6b9vDKwZM-01269-00274448-00274663 do we create all with the natural world Hm6b9vDKwZM-01270-00274664-00274910 and allow people the space to explore Hm6b9vDKwZM-01271-00274911-00275079 and and then this connection through Hm6b9vDKwZM-01272-00275080-00275358 food another member of our conversation Hm6b9vDKwZM-01273-00275359-00275519 said that the Hm6b9vDKwZM-01274-00275520-00275679 entry point into caring about the Hm6b9vDKwZM-01275-00275680-00275903 natural world is so often through food Hm6b9vDKwZM-01276-00275904-00276023 and so we have all of these Hm6b9vDKwZM-01277-00276024-00276182 conversations we've been talking about Hm6b9vDKwZM-01278-00276183-00276391 for the whole week and we bring this Hm6b9vDKwZM-01279-00276392-00276567 food and this awe and this wonder and Hm6b9vDKwZM-01280-00276568-00276782 this spaciousness and all of a sudden Hm6b9vDKwZM-01281-00276783-00277030 there's there's nutrients in the body Hm6b9vDKwZM-01282-00277031-00277287 the epigenetic epigenetics are in Hm6b9vDKwZM-01283-00277288-00277471 alignment to actually take in the Hm6b9vDKwZM-01284-00277472-00277734 information so i think just pulling all Hm6b9vDKwZM-01285-00277735-00277910 those together and just so happy that Hm6b9vDKwZM-01286-00277911-00278143 this conversation is here on a farm Hm6b9vDKwZM-01287-00278144-00278391 surrounded by food where we get to taste Hm6b9vDKwZM-01288-00278392-00279215 the food in a few minutes for lunch so Hm6b9vDKwZM-01289-00279216-00279303 uh Hm6b9vDKwZM-01290-00279304-00279463 we're just about to go we're a bit late Hm6b9vDKwZM-01291-00279464-00279671 for lunch but we love thank you all for Hm6b9vDKwZM-01292-00279672-00279910 the time that you've made and really Hm6b9vDKwZM-01293-00279911-00280143 appreciate the conversations on Hm6b9vDKwZM-01294-00280144-00280303 holistic and community oriented Hm6b9vDKwZM-01295-00280304-00280707 education thank you very much HnU6LOhou3Q-00000-00000518-00001061 okay so today's big idea topic of the HnU6LOhou3Q-00001-00001062-00001913 day LinkedIn the professional social HnU6LOhou3Q-00002-00001914-00002392 network well that's sort of a misnomer HnU6LOhou3Q-00003-00002393-00002771 nowadays every every network can be used HnU6LOhou3Q-00004-00002772-00003043 as a professional network nowadays but HnU6LOhou3Q-00005-00003044-00003263 this one came out early on at least ten HnU6LOhou3Q-00006-00003264-00003529 years ago I think it's from around 2003 HnU6LOhou3Q-00007-00003530-00003908 or four or so in the beginning all the HnU6LOhou3Q-00008-00003909-00004163 social networks were these fun personal HnU6LOhou3Q-00009-00004164-00004328 social networks where I'm gonna share HnU6LOhou3Q-00010-00004329-00004495 what I had for breakfast or I'm gonna HnU6LOhou3Q-00011-00004496-00004720 share funny cat picture and so forth and HnU6LOhou3Q-00012-00004721-00004913 so LinkedIn came out okay we're gonna do HnU6LOhou3Q-00013-00004914-00005022 our social network for professionals HnU6LOhou3Q-00014-00005023-00005341 we're gonna connect together to try to HnU6LOhou3Q-00015-00005342-00005627 land the job make connections with HnU6LOhou3Q-00016-00005628-00005942 people to network and so forth so we're HnU6LOhou3Q-00017-00005943-00006140 the professional social network but then HnU6LOhou3Q-00018-00006141-00006308 eventually all the networks got the HnU6LOhou3Q-00019-00006309-00006545 ability to be used professionally so HnU6LOhou3Q-00020-00006545-00006910 it's now that moniker doesn't even apply HnU6LOhou3Q-00021-00006911-00007544 as much anymore so nowadays social HnU6LOhou3Q-00022-00007545-00007859 networks can be used for professional HnU6LOhou3Q-00023-00007859-00008531 well if that's the case purposes if HnU6LOhou3Q-00024-00008532-00008945 that's the case the professional social HnU6LOhou3Q-00025-00008946-00009383 network is their USP anyone remember HnU6LOhou3Q-00026-00009384-00009998 what USP stands for I think I heard HnU6LOhou3Q-00027-00009999-00010276 someone say unique selling proposition HnU6LOhou3Q-00028-00010277-00010730 so USP unique selling proposition so HnU6LOhou3Q-00029-00010731-00011431 their unique selling proposition is not HnU6LOhou3Q-00030-00011432-00011731 unique anymore in the beginning you HnU6LOhou3Q-00031-00011732-00011888 would get on LinkedIn because that was HnU6LOhou3Q-00032-00011889-00012035 where you were connecting professionally HnU6LOhou3Q-00033-00012036-00012230 you weren't sharing what you had for HnU6LOhou3Q-00034-00012231-00012292 breakfast HnU6LOhou3Q-00035-00012293-00012473 you weren't sharing pictures of your HnU6LOhou3Q-00036-00012474-00012719 kids you were sharing things that would HnU6LOhou3Q-00037-00012720-00012929 help you get a job or get connected with HnU6LOhou3Q-00038-00012930-00013077 someone HnU6LOhou3Q-00039-00013078-00013302 your industry and such well you can do HnU6LOhou3Q-00040-00013303-00013505 that on Facebook now and Pinterest to a HnU6LOhou3Q-00041-00013506-00013665 degree and Twitter and all of that so HnU6LOhou3Q-00042-00013666-00013887 the it doesn't have its uniqueness there HnU6LOhou3Q-00043-00013888-00014058 for LinkedIn has to continue to evolve HnU6LOhou3Q-00044-00014059-00014916 and it has more features now many more HnU6LOhou3Q-00045-00014916-00015578 features to keep their USP they have HnU6LOhou3Q-00046-00015579-00015701 [Music] HnU6LOhou3Q-00047-00015702-00015972 what's their official name at the moment HnU6LOhou3Q-00048-00015972-00016296 LinkedIn premier or LinkedIn Pro will HnU6LOhou3Q-00049-00016297-00016394 see it in a moment HnU6LOhou3Q-00050-00016395-00017508 linked its premiere the pay service to HnU6LOhou3Q-00051-00017509-00018897 unlock more features they have linked in HnU6LOhou3Q-00052-00018898-00020615 learning their training system they have HnU6LOhou3Q-00053-00020616-00021506 SlideShare the presentation sharing HnU6LOhou3Q-00054-00021507-00022442 network they have their job center post HnU6LOhou3Q-00055-00022443-00023180 find jobs so it's not just the classic HnU6LOhou3Q-00056-00023181-00023436 social network in terms of posting HnU6LOhou3Q-00057-00023437-00023661 something sharing something replying and HnU6LOhou3Q-00058-00023662-00023880 such which you do on all the networks it HnU6LOhou3Q-00059-00023881-00024618 has these other extra features yes so HnU6LOhou3Q-00060-00024619-00025373 they also have the usual social HnU6LOhou3Q-00061-00025374-00026138 accessories which are posting replying HnU6LOhou3Q-00062-00026139-00029045 liking me sharing following uses for or HnU6LOhou3Q-00063-00029047-00029691 of Facebook I'm not saying these that HnU6LOhou3Q-00064-00029692-00029835 I'm about to list I'm not saying you HnU6LOhou3Q-00065-00029836-00029991 have to do all of these but these are HnU6LOhou3Q-00066-00029992-00030377 possibilities of how you can use them HnU6LOhou3Q-00067-00030377-00031427 possible uses an online resume a HnU6LOhou3Q-00068-00031427-00032975 networking site okay job hunting site a HnU6LOhou3Q-00069-00032976-00034160 school where you can update your skills HnU6LOhou3Q-00070-00034161-00034691 will do those for the moment so a resume HnU6LOhou3Q-00071-00034692-00035085 you put there out your resume like a HnU6LOhou3Q-00072-00035086-00035289 classic one about your educational HnU6LOhou3Q-00073-00035290-00035594 experience your previous work experience HnU6LOhou3Q-00074-00035595-00035973 all of that so it's just an online HnU6LOhou3Q-00075-00035974-00036231 resume we'll see how that one works in a HnU6LOhou3Q-00076-00036232-00036474 moment when we go to the network so HnU6LOhou3Q-00077-00036475-00036735 there's that possibility we've got also HnU6LOhou3Q-00078-00036736-00037152 a way to network and this I mean HnU6LOhou3Q-00079-00037153-00037541 networking in the classic sense of HnU6LOhou3Q-00080-00037542-00037842 networking in the real world has anyone HnU6LOhou3Q-00081-00037843-00038220 ever gone to networking or mixers in the HnU6LOhou3Q-00082-00038221-00038374 real world about profession HnU6LOhou3Q-00083-00038375-00038842 topics so I've gotten to a few like you HnU6LOhou3Q-00084-00038843-00039061 know San Diego Business Association you HnU6LOhou3Q-00085-00039062-00039247 know San Diego a small Small Business HnU6LOhou3Q-00086-00039248-00039457 Association whether you know the Chamber HnU6LOhou3Q-00087-00039458-00039766 of Commerce mixers and such where you go HnU6LOhou3Q-00088-00039767-00040051 and you talk to people in a professional HnU6LOhou3Q-00089-00040052-00040219 setting get a few free drinks and stuff HnU6LOhou3Q-00090-00040220-00040531 and then make contacts and pass out HnU6LOhou3Q-00091-00040532-00040759 business cards and maybe make deals at HnU6LOhou3Q-00092-00040760-00040978 that moment well that's what I mean here HnU6LOhou3Q-00093-00040979-00041829 by by networking so like a real-world HnU6LOhou3Q-00094-00041830-00042574 Business Association mixer that sort of HnU6LOhou3Q-00095-00042575-00042850 thing on my resume well that's kind of HnU6LOhou3Q-00096-00042851-00043425 obvious show your education job HnU6LOhou3Q-00097-00043426-00044113 experience job hunting well you know HnU6LOhou3Q-00098-00044114-00044842 it's the classifieds look for a job or HnU6LOhou3Q-00099-00044843-00045268 perhaps post a job maybe I need to hire HnU6LOhou3Q-00100-00045269-00045463 people for my business I can use HnU6LOhou3Q-00101-00045464-00045769 LinkedIn to find people and of course HnU6LOhou3Q-00102-00045770-00046340 it's better than the classic classifieds HnU6LOhou3Q-00103-00046341-00046606 because it's digital because I can do HnU6LOhou3Q-00104-00046607-00046759 what we learned about in the other HnU6LOhou3Q-00105-00046760-00046954 networks in terms of targeting HnU6LOhou3Q-00106-00046955-00047485 demographics I can put my ad out for the HnU6LOhou3Q-00107-00047486-00047713 people I'm trying to hire and target it HnU6LOhou3Q-00108-00047714-00047923 specifically to people that ever a verse HnU6LOhou3Q-00109-00047924-00048417 are of a certain location skill level HnU6LOhou3Q-00110-00048418-00048640 experience and so forth instead of HnU6LOhou3Q-00111-00048641-00048793 putting that ad out on the paper where HnU6LOhou3Q-00112-00048794-00048943 everyone will see it and I'll get lots HnU6LOhou3Q-00113-00048944-00049225 of bad candidates I can set it up in HnU6LOhou3Q-00114-00049226-00049450 LinkedIn in LinkedIn I can set it up HnU6LOhou3Q-00115-00049451-00049819 that it'll really target those that I HnU6LOhou3Q-00116-00049820-00050611 will have a better chance of hiring and HnU6LOhou3Q-00118-00054997-00055261 well this is the thing unfortunately HnU6LOhou3Q-00119-00055262-00055530 again about the USP the uniqueness of it HnU6LOhou3Q-00120-00055532-00055678 at a certain point that was the go-to HnU6LOhou3Q-00121-00055679-00055954 place now there's so many places for you HnU6LOhou3Q-00122-00055954-00056224 to put your job listing at to try to get HnU6LOhou3Q-00123-00056225-00056419 hired or to get hired so LinkedIn is HnU6LOhou3Q-00124-00056420-00056524 just one of them HnU6LOhou3Q-00125-00056525-00056779 what's foolish is not to try a few of HnU6LOhou3Q-00126-00056779-00057094 them and see which one works right I I I HnU6LOhou3Q-00127-00057095-00057316 cast the net and see what I get so HnU6LOhou3Q-00128-00057316-00057547 LinkedIn would be one of them let me HnU6LOhou3Q-00129-00057548-00057685 just kind of briefly mention a few HnU6LOhou3Q-00130-00057686-00058113 others here job related sites we have of HnU6LOhou3Q-00131-00058114-00058510 course LinkedIn but we have also one HnU6LOhou3Q-00132-00058511-00058938 called glassdoor.com we have zip HnU6LOhou3Q-00133-00058939-00059994 recruiter yeah that's another classic HnU6LOhou3Q-00134-00059995-00060337 one there monster calm and what was the HnU6LOhou3Q-00135-00060338-00060555 other one you said you need oh yea HnU6LOhou3Q-00136-00060557-00060985 indeed.com so there's so many of them HnU6LOhou3Q-00137-00060986-00061104 out there you can even go to places such HnU6LOhou3Q-00138-00061105-00061232 as Behance HnU6LOhou3Q-00139-00061233-00061773 dot-com and dribble I forget how many HnU6LOhou3Q-00140-00061774-00062013 bees are on that one I think three bees HnU6LOhou3Q-00141-00062014-00062284 or to be something like that they have a HnU6LOhou3Q-00142-00062285-00062734 funny name but these are hunting sorts HnU6LOhou3Q-00143-00062735-00062875 of sites now some of them are a little HnU6LOhou3Q-00144-00062876-00063097 bit more focused on a certain niche HnU6LOhou3Q-00145-00063098-00063341 these two HnU6LOhou3Q-00146-00063342-00063507 little bit more focused like on getting HnU6LOhou3Q-00147-00063508-00063735 a web design job or a graphic design job HnU6LOhou3Q-00148-00063736-00064446 and stuff like that so this is this is HnU6LOhou3Q-00149-00064447-00064638 the point about let's say in the old HnU6LOhou3Q-00150-00064639-00064782 days I would put it in the classifieds HnU6LOhou3Q-00151-00064783-00065001 in one newspaper well there's three HnU6LOhou3Q-00152-00065002-00065169 newspapers in the city that we want to HnU6LOhou3Q-00153-00065170-00065363 put it my job listing and the HnU6LOhou3Q-00154-00065364-00065594 classifieds of all those three papers so HnU6LOhou3Q-00155-00065595-00065807 in the digital world I have all of these HnU6LOhou3Q-00156-00065808-00066113 possible classified sites so it would be HnU6LOhou3Q-00157-00066114-00066401 silly not to try all of them to see what HnU6LOhou3Q-00158-00066402-00066876 would I get out of it so that's what I HnU6LOhou3Q-00159-00066877-00067197 would say at the minimum to be on one of HnU6LOhou3Q-00160-00067198-00067482 them that's one of the big ones and then HnU6LOhou3Q-00161-00067483-00067638 go off to some of these other ones and HnU6LOhou3Q-00162-00067639-00067962 there's even local ones very very hyper HnU6LOhou3Q-00163-00067963-00068259 local like a San Diego only job site I HnU6LOhou3Q-00164-00068260-00068388 don't know which one that would be I'd HnU6LOhou3Q-00165-00068389-00068559 have to look it up but a lot of times on HnU6LOhou3Q-00166-00068560-00068757 these networks you can also target HnU6LOhou3Q-00167-00068758-00069000 yourself I may be in San Diego but I'm HnU6LOhou3Q-00168-00069001-00069303 trying to get a job in Sacramento I can HnU6LOhou3Q-00169-00069304-00069597 target myself to be found by potential HnU6LOhou3Q-00170-00069598-00069869 employers in Sacramento in these HnU6LOhou3Q-00171-00069870-00070041 networks I don't have to have to put the HnU6LOhou3Q-00172-00070042-00070284 ad in the Sacramento Bee as opposed to HnU6LOhou3Q-00173-00070285-00070521 the Union Tribune so you have the reach HnU6LOhou3Q-00174-00070522-00070692 of social media a lot further than the HnU6LOhou3Q-00175-00070693-00071346 old and then the old classic ways okay HnU6LOhou3Q-00176-00071347-00071526 so this one about a school this one's HnU6LOhou3Q-00177-00071527-00072138 this one's really cool so aka lynda.com HnU6LOhou3Q-00178-00072139-00072339 is anyone has anyone heard of live.com HnU6LOhou3Q-00179-00072340-00072756 before if you haven't lynda.com is an HnU6LOhou3Q-00180-00072757-00072951 online training website that's been HnU6LOhou3Q-00181-00072952-00073173 around probably like at least 15 years HnU6LOhou3Q-00182-00073174-00073455 nowadays probably even longer and what HnU6LOhou3Q-00183-00073456-00073785 it is it's online professional online HnU6LOhou3Q-00184-00073786-00074574 training videos and courses training the HnU6LOhou3Q-00185-00074575-00075051 courses so at your own pace you enroll HnU6LOhou3Q-00186-00075052-00075438 in the how to use Photoshop beginner HnU6LOhou3Q-00187-00075439-00075672 course and then at your own pace you HnU6LOhou3Q-00188-00075673-00075861 watch the videos you do lessons and HnU6LOhou3Q-00189-00075862-00076173 homework you get graded on it you then HnU6LOhou3Q-00190-00076174-00076437 complete the class satisfactorily and HnU6LOhou3Q-00191-00076438-00076569 you get certificates HnU6LOhou3Q-00192-00076570-00076734 real certificates that then go on your HnU6LOhou3Q-00193-00076735-00077070 resume in LinkedIn and then you have the HnU6LOhou3Q-00194-00077071-00077328 skills of now I have beginning photoshop HnU6LOhou3Q-00195-00077329-00077669 skills then I go off into the next level HnU6LOhou3Q-00196-00077670-00078209 of Photoshop and I learn more now HnU6LOhou3Q-00197-00078210-00079467 depending on the service it may be free HnU6LOhou3Q-00198-00079468-00079851 or not so I'm mentioning all of these HnU6LOhou3Q-00199-00079852-00080106 things the networking aspect of it the HnU6LOhou3Q-00200-00080107-00080295 job-hunting aspect the education aspect HnU6LOhou3Q-00201-00080296-00080484 I'm mentioning all of these aspects of HnU6LOhou3Q-00202-00080485-00080796 it you know we want to hold our horses HnU6LOhou3Q-00203-00080797-00081054 because some of them may be completely HnU6LOhou3Q-00204-00081055-00081294 free and some of them may be a paid HnU6LOhou3Q-00205-00081295-00081573 thing so we'll see which are paid in HnU6LOhou3Q-00206-00081574-00082569 which are not but what we're seeing is HnU6LOhou3Q-00207-00082570-00082800 that LinkedIn then offers a lot of HnU6LOhou3Q-00208-00082801-00083190 things we're gonna explore them all as HnU6LOhou3Q-00209-00083191-00083436 much time as we have so we'll look at HnU6LOhou3Q-00210-00083437-00083604 the resume one first that's the easiest HnU6LOhou3Q-00211-00083605-00083871 one to wrap our heads around let me show HnU6LOhou3Q-00212-00083872-00084060 you an example you can do this as well HnU6LOhou3Q-00213-00084061-00084365 if you'd like go to your web browser and HnU6LOhou3Q-00214-00084366-00084795 go to the address HTTP call the slash HnU6LOhou3Q-00215-00084796-00085281 slash linkedin.com slash in slash Victor HnU6LOhou3Q-00216-00085282-00085578 Campos so we can look at my LinkedIn HnU6LOhou3Q-00217-00085579-00086199 profile and also when I do these classes HnU6LOhou3Q-00218-00086200-00086706 I always tell people don't be offended HnU6LOhou3Q-00219-00086707-00087048 if I don't accept a connection from you HnU6LOhou3Q-00220-00087049-00087432 a student because the main thing that I HnU6LOhou3Q-00221-00087433-00087762 will say especially for LinkedIn I I HnU6LOhou3Q-00222-00087763-00088140 will actually is it gonna even let you HnU6LOhou3Q-00223-00088141-00088377 look at it some times they let you look HnU6LOhou3Q-00224-00088378-00088721 at it without signing in HnU6LOhou3Q-00225-00088722-00089188 gonna let us look maybe not okay well if HnU6LOhou3Q-00226-00089189-00089317 it doesn't let you look at it right away HnU6LOhou3Q-00227-00089318-00089605 just wait a moment they they change this HnU6LOhou3Q-00228-00089606-00089741 sometimes so if you don't see my resume HnU6LOhou3Q-00229-00089742-00089879 here just pull on a moment HnU6LOhou3Q-00230-00089880-00090167 what I was about to say was I'm gonna HnU6LOhou3Q-00231-00090168-00090266 say and I'm gonna give you full HnU6LOhou3Q-00232-00090267-00090781 permission use LinkedIn selfishly not HnU6LOhou3Q-00233-00090782-00091293 selflessly selfishly use LinkedIn HnU6LOhou3Q-00234-00091294-00091904 selfish leave cut meaning connect with HnU6LOhou3Q-00235-00091905-00092666 people that will benefit you and again HnU6LOhou3Q-00236-00092667-00092972 not to be mean about it or anything like HnU6LOhou3Q-00237-00092973-00093244 that but I get people in all these HnU6LOhou3Q-00238-00093245-00093491 classes wanted to connect with me every HnU6LOhou3Q-00239-00093492-00093667 semester they find me on LinkedIn to it HnU6LOhou3Q-00240-00093668-00093854 or whatever and especially something HnU6LOhou3Q-00241-00093855-00093974 that we're LinkedIn where you have to HnU6LOhou3Q-00242-00093975-00094310 approve the connection I almost never HnU6LOhou3Q-00243-00094311-00094474 approve it and not because you're a bad HnU6LOhou3Q-00244-00094475-00094774 person it's because I need to use HnU6LOhou3Q-00245-00094775-00094999 LinkedIn you need to use LinkedIn to HnU6LOhou3Q-00246-00095000-00095153 connect with people that will benefit HnU6LOhou3Q-00247-00095154-00095522 you if I connect with that person that HnU6LOhou3Q-00248-00095523-00095719 person could help me get this job or if HnU6LOhou3Q-00249-00095720-00095873 I connect with that person that person HnU6LOhou3Q-00250-00095874-00096041 can connect me with this other person HnU6LOhou3Q-00251-00096042-00096199 that can help me with this nonprofit HnU6LOhou3Q-00252-00096200-00096418 organization or if I connect with this HnU6LOhou3Q-00253-00096419-00096619 person I'll get some great knowledge out HnU6LOhou3Q-00254-00096620-00096929 of an industry don't connect with people HnU6LOhou3Q-00255-00096930-00097067 here like your old high school HnU6LOhou3Q-00256-00097068-00097397 sweetheart or your second cousin twice HnU6LOhou3Q-00257-00097398-00097594 removed because you're related somehow HnU6LOhou3Q-00258-00097595-00097879 no you want to connect here with people HnU6LOhou3Q-00259-00097880-00098141 that are gonna benefit you for what your HnU6LOhou3Q-00260-00098142-00098311 ultimate purpose of using any of the HnU6LOhou3Q-00261-00098312-00098546 social media is my ultimate goal for HnU6LOhou3Q-00262-00098547-00098800 using LinkedIn perhaps you know is to HnU6LOhou3Q-00263-00098801-00098948 sell more cupcakes I've got Victor's HnU6LOhou3Q-00264-00098949-00099092 bakery I'm in the business of selling HnU6LOhou3Q-00265-00099093-00099268 cupcakes how can I use LinkedIn to sell HnU6LOhou3Q-00266-00099269-00099568 more cupcakes maybe I can connect with a HnU6LOhou3Q-00267-00099569-00099988 local celebrity food blogger or chef or HnU6LOhou3Q-00268-00099989-00100199 something and if I connect with them on HnU6LOhou3Q-00269-00100200-00100424 LinkedIn I have like a little bit of an HnU6LOhou3Q-00270-00100425-00100742 in on the industry about food reviewing HnU6LOhou3Q-00271-00100743-00100975 or something and that way I can maybe HnU6LOhou3Q-00272-00100976-00101257 grease the wheels and get a great review HnU6LOhou3Q-00273-00101258-00101612 out of my my business so how can you use HnU6LOhou3Q-00274-00101613-00101767 any of these social networks to benefit HnU6LOhou3Q-00275-00101768-00101895 you but especially LinkedIn HnU6LOhou3Q-00276-00101896-00102015 people are always gonna ask you would HnU6LOhou3Q-00277-00102016-00102171 you like to connect on LinkedIn let's HnU6LOhou3Q-00278-00102172-00102324 connect on LinkedIn please let's connect HnU6LOhou3Q-00279-00102325-00102525 on LinkedIn and I get I've already HnU6LOhou3Q-00280-00102526-00102729 gotten several from people in the class HnU6LOhou3Q-00281-00102730-00103055 and I and I deny most of them because HnU6LOhou3Q-00282-00103056-00103558 you want to use it selfishly so before HnU6LOhou3Q-00283-00103559-00104313 agreeing to a connection check their HnU6LOhou3Q-00284-00104314-00104814 profile so follow the link to their HnU6LOhou3Q-00285-00104815-00105708 account and see what they're about and HnU6LOhou3Q-00286-00105708-00106274 then determine how it would benefit you HnU6LOhou3Q-00287-00106275-00106791 to connect because one of the big HnU6LOhou3Q-00288-00106792-00106977 differences in using LinkedIn versus the HnU6LOhou3Q-00289-00106978-00107172 other social networks it's a lot more HnU6LOhou3Q-00290-00107173-00107882 people-to-people people-to-people HnU6LOhou3Q-00291-00107883-00108201 one-to-one as opposed to something like HnU6LOhou3Q-00292-00108202-00108446 Facebook or Twitter or Pinterest etc HnU6LOhou3Q-00293-00108447-00108998 those are often business to people and HnU6LOhou3Q-00294-00108999-00109626 one-to-many one-to-one is me Victor is HnU6LOhou3Q-00295-00109627-00109925 going to connect with Janet on LinkedIn HnU6LOhou3Q-00296-00109926-00110210 one-to-one we both have approved the HnU6LOhou3Q-00297-00110211-00110418 connection therefore we will see each HnU6LOhou3Q-00298-00110419-00110703 other's content if she follows me I HnU6LOhou3Q-00299-00110704-00110909 follow her I see what she posts HnU6LOhou3Q-00300-00110910-00111108 regarding her business she sees what I HnU6LOhou3Q-00301-00111108-00111264 post regarding my business it's HnU6LOhou3Q-00302-00111265-00111482 one-to-one we've connected that way HnU6LOhou3Q-00303-00111483-00111854 these are the networks I can get someone HnU6LOhou3Q-00304-00111855-00112098 following me on Twitter I don't have to HnU6LOhou3Q-00305-00112099-00112338 follow them back I can have someone like HnU6LOhou3Q-00306-00112339-00112527 my page or follow my page on Facebook I HnU6LOhou3Q-00307-00112528-00112733 don't have to like theirs back I can get HnU6LOhou3Q-00308-00112734-00112881 someone following me on Pinterest I HnU6LOhou3Q-00309-00112882-00113046 don't have to follow them back so it's HnU6LOhou3Q-00310-00113047-00113232 one too many many people may be HnU6LOhou3Q-00311-00113233-00113688 connecting to me the one but LinkedIn is HnU6LOhou3Q-00312-00113689-00114299 much more about one-to-one HnU6LOhou3Q-00313-00114300-00115168 so then always think in terms of how can HnU6LOhou3Q-00314-00115169-00116264 this connection and a fee or my business HnU6LOhou3Q-00315-00116265-00116506 most of the social media you're still HnU6LOhou3Q-00316-00116507-00116719 going to think about it like that but HnU6LOhou3Q-00317-00116720-00116844 LinkedIn is a little bit more obvious HnU6LOhou3Q-00318-00116845-00117123 because it's a person creating an HnU6LOhou3Q-00319-00117124-00117300 account showing off their resume job HnU6LOhou3Q-00320-00117301-00117609 skills what they offer and therefore the HnU6LOhou3Q-00321-00117610-00117894 connection is more personable personal HnU6LOhou3Q-00322-00117895-00118653 that way so I wanted to show an example HnU6LOhou3Q-00323-00118654-00118947 of what a LinkedIn resume showed did HnU6LOhou3Q-00324-00118948-00119143 anyone was anyone able to see it or did HnU6LOhou3Q-00325-00119144-00119313 it then block you and say you had to HnU6LOhou3Q-00326-00119314-00119604 sign in you did see it okay maybe a few HnU6LOhou3Q-00327-00119605-00119901 people saw it and good if you didn't I HnU6LOhou3Q-00328-00119902-00120120 don't know I can't show it here but I HnU6LOhou3Q-00329-00120121-00120303 don't want to I don't want to sign into HnU6LOhou3Q-00330-00120304-00120735 it yet but if you're able to see it my HnU6LOhou3Q-00331-00120736-00121008 resume is there and it's the standard HnU6LOhou3Q-00332-00121009-00121179 sort of thing in that it has my HnU6LOhou3Q-00333-00121180-00121473 education my job experience it has other HnU6LOhou3Q-00334-00121474-00121749 extra things too like languages spoken HnU6LOhou3Q-00335-00121750-00122057 or programming languages spoken or HnU6LOhou3Q-00336-00122058-00122322 awards and experiences there's even you HnU6LOhou3Q-00337-00122323-00122506 know spot to put in patents that you HnU6LOhou3Q-00338-00122507-00122703 might have earned and such or degrees HnU6LOhou3Q-00339-00122704-00122889 and we'll look at that how that looks in HnU6LOhou3Q-00340-00122890-00123282 a moment but again I'm showing you my HnU6LOhou3Q-00341-00123283-00123501 address most likely I want to prove you HnU6LOhou3Q-00342-00123502-00123729 if you try to connect with me and again HnU6LOhou3Q-00343-00123730-00123999 don't take it bad I'm just trying to HnU6LOhou3Q-00344-00124000-00124344 I tell you early on that I connect with HnU6LOhou3Q-00345-00124345-00124479 people that will benefit me or my HnU6LOhou3Q-00346-00124480-00124707 company now if this were a class that HnU6LOhou3Q-00347-00124708-00125040 were a graded class as I've said I teach HnU6LOhou3Q-00348-00125041-00125238 classes here in Southwestern College as HnU6LOhou3Q-00349-00125239-00125424 well and at Southwestern College the HnU6LOhou3Q-00350-00125425-00125544 classes I teach there are all four HnU6LOhou3Q-00351-00125545-00125727 grades and credits and units and such HnU6LOhou3Q-00352-00125728-00125889 these classes up here in North City HnU6LOhou3Q-00353-00125890-00126237 they're all free no grades and such so HnU6LOhou3Q-00354-00126238-00126363 especially when I'm teaching classes HnU6LOhou3Q-00355-00126364-00126546 over there for social media I almost HnU6LOhou3Q-00356-00126547-00126699 never connect with students because HnU6LOhou3Q-00357-00126700-00126915 that's a conflict of interest because HnU6LOhou3Q-00358-00126916-00127104 like why did I get a B in the class I HnU6LOhou3Q-00359-00127105-00127225 thought we were friends on HnU6LOhou3Q-00360-00127226-00127327 dan I thought we were friends on HnU6LOhou3Q-00361-00127328-00127576 Facebook so I don't do it HnU6LOhou3Q-00362-00127577-00127783 think about that also for yourself is it HnU6LOhou3Q-00363-00127784-00127978 gonna benefit you in the real world also HnU6LOhou3Q-00364-00127979-00128266 to be friends quote-unquote in the HnU6LOhou3Q-00365-00128267-00128575 digital world and it's perfectly okay HnU6LOhou3Q-00366-00128576-00128797 not to connect and it's perfectly okay HnU6LOhou3Q-00367-00128798-00129144 to be more judicious in your connections HnU6LOhou3Q-00368-00129145-00129370 Facebook is more of the place where let HnU6LOhou3Q-00369-00129371-00129469 me connect with this old high school HnU6LOhou3Q-00370-00129470-00129751 friend is it gonna really benefit you to HnU6LOhou3Q-00371-00129752-00129984 have that connection and LinkedIn HnU6LOhou3Q-00372-00129985-00130204 sometimes people get caught up in that HnU6LOhou3Q-00373-00130205-00130447 number followers or connections I've got HnU6LOhou3Q-00374-00130448-00130657 a hundred connections on LinkedIn you've HnU6LOhou3Q-00375-00130658-00130741 only got 12 HnU6LOhou3Q-00376-00130742-00130900 well those 12 connections are more HnU6LOhou3Q-00377-00130901-00131047 beneficial to me because I know who they HnU6LOhou3Q-00378-00131048-00131185 are and I know how they benefit to me HnU6LOhou3Q-00379-00131186-00131395 those 100 that you have they're just HnU6LOhou3Q-00380-00131396-00131599 numbers are they even active on Linkedin HnU6LOhou3Q-00381-00131600-00131843 are they even helping you on LinkedIn so HnU6LOhou3Q-00382-00131844-00132019 the numbers are relevant on LinkedIn HnU6LOhou3Q-00383-00132020-00132211 LinkedIn is sort of the network where I HnU6LOhou3Q-00384-00132212-00132328 would say it doesn't matter your HnU6LOhou3Q-00385-00132329-00132589 follower number it's not about quantity HnU6LOhou3Q-00386-00132590-00132832 it's about quality whereas the other HnU6LOhou3Q-00387-00132833-00133177 networks to some degree it is also about HnU6LOhou3Q-00388-00133178-00133718 quantity of networks of connections I HnU6LOhou3Q-00389-00133719-00135881 mean I wouldn't be able to in it be a HnU6LOhou3Q-00390-00135882-00136033 liability for me to tell you point-blank HnU6LOhou3Q-00391-00136034-00136426 yes or no on that but based on what I've HnU6LOhou3Q-00392-00136427-00136675 said so far you can probably determine HnU6LOhou3Q-00393-00136676-00137101 what I would suggest but if they don't HnU6LOhou3Q-00394-00137102-00137851 benefit you they don't benefit you yeah HnU6LOhou3Q-00395-00137852-00138073 so not even not even a virtual one on HnU6LOhou3Q-00396-00138074-00138472 skype so might not be useful and so in HnU6LOhou3Q-00397-00138473-00138694 most networks HnU6LOhou3Q-00398-00138695-00138798 quantity HnU6LOhou3Q-00399-00138799-00138987 [Music] HnU6LOhou3Q-00400-00138988-00139709 to team and quality matter but linked in HnU6LOhou3Q-00401-00139710-00140208 quality matters most on Twitter I've got HnU6LOhou3Q-00402-00140209-00140547 500 connections or followers but like I HnU6LOhou3Q-00403-00140548-00140736 said only 1% are going to really really HnU6LOhou3Q-00404-00140737-00141201 care so 5 1 percent of 505 real quality HnU6LOhou3Q-00405-00141202-00141573 results LinkedIn it's not going to HnU6LOhou3Q-00406-00141574-00141960 benefit me to have 500 connections I HnU6LOhou3Q-00407-00141961-00142326 would rather have 5 or 7 or 12 real HnU6LOhou3Q-00408-00142327-00142536 connections with people that are active HnU6LOhou3Q-00409-00142537-00142767 and using it the network the best way HnU6LOhou3Q-00411-00146083-00146256 this is the confusing part also for HnU6LOhou3Q-00412-00146257-00146757 LinkedIn because linked can be used as a HnU6LOhou3Q-00413-00146758-00147240 person or a company so this is where you HnU6LOhou3Q-00414-00147241-00147381 then have to determine which is going to HnU6LOhou3Q-00415-00147382-00147579 be more valuable for you am I going to HnU6LOhou3Q-00416-00147580-00147792 try to connect to the person in each HnU6LOhou3Q-00417-00147793-00148041 part at calm that can help me get the HnU6LOhou3Q-00418-00148042-00148278 job or am I going to connect to the main HnU6LOhou3Q-00419-00148279-00148632 company account on LinkedIn which might HnU6LOhou3Q-00420-00148633-00148989 not because the main company is just HnU6LOhou3Q-00421-00148990-00149121 going to be posting stuff about look at HnU6LOhou3Q-00422-00149122-00149310 the look at our latest technology here's HnU6LOhou3Q-00423-00149311-00149472 our latest white paper here's our next HnU6LOhou3Q-00424-00149473-00149739 conference it's most likely gonna be the HnU6LOhou3Q-00425-00149740-00150060 person in the HR department that's going HnU6LOhou3Q-00426-00150061-00150300 to do the actual hiring and such so HnU6LOhou3Q-00427-00150301-00150464 that's the person I want to connect with HnU6LOhou3Q-00428-00150465-00150879 you often can connect with the company HnU6LOhou3Q-00429-00150880-00151098 you know who the employees are and then HnU6LOhou3Q-00430-00151099-00151224 that way you can do a little bit of HnU6LOhou3Q-00431-00151225-00151440 detective work and then find out who is HnU6LOhou3Q-00432-00151441-00151681 the person that will get you hired in HnU6LOhou3Q-00433-00151682-00151948 the company and connect with them does HnU6LOhou3Q-00434-00151949-00152954 the company accept my my connection a HnU6LOhou3Q-00435-00152955-00153535 business page is a special case it's not HnU6LOhou3Q-00436-00153536-00154050 as full featured as a person this is HnU6LOhou3Q-00437-00154051-00154161 kind of the opposite of the other HnU6LOhou3Q-00438-00154162-00154507 networks where the other networks let HnU6LOhou3Q-00439-00154508-00154704 let a business do everything that a HnU6LOhou3Q-00440-00154705-00155025 person does posting sharing and all that HnU6LOhou3Q-00441-00155026-00155245 a business page on LinkedIn is actually HnU6LOhou3Q-00442-00155246-00155497 a pretty limited compared to a person so HnU6LOhou3Q-00443-00155498-00155961 no you you you could I suppose follow HnU6LOhou3Q-00444-00155962-00156165 the company's business page and comment HnU6LOhou3Q-00445-00156166-00156366 on their business on their postings and HnU6LOhou3Q-00446-00156367-00156694 stuff like that but it's not really set HnU6LOhou3Q-00447-00156695-00156813 up that way it's still more about HnU6LOhou3Q-00448-00156814-00157057 person-to-person so when when we HnU6LOhou3Q-00449-00157058-00157195 actually do it it might make more sense HnU6LOhou3Q-00450-00157196-00157420 but the point again is you are gonna be HnU6LOhou3Q-00451-00157421-00157626 going toward making the connection to HnU6LOhou3Q-00452-00157627-00157848 the person related to a business not HnU6LOhou3Q-00453-00157849-00158047 exactly making the connection to the HnU6LOhou3Q-00454-00158048-00158209 business because someone ultimately is HnU6LOhou3Q-00455-00158210-00158485 gonna do the hiring not the business but HnU6LOhou3Q-00456-00158486-00158620 the person in the business so you HnU6LOhou3Q-00457-00158621-00159960 connect to the person yes it's becoming HnU6LOhou3Q-00458-00159961-00160254 so much more common nowadays to the HnU6LOhou3Q-00459-00160255-00160423 horror of some and to the delight of HnU6LOhou3Q-00460-00160424-00160728 others that that HR people now are HnU6LOhou3Q-00461-00160729-00160998 looking at people's social networks so HnU6LOhou3Q-00462-00160999-00161238 if I have these social networks where HnU6LOhou3Q-00463-00161239-00161427 I'm showing myself partying in Cancun HnU6LOhou3Q-00464-00161428-00161727 all the time and I'm trying to get hired HnU6LOhou3Q-00465-00161728-00161904 and people can easily look me up Victor HnU6LOhou3Q-00466-00161905-00162126 Campos Twitter and they find my account HnU6LOhou3Q-00467-00162127-00162493 where I'm being party person you know HnU6LOhou3Q-00468-00162494-00162685 that could be a violation of privacy HnU6LOhou3Q-00469-00162686-00162909 that could be a violation of HR rules HnU6LOhou3Q-00470-00162910-00163263 but it's the it's the sort of gray area HnU6LOhou3Q-00471-00163264-00163518 that we're in and all of this about like HnU6LOhou3Q-00472-00163519-00163795 the burden of proof about I didn't get HnU6LOhou3Q-00473-00163796-00163981 hired because you saw my picture of me HnU6LOhou3Q-00474-00163982-00164063 doing a HnU6LOhou3Q-00475-00164064-00164315 cake stand like how are you going to HnU6LOhou3Q-00476-00164316-00164822 prove that so if we have a profile where HnU6LOhou3Q-00477-00164823-00165038 we're putting our best foot forward here HnU6LOhou3Q-00478-00165039-00165263 we have a LinkedIn account or we have HnU6LOhou3Q-00479-00165264-00165383 Twitter accounts for whatever that's HnU6LOhou3Q-00480-00165384-00165544 always putting our best foot forward HnU6LOhou3Q-00481-00165545-00165770 then that's even better for us when HnU6LOhou3Q-00482-00165771-00166049 these HR people inevitably take a peek HnU6LOhou3Q-00483-00166050-00166514 at us without us looking so always try HnU6LOhou3Q-00484-00166515-00166784 to put the best content and your best HnU6LOhou3Q-00485-00166785-00167045 foot forward on these networks try at HnU6LOhou3Q-00486-00167046-00167473 least HnU6LOhou3Q-00487-00167474-00168373 with so many HR people now also browsing HnU6LOhou3Q-00488-00168374-00168491 aka HnU6LOhou3Q-00489-00168492-00169226 spying on us on social media make sure HnU6LOhou3Q-00490-00169227-00169954 you set your privacy settings properly HnU6LOhou3Q-00491-00169955-00170414 my and there there there is of course HnU6LOhou3Q-00492-00170415-00170615 the distinction personal versus private HnU6LOhou3Q-00493-00170616-00170873 personal versus business I shouldn't be HnU6LOhou3Q-00494-00170874-00171071 judged on what I'm doing in my personal HnU6LOhou3Q-00495-00171072-00171302 life in my business life if everything HnU6LOhou3Q-00496-00171303-00171533 is you know legal or whatever but I HnU6LOhou3Q-00497-00171534-00171950 shouldn't be judged that you know I go HnU6LOhou3Q-00498-00171951-00172172 to Cancun every weekend in in my HnU6LOhou3Q-00499-00172173-00172405 business as a lawyer you know I I work HnU6LOhou3Q-00500-00172406-00172661 Monday through Friday and I'm an HnU6LOhou3Q-00501-00172662-00172844 upstanding lawyer but then when I go on HnU6LOhou3Q-00502-00172845-00173045 the weekends and I cut loose that HnU6LOhou3Q-00503-00173046-00173363 shouldn't but it definitely happens all HnU6LOhou3Q-00504-00173364-00173540 the time it you probably have heard of HnU6LOhou3Q-00505-00173541-00173777 things like people getting fired for HnU6LOhou3Q-00506-00173778-00173948 what they tweeted well that was on my HnU6LOhou3Q-00507-00173949-00174167 own personal tweet and yeah I said a HnU6LOhou3Q-00508-00174168-00174290 really racist thing but why am I getting HnU6LOhou3Q-00509-00174291-00174605 fired now that sort of thing so that's HnU6LOhou3Q-00510-00174606-00175112 the HR company handbook that is a that HnU6LOhou3Q-00511-00175113-00175475 says what our fireable offenses and what HnU6LOhou3Q-00512-00175476-00175814 our unhireable offences so that that's HnU6LOhou3Q-00513-00175815-00176144 varies by company by organization and HnU6LOhou3Q-00514-00176145-00176492 such I remember reading a few years ago HnU6LOhou3Q-00515-00176493-00176738 there was some employee of some company HnU6LOhou3Q-00516-00176739-00176873 I don't remember the details but the big HnU6LOhou3Q-00517-00176874-00177001 idea is that HnU6LOhou3Q-00518-00177002-00177470 this lady was travelling on a plane to HnU6LOhou3Q-00519-00177471-00177739 South Africa or something and she was on HnU6LOhou3Q-00520-00177740-00177904 Twitter and she started to say some HnU6LOhou3Q-00521-00177905-00178133 racist things about Africa by the time HnU6LOhou3Q-00522-00178134-00178297 she landed on the plane she was fired HnU6LOhou3Q-00523-00178298-00178549 because you know that stuff's public and HnU6LOhou3Q-00524-00178550-00178783 then it goes viral and then you get HnU6LOhou3Q-00525-00178784-00178943 called out and the company doesn't want HnU6LOhou3Q-00526-00178944-00179113 to be associated with employees that HnU6LOhou3Q-00527-00179114-00179432 tarnish their religion so before all of HnU6LOhou3Q-00528-00179433-00179582 this social media if I was writing HnU6LOhou3Q-00529-00179583-00179848 inflammatory things opinions and then in HnU6LOhou3Q-00530-00179849-00180073 the local newspaper that could be HnU6LOhou3Q-00531-00180074-00180332 grounds for dismissal at my company I HnU6LOhou3Q-00532-00180333-00180532 could try to challenge it in HR or in HnU6LOhou3Q-00533-00180533-00180679 the courts and all of that but then you HnU6LOhou3Q-00534-00180680-00180922 get into the courts and all of that so HnU6LOhou3Q-00535-00180923-00181125 nowadays because it's so immediate HnU6LOhou3Q-00536-00181126-00181378 things happen you know rosanne got fired HnU6LOhou3Q-00537-00181379-00181786 farmers show that very day so all of HnU6LOhou3Q-00538-00181787-00182260 this is completely public and mediate so HnU6LOhou3Q-00539-00182261-00182519 think about that and think about setting HnU6LOhou3Q-00540-00182520-00182795 your things to private especially for HnU6LOhou3Q-00541-00182796-00183708 personal stuff just in case perhaps so HnU6LOhou3Q-00542-00183709-00183968 we'll take our first break in one moment HnU6LOhou3Q-00543-00183969-00184120 but let's do this before you take the HnU6LOhou3Q-00544-00184121-00184918 break let's go to linkedin.com HnU6LOhou3Q-00545-00184919-00185347 linkedin.com and either sign in if you HnU6LOhou3Q-00546-00185348-00185836 already have an account or if you don't HnU6LOhou3Q-00547-00185837-00185977 want to do it in the class here that's HnU6LOhou3Q-00548-00185978-00186208 fine you can do it at home you can watch HnU6LOhou3Q-00549-00186209-00186439 the video and do it at home but either HnU6LOhou3Q-00550-00186440-00186658 sign in sign up then take a break HnU6LOhou3Q-00551-00186659-00186869 it's about 10:50 we'll take a break HnU6LOhou3Q-00552-00186870-00187150 until 11:00 when we come back we'll be HnU6LOhou3Q-00553-00187151-00187382 logged into an account and then I'll HnU6LOhou3Q-00554-00187383-00187576 show you how LinkedIn works and best HnU6LOhou3Q-00555-00187577-00187907 practices and so forth so we'll take a HnU6LOhou3Q-00556-00187908-00188188 break until the 11:00 Io3plZFtkR4-00000-00000740-00000941 okay by now you should have taken your Io3plZFtkR4-00001-00000942-00001294 quiz on the previous lesson we had last Io3plZFtkR4-00002-00001295-00001453 week we're going to start continuing Io3plZFtkR4-00003-00001454-00001609 talking about lies in the textbooks Io3plZFtkR4-00004-00001610-00001796 things that have been proven wrong a Io3plZFtkR4-00005-00001797-00002039 long time ago that are still taught to Io3plZFtkR4-00006-00002039-00002330 the kids every week all across the world Io3plZFtkR4-00007-00002331-00002551 it's not just America I collect Io3plZFtkR4-00008-00002552-00002672 textbooks I've got them from other Io3plZFtkR4-00009-00002673-00002827 countries and every time I go I've been Io3plZFtkR4-00010-00002828-00003020 to 26 countries I look in their Io3plZFtkR4-00011-00003021-00003197 textbooks they still teach the same Io3plZFtkR4-00012-00003198-00003500 things this is a universal problem or at Io3plZFtkR4-00013-00003501-00003674 least a worldwide problem the teaching Io3plZFtkR4-00014-00003675-00003833 the kids the horse used to have four Io3plZFtkR4-00015-00003834-00004072 toes and it slowly evolved into a one Io3plZFtkR4-00016-00004073-00004327 toad horse this whole story was made up Io3plZFtkR4-00017-00004328-00004625 in eighteen seventy four let's review a Io3plZFtkR4-00018-00004626-00005020 couple of dates here beckon 1859 Io3plZFtkR4-00019-00005021-00005615 Darwin's book was written 1859 not one Io3plZFtkR4-00020-00005616-00005786 predicted we will find evidence for my Io3plZFtkR4-00021-00005787-00006004 theory the theory of course says that Io3plZFtkR4-00022-00006005-00006325 all life-forms have a common ancestor he Io3plZFtkR4-00023-00006326-00006623 said this in 1859 and most scientists at Io3plZFtkR4-00024-00006623-00006776 this time rejected it they said it's a Io3plZFtkR4-00025-00006777-00007021 stupid idea this is a dumb theory a few Io3plZFtkR4-00026-00007022-00007285 preachers liberal preachers who at the Io3plZFtkR4-00027-00007286-00007444 same time there was quite a bit of Io3plZFtkR4-00028-00007445-00007709 discussion going on about the accuracy Io3plZFtkR4-00029-00007709-00008006 of the Bible and especially in Germany Io3plZFtkR4-00030-00008006-00008203 they were called the higher critics they Io3plZFtkR4-00031-00008204-00008345 were saying well the Bible can't be true Io3plZFtkR4-00032-00008346-00008578 because you know we know the earth is Io3plZFtkR4-00033-00008579-00008788 millions of years old and so they're Io3plZFtkR4-00034-00008789-00008978 really attacking the Bible on all sides Io3plZFtkR4-00035-00008979-00009245 from during the mid 1800s the higher Io3plZFtkR4-00036-00009246-00009488 critics were so Darwin's book came out Io3plZFtkR4-00037-00009489-00009644 and said all life-forms have a common Io3plZFtkR4-00038-00009645-00010024 ancestor hmmm they said and Darwin said Io3plZFtkR4-00039-00010025-00010160 in his book we should find evidence for Io3plZFtkR4-00040-00010161-00010528 my theory over the next 15 or 20 years a Io3plZFtkR4-00041-00010529-00010678 lot of people began to manufacture Io3plZFtkR4-00042-00010679-00010921 evidence what's one of the ones we Io3plZFtkR4-00043-00010922-00011239 talked about in the last class about one Io3plZFtkR4-00044-00011240-00011492 of the things they document in the last Io3plZFtkR4-00045-00011493-00011909 CSC one or two things a 1869 a professor Io3plZFtkR4-00046-00011910-00012346 made up some evidence and was later Io3plZFtkR4-00047-00012347-00012877 proven wrong who members that one he Io3plZFtkR4-00048-00012878-00013049 said we can prove all ants all animals Io3plZFtkR4-00049-00013050-00013241 have a common ancestor because during as Io3plZFtkR4-00050-00013241-00013363 they're developing inside the mother Io3plZFtkR4-00051-00013365-00013754 they have gill slits ernst take all Io3plZFtkR4-00052-00013755-00013838 correct Io3plZFtkR4-00053-00013838-00014243 made that up in 1869 1874 it was proven Io3plZFtkR4-00054-00014244-00014768 wrong still in textbooks today used in Io3plZFtkR4-00055-00014769-00015050 our county all over the world they're Io3plZFtkR4-00056-00015051-00015166 still using this even though it's been Io3plZFtkR4-00057-00015168-00015550 proven wrong since 124 six years ago Io3plZFtkR4-00058-00015551-00016030 1874 also a guy named austin eel marsh Io3plZFtkR4-00059-00016031-00016306 what a first name huh the Bible name and Io3plZFtkR4-00060-00016307-00017039 iel usnea see Marsh he was a fossil Io3plZFtkR4-00061-00017040-00017291 hunter I believe he made money hunting Io3plZFtkR4-00062-00017292-00017459 dinosaur fossils and stuff like that and Io3plZFtkR4-00063-00017460-00017630 bring digging him out and setting up in Io3plZFtkR4-00064-00017631-00017888 museums they would buy them off it usnea Io3plZFtkR4-00065-00017889-00018169 Marsh picked animal skeletons that he Io3plZFtkR4-00066-00018170-00018311 had found or the other people that found Io3plZFtkR4-00067-00018312-00018461 picked them from all over the world and Io3plZFtkR4-00068-00018462-00018746 put them together in a series for I Io3plZFtkR4-00069-00018747-00018977 believe was for Harvard and they still Io3plZFtkR4-00070-00018978-00019109 have them you still have it on display Io3plZFtkR4-00071-00019110-00019307 at peabody museum I believe that's the Io3plZFtkR4-00072-00019308-00019571 one that got his original one but he Io3plZFtkR4-00073-00019572-00019718 found a little bitty animal about the Io3plZFtkR4-00074-00019719-00020003 size of a fox and then he found a big Io3plZFtkR4-00075-00020004-00020156 slightly bigger animal and a bigger one Io3plZFtkR4-00076-00020157-00020285 in a bigger one all the way up to a Io3plZFtkR4-00077-00020286-00020561 horse he arranged him in this order you Io3plZFtkR4-00078-00020562-00020750 see in your textbooks from the high Io3plZFtkR4-00079-00020751-00020947 wrestle tharam up through the different Io3plZFtkR4-00080-00020948-00021256 kinds of horse like animals up to the Io3plZFtkR4-00081-00021257-00021527 modern horse called Equus he put the Io3plZFtkR4-00082-00021528-00021788 animals in this order never did find him Io3plZFtkR4-00083-00021789-00021959 in that order he just it's like finding Io3plZFtkR4-00084-00021960-00022100 an animal here animal on some other Io3plZFtkR4-00085-00022101-00022352 continent and saying wow this one Io3plZFtkR4-00086-00022353-00022742 evolved into this one did not find him Io3plZFtkR4-00087-00022743-00022928 in that order did not even find him in Io3plZFtkR4-00088-00022929-00023192 the same place he just arbitrarily Io3plZFtkR4-00089-00023193-00023384 arranged this order out of the out of Io3plZFtkR4-00090-00023385-00023618 his imagination that is still being Io3plZFtkR4-00091-00023619-00023909 taught in textbooks today as evidence Io3plZFtkR4-00092-00023910-00024113 for evolution what he did not tell the Io3plZFtkR4-00093-00024114-00024250 folks and I think they should have is Io3plZFtkR4-00094-00024251-00024512 that this is not scientific this is just Io3plZFtkR4-00095-00024513-00024722 pure theoretical that we have this Io3plZFtkR4-00096-00024723-00025013 belief it's interesting to note the Io3plZFtkR4-00097-00025014-00025306 so-called ancient horse is it's a Io3plZFtkR4-00098-00025307-00025478 meat-eating animal has sharp teeth where Io3plZFtkR4-00099-00025479-00025714 horses do not have sharp teeth this Io3plZFtkR4-00100-00025716-00025953 little bitty animal has 18 pairs of ribs Io3plZFtkR4-00101-00025954-00026231 the next one in his series has only 15 Io3plZFtkR4-00102-00026232-00026651 pairs of ribs what would cause an animal Io3plZFtkR4-00103-00026652-00026885 to lose you see when you lose a complete Io3plZFtkR4-00104-00026886-00027173 set of ribs you also lose the backbone Io3plZFtkR4-00105-00027174-00027220 that they Io3plZFtkR4-00106-00027222-00027445 attached to you lurve the you need to Io3plZFtkR4-00107-00027447-00027677 have to change the nerve system you have Io3plZFtkR4-00108-00027677-00027887 to change the muscular system you have Io3plZFtkR4-00109-00027888-00028027 to change the blood the circulatory Io3plZFtkR4-00110-00028029-00028502 system it's a major change if I wanted Io3plZFtkR4-00111-00028502-00028691 you to change your car from running on Io3plZFtkR4-00112-00028692-00028960 four wheels to running on three wheels Io3plZFtkR4-00113-00028961-00029330 what all would you have to change a lot Io3plZFtkR4-00114-00029331-00029602 of stuff right the braking system the Io3plZFtkR4-00115-00029604-00029780 steering system the balance of the car I Io3plZFtkR4-00116-00029781-00030062 mean it's a major overhaul and yet Io3plZFtkR4-00117-00030063-00030200 they're teaching this stuff not only Io3plZFtkR4-00118-00030201-00030329 that it happened but that it happened by Io3plZFtkR4-00119-00030330-00030514 chance it wasn't designed it just Io3plZFtkR4-00120-00030516-00030689 happened then the next so-called ancient Io3plZFtkR4-00121-00030689-00031001 horse had 19 pairs of ribs so now you Io3plZFtkR4-00122-00031002-00031195 have another major serious problem how Io3plZFtkR4-00123-00031197-00031406 are you going to get all this new Io3plZFtkR4-00124-00031407-00031595 nervous system new muscular system how's Io3plZFtkR4-00125-00031595-00031727 this animal going to survive what about Io3plZFtkR4-00126-00031727-00031970 coordination what about reproduction Io3plZFtkR4-00127-00031970-00032233 who's this 19 paired rib horse going to Io3plZFtkR4-00128-00032235-00032483 going to mate with its got it you got to Io3plZFtkR4-00129-00032483-00032663 have a male and a female evolved at the Io3plZFtkR4-00130-00032664-00032996 same time in the same place it's a big Io3plZFtkR4-00131-00032997-00033326 world you know and they got to find each Io3plZFtkR4-00132-00033327-00033683 other you have a real serious problem Io3plZFtkR4-00133-00033684-00033815 now I don't care somebody wants to Io3plZFtkR4-00134-00033816-00033956 believe this but that's not science Io3plZFtkR4-00135-00033957-00034169 that's religion then it goes back to 18 Io3plZFtkR4-00136-00034170-00034444 pairs of ribs for the modern horse today Io3plZFtkR4-00137-00034445-00034853 so it's just baloney but it's every Io3plZFtkR4-00138-00034854-00035021 textbook I've seen in countries around Io3plZFtkR4-00139-00035022-00035126 the world here's a text book from Io3plZFtkR4-00140-00035127-00035273 Ireland telling the kids we've got Io3plZFtkR4-00141-00035274-00035543 evidence from evolution the problem is Io3plZFtkR4-00142-00035544-00035687 this whole thing was proven wrong in Io3plZFtkR4-00143-00035688-00036167 eight in 1950 now it never was true but Io3plZFtkR4-00144-00036168-00036619 back in nineteen fifty in a major Io3plZFtkR4-00145-00036620-00036869 evolutionist named Gigi Simpson say Io3plZFtkR4-00146-00036870-00037265 folks it's not true anybody that studies Io3plZFtkR4-00147-00037266-00037396 horses will tell you there's a large Io3plZFtkR4-00148-00037397-00037740 variety of horses alive right now and Io3plZFtkR4-00149-00037741-00038084 the horse and the zebra and the mule can Io3plZFtkR4-00150-00038085-00038420 all be interbred a lady just wrote me a Io3plZFtkR4-00151-00038421-00038525 letter and sent me a bunch of pictures Io3plZFtkR4-00152-00038526-00038831 of her source she says I have a zebra Io3plZFtkR4-00153-00038832-00039029 stallion and I have a zebra mayor and I Io3plZFtkR4-00154-00039030-00039239 have a mule stallion and a mule mayor Io3plZFtkR4-00155-00039240-00039482 and I have horses and she said I cost Io3plZFtkR4-00156-00039483-00039833 meet all of them every which way she Io3plZFtkR4-00157-00039834-00040040 said if the I got pictures about that Io3plZFtkR4-00158-00040041-00040349 she said if the male is the zebra then Io3plZFtkR4-00159-00040350-00040595 it's called a source if the male is the Io3plZFtkR4-00160-00040596-00040823 horse and the females of zebras then Io3plZFtkR4-00161-00040824-00040940 it's think another name for it or Io3plZFtkR4-00162-00040941-00041123 something like that they cost ponies and Io3plZFtkR4-00163-00041124-00041567 zebras and get azioni is it web several Io3plZFtkR4-00164-00041568-00041714 websites about this competition who can Io3plZFtkR4-00165-00041715-00041890 produce the best zionian who can produce Io3plZFtkR4-00166-00041891-00042105 the best source oh this kind of stuff Io3plZFtkR4-00167-00042106-00042398 back in in this biology textbook they Io3plZFtkR4-00168-00042399-00042599 said the other examples including the Io3plZFtkR4-00169-00042600-00042767 much repeated gradual evolution of the Io3plZFtkR4-00170-00042768-00042974 modern horse has not held up under close Io3plZFtkR4-00171-00042975-00043424 examination what are they saying here in Io3plZFtkR4-00172-00043425-00043736 other words it's not true all right 1950 Io3plZFtkR4-00173-00043737-00044027 Gigi Simpson George Gaylord Simpson who Io3plZFtkR4-00174-00044028-00044215 was a strong believer and a proponent of Io3plZFtkR4-00175-00044216-00044483 evolution he wrote a book or an article Io3plZFtkR4-00176-00044484-00044758 in scientific monthly 1950 October that Io3plZFtkR4-00177-00044759-00044977 said many examples commonly cited such Io3plZFtkR4-00178-00044978-00045320 as the evolution of the horse family or Io3plZFtkR4-00179-00045321-00045637 of saber-toothed Tigers can be readily Io3plZFtkR4-00180-00045638-00045833 shown to have been unintentionally Io3plZFtkR4-00181-00045834-00046302 falsified in other words it's not true Io3plZFtkR4-00182-00046303-00046823 it was falsified it's been proven to be Io3plZFtkR4-00183-00046824-00047042 incorrect so here's the problems with Io3plZFtkR4-00184-00047043-00047162 the horse evolution this would be a good Io3plZFtkR4-00185-00047163-00047324 quiz question what's how do we know this Io3plZFtkR4-00186-00047325-00047446 is what's the problems with this Io3plZFtkR4-00187-00047447-00047740 teaching it was made up by off Neil Io3plZFtkR4-00188-00047741-00048077 marsh in 1874 from fossils scattered all Io3plZFtkR4-00189-00048078-00048364 over the world now if you were going to Io3plZFtkR4-00190-00048365-00048512 take this to a court of law and say I Io3plZFtkR4-00191-00048513-00048814 have proof revolution because of this Io3plZFtkR4-00192-00048815-00049136 horse series any freshman law student Io3plZFtkR4-00193-00049137-00049270 would say your honor he didn't even find Io3plZFtkR4-00194-00049271-00049502 these in the same place he certainly Io3plZFtkR4-00195-00049503-00049683 didn't find him in the same order and Io3plZFtkR4-00196-00049684-00049924 even finding fossils in order doesn't Io3plZFtkR4-00197-00049925-00050245 prove anything see the whole problem is Io3plZFtkR4-00198-00050246-00050429 evolution does not have to be proven in Io3plZFtkR4-00199-00050430-00050683 a court of law it only has to be made Io3plZFtkR4-00200-00050684-00050843 believable for the students to fall for Io3plZFtkR4-00201-00050844-00051321 it and they do by the millions okay Io3plZFtkR4-00202-00051322-00051613 Russian scientists found modern horses Io3plZFtkR4-00203-00051614-00051913 in layers lower than the so-called Io3plZFtkR4-00204-00051914-00052112 ancient horse here'sa evolution is Io3plZFtkR4-00205-00052113-00052310 supposed to work they say we've got Io3plZFtkR4-00206-00052311-00052484 these different layers of rock and each Io3plZFtkR4-00207-00052485-00052630 one is a different age and it all means Io3plZFtkR4-00208-00052632-00052807 something now we covered earlier in Io3plZFtkR4-00209-00052808-00053141 seminar part CSC 102 those layers don't Io3plZFtkR4-00210-00053141-00053324 mean anything they're not different ages Io3plZFtkR4-00211-00053325-00053525 but you got used typical textbook have a Io3plZFtkR4-00212-00053526-00053654 cross section showing the different Io3plZFtkR4-00213-00053654-00053822 layers of the earth and they'll say this Io3plZFtkR4-00214-00053823-00053933 one is real old down Io3plZFtkR4-00215-00053934-00054137 here and this one is the newest one on Io3plZFtkR4-00216-00054138-00054473 top so according to the theory you Io3plZFtkR4-00217-00054474-00054644 should find modern horses up here Io3plZFtkR4-00218-00054645-00054986 ancient horses down here and it all Io3plZFtkR4-00219-00054987-00055187 sounds really good but they don't find Io3plZFtkR4-00220-00055188-00055373 them in that order they find what they Io3plZFtkR4-00221-00055374-00055529 call the so-called ancient horse the Io3plZFtkR4-00222-00055529-00055642 high wrestle theorem let's put an h Io3plZFtkR4-00223-00055644-00055811 right here for a high Russell theorem or Io3plZFtkR4-00224-00055812-00056033 four horse then they find a modern horse Io3plZFtkR4-00225-00056034-00056624 under it it wouldn't be directly under Io3plZFtkR4-00226-00056625-00056762 it but it would be in the layer of rock Io3plZFtkR4-00227-00056763-00056927 that is under it maybe someplace else Io3plZFtkR4-00228-00056928-00057224 okay obviously buried in that same layer Io3plZFtkR4-00229-00057225-00057494 though so if modern horses are already Io3plZFtkR4-00230-00057495-00057707 on the scene before the ancient horse is Io3plZFtkR4-00231-00057708-00057998 around how can this be the ancestor of Io3plZFtkR4-00232-00057999-00058496 this it can't be true and that's been it Io3plZFtkR4-00233-00058497-00058751 just can't be the little high Rasul Io3plZFtkR4-00234-00058752-00058937 theorem it's not even a horse it's just Io3plZFtkR4-00235-00058938-00059144 exactly like the hyrax Little Rock Io3plZFtkR4-00236-00059145-00059351 badger I believe but still run around Io3plZFtkR4-00237-00059352-00059501 today in the country of Turkey and in Io3plZFtkR4-00238-00059502-00059834 East Africa so if they're still alive Io3plZFtkR4-00239-00059835-00060053 then it's certainly not the ancestor you Io3plZFtkR4-00240-00060054-00060194 couldn't prove any evolution from the Io3plZFtkR4-00241-00060195-00060440 little bitty high Rasul theorem fourthly Io3plZFtkR4-00242-00060441-00060616 the number of ribs are different the Io3plZFtkR4-00243-00060617-00060821 number of toes are different and the Io3plZFtkR4-00244-00060822-00061097 teeth are very different the little high Io3plZFtkR4-00245-00061098-00061310 rasa theorem has sharp pointed teeth the Io3plZFtkR4-00246-00061311-00061520 little the horse today has a flat Io3plZFtkR4-00247-00061521-00061745 chewing the tooth for grinding you know Io3plZFtkR4-00248-00061746-00062024 grasses it's what it eats they're not Io3plZFtkR4-00249-00062025-00062366 related to each other definitely down in Io3plZFtkR4-00250-00062366-00062554 South America when they find the fossils Io3plZFtkR4-00251-00062554-00062960 the three-toed horses are on top the one Io3plZFtkR4-00252-00062961-00063272 told horses are on the bottom absolutely Io3plZFtkR4-00253-00063273-00063659 reverse order from what is predicted by Io3plZFtkR4-00254-00063660-00063821 the theory now the way theories are Io3plZFtkR4-00255-00063822-00064001 supposed to work you create a theory you Io3plZFtkR4-00256-00064002-00064180 look for evidence if you find evidence Io3plZFtkR4-00257-00064182-00064379 that says hey this there is wrong well Io3plZFtkR4-00258-00064379-00064544 then you throw the theory away and you Io3plZFtkR4-00259-00064545-00064838 get a new one and that happens all Io3plZFtkR4-00260-00064839-00065021 through science except when it comes to Io3plZFtkR4-00261-00065022-00065379 evolution because this theory is Io3plZFtkR4-00262-00065380-00065597 foundational for many other things like Io3plZFtkR4-00263-00065598-00065810 a new world order coming soon to a city Io3plZFtkR4-00264-00065811-00066281 near you okay they're never found in the Io3plZFtkR4-00265-00066282-00066518 order presented three-toed and one hoard Io3plZFtkR4-00266-00066519-00066707 one toad horses are found side by side Io3plZFtkR4-00267-00066708-00066992 in the same strata how can one be the Io3plZFtkR4-00268-00066993-00067196 ancestor to the other now the Io3plZFtkR4-00269-00067197-00067316 evolutionist will say to Io3plZFtkR4-00270-00067317-00067478 this one they'll say well that's because Io3plZFtkR4-00271-00067479-00067604 the three-toed were gradually being Io3plZFtkR4-00272-00067605-00067829 phased out and the one toad you know are Io3plZFtkR4-00273-00067830-00067994 better and they took over but you just Io3plZFtkR4-00274-00067995-00068137 happen to find two in the same area Io3plZFtkR4-00275-00068138-00068297 during the times they were being you Io3plZFtkR4-00276-00068298-00068701 know phased out I'm sorry you can Io3plZFtkR4-00277-00068702-00068810 believe that if you want but that's not Io3plZFtkR4-00278-00068811-00069001 science Frank Sherwin good friend of Io3plZFtkR4-00279-00069002-00069242 mine has Institute for Creation Research Io3plZFtkR4-00280-00069243-00069422 has a lot of information on the horse Io3plZFtkR4-00281-00069423-00069544 evolution if you want to get ahold of Io3plZFtkR4-00282-00069545-00069767 him and there's a in the book Noah to Io3plZFtkR4-00283-00069768-00069956 add know it to Abram the turbulent years Io3plZFtkR4-00284-00069957-00070091 which we offer to our ministry it's a Io3plZFtkR4-00285-00070092-00070213 really good one that has a section on Io3plZFtkR4-00286-00070214-00070412 this horse evolution which has been Io3plZFtkR4-00287-00070413-00070693 proven wrong some time ago one man named Io3plZFtkR4-00288-00070694-00071021 Dan Hicks in tulsa oklahoma kept after Io3plZFtkR4-00289-00071022-00071204 the Tulsa Zoo saying why do you have Io3plZFtkR4-00290-00071205-00071387 this thing on display it's been proven Io3plZFtkR4-00291-00071388-00071834 wrong years ago they got all the letters Io3plZFtkR4-00292-00071835-00072050 that Dan sent to the zoo and the zoo Io3plZFtkR4-00293-00072051-00072260 sent back to him when he wrote to the Io3plZFtkR4-00294-00072261-00072566 zoo director and said why have you why Io3plZFtkR4-00295-00072567-00072826 don't you take this display down it's Io3plZFtkR4-00296-00072827-00073106 not true ok the director of the zoo Io3plZFtkR4-00297-00073107-00073306 wrote back and said we don't have the Io3plZFtkR4-00298-00073307-00073738 funding to remove it I've got the Io3plZFtkR4-00299-00073739-00073934 letters in my file how much funding does Io3plZFtkR4-00300-00073935-00074093 it take to remove a display I mean I'll Io3plZFtkR4-00301-00074094-00074324 go do it for him in 10 minutes okay give Io3plZFtkR4-00302-00074325-00074453 me a screwdriver and a hammer will get Io3plZFtkR4-00303-00074454-00074822 it out of there oh it's not a problem so Io3plZFtkR4-00304-00074823-00075167 Dan had to get 2,000 signatures he took Io3plZFtkR4-00305-00075168-00075350 up a petition 2,000 people signed the Io3plZFtkR4-00306-00075351-00075503 petition saying get this thing out of Io3plZFtkR4-00307-00075504-00076079 our zoo finally they took it out now if Io3plZFtkR4-00308-00076080-00076328 if they had had a display in the zoo Io3plZFtkR4-00309-00076329-00076675 like a Christmas seen representing Io3plZFtkR4-00310-00076676-00076981 Christ in the manger one signature would Io3plZFtkR4-00311-00076982-00077366 have gotten it out right one person Io3plZFtkR4-00312-00077367-00077498 would complain about some you know Io3plZFtkR4-00313-00077499-00077701 singing some Christmas song in a public Io3plZFtkR4-00314-00077702-00078019 school and they'll take it out here you Io3plZFtkR4-00315-00078020-00078272 get 2,000 people complained before they Io3plZFtkR4-00316-00078273-00078503 finally reluctantly remove the display Io3plZFtkR4-00317-00078504-00078725 but i was up at peabody museum I've been Io3plZFtkR4-00318-00078726-00078893 there many times every time I go to Io3plZFtkR4-00319-00078894-00079022 Connecticut area I stopped in the Io3plZFtkR4-00320-00079023-00079154 Peabody just to keep my blood boiling Io3plZFtkR4-00321-00079155-00079393 because they still have the horse Io3plZFtkR4-00322-00079394-00079726 evolution on display their new haven Io3plZFtkR4-00323-00079727-00080060 connecticut yeah did I say I said Io3plZFtkR4-00324-00080061-00080232 Connecticut right when I get Io3plZFtkR4-00325-00080233-00080596 boss okay it's in Connecticut yeah the Io3plZFtkR4-00326-00080597-00080826 while I stood there by that display Io3plZFtkR4-00327-00080827-00081040 hundreds of kids came through school Io3plZFtkR4-00328-00081041-00081217 group after school group I mean all day Io3plZFtkR4-00329-00081218-00081364 long there's groups of parents and Io3plZFtkR4-00330-00081365-00081469 teachers bringing their kids through Io3plZFtkR4-00331-00081470-00081712 these museums never one word was said Io3plZFtkR4-00332-00081713-00082144 about this being wrong now it's never Io3plZFtkR4-00333-00082145-00082324 been true but it was demonstrated to be Io3plZFtkR4-00334-00082325-00082669 wrong 50 years ago how many kids have Io3plZFtkR4-00335-00082670-00082867 been brainwashed by seeing this see the Io3plZFtkR4-00336-00082868-00083029 average student in school he reads his Io3plZFtkR4-00337-00083030-00083182 textbook and then he goes to a museum Io3plZFtkR4-00338-00083183-00083326 and he sees this stuff on display me Io3plZFtkR4-00339-00083327-00083449 thinks wow it must be true it's been Io3plZFtkR4-00340-00083450-00083950 proven so to try to get this stuff out Io3plZFtkR4-00341-00083951-00084133 of the textbooks that's not trying to Io3plZFtkR4-00342-00084134-00084370 get the Bible in I just want this out I Io3plZFtkR4-00343-00084371-00084547 just spent the last half hour talking to Io3plZFtkR4-00344-00084548-00084745 one of the Arkansas representatives from Io3plZFtkR4-00345-00084746-00084934 the state of Arkansas in in Little Rock Io3plZFtkR4-00346-00084935-00085132 he's a representative there he was at Io3plZFtkR4-00347-00085133-00085365 the seminar I did a couple weeks ago in Io3plZFtkR4-00348-00085366-00085675 Springdale Arkansas he said well joven Io3plZFtkR4-00349-00085676-00085840 I'm a representative here in the house Io3plZFtkR4-00350-00085841-00085978 representatives and you've got a bunch Io3plZFtkR4-00351-00085979-00086122 of Christians up here in the house and Io3plZFtkR4-00352-00086123-00086293 in the Senate that love your material Io3plZFtkR4-00353-00086294-00086551 and we are going to write a law passed Io3plZFtkR4-00354-00086552-00086713 right to pass a law that requires the Io3plZFtkR4-00355-00086714-00086925 Arkansas textbooks to be accurate and Io3plZFtkR4-00356-00086926-00087193 we're going to say in the law Arkansas Io3plZFtkR4-00357-00087194-00087403 will not provide funding for any books Io3plZFtkR4-00358-00087404-00087786 that contain the following information Io3plZFtkR4-00359-00087787-00088237 Wow about time every state auditor yeah Io3plZFtkR4-00360-00088238-00088438 you know I said you send me your Io3plZFtkR4-00361-00088439-00088570 textbooks I'll go with them with a Io3plZFtkR4-00362-00088571-00088687 fine-tooth comb and i'll tell you what Io3plZFtkR4-00363-00088688-00088885 needs to be removed there's an excellent Io3plZFtkR4-00364-00088886-00088987 book if you want all of the Io3plZFtkR4-00365-00088988-00089137 documentation on this type of stuff Io3plZFtkR4-00366-00089138-00089626 written just 1999 icons of evolution Io3plZFtkR4-00367-00089627-00089824 it's only available in hardback so it's Io3plZFtkR4-00368-00089825-00090046 kind of expensive but it is really Io3plZFtkR4-00369-00090047-00090262 tremendous he goes to 15 different Io3plZFtkR4-00370-00090263-00090556 chapters each chapter one whole chapter Io3plZFtkR4-00371-00090557-00090793 about the horse evolution one whole Io3plZFtkR4-00372-00090794-00090991 chapter about the gill slits you know if Io3plZFtkR4-00373-00090992-00091123 you want a document where things been Io3plZFtkR4-00374-00091124-00091279 proven wrong this guy has done a Io3plZFtkR4-00375-00091280-00091465 marvelous job but and I don't know if Io3plZFtkR4-00376-00091466-00091591 he's a creationist revenue or an Io3plZFtkR4-00377-00091592-00091792 evolutionist doesn't matter he's a Io3plZFtkR4-00378-00091793-00091984 researcher okay you'd get it through our Io3plZFtkR4-00379-00091985-00092094 ministry through our bookstore out here Io3plZFtkR4-00380-00092095-00092311 what they'll do though for the textbooks Io3plZFtkR4-00381-00092312-00092488 they will arrange some animals in order Io3plZFtkR4-00382-00092489-00092800 like this one chose you know the one Io3plZFtkR4-00383-00092801-00092932 bigger animal on top and a smaller Io3plZFtkR4-00384-00092933-00093166 animal on the bottom now what's that do Io3plZFtkR4-00385-00093167-00093325 psychologically for the student who sees Io3plZFtkR4-00386-00093326-00093624 this he thinks wow this is proof Io3plZFtkR4-00387-00093625-00093931 putting pictures on a page in a book is Io3plZFtkR4-00388-00093932-00094324 not evidence it's evidence you have a Io3plZFtkR4-00389-00094325-00094648 good imagination this is brainwashing Io3plZFtkR4-00390-00094649-00095041 folks first of all they don't find the Io3plZFtkR4-00391-00095042-00095185 animals in the order that they predict Io3plZFtkR4-00392-00095186-00095548 and even if you do find an animal buried Io3plZFtkR4-00393-00095549-00095806 on top of another animal I just improve Io3plZFtkR4-00394-00095807-00096156 their related doesn't prove anything Io3plZFtkR4-00395-00096157-00096519 look if I get buried on top of a hamster Io3plZFtkR4-00396-00096520-00096904 does that prove he's my grandpa you Io3plZFtkR4-00397-00096905-00097048 don't need to be a rocket scientist to Io3plZFtkR4-00398-00097049-00097284 figure this out it doesn't prove a thing Io3plZFtkR4-00399-00097285-00097684 so just because you find a fossil a here Io3plZFtkR4-00400-00097685-00098001 and fossil be here and fossil see here Io3plZFtkR4-00401-00098002-00098521 so you found three bones in the dirt Io3plZFtkR4-00402-00098522-00098719 that's all your father you don't know Io3plZFtkR4-00403-00098720-00099001 any relationship i've been doing years Io3plZFtkR4-00404-00099002-00099127 and years of research though on the Io3plZFtkR4-00405-00099128-00099496 evolution of the fork based on very very Io3plZFtkR4-00406-00099497-00099664 fragmentary evidence i have found over Io3plZFtkR4-00407-00099665-00099823 the years i've been able to piece Io3plZFtkR4-00408-00099824-00100138 together how Forks evolved I want you to Io3plZFtkR4-00409-00100139-00100267 know folks I put a lot of research into Io3plZFtkR4-00410-00100268-00100582 this all non taxpayer-funded this was Io3plZFtkR4-00411-00100583-00100756 just privately grown on a private grant Io3plZFtkR4-00412-00100757-00101005 from my wife I was allowed to research Io3plZFtkR4-00413-00101006-00101242 the evolution of silverware I believe Io3plZFtkR4-00414-00101243-00101428 after intensive research I discovered of Io3plZFtkR4-00415-00101429-00101581 course many things that did not survive Io3plZFtkR4-00416-00101582-00101788 mutants that you know were quite usable Io3plZFtkR4-00417-00101789-00101956 for some reason and so they were thrown Io3plZFtkR4-00418-00101957-00102205 away but I believe that knives probably Io3plZFtkR4-00419-00102206-00102427 came first very simple notice nice neat Io3plZFtkR4-00420-00102428-00102684 clean lines not complicated all slowly Io3plZFtkR4-00421-00102685-00102892 over many millions of years the knife Io3plZFtkR4-00422-00102893-00103134 evolved to a spoon great geological Io3plZFtkR4-00423-00103135-00103342 pressures would squeeze it all let's Io3plZFtkR4-00424-00103343-00103615 dish it out me to wider we just happen Io3plZFtkR4-00425-00103616-00103785 to get them that have the curve side on Io3plZFtkR4-00426-00103786-00103993 the right side to be useful to us can Io3plZFtkR4-00427-00103994-00104136 you imagine if spoons were all curved on Io3plZFtkR4-00428-00104138-00104380 the wrong side you go to get your soup Io3plZFtkR4-00429-00104381-00104581 it all falls off well it's a good thing Io3plZFtkR4-00430-00104582-00104757 evolution was so good to us it made the Io3plZFtkR4-00431-00104758-00104917 curve side on the top instead of on the Io3plZFtkR4-00432-00104918-00105163 bottom and then very slowly over Io3plZFtkR4-00433-00105164-00105541 millions of years the spoon got grooves Io3plZFtkR4-00434-00105542-00105759 cut in the end probably by erosion I'm Io3plZFtkR4-00435-00105760-00105958 not sure about that slowly the grooves Io3plZFtkR4-00436-00105958-00106180 got deeper and longer and wider and it Io3plZFtkR4-00437-00106181-00106318 went from a short time for it to a long Io3plZFtkR4-00438-00106319-00106576 time for while I was researching this I Io3plZFtkR4-00439-00106577-00106761 became too quickly realize I have a Io3plZFtkR4-00440-00106763-00106876 missing link Io3plZFtkR4-00441-00106877-00107065 so right between the spoons and the Io3plZFtkR4-00442-00107066-00107200 forks there's a serious missing link Io3plZFtkR4-00443-00107201-00107446 because spoons are rounded and have no Io3plZFtkR4-00444-00107447-00107797 grooves now forks are squared and have Io3plZFtkR4-00445-00107798-00108049 grooves that is two jumps I don't think Io3plZFtkR4-00446-00108050-00108190 even punctuated equilibrium could do Io3plZFtkR4-00447-00108191-00108391 that so I knew I had a missing link but Io3plZFtkR4-00448-00108392-00108589 I just couldn't find it till one day I Io3plZFtkR4-00449-00108590-00108780 was flying to Connecticut to preach and Io3plZFtkR4-00450-00108781-00108982 the stewardess walked down the aisle Io3plZFtkR4-00451-00108983-00109184 here we were 30,000 feet off the ground Io3plZFtkR4-00452-00109185-00109366 stewardess walks down the aisle and Io3plZFtkR4-00453-00109367-00109753 handed me the missing link I don't think Io3plZFtkR4-00454-00109754-00109966 she knew what she had but my train Io3plZFtkR4-00455-00109967-00110128 scientific I picked it up right away I Io3plZFtkR4-00456-00110129-00110446 said wow I got it that missing link Io3plZFtkR4-00457-00110447-00110653 later that day the preachers say hey you Io3plZFtkR4-00458-00110654-00110821 want to go get some chicken for supper I Io3plZFtkR4-00459-00110822-00111036 should that be great brother we went to Io3plZFtkR4-00460-00111038-00111181 popeyes fried chicken and I found Io3plZFtkR4-00461-00111182-00111391 another missing link folks there they Io3plZFtkR4-00462-00111392-00111745 are the missing links so the evolution Io3plZFtkR4-00463-00111746-00111991 of silverware is nearly complete which Io3plZFtkR4-00464-00111992-00112108 means i need to get a government grant Io3plZFtkR4-00465-00112108-00112342 now to renew my research and continued Io3plZFtkR4-00466-00112343-00112536 about 30 40 million ought to do it the Io3plZFtkR4-00467-00112538-00112657 eric think we could finish up on this Io3plZFtkR4-00468-00112658-00112918 for 30 or 40 million by the way while i Io3plZFtkR4-00469-00112919-00113077 was doing research on this people sent Io3plZFtkR4-00470-00113078-00113205 me stuff from all over the country Io3plZFtkR4-00471-00113206-00113395 thinking they may have found you know a Io3plZFtkR4-00472-00113396-00113563 link in this there were some very Io3plZFtkR4-00473-00113564-00113833 obvious frauds somebody tried to pass Io3plZFtkR4-00474-00113833-00114070 off what is anybody should be able to Io3plZFtkR4-00475-00114071-00114292 tell this is a fork head on a spoon Io3plZFtkR4-00476-00114293-00114547 handle I didn't fall for it I caught it Io3plZFtkR4-00477-00114548-00114708 right away they glued them together and Io3plZFtkR4-00478-00114709-00114874 they didn't get it past me I just want Io3plZFtkR4-00479-00114875-00115033 you to know so we do thorough research Io3plZFtkR4-00480-00115033-00115480 in this field arranging things in order Io3plZFtkR4-00481-00115481-00115744 doesn't prove a thing if you arrange Io3plZFtkR4-00482-00115745-00115986 words in order Alan Lawrence in the Io3plZFtkR4-00483-00115988-00116224 wheelchair good friend of ours here Alan Io3plZFtkR4-00484-00116225-00116530 spent a lot a bit of while putting quite Io3plZFtkR4-00485-00116531-00116713 a bit of time putting words together to Io3plZFtkR4-00486-00116714-00116851 show how this you can turn a cat to a Io3plZFtkR4-00487-00116852-00117108 cop to a dot to a dog changing one Io3plZFtkR4-00488-00117109-00117430 letter at a time does that prove the cat Io3plZFtkR4-00489-00117431-00117561 and the dog are closely related with Io3plZFtkR4-00490-00117563-00117706 only two intermediate species between Io3plZFtkR4-00491-00117707-00118110 them no matter of fact if we play around Io3plZFtkR4-00492-00118111-00118201 with this for a while you can turn Io3plZFtkR4-00493-00118202-00118407 yourself into a fool before you know it Io3plZFtkR4-00494-00118408-00118627 that's exactly what's happened to those Io3plZFtkR4-00495-00118628-00118785 who believe we all came from a rock and Io3plZFtkR4-00496-00118786-00119023 Satan is laughing at them and it's Io3plZFtkR4-00497-00119024-00119176 tragic see they're not the enemy that Io3plZFtkR4-00498-00119177-00119416 Devils the enemy and we got to somehow Io3plZFtkR4-00499-00119417-00119593 learn to love the sinner and hate the Io3plZFtkR4-00500-00119594-00119890 sin you know these guys who believe in Io3plZFtkR4-00501-00119891-00120076 evolution are not the enemy they're the Io3plZFtkR4-00502-00120077-00120201 mission field Io3plZFtkR4-00503-00120202-00120339 but as long as they're hurting other Io3plZFtkR4-00504-00120340-00120477 students I think somebody ought to stand Io3plZFtkR4-00505-00120478-00120588 up to them and say look what you're Io3plZFtkR4-00506-00120589-00120783 doing is dangerous it's wrong or you're Io3plZFtkR4-00507-00120783-00120915 destroying the faith of other students Io3plZFtkR4-00508-00120916-00121263 knock it off okay textbooks now are Io3plZFtkR4-00509-00121264-00121458 teaching the dinosaurs turned to birds Io3plZFtkR4-00510-00121458-00121665 this article says birds are dinosaurs Io3plZFtkR4-00511-00121666-00122559 are alive as Birds Io3plZFtkR4-00512-00122560-00122784 well I'm sorry that is just simply a lie Io3plZFtkR4-00513-00122785-00122953 that has been proven wrong some time ago Io3plZFtkR4-00514-00122954-00123141 that is ridiculous of course to change Io3plZFtkR4-00515-00123142-00123376 the dinosaur to a bird back in October Io3plZFtkR4-00516-00123377-00123640 99 articles came out all over the papers Io3plZFtkR4-00517-00123641-00123786 all over the world saying we have Io3plZFtkR4-00518-00123788-00123960 another missing link we have proven Io3plZFtkR4-00519-00123961-00124198 evolution we found a missing link Io3plZFtkR4-00520-00124199-00124702 between birds and dinosaurs National Io3plZFtkR4-00521-00124703-00124999 Geographic October 99 proof breaking Io3plZFtkR4-00522-00125000-00125397 news the missing link we found it folks Io3plZFtkR4-00523-00125398-00125818 january two thousand poops sorry it was Io3plZFtkR4-00524-00125819-00126127 a fake they were fooled somebody had Io3plZFtkR4-00525-00126128-00126424 created this fossil i guess they Io3plZFtkR4-00526-00126425-00126553 realized you know there's only been a Io3plZFtkR4-00527-00126554-00126753 few of these Archaeopteryx fossils found Io3plZFtkR4-00528-00126754-00127144 and they're selling if you could buy one Io3plZFtkR4-00529-00127145-00127479 for millions of dollars so all one guy Io3plZFtkR4-00530-00127480-00127690 would have to do is take five years out Io3plZFtkR4-00531-00127691-00127918 of his life and very carefully construct Io3plZFtkR4-00532-00127919-00128326 a fraud fossil and he could make a bunch Io3plZFtkR4-00533-00128327-00128572 of money retire him and the whole family Io3plZFtkR4-00534-00128573-00128908 retire for for life they had a deal in Io3plZFtkR4-00535-00128908-00129043 the paper a couple months ago about this Io3plZFtkR4-00536-00129044-00129250 fossil that's been on display for years Io3plZFtkR4-00537-00129251-00129382 in this museum they're so proud of it Io3plZFtkR4-00538-00129383-00129573 his over hundred years was on display Io3plZFtkR4-00539-00129574-00129816 then the plaster started falling off Io3plZFtkR4-00540-00129817-00129936 they realized they were the whole thing Io3plZFtkR4-00541-00129938-00130311 was been faked hit 100 years ago last Io3plZFtkR4-00542-00130313-00130456 100 years for it fell apart so I'm sure Io3plZFtkR4-00543-00130457-00130669 the guy spent his money and retired long Io3plZFtkR4-00544-00130670-00130981 time ago okay see some people are so Io3plZFtkR4-00545-00130982-00131302 anxious to believe this theory they will Io3plZFtkR4-00546-00131303-00131422 not look critically at the evidence Io3plZFtkR4-00547-00131423-00131611 that's presented now they will look Io3plZFtkR4-00548-00131612-00131785 critically at stuff for creation but Io3plZFtkR4-00549-00131786-00131914 they don't look critically at stuff for Io3plZFtkR4-00550-00131915-00132271 their own Theory the skeptics groups all Io3plZFtkR4-00551-00132272-00132460 over the country have this problem they Io3plZFtkR4-00552-00132461-00132652 are so blinded they won't even look at Io3plZFtkR4-00553-00132653-00132883 they said I'm a skeptic well I will ask Io3plZFtkR4-00554-00132884-00133138 them are you skeptical of evolution no Io3plZFtkR4-00555-00133139-00133309 no no I'm only skeptical of creation Io3plZFtkR4-00556-00133310-00133708 okay well then you're not a skeptic yeah Io3plZFtkR4-00557-00133709-00134008 you're biased there's a great article Io3plZFtkR4-00558-00134009-00134461 here in USA Today from februari third of Io3plZFtkR4-00559-00134462-00134665 the year 2000 let's just read this here Io3plZFtkR4-00560-00134666-00134829 because we got to those that are taking Io3plZFtkR4-00561-00134830-00134940 this course want to get all the details Io3plZFtkR4-00562-00134941-00135127 here's the details on proving that this Io3plZFtkR4-00563-00135128-00135457 thing was proven the not true okay from Io3plZFtkR4-00564-00135458-00135595 the remote Harvey pronounce that Io3plZFtkR4-00565-00135596-00135772 province in china and unusual dinosaur Io3plZFtkR4-00566-00135773-00135922 fossil has made a mysterious Io3plZFtkR4-00567-00135923-00136120 journey from the hands of Chinese Io3plZFtkR4-00568-00136121-00136327 smugglers to the polished halls of the Io3plZFtkR4-00569-00136328-00136474 National Geographic Society in Io3plZFtkR4-00570-00136475-00136798 Washington and like some curse from a Io3plZFtkR4-00571-00136799-00137038 mummy's tomb the archaeal is what they Io3plZFtkR4-00572-00137039-00137253 named it suppose it supposedly a Io3plZFtkR4-00573-00137254-00137440 bird-like creature with the tail of a Io3plZFtkR4-00574-00137441-00137728 meat-eating dinosaur has brought to Io3plZFtkR4-00575-00137729-00137896 those who would possess it what may be Io3plZFtkR4-00576-00137897-00138066 remembered as modern paleontology is Io3plZFtkR4-00577-00138067-00138315 greatest embarrassment it now appears Io3plZFtkR4-00578-00138316-00138463 after several months of suspicion and Io3plZFtkR4-00579-00138464-00138685 consternation that this true missing Io3plZFtkR4-00580-00138686-00138828 link in the complex chain between Io3plZFtkR4-00581-00138829-00139165 dinosaurs and birds some house belted Io3plZFtkR4-00582-00139166-00139360 it's remarkable tale not 120 million Io3plZFtkR4-00583-00139361-00139576 years ago but only a short time before Io3plZFtkR4-00584-00139577-00139885 being smuggled out of China whether a Io3plZFtkR4-00585-00139886-00140050 deliberate fake or an honest mistake it Io3plZFtkR4-00586-00140051-00140248 is the tale of a tale that has children Io3plZFtkR4-00587-00140249-00140386 believing in feathered dinosaurs that Io3plZFtkR4-00588-00140387-00140596 never existed prominent scientists Io3plZFtkR4-00589-00140597-00140740 calling each other names and two Io3plZFtkR4-00590-00140741-00140904 respected science publications under Io3plZFtkR4-00591-00140905-00141096 assault and just as the plot thickens Io3plZFtkR4-00592-00141097-00141315 scientists in China have told USA Today Io3plZFtkR4-00593-00141316-00141424 that they have discovered yet another Io3plZFtkR4-00594-00141425-00141712 faked tale this one added by an Io3plZFtkR4-00595-00141713-00141913 entrepreneurial Chinese farmer to a Io3plZFtkR4-00596-00141914-00142207 flying pterosaur pterodactyl that one Io3plZFtkR4-00597-00142208-00142336 appears to have fooled another group of Io3plZFtkR4-00598-00142337-00142549 relatives another group of scientists as Io3plZFtkR4-00599-00142550-00142678 well as the editors of the british Io3plZFtkR4-00600-00142679-00143131 journal nature stores olsen curator of Io3plZFtkR4-00601-00143132-00143253 birds at the meat Smithsonian's Io3plZFtkR4-00602-00143254-00143488 institute national national museum of Io3plZFtkR4-00603-00143489-00143679 natural history turn the spotlight on Io3plZFtkR4-00604-00143680-00143926 the whole mess those involved with the Io3plZFtkR4-00605-00143927-00144325 scientific gaff agree that Olson tried Io3plZFtkR4-00606-00144326-00144460 to warn officials at National Geographic Io3plZFtkR4-00607-00144461-00144724 in a letter sent November first that the Io3plZFtkR4-00608-00144725-00144835 organization was headed for Io3plZFtkR4-00609-00144836-00145020 embarrassment if it endorsed the fossil Io3plZFtkR4-00610-00145021-00145297 both of the faked fossils were intended Io3plZFtkR4-00611-00145298-00145486 to support the theory that birds evolved Io3plZFtkR4-00612-00145487-00145711 from dinosaurs now Olson who is an Io3plZFtkR4-00613-00145712-00145864 outspoken opponent of the theory is Io3plZFtkR4-00614-00145865-00146079 taking advantage of this moment to renew Io3plZFtkR4-00615-00146080-00146344 an old debate on the origin of birds the Io3plZFtkR4-00616-00146345-00146521 popular view thanks most recently to the Io3plZFtkR4-00617-00146522-00146809 fictitious Jurassic Park is that birds Io3plZFtkR4-00618-00146810-00147052 evolved from dinosaurs National Io3plZFtkR4-00619-00147053-00147271 Geographic and nature have co-published Io3plZFtkR4-00620-00147272-00147463 magazine articles and scientific papers Io3plZFtkR4-00621-00147464-00147666 supporting the view museums including Io3plZFtkR4-00622-00147667-00147790 the American Museum of Natural History Io3plZFtkR4-00623-00147791-00148075 in New York also promote exhibits of the Io3plZFtkR4-00624-00148076-00148351 dinosaur origin of birds but Olson and a Io3plZFtkR4-00625-00148352-00148660 group of academic or North ornithologist Io3plZFtkR4-00626-00148661-00148894 a person who studies birds have been Io3plZFtkR4-00627-00148895-00149071 arguing often bit early for years that Io3plZFtkR4-00628-00149072-00149254 birds evolved independently a Io3plZFtkR4-00629-00149255-00149495 dinosaurs they believe that dinosaurs Io3plZFtkR4-00630-00149496-00149725 and birds had a common ancestor that Io3plZFtkR4-00631-00149726-00149989 lived in trees and that dinosaurs were Io3plZFtkR4-00632-00149990-00150274 after all cold-blooded like the Chinese Io3plZFtkR4-00633-00150275-00150523 Dino bird the Archaeopteryx is fake too Io3plZFtkR4-00634-00150524-00150778 the following excerpt is taken from the Io3plZFtkR4-00635-00150779-00151031 website creation science com which is Io3plZFtkR4-00636-00151032-00151283 Walt Browns website tremendous material Io3plZFtkR4-00637-00151284-00151661 by the way honest disagreement over Io3plZFtkR4-00638-00151662-00151835 whether Archaeopteryx was a not a Io3plZFtkR4-00639-00151836-00152159 forgery was possible until nineteen Io3plZFtkR4-00640-00152160-00152386 eighty-six when a definitive test was Io3plZFtkR4-00641-00152387-00152578 performed an x-ray residents Io3plZFtkR4-00642-00152579-00152693 spectrograph of the British Museum Io3plZFtkR4-00643-00152694-00152902 fossil showed the material containing Io3plZFtkR4-00644-00152903-00153056 the feather impressions differed Io3plZFtkR4-00645-00153057-00153281 slightly from the rest of the fossil Io3plZFtkR4-00646-00153282-00153601 slab difference i'm sorry differed Io3plZFtkR4-00647-00153602-00153736 significantly from the rest of the slab Io3plZFtkR4-00648-00153737-00153975 in other words it was made of a paste Io3plZFtkR4-00649-00153976-00154174 someone apparently had taken the rock Io3plZFtkR4-00650-00154175-00154421 ground up some of it to powder made a Io3plZFtkR4-00651-00154422-00154615 paste out of it and then put feather Io3plZFtkR4-00652-00154616-00155069 impressions in it some people are really Io3plZFtkR4-00653-00155070-00155258 desperate to believe this theory and so Io3plZFtkR4-00654-00155259-00155449 they will accept it but guess what Io3plZFtkR4-00655-00155450-00155710 textbooks are still teaching today Io3plZFtkR4-00656-00155711-00156102 dinosaurs are the descendants of birds Io3plZFtkR4-00657-00156103-00156349 now it takes a while to get textbooks Io3plZFtkR4-00658-00156350-00156523 accurate I understand that but somebody Io3plZFtkR4-00659-00156524-00156715 in the different towns if we're supposed Io3plZFtkR4-00660-00156716-00156853 to be the salt of the earth okay salt Io3plZFtkR4-00661-00156854-00157235 preserves who's going to preserve I mean Io3plZFtkR4-00662-00157236-00157423 tomorrow morning kids in ass cambia Io3plZFtkR4-00663-00157424-00157598 County Florida are going to be taught Io3plZFtkR4-00664-00157599-00157990 this well let's do something about it Io3plZFtkR4-00665-00157991-00158251 okay let's fix it several ways to fix Io3plZFtkR4-00666-00158252-00158372 the problem we'll get into that later in Io3plZFtkR4-00667-00158373-00158621 this course but one way is just simply Io3plZFtkR4-00668-00158622-00158977 educate all the students grassroots that Io3plZFtkR4-00669-00158978-00159218 is unstoppable but it takes a long time Io3plZFtkR4-00670-00159219-00159451 to accomplish that the other way is to Io3plZFtkR4-00671-00159452-00159698 educate all the teachers just get all Io3plZFtkR4-00672-00159699-00159802 the teachers where they don't believe in Io3plZFtkR4-00673-00159803-00160051 this theory the third end more Io3plZFtkR4-00674-00160052-00160193 complicated in much slower way and Io3plZFtkR4-00675-00160194-00160339 probably at least likely to succeed way Io3plZFtkR4-00676-00160340-00160627 is to pass laws you know try to attack Io3plZFtkR4-00677-00160628-00160835 the capital and say look get this stuff Io3plZFtkR4-00678-00160836-00161050 out of the books and I think we should Io3plZFtkR4-00679-00161051-00161335 work on all three fronts on that one but Io3plZFtkR4-00680-00161336-00161596 telling kids at dinosaurs turn to birds Io3plZFtkR4-00681-00161597-00161953 is ridiculous look in case you don't Io3plZFtkR4-00682-00161954-00162146 know you don't just put a few feathers Io3plZFtkR4-00683-00162147-00162398 on a dinosaur and say let's go man try Io3plZFtkR4-00684-00162399-00162568 it it won't hurt too bad Io3plZFtkR4-00685-00162569-00162958 it's not quite that simple dinosaurs are Io3plZFtkR4-00686-00162959-00163254 very very different from birds somewhere Io3plZFtkR4-00687-00163255-00163381 along the line if he's going to eat turn Io3plZFtkR4-00688-00163382-00163587 from a dinosaur to a bird his front legs Io3plZFtkR4-00689-00163588-00163929 are going to have to turn to wings which Io3plZFtkR4-00690-00163930-00164214 means that say fifty percent of the way Io3plZFtkR4-00691-00164215-00164565 he's got a half leg and a half wing it's Io3plZFtkR4-00692-00164566-00164848 not enough to fly yet but now he can't Io3plZFtkR4-00693-00164849-00165118 run very good either very well yeah Io3plZFtkR4-00694-00165119-00165595 English teacher right um so he's gonna Io3plZFtkR4-00695-00165596-00165750 who's going to feed this critter he Io3plZFtkR4-00696-00165751-00165970 can't run and he can't fly think the Io3plZFtkR4-00697-00165971-00166081 other animals going to bring him food Io3plZFtkR4-00698-00166082-00166219 and feel sorry for him while he's slowly Io3plZFtkR4-00699-00166220-00166543 evolving into something else see order Io3plZFtkR4-00700-00166544-00166693 for evolution to work all of the Io3plZFtkR4-00701-00166694-00166974 intermediate stages have to be superior Io3plZFtkR4-00702-00166975-00167356 to the original nobody's ever Io3plZFtkR4-00703-00167357-00167604 demonstrated that not one time has that Io3plZFtkR4-00704-00167605-00167797 been demonstrated that that it's even Io3plZFtkR4-00705-00167798-00168049 possible secondly we never see any Io3plZFtkR4-00706-00168050-00168169 animal produce a different kind of Io3plZFtkR4-00707-00168170-00168441 animal nobody ever observes any of this Io3plZFtkR4-00708-00168442-00168750 it's pure fiction they make it up is a Io3plZFtkR4-00709-00168751-00169108 textbook from glencoe 99 edition saying Io3plZFtkR4-00710-00169109-00169435 we have evidence from science that Io3plZFtkR4-00711-00169436-00169890 dinosaurs turn to birds they are still Io3plZFtkR4-00712-00169891-00170076 teaching this stuff dinosaur did not Io3plZFtkR4-00713-00170077-00170284 turn to birds Alan fiducia is considered Io3plZFtkR4-00714-00170285-00170487 one of the world's experts on birds okay Io3plZFtkR4-00715-00170488-00170749 he teaches at University in North Io3plZFtkR4-00716-00170750-00171247 Carolina UNC Chapel Hill he said and I Io3plZFtkR4-00717-00171248-00171511 quote paleontologists have tried to turn Io3plZFtkR4-00718-00171512-00171774 Archaeopteryx into an Earthbound Io3plZFtkR4-00719-00171775-00172099 feathered dinosaur but it's not it is a Io3plZFtkR4-00720-00172100-00172318 bird a perching bird and no amount of Io3plZFtkR4-00721-00172319-00172487 paleo babble is going to change that Io3plZFtkR4-00722-00172488-00172693 booooored archeo will be a good quiz Io3plZFtkR4-00723-00172694-00173078 question here archeo means ancient & Io3plZFtkR4-00724-00173079-00173323 terex is a Greek word or Latin or Io3plZFtkR4-00725-00173324-00173637 whatever for wing so Archaeopteryx is Io3plZFtkR4-00726-00173638-00174019 ancient wing if it has the word archeo Io3plZFtkR4-00727-00174020-00174361 in it means old or ancient okay he says Io3plZFtkR4-00728-00174362-00174600 it's a perching bird see a bird's foot Io3plZFtkR4-00729-00174601-00174844 has a claw sticking out the back one of Io3plZFtkR4-00730-00174845-00174970 his toes comes out the back so we can Io3plZFtkR4-00731-00174971-00175275 land and grab a tree branch reptiles Io3plZFtkR4-00732-00175276-00175638 don't have that so just the toe Io3plZFtkR4-00733-00175639-00175924 structure would have to radically change Io3plZFtkR4-00734-00175925-00176218 to go from a walking foot to a grasping Io3plZFtkR4-00735-00176219-00176671 foot not too many birds do a lot of both Io3plZFtkR4-00736-00176672-00176947 okay they either nest in trees a lot or Io3plZFtkR4-00737-00176948-00177217 they walk on the ground a lot but it's Io3plZFtkR4-00738-00177218-00177352 difficult for a bird that walks on the Io3plZFtkR4-00739-00177353-00177535 ground a lot to be comfortable nesting Io3plZFtkR4-00740-00177536-00177832 in trees because the toes are different Io3plZFtkR4-00741-00177833-00178006 they're designed for what they're Io3plZFtkR4-00742-00178007-00178207 designed for so Archaeopteryx means Io3plZFtkR4-00743-00178208-00178375 ancient wing our kills weren't ancient Io3plZFtkR4-00744-00178376-00178531 they will point out that the Io3plZFtkR4-00745-00178532-00178846 Archaeopteryx has claws on his wings now Io3plZFtkR4-00746-00178847-00179149 let me point out to you only six I Io3plZFtkR4-00747-00179150-00179362 believe now five or six Archaeopteryx Io3plZFtkR4-00748-00179363-00179578 fossils have been found the first one Io3plZFtkR4-00749-00179579-00180141 was found in Germany and I think 1859 Io3plZFtkR4-00750-00180142-00180640 somewhere around that date okay what was Io3plZFtkR4-00751-00180641-00181257 going on around 1859 Darwin's book Io3plZFtkR4-00752-00181258-00181450 people are looking to criticize the Io3plZFtkR4-00753-00181451-00181633 Bible anyway a lot of countries have Io3plZFtkR4-00754-00181634-00181894 thrown off the King anti-monarchy and Io3plZFtkR4-00755-00181895-00182038 the Bible says honor the king so they Io3plZFtkR4-00756-00182039-00182218 thought the Bible is an obstacle there Io3plZFtkR4-00757-00182219-00182353 was a real problem in the world and Io3plZFtkR4-00758-00182354-00182590 there amid early and mid-1800s where Io3plZFtkR4-00759-00182591-00182752 evolution came along at the right time Io3plZFtkR4-00760-00182753-00182944 where it was readily accepted they're Io3plZFtkR4-00761-00182945-00183259 looking for this theory anyway also Io3plZFtkR4-00762-00183260-00183400 evolution teaches we'll get into more of Io3plZFtkR4-00763-00183401-00183763 this later that different races might be Io3plZFtkR4-00764-00183764-00184183 superior to other races 1859 we had Io3plZFtkR4-00765-00184184-00184552 slavery in this country civil war wasn't Io3plZFtkR4-00766-00184553-00184840 fought till a couple years later man Io3plZFtkR4-00767-00184841-00185014 summation Emancipation Proclamation was Io3plZFtkR4-00768-00185015-00185287 until 1863 so when Darwin came out and Io3plZFtkR4-00769-00185288-00185503 said there are favored races some people Io3plZFtkR4-00770-00185504-00185719 said well hey obviously that's the Io3plZFtkR4-00771-00185720-00186076 whites over the blacks Hitler comes Io3plZFtkR4-00772-00186077-00186238 along and says no obviously that's the Io3plZFtkR4-00773-00186239-00186391 Norwegians and the Germans the Io3plZFtkR4-00774-00186392-00186562 blond-haired blue-eyed you know there Io3plZFtkR4-00775-00186563-00186835 were two superior race and a lot of Io3plZFtkR4-00776-00186836-00187030 people use this theory to justify what Io3plZFtkR4-00777-00187031-00187135 was already happening or what they're Io3plZFtkR4-00778-00187136-00187363 already doing anyway and then Along Came Io3plZFtkR4-00779-00187364-00187573 guys who said well hey if evolution is Io3plZFtkR4-00780-00187574-00187897 true then there are no moral rules there Io3plZFtkR4-00781-00187898-00188239 are no standards by the way it is a good Io3plZFtkR4-00782-00188240-00188491 fair question if evolution is true how Io3plZFtkR4-00783-00188492-00189031 do you tell right from wrong Io3plZFtkR4-00784-00189032-00189248 yeah you don't you don't ask the Io3plZFtkR4-00785-00189249-00189352 question what's right and what's wrong Io3plZFtkR4-00786-00189353-00189603 you asked first of all how do you tell Io3plZFtkR4-00787-00189604-00189853 what's right and wrong how do you make Io3plZFtkR4-00788-00189854-00190112 this decision and that's a critical Io3plZFtkR4-00789-00190113-00190283 issue you got to talk about now there Io3plZFtkR4-00790-00190284-00190394 are quite a few birds today that have Io3plZFtkR4-00791-00190395-00190627 claws on their wings at least 12 birds Io3plZFtkR4-00792-00190628-00190811 right now have claws on their wings this Io3plZFtkR4-00793-00190812-00191119 fellow says stall adds that some Io3plZFtkR4-00794-00191120-00191312 ornithologists called the Hawaiian Io3plZFtkR4-00795-00191313-00191645 Hawaiian is a bird that lives in South Io3plZFtkR4-00796-00191646-00191786 America they call it the stink bird Io3plZFtkR4-00797-00191787-00192008 because it smells so bad I guess that's Io3plZFtkR4-00798-00192009-00192289 how it repels predators okay it just who Io3plZFtkR4-00799-00192290-00192434 want to eat it you know you get closely Io3plZFtkR4-00800-00192435-00192691 i'm hungry but no thank you know the Io3plZFtkR4-00801-00192692-00193051 whole watson does not fly long distances Io3plZFtkR4-00802-00193052-00193313 okay it's a poor flyer but it can fly Io3plZFtkR4-00803-00193314-00193547 just fine it's a poor flyer because it Io3plZFtkR4-00804-00193548-00193738 has a shallow breastbone seabirds when Io3plZFtkR4-00805-00193739-00193888 they fly the chest muscles have to be Io3plZFtkR4-00806-00193889-00194104 enormous you know to be able to fly flap Io3plZFtkR4-00807-00194105-00194341 the wings so the bone that attacked Io3plZFtkR4-00808-00194342-00194566 these muscles attached to has to be very Io3plZFtkR4-00809-00194567-00194801 deep to allow for all that like you have Io3plZFtkR4-00810-00194802-00194921 a breast bone in the center of your Io3plZFtkR4-00811-00194922-00195079 chest but you don't have it's not real Io3plZFtkR4-00812-00195080-00195245 thick you know sticking way out because Io3plZFtkR4-00813-00195246-00195401 you don't use those muscles as much as a Io3plZFtkR4-00814-00195402-00195698 bird would obviously so our captrick Io3plZFtkR4-00815-00195699-00195812 says what's called a shallow breastbone Io3plZFtkR4-00816-00195813-00196114 it's not real deep well the reason for Io3plZFtkR4-00817-00196115-00196472 that is because it has a crop where it's Io3plZFtkR4-00818-00196473-00196816 it eats leaves actually it these leaves Io3plZFtkR4-00819-00196817-00196987 have to be ground up it doesn't have any Io3plZFtkR4-00820-00196988-00197254 chewing teeth but so it eats these Io3plZFtkR4-00821-00197255-00197476 leaves and the crop has to chew up by Io3plZFtkR4-00822-00197477-00197606 they swallow rocks you know birds even Io3plZFtkR4-00823-00197607-00197827 so they pick up rocks so they can grind Io3plZFtkR4-00824-00197828-00198047 their food up so because our captrick is Io3plZFtkR4-00825-00198048-00198276 because of its diet has a large crop Io3plZFtkR4-00826-00198277-00198463 therefore it has a shallow breastbone Io3plZFtkR4-00827-00198464-00198671 and so some people look at the Io3plZFtkR4-00828-00198672-00198908 Archaeopteryx I mean hotson okay they Io3plZFtkR4-00829-00198909-00199025 look at the whole Watson and say wow Io3plZFtkR4-00830-00199026-00199232 this is you know a missing link first Io3plZFtkR4-00831-00199233-00199354 place it's not missing I still alive Io3plZFtkR4-00832-00199355-00199460 okay you can go down to South America Io3plZFtkR4-00833-00199461-00199832 and get them but it is a poor flyer but Io3plZFtkR4-00834-00199833-00200087 it when it's born when it hatches out of Io3plZFtkR4-00835-00200088-00200377 the egg it has claws on its wings and it Io3plZFtkR4-00836-00200378-00200551 used these little these little claws to Io3plZFtkR4-00837-00200552-00200863 climb up trees can't fly yet but it Io3plZFtkR4-00838-00200864-00201125 climbs around with these little claws on Io3plZFtkR4-00839-00201126-00201350 the wings the Swan has claws on its Io3plZFtkR4-00840-00201351-00201572 wings the Ibis does and many birds he Io3plZFtkR4-00841-00201573-00201809 says have wink laws they just never make Io3plZFtkR4-00842-00201810-00202210 use of them Io3plZFtkR4-00843-00202211-00202649 archaeopteryx had teeth in its beak well Io3plZFtkR4-00844-00202650-00202919 I point out only two known birds have Io3plZFtkR4-00845-00202920-00203141 teeth in their beak Archaeopteryx and Io3plZFtkR4-00846-00203142-00203396 what's called the hesperornis most birds Io3plZFtkR4-00847-00203397-00203672 do not have teeth but some fish have Io3plZFtkR4-00848-00203673-00204014 teeth some don't some reptiles have Io3plZFtkR4-00849-00204015-00204377 teeth some don't some mammals have teeth Io3plZFtkR4-00850-00204378-00204722 some don't some of you have teeth some Io3plZFtkR4-00851-00204723-00204941 don't okay and let's improve anything Io3plZFtkR4-00852-00204942-00205198 and obviously a kindergarten ought to be Io3plZFtkR4-00853-00205200-00205369 able to figure it out if you're going Io3plZFtkR4-00854-00205371-00205526 from used to have teeth to don't have Io3plZFtkR4-00855-00205527-00206051 teeth that's not getting better but Io3plZFtkR4-00856-00206052-00206213 that's the s an example revolution Io3plZFtkR4-00857-00206214-00206498 they'll say this bird lost its teeth how Io3plZFtkR4-00858-00206498-00206702 is losing something evolution that's Io3plZFtkR4-00859-00206703-00207101 backwards compared to what you need this Io3plZFtkR4-00860-00207102-00207317 one says this textbook hope biology 94 Io3plZFtkR4-00861-00207317-00207590 says the descendants are the birds which Io3plZFtkR4-00862-00207591-00207719 evolved about a hundred fifty million Io3plZFtkR4-00863-00207719-00208025 years ago bird feathers evolved from the Io3plZFtkR4-00864-00208026-00208217 same scales that protected the dinosaurs Io3plZFtkR4-00865-00208217-00208616 so well now imagine yourself high school Io3plZFtkR4-00866-00208617-00208832 student teacher says for homework Io3plZFtkR4-00867-00208833-00209006 tonight read the following eight pages Io3plZFtkR4-00868-00209007-00209165 and answer the questions at the end of Io3plZFtkR4-00869-00209166-00209612 the chapter you remember in high school Io3plZFtkR4-00870-00209613-00209792 you're going to read those eight pages Io3plZFtkR4-00871-00209792-00210107 reluctantly and answer the questions as Io3plZFtkR4-00872-00210108-00210425 quick as you can and one of the Io3plZFtkR4-00873-00210426-00210662 questions is going to be you know what Io3plZFtkR4-00874-00210663-00211034 did feathers evolved from you're going Io3plZFtkR4-00875-00211035-00211154 to say scales because that's what they Io3plZFtkR4-00876-00211155-00211409 told you in the book it is so unfair to Io3plZFtkR4-00877-00211410-00211838 send students off to war I mean if the Io3plZFtkR4-00878-00211839-00212017 enemy if an enemy country attacked the Io3plZFtkR4-00879-00212019-00212228 United States would we send all the Io3plZFtkR4-00880-00212229-00212564 fifth graders off to fight them no you Io3plZFtkR4-00881-00212565-00212702 guys are in the Marines you get the Io3plZFtkR4-00882-00212703-00212840 biggest and the brightest and the best Io3plZFtkR4-00883-00212841-00212987 yet well not Marines the brightest but Io3plZFtkR4-00884-00212988-00213152 you get the biggest and the strongest Io3plZFtkR4-00885-00213153-00213653 you can't i'm sorry Steve ha and you Io3plZFtkR4-00886-00213654-00213791 send them off you want you want to get Io3plZFtkR4-00887-00213792-00214061 the best you got out there and you give Io3plZFtkR4-00888-00214062-00214235 them the best weapons available and you Io3plZFtkR4-00889-00214236-00214396 pay them the most money of anybody gets Io3plZFtkR4-00890-00214398-00214811 paid in the country that right well not Io3plZFtkR4-00891-00214812-00215013 quite but Io3plZFtkR4-00892-00215014-00215496 almost ready oh you don't send fifth Io3plZFtkR4-00893-00215498-00215694 graders off to battle we have a real Io3plZFtkR4-00894-00215696-00215817 serious problem with lies in our Io3plZFtkR4-00895-00215819-00216061 textbooks and we're sending the kids off Io3plZFtkR4-00896-00216062-00216358 to have to fight against this the adults Io3plZFtkR4-00897-00216359-00216619 ought to be fixing this one it's very Io3plZFtkR4-00898-00216619-00217069 simple this is not true so you go to Io3plZFtkR4-00899-00217069-00217296 your school board your county whoever Io3plZFtkR4-00900-00217298-00217440 selecting your textbooks and say look Io3plZFtkR4-00901-00217441-00217951 information on page 214 is wrong let's Io3plZFtkR4-00902-00217952-00218341 cut that page out of the book will get Io3plZFtkR4-00903-00218342-00218530 any more later on what you can do about Io3plZFtkR4-00904-00218531-00218704 the lies in the textbooks and practical Io3plZFtkR4-00905-00218705-00219037 steps to attempt to take their argument Io3plZFtkR4-00906-00219038-00219385 is that feathers came from scales there Io3plZFtkR4-00907-00219386-00219571 are some very serious problems with this Io3plZFtkR4-00908-00219571-00219751 argument and we're going talk about that Io3plZFtkR4-00909-00219752-00219862 after take a little short break here Io3plZFtkR4-00910-00219863-00220225 they're teaching scales turned into Io3plZFtkR4-00911-00220226-00220528 feathers well animals today still have Io3plZFtkR4-00912-00220529-00220702 scales why aren't they turning into Io3plZFtkR4-00913-00220703-00221029 feathers how many animals are alive Io3plZFtkR4-00914-00221030-00221194 right now that have scales with you Io3plZFtkR4-00915-00221194-00221646 guess billions and billions do we ever Io3plZFtkR4-00916-00221648-00222294 see one is even starting to evolve is so Io3plZFtkR4-00917-00222296-00222556 ridiculous Bible says God sends them Io3plZFtkR4-00918-00222557-00222757 strong delusion I can't think of anybody Io3plZFtkR4-00919-00222758-00222901 being more diluted and somebody Io3plZFtkR4-00920-00222902-00223096 believing we came from Iraq over Io3plZFtkR4-00921-00223096-00223315 billions of years they are diluted and I Io3plZFtkR4-00922-00223316-00223453 feel sorry for the devil is blinded up Io3plZFtkR4-00923-00223454-00223596 you know we won't try to win them to the Io3plZFtkR4-00924-00223598-00223898 Lord alright let's talk about this Io3plZFtkR4-00925-00223900-00224346 scales and feathers the argument is they Io3plZFtkR4-00926-00224348-00224527 have to be related because they both Io3plZFtkR4-00927-00224528-00224959 made from the same material feathers are Io3plZFtkR4-00928-00224960-00225269 made out of a protein called keratin Io3plZFtkR4-00929-00225271-00225504 scales are made out of the same protein Io3plZFtkR4-00930-00225505-00226030 so our fingernails so is hair what does Io3plZFtkR4-00931-00226031-00226307 that prove Io3plZFtkR4-00932-00226308-00226754 nothing okay this floor is made out of Io3plZFtkR4-00933-00226755-00227210 wood so is the roof so are the walls Io3plZFtkR4-00934-00227211-00227514 that prove that one evolve from the Io3plZFtkR4-00935-00227515-00227855 other know it proved the guy who built Io3plZFtkR4-00936-00227856-00228200 this room me chose a common material to Io3plZFtkR4-00937-00228201-00228485 do different things this one we're Io3plZFtkR4-00938-00228486-00228644 walking on and this one is keeping the Io3plZFtkR4-00939-00228646-00228899 rain off of us this one is keeping the Io3plZFtkR4-00940-00228900-00229235 wind out okay you used a common material Io3plZFtkR4-00941-00229236-00229542 for different functions wood can be used Io3plZFtkR4-00942-00229542-00229791 to build a boat it can be used to build Io3plZFtkR4-00943-00229792-00230091 a fire it can be used for all sorts of Io3plZFtkR4-00944-00230092-00230330 things okay so the argument is because Io3plZFtkR4-00945-00230331-00230579 the both made from keratin therefore Io3plZFtkR4-00946-00230580-00230881 that proves one evolve from the other Io3plZFtkR4-00947-00230882-00231119 now again if this if this had to be if Io3plZFtkR4-00948-00231121-00231271 this had to be taken to a court of law Io3plZFtkR4-00949-00231272-00231770 it'd be laughed at but it never is okay Io3plZFtkR4-00950-00231771-00232192 and it needs to be protein keratin keer Io3plZFtkR4-00951-00232194-00232502 atin by the way somebody sent me a slide Io3plZFtkR4-00952-00232503-00232742 years ago that heated in my seminar Io3plZFtkR4-00953-00232744-00232928 about this when I had before I was using Io3plZFtkR4-00954-00232929-00233142 PowerPoint i was using slides other Io3plZFtkR4-00955-00233142-00233294 people would make slides for me and send Io3plZFtkR4-00956-00233296-00233562 them to me somebody sent me a slide and Io3plZFtkR4-00957-00233563-00234010 keratin was misspelled with a see I Io3plZFtkR4-00958-00234011-00234359 didn't catch it and i used the slide for Io3plZFtkR4-00959-00234360-00234845 our own several months and one lady I'm Io3plZFtkR4-00960-00234846-00235145 sorry one woman I debated use that as Io3plZFtkR4-00961-00235146-00235416 evidence that nobody should listen to me Io3plZFtkR4-00962-00235417-00235590 because I don't know the difference Io3plZFtkR4-00963-00235591-00235871 between carotene which is the coloring Io3plZFtkR4-00964-00235872-00236246 found in carrots and the protein keratin Io3plZFtkR4-00965-00236247-00236456 with the K ok so therefore everything Io3plZFtkR4-00966-00236457-00236771 else I say must be wrong I apologize for Io3plZFtkR4-00967-00236772-00236909 the misspelling spelling was not my Io3plZFtkR4-00968-00236910-00237179 strong point in school anyway and nor is Io3plZFtkR4-00969-00237180-00237482 it now but praise god for spell checker Io3plZFtkR4-00970-00237483-00237935 right but even still that's ridiculous Io3plZFtkR4-00971-00237936-00238094 okay i apologize for getting the wrong Io3plZFtkR4-00972-00238096-00238220 spelling but i do know what I'm talking Io3plZFtkR4-00973-00238221-00238448 about yes to both made of keratin but Io3plZFtkR4-00974-00238449-00238559 that doesn't prove any relationship Io3plZFtkR4-00975-00238560-00238952 battleships and forks are both made from Io3plZFtkR4-00976-00238953-00239348 the same metal aren't a Io3plZFtkR4-00977-00239350-00239523 see that proves they both evolved from a Io3plZFtkR4-00978-00239523-00239871 10 can 18 million years ago that's the Io3plZFtkR4-00979-00239871-00240152 type logic they're using here actually Io3plZFtkR4-00980-00240153-00240681 scales and feathers evolved evolved Io3plZFtkR4-00981-00240682-00240861 developed from different genes on the Io3plZFtkR4-00982-00240862-00241104 chromosome this DNA strand this Io3plZFtkR4-00983-00241105-00241227 chromosome strand each of the runs Io3plZFtkR4-00984-00241228-00241377 across that ladder is called the gene Io3plZFtkR4-00985-00241378-00241629 those different genes do different Io3plZFtkR4-00986-00241630-00241871 things okay a certain section of the Io3plZFtkR4-00987-00241873-00242141 gene code tells the reptile to make Io3plZFtkR4-00988-00242142-00242540 scales which is actually just a folded Io3plZFtkR4-00989-00242541-00243051 hard part of skin okay the feathers come Io3plZFtkR4-00990-00243052-00243167 from a different section of the Io3plZFtkR4-00991-00243169-00243330 chromosome it doesn't come from the Io3plZFtkR4-00992-00243331-00243513 corresponding section of the chromosome Io3plZFtkR4-00993-00243514-00243833 on the bird like it does in the reptile Io3plZFtkR4-00994-00243834-00244110 at the morphological level studying this Io3plZFtkR4-00995-00244111-00244314 thing scientifically feathers are Io3plZFtkR4-00996-00244315-00244527 traditionally considered homologous with Io3plZFtkR4-00997-00244528-00244881 reptilian scales however in development Io3plZFtkR4-00998-00244882-00245157 that means as they develop the genes Io3plZFtkR4-00999-00245158-00245319 that code for the feather and the scale Io3plZFtkR4-01000-00245319-00245548 are coming from a different part in Io3plZFtkR4-01001-00245550-00245808 morphogenesis in gene structure in Io3plZFtkR4-01002-00245809-00246063 protein shape and sequence the filament Io3plZFtkR4-01003-00246064-00246300 formation and structure feathers are Io3plZFtkR4-01004-00246301-00246494 different they're different in every way Io3plZFtkR4-01005-00246496-00246741 from a scale clearly feathers provide a Io3plZFtkR4-01006-00246742-00247017 unique and outstanding example of an Io3plZFtkR4-01007-00247017-00247421 evolutionary novelty the guy gets a Io3plZFtkR4-01008-00247423-00247544 little bit of it but he don't get it Io3plZFtkR4-01009-00247546-00247919 does he he still thinks it's evidence Io3plZFtkR4-01010-00247921-00248198 for evolution but he says they couldn't Io3plZFtkR4-01011-00248200-00248421 come from scales that's for sure another Io3plZFtkR4-01012-00248421-00248556 serious problem you have trying to teach Io3plZFtkR4-01013-00248557-00248808 that reptiles turn to birds if the lungs Io3plZFtkR4-01014-00248809-00249126 are different you and I have two lungs Io3plZFtkR4-01015-00249127-00249392 though as you breathe in and you breathe Io3plZFtkR4-01016-00249394-00249609 out the diaphragm at the bottom pulls Io3plZFtkR4-01017-00249610-00249821 down sucks the air in pushes up to push Io3plZFtkR4-01018-00249823-00250107 the air out birds have a very different Io3plZFtkR4-01019-00250108-00250392 type of lung because flying takes an Io3plZFtkR4-01020-00250392-00250830 enormous amount of oxygen so they have Io3plZFtkR4-01021-00250831-00251112 to have a lot more oxygen the oxygen Io3plZFtkR4-01022-00251113-00251316 goes into the birds lungs and goes Io3plZFtkR4-01023-00251317-00251667 through all these tubes it is totally Io3plZFtkR4-01024-00251667-00251841 different now if you're going to go from Io3plZFtkR4-01025-00251842-00252167 a reptile Type lung to a bird type lung Io3plZFtkR4-01026-00252167-00252384 you'd have to have a zillion changes in Io3plZFtkR4-01027-00252385-00252529 between the two Io3plZFtkR4-01028-00252530-00252700 and not only did the lungs have to Io3plZFtkR4-01029-00252701-00253006 change the blood supply to the lungs the Io3plZFtkR4-01030-00253007-00253156 genetic information to supply that Io3plZFtkR4-01031-00253157-00253348 change for the next generation has to Io3plZFtkR4-01032-00253348-00253708 change who's this bird gonna marry or Io3plZFtkR4-01033-00253709-00253957 half bird gonna marry you got all these Io3plZFtkR4-01034-00253958-00254236 same problems again okay you probably Io3plZFtkR4-01035-00254237-00254455 could list 30 or 40 problems with this Io3plZFtkR4-01036-00254456-00254769 but the lung structure is totally Io3plZFtkR4-01037-00254771-00254986 different between reptiles and birds Io3plZFtkR4-01038-00254987-00255169 okay there's no similarity at all Io3plZFtkR4-01039-00255169-00255421 another major problem they have by their Io3plZFtkR4-01040-00255421-00255709 geologic column dating modern Birds Io3plZFtkR4-01041-00255710-00255982 exactly like we have today are found way Io3plZFtkR4-01042-00255983-00256383 down here lower than the so-called Io3plZFtkR4-01043-00256384-00256705 Archaeopteryx they've been saying Io3plZFtkR4-01044-00256706-00256864 Archaeopteryx by the way we got a new Io3plZFtkR4-01045-00256865-00257148 economy sized piece of chocolate we're Io3plZFtkR4-01046-00257150-00257448 saying Archaeopteryx is 65 million years Io3plZFtkR4-01047-00257450-00257854 old well look at this article a 130 Io3plZFtkR4-01048-00257855-00258221 million year old crow sized bird dubbed Io3plZFtkR4-01049-00258223-00258726 con hope you say that Confucius Io3plZFtkR4-01050-00258727-00259092 Confuciusornis okay New Mexico Museum of Io3plZFtkR4-01051-00259094-00259342 Natural History in Albuquerque one out Io3plZFtkR4-01052-00259342-00259671 just a minute if a 65 million year old Io3plZFtkR4-01053-00259673-00260025 bird is the ancestor to birds today and Io3plZFtkR4-01054-00260026-00260257 you've already got birds around hundred Io3plZFtkR4-01055-00260258-00260587 thirty million years ago am I seeing a Io3plZFtkR4-01056-00260588-00261021 problem here Archaeopteryx can't fit in Io3plZFtkR4-01057-00261023-00261529 anywhere in Western Colorado's dry meza Io3plZFtkR4-01058-00261530-00261681 quarry Brigham Young University Io3plZFtkR4-01059-00261682-00261973 archaeologists have come upon the 140 Io3plZFtkR4-01060-00261973-00262123 million year old remains of what they Io3plZFtkR4-01061-00262123-00262312 are calling the Earth's the oldest bird Io3plZFtkR4-01062-00262313-00262579 ever found it is obvious that we must Io3plZFtkR4-01063-00262580-00262735 now look for the ancestors of flying Io3plZFtkR4-01064-00262736-00262915 birds and a period much older than that Io3plZFtkR4-01065-00262916-00263152 in which the Archaeopteryx lived on a Io3plZFtkR4-01066-00263153-00263416 hold on a minute do you see from this Io3plZFtkR4-01067-00263417-00263713 statement he is admitting Archaeopteryx Io3plZFtkR4-01068-00263714-00264055 can't be a missing lane he's admitting Io3plZFtkR4-01069-00264056-00264228 birds were already here by his thinking Io3plZFtkR4-01070-00264229-00264526 130 million years ago and then he says Io3plZFtkR4-01071-00264527-00264664 we have to look for a different way they Io3plZFtkR4-01072-00264665-00265096 evolved he still doesn't get it he just Io3plZFtkR4-01073-00265097-00265336 doesn't you know jump frog jump he does Io3plZFtkR4-01074-00265337-00265630 doesn't get it maybe you should maybe Io3plZFtkR4-01075-00265631-00265789 it's time to consider mr. Io3plZFtkR4-01076-00265790-00265888 whatever-your-name-is Io3plZFtkR4-01077-00265889-00266181 here maybe it's time to consider that Io3plZFtkR4-01078-00266182-00266575 the entire theory is baloney when the Io3plZFtkR4-01079-00266576-00266791 guys came back from Africa and said you Io3plZFtkR4-01080-00266792-00267033 know folks we have strong evidence that Io3plZFtkR4-01081-00267034-00267405 some dinosaurs are still alive then he Io3plZFtkR4-01082-00267406-00267640 said it's amazing they survived for 70 Io3plZFtkR4-01083-00267641-00268144 million years still doesn't get it the Io3plZFtkR4-01084-00268145-00268335 whole geologic column is baloney that's Io3plZFtkR4-01085-00268336-00268527 the problem here's another one the Io3plZFtkR4-01086-00268528-00268757 remains of a Berg which lived between Io3plZFtkR4-01087-00268758-00268993 142 and hundred thirty-seven million Io3plZFtkR4-01088-00268994-00269341 years ago recently found in China the Io3plZFtkR4-01089-00269342-00269497 discovery made by fossil ting farmer Io3plZFtkR4-01090-00269498-00269662 announced by a chinese-american team of Io3plZFtkR4-01091-00269663-00269842 scientists including Alan fiducia from Io3plZFtkR4-01092-00269843-00270135 UNC and Larry Martin from University of Io3plZFtkR4-01093-00270136-00270330 Kansas provide the oldest evidence of a Io3plZFtkR4-01094-00270331-00270565 beaked bird on earth yet found the Io3plZFtkR4-01095-00270566-00270732 Chinese bird claim its discovers Io3plZFtkR4-01096-00270733-00270919 probably lived at the Jurassic Io3plZFtkR4-01097-00270920-00271090 Cretaceous boundary prior to the arrival Io3plZFtkR4-01098-00271091-00271297 of these other ones and could not Io3plZFtkR4-01099-00271298-00271500 possibly have descended from them my Io3plZFtkR4-01100-00271501-00271734 point is even evolutionists are Io3plZFtkR4-01101-00271735-00272079 admitting birds were around by their Io3plZFtkR4-01102-00272080-00272299 twisted geologic thinking before Io3plZFtkR4-01103-00272300-00272563 Archaeopteryx so why do textbook still Io3plZFtkR4-01104-00272564-00272700 teach the kids tomorrow in our county Io3plZFtkR4-01105-00272701-00272964 that Archaeopteryx is a missing link Io3plZFtkR4-01106-00272965-00273285 that ought to be removed you can Io3plZFtkR4-01107-00273286-00273796 document it's not true Jurassic bird Io3plZFtkR4-01108-00273797-00274018 challenge challenges origin theories Io3plZFtkR4-01109-00274019-00274345 from geo times 1996 disguises there are Io3plZFtkR4-01110-00274346-00274543 plenty of other reasons to refute the Io3plZFtkR4-01111-00274544-00274758 dinosaur bird connection says fiducia Io3plZFtkR4-01112-00274759-00274996 how do you derive birds from a heavy Io3plZFtkR4-01113-00274997-00275307 earthbound bipedal reptile that has a Io3plZFtkR4-01114-00275308-00275497 deep body a balanced heavy balancing Io3plZFtkR4-01115-00275498-00275826 tail and for shortened four limbs while Io3plZFtkR4-01116-00275827-00276124 physically it's impossible here's the Io3plZFtkR4-01117-00276125-00276268 problems that I see the lungs are Io3plZFtkR4-01118-00276269-00276637 totally different modern birds are found Io3plZFtkR4-01119-00276638-00277074 in layers lower than dinosaurs I mean Io3plZFtkR4-01120-00277075-00277275 according to them dinosaurs died out 65 Io3plZFtkR4-01121-00277276-00277516 million years ago yet they're saying Io3plZFtkR4-01122-00277517-00277666 we've got birds 130 million years old Io3plZFtkR4-01123-00277667-00278014 140 million how come dinosaurs turned to Io3plZFtkR4-01124-00278015-00278127 birds when birds are there before Io3plZFtkR4-01125-00278128-00278535 dinosaurs were even gone scales and Io3plZFtkR4-01126-00278536-00278658 feathers attached to the body very Io3plZFtkR4-01127-00278659-00278829 differently and they develop from Io3plZFtkR4-01128-00278830-00279131 different genes on the chromosomes Io3plZFtkR4-01129-00279132-00279363 birds have a four-chambered heart most Io3plZFtkR4-01130-00279364-00279561 reptiles have three here's another very Io3plZFtkR4-01131-00279562-00279812 serious problem with this because a Io3plZFtkR4-01132-00279813-00280104 three chambered heart brings in the Io3plZFtkR4-01133-00280105-00280326 blood from the lungs which has oxygen Io3plZFtkR4-01134-00280327-00280626 and it brings in blood from the rest of Io3plZFtkR4-01135-00280627-00280782 the body which does not have oxygen your Io3plZFtkR4-01136-00280783-00281009 body's used it up and it mixes them and Io3plZFtkR4-01137-00281010-00281451 it sends it out as a mixture it's only Io3plZFtkR4-01138-00281452-00281748 half oxygenated and they can survive Io3plZFtkR4-01139-00281749-00281874 just fine on that that's why a lot of Io3plZFtkR4-01140-00281875-00282012 lizards and reptiles they lay around an Io3plZFtkR4-01141-00282013-00282144 awful lot okay they just don't have the Io3plZFtkR4-01142-00282145-00282534 energy to run around hard all day like Io3plZFtkR4-01143-00282535-00283053 our dog up but birds have a Io3plZFtkR4-01144-00283054-00283305 four-chambered heart and sort of humans Io3plZFtkR4-01145-00283306-00283584 by the way so the blood goes from your Io3plZFtkR4-01146-00283585-00283854 body into the heart then it's pumped to Io3plZFtkR4-01147-00283855-00284085 the lungs comes from the lungs back into Io3plZFtkR4-01148-00284086-00284241 the heart and it's pumped back out to Io3plZFtkR4-01149-00284242-00284436 the body so all of it goes through the Io3plZFtkR4-01150-00284437-00284691 lungs one time so it's going to get Io3plZFtkR4-01151-00284692-00285009 oxygen reptiles don't do that now a few Io3plZFtkR4-01152-00285010-00285171 reptiles do have a three chambered heart Io3plZFtkR4-01153-00285172-00285447 okay hi I'm sorry a few apples do have a Io3plZFtkR4-01154-00285448-00285710 four-chambered heart but most do not Io3plZFtkR4-01155-00285711-00285981 they found a dinosaur fossil here Io3plZFtkR4-01156-00285982-00286314 recently with it was they said the heart Io3plZFtkR4-01157-00286315-00286677 was petrified very unusual but I've got Io3plZFtkR4-01158-00286678-00286818 pictures of that i'll add it in here to Io3plZFtkR4-01159-00286819-00286944 part four make a note marlissa to remind Io3plZFtkR4-01160-00286945-00287142 me to move that picture into part 4 I Io3plZFtkR4-01161-00287143-00287466 think I have it now in part 7 be i'm not Io3plZFtkR4-01162-00287467-00287736 mistaken but gum and they found this Io3plZFtkR4-01163-00287737-00287931 dinosaur skeleton and the rock inside Io3plZFtkR4-01164-00287932-00288045 the chest they said this is his heart Io3plZFtkR4-01165-00288046-00288192 and it could very well be I don't know Io3plZFtkR4-01166-00288193-00288390 and they've x-rated and said we think it Io3plZFtkR4-01167-00288391-00288621 has four chambers to it that could very Io3plZFtkR4-01168-00288622-00289029 well be also and they're saying see in Io3plZFtkR4-01169-00289030-00289197 order to go from a dinosaur to bird one Io3plZFtkR4-01170-00289198-00289311 thing that has to change is the heart Io3plZFtkR4-01171-00289312-00289566 and we've got proof that it changed well Io3plZFtkR4-01172-00289567-00289728 you got a long stretch there from the Io3plZFtkR4-01173-00289729-00290153 evidence okay reptiles lay leathery eggs Io3plZFtkR4-01174-00290154-00290370 ever seen a turtle egg you know it's Io3plZFtkR4-01175-00290371-00290625 real leathery like she'll birds have a Io3plZFtkR4-01176-00290626-00291051 hard crack spread easily watch when they Io3plZFtkR4-01177-00291052-00291210 have the crocodiles hatching out on TV Io3plZFtkR4-01178-00291211-00291353 you'll see the egg you know kind of Io3plZFtkR4-01179-00291354-00291720 crumbles like a raisin bird eggs don't Io3plZFtkR4-01180-00291721-00291939 do that ok so the eggs are totally Io3plZFtkR4-01181-00291940-00292161 different swinson british museum of Io3plZFtkR4-01182-00292162-00292278 natural history has they've got the Io3plZFtkR4-01183-00292279-00292425 largest fossil collection in the world Io3plZFtkR4-01184-00292426-00292716 he said the evolutionary origin of birds Io3plZFtkR4-01185-00292717-00293112 is largely a matter of deduction there Io3plZFtkR4-01186-00293113-00293298 is no fossil evidence of the stages to Io3plZFtkR4-01187-00293299-00293451 which the remarkable change from reptile Io3plZFtkR4-01188-00293452-00293700 to bird was achieved notice what he says Io3plZFtkR4-01189-00293701-00293928 here he still believes in evolution Io3plZFtkR4-01190-00293929-00294192 Denis he thinks the change was achieved Io3plZFtkR4-01191-00294193-00294564 doesn't he but we just have no evidence Io3plZFtkR4-01192-00294565-00294792 for it so he's not going to abandon the Io3plZFtkR4-01193-00294793-00294963 theory he's just going to admit there's Io3plZFtkR4-01194-00294964-00295245 no evidence well that I suppose step one Io3plZFtkR4-01195-00295246-00295521 I doubt he'll ever take step two because Io3plZFtkR4-01196-00295522-00295773 he loses his job in home fit he did take Io3plZFtkR4-01197-00295774-00296154 step one yay there is no evidence for it Io3plZFtkR4-01198-00296155-00296358 and again the book icons of evolution Io3plZFtkR4-01199-00296359-00296661 has a whole chapter on the flaws in the Io3plZFtkR4-01200-00296662-00296979 bird change so you can get that book Io3plZFtkR4-01201-00296980-00297242 it's got a great section on that so Io3plZFtkR4-01202-00297243-00297504 Richard Dawkins who hates creationist Io3plZFtkR4-01203-00297505-00297744 says it is absolutely safe to say that Io3plZFtkR4-01204-00297745-00297888 if you meet someone who claims not to Io3plZFtkR4-01205-00297889-00298128 believe in evolution that person is Io3plZFtkR4-01206-00298129-00298578 ignorant stupid or wicked what disguise Io3plZFtkR4-01207-00298579-00298994 real open-minded for discussion isn't he Io3plZFtkR4-01208-00298995-00299259 this shuts down communication of course Io3plZFtkR4-01209-00299260-00299670 and this tells Richard Dawkins students Io3plZFtkR4-01210-00299671-00299853 would say don't even talk to creation is Io3plZFtkR4-01211-00299854-00300237 because they're stupid and that's the Io3plZFtkR4-01212-00300238-00300633 attitude that's out there folks Sir Io3plZFtkR4-01213-00300634-00300849 Arthur Keith strongly believes in Io3plZFtkR4-01214-00300850-00301119 evolution he wrote the foreword to Io3plZFtkR4-01215-00301120-00301326 Darwin's book they republished the book Io3plZFtkR4-01216-00301327-00301518 every once in a while and when they Io3plZFtkR4-01217-00301519-00301659 republished it on the 100 year Io3plZFtkR4-01218-00301660-00301785 anniversary which is going to be a big Io3plZFtkR4-01219-00301786-00302016 deal eight nineteen fifty nine hundred Io3plZFtkR4-01220-00302017-00302190 year anniversary of Darwin's book they Io3plZFtkR4-01221-00302191-00302373 said Sir Arthur Keith here are one of Io3plZFtkR4-01222-00302374-00302568 our favorite evolutionists of the day we Io3plZFtkR4-01223-00302569-00302706 would like to honor you with giving you Io3plZFtkR4-01224-00302707-00302976 the the right to write the introduction Io3plZFtkR4-01225-00302977-00303378 to the book Arthur Keith said evolution Io3plZFtkR4-01226-00303379-00303696 is unproved and unprovable we believe it Io3plZFtkR4-01227-00303697-00303888 because the only alternative is special Io3plZFtkR4-01228-00303889-00304341 creation and that is unthinkable you're Io3plZFtkR4-01229-00304342-00304722 not allowed to think about that that's Io3plZFtkR4-01230-00304723-00304905 quite a confession and they printed it Io3plZFtkR4-01231-00304906-00305028 in the front of Darwin's book when it Io3plZFtkR4-01232-00305029-00305298 was republished in 1959 well I Io3plZFtkR4-01233-00305299-00305504 appreciate Sir Arthur Keith's honesty Io3plZFtkR4-01234-00305505-00305817 he's right it's unproved it's unprovable Io3plZFtkR4-01235-00305818-00306174 by the way so is creation you can't Io3plZFtkR4-01236-00306175-00306429 scientifically prove either theory of Io3plZFtkR4-01237-00306430-00306663 origins so the obvious question comes up Io3plZFtkR4-01238-00306664-00306948 if neither one can be proven if both Io3plZFtkR4-01239-00306949-00307188 have to be taken by faith why do all of Io3plZFtkR4-01240-00307189-00307320 us pay for one to be taught in the Io3plZFtkR4-01241-00307321-00307719 schools when I offer my quarter million Io3plZFtkR4-01242-00307720-00307869 dollars for anybody with evidence for Io3plZFtkR4-01243-00307870-00308133 evolution they will say of course we Io3plZFtkR4-01244-00308134-00308259 can't prove evolution can you prove Io3plZFtkR4-01245-00308260-00308544 creation and I say oh no can't do that Io3plZFtkR4-01246-00308545-00308736 and they say we'll see what's the big Io3plZFtkR4-01247-00308737-00308970 deal I say well obviously the big deal Io3plZFtkR4-01248-00308971-00309102 is how come I have to pay for your Io3plZFtkR4-01249-00309103-00309420 religion to be taught and thinking Io3plZFtkR4-01250-00309421-00309567 evolutionists are totally stumped by Io3plZFtkR4-01251-00309568-00309723 that it finally dawns on that wow he's Io3plZFtkR4-01252-00309724-00310110 right look if you believe in evolution Io3plZFtkR4-01253-00310111-00310245 that's fine you have a right to do that Io3plZFtkR4-01254-00310246-00310452 if you want to leave you came from a Io3plZFtkR4-01255-00310453-00310587 rock that's perfectly fine I don't care Io3plZFtkR4-01256-00310588-00310875 what you believe you want to use my tax Io3plZFtkR4-01257-00310876-00311058 dollars to teach my kids your theory Io3plZFtkR4-01258-00311059-00311214 that we came from a rock oh now right Io3plZFtkR4-01259-00311215-00311460 there we have a little problem that's Io3plZFtkR4-01260-00311461-00311715 what we're going to draw the line now Io3plZFtkR4-01261-00311716-00311841 I'm going to go to my grave probably Io3plZFtkR4-01262-00311842-00312060 early because of preaching against this Io3plZFtkR4-01263-00312061-00312498 but okay it's yeah i'm not going to shut Io3plZFtkR4-01264-00312499-00312684 up about it okay we're going to fix this Io3plZFtkR4-01265-00312685-00313082 or die trying professor moon hour at the Io3plZFtkR4-01266-00313083-00313290 strasbourg zoological museum said Io3plZFtkR4-01267-00313291-00313649 evolution is a fairy tale for grown-ups Io3plZFtkR4-01268-00313650-00314148 long ago and far away isn't that what Io3plZFtkR4-01269-00314149-00314433 evolution says he says the theory has Io3plZFtkR4-01270-00314434-00314553 helped nothing in the progress of Io3plZFtkR4-01271-00314554-00314916 science it is useless on my video number Io3plZFtkR4-01272-00314917-00315159 seven question answer I've got now an Io3plZFtkR4-01273-00315160-00315444 entire giant list of scientists who Io3plZFtkR4-01274-00315445-00315594 believed in creation all through history Io3plZFtkR4-01275-00315595-00315879 and today the guy who invented the MRI Io3plZFtkR4-01276-00315880-00316269 machine is a creationist I mean there Io3plZFtkR4-01277-00316270-00316389 are thousands and thousands of Io3plZFtkR4-01278-00316390-00316584 scientists all of the major branches of Io3plZFtkR4-01279-00316585-00316962 science were started by creationists now Io3plZFtkR4-01280-00316963-00317070 they weren't all independent Io3plZFtkR4-01281-00317071-00317181 temperamental fundamental right-wing Io3plZFtkR4-01282-00317182-00317423 radical baptist like me but they were Io3plZFtkR4-01283-00317424-00317604 creationists okay they believed in a Io3plZFtkR4-01284-00317605-00318027 creator so can anybody named me and I Io3plZFtkR4-01285-00318028-00318174 ask this in professor to ask this Io3plZFtkR4-01286-00318175-00318288 question to professors and debates Io3plZFtkR4-01287-00318289-00318474 frequently can you name me one Io3plZFtkR4-01288-00318475-00318726 scientific advancement we have because Io3plZFtkR4-01289-00318727-00318933 of the evolution theory Io3plZFtkR4-01290-00318934-00319240 is that why we have light bulbs is that Io3plZFtkR4-01291-00319241-00319503 why we have computers is that why we Io3plZFtkR4-01292-00319504-00319813 have been able to go to the moon has the Io3plZFtkR4-01293-00319814-00319980 space program now a lot of money is Io3plZFtkR4-01294-00319981-00320130 spent on the space program to try to Io3plZFtkR4-01295-00320131-00320532 prove evolution no question but what Io3plZFtkR4-01296-00320533-00320695 part of evolution theory caused the Io3plZFtkR4-01297-00320696-00321357 space program he's right the theory is Io3plZFtkR4-01298-00321358-00321918 useless even if it's true it's useless Io3plZFtkR4-01299-00321919-00322246 and if it's not true it's dangerous it's Io3plZFtkR4-01300-00322247-00322526 worse than useless Malcolm Muggeridge Io3plZFtkR4-01301-00322527-00322768 spoke at University Waterloo I've spoken Io3plZFtkR4-01302-00322769-00322891 there that's where the girl with the Io3plZFtkR4-01303-00322892-00323146 blue hair and all the ears pierced 15 Io3plZFtkR4-01304-00323147-00323349 times and tattoos on her neck and shake Io3plZFtkR4-01305-00323350-00323730 him up how it was so funny Harry I'm Io3plZFtkR4-01306-00323731-00323874 speaking on creation in front of the Io3plZFtkR4-01307-00323875-00324060 University of Waterloo you know Canada Io3plZFtkR4-01308-00324061-00324262 coke crowd of students gathered around Io3plZFtkR4-01309-00324263-00324396 you know and we had gotten permission to Io3plZFtkR4-01310-00324397-00324571 set up a table in the microphone and Io3plZFtkR4-01311-00324572-00324774 draw a crowd boy did we draw a crowd Io3plZFtkR4-01312-00324775-00325066 it's a very liberal University and she Io3plZFtkR4-01313-00325067-00325195 walked right up here i'm speaking away Io3plZFtkR4-01314-00325196-00325332 you know and talking to the crowd and Io3plZFtkR4-01315-00325333-00325431 she walks up right in front of me and Io3plZFtkR4-01316-00325432-00325590 says you got permission to do this I Io3plZFtkR4-01317-00325591-00325918 said yes ma'am we do she said this is Io3plZFtkR4-01318-00325919-00326290 kind of weird that's all I can do to Io3plZFtkR4-01319-00326291-00326569 maintain my composure lady you want to Io3plZFtkR4-01320-00326570-00326713 see weird come with me let's go find a Io3plZFtkR4-01321-00326714-00327153 mirror i will show you weird i've been Io3plZFtkR4-01322-00327154-00327316 here about that long and all bright blue Io3plZFtkR4-01323-00327317-00327753 you know i don't care if you've got to Io3plZFtkR4-01324-00327754-00327844 cut your hair and call the blue but Io3plZFtkR4-01325-00327845-00328200 don't call me weird all right Malcolm Io3plZFtkR4-01326-00328201-00328479 Muggeridge said I myself and convinced Io3plZFtkR4-01327-00328480-00328744 the theory of evolution especially the Io3plZFtkR4-01328-00328745-00329020 extent to which it has been applied will Io3plZFtkR4-01329-00329021-00329184 be one of the great jokes in the history Io3plZFtkR4-01330-00329185-00329437 books of the future posterity will Io3plZFtkR4-01331-00329438-00329754 marvel that so flimsy and dubious and Io3plZFtkR4-01332-00329755-00329962 hypothesis could be accepted with the Io3plZFtkR4-01333-00329963-00330340 incredible credulity that it has why Io3plZFtkR4-01334-00330341-00330510 would so many smart people in other Io3plZFtkR4-01335-00330511-00330770 smart in other areas except this theory Io3plZFtkR4-01336-00330771-00331152 he's right someday they're going to be Io3plZFtkR4-01337-00331153-00331275 laughing at those people who believe in Io3plZFtkR4-01338-00331276-00331473 evolution but in the meantime it Io3plZFtkR4-01339-00331474-00331714 accomplishes the goal of keeping them Io3plZFtkR4-01340-00331715-00332038 from Christ or if they're Christians of Io3plZFtkR4-01341-00332039-00332268 keeping them from being bold Christians Io3plZFtkR4-01342-00332269-00332475 because they got all these questions you Io3plZFtkR4-01343-00332476-00332565 were saying how you were taught this Io3plZFtkR4-01344-00332566-00332676 stuff in school I'm telling you it'll Io3plZFtkR4-01345-00332677-00332834 destroy your faith if you already saved Io3plZFtkR4-01346-00332835-00333180 it'll neutralize you if you're not saved Io3plZFtkR4-01347-00333181-00333291 it'll probably keep you from getting Io3plZFtkR4-01348-00333292-00333506 saved that's exactly what Satan wants Io3plZFtkR4-01349-00333507-00333738 he's a liar he doesn't care how he gets Io3plZFtkR4-01350-00333739-00334098 it done just get the job done this man Io3plZFtkR4-01351-00334099-00334245 said scientist who go about teaching the Io3plZFtkR4-01352-00334246-00334446 devolution is a fact of life are great Io3plZFtkR4-01353-00334447-00334740 con men the story they are teaching may Io3plZFtkR4-01354-00334741-00335055 be the greatest hoax ever in explaining Io3plZFtkR4-01355-00335056-00335292 evolution we do not have one iota effect Io3plZFtkR4-01356-00335293-00335751 I was a debating Pig Lucci at the Io3plZFtkR4-01357-00335752-00335930 University Knoxville Tennessee he's a Io3plZFtkR4-01358-00335931-00336185 botany professor he spent 30 years Io3plZFtkR4-01359-00336186-00336546 teaching evolution of plants he's been Io3plZFtkR4-01360-00336547-00336747 teaching it for 30 years he's received Io3plZFtkR4-01361-00336748-00336990 655 thousand dollars grant money to Io3plZFtkR4-01362-00336991-00337389 study the evolution of plants I said dr. Io3plZFtkR4-01363-00337390-00337692 Peggy uchi what is your best evidence Io3plZFtkR4-01364-00337693-00338151 for evolution he said the fossil Io3plZFtkR4-01365-00338152-00338735 evidence of whales now hold it how come Io3plZFtkR4-01366-00338736-00338871 you best evidence you have is in Io3plZFtkR4-01367-00338872-00339315 somebody else's field I don't think Io3plZFtkR4-01368-00339316-00339485 he'll ever catch on to that but I mean Io3plZFtkR4-01369-00339486-00339755 that ought to dawn on somebody like he Io3plZFtkR4-01370-00339756-00339939 thinks the paleontologist have the Io3plZFtkR4-01371-00339940-00340218 evidence now if you ask a paleontologist Io3plZFtkR4-01372-00340219-00340317 what's your best evidence of evolution Io3plZFtkR4-01373-00340318-00340559 oh the evolution of plants we've got it Io3plZFtkR4-01374-00340560-00340775 proven in the botany department okay Io3plZFtkR4-01375-00340776-00341033 it's one of those shell games yeah there Io3plZFtkR4-01376-00341034-00341265 nobody has the evidence okay there isn't Io3plZFtkR4-01377-00341266-00341534 any pierre de Chardin was a catholic Io3plZFtkR4-01378-00341535-00341703 priest kind of a renegade catholic Io3plZFtkR4-01379-00341704-00341937 priest he is one of the fellows involved Io3plZFtkR4-01380-00341938-00342228 in the Piltdown hoax he may have been Io3plZFtkR4-01381-00342229-00342551 the guy who did it we don't know okay Io3plZFtkR4-01382-00342552-00342785 pierre de Chardin has a very shady Io3plZFtkR4-01383-00342786-00343251 history okay he he is probably one of Io3plZFtkR4-01384-00343252-00343428 the primary fellas if not the primary Io3plZFtkR4-01385-00343429-00343623 fella responsible for getting the Io3plZFtkR4-01386-00343624-00343992 Catholics to accept evolution three Io3plZFtkR4-01387-00343993-00344132 different times Pope's have come out and Io3plZFtkR4-01388-00344133-00344547 said evolution fits our religion just Io3plZFtkR4-01389-00344548-00344802 fine except for when God gave them a Io3plZFtkR4-01390-00344803-00345246 soul basically like hugh Ross teaches Io3plZFtkR4-01391-00345247-00345444 okay hugh Ross gets along great with the Io3plZFtkR4-01392-00345445-00345624 Catholics as far as their doctrine of Io3plZFtkR4-01393-00345625-00345780 you know evolution blending in with Io3plZFtkR4-01394-00345781-00346323 creation a pierre de Chardin said Io3plZFtkR4-01395-00346324-00346590 evolution is a general postulate to Io3plZFtkR4-01396-00346591-00346860 which all theories all hypothesis must Io3plZFtkR4-01397-00346861-00347061 henceforth bow in order to be thinkable Io3plZFtkR4-01398-00347062-00347466 and true evolution is the light which Io3plZFtkR4-01399-00347467-00347772 eliminates all facts which all lines of Io3plZFtkR4-01400-00347773-00347940 thought must follow this is what Io3plZFtkR4-01401-00347941-00348189 evolution is I'd say he's kind of Io3plZFtkR4-01402-00348190-00348600 committed to the theory wouldn't you my Io3plZFtkR4-01403-00348601-00348954 Bible says God's Word is a light so lamp Io3plZFtkR4-01404-00348955-00349068 unto my feet a light unto my path Io3plZFtkR4-01405-00349069-00349296 evolution is not a light that everybody Io3plZFtkR4-01406-00349297-00349565 must follow but if a kid goes to school Io3plZFtkR4-01407-00349566-00350007 12 or 16 or 20 years in in our town now Io3plZFtkR4-01408-00350008-00350201 you gotta understand Escambia County is Io3plZFtkR4-01409-00350202-00350486 one of the top counties in the country Io3plZFtkR4-01410-00350487-00350919 as far as churches per capita I think Io3plZFtkR4-01411-00350920-00351066 Santa Rosa County is in the Guinness Io3plZFtkR4-01412-00351067-00351300 Book of World Records there are more Io3plZFtkR4-01413-00351301-00351582 churches per person in that county I Io3plZFtkR4-01414-00351583-00351738 believe than anyplace else in the United Io3plZFtkR4-01415-00351739-00352118 States and I think we're a close second Io3plZFtkR4-01416-00352119-00352404 we're certainly up in the top two or Io3plZFtkR4-01417-00352405-00352563 three percentage points in the whole all Io3plZFtkR4-01418-00352564-00352899 the counties in America here we have I Io3plZFtkR4-01419-00352900-00353205 think 120 Baptist churches in this Io3plZFtkR4-01420-00353206-00353655 county probably well over two hundred Io3plZFtkR4-01421-00353656-00354060 churches of other denominations there's Io3plZFtkR4-01422-00354061-00354180 an awful lot of churches in this county Io3plZFtkR4-01423-00354181-00354462 and yet kids are going to go to school Io3plZFtkR4-01424-00354463-00354720 in this county and learn all these Io3plZFtkR4-01425-00354721-00354891 things have been proven wrong for many Io3plZFtkR4-01426-00354892-00355503 years what are we doing about it we're Io3plZFtkR4-01427-00355504-00355599 supposed to be this all to the earth Io3plZFtkR4-01428-00355600-00355980 salt preserves my first moved to town I Io3plZFtkR4-01429-00355981-00356130 started writing letters to the editor Io3plZFtkR4-01430-00356131-00356427 about evolution that's what started my Io3plZFtkR4-01431-00356428-00356664 whole ministry writing letters to the Io3plZFtkR4-01432-00356665-00356916 editor I went down and talked to Katie Io3plZFtkR4-01433-00356917-00357171 night the lady in charge of selecting Io3plZFtkR4-01434-00357172-00357549 the science curriculum I went in and I Io3plZFtkR4-01435-00357550-00357669 said look you're teaching things in Io3plZFtkR4-01436-00357670-00357792 these these books that have been proven Io3plZFtkR4-01437-00357793-00358083 wrong a long time ago I after several Io3plZFtkR4-01438-00358084-00358212 meetings with her and letters back and Io3plZFtkR4-01439-00358213-00358608 forth she said Mr Hoeven you are the Io3plZFtkR4-01440-00358609-00358869 only person in the entire county who's Io3plZFtkR4-01441-00358870-00359302 complaining about this Io3plZFtkR4-01442-00359303-00359763 well first I hope that's not true but if Io3plZFtkR4-01443-00359764-00359973 it is true that's a sad commentary on Io3plZFtkR4-01444-00359974-00360225 Christians we got a lot of Christians Io3plZFtkR4-01445-00360226-00360339 are more worried about who wins some Io3plZFtkR4-01446-00360340-00360557 dumb super bowl game then what the kids Io3plZFtkR4-01447-00360558-00360672 are going to be taught tomorrow it's Io3plZFtkR4-01448-00360673-00360803 going to affect their life possibly Io3plZFtkR4-01449-00360804-00361140 forever certainly for this life is going Io3plZFtkR4-01450-00361141-00361478 to affect them and it has cost you know Io3plZFtkR4-01451-00361479-00361590 all three of my kids are in the room Io3plZFtkR4-01452-00361591-00361706 here tonight you know when we started Io3plZFtkR4-01453-00361707-00361965 this ministry 12 years ago its cost you Io3plZFtkR4-01454-00361966-00362199 three dad was going a lot i'm still Io3plZFtkR4-01455-00362200-00362603 going a lot this is a site ache this Io3plZFtkR4-01456-00362604-00362745 battle seriously it's been a sacrifice Io3plZFtkR4-01457-00362746-00362898 for my family's been sacrificed me Io3plZFtkR4-01458-00362899-00363332 personally this is a war folks you guys Io3plZFtkR4-01459-00363333-00363468 in the marines are willing to go off to Io3plZFtkR4-01460-00363469-00363615 war leave your family possibly get Io3plZFtkR4-01461-00363616-00363849 killed praise god I'm glad you're glad Io3plZFtkR4-01462-00363850-00364094 you're out there defending my freedoms Io3plZFtkR4-01463-00364095-00364283 well I'm out there defending your Io3plZFtkR4-01464-00364284-00364430 freedoms on this creation evolution Io3plZFtkR4-01465-00364431-00364719 topic we need some more people doing Io3plZFtkR4-01466-00364720-00364931 that salt preserves our job is to Io3plZFtkR4-01467-00364932-00365148 preserve from corruption we're not doing Io3plZFtkR4-01468-00365149-00365541 it salt also irritates if nobody's Io3plZFtkR4-01469-00365542-00365670 irritated at you you're probably not a Io3plZFtkR4-01470-00365671-00365976 very good Christian you can pretty much Io3plZFtkR4-01471-00365977-00366138 tell how good a Christian somebody is Io3plZFtkR4-01472-00366139-00366527 but how many people hate them you know Io3plZFtkR4-01473-00366528-00366672 everybody says how you should love love Io3plZFtkR4-01474-00366673-00366891 love yeah I do if you love God people Io3plZFtkR4-01475-00366892-00367239 will hate you if nobody hates you then Io3plZFtkR4-01476-00367240-00367607 you don't love God very well so why do Io3plZFtkR4-01477-00367608-00367800 people believe in this theory anyway why Io3plZFtkR4-01478-00367801-00367938 would anybody believe we came from a Io3plZFtkR4-01479-00367939-00368159 rock well some people believe it because Io3plZFtkR4-01480-00368160-00368429 that's all they've ever been taught when Io3plZFtkR4-01481-00368430-00368649 I spoke in the university in Chernov see Io3plZFtkR4-01482-00368650-00368967 Ukraine they had 30 professors are you Io3plZFtkR4-01483-00368968-00369090 from churn out here from Russia nut Io3plZFtkR4-01484-00369091-00369383 Ukraine right okay you're from Chen ofc Io3plZFtkR4-01485-00369384-00369618 okay when I was in your town in Ukraine Io3plZFtkR4-01486-00369619-00370047 I spoke at the University 30 professors Io3plZFtkR4-01487-00370048-00370403 came to the sat in the room I spoke for Io3plZFtkR4-01488-00370404-00370860 two hours Io3plZFtkR4-01489-00370861-00371093 these 30 professors sitting in the room Io3plZFtkR4-01490-00371094-00371225 I'm speaking for two hours to an Io3plZFtkR4-01491-00371226-00371485 interpreter after one hour of speaking Io3plZFtkR4-01492-00371486-00371684 on creation and evolution one of the Io3plZFtkR4-01493-00371685-00372065 professors began to cry there was a lady Io3plZFtkR4-01494-00372066-00372185 interpreting for me they had several Io3plZFtkR4-01495-00372186-00372314 interpreters I wear him out because I Io3plZFtkR4-01496-00372315-00372512 talk kind of fast you know at the time Io3plZFtkR4-01497-00372513-00372677 there was a lady interpreting for me I Io3plZFtkR4-01498-00372678-00373130 said ma'am what's he crying about and Io3plZFtkR4-01499-00373131-00373487 she said oh he's happy he didn't know Io3plZFtkR4-01500-00373488-00373691 there was a creation story he's never Io3plZFtkR4-01501-00373692-00373988 heard of this he wants you to keep going Io3plZFtkR4-01502-00373989-00374183 all he's ever heard all of his life is Io3plZFtkR4-01503-00374184-00374480 evolution last week I spoke in seattle Io3plZFtkR4-01504-00374481-00374612 washington for different russian Io3plZFtkR4-01505-00374613-00374756 churches about a thousand people each Io3plZFtkR4-01506-00374757-00375050 time people came to me afterwards as Io3plZFtkR4-01507-00375051-00375410 we've never heard this stuff in seeing Io3plZFtkR4-01508-00375411-00375772 Soviet Union creation was censored out Io3plZFtkR4-01509-00375773-00376109 capitalism was censored out guess what Io3plZFtkR4-01510-00376110-00376573 in America creationism is censored out I Io3plZFtkR4-01511-00376574-00376913 went to a library one time I got a lot Io3plZFtkR4-01512-00376914-00377006 of libraries I remember where it was Io3plZFtkR4-01513-00377007-00377209 even but I got in this massive library Io3plZFtkR4-01514-00377210-00377417 with some University I got on their Io3plZFtkR4-01515-00377418-00377684 computer Erika search program and I said Io3plZFtkR4-01516-00377685-00377789 how many books do you have in here about Io3plZFtkR4-01517-00377790-00378413 evolution 1,400 titles hmm how many Io3plZFtkR4-01518-00378414-00378563 books by and i typed in some major Io3plZFtkR4-01519-00378564-00378746 evolutionist authors you know Steven Io3plZFtkR4-01520-00378747-00378905 Gould Niles Eldridge and he's kind of Io3plZFtkR4-01521-00378906-00379154 guys buku books okay this library is Io3plZFtkR4-01522-00379155-00379403 jammed with books on evolution so I type Io3plZFtkR4-01523-00379404-00379514 in to see how many books that were on Io3plZFtkR4-01524-00379515-00379829 creation up came about nine titles all Io3plZFtkR4-01525-00379830-00380402 of them were anti creation books books Io3plZFtkR4-01526-00380403-00380552 written by evolutionists against Io3plZFtkR4-01527-00380553-00380750 creation but the search program caught Io3plZFtkR4-01528-00380751-00380879 it as having the word creation in the Io3plZFtkR4-01529-00380880-00381122 title or the subject okay so i went to Io3plZFtkR4-01530-00381123-00381434 the librarian I said ma'am why do you Io3plZFtkR4-01531-00381435-00381713 have 1400 books about evolution and no Io3plZFtkR4-01532-00381714-00381887 books about creation I searched under Io3plZFtkR4-01533-00381888-00382079 all the major major creation authors Io3plZFtkR4-01534-00382080-00382349 Henry Morris Duane Gish ken ham all Io3plZFtkR4-01535-00382350-00382892 about you think of ok 0 I said ma'am Io3plZFtkR4-01536-00382893-00383267 this is a university I thought students Io3plZFtkR4-01537-00383268-00383597 are coming here to get educated it looks Io3plZFtkR4-01538-00383598-00383683 to me like they're only getting Io3plZFtkR4-01539-00383684-00384026 indoctrinated you don't even have a Io3plZFtkR4-01540-00384027-00384145 balance in your live Io3plZFtkR4-01541-00384146-00384229 I'm sure you don't have it in your Io3plZFtkR4-01542-00384230-00384541 classroom I said why don't you have any Io3plZFtkR4-01543-00384542-00384783 books in here about creation she said we Io3plZFtkR4-01544-00384784-00384933 do have a book in here about creation I Io3plZFtkR4-01545-00384934-00385243 put it in here myself I said Oh what is Io3plZFtkR4-01546-00385244-00385351 it she told me the name of it I said Io3plZFtkR4-01547-00385352-00385477 where's that from she said from the Io3plZFtkR4-01548-00385478-00385828 watchtower society oh yeah you got one Io3plZFtkR4-01549-00385829-00385975 Jehovah's Witness book in here about Io3plZFtkR4-01550-00385976-00386347 creation fester and even they believe in Io3plZFtkR4-01551-00386348-00386482 the gap theory of the day age there is Io3plZFtkR4-01552-00386483-00386578 something like that they believe the Io3plZFtkR4-01553-00386579-00386815 earth is you know billions years old so Io3plZFtkR4-01554-00386816-00387025 there are no help there no help in a lot Io3plZFtkR4-01555-00387026-00387343 of areas but I think an awful lot of Io3plZFtkR4-01556-00387344-00387478 folks believe this theory because they Io3plZFtkR4-01557-00387479-00387678 simply have never heard the other side Io3plZFtkR4-01558-00387679-00388024 now I think it doesn't take somebody too Io3plZFtkR4-01559-00388025-00388288 intelligent to realize if creation and Io3plZFtkR4-01560-00388289-00388444 evolution were both talked to the Io3plZFtkR4-01561-00388445-00388785 students equal time fair honest balanced Io3plZFtkR4-01562-00388786-00388983 treatment which one would the students Io3plZFtkR4-01563-00388984-00389467 believe creation right they don't want Io3plZFtkR4-01564-00389468-00389677 that they don't want the competition Io3plZFtkR4-01565-00389678-00389932 because they'd lose I believe was john d Io3plZFtkR4-01566-00389933-00390100 rockefeller one of those multi Io3plZFtkR4-01567-00390101-00390282 gazillionaires in the last century who Io3plZFtkR4-01568-00390283-00390834 said competition is a sin when he was Io3plZFtkR4-01569-00390835-00391030 developing Standard Oil Company to the Io3plZFtkR4-01570-00391031-00391276 monster company that it was let's Io3plZFtkR4-01571-00391277-00391557 suppose there's ten gas stations in a Io3plZFtkR4-01572-00391558-00392028 town Rockefeller would buy six of them Io3plZFtkR4-01573-00392029-00392437 seven of them and back then let's say Io3plZFtkR4-01574-00392438-00392649 gas is going for twenty cents a gallon Io3plZFtkR4-01575-00392650-00393091 it costs the station eighteen cents a Io3plZFtkR4-01576-00393092-00393514 gallon they sell it make two cents he Io3plZFtkR4-01577-00393515-00393745 would lower his price to 16 he would Io3plZFtkR4-01578-00393746-00394138 lose money for months on that's those Io3plZFtkR4-01579-00394139-00394525 six stations in that town what's going Io3plZFtkR4-01580-00394526-00394722 to happen to the other four gas stations Io3plZFtkR4-01581-00394723-00395041 they're gonna go out of business he's Io3plZFtkR4-01582-00395042-00395371 going to buy him now he owns all ten now Io3plZFtkR4-01583-00395372-00395604 guess what happens to the price of gas Io3plZFtkR4-01584-00395605-00395812 22 cents a gallon we got to make up Io3plZFtkR4-01585-00395813-00396031 probably lost you know that's exactly Io3plZFtkR4-01586-00396032-00396360 what happened all over his philosophy Io3plZFtkR4-01587-00396361-00396585 was competition is a sin eliminate the Io3plZFtkR4-01588-00396586-00396959 competition that's the philosophy of the Io3plZFtkR4-01589-00396960-00397240 evolutionist in the classroom they don't Io3plZFtkR4-01590-00397241-00397431 want the kids to see the other side Io3plZFtkR4-01591-00397432-00397653 and because of this many kids have never Io3plZFtkR4-01592-00397654-00397827 even heard about the creation story many Io3plZFtkR4-01593-00397828-00398169 kids in Escambia County have never had a Io3plZFtkR4-01594-00398170-00398379 fair shake on the creation story there's Io3plZFtkR4-01595-00398380-00398571 a Russian textbook guess what they use Io3plZFtkR4-01596-00398572-00398859 for evidence for evolution same stuff Io3plZFtkR4-01597-00398860-00399123 they use here it's the same all over the Io3plZFtkR4-01598-00399124-00399390 world I think people believe in Io3plZFtkR4-01599-00399391-00399549 evolution because their job depends upon Io3plZFtkR4-01600-00399550-00400047 it if a professor at University of West Io3plZFtkR4-01601-00400048-00400344 Florida up here in Pensacola got if if Io3plZFtkR4-01602-00400345-00400551 one of the biology or anthropology or Io3plZFtkR4-01603-00400552-00400904 geology or botany any of the sciences if Io3plZFtkR4-01604-00400905-00401091 they got up in front of their class Io3plZFtkR4-01605-00401092-00401277 tomorrow morning or Jan at pjc where you Io3plZFtkR4-01606-00401278-00401463 teach if a science teacher gets up Io3plZFtkR4-01607-00401464-00401787 tomorrow and says students I don't Io3plZFtkR4-01608-00401788-00402057 believe evolution anymore I believe in Io3plZFtkR4-01609-00402058-00402672 creation what's going to happen we're Io3plZFtkR4-01610-00402673-00402747 going to get they're going to lose their Io3plZFtkR4-01611-00402748-00403137 job if they're tenured where they can't Io3plZFtkR4-01612-00403138-00403284 lose their job because they got 20 years Io3plZFtkR4-01613-00403285-00403599 teaching there they will demote him to Io3plZFtkR4-01614-00403600-00403926 something janitor lab assistant they Io3plZFtkR4-01615-00403927-00404037 will get it and they will put them in a Io3plZFtkR4-01616-00404038-00404172 position where they cannot influence Io3plZFtkR4-01617-00404173-00404363 other students with their radical ideas Io3plZFtkR4-01618-00404364-00404808 Dean Kenyon que en y OU n he was a Io3plZFtkR4-01619-00404809-00405006 biology professor University in Io3plZFtkR4-01620-00405007-00405216 California I think San Francisco State Io3plZFtkR4-01621-00405217-00405714 or Sanford I don't member which one he Io3plZFtkR4-01622-00405715-00405900 wrote books about evolution he believes Io3plZFtkR4-01623-00405901-00406191 in evolution for 20 years he was the Io3plZFtkR4-01624-00406192-00406497 poster boy of the evolutionists he got Io3plZFtkR4-01625-00406498-00406938 converted then he wrote a book which we Io3plZFtkR4-01626-00406939-00407136 sell in our library called of pandas and Io3plZFtkR4-01627-00407137-00407592 people great supplemental biology book Io3plZFtkR4-01628-00407593-00407844 he never mentions God he just says look Io3plZFtkR4-01629-00407845-00407997 how well-designed this is somebody must Io3plZFtkR4-01630-00407998-00408156 have designed this you know there must Io3plZFtkR4-01631-00408157-00408336 be intelligence behind this when he Io3plZFtkR4-01632-00408337-00408483 talks about the bones in the wrist or in Io3plZFtkR4-01633-00408484-00408867 any part of the biology they tried they Io3plZFtkR4-01634-00408868-00409119 actually fired him because he became a Io3plZFtkR4-01635-00409120-00409467 creationist there was a lawsuit over he Io3plZFtkR4-01636-00409468-00409590 got his job back they put him in as a Io3plZFtkR4-01637-00409591-00409947 lab assistant usually college juniors Io3plZFtkR4-01638-00409947-00410121 and seniors do that you know clean up Io3plZFtkR4-01639-00410122-00410417 two test tubes please Io3plZFtkR4-01640-00410418-00410627 they tried everything to keep that guy Io3plZFtkR4-01641-00410628-00410783 and get him out of there if he had not Io3plZFtkR4-01642-00410784-00410989 been tenured with 20 years ago tenure Io3plZFtkR4-01643-00410991-00411185 they can't fire him he'd have been out Io3plZFtkR4-01644-00411185-00411488 the door when we get to part 7 i've been Io3plZFtkR4-01645-00411489-00411641 collecting for years now a list of Io3plZFtkR4-01646-00411642-00411800 people who have lost their jobs because Io3plZFtkR4-01647-00411801-00412208 they became creationists that's the Io3plZFtkR4-01648-00412209-00412463 reason we'll get into more that probably Io3plZFtkR4-01649-00412464-00412652 by the time we get to CSE 10 or 20 at Io3plZFtkR4-01650-00412653-00412768 the time we're going here read the rate Io3plZFtkR4-01651-00412770-00412943 we're going here okay we'll get there Io3plZFtkR4-01652-00412943-00413162 eventually some people honestly like Io3plZFtkR4-01653-00413163-00413297 this theory because they hope there's no Io3plZFtkR4-01654-00413297-00413642 God evolution is the only way to explain Io3plZFtkR4-01655-00413643-00413954 why are we here without bringing God Io3plZFtkR4-01656-00413955-00414476 into the equation I mean how do we get Io3plZFtkR4-01657-00414477-00414685 here the four great questions of life Io3plZFtkR4-01658-00414687-00414824 who are we why are we here where we Io3plZFtkR4-01659-00414825-00415127 going when we die those questions can Io3plZFtkR4-01660-00415128-00415304 only be answered with either somebody Io3plZFtkR4-01661-00415305-00415805 made us or we made ourselves and a lot Io3plZFtkR4-01662-00415806-00415928 of people really like evolution because Io3plZFtkR4-01663-00415929-00416114 it removes God from the equation and Io3plZFtkR4-01664-00416114-00416405 they get to be God some people believe Io3plZFtkR4-01665-00416406-00416552 in evolution because they have social Io3plZFtkR4-01666-00416553-00416792 political reasons evolution is the Io3plZFtkR4-01667-00416793-00417002 foundation for communism socialism Io3plZFtkR4-01668-00417003-00417247 Marxism Nazism we'll get into all that Io3plZFtkR4-01669-00417249-00417566 in a couple of weeks more on the history Io3plZFtkR4-01670-00417567-00417785 of this evolutionary theory some simply Io3plZFtkR4-01671-00417785-00417905 have too much pride to admit they're Io3plZFtkR4-01672-00417906-00418349 wrong I do debates with professors I'll Io3plZFtkR4-01673-00418350-00418526 point out clearly look you're wrong Io3plZFtkR4-01674-00418527-00418706 right here the audience will agree Io3plZFtkR4-01675-00418707-00418892 you're wrong he goes on to a new topic Io3plZFtkR4-01676-00418893-00419303 they never admit okay I'm wrong I've Io3plZFtkR4-01677-00419304-00419450 never had an opponent in a debate do Io3plZFtkR4-01678-00419451-00419675 that I spent all day today editing the Io3plZFtkR4-01679-00419676-00419867 pig lucci debate number 12 that we're Io3plZFtkR4-01680-00419868-00420172 offering now and I could it's whats whys Io3plZFtkR4-01681-00420174-00420335 fresh in my mind I saw it about 20 times Io3plZFtkR4-01682-00420335-00420581 in there you know here you're wrong he Io3plZFtkR4-01683-00420582-00420776 would never say you're right I'm wrong Io3plZFtkR4-01684-00420777-00420993 the Bible says in second Thessalonians Io3plZFtkR4-01685-00420995-00421277 for this cause God shall send them Io3plZFtkR4-01686-00421278-00421541 strong delusion that they should believe Io3plZFtkR4-01687-00421542-00421835 a lie if anybody believes we came from a Io3plZFtkR4-01688-00421835-00422009 rock first place that's a lie and you Io3plZFtkR4-01689-00422010-00422312 have to be diluted to believe that so Io3plZFtkR4-01690-00422313-00422603 our textbooks in our county right here Io3plZFtkR4-01691-00422604-00422764 there's a bunch on the table right there Io3plZFtkR4-01692-00422764-00422935 contain things that have been proven Io3plZFtkR4-01693-00422937-00423397 wrong many years ago what should we do Io3plZFtkR4-01694-00423399-00423570 about it Io3plZFtkR4-01695-00423571-00424014 what are the practical steps if I Io3plZFtkR4-01696-00424015-00424287 announce tonight that I have discovered Io3plZFtkR4-01697-00424288-00424654 top secret information that a truckload Io3plZFtkR4-01698-00424655-00425295 of tainted poisonous milk was delivered Io3plZFtkR4-01699-00425296-00425593 to all the public schools this afternoon Io3plZFtkR4-01700-00425593-00425827 after the school's closed they're going Io3plZFtkR4-01701-00425828-00426000 to serve it for breakfast and lunch Io3plZFtkR4-01702-00426001-00426681 tomorrow hmm do you follow me I've got Io3plZFtkR4-01703-00426682-00426912 secret information that a truckload of Io3plZFtkR4-01704-00426913-00427266 poisoned milk was sent to the schools Io3plZFtkR4-01705-00427267-00427698 it's going to be delivered tomorrow how Io3plZFtkR4-01706-00427699-00427918 would you feel what would you do about Io3plZFtkR4-01707-00427918-00428527 it well folks a truckload of poisonous Io3plZFtkR4-01708-00428528-00428775 books was sent to our schools months ago Io3plZFtkR4-01709-00428776-00428958 it's going to be fed to the kids Io3plZFtkR4-01710-00428959-00429331 tomorrow let's find something to do Io3plZFtkR4-01711-00429332-00429546 about it next class we'll talk about Io3plZFtkR4-01712-00429547-00429793 what to do about it lies in the Io3plZFtkR4-01713-00429793-00429985 textbooks how can we fix it let's do Io3plZFtkR4-01714-00429985-00430091 something about it thank you so much Io3plZFtkR4-01715-00430092-00430392 dismissed