qVAxBOaEfkQ-00000-00000000-00000200 type beat qVKeLhPETu0-00000-00000016-00000126 Hello Earth Citizens. qVKeLhPETu0-00001-00000126-00000203 My name is Chris. qVKeLhPETu0-00002-00000203-00000477 I'm a Brain Education instructor from Rolling Hills, California. qVKeLhPETu0-00003-00000550-00000844 Welcome to this Five Element Qigong series. qVKeLhPETu0-00004-00000860-00001144 We're going to take you through the five different elements and flows qVKeLhPETu0-00005-00001144-00001518 that help you build your energy and harmonize the energy in your body. qVKeLhPETu0-00006-00001588-00002058 Five Elements is an Eastern philosophy that shows how the five elements qVKeLhPETu0-00007-00002058-00002475 can work together to harmonize, and they can also manage each other. qVKeLhPETu0-00008-00002475-00002896 They become a checks and balances for your energy system. qVKeLhPETu0-00009-00002916-00003113 So we're going to work through those today. qVKeLhPETu0-00010-00003113-00003343 We're going to work on metal energy. qVKeLhPETu0-00011-00003343-00003596 So I'm going to bring my feet about shoulder width apart. qVKeLhPETu0-00012-00003630-00003903 For metal energy, the organs that are related are the lungs. qVKeLhPETu0-00013-00003903-00004297 So we can start to rub our lungs a little bit so you can feel the lungs. qVKeLhPETu0-00014-00004377-00004774 And then also the large intestine so you can rub around. qVKeLhPETu0-00015-00004774-00004994 So we want to start to bring our mind to those organs. qVKeLhPETu0-00016-00005055-00005475 So through the flows today, we are going to work qVKeLhPETu0-00017-00005475-00005862 on purifying the energy, so cleaning away some of the negative energy. qVKeLhPETu0-00018-00005972-00006202 Back to our lungs one more time. qVKeLhPETu0-00019-00006202-00006423 And we're also going to build the energy in our body qVKeLhPETu0-00020-00006516-00006836 and then we're going to grow the energy we want. qVKeLhPETu0-00021-00006836-00007047 So go ahead and relax your body. qVKeLhPETu0-00022-00007070-00007407 Come on down. So take a deep breath. qVKeLhPETu0-00023-00007414-00007684 So as we're going to start, we’re going to start with just a gentle flow. qVKeLhPETu0-00024-00007704-00008101 So a little tai chi opening, so we bring our arms up. Let them float. qVKeLhPETu0-00025-00008101-00008388 And as you exhale, let them fall. qVKeLhPETu0-00026-00008425-00008765 So inhaling up and exhaling down. qVKeLhPETu0-00027-00008765-00009039 I’m going to turn to the side so you can see. As I inhale, qVKeLhPETu0-00028-00009069-00009462 I want my chest to rise, my tailbone to drop. As I come down, qVKeLhPETu0-00029-00009462-00009672 I want my tailbone to tuck and my chest to sink qVKeLhPETu0-00030-00009676-00010270 so it’s a little bit of a wave of energy up and down my spine. qVKeLhPETu0-00031-00010270-00010543 So with each inhale we’re coming up. qVKeLhPETu0-00032-00010543-00010874 And each exhale we’re coming down. qVKeLhPETu0-00033-00010874-00011111 So we're starting to get a sense of flow, qVKeLhPETu0-00034-00011111-00011448 a sense of the breath, allowing it to slow down and calm our mind. qVKeLhPETu0-00035-00011474-00011835 So now we're going to start to bring our focus into qVKeLhPETu0-00036-00011835-00012015 the metal energy. qVKeLhPETu0-00037-00012015-00012065 Good. qVKeLhPETu0-00038-00012065-00012455 So we're going to bring our index finger and our thumbs to touch. qVKeLhPETu0-00039-00012455-00012849 Our lung meridian and our large intestine meridian are in this ring. qVKeLhPETu0-00040-00012849-00012996 So we're connecting to both of those. qVKeLhPETu0-00041-00012996-00013106 So bring your hands in front of you. qVKeLhPETu0-00042-00013106-00013333 Relax your shoulders. qVKeLhPETu0-00043-00013333-00013700 So now as we inhale, we're going to open our arms up nice and wide. qVKeLhPETu0-00044-00013700-00014020 So let your chest rise, open. qVKeLhPETu0-00045-00014054-00014260 And then as we exhale, qVKeLhPETu0-00046-00014260-00014577 you're going to bring your hands back to face. qVKeLhPETu0-00047-00014577-00014854 Good. So as we inhale open qVKeLhPETu0-00048-00014854-00014988 twisting through the meridians, qVKeLhPETu0-00049-00014988-00015331 opening through the chest and exhaling. qVKeLhPETu0-00050-00015365-00015642 So in this one, with that exhale out qVKeLhPETu0-00051-00015642-00016066 the mouth, we're trying to purge, we're trying to release, we're trying to let go. qVKeLhPETu0-00052-00016066-00016489 Often with our metal energy comes sadness and grief. qVKeLhPETu0-00053-00016489-00017040 So those are the negative, heavy elements, energies that come with metal. qVKeLhPETu0-00054-00017040-00017247 So we're trying to release those. qVKeLhPETu0-00055-00017247-00017831 So as we inhale open, as we exhale, qVKeLhPETu0-00056-00017861-00018181 coming in, so using the breath, qVKeLhPETu0-00057-00018181-00018585 using the movement to open those meridians qVKeLhPETu0-00058-00018685-00018902 and cleaning. qVKeLhPETu0-00059-00018938-00019192 So if you feel a real heaviness, qVKeLhPETu0-00060-00019192-00019399 you can breathe out a little bit more forcefully. qVKeLhPETu0-00061-00019399-00019806 You can use that sound, you can use the heavy breath, qVKeLhPETu0-00062-00019806-00019939 you can use the movement here. qVKeLhPETu0-00063-00019939-00020316 So with your inhale, you open and you expand. qVKeLhPETu0-00064-00020360-00020657 When you exhale, you contract. qVKeLhPETu0-00065-00020697-00021177 We're going to do three more, inhale qVKeLhPETu0-00066-00021274-00021518 and exhale. qVKeLhPETu0-00067-00021554-00021795 Inhale qVKeLhPETu0-00068-00021885-00022048 and exhale. qVKeLhPETu0-00069-00022048-00022325 So our body starts to feel lighter as we purge, qVKeLhPETu0-00070-00022325-00022786 as we purify, as we release. Exhale, good. qVKeLhPETu0-00071-00022786-00023123 And now we're going to relax our hands and slow put them down. qVKeLhPETu0-00072-00023123-00023466 Now we're going to come to a holding posture for this metal element. qVKeLhPETu0-00073-00023466-00023717 You're going to wrap your arms around almost like qVKeLhPETu0-00074-00023717-00024030 you're embracing the tree, but the tree's horizontal. qVKeLhPETu0-00075-00024030-00024507 I like to have the mind that I’m embracing or I'm supporting my intestines. qVKeLhPETu0-00076-00024507-00024711 My large intestines are part of this metal element. qVKeLhPETu0-00077-00024711-00025014 So I'm holding my arms around. qVKeLhPETu0-00078-00025014-00025315 Big curve, relax your shoulders. qVKeLhPETu0-00079-00025315-00025829 So when we take this holding posture, we want to breathe in energy. qVKeLhPETu0-00080-00025829-00026072 You can feel this energy coming into your lungs. qVKeLhPETu0-00081-00026072-00026346 You can feel this coming into your intestines. qVKeLhPETu0-00082-00026346-00026653 This is how we build our energy. qVKeLhPETu0-00083-00026653-00026896 So the holding postures can be a little uncomfortable. qVKeLhPETu0-00084-00026896-00027287 Some of them can cause a little discomfort, a little vibration. qVKeLhPETu0-00085-00027287-00027724 You might go cold, you might feel warm, you might feel pain. qVKeLhPETu0-00086-00027754-00027951 That is part of the energy cleaning. qVKeLhPETu0-00087-00027951-00028274 So as you get new, fresh energy, qVKeLhPETu0-00088-00028308-00028598 it starts to open. qVKeLhPETu0-00089-00028598-00029072 So as you relax, picture energy filling your lungs, qVKeLhPETu0-00090-00029072-00029399 energy filling your large intestines, qVKeLhPETu0-00091-00029439-00029809 helping you to push away that grief. qVKeLhPETu0-00092-00029809-00030003 That sadness. qVKeLhPETu0-00093-00030290-00030440 Good. qVKeLhPETu0-00094-00030440-00030690 So as the chest starts to expand, qVKeLhPETu0-00095-00030690-00031044 as the vibration happens, we're growing this energy in our bodies. qVKeLhPETu0-00096-00031044-00031371 We fill our body with energy, and our second flow qVKeLhPETu0-00097-00031371-00031705 is going to help us circulate the energy. qVKeLhPETu0-00098-00031705-00032165 It's going to help us grow and cultivate the energy we want. qVKeLhPETu0-00099-00032165-00032819 So the more harmonious, the more positive energy of our lungs, of the metal qVKeLhPETu0-00100-00032819-00033139 is our courage, is our intuition. qVKeLhPETu0-00101-00033139-00033400 So through this next flow, that's what we want to build. qVKeLhPETu0-00102-00033400-00033787 So with our inhale, we're going to bring our hands up slowly. qVKeLhPETu0-00103-00033787-00034137 Your hands are going to face your lungs, and then they're going to spiral up qVKeLhPETu0-00104-00034137-00034340 and you just reach up gently above your head. qVKeLhPETu0-00105-00034340-00034561 Not a deep stretch, just up. qVKeLhPETu0-00106-00034561-00034924 And then as you exhale, your hands are going to come back down again. qVKeLhPETu0-00107-00034924-00035058 They're going to face your lungs. qVKeLhPETu0-00108-00035058-00035311 So you're delivering energy. qVKeLhPETu0-00109-00035311-00035812 So we purge the energy away, back down to the supporting the intestines. qVKeLhPETu0-00110-00035812-00036159 Inhale. qVKeLhPETu0-00111-00036369-00036663 Exhale. qVKeLhPETu0-00112-00036663-00037300 So now I'd like you to picture your lungs, your intestines, filling with courage. qVKeLhPETu0-00113-00037417-00037807 Feel your intuition opening. qVKeLhPETu0-00114-00037977-00038368 So each of the elements generally is associate with a color as well. qVKeLhPETu0-00115-00038368-00038651 So white is the color of metal. qVKeLhPETu0-00116-00038651-00039119 So you can picture this beautiful white light filling your lungs, qVKeLhPETu0-00117-00039125-00039382 filling your intestines, qVKeLhPETu0-00118-00039382-00039662 feel your courage growing qVKeLhPETu0-00119-00039662-00039936 feel your intuition opening. qVKeLhPETu0-00120-00040053-00040360 As we create more and more harmony in our body, qVKeLhPETu0-00121-00040473-00040587 we start to feel more qVKeLhPETu0-00122-00040587-00040780 calm and relaxed. qVKeLhPETu0-00123-00041634-00042075 So we inhale, pouring energy into our lungs qVKeLhPETu0-00124-00042152-00042325 as we exhale, qVKeLhPETu0-00125-00042482-00042942 releasing, shoulders melt, body feels more full, more calm. qVKeLhPETu0-00126-00043289-00043440 Good job. qVKeLhPETu0-00127-00043636-00043813 One more full breath here. qVKeLhPETu0-00128-00043813-00044000 Inhaling up, qVKeLhPETu0-00129-00044297-00044477 exhaling down. qVKeLhPETu0-00130-00044748-00045131 Now we're going to bring down the sky, inhaling up qVKeLhPETu0-00131-00045205-00045522 and pull the energy down. qVKeLhPETu0-00132-00045522-00045925 Now we want to kind of harmonize the energy all through our body, qVKeLhPETu0-00133-00045959-00046186 inhaling up qVKeLhPETu0-00134-00046306-00046526 exhaling down. qVKeLhPETu0-00135-00046656-00046860 One more time. qVKeLhPETu0-00136-00047173-00047343 Exhaling down. qVKeLhPETu0-00137-00047343-00047574 As you come down, you can cross your hands. qVKeLhPETu0-00138-00047574-00047871 You can bring them over your 2nd chakra, your lower abdomen. qVKeLhPETu0-00139-00047871-00048361 Bring your feet closer together and gently hold and just gently swaying. qVKeLhPETu0-00140-00048374-00048711 Allow the energy inside your body just to kind of move you. qVKeLhPETu0-00141-00048725-00048832 Swaying. qVKeLhPETu0-00142-00049249-00049486 Allowing your body to relax if you close your eyes. qVKeLhPETu0-00143-00049486-00049682 You can feel the swaying. qVKeLhPETu0-00144-00050296-00050984 So here we're trying to gather the energy into our 2nd chakra, our lower Dahnjon, qVKeLhPETu0-00145-00050984-00051341 which is the foundation for all the elements above it. qVKeLhPETu0-00146-00052796-00053036 Now you can start to open your feet back a little wider. qVKeLhPETu0-00147-00053036-00053376 You can rub your abdomen clockwise. Big circle. qVKeLhPETu0-00148-00053376-00053636 Moving the energy through your body. qVKeLhPETu0-00149-00053847-00054057 Take a deep breath in qVKeLhPETu0-00150-00054057-00054384 and release. qVKeLhPETu0-00151-00054430-00054751 You may want to shake out some of that tension. qVKeLhPETu0-00152-00054774-00055171 So that was our flow for our metal element and we'll learn qVKeLhPETu0-00153-00055171-00055558 a few more elements and I want to thank you for your practice today. qVKeLhPETu0-00154-00055612-00055815 Kam-sa-ham-nida (Thank you in Korean.) Thank you. qVKeLhPETu0-00155-00055815-00056269 If you would like to experience a full, 1-hour Brain Education based class qVKeLhPETu0-00156-00056269-00056569 please visit a Body & Brain center near you. qWZRx7YM9Xy-00000-00000003-00002226 well YouTube today we're gonna go over to Cole's he's opening also known as the Polish opening qWZRx7YM9Xy-00001-00002226-00002730 basically one before the idea behind one before is why it wants to control the center from a distance qWZRx7YM9Xy-00002-00002730-00003120 with the move there should be to this opening is actually very similar to another hyper-modern qWZRx7YM9Xy-00003-00003120-00003609 opening Koch Larson's opening which starts with 1 B 3 the true major difference is being that qWZRx7YM9Xy-00004-00003609-00004125 number 1 1 before in some ways it's more ambitious because it's trying to control the center without qWZRx7YM9Xy-00005-00004125-00004752 allowing black to defend the e5 square with the move 96 and it's also more dangerous because qWZRx7YM9Xy-00006-00004752-00005250 you're also creating more weak squares in the whites camp and one before it's actually a more qWZRx7YM9Xy-00007-00005250-00005763 a more offbeat move than one we think so 1 B 3 is actually considered somewhat safer according qWZRx7YM9Xy-00008-00005763-00006387 to theory but here let's just go right into the theories so after one before if I of this blacks qWZRx7YM9Xy-00009-00006387-00006806 most electrical reply black wants to place a pawn in the center of the board Rhett were white tries qWZRx7YM9Xy-00010-00006806-00007305 to control it Bishop b2 is White's normal response putting this bishop in the center of the board qWZRx7YM9Xy-00011-00007305-00007842 attacking this point at this point Black has two options black can allow wait to get to this pawn qWZRx7YM9Xy-00012-00007842-00008460 or black and someone try to defend it if black tries to defend it he can not defend it with the qWZRx7YM9Xy-00013-00008460-00009249 move knight c6 because after the move Knight to c6 be 595 he would actually lose the pawn after qWZRx7YM9Xy-00014-00009249-00009741 e3 since the bishop is defending this pawn on d5 the knight would have to retreat and then simply qWZRx7YM9Xy-00015-00009741-00010383 Bishop captures pawn and in this position white is simply up opponent is simply better the knight c6 qWZRx7YM9Xy-00016-00010383-00011127 not being possible leaves black with two options to attempt to defend this point the first option qWZRx7YM9Xy-00017-00011127-00011763 is black could put the move f6 after the move f6 wet would actually switch gears well it would play qWZRx7YM9Xy-00018-00011763-00012261 the movie for this is a move that Fisher actually played when you faced the move f6 the point being qWZRx7YM9Xy-00019-00012261-00012890 is that in Ipoh no paints the move f6 surely isn't all that good so then that sacrifices this point qWZRx7YM9Xy-00020-00012890-00013363 like it's the play Bishop captures before but then white can control the lights course with qWZRx7YM9Xy-00021-00013363-00013853 Bishop c4 now what white actually intends to do here is what actually intends to play sort of qWZRx7YM9Xy-00022-00013853-00014393 a Kings gambit hybrid system which will give white a huge attack considering the black is qWZRx7YM9Xy-00023-00014393-00014999 sorta in this weak f6 move and this diagonal is extremely weak after white continues with moves qWZRx7YM9Xy-00024-00014999-00015758 like say f4 and then at some point Queen h5 and then possibly Knight f3 to h4 White's position qWZRx7YM9Xy-00025-00015758-00016250 is very weak and it's nearly indefensible and Fischer actually won a very nice game with the qWZRx7YM9Xy-00026-00016250-00016760 white pieces and a simultaneous exhibition playing this exact variation and it hasn't been revisited qWZRx7YM9Xy-00027-00016760-00017804 very much simply because of that the other option to defend this point is the move d6 now this is qWZRx7YM9Xy-00028-00017804-00018275 kind of interesting against d6 we actually don't want to play e4 the reason we don't want to play qWZRx7YM9Xy-00029-00018275-00018878 efore is oftentimes d6 will actually run into the move after efore we can run into the move qWZRx7YM9Xy-00030-00018878-00019463 a5 the whole point of d6 is black wants to play a types of Kings Indian defense structure where the qWZRx7YM9Xy-00031-00019463-00020501 knight typically goes to d7 this Knight goes to f6 g6 Bishop g7 and castles if this structure occurs qWZRx7YM9Xy-00032-00020501-00021080 we would very much like to plant white pawns on e4 and e5 or we have free reign over the square qWZRx7YM9Xy-00033-00021080-00021689 c5 at this point black would have a strategically much stronger position if this point ends up on e4 qWZRx7YM9Xy-00034-00021689-00022373 this is why typically after d6 controlling the e5 square white will typically take the other qWZRx7YM9Xy-00035-00022373-00023033 strategy which is to play III and d4 and that way black does not get control of the squares c5 and qWZRx7YM9Xy-00036-00023033-00023513 white manages to keep a firm grip on the center of the board paint can continue developing as qWZRx7YM9Xy-00037-00023513-00024059 pieces naturally these types of positions are usually considered relatively level and it's qWZRx7YM9Xy-00038-00024059-00024512 about an even game for both sides if both sides have a pretty firm grip on what their plans are qWZRx7YM9Xy-00039-00024928-00026233 finally we run into a more modern idea which is after be 45 Bishop b2 what black can actually qWZRx7YM9Xy-00040-00026233-00026658 offer white this one this is a more modern idea because back when this opening first qWZRx7YM9Xy-00041-00026658-00027118 started getting played people thought that this idea of allowing liked kept 25 wasn't qWZRx7YM9Xy-00042-00027118-00027775 very good because it gave white this very small positional advantage after Bishop takes before qWZRx7YM9Xy-00043-00027775-00028408 Bishop e5 Knight f6 you've actually exchanged a winged pawn for a central point which gives way qWZRx7YM9Xy-00044-00028408-00028888 a 3-2 pawn majority in the center of the board and it allows white to have a future advantage qWZRx7YM9Xy-00045-00028888-00029311 in the middle of the board similar to advantages that you would see us say a Sicilian defense for qWZRx7YM9Xy-00046-00029311-00029944 the black site in this case though it turns out that it's actually actually kind of difficult qWZRx7YM9Xy-00047-00029944-00030442 for white to activate this majority and there was one particular line that was giving away qWZRx7YM9Xy-00048-00030442-00031198 headaches for the longest time and that way and and that line proceeded after Knight f3 d5 III qWZRx7YM9Xy-00049-00031198-00031989 castles King side Bishop e2 c5 notice that white can't play d4 in this position because qWZRx7YM9Xy-00050-00031989-00032413 of this temporary pin nor has he been able to play d4 in this position for the last several qWZRx7YM9Xy-00051-00032413-00033163 moves after castles black and funds play 96 we can finally play d4 here but in this case white qWZRx7YM9Xy-00052-00033163-00033583 doesn't want to do it at the expense of losing his Bishop fare so he's forced to retreat his Bishop qWZRx7YM9Xy-00053-00033583-00034099 g3 is a better retreat square than b2 in this case when you'll see why a normal move because qWZRx7YM9Xy-00054-00034099-00034672 black continues with the move d4 this basically nullifies White's pawn majority in the center of qWZRx7YM9Xy-00055-00034672-00035158 the board even though white has a pawn majority he's unable to activate it and because of this qWZRx7YM9Xy-00056-00035158-00035560 blacks position is probably a little bit stronger here black has more space black has more freedom qWZRx7YM9Xy-00057-00035560-00035968 of movement and black is doing a little bit better and this was actually putting a stop to qWZRx7YM9Xy-00058-00035968-00036445 the Polish for many years and there were actually quite a few Polish players the bringing in even qWZRx7YM9Xy-00059-00036445-00036784 worse trouble because they weren't refraining the Bishop to g3 they were trading the Bishop qWZRx7YM9Xy-00060-00036784-00037219 to b2 and in this situation the Bishop ends up getting trapped on this side of the board and qWZRx7YM9Xy-00061-00037219-00037795 the King side becomes extremely extremely weak in this case is very good for black because black qWZRx7YM9Xy-00062-00037795-00038563 has a typical isolated queen pawn attack where he will play Bishop a5 Bishop c7 continue with qWZRx7YM9Xy-00063-00038563-00039148 moves like Bishop c4 rook e8 Queen d6 and if these points get exchanged you can see this is qWZRx7YM9Xy-00064-00039148-00039700 an isolated queen pawn and he gets this typical attack against the White King that's very very qWZRx7YM9Xy-00065-00039700-00040198 difficult to meet and very difficult to stop and all blacks pieces can come into this attack and qWZRx7YM9Xy-00066-00040198-00040909 all of blacks pieces involved and this was really putting this opening to shame for several years to qWZRx7YM9Xy-00067-00040909-00041644 where the best practitioners we're having a very difficult time playing it however there is an qWZRx7YM9Xy-00068-00041644-00042997 alternative to this strategy if you want to take up this opening is white after the move Bishop b2 qWZRx7YM9Xy-00069-00042997-00043729 Bishop takes before Bishop takes e5 Knight f6 your best move here is the immediate seaport after the qWZRx7YM9Xy-00070-00043729-00044296 immediate support it's not really possible for black to play immediate d5 c5 and d4 because as qWZRx7YM9Xy-00071-00044296-00044749 soon as the pond comes to d5 he can simply place he captures d5 and you'll still have some type of qWZRx7YM9Xy-00072-00044749-00045154 bone majority in the center that can be used and then you can proceed to finish your development qWZRx7YM9Xy-00073-00045154-00045754 with moves like III Knight f3 Bishop b2 castles King side and then finally d4 and again when the qWZRx7YM9Xy-00074-00045754-00046306 bishop is attacked it will likely retreat to g3 instead of b2 although in this case B 2 is on qWZRx7YM9Xy-00075-00046306-00046768 slightly more viable option because you could then move this pawn to d3 instead of d4 if you qWZRx7YM9Xy-00076-00046768-00047446 wanted to so this is totally reasonable position for for white is about a level position actually qWZRx7YM9Xy-00077-00047446-00047851 is approximately equal in it's very similar to positions that you see on Sicilian defense qWZRx7YM9Xy-00078-00048297-00049272 so be for alternatives to e5 there's several alternatives to eat but most of which are qWZRx7YM9Xy-00079-00049272-00049734 actually attempted directly refuting this plants doing with d4 and there should be two the first qWZRx7YM9Xy-00080-00049734-00050283 one starts with the move c6 and the idea is to directly refute Bishop b2 with the move Queen qWZRx7YM9Xy-00081-00050283-00050922 b6 you put pressure on this B pond and if white chooses to defend with the move a3 we play a 5 qWZRx7YM9Xy-00082-00050922-00051341 putting direct pressure and at this point it almost seems like what it would have to play qWZRx7YM9Xy-00083-00051341-00051969 a move like c3 or Bishop c3 to try to defend this pawn if Bishop c3 we actually lose the pond after qWZRx7YM9Xy-00084-00051969-00052517 a be 484 or takes a 1 Bishop takes a 1 Queen takes before something wins upon so it seems like the qWZRx7YM9Xy-00085-00052517-00052967 most serious force which would block inhibition and if the bishop gets blocked in clearly this qWZRx7YM9Xy-00086-00052967-00053346 is a better position for black because we've refuted by its main strategy and created about qWZRx7YM9Xy-00087-00053346-00053883 these however there is an alternative for white instead of pushing the pawn with one square we qWZRx7YM9Xy-00088-00053883-00054341 can take advantage of the misplaced black queen and we can push the pawn up two squares and after qWZRx7YM9Xy-00089-00054341-00054879 eight captures before we can play this tactical concept we can play c5 attacking the Queen and qWZRx7YM9Xy-00090-00054879-00055355 then the Queen cannot actually take the pawn because then we have eight captures before qWZRx7YM9Xy-00091-00055355-00055800 which is a double attack against the Queen and against the rook which wins materials because of qWZRx7YM9Xy-00092-00055800-00056658 this trap after c5 the Queen would have to retreat in which case we could play a captures before and qWZRx7YM9Xy-00093-00056658-00057153 after the exchange of rooks White's position is perfectly acceptable because he still controls the qWZRx7YM9Xy-00094-00057153-00057629 long diagonal on these games from space on the Queensland the second attempt at refuting this qWZRx7YM9Xy-00095-00057629-00058203 opening directly is still the most e6 but instead of miss placing the Queen we simply choose not to qWZRx7YM9Xy-00096-00058203-00059004 misplace the Queen after Bishop b2 we simply put a 5 immediately 85 immediate is a very strong move qWZRx7YM9Xy-00097-00059004-00059460 of white continues with a3 with the same concept discussed previously we would play any captures qWZRx7YM9Xy-00098-00059460-00060147 before a catch before rook a 1 fish a big one and not we b6 and at this point white we'd have qWZRx7YM9Xy-00099-00060147-00060716 no choice but would have to play Bishop c3 which would loose upon tonight a6 or white could play qWZRx7YM9Xy-00100-00060716-00061224 pawn c3 in which case again we strategically destroy this piece and this is a success story qWZRx7YM9Xy-00101-00061224-00061911 for black however again white has an alternative and that alternative is an aggressive tactical qWZRx7YM9Xy-00102-00061911-00062610 reply wait you play the positional sacrifice b5 at this point black has two options black can qWZRx7YM9Xy-00103-00062610-00063066 we leave this pawn here in which case white can simply defend it with e3 or exchange it off with a qWZRx7YM9Xy-00104-00063066-00063672 move like say be captured c6 where black can take it on this move or on the next move with the move qWZRx7YM9Xy-00105-00063672-00064251 C captures b5 at this point why it would continue aggressively with the move key for threatening the qWZRx7YM9Xy-00106-00064251-00064824 spawn notice white is starting to achieve a large lead and development here if the one pushes itself qWZRx7YM9Xy-00107-00064824-00065514 we can play a few pawn sacrifice with a three a captures Knight captures massive development qWZRx7YM9Xy-00108-00065514-00065931 Li for white with a position very similar to one you would see out of a Banco gambit although this qWZRx7YM9Xy-00109-00065931-00066435 is a superior Banco gambit for white because now black has several weaknesses that white can play qWZRx7YM9Xy-00110-00066435-00067194 into and white already has a large development lead another waiting that black can play this is qWZRx7YM9Xy-00111-00067194-00067599 instead of before black can try to hold the plum this is actually somewhat disastrous after Knight qWZRx7YM9Xy-00112-00067599-00068166 c3 before and then 95 hitting the Queen again weight is a huge development lead threatening qWZRx7YM9Xy-00113-00068166-00068697 Knight to c7 and this position is actually very very difficult for black to hold on a move like qWZRx7YM9Xy-00114-00068697-00069123 say Queen c6 which would be quite weak d6 would probably be a little bit better in this case a qWZRx7YM9Xy-00115-00069123-00069666 move like say Bishop b5 creates massive amounts of problems for black to the point where it's qWZRx7YM9Xy-00116-00069666-00070071 actually very difficult to defend you can't take cuz of 97 check picking up the Queen qWZRx7YM9Xy-00117-00070071-00070446 you'd be forced to make another Queen move and then white can make even another development qWZRx7YM9Xy-00118-00070446-00070767 move with Knight f3 with threatens another threatening move which would threaten another qWZRx7YM9Xy-00119-00070767-00071244 move like say Bishop in five this position is very very strong for white I would say that qWZRx7YM9Xy-00120-00071244-00071610 white in spite of being on point is probably slightly better here especially considering qWZRx7YM9Xy-00121-00071610-00072054 he can push a three at any point and continue with another very favorable Quantic reflects qWZRx7YM9Xy-00122-00072561-00073335 so because those two direct reputations fail to impress other attempts at refuting the position qWZRx7YM9Xy-00123-00073335-00073863 have been tried mainly the main attempt to refute the position has been an attempted d5 Bishop b2 qWZRx7YM9Xy-00124-00073863-00074517 Queen b6 a3 and Cindy fight the idea behind this is simply to take the whole center without having qWZRx7YM9Xy-00125-00074517-00074925 any real downsides unlike in other positions where you had to play a move like f6 to try to qWZRx7YM9Xy-00126-00074925-00075351 go for the middle of the board in this situation all you've done is misplaced you mean I would qWZRx7YM9Xy-00127-00075351-00075807 say it at this position although it's a very scary and very dangerous thing to look at from the white qWZRx7YM9Xy-00128-00075807-00076188 perspective I would say that White's actually probably okay and the position is probably still qWZRx7YM9Xy-00129-00076188-00076659 approximately equal even though black gets a firm grip on the center of the board his queen qWZRx7YM9Xy-00130-00076659-00077202 is exposed and white doesn't have to develop in a way that puts his pieces in any real danger y can qWZRx7YM9Xy-00131-00077202-00077736 continue with moves like III and c4 immediately which will put some pressure on this misplaced qWZRx7YM9Xy-00132-00077736-00078252 Queen and it's actually somewhat awkward for black to continuous development with this Queen play 76 qWZRx7YM9Xy-00133-00078252-00078750 and without having a clear idea of where to go and then white can just continue developing his pieces qWZRx7YM9Xy-00134-00078750-00079467 in sort of normal and natural ways and castling and keeping this open diagonal and keeping qWZRx7YM9Xy-00135-00079467-00079953 pressure on d5 and keeping the option open to play a move like c5 making the Queen feel very awkward qWZRx7YM9Xy-00136-00079953-00080550 and very misplaced and we can eventually capture on d5 and again we'll get to on one point majority qWZRx7YM9Xy-00137-00080550-00081063 and everything will be fine and same thing is true if D captures c4 we again get this similar to on qWZRx7YM9Xy-00138-00081063-00081786 one point majority and everything will be fine so that leads me to what is my recommendation against qWZRx7YM9Xy-00139-00081786-00082218 before for black if black wants to do the most out of the position if black wants to get the most of qWZRx7YM9Xy-00140-00082218-00082605 us the position I would say the most you can hope for it's probably a relatively equal position or qWZRx7YM9Xy-00141-00082605-00083016 a position where perhaps black is slightly better and my recommendation would actually be the crazy qWZRx7YM9Xy-00142-00083016-00083709 move in a 5 which is interchangeable with the move e5 you could play it with E 5 if you want qWZRx7YM9Xy-00143-00083709-00084069 to play something that looks a little bit less crazy but in the end it would be the same idea qWZRx7YM9Xy-00144-00084069-00084813 after Bishop b2 d6 and then say III or a knight of 3 or et cetera you would play the move a5 because qWZRx7YM9Xy-00145-00084813-00085320 you want to try to gain control of the squares c5 once you gain control of squares c5 that could be qWZRx7YM9Xy-00146-00085320-00086103 5 you can play this Kings Indian attack formation with Knight f6 g6 Bishop g7 97 and you're trying qWZRx7YM9Xy-00147-00086103-00086478 to get that firm grip on the square c5 in these positions it's very important that qWZRx7YM9Xy-00148-00086478-00087027 white plays III and 94 so that he can maintain that grip on c5 as well I was in its position qWZRx7YM9Xy-00149-00087027-00087468 is approximately level but keep in mind you can also achieve this position by starting with the qWZRx7YM9Xy-00150-00087468-00087957 move a five trying to get this move B flat and then playing a five on the first couple of moves qWZRx7YM9Xy-00151-00087957-00088377 I think that gives black the best possible chances to try to get some sort of advantage qWZRx7YM9Xy-00152-00088377-00088833 out of this position although this particular position which I think can be achieved kind of qWZRx7YM9Xy-00153-00088833-00089373 by force or this particular structure I think is about level and offers good play for both sides qWZRx7YM9Xy-00154-00089454-00090009 that is one before I hope you enjoyed today the video please like subscribe and share thank you qXkB3vVRq7c-00000-00000280-00000588 - The data tells us we get things wrong a lot qXkB3vVRq7c-00001-00000588-00000824 and I think often, though, we get caught up, qXkB3vVRq7c-00002-00000824-00001006 including as entrepreneurs, qXkB3vVRq7c-00003-00001006-00001112 certainly as politicians, qXkB3vVRq7c-00004-00001112-00001346 in wanting to be right, qXkB3vVRq7c-00005-00001346-00001680 and so I think we always have to embrace qXkB3vVRq7c-00006-00001824-00002083 and even celebrate each other's failures, qXkB3vVRq7c-00007-00002083-00002362 and we have to be open and vulnerable qXkB3vVRq7c-00008-00002362-00002714 and know that we never know what we don't know, qXkB3vVRq7c-00009-00002714-00003053 and yet also not have that undermine our confidence qXkB3vVRq7c-00010-00003053-00003258 to believe that we have something meaningful qXkB3vVRq7c-00011-00003258-00003438 to offer and contribute, qXkB3vVRq7c-00012-00003438-00003701 and so trust is a big thing for me. qXkB3vVRq7c-00013-00003701-00003895 I think when people really trust each other qXkB3vVRq7c-00014-00003895-00004301 they can work together in service of a shared intention, qXkB3vVRq7c-00015-00004301-00004658 and doesn't matter if I'm right or I'm wrong along the way qXkB3vVRq7c-00016-00004658-00005002 to doing something to make the world a better place. qXkB3vVRq7c-00017-00005002-00005433 It really matters that I trust that I can be qXkB3vVRq7c-00018-00005433-00005638 working authentically with other people to do it, qXkB3vVRq7c-00019-00005638-00005889 and that they trust me that I'm working in service of that. qXkB3vVRq7c-00020-00005889-00006102 So there's a human vulnerability, qXkB3vVRq7c-00021-00006102-00006361 a human connection aspect to this qXkB3vVRq7c-00022-00006361-00006700 that I think is fundamental to making technical teams qXkB3vVRq7c-00023-00006700-00006903 build solutions that actually work, qXkB3vVRq7c-00024-00006903-00007311 that don't get caught up in the need to be right. qYweoB_A_PQ-00000-00000003-00000423 hello good people welcome back to some quarantine content this video is gonna qYweoB_A_PQ-00001-00000423-00000915 be interesting and you may be wondering why well we have two coolers from qYweoB_A_PQ-00002-00000915-00001602 Zalman I know right Zalman so this is the CNPS20x qYweoB_A_PQ-00003-00001602-00002166 the big boy the duel tower design Kimmy and this is the CNPS17X qYweoB_A_PQ-00004-00002166-00002649 I hope I got that right anyways these brand-new coolers sort of popped qYweoB_A_PQ-00005-00002649-00003044 into the radar when we started catching a few videos and articles having them qYweoB_A_PQ-00006-00003044-00003497 shown either matching or beating some of the most popular air coolers available qYweoB_A_PQ-00007-00003497-00004055 on the market today and yes that does include the Noctua NH-D15 and the U12a qYweoB_A_PQ-00008-00004055-00004653 so fun popular request we finally have them here so can these new CNPS models qYweoB_A_PQ-00009-00004653-00005048 really beat the best of the best even during quarantine everyone here was qYweoB_A_PQ-00010-00005048-00005502 anxious to see the results like really really anxious since Zalman has more qYweoB_A_PQ-00011-00005502-00005844 than 20 years of cooling experience and they have some pretty big claims about qYweoB_A_PQ-00012-00005844-00006085 these coolers too but does that really matter qYweoB_A_PQ-00013-00006085-00006654 let's find out after this power up your PC with be quite straight power Levin qYweoB_A_PQ-00014-00006654-00007020 platinum series featuring 80 plus platinum efficiency a fully modular qYweoB_A_PQ-00015-00007020-00007488 design high-quality Japanese capacitors and a silent wings fan that's optimized qYweoB_A_PQ-00016-00007488-00007902 for air flow and silence choose be quiet and your components will thank you qYweoB_A_PQ-00017-00007902-00008289 alright so let's start at the top of things with pricing and like most qYweoB_A_PQ-00018-00008289-00008790 high-end air coolers these will burn a hole through your pocket the CNPS20X qYweoB_A_PQ-00019-00008790-00009515 is $100 u.s. so the same as the Noctua nh-d15 Chromax while the CNPS17X is qYweoB_A_PQ-00020-00009515-00010071 $70 which hits somewhere between the Noctua u12s and the U12a or aligned qYweoB_A_PQ-00021-00010071-00010425 perfectly with the u14s now for the purpose of this video I'll be addressing qYweoB_A_PQ-00022-00010425-00010907 these colors as the CNPS20X and these CNPS17X now for the looks well opinions about qYweoB_A_PQ-00023-00010907-00011322 that will be super personal I like to stealth approach not to a be quite in qYweoB_A_PQ-00024-00011322-00011763 sight take with their coolers but if you want something with RGB then Zalman has qYweoB_A_PQ-00025-00011763-00012107 you covered or if you don't like all that bling you can just turn off the qYweoB_A_PQ-00026-00012107-00012446 illumination in your motherboard software both these coolers have very qYweoB_A_PQ-00027-00012446-00012894 similar designs with the CNPS17x being much more compact it uses a pretty qYweoB_A_PQ-00028-00012894-00013197 traditional design with a very interesting open frame qYweoB_A_PQ-00029-00013197-00013623 140 millimeter fan for size comparison it's a little bit bigger than he knocked qYweoB_A_PQ-00030-00013623-00014137 to A U12 taking a look at the fin array Zalman created what they call a 4D qYweoB_A_PQ-00031-00014137-00014541 corrugated design that leads to a more efficient airflow through the aluminum qYweoB_A_PQ-00032-00014541-00014947 fins so the fans don't have to produce as much static pressure qYweoB_A_PQ-00033-00014947-00015504 oh and that copper area is just aluminum with a simple electroplating but it does qYweoB_A_PQ-00034-00015504-00015940 look pretty cool the 5 heat pipes run down into a base that's polished to a qYweoB_A_PQ-00035-00015940-00016545 mirror finish now about the CNPS20X well it's basically a super-sized CNPS17X with qYweoB_A_PQ-00036-00016545-00017034 dual cooling towers and a pair of fans instead of five heat pipes it uses six qYweoB_A_PQ-00037-00017034-00017422 slightly larger ones that run up into the fins and from a size perspective qYweoB_A_PQ-00038-00017422-00017982 it's comparable to the Noctua NH-D15 but it's also a bit taller one of the qYweoB_A_PQ-00039-00017982-00018381 things I really want to focus on are the unique fans zelmans using here and of qYweoB_A_PQ-00040-00018381-00018790 course the RGB will be the first thing you will see the elimination comes from qYweoB_A_PQ-00041-00018790-00019195 an area in the middle which is super bright and it's kind of impossible to qYweoB_A_PQ-00042-00019195-00019747 show the individual LEDs on the center but it's also kind of painful to look at qYweoB_A_PQ-00043-00019747-00020229 as well the light then spills into a four clear plastic area there's a couple qYweoB_A_PQ-00044-00020229-00020740 of issues here first of all the NCPS20X and the CNPS17X use a non-standard mounting qYweoB_A_PQ-00045-00020740-00021109 mechanism so it's impossible to switch them out for higher performance fans qYweoB_A_PQ-00046-00021109-00021634 also you'll need to mount them onto fan guides yourselves and that involves a qYweoB_A_PQ-00047-00021634-00022153 bunch of small screws a ton of flimsy plastic and some metal Clips it's a qYweoB_A_PQ-00048-00022153-00022612 total total pain in the butt guys speaking of installation prepared to be qYweoB_A_PQ-00049-00022612-00022978 completely overwhelmed here because when you open the box and start taking out qYweoB_A_PQ-00050-00022978-00023316 the hardware there are tons of small bits and pieces that are needed to put qYweoB_A_PQ-00051-00023316-00023716 these coolers together and none of the bags are labeled so that just adds some qYweoB_A_PQ-00052-00023716-00024250 confusion like I said just a single fan needs a lot of pieces but that's just a qYweoB_A_PQ-00053-00024250-00024628 tip of the iceberg especially if you're using an AMD or lower end Intel system qYweoB_A_PQ-00054-00024628-00025131 or a Zed or H series motherboard let's start with mounting this on an x2 9 on qYweoB_A_PQ-00055-00025131-00025632 board since that's the simplest sorta first up you screw in for standoffs and qYweoB_A_PQ-00056-00025632-00025963 then mount a cross plate with four bolts now you can either do this vertically or qYweoB_A_PQ-00057-00025963-00026334 horizontally depending on the configuration you prefer just watch out qYweoB_A_PQ-00058-00026334-00026758 the plate has holes for all intel socket and both positions will actually fit on qYweoB_A_PQ-00059-00026758-00027258 a 26-6 system but only one will allow you to properly mount the cooler just qYweoB_A_PQ-00060-00027258-00027676 make sure to use the outer holes and everything will go fine the next part is qYweoB_A_PQ-00061-00027676-00028081 the same for every installation on AMD and Intel you'll need to carefully align qYweoB_A_PQ-00062-00028081-00028444 the screws with these threaded studs which is pretty straightforward on the qYweoB_A_PQ-00063-00028444-00029158 CNPS17X since they're easily accessible now for the CNPS20X you'll need longer qYweoB_A_PQ-00064-00029158-00029577 Phillips head screwdrivers and the screws are magnetic so threading them qYweoB_A_PQ-00065-00029577-00030064 between the towers is a complete or a total pain in the butt to be more qYweoB_A_PQ-00066-00030064-00030469 transparent not only that but shame examine for not including a screwdriver qYweoB_A_PQ-00067-00030469-00030895 with $100 cooler like pretty much everyone else does after that it's just qYweoB_A_PQ-00068-00030895-00031267 a matter of mounting the fans and dealing with the mess of cables coming qYweoB_A_PQ-00069-00031267-00031758 out of them remember each fan has two wires one for the RGB illumination and qYweoB_A_PQ-00070-00031758-00032194 the other for running the fan itself moving on to AMD mounting and this is qYweoB_A_PQ-00071-00032194-00032638 where things get even more complicated and the first thing you'll need is the qYweoB_A_PQ-00072-00032638-00033076 world's most complicated backplane basically this one component is made to qYweoB_A_PQ-00073-00033076-00033613 fit in three aim for and all non HTT Intel motherboards to actually make it qYweoB_A_PQ-00074-00033613-00034036 compatible with any platform you'll need to slip in these small plastic side caps qYweoB_A_PQ-00075-00034036-00034522 and vertical nuts the next step is to apply what Zalman calls they're loading qYweoB_A_PQ-00076-00034522-00034933 block which is a sticky pad that makes sure the backplate doesn't kind of fall qYweoB_A_PQ-00077-00034933-00035380 off and it sort of gets a flush installed to the motherboard if you qYweoB_A_PQ-00078-00035380-00035590 thought the process was overly complicated qYweoB_A_PQ-00079-00035590-00036115 check this out guys you will need to install or tiny washers screw down the qYweoB_A_PQ-00080-00036115-00036628 standoffs position the cross brace and secure that in place guys at this point qYweoB_A_PQ-00081-00036628-00037054 I was wishing for a Noctua or be quiet process finally you just have to qYweoB_A_PQ-00082-00037054-00037546 screw down the heatsink and that's it so with all of that being done qYweoB_A_PQ-00083-00037546-00038020 what about clearances well both coolers have fan clips and that can easily be qYweoB_A_PQ-00084-00038020-00038401 used for avoiding PWM heat sinks and taller memory but there is a bit of a qYweoB_A_PQ-00085-00038401-00038797 problem here as you can see even with the shortest memory I have here it qYweoB_A_PQ-00086-00038797-00039216 causes the fan to be pushed far upwards that'll certainly cause a problem for qYweoB_A_PQ-00087-00039216-00039688 some cases and it's something to keep in mind and now the moment that you've all qYweoB_A_PQ-00088-00039688-00039947 been waiting for the results now just a friendly qYweoB_A_PQ-00089-00039947-00040283 minder for folks who are wondering about our testing methodologies I'll leave a qYweoB_A_PQ-00090-00040283-00040652 link in the description down below that goes through every single detail step by qYweoB_A_PQ-00091-00040652-00041135 step you're welcome kicking things off and oh my both coolers actually post qYweoB_A_PQ-00092-00041135-00041540 some of the best numbers we've seen it's actually amazing to see the SMT necks qYweoB_A_PQ-00093-00041540-00042035 keep up with a bunch of dual fan designs while the s20 axe takes a crown and even qYweoB_A_PQ-00094-00042035-00042533 overcomes the d15 one thing I wanted to keep your eyes on is how the CNPS17x qYweoB_A_PQ-00095-00042533-00043013 stacks up with the U14s since both of those are single fan 140 millimeter qYweoB_A_PQ-00096-00043013-00043514 designs that cost about $70 at default fan profile they're pretty quiet too but qYweoB_A_PQ-00097-00043514-00043928 it's obvious that the CNPS17X needed to ramp up at speeds a bit higher to qYweoB_A_PQ-00098-00043928-00044399 compensate for its smaller size then CNPS20x on the other hand is really really qYweoB_A_PQ-00099-00044399-00044801 impressive guys pushing fan speeds to a thousand rpms shows some interesting qYweoB_A_PQ-00100-00044801-00045326 results with the CNPS20x improving over the stock test while the CNPS17X qYweoB_A_PQ-00101-00045326-00045749 actually sees higher temperatures the reason for that is pretty simple qYweoB_A_PQ-00102-00045749-00046088 that the default fan speed profile the smaller cooler ended up running over a qYweoB_A_PQ-00103-00046088-00046604 thousand rpms while the CNPS20x ran below that speed the noise readings qYweoB_A_PQ-00104-00046604-00047006 proved the situation even though the CNPS20X takes the crown in temperatures it qYweoB_A_PQ-00105-00047006-00047489 does start getting quite a bit louder but seriously to the naked ear it's qYweoB_A_PQ-00106-00047489-00048020 literally just as loud as the D15 and that's pretty impressive the CNPS17X on qYweoB_A_PQ-00107-00048020-00048437 the other hand not too great since it got beaten by the U14s in both qYweoB_A_PQ-00108-00048437-00048779 temperature and noise in this test bumping up to full speed and the qYweoB_A_PQ-00109-00048779-00049166 improvements aren't really all that worth a while personally I think this is qYweoB_A_PQ-00110-00049166-00049526 because both coolers were already operating near their peak efficiency at qYweoB_A_PQ-00111-00049526-00050000 stock CPU speeds so pushing more air through them wasn't going to do that qYweoB_A_PQ-00112-00050000-00050402 much so this is the first sign of concern as Zalman fans start heading qYweoB_A_PQ-00113-00050402-00050852 above 1,200 rpms the amount of noise being produced increases exponentially qYweoB_A_PQ-00114-00050852-00051290 and that's likely due to their unique design the Noctua coolers are clearly qYweoB_A_PQ-00115-00051290-00051650 superior here now before I get into the overclocking results I do want to qYweoB_A_PQ-00116-00051650-00052108 quickly sum up the stock CPU results because zelmans performance on our 1080 qYweoB_A_PQ-00117-00052108-00052741 HD can be used as a great representation on how the CNPS17X and the CNPS20X would qYweoB_A_PQ-00118-00052741-00053147 stack up on lower wattage processors for example I'm sure that the results will qYweoB_A_PQ-00119-00053147-00053741 be very similar to these on a Ryzenn 9 3950X or a 9900K but qYweoB_A_PQ-00120-00053741-00054218 overclocking me 10 and a exe separates the men from the boys and I should also qYweoB_A_PQ-00121-00054218-00054723 mention that this pushes thermals above what these smaller CNPS17X is weighted qYweoB_A_PQ-00122-00054723-00055208 for well the first shock is the SMT next held on for all of its life and actually qYweoB_A_PQ-00123-00055208-00055623 cooled the CPU to a point where it didn't throttle but what I want my qYweoB_A_PQ-00124-00055623-00056136 processor regularly chugging along 101 degrees probably not on the other hand qYweoB_A_PQ-00125-00056136-00056604 the NCPS20x ended up beating the dark rock pro but the D15 started to pull qYweoB_A_PQ-00126-00056604-00057020 away with this one both coolers also started to get pretty loud with the qYweoB_A_PQ-00127-00057020-00057504 smaller one running at a hundred percent fan speed the whole time it's important qYweoB_A_PQ-00128-00057504-00057920 to note that the you 14s got similar temperatures but it's much quieter than qYweoB_A_PQ-00129-00057920-00058473 the CNPS17X the CNPS20X the bigger boy hits a point where it became the loudest qYweoB_A_PQ-00130-00058473-00058913 cooler in this test running the fans that at constant RPMs has the CNPS20X qYweoB_A_PQ-00131-00058913-00059366 delivering really respectable results but they're still not good enough to qYweoB_A_PQ-00132-00059366-00059930 pull ahead of knock to his beast and that CNPS17X well it's overwhelmed at qYweoB_A_PQ-00133-00059930-00060324 this point but that was expected the last test just repeats what we've qYweoB_A_PQ-00134-00060324-00060774 already seen and with that I think it's time to wrap this up so is the CNPS20X qYweoB_A_PQ-00135-00060774-00061211 the big boy ain't not too a killer well that actually depends on how you qYweoB_A_PQ-00136-00061211-00061629 look at things you see for lower thermal loads it actually ends up beating the D15 qYweoB_A_PQ-00137-00061629-00062132 while operating at some more decibel levels but as you start to increase the qYweoB_A_PQ-00138-00062132-00062567 heat load the D15 sort of stays ahead while remaining quieter if you want qYweoB_A_PQ-00139-00062567-00063014 bragging rights for having the best RGB air cooler on the block this is it just qYweoB_A_PQ-00140-00063014-00063395 be mindful that Salman's competition is miles ahead when it comes to ease of qYweoB_A_PQ-00141-00063395-00063824 installation now what about these smaller CNPS17X I can't believe I qYweoB_A_PQ-00142-00063824-00064238 actually remember this off the top my head but anyways it offers overall great qYweoB_A_PQ-00143-00064238-00064607 performance and good acoustics as you know we haven't come across an air qYweoB_A_PQ-00144-00064607-00065111 cooler than offers RGB lining now if you don't really care about all the RGB qYweoB_A_PQ-00145-00065111-00065501 goodness and all that stuff and if you don't mind the color scheme or the way qYweoB_A_PQ-00146-00065501-00066066 how it looks you're actually better off with the Noctua u 14s I mean sure it's qYweoB_A_PQ-00147-00066066-00066504 that color that you'll have to get used to but for $70 it's an overall great qYweoB_A_PQ-00148-00066504-00066832 option but there's also these Scythe Fuma 2 qYweoB_A_PQ-00149-00066832-00067321 that's around $60 which offers heaps of value provided that you can actually qYweoB_A_PQ-00150-00067321-00067936 find one on sale so on that note I think it's time to wrap this up let me know if qYweoB_A_PQ-00151-00067936-00068302 you guys are interested or if you have any other air coolers that you'd like us qYweoB_A_PQ-00152-00068302-00068680 to check out we'll definitely add them to our testing qYweoB_A_PQ-00153-00068680-00069208 I'm Eva with Hardware Canucks thank you so much for watching stay safe and it's qYweoB_A_PQ-00154-00069208-00069525 been responsibly my friends qawRFl15hGy-00000-00000000-00000293 Hello everyone my name is Heather Moorefield-Lang and this is my YouTube qawRFl15hGy-00001-00000293-00000851 channel Tech 15 and today I'm going to be talking to you about poets post org qawRFl15hGy-00002-00000851-00001362 is a wonderful tool if you are looking to find information material about qawRFl15hGy-00003-00001362-00001882 poetry literature for classes in those areas it can be used for history qawRFl15hGy-00004-00001882-00002477 language arts literature writing and I'm going to show you very quickly how to qawRFl15hGy-00005-00002477-00002984 use this amazing resource first I'm going to scroll down to the bottom this qawRFl15hGy-00006-00002984-00003360 is brought to you by the Academy of American poets you can find out more qawRFl15hGy-00007-00003360-00003786 about this particular site at the bottom you can find out about poems for kids qawRFl15hGy-00008-00003786-00004196 poets poetry near you and also if you look at materials for teachers qawRFl15hGy-00009-00004196-00004719 everything is free but you can find out about resources signing up for qawRFl15hGy-00010-00004719-00005282 information roundup of poems for school subjects selections of student letters qawRFl15hGy-00011-00005282-00005805 you can also get poetry for the classroom teach a poem join the educator qawRFl15hGy-00012-00005805-00006344 community you can have a poem a day sent to you you can have materials for qawRFl15hGy-00013-00006344-00006792 teachers sent to you you can have all different types of information you can qawRFl15hGy-00014-00006792-00007181 browse lesson plans you have all different types of information all qawRFl15hGy-00015-00007181-00007593 available here for you they have educators and reference in qawRFl15hGy-00016-00007593-00008045 residents excuse me all types of information that is available for you qawRFl15hGy-00017-00008045-00008450 here with this particular tool currently they have it aligned with common core qawRFl15hGy-00018-00008450-00008882 standards of course many of that is changing currently with every student qawRFl15hGy-00019-00008882-00009315 succeeds act so on and so forth some of us do not have Common Core State qawRFl15hGy-00020-00009315-00009846 Standards that is alright still an incredibly useful tool so let me just qawRFl15hGy-00021-00009846-00010490 show you how to quickly browse poems org poets org you can look here on the side qawRFl15hGy-00022-00010490-00010899 and you can browse poems and poets you can look at poem add a materials for qawRFl15hGy-00023-00010899-00011346 teachers and your search boxes here in the upper right hand corner so let's say qawRFl15hGy-00024-00011346-00011796 that I want to look for Poe for Edgar Allen Poe and when you look for Poe you qawRFl15hGy-00025-00011796-00012195 can look for your poets by last name you can also look by topic you can also go qawRFl15hGy-00026-00012195-00012684 into advanced search like most databases you're going to get information about qawRFl15hGy-00027-00012684-00013194 the poet texts archives contributors all different types of information and when qawRFl15hGy-00028-00013194-00013488 I click on Poe you're going to get information about qawRFl15hGy-00029-00013488-00013999 him you're going to get related schools of movement text by this poet qawRFl15hGy-00030-00013999-00014536 you can browse his text you can also get texts about this poet and then when you qawRFl15hGy-00031-00014536-00015043 scroll to the bottom you're going to see selected biographies poets fiction that qawRFl15hGy-00032-00015043-00015511 are available here and then you can also browse the poems that are available at qawRFl15hGy-00033-00015511-00016090 poet's org and so you can click on read and you can also browse here by qawRFl15hGy-00034-00016090-00016717 occasions themes and forms so if I want to be able to read Annabel Lee I can qawRFl15hGy-00035-00016717-00017161 pull it up I can look at it I can read it currently this does not read out loud qawRFl15hGy-00036-00017161-00017875 to our students and to us but we have each other we have our fellow students qawRFl15hGy-00037-00017875-00018478 and we also have screen readers for our students who are visually not able and qawRFl15hGy-00038-00018478-00019018 so there are multiple ways that you can use this particular tool if we go back qawRFl15hGy-00039-00019018-00019504 to the library you can also search by occasions themes forms schools and qawRFl15hGy-00040-00019504-00020076 movement here if you're looking at areas themes in particular so if you want to qawRFl15hGy-00041-00020076-00020740 look at things such as anxiety Beauty birds childhood dogs poems on dogs if qawRFl15hGy-00042-00020740-00021342 you want to look for occasions such as Earth Day Election Day Memorial Day qawRFl15hGy-00043-00021342-00021808 Valentine's Day and as you can see the many others and so you have multiple qawRFl15hGy-00044-00021808-00022210 areas that you can search for with these particular poems so you have a wide qawRFl15hGy-00045-00022210-00022710 range and then you also have forms everywhere from sento to elegy to qawRFl15hGy-00046-00022710-00023281 sonnets and everything in between so you have a wide range to review through and qawRFl15hGy-00047-00023281-00023755 then you can also look at your schools of movement everywhere from romanticism qawRFl15hGy-00048-00023755-00024250 to Black Mountain to Harlem Renaissance to formalism and so you have a lot of qawRFl15hGy-00049-00024250-00024685 different things to look at a wonderful resource for you and your students to qawRFl15hGy-00050-00024685-00025336 use easy to browse through easy to take a look at and I highly recommend taking qawRFl15hGy-00051-00025336-00026029 part seeing what is being offered here by the Academy of American poets hope qawRFl15hGy-00052-00026029-00026695 you enjoy hope you take a look thank you so much more videos to come from Tech 15 qawRFl15hGy-00053-00026695-00027057 take care have a nice day. qaF1mlHXdRI-00000-00000000-00001202 "How do BIP-47 reusable payment codes work?" Now we go to the other end of the technical questions. qaF1mlHXdRI-00001-00001202-00001868 This is not an easy one to explain. qaF1mlHXdRI-00002-00001868-00003228 BIP-47 reusable payment codes are [the technique] behind the PayNym feature, private payment channels. qaF1mlHXdRI-00003-00003228-00004444 PayNyms and private payment channels with BIP-47 allow you to receive payments from someone... qaF1mlHXdRI-00004-00004444-00005562 where the sender and recipient address [are only known by the sender and receiver of the transaction]. qaF1mlHXdRI-00005-00005562-00006184 You can have a payment sent from one person to another [without revealing their transaction history]. qaF1mlHXdRI-00006-00006184-00006566 The way it works is very complex to explain, qaF1mlHXdRI-00007-00006566-00007650 but imagine Alice and Bob want to pay each other using these private payment channels or payment codes. qaF1mlHXdRI-00008-00007650-00008130 Bob sets up a PayNym, [created from a BIP-47 code], qaF1mlHXdRI-00009-00008130-00008474 which is [derived from] a [type of] hierarchical deterministic wallet. qaF1mlHXdRI-00010-00008474-00010412 Bob [could] publish [an address or] public key under a pseudonym, for example, "Satoshi Nakamoto." qaF1mlHXdRI-00011-00010412-00011202 Bob is monitoring output transactions to that public key, and Alice could just pay that public key. qaF1mlHXdRI-00012-00011202-00011778 The problem is, everybody who knows which [address] belongs to Bob, qaF1mlHXdRI-00013-00011778-00012484 the one advertised as "Satoshi Nakamoto," would be able to see all those payments to Bob. qaF1mlHXdRI-00014-00012484-00013204 That is a problem, if there is no secure mechanism for Bob to get information out about other addresses... qaF1mlHXdRI-00015-00013204-00013462 he would want to get paid [to]. qaF1mlHXdRI-00016-00013462-00013836 So, how do payment codes work around this? qaF1mlHXdRI-00017-00013836-00015378 Alice constructs and sends a special transaction, a notification message, to Bob's "watching" address. qaF1mlHXdRI-00018-00015378-00015968 This [notification message] is not a payment, instead it is an OP_RETURN data output... qaF1mlHXdRI-00019-00015968-00017086 that contains 80 bytes which are the basis for an elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman key exchange. qaF1mlHXdRI-00020-00017086-00017560 This is the part that is difficult to explain. qaF1mlHXdRI-00021-00017560-00018266 Diffie-Hellman key exchanges are a technique invented in the '70s that allows two parties to construct... qaF1mlHXdRI-00022-00018268-00019070 a secret key based on their knowledge of each other's public keys, in such a way that no one can... qaF1mlHXdRI-00023-00019070-00019782 intercept that secret key, and the two parties can use it to communicate with each other. qaF1mlHXdRI-00024-00019782-00020036 This is actually what is used for VPNs. qaF1mlHXdRI-00025-00020036-00020522 When you [connect to] a VPN, you use the public key of the VPN provider and your public key... qaF1mlHXdRI-00026-00020522-00021384 to set up a secret key, which is used to encrypt that particular channel for a period of time, as you use it. qaF1mlHXdRI-00027-00021384-00022382 Alice uses Bob's public key, which was embedded in the PayNym identity, a payment code. qaF1mlHXdRI-00028-00022382-00023594 Then she constructs a secret key, which is used by both Bob and Alice to generate temporary bitcoin addresses.. qaF1mlHXdRI-00029-00023594-00024380 so they can make payments to each other; no one else knows which address(es) it will be... qaF1mlHXdRI-00030-00024380-00024920 without having access to the shared secret between Alice and Bob. qaF1mlHXdRI-00031-00024920-00025639 Once Alice and Bob have exchanged this shared secret, through posting notification transactions, qaF1mlHXdRI-00032-00025639-00026768 they can now exchange more than four billion payments between each that go to seemingly random addresses. qaF1mlHXdRI-00033-00026768-00027362 [They] can generate them for each other without anybody being able to associate... qaF1mlHXdRI-00034-00027362-00027572 [all the addresses] back to the PayNym. qaF1mlHXdRI-00035-00027572-00028872 Essentially, the PayNym is a single pseudonym public address that Bob publishes, so that Alice can pay [him]. qaF1mlHXdRI-00036-00028872-00029939 That is the only thing that is public. It is only used to establish the secret / "stealth" payment channels... qaF1mlHXdRI-00037-00029939-00030472 that allow Alice and Bob to exchange payments [in a way that the association between addresses]... qaF1mlHXdRI-00038-00030472-00030874 is not visible on the blockchain. qaF1mlHXdRI-00039-00030874-00031698 If you were to watch Bob's public address, all you would see are the notification message, qaF1mlHXdRI-00040-00031698-00032080 but you wouldn't be able to [calculate] the [masked payment code] because that is encrypted... qaF1mlHXdRI-00041-00032080-00032474 to Bob's public key. qaF1mlHXdRI-00042-00032474-00033162 You wouldn't be able to see the response that Bob sends back, because that will be encrypted [to Alice]. qaF1mlHXdRI-00043-00033162-00033808 Once they have a common secret, they will be able to send [payments], [to] completely different addresses, qaF1mlHXdRI-00044-00033808-00034142 that you [can't] associate back to the PayNym. qaF1mlHXdRI-00045-00034142-00034616 So, a PayNym is a public identifier, "Hey, it's me. Pay me here." qaF1mlHXdRI-00046-00034616-00034908 [A shared secret is generated through] a series of [messages, to derive new] addresses so that... qaF1mlHXdRI-00047-00034908-00035332 [payments] are not associated with the public PayNym identifier. qaF1mlHXdRI-00048-00035332-00035740 What do reusable payment codes solve? qaF1mlHXdRI-00049-00035740-00036758 This [is useful in] a situation where, if I wanted to be paid by people, I would need to post an address. qaF1mlHXdRI-00050-00036758-00037306 In fact, I already do that. I have an address on my website: '1andreas...' qaF1mlHXdRI-00051-00037306-00037768 People can send donations to it and give me gifts. qaF1mlHXdRI-00052-00037768-00038246 The problem is, everyone can see all the gifts [sent] to that address. qaF1mlHXdRI-00053-00038246-00038828 If I make a public address available, the payments to that public address will also be [visible and associated]? qaF1mlHXdRI-00054-00038828-00039186 I can't [share a] public address [but keep the] transactions [to it] private. qaF1mlHXdRI-00055-00039186-00039468 I can [do that] with reusable payment codes. qaF1mlHXdRI-00056-00039468-00040148 I would be able to post a public identifier that everyone [can use] to [set up] private payment channels, qaF1mlHXdRI-00057-00040148-00040386 but none of the payments are visibly [associated to me]. qaF1mlHXdRI-00058-00040386-00041682 All of the payments are sent based on these privately negotiated elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman key exchanges. qaF1mlHXdRI-00059-00041682-00042130 I hope that was a good explanation. It is a very difficult topic to explain. qaF1mlHXdRI-00060-00042130-00042974 If you look at the Bitcoin Improvement Proposal (BIP-47), it has some very useful charts and diagrams... qaF1mlHXdRI-00061-00042974-00043554 that show the [process] progression from the notification [messages] to the subsequent payments, qaF1mlHXdRI-00062-00043554-00044464 which addresses Alice and Bob are watching, in order to establish this series of "stealth" addresses. qbRX6Z0IsOk-00000-00000256-00000477 >> Dennis: STATE OFFICIALS SAY qbRX6Z0IsOk-00001-00000477-00000483 >> Dennis: STATE OFFICIALS SAY qbRX6Z0IsOk-00002-00000483-00000623 >> Dennis: STATE OFFICIALS SAY MINNESOTA'S INDIVIDUAL HEALTH qbRX6Z0IsOk-00003-00000623-00000630 >> Dennis: STATE OFFICIALS SAY MINNESOTA'S INDIVIDUAL HEALTH qbRX6Z0IsOk-00004-00000630-00000770 >> Dennis: STATE OFFICIALS SAY MINNESOTA'S INDIVIDUAL HEALTH INSURANCE MARKET MAY BE qbRX6Z0IsOk-00005-00000770-00000777 MINNESOTA'S INDIVIDUAL HEALTH INSURANCE MARKET MAY BE qbRX6Z0IsOk-00006-00000777-00001094 MINNESOTA'S INDIVIDUAL HEALTH INSURANCE MARKET MAY BE STABILIZING BUT THERE ARE STILL qbRX6Z0IsOk-00007-00001094-00001101 INSURANCE MARKET MAY BE STABILIZING BUT THERE ARE STILL qbRX6Z0IsOk-00008-00001101-00001474 INSURANCE MARKET MAY BE STABILIZING BUT THERE ARE STILL SIGNS OF TROUBLE. qbRX6Z0IsOk-00009-00001474-00001481 STABILIZING BUT THERE ARE STILL SIGNS OF TROUBLE. qbRX6Z0IsOk-00010-00001481-00001775 STABILIZING BUT THERE ARE STILL SIGNS OF TROUBLE. A STUDY SHOWS INSURERS AREN'T qbRX6Z0IsOk-00011-00001775-00001781 SIGNS OF TROUBLE. A STUDY SHOWS INSURERS AREN'T qbRX6Z0IsOk-00012-00001781-00001938 SIGNS OF TROUBLE. A STUDY SHOWS INSURERS AREN'T LOSING AS MUCH MONEY IN YEARS qbRX6Z0IsOk-00013-00001938-00001945 A STUDY SHOWS INSURERS AREN'T LOSING AS MUCH MONEY IN YEARS qbRX6Z0IsOk-00014-00001945-00001991 A STUDY SHOWS INSURERS AREN'T LOSING AS MUCH MONEY IN YEARS PAST. qbRX6Z0IsOk-00015-00001991-00001998 LOSING AS MUCH MONEY IN YEARS PAST. qbRX6Z0IsOk-00016-00001998-00002445 LOSING AS MUCH MONEY IN YEARS PAST. HEAVY LOSSES IN 2014 AND 2015 qbRX6Z0IsOk-00017-00002445-00002452 PAST. HEAVY LOSSES IN 2014 AND 2015 qbRX6Z0IsOk-00018-00002452-00002662 PAST. HEAVY LOSSES IN 2014 AND 2015 DROVE DOUBLE DIGIT HIKES FOR qbRX6Z0IsOk-00019-00002662-00002669 HEAVY LOSSES IN 2014 AND 2015 DROVE DOUBLE DIGIT HIKES FOR qbRX6Z0IsOk-00020-00002669-00002702 HEAVY LOSSES IN 2014 AND 2015 DROVE DOUBLE DIGIT HIKES FOR SHOPPERS. qbRX6Z0IsOk-00021-00002702-00002709 DROVE DOUBLE DIGIT HIKES FOR SHOPPERS. qbRX6Z0IsOk-00022-00002709-00002982 DROVE DOUBLE DIGIT HIKES FOR SHOPPERS. THE DEPARTMENT SAYS IT SIGNALS qbRX6Z0IsOk-00023-00002982-00002989 SHOPPERS. THE DEPARTMENT SAYS IT SIGNALS qbRX6Z0IsOk-00024-00002989-00003213 SHOPPERS. THE DEPARTMENT SAYS IT SIGNALS THE MARKET STABILIZED AFTER qbRX6Z0IsOk-00025-00003213-00003219 THE DEPARTMENT SAYS IT SIGNALS THE MARKET STABILIZED AFTER qbRX6Z0IsOk-00026-00003219-00003460 THE DEPARTMENT SAYS IT SIGNALS THE MARKET STABILIZED AFTER YEARS OF UNCERTAINTY BUT WARNS qbRX6Z0IsOk-00027-00003460-00003466 THE MARKET STABILIZED AFTER YEARS OF UNCERTAINTY BUT WARNS qbRX6Z0IsOk-00028-00003466-00003837 THE MARKET STABILIZED AFTER YEARS OF UNCERTAINTY BUT WARNS THE SHRINKING SIZE COULD CAUSE qbRX6Z0IsOk-00029-00003837-00003843 YEARS OF UNCERTAINTY BUT WARNS THE SHRINKING SIZE COULD CAUSE qbRX6Z0IsOk-00030-00003843-00003880 YEARS OF UNCERTAINTY BUT WARNS THE SHRINKING SIZE COULD CAUSE PROBLEMS. qbRX6Z0IsOk-00031-00003880-00003887 THE SHRINKING SIZE COULD CAUSE PROBLEMS. qbRX6Z0IsOk-00032-00003887-00004471 THE SHRINKING SIZE COULD CAUSE PROBLEMS. JUST 166,000 MINNESOTANS WERE qbRX6Z0IsOk-00033-00004471-00004477 PROBLEMS. JUST 166,000 MINNESOTANS WERE qbRX6Z0IsOk-00034-00004477-00004661 PROBLEMS. JUST 166,000 MINNESOTANS WERE ENROLLED DOWN FROM 309,000 IN qbRX6Z0IsOk-00035-00004661-00004667 JUST 166,000 MINNESOTANS WERE ENROLLED DOWN FROM 309,000 IN qbRX6Z0IsOk-00036-00004667-00004694 JUST 166,000 MINNESOTANS WERE ENROLLED DOWN FROM 309,000 IN 2015. qbRX6Z0IsOk-00037-00004694-00004701 ENROLLED DOWN FROM 309,000 IN 2015. qbRX6Z0IsOk-00038-00004701-00004994 ENROLLED DOWN FROM 309,000 IN 2015. THE REPORT SAYS HEALTHY qbRX6Z0IsOk-00039-00004994-00005001 2015. THE REPORT SAYS HEALTHY qbRX6Z0IsOk-00040-00005001-00005188 2015. THE REPORT SAYS HEALTHY INDIVIDUALS LEAVING THE MARKET qcGnB5LCwDQ-00000-00000620-00000934 Hi, we're Allan and Sandy from Three Hills qcGnB5LCwDQ-00001-00000934-00001336 and we just purchased a 2017 Dodge Journey CVP qcGnB5LCwDQ-00002-00001336-00001710 from Patsy at Mountain View Chrysler Dodge in Olds. qcGnB5LCwDQ-00003-00001710-00001910 and we are so happy with it! qcGnB5LCwDQ-00004-00001962-00002246 Service is beautiful! qd81zeD4Zhg-00000-00000000-00000632 In my previous anaphrodisiac video I explained the first mechanism how sugar kills your libido. qd81zeD4Zhg-00001-00000680-00000927 Here’s how the nightmare continues… qd81zeD4Zhg-00002-00000974-00001673 If your blood sugar levels go up and down throughout the day, your adrenal glands help the metabolism of sugar by producing cortisol. qd81zeD4Zhg-00003-00001673-00001955 Cortisol is known as the ‘stress hormone’. qd81zeD4Zhg-00004-00001986-00002202 And stress ain’t sexy, darling! qd81zeD4Zhg-00005-00002212-00002740 As your adrenal glands are busy releasing cortisol, they cannot produce DHEA. qd81zeD4Zhg-00006-00002856-00003008 DHEA is a good hormone. qd81zeD4Zhg-00007-00003036-00003324 Check out the site about "why we love DHEA”, qd81zeD4Zhg-00008-00003324-00003824 including weight loss, anti-ageing and combat erectile dysfunctions in men. qd81zeD4Zhg-00009-00003897-00004410 n women DHEA improves sexual wellness, as it is a precursor of testosterone. qd81zeD4Zhg-00010-00004428-00004940 In short, if the two of you want to go up and down, make sure your blood sugar levels aren’t. qd81zeD4Zhg-00011-00004958-00005114 Ciao ciao! qfgtr3EI8_E-00000-00000000-00000200 Destroy anxiety and beat insomnia, qgzC2tg4Clg-00000-00000003-00000473 What's up guys Jason Wardrop here, and we are back with a daily video. We're gonna get nailed down qgzC2tg4Clg-00001-00000474-00000645 We're gonna get focused this week's gonna be awesome qgzC2tg4Clg-00002-00000645-00000980 What are you talking about facebook Messenger YouTube getting more clients? qgzC2tg4Clg-00003-00000980-00001481 And I'm gonna show you guys a way to is 6x your ROI so if you guys want to be a part of all that qgzC2tg4Clg-00004-00001482-00001745 Make sure you subscribe the channel and next to the subscribe button qgzC2tg4Clg-00005-00001746-00002018 There is a little bell and click on that for qgzC2tg4Clg-00006-00002050-00002531 Notifications you guys get notifications every time we launch a new video with that said guys qgzC2tg4Clg-00007-00002532-00002786 Let's dive into this and I want to show you guys how to create a free qgzC2tg4Clg-00008-00002851-00003131 Facebook Messenger bot so you can go through and grow your business qgzC2tg4Clg-00009-00003282-00003872 Alright, so I'm going to show you guys how to go through and create a free Facebook messaging bot and how you can really go qgzC2tg4Clg-00010-00003872-00004346 Through and use this to scale your business this axe is like another email list ax is another text messaging list qgzC2tg4Clg-00011-00004346-00004462 It just is another way to qgzC2tg4Clg-00012-00004462-00004862 broadcast your message your marketing message your promos everything to a qgzC2tg4Clg-00013-00004878-00005213 Specific audience and the cool thing about this is the open rates are through qgzC2tg4Clg-00014-00005223-00005534 The roof because this goes straight to their facebook Messenger qgzC2tg4Clg-00015-00005535-00006168 There was a study done showing that messaging apps are actually more widely used than any of the social media sites so Facebook Instagram YouTube qgzC2tg4Clg-00016-00006178-00006830 Pinschers all those combined messaging apps are actually more widely used alright, so there's a ton of different messaging apps qgzC2tg4Clg-00017-00006831-00007256 But the one I like to use is called mini chat and so mini chat MA and wide qgzC2tg4Clg-00018-00007293-00007556 Ch8 e.com the reason why is it's free? qgzC2tg4Clg-00019-00007600-00008115 To get started and the price and actually is pretty competitive compared to all the other messaging bosses qgzC2tg4Clg-00020-00008115-00008184 I've seen out there qgzC2tg4Clg-00021-00008184-00008618 So you just go to mini chat calm, and you can see get start for free you can check out the pricing qgzC2tg4Clg-00022-00008618-00009032 But honestly when you're just getting started out all you really need is the free version qgzC2tg4Clg-00023-00009052-00009360 Didn't really go through and make a lot of this stuff happen right so are you gonna? qgzC2tg4Clg-00024-00009360-00009789 Do is click get started for free and then let me just jump over to my account so I can show you guys some of qgzC2tg4Clg-00025-00009789-00010079 The backend and show you the insides of everything alright, so here. We are qgzC2tg4Clg-00026-00010079-00010598 This is I just started this actually a little over a month ago, and we're already at 1,200 subscribers qgzC2tg4Clg-00027-00010603-00010768 You can see I've actually qgzC2tg4Clg-00028-00010768-00011231 Added some new techniques the last couple of days that have boosted me quite a bit you can see I went up qgzC2tg4Clg-00029-00011232-00011679 I boosted really quick, and then I kind of plateaued and I'm now I'm boosting again and actually tomorrow qgzC2tg4Clg-00030-00011679-00012035 I'm gonna share new with you guys a video of how to get your first 1000 mini qgzC2tg4Clg-00031-00012036-00012326 chat subscribers absolutely free and the first 30 days qgzC2tg4Clg-00032-00012327-00012720 I'm gonna show you guys exactly what I did and exactly how you guys can duplicate that so qgzC2tg4Clg-00033-00012759-00013289 look out for that video over tomorrow and make sure if you guys are not subscribed make sure you subscribe so you guys can have qgzC2tg4Clg-00034-00013330-00013735 That content 100% free at your disposal. Okay, so as we look at this here qgzC2tg4Clg-00035-00013735-00014310 This is basically how many people you have on your subscriber list so in other words how many people you have on your email list qgzC2tg4Clg-00036-00014311-00014896 So when you go and do a broadcast message, it's gonna go to over 1200 people right here qgzC2tg4Clg-00037-00014896-00015165 Which when you're getting ninety ninety-five percent open rates qgzC2tg4Clg-00038-00015166-00015490 That is a lot of people seeing your marketing material qgzC2tg4Clg-00039-00015503-00016083 Compare with email if you have a thousand people you're gonna see about twenty to twenty-five percent on the high end of people actually qgzC2tg4Clg-00040-00016091-00016608 Opening that message, and then you're gonna have a smaller amount actually clicking on your links qgzC2tg4Clg-00041-00016609-00016888 So just give you guys a quick run-through of how this works qgzC2tg4Clg-00042-00016888-00017104 There's a couple different things so you got the dashboard qgzC2tg4Clg-00043-00017104-00017476 Which shows you how many subscribers you have and if we go over here to growth tools qgzC2tg4Clg-00044-00017476-00017600 These are some cool things qgzC2tg4Clg-00045-00017600-00017977 to increase the number of subscribers that you have and I'm gonna show you qgzC2tg4Clg-00046-00017996-00018474 I'm gonna dive in a lot deeper tomorrow and how to go through and use all this so if we come over here you can qgzC2tg4Clg-00047-00018475-00019041 See these are all my different growth tools and has the metrics and everything if we go to new growth tool so a girl tool qgzC2tg4Clg-00048-00019042-00019396 Think of it is a way to increase the number of subscribers qgzC2tg4Clg-00049-00019427-00020029 So you can have look it's a bar on your website over at the very top where it says hey opt-in qgzC2tg4Clg-00050-00020029-00020470 It's kind of like just a little opt-in type of message or instead of opt-in with their email address or phone number qgzC2tg4Clg-00051-00020483-00021033 they opt-in via facebook Messenger, and now you're able to go through and mark it to them via facebook Messenger or qgzC2tg4Clg-00052-00021107-00021618 You can go have it slide in from the side. It's a Moute pop-up modal. It could take over the whole page qgzC2tg4Clg-00053-00021626-00022035 You can see all these different options. You can actually create a landing page. We're right here qgzC2tg4Clg-00054-00022036-00022195 if you have a Facebook post and qgzC2tg4Clg-00055-00022195-00022689 Somebody comments on that post you can go through and have an automated message follow up with every single person qgzC2tg4Clg-00056-00022706-00023251 that comment on your post and so that you don't have to go through and manually send that message to them so this is a qgzC2tg4Clg-00057-00023251-00023805 Really powerful tool that I've used in the past to go through and grow to my first thousand subscribers where I'll post something and say qgzC2tg4Clg-00058-00023806-00024144 Hey, if you want this comment me or I'm in or something like that below qgzC2tg4Clg-00059-00024145-00024364 And then I'll shoot that to your Facebook Messenger qgzC2tg4Clg-00060-00024364-00024894 and so I shooted to the facebook Messenger and by also them commenting it gets more organic exposure and qgzC2tg4Clg-00061-00024926-00025263 Also, I add more people to my subscriber list all right qgzC2tg4Clg-00062-00025264-00025735 So now if we come over here to broadcast, and this is basically sending an email or text messaging broadcast qgzC2tg4Clg-00063-00025735-00026107 But it's via Facebook messenger, so you can see all the ones that I've done down here below qgzC2tg4Clg-00064-00026107-00026645 We go through and click create new broadcast right here it pops us in and we can go through type her message qgzC2tg4Clg-00065-00026645-00026968 We can add a button so we can say hey send a message open website qgzC2tg4Clg-00066-00026970-00027253 call a phone number or or we can even create a qgzC2tg4Clg-00067-00027264-00027658 Sequence flow which I've actually never really delve into that that's kind of a newer feature qgzC2tg4Clg-00068-00027669-00027968 It's probably a little bit more advanced than any of you guys need right now qgzC2tg4Clg-00069-00027977-00028345 But that is a cool option of having kind of like that marketing automation take place qgzC2tg4Clg-00070-00028345-00028549 So you guys can see down here you have the different options? qgzC2tg4Clg-00071-00028550-00028808 You could add an image you can throw in an image right there? qgzC2tg4Clg-00072-00028808-00029170 You can say hey, I want to send an image with my marketing message come in here qgzC2tg4Clg-00073-00029175-00029489 Type your message and let's just come in qgzC2tg4Clg-00074-00029489-00029899 We'll just delete this really quick right now well sit go next and then you can see look qgzC2tg4Clg-00075-00029900-00030218 This is a subscription broadcast as this broadcast will be sent to all qgzC2tg4Clg-00076-00030318-00030763 1261 users and then you could actually nail it down by targeting okay now qgzC2tg4Clg-00077-00030764-00031003 This is important when you go through and you say hey qgzC2tg4Clg-00078-00031004-00031333 I only want to target people that have opted in in the last week all right qgzC2tg4Clg-00079-00031349-00031906 or You can say I only want to opt in I don't only want to pop those people in that are subscribed to a certain sequence qgzC2tg4Clg-00080-00031907-00032437 So you can see here the people from my webinar, this one's another promo for a six-figure agency qgzC2tg4Clg-00081-00032438-00032978 And you can go through and identify those different people or you can come down here and see subscribe qgzC2tg4Clg-00082-00033087-00033644 Subscribed after before on any of these dates so today is the 27th? qgzC2tg4Clg-00083-00033644-00034223 And if I want to do everyone that has opted in the last week, I'll say from the 20th the 27th qgzC2tg4Clg-00084-00034223-00034392 And you can see it nails it down qgzC2tg4Clg-00085-00034392-00035050 182 users then just like any other email marketing Brad broadcasting solution you can go through and start sending now or even qgzC2tg4Clg-00086-00035082-00035267 Scheduled out for later, so you can say like hey qgzC2tg4Clg-00087-00035267-00035578 I want to go through and schedule out these promos so you can say hey qgzC2tg4Clg-00088-00035579-00035903 I want to start the promo on Thursday and then run through Friday Saturday Sunday qgzC2tg4Clg-00089-00035903-00036469 And I want to have a marketing message going out every single day because the movie I what I've seen is the more marketing messages qgzC2tg4Clg-00090-00036470-00036865 You send the more money that you make so I can say hey, I'm gonna send this one right now qgzC2tg4Clg-00091-00036866-00037082 And I'm gonna send this one tomorrow at qgzC2tg4Clg-00092-00037149-00037354 8:50 or something like that and qgzC2tg4Clg-00093-00037386-00037996 Then you can go through and schedule out so on so let's say we're gonna send it on the 29th at 851 a.m. qgzC2tg4Clg-00094-00037997-00038417 We'll hit apply and we can say hey send out all the same time or time travel so qgzC2tg4Clg-00095-00038442-00038761 Basically send it according to that user's time zone qgzC2tg4Clg-00096-00038762-00039182 so it's gonna kind of stagger it based on Pacific time Eastern Time Central Time and as far as qgzC2tg4Clg-00097-00039204-00039634 Notification settings you can do a regular push only one regular notification a silent push qgzC2tg4Clg-00098-00039635-00039886 So you can kind of go through and have these different options? qgzC2tg4Clg-00099-00039887-00040418 Which I kind of like the regular push, because then it notifies them that they got a new message qgzC2tg4Clg-00100-00040418-00040891 And your open rates are gonna be a lot higher and your click-through rate, so hopefully are gonna increase as well qgzC2tg4Clg-00101-00040892-00041393 But all we do from here is just go and hit schedule message, and we are good to go. Okay so guys qgzC2tg4Clg-00102-00041393-00041801 There's obviously a lot of other things that we can go through and see right here like we've got the audience and we can go qgzC2tg4Clg-00103-00041801-00041955 Through and see all the different subscribers qgzC2tg4Clg-00104-00041955-00042359 We've got our growth tools that we're gonna dive into a little bit deeper tomorrow and tomorrow's video qgzC2tg4Clg-00105-00042359-00042766 We've got the broadcast in which I just showed you guys and then also this automation qgzC2tg4Clg-00106-00042831-00043026 as I mentioned if somebody goes and qgzC2tg4Clg-00107-00043026-00043621 Responds with a specific message like they could say like if you're going through and making this for real estate and saying hey how many qgzC2tg4Clg-00108-00043622-00043994 Bedrooms and bathrooms are you looking for and they can say five bedrooms three bathrooms qgzC2tg4Clg-00109-00044004-00044518 Then you can have an automated response actually go and follow up with whoever sent that okay qgzC2tg4Clg-00110-00044519-00044932 So there's some really cool stuff that you can do or you could even make it based off of keywords or qgzC2tg4Clg-00111-00044946-00045554 sequences or even if they like just reply anything you can have that automated follow-up, so you can actually have that whole conversation qgzC2tg4Clg-00112-00045639-00046163 Going and taking place without you even having to be present then you can go back and look at that message and see okay qgzC2tg4Clg-00113-00046167-00046359 Let's see this person's already kind of been qgzC2tg4Clg-00114-00046359-00046729 Pre-qualified this person the right fit this person is not the right fit or this person qgzC2tg4Clg-00115-00046730-00046952 I need to follow up with and actually talk to you personally qgzC2tg4Clg-00116-00046959-00047525 So it's really simple and easy to use guys so if you guys want to go through I would start with the you can see qgzC2tg4Clg-00117-00047525-00047618 Right here, I'm on the pro version qgzC2tg4Clg-00118-00047618-00047869 I think I'm paying 10 bucks a month super cheap qgzC2tg4Clg-00119-00047895-00048209 But you can easily start with all these functionalities with the free version qgzC2tg4Clg-00120-00048213-00048844 Which is that's where I highly recommend you starting, and then as you grow your business the more subscribers you have the more money qgzC2tg4Clg-00121-00048845-00049265 You're making most likely and so the more you can go through and afford the 10 bucks a month even though qgzC2tg4Clg-00122-00049278-00049460 10 bucks a month if you're really in business qgzC2tg4Clg-00123-00049460-00049985 That's really not month much at all right so go over to mini chat comm set up your free account qgzC2tg4Clg-00124-00049998-00050512 Start building up that subscriber base, so basically anyone who messages your facebook page qgzC2tg4Clg-00125-00050526-00050996 They're gonna be opted in to your Facebook messaging sequence and one thing to take note of qgzC2tg4Clg-00126-00051009-00051123 if they do not qgzC2tg4Clg-00127-00051123-00051574 Message you back if you go and send out a message or something like that and they don't message you back qgzC2tg4Clg-00128-00051575-00051977 They're actually not added to that list so I'm going to talk about some different ways qgzC2tg4Clg-00129-00051990-00052334 tomorrow of how to go through and get them to actually message you back qgzC2tg4Clg-00130-00052334-00052714 So you are adding more people to your subscriber list right? qgzC2tg4Clg-00131-00052715-00053230 So hopefully that was helpful guys as far as going through and creating your first Facebook messaging bot it's free qgzC2tg4Clg-00132-00053230-00053369 It's easy and then tomorrow qgzC2tg4Clg-00133-00053369-00053866 I'm gonna dive in and show you guys how to go through and grow to your first thousand subscribers and your first thirty days qgzC2tg4Clg-00134-00053919-00054087 Absolutely free and I'm gonna show you guys some qgzC2tg4Clg-00135-00054087-00054689 Organic techniques that I've used and some cool little hacks and techniques that you know tapping into Facebook's algorithm qgzC2tg4Clg-00136-00054704-00054834 that you can use to your qgzC2tg4Clg-00137-00054834-00055504 Benefit to grow this database because now if you're gonna have an email list or mini chat list if you're gonna have like a text qgzC2tg4Clg-00138-00055504-00056083 Messaging list you just have more ways to go through and blast out your marketing message so that you can make more money and you qgzC2tg4Clg-00139-00056084-00056609 Can grow your business right so with that said guys make sure you subscribe to the channel because we're gonna be launching a daily video qgzC2tg4Clg-00140-00056625-00056825 We're gonna dive in deep this week qgzC2tg4Clg-00141-00056825-00057021 and actually really go through and get a qgzC2tg4Clg-00142-00057021-00057629 Awesome content out every single day so make sure you're subscribed and also right next to the subscribe button right below this video qgzC2tg4Clg-00143-00057629-00058021 There's a little bell, and if you click on that you will be notified every single time qgzC2tg4Clg-00144-00058022-00058594 We launch a new video, so we could show you guys step-by-step how to go through and grow your business qgzC2tg4Clg-00145-00058647-00058910 Alright, thanks so much guys, and we will see you tomorrow qgaZagNQ5yY-00000-00000233-00000470 Section 25. qgaZagNQ5yY-00001-00000470-00000982 A person who wakes up at night to vacate and intends to go back to sleep immediately, if qgaZagNQ5yY-00002-00000982-00001459 he is concerned that he will get up after the measure of walking a parsa elapses, he qgaZagNQ5yY-00003-00001459-00001734 should wash his hands to bless the Asher Yatzar blessing. qgaZagNQ5yY-00004-00001734-00002257 [But not make the Al Netilat Yadayim blessing, since he intends to return to sleep, and only qgaZagNQ5yY-00005-00002257-00002684 when he rises in the morning he should bless on the Netila]. qgaZagNQ5yY-00006-00002684-00003022 If it is difficult for him to wash his hands with water, he should clean his hands with qgaZagNQ5yY-00007-00003022-00003422 a cleaning substance, in order to bless the Asher Yatzar blessing. qgaZagNQ5yY-00008-00003422-00003836 And should rely on the fact that he will wash his hands later when he wakes up in the morning. qgaZagNQ5yY-00009-00003836-00004193 [And when he wakes up in the morning he washes his hands and blesses]. qgaZagNQ5yY-00010-00004193-00004585 [Yalkut Yosef On Rising Up in the Morning page 355]. qgaZagNQ5yY-00011-00004585-00004830 End of section 25. qm6YHgVV2yQ-00000-00000028-00000738 It is a "pondcloud" presenting it in actual numbers not a simple expectation. qm6YHgVV2yQ-00002-00000869-00001232 The new year has begun qm6YHgVV2yQ-00003-00001342-00001888 We are delivering the new car news the fastest. qm6YHgVV2yQ-00004-00001888-00002318 genesis gv80 teaser is finally available. qm6YHgVV2yQ-00006-00002368-00003072 The magnificent front design is a new Genesis design. qm6YHgVV2yQ-00009-00003244-00005088 The large grille and two rows of quad lamp design are great. qm6YHgVV2yQ-00010-00005420-00006288 The teaser is a design similar to a real gv80. qm6YHgVV2yQ-00013-00006388-00007252 Since the design has already been leaked, I think the teaser of the same design has been released. qm6YHgVV2yQ-00014-00007292-00008452 The fast-paced character makes the magnificent body look more dynamic. qm6YHgVV2yQ-00016-00008616-00009538 The d-pillar design is soaring up. qm6YHgVV2yQ-00018-00009588-00011804 The two rows of quadlamps have a uniform design, from headlamp to side lamp to tail lamp. qm6YHgVV2yQ-00019-00011976-00014440 If you look at the gv80 at dark night, the shining design seems to be cool. qm6YHgVV2yQ-00021-00014744-00016920 The interior space is luxurious like a luxury suv. qm6YHgVV2yQ-00022-00017032-00019304 14.5 inch navigation and crystal touchpad for the first time. qm6YHgVV2yQ-00023-00019632-00020600 The price has not been disclosed yet. qm6YHgVV2yQ-00025-00020744-00022064 Full launch is expected on January 16th. qm6YHgVV2yQ-00028-00022616-00023782 I look forward to launching at a good price. qm6YHgVV2yQ-00030-00023832-00024400 In the next video, tell you the difference between the interior design of SUV GV80 and Sedan G80. qm6YHgVV2yQ-00031-00024400-00024808 Subscribe to get updates. qmB1uoxNjJk-00000-00000000-00000200 RTX 3090 Ti | Watch Dogs: Legion | i9 10900K qnsmQM6Ml7Q-00000-00000000-00000175 3.. qnsmQM6Ml7Q-00001-00000175-00000275 2.. qnsmQM6Ml7Q-00002-00000275-00000375 1.. qnsmQM6Ml7Q-00003-00000393-00000434 OUW- qnsmQM6Ml7Q-00004-00000475-00000912 OWUMNOMNOMNNOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM qnsmQM6Ml7Q-00005-00000912-00001025 *inhale* qnsmQM6Ml7Q-00006-00001025-00001225 MMMMMMMM- r69oG5fycwk-00000-00000560-00000751 Hi. I'm Karina Arrambide, r69oG5fycwk-00001-00000751-00001028 a Ph.D student from the University of Waterloo r69oG5fycwk-00002-00001028-00001282 in the departmentof Systems Design Engineering. r69oG5fycwk-00003-00001282-00001666 I'm also part ofthe HCI Games group and the Games Institute. r69oG5fycwk-00004-00001864-00002113 Hi. I'm Lennart Nacke, an Associate Professor r69oG5fycwk-00005-00002113-00002426 and Director of the HCI Games group at theGames Institute and r69oG5fycwk-00006-00002426-00002706 the Stratford School of Interaction Design and Business. r69oG5fycwk-00007-00002780-00002982 This is atthe University of Waterloo. r69oG5fycwk-00008-00002982-00003280 Today we want to welcome you to our talk about r69oG5fycwk-00009-00003280-00003537 player traits and the player traits model r69oG5fycwk-00010-00003537-00003895 that measures playerpreferences for five different styles of gameplay. r69oG5fycwk-00011-00003936-00004344 Now people can complete this survey toget scored on five different traits r69oG5fycwk-00012-00004344-00004530 or gameplay style orientations; r69oG5fycwk-00013-00004530-00005006 Social, Narrative,Goal, Challenge, and Aesthetic Orientation. r69oG5fycwk-00014-00005104-00005272 In our presentation today, r69oG5fycwk-00015-00005272-00005525 we want to talk about the development of a trait model r69oG5fycwk-00016-00005525-00005739 and scale ofgame playing preferences r69oG5fycwk-00017-00005739-00006112 that our colleague, Gustavo Tondello, a former Ph.D student at r69oG5fycwk-00018-00006112-00006348 the Universityof Waterloo, developed with us. r69oG5fycwk-00019-00006348-00006768 Gustavo is a seniorsoftware engineer and gamification expert r69oG5fycwk-00020-00006768-00007089 whowrote his thesis about personalizing gainfuldesign. r69oG5fycwk-00021-00007146-00007571 Typology models for players categorize different motivations and behaviors r69oG5fycwk-00022-00007571-00007735 and theyare necessary to design r69oG5fycwk-00023-00007735-00008088 personalized experiences or target specific audiences. r69oG5fycwk-00024-00008109-00008449 Previous researchhas tried to standardize these categories, r69oG5fycwk-00025-00008449-00008613 but theylack validation. r69oG5fycwk-00026-00008625-00008836 With our work, we tried to synthesize r69oG5fycwk-00027-00008836-00009106 a previous review and literature of player traits. r69oG5fycwk-00028-00009128-00009416 First, we will describe the five player traits, r69oG5fycwk-00029-00009416-00009613 thenwe will present the measurement scale r69oG5fycwk-00030-00009613-00009832 and how itrelates with other models. r69oG5fycwk-00031-00009853-00010244 Finally, we will describedifferent applications of the player traits. r69oG5fycwk-00032-00010360-00010707 Now there's previous work related to playerpreferences r69oG5fycwk-00033-00010707-00011030 and that includes the work of RichardBartle. r69oG5fycwk-00034-00011030-00011602 Now Bartle explained the psychology of the player in four categories. r69oG5fycwk-00035-00011602-00011864 So, he wastalking about achievers, r69oG5fycwk-00036-00011864-00012428 and then about explorers, and socializers, and killers. r69oG5fycwk-00037-00012472-00012969 Achievers are the ones that focus on points andstatus in the game. r69oG5fycwk-00038-00012969-00013376 Explorers are discovering newthings; they want to see the game world. r69oG5fycwk-00039-00013390-00013813 Socializersare interested in interacting and collaboratingwith other players. r69oG5fycwk-00040-00013813-00014096 And, killers are similarto achievers r69oG5fycwk-00041-00014096-00014462 in a way of earning points and improving their status, r69oG5fycwk-00042-00014462-00014788 but the main differenceis that they want to see other players lose. r69oG5fycwk-00043-00014928-00015180 Now, this wasn't the only thing that Bartletalked about. r69oG5fycwk-00044-00015180-00015694 He also later expanded hismodel and turned it into sort of these r69oG5fycwk-00045-00015694-00016000 eightdifferent dimensions that you can see here, r69oG5fycwk-00046-00016000-00016318 where he added, or the three differentdimensions, r69oG5fycwk-00047-00016318-00016438 that you can see here. r69oG5fycwk-00048-00016568-00016966 Bartle essentially turned it into eight players, and headded r69oG5fycwk-00049-00016966-00017207 opportunists, which are implicit achievers, r69oG5fycwk-00050-00017208-00017433 planners, which are explicit achievers, r69oG5fycwk-00051-00017433-00017648 scientistswhich are explicit explorers, r69oG5fycwk-00052-00017648-00017857 hackers which are implicit explorers, r69oG5fycwk-00053-00017857-00018089 and networkers which are explicit socializers, r69oG5fycwk-00054-00018089-00018323 and friends which are implicit socializers, r69oG5fycwk-00055-00018323-00018510 griefers which are implicitkillers, r69oG5fycwk-00056-00018510-00018760 and politicians which are explicit killers. r69oG5fycwk-00057-00018760-00019094 So he developed these eight types as an expansion r69oG5fycwk-00058-00019094-00019345 of the four types that everyone seems to know about. r69oG5fycwk-00059-00019436-00019670 Following Bartle's work, BRAINX was developed r69oG5fycwk-00060-00019670-00019998 and BRAINX is a player model that describes game behavior r69oG5fycwk-00061-00019998-00020350 using seven different classes and it is: r69oG5fycwk-00062-00020350-00020559 the seeker, survivor, daredevil, mastermind, r69oG5fycwk-00063-00020559-00020835 conqueror,socializer, and achiever. r69oG5fycwk-00064-00020884-00021256 However, other playermodels about traits and preferences r69oG5fycwk-00065-00021256-00021514 have beendeveloped as well, and some of these models r69oG5fycwk-00066-00021514-00022014 haveissues that are generally present with type models, specifically. r69oG5fycwk-00067-00022039-00022513 For example, some players normallyjust don't enjoy just one type of experience r69oG5fycwk-00068-00022584-00022984 or they are only presenting a specific type oftraits, r69oG5fycwk-00069-00022984-00023293 so it's difficult to obtain valid results from these models. r69oG5fycwk-00070-00023337-00023680 Furthermore, some of these existing scales lack a validation r69oG5fycwk-00071-00023680-00023887 or they'renotoriously unreliable. r69oG5fycwk-00072-00023932-00024190 As a caveat to our ownscale that we're presenting here, r69oG5fycwk-00073-00024190-00024553 I had a talkwith Ben from Epic Games about a year ago about r69oG5fycwk-00074-00024553-00024784 using the scale to study Fortnite players r69oG5fycwk-00075-00024784-00024971 andhe had trouble in this factor analysis r69oG5fycwk-00076-00024971-00025315 with thechallenge and social orientation dimensions ofour scale as well. r69oG5fycwk-00077-00025329-00025699 So, any developed model reallyneeds to be validated in different contexts, r69oG5fycwk-00078-00025699-00026063 and should really be taken with a bit of a grainof salt r69oG5fycwk-00079-00026063-00026521 in terms of overall validity for alldifferent types of games. r69oG5fycwk-00080-00026521-00027062 So it's important if youwant to apply this in studies for your own game, r69oG5fycwk-00081-00027062-00027545 to run the study and run a factor analysisafter. r69oG5fycwk-00082-00027564-00027932 And then of course, if you want theseresults r69oG5fycwk-00083-00027932-00028126 to kind of inform our theory building, r69oG5fycwk-00084-00028126-00028383 it's nice to share that back with academia r69oG5fycwk-00085-00028383-00028641 and then allow academia to refine the model. r69oG5fycwk-00086-00028661-00028866 We'rereally kind of pushing this forward r69oG5fycwk-00087-00028866-00029306 as an initialendeavor for understanding r69oG5fycwk-00088-00029306-00029605 how these different player traits actually work. r69oG5fycwk-00089-00029629-00029896 So, our hope is toimprove our understanding r69oG5fycwk-00090-00029896-00030126 for personalization ofthese player traits r69oG5fycwk-00091-00030126-00030347 within different game contexts. r69oG5fycwk-00092-00030583-00030948 BRAINX was an entering model that providedthe grounds r69oG5fycwk-00093-00030948-00031235 to develop a definitive player traitsmodel. r69oG5fycwk-00094-00031235-00031626 Based on that research, our work presentsa validated scale, r69oG5fycwk-00095-00031626-00031856 recognizing that playerspreferences r69oG5fycwk-00096-00031856-00032226 are not always just explained by asimple categorization, r69oG5fycwk-00097-00032226-00032453 but they are composed by a combination of r69oG5fycwk-00098-00032453-00032677 different characteristics andtraits. r69oG5fycwk-00099-00032703-00033000 We present five different player traitswith our work. r69oG5fycwk-00100-00033070-00033413 The first player trait relatesto social orientation r69oG5fycwk-00101-00033439-00033723 Players who score highon the social orientation scale r69oG5fycwk-00102-00033723-00034081 prefer to playtogether with others, enjoy multiplayer games, r69oG5fycwk-00103-00034081-00034290 andcompetitive gaming communities. r69oG5fycwk-00104-00034322-00034551 Players who scorelow prefer to play alone. r69oG5fycwk-00105-00034587-00034800 Aesthetic orientationrepresents r69oG5fycwk-00106-00034800-00035130 players who enjoy aesthetic experiencesin games, r69oG5fycwk-00107-00035130-00035426 such as exploring the world, enjoying thescenery, r69oG5fycwk-00108-00035426-00035756 appreciating the graphics, sound, and art style. r69oG5fycwk-00109-00035800-00035978 Players who score low in the scale r69oG5fycwk-00110-00035978-00036311 tend tofocus more on gameplay than the aestheticsof the game. r69oG5fycwk-00111-00036407-00036689 Players who score high in thenarrative orientation r69oG5fycwk-00112-00036689-00037023 enjoy complex narratives and stories within games. r69oG5fycwk-00113-00037065-00037374 Players who score low prefer games with less story r69oG5fycwk-00114-00037374-00037512 and might skip thestory r69oG5fycwk-00115-00037512-00037815 or cutscenes when those get in the way ofgameplay. r69oG5fycwk-00116-00037904-00038177 Challenge orientation represents players r69oG5fycwk-00117-00038177-00038472 who prefer difficult games and hard challenges. r69oG5fycwk-00118-00038486-00038874 Players who score low into scale prefer easier orcasual games. r69oG5fycwk-00119-00038935-00039278 Finally, goal orientation representsplayers r69oG5fycwk-00120-00039278-00039459 who enjoy completing game goals, r69oG5fycwk-00121-00039459-00039736 andlike to complete games a hundred percent, r69oG5fycwk-00122-00039736-00040155 explore all the options, and complete allquests and collections. r69oG5fycwk-00123-00040184-00040475 Players scoring low might leave optional quests r69oG5fycwk-00124-00040475-00040639 or achievementsunfinished. r69oG5fycwk-00125-00040679-00040899 We propose our five trade model r69oG5fycwk-00126-00040899-00041230 toaddress building blocks of actionable game design. r69oG5fycwk-00127-00041266-00041531 To validate our scale, we investigated r69oG5fycwk-00128-00041531-00041785 if thedescribed player traits correspond to r69oG5fycwk-00129-00041785-00042116 participantspreferences for different elements of gaming. r69oG5fycwk-00130-00042288-00042518 So how did we create the measurement scale? r69oG5fycwk-00131-00042518-00042910 So wecreated the scale with 25 Likert-style items, r69oG5fycwk-00132-00042912-00043185 fiveitems per trait, and we validated the scale r69oG5fycwk-00133-00043185-00043464 with an exploratory and confirmatory factoranalysis r69oG5fycwk-00134-00043464-00043607 and test-retest reliability. r69oG5fycwk-00135-00043657-00043875 As you cansee here, this is how the scale comes. r69oG5fycwk-00136-00043875-00044209 You haveessentially the five items; r69oG5fycwk-00137-00044209-00044607 social, aesthetic, narrative, challenge, and goal orientation, r69oG5fycwk-00138-00044620-00044960 andeach of the items has five Likert-style items. r69oG5fycwk-00139-00044960-00045263 Someof the items have reverse scoring attached to them r69oG5fycwk-00140-00045281-00045635 and then you factor the items together r69oG5fycwk-00141-00045635-00046517 and ideally, you would then get a reliable result for yourplayer trait r69oG5fycwk-00142-00046517-00046773 that is visible in the playersof your games. r69oG5fycwk-00143-00046812-00047324 Now it was developed in four, in two phases, with four researchers, r69oG5fycwk-00144-00047324-00047584 and weused some sort of brainstorming approach r69oG5fycwk-00145-00047584-00047950 to generate the tentative items that we had at thestart, r69oG5fycwk-00146-00047950-00048267 then we studied the description of the fiveplayer traits r69oG5fycwk-00147-00048267-00048736 based on our own previous work anda literature review of r69oG5fycwk-00148-00048736-00049110 the prior player typologies that were out there r69oG5fycwk-00149-00049110-00049389 and after that each researcher wrote the suggested items r69oG5fycwk-00150-00049389-00049841 that could be appliedto score someone on a specific trait. r69oG5fycwk-00151-00049912-00050343 And in thesecond phase, the items were then put together r69oG5fycwk-00152-00050343-00050593 andthe researchers collectively selected those r69oG5fycwk-00153-00050593-00050799 thatseemed to be the best, r69oG5fycwk-00154-00050799-00051075 and in the end, the 10 itemsper trait that r69oG5fycwk-00155-00051075-00051408 received the highest amountof votes were included in the survey, r69oG5fycwk-00156-00051408-00051981 and you can again see the complete list of itemshere in the background r69oG5fycwk-00157-00051981-00052386 as we settled onfive items per trait in the very end. r69oG5fycwk-00158-00052400-00052654 And theparticipants for this were recruited, r69oG5fycwk-00159-00052654-00052813 so,social media and mailing list, r69oG5fycwk-00160-00052813-00053207 and we included thedata set of 332 responses r69oG5fycwk-00161-00053207-00053561 and participants were between 15 and 57 years old, r69oG5fycwk-00162-00053561-00053810 and it includedparticipants from all continents r69oG5fycwk-00163-00053810-00054098 and if youwant more information about this, r69oG5fycwk-00164-00054098-00054647 you can go toour website hcigames.com/player-traits r69oG5fycwk-00165-00054712-00055034 and you'll be able to find that information. r69oG5fycwk-00166-00055034-00055520 You'llbe able to find the list of the items r69oG5fycwk-00167-00055520-00055724 and the scoring instructions and all that. r69oG5fycwk-00168-00055724-00055958 Soyou're able to try it out for yourself, r69oG5fycwk-00169-00055958-00056291 see ifthe factor analysis holds for your individualexample; r69oG5fycwk-00170-00056291-00056648 we would love to get shared data. r69oG5fycwk-00171-00056648-00056880 I know that's not always possible in industry, r69oG5fycwk-00172-00056880-00057170 butwe're really excited for this to be out there, r69oG5fycwk-00173-00057170-00057437 andfor this to be tested by other people working withgames, r69oG5fycwk-00174-00057437-00057916 and to see whether or not this actually hasan impact on r69oG5fycwk-00175-00057916-00058393 an understanding of the player traits that are out there for people. r69oG5fycwk-00176-00058418-00058689 So we're hoping thatthis is the case, r69oG5fycwk-00177-00058689-00059154 and we're hoping that there isa usefulness to the scale r69oG5fycwk-00178-00059154-00059406 as you are deployingit in your own research. r69oG5fycwk-00179-00059526-00059796 To present our results, first we talk about r69oG5fycwk-00180-00059796-00060190 the initial factor analysis used to validate the trait structure r69oG5fycwk-00181-00060190-00060535 and toselect the best of five survey items per trait. r69oG5fycwk-00182-00060584-00060884 We conducted an initial factor analysis r69oG5fycwk-00183-00060884-00061291 with175 responses to validate the traits r69oG5fycwk-00184-00061291-00061508 and reducethe number of items. r69oG5fycwk-00185-00061520-00061827 The goal was to keep only theneeded amount of items r69oG5fycwk-00186-00061827-00062001 with sufficient reliability. r69oG5fycwk-00187-00062072-00062416 Our work included 10 items per factor. r69oG5fycwk-00188-00062455-00062923 Afterconducted the analysis, we decided to keep 5items per trait. r69oG5fycwk-00189-00062951-00063288 The final survey contains 25 items. r69oG5fycwk-00190-00063333-00063630 After selecting the final five items per trait, r69oG5fycwk-00191-00063658-00063957 weconducted a confirmatory factor analysis r69oG5fycwk-00192-00063957-00064456 with thesecond half of the data set that had 157 responses. r69oG5fycwk-00193-00064488-00064825 The analysis indicates good discriminant validity, r69oG5fycwk-00194-00064847-00065163 meaning that the traits are sufficiently differentfrom each other. r69oG5fycwk-00195-00065188-00065800 Subsequently, a test re-testreliability of the 25 item scale was calculated r69oG5fycwk-00196-00065800-00066117 to ensure it leads to similar scores each time r69oG5fycwk-00197-00066117-00066314 a participant completes the survey. r69oG5fycwk-00198-00066375-00066671 The resultsindicate that the scale is stable, r69oG5fycwk-00199-00066671-00067171 meaning aperson is likely to obtain similar scores eachtime they take it r69oG5fycwk-00200-00067171-00067456 provided they still have similarpreferences. r69oG5fycwk-00201-00067502-00067877 A descriptive analysis showed that aesthetic orientation r69oG5fycwk-00202-00067877-00068286 and narrative orientation are the strongest player traits overall. r69oG5fycwk-00203-00068680-00069145 A correlation analysisbetween traits and personalityindicate that r69oG5fycwk-00204-00069145-00069358 a negative correlation exists r69oG5fycwk-00205-00069358-00069655 between narrative orientation and extroversion, r69oG5fycwk-00206-00069655-00069931 indicated that more introverted players r69oG5fycwk-00207-00069931-00070247 tend toenjoy games with strong narratives and stories. r69oG5fycwk-00208-00070280-00070409 On the other hand, r69oG5fycwk-00209-00070409-00070863 social orientation is correlatedwith extroversion and agreeableness, r69oG5fycwk-00210-00070863-00071196 indicated thatextroverted and agreeable people r69oG5fycwk-00211-00071196-00071508 would bemore inclined to play together with others. r69oG5fycwk-00212-00071536-00071978 In terms of correlations with game elementsand playing styles, r69oG5fycwk-00213-00072000-00072371 findings indicate that significant correlations between r69oG5fycwk-00214-00072371-00072621 aestheticand narrative orientation r69oG5fycwk-00215-00072621-00073032 with roleplayingand simulation games are expected because r69oG5fycwk-00216-00073032-00073450 thesegames normally focus on narrative and aesthetic experiences. r69oG5fycwk-00217-00073487-00073881 Aesthetic is also correlated withvirtual goods and action. r69oG5fycwk-00218-00073915-00074400 Narrative orientationis negatively correlated with sports and cards, r69oG5fycwk-00219-00074400-00074664 which makes sense, considering these games r69oG5fycwk-00220-00074664-00074903 usually have no story or narrative. r69oG5fycwk-00221-00074959-00075257 The correlationbetween goal orientation with puzzle, r69oG5fycwk-00222-00075271-00075569 roleplaying,and virtual goods can be explained r69oG5fycwk-00223-00075569-00075956 because theseelements are based on setting goals for players. r69oG5fycwk-00224-00075984-00076363 Correlations between social orientation withsports and cards, r69oG5fycwk-00225-00076363-00076667 virtual goods, and action are explained r69oG5fycwk-00226-00076667-00077009 because these games have some elementof player interaction. r69oG5fycwk-00227-00077040-00077417 Finally, the correlationof challenge orientation with r69oG5fycwk-00228-00077417-00077824 strategic resourcemanagement, puzzle, and action is explained r69oG5fycwk-00229-00077824-00078222 becausethese elements pose difficult challengesfor players. r69oG5fycwk-00230-00078614-00078827 So, when talking about participantspreferences r69oG5fycwk-00231-00078827-00079133 in terms of playing styles, there isa strong correlation r69oG5fycwk-00232-00079133-00079489 between a social orientation and multiplayer gaming. r69oG5fycwk-00233-00079489-00079670 This shouldn't comeas a surprise r69oG5fycwk-00234-00079670-00079952 because several items of socialorientation r69oG5fycwk-00235-00079952-00080294 refer to playing together, so socialorientation r69oG5fycwk-00236-00080294-00080561 and multiplayer gaming is something that works together. r69oG5fycwk-00237-00080580-00080935 We did see a correlationbetween aesthetic and narrative orientations r69oG5fycwk-00238-00080935-00081171 with the solo playing activity. r69oG5fycwk-00239-00081183-00081527 Now this is interesting because solo playing r69oG5fycwk-00240-00081527-00081917 gives the player usuallya little bit more space for immersion r69oG5fycwk-00241-00081917-00082208 or justa different type of aesthetic immersion r69oG5fycwk-00242-00082208-00082524 thatthey might be feeling, so this is an interestingthing r69oG5fycwk-00243-00082524-00082884 that just emerges from somebody playing bythemselves. r69oG5fycwk-00244-00082944-00083326 There might be a thing in there that people do experience r69oG5fycwk-00245-00083326-00083619 a narrative differently if they're playing, let's say r69oG5fycwk-00246-00083619-00083964 an interactivestory game just by themselves; r69oG5fycwk-00247-00083964-00084250 the decisionmaking becomes all about the player r69oG5fycwk-00248-00084250-00084422 individuallymaking that decision r69oG5fycwk-00249-00084422-00084671 as they're going through that interactive narrative, r69oG5fycwk-00250-00084671-00084966 whereas this mightnot be the same case r69oG5fycwk-00251-00084966-00085261 if you're in a multiplayerenvironment, r69oG5fycwk-00252-00085261-00085511 and then all of a sudden you have to make the decisions together r69oG5fycwk-00253-00085511-00085763 or somebody else'sdecision influences your own decision r69oG5fycwk-00254-00085763-00086136 so thetraversion through that is just a littlebit different r69oG5fycwk-00255-00086136-00086329 and that's something to keep inmind. r69oG5fycwk-00256-00086358-00086658 Finally, we could say that the challengeorientation r69oG5fycwk-00257-00086658-00087000 is negatively correlated withcasual playing r69oG5fycwk-00258-00087000-00087481 and this is interesting because casual games offer shorter, r69oG5fycwk-00259-00087481-00087872 and less exp-- lesschallenging gameplay in general, r69oG5fycwk-00260-00087872-00088182 so theywill be maybe less appreciated by players r69oG5fycwk-00261-00088182-00088302 that seek challenging experiences. r69oG5fycwk-00262-00088302-00088746 However,it's positively correlated with all of the otherplaying styles r69oG5fycwk-00263-00088746-00089002 that are out there so, one couldsay that r69oG5fycwk-00264-00089002-00089592 challenge is important in playingstyles other than in casual playing styles. r69oG5fycwk-00265-00089592-00089932 Socasual playing styles maybe do not cater so much r69oG5fycwk-00266-00089932-00090410 to a player that just prefer challenge in theirinteractions. r69oG5fycwk-00267-00090410-00090757 This is interesting if you're lookingat the type of idle games that are out there r69oG5fycwk-00268-00090757-00091137 or some semi-automatic games where you'rejust kind of checking in r69oG5fycwk-00269-00091137-00091345 and the game kindof plays itself for a little bit. r69oG5fycwk-00270-00091415-00091961 Theseare very much at the height of the casual game activity that's out there r69oG5fycwk-00271-00091961-00092252 it'd beinteresting to kind of, you know, find out a littlebit more r69oG5fycwk-00272-00092252-00092427 about what that actually means r69oG5fycwk-00273-00092441-00092803 in termsof our enjoyment of these types of casual games r69oG5fycwk-00274-00092803-00093142 versus our enjoyment of games that really kindof push us r69oG5fycwk-00275-00093142-00093488 in terms of a boundary and theyreally try to give us r69oG5fycwk-00276-00093488-00093896 a little bit moreof friction in terms of gameplay to overcome r69oG5fycwk-00277-00093896-00094269 than some of these games that are essentiallyvery frictionless, r69oG5fycwk-00278-00094269-00094624 and you're just kind ofinvolved in some planning decisions there. r69oG5fycwk-00279-00094624-00094824 Soit'd be an interesting thing to study more about, r69oG5fycwk-00280-00094824-00095130 butit's something that popped up in our initialstudy of r69oG5fycwk-00281-00095130-00095323 the different player traits that'sout there r69oG5fycwk-00282-00095323-00095714 and something that's interestingand important to note for people, for sure. r69oG5fycwk-00283-00095968-00096402 As with any academic work, there are majortakeaways from the study r69oG5fycwk-00284-00096402-00096918 and obviously, some of the things are still very early in thedevelopment, r69oG5fycwk-00285-00096918-00097418 but we feel confident that we haveintroduced r69oG5fycwk-00286-00097418-00097643 and created a new player traits modelhere r69oG5fycwk-00287-00097643-00098121 that solved many of the issues that we'veidentified in previous work. r69oG5fycwk-00288-00098138-00098400 So it's really kindof key for us r69oG5fycwk-00289-00098400-00098775 to address some of the shortcomings that some of the previous scales had r69oG5fycwk-00290-00098775-00099183 and we arepretty confident that we've addressed many of them. r69oG5fycwk-00291-00099224-00099653 We've also contributed and created this 25item measurement scale r69oG5fycwk-00292-00099653-00100165 and that's I thinka pretty useful thing, it's freely availableon our website. r69oG5fycwk-00293-00100183-00100762 You can use it in your ownuser research as you're embarking on sometesting r69oG5fycwk-00294-00100762-00101124 about the types of players that areenjoying your game, r69oG5fycwk-00295-00101124-00101681 and essentially, identifying these player traits isa key to understanding r69oG5fycwk-00296-00101681-00101979 the kind of demographic that you're engaging with. r69oG5fycwk-00297-00102028-00102414 And we also showedthat player traits are somewhat correlated r69oG5fycwk-00298-00102414-00102673 and that they're different than personalitytraits r69oG5fycwk-00299-00102673-00103004 and I think that's important to note thata personality trait has r69oG5fycwk-00300-00103004-00103358 a different influence onyour playing style r69oG5fycwk-00301-00103358-00103631 and your playing behavior thana player trait would. r69oG5fycwk-00302-00103631-00104098 So player trait really helpsmore in regards to this personalizationbit r69oG5fycwk-00303-00104098-00104387 if you wanted to try and personalizegames towards r69oG5fycwk-00304-00104387-00104800 these different playing stylesthat people did exhibit in our sample anyways. r69oG5fycwk-00305-00104872-00105358 So obviously, uh this is one of the things where we need to collect more data, r69oG5fycwk-00306-00105358-00105665 but we'requite excited that we could show this and r69oG5fycwk-00307-00105665-00105896 weshowed that player traits are correlated too, r69oG5fycwk-00308-00105896-00106066 and this is an interesting thing, r69oG5fycwk-00309-00106066-00106339 preferredgame elements and playing styles, right? r69oG5fycwk-00310-00106368-00106624 Sothe traits the game elements and the playingstyles, r69oG5fycwk-00311-00106624-00106908 they all had different types ofcorrelations. r69oG5fycwk-00312-00106908-00107355 You can go in-depth in our paper andread up on all the details r69oG5fycwk-00313-00107355-00107774 where we're describing how that all unfolded r69oG5fycwk-00314-00107774-00108096 and we would love foryou to check that out r69oG5fycwk-00315-00108096-00108524 if you go to hcigames.com/player-traits, r69oG5fycwk-00316-00108524-00108749 you will be able to find allof that information r69oG5fycwk-00317-00108749-00109079 on our website and we'd behappy to chat with you r69oG5fycwk-00318-00109079-00109406 about anythingrelated to this model as well. r69oG5fycwk-00319-00109583-00109945 So what are the applications of our player traitsmodel? r69oG5fycwk-00320-00109945-00110285 We believe our player traits model can beused in different fields, r69oG5fycwk-00321-00110285-00110573 such as game design, marketing, and research. r69oG5fycwk-00322-00110629-00111015 The model can help select ideal participants for game tests r69oG5fycwk-00323-00111015-00111471 by adding our25 item scale to recruit potential playtesters. r69oG5fycwk-00324-00111488-00111761 It can help to better understand game tests r69oG5fycwk-00325-00111761-00112009 according to participants' gaming preferences. r69oG5fycwk-00326-00112024-00112302 Our scale can provide valuable informationabout r69oG5fycwk-00327-00112302-00112528 about participants' playing preferences. r69oG5fycwk-00328-00112541-00112885 It can also help to give designers andgame studios r69oG5fycwk-00329-00112885-00113151 more accurate insights abouttheir audience. r69oG5fycwk-00330-00113166-00113622 For example; to explore differentoptions when a studio wants to create a new game r69oG5fycwk-00331-00113666-00114102 and it can also help to target marketcampaigns to the right audience. r69oG5fycwk-00332-00114125-00114376 Understanding our audience can help us create r69oG5fycwk-00333-00114376-00114726 theright marketing campaign to attract more players. r69oG5fycwk-00334-00114872-00115221 So I want to talk a bit about future work andfuture walk r69oG5fycwk-00335-00115221-00115542 for the model includes, of course, that we need to continue r69oG5fycwk-00336-00115542-00115772 validating the scalewith larger samples. r69oG5fycwk-00337-00115772-00116200 That's really kind of key for understanding how the scale works r69oG5fycwk-00338-00116200-00116519 for differenttypes of players, for different types of games. r69oG5fycwk-00339-00116554-00116829 It's really key to validate it in that way, r69oG5fycwk-00340-00116829-00117333 butwe also need to study correlations with othermodels that are out there. r69oG5fycwk-00341-00117348-00117517 There's differenttypes of models. r69oG5fycwk-00342-00117530-00117941 We need to understand a betterway of correlating it r69oG5fycwk-00343-00117941-00118223 with personality models that are out there. r69oG5fycwk-00344-00118234-00118515 We need to maybe understand a little bit more about r69oG5fycwk-00345-00118515-00118754 game design models andhow it correlates with those. r69oG5fycwk-00346-00118769-00119077 There's plenty ofopportunities to study more in-depth r69oG5fycwk-00347-00119077-00119423 what thoseplayer traits can actually do and how they relateto r69oG5fycwk-00348-00119423-00119710 other types of understanding of game playing. r69oG5fycwk-00349-00119749-00120125 And then also we want to try and compare theparticipants' r69oG5fycwk-00350-00120125-00120484 self-reported preferences with theiractual in-game behavior. r69oG5fycwk-00351-00120484-00120702 That's really kind of key, because r69oG5fycwk-00352-00120702-00120943 as you know, there's always a little bitof a difference r69oG5fycwk-00353-00120943-00121485 between what a participant willreport, what they feel like engagingwith, r69oG5fycwk-00354-00121485-00121740 and then what they actually engage within the game. r69oG5fycwk-00355-00121753-00122100 And obviously for you, this will be something that you could easily do r69oG5fycwk-00356-00122100-00122298 if you wereto apply this in your company, r69oG5fycwk-00357-00122298-00122656 and you're applyingit to the game that you're currently working on. r69oG5fycwk-00358-00122656-00122918 It'd be a wonderful opportunity to see, r69oG5fycwk-00359-00122918-00123513 "Is thereactually a relationship that you can seebetween r69oG5fycwk-00360-00123513-00123828 how people engage with the game r69oG5fycwk-00361-00123828-00124164 and howthey set their preference works r69oG5fycwk-00362-00124164-00124532 when it comesto engaging with different gameplay elements?" r69oG5fycwk-00363-00124560-00124765 Andthis is something that we haven't studied yet r69oG5fycwk-00364-00124765-00125059 and we'd actually be excited to see some datafor that, again. r69oG5fycwk-00365-00125108-00125428 We'll be studying it with the limited resources that we have, r69oG5fycwk-00366-00125428-00125874 but we're alsoalways excited to see what somebody else is doingthere. r69oG5fycwk-00367-00125876-00126175 And I know a lot of this cannot be shared,but, you know, r69oG5fycwk-00368-00126175-00126523 it'd be beautiful if maybe in some of the future Games UR summits r69oG5fycwk-00369-00126523-00126808 we would seesome of these results shared r69oG5fycwk-00370-00126824-00127056 or, you know, we arealways happy to work with people that r69oG5fycwk-00371-00127056-00127294 have theresources on this type of stuff. r69oG5fycwk-00372-00127294-00127747 So you know,excited to share this and hopefully to see some r69oG5fycwk-00373-00127747-00128013 collaborations in that space, that'd be wonderful. r69oG5fycwk-00374-00128072-00128437 If you would like to learn more about themodel, please visit r69oG5fycwk-00375-00128437-00128915 hcigames.com/player-traits r69oG5fycwk-00376-00128915-00129344 Additionally, we recently added several translations of the scale r69oG5fycwk-00377-00129344-00129545 and instructions of its use. r69oG5fycwk-00378-00129576-00129845 Don't hesitate tocontact any of the researchers r69oG5fycwk-00379-00129845-00130160 if you have anyquestions about their player traits model. r69oG5fycwk-00380-00130200-00130607 And that's our new player traits model. Fiveorientations of players and games r69oG5fycwk-00381-00130607-00130982 that help youunderstand whether they prefer different gameelements r69oG5fycwk-00382-00130982-00131163 or they prefer different play styles. r69oG5fycwk-00383-00131232-00131590 That's the presentation. Thank you. Thank you. r69oG5fycwk-00384-00131704-00131977 So what do we do now? Um... r69oG5fycwk-00385-00132032-00132368 Yeah, usually I, after these presentations are over, r69oG5fycwk-00386-00132368-00132634 then you go to a pub and you have adrink together. r69oG5fycwk-00387-00132647-00133059 Can't really do that in a virtual world, can you now? r69oG5fycwk-00388-00133059-00133428 Although, Ihave a feeling there might be an option here. r69oG5fycwk-00389-00134128-00134818 MUSIC: "Bohemian Rhapsody" Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? r69oG5fycwk-00390-00134850-00135553 Caughtin a landslide, no escape from reality. r69oG5fycwk-00391-00135553-00136560 Open your eyes. Lookup to the skies and see r69oG5fycwk-00392-00136560-00136758 you later. r69oG5fycwk-00393-00136758-00137306 Otherwise, I would just keep goingwith this for a long time, r69oG5fycwk-00394-00137306-00137567 and I don't think wehave that kind of time. r69oG5fycwk-00395-00137567-00138345 It was good seeing youagain, virtually. Great, thanks. Bye, everyone. r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00000-00000008-00000712 hey y'all hope y'all are doing great today on this video i'm going to share with you my top 10 things r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00001-00000712-00001592 i would get from amazon for your rv keep watching i'm bill i'm kelly and this is our adventures r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00002-00001728-00002984 here we go r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00003-00003576-00004128 i was thinking for this video i would do my top 10 things from amazon that i bought for my rv r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00004-00004216-00004656 that i think that you might would want to know about i will have links to everything in r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00005-00004656-00005176 the description box below these won't be in any particular order they'll just be kind of random r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00006-00005240-00005784 but let's just jump right on here to number one r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00007-00005944-00006568 tension rods tension rods for me you can get them off of amazon probably the best place to get them r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00008-00006568-00007152 from and they have like a pack that you can get a bunch of different links of them and that's what i r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00009-00007152-00007840 did when we started rving is that was probably one of the first things i put in my cart to r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00010-00007840-00008512 check out from from amazon was tension rods these things can be used for a lot of different things r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00011-00008512-00009184 but the main thing is holding stuff inside the cabinets you know when you're going down the r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00012-00009184-00009984 road and it's all rocking and rolling you don't want anything popping out and i promise it will r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00013-00010744-00011576 museum putty this stuff it will save you tons of time on move-in day r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00014-00011576-00012240 because you're not having to put up all those items that are being sent out i've got to r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00015-00012304-00012984 add me a little museum putty to this little piece and this little piece but there's a video that i r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00016-00012984-00014184 did also where i talked about museum putty that you can watch but museum putty is my number two r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00017-00014680-00015247 is these baskets if you've got any deep cabinets that you need to be able to get to r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00018-00015247-00015632 the stuff in the back and you don't want to have to fumble through to get to everything r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00019-00015704-00016312 these baskets are awesome i have the two basket one here and r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00020-00016552-00017224 down here i have the one basket so they kind of got like a different ones but my favorite one r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00021-00017224-00018384 is the two tier basket my number three is the wire sliding basket r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00022-00018592-00019336 is these baskets that you hang and put on the shower a video up above r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00023-00019392-00020120 of my bathroom organization but i have tried several of these baskets and these r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00024-00020120-00020616 by far have been the best and the other ones i bought from amazon too but these were just better r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00025-00020688-00021496 and they come in i think they come in white black and silver i think that i can link all three r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00026-00021496-00022584 colors in the description box below but my number four thing is the shower caddies for the shower r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00027-00023192-00023848 it's the screen door handle and this was super cheap it's adjustable so it can fit almost r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00028-00023848-00024552 any size screen door but this absolutely we waited way too long to change this out r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00029-00024640-00025240 but i love this bar because like when you open your door and you go to close it you r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00030-00025240-00025727 don't have to try to grab this handle which for me was always you know i felt like i was r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00031-00025727-00026783 gonna fall out the door trying to get to it so my number five is the screen door handle r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00032-00027048-00027712 is a 1k cup keurig this one right here is really old it's probably four or five years old so i r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00033-00027712-00028272 don't know that they have this exact model on there but i know they have ones like it but what i r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00034-00028272-00029016 love about it is it's a very slim takes up hardly any space and you can just do one cup at a time r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00035-00029016-00029680 if you use the keurig like the one that i've just did a video on it's bigger and it has the water r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00036-00029680-00030360 reservoir but literally this one you fill up your cup you pour it in and you make one cup at a time r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00037-00030360-00030864 and there is no cleanup you don't have to pour out any water because you only put in the water r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00038-00030864-00031480 that you need to get out for your cup of coffee my number six is the keurig one cup coffee maker r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00039-00032320-00033048 now i've come inside the house for this one this one i don't keep in my camper but i know a lot r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00040-00033048-00033640 of people do i keep mine in here because in the house because i use it a lot here but it is my r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00041-00033640-00034272 igloo ice maker i got this for my 50th birthday for my great friends that threw me a party r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00042-00034368-00035264 i did a video about that i love this thing it is really good it's a tabletop version and what r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00043-00035264-00036088 i've done to use it in the camper is i bag up ice before we go on a trip i have bought some bags off r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00044-00036088-00036800 of amazon and i just bag up ice and then i just put the bags of ice in the freezer in the camper r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00045-00036800-00038384 and use it from there so my number seven is my igloo ice maker my next one is our moon chairs r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00046-00038632-00039528 these are super comfortable absolutely love them the only negative that i can say is if it's really r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00047-00039528-00040200 hot outside you can sweat just a little bit but they're fabric so it's not like a sweat like r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00048-00040384-00040640 not like an icky sweat i guess would say r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00049-00040704-00041216 i don't know how to explain that but you can sweat these a little bit because they are like r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00050-00041216-00041704 padded but i guess you probably could sweat in any chair but this is just the only ones r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00051-00041704-00043584 that we've ever had because we absolutely love them my number eight is the moon chair r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00052-00044096-00044784 the plate stackers they make a plate in a bowl and this is a great way to keep your plates r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00053-00044784-00045496 from falling out of the cabinets they're just little plastic containers that hold your plates r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00054-00045496-00046040 and your cup bowls and they just put them up there and that was one of the first things that i bought r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00055-00046040-00046672 when we bought our camper was the plate holders a number nine is the stack of plate plate holders r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00056-00047464-00048072 is the corel plates these don't break and these are great for rvn and r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00057-00048160-00048800 they are kind of like a glass but they are great for traveling and i will link some i don't know r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00058-00048800-00049432 if they still have these or not but i will link you some below but my number 10 is corel dishes r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00059-00050336-00050992 and for my bonus because i didn't want to include this because this is kind of a give me you have to r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00060-00050992-00051544 know that you got to get this from amazon command strips because they hold up your pictures great r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00061-00051544-00052232 and make sure you get the 16 pound but to me these are a no-brainer and i'm going to link these and r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00062-00052455-00053088 the command hooks in the description box because both of those command products those are my r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00063-00053088-00053791 bonuses but were kind of give me you have to order those because they are rightly you might i don't r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00064-00053791-00054328 know if anybody else has found them cheaper but amazon you can get like a huge pack of 16 pound r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00065-00054328-00054928 ones and that are the cheapest ones that i found and i've gone through a bunch so my bonus is r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00066-00054928-00055576 command strips and hooks well i hope you enjoyed this video on my favorite things from amazon r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00067-00055640-00056224 these all are things that i feel like are must-haves in the rv i know that a lot of r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00068-00056224-00056712 the people have different ones but you know hey everybody has different opinions on this and r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00069-00056712-00057544 i wanted to give you my top 10 favorite ones oh my gosh you have got to hit that subscribe r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00070-00057544-00058296 button if you're not already and hit that bell notification i was looking at my analytics and r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00071-00058296-00059136 uh like only 45 of people watching this video are actually subscribed what's holding you up r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00072-00059191-00059552 hit that subscribe button if you like this video hit the thumbs up r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00073-00059624-00060367 that helps and i'm gonna borrow a saying from our friend the maguires if you didn't like this video r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00074-00060367-00061032 hit the thumbs down twice just do it double i've absolutely loved making a lot of these rv videos r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00075-00061032-00061536 and i just been trying to do things that i know y'all want to see i know this is bill and kelly's r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00076-00061536-00061848 adventures and if you've been watching all these last videos y'all are probably like r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00077-00061848-00062536 where's bill i only see kelly well he is only there for the adventure part he's not there so r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00078-00062536-00063232 much for these videos but we are fixing to head to destin in about three weeks and we're gonna have r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00079-00063232-00063840 some fun we've got some great new exciting things lined up down there for us to do while we're there r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00080-00063904-00064496 so keep watching and we'll be traveling next month so we'll have some travel videos coming up r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00081-00064496-00065984 and until then i will keep doing some rv videos till next time like and subscribe r8d3bSAJ-bQ-00082-00067144-00067152 you r9qM-84bkzo-00000-00000037-00000598 Welcome to the Friday special straight razor edged! hey Eric here with r9qM-84bkzo-00001-00000598-00001084 adventures in wet shaving and welcome back if this is your first time here r9qM-84bkzo-00002-00001084-00001501 you're interested in learning how to straight razor shave and all things r9qM-84bkzo-00003-00001501-00002061 straight razor related go ahead and hit that subscribe button then click on the r9qM-84bkzo-00004-00002061-00002446 bell next so to be notified when I upload videos so that way you won't miss r9qM-84bkzo-00005-00002446-00002861 a thing now the night Friday special is r9qM-84bkzo-00006-00002861-00004102 maintain keeping a straight razor edge now I have got a zy 430 that is in dire r9qM-84bkzo-00007-00004102-00004753 need of some TLC it just didn't shaving the way it should and it's r9qM-84bkzo-00008-00004753-00005482 hollow grid that is stainless steel so we are going to be using my 30 degree strut r9qM-84bkzo-00009-00005482-00006376 which has fabric side and that has Pro mocks on it and what we will do is we'll r9qM-84bkzo-00010-00006376-00006978 go ahead and work through the progression on the strop and then that r9qM-84bkzo-00011-00006978-00007740 way we'll be able to clean up that edge and be able to shave with it next we r9qM-84bkzo-00012-00007740-00008436 have got my gold dollar 66 now this guy I actually kind of hit the handle while r9qM-84bkzo-00013-00008436-00009075 I was dropping it and I think I'd end up not the edge here so what we're going to r9qM-84bkzo-00014-00009075-00009685 do with this one is we're going to use two stones into a two stone refresh so r9qM-84bkzo-00015-00009685-00010386 it's 90 total home but to still refresh and that is carbon steel and now those r9qM-84bkzo-00016-00010386-00011220 two stones I'm going to be using the Shapton 8000 ceramic stone so just r9qM-84bkzo-00017-00011220-00011884 really nice stuff and that works just wonders absolute wonders and then I'll r9qM-84bkzo-00018-00011884-00012634 be using my Imperial LaRocca and this is the premium stone which is just r9qM-84bkzo-00019-00012634-00013091 beautiful and we're going to put an edge back r9qM-84bkzo-00020-00013091-00013658 on that gold dollar so we're going to refresh both a zy in a gold dollar in r9qM-84bkzo-00021-00013658-00014269 two different methods alright so the first thing you do is I'm going to roll r9qM-84bkzo-00022-00014269-00015311 that leather side out of the way and we're going to put chromebox one the r9qM-84bkzo-00023-00015311-00016061 straw now this is the inside of the fabric and what I normally do is I r9qM-84bkzo-00024-00016061-00016796 didn't have to be taped on but we're looking to get enough form there to do r9qM-84bkzo-00025-00016796-00017498 the job okay and I do it on the inside and I do it on the fabric and I really r9qM-84bkzo-00026-00017498-00018674 don't do it on the weather I feel this those a better job you kid yeah just r9qM-84bkzo-00027-00018674-00019532 better to get my kind of achieve income so there we go next what I'm going to do r9qM-84bkzo-00028-00019532-00020804 try to hold back out of the way there we go and we are doing 30 laps on the r9qM-84bkzo-00029-00020804-00023234 chrome ox fabric tie and now this is very little pressure with not trying to r9qM-84bkzo-00030-00023234-00023891 push it in the truth cuz we can roll the edge but it's fun fun pressure and you r9qM-84bkzo-00031-00023891-00024256 don't have to go under two miles an hour r9qM-84bkzo-00032-00026185-00026843 all right actually that was maybe a little more than 30 but that's okay r9qM-84bkzo-00033-00026843-00027202 that's okay now we're going to put that down I'm r9qM-84bkzo-00034-00027202-00027997 going to clean that blade off a little bit and now we're going to go to these r9qM-84bkzo-00036-00032470-00033217 out of the way and now we're going to do three laps on the suede side r9qM-84bkzo-00037-00036613-00037734 all right now we're going to do 60 last one the smooth leather side now I'm r9qM-84bkzo-00038-00037734-00038240 warmin up that straw by rubbing my hand r9qM-84bkzo-00039-00045470-00046266 alright there's 60 left on the smooth leather side we're going to see the r9qM-84bkzo-00040-00046266-00047064 hanging hair test see if this is ready or not oh yeah that was cutting hairs r9qM-84bkzo-00041-00047064-00048135 halfway up effortlessly absolutely vain okay now what I will do is I'll go ahead r9qM-84bkzo-00042-00048135-00048891 and give you a shot of that okay so now what we're going to do on this coal r9qM-84bkzo-00043-00048891-00049692 dollar is I'm going to be using my shaft in and this is the 8k and we're just r9qM-84bkzo-00044-00049692-00050676 going to do it right under running water okay this is all we're doing is a r9qM-84bkzo-00045-00050676-00051296 refresh on this so basically what we're going to do is some extras all right r9qM-84bkzo-00046-00051296-00051689 let's see how this goes r9qM-84bkzo-00047-00056694-00056994 yeah r9qM-84bkzo-00048-00063004-00064104 now we're going to do some cleanup X stroke and really the number of these r9qM-84bkzo-00049-00064104-00065001 doesn't matter okay it really is just a matter of making sure and resetting that r9qM-84bkzo-00050-00065001-00065937 bevel at this point you know the bevel was already set this thing used to shave r9qM-84bkzo-00051-00065937-00066555 no problem now all we got to do just reset that bevel and get everything r9qM-84bkzo-00052-00066555-00067221 where it needs to be so now what we're going to do and then just do the r9qM-84bkzo-00053-00067221-00068493 thumbnail test make sure strata and it is dragging yeah so that's good next the r9qM-84bkzo-00054-00068493-00069192 Imperia LaRocca okay and this is the premium stone and it is not only r9qM-84bkzo-00055-00069192-00070065 beautiful it is a fine stone to work with so now I think yeah let me hold it r9qM-84bkzo-00056-00070065-00071240 - okay now yes we're going to do some more extra but we're going to just run a r9qM-84bkzo-00057-00071240-00071921 little bit half strokes r9qM-84bkzo-00058-00072796-00074108 all right mana I started he starting to stick okay that's really starting to r9qM-84bkzo-00059-00074108-00074389 stick pretty good r9qM-84bkzo-00060-00076417-00077251 okay now let's go ahead you turn that water out if the hydrophone effect a r9qM-84bkzo-00061-00077251-00077986 little bit better yeah anything it up r9qM-84bkzo-00062-00079243-00080230 and it's starting to stick again so I think we're almost there and this is as r9qM-84bkzo-00063-00080230-00080868 simple as it is to do a refresh on a r9qM-84bkzo-00064-00080934-00081859 blade that is just not happening okay and it's only a two stone refresh and r9qM-84bkzo-00065-00081859-00082570 for most everybody that's probably all you'll need is just two stones because r9qM-84bkzo-00066-00082570-00083551 you're not going to ever need to go all the way back to a full home because the r9qM-84bkzo-00067-00083551-00084457 bevels already been set okay that's it right there yeah and this one is doing r9qM-84bkzo-00068-00084457-00085129 it all weapon down the blade the hanging hero test and it is just cutting right r9qM-84bkzo-00069-00085129-00085939 along yeah yeah oh yeah from the heel to the toe it's r9qM-84bkzo-00070-00085939-00086509 doing it question of the day how do you maintain keeping your straight razor r9qM-84bkzo-00071-00086509-00087418 edge let me know in the comments all right thank you so much for stopping by r9qM-84bkzo-00072-00087418-00088141 to see how I maintain keeping my street razor edge click right up here to see a r9qM-84bkzo-00073-00088141-00088714 full straight razor shave from pre shade to post shave the whole routine all r9qM-84bkzo-00074-00088714-00089287 right and you click here to see my newest video click down here on video r9qM-84bkzo-00075-00089287-00089716 specially picked out for you click over here on me subscribe like comment share r9qM-84bkzo-00076-00089716-00090193 this video with your friends have a great shave and a good day and I will r9qM-84bkzo-00077-00090193-00090705 see you next time on adventures in wet shaving rt4NXaDo61k-00000-00000016-00000728 hi guys this is my planche training after my warm-up i started off with straddle planche rt4NXaDo61k-00001-00000984-00001648 followed with band assistant planche for me it's one of the best exercises for planche rt4NXaDo61k-00002-00001736-00002440 it lets you feel what a real full planche should be and this is my full planche attempts rt4NXaDo61k-00003-00002440-00003184 which I am having a hard time maintaining the form and that's an advanced tuck right there finally rt4NXaDo61k-00004-00003184-00004384 I ended up my training with half-lays it lets you train your muscle memory for a full planche rt4NXaDo61k-00005-00004712-00005336 i'm still far from attaining the full planche so i will keep on training until i unlock the rt4NXaDo61k-00006-00005336-00007072 full planche thank you for watching and please subscribe for more videos rtu62Qnr0eo-00000-00000312-00000944 in may 2013 a category ef-5 tornado raced through the small town of moore oklahoma rtu62Qnr0eo-00001-00000944-00001440 killing 24 people injuring nearly 400 more and destroying two billion rtu62Qnr0eo-00002-00001440-00001920 dollars in property tragically this is not an isolated incident tornado rtVfl2CAH24-00000-00000000-00000200 PIKOPI MOCCACHINO COFFEE rv5zfYQpq-o-00000-00000000-00000362 Hey guys. My name is Maria and today in this video I'll tell rv5zfYQpq-o-00001-00000362-00000662 you everything you need to know about the Fusion Keto Gummies rv5zfYQpq-o-00002-00000662-00000994 before actually buying this product. And I also have some rv5zfYQpq-o-00003-00000994-00001354 really important alerts. So pay close attention to what I have rv5zfYQpq-o-00004-00001354-00001658 to tell you. Okay? The first thing is watch out with the rv5zfYQpq-o-00005-00001658-00001954 website you're going to buy from. Because today Fusion rv5zfYQpq-o-00006-00001954-00002314 Keto is only sold on the official website. And to help rv5zfYQpq-o-00007-00002314-00002566 you I left the link to the official website down below in rv5zfYQpq-o-00008-00002566-00002930 the description of this video. And if you buy from that link rv5zfYQpq-o-00009-00002930-00003340 the latest available offer at the moment will automatically rv5zfYQpq-o-00010-00003340-00003784 get updated, okay? So don't miss that. And also be careful rv5zfYQpq-o-00011-00003784-00004144 with people on YouTube saying they use the product when they rv5zfYQpq-o-00012-00004144-00004560 actually didn't use it. But what is Fusion Keto? And does rv5zfYQpq-o-00013-00004560-00004992 it actually help you to lose weight and fat in a natural and rv5zfYQpq-o-00014-00004992-00005440 safety way? And the answer is yes. Today Fusion Keto is rv5zfYQpq-o-00015-00005440-00005800 helping thousands of people because inside of it there are rv5zfYQpq-o-00016-00005800-00006250 some really and natural ingredients like chromium, rv5zfYQpq-o-00017-00006250-00006630 green tea extract, and others and these ingredients will help rv5zfYQpq-o-00018-00006630-00006922 you to accelerate your metabolism and lose weight. rv5zfYQpq-o-00019-00006922-00007226 Many people can't lose weight because your metabolism is rv5zfYQpq-o-00020-00007226-00007598 really slow and when your metabolism is low, it can burn rv5zfYQpq-o-00021-00007598-00008022 energy, it can burn fat and you can lose weight and that's why rv5zfYQpq-o-00022-00008022-00008354 this product's helping thousands of people because it rv5zfYQpq-o-00023-00008354-00008738 makes your metabolism work faster and when your metabolism rv5zfYQpq-o-00024-00008738-00009132 works faster, lose weight without effort. Something rv5zfYQpq-o-00025-00009132-00009344 really important that you should know is that you have to rv5zfYQpq-o-00026-00009344-00009672 be realistic about your treatment, okay? Because Fusion rv5zfYQpq-o-00027-00009672-00010088 Keto is no magical superpower product. It will help you to rv5zfYQpq-o-00028-00010088-00010520 accelerate your metabolism and each metabolism works in a rv5zfYQpq-o-00029-00010520-00010856 different way that's perfectly normal so it may be that you rv5zfYQpq-o-00030-00010856-00011312 lose a lot of weight in one, two, or 3 months, I don't know rv5zfYQpq-o-00031-00011312-00011728 but most of people who are using Fusion Keto lose more rv5zfYQpq-o-00032-00011728-00012150 weight after to 6 months. It will depend on how your rv5zfYQpq-o-00033-00012150-00012474 organism will react to its formula. But if someone tells rv5zfYQpq-o-00034-00012474-00012838 you that you will lose ten pounds in a week don't believe rv5zfYQpq-o-00035-00012838-00013378 it okay? It's not possible and you have to test it first and rv5zfYQpq-o-00036-00013378-00013714 see how your organism will react to the ingredients inside rv5zfYQpq-o-00037-00013714-00014094 Fusion Keto so be realistic about your treatment and that's rv5zfYQpq-o-00038-00014094-00014454 something really important and honest that I had to tell you. rv5zfYQpq-o-00039-00014454-00014896 What's the best way to take Fusion Keto? Bottle contains 60 rv5zfYQpq-o-00040-00014896-00015200 gummies made with the finest ingredients available on the rv5zfYQpq-o-00041-00015200-00015528 market and according to the manufacturer you should take rv5zfYQpq-o-00042-00015528-00015956 two gummies everyday and they also suggest that you take the rv5zfYQpq-o-00043-00015956-00016356 supplement consistently for over a few weeks for maximum rv5zfYQpq-o-00044-00016356-00016748 benefits what are the side effects this product has no rv5zfYQpq-o-00045-00016748-00017116 side effects it contains only natural ingredients eliminating rv5zfYQpq-o-00046-00017116-00017516 the risk of allergies side effects and any other negative rv5zfYQpq-o-00047-00017516-00017878 consequence so yes you can't trust this product. There are rv5zfYQpq-o-00048-00017878-00018222 many people having great results with Fusion Keto and you rv5zfYQpq-o-00049-00018222-00018554 can have the same results as well. However, you need to keep rv5zfYQpq-o-00050-00018554-00018946 in mind that every person is unique and each body reacts in rv5zfYQpq-o-00051-00018946-00019306 a different way and this is a little bit obvious, I know but rv5zfYQpq-o-00052-00019306-00019582 I'm telling you this so that you're realistic about your rv5zfYQpq-o-00053-00019582-00019974 treatment and expectations. Fusion Keto is highly tested and rv5zfYQpq-o-00054-00019974-00020418 manufactured in a GMP certified lab and each and every bottle rv5zfYQpq-o-00055-00020418-00020944 comes with a 30 Days 100% satisfaction guarantee. So if rv5zfYQpq-o-00056-00020944-00021276 you don't like it for any reason or if it doesn't work rv5zfYQpq-o-00057-00021276-00021676 out for you, you can have all of your money back. But make rv5zfYQpq-o-00058-00021676-00022008 sure you are buying from the official website so you don't rv5zfYQpq-o-00059-00022008-00022384 have any problems with the product, okay? And also you rv5zfYQpq-o-00060-00022384-00022768 have to take your treatment seriously and every single day. rv5zfYQpq-o-00061-00022768-00023120 Or else you won't see great results and get a little bit rv5zfYQpq-o-00062-00023120-00023448 frustrated. But the results will largely depend on the rv5zfYQpq-o-00063-00023448-00023818 individual characteristics of the body. So guys, I really rv5zfYQpq-o-00064-00023818-00024134 hope I helped you. If you have any questions, please leave it rv5zfYQpq-o-00065-00024134-00024594 down below in the comments. I'll be glad to help you. rvh89DghiPc-00005-00001030-00001534 Hi Friends, How are you ? I am chandan, my youtube channel 'Smark Graphics' rvh89DghiPc-00007-00001604-00001702 So, today rvh89DghiPc-00008-00001702-00002300 I will show you Double Exposure Text Effect rvh89DghiPc-00010-00002422-00002746 So without wasting time let's started rvh89DghiPc-00011-00002746-00003034 So what do you have to do first, guys ? rvh89DghiPc-00012-00003046-00003710 First go to file then import a image like that rvh89DghiPc-00018-00004608-00005272 ok, then Put tha image on the page and make it big proportionally rvh89DghiPc-00019-00005344-00005630 it's very easy, do not worry guys. rvh89DghiPc-00020-00005764-00005914 any body can do this effect rvh89DghiPc-00024-00006176-00006392 let's see how to make this effect rvh89DghiPc-00025-00006396-00006668 i will take my channel name Smark rvh89DghiPc-00027-00007340-00008320 Now select the text and press SHIFT+C & E key from the keyboard for vertically & Horizontally center rvh89DghiPc-00032-00008750-00009414 Now choose a font, from the font list. I choose impact font r-SBZdfzjvQ-00000-00000000-00000600 Our journey starts at St. Stephen's Cathedral in the center of Vienna. r-SBZdfzjvQ-00001-00000640-00001639 We pass the city wall via the 'Roter Turm' door and cross the 'Wiener arm' (today's 'Donaukanal'). r-SBZdfzjvQ-00002-00001680-00002480 Now we are in the suburb 'Unterer Werd' (since 1670 'Leopoldstadt'). r-SBZdfzjvQ-00003-00002490-00003290 The road straight ahead leads to the abandoned 'Tabor bridge' accross a main Danube arm. r-SBZdfzjvQ-00004-00003292-00004092 Instead, we take the new road to the new bridge (today 'Obere Augartenstraße'). r-SBZdfzjvQ-00005-00004100-00004900 After several floods the toll station 'Tabor' and the bridge were newly constructed around 1569 AD. r-SBZdfzjvQ-00006-00004902-00005702 Today, this area is known as 'Augarten' park. r-SBZdfzjvQ-00007-00005704-00007204 Now the way is free to pass a large island called 'Im Wolf': the 20th district 'Brigittenau' today. r-SBZdfzjvQ-00008-00007207-00009207 Floodplain water bodies are traversed by bridges and swamplands by elevated lanes on wooden piles. r-SBZdfzjvQ-00009-00009209-00010209 However, the largest river arm, the 'Wolfs arm' is yet to be crossed! r-SBZdfzjvQ-00010-00010212-00011712 Here, the Danube broke through the island and created a new 800 m wide main channel, the 'Wolfs arm'. r-SBZdfzjvQ-00011-00011744-00012744 The road on the other side of the 'Wolfs bridge' is protected by a small fortification, the 'Wolfsschanze'. r-SBZdfzjvQ-00012-00012746-00013746 After the 'Wolfsschanze' we turn north towards the small village of 'Jedlesee'. r-SBZdfzjvQ-00013-00013748-00014748 The Danube arm close to the road was later called 'Schwarze Lacke'. r-SBZdfzjvQ-00014-00014751-00015751 Arriving in 'Jedlesee' we finally look back where we came from. r-SBZdfzjvQ-00015-00015760-00016760 And we have a nice view on the bifurcation of the two main Danube channels: 'Wolfs arm' (left) and 'Tabor arm' (later 'Donaukanal', right). r_U3w77Sxhc-00000-00000000-00000050 Nicola Watkinson, Senior Trade and Investment Commissioner to the USA and Canada. r_U3w77Sxhc-00001-00000050-00000560 Many of you would know Australia for its fantastic lifestyle and indeed Sydney r_U3w77Sxhc-00002-00000560-00000915 Melbourne and many of our other cities have been consistently voted some of the r_U3w77Sxhc-00003-00000915-00001429 world's most livable cities but the Australian story runs a lot deeper. r_U3w77Sxhc-00004-00001429-00001982 Our population of 24 million people are some of the world's most early adopters of r_U3w77Sxhc-00005-00001982-00002460 new technology and a consistently benchmark for the high usership of r_U3w77Sxhc-00006-00002460-00002972 technology and this means great opportunities for your business. r_U3w77Sxhc-00007-00002972-00003588 In addition to that we also have a very generous R&D tax incentive which can r_U3w77Sxhc-00008-00003588-00004086 indeed provide above-the-line rebates for small businesses. And we have a great r_U3w77Sxhc-00009-00004086-00004605 talent pool of engineers and graduates who you can tap into in order to grow r_U3w77Sxhc-00010-00004605-00005123 your business here but that's not all. Australia has one of the most culturally r_U3w77Sxhc-00011-00005123-00005678 diverse populations in the world. 40% of our population with either born overseas r_U3w77Sxhc-00012-00005678-00006171 or have parents who were born overseas and that means we really understand how r_U3w77Sxhc-00013-00006171-00006633 to do business in our neighbourhood and have a great range of cultural r_U3w77Sxhc-00014-00006633-00007115 understanding and languages that you can tap into so not only do you get the r_U3w77Sxhc-00015-00007115-00007511 benefits of the domestic market in Australia but you have a base in which r_U3w77Sxhc-00016-00007511-00007967 you can start to move into some of the fast-growing Asian markets in our region. r_U3w77Sxhc-00017-00007967-00008675 Australia has free trade agreements with China, with Japan, Korea and with ASEAN, r_U3w77Sxhc-00018-00008675-00009132 and that makes us an excellent base from which to grow your business here and r_U3w77Sxhc-00019-00009132-00009632 then look at those opportunities in our adjoining markets and of course we have r_U3w77Sxhc-00020-00009632-00010071 a free trade agreement with the USA as well and that certainly makes it r_U3w77Sxhc-00021-00010071-00010661 very easy for us to do business. Many of the CEOs of US companies that I talk to r_U3w77Sxhc-00022-00010661-00011214 here in Australia, also comment on the excellent cultural fit. Australians are r_U3w77Sxhc-00023-00011214-00011822 friendly direct and no fuss and that means that we really do understand how r_U3w77Sxhc-00024-00011822-00012336 to do business very well together. So why not contact Austrade to see how we can r_U3w77Sxhc-00025-00012336-00012906 help your business. We can offer you detailed market briefings, analysis on r_U3w77Sxhc-00026-00012906-00013341 different costs in the Australian market, information and guidance r_U3w77Sxhc-00027-00013341-00013849 on how to set up an operator company here and referrals to other service r_U3w77Sxhc-00028-00013849-00014296 providers and experts in the market. We can also help you to plan your site r_U3w77Sxhc-00029-00014296-00014752 visit so when you come over to Australia you get a first-hand view and make the r_U3w77Sxhc-00030-00014752-00015409 most out of your trip. So please contact your local Austrade office we have r_U3w77Sxhc-00031-00015409-00016146 offices in Washington, in New York, in Boston, Chicago, Houston and San Francisco. r_U3w77Sxhc-00032-00016146-00016725 So give us a call today and let us see how we can help you r_U3w77Sxhc-00033-00017042-00017704 you rF1LYQUs5qk-00000-00000078-00000539 NOT EVERYONE IN THE UNITED STATES MILITARY IS ORIGINALLY FROM THE UNITED STATES. rF1LYQUs5qk-00001-00000539-00001002 PETTY OFFICER FIRST CLASS RICHARD EFFAH IS ONE OF THOSE SERVING HIS NEW COUNTRY. rF1LYQUs5qk-00002-00001002-00001450 ORIGINALLY FROM GHANA, HE CAME TO THE UNITED STATES AT 21 SEEKING AN EDUCATION. rF1LYQUs5qk-00003-00001450-00001984 AND ALONG WITH SERVING AS A SAILOR, HE ALSO BRINGS HIS PERSPECTIVE TO THE DIVERSITY OF rF1LYQUs5qk-00004-00001984-00002441 AMERICA AND RECOGNIZING THAT DIVERSITY THROUGH EVENTS LIKE BLACK HISTORY MONTH. rF1LYQUs5qk-00005-00002441-00003013 "BLACK HISTORY MONTH IS THE PERIOD WHERE WE ACTUALLY REFLECT ON THE ACCOMPLISHMENTS OF rF1LYQUs5qk-00006-00003013-00003495 BLACK PEOPLE IN THIS COUNTRY, IT HAS BEEN A STRUGGLE IN THE PAST. WHEN I DON'T HAVE rF1LYQUs5qk-00007-00003495-00004065 TO GO THROUGH THOSE THINGS. THEY DID ALL THE LEGWORK FOR ME, AND ALL I HAVE TO DO IS TO rF1LYQUs5qk-00008-00004065-00004623 JUST WORK HARD. THAT TO ME IS WHAT BLACK HISTORY MONTH MEANS TO ME: IS THE PERIOD WHERE rF1LYQUs5qk-00009-00004623-00005023 YOU TAKE THE TIME TO HONOR THOSE. I CANNOT THANK THEM ENOUGH." rF1LYQUs5qk-00010-00005023-00005635 AIRMAN FIRST CLASS SARAH MITCHELL, MISAWA AIR BASE, JAPAN. rMD6UBf_dyg-00000-00000789-00001300 Welcome to Do Try This at Home brought to you by the Institute of Physics. We're rMD6UBf_dyg-00001-00001300-00001620 making these films because we want to help parents and carers in the UK and rMD6UBf_dyg-00002-00001620-00002007 Ireland get their kids excited and curious about the world around them, and rMD6UBf_dyg-00003-00002007-00002427 you don't need to leave your home to do it. My name is Lucy and you're very rMD6UBf_dyg-00004-00002427-00002848 welcome to join me again in my home. This time I've moved to the kitchen and I'll rMD6UBf_dyg-00005-00002848-00003250 be doing a new demonstration called the Electric Balloons. I love this rMD6UBf_dyg-00006-00003250-00003652 demonstration because it takes something that we're all familiar with in some way, rMD6UBf_dyg-00007-00003652-00004137 in this case rubbing a balloon on a jumper or on our hair, and it just does rMD6UBf_dyg-00008-00004137-00004528 something a little bit extra with it. It should be a positive experience for rMD6UBf_dyg-00009-00004528-00004846 everyone, especially if you've been left in charge of the family for the rMD6UBf_dyg-00010-00004846-00005230 afternoon. For this demonstration you'll need two balloons, rMD6UBf_dyg-00011-00005230-00005658 you'll also need string or you can replace this with wool or thread, rMD6UBf_dyg-00012-00005658-00006030 basically anything that'll help you hang the balloons. You'll also need some rMD6UBf_dyg-00013-00006030-00006565 sellotape and you'll need a woolly jumper or you could use a cloth or you rMD6UBf_dyg-00014-00006565-00007036 could use your hair or you could try out a few other things. To get started we're rMD6UBf_dyg-00015-00007036-00008721 going to blow up both the balloons and tie them. One balloon done. Next we're rMD6UBf_dyg-00016-00008721-00009197 going to take our string and we're going to tie it around the knot of the balloon. rMD6UBf_dyg-00017-00010118-00010584 All right we're gonna find somewhere where we can hang the balloons. You could rMD6UBf_dyg-00018-00010584-00011061 do this over a doorframe or from some hanging lights or as I'm going to do rMD6UBf_dyg-00019-00011061-00011547 over my cooker. So I've hung both my balloons from my cooker but you could rMD6UBf_dyg-00020-00011547-00011853 also hang them from the middle of your doorframe or from some hanging lights rMD6UBf_dyg-00021-00011853-00012264 wherever you feel is suitable in your house. The important thing to remember is rMD6UBf_dyg-00022-00012264-00012615 that the sides of the balloons are just touching when you let them hang straight rMD6UBf_dyg-00023-00012615-00013035 down. On the spot where the balloons are touching we're going to rub each rMD6UBf_dyg-00024-00013035-00013584 balloon with our jumper, a piece of cloth or our hair. You can try different things rMD6UBf_dyg-00025-00013584-00013881 around the house to see what gives you the best results, or you could follow my rMD6UBf_dyg-00026-00013881-00014269 example because I'm going to use a glass. rMD6UBf_dyg-00027-00015629-00015866 Bring the sides of the balloons that we've just rMD6UBf_dyg-00028-00015866-00016290 rubbed close together and this time you'll see that the balloons move away rMD6UBf_dyg-00029-00016290-00016556 from each other. rMD6UBf_dyg-00030-00016943-00017439 So what's going on here and how can you explain it to your family? The interesting rMD6UBf_dyg-00031-00017439-00017808 physics happens when we rub each balloon. Pretty much everything you come across rMD6UBf_dyg-00032-00017808-00018570 is made of atoms. If we zoom in every atom has a possitively charged centre with rMD6UBf_dyg-00033-00018570-00019059 negatively charged particles called electrons around it. Each atom has the rMD6UBf_dyg-00034-00019059-00019506 same amount of positive and negative and these charges cancel each other out. When rMD6UBf_dyg-00035-00019506-00019955 we rub two things together we're moving electrons from one material to another. rMD6UBf_dyg-00036-00019955-00020319 Is this something you've seen done before? You might have made each other's rMD6UBf_dyg-00037-00020319-00020852 hair stand up on end like this. My hair is pretty rubbish at holding rMD6UBf_dyg-00038-00020852-00021323 onto its own electrons and the rubber of the balloon is quite good at it, so rMD6UBf_dyg-00039-00021323-00021776 when I rub the balloon with my hair the negatively charged particles are rubbed rMD6UBf_dyg-00040-00021776-00022298 off my hair and onto the balloon. As more and more electrons get built up on the rMD6UBf_dyg-00041-00022298-00022817 balloon the whole balloon develops a negative electric charge. My hair has rMD6UBf_dyg-00042-00022817-00023308 lost electrons and has the opposite charge, a positive electric charge. rMD6UBf_dyg-00043-00023308-00023861 Opposites attract so when I lift up the negatively charged balloon my positive hair rMD6UBf_dyg-00044-00023861-00024395 lifts up as well. What about the two balloons? When I rub the balloons they rMD6UBf_dyg-00045-00024395-00024754 both end up with a negative charge and they certainly aren't trying to get rMD6UBf_dyg-00046-00024754-00025166 close to each other. Materials that have the same electric charge repel each rMD6UBf_dyg-00047-00025166-00025568 other which is why these balloons keep their distance. Don't worry if you're rMD6UBf_dyg-00048-00025568-00025982 unsure about the science though. As always have fun together, test it out rMD6UBf_dyg-00049-00025982-00026345 together and then look it up together if you need to. Thank you for watching and rMD6UBf_dyg-00050-00026345-00026602 see you next time rN4iHcNE8Fc-00000-00000700-00000956 Leela Sinha: I resisted handwork for a long time, rN4iHcNE8Fc-00001-00000976-00001388 because I believed the stories about it. Everyone around me rN4iHcNE8Fc-00002-00001388-00001852 told me that handwork was hard, that it was tedious. And so I rN4iHcNE8Fc-00003-00001852-00002332 believed that. I believed that I wouldn't enjoy it. I believed rN4iHcNE8Fc-00004-00002340-00002788 that I should avoid it. I believed that at any cost, I rN4iHcNE8Fc-00005-00002788-00003424 should do something different. Discovering that handwork is not rN4iHcNE8Fc-00006-00003424-00003944 terrible, has opened up so many doors. Discovering that the rN4iHcNE8Fc-00007-00003944-00004268 stories you've told yourself for years about something are not rN4iHcNE8Fc-00008-00004268-00004744 true, is so liberating. Discovering that instead of rN4iHcNE8Fc-00009-00004744-00005084 tedious it is soothing, that instead of frustrating, it's rN4iHcNE8Fc-00010-00005084-00005620 easier; discovering that it is the machines that are clumsy and rN4iHcNE8Fc-00011-00005620-00006120 awkward. What's funny is that I had already discovered this rN4iHcNE8Fc-00012-00006124-00006456 about woodworking years ago, that most of the time when rN4iHcNE8Fc-00013-00006456-00006748 something seems fiddly on a machine, it's only worth setting rN4iHcNE8Fc-00014-00006748-00007076 up if you have to do a great many of them. And even rN4iHcNE8Fc-00015-00007076-00007668 sometimes, then it's less elegant, less satisfying, less rN4iHcNE8Fc-00016-00007676-00008316 what you wanted. Machines force you to conform to them. But when rN4iHcNE8Fc-00017-00008316-00008764 you step outside the lockstep what you discover, what I've rN4iHcNE8Fc-00018-00008764-00009140 discovered, is the freedom that comes of doing it the way you rN4iHcNE8Fc-00019-00009140-00009344 wanted to, all along. rOxrm2f0Do4-00000-00000000-00000200 Nike Air Jordan patike prodaja, sve informacije u opisu snimka i profila. rOzANunzBd8-00000-00000000-00000150 www.i3dworld.com rOzANunzBd8-00001-00000150-00000394 www.i3dworld.com rOzANunzBd8-00002-00000394-00000444 www.i3dworld.com rQTkPJ6U2h8-00000-00000010-00000180 THEY ARE 6-0 IN WCHA PLAY. rQTkPJ6U2h8-00001-00000180-00000186 THEY ARE 6-0 IN WCHA PLAY. rQTkPJ6U2h8-00002-00000186-00000286 THEY ARE 6-0 IN WCHA PLAY. >> WELL, THE WOMEN'S HOCKEY TEAM rQTkPJ6U2h8-00003-00000286-00000293 THEY ARE 6-0 IN WCHA PLAY. >> WELL, THE WOMEN'S HOCKEY TEAM rQTkPJ6U2h8-00004-00000293-00000453 THEY ARE 6-0 IN WCHA PLAY. >> WELL, THE WOMEN'S HOCKEY TEAM SHOULD HAVE ONE BIG GOAL THIS rQTkPJ6U2h8-00005-00000453-00000460 >> WELL, THE WOMEN'S HOCKEY TEAM SHOULD HAVE ONE BIG GOAL THIS rQTkPJ6U2h8-00006-00000460-00000663 >> WELL, THE WOMEN'S HOCKEY TEAM SHOULD HAVE ONE BIG GOAL THIS WEEKEND, SCORE SOME GOALS. rQTkPJ6U2h8-00007-00000663-00000670 SHOULD HAVE ONE BIG GOAL THIS WEEKEND, SCORE SOME GOALS. rQTkPJ6U2h8-00008-00000670-00000810 SHOULD HAVE ONE BIG GOAL THIS WEEKEND, SCORE SOME GOALS. AFTER THEIR SWEEP OF OHIO STATE, rQTkPJ6U2h8-00009-00000810-00000817 WEEKEND, SCORE SOME GOALS. AFTER THEIR SWEEP OF OHIO STATE, rQTkPJ6U2h8-00010-00000817-00000914 WEEKEND, SCORE SOME GOALS. AFTER THEIR SWEEP OF OHIO STATE, THEY'VE BEEN SHUT OUT THEIR rQTkPJ6U2h8-00011-00000914-00000920 AFTER THEIR SWEEP OF OHIO STATE, THEY'VE BEEN SHUT OUT THEIR rQTkPJ6U2h8-00012-00000920-00001024 AFTER THEIR SWEEP OF OHIO STATE, THEY'VE BEEN SHUT OUT THEIR LAST THREE GAMES. rQTkPJ6U2h8-00013-00001024-00001031 THEY'VE BEEN SHUT OUT THEIR LAST THREE GAMES. rQTkPJ6U2h8-00014-00001031-00001181 THEY'VE BEEN SHUT OUT THEIR LAST THREE GAMES. AS THEY TAKE ON ST. CLOUD STATE rQTkPJ6U2h8-00015-00001181-00001187 LAST THREE GAMES. AS THEY TAKE ON ST. CLOUD STATE rQTkPJ6U2h8-00016-00001187-00001344 LAST THREE GAMES. AS THEY TAKE ON ST. CLOUD STATE AGAIN THIS WEEKEND, THEY'RE rQTkPJ6U2h8-00017-00001344-00001351 AS THEY TAKE ON ST. CLOUD STATE AGAIN THIS WEEKEND, THEY'RE rQTkPJ6U2h8-00018-00001351-00001498 AS THEY TAKE ON ST. CLOUD STATE AGAIN THIS WEEKEND, THEY'RE CONFIDENT THEY HAVE THE SKILLS rQTkPJ6U2h8-00019-00001498-00001504 AGAIN THIS WEEKEND, THEY'RE CONFIDENT THEY HAVE THE SKILLS rQTkPJ6U2h8-00020-00001504-00001728 AGAIN THIS WEEKEND, THEY'RE CONFIDENT THEY HAVE THE SKILLS TO GET THE JOB DONE. rQTkPJ6U2h8-00021-00001728-00001735 CONFIDENT THEY HAVE THE SKILLS TO GET THE JOB DONE. rQTkPJ6U2h8-00022-00001735-00001915 CONFIDENT THEY HAVE THE SKILLS TO GET THE JOB DONE. >> WE'VE GOT A LOT OF PLAYERS rQTkPJ6U2h8-00023-00001915-00001921 TO GET THE JOB DONE. >> WE'VE GOT A LOT OF PLAYERS rQTkPJ6U2h8-00024-00001921-00002075 TO GET THE JOB DONE. >> WE'VE GOT A LOT OF PLAYERS THAT HAVE SCORED A LOT, NOT JUST rQTkPJ6U2h8-00025-00002075-00002082 >> WE'VE GOT A LOT OF PLAYERS THAT HAVE SCORED A LOT, NOT JUST rQTkPJ6U2h8-00026-00002082-00002195 >> WE'VE GOT A LOT OF PLAYERS THAT HAVE SCORED A LOT, NOT JUST IN THEIR CAREER HERE, BUT rQTkPJ6U2h8-00027-00002195-00002202 THAT HAVE SCORED A LOT, NOT JUST IN THEIR CAREER HERE, BUT rQTkPJ6U2h8-00028-00002202-00002295 THAT HAVE SCORED A LOT, NOT JUST IN THEIR CAREER HERE, BUT CERTAINLY GOING BACK TO THEIR rQTkPJ6U2h8-00029-00002295-00002302 IN THEIR CAREER HERE, BUT CERTAINLY GOING BACK TO THEIR rQTkPJ6U2h8-00030-00002302-00002685 IN THEIR CAREER HERE, BUT CERTAINLY GOING BACK TO THEIR HIGH SCHOOL DAYS AND SO IT'S NOT rQTkPJ6U2h8-00031-00002685-00002692 CERTAINLY GOING BACK TO THEIR HIGH SCHOOL DAYS AND SO IT'S NOT rQTkPJ6U2h8-00032-00002692-00002786 CERTAINLY GOING BACK TO THEIR HIGH SCHOOL DAYS AND SO IT'S NOT LIKE THAT THEY CAN'T. rQTkPJ6U2h8-00033-00002786-00002792 HIGH SCHOOL DAYS AND SO IT'S NOT LIKE THAT THEY CAN'T. rQTkPJ6U2h8-00034-00002792-00002996 HIGH SCHOOL DAYS AND SO IT'S NOT LIKE THAT THEY CAN'T. I TOLD THEM IT IS NOT A MATTER rQTkPJ6U2h8-00035-00002996-00003002 LIKE THAT THEY CAN'T. I TOLD THEM IT IS NOT A MATTER rQTkPJ6U2h8-00036-00003002-00003029 LIKE THAT THEY CAN'T. I TOLD THEM IT IS NOT A MATTER OF IF. rQTkPJ6U2h8-00037-00003029-00003036 I TOLD THEM IT IS NOT A MATTER OF IF. rQTkPJ6U2h8-00038-00003036-00003416 I TOLD THEM IT IS NOT A MATTER OF IF. IT IS A MATTER OF WHEN. rQTkPJ6U2h8-00039-00003416-00003423 OF IF. IT IS A MATTER OF WHEN. rQTkPJ6U2h8-00040-00003423-00003520 OF IF. IT IS A MATTER OF WHEN. >> ALSO ANNOUNCED TODAY CLAIR rQTkPJ6U2h8-00041-00003520-00003526 IT IS A MATTER OF WHEN. >> ALSO ANNOUNCED TODAY CLAIR rQTkPJ6U2h8-00042-00003526-00003626 IT IS A MATTER OF WHEN. >> ALSO ANNOUNCED TODAY CLAIR DEGORGE WAS SELECTED TO THE USA rQTkPJ6U2h8-00043-00003626-00003633 >> ALSO ANNOUNCED TODAY CLAIR DEGORGE WAS SELECTED TO THE USA rQTkPJ6U2h8-00044-00003633-00003696 >> ALSO ANNOUNCED TODAY CLAIR DEGORGE WAS SELECTED TO THE USA HOCKEY WINTER CAMP LATER NEXT rQTkPJ6U2h8-00045-00003696-00003703 DEGORGE WAS SELECTED TO THE USA HOCKEY WINTER CAMP LATER NEXT rQTkPJ6U2h8-00046-00003703-00004047 DEGORGE WAS SELECTED TO THE USA HOCKEY WINTER CAMP LATER NEXT MONTH. rQTkPJ6U2h8-00047-00004047-00004054 HOCKEY WINTER CAMP LATER NEXT MONTH. rQTkPJ6U2h8-00048-00004054-00004154 HOCKEY WINTER CAMP LATER NEXT MONTH. SHE'LL BE 1 OF 44 PLAYERS rQTkPJ6U2h8-00049-00004154-00004160 MONTH. SHE'LL BE 1 OF 44 PLAYERS rQTkPJ6U2h8-00050-00004160-00004200 MONTH. SHE'LL BE 1 OF 44 PLAYERS PREPARING FOR UPCOMING rRKmn_7mpg0-00000-00000000-00000300 I am so pleased to accept your endorsement. rRKmn_7mpg0-00001-00000300-00000600 [crowd woos] rRKmn_7mpg0-00002-00000600-00001500 For whatever reason, media does not talk a lot about one of the most serious crises facing this country. rRKmn_7mpg0-00003-00001500-00002500 And that is the plight of millions of seniors, disabled vets, and folks with disabilities. rRKmn_7mpg0-00004-00002500-00002900 We are the wealthiest country in the history of the world. rRKmn_7mpg0-00005-00002900-00003500 We have seen in recent years, the proliferation of millionaires and billionaires. rRKmn_7mpg0-00006-00003500-00004700 But, at the same time, millions of seniors, disabled veterans, and people with disabilities are struggling to try to survive rRKmn_7mpg0-00007-00004700-00005200 on eleven, twelve, thirteen thousand dollars a year. rRKmn_7mpg0-00008-00005200-00005800 And you know what? You cannot survive on eleven, twelve, thirteen thousand dollars a year. rRKmn_7mpg0-00009-00005800-00005900 Can't be done. rRKmn_7mpg0-00010-00005900-00006400 [applause] rRKmn_7mpg0-00011-00006400-00006700 You can't pay for the health care that you need. rRKmn_7mpg0-00012-00006700-00007000 You can't pay for the prescription drugs you need. rRKmn_7mpg0-00013-00007000-00007300 You can't heat your homes in the winter. rRKmn_7mpg0-00014-00007300-00007800 You can't buy the food you need if you are living on eleven or twelve thousand dollars a year. rRKmn_7mpg0-00015-00007800-00008500 Now in the midst of that, many of my Republican colleagues have a brilliant idea. rRKmn_7mpg0-00016-00008500-00009500 They think that while millions of seniors are struggling to survive on inadequate Social Security funding and benefits, rRKmn_7mpg0-00017-00009500-00010100 they think we should either privatize Social Security or make massive cuts to Social Security. rRKmn_7mpg0-00018-00010100-00010300 [crowd boos] rRKmn_7mpg0-00019-00010300-00011000 Now can you imagine somebody talking about cutting Social Security rRKmn_7mpg0-00020-00011000-00011400 on people who are trying to get by on eleven or twelve thousand dollars a year? rRKmn_7mpg0-00021-00011400-00011700 That is crazy. That is unconscionable and that is wrong. rRKmn_7mpg0-00022-00011700-00011900 We will not allow that to happen. rRKmn_7mpg0-00023-00011900-00012300 [applause] rRKmn_7mpg0-00024-00012300-00012900 So this is what I say to my Republican colleagues in the Senate and in the House: rRKmn_7mpg0-00025-00012900-00013600 No, you're not going to cut Social Security. You are going to expand Social Security benefits. rRKmn_7mpg0-00026-00013600-00014000 [applause] rRKmn_7mpg0-00027-00014000-00014800 A great nation is judged not by how many millionaires and billionaires it has. rRKmn_7mpg0-00028-00014800-00015300 It is judged by how we treat the weakest and most vulnerable amongst us. rRKmn_7mpg0-00029-00015300-00015600 [applause] rRKmn_7mpg0-00030-00015600-00016200 Our parents and our grandparents raised us. They built this country. rRKmn_7mpg0-00031-00016200-00016700 We are not going to turn our backs on them. rRKmn_7mpg0-00032-00016700-00017100 [applause] rRKmn_7mpg0-00033-00017100-00017700 Now the simplest and most straightforward way to deal with Social Security today is a very simple principle. rRKmn_7mpg0-00034-00017700-00018800 And that is to understand that, right now, we have somebody making $5 million a year and somebody making $118,000 a year. rRKmn_7mpg0-00035-00018800-00019340 They are both contributing the same amount into the Social Security trust fund. rRKmn_7mpg0-00036-00019340-00019740 If you lift that cap, and you don't have to start at $118,000 rRKmn_7mpg0-00037-00019740-00020140 you could start at $250,000 and go up from there. rRKmn_7mpg0-00038-00020140-00021240 And have people $250,000 or more paying the same percentage of their incomes in Social Security tax as someone making $40,000 a year. rRKmn_7mpg0-00039-00021240-00021940 You can extend the life of Social Security from 19 years to 58 years. rRKmn_7mpg0-00040-00021940-00023040 Number two, you can significantly raise benefits for seniors or disabled vets who are earning less than $16,000 a year. rRKmn_7mpg0-00041-00023040-00023740 We expand benefits by $1,300 every year. No small thing. rRKmn_7mpg0-00042-00023740-00024040 [applause] rRKmn_7mpg0-00043-00024040-00024840 Second of all, there has been this absurd idea called a "Chain CPI". rRKmn_7mpg0-00044-00024840-00025040 Y'all know what a "Chain CPI" is? rRKmn_7mpg0-00045-00025040-00025839 What it is is an effort to cut Social Security by claiming that the Cost of Living Adjustments that seniors receive are too high. rRKmn_7mpg0-00046-00025839-00026539 Anybody here know what the COLA that seniors received this year is? Zero. rRKmn_7mpg0-00047-00026539-00027139 Now when you get a zero COLA increase, how is that too high? How do you cut it? rRKmn_7mpg0-00048-00027139-00027339 It's an absurd idea. rRKmn_7mpg0-00049-00027339-00027739 So what we're going to do is have a segregated index for seniors. rRKmn_7mpg0-00050-00027739-00028039 Really looking at what seniors' expenditures are. rRKmn_7mpg0-00051-00028039-00028539 Which are disproportionately higher for health care and prescription drugs. rRKmn_7mpg0-00052-00028539-00029239 Meaning they need more than general inflation accounts for. rRKmn_7mpg0-00053-00029239-00030039 So, furthermore, let me say this: we are not going to strangle Social Security administration. rRKmn_7mpg0-00054-00030039-00030639 We are not going to continue to close down field offices, cut back on workers. rRKmn_7mpg0-00055-00030639-00030839 Seniors and disabled vets... rRKmn_7mpg0-00056-00030839-00031139 [applause] rRKmn_7mpg0-00057-00031139-00031639 Seniors and disabled vets deserve to have the highest quality service. rRKmn_7mpg0-00058-00031639-00032239 When they have a problem, when they have a question, they deserve a timely answer. rRKmn_7mpg0-00059-00032239-00033040 And that means we need to have a well-staffed, well-trained workforce in Social Security. rRKmn_7mpg0-00060-00033040-00033340 Last point that I want to make. rRKmn_7mpg0-00061-00033340-00033540 Which is a parallel issue. rRKmn_7mpg0-00062-00033540-00034040 Many of our seniors are struggling with the high cost of prescription drugs. rRKmn_7mpg0-00063-00034040-00034740 And I have a long history of taking on the pharmaceutical industry. rRKmn_7mpg0-00064-00034740-00035440 And together we are going to end the rip off of the American people by the drug companies who are charging us outrageously high prices. rRKmn_7mpg0-00065-00035440-00035940 [applause] rRKmn_7mpg0-00066-00035940-00036340 And lastly, I want to acknowledge the presence of my dear friend. rRKmn_7mpg0-00067-00036340-00036740 Somebody who I have known from the day that I was elected to Congress. rRKmn_7mpg0-00068-00036740-00037240 Marcy Kaptur of Ohio, one of the great member of the United States Congress. rRKmn_7mpg0-00069-00037240-00037740 Thank you all. rRKmn_7mpg0-00070-00037740-00037940 Thank you all very, very much. rRKmn_7mpg0-00071-00037940-00038340 Let me just thank all of you who are working for the Social Security administration. rRKmn_7mpg0-00072-00038340-00038640 I know that these are hard times. rRKmn_7mpg0-00073-00038640-00039240 And I know that you are aware that every day there are people in Congress that want to make your life more difficult rRKmn_7mpg0-00074-00039240-00039740 in terms of your ability to provide quality services to the people that we represent. rRKmn_7mpg0-00075-00039740-00039940 So I thank you so much for hanging in there. rRKmn_7mpg0-00076-00039940-00040240 And I very much appreciate your support today. rRKmn_7mpg0-00077-00040240-00040840 [applause] rS48YqM2Gm4-00000-00000006-00000450 Normandy we're pushing Inland to secure Marinette That's How we'll control the roadways and rS48YqM2Gm4-00001-00000450-00000805 plow across France to Paris Liberation is coming soon rS48YqM2Gm4-00002-00000805-00001707 [Music] rS48YqM2Gm4-00003-00001707-00003485 and the Fellas I'd say we're doing pretty good not good enough for Pearson nothing is rS48YqM2Gm4-00004-00003485-00004086 maybe I'll get home by Christmas with a couple medals on my chest but first we got to take rS48YqM2Gm4-00005-00004086-00004725 Marinette she smelling where's lamada smelling would have ko'd lamada no way and smelling's rS48YqM2Gm4-00006-00004725-00005128 a Nazi I shoot him in a heartbeat now they made him their poster boy I didn't have a rS48YqM2Gm4-00007-00005128-00005639 choice we all got a choice you know nietza said there was only that's enough mouth all rS48YqM2Gm4-00008-00005639-00006130 right uh what about Louis vs Sugar Ray Robin if we're talking 1938 Louis Robinson wins rS48YqM2Gm4-00009-00006130-00006664 hands down look who came back for more I thought you were out another week not after I heard rS48YqM2Gm4-00010-00006664-00007140 a bunch of tough sobs we're about to take marinae well playbook's working this rate rS48YqM2Gm4-00011-00007140-00008036 will be home by Christmas don't just stand there let's see all right not bad eh oh I've rS48YqM2Gm4-00012-00008036-00008692 seen worse glad to have you back private good to be back sir all right fellas we got a unique rS48YqM2Gm4-00013-00008692-00009304 opportunity here this is our chance to break out of Norman won't be easy the Hedge roads rS48YqM2Gm4-00014-00009304-00009846 are heavily defended we got reports of crowd armor in the area but if we can hold and secure rS48YqM2Gm4-00015-00009846-00010360 a Marinette we own the roadways if zussman can take a knife in the gut and come out swinging rS48YqM2Gm4-00016-00010360-00011086 I like our odds just fine I always bet on a winner sir [Music] Turner shielding us as rS48YqM2Gm4-00017-00011086-00012684 his Noble calling War just has a habit of getting in the way [Music] rS48YqM2Gm4-00018-00012684-00014247 [Music] all right we're rolling out let's go let's go [Music] rS48YqM2Gm4-00019-00014247-00015261 thank you hey rS48YqM2Gm4-00020-00015261-00015762 you know a wound like this takes eight weeks to heal I'm ready sergeant you've got my word rS48YqM2Gm4-00021-00015762-00015940 oh your word rS48YqM2Gm4-00022-00015940-00016258 that don't mean [__] to me rS48YqM2Gm4-00023-00016258-00016981 so you're good I'm just finding Dandy sir rS48YqM2Gm4-00024-00016981-00018226 got Cuts private I just don't want to see him rS48YqM2Gm4-00025-00018226-00018467 it's rolling rS48YqM2Gm4-00026-00018467-00019398 hang on tight boys it's gonna get rough what else is new I think Pearson likes you like rS48YqM2Gm4-00027-00019398-00019764 a lion likes a steak let's go let's go rS48YqM2Gm4-00028-00019764-00021158 it's like you're holding up all right yeah how about yourself I couldn't let you guys rS48YqM2Gm4-00029-00021158-00021840 have all the fun uh Fun's not allowed under Pearson you know why he's always writing you rS48YqM2Gm4-00030-00021840-00022354 Catherine pass lost my best friends there yeah earned him an Article 15 and a demotion rS48YqM2Gm4-00031-00022354-00022975 he had to be a hard ass and his men paid the price mission was full bar a massacre now rS48YqM2Gm4-00032-00022975-00023445 she's had no mercy now we only survived because they didn't have time to seal the Western rS48YqM2Gm4-00033-00023445-00024006 exit almost lost everything thanks to that son of a [__] Turner still ain't over rS48YqM2Gm4-00034-00024006-00024525 it matter of fact he was the one who wrote him up Pearson figures if he makes you a model rS48YqM2Gm4-00035-00024525-00025036 platoon you'll get it scrubbed only we're doing the scrubbing yeah now you're getting rS48YqM2Gm4-00036-00025036-00025772 it that's why he's never gonna give up he'd kill to have it removed you know what I kill rS48YqM2Gm4-00037-00025772-00026575 four grub you just had supper hey [__] on a shingle doesn't count hey how about barbecuing rS48YqM2Gm4-00038-00026575-00027641 they never stood a chance I'm guessing note of the open casket that's somebody's son nah rS48YqM2Gm4-00039-00027641-00028313 it's a crowd Daniels is right they're not all bad they did give us Kepler Mozart all rS48YqM2Gm4-00040-00028313-00029047 right Marlena Dietrich that's more like inventions you got the printing press electron microscope rS48YqM2Gm4-00041-00029047-00030839 Frank Footers you guys are killing me you guys hear that he's headed this way Duke us rS48YqM2Gm4-00042-00030839-00031013 inbound rS48YqM2Gm4-00043-00031013-00031936 get off the road we'll circle around move we have to protect our Shermans that's black rS48YqM2Gm4-00044-00031936-00032408 fire in the distance we're gonna capture one of their AAA guns to bring down those stukas rS48YqM2Gm4-00045-00032408-00033458 mg's in the barn [__] everyone down rS48YqM2Gm4-00046-00033458-00034203 [Music] rS48YqM2Gm4-00047-00034203-00037184 on the second floor rS48YqM2Gm4-00048-00037184-00037929 [Music] rS48YqM2Gm4-00049-00037929-00040164 all right ready rS48YqM2Gm4-00050-00040164-00040909 [Applause] rS48YqM2Gm4-00051-00040909-00041654 [Music] rS48YqM2Gm4-00052-00041654-00042399 [Music] rS48YqM2Gm4-00053-00042399-00043889 come on rS48YqM2Gm4-00054-00043889-00045379 thank you rS48YqM2Gm4-00055-00045379-00046124 [Music] rS48YqM2Gm4-00056-00046124-00046869 [Applause] rS48YqM2Gm4-00057-00046869-00047453 ammo when you're ready push you to the fields we need to Rally with our tanks spread out rS48YqM2Gm4-00058-00047453-00047865 [Music] rS48YqM2Gm4-00060-00051975-00053208 what you are rS48YqM2Gm4-00061-00053208-00053619 [Music] rS48YqM2Gm4-00062-00053619-00054029 [Music] rS48YqM2Gm4-00063-00054029-00054441 foreign rS48YqM2Gm4-00064-00054441-00054851 [Music] rS48YqM2Gm4-00065-00054851-00055264 [Music] rS48YqM2Gm4-00066-00055264-00055907 over here rS48YqM2Gm4-00067-00055907-00056244 sir ready for ammo let you covered private [Music] rS48YqM2Gm4-00068-00056244-00056608 there's the Black Gun s rS48YqM2Gm4-00069-00056608-00057191 are killing attacks on behind that tree line rS48YqM2Gm4-00070-00057191-00057702 ah there's the AAA Gun s out rS48YqM2Gm4-00071-00057702-00059063 and take out those stupid rS48YqM2Gm4-00073-00064554-00065377 two o'clock rS48YqM2Gm4-00074-00065377-00065576 got One Direction rS48YqM2Gm4-00076-00069171-00069574 ahead rS48YqM2Gm4-00077-00069574-00069977 foreign rS48YqM2Gm4-00078-00069977-00070077 three o'clock rS48YqM2Gm4-00079-00070077-00072394 one o'clock high there's too many rS48YqM2Gm4-00080-00072394-00073182 [__] up rS48YqM2Gm4-00081-00073182-00073793 good job Daniels [Music] rS48YqM2Gm4-00082-00073793-00074848 hey correct hey Perez you okay I got my buddy Mills in the Ambush but we hit him back hard rS48YqM2Gm4-00083-00074848-00075382 the holdouts are dug in with packs up ahead gotta clean them out all right Pearson take rS48YqM2Gm4-00084-00075382-00075776 a fire team through the Orchard and find an OverWatch position after you soften up the rS48YqM2Gm4-00085-00075776-00076235 packs I'll leave the main assault with Perez yes Sir Daniel Sussman you're with me come rS48YqM2Gm4-00086-00076235-00076335 on rS48YqM2Gm4-00087-00076335-00076435 foreign rS48YqM2Gm4-00088-00076435-00078025 didn't you read The Briefing what are we supposed to do against tank Killers I was wondering rS48YqM2Gm4-00089-00078025-00078125 that myself rS48YqM2Gm4-00090-00078125-00078990 it's one of ours p47 rS48YqM2Gm4-00091-00078990-00079707 wish I would have gotten to that flat gun sooner can't blame yourself rS48YqM2Gm4-00092-00079707-00080454 billions this is a war crime over here rS48YqM2Gm4-00093-00080454-00081694 get out your binoculars the residence voice right into hell we gotta hit those pack operators rS48YqM2Gm4-00095-00085948-00086914 one more Cruisers rS48YqM2Gm4-00096-00086914-00087237 [Music] rS48YqM2Gm4-00097-00087237-00087560 enemies rS48YqM2Gm4-00098-00087560-00088691 all clear ly rS48YqM2Gm4-00099-00088691-00089232 another enemy position just past the hedges falling behind the tanks let's put these rhinos rS48YqM2Gm4-00100-00089232-00089450 to good use all tanks forward rS48YqM2Gm4-00102-00092522-00093527 foreign rS48YqM2Gm4-00103-00093527-00094532 foreign rS48YqM2Gm4-00106-00106070-00106549 guns rS48YqM2Gm4-00107-00106549-00107199 you've got it rS48YqM2Gm4-00108-00107199-00107961 Daniel Shoot Me Ammo catch rS48YqM2Gm4-00109-00107961-00108573 hit the ammo crashes rS48YqM2Gm4-00110-00108573-00108725 foreign rS48YqM2Gm4-00111-00108725-00110861 tanks are moving you gotta sweep the trenches thanks for the fire support Daniels rS48YqM2Gm4-00112-00110861-00111661 trenches let's clear it out rS48YqM2Gm4-00114-00114899-00115223 okay rS48YqM2Gm4-00115-00115223-00115547 [Music] rS48YqM2Gm4-00116-00115547-00115871 foreign rS48YqM2Gm4-00117-00115871-00116194 [Music] rS48YqM2Gm4-00118-00116194-00116841 [Music] lieutenant rS48YqM2Gm4-00119-00116841-00117257 hold on Co approaching rS48YqM2Gm4-00120-00117257-00118244 all right listen up Charlie company's under assault rS48YqM2Gm4-00121-00118244-00118749 near the church they need ammo or fire support send a squad immediately so we're already rS48YqM2Gm4-00122-00118749-00119374 stretched pretty thin then stretch dinner yes sir [__] rS48YqM2Gm4-00123-00119374-00120208 we can take the Jeep so we're gonna need armored support that's the plan her eyes Pierce it'll rS48YqM2Gm4-00124-00120208-00120776 follow you with the squad can't do it just got orders from Collins we're heading west rS48YqM2Gm4-00125-00120776-00121343 with the 11th God damn those boys are running out of time you're on your own take the Jeeps rS48YqM2Gm4-00126-00121343-00122004 and head out move all right snap to it Charlie's up [__] creek and we're the paddle let's rS48YqM2Gm4-00127-00122004-00122110 go let's go rS48YqM2Gm4-00128-00122110-00122759 hey which way to marinate rS48YqM2Gm4-00129-00122759-00122859 goalie the road splits up ahead rS48YqM2Gm4-00130-00122859-00122959 keep an eye out for retreating trouts he'll run right on top of Charlie Company you gotta rS48YqM2Gm4-00131-00122959-00124172 get there first swing left rS48YqM2Gm4-00132-00124172-00125584 look up ahead rS48YqM2Gm4-00133-00125584-00128045 watch out taking fire and reinforcement down floor it which way rS48YqM2Gm4-00134-00128045-00128922 Frank can't hold them much longer rS48YqM2Gm4-00135-00128922-00129067 foreign rS48YqM2Gm4-00136-00129067-00129673 straight ahead take him out rS48YqM2Gm4-00137-00129673-00130735 almost there hang on Charlie Charlie rS48YqM2Gm4-00138-00130735-00132179 they're falling back rS48YqM2Gm4-00140-00135547-00137380 all clear rS48YqM2Gm4-00141-00137380-00138021 irelia we gotta stop meeting like this what should be going soft on me Murphy well thanks rS48YqM2Gm4-00142-00138021-00138647 for showing up when you did thank Captain Davis it was his orders rS48YqM2Gm4-00143-00138647-00139365 okay it's too late to press on it looks like you boys got a reprieve excuse me Sergeant rS48YqM2Gm4-00144-00139365-00139784 isn't half the crowd Army on the other side of those buildings shouldn't we find a better rS48YqM2Gm4-00145-00139784-00140239 place to set up a perimeter sure private why don't you book us a room with the Ritz sir rS48YqM2Gm4-00146-00140239-00141115 scared us all don't you worry about your own problems like how that side is going to hold rS48YqM2Gm4-00147-00141115-00141315 up tomorrow I'm right as rain sergeant rS48YqM2Gm4-00148-00141315-00142315 Daniels what did you watch him the only thing more dangerous than the enemy is pride rest rS48YqM2Gm4-00149-00142315-00142609 up boys we take Marin yay at first light rS48YqM2Gm4-00150-00142609-00143577 can't believe I'm fighting alongside zusman again he's holding up all right considering rS48YqM2Gm4-00151-00143577-00143977 we just blasted through miles of hedgerows you'd think Pearson might go rSyZn9NBD8A-00000-00000003-00000573 Good morning everyone. This follows on from yesterday's post. Rejoice and be rSyZn9NBD8A-00001-00000573-00001071 thankful as you walk with God through this day practice trusting and thanking rSyZn9NBD8A-00002-00001071-00001467 Him along the way. Trust is the channel through which His rSyZn9NBD8A-00003-00001467-00002160 peace flows into us, thankfulness lifts us up above our circumstances. God does rSyZn9NBD8A-00004-00002160-00002688 His greatest works through people with grateful trusting hearts. Trust Him and rSyZn9NBD8A-00005-00002688-00003309 don't be afraid for He is our strength and song. Think what it means to have God rSyZn9NBD8A-00006-00003309-00004020 as our strength; His power is absolutely unlimited. Human weakness consecrated to rSyZn9NBD8A-00007-00004020-00004442 Him is like a magnet drawing His power into our neediness, rSyZn9NBD8A-00008-00004442-00005037 however fear can block the flow of His strength into us. Instead of trying to rSyZn9NBD8A-00009-00005037-00005676 fight our fears concentrate on trusting God when you relate to Him in confident rSyZn9NBD8A-00010-00005676-00006219 trust. There is no limit to how much He can strengthen us. I wish you all a good rSyZn9NBD8A-00011-00006219-00006754 day. Keep safe, keep washing those hands. Bye rXG2Era_4Gk-00000-00001058-00001566 Are you looking for the best way to protect and keep the data you collected? rXG2Era_4Gk-00001-00001662-00002258 Data storage devices are subject to aging and file formats are becoming obsolete. rXG2Era_4Gk-00002-00002410-00002810 Thus secure storage alone is not sufficient! rXG2Era_4Gk-00003-00003038-00003584 ETH Library can support you in maintaining the long-term usability of your data rXG2Era_4Gk-00004-00003584-00003842 with its dedicated infrastructure. rXG2Era_4Gk-00005-00003984-00004422 From the start of each research project data management is vital. rXG2Era_4Gk-00006-00004724-00005374 ETH Library has expertise in advising you when choosing a file format and storage device. rXG2Era_4Gk-00007-00005474-00005840 In addition our digital curation team provides support rXG2Era_4Gk-00008-00005840-00006314 or connects you to other experts at ETH Zurich. rXG2Era_4Gk-00009-00007380-00007954 The ETH data archive preserves your data such as software code, documents, rXG2Era_4Gk-00010-00007958-00008220 images or websites in the long term. rXG2Era_4Gk-00011-00008462-00008898 It is also the archive for a wide range of publication platforms rXG2Era_4Gk-00012-00008898-00009206 such as ETH's research collection. rXG2Era_4Gk-00013-00009404-00010076 As a member of ETH Zurich you can simply deposit your data in the research collection. rXG2Era_4Gk-00014-00010076-00010580 The data will then be stored automatically in the ETH data archive. rXG2Era_4Gk-00015-00010864-00011216 ETH Library supports you in preserving your work. rXG2Era_4Gk-00016-00011464-00011818 Find more information and guidelines on our website. rZroq2H8Fsy-00000-00000946-00003107 Writing materials Paper rZroq2H8Fsy-00001-00003107-00003627 Paper is the most conspicuous writing material as we speak, although in years to come its rZroq2H8Fsy-00002-00003627-00004262 crown might be claimed by electronic devices such as tablets and ebook readers. But precisely rZroq2H8Fsy-00003-00004262-00004842 because paper is so common we don’t think much about its origin or making process. rZroq2H8Fsy-00004-00004842-00005489 In this video we will deal briefly with the itinerary of paper from its invention in China rZroq2H8Fsy-00005-00005489-00006092 to its arrival in the West, and also how traditional paper is made and which classes of paper can rZroq2H8Fsy-00006-00006092-00006763 be found in medieval manuscripts. Paper is a Chinese invention, due, according rZroq2H8Fsy-00007-00006763-00007368 to the tradition, to Ts’ai Lun, a clerk in the service of emperor Hai and dweller rZroq2H8Fsy-00008-00007368-00008139 in the province of Hunan, in the year 105 AD, although the oldest paper fragments preserved rZroq2H8Fsy-00009-00008139-00009054 are some letters from 137 AD. In 751, after the battle of Samarkand, among rZroq2H8Fsy-00010-00009054-00009614 the prisoners the Arabs took there were some paper craftsmen and they were forced to reveal rZroq2H8Fsy-00011-00009614-00009993 its secret. And so paper started its route to the West, through a double path along the rZroq2H8Fsy-00012-00009993-00011189 Northern and Southern shores of the Mediterranean, as can be seen in this map. rZroq2H8Fsy-00013-00011189-00011810 The main landmarks of the introduction of paper in Europe are the following: rZroq2H8Fsy-00014-00011810-00012352 Paper was already known in Spain in the 10th century. We know of paper mills in Valencia rZroq2H8Fsy-00015-00012352-00013388 in 1056, in Toledo in 1085 and in Xativa in 1154. Here the oldest paper preserved comes rZroq2H8Fsy-00016-00013388-00014019 from two codices written in the monastery of Silos, one of which is at present in the rZroq2H8Fsy-00017-00014019-00014379 Bibliotheque Nationale de France, and a glossary that is still in the abbey library. rZroq2H8Fsy-00018-00014379-00015084 In Italy the oldest exemplar is a mandate of countess Adelaida of 1109, written in Greek rZroq2H8Fsy-00019-00015084-00015747 and Arabic, which now is in the Archivo di Stato of Palermo. The existence of a paper rZroq2H8Fsy-00020-00015747-00016491 mill in Fabriano is documented already in 1276, and since then the name of this beautiful rZroq2H8Fsy-00021-00016491-00017094 town has been associated to paper making. The first Italian manuscript written on paper rZroq2H8Fsy-00022-00017094-00017619 dates from 1270. To France paper came through a double way, rZroq2H8Fsy-00023-00017619-00018239 from Spain and from Italy. Here the first documented papers were produced in the region rZroq2H8Fsy-00024-00018239-00018601 of Troyes and in the Essone valley, around 1350. rZroq2H8Fsy-00025-00018601-00019158 In Germany the first production centre was established in Nuremberg in 1390 with the rZroq2H8Fsy-00026-00019158-00019700 collaboration of some Italian craftsmen. To the Low Countries paper came thanks to rZroq2H8Fsy-00027-00019700-00020317 a Spaniard called John, who established a workshop in Liege in 1405. rZroq2H8Fsy-00028-00020317-00020943 In the British Isles paper was only known during the 15th century, and even later in rZroq2H8Fsy-00029-00020943-00021718 Scandinavia, in the 17th century. Let’s see now, if just briefly, the manufacture rZroq2H8Fsy-00030-00021718-00022390 process of traditional paper. Because this process requires a lot of water, the paper rZroq2H8Fsy-00031-00022390-00022967 mills are always placed in really idyllic landscapes, close to a river. There are still rZroq2H8Fsy-00032-00022967-00023482 some of these ateliers, where paper is still made in the traditional manner. We can mention rZroq2H8Fsy-00033-00023482-00024032 for example Ambert in France and Capellades in Spain, but there are many other museum-mills rZroq2H8Fsy-00034-00024032-00024630 all across Europe. The raw material of the first Chinese papers rZroq2H8Fsy-00035-00024630-00025170 was a sort of mulberry tree leaf, but when the crafts left the borders of its native rZroq2H8Fsy-00036-00025170-00025726 country this component had to be substituted, since that variety of plant couldn’t be rZroq2H8Fsy-00037-00025726-00026282 found in other regions. And therefore the recipes were simplified and as raw ingredients rZroq2H8Fsy-00038-00026282-00026668 linen rags started to be used, and in a lesser proportion flax. rZroq2H8Fsy-00039-00026668-00027349 The first step in the process was classifying the rags by colour, cutting them in relative rZroq2H8Fsy-00040-00027349-00027975 small pieces and whitewashing them with a kind of bleach made out of wood ash. rZroq2H8Fsy-00041-00027975-00028546 These materials were then reduced to a paste in big vats, where they were left to macerate rZroq2H8Fsy-00042-00028546-00029218 in water until the pulp was homogeneous. In the beginning the operation was done by hand, rZroq2H8Fsy-00043-00029218-00029833 and later by animal powered millstones. Finally, during the 13th century and probably in Italy rZroq2H8Fsy-00044-00029833-00030630 the millstones were substituted by heavy hammers activated by gears moved by running water. rZroq2H8Fsy-00045-00030630-00031377 The resulting paste was then poured in a metallic tub were it was kept at constant temperature. rZroq2H8Fsy-00046-00031377-00031983 The craftsman then takes a rectangular sieve called a mould and introduces it in the tub. rZroq2H8Fsy-00047-00031983-00032612 When the mould comes out of the tub is covered with a layer of the paste, the future paper rZroq2H8Fsy-00048-00032612-00033384 leaf, that the craftsman lays on felt to absorb the excess of water and start the drying process. rZroq2H8Fsy-00049-00033384-00033963 Then a certain amount of felts with their respective leaves were pressed in order to rZroq2H8Fsy-00050-00033963-00034628 eliminate even more water and that also helped with the smoothing flat. The following step rZroq2H8Fsy-00051-00034628-00035228 was to hang the leaves and let them dry completely. When the leaves were dry they were submerged rZroq2H8Fsy-00052-00035228-00035872 in glue and again pressed and hung to dry. And the finishing touch consisted in polishing rZroq2H8Fsy-00053-00035872-00036686 and smoothing the leaves one by one by hand. Of this whole process the single element that rZroq2H8Fsy-00054-00036686-00037188 developed more changes was the mould. Three different types of mould are known: floating rZroq2H8Fsy-00055-00037188-00037762 mould, Oriental or flexible mould and Occidental or rigid framed mould. rZroq2H8Fsy-00056-00037762-00038415 The Oriental or flexible mould has no frame, and that implies that the threads that make rZroq2H8Fsy-00057-00038415-00039018 the sieve will deform after a short period of use. The Occidental or rigid mould has rZroq2H8Fsy-00058-00039018-00039462 a frame, and it ensures that the threads will keep in place for a very long time. rZroq2H8Fsy-00059-00039462-00039650 Figure 1. Papermaking with an Oriental flexible mould (left) and a Western rigid paper mould rZroq2H8Fsy-00060-00039650-00040338 The mould framework leaves very characteristic marks on the paper leaf. The lines that run rZroq2H8Fsy-00061-00040338-00040815 longitudinally, very close to each other, are called wire-lines, and the transverse rZroq2H8Fsy-00062-00040815-00041000 ones chain-supports. rZroq2H8Fsy-00064-00041113-00041677 Since the 13th century, Occidental paper has been manufactured with a watermark. This is rZroq2H8Fsy-00065-00041677-00042202 a silhouette worked out with metallic threads in the mould, so that it leaves a mark in rZroq2H8Fsy-00066-00042202-00042883 the paper leaves that could identify the manufacturer. Together with the watermark sometimes we find rZroq2H8Fsy-00067-00042883-00043577 a secondary mark or countermark of smaller dimension, most commonly some decorated initials rZroq2H8Fsy-00068-00043577-00044150 placed in one of the corners of the leaf. The purpose of this countermark was to distinguish rZroq2H8Fsy-00069-00044150-00044743 between two manufacturers that used the same watermark or watermarks very similar. rZroq2H8Fsy-00070-00044743-00045477 The types of paper used during the Middle Ages can be divided in two wide classes: with rZroq2H8Fsy-00071-00045477-00045990 and without watermark. The paper without watermark is characteristic rZroq2H8Fsy-00072-00045990-00046509 of the East, but the papers made in the West previously to the invention of the watermark rZroq2H8Fsy-00073-00046509-00047168 in the 13th century fall as well within this category. The paste in this sort of paper rZroq2H8Fsy-00074-00047168-00047719 is normally well glued in starch, and the surface is flat and of a yellowish colour rZroq2H8Fsy-00075-00047719-00048338 tending to dun. As already explained the mould of these papers is of the flexible sort and rZroq2H8Fsy-00076-00048338-00049024 of course they lack a watermark. The formats are very variable. rZroq2H8Fsy-00077-00049024-00049624 Watermark paper is characteristically European from the 13th century. Besides the frame of rZroq2H8Fsy-00078-00049624-00050150 the mould and the watermark, this sort of paper is identified through its irregular rZroq2H8Fsy-00079-00050150-00050821 paste and rough surface, of absorbent appearance. The glue is of animal origin and the colour rZroq2H8Fsy-00080-00050821-00051512 light yellowish. Of course paper is a far less resilient material rZroq2H8Fsy-00081-00051512-00052160 than parchment, and because of that its preservation is more difficult. But even so there are thousands rZroq2H8Fsy-00082-00052160-00052762 of medieval manuscripts written on paper. This deficiency of paper was very consciously rZroq2H8Fsy-00083-00052762-00053298 perceived in medieval times, and therefore for a very long time paper was considered rZroq2H8Fsy-00084-00053298-00053927 a sort of poor substitute for parchment. And maybe because of that, the very first manuscripts rZroq2H8Fsy-00085-00053927-00054588 copied on paper have the outer bifolium of each quire of parchment. rZroq2H8Fsy-00086-00054588-00055134 Only towards the end of the Middle Ages we start to find de-luxe manuscripts copied entirely rZroq2H8Fsy-00087-00055134-00055785 on paper, as this Book of knight Zifar, preserved in Paris, in the Bibliotheque Nationale de rZroq2H8Fsy-00088-00055785-00055970 France. rZroq2H8Fsy-00090-00062652-00062852 CREDITS rZroq2H8Fsy-00091-00062852-00063052 https://youtu.be/RlMMy2P8JME rcXZoZTWEx4-00000-00000020-00001168 In the 5.2 house, where we talk about strategies, there is always the challenge of time management. rcXZoZTWEx4-00001-00001250-00001694 That is, what is the time management in the case of a liberal professional, rcXZoZTWEx4-00002-00001734-00002148 or even a traditional professional within the corporate world. rcXZoZTWEx4-00003-00002226-00003428 The professional needs to have an agenda of activities, an agenda that is built strategically structured, rcXZoZTWEx4-00004-00003484-00004384 to maximize the effect of it on the projects he is working on, the activities he is working on, rcXZoZTWEx4-00005-00004384-00005330 So, you have a time management strategy and creation of your agenda of activities rcXZoZTWEx4-00006-00005330-00006452 is what will certainly,in all cases, be able to maximize its effect on the jobs you are doing. rcXZoZTWEx4-00007-00006492-00006793 And that requires a bit of self-knowledge. rcXZoZTWEx4-00008-00006794-00008172 You need to know what time you work best, how long to do certain jobs, rcXZoZTWEx4-00009-00008218-00008770 when it’s time to plan, when it’s time to prepare, when it’s time to act rcXZoZTWEx4-00010-00008770-00009350 when it’s time to analyze, study effects and learn, rcXZoZTWEx4-00011-00009466-00010672 self-develop with an investment in training activities, and recycling of your professional curriculum, rcXZoZTWEx4-00012-00010742-00012196 all this is a series of delicate, strategic decisions that make your work successful or not. rcXZoZTWEx4-00013-00012196-00012954 Whether or not they produce the effect required by their professional area, their profession, rcXZoZTWEx4-00014-00012968-00014502 and will always be a challenge in the life of every professional, time management is an art very difficult to master. rcXZoZTWEx4-00015-00014694-00015208 Time is a tyrant in the lives of all people. rcXZoZTWEx4-00016-00015260-00016136 Good management in your activity schedule is deep down the secret behind all the professions rcXZoZTWEx4-00017-00016174-00016464 because it contemplates all of this I said. rcXZoZTWEx4-00018-00016490-00017240 It does not only contemplate its time actively working in some performance, rcXZoZTWEx4-00019-00017240-00018172 but it is also the time you have to rest, it is the time you have to study, prepare yourself, perfect yourself, rcXZoZTWEx4-00020-00018172-00018630 it is the time that you have to prepare yourself to get intoaction. rcXZoZTWEx4-00021-00018686-00019266 So all this time management that involves all the areas of your life, rcXZoZTWEx4-00022-00019276-00019616 be it your personal life, your leisure, your family and everything, rcXZoZTWEx4-00023-00019654-00020068 also contests the time with your professional activity and therefore, rcXZoZTWEx4-00024-00020188-00020494 the professional success of any professional activity rcXZoZTWEx4-00025-00020550-00021238 is intensively linked to the way this professional manages time. rd6aReUJZDk-00000-00000000-00000200 You are your child’s first teacher. rd6aReUJZDk-00001-00000260-00000400 They learn from you everyday. rd6aReUJZDk-00002-00000440-00000664 Encouraging your child builds self-esteem rd6aReUJZDk-00003-00000664-00000824 and important social skills. rd6aReUJZDk-00004-00000868-00000992 Suggest they try something new. rd6aReUJZDk-00005-00001024-00001144 like drawing a picture rd6aReUJZDk-00006-00001144-00001244 or reading a book rd6aReUJZDk-00007-00001248-00001348 even catching a ball, rd6aReUJZDk-00008-00001412-00001592 It helps build their confidence. rd6aReUJZDk-00009-00001607-00001892 Offering support and praise makes them feel comforted rd6aReUJZDk-00010-00001912-00001955 safe rd6aReUJZDk-00011-00001972-00002039 and loved. rd6aReUJZDk-00012-00002072-00002328 Remember, it’s the lessons that they learn from you today, rd6aReUJZDk-00013-00002364-00002480 that prepares them for life, rd6aReUJZDk-00014-00002508-00002552 tomorrow. rd6aReUJZDk-00015-00002636-00002888 Find out more at "The Early Years Count" website. rf93ZIWzjvu-00000-00000060-00000894 ladies and gentlemen welcome back to another video so in this video we're going to create rf93ZIWzjvu-00001-00000894-00001818 a CPU fragment Shader kind of thing I didn't see anyone make it before to be honest uh so rf93ZIWzjvu-00002-00001818-00002316 I don't know uh well let's just get started so I'm gonna use of course c-line with rusts rf93ZIWzjvu-00003-00002382-00003042 so yeah let's create a new project rust binary application rf93ZIWzjvu-00004-00003144-00004116 let's give it a stupid name cdtk for coded Taco let's call it CPU brag I guess rf93ZIWzjvu-00005-00004386-00005172 CPU frag let's just call it CPU frag Shader okay CPU frag rf93ZIWzjvu-00006-00005382-00005988 um Shader all right that's a really really big name but anyway create binary application rf93ZIWzjvu-00007-00006234-00007356 always add or go check run there we go terminal I'm gonna make sure that I'm in the rf93ZIWzjvu-00008-00007458-00008123 the default tool chain or default Channel I mean not default but uh stable stable Channel rf93ZIWzjvu-00009-00008123-00008952 instead of nightly so I'm just gonna say rust up uh default stable unless if you want to work rf93ZIWzjvu-00010-00008952-00009612 with the nightly I don't mind but yeah so rest stop defaults table and then I'm just going to rf93ZIWzjvu-00011-00009612-00010212 say cargo clean to make sure cargo doesn't interfere with that and that's pretty much rf93ZIWzjvu-00012-00010212-00011172 it so we have our main function let's run and as you can see Hello World nice now let's import the rf93ZIWzjvu-00013-00011172-00011826 libraries that we need so cargo add I need winit for windowing and I need soft buffer rf93ZIWzjvu-00014-00011976-00012828 all right to get the buffer of the window all right nice stuff okay so we're done rf93ZIWzjvu-00015-00012828-00013644 with importing libraries now let's run again so libraries gets the chance to compile stuff up so rf93ZIWzjvu-00016-00013806-00014712 so you have autocomplete and stuff like that Etc that would be cool all right we're only going to rf93ZIWzjvu-00017-00014712-00015497 be using two crates today I I guess so yeah of course I'm not an expert at rust so if you rf93ZIWzjvu-00018-00015497-00016224 have any suggestions or whatever let me know and also I welcome any kind of contributions in any rf93ZIWzjvu-00019-00016224-00016926 kind of way so let's get started alright so let's create first of all an event Loop using winning it rf93ZIWzjvu-00020-00016926-00017712 win it right event Loop like this right all right how do you create a event Loop rf93ZIWzjvu-00021-00017712-00018438 interesting uh I guess you do it like this a little new there you go oh my God stupid IDE rf93ZIWzjvu-00022-00018660-00019074 a and the microphone is bugging me out but anyways rf93ZIWzjvu-00023-00019164-00019764 it's uh make sure to not import this platform specific thing that that's gonna rf93ZIWzjvu-00024-00019842-00020496 that's not uh you know multiplayer like it's not gonna work cross-platform right it's just for Unix rf93ZIWzjvu-00025-00020496-00021162 X11 you gotta use winit event Loop not this okay so when it event Loop event Loop there we go so we rf93ZIWzjvu-00026-00021162-00021708 have created our event Loop now let's create our main window well we're gonna have only one window rf93ZIWzjvu-00027-00021708-00022440 today so that doesn't matter but anyway so um window Builder we're gonna use the window Builder rf93ZIWzjvu-00028-00022440-00023112 new and then dot build and inside dot build you're gonna pass in a reference to the event Loop rf93ZIWzjvu-00029-00023220-00023934 a reference to DML that's basically how it works let's make sure to unwrap this up because this rf93ZIWzjvu-00030-00023934-00024636 uh builds function gives us a result to say if the function if the window has successfully been rf93ZIWzjvu-00031-00024636-00025500 created or not or build it in this case but yeah now let's run the event Loop event Loop dot run rf93ZIWzjvu-00032-00025590-00026148 and this is basically our main Loop of the of the application uh this is the closure rf93ZIWzjvu-00033-00026148-00026604 and then inside of it it will give us an event I don't care about the window Target rf93ZIWzjvu-00034-00026604-00027744 or whatever it's called and then we have the uh oh my god control flow there we go control flow rf93ZIWzjvu-00035-00027833-00028620 okay nice nice nice nice nice all right so control flow you can set it to pull weight rf93ZIWzjvu-00036-00028620-00029536 or set wait until say exit with code Etc so since we want to render every frame like [Music] rf93ZIWzjvu-00037-00029610-00030372 oh like not every frame but just continuously render to the screen just like a game then I'm rf93ZIWzjvu-00038-00030372-00030882 just gonna use set pole which is basically the default option or if you're creating let's say rf93ZIWzjvu-00039-00030882-00031620 a GUI Library which only for example updates the graphics or the window stuff uh it only updates rf93ZIWzjvu-00040-00031620-00032232 if there is some kind of event like you know the the user have moved the mouse or clicked or you rf93ZIWzjvu-00041-00032232-00032802 know some kind of events is coming in then you can use set weight or set weight Intel but in my rf93ZIWzjvu-00042-00032802-00033510 case I'm just gonna set pull all right so that's it otherwise since this is the default Behavior rf93ZIWzjvu-00043-00033510-00034170 I can just omit this completely now after that I'm just gonna match the events so matching the rf93ZIWzjvu-00044-00034170-00035298 event let's see what event that is that we got in this iteration so let's see um are being handled rf93ZIWzjvu-00045-00035472-00036276 let's see the event what it is eventloop.run there we go this is the event so we have all rf93ZIWzjvu-00046-00036276-00036762 these crazy events I only I'm only interested into the window events this is emitted when rf93ZIWzjvu-00047-00036762-00037476 the OS sends an event to a win it window and I'm also interested the device event is basically when rf93ZIWzjvu-00048-00037476-00038226 let's say a device gets connected for example uh I don't know maybe a mouse a joystick or something rf93ZIWzjvu-00049-00038226-00039018 I don't know uh so yeah basically a device and what else there is there's a redrawal requested rf93ZIWzjvu-00050-00039018-00039738 you want to use this if you if you have used I believe set weight like control flow dot set rf93ZIWzjvu-00051-00039738-00040464 weight if you have a GUI right that only renders or updates the the window stuff rf93ZIWzjvu-00052-00040530-00040986 only if there is an event that you have to use this callback redraw requested rf93ZIWzjvu-00053-00041100-00041808 I believe not or maybe redraw events clear not sure either way just make sure to read rf93ZIWzjvu-00054-00041808-00042468 the documentation of this stuff uh but what I'm interested in is Main Events cleared because I'm rf93ZIWzjvu-00055-00042468-00043380 I want to continuously draw into the screen and which is pretty much what most not all games do rf93ZIWzjvu-00056-00043518-00044148 all right and I need the window event all right let's get started but actually let rf93ZIWzjvu-00057-00044148-00044676 me show you before this I'm just gonna comment this out let me show you how it looks for now rf93ZIWzjvu-00058-00044790-00045348 just so you know exactly what each thing does so here it is as you can see this little code rf93ZIWzjvu-00059-00045348-00045960 have created a window it's called when it's window we can change the title easily so actually let's rf93ZIWzjvu-00060-00045960-00046590 change it because why not and as you can see it doesn't render anything to the screen it's just rf93ZIWzjvu-00061-00046590-00047310 stuck on that image or whatever it's called so uh yeah it's interesting and if I try to close rf93ZIWzjvu-00062-00047310-00047886 the window it doesn't respond that's because we didn't handle the event of closing the window rf93ZIWzjvu-00063-00047958-00048618 but before doing that stuff before the build okay before the build I want to change the rf93ZIWzjvu-00064-00048618-00049284 title because why not with title then here you can give it a title I'm gonna say code attack oh rf93ZIWzjvu-00065-00049374-00049866 the tiger fragments I don't know CPU fragment Shader rf93ZIWzjvu-00066-00050448-00050628 um okay rf93ZIWzjvu-00067-00051072-00051941 so with title code attack who CPU Loop fragment um anyway let's run this once again rf93ZIWzjvu-00068-00052104-00052374 and you can see code attack on CPU fragmentator is rf93ZIWzjvu-00069-00052374-00052902 in the title interesting we can also set the width and the height because why not rf93ZIWzjvu-00070-00053166-00053886 as you can see this can set with full screen with decorations maximized blah blah blah blah visible rf93ZIWzjvu-00071-00053988-00054966 all this crazy stuff I'm gonna go with with uh size yeah with inner size and here you basically rf93ZIWzjvu-00072-00054966-00055805 give it a physical size I believe if I remember well and maybe you're 32 I don't know not sure rf93ZIWzjvu-00073-00055805-00056490 actually just say physical size new yeah right and then here you give it the width and the height I rf93ZIWzjvu-00074-00056490-00057012 don't know what's the difference between physical size and there is another type of size but yeah rf93ZIWzjvu-00075-00057155-00057786 in physical pixels but anyway so width and the height now I'm going to create some rf93ZIWzjvu-00076-00057888-00058560 uh some variables for the width and height and I'm gonna make it or I'm gonna create it rf93ZIWzjvu-00077-00058560-00059267 actually you know what let's say window size is equal to this whole physical size thing I rf93ZIWzjvu-00078-00059267-00060054 just put it here and then here I can put Windows size directly okay physical size new here I can rf93ZIWzjvu-00079-00060054-00060732 give it the size that I want actually I don't know you know what no no no no let's let's not rf93ZIWzjvu-00080-00060732-00061194 do that let's not do that right so for the window size I'm just going to create it as rf93ZIWzjvu-00081-00061314-00062190 um let's see so let's say for example 800 600 okay I want this to be you size though rf93ZIWzjvu-00082-00062478-00062862 you sites data type a few size rf93ZIWzjvu-00083-00062946-00063576 all right so physical size new then I'm just going to pass in Windows size.0 rf93ZIWzjvu-00084-00063672-00064374 but I need to cast it I believe to you 32 if I if I'm correct a Windows size.1 as u32. rf93ZIWzjvu-00085-00064541-00065400 all right I didn't use e32 because I don't want to depend on on the window in library's choice of the rf93ZIWzjvu-00086-00065400-00065880 data type of width and Heights and stuff like that that easily change with the library that you're rf93ZIWzjvu-00087-00065880-00066648 using and you can easily get I don't know an Ever overflow while multiplying or whatever so it's rf93ZIWzjvu-00088-00066648-00067512 just better uh I feel at peace when I use U size uh here but anyway so event Loop don't run now rf93ZIWzjvu-00089-00067512-00068094 this should be fine it should also change right now the Windows size to 800 600 as you can see rf93ZIWzjvu-00090-00068094-00069054 nice now let's start doing the real stuff match event okay so events what it could be it could rf93ZIWzjvu-00091-00069054-00070344 be a window event but hold on I need to use Win It I don't event right and then events again let's go rf93ZIWzjvu-00092-00070566-00071148 nice so after using that I can just go event and then I can choose whatever event I want rf93ZIWzjvu-00093-00071232-00072126 let's start by Main Events cleared I guess okay and so if this happened what you're gonna do rf93ZIWzjvu-00094-00072582-00073140 Main Events cleared okay I don't need this guy because it's not instructed just a simple you know rf93ZIWzjvu-00095-00073260-00073932 all right here we're gonna render our stuff okay all right nice now rf93ZIWzjvu-00096-00074070-00074724 by the way there is something non-exhaustive paranomia oh my God come on bro let's add this rf93ZIWzjvu-00097-00074724-00075648 so it doesn't yell at us and then I'm gonna add event window events there we go um uh so window rf93ZIWzjvu-00098-00075648-00076368 event is kind of like an anim struct thing so it have window ID and events I'm not interested rf93ZIWzjvu-00099-00076368-00077166 into window ID but if you're trying to like create multiple windows and you want to handle multiple rf93ZIWzjvu-00100-00077166-00077646 windows then you should care about this but since I'm only caring about a single window rf93ZIWzjvu-00101-00077646-00078444 I'm not caring about that so I only care about the event which is a window event as you can see it it rf93ZIWzjvu-00102-00078444-00079134 can contain resize I'm interested into resized and closed requested I believe that's it maybe rf93ZIWzjvu-00103-00079242-00079926 yeah that's probably the case if you want to handle keyboard stuff there we go modifiers I rf93ZIWzjvu-00104-00079926-00080322 think modifiers is for control and shift and stuff like that maybe I don't know there's rf93ZIWzjvu-00105-00080322-00081036 cursor removed cursor entered because they're left Mouse wheel there we go Mouse input right rf93ZIWzjvu-00106-00081246-00082194 all right touchpad pressure event access motion touch scale factor changed theme changed occluded rf93ZIWzjvu-00107-00082194-00082788 anyway all right all right all right so for the window events as I said I only care about rf93ZIWzjvu-00108-00082950-00083244 the events basically there we go rf93ZIWzjvu-00109-00083478-00084174 and I don't care about the window ID so I'm gonna put this two dots right there all right let's go rf93ZIWzjvu-00110-00084288-00085170 so here we're gonna match the that event I'm gonna see what it is is it a rf93ZIWzjvu-00111-00085392-00085452 hmm rf93ZIWzjvu-00112-00086148-00086874 events is it resized or what exactly I guess you gotta do it like this rf93ZIWzjvu-00113-00087120-00087582 how do you yo how do you do that rf93ZIWzjvu-00114-00088350-00089436 oh how do you do that window events there we go window events and then uh close request right rf93ZIWzjvu-00115-00089856-00090492 all right there we go as you can see uh you have included their window events from winit event all rf93ZIWzjvu-00116-00090492-00091152 right so window event close requested uh when the close request basically close requested is when rf93ZIWzjvu-00117-00091152-00091680 you click the the X on the window so you can close it right now currently since we're not handling rf93ZIWzjvu-00118-00091680-00092220 close requested it doesn't do anything when you click the X on the window so you have to kill the rf93ZIWzjvu-00119-00092220-00092796 process if you want to quit but right now we're just gonna say if closer requested then go ahead rf93ZIWzjvu-00120-00092796-00093858 and say control flow uh dot set exit I don't know what's wrong with the cargo check uh troll flow rf93ZIWzjvu-00121-00094236-00095514 huh extra field sound instruct pattern control slow what are you talking about that's weird comma rf93ZIWzjvu-00122-00095742-00095952 if it's anything else we don't care rf93ZIWzjvu-00123-00096504-00097146 all right let me see this error stupid well parsing the fields for this better rf93ZIWzjvu-00124-00097284-00097950 close requested oh oh my God I forgot about that thing okay so control flow dot sit exit rf93ZIWzjvu-00125-00097950-00098712 there you go nice nice nice Main Events cleared here we're gonna do our rendering so now let's rf93ZIWzjvu-00126-00098712-00099462 check if it closes gracefully boom there we go it works all right so that's for the window rf93ZIWzjvu-00127-00099462-00100440 events close requested I also want uh the resized events so the window events resized rf93ZIWzjvu-00128-00100578-00101004 okay and resized I believe give me the physical size okay rf93ZIWzjvu-00129-00101178-00101748 so um window size actually I'm just going to call it size okay rf93ZIWzjvu-00130-00101946-00102809 all right let's call it physical slice anyways all right lovely rf93ZIWzjvu-00131-00102990-00103458 now expected one of oh my God I always forget about this rf93ZIWzjvu-00132-00103559-00104040 but anyway window inventory saw so when resized for now let me just print line rf93ZIWzjvu-00133-00104040-00104988 that something got resized so you can see how is it going resized right and then you say that's rf93ZIWzjvu-00134-00105209-00105900 that's those are basically placeholders then we say physical size dot width and physical size rf93ZIWzjvu-00135-00105978-00106068 the height rf93ZIWzjvu-00136-00106458-00107285 there we go all right as you can see at the start of the what it's called at the start of rf93ZIWzjvu-00137-00107285-00107880 the application it actually sends a resized event which is quite nice and then when you resize it rf93ZIWzjvu-00138-00107880-00108672 sends again an event which is lovely all right lovely lovely lovely now instead of printing the rf93ZIWzjvu-00139-00108672-00109254 the new size I'm just gonna put it into the window size and to to change the window size rf93ZIWzjvu-00140-00109254-00110244 it's going to be mutable and now I'm just going to say uh window size equal to physical size I guess rf93ZIWzjvu-00141-00110574-00111348 physical size dot into but the problem is Windows size and physical size aren't the same thing rf93ZIWzjvu-00142-00111468-00112482 so uh all right that means we gotta do it manually physical size Dot rf93ZIWzjvu-00143-00112535-00113370 with but remember that physical size contains the width and the height as u32 but our window size rf93ZIWzjvu-00144-00113370-00114240 is as you size right so I'm going to say as you size and here physical size dot height as you size rf93ZIWzjvu-00145-00114528-00115218 and there we go so now that's all we need I believe for now rf93ZIWzjvu-00146-00115296-00115728 right yeah what's going on here what's wrong rf93ZIWzjvu-00147-00116238-00117324 yeah what are you talking about hold on let me run oh oh you gotta say move here uh right interesting rf93ZIWzjvu-00148-00117690-00117906 is imported redundantly rf93ZIWzjvu-00149-00118188-00118956 right that is stupid newest horrible window size they didn't mean to capture by referencing instead rf93ZIWzjvu-00150-00119130-00119592 and the car got checked check of the IDE I just updated it rf93ZIWzjvu-00151-00119592-00119880 kind of crazy today I don't know anyway anyway rf93ZIWzjvu-00152-00120185-00121152 so there we go we still have our window now what we should do all right now it's the time for soft rf93ZIWzjvu-00153-00121230-00122088 the soft salt software so it's a buffer let's go so first we're going to create a graphics context rf93ZIWzjvu-00154-00122298-00123000 uh right Graphics context equal to of course here we're not going to be using the GPU I'm only going rf93ZIWzjvu-00155-00123000-00123996 to be using the CPU so even you know computers without uh a GPU uh they can run this without rf93ZIWzjvu-00156-00123996-00124788 any problem it's actually going to be relying on the CPU power not the GPU so yeah Graphics context rf93ZIWzjvu-00157-00124878-00125628 context context we're going to use now soft buffer there we go a graphics context and new rf93ZIWzjvu-00158-00125742-00126180 or right here you gotta pass in the window there you go the window rf93ZIWzjvu-00159-00126372-00127050 and Dot in wrap but the problem is this is in safe so you gotta surround it with an unsafe block rf93ZIWzjvu-00160-00127206-00127685 and of course we just unwrap for now if there is a problem we're just gonna crash rf93ZIWzjvu-00161-00127685-00128304 the program that's it all right so yeah we have created a graphics context now which is nice rf93ZIWzjvu-00162-00128382-00129156 next up is we gotta actually create the buffer and so the buffer that's going to contain our rf93ZIWzjvu-00163-00129216-00129768 our let's say pixel data or fragment data or whatever you want to call it rf93ZIWzjvu-00164-00130200-00130583 although it would have been better if I called it pixel Shader though but rf93ZIWzjvu-00165-00130661-00131484 anyways anyways uh Graphics context now what's next let's let's create a buffer rf93ZIWzjvu-00166-00131484-00132270 so the buffer is going to be just a vector I'm going to use the macro here I'm gonna start well rf93ZIWzjvu-00167-00132408-00132990 let's just start by zero okay uh it's like all the values inside of the buffer will be zero rf93ZIWzjvu-00168-00132990-00133770 which is basically black a black color so and then the size of the buffer will be window size rf93ZIWzjvu-00169-00133770-00134604 the width times window size dot height all right and since Windows size are you size using you rf93ZIWzjvu-00170-00134604-00135558 size I don't have to do any kind of you know kind of crazy uh conversion here window size dot one rf93ZIWzjvu-00171-00135672-00136458 all right there we go we have created our buffer now now we have just to tell a soft rf93ZIWzjvu-00172-00136458-00137058 buffer to to take this buffer uh right and then just submit it to the window rf93ZIWzjvu-00173-00137142-00137814 all right so let's go ahead and do it here so Graphics context the set buffer rf93ZIWzjvu-00174-00137916-00138612 buffer and then after that you tell it the width of the of the buffer Etc I believe rf93ZIWzjvu-00175-00138840-00138990 it would be cool if rf93ZIWzjvu-00176-00139236-00140040 if maybe salt soft buffer can just you know I can just use the existing window rf93ZIWzjvu-00177-00140040-00140790 size maybe I don't know I'm not even sure that's uh that's possible anyway rf93ZIWzjvu-00178-00140790-00141450 anyway because in fact it does it does take ownership of the window but yeah all right rf93ZIWzjvu-00179-00141822-00142302 so consider borrowing here yeah well we don't want to to give it the ownership rf93ZIWzjvu-00180-00142302-00142596 we just gotta give it a reference at the buffer rf93ZIWzjvu-00181-00142836-00143886 and here it should be as u16 I believe there we go as you 16. I'm not sure why he's like why the rf93ZIWzjvu-00182-00143886-00144540 creator of this library is using u16 for that but yeah it's not as mutual as not declared as mutable rf93ZIWzjvu-00183-00144540-00145254 yeah let's change this Graphics Graphics context to mutable and there we go uh let's try this out rf93ZIWzjvu-00184-00145506-00146268 and there we go now as you can see our window is black which means our uh we we have successfully rf93ZIWzjvu-00185-00146268-00147138 started rendering into the screen using the CPU well but uh we're not doing anything crazy yet rf93ZIWzjvu-00186-00147264-00147822 I don't know why it's closed the window by the way oh yeah all right so right rf93ZIWzjvu-00187-00147822-00148326 now when I resize the window though what happens is that it crashed the program rf93ZIWzjvu-00188-00148512-00149028 the size of the best buffer is not the correct size it must be exactly with times height rf93ZIWzjvu-00189-00149028-00149712 all right and that's normal that's pretty normal so in resized hold on a second rf93ZIWzjvu-00190-00150432-00151116 oh yeah oh yeah all right so here when the resizing happens we shouldn't just update rf93ZIWzjvu-00191-00151116-00151788 the window so it's yes but we should also update our buffer uh to mirror that okay so buffer I'm rf93ZIWzjvu-00192-00151788-00152370 going to say buffer you can create a new buffer right from the sort but I'm just gonna use resize rf93ZIWzjvu-00193-00152370-00153234 the resize although there is uh some advantages and disadvantages of just resizing the buffer rf93ZIWzjvu-00194-00153234-00154392 or to let's say creating a new buffer if you just recite the buffer then there's going to be some rf93ZIWzjvu-00195-00154446-00155004 seams when you're resizing the window it's gonna look strange they're going to be like a mix of uh rf93ZIWzjvu-00196-00155004-00155724 you know the background color or something like that it's crazy uh and if you just recreate the rf93ZIWzjvu-00197-00155724-00156228 buffer there's not going to be those seams but well you're taking a performance hit right there rf93ZIWzjvu-00198-00156228-00156912 so so I'm just gonna use uh buffer.resize I don't I don't mind I'm looking for performance here rf93ZIWzjvu-00199-00156912-00157584 uh so buffer.resize here I'm going to tell like the actually no I'm gonna tell it the uh hold on rf93ZIWzjvu-00200-00157584-00158196 I don't remember uh resize new length right and the value okay so here we're just going to say rf93ZIWzjvu-00201-00158196-00159258 Windows size dot zero times Windows size dot one so basically the width times height comma rf93ZIWzjvu-00202-00159258-00160200 and here the value that you want to fill the uh the remaining the remaining uh what can I say rf93ZIWzjvu-00203-00160308-00160932 uh the new basically the new data the new data that got resized right there but anyway that rf93ZIWzjvu-00204-00160932-00161466 got pushed into the vector I'm going to say zero just like here for now uh basically it's going to rf93ZIWzjvu-00205-00161466-00162198 be pushed as as black okay so yeah what's going on happening what's Happening Here that's music rf93ZIWzjvu-00206-00162198-00162762 yeah let's uh change the buffer to mutable so it can be changed and now let's run this up rf93ZIWzjvu-00207-00162894-00164082 okay and now I can resize without any problem as you can see and very beautiful stuff now no no no rf93ZIWzjvu-00208-00164286-00165006 buffered or resize now let me show you actually let's change this value zero to something else so rf93ZIWzjvu-00209-00165060-00166002 um the thing is the value that the graphics context use this soft buffer Library it uses rf93ZIWzjvu-00210-00166002-00166950 u32 for the color of each pixel okay u32 so 32-bit 8-bit for the red eight bits for the rf93ZIWzjvu-00211-00166950-00167868 green 8-bit for the blue and and there is another 8-bit that should always be just zero zeros okay rf93ZIWzjvu-00212-00167994-00168330 I don't know why exactly but I think it may be the alpha but rf93ZIWzjvu-00213-00168330-00168828 it's not used by the library I don't know so maybe something like that um rf93ZIWzjvu-00214-00169080-00169464 yeah there we go if you if you hover over this set buffer or look into rf93ZIWzjvu-00215-00169464-00170046 the documentation as you can see this is the format zero zeros red green and blue rf93ZIWzjvu-00216-00170256-00170718 all right all right all right shows the given buffer with the given wait blah blah blah rf93ZIWzjvu-00217-00170808-00171618 so I'm going to use hex because it's quite simple to to fill in a so 0xff rf93ZIWzjvu-00218-00171822-00172674 I guess in fact zero zero here uh okay and the inner score is it's just there for me to to so it rf93ZIWzjvu-00219-00172674-00173352 can be readable which which which uh component um I'm about to edit but let's see how this is gonna rf93ZIWzjvu-00220-00173352-00174318 go if I resize look at that so this is basically the new values that got pushed because of resizing rf93ZIWzjvu-00221-00174462-00174666 look at that isn't it beautiful rf93ZIWzjvu-00222-00174876-00175590 oh my God but of course if when you resize and you resize it down what's going to happen it's rf93ZIWzjvu-00223-00175590-00176088 just gonna get truncated it's not going to push anything new right the vector is just going to rf93ZIWzjvu-00224-00176088-00176886 get truncated to the length that you uh mentioned but anyway so this is basically the blue let me rf93ZIWzjvu-00225-00176886-00177498 actually put all of these zeros so I can show you what each one does so FF this is the blue rf93ZIWzjvu-00226-00177498-00178092 and this is the green and this is the red this always should always be zero and let's see this rf93ZIWzjvu-00227-00178092-00179544 so I now I said FF in the blue look at that it's blue all right um zero zero if I said here FF in rf93ZIWzjvu-00228-00179544-00180666 the green FF basically means 255 right in RGB and stuff like that right right there we go the green rf93ZIWzjvu-00229-00180924-00181116 and this is the blue rf93ZIWzjvu-00230-00181422-00181728 oh my God not that uh yeah rf93ZIWzjvu-00231-00181806-00182706 anyway so if uh if we do this as you can see red nice stuff now instead of doing it this way rf93ZIWzjvu-00232-00182856-00183468 I'm actually going to create a struct called color just to keep things uh much cleaner rf93ZIWzjvu-00233-00183468-00183990 and much better um because there's just a lot of things that I want to put into it so struct color rf93ZIWzjvu-00234-00184170-00184926 I'm gonna store the red as I don't know f64 just to make sure that we're not uh we're rf93ZIWzjvu-00235-00184926-00185310 not anchoring our application to any kind of bit size right rf93ZIWzjvu-00236-00185376-00186732 so yeah f64 we can use F32 but I don't know so I just love f64 all right um struct color rf93ZIWzjvu-00237-00187014-00187452 who knows who knows who knows uh what's going on here remove rf93ZIWzjvu-00238-00187452-00187830 the semicolon okay now let's Implement uh color rf93ZIWzjvu-00239-00188118-00188598 um well to be honest with you let's just go with F32 rf93ZIWzjvu-00240-00188598-00189318 I don't think they're going to be a color that is uh that is that with that Precision I don't know rf93ZIWzjvu-00241-00189546-00190074 hmm no idea anyways let's go with F32 okay and pull color rf93ZIWzjvu-00242-00190074-00190872 now we're gonna create uh initializer or a Constructor so how we can do that if n rf93ZIWzjvu-00243-00190998-00192636 let's see uh uh let's say new okay and then r F32 g f 32 blue F32 there we go RGB rf93ZIWzjvu-00244-00192906-00193764 so FN new I kind of have OCD kind of thing about F32 f64 all these crazy rf93ZIWzjvu-00245-00193764-00194292 stuff I always like to to choose the biggest value like the biggest data rf93ZIWzjvu-00246-00194292-00195054 type for some reason but yeah anyway RGB so here we're gonna say uh so it returns self rf93ZIWzjvu-00247-00195258-00195954 there we go then this is basically color r j b rf93ZIWzjvu-00248-00196110-00196662 there you go I always like to put the trailing Comma just because rf93ZIWzjvu-00249-00196830-00197466 um for future if there is anything added for any reason and then also if you edit you know rf93ZIWzjvu-00250-00197466-00198066 in the future something like if you added an element if you look at the diff change like in rf93ZIWzjvu-00251-00198066-00198810 GitHub or whatever um or get blame or whatever then it's going to be much cleaner okay so yeah rf93ZIWzjvu-00252-00198882-00199428 because you don't have to change another like two lines or whatever you only have to add your rf93ZIWzjvu-00253-00199428-00200310 new line and that's it but yeah truct color if in you that's it so now after this I'm gonna actually rf93ZIWzjvu-00254-00200430-00200682 okay so I'm gonna create a new variable rf93ZIWzjvu-00255-00200808-00201684 I'm gonna call this background color Okay so let's uh background color is equal to color rf93ZIWzjvu-00256-00201870-00203016 um new and here I like 0.1 0.1 0.1 so 10 10 percent 10 percent okay so it's a shade of black rf93ZIWzjvu-00257-00203142-00203496 and I'm also going to say that into I believe rf93ZIWzjvu-00258-00203724-00204078 or actually no no need no need so just background color okay rf93ZIWzjvu-00259-00204216-00204762 and then we gotta pass this background color I'm gonna pass it instead of zero I'm gonna pass rf93ZIWzjvu-00260-00204762-00205476 background color so basically at the start when you have an empty window the there is no rendering rf93ZIWzjvu-00261-00205476-00206166 yet the buffer will be initialize the background color and also when you resize it's going to be in rf93ZIWzjvu-00262-00206166-00206838 it's going to be in background color until you render once again but yeah so background color rf93ZIWzjvu-00263-00206982-00207719 here but the problem is the buffer I don't want it to hold the color structs Okay I want it to hold rf93ZIWzjvu-00264-00207719-00208488 you 32 values okay that represents the color so we're going to say go into which basically I I'm rf93ZIWzjvu-00265-00208488-00209232 talking I'm telling I'm telling Russ to to change the the type of this background color struct to rf93ZIWzjvu-00266-00209232-00209880 whatever you think should be should be the type like whichever you infer the type is in this case rf93ZIWzjvu-00267-00209880-00210473 as you can see in first u32 so it's going to try to change background color into u32 but if we see rf93ZIWzjvu-00268-00210473-00211056 here look at the the trade bound u32 from color is not satisfied basically it doesn't know how it rf93ZIWzjvu-00269-00211056-00211782 can turn this background color struct or discolor struct to a u32 value so we gotta tell it how to rf93ZIWzjvu-00270-00211782-00212969 do that so I'm going to implement the from trait so from let's see from color for u32 I believe rf93ZIWzjvu-00271-00213132-00213696 and of course show context action Implement members I'm going to implement the from Member rf93ZIWzjvu-00272-00213696-00214596 function of the traits so basically whenever you try to create a trait from you need to rf93ZIWzjvu-00273-00214596-00215394 have this member function called from okay this the the parameter is going to be color and then rf93ZIWzjvu-00274-00215538-00216276 uh it's going to be u32 yourself self is basically a replacement for usually too rf93ZIWzjvu-00275-00216276-00216942 here so yeah anyway from now let's see how we can do this so basically you have to turn RGB rf93ZIWzjvu-00276-00216942-00217740 which are floats to a whole u32-bit value that contains all of the that information in one place rf93ZIWzjvu-00277-00217908-00218682 so how to do it all right so we'll start by the blue because the least significant bits are around rf93ZIWzjvu-00278-00218682-00219312 here which are the blue value which is the blue value all right so we gotta start by the blue rf93ZIWzjvu-00279-00219312-00220752 value so I'm gonna say self Dot not self color dot blue okay color dot blue so I'm gonna turn it from rf93ZIWzjvu-00280-00220860-00221508 first of all actually it's going to be a value between 0 and 1 0.0 and and 1.0 I'm gonna do times rf93ZIWzjvu-00281-00221508-00222576 255.0 so now it's gonna be become from 0.0 to 255.0 but it's still a flow so I'm gonna cast it rf93ZIWzjvu-00282-00222576-00223206 afterwards to u32 if I did cast it before actually multiplying what's going to happen is that it's rf93ZIWzjvu-00283-00223206-00223998 always going to be 0 or potentially one so that's not going to be the thing that we want okay rf93ZIWzjvu-00284-00224112-00224832 um of course we're gonna lose some Precision here but that doesn't matter uh so yeah color times 200 rf93ZIWzjvu-00285-00224832-00225773 cannot multiply F32 by oh yeah so this should be just like that as u32 in fact I'm going to rf93ZIWzjvu-00286-00225773-00226410 put this here I guess there we go so it casts this whole thing as u32 not just this value rf93ZIWzjvu-00287-00226554-00227160 and then I'm just going to say or or what's an or does basically if rf93ZIWzjvu-00288-00227160-00227700 you have so here we're working with bits okay we're doing some bits manipulation let's say rf93ZIWzjvu-00289-00227862-00228846 we have some I don't know random random nibbles a nibble is basically four bits uh each zero or or rf93ZIWzjvu-00290-00228846-00229710 one is is a bit okay four bit is a nibble eight bits is a byte and it goes on like that so here rf93ZIWzjvu-00291-00229710-00230442 I just have a nibble and another enable so if you do or here this is going to be equal to one or one rf93ZIWzjvu-00292-00230442-00231450 true or or true true or true is basically true uh zero zero zero one or one basically since they're rf93ZIWzjvu-00293-00231450-00232248 the same they're just gonna you're just gonna get this but let's say something else I don't rf93ZIWzjvu-00294-00232248-00233244 know something like this okay let's see now one or zero one zero or one one one or zero one one rf93ZIWzjvu-00295-00233394-00234084 thus these are the opposite of each other in some sense right so when where one is is uh rf93ZIWzjvu-00296-00234084-00234719 zero and where zero is one you get this okay um but yeah basically what happens is that rf93ZIWzjvu-00297-00234852-00235548 okay let's see so let's say something like this okay let's say something like this just rf93ZIWzjvu-00298-00235548-00236184 to show you something so basically just add these these bits together and you're gonna get your or rf93ZIWzjvu-00299-00236184-00236910 operation there so here there is a one zero zero one so round one from here and one from here rf93ZIWzjvu-00300-00236910-00237521 and there you go you get this the also the end operator which I'm not gonna use here I believe rf93ZIWzjvu-00301-00237636-00238373 for this one you're gonna go to each pair of bits and look if look for the end operator okay rf93ZIWzjvu-00302-00238373-00239321 so one and zero basically true and false of course zero uh rate and then zero zero rf93ZIWzjvu-00303-00239321-00240390 zero basically this is all zeros because there's in fact no uh like there's no shared kind of uh rf93ZIWzjvu-00304-00240462-00241164 ones like if you want to have one in an and you should have both have a one I don't know how to rf93ZIWzjvu-00305-00241164-00241812 explain exactly but yeah I hope that that that makes sense one one thousand and so let's say rf93ZIWzjvu-00306-00241812-00242478 for example if you have this then since this is one and this is also one then you get a one here rf93ZIWzjvu-00307-00242598-00243228 I hope so we're using this for bit masking so and operator is used for bit masking for example rf93ZIWzjvu-00308-00243348-00244050 um you can have each bit represent some Boolean value like this bit represent did I eat today rf93ZIWzjvu-00309-00244121-00244998 this bit did I drink today this bit did I sleep today uh this bit is uh I might code in rusted rf93ZIWzjvu-00310-00244998-00245544 there I don't know any any question right is it true or false okay so for example in four bits rf93ZIWzjvu-00311-00245652-00246492 I'm not sure but I guess you can store for uh let's say four states okay so this is the first rf93ZIWzjvu-00312-00246492-00247667 state true or false second third fourth okay so let's say I want let's say I want to know if this rf93ZIWzjvu-00313-00247667-00248484 bit is true or false I want to get the value here okay so how can I do it I'm gonna say this okay rf93ZIWzjvu-00314-00248682-00249450 actually let's uh let's say something let's say something let's say one one one okay and rf93ZIWzjvu-00315-00249528-00250373 let's say I only want this bit right here to survive then I'm just gonna say this okay uh that rf93ZIWzjvu-00316-00250373-00251573 means that zeros and ones will give you a zero but this will survive equal to one zero zero zero rf93ZIWzjvu-00317-00251723-00253073 interesting okay now yes we did filter out or mask the value that we want but it is here not here rf93ZIWzjvu-00318-00253073-00253860 okay we're expecting one not one thousand that's why we we also use a shift shift operator and you rf93ZIWzjvu-00319-00253860-00254640 tell it two if you say two then it's gonna shift to here I believe if you say four it's gonna shift rf93ZIWzjvu-00320-00254640-00255198 here if you say eight you're gonna shift here not exactly sure though but I'm just trying my best to rf93ZIWzjvu-00321-00255198-00255762 to teach you something today but there you go so that was it really you can research more about it rf93ZIWzjvu-00322-00255894-00257616 all right so color dot b times 255 as u32 or okay so or color dot now color dot g again times 255.0 rf93ZIWzjvu-00323-00257717-00258960 as u32 but here yes we got our color.g has a u32 value between 0 and 255 but the problem is rf93ZIWzjvu-00324-00259164-00259836 that this thing this this green value it shouldn't be here shouldn't be in this rf93ZIWzjvu-00325-00259836-00260604 places it should be in this places that's why we gotta go ahead and shift shift the green value to rf93ZIWzjvu-00326-00260748-00261528 um or let's see not sure is it like this or the other way around I'm not sure to be honest rf93ZIWzjvu-00327-00261600-00262314 but let's try so I'm gonna shift it one byte okay because the first bite is the blue value the rf93ZIWzjvu-00328-00262314-00262860 second byte should be the green value that's why I only shifted eight which is 2 to the power of uh rf93ZIWzjvu-00329-00262968-00263568 three right I guess I don't know yeah really so anyway rf93ZIWzjvu-00330-00263676-00264576 or basically just gonna copy this and then I'm just gonna see blue tier 16. I'm not rf93ZIWzjvu-00331-00264576-00265368 sure if it should be like this or the other way around so we're gonna check so rf93ZIWzjvu-00332-00265560-00266442 let's run this we got this uh I don't think it's right I think it's probably like this rf93ZIWzjvu-00333-00266592-00267330 yeah it makes sense I believe Maybe so let's try it out oh and in fact you need another parenthesis rf93ZIWzjvu-00334-00267564-00268134 looks like I guess so yeah let's add that rf93ZIWzjvu-00335-00268386-00268944 parentheses we don't need it in this one because there is no shift operator rf93ZIWzjvu-00336-00269088-00269898 okay so if we run this now as you can see right now we got our our color great lovely rf93ZIWzjvu-00337-00269958-00270438 so let's just make sure that everything is Right 1.0 for the red rf93ZIWzjvu-00338-00270798-00271890 uh it's not red huh okay why that's the oh color dot b here instead this is should be rf93ZIWzjvu-00339-00271890-00272736 color.r dot red okay let's see now there you go we got color red as you can see rf93ZIWzjvu-00340-00272736-00273330 we successfully have transformed RGB components in F32 to a single value rf93ZIWzjvu-00341-00273330-00274560 u32 using a bit of bit manipulation a bit of bit manipulation right so yeah Green 1.0 rf93ZIWzjvu-00342-00274746-00275358 0.0 hmm uh all right zero let's see green two rf93ZIWzjvu-00343-00275586-00276108 okay green there we go now let's make sure blue is also working rf93ZIWzjvu-00344-00276360-00276888 it takes a while to actually compile it's interesting and there we go Blue uh let's rf93ZIWzjvu-00345-00276888-00277620 see for example yellow it's going to be red and green full intensity 100 both and zero percent rf93ZIWzjvu-00346-00277620-00278064 for blue and as you can see we got yellow nice now let's go back to our little color rf93ZIWzjvu-00347-00278208-00278778 that we got before and as you can see we have just created this guy right here which is lovely rf93ZIWzjvu-00348-00278850-00279534 all right and of course make sure to use this dot into so it applies this traits rf93ZIWzjvu-00349-00279534-00280128 implementation there so you can transform the color struct into e32 rf93ZIWzjvu-00350-00280212-00280812 interesting now also here instead of doing this I'm going to say background color this is rf93ZIWzjvu-00351-00280812-00281538 basically when you resize the the thing the buffer so background color dot into once again I believe rf93ZIWzjvu-00352-00281880-00282276 cannot move out out of background color okay so uh rf93ZIWzjvu-00353-00282276-00282732 basically we should make sure that color is just like you know deriving rf93ZIWzjvu-00354-00282870-00283680 deriving uh loan and copy so it acts just like a number I don't have to care about its memory stuff rf93ZIWzjvu-00355-00283860-00284568 It's Like A Primitive variable so yeah because it's quite cheap to copy it all around so it's rf93ZIWzjvu-00356-00284568-00285300 not much uh so yeah now it should work out just fine make sure to resize and make sure it's all rf93ZIWzjvu-00357-00285300-00286116 good and as you can see it's all beautiful lovely now we're all good at this point I rf93ZIWzjvu-00358-00286116-00286812 don't know why it's hold on a second what's going on with you what if I removed this guy rf93ZIWzjvu-00359-00287004-00287628 oh oh I see I see what's going on but I don't care about it being here rf93ZIWzjvu-00360-00287694-00288222 yeah I don't care about it being here I want it to be scooped to only that place rf93ZIWzjvu-00361-00288498-00289056 here again I'm gonna say event use when it uh rf93ZIWzjvu-00362-00289278-00289572 when it's event window event there we go rf93ZIWzjvu-00363-00289962-00290430 as you can see now if we run this rf93ZIWzjvu-00364-00290688-00291372 there we go it's working the IDE sucks for some reason today I don't know anyways uh maybe I'm rf93ZIWzjvu-00365-00291372-00292128 gonna close the products and reopen it again maybe so let's close the project how you do that rf93ZIWzjvu-00366-00292332-00293184 there we go see this kcpu fraction blah blah blah analyzing code there we go back into rf93ZIWzjvu-00367-00293184-00293946 normal hopefully all right so now that we got our buffer set right now we just got our Basics setup rf93ZIWzjvu-00368-00294018-00294774 set and ready for actual rendering Okay so where should we render of course we rf93ZIWzjvu-00369-00294774-00295470 should render before we set the buffer in the graphics context all right nice so rf93ZIWzjvu-00370-00295662-00296250 Main Events cleared so here's the here's the plan we're gonna go through every rf93ZIWzjvu-00371-00296442-00297234 every pixel in the buffer and we're gonna color something okay so let's go ahead and do that rf93ZIWzjvu-00372-00297414-00298506 buffer dots hmm error mute Dot for each so for each rf93ZIWzjvu-00373-00298590-00299136 pixel or color or whatever you want to call it I'm gonna call it pixel because why not rf93ZIWzjvu-00374-00299484-00300012 okay and we're gonna dereference because that's a mutable reference we're gonna dereference so we rf93ZIWzjvu-00375-00300012-00300666 can set the actual value not the reference uh the refer the actual reference is actually immutable rf93ZIWzjvu-00376-00300666-00301476 but the actual value is is mutable so pixel equal two here I can set it to some kind of color rf93ZIWzjvu-00377-00301608-00302088 and there we go we're gonna we're gonna use our beautiful struct that we have just made rf93ZIWzjvu-00378-00302148-00302418 we don't have to do any kind of crazy conversion rf93ZIWzjvu-00379-00302592-00303432 um let's say for example for now 1.0 1.0 just to check if this is all working out and we're rf93ZIWzjvu-00380-00303432-00304230 gonna make sure to say that into so it takes this color struct and turn it into 3232 value run this rf93ZIWzjvu-00381-00304464-00305076 now as you can see it's all white which means it's working while this is nice rf93ZIWzjvu-00382-00305250-00305832 but we need the X and the Y value here okay so let's calculate the X and the Y value rf93ZIWzjvu-00383-00305922-00306192 how we can calculate it well we do have the window size rf93ZIWzjvu-00384-00306372-00307038 um but we don't have the pixel index so I'm going to say the error mute dot enumerate rf93ZIWzjvu-00385-00307182-00307590 and that means instead of one variable called pixel we're going to have a tuple here rf93ZIWzjvu-00386-00307752-00308424 um and we're going to have pixel index here there we go it's going to be you size rf93ZIWzjvu-00387-00308502-00309276 interesting now in fact I can go to Red for example and I can say for example rf93ZIWzjvu-00388-00309342-00310068 I don't know pixel index let's say divided by buffer.lens let's just you know try it out rf93ZIWzjvu-00389-00310164-00310818 let's see how that would go pixel index slash expected F32 found you size rf93ZIWzjvu-00390-00311142-00311508 what do you mean oh as F32 rf93ZIWzjvu-00391-00311712-00312294 does that make sense not the trade cannot divide you size by F32 rf93ZIWzjvu-00392-00312294-00313032 oh yeah because uh you gotta actually cast this whole thing not just that there we go rf93ZIWzjvu-00393-00313506-00313914 cannot borrow buffer as immutable because it also borrowed as mutable rf93ZIWzjvu-00394-00314142-00314154 um rf93ZIWzjvu-00395-00314382-00315084 should I put this bottle lens somewhere else maybe so maybe I should take the the length before rf93ZIWzjvu-00396-00315084-00315888 actually entering that thing so Len equal to this yeah there we go that's fixed the issue all right rf93ZIWzjvu-00397-00316062-00316332 now let's run this thing and let's see what's going to happen there rf93ZIWzjvu-00398-00316476-00317130 uh weird okay where we were at pixel index divided by Len rf93ZIWzjvu-00399-00317220-00317766 so let's say zero for the green and the blue so we're only left with the red rf93ZIWzjvu-00400-00318024-00318546 okay we got just darkness weird um rf93ZIWzjvu-00401-00318924-00319482 all right gotcha maybe let's actually try to to convert them rf93ZIWzjvu-00402-00319482-00320112 both because probably we're losing a lot of precision there uh so yeah let's run rf93ZIWzjvu-00403-00320430-00321150 and there we go lovely lovely error mute the enumerates rf93ZIWzjvu-00404-00321276-00321996 so as you can see basically here is the index the pixel index 0 and here is one all right rf93ZIWzjvu-00405-00321996-00322572 so it goes on it keeps on increasing keeps on increasing increasing increasing increasing right rf93ZIWzjvu-00406-00322632-00323376 if you can notice this is the kind of like but hold on it's kind of crazy uh rf93ZIWzjvu-00407-00323580-00324564 so yeah anyways so lovely lovely lovely lovely the problem with this is that it rf93ZIWzjvu-00408-00324564-00325320 can be really really slow since it's a single buff like uh we have no multi-thread in here rf93ZIWzjvu-00409-00325374-00326028 but before we do any multi-threading actually let me add some basic kind of Benchmark it's rf93ZIWzjvu-00410-00326028-00326694 not really benchmarking but in some sense just so we know how much frames we're calculating rf93ZIWzjvu-00411-00326820-00327456 so yeah let's go ahead and do that so how to do that basically in Main Events cleared rf93ZIWzjvu-00412-00327456-00328158 we're going to say let t equal to SCD time instant time instance is not too precise but rf93ZIWzjvu-00413-00328158-00328788 it should be fine for my use case I believe so instant now basically here I'm recording this rf93ZIWzjvu-00414-00328788-00329442 instance and after we have done all these crazy operations like basically updating the whole rf93ZIWzjvu-00415-00329442-00329976 buffer all right and then sits in the buffer etc etc we're just going to say print line rf93ZIWzjvu-00416-00330186-00331068 FPS BS is basically T dot elapsed how much time have been you know it is done right and rf93ZIWzjvu-00417-00331068-00331704 then I'm gonna say as F seconds f64 and then we're going to say 1.0 divided by rf93ZIWzjvu-00418-00331806-00332442 that time because in fact let me first of all let me just show you this this is basically how rf93ZIWzjvu-00419-00332442-00333078 much in fact you can just do this right so T dot elapsed right and then make sure to use the debug rf93ZIWzjvu-00420-00333078-00333918 here the debug thing and if you do this as you can see it tells me exactly how much time it takes or rf93ZIWzjvu-00421-00333918-00334404 it took to actually render this thing and if I do something like this look at that when the window rf93ZIWzjvu-00422-00334404-00335538 is is larger it takes of course logically takes more time as you can see there we go 75 I mean rf93ZIWzjvu-00423-00335538-00336150 I can make it this full screen right and look at that right now we're inside like 90 milliseconds rf93ZIWzjvu-00424-00336210-00336840 now I don't want to see how much time it took I want to see how much frame that is like FPS rf93ZIWzjvu-00425-00336840-00337824 basically so how can I do that well I can say FPS okay T dot elapsed we're gonna turn that rf93ZIWzjvu-00426-00337824-00338574 elapsed thing as seconds of 64. uh basically a seconds and then I'm gonna say 1.0 divided by rf93ZIWzjvu-00427-00338574-00339162 but before actually even doing that let me just show you this this is basically going to tell us rf93ZIWzjvu-00428-00339162-00339780 how exactly how much seconds not milliseconds that have passed uh so let's run this guy rf93ZIWzjvu-00429-00340038-00340944 there we go this is how much seconds it takes but if we do 1.0 divided by that stuff we get our FPS rf93ZIWzjvu-00430-00341316-00342108 and there we go as you can see this is 45 FPS just for 800 times 600 because rf93ZIWzjvu-00431-00342108-00342870 we're only using this CPU remember that now full screen my screen is like 90 20. rf93ZIWzjvu-00432-00342984-00343644 um 720 in the resolution and basically full HD and I'm getting 10 FPS but of rf93ZIWzjvu-00433-00343644-00344010 course this is in debug mode so let's also check the release mode rf93ZIWzjvu-00434-00344496-00344760 cargo R release let's go rf93ZIWzjvu-00435-00345036-00345630 no basically I just said cargo run release so it gonna give me the release mode rf93ZIWzjvu-00436-00345738-00346200 that's basically the mode that your application will be shipped as rf93ZIWzjvu-00437-00346284-00347016 to the end user so yeah and there you go look at how much frames that is how much fps but rf93ZIWzjvu-00438-00347016-00347544 let me see the the full screen and look at that that's what we get for FPS let me rf93ZIWzjvu-00439-00347544-00348114 stop this Ctrl c as you can see in release mode we're getting around for full screen rf93ZIWzjvu-00440-00348114-00349254 full HD uh single core like single CPU we're getting around I don't know 100 frames 160 uh rf93ZIWzjvu-00441-00349434-00350346 we can say somewhere around 150 okay I don't know the frames per second but yeah that's rf93ZIWzjvu-00442-00350346-00351198 basically the case so now just remember that as as a single CPU we got this kind of results rf93ZIWzjvu-00443-00351324-00352020 all right lovely now we can actually change stuff up so now it's time for optimization rf93ZIWzjvu-00444-00352020-00352776 and the first optimization here is that we can add we can basically make this process parallel rf93ZIWzjvu-00445-00352776-00353934 right so I have 20 like actually not 2012 or 12 logical cores right so and right now since this is rf93ZIWzjvu-00446-00353934-00354804 a single threaded application it's only using one single logical core which of course sucks right so rf93ZIWzjvu-00447-00354804-00355890 that's why I'm gonna go ahead and try to make this uh parallel okay so how to do this how to do this rf93ZIWzjvu-00448-00356034-00356682 all right so first of all I gotta actually split our buffer into parts so for example I have 12 rf93ZIWzjvu-00449-00356682-00357240 logical cores like if we have 12 threads then I'm gonna basically split the buffer rf93ZIWzjvu-00450-00357240-00358110 or the screen into 12 Parts okay uh so each part I'm gonna give it to a single thread so rf93ZIWzjvu-00451-00358110-00358920 that's what I'm gonna do and for that I'm gonna use an iterator called uh chunk into chunk or rf93ZIWzjvu-00452-00358920-00359568 actually dot chunks right so this iterator called chunks and I'm going to use mutable by the way by rf93ZIWzjvu-00453-00359568-00360204 the way I don't need the intermute here I guess so I'm gonna use chunks here so chunks mutable rf93ZIWzjvu-00454-00360282-00360942 and here we give it how much how how large is a chunk and how large it is the chunk is basically rf93ZIWzjvu-00455-00360942-00361704 length divided by how much threads we have I'm gonna use thread count let's thread count rf93ZIWzjvu-00456-00362016-00362454 um let me just hard code it for now I know that I have two of logical chords rf93ZIWzjvu-00457-00362454-00363006 but I'm going to show you soon how you can actually get it as an actual number so yeah rf93ZIWzjvu-00458-00363006-00363714 so length so basically the length of hot like basically how much pixels or colors we have in rf93ZIWzjvu-00459-00363714-00364410 the buffer divide or the window divided by how much threads we have so that's that's rf93ZIWzjvu-00460-00364410-00365034 basically chunk size we can even put it inside uh its own variable because why not chunk size rf93ZIWzjvu-00461-00365424-00366360 okay equal to this stuff all right so here chunk size dot enumerate for each so what's rf93ZIWzjvu-00462-00366360-00367044 the problem here by the way oh yeah so right now it's no longer a pixel this one it's as you can rf93ZIWzjvu-00463-00367044-00367494 see it's not just a mutable reference for u32 but right now it's actually a mutable reference rf93ZIWzjvu-00464-00367494-00368304 to a slice a mutable slice of future twos that means that here we're not being past the pixel rf93ZIWzjvu-00465-00368304-00368898 but actually the chunk of pixels like a group of pixels the size of that group is basically rf93ZIWzjvu-00466-00369078-00369720 um at maximum it's going to be chunk size okay so yeah pixel now instead of pixel I'm gonna say rf93ZIWzjvu-00467-00369720-00370206 chunk here because that's going to be the chunk not the pixel and here we're gonna get the chunk rf93ZIWzjvu-00468-00370206-00370896 index we're gonna need the chunk index later on you're gonna see soon why but yeah to calculate rf93ZIWzjvu-00469-00370896-00371592 some stuff well in fact to be honest with you you know what before actually doing this stuff really rf93ZIWzjvu-00470-00371592-00372312 I want to show you before this crazy stuff I want to show you some more math about uh how rf93ZIWzjvu-00471-00372312-00373218 we calculate something uh all right sure sure uh so here I'm just back to where I was before rf93ZIWzjvu-00472-00373482-00373614 so I can show you something rf93ZIWzjvu-00473-00373848-00374724 okay so here basically we gotta actually calculate the X uh the x coordinates of the of the color or rf93ZIWzjvu-00474-00374724-00375486 like the pixel and the Y coordinates in the in the window right so we know the the width of rf93ZIWzjvu-00475-00375486-00376236 the window and we know the height of the window and we know which index is the pixel so we can rf93ZIWzjvu-00476-00376236-00377082 use that to to calculate that so yeah uh let's X but we're going to start by p x PX is basically rf93ZIWzjvu-00477-00377202-00377970 well the well I'm not going to call it PX I'm going to call it absolute X okay absolute X rf93ZIWzjvu-00478-00377970-00378744 that's basically the absolute value the absolute x value of the of the pixel uh so it's going to be rf93ZIWzjvu-00479-00378744-00379512 basically uh between 0 and the width of the window so how we can do this I'm going to say pixel index rf93ZIWzjvu-00480-00379752-00380238 right I'm gonna say modulo modulo rf93ZIWzjvu-00481-00380430-00380922 uh let's see with the width so where's the width the window size dot zero rf93ZIWzjvu-00482-00381090-00381810 there we go all right lovely now I can also grab the Y but for the Y I'm not going to rf93ZIWzjvu-00483-00381810-00382716 use the module I'm going to use divided by and there we go so why I used modulo and divided by rf93ZIWzjvu-00484-00382716-00383238 so basically when you say modulo it gives you the remainder of the division okay rf93ZIWzjvu-00485-00383352-00383898 um and when you say divided by well let's give you the actual Division and since this is these rf93ZIWzjvu-00486-00383898-00384402 guys are you size it's gonna it's gonna give me a u size you know not a flow it's rf93ZIWzjvu-00487-00384402-00384822 not going to contain the the comma anything after the comma is going to be thrown away rf93ZIWzjvu-00488-00384882-00385680 so yeah uh anyway anyway anyway so instead of doing this crazy stuff here rf93ZIWzjvu-00489-00385866-00386622 we're gonna say absolute x uh in the red for example so I can show you stuff up absolute X rf93ZIWzjvu-00490-00386730-00387576 and I'm gonna turn it into a float as if 32 slash rf93ZIWzjvu-00491-00387780-00388350 here I'm gonna say width of course the Windows size dot width rf93ZIWzjvu-00492-00388560-00389304 the width is is the zeroth component okay in the Tuple and rf93ZIWzjvu-00493-00389448-00390576 not divide F32 by you size um so let's make both f32s there you go let's try the cell rf93ZIWzjvu-00494-00390762-00391542 and look at that so what happens basically this guy right here this little operation will give rf93ZIWzjvu-00495-00391542-00392100 us the actual x value not the absolute the relative X so I'm just going to call it X rf93ZIWzjvu-00496-00392220-00392964 it's going to be of course a float the same thing for the Y value but this time Windows rf93ZIWzjvu-00497-00392964-00393798 size dot one so basically the height and of course absolute y okay so yeah so this rf93ZIWzjvu-00498-00393798-00394488 basically X will be a value between 0 and 1 which tells us basically is it in the left corner or rf93ZIWzjvu-00499-00394488-00395124 the right of the window the Y will tell us is it in the top or the bottom basically if it's rf93ZIWzjvu-00500-00395124-00395736 in the left it's going to be zero the right the the far right it's gonna be one uh the the far rf93ZIWzjvu-00501-00395736-00396546 top it's going to be zero for the Y and the the far bottom it's going to be 1.0 okay of rf93ZIWzjvu-00502-00396546-00397332 course is a float so here let's say X in the red and I I think I've already shown you this rf93ZIWzjvu-00503-00397572-00397992 there we go as you can see now let me also show you the Y rf93ZIWzjvu-00504-00398202-00398826 basically I'm putting that that information into the red so as you can see Zero red there rf93ZIWzjvu-00505-00398826-00399480 here we go and one red because X because y goes from here to here you know in this Direction rf93ZIWzjvu-00506-00399480-00400134 that's why this is so I can actually use for example red is X and green is y rf93ZIWzjvu-00507-00400230-00401022 and I'm gonna have right now this guy okay as you can see this is zero zero both in the X and rf93ZIWzjvu-00508-00401022-00401592 the Y this is one comma one in the X and the Y that's why it's yellow because one red one green rf93ZIWzjvu-00509-00401688-00402468 and this is the far red this is the far green okay so yeah as you can see this is quite beautiful and rf93ZIWzjvu-00510-00402468-00403218 there we go this is full screen so basically our CPU goes to every single Pixel and it calculates rf93ZIWzjvu-00511-00403218-00403758 all this crazy stuff and it gives us a it gives it a color inside the buffer and as you can see rf93ZIWzjvu-00512-00403758-00404418 I'm getting eight FPS in debug mode and that's in debug mode now let's have a look into release mode rf93ZIWzjvu-00513-00404622-00405186 uh release mode we're getting um well hold on let me actually make rf93ZIWzjvu-00514-00405186-00405990 this full screen now as you can see over not even 60 frames per second okay so yeah rf93ZIWzjvu-00515-00406104-00406602 the beautiful thing is that we can easily resize this it did not with no problem it rf93ZIWzjvu-00516-00406602-00407094 just recalculates everything so that is lovely because we handled resizing before rf93ZIWzjvu-00517-00407178-00407910 nice nice nice so what's next now after I've shown you how you calculate this crazy coordinates and rf93ZIWzjvu-00518-00407910-00408612 stuff now let's actually go to the meat of of converting this like a slice in the buffer into rf93ZIWzjvu-00519-00408612-00409458 12 parts or how much threads we have etc etc so let's threads for now let's say 12 because I have rf93ZIWzjvu-00520-00409458-00410052 12 threads you can use whatever but later on I'm going to show you how you can actually get her the rf93ZIWzjvu-00521-00410052-00410693 information about how much threads you have inside the computer from the program itself so yeah rf93ZIWzjvu-00522-00410796-00411474 let threads equal 12 and then chunk size so chunk size will be the length how much pixels we have rf93ZIWzjvu-00523-00411474-00412272 divided by how much threads we have okay and I can even print line chunk size so I can show you rf93ZIWzjvu-00524-00412272-00412824 how much that would be and we can also I can also show you how much pixels we're rendering rf93ZIWzjvu-00525-00412992-00413742 it's going to be interesting um print line Len of course I forgot about the this thing rf93ZIWzjvu-00526-00414006-00414192 oh man rf93ZIWzjvu-00527-00414780-00415139 so let's run this and there we go rf93ZIWzjvu-00528-00415343-00416088 uh all right let me just make it full screen and let's stop and as you can see rf93ZIWzjvu-00529-00416166-00416904 we have this is basically the length how much pixels we have in total let's see basically rf93ZIWzjvu-00530-00416904-00417696 around I believe 2 million is that two million yeah it's it's two mil two million two million rf93ZIWzjvu-00531-00417696-00418397 nice and after we slice it there like we divided by 12 which is how much threads we have now it is rf93ZIWzjvu-00532-00418476-00419388 uh 168 000 which is nice lovely so as you can see that's pretty much it now let's actually rf93ZIWzjvu-00533-00419388-00419850 go to the by the way you can even calculate it just you know mathematically you can just say rf93ZIWzjvu-00534-00419850-00420839 width times height in our case uh it's almost it's almost almost 112 T times 180 for me rf93ZIWzjvu-00535-00420912-00421260 it's going to be different for your screen depending on the resolution of your screen rf93ZIWzjvu-00536-00421260-00421680 or should I see the resolution of the client who's running your application rf93ZIWzjvu-00537-00421680-00422430 okay or whoever whatever computer is running your application so here as you can see um 2000 rf93ZIWzjvu-00538-00422616-00423185 actually is that 2000 no actually two million right as you can see two million so that is nice rf93ZIWzjvu-00539-00423276-00424247 lovely okay uh next up now let's actually slice slice the buffer up so buffer Dot rf93ZIWzjvu-00540-00424302-00425070 instead of HR mute it's radar mutable we're going to say the chunks mute and mute is basically for rf93ZIWzjvu-00541-00425070-00425760 mutable so we can actually go ahead and change the pixel not just read the pixel okay so trunk mute rf93ZIWzjvu-00542-00425760-00426282 and then you pass in the chunk size we already calculated chunk size as I described it before rf93ZIWzjvu-00543-00426282-00426935 and now instead of pixel Index this is actually chunk index okay and this is the actual chunk rf93ZIWzjvu-00544-00427038-00427685 all right but now there comes the problem we no longer have the pixel index and in fact we can go rf93ZIWzjvu-00545-00427685-00428310 through the chunks now let's just say chunk dot for each so for each basically for each pixel rf93ZIWzjvu-00546-00428435-00429180 but before for each we gotta say it or mute uh mutable iterator for each pixel rf93ZIWzjvu-00547-00429324-00429816 here we're gonna get the pixel and I'm gonna add the enumerate so we can also get the index rf93ZIWzjvu-00548-00429906-00430350 so pixel index make sure to put it into a tuple rf93ZIWzjvu-00549-00430824-00430902 there we go rf93ZIWzjvu-00550-00431124-00431712 make sure to add the semicon I'm just going to put all this crazy stuff somewhere around here rf93ZIWzjvu-00551-00431832-00432696 all right lovely now as you can see we got the pixel Index this time but we do have a problem rf93ZIWzjvu-00552-00432696-00433289 let me show you what what's the problem it's going to be really clear what's the problem there we go rf93ZIWzjvu-00553-00433289-00434039 so as you can see this is what we're getting as you can see you can see the the individual rf93ZIWzjvu-00554-00434039-00434712 slices that we sliced the buffer right now to be clear we're not using multi-threading yet right rf93ZIWzjvu-00555-00434712-00435635 now we only we have only sliced those uh so we can cross process them um individually but we're rf93ZIWzjvu-00556-00435635-00436284 still single threaded there's still only one CPU doing this stuff but you can clearly see how much rf93ZIWzjvu-00557-00436380-00436932 and look at that when you change the width and the height that stuff happens she's kind of crazy rf93ZIWzjvu-00558-00436997-00437592 and that's too simply because it's not calculating for the height of each stripe rf93ZIWzjvu-00559-00437592-00438132 but it's calculation for the height of this whole thing and if you want to make it uh rf93ZIWzjvu-00560-00438276-00438852 if you want to be much better then here's what we can do in the Y we can fix it easily rf93ZIWzjvu-00561-00438852-00439697 you can see window size dot one divided by how much threads we have I'll just show I show you rf93ZIWzjvu-00562-00439812-00440442 how is that it would be like so right now it's kind of like we have one window for rf93ZIWzjvu-00563-00440442-00441210 like 12 windows or something you know actually it's yeah it sucks I don't know why that's the rf93ZIWzjvu-00564-00441210-00442247 case Windows size though oh I believe maybe I know why maybe it's because I gotta make sure to also rf93ZIWzjvu-00565-00442434-00442997 uh cast those values correctly to floats so we don't lose the Precision Maybe rf93ZIWzjvu-00566-00443124-00443802 I don't know it kind of still suck uh anyway this is not really our goal anyways rf93ZIWzjvu-00567-00443939-00444689 so we don't need to bother with this no as you can see we're calculating the pixel index is basically rf93ZIWzjvu-00568-00444689-00445596 local so it's local to each to each chunk right it's not it's not Global or local to the window rf93ZIWzjvu-00569-00445596-00446243 right so it's not from the window it's it's in the chunk itself so how we can fix that rf93ZIWzjvu-00570-00446297-00447197 well it's too simple instead of I'm gonna call I'm gonna create a set of pixel index um rf93ZIWzjvu-00571-00447510-00448146 let's see pixel index we're gonna call it global rf93ZIWzjvu-00572-00448446-00449147 let's call it Global pixel index or I don't know what but anyway or maybe window pixel index rf93ZIWzjvu-00573-00449556-00450120 uh let's go with the window all right fine so how we can do how we can do that so I'm gonna rf93ZIWzjvu-00574-00450120-00450900 say pixel index but I'm gonna say plus chunk index but not chunk index only but chunk index rf93ZIWzjvu-00575-00450900-00451632 times chunk size so we can actually offset it to the right value to the right Global context kind rf93ZIWzjvu-00576-00451632-00452220 of thing so now instead of using pixel index in our calculations we have to use that guy rf93ZIWzjvu-00577-00452447-00452838 all right now let's try once again run rf93ZIWzjvu-00578-00453174-00453858 huh Oh weird stuff it's still still suck I don't know rf93ZIWzjvu-00579-00454080-00454266 absolute X rf93ZIWzjvu-00580-00454493-00454626 so pixel index rf93ZIWzjvu-00581-00455142-00455988 plus chunk index oh times chunk size oh my God not chunk index I probably have done I've done rf93ZIWzjvu-00582-00455988-00456588 it wrong you know before too but anyway this should work hopefully there we go now we have rf93ZIWzjvu-00583-00456588-00457104 fixed that problem of coordinates local and global coordinates or window coordinates and rf93ZIWzjvu-00584-00457104-00457458 slice coordinates but yeah whichever you wanna whichever you want to call it okay rf93ZIWzjvu-00585-00457458-00458178 so now we're good okay but we're still doing it single threaded so there is an easy way to rf93ZIWzjvu-00586-00458178-00459120 turn this into multi-thread so it will run on multiple CPUs I can use uh a crate called rayon rf93ZIWzjvu-00587-00459234-00460247 cargo add rayon and it's really basic you know it's like I just wonder like let me rf93ZIWzjvu-00588-00460247-00460884 show you so here inside buffer instead of chunks mutable you just gotta say par chunks mutable rf93ZIWzjvu-00589-00460962-00462012 but you can also go ahead use rayon Prelude and star boom now we're pretty much done now rf93ZIWzjvu-00590-00462012-00462539 our application is multi-threaded how easy was that it's basically rf93ZIWzjvu-00591-00462539-00463062 adding one word here and adding that import that's pretty much it now let's try it out rf93ZIWzjvu-00592-00463464-00463962 it's compiling rayon and boom now our application is actually multi-threaded rf93ZIWzjvu-00593-00464058-00464634 can you believe that now let me show you the the the difference okay let's first rf93ZIWzjvu-00594-00464634-00465180 of all let me show you back the the the single threaded cargo run release rf93ZIWzjvu-00595-00465858-00466835 all right let's make it full screen and let's stop so we're not even getting to 60 FPS with rf93ZIWzjvu-00596-00466835-00467652 full screen but now let's try part chunks mutable so now multi-threaded using rayon rf93ZIWzjvu-00597-00467747-00468312 and there we go look at how much frames we get we're getting right now oh oh crap oh forgot rf93ZIWzjvu-00598-00468378-00469170 uh I gotta make it full screen all right so full screen multi-threaded and I have rf93ZIWzjvu-00599-00469170-00470046 12 threads I'm getting around 200 FPS which is really lovely sometimes even rf93ZIWzjvu-00600-00470154-00471143 around 250 70 and something like that yeah look at that because we I have the 12 logical chords rf93ZIWzjvu-00601-00471143-00471858 uh like 12 logical yeah 12 logical course uh okay so now instead of 12 I'm gonna actually rf93ZIWzjvu-00602-00471858-00472626 uh I'm gonna show you how you can actually grab the actual how much available threads in the rf93ZIWzjvu-00603-00472626-00473352 com in the system or the machine basically so SCD thread and you're gonna see available parallelism rf93ZIWzjvu-00604-00473489-00474078 okay and then here you're just gonna see the unwrap and then dots into rf93ZIWzjvu-00605-00474270-00474984 so it turns that uh that thing I don't know what it's called yeah it's called non-zero rf93ZIWzjvu-00606-00474984-00475764 use size it's going to turn it into you size when you say go into I believe no it doesn't so rf93ZIWzjvu-00607-00475985-00476712 let's just annotate this as you size and it should do it okay rf93ZIWzjvu-00608-00477024-00477546 and now it's just gonna do that for me it's not hard-coded anymore 12. so if you have for example rf93ZIWzjvu-00609-00477546-00478116 if you're if someone is running your program and have six logical cores that's what it will rf93ZIWzjvu-00610-00478116-00478632 do of course it's it's not always going to be precise it's going to depend on the platform rf93ZIWzjvu-00611-00478632-00479442 and all sorts of crazy stuff and if and by the way instead of a dot in rap in fact I'm gonna rf93ZIWzjvu-00612-00479442-00480012 say the in wrap or because in fact right now this available parallelism function can even rf93ZIWzjvu-00613-00480102-00480930 um fail if let's say the the uh let's say if you are if your application doesn't have the rf93ZIWzjvu-00614-00480930-00481602 permission to get such information then that's gonna fail too uh which kind of suck right so rf93ZIWzjvu-00615-00481788-00482592 um all right let's try to like fall back to some kind of count of threads if it fails basically rf93ZIWzjvu-00616-00482688-00483156 so in rap or or default rf93ZIWzjvu-00617-00483762-00483960 and wrap or defaults rf93ZIWzjvu-00618-00484704-00485622 the map here map or well actually we're gonna we may do it later on anyway so just like that rf93ZIWzjvu-00619-00485676-00486246 so at this point we're we're quite done now you can do whatever you want with this uh for example rf93ZIWzjvu-00620-00486378-00486846 let's just say this is C I'm going to create a variable called CU it's rf93ZIWzjvu-00621-00486846-00487614 going to be you know in the red the green and the blue so C is equal to um rf93ZIWzjvu-00622-00487818-00488424 all right let's see how we can do this so here I can basically compute any kind of value right rf93ZIWzjvu-00623-00488424-00488838 and I'm basically going to apply it to red green and blue so I get a shade of black or rf93ZIWzjvu-00624-00488838-00489666 whatever shade of black and white so c equal to hmm let's say for example X just so I can show you rf93ZIWzjvu-00625-00489785-00490289 real quick real real real quick as you can see this is what we got nice rf93ZIWzjvu-00626-00490368-00490926 so I can for example say X Plus y cargo or release rf93ZIWzjvu-00627-00491147-00491760 oh my God look at that uh look look at that x times y rf93ZIWzjvu-00628-00492024-00492606 of course you have a problem there I have to probably scope that stuff and but anyway look rf93ZIWzjvu-00629-00492606-00493434 at that beauty um in fact we do have a little problem uh yeah we do have a little problem this rf93ZIWzjvu-00630-00493434-00494322 gotta be clamped to zero and one just to make sure uh can I do it like this I don't remember rf93ZIWzjvu-00631-00494435-00495618 uh I don't know clamp zero between zero and one can I do this well R is is equal to that r dot rf93ZIWzjvu-00632-00495618-00496272 clamped can I do that there we go okay I'm gonna do the same thing basically for The Other Guys rf93ZIWzjvu-00633-00496602-00497064 just so to make sure that it is clamped between zero and one rf93ZIWzjvu-00634-00497268-00498078 green that's basically G that's B okay now let's actually go back to X Plus y because I've seen rf93ZIWzjvu-00635-00498078-00498882 that uh interesting thing so let's try it now again and look at that so as you can see it's rf93ZIWzjvu-00636-00498882-00499643 clamped to White uh we no longer have that crazy thing uh all right interesting stuff now I'm gonna rf93ZIWzjvu-00637-00499643-00500352 try to create a circle so x times X Plus y times y that's basically the uh the equation of a circle rf93ZIWzjvu-00638-00500352-00501000 because if we in fact if we go to decimals.com right the small stock graphing calculator rf93ZIWzjvu-00639-00501276-00502410 uh all right and let's say x to the power of two plus y to the power of 2 is equal to r squared rf93ZIWzjvu-00640-00502488-00502974 RS R and there we go as you can see it's an equation of a circle if rf93ZIWzjvu-00641-00502974-00503478 you say less than there you go you get that less than or equal to there we go rf93ZIWzjvu-00642-00503646-00504438 so this is basically what we're gonna do here so X x times X Plus y times y rf93ZIWzjvu-00643-00504570-00505404 um so in fact I'm going to say C uh c equal to zero right it's going to be mutable value rf93ZIWzjvu-00644-00505404-00506376 now after that I can just say if if x times X Plus y times Y and I can of course do sqrt rf93ZIWzjvu-00645-00506550-00507185 because in fact if you want to to get the the radius right if you want to get the radius from rf93ZIWzjvu-00646-00507185-00507954 that equation it's going to be r equal to sqrt of x to the power of 2 plus y to the rf93ZIWzjvu-00647-00507954-00508596 power 2 basically Pythagorean theorem I guess but yeah so that's what we can do Dot sqrt rf93ZIWzjvu-00648-00508728-00509562 and then you can say is greater than or let's say less than r or radius right rf93ZIWzjvu-00649-00509718-00510270 um and if that's the case the way I have a variable called I of r rf93ZIWzjvu-00650-00510516-00511092 oh oh yeah I forgot okay there we go so we don't have a variable called R rf93ZIWzjvu-00651-00511092-00511932 so let's create a constant called R let's R is equal to let's say 0.2 I don't know 25. rf93ZIWzjvu-00652-00512039-00513006 okay less than R so if if this value or basically this is kind of like the distance um of X Y if rf93ZIWzjvu-00653-00513006-00513882 it's less than R then we're going to say C is equal to 1.0 basically White so let's run this rf93ZIWzjvu-00654-00514134-00514326 and boom look at that we have a circle rf93ZIWzjvu-00655-00514446-00515142 although it's a distorted Circle since because of their aspect ratio we can calculate later on the rf93ZIWzjvu-00656-00515142-00515976 aspects ratio but for now just I'm just going to make it a square okay uh I'm probably gonna do a rf93ZIWzjvu-00657-00515976-00516588 follow-up video so yeah but the problem it's right here and why it's right here because it's the end rf93ZIWzjvu-00658-00516588-00517212 origin right because the origin zero zero is right around here so how can I translate this circle rf93ZIWzjvu-00659-00517380-00517889 all right so let's see how it can translate so basically I'm going to wrap X in a in a rf93ZIWzjvu-00660-00517950-00518789 parentheses and Y in a parenthesis okay and then here instead of just X we're going to substitute rf93ZIWzjvu-00661-00518789-00519384 x with x minus something minus a variable let's say a and Y I'm going to substitute rf93ZIWzjvu-00662-00519384-00520446 by a variable let's say B and then I get a and I get B let's go and now what I can do basically rf93ZIWzjvu-00663-00520554-00521100 I can create a point a b and look at that now I can translate the rf93ZIWzjvu-00664-00521100-00522024 Circle however I want without any single problem so let's do that here rf93ZIWzjvu-00665-00522228-00522984 let's do that here so now instead of just uh doing crazy stuff I'm just gonna make X and rf93ZIWzjvu-00666-00522984-00523734 Y mutable that is going to say x minus equal to 0.5 Y is 0.5 because in fact the wind our window rf93ZIWzjvu-00667-00523734-00524652 is basically from 0 to 1 okay from zero to one and that's why I'm just gonna you know uh subtract 0.5 rf93ZIWzjvu-00668-00524766-00525060 uh so it goes to the center of the window rf93ZIWzjvu-00669-00525204-00525990 all right so x minus equals 0.5 and of course y minus equals 0.5 so to center it in both axises rf93ZIWzjvu-00670-00526050-00527214 uh x y there we go cargo R release there we go we have a little circle and it's radius 0.25 rf93ZIWzjvu-00671-00527352-00527964 because in fact 0.5 will take the whole screen and let's take the whole screen because line up 0.5 rf93ZIWzjvu-00672-00528264-00529020 cargo release there she go look at that and it's actually being being rendered in the CPU rf93ZIWzjvu-00673-00529092-00529476 and using multi-threading using rayon look at that beauty rf93ZIWzjvu-00674-00529704-00530784 all right amazing all right lovely so now instead of doing this the sqrt which is quite an expensive rf93ZIWzjvu-00675-00530784-00531306 operation since we're just comparing we're not interested into the actual distance rf93ZIWzjvu-00676-00531306-00532074 here's what we can do we can just say R times R basically R to the power of 2 right so because we rf93ZIWzjvu-00677-00532074-00532788 already have the targets R okay so yeah and it's basically the same thing but it's more optimized rf93ZIWzjvu-00678-00532992-00533484 foreign there we go boom boom boom rf93ZIWzjvu-00679-00533766-00534570 as you can see it's so beautiful so so beautiful we can even have animations rf93ZIWzjvu-00680-00534702-00535416 and how we can have animations well there is a lot of things that we can do but uh rf93ZIWzjvu-00681-00535500-00536406 my time is limited I'm probably gonna make part two soon for this because there is a lot to do rf93ZIWzjvu-00682-00536406-00537114 more than just this but here I'm just saying start this is basically instances when before rf93ZIWzjvu-00683-00537114-00537684 actually going inside the event Loop okay basically at the start of the application rf93ZIWzjvu-00684-00537846-00538728 and after that I'm going to say let t in fact I don't need to do it every chunk rf93ZIWzjvu-00685-00538728-00539238 every pixel no I'm just gonna do it here I'm gonna calculate it uh here I'm going rf93ZIWzjvu-00686-00539238-00540486 to say let T is equal to uh oh interesting so so we have already a t here uh okay um rf93ZIWzjvu-00687-00540732-00541782 um I don't know let's call it something else TT so bad naming but anyway I I want to hurry rf93ZIWzjvu-00688-00541782-00542766 I don't want to think about the name right now let t equal to start.elapsed dot as seconds f64 boom rf93ZIWzjvu-00689-00542766-00543546 there we go so T now we have the time so what we can do with the time well we can do some sort can rf93ZIWzjvu-00690-00543546-00544650 do some sorts of animations right so now instead of minus 0.5 yes do that but also do uh let's say rf93ZIWzjvu-00691-00544650-00545166 plus plus and just so we don't confuse ourselves I'm just going to turn this into a plus and then rf93ZIWzjvu-00692-00545166-00545994 here I'm going to say minus and then here I can do all sorts of crazy stuff okay so plus what um rf93ZIWzjvu-00693-00546216-00546474 plus sine of t Okay so T DOT sign rf93ZIWzjvu-00694-00546750-00547680 T DOT sign let's try that out C dot cosines all right mismatch travel is 64. uh can I rf93ZIWzjvu-00695-00547680-00548208 take the F3 there we go there we go now let's try to start in the release mode rf93ZIWzjvu-00696-00548442-00549258 and look oh my God that is nice that is nice all right but uh rf93ZIWzjvu-00697-00549258-00549564 let's for now let's just not move the Y rf93ZIWzjvu-00698-00549894-00550326 let's only move the X and look at that look at that beauty rf93ZIWzjvu-00699-00550422-00551748 look at how much frames we're getting that's just crazy um so yeah it's crazy crazy stuff oh my God rf93ZIWzjvu-00700-00552006-00552702 T DOT sign and I can also do this I can see the cosine here let's make it smaller Maybe rf93ZIWzjvu-00701-00552786-00553470 time zero point I don't know 0.2 so it doesn't go out of the screen Maybe rf93ZIWzjvu-00702-00553698-00553800 and look at that rf93ZIWzjvu-00703-00554064-00554412 all right it's basically rotating around its Center rf93ZIWzjvu-00704-00554580-00555366 crazy stuff lovely but if you notice though if you notice since we don't have any kind rf93ZIWzjvu-00705-00555366-00556020 of anti-alias in here by default it's not like opengl look at that joke jagged lines and stuff rf93ZIWzjvu-00706-00556086-00557364 so we can fix those by actually uh using a function called [Music] it's called smooth rf93ZIWzjvu-00707-00557628-00558180 oh my God smooth step right so I'm gonna look for the C implementation rf93ZIWzjvu-00708-00558696-00559788 mm-hmm there we go here is an answer here okay so it takes Edge zero H1 X and it basically clamps rf93ZIWzjvu-00709-00559788-00560484 them up and evaluate the polynomial all right but I'm gonna be back in a second I'm gonna be rf93ZIWzjvu-00710-00560484-00561450 back in a second hold on a second I'm gonna all right back got a little break and now we're ready rf93ZIWzjvu-00711-00561618-00562146 to go back into work okay so we were here in smooth step rf93ZIWzjvu-00712-00562350-00563172 okay so let's create a new function this new function going to be called Smooth rf93ZIWzjvu-00713-00563286-00564036 step right load well it's not like this all right so uh Edge rf93ZIWzjvu-00714-00564108-00565002 zero it's gonna be uh well let's just I don't know should I use F32 or are rf93ZIWzjvu-00715-00565284-00566658 um let's use F32 let's use a 32 Edge 0 and Edge one F32 and then there's x x edge or F32 rf93ZIWzjvu-00716-00566808-00566880 there we go rf93ZIWzjvu-00717-00567150-00568020 okay I'll basically say let X is equal to uh I'm basically gonna copy this guy rf93ZIWzjvu-00718-00568254-00568272 foreign rf93ZIWzjvu-00719-00568590-00569028 I believe between zero and one right there we go 1.0 rf93ZIWzjvu-00720-00569250-00570090 and then after that you just get this polynomial here copy it over and we rf93ZIWzjvu-00721-00570090-00570666 don't need the returns since we are in Rust and let's make sure that these are floats rf93ZIWzjvu-00722-00571062-00571458 and let's not have a semicolon there so we can return it foreign rf93ZIWzjvu-00723-00571758-00572598 oh yeah and that's going to be returning actually two and with that we're done with our smooth step rf93ZIWzjvu-00724-00572598-00573714 function which is interesting so now I can go ahead here and instead of doing this crazy stuff rf93ZIWzjvu-00725-00573864-00574734 I can go directly into C and just say smooth step I don't need to do it mutable for now so smooth rf93ZIWzjvu-00726-00574734-00575826 step h0 and Edge one all right so 0.5 let's say uh actually let's let's get this r value here rf93ZIWzjvu-00727-00576006-00576666 so I'm going to say R here in Edge one it's going to be R let's say minus 0.01 rf93ZIWzjvu-00728-00576666-00577308 or something let's start by zero one okay that's basically how much smoothness we have rf93ZIWzjvu-00729-00577374-00578280 uh let's call this uh let's call it feather I don't know let's feather equal to that rf93ZIWzjvu-00730-00578454-00579528 and the x is basically um oh I I deleted that formula anyway so x times x rf93ZIWzjvu-00731-00579726-00581028 oh interesting all right so x times x plus y times y or basically x to the power of 2 rf93ZIWzjvu-00732-00581028-00581718 and plus y to the power of two uh but yeah but remember that we should actually say R times r rf93ZIWzjvu-00733-00581826-00582684 and R minus fetter times R minus fetter since we're not doing that rf93ZIWzjvu-00734-00582858-00584070 you know that sqrt operation so let's do a cargo release and I don't notice anything interesting rf93ZIWzjvu-00735-00584370-00584382 um rf93ZIWzjvu-00736-00584640-00585264 really weird stuff okay let's just say sqrt for now rf93ZIWzjvu-00737-00585708-00586224 I may be missing something here but let's just remove this stuff rf93ZIWzjvu-00738-00586488-00587346 oh oh hold on a second okay no no no let's go back go back go back go back go back go back anyway rf93ZIWzjvu-00739-00587412-00587976 let's see how we can do this first R times R blah blah blah rf93ZIWzjvu-00740-00588156-00588912 okay let's try that out cargo cargo R release it still sucks I don't know rf93ZIWzjvu-00741-00589350-00589560 interesting hmm rf93ZIWzjvu-00742-00590114-00590214 [Music] rf93ZIWzjvu-00743-00590214-00590304 all right rf93ZIWzjvu-00744-00590592-00590706 we're going to what rf93ZIWzjvu-00745-00591018-00591078 hmm rf93ZIWzjvu-00746-00591606-00591882 I don't know can we rf93ZIWzjvu-00747-00592232-00592788 [Music] maybe let's not have this stuff this animation so I can see rf93ZIWzjvu-00748-00592788-00593124 clearly what's going on exactly because this sucks rf93ZIWzjvu-00749-00593394-00593724 all right let's let me actually go crazy with the feather I don't know rf93ZIWzjvu-00750-00593820-00594576 I I don't know because it doesn't seem like it's here doing anything yeah weird rf93ZIWzjvu-00751-00594852-00595482 did I do something wrong smooth step rf93ZIWzjvu-00752-00595710-00596166 what do you mean by typo oh my God it's like really are you kidding me rf93ZIWzjvu-00753-00596310-00596970 oh man Edge one Edge zero X clamp rf93ZIWzjvu-00754-00597468-00598248 x times x times x but what how What's Happening Here rf93ZIWzjvu-00755-00598458-00598692 um hmm rf93ZIWzjvu-00756-00599370-00599544 R minus fetter rf93ZIWzjvu-00757-00599796-00600264 can I say something like I don't know 0.1 zero points let's draw rf93ZIWzjvu-00758-00600846-00601050 just doesn't work rf93ZIWzjvu-00759-00601494-00603018 interesting no idea why it doesn't should but it doesn't x times x 32 Dot sqrt rf93ZIWzjvu-00760-00603468-00603588 just doesn't make sense rf93ZIWzjvu-00761-00605732-00605832 [Music] rf93ZIWzjvu-00762-00605832-00607014 really I don't know oh maybe we can try I don't let me try something else then let's see x x here rf93ZIWzjvu-00763-00607140-00608010 then here maybe let's see r then maybe here let's see feather I don't know I don't remember exactly rf93ZIWzjvu-00764-00608010-00608670 how that works seems like all right so right now I'm getting something I'm getting somewhere I rf93ZIWzjvu-00765-00608670-00609696 believe yeah kinda let's just say 0.1 instead of minus fetter maybe I can do it here run rf93ZIWzjvu-00766-00609948-00610698 there we go all right so right now I'm getting something okay getting something uh 0.01 please rf93ZIWzjvu-00767-00610698-00611388 maybe let's see plus fitter fitter fitter fitter I don't remember the exact form there we go rf93ZIWzjvu-00768-00611802-00612240 oh Federal is 0.01 what about 0.1 rf93ZIWzjvu-00769-00612840-00612894 crazy rf93ZIWzjvu-00770-00613452-00614016 something is terribly wrong did I copy like a wrong function or something rf93ZIWzjvu-00771-00614628-00614766 yeah what rf93ZIWzjvu-00772-00615384-00615498 move step rf93ZIWzjvu-00773-00615762-00616680 xgd clamp it should be it but rf93ZIWzjvu-00774-00617316-00617412 hmm rf93ZIWzjvu-00775-00619446-00619620 this is so weird rf93ZIWzjvu-00776-00619914-00620196 yeah I'm missing something I'm missing something rf93ZIWzjvu-00777-00621180-00621426 is truly weird there rf93ZIWzjvu-00778-00622506-00623886 oh okay what hold on a second what oh my God now oh all right rf93ZIWzjvu-00779-00624102-00624642 I didn't mean I knew I knew I'm missing something come on there we go bro let's go rf93ZIWzjvu-00780-00624642-00625806 finally oh my God that took forever okay um in fact it is the opposite minus fitter I believe rf93ZIWzjvu-00781-00625806-00626550 here and H1 nothing else let's go with that I actually made the feather smaller there we go rf93ZIWzjvu-00782-00626550-00626970 nice nice nice so let's make it larger so we can visualize rf93ZIWzjvu-00783-00627186-00627660 experience feather actually I'm gonna do plus fitter in the edge rf93ZIWzjvu-00784-00627660-00627912 one so it doesn't get cut out with the window rf93ZIWzjvu-00785-00628404-00628788 let's go that's what I was looking for look at that right now we're smoothing rf93ZIWzjvu-00786-00628788-00629430 the the circle or it's like you know some kind of highlight or something like that uh but yeah rf93ZIWzjvu-00787-00629490-00629994 um I I'm not meant to make that feather too much I'm just gonna make it small just so rf93ZIWzjvu-00788-00629994-00630558 the the pixels you don't see the pixels right right now I don't see the pixels anymore right rf93ZIWzjvu-00789-00630558-00631326 I can clearly see uh this stuff like that so it is quite amazing still look at that we're rf93ZIWzjvu-00790-00631326-00632148 still getting uh 100 FPS in uh debug mode in in real I'm not sure if it's debug released on I rf93ZIWzjvu-00791-00632148-00632766 don't actually look at that release mode is too much like a lot of frames right there oh my God rf93ZIWzjvu-00792-00633090-00633456 the resize of course is not the most responsive I mean what you got rf93ZIWzjvu-00793-00633522-00634356 to stay um ahead let's go there we go we can fix the aspects ratio so we always uh so it rf93ZIWzjvu-00794-00634356-00634872 always you know look uh respect the aspects ratio so it's always a circle uh we can do rf93ZIWzjvu-00795-00634872-00635496 that by basically uh calculating the aspects ratio so yeah uh right rf93ZIWzjvu-00796-00635820-00636426 foreign and in fact we don't need to calculate that here rf93ZIWzjvu-00797-00636528-00637440 you can just calculate it you know here somewhere else so yeah what's going on here rf93ZIWzjvu-00798-00637524-00638496 aspects ratio is equal to uh width width divided by Heights oh my God uh Windows size dot zero rf93ZIWzjvu-00799-00638496-00639150 divided by Windows size dot one mm-hmm but their sense their use size I could actually rf93ZIWzjvu-00800-00639150-00640158 make sure to say sf32 they're both so I don't lose precision all right interesting now I can use that rf93ZIWzjvu-00801-00640542-00641364 okay let's see how we can do that six times equal to not sure if it should be y or X let's try rf93ZIWzjvu-00802-00641454-00642234 y equal to xpx ratio or maybe X I don't remember anyway let's let's we're gonna see rf93ZIWzjvu-00803-00642432-00642570 kind of a visual person rf93ZIWzjvu-00804-00643008-00643674 all right okay looks like that's not the case so maybe y equal aspects right rf93ZIWzjvu-00805-00643776-00644598 oh um not that way oh my god um so X not equal but times equal that's what I meant rf93ZIWzjvu-00806-00645012-00645486 there we go as you can see it respects the aspects ratio rf93ZIWzjvu-00807-00645486-00646026 whatever the size of the window look at that beauty oh my God rf93ZIWzjvu-00808-00646266-00647088 look at that when you resize the window it's just so beautiful uh I can play with this forever rf93ZIWzjvu-00809-00647220-00647826 all right uh times equal aspect ratio that is really lovely what if I did rf93ZIWzjvu-00810-00647826-00648624 that after after translation let's see what what's because order does matter rf93ZIWzjvu-00811-00648624-00649554 I mean you know it's mathematics bro and look at that look at that it keeps centered boom ha ha rf93ZIWzjvu-00812-00649704-00650226 all right that is beautiful you wanted donuts sure let's make a donut all right so how do rf93ZIWzjvu-00813-00650226-00650886 you make a donut but before making a donut let's optimize this away this sqrt thing um rf93ZIWzjvu-00814-00651114-00651750 so instead of doing this craziness I'm just gonna say this but here we're gonna say R times r rf93ZIWzjvu-00815-00651954-00653088 eyeball I believe right I guess so uh let's try it out and it should be the same exact rf93ZIWzjvu-00816-00653088-00653832 result yep same exact result but faster much more performance all right and let me show you rf93ZIWzjvu-00817-00653832-00654306 about since we have a lot of operations going on kind of so let me show you the performance rf93ZIWzjvu-00818-00654306-00654936 gains and stuff like that so using part chunks mutable as you can see let's let's just make rf93ZIWzjvu-00819-00654936-00655536 sure to make it a full screen there we go this is what we're getting around 200 FPS rf93ZIWzjvu-00820-00655650-00656496 kind of I can see there well it does fluctuate but yeah now let's try single threaded rf93ZIWzjvu-00821-00657090-00658128 yo what oh let's go and there you go single threaded skits us around 30 FPS so compared to 200 rf93ZIWzjvu-00822-00658230-00658362 with 30 FPS rf93ZIWzjvu-00823-00658776-00659310 now of course I have 12 you know logical cores it depends on your CP if your CPU is rf93ZIWzjvu-00824-00659310-00659742 much better than mine like you have more coerced than mine they're gonna have much rf93ZIWzjvu-00825-00659742-00660600 bigger difference than me okay much better gains than me if you have like you know a like rf93ZIWzjvu-00826-00660600-00661410 less course than me then you have you're gonna have less um less gains than me so yeah anyway rf93ZIWzjvu-00827-00661548-00662286 200 okay nice lovely of course there is a lot of optimizations to be done for example rf93ZIWzjvu-00828-00662592-00663108 um for example we can we don't have to calculate these guys like every frame rf93ZIWzjvu-00829-00663300-00664056 um but it's not that like especially this guy here oh my God this this one this one no no no rf93ZIWzjvu-00830-00664056-00664902 uh this one is so bad to calculate here this available parallelism can even do IO so to to rf93ZIWzjvu-00831-00664902-00665634 grab it doesn't cache it doesn't do any cash cash in so that's a horrible idea to put there rf93ZIWzjvu-00832-00665700-00666438 a really horrible idea so let's put it somewhere around here like outside of the event Loop rf93ZIWzjvu-00833-00666498-00666912 and that should probably give us a better performance I don't know rf93ZIWzjvu-00834-00667134-00667962 let's see if that's well it's not too uh but still this is kind of costly rf93ZIWzjvu-00835-00668106-00668808 um especially in some platforms but anyway anyway anyway so I think we're pretty much done kind of rf93ZIWzjvu-00836-00668808-00669288 of course it's oh I I wanted to create the donut right yeah I wanted to create donut rf93ZIWzjvu-00837-00669342-00669942 so how to create a donut well let's create a function for a circle first rf93ZIWzjvu-00838-00669942-00670506 so we don't have to to create all these crazy stuff any every time so Circle rf93ZIWzjvu-00839-00670728-00672006 uh let's see not Edge uh enter radius uh well not inner radius just radius and then what we need to rf93ZIWzjvu-00840-00672216-00672576 that's pretty much what we need I guess maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe rf93ZIWzjvu-00841-00672756-00673368 so yeah all right smooth step rf93ZIWzjvu-00842-00673668-00674076 I'm just gonna take this smooth step function thing I'm gonna put it here rf93ZIWzjvu-00843-00674076-00674586 that's basically what we need to render a circle in the in there rf93ZIWzjvu-00844-00674586-00675258 change return type there we go 32. uh and of course there's also a feather rf93ZIWzjvu-00845-00675654-00675966 and there's also the X oh my God the actual rf93ZIWzjvu-00846-00676206-00676224 foreign rf93ZIWzjvu-00847-00676716-00678264 that's crazy um the x is F32 I believe the Y is F32 the radius is F32 I guess feather is also F32 rf93ZIWzjvu-00848-00678486-00678564 so yeah rf93ZIWzjvu-00849-00678786-00679056 r instead of R right now it's called radius rf93ZIWzjvu-00850-00679266-00679284 foreign rf93ZIWzjvu-00851-00679446-00680532 stuff okay so instead of smooth step and all of these I can just say now I'm just rf93ZIWzjvu-00852-00680532-00681000 going to say c equal to zero right and then I'm just going to say c plus equal to Circle rf93ZIWzjvu-00853-00681138-00681294 um and here I'm going to make this mutable rf93ZIWzjvu-00854-00681624-00682278 C plus equals Circle I just like to do it line by line so it's more readable and stuff like rf93ZIWzjvu-00855-00682278-00683028 that c plus equal Circle here I'm going to pass in the X and the Y first next step is I believe the rf93ZIWzjvu-00856-00683028-00683934 radius and then the feather so the radius let's go with 0.5 the feather let's go with 0.01 and yeah rf93ZIWzjvu-00857-00684018-00684714 we should have a similar result to before there we go as you can see it's working perfectly all rf93ZIWzjvu-00858-00684714-00685506 right so now the deal we're gonna copy the same line but this time we're going to do a subtract rf93ZIWzjvu-00859-00685506-00686520 operation and I'm going to make the radius smaller for example 0.4 and if you're smart enough you can rf93ZIWzjvu-00860-00686520-00687432 know what I'm about to do right now oh there we go so we got a donut uh well that's a that's a rf93ZIWzjvu-00861-00687492-00688188 that's a weak donut let's say something around I don't know what's the the ratio of a donut rf93ZIWzjvu-00862-00688368-00688998 let's see 0.2 okay I don't know exactly what's the ratio I don't eat the donuts so rf93ZIWzjvu-00863-00689070-00689652 yeah there we go and I look at that you also have the feather here you rf93ZIWzjvu-00864-00689652-00690150 can change the feather of each one like individually for the inner and outer Circle rf93ZIWzjvu-00865-00690240-00690852 so basically what I'm doing here oh look at that look at that zero five rf93ZIWzjvu-00866-00691098-00692196 it's look like uh you know some kind of uh I don't know crazy stuff uh uh uh rf93ZIWzjvu-00867-00692556-00692682 0.02 rf93ZIWzjvu-00868-00692868-00693390 so basically what I'm doing here first of all C is equal to zero basically black then I'm rf93ZIWzjvu-00869-00693390-00694122 saying plus equal to the value that Circle gives me all right uh so now I got a whole rf93ZIWzjvu-00870-00694122-00694884 circle and then I subtract an inner circle okay a smaller circle from the from this output okay and rf93ZIWzjvu-00871-00694884-00695502 that's how I get my my thing right and even in fact we can even go ahead we can say FN Donuts rf93ZIWzjvu-00872-00695754-00695904 all right Donuts rf93ZIWzjvu-00873-00696120-00696978 um all right so in fact it's got something similar so this although this time we're not gonna have rf93ZIWzjvu-00874-00696978-00697824 one radius but we're gonna have two radiuses the inner and the outer radius okay so here is the rf93ZIWzjvu-00875-00697878-00698868 uh let's start by the outer radius and then there's going to be the inner radius of 32 boom rf93ZIWzjvu-00876-00699042-00700068 uh right lovely so that's the donuts right there so how we're gonna do this well I'm basically rf93ZIWzjvu-00877-00700068-00701292 just gonna say this all right so Circle yeah so Donuts is basically Circle x y outer radius rf93ZIWzjvu-00878-00701388-00702498 uh feather minus Circle x y and a radius better we're gonna have the same feather we can you rf93ZIWzjvu-00879-00702498-00703080 can make you know inner fitter out of header for for here I I think it's fine for me um rf93ZIWzjvu-00880-00703302-00703566 yeah this is going to give us F32 rf93ZIWzjvu-00881-00703758-00704232 and look at that now we have a donut and we can create several Donuts rf93ZIWzjvu-00882-00704388-00705174 so C plus equal in fact C plus equal to Donut now I can just use donut I'd say pass in the X Y rf93ZIWzjvu-00883-00705288-00705816 and outer radius in a radius fitter our radius in a radius feather rf93ZIWzjvu-00884-00705912-00706560 0.5 0.2 for the inner radius and the Fetter let's say 0.01 or whatever rf93ZIWzjvu-00885-00707070-00707634 now I can actually let's say add more Donuts because why not but rf93ZIWzjvu-00886-00707634-00708336 X let's translate x a bit let's say for example maybe 0.1 I don't know uh rf93ZIWzjvu-00887-00708456-00708912 all right maybe 0.5 rf93ZIWzjvu-00888-00709176-00709578 so basically blend in because you know it's the same kind of uh rf93ZIWzjvu-00889-00709668-00710256 the size or whatever we can see even a smaller inner radius why not rf93ZIWzjvu-00890-00710544-00711354 0.4 look at that crazy stuff you can you can actually go ahead and rf93ZIWzjvu-00891-00711354-00711996 zoom out the whole canvas just by multiplying x times equal maybe 0.5 rf93ZIWzjvu-00892-00712338-00712944 maybe I'll try I'm trying to zoom out basically two times not sure if this is how exactly how rf93ZIWzjvu-00893-00712944-00713586 we do it I don't remember exactly how you do that actually probably before doing this stuff rf93ZIWzjvu-00894-00713826-00714816 for those stuff um oh actually that's the opposite that's zooming in all right so times rf93ZIWzjvu-00895-00714816-00715866 2.0 excuse my my ugly mathematical skills cargo release there you go as you can see rf93ZIWzjvu-00896-00715866-00716580 I zoomed out which looks so so beautiful oh my God but she got the point right you can do all rf93ZIWzjvu-00897-00716580-00717294 sorts of crazy like anything that you can do in a in a actual GPU fragment Shader and even more rf93ZIWzjvu-00898-00717462-00718674 isn't that so beautiful so yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah uh we can do something cool minus t DOT sign rf93ZIWzjvu-00899-00719040-00719140 um rf93ZIWzjvu-00900-00719328-00719508 there we go let's try this out rf93ZIWzjvu-00901-00719940-00720642 look at that but let me make sure to use the release mode because it's faster it's less laggy rf93ZIWzjvu-00902-00720792-00721284 there you go oh my God look at that beauty rf93ZIWzjvu-00903-00721794-00722406 of course you can use several colors right but uh just for the sick Simplicity I only used one color rf93ZIWzjvu-00904-00722484-00722964 so yeah you can also grab the mouse and you know and change the graphics rf93ZIWzjvu-00905-00722964-00723522 using the mouse and there's just a lot you can do okay there's a lot that you can do rf93ZIWzjvu-00906-00723624-00724116 um but yeah so that's it I believe for today's video hopefully you'll rf93ZIWzjvu-00907-00724116-00724776 find this project in GitHub if you want to to contribute or something you're welcome rf93ZIWzjvu-00908-00724776-00725556 if you have any suggestions let me know in the comment section and as always uh goodbye rf93ZIWzjvu-00909-00725910-00726216 um goodbye so yeah rht4tsE3V3E-00000-00000040-00000656 between 1990 and 2010 some of our leading causes of death and disability haven't changed heart rht4tsE3V3E-00001-00000656-00001192 disease was the leading cause of loss of life and health then and remains the leading cause today rht4tsE3V3E-00002-00001256-00002023 some things got better like hiv aids but others got worse like chronic kidney disease a doubling rht4tsE3V3E-00003-00002023-00002488 in the tens of thousands of deaths and the hundreds of thousands whose kidneys rht4tsE3V3E-00004-00002488-00003288 fail completely requiring kidney transplants or lifelong dialysis and about one in eight of us now rht4tsE3V3E-00005-00003288-00003776 have chronic kidney disease whether we know it or not and most of those with chronic kidney disease rht4tsE3V3E-00006-00003776-00004328 don't know it about three-quarters of the millions affected are unaware their kidneys are starting to rht4tsE3V3E-00007-00004328-00004808 fail which is particularly worrisome given that early identification provides an opportunity to rht4tsE3V3E-00008-00004808-00005480 slow the progression and alter the course of disease so what can we do about it the western rht4tsE3V3E-00009-00005480-00006128 style diet is a major risk factor for impaired kidney function and chronic kidney disease also rht4tsE3V3E-00010-00006128-00006800 known as the meat sweet diet or standard american diet causing an impairment of kidney blood flow rht4tsE3V3E-00011-00006800-00007368 inflammation and subsequent leakage of protein in the urine and a rapid decrease in kidney function rht4tsE3V3E-00012-00007504-00007872 table sugar and high fructose corn syrup is associated with increased blood pressure and rht4tsE3V3E-00013-00007872-00008320 uric acid levels that can both damage the kidney and saturated fat trans fat rht4tsE3V3E-00014-00008320-00008728 and cholesterol found in animal fat and junk food negatively impact kidney function as well rht4tsE3V3E-00015-00008824-00009360 the consumption of animal fat can actually alter the structure of the kidney and the animal protein rht4tsE3V3E-00016-00009360-00009840 can deliver an acid load to the kidneys increase ammonia production and damage the sensitive kidney rht4tsE3V3E-00017-00009840-00010488 cells that's why restricting protein intake is recommended for preventing kidney function decline rht4tsE3V3E-00018-00010488-00011032 though it may be animal protein in particular not just protein in general so the source of rht4tsE3V3E-00019-00011032-00011504 the protein plant versus animal may be more important than the amount regarding adverse rht4tsE3V3E-00020-00011504-00012152 health consequences animal protein intake has a profound effect on normal human kidney function rht4tsE3V3E-00021-00012152-00012863 inducing what's called hyperfiltration increasing the workload of the kidney this may help explain rht4tsE3V3E-00022-00012863-00013440 why our kidneys fail so often unlimited intake of protein-rich foods now generally regarded as rht4tsE3V3E-00023-00013440-00013984 normal may be responsible for dramatic differences in kidney function between modern human beings rht4tsE3V3E-00024-00013984-00014624 and their remote predecessors who hunted and scavenged for meat here and there sustained rather rht4tsE3V3E-00025-00014624-00015200 than intermittent excesses of protein requires us to call in our kidney reserves continuously rht4tsE3V3E-00026-00015200-00015656 causing a kind of unrelenting stress in our kidneys that can predispose even healthy people rht4tsE3V3E-00027-00015656-00016024 to progressive kidney scarring and deterioration of kidney function rht4tsE3V3E-00028-00016088-00016776 it's like always revving our engine into the red on the other hand administration of an equal rht4tsE3V3E-00029-00016776-00017352 quantity of vegetable protein does not appear to have the same effects eating meat for example rht4tsE3V3E-00030-00017440-00018120 increases the workload on the kidneys within hours of consumption but apparently taking care of plant rht4tsE3V3E-00031-00018120-00018888 protein appears to be a cinch this was done with beef but any animal protein will do eat a meal of rht4tsE3V3E-00032-00018888-00019440 tuna fish and you can see the increased pressure on the kidneys go up again within just hours for rht4tsE3V3E-00033-00019440-00019976 both non-diabetics with normal kidneys and diabetics with normal kidneys if instead rht4tsE3V3E-00034-00019976-00020528 of having a tuna salad sandwich you had a tofu salad sandwich with the same amount of protein rht4tsE3V3E-00035-00020616-00021376 no effect and same thing happens with eggs and dairy protein both in people with normal and rht4tsE3V3E-00036-00021376-00021888 diseased kidneys short-term studies have indicated that substituting plant proteins rht4tsE3V3E-00037-00021888-00022400 like soy for animal protein is associated with less hyper filtration and protein leakage rht4tsE3V3E-00038-00022472-00023056 therefore slowing deterioration of kidney function however the long-term effect has rht4tsE3V3E-00039-00023056-00023832 not been adequately studied until this study was published in 2014 a six-month double-blind rht4tsE3V3E-00040-00023832-00024432 randomized placebo-controlled trial soy versus dairy protein and the consumption of whole soy rht4tsE3V3E-00041-00024432-00024992 tended to preserve renal function kidney function compared with milk in individuals with lowered rht4tsE3V3E-00042-00024992-00025839 renal function similar results were reported in diabetics even just giving isolated soy protein rht4tsE3V3E-00043-00025839-00026312 appeared to make things better compared to dairy protein which made things rht4tsE3V3E-00044-00026312-00026952 worse once one's kidneys have deteriorated to the point that where they're actively losing rht4tsE3V3E-00045-00026952-00027608 protein in the urine a plant-based diet may help turn it off and on like a light switch here's rht4tsE3V3E-00046-00027608-00028248 protein leakage on a standard low-sodium diet switched to a supplemented vegan diet low sodium rht4tsE3V3E-00047-00028360-00029295 vegan low sodium vegan what is going on why does animal protein cause that overload reaction rht4tsE3V3E-00048-00029295-00029936 but not plant protein it appears to be an inflammatory response triggered by the animal rht4tsE3V3E-00049-00029936-00030344 protein we know this because administration of a powerful anti-inflammatory drug rht4tsE3V3E-00050-00030400-00031160 abolishes the hyperfiltration protein leakage response to meat ingestion here's the typical rht4tsE3V3E-00051-00031160-00031680 kidney stress response to a meat meal but here's with the anti-inflammatory drug on rht4tsE3V3E-00052-00031680-00032383 board confirming the role of inflammation in the impact of animal protein on our kidneys rhD2uvHys8E-00000-00000404-00000951 Whereas the Creative Commons 4.0 licenses are translated offline by teams rhD2uvHys8E-00001-00000951-00001362 from each country, the "deeds" - human-readable versions of licences - are rhD2uvHys8E-00002-00001362-00001898 translated online with Transifex. 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So don't rhD2uvHys8E-00028-00015213-00015644 touch the HTML code! The translated strings are pushed on the live Creative rhD2uvHys8E-00029-00015644-00016241 Commons website once a week. Read more about how to use Transifex to help rhD2uvHys8E-00030-00016241-00016930 us translate the deeds on the dedicated Wiki page. so60ZeKKcxk-00000-00000022-00000122 Hello everybody! so60ZeKKcxk-00001-00000122-00000605 Watch this video to find out how to install QEMU- KVM hypervisor kernel modules, and add so60ZeKKcxk-00002-00000605-00000869 a virtual machine manager in a Linux operating system. so60ZeKKcxk-00003-00000869-00001288 Also, you’ll see how to create a virtual machine with Windows, and how to recover data so60ZeKKcxk-00004-00001288-00001855 from a KVM virtual machine disk. so60ZeKKcxk-00005-00001855-00002786 KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine) is an open-source full virtualization solution for Linux systems. so60ZeKKcxk-00006-00002786-00003279 Just like VirtualBox and VMware Workstation, KVM is a Linux kernel virtualization tool so60ZeKKcxk-00007-00003279-00003508 that turns it into a hypervisor. so60ZeKKcxk-00008-00003508-00004079 Such hypervisor lets users run isolated instances of other operating systems within the host so60ZeKKcxk-00009-00004079-00004179 system. so60ZeKKcxk-00010-00004179-00004622 A virtual machine manager is a piece of software with graphical interface used to control virtual so60ZeKKcxk-00011-00004622-00005058 machines: with this manager, you can operate a virtual machine both locally and over the so60ZeKKcxk-00012-00005058-00005330 network, for example, via SSH protocol. so60ZeKKcxk-00013-00005330-00005826 If there is a reason preventing you from installing VirtualBox or VMware on Linux, you can try so60ZeKKcxk-00014-00005826-00005961 KVM instead. so60ZeKKcxk-00015-00005961-00006364 Within a few minutes, I’ll show you in detail how to add modules that ensure full-scale so60ZeKKcxk-00016-00006364-00006604 KVM operation, with the example of Ubuntu 20.04. so60ZeKKcxk-00017-00006604-00007059 How to check virtualization support Before you begin, it’s necessary to find so60ZeKKcxk-00018-00007059-00007728 out if your computer’s CPU supports KVM and hardware virtualization features. so60ZeKKcxk-00019-00007728-00009170 egrep -c '(vmx|svm)' /proc/cpuinfo If this command returns the result “0” so60ZeKKcxk-00020-00009170-00009412 - your CPU doesn’t support virtualization. so60ZeKKcxk-00021-00009412-00009815 Luckily, everything is OK in my case, so we can continue with the installation. so60ZeKKcxk-00022-00009815-00010219 The next step is to add one more tool to check compatibility: use this command so60ZeKKcxk-00023-00010219-00011160 sudo apt install cpu-checker After that, check if KVM can be used, with so60ZeKKcxk-00024-00011160-00011576 another command sudo kvm-ok so60ZeKKcxk-00025-00011576-00012271 If KVM is supported, the operating system will inform you about your chances to use so60ZeKKcxk-00026-00012271-00012717 KVM acceleration: KVM acceleration can be used so60ZeKKcxk-00027-00012717-00013122 If your hardware is incompatible, you’ll see a notification saying KVM can’t be run. so60ZeKKcxk-00028-00013122-00013400 INFO: Your CPU does not support KVM extensions KVM acceleration can NOT be used so60ZeKKcxk-00029-00013400-00013643 Installing KVM on Ubuntu 20.04 Before installation, update repositories with so60ZeKKcxk-00030-00013643-00014579 the command ‘apt update’ sudo apt update so60ZeKKcxk-00031-00014579-00014972 To add required KVM packages, run the command ‘Install’ with the package names: so60ZeKKcxk-00032-00014972-00015363 sudo apt install qemu-kvm libvirt-daemon-system libvirt-clients bridge-utils virtinst virt-manager so60ZeKKcxk-00033-00015363-00015806 -Software ensuring hardware emulation for KVM hypervisor - qemu-kvm. so60ZeKKcxk-00034-00015806-00016591 - Configuration files required to run libvirt as a system service - libvirt-daemon-system. so60ZeKKcxk-00035-00016591-00016809 -Software to manage virtualization platforms - libvirt-clients. so60ZeKKcxk-00036-00016809-00017115 - A set of command prompt tools to configure Ethernet bridges - bridge-utils. so60ZeKKcxk-00037-00017115-00017393 - A set of command prompt tools to create virtual machines - virtinst. so60ZeKKcxk-00038-00017393-00017844 - A graphical interface and command prompt tools required to manage virtual machines so60ZeKKcxk-00039-00017844-00018152 via libvirt - virt-manager. so60ZeKKcxk-00040-00018152-00018616 When asked to agree or disagree, hit Yes, press Enter, and wait until the installation so60ZeKKcxk-00041-00018616-00018764 is complete. so60ZeKKcxk-00042-00018764-00019406 After KVM packages are installed, run the commands to start and enable their booting so60ZeKKcxk-00043-00019406-00019521 with the operating system. so60ZeKKcxk-00044-00019521-00019893 sudo systemctl start libvirtd sudo systemctl enable libvirtd so60ZeKKcxk-00045-00019893-00020265 If the virtual machine manager displays an error message, restart the computer. so60ZeKKcxk-00046-00020265-00020365 How to create a virtual machine in Ubuntu 20.04 so60ZeKKcxk-00047-00020365-00020716 Now that the server is configured, let’s run the virtual machine manager with this so60ZeKKcxk-00048-00020716-00020816 command: sudo virt-manager so60ZeKKcxk-00049-00020816-00021334 Or do it with the applications menu by clicking on the program’s shortcut. so60ZeKKcxk-00050-00021334-00021826 In order to create a virtual machine, click on the computer icon in the top left corner. so60ZeKKcxk-00051-00021826-00022426 In the window that opens, choose how to install a virtual machine - with the help of ISO image, so60ZeKKcxk-00052-00022426-00022781 and click “Forward.” so60ZeKKcxk-00053-00022781-00023200 In the next window, specify the path to the previously downloaded ISO image of the operating so60ZeKKcxk-00054-00023200-00023591 system by clicking the Browse button. so60ZeKKcxk-00055-00023591-00024152 Select it, click “Choose volume” and then “Forward.” so60ZeKKcxk-00056-00024152-00024584 After that, specify the amount of system memory and number of processors you’d like to allocate so60ZeKKcxk-00057-00024584-00025059 for this virtual machine, and look at some other settings. so60ZeKKcxk-00058-00025059-00026129 Finally, give the name for this machine, and click “Finish.” so60ZeKKcxk-00059-00026129-00026477 When you do it, the virtual machine will boot automatically, and the installation of the so60ZeKKcxk-00060-00026477-00026689 operating system from the image will begin. so60ZeKKcxk-00061-00026689-00027099 You can visit our channel for a few dedicated video tutorials about installing an operating so60ZeKKcxk-00062-00027099-00027199 system. so60ZeKKcxk-00063-00027199-00027524 How to recover data from a virtual machine As we know, losing data is something inevitable so60ZeKKcxk-00064-00027524-00027727 that every user has to face, sooner or later. so60ZeKKcxk-00065-00027727-00028158 Here is a list of things that typically cause loss of data from a virtual machine: so60ZeKKcxk-00066-00028158-00028324 • Accidentally removed files • Disk formatting so60ZeKKcxk-00067-00028324-00028622 • Failure to mount a virtual file • Damage to index files so60ZeKKcxk-00068-00028622-00028991 • Unexpected power failure • Hypervisor issues, etc so60ZeKKcxk-00069-00028991-00029377 To restore virtual machine files, you need specialized software to find and save the so60ZeKKcxk-00070-00029377-00029774 missing information - and such programs are known as data recovery tools. so60ZeKKcxk-00071-00029774-00030330 For starters, let’s explore where to look for virtual machine files and how to recover so60ZeKKcxk-00072-00030330-00030793 them if the machine cannot be opened: its operating system refuses to boot, or if some so60ZeKKcxk-00073-00030793-00031055 files were accidentally removed or damaged. so60ZeKKcxk-00074-00031055-00031463 To extract virtual machine files from the disk, use Hetman Partition Recovery. so60ZeKKcxk-00075-00031463-00031894 It supports all popular file system formats and can help you restore data after deleting, so60ZeKKcxk-00076-00031894-00032102 formatting, and hardware or software errors. so60ZeKKcxk-00077-00032102-00033318 Connect the hard disk to a Windows computer and start the scan. so60ZeKKcxk-00078-00033318-00033628 You can find KVM virtual machine files by following this path: so60ZeKKcxk-00079-00033628-00033728 Home\lin\.local\share\libvirt\images /var/lib/libvirt\images so60ZeKKcxk-00080-00033728-00034072 The file name corresponds to the virtual machine name, and this is a file with the extension so60ZeKKcxk-00081-00034072-00034329 .qcow2. so60ZeKKcxk-00082-00034329-00035746 Recover it to any available location. so60ZeKKcxk-00083-00035746-00036193 If you have a Linux computer, you can try to access the files even without using specialized so60ZeKKcxk-00084-00036193-00036293 tools. so60ZeKKcxk-00085-00036293-00036646 Upload the virtual machine file into the manager, start the machine, and get the information so60ZeKKcxk-00086-00036646-00036746 you are looking for. so60ZeKKcxk-00087-00036746-00037147 If you failed to boot a virtual machine after system repair operations, or if there is an so60ZeKKcxk-00088-00037147-00037559 error when you try to start it, don’t give up: use our program to open that file and so60ZeKKcxk-00089-00037559-00037716 recover all of its data. so60ZeKKcxk-00090-00037716-00038377 To do it, find the Tools tab - click “Mount Disk”; in the window that opens, you will so60ZeKKcxk-00091-00038377-00038757 choose the disk image type, then check the list for your virtual machine name, or choose so60ZeKKcxk-00092-00038757-00039534 the corresponding file extension, and click “Next.” so60ZeKKcxk-00093-00039534-00040212 Give the path to the folder containing the files by clicking on “Select Folder.” so60ZeKKcxk-00094-00040212-00040647 The program will add all virtual machine files located in that folder: if you need to work so60ZeKKcxk-00095-00040647-00041725 on a specific one, uncheck all other boxes. so60ZeKKcxk-00096-00041725-00042454 To start looking for data, right-click on the disk and choose “Open.” so60ZeKKcxk-00097-00042454-00042592 Then choose analysis type. so60ZeKKcxk-00098-00042592-00043225 Try a “Fast scan” first. so60ZeKKcxk-00099-00043225-00043696 You can see that the program finds all files remaining on the disks without difficulty. so60ZeKKcxk-00100-00043696-00043940 The red cross indicates the ones which have been deleted. so60ZeKKcxk-00101-00043940-00044275 Click on a file to see its contents in the preview window. so60ZeKKcxk-00103-00047943-00048466 Select the files you need to restore and click “Recovery,” specify the disk where to so60ZeKKcxk-00104-00048466-00048916 save the files and click “Recovery” again. so60ZeKKcxk-00105-00048916-00049217 Conclusion As we all know, virtual machines offer a good so60ZeKKcxk-00106-00049217-00049385 protection against data loss. so60ZeKKcxk-00107-00049385-00049824 However, even with all their advantages, such machines cannot guarantee full protection. so60ZeKKcxk-00108-00049824-00050233 While working with them, you may encounter various issues such as software errors, crashes, so60ZeKKcxk-00109-00050233-00050694 human errors like accidentally removing files or formatting the hard disk and so on. so60ZeKKcxk-00110-00050694-00051172 If you ever lose data from a virtual machine, we recommend using a powerful data recovery so60ZeKKcxk-00111-00051172-00051364 tool, Hetman Partition Recovery. so60ZeKKcxk-00112-00051364-00052290 It supports most virtual disk file formats such as: .vmdk, .vdi, .vhd, .vhdx, .hdd, .hds, so60ZeKKcxk-00113-00052290-00052782 .qcow, qcow2, .img, .cow, .qed. so60ZeKKcxk-00114-00052782-00053174 With a trial version, you can evaluate the program’s effectiveness before actually so60ZeKKcxk-00115-00053174-00054299 paying for the license: you only need the full version to save the files. so60ZeKKcxk-00116-00054299-00054399 That is all for now! so60ZeKKcxk-00117-00054399-00054575 Hopefully, this video was useful. so60ZeKKcxk-00118-00054575-00054861 Remember to click the Like button and subscribe to our channel. so60ZeKKcxk-00119-00054861-00055056 Leave comments to ask questions. so60ZeKKcxk-00120-00055056-00056461 Thank you so60ZeKKcxk-00121-00056461-00057073 for watching. so60ZeKKcxk-00122-00057073-00058241 Good luck. sovG7_K-v_o-00000-00000746-00001129 We all like to look for shapes in the clouds, but on a day like today the sky is basically sovG7_K-v_o-00001-00001129-00001355 a blank slate. sovG7_K-v_o-00002-00001355-00001736 Stratus clouds can easily be spotted in the sky as they look like flat sheets of clouds sovG7_K-v_o-00003-00001736-00001869 floating through the air. sovG7_K-v_o-00004-00001869-00002110 The word “stratus” comes from Latin, meaning layer. sovG7_K-v_o-00005-00002110-00002555 They often appear as a layer of featureless clouds that blanket the entire sky, forming sovG7_K-v_o-00006-00002555-00002840 what is commonly known as overcast skies. sovG7_K-v_o-00007-00002840-00003295 Unlike other clouds they are characterized by horizontal rather than vertical development sovG7_K-v_o-00008-00003295-00003629 and typically form a gray cloud layer with a uniform base. sovG7_K-v_o-00009-00003629-00004022 If the layer is thick enough stratus clouds may produce a light mist or slow drizzling sovG7_K-v_o-00010-00004022-00004291 rain, or even a few snow particles. sovG7_K-v_o-00011-00004291-00004692 But nimbostratus clouds are more likely to produce continuous light to moderate rain sovG7_K-v_o-00012-00004692-00004854 or snow. sovG7_K-v_o-00013-00004854-00005255 Often when you see stratus clouds it means an overcast day is ahead as these clouds are sovG7_K-v_o-00014-00005255-00005582 mainly associated with low-pressure storm systems. sovG7_K-v_o-00015-00005582-00005917 Stratus clouds may stay in one place for several days at a time. sovG7_K-v_o-00016-00005917-00006331 Yet when a layer of stratus clouds begins to break up and dissipate, blue sky and the sovG7_K-v_o-00017-00006331-00006658 outline of the sun can start to be discerned. sovG7_K-v_o-00018-00006658-00007112 Most days in Wyoming are sunny, so it won’t be long before these stratus clouds move on. sovG7_K-v_o-00019-00007112-00007481 From the University of Wyoming Extension, I’m Tina Russell, Exploring the Nature of sovG7_K-v_o-00020-00007481-00007543 Wyoming. s3a0CM4_sx8-00000-00000086-00000615 What happens at the nano level can have a big impact on the effectiveness of s3a0CM4_sx8-00001-00000615-00001323 body armor for future soldiers. At the U.S. Army Research Laboratory at Aberdeen s3a0CM4_sx8-00002-00001323-00001802 Proving Ground, Maryland, material scientists use cutting-edge technology s3a0CM4_sx8-00003-00001802-00002298 to peer into a world rarely seen. When you see the reconstruction that's made s3a0CM4_sx8-00004-00002298-00002697 up of millions of dots while these dots are actual individual atoms that has s3a0CM4_sx8-00005-00002697-00003180 been captured during the analysis process and why this is so cool is s3a0CM4_sx8-00006-00003180-00003521 because if you're actually collecting the atoms itself you can't get more s3a0CM4_sx8-00007-00003521-00004017 accurate in terms of chemistry than that. The atomic world is explored at the nano s3a0CM4_sx8-00008-00004017-00004398 level. Obviously as Americans we're not great with the metric system but s3a0CM4_sx8-00009-00004398-00004917 basically a meter is roughly a yard well if you can take a meter and divide it by s3a0CM4_sx8-00010-00004917-00005348 10 to the 9th, so we're talking size of the analysis that's done in this s3a0CM4_sx8-00011-00005348-00005714 machine, think of the end of your hair, well it's a thousand times smaller than s3a0CM4_sx8-00012-00005714-00006177 the end of your hair. Basically my sample looks like a flying spaceship that'll s3a0CM4_sx8-00013-00006177-00006734 come in and get loaded in right here. This machine gives scientists a 3-D s3a0CM4_sx8-00014-00006734-00007256 reconstruction for a more meaningful analysis possibly leading to stronger or s3a0CM4_sx8-00015-00007256-00007784 even more heat-resistant materials. Well I can give you a specific example of how s3a0CM4_sx8-00016-00007784-00008238 it's helped our research. We were electrodepositing copper in a magnetic field s3a0CM4_sx8-00017-00008238-00008778 and we found an unknown chemical phase. We weren't sure what the phase was and s3a0CM4_sx8-00018-00008778-00009228 it was hard to determine what it was using other methods but atom probe told s3a0CM4_sx8-00019-00009228-00009642 us quite easily that that unknown phase was two different types of a copper s3a0CM4_sx8-00020-00009642-00010082 hydride phase and that's not something that we could have detected using those s3a0CM4_sx8-00021-00010082-00010578 other methods. It's pretty impressive because you can sort of see the atoms s3a0CM4_sx8-00022-00010578-00011136 show up in real time again it's on the nanometer scale so it's much finer than s3a0CM4_sx8-00023-00011136-00011520 all of the other characterization techniques that are out there. What I'm s3a0CM4_sx8-00024-00011520-00011952 doing now is I found the sample and I'm want to run or analyze today and I'm s3a0CM4_sx8-00025-00011952-00012499 pulling it off the carrier so now I'll move the carousel out of the way s3a0CM4_sx8-00026-00012499-00012945 so that's what you're seeing there is the actual sample itself is a silicon s3a0CM4_sx8-00027-00012945-00013468 coupon with roughly 22 individual tips on it and each one of those tips is a s3a0CM4_sx8-00028-00013468-00013837 sample. We get these new materials and maybe they show some great properties s3a0CM4_sx8-00029-00013837-00014335 but how do we ensure that we can do that each and every time with that sample so s3a0CM4_sx8-00030-00014335-00015025 this machine allows us to control at this truly atomic level certain atoms s3a0CM4_sx8-00031-00015025-00015400 are sitting certain positions versus other positions can we ensure that s3a0CM4_sx8-00032-00015400-00015801 property is going to occur each and every time so this machine allows us to s3a0CM4_sx8-00033-00015801-00016320 measure almost on that scale and reproduce that over and over again by s3a0CM4_sx8-00034-00016320-00016792 looking at the chemistry. So you really want to try to understand how things s3a0CM4_sx8-00035-00016792-00017125 work and how things you know help what the microstructure looks like from a s3a0CM4_sx8-00036-00017125-00017744 very small level in order to be able to bring that into fruition and eventually s3a0CM4_sx8-00037-00017746-00018148 use it for the Army. When you see things that in theory no other human has ever seen s3a0CM4_sx8-00038-00018148-00018517 before when you run a new material so yes it's very cool to think oh I'm s3a0CM4_sx8-00039-00018517-00018948 discovering and help push the envelope of new modern material science it's then s3a0CM4_sx8-00040-00018948-00019320 obviously is used for the Army. So the Army has, you know, a multitude of s3a0CM4_sx8-00041-00019320-00019693 applications so every time we run a new material you think you know how can I s3a0CM4_sx8-00042-00019693-00020088 help the Soldier with this new discovery. s5yAfliS_eI-00000-00000018-00000564 losing weight can be a challenging Journey but with the right approach it is achievable s5yAfliS_eI-00001-00000672-00001200 in this video we'll share practical tips to help you start your weight loss Journey s5yAfliS_eI-00002-00001308-00001944 tip number one focus on your diet incorporate more fruits vegetables s5yAfliS_eI-00003-00001944-00002790 whole grains and lean proteins into your meals avoid processed foods sugary drinks and fast food s5yAfliS_eI-00004-00002898-00003588 tip number two track your progress keep a record of your weight measurements and s5yAfliS_eI-00005-00003588-00004188 body fat percentage this will help you see your progress and motivate you to continue s5yAfliS_eI-00006-00004308-00004758 tip number three incorporate physical activity into your routine s5yAfliS_eI-00007-00004872-00005376 start with a simple exercise routine like walking jogging or cycling s5yAfliS_eI-00008-00005502-00006006 gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts as you get fitter s5yAfliS_eI-00009-00006108-00006906 tip number four stay hydrated drinking water helps keep you feeling full and reduces cravings s5yAfliS_eI-00010-00007014-00007686 aim to drink at least eight glasses of water a day tip number five snack smart s5yAfliS_eI-00011-00007794-00008592 choose healthy snacks like fruits nuts and seeds and avoid processed snacks high in sugar and salt s5yAfliS_eI-00012-00008688-00009126 with these tips you can start your weight loss Journey on the right track s5yAfliS_eI-00013-00009240-00009600 remember to be patient and consistent and don't give up srzMWOUCK0Y-00000-00001646-00001746 Hey Zolace fans! srzMWOUCK0Y-00001-00001778-00002044 Welcome back to another edition of Hijab Friday. srzMWOUCK0Y-00002-00002063-00002430 Today we are going to create a style that is quick and easy to do, but also gives you srzMWOUCK0Y-00003-00002430-00002576 a modern, elegant look. srzMWOUCK0Y-00004-00002576-00003024 We’re also excited to introduce our new Zehna Dull Satin Curved Shawl! srzMWOUCK0Y-00005-00003024-00003486 It has a slight shine that is guaranteed to give you a fashionable glow as well as compliment srzMWOUCK0Y-00006-00003486-00003831 any face shape with its easy-to-style soft fabric. srzMWOUCK0Y-00007-00004158-00004586 As you can see, we’ve paired this shawl with the elegant Royal Following Dress for srzMWOUCK0Y-00008-00004586-00004759 a modern pop of color. srzMWOUCK0Y-00009-00004759-00005169 Today you will need your Zehna Dull Satin Curved Shawl and 3 pins. srzMWOUCK0Y-00010-00005169-00005355 Alright, let’s get started! srzMWOUCK0Y-00011-00005355-00005772 Start with bringing the shawl over you making sure one side is longer than the other. srzMWOUCK0Y-00012-00005772-00006262 Now, move the shawl up and around your chin to pin it on the opposite side of your head. srzMWOUCK0Y-00013-00006262-00006669 The trick is to make sure you fold the shawl inwards as you move it around your face. srzMWOUCK0Y-00014-00006669-00007393 This will make sure it evenly follows your face shape and looks tidy at the end. srzMWOUCK0Y-00015-00007393-00007844 Now that it is securely pinned in place, tuck the front fabric in behind your shoulder on srzMWOUCK0Y-00016-00007844-00008154 the same side you pinned it. srzMWOUCK0Y-00017-00008154-00008478 Here is where we’ll work with the hanging piece, and it’s where you can determine srzMWOUCK0Y-00018-00008478-00008673 how much coverage you want on the front. srzMWOUCK0Y-00019-00008673-00009093 You can always get more coverage by making a bigger circle around your face before pinning srzMWOUCK0Y-00020-00009093-00009262 it in the previous step. srzMWOUCK0Y-00021-00009262-00009644 This scarf is long enough for you to still have room for draping on the sides if you srzMWOUCK0Y-00022-00009644-00009883 decide to have a fuller coverage on the front. srzMWOUCK0Y-00023-00009883-00010227 If you don’t want as much coverage on the front, just move more fabric to the back. srzMWOUCK0Y-00024-00010227-00010644 Simply guide the fabric across you until you pin it on your opposite shoulder. srzMWOUCK0Y-00025-00010644-00011108 Remember, this scarf is so easy to work with because of its soft fabric— drapes will srzMWOUCK0Y-00026-00011108-00011285 be created effortlessly. srzMWOUCK0Y-00027-00011285-00011530 It only needs slight tidying up. srzMWOUCK0Y-00028-00011598-00012068 Take your final pin and secure it to the side of your head so it stays neatly in place. srzMWOUCK0Y-00029-00012216-00012378 And that’s it, you’re done! srzMWOUCK0Y-00030-00012378-00012732 In no time at all, you’ve created an elegant and modern look. srzMWOUCK0Y-00031-00012732-00013050 We think you’ll love this look and hope you give it a try at home! srzMWOUCK0Y-00032-00013050-00013494 Remember to pick up our new Zehna Dull Satin Curved Shawl and let us know in the comments srzMWOUCK0Y-00033-00013494-00013722 below if you recreate this style! srzMWOUCK0Y-00034-00013722-00014187 But, this is just one option— this shawl look is so versatile that you can make it srzMWOUCK0Y-00035-00014187-00014452 work with any look you are inspired to create! srzMWOUCK0Y-00036-00014452-00014736 This shawl is key to bringing out your inner elegance! srzMWOUCK0Y-00037-00014736-00015106 Make sure to share this video with your friends, subscribe to our videos, and we’ll see you srzMWOUCK0Y-00038-00015106-00015393 next week for another edition of Hijab Friday! svuzNZ7p554-00000-00000035-00000135 all right what's up God's people it's your girl Camille. svuzNZ7p554-00001-00000135-00000494 everybody who's already subscribed you already you know i quit my job as an engineer. svuzNZ7p554-00002-00000494-00000615 if you're new to this channel check out this video. svuzNZ7p554-00003-00000615-00000786 i quit my job i'll put a link below and i'll go through everything. svuzNZ7p554-00004-00000786-00001698 i'll be going through my journey as a christian entrepreneur, engineer, a designer, a wife, svuzNZ7p554-00005-00001698-00002200 and just really growing our faith together. svuzNZ7p554-00006-00002200-00002704 this is going to be a conversation. svuzNZ7p554-00007-00002704-00004015 this is my beginning of starting my business svuzNZ7p554-00008-00004015-00004466 it's a christian streetwear brand. svuzNZ7p554-00009-00004466-00005379 let's start with the night black mustard seeds in the bible matthew chapter 17 verse 20 and svuzNZ7p554-00010-00005379-00005638 Jesus said unto them svuzNZ7p554-00011-00005638-00005833 Alright who's them? svuzNZ7p554-00012-00005833-00006092 there was this guy. svuzNZ7p554-00013-00006092-00006415 they went to his disciples. svuzNZ7p554-00014-00006415-00007077 This dude was riddled with demons he was sick and the disciples couldn't do nothing about svuzNZ7p554-00015-00007077-00007177 it. svuzNZ7p554-00016-00007177-00007277 so they went to Jesus and they were like hey what's up. svuzNZ7p554-00017-00007277-00007377 why couldn't we heal this dude? svuzNZ7p554-00018-00007377-00007477 We're your followers. svuzNZ7p554-00019-00007477-00007577 what's up? svuzNZ7p554-00020-00007577-00007677 Jesus said because of your unbelief svuzNZ7p554-00021-00007677-00008150 for verily i say unto you if you have faith as a grain of a mustard seed's... svuzNZ7p554-00022-00008150-00008869 Jesus kind of going in right now okay i think honestly i think He's a little annoyed. svuzNZ7p554-00023-00008869-00009453 For verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed...which is like svuzNZ7p554-00024-00009453-00010358 this big... ye shall say unto this mountain remove hence to yonder place... or move... svuzNZ7p554-00025-00010358-00010963 and it shall remove and nothing shall be impossible to you. svuzNZ7p554-00026-00010963-00011539 if you have faith then you can say to a mountain move and it's going to move svuzNZ7p554-00027-00011539-00011717 and nothing will be impossible. svuzNZ7p554-00028-00011717-00012280 his disciples knew what He was talking about when He said as a mustard seed. svuzNZ7p554-00029-00012280-00013059 In a few chapters earlier he had just preached several parables describing the kingdom of svuzNZ7p554-00030-00013059-00013706 god and one of the parables that he used was using a mustard seed. svuzNZ7p554-00031-00013706-00014610 matthew 13 31 and he says another parable put he forth unto them saying... this is Jesus svuzNZ7p554-00032-00014610-00014811 speaking...the kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard seed which a man took and svuzNZ7p554-00033-00014811-00015069 sowed in his field which indeed is the least of all the seasons which means it's really svuzNZ7p554-00034-00015069-00016187 small and when it is grown it is the greatest among the herbs and become a tree so that svuzNZ7p554-00035-00016187-00017051 the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof. svuzNZ7p554-00036-00017051-00017675 mustard seeds also describes faith in chapter 17 and the kingdom of god in chapter 13. svuzNZ7p554-00037-00017675-00018143 surely he is not saying the kingdom of god is as small as a mustard seed. svuzNZ7p554-00038-00018143-00018635 what he's saying is it's as if you planted this mustard seed. svuzNZ7p554-00039-00018635-00019305 so starting off with just a little and then planting this mustard seed in a field it's svuzNZ7p554-00040-00019305-00019837 going to latch on it's going to grow it's going to expand into the greatest tree. svuzNZ7p554-00041-00019837-00020491 animals and birds can then live in so that it will sustain the things around. svuzNZ7p554-00042-00020491-00020862 it is not the yellow seed, not the yellow mustard seed, it's the black mustard seed, svuzNZ7p554-00043-00020862-00021548 because the black black mustard seed is quite invasive it's a very tiny seed and when you svuzNZ7p554-00044-00021548-00022179 plant it in the field it's really nasty weed. i mean it'll take over it over the whole field svuzNZ7p554-00045-00022179-00022909 and when it grows the mustard seed plants tend to intertwine with each other and create svuzNZ7p554-00046-00022909-00023192 these strong branches that create its own ecosystem. svuzNZ7p554-00047-00023192-00023450 they get as high as like 15 feet. svuzNZ7p554-00048-00023450-00024342 then now we're growing the kingdom we're growing faith it's it's infectious. svuzNZ7p554-00049-00024342-00025042 the brand itself is the seed when you plant your faith then your faith begins to grow svuzNZ7p554-00050-00025042-00025409 and your faith becomes so powerful that you can move mountains. svuzNZ7p554-00051-00025409-00026255 so that's black mustard seed. and so the first design that i came up with for black mustard svuzNZ7p554-00052-00026255-00026471 seed is exactly that which is moving mountains. svuzNZ7p554-00053-00026471-00026880 so this is the signature black mustard seed design for move mountains. svuzNZ7p554-00054-00026880-00027694 so that was first design i've got a lot more i'm gonna show you my favorites. svuzNZ7p554-00055-00027694-00028153 i've got believe with peter's sermon on the back. svuzNZ7p554-00056-00028153-00029297 i think it's dope. i think all my design is dope svuzNZ7p554-00057-00029297-00029471 But I'm bias svuzNZ7p554-00058-00029471-00029731 Ask Seek Knock. svuzNZ7p554-00059-00029731-00030946 ask and ye shall receive, seek and ye shall find, knock and the door will be answered svuzNZ7p554-00060-00030946-00031199 [opened] onto you. svuzNZ7p554-00061-00031199-00031537 That's Matthew 7 7. svuzNZ7p554-00062-00031537-00031958 This is believe as well. svuzNZ7p554-00063-00031958-00032594 But what i think is really dope is Champion brand. svuzNZ7p554-00064-00032594-00034408 It's hot right now. svuzNZ7p554-00065-00034408-00036283 I think Champion is hot. svuzNZ7p554-00066-00036283-00036383 Mercy. svuzNZ7p554-00067-00036383-00036483 Mercy covers you. svuzNZ7p554-00068-00036483-00036615 Mercy all over. and then grace. svuzNZ7p554-00069-00036615-00036715 That's all i got but you know what? svuzNZ7p554-00070-00036715-00036815 I really got a whole store full of it. svuzNZ7p554-00071-00036815-00036915 Let's roll the clip. svuzNZ7p554-00072-00036915-00037015 okay okay one more thing. svuzNZ7p554-00073-00037015-00037115 hit that like button, subscribe, hit the notification bell so you know when videos come in. svuzNZ7p554-00074-00037115-00037215 support your girl. svuzNZ7p554-00075-00037215-00037315 we're gonna go through this journey together. svuzNZ7p554-00076-00037315-00037415 God bless. svuzNZ7p554-00077-00037415-00037465 We out sBinRjCYQTI-00000-00000008-00000760 other people so yes it would be first reteat on the plant so we very feel honored sBinRjCYQTI-00001-00000760-00001568 especially yes dengue is our good friend and yes we happy to inspire her with the sBinRjCYQTI-00002-00001568-00002336 tantra and we're happy that she bring this energy here to lithuania and yes we're very sBinRjCYQTI-00003-00002336-00003192 thankful for inviting us and yeah this land i see the future would become a beautiful sBinRjCYQTI-00004-00003256-00004024 spiritual center what we all need to share love to share uh experience to share share a safe space sBinRjCYQTI-00005-00004088-00004776 and this is the beginning of that land so feel with us honored to join us at the retreats sBinRjCYQTI-00006-00004920-00005640 we start in friday so you can join us for two and a half day and then you can continue with another sBinRjCYQTI-00007-00005744-00006559 five days to go deeper if you feel so so that's um we like to give you such a good feelings that sBinRjCYQTI-00008-00006559-00007559 you feel yes that's something for me and i feel good about it yes that's my time so um sBinRjCYQTI-00009-00007792-00008424 i'm a Michal Kali Griks i experienced tantra since 15 years and since 10 years sBinRjCYQTI-00010-00008424-00008864 i'm teaching more and more deep more and more intense sBinRjCYQTI-00011-00009248-00010456 what i feel most important in tantra is to learn how to love yourself and how to love better and sBinRjCYQTI-00012-00010456-00011408 do it so how to love yourself better how to love your partner better how to let it even grow that sBinRjCYQTI-00013-00011408-00012480 we love humanity we love mother nature we love animals and so on and so on so it expands so um sBinRjCYQTI-00014-00012736-00013728 what uh we like to teach what we focus mainly uh we teach uh being in conscious relationship uh so sBinRjCYQTI-00015-00013728-00014584 make the relationship happy conscious and uh yes having the honeymoon uh forever not just one month sBinRjCYQTI-00016-00014663-00015184 and growing through using the power of the relationship power of being in the mirror sBinRjCYQTI-00017-00015184-00015880 for each other uh power of uh yes sometimes even triggering the things what needs to uh be healed sBinRjCYQTI-00018-00015880-00016664 uh what needs to be grown true and with the power of love amplified in the with the tantric sBinRjCYQTI-00019-00016664-00017480 way tantric methods uh you have the courage to grow through these challenges with sometimes sBinRjCYQTI-00020-00017552-00018128 yourself maybe you would not grow so fast so using the power of being together making the sBinRjCYQTI-00021-00018128-00018864 connection even if the connection is just for today or maybe forever uh it's uh using this sBinRjCYQTI-00022-00018864-00019504 connection not just to stay in comfort zone but actually to grow together uh higher and higher sBinRjCYQTI-00023-00019504-00020048 and leave the things behind what are holding us from that happiness so healing ourselves sBinRjCYQTI-00024-00021008-00021184 alcoholics sBinRjCYQTI-00025-00022560-00022584 foreign sBinRjCYQTI-00026-00025312-00025384 just with some stuff sBinRjCYQTI-00027-00025904-00025920 so sBinRjCYQTI-00028-00026680-00026783 yes sBinRjCYQTI-00029-00027008-00027248 learning how to love better ourselves sBinRjCYQTI-00030-00027480-00027848 it's a very important that we love ourselves first sBinRjCYQTI-00031-00027848-00028439 all the changes are coming is easier to work on ourselves than on someone else but sBinRjCYQTI-00032-00028776-00029344 in tantra we use the power of connection with other person because we've sBinRjCYQTI-00033-00029456-00030183 having mirror in front of us uh also having the person who we love so much that we can bite sBinRjCYQTI-00034-00030183-00030983 our unhealthy ego and actually choose for love instead of fear then we can grow much faster so sBinRjCYQTI-00035-00031088-00031664 yes we use this uh power of connection in tantra also we use sBinRjCYQTI-00036-00032008-00032792 healing of ourselves all aspects of ourselves very often to love ourselves we have to love our body sBinRjCYQTI-00037-00032792-00033376 we have to also start to love our sacred sexuality sBinRjCYQTI-00038-00036080-00036096 so sBinRjCYQTI-00039-00036544-00037560 we transform uh uh typical sex what is very often connected uh with uh shame guilt uh with past sBinRjCYQTI-00040-00037560-00038584 traumas past memories uh with uh very often running on desires being uh uh attached addicted sBinRjCYQTI-00041-00038584-00039600 from sex uh we transform it into so-called sacred sexuality the most uh beautiful most uh sBinRjCYQTI-00042-00039704-00040304 close most uh intimate expression of more and more unconditional love sBinRjCYQTI-00043-00040400-00040688 to our partner to ourself and to sBinRjCYQTI-00044-00043368-00043880 and then we can love much better ourselves and the partners sBinRjCYQTI-00045-00044760-00045096 so uh we will give you a little bit practical uh sBinRjCYQTI-00046-00045184-00045920 advice practical uh method that you can do it here in practice sBinRjCYQTI-00047-00046320-00046736 we just do it shortly but as i said on our videos uh sBinRjCYQTI-00048-00046736-00047720 what by the modern technology could be translated very easily now on youtube is sBinRjCYQTI-00049-00048248-00049088 so yes you can watch them more in detail more in the nuances and so so yes we will explain sBinRjCYQTI-00050-00049088-00049984 you how to make love transform the minutes into the hours of love making transformation sBinRjCYQTI-00051-00050544-00051600 and it's a expression of love it's not a urge from the desire um urge i don't know maybe desire like sBinRjCYQTI-00052-00051767-00051984 addiction sBinRjCYQTI-00053-00052928-00053384 is sBinRjCYQTI-00054-00053791-00054264 so um just shortly that method yes sBinRjCYQTI-00055-00054360-00055208 so um it's about avoiding the ejaculatory orgasm and clitoral orgas sBinRjCYQTI-00056-00056360-00056832 you lose the energy through those orgasms and you stay attached to sex sBinRjCYQTI-00057-00057344-00057960 in tantra we go for higher ecstasies higher orgasms what are more from the heart sBinRjCYQTI-00058-00058255-00058279 issue sBinRjCYQTI-00059-00058760-00059576 what gives you energy and would not stay keep you uh attached uh addicted from sex because sBinRjCYQTI-00060-00060279-00061184 so more like expression of love than uh fulfilling your sex desires can you repeat this it's sBinRjCYQTI-00061-00061184-00061967 a more expression of love to your partner to yourself than uh running on the sexual desires sBinRjCYQTI-00062-00063088-00063488 so uh um this method is about sBinRjCYQTI-00063-00063824-00064616 when you feel the moment before point of no return the moment when you will sBinRjCYQTI-00064-00064616-00065216 have the ejaculation or the clitoral orgasm and you lose the energy sBinRjCYQTI-00065-00065544-00065592 a moment sBinRjCYQTI-00066-00066440-00067312 you use this method what i call use it don't lose it use it don't lose it method no dog witness sBinRjCYQTI-00067-00067480-00068184 and in that way you this too much energy what was accumulating in the sexual genitals sBinRjCYQTI-00068-00068248-00068784 it was ready to explode and get lost sBinRjCYQTI-00069-00069776-00070288 so you are more loving to yourself more loving to your partner your transformer sBinRjCYQTI-00070-00070424-00070728 partner and you are far away from the point of no return sBinRjCYQTI-00071-00071136-00071384 and then you can continue with love making it sBinRjCYQTI-00072-00071568-00071992 and because you don't lose the energy you can go on and on for hours sBinRjCYQTI-00073-00072536-00072912 and you are energized more connected more sBinRjCYQTI-00074-00073848-00074640 so now how you do it there are three parts of this method what are very connected in the same time sBinRjCYQTI-00075-00075456-00075680 it's the pc muscle sBinRjCYQTI-00076-00076928-00077184 um sBinRjCYQTI-00077-00077360-00077376 so sBinRjCYQTI-00078-00077608-00078144 pc muscle is the muscle what you used to stop peeing from sBinRjCYQTI-00079-00078448-00079984 so you um it's your homework next time you go to p you force yourself to stop pee a few times sBinRjCYQTI-00080-00080752-00081288 you start to train it by squeezing and relaxing like i'm doing with my face now to sBinRjCYQTI-00081-00081832-00082240 i'm doing it right now while i'm talking to you you don't see that i'm doing it sBinRjCYQTI-00082-00082336-00082648 and it doesn't take my attention i can still talk to you sBinRjCYQTI-00083-00083720-00084312 so it doesn't cost me nothing but gives me the benefits what no any muscle training sBinRjCYQTI-00084-00085376-00085584 effects sBinRjCYQTI-00085-00085776-00086080 not only on the sexual level what i will speak here sBinRjCYQTI-00086-00086160-00086808 net excitement like many on energetical level on a spiritual level sBinRjCYQTI-00087-00086808-00088384 on a relationship level on health level in this region on mental level this is sBinRjCYQTI-00088-00088528-00089080 so you start squeezing maybe 20 times three times a day and you continue sBinRjCYQTI-00089-00089080-00089480 like that after one month you would be very happy from that information sBinRjCYQTI-00090-00090376-00091184 it will uh empower all your life and every a tantric or spiritual experience when you use it sBinRjCYQTI-00091-00091648-00092584 so with the pc muscle tie when you tight it you uh shut the energy up okay uh sBinRjCYQTI-00092-00093808-00094648 and with the breath uh you also may slow down the flow of energy sBinRjCYQTI-00093-00095248-00095680 so um then you have the visualization sBinRjCYQTI-00094-00095904-00096432 we we visualize because uh the energy follows attention sBinRjCYQTI-00095-00097192-00097640 so um now i explain you all together yes sBinRjCYQTI-00096-00097944-00098576 with the tightening the pc muscle you breathe in and you imagine that the energy goes sBinRjCYQTI-00097-00098576-00098904 from your genitals on the back of your spine to sBinRjCYQTI-00098-00098904-00099488 the heart and then on the breath out relaxing the pc muscle back to the genitals sBinRjCYQTI-00099-00100904-00101256 so breath in tight your pc muscle to the heart sBinRjCYQTI-00100-00101320-00101712 breathe out relax your pc muscle back to the genitals sBinRjCYQTI-00101-00102320-00103280 so with uh five or maybe seven of those circles uh maybe eight this too much energy what was sBinRjCYQTI-00102-00103280-00103968 ready to explode and get lost through the peak orgasm we brought it to the heart sBinRjCYQTI-00103-00105008-00105280 so yes you can live your life in your sBinRjCYQTI-00104-00105335-00105744 heart and make the connection make love actually not just sex sBinRjCYQTI-00105-00106616-00107016 and as i said before you are far away from the point of no return sBinRjCYQTI-00106-00107016-00107383 so you can continue till another point of no return you feel it sBinRjCYQTI-00107-00107856-00107983 is sBinRjCYQTI-00108-00109264-00109383 uh sBinRjCYQTI-00109-00110520-00111648 yeah so um yes uh in that way uh you not only can make love for hours but you make love you really sBinRjCYQTI-00110-00111832-00112456 you do it out of choice because you don't chase the rabbit what actually sBinRjCYQTI-00111-00112559-00113048 yes you're never gonna catch but actually it's there when you land tantric technique like this sBinRjCYQTI-00112-00114111-00114416 so yes this is about uh yes sBinRjCYQTI-00113-00114576-00115488 my thought what i feel like uh i i'm so grateful it's one of the things what influenced my life in sBinRjCYQTI-00114-00115488-00116383 such a way that i feel uh most grateful for this thing that happened in my life almost sBinRjCYQTI-00115-00116888-00117664 the most powerful spiritual and body practice i experience and what i share with you us sBinRjCYQTI-00116-00120583-00121328 addiction going down with it and into sacred sexuality that i can be proud sBinRjCYQTI-00117-00121328-00121983 of myself that i can be very happy in our conscious relationship with my beloved trish sBinRjCYQTI-00118-00123040-00123383 um sBinRjCYQTI-00119-00123935-00124288 so we know with our sexual energy sBinRjCYQTI-00120-00124376-00125383 it sexual energy is it's our life force it's what we're born from our parents our mothers our father sBinRjCYQTI-00121-00125544-00126359 created beautiful love and and created us through sex to sexual energy sBinRjCYQTI-00122-00127408-00128496 is so it's the most potent power or energy one of the most powerful so to know what to do with your sBinRjCYQTI-00123-00128496-00129200 own energy and this this to know what to do it's it's not only just through love making but it's sBinRjCYQTI-00124-00129200-00129816 also creating being able to use this creative because it is creative we create life we create sBinRjCYQTI-00125-00129880-00130440 um if you're if you're using this method like mihael was saying you can create businesses sBinRjCYQTI-00126-00130440-00131200 create abundance create more love create it's being able this is a powerful tool to use in sBinRjCYQTI-00127-00131200-00132128 your everyday to be able to radiate from here and not from here and here yeah that we're radiating sBinRjCYQTI-00128-00132192-00132800 and um creating so we're we're giving you some beautiful tips it's not just for sBinRjCYQTI-00129-00132864-00133664 better um to be better lovers although you will be but it is also being able to understand your own sBinRjCYQTI-00130-00133664-00134296 energy your own if we go into spirituality your understanding your kundalini your understanding sBinRjCYQTI-00131-00134352-00135984 how to utilize your full potential yeah your full potential um sBinRjCYQTI-00132-00138744-00138816 so yes sBinRjCYQTI-00133-00139064-00139696 so now i will give you the guidelines of how we go through the workshop that you can feel sBinRjCYQTI-00134-00139768-00140392 comfortable you can feel safe that you feel protected that you don't lose the energy but sBinRjCYQTI-00135-00140392-00141504 you use the energy that you feel uplifted not that you feel down afterwards so do you mess sDdP13eT_Vg-00000-00000021-00000221 I sDdP13eT_Vg-00001-00000537-00001097 I just spent $30 on chocolate. Not all for me but yeah mostly for me. sDdP13eT_Vg-00002-00001144-00001602 My theory was less but better. So, better quality chocolate, sDdP13eT_Vg-00003-00001710-00002141 more satisfying and therefore I would eat less or so. sDdP13eT_Vg-00004-00002142-00002540 I have decided to tell myself or justify to myself. sDdP13eT_Vg-00005-00002627-00002846 So, I got the Haigh's freckles. sDdP13eT_Vg-00006-00002851-00003429 I know they're probably for children but I love them and then the Haigh's chocolate berry balls sDdP13eT_Vg-00007-00003429-00003764 which are seriously delicious. But my theory of sDdP13eT_Vg-00008-00003820-00004018 eating less, sDdP13eT_Vg-00009-00004018-00004593 considering how empty these bags are isn't really proving to be very clever. sDdP13eT_Vg-00010-00004741-00005321 I shared with you guys that my grocery bill was getting out of hand a lot of my savings from Frugal sDdP13eT_Vg-00011-00005321-00005825 February has been eating into my new grocery bill and I'm going backwards and forwards to the supermarket sDdP13eT_Vg-00012-00005878-00006128 numerous times a week. It is simply not efficient sDdP13eT_Vg-00013-00006151-00006626 but rather than complain, I'm focusing on solutions and these are the things I want to share with you right now. sDdP13eT_Vg-00014-00006697-00007047 First of all, I have signed up to cash rewards. sDdP13eT_Vg-00015-00007047-00007688 Now, this is a fantastic website where you can you shop through cash rewards you essentially get commission on your own shopping. sDdP13eT_Vg-00016-00007717-00008367 So, I'm using this not just for my grocery shopping online, but there's a whole range of other stores such as sDdP13eT_Vg-00017-00008449-00008614 Myers, Cole's, sDdP13eT_Vg-00018-00008614-00009311 even some energy providers, some holiday booking websites and even in like matches and net-a-porter. sDdP13eT_Vg-00019-00009382-00009797 So, you actually get money back and this can really add up. I can see I've already got back over sDdP13eT_Vg-00020-00009840-00010142 $17 just since signing up. Now, as I said sDdP13eT_Vg-00021-00010143-00010775 it's completely free to sign up but I highly recommend downloading the app for your phone so you can shop off your phone but more sDdP13eT_Vg-00022-00010775-00011213 importantly make sure that notification button is switched on because that's when they let you know of special promotions sDdP13eT_Vg-00023-00011214-00011529 they're having where they pay like give you like free delivery or like sDdP13eT_Vg-00024-00011539-00012300 bonus or double commission and things like that because it's been really helpful. Now, other things that I'm doing to help save money on groceries sDdP13eT_Vg-00025-00012364-00012620 one is I'm doing now a weekly sDdP13eT_Vg-00026-00012711-00013247 grocery shop. So, every Sunday afternoon I sit down and look at my diary, work out what nights we're home, sDdP13eT_Vg-00027-00013386-00014033 what healthy meals we need to make. Doing a lot of food planning and then creating the list like that. sDdP13eT_Vg-00028-00014091-00014552 I just buy what we need and also one other thing that I want to show you is during the week sDdP13eT_Vg-00029-00014552-00014987 I like to sort of stay as organized as possible because that keeps my stress levels at bay sDdP13eT_Vg-00030-00014987-00015289 and I have this whiteboard in my laundry area sDdP13eT_Vg-00031-00015327-00015926 where I write down what I need to buy during the week so that I don't forget. So, you can see here sDdP13eT_Vg-00032-00015926-00016337 I need aluminium foils, more tupper ware containers, some light bulbs, butter, toothpaste. sDdP13eT_Vg-00033-00016371-00016889 So, that just helps me having to go backwards and forwards to the supermarket on a regular basis. sDdP13eT_Vg-00034-00016944-00017332 Also other things that I'm trying to do is cut down on the expensive items. sDdP13eT_Vg-00035-00017385-00017987 So, for example making my own labna instead of buying delicious, but expensive Meredith Valley goats cheese. sDdP13eT_Vg-00036-00018081-00018281 Hang on a second. sDdP13eT_Vg-00037-00018387-00018587 In a second a second also sDdP13eT_Vg-00038-00018591-00019112 I'm learning to make my own yogurt because we're spending a lot of money on yogurt which really adds up and also sDdP13eT_Vg-00039-00019122-00019510 wasting a lot of plastic containers in in buying over all the time sDdP13eT_Vg-00040-00019575-00020186 and another thing that someone messaged me through Instagram the other day is the washing machine. Now, sDdP13eT_Vg-00041-00020313-00020735 apparently we use way too much washing powder than we actually really need. sDdP13eT_Vg-00042-00020790-00021467 When the washing machine, which I'll show you, gets lots of bubbles down the bottom apparently, okay. I just set these sDdP13eT_Vg-00043-00021534-00021734 It's just one big happy family here. sDdP13eT_Vg-00044-00021771-00022346 When the washing machine gets lots of bubbles apparently it's a sign that you're using too much washing powder. sDdP13eT_Vg-00045-00022359-00022631 You only apparently need a teaspoon. sDdP13eT_Vg-00046-00022692-00023251 Now, I have quite sensitive skin. So, I have to use the O most sensitive which is quite expensive sDdP13eT_Vg-00047-00023256-00023385 but it's interesting. sDdP13eT_Vg-00048-00023385-00023887 When you look at this best actually recommend do you use this much for a full load of washing. sDdP13eT_Vg-00049-00023901-00024211 What this person said was you only really need a teaspoon. sDdP13eT_Vg-00050-00024212-00024739 So, I have tested this out and I've actually found the clothes come out just as clean. sDdP13eT_Vg-00051-00024743-00025156 We'd like I think probably a fraction of the washing powder. So, sDdP13eT_Vg-00052-00025227-00025604 No, you cannot do that. No stop. I'm trying to record something sDdP13eT_Vg-00053-00025710-00025847 I sDdP13eT_Vg-00054-00025847-00026049 But Rocco, I know it's double over again sDdP13eT_Vg-00055-00026128-00026790 Okay, so you only really need a fraction of the washing pattern. I'm thinking that will also help keep my grocery bills sDdP13eT_Vg-00056-00026881-00027081 down and frugal. sDdP13eT_Vg-00057-00027238-00027681 Frugal February is just such a different experience this time. I'm so much happier. sDdP13eT_Vg-00058-00027725-00028098 There's no resentment or aggression and I will share with you guys the key things sDdP13eT_Vg-00059-00028099-00028395 I think that I'm doing that are different this time that I'm making that difference. sDdP13eT_Vg-00060-00028505-00028924 As you guys know my mantra, theme, anchor, motto for sDdP13eT_Vg-00061-00028975-00029334 2019is less is better sDdP13eT_Vg-00062-00029334-00029790 and so one of the key things that I wanted to look at was the way that I use my time more efficiently, sDdP13eT_Vg-00063-00029855-00030246 particularly in going to the gym. Normally I go to the gym I just was like a 45-minute workout. sDdP13eT_Vg-00064-00030299-00030949 Well, what I want to try and do is go to the gym less but have longer and more intense workouts. sDdP13eT_Vg-00065-00030991-00031380 So, this morning I got the gym for a run and then I did a sDdP13eT_Vg-00066-00031436-00031546 45-minute sDdP13eT_Vg-00067-00031546-00031746 Pilates Reformer class sDdP13eT_Vg-00068-00031783-00032184 and I'm gonna slowly try as my fitness improves build that up. sDdP13eT_Vg-00069-00032184-00032724 So, I'm doing at least 60 minutes worth of exercise when I do go so that I don't need to go as often sDdP13eT_Vg-00070-00032725-00032925 I use my time more efficiently. sDdP13eT_Vg-00071-00032962-00033354 Also, I got a coffee and I didn't have my takeaway keep cup sDdP13eT_Vg-00072-00033409-00034023 so I feel really bad about that. I don't know if these up is made from plants not oil, so that's a bit better. I sDdP13eT_Vg-00073-00034102-00034305 hope and you should look into that but sDdP13eT_Vg-00074-00034381-00034986 made me think I was just sort of trying to get a coffee or do I not I really wanted one and I haven't got sDdP13eT_Vg-00075-00034987-00035691 one a takeaway cup for a really long time. It made me realize we can't put pressure on ourselves to be perfect. sDdP13eT_Vg-00076-00035699-00036171 We need to do the best we can do and do our bit where we can. sDdP13eT_Vg-00077-00036196-00036678 If occasionally we need to go take away coffee cup but most of the time we normally have them a coffee in the cafe or sDdP13eT_Vg-00078-00036697-00037272 have one at home, at least we're reducing our overall impact and that's the whole thing. We're not trying to be like a sDdP13eT_Vg-00079-00037343-00037900 plus students, but just trying to all be mindful and responsible. I think it's a really important thing to take away from sDdP13eT_Vg-00080-00037981-00038295 you know zero waste and doing a bit for the environment. sDdP13eT_Vg-00081-00038446-00038880 Alright, this is the weekend and Rocco's with his dad which helps make it frugal. sDdP13eT_Vg-00082-00039044-00039473 I have quite a lot of work to do this weekend. So, that's going to keep me inside and sDdP13eT_Vg-00083-00039540-00040286 removed him to Haitian to spend money. Also, today I have to go with Tom to the races for work to see clients. sDdP13eT_Vg-00084-00040287-00040613 I also have to go to a birthday sDdP13eT_Vg-00085-00040713-00041339 tomorrow for Toms clients and then I have to go to a work dinner for Tom with his staff so sDdP13eT_Vg-00086-00041415-00041852 I'm not going to have any time to spend any money. So this is a great opportunity sDdP13eT_Vg-00087-00041922-00042443 to distract myself with my with my work and also to do things with Tom sDdP13eT_Vg-00088-00042496-00042740 on the weekends. So, I don't think I'm going to be spending too much money. sDdP13eT_Vg-00089-00043093-00043481 Also in going to the races, I know you like to get dressed up and embrace the day. sDdP13eT_Vg-00090-00043494-00044099 I have been frugal February and I think I knew this anyway. I've applied my own spray tan sDdP13eT_Vg-00091-00044099-00044786 so no expense spray tan expenses. Of course. I'm going to do my own hair and makeup and I definitely do not buy any new sDdP13eT_Vg-00092-00044838-00045191 dresses or accessories to wear today. Trust me sDdP13eT_Vg-00093-00045191-00045854 I was really tempted to because I was struggling to find something to wear. Now, on the note of saving money sDdP13eT_Vg-00094-00045855-00046238 I wanted to tell you about something I bought last year from doing frugal February. sDdP13eT_Vg-00095-00046290-00046745 You guys recommended that I invest in a SodaStream because I was spending so much money on sDdP13eT_Vg-00096-00046809-00047297 bottled sparkling mineral water and so I followed your advice and bought a SodaStream. sDdP13eT_Vg-00097-00047331-00048131 This has been fantastic and not just for saving money, but also for my zero waste passion because their glass bottles sDdP13eT_Vg-00098-00048246-00048569 lasts a lot longer than the plastic ones and the gas actually lasts a lot longer sDdP13eT_Vg-00099-00048658-00049175 in these as well and the thing is a SodaStream doesn't use any energy whatsoever sDdP13eT_Vg-00100-00049180-00049599 so there are multiple benefits of a SodaStream but I just want to share this with you because I sDdP13eT_Vg-00101-00049650-00050087 listened to your advice just as you listen to my advice and when I hear a good tip sDdP13eT_Vg-00102-00050087-00050513 I'm always keen to test it out. So, please keep your feedback coming. sDdP13eT_Vg-00103-00050574-00050846 It is Sunday morning and my sDdP13eT_Vg-00104-00051000-00051407 expectations of having a really frugal weekend have completely blown up. sDdP13eT_Vg-00105-00051477-00052025 But not necessarily for a bad reason I was doing really well. I think the only money I had spent was sDdP13eT_Vg-00106-00052138-00052667 that naughty thirty dollars on chocolate and ten dollars on a coffee and a protein ball. sDdP13eT_Vg-00107-00052752-00053117 Anyway, we're at the races and we were sitting with a group of friends, sDdP13eT_Vg-00108-00053117-00053456 it's been a really long day and not a particularly successful day sDdP13eT_Vg-00109-00053526-00053643 and sDdP13eT_Vg-00110-00053643-00054098 they the boys decided to have a bet and the bet was $50, but no one had $50 cash sDdP13eT_Vg-00111-00054168-00054824 except me. So, I gave my $50 and we all lost the $50. Then sDdP13eT_Vg-00112-00054886-00055376 we invited Tom and I big on having friends back to our place. We love entertaining at our home sDdP13eT_Vg-00113-00055376-00055576 It's something really important that we love doing. sDdP13eT_Vg-00114-00055581-00055805 Anyway, we're going to come back to our house for a sDdP13eT_Vg-00115-00055876-00056378 drink before going out and grabbing a bite to eat. Anyway, when everyone got to our house everyone was so sDdP13eT_Vg-00116-00056449-00056879 exhausted and rundown and just wanted to like I guess relax in the comfort of our home. sDdP13eT_Vg-00117-00057025-00057497 No one wanted to go to restaurants. So I ended up ordering a whole path pizzas and pastas for everyone. sDdP13eT_Vg-00118-00057504-00057794 So, I have officially completely blown my weekend budget sDdP13eT_Vg-00119-00057794-00058358 but I'm ok with that because I am grateful the fact that people feel comfortable enough to come to my home enjoy themselves sDdP13eT_Vg-00120-00058358-00058772 Relax, and then I can feed them pizzas and pasta perfect for a long weekend. sDdP13eT_Vg-00121-00058912-00059112 Okay, so I'm gonna let the sDdP13eT_Vg-00122-00059157-00059561 February frugal rules bend to the side just for a little bit. sDdP13eT_Vg-00123-00059589-00060062 Rocco has been asking for these blade runner's ever since he saw it on his best friend and sDdP13eT_Vg-00124-00060124-00060324 normally, I am strict with toys. sDdP13eT_Vg-00125-00060385-00060576 It's Christmas time, sDdP13eT_Vg-00126-00060576-00061139 birthdays, an occasional special occasion, but he's been so patient and so persistent and sDdP13eT_Vg-00127-00061204-00061551 I have said fine, no problem. He's worn me down to be honest. sDdP13eT_Vg-00128-00061675-00061950 This is the problem with coming into these stores. sDdP13eT_Vg-00129-00061989-00062603 There are so many cool things you discover that are really tempting to buy that you want to buy when you're here sDdP13eT_Vg-00130-00062607-00062807 which you don't really need sDdP13eT_Vg-00131-00062844-00063037 and we have fallen into this trap. sDdP13eT_Vg-00132-00063037-00063269 So, we've just found a new nice sDdP13eT_Vg-00133-00063291-00063475 purple dog lead for Sofia sDdP13eT_Vg-00134-00063475-00063980 technically hers did break over there needed to buy a new one and I've managed to convince myself that I needed to buy this sDdP13eT_Vg-00135-00064123-00064323 ceramic baking dish sDdP13eT_Vg-00136-00064348-00064916 because we only have one and I know it's not enough to make lasagna tonight so somehow I'm finding way to justify this sDdP13eT_Vg-00137-00064916-00065267 but I'm gonna get out of here straight away before this gets any more any worse. sDdP13eT_Vg-00138-00065416-00065807 So, I just picked up my dry-cleaning which I've been putting off for ages. sDdP13eT_Vg-00139-00065870-00066353 I love dropping my stuff off, but the dry cleaners I hate picking it up sDdP13eT_Vg-00140-00066379-00066729 It was fifty three dollars for two items. Admittedly, sDdP13eT_Vg-00141-00066729-00067379 one thing had to be stitched up again because I had split my dress after maybe eating too much food sDdP13eT_Vg-00142-00067404-00068054 but anyway, I'm a bit annoyed at myself because normally I'm organized and I turn up to dry cleaners with my own coat hangers sDdP13eT_Vg-00143-00068054-00068591 so I wouldn't need to take their coat hangers and I would say no to the plastic bag, which I think is really important sDdP13eT_Vg-00144-00068591-00068813 but I just want to organize today and I took it. sDdP13eT_Vg-00145-00068913-00069329 Anyway, I can probably return the bag and the coat hangers myself. sDdP13eT_Vg-00146-00069360-00069935 Now, I would normally get angry and annoyed myself a book the dry cleaners, but I'm trying to focus on the gratitude and appreciation. sDdP13eT_Vg-00147-00070044-00070562 Appreciate that the fact that I have clothes and I have nice clothes that need to be dry-cleaned. sDdP13eT_Vg-00148-00070614-00070961 Appreciate that they did a great job in fixing it and cleaning my clothes and sDdP13eT_Vg-00149-00071041-00071217 I guess sDdP13eT_Vg-00150-00071217-00071630 appreciation for and respect for taking care of my clothes as well. sDdP13eT_Vg-00151-00071630-00072236 I will I always do try and hand wash as much as possible because I find going to the dry cleaners an expensive exercise sDdP13eT_Vg-00152-00072282-00073058 but this is a great one for a lot of other people to try and reduce wastage particularly around those bags and the coat hangers. sDdP13eT_Vg-00153-00073176-00073727 So, tonight I'm actually not feeling that well, I definitely don't feel like cooking and I certainly don't feel like cleaning up. sDdP13eT_Vg-00154-00073743-00074135 So, I'm going to share with you one of my best healthy sDdP13eT_Vg-00155-00074214-00074765 meals where I completely cheat. Now, these are Odyssey lean meals. sDdP13eT_Vg-00156-00074820-00075119 They are incredibly healthy. They're well priced. sDdP13eT_Vg-00157-00075119-00075452 They're great for when you're going through periods of time say with work or sDdP13eT_Vg-00158-00075462-00075812 with your studying ,where you're working long hours or you know, sDdP13eT_Vg-00159-00075812-00076322 you're really time poor because they're incredibly healthy, great portion control. There's no sDdP13eT_Vg-00160-00076404-00077147 preservatives, flavorings, colorings. It's completely natural and they are absolutely delicious. Tom's actually obsessed for these. So, tonight Rocco sDdP13eT_Vg-00161-00077148-00077525 really wants burritos and this is a great way of piling a whole pile of vegetables into Rocco sDdP13eT_Vg-00162-00077525-00078113 but I don't feel like cooking. So, I've got the this is actually the Mexican chili con carne. sDdP13eT_Vg-00163-00078113-00078596 I simply put this in the microwave and it's full of lentils, sDdP13eT_Vg-00164-00078687-00078887 mints, sDdP13eT_Vg-00165-00078927-00079127 cabbage, kidney beans, sDdP13eT_Vg-00166-00079206-00079541 celery, oh, there's so many different vegetables in here and it's absolutely delicious. sDdP13eT_Vg-00167-00079541-00080125 So, what I will do is heat this up, put it on some tortilla wraps then on top of that to really sort of sDdP13eT_Vg-00168-00080145-00080741 make this meal enough for a few people or a few different meals. I'll then put a whole pile avocados sDdP13eT_Vg-00169-00080820-00081020 shredded, raw zucchini sDdP13eT_Vg-00170-00081057-00081665 or carrot and then put a little bit of some sour cream and some cheese and this makes a fantastic sDdP13eT_Vg-00171-00081714-00081801 healthy sDdP13eT_Vg-00172-00081801-00081960 dinner that Rocco loves sDdP13eT_Vg-00173-00081960-00082616 but also there's enough food by the time you like fatten up lots of additional vegetables to actually provide lunch for tomorrow. sDdP13eT_Vg-00174-00082616-00082816 So, this is a brilliant sDdP13eT_Vg-00175-00082920-00083120 suggestion for people who are time poor sDdP13eT_Vg-00176-00083124-00083882 but also wanted to read eat eat eat eat really healthy meals. So, last night we have made cupcakes. sDdP13eT_Vg-00177-00083937-00084581 We made raspberries. Ah, okay. Oh, so we were making raspberry muffins, but I some how about the sDdP13eT_Vg-00178-00084744-00085441 ingredients and recipe wrong and there were so sugary. I decided just to embrace the fact that they tasted more like a cupcake. sDdP13eT_Vg-00179-00085461-00086084 So, we turned the muffins into cupcakes so couples. Now, this will hopefully say, okay sDdP13eT_Vg-00180-00086118-00086546 Hey all cupcakes. So we this will hopefully save some money and we're gonna take some sDdP13eT_Vg-00181-00086601-00086796 to work today for my office sDdP13eT_Vg-00182-00086796-00087349 so everyone will be able to embrace a little bit of frugalness and Rocco also has a playdate this afternoon. sDdP13eT_Vg-00183-00087411-00087697 So, um, his friends will also get to have a sDdP13eT_Vg-00184-00087756-00088021 coffin cupcake no cupcake sDdP13eT_Vg-00185-00088392-00088678 So, I just wanted to show you the very frugal sDdP13eT_Vg-00186-00088758-00089098 vegetable lasagna that I made tonight from that cookbook and sDdP13eT_Vg-00187-00089181-00089582 whilst Rocco and his playdate friends did not approve of it, sDdP13eT_Vg-00188-00089622-00090361 um, it was actually delicious and it's actually look how much it's made like we have eaten like that has fed myself, sDdP13eT_Vg-00189-00090449-00090649 three kids and sDdP13eT_Vg-00190-00090747-00091010 look, how much is also left is another dish. sDdP13eT_Vg-00191-00091145-00091310 So, Tom is on his way home sDdP13eT_Vg-00192-00091310-00092086 he can have a really filling dinner and there's definitely gonna be such a lot left over for lunch for me tomorrow and sDdP13eT_Vg-00193-00092111-00092806 also for Tom tomorrow Eric and maybe even some the dinner for myself tomorrow night because I know Rocco will not be eating this I sDdP13eT_Vg-00194-00092873-00093073 really had a bit of a meltdown sDdP13eT_Vg-00195-00093141-00093341 from Rocco. sFDAQqu6frg-00000-00000006-00000846 that's not should be bigger just definitely the one long way from home sFDAQqu6frg-00001-00000846-00001769 aren't you what do you want oh you already know the answer to that whatever sFDAQqu6frg-00002-00001769-00002669 it is you seek I do not have it you should move on and here I thought your sFDAQqu6frg-00003-00002669-00003294 kind was supposed to be so enlightened so much better than us so much smarter sFDAQqu6frg-00004-00003294-00004700 and yet you hide out here in the woods like a coward you do not want this fight sFDAQqu6frg-00005-00004766-00005312 I'm pretty sure I do sFDAQqu6frg-00006-00005710-00007113 leave my oh you are going to have to kill me for that to happen sFDAQqu6frg-00007-00007686-00008878 or award you I know you would not listen sFDAQqu6frg-00008-00010000-00011282 might some of the most exciting news I've had during this Kovach nineteen sFDAQqu6frg-00009-00011282-00011992 issue has come up sony has announced they will be making a God of War movie sFDAQqu6frg-00010-00011992-00012442 now y'all know I'm over here geeking out because that is one of my favorite video sFDAQqu6frg-00011-00012442-00012922 games in the history of all video games I got the scoop on who they're planning sFDAQqu6frg-00012-00012922-00013304 on casting as Kratos and we're gonna talk about it right now sFDAQqu6frg-00013-00013304-00013772 if you're finding me for the first time please subscribe to this channel be sure sFDAQqu6frg-00014-00013772-00014159 to turn on notifications so when I drop videos you all get them follow me on sFDAQqu6frg-00015-00014159-00014582 Instagram and send me stories my subscribers sent me this story and I sFDAQqu6frg-00016-00014582-00014969 went on ahead and read up on it and got this video up here so please make sure sFDAQqu6frg-00017-00014969-00015420 you do the same let's jump into it sFDAQqu6frg-00018-00015893-00018399 how incredibly disappointing come on then boy so for you all who are not sFDAQqu6frg-00019-00018399-00018894 familiar with God of War it has been one of Sony's biggest video games that sFDAQqu6frg-00020-00018894-00019623 they've been producing over the last 15 years they had it on ps2 ps3 ps4 and sFDAQqu6frg-00021-00019623-00020235 Sony is also going to make one for PS 5 when the new one drops Sony announced sFDAQqu6frg-00022-00020235-00020700 that they will be making a God of War movie and they're going to do everything sFDAQqu6frg-00023-00020700-00021237 they can to stay as close to the source material of the videogame as possible sFDAQqu6frg-00024-00021237-00021609 they announced that they're going to have a hundred and fifty million dollar sFDAQqu6frg-00025-00021609-00022119 budget to make the movie and to give you guys a comparison Marvel spend 150 sFDAQqu6frg-00026-00022119-00022611 million to make Black Widow and in the video game what made it so good was all sFDAQqu6frg-00027-00022611-00023163 the great elements of the video game and Kratos is dynamic Kratos and some of the sFDAQqu6frg-00028-00023163-00023517 things you had to do for a powerup I mean they was letting him have sex for sFDAQqu6frg-00029-00023517-00024125 powerup ladies and gentlemen sFDAQqu6frg-00030-00024802-00026275 I looked at this movie similar to 300 class for the Titans and that type of sFDAQqu6frg-00031-00026275-00026833 thing if you can put it on a big screen but video gamers are oftentimes upset sFDAQqu6frg-00032-00026833-00027325 because when you try to adopt a video game to the big screen you can't really sFDAQqu6frg-00033-00027325-00027789 stay true to the video game one of the movies that has one of the video game sFDAQqu6frg-00034-00027789-00028552 genres that has done that has been Sonic that got a lot of big reviews a lot of sFDAQqu6frg-00035-00028552-00028906 buzz and it was a good movie because it stopped pretty close to the source sFDAQqu6frg-00036-00028906-00029431 material of the video game this last sunny here's who's been cast or who sFDAQqu6frg-00037-00029431-00029908 they're in talks with beef Kratos you've got Jason Momoa which i think is sFDAQqu6frg-00038-00029908-00030661 a fantastic pick and Dave Bautista I think Jason Momoa would be a better sFDAQqu6frg-00039-00030661-00031344 fit just because he has more of an elongated lean body which is similar to sFDAQqu6frg-00040-00031344-00032074 Kratos versus Dave Bautista and I think that we've seen Jason Momoa be called sFDAQqu6frg-00041-00032074-00032719 Drogo on Game of Thrones we've seen him play Aquaman we've seen Jason Momoa we sFDAQqu6frg-00042-00032719-00033043 know he can handle these roles and I'm not saying Batista couldn't handle it sFDAQqu6frg-00043-00033043-00033472 either cuz Batista's got the ball here you just had to slap a beard on him but sFDAQqu6frg-00044-00033472-00033985 I think either one of these guys would be an outstanding casting for Kratos sFDAQqu6frg-00045-00033985-00034381 because at the end of the day we want a good movie and we know that they're sFDAQqu6frg-00046-00034381-00034786 gonna had to change it a little bit but don't change all the elements of what sFDAQqu6frg-00047-00034786-00035215 made the video game good with the story because that was some of the best part sFDAQqu6frg-00048-00035215-00035803 of the video game now the original story was written by David self but it has sFDAQqu6frg-00049-00035803-00036427 been adopted by Mark and Patrick Melton who have done horror movies so maybe sFDAQqu6frg-00050-00036427-00036772 this movie's gonna have a kind of a scary field now this is what they're sFDAQqu6frg-00051-00036772-00037324 saying is of the utmost importance for their Skrill the movie is set to dive sFDAQqu6frg-00052-00037324-00037787 into Kratos his life right after all the incidents happened sFDAQqu6frg-00053-00037787-00038420 killed his entire family kratos is going to be a spartan army leader a human sFDAQqu6frg-00054-00038420-00038729 being this before he did all the powers so they're gonna be telling the sFDAQqu6frg-00055-00038729-00039278 backstory and he's gonna wind up being tricked by Ares my video game folks no sFDAQqu6frg-00056-00039278-00039719 that's the first god he killed and we would love to see Ares on the big screen sFDAQqu6frg-00057-00039719-00040121 besides just being in a Wonder Woman movie bring Ares on the screen with sFDAQqu6frg-00058-00040121-00040640 Kratos the movie is supposed to be directed by Steven de neige who did sFDAQqu6frg-00059-00040640-00041249 daredevil season 1 which I like but he also did Pacific Rim which hell to the sFDAQqu6frg-00060-00041249-00041876 naw man no way ain't feelin that policy but I want to hear from you guys what do sFDAQqu6frg-00061-00041876-00042557 you think I think that doing a God of War movie could be just as big as the sFDAQqu6frg-00062-00042557-00043028 Marvel Universe because you could make movie after movie after movie and the sFDAQqu6frg-00063-00043028-00043409 way they're talking about doing this backstory kind of reminds me of how sFDAQqu6frg-00064-00043409-00043898 Marvel was slipping in snippets of house Andals came to power you could do the sFDAQqu6frg-00065-00043898-00044267 whole backstory then you could get to the point where cradles finally beat sFDAQqu6frg-00066-00044267-00044801 Zeus it could be like a big movie you can even have Zeus being the big baddie sFDAQqu6frg-00067-00044801-00045335 that's looming around watching what Kratos is doing as he's attacking Ares sFDAQqu6frg-00068-00045335-00045710 and fighting Ares and some of the other gods and have that be a movie that's sFDAQqu6frg-00069-00045710-00046055 going to come in the future so ladies and gentlemen I think that we've got sFDAQqu6frg-00070-00046055-00046397 something good to look forward to but leave me your comments on what you think sFDAQqu6frg-00071-00046397-00046844 is gonna happen with this movie that's going to do it for this video don't sFDAQqu6frg-00072-00046844-00047294 forget to like my video please comment subscribe go get yourself that life Kane sFDAQqu6frg-00073-00047294-00047825 let me know what else you guys are gonna be watching over the Cova 19 interview I sFDAQqu6frg-00074-00047825-00048152 hope you all are being safe and staying indoors so that we can be in this curve sFDAQqu6frg-00075-00048152-00048679 and into that next Exodus hell video I'll see sHgstgvGC4U-00000-00000156-00000386 Section 35. sHgstgvGC4U-00001-00000386-00000952 The Parashiot of the Kurbanot should be said only by day since the Kurbanot were not sacrificed sHgstgvGC4U-00002-00000952-00001063 but in the day. sHgstgvGC4U-00003-00001063-00001686 Meaning, the coming of dawn (or, in Hebrew, Amud HaSchachar), that is, 72 relative minutes sHgstgvGC4U-00004-00001686-00001907 before sunrise (or Netz). sHgstgvGC4U-00005-00001907-00002561 [Shaarit Yosef part 1 page 14, Yalkut Yosef on the Halachot of Rising Up in the Morning, sHgstgvGC4U-00006-00002561-00002813 2004 edition, page 130]. sHgstgvGC4U-00007-00002813-00002967 End of section 35. sHV2YTBYt08-00000-00000028-00000548 4 best low-price factory made pen mods so far, which in addition have crazy sale-offer sHV2YTBYt08-00001-00000548-00000725 for beginner pen mod set, at least for now. sHV2YTBYt08-00002-00000725-00001066 Just watch the video, I will tell you more about it closer to the end. sHV2YTBYt08-00003-00001066-00001505 And yeah, by the way, I am going to leave a discount coupon for 10% for each of these sHV2YTBYt08-00004-00001505-00002663 mods somewhere in this video in gratitude for your attention, don’t miss it. sHV2YTBYt08-00005-00002663-00003076 Hello, spinner! sHV2YTBYt08-00006-00003076-00003534 You are on Pen Stock and today I am going to show you the best choice of factory made sHV2YTBYt08-00007-00003534-00003634 mods. sHV2YTBYt08-00008-00003634-00004233 The only possibility to gather a good beginner starting mod set, which is going to fulfill sHV2YTBYt08-00009-00004233-00004474 most needs for a low budget. sHV2YTBYt08-00010-00004474-00004752 And I really can’t stop spinning them! sHV2YTBYt08-00011-00004752-00005353 Alright, let’s get started with the 4 best factory made pen mods. sHV2YTBYt08-00012-00005353-00005798 I don’t really know how to call them, as in fact they are not modified pens, they were sHV2YTBYt08-00013-00005798-00006063 meant to be like this from the very beginning. sHV2YTBYt08-00014-00006063-00006253 Factory made mods… sHV2YTBYt08-00015-00006253-00006353 Fac Mods? sHV2YTBYt08-00016-00006353-00007017 Can I say fac mods in a video or in real life? sHV2YTBYt08-00017-00007017-00007145 Fac… mods… sHV2YTBYt08-00018-00007145-00007631 By the way, don’t forget to leave a like, what I really can’t is to resist making sHV2YTBYt08-00019-00007631-00007992 new videos when I see you guys supporting me the way you can. sHV2YTBYt08-00020-00007992-00008109 Thank you! sHV2YTBYt08-00021-00008109-00009392 Today’s mods are: aggressive Flower V1…, crazy Flower V2…, fancy Flower V3… and sHV2YTBYt08-00022-00009392-00009628 gentle Flower V4. sHV2YTBYt08-00023-00009628-00010253 Oh yeah, they are really hot, new word in Pen Spinning, and I am going to tell all pros sHV2YTBYt08-00024-00010253-00010385 and contras of them. sHV2YTBYt08-00025-00010385-00010729 Well, it is going to be pretty superficial review. sHV2YTBYt08-00026-00010729-00011386 There are 4 equally decent mods and I can’t devote much time for each of them, it would sHV2YTBYt08-00027-00011386-00011514 take too much time. sHV2YTBYt08-00028-00011514-00011686 And by the end of this video I will tell you which one of them is my favorite and why. sHV2YTBYt08-00029-00011686-00012036 First of all – all of them are writable mods, so you can use them as actual pens, sHV2YTBYt08-00030-00012036-00012651 which is not common in Pen Spinning, but is frequently found among particular factory sHV2YTBYt08-00031-00012651-00012931 made mods – DARN IT! sHV2YTBYt08-00032-00012931-00013623 Let’s just call them FM mods or just FMM, FMM’s… it is so annoying – to say “factory sHV2YTBYt08-00033-00013623-00014132 made mods” each 10 seconds in a review of factory made mods. sHV2YTBYt08-00034-00014132-00014669 So, writable, all have 2 colors of ink from both sides – red and blue. sHV2YTBYt08-00035-00014669-00015155 And you’d better be able to recognize the color of ink with the naked eye before using sHV2YTBYt08-00036-00015155-00015255 them as pens. sHV2YTBYt08-00037-00015255-00015800 Especially if you are up to signing an agreement with President of your country with it. sHV2YTBYt08-00038-00015800-00016370 There are no markings showing which side you hold to write on a paper, so you easily can sHV2YTBYt08-00039-00016370-00016648 begin to write with red ink instead of blue. sHV2YTBYt08-00040-00016648-00017423 Does anyone even use red writing ink except teachers? sHV2YTBYt08-00041-00017423-00018293 I can’t recall a single time when I thought to myself – where is my red pen? sHV2YTBYt08-00042-00018293-00018481 Never! sHV2YTBYt08-00043-00018481-00018723 I can be totally fine without them in my life… sHV2YTBYt08-00044-00018723-00019427 As you can see Flower v1 and v4 look pretty much the same, they are Flower Twins. sHV2YTBYt08-00045-00019427-00020076 Just v1 has more of these Sailor Gel-like grips to compensate for shorter DGG-like grips sHV2YTBYt08-00046-00020076-00020612 and in addition it has these Anyball-like grips. sHV2YTBYt08-00047-00020612-00021048 They definitely got inspiration from Manually made mods, and I like it. sHV2YTBYt08-00048-00021048-00021748 Other FMM’s usually say– “Yeah, well, we’re gonna build our own mod with blackjack sHV2YTBYt08-00049-00021748-00022412 and without all those fancy spare parts you got used to in your Pen Spinning Community”, sHV2YTBYt08-00050-00022412-00022545 and usually they suck. sHV2YTBYt08-00051-00022545-00023094 No, I definitely like that these mods are gathered from spare parts and it doesn’t sHV2YTBYt08-00052-00023094-00023568 matter that they are cheaper copies to lower total costs of the tools. sHV2YTBYt08-00053-00023568-00024054 Mods spin fine, unexpectedly fine for FMM’s. sHV2YTBYt08-00054-00024054-00024505 You can actually feel that they were designed by people, who understand Pen Spinning and sHV2YTBYt08-00055-00024505-00024861 know how pen mods should sense and look. sHV2YTBYt08-00056-00024861-00025460 V1 and v4 have very solid printing on their bodies, very solid. sHV2YTBYt08-00057-00025460-00025958 I was trying to erase it for some time and nothing happens to body, that means mods are sHV2YTBYt08-00058-00025958-00026225 going to look new for quite a long time. sHV2YTBYt08-00059-00026225-00026751 V2 and v3 don’t have printing on bodies, but they have inserts. sHV2YTBYt08-00060-00026751-00027208 Oh that passion for making plateresque things. sHV2YTBYt08-00061-00027208-00027798 They just couldn’t make minimalistic design, without any drawings and inserts, could they. sHV2YTBYt08-00062-00027798-00028431 Though, actually Flower v4 does look pretty minimalistic, all this tracery in pale color sHV2YTBYt08-00063-00028431-00028586 are not so clearly discernible. sHV2YTBYt08-00064-00028586-00029283 V1 is made much more contrasty, all colors look explicit, drawing is much more clear, sHV2YTBYt08-00065-00029283-00029406 whatever you prefer. sHV2YTBYt08-00066-00029406-00029713 In fact, designs of all 4 mods are cool. sHV2YTBYt08-00067-00029713-00030088 They look just like Double Capped mods should actually look. sHV2YTBYt08-00068-00030088-00030620 I especially like v2’s design, it reminds me of Watefall and doesn’t have these semi-round sHV2YTBYt08-00069-00030620-00031372 plugs in caps, which is my only concern about v1, v3 and v4’s designs, Zhigao garbage sHV2YTBYt08-00070-00031372-00031491 legacy… sHV2YTBYt08-00071-00031491-00032087 In all other aspects they look way better, than all other FMM’s, and I mean it – all sHV2YTBYt08-00072-00032087-00032848 the others look much worse, though it is probably a matter of taste in some measure. sHV2YTBYt08-00073-00032848-00033189 Also, look here, it is metallic end. sHV2YTBYt08-00074-00033189-00033574 Cheap metal, but still others have only plastic and robber as materials. sHV2YTBYt08-00075-00033574-00033674 And v2 is the only one of all 4 standing out with metal ending. sHV2YTBYt08-00076-00033674-00033774 In addition to the thinnest body of all 4 Flowers these ends give it crazy momentum sHV2YTBYt08-00077-00033774-00033874 even with writing ink inside. sHV2YTBYt08-00078-00033874-00033974 I think, Flower v2 is the only mod, which can spin good with ink inside. sHV2YTBYt08-00079-00033974-00034074 At least I haven’t tried any better. sHV2YTBYt08-00080-00034074-00034234 What I also like in it – expressed center, it is very handy when it comes to learning sHV2YTBYt08-00081-00034234-00034800 new elements and tricks in Pen Spinning, most of which require you to hold pen in a certain sHV2YTBYt08-00082-00034800-00034900 way. sHV2YTBYt08-00083-00034900-00035146 You can always be aware of right execution. sHV2YTBYt08-00084-00035146-00035513 And right execution leads you to better effectiveness in study. sHV2YTBYt08-00085-00035513-00036215 3 of Flowers have large working space, and at the same time edge of body and cap is defined, sHV2YTBYt08-00086-00036215-00036683 so you can easily practice different Arounds with them and all the other tricks, which sHV2YTBYt08-00087-00036683-00036985 are sensitive to position of your fingers. sHV2YTBYt08-00088-00036985-00037521 But my favorite mod is suddenly – Flower v3. sHV2YTBYt08-00089-00037521-00037629 It is like a bomb. sHV2YTBYt08-00090-00037629-00037955 Probably the best FMM so far. sHV2YTBYt08-00091-00037955-00038565 At least among those, which I have spun, and I have spun quit a lot! sHV2YTBYt08-00092-00038565-00038941 It spins really nice, barrel feels good in hands. sHV2YTBYt08-00093-00038941-00039564 It is pretty thick, as Emboss body, as v1 and v4’s body, but not as slippery as them, sHV2YTBYt08-00094-00039564-00039664 it grips with fingers just like I want it to grip. sHV2YTBYt08-00095-00039664-00039772 The body feels better than all of the others from today’s review. sHV2YTBYt08-00096-00039772-00040305 What I love the most is its spin effect – look how beautiful it is. sHV2YTBYt08-00097-00040305-00041387 It reminds me of Menowa Emboss, outstanding spin effect, these grips blink like they are sHV2YTBYt08-00098-00041387-00041562 some kind of fireflies. sHV2YTBYt08-00099-00041562-00042105 All 4 mods are good in different ways and give unique experience and feel out of spinning. sHV2YTBYt08-00100-00042105-00042534 Even Flower Twins – v1 and v4 spin differently. sHV2YTBYt08-00101-00042534-00043168 Holding v1, I want to spin aggressively, use Power and maybe aerial tricks. sHV2YTBYt08-00102-00043168-00043813 When I take v4, I calm down at instance and want to practice smoothness of my moves. sHV2YTBYt08-00103-00043813-00044584 When I take v2 – I want to learn new tricks and elements and v3 makes me mess around with sHV2YTBYt08-00104-00044584-00044954 great esthetical pleasure and with a lot of fun. sHV2YTBYt08-00105-00044954-00045216 They all definitely worth checking out. sHV2YTBYt08-00106-00045216-00045844 As I promised before – here goes the coupon for lifetime 10% discount from PENSTOCK.NET sHV2YTBYt08-00107-00045844-00046610 – just type “flowerfmm” and get your discount for each of these mods. sHV2YTBYt08-00108-00046610-00047418 But there goes even better offer, which is not going to be lifetime, I guess. sHV2YTBYt08-00109-00047418-00047928 So a set of these mods will fulfill most of needs of beginners in Pen Spinning. sHV2YTBYt08-00110-00047928-00048541 And if you order 4 of these mods, guys, on PENSTOCK.NET with the fixed price for delivery sHV2YTBYt08-00111-00048541-00049459 in all corners of the world – wherever you live, you will get the stuff from me. sHV2YTBYt08-00112-00049459-00049977 Recently we got Visa/Mastercard payment method in addition to PayPal. sHV2YTBYt08-00113-00049977-00050586 It doesn’t matter in which combination you want Flowers, you can order all four versions, sHV2YTBYt08-00114-00050586-00051044 which I actually suggest you to do, it is much better to have several different mods sHV2YTBYt08-00115-00051044-00051545 to spin, especially at the beginning, than having one really good and expensive pen, sHV2YTBYt08-00116-00051545-00052121 or take 4 different colors of one of them. sHV2YTBYt08-00117-00052121-00052314 You get 20% discount! sHV2YTBYt08-00118-00052314-00053044 To my mind it is a crazy sale-offer, completely insane, and I don’t know how long it is sHV2YTBYt08-00119-00053044-00053238 going to be valid. sHV2YTBYt08-00120-00053238-00053898 Maybe manufacturer just wants to push sales a bit, promote these mods, make people know sHV2YTBYt08-00121-00053898-00054007 about them. sHV2YTBYt08-00122-00054007-00054477 Flowers are becoming quite popular nowadays and that’s understandable, I guess, in the sHV2YTBYt08-00123-00054477-00055036 nearest future they are going to be in each collection, so maybe the offer would be cancelled sHV2YTBYt08-00124-00055036-00055216 in a while. sHV2YTBYt08-00125-00055216-00055845 Or manufacturer could cancel their production, that’s also a possibility. sHV2YTBYt08-00126-00055845-00055991 Do you remember Travel Mods? sHV2YTBYt08-00127-00055991-00056594 I spoke about them in a video about TOP 5 recommended pen mods for beginners. sHV2YTBYt08-00128-00056594-00057189 Well, they are now not available and it seems, never will be ever again. sHV2YTBYt08-00129-00057189-00057712 Most likely they are gone for good, were so popular back those days… sHV2YTBYt08-00130-00057712-00058374 But right now you can order Flowers on PENSTOCK.NET with this huge sale discount. sHV2YTBYt08-00131-00058374-00059070 Maybe for some of you it is not a big deal, but as for me 20% discount for penmods is sHV2YTBYt08-00132-00059070-00059481 like a gift, like they just give them totally away. sHV2YTBYt08-00133-00059481-00060075 These FMM’s are already pretty cheap, cheaper than most of the mods, comparable with Travel sHV2YTBYt08-00134-00060075-00060612 Mods, and for such a small amount you get a solid starting collection of mods or a great sHV2YTBYt08-00135-00060612-00060872 boost to your existing collection. sHV2YTBYt08-00136-00060872-00061561 And if you liked this video – let me know about that by leaving a like. sHV2YTBYt08-00137-00061561-00061964 I suppose you have already left it, as I asked at the beginning of the video. sHV2YTBYt08-00138-00061964-00062304 Well, if you haven’t – no it is the time. sHV2YTBYt08-00139-00062304-00063067 Also, if for some reason you are not subscribed to Pen Stock – immediately do it, if you sHV2YTBYt08-00140-00063067-00063177 are up to Pen Spinning. sHV2YTBYt08-00141-00063177-00065304 May the style be with you, bye! sI6MnRhLV7o-00000-00000000-00000348 if you guys follow Logan Paul I'm sure you've probably seen his house before sI6MnRhLV7o-00001-00000348-00000704 since he got it a couple of years back when he moved in he filmed a vlog sI6MnRhLV7o-00002-00000704-00001130 obviously and it looked move-in-ready at the time we've also seen Logan's house sI6MnRhLV7o-00003-00001130-00001496 more recently like earlier this year when Ryan for a million dollar listing sI6MnRhLV7o-00004-00001496-00001955 go to tour and on Instagram or on Logan's fit most celeb homes look like sI6MnRhLV7o-00005-00001955-00002325 they're spotless and organized when they're shown but not Logan's when I saw sI6MnRhLV7o-00006-00002325-00002766 his home I got some disorganized vibes but the house itself is gorgeous I mean sI6MnRhLV7o-00007-00002766-00003101 what would you really expect from a 24-year old dude who's famous for his sI6MnRhLV7o-00008-00003101-00003528 crazy videos it's Logan Paul I can't say I would see him as the type to keep a sI6MnRhLV7o-00009-00003528-00003885 neat and tidy place without a few weird things around that would be way too sI6MnRhLV7o-00010-00003885-00004278 boring Logan is an Internet star probably one of the most famous ever sI6MnRhLV7o-00011-00004278-00004739 from vine and YouTube as well as an actor director musician businessman and sI6MnRhLV7o-00012-00004739-00005114 more by this time his Instagram falling at the moment is sixteen point three sI6MnRhLV7o-00013-00005114-00005564 million with almost 20 million subscribers on YouTube Logan is also sI6MnRhLV7o-00014-00005564-00005985 super wealthy so what kind of house did all was Logan's YouTube money by him as sI6MnRhLV7o-00015-00005985-00006417 you probably know it's a gorgeous mansion in Encino California where he's sI6MnRhLV7o-00016-00006417-00006750 been living for a couple of years now before that he lived with his brother sI6MnRhLV7o-00017-00006750-00007254 fellow youtuber Jake Paul duh in a fancy apartment but now they both have their sI6MnRhLV7o-00018-00007254-00007650 own epic spots to call home since Logan has been open with his house in the past sI6MnRhLV7o-00019-00007650-00008100 for house tours we're gonna see what his place is like is he a slob does it sI6MnRhLV7o-00020-00008100-00008561 resemble a frat house like I'm imagining in my head or has he kept it classy I'll sI6MnRhLV7o-00021-00008561-00008900 also tell you some stuff about Logan's house that you may or may not have known sI6MnRhLV7o-00022-00008900-00009249 before watching this hey guys it's Kara and we've been trying something a little sI6MnRhLV7o-00023-00009249-00009582 different here on this channel today we're gonna go look inside Logan's house sI6MnRhLV7o-00024-00009582-00009981 in Encino California and give you all the details I would rather have Logan sI6MnRhLV7o-00025-00009981-00010386 give us an actual tour but since that hasn't happened yet I'm gonna cover what sI6MnRhLV7o-00026-00010386-00010790 I know we'll also see where he used to live with Jake and see how he's upgraded sI6MnRhLV7o-00027-00010790-00011202 in his current home I'll also see if the house has changed much since he moved in sI6MnRhLV7o-00028-00011202-00011696 back in 2017 do you think it'll look better or worse I saw some comments on sI6MnRhLV7o-00029-00011696-00012078 the last house tour he gave and they weren't in Logan's favor that's for sure sI6MnRhLV7o-00030-00012078-00012585 some of them included genuinely he has ruined that home it's like a squat some sI6MnRhLV7o-00031-00012585-00012986 saying it's like a frat house or that it's a mess but my favorite one was this sI6MnRhLV7o-00032-00012986-00013362 because Logan has a pet pig you get it if you like this idea I'll sI6MnRhLV7o-00033-00013362-00013725 make more house tour vids we also did some others like one on David bill sI6MnRhLV7o-00034-00013725-00014079 bricks house and one on kylie jenner's and we'll have links to those at the end sI6MnRhLV7o-00035-00014079-00014433 of this I've also been reading all your comments and I'm gonna be responding to sI6MnRhLV7o-00036-00014433-00014813 some at the end of this video I need you to let me know who to do next in the sI6MnRhLV7o-00037-00014813-00015171 comments down below and whose home you'd like to see let's look at where Logan sI6MnRhLV7o-00038-00015171-00015576 lived before his current mansion like a lot of YouTube stars or at that time sI6MnRhLV7o-00039-00015576-00016053 vine stars Logan and Jake lived in the infamous 1600 vine building in Hollywood sI6MnRhLV7o-00040-00016053-00016497 and apparently they got kicked out of their other past residents of 1600 vine sI6MnRhLV7o-00041-00016497-00016962 included Lele pons Amanda Cerny Andrew bachelor and more so you could imagine sI6MnRhLV7o-00042-00016962-00017379 the commotion at this apartment complex there's a Trader Joe's at the bottom of sI6MnRhLV7o-00043-00017379-00017739 this well-known building and apparently a ton of amenities rent back at this sI6MnRhLV7o-00044-00017739-00018147 time started about at twenty five hundred US dollars a month but I'm sure sI6MnRhLV7o-00045-00018147-00018477 by now it's more than that since a lot of these internet stars rose sI6MnRhLV7o-00046-00018477-00018852 to fame making crazy videos just like the Paul brothers there was a lot of sI6MnRhLV7o-00047-00018852-00019236 this going on at the building Logan's apartment here was supposedly 4,000 sI6MnRhLV7o-00048-00019236-00019569 square feet and had five beds and 5.5 baths sI6MnRhLV7o-00049-00019569-00019968 pretty big there were also two family rooms a chef's kitchen and a private sI6MnRhLV7o-00050-00019968-00020409 outdoor barbecue a Sun tanning deck and a saltwater pool and spa sI6MnRhLV7o-00051-00020409-00020757 Logan lived here initially and when Jake moved in both of them were actually sI6MnRhLV7o-00052-00020757-00021195 running their YouTube careers from the apartment for the most part back in 2015 sI6MnRhLV7o-00053-00021195-00021549 Business Insider spent a day with Logan which included hanging out at his sI6MnRhLV7o-00054-00021549-00022020 apartment what was it like according to the journalist she said Logan goes round sI6MnRhLV7o-00055-00022020-00022377 and round the living room which was practically empty save a couch with a sI6MnRhLV7o-00056-00022377-00022824 broken leg and an orange chair a 90-inch television screen is mounted to the wall sI6MnRhLV7o-00057-00022824-00023232 there are dishes in the sink and about half a dozen Chargers on the counter the sI6MnRhLV7o-00058-00023232-00023583 garbage needs to be taken out well that is kind of what I would guess in an sI6MnRhLV7o-00059-00023583-00023982 apartment the Paul Brothers were living in there were still kids anyways Logan sI6MnRhLV7o-00060-00023982-00024312 lived here for a while but he ended up getting evicted for his antics and sI6MnRhLV7o-00061-00024312-00024630 pranks right here okay and we are checking out this building right here sI6MnRhLV7o-00062-00024630-00025059 not that far right and just like that Logan had to look for a new spot but a sI6MnRhLV7o-00063-00025059-00025425 few months later he ended up moving into his mega mansion so we'll just move on sI6MnRhLV7o-00064-00025425-00026102 to that no moving socks is not forgot because I haven't moved in a while so sI6MnRhLV7o-00065-00026102-00026669 muds bro Logan's mansion is located no California at 4:54 six White Oak sI6MnRhLV7o-00066-00026669-00027089 Avenue and is just south of Ventura Boulevard and Cena was a neighborhood in sI6MnRhLV7o-00067-00027089-00027514 the San Fernando Valley region of LA and the real estate in this area is mostly sI6MnRhLV7o-00068-00027514-00027929 in the multi-million dollar ballpark apparently Logan paid around six point sI6MnRhLV7o-00069-00027929-00028373 five million for his and he purchased it just a few months before his Japanese sI6MnRhLV7o-00070-00028373-00028760 forced dead body scandal so people were saying he was just hiding out in there sI6MnRhLV7o-00071-00028760-00029288 well we know now that that's not the fact Logan's house has 8,000 689 square sI6MnRhLV7o-00072-00029288-00029714 feet and sits on almost an acre of land with seven bedrooms and nine bathrooms sI6MnRhLV7o-00073-00029714-00029945 inside I guess the seven bedrooms is good sI6MnRhLV7o-00074-00029945-00030287 because by the looks of it his squad literally never goes home I mean it sI6MnRhLV7o-00076-00033916-00034295 even looking at the real-estate photos from before it looked super cool and sI6MnRhLV7o-00077-00034295-00034700 already set for celebrity or someone important to live in and entertain sI6MnRhLV7o-00078-00034700-00035099 guests and we know that entertaining is something Logan definitely likes to do sI6MnRhLV7o-00079-00035099-00035501 like most of these fancy house houses the celebrities live in Logan's estate sI6MnRhLV7o-00080-00035501-00035897 is private and gated so yes we know the address but no you can't break in sI6MnRhLV7o-00081-00035897-00036434 there's an office a den a formal dining room a large grimmy kitchen a wine sI6MnRhLV7o-00082-00036434-00036812 cellar and more there are high vaulted ceilings as well and what the listing sI6MnRhLV7o-00083-00036812-00037253 called a full media screening area which had a projection room and a loft which I sI6MnRhLV7o-00084-00037253-00037625 thought was pretty cool and speaking of acoustics we want to sI6MnRhLV7o-00085-00037625-00038006 transport we are gonna make so many bangers in sI6MnRhLV7o-00086-00038006-00039119 here think of the baby and I guess Logan did too since he said he is turning it sI6MnRhLV7o-00087-00039119-00039503 into a studio a lot of the bathrooms have wood accents in interior which I sI6MnRhLV7o-00088-00039503-00039837 liked because it mixes things up a bit with the modern vibe of this place sI6MnRhLV7o-00089-00039837-00040241 Logan's garage is also huge but I'll tell you what that's turned into these sI6MnRhLV7o-00090-00040241-00040691 days in a little while there's also a massive pool outside a spa and a yard sI6MnRhLV7o-00091-00040691-00041094 with a ton of greenery and space there's also a spot for barbecuing or in Logan's sI6MnRhLV7o-00092-00041094-00041433 case he can have someone else do the cooking for him the pool looks like it sI6MnRhLV7o-00093-00041433-00041759 would be fit for a huge group of people the amount of chairs and some of these sI6MnRhLV7o-00094-00041759-00042119 photos make it look like a resort rather than Logan's home but I love the sI6MnRhLV7o-00095-00042119-00042497 pool and backyard space for sure Logan said on his first house tour that he's sI6MnRhLV7o-00096-00042497-00042794 actually renting out most of the furniture that was initially in the sI6MnRhLV7o-00097-00042794-00043137 house but I'm not sure what he's kept her switched out over the years so has sI6MnRhLV7o-00098-00043137-00043533 this house changed since Logan and his boys took over Logan gave an initial sI6MnRhLV7o-00099-00043533-00043905 tour like I said when he was first moving into the new spa never thought sI6MnRhLV7o-00100-00043905-00044283 that as a 22 year old the day I move into my first house that I look would sI6MnRhLV7o-00101-00044283-00044531 look like a lunch lady kind of sucks because that's what's happening right sI6MnRhLV7o-00102-00044531-00044844 and it seemed to be pretty much move-in ready since he kept most of the sI6MnRhLV7o-00103-00044844-00045575 furniture the grand foyer for the first time you were seeing the beauty that it sI6MnRhLV7o-00104-00045575-00045791 holds we got like your own little private like sI6MnRhLV7o-00105-00045791-00046302 meeting room over here million dollars so there was the main entrance in FOIA a sI6MnRhLV7o-00106-00046302-00046674 living room and I'm sure Logan wasn't lying about the million dollar meetings sI6MnRhLV7o-00107-00046674-00047066 I think it's the dining room just a big old table I feel like we're rarely gonna sI6MnRhLV7o-00108-00047066-00047415 eat there but you know just in case we do we got wine options there's nothing sI6MnRhLV7o-00109-00047415-00048077 in here now but this is like a little wine cellar and sI6MnRhLV7o-00110-00048243-00048678 and there's a dining room and wine cellar that were in the photos and some sI6MnRhLV7o-00111-00048678-00049262 random room that looks like half a bar the billion dollar deals go down in here sI6MnRhLV7o-00112-00049262-00049699 they have an eagle on the desk we were spreading our wings we are the sI6MnRhLV7o-00113-00049699-00050103 birds of prey there's clearly a few offices for Logan to do his professional sI6MnRhLV7o-00114-00050103-00050494 work and he really kept a lot of the stuff especially if he even kept sI6MnRhLV7o-00115-00050494-00050841 decorations like the Eagle head on the desk everything looked tidy and put sI6MnRhLV7o-00116-00050841-00051190 together on this house tour but I wonder how long it took for Logan and his sI6MnRhLV7o-00117-00051190-00051562 buddies to get comfortable I mean when Logan showed off the playroom as he sI6MnRhLV7o-00118-00051562-00051891 liked to call it where he said there will be games and hangouts and parties sI6MnRhLV7o-00119-00051891-00052353 iw was kidding first of all I wonder what a Logan Paul party would look like sI6MnRhLV7o-00120-00052353-00052729 and I also wonder how trash the place would get after that Logan said his sI6MnRhLV7o-00121-00052729-00053035 favorite part of the mansion was the backyard in the epic pool and I don't sI6MnRhLV7o-00122-00053035-00053482 blame him there's also a giant guest house or a pool house in the back which sI6MnRhLV7o-00123-00053482-00053880 I didn't know about till this video just as big as the apartment that I just sI6MnRhLV7o-00124-00053880-00054550 moved out of today our plan is to turn this thing into a gym I wonder if he did sI6MnRhLV7o-00125-00054550-00054927 end up turning it into a gym and Logan confirmed some of his buddies were gonna sI6MnRhLV7o-00126-00054927-00055317 be rooming with him in this place so I guess that makes sense with the frat sI6MnRhLV7o-00127-00055317-00055774 house vibes like I said more recently Logan took famous real estate agent Ryan sI6MnRhLV7o-00128-00055774-00056101 on a tour of the estate while he was interviewing him on his impulsive sI6MnRhLV7o-00129-00056101-00056466 podcast I learned some stuff about Logan's house watching this tour that I sI6MnRhLV7o-00130-00056466-00056829 didn't know before and also got to catch a feel for how it looks inside these sI6MnRhLV7o-00131-00056829-00057223 days one cool thing you should know that Logan did with his mansion is that he sI6MnRhLV7o-00132-00057223-00057622 turned his garage into a studio so he doesn't even leave his place to film an sI6MnRhLV7o-00133-00057622-00058039 interview for his podcast I never knew he recorded it there until now Logan sI6MnRhLV7o-00134-00058039-00059077 told Ryan to guess how much his coaches were and he was pretty spot-on with sI6MnRhLV7o-00135-00059077-00059691 expensive furniture all day long and so yeah Logan has some couches worth 45 K sI6MnRhLV7o-00136-00059691-00060141 each Logan's boy talks about the guest house saying that it's a gym a bunky and sI6MnRhLV7o-00137-00060141-00060566 more sorry take gym see if a trainer that comes to everyday sI6MnRhLV7o-00138-00060566-00061466 just work out on their own yeah the dog and the gym is pretty impressive and sI6MnRhLV7o-00139-00061466-00061886 decked out since we saw the room when it was bare obviously my favorite part is sI6MnRhLV7o-00140-00061886-00062246 the dog painting on the wall with all his boys around I don't even know who's sI6MnRhLV7o-00141-00062246-00062621 squatting there and who's not his buddy Mike was almost talking about the house sI6MnRhLV7o-00142-00062621-00063122 more than Logan himself when Ryan was there and people watching agreed it's sI6MnRhLV7o-00143-00063122-00063416 like a frat house there are also not just dudes living sI6MnRhLV7o-00144-00063416-00063851 there but there are also a bunch of pets like Logan's dogs birds and even his pet sI6MnRhLV7o-00145-00063851-00064105 pig probably the best part of Logan's sI6MnRhLV7o-00146-00064105-00065108 mansion to me is the animal but I called her I called her Kevin Bacon yeah hi hi sI6MnRhLV7o-00147-00065108-00065504 all right but I also know that Logan's parent maverick was killed or eaten by sI6MnRhLV7o-00148-00065504-00065879 one of his larger dogs and his Pomeranian Kong was killed by coyotes sI6MnRhLV7o-00149-00065879-00066341 which is extra depressing for me because I have a Pomeranian who's like my son I sI6MnRhLV7o-00150-00066341-00066707 couldn't go on if that ever happened but anyways I do think the dude should be sI6MnRhLV7o-00151-00066707-00067088 more careful okay so back to the house some other cool things about Logan's sI6MnRhLV7o-00152-00067088-00067367 house that he's proud of is this painting you see when you walk in sI6MnRhLV7o-00153-00067367-00067685 awesome piece of art like I fell in love with this piece of art so I wanted to sI6MnRhLV7o-00154-00067685-00068117 buy it and my dad actually got it for me for my housewarming gift so dad I love sI6MnRhLV7o-00155-00068117-00068462 you thank you man his dad got him it as a housewarming gift so that's pretty sI6MnRhLV7o-00156-00068462-00068813 cute Logan has said that this one big tree in the backyard is one of the main sI6MnRhLV7o-00157-00068813-00069140 reasons he bought the house and saying it would be perfect for a tree house sI6MnRhLV7o-00158-00069140-00069716 that tree yeah I saw that tree and I said I needed to have this house from sI6MnRhLV7o-00159-00069716-00070133 Ohio dude nothing gets me going like a good tree you know a truth but looks sI6MnRhLV7o-00160-00070133-00070526 like he hasn't done that yet there's also a secret door that may look sI6MnRhLV7o-00161-00070526-00071000 pretty cool when you discover it oh you thought it was a pantry no secret sI6MnRhLV7o-00162-00071000-00071406 doors sI6MnRhLV7o-00163-00071453-00071910 but really it only leads to the laundry room I'd still want a secret door in my sI6MnRhLV7o-00164-00071910-00073043 house though why why do you have this sI6MnRhLV7o-00165-00073061-00073440 you say saw this online so you bought it there are more interesting things in sI6MnRhLV7o-00166-00073440-00073779 Logan's house but I think we've seen enough of it so looking at Logan's sI6MnRhLV7o-00167-00073779-00074157 mansion it's pretty much exactly what you'd expect I do think the dude has sI6MnRhLV7o-00168-00074157-00074520 some taste though considering the house itself has a great design a ton of cool sI6MnRhLV7o-00169-00074520-00074895 rooms and is a mix of classic and modern all the wood accents in the building sI6MnRhLV7o-00170-00074895-00075249 definitely give it a manly vibe - I thought that the house would be Messier sI6MnRhLV7o-00171-00075249-00075690 at first cuz it's Logan and his boys likely partying working filming and sI6MnRhLV7o-00172-00075690-00076038 sleeping there and a bunch of pests but it's pretty tidy for a frat house I sI6MnRhLV7o-00173-00076038-00076464 guess Logan can afford maids so I'm sure he has a place cleaned often enough I sI6MnRhLV7o-00174-00076464-00076866 mean he has a personal cook so it's assumed Logan has enough at this mansion sI6MnRhLV7o-00175-00076866-00077262 that he probably doesn't even need to leave much he has his podcast set up in sI6MnRhLV7o-00176-00077262-00077634 the garage a full gym in the guest house space for his buddies to have rooms sI6MnRhLV7o-00177-00077634-00078144 there a few offices a spot for his merch a giant backyard and pool so what else sI6MnRhLV7o-00178-00078144-00078489 would the guy really need what do you guys think of Logan's place is it too sI6MnRhLV7o-00179-00078489-00078873 boyish and immature or just perfect for him comment and let me know what you sI6MnRhLV7o-00180-00078873-00079257 guys think also let me know if I missed anything it looked like there was a lot sI6MnRhLV7o-00181-00079257-00079614 going on there so it's definitely possible okay guys I'm gonna be reading sI6MnRhLV7o-00182-00079614-00079923 out some comments from our other videos and see what you have to say sI6MnRhLV7o-00183-00079923-00080451 Debbie B ll Z asked let's see Beyonce's home good idea Debbie I'll add her to sI6MnRhLV7o-00184-00080451-00080739 the list you guys were also asking for car TVs sI6MnRhLV7o-00185-00080739-00081144 host tour which we did so check that out on her Ariana Grande house tour vid sI6MnRhLV7o-00186-00081144-00081600 Casey Yamamoto ask does anyone know if she has the whole building or just one sI6MnRhLV7o-00187-00081600-00081990 story from what I know all the units in the building are three level pent houses sI6MnRhLV7o-00188-00081990-00082413 and Ariana owns one of them they're massive though and Cynthia Kendrick sI6MnRhLV7o-00189-00082413-00082860 commented on our Kylie house tour video saying love all the pink and gray looks sI6MnRhLV7o-00190-00082860-00083274 great too I agree Cynthia Kylie's house is one of my favorite celeb houses that sI6MnRhLV7o-00191-00083274-00083647 I've seen for sure alright guys that's all I could find about Logan Paul's home sI6MnRhLV7o-00192-00083647-00084018 I'm sure we'll just keep seeing more of it in his vlogs and from impulsive sI6MnRhLV7o-00193-00084018-00084432 anyways I look forward to reading what you guys think about the spot and how we sI6MnRhLV7o-00194-00084432-00084786 covering his house tour what part did you like best let me know in the sI6MnRhLV7o-00195-00084786-00085140 comments and let me know some other celebrity houses you'd like to see I'll sI6MnRhLV7o-00196-00085140-00085568 see you next week with some new videos bye sJ_gDL7tkYy-00000-00005640-00006288 all right hello guys welcome back to another stream i i uh let's get started sJ_gDL7tkYy-00001-00006288-00007184 let's get looking at bitcoin price what it did yesterday and so on bloody bloody blood sJ_gDL7tkYy-00002-00008536-00009120 we've been pushing down closers here we see close come in spike high we hit sJ_gDL7tkYy-00003-00009120-00010064 the resistance that we talked about uh yesterday at the one let the one 131.17 sJ_gDL7tkYy-00004-00010376-00010896 we had a resistance we hit a railroad track basically one came in trapped some liquidity sJ_gDL7tkYy-00005-00010952-00011664 second came in still trapped more liquidity pulls it down then next candle just smashes it all the sJ_gDL7tkYy-00006-00011664-00012488 way down runs runs away with it and they slowly come across people willing to short pre-market sJ_gDL7tkYy-00007-00012488-00013128 gets rid of the long inventory so you're seeing it spike down we still have this area of large cells sJ_gDL7tkYy-00008-00013416-00014008 just here so that's something that you want to look for if we come and spike it one more time sJ_gDL7tkYy-00009-00014088-00014719 hit hitting past this level here after taking that uh after taking this level down there that's sJ_gDL7tkYy-00010-00014719-00015224 something that you might want to see and you might echo that with bitcoin again we do have sJ_gDL7tkYy-00011-00015224-00016168 a lot of news coming in uh in the way of uh just minutes and everything else looking at bitcoin sJ_gDL7tkYy-00012-00016392-00017352 it's stupid oh my god uh looking at bitcoin it's siege smashes itself down as well sJ_gDL7tkYy-00013-00017856-00018512 comes in gives you a nice whip saw and this is coming in again on uk time you can you can sJ_gDL7tkYy-00014-00018512-00019168 use the uh news embargo at two o'clock we had a bunch of uk news uh if we go in here sJ_gDL7tkYy-00015-00019432-00019800 refresh this sJ_gDL7tkYy-00016-00019800-00020576 had a bunch of uk news you see inflation rate that 10 percent for uk it's insanely high jesus sJ_gDL7tkYy-00017-00020688-00021032 pleasure yeah okay that must be really bad sJ_gDL7tkYy-00018-00021136-00021504 we'll see what u.s numbers ends up being and what we end up getting for the u.s sJ_gDL7tkYy-00019-00021504-00022112 uh market at 10. actually there's no there's not too much time from here the speech sJ_gDL7tkYy-00020-00022200-00023128 and the main would be the minutes at 2pm but nevertheless this move here takes all the shorts sJ_gDL7tkYy-00021-00023232-00023984 pulls it down whips over there pulls it down feeling for your brother your tenor becomes uh sJ_gDL7tkYy-00022-00024888-00025400 you guys thought you guys had it bad sJ_gDL7tkYy-00023-00025400-00025512 tenor became a niner sJ_gDL7tkYy-00024-00025808-00026808 now you just put a 1099. you call it niner sJ_gDL7tkYy-00025-00026808-00027560 if you mark all that from my range as you can see both sides uh came in pretty range-free uh i mean sJ_gDL7tkYy-00026-00027560-00028272 considering that we had uh basically two days of nothing wednesday super pivotal sJ_gDL7tkYy-00027-00028272-00029104 use news as a catalyst to move the market we came in you can see how this hangs outside of its range sJ_gDL7tkYy-00028-00029104-00029760 pulls up i think in at this point just to find this lower lower third as the range just because sJ_gDL7tkYy-00029-00029824-00030400 of how we're moving and there we go we have more of it inside and even still sJ_gDL7tkYy-00030-00030400-00030968 we have that reactiveness uh there just because i mean it just makes more sense sJ_gDL7tkYy-00031-00030968-00031544 maybe if we just grab those two clothes instead as well it could be a bit more better sJ_gDL7tkYy-00032-00031632-00032016 maybe a bit better a little bit more better jesus i know i don't know english sJ_gDL7tkYy-00033-00032264-00032656 but that's pretty much what you're doing you've got your consolidation you've got these areas here sJ_gDL7tkYy-00034-00032712-00033544 uh you see that just pull in basically just three three days i mean two days of nothing your long sJ_gDL7tkYy-00035-00033544-00034248 was uh off the break of this pretty boring long to be honest uh and as there were several points sJ_gDL7tkYy-00036-00034248-00034800 where you could have just gotten out early and missed this entire move uh and you probably would sJ_gDL7tkYy-00037-00034800-00035296 be right in doing so because let's say you missed your sleeping during this period you're back down sJ_gDL7tkYy-00038-00035296-00035744 and you see that just collapse under unless you have like a training stop and that's the sJ_gDL7tkYy-00039-00035744-00036392 only reason you'd be fine and i forgot to do something uh oh no don't open up the xbox app sJ_gDL7tkYy-00040-00036576-00037984 if we pull out chat box sJ_gDL7tkYy-00041-00038184-00039976 um chat there we go now i can see that there we go much better sJ_gDL7tkYy-00042-00040368-00040848 okay and let's while we're here why not listen to music sJ_gDL7tkYy-00043-00041320-00041784 but yeah i mean you've just been avoiding through the last days of training i mean sJ_gDL7tkYy-00044-00041784-00042280 it's just i mean it's sometimes it's nice to say that you're taking no trace today sJ_gDL7tkYy-00045-00042280-00042984 just because uh the market isn't giving you anything uh or anything really good sJ_gDL7tkYy-00046-00042984-00043584 like it's giving you something but it's just not good though sJ_gDL7tkYy-00047-00044160-00044208 there we go sJ_gDL7tkYy-00048-00044632-00044984 much better yeah that much better sJ_gDL7tkYy-00049-00045296-00045680 do you guys have something so it's not dry it's not [__] dry sJ_gDL7tkYy-00050-00045888-00046336 but you see how uh these levels came in you see the sJ_gDL7tkYy-00051-00046336-00046840 44413 and you see why i use these uh blue markers and i keep them on for sJ_gDL7tkYy-00052-00046840-00047344 a while even though sometimes we may go over it it's always nice to keep them up sJ_gDL7tkYy-00053-00047552-00047784 could it do good that's really good sJ_gDL7tkYy-00054-00048128-00048464 even in the four hours you you're looking at this level looking at this level sJ_gDL7tkYy-00055-00048552-00049200 possibly just reverse onto that sJ_gDL7tkYy-00056-00049200-00049760 um let's look at the spot book let's see if there's anything good i mean it show up through sJ_gDL7tkYy-00057-00049760-00050432 there forty four five hundred came in not much liquid to here i mean we're accumulating a lot of sJ_gDL7tkYy-00058-00050432-00051455 uh spot buying interesting cvd uh pretty much i mean it's it's moving like a rat [__] but sJ_gDL7tkYy-00059-00051455-00052136 still going really high uh so we might end up uh let's see what futures is saying futures uh sJ_gDL7tkYy-00060-00052136-00052520 wow definitely a clear divergence is where future the support is going sJ_gDL7tkYy-00061-00052640-00053336 a lot more spot no just a lot of people just spot buying uh people in futures just getting shrek and sJ_gDL7tkYy-00062-00053336-00054144 shorty it's [__] monday hi uh uh i know for no reason i haven't been trading anywhere near sJ_gDL7tkYy-00063-00054144-00055104 uh it's week expecting to lose at this monday's high let's see yeah my size really far let's see sJ_gDL7tkYy-00064-00055312-00055879 i mean we do have i mean we had the static wall as soon as we dropped back down here we had this sJ_gDL7tkYy-00065-00055879-00056504 entered in here that's something and it's really big like it is really big it's got 1400 sJ_gDL7tkYy-00066-00057304-00057976 and we have it here as well same thing but again the biggest one i don't think they try to resist sJ_gDL7tkYy-00067-00057976-00058984 i mean unless they try unless it's it's a zombie spot uh it's actually i'm gonna do this sJ_gDL7tkYy-00068-00059096-00059760 there we go i think it's on uh chart range yeah again same same reason as laura short here i mean sJ_gDL7tkYy-00069-00059824-00060488 we saw this entire area be sure they got ran out then the longer right now so everyone got sJ_gDL7tkYy-00070-00060488-00061096 right now and essentially you want to buy the opposite of what it does so you potentially want sJ_gDL7tkYy-00071-00061096-00061784 to do go up higher you may be looking for one more swipe high before we drop but in essence sJ_gDL7tkYy-00072-00061967-00063024 i mean we ran out the high side of the 21st uh prior to price dropping so there's a protective sJ_gDL7tkYy-00073-00063024-00063672 this is hangs we go up but if it doesn't i mean you should be expecting down anyway sJ_gDL7tkYy-00074-00063728-00064184 i mean if we short through this it's just like we left this up i mean it's just short sJ_gDL7tkYy-00075-00064264-00064784 it's it's they didn't really want to go up any higher they got the liquidations that they wanted sJ_gDL7tkYy-00076-00064784-00065352 here and i think that's the main reason do i go high when you can just like say sJ_gDL7tkYy-00077-00065352-00065984 okay i got everything there's no reason to go any higher let me go drop that back down sJ_gDL7tkYy-00078-00066576-00067096 um yes [__] buying insane amount of spot buying came in here so i mean they probably sJ_gDL7tkYy-00079-00067096-00067760 might just run out of spot buys first that those spot buys feel like oh no what do i do sJ_gDL7tkYy-00080-00067864-00068096 what am i going to do sort of thing sJ_gDL7tkYy-00081-00068416-00068784 i mean nothing's too easy about this you've got the tuesday low here sJ_gDL7tkYy-00082-00068896-00069296 coming in there so it'll be a ton of liquidity release as soon as we hit that sJ_gDL7tkYy-00083-00069392-00070032 uh two o'clock is esg is probably where you're set uh setting a timer to see where well one sJ_gDL7tkYy-00084-00070032-00070688 o'clock actually an hour before see how the uh uh other fomc minutes come out sJ_gDL7tkYy-00085-00070912-00071360 a lot it's a heavy news day so if you're just not sJ_gDL7tkYy-00086-00071360-00072056 feeling yet i i'd recommend taking this one off as well just come in uh probably tail end sJ_gDL7tkYy-00087-00072192-00072648 just when when all this [__] is finished just because it's just not nice trading this [__] sJ_gDL7tkYy-00088-00072952-00073664 because i mean you can either make you really profitable and and you can call it a week or sJ_gDL7tkYy-00089-00073664-00074384 you get you get f in the a and that's what most happens get after the a because you guys are like sJ_gDL7tkYy-00090-00074880-00075784 that's why you're sort of uh looking for that sJ_gDL7tkYy-00091-00076672-00077224 sorry but my mind is just on oh look at yes now yes i mean look at that sJ_gDL7tkYy-00092-00077224-00077888 the driving price all the way down to here see my my my screenshot button's broken i can't sJ_gDL7tkYy-00093-00077888-00078344 that's why i haven't been screenshotting as much just like because it's now it's an extra like sJ_gDL7tkYy-00094-00078344-00078640 two steps and i just can't be asking that extra two steps for you guys sJ_gDL7tkYy-00095-00078952-00079168 so yeah i mean you have these live streams i mean sJ_gDL7tkYy-00096-00079464-00080032 but you have this area here came in the world he knew he was going to target sJ_gDL7tkYy-00097-00080128-00080720 target this down then stand up onto this expect it to drop but i think he ends sJ_gDL7tkYy-00098-00080720-00081312 up absorbing into these walls spiking coming up into here with soaring down sJ_gDL7tkYy-00099-00081312-00081632 and we probably might see that with bitcoin as well if that ends up happening sJ_gDL7tkYy-00100-00082096-00082248 so probably something you're expecting sJ_gDL7tkYy-00101-00082568-00083312 i mean it is pretty low so it has uh some i mean worst case it does this and it does this sJ_gDL7tkYy-00102-00084080-00084176 yeah high low sJ_gDL7tkYy-00103-00084696-00085352 and keeps dropping if it keeps dropping refine either as long as it finds itself and if anything sJ_gDL7tkYy-00104-00085352-00085832 it will just drop below here and you can see how the technical balance ends up just being sJ_gDL7tkYy-00105-00085832-00086392 where our short volume was where where i have it like just in between there oh there we go sJ_gDL7tkYy-00106-00086912-00087408 it's inside the other one as well so i mean worst case we push up to sJ_gDL7tkYy-00107-00087408-00087904 here pull back down best case it is try swiping for the higher targets sJ_gDL7tkYy-00108-00088152-00088712 but with that yes moving down like this into this uh large bed we could possibly look for it to uh sJ_gDL7tkYy-00109-00088768-00089616 move up explosively because again we did every day with a lot of shorts here as you can see just a sJ_gDL7tkYy-00110-00089616-00090344 large spike everything's sort of uh moving down in the pre-market i'm pretty new york rather i've got sJ_gDL7tkYy-00111-00090344-00090944 a small amount of eyes but most of it's just been negative sentiment based off of us i mean uk data sJ_gDL7tkYy-00112-00091168-00091800 look for this try spike it up uh try to run out of this as i think it's it's too large to start sJ_gDL7tkYy-00113-00091800-00092608 to say no to possibly so it's just one of the things where liquidate and pull back down uh sJ_gDL7tkYy-00114-00092608-00093176 if anything you'll be about to stop here around these i think i think these are all all but dead sJ_gDL7tkYy-00115-00093536-00094184 so you're probably looking for that to be on open or 8 30 i mean no no yeah you got 30 minutes until sJ_gDL7tkYy-00116-00094184-00095384 8 30. uh not actually there's not too much in terms of news wise let's see here we go what oh sJ_gDL7tkYy-00117-00095496-00095528 yo sJ_gDL7tkYy-00118-00096120-00096784 i mean bitcoin just looks weird man look at that oh sJ_gDL7tkYy-00119-00096936-00097616 that's the area here again back to this area being a ton of shorts so you can mount that 2400 to 37 sJ_gDL7tkYy-00120-00097760-00098696 3650 let's just say sake of argument sure probably want to get rid of the lungs i mean buys here this sJ_gDL7tkYy-00121-00098696-00099272 ends up being native sure but i mean you see this heavy sort of buy coming in just out of nowhere sJ_gDL7tkYy-00122-00099352-00100008 so i'm just saying you know it's cool actually not but that's coming from this area anyway sJ_gDL7tkYy-00123-00100256-00100528 so if we get a higher price sJ_gDL7tkYy-00124-00100864-00102424 uh retail sales yeah i think they'll be bullish let's just go ahead sJ_gDL7tkYy-00125-00102424-00103008 yeah so this is this essentially the explanation uh what we're expecting sJ_gDL7tkYy-00126-00103135-00103704 uh so highest value just means uh sales sales is going up and you want sales to going i'll sJ_gDL7tkYy-00127-00103704-00104104 be sure spending in the economy because if you don't have if you have a period or sJ_gDL7tkYy-00128-00104104-00105183 not spending that's probably likely indication of recession if anything sJ_gDL7tkYy-00129-00106152-00106832 interesting yeah stuff like he's got building materials clothing general stores so luxurious sJ_gDL7tkYy-00130-00106832-00107616 stuff or stuff that people don't really need uh a dropping i'm surprised building materials dropping sJ_gDL7tkYy-00131-00107616-00109383 uh pretty soft let me see us though in the lot of things that should be built sJ_gDL7tkYy-00132-00110752-00111559 sorry just like switch looking at these numbers yeah you just had it really bad oh bloody terrible sJ_gDL7tkYy-00133-00111864-00112624 the year and your inflation just look at that whoa which didn't recover from 4.2 percent october sJ_gDL7tkYy-00134-00113032-00113520 from the previous period slightly above my forecast since my name sentence sJ_gDL7tkYy-00135-00113520-00114344 to read since february 1982 this rose housing and utilities 20 percent versus 19.6 in june sJ_gDL7tkYy-00136-00114496-00115288 recreational cultures five percent for percent non-alcoholic beverages 12 um yeah drinks are up sJ_gDL7tkYy-00137-00115288-00116080 insane like a one pound drink is now like uh like one 115 like they they're already encountering for sJ_gDL7tkYy-00138-00116080-00117111 15 inflation [__] ah outer restaurants that said on the other hand transportation prices eased wow sJ_gDL7tkYy-00139-00117111-00117776 14 on transportation compared to previous months consumers uh were up 0.6 percent below point eight sJ_gDL7tkYy-00140-00117776-00118696 percent in june and above this forecast percent yeah i actually bloody insane to think about it sJ_gDL7tkYy-00141-00118696-00119344 justifications at ten percent again just i'm not mainly it's mainly housing utilities sJ_gDL7tkYy-00142-00119344-00119872 like electric uh electric bill in the house is what 400 a month for me sJ_gDL7tkYy-00143-00120080-00121983 so it's like ah [__] everything's expensive nowadays so expansive man sJ_gDL7tkYy-00144-00122320-00122640 i really don't feel it i'm not i'm not actually really not feeling today sJ_gDL7tkYy-00145-00122640-00123224 she said i just feel sick i haven't always because i just wake up but he either look sJ_gDL7tkYy-00146-00123224-00123824 embarrassed just look at the numbers and even call it i don't think i need to say too much today sJ_gDL7tkYy-00147-00124024-00124320 when market long uh probably on new york sJ_gDL7tkYy-00148-00124488-00125111 when new york decides to go down i guess so when you when you sort of end when you when you see the sJ_gDL7tkYy-00149-00125111-00125959 first move swipe down the second move will swipe up if anything uh nah i i i missed it like i've sJ_gDL7tkYy-00150-00125959-00126472 been just sleeping recently she's been i don't know it's just been my sleep schedule has been off sJ_gDL7tkYy-00151-00126472-00127111 recently it's been like i've been sleeping at five six a.m well that's me trying to go to sleep with sJ_gDL7tkYy-00152-00127216-00127880 getting sleep actually as well like i head to bed at like 2 a.m i get to manage to sleep at sJ_gDL7tkYy-00153-00127880-00128983 like 5 00 a.m because like you just have been suffering from insomnia so like that sJ_gDL7tkYy-00154-00129088-00129359 yeah uh actually there's a four hour wedge oh yeah sJ_gDL7tkYy-00155-00129520-00130383 oh yeah we talked about this last time yeah let's get the spot pair out there we go sJ_gDL7tkYy-00156-00131080-00131144 there's one sJ_gDL7tkYy-00157-00131768-00132120 i mean depending on how you draw i drew there's there's an area here sJ_gDL7tkYy-00158-00132272-00132752 they'll probably short this area so it probably might do something like sJ_gDL7tkYy-00159-00132752-00133440 that right below these liquid c points here i guess sJ_gDL7tkYy-00160-00133744-00134048 trash along here it's got stop time okay [__] hard sJ_gDL7tkYy-00161-00134048-00134712 yeah that's why like it's not easy like these this so the objective of like when the market does this sJ_gDL7tkYy-00162-00134712-00135016 is to survive like that's what i've just realized for like sJ_gDL7tkYy-00163-00135072-00135464 no not even realized i think that's what i realized like god as time went on it's just like sJ_gDL7tkYy-00164-00135520-00136056 this area here it's just about surviving it's not about trading it's about surviving sJ_gDL7tkYy-00165-00136192-00137384 and if that is if you survive by taking no trades that's so big take no change you're surviving sJ_gDL7tkYy-00166-00137600-00138032 the thing because sometimes yeah and uh if you've probably heard this a sJ_gDL7tkYy-00167-00138032-00138376 lot it's just uh no trade is usually the best trade sometimes the best rate sJ_gDL7tkYy-00168-00138592-00138784 that leads to your survival sJ_gDL7tkYy-00169-00139672-00140376 like not this stupid things like i don't like i mean this [__] is stupid like so sJ_gDL7tkYy-00170-00140376-00140920 there are some areas where it's just so nice like you can trade but like this i mean you just you sJ_gDL7tkYy-00171-00140920-00141584 just look at the candles you're like oh yeah it's like uh whipsaw with saw pins i mean uh sJ_gDL7tkYy-00172-00141792-00142424 yeah i mean there are some nice points but i mean generally it's not a nice area to look at sJ_gDL7tkYy-00173-00142608-00142752 i mean there's so long here but sJ_gDL7tkYy-00174-00142976-00143416 it like just from this one though you just like after this but you saw this that oh sJ_gDL7tkYy-00175-00143416-00143768 i want to be out you see like all of this is just not nice sJ_gDL7tkYy-00176-00144024-00144384 it's not nice sJ_gDL7tkYy-00177-00144736-00145048 and maybe you just need a different time zone and even then look at that sJ_gDL7tkYy-00178-00145272-00145784 that's something i want to be looking at these uh sJ_gDL7tkYy-00179-00146144-00146544 and that's when you usually hold like and that's why i don't i don't take sJ_gDL7tkYy-00180-00146544-00146848 everything off the table like let's say you got a shot off from here sJ_gDL7tkYy-00181-00146944-00147528 you're holding that you start cool you know what i i don't want to deal with this noise let me keep sJ_gDL7tkYy-00182-00147528-00148120 that on a level keep stop above a certain point here or wherever it may be coming to like yeah sJ_gDL7tkYy-00183-00148120-00149984 let's just say here after that after some uh time you get knocked off it but yes you're still happy sJ_gDL7tkYy-00184-00150352-00151216 i would have took that uh sfp for those highs uh but closed uh but those but i thought there sJ_gDL7tkYy-00185-00151216-00152000 was a makeup wrong structure oh no it was a news release uh 2am est is news uh embargo left for uk sJ_gDL7tkYy-00186-00152088-00152272 uh as you can see we're going through that sJ_gDL7tkYy-00187-00152536-00153408 and why is it because it's seven o'clock let's go into uk time it's seven o'clock the uk time sJ_gDL7tkYy-00188-00153408-00154184 that's news release this this candle here that's embargo it's an hour yeah before sJ_gDL7tkYy-00189-00154552-00155136 actually yeah eight o'clock news so they're painting it pulling it up news release sJ_gDL7tkYy-00190-00155288-00155944 nice time to trade [__] but 2 a.m est though i don't know i think yeah sJ_gDL7tkYy-00191-00156040-00156528 no it'll be 2 a.m 36. i'm getting confused no yeah seven o'clock testing is yeah that's sJ_gDL7tkYy-00192-00156528-00157160 when news comes out because 8 o'clock is when you're traveling to work uh uk news sJ_gDL7tkYy-00193-00157224-00158096 uh they had uh for inflation that peepee that pippy very small a very big sJ_gDL7tkYy-00194-00158328-00158416 very big pippy sJ_gDL7tkYy-00195-00158712-00159784 very small pipy sJ_gDL7tkYy-00196-00160120-00160416 it's starting to get working now which is probably not the best sJ_gDL7tkYy-00197-00160488-00161120 nice but i mean is again you're probably looking the same thing here look you can see this came in sJ_gDL7tkYy-00198-00161120-00161688 time you could have entered here to put your stop here you've been fine uh you're probably looking sJ_gDL7tkYy-00199-00161688-00162584 to see the range see where this comes into mark 50 25 50 you'll probably find from there sJ_gDL7tkYy-00200-00162984-00163232 so there's 25 that's 25 sJ_gDL7tkYy-00201-00163456-00163976 amy you can go with that depending on which which one we open on let's say this range drags to here sJ_gDL7tkYy-00202-00163976-00164544 you're probably looking to drag into these ones but in general just these two how you first solve sJ_gDL7tkYy-00203-00164544-00165224 a marker are you probably marking it from here so from this point it'll be somewhere here sJ_gDL7tkYy-00204-00165224-00165736 you're giving yourself somebody away from there or even here you can choose whatever you want to sJ_gDL7tkYy-00205-00165736-00166352 do if you run around or you want to dab if you're around up and down i always recommend rounding up sJ_gDL7tkYy-00206-00166600-00166840 or down oh and sJ_gDL7tkYy-00207-00167056-00167384 you want to be further away you want to give yourself that extra buffer sJ_gDL7tkYy-00208-00167384-00167992 just in case you get swiped out i mean we're moving pretty low so if anything we get this sJ_gDL7tkYy-00209-00167992-00168544 get hot lower low pull up yeah looking for the lower low to execute in accordance with this sJ_gDL7tkYy-00210-00168600-00169104 you're looking to try some memory from walls here uh you want to see that i have been was uh sJ_gDL7tkYy-00211-00169216-00169824 you see once you have been resist as you can see going up slam down go lower see where it goes see sJ_gDL7tkYy-00212-00169824-00170984 where it hits up into then you're looking for it to rise to maybe try here up higher sJ_gDL7tkYy-00213-00172312-00173120 yeah i mean look at this there you go when you fell through this level it flipped this resistance sJ_gDL7tkYy-00214-00173120-00173584 as you can see you're sending support if this is a report support into resistance and drops it sJ_gDL7tkYy-00215-00173696-00174056 we'll probably stop out a bunch of people here drop it further sJ_gDL7tkYy-00216-00174440-00175128 uh i like closes i don't i know you know what it depends uh you look at this and you say is sJ_gDL7tkYy-00217-00175128-00175672 this reactive or is this more reactive i mean it's very shallow but it's it's this is more reactive sJ_gDL7tkYy-00218-00175672-00176048 it relative to this point i mean you could both are fine it's just sJ_gDL7tkYy-00219-00176112-00176784 the most reactive uh reactionary point so for this one you say this around this area you can call it sJ_gDL7tkYy-00220-00176840-00177400 and then it's mostly more reactive relative to everything else than the mix sJ_gDL7tkYy-00221-00177760-00178288 it's just don't be a stickler basically i i i'm pretty gender fluid i'm joking sJ_gDL7tkYy-00222-00178440-00178736 i'm joking am i joking don't kiss me sJ_gDL7tkYy-00223-00179024-00179384 oh sJ_gDL7tkYy-00224-00179824-00180120 yeah it's like it's got a large drop if you drop too low this sJ_gDL7tkYy-00225-00180616-00181152 and this is your four-hour area here you see that curve which probably checked probably dropped down sJ_gDL7tkYy-00226-00181152-00181984 further but that's it bitcoin drops i i i always recommend just trading bitcoin i mean yes hit out sJ_gDL7tkYy-00227-00181984-00182672 hit that area here drop back down uh say 220 i don't think we get back to here ugh sJ_gDL7tkYy-00228-00182928-00183016 23 10. sJ_gDL7tkYy-00229-00183336-00183808 the music stopped oh my god did not just continue oh god damn it sJ_gDL7tkYy-00230-00184136-00184984 dude sJ_gDL7tkYy-00231-00185304-00185736 yeah yeah i'm going to bitcoin bitcoin is a [__] coin it's not let's not talk about her sJ_gDL7tkYy-00232-00185872-00186568 uh so we have these numbers i mean yeah it came in which means i mean uh 22 7 sJ_gDL7tkYy-00233-00186568-00187248 just under here rise off this pull back down oh god damn what the [__] is this [__] no sJ_gDL7tkYy-00234-00187744-00188184 is there something for the volume distribution in the candles and make it closer sJ_gDL7tkYy-00235-00188264-00189184 or make let me set the column yeah it will be where the volume is sJ_gDL7tkYy-00236-00189280-00189816 most of the time it will be dependent on the type of candle you get so let's say the wick is more sJ_gDL7tkYy-00237-00189936-00190616 uh longer than the body usually it's somewhere in the wake but that's really hard to tell if it's sJ_gDL7tkYy-00238-00190616-00191112 just like full fat it's just beyond the clothes the higher volume it'll be distributed nicely sJ_gDL7tkYy-00239-00191112-00191680 but i mean you always have software you can use to do that and if you have software that can show you sJ_gDL7tkYy-00240-00191680-00192216 volume just mark the volume area in of marking caring about a high lows and closes because sJ_gDL7tkYy-00241-00192216-00192760 the last [__] is for retail to worry about you only care for the period of time where the sJ_gDL7tkYy-00242-00192760-00193312 highest volume uh node was and that's your support and resistance that's what i'm essentially doing sJ_gDL7tkYy-00243-00193312-00194784 with uh pen spider think about it it's really just marking off the highest higher volume nose sJ_gDL7tkYy-00244-00195504-00196184 okay uh 30 33 10 23 10 40 sJ_gDL7tkYy-00245-00196592-00197048 comes into the slower consolidation area fills out this void here that we have sJ_gDL7tkYy-00246-00197048-00197224 from price moving really fast sJ_gDL7tkYy-00247-00197432-00198136 even on the hour you've got this super fast moving that way fills that in just yeah 4140 yeah sJ_gDL7tkYy-00248-00198136-00198776 one around this area top of this range if we drop i mean we still have this low here to consider sJ_gDL7tkYy-00249-00198872-00199608 just below we've already reacted on it accordingly what's slight area here so slight buffer we have sJ_gDL7tkYy-00250-00199608-00200056 to play with here what we got we can drop further so we got this sJ_gDL7tkYy-00251-00200120-00200680 and we can hang around for a bit pull up we can just go down fill out everything then pull back up sJ_gDL7tkYy-00252-00200832-00201344 it's probably your options i mean your short was here if you missed it you missed it you're sJ_gDL7tkYy-00253-00201344-00201928 not looking too aggressively short this at least i'm not i'm just you just wait you just wait out sJ_gDL7tkYy-00254-00201928-00202400 to see where your lungs will possibly be uh if you can't get along off just look sJ_gDL7tkYy-00255-00202400-00203016 for a re-trade uh higher so let's say if price tries to climb up higher look out for that as a sJ_gDL7tkYy-00256-00203016-00203728 potential short down maybe uh if anything that's when you short because i mean you sJ_gDL7tkYy-00257-00203728-00204296 don't want to be chasing green or red candles and you're moving to that moving to the beat sJ_gDL7tkYy-00258-00204552-00204664 of the marker maker sJ_gDL7tkYy-00259-00205160-00206016 if i had a time machine oh no it's xbox why that's what's showing up sJ_gDL7tkYy-00260-00206136-00206808 you see all those bodies coming back down hopefully they turn a wider array of candles i sJ_gDL7tkYy-00261-00206808-00207352 don't like it i mean it's wide in this but it's just not like doing the wide array of candles sJ_gDL7tkYy-00262-00207352-00208080 coming down i'm gonna swipe it pull it back up that's your buy model uh depending on time it sJ_gDL7tkYy-00263-00208080-00208784 is 14 minutes till we get a 30 uh so we get some we should get something out of this sJ_gDL7tkYy-00264-00209056-00210184 let's wait for it sJ_gDL7tkYy-00265-00210840-00211128 and then after we get those data i'll probably call it as day sJ_gDL7tkYy-00266-00211184-00211704 and just been like out of it recently it's just what it is three three piece sJ_gDL7tkYy-00267-00212128-00212984 and it's a good time to be out because the market has been pretty much bs man sJ_gDL7tkYy-00268-00213128-00214384 what's up sJ_gDL7tkYy-00269-00215152-00215608 oh there we go already we had heads move time so we probably might get good sJ_gDL7tkYy-00270-00215776-00215904 just off of this move here sJ_gDL7tkYy-00271-00216119-00217184 that's bitcoin moving ahead of time just liquidating everything very aggressive sJ_gDL7tkYy-00272-00217280-00217976 uh this is the head of uh the news release so we've got 30 minutes i mean 15 uh 13 sJ_gDL7tkYy-00273-00217976-00218944 still 12 really uh but you want to see this probably might want to see the candle close and sJ_gDL7tkYy-00274-00218944-00219600 buy the kind of clothes if anything uh just off of this and you want to keep it very tight uh maybe sJ_gDL7tkYy-00275-00219600-00221384 wait for a bit more lower uh just like patient though yeah we are in three minutes that's why sJ_gDL7tkYy-00276-00221576-00222280 so basically we took out weekly liquidity here just a massive cascade these cells are starting sJ_gDL7tkYy-00277-00222280-00223000 to fill in i mean spot people are starting to finally die that's what we wanted pain sJ_gDL7tkYy-00278-00223471-00224248 okay if we can get more pain and get that into here drop it down come on come on come on you hoe sJ_gDL7tkYy-00279-00224360-00225584 come on you hoe give me something then give me something to work with sJ_gDL7tkYy-00280-00225984-00226512 looks like he's coming in trying to feel out this candle still looks like you'll potentially go down sJ_gDL7tkYy-00281-00226856-00226984 come on man sJ_gDL7tkYy-00282-00227328-00227728 as you can see this camera is coming up looking forward to fill out this area here sJ_gDL7tkYy-00283-00227728-00228384 drop it back down probably want to be on futures sJ_gDL7tkYy-00284-00229456-00229823 but we have that right large red dot fill out this candle probably sJ_gDL7tkYy-00285-00229823-00230544 go down but further i want to see it try to at least take out one of these walls here anything sJ_gDL7tkYy-00286-00230544-00231152 if you can achieve that potentially looking good another 10 minutes left we got a while sJ_gDL7tkYy-00287-00232367-00233984 okay let's switch his heat wherever you guys can see the color difference sJ_gDL7tkYy-00288-00234776-00234871 music there we go sJ_gDL7tkYy-00289-00235280-00235608 i don't really know like these colors because i mean like it's hard to tell like sJ_gDL7tkYy-00290-00235608-00236352 red which melts together when you get high walls just gets annoying unless you're like super close sJ_gDL7tkYy-00291-00236760-00237200 basically just kind of just achieved that filled out this it looks like they try to buy into this sJ_gDL7tkYy-00292-00237319-00238071 [__] idiot uh probably uh off of this end you're looking for one more swipe lower uh 8 30 sJ_gDL7tkYy-00293-00238071-00238560 is coming up probably looking for something good mate 30 considering we're already swiping down sJ_gDL7tkYy-00294-00238696-00238792 drop each drop sJ_gDL7tkYy-00295-00239088-00239888 oh no only here we go i mean he's already gave you the retail sJ_gDL7tkYy-00296-00240192-00240592 he still hasn't taken out anything just what the [__] it's just been lazy sJ_gDL7tkYy-00297-00240696-00240992 i got shot from east from just go sJ_gDL7tkYy-00298-00241144-00241608 yeah east is one of those ones i don't know why it's just it's just been really strong recently sJ_gDL7tkYy-00299-00242016-00242352 hopefully today's day there you go starts moving down again sJ_gDL7tkYy-00300-00242352-00242744 you're looking for i just dropped back down again this camera just looking to fill out sJ_gDL7tkYy-00301-00242744-00243176 this area here from the looks of those those where those wicks went sJ_gDL7tkYy-00302-00243584-00243912 again you're looking for extension lower take out the liquidity sJ_gDL7tkYy-00303-00243912-00244552 check out the range again this becomes uh 25 perfect this is 25 from here between the sJ_gDL7tkYy-00304-00244552-00245184 25 from here will be somewhere there like it can't be us drawing out it's just right there sJ_gDL7tkYy-00305-00245456-00246064 so i mean if we were shoe rage here we'd i doubt we do because news actually was too tight it was sJ_gDL7tkYy-00306-00246064-00246584 at eight nine o'clock actually eight thirty nine nine nine thirty so it's perfect on open sJ_gDL7tkYy-00307-00246664-00247312 opening speech ah got that and this miscreants 10 o'clock they have a lot more data they just sJ_gDL7tkYy-00308-00247312-00248080 have everything coming in for this i mean but it's just like i mean yeah this uh jesus sJ_gDL7tkYy-00309-00248440-00248616 crude oil stock is that crashing sJ_gDL7tkYy-00310-00248752-00249384 that crush is that the crushing oklahoma delivery hub bros barrels ended up for ejection sJ_gDL7tkYy-00311-00250160-00250784 see they're trying to get that oh sJ_gDL7tkYy-00312-00251864-00252112 i mean you're not really you're just looking to trade this you're sJ_gDL7tkYy-00313-00252112-00252656 not looking for biases off of this uh like hell this is gonna be really rough sJ_gDL7tkYy-00314-00252888-00253584 seven more minutes let's see where we where we come up at where we come short on to her sJ_gDL7tkYy-00315-00255119-00255752 i think i think now's trying to probably close some trades if anything or put stops sJ_gDL7tkYy-00316-00255752-00256384 up just in case it just it just does a dildo candle all the way to the moon sJ_gDL7tkYy-00317-00256880-00257232 i know because it's always it's always nice to capture some profit even on like sJ_gDL7tkYy-00318-00257232-00257984 massive swipe ups but you can always re-short later and you'll just be able to say it's like oh sJ_gDL7tkYy-00319-00257984-00258519 man i had to improv it for this long and it went up and swiped out oh my god i felt like an area sJ_gDL7tkYy-00320-00259048-00259352 there we go we're finally looking to come down and to hit these walls sJ_gDL7tkYy-00321-00260400-00261000 yeah i mean yeah i mean it is what it is like you don't want to like unless you can know the sJ_gDL7tkYy-00322-00261000-00261800 direction and direction tends to i mean from from my side it looks like potential upwards sJ_gDL7tkYy-00323-00261800-00262456 momentum from this news there's potentially good news i mean at this point i think sJ_gDL7tkYy-00324-00262528-00263216 we have some good news rally a bit drop it down spike it down whoops basically whip so i mean sJ_gDL7tkYy-00325-00263304-00263584 like but you're looking to buy the second end of the whip sJ_gDL7tkYy-00326-00263712-00264408 like for instance i mean no not this one everyone says this one this way went up gage sJ_gDL7tkYy-00327-00264408-00264848 gave you that slight move up to this area just didn't didn't break this area though sJ_gDL7tkYy-00328-00265424-00265560 i mean that nice little sJ_gDL7tkYy-00329-00265776-00266184 doji college or spinning top to end the whip sJ_gDL7tkYy-00330-00267736-00268984 come on four more minutes t minus four e two four span that ass sJ_gDL7tkYy-00331-00269256-00269872 i won't see how deep it goes i mean it's that's 96k already uh let's see what spot is that now sJ_gDL7tkYy-00332-00269872-00270536 it means it's dropping fast as you can see just insane drop already it's lost 400 here sJ_gDL7tkYy-00333-00270624-00271048 so probably looking closer to reversing this then than i thought sJ_gDL7tkYy-00334-00271296-00271672 or trying correct against this because it's look how fast this is that's a lot of sJ_gDL7tkYy-00335-00271728-00273184 a lot of bits picked up for free here uh insane to think about sJ_gDL7tkYy-00336-00273288-00273760 and everything here just sure this entire session has just been sure oh my god sJ_gDL7tkYy-00337-00274192-00274656 slightly i don't want to hit a bit in the bed a bit bit deeper sJ_gDL7tkYy-00338-00274920-00275984 letting it drop actually now they're adding to it so it's interesting uh it's like getting some ice sJ_gDL7tkYy-00339-00276176-00276432 yeah see we're getting some random ads you see sJ_gDL7tkYy-00340-00276432-00276776 there's some random answers that's what you call iceberging which is very fast sJ_gDL7tkYy-00341-00276840-00277384 moving it up a bit oh looks like they're trying to upload ahead of time sJ_gDL7tkYy-00342-00277592-00278784 another two more minutes sJ_gDL7tkYy-00343-00281248-00281584 so just on this ring email sJ_gDL7tkYy-00344-00281784-00282000 getting ready getting ready sJ_gDL7tkYy-00345-00282216-00282984 come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on sJ_gDL7tkYy-00346-00284024-00284584 now the next candle like we look for if it comes up just to here pins out goes down spreads lower sJ_gDL7tkYy-00347-00284648-00284960 but i mean i think that happened with opening the range here if anything sJ_gDL7tkYy-00348-00285040-00285784 you see we'll see what they end up doing for this range sJ_gDL7tkYy-00349-00286128-00287184 one more minute oh oh oh we're getting jitters huh sJ_gDL7tkYy-00350-00289832-00291384 this will be very sort of lost if they do this sJ_gDL7tkYy-00351-00292200-00292784 um sJ_gDL7tkYy-00352-00294840-00295584 okay let's go okay should be moving now sJ_gDL7tkYy-00353-00295936-00296440 why news ain't coming no it's coming just not here sJ_gDL7tkYy-00354-00296784-00297104 i'm drinking this dirty ugh there you go sJ_gDL7tkYy-00355-00297360-00298104 i mean no growth in retail sales is annoying that means yeah if sJ_gDL7tkYy-00356-00298104-00298632 seriously no cells okay that's bearish oof let's see if you can get that swipes sJ_gDL7tkYy-00357-00298984-00299784 i miss oh yeah hello i mean uh sJ_gDL7tkYy-00358-00300264-00300856 yeah excluding auto mobile yeah i mean sure excluding sJ_gDL7tkYy-00359-00301104-00301392 that's pretty good day here i guess if you're looking at that sJ_gDL7tkYy-00360-00301496-00301672 wait where did it go where where did it go sJ_gDL7tkYy-00361-00301992-00302008 well sJ_gDL7tkYy-00362-00302392-00302848 trying to trick me up these shoes yeah i mean i think it's mainly for cars and stuff that's sJ_gDL7tkYy-00363-00302848-00303288 dropping it down but excluding cars month or months being growing which is great because sJ_gDL7tkYy-00364-00303288-00303992 they're expecting it that's really good data uh retail sales oh yeah retail that's grown like sJ_gDL7tkYy-00365-00303992-00304440 financially from a year and year which i mean the previous years i mean that's coveted area i mean sJ_gDL7tkYy-00366-00304528-00305184 it's just uh jesus that's probably yeah that's like accession pulling back up so we're seeing sJ_gDL7tkYy-00367-00305184-00305616 some level of growth supported by the government so it's decent uh decent sJ_gDL7tkYy-00368-00305616-00306408 news looks like he's in large pop i think they're waiting for the uh fed barman speech sJ_gDL7tkYy-00369-00306744-00307368 we'll see uh see what we get out of him let's see if he says any dumb [__] if it does then sJ_gDL7tkYy-00370-00307368-00308072 we're probably looking to punch it doesn't sound like 9 30 if anything uh this just is setting up sJ_gDL7tkYy-00371-00308072-00308904 with it so go up go down go uh it's good so we get the couple of minutes or an hour i think it sJ_gDL7tkYy-00372-00308904-00309560 is an hour between the two not a huge drop yeah it would not be it's pretty split in the terms sJ_gDL7tkYy-00373-00309560-00310224 data yeah so we got an hour to set up so we've got ours set up if anything we go up sJ_gDL7tkYy-00374-00310320-00310984 uh in the hour we hit back into this he speaks it goes down pulls back up sJ_gDL7tkYy-00375-00311088-00311624 and because that will also be open if anything uh so that's probably what you're looking for sJ_gDL7tkYy-00376-00311680-00312320 uh we're seeing oh yes just slamming down some down ahead of time i want to see this come up sJ_gDL7tkYy-00377-00312320-00312936 slowly we've got a lot of shorts out in profit and insane amount of shorts are in perfect unless sJ_gDL7tkYy-00378-00312936-00313520 these guys are taking out like instantly on this bit but i doubt it so a lot of trolls in profit so sJ_gDL7tkYy-00379-00313600-00314248 definitely look to see these guys get get greedy and just go whoop take that actually no don't do sJ_gDL7tkYy-00380-00314248-00314944 that actually that that would be counterintuitive to my trade uh please i'm sure yes from 31 sJ_gDL7tkYy-00381-00315368-00315848 yeah i i i realized what i was saying i'm like no i i i don't want it to show i don't want it to go sJ_gDL7tkYy-00382-00315848-00316584 up i wanted to go down it's not i'm in the same boat any last shot yes hey that's nice nice one sJ_gDL7tkYy-00383-00317208-00317544 what do you think actually yeah what's the reason for taking that trade sJ_gDL7tkYy-00384-00317656-00318216 let me tell you my reason my reasoning was uh just i felt like it oh you're gonna stop me i felt like sJ_gDL7tkYy-00385-00318424-00318760 target is target zero i'll hell yeah man always target zero sJ_gDL7tkYy-00386-00318968-00319296 god damn looks like he had more effect on uh yes sJ_gDL7tkYy-00387-00319384-00320008 might look first snap back more aggressively uh yeah if it starts moving out out of uh sync sJ_gDL7tkYy-00388-00320312-00321264 okay nice still using magic numbers cool yeah because it sleeps a valid reason to take that out sJ_gDL7tkYy-00389-00321320-00321720 pull it back up push trap small liquidity here sJ_gDL7tkYy-00390-00321720-00322240 push back down so fake fake woman feed the fickle pumper sJ_gDL7tkYy-00391-00322760-00322792 yeah sJ_gDL7tkYy-00392-00323040-00323584 they were [__] they look like a [__] sJ_gDL7tkYy-00393-00323672-00324224 uh i like how moving average it's a lot faster it's probably one of my favorite moving averages sJ_gDL7tkYy-00394-00324224-00324880 i don't know about for macd because macd is just a garbage uh it's just garbage because sJ_gDL7tkYy-00395-00324880-00325560 you'll have to always tweak settings anytime you move from back and forth uh one to another but sJ_gDL7tkYy-00396-00325680-00325968 that's what that's what i'm gonna leave off on in terms of sJ_gDL7tkYy-00397-00326608-00327784 let's go sJ_gDL7tkYy-00398-00329048-00329624 wait for the range set uh if anything just based on this and based on past experiences this does sJ_gDL7tkYy-00399-00329624-00330256 this it will go up but you'll you'll probably might do this from with the news release uh just sJ_gDL7tkYy-00400-00330256-00330952 trick you uh guys out so that's something you've got to be wary of yep the fed has little brains sJ_gDL7tkYy-00401-00331384-00331504 yeah that's funny sJ_gDL7tkYy-00402-00331944-00332528 so we've got a lot of unga bunga uh coming out 9 30 and 2 est sJ_gDL7tkYy-00403-00332600-00333144 so third minute fomc minutes are probably the most important uh out of the day so if sJ_gDL7tkYy-00404-00333144-00333632 we start coming up to it and you want to always like you like to do the opposite sJ_gDL7tkYy-00405-00333632-00334376 if anything you get some whips or wait and you just come you cut you have the climax to the news sJ_gDL7tkYy-00406-00334376-00334872 then you've got the news uh does the opposite climax the news got the news sJ_gDL7tkYy-00407-00335040-00335680 climax of the news got you got some news it might not be always perfect but again you're expecting sJ_gDL7tkYy-00408-00335680-00336680 up potential just like small scalp like it's like high leverage push justify that if it goes up high sJ_gDL7tkYy-00409-00336680-00337200 it goes up high and you're not arguing with that and then you're dropping that down if you're at sJ_gDL7tkYy-00410-00337200-00337928 9 30 you're closing that 9 30 to see if there's a potential uh to swipe the range low at 10 uh sJ_gDL7tkYy-00411-00338016-00338720 at yeah until like 10 so 9 45 10. you want to see those candle make up but again potentially sJ_gDL7tkYy-00412-00338720-00339096 looking for that swipe up after it sort of corrects yourself out of this area sJ_gDL7tkYy-00413-00339896-00340576 i see where yes is that yes oh no yes yes it's slowly coming back up sJ_gDL7tkYy-00414-00340864-00341280 oops if i ever saw one looks like they're having too much fun playing with this but sJ_gDL7tkYy-00415-00341352-00341728 it comes with a longer term view and this is why i like longer time view just because you can see sJ_gDL7tkYy-00416-00341728-00342272 what hasn't been hit in terms of the currency wise and what's uh just popped up you saw just sJ_gDL7tkYy-00417-00342272-00342968 a large dot just get eaten pulled back up just looking for it to be bullish some ah some level sJ_gDL7tkYy-00418-00342968-00343632 assemblance just because this is just a slow bleed that means slowly sharp move up get some get some sJ_gDL7tkYy-00419-00343632-00344368 retail guys in pull it back down maybe touch the view up if anything if we're lucky uh 20 42 87 sJ_gDL7tkYy-00420-00344432-00345984 get that back down from there and push up uh into crypto as an experimented traditional trader um sJ_gDL7tkYy-00421-00346040-00346672 uh yeah i have a lot of resources uh posting discord in one form or another uh so number one sJ_gDL7tkYy-00422-00346672-00347288 join the discord and number two uh get some crack number number three question mark number four sJ_gDL7tkYy-00423-00347288-00347944 profit uh yeah so join the discord it's on the bottom left in terms of on my screen it's just sJ_gDL7tkYy-00424-00347944-00348280 if you just type in inside movement on the discord you should find it like you should go sJ_gDL7tkYy-00425-00348280-00348984 in here and go go and join yourself and you just type it perhaps i've got a new keyboard manual sJ_gDL7tkYy-00426-00349392-00349968 oh yeah just have it inside me when you can join this you can join my server i've got a lot of sJ_gDL7tkYy-00427-00349968-00350760 resources just here and there like your books your webs you've got entire archive of stuff i i would sJ_gDL7tkYy-00428-00350760-00351528 just go through some of this stuff uh it's just a rule of thumb but mainly there's like potatoes so sJ_gDL7tkYy-00429-00351528-00352240 you can go through i would recommend the the be a btmm series that's really fun serious what true sJ_gDL7tkYy-00430-00352320-00353104 uh there's just a lot of things to do but i mean just have a gander at the discord stuff sJ_gDL7tkYy-00431-00353192-00353680 uh learn order flow uh if you if you're if you're coming off of uh sJ_gDL7tkYy-00432-00353880-00354296 uh let's see if you're coming off traditional markets the only sort of change you gotta adjust sJ_gDL7tkYy-00433-00354296-00354864 for is it being 24 hours so other markets affecting it and the other market cycles sJ_gDL7tkYy-00434-00355240-00355936 so yeah there's a lot of resources there and it's just free i've got something like for the vip only sJ_gDL7tkYy-00435-00355936-00356528 and that's like a whole you know it's just because i'm feeling bored uh let's let's find it yeah sJ_gDL7tkYy-00436-00356720-00356840 there we go let's find out for you sJ_gDL7tkYy-00437-00357128-00357632 gregory yeah they put stuff here we're gonna put something here so let's jump into this sJ_gDL7tkYy-00438-00357760-00358632 you got stuff here there you go sJ_gDL7tkYy-00439-00358632-00358864 yeah it made it into one word sJ_gDL7tkYy-00440-00359400-00360032 why does it make i made it into it makes it one word okay cool sJ_gDL7tkYy-00441-00360032-00360264 there you go for those who don't have it sJ_gDL7tkYy-00442-00360816-00361312 yes those are pretty nice there's a lot in there if you want my recommendations sJ_gDL7tkYy-00443-00361312-00361728 just asking the discord people give you recommendations they already know what i like sJ_gDL7tkYy-00444-00361832-00362136 uh there's also books and stuff there so if you're going sJ_gDL7tkYy-00445-00362136-00362960 down back into the free area here you have a bunch of books you go and click into this one sJ_gDL7tkYy-00446-00362960-00363648 and you can just search for stuff i i have a lot of recommendations pinned to this one yeah sJ_gDL7tkYy-00447-00364160-00364528 there you go all the way up here this is like what i recommend sJ_gDL7tkYy-00448-00364592-00364952 uh psychology and stuff like that i mean it's just the same [__] sJ_gDL7tkYy-00449-00365384-00365856 yeah sure we checked that in caller a day xct is just one of those coins sJ_gDL7tkYy-00450-00365856-00366984 i used to trade a lot which is now just like ugh sJ_gDL7tkYy-00451-00367520-00368384 what's this pre-launch [__] what the hello sJ_gDL7tkYy-00452-00368760-00368872 oh what is this sJ_gDL7tkYy-00453-00369304-00369784 what is this chapman yeah sJ_gDL7tkYy-00454-00370440-00371224 yeah i also call no it's just got courses from like a bunch of areas so like sJ_gDL7tkYy-00455-00371224-00372000 i managed to get someone to give me like a bunch of uh like just a ton of [__] and it just but sJ_gDL7tkYy-00456-00372000-00372488 it's just bundled with everything that you people want wanted to get pirated from course of course sJ_gDL7tkYy-00457-00372488-00373984 wise so it teach people it will teach you how to porn will teach you how to sex basically sJ_gDL7tkYy-00458-00374176-00374592 uh make sure you don't share that out too much because otherwise it gets taken down and that's sJ_gDL7tkYy-00459-00374592-00375384 just a and it can't be us putting him back up once it gets taken down you dig you dig sJ_gDL7tkYy-00460-00376760-00377400 yeah i mean it's pretty much aggressively on the highs missed out on the weekly target pulls back sJ_gDL7tkYy-00461-00377400-00378008 in took out liquidity up here push it back down probably your safe bet is waiting for sJ_gDL7tkYy-00462-00378008-00378576 it to try and trade internal candles remember it's just like garbage in terms of movements sJ_gDL7tkYy-00463-00378656-00379208 but you're looking for a try maybe to turn this straight down to see if it does end up doing that sJ_gDL7tkYy-00464-00379296-00380072 because most likely you'll bleed into the uh 1.83 around this area is probably your where sJ_gDL7tkYy-00465-00380072-00380696 you're saying and you know what you're probably fine uh if this pushes down sorry you swipe this sJ_gDL7tkYy-00466-00380696-00381512 liquid to point out maybe we get a swing at this in terms of a push uh push pull back down sJ_gDL7tkYy-00467-00381576-00382112 but again i kind of like in this consolidation area if you consul if it comes back into this you sJ_gDL7tkYy-00468-00382112-00382664 could potentially buy into it but other than that there's no point buying into whatever this is now sJ_gDL7tkYy-00469-00382664-00383216 this just looks like a b formation high because more times that will come down sJ_gDL7tkYy-00470-00383400-00383704 okay i'm gonna end things here we've been we've been going for sJ_gDL7tkYy-00471-00383704-00384488 a lot of time uh and i know that sounds pretty weird but like i mean we're done waiting for sJ_gDL7tkYy-00472-00384488-00385184 what we wanted to wait for now it's time for you guys to trade the markets sJ_gDL7tkYy-00473-00385272-00386584 so you guys know what to expect hopefully i'll catch you guys later peace sL0m0rTBtqy-00000-00000535-00001026 The use of textbooks in university courses is sL0m0rTBtqy-00001-00001026-00001126 as common as ice cream on a hot summer day. sL0m0rTBtqy-00002-00001126-00001643 On average, students in the US spend about $600 per year on textbooks. sL0m0rTBtqy-00003-00001643-00002183 Canadian students spend around $385 per semester. sL0m0rTBtqy-00004-00002183-00002706 Commercial textbooks are expensive and students report that these prices negatively impact sL0m0rTBtqy-00005-00002706-00002958 their learning and time to graduation. sL0m0rTBtqy-00006-00002958-00003465 But, as some professors have discovered, there is an alternative to the expensive textbooks sL0m0rTBtqy-00007-00003465-00003729 that come from commercial publishers. sL0m0rTBtqy-00008-00003729-00004118 These alternatives are called open educational resources, or OER. sL0m0rTBtqy-00009-00004118-00004769 OER are teaching and learning materials that are free and give students permissions to sL0m0rTBtqy-00010-00004769-00005042 access, read, and share them. sL0m0rTBtqy-00011-00005042-00005599 These resources come with licenses that allow instructors to revise or remix them sL0m0rTBtqy-00012-00005599-00005796 to better fit with their courses. sL0m0rTBtqy-00013-00005796-00006060 Some professors already use OER. sL0m0rTBtqy-00014-00006060-00006556 Others have not even heard of them, but when they do, they wonder if these free resources sL0m0rTBtqy-00015-00006556-00007186 are as effective, or of the same quality, as the textbooks they currently use. sL0m0rTBtqy-00016-00007186-00007663 Over the past few years, several researchers have been studying Open Educational Resources. sL0m0rTBtqy-00017-00007663-00008214 Dr. John Hilton recently published a systematic analysis of how the effectiveness of these sL0m0rTBtqy-00018-00008214-00008700 resources, and of the perceptions students and professors have about them. sL0m0rTBtqy-00019-00008700-00009160 Based on the results of this research we think that open educational resources have the potential sL0m0rTBtqy-00020-00009160-00009485 to make higher education more accessible to students. sL0m0rTBtqy-00021-00009485-00009850 Dr. Hilton’s paper focused on the available literature. sL0m0rTBtqy-00022-00009850-00010425 The literature consisted of 16 empirical studies that examined courses where OER had replaced sL0m0rTBtqy-00023-00010425-00010608 traditional textbooks. sL0m0rTBtqy-00024-00010608-00011119 Some of these studies looked at learning outcomes sL0m0rTBtqy-00025-00011119-00011386 and student success rates to judge how effective these resources were. sL0m0rTBtqy-00026-00011386-00011856 Others looked at the perceptions students and professors had of open educational resources. sL0m0rTBtqy-00027-00011856-00012274 Here’s what the analysis of these studies showed. sL0m0rTBtqy-00028-00012274-00012706 The studies that looked at the effectiveness of OER generally compared groups of students sL0m0rTBtqy-00029-00012706-00013196 who had used the resources to groups that had used the textbook. sL0m0rTBtqy-00030-00013196-00013711 Most of these studies found that students who used the OER had higher test scores, lower sL0m0rTBtqy-00031-00013711-00014383 failure rates, or lower dropout rates than students who had used the traditional textbook. sL0m0rTBtqy-00032-00014383-00014919 Only one study suggested that OER were connected with sL0m0rTBtqy-00033-00014919-00015122 lower levels of success for some of the students. sL0m0rTBtqy-00034-00015122-00015586 The studies that looked at student and professor perceptions of OER revealed that the majority sL0m0rTBtqy-00035-00015586-00016008 of students and professors viewed open educational resources positively. sL0m0rTBtqy-00036-00016008-00016608 A sizeable majority felt that OER were of better quality than traditional textbooks; sL0m0rTBtqy-00037-00016608-00017364 about half said they were of similar quality; and only a few thought the OER were inferior. sL0m0rTBtqy-00038-00017364-00017690 Students liked OER because they were free. sL0m0rTBtqy-00039-00017690-00018149 Professors liked the open content and up-to-date material. sL0m0rTBtqy-00040-00018149-00018658 In his paper, Dr. Hilton is careful to note that none of the studies he reviewed claimed sL0m0rTBtqy-00041-00018658-00019093 that OER caused higher test scores or fewer drop outs. sL0m0rTBtqy-00042-00019093-00019515 Many studies had design limitations that might have influenced their findings. sL0m0rTBtqy-00043-00019515-00020019 For example, in a number of studies the open education resources were just one part of sL0m0rTBtqy-00044-00020019-00020512 a larger course re-design such as flipping or blending. sL0m0rTBtqy-00045-00020512-00020917 Full summaries and critiques of each of the studies are included in the paper, and can sL0m0rTBtqy-00046-00020917-00021168 be found on the website of the Open Education Group: http://openedgroup.org/review sL0m0rTBtqy-00047-00021168-00021510 which is constantly being updated to include new material. sL0m0rTBtqy-00048-00021510-00021919 To recap, there are two key findings in this work. sL0m0rTBtqy-00049-00021919-00022466 First, using open educational resources does not decrease student learning. sL0m0rTBtqy-00050-00022466-00023124 Students generally did better, not worse when using free OER compared to expensive textbooks. sL0m0rTBtqy-00051-00023124-00023804 Second, OER are generally perceived to be as good as, if not better than, sL0m0rTBtqy-00052-00023804-00023980 traditional textbooks. sL0m0rTBtqy-00053-00023980-00024464 Students and professors both expressed that OER were of high quality, and, unlike printed sL0m0rTBtqy-00054-00024464-00024799 textbooks, they offered flexibility. sL0m0rTBtqy-00055-00024799-00025196 These findings should lead us to question the value of traditional textbooks. sL0m0rTBtqy-00056-00025196-00025782 As Dr. Hilton asks: If the average college student spends so much money on textbooks sL0m0rTBtqy-00057-00025782-00026352 and yet performs no better than the student who uses free OER, what exactly is being purchased sL0m0rTBtqy-00058-00026352-00026557 with all that money? sL0m0rTBtqy-00059-00026557-00026972 A more detailed discussion of these significant implications can be found in the published sL0m0rTBtqy-00060-00026972-00027150 paper. sL0m0rTBtqy-00061-00027150-00027293 Thanks a lot for tuning in. sL0m0rTBtqy-00062-00027293-00027777 If you liked the summary of this paper, please share it with your friends, colleagues, and students! sOfV2hDJCoc-00000-00000011-00000094 - What's up, you guys? sOfV2hDJCoc-00001-00000094-00000206 It's Shane. sOfV2hDJCoc-00002-00000206-00000393 This is a question that's been coming up a lot lately sOfV2hDJCoc-00003-00000393-00000645 and to be honest with you, it's kind of a confusing question sOfV2hDJCoc-00004-00000645-00000994 and it's not sort of like a one-size-fits-all sort of answer sOfV2hDJCoc-00005-00000994-00001153 so I thought I'd make this video sOfV2hDJCoc-00006-00001153-00001373 to break it down step-by-step sOfV2hDJCoc-00007-00001373-00001671 which one is better to invest in sOfV2hDJCoc-00008-00001671-00001920 out of the Roth IRA and the 401k, sOfV2hDJCoc-00009-00001920-00002082 and then break it down to you even further sOfV2hDJCoc-00010-00002082-00002256 and figure out which one is gonna be better sOfV2hDJCoc-00011-00002256-00002465 for your specific situation sOfV2hDJCoc-00012-00002465-00002599 and which one is gonna end up making you sOfV2hDJCoc-00013-00002599-00002860 the most money in the long run. sOfV2hDJCoc-00014-00002860-00003064 Seriously, if you're at all confused sOfV2hDJCoc-00015-00003064-00003379 about which one will be better for your specific situation sOfV2hDJCoc-00016-00003379-00003500 or which one would be better for you sOfV2hDJCoc-00017-00003500-00003779 to invest in in the long run, it's your lucky day, sOfV2hDJCoc-00018-00003779-00004092 because just by watching this video until the end sOfV2hDJCoc-00019-00004092-00004344 and understanding a few of these simple concepts sOfV2hDJCoc-00020-00004344-00004662 will make it to where I can pretty much guarantee you sOfV2hDJCoc-00021-00004662-00004775 that you will save tens of thousands sOfV2hDJCoc-00022-00004775-00005194 if not hundreds of thousands of dollars in the long run, sOfV2hDJCoc-00023-00005194-00005350 which means you'll be able to basically buy sOfV2hDJCoc-00024-00005350-00005524 anything you want, sOfV2hDJCoc-00025-00005524-00005850 you'll be able to just eat hummus on the beach all day long, sOfV2hDJCoc-00026-00005850-00006065 and have someone feed you grapes sOfV2hDJCoc-00027-00006065-00006249 and hire somebody to fan you. sOfV2hDJCoc-00028-00006249-00006447 And I know that guaranteeing anything sOfV2hDJCoc-00029-00006447-00006731 is a very bold claim to make, sOfV2hDJCoc-00030-00006731-00006864 but I can pretty much guarantee you sOfV2hDJCoc-00031-00006864-00007194 that if you pay attention, watch the video till the very end sOfV2hDJCoc-00032-00007194-00007358 and you smash that like button sOfV2hDJCoc-00033-00007358-00007587 because this video took forever to make, sOfV2hDJCoc-00034-00007587-00007745 then you'll understand exactly why sOfV2hDJCoc-00035-00007745-00008066 and that will help you to make a good decision for you. sOfV2hDJCoc-00036-00008066-00008384 And in turn, you will save a ton of money. sOfV2hDJCoc-00037-00008384-00008604 So, first thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna basically go over sOfV2hDJCoc-00038-00008604-00008851 what a 401k is and a Roth IRA is, sOfV2hDJCoc-00039-00008851-00009196 and then, I'm gonna go over the pros and cons of each one. sOfV2hDJCoc-00040-00009196-00009478 401k is basically a retirement plan sOfV2hDJCoc-00041-00009478-00009645 that is sponsored by your employer, sOfV2hDJCoc-00042-00009645-00009902 and it basically allows you to take sOfV2hDJCoc-00043-00009902-00010050 a piece of your paycheck out sOfV2hDJCoc-00044-00010050-00010257 before you actually get a paycheck sOfV2hDJCoc-00045-00010257-00010625 and invest that piece of money before you get the check sOfV2hDJCoc-00046-00010625-00010822 and before you're taxed. sOfV2hDJCoc-00047-00010822-00011133 It's basically pre-tax, pre-paycheck money. sOfV2hDJCoc-00048-00011133-00011301 Now, a lot of the time, different employers sOfV2hDJCoc-00049-00011301-00011487 will offer some sort of matching program sOfV2hDJCoc-00050-00011487-00011774 where they'll basically match the amount of money sOfV2hDJCoc-00051-00011774-00011964 that you put in your 401k. sOfV2hDJCoc-00052-00011964-00012228 Maybe up to 5% of your paycheck, sOfV2hDJCoc-00053-00012228-00012383 they will match dollar for dollar, sOfV2hDJCoc-00054-00012383-00012660 and so if you're making $50,000, sOfV2hDJCoc-00055-00012660-00013041 they will match you as long as you put up the 2,500, sOfV2hDJCoc-00056-00013041-00013334 they'll match you an additional 2,500. sOfV2hDJCoc-00057-00013334-00013493 And if your employer offers this, sOfV2hDJCoc-00058-00013493-00013681 you pretty much have to take it. sOfV2hDJCoc-00059-00013681-00013911 I mean, it is basically free money. sOfV2hDJCoc-00060-00013911-00014061 Like if your employer offers that, sOfV2hDJCoc-00061-00014061-00014391 definitely, definitely go for that up to the point sOfV2hDJCoc-00062-00014391-00014528 where they stop matching. sOfV2hDJCoc-00063-00014528-00014658 Now, another thing about the 401k sOfV2hDJCoc-00064-00014658-00015158 is it has a 19,000 dollar contribution limit as of 2019, sOfV2hDJCoc-00065-00015232-00015503 and not the lot more than what the IRA offers, sOfV2hDJCoc-00066-00015503-00015684 so you can put quite a bit of money sOfV2hDJCoc-00067-00015684-00015975 into your 401k every single year. sOfV2hDJCoc-00068-00015975-00016168 Another great thing about the 401k sOfV2hDJCoc-00069-00016168-00016450 is you can use it as a bit of a tax writeoff. sOfV2hDJCoc-00070-00016450-00016806 So, any amount of money that you put into the 401k sOfV2hDJCoc-00071-00016806-00017017 doesn't get taxed that year. sOfV2hDJCoc-00072-00017017-00017291 So, if you're in a slightly higher tax bracket, sOfV2hDJCoc-00073-00017291-00017665 you could put a certain out of money into your 401k sOfV2hDJCoc-00074-00017665-00018032 and get yourself down to a lower tax bracket by doing that. sOfV2hDJCoc-00075-00018032-00018394 As an example, if you you make $50,000 a year sOfV2hDJCoc-00076-00018394-00018709 and you put $5000 into your 401k, sOfV2hDJCoc-00077-00018709-00019150 you would only get tax $45,000 a year, pretty simple. sOfV2hDJCoc-00078-00019150-00019320 To take this a step further, let's say, sOfV2hDJCoc-00079-00019320-00019571 you're making $50,000 a year sOfV2hDJCoc-00080-00019571-00019848 and you put $11,000 into your 401k sOfV2hDJCoc-00081-00019848-00020252 so therefore, your profit is showing as $39,000 a year. sOfV2hDJCoc-00082-00020252-00020567 Well, you'd go into a lower tax bracket. sOfV2hDJCoc-00083-00020567-00020910 You could potentially pay 10% less on the profit sOfV2hDJCoc-00084-00020910-00021253 that you make because you're in a lower tax bracket. sOfV2hDJCoc-00085-00021253-00021433 Now, this is all kinda complicated sOfV2hDJCoc-00086-00021433-00021809 and you you do have to basically talk to a professional sOfV2hDJCoc-00087-00021809-00022022 that's in your state because different things sOfV2hDJCoc-00088-00022022-00022229 can make it more complicated. sOfV2hDJCoc-00089-00022229-00022516 I'm simplifying things like quite a bit here sOfV2hDJCoc-00090-00022516-00022967 so you do need to look into your specific situation, sOfV2hDJCoc-00091-00022967-00023173 speak with a licensed CPA sOfV2hDJCoc-00092-00023173-00023362 that is familiar with your state. sOfV2hDJCoc-00093-00023362-00023571 And then another advantage of the 401k sOfV2hDJCoc-00094-00023571-00023750 is you're not taxed now, sOfV2hDJCoc-00095-00023750-00024043 you're taxed later when you pull it out. sOfV2hDJCoc-00096-00024043-00024249 If you're planning on not making sOfV2hDJCoc-00097-00024249-00024447 as much money later on in life, sOfV2hDJCoc-00098-00024447-00024635 for instance, if you're retired, sOfV2hDJCoc-00099-00024635-00024799 then this is perfect for you sOfV2hDJCoc-00100-00024799-00024929 because you wouldn't have to pay sOfV2hDJCoc-00101-00024929-00025227 as much in taxes later on in life. sOfV2hDJCoc-00102-00025227-00025362 But that's actually one of the cons sOfV2hDJCoc-00103-00025362-00025670 of doing the 401k as well, sOfV2hDJCoc-00104-00025670-00026052 because if you do end up making more money later on in life, sOfV2hDJCoc-00105-00026052-00026338 you're going to end up paying even more in taxes sOfV2hDJCoc-00106-00026338-00026727 than if you would've just pay taxes at the very beginning sOfV2hDJCoc-00107-00026727-00027045 when you were first contributing to your 401k. sOfV2hDJCoc-00108-00027045-00027304 And another thing is that you can only keep your 401k sOfV2hDJCoc-00109-00027304-00027585 until your 70 and a half years old. sOfV2hDJCoc-00110-00027585-00027949 At that age you are forced to withdraw it. sOfV2hDJCoc-00111-00027949-00028135 And the problem with that is the market sOfV2hDJCoc-00112-00028135-00028376 could be down at that time, like, sOfV2hDJCoc-00113-00028376-00028688 let's say the market crashes right when you turn 70, sOfV2hDJCoc-00114-00028688-00028974 and it hasn't recovered by the time you're 70 and a half, sOfV2hDJCoc-00115-00028974-00029289 well, your kinda gonna be SOL. sOfV2hDJCoc-00116-00029289-00029527 And because of this, you really have the time sOfV2hDJCoc-00117-00029527-00029727 when you pull your 401k out sOfV2hDJCoc-00118-00029727-00029934 and you have to really get strategic sOfV2hDJCoc-00119-00029934-00030218 and figure out when you're gonna pull it out sOfV2hDJCoc-00120-00030218-00030382 and when you're gonna retire. sOfV2hDJCoc-00121-00030382-00030739 Now, another problem with the 401k is in the event sOfV2hDJCoc-00122-00030739-00030974 that taxes get higher in the future sOfV2hDJCoc-00123-00030974-00031249 which there is a very good chance sOfV2hDJCoc-00124-00031249-00031580 that taxes will get higher in the future, sOfV2hDJCoc-00125-00031580-00031797 like a very good chance, sOfV2hDJCoc-00126-00031797-00032045 just look at the US debt right now, sOfV2hDJCoc-00127-00032045-00032514 I mean, we are so far in debt, sOfV2hDJCoc-00128-00032514-00032752 how do you think the US is gonna pay off sOfV2hDJCoc-00129-00032752-00033067 that interest to other countries in the future? sOfV2hDJCoc-00130-00033067-00033264 They're gonna have to tax us more. sOfV2hDJCoc-00131-00033264-00033488 So, I would say that there is a very good chance sOfV2hDJCoc-00132-00033488-00033792 that taxes are actually going to be higher in the future sOfV2hDJCoc-00133-00033792-00033992 than they are right now. sOfV2hDJCoc-00134-00033992-00034492 And if that happens, you will actually end up paying more sOfV2hDJCoc-00135-00034540-00034964 for taxes than if you were to have just pay taxes now. sOfV2hDJCoc-00136-00034964-00035160 And another con for the 401k sOfV2hDJCoc-00137-00035160-00035583 is your employer has a lot of control over your investment. sOfV2hDJCoc-00138-00035583-00035827 You don't have full control over your investment sOfV2hDJCoc-00139-00035827-00036242 like you do with a normal investment account or an IRA. sOfV2hDJCoc-00140-00036242-00036561 Your employer does have some control and some say sOfV2hDJCoc-00141-00036561-00036755 over what your investments are. sOfV2hDJCoc-00142-00036755-00036997 And the last thing it is there's a lot of hidden fees sOfV2hDJCoc-00143-00036997-00037268 with the 401k that you have to pay people sOfV2hDJCoc-00144-00037268-00037423 to manage your account, sOfV2hDJCoc-00145-00037423-00037732 whereas if you were to just put your money in an IRA, sOfV2hDJCoc-00146-00037732-00038057 you could pay very, very low fees if you want sOfV2hDJCoc-00147-00038057-00038423 if you just invested your money into index funds, sOfV2hDJCoc-00148-00038423-00038923 they have like 0.03% fees for handling your money. sOfV2hDJCoc-00149-00038962-00039171 Now, the Roth IRA on the other hand sOfV2hDJCoc-00150-00039171-00039388 is a special retirement account that you fund sOfV2hDJCoc-00151-00039388-00039732 with what's known as post-tax income. sOfV2hDJCoc-00152-00039732-00039849 And that basically just means sOfV2hDJCoc-00153-00039849-00040204 you can't deduct those contributions on your taxes sOfV2hDJCoc-00154-00040204-00040554 and this allows you to have tax-free compounding sOfV2hDJCoc-00155-00040554-00040927 which is even better than normal compounding. sOfV2hDJCoc-00156-00040927-00041128 And normal compounding has been said sOfV2hDJCoc-00157-00041128-00041524 to be the eighth wonder of the world so that's pretty good. sOfV2hDJCoc-00158-00041524-00041863 So, one of the biggest pros to having an IRA sOfV2hDJCoc-00159-00041863-00042248 is that you don't have to pay taxes on the money sOfV2hDJCoc-00160-00042248-00042486 that you earn in that account in the future. sOfV2hDJCoc-00161-00042486-00042621 This means that, lets say, sOfV2hDJCoc-00162-00042621-00042974 you're paying 25% in taxes right now, sOfV2hDJCoc-00163-00042974-00043184 and when you're 60 years old, sOfV2hDJCoc-00164-00043184-00043518 you're paying, let's say, 50% in taxes, sOfV2hDJCoc-00165-00043518-00043805 well, you wouldn't have to pay that 50% sOfV2hDJCoc-00166-00043805-00044140 and you would end up saving 30% in taxes or more. sOfV2hDJCoc-00167-00044140-00044415 This is especially good if you're young sOfV2hDJCoc-00168-00044415-00044740 and you're in like a lower tax bracket right now. sOfV2hDJCoc-00169-00044740-00044921 This is especially good for you sOfV2hDJCoc-00170-00044921-00045157 because you're not making not much money sOfV2hDJCoc-00171-00045157-00045487 and therefore you're not paying that much in taxes. sOfV2hDJCoc-00172-00045487-00045776 Now, you can pull out your contributions sOfV2hDJCoc-00173-00045776-00046005 to the account anytime you want, sOfV2hDJCoc-00174-00046005-00046225 and what I mean by that is, let's say, sOfV2hDJCoc-00175-00046225-00046475 you put 20,000 into an account sOfV2hDJCoc-00176-00046475-00046784 and through the magic of compound interest, sOfV2hDJCoc-00177-00046784-00047186 that goes to 30,000, you can hold that 20,000 sOfV2hDJCoc-00178-00047186-00047461 that you put in anytime you want sOfV2hDJCoc-00179-00047461-00047821 without getting taxed or without getting penalized. sOfV2hDJCoc-00180-00047821-00048196 However, if you try to pull the additional 10,000 out, sOfV2hDJCoc-00181-00048196-00048366 you will get taxed on it sOfV2hDJCoc-00182-00048366-00048584 and you're going to get penalized on it. sOfV2hDJCoc-00183-00048584-00048822 So, you really do not want to do that. sOfV2hDJCoc-00184-00048822-00049082 And another great thing about the Roth IRA sOfV2hDJCoc-00185-00049082-00049348 is you have pretty much complete control sOfV2hDJCoc-00186-00049348-00049521 over your investments. sOfV2hDJCoc-00187-00049521-00049662 If wanna go really aggressive sOfV2hDJCoc-00188-00049662-00049979 and you really believe in one company, you can do that sOfV2hDJCoc-00189-00049979-00050232 or if you wanna be really safe and conservative sOfV2hDJCoc-00190-00050232-00050493 which I recommend, and just go into an index fund, sOfV2hDJCoc-00191-00050493-00050678 you can also do that. sOfV2hDJCoc-00192-00050678-00050975 Now, one of the bad things about a Roth IRA sOfV2hDJCoc-00193-00050975-00051278 is you do have to wait until your 59 and a half sOfV2hDJCoc-00194-00051278-00051488 before you can pull that money out. sOfV2hDJCoc-00195-00051488-00051923 This is why it's considered to be a retirement account, sOfV2hDJCoc-00196-00051923-00052028 and like I said earlier, sOfV2hDJCoc-00197-00052028-00052291 if you tried to pull the interest out sOfV2hDJCoc-00198-00052291-00052495 before that age, 59 and a half, sOfV2hDJCoc-00199-00052495-00052701 having my account five years or more, sOfV2hDJCoc-00200-00052701-00053125 you are going to get taxed and penalized 10%. sOfV2hDJCoc-00201-00053125-00053441 And then, another bad thing that sucks about the Roth IRA sOfV2hDJCoc-00202-00053441-00053845 is you can only put $6,000 in every single year, sOfV2hDJCoc-00203-00053845-00054113 and if you take any money out, it doesn't matter, sOfV2hDJCoc-00204-00054113-00054236 you can put it back in. sOfV2hDJCoc-00205-00054236-00054622 So, if you put 6,000 in, and then, take 6,000 out, sOfV2hDJCoc-00206-00054622-00054754 well, you already put 6,000 in, sOfV2hDJCoc-00207-00054754-00055209 you can't put anything more in until the next year. sOfV2hDJCoc-00208-00055209-00055466 And then, another thing is there is a lot of income limits sOfV2hDJCoc-00209-00055466-00055633 with the Roth IRA. sOfV2hDJCoc-00210-00055633-00055762 At the time of recording is the video, sOfV2hDJCoc-00211-00055762-00056262 if you're single, the income limit is a $135,000 a year sOfV2hDJCoc-00212-00056277-00056466 and it changes every couple years sOfV2hDJCoc-00213-00056466-00056645 so you definitely wanna look into that sOfV2hDJCoc-00214-00056645-00056929 if you watching this and you're looking into a Roth IRA. sOfV2hDJCoc-00215-00056929-00057246 So now, that you know the pros and cons of both, sOfV2hDJCoc-00216-00057246-00057677 now let's go ahead and get into which one is a better option sOfV2hDJCoc-00217-00057677-00057891 for your specific situation. sOfV2hDJCoc-00218-00057891-00058199 Now, if you're young and you're not making a lot of money sOfV2hDJCoc-00219-00058199-00058426 and you're in a low tax bracket, sOfV2hDJCoc-00220-00058426-00058773 the Roth IRA is probably going to be better for you. sOfV2hDJCoc-00221-00058773-00058995 So, let say, like a theoretical scenario, sOfV2hDJCoc-00222-00058995-00059223 you're in high school or college sOfV2hDJCoc-00223-00059223-00059438 and you're making about 20,000 year sOfV2hDJCoc-00224-00059438-00059689 from your part-time job in your side hustles, sOfV2hDJCoc-00225-00059689-00060000 you definitely would want to be putting at least sOfV2hDJCoc-00226-00060000-00060445 maxing it out putting $6,000 a year into your Roth IRA. sOfV2hDJCoc-00227-00060445-00060721 However, if you're in a very high tax bracket sOfV2hDJCoc-00228-00060721-00060967 and you're making a lot of money every year, sOfV2hDJCoc-00229-00060967-00061371 the Roth IRA may not be the best option for you. sOfV2hDJCoc-00230-00061371-00061604 For instance, let's say, you are currently running sOfV2hDJCoc-00231-00061604-00061910 a business making $500,000 a year sOfV2hDJCoc-00232-00061910-00062045 and you don't think that this business sOfV2hDJCoc-00233-00062045-00062188 is gonna last very long. sOfV2hDJCoc-00234-00062188-00062538 Let's say, you opened up like a bunch of avocado toast shops sOfV2hDJCoc-00235-00062538-00062672 and five years from now, you think, sOfV2hDJCoc-00236-00062672-00062978 avocado toast isn't gonna be popular anymore sOfV2hDJCoc-00237-00062978-00063193 and you only expect to be making, let's say, sOfV2hDJCoc-00238-00063193-00063571 $100,000 a year when you retire. sOfV2hDJCoc-00239-00063571-00063828 Well, in that case, then the 401k sOfV2hDJCoc-00240-00063828-00064146 would likely be a better option for you. sOfV2hDJCoc-00241-00064146-00064349 Now, if you're making 500k a year sOfV2hDJCoc-00242-00064349-00064585 but you still think you're gonna be making more money sOfV2hDJCoc-00243-00064585-00064845 around the time that you're going to retire, sOfV2hDJCoc-00244-00064845-00065152 then you would still want to look into the Roth IRA. sOfV2hDJCoc-00245-00065152-00065546 Now, most people are going to be in a lower tax bracket sOfV2hDJCoc-00246-00065546-00065767 when they retire and the reason for that sOfV2hDJCoc-00247-00065767-00065961 is because they already bought their house sOfV2hDJCoc-00248-00065961-00066115 so they don't have to pay rent, sOfV2hDJCoc-00249-00066115-00066314 they don't have a lot of overhead expenses sOfV2hDJCoc-00250-00066314-00066659 and they're pretty much just living off of their savings. sOfV2hDJCoc-00251-00066659-00066861 Now, the other big problem with the 401k, sOfV2hDJCoc-00252-00066861-00067214 like I mentioned before is that you have no idea sOfV2hDJCoc-00253-00067214-00067696 what the tax situation is going to be like in the future. sOfV2hDJCoc-00254-00067696-00068091 With all that being said, here is my personal recommendation sOfV2hDJCoc-00255-00068091-00068374 on what I would do, but before I say that, sOfV2hDJCoc-00256-00068374-00068552 I just want to quickly tell you sOfV2hDJCoc-00257-00068552-00068770 that I am not a finance professional, sOfV2hDJCoc-00258-00068770-00069095 I do this for educational and entertainment purposes only. sOfV2hDJCoc-00259-00069095-00069304 This is just my opinion sOfV2hDJCoc-00260-00069304-00069609 and you need to do your own research. sOfV2hDJCoc-00261-00069609-00070109 So, in my opinion, if your employer offers matching 401k, sOfV2hDJCoc-00262-00070115-00070344 you should absolutely do both. sOfV2hDJCoc-00263-00070344-00070678 They are both really, really good options sOfV2hDJCoc-00264-00070678-00070937 but if you're young and you're not making much money, sOfV2hDJCoc-00265-00070937-00071274 then you should prioritize the Roth IRA. sOfV2hDJCoc-00266-00071274-00071499 Let's go over a theoretical example sOfV2hDJCoc-00267-00071499-00071774 so you can get an idea of what I'm talking about. sOfV2hDJCoc-00268-00071774-00072167 Let's say that you're 18 and you just got a really good job, sOfV2hDJCoc-00269-00072167-00072495 an entry-level job making let's just say, $50,000 a year sOfV2hDJCoc-00270-00072495-00072640 because you watched my videos sOfV2hDJCoc-00271-00072640-00072814 and you followed my recommendations sOfV2hDJCoc-00272-00072814-00072944 and you did your research, sOfV2hDJCoc-00273-00072944-00073268 well, the Roth IRA would probably be better sOfV2hDJCoc-00274-00073268-00073394 for you at this time, sOfV2hDJCoc-00275-00073394-00073658 because you're likely going to be making less money now sOfV2hDJCoc-00276-00073658-00073972 than you are in the future because you will probably sOfV2hDJCoc-00277-00073972-00074192 be making six figures at some point. sOfV2hDJCoc-00278-00074192-00074546 However, if your employer offers matching, sOfV2hDJCoc-00279-00074546-00074866 then you absolutely should take advantage of it. sOfV2hDJCoc-00280-00074866-00075006 Again, let's just say, sOfV2hDJCoc-00281-00075006-00075222 out of the $50,000 you make every year, sOfV2hDJCoc-00282-00075222-00075454 you can only invest 10,000 every year sOfV2hDJCoc-00283-00075454-00075775 and your employer offers 5% matching. sOfV2hDJCoc-00284-00075775-00076106 You would want to put all 5% of that matching sOfV2hDJCoc-00285-00076106-00076371 into your 401k which would be 2,500 sOfV2hDJCoc-00286-00076371-00076659 and in your company would match you dollar for dollar, sOfV2hDJCoc-00287-00076659-00077045 so you would be putting $5,000 a year into your 401k. sOfV2hDJCoc-00288-00077045-00077338 Then, out of the 7,500 that's left, sOfV2hDJCoc-00289-00077338-00077678 you would put 6,000 of that into your Roth IRA, sOfV2hDJCoc-00290-00077678-00077934 and then, you would have about 1,500 leftover sOfV2hDJCoc-00291-00077934-00078316 to either put into an index fund, invest in real estate, sOfV2hDJCoc-00292-00078316-00078472 or whatever you wanna do it, sOfV2hDJCoc-00293-00078578-00078866 and assuming you withdraw all of it at 65 years old sOfV2hDJCoc-00294-00078866-00079275 with a 7% return on investment, adjusted for inflation, sOfV2hDJCoc-00295-00079275-00079479 then you would actually end up pulling sOfV2hDJCoc-00296-00079479-00079956 over $2 million out of both the Roth IRA and the 401k. sOfV2hDJCoc-00297-00079956-00080209 And then, after taxes you have a little bit less sOfV2hDJCoc-00298-00080209-00080517 than $4 million total and if you put that sOfV2hDJCoc-00299-00080517-00080865 on the stock market and you got again 7% returns, sOfV2hDJCoc-00300-00080865-00081226 you would be getting basically almost $300,000 a year, sOfV2hDJCoc-00301-00081226-00081595 that you could easily live off in your retirement, sOfV2hDJCoc-00302-00081595-00081954 and that means you could retire on almost $300,000 a year sOfV2hDJCoc-00303-00081954-00082274 and you wouldn't even be touching the principal, sOfV2hDJCoc-00304-00082274-00082543 you would just be living off of the interest, sOfV2hDJCoc-00305-00082543-00082772 and that's really not too bad sOfV2hDJCoc-00306-00082772-00082961 considering you would probably have sOfV2hDJCoc-00307-00082961-00083203 at least one house if not several houses sOfV2hDJCoc-00308-00083203-00083312 that are already paid off, sOfV2hDJCoc-00309-00083312-00083661 and you have a very very low cost of living. sOfV2hDJCoc-00310-00083661-00083812 All right, that's it. sOfV2hDJCoc-00311-00083812-00083959 So, if you made it till the end, sOfV2hDJCoc-00312-00083959-00084112 I really appreciate you watching. sOfV2hDJCoc-00313-00084112-00084347 Please, if you have a already done so, sOfV2hDJCoc-00314-00084347-00084561 go ahead and smash the like button, sOfV2hDJCoc-00315-00084561-00084927 hit the subscribe button, hit the notification bell, sOfV2hDJCoc-00316-00084927-00085172 and go ahead comment below as well. sOfV2hDJCoc-00317-00085172-00085410 I really appreciate everybody that watches and comments sOfV2hDJCoc-00318-00085410-00085672 and I respond to every single comment. sOfV2hDJCoc-00319-00085672-00085965 So thank you again for watching and until next time. sOfV2hDJCoc-00320-00086123-00086364 (soft music) sTWHggr4gm8-00000-00000061-00000814 So the number one barrier to achieving simplicity this is interesting is its lack of self awareness. sTWHggr4gm8-00001-00000814-00001355 That's the one of the main barriers of simplicity and it's understanding. sTWHggr4gm8-00002-00001355-00002148 So, having the courage to, to eliminate all the unnecessary things that don't add value sTWHggr4gm8-00003-00002148-00002678 to you, so that you actually have time to focus on the important things. sTWHggr4gm8-00004-00002982-00003206 Starve your distractions. sTWHggr4gm8-00005-00003207-00003804 Anytime that I've been in the sales sales slump, what I found is distractions just start sTWHggr4gm8-00006-00003804-00004278 creeping in out of nowhere more distractions than normal. sTWHggr4gm8-00007-00004278-00004683 Because when you're in a sales slump, you're typically not so enthusiastic about going sTWHggr4gm8-00008-00004683-00005249 through that sales process and that sales cycle and so you're almost looking for things sTWHggr4gm8-00009-00005249-00005764 to come in and distract you and looking for things to feel productive. sTWHggr4gm8-00010-00005764-00006628 There's this feeling of being productive, that's so it feels so good when you're in sTWHggr4gm8-00011-00006628-00006772 a slump. sTWHggr4gm8-00012-00006772-00007233 When you can leave at the end of the day and know that man, I got a bunch of stuff done sTWHggr4gm8-00013-00007233-00007333 today.. sTWHggr4gm8-00014-00007333-00007584 I did a bunch of stuff, I was super busy. sTWHggr4gm8-00015-00007584-00008213 It can feel good, but you have to understand that that is a false feeling that when, you sTWHggr4gm8-00016-00008213-00008720 know there's no contingency plan when failure is not an option and the addition of these sTWHggr4gm8-00017-00008720-00009854 activities, that you become grossly aware of those little pockets of time where you're sTWHggr4gm8-00018-00009854-00010219 just wasting precious minutes. sTWHggr4gm8-00019-00010219-00010715 And I say precious minutes because it's in those minutes, that add up over time and all sTWHggr4gm8-00020-00010715-00011061 of a sudden you look back and you've got an hour, two hours, three hours of your day that sTWHggr4gm8-00021-00011061-00011195 are completely wasted. sTWHggr4gm8-00022-00011195-00011595 And so at this point in this 75 hard journey, like I've gotten to the point where I just sTWHggr4gm8-00023-00011595-00012497 completely disrespect distractions.Just absolute, this disrespect for distractions. sTWHggr4gm8-00024-00012497-00012923 So like in our everyday lives, there's, you know, so many things going on. sTWHggr4gm8-00025-00012923-00013538 And it takes deliberate action to eliminate the things that don't matter. sTWHggr4gm8-00026-00013538-00014036 And eliminate the things to where your life is simple to where, you know, when I get up sTWHggr4gm8-00027-00014036-00014226 today, I have to do these things. sTWHggr4gm8-00028-00014226-00014831 And if I do these things, then it will propel me towards my ultimate goal that I want to sTWHggr4gm8-00029-00014831-00014931 achieve. sTWHggr4gm8-00030-00014931-00015766 But what we do is we insert all of these other extraneous just activities and things that sTWHggr4gm8-00031-00015766-00016149 don't really get you to there, but they make you feel accomplished because you did a whole sTWHggr4gm8-00032-00016149-00016263 lot. sTWHggr4gm8-00033-00016263-00016830 But it's having the awareness to realize that okay, what I'm doing right now, really isn't sTWHggr4gm8-00034-00016830-00017056 getting me towards where I want to go. sTWHggr4gm8-00035-00017056-00017441 And having the courage to eliminate those things to focus on what you're supposed to sTWHggr4gm8-00036-00017441-00017541 be doing. sTWHggr4gm8-00037-00017541-00017773 And a lot of people do this because the things that they're supposed to be doing may not sTWHggr4gm8-00038-00017773-00017961 be fun, may not be easy. sTWHggr4gm8-00039-00017961-00018505 It may be difficult, it may take, you know, time and effort. sTWHggr4gm8-00040-00018505-00018973 But those seven minutes, those five minutes, those three minutes here this this random sTWHggr4gm8-00041-00018973-00019521 meaningless conversation with this person here, this argument over here, this time scrolling sTWHggr4gm8-00042-00019521-00019991 through social media here this, you know, all this stuff added up over the course of sTWHggr4gm8-00043-00019991-00020233 a day amounts to hours. sTWHggr4gm8-00044-00020233-00021040 And guys that stuff is robbing you of your capacity and it's robbing you of your peace sTWHggr4gm8-00045-00021040-00021267 and happiness. sTWHggr4gm8-00046-00021267-00021548 Because we all, you know, everyone's talking about balance. sTWHggr4gm8-00047-00021548-00022029 And then talking about man, I just if if I only had the time if I only had the time if sTWHggr4gm8-00048-00022029-00022460 I only had the time, I'm here to tell you that you have the time you're just wasting sTWHggr4gm8-00049-00022460-00022998 so much of it and you're not wasting it an hour long chunks, you're wasting it in three sTWHggr4gm8-00050-00022998-00023158 to seven minute intervals. sVoPl4KXEoQ-00000-00000461-00001031 G Major 16+Goter Milk sVoPl4KXEoQ-00001-00001031-00003511 It Is Looks Like G Major 16 And Luig Group Solarize sVxBCabUeXy-00000-00000181-00000331 Section 20. sVxBCabUeXy-00001-00000331-00000707 A person should not clean himself with the right hand. sVxBCabUeXy-00002-00000707-00001173 A left-handed person cleans himself with what for him is left, which is right for the rest sVxBCabUeXy-00003-00001173-00001301 of the world. sVxBCabUeXy-00004-00001301-00001705 And some say that all this refers to one who cleans with his hand, but if he cleans with sVxBCabUeXy-00005-00001705-00001903 paper, one should not be strict. sVxBCabUeXy-00006-00001903-00002214 [Yalkut Yosef there page 286]. sVxBCabUeXy-00007-00002214-00002375 End of section 20. sVYg0hyEh64-00000-00002003-00002402 Greetings!Firstly i would like to wish you all a very Happy Independence Day. sVYg0hyEh64-00001-00017768-00018384 foreign sVYg0hyEh64-00002-00019760-00019810 foreign sVYg0hyEh64-00003-00021720-00021770 you sd_JaHW4Tv0-00000-00000064-00000440 TRACY: Hello everybody and welcome to Feedback Fun with SpeedGrader, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00001-00000462-00000811 part of our "Webinar Wednesday" series at Southwestern College. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00002-00000826-00001236 Today, we're focusing just on the Speedgrader tool in Canvas, how we can give sd_JaHW4Tv0-00003-00001248-00001494 feedback to our students using it in a way that sd_JaHW4Tv0-00004-00001494-00001707 increases our connections with them, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00005-00001728-00002288 builds regular effective contact and is actually (gasp) ...fun! sd_JaHW4Tv0-00006-00002302-00002766 There are lots of great features in Speedgrader that can make it fun for you sd_JaHW4Tv0-00007-00002780-00002914 and for your students, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00008-00002926-00003106 and we usually don't hear about sd_JaHW4Tv0-00009-00003126-00003610 grading and fun in the same sentence. So buckle up! Here we go. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00010-00003628-00004234 So, I am a big believer in being present with my students, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00011-00004252-00004806 having an active role in the class to humanize the online environment. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00012-00004836-00005310 And, we often think about humanizing and connecting and interacting with students sd_JaHW4Tv0-00013-00005322-00005894 in terms of discussions, and announcements, and maybe the inbox. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00014-00005914-00006182 But, what I want to focus on today sd_JaHW4Tv0-00015-00006198-00006890 is how we can take that into a different area of courses and that is feedback. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00016-00006906-00007209 So, if you look at this Wordle in front of us, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00017-00007218-00007576 this is a combination of answers, from a variety of students, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00018-00007598-00007954 to the question that you see in the teal circle. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00019-00007976-00008344 What do these online students say helps them succeed? sd_JaHW4Tv0-00020-00008368-00008692 So, I asked students, "What helps you succeed in an online class?" sd_JaHW4Tv0-00021-00008716-00009048 And, I took all of their answers and put it into the Wordle generator. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00022-00009072-00009488 And so what this does is it creates this word cloud and the bigger the word, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00023-00009498-00009796 the more often that word came up in the students' responses. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00024-00009824-00010138 So, as you can see, "interaction" was a big one—the biggest— sd_JaHW4Tv0-00025-00010158-00010406 the most common word that we heard sd_JaHW4Tv0-00026-00010422-00010744 when students were talking about what helps them succeed. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00027-00010764-00011108 But, if you look around the edges of that, you start to see some interesting things. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00028-00011128-00011580 So, we have "feedback" as the second most common answer. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00029-00011606-00012032 So, that helps them be successful... and then you'll also notice some other ones sd_JaHW4Tv0-00030-00012040-00012464 that are a little bit smaller around here, things like "feeling connected," sd_JaHW4Tv0-00031-00012484-00012696 "having a sense of community," sd_JaHW4Tv0-00032-00012726-00013254 "enthusiasm." You'll see "video" is here, and look, there's the word "fun!" sd_JaHW4Tv0-00033-00013306-00013722 So, this is of course why we have regular effective contact requirements sd_JaHW4Tv0-00034-00013738-00013963 in the federal and state level, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00035-00013982-00014334 because students really can be helped sd_JaHW4Tv0-00036-00014340-00014830 by that regular interaction with their peers and with the instructor. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00037-00014896-00015131 I thought I would also share with you sd_JaHW4Tv0-00038-00015131-00015582 a little something from a couple of my students from a recent semester. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00039-00015644-00015850 So, Voicethread is one of the tools I use sd_JaHW4Tv0-00040-00015868-00016068 to interact with students. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00041-00016090-00016403 And, outside of our class, I did a student voices project sd_JaHW4Tv0-00042-00016403-00016634 and I asked my students to share their ideas sd_JaHW4Tv0-00043-00016650-00017024 in response to these two questions, or these two prompts. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00044-00017046-00017190 So, the first one was, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00045-00017208-00017334 "In an online class, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00046-00017346-00017676 how important is interacting with your instructor and your fellow students?" sd_JaHW4Tv0-00047-00017692-00018108 And I wanted to share a little bit from a couple of students sd_JaHW4Tv0-00048-00018108-00018234 who chose to participate. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00049-00018258-00018458 So here's one: sd_JaHW4Tv0-00050-00018480-00018760 STUDENT: "For me, being in an online class, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00051-00018774-00019302 interacting with my fellow students and my teachers is extremely important. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00052-00019322-00019680 Because there's a lack of face-to-face contact with each other, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00053-00019696-00020196 the distance can really be felt, and it can sometimes feel a little lonely, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00054-00020224-00020692 or you can feel a little disconnected from the discussion. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00055-00020706-00021204 So, interacting allows us to expand upon our ideas and thoughts sd_JaHW4Tv0-00056-00021268-00021706 and it allows others to give us feedback and add on to the ideas that we have, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00057-00021738-00021980 so the distance is less evident." sd_JaHW4Tv0-00058-00022010-00022408 TRACY: So, notice some of the words that this student was using, the 'distance' sd_JaHW4Tv0-00059-00022408-00022870 you can feel in an online class, and 'loneliness,' which is interesting. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00060-00022872-00023102 I never want my classes to feel lonely sd_JaHW4Tv0-00061-00023102-00023448 or for the students to feel like they're just out there alone, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00062-00023456-00023742 and notice that this student used the word "feedback" sd_JaHW4Tv0-00063-00023758-00023928 in terms of discussions sd_JaHW4Tv0-00064-00023942-00024310 and interacting with her peers. Getting feedback from other students sd_JaHW4Tv0-00065-00024318-00024516 helped her deepen her thinking. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00066-00024538-00024906 So, when we think about feedback, of course, there are many different levels of it. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00067-00024918-00025188 We're focusing, mostly today, on instructor feedback, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00068-00025208-00025470 but I did want to emphasize that as well, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00069-00025496-00025856 that students are giving really helpful feedback to each other too. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00070-00025872-00026260 Understandably, students feel a little bit of discomfort, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00071-00026276-00026733 fear at the idea that someone they've never met face to face— their instructor— sd_JaHW4Tv0-00072-00026750-00027070 is going to be determining their grade in their class, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00073-00027076-00027466 is going to be criticizing their work, which is how they often look at it. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00074-00027482-00027766 Sometimes they don't even know what their instructor looks like sd_JaHW4Tv0-00075-00027783-00028070 because they don't see a photo of their instructor in their class. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00076-00028089-00028302 They might not have ever heard their instructor's voice. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00077-00028322-00028694 They might not even believe that they have a real live instructor sd_JaHW4Tv0-00078-00028712-00028954 because everything is just graded automatically, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00079-00028966-00029212 and they might really feel like they're just sd_JaHW4Tv0-00080-00029224-00029357 taking the correspondence course, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00081-00029357-00029539 where a computer is providing things to them; sd_JaHW4Tv0-00082-00029558-00029938 They are completing work and the computer is providing a grade. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00083-00029950-00030464 So, that's obviously not what we want for our classes and our students! sd_JaHW4Tv0-00084-00030480-00030910 And, so, one of the ways that we can make our presence felt with our students sd_JaHW4Tv0-00085-00030927-00031210 is through giving custom feedback to them. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00086-00031227-00031450 So, I wanted to share one more sd_JaHW4Tv0-00087-00031466-00031649 comment from a student here: sd_JaHW4Tv0-00088-00031649-00032041 [student speaking] "In an online class, I would definitely say, for me personally, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00089-00032041-00032329 it's super important to interact with my instructor. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00090-00032329-00032583 For example, I know during this course so far, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00091-00032606-00032923 we've done a couple essays and you've recorded your responses sd_JaHW4Tv0-00092-00033002-00033384 and input and advice and instruction for us moving forward sd_JaHW4Tv0-00093-00033400-00033676 on our particular essay that we submitted. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00094-00033738-00033980 And that recording of yourself sd_JaHW4Tv0-00095-00033980-00034444 is just really helpful, I feel like, in interacting in a personal level sd_JaHW4Tv0-00096-00034460-00034714 for me and to help me better... sd_JaHW4Tv0-00097-00034738-00034842 I don't know... sd_JaHW4Tv0-00098-00034844-00035086 just kind of grasp and understand what you're saying, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00099-00035086-00035172 if that makes sense?" sd_JaHW4Tv0-00100-00035172-00035286 TRACY: I'm just gonna stop right there. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00101-00035298-00035464 So, I asked her about interaction sd_JaHW4Tv0-00102-00035478-00035740 and she's talking about feedback she got on a paper. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00103-00035752-00035978 So, just let that sink in for a minute. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00104-00035988-00036296 If your students feel like you are talking to them sd_JaHW4Tv0-00105-00036326-00036539 in the feedback you're giving on your work, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00106-00036539-00036844 that starts to feel like a two-way conversation to them, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00107-00036848-00037120 even though you're grading, maybe, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00108-00037120-00037320 in your pajamas at 11 o'clock at night, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00109-00037320-00037630 and your students are looking at it at 8 o'clock in the morning, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00110-00037640-00037744 or vice versa. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00111-00037840-00038304 Because, in this particular example, video and audio were used, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00112-00038330-00038668 it really felt like a conversation around that work. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00113-00038676-00039132 So, Canvas has the tools to make this easy and to make it fun sd_JaHW4Tv0-00114-00039166-00039496 for you and for your students and that's what I want to focus on today. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00115-00039520-00039796 So, we're going to be spending a lot of time in Speedgrader. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00116-00039810-00040122 I have a demo course open with some fake students. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00117-00040140-00040376 So, the ones you've heard from here are real students sd_JaHW4Tv0-00118-00040382-00040648 and they gave me permission to share their ideas. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00119-00040666-00041060 Where we're headed now is a fake class with fake students. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00120-00041094-00041416 So, first thing I want to talk about is annotation tool. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00121-00041426-00041810 So, as you can see, the paper that Gray has submitted here sd_JaHW4Tv0-00122-00041820-00042088 has been marked up by the instructor. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00123-00042112-00042466 And, Canvas has some really handy annotation tools sd_JaHW4Tv0-00124-00042466-00042652 and quite a lot of them, too. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00125-00042668-00042930 A couple of things that you might notice are sd_JaHW4Tv0-00126-00042950-00043358 the colors and the different forms of annotating. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00127-00043380-00043586 So, I'm just gonna walk through some of those with you sd_JaHW4Tv0-00128-00043586-00043762 and then we can practice a little bit, too. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00129-00043762-00044098 And this is for anything that is submitted as an upload. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00130-00044098-00044296 So, it's a file. It could be a PDF, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00131-00044298-00044442 it could be a Word document, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00132-00044442-00044965 it could be a file of your PowerPoint slides or an Excel spreadsheet— sd_JaHW4Tv0-00133-00044966-00045305 And any of those things can be marked up— it could even be an image. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00134-00045338-00045696 Your basic tools are up here in the right-hand corner. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00135-00045706-00045882 So, you're only gonna see these when sd_JaHW4Tv0-00136-00045890-00046154 something has been uploaded that can be annotated. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00137-00046168-00046514 So, one of them is a point annotation. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00138-00046526-00046830 There's an example of it right here, where you take the point, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00139-00046846-00047064 you put it exactly where you want, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00140-00047088-00047278 and then you say something about it. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00141-00047290-00047660 So, this is good if you're trying to point to a specific punctuation mark, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00142-00047680-00047976 or in between two words where something is missing... sd_JaHW4Tv0-00143-00047976-00048108 that sort of thing. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00144-00048136-00048374 Highlighting is a really common one; sd_JaHW4Tv0-00145-00048390-00048538 when you click on highlighting, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00146-00048548-00048834 you'll see a color menu pop up—so you have lots of different options— sd_JaHW4Tv0-00147-00048880-00049380 And you can see that I have color coded here, in my paper. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00148-00049388-00049654 (I'm going to come back to that in just a second.) sd_JaHW4Tv0-00149-00049666-00049888 But, with the color coding, basically, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00150-00049908-00050218 what you do, is you highlight (something), sd_JaHW4Tv0-00151-00050246-00050506 and then, you can pick your color, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00152-00050506-00050742 and then, if you want to leave a comment related to that, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00153-00050742-00050960 you just click on the little comment icon sd_JaHW4Tv0-00154-00050978-00051208 and you can leave your comment here. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00155-00051222-00051491 And then, if you wanted to change your color after leaving the comment, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00156-00051505-00051884 you certainly can, so, you have a lot of flexibility there. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00157-00051938-00052266 You also can write on the paper, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00158-00052278-00052514 you can cross things out on the paper— sd_JaHW4Tv0-00159-00052538-00052766 both of those feel a little bit invasive to me— sd_JaHW4Tv0-00160-00052766-00053017 I kind of don't want to put words into my students mouths, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00161-00053019-00053256 but, there certainly is a time where those could be helpful, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00162-00053256-00053419 depending on what subject you're teaching. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00163-00053423-00053535 So, for example, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00164-00053535-00053914 if I wanted to add—let's go to a page where there's a little bit more room— sd_JaHW4Tv0-00165-00053941-00054228 Let's say I wanted to add a comment here. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00166-00054240-00054429 Maybe, I wanted to say something... sd_JaHW4Tv0-00167-00054452-00054672 at the top here. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00168-00054734-00055044 So, I can click on "text". sd_JaHW4Tv0-00169-00055046-00055254 You'll notice I have a couple of options here: sd_JaHW4Tv0-00170-00055267-00055554 I can choose a color if I want to, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00171-00055576-00055858 I can choose a size, and so on. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00172-00055872-00056229 And then, I just put my cursor somewhere and I start typing. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00173-00056254-00056750 [Keyboard typing] sd_JaHW4Tv0-00174-00056774-00057029 And then, if I wanted to cross something out, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00175-00057054-00057304 I would click on the strikeout icon here sd_JaHW4Tv0-00176-00057312-00057829 and just move over, with my cursor, the area that I wanted to be deleted. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00177-00057844-00058170 And if I wanted to propose something else to be said instead of that, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00178-00058188-00058470 I do have that option, to add a comment here. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00179-00058508-00058755 So, I could put the different word here. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00180-00058767-00059172 So, let's say I'm saying, "oh no, you don't spell it 'because,' you spell it 'cuz,'" sd_JaHW4Tv0-00181-00059240-00059440 and I could do that. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00182-00059517-00060054 Also, next to that, you're gonna see you have an opportunity to free draw. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00183-00060082-00060416 So, let's say it's a math class and you wanted to map out an equation here, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00184-00060416-00060558 You could do that. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00185-00060558-00060822 If you wanted to circle something by hand, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00186-00060832-00060967 you could do that. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00187-00060970-00061150 You have all of these color choices, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00188-00061170-00061434 you have thicknesses of lines and so on. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00189-00061455-00061688 So if I wanted to sd_JaHW4Tv0-00190-00061717-00061974 draw something like this... sd_JaHW4Tv0-00191-00061994-00062398 and then...whoops... say, I want to make that red, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00192-00062432-00063228 and then, let's say I want to... do something else here... sd_JaHW4Tv0-00193-00063328-00063612 Look at that! I'm such an artist! sd_JaHW4Tv0-00194-00063626-00063964 So, if I wanted to draw a smiley face in someone's paper, I actually could! sd_JaHW4Tv0-00195-00064041-00064367 Then the last one, I find really useful, and that is a box. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00196-00064400-00064810 So, if you wanted a box a whole section of the paper to say so mething about it, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00197-00064810-00065151 so, maybe it's a multi sentence section or a whole paragraph, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00198-00065151-00065319 you can do that with this box. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00199-00065320-00065578 And again, you can choose the color, if you'd like, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00200-00065592-00065778 and the example up here, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00201-00065784-00066112 I've boxed a whole paragraph and I'm suggesting to the student, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00202-00066130-00066490 "Hey, this might work better as the third point in your paper instead of the first one." sd_JaHW4Tv0-00203-00066514-00066708 It'd be hard to do that with highlighting, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00204-00066720-00066912 or with any of the other choices. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00205-00066922-00067258 So, the box really gives a sense that I'm talking about this whole paragraph. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00206-00067266-00067718 Those are the major ways that you can annotate a paper. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00207-00067756-00068033 And, I wanted to talk a little bit about this color coding. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00208-00068033-00068258 So, you don't have to use color coding, of course, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00209-00068281-00068661 but, I have found that it really is a helpful way for me sd_JaHW4Tv0-00210-00068662-00068836 to remind students of the sd_JaHW4Tv0-00211-00068860-00069076 focus of each one of these comments. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00212-00069076-00069432 So, I have a system that I use, and I share it with my students, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00213-00069466-00069774 that has different colors meaning different things. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00214-00069796-00070396 So, in this class, the orange has to do with grammar or punctuation issues sd_JaHW4Tv0-00215-00070422-00070636 and you can see the note is about that. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00216-00070640-00071062 Blue has to do with the format, in my case, MLA format. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00217-00071076-00071570 Green has to do with the essay structure or critical thinking for this class, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00218-00071570-00071778 and then yellow is just a general comment. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00219-00071794-00072438 So, I only use those four colors and I try to be consistent in choosing the right color. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00220-00072454-00072739 And, some students really aren't motivated by color sd_JaHW4Tv0-00221-00072740-00073030 and they actually wouldn't even need to pay any attention to it sd_JaHW4Tv0-00222-00073046-00073414 because the comments are telling them the point. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00223-00073446-00073772 But, for students who do use color to organize their thoughts, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00224-00073796-00074010 they can skim through here, if they're working on format, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00225-00074010-00074388 and just look for those blue comments and work on those. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00226-00074400-00074566 And then, they could come through again, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00227-00074570-00074800 if they're just working on the grammar and punctuation, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00228-00074844-00075046 and focus on the orange comments. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00229-00075066-00075470 So, it's just an additional layer that I like to add into my highlighting. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00230-00075470-00075798 And I also wanted to show you how I share that with students. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00231-00075798-00075938 This is in the same course, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00232-00075939-00076145 (I'm going over to the announcements area now.) sd_JaHW4Tv0-00233-00076149-00076599 I created a little color chart and I share this in a couple of places: sd_JaHW4Tv0-00234-00076636-00076928 an announcement as soon as the essays are given back to the students sd_JaHW4Tv0-00235-00076958-00077388 and, earlier in the course, when I'm explaining how I grade their papers. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00236-00077402-00077794 So, those are the four areas that we were just talking about. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00237-00077820-00078160 And then, I also created a video which I use semester to semester, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00238-00078160-00078335 and in several different classes, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00239-00078335-00078591 that goes over how they can find their feedback, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00240-00078592-00078820 and it walks through the color coding. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00241-00079064-00079522 TRACY: "Hi everybody. I'm happy to report that your essays are ready for review. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00242-00079574-00079757 Before you take a look at yours, though, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00243-00079757-00079988 let me walk you through how to find your feedback sd_JaHW4Tv0-00244-00079988-00080286 because it might be a little different than what you're used to. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00245-00080420-00080876 Because this is canvas, there are several ways to get back to your graded paper. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00246-00080876-00081252 You might be following the link from an email notification, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00247-00081304-00081670 Or you might be accessing your paper from the grades area. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00248-00081722-00081987 If you scroll through and see the essay, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00249-00081988-00082372 you will see that you can click on the comments, the rubric, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00250-00082414-00082978 the variscite originality report, or you can click on the name of the essay. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00251-00082986-00083320 I always recommend clicking on the name of the essay sd_JaHW4Tv0-00252-00083320-00083642 because this will show you everything in one place. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00253-00083698-00084216 The other way you can get to this location, from the home page, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00254-00084216-00084484 is to click on a recent feedback notification. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00255-00084866-00085232 So, let's look at some of the things that you can do here. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00256-00085246-00085464 The first thing you may want to do is sd_JaHW4Tv0-00257-00085466-00085814 give yourself a little bit more room by minimizing the course menu. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00258-00085824-00085998 That's better! sd_JaHW4Tv0-00259-00085998-00086294 So, here you can see the essay you submitted. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00260-00086295-00086679 But, what I would like you to click on is "view feedback" sd_JaHW4Tv0-00261-00086680-00087082 so that you can see your essay and my comments in the margins. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00262-00087299-00087871 You can resize this and you can also enter full screen to see everything. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00263-00087998-00088365 So, in this paper, you can see my comments sd_JaHW4Tv0-00264-00088365-00088777 and the annotations connected to those comments. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00265-00088910-00089350 By hovering over one of them, you can see the line drawn between them. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00266-00089438-00089701 Remember that my comments are color coded sd_JaHW4Tv0-00267-00089701-00090004 and so, each one of these colors means something. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00268-00090068-00090352 For example, the orange is grammar or punctuation. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00269-00090446-00090681 The blue is MLA format. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00270-00090785-00091071 Green is something related to essay writing, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00271-00091154-00091477 and yellow is analysis, insight and evidence." sd_JaHW4Tv0-00272-00091601-00091747 TRACY: Okay, so I'm just gonna pause it right there. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00273-00091747-00091984 You'll see this is the same paper that we just looked at, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00274-00092006-00092386 but the other thing I wanted to point out to you is, notice how the paper looks sd_JaHW4Tv0-00275-00092432-00092650 just like it did in the instructor view. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00276-00092666-00093142 So, students see the same paper that you are annotating. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00277-00093142-00093328 The way you've annotated them, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00278-00093344-00093594 the colors, where the comments are, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00279-00093602-00093888 is the same for the instructor and for the students. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00280-00093908-00094446 The students can download this if they wish and the colors will remain. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00281-00094466-00094636 And, it downloads as a PDF, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00282-00094636-00095076 and when they hover over the PDF, a little box pops up with the comment. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00283-00095077-00095422 So the PDF looks a little different. These aren't fixed on the page, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00284-00095422-00095613 they're in a pop-up format instead. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00285-00095613-00095754 But, the coloring remains. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00286-00095754-00096057 If you box something, it will be boxed on the PDF version. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00287-00096101-00096273 So, if your students want sd_JaHW4Tv0-00288-00096274-00096692 to download an annotated essay after you are finished with it, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00289-00096692-00096894 and you've released it in Canvas, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00290-00096896-00097296 they'll be able to go in and print that up if they would like to, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00291-00097318-00097492 or just download it and have an electronic copy. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00292-00097516-00097870 So, it'll stay in canvas, but they also can pull it out of canvas if they want to. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00293-00097900-00098066 Okay, so, we're going to move on then sd_JaHW4Tv0-00294-00098066-00098402 and talk about another part of grading in the Canvas SpeedGrader, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00295-00098432-00098692 and that is rubrics. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00296-00098692-00099028 So, right now, I am actually out of the SpeedGrader, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00297-00099028-00099260 I'm in an assignment for this class. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00298-00099260-00099414 So, here's the assignment, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00299-00099414-00100004 it has the information, due dates—that sort of stuff—and then I used a rubric which is sd_JaHW4Tv0-00300-00100028-00100286 showing up right underneath the assignment. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00301-00100298-00100608 So, this rubric is visible sd_JaHW4Tv0-00302-00100622-00100846 as soon as the students are reading what they need to do; sd_JaHW4Tv0-00303-00100846-00101028 They're also reading the grading criteria, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00304-00101048-00101332 which is one of the things I really like about rubrics in assignments. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00305-00101338-00101684 But, this is also going to show up in the grading area. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00306-00101716-00101936 So, the rubric you create here sd_JaHW4Tv0-00307-00101950-00102164 is automatically going to show up in the SpeedGrader. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00308-00102178-00102538 As long as you have checked a really important box. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00309-00102585-00102906 So, if I go into the edit mode for this rubric, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00310-00102938-00103520 down at the bottom is a box that says, "Use this rubric for assignment grading." sd_JaHW4Tv0-00311-00103550-00104026 You have to check this box to be able to use it in the SpeedGrader. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00312-00104054-00104580 And, when you have this box checked the rubric shows up in speed grader and sd_JaHW4Tv0-00313-00104602-00104930 It automatically calculates the points for you. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00314-00104946-00105240 So, you don't have to do any math. You don't have to have a calculator! sd_JaHW4Tv0-00315-00105240-00105682 It'll take care of it for you. So let's go take a look at what that looks like. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00316-00105698-00105885 So, this is the assignment. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00317-00105900-00106206 I'm gonna click on SpeedGrader to get there, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00318-00106248-00106459 And... sd_JaHW4Tv0-00319-00106474-00106838 Here we are. I've got all of my students as a fake course. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00320-00106840-00107061 I don't have many, but here they are, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00321-00107061-00107409 and as you can see, the rubric is showing up right here. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00322-00107435-00107704 And, you guys probably already know this trick sd_JaHW4Tv0-00323-00107724-00108083 but if you find the little dots on the divider between the sd_JaHW4Tv0-00324-00108108-00108359 rubric grading area and the paper, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00325-00108378-00108776 you can resize to make one of them bigger, one of them smaller, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00326-00108782-00109076 which is kind of handy when you're working in a rubric. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00327-00109111-00109752 So, here's the rubric. If I click on "View Rubric", I can see the rubric in its entirety. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00328-00109814-00110228 And, when I'm grading it, all I do is click on the boxes sd_JaHW4Tv0-00329-00110250-00110700 that correspond with the performance of this paper. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00330-00110842-00111509 And, then when I click on "save", it will add it up for me, right there. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00331-00111679-00112080 I selected ranges for this rubric so I'm gonna make this even bigger here. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00332-00112339-00112824 So, the other way I can go is I could say, "Hmmm... I think this is actually more like sd_JaHW4Tv0-00333-00113032-00113535 63 points," and notice when I did that, it highlighted a different box. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00334-00113554-00113724 If I just did six points, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00335-00113750-00114022 it's going to highlight yet another box. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00336-00114028-00114418 So if you would rather type the points in, the rubric will be filled out. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00337-00114430-00114644 So, it's one way or the other. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00338-00114659-00114926 You either, collect click the box and the points come over here, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00339-00114935-00115182 or, you put in the points and the right box is highlighted. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00340-00115204-00115535 Either way, when you click on "save", it updates the grade sd_JaHW4Tv0-00341-00115574-00115833 based on what you had checked in the box. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00342-00115856-00116114 And then, also, you'll notice that sd_JaHW4Tv0-00343-00116126-00116320 there's some text right here. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00344-00116320-00116461 It's a little bit smaller sd_JaHW4Tv0-00345-00116461-00116853 and it's underneath the rubric criteria. That is using the comment box. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00346-00116854-00117274 So, if you want to create a custom comment just for this student, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00347-00117274-00117383 you can. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00348-00117392-00117838 So, if you checked this box, but you want to explain something in a little more detail, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00349-00117864-00118228 Then you just click on this and you type in your comment there. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00350-00118258-00118568 So, I wouldn't say you need to do this all the time sd_JaHW4Tv0-00351-00118568-00118798 with every criterion of the rubric, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00352-00118808-00119188 or with every student. But, once in a while, it's useful to clear something up. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00353-00119283-00119548 That is the rubric in a nutshell. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00354-00119599-00120135 I wanted to... I'm gonna switch over to a different student who's in this class. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00355-00120211-00120554 So this is one that we're looking at before, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00356-00120554-00120835 with the annotations over here. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00357-00120846-00121332 And, so this one I had filled out as well. So this is "Gray" and he... sd_JaHW4Tv0-00358-00121358-00121588 (Let's go ahead and save that) sd_JaHW4Tv0-00359-00121600-00122114 ...He has a hundred and seventy eight point five points out of 200. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00360-00122114-00122433 So, I wanted to move into talking about how you can sd_JaHW4Tv0-00361-00122450-00122816 Support this rubric with comments down here as well. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00362-00122830-00123132 So, the comments we were looking at with our other student sd_JaHW4Tv0-00363-00123150-00123356 were within the rubric. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00364-00123370-00123688 But, you also can leave overall comments on the paper. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00365-00123726-00124032 And this is something I think most people are familiar with, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00366-00124050-00124256 but, perhaps there are some other options here sd_JaHW4Tv0-00367-00124261-00124464 that you haven't played around with yet. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00368-00124485-00124750 So, a really common one is just to type words, right? sd_JaHW4Tv0-00369-00124750-00124935 So, you could type a comment like this: sd_JaHW4Tv0-00370-00124942-00125344 "You did a fabulous job with this paper." The student will get a notification sd_JaHW4Tv0-00371-00125359-00125628 that this comment has been left, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00372-00125640-00125868 just like they get a notification that there's a new grade, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00373-00125888-00126100 and they can respond back, too. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00374-00126109-00126443 Something else you can do in this comment area is sd_JaHW4Tv0-00375-00126444-00126635 you can add a file. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00376-00126646-00126856 I gave the student a link to something, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00377-00126856-00127266 a PDF that I thought might be helpful for him based on the paper that I read. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00378-00127294-00127578 So, he would just be able to click on this and sd_JaHW4Tv0-00379-00127654-00127808 download it, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00380-00127808-00128005 (let's see what it is)... sd_JaHW4Tv0-00381-00128005-00128244 ah, it's an Infographic! sd_JaHW4Tv0-00382-00128324-00128618 It could be a PDF of a sample paper, it could be sd_JaHW4Tv0-00383-00128656-00129072 maybe, guidelines for students, whatever you thought might be helpful. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00384-00129072-00129692 You could upload that using the little link or paperclip icon right here, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00385-00129728-00129956 and your students could do the same thing. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00386-00129972-00130204 So, all of these features that we're going to talk about in the comment area sd_JaHW4Tv0-00387-00130216-00130408 are available to students and instructors. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00388-00130408-00130732 And, as you can see, you can have a little conversation going on here, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00389-00130754-00130944 So, I left a comment for the student sd_JaHW4Tv0-00390-00130944-00131252 and the student responded here. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00391-00131268-00131620 So, it's very easy to have a conversation develop around graded work. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00392-00131640-00131936 And in fact, when the student gets that notification in the email, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00393-00131958-00132168 they can even just reply to that email sd_JaHW4Tv0-00394-00132184-00132474 and that will show up here, in the comments area. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00395-00132490-00132730 It usually has the previous email at the bottom of it sd_JaHW4Tv0-00396-00132730-00133002 because you're responding to it and that's part of the email. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00397-00133007-00133368 So, it brings over some extra stuff, but it absolutely can be done. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00398-00133465-00133890 Okay, I'm gonna pause for a minute because I see a couple of items in the chat. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00399-00134021-00134259 Yes, you do have to prepare the rubric, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00400-00134259-00134611 because you're gonna need to set it up initially, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00401-00134662-00135144 and I have a little bit of a help with that if you're interested? sd_JaHW4Tv0-00402-00135156-00135510 So, the rubric that I have here... sd_JaHW4Tv0-00403-00135510-00135800 This is a pretty detailed rubric. It is for an English class, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00404-00135838-00136148 so writing is emphasized, it's got a lot in here. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00405-00136148-00136482 But, if it looks like a useful starting point for you, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00406-00136482-00136722 I have this rubric in the Canvas Commons— sd_JaHW4Tv0-00407-00136748-00136998 this whole assignment is in the Canvas Commons— sd_JaHW4Tv0-00408-00137030-00137522 so, if you use the little link on the global menu to go to "Commons" sd_JaHW4Tv0-00409-00137584-00137986 (which I have open over here), and if you typed in my name... sd_JaHW4Tv0-00410-00138004-00138340 I don't know why this first row brings in other stuff, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00411-00138354-00138646 but the second row is all my stuff, and it's right here: sd_JaHW4Tv0-00412-00138660-00138968 "World Literature Essay Assignment with Rubric" sd_JaHW4Tv0-00413-00139006-00139337 And, so, if you were to bring this into one of your classes, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00414-00139337-00139454 or your sandbox class, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00415-00139454-00139784 you would have a starter rubric that you could work from. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00416-00139784-00139965 And then, you could just work on customizing it. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00417-00139965-00140125 And there are other rubrics out there, too. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00418-00140125-00140379 So, Felicity was mentioning discussion rubrics; sd_JaHW4Tv0-00419-00140384-00140739 You could search the Commons for "discussion rubrics" sd_JaHW4Tv0-00420-00140759-00140988 and probably find one that you can modify. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00421-00140988-00141288 And then, within your class, you can always modify it too. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00422-00141288-00141687 So, you might have "Discussion Rubric One" and "Two" and "Three" sd_JaHW4Tv0-00423-00141687-00141927 for different kinds of discussions. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00424-00141962-00142162 Or, with my example sd_JaHW4Tv0-00425-00142244-00142592 I have "Essay Evaluation Rubric", sd_JaHW4Tv0-00426-00142622-00142892 maybe I have a "Project Evaluation Rubric" too? sd_JaHW4Tv0-00427-00142892-00143214 And it could be similar to this, with the same kind of criteria. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00428-00143214-00143502 Maybe the same—even words—down here. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00429-00143502-00143868 But, what I put in the boxes for the ratings might be a little bit different. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00430-00143868-00144146 So, it's really easy to customize one and save it with a new name sd_JaHW4Tv0-00431-00144164-00144436 after you already have one. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00432-00144436-00144616 I'm gonna go back to sd_JaHW4Tv0-00433-00144640-00144880 Stu here, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00434-00144914-00145198 since I have two fake students here. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00435-00145198-00145546 So, we talked about doing the file attachment. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00436-00145546-00145724 There are three little buttons down here. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00437-00145724-00145960 We're going to come back to the middle one in a minute. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00438-00145974-00146284 The last one is speech recognition, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00439-00146304-00146644 and I don't know if you've played around with this before, but it's pretty fabulous, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00440-00146662-00146902 especially after a long day of grading. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00441-00146918-00147320 So, speech recognition builds on Google's speech recognition. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00442-00147328-00147608 So, as long as you're using Google Chrome, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00443-00147608-00147991 you can do speech to text comments for this comments box. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00444-00147991-00148190 So, I'm going to demo this for you. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00445-00148274-00148474 [mouse clicks] sd_JaHW4Tv0-00446-00148520-00148720 Here we go, I'm just gonna click "record", sd_JaHW4Tv0-00447-00148763-00148910 TRACY: "Wow, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00448-00148910-00149054 exclamation mark... sd_JaHW4Tv0-00449-00149080-00149280 You have done a fabulous job here, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00450-00149394-00149594 comma, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00451-00149594-00149672 Stu, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00452-00149672-00149872 ...period." sd_JaHW4Tv0-00453-00149940-00150104 [mouse clicks] sd_JaHW4Tv0-00454-00150122-00150368 TRACY: So, did you see how it was changing sd_JaHW4Tv0-00455-00150368-00150626 as I was providing more information? sd_JaHW4Tv0-00456-00150646-00151082 So, it started out like writing the word "exclamation" sd_JaHW4Tv0-00457-00151082-00151498 and then, once I said "mark," then it turned it into an exclamation mark. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00458-00151514-00151902 So, it is a little intelligent there, but then we also have things like this: sd_JaHW4Tv0-00459-00151936-00152274 "Stu is not really the name, that's more like a dish." sd_JaHW4Tv0-00460-00152292-00152462 So, I'd need to fix that one. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00461-00152510-00152699 I might need to sd_JaHW4Tv0-00462-00152699-00152896 capitalize this word, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00463-00152896-00153074 but notice when I said the word "comma" sd_JaHW4Tv0-00464-00153074-00153396 it was smart enough to turn that into a punctuation mark. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00465-00153396-00153720 So you do have a little bit of editing to do before you submit it, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00466-00153742-00154168 but, it is pretty good at figuring out what you're trying to say. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00467-00154186-00154518 And, once you do submit it—so I'm gonna click on submit— sd_JaHW4Tv0-00468-00154598-00154956 this looks exactly like a comma that you typed; sd_JaHW4Tv0-00469-00154981-00155187 there's no visible difference between the two. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00470-00155198-00155667 So, if your fingers are numb from all of the typing and grading you've been doing, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00471-00155667-00155895 this is a really nice change of pace sd_JaHW4Tv0-00472-00155936-00156276 and sometimes it can speed the feedback process up a little bit. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00473-00156376-00156674 So, to do that, I just clicked on sd_JaHW4Tv0-00474-00156718-00156918 the little speaker here. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00475-00156952-00157188 I clicked on this start button to record. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00476-00157188-00157476 I recorded it. I clicked on the stop button. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00477-00157476-00157596 And then, that was it. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00478-00157624-00158078 And then I always have a chance to edit it before I click on "submit". sd_JaHW4Tv0-00479-00158102-00158722 So, that is an underused but much-loved option for people who use it regularly. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00480-00158786-00159170 The other thing I wanted to do before we get too much further sd_JaHW4Tv0-00481-00159190-00159646 is I wanted to show you what some of this looks like from the student perspective. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00482-00159646-00159890 So, we've been making a couple of changes. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00483-00159890-00160230 We've been changing grades using the rubrics, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00484-00160252-00160434 and we've been adding comments. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00485-00160434-00160946 So, I am logged in, in another browser, as one of my fake students sd_JaHW4Tv0-00486-00160964-00161132 and I wanted to show you what those things look like sd_JaHW4Tv0-00487-00161170-00161370 from the student perspective. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00488-00161488-00161636 So, here we are. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00489-00161694-00162168 I am logged in as "Grey Writer" here. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00490-00162208-00162305 and, as you can see, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00491-00162306-00162564 I've got a little blue notification sd_JaHW4Tv0-00492-00162564-00162863 that there are something new in the grades area. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00493-00162863-00163020 So, I can click over there... sd_JaHW4Tv0-00494-00163285-00163450 and... sd_JaHW4Tv0-00495-00163450-00163769 these are the areas where things have been changing recently. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00496-00163770-00164052 Those are the two that we've been playing around with. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00497-00164052-00164432 So, if I click on the "Epic Essay," sd_JaHW4Tv0-00498-00164538-00164880 we can see the feedback here. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00499-00164894-00165252 And I think the one that we were just playing with... sd_JaHW4Tv0-00500-00165252-00165348 is... sd_JaHW4Tv0-00501-00165364-00165594 this one. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00502-00165856-00166166 (Nope, no, that must have been for "Stu") sd_JaHW4Tv0-00503-00166166-00166436 So, we can see the comments here, and if it was a video comment— sd_JaHW4Tv0-00504-00166448-00166610 which we're going to talk about next— sd_JaHW4Tv0-00505-00166626-00166788 it displays here as well. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00506-00166836-00167158 And then, if we wanted to look at the— sd_JaHW4Tv0-00507-00167262-00167462 no, this one doesn't have annotations— sd_JaHW4Tv0-00508-00167572-00167853 let's go back to the other one. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00509-00168196-00168753 So, if I wanted to view the annotations—this one has it—I can look at these, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00510-00168754-00168930 I can go full screen sd_JaHW4Tv0-00511-00169006-00169193 and here they are! sd_JaHW4Tv0-00512-00169193-00169647 It looks the same way as it did from the instructor view. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00513-00169711-00169959 And then, up here, is where, as a student, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00514-00169960-00170276 I could download this PDF and check it out. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00515-00170332-00170832 And you'll see, by the way, that students have access to these annotation tools too. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00516-00170858-00171364 So, as the student, I could respond to the instructor here, if I wanted to. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00517-00171388-00171708 The trick is, the instructor has to know that that happened, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00518-00171708-00171890 to go back in the paper and look sd_JaHW4Tv0-00519-00171890-00172238 because these do not trigger notifications sd_JaHW4Tv0-00520-00172240-00172660 like a comment in this area does. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00521-00172660-00173112 So, that's one caveat to introducing the annotation tools to your students. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00522-00173358-00173586 So, we skipped over a box in the middle sd_JaHW4Tv0-00523-00173586-00173902 and that's the box that we're going to take a look at. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00524-00173910-00174278 Audio and video feedback is a really powerful tool for students, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00525-00174280-00174542 you heard one of my students talking about it. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00526-00174562-00174890 It helps students really feel like you're there with them, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00527-00174890-00175078 talking to them about your paper. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00528-00175090-00175366 Kind of like, if you know you were meeting with a student, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00529-00175366-00175650 maybe during an office hour or maybe in a Zoom session, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00530-00175650-00175861 and talking about it, and giving some suggestions, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00531-00175872-00176154 and pointing out things that worked really well. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00532-00176164-00176567 And your student leaves with a really clear sense of what's great sd_JaHW4Tv0-00533-00176567-00176890 and what to focus on next to improve other areas. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00534-00176923-00177250 And audio and video feedback can do that same kind of thing. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00535-00177250-00177510 You have a few options for how to sd_JaHW4Tv0-00536-00177576-00177790 use audio and video feedback. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00537-00177790-00178070 There is an onboard recorder in Canvas, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00538-00178086-00178342 but I actually don't recommend it for a couple reasons. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00539-00178358-00178564 One of them is, if you're using a modern browser, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00540-00178564-00178772 you probably don't have Flash anymore. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00541-00178780-00179340 So, Firefox and Chrome no longer use Flash, they use HTML 5 instead. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00542-00179362-00179800 So, you're gonna get this little spinning—endless spinning—message saying sd_JaHW4Tv0-00543-00179800-00179936 that Flash is required. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00544-00179938-00180328 So, you would have to load Flash, which is kind of older technology, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00545-00180344-00180630 in order to record within Canvas. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00546-00180630-00181056 The important thing to know is the recording quality, especially for audio, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00547-00181078-00181370 is pretty low, if you're recording within Canvas. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00548-00181376-00181732 You'll have much higher quality if you record outside of Canvas sd_JaHW4Tv0-00549-00181738-00181944 and upload it into Canvas. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00550-00181952-00182278 The one exception is, if you're using your phone, if you're using the app, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00551-00182314-00182594 Then you'll be using your phone's recording technology sd_JaHW4Tv0-00552-00182594-00182798 and that tends to work pretty well. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00553-00182798-00183027 But, assuming that we're using a desktop, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00554-00183027-00183227 I'm gonna show you another method for sd_JaHW4Tv0-00555-00183279-00183512 getting your recorded comments in here. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00556-00183580-00183968 And first, I'm going to show you one of those recorded comments. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00557-00183996-00184476 Let's see. Okay. So, here we have—we're going back to "Grey Writer" here— sd_JaHW4Tv0-00558-00184492-00184792 and, this is what a media comment would look like, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00559-00184808-00185082 and it's just recorded with a webcam. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00560-00185106-00185304 They click on it, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00561-00185304-00185774 TRACY: "Hey, great job with this! Virtual high five!" sd_JaHW4Tv0-00562-00185798-00186236 TRACY: And, I could, of course, go on and talk about the paper itself, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00563-00186252-00186532 but, that was done by using this button sd_JaHW4Tv0-00564-00186644-00186888 and simply clicking on upload media, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00565-00186888-00187080 and then selecting the file. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00566-00187086-00187520 So, whether it's audio or a video, if I've recorded it outside of Canvas, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00567-00187520-00187774 I just have to find it to put it in. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00568-00187774-00187920 So, here's exactly what I did for that. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00569-00187920-00188316 I clicked on "Select Video," and then I went to... sd_JaHW4Tv0-00570-00188340-00188586 this folder right here. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00571-00188600-00188806 There it is. I clicked on it sd_JaHW4Tv0-00572-00188886-00189048 and... sd_JaHW4Tv0-00573-00189049-00189633 it just takes a second to upload, and then, there it is just like that! sd_JaHW4Tv0-00574-00189688-00189991 So, that's all I had to do to get the video into Canvas. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00575-00189991-00190230 Now, of course, I had to record it, right? sd_JaHW4Tv0-00576-00190312-00190512 So, there are a few options for recording sd_JaHW4Tv0-00577-00190548-00190828 You can use something we have a site license for, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00578-00190846-00191128 like Camtasia or Snagit. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00579-00191128-00191384 You also can use whatever exists on your computer. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00580-00191386-00191586 So, if you are using a PC, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00581-00191634-00192092 you have an app you might not even know about, and it's called "Camera." sd_JaHW4Tv0-00582-00192356-00192692 TRACY: "Camera is a simple program that lets me take a picture, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00583-00192702-00192842 or in this case, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00584-00192862-00193078 record a video. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00585-00193094-00193256 I'll zoom in a little, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00586-00193262-00193422 ooh, not that much! sd_JaHW4Tv0-00587-00193440-00193528 There we go, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00588-00193544-00193794 and I'll just press this button to start recording. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00589-00193922-00194182 "Hello there!" sd_JaHW4Tv0-00590-00194284-00194526 You'll see the video pops in down here. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00591-00194708-00194908 [video recording "Hello there!"] sd_JaHW4Tv0-00592-00194930-00195076 There it is! So, here is my video sd_JaHW4Tv0-00593-00195102-00195588 and I will find this video in the "Photos" folder on my computer. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00594-00195614-00195964 So, that has very good audio and video quality; sd_JaHW4Tv0-00595-00195970-00196306 Mac's have free onboard recording software as well. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00596-00196306-00196620 So, you can use what already comes on to your computer, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00597-00196644-00196980 Or, you could use Snagit if you're interested in another simple tool, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00598-00196980-00197142 and that's something that's free, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00599-00197142-00197428 a part of our site license and professional development. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00600-00197440-00197778 Andre Ortiz, who's the Training Services Coordinator, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00601-00197812-00198162 can help you with that if you're new to Snagit. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00602-00198162-00198466 The other thing that you could do, is you could do a screencast, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00603-00198474-00198864 which is where you're showing your students something on your screen sd_JaHW4Tv0-00604-00198872-00199030 as part of the recording. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00605-00199046-00199378 So, let me show you what that looks like as well. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00606-00199512-00199644 So, here's one. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00607-00199644-00199793 This has been recorded ahead of time sd_JaHW4Tv0-00608-00199793-00200030 and I uploaded it in the way that we were just looking at. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00609-00200050-00200312 But, notice how this one's a little bit different. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00610-00200562-00200968 TRACY: "Hi Gray! You have so many great things happening in this paper, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00611-00200976-00201216 a really clear focus and clear thesis. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00612-00201216-00201460 Your sections make a compelling point in each one sd_JaHW4Tv0-00613-00201460-00201716 and they have lots of evidence to develop..." sd_JaHW4Tv0-00614-00201716-00201988 TRACY: I'm talking about the positives. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00615-00202006-00202264 "...so the only thing that I wanted to suggest to you, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00616-00202272-00202784 as you'll see in the margin notes, is to work on the documentation. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00617-00202800-00203184 So, I point out a couple of things in the margins in terms of in-text citations, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00618-00203194-00203460 but I wanted to take you into your paper sd_JaHW4Tv0-00619-00203482-00203860 to show you a little bit about the Works Cited page. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00620-00203908-00204404 So, here we are in your paper. We're going to actually go to the very end sd_JaHW4Tv0-00621-00204434-00204694 and look at your Works Cited page. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00622-00204694-00205188 So, it looks like you have the author, the title of the book, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00623-00205200-00205540 you have the publishing information, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00624-00205567-00205794 you have, really, everything you need here, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00625-00205812-00206044 except it's not in the right format. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00626-00206044-00206402 So, I'm going to pop out and show you an example of what it should look like sd_JaHW4Tv0-00627-00206426-00206719 and then we'll talk about how you can put that into your paper. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00628-00206744-00207156 So, here we are at the Purdue OWL, which we have visited before, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00629-00207219-00207586 and you'll see here that these are the things you have, the author, the title..." sd_JaHW4Tv0-00630-00207606-00207934 TRACY: So, then I go on and I show this website that we visited before sd_JaHW4Tv0-00631-00207940-00208232 and then I go back to the student's paper, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00632-00208248-00208430 after we've looked at an example on that website, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00633-00208430-00208721 and I walk through how to fix it, in the paper. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00634-00208726-00208994 So, it's kind of like an office hour, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00635-00209008-00209288 where I'm sitting down and showing the students one particular thing. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00636-00209288-00209558 So this video is about two minutes long, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00637-00209558-00209964 but after showing this once and walking through it with the student's paper, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00638-00209964-00210414 I probably won't have to ever explain this again because now he knows how to do it. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00639-00210414-00210666 So, that's one of the benefits of doing these. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00640-00210666-00210892 The other thing is, I only did this in one take, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00641-00210892-00211166 so I didn't record and rerecord and rerecord. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00642-00211166-00211502 I just recorded my screen—and you can use sd_JaHW4Tv0-00643-00211528-00211900 Snagit for that, you can use Screencast-O-Matic, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00644-00211906-00212136 you can use Camtasia—lots of different options, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00645-00212137-00212337 but I just recorded my screen, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00646-00212338-00212556 opened up his paper, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00647-00212556-00212856 opened up the website I wanted to show him, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00648-00212856-00213130 and I'm just talking as I go through it, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00649-00213131-00213360 and then I press stop and I upload it. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00650-00213360-00213713 So, it actually did not take me very much time to make a video. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00651-00213723-00214029 If I had done that trying to type out all those comments, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00652-00214029-00214494 it would have easily taken me 30 minutes because I'm saying a lot here, so sd_JaHW4Tv0-00653-00214517-00215050 it saves me a lot of time and it lets me go into a lot more depth if I make a video. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00654-00215069-00215296 And I don't do it for every student in every assignment. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00655-00215304-00215440 I do it as needed. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00656-00215448-00215734 And, sometimes, I'll just take one assignment for a class sd_JaHW4Tv0-00657-00215748-00215902 and I'll do video for everybody, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00658-00215917-00216236 and then I won't do video for the next one. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00659-00216258-00216390 And, so, I just adjust it sd_JaHW4Tv0-00660-00216396-00216617 based on what this group of students needs sd_JaHW4Tv0-00661-00216621-00216762 and what our schedule looks like. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00662-00216762-00216980 But, a video like this is really powerful; sd_JaHW4Tv0-00663-00216980-00217132 Students really appreciate it sd_JaHW4Tv0-00664-00217132-00217442 and I hear from them that they often watch it several times. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00665-00217456-00217666 So, when we're getting ready to do the next paper sd_JaHW4Tv0-00666-00217686-00217904 I remind them that they had video feedback on the previous one, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00667-00217916-00218200 and that whatever we talked about in that video feedback sd_JaHW4Tv0-00668-00218214-00218398 should be addressed in the new paper, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00669-00218404-00218664 and they'll go back and look at it again. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00670-00218673-00219062 So, that is a screencast video. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00671-00219062-00219642 And then, the last thing I wanted you to think about in terms of video feedback is... sd_JaHW4Tv0-00672-00219762-00219976 [mouse clicking] sd_JaHW4Tv0-00673-00220062-00220230 Let's go over to Stu here. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00674-00220269-00220678 So, Stu has turned in this paper, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00675-00220692-00220944 and let's say, as I'm reading through it, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00676-00220960-00221246 I'm noticing that there's a certain mistake that he is making sd_JaHW4Tv0-00677-00221260-00221489 over and over and over and over again. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00678-00221516-00221932 And let's say that half of the class is making that same mistake. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00679-00221952-00222248 You could think about video feedback sd_JaHW4Tv0-00680-00222267-00222676 in terms of developing a library of little videos sd_JaHW4Tv0-00681-00222696-00223150 that you could put into the comments for the students who need them. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00682-00223150-00223450 So, this is a little pet project of mine that I think has a lot of great potential! sd_JaHW4Tv0-00683-00223450-00223850 So, here's the first one in this future library that I'm envisioning. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00684-00223862-00224092 Think about how this might work for the subjects that you teach. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00685-00224106-00224346 And notice, I'm not using the student's name here. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00686-00224364-00224564 So, this is designed to be something sd_JaHW4Tv0-00687-00224564-00224900 that I could share with several students, whoever needs it. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00688-00225210-00225466 TRACY: "Semicolons are often misunderstood, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00689-00225466-00225800 but have no fear! I'm gonna go over the secrets of semicolons with you. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00690-00225801-00226370 I am on Grammar Girls website, where you'll find a podcast of this topic as well, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00691-00226419-00226685 So, I want to go down to her example. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00692-00226746-00226921 I have a big test tomorrow—semicolon— sd_JaHW4Tv0-00693-00226921-00227121 I can't go out tonight. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00694-00227219-00227608 And notice that there's a version of it with a period here as well. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00695-00227634-00228054 So, essentially, a semicolon has two parts to it: sd_JaHW4Tv0-00696-00228069-00228432 it has a period indicating that we have two complete sentences, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00697-00228450-00228908 and a comma indicating that those are closely related sentences. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00698-00228908-00229138 And that is the essence of a semicolon. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00699-00229144-00229746 Use it between two complete thoughts that are closely related. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00700-00229812-00230282 I'm sharing this with you because you had a couple of semicolon issues in your paper. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00701-00230300-00230504 If you'd like to find one of them, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00702-00230504-00230942 tell me why it's an issue and how to fix it in the comments area for this assignment, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00703-00230942-00231221 I will bump your grade up by five points." sd_JaHW4Tv0-00704-00231364-00231471 TRACY: Haha! sd_JaHW4Tv0-00705-00231471-00231671 So, that is my new strategy. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00706-00231694-00231820 They watch the video, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00707-00231820-00232080 they learn what I'm teaching them in the video, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00708-00232080-00232234 they apply it to their paper, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00709-00232260-00232492 and they get a chance to bump up their grade! sd_JaHW4Tv0-00710-00232492-00232818 And usually, when they get a paper back, they're really interested in the grade. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00711-00232819-00233177 So this is especially motivating at this particular point in time, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00712-00233177-00233482 versus next week, offering them something for extra credit sd_JaHW4Tv0-00713-00233515-00233705 that might not feel as urgent to them. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00714-00233705-00233936 So, if I have one of these four semicolons, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00715-00233956-00234123 and I have one of these for MLA format, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00716-00234142-00234552 and I have one of these for use of sources, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00717-00234552-00234990 I can plug these in and offer this to different students. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00718-00234991-00235321 They might all have the option to get the five points of extra credit, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00719-00235333-00235605 but they might be doing different things, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00720-00235606-00235998 based on what their paper suggests they need to work on. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00721-00236019-00236245 So, because I didn't use a student's name sd_JaHW4Tv0-00722-00236245-00236548 and I didn't look at that student's paper in the video, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00723-00236548-00236966 I can use this student to student, semester to semester, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00724-00236986-00237282 and it'll still be relevant for all of them. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00725-00237310-00237738 So, think about how you could use video in that sort of way, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00726-00237762-00238017 and offering the extra credit is a really good way sd_JaHW4Tv0-00727-00238032-00238321 to make them pay attention to that feedback that you've given. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00728-00238323-00238578 I had a couple of things that I wanted to sd_JaHW4Tv0-00729-00238578-00238967 share with you, going back to our slide deck here—which I also will share— sd_JaHW4Tv0-00730-00239026-00239391 a couple of tips for when you're doing audio and video feedback. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00731-00239391-00239688 All the examples I shared with you were pretty short. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00732-00239702-00239922 They were all well under three minutes; sd_JaHW4Tv0-00733-00239923-00240214 The longest was two, the shortest was about 30 seconds. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00734-00240214-00240577 Keeping it short will prevent your students from getting overloaded. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00735-00240665-00240927 Also, don't try to discuss too many points. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00736-00240928-00241312 If you leave a half-hour video going over the entire assignment sd_JaHW4Tv0-00737-00241336-00241454 line by line, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00738-00241481-00241666 sentence by sentence, word by word, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00739-00241667-00242126 your students won't be able to see what the most important things are sd_JaHW4Tv0-00740-00242126-00242356 because you're just giving too much to them. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00741-00242356-00242622 So, choose a few points and just stick to those. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00742-00242752-00243114 One idea you also could use is having some markers. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00743-00243114-00243386 Like say, "Okay, the first thing I want to talk to you about... sd_JaHW4Tv0-00744-00243400-00243642 ...the second thing I want to talk to you about..." sd_JaHW4Tv0-00745-00243644-00243984 and that can help them scroll through the video later sd_JaHW4Tv0-00746-00243996-00244258 and find that "number two" where you're holding up your two fingers, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00747-00244258-00244492 or you're holding up a sign that says, "number two," sd_JaHW4Tv0-00748-00244508-00244809 so that they can watch and re-watch the video. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00749-00244861-00245106 And then, last thing is to keep it balanced. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00750-00245106-00245440 So, offer some kudos for things they did well, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00751-00245476-00245738 balanced by suggestions to make it even better. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00752-00245752-00246032 And then, of course, your tone is really important too. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00753-00246032-00246232 If everything sounds like you are sd_JaHW4Tv0-00754-00246254-00246688 criticizing the students, they tend to just not pay much attention to, you know, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00755-00246706-00246986 protect their self-esteem and limit the damage. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00756-00247028-00247338 So, if you can start off with some positives sd_JaHW4Tv0-00757-00247338-00247485 and be truly enthusiastic, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00758-00247486-00247996 show them you really do believe in them and care about their progress in the class sd_JaHW4Tv0-00759-00247996-00248148 and want to help them, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00760-00248166-00248460 that will help them really pay attention to the suggestions that you're giving. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00761-00248642-00249026 And then, lastly, I wanted to share this resource site with you, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00762-00249038-00249376 I'm gonna put it in a chat right now. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00763-00249376-00249634 This resource site has the videos that we looked at today sd_JaHW4Tv0-00764-00249652-00249817 and a couple of others as well, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00765-00249854-00250112 So that you can watch them later, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00766-00250112-00250323 if you want to think about doing something similar for your classes. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00767-00250340-00250540 So, the link takes you to this page sd_JaHW4Tv0-00768-00250583-00250763 and sd_JaHW4Tv0-00769-00250763-00250992 you'll see the "High Five" video is there. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00770-00251030-00251288 You'll see the "Screencast" video, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00771-00251304-00251573 where I was talking to the student looking at his paper, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00772-00251580-00251886 bringing in that website, and so on. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00773-00251902-00252210 That "Semi-colon" video is right here for you as well. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00774-00252271-00252380 And then, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00775-00252380-00252681 lastly, the video that I used as an announcement sd_JaHW4Tv0-00776-00252681-00252951 to show students how to find their feedback. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00777-00252956-00253196 So, all those videos have been pulled out of my class sd_JaHW4Tv0-00778-00253196-00253304 and put on this website sd_JaHW4Tv0-00779-00253321-00253578 so you can access them easily. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00780-00253578-00253767 And then, underneath that, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00781-00253788-00254044 you're going to find the Canvas Guide for the SpeedGrader. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00782-00254062-00254412 So, you can watch the Canvas video on how to use it, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00783-00254412-00254866 as well as some links to specific Canvas guides that talk about sd_JaHW4Tv0-00784-00254882-00255350 some of the things that we covered today, like rubrics or leaving comments, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00785-00255376-00255556 or the speech recognition feature. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00786-00255578-00255808 So, these are places to go sd_JaHW4Tv0-00787-00255808-00256010 for more information about some of the features sd_JaHW4Tv0-00788-00256030-00256198 we looked at today. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00789-00256202-00256473 And then there are a couple of other goodies here as well. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00790-00256473-00256698 If you want to learn more about making videos, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00791-00256698-00257008 I've got some links to some of the software we talked about: sd_JaHW4Tv0-00792-00257066-00257266 Camtasia, Screencast-O-Matic— sd_JaHW4Tv0-00793-00257276-00257621 and Camtasia and Snagit are both by the same company, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00794-00257621-00257913 so they're both part of our same site license— sd_JaHW4Tv0-00795-00258010-00258138 and some reminders sd_JaHW4Tv0-00796-00258138-00258555 about how to get your video finished and captioned and all that good stuff! sd_JaHW4Tv0-00797-00258556-00258937 So, there are lots of other resources about video making sd_JaHW4Tv0-00798-00258938-00259116 at the bottom of this page. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00799-00259176-00259582 And then, the last thing I want to share with you are the slides themselves, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00800-00259582-00260008 in case you want to look at some of those pointers that we just checked out, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00801-00260030-00260316 or you want to look at that Wordle again. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00802-00260342-00260571 At the bottom of our last slide, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00803-00260578-00260988 you will see the Bitly address to the complete slide deck. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00804-00261004-00261188 And also, on that last slide, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00805-00261198-00261534 is a link to the template that I used to make this presentation, sd_JaHW4Tv0-00806-00261534-00261804 in case it's something that you would be interested using sd_JaHW4Tv0-00807-00261804-00261962 for one of your presentations. sd_JaHW4Tv0-00808-00262198-00262334 That's it for now! sd_JaHW4Tv0-00809-00262344-00262796 Thanks so much for joining us and I hope you have fun with SpeedGrader! sfoL2SoOd2y-00000-00000360-00002701 Šifra periodnog sustava; Što je šifra periodnog sustava? Šifra periodnog sustava je način sfoL2SoOd2y-00001-00002701-00003967 šifriranja podataka niza. Postoji mnogo načina za šifriranje podataka periodnim sustavom, sfoL2SoOd2y-00002-00003967-00004234 ali razgovarat ćemo samo o određenom. sfoL2SoOd2y-00003-00004234-00004910 Počnimo s periodnim sustavom elemenata. U osnovi je periodni sustav popis svih danas sfoL2SoOd2y-00004-00004910-00006119 poznatih elemenata u prirodi. Sadrži ga iz 7 razdoblja i 18 skupina koje su dalje podijeljene sfoL2SoOd2y-00005-00006119-00006555 na metale, nemetale i polumetale. sfoL2SoOd2y-00006-00006555-00008378 Uzmimo za primjer helij. Helij ili On drugi je od svih poznatih elemenata. Njegov atomski sfoL2SoOd2y-00007-00008378-00009122 broj je 2 jer je drugi broj u tablici. sfoL2SoOd2y-00008-00009122-00009745 Pokušajmo šifrirati riječ "klasifikacija". Prvo pogledamo prva dva slova u riječi; Slova sfoL2SoOd2y-00009-00009745-00010488 CL su simboli za klor koji je 17. element u periodnom sustavu. Sada ćemo umjesto pisanja sfoL2SoOd2y-00010-00010488-00010713 slova CL napisati broj 17. sfoL2SoOd2y-00011-00010713-00011377 Sljedeća dva slova su AS, jer vidimo da su ta slova simbol za arsen. Zamijenit ćemo sfoL2SoOd2y-00012-00011377-00012040 ih brojem 33. Slova SI i zamjenjuju se brojem 14. Sad kad dođemo do slova FI, ne nalazimo sfoL2SoOd2y-00013-00012040-00012750 zamjenu za ta dva slova. Kad se to prvo dogodi, tražimo prvo slovo; što je slovo F. Kao sfoL2SoOd2y-00014-00012750-00013509 što vidimo, ovo je simbol za fluor, koji je deveti element u periodnom sustavu. Zamijenite sfoL2SoOd2y-00015-00013509-00014222 slovo F brojem devet. Traženjem sljedeća dva slova; IC, primjećujemo da druge ne možemo sfoL2SoOd2y-00016-00014222-00014922 zamijeniti niti jednim od ovih simbola, pa slovo I mora biti zamijenjeno brojem 53, jer sfoL2SoOd2y-00017-00014922-00015794 je jod 53. element u periodnom sustavu. Sljedeća dva slova zamjenjuju se brojem 20, koji je sfoL2SoOd2y-00018-00015794-00016600 atomski broj kalcija. Sljedeća dva s brojem 22 ili titanom, i slovo o s brojem osam, N sfoL2SoOd2y-00019-00016600-00017206 sa 7. Dobili smo konačni rezultat. sfoL2SoOd2y-00020-00017206-00018416 Zanimljivo je što se događa kada pokušavamo šifrirati riječ "EKONOMIJA". Uzmimo prva sfoL2SoOd2y-00021-00018416-00019169 dva slova za šifriranje, možete primijetiti da nema zamjene za slovo E. Ovaj problem rješavamo sfoL2SoOd2y-00022-00019169-00020011 KORIŠTENJEM METODE OBRATNOG SIMBOLA; preokretanjem slova E i C dobivamo CE, ta slova CE također sfoL2SoOd2y-00023-00020011-00020693 predstavljaju simbol 58. elementa - cerija, a sada možemo zamijeniti slova EC za broj sfoL2SoOd2y-00024-00020693-00021452 58 znakom ili apostrofom koji mogu zamijeniti slova nošenih šifri. sfoL2SoOd2y-00025-00021452-00022528 Postoje situacije u kojima ne možemo šifrirati svako slovo, kad se to dogodi prisiljeni smo sfoL2SoOd2y-00026-00022528-00023452 ostaviti pismo ili više slova nešifrirano. Kao što vidite, tijekom šifriranja ovom sfoL2SoOd2y-00027-00023452-00024034 metodom moglo bi biti mnogo krajnjih rezultata, ali dešifriranje bi uvijek trebalo dovesti sfoL2SoOd2y-00028-00024034-00024199 do iste riječi. sfoL2SoOd2y-00029-00024199-00025783 Sad je tvoj red! Idite i šifrirajte riječ "APSOLUTNO". Da biste riješili ovaj zadatak, sfoL2SoOd2y-00030-00025783-00027595 zaustavite ovaj video odmah oko - SADA. Rezultat će uslijediti za 3 sekunde. Nadam se da ste sfoL2SoOd2y-00031-00027595-00028387 uživali gledajući ovaj video! Vidimo se uskoro! sfoL2SoOd2y-00032-00028387-00029368 Izradio i uredio: Daniel Batinić sfoL2SoOd2y-00033-00029368-00029641 DUKORIGINALS sfBL5o5wqkI-00000-00000282-00000810 Welcome to this video, where you will learn how to select your own region. sfBL5o5wqkI-00001-00000810-00001416 But first let me explain why we need to address issues in rural regions. sfBL5o5wqkI-00002-00001539-00001848 Issues like unequal economic developments, sfBL5o5wqkI-00003-00001848-00002367 ageing and limited access to land, affect allrural regions. sfBL5o5wqkI-00004-00002367-00002763 If these are not addressed, it is harder to solve the problems. sfBL5o5wqkI-00005-00002763-00003071 This is something we have seen in the past decades. sfBL5o5wqkI-00006-00003071-00003547 Meanwhile, rural regionscannot fulfill their hidden potential. sfBL5o5wqkI-00007-00003654-00004262 The strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for rural regions should therefore be mapped. sfBL5o5wqkI-00008-00004262-00004768 By this, I mean that you identify which issues are important for a region, sfBL5o5wqkI-00009-00004768-00005250 how they relate to each other, and what type of solutions could work to deal with them. sfBL5o5wqkI-00010-00005340-00006048 If you succeed in this process, it will become clear what future strategies and concrete actions sfBL5o5wqkI-00011-00006048-00006387 could work in the region of your interest. sfBL5o5wqkI-00012-00006517-00007016 Although rural areas share several characteristics, they are all different. sfBL5o5wqkI-00013-00007016-00007633 The knowledge you will obtain in this course isn’t useful if you can’t applyit to a specific context. sfBL5o5wqkI-00014-00007633-00008156 Therefore, we ask you to select a specific rural regionfor this course. sfBL5o5wqkI-00015-00008156-00008676 You will consistently apply the knowledge of each week to the same region. sfBL5o5wqkI-00016-00008676-00009285 It is your task to think about how the things you will learn work out in your own region. sfBL5o5wqkI-00017-00009285-00009714 Thiswill provide you with more in-depth knowledgeof the region of your interest. sfBL5o5wqkI-00018-00009714-00010130 And we call this process zooming-in. sfBL5o5wqkI-00019-00010254-00010726 You will work on your own region for which you upload your findings. sfBL5o5wqkI-00020-00010726-00011100 You will also be invited to review the workof other learners, sfBL5o5wqkI-00021-00011100-00011495 compare the outcomes and think about the differences you find. sfBL5o5wqkI-00022-00011495-00011917 In thisway you are also zooming out from your region. sfBL5o5wqkI-00023-00011917-00012403 This leads to a broader comparable insight on rural development. sfBL5o5wqkI-00024-00012512-00012786 So what is the size of theregion that you can select? sfBL5o5wqkI-00025-00012840-00013293 The ideal scale of the region largely depends onthe local context, sfBL5o5wqkI-00026-00013293-00013906 but it makes sense to look at areas between 100,000 and 2 million inhabitants. sfBL5o5wqkI-00027-00013906-00014296 The structure of government and the way how civil society is organised sfBL5o5wqkI-00028-00014296-00014612 can alsoplay a role in selecting the region. sfBL5o5wqkI-00029-00014755-00015316 The European NUTS-3 and NUTS-2 level seem for example suitableregions, sfBL5o5wqkI-00030-00015316-00015574 as they are based on governmental levels. sfBL5o5wqkI-00031-00015574-00015993 NUTS-3 level regions, which you can see inthe example here, sfBL5o5wqkI-00032-00015993-00016482 tend to have between 150,000 and 800,000 inhabitants. sfBL5o5wqkI-00033-00016482-00017253 NUTS-2 level regions are a bit larger and tend to have between 800,000 and 3 million inhabitants. sfBL5o5wqkI-00034-00017253-00017714 An advantage of choosing such a region like NUTS-3 or NUTS-2 sfBL5o5wqkI-00035-00017714-00017982 isthat you can find more information about it. sfBL5o5wqkI-00036-00017982-00018778 For example, a lot of information about NUTS-3 andNUTS-2 regions can be obtained through Eurostat. sfBL5o5wqkI-00037-00018870-00019424 In terms of finding a specifically rural region, it also depends on your context. sfBL5o5wqkI-00038-00019424-00019931 What rural means may differ vastly between countries. sfBL5o5wqkI-00039-00019931-00020378 It is not a problem to select a region which also has urban areas in it. sfBL5o5wqkI-00040-00020378-00020968 But it is importantthat there are clearly rural elements within your region as well. sfBL5o5wqkI-00041-00020968-00021229 Think of a serious amount ofnature and farmland, sfBL5o5wqkI-00042-00021229-00021872 and a part of the region which mostly consists of villages and small towns. sfBL5o5wqkI-00043-00021872-00022329 So, let me show you an example of selecting a rural region. sfBL5o5wqkI-00044-00022329-00022872 As I am personally from The Netherlands, I will give you a Dutch example. sfBL5o5wqkI-00045-00022872-00023335 The Netherlands is, as you may know, a relatively urbanisedcountry. sfBL5o5wqkI-00046-00023335-00023837 As a result, most potential regions will also have urban elements. sfBL5o5wqkI-00047-00023837-00024204 These arethe NUTS-3 regions in the Netherlands. sfBL5o5wqkI-00048-00024204-00024816 I am now looking for a region which is relatively rural and can be clearly defined as a region. sfBL5o5wqkI-00049-00024900-00025340 And for that the region I am going to select is Achterhoek. sfBL5o5wqkI-00050-00025340-00026114 In the typology of Eurostat, this region is intermediate between urban and rural regions. sfBL5o5wqkI-00051-00026114-00026564 And in the urbanised Dutch context, this means that it is relatively rural. sfBL5o5wqkI-00052-00026564-00027206 Moreover, Achterhoek is aregion with both governmental and also civil identity. sfBL5o5wqkI-00053-00027283-00027600 Its municipalities cooperate to attract tourists sfBL5o5wqkI-00054-00027600-00027970 andit even has, as you can see here its own flag. sfBL5o5wqkI-00055-00027970-00028393 Although none of these things are specific requirements forselection, sfBL5o5wqkI-00056-00028393-00028636 also not for you when you make the selection, sfBL5o5wqkI-00057-00028636-00029288 I think that it will help me to apply theoretical concepts to this practical region. sfBL5o5wqkI-00058-00029288-00029557 So, let me repeat, this is just an example. sfBL5o5wqkI-00059-00029557-00029966 There can be all sorts of reasons foryou to select your own region. sfBL5o5wqkI-00060-00029966-00030337 The point of this course is that you willapply the knowledge you obtain sfBL5o5wqkI-00061-00030337-00030671 to a rural region which is relevant to you, sfBL5o5wqkI-00062-00030671-00030966 so that youcan use this knowledge in your daily life. sfBL5o5wqkI-00063-00031041-00031535 Therefore, it is important that you can find information about the region you choose. sfBL5o5wqkI-00064-00031535-00031915 This will help you during the tasks throughout the course. sfBL5o5wqkI-00065-00031915-00032412 The contrasting with other regions will help you to also learn from other contexts sfBL5o5wqkI-00066-00032412-00032746 and seethe bigger picture of rural development. sfBL5o5wqkI-00067-00032746-00033256 So, good luck, and don’t forget to have some fun during the process! sfUY89j3TtM-00000-00001714-00001914 All right, so good afternoon everybody sfUY89j3TtM-00001-00001984-00002330 My name is Amy surberg. I own berry Goods farm sfUY89j3TtM-00002-00002422-00002957 In Moorestown Indiana just southeast of Indianapolis not too far from here sfUY89j3TtM-00003-00003042-00003242 We are a very small sfUY89j3TtM-00004-00003243-00003545 diversified farm just started in sfUY89j3TtM-00005-00003597-00003709 2015 sfUY89j3TtM-00006-00003709-00004179 This was something that I started on my own as a second career my first career was in engineering sfUY89j3TtM-00007-00004294-00004803 to be able to stay home with my five kids, so I've got pictures of everybody on the farm there and sfUY89j3TtM-00008-00004894-00005342 Something that really has become a passion of mine growing has always been a passion of mine sfUY89j3TtM-00009-00005430-00005732 But farming is as a whole next step sfUY89j3TtM-00010-00005839-00006350 So I applied for the farmer Rancher grant and did some research on my farm sfUY89j3TtM-00011-00006442-00006642 integrating poultry and vegetables sfUY89j3TtM-00012-00006844-00007424 So the problem we started with Salatin pens, and I think it was about 2012 sfUY89j3TtM-00013-00007519-00007702 so they take space sfUY89j3TtM-00014-00007702-00007902 to store all winter long sfUY89j3TtM-00015-00007909-00008259 And I wanted to do a little bit more in the winter sfUY89j3TtM-00016-00008299-00008861 For our winter farmers markets and growing so I was looking into growing greens in the winter time sfUY89j3TtM-00017-00008943-00009533 And so I teamed up with actually my dad who's a mechanical engineer to design these and we call them coop houses sfUY89j3TtM-00018-00009559-00009759 We use them for chickens in the summer sfUY89j3TtM-00019-00009759-00010227 And then we take two of them and combine them together to make a hoop house for the winter sfUY89j3TtM-00020-00010420-00010800 So here you can see the summer configuration, so these are designed sfUY89j3TtM-00021-00010872-00011399 With the johnnies hoop house bender or hoop bender with the electrical conduit sfUY89j3TtM-00022-00011485-00011948 We did a four foot wall so that you could make it six foot tall to get into it sfUY89j3TtM-00023-00011992-00012632 In the summer configuration this holds about 50 chickens, and then the winter configuration you take this back piece sfUY89j3TtM-00024-00012652-00012993 It just held on by carriage bolts and you flip it out on each sfUY89j3TtM-00025-00013009-00013584 Each of two coops and then slide them together and you have a greenhouse. It's about twenty six by six feet long sfUY89j3TtM-00026-00013766-00013966 My hoop house I should say it's not heated sfUY89j3TtM-00027-00014144-00014344 So in constructing this sfUY89j3TtM-00028-00014387-00014916 Cost for the eight houses materials 1745 in labor 1360, so it's a fairly low cost sfUY89j3TtM-00029-00014975-00015571 Investment for me to be able to experiment with this and get some data on how well it worked on my farm sfUY89j3TtM-00030-00015672-00015949 So each house will cost us about just under $400 sfUY89j3TtM-00031-00016019-00016761 They hold 50 Cornish cross chickens at just over a square foot per chicken because you've got about 60 square feet in those sfUY89j3TtM-00032-00016862-00017209 Or and we also did turkeys so we would run sfUY89j3TtM-00033-00017276-00017767 25 turkeys in a season and sell those at the local farmers market and to subscription customers sfUY89j3TtM-00034-00017903-00018661 And to houses together for the greenhouse configuration gives you approximately 100 grow feet depending on how you configure it sfUY89j3TtM-00035-00018818-00019285 Salad mix we grew salad mix kale. I have Pok choy in them right now sfUY89j3TtM-00036-00019538-00019743 Several different types of crops that you could go sfUY89j3TtM-00037-00019829-00020259 So the potential number of chickens and six-month season were about 300 per coop sfUY89j3TtM-00038-00020279-00020655 if you assume that you would brew I had a separate brooding facility in the barn and sfUY89j3TtM-00039-00020669-00021163 Would bring them out and then have them on the pasture the last four weeks of their lives sfUY89j3TtM-00040-00021272-00021808 And then winter harvest was we had a return of about $2 per row foot on that sfUY89j3TtM-00041-00021917-00022117 Which I think is fairly standard? sfUY89j3TtM-00042-00022310-00022732 This gives you a little bit more detail in the summer time we would put in a reflective tarp sfUY89j3TtM-00043-00022862-00023509 To keep the chickens cooler obviously you don't want them in a greenhouse with plastic heating up whole summer block sfUY89j3TtM-00044-00023570-00023935 You could also roll up the what you can't see as well. Maybe in this picture here sfUY89j3TtM-00045-00023935-00024092 You can roll up the sides sfUY89j3TtM-00046-00024092-00024525 so that four foot wall would be like a Ledge and the hoop is on the inside so you can roll up the sides and sfUY89j3TtM-00047-00024526-00024604 Set that right there sfUY89j3TtM-00048-00024604-00025062 And we had a little clip that came up to hold it in place to give plenty of airflow for the chickens sfUY89j3TtM-00049-00025063-00025443 But also then if there's a storm or something we can roll those back down and keep the chickens from getting wet sfUY89j3TtM-00050-00025591-00026262 This right here was an important component. This is a just basically a three trailer hitch and we used sfUY89j3TtM-00051-00026347-00026497 lever sfUY89j3TtM-00052-00026497-00027240 It's a trailer. It's actually stilted like a hand trailer Pooler. That was my love lever to be able to movies by hand across the sfUY89j3TtM-00053-00027320-00027567 Field and I was able to move them sfUY89j3TtM-00054-00027635-00028098 That was an important part of this my husband is a physician and isn't doing the farm, so I do this sfUY89j3TtM-00055-00028225-00028755 He helps he helped with some of the construction and things, but I wanted to have a system that I can manage on my own sfUY89j3TtM-00056-00028823-00029223 And this was a way to do that we constructed these to be pretty lightweight sfUY89j3TtM-00057-00029294-00029791 And over the couple of years that we've been using them we found that there are some stress points here that we've had to put sfUY89j3TtM-00058-00029791-00029991 like little triangles in to sfUY89j3TtM-00059-00030011-00030454 Reinforce a little bit just from the moving just the jerking across the field as you go sfUY89j3TtM-00060-00030664-00031072 In the winter so then we put this is actually just a low tunnel I had but sfUY89j3TtM-00061-00031169-00031642 We had we would configure the houses kind of in a little village so it's easy to get from one of the other to work sfUY89j3TtM-00062-00031642-00031727 and sfUY89j3TtM-00063-00031727-00031927 There's my son helping us put one together sfUY89j3TtM-00064-00031967-00032542 so you pre plant the crops and so I would plant my crops in August and I didn't need to slide the sfUY89j3TtM-00065-00032573-00033063 Houses over them until about October time frame when it started to get cold enough to get a frost on those crops sfUY89j3TtM-00066-00033064-00033634 And I could put this is the agribon the frost cloth over those crops sfUY89j3TtM-00067-00033698-00033903 To help protect them through the winter sfUY89j3TtM-00068-00033971-00034225 Pretty much the same thing you see done in the larger hoop houses sfUY89j3TtM-00069-00034391-00034735 And we would slide these over so when you open them up you have a sfUY89j3TtM-00070-00034784-00035220 You know three ends that are open. You can just slide them over the crop want a one on either side sfUY89j3TtM-00071-00035279-00035411 so sfUY89j3TtM-00072-00035411-00035850 And then fasten it together here and put in another piece of plastic right there sfUY89j3TtM-00073-00035918-00036547 We use the Johnny C's has those clips to put on there and those worked fairly well sfUY89j3TtM-00074-00036547-00036942 But if you've got a really high wind they would pop off and fly across the field so sfUY89j3TtM-00075-00037112-00037522 One of the things that we were playing with and we haven't done yet actually is sfUY89j3TtM-00076-00037544-00037995 Doing some string across there like greenhouse string just to kind of hold things down a little bit better sfUY89j3TtM-00077-00038090-00038290 to insulate sfUY89j3TtM-00078-00038330-00038755 You bring the curtain side down and then we put sandbags here to help hold that in place sfUY89j3TtM-00079-00038755-00038985 And then we would use straw to help insulate the sides sfUY89j3TtM-00080-00038986-00039418 and we found that that helped retain more heat through they eat through the night and sfUY89j3TtM-00081-00039461-00039952 Even though this was a smaller hoop house. I had a lot of the same results as people with much much larger sfUY89j3TtM-00082-00040025-00040128 houses sfUY89j3TtM-00083-00040128-00040668 In terms of what would survive the winter and how cold it got we did do some temperature monitoring in sfUY89j3TtM-00084-00040705-00040938 General it. Kind of brought us one zone south sfUY89j3TtM-00085-00041021-00041376 So that we had about 10 degrees warmer in there sfUY89j3TtM-00086-00041446-00041808 And that's just a picture of my kids helping me do salad greens ones winter sfUY89j3TtM-00087-00042121-00042324 Yeah, and that's I kind of went through some of this already sfUY89j3TtM-00088-00042324-00042792 I used real cover for insulation on the crops themselves we did strong sandbags on the side sfUY89j3TtM-00089-00042922-00043323 So it acted kind of like a modified low tunnel but you could get in there and work so with sfUY89j3TtM-00090-00043396-00043644 Salad greens. I was able to cut and come back again sfUY89j3TtM-00091-00043744-00044304 sometimes getting three or four cuttings before December when things were really really slowed down, but that would get me through the sfUY89j3TtM-00092-00044386-00044586 Thanksgiving and Christmas markets sfUY89j3TtM-00093-00044725-00044997 So it's tall enough to work for multiple harvest sfUY89j3TtM-00094-00045061-00045261 We would vent them sfUY89j3TtM-00095-00045265-00045717 Usually I had most of the trouble venting would be in the spring because in the fall a lot of times sfUY89j3TtM-00096-00045718-00046005 I would wait till the very last minute to throw say to put those over the crops sfUY89j3TtM-00097-00046072-00046665 But in the spring that is one thing about this house is being smaller that temperatures were pretty variable up and down sfUY89j3TtM-00098-00046678-00046911 So you would have to go out there and invent them sfUY89j3TtM-00099-00047018-00047481 but you could actually open up the plastic at the junction where the two pieces went together to have ended out at the top if sfUY89j3TtM-00100-00047481-00047982 You needed to vent it quickly or we could open the doors on either and that worked out really pretty well sfUY89j3TtM-00101-00047983-00048337 And then as it got won't consistently warmer. You just roll up the sides sfUY89j3TtM-00102-00048536-00049134 We did find you could we could reduce disease build up to admit by moving to different locations, so sfUY89j3TtM-00103-00049219-00049689 one of the winters we had a little problem at the end of the winter with a sfUY89j3TtM-00104-00049750-00050133 Downy mildew on some of the kale so the next season I just moved to a different location sfUY89j3TtM-00105-00050188-00050826 And didn't have that problem that next season that was one of the big advantages of being having these be movable sfUY89j3TtM-00106-00050920-00051273 And we didn't supplement with heat, so they're truly just hoop houses sfUY89j3TtM-00107-00051476-00051676 We took one house and sfUY89j3TtM-00108-00051706-00052173 Modified it one winter for some laying hens. I wanted to rest my winter coop sfUY89j3TtM-00109-00052250-00052761 And get that really well cleaned out especially the pasture area that was around it was getting too muddy sfUY89j3TtM-00110-00052789-00053055 so we decided to use one of them for sfUY89j3TtM-00111-00053116-00053362 Chickens through the winter and actually that worked really well for us sfUY89j3TtM-00112-00053454-00054144 We modified this door to put in a chicken doors to help keep more heat in here. We used straw for deep bedding sfUY89j3TtM-00113-00054214-00054777 Put it in. You know six inches tall roughly, and you keep adding through the winter and as that decomposes. It adds more heat sfUY89j3TtM-00114-00054889-00055458 Put in nest boxes along the side since you had that frame on the bottom. You could put nest boxes in there sfUY89j3TtM-00115-00055458-00055755 We had roll out nest boxes on the side and put roost in the back sfUY89j3TtM-00116-00055768-00056166 we were able to keep 35 hens in there through the winter and sfUY89j3TtM-00117-00056291-00056871 With the solar heat and the deep bedding and the warmth from the chickens. We actually had less trouble with sfUY89j3TtM-00118-00056932-00057279 Freezing in these than we did in our insulated coop sfUY89j3TtM-00119-00057416-00057705 We were able to keep the water from freezing sfUY89j3TtM-00120-00057779-00058467 Except during really extremely cold winters, so this would have been not this past winter, but the winter before which was a little milder sfUY89j3TtM-00121-00058467-00058998 but we did have some of those really super cold days those would be the days that you would have to go out there and sfUY89j3TtM-00122-00059077-00059514 Change the water and make sure that the chickens weren't too cold, but we didn't have any you know frost damage or anything sfUY89j3TtM-00123-00059770-00060144 We let's see it was one of those I think that was it on that one but sfUY89j3TtM-00124-00060319-00060819 That did work out very well for us, and then you have a place you can move your winter coop as well sfUY89j3TtM-00125-00060824-00061113 So you're not they're not married to one spot sfUY89j3TtM-00126-00061379-00061932 We did testing during this and this was part of the research project did some soil testing sfUY89j3TtM-00127-00061933-00062427 I don't know if you can see that real well with the light on this or not, but you can see the strip sfUY89j3TtM-00128-00062427-00062627 where we were going and sfUY89j3TtM-00129-00062662-00063144 Anybody, that's familiar with the Salatin method. This is what the Salatin fields look like you know when you're sfUY89j3TtM-00130-00063200-00063828 Moving your chickens across the field they're fertilizing that area that they're moving in and it gave us controlled fertilization sfUY89j3TtM-00131-00063829-00064025 I was able to run in between my rows of sfUY89j3TtM-00132-00064025-00064440 Blackberries I could run them in this case. I was running him up toward my orchard area sfUY89j3TtM-00133-00064541-00064649 and sfUY89j3TtM-00134-00064649-00064941 our soil test we took over two years for the sfUY89j3TtM-00135-00064985-00065170 project we would take sfUY89j3TtM-00136-00065170-00065350 We I would take five sfUY89j3TtM-00137-00065350-00065850 samples from the area that the chickens were in and five samples from an adjacent area that they were not in and sfUY89j3TtM-00138-00065873-00066073 Blend those and then sent them in sfUY89j3TtM-00139-00066122-00066868 And so you can see and fifteen the areas without chickens, this is your percent organic matter sfUY89j3TtM-00140-00066983-00067172 phosphorus sfUY89j3TtM-00141-00067172-00067768 And then this was out without chickens, and this is where the chickens would have had run and same thing in 2016 sfUY89j3TtM-00142-00067889-00068383 Saw slight increases, so you're getting some increase on nutrients and organic matter sfUY89j3TtM-00143-00068402-00068697 but it's not like a huge amount all at once I sfUY89j3TtM-00144-00068753-00068930 Know there's a lot more sfUY89j3TtM-00145-00068930-00069439 Research that has been done on the soil impact here. This is just kind of an overview that we have sfUY89j3TtM-00146-00070049-00070621 Benefits are this project controlled fertilization, so we're controlling exactly where our chickens are going sfUY89j3TtM-00147-00070793-00071350 Continuous supply of fresh pasture for the birds so we had about four acres of sfUY89j3TtM-00148-00071483-00071752 Horse that was planted in Horseman's pasture, which is the? sfUY89j3TtM-00149-00071876-00072198 Orchard grass and legume Ickx, which was really good for the birds sfUY89j3TtM-00150-00072203-00072843 It produces a great meat bird it also helps with your eggs you get these nice dark orange yolks sfUY89j3TtM-00151-00073040-00073263 Our pen cost was recuperated faster sfUY89j3TtM-00152-00073310-00073821 Since we were able to use it year-round so I was getting returned in the winter and not just storing that coop sfUY89j3TtM-00153-00073898-00074484 Our business was a little bit more diversified so going to the farmers market, not I had chicken and eggs sfUY89j3TtM-00154-00074485-00074865 But I also had greens, so I was kind of like a one-stop shop at the farmers market sfUY89j3TtM-00155-00074888-00075178 We found that that was a good advantage for our customers sfUY89j3TtM-00156-00075311-00075874 increased our soil health over time and decreased fertilizer needs for the summer vegetables, so sfUY89j3TtM-00157-00075932-00076501 Just you know you're slowly adding that organic matter and those nutrients, so I didn't have to fertilize the vegetables as much sfUY89j3TtM-00158-00076856-00077056 Considerations, so sfUY89j3TtM-00159-00077153-00077353 Chicken storage sfUY89j3TtM-00160-00077360-00077644 When you're growing a whole bunch of chicken sfUY89j3TtM-00161-00077708-00077908 Than you need freezer space sfUY89j3TtM-00162-00077927-00078132 And this was something that I really didn't sfUY89j3TtM-00163-00078164-00078450 Plan for as well at the beginning of this project so sfUY89j3TtM-00164-00078464-00078816 We ended up not using the coops at the full capacity with eight of those sfUY89j3TtM-00165-00078817-00079059 We could have raised a lot more chickens than we actually did sfUY89j3TtM-00166-00079202-00079575 But what we did we used the freezer space that we had and we did add one more freezer sfUY89j3TtM-00167-00079632-00079832 To be able to do more of that sfUY89j3TtM-00168-00079870-00080441 food safety obviously when you're integrating chickens and vegetables you have to be cognizant of sfUY89j3TtM-00169-00080551-00080751 Issues with a chicken manure sfUY89j3TtM-00170-00080875-00081092 Chickens can carry several human pathogens sfUY89j3TtM-00171-00081157-00081891 We would power wash the coops after we were done with them in the fall and before we put them over the this vegetable crop sfUY89j3TtM-00172-00081970-00082349 And then we would also use cover crops or time between sfUY89j3TtM-00173-00082417-00082938 When we ran a chicken in a certain area or ran a coop through a certain area and when we would plant the vegetables sfUY89j3TtM-00174-00082945-00083549 So I would allow that pasture mix to grow for a little while and making sure that we were following at least the organic standards sfUY89j3TtM-00175-00083550-00083936 of 120 days between the manure application and the vegetables sfUY89j3TtM-00176-00083989-00084189 Usually it was more than that sfUY89j3TtM-00177-00084487-00084613 Drawbacks sfUY89j3TtM-00178-00084613-00085353 So the current design this design is pretty small. It's a 20 by oh sorry. Yeah, 10 foot by 6 foot sfUY89j3TtM-00179-00085441-00086069 Pen which is small enough to move by hand but too small to make a very large sfUY89j3TtM-00180-00086161-00086706 Grow very large batch of chickens at one time. I don't know if any of you are familiar with the Prairie schooners sfUY89j3TtM-00181-00086706-00086906 They will hold up to I think sfUY89j3TtM-00182-00086983-00087254 1500 chickens there are some very large ones that you can use sfUY89j3TtM-00183-00087307-00087499 And pull it with a tractor sfUY89j3TtM-00184-00087499-00087866 It'd be interesting to see you know if you use one of those larger ones sfUY89j3TtM-00185-00087867-00088149 And then use that as a winter greenhouse or something like that sfUY89j3TtM-00186-00088249-00088449 What you would get there? sfUY89j3TtM-00187-00088519-00088698 There's extra labour sfUY89j3TtM-00188-00088698-00089202 So the diversification comes with the drawback of you know you're managing chickens, and you're managing vegetables sfUY89j3TtM-00189-00089202-00089486 I'm growing summer vegetables, and I'm managing chickens at the same time sfUY89j3TtM-00190-00089797-00090464 We managed that I've managed I hired somebody part-time to help me with the chicken operation and that did help sfUY89j3TtM-00191-00090625-00090825 Extra storage I did mention that already sfUY89j3TtM-00192-00090832-00091430 Required in the winter for frozen birds to sell through the offseason which is different than your vegetable storage and needing coolers sfUY89j3TtM-00193-00091431-00091631 So it's just a little bit more capital sfUY89j3TtM-00194-00091882-00092330 My conclusion that concluded that the system worked in a pretty complementary way sfUY89j3TtM-00195-00092331-00092740 we felt like being able to move where we put our vegetables in the winter is a sfUY89j3TtM-00196-00092766-00093020 big positive for our farm especially for disease control sfUY89j3TtM-00197-00093156-00093616 We were making soil improvements fairly slowly, but we did make them sfUY89j3TtM-00198-00093707-00094354 And definitely one thing that I found pretty interesting was how well they controlled insects in my orchard sfUY89j3TtM-00199-00094416-00094616 and around my berries I sfUY89j3TtM-00200-00094676-00094927 Suspect but I don't have obviously data on sfUY89j3TtM-00201-00094980-00095326 You know how they would have controlled insects for the vegetables sfUY89j3TtM-00202-00095326-00095953 But I would assume that you're gonna get fewer a lower insect population when your chickens are eating those all of it constantly sfUY89j3TtM-00203-00096083-00096781 The scale of this print project in particular would work in a smaller setting so I have some numbers here about you know eight houses sfUY89j3TtM-00204-00096782-00097312 Would take about 50 to 60 feet across times four to six weeks of movements for the birds which gives you about sfUY89j3TtM-00205-00097388-00097753 420 feet for one rotation by that you know if you're just going straight down sfUY89j3TtM-00206-00097863-00098383 So if you have a smaller urban garden type setting this might be something that would work pretty well for you sfUY89j3TtM-00207-00098694-00098782 Oh sfUY89j3TtM-00208-00098782-00099317 She asked what breed of chickens. I was using so I used the Cornish cross broilers for my meat chickens sfUY89j3TtM-00209-00099355-00099635 We use broad breasted white turkeys for the turkeys sfUY89j3TtM-00210-00099697-00099897 My laying hens were a mixture of sfUY89j3TtM-00211-00100075-00100640 Golden comet and Americana's oh, you'd like that blend for the color of the eggs. It's very marketable sfUY89j3TtM-00212-00102843-00103043 You snAxEQvo3kM-00000-00000096-00000456 Hello every one baghayi here and welcome back to another video snAxEQvo3kM-00001-00000984-00001152 How's it going? Is everything ok? snAxEQvo3kM-00002-00001152-00001404 Good to have a good great day every day with a smiling face snAxEQvo3kM-00003-00001404-00001607 so smile a bit and keep continuing. snAxEQvo3kM-00004-00001607-00002118 In this video, we are going to have a depth review of OM5 or DJI Osmo mobile 5. snAxEQvo3kM-00005-00002220-00002418 Alright here we have the superlight, snAxEQvo3kM-00006-00002418-00002874 foldable, compact gimbal which it is about 290 G snAxEQvo3kM-00007-00002994-00003288 The gimbal became smaller and lighter than the last version snAxEQvo3kM-00008-00003288-00003492 We have a magnetic clamp snAxEQvo3kM-00009-00003492-00003900 we can use it on a small size or bigger size mobile phone snAxEQvo3kM-00010-00003900-00004290 like an iPhone pro or Samsung notes, and etc snAxEQvo3kM-00011-00004854-00005280 After lining the DJI logos up on the gimbal and magnetic clamp snAxEQvo3kM-00012-00005280-00005430 we can attach them together snAxEQvo3kM-00013-00005754-00006048 When you see those wight dots together, it's done snAxEQvo3kM-00014-00006564-00006792 By the way, You don't need to worry about your phone snAxEQvo3kM-00015-00006792-00007062 and magnetic clamp it is totally safe and strong snAxEQvo3kM-00016-00007062-00007440 and won't come off so easily. It's quite secure snAxEQvo3kM-00017-00008172-00008647 Let's shake it, let's move it ah yeah aha aha haha 😁 snAxEQvo3kM-00018-00008647-00008964 Even though we can be more creative with this magnetic clamp snAxEQvo3kM-00019-00008964-00009228 you know, it is magnetic! sooooo snAxEQvo3kM-00020-00013032-00013476 Ohhhh, Look what we have here. 215-millimetre extension rod snAxEQvo3kM-00021-00014731-00015206 With This extension rod, you can see yourself in the frame snAxEQvo3kM-00022-00015210-00015486 clearly and see what is behind you snAxEQvo3kM-00023-00015486-00015708 Even though we can flip it upside down snAxEQvo3kM-00024-00015708-00016140 to record from a super low angle without, breaking our backs snAxEQvo3kM-00025-00017442-00017688 There's a joint on tip of the extension rod snAxEQvo3kM-00026-00017688-00017946 which we can bend it to get a better position snAxEQvo3kM-00027-00018393-00018714 DJIdesigned two different colors of om5 snAxEQvo3kM-00028-00018714-00018954 grey as we have here and white one snAxEQvo3kM-00029-00019200-00019470 Very nice, comfortable, and handy snAxEQvo3kM-00030-00019470-00019656 I feel really good when I am holding it snAxEQvo3kM-00031-00019716-00019920 Grrreeeat let's turn it on snAxEQvo3kM-00032-00020286-00020574 With one click on the power button or m buttom snAxEQvo3kM-00033-00020574-00020856 on the left side, we can see the battery charger snAxEQvo3kM-00034-00021152-00021573 the battery charger is really great, I do not remember the last time when I charge it snAxEQvo3kM-00035-00021573-00021942 And if you hold it for about 2 seconds it will turn on snAxEQvo3kM-00036-00021942-00022218 when we hear a beep sound we're ready to go snAxEQvo3kM-00037-00022218-00022578 Under that, we have the zoom trigger to zoom in and out snAxEQvo3kM-00038-00022692-00023028 Behind the gimbal, we have the back button, with a few more functions snAxEQvo3kM-00039-00023028-00023322 Press the trigger ones to enable follow mode snAxEQvo3kM-00040-00023322-00023634 by another click, it is going to be turned off snAxEQvo3kM-00041-00023748-00024114 By pressing twice it will bring back the gimbal to the default position snAxEQvo3kM-00042-00024853-00025179 If you press and hold the trigger it will lock the gimbal snAxEQvo3kM-00043-00025932-00026388 By pressing ones and pressing and holding the Tripper it will enter into the sport mode snAxEQvo3kM-00044-00026795-00027126 In front of the gimbal, we have a joystick to move it around snAxEQvo3kM-00045-00027513-00027894 Record button for capturing the moments or recording videos snAxEQvo3kM-00046-00028206-00028512 You like burst shooting? then Press and hold the shutter button snAxEQvo3kM-00047-00028512-00028776 Under the record button, we have the circle butter snAxEQvo3kM-00048-00028776-00029183 which allows you to change the camera from front to rear or rear to front. snAxEQvo3kM-00049-00029495-00029878 If you want to have a quick selfie just hit the circle button once snAxEQvo3kM-00050-00030504-00030839 If you want to rotate the camera to landscape or portrait snAxEQvo3kM-00051-00030839-00031044 just hit the circle button twice snAxEQvo3kM-00052-00031044-00031458 on the right side of the gimble, we have a usb_c charging port snAxEQvo3kM-00053-00031542-00031776 Alright let's go out for testing the gimbal snAxEQvo3kM-00054-00031776-00032016 first, we are going to walk, then we will run snAxEQvo3kM-00055-00032016-00032292 by hand holding the phone and with a gimbal snAxEQvo3kM-00056-00032292-00032424 side to side testing snAxEQvo3kM-00057-00034823-00035196 gimbals Mimo app gives you more and better control of it snAxEQvo3kM-00058-00035670-00036174 we can take photos, and recording videos in video mode up to 4k snAxEQvo3kM-00059-00036174-00036492 slow-motion 120fps snAxEQvo3kM-00060-00036492-00036888 and we have a panorama mood with 3 options snAxEQvo3kM-00061-00036888-00037326 dynamic zoom, hiper-laps, motion labs, and more snAxEQvo3kM-00062-00037578-00037854 We have a new improvement in active track technology snAxEQvo3kM-00063-00037854-00038094 if you use Mimo app, in selfie mode snAxEQvo3kM-00064-00038382-00038718 you can see the camera automatically recognizing your face snAxEQvo3kM-00065-00038718-00038940 It makes you to record a lot easier snAxEQvo3kM-00066-00038940-00039258 you can be behind the camera or in front of the camera snAxEQvo3kM-00067-00039258-00039582 If you are alone and you have to record on your own snAxEQvo3kM-00068-00039582-00039834 by showing your hand in selfie tracking snAxEQvo3kM-00069-00039834-00040164 using the gesture mode it starts recording snAxEQvo3kM-00070-00041136-00041634 The gimbal has a built-in extension rod with a magnetic design and foldable snAxEQvo3kM-00071-00041634-00042144 Super light, compact, and handy with three-axis stabilization snAxEQvo3kM-00072-00042222-00042582 Active tracking improve to 4.0 which allows you snAxEQvo3kM-00073-00042582-00042948 to record better and much easier even if you are alone snAxEQvo3kM-00074-00047298-00047538 You can like And subscribe to the channel to see more videos snAxEQvo3kM-00075-00047538-00047772 aaaaand like always have a great shooty day t0oqznTiblY-00000-00000008-00000536 it has been over a year since my original epic commander tier list video and absolutely t0oqznTiblY-00001-00000536-00001240 everything has changed since then what's going on guys cheers i can't believe it's been since may of t0oqznTiblY-00002-00001240-00001992 2020 that i made my original epic commander tier list video so this video is long overdue because t0oqznTiblY-00003-00001992-00002512 literally everything on that list has changed the entire list is different okay and that's because t0oqznTiblY-00004-00002512-00003272 the entire game is different now this tier list is an open field pvp tier list and the reason that t0oqznTiblY-00005-00003272-00003920 i'm specifying that is because of course some epic commanders are better for pvp content for example t0oqznTiblY-00006-00003920-00004456 some epic commanders you know are better for running to particular objectives like Belisarius t0oqznTiblY-00007-00004456-00004864 for example so there's a lot of different things that you can do in this game right but i want to t0oqznTiblY-00008-00004864-00005360 focus on open field fighting for a couple of reasons one you're never going to lead a rally t0oqznTiblY-00009-00005360-00005952 with an epic commander unless it's maybe like pre kvk pre-kvk-1 civil war in your home kingdom or t0oqznTiblY-00010-00005952-00006608 something like that and two you're never going to lead a garrison with your epic commanders now you t0oqznTiblY-00011-00006608-00006959 may have an epic commander on the wall of your city but my recommendation for you is that you t0oqznTiblY-00012-00006959-00007344 should never take a rally with an epic on your wall like really you should never take a rally t0oqznTiblY-00013-00007344-00007792 on your city unless you can handle it most players can't so you normally shouldn't but you get what t0oqznTiblY-00014-00007792-00008208 i'm trying to say so this video is mainly for the newer players in rise of kingdoms because t0oqznTiblY-00015-00008208-00008672 if you're an older player you should just be using one or two legendary commander marches the t0oqznTiblY-00016-00008672-00009192 rest should be filling rallies and garrisons but if you're new to the game right i wanted to make t0oqznTiblY-00017-00009192-00009608 this tier list for you now the way that i'm going to be building the tier list and just to give you t0oqznTiblY-00018-00009608-00010128 guys sort of an idea of my thought process here is a i'm using mainly my experience with the game t0oqznTiblY-00019-00010128-00010536 right i've been playing the game for what over a thousand how many days has it been let's see t0oqznTiblY-00020-00010536-00011040 it's been 1023 days since i started playing rise of kingdoms also what commanders do i normally see t0oqznTiblY-00021-00011040-00011640 in the open field in lost canyon in sunset canyon that's where i'm getting most of my uh most of my t0oqznTiblY-00022-00011640-00012176 recommendations from however i also was sort of curious as to like what is really like the dps t0oqznTiblY-00023-00012176-00012824 of a commander's skill kit and i went through and i tested all of them in the expedition 70-1 t0oqznTiblY-00024-00012824-00013360 here you can actually rally a particular target with a you know with your with your commanders i t0oqznTiblY-00025-00013360-00013847 used uh enough ethnic primary and rotated out the secondary for all the different epics just to get t0oqznTiblY-00026-00013847-00014272 like a sort of a baseline as to like where they might fall and again this is not a great test t0oqznTiblY-00027-00014272-00014712 right i understand that you're doing single target damage factor it incorporates a rally scenario so t0oqznTiblY-00028-00014712-00015128 therefore commanders like Osman are gonna do better and Scipio because you have more troops t0oqznTiblY-00029-00015128-00015480 i know that you know mostly in open field fights you're gonna get surrounded so again i know that t0oqznTiblY-00030-00015480-00016072 this is not a great test but i just sort of wanted to get a basic baseline of damage for a commander t0oqznTiblY-00031-00016072-00016480 skill okay so without further ado let's jump into the tear maker okay so we've got all the epic t0oqznTiblY-00032-00016480-00016808 commanders down here plus Aethelflaed and we're going to talk about her a little bit later and we t0oqznTiblY-00033-00016808-00017168 also have a canyon tier down here and at the end of the video we're going to be talking about which t0oqznTiblY-00034-00017168-00017648 of these commanders could you actually use in sunset canyon as a free-to-play player because in t0oqznTiblY-00035-00017648-00018160 that that sort of a different beast all in itself anyway let's talk about Baibars okay Baibars is t0oqznTiblY-00036-00018160-00018832 first up on this commander tier list and Baibars is really not that great right he's got a really t0oqznTiblY-00037-00018832-00019568 solid aoe nice damage factor five targets it's great he also has a little bit of march speed when t0oqznTiblY-00038-00019568-00020080 he leaves battle tiny amount of healing factor he also gives you 20 percent of attack which is t0oqznTiblY-00039-00020080-00020744 really the least beneficial stat especially in kvk right in season of conquest so you know it's t0oqznTiblY-00040-00020744-00021328 really he's not that great of a commander okay and previously i've talked really well about him t0oqznTiblY-00041-00021328-00021832 i think i put him in the a tier for the last video or something like that uh but Baibars is a b tier t0oqznTiblY-00042-00021832-00022504 uh commander right again really solid open field aoe damage factor but besides that i'm really not t0oqznTiblY-00043-00022504-00022872 that impressed okay you can use him secondary to Belisarius to get around pretty quickly t0oqznTiblY-00044-00022872-00023472 but that's really his only use uh and also canyon we'll talk about that later next up is Belisarius t0oqznTiblY-00045-00023472-00023976 now Belisarius is also a cavalry commander the thing about Belisarius is he's really not t0oqznTiblY-00046-00023976-00024496 doing damage that's the problem with Belisarius is he's just not that great he's slightly more t0oqznTiblY-00047-00024496-00024968 tanky than belisarius he's applying a debuff to the target which is nice he does have the t0oqznTiblY-00048-00024968-00025504 mobility tree which makes him very useful because he's the easiest commander to get to level 60 t0oqznTiblY-00049-00025504-00025944 with the mobility tree other commanders being mostly legendary commanders right like you have t0oqznTiblY-00050-00025944-00026392 south south takeda those types of commanders are a bit harder to get the level 60 so for that reason t0oqznTiblY-00051-00026392-00026976 you're going to see belisarius a bit more strictly again for that march speed which is nice for a t0oqznTiblY-00052-00026976-00027392 free to play or low spender especially in things like Ark of Osiris for example you want to move t0oqznTiblY-00053-00027392-00028000 around the map fast um is he a heavy hitting super powerful commander with a really nice debuff no t0oqznTiblY-00054-00028000-00028560 uh he's you know low on the damage solid on the debuff incredible on the march speed and you t0oqznTiblY-00055-00028560-00029064 know because of his unique role with that march speed i am gonna put him in the eight tier you t0oqznTiblY-00056-00029064-00029704 do see belisarius more than most epic commanders strictly for that march speed and for that reason t0oqznTiblY-00057-00029704-00030304 he's in the a tier next let's talk about bjorn the newest epic commander here in rise of kingdoms t0oqznTiblY-00058-00030304-00030864 bjorn has a decent three-target aoe his specialty is increasing the amount of skill damage that the t0oqznTiblY-00059-00030864-00031352 enemy is taking that's really powerful in what's sort of his niche role he's also a really nice t0oqznTiblY-00060-00031352-00031776 infantry commander he's got a nice spread of stats between attack and defense and his t0oqznTiblY-00061-00031776-00032168 fourth skill gives you a nice chance of doing some single target damage factor which is cool when he t0oqznTiblY-00062-00032168-00032624 was first announced and we first saw his skills i did think he was going to be an s tier commander t0oqznTiblY-00063-00032624-00033272 but realistically again you just don't see epic commanders too much in in rise of kingdoms anymore t0oqznTiblY-00064-00033272-00033800 after season one or two and for that reason you know you don't really see him too much in sunset t0oqznTiblY-00065-00033800-00034400 canyon either ultimately i think he is an a tier commander i am gonna put him above belisarius t0oqznTiblY-00066-00034400-00034928 now again i know you probably will see belisarius slightly more in the late game for the march speed t0oqznTiblY-00067-00034928-00035480 but from an actual like perspective of is he good i do think that bjorn is a very good epic t0oqznTiblY-00068-00035480-00036072 commander he's just shy of s tier perhaps if his aoe hit five targets or it did a little bit more t0oqznTiblY-00069-00036072-00036608 damage then sure we could put him in s tier but uh you know because of that he he lands at a very t0oqznTiblY-00070-00036608-00037008 high a certainly good in the early game and uh we all love vikings next we're going to t0oqznTiblY-00071-00037008-00037528 be talking about Boudica okay she is one of my favorite piece keepers here in the game t0oqznTiblY-00072-00037528-00037992 she is a nice single target damage factor she has a little bit of healing factor attack reduction t0oqznTiblY-00073-00037992-00038440 rage regeneration she does sort of everything she also has a 10 chance of boosting her own t0oqznTiblY-00074-00038440-00038920 uh march's damage which is nice um ultimately she is a commander that doesn't specify in a t0oqznTiblY-00075-00038920-00039432 specific troop type so that is working uh to her disadvantage she's great in the early game falls t0oqznTiblY-00076-00039432-00039840 off in the later game in my testing with her on the expedition level she was actually one t0oqznTiblY-00077-00039840-00040400 of the best performing for single target damage factor which was surprising to me uh and for that t0oqznTiblY-00078-00040400-00040920 reason she is going to land herself in the b tier now again am i suggesting you use Boudica in the t0oqznTiblY-00079-00040920-00041416 open field in season of conquest absolutely not uh but she definitely performs better on a single t0oqznTiblY-00080-00041416-00041752 target damage factor perspective than a lot of the other commanders we're going to talk about t0oqznTiblY-00081-00041752-00042184 just objectively so because of that lands in b tier and you're going gonna be using her for the t0oqznTiblY-00082-00042184-00042544 rest of the game to kill barbarians as well so you're gonna see her a lot and yeah her single t0oqznTiblY-00083-00042544-00043008 target damage factor did actually surprise me during that expedition testing so beat here she is t0oqznTiblY-00084-00043008-00043456 next up we have dao chan right and and this is one of the new commanders that wasn't in the previous t0oqznTiblY-00085-00043456-00043872 epic commander tier list video the thing about dao chan is that she actually got she gets a lot t0oqznTiblY-00086-00043872-00044400 of hype right she gets a lot of hype because she deals technically the highest single target damage t0oqznTiblY-00087-00044400-00044888 factor out of any uh epic commander right if you take a look at her damage over time when she's t0oqznTiblY-00088-00044888-00045408 expertise she's dealing a cumulative 1600 damage factor over the course of four seconds um honestly t0oqznTiblY-00089-00045408-00045864 you know despite that and despite our healing factor being slightly better than Boudica's she t0oqznTiblY-00090-00045864-00046336 actually performs worse than Boudica in my opinion right now she is better for killing barbarians t0oqznTiblY-00091-00046336-00046816 because of her second skill she gets five percent more experience than Boudica but ultimately she t0oqznTiblY-00092-00046816-00047344 performed worse in the expedition testing so even in a scenario where she should be outperforming t0oqznTiblY-00093-00047344-00047896 most commanders in a scenario long term single target damage factor scenario like a city rally t0oqznTiblY-00094-00047896-00048288 she actually performed worse than Boudica and i think that's because Boudica is decreasing enemy t0oqznTiblY-00095-00048288-00048864 rage buffing her own rage and she has that 10 chance of a really substantial damage buff on her t0oqznTiblY-00096-00048864-00049368 fourth skill uh so even though again Diaochan's single target damage factor is higher than Boudica t0oqznTiblY-00097-00049368-00049832 she performed worse and for that reason she lands herself in the c tier don't worry i'll show you t0oqznTiblY-00098-00049832-00050280 guys my data that i collected from the expedition testing at the very end of the video so if you're t0oqznTiblY-00099-00050280-00050600 curious to see that and where i'm getting this information just hang out till the end t0oqznTiblY-00100-00050600-00051072 and we'll talk about it later next we're going to be talking about Eulji Mundeok so he is a really t0oqznTiblY-00101-00051072-00051688 solid infantry commander in the epic tier uh he is in my opinion and this you know slight spoiler t0oqznTiblY-00102-00051688-00052240 here i think he is the worst of the infantry epics um but he's a little bit better than i originally t0oqznTiblY-00103-00052240-00052728 gave him credit for now his single target damage factor is you know a little bit disappointing t0oqznTiblY-00104-00052728-00053296 the 30 defense reduction for two seconds is very solid his fourth skill is nice because he actually t0oqznTiblY-00105-00053296-00053800 has the chance to buff his own damage when he's surrounded he also has the attack tree which t0oqznTiblY-00106-00053800-00054240 makes it even more beneficial for him to get surrounded because he gains more rage that way t0oqznTiblY-00107-00054240-00054808 from the attack tree but even still you know to get that benefit he has to be a primary commander t0oqznTiblY-00108-00054808-00055320 i i don't know i'm just i'm not a huge fan of olgi i think he underperforms when it comes to you know t0oqznTiblY-00109-00055320-00055800 when you look at bjorn for example i think bjorn is does it has a better active skill because he's t0oqznTiblY-00110-00055800-00056455 providing a better debuff so sure yolji has uh 30 of stats whereas um you know the skills on t0oqznTiblY-00111-00056455-00057048 bjorn only give you 20 but i think Eulji deserves the b tier now he does perform really well in the t0oqznTiblY-00112-00057048-00057496 canyon because you do fight to the death there um and so i do think that of the commanders in the b t0oqznTiblY-00113-00057496-00058055 tier he is the best b-tier commander that we've talked about so far um but ultimately he's just t0oqznTiblY-00114-00058055-00058528 he falls short of that a-tier for sure next we're gonna be talking about herman now herman is known t0oqznTiblY-00115-00058528-00059040 for having a very high single target damage factor with the rage reduction for the enemy he has that t0oqznTiblY-00116-00059040-00059560 two second silence on the active skill which is very unique for an epic commander he also has his t0oqznTiblY-00117-00059560-00059936 fourth skill with the ten percent chance to give him a hundred rage and that's pretty much it he t0oqznTiblY-00118-00059936-00060400 only has ten percent attack with some march speed and he's sort of a one-trick pony he's unique t0oqznTiblY-00119-00060400-00060864 when he's paired as a primary for el cid for example but really you're not going to use epic t0oqznTiblY-00120-00060864-00061496 commanders as primaries after season probably one or two of kvk again so in the testing that i did t0oqznTiblY-00121-00061496-00062064 for expedition he performed virtually the same as Boudica except he completed the job much faster t0oqznTiblY-00122-00062064-00062479 so that means he has more damage per second so for that reason he definitely goes above Boudica t0oqznTiblY-00123-00062479-00062912 and he does specialize in a unit type which is definitely better for you know the talent trees t0oqznTiblY-00124-00062912-00063408 but besides that i just don't like he's he's a one-trick pony again single target damage factor t0oqznTiblY-00125-00063408-00063864 virtually no stats that's pretty much it all right joan of arc joan of arc is pretty much t0oqznTiblY-00126-00063864-00064279 a no-brainer and i think you guys sort of know where i'm going with this uh joan of arc is an t0oqznTiblY-00127-00064279-00064832 s tier commander she is one of the last commanders in the epic tier that you'll ever see in you know t0oqznTiblY-00128-00064832-00065408 a sunset canyon for example right she just has such a powerful aoe buff you almost need to have t0oqznTiblY-00129-00065408-00065864 a joan of ark around because of that buff she also has a solid normal attack damage increase you know t0oqznTiblY-00130-00065864-00066392 herman has 10 normal attack damage increase she's just 25 so like she's just so much better she has t0oqznTiblY-00131-00066392-00066816 some healing as well ultimately she's just a really great commander and on top of that t0oqznTiblY-00132-00066816-00067200 during this portion of the game where you're not fighting she's gathering you a ton of resources t0oqznTiblY-00133-00067200-00067664 which is really awesome joan of arc absolutely deserves the s tier no doubt about that she is t0oqznTiblY-00134-00067664-00068288 incredible next up is kiara now kiara is really interesting as a commander kierra does a nice t0oqznTiblY-00135-00068288-00068832 little aoe 1400 damage factor over the course of its entire duration now it does decrease by 15 t0oqznTiblY-00136-00068832-00069280 percent per target which isn't something we see with someone like buy bars for example who has a t0oqznTiblY-00137-00069280-00069784 nice a big aoe with no reduction which is really interesting plus he hits up to five targets but t0oqznTiblY-00138-00069784-00070336 really where uh she shines is that she does have a nice stat distribution compared to buy bars his t0oqznTiblY-00139-00070336-00071072 this 20 attack hers is 10 attack 10 defense she also has a really nice chance uh to pop a huge t0oqznTiblY-00140-00071072-00071560 amount of skill damage on her fourth skill this is increased when you're doing things like cirolli so t0oqznTiblY-00141-00071560-00072152 that's a little bit different um ultimately kiera is an a tier epic commander she performed pretty t0oqznTiblY-00142-00072152-00072696 well in the expedition testing that i have on here besides Osman and scipio she actually performed t0oqznTiblY-00143-00072696-00073200 pretty much the best out of any commander in that testing and that's strictly because she just deals t0oqznTiblY-00144-00073200-00073664 so much damage factor with the chance to pop huge skill damage buffs and i was again i was using t0oqznTiblY-00145-00073664-00074104 Aethelflaed primary so there was a chance over those you know three minutes or whatever that her t0oqznTiblY-00146-00074104-00074600 fourth skill lined up without the flood's massive aoe so there's a lot to love about uh about kiara t0oqznTiblY-00147-00074600-00075048 now is she as used as you know joan of arc for example no she's definitely not t0oqznTiblY-00148-00075048-00075648 in fact is she used as much as belisarius also i don't think so i mean i really don't t0oqznTiblY-00149-00075648-00076112 see too much kiara in the open field like you just don't see it and is it because she's bad t0oqznTiblY-00150-00076112-00076528 no it's because she's an epic commander right and even though she's an a t or epic commander t0oqznTiblY-00151-00076528-00077056 she's just not as good as legendaries even some five five one one legendaries right so for that t0oqznTiblY-00152-00077056-00077448 reason you know you don't really see her too much next we're going to talk about Kusunoki t0oqznTiblY-00153-00077448-00078024 her archer brother okay he's also doing some nice archer aoe it's also some damage over time t0oqznTiblY-00154-00078104-00078752 uh unique with Kusunoki is his ability to remove negative debuffs that is really really cool i do t0oqznTiblY-00155-00078752-00079480 see some nice use for Kusunoki in sunset canyon usually it's a Kusunoki Yi Seong-Gye that's sort t0oqznTiblY-00156-00079480-00079928 of what you might see in the back row it's not that common but it does perform decently well t0oqznTiblY-00157-00079928-00080464 mainly because of Yi Seong-Gye but also you know the aoe on Kusunoki is is decent for that reason t0oqznTiblY-00158-00080464-00080920 he be he belongs in the a tier um you know him and kiara i think are very close t0oqznTiblY-00159-00080920-00081456 kiara definitely deals more damage but the removal of debuffs from Kusunoki is super unique uh so i t0oqznTiblY-00160-00081456-00081864 think i'm gonna put Kusunoki slightly ahead of her but you could definitely make the argument t0oqznTiblY-00161-00081864-00082312 for kiara being ahead from a damage perspective so um it's whatever you want it to be these are t0oqznTiblY-00162-00082312-00082888 again these pretty much interchangeable but the the debuff removal from Kusunoki is very unique t0oqznTiblY-00163-00082888-00083384 i'm going to put him above kiara for that reason next we're going to talk about lohar everybody t0oqznTiblY-00164-00083384-00083840 knows lohar's a d tier commander when it comes to open field fighting his damage factor's trash two t0oqznTiblY-00165-00083840-00084208 of his skills don't do anything his talent trees are not meant for fighting he is not t0oqznTiblY-00166-00084208-00084680 a good commander for pvp you cannot make the case that he is there's nothing more to say about that t0oqznTiblY-00167-00084680-00085264 let's talk about Mathilda slightly better than uh lohar in my opinion when it comes to t0oqznTiblY-00168-00085264-00085880 pvp fighting um there is a unique combination you could do with Mathilda um to use her siege t0oqznTiblY-00169-00085880-00086384 units in canyon that's the only reason that she sort of goes above lohar here but literally from t0oqznTiblY-00170-00086384-00086888 a from a fighting perspective in the open field Mathilda is not good in the open field now again t0oqznTiblY-00171-00086888-00087248 i'm sure someone's gonna put the comments that there's some weird combination you can do with t0oqznTiblY-00172-00087248-00087720 her and some other commander with siege units to get value maybe right maybe but let's just keep it t0oqznTiblY-00173-00087720-00088280 simple right do you use Mathilda in the open field the answer is no she is a d tier commander let's t0oqznTiblY-00174-00088280-00088768 talk about Osman now Osman actually performed really well in my expedition testing to my t0oqznTiblY-00175-00088768-00089256 surprise not really he is a conquering commander his single target damage factor is absolutely t0oqznTiblY-00176-00089256-00089752 insane and the fact that he brings more troops to the battlefield makes him prime for a test like t0oqznTiblY-00177-00089752-00090336 that so i think the test is skewed in his favor but ultimately do you see Osman in the open field t0oqznTiblY-00178-00090336-00090936 rarely you rarely see him in the open fields does he deal a ton of single target damage factor yes t0oqznTiblY-00179-00090936-00091368 especially the commander like Genghis khan who has a massive rage engine you're just going to t0oqznTiblY-00180-00091368-00091888 be like pumping out damage factor osman's skill where he deals damage factor to a target after t0oqznTiblY-00181-00091888-00092440 an active skill goes off is crazy with a rage engine so really solid stuff there but beyond that t0oqznTiblY-00182-00092504-00093032 he doesn't do anything he just does tons of single target damage factor no stats 10 percent more t0oqznTiblY-00183-00093032-00093616 troops uh ultimately he's a c tier commander in my opinion i think he's slightly better t0oqznTiblY-00184-00093616-00094040 than dao chan just because you bring more troops meaning that army is going to be slightly stronger t0oqznTiblY-00185-00094096-00094552 that also means a higher hospital bill like i don't think you should use these commanders in t0oqznTiblY-00186-00094552-00094976 open field fights but i think like if you're for if you put a gun to mine and said which one of t0oqznTiblY-00187-00094976-00095424 these is better i would say probably osman again it depends on your primary commander if you have t0oqznTiblY-00188-00095424-00095768 a rage engine you're going to be doing so much skill down with both osman that's crazy let's t0oqznTiblY-00189-00095768-00096472 look at Pelagius Pelagius i think i rated him s tier last time like he was the worst s here um my t0oqznTiblY-00190-00096472-00097088 opinion on Pelagius has changed substantially okay Pelagius gives you 30 stats which is nice he has t0oqznTiblY-00191-00097088-00097632 single target damage factor he has some healing he's he's good on paper but when you do testing t0oqznTiblY-00192-00097632-00098264 with him he just doesn't perform he just doesn't i'm sorry i want to rate him higher i really do i t0oqznTiblY-00193-00098264-00098816 loved Pelagius in the early game he was he's so good with Minamoto right as a as a pair t0oqznTiblY-00194-00098816-00099432 but ultimately you see him not that much right you honestly see him less than you see Belisarius and t0oqznTiblY-00195-00099432-00099968 bye bars because you can kill farmers with these two you can use these two to run around in uh run t0oqznTiblY-00196-00099968-00100496 away from enemies you can see them used in you know ark of Osiris right just to get a fast march t0oqznTiblY-00197-00100496-00100992 speed march out there uh and ultimately they're just used more for that reason so even though on t0oqznTiblY-00198-00100992-00101520 paper Pelagius looks great i mean from from a from a testing perspective right when i tested him in t0oqznTiblY-00199-00101520-00102112 70-1 uh in expedition he couldn't even complete it like he couldn't even beat it right so like t0oqznTiblY-00200-00102112-00102592 he's just even single target damage factor is low compared to the other commanders that we see here t0oqznTiblY-00201-00102592-00103224 so ultimately pelagius sea tier epic commander unfortunately scipio last time i put him in the t0oqznTiblY-00202-00103224-00103696 a tier because at that time i was using him as a primary with my Joan of Arc secondary and the game t0oqznTiblY-00203-00103696-00104224 has changed significantly since then back then yes he wasn't performing that well but he was pretty t0oqznTiblY-00204-00104224-00104783 tanky and you could use him because it is what it is we are much farther along in the game now t0oqznTiblY-00205-00104783-00105311 there's no way that if you see a cpo in the open field that you're not gonna swarm it down you're t0oqznTiblY-00206-00105311-00105928 just gonna get trash trades with cpo yes he's decent in early game sunset canyon but ultimately t0oqznTiblY-00207-00105928-00106520 he is a c tier commander and the worst one at that in my opinion and that again that t0oqznTiblY-00208-00106520-00106959 has changed dramatically since the last time but again the game is very different since then t0oqznTiblY-00209-00106959-00107488 cpo unfortunately he looks so cool right he looks so cool but unfortunately i do think he t0oqznTiblY-00210-00107488-00108128 is a sea tier epic commander finally sun tzu we already know where this boy's going right he is t0oqznTiblY-00211-00108128-00108559 interchangeable with number one i really go back and forth as to which one i think is better you t0oqznTiblY-00212-00108559-00109032 know a charles martell son two secondary is just a solid open field pairing but you know having like t0oqznTiblY-00213-00109032-00109600 a Constantine joan or Richard jones just buffing everybody around you is also insanely versatile t0oqznTiblY-00214-00109600-00110088 and it's harder to track that that that performance but absolutely sun tzu is t0oqznTiblY-00215-00110088-00110720 an s-tier epic commander one of the last uh that you definitely will see in sunset canyon for sure t0oqznTiblY-00216-00110720-00111152 he is very very good you know if his damage factor was maybe slightly higher or if he gave t0oqznTiblY-00217-00111152-00111735 you maybe slightly more health um then he would be a legendary commander basically right um he's very t0oqznTiblY-00218-00111735-00112232 good he's very good i love his aoe the ability to regenerate rage when you hit more targets with t0oqznTiblY-00219-00112232-00112720 that aoe it's just crazy he's very good he's very versatile you can throw him in a lot of different t0oqznTiblY-00220-00112720-00113216 builds uh and he's just he performs really really well i don't think this needs to be said but he's t0oqznTiblY-00221-00113216-00113648 the nest here commander okay now which of these commanders might we see in sunset canyon well of t0oqznTiblY-00222-00113648-00114032 course you could pick the top commanders and that would be a solid choice but you would be missing t0oqznTiblY-00223-00114032-00114535 out on some hidden gems so let's go ahead and move in the commanders that would actually be worth it t0oqznTiblY-00224-00114535-00114992 to use in sunset canyon alright we've put all the epic commanders that we think you could use in t0oqznTiblY-00225-00114992-00115392 sunset canyon to some sort of an effect as you can see here there's an odd number so we're going to t0oqznTiblY-00226-00115392-00115816 throw an Aethelflaed because she is usable there you're never going to use lohar or really any t0oqznTiblY-00227-00115816-00116272 other of these commanders here like there's just a lot of single target damage factor here low damage t0oqznTiblY-00228-00116272-00116688 not stuff you want in sunset canyon you know you have obviously osman is sort of an exception t0oqznTiblY-00229-00116688-00117048 because he brings more troops to the battlefield uh but the reason Scipio is here is because he t0oqznTiblY-00230-00117048-00117528 brings just more troops and not so effective in sunset canyon Mathilda is here because you could t0oqznTiblY-00231-00117528-00118120 pair her with joan and have a full siege army you guys should do decently well with it surprisingly t0oqznTiblY-00232-00118120-00118583 so if we're gonna build like five marches and this this i'm this is not the best five t0oqznTiblY-00233-00118583-00119032 free-to-play marches for canyon okay just to be clear but if we were forced to build five marches t0oqznTiblY-00234-00119032-00119480 here we're gonna do something like this those are like the five uh you know if you're forced to use t0oqznTiblY-00235-00119480-00120064 virtually only epics with ethyl fled this is the five that i would build um you have a full archer t0oqznTiblY-00236-00120064-00120576 march that you would put in the back row you have the Eulji primary Scipio secondary full tank march t0oqznTiblY-00237-00120576-00121120 you're gonna get swarmed here so having a ton of troops with the attack tree on algae is great um t0oqznTiblY-00238-00121120-00121616 having a sun tzu bjorn is gonna just be full infantry really nice and then you have obviously t0oqznTiblY-00239-00121616-00122088 Aethelflaed with uh with bye bars tons of aoe there which is something that we really really t0oqznTiblY-00240-00122088-00122608 like then we have that gimmicky march down here with joan buffing you and Mathilda this is sort of t0oqznTiblY-00241-00122608-00123008 you know this is not again i'm just throwing this out there these are the commanders that i would t0oqznTiblY-00242-00123008-00123559 use uh that i would recommend for canyon if you're forced to only use epics as a early game player t0oqznTiblY-00243-00123559-00124032 now for those of you who were curious to know the results of the expedition testing when i was t0oqznTiblY-00244-00124032-00124552 rallying the city you could see here i have this ordered by units remaining obviously Osman has the t0oqznTiblY-00245-00124552-00125064 most units remaining and cpo because they actually bring more units period Mathilda had the most t0oqznTiblY-00246-00125064-00125672 remaining because her damage was so low that she didn't finish it and had a ton of units left right t0oqznTiblY-00247-00125672-00126056 that's kind of the the interesting about Mathilda so yeah she had a ton left but she didn't do any t0oqznTiblY-00248-00126056-00126464 damage right so that's that's that um you could see kiara here actually performing pretty well she t0oqznTiblY-00249-00126464-00126928 had a ton of units remaining finished the the the rally pretty quickly compared to everybody else t0oqznTiblY-00250-00126928-00127383 actually she was the fastest at finishing this right behind herman so really nice stuff there t0oqznTiblY-00251-00127383-00127935 buddha comes in in sixth place herm and this is again by units remaining if we look at like time t0oqznTiblY-00252-00127935-00128432 taken for example oh i'm sorry osman was actually the fastest so yeah osman he's sort of an outlier t0oqznTiblY-00253-00128432-00128935 though right we talked about that um herman Kusunoki Baibars Boudica Eulji sun tzu i wish t0oqznTiblY-00254-00128935-00129392 he performed a little bit better but if you look at the numbers he's very you know similar to Eulji t0oqznTiblY-00255-00129392-00129776 and some of these other ones obviously joan of arc doesn't deserve this disrespect but she kind t0oqznTiblY-00256-00129776-00130120 of deuce does something a little bit different but yeah Pelagius has performed really poorly t0oqznTiblY-00257-00130120-00130568 here couldn't even finish it had a ton of units remaining it's just really embarrassing so again i t0oqznTiblY-00258-00130568-00131016 know this is not a great test right i just figured i would share those results with you just so you t0oqznTiblY-00259-00131016-00131400 know how i sort of got a baseline of their skills anyway guys with that being said if you enjoyed t0oqznTiblY-00260-00131400-00131760 this video drop a thumbs up on it it really helps out the channel a ton and it helps get this video t0oqznTiblY-00261-00131760-00132120 out into the youtube algorithm so other rise of kingdoms players might see it of course if you're t0oqznTiblY-00262-00132120-00132456 new around here subscribe to the channel and click that bell to be notified the next time that i t0oqznTiblY-00263-00132456-00132880 upload a rise of kingdoms video comment down below your favorite epic commanders do you think i'm t0oqznTiblY-00264-00132880-00133312 right do you think i'm wrong what do you think are the best epic commanders here in rise of kingdoms t0oqznTiblY-00265-00133312-00133696 i would love to hear from you guys as always my social media links are in the description below so t0oqznTiblY-00266-00133696-00134096 make sure you follow me over there on instagram twitter facebook discord all that stuff it's t0oqznTiblY-00267-00134096-00134608 always down below as well as a link to download rise of kingdoms absolutely for free for your pc t0oqznTiblY-00268-00134608-00135088 it's a program called bluestacks it's my favorite way to play rise of kingdoms bluestacks 5 performs t0oqznTiblY-00269-00135088-00135520 really really well on my computer so go ahead and click that link give it a try it does support the t0oqznTiblY-00270-00135520-00135880 channel and if you don't like it you can always uninstall it later with that being said guys t0oqznTiblY-00271-00135880-00136272 thank you so much for watching this has been omni archive we'll talk to you guys again soon peace t10aGGdCvkY-00000-00000048-00000228 How to down load Baraha software to work on Face book, blocks online, M.S office, pagemaker, off line t10aGGdCvkY-00001-00000275-00000385 How to down load Baraha software to work on Face book, blocks online, M.S office, pagemaker, off line t10aGGdCvkY-00002-00000642-00000742 How to down load Baraha software to work on Face book, blocks online, M.S office, pagemaker, off line t10aGGdCvkY-00003-00000799-00000946 Baraha is compatible with Microsoft Office, Open Office, WPS Office, Polaris Office, PageMaker, CorelDraw, Facebook, and many other applications t10aGGdCvkY-00005-00000996-00001046 “బరాహ” అనే తెలుగు సాఫ్ట్ వేర్ పేజ్ మేకర్, యమ్. యస్. ఆఫీస్, ఆఫ్ లయిన్ లొ అన్ లైన్ లో టైపింగ్ ఎలా చెయ్యాలి? t2fDVuao3Mu-00000-00000036-00001860  Let us get started with today's lecture. So, t2fDVuao3Mu-00001-00001860-00002598 in the previous lecture, after talking hypothesis testing, we discussed about how to construct t2fDVuao3Mu-00002-00002598-00003336 confidence sets, how to get interval estimations and from that how to get confidence intervals. t2fDVuao3Mu-00003-00003336-00003870 And we also discussed about how hypothesis test can be used to get confidence test. t2fDVuao3Mu-00004-00004014-00005004 So, in this test, we are going to talk about given a test to estimate some parameter, t2fDVuao3Mu-00005-00005058-00005754 how good is it like how confident we are in that about our null hypothesis, t2fDVuao3Mu-00006-00005754-00006348 for that we are going to define study various tests like p-test, t2fDVuao3Mu-00007-00006348-00007145 t-test and F-test and how to quantify them using something called significance of a test. t2fDVuao3Mu-00008-00007506-00008028 So, let us get started with p-test or rather p-value. t2fDVuao3Mu-00009-00008202-00008640 Maybe it should be more appropriate to call it a p-value rather than p-test. t2fDVuao3Mu-00010-00008922-00009480 As a motivation suppose let us say you have samples t2fDVuao3Mu-00011-00010080-00010806 and let us assume that each of these Xi is coming from gaussian with parameter mu and sigma square. t2fDVuao3Mu-00012-00010806-00011550 We have already seen that if I take the empirical mean, do the centralization. And t2fDVuao3Mu-00013-00011610-00012378 this normalization, assume that right now I do not know mu, but I know sigma square, t2fDVuao3Mu-00014-00012732-00013200 I know that this is going to be gaussian distributed with mean 0, 1. t2fDVuao3Mu-00015-00013319-00014610 And now, I am interested in estimating mu hat, I know one estimate is 1 by n summation xi i 1 to n. t2fDVuao3Mu-00016-00014826-00015119 Now, the question is now our claim is mu hat t2fDVuao3Mu-00017-00015336-00016158 is the population mean. But now the gaussian is why one should take it as t2fDVuao3Mu-00018-00016241-00016998 population value, what you are giving is simply an estimate. Somebody has to believe in whatever you t2fDVuao3Mu-00019-00016998-00017922 are giving is going to be a good representation or in fact the true value of the population mean how t2fDVuao3Mu-00020-00018150-00018420 one can believe it or what should be the criteria. t2fDVuao3Mu-00021-00018480-00018858 And that is where p-values comes into picture. t2fDVuao3Mu-00022-00018924-00019440 Now, we are also denoting it as x bar. What is one possibility? t2fDVuao3Mu-00023-00019824-00020712 We know that x bar minus mu divided by square root of sigma square n is normally distributed with t2fDVuao3Mu-00024-00020778-00021828 parameter mu and 1. And we know well about its distribution, especially about its CDF and its t2fDVuao3Mu-00025-00021828-00023106 tail behavior. Maybe we can use this property to see how good is my claim that mu hat is a t2fDVuao3Mu-00026-00023184-00023520 good representation of the underlying population mean. t2fDVuao3Mu-00027-00023634-00025038 So, for that one possible way is let us say I am going to define z to be x bar mu and sigma square t2fDVuao3Mu-00028-00025308-00026700 by n. And now, what I am interested in is what is the probability that t2fDVuao3Mu-00029-00027030-00028295 my x bar is going to be close to the population mean. Now, think about this. Let us t2fDVuao3Mu-00030-00028674-00029550 draw normal distribution and let the mean is here mu. t2fDVuao3Mu-00031-00030036-00030372 Now, for a given sample. So, this is like I said, t2fDVuao3Mu-00032-00030372-00030942 let us say, for a given x, this is my realized sample, t2fDVuao3Mu-00033-00031050-00031914 I got my x bar. And I get a particular realization of this, which I am going to denote it has mu t2fDVuao3Mu-00034-00031914-00032658 by sigma square by mu, sorry, n, where n is the number of samples we have. t2fDVuao3Mu-00035-00033060-00033642 Now, if suppose I get for a given realization z here, t2fDVuao3Mu-00036-00033966-00034830 maybe this is a good representation of my population mean. But suppose this z happens t2fDVuao3Mu-00037-00034830-00035412 to be here, instead of here that means it is a little far away from mu, if z happens to be here, t2fDVuao3Mu-00038-00035466-00035844 maybe this is actually not a good representation of my underlying population mean. t2fDVuao3Mu-00039-00035970-00036234 Now, depending on how far t2fDVuao3Mu-00040-00036606-00037602 this z value, the estimated value I got is going to be away from the true population mean, t2fDVuao3Mu-00041-00037602-00038196 maybe I can say something about this. Suppose, let us say, if this quantity is very small, t2fDVuao3Mu-00042-00038262-00039024 maybe I have a good confidence that yes, whatever the z value estimate I got it is t2fDVuao3Mu-00043-00039024-00039534 going to be a good representative of my underlying population mean. And if this t2fDVuao3Mu-00044-00039534-00039984 is large, maybe that is not the case. So, to do that, instead of directly looking t2fDVuao3Mu-00045-00039984-00040764 into z, what we, instead of directly looking into the x bar, so maybe this should have t2fDVuao3Mu-00046-00040764-00041292 been x bar here not z like so suppose, let us say is x bar is here. Now, if they are close, t2fDVuao3Mu-00047-00041370-00042042 I have a maybe more confidence, or I may be more happy that this is the representation of t2fDVuao3Mu-00048-00042042-00042600 my true population mean. And if this happens to be a little far away, that is not the case. t2fDVuao3Mu-00049-00042708-00043338 So, naturally, what we should be looking into is that difference, like if the difference is small t2fDVuao3Mu-00050-00043446-00044130 maybe it is good, if the difference is large maybe that is not a true representation of t2fDVuao3Mu-00051-00044130-00044634 my population mean. And also, in this case, the variance plays the role, like how does t2fDVuao3Mu-00052-00044634-00045228 is the dispersion around your population mean? So, because of that instead of just taking the t2fDVuao3Mu-00053-00045228-00045906 difference x bar minus mu, maybe I would also want to normalize based on the variance. t2fDVuao3Mu-00054-00045906-00046776 And that is what like we are defining z, which is the difference divided by the variance. Now, t2fDVuao3Mu-00055-00046986-00047472 let us ask the question, what fraction of the time t2fDVuao3Mu-00056-00047760-00048186 the difference is going to be small? If the fraction of the time t2fDVuao3Mu-00057-00048414-00048594 this difference is going to be small t2fDVuao3Mu-00058-00048924-00049650 then maybe it is good, your test is good. And if the fraction of the time if this t2fDVuao3Mu-00059-00049650-00050262 difference is going to be large, maybe you are not actually capturing the true population mean. t2fDVuao3Mu-00060-00050412-00051294 So, using this quantity, what we are going to, so using this quantity what t2fDVuao3Mu-00061-00051294-00051972 we are now going to call it as a statistic in this case, we can ask the question what t2fDVuao3Mu-00062-00051972-00052770 is the probability that my z is going to be greater than or equals to z? So, t2fDVuao3Mu-00063-00052770-00053364 notice that this z is what you have computed based on your sample. If this z happens to be large, t2fDVuao3Mu-00064-00053766-00054228 let us say somewhere here, let us say now I am going to look into t2fDVuao3Mu-00065-00054467-00055320 a gaussian distribution with the mean 0 and variance 1, and now this is mean 0. t2fDVuao3Mu-00066-00055320-00056214 And if this happens to be small, let us say this z happens to be here that means that t2fDVuao3Mu-00067-00056370-00056796 this probability is going to be probability z, like I will be basically covering t2fDVuao3Mu-00068-00056879-00057498 the probability of all this. So, if this z is small, my probability is going to be t2fDVuao3Mu-00069-00057498-00058176 higher. And the other way if this z happens to be, let us say here, then this probability t2fDVuao3Mu-00070-00058176-00059172 is going to be smaller. So, based on that, we can think that if this probability is large, t2fDVuao3Mu-00071-00059322-00060240 and I am going to call this value as my p-value, p is equals to probability, sorry probability that, t2fDVuao3Mu-00072-00060576-00061350 p is equals to probability that z is going to greater than or equals to z. t2fDVuao3Mu-00073-00061350-00062579 And if the probability of this happening is let us say large that means basically my z is small t2fDVuao3Mu-00074-00062634-00063054 that means it is actually good. So, maybe I would like to accept, t2fDVuao3Mu-00075-00063300-00064614 maybe like, if large I would like to accept the null hypothesis. So, null hypothesis I mean t2fDVuao3Mu-00076-00064848-00065405 to say that so your test is what your test is basically now trying to check whether t2fDVuao3Mu-00077-00065910-00066702 these samples are coming from a distribution like my null hypothesis here probability that my, t2fDVuao3Mu-00078-00066852-00067722 let us say my theta is mu and my null hypothesis, alternate hypothesis is that t2fDVuao3Mu-00079-00067722-00069168 your theta is not equals to mu or maybe, yeah. So, if this quantity is large, it is likely that t2fDVuao3Mu-00080-00069480-00070086 the samples you are observing and by the way this probability is under your, t2fDVuao3Mu-00081-00070476-00071088 assuming that your samples are coming from your true parameter t2fDVuao3Mu-00082-00071154-00071664 that you want to test against, if this quantity is large, then you want to accept the null t2fDVuao3Mu-00083-00071664-00072468 hypothesis saying that yes, indeed they are coming from mu. And if small, if not or small t2fDVuao3Mu-00084-00072720-00074118 then maybe it is possible that your samples are not coming from this parameter mu, that is, t2fDVuao3Mu-00085-00074118-00074730 because in this case, that z is large, and that is why this probability is going to be small. t2fDVuao3Mu-00086-00074730-00076248 So, if not or small then you may want to consider the alternate hypothesis. t2fDVuao3Mu-00087-00076818-00078000 Or it is equivalent to saying that you want to consider an alternate hypothesis maybe like in t2fDVuao3Mu-00088-00078000-00078522 this case possibly your null hypothesis is not true and this is kind of a providing a t2fDVuao3Mu-00089-00078522-00079122 evidence that maybe your claimed that it is to be null hypothesis is in current. t2fDVuao3Mu-00090-00079242-00079998 And if large maybe actually what we will do is, let us put it slightly differently. t2fDVuao3Mu-00091-00079998-00080958 So, in this setup, what we are saying. Let us say you having sample and you have this hypothesis, t2fDVuao3Mu-00092-00081072-00081498 to check. One is you are going to check whether these are coming from t2fDVuao3Mu-00093-00081798-00082362 with the population mean mu and alternate hypothesis, what we are going to call is t2fDVuao3Mu-00094-00082362-00082974 something challenger, your claim is that this is going to be a null hypothesis with parameter mu t2fDVuao3Mu-00095-00083034-00083604 and somebody is going to challenge you saying no, no, this is not the case it is something else. t2fDVuao3Mu-00096-00083844-00085338 Now, in that case, if this quantity happens to be small, then it is kind of indication that t2fDVuao3Mu-00097-00085506-00086370 your null hypothesis may not be true and alternate hypothesis is true. And on the other hand, t2fDVuao3Mu-00098-00086892-00087612 if this probability is large, it is in favor of null hypothesis it is basically saying that, t2fDVuao3Mu-00099-00087612-00088434 it is saying that not basically you can say that let me see what is the correct word here. You can t2fDVuao3Mu-00100-00088434-00090108 say that. Here, you can say that researcher failed to reject the null hypothesis. t2fDVuao3Mu-00101-00090720-00091374 So, in this setup, we are basically saying that whatever the tests you have provided to t2fDVuao3Mu-00102-00091374-00092064 verify your null hypothesis whether to accept or not and you have a challenger here somebody t2fDVuao3Mu-00103-00092064-00092940 is challenging you and if you could show that this probability or this p-value in this case t2fDVuao3Mu-00104-00093192-00093678 is large then you can say that researcher failed to reject your null hypothesis. t2fDVuao3Mu-00105-00093942-00094584 And on the other hand, this is small then you are basically validating that t2fDVuao3Mu-00106-00094752-00095334 or basically the researchers validating that whatever your claim on the null hypothesis t2fDVuao3Mu-00107-00095334-00096036 is incorrect. So, then the question arises here is t2fDVuao3Mu-00108-00096162-00096996 what is this large and small, how to quantify this, is there a way and that is where t2fDVuao3Mu-00109-00097062-00097854 we need to put some threshold here. And significance level come to picture. t2fDVuao3Mu-00110-00098214-00099006 So, you want to say that the p-value you have let us say Z is greater than or equals to z t2fDVuao3Mu-00111-00099312-00099720 if this is less than r equals to t2fDVuao3Mu-00112-00100074-00100746 c, then you can say that, let me see what is the exact term I can use, t2fDVuao3Mu-00113-00101148-00102216 then we can say that your null hypothesis is false. t2fDVuao3Mu-00114-00102485-00103224 On the other hand, if this p-value you have is greater than alpha then t2fDVuao3Mu-00115-00103548-00104430 null hypothesis is not rejected. t2fDVuao3Mu-00116-00104994-00105288 And then question comes what is the good value of this alpha? t2fDVuao3Mu-00117-00106409-00107952 Usually, alpha is taken to be 0.05. If your p happens to be smaller than 0.05 then you are t2fDVuao3Mu-00118-00107952-00108858 claimed that the null hypothesis is true is not accepted or it is your null hypothesis is false. t2fDVuao3Mu-00119-00108996-00110322 On the other hand, if p happens to be larger than 0.05 then your opponent who was challenging you t2fDVuao3Mu-00120-00110628-00111318 is not providing sufficient evidence to say that your hypothesis is false or in other words, t2fDVuao3Mu-00121-00111318-00111738 the null hypothesis is not rejected, you are still in the business. t2fDVuao3Mu-00122-00111954-00112452 So, because of that, if you are making a hypothesis and t2fDVuao3Mu-00123-00112668-00113633 the p-value for that hypothesis, the p-value computed under that null hypothesis happens to be t2fDVuao3Mu-00124-00113748-00115020 larger than 0.05 then your hypothesis is not rejected. And so, you should always make sure that t2fDVuao3Mu-00125-00115122-00115752 if you are making a claim on a null hypothesis the p-value should be as large as possible, t2fDVuao3Mu-00126-00115752-00116772 or at least it should be more than a 0.05. And this 0.05 just like kind of a thumb rule t2fDVuao3Mu-00127-00116772-00117540 people take it is not necessarily that one has to stick to 0.05. Depending on your application, if t2fDVuao3Mu-00128-00117540-00118098 you feel that my application is such that I do not need to be too stringent or I need to be relaxed. t2fDVuao3Mu-00129-00118098-00119154 Depending on that you can set your alpha to be maybe any value between maybe let us say 0 to t2fDVuao3Mu-00130-00119154-00120246 half, whichever is more applicable. Now, when you are doing this test there are two possible ways, t2fDVuao3Mu-00131-00120335-00120738 like when you are making the hypothesis. One is let us call single t2fDVuao3Mu-00132-00121074-00121464 side and another is like a two side. t2fDVuao3Mu-00133-00121944-00122520 In the single side like let us say your hypothesis is like let us say theta is some mu t2fDVuao3Mu-00134-00122574-00122898 and your alternate hypothesis is just saying that t2fDVuao3Mu-00135-00123006-00123611 maybe just like your theta is greater than mu. They are just saying that no, like t2fDVuao3Mu-00136-00123846-00124488 somebody is claiming that the true parameter is going to be mu and you are challenging by t2fDVuao3Mu-00137-00124488-00124950 saying that no, the true parameter is simply be larger than mu just like one sided. t2fDVuao3Mu-00138-00125033-00126035 On the other hand, the two sided say that, you are going to say that, the true null hypothesis t2fDVuao3Mu-00139-00126035-00126576 is simply parameter mu, but your challenger may say that no, he simply say that no, this is not t2fDVuao3Mu-00140-00126576-00127104 mu it is something else it could be larger or smaller that is why it is called two sided. t2fDVuao3Mu-00141-00127206-00127422 But in both the cases t2fDVuao3Mu-00142-00128040-00128658 like this is like standard normal. So, if it is like one sided you have z here, t2fDVuao3Mu-00143-00128658-00129108 you will look into this, this is like a one-sided case. t2fDVuao3Mu-00144-00129480-00130368 But if it is a two sided you need to consider this probability as well. So, both this together t2fDVuao3Mu-00145-00130470-00130938 will give you the probability the p-value for the two-sided tests. t2fDVuao3Mu-00146-00131352-00132576 And the good thing about this p-values is you can readily compute them by looking into the t2fDVuao3Mu-00147-00132684-00133716 tables for your standard normal distribution. Like I mean, if I give you z, you know already given t2fDVuao3Mu-00148-00134082-00136422 z we can readily get p-value from gaussian tables or maybe just I can just say normal tables. t2fDVuao3Mu-00149-00137286-00138198 One point to note here is this normal tables, they usually are given for probability like z is equals t2fDVuao3Mu-00150-00138198-00139302 to less than or equals to z that is basically CDF of your normal distribution. But notice that t2fDVuao3Mu-00151-00139302-00139992 the p-values are the complement of this. So, the p-values, we need to get the complement of this t2fDVuao3Mu-00152-00140184-00140532 by simply taking the negation of that. t2fDVuao3Mu-00153-00140730-00141828 And by doing this, you will end up finding this value which are to the right of z value. t2fDVuao3Mu-00154-00142068-00142854 So, notice that basically, this all worked well, when your samples are gaussian distributed or t2fDVuao3Mu-00155-00142956-00143832 this quantity x bar minus mu normalized by square root of sigma square by n is normal distributed. t2fDVuao3Mu-00156-00143922-00144384 And here another crucial thing we notice this the sigma square is known. t2fDVuao3Mu-00157-00144528-00145188 Now, the next question happens is how does this change when the sigma square is unknown, t2fDVuao3Mu-00158-00145188-00145896 and which could be often the case. We will study that by looking into our t-tests. t2fDVuao3Mu-00159-00146058-00146778 So, we actually, so far computed the p-value. Now, before I jump into the t-test, I want to t2fDVuao3Mu-00160-00146778-00147816 just conclude what this p-test is, by looking into an example. Suppose let us say you have a, t2fDVuao3Mu-00161-00147882-00148446 you are in a case where a statistician wants to test the hypothesis that the true population t2fDVuao3Mu-00162-00148446-00149142 mean is 120. And somebody is challenging him saying that the alternate hypothesis is the t2fDVuao3Mu-00163-00149142-00149934 one-sided value of mu being greater than 120. And the threshold the significance level is being t2fDVuao3Mu-00164-00149934-00150876 set to 0.05 here and the number of samples we have is 40, the variance is taken to be 37.5 and t2fDVuao3Mu-00165-00151020-00151524 from the samples it has been computed that the sample mean is 105.37. t2fDVuao3Mu-00166-00151650-00152166 Now, using the p-value, we want to conclude whether this t2fDVuao3Mu-00167-00152580-00153204 x bar is statistically significant or not. So, now, how to do this? First, t2fDVuao3Mu-00168-00153354-00154482 we are going to compute the statistics, for that I need the variance of my estimator. t2fDVuao3Mu-00169-00154482-00154962 So, I have this x bar and I know that it is variance is going to be t2fDVuao3Mu-00170-00155040-00155892 sigma by square root n and sigma has been told to me as 32.17, n is 40. So, I got this value t2fDVuao3Mu-00171-00156030-00156846 5.0865. Now, I will compute my, I have been denoting this as z value. So, t2fDVuao3Mu-00172-00156846-00157884 the z value here is simply x bar minus 120 and divided by. So, notice that here you will actually t2fDVuao3Mu-00173-00157884-00158592 know this 120 because that is the null hypothesis against which you are testing and here you will t2fDVuao3Mu-00174-00158592-00159612 end up with a z value which is minus 2.8762. Now, for this using z score table you can t2fDVuao3Mu-00175-00159612-00160404 calculate z being larger than minus 2.8762 in the following fashion, we know that t2fDVuao3Mu-00176-00160692-00161112 from the gaussian tables probability that t is less than or equals to this t2fDVuao3Mu-00177-00161244-00161976 because of the symmetry this is also equals to t greater than 2.8762 is 0.003. t2fDVuao3Mu-00178-00162144-00163080 And now, probability that t being greater than minus 2872 is 0.997. t2fDVuao3Mu-00179-00163152-00164136 So, the p-value we have obtained it to be 0.997 which happens to be significantly t2fDVuao3Mu-00180-00164136-00164994 larger than my significance level of 0.05. So, therefore, in this case, the p-test says that t2fDVuao3Mu-00181-00165060-00165810 my, the p-test leads to the conclusion that we have failed to reject the null hypothesis that t2fDVuao3Mu-00182-00165810-00166914 means null hypothesis claimed by the statistician is still valid and there is no evidence to provide t2fDVuao3Mu-00183-00166914-00167400 that this is not true that is basically we have failed to reject the null hypothesis. tqgYMNkgpZc-00000-00010003-00010200 tsurreal,prod. tsurreal,2022 blxst type beat,blxst instrumental,blxst type beat,blxst type beat 2022,blxst type beat 2022 free,blxst type beat free,blxst type beat free for profit,blxst type beat guitar,blxst type beat instrumental,blxst type beat rnb,blxst type beat whatever,blxst x rnb type beat 2022,free blxst rnb type beat 2022,free blxst type beat,free blxst type beat 2022,kalan frfr type beat,summer walker type beat,free kalan frfr type beat trBqxrZQ3t0-00000-00000075-00000366 Hello, my name is Belinda Price. trBqxrZQ3t0-00001-00000366-00001095 I am a supervisory Administrative Officer for the U.S. National Archives trBqxrZQ3t0-00002-00001095-00001591 and Records Administration, within the Office of Innovation. trBqxrZQ3t0-00003-00001591-00001904 Let me tell you a little bit about myself. trBqxrZQ3t0-00004-00001904-00002216 I'm a native Washingtonian. trBqxrZQ3t0-00005-00002216-00002808 As a native Washingtonian, I remember to going to trBqxrZQ3t0-00006-00002808-00003337 various museums and a lot of the federal buildings trBqxrZQ3t0-00007-00003495-00003695 on field trips. trBqxrZQ3t0-00008-00003704-00004033 I remember one instance when we went to trBqxrZQ3t0-00009-00004033-00004233 The National Archives and Records Administration. trBqxrZQ3t0-00010-00004233-00004529 I thought it was a very large building, trBqxrZQ3t0-00011-00004625-00005058 And I said Wow. Wouldn't be nice to one day work there. trBqxrZQ3t0-00012-00005125-00005520 Who would have thought I would actually be here now. trBqxrZQ3t0-00013-00005612-00006008 One thing I did appreciate about trBqxrZQ3t0-00014-00006058-00006345 The National Archives and Records Administration is trBqxrZQ3t0-00015-00006395-00006883 They are the custodians of major trBqxrZQ3t0-00016-00006883-00007454 historical documents, and they keep them - pretty well. trBqxrZQ3t0-00017-00007595-00008166 One other thing that attracted me to working for NARA trBqxrZQ3t0-00018-00008216-00009087 is their ability to grant the public access to those records. trBqxrZQ3t0-00019-00009162-00009462 One example brings to mind is the trBqxrZQ3t0-00020-00009462-00009741 the Office of Innovation hub trBqxrZQ3t0-00021-00009741-00010316 where the public can get an opportunity to trBqxrZQ3t0-00022-00010316-00010991 scan documents with a digital copy made free of charge. trBqxrZQ3t0-00023-00011058-00011612 What a privilege and honor to work for an agency trBqxrZQ3t0-00024-00011612-00012050 that supports open government daily. trBqxrZQ3t0-00025-00012100-00012191 Thank you. trEvXwydaaQ-00000-00000177-00000594 The digital revolution does not happen in a vacuum, its not like the the transition trEvXwydaaQ-00001-00000594-00001002 to the digital age is written on a completely blank sheet of paper. trEvXwydaaQ-00002-00001002-00001673 No, it grows out of a historical, economical, political, and social context that we have trEvXwydaaQ-00003-00001673-00002185 to consider when we study the transition toward the digital age, because it surely shapes trEvXwydaaQ-00004-00002185-00002285 it. trEvXwydaaQ-00005-00002285-00002471 So that’s what I want to talk about now. trEvXwydaaQ-00006-00002471-00003025 What are the global challenges that provide the context of globalization in the digital trEvXwydaaQ-00007-00003025-00003360 age? trEvXwydaaQ-00008-00003360-00003751 One of the arguments that is often made and has been made very eloquently by the New York trEvXwydaaQ-00009-00003751-00004353 Times columnist and best-selling author Thomas Friedman is that, dues to digitalization now trEvXwydaaQ-00010-00004353-00004619 the world is flat. trEvXwydaaQ-00011-00004619-00005296 What he means by that is that this increase flow of information given/due to this digital trEvXwydaaQ-00012-00005296-00005396 infrastructure. trEvXwydaaQ-00013-00005396-00005906 Now this is the fact that every individual can actively participate in the process of trEvXwydaaQ-00014-00005906-00006042 globalization. trEvXwydaaQ-00015-00006042-00006362 Can search and spread information. trEvXwydaaQ-00016-00006362-00006917 Can sell and buy products through this digital infrastructure that doesn’t consider borders trEvXwydaaQ-00017-00006917-00007285 and leads to a process of globalization that’s based on the individual. trEvXwydaaQ-00018-00007285-00007761 Where traditional inequalities between countries and societies they don’t matter so much trEvXwydaaQ-00019-00007761-00007975 anymore. trEvXwydaaQ-00020-00007975-00008638 Saying it in short digitalization led to the fact the now the world is actually flat we trEvXwydaaQ-00021-00008638-00009035 all have pretty much equal opportunities. trEvXwydaaQ-00022-00009035-00009588 Let’s listen to Thomas Friedman in his own words. trEvXwydaaQ-00023-00009588-00009939 The two quick counter arguments that people usually come up with. trEvXwydaaQ-00024-00009939-00010356 In response to the claim that digitization flattened the world. trEvXwydaaQ-00025-00010356-00010484 And one more profound ones. trEvXwydaaQ-00026-00010484-00011027 So the first quick one is that the world is not really flat. trEvXwydaaQ-00027-00011027-00011539 Because not everyone has the same access to the digital real. trEvXwydaaQ-00028-00011539-00011649 The digital divide. trEvXwydaaQ-00029-00011649-00011918 We don’t have equal access. trEvXwydaaQ-00030-00011918-00012160 That doesn’t give us equal opportunities. trEvXwydaaQ-00031-00012160-00012456 That is true. trEvXwydaaQ-00032-00012456-00013122 The other argument is also that so people say okay everyone has access to the global trEvXwydaaQ-00033-00013122-00013861 informational real and we all communicate there on the basis of individual to individual trEvXwydaaQ-00034-00013861-00014231 but that isn’t necessarily a great thing. trEvXwydaaQ-00035-00014231-00014816 People talk about the clash of civilizations that happen also due to digitalization. trEvXwydaaQ-00036-00014816-00015325 So we’ve been separated for thousands of years and developed our own cultures and religions trEvXwydaaQ-00037-00015325-00015922 and so forth and now suddenly in 10, 20 years we bring all of our different world views trEvXwydaaQ-00038-00015922-00016723 together and some religions and cultures and ethnic groups they don’t agree with the trEvXwydaaQ-00039-00016723-00017060 world you developed by some others. trEvXwydaaQ-00040-00017060-00017841 For example, this has some very brutal in real-world effect in 2015 Islamic extremists trEvXwydaaQ-00041-00017841-00018529 entered the editorial of a satire magazine in France Charlie Hebdo and killed gunned trEvXwydaaQ-00042-00018529-00018771 down twelve cartoonists. trEvXwydaaQ-00043-00018771-00019686 These cartoonists were drawing cartoons that Islamists found very offensive. trEvXwydaaQ-00044-00019686-00020384 So some belief systems like Islam they say look we don’t fundamentality agree with trEvXwydaaQ-00045-00020384-00021140 the fact that Pamela Anderson’s bikini is plastered everywhere since the 80’s already. trEvXwydaaQ-00046-00021140-00021631 According to our beliefs system we don’t even tempt people with the opportunity to trEvXwydaaQ-00047-00021631-00021815 promoting such a thing. trEvXwydaaQ-00048-00021815-00022201 The western world says no this is called freedom. trEvXwydaaQ-00049-00022201-00022475 You are forced to have to look at Pamela Anderson’s bikini. trEvXwydaaQ-00050-00022475-00023020 Because that is our philosophy of freedom also we have this kind of political system trEvXwydaaQ-00051-00023020-00023185 that we provoke each other. trEvXwydaaQ-00052-00023185-00023758 And some other cultures say that not actually how we do that but actually we cannot hide trEvXwydaaQ-00053-00023758-00024218 anymore kind of like the world is flat informational-ly now. trEvXwydaaQ-00054-00024218-00024613 Their mighty be some technological possibilities but we did not figure them out. trEvXwydaaQ-00055-00024613-00025013 And actually there is little space to hide until now. trEvXwydaaQ-00056-00025013-00025701 And cultures get really upset with the dominance of the western world, that plastered the world trEvXwydaaQ-00057-00025701-00026418 views through these flattened informational system, all around the globe. trEvXwydaaQ-00058-00026418-00027058 So some people say okay the world is now much flatter in terms of information flow, but trEvXwydaaQ-00059-00027058-00027270 that’s not necessarily a good thing. trEvXwydaaQ-00060-00027270-00027853 If we still would be kind of like separated or at least it would have been a little slower trEvXwydaaQ-00061-00027853-00028197 the problem might have went a little too fast. trEvXwydaaQ-00062-00028197-00028649 You cannot be thousands of years separated and then in 10, 20 years boom bring it all trEvXwydaaQ-00063-00028649-00028749 together. trEvXwydaaQ-00064-00028749-00029274 Without any structure orchestrations, maybe went a little bit too fast and the fact that trEvXwydaaQ-00065-00029274-00029919 the world is informational-ly flat is may not necessarily a good thing some people say. trEvXwydaaQ-00066-00029919-00030649 A third response to the claim that the world is flat is to say okay lets look at the global trEvXwydaaQ-00067-00030649-00031265 context in which the digital revolution happens and lets see if maybe this global context trEvXwydaaQ-00068-00031265-00031745 in which it happens doesn’t really permit the digital revolution to completely flatten trEvXwydaaQ-00069-00031745-00031845 the world. trEvXwydaaQ-00070-00031845-00032268 And this goes into levels what I call the big systemic level the macro level that has trEvXwydaaQ-00071-00032268-00032843 to do with the historical, economical, social and political context on the big level. trEvXwydaaQ-00072-00032843-00033371 And on the small the micro kind of like the activist level, aid projects, resource allocation trEvXwydaaQ-00073-00033371-00033824 and more the decisions of individuals, organizations, individual governments. trEvXwydaaQ-00074-00033824-00034196 And this global context is what we will look at next. txB29VAtdnu-00000-00000512-00000988 Printronix proudly presents a quick and easy way to authenticate Printronix consumables txB29VAtdnu-00001-00000990-00001360 Step 1: Look for the hologram sticker txB29VAtdnu-00002-00001360-00001800 The hologram sticker can be found on the top surface of the cartridge and spool ribbons txB29VAtdnu-00003-00001800-00002132 The hologram sticker contains a unique 3D holographic feature txB29VAtdnu-00004-00002132-00002510 Step 2: Locate the validation code txB29VAtdnu-00005-00002510-00002888 Peel back the top layer of the hologram sticker to reveal the unique QR code txB29VAtdnu-00006-00002892-00003222 and the 16-digit validation code txB29VAtdnu-00007-00003222-00003465 Step 3: Authenticate Online txB29VAtdnu-00008-00003465-00004330 Scan the QR code with your mobile phone and enter the 16-digit validation code txB29VAtdnu-00009-00004384-00004652 Step 4: Earn loyalty reward points txB29VAtdnu-00010-00004652-00005162 Register to earn loyalty points for every ribbon verified, and then redeem rewards. txB29VAtdnu-00011-00005162-00005406 If you suspect any counterfeit consumables txB29VAtdnu-00012-00005406-00005728 or to learn more about Printronix genuine consumables txB29VAtdnu-00013-00005728-00006090 Please visit printronix.com/anti-counterfeit ty7R3sw3hqE-00000-00000036-00000306 - JD, our apologies on that and we'll make efforts here ty7R3sw3hqE-00001-00000306-00000582 to get that, both the map and the video, ty7R3sw3hqE-00002-00000582-00000774 available to you later. ty7R3sw3hqE-00003-00000945-00001050 So we want to make sure you can hear us ty7R3sw3hqE-00004-00001050-00001134 and we can hear you, ty7R3sw3hqE-00005-00001134-00001550 and if so, Colonel Dorrian, we'll turn it over to you. ty7R3sw3hqE-00006-00002306-00002474 - Very good, thanks Jeff. ty7R3sw3hqE-00007-00002474-00002561 Good morning, everyone. ty7R3sw3hqE-00008-00002561-00002978 I'll provide some remarks and then I'll take your questions. ty7R3sw3hqE-00009-00003056-00003473 In Syria, Turkish military embedded Syrian opposition forces ty7R3sw3hqE-00010-00003631-00003831 with coalition advisers, ty7R3sw3hqE-00011-00003832-00004072 and supported by coalition airstrikes, ty7R3sw3hqE-00012-00004072-00004423 continued offensive operations along the Mara line, ty7R3sw3hqE-00013-00004423-00004616 where they seek to retain villages ty7R3sw3hqE-00014-00004616-00004931 and lines of communication in the area. ty7R3sw3hqE-00015-00004931-00005025 - [Captain Davis] Interrupt. ty7R3sw3hqE-00016-00005025-00005173 I'm sorry, can we ask you to start over again? ty7R3sw3hqE-00017-00005173-00005356 We had audio problems. ty7R3sw3hqE-00018-00005398-00005561 If you could just start from the top again. ty7R3sw3hqE-00019-00005561-00005669 My apologies. ty7R3sw3hqE-00020-00005700-00005908 - Of humanitarian relief. ty7R3sw3hqE-00021-00006395-00006478 Okay. ty7R3sw3hqE-00022-00006478-00006606 Yeah, no problem at all. ty7R3sw3hqE-00023-00006606-00006806 I'll start from the top. ty7R3sw3hqE-00024-00007533-00007774 All right, good morning everyone. ty7R3sw3hqE-00025-00007774-00007928 I'll provide some remarks ty7R3sw3hqE-00026-00007928-00008171 and then I'll take your questions. ty7R3sw3hqE-00027-00008171-00008391 In Syria, the Turkish military ty7R3sw3hqE-00028-00008391-00008785 embedded Syrian opposition forces with coalition advisers, ty7R3sw3hqE-00029-00008785-00009047 and supported by coalition airstrikes, ty7R3sw3hqE-00030-00009047-00009397 continued offensive operations along the Mara line, ty7R3sw3hqE-00031-00009397-00009591 where they seek to retain villages ty7R3sw3hqE-00032-00009591-00009864 and lines of communication in the area. ty7R3sw3hqE-00033-00009864-00010232 In Manbij, coalition forces assisted local forces ty7R3sw3hqE-00034-00010232-00010562 conducting clearance operations in five schools ty7R3sw3hqE-00035-00010562-00010898 and facilitated the delivery of humanitarian relief ty7R3sw3hqE-00036-00010898-00011190 to the citizens through local NGOs. ty7R3sw3hqE-00037-00011241-00011561 In Iraq, the ISF are making preparations ty7R3sw3hqE-00038-00011561-00011895 to hand over control of the city of Shirqat ty7R3sw3hqE-00039-00011895-00012195 to the Iraqi police and hold forces. ty7R3sw3hqE-00040-00012245-00012374 This is a typical pattern. ty7R3sw3hqE-00041-00012374-00012689 ISF move in to liberate the city, clear it, ty7R3sw3hqE-00042-00012689-00013031 and then hand over forces that keep Daesh ty7R3sw3hqE-00043-00013045-00013271 from being able to re-infiltrate ty7R3sw3hqE-00044-00013271-00013688 while efforts are made to remove explosive remnants of war. ty7R3sw3hqE-00045-00013702-00014095 Daesh continues to conduct harassing attacks against the ISF ty7R3sw3hqE-00046-00014095-00014491 North of Qayyarah and along the Euphrates River Valley, ty7R3sw3hqE-00047-00014491-00014733 in the vicinity of Albu Diab, ty7R3sw3hqE-00048-00014761-00015070 where ISF forces regained Bravo base, ty7R3sw3hqE-00049-00015107-00015524 which the ISF can now use as an outpost to pressure Daesh ty7R3sw3hqE-00050-00015666-00015864 and are postured to continue clearing ty7R3sw3hqE-00051-00015864-00016172 the remainder of the Dulab Peninsula. ty7R3sw3hqE-00052-00016326-00016670 The coalition continues to shape operations for Mosul ty7R3sw3hqE-00053-00016670-00016869 and today I'd like to give you some insight ty7R3sw3hqE-00054-00016869-00017201 into coalition efforts to shape that effort ty7R3sw3hqE-00055-00017201-00017537 through attacks against Daesh leadership figures. ty7R3sw3hqE-00056-00017537-00017835 We continue to target and remove Daesh leaders ty7R3sw3hqE-00057-00017835-00018018 in both Iraq and Syria ty7R3sw3hqE-00058-00018020-00018273 to disrupt and degrade their intelligence, ty7R3sw3hqE-00059-00018273-00018628 military operations, communication, finance, ty7R3sw3hqE-00060-00018628-00018892 and external operations networks. ty7R3sw3hqE-00061-00018892-00019264 In the last 30 days alone, coalition strikes have taken out ty7R3sw3hqE-00062-00019264-00019681 18 Daesh leaders who were supporting enemy operations ty7R3sw3hqE-00063-00019714-00019864 in Iraq and Syria. ty7R3sw3hqE-00064-00019880-00020122 13 of these Daesh leaders were part of their ty7R3sw3hqE-00065-00020122-00020539 military intelligence communication networks in Mosul, Iraq. ty7R3sw3hqE-00066-00020773-00021053 The strikes have targeted military commanders, ty7R3sw3hqE-00067-00021053-00021319 administration, media officials, ty7R3sw3hqE-00068-00021357-00021763 foreign fighter facilitators, amirs, security commanders, ty7R3sw3hqE-00069-00021763-00022180 communication leaders, and senior shura council leadership. ty7R3sw3hqE-00070-00022194-00022473 The people who replace these leadership figures ty7R3sw3hqE-00071-00022473-00022796 have not established their bona fides with al-Baghdadi, ty7R3sw3hqE-00072-00022796-00022914 his inner circle, ty7R3sw3hqE-00073-00022914-00023255 and they are often not as seasoned as those they replace. ty7R3sw3hqE-00074-00023255-00023484 This is especially true around Mosul ty7R3sw3hqE-00075-00023484-00023753 as the coalition continues to be relentless ty7R3sw3hqE-00076-00023753-00024015 in degrading and disrupting command and control ty7R3sw3hqE-00077-00024015-00024339 of their fighters, softening their grip on the city, ty7R3sw3hqE-00078-00024339-00024739 and prepping the battlefield for the liberation. ty7R3sw3hqE-00079-00024834-00025076 In a two-day period in Mosul, ty7R3sw3hqE-00080-00025092-00025509 we removed Abdul Hamid al-Shishan, Abdul Jabir al Shishani, ty7R3sw3hqE-00081-00025677-00026094 Abdul Rahman al-Shishani, all Daesh Chechen foreign fighters ty7R3sw3hqE-00082-00026142-00026460 responsible for administration in command of fighters ty7R3sw3hqE-00083-00026460-00026872 in Mosul, degrading Daesh's foreign fighter footprint ty7R3sw3hqE-00084-00026872-00027144 and capabilities within that city. ty7R3sw3hqE-00085-00027144-00027435 As you know, coalition forces eliminated ty7R3sw3hqE-00086-00027435-00027843 Wa'il Adil Hasan Salman al-Fayad, AKA Dr. Wai'il, ty7R3sw3hqE-00087-00028130-00028493 Daesh's minister of information and senior shura member ty7R3sw3hqE-00088-00028493-00028889 who was one of the top five most senior Daesh leaders ty7R3sw3hqE-00089-00028889-00029286 and was a direct associate of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. ty7R3sw3hqE-00090-00029286-00029586 He was in charge of Daesh's media network, ty7R3sw3hqE-00091-00029586-00029842 responsible for providing messaging guidance ty7R3sw3hqE-00092-00029842-00030258 for propaganda and directions for terrorist attacks abroad. ty7R3sw3hqE-00093-00030297-00030616 The removal of the Daesh media head at this time, ty7R3sw3hqE-00094-00030616-00030965 when Daesh is under increased pressure, will further disrupt ty7R3sw3hqE-00095-00030965-00031252 their ability to maintain any illusion ty7R3sw3hqE-00096-00031252-00031482 that things are going well for them. ty7R3sw3hqE-00097-00031482-00031868 This is important because the effects of recruiting ty7R3sw3hqE-00098-00031868-00032193 foreign fighters and foreign financing. ty7R3sw3hqE-00099-00032252-00032643 Another strike in Mosul killed Abdul Ahmed Imara, ty7R3sw3hqE-00100-00032643-00032869 the Daesh muta division leader. ty7R3sw3hqE-00101-00032869-00033111 The muta division is the Daesh unit ty7R3sw3hqE-00102-00033111-00033461 responsible for security in eastern Mosul. ty7R3sw3hqE-00103-00033484-00033854 His removal disrupts Daesh military formations ty7R3sw3hqE-00104-00033854-00034270 and affects their readiness for the Mosul liberation fight. ty7R3sw3hqE-00105-00034364-00034738 We removed Daesh's deputy military amir in Mosul, ty7R3sw3hqE-00106-00034738-00034963 Abu Jannat, another strike, ty7R3sw3hqE-00107-00035020-00035385 further degrading Daesh's military operations around Mosul ty7R3sw3hqE-00108-00035385-00035769 and applying more pressure to the Daesh leadership network. ty7R3sw3hqE-00109-00035769-00035969 Jannat, an Iraqi native, ty7R3sw3hqE-00110-00036003-00036363 was responsible for military operations around Mosul, ty7R3sw3hqE-00111-00036363-00036688 to include the manufacture of chemical weapons ty7R3sw3hqE-00112-00036688-00036881 in the defense of Mosul. ty7R3sw3hqE-00113-00036881-00037064 Coalition is impacting ty7R3sw3hqE-00114-00037073-00037490 ISIL's terrorist law enforcement apparatus in Mosul as well. ty7R3sw3hqE-00115-00037527-00037835 The coalition strike killed Abubakar, ty7R3sw3hqE-00116-00037844-00038160 an amir of east Mosul military police. ty7R3sw3hqE-00117-00038261-00038612 Abubakar is an Iraqi and considered by Daesh ty7R3sw3hqE-00118-00038612-00038888 to be an effective member of their leadership ty7R3sw3hqE-00119-00038888-00039123 and law enforcement apparatus. ty7R3sw3hqE-00120-00039123-00039417 Removing him from the network will continue to ty7R3sw3hqE-00121-00039417-00039818 compound pressure on Daesh's military leadership in Mosul, ty7R3sw3hqE-00122-00039818-00040165 and reduce their ability to control the population. ty7R3sw3hqE-00123-00040165-00040549 These attacks directly against Daesh leadership ty7R3sw3hqE-00124-00040549-00040664 compound the effects ty7R3sw3hqE-00125-00040664-00040969 of the coalition's relentless air campaign, ty7R3sw3hqE-00126-00040969-00041294 which is now well above 15,000 strikes. ty7R3sw3hqE-00127-00041320-00041698 The air campaign is dismantling Daesh command and control ty7R3sw3hqE-00128-00041698-00041923 by taking away safe houses, ty7R3sw3hqE-00129-00041933-00042247 weapons manufacturing and storage facilities, ty7R3sw3hqE-00130-00042247-00042563 supply routes, oil revenue, and money. ty7R3sw3hqE-00131-00042893-00043068 We'll skip the video. ty7R3sw3hqE-00132-00044090-00044423 Finally, I'd like to give you an update. ty7R3sw3hqE-00133-00044507-00044699 You heard yesterday that the President ty7R3sw3hqE-00134-00044699-00045072 approved the deployment of 615 additional troops ty7R3sw3hqE-00135-00045072-00045422 to support the ISF as they liberate Mosul. ty7R3sw3hqE-00136-00045501-00045888 Those forces will come into the country in the coming weeks ty7R3sw3hqE-00137-00045888-00046100 to provide some additional logistics ty7R3sw3hqE-00138-00046100-00046434 and maintenance capability as we continue to provide ty7R3sw3hqE-00139-00046434-00046851 advice and assistance to the Iraqi security forces. ty7R3sw3hqE-00140-00046853-00046979 Part of the force upgrade ty7R3sw3hqE-00141-00046979-00047358 will also provide increased intelligence support. ty7R3sw3hqE-00142-00047358-00047551 The capabilities being put in place ty7R3sw3hqE-00143-00047551-00047870 with this uplift in forces will be providing a lot of ty7R3sw3hqE-00144-00047870-00048205 the same types of capabilities we've been providing. ty7R3sw3hqE-00145-00048205-00048622 Just as the ISF is taking on the largest liberation fight ty7R3sw3hqE-00146-00048738-00049029 to date in Iraq's second-largest city, ty7R3sw3hqE-00147-00049029-00049294 we will be enhancing our support to them ty7R3sw3hqE-00148-00049294-00049504 because of the size of the task ty7R3sw3hqE-00149-00049504-00049787 and the number of troops involved. ty7R3sw3hqE-00150-00049830-00050144 Now we'll go ahead and open it up for some questions. ty7R3sw3hqE-00151-00050144-00050227 - Great. ty7R3sw3hqE-00152-00050227-00050560 Andrew Tilghman with the Military Times. ty7R3sw3hqE-00153-00050591-00050708 - Hi, Colonel. ty7R3sw3hqE-00154-00050840-00051180 A little bit off of the routine topic today, ty7R3sw3hqE-00155-00051180-00051488 but I wanted to ask you about Ramadi. ty7R3sw3hqE-00156-00051557-00051857 Over the past few months, the coalition has reported ty7R3sw3hqE-00157-00051857-00052223 almost daily airstrikes continuing in Ramadi ty7R3sw3hqE-00158-00052230-00052646 on tactical units, check points, fighting positions. ty7R3sw3hqE-00159-00052663-00052749 Just wondering if you could tell me ty7R3sw3hqE-00160-00052749-00052942 a little bit about what the situation is there. ty7R3sw3hqE-00161-00052942-00053141 How many ISIS fighters do you estimate ty7R3sw3hqE-00162-00053141-00053557 are still in Ramadi specifically, and Anbar at large, ty7R3sw3hqE-00163-00053673-00054015 and you know, what is the current feeling ty7R3sw3hqE-00164-00054247-00054626 among the commanders there about the Iraqis' ability ty7R3sw3hqE-00165-00054626-00054870 to secure the gains that were made in Anbar ty7R3sw3hqE-00166-00054870-00055029 over the past year? ty7R3sw3hqE-00167-00055800-00055883 - Yep. ty7R3sw3hqE-00168-00056020-00056204 One of the important things ty7R3sw3hqE-00169-00056204-00056442 that we really need to understand about the situation ty7R3sw3hqE-00170-00056442-00056726 down along the Euphrates River Valley is that ty7R3sw3hqE-00171-00056726-00057098 although a lot of these key areas have been liberated, ty7R3sw3hqE-00172-00057098-00057318 Daesh is still present on the outskirts, ty7R3sw3hqE-00173-00057318-00057486 they're still in the periphery, ty7R3sw3hqE-00174-00057486-00057738 and they would love nothing better than to get in, ty7R3sw3hqE-00175-00057738-00057872 re-infiltrate some of the areas ty7R3sw3hqE-00176-00057872-00058060 that they've been pushed out of, ty7R3sw3hqE-00177-00058060-00058209 and begin to cause problems, ty7R3sw3hqE-00178-00058209-00058429 sort of the terror insurgent-type threat ty7R3sw3hqE-00179-00058429-00058680 that we've talked about in the past, ty7R3sw3hqE-00180-00058680-00059038 and try to bleed away attention from Mosul. ty7R3sw3hqE-00181-00059116-00059330 So, what we've continued to do ty7R3sw3hqE-00182-00059330-00059747 is to provide a lot of airstrikes and disrupt them. ty7R3sw3hqE-00183-00059794-00059885 We're not going to wait for them ty7R3sw3hqE-00184-00059885-00060234 to try to disrupt the Iraqi security forces or us. ty7R3sw3hqE-00185-00060234-00060486 We're going to go after them anywhere that they are ty7R3sw3hqE-00186-00060486-00060636 and keep them disrupted. ty7R3sw3hqE-00187-00060636-00060863 And what this does is it sets conditions ty7R3sw3hqE-00188-00060863-00061085 where the hold forces that have come in ty7R3sw3hqE-00189-00061085-00061465 behind the main assault forces that pushed Daesh out ty7R3sw3hqE-00190-00061465-00061775 are in a good position where they can hold that ground. ty7R3sw3hqE-00191-00061775-00062042 So as far as the numbers of fighters, ty7R3sw3hqE-00192-00062042-00062328 it's certainly a lot less than it used to be before, ty7R3sw3hqE-00193-00062328-00062564 and we do see them under continued pressure. ty7R3sw3hqE-00194-00062564-00062827 I don't have numbers to offer, but certainly ty7R3sw3hqE-00195-00062827-00063209 it's a situation where they will try to reconstitute ty7R3sw3hqE-00196-00063209-00063525 and we're not going to let them do it. ty7R3sw3hqE-00197-00063573-00063656 - Okay, great. ty7R3sw3hqE-00198-00063656-00063906 Next to David Martin with CBS. ty7R3sw3hqE-00199-00063912-00064159 - John, I apologize if I missed this yesterday ty7R3sw3hqE-00200-00064159-00064576 but one of the tasks that these 615 are supposed to do is, ty7R3sw3hqE-00201-00064993-00065410 as I understand it, turn al-Assad into a 24-hour airbase, ty7R3sw3hqE-00202-00065630-00065988 put in the facilities for instrument landing. ty7R3sw3hqE-00203-00065988-00066297 So these are night operations by who? ty7R3sw3hqE-00204-00066377-00066793 And what is the significance of being able to conduct ty7R3sw3hqE-00205-00067066-00067383 night flight operations from al-Assad? ty7R3sw3hqE-00206-00068134-00068218 - Mmm hmm. ty7R3sw3hqE-00207-00068378-00068536 Yeah thanks, David. ty7R3sw3hqE-00208-00068565-00068799 Well, we're flying both RPAs ty7R3sw3hqE-00209-00069013-00069294 and the Iraqis also fly their aircraft out of there, ty7R3sw3hqE-00210-00069294-00069711 fighter and attack aircraft, so having that capability there ty7R3sw3hqE-00211-00069722-00070089 allows us to get better intelligence insight ty7R3sw3hqE-00212-00070107-00070260 into what the enemy is doing, ty7R3sw3hqE-00213-00070260-00070537 it allows us to conduct strikes, and it allows us ty7R3sw3hqE-00214-00070537-00070953 to keep Daesh disrupted along the Euphrates River Valley. ty7R3sw3hqE-00215-00071054-00071470 So this is something that we want to be able to do 24/7/365, ty7R3sw3hqE-00216-00071553-00071778 not just in daylight hours. ty7R3sw3hqE-00217-00072171-00072362 - Next to Ryan Browne with CNN. ty7R3sw3hqE-00218-00072362-00072579 - Well Colonel, I just wanted to follow up, ty7R3sw3hqE-00219-00072579-00072824 you were talking about this kind of campaign ty7R3sw3hqE-00220-00072824-00073186 against the leadership in Mosul and you mentioned there were ty7R3sw3hqE-00221-00073186-00073490 some Chechens who had been targeted and eliminated. ty7R3sw3hqE-00222-00073490-00073626 Can you talk a little bit about ty7R3sw3hqE-00223-00073626-00073831 is the leadership of ISIS in Mosul, ty7R3sw3hqE-00224-00073831-00074084 do we think the that leadership is mostly foreign fighters ty7R3sw3hqE-00225-00074084-00074413 like these Chechens, or is it more local Iraqis? ty7R3sw3hqE-00226-00074413-00074581 And do we have a new estimate ty7R3sw3hqE-00227-00074581-00074997 on terms of how many ISIS fighters are in Mosul total? ty7R3sw3hqE-00228-00075828-00075911 - Mmm hmm. ty7R3sw3hqE-00229-00076023-00076208 Well, I'll start with the numbers. ty7R3sw3hqE-00230-00076208-00076624 We think anywhere from 3,000 to 4,500 fighters are in Mosul, ty7R3sw3hqE-00231-00076817-00076973 somewhere in that ballpark. ty7R3sw3hqE-00232-00076973-00077271 It's a mixture of Iraqi and foreign fighters. ty7R3sw3hqE-00233-00077271-00077521 You'll see all of those there. ty7R3sw3hqE-00234-00077540-00077804 You know, we continue to disrupt them, ty7R3sw3hqE-00235-00077804-00078036 we continue to go after them ty7R3sw3hqE-00236-00078036-00078263 anywhere that they can be found. ty7R3sw3hqE-00237-00078263-00078610 They show no signs of really trying to leave Mosul ty7R3sw3hqE-00238-00078610-00078709 at this point. ty7R3sw3hqE-00239-00078709-00078966 Really, what they've done is they've continued to dig in, ty7R3sw3hqE-00240-00078966-00079328 build elaborate defenses and so we're really ready ty7R3sw3hqE-00241-00079328-00079516 for a tough fight there. ty7R3sw3hqE-00242-00079516-00079839 The Iraqi security forces have been well trained ty7R3sw3hqE-00243-00079839-00080056 to do urban-style warfare. ty7R3sw3hqE-00244-00080100-00080354 That's one of the things that we've done for refit ty7R3sw3hqE-00245-00080354-00080516 and that's really what we're expecting ty7R3sw3hqE-00246-00080516-00080932 so it is a mixture of Iraqis and foreign fighters. ty7R3sw3hqE-00247-00080948-00081165 They do continue to flow in ty7R3sw3hqE-00248-00081165-00081515 and some of them are fixed in place there. ty7R3sw3hqE-00249-00081517-00081600 - Follow up. ty7R3sw3hqE-00250-00081600-00081930 In terms of the leadership of the ISIS in Mosul, ty7R3sw3hqE-00251-00081930-00082176 do we think that's mostly foreign or mostly Iraqi, ty7R3sw3hqE-00252-00082176-00082320 at the leadership level? ty7R3sw3hqE-00253-00082320-00082444 I mean, you mentioned these Chechens, ty7R3sw3hqE-00254-00082444-00082742 I was just wondering how common is it for foreign fighters ty7R3sw3hqE-00255-00082742-00083017 to be calling the shots in Mosul? ty7R3sw3hqE-00256-00083909-00084140 - Well, the Chechens hold kind of a special place ty7R3sw3hqE-00257-00084140-00084506 within Daesh and the reason for that is that ty7R3sw3hqE-00258-00084524-00084889 many of them showed up and infiltrated into Syria and Iraq ty7R3sw3hqE-00259-00084889-00085175 already trained or somewhat seasoned ty7R3sw3hqE-00260-00085175-00085373 by some of the things that they've done elsewhere, ty7R3sw3hqE-00261-00085373-00085773 so you do often find Chechens in the leadership. ty7R3sw3hqE-00262-00085965-00086088 There are foreign fighters ty7R3sw3hqE-00263-00086088-00086480 but there are also a lot of Iraqis and Syrians. ty7R3sw3hqE-00264-00086595-00086878 - Next to Joe Tabet with Al Hurra. ty7R3sw3hqE-00265-00086903-00087320 - Colonel Dorrian, I don't know if you could give us ty7R3sw3hqE-00266-00087332-00087691 a number about the size of the Iraqi forces ty7R3sw3hqE-00267-00087767-00087992 that need to go into Mosul, ty7R3sw3hqE-00268-00088132-00088548 and if this force will also combine other military factions ty7R3sw3hqE-00269-00088780-00089039 like the PMF and the Peshmerga. ty7R3sw3hqE-00270-00089153-00089517 So if you could give us a ballpark figure, a clear figure, ty7R3sw3hqE-00271-00089517-00089737 about the size, the military size, ty7R3sw3hqE-00272-00089737-00090045 of the force that's going into Mosul. ty7R3sw3hqE-00273-00090945-00091028 - Yep. ty7R3sw3hqE-00274-00091060-00091324 Well, we think it'll be anywhere from eight to 12 brigades ty7R3sw3hqE-00275-00091324-00091441 of Iraqi army. ty7R3sw3hqE-00276-00091517-00091909 We also expect the Iraqi police to be involved, ty7R3sw3hqE-00277-00091964-00092364 because they're going to be a part of the effort ty7R3sw3hqE-00278-00092404-00092705 to maintain security once areas have been liberated, ty7R3sw3hqE-00279-00092705-00093084 to hold those areas so Daesh can't re-infiltrate. ty7R3sw3hqE-00280-00093084-00093379 We think it's going to be a very large battle. ty7R3sw3hqE-00281-00093379-00093626 We do expect the Peshmerga to be involved, ty7R3sw3hqE-00282-00093626-00093823 although the details of their involvement ty7R3sw3hqE-00283-00093823-00094007 are still being worked out. ty7R3sw3hqE-00284-00094007-00094424 And we also expect there to be tribal forces involved, ty7R3sw3hqE-00285-00094473-00094618 and the details of their involvement ty7R3sw3hqE-00286-00094618-00094779 are still being worked out. ty7R3sw3hqE-00287-00094779-00094923 All these things are being arranged ty7R3sw3hqE-00288-00094923-00095156 by the Iraqi security forces ty7R3sw3hqE-00289-00095200-00095509 and we're going to follow their plan. ty7R3sw3hqE-00290-00095737-00095854 - [Joe] Thank you. ty7R3sw3hqE-00291-00095854-00096229 - Okay, next to Tony Capaccio with Bloomberg. ty7R3sw3hqE-00292-00096244-00096327 - Thanks, Jeff. ty7R3sw3hqE-00293-00096327-00096569 I had a couple of questions on the equipment. ty7R3sw3hqE-00294-00096569-00096944 Is the US surging any specialized assault equipment ty7R3sw3hqE-00295-00096944-00097319 to the Iraqi security forces for the assault? ty7R3sw3hqE-00296-00097350-00097641 IED equipment, breaching equipment, ty7R3sw3hqE-00297-00097700-00097888 upgrades to their M1 tanks? ty7R3sw3hqE-00298-00097888-00098175 Any specialized equipment that's being surged in right now? ty7R3sw3hqE-00299-00098175-00098408 And then I have a follow-up. ty7R3sw3hqE-00300-00099172-00099255 - Hmm. ty7R3sw3hqE-00301-00099257-00099502 I'll have to take that one for you, Tony. ty7R3sw3hqE-00302-00099502-00099797 I do know that the Iraqis have tanks. ty7R3sw3hqE-00303-00099797-00100105 They do have bulldozers and heavy equipment. ty7R3sw3hqE-00304-00100105-00100337 I don't know if there's any new equipment being sent in ty7R3sw3hqE-00305-00100337-00100476 for this particular battle. ty7R3sw3hqE-00306-00100476-00100860 I would imagine that this is, given its size and scope, ty7R3sw3hqE-00307-00100860-00101226 one where the entire resources of the Iraqis ty7R3sw3hqE-00308-00101249-00101579 will be brought to bear to make sure they're successful. ty7R3sw3hqE-00309-00101579-00101842 - Colonel, you come from the space community. ty7R3sw3hqE-00310-00101842-00102244 Your last assignment was US Air Force Space Command. ty7R3sw3hqE-00311-00102244-00102504 To what extent are Air Force space assets ty7R3sw3hqE-00312-00102504-00102755 being utilized in Iraq right now, ty7R3sw3hqE-00313-00102755-00103063 especially to monitor Mosul and the surrounding areas? ty7R3sw3hqE-00314-00103063-00103213 We don't hear a lot about that, ty7R3sw3hqE-00315-00103213-00103630 but this is an area where you bring some expertise. ty7R3sw3hqE-00316-00104386-00104469 - Yep. ty7R3sw3hqE-00317-00104657-00104931 Well, one of the things that's important to understand ty7R3sw3hqE-00318-00104931-00105233 is that there's no military operation of any significance ty7R3sw3hqE-00319-00105233-00105649 anywhere in the world that doesn't depend on space. ty7R3sw3hqE-00320-00105661-00105942 So one of the key areas that it's being used ty7R3sw3hqE-00321-00105942-00106217 is the global positioning system. ty7R3sw3hqE-00322-00106225-00106558 All the munitions that the US forces use ty7R3sw3hqE-00323-00106699-00106958 are precision-guided munitions. ty7R3sw3hqE-00324-00106987-00107309 The majority of those are GPS-aided munitions. ty7R3sw3hqE-00325-00107309-00107616 We have military communications that are being used ty7R3sw3hqE-00326-00107616-00107945 to support our forces as they're ongoing. ty7R3sw3hqE-00327-00107945-00108158 We have military intelligence surveillance ty7R3sw3hqE-00328-00108158-00108384 and reconnaissance capabilities in space ty7R3sw3hqE-00329-00108384-00108633 that are watching what's happening in Mosul ty7R3sw3hqE-00330-00108633-00108835 and other places around Iraq. ty7R3sw3hqE-00331-00108835-00109252 We have overhead, persistent infrared capabilities ty7R3sw3hqE-00332-00109401-00109723 that can be used to get intelligence capability ty7R3sw3hqE-00333-00109723-00109865 from around Iraq. ty7R3sw3hqE-00334-00109884-00110104 All these things are critical capabilities, ty7R3sw3hqE-00335-00110104-00110521 and you know, we've used those things every single day. ty7R3sw3hqE-00336-00110642-00110856 - (inaudible) being used, and that's the one ty7R3sw3hqE-00337-00110856-00111180 that we have up in the sky to monitor nuclear launches. ty7R3sw3hqE-00338-00111180-00111282 I was hearing that actually ty7R3sw3hqE-00339-00111282-00111698 it's being used somewhat in Iraq in a different role. ty7R3sw3hqE-00340-00112746-00112829 - Yep. ty7R3sw3hqE-00341-00112849-00113119 Yeah, overhead persisted infrared capability ty7R3sw3hqE-00342-00113119-00113535 is something where you can monitor heat signatures, ty7R3sw3hqE-00343-00113547-00113749 so any time there's something, you know, ty7R3sw3hqE-00344-00113749-00113968 of significance that happens on the battlefield, ty7R3sw3hqE-00345-00113968-00114232 a lot of the time you can derive some intelligence. ty7R3sw3hqE-00346-00114232-00114472 Probably can't get into a deep dive on that, ty7R3sw3hqE-00347-00114472-00114722 but that's what it's used for. ty7R3sw3hqE-00348-00114739-00114937 It's a pretty impressive capability ty7R3sw3hqE-00349-00114937-00115202 and it's one that really not a lot of people know about, ty7R3sw3hqE-00350-00115202-00115619 and it's because we can't tell you too many details. ty7R3sw3hqE-00351-00115709-00115793 - Okay. ty7R3sw3hqE-00352-00115793-00116065 Next with Laurent Barthelemy with Agence-France Press. ty7R3sw3hqE-00353-00116065-00116206 - Hello, Colonel. ty7R3sw3hqE-00354-00116230-00116647 I was wondering if among the 615 additional soldiers in Iraq ty7R3sw3hqE-00355-00116985-00117180 that have been announced yesterday, ty7R3sw3hqE-00356-00117180-00117573 some are going to reinforce the special forces unit ty7R3sw3hqE-00357-00117573-00117965 that is carrying raids against ISIL leadership? ty7R3sw3hqE-00358-00119386-00119715 - Yeah, we really don't discuss the ongoing operations, ty7R3sw3hqE-00359-00119715-00120096 or really what our special operations forces are doing, ty7R3sw3hqE-00360-00120096-00120306 so I'm afraid I can't provide you any insight ty7R3sw3hqE-00361-00120306-00120617 into what our special operations forces are doing. ty7R3sw3hqE-00362-00120617-00120811 I can tell you that across the board, ty7R3sw3hqE-00363-00120811-00121196 these forces are providing a lot of logistical capability, ty7R3sw3hqE-00364-00121196-00121546 supply capability, handling of ammunition, ty7R3sw3hqE-00365-00121586-00121758 intelligence capability, ty7R3sw3hqE-00366-00121758-00122136 just all the things that we've been doing but supersized ty7R3sw3hqE-00367-00122136-00122480 so that the Iraqis, as they take on the supersized task ty7R3sw3hqE-00368-00122480-00122877 of liberating Mosul, which is Iraq's second-largest city, ty7R3sw3hqE-00369-00122877-00123086 have all the capability that they're going to need ty7R3sw3hqE-00370-00123086-00123303 in order to be successful. ty7R3sw3hqE-00371-00123592-00123700 - The queue is empty. ty7R3sw3hqE-00372-00123700-00123992 Actually, Lucas and then come back. ty7R3sw3hqE-00373-00124488-00124768 - As the operation against Mosul heats up, ty7R3sw3hqE-00374-00124768-00125016 is there some concern that when you look at Ramadi, ty7R3sw3hqE-00375-00125016-00125156 when you look at Fallujah, ty7R3sw3hqE-00376-00125156-00125373 those cities are essentially leveled. ty7R3sw3hqE-00377-00125373-00125540 Is that the plan for Mosul? ty7R3sw3hqE-00378-00125540-00125754 I mean, is this whole city going to get destroyed ty7R3sw3hqE-00379-00125754-00125885 when it's all said and done? ty7R3sw3hqE-00380-00125885-00126185 And then aid groups and Iraqi forces ty7R3sw3hqE-00381-00126428-00126687 will go in to secure the place? ty7R3sw3hqE-00382-00127683-00127844 - Lucas, I'd differ with you a little bit ty7R3sw3hqE-00383-00127844-00128052 on that characterization. ty7R3sw3hqE-00384-00128056-00128464 I understand the damage in Ramadi was tremendous, ty7R3sw3hqE-00385-00128636-00128983 but there was less in Fallujah compared to Ramadi, ty7R3sw3hqE-00386-00128983-00129103 and some of that has to do ty7R3sw3hqE-00387-00129103-00129316 with the amount that the enemy fights. ty7R3sw3hqE-00388-00129316-00129556 So if they build intricate defenses ty7R3sw3hqE-00389-00129556-00129831 and then fall back into the city, ty7R3sw3hqE-00390-00129847-00130188 they create a tremendous amount of damage ty7R3sw3hqE-00391-00130199-00130567 as the Iraqi security forces have to go in there after them. ty7R3sw3hqE-00392-00130567-00130867 So, really there's no way to predict ty7R3sw3hqE-00393-00130883-00131128 exactly what's going to happen in Mosul. ty7R3sw3hqE-00394-00131128-00131478 All we know is that, you know, the enemy gets a vote ty7R3sw3hqE-00395-00131478-00131736 and they have to be pushed out. ty7R3sw3hqE-00396-00131752-00131887 It's a necessary step here ty7R3sw3hqE-00397-00131887-00132163 because they consider Mosul their capital, ty7R3sw3hqE-00398-00132163-00132310 and that must be taken away. ty7R3sw3hqE-00399-00132310-00132580 It's an important step in defeating Daesh. ty7R3sw3hqE-00400-00132580-00132664 - Just one follow-up. ty7R3sw3hqE-00401-00132664-00132904 Can you rule out that more US troops ty7R3sw3hqE-00402-00132904-00133246 will be going to Iraq in the near future? ty7R3sw3hqE-00403-00134333-00134658 - We believe that, you know, this is all the forces ty7R3sw3hqE-00404-00134658-00134788 that we're going to need in place ty7R3sw3hqE-00405-00134788-00135079 in order to help the Iraqis liberate Mosul. ty7R3sw3hqE-00406-00135079-00135495 So anytime that we need forces, what we do is, you know, ty7R3sw3hqE-00407-00135581-00135926 we make the determination what the requirement is ty7R3sw3hqE-00408-00135926-00136134 and then we also consult with the Iraqis ty7R3sw3hqE-00409-00136134-00136381 about what capabilities they need. ty7R3sw3hqE-00410-00136381-00136656 That's the determination between what we need, ty7R3sw3hqE-00411-00136656-00137026 what we think they need, what they think they need, ty7R3sw3hqE-00412-00137026-00137378 and once that determination is made in military channels, ty7R3sw3hqE-00413-00137378-00137574 our leadership goes up to the leadership ty7R3sw3hqE-00414-00137574-00137990 and then the President makes the determination what we need. ty7R3sw3hqE-00415-00138033-00138317 I really can't get into, you know, ty7R3sw3hqE-00416-00138386-00138653 a speculative what might happen, ty7R3sw3hqE-00417-00138753-00139008 but I can tell you we believe we have all the forces we need ty7R3sw3hqE-00418-00139008-00139366 in order to help the Iraqis liberate Mosul. ty7R3sw3hqE-00419-00139401-00139627 - Next, back to Andrew Tilghman. ty7R3sw3hqE-00420-00139627-00140019 - Colonel, back to Anbar Province for a minute. ty7R3sw3hqE-00421-00140074-00140249 Just real quickly, can you tell us ty7R3sw3hqE-00422-00140249-00140575 the number of American troops that are at Al-Assad? ty7R3sw3hqE-00423-00140575-00140767 And also, more broadly, ty7R3sw3hqE-00424-00140881-00141256 to what extent are these upgrades at Al-Assad ty7R3sw3hqE-00425-00141351-00141767 driven by concerns about maintaining long-term stability ty7R3sw3hqE-00426-00141935-00142352 and keeping ISIS out of the Euphrates River Valley? ty7R3sw3hqE-00427-00143546-00143744 - Yeah I don't think I can give you exact numbers. ty7R3sw3hqE-00428-00143744-00144075 I can tell you it's an order of magnitude smaller ty7R3sw3hqE-00429-00144075-00144308 than at the height of the surge years. ty7R3sw3hqE-00430-00144308-00144582 There were something like 20,000 troops there. ty7R3sw3hqE-00431-00144582-00144818 I think there's less than a 10th of that now, ty7R3sw3hqE-00432-00144818-00145235 and you know, it's going to remain a modest presence. ty7R3sw3hqE-00433-00145278-00145623 As far as what's needed in order to maintain security ty7R3sw3hqE-00434-00145623-00145857 in the Euphrates River Valley, ty7R3sw3hqE-00435-00145857-00146145 that's probably a crystal ball question to some degree ty7R3sw3hqE-00436-00146145-00146469 and I think that's something that will be taken off ty7R3sw3hqE-00437-00146469-00146853 in the months and probably years ahead with the Iraqis. ty7R3sw3hqE-00438-00146853-00147009 So we'll see what they need, ty7R3sw3hqE-00439-00147009-00147308 we'll see what we recommend that they have. ty7R3sw3hqE-00440-00147308-00147510 I can tell you that the capabilities ty7R3sw3hqE-00441-00147510-00147650 that are being brought in there now ty7R3sw3hqE-00442-00147650-00147885 are going to make sure that we have the ability ty7R3sw3hqE-00443-00147885-00148252 to keep the lid on the Daesh presence there. ty7R3sw3hqE-00444-00148342-00148475 - Luis Martinez? ty7R3sw3hqE-00445-00148650-00148844 - I have a question, John, but before I get to that, ty7R3sw3hqE-00446-00148844-00149244 doing the quick math, less than a 10th of 20,000 ty7R3sw3hqE-00447-00149269-00149468 would be just under 2,000. ty7R3sw3hqE-00448-00149468-00149575 Is that what you're talking about? ty7R3sw3hqE-00449-00149575-00149900 That's a pretty large number, actually. ty7R3sw3hqE-00450-00150667-00150878 - Yeah, I'm not going to give you a number, Luis. ty7R3sw3hqE-00451-00150878-00151029 I think we'll have to owe that to you ty7R3sw3hqE-00452-00151029-00151246 but it's less than a 10th. ty7R3sw3hqE-00453-00151325-00151553 I think we'll leave it at that. ty7R3sw3hqE-00454-00151553-00151715 - Okay, the question I was going to ask you ty7R3sw3hqE-00455-00151715-00152116 was a couple weeks ago we saw this video of that airstrike ty7R3sw3hqE-00456-00152116-00152219 against the pharmaceutical plant ty7R3sw3hqE-00457-00152219-00152636 that was being used as a chemical weapons facility. ty7R3sw3hqE-00458-00152661-00152817 I think it was in Syria. ty7R3sw3hqE-00459-00152817-00153202 Can you tell us why was this such a large complex? ty7R3sw3hqE-00460-00153202-00153561 I mean was all of it being used to produce chemical weapons? ty7R3sw3hqE-00461-00153561-00153700 I mean, given the amount of aircraft ty7R3sw3hqE-00462-00153700-00153971 and the number of munitions that were dropped on it? ty7R3sw3hqE-00463-00153971-00154123 I mean, what necessitated ty7R3sw3hqE-00464-00154123-00154490 such a huge drop of munitions on this plant? ty7R3sw3hqE-00465-00155373-00155457 - Mmm hmm. ty7R3sw3hqE-00466-00155578-00155832 Luis, I actually think that you might be talking about ty7R3sw3hqE-00467-00155832-00156052 a strike we did earlier this month ty7R3sw3hqE-00468-00156052-00156404 and that strike was on a pharmaceutical plant in Mosul. ty7R3sw3hqE-00469-00156404-00156812 And what we believe is that Daesh were using that ty7R3sw3hqE-00470-00156833-00157036 not only for chemical weapons, ty7R3sw3hqE-00471-00157036-00157305 but they were also using it as a facility where they had ty7R3sw3hqE-00472-00157305-00157722 a large number of vehicle-born improvised explosive devices. ty7R3sw3hqE-00473-00157740-00157934 So whenever we see a presence like that, ty7R3sw3hqE-00474-00157934-00158215 we're going to attack an area like that very vigorously ty7R3sw3hqE-00475-00158215-00158458 and we're not going to leave some corner of the building ty7R3sw3hqE-00476-00158458-00158605 available to them. ty7R3sw3hqE-00477-00158605-00159021 Now, you know, what we've told you and what is the case here ty7R3sw3hqE-00478-00159073-00159376 is that Daesh has a very nascent capability, ty7R3sw3hqE-00479-00159376-00159792 sort of a limited capability for chemical weapons, ty7R3sw3hqE-00480-00159800-00160192 but that's not a problem we're going to admire, ty7R3sw3hqE-00481-00160269-00160471 that's a problem we're going to get after. ty7R3sw3hqE-00482-00160471-00160625 So that's why it's a large strike ty7R3sw3hqE-00483-00160625-00160984 and that is why they went after it with so many bombs. ty7R3sw3hqE-00484-00160984-00161127 - Thanks for the correction about Mosul. ty7R3sw3hqE-00485-00161127-00161384 Can I ask you, also about Mosul, last time you were out ty7R3sw3hqE-00486-00161384-00161697 you talked about how the defenses that ISIS was building ty7R3sw3hqE-00487-00161697-00162105 in anticipation of an offensive were pretty vast. ty7R3sw3hqE-00488-00162182-00162335 How much of a tunneling network ty7R3sw3hqE-00489-00162335-00162701 are you seeing that you described that week? ty7R3sw3hqE-00490-00163670-00163821 - Well, they've had two years there ty7R3sw3hqE-00491-00163821-00164165 in order to prepare these, so I think this is one of those ty7R3sw3hqE-00492-00164165-00164359 where from the air you can see a lot ty7R3sw3hqE-00493-00164359-00164608 and there's probably a lot that you can't see. ty7R3sw3hqE-00494-00164608-00164938 So I think in some ways it's a little bit of speculation, ty7R3sw3hqE-00495-00164938-00165192 but we've seen elsewhere that Daesh ty7R3sw3hqE-00496-00165192-00165460 are very keen to build tunneling networks ty7R3sw3hqE-00497-00165460-00165770 because it helps them to maintain insecurity ty7R3sw3hqE-00498-00165770-00166136 and preserve their lives a little bit longer ty7R3sw3hqE-00499-00166183-00166376 whenever clearing operations begin. ty7R3sw3hqE-00500-00166376-00166705 So we're going to anticipate a very tough fight. ty7R3sw3hqE-00501-00166705-00166788 We're going to anticipate ty7R3sw3hqE-00502-00166788-00166968 that they're going to do those kinds of things ty7R3sw3hqE-00503-00166968-00167228 because we've seen them elsewhere. ty7R3sw3hqE-00504-00167228-00167502 In a city the size of Mosul, that's going to, you know, ty7R3sw3hqE-00505-00167502-00167802 slow things down and make it a complicated task, ty7R3sw3hqE-00506-00167802-00168178 but the Iraqis have had a good track record of success, ty7R3sw3hqE-00507-00168178-00168554 especially in the last year, and they're beginning to get ty7R3sw3hqE-00508-00168554-00168971 a very good understanding of what they can expect from Daesh ty7R3sw3hqE-00509-00169045-00169324 and they're going to keep after it and we believe ty7R3sw3hqE-00510-00169324-00169732 they'll be successful in clearing Mosul, as well. ty7R3sw3hqE-00511-00169763-00169913 - Next to Laurent. ty7R3sw3hqE-00512-00169927-00170191 - I would like to come back on the situation ty7R3sw3hqE-00513-00170191-00170441 in the Euphrates River Valley. ty7R3sw3hqE-00514-00170745-00171154 Which are the areas of the Euphrates River Valley ty7R3sw3hqE-00515-00171235-00171551 where ISIL still has strong positions? ty7R3sw3hqE-00516-00171559-00171834 Can you talk a little about that? ty7R3sw3hqE-00517-00172473-00172556 - Mmm hmm. ty7R3sw3hqE-00518-00172597-00172680 Sure. ty7R3sw3hqE-00519-00172890-00173307 Yep, in the Euphrates River Valley, south of the Euphrates, ty7R3sw3hqE-00520-00173439-00173739 it's very, you know, secure in a lot of areas ty7R3sw3hqE-00521-00173739-00174155 along were Ramadi, Fallujah, Haditha, some of those areas. ty7R3sw3hqE-00522-00174264-00174681 Once you get further out, out toward the Syrian border, ty7R3sw3hqE-00523-00174739-00174922 to Haditha and beyond, ty7R3sw3hqE-00524-00175014-00175379 this is really where Daesh has a significant presence ty7R3sw3hqE-00525-00175379-00175734 and where the Iraqi Security Forces will look ty7R3sw3hqE-00526-00175734-00175989 to kind of keep them away from some of ty7R3sw3hqE-00527-00175989-00176352 the key population areas along the Euphrates River Valley, ty7R3sw3hqE-00528-00176352-00176579 of course going down into Baghdad. ty7R3sw3hqE-00529-00176579-00176995 So really from Haditha, along to the border with Syria, ty7R3sw3hqE-00530-00177254-00177396 it's less secure. ty7R3sw3hqE-00531-00177491-00177791 You know, the Iraqis have liberated Rutbah, ty7R3sw3hqE-00532-00177791-00178075 but we still see significant Daesh presence ty7R3sw3hqE-00533-00178075-00178227 out in the periphery. ty7R3sw3hqE-00534-00178227-00178417 These are less populated areas ty7R3sw3hqE-00535-00178417-00178792 and certainly less desirable areas for Daesh, ty7R3sw3hqE-00536-00178840-00179070 but it's also a place where they continue to try ty7R3sw3hqE-00537-00179070-00179486 to reconstitute, make trouble in order to try to deflect ty7R3sw3hqE-00538-00179562-00179942 attention away from higher priorities like Mosul. ty7R3sw3hqE-00539-00179942-00180183 And that's one of the reasons why we continue to hammer in ty7R3sw3hqE-00540-00180183-00180433 with airstrikes, and you know, ty7R3sw3hqE-00541-00180441-00180833 develop the capability down at Al Asad Airbase, ty7R3sw3hqE-00542-00180905-00181322 where we can keep pressure on them, you know, from the air. ty7R3sw3hqE-00543-00181595-00181892 - Next to Jeff Seldin with Voice of America. ty7R3sw3hqE-00544-00181892-00182056 - Thank you very much for the briefing. ty7R3sw3hqE-00545-00182056-00182206 I wanted to follow up on something you said much earlier ty7R3sw3hqE-00546-00182206-00182289 when you were talking about ty7R3sw3hqE-00547-00182289-00182622 the Daesh fighter force status in Mosul. ty7R3sw3hqE-00548-00182861-00183008 I think you said that they're still trying ty7R3sw3hqE-00549-00183008-00183138 to flow people in. ty7R3sw3hqE-00550-00183138-00183555 Are you seeing any attempts to reinforce the city? ty7R3sw3hqE-00551-00183572-00183854 And if so, any indication of how many, ty7R3sw3hqE-00552-00183854-00184271 how they're getting them in, where they're coming from? ty7R3sw3hqE-00553-00184958-00185041 - Mmm hmm. ty7R3sw3hqE-00554-00185239-00185540 Well, we do see Daesh attempt to retrograde ty7R3sw3hqE-00555-00185540-00185776 north from the cities that have been liberated ty7R3sw3hqE-00556-00185776-00186026 along the Tigris River Valley. ty7R3sw3hqE-00557-00186063-00186395 Their ability to do that well is pretty limited ty7R3sw3hqE-00558-00186395-00186812 because they can't move in large columns and formations ty7R3sw3hqE-00559-00186845-00187066 and convoys and stuff like that ty7R3sw3hqE-00560-00187066-00187482 like the couple of years when they came into Iraq and Syria. ty7R3sw3hqE-00561-00187494-00187615 They can't do it that way ty7R3sw3hqE-00562-00187615-00187933 because of the relentless coalition air campaign. ty7R3sw3hqE-00563-00187933-00188068 If we see something like that, ty7R3sw3hqE-00564-00188068-00188196 certainly that's a rich target ty7R3sw3hqE-00565-00188196-00188356 and we're going to take advantage of it. ty7R3sw3hqE-00566-00188356-00188481 It's going to be a bad day. ty7R3sw3hqE-00567-00188481-00188773 So, you know, kind of trickling in. ty7R3sw3hqE-00568-00188867-00189002 Yeah, they still can do that. ty7R3sw3hqE-00569-00189002-00189234 They have some freedom of movement in order to do that. ty7R3sw3hqE-00570-00189234-00189592 What you see is small formations, you know, ty7R3sw3hqE-00571-00189605-00189905 single-digit fighters, and you know, ty7R3sw3hqE-00572-00189941-00190151 people with backpacks and that sort of thing. ty7R3sw3hqE-00573-00190151-00190419 You're not going to see big resupply convoys ty7R3sw3hqE-00574-00190419-00190638 and loads of trucks and all that sort of thing ty7R3sw3hqE-00575-00190638-00190847 like you saw in the past. ty7R3sw3hqE-00576-00190933-00191129 - The overall, I think the last estimate we had ty7R3sw3hqE-00577-00191129-00191244 was about 5,000. ty7R3sw3hqE-00578-00191244-00191485 Now its 3,450 so on the whole ty7R3sw3hqE-00579-00191578-00191895 they seem to be losing people, though. ty7R3sw3hqE-00580-00192893-00192976 - Yep. ty7R3sw3hqE-00581-00193072-00193236 Yeah, they do keep losing people ty7R3sw3hqE-00582-00193236-00193535 because we keep hammering them with airstrikes ty7R3sw3hqE-00583-00193535-00193682 and we're going to keep doing that. ty7R3sw3hqE-00584-00193682-00193957 So that's a good situation for us ty7R3sw3hqE-00585-00193980-00194199 and a bad situation for them. ty7R3sw3hqE-00586-00194199-00194437 One of the things about an air campaign, and you know, ty7R3sw3hqE-00587-00194437-00194660 being an airman I'll go ahead ty7R3sw3hqE-00588-00194660-00194918 and toot our horn for a second. ty7R3sw3hqE-00589-00194960-00195143 That reduces freedom of movement ty7R3sw3hqE-00590-00195143-00195444 and it fixes the enemy largely in place. ty7R3sw3hqE-00591-00195444-00195752 So you're not going to see, you know, ty7R3sw3hqE-00592-00195771-00195963 mass ability to escape. ty7R3sw3hqE-00593-00196129-00196340 And, you know, you saw an example of what air power ty7R3sw3hqE-00594-00196340-00196757 can do to them if they try to do that in wake of the fight ty7R3sw3hqE-00595-00196778-00197036 for the liberation of Fallujah. ty7R3sw3hqE-00596-00197060-00197329 You know, hundreds of trucks were destroyed ty7R3sw3hqE-00597-00197329-00197654 and hundreds of Daesh fighters lost their lives in that. ty7R3sw3hqE-00598-00197654-00197895 So that's the kind of thing that, you know, ty7R3sw3hqE-00599-00197895-00198174 really sort of takes the fight to the enemy. ty7R3sw3hqE-00600-00198174-00198489 They're fixed in place, that's a good situation for us, ty7R3sw3hqE-00601-00198489-00198795 so what we'll do is we'll continue to shape the battlefield ty7R3sw3hqE-00602-00198795-00198903 around Mosul. ty7R3sw3hqE-00603-00198906-00199086 That sets conditions where the Iraqis ty7R3sw3hqE-00604-00199086-00199419 can move in at a time of their choosing, ty7R3sw3hqE-00605-00199420-00199837 and Daesh really are sort of waiting for that to happen ty7R3sw3hqE-00606-00200015-00200432 and it's not really going to go very well for 'em. ty7R3sw3hqE-00607-00200510-00200737 - First the gentleman in the back and then Paul after that. ty7R3sw3hqE-00608-00200737-00200821 - Hey Colonel, (mumbles) ty7R3sw3hqE-00609-00200821-00201006 of the Daily Caller News Foundation. ty7R3sw3hqE-00610-00201006-00201215 Just piggybacking off the last question, ty7R3sw3hqE-00611-00201215-00201394 do you see or have you seen ty7R3sw3hqE-00612-00201394-00201605 or do you predict to see any of the Daesh fighters ty7R3sw3hqE-00613-00201605-00201883 engaging in different tactics than we've seen previously ty7R3sw3hqE-00614-00201883-00202053 when they've been run out of cities? ty7R3sw3hqE-00615-00202053-00202292 I know we've had the booby traps and the suicide bombers, ty7R3sw3hqE-00616-00202292-00202554 but have you guys seen anything or do you predict anything ty7R3sw3hqE-00617-00202554-00202696 that might be different this time around, ty7R3sw3hqE-00618-00202696-00203021 given the importance and size of Mosul? ty7R3sw3hqE-00619-00204190-00204398 - That's a bit of a crystal ball question, ty7R3sw3hqE-00620-00204398-00204808 but I will tell you that our forces, the Iraqi forces, ty7R3sw3hqE-00621-00204808-00205058 everyone is setting up for a very tough fight. ty7R3sw3hqE-00622-00205058-00205450 So Daesh had a lot of time to prepare for this. ty7R3sw3hqE-00623-00205563-00205707 They know what's coming. ty7R3sw3hqE-00624-00205707-00205924 They know that they don't have what it takes ty7R3sw3hqE-00625-00205924-00206340 in order to stop that offensive so I think what we've seen ty7R3sw3hqE-00626-00206404-00206649 them do in other places, there will be some very motivated ty7R3sw3hqE-00627-00206649-00206893 fighters who will fight and die in place, ty7R3sw3hqE-00628-00206893-00207096 there will be some that try to blend into ty7R3sw3hqE-00629-00207096-00207504 the civilian population that tries to leave the city. ty7R3sw3hqE-00630-00207504-00207754 You may see, you know, some of them try to go out ty7R3sw3hqE-00631-00207754-00208112 with the IDPs, and then you see sleeper cells. ty7R3sw3hqE-00632-00208112-00208216 These are the types of things ty7R3sw3hqE-00633-00208216-00208424 that we've seen in other places. ty7R3sw3hqE-00634-00208424-00208646 The use of tunnels, all that. ty7R3sw3hqE-00635-00208646-00209028 And our forces have been working with the Iraqis ty7R3sw3hqE-00636-00209028-00209307 so that the Iraqis will be ready to deal with that. ty7R3sw3hqE-00637-00209307-00209530 In addition, there's been a tremendous amount of planning ty7R3sw3hqE-00638-00209530-00209695 at the political level. ty7R3sw3hqE-00639-00209695-00210034 This is a really important aspect of the fight. ty7R3sw3hqE-00640-00210034-00210306 It's sort of on the periphery of our area ty7R3sw3hqE-00641-00210306-00210662 but it's very, very important and what this means is that ty7R3sw3hqE-00642-00210662-00210967 the various groups that are going to be involved in this, ty7R3sw3hqE-00643-00210967-00211383 so the Peshmerga, you know, the various other elements, ty7R3sw3hqE-00644-00211435-00211769 when they're involved in this, you know, ty7R3sw3hqE-00645-00211777-00212194 that just brings to bear a tremendous amount of capability, ty7R3sw3hqE-00646-00212250-00212518 all of it intended to keep pressure on that city ty7R3sw3hqE-00647-00212518-00212713 and not let Daesh escape. ty7R3sw3hqE-00648-00212713-00213127 So you saw President Barzani come down into Baghdad. ty7R3sw3hqE-00649-00213127-00213272 It's the first time he's done that ty7R3sw3hqE-00650-00213272-00213494 and met with Prime Minister Abadi. ty7R3sw3hqE-00651-00213494-00213663 It's a really important thing ty7R3sw3hqE-00652-00213663-00214071 because it signals that there is good cooperation ty7R3sw3hqE-00653-00214087-00214441 between the government of Iraq and the Kurds. ty7R3sw3hqE-00654-00214441-00214858 That's an important political step, again, detail-wise. ty7R3sw3hqE-00655-00214939-00215185 Those are discussions at the political level ty7R3sw3hqE-00656-00215185-00215522 between those two but it's an important step ty7R3sw3hqE-00657-00215522-00215763 toward the preparations for Mosul because these groups ty7R3sw3hqE-00658-00215763-00216105 are going to be involved in some fashion. ty7R3sw3hqE-00659-00216199-00216458 - Next to Paul McLeary with FP. ty7R3sw3hqE-00660-00216468-00216777 - Colonel, can you give us an update on where the FSA ty7R3sw3hqE-00661-00216777-00216959 and the Turks are in northern Syria? ty7R3sw3hqE-00662-00216959-00217156 Are they still pushing south? ty7R3sw3hqE-00663-00217156-00217239 Are they moving west? ty7R3sw3hqE-00664-00217239-00217473 And also are the Kurds still along the Euphrates ty7R3sw3hqE-00665-00217473-00217781 or have they started to move as well? ty7R3sw3hqE-00666-00218884-00219112 - You broke up just a little bit there, I apologize. ty7R3sw3hqE-00667-00219112-00219343 Would you please repeat the question? ty7R3sw3hqE-00668-00219343-00219509 - Yeah, the Free Syrian Army and the Turks. ty7R3sw3hqE-00669-00219509-00219901 Are they still pushing south in northern Syria? ty7R3sw3hqE-00670-00220983-00221101 - Now what you see the Turks doing ty7R3sw3hqE-00671-00221101-00221493 is continue to do clearing along the Mara line. ty7R3sw3hqE-00672-00221583-00221794 What they're doing is that they're building a buffer ty7R3sw3hqE-00673-00221794-00221945 along their border. ty7R3sw3hqE-00674-00221945-00222342 Certainly they've come, you know, some distance south ty7R3sw3hqE-00675-00222342-00222758 but there's probably a limit to how far they want to go. ty7R3sw3hqE-00676-00222774-00222973 That's a determination that they'll make. ty7R3sw3hqE-00677-00222973-00223185 We continue to support their operations. ty7R3sw3hqE-00678-00223185-00223492 They've made good progress in clearing a lot of areas. ty7R3sw3hqE-00679-00223492-00223644 I think the last count that I saw ty7R3sw3hqE-00680-00223644-00224060 was about 12 villages cleared in northern Syria by the Turks ty7R3sw3hqE-00681-00224173-00224406 and their partners in Syria, ty7R3sw3hqE-00682-00224542-00224720 partnered with coalition forces. ty7R3sw3hqE-00683-00224720-00224945 So a lot of progress being made there. ty7R3sw3hqE-00684-00224945-00225246 The SDF, they're really in a position ty7R3sw3hqE-00685-00225246-00225477 where they're doing a lot of planning ty7R3sw3hqE-00686-00225477-00225752 and they're reconstituting, doing sort of refit, ty7R3sw3hqE-00687-00225752-00226086 after their successful campaign in Manbij. ty7R3sw3hqE-00688-00226086-00226359 Really, one of the things that's kind of an important thing, ty7R3sw3hqE-00689-00226359-00226696 it's underreported and we really want to talk about, ty7R3sw3hqE-00690-00226696-00227062 we're bringing in some additional intelligence capabilities ty7R3sw3hqE-00691-00227062-00227244 with this troop uplift ty7R3sw3hqE-00692-00227244-00227545 and we think that this is really important. ty7R3sw3hqE-00693-00227545-00227916 What happened in Manbij is probably an example of this. ty7R3sw3hqE-00694-00227916-00228230 So there were 20 terabytes of intelligence information ty7R3sw3hqE-00695-00228230-00228639 that came out of Manbij alone whenever that was liberated. ty7R3sw3hqE-00696-00228639-00228979 Well a lot of areas are being liberated in Iraq now, ty7R3sw3hqE-00697-00228979-00229165 and we plan to go into Mosul, ty7R3sw3hqE-00698-00229165-00229515 so we expect for our intelligence professionals ty7R3sw3hqE-00699-00229515-00229700 cooperating with the Iraqis ty7R3sw3hqE-00700-00229700-00230062 to get a treasure trove of intelligence information there ty7R3sw3hqE-00701-00230062-00230409 and this additional capability is going to give us ty7R3sw3hqE-00702-00230409-00230697 a lot of insight into Daesh networks, ty7R3sw3hqE-00703-00230697-00231019 not just in Iraq and Syria, but it also gives insight ty7R3sw3hqE-00704-00231019-00231276 into how they export terror around the world, ty7R3sw3hqE-00705-00231276-00231435 some of the people they work with, ty7R3sw3hqE-00706-00231435-00231600 how they finance themselves. ty7R3sw3hqE-00707-00231600-00231856 This is all really important stuff. ty7R3sw3hqE-00708-00231856-00232101 And, you know, we're setting up for that. ty7R3sw3hqE-00709-00232101-00232310 So it's really important. ty7R3sw3hqE-00710-00232437-00232637 - Next to Tony Capaccio. ty7R3sw3hqE-00711-00232712-00232869 - I want to follow up on this a little bit. ty7R3sw3hqE-00712-00232869-00233233 Are you saying that the US, this intelligence capability, ty7R3sw3hqE-00713-00233233-00233569 are these computers, machines that better fuse ty7R3sw3hqE-00714-00233569-00233723 all this information? ty7R3sw3hqE-00715-00233723-00234100 Or are you setting up these intelligence fusion cells ty7R3sw3hqE-00716-00234100-00234317 that were used to go after al-Zarqawi ty7R3sw3hqE-00717-00234317-00234609 in the 2000s time frame, where you bring in ty7R3sw3hqE-00718-00234609-00235011 Treasury Department and other analysts into an area ty7R3sw3hqE-00719-00235011-00235333 to monitor the information and collect it ty7R3sw3hqE-00720-00235333-00235524 and analyze it quickly? ty7R3sw3hqE-00721-00236342-00236425 - Mmm hmm. ty7R3sw3hqE-00722-00236488-00236826 Well, Tony, as far as exactly what the capability is, ty7R3sw3hqE-00723-00236826-00237127 I don't think I can provide you a deep dive into that. ty7R3sw3hqE-00724-00237127-00237408 I will tell you that whenever you have ty7R3sw3hqE-00725-00237408-00237696 the amount of information that we would expect to get ty7R3sw3hqE-00726-00237696-00238021 in an area the size of Mosul, you know, ty7R3sw3hqE-00727-00238073-00238220 certainly we're going to try to get after it ty7R3sw3hqE-00728-00238220-00238368 and get after it quickly. ty7R3sw3hqE-00729-00238368-00238594 And those capabilities are going to be something ty7R3sw3hqE-00730-00238594-00238932 that gives us a lot of insight into Daesh networks. ty7R3sw3hqE-00731-00238932-00239044 It may be a little bit different ty7R3sw3hqE-00732-00239044-00239285 than what we've done before, but I think it's going to be ty7R3sw3hqE-00733-00239285-00239585 something that bears a lot of fruit. ty7R3sw3hqE-00734-00239723-00240129 - (inaudible) or is it more expertise to fuse and analyze ty7R3sw3hqE-00735-00240129-00240363 the information more quickly ty7R3sw3hqE-00736-00240384-00240775 so it's what they call actionable intelligence? ty7R3sw3hqE-00737-00241974-00242263 - Yeah, I would characterize it, Tony, ty7R3sw3hqE-00738-00242263-00242680 as all kinds of capability, both actionable and longer term. ty7R3sw3hqE-00739-00242964-00243380 So whenever you liberate a city the size of Mosul, ty7R3sw3hqE-00740-00243508-00243780 you can expect to get a tremendous amount of information. ty7R3sw3hqE-00741-00243780-00243960 Certainly, if we have a window of opportunity ty7R3sw3hqE-00742-00243960-00244205 that presents itself rather quickly, ty7R3sw3hqE-00743-00244205-00244415 we do have adequate forces in theater ty7R3sw3hqE-00744-00244415-00244560 to go ahead and act upon that. ty7R3sw3hqE-00745-00244560-00244935 But you know, even if you don't get something ty7R3sw3hqE-00746-00245019-00245303 you can act on at once, or process at once, ty7R3sw3hqE-00747-00245303-00245524 it's still tremendously valuable ty7R3sw3hqE-00748-00245524-00245710 for insight into the network. ty7R3sw3hqE-00749-00245710-00245897 'Cause what we've seen, as you have, ty7R3sw3hqE-00750-00245897-00246256 is that Syria in particular, but also Iraq, ty7R3sw3hqE-00751-00246358-00246531 have been used as a launching pad ty7R3sw3hqE-00752-00246531-00246713 for terrorism around the world. ty7R3sw3hqE-00753-00246713-00247130 So not only do we have to get Daesh out of controlling areas ty7R3sw3hqE-00754-00247144-00247482 in both Syria and Iraq, we also have to take advantage ty7R3sw3hqE-00755-00247482-00247639 of the intelligence capability ty7R3sw3hqE-00756-00247639-00248039 and the information that we get while we do that ty7R3sw3hqE-00757-00248099-00248315 to degrade them elsewhere. ty7R3sw3hqE-00758-00248453-00248603 - Ryan, did you have a follow-up? ty7R3sw3hqE-00759-00248603-00248784 - I just have one follow up, Colonel. ty7R3sw3hqE-00760-00248784-00249061 On the campaign against the leadership, ty7R3sw3hqE-00761-00249061-00249386 including Abu Jabhat, you mentioned how ty7R3sw3hqE-00762-00249487-00249856 a lot of these strikes were against leaders in Mosul. ty7R3sw3hqE-00763-00249856-00250210 Was this kind of the decision to ramp up this ty7R3sw3hqE-00764-00250210-00250443 in the anticipation so quickly before we think ty7R3sw3hqE-00765-00250443-00250694 the final push on Mosul by the ISF? ty7R3sw3hqE-00766-00250694-00251070 Or just kind of they found out where these leaders were ty7R3sw3hqE-00767-00251070-00251230 and struck kind of dynamically? ty7R3sw3hqE-00768-00251230-00251641 Or is this kind of directly related to the upcoming push ty7R3sw3hqE-00769-00251641-00252058 or are we just taking out leaders as we find them? ty7R3sw3hqE-00770-00252828-00252911 - No, it's both. ty7R3sw3hqE-00771-00252911-00253187 You know, one of the things that is probably important ty7R3sw3hqE-00772-00253187-00253580 to understand, we talk about HVIs, high-value individuals. ty7R3sw3hqE-00773-00253580-00253989 Sometimes these people are mid-value individuals, ty7R3sw3hqE-00774-00254124-00254462 but they're very, very important to a local network. ty7R3sw3hqE-00775-00254462-00254656 So in some cases, some of these people, ty7R3sw3hqE-00776-00254656-00254815 that's what we're talking about. ty7R3sw3hqE-00777-00254815-00255102 By taking these individuals off the battlefield, ty7R3sw3hqE-00778-00255102-00255381 it creates some really disruptive effects ty7R3sw3hqE-00779-00255381-00255670 to enemy command and control, and that sets conditions ty7R3sw3hqE-00780-00255670-00256078 where when the Iraqi security forces take action, ty7R3sw3hqE-00781-00256224-00256560 the reaction will be slower and less efficient. ty7R3sw3hqE-00782-00256560-00256773 That's a good set of conditions for us ty7R3sw3hqE-00783-00256773-00257081 and a bad set of conditions for them. ty7R3sw3hqE-00784-00257253-00257437 - Dan De Luce from FP. ty7R3sw3hqE-00785-00257562-00257954 - Just to follow up on the intelligence aspect, ty7R3sw3hqE-00786-00257992-00258154 would you say that a significant number ty7R3sw3hqE-00787-00258154-00258498 of these additional troops that are going to be deploying ty7R3sw3hqE-00788-00258498-00258774 are actually intelligence specialists ty7R3sw3hqE-00789-00258774-00259128 who will be preparing to extract and exploit ty7R3sw3hqE-00790-00259128-00259453 the information that's gained in Mosul? ty7R3sw3hqE-00791-00260619-00260855 - Dan, that would be an accurate characterization. ty7R3sw3hqE-00792-00260855-00261004 As far as the size, ty7R3sw3hqE-00793-00261004-00261307 I can't really break down the number for you. ty7R3sw3hqE-00794-00261307-00261454 It would be inappropriate to do so, ty7R3sw3hqE-00795-00261454-00261754 but that is a more robust capability ty7R3sw3hqE-00796-00261754-00261983 that puts us in a position to take that information ty7R3sw3hqE-00797-00261983-00262255 off the battlefield and get it to analysts ty7R3sw3hqE-00798-00262255-00262522 and people that can act upon it. ty7R3sw3hqE-00799-00262746-00262921 - All right, Laurent. ty7R3sw3hqE-00800-00262981-00263339 - I was curious to know if there was any specific example ty7R3sw3hqE-00801-00263339-00263756 that you could give to us on how extent of operations ty7R3sw3hqE-00802-00263803-00264186 outside Iraq and Syria of ISIL have been disrupted ty7R3sw3hqE-00803-00264186-00264602 following intelligence collected, for instance, in Manbij. ty7R3sw3hqE-00804-00265812-00265933 - No, it would be inappropriate ty7R3sw3hqE-00805-00265933-00266261 for me to give you that level of detail. ty7R3sw3hqE-00806-00266261-00266418 I can tell you that the information ty7R3sw3hqE-00807-00266418-00266635 that was taken from Manbij ty7R3sw3hqE-00808-00266759-00267176 has been distributed to security services throughout Europe, ty7R3sw3hqE-00809-00267207-00267624 and it continues to be acted upon in Syria and Iraq. ty7R3sw3hqE-00810-00267652-00267966 So very important information but we really can't give you ty7R3sw3hqE-00811-00267966-00268191 any insight into, you know, ty7R3sw3hqE-00812-00268201-00268379 what's being done with that elsewhere. ty7R3sw3hqE-00813-00268379-00268612 It would be too much detail. ty7R3sw3hqE-00814-00268764-00269097 - Next, back to Lucas Tomlinson with Fox News. ty7R3sw3hqE-00815-00269097-00269471 - Colonel, is there any concern that after ISIS is defeated ty7R3sw3hqE-00816-00269471-00269815 in Mosul that this could be like a run on Berlin situation ty7R3sw3hqE-00817-00269815-00270009 at the end of World War II where you, ty7R3sw3hqE-00818-00270009-00270138 in this case, for Iraq, ty7R3sw3hqE-00819-00270138-00270434 you'd have potentially Turkish forces in the city, ty7R3sw3hqE-00820-00270434-00270809 Irani-backed forces in the city, maybe Kurds, ty7R3sw3hqE-00821-00270831-00271248 and that the political situation actually gets worse? ty7R3sw3hqE-00822-00272339-00272518 - Yeah Lucas, one of the important things to know ty7R3sw3hqE-00823-00272518-00272902 about the planning effort here to go into Mosul ty7R3sw3hqE-00824-00272902-00273146 is that the government of Iraq is making the calls ty7R3sw3hqE-00825-00273146-00273504 about the disposition and the participation ty7R3sw3hqE-00826-00273524-00273718 of all the forces that are involved. ty7R3sw3hqE-00827-00273718-00274052 So they're in charge of how this is done ty7R3sw3hqE-00828-00274053-00274317 and they do understand that there's a political dimension ty7R3sw3hqE-00829-00274317-00274632 to this entire thing and that the outcome, ty7R3sw3hqE-00830-00274632-00274881 the manner in which this campaign is conducted, ty7R3sw3hqE-00831-00274881-00275058 will have significant ramifications ty7R3sw3hqE-00832-00275058-00275392 on the political atmosphere after Mosul. ty7R3sw3hqE-00833-00275448-00275839 So Prime Minister Abadi is very clear about that. ty7R3sw3hqE-00834-00275839-00275922 That's one of the reasons ty7R3sw3hqE-00835-00275922-00276204 he's working very closely with the Kurds ty7R3sw3hqE-00836-00276204-00276517 and that is something that has to be considered ty7R3sw3hqE-00837-00276517-00276744 but it is something that, you know, ty7R3sw3hqE-00838-00276744-00276988 there's a significant amount of planning going on ty7R3sw3hqE-00839-00276988-00277219 and the coalition is involved in those plans, ty7R3sw3hqE-00840-00277219-00277493 although the Iraqis have to make the determination ty7R3sw3hqE-00841-00277493-00277726 who's going to go into Mosul ty7R3sw3hqE-00842-00277793-00277956 and the manner in which they do. ty7R3sw3hqE-00843-00277956-00278372 One of the things that we've conveyed, though, to the Iraqis ty7R3sw3hqE-00844-00278448-00278865 is that, you know, whoever is doing the screening of IDPs, ty7R3sw3hqE-00845-00279032-00279257 this is a very important aspect of the campaign ty7R3sw3hqE-00846-00279257-00279606 because we expect anywhere from 500,000 to 800,000 ty7R3sw3hqE-00847-00279606-00279755 to come out of Mosul. ty7R3sw3hqE-00848-00279755-00279924 It's very important that those people ty7R3sw3hqE-00849-00279924-00280190 are directly under the command and control ty7R3sw3hqE-00850-00280190-00280371 of the Iraqi security forces. ty7R3sw3hqE-00851-00280371-00280763 So it's very important that that be done right. ty7R3sw3hqE-00852-00280819-00280902 - [Lucas] Thank you. ty7R3sw3hqE-00853-00280902-00281017 - Tony Capaccio. ty7R3sw3hqE-00854-00281017-00281236 - I had two quick questions. ty7R3sw3hqE-00855-00281236-00281549 The intelligence increases you're putting in there. ty7R3sw3hqE-00856-00281549-00281838 Would it be accurate to say that's an intelligence surge, ty7R3sw3hqE-00857-00281838-00282034 or would that be an overstatement? ty7R3sw3hqE-00858-00282034-00282451 You know, in terms of shorthand way to look at this. ty7R3sw3hqE-00859-00283202-00283498 - Yeah, I think that would be an appropriate shorthand. ty7R3sw3hqE-00860-00283498-00283762 What you see here is the Iraqis are having to take on ty7R3sw3hqE-00861-00283762-00284042 the largest task that they've taken on to date ty7R3sw3hqE-00862-00284042-00284296 and so what that means is we have to provide ty7R3sw3hqE-00863-00284296-00284531 our most robust capabilities now ty7R3sw3hqE-00864-00284531-00284835 to keep up with the capabilities they are going to need. ty7R3sw3hqE-00865-00284835-00285041 So, you know, there's a large opportunity ty7R3sw3hqE-00866-00285041-00285251 to gather a lot of information. ty7R3sw3hqE-00867-00285251-00285619 There's a large demand signal for intelligence information ty7R3sw3hqE-00868-00285619-00285967 just to set up a campaign of this size and scope. ty7R3sw3hqE-00869-00285967-00286050 Coming out of it ty7R3sw3hqE-00870-00286050-00286374 there is an opportunity to make substantial gains ty7R3sw3hqE-00871-00286374-00286791 and more deeply understand what Daesh has been up to. ty7R3sw3hqE-00872-00286814-00287147 - And a follow-up, an airplane question. ty7R3sw3hqE-00873-00287177-00287497 What role is the A-10 playing over there ty7R3sw3hqE-00874-00287497-00287776 in terms of shaping the battlefield in Mosul ty7R3sw3hqE-00875-00287776-00288090 given its precise ground attack capability? ty7R3sw3hqE-00876-00288090-00288423 You know it's been the subject of a major debate in Congress ty7R3sw3hqE-00877-00288423-00288648 about whether to retire it. ty7R3sw3hqE-00878-00288652-00288929 So what role is the A-10 playing and will it be ty7R3sw3hqE-00879-00288929-00289321 the aircraft of choice when Mosul is assaulted? ty7R3sw3hqE-00880-00289510-00289593 - Mmm hmm. ty7R3sw3hqE-00881-00290609-00290905 Well, the A-10 provides an incredible capability, ty7R3sw3hqE-00882-00290905-00291158 particularly against vehicles and hard targets. ty7R3sw3hqE-00883-00291158-00291378 The enemy was able to get things ty7R3sw3hqE-00884-00291378-00291628 like tanks and heavy vehicles. ty7R3sw3hqE-00885-00291646-00291799 The A-10 is extremely effective ty7R3sw3hqE-00886-00291799-00292049 against that type of a target. ty7R3sw3hqE-00887-00292069-00292201 We do have other capabilities ty7R3sw3hqE-00888-00292201-00292608 that are quite capable of destroying those targets as well, ty7R3sw3hqE-00889-00292608-00292780 but the A-10s have been hard at work. ty7R3sw3hqE-00890-00292780-00293034 They've made a great impact on the battlefield here. ty7R3sw3hqE-00891-00293034-00293259 It's been very good to see. ty7R3sw3hqE-00892-00293406-00293510 - Jeff Seldin. ty7R3sw3hqE-00893-00293510-00293810 - Colonel, getting back to the IDPs, ty7R3sw3hqE-00894-00293811-00294045 how close are you or the Iraqis ty7R3sw3hqE-00895-00294045-00294327 to knowing who's going to be in charge of screening them, ty7R3sw3hqE-00896-00294327-00294573 and are you satisfied that the groups ty7R3sw3hqE-00897-00294573-00294879 that are under consideration have the necessary skills ty7R3sw3hqE-00898-00294879-00295226 to do the screening in an inappropriate way given, ty7R3sw3hqE-00899-00295226-00295447 especially some of the concerns with Fallujah, ty7R3sw3hqE-00900-00295447-00295864 what happened to IDPs who were not members of ISIL ty7R3sw3hqE-00901-00295868-00296085 who were fleeing the city? ty7R3sw3hqE-00902-00296882-00296965 - Mmm hmm. ty7R3sw3hqE-00903-00297151-00297416 Well, we're still in the planning cycle, ty7R3sw3hqE-00904-00297416-00297639 but I would say that these are conversations ty7R3sw3hqE-00905-00297639-00297970 that our leadership have with the Iraqis every day, ty7R3sw3hqE-00906-00297970-00298108 and the key element here, ty7R3sw3hqE-00907-00298108-00298325 the most important foundational part, ty7R3sw3hqE-00908-00298325-00298742 is that anyone who's involved in the screening of IDPs ty7R3sw3hqE-00909-00298751-00299059 must be under the command and control ty7R3sw3hqE-00910-00299079-00299274 of the government of Iraq. ty7R3sw3hqE-00911-00299274-00299588 Prime Minister Abadi has been very clear that people ty7R3sw3hqE-00912-00299588-00300005 that are involved in anything like human rights violations ty7R3sw3hqE-00913-00300102-00300214 and things of that nature, ty7R3sw3hqE-00914-00300214-00300480 that they have to be held to account for that. ty7R3sw3hqE-00915-00300480-00300772 He does understand that with an operation, ty7R3sw3hqE-00916-00300772-00301005 the size and scope of Mosul, ty7R3sw3hqE-00917-00301026-00301442 that this is something that requires his attention, ty7R3sw3hqE-00918-00301444-00301860 and he's made clear that this is a priority thing for him. ty7R3sw3hqE-00919-00301977-00302104 - [Jeff] If I could ask a follow-up? ty7R3sw3hqE-00920-00302104-00302212 - Yeah, sure. ty7R3sw3hqE-00921-00302288-00302625 - Given the critical nature of this part of the mission, ty7R3sw3hqE-00922-00302625-00302984 can the campaign against Mosul move forward ty7R3sw3hqE-00923-00302997-00303184 if those forces who are going to be doing this ty7R3sw3hqE-00924-00303184-00303326 are not in place? ty7R3sw3hqE-00925-00304728-00304812 - Yeah. ty7R3sw3hqE-00926-00304837-00304985 Those forces will be in place. ty7R3sw3hqE-00927-00304985-00305310 I'm not sure I understand the question. ty7R3sw3hqE-00928-00305347-00305571 - Just if you're still talking about ty7R3sw3hqE-00929-00305571-00305741 who's going to be screening the IDPs ty7R3sw3hqE-00930-00305741-00305977 and who's going to be dealing with the refugees ty7R3sw3hqE-00931-00305977-00306176 streaming out of the city, trying to ferret out ty7R3sw3hqE-00932-00306176-00306544 who's a real refugee, who's a member of Daesh. ty7R3sw3hqE-00933-00306544-00306720 If you're still having those conversations, ty7R3sw3hqE-00934-00306720-00307117 how much does that hold back the ability for the Iraqis ty7R3sw3hqE-00935-00307117-00307471 to move on Mosul and actually retake the city ty7R3sw3hqE-00936-00307471-00307888 if these critical following efforts are still up in the air? ty7R3sw3hqE-00937-00308873-00309290 - All the forces that are gonna be involved in Mosul ty7R3sw3hqE-00938-00309375-00309637 to the liberation battle are trained, ty7R3sw3hqE-00939-00309637-00310046 and all of them are being, you know, as time goes on here, ty7R3sw3hqE-00940-00310046-00310169 moved into position. ty7R3sw3hqE-00941-00310169-00310585 So I don't think that that's really especially a concern. ty7R3sw3hqE-00942-00310674-00311006 Planning efforts for something of this size and scope, ty7R3sw3hqE-00943-00311006-00311284 it's not unusual for planning to keep going ty7R3sw3hqE-00944-00311284-00311617 right up until the day that you execute. ty7R3sw3hqE-00945-00311682-00312048 So yeah, I'm not really concerned with that. ty7R3sw3hqE-00946-00312127-00312290 I think where we are here ty7R3sw3hqE-00947-00312290-00312615 is the Iraqis are developing a good plan. ty7R3sw3hqE-00948-00312615-00312856 We're assisting in the development of the plan. ty7R3sw3hqE-00949-00312856-00313244 The forces that need to be in place are being put in place. ty7R3sw3hqE-00950-00313244-00313489 They are trained and ready to go. ty7R3sw3hqE-00951-00313489-00313830 Some of them have been involved in campaigns ty7R3sw3hqE-00952-00313830-00314027 in other parts of the country. ty7R3sw3hqE-00953-00314027-00314257 So there's a lot of momentum here ty7R3sw3hqE-00954-00314257-00314579 for the Iraqi security forces and they do understand ty7R3sw3hqE-00955-00314579-00314904 the importance of doing this correctly. ty7R3sw3hqE-00956-00315005-00315100 - Okay, we're about out of time. ty7R3sw3hqE-00957-00315100-00315245 Any last minute ones? ty7R3sw3hqE-00958-00315245-00315436 We'll call it a day then. ty7R3sw3hqE-00959-00315436-00315658 Colonel Dorrian, we thank you for your time as always, ty7R3sw3hqE-00960-00315658-00316008 and look forward to seeing you again soon. ty7R3sw3hqE-00961-00316816-00316899 - Thanks very much, Jeff. ty7R3sw3hqE-00962-00316899-00317074 Have a great weekend. t-4b8OEjl4A-00000-00000022-00000169 [Female narrator] What if being in recovery t-4b8OEjl4A-00001-00000169-00000357 from a mental or substance use disorder t-4b8OEjl4A-00002-00000357-00000660 was something we proudly showed the world? t-4b8OEjl4A-00003-00000660-00000882 Millions of people are in recovery t-4b8OEjl4A-00004-00000882-00001162 sharing hope and support with family, friends, t-4b8OEjl4A-00005-00001162-00001270 and community. t-4b8OEjl4A-00006-00001270-00001413 Join the voices for recovery. t-4b8OEjl4A-00007-00001413-00001460 (upbeat music) t-kNJaNEVwI-00000-00000100-00000600 Welcome to the spoken tutorial on if and if-else conditional statements in Perl. t-kNJaNEVwI-00001-00000700-00000800 In this tutorial, we will learn about; t-kNJaNEVwI-00002-00000900-00001000 if statement and t-kNJaNEVwI-00003-00001100-00001166 if-else statement in Perl t-kNJaNEVwI-00004-00001200-00001900 I am using Ubuntu Linux12.04 operating system and Perl 5.14.2 t-kNJaNEVwI-00005-00002000-00002300 I will also be using the gedit Text Editor. t-kNJaNEVwI-00006-00002400-00002700 You can use any text editor of your choice. t-kNJaNEVwI-00007-00002800-00003200 You should have basic knowledge of Variables and Comments in Perl. t-kNJaNEVwI-00008-00003300-00003900 Knowledge of for, foreach , while and do-while loops in Perl will be an added advantage. t-kNJaNEVwI-00009-00004000-00004400 Please go through the relevant spoken tutorials on the spoken tutorial website. t-kNJaNEVwI-00010-00004500-00004800 Perl provides the following conditional statements - t-kNJaNEVwI-00011-00004900-00005000 if t-kNJaNEVwI-00012-00005000-00005100 if-else t-kNJaNEVwI-00013-00005100-00005200 if-elsif-else and t-kNJaNEVwI-00014-00005300-00005400 switch t-kNJaNEVwI-00015-00005400-00005800 In this tutorial, we'll cover if and If-else statements t-kNJaNEVwI-00016-00005900-00006000 if statement in Perl can be used t-kNJaNEVwI-00017-00006100-00006600 to execute a piece of code only when a specified condition is satisfied. t-kNJaNEVwI-00018-00006700-00007000 The syntax of if conditional statement is as follows t-kNJaNEVwI-00019-00007100-00007800 if space open bracket condition close bracket space Open curly bracket t-kNJaNEVwI-00020-00007900-00008000 Enter t-kNJaNEVwI-00021-00008000-00008400 Piece of code semicolon, to be executed when the condition is true t-kNJaNEVwI-00022-00008500-00008800 Enter, Close curly bracket t-kNJaNEVwI-00023-00008900-00009500 The code inside the if statement will be executed only when the condition is true. t-kNJaNEVwI-00024-00009600-00009900 Now let us look at an example of if statement. t-kNJaNEVwI-00025-00010000-00010200 Open the Terminal and type t-kNJaNEVwI-00026-00010300-00010800 gedit conditionalBlocks dot pl space &(ampersand ) t-kNJaNEVwI-00027-00010900-00011100 and press Enter t-kNJaNEVwI-00028-00011200-00011600 This will open the conditionalBlocks.pl file in gedit. t-kNJaNEVwI-00029-00011700-00012100 Type the following piece of code as displayed on the screen. t-kNJaNEVwI-00030-00012200-00012800 Here we have specified a condition for if which checks the value of variable count. t-kNJaNEVwI-00031-00012900-00013400 Note the equal to equal to sign here. This is the comparison operator. t-kNJaNEVwI-00032-00013500-00014200 The condition $count equal to equal to 5 is checked against the value of variable count. t-kNJaNEVwI-00033-00014300-00014700 When it is equal to 5, the code within the if block will get executed. t-kNJaNEVwI-00034-00014800-00015100 Now, press ctrl+s to save the file. t-kNJaNEVwI-00035-00015200-00015500 Then switch to the terminal. t-kNJaNEVwI-00036-00015600-00016000 Make sure that you are in the directory in which you have saved your file. t-kNJaNEVwI-00037-00016100-00016500 Type the following to check for any compilation or syntax error - t-kNJaNEVwI-00038-00016600-00017200 perl hyphen c conditionalBlocks dot pl t-kNJaNEVwI-00039-00017300-00017400 and press Enter. t-kNJaNEVwI-00040-00017500-00017800 The following line will be displayed on the terminal window t-kNJaNEVwI-00041-00017900-00018300 conditionalBlocks.pl syntax OK t-kNJaNEVwI-00042-00018400-00018900 As there is no compilation or syntax error, we will execute the Perl script by typing - t-kNJaNEVwI-00043-00019000-00019300 perl conditionalBlocks dot pl t-kNJaNEVwI-00044-00019400-00019500 and press Enter t-kNJaNEVwI-00045-00019600-00019800 The following output will be shown on terminal. t-kNJaNEVwI-00046-00019900-00020200 I am inside if statement t-kNJaNEVwI-00047-00020300-00020500 Switch back to gedit t-kNJaNEVwI-00048-00020600-00021000 Alternately, we can write the above if statement as- t-kNJaNEVwI-00049-00021100-00023600 print space double quotes I am inside if statement slash n close double quotes space if open bracket dollar count space equal to equal to space 5 close bracket semicolon. t-kNJaNEVwI-00050-00023700-00024000 Now, let us look at if-else statement. t-kNJaNEVwI-00051-00024100-00024500 This statement is used when user wants to execute t-kNJaNEVwI-00052-00024600-00024800 one piece of code when the condition is true and t-kNJaNEVwI-00053-00024900-00025200 another piece of code when the condition is false t-kNJaNEVwI-00054-00025300-00025600 The syntax for if-else condition is as follows - t-kNJaNEVwI-00055-00025700-00026600 if space open bracket condition close bracket space open curly bracket Press Enter. t-kNJaNEVwI-00056-00026700-00026800 piece of code semicolon t-kNJaNEVwI-00057-00026900-00027100 to be executed when if condition is true, t-kNJaNEVwI-00058-00027200-00027300 Press Enter t-kNJaNEVwI-00059-00027400-00028000 close curly bracket space else space open curly bracket Enter t-kNJaNEVwI-00060-00028100-00028200 another piece of code semicolon t-kNJaNEVwI-00061-00028300-00028600 to be executed when if condition is false t-kNJaNEVwI-00062-00028700-00029000 Press Enter close curly bracket t-kNJaNEVwI-00063-00029100-00029700 Now again, go to the conditionalBlocks.pl file which we have already created in gedit. t-kNJaNEVwI-00064-00029800-00030600 Assign 4 to count variable then at the end of the if block type space t-kNJaNEVwI-00065-00030700-00030800 else t-kNJaNEVwI-00066-00030900-00031300 space open curly bracket press Enter t-kNJaNEVwI-00067-00031400-00032900 print space double quotes I am inside else statement slash n close double quotes semicolon t-kNJaNEVwI-00068-00033000-00033300 Press Enter and close curly bracket. t-kNJaNEVwI-00069-00033400-00033700 Here, 4 is assigned to variable $count. t-kNJaNEVwI-00070-00033800-00034200 As the value of count variable does not match 5, t-kNJaNEVwI-00071-00034300-00034600 the code within the if block will not get execute t-kNJaNEVwI-00072-00034700-00035100 instead the code within the else block will get execute. t-kNJaNEVwI-00073-00035200-00035500 Now press Ctrl+S to save the file. t-kNJaNEVwI-00074-00035600-00035800 Now switch to terminal. t-kNJaNEVwI-00075-00035900-00037000 and type perl hyphen c conditionalBlocks dot pl to check for any compilation or syntax error t-kNJaNEVwI-00076-00037100-00037200 now, press Enter t-kNJaNEVwI-00077-00037300-00037600 The following line will be displayed on the terminal t-kNJaNEVwI-00078-00037700-00037900 conditionalBlocks.pl syntax OK t-kNJaNEVwI-00079-00038000-00038600 As there is no compilation or syntax error, we will now execute the Perl script. t-kNJaNEVwI-00080-00038700-00039200 Type perl conditionalBlocks dot pl t-kNJaNEVwI-00081-00039300-00039400 and press Enter t-kNJaNEVwI-00082-00039500-00039800 The following output will be shown on terminal. t-kNJaNEVwI-00083-00039900-00040300 I am inside else statement t-kNJaNEVwI-00084-00040400-00040500 Let us summarize. t-kNJaNEVwI-00085-00040600-00040800 In this tutorial, we have learnt - t-kNJaNEVwI-00086-00040900-00041000 if and t-kNJaNEVwI-00087-00041000-00041200 if-else conditional statements in Perl t-kNJaNEVwI-00088-00041300-00041400 using sample programs. t-kNJaNEVwI-00089-00041500-00041600 Here is assignment for you - t-kNJaNEVwI-00090-00041700-00042000 Print “It is an open source language” t-kNJaNEVwI-00091-00042100-00042300 when the variable declared has value 'Perl' t-kNJaNEVwI-00092-00042400-00042700 otherwise print “It's a proprietary language” t-kNJaNEVwI-00093-00042800-00043000 Watch the video available at the following link t-kNJaNEVwI-00094-00043100-00043400 It summaries the Spoken Tutorial project t-kNJaNEVwI-00095-00043500-00043900 If you do not have good bandwidth, you can download and watch it t-kNJaNEVwI-00096-00044000-00044100 The Spoken Tutorial Project Team t-kNJaNEVwI-00097-00044200-00044500 Conducts workshops using spoken tutorials t-kNJaNEVwI-00098-00044600-00045000 Gives certificates to those who pass an online test t-kNJaNEVwI-00099-00045100-00045600 For more details, please write to contact at spoken hyphen tutorial dot org t-kNJaNEVwI-00100-00045700-00046100 Spoken Tutorial Project is a part of the Talk to a Teacher project t-kNJaNEVwI-00101-00046200-00046900 It is supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India. t-kNJaNEVwI-00102-00047000-00047900 More information on this Mission is available at spoken hyphen tutorial dot org slash NMEICT hyphen Intro t-kNJaNEVwI-00103-00048000-00048300 Hope you enjoyed this Perl tutorial. t-kNJaNEVwI-00104-00048400-00048500 This is Amol Brahmankar signing off. t-kNJaNEVwI-00105-00048600-00049100 Thanks for joining.