Ytqre3QzedU-00000-00000571-00002044 Each year the most depraved of extremist conservatives gather at CPAC to congratulate each other on being the bottom rung of the human race, so naturally, the biggest event at CPAC this year was a speech from Donald Trump Ytqre3QzedU-00001-00002044-00002875 He babbled on for more than two hours, mostly in incoherent fashion, but he gave something away in the process Ytqre3QzedU-00002-00002875-00004155 At various points today, Donald Trump was rambling about everything from how great Tivo is, to how renewable energy will supposedly cause your electricity to get cut off when the wind stops blowing Ytqre3QzedU-00003-00004155-00005471 Trump was sweaty, exasperated, and at times outright manic. He sounded like a guy who thought he was going to prison if he didn’t manage to use this one speech to turn the whole thing around Ytqre3QzedU-00004-00005471-00007156 Some of his comments in particular were particularly revealing.For instance, Trump has now decided that when he got on stage at a 2016 debate and asked Russia to steal Hillary Clinton’s emails, he wasn’t committing treason, he was merely joking Ytqre3QzedU-00005-00007156-00008587 What’s telling is that he’s addressing this at all. He clearly now fears that this moment and others like it will be used as supporting evidence in the criminal charges he’s going to face for having conspired with Russia to rig the election in his favor Ytqre3QzedU-00006-00008587-00010008 Just how scared is Donald Trump of the criminal charges that are mounting against him? At one point today, in particularly exasperated fashion, Trump lashed out at the Robert Mueller investigation as being “bullshit Ytqre3QzedU-00007-00010008-00010803 ” This is all Trump has left: whining to his base about how he’s the real victim of his lifetime of crime Ytqre3QzedU-00008-00010803-00011636 But his base alone has never been big enough to save him. Once Trump has no one left but his base, he’ll be done YL4ZXi1I7BI-00000-00000000-00000200 آپ نے کبھی نہیں دیکھا کہ کوئی پردیسی پاکستان کے لیے دعا کرتا ہے اللہ آپ کو سلامت رکھے عمران خان 0smXz2u1tLY-00000-00000571-00002425 America has just taken another shameful step backward. President Trump’s long-time dream of a transgender military ban became reality on Friday, which means we are in the first week of once again being a nation that officially discriminates against service members based on their gender identity 0smXz2u1tLY-00001-00002425-00003661 At the same time, however, elements in the military are stepping up to express support and offer inclusion to the blameless class of people whom this government treats as second-class citizens 0smXz2u1tLY-00002-00003661-00004972 .On Friday, Maj. Gen. Matthew Beevers of the California National Guard rebuffed the ban’s implementation, making clear that “gender identity is the least of our concerns,” according to The Hill 0smXz2u1tLY-00003-00004972-00006082 No matter what message the Trump administration may be sending, Beevers wants all individuals who are considering enlisting to feel confident that they will be welcome and valued 0smXz2u1tLY-00004-00006082-00006704 “As long as you’re willing to fight, you can serve, in our minds,” he asserted. 0smXz2u1tLY-00005-00006704-00007825 .Beevers admitted that “we’re compelled as military officers to follow the rules of the folks that are elected and appointed above us, and we’ll continue to do that 0smXz2u1tLY-00006-00007825-00008935 ” But he also told The Hill that loopholes can allow for “the opportunity to continue to bring transgender service members in as long as they meet the requirements for service 0smXz2u1tLY-00007-00008935-00010429 ” Together with the Department of the Air Force and the Department of the Army, Beevers said they “will explore every avenue to ensure that transgendered people who want to serve in the California National Guard are afforded every opportunity to serve 0smXz2u1tLY-00008-00010429-00011683 ”. . .The U.S. Navy also chose to resist Trump’s hateful message through new guidelines, declaring: “All Service Members are expected to continue to treat each other with dignity and respect 0smXz2u1tLY-00009-00011683-00012380 There is zero tolerance for harassment, hazing or bullying of any Service Member in any form 0smXz2u1tLY-00010-00012380-00013480 ” The guidelines also point out “there is no policy that prohibits the ability of a Service Member to express themselves off-duty in their preferred gender 0smXz2u1tLY-00011-00013480-00014360 Appropriate civilian attire, as outlined in the uniform regulations, will not be determined based on gender 0smXz2u1tLY-00012-00014360-00015818 ” In other words, the Navy is saying that while their hands may be tied when it comes to how sailors present themselves while on active duty, sailors should feel encouraged to “live socially in their preferred gender while off-duty 0smXz2u1tLY-00013-00015818-00017291 ”. . .A recent Reuters/Ipsos poll and The Hill-HarrisX survey both reveal that nearly 60 percent of Americans oppose the military transgender ban that was thrust upon us by the world’s most famous bone spurs patient 0smXz2u1tLY-00014-00017291-00018164 It is another offensive stain from an administration that relishes the chance to sow division and stoke fear in our society 0smXz2u1tLY-00015-00018164-00019713 But the ban’s days, as well as the administration’s, are numbered. Once this dark period of Trumpism ends, his transgender ban will no doubt be among the first of many medieval policies to be relegated to the dustbin of history 0t5U36sWkIk-00000-00000571-00003167 Victor Davis Hanson, senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and professor of Classics Emeritus at California State University, spoke with host Rebecca Mansour and Red Pilled America co-founder Patrick Courrielche on Monday’s edition of Sirius XM’s Breitbart News Tonight and described Democrats’ push for “reparations” as a racial political strategy born from fear that President Trump is “making inroads” with black voters 0t5U36sWkIk-00001-00003167-00004418 Reparations poll “about 25 percent support,” said Hanson. “It doesn’t even poll a majority of support among African Americans, so it’s not so much a serious issue as a campaign issue 0t5U36sWkIk-00002-00004418-00005113 It’s sort of like the Green New Deal or the 90 percent income tax or the wealth tax 0t5U36sWkIk-00003-00005113-00006613 ”.Hanson continued, “These are all talking points, but I think the people who are serious in the Democratic Party must know that if any candidate emerges from their convention with those albatrosses around their neck, they’re going to lose 0t5U36sWkIk-00004-00006613-00007880 Everybody knows it’s unworkable. The contradictions just jump out at you.”. .Hanson examined the arbitrary nature of defining parameters for who qualifies as “African American 0t5U36sWkIk-00005-00007880-00009763 ”.“How do you define African American?” asked Hanson. “Is somebody 25 percent African American? Seventy percent? Ten percent? Do we prorate? Do we use the old Confederacy’s one-drop rule? Do you prorate reparations based on your DNA analysis?” 0t5U36sWkIk-00006-00009763-00011260 Hanson added, “What do you do with people like Barack Obama, who have no relatives directly in America [who were slaves]? Or what do you do with someone like Kamala Harris, whose own father said that as a Caribbean, his family owned slaves?” 0t5U36sWkIk-00007-00011260-00012592 “What do you do with other groups?” asked Hanson. “Do the Irish make claims? Do the Hispanics make claims? It would open up a tribal chaotic mess in the way that you see in the Balkans or Rwanda or Iraq 0t5U36sWkIk-00008-00012592-00013582 ”. .Al Sharpton’s role in Democrats’ promotion of “reparations” is a testament to his power within the Democrat Party, said Hanson 0t5U36sWkIk-00009-00013582-00014679 “It’s being promoted by Al Sharpton — of all people — [who has a] record of racism, inciting a riot, antisemitism, [and] fraud,” stated Hanson 0t5U36sWkIk-00010-00014679-00016845 “It’s highly ironic. I never thought in my life I would live to see this faker — who in the eighties and nineties was directly responsible for violence, homophobic statements, racist statements, antisemitic statements, [and] inciting somebody in a riot situation which killed somebody — become the power-broker, maybe, of the Democratic Party 0t5U36sWkIk-00011-00016845-00018775 It’s very sad and pathetic.”.“If some white person, so-called, if we can even just adjudicate who’s white and who’s not, but if you could, if somebody who’s a welder over here in Fowler or Reedley, California, that makes $40,000 a year, you’re going to tax them to transfer money to Oprah or Beyonce?” asked Hanson 0t5U36sWkIk-00012-00018775-00021115 “It has no sensitivity to class.”. .Hanson went on. “Class is really the more important adjudicator of privilege in this country, and as part of this strange progressive phenomenon where people who have privilege — mostly white, but not always white — virtue signal by damning people who don’t have white privilege as if they’re uncouth or racist or xenophobic 0t5U36sWkIk-00013-00021115-00022638 ”.Hanson added, “So we have all these Malibu and TV stars always talking about white privilege, but as we saw with the college admissions scandal, they exercise white privilege, and yet, in the public domain, they’re always accusing other people 0t5U36sWkIk-00014-00022638-00022738 ” 0wyGvCMje9I-00000-00000513-00001654 Much of Trump’s 2020 budget proposal has made the news, including headlines related to his requests for defense spending, and other issues such as cutting Medicare and Medicaid 0wyGvCMje9I-00001-00001654-00003446 Prior to the budget report’s release, his administration also presented sweeping legislature that would make it next-to-impossible for women to receive information regarding family planning, including harsh policy against Planned Parenthood and for those who take part in the Title X program 0wyGvCMje9I-00002-00003446-00004141 Easily missed were all of the requested slashes that would be made to funding the arts 0wyGvCMje9I-00003-00004141-00004773 In the past, Trump attempted to eliminate arts programs which were ignored by Congress 0wyGvCMje9I-00004-00004773-00005800 Two groups that will be hit the hardest, in blows they may never recover from, are the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and the National Endowment for the Arts 0wyGvCMje9I-00005-00005800-00006805 The requested cuts for funding ($435 billion) The Corporation for Public Broadcasting include PBS and NPR 0wyGvCMje9I-00006-00006805-00007600 The National Endowment for the Arts is looking at potentially losing $126 billion in funding 0wyGvCMje9I-00007-00007600-00008853 The cuts would only allow a few million dollars to manage an orderly shutdown.All together, the new budget would spend $4.7 trillion on discretionary and mandatory programs. 0wyGvCMje9I-00008-00008853-00010496 The administration, of course, deflects from the truth of the matter (Republicans notoriously dislike art and information) and has argued that this news is a no biggie because it only provides a fraction of the funds for popular stations like PBS and NPR 0wyGvCMje9I-00009-00010496-00011510 And hey, why spend money on TV when you can spend that money on war? Despite Trump’s lies, he and his administration love war and conflict 0wyGvCMje9I-00010-00011510-00013730 The Brookings Institute had this to say, regarding defense spending:.‘After initially announcing plans for continued growth from $716 billion in fiscal year 2019 to $733 billion in 2020, President Trump directed the Department of Defense (DoD) to plan instead for reductions to a $700 billion budget 0wyGvCMje9I-00011-00013730-00015569 In early December 2018, Trump went as far as to call current levels of U.S. defense spending “crazy,” only to announce plans for a $750 billion defense budget just a week later. (These figures include war expenses and nuclear-weapons activities in the Department of Energy).’ 0Ifgec7X7Sy-00000-00000571-00001310 Supporters and opponents of President Donald Trump are rushing to defend Trump’s deputy at the U 0Ifgec7X7Sy-00001-00001310-00002943 S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, Lee Francis Cissna.Sen. Chuck Grassley tweeted in support of Cissna, who is facing immediate firing as Trump cleans house at the Department of Homeland Security, according to a wide series of media reports 0Ifgec7X7Sy-00002-00002943-00003979 Trump has already fired Kirstjen Nielsen and replaced her with Kevin McAleenan, the commissioner of the Customs and Border Protection agency within DHS 0Ifgec7X7Sy-00003-00003979-00005069 Many media reports say Trump also plans to fire the DHS’s acting deputy leader Claire Grady, and DHS general counsel John Mitnick 0Ifgec7X7Sy-00004-00005069-00005960 .Cissna is also on the chopping block, even though Trump’s critics say Cissna has done a very good job for Trump 0Ifgec7X7Sy-00005-00005960-00007613 Cissna’s agency handles a vast amount of tasks — including curbing fraud by migrants, developing and implementing asylum reforms, overseeing the citizenship process, and tracking the visa worker programs, which keep a population of more than 1 0Ifgec7X7Sy-00006-00007613-00008956 5 million white-collar workers in U.S. jobs.“Cissna is the best thing that has happened to that agency since was created,” said Dan Stein, president of the Federation for American Immigration Reform 0Ifgec7X7Sy-00007-00008956-00010003 Under President Barack Obama, “it was taken over by people who thought it was their job to rubber-stamp [work] visa applications, to [always] ‘Get to Yes’ 0Ifgec7X7Sy-00008-00010003-00011317 , [but now] Cissna is applying the law,” said Stein. . .Cissna is also backed by Mark Krikorian, the director of the Center for Immigration Studies, which favors Trump’s “Hire American” policy 0Ifgec7X7Sy-00009-00011317-00012686 Moreover, Krikorian’s argument in favor of Cissna is backed by an advocate for cheap labor immigration, Alex Nowrasteh at the Cato Institute, who bitterly opposes Trump’s pro-American immigration policies 0UHXJ2Gi46g-00000-00000571-00001806 Remember the awkward situation below, when Melania refused to hold her husband’s hand in public? This has been happening more obviously since the Stormy Daniels affair became public 0UHXJ2Gi46g-00001-00001806-00002854 Melania doesn’t say anything publicly, but it’s evident what she’s thinking.Not to mention, apparently she’s not being so silent behind the scenes 0UHXJ2Gi46g-00002-00002854-00003734 It is being reported that Vanessa Trump sought advice from her mother-in-law before filing for divorce from Donald Trump Jr 0UHXJ2Gi46g-00003-00003734-00004486 US Weekly is reporting that Melania said “The Trump men are one and the same — vain and ­power-hungry 0UHXJ2Gi46g-00004-00004486-00005602 ” Melania told her,“she could do nothing to change that and offering her husband an ultimatum would be a huge mistake because he would choose his thirst for power like his dad 0UHXJ2Gi46g-00005-00005602-00006845 ” While it’s not clear which camp leaked this interesting detail, it really could have been either Melania’s or Vanessa’s in an effort to tell the public why she finally decided to file for divorce 0UHXJ2Gi46g-00006-00006845-00007634 Regardless of the reason, this is the first real glimpse we are getting of how Melania feels about her husband 0UHXJ2Gi46g-00007-00007634-00008431 Turns out, she sees him the same way America sees him.He’s vain, power hungry and will never change 0Xg4-QfRZLy-00000-00000513-00001819 For the past year, the worst of the TV pundits have tried to scare you into staying tuned in by pushing the frightening narrative that Donald Trump could just pardon everyone at any moment and magically get away with it all 0Xg4-QfRZLy-00001-00001819-00002592 If you’ve been reading Palmer Report, or if you’re familiar with pardons at all, you know they don’t work that way 0Xg4-QfRZLy-00002-00002592-00003969 Yesterday, when New York brought its entirely expected state level charges against Manafort in order to ensure there would be no point in pardoning him, these same pundits treated it like shocking breaking news 0Xg4-QfRZLy-00003-00003969-00004695 At least the most breathless of pundits have finally moved past the nonsensical pardon narrative 0Xg4-QfRZLy-00004-00004695-00005896 After all, they can’t keep credibly claiming that Donald Trump is going to pardon his way out of this, now that they’ve just had to acknowledge to their audiences that pardons are out the window 0Xg4-QfRZLy-00005-00005896-00006824 But now they need something new to scare people into staying tuned in, and it appears the worst of the lot have already settled on it: double jeopardy 0Xg4-QfRZLy-00006-00006824-00008130 For the past year, the worst of the TV pundits have tried to scare you into staying tuned in by pushing the frightening narrative that Donald Trump could just pardon everyone at any moment and magically get away with it all 0Xg4-QfRZLy-00007-00008130-00008903 If you’ve been reading Palmer Report, or if you’re familiar with pardons at all, you know they don’t work that way 0Xg4-QfRZLy-00008-00008903-00010280 Yesterday, when New York brought its entirely expected state level charges against Manafort in order to ensure there would be no point in pardoning him, these same pundits treated it like shocking breaking news 0Xg4-QfRZLy-00009-00010280-00011006 At least the most breathless of pundits have finally moved past the nonsensical pardon narrative 0Xg4-QfRZLy-00010-00011006-00012207 After all, they can’t keep credibly claiming that Donald Trump is going to pardon his way out of this, now that they’ve just had to acknowledge to their audiences that pardons are out the window 0Xg4-QfRZLy-00011-00012207-00013135 But now they need something new to scare people into staying tuned in, and it appears the worst of the lot have already settled on it: double jeopardy 0Xg4-QfRZLy-00012-00013135-00015018 The Manhattan District Attorney isn’t some complete idiot who was born yesterday. He’s clearly choreographed this with Robert Mueller from the start, which is to say that Mueller didn’t bring federal charges on these sixteen specific counts, because he was always going to let the state handle them as an insurance policy 0Xg4-QfRZLy-00013-00015018-00016071 Donald Trump and Paul Manafort cannot simply wave a “double jeopardy” magic wand and ride off into the sunset, because nothing comes even close to working that way 0Xg4-QfRZLy-00014-00016071-00017366 Those facts about double jeopardy don’t matter, of course, for the same reason it didn’t matter that Donald Trump was never going to be able to pardon the state level charges that were always going to be a part of this 0Xg4-QfRZLy-00015-00017366-00017946 Manafort will try to use a double jeopardy defense, but it won’t get him anywhere 0Xg4-QfRZLy-00016-00017946-00018746 Let’s not forget he just went down on ten federal charges. His attorneys don’t have superpowers 0Xg4-QfRZLy-00017-00018746-00019866 So here’s my advice: ignore the double jeopardy narrative. Any legal expert (who’s not hyping it up for the cameras) will tell you that this isn’t even an issue 0Xg4-QfRZLy-00018-00019866-00021026 Further, ignore any TV pundits who try to spend the next few weeks trying to keep you tuned in by insisting that the double jeopardy magic wand is about to be waved at any moment 0Xg4-QfRZLy-00019-00021026-00021622 It’s an easy litmus test for figuring out who’s worth watching and who isn’t 10GQaRhaIpu-00000-00000571-00001401 Tom Steyer is a wealthy businessman who is funding multiple campaigns to impeach popular vote loser Donald Trump 10GQaRhaIpu-00001-00001401-00002096 Steyer’s team has now lit up Times Square in New York City with a message for the American people 10GQaRhaIpu-00002-00002096-00002733 Tom Steyer sent out the following email to petition signers explaining the billboard 10GQaRhaIpu-00003-00002733-00003595 If you happened to be walking around Times Square today, like countless Americans do every day, you may have noticed something: 10GQaRhaIpu-00004-00003595-00004301 A brand new Need To Impeach digital billboard, featuring a map and a running count of the 2 10GQaRhaIpu-00005-00004301-00005074 5 million Americans (and growing by the second) who have already signed the petition to impeach Donald Trump 10GQaRhaIpu-00006-00005074-00006226 We launched this billboard in Times Square for a simple reason: The American people, Congress, and President Trump himself need to see the nationwide strength of our movement 10GQaRhaIpu-00007-00006226-00007273 So we’re making a splash that millions of people will see — and we hope you’ll share it far and wide, so folks who aren’t walking around Times Square can see it, too 10GQaRhaIpu-00008-00007273-00008316 Donald Trump continues to taunt rogue nuclear powers, attempt to cut taxes for wealthy corporations, and undermine our nation’s healthcare system 10GQaRhaIpu-00009-00008316-00009583 He’s a clear and present danger to the United States.Enough is enough. Americans across the country are declaring that this president is unfit for office and must be removed 10GQaRhaIpu-00010-00009583-00010554 Thanks,.Tom Steyer.Tom Steyer is a wealthy businessman who is funding multiple campaigns to impeach President Donald Trump 10GQaRhaIpu-00011-00010554-00011249 Steyer’s team has now lit up Times Square in New York City with a message for the American people 1__P5Y5A0ro-00000-00000571-00001318 Donald Trump is making the most of the last days before the Mueller report catches up to him once and for all 1__P5Y5A0ro-00001-00001318-00002185 Everyone’s wondering how he will spend these last few days before the dark cloud swallows his administration completely 1__P5Y5A0ro-00002-00002185-00003005 Trump has tried to go after health care again, “protected” the Special Olympics, and has had a few fits of rage 1__P5Y5A0ro-00003-00003005-00003886 Regardless of how he spends these days, the real question is what comes after that? What is his long term game plan? 1__P5Y5A0ro-00004-00003886-00004849 In a recent New York Times article, tucked away in the last paragraph we got a glimpse of what the administration seems to be planning for 1__P5Y5A0ro-00005-00004849-00006691 It says “After two years in office, Mr. Trump, 72, is tired, aides said. The unstoppable campaigner, so far, will commit to participating in only one campaign event a day, and recently balked at a possible rally out West during a fund-raising swing 1__P5Y5A0ro-00006-00006691-00007349 ”.This should not be surprising given that Trump’s poor health is more than obvious 1__P5Y5A0ro-00007-00007349-00008883 His physical health is a mess and his cognitive abilities are dropping with each passing day, but why would his own people mention this to the New York Times? Perhaps they are trying to set the stage for a candidate to step aside when the chance presents itself 1__P5Y5A0ro-00008-00008883-00009656 At the very least, a few members of Trump’s inner circle are preparing for him to be a one-term president 1__P5Y5A0ro-00009-00009656-00010523 This seems interesting given that he’s currently claiming he was just exonerated and the most “successful President ever 1__P5Y5A0ro-00010-00010523-00011560 ” Maybe he plans to hide behind Barr and push the scandals off as much as he can before announcing he’s had enough and he doesn’t plan to run for re-election 1__P5Y5A0ro-00011-00011560-00012375 It will be interesting to see if this surfaces again and if his team continues to work like this is a possibility 1MUW1Jtw0rQ-00000-00000571-00001966 President Donald Trump said Democrats may vote to curb Central American migration into the United States — but did not show evidence that Democrats want to reform the laws that are encouraging the migration 1MUW1Jtw0rQ-00001-00001966-00003870 The United States has “the worst, dumbest immigration system in the world,” Trump said April 2, amid agency predictions that one million Central Americans will use Democrat-defended border loopholes as they join the migration into Americans’ workplaces, schools, housing market, and neighborhoods by October 1MUW1Jtw0rQ-00002-00003870-00004567 He continued:. .The Democrats could change it with one meeting. Everybody would agree 1MUW1Jtw0rQ-00003-00004567-00005205 But they don’t want to change it because they don’t want to give the Republicans a victory 1MUW1Jtw0rQ-00004-00005205-00006169 They don’t want to change it because they want open borders, which means crimes — and lots of other things coming in, including drugs 1MUW1Jtw0rQ-00005-00006169-00007331 So we’ll see what happens. I think the Democrats — today, I spoke to a couple of them and they — all of a sudden, they’re changing because they’re seeing it really is a crisis 1MUW1Jtw0rQ-00006-00007331-00009186 It is a national emergency on the border. And let’s see if they can do it.On Tucker Carlson’s April 2 Fox TV show, homeland security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen declared, “I remain optimistic in the sense that I refuse to believe that the United States Congress will not act 1MUW1Jtw0rQ-00007-00009186-00009946 It’s not a partisan issue.”.But Nielsen also said she does not think the Democrats want to help, adding: 1MUW1Jtw0rQ-00008-00009946-00011568 I mean, look, at this point, I’ll be blunt. I think they’re blinded by politics. Unfortunately, they are blinded for what they see as a request from this administration, instead of looking at the requests and the way in which it is directly affecting Americans 1MUW1Jtw0rQ-00009-00011568-00012200 So I don’t believe that they don’t see [the drug smuggling], or they don’t understand it 1MUW1Jtw0rQ-00010-00012200-00013057 They are just willfully choosing to ignore it. But the more Americans who suffer, they are going to have to look at this 1MUW1Jtw0rQ-00011-00013057-00014467 I hope they do it sooner than later.There is little chance that Democrats are reversing their deep-rooted opposition to curbs on migration, said Rosemary Jenks, policy director at the Center for Immigraiton Studies 1MUW1Jtw0rQ-00012-00014467-00015899 “I have serious doubts, but hope springs eternal,” she said. .In the meantime, Trump should use his powers and pressure Nielsen to take unilateral action, even if the action angers Democrats, she said 1MUW1Jtw0rQ-00013-00015899-00016672 “Congress needs to act, but it is not the case that the only answer is for Congress to act,” she said 1MUW1Jtw0rQ-00014-00016672-00017445 “I don’t now know if the President is getting the information he needs about what powers he has,” she said 1MUW1Jtw0rQ-00015-00017445-00018723 “Secretary Nielsen and some of the attorneys in DHS are blocking the information because they are afraid of implementing some of the things they can do,” partly because they are afraid of lawsuits, she said 1MUW1Jtw0rQ-00016-00018723-00020259 For example, many so-called “Unaccompanied Alien Children” are being smuggled up the border because Trump’s agencies will pass them to their illegal immigrant parents living throughout the United States, under policies set by former President Barack Obama 1MUW1Jtw0rQ-00017-00020259-00021787 Those youths and children should be sent home, said Jenks, because the 2008 law only protects trafficked victims, such as forced prostitutes, not youths and children who have parents in the United States, or who are willingly smuggled up to the border 1MUW1Jtw0rQ-00018-00021787-00023385 Nielsen told Carlson that judges are not paying close enough attention to the migration, saying, “We have a lot of, in my opinion, court decisions that do not understand the full situation, the operational realities that we face every day 1MUW1Jtw0rQ-00019-00023385-00024966 ”.Top Democrats continue to describe the inflow of economic migrants from Central American as a “humanitarian crisis,” and continue to urge DHS officials to provide more aid, welfare, and support to the migrants as they head up to U 1MUW1Jtw0rQ-00020-00024966-00026836 S. cities to accept jobs at wages far below the wages sought by Americans.“Democrats reject any effort to let the Administration deport little children, and we reject all anti-immigrant and anti-family attacks from this President,” House SpeakerNancy Pelosi said March 29 1MUW1Jtw0rQ-00021-00026836-00028173 Her statement said:. .The Administration’s failed policies have created senseless heartbreak and horror at the border, which must be addressed with effective, humane solutions that protect our borders and honor our values 1MUW1Jtw0rQ-00022-00028173-00029641 We cannot support the implementation of policies that we know will hurt traumatized children, rip apart vulnerable families, dishonor our values – and do absolutely nothing to solve the situation at the border 1MUW1Jtw0rQ-00023-00029641-00030642 We also call on the Administration to immediately cease sabotaging Congress’s efforts to address the root causes of the situation 1MUW1Jtw0rQ-00024-00030642-00031394 Threatening to withhold humanitarian assistance to Central America is not a solution and makes matters worse 1MUW1Jtw0rQ-00025-00031394-00032091 On CNN, Democratic presidential candidate Julian Castro dismissed the border rush 1MUW1Jtw0rQ-00026-00032091-00033384 “I don’t believe [the administration’s] narrative, I don’t believe the B.S. that women and children who are fleeing dangerous circumstances present a national security threat to this country,” he said April 3 1MUW1Jtw0rQ-00027-00033384-00034343 California Democratic Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard wants Congress to increase aid to help migrants get into the United States 1MUW1Jtw0rQ-00028-00034343-00035061 His district is reportedly the most Latino district in the nation, and likely includes many illegals 1MUW1Jtw0rQ-00029-00035061-00036634 In a March 29 statement, she said:.I ask you to imagine having no choice but to flee your home country – leaving behind everyone and everything you know – because it’s your only chance to stay alive, or the only way to protect your children 1MUW1Jtw0rQ-00030-00036634-00037504 Imagine enduring danger and abuse on the journey to our border, because you literally have no other choice if you want to survive 1MUW1Jtw0rQ-00031-00037504-00038329 Then, imagine finally getting to America’s border, only to be caged behind chain-linked fencing under a bridge 1MUW1Jtw0rQ-00032-00038329-00039510 Imagine the hopelessness and helplessness that these migrant families must feel, as the cries of caged children and the screams of captive babies echo through the holding pen 1MUW1Jtw0rQ-00033-00039510-00040249 This administration’s treatment of migrants is totally beneath all standards of American decency 1MUW1Jtw0rQ-00034-00040249-00041051 I will use every means at my disposal to make sure migrants in U.S. custody are kept safe and treated properly 1MUW1Jtw0rQ-00035-00041051-00042503 That includes preservation of their legal right to seek asylum in the U.S. And I emphatically oppose Secretary Nielsen’s call to expedite the deportation of innocent children for whom America is their best hope for a better future 1MUW1Jtw0rQ-00036-00042503-00044295 Our laws should protect children, not threaten their safety.“Congress recently added extra humanitarian resources to DHS in its recently enacted funding bill for fiscal year 2019, and it looks like we will need further funding to address this humanitarian crisis 1MUW1Jtw0rQ-00037-00044295-00045068 I stand ready to quickly review and respond to any emergency supplemental appropriations request 1MUW1Jtw0rQ-00038-00045068-00045899 That request should include resources to help our non-profit partners provide migrants with shelter and support 1MUW1Jtw0rQ-00039-00045899-00046962 .The declared hope of aid from House Democrats does help Nielsen and other top officials to avoid pushing policies that might anger business groups 1MUW1Jtw0rQ-00040-00046962-00048297 For example, Nielsen rebuffed a suggestion from Carlson that the White House should require employers to use the E-Verify system to bar migrants from getting jobs which they need to pay their smuggling debts 1MUW1Jtw0rQ-00041-00048297-00049128 She said:.There is just a debate with Congress as to whether the Executive Branch has the authority to do that 1MUW1Jtw0rQ-00042-00049128-00049961 We can expand the program, but right now, it is only authorized in a voluntary way, not a mandatory way 1MUW1Jtw0rQ-00043-00049961-00050697 So we can do it, but as you know, what happens when we do is we get enjoined by the Courts 1MUW1Jtw0rQ-00044-00050697-00051497 So it is one of many issues we are looking to work with Congress on and we will continue to drive that 1MUW1Jtw0rQ-00045-00051497-00052382 Each year, roughly four million young Americans join the workforce after graduating from high school or university 1MUW1Jtw0rQ-00046-00052382-00053289 But the federal government then imports approximately 1.1 million legal immigrants, refreshes a resident population of roughly 1 1MUW1Jtw0rQ-00047-00053289-00054362 5 million white-collar guest workers and roughly 500,000 blue-collar visa workers, and also tolerates about eight million illegal workers 1MUW1Jtw0rQ-00048-00054362-00055425 This federal policy of flooding the market with cheap white-collar graduates and blue-collar foreign labor is intended to boost economic growth for investors 1MUW1Jtw0rQ-00049-00055425-00057740 This policy shifts enormous wealth from young employees towards older investors, widens wealth gaps, reduces high-tech investment, increases state and local tax burdens, hurts children’s schools and college education, pushes Americans away from high-tech careers, and sidelines millions of marginalized Americans, including many who are now struggling with fentanyl addictions 1SCG3aLU9j0-00000-00000571-00001634 It’s hard to tell where the most corruption lies in the world of Donald Trump, between his businesses, his presidential campaign or his presidential administration 1SCG3aLU9j0-00001-00001634-00002412 The latest news suggests that his campaign and his business were working together to hold that distinction 1SCG3aLU9j0-00002-00002412-00004189 That’s right. Trump basically paid Trump for legal advice. It’s the kind of blatant and obvious corruption that only Donald Trump could get away with, because clearly the world has given up on caring if this man is allowed to be a criminal in plain, public sight 1SCG3aLU9j0-00003-00004189-00005372 The Trump Campaign filed reports with the Federal Election Commission showing that The Trump Corporation repeatedly engaged in the illegal practice of law in 2017 and 2018 1SCG3aLU9j0-00004-00005372-00006942 It is a crime under N.Y. Jud. L. § 495 for a corporation to engage in the practice law and for officers, trustees, agents and employees of a corporation to directly or indirectly assist it to practice law 1SCG3aLU9j0-00005-00006942-00007655 Trump is the owner of The Trump Corporation, Don, Jr. is one of two Trustees and Eric is the CEO 1SCG3aLU9j0-00006-00007655-00009118 By allowing his campaign to pay The Trump Corporation $178,300 in 11 payments for legal consulting, Trump could face charges for assisting the corporation in the illegal practice of law 1SCG3aLU9j0-00007-00009118-00010108 Eric and Don, Jr. could also be charged with assisting in the crimes by allowing the corporation to engage in the illegal practice of law 1SCG3aLU9j0-00008-00010108-00010855 The Trumps are facing up to a year in jail for each violation if they are charged and convicted 1jKPFHsCSHQ-00000-00000000-00000200 три кошака 1jKPFHsCSHQ-00001-00000200-00000400 доктор ливси 1jKPFHsCSHQ-00002-00000400-00000600 идут 25ObuXGeFtu-00000-00000571-00001323 ‘It was about sanctions,’ said the president in explaining what went wrong at the high-profile meeting in Vietnam 25ObuXGeFtu-00001-00001323-00002292 The two sides appeared on the cusp of signing an agreement on some incremental nuclear disarmament vows, but scuttled those plans at the last minute 25ObuXGeFtu-00002-00002292-00003199 "It was about sanctions," Trump said in a press conference shortly after the White House announced the summit with North Korea would be cut short 25ObuXGeFtu-00003-00003199-00004437 "Basically, they wanted the sanctions lifted in their entirety," he added. "They were willing to denuke a large portion of the areas that we wanted, but we couldn't give up all of the sanctions for that'' 25ObuXGeFtu-00004-00004437-00005910 It was an unexpected 180 degree turn at a summit that seemed to be moving toward a deal that Trump would portray as a major victory — another stump speech line for his rallies as the 2020 presidential race heats up 25ObuXGeFtu-00005-00005910-00006837 Instead, he found himself having to explain to the media at a hurried up press conference why the two sides had come away empty handed 25ObuXGeFtu-00006-00006837-00008347 It's a result likely to complicate the positive narrative Trump has been promoting about his overtures to North Korea, a country the international community has long isolated over Pyongyang's repeated military provocations and repression of its own population 25ObuXGeFtu-00007-00008347-00009146 "Sometimes you have to walk," Trump said, noting later, "We actually had papers ready to be signed 25ObuXGeFtu-00008-00009146-00010601 But it just wasn't appropriat''.Trump even seemed to concede that North Korea may not want to give up its nuclear program, echoing the regional analysts and national security leaders that Trump has long dismissed on the subject 25ObuXGeFtu-00009-00010601-00011490 North Korea, he told Fox News's Sean Hannity, is "not ready for that and I understand that fully, I really do 25ObuXGeFtu-00010-00011490-00011939 I mean they spent a lot of time building it'' 32jzwtooLtI-00000-00000513-00002098 House Democrats who have pushed impeachment appear undeterred by the fact that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi threw cold water on the possibility in a recent interview by saying she's "not for impeachment" and President Donald Trump is "just not worth it 32jzwtooLtI-00001-00002098-00003214 ".Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib, who announced last week that she plans to file an impeachment resolution later this month, vowed Tuesday to press ahead 32jzwtooLtI-00002-00003214-00004094 "I'm going to move forward, obviously," she told reporters. "It's important that there is a transparent process 32jzwtooLtI-00003-00004094-00005849 No one, not even the President, should be above the law.".The Michigan lawmaker -- who sparked controversy when she told activists just hours after her swearing in that "we're going to impeach the motherf****r" -- insisted that she is not disappointed by Pelosi's comments 32jzwtooLtI-00004-00005849-00007072 "No, absolutely not," Tlaib said. "Speaker Pelosi has always encouraged me to represent my district, has never told me to stop, has never told me to do anything differently ever 32jzwtooLtI-00005-00007072-00008185 ".Democratic Rep. Al Green of Texas, who has previously attempted to force votes on impeachment, said Tuesday that he plans to push for another vote on the House floor 32jzwtooLtI-00006-00008185-00009128 "There will be another vote on impeachment," he said during an interview on C-SPAN, adding, "I'm going to bring it to the floor of the House again 32jzwtooLtI-00007-00009128-00009749 " Green has not yet outlined a timeline however for when he expects that to happen 32jzwtooLtI-00008-00009749-00010666 In a reference to Pelosi saying that Trump is "not worth it," Green said, "This is not something new, whether the President is worth it 32jzwtooLtI-00009-00010666-00011740 But it's really not about him. It's not about Democrats. It's about democracy . the question we really have to ask ourselves is whether the country is worth it 32jzwtooLtI-00010-00011740-00014091 ".For now at least, most congressional Democrats are not pushing impeachment. The vast majority of the House Democratic caucus, including House Democratic leaders, have stressed that it is too early to be seriously talking about the possibility and have emphasized instead that they are focused on conducting rigorous oversight and investigations of the administration by the House Democratic majority 32jzwtooLtI-00011-00014091-00015687 That's not a new position for House Democratic leaders. "I've said from day one that I think impeachment is divisive," Pelosi told CNN on Tuesday when pressed on why she's raising this prior to the release of special counsel Robert Mueller's report 32jzwtooLtI-00012-00015687-00016760 But the handful of House Democrats who have not shied away from talking about impeachment don't appear to be striking a different tone in the wake of Pelosi's recent comments 32jzwtooLtI-00013-00016760-00017907 It's an indication that at least some members of the caucus will continue trying to spotlight the issue even if House Democratic leaders would rather direct attention elsewhere 32jzwtooLtI-00014-00017907-00019602 Democratic Rep. Brad Sherman of California, who reintroduced articles of impeachment at the start of the 116th Congress, said on Tuesday that "when public opinion is in support of removal, I am confident that the impeachment will go forward 32jzwtooLtI-00015-00019602-00020909 "."As to when to move forward with impeachment hearings: If you call them investigatory hearings, if you call them impeachment hearings, either way, we're showing the American people what this President has done 32jzwtooLtI-00016-00020909-00021747 We're changing public opinion and when public opinion is in support of removal, I'm confident that the impeachment will go forward 32jzwtooLtI-00017-00021747-00022779 ".Sherman added, however, "to get public opinion on our side . frankly, I think it's going to take new facts as damning as the old facts are 32jzwtooLtI-00018-00022779-00024247 ".Freshman Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, who has said in the past that she would support impeachment, broke with Pelosi over the speaker's assessment that impeaching Trump wouldn't be "worth it 32jzwtooLtI-00019-00024247-00025145 ".Asked by CNN if she has a different opinion, Ocasio-Cortez said, "I happen to, yes 32jzwtooLtI-00020-00025145-00026762 ".Democratic Rep. Steve Cohen of Tennessee, who has also previously introduced articles of impeachment, said on Tuesday that he believes the President has "done things that are certainly worthy of looking into impeachment," when asked if Trump should be impeached 32jzwtooLtI-00021-00026762-00028034 "My personal position is he is a blight on American society, American government, the American nation and humanity," Cohen said, though he added that he trusted Pelosi's political judgment 32jzwtooLtI-00022-00028034-00029139 Tlaib said on Tuesday that the resolution she has said she plans to introduce "is just one of the first steps" and described it as a "resolution to begin the investigation 32jzwtooLtI-00023-00029139-00029941 ".House Democrats have already seized the opportunity they now have as the majority party in the launch investigations 32jzwtooLtI-00024-00029941-00031516 Earlier this month, the House Judiciary Committee announced a sweeping investigation into the President's campaign, businesses, transition and administration, a probe that would lay the groundwork for Democrats if they choose to pursue impeachment proceedings 32jzwtooLtI-00025-00031516-00033170 House Judiciary Chair Jerry Nadler told CNN on Tuesday that he's "not shutting the door" on the possibility of impeachment, but cautioned, "we're a long way from that" and that it's the job of Congress "to get the facts so that we can make an intelligent judgment 32jzwtooLtI-00026-00033170-00033982 "."Certainly, I'm not shutting the door," Nadler said. "With regard to impeachment, we're a long way from that 32jzwtooLtI-00027-00033982-00035236 . Once we know all the facts then we'll have to make judgments. It's our job as Congress to get the facts so that we can make an intelligent judgment and I think we're not nearly there yet 32jzwtooLtI-00028-00035236-00035973 ".For now, prominent House Democrats are continuing to downplay the potential for impeachment 32jzwtooLtI-00029-00035973-00037610 House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said on Tuesday that he agreed with Pelosi on impeachment, saying "the probability of success is low and the distraction would be major" and that Congress needs to take public sentiment into account once the investigations are complete 32jzwtooLtI-00030-00037610-00038789 "The American people are going to have to weigh what their thoughts are, because they made the decision as to who the President of the United States was going to be," Hoyer told reporters 32jzwtooLtI-00031-00038789-00039520 "While we have impeachment authority, we need to be very cognizant of what the American people believe 32jzwtooLtI-00032-00039520-00040288 ".House Majority Whip James Clyburn said on Tuesday that he supports Pelosi's stance 32jzwtooLtI-00033-00040288-00041445 "I support her position," Clyburn said. "That we ought to let this work itself out and we'll make a decision at a time when the public has been brought along into the process 32jzwtooLtI-00034-00041445-00042456 This is a political question.".Pelosi hasn't completely shut the door on impeachment, but has effectively outlined a high bar to clear for its pursuit 32jzwtooLtI-00035-00042456-00044042 "Impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there's something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan, I don't think we should go down that path, because it divides the country," she said in her recent comments to The Washington Post magazine 32jzwtooLtI-00036-00044042-00045267 Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz said on Tuesday that she thinks Pelosi has the right approach and that at this point she believes it is important to wait for Mueller's report 32jzwtooLtI-00037-00045267-00046144 "I think we need to continue to go through a deliberative process," she said, including "oversight conducted" by Congress 32jzwtooLtI-00038-00046144-00047181 The congresswoman added, "I think the speaker is doing exactly what she should be doing, which is focusing on making sure we can propose and implement our agenda 32jzwtooLtI-00039-00047181-00047281 " 3s4Zv-HYHlI-00000-00000571-00001814 The White House may try to use an executive privilege to block portions of the report from Special Counsel Robert Mueller from making it to Congress or to the public, reports Bloomberg News 3s4Zv-HYHlI-00001-00001814-00003162 President Trump‘s lawyer Rudy Giuliani told Bloomberg News that Trump’s legal team “will look at it and see if the president thinks there is a valid claim” of executive privilege and added “We reserve the right 3s4Zv-HYHlI-00002-00003162-00004967 We don’t know if we have to, but we haven’t waived it.Mueller has been investigating Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and the possibility of collusion between the Trump campaign and Moscow and is expected to release his findings in a report as soon as next month 3s4Zv-HYHlI-00003-00004967-00006869 The breakdown is this: Mueller will have to release his findings to the Department of Justice and Democrats who have just gained control of the House intend to make those findings public while the White House is expected to counter that by invoking a special executive privilege to stop key aspects from being released 3s4Zv-HYHlI-00004-00006869-00008752 Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, has said the Democrats will subpoena the report if President Trump tries to hide it, stating, “I’m prepared to make sure we do everything possible so that the public has the advantage of as much of the information as it can 3s4Zv-HYHlI-00005-00008752-00008852 ” 4rcgPqtdE00-00000-00000571-00001749 Many thought that meant the report was bad news for Trump. They were wrong again – the report totally vindicated Trump and now he is breaking his silence and Hillary is nervous 4rcgPqtdE00-00001-00001749-00002546 President Trump said: “It was just announced there was no collusion with Russia, the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard 4rcgPqtdE00-00002-00002546-00003489 “There was no collusion with Russia, there was no obstruction… Hopefully someone is going to look at the other side, this was an illegal takedown that failed” 4rcgPqtdE00-00004-00006615-00007979 ”.For Trump, who has tweeted more than 230 times that he did not collude with Russians amid a torrent of allegations from media and political figures, the moment amounted to a near-total vindication 4rcgPqtdE00-00005-00007979-00009444 Although Mueller noted that his report did not “exonerate” Trump on obstruction, Barr wrote, the “report does not recommend any further indictments, nor did the Special Counsel obtain any sealed indictments that have yet to be made public 4rcgPqtdE00-00006-00009444-00010291 ”.“No Collusion, No Obstruction, Complete and Total EXONERATION,” Trump wrote on Twitter Sunday afternoon 4rcgPqtdE00-00007-00010291-00011291 “KEEP AMERICA GREAT!”.Later, he told reporters, “It was just announced there was no collusion with Russia, the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard 4rcgPqtdE00-00008-00011291-00012811 There was no collusion with Russia, there was no obstruction. … It’s a shame that our country had to go through this, to be honest, it’s a shame that your president has had to go through this — since before I even got elected, it began 4rcgPqtdE00-00009-00012811-00013621 And it began illegally. Hopefully someone is going to look at the other side. This was an illegal takedown that failed 4rcgPqtdE00-00010-00013621-00015434 ”.Mueller’s team specifically looked into two Russian efforts to interfere with the 2016 election — first, the work by a Russian organization, the Internet Research Agency (IRA), to “conduct disinformation and social media operations” designed to “sow discord” in the United States 4rcgPqtdE00-00011-00015434-00017414 According to Barr’s letter, “the Special Counsel did not find that any U.S. person or Trump campaign official or associate conspired or knowingly coordinated with the IRA in its efforts, although the Special Counsel brought criminal charges against a number of Russian nationals and entities in connection with these activities 4rcgPqtdE00-00012-00017414-00017514 ” 5AsS_6IK0zU-00000-00000571-00003329 The Trump family is notorious for using their name and status to take advantage of any opportunity they possibly can, regardless of rules or protocol, right? In a new tell-all book about the Trump family due out later this month, we are learning that White House Senior Adviser and First Daughter Ivanka Trump even thought she could scam her way on to United States Air Force planes even after she was repeatedly told no 5AsS_6IK0zU-00001-00003329-00004230 The New York Times reviewed the new book, “Kushner Inc: Greed. Ambition. Corruption 5AsS_6IK0zU-00002-00004230-00005840 The Extraordinary Story of Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump.” by journalist Vicky Ward and like most books that have been published about Trump and the White House in his first term, the common themes seem to be chaos, corruption, and contempt 5AsS_6IK0zU-00003-00005840-00007070 As expected, members of both the Trump and Kushner camp have voiced their dismay at the book but the public can ultimately decide for itself when it comes out officially on March 19th 5AsS_6IK0zU-00004-00007070-00007929 Peter Mirijanian, a spokesman for Mr. Kushner’s lawyer, Abbe Lowell, released the following statement 5AsS_6IK0zU-00005-00007929-00008739 “It seems she [Ms. Ward] has written a book of fiction rather than any serious attempt to get the facts 5AsS_6IK0zU-00006-00008739-00009392 Correcting everything wrong would take too long and be pointless.”.Peter Mirijanian 5AsS_6IK0zU-00007-00009392-00010583 The book cites frequent instances where Ivanka asked to travel, even when it was not warranted, on Air Force planes but was denied by then-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson 5AsS_6IK0zU-00008-00010583-00011309 Obviously, Ivanka isn’t accustomed to being told “no” and she quickly found a way around the rules 5AsS_6IK0zU-00009-00011309-00012250 She learned that she could get the requested access by inviting along a Cabinet level official to travel with her, so that is just what she did 5AsS_6IK0zU-00010-00012250-00014044 Repeatedly.Ms. Trump’s frequent go-to for this scheme was Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, who as the Times reported, was also involved in his own travel scandal for allegedly trying to use a $25,000 per hour Air Force plane for his honeymoon 5L6ozXfazUk-00000-00000513-00001490 Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have just returned from Morocco, and are busily preparing for the imminent arrival of their royal baby this spring 5L6ozXfazUk-00001-00001490-00002793 The Duke and Duchess received celebrity well-wishes for their new arrival from superstars Beyoncé and Jay-Z, who posted on Instagram: “Congrats on your pregnancy, we wish you so much joy 5L6ozXfazUk-00002-00002793-00003835 " Last week, the duo won a BRIT Award for Best International Group, and accepted the gong in a video that featured a stunning portrait of Meghan Markle 5L6ozXfazUk-00003-00003835-00004977 Podcast “Royally Obsessed” hears from royal correspondents Lisa Ryan and Kaitlin Menza, who analyse the video and the subsequent Instagram post that went viral last week 5L6ozXfazUk-00004-00004977-00005794 .Ms Menza said: “Just, wow. I do wonder if Meghan knew that was coming?.“It was so great 5L6ozXfazUk-00005-00005794-00006670 ”.Ms Ryan added: “I believe it was Lainey Gossip who said, it was like Beyoncé was taking Meghan into her protection 5L6ozXfazUk-00006-00006670-00008143 ”.Ms Menza agreed: “I love Beyoncé standing [up] for Meghan.”.Media and celebrity commentator Lainey Gossip wrote shortly after the BRITS win that the Duchess of Sussex was “under the protection” of the Queen of Pop 5L6ozXfazUk-00007-00008143-00009049 Beyonce and her husband Jay-Z won the award for their video for ApeSh*t, which featured the duo standing in front of the Mona Lisa 5L6ozXfazUk-00008-00009049-00010287 She explained: “In the video, Beyoncé and Jay-Z pull off a black excellence takeover of the Louvre and highlight the black excellence that’s been overlooked in an institutionally white establishment 5L6ozXfazUk-00009-00010287-00011614 .“Which also applies to Meghan Markle’s position in the British royal family. .“What that means then, is that Meghan Markle is now covered by the Beygency, with all the privileges and protections that affords 5L6ozXfazUk-00010-00011614-00013140 She’s making that declaration.”.After Beyoncé’s Instagram post, she posted another tribute to the Duchess of Sussex on her website, including a collage of Meghan and a longer post that commended both the Duchess and Duke of Sussex 5L6ozXfazUk-00011-00013140-00014310 She wrote: “She became the Duchess of Sussex following her marriage to Prince Harry of the British royal family in May 2018, becoming one of the few black women to join a royal family 5L6ozXfazUk-00012-00014310-00015363 “Meghan brought many black traditions to her royal wedding including a Chicago-based black pastor, an amazing gospel choir, and a young black cellist 5L6ozXfazUk-00013-00015363-00016395 “At the wedding her culture was front and centre, and she and Prince Harry have continued to push the race relations dialogue forward both near and far 5L6ozXfazUk-00014-00016395-00017612 ”.The podcast hosts also point out that the Duchess of Sussex and the Queen of Pop have a friend in common – tennis star Serena Williams, who hosted Meghan’s recent New York baby shower 5L6ozXfazUk-00015-00017612-00018471 Ms Ryan commented: “Beyoncé and Serena have worked together on the incredible video “Sorry” on the (album) Lemonade 5L6ozXfazUk-00016-00018471-00019584 “I wonder, could those three be at tea together?”.The presenters also reveal where the regal image of Meghan in a tiara, pearls and Victorian-style gown originally came from 5L6ozXfazUk-00017-00019584-00020590 Illustrator Tim O'Brien created the image for “The Key”, which is the magazine of Meghan’s former university sorority house, to celebrate her royal wedding 62Y9Laf4bHE-00000-00000571-00001856 On this weekend’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday,” Rep. Ben Ray Lujan (D-NM) accused President Donald Trump of creating a “humanitarian crisis” at the U 62Y9Laf4bHE-00001-00001856-00002794 S.-Mexico border.Lujan said, “Look, this is not the national security crisis that the president continues to describe 62Y9Laf4bHE-00002-00002794-00004865 There is a humanitarian crisis, but it’s created by President Donald Trump. When you go back to the threats even during the midterms, the president was suggesting that there was an immediate national security crisis and he sent troops to the border just to try to distract the American people with the gains that we were going to see in the midterms 62Y9Laf4bHE-00003-00004865-00005944 ”. .He added, “So again, I think the president continues to use immigration as a distraction as opposed to trying to work together in a bipartisan basis 62Y9Laf4bHE-00004-00005944-00006618 Whether it’s immigration reform or other important measures that we could be adopting together 62Y9Laf4bHE-00005-00006618-00007893 ”.When asked about the surge of illegal immigrants, Lujan said, “There are a number of people who have been turning themselves in to border patrol agents as the law allows in the United States for asylum-seekers 62Y9Laf4bHE-00006-00007893-00009332 And so when the Department of Homeland Security is reporting these numbers, I don’t believe that they are accurately describing the numbers with a number of people that are turning themselves in the versus those that are being apprehended 62Y9Laf4bHE-00007-00009332-00010985 ”.He concluded, “Well, again, I would say there is a humanitarian crisis at the border but one that was created by President Donald Trump with his policies, whether it’s his metering initiatives or other policies that have been put in place by Secretary Nielsen 62Y9Laf4bHE-00008-00010985-00011085 ” 6xr3PxE6ywA-00000-00000571-00001307 Ronald Reagan said the border was in crisis. Bill Clinton said the border was in crisis 6xr3PxE6ywA-00001-00001307-00002146 George Bush Sr. AND George Bush Jr. said the border was in crisis.Even liberal Obama said the border was in crisis 6xr3PxE6ywA-00002-00002146-00002825 But when Trump says, “Let’s fix the border crisis”, liberals lose their collective minds 6xr3PxE6ywA-00003-00002825-00003752 The Democrats in Congress aren’t done being the party of “No”, and are doing everything in their power to block Trump’s national emergency declaration 6xr3PxE6ywA-00004-00003752-00004531 But Donald’s is going to smash through the Democrat obstruction with a tool he’s never used before: his veto power 6xr3PxE6ywA-00005-00004531-00005928 From The Hill.The White House on Tuesday formally threatened to veto a resolution making its way through Congress that would terminate President Trump’s emergency declaration to secure funding for a wall along the southern border 6xr3PxE6ywA-00006-00005928-00006788 Trump knows that the Democrats’ plan to stop the wall from being built is nothing but another attempt to undermine his authority 6xr3PxE6ywA-00007-00006788-00007467 They’re willing to put American lives at risk if it means making sure Trump doesn’t get his way 6xr3PxE6ywA-00008-00007467-00008177 But the border wall has nothing to do with Trump “getting his way”. He made his argument perfectly clear 6xr3PxE6ywA-00009-00008177-00009656 “The problem of large-scale unlawful migration through the Southern Border is enduring, and, despite the Administration’s use of existing statutory authorities, in recent years the situation has worsened in certain respects,” it said 6xr3PxE6ywA-00010-00009656-00010826 The Democrats are limiting the Trump administration’s “ability to respond effectively to the ongoing crisis at the Southern Border,” which is the exact reason Americans voted him into office 6xr3PxE6ywA-00011-00010826-00012090 Unfortunately, it looks like three Republican Senators are in cahoots with the Democrats, and they have already said they plan to vote for the Democrats’ resolution to stop the emergency declaration 6QCixcr15yI-00000-00000513-00001555 Rep. Justin Amash, R-Mich., said Sunday that he has not ruled out running for the White House in 2020 as a third party candidate 6QCixcr15yI-00001-00001555-00002866 Arguing that the country needs a president who is "presenting a vision for America that is different from what these two parties are presenting,” Amash said he is considering running as a Libertarian in the next presidential election 6QCixcr15yI-00002-00002866-00004546 “I never rule out anything. That’s not on my radar right now, but I think that it is important that we have someone in there that is presenting a vision for America that is different from what these two parties are presenting," Amash said on CNN’s “State of the Union 6QCixcr15yI-00003-00004546-00005424 ”.Amash added: "Right now we have a wild amount of partisan rhetoric on both sides and Congress is totally broken 6QCixcr15yI-00004-00005424-00006387 We can’t debate things in a clear way anymore.”.Amash has been one of the most vocal Republican critics of President Trump in the House 6QCixcr15yI-00005-00006387-00007451 Just last month, he was one of 13 Republicans to vote in support of a measure to block the president’s declaration of a national emergency at the U 6QCixcr15yI-00006-00007451-00009694 S.-Mexico border – calling the move by Trump unconstitutional.The Michigan lawmaker joins a growing list of possible third party candidates mulling over a 2020 presidential bid, with the most high profile possible White House challengers from a third party currently being former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg 6QCixcr15yI-00007-00009694-00010392 Amash did not give a time frame for when he would make a final decision about a 2020 run 6U0DFO3s3G8-00000-00000513-00002326 In the hours since Donald Trump’s DOJ mouthpiece William Barr released a laughably misleading “summary” of Robert Mueller’s report, we’ve been fortunate that numerous major media outlets have been willing to poke holes in Barr’s fish story, as opposed to merely repeating it as if it were fact 6U0DFO3s3G8-00001-00002326-00003506 That said, a different narrative has developed tonight – particularly among TV pundits – about how Congress blew it by putting all its eggs in Mueller’s basket 6U0DFO3s3G8-00002-00003506-00004501 But the facts suggest something rather different.Let’s hypothetically say that there never was a Robert Mueller investigation to begin with 6U0DFO3s3G8-00003-00004501-00005544 The Democrats didn’t take control of the House until two and a half months ago, and the first month of it was dominated by necessary procedural matters 6U0DFO3s3G8-00004-00005544-00006575 So if the House Democrats were the only people investigating Trump’s crimes and scandals, the earliest they could have gotten started with it would have been in February 6U0DFO3s3G8-00005-00006575-00007445 It turns out they did get started with it in February, when Michael Cohen publicly testified about various Trump crimes 6U0DFO3s3G8-00006-00007445-00008224 So the House Democrats didn’t actually lose any time at all by “waiting” for Robert Mueller to finish 6U0DFO3s3G8-00007-00008224-00008903 They’re on just about the same timeframe they would have been if Mueller’s probe never existed 6U0DFO3s3G8-00008-00008903-00010023 The difference is that, because Mueller did what he did, people like Cohen got busted, and ended up being willing to testify against Trump in front of Congress and the public 6U0DFO3s3G8-00009-00010023-00011201 There’s certainly reason to argue that House Democrats would have been better off today if the (real) Mueller report became public, as opposed to Barr’s nonsensical “summary 6U0DFO3s3G8-00010-00011201-00011980 ” We’ll see how quickly the Democrats can use their subpoena power to get their hands on the report 6U0DFO3s3G8-00011-00011980-00012797 In the meantime, it’s difficult to argue that the House Democrats have lost any opportunities as a result of the Mueller probe 6U0DFO3s3G8-00012-00012797-00013393 It’s just going to be a matter of how much or little they’ve gained from it 6W_0FL3k0P4-00000-00000571-00002418 President Donald Trump’s son, Donald Junior, has said British Prime Minister Theresa May should have listened to his father’s advice on how to conduct Brexit negotiations as the process to extricate the United Kingdom from the European Union bounces from one crisis to the next 6W_0FL3k0P4-00001-00002418-00004656 The comments from Donald Junior came in an opinion column published in British right of centre, formerly conservative, newspaper the Daily Telegraph, where Mr Trump echoed previous comments by the President and Brexit leader Nigel Farage by linking the Brexit referendum to the 2016 Presidential election, and the forthcoming 2020 race 6W_0FL3k0P4-00002-00004656-00006328 It has now been 1,000 days since the people of the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union, but despite nearly three years of ‘negotiations’ between the government and the European Union, the country seems as far as ever from actually leaving 6W_0FL3k0P4-00003-00006328-00007469 Prime Minister May has even gone so far as threatening the country with no Brexit at all if politicians don’t line up to support her unpopular and controversial Brexit deal 6W_0FL3k0P4-00004-00007469-00008496 Mr Trump compared the no-holds-barred tactics by the British and European establishment to stop Brexit from going ahead to attacks on his father in the U 6W_0FL3k0P4-00005-00008496-00009894 S., stating that the fight for independence was not yet over and that “the people of both the UK and the US must reaffirm the decisions they made in 2016 to stand up for themselves against the global elite 6W_0FL3k0P4-00006-00009894-00011868 ”. .Noting the “desperate, last-gasp attempt by those previously in power” to overturn the 2016 revolutions, Mr Trump was particularly scornful of UK Prime Minister Theresa May, who has led the United Kingdom through the bulk of the Brexit process, while achieving little for the British people 6W_0FL3k0P4-00007-00011868-00013180 Rhetorically asking whether the promises of May and other top UK political figures to honour the result of the referendum was just a ruse, Mr Trump called on the UK establishment to respect democracy: 6W_0FL3k0P4-00008-00013180-00014292 Since 2016, Prime Minister Theresa May has promised on more than 50 separate occasions that Britain would leave the EU on March 29 2019 6W_0FL3k0P4-00009-00014292-00015698 She needs to honour that promise.But Mrs May ignored advice from my father, and ultimately, a process that should have taken only a few short months has become a years-long stalemate, leaving the British people in limbo 6W_0FL3k0P4-00010-00015698-00016531 Now, the clock has virtually run out and almost all is lost – exactly as the European elites were hoping 6W_0FL3k0P4-00011-00016531-00017837 Some pro-Brexit politicians even suggest that Mrs May herself is trying to sabotage Brexit, by insisting that Parliament agree to a deal that essentially keeps Britain bound to the EU indefinitely 6W_0FL3k0P4-00012-00017837-00019700 Mr Trump noted that the fast approaching Brexit deadline, due next Friday, March 29th, was almost certainly to be cancelled to give the political class even more time than the nearly three years they have already had, and wrote with apparent regret that democracy in the UK was “all but dead 6W_0FL3k0P4-00013-00019700-00021055 ”.The comments by the high-profile son of the United States President seem to reflect a broad scepticism among British voters about the intentions of key individuals at the top of UK and EU politics 6W_0FL3k0P4-00014-00021055-00022529 Breitbart London reported today on polling that found 44 per cent of UK respondents believed the government had set out to frustrate Brexit from day one, with just 27 per cent not believing that was the case 6W_0FL3k0P4-00015-00022529-00023576 Perhaps even more damning was the finding that 68 per cent did not even trust Members of Parliament to “do the right thing by the country over Brexit” 6W_0FL3k0P4-00016-00023576-00024872 Sixty-one per cent said they thought Brussels, the home of the European Union’s institutions, was working to punish Britain by being as inflexible as possible during the Brexit process 6W_0FL3k0P4-00017-00024872-00026434 Trump Jr’s comments on Mrs May ignoring advice from the President comes just days after President Trump, a long-standing supporter of Britain leaving the European Union, lamented the poor progress the Prime Minister had made to date 6W_0FL3k0P4-00018-00026434-00028231 Speaking at the White House, Trump said: “I’m surprised at how badly it has all gone from a standpoint of negotiations, but I gave the Prime Minister my ideas of how to negotiate it, she didn’t listen to that and that’s fine but it could have been negotiated in a different manner'' 6W_0FL3k0P4-00019-00028231-00029595 .He concluded it was not looking possible for the UK to leave the EU on the March 29th date repeatedly promised to the British people, and remarked to the cameras: “It’s very sad to see what’s happening there'' 7lHF_3UrckY-00000-00000571-00001561 Yesterday we all learned that Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance has prepared a state-level criminal case against Paul Manafort 7lHF_3UrckY-00001-00001561-00002365 The clear implication was that if Donald Trump tried to pardon Manafort, New York would simply lock Manafort right back up 7lHF_3UrckY-00002-00002365-00003345 But last night we learned that New York is preparing to file criminal charges against Manafort even if Trump doesn’t try to pardon him 7lHF_3UrckY-00003-00003345-00004656 So what’s going on.Think about what we’re really looking at here. If Donald Trump were going to try to pardon an associate like Paul Manafort, he’d have done it by now, right? This isn’t about Manafort 7lHF_3UrckY-00004-00004656-00005573 If Trump is going to try to pardon anyone, he’s surely saving those pardons for himself and his kids as a very last resort 7lHF_3UrckY-00005-00005573-00006782 .The thing about Donald Trump is he’s a bit slow on these matters. He’s fairly well cut off from real news, preferring to watch the largely fictional broadcasts on Fox News instead 7lHF_3UrckY-00006-00006782-00007736 We can see from the timing of his Twitter explosions that he often doesn’t hear about developing stories until weeks or months after they’ve happened 7lHF_3UrckY-00007-00007736-00008794 So it’s not enough for New York State to simply put it out there that it’ll charge Paul Manafort if he’s pardoned; that news might not reach Trump’s ears 7lHF_3UrckY-00008-00008794-00009405 Instead it has to actually put Manafort on trial, to make sure Trump hears about it 7lHF_3UrckY-00009-00009405-00010928 That way Donald Trump will fully understand that New York truly is willing and able to bring state-level criminal cases that he can’t do anything to sabotage – not just against a dead man walking like Paul Manafort, but also against Trump’s kids 7lHF_3UrckY-00010-00010928-00011824 And while New York State might have a hard time putting Trump on trial while he’s still in office, it can arrest his kids at any time 7lHF_3UrckY-00011-00011824-00013558 That’s checkmate. Even if Donald Trump doesn’t care about the fate of his kids, the criminal cases against them can be used to rip apart the Trump Organization, seize the Trump family’s assets, and build a bulletproof state level case against Trump which can be brought against him the minute he leaves office 7lHF_3UrckY-00012-00013558-00014752 Thanks to the state level criminal case against Paul Manafort in New York, Donald Trump is about to see very clearly that pardons won’t get him or his family off the hook 7lHF_3UrckY-00013-00014752-00016024 He can’t simply cut and run. He’s going to have to pay the piper. He’s in a position where he’ll be arrested the minute he’s no longer president, and his assets will be gone by then anyway 7lHF_3UrckY-00014-00016024-00016857 He’s about to learn that he has no option left but to trade away his resignation in exchange for reduced criminal charges 7lHF_3UrckY-00015-00016857-00017145 That’s checkmate 7mCTHZ1bbLo-00000-00000571-00001608 Donald Trump and his people are facing criminal repercussions from all sides this week, thanks to Robert Mueller’s upcoming report, growing buzz out of the U 7mCTHZ1bbLo-00001-00001608-00002893 S. Attorney’s office for SDNY, and even the New York District Attorney. Now it turns out another key member of the Trump administration is facing criminal repercussions from yet another angle 7mCTHZ1bbLo-00002-00002893-00003967 We suppose we should say a former key member of the Trump administration, considering that Ryan Zinke just finished resigning as Donald Trump’s Secretary of the Interior 7mCTHZ1bbLo-00003-00003967-00005766 When Zinke resigned, Palmer Report pointed out that something seemed off. Although there had long been buzz about Zinke facing potential legal trouble, something seemed to spook him so badly that he resigned in such abrupt fashion, Trump didn’t even seem to have anyone to replace him 7mCTHZ1bbLo-00004-00005766-00006443 Now we’re learning why Zinke might have wanted to hurry up and get out of the spotlight 7mCTHZ1bbLo-00005-00006443-00007506 There is a grand jury going in Washington DC against Ryan Zinke for lying to federal investigators, according to a new report today from the Washington Post 7mCTHZ1bbLo-00006-00007506-00008739 To be clear, grand juries essentially always return indictments for these kinds of matters, so it’s fair to expect Zinke to be indicted, charged with one or more felony counts, and arrested 7mCTHZ1bbLo-00007-00008739-00010371 Sure, Ryan Zinke will be let out on bail after his arrest. And sure, Donald Trump could theoretically try to pardon Zinke, though Trump has shown no inclination to pardon any of his henchmen to date, and state level charges could nullify pardons anyway 7mCTHZ1bbLo-00008-00010371-00011244 But we’re now on the verge of one of Trump’s (recently resigned) cabinet members being arrested on felony charges 7mCTHZ1bbLo-00009-00011244-00011704 Zinke won’t be the only one, of course 8IT5mMLrJuI-00000-00000571-00001524 It is painfully obvious that “President” Donald Trump dreams of being a dictator. He admires dictators, and he wants to be like them 8IT5mMLrJuI-00001-00001524-00002305 The only problem for him is that he is president of a free country that neither has nor allows dictatorships 8IT5mMLrJuI-00002-00002305-00003374 Is that stopping Trump? Not if he can help it. His recent firings and nominations point to just how low Trump is willing to go to get what he wants 8IT5mMLrJuI-00003-00003374-00004196 Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and virtually everyone who reported to her are Trump’s most recent casualties 8IT5mMLrJuI-00004-00004196-00005265 According to CNN, Nielsen believed that some of Trump’s more outlandish moves “threatened America’s security” and that those moves did not comport with federal law 8IT5mMLrJuI-00005-00005265-00005918 Instead, Trump’s lackey Stephen Miller is running things when it comes to immigration 8IT5mMLrJuI-00006-00005918-00007012 Miller is a well-known Trump loyalist and racist, so we know how he’s going to handle things, as he is even more racist than Trump (if that’s even possible) 8IT5mMLrJuI-00007-00007012-00008190 According to The New Republic, Miller is responsible for Nielsen’s ouster and was also behind Trump pulling Ronald Vitello from consideration as head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement 8IT5mMLrJuI-00008-00008190-00009128 . .While most of us could easily figure out Trump’s game plan, some Republicans are finally beginning to question Trump’s motives 8IT5mMLrJuI-00009-00009128-00010337 He is not choosing the most qualified to fill positions. He is instead choosing those whom he believes have undying loyalty to him, including a willingness to cross legal and ethical lines 8IT5mMLrJuI-00010-00010337-00011090 While Trump denied to NBC News that he is “cleaning house,” that is exactly what he’s doing 8IT5mMLrJuI-00011-00011090-00012597 .Even old mossback Grassley is up in arms and told The Washington Post that he is “very, very concerned” and points out that Trump “has to have some stability… particularly with the No 1 issue that he’s made for his campaign 8IT5mMLrJuI-00012-00012597-00013851 ” Other Republicans speaking out include John Cornyn and Joni Ernst. Grassley even criticized Stephen Miller, who he has said is hard-pressed to “demonstrate he’s accomplished anything for the president 8IT5mMLrJuI-00013-00013851-00014974 ” For Trump, results don’t matter. People doing his bidding does.Just think how much easier his life will be for Donald Trump if he’s surrounded by “yes” men and women 8IT5mMLrJuI-00014-00014974-00015713 Such a setting would likely be utopia for Trump, though it promises to be a living hell for the rest of us 8IT5mMLrJuI-00015-00015713-00017019 As stated by The Hill, Trump is attempting to “assert greater control over the federal government” but not in the sense a normal person would “control” through stability and allowing all branches of government to work as they should 8IT5mMLrJuI-00016-00017019-00018250 He wants to have the entire government at his feet. He’s getting closer and closer to becoming a dictator, and his actions stand to seriously threaten our institutions and way of life 9xfF9uMde-4-00000-00000571-00001472 The president’s already claiming his overtures to North Korea’s dictator merit another term and maybe a Nobel Peace Prize, too 9xfF9uMde-4-00001-00001472-00003110 HANOI – While experts debate whether next week’s meeting between Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un will be the “Denuclearization Summit” or the “Waste of Time Summit,” the president already seems to be operating with a different name in mind: the “Trump 2020 Summit 9xfF9uMde-4-00002-00003110-00004881 ”.Just days before Air Force One is set to travel halfway around the world to let Trump meet with the North Korean dictator a second time in just over eight months, the White House has still not finalized the framework of a possible deal, a meeting schedule or even a venue 9xfF9uMde-4-00003-00004881-00005774 “Nothing will be agreed to until everything is agreed to,” a senior administration official told reporters Thursday on condition of anonymity 9xfF9uMde-4-00004-00005774-00006605 “But we are working hard toward a joint statement which will advance each of the initiatives that came out of the Singapore statement 9xfF9uMde-4-00005-00006605-00007840 ”.Trump, nevertheless, has taken to claiming that his “great” relationship with Kim is yet another success for which he deserves re-election, if not the Nobel Peace Prize 9xfF9uMde-4-00006-00007840-00008483 “When I came in, North Korea was — it looks like it was going to war. You know that 9xfF9uMde-4-00007-00008483-00009867 It was going to happen, bad things,” he told a rally audience in El Paso, Texas, earlier this month, days before claiming at a White House news conference that predecessor Barack Obama “was ready to go to war 9xfF9uMde-4-00008-00009867-00010836 In fact, he told me he was so close to starting a big war with North Korea.”.John Weaver, a top aide to former Ohio Gov 9xfF9uMde-4-00009-00010836-00011855 John Kasich, a once and possibly future presidential primary rival to Trump, said the country should fear the summit, given Trump’s track record with Kim 9xfF9uMde-4-00010-00011855-00013106 “Who knows what he’s going to declare as a victory this time?” Weaver said, pointing to Trump’s announcement after the first summit last year that he was canceling a joint military exercise with U 9xfF9uMde-4-00011-00013106-00014054 S. ally South Korea. “Kim knows how to play him. All these foreign despots have figured out how to flatter this useful idiot of ours 9xfF9uMde-4-00012-00014054-00014872 ”.Trump’s White House did not respond to HuffPost queries as to the basis of Trump’s claims about an averted war 9xfF9uMde-4-00013-00014872-00016097 Critics, meanwhile, had a simple explanation for it.“That’s bullshit,” said Joshua Pollack, a senior research associate at the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies 9xfF9uMde-4-00014-00016097-00016876 “The risk of war was something that Trump himself created in 2017. He was the one threatening war 9xfF9uMde-4-00015-00016876-00018338 Not Obama. He is both the fireman and the arsonist.”.Ned Price, a spokesman for the National Security Council under Obama, said Trump’s description of his conversation with Obama bordered on complete fiction 9xfF9uMde-4-00016-00018338-00020462 “Never did Obama say he was on the verge of war,” Price said. “The Obama administration was consistently of the belief ― informed by the best thinking and analysis from our intelligence community, war fighters, and diplomats ― that diplomacy was the only viable option given what we knew would be catastrophic implications of a conflict on the peninsula 9xfF9uMde-4-00017-00020462-00020562 ” 9WDDJEXs2pu-00000-00000571-00002075 Kirstjen Nielsen may be gone, resigning shortly after she humiliated herself by trying to defend the White House’s abominable family separation policy yet again, but the dark cloud of the Trump administration’s bigotry is more visible than ever 9WDDJEXs2pu-00001-00002075-00003272 It’s beyond despicable that the current administration not only locked children in cages and defended it, but that it plans to do it again, even if it means openly defying the law 9WDDJEXs2pu-00002-00003272-00005134 .Were Donald Trump anything resembling the strong leader he imagines himself to be, he would have at least taken the time to visit one of the camps where the migrant children are being detained, or where several have also died, when he traveled to the southern border last week for a plaque dedication to his racist wall 9WDDJEXs2pu-00003-00005134-00006532 Nope, he was too worried about the optics, according to Nielsen. Perhaps to put it better would be to say that he’s worried too much about his strongman image, and his standing among racists, to act human for once 9WDDJEXs2pu-00004-00006532-00007584 . .Now that this sickening scandal has been brought to the forefront once again, largely by his own doing, Donald Trump is only growing angrier 9WDDJEXs2pu-00005-00007584-00008802 You have to ask: what did he expect if all this time, he’s been encouraging officials to ignore the law? Perhaps he was expecting people to blame his predecessor, and that would be the end of it 9WDDJEXs2pu-00006-00008802-00010076 .At a White House meeting with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, Trump once again brought up the claim that “President Obama separated the children,” ignoring how often this claim has been debunked 9WDDJEXs2pu-00007-00010076-00011040 He claims to have changed the law with his executive order – another example of him saving the less fortunate from a crisis of his own design 9WDDJEXs2pu-00008-00011040-00012088 . .We’re talking about lives permanently altered because of this administration – and Donald Trump can only view the problem in terms of how others will see it 9WDDJEXs2pu-00009-00012088-00012757 He can frighten his base by reinforcing their own bigotry against asylum seekers 9WDDJEXs2pu-00010-00012757-00014146 He can pretend to solve the problem he created by signing an order. But when pressed on what his actual plans are, the times when he needs to present an idea and not perform, we see a much less secure side of him 9WDDJEXs2pu-00011-00014146-00015708 It’s not enough for the media to heavily report on this crisis. Every day from now until the end of his time in office, people must ask Donald Trump publicly why he supports family separation – until he has no lies to hide behind ahR8pJ6kf8I-00000-00000571-00001344 Newsweek reported that Ralph Shortey was charged with and pleaded guilty to a charge of trafficking of children ahR8pJ6kf8I-00001-00001344-00002802 This charge stems from Shortey soliciting a 17 year old boy in March 2017. Shortey pleaded guilty in order to avoid further charges, in accordance with a deal he made with prosecutors from the U ahR8pJ6kf8I-00002-00002802-00004233 S. Government. .“Trafficking of a minor carries a minimum sentence of 10 years in prison, but Shortey faces the possibility of being sent to life in prison for the offense at a sentencing hearing in early 2018 ahR8pJ6kf8I-00003-00004233-00004910 “.The former state Senator believes that his plea of guilty is the right thing to do ahR8pJ6kf8I-00004-00004910-00005889 He feels his acceptance of guilt for his wrong doings will allow his family the ability to heal and avoid further humiliation due to his actions ahR8pJ6kf8I-00005-00005889-00006874 Shortey is married and has four children.To make this situation even more strange, just take a look into Shortey’s past political background ahR8pJ6kf8I-00006-00006874-00007812 “The two-term former Oklahoma Republican state senator was first elected in 2010 on a ‘family values’ conservative platform ahR8pJ6kf8I-00007-00007812-00009259 According to the Associated Press, Shortey ‘routinely voted with his Republican colleagues on bills targeting gay and transgender people, including a measure passed earlier this year that would allow business owners to discriminate against gay people ahR8pJ6kf8I-00008-00009259-00010040 ’ “.As Donald Trump entered the 2016 Presidential race, Shortey was quick to offer his support ahR8pJ6kf8I-00009-00010040-00010667 In October 2015 the Trump administration named Shortey as part of its leadership team d1t2SAwht18-00000-00000571-00001117 The Matt Whitaker perjury case takes an even stranger turn d1t2SAwht18-00001-00001117-00002342 On Thursday, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler publicly informed Matt Whitaker that the committee had found proof that Whitaker had lied about his communications with Donald Trump d1t2SAwht18-00002-00002342-00003530 Nadler demanded that Whitaker come back and tell the truth. The clear implication: we have you nailed on felony perjury, and you can sell Trump out, or you can go to prison d1t2SAwht18-00003-00003530-00004755 Tellingly, the next day, the Donald Trump regime announced that Whitaker – whose time as Acting Attorney General was ending – had been given a pointless new job at the Department of Justice d1t2SAwht18-00004-00004755-00005536 Trump was clearly attempting to keep Whitaker in the fold, and prevent him from cutting any sort of plea deal d1t2SAwht18-00005-00005536-00006432 But just because Whitaker (apparently) accepted the job, it doesn’t mean he’s still playing for Team Trump at his own expense d1t2SAwht18-00006-00006432-00007375 By now we would have expected Matt Whitaker to publicly respond to the House Judiciary Committee, if only to tell them to buzz off d1t2SAwht18-00007-00007375-00008650 Yet Whitaker has publicly said nothing. It’s been four days, so one would think that if Whitaker were simply ignoring the committee’s demand letter, we’d have seen Nadler making even more noise about it d1t2SAwht18-00008-00008650-00009504 Yet Nadler has also been silent. So what’s going on here?It’s possible Matt Whitaker has responded to the committee privately d1t2SAwht18-00009-00009504-00010560 If so, that would suggest he’s looking to cooperate and maybe save his own butt, and he’s doing it privately because he doesn’t want Donald trump to find out d1t2SAwht18-00010-00010560-00011615 It’s also possible Whitaker is indeed ignoring the letter, and Nadler is silently preparing to drop the legal hammer on him instead of merely responding with words d1t2SAwht18-00011-00011615-00012756 We don’t know what’s going on here, and that’s the odd part. Considering what’s at stake here – Whitaker could end up arrested over this – the eerie silence is speaking rather loudly dXzqxqOYrcg-00000-00000513-00002017 Former Vice President Joe Biden’s advisers are reportedly asking him to consider pledging to just serve one term in office if he wins his party’s nomination and faces off against President Donald Trump in the general election dXzqxqOYrcg-00001-00002017-00003438 According to a Thursday New York Times report, Biden’s advisers are discussing “a possible pledge to serve only one term” and framing Biden’s 2020 campaign “as a one-time rescue mission for a beleaguered country." dXzqxqOYrcg-00002-00003438-00004901 Biden is reportedly “uneasy with the prospect of pledging up front not to seek re-election,” though, “believing that it would make him a lame-duck president before he even takes office and cripple his ability to get anything done." dXzqxqOYrcg-00003-00004901-00006048 His advisers are reportedly also asking him to consider announcing failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams as his running mate when he announces his candidacy dXzqxqOYrcg-00004-00006048-00007299 But the Times notes that, by doing so, “Biden could appear presumptuous — even imperious — by choosing a running mate before the electorate has the chance to sift the field of candidates." dXzqxqOYrcg-00005-00007299-00007913 A one-term pledge would highlight the fact that Biden would turn 80 in the White House dXzqxqOYrcg-00006-00007913-00009151 But in a poll of millennials organized by Chicago’s GenForward survey project that was released this week, Biden actually led “in all surveyed voting blocks–except for millennial Latinos." dXzqxqOYrcg-00007-00009151-00010235 The poll found Biden, with 21 percent support among millennial voters, three percentage points ahead of Sen.Bernie Sanders (I-VT) dXzqxqOYrcg-00008-00010235-00012774 Biden, who can be tedious on the stump with his long-winded and never-ending speeches, also led among young minority voters who were not born while Biden was calling school busing “racist” in the 1970s and do not remember the criticism he got from left-wing activists for not having Anita Hill’s back as much as they had hoped he would during the Clarence Thomas Supreme Court confirmation hearings in 1991 dXzqxqOYrcg-00009-00012774-00014637 In the poll of millennials, Biden received “29 percent of Asian American millennials, 28 percent of African American millennials and 19 percent of millennial whites,” while Sanders led among young Latinos between the ages of 18-34 with 26 percent support dXzqxqOYrcg-00010-00014637-00015658 .In addition, as Gallup has noted, Biden has established himself as the clear national frontrunner and would enter the race at the head of the pack dXzqxqOYrcg-00011-00015658-00016525 Biden led the most recent CNN/Des Moines Register Iowa poll in addition to the most recent Monmouth national poll dXzqxqOYrcg-00012-00016525-00018466 Announcing Abrams as his running mate would also pose risks to Biden and Abrams. It would remind black voters of Biden’s questionable record on social justice issues, his support for the infamous Crime Bill, and treatment of Hill when he chaired the Senate Judiciary Committee during Thomas’s confirmation hearings dXzqxqOYrcg-00013-00018466-00019822 In addition, it would also force Abrams, one of the party’s brightest rising stars, to defend someone who held positions and beliefs that went against everything Abrams has been fighting against as an activist dXzqxqOYrcg-00014-00019822-00021136 If Biden enters the race, he will be asked about a 1975 interview that the Washington Post recently unearthed in which Biden told the paper that he thought school busing policies were “racist” dXzqxqOYrcg-00015-00021136-00022272 “The new integration plans being offered are really just quota systems to assure a certain number of blacks, Chicanos, or whatever in each school dXzqxqOYrcg-00016-00022272-00023050 That, to me, is the most racist concept you can come up with,” Biden said in that interview dXzqxqOYrcg-00017-00023050-00024335 “What it says is, ‘In order for your child with curly black hair, brown eyes, and dark skin to be able to learn anything, he needs to sit next to my blond-haired, blue-eyed son dXzqxqOYrcg-00018-00024335-00025336 ’ That’s racist! Who the hell do we think we are, that the only way a black man or woman can learn is if they rub shoulders with my white child?” dXzqxqOYrcg-00019-00025336-00027504 .In an election cycle in which black voters are demanding that Democrats talk about reparations for the descendants of slaves, Biden will also have to explain why he believed then that he did “not buy the concept” that “in order to even the score, we must now give the black man a heads start, or even hold the white man back, to even the race” dXzqxqOYrcg-00020-00027504-00028797 “I don’t feel responsible for the sins of my father and grandfather. I feel responsible for what the situation is today, for the sins of my own generation,” Biden said in that interview dXzqxqOYrcg-00021-00028797-00029471 “And I’ll be damned if I feel responsible to pay for what happened 300 years ago” dXzqxqOYrcg-00022-00029471-00031542 Though Biden is reportedly “95%” sure that he will run for president, he is also reportedly “uneasy” about the “potential attacks on his son Hunter, who was a subject of Breitbart News Editor-at-Large Peter Schweizer’s blockbuster book, Secret Empires, which highlighted the ‘new corruption’ associated with the Bidens" dXzqxqOYrcg-00023-00031542-00033546 In Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends, Schweizer revealed that in 2013 “Hunter Biden’s firm signed a billion-dollar deal with a subsidiary of the Chinese government’s Bank of China just 10 days after Joe and Hunter Biden flew to China aboard Air Force Two" dXzqxqOYrcg-00024-00033546-00034567 Still, all signs indicate that Biden is likely to run for president for a third time and formally announce his candidacy in April dXzqxqOYrcg-00025-00034567-00035662 Last week, MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell asked Biden: “Why wouldn’t you run Mr. Vice President?”.Biden responded: “I can’t think of any reason.” ewpMTtZK9pI-00000-00000571-00001399 The Trump National Golf Course in Los Angeles has often promoted the high level of charitable giving with which it has been involved ewpMTtZK9pI-00001-00001399-00002715 These claims of large amounts of charity have no doubt been exaggerated. National Public Radio took it upon themselves to investigate these glorious claims and were able to prove most of them incorrect ewpMTtZK9pI-00002-00002715-00004753 The NPR “Embedded” podcast team was featured on Morning Edition on October 18th.According to Tom Dreisbach of NPR, “…on their website, they claimed that they had given approximately $5 million to a variety of charitable causes, and they listed about 200 organizations that they said they had given money to ewpMTtZK9pI-00003-00004753-00006448 So we examined this list that was on the website. We cross-referenced that with a publicly available document that the Trump campaign had put out where they essentially just listed out all of their donations over the years, and that included some donations from the golf club ewpMTtZK9pI-00004-00006448-00007206 But when we looked at the golf club’s website, they included some organizations that weren’t on that document ewpMTtZK9pI-00005-00007206-00008099 So that got us to look a little bit closer.We started contacting those organizations, emailing, making phone calls ewpMTtZK9pI-00006-00008099-00009277 And what we found very quickly is that a number of them – about 17 in total – said they had received no donations at all or at least had no record of such a donation ewpMTtZK9pI-00007-00009277-00010442 That included the California Department of Veterans Affairs. It included the Alisa Ann Ruch Burn Foundation, which supports children who have suffered severe burns ewpMTtZK9pI-00008-00010442-00011489 And then the donations we could verify were almost entirely in-kind donations for a round of golf or a gift certificate for a Sunday brunch for two ewpMTtZK9pI-00009-00011489-00012336 What we were able to account for is about $800,000 in donations – far short of that $5 million number'' ewpMTtZK9pI-00010-00012336-00013678 I don’t know how much more Trump’s administration can take. Every day it seems as though we get clarification on yet another piece of murky information – and it is never a clarification for the good of the President ewpMTtZK9pI-00011-00013678-00014629 Trump has gotten down and laid among the dogs of politics and society. Now he is suffering the repercussions of such actions ewpMTtZK9pI-00012-00014629-00015086 His hand is being called and the world is watching eivB0Pfnc1M-00000-00000513-00002367 Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said Friday that his panel will subpoena special counsel Robert Mueller if more details regarding his report on possible collusion between the 2016 Trump campaign and Russia is required eivB0Pfnc1M-00001-00002367-00003898 “If necessary, we will call Bob Mueller or others before our committee,” Schiff told CNN host Wolf Blitzer, adding that the House Judiciary Committee could request Attorney General Bill Barr testify on the report’s findings, as well eivB0Pfnc1M-00002-00003898-00004836 Mueller delivered his report to Barr on Friday and said that he could brief Congressional leaders on its findings as early as this weekend eivB0Pfnc1M-00003-00004836-00006325 Schiff continued:.At the end of the day, the (Justice) department is under a statutory obligation to provide our committee with any information regarding significant intelligence activities, including counterintelligence eivB0Pfnc1M-00004-00006325-00007072 And it’s hard to imagine anything more significant than what Bob Mueller has been investigating eivB0Pfnc1M-00005-00007072-00008268 This began as a counterintelligence investigation by the FBI. It began as the same in our committee, and we have a right to be informed, and we will demand to be informed about it eivB0Pfnc1M-00006-00008268-00009028 The California Democrat made no mention whether Mueller’s possible testimony would be public or closed-door f0gG2dh4Ha8-00000-00000571-00001749 lawyer for President Trump said in a letter to the Treasury Department Friday that House Democrats’ demand for the president’s tax returns is illegal and would set a dangerous precedent f0gG2dh4Ha8-00001-00001749-00003575 The letter came in response to the request Wednesday from Rep. Richard Neal (D-MA), the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, that the IRS hand over six years of the president’s personal and business tax returns, as well as files related to any administrative reviews or audits of those returns f0gG2dh4Ha8-00002-00003575-00004829 Neal said he was authorized to obtain the return by a provision of the tax code that requires the IRS to deliver an individual’s tax returns at the request of the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee f0gG2dh4Ha8-00003-00004829-00006391 William Consovoy, a lawyer representing the president in the dispute over his tax returns, wrote to Treasury Department General Counsel Brent McIntosh to argue that Neal’s request was not legal because it stemmed from an illicit purpose f0gG2dh4Ha8-00004-00006391-00007480 “His request is a transparent effort by one political party to harass an official from the other party because they dislike his politics and speech,” Consovoy wrote f0gG2dh4Ha8-00005-00007480-00008679 Consovoy also pointed out that the same section of the law that allows the chairman to request individual tax returns also allows the president to request tax returns f0gG2dh4Ha8-00006-00008679-00009486 “If the IRS acquiesces to Chairman Neal’s request, it would set a dangerous precedent,” Consovoy wrote f0gG2dh4Ha8-00007-00009486-00010270 “Once this Pandora’s box is opened, the ensuing tit-for-tat will do lasting damage to our nation f0gG2dh4Ha8-00008-00010270-00011038 ”. .Consovoy went on to point out that most members of Congress do not release their tax returns: f0gG2dh4Ha8-00009-00011038-00012101 “The potential abuses would not be limited to Congress, as the President has even greater authority than Congress to obtain individuals’ tax returns f0gG2dh4Ha8-00010-00012101-00012939 Congressional Democrats would surely balk if the shoe was on the other foot and the President was requesting their tax returns f0gG2dh4Ha8-00011-00012939-00014360 After all, nearly 90% of them have insisted on keeping their tax returns private, including Speaker Pelosi, Senator Schumer, Representative Nadler, Representative Schiff, and Representative Neal himself f0gG2dh4Ha8-00012-00014360-00015133 “.Trump has said he will not release his tax returns as long as he continues to be audited by the IRS f0gG2dh4Ha8-00013-00015133-00016411 In 2016, during the transition, Trump’s lawyers said that while earlier tax audits had been completed, the IRS was still auditing tax years 2009 and beyond f0gG2dh4Ha8-00014-00016411-00017380 .Consovoy argued in the letter that the ongoing audits provide another reason the IRS should not release the president’s tax returns to Neal f0gG2dh4Ha8-00015-00017380-00018618 “IRS examinations are trial-like adjudications, and basic principles of due process require adjudications to be insulated from congressional interference,” Consovoy wrote f0gG2dh4Ha8-00016-00018618-00019608 Neal has framed his request as part of Congress’s oversight function, saying the committee wants to examine how the IRS audits presidents f0gG2dh4Ha8-00017-00019608-00020786 Consovoy, pointing out that Neal has not requested information about audits for any other president other than Trump, described this as a phony pretext in a partisan political fight f0gG2dh4Ha8-00018-00020786-00023127 “If Chairman Neal genuinely wants to review how the IRS audits Presidents, why is he seeking tax returns and return information covering the four years before President Trump took office? Why is he not requesting information about the audits of previous Presidents? And why can he not simply ask the IRS to explain its policy?” Consovoy wrote f0gG2dh4Ha8-00019-00023127-00023944 “The answer, of course, is that Chairman Neal’s request is not about Page 3 of 4 examining IRS policy f0gG2dh4Ha8-00020-00023944-00024443 It is about scoring political points against President Trump.” f7B227EXW50-00000-00000571-00001798 The Democratic House appears geared up and ready to subpoena the Mueller Report, and seeks to receive an unredacted report to be able to read what Mueller said, and not his medium, William Barr f7B227EXW50-00001-00001798-00002637 “President Donald” Trump awoke this morning and turned to his favorite thing (other than McDonald’s and Hannity): Twitter f7B227EXW50-00002-00002637-00004095 Trump must be nervous about the report and what it really says about him.Trump’s first tweet was: “Robert Mueller was a God-like figure to the Democrats, until he ruled No Collusion in the long awaited $30,000,000 Mueller Report f7B227EXW50-00003-00004095-00004907 Now the Dems don’t even acknowledge his name, have become totally unhinged, and would like to go through the whole process again f7B227EXW50-00004-00004907-00005644 It won’t happen!”.I don’t recall any god-like paeans to Mueller, but he did not rule “no collusion f7B227EXW50-00005-00005644-00006592 ” The Barr summary states that there was no direct collusion with the Russian government, while saying nothing about unofficial Kremlin operatives f7B227EXW50-00006-00006592-00007913 In addition, it’s long been widely reported that with forfeitures, the investigation was a net gain to the government, and $30 million a relative bargain compared to some other recent investigations f7B227EXW50-00007-00007913-00009141 Think of it this way – it cost less than a few trips to Mar-A-Lago.Trump then tweeted “There is no amount of testimony or document production that can satisfy Jerry Nadler or Shifty Adam Schiff f7B227EXW50-00008-00009141-00010105 It is now time to focus exclusively on properly running our great Country!” I smell another t-shirt opportunity for Trump in that tweet f7B227EXW50-00009-00010105-00010938 But we do agree with Trump on his last sentence, we do need to “focus exclusively on properly running our great Country f7B227EXW50-00010-00010938-00011576 ” Sadly, with him and his administration in the White House, that is not possible f7B227EXW50-00011-00011576-00013132 Every day, news emerges about more Trump scandals and Trump incompetence. This week, already, the news has surfaced that more than two dozen individuals were granted security clearance despite recommendations to the contrary f7B227EXW50-00012-00013132-00013775 Telltale Trump is sending us a message that despite his Twitter bravado, he is scared fWf7X8eGu3U-00000-00003802-00004202 Breathing. ffcssu4Wdzg-00000-00000571-00001877 Watch most cable or network news shows and the message is clear -- President Donald Trump is unpopular, especially compared to the dozens of fresh faces attempting to challenge him for the White House in 2020 ffcssu4Wdzg-00001-00001877-00002788 Some of the faces are not so fresh as three of the leading contenders -- Biden, Sanders, and Warren are septuagenarians ffcssu4Wdzg-00002-00002788-00003627 Despite the exonerating Mueller report, Trump is still on the ropes, about to be impeached, a Russian agent, and so on ffcssu4Wdzg-00003-00003627-00004528 Trump is also a Nazi, racist, homophobe, Islamophobe, and sexist pig. Nobody likes him ffcssu4Wdzg-00004-00004528-00005905 At least that’s what CNN says.If this was truly the case, Trump should be polling in the low 30s at best, with most of the country giving him and his administration a thumbs down on performance and results ffcssu4Wdzg-00005-00005905-00007475 Yet reality is far different. In the media bubble, where journalists all live in the same neighborhoods, kids attend the same schools, all go to the same parties and belong to the same tennis and fitness clubs, there are no MAGA hats to be seen ffcssu4Wdzg-00006-00007475-00008459 Outside the bubble, the picture is far different, even if the smart set at MSNBC and the New York Times choose not to see it ffcssu4Wdzg-00007-00008459-00009938 What do opinion polls say?.Rasmussen has the well-deserved reputation as the most accurate pollster, based on being the closest of all major polling organization in predicting the results of the 2016 presidential election ffcssu4Wdzg-00008-00009938-00010839 In their daily presidential tracking poll, as of Friday April 5, President Trump had a 51 percent total approval number ffcssu4Wdzg-00009-00010839-00012320 Most of this calendar year, despite the constant drumbeat of Russian collusion, his approval number has been in the mid to high 40s, ranging from a low of 43 percent to a high of 52 percent since January 1 ffcssu4Wdzg-00010-00012320-00013950 For comparison, President Obama, exactly eight years ago on April 5, 2011, was at 47 percent approval, with numbers ranging from the mid to high 40s, occasionally hitting 50 percent, much the same as President Trump ffcssu4Wdzg-00011-00013950-00014823 At first glance, one might say both presidents were equally popular at the same points of their respective presidencies ffcssu4Wdzg-00012-00014823-00015465 And both went on to be reelected for a second term. Fair enough -- but there is more ffcssu4Wdzg-00013-00015465-00016502 What shapes public opinion in significant part? The media. What has the media’s role been in influencing opinion during the Obama versus Trump presidencies? ffcssu4Wdzg-00014-00016502-00018002 Media coverage of President Trump has been almost exclusively negative. NewsBusters reported 90 percent negative coverage of Trump during 2018, matching similarly negative coverage in 2017 ffcssu4Wdzg-00015-00018002-00018378 But without effect, as they note gt593NVEsu0-00000-00000571-00002125 US intelligence officials will no longer be required to publicly disclose the number of civilians killed in airstrikes against terrorist targets "outside areas of active hostilities" due to a new executive order issued by President Donald Trump on Wednesday gt593NVEsu0-00001-00002125-00003585 However, given the secrecy surrounding counterterrorism strikes conducted by US intelligence agencies, it is unclear whether Wednesday's announcement will result in less transparency about how the US conducts such operations gt593NVEsu0-00002-00003585-00004411 A spokesperson for the National Security Council declined to clarify when asked for more information by CNN gt593NVEsu0-00003-00004411-00005876 Specifically, Trump's order lifts an Obama-era mandate for intelligence professionals to provide an "unclassified summary of the number of strikes" as well as "assessments of combatant and non combatant deaths resulting from those strikes" each year gt593NVEsu0-00004-00005876-00007718 The most recent published report, which was released by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence in January of 2017, said "US government" conducted 54 strikes outside of Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan during 2016, resulting in one civilian death gt593NVEsu0-00005-00007718-00008538 A spokesperson for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence referred questions about the change to the White House gt593NVEsu0-00006-00008538-00010021 The secretary of defense is legally required to provide a similar report and will continue to do so despite Wednesday's executive order as that requirement falls under congressional oversight as outlined in the National Defense Authorization Act gt593NVEsu0-00007-00010021-00011058 However, that report pertains solely to US military operations in places like Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia and Libya gt593NVEsu0-00008-00011058-00012195 CNN has previously reported on at least one CIA strike that has taken place during the Trump administration, which occurred in Yemen, killing a senior al Qaeda bomb maker gt593NVEsu0-00009-00012195-00013117 The White House said Wednesday's executive order was not an effort to decrease transparency about casualties resulting from US strikes gt593NVEsu0-00010-00013117-00015131 "The United States Government is fully committed to complying with its obligations under the law of armed conflict, minimizing, to the greatest extent possible, civilian causalities, and acknowledging responsibility when they unfortunately occur during military operations," a National Security Council spokesperson told CNN in a statement gEfRUg-OvRc-00000-00000513-00002320 Yesterday, the Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee tried to create the false appearance that almost no one in Donald Trump’s orbit was cooperating with the committee’s recent document requests, presumably in the hope of giving Trump’s associates the confidence to refuse to cooperate gEfRUg-OvRc-00001-00002320-00003104 But last night it was revealed that this was false, and that plenty of people were in fact cooperating gEfRUg-OvRc-00002-00003104-00004682 Now we’re getting names, including a big one.Donald Trump’s former White House Communications Director Hope Hicks is turning over Trump-related documents to the House Judiciary Committee, according to a new report this evening from CNN gEfRUg-OvRc-00003-00004682-00005962 Why does this matter? First, Hicks is selling Trump out by complying with the document request, as opposed to trying to stand her ground and fight what would have been an inevitable subpoena gEfRUg-OvRc-00004-00005962-00007659 But there’s more to it than that.Second, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler has already publicly made clear that this initial round of document requests is only seeking the same documents that Robert Mueller other investigators have already requested gEfRUg-OvRc-00005-00007659-00008840 Hope Hicks decision to turn over documents to the committee tells us that Mueller has already asked her for the same documents, and that she’s already complied with that request gEfRUg-OvRc-00006-00008840-00009773 She wouldn’t give these documents to Congress if she refused to give them to Mueller, because Congress would just give them to Mueller anyway gEfRUg-OvRc-00007-00009773-00010549 So now we know that Hope Hicks has sold out Donald Trump to the House Democrats and to Robert Mueller gEfRUg-OvRc-00008-00010549-00011896 She’s not the only one. Nadler confirmed earlier this week that Steve Bannon gave thousands of documents to the committee, which means he must have previously given thousands of documents to Mueller as well gEfRUg-OvRc-00009-00011896-00012630 It’s starting to become clear who wants to survive this legally, and who wants to go to prison with Trump h16B9NdWsyk-00000-00000571-00002384 Donald Trump has been president for 792 days. Special counsel Robert Mueller has been on the job -- investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election and the possibility of collusion between the Russians and members of Trump's campaign -- for 675 days h16B9NdWsyk-00001-00002384-00003379 That all came to a head at 5 p.m. Eastern, when the Justice Department announced that Mueller had delivered his investigation to Attorney General William Barr h16B9NdWsyk-00002-00003379-00004617 While we don't know what's in the report, we do know that this marks a major milestone: Mueller's investigation, which has occupied 85% of Trump's presidency, is now finished h16B9NdWsyk-00003-00004617-00005664 We are likely to look back on Trump's presidency -- no matter what the report actually says -- as "before Mueller report" and "after the Mueller report'' h16B9NdWsyk-00004-00005664-00006654 Barr told congressional leaders in a letter Friday that he may be able to advise them on the "principal conclusions" of the Mueller report "as soon as this weekend h16B9NdWsyk-00005-00006654-00007629 ".This all began on May 17, 2017, when Mueller was appointed as special counsel by deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein h16B9NdWsyk-00006-00007629-00008381 In the intervening 22 months (statistics courtesy of CNN Mueller probe expert Marshall Cohen): h16B9NdWsyk-00007-00008381-00010557 Mueller brought criminal charges against 37 people and entities.6 of them were associates of President Trump: Campaign chairman Paul Manafort, deputy campaign chairman Rick Gates, national security adviser Michael Flynn, foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos, Trump ex-attorney Michael Cohen and political svengali Roger Stone h16B9NdWsyk-00008-00010557-00011453 5 people have been sentenced to prison.Trump has referred to the investigation as a "witch hunt" more than 170 times h16B9NdWsyk-00009-00011453-00012843 Given the length of the Mueller probe, the number of charges it has produced and Trump's unrelenting negative attacks on Mueller and his team, it's normal to see the conclusion of the Mueller report as the beginning of the end of all of this h16B9NdWsyk-00010-00012843-00015220 Except that even with Mueller's probe now shuttered, we still don't immediately know a) what he submitted of his findings to Barr b) what Barr will redact c) whether the White House will be able to see the report before Congress and/or exert executive privilege on parts of it d) when Congress will get the report and how extensive or not the report will be and e) when -- and if -- the report is made public h16B9NdWsyk-00011-00015220-00016863 That leaves off the many House Democratic investigations into the Trump administration, the possibility of bringing Mueller in front of Congress to testify over the report, and the likely legal fights that will follow any redactions and executive privilege claims h16B9NdWsyk-00012-00016863-00017673 .See what I mean? End of the beginning. Not the beginning of the end.Still, it is an end -- if not the end hrzIiaR7If4-00000-00000513-00001814 Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., on Sunday said there are "enormous amounts of evidence" linking the Trump campaign to Russia — the same day House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif hrzIiaR7If4-00001-00001814-00002916 , said there's "direct evidence" of collusion between the two.The top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee disputed on NBC's "Meet the Press" recent remarks by Sen hrzIiaR7If4-00002-00002916-00003791 Richard Burr, R-N.C. claiming that the committee hasn't found "factual evidence" of collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign hrzIiaR7If4-00003-00003791-00004846 Warner, referring to "the litany of what we know," said, "the ongoing negotiations about Trump Tower, well into the campaign, I believe the fact that Mr hrzIiaR7If4-00004-00004846-00006090 Trump knew about the dump of the Wikileaks material, the fact that clearly the meeting at Trump Tower meeting which was not described appropriately, in terms of offering dirt," were all evidence hrzIiaR7If4-00005-00006090-00007244 "To me, that's all evidence," he said. "There’s no one that could factually say there’s not plenty of evidence of collaboration or communications between Trump Organization and Russians hrzIiaR7If4-00006-00007244-00008341 ".Warner, however, did note that he'd be withholding full judgment until the Senate Intelligence Committee finishes its investigation into the 2016 presidential campaign hrzIiaR7If4-00007-00008341-00010180 Meantime on Sunday, House Intel Chair Schiff said on CBS' "Face the Nation" that he believes "there is direct evidence in the emails from the Russians through their intermediary offering dirt on Hillary Clinton as part of what is described in writing as the Russian government effort to help elect Donald Trump hrzIiaR7If4-00008-00010180-00010959 ".“They offer that dirt. There is an acceptance of that offer in writing from the president’s son, Don Jr hrzIiaR7If4-00009-00010959-00011586 , and there is overt acts and furtherance of that… That to me is direct evidence," Schiff added hrzIiaR7If4-00010-00011586-00012981 The Senate committee's investigation is separate from that of Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who is also probing Russian election interference, questions of collusion and possible obstruction of justice by the Trump campaign hAOCBufVQQA-00000-00000571-00002431 Just how deranged of an anti-immigrant extremist do you have to be for someone like Kirstjen Nielsen, who has been kidnapping immigrant children and locking them in cages, to decide that you’re too much of an extremist? That’s the question that Donald Trump is now facing in the wake of Nielsen’s departure hAOCBufVQQA-00001-00002431-00003669 It turns out Speaker Nancy Pelosi has the answer. .Kirstjen Nielsen felt that Donald Trump has become “increasingly unhinged” about immigration, according to a CNN report hAOCBufVQQA-00002-00003669-00004727 This ostensibly means that Trump is now looking to do something to immigrants that’s even more evil than stealing kids and putting them in concentration camps hAOCBufVQQA-00003-00004727-00005816 Now that Nielsen is out, we can surely expect House Democrats to call on her to publicly testify about why she left, and what Trump is truly planning hAOCBufVQQA-00004-00005816-00006644 .Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi quickly released a statement after news surfaced about the details of Nielsen’s exit hAOCBufVQQA-00005-00006644-00008123 Pelosi said precisely what most Americans are thinking right now: “It is deeply alarming that the Trump Administration official who put children in cages is reportedly resigning because she is not extreme enough for the White House’s liking hAOCBufVQQA-00006-00008123-00009282 The President’s dangerous and cruel anti-immigrant policies have only worsened the humanitarian suffering at the border and inflicted vast suffering on the families who have been torn apart hAOCBufVQQA-00007-00009282-00010460 ”. .Nancy Pelosi continued: “The Trump Administration’s increasingly toxic anti-immigrant policies were resoundingly rejected by the American people in the midterm election hAOCBufVQQA-00008-00010460-00011746 America needs a Homeland Security Secretary who will respect the sanctity of families, honor our proud heritage as a nation of immigrants, and restore sanity to this Administration’s policies hAOCBufVQQA-00009-00011746-00011846 ” hHBpvuUqpVQ-00000-00000571-00001955 Kobach said:.Well, if the president feels the need to tap me to serve, I’m certainly going to consider that … I’ve advised the president for years now and obviously want to help him and the administration and the country hHBpvuUqpVQ-00001-00001955-00002728 [Emphasis added].As far as the czar position goes, it depends on whether its a truly effective position hHBpvuUqpVQ-00002-00002728-00004055 We’ve had … Obama created a bunch of czars, Bush had a couple. Some of these czars are just little more than a White House policy position that doesn’t really have any authority to execute and do anything hHBpvuUqpVQ-00003-00004055-00005077 And so the devil is in the details. If this is just a position or an adviser who has a fantasy title, then no it probably won’t solve much hHBpvuUqpVQ-00004-00005077-00006108 But if the position has the weight of the president and the authority to tell various cabinet agencies what needs to be done, then actually it could be effective hHBpvuUqpVQ-00005-00006108-00007219 [Emphasis added].Rumors first circulated this week that Trump is considering Kobach or former Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli to be an Immigration Czar hHBpvuUqpVQ-00006-00007219-00008193 As Kobach notes, though, there has yet to be a plan from the White House that gives insight as to what the position would have authority over hHBpvuUqpVQ-00007-00008193-00008956 .“It’s not clear to me what plan, if any, there is to create such a position,” Kobach said hHBpvuUqpVQ-00008-00008956-00010889 Insiders have told Breitbart News that the Immigration Czar role could be one of two roles: An adviser to Trump on immigration that works to coordinate policy between multiple federal agencies, or a subordinate job to sitting Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen hHBpvuUqpVQ-00009-00010889-00012934 One America News‘s Ryan Girdusky told the National Interest Kobach serving as Trump’s Immigration Czar to coordinate policy between multiple federal agencies is crucial to not only quickly implementing executive actions on illegal and legal immigration, but also to drive up base support for the president in the upcoming 2020 election hHBpvuUqpVQ-00010-00012934-00014091 “It’s vital that this administration brings in Kobach,” Girdusky said. “He understands the issue and Trump’s base—far more than most people in Trump’s administration hHBpvuUqpVQ-00011-00014091-00015617 ”. .“Kobach would actually ensure that our immigration laws are enforced, our border is secure, and signal to Trump’s base that he hasn’t abandoned us on the issue — which is vital leading up to 2020,” Girdusky said i9SHmNJc7m4-00000-00000571-00002193 In Libya, a frightening and intricate political corner of North Africa, the Trump administration risks putting itself in an untenable situation of backing two horses in the same race -- the recognized government of Libya and the rebels knocking at the door of the capital i9SHmNJc7m4-00001-00002193-00003065 The United States must quickly decide where its long-term interests lie and then embrace that avenue unreservedly i9SHmNJc7m4-00002-00003065-00004782 Otherwise, the civil war that has now begun will only intensify. And Libya, fractured into two halves after the Arab Spring -- the west ruled by Tripoli and the east ruled from Benghazi by insurgents -- could easily fall prey to forces antithetical to American interests i9SHmNJc7m4-00003-00004782-00006610 For some background, insurgent military forces of Field Marshall Khalifa Haftar are rolling toward the capital of Tripoli, where Prime Minister Fayez al-Sarraj leads a government, which the UN and much of the western world recognized more than three years ago in an effort to bring peace to the country i9SHmNJc7m4-00004-00006610-00007887 Nominally, the Trump administration joined with Britain, France, Italy, the United Arab Emirates and the United Nations, as recently as April 4, backing the Tripoli government i9SHmNJc7m4-00005-00007887-00009410 And, on April 7, Secretary of State Michael Pompeo elaborated, "We have made clear that we oppose the military offensive by Khalifa Haftar's forces and urge the immediate halt to these military operations against the Libyan capital i9SHmNJc7m4-00006-00009410-00010432 Forces should return to status quo ante positions. All involved parties have a responsibility to urgently deescalate the situation i9SHmNJc7m4-00007-00010432-00011816 ".However, Pompeo's remarks do not reflect the tightrope that the US must walk, now that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and Egyptian ruler Abdel Fattah el-Sisi have declared support for Haftar i9SHmNJc7m4-00008-00011816-00012832 In fact, Haftar's forces are being aided by millions of dollars in aid pledged by Saudi Arabia -- promised in the weeks before he launched his campaign i9SHmNJc7m4-00009-00012832-00013979 And since the insurgency has begun, Haftar has received additional air power from Egypt and the same UAE that signed the five-power statement urging an end to the fighting i9SHmNJc7m4-00010-00013979-00014914 There are a host of reasons for ambivalence on the part of foreign powers and their varying degrees of support for the insurgent forces i9SHmNJc7m4-00011-00014914-00015940 For example, the Tripoli government includes in its coalition the Libyan political party of the Muslim Brotherhood, a prime opponent of the Sisi government i9SHmNJc7m4-00012-00015940-00016998 Tripoli has also failed to halt waves of African and Middle East refugees that have used Libya as a jumping-off point to Italy and asylum in Western Europe i9SHmNJc7m4-00013-00016998-00017973 Beyond the failures of the Tripoli government, Haftar has been especially effective at beating back terrorist efforts to achieve a strong foothold in Libya i9SHmNJc7m4-00014-00017973-00018738 In May 2015, ISIS seized the coastal town of Sirte , an oil center originally under Tripoli's control i9SHmNJc7m4-00015-00018738-00019691 Meanwhile, al-Qaeda moved into a vacuum in eastern Libya. Both groups have since been ousted, and in part thanks to Haftar's forces i9SHmNJc7m4-00016-00019691-00020660 So while Haftar would seem to have been doing the bidding of the United States, France and Italy, all at least are still nominally supporting the Tripoli government i9SHmNJc7m4-00017-00020660-00021562 Yet Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the UAE are backing Haftar's forces against the Tripoli regime with arms and funding ifbLLeSYQyE-00000-00000513-00001268 The House Democrats are determined to impeach President Trump, and are now focusing on his family and businesses ifbLLeSYQyE-00001-00001268-00002968 CNBC reported that the House Judiciary Committee on Monday launched a large-scale investigation into alleged abuses of power by President Donald Trump, sending requests for documents to 81 individuals and entities, including the president’s sons ifbLLeSYQyE-00002-00002968-00005465 The probe will focus on three main topics: alleged obstruction of justice by Trump and others and the “alleged cover-up of violations of the law”; alleged corruption in areas including violations of the Constitution’s emoluments clause “and other criminal misuses of official positions for personal gain”; and alleged abuses of power, such as attacking the press and misusing the presidential pardon power ifbLLeSYQyE-00003-00005465-00007114 House Minority leader is fighting back against this latest Democrat overreach.Democrats on Capitol Hill are significantly expanding their investigations into President Donald Trump, now openly targeting his family and businesses–in particular, the Trump Organization ifbLLeSYQyE-00004-00007114-00008519 On Monday, House Democrats sent more than 80 separate document requests from the House Judiciary Committee to a wide-ranging slew of people affiliated with President Trump including most notably his two eldest sons Donald Trump, Jr ifbLLeSYQyE-00005-00008519-00009449 , and Eric Trump, who currently run the operations of the Trump Organization while their father serves as President of the United States ifbLLeSYQyE-00006-00009449-00011842 They also targeted Trump’s son-in-law and current White House official Jared Kushner, who is married to Trump’s daughter Ivanka, and several others in Trump’s orbit like his former personal secretary Rhona Graff, the Trump Organization’s chief financial officer Allen Weisselberg, and former top campaign and White House officials including Hope Hicks, Sean Spicer, and Stephen K ifbLLeSYQyE-00007-00011842-00012589 Bannon.Bannon once served as the executive chairman of Breitbart News, but left in early 2018 ifbLLeSYQyE-00008-00012589-00015050 “House Democrats sent more than 80 letters Monday demanding documents from family members, business associates, political confidants and others with ties to President Trump, launching a sprawling probe into whether he and his administration have engaged in obstruction of justice, corruption and abuse of power,” the Washington Post wrote, describing the wide-ranging probing letters sent to all corners of the Trump universe ifbLLeSYQyE-00009-00015050-00016779 “The farthest-reaching request since Democrats took control of the House underscored lawmakers’ determination to hold Trump and those around him accountable for an array of controversies that have dogged the president during his first two years in office — and perhaps lay the grounds for impeachment ifbLLeSYQyE-00010-00016779-00017973 ”.Recipients reportedly have two weeks to comply with the requests for a variety of documents and communications before they would be subpoenaed by the committee, which Rep ifbLLeSYQyE-00011-00017973-00020002 Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) chairs.“We will act quickly to gather this information, assess the evidence, and follow the facts where they lead with full transparency with the American people,” Nadler, the Judiciary Committee Chairman, said in a statement announcing the wide-ranging probe into Trump’s universe according to the Washington Post ifbLLeSYQyE-00012-00020002-00020977 “This is a critical time for our nation, and we have a responsibility to investigate these matters and hold hearings for the public to have all the facts ifbLLeSYQyE-00013-00020977-00022170 That is exactly what we intend to do.”.Nadler over the weekend appeared on ABC’s This Week in which he told host George Stephanopoulos that he believes Trump has “obstructed justice ifbLLeSYQyE-00014-00022170-00022943 ”.“It’s very clear that the president obstructed justice,” Nadler said. “It’s very clear ifbLLeSYQyE-00015-00022943-00024043 1,100 times he referred to the Mueller investigation as a witch hunt. He tried to protect Flynn from being investigated by the FBI ifbLLeSYQyE-00016-00024043-00024850 He fired Comey in order to stop the Russia thing as he told NBC news. He has dangled pardons ifbLLeSYQyE-00017-00024850-00026339 He has intimidated witnesses in public.”.Nadler, who would lead impeachment proceedings of Trump if Democrats do decide to go that route which it appears they are heading there, earned a sharp rebuke from House Minority Leader Rep ifbLLeSYQyE-00018-00026339-00027703 Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) for those comments. “I think Congressman Nadler decided to impeach the president the day the president won the election,” McCarthy said on This Week on Sunday in response to Nadler ijDu_K0b6h8-00000-00000571-00001203 Sometimes perhaps an overblown sense of self-confidence can be your biggest weakness ijDu_K0b6h8-00001-00001203-00002697 Apparently that happened to Donald Trump.Again.Donald Trump did his best to spite Barack Obama by attempting to pull out of the Paris climate agreement, but as The New York Times points out, he really doesn’t have the authority to do so ijDu_K0b6h8-00002-00002697-00003870 Here is what the NYT wrote:.But he will stick to the withdrawal process laid out in the Paris agreement, which President Barack Obama joined and most of the world has already ratified ijDu_K0b6h8-00003-00003870-00004781 That could take nearly four years to complete, meaning a final decision would be up to the American voters in the next presidential election ijDu_K0b6h8-00004-00004781-00006020 So what does this all mean? It means that despite Trump’s worst efforts, the withdrawal process would not be completed until the week following our next presidential election in 2020 ijDu_K0b6h8-00005-00006020-00006963 Should Trump lose that election (or should he be removed from office at some point before the November 2020 elections), his actions would have been futile ijDu_K0b6h8-00006-00006963-00008172 You might find this situation somewhat similar to the fall 2016, when Mitch McConnell and the Republicans decided to block President Obama’s nominee to the Supreme Court, Merrick Garland ijDu_K0b6h8-00007-00008172-00009240 Their rationale was that because the appointment vacancy came so close to a presidential election, that the new president alone should have the authority to make the appointment ijDu_K0b6h8-00008-00009240-00010630 The big difference between these situations is that the action of the Republicans was completely and utterly unconstitutional, while the withdrawal timeline for the Paris agreement is functioning exactly the way it was designed jqfoPrXFQdk-00000-00000571-00001360 A version of this article first appeared in the "Reliable Sources" newsletter. You can sign up for free right here jqfoPrXFQdk-00001-00001360-00002240 President Trump could not be more clear: He is pledging to provide "truly great HealthCare that will work for America jqfoPrXFQdk-00002-00002240-00004121 ".But maybe not until after the 2020 election.In an unusual nighttime tweetstorm on Monday, he said "everybody agrees that ObamaCare doesn't work," so the GOP is developing "a really great HealthCare Plan with far lower premiums (cost) & deductibles than ObamaCare jqfoPrXFQdk-00003-00004121-00005100 " He said a "vote will be taken right after the Election when Republicans hold the Senate & win" (pause for the next tweet) "back the House jqfoPrXFQdk-00004-00005100-00005863 ".The president went on to say that "the Republican Party will be known as the Party of Great HealtCare jqfoPrXFQdk-00005-00005863-00006973 " Presidential typos are a sign of carelessness. or worse. But I digress. The president is drawing attention to health care concerns, and that's a good thing jqfoPrXFQdk-00006-00006973-00007710 The national news media does not dedicate enough time to this topic. The more attention, the better! jqfoPrXFQdk-00007-00007710-00008527 → CNN's Kyle Feldscher: "There is no evidence that there is another health care reform proposal coming from the GOP jqfoPrXFQdk-00008-00008527-00009475 ".→ A view from the left: Jon Favreau of "Pod Save America" tweeted, "Trump just made sure another election will be about health care jqfoPrXFQdk-00009-00009475-00010413 Amazing.".Kushner's deflection.Senior WH adviser Jared Kushner gave a very, very rare interview to Fox on Monday jqfoPrXFQdk-00010-00010413-00011515 On the same day that the House Oversight Committee upped its scrutiny of the WH's security clearance process, due to info provided by a WH insider jqfoPrXFQdk-00011-00011515-00012263 Kushner is one of the people ensnared by the scandal.Kushner was on Fox to talk about the "First Step Act jqfoPrXFQdk-00012-00012263-00013041 " So his interviewer, Laura Ingraham, broached the security clearance issue as gently as possible jqfoPrXFQdk-00013-00013041-00013958 "The left is going crazy about this security clearance issue," she said, knowing that she'd be incensed if the shoes were on the other feet jqfoPrXFQdk-00014-00013958-00015042 Kushner said he "couldn't comment on the White House process" but said he'd been "accused of all kinds of things" that turned out to be false during his tenure at the WH jqfoPrXFQdk-00015-00015042-00015831 Ingraham then mocked the issue by asking Kushner if he poses a "grave national security concern to the country jqfoPrXFQdk-00016-00015831-00016993 ".→ The NYT's Maggie Haberman tweeted that Ingraham noticeably did NOT "follow up by asking him if his father-in-law overruled security officials to grant him his clearance jqfoPrXFQdk-00017-00016993-00018315 ".A White House whistleblower.The big picture, via CNN's Alex Marquardt: "A White House whistleblower is alleging the Trump administration's handling of security clearances is threatening U jqfoPrXFQdk-00018-00018315-00020592 S. national security.".Her name is Tricia Newbold. She remains on the job. "In a White House where aggressive leak investigations are conducted in service of President Trump, who has aides sign nondisclosure agreements," her account "represents the rarest of developments: a damning on-the-record account from a current employee inside his ranks," the NYT's Katie Rogers writes jqfoPrXFQdk-00019-00020592-00022024 Coming soon to Facebook?.Oliver Darcy emails: Mark Zuckerberg surprised everyone on Monday with the announcement that Facebook is developing a new section on the site devoted to curating "high quality" and "trustworthy" news jqfoPrXFQdk-00020-00022024-00023476 Zuckerberg, who dropped the news during a recorded conversation with Axel Springer CEO Mathias Döpfner, said the new section would be modeled after Facebook's existing "Watch" tab, which hosts videos and original programming jqfoPrXFQdk-00021-00023476-00024425 Some details:.>> Executives have discussed possibly launching the feature by the end of 2019, a source familiar with the convos told me jqfoPrXFQdk-00022-00024425-00025172 >> Zuckerberg said Facebook "should be thinking" about the possibility of paying publishers license fees jqfoPrXFQdk-00023-00025172-00025728 He stressed that he wants to improve monetization for publishers jtkABs_SDbA-00000-00000571-00001629 We all know that Fox News spent the 2016 election running half-true and untrue stories aimed at helping Donald Trump and harming Hillary Clinton jtkABs_SDbA-00001-00001629-00002681 But now it turns out Fox News and its head honcho Rupert Murdoch went much further, to the point of outright rigging the election in Trump’s favor jtkABs_SDbA-00002-00002681-00004371 In a lengthy and stunning new expose from Jane Mayer in the New Yorker, we’re learning that Fox News knew during the election about Donald Trump’s affair with adult film actress Stormy Daniels, but decided not to report the story because Rupert Murdoch wanted Trump to win jtkABs_SDbA-00003-00004371-00005181 Withholding a major story like this, for the sake of altering the outcome of the election, qualifies as rigging the election jtkABs_SDbA-00004-00005181-00006025 It gets worse.Fox News also fed Trump at least one Republican primary debate question in advance jtkABs_SDbA-00005-00006025-00006842 Not only is that cheating, it means Fox rigged the primary race in Trump’s favor, against the other Republican candidates jtkABs_SDbA-00006-00006842-00007958 Fox wasn’t merely trying to harm Hillary Clinton’s chances in the election; it was specifically trying to rig the election in favor of one Republican candidate over the others jtkABs_SDbA-00007-00007958-00008953 That’s surreal.Fox and Murdoch have always been unscrupulous and dishonest. But this is over-the-top brazen even by their standards jtkABs_SDbA-00008-00008953-00010849 Why would Fox News go this far to try to install one Republican candidate in particular, over all the other Republican candidates who also fit with the network’s ideology? Jane Mayer’s reporting today is extensive, but you have to wonder if there’s even more to the story that we don’t know yet k8pLvVexe4M-00000-00000571-00002193 Trying to interpret Donald Trump’s increasingly deranged rants can end up being a fool’s errand, because when a mentally deranged person like Trump begins ranting, sometimes it means something, and other times it’s just a random pile of frantic word vomit k8pLvVexe4M-00001-00002193-00003611 But if there is one bit of insight that can be consistently gleaned from Trump’s rants, it’s that when they come late at night and they’re particularly voluminous, they tend to give away that he thinks something ugly is about to drop on his head k8pLvVexe4M-00002-00003611-00004648 .This brings us to how Donald Trump spent his Monday night. At around 10pm eastern time, he began ranting… and ranting… and ranting k8pLvVexe4M-00003-00004648-00005975 As of midnight, he had posted six lengthy tweets in all, including an attack on Obamacare, and an attack on the “crazed and incompetent” Mayor of San Juan, among other disgraceful absurdities k8pLvVexe4M-00004-00005975-00007093 .Taken individually, none of Trump’s tweets told us anything new. But combined, they sure seemed to paint a picture of a guy who’s really worried about something big and imminent k8pLvVexe4M-00005-00007093-00008167 It’s worth pointing out that Tuesday is the deadline that House Judiciary Committee has set for Trump’s Attorney General William Barr to hand over the Mueller report k8pLvVexe4M-00006-00008167-00009361 No one expects Barr to comply voluntarily, and the Democrats have already scheduled a vote for Wednesday morning which will allow Chairman Jerry Nadler to send subpoenas flying en masse kM5p3JXy9hY-00000-00000571-00001681 Monday on MSNBC’s “Deadline,” former Justice Department spokesman Matt Miller discussed the ouster of Kirstjen Nielsen, as the secretary of Homeland Security kM5p3JXy9hY-00001-00001681-00003366 After playing a clip of President Donald Trump’s comments on asylum seekers, Miller said, “When I watch that clip and the clip of Secretary Nielsen failing to remember how many children died in her department’s custody, I’m really just filled with shame as an American kM5p3JXy9hY-00002-00003366-00004165 ”. .He continued, “The same sense of shame I felt during the family separation event last year kM5p3JXy9hY-00003-00004165-00004970 It’s a stain certainly on the administration, on the people who carried out that policy, but it’s a stain on our entire country kM5p3JXy9hY-00004-00004970-00005685 It’s a stain that’s not over just because the family separation policy ended last year kM5p3JXy9hY-00005-00005685-00006644 The Justice Department told a federal court on Friday it’ll be two years before they can account for all the people separated as a result of that policy kM5p3JXy9hY-00006-00006644-00007733 Two years before they’ll even be able to say how many people were affected. We still don’t know and may never know how many children were orphaned as a result of that policy kM5p3JXy9hY-00007-00007733-00008613 The stain that President Trump and Secretary Nielsen put on our country through implementing that policy will never leave us kM5p3JXy9hY-00008-00008613-00009481 I shudder to think what family separation 2.0, and whatever else the president comes up with, will look like kM5p3JXy9hY-00009-00009481-00010502 ”.He added, “He doesn’t have the patience or the willingness to sit down and actually understand immigration policy and come up with something that would work kM5p3JXy9hY-00010-00010502-00011685 Be willing to work with Congress. Take a political risk. He’s the one person that can do it, he has such credibility with the right on this issue and come up with a policy kM5p3JXy9hY-00011-00011685-00012571 He’s never willing to do that, so I fear we’ll get something that looks worse than the humanitarian disaster we saw last year kM5p3JXy9hY-00012-00012571-00012671 ” lD-UG7KGFao-00000-00000513-00002299 What was all that back there? Why did Special Counsel Robert Mueller choose, in the end, to go the route that he did? What was he trying to accomplish, before Donald Trump’s corrupt Attorney General William Barr took his report and rewrote it in orange crayon? It turns out lD-UG7KGFao-00001-00002299-00004815 one sentence pretty much explains it all.When Barr first announced that Mueller hadn’t been able to determine whether Trump should be criminally charged, Palmer Report’s best guess was that Mueller actually made an overwhelming factual case for Trump’s guilt, and then essentially said “Here it is, now you decide” – in the same way that a courtroom prosecutor ultimately tells a jury that it has to decide guilt lD-UG7KGFao-00002-00004815-00005967 Barr then twisted that by trying to bury Mueller’s entire case, and simply painting Mueller as having been too wishy-washy or bereft of evidence to make a decision lD-UG7KGFao-00003-00005967-00008396 It turns out we were pretty much right. In the middle of a very long and somewhat unrelated article the Daily Beast casually dropped this sentence: “A source with direct knowledge of the investigation told The Daily Beast that it was their interpretation that “Mueller was making a case to Congress, who (unlike DOJ, in Mueller’s view) is empowered to weigh the lawfulness of a president’s conduct lD-UG7KGFao-00004-00008396-00009227 ” Okay, so someone on the inside thinks it went down more or less like we did. But wait a minute here lD-UG7KGFao-00005-00009227-00009906 If this is the case, then Robert Mueller must have been expecting one of two things lD-UG7KGFao-00006-00009906-00011408 Either he mistakenly thought William Barr would do the right thing and give the entire report to Congress and the public, or Mueller put a gameplan in place to ensure that his entire report would become public no matter what Barr did lD-UG7KGFao-00007-00011408-00012330 Based on Mueller’s track record of aggression and thoroughness, we’re inclined to lean toward the latter – and we’ll find out soon enough lD-UG7KGFao-00008-00012330-00013061 Either way, this helps explain everything that just went down between Mueller and Barr lHoNUvBXWrY-00000-00000513-00001226 Other than Paul Manafort himself, no one was very happy with the sentencing hearing he had on Wednesday lHoNUvBXWrY-00001-00001226-00002132 Manafort will serve a total of seven and a half years in prison, which includes the time he’s already spent waiting to be tried and sentencing lHoNUvBXWrY-00002-00002132-00002997 For anyone who isn’t wealthy, seven and a half years for conspiracy against your country sounds a little too good to be true lHoNUvBXWrY-00003-00002997-00003997 House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff posted on Twitter regarding the hearing, saying that it was little more than a plea for a pardon from Trump lHoNUvBXWrY-00004-00003997-00005288 He noted the out-of-place “no collusion” diatribe Manafort’s lawyer went on once again, just as he did during Manafort’s previous sentencing, that sounded as if it was written by Trump himself lHoNUvBXWrY-00005-00005288-00006040 In short, the hearing was, as Schiff characterized it, a “barely concealed appeal for a pardon lHoNUvBXWrY-00006-00006040-00006983 ”.Trump has yet to rule out the idea of granting Manafort a pardon and will face a massive wave of political backlash if he does lHoNUvBXWrY-00007-00006983-00008346 He has repeatedly referred to his former lawyer and “fixer” Michael Cohen as a “rat,” or a person who tells on someone when they’ve committed crimes, which doesn’t exactly bode well for Trump’s chances of escaping all this unscathed lHoNUvBXWrY-00008-00008346-00009464 For Manafort, though, Trump offered that he “feels bad” for his former campaign manager, a man Trump has said he doesn’t know well and has distanced himself from since his indictments lHoNUvBXWrY-00009-00009464-00010486 While Schiff is correct that it shouldn’t be a state attorney general’s job to clean up the mess of the federal courts, it seems that’s the way this will play out lHoNUvBXWrY-00010-00010486-00011139 Manafort was indicted for sixteen separate state crimes shortly after leaving the court lHoNUvBXWrY-00011-00011139-00011852 As NBC noted following that announcement, “a presidential pardon is ineffective against state crimes lHoNUvBXWrY-00012-00011852-00012437 ”.Twitter was furious over the light sentence Manafort received mERGrUbh3iE-00000-00000571-00001247 Herman Cain is one of the rights’ move-beloved commentators and presidential candidates mERGrUbh3iE-00001-00001247-00002044 I don’t know about you, but I love him!.His no-nonsense approach to leadership drives Democrats crazy mERGrUbh3iE-00002-00002044-00002880 Also, his role as CEO of a private business (meaning he actually understands money, like The Donald) mERGrUbh3iE-00003-00002880-00003833 It might be that very reason why President Trump loves him too. Because it looks like he’s about to give Cain a big job on Capitol Hill mERGrUbh3iE-00004-00003833-00005523 From Axios.President Trump has told confidants he wants Herman Cain on the Federal Reserve board, but will wait until his background check is completed before making the formal announcement, according to two senior administration officials familiar with the decision mERGrUbh3iE-00005-00005523-00006814 Wow, that is BIG news for Herman – that would be fantastic!.According to reporters, Trump even wants to appoint Herman Cain as the head of the Federal Reserve board, a coveted spot mERGrUbh3iE-00006-00006814-00007731 He’s only waiting for Cain’s background check to be complete, which is basically a formality to prevent Democrats from complaining mERGrUbh3iE-00007-00007731-00008757 Is Cain really qualified for the job? Well, Cain served in the Kansas City Federal Reserve between 1989 to 1996 mERGrUbh3iE-00008-00008757-00009468 .Appointing Cain would hopefully what Trump has called a big mistake in appointing Jerome Powell mERGrUbh3iE-00009-00009468-00010379 Trump has been unhappy with Powell over his 2018 choice to raise interest rates, a move that may be directly slow our booming economy mERGrUbh3iE-00010-00010379-00011163 Cain, a former businessman like Trump, will probably have a more similar vision for our economy—booming! mERGrUbh3iE-00011-00011163-00012059 Democrats would not be happy about this appointment, as we’ll have even more conservative, sound leaders overseeing our economy mERGrUbh3iE-00012-00012059-00013002 Because of that, they’re going to fight against him tooth and nail. Which means Trump needs as much support as we can give him for Cain miMU86ffbQg-00000-00000513-00001981 On Sunday’s Reliable Sources, host Brian Stelter and his guests discussed at great length the topic of Fox News, from the DNC debates to the general position of the network with regard to the Trump administration miMU86ffbQg-00001-00001981-00003365 It was not a flattering critique.In the above clip, Stelter asked Democratic strategist Tara Dowdell the most basic question about the DNC excluding Fox News from the debates: why shouldn’t they? miMU86ffbQg-00002-00003365-00004303 Building off a point made by Media Matters President Angelo Carusone, Stelter said that Fox has been “emphasizing” its news division miMU86ffbQg-00003-00004303-00005314 “My view is, yeah they have a news division. It’s relatively small compared to the huge opinion division, which has the highest rated shows,” said Stelter miMU86ffbQg-00004-00005314-00005982 “Both exist. But it’s getting really uncomfortable for both to exist in that same body miMU86ffbQg-00005-00005982-00006706 ”.He turned to Dowdell and asked, “Why would Democrats have even considered going on Fox in the first place?” miMU86ffbQg-00006-00006706-00007445 “Well I think first of all…” began Dowdell, but Stelter interrupted to be more specific miMU86ffbQg-00007-00007445-00008600 “For a debate, I mean,” he said.“Well I think that Democrats want to attract as many people as possible, so I think that’s why it might have been under consideration,” said Dowdell miMU86ffbQg-00008-00008600-00009684 “But here’s the reality. Democrats have not been participating or having Fox News as a media partner in debates prior to this decision this time around miMU86ffbQg-00009-00009684-00010444 It should not be surprising and it should not be the least bit controversial that Democrats made this decision miMU86ffbQg-00010-00010444-00012103 ”.“It is a rational decision based on facts and a cold hard reality,” she added.Political analyst Jeff Greenfield weighed in with a different point of view, saying that the DNC is missing a major opportunity to have uninterrupted air time to call out of Fox miMU86ffbQg-00011-00012103-00012716 He also suggested they’re missing out appealing to voters that are potentially their own base miMU86ffbQg-00012-00012716-00014472 There was some back and forth over that idea, with Dowdell taking the stance of the further left side of the party that Fox’s audience isn’t theirs, and Greenfield arguing that Democrats are furthering errors they are already making in excluding parts of their own potential voters for 2020 mj8tDESx5oE-00000-00000571-00002295 Ivanka Trump, oldest daughter and senior adviser to President Trump, said in an interview with ABC News recently that there is no comparison between her own personal email use for government work and that of Hillary Clinton’s now famous email scandal from 2016 mj8tDESx5oE-00001-00002295-00003102 Ms. Trump went on record saying,.“All of my emails are stored and preserved. There were no deletions mj8tDESx5oE-00002-00003102-00003757 There is no attempt to hide. There’s no equivalency to what my father’s spoken about mj8tDESx5oE-00003-00003757-00005111 ”.Lawmakers across party lines have been pushing for an investigation since reports broke last week that Ivanka had used her personal email to conduct administration business all throughout 2017 mj8tDESx5oE-00004-00005111-00006592 Those same lawmakers, along with much of the general public, claim that Ms. Trump’s careless use of email is not unlike the Clinton email issue that President Trump and others used to level Hillary’s presidential campaign in 2016 mj8tDESx5oE-00005-00006592-00008245 Ivanka went on to say in the interview, “There is no restriction of using personal email… In fact, we’re instructed that if we receive an email to our personal account that could relate to government work, you simply just forward it to your government account so it can be archived mj8tDESx5oE-00006-00008245-00009509 ” .No surprise to hear that the President is coming to the quick defense of his daughter saying last week that he has looked into the situation and regarding her emails, “they’re all in presidential records” mj8tDESx5oE-00007-00009509-00010782 Aside from the obvious security concerns this raises, there is the question of whether or not this does actually violate a law regarding the preservation of communication for presidential record mj8tDESx5oE-00008-00010782-00011633 Congress is continuing to investigate with democrat and republican members alike calling for more information on the matter mj8tDESx5oE-00009-00011633-00012644 With the control of the House officially switching back to the Democrats in January 2019, there is little doubt that this will be a major issue in the coming months nADnxs0iHOk-00000-00000571-00001613 Earlier this week, when he thought the Mueller probe was behind him and he was feeling more bold, Donald Trump tried to pick fights with several other countries nADnxs0iHOk-00001-00001613-00002924 Now that the subpoenas have started flying in his scandals, and the Mueller report could begin surfacing at any time, Trump has shifted to a more defensive posture: he’s trying to pick a fight with his own country nADnxs0iHOk-00002-00002924-00004277 .Donald Trump announced today during a press conference that if Congress doesn’t quickly give him his way on immigration, he’ll close the border between the United States and Mexico, or at least “large sections of it nADnxs0iHOk-00003-00004277-00004962 ” While this would harm the Mexican economy, it would also bring immediate harm to the U nADnxs0iHOk-00004-00004962-00006310 S. economy, thus negatively impacting everyone in the United States. In other words, Trump is trying to take his own country hostage, and is threatening to punish every American in the wallet if he doesn’t get his way nADnxs0iHOk-00005-00006310-00007341 . .It’s anyone’s guess as to whether Trump – who has recently begun speaking and acting more erratically than ever – will actually go through with closing the border nADnxs0iHOk-00006-00007341-00008721 This was, after all, a press conference in which Trump kept saying “oranges” instead of “origins” and falsely stated that his own father was born in Germany, so it’s not as if he’s exactly dealing with reality here nADnxs0iHOk-00007-00008721-00010358 .But with the House Democrats having signed off on their first big subpoena of the Trump regime today, and several Mueller report-related subpoenas expected as soon as tomorrow, Donald Trump has pretty clearly decided that hostage-taking is all he has left nADnxs0iHOk-00008-00010358-00011231 House Democrats won’t cave to Trump’s tactics, so it’s up to him if he truly wants to take a wrecking ball to the U nADnxs0iHOk-00009-00011231-00011847 S. economy, in the name of trying to pull off a “win” on immigration nCyr6VyBfoy-00000-00000571-00001307 Donald Trump is going to make sure he takes down everyone around him on his way to rock bottom, apparently nCyr6VyBfoy-00001-00001307-00002723 This time his stupidity could end up causing problems for his wife. Melania Trump will most likely end up subpoenaed to testify after her husband’s latest mistake, and things are getting really messy really quickly nCyr6VyBfoy-00002-00002723-00004024 Trump was giving yet another rambling speech, this time at CPAC when he admitted that he told Melania Trump that he planned to fire FBI Director James Comey for being a “bad, bad guy nCyr6VyBfoy-00003-00004024-00004703 ” This would be fine if Trump didn’t commit felony obstruction of justice when he fired him nCyr6VyBfoy-00004-00004703-00005638 Then he admitted, on national television in an interview with Lester Holt, that he did so to make the Russia investigation go away nCyr6VyBfoy-00005-00005638-00006639 Thanks to this latest misstep, we know that Trump did in fact illegally fire him and Melania can confirm his plan to do so nCyr6VyBfoy-00006-00006639-00007665 Melania is not under investigation and she would not have benefited from this firing, so she is not a key player in this greater conspiracy, just a witness nCyr6VyBfoy-00007-00007665-00008302 This admission all but guarantees that Melania will be subpoenaed by the House Democrats nCyr6VyBfoy-00008-00008302-00009180 She can try to use spousal privilege, but it’s possible that Trump just destroyed that by discussing this publicly nCyr6VyBfoy-00009-00009180-00010076 The courts will have to work out the legality of it, but Trump is once again including his family in his alleged crimes against America nlfQrLSZwsY-00000-00000513-00001675 There’s a very good reason that Donald Trump insists negative polls are “fake news” and promotes numbers by Rasmussen, who tends to inflate his numbers nlfQrLSZwsY-00001-00001675-00002908 A recent Gallup poll demonstrates why.Trump’s numbers previously took a nosedive during times like reports of family separations at the border and the longest-ever government shutdown in U nlfQrLSZwsY-00002-00002908-00003744 S. history. Recently, a flurry of negative reports has brought that rating down to match his lowest points nlfQrLSZwsY-00003-00003744-00005040 According to Gallup News:.‘The latest poll was conducted March 1-10, just after Trump’s second denuclearization summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un failed to produce an agreement nlfQrLSZwsY-00004-00005040-00005891 At the same time, special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into possible Russian interference in the 2016 U nlfQrLSZwsY-00005-00005891-00007046 S. presidential election was front and center as Trump’s former personal attorney, Michael Cohen, provided potentially incriminating evidence during testimony on Capitol Hill nlfQrLSZwsY-00006-00007046-00008394 ’.Trump convinces his supporters that the economy is doing well because of his policies, although he started doing so in the first year of his presidency when his policies hadn’t even gone into effect yet nlfQrLSZwsY-00007-00008394-00010233 Recent jobs report for February showed that the Trump administration’s expected job growth had sunk from the projected figure of 180,000 to just 20,000, and that news may have affected the ratings in an equal way as his North Korea summit and the reported allegations of criminal activity nlfQrLSZwsY-00008-00010233-00011455 ‘A weaker-than-expected jobs report toward the end of the polling period also may have contributed to a more tepid approval rating for the president, whose greatest perceived strength has been his handling of the economy nlfQrLSZwsY-00009-00011455-00012341 ’.Trump can insist all he likes that he’s the most successful president in history, but the numbers do not lie nlfQrLSZwsY-00010-00012341-00013145 Americans are overwhelmingly disapproving of this president and it shows repeatedly in his severely low approval vs nlfQrLSZwsY-00011-00013145-00014033 disapproval ratings.‘On a relative basis, Trump’s average approval rating since taking office is the lowest of any U nlfQrLSZwsY-00012-00014033-00015687 S. president dating back to Harry Truman. Trump’s personal high rating, 45%, has been achieved twice in his presidency — in the first week of his term and in June 2018, after his first meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un nlfQrLSZwsY-00013-00015687-00016515 His lowest rating, 35%, was seen several times throughout 2017, his first year in office nlfQrLSZwsY-00014-00016515-00017499 ’.Republicans are sticking by their president despite overwhelming evidence of his lies and failures, while Democrats sharply disapprove nlfQrLSZwsY-00015-00017499-00018348 The most important ratings, however, are from Independents, who generally decide presidential elections each cycle nlfQrLSZwsY-00016-00018348-00019432 ‘Approval of Trump remains sharply polarized — 90% of Republicans, 33% of independents and 4% of Democrats currently approve nlfQrLSZwsY-00017-00019432-00020495 Republicans’ and Democrats’ ratings have not deviated much over the course of Trump’s presidency, but independents have been somewhat more variable in their views nlfQrLSZwsY-00018-00020495-00021143 ’.Featured image via Flickr by Gage Skidmore under a Creative Commons license oPoSVoIAYFQ-00000-00000571-00001284 “The Republican Party will soon be known as the party of health care,” Trump said to reporters on Capitol Hill oPoSVoIAYFQ-00001-00001284-00002096 “You watch.”.Trump spoke about healthcare coverage as he met with Senate Republicans for lunch on Capitol Hill oPoSVoIAYFQ-00002-00002096-00003308 The Department of Justice announced Monday night it would side with a ruling from a Texas judge invalidating Obamacare and would not defend the Affordable Care Act in court oPoSVoIAYFQ-00003-00003308-00004221 .Trump appeared to react to Democrat protests that ending Obamacare would hurt Americans and end coverage for pre-existing conditions oPoSVoIAYFQ-00004-00004221-00004825 Earlier Tuesday, the president shared the same message on Twitter p-gyXfn0AkM-00000-00000513-00002367 On Tuesday President Donald Trump suggested his administration won't cooperate with House Democrats' recent request for information and documents from more than 80 groups, organizations and individuals, as part of their investigation into Trump's campaign, businesses, post-election transition and administration p-gyXfn0AkM-00001-00002367-00003363 In doing so, Trump tried to draw a comparison to former President Barack Obama by claiming he didn't comply with congressional inquiries either p-gyXfn0AkM-00002-00003363-00004018 "President Obama, from what they tell me, was under a similar kind of a thing," said Trump p-gyXfn0AkM-00003-00004018-00004736 "They didn't give one letter. They didn't do anything. They didn't give one letter of the requests p-gyXfn0AkM-00004-00004736-00006259 Many requests were made. They didn't give a letter.".Facts First: Though Trump is vague about what exactly he's referring to, it's untrue to say that the Obama administration refused to comply with congressional requests for information p-gyXfn0AkM-00005-00006259-00007503 There were a handful of occasions where the Obama administration initially rebuffed extensive congressional document requests, but ultimately complied, either voluntarily or under court order p-gyXfn0AkM-00006-00007503-00009070 During the Fast and Furious botched weapons sting investigation, Republicans on the House Oversight Committee in 2012 recommended that then-Attorney General Eric Holder be cited for contempt of Congress for failing to turn over requested documents p-gyXfn0AkM-00007-00009070-00009788 They made the recommendation after Obama asserted executive privilege over some documents sought by the committee p-gyXfn0AkM-00008-00009788-00010836 But two years later, under court order, the Obama Justice Department did turn over nearly 65,000 pages of Fast and Furious-related documents p-gyXfn0AkM-00009-00010836-00011826 And in 2016, the Justice Department released additional documents pertaining to Fast and Furious, as ordered by a federal judge p-gyXfn0AkM-00010-00011826-00013132 In addition, Obama administration officials provided requested documents during congressional inquiries into the Benghazi attack that left four Americans dead, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens p-gyXfn0AkM-00011-00013132-00014038 However, when the committee asked the President to answer questions about the attack in Libya, his administration rebuffed the request p-gyXfn0AkM-00012-00014038-00015820 During Obama's first term, his administration said it would not comply with requests to turn over internal White House communications related to the solar company Solyndra, which received a $535 million loan guarantee from the federal government and then went bankrupt p-gyXfn0AkM-00013-00015820-00016614 A year later, the administration turned over 432 pages of email and other documents p-gyXfn0AkM-00014-00016614-00017750 On Tuesday, former senior Obama administration officials pushed back on Trump's comments, insisting there was extensive cooperation during past investigations p-gyXfn0AkM-00015-00017750-00019017 "If there was no cooperation, how was there material for seven Benghazi investigations?" one official said, noting the release of Benghazi documents triggered Clinton email server stories p-gyXfn0AkM-00016-00019017-00021556 A separate official, former deputy press secretary Eric Schultz tweeted, "From 2011 - 2016 the Obama White House produced hundreds of thousands of documents to Congress on Solyndra, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, CAFE (Corporate Average Fuel Economy) standards rule, Deep Water Horizon spill, ACA (Affordable Care Act), ACA website, Clean Water Rule, and Ft Hood shooting p-gyXfn0AkM-00017-00021556-00023184 ".Andy Wright, a former associate counsel to President Barack Obama in the White House Counsel's Office and a former staff director and counsel to the House Oversight Committee, flatly denied that the Obama administration did not respond to congressional oversight inquiries p-gyXfn0AkM-00018-00023184-00023986 "He is prone to being sort of all or nothing," Wright said of Trump. But "compartmentalization is part of the job p-gyXfn0AkM-00019-00023986-00025629 "."In order to be able to handle oversight in a good faith manner you've got to be honest and you've got to be able to compartmentalize on the different requests," he continued, later adding that though he doesn't think this is Trump's final position, "this is the initial position p-gyXfn0AkM-00020-00025629-00025729 " pDYpWsaRHUI-00000-00000571-00001670 President Donald Trump treated Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) crowds with a speech that lasted over two hours on Saturday pDYpWsaRHUI-00001-00001670-00002718 The speech was certainly the longest CPAC speech ever given by a president of the United States and the longest speech ever at CPAC pDYpWsaRHUI-00002-00002718-00004230 It was also described as the longest speech of his presidency.Trump stopped to hug the American flag after he took the stage at 12:14 pm EST to his favorite American anthem, “Proud to Be an American” by Lee Greenwood pDYpWsaRHUI-00003-00004230-00005304 He began his speech by recalling his first big political speech at CPAC in 2011.“I enjoyed it so much that I came back for a second one pDYpWsaRHUI-00004-00005304-00005915 Then a third, and then I said, ‘What the hell, let’s run for president,’” Trump said pDYpWsaRHUI-00005-00005915-00006764 The president had a prepared speech and teleprompters set up but soon abandoned them to discuss what was on his mind pDYpWsaRHUI-00006-00006764-00007597 “You know I’m totally off script right now, and this, you know, is how I got elected, by being off script,” he said pDYpWsaRHUI-00007-00007597-00009112 “And if we don’t go off script our country is in big trouble, folks.”.Trump spoke at length about his presidency, telling stories about his experience in the White House during the government shutdown and his trip to Iraq to meet with the troops pDYpWsaRHUI-00008-00009112-00009930 He ripped the ongoing investigations by congressional Democrats, the FBI, and special counsel Robert Mueller pDYpWsaRHUI-00009-00009930-00011066 .He also spoke about socialist Democrats and mocked the “Green New Deal” introduced by freshman Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) pDYpWsaRHUI-00010-00011066-00011787 “I do like the green new deal. I respect it greatly,” Trump joked as the crowd laughed pDYpWsaRHUI-00011-00011787-00013020 “It should be part of the dialogue of the next election.”.Trump also commented that he was giving away too much material from his future 2020 campaign rallies against Democrat challengers pDYpWsaRHUI-00012-00013020-00013869 “I’m going to regret this speech,” he said. “This speech should have been delivered a year from now, not now damn it pDYpWsaRHUI-00013-00013869-00015050 ”. .He joked that he destroyed Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) by ripping her as “Pocahontas,” but conceded that he might have ended her political career too soon pDYpWsaRHUI-00014-00015050-00015661 “Now I won’t get a chance to run against her, and I would have loved that,” he said pDYpWsaRHUI-00015-00015661-00016304 “I don’t want to knock out all of the good stuff and end up with somebody that’s actually got talent pDYpWsaRHUI-00016-00016304-00017236 ”.After about an hour and a half, Trump checked in on the audience and asked, “Is everyone ok? I haven’t seen anybody leaving,” he said pDYpWsaRHUI-00017-00017236-00018895 He joked, “I know one thing — if Mark Levin leaves, I will leave very quickly.”.The CPAC audience remained engaged as the president continued, with familiar chants of “USA!” “Build the wall!” and “Lock her up!” as his political rallies pDYpWsaRHUI-00018-00018895-00019838 Trump also mocked the “Never Trumpers” in the conservative movement, insisting that they were on “mouth-to-mouth resuscitation” just to stay alive pDYpWsaRHUI-00019-00019838-00021115 The president also explored important themes coming up in 2020, including free speech on campus — even inviting a conservative college student on stage who was punched for his beliefs pDYpWsaRHUI-00020-00021115-00021820 .Trump glanced at his watch after the two-hour mark and remarked, “I’ve been up here a long time!” pDYpWsaRHUI-00021-00021820-00022526 His voice remained strong through the speech, and he continued standing at the podium on stage pDYpWsaRHUI-00022-00022526-00023829 He thanked Matt Schlapp, the American Conservative Union president and CPAC director, for putting the conference together, noting that the organizer said he could speak as long as we wanted pDYpWsaRHUI-00023-00023829-00024984 “Now more than ever, we need the proud men and women of CPAC, and I want to thank everybody here because it is incredible, your organization is incredible,” he said pDYpWsaRHUI-00024-00024984-00025809 Schlapp said that the organization welcomed record crowds to CPAC this year to hear the president speak pDYpWsaRHUI-00025-00025809-00026781 “Like Ronald Reagan, when he wants to recharge, he connects with his base, here at CPAC,” he said as he introduced the president pJBfvMe-ZiE-00000-00000571-00001968 Today was the deadline for eighty-one Trump related people and entities to turn over all relevant documents to the House Judiciary Committee, as part of its escalating investigation into Donald Trump’s crimes and scandals pJBfvMe-ZiE-00001-00001968-00002658 Last week the committee publicly stated that several unnamed people were already cooperating pJBfvMe-ZiE-00002-00002658-00003431 Now the committee is revealing a huge name – and it gives something away about the Robert Mueller probe pJBfvMe-ZiE-00003-00003431-00004667 House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler appeared briefly on the Rachel Maddow show tonight and revealed that Steve Bannon, of all people, has turned over several thousand documents to the committee pJBfvMe-ZiE-00004-00004667-00005761 This on its own is a big deal. Bannon was in charge of the Donald Trump campaign at one point, and he also played a key role in the Donald Trump White House pJBfvMe-ZiE-00005-00005761-00006479 He’s in position to know about crimes ranging from Trump-Russia election rigging to obstruction of justice pJBfvMe-ZiE-00006-00006479-00007600 But here’s the thing.The committee has made clear that this initial round of requests was solely for documents that have already been requested by other investigators pJBfvMe-ZiE-00007-00007600-00008869 So if Steve Bannon responded to this request by turning over thousands of documents, it means Robert Mueller already asked Bannon for thousands of documents, and Bannon already turned them over pJBfvMe-ZiE-00008-00008869-00010081 It’s long been reported that Steve Bannon spent twenty or more hours testifying to Robert Mueller, which was a strong indicator that Bannon sold out Donald Trump and everyone else involved pJBfvMe-ZiE-00009-00010081-00011403 If Bannon had been uncooperative, the interview wouldn’t have lasted that long. But now we know for sure that Bannon has indeed sold everyone out to Mueller – and now he’s sold them out again to the Democratic House ppR0TINgHPc-00000-00000513-00002294 Moments ago, the Senate voted to block President Trump’s national emergency declaration, preventing him from appropriating funds without the approval of Congress to realize his greatest obsession and build a useless, exorbitantly expensive monument to xenophobia across the southern border ppR0TINgHPc-00001-00002294-00004677 Twelve Republicans crossed the aisle to vote with Democrats to place a check on the President’s increasingly authoritarian behavior, resoundingly passing the bill to block the Trump’s executive action 59-41 and setting up a showdown with Trump, who will be forced to issue his first presidential veto in yet another high-profile and extremely embarrassing political defeat ppR0TINgHPc-00002-00004677-00006706 The president made his course of action clear in a self-explanatory but entirely context-devoid tweet that immediately prompted a hilarious response from the rest of social media:"I look forward to VETOING the just passed Democrat inspired Resolution which would OPEN BORDERS while increasing Crime, Drugs, and Trafficking in our Country ppR0TINgHPc-00003-00006706-00007419 I thank all of the Strong Republicans who voted to support Border Security and our desperately needed WALL!" ppR0TINgHPc-00004-00007419-00008383 CNN anchor Jake Tapper was one of the first major figures to weigh in on the President’s outburst with an amusing little rhyme:"Roses are red ppR0TINgHPc-00005-00008383-00009185 It's not pronounced Beat-Oh.but we're about to see .a presidential --".And was quickly followed by a wave of mockery: ppR0TINgHPc-00006-00009185-00009715 "I think there's a formal process here, you don't just shout the word." pflCLLesz6M-00000-00000571-00001976 The TV pundits really, really, really want you to buy into the narrative tonight that the submission of Robert Mueller’s report somehow means that Mueller didn’t find enough evidence to build a criminal case against Donald Trump pflCLLesz6M-00001-00001976-00003141 What’s this based on? Literally nothing, of course. Meanwhile, the people in position to know better are expecting Mueller’s report to set off additional indictments pflCLLesz6M-00002-00003141-00004259 First, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff appeared on MSNBC and stated that he thinks it’s “likely” there are more indictments coming; they’ll just come from the U pflCLLesz6M-00003-00004259-00005949 S. Attorneys’ offices that Mueller handed off the cases to. But this didn’t seem to fit with the doomsday narrative, so MSNBC kept pushing the notion that it’s all over, and everyone who hasn’t yet been arrested is somehow magically off the hook pflCLLesz6M-00004-00005949-00007368 That’s when Richard Blumenthal stepped to the plate.Richard Blumenthal, who sits on the Senate Judiciary Committee, appeared on MSNBC and stated that there is a “high likelihood that there are indictments in this president’s future pflCLLesz6M-00005-00007368-00008091 ” He explained that these indictments are likely to come from SDNY and/or other federal prosecutors pflCLLesz6M-00006-00008091-00009491 But again, this didn’t fit the prevailing MSNBC narrative, so the host cut off Blumenthal, and began asking leading questions which were aimed at painting the picture that no more indictments are coming pflCLLesz6M-00007-00009491-00010949 We don’t know why the TV pundits are so eager tonight to push the notion that they somehow know that no one else will be indicted, beyond the obvious fact that scaring viewers is a good way to paralyze them into staying tuned in pflCLLesz6M-00008-00010949-00012265 But back in the real world, people who have been involved with the overall Trump-Russia investigation, such as Adam Schiff and Richard Blumenthal, are very loudly saying that they’re expecting more indictments pflCLLesz6M-00009-00012265-00012704 Blumenthal even thinks Trump is going to be indicted pgI-Ny8QBQo-00000-00000571-00001757 President Donald Trump announced his plan for a political rally in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on Saturday, April 27 — the same night as the White House Correspondents’ dinner pgI-Ny8QBQo-00001-00001757-00002425 “Big crowd expected!” Trump wrote on Twitter, sharing a signup link for the event pgI-Ny8QBQo-00002-00002425-00003886 The president declined to attend the WHCA dinner earlier this month.“I’m going to hold a rally, because the dinner is so boring and so negative, that we’re going to hold a very positive rally,” Trump told reporters at the White House pgI-Ny8QBQo-00003-00003886-00004591 This is the third year in a row that Trump has skipped the dinner in favor of a political rally pgI-Ny8QBQo-00004-00004591-00006069 .In 2018, Trump held a rally with supporters in Washington, Michigan.“By the way, is this better than that phony Washington White House Correspondents’ Dinner? Is this more fun?” he asked as the audience cheered pgI-Ny8QBQo-00005-00006069-00006722 “I could be up there tonight smiling, like I love, where they are hitting you shot after shot pgI-Ny8QBQo-00006-00006722-00007031 These people hate your guts!” qPu_Eh_qy8M-00000-00000000-00000200 я виграл криля s9HSiEMU19o-00000-00000571-00002206 Thursday on MSNBC’s “Live,” Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA) said President Donald Trump’s “victory lap” over Attorney General William Barr’s four-page letter summarizing special counsel Robert Mueller’s report is “very premature s9HSiEMU19o-00001-00002206-00002966 ”.When asked if she believes there is evidence of collusion, Speier said, “I hate the word collusion s9HSiEMU19o-00002-00002966-00003823 It is conspiracy or coordination. Was there an interest in coordination with the Russians? You bet there was s9HSiEMU19o-00003-00003823-00004740 ‘I love it’ what Don Jr. said when he got the e-mail and was asked if he wanted to meet with the Russians who had dirt on Hillary Clinton s9HSiEMU19o-00004-00004740-00005892 You have Paul Manafort meeting in a cigar bar in New York City with Konstantin Kilimnik who has ties with the Russian GBU which is their KGB, their spy operations s9HSiEMU19o-00005-00005892-00007365 He hands them polling data? I think it is pretty clear there was an effort to engage, and of course, the hacking of the DNC and the dump and the president is saying, you know Russia show us where the e-mails are for Clinton s9HSiEMU19o-00006-00007365-00008344 ”.She added, “It is so interesting that we spent the last week basically spouting on what the president have said when we have not seen the report s9HSiEMU19o-00007-00008344-00009523 Republicans and Democrats should wait to see the report. Let’s see how damning if it is damming about the obstruction of justice and the interest in cooperating or coordinating s9HSiEMU19o-00008-00009523-00010160 I think this is far from over. I think the victory lap is very premature sdaUamxv2yc-00000-00000571-00002002 It was a week of extremes for President Trump. First he raised his arms in victory after his attorney general laid out his summary of the Mueller report Sunday -- then he promptly sent his team to court to try to throw out the Affordable Care Act sdaUamxv2yc-00001-00002002-00003517 Even though cries of Republicans-gutting-your-health-care were instrumental to Democrats winning the House in last year's midterm elections, there was the President touting "no collusion" in one breath and in the next handing the Democrats more fresh, hot ammunition sdaUamxv2yc-00002-00003517-00004523 On Monday evening, the Trump Justice Department notified the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals of its support for a complete invalidation of the Affordable Care Act sdaUamxv2yc-00003-00004523-00006083 "What is especially galling about the move is that it was apparently ordered by the White House over the objections of Attorney General William Barr, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar and White House Counsel Pat Cipollone," marveled Stephen Vladeck sdaUamxv2yc-00004-00006083-00006968 "If Barr cares at all about the long-term institutional credibility of the Justice Department, he should resign in protest sdaUamxv2yc-00005-00006968-00007874 ".President Trump made an egregious political miscalculation, wrote senior CNN political commentator David Axelrod sdaUamxv2yc-00006-00007874-00008622 "Every American knows someone, and perhaps loves someone, with a chronic illness," Axelrod emphasized sdaUamxv2yc-00007-00008622-00009502 "Now Trump has ensured that the threat to people with pre-existing conditions will be front and center in yet another campaign sdaUamxv2yc-00008-00009502-00010395 " This certainly isn't what most Trump voters were signing up for in 2016, asserted Jamelle Bouie in The New York Times sdaUamxv2yc-00009-00010395-00011484 Jill Filipovic saw an immoral decision that put ego and Trump's desire to erase Barack Obama's legacy first, and Americans' lives second sdaUamxv2yc-00010-00011484-00012942 "Make America Great Again? This administration wants to make us sick again," observed Filipovic, "and it's no exaggeration to say that if they succeed, a great many Americans will go bankrupt; some will die sdaUamxv2yc-00011-00012942-00013859 ".The most important arbiter of the ACA's fate -- should it end up back in the Supreme Court, as is likely -- won't be Donald Trump at all sdaUamxv2yc-00012-00013859-00015698 In his analysis of Joan Biskupic's recent biography of Chief Justice John Roberts, Bloomberg Opinion's Ramesh Ponnuru noted that Roberts' vote to save Obamacare seven years ago suggests that he "is reluctant to move against Obamacare even when considering a case he thinks has real merit sdaUamxv2yc-00013-00015698-00017511 "Education Secretary Betsy DeVos drew enormous public backlash after her appearance before the House Appropriations Committee on Tuesday, where she faced sharp questions over a proposed $18 million cut to the Special Olympics -- part of a broader 12% overall decrease in the education budget sdaUamxv2yc-00014-00017511-00019397 DeVos' comments to Congress showed "an obvious misunderstanding of the societal benefits of programs that support individuals with special needs," wrote Steve Cammarota, whose teenage son, Sam, has intellectual disabilities and whose family has participated in the Special Olympics sdaUamxv2yc-00015-00019397-00020987 Two days later, "hearing a loud and bipartisan outcry," President Trump announced the planned cuts would be scrapped, exulted Maria Shriver (whose mother, Eunice Kennedy Shriver, founded the Special Olympics) and former Ohio Gov sdaUamxv2yc-00016-00020987-00023064 John Kasich. Singling out Special Olympics programs that fortify inclusion for all students in public schools as a "cause that unites us all," Shriver and Kasich also noted that Trump's "swift response is a lesson for all Americans about what can be achieved when we come together (and) rise above our partisan concerns sdaUamxv2yc-00017-00023064-00023775 ".Not everyone found such consensus with the President this week. Puerto Rico Gov sdaUamxv2yc-00018-00023775-00025287 Ricardo Rosselló, who said he was frustrated by his inability to get a meeting with Trump about ongoing recovery issues after 2017's Hurricane Maria, had some tough talk for the President: "If the bully gets close, I'll punch him in the mouth sdaUamxv2yc-00019-00025287-00026222 . It would be a mistake to confuse courtesy with courage." The sentiment is "completely understandable," empathized Raul Reyes sdaUamxv2yc-00020-00026222-00026969 "But just as it is a mistake to confuse courtesy with courage, it is a mistake to confuse anger with strength sdaUamxv2yc-00021-00026969-00027667 sinking to (Trump's) vulgar level will likely not benefit Rosselló or his constituents sdaUamxv2yc-00022-00027667-00028197 " He urged Rossello to keep making his case for aid, instead tEZ3dMlqZSQ-00000-00000513-00002226 Donald Trump is once again posing a possible threat to the country’s safety. Earlier today, it was reported by Mother Jones that Trump had connections to a prostitution-front Florida massage parlor after photos surfaced of Trump posing with its founder, Li “Cindy” Yang tEZ3dMlqZSQ-00001-00002226-00003543 It was discovered that Yang had “an investment business that has offered to sell Chinese clients access to Trump and his family”, which is now being flagged as a national security risk by an intelligence expert tEZ3dMlqZSQ-00002-00003543-00004922 David Rothkopf, a Carnegie-endowed intelligence and national security expert, has stated that if Yang’s massage parlor was actually giving the Chinese access to Trump, he could be putting the country in grave danger tEZ3dMlqZSQ-00003-00004922-00006607 Rothkopf said:"If the president of the United States is letting a Chinese madam sell access at Mar-a-Lago to Chinese business people while his friends are getting serviced at businesses she started, he is making himself and the country vulnerable to massive blackmail risk tEZ3dMlqZSQ-00004-00006607-00007482 ”.He also said that if it were true, it’d be “a textbook story of how foreign actors gain leverage over senior officials tEZ3dMlqZSQ-00005-00007482-00008166 ”.Rothkopf stressed just how important the details in the Mother Jones report were tEZ3dMlqZSQ-00006-00008166-00010180 He said:"If the Steele dossier had contained speculation that the president and his family were giving access to a Chinese woman who runs a string of sex spas where rich, powerful friends of the president were getting sexual services, would it have been any less shocking or disturbing than alleged stories about golden showers with Russian hookers?” tEZ3dMlqZSQ-00007-00010180-00010920 This case deserves further investigation by the FBI and perhaps Congressional investigators tEZ3dMlqZSQ-00008-00010920-00012884 But, the story of Cindy Yang and her profitable venture in Trumpworld, based on what we know today, without an additional fact coming to light, underscores yet again both how unfit the president is for office and how his business practices and associations have created a national security risk for the United States tEZ3dMlqZSQ-00009-00012884-00013506 ”.Once again, the president’s actions humiliate and endanger the country tROr2UhEoty-00000-00000571-00001448 Judge Jeanine Pirro’s show “Justice” was replaced Saturday night by Fox News without any explanation from the network tROr2UhEoty-00001-00001448-00002159 “Justice with Judge Jeanine” has been the highest-rated program at the Saturday night time slot tROr2UhEoty-00002-00002159-00003094 After the Judge questioned Rep. Ilhan Omar’s adherence to Sharia law, hardcore leftists have waged a war to remove her tROr2UhEoty-00003-00003094-00004152 Well, now President Donald Trump just destroyed Fox News. Don’t miss this.Judge Jeanine Pirro’s show didn’t air on Saturday night tROr2UhEoty-00004-00004152-00005419 Fox News ran a re-run of a show called “Scandalous” during its time slot. The former Westchester County DA came under fire from the usual suspects on the left for questioning Rep tROr2UhEoty-00005-00005419-00006508 Omar’s recent anti-Semitic remarks and asking if the Congresswoman’s adherence to Sharia law was affecting her ability to be true to the Constitution tROr2UhEoty-00006-00006508-00007561 “Pirro is facing criticism after appearing to suggest on her program last Saturday that Omar wears a hijab in defiance of the Constitution tROr2UhEoty-00007-00007561-00008224 ‘Think about this: She’s not getting this anti-Israel sentiment doctrine from the Democrat Party tROr2UhEoty-00008-00008224-00009105 So if it’s not rooted in the party, where is she getting it from?’ Pirro asked during her opening segment,” Breitbart reported tROr2UhEoty-00009-00009105-00010230 Judge Jeanine added, “Think about it. Omar wears a hijab, which according to the Quran 33:59, tells women to cover so they won’t get molested tROr2UhEoty-00010-00010230-00011236 Is her adherence to this Islamic doctrine indicative of her adherence to Sharia law, which in itself is antithetical to the United States Constitution?” tROr2UhEoty-00011-00011236-00012589 But that’s not all. Pirro’s remarks weren’t just about the “hijab.” They also included the ridiculous “Hate Resolution” that the Democrats signed as a response to Omar’s anti-Semitic statements tROr2UhEoty-00012-00012589-00013485 “[Ilhan Omar] is clear and pointed in her hatred,” Judge Jeanine said. “Her comments are only critical of Jews and Israel tROr2UhEoty-00013-00013485-00014964 Not Italy, not Morrocco, not North Korea, but Israel. The fact [Nancy Pelosi] didn’t have the backbone, grit, or gumption to draft a resolution that included her name tells me [Pelosi is] the stupid one'' tROr2UhEoty-00014-00014964-00015768 In a statement to Deadline, a Fox News spokesperson said the network would not comment on “internal scheduling matters tROr2UhEoty-00015-00015768-00016685 ” Fox News denounced Pirro’s comments last Sunday, saying in a statement: “We strongly condemn Jeanine Pirro’s comments about Rep tROr2UhEoty-00016-00016685-00017437 Ilhan Omar. They do not reflect those of the network and we have addressed the matter with her directly'' tROr2UhEoty-00017-00017437-00018284 But the vast majority of Fox News viewers are outraged over the condemnation of Judge Jeanine by the Fox News network tROr2UhEoty-00018-00018284-00019658 Now that the network felt the need to replace the airing of her show last Saturday, President Trump went on a Twitter rant decrying Fox News for alienating their viewers with PC garbage and excoriating the decision tROr2UhEoty-00019-00019658-00020969 “Bring back @JudgeJeanine Pirro. The Radical Left Democrats, working closely with their beloved partner, the Fake News Media, is using every trick in the book to SILENCE a majority of our Country tROr2UhEoty-00020-00020969-00021912 They have all out campaigns against @FoxNews hosts who are doing too well. Fox must stay strong and fight back with vigor tROr2UhEoty-00021-00021912-00022735 Stop working soooo hard on being politically correct, which will only bring you down, and continue to fight for our Country tROr2UhEoty-00022-00022735-00023440 The losers all want what you have, don’t give it to them. Be strong & prosper, be weak & die!” tROr2UhEoty-00023-00023440-00024292 Trump added, “Stay true to the people that got you there. Keep fighting for Tucker, and fight hard for @JudgeJeanine tROr2UhEoty-00024-00024292-00025112 Your competitors are jealous – they all want what you’ve got – NUMBER ONE. Don’t hand it to them on a silver platter tROr2UhEoty-00025-00025112-00025522 They can’t beat you, you can only beat yourselves!” tcote-EHGWg-00000-00000571-00001420 Two soap operas starring Donald Trump are airing live today, and the leader of the free world is the villain in both tcote-EHGWg-00001-00001420-00002151 Each story is playing out live in two different parts of the world, with nonstop reporting and analysis tcote-EHGWg-00002-00002151-00002969 No matter what happens, today is certain to feature jaw-dropping episodes, shocking revelations, and insane tweets tcote-EHGWg-00003-00002969-00003964 By the time we put our phones down and go to sleep tonight, we will surely feel catapulted into a new chapter of understanding the real Donald Trump tcote-EHGWg-00004-00003964-00004917 One story is playing out in Hanoi, where Trump and North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un are meeting before a second summit formally kicks off tomorrow tcote-EHGWg-00005-00004917-00005787 Evidence of Kim’s credentials as an oppressive dictator is overwhelming, as is his history of antagonism toward the United States tcote-EHGWg-00006-00005787-00006942 In a scathing December 2017 report, the International Bar Association War Crimes Committee urged prosecution against Kim for 10 out of 11 crimes against humanity tcote-EHGWg-00007-00006942-00007822 But as with everything else, Trump trusts his gut and ignores any fact that interferes with his desired outcome tcote-EHGWg-00008-00007822-00008966 Trump met Kim at the first summit in Singapore in June 2018 after being smitten by an oversized letter targeted at his ego and personally delivered by Kim’s envoy tcote-EHGWg-00009-00008966-00009630 Trump claimed to have sized up Kim in a few seconds, professing his trust for the dictator tcote-EHGWg-00010-00009630-00011009 Kim returned the sentiment and the two became besties. Their long-distance romance blossomed through more letter writing, with a dreamy-eyed Trump telling a West Virginia crowd a few months later that “we fell in love tcote-EHGWg-00011-00011009-00012067 ” The first summit failed to achieve its goal of denuclearization, so we now cringe as we wonder what Trump might give away in return for a “tremendous deal'' tcYy49FmrrY-00000-00000513-00002111 The US special representative for North Korea said that the United States will not accept a phased denuclearization by Pyongyang and maintained that the two nations remain closely engaged despite the collapse of the Hanoi summit in late February tcYy49FmrrY-00001-00002111-00003342 "Let me start by saying the obvious -- that diplomacy is still very much alive," Stephen Biegun said at the Carnegie International Nuclear Policy Conference in Washington, DC on Monday tcYy49FmrrY-00002-00003342-00004355 "While we haven't made as much progress in the six months as I would've hoped coming in on the first day, we stay closely engaged with our counterparts in North Korea tcYy49FmrrY-00003-00004355-00005902 ".Biegun, speaking less than two weeks after President Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un failed to reach any sort of agreement in Hanoi, suggested that the ball was in North Korea's court to negotiate in a meaningful way around the issue of denuclearization tcYy49FmrrY-00004-00005902-00006939 "We're just not there on denuclearization, and that was the issue at the summit that really challenged us to move forward with a more complete agreement," Biegun said tcYy49FmrrY-00005-00006939-00008161 Biegun said the administration's unanimous position was to not accept incremental denuclearization from the North Koreans and denied the US had hardened its position during negotiations in Hanoi tcYy49FmrrY-00006-00008161-00008950 "There's absolutely been no difference or distinction in the US policy on denuclearization," he noted tcYy49FmrrY-00007-00008950-00009671 However, comments from the special representative prior to the summit seemed to suggest otherwise tcYy49FmrrY-00008-00009671-00010940 Speaking in late January at Stanford University, Biegun denied that the US policy was "you do everything first and then we'll begin to think about whether or not we're going to do anything in response tcYy49FmrrY-00009-00010940-00012831 "."That is not our policy and has not been our policy. What we're talking about is simultaneously looking at ways to improve relations, looking at ways to advance a more stable and peaceful, and ultimately, a more legal peace regime on the Korean Peninsula -- how we advance denuclearization," he said tcYy49FmrrY-00010-00012831-00013712 Last week, a senior State Department official said that "nobody in the administration advocates a step-by-step approach tcYy49FmrrY-00011-00013712-00014649 ".Biegun, in multiple instances on Monday, failed to clarify the discrepancies in the pre- and post-summit negotiating stances tcYy49FmrrY-00012-00014649-00015318 "As is so often the case, nothing can be agreed until everything is agreed," he said tcYy49FmrrY-00013-00015318-00016099 "That's a clear principle that has permeated our negotiations on both sides with the North Koreans tcYy49FmrrY-00014-00016099-00017105 "."That's not to say that we can't take steps to build confidence between the two countries, but the foundation of this policy is denuclearization tcYy49FmrrY-00015-00017105-00018241 And until we can get to some point where we have the same traction on that issue that we have on the other issues, it makes it very difficult for us to move forward," he continued tcYy49FmrrY-00016-00018241-00019521 Later when asked what those confidence building measures could be, Biegun confirmed that the US is looking to open a liaison office in North Korea in order to provide support to inspectors tcYy49FmrrY-00017-00019521-00020310 Biegun noted that they "are not there yet" on that measure and said that it was "just one that's been mentioned in public tcYy49FmrrY-00018-00020310-00022786 " CNN reported in mid-February that this was under consideration.The special representative also downplayed new satellite images that analysts say show activity at North Korean missile sites and urged against making any "snap judgment" on the significance of the images that appear to show that North Korea has begun rebuilding a portion of the Sohae facility previously used to test long-range missile engines tcYy49FmrrY-00019-00022786-00023944 "We don't know" what Kim will decide to do in the future and that any decision to resume such testing may "very much be his decision, and his decision alone," Biegun said tcYy49FmrrY-00020-00023944-00024664 He also noted that Trump has "made clear" how disappointed he would be if testing resumed tcYy49FmrrY-00021-00024664-00025759 A senior US defense official told CNN Monday that the commercial satellite imagery doesn't show anything that raises imminent alarm for the US at this time u5cw6z2tPjg-00000-00000571-00002018 Donald Trump has become the guy who says “Tim Apple” while demanding to know the “oranges” of the Mueller probe, even as he insists that windmill noises somehow cause cancer, and his imaginary new border wall is “anti-climb u5cw6z2tPjg-00001-00002018-00003107 ” So it shouldn’t be particularly surprising, we suppose, that late on Monday night, Trump cryptically tweeted “Thank you Charles” before immediately deleting it u5cw6z2tPjg-00002-00003107-00004408 .Even though our expectations couldn’t be much lower at this point when it comes to Donald Trump’s cognitive abilities and mental competence, the bizarre incident nonetheless left quite a few people scratching their heads u5cw6z2tPjg-00003-00004408-00005320 Moments later, Trump retweeted political pundit Charles V Payne, thus giving away what his deleted “thank you” was presumably about u5cw6z2tPjg-00004-00005320-00006973 But it nonetheless set off quite a bit of confusion. . .Some were left to ask if this might have anything to do with the fact that a Chinese operative was arrested at Mar-a-Lago last week after entering the property and bizarrely asking for someone named “Charles u5cw6z2tPjg-00005-00006973-00007992 ” Others jokingly quipped that Trump might have been referring to Charles in Charge (whose star Scott Baio is a notorious Trump supporter), or to Charles Manson u5cw6z2tPjg-00006-00007992-00008997 .In any case, Donald Trump’s incoherent “Thank you Charles” moment served to underscore the argument that there is something increasingly wrong with this guy u5cw6z2tPjg-00007-00008997-00009961 He just finished having a meltdown about his imaginary border wall having thirty-six doors in it, and he doesn’t want to pay for the doors u5cw6z2tPjg-00008-00009961-00011294 He’s literally ranting about apples and oranges. The guy isn’t close to being mentally coherent, and as the investigations into his criminal scandals grow deeper, the cracks in his psyche appear to be widening uD9cDc14UDo-00000-00000513-00001944 Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe said that he was “shocked” by the light sentence handed out to President Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort last week after he was found guilty of various financial crimes uD9cDc14UDo-00001-00001944-00003308 "I was really surprised by the sentence he was given. I think it’s an incredibly lenient sentence in light not just of the offenses he was convicted for, but the additional offenses that he has pled guilty to in D uD9cDc14UDo-00002-00003308-00004321 C.," McCabe said during an appearance on CBS's "Face the Nation."."Like most people, I was shocked by how lenient the sentence was,” he added uD9cDc14UDo-00003-00004321-00005784 Manafort was sentenced last week to nearly four years in prison for tax and bank fraud related to his work advising Ukrainian politicians – a sentence much less than what was called for under sentencing guidelines uD9cDc14UDo-00004-00005784-00006542 Manafort has been jailed since June, so he will receive credit for the nine months he has already served uD9cDc14UDo-00005-00006542-00007325 He still faces the possibility of additional time from his sentencing in a separate case in the District of Columbia uD9cDc14UDo-00006-00007325-00008299 The sentence drew widespread criticism and opened up a conversation about whether the justice system treats different crimes and criminals fairly uD9cDc14UDo-00007-00008299-00010039 Judge T.S. Ellis III's comment that Paul Manafort had lived an "otherwise blameless life" was particularly galling to those who pointed out that Manafort's past included work for people such as Philippine strongman Ferdinand Marcos and Congolese dictator Mobutu Sese Seko uD9cDc14UDo-00008-00010039-00012241 Sen. Cory Booker, a Democratic presidential candidate, told "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert" Thursday night that the criminal justice system "treats you better if you're rich and guilty than if you're poor and innocent" and preys upon the most vulnerable such as "poor folks, mentally ill folks, addicted folks and overwhelmingly black and brown folks uD9cDc14UDo-00009-00012241-00013140 ".Asked if he was shocked, Booker replied, "No, this criminal justice system can't surprise me anymore uD9cDc14UDo-00010-00013140-00014668 ".Many observers raised the case of Crystal Mason, a black woman from Texas who was sentenced in state court last year to five years in prison for voting illegally in 2016, while she was on supervised release from a federal conviction uD9cDc14UDo-00011-00014668-00016564 Mason said she didn't know she wasn't allowed to vote.Her lawyer, Alison Grinter, said Friday that the judge's comment about Manafort being "blameless" was infuriating, especially considering that he is awaiting sentencing on a different case in Washington, where he faces up to 10 more years uD9cDc14UDo-00012-00016564-00017369 The Washington judge who will sentence him next week has the option to impose that sentence either concurrently or consecutively uD9cDc14UDo-00013-00017369-00018270 McCabe added during his interview on Sunday that there’s “no question” Manafort will get additional time when he’s sentenced by a D uD9cDc14UDo-00014-00018270-00019213 C. court judge this week, but made clear that it is not Judge Amy Berman Jackson's duty to take into account the Virginia sentencing uD9cDc14UDo-00015-00019213-00020712 McCabe, who was fired from his post with the FBI last year after an internal report revealed he was not forthcoming with investigators, criticized Trump’s frequent attacks on the justice system in the country and his defense of Manafort uD9cDc14UDo-00016-00020712-00021629 The former FBI deputy director, however, said that he does not believe that Trump’s comments influenced Manafort's sentencing last week uD9cDc14UDo-00017-00021629-00023364 "But the point that I try to make in [McCabe’s new book “The Threat] is to try to highlight how incredibly irresponsible and indeed corrosive statements like that from the chief executive are on the process and on the public's perception of the fairness and the effectiveness of the process uD9cDc14UDo-00018-00023364-00023464 " uGO7zZ0YCnc-00000-00000571-00001939 President Donald Trump called the Democrats bluff and stated he was “strongly considering” busing migrants into sanctuary cities like San Francisco — where Nancy Pelosi resides — as a prime destination uGO7zZ0YCnc-00001-00001939-00002723 Well, that caused the Speaker to become incensed, giving an incoherent answer about any migrants headed her way uGO7zZ0YCnc-00002-00002723-00003744 Don’t miss this.President Trump was rattling the Democrats on Friday, making it crystal clear he won’t back down on fixing the border crisis uGO7zZ0YCnc-00003-00003744-00004805 Trump said he is seriously considering funneling detained illegal migrants into the self-declared sanctuary cities that oppose his tough immigration policies uGO7zZ0YCnc-00004-00004805-00006357 “Due to the fact that Democrats are unwilling to change our very dangerous immigration laws, we are indeed, as reported, giving strong considerations to placing Illegal Immigrants in Sanctuary Cities,” Trump said during an impromptu press conference uGO7zZ0YCnc-00005-00006357-00007347 “The Radical Left always seems to have an Open Borders, Open Arms policy –- so this should make them very happy!” Trump said uGO7zZ0YCnc-00006-00007347-00008086 However, early in the day, officials at Homeland Security and ICE had rejected the idea uGO7zZ0YCnc-00007-00008086-00009465 “Homeland Security and ICE lawyers quickly rejected the proposal, according to the people, and it was dropped on the grounds that it was too expensive and misuse of funds, two of the people said,” Breitbart reported uGO7zZ0YCnc-00008-00009465-00010196 “But not, apparently, by the president, who revived the idea in his tweets,” Breitbart added uGO7zZ0YCnc-00009-00010196-00011192 “The plan, which was first reported by the Washington Post, is one of many ideas considered by an increasingly frustrated White House uGO7zZ0YCnc-00010-00011192-00012539 ”.The Washington Post quoted DHS officials as saying the administration sought to release detainees in the San Francisco-based district of House Speaker Pelosi and in other strongly Democratic districts uGO7zZ0YCnc-00011-00012539-00013451 It said the White House told ICE that the plan was partly meant to conserve jail space but also partly to “send a message to Democrats uGO7zZ0YCnc-00012-00013451-00014198 ”.Well, Nancy Pelosi was taken aback when she was asked at a presser about Trump’s plan uGO7zZ0YCnc-00013-00014198-00014950 The thought that she would return to San Francisco being overrun by migrants made the Speaker incensed uGO7zZ0YCnc-00014-00014950-00016277 “Speaker Pelosi, we just ran a story saying that the White House is putting pressure on ICE to send undocumented migrants into Democratic districts including yours,” the reporter said, asking for a comment uKggb77aPVk-00000-00000571-00001482 President Donald Trump has an endless list of reasons why he is a truly terrible President of the United States and leader of the free world uKggb77aPVk-00001-00001482-00002700 His critics never get bored because they never have to find themselves repeating things about him – the sheer volume of things he gets so badly wrong on a daily basis provides for ample material uKggb77aPVk-00002-00002700-00004591 However, there is one thing that he really should not be getting wrong. He is a businessman, and supposedly a highly successful one, so if there is one area of policy he should actually be prettty good at, it is managing the finances of the country and ensuring that we are being economically productive uKggb77aPVk-00003-00004591-00005926 The reality, of course, is a million miles away from that. .President Donald Trump has an endless list of reasons why he is a truly terrible President of the United States and leader of the free world uKggb77aPVk-00004-00005926-00007143 His critics never get bored because they never have to find themselves repeating things about him – the sheer volume of things he gets so badly wrong on a daily basis provides for ample material uKggb77aPVk-00005-00007143-00009039 However, there is one thing that he really should not be getting wrong. He is a businessman, and supposedly a highly successful one, so if there is one area of policy he should actually be pretty good at, it is managing the finances of the country and ensuring that we are being economically productive uKggb77aPVk-00006-00009039-00010596 The reality, of course, is a million miles away from that.As it turns out, the adminsitration and White House of President Donald Trump is screwing over the economy just as badly as it is screwing over all the other aspects of American policies uKggb77aPVk-00007-00010596-00012064 New data released by the US Treasury Department in what is known as the Daily Treasury Statement reveals just how poorly the economy is performing under Trump, and unveils the shocking scale of debt that he has got us spiralling into uKggb77aPVk-00008-00012064-00012986 The national debt has surpassed $22 trillion. The national debt was $19.947 trillion on Jan uKggb77aPVk-00009-00012986-00014130 20, 2017, the day President Donald Trump took the oath of office. It has climbed more than $2 trillion since then, to $22 uKggb77aPVk-00010-00014130-00015084 013 trillion. The share for every man, woman and child in the U.S. is more than $67,000 uKggb77aPVk-00011-00015084-00015779 The debt has risen more than $6,000 per person during the Trump presidency vAn23toBduA-00000-00000513-00002024 Is the love affair between the Fox News channel and the Trump administration cooling off? We’ve seen numerous indicators lately that both sides in this twisted partnership are feeling somewhat slighted, causing a strain on the relationship vAn23toBduA-00001-00002024-00003336 Early March saw Bill Shine, former Fox News executive and protégé to former Fox CEO Roger Ailes, “resign” from his post as Trump White House Communications Director vAn23toBduA-00002-00003336-00004449 Shine’s formal reason for leaving was that he was a “distraction” for Trump, but reports were rampant that Trump was unhappy Shine hadn’t done enough to improve Trump’s image in the media vAn23toBduA-00003-00004449-00006269 On the Fox News end of the partnership, a recent New Yorker article by Jane Meyer about the unnatural relationship between the White House and the cable channel led to the Democratic National Committee decision to exclude Fox News from televising any debates in the upcoming season vAn23toBduA-00004-00006269-00007182 Whether this was a smart decision on the part of the Democrats is debatable, but it is certain to be a financial blow to Fox vAn23toBduA-00005-00007182-00008294 More recently two of Trump’s biggest Fox cheerleaders, Tucker Carlson and Jeanine Pirro, have come under fire for past and present remarks they’ve made vAn23toBduA-00006-00008294-00009706 Media Matters recently published an article which provided transcripts of Carlson calling in to a radio program where he made numerous racist, misogynist, and just plain gross and disgusting statements vAn23toBduA-00007-00009706-00010619 Jeanine Pirro made waves with several anti-Muslim comments with regards to Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar vAn23toBduA-00008-00010619-00011431 This led to anti-Fox protests and caused several companies to pull their advertising from the offending shows vAn23toBduA-00009-00011431-00012244 Fox News claimed to be “addressing” the matter, and this past weekend Pirro’s show was not broadcast vAn23toBduA-00010-00012244-00013057 It’s currently unknown how long the show will be off the air, but “President” Trump was clearly upset by the show’s absence vAn23toBduA-00011-00013057-00014777 At least three vitriolic tweets from Trump this weekend attacked “The Radical Left Democrats” and the “Fake News Media”, and encouraged Fox to “stay strong” and “fight” for Pirro and Tucker, and to stop “working soooo hard on being politically correct” vAn23toBduA-00012-00014777-00016498 Donald Trump is obviously frustrated by Fox’s reaction to the controversies. He expects his supporters, including Fox News, to stand by him no matter what and to do whatever is necessary to support his cause, regardless of the cost vAn23toBduA-00013-00016498-00017311 As a business, Fox News has to be concerned with profits, a majority of which come from advertisers vAn23toBduA-00014-00017311-00018931 While Fox will always remain a conservative-leaning media organization, it remains to be seen if they can continue to play their role as the channel of faithful Trump apologists without sustaining serious reputational and/or financial damage vAn23toBduA-00015-00018931-00019844 It’s unlikely that the opposing goals of profits vs. unquestioning support will both be able to withstand the tests of time wp2yLFfh938-00000-00000571-00002044 Several media outlets got their way today when they successfully forced the SDNY to publicly release a partially redacted copy of the search warrant that was used for the year-ago raid of Michael Cohen’s residence and office wp2yLFfh938-00001-00002044-00003018 Various parts of the document seem to spell out bad news for Donald Trump. But one part in particular should truly scare him wp2yLFfh938-00002-00003018-00004181 It’s not the revelation that Robert Mueller appears to have been investigating everyone in Donald Trump’s inner circle a year before the Michael Cohen raid, though that’s pretty ugly wp2yLFfh938-00003-00004181-00005301 It’s not even that during the election, foreign money was paid into the hush money account that Trump and Cohen were using to pay off Trump’s mistresses, though that’s really ugly wp2yLFfh938-00004-00005301-00006775 Instead, it’s a different stretch of the documentation entirely.CNBC pointed out that when it comes to the documents that were used to obtain the search warrant, it’s a big deal that nineteen pages are blacked out wp2yLFfh938-00005-00006775-00007420 We agree that it’s a big deal, and not simply due to the generic fear of the unknown wp2yLFfh938-00006-00007420-00008804 These pages are blacked out because they relate to an ongoing SDNY criminal investigation, a year after the Cohen raid, and several months after the case against Cohen was fully put to bed wp2yLFfh938-00007-00008804-00009504 Multi-tier criminal investigations like this tend to only progress sideways and/or upward wp2yLFfh938-00008-00009504-00010486 So those nineteen blacked out pages are almost certainly evidence against a fish who is equal to, or bigger than, Michael Cohen wp2yLFfh938-00009-00010486-00011508 Some of it could theoretically be about the likes of Elliott Broidy, as we just learned this week that his office was raided a couple months after the Cohen raid wp2yLFfh938-00010-00011508-00012587 But really, the blacked out parts are most likely about Donald Trump – and that would mean that the SDNY is building a massive criminal case against him wgdVcDFoIzy-00000-00000571-00001482 Time to drop the impeachment hammer on Donald Trump.Once again the President of the United States has undermined the Constitution wgdVcDFoIzy-00001-00001482-00002441 He is spinning a false conservative narrative into a national emergency, just to be able to allocate funds to build his unnecessary wall wgdVcDFoIzy-00002-00002441-00003379 Enough is enough; he is disgracing the Oval Office.Donald Trump has lied more than 8,000 times since taking office and counting wgdVcDFoIzy-00003-00003379-00004144 While calling for “unity,” he has at the same time taken a vile attitude towards members of the Democratic Party wgdVcDFoIzy-00004-00004144-00005118 When he doesn’t get his way, he throws temper tantrums on Twitter, kicks journalists out of press briefings and calls them the enemy of the people wgdVcDFoIzy-00005-00005118-00006597 These scandals are only getting worse under his watch. This is not even including his private meetings with Putin, or praising North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, along with the top people of his campaign team have having been indicted wgdVcDFoIzy-00006-00006597-00007250 This lack of leadership continues with his treatment of veterans, including war heroes wgdVcDFoIzy-00007-00007250-00008368 It took Trump more than two years to finally visit troops in a combat zone, and when he did, he lied to them, saying he was the only one in office who gave them a pay raise wgdVcDFoIzy-00008-00008368-00009170 His policies are cruel and inhumane, locking children in cages because immigrants want a better life wgdVcDFoIzy-00009-00009170-00010915 He bans transgender people from joining the United States Military.Trump constantly violates the Constitution, for example encouraging punitive actions against black NFL players who were exercising free speech to raise awarenessduring football games of police brutality wgdVcDFoIzy-00010-00010915-00011941 He has done so much harm to our country, and the list goes on. He’s praised dictators, and he’s called neo-Nazis “very fine people wgdVcDFoIzy-00011-00011941-00012931 ” He does not hold anyone in the Republican Party accountable for racism or other wrongful acts, but will condemn anything a Democrat is accused of wgdVcDFoIzy-00012-00012931-00014156 He has caused the United States to be a joke to the world, in the United Nations General Assembly and most recently in Munich, Germany, with no applause after the greeting from Mike Pence wgdVcDFoIzy-00013-00014156-00015374 Trump has called various countries unfortunate derogatory words. .These past few months have been the worst because of the toll the American people have suffered under his leadership, or lack thereof wgdVcDFoIzy-00014-00015374-00016110 Instead of listening to experts on immigration, he buys into what his favorite pundits say about it wgdVcDFoIzy-00015-00016110-00017380 They ignore facts like MS-13 having been created in the United States, facts like immigrants coming through legal points of entry, and they forget to mention that seeking asylum is legal and human right wgdVcDFoIzy-00016-00017380-00018500 Because Trump fell for the conservative propaganda on Fox, he shut down the U.S. government in a way that disingenuously put many people in a financial burden wgdVcDFoIzy-00017-00018500-00019127 So many Americans were unable to provide for their families, including people in the U wgdVcDFoIzy-00018-00019127-00020347 S. Coast Guard. This disaster has even put our country’s safety at national risk. And now, he has declared national emergency when there isn’t any emergency at the border wgdVcDFoIzy-00019-00020347-00021575 This act is unconstitutional and compromises the office of the President of the United States, which is supposed to be a position of honor and integrity, and Trump hasn’t displayed any of these values wgdVcDFoIzy-00020-00021575-00022356 I am a United States military veteran, and I took an oath to defend our country and Constitution wgdVcDFoIzy-00021-00022356-00023769 I am requesting that all lawmakers, Republican, Democrat, Senate, House, and anyone else with the authority, to come together and save our country and begin the process of impeachment and removal of Donald Trump wgdVcDFoIzy-00022-00023769-00024396 I believe this may be the only way our country can heal and unite once again x0ma8t7v2zM-00000-00000513-00002143 As President Donald Trump continues to rage about who’s not nice enough to him for his liking, his team keeps trying to reshape American policy to be more in line with their far right agenda — but for now, at least part of those efforts face a new roadblock x0ma8t7v2zM-00001-00002143-00003261 Federal Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly asserted this week that an earlier injunction she handed down blocking the implementation of a planned ban on transgender members of the U x0ma8t7v2zM-00002-00003261-00003974 S. Armed Forces remains in place despite the Trump administration’s claims otherwise x0ma8t7v2zM-00003-00003974-00005463 After a lengthy legal battle, acting Deputy Defense Secretary David Norquist moved to implement the ban last week with a memo that made the policy effective come April 12 — but in reality, the legal battle is not over x0ma8t7v2zM-00004-00005463-00006233 Although three other injunctions blocking the policy have been lifted, including two that the U x0ma8t7v2zM-00005-00006233-00007986 S. Supreme Court handled, Kollar-Kotelly’s is still in place. Although a D.C. appeals court offered a ruling lifting the injunction, until at least March 29, that ruling is only preliminary while the plantiffs decide whether to pursue the matter further x0ma8t7v2zM-00006-00007986-00009120 The transgender rights project director with GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders Jennifer Levi praised Kollar-Kotelly’s newest assertion, offering: x0ma8t7v2zM-00007-00009120-00010188 ‘The Trump administration cannot circumvent the judicial process just to fast track its baseless, unfair ban on transgender service members x0ma8t7v2zM-00008-00010188-00011573 The dedicated transgender troops who show up every day to do their duty and serve their country deserve justice, and that includes requiring this administration to follow the ordinary rules of judicial process x0ma8t7v2zM-00009-00011573-00012573 ’.President Trump first unveiled his plans to ban transgender troops from serving in the military with a set of tweets back in 2017 x0ma8t7v2zM-00010-00012573-00013759 Legal battles immediately ensued — and the administration ended up ordered to start accepting openly transgender soldiers in 2018, a long-awaited U x0ma8t7v2zM-00011-00013759-00014801 S. policy change which had been incoming until the Trump team moved to stop it. After the beginning of 2018 came and went, however, the U x0ma8t7v2zM-00012-00014801-00015880 S. Armed Forces lagged significantly in their actual acceptance of transgender recruits — and eventually, the newly Republican-majority U x0ma8t7v2zM-00013-00015880-00016896 S. Supreme Court lifted the aforementioned temporary injunctions blocking the formal policy while litigation proceeded through lower-level courts x0ma8t7v2zM-00014-00016896-00018043 After the Supreme Court lifted two injunctions, a federal judge in Maryland ruled he felt he must lift a third, leaving just the one that Kollar-Kotelly handed down x0ma8t7v2zM-00015-00018043-00020033 The entire premise of the ban was based on a lie in the first place. It’s false that providing healthcare specific to transgender service members’ identities would pose some kind of insurmountable burden to the military — they spend more on Viagra than they’ve been projected to spend on transgender health services x0ma8t7v2zM-00016-00020033-00021906 The lie mirrors others that the Trump administration has put forward as the basis for major policy decisions, such as the claim that there is an undocumented immigration “crisis” at the southern border necessitating spending billions upon billions on a border wall that criminals can just go around x0ma8t7v2zM-00017-00021906-00022995 The issues are among the many paving the way to the 2020 elections. Just this week, presidential candidate and Senator Cory Booker (D-N x0ma8t7v2zM-00018-00022995-00023646 J.) explicitly pledged to undo the ban on transgender service members if elected x_JbdSDUXDA-00000-00000571-00001987 On Monday, a group of former National Security officials are expected to release a joint, bipartisan statement declaring there is no factual basis for President Donald Trump’s National Emergency at the southern border x_JbdSDUXDA-00001-00001987-00003716 The group is made up of 58 former senior national security officials and includes former Secretaries of State Madeleine Albright and John Kerry, former Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, former State Department counselor Eliot Cohen and former Ambassador to the U x_JbdSDUXDA-00002-00003716-00004789 N. Thomas Pickering. They are set to release the statement a day before the House of Representatives is expected to vote on a bill that would block Trump’s declaration x_JbdSDUXDA-00003-00004789-00006268 “Under no plausible assessment of the evidence is there a national emergency today that entitles the president to tap into funds appropriated for other purposes to build a wall at the southern border,” they told the Washington Post x_JbdSDUXDA-00004-00006268-00007221 They pointed out that illegal border crossings are at a near 40-year low, citing statistics from the Department of Homeland Security x_JbdSDUXDA-00005-00007221-00008102 The group also says that “the overwhelming majority of opioids” that cross the border are brought in through legal ports of entry x_JbdSDUXDA-00006-00008102-00008982 They will reportedly argue that the declaration “will undermine U.S. national security and foreign policy interests x_JbdSDUXDA-00007-00008982-00009831 ” And, they assert, “a wall is unnecessary to support the use of the armed forces,” as the administration has said xHGzRyzarVU-00000-00000571-00002261 The decision by President Donald Trump to walk away from his summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un without a deal sent a clear message to China’s President Xi Jinping: the US will stand its ground and reject deals that do not live up to its expectations xHGzRyzarVU-00001-00002261-00003345 Beijing is Pyongyang’s closest ally and accounts for an overwhelming 90 percent of North Korea’s trade, according to data from the International Monetary Fund xHGzRyzarVU-00002-00003345-00004194 That gives China a lot of influence over North Korea–and a big stake in the outcome of the now failed summit in Vietnam xHGzRyzarVU-00003-00004194-00005432 Some in the leadership of China’s Communist Party viewed the North Korea summit as a testing ground for US resolve, according to a high ranking US official who spoke on the condition of anonymity xHGzRyzarVU-00004-00005432-00006968 If the US gave a significant amount of ground to the North Koreans in order to score a “win” and strike a deal, it would likely have emboldened China’s negotiators to hold out against what many Chinese officials regard as unreasonable US demands xHGzRyzarVU-00005-00006968-00008264 The North Korean leader visited Beijing in January, meeting with China’s Xi Jinping even while lower-level US officials were holding trade talks with Chinese counterparts nearby xHGzRyzarVU-00006-00008264-00009316 This was widely seen as an attempt to send a message to Washington that the trade war could interfere with plans to strike a denuclearization with North Korea xHGzRyzarVU-00007-00009316-00010343 Many American officials believe that Kim’s stance in the Hanoi negotiations was heavily influenced by Xi, which would mean North Korea’s resistance to U xHGzRyzarVU-00008-00010343-00011696 S. demands may have been authorized by China.Until Trump’s surprise decision to walk away from a deal with Kim, the North Korea negotiations had been seen as giving China leverage in the trade talks xHGzRyzarVU-00009-00011696-00013467 .“If we expect China to cooperate on that important issue, we can’t punch them in the nose on trade issues,” David Dollar, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution who was the US Treasury’s economic emissary to China during the Obama administration, told Bloomberg News last year xHGzRyzarVU-00010-00013467-00014245 “When you bring in the North Korea factor, it becomes overwhelmingly sensible to make a trade deal with China'' xHGzRyzarVU-00011-00014245-00014961 But with a North Korea deal off the table, at least for now, China has lost that leverage xHGzRyzarVU-00012-00014961-00016108 And the U.S. has shown that it does indeed have the resolve to resist the temptation to settle for halfway measures or commitments that cannot be adequately enforced or monitored xHK4VnKGEQM-00000-00000571-00001297 A gloom has settled over the American elite on trade and foreign policy. This is good news xHK4VnKGEQM-00001-00001297-00002013 Here's why.The dark clouds started forming during the presidency of Barack Obama xHK4VnKGEQM-00002-00002013-00003256 Even though, in a number of ways, Obama was anti-American, forever apologizing for this country and its achievements, his foreign policy was not exactly a globalist's delight xHK4VnKGEQM-00003-00003256-00003993 Obama's appointment of the ineffectual Hillary Clinton as secretary of state was a raw political move xHK4VnKGEQM-00004-00003993-00006064 When she left, Obama offered John F. Kerry as a sop to the foreign policy blob. Even though Obama was behind international initiatives like the Iran nuclear weapons deal, the Paris Climate Accord, and the overthrow of Gaddafi, overall, he oversaw a retreat, albeit slowly, from the post-WWII consensus xHK4VnKGEQM-00005-00006064-00006824 The 2016 election was a shock to the foreign service community. Hillary was their ideal candidate xHK4VnKGEQM-00006-00006824-00007788 In her, the boys from Foggy Bottom knew they could lead the "world's smartest woman" around by the nose with flattery and faux bowing and scraping xHK4VnKGEQM-00007-00007788-00008700 Donald Trump, however, was their worst nightmare. This barbarian was uncontrollable and threatened to upend the world as they know it xHK4VnKGEQM-00008-00008700-00009810 And worse still, on a personal note, since winning the presidency, Trump has frozen out a great many of his pre-election critics from the plumb government positions they crave xHK4VnKGEQM-00009-00009810-00010722 .The inbred blob is infected with groupthink. It acts as if America's destiny were to lead the world forever, no matter the cost xHK4VnKGEQM-00010-00010722-00011960 If the American people refuse to shoulder their assigned responsibility to self-sacrifice for the world community, we are lectured that global chaos of biblical proportions will ensue xHK4VnKGEQM-00011-00011960-00012683 Part of the reason for the mentality of the foreign service crowd is that since the end of World War II, the U xHK4VnKGEQM-00012-00012683-00013618 S. has basically protected and bankrolled much of the world. This is the only environment these people know and are comfortable with xHK4VnKGEQM-00013-00013618-00014540 For all of their supposed education and credentials, thinking out of the box is not their forte, even when that box is knee-deep with their failures xHK4VnKGEQM-00014-00014540-00015395 Yes, naked self-interest motivates many in the blob. To think otherwise is to deny human nature to its members xHK4VnKGEQM-00015-00015395-00016233 So why the gloom in the foreign policy community? It's because those people know that President Trump has changed the dynamics xHK4VnKGEQM-00016-00016233-00016870 Under him, America's interests will now be put ahead of the interests of foreign countries xHK4VnKGEQM-00017-00016870-00017576 There will be no going back when he leaves office. I offer the thoughts of Eliot Cohen in this regard xHK4VnKGEQM-00018-00017576-00018401 If you can get past his overbearing presumptuous attitude and his wrong-headed analysis, savor his pessimism yvnxf48cHJA-00000-00000513-00001435 Princess Diana, who was the first wife of Prince Charles, met Michael Jackson at Wembley Arena in 1988 during his “Bad” tour yvnxf48cHJA-00001-00001435-00002446 During an exchange before his performance, the King of Pop made a £300,000 donation to the Prince of Wales’ charity – The Prince’s Trust yvnxf48cHJA-00002-00002446-00003300 However, it was just the start of a lifetime friendship, in which the Thriller singer fell in love, according to a close source yvnxf48cHJA-00003-00003300-00004159 .Matt Fiddes helped run security for Mr Jackson for more than 10 years and revealed how the Princess’ death had haunted him yvnxf48cHJA-00004-00004159-00005494 .He told Daily Star Online in 2017: “He felt she was the only person in the world who could understand his life in terms of not being able to go anywhere, and the media stories that got out of hand yvnxf48cHJA-00005-00005494-00006327 “The intrusion into the private life, having no privacy whatsoever.“He felt an immediate bond with her as soon as they met yvnxf48cHJA-00006-00006327-00007043 "They were both very shy individuals and he loved her, he wanted to marry her truth be told yvnxf48cHJA-00007-00007043-00007701 “Michael told me he loved her, and he was in love with her, and he wanted to marry her yvnxf48cHJA-00008-00007701-00008929 He told me she was his ideal wife.".Mr Fiddes went on to detail how the pop star felt a connection with the People’s Princess and was absolutely devastated over the news of her death yvnxf48cHJA-00009-00008929-00009572 He added: “They both had this tremendous amount of pain they suffered due to the role they were in yvnxf48cHJA-00010-00009572-00010418 He said: “He was completely devastated when she died – Michael would always talk about her and he learnt a lot from her death yvnxf48cHJA-00011-00010418-00011397 ".Mr Fiddes added that they would talk “all hours of the night” and their one connection was “the phone between Neverland and Kensington Palace" yvnxf48cHJA-00012-00011397-00012197 Her death also inspired Mr Jackson to up his security, fearing he would be “the next one to go” yvnxf48cHJA-00013-00012197-00013375 The King of Pop also passed away at an early age too. .The singer was just 50 when he suffered a cardiac arrest at his home in Holmby Hills, Los Angeles yvnxf48cHJA-00014-00013375-00014169 .He has failed to stay out of headlines since, as claims over alleged sexual abuse do not go away yvnxf48cHJA-00015-00014169-00015966 .Next week, controversial documentary “Leaving Neverland” will air on Channel 4.The two-part series focuses on alleged sexual abuse by Mr Jackson with two men – Wade Robson and James Safechuck – will hit screens on Wednesday, March 6 and Thursday, March 7 yvnxf48cHJA-00016-00015966-00017035 .The documentary has been met with fury by the Michael Jackson Estate, who have sued HBO – the original producers – for £85million yvnxf48cHJA-00017-00017035-00017964 They claim it is "an outrageous and pathetic attempt to exploit and cash in”, something Janet Jackson has previously backed yvnxf48cHJA-00018-00017964-00019338 Like Mr Jackson, Princess Diana is still at the centre of worldwide attention.This weekend, a highly controversial musical titled “Diana” is being performed in La Jolla Playhouse in San Diego, California yvnxf48cHJA-00019-00019338-00020057 It features scenes where James Hewitt strokes his bare chest and caresses Princess Diana in Bed yvnxf48cHJA-00020-00020057-00020668 .Prince Charles is also seen undoing Camilla Parker Bowles’ purple dressing gown yvnxf48cHJA-00021-00020668-00021606 Royal commentators have slammed the musical, with Ingrid Seward, editor-in-chief of Majesty magazine, branding it “tasteless” yAKN7NzaWq4-00000-00000571-00002347 Turning Point USA founder and Executive Director Charlie Kirk told Breitbart News that President Donald Trump “recognizes the importance of the culture war” and that when the president sees his supporters — as well as constitutional liberties — under attack, he “has an obligation to have their backs yAKN7NzaWq4-00001-00002347-00003120 ” Kirk offered his remarks in a Saturday interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Matt Boyle yAKN7NzaWq4-00002-00003120-00004664 “What the president did this week is so historic,” said Charlie Kirk, “The signing of an executive order that any institution of higher learning that does not protect the First Amendment rights of their students will — have their federal funding in jeopardy yAKN7NzaWq4-00003-00004664-00006239 This is long overdue.”. .Kirk had also noted that while the president may have had a “great week,” his successes had not been efficiently reported on by the mainstream media — a mainstream press that seemed to only be focused on the Mueller report yAKN7NzaWq4-00004-00006239-00008143 With regards to the president’s executive order, Kirk believes “the straw that broke the camel’s back” on prompting the president to take action was after conservative activist Hayden Williams was punched in the face at the University of California Berkeley while recruiting students for the school’s Turning Point USA student group yAKN7NzaWq4-00005-00008143-00008710 Kirk added that president Trump “recognizes the importance of the culture war.”. yAKN7NzaWq4-00006-00008710-00010502 “The president takes this seriously,” said Kirk, “and he understands that his movement is actually growing, and that when it’s under attack by the left, he has an obligation to have their backs, and God bless this president for engaging in that cultural conversation and backing it up real policies yAKN7NzaWq4-00007-00010502-00011176 ”.The Turning Point USA founder offered additional remarks on the culture war of today yAKN7NzaWq4-00008-00011176-00011840 As the great Andrew Breitbart used to say, ‘politics flows downstream from culture yAKN7NzaWq4-00009-00011840-00012845 ’ Everyone involved in conservative politics should say that every day, because we should be involved in conservative culture, not conservative politics yAKN7NzaWq4-00010-00012845-00013974 Politics is just a byproduct of the winners and losers of the culture war. How is culture determined? Through media, family, church, and college campuses yAKN7NzaWq4-00011-00013974-00016314 That’s how culture is determined. At Turning Point USA, we really hyper-focus on the college campuses — and something that Breitbart has done such a good job of covering is the suppression of free speech, the suppression of expression on college campuses, where these intellectual tyrants have created these islands of totalitarianism on these college campuses to suppress different opinions yAKN7NzaWq4-00012-00016314-00017067 In another interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily, Kirk had mentioned “the cartel of the colleges yAKN7NzaWq4-00013-00017067-00018268 ” Boyle asked him to elaborate on what he meant by that.It’s no different than an inside-out relationship with any crony deal that we see between supposed private industry and government yAKN7NzaWq4-00014-00018268-00019726 It’s this, really, festered union between big government and “big universities,” and so, what you have is a handful of colleges that hide behind their — phony certification that was given by the Department of Education yAKN7NzaWq4-00015-00019726-00021264 They receive ridiculous amounts of money in subsidized student loans, they receive billions of dollars in grants from the federal government, and they continue to raise their tuition rates, they continue to raise their fees, with no recourse whatsoever yAKN7NzaWq4-00016-00021264-00024062 Not to mention, they’re teaching ideology and they’re teaching philosophy that is fundamentally destructive to our country — Essentially, we’re having a generation borrow money they don’t have to study things that don’t matter to find jobs that don’t exist — it empowers this cartel to be able to advance anti-Western, anti-capitalistic, and anti-conservative values and causes — Where do you think AOC got all of her ideology from? She got it from the universities yAKN7NzaWq4-00017-00024062-00025190 “This cartel only gets more and more powerful thanks to this ridiculous construct of funding that we have designed,” added Kirk, “And so this executive order challenges that cartel yAKN7NzaWq4-00018-00025190-00026123 I love seeing that.”.Kirk also noted that the next executive order he would like to see would be one that goes after “big tech yAKN7NzaWq4-00019-00026123-00027544 ”. .“People don’t realize the power that Google has over our country,” said Kirk, referencing a report on Friday by Breitbart News, which covered new research from psychologist and search engine expert Dr yAKN7NzaWq4-00020-00027544-00028471 Robert Epstein that shows biased Google searches had a measurable impact on the 2018 midterm elections in favor of Democrat candidates zlOb4CLR604-00000-00000000-00000200 into zlOb4CLR604-00001-00000200-00000400 chaptes ZcV_8erL6Hc-00000-00000571-00002133 If there is one very big policy failure of the White House and administration of President Donald Trump that it is easy to point to as an illustration of just how terrible he is as President of the United States and leader of the free world, it is healthcare ZcV_8erL6Hc-00001-00002133-00003371 The American healthcare system was revolutionized and updated for the modern age under President Barack Obama when he introduced the incredible Affordable Care Act, which came to be known as Obamacare ZcV_8erL6Hc-00002-00003371-00004810 Naturally, Trump hates all of his predecessor’s achievements, so he very publicly made it one of his biggest missions when he took office to try to overhaul Obamacare and replace it with some Republican alternative ZcV_8erL6Hc-00003-00004810-00006200 As we at Blue Side Nation have taken great pleasure in reporting in the past, he and his cronies failed miserably in their attempts to do this, so Obamacare still stands, despite all the best efforts of the White House ZcV_8erL6Hc-00004-00006200-00007046 However, Trump being Trump, he was not going to admit defeat, leave it alone and move on to a different issue ZcV_8erL6Hc-00005-00007046-00009162 Oh, no.Trump simply decided that if he could not get rid of Obamacare the legitimate and democratic way, then he would just have to try to slowly and quietly take it apart in a much more covert and extremely dodgy way, essentially by making small and frequent changes behind the scenes to slowly but surely undermine Obamacare as a whole ZcV_8erL6Hc-00006-00009162-00011085 Thankfully, it looks like his efforts are going to be in vain.Ever since the Democrats won the midterm elections in November of last year and took back control of the House of Representatives from the GOP, they have been in an excellent position to provide true checks and balances on the power and intentions of the President ZcV_8erL6Hc-00007-00011085-00011832 And led by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, they are doing just that when it comes to healthcare ZcV_8erL6Hc-00008-00011832-00013062 The Energy and Commerce Committee has revealed that it is planning to hold hearings to essentially undo several actions taken by the Trump administration which have aimed to undermine existing healthcare law ZcV_8erL6Hc-00009-00013062-00013804 Quite simply, Trump tried to ruin Obamacare, and the Democrats are swooping in to put a stop to it ZcV_8erL6Hc-00010-00013804-00014964 This will ensure that Obamacare and the existing, vital legislation and systems in place around healthcare stay exactly as they are, for the sake of the people who rely on them most of all ZcV_8erL6Hc-00011-00014964-00015617 These are the true patriots.Not the ones Trump talks about who are ruining the country ZcV_8erL6Hc-00012-00015617-00016270 Chalk up a big win for democracy, sanity, and the wellbeing of the American people! -CxgoUHfmOy-00000-00000571-00001825 President Donald Trump on Saturday referred to prominent conservative author Ann Coulter as a “Wacky Nut Job” following months of criticism she has directed at him regarding the lack of progress building a U -CxgoUHfmOy-00001-00001825-00003726 S.-Mexico border wall.“Wacky Nut Job @AnnCoulter, who still hasn’t figured out that, despite all odds and an entire Democrat Party of Far Left Radicals against me (not to mention certain Republicans who are sadly unwilling to fight), I am winning on the Border,” the president tweeted -CxgoUHfmOy-00002-00003726-00004332 President Trump wrote in a second tweet: “….and renovated, with MUCH MORE to follow shortly -CxgoUHfmOy-00003-00004332-00005098 Tens of thousands of illegals are being apprehended (captured) at the Border and NOT allowed into our Country -CxgoUHfmOy-00004-00005098-00005876 With another President, millions would be pouring in. I am stopping an invasion as the Wall gets built'' -CxgoUHfmOy-00005-00005876-00007759 Coulter, author of the New York Times best-selling book In Trump We Trust: E Pluribus Awesome, has emerged as one of President Trump’s most vocal critics over his border security policies, and she objected loudly in February to a bi-partisan agreement to appropriate nearly $1 -CxgoUHfmOy-00006-00007759-00008608 4 billion toward border security measures as part of a funding deal to avert a second partial government shutdown -CxgoUHfmOy-00007-00008608-00009619 Upon announcing the agreement, the president pledged to declare a national emergency to obtain billions more in funding to build portions of the Southern barrier -CxgoUHfmOy-00008-00009619-00010578 In response to the move, Coulter told KABC Radio in Los Angeles: “The only national emergency is that our president is an idiot'' -CxgoUHfmOy-00009-00010578-00011343 .“This is the worst open borders the country has ever had under the president who ran against open borders,” she added -CxgoUHfmOy-00010-00011343-00012391 During a Rose Garden press conference on the agreement, President Trump was asked whether his policy decisions were influenced by conservative media figures’ opinions -CxgoUHfmOy-00011-00012391-00013169 On Coulter, the president said he hardly knew her, despite having had her introduce him at a rally in Dubuque, Iowa -CxgoUHfmOy-00012-00013169-00013879 “Ann Coulter, I hardly know her,” the president said. “The press loved saying ‘Ann Coulter -CxgoUHfmOy-00013-00013879-00015671 ’ She is probably really nice. I just don’t have the time to speak to her.”.In an interview on iriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily this week, Coulter detailed to host Alex Marlow how then-President-elect Trump personally intervened to have her unbanned from the Fox News Channel -CxgoUHfmOy-00014-00015671-00017738 “I was begging — the president to hire Kris Kobach at HHS,” Coulter recalled. “He said, “Murdoch is calling me every day,” — I’m only saying this because it’s out now, anyway — “Murdoch’s calling me every day,” and I said, “Yeah, he opposed you during the campaign and got me banned from Fox when I supported you -CxgoUHfmOy-00015-00017738-00018709 Look, I’m giving up my career to get you in the White House. Please, just hire Kris Kobach,” and he said, “Oh, wait -CxgoUHfmOy-00016-00018709-00019621 You’re not allowed on Fox? Want me to call Murdoch?” And as a point of pride, I’d like to say that I said, “No -CxgoUHfmOy-00017-00019621-00020543 No, Mr. President-elect. All I care about is that you hire Kris Kobach. We’re trying to save the country, here'' -N7STk6iFk8-00000-00000087-00000350 Дарагі Уладзімір, дарагі калега! -N7STk6iFk8-00001-00000350-00000509 Сёння ваш Дзень нараджэння, -N7STk6iFk8-00002-00000509-00000978 і я зрабіў гэтае відэа, каб сказаць вам: Вы не адзін. -N7STk6iFk8-00003-00000978-00001712 Як і я, вы юрыст, той, хто сапраўды абараняе правы палітычных вязняў -N7STk6iFk8-00004-00001712-00002297 Каб ператварыць іх з аб'ектаў несправядлівай прававой сістэмы ў людзей. -N7STk6iFk8-00005-00002297-00002737 Вы і шэсць вашых сяброў цяпер у зняволенні, і мы не забываем пра гэта тут. -N7STk6iFk8-00006-00002737-00003045 Мы памятаем пра гэта і мы бачым вас. -N7STk6iFk8-00007-00003082-00003630 Хаця вы зараз за кратамі, сёння ваш Дзень нараджэння і ніхто не можа яго ў вас забраць. -N7STk6iFk8-00008-00003686-00003830 Мы разам з вамі! -SXmfsaPMN8-00000-00000571-00002470 President Donald Trump has made it his mission to repeal Obamacare. He absolutely hates the idea of socialized medicine, since it means poor people might be able to get access to a service for free without having to fork out huge wads of cash for it, and that doesn’t compute in his Draconian capitalist brain -SXmfsaPMN8-00001-00002470-00003259 Also, Trump despises everything his predecessor former President Barack Obama did by default -SXmfsaPMN8-00002-00003259-00004358 When he said he would Make America Great Again, that apprently just meant undoing all the reforms put in place by our country’s first ever non-white President -SXmfsaPMN8-00003-00004358-00006064 Since he first took up the office of President of the United States and leader of the free world two and a bit years ago, Donald Trump has launched multiple attempts to take Obamacare down, all of which have failed dramatically, usually thanks to opposition from people on his own side -SXmfsaPMN8-00004-00006064-00006970 When lifelong Republicans are telling you that your health care policy is way too right wing, you know you have gone badly off the rails -SXmfsaPMN8-00005-00006970-00008381 Perhaps unsurprisingly, his latest attempt to take Obamacare down by skipping the entire legislative branch and somehow attacking it through the courts failed even more miserably than the ones that came before -SXmfsaPMN8-00006-00008381-00010019 .What must hurt for President Trump most of all is that even those within the GOP are now becoming so used to defeating him on his key campaign pledges that they are becoming really, really good at owning him publicly, which is extremely humiliating for a sitting President -SXmfsaPMN8-00007-00010019-00010998 For instance, here, two senior Republican legal minds took apart Trump’s entire argument against Obamacare in a surprisingly brief and simple way: -SXmfsaPMN8-00008-00010998-00012077 The District Court erred in coming out the other way. It failed to ask whether the now-inoperative mandate is essential to the Affordable Care Act as currentlycodified -SXmfsaPMN8-00009-00012077-00013425 (How could it be?) Instead, it asked whether the original version of theindividual mandate—the one that Congress made enforceable with a penalty—was central to the original version of the Affordable Care Act -SXmfsaPMN8-00010-00013425-00014493 The Court thus invalidated the current version of the Affordable Care Act by assessing the importance of an earlier version of the mandate to an earlier version of the Act -SXmfsaPMN8-00011-00014493-00014893 To describe the approach is to refute it -TZozbcOcAy-00000-00000571-00001224 House Democrats and Michael Cohen have something big up their sleeve for next week -TZozbcOcAy-00001-00001224-00002081 Michael Cohen testified about Donald Trump’s life of crime three times last week to three different congressional committees -TZozbcOcAy-00002-00002081-00002875 Only one of those three hearings was in public, and thus far it’s had the most immediate impact on observers -TZozbcOcAy-00003-00002875-00003849 But it now looks like one of Cohen’s private hearings will end up being more impactful before long, and in fact something big is planned for next week -TZozbcOcAy-00004-00003849-00004562 |.The Democratic Party-controlled House Intelligence Committee questioned Michael Cohen in private on Thursday -TZozbcOcAy-00005-00004562-00005434 That kind of setting allows for a more free discussion of evidence that’s a part of ongoing investigations and criminal cases -TZozbcOcAy-00006-00005434-00006735 It also apparently led to something big and unexpected. When Cohen finished his testimony, he told reporters that he’ll be returning this Wednesday to provide more testimony to the House Intel Committee -TZozbcOcAy-00007-00006735-00007357 At the time this sounded like perhaps they had simply run out of time and needed another day -TZozbcOcAy-00008-00007357-00008611 Then Congressman Eric Swalwell, who sits on the House Intel Committee, appeared on MSNBC on Friday night and revealed the real reason Michael Cohen is being brought back for another round -TZozbcOcAy-00009-00008611-00009481 Cohen said something during his testimony which he hadn’t previously mentioned, and it turned out to be far more relevant than he thought it was -TZozbcOcAy-00010-00009481-00010217 Swalwell said that he and his colleagues were “at the edge of our seats” while Cohen was revealing this -TZozbcOcAy-00011-00010217-00011116 So now we know that House Democrats are bringing Michael Cohen back next week because they have something big up their sleeve -TZozbcOcAy-00012-00011116-00012006 This hearing will presumably once again be behind closed doors, and we don’t know when the Democrats will reveal what it is -TZozbcOcAy-00013-00012006-00012649 But if you want a clue, watch for who and what the House Intel Committee subpoenas next -TZozbcOcAy-00014-00012649-00013185 They’re onto something big, and they’re clearly looking to move quickly on it -Z53mswJ5PM-00000-00000571-00002049 Donald Trump’s hardline immigration policies are discouraging migrants seeking HIV treatment, a leading expert has claimed, as a new report showed infection rates among some Latino communities soaring by as much as 30 per cent -Z53mswJ5PM-00001-00002049-00003329 A report published by the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) claimed the battle against HIV in the US has “stalled” in recent years, after a period of steady decline -Z53mswJ5PM-00002-00003329-00005205 Latest figures show there are 39,000 new infections every year.The report, published three weeks after Mr Trump announced a plan to end the HIV epidemic by 2030, showed that among white gay and bisexual men, infection rates decreased by 16 per cent -Z53mswJ5PM-00003-00005205-00006383 Among black gay and bisexual men, they remained stable. However, among Latino gay and bisexual men, infection rates increased by more than 30 per cent -Z53mswJ5PM-00004-00006383-00007673 “Now is the time for our nation to take bold action. We strongly support President Trump’s plan to end the HIV epidemic in America,” said CDC director Robert Redfield -Z53mswJ5PM-00005-00007673-00008462 .At least one prominent expert believes Mr Trump’s policies are making the situation worse -Z53mswJ5PM-00006-00008462-00010084 While the data contained in the CDC report was collected from 2010-16, before Mr Trump became president, there is said to be evidence his hardline policies on immigration are discouraging some of the most vulnerable groups from getting treatment -Z53mswJ5PM-00007-00010084-00011659 .Carlos del Rio, professor of global health at Atlanta’s Emory University, told The Independent he had seen persuasive evidence that HIV outreach among migrant and Latino communities had become more difficult since the president took office -Z53mswJ5PM-00008-00011659-00013634 He said it appeared many people were “keeping their heads low''.“That is why, while I welcome the president’s proposal [to tackle HIV], his other policies are impacting people,” said Mr Del Rio, a member of the leadership team of Fast-Track Cities, a global, United Nations-backed initiative to tackle HIV -Z53mswJ5PM-00009-00013634-00014303 “It is good to have lofty goals, but those other policies are impacting that effort'' -Z53mswJ5PM-00010-00014303-00015350 The CDC data showed that after falling for a number of years, the total number of infection rates leveled off from 2013-2016 -Z53mswJ5PM-00011-00015350-00016218 “We are not making any progress since 2013,” said Mr Del Rio. “And that report is the big picture -Z53mswJ5PM-00012-00016218-00017380 When you look locally, you see there are big increases in some areas''.The report showed that of the new infections, around 20,000 were recorded in the southern US -mFD49refqY-00000-00000571-00001529 Democrats thought they could beat Donald, but he was ready for them.Congress did not believe Trump had the gall to defy them on the border wall -mFD49refqY-00001-00001529-00002540 After a painful shutdown and a terrible budget deal, Trump declared a national emergency as the last, best resort in securing funding for the border wall -mFD49refqY-00002-00002540-00003402 Yet Congress tried to deny him by voting to overrule him. Then Trump used his first veto to stop them -mFD49refqY-00003-00003402-00004296 But it wasn’t over yet – Congress voted again, this time to override his veto and bulldoze his chances of building the wall -mFD49refqY-00004-00004296-00006200 Unfortunately, they were sorely disappointed. From Fox News:.House Democrats on Tuesday failed to override President Trump’s first veto as part of their battle over border security, representing a victory for the administration that allows the president’s declaration of a national emergency at the U -mFD49refqY-00005-00006200-00007111 S.-Mexico border to stand.Go Trump!.You’d better believe he made sure he had Republicans band together to protect the wall -mFD49refqY-00006-00007111-00008229 In order to overrule a president’s veto, it takes 2/3 majority by Congress. Sadly, for the Left, they got 248-181 votes -mFD49refqY-00007-00008229-00009256 They fell short a crucial 38 votes to steal Trump’s plan.I’m so glad Republicans finally had the guts to stand up for our nation’s security! -mFD49refqY-00008-00009256-00010246 If they had succeeded, Democrats wouldn’t have stopped there. Leaders like Beto O’Rourke have even said they want to tear down all the border walls! -mFD49refqY-00009-00010246-00010962 But hanks to the Democrats’ failure, Trump is free to use funds from the military to build the wall -mFD49refqY-00010-00010962-00011915 Democrats might be mad (or depressed!), but millions of Americans are cheering.Now developments at the border will move very quickly -mFD49refqY-00011-00011915-00013017 Trump will be able to, unhindered, finally get much of the wall built. And just in time, too, as thousands are crossing each day according to Border Patrol -mFD49refqY-00012-00013017-00013783 Democrats will be weeping in the streets, but we will finally have the border security we so desperately need _tgzaAeMbaI-00000-00000571-00001493 UK authorities arrested WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange today, based on an extradition request from the United States _tgzaAeMbaI-00001-00001493-00003128 We still don’t know if this means William Barr is trying to silence Assange about Trump-Russia, or if the DOJ is trying to work around Barr to get Trump-Russia answers from Assange – but we do know that Donald Trump is already quickly changing his story _tgzaAeMbaI-00002-00003128-00003961 .Here’s what Donald Trump told a pool of reporters just now about the Assange arrest: “I know nothing about WikiLeaks _tgzaAeMbaI-00003-00003961-00004578 It’s not my thing, and I know there is something having to do with Julian Assange _tgzaAeMbaI-00004-00004578-00006425 I’ve been seeing what’s happened with Assange.” Really? Trump now knows nothing about WikiLeaks? Did he forget that his unofficial campaign adviser Roger Stone was reportedly commutating with WikiLeaks during the 2016 election? Did Trump also forget his own past words? _tgzaAeMbaI-00005-00006425-00007940 . .Three weeks before the 2016 election, Donald Trump posted this tweet, asserting that WikiLeaks was a legitimate intel source: “Very little pick-up by the dishonest media of incredible information provided by WikiLeaks _tgzaAeMbaI-00006-00007940-00009810 So dishonest! Rigged system!” Days later, he tweeted this: “WikiLeaks proves even the Clinton campaign knew Crooked mishandled classified info, but no one gets charged? RIGGED!” Around that same time, at a political rally, Trump said “we love WikiLeaks _tgzaAeMbaI-00007-00009810-00010737 ” Wait, now he knows “nothing” about WikiLeaks or Assange?. .In fairness to Donald Trump, his cognitive abilities are clearly fading _tgzaAeMbaI-00008-00010737-00012239 Just ask “Tim Apple” about the “oranges” of the investigation. But even with his current brain freeze taking hold, there’s just no way that Trump can legitimately claims that he knows nothing about WikiLeaks because it’s not his thing _tgzaAeMbaI-00009-00012239-00013146 Back when Julian Assange and WikiLeaks were stealing the election for him in 2016, he couldn’t stop talking about how much he loved them _tgzaAeMbaI-00010-00013146-00013914 Now that his own DOJ has branded Assange a criminal, Trump suddenly has no idea who the guy even is _-dTsHQf0Pg-00000-00000051-00000250 Bond hupre mJala _REDi8hQiKQ-00000-00000571-00001488 President Donald Trump is insisting that his declaration of a National Emergency to fund his racist Border Wall is legitimate _REDi8hQiKQ-00001-00001488-00002289 Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi had a very strong message for her Republican colleagues in Congress on the matter _REDi8hQiKQ-00002-00002289-00003232 “Is your oath of office to Donald Trump or is it to the Constitution of the United States? You cannot let him undermine your pledge to the Constitution'' _REDi8hQiKQ-00003-00003232-00005037 She, of course, scored an enormous victory when the House itself passed a resolution of disapproval (essentially, an official political statement that very formally sticks two fingers up to the White House) by a large majority of 245 votes to 182 _REDi8hQiKQ-00004-00005037-00006080 However, that now has to make its way to the Senate, where the ruling figure is not a Democrat like Pelosi but a GOP face, Senate Majority Leader Sen _REDi8hQiKQ-00005-00006080-00007639 Mitch McConnell.McConnell has always been a staunch Trump ally. He has always been one figure that the White House could count on to defend the President’s policy line at basically all costs, no matter how insane it seemed to straight thinking people _REDi8hQiKQ-00006-00007639-00009742 Now, a huge burden rests on his shoulders as to maintain that reputation of being Trump’s man in the Senate, he would effectively have to express his strong support for the National Emergency declaration and for the pursued building of the Border Wall with seized funds by blocking Pelosi’s disapproval motion and ensuring a favorable Senate majority _REDi8hQiKQ-00007-00009742-00010821 However, when questioned on the matter, he was extremely ambivalent, which is uncharacteristic and will have sent alarm bells ringing right across Washington _REDi8hQiKQ-00008-00010821-00011931 That’s right. When asked whether he would actually back President Trump on the Wall, McConnell essentially said that he was unsure and would have to think about it some more _REDi8hQiKQ-00009-00011931-00013631 For Trump, this must be absolutely petrifying. Not only has the entire Washington establishment turned its back on him, but even those key allies he always thought he could rely on are starting to ask questions about how viable what he continues to propose actually is _REDi8hQiKQ-00010-00013631-00015361 Donald Trump is barely halfway through his term as President of the United States and leader of the free world, but if things continue the way they are going right now, he cannot possibly have much time left in the Oval Office, since it seems that absolutely no one actually wants to keep him there BBld59B5uZY-00000-00000571-00002838 When Special Counsel Robert Mueller announced on Friday that his work was complete and that he wasn’t recommending any more indictments, Palmer Report pointed out what we thought was obvious: if Mueller was stepping off the stage, he was handing off (or already did hand off) his ongoing investigations to permanent federal prosecutors in order to ensure that justice would be served BBld59B5uZY-00001-00002838-00004544 It turns out we’re already getting confirmation of some of this.For instance, Law & Crime has pieced together the details of two different New York Times stories, and figured out that federal prosecutors based in Los Angeles are currently investigating the Donald Trump inauguration scandal BBld59B5uZY-00002-00004544-00006469 Best anyone can tell, the inauguration probe – which allegedly involves numerous illegal foreign donations, and an alleged attempt by Trump at steering the money back into his own business – began when federal prosecutors in New York raided Michael Cohen’s office and found a tape recorded conversation about inauguration funds BBld59B5uZY-00003-00006469-00007874 The recently released search warrant from the Cohen raid revealed that Robert Mueller initiated the Cohen investigation, only to find that Cohen didn’t conspire with Russia, but that Cohen did commit other Trump-related crimes BBld59B5uZY-00004-00007874-00008864 Mueller then handed off the Cohen case to the Feds in New York, and their raid has since led to the Feds in Los Angeles investigating the Trump inauguration BBld59B5uZY-00005-00008864-00009828 This thread alone makes clear that Robert Mueller’s investigation has set off other federal investigations into alleged Trump-related crimes BBld59B5uZY-00006-00009828-00010492 So the idea that Mueller’s investigation is “complete” or “wrapped up” is nonsense BBld59B5uZY-00007-00010492-00011155 It’s just that Mueller is no longer in charge of any of the ongoing investigations BBld59B5uZY-00008-00011155-00012336 Notably, the existence of these investigations only tends to become public knowledge once they reach the point where something such as a raid causes it to become public knowledge BBld59B5uZY-00009-00012336-00013294 So we don’t know just how many Mueller-spawned criminal investigations into Trump scandals are ongoing – but the number isn’t zero BL57b1VSxqy-00000-00000168-00000268 1 BQdK7VEwpdI-00000-00000571-00001736 Since the Southern District of New York has upped their investigation and possible charges against many involved in the Donald Trump inauguration committee, the event has been back in the news BQdK7VEwpdI-00001-00001736-00002551 The inauguration has long been under scrutiny for many reasons, most of which involve shady financial dealings BQdK7VEwpdI-00002-00002551-00003781 New reports claim that a friend of Melania Trump who planned the inauguration tried to report multiple red flags involving the alleged corruption and shady dealings, and was ignored BQdK7VEwpdI-00003-00003781-00004977 Emily Jane Fox with Vanity Fair reports that Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, a former Vogue staffer and New York City event planner, was hired to plan Donald Trump’s inauguration BQdK7VEwpdI-00004-00004977-00006362 People familiar with the recordings made by former Trump “fixer” Michael Cohen say that Wolkoff is captured telling Cohen last summer that she had many concerns with the process that unfolded with the inauguration BQdK7VEwpdI-00005-00006362-00007655 According to Cohen, those recordings were seized by the FBI, which led (at least in part) to the SDNY’s investigation into Trump’s inauguration that Wolkoff is now involved in BQdK7VEwpdI-00006-00007655-00008493 Wolkoff raised concerns about conflicts of interest coming from the Trump family businesses’ involvement in the inauguration planning BQdK7VEwpdI-00007-00008493-00009671 Fox wrote, “Gates approached a couple individuals working on the inauguration and asked if they would be willing to be paid directly for their work by a donor, rather than by the inaugural committee'' BQdK7VEwpdI-00008-00009671-00010468 “They had received more donations than they’d initially anticipated, Gates told these people,” the report noted BQdK7VEwpdI-00009-00010468-00011283 “Skirting the usual payment route could allow the inaugural committee to avoid reporting the full amount raised from donors'' BQdK7VEwpdI-00010-00011283-00012302 Wolkoff raised concerns about the deputy chair with Melania Trump, saying that “he exacerbated a situation already fraught with potential conflicts of interest BQdK7VEwpdI-00011-00012302-00014102 ” After questioning things, Wolkoff was left out of meetings soon after.“Because part of her responsibilities included reviewing all budgets from her vendors and presenting them to other members of the inaugural committee, she studied the line items in order to be able to explain them,” Fox wrote BQdK7VEwpdI-00012-00014102-00015653 “At points, she could not justify the numbers coming in. After circulation of a quote from one of their largest event-production vendors, Hargrove LLC, Wolkoff was shocked that no one in the organization appeared willing to question the figure'' BjY3Csfs9OA-00000-00000571-00001333 This might be the surprise of the YEAR!.President Donald Trump and Cher are like oil and water BjY3Csfs9OA-00001-00001333-00002723 These two just don’t go together. They don’t agree on anything.The highly liberal entertainer has frequently attacked the President in recent years, over a variety of issues ranging from healthcare to immigration BjY3Csfs9OA-00002-00002723-00003379 So, if you’re Trump, you always expect to see some nasty message from Cher on Twitter BjY3Csfs9OA-00003-00003379-00004152 …but last week, the impossible happened.Cher actually said something the President could agree with BjY3Csfs9OA-00004-00004152-00005288 And I’m betting nobody was more surprised than Donald!.See, it all happened after Trump threatened to ship our massive influx of illegal immigrants to sanctuary cities BjY3Csfs9OA-00005-00005288-00006299 Many Democrats like Cory Booker hypocritically flipped out, saying it would be “dangerous” (after years of screaming that illegals AREN’T dangerous) BjY3Csfs9OA-00006-00006299-00007119 But Cher took another path … she put American citizens first.WOW. Who saw that coming? BjY3Csfs9OA-00007-00007119-00008478 “I finally agree with Cher!”.And amazingly, so does most of America.Most citizens want stability and safety; they want their leader to be thinking of them, and protecting them at all costs BjY3Csfs9OA-00008-00008478-00009157 Immigrants – especially illegal immigrants – are WAY down the priority totem pole BjY3Csfs9OA-00009-00009157-00009899 And of course, Trump understands this. It’s just shocking to see Cher figuring it out, too! BjY3Csfs9OA-00010-00009899-00010727 Well, she lives in a sanctuary city and it’s obviously so bad that she can’t ignore the issues any longer BjY3Csfs9OA-00011-00010727-00011406 Trump, on the other hand, coyly suggested that he’s managed to “weaponize” Twitter BjY3Csfs9OA-00012-00011406-00012422 Okay, that’s pretty funny.But who knows? Maybe he really IS having a significant impact on people … even ultra-liberals like Cher! BjY3Csfs9OA-00013-00012422-00013393 Either way, though, remember this moment, because Trump agreeing with one of Hollywood’s most notorious leftists may never happen again BjY3Csfs9OA-00014-00013393-00014316 Not Trump, that’s for sure. He was so stunned, he could only respond on Twitter with 5 words he probably NEVER thought he’d say: DOm-dhzGAD4-00000-00000571-00002219 The White House and House Democrats are preparing for an all-out war over a sprawling set of demands made by a host of powerful chairmen, as senior lawmakers say the Trump administration is already engaging in unprecedented stonewalling in just the third month of the new Congress DOm-dhzGAD4-00001-00002219-00004377 Just weeks after launching an aggressive oversight campaign into the Trump administration on every topic from separation of immigrant families on the southern border to connections between Russia and the 2016 campaign, Democrats say they are facing obstacles in getting answers from the federal government with the White House set on protecting the President and defying their requests DOm-dhzGAD4-00002-00004377-00005320 "We can't hold him accountable unless we have information," said Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings of documents his committee has requested DOm-dhzGAD4-00003-00005320-00006080 "Every single thing that has been (requested to) the White House, in most instances we have gotten zero DOm-dhzGAD4-00004-00006080-00007023 That is unprecedented''.But the White House and federal agencies strongly dispute Democrats' characterization in interviews with CNN DOm-dhzGAD4-00005-00007023-00008877 Aides from agencies including EPA, the Department of Homeland Security, Department of Education and Department of Interior paint a picture of a Trump administration that they say has been working in good faith to respond to an onslaught of document requests in the first weeks of Congress DOm-dhzGAD4-00006-00008877-00010335 "Claims that DHS is not fully cooperating with Congress on oversight, are untrue and frankly minimize the good faith efforts put forth by the Department so far this year," a DHS spokesperson told CNN DOm-dhzGAD4-00007-00010335-00011194 "The truth is, the federal government has only been open for five and a half weeks this Congress due to a lapse in appropriations DOm-dhzGAD4-00008-00011194-00012780 Since then, DHS has produced thousands of pages of documents to requesters in various committees in the House of Representatives in the last two weeks alone, including: House Oversight, House Judiciary, and to House Homeland" Security DOm-dhzGAD4-00009-00012780-00013932 The increase in oversight from House Democrats is especially noteworthy in that it contrasts with the way Republicans exercised that responsibility when they controlled the chamber DOm-dhzGAD4-00010-00013932-00015356 Democrats are also combing through many aspects of President Donald Trump's life, from his business dealings to his campaign to his alleged affairs, a culmination that has left Trump venting to allies like South Carolina Republican Sen DOm-dhzGAD4-00011-00015356-00016215 Lindsey Graham on Capitol Hill."He just believes they are out to take a wrecking ball to his life," Graham said of Democrats DOm-dhzGAD4-00012-00016215-00017532 "They'll go nuts''.In interviews with CNN, Democratic committee aides and members say the administration is dragging its feet with document requests and withholding information under the guise of executive privilege DOm-dhzGAD4-00013-00017532-00019138 One Democratic leadership aide identified more than 30 document requests that haven't been fulfilled, six incidents of officials refusing to testify before committees and two examples of officials who've refused to come to Capitol Hill to grant interviews DOm-dhzGAD4-00014-00019138-00020415 White House and federal agency officials dismiss Democrats' claims they aren't cooperating and argue that no amount of information would ever be enough to satisfy Democrats' political motives DXJ5jZs7cqY-00000-00000571-00003400 CBS live TV broadcast of it’s March Madness NCAA basketball championship was interrupted for millions of viewers on Sunday with a live news update that Donald Trump did not, nor did members of the Trump Campaign conspire or coordinate “with the Russian government in its election interference activities,” according to a letter Attorney General William Barr sent to Congress Sunday summarizing the findings of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report into the 2016 presidential election DXJ5jZs7cqY-00001-00003400-00004178 For millions of March Madness viewers, the clip below played during the annual basketball extravaganza DXJ5jZs7cqY-00002-00004178-00005735 In part, the letter from Attorney General Barr reads:.The Special Counsel’s investigation did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts to in?uence the 2016 US DXJ5jZs7cqY-00003-00005735-00007067 presidential election. As the report states: “[T]he investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities DXJ5jZs7cqY-00004-00007067-00008901 ”.….The Special Counsel found that Russian government actors successfully hacked into computers and obtained emails from persons affiliated with the Clinton campaign and Democratic Party organizations, and publicly disseminated those materials through various intermediaries, including WikiLeaks DXJ5jZs7cqY-00005-00008901-00010270 Based on these activities, the Special Counsel brought criminal charges against a number of Russian military officers for conspiring to hack into computers in the United States for purposes of influencing the election DXJ5jZs7cqY-00006-00010270-00011897 But as noted above, the Special Counsel did not find that the Trump campaign, or anyone associated with it, conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in these efforts, despite multiple offers from Russian-affiliated individuals to assist the Trump campaign DXJ5jZs7cqY-00007-00011897-00012618 The White House said Sunday that the Justice Department issued an “exoneration” of President Trump DXJ5jZs7cqY-00008-00012618-00013757 “The findings of the Department of Justice are a total and complete exoneration of the President of the United States,” White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders wrote in a statement EM8Id9pkGtk-00000-00000571-00001529 Karen Speziale, who voted for Donald Trump in 2016, spoke with MSNBC on Wednesday over the Republican tax reform EM8Id9pkGtk-00001-00001529-00002488 Karen Speziale, who voted for Donald Trump in 2016, spoke with MSNBC on Wednesday over the Republican tax reform EM8Id9pkGtk-00002-00002488-00003755 .The Trump voter told the network that she believes Trump’s tax returns will show that the president doesn’t pay taxes at the expense of the rest of America, but that she still supports him EM8Id9pkGtk-00003-00003755-00004627 “I believe he isn’t showing his income tax returns because he didn’t pay anything, and we are paying in money,” she said EM8Id9pkGtk-00004-00004627-00005400 “He’s paying nothing when he’s making billions or wherever he’s at. So maybe he doesn’t understand EM8Id9pkGtk-00005-00005400-00006153 ”.Speziale also admitted that she had received fewer tax refunds this year than in years past EM8Id9pkGtk-00006-00006153-00007195 “My refund was about half of what it normally is,” Speziale said. “It used to be like $4000, And then I got about $2,000 EM8Id9pkGtk-00007-00007195-00008255 ”.“I got less money because I was getting more back in my paycheck but that is not a tax break in my opinion,” she told MSNBC’s Jake Ward angrily EM8Id9pkGtk-00008-00008255-00008882 “All you did was shift the money from getting your return to getting it in your paycheck EM8Id9pkGtk-00009-00008882-00009888 ”.“I’m on dialysis, I’m waiting for a transplant, and I actually work full time, but I was planning on paying off some bills,” Speziale went on EM8Id9pkGtk-00010-00009888-00010599 “I want to believe he didn’t know that was going to happen to people, that he was hurting the middle class EM8Id9pkGtk-00011-00010599-00010699 ” EgtAC2Ktg8I-00000-00000571-00002034 President Donald Trump's second summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un was floundering from the start -- and it ended with a last-ditch effort by the North Koreans to keep the US at the negotiating table and stop Trump from walking away EgtAC2Ktg8I-00001-00002034-00003596 As Air Force One made its way toward Hanoi, Vietnam, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was already on the ground, expecting to meet once more before the summit with North Korea's lead envoy on the nuclear negotiations, Kim Yong Chol EgtAC2Ktg8I-00002-00003596-00004959 After weeks of negotiations that yielded less progress than US officials had hoped for, Pompeo was eager to gauge North Korea's willingness to strike a deal before Trump sat down with Kim Jong Un EgtAC2Ktg8I-00003-00004959-00006022 But Kim Yong Chol, North Korea's vice chairman, wouldn't meet with Pompeo, three US officials and a source familiar with the matter told CNN EgtAC2Ktg8I-00004-00006022-00006939 The US secretary of state waited several hours hoping Kim would agree to meet, but ultimately turned in for the night, frustrated EgtAC2Ktg8I-00005-00006939-00008694 It was not the first time North Korean officials had stood up their US counterparts, but the high-level snub just a day before Trump and Kim were scheduled to sit down was a worrying and ultimately portentous signal that the second summit would not be the triumph Trump had hoped for EgtAC2Ktg8I-00006-00008694-00010306 Two days later, after a final Hail Mary effort from the North Koreans, it ended without any new agreements and what Trump has come to call "the walk" after North Korea demanded significant sanctions relief in exchange for shutting down one of its major nuclear facilities EgtAC2Ktg8I-00007-00010306-00011017 A State Department official told CNN that "There was no expectation, and nothing had been scheduled EgtAC2Ktg8I-00008-00011017-00012584 ".The snub was also indicative of the North Koreans' approach to diplomacy -- a capricious negotiating style that reared its head once again at the end of the summit in the form of a last-ditch attempt from the North Koreans to draw Trump back to the negotiating table F6l4LDwx-AI-00000-00000571-00001934 Donald Trump is having a TERRIBLE week, and it’s only getting worse! After several days of nonstop backlash thanks to Michael Cohen’s testimony, the president has just received another bombshell — the U F6l4LDwx-AI-00001-00001934-00002572 S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence is investigating the president’s trips to Russia F6l4LDwx-AI-00002-00002572-00004034 According to the Atlantic‘s Natasha Bertrand, the Senate Intelligence Committee has a new series of leads on Trump and his Russian contacts and is going to look into at least three of the president’s trips to Russia over the last three decades F6l4LDwx-AI-00003-00004034-00005040 Considering that Trump’s career of being a shady, corrupt businessman has spanned over a long time, they’re bound to find something questionable about his past F6l4LDwx-AI-00004-00005040-00005993 Just looking at Trump’s tweets, he’s NOT happy about the way Cohen’s testimony has opened more doors for investigations into his dealings with Russia F6l4LDwx-AI-00005-00005993-00007712 Yesterday, Trump tweeted:''Oh’ I see! Now that the 2 year Russian Collusion case has fallen apart, there was no Collusion except bye Crooked Hillary and the Democrats, they say, ‘gee, I have an idea, let’s look at Trump’s finances and every deal he has ever done F6l4LDwx-AI-00006-00007712-00008148 Let’s follow discredited Michael Cohen'' FCwjwgnPtiQ-00000-00000513-00001827 The question of whether former Trump attorney Michael Cohen ever sought a pardon from the president is difficult to answer due to a lack of reliable sources, Washington Post opinion writer Charles Lane argued Friday FCwjwgnPtiQ-00001-00001827-00002733 During his testimony to Congress, Cohen claimed he never asked President Trump for a pardon, something the president asserts was a lie FCwjwgnPtiQ-00002-00002733-00003535 Trump even took to Twitter and insisted that Cohen asked him directly about a pardon, and that Trump responded “no FCwjwgnPtiQ-00003-00003535-00004998 ”.On Friday's "Special Report" All-Star panel, Lane -- along with Wall Street Journal columnist Jason Riley and The Federalist co-founder Ben Domenech -- weighed in on the pardon matter as it factors into the ongoing Russia probe FCwjwgnPtiQ-00004-00004998-00006463 Lane began by suggesting that former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort was still “holding out hope” that the president would pardon him after he was sentenced this week to 47 months in prison on tax and bank fraud charges FCwjwgnPtiQ-00005-00006463-00007683 But regarding Cohen's pardon testimony, Lane said he could “see it either way” on whether Trump or Cohen was being truthful, adding that Cohen could have gone to “intermediaries” instead of the president FCwjwgnPtiQ-00006-00007683-00008864 “I personally would like to know what the real story is about this pardon. I want to know, was it dangled? I want to know, was it sought?” Lane told the panel FCwjwgnPtiQ-00007-00008864-00009812 “The problem is, of course, is that we have these two guys who aren’t exactly on good terms with the truth who are our best witnesses to it FCwjwgnPtiQ-00008-00009812-00011042 ”.Lane added that Trump is taking a risk for depicting Cohen as a “liar,” particularly because Cohen testified that he saw no proof of collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign FCwjwgnPtiQ-00009-00011042-00011959 Domenech said Trump “loves dunking” on his political enemies and that their “attitude” toward the president “dictates his attitude” toward them FCwjwgnPtiQ-00010-00011959-00013111 He added that if House Republicans want to pursue a perjury charge against Cohen, the White House may be forced to prove that Cohen lied about not seeking a pardon FCwjwgnPtiQ-00011-00013111-00014017 Meanwhile, Riley noted that Manafort “isn’t out of the woods” just yet as he faces another sentencing next week for criminal behavior FfleG9C1eZY-00000-00000571-00001386 Micheal Cohen testified yesterday in front of the House Oversight Committee and immediately he was in hot water FfleG9C1eZY-00001-00001386-00002647 “I have lied, but I am not a liar,” declared the disgraced attorney. If that wasn’t bad enough, Cohen claimed he was the one who had the initial idea to start Donald Trump’s presidential campaign FfleG9C1eZY-00002-00002647-00003316 That was met with muffled laughter, and then he got utterly destroyed. You’ll love this FfleG9C1eZY-00003-00003316-00004353 Micheal Cohen’s testimony yesterday was filled with lies and falsehoods, but the one that most people are ignoring says so much about his character FfleG9C1eZY-00004-00004353-00005312 The disbarred and disgraced attorney exclaimed he’s not a liar, but he has lied. He blames these arrogant outbursts on President Donald Trump FfleG9C1eZY-00005-00005312-00006171 Everything Cohen has done wrong, every criminal action he took which benefitted himself and not the president, is Trump’s fault FfleG9C1eZY-00006-00006171-00006976 But when he took credit for starting Trump’s presidential election, it was downright ridiculous, and people laughed out loud FfleG9C1eZY-00007-00006976-00007117 Yet, Cohen missed the laughs and kept up on going.“Cohen, who’s set to serve three years behind bars for charges including fraud and campaign finance violations, told the committee that he ‘certainly did’ start Trump’s presidential campaign in 2011 FfleG9C1eZY-00008-00007117-00008470 The disbarred attorney claimed he triggered the run by starting a website called ShouldTrumpRun[dot]com,” the Daily Wire reports FfleG9C1eZY-00009-00008470-00009522 Oversight Committee member Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) found this hilarious.“Now that’s news,” Jordan said to Cohen sarcastically FfleG9C1eZY-00010-00009522-00011092 “Wow''.“That’s correct, 2011. It was my idea,” Cohen continued confidently. “I saw a document in the newspaper that said, ‘Who would you vote for in 2012?’ Six percent of the people said they’d vote for Donald Trump'' FfleG9C1eZY-00011-00011092-00011866 “Michael Cohen: the reason why Donald Trump is president is because of Michael Cohen,” said Jordan mockingly FfleG9C1eZY-00012-00011866-00012576 Cohen, undeterred, said: “So I put it into his office and I said to him, ‘Mr. Trump FfleG9C1eZY-00013-00012576-00013540 ’ And he said, ‘Well wouldn’t this be great.’ And that is where it all started''.“Yeah, okay,” Jordan continued to mock Cohen FfleG9C1eZY-00014-00013540-00014183 “I’m sure, I’m sure, he had never thought about anything like that until you came along FfleG9C1eZY-00015-00014183-00014681 ” No one bought Cohen’s lies, especially this one FkySCEc6ksg-00000-00000571-00001498 “Donald Trump said on Friday,” the British newspaper the Guardian reported, “that he would not necessarily accept the results of the presidential election FkySCEc6ksg-00001-00001498-00002525 ” If those words sound oddly familiar it’s because they are. It’s a quote from the Saturday, October first, 2016 edition of the Guardian FkySCEc6ksg-00002-00002525-00003441 When it comes to figuring out what creepy, underhanded, criminal ploy Donald Trump is up to, nothing quite projects like projection FkySCEc6ksg-00003-00003441-00005604 And he’s at it again. This time the claim from the Donald Trump camp is, as Trump put it in a recent tweet, “The Dems are trying to win an election in 2020 that they know they cannot legitimately win!” In other words, if a Democratic candidate wins the presidential election in 2020 it is, by definition according to Trump, an illegitimate win FkySCEc6ksg-00004-00005604-00008034 Trump 2020 campaign press secretary Kayleigh McEnany dutifully parroted Trump’s tweet in a statement about the investigations into Trump’s crimes: “These desperate Democrats know they cannot beat President Trump in 2020, so instead they have embarked on a disgraceful witch hunt with one singular aim: topple the will of the American people and seize the power that they have zero chance at winning legitimately'' FkySCEc6ksg-00005-00008034-00009230 As indicated, Trump has done this before. Had he lost the 2016 election, he was prepared to drag the American people through a long and tedious demand for a recount FkySCEc6ksg-00006-00009230-00010837 We now know, thanks in part to Michael Cohen’s recent testimony, that this would have been simply a ploy to promote and advertize the Donald Trump “brand,” and Trump would have pursued it as far as the relatively inconsequential power of a failed candidate would have permitted FkySCEc6ksg-00007-00010837-00011774 This time around the stakes are higher and Trump’s power to contest the election and disrupt the will of the American people will be considerable FkySCEc6ksg-00008-00011774-00012775 Trump will have the full power of the Presidency in a lame duck period, and, as Michael Cohen ominously warned, “… given my experience working for Mr FkySCEc6ksg-00009-00012775-00013655 Trump, I fear that if he loses the election in 2020 that there will never be a peaceful transition of power'' Gs2ornJdpDM-00000-00000571-00001681 The complex subpoena process has been underway for quite some time, and cooperation has been unofficially ongoing for weeks if not months, but today it finally became official Gs2ornJdpDM-00001-00001681-00003214 House Democrats from multiple committees fired off subpoenas today for Donald Trump’s records from various financial institutions, with a primary focus on his financial dealings with Russia – and it’s very likely these records will soon be turned over Gs2ornJdpDM-00002-00003214-00004293 .We can say this because these financial institutions have already been cooperating with House Democrats when it comes to Donald Trump’s financial records Gs2ornJdpDM-00003-00004293-00005487 For instance House Financial Services Committee Chair Maxine Waters revealed in an MSNBC on-air interview weeks ago that Deutsche Bank had already begun giving her Trump’s records Gs2ornJdpDM-00004-00005487-00006897 So today’s New York Times report, which reveals that Waters’ committee and Adam Schiff’s House Intel Committee have both subpoenaed Deutsche Bank for Trump’s records, can be taken as a sign that this is what’s called a “friendly” subpoena Gs2ornJdpDM-00005-00006897-00007866 . .It’s commonplace for financial institutions to ask to be subpoenaed in these situations, so they have a legal basis for cooperating Gs2ornJdpDM-00006-00007866-00009368 In fact last week accounting firm Mazars asked to be subpoenaed so it could turn over Donald Trump’s records, and sure enough, Politico is reporting this evening that House Oversight Committee Chair Elijah Cummings just did precisely that Gs2ornJdpDM-00007-00009368-00010628 This comes after last week’s revelation that Capital One has been secretly cooperating with House Democrats since early March, and has also asked to be subpoenaed so it can continue cooperating Gs2ornJdpDM-00008-00010628-00011696 . .Today’s news may help explain why Donald Trump spent the weekend tweeting in a manner that was voluminous and frantic even by his usual standards Gs2ornJdpDM-00009-00011696-00012670 The fight to get Trump’s tax returns will take longer, because Trump’s Treasury Department may run interference for him for as long as it can Gs2ornJdpDM-00010-00012670-00013676 But the fight to get Trump’s financial records from outside financial institutions is a battle that House Democrats can – and will – quickly win GMUrbVKRwi0-00000-00000571-00001284 Sorry if anyone thought it was crass, but Trump is doing what Trump does to giddy Democrats! GMUrbVKRwi0-00001-00001284-00002296 The 2020 Elections will be here soon and Democrats are scrambling to get ready.Based on what we’ve seen recently, they are not happy about their chances GMUrbVKRwi0-00002-00002296-00003308 Why do we think this? Because over the last few weeks, they’ve been suggesting major changes to the basic rules of our democracy GMUrbVKRwi0-00003-00003308-00004121 Here is what’s been proposed:.Lower the voting age to 16.Get rid of the electoral college GMUrbVKRwi0-00004-00004121-00005533 Change the setup of the Supreme Court.Compensating much Democrats?.I mean, I know you lost hard in 2016, but if the only way you can win is changing all of the rules that’s a bit pathetic (but what else is new?) GMUrbVKRwi0-00005-00005533-00006346 Luckily, we have an amazing President folks!.Here’s the transcript if you need it: GMUrbVKRwi0-00006-00006346-00007658 “The Democrats are getting very “strange.” They now want to change the voting age to 16, abolish the Electoral College, and Increase significantly the number of Supreme Court Justices GMUrbVKRwi0-00007-00007658-00008570 Actually, you’ve got to win it at the Ballot Box!”.BOOM.Trump never misses an opportunity to call out the ridiculousness of the left GMUrbVKRwi0-00008-00008570-00009383 As he points out, you can’t make these changes until you win the election first – their plan is doomed from the start GMUrbVKRwi0-00009-00009383-00010196 Not to mention, even one of these changes would have been debated and rejected in time’s past GMUrbVKRwi0-00010-00010196-00011108 But today, Democrats are pushing for all of them, all at once.The ballot box is the heart of our democracy GMUrbVKRwi0-00011-00011108-00012121 Changes so drastic can only be made if the American people agree.Democrats seem to think that changing the rules will give them victory in 2020 GMUrbVKRwi0-00012-00012121-00012834 -18-year-olds aren’t voting, so let’s get even YOUNGER (more clueless) kids to vote! GMUrbVKRwi0-00013-00012834-00013946 -The Electoral Colleges failed us in 2016. So, let’s just use the popular vote!.-Trump has a conservative majority in the Supreme Court GMUrbVKRwi0-00014-00013946-00014958 Let’s just cram in 2 more judges. Or six. Or ten!.Why not right? Whatever it takes, eh Dems? GMUrbVKRwi0-00015-00014958-00015671 Unless they win, this political party does not have the ultimate say in what happens in this country GMUrbVKRwi0-00016-00015671-00016584 We do.And I have a feeling that more than a few patriots (like all of you fine people) aren’t interested in them at all GMUrbVKRwi0-00017-00016584-00017297 Make sure and make your voice heard this election, we have a lot at stake to protect in Washington this next year GOno-VKQpxI-00000-00000571-00002073 Responding to the New York Times report that Trump pushed through Jared Kushner’s security clearance House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff said in a statement that the issue is “the latest indicator of the President’s disregard for our national security'' GOno-VKQpxI-00001-00002073-00003877 Congressman Eric Swalwell, who chairs the Intelligence Modernization and Readiness Subcommittee added in the statement with Schiff that Trump has “jeopardized our national security by putting clearances in the hands of unscrupulous people, and against the recommendations of background investigators'' GOno-VKQpxI-00002-00003877-00005280 A standoff has erupted between Health and Human Services officials and House Ethics Committee chair Ted Deutch over comments the Chairman made alleging that HHS staff had sexually abused migrant children in their custody, Politico reports GOno-VKQpxI-00003-00005280-00005884 Heads of the agency refused to meet with Congressman Deutch until he issues an apology GOno-VKQpxI-00004-00005884-00006787 Deutch has meanwhile refused to backdown on the remarks, which he made during a hearing on Trump’s family separation policy GY8enW2vAkM-00000-00000571-00001239 In a series of Tweets on Monday night, Donald Trump took to the art of predicting the future GY8enW2vAkM-00001-00001239-00002903 Rather than accept failure on his latest evil plan to erase the legacy of Barack Obama, he predicted a White House win in 2020 for himself, a Republican takeover of the House, and a holding of the Senate, leaving Democrats with no power in Washington GY8enW2vAkM-00002-00002903-00003972 .The series of tweets seems to have been prompted by the completely predictable response by Republicans to Trump’s desire to bring healthcare front and center one more time GY8enW2vAkM-00003-00003972-00005014 Trump’s strategy, without having any plan to replace the current version of the Affordable Care Act, was to mount a legal challenge to Obamacare GY8enW2vAkM-00004-00005014-00006498 Following a lack of support from Republicans, and a direct message from Mitch McConnell to work it out with Nancy Pelosi, we are now left with Trump’s version of “trust me” – in spite of the previews of Trump’s view of healthcare seen in his March budget GY8enW2vAkM-00005-00006498-00007945 .The Monday night tweets reveal that the Republicans are working on a plan that will be better than Obamacare, less expensive than Obamacare, will protect preexisting conditions, and be much more usable than Obamacare GY8enW2vAkM-00006-00007945-00009230 The catch? Voters need to trust his less than trustworthy words, vote for him, and once he wins, he will reveal the plan whose vote is to take place right after the 2020 election GY8enW2vAkM-00007-00009230-00009941 At this point, it is unclear that any Republicans are even working on any plan to revise the ACA GY8enW2vAkM-00008-00009941-00011150 The hot potato of health care helped lead the Republicans to the biggest losses in the House ever recorded, and it is not a topic that they want to make center stage as we head into the 2020 election cycle GY8enW2vAkM-00009-00011150-00012487 .With thirty-four Senate seats up for grabs in 2020, and twenty-two of them held by Republicans, Democrats look as though they are in a good position to gain the number of seats that they need for a majority GY8enW2vAkM-00010-00012487-00013592 Democrats will need to keep talking about Trump’s goal to invalidate the ACA without a replacement, as well as his earlier statements denying the need to cover pre-existing conditions GY8enW2vAkM-00011-00013592-00014721 Trump brought this issue back to life, and the Democrats need to keep it there, as all 435 House seats, as well as the most important seat in the White House up for grabs GaCbA4PP5ky-00000-00000571-00002099 Former Whitewater independent counsel Ken Starr told Breitbart News that President Donald Trump “never interfered” with Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s ostensible investigation of “collusion” between the Russian government and the president’s 2016 campaign GaCbA4PP5ky-00001-00002099-00003172 He joined Thursday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily to discuss Mueller’s submission of a report to Attorney General William Barr with host Alex Marlow GaCbA4PP5ky-00002-00003172-00004570 Starr said, “It is, in fact, a vindication of the president, and a great thing for the country [on] collusion, that the door is shut in terms of any kind of criminal prosecutions, no indictments, no sealed indictments GaCbA4PP5ky-00003-00004570-00006626 Very good news. However, the beginning of debate — it’s going to be a pretty vigorous debate — we’ve shifted over to the political side of whether there was obstruction of justice because the decision was made to kick judgment to the attorney general, so he’s made that judgment collaboratively with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein GaCbA4PP5ky-00004-00006626-00007407 ”.Starr challenged the validity of Democrat-pushed “obstruction of justice” narratives related to Trump GaCbA4PP5ky-00005-00007407-00008718 “The Mueller investigation was all about Russian collusion,” stated Starr. “Was there an agreement, conspiracy, and why? And he’s put that to rest as the result of a very elaborate investigation GaCbA4PP5ky-00006-00008718-00009429 When you look at the resources he had, this is like a D-Day invasion. Spare no expense GaCbA4PP5ky-00007-00009429-00010439 Whatever personnel you need, general, you’re going to have it.”.Starr added, “That to me, by the way, is virtually conclusive on obstruction GaCbA4PP5ky-00008-00010439-00012211 How can the president have obstructed an investigation that was never interfered with, and was elaborately financed? I think it should give the American people great solace and comfort that this investigation was able to proceed unimpeded with, as I say, all these elaborate resources GaCbA4PP5ky-00009-00012211-00012971 ”.Starr contrasted his conduct as Whitewater’s independent counsel with that of Mueller’s as special counsel GaCbA4PP5ky-00010-00012971-00013796 “I did not do any early morning raids or early morning arrests. That always struck me as a little over the top GaCbA4PP5ky-00011-00013796-00014125 One person’s view.” Hu6-z3W7dw4-00000-00000571-00001650 We said for a long time that when the caravans started, they would never stop.And the caravans from Central America are only getting bigger Hu6-z3W7dw4-00001-00001650-00002739 It has ballooned into a crisis.Trump stood against them from the beginning, while Democrats and the media gave them every excuse and ways to apply for asylum Hu6-z3W7dw4-00002-00002739-00003849 Mexico is bracing for the possible arrival of the “mother of all caravans,” even as doubts arise over whether the group of Central American migrants will be all that big Hu6-z3W7dw4-00003-00003849-00004721 According to reports from Mexican officials, this latest caravan is coming from Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala Hu6-z3W7dw4-00004-00004721-00005701 They indicate it could be as large as 20,000 strong.20,000?! That’s an entire town charging our border! Hu6-z3W7dw4-00005-00005701-00006639 Those kinds of numbers are utterly unacceptable. Our border must be secured. Anyone who wants to enter has to follow our laws Hu6-z3W7dw4-00006-00006639-00007506 But when thousands get on buses or march for the border, intent on just entering in? How are we going to sustain that? Hu6-z3W7dw4-00007-00007506-00008313 Even Democrats have to admit this is beyond the breaking point.And Donald is already taking action Hu6-z3W7dw4-00008-00008313-00009023 President Trump is responding to this growing threat by promising to close our border completely Hu6-z3W7dw4-00009-00009023-00010034 If Mexico doesn’t stop them, that’s the only choice he has left.Unless Mexico does its part and refuses to let them through, this will be our reality Hu6-z3W7dw4-00010-00010034-00010711 But President Trump needs America’s support if he’s going to pull off this gutsy move H_K6nT4ZUZu-00000-00000571-00001582 According to Politico, Tax firm Mazars USA say the are ready to turn over 10 years worth of tax returns belonging to President Donald Trump H_K6nT4ZUZu-00001-00001582-00002342 Mazars say the want the House Oversight and Reform Committee to issue a subpoena to make the process official H_K6nT4ZUZu-00002-00002342-00003047 HOT TOPIC Trump has tried to hide it, but decades of secrets are about to hit via Subpoena H_K6nT4ZUZu-00003-00003047-00004479 ByChristopher PowellPublished on April 4, 2019.Share.Tweet.According to Politico, Tax firm Mazars USA say the are ready to turn over 10 years worth of tax returns belonging to President Donald Trump H_K6nT4ZUZu-00004-00004479-00005239 Mazars say the want the House Oversight and Reform Committee to issue a subpoena to make the process official H_K6nT4ZUZu-00005-00005239-00006929 “Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) told reporters that Mazars USA, a tax and accounting firm, has asked the committee for a so-called ‘friendly’ subpoena so that it can formalize the process of complying with the panel’s request,” Politico said H_K6nT4ZUZu-00006-00006929-00007618 “They have told us that they will provide the information pretty much when they have a subpoena H_K6nT4ZUZu-00007-00007618-00008499 And we’ll get them a subpoena,” Cummings told reporters on Wednesday.This comes after Cummings launched a probe into Trump’s finances H_K6nT4ZUZu-00008-00008499-00009640 Republicans have attacked the probe as an effort to “solely embarrass President Trump and to advance the relentless Democrat attacks upon the Trump administration,” Politico reports IMJBgZ6hr14-00000-00000513-00001756 Although Special Counsel Robert Mueller has submitted the final report summarizing his Russia investigation to the Justice Department, President Donald Trump is far from free from scrutiny IMJBgZ6hr14-00001-00001756-00003807 House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) has announced that he intends to haul Attorney General William Barr in for questioning in the near future to answer for his determination that Trump isn’t guilty of obstruction of justice, which Mueller’s report specifically did not offer a final determination on IMJBgZ6hr14-00002-00003807-00005648 He shared:.‘In light of the very concerning discrepancies and final decision making at the Justice Department following the Special Counsel report, where Mueller did not exonerate the President, we will be calling Attorney General Barr in to testify before the House Judiciary Committee in the near future' IMJBgZ6hr14-00003-00005648-00007605 Nadler highlighted those “discrepancies” in other public commentary, noting that Barr and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein seem to have reached the conclusion that Trump should be free from consequences for possible obstruction of justice within two days after Mueller and his team spent a full 22 months investigating IMJBgZ6hr14-00004-00007605-00008663 Mueller’s report specifically states:.‘While this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him' IMJBgZ6hr14-00005-00008663-00010199 Barr claimed that the determination to that effect “leaves it to the Attorney General to determine whether the conduct described in the report constitutes a crime,” and he took the least surprising route for a Trump appointee to draw his conclusion IMJBgZ6hr14-00006-00010199-00012680 As Nadler notes, a full accounting of the “underlying evidence” in the case could resolve the discrepancy. Barr said in his Sunday letter to Congress that his team was reviewing what parts of the report were protected by federal law covering grand jury proceedings before releasing more details than the brief, four-page Sunday letter two days after Mueller’s team submitted their confidential report IMJBgZ6hr14-00007-00012680-00014370 There’s not a good history with Trump’s AG picks and Congress — both of the others have lied during testimony, Jeff Sessions about his Russia connection and Matthew Whitaker about whether Trump had ever asked him to personally intervene in investigations on his behalf IMJBgZ6hr14-00008-00014370-00015313 Calling Barr for testimony is far from the only way House Democrats have put forward as part of an effort to obtain that underlying evidence IMJBgZ6hr14-00009-00015313-00017019 Nadler told CNN that his committee would be ready and willing to target Mueller’s report with a subpoena if Barr isn’t forthcoming and even take their fight to the Supreme Court, if necessary — although thanks to Trump’s ascent, that body now leans conservative IMJBgZ6hr14-00010-00017019-00018916 Similarly, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) has gone so far as to suggest that he’d be open to bringing Mueller himself in for questioning if his panel can’t get the underlying information the special counsel’s team collected on the issues the Trump team poses IMJBgZ6hr14-00011-00018916-00020229 Schiff, Nadler, and House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) have all already established their intent on close oversight of the Trump team through growing lines of wide-ranging inquiry IMJBgZ6hr14-00012-00020229-00022664 Besides the obstruction issue, Schiff is also after material on the president’s connections to Russia, which could pose a continued counterintelligence threat to the United States, although Mueller’s report concludes that no Trump team member conspired or coordinated with Russian agents seeking to tilt the 2016 elections — which, for the record, is a conspicuously different word than “collusion" IT5KxEmVJ-y-00000-00000571-00001297 A large piece of dynamite went off last week in the Trump White House security clearance scandal IT5KxEmVJ-y-00001-00001297-00002493 Tricia Newbold of the White House Personnel Security Office sat down with the House Oversight and Reform Committee for an interview, according to new reports today from several major news outlets IT5KxEmVJ-y-00002-00002493-00004844 Her testimony appears to have been quite compelling. .According to Ms Newbold, as many as twenty-five top Trump administration officials were ultimately given security clearances, even after they’d initially been rejected for such things as foreign influence, conflicts of interest, personal conduct, financial problems, drug use, and criminal conduct precluding their initial clearances IT5KxEmVJ-y-00003-00004844-00005649 Ms. Newbold said that she could not sit back and allow issues that could “impact national security” to go unaddressed IT5KxEmVJ-y-00004-00005649-00006542 Think about that for a second. .These are twenty-five people who could, either knowingly or unknowingly share information with U IT5KxEmVJ-y-00005-00006542-00007898 S. enemies, and who were forcibly given clearance. They now have access to top secret information, which, if it lands in the wrong hands, could potentially impact and devastate millions of Americans IT5KxEmVJ-y-00006-00007898-00008658 We can’t sit quietly by while secrets impacting our very existence are being placed in the wrong hands IT5KxEmVJ-y-00007-00008658-00009342 When you consider the sheer magnitude of these actions, it is quite frightening to say the least IT5KxEmVJ-y-00008-00009342-00010285 Newbold was apparently bothered by these same possibilities and decided to come forward after her complaints were swept under the carpet IT5KxEmVJ-y-00009-00010285-00011487 .Coming forward to the Committee after receiving no help from her office, Newbold shared that bringing the matter to the attention of Congress was her “last hope to bring integrity” back to her office IT5KxEmVJ-y-00010-00011487-00013383 Newbold prepared a memo to Congress stating that: “I do not see a way forward positively in our office without coming to an external entity … And I want it known that this is a systematic, it’s an office issue, and we’re not a political office, but these decisions were being continuously overrode IT5KxEmVJ-y-00011-00013383-00014804 ” The bulk of Ms. Newbold’s complaints center around Carl Kline, the former Personnel Security Chief of the White House, and she has a list of the people who were initially denied clearance, which we can assume she has shared with Congress IT5KxEmVJ-y-00012-00014804-00015758 The White House also attempted to block Ms. Newbold from speaking with Congress, but she said that “other whistleblowers have corroborated” her allegations IT5KxEmVJ-y-00013-00015758-00016526 .The Trump administration will go down as the single most corrupt administration the country has ever seen IT5KxEmVJ-y-00014-00016526-00017205 Watergate was bad, but this goes beyond merely breaking into your opposition’s office IT5KxEmVJ-y-00015-00017205-00017858 This is exposing the United States and its people to danger at the hands of foreign enemies IT5KxEmVJ-y-00016-00017858-00018780 While Nixon was driven by vindictiveness, as is Trump, he pales in comparison to the dangers presented by the Trump “presidency IT5KxEmVJ-y-00017-00018780-00018880 ” JpBVRvGfwWU-00000-00000513-00001960 Everything Donald Trump touches is stained by his corruption and lies; even something as benign as a charity that bears his name, under further scrutiny and investigation, turns out to be a corrupt and even criminal enterprise JpBVRvGfwWU-00001-00001960-00003049 Trump’s charity foundation was determined by New York Attorney General Letitia James to have been nothing more than a personal piggy bank for the president and his children JpBVRvGfwWU-00002-00003049-00004138 The Trump Foundation was closed down due to the illegality of its handling and the remaining donations were distributed among non-profit charities under government oversight JpBVRvGfwWU-00003-00004138-00005734 However, that doesn’t resolve the state’s lawsuit against the foundation. James filed legal paperwork requesting that Trump pay millions in restitution after illegally using the funds and restrict the Trumps from overseeing any charitable organization JpBVRvGfwWU-00004-00005734-00007020 According to the Associated Press:.‘State Attorney General Letitia James, a Democrat, detailed her case against the foundation in a 37-page court filing in a lawsuit that seeks $2 JpBVRvGfwWU-00005-00007020-00007908 8 million in restitution and an order banning Trump and his three eldest children from running any New York charities for 10 years’ JpBVRvGfwWU-00006-00007908-00008908 The GOP and the Trump administration has blasted James as a Democrat with an agenda, making up lies against Trump for political gain JpBVRvGfwWU-00007-00008908-00009613 They never want to discuss the actual proof James has against Trump, but there’s quite a bit of it JpBVRvGfwWU-00008-00009613-00011194 ‘James said the evidence of banned coordination between campaign officials and the foundation includes deposition testimony from Trump Organization executive Allen Weisselberg and emails he exchanged with former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski’ JpBVRvGfwWU-00009-00011194-00013461 Perhaps the most shocking allegation, backed by multiple sources of proof, is that Trump’s charity organization mishandled donations to veteran’s groups, which were collected during the 2016 campaigns when Trump skipped a Republican debate out of protest of his perceived unfair treatment by Fox News’ Megyn Kelly and held a charity drive to raise funds for veterans JpBVRvGfwWU-00010-00013461-00014315 The money went through the Trump Foundation, which is illegal, and money held by that foundation was not used for charities JpBVRvGfwWU-00011-00014315-00015953 ‘Trump was also accused in the suit of directing that $100,000 in foundation money be used to settle legal claims over an 80-foot flagpole he had built at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, instead of paying the expense out of his own pocket’ JpBVRvGfwWU-00012-00015953-00017184 The investigation doesn’t stop with Trump’s charity, however. Every aspect of Trump’s business and personal financial life is under scrutiny and turning up corruption at every turn JpBVRvGfwWU-00013-00017184-00018738 ‘James, a Democrat newly elected to office, also issued subpoenas Monday to Deutsche Bank and Investors Bank seeking records related to four Trump real estate projects and his failed 2014 bid to buy the NFL’s Buffalo Bills’ JhZyyfGDjMo-00000-00000571-00001608 Trump is facing down a swarm of investigations from multiple congressional committees, a special counsel, state and federal prosecutors, and private litigants JhZyyfGDjMo-00001-00001608-00003358 His entire life is under scrutiny.But the fight back has begun.If there is any President who could bear such strain, who would perhaps relish the struggle, prosper amid its cacophony and be willing to cross all sorts of conventional lines to stay alive, it would surely be Trump JhZyyfGDjMo-00002-00003358-00004196 As a youth at New York Military Academy, the future President learned one thing above all else: "life is about survival JhZyyfGDjMo-00003-00004196-00004917 It's always about survival," according to writer Michael D'Antonio in his biography of Trump JhZyyfGDjMo-00004-00004917-00005996 It's been Trump's motto ever since, no matter the collateral damage and the cost of legal battles and reputational hits, personal scandals and bankruptcies JhZyyfGDjMo-00005-00005996-00006618 Now America is about to be dragged along on Trump's most existential struggle yet JhZyyfGDjMo-00006-00006618-00007908 Survival in a personal and political sense now defines his life, with Robert Mueller's report expected to be filed soon and Democrats unfurling an oversight blitz that could lead to impeachment JhZyyfGDjMo-00007-00007908-00009355 When House Democrats on Monday unveiled a mammoth document demand from a list of 81 potential witnesses linked to Trump's businesses, campaigns, presidency and family, he and aides initially pledged cooperation JhZyyfGDjMo-00008-00009355-00010439 But the mask soon slipped.Trump responded on Tuesday according to his creed, with a promise of all-out confrontation and a searing blast at his enemies JhZyyfGDjMo-00009-00010439-00011918 "It's a disgrace. It's a disgrace to our country," he said, accusing Democrats of being consumed by anger at their loss in 2016, and framing the coming fight as an extension of his 2020 re-election campaign JhZyyfGDjMo-00010-00011918-00013015 Trump's press secretary, Sarah Sanders, set the vituperative tone of a fight against a Democratic majority seeking to expose the President as historically corrupt JhZyyfGDjMo-00011-00013015-00014185 "Democrats have embarked on a fishing expedition because they are terrified that their two year false narrative of 'Russia collusion' is crumbling," Sanders said in a statement on Monday night JhZyyfGDjMo-00012-00014185-00014765 "The Democrats are not after the truth, they are after the President'' K8_reyPSUyY-00000-00000513-00001861 President Donald Trump described the investigation into his administration's security clearance process as a “witch hunt” and a “disgrace” as the White House refused to hand over documents relating to his son-in-law Jared Kushner K8_reyPSUyY-00001-00001861-00002919 The White House and the House Oversight and Reform Committee clashed over the review as the Trump administration denied requests for documents and interviews from the committee K8_reyPSUyY-00002-00002919-00004034 Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings said the White House was attempting to challenge the panel's authority and was questioning whether it had a legitimate purpose for the requests K8_reyPSUyY-00003-00004034-00005123 Cummings also released a letter he received from White House counsel Pat Cipollone in which he called Cummings’s request “unprecedented and extraordinarily intrusive K8_reyPSUyY-00004-00005123-00006662 “As I have explained in multiple previous letters, it is clearly established as a matter of law that the decision to grant or deny a security clearance is a discretionary function that belongs exclusively to the Executive Branch,” Cipollone wrote K8_reyPSUyY-00005-00006662-00008151 The review was launched by the committee following concerns that as many as 130 people working in the Executive Office of the President did not have permanent security clearances, according to White House documents obtained by NBC News K8_reyPSUyY-00006-00008151-00009005 Among those who reportedly did not have full clearance was the president’s daughter, Ivanka Trump, and her husband, Jared Kushner K8_reyPSUyY-00007-00009005-00010457 The the committee's request for documents arrived following a New York Times report that said that Trump had ordered officials to grant Kushner a high-level security clearance despite objections from senior administration and intelligence officials K8_reyPSUyY-00008-00010457-00012354 “The White House appears to be arguing that Congress has no authority to examine decisions by the Executive Branch that impact our national security—even when the President’s former National Security Advisor has pleaded guilty to lying about his contacts with foreign government officials,” Cummings said in a statement K8_reyPSUyY-00009-00012354-00013897 “There is a key difference between a president who exercises his authority under the Constitution and a president who overrules career experts and his top advisors to benefit his family members and then conceals his actions from the American people K8_reyPSUyY-00010-00013897-00014950 The White House’s argument defies the Constitutional separation of powers, decades of precedent before this Committee, and just plain common-sense K8_reyPSUyY-00011-00014950-00015893 ”.According to The Hill, Cummings is reportedly looking into subpoenaing the administration to force the release of the requested documents K8_reyPSUyY-00012-00015893-00016915 .“The White House security clearance system is broken, and it needs both congressional oversight and legislative reform,” Cummings said in his statement K8_reyPSUyY-00013-00016915-00017510 “I will be consulting with Members of the Committee to determine our next steps.” K8_reyPSUyY-00014-00017510-00018814 The House Judiciary Committee has also launched an investigation, with at least 81 people and organizations linked to the president or his campaign team receiving letters in relation to the probe K8_reyPSUyY-00015-00018814-00019950 “The witch hunt continues,” Trump told reporters after signing an executive order on National Roadmap to Empower Veterans and End Veteran Suicide, at the White House K8_reyPSUyY-00016-00019950-00020765 “The fact is that that we got 81 letters, there was no collusion, it was a hoax, there was no anything K8_reyPSUyY-00017-00020765-00021643 They [Democrats] want to do that instead of getting legislation passed.“It’s a disgrace, it’s a disgrace to our country K8_reyPSUyY-00018-00021643-00022269 I’m not surprised that it’s happening,” Trump said, reported The Associated Press K8_reyPSUyY-00019-00022269-00023301 “Basically, they've started the campaign. So, the campaign begins.".In a tweet the same night, Trump simply wrote: “PRESIDENTIAL HARASSMENT!” LGLrMkh0lnu-00000-00000571-00002663 Now that Donald Trump’s newly handpicked Attorney General William Barr has falsely spun the still-secret Robert Mueller report in pro-Trump fashion, and a number of major news outlets have played along by falsely reporting Barr’s words as if they were Mueller’s words, Donald Trump has decided that he’s been fully exonerated LGLrMkh0lnu-00001-00002663-00003447 More to the point, he clearly feels emboldened – and he’s moving in a dangerously ugly direction at rapid speed LGLrMkh0lnu-00002-00003447-00004750 In the day and a half since Donald Trump falsely announced that he’s been exonerated, his Department of Justice has suddenly announced that it’ll go into court to try to dismantle the Affordable Care Act LGLrMkh0lnu-00003-00004750-00005649 Trump’s Pentagon has suddenly announced that it’s found $1 billion for Trump to begin building his border wall LGLrMkh0lnu-00004-00005649-00006438 Trump’s campaign has given TV news networks a list of people who are supposed to be banned from the air LGLrMkh0lnu-00005-00006438-00007221 His flunky Lindsey Graham just announced that he’ll seek a new Special Counsel to investigate Hillary Clinton LGLrMkh0lnu-00006-00007221-00008010 And Trump tweeted last night about his desire to have President Obama investigated for some gibberish or other LGLrMkh0lnu-00007-00008010-00008890 Many or even most of these moves will either fall flat of their own accord, be defeated in court, or end up backfiring LGLrMkh0lnu-00008-00008890-00009671 But this is where Donald Trump’s head is at now. He’s been falsely, temporarily given a reprieve LGLrMkh0lnu-00009-00009671-00010985 Instead of using this window of opportunity to try to make something of his failed presidency, he’s decided to use it to pander to his base and seek petty revenge on those who have dared to expose his corruption LGLrMkh0lnu-00010-00010985-00011863 It’s as if Trump has decided to try to prove to mainstream Americans that he’s every bit as awful as they’ve always believed LGLrMkh0lnu-00011-00011863-00013365 What’s not clear is if Donald Trump truly thinks that William Barr’s cartoonish stunt has actually gotten him off the hook for his endless list of criminal scandals, or if Trump understands that Mueller’s report will surface and destroy him eventually LGLrMkh0lnu-00012-00013365-00014117 If it’s the latter, Trump may be trying to finish off America with the finite window of time he has left LGLrMkh0lnu-00013-00014117-00015008 House Democrats will have their hands on the Mueller report before much longer, because they’ve never had a larger priority LGLrMkh0lnu-00014-00015008-00015708 These next weeks may be among the most important – and perilous – in American history N4MKnoB9WHQ-00000-00000571-00001830 Kirstjen Nielsen has resigned as Department of Homeland Security (DHS) secretary in the midst of soaring illegal immigration levels and an expanded Catch and Release policy under her direction N4MKnoB9WHQ-00001-00001830-00002598 On Sunday, President Trump wrote online that Nielsen would be leaving her position as head of DHS N4MKnoB9WHQ-00002-00002598-00004129 Nielsen’s resignation as DHS secretary comes amid a surge of illegal immigration-Mexico border and an expanded Catch and Release policy that the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency has been tasked with carrying out N4MKnoB9WHQ-00003-00004129-00005022 During Nielsen’s tenure as DHS secretary, illegal immigration has increased nearly every month over the last year and a half N4MKnoB9WHQ-00004-00005022-00006302 Simultaneously, the Trump administration has yet to construct a border wall on new land at the southern border that did not previously have barriers built by the Bush and Obama administrations N4MKnoB9WHQ-00005-00006302-00007848 .Most recently, officials with the National ICE Council accused Nielsen of “grossly” mismanaging DHS and failing to acknowledge that the agency had been operating an expanded Catch and Release policy for border crossers and illegal aliens for months N4MKnoB9WHQ-00006-00007848-00009165 As Breitbart News chronicled, Nielsen previously served in the Bush administration overseeing a crisis team following the destruction of New Orleans, Louisiana, by Hurricane Katrina in 2005 N4MKnoB9WHQ-00007-00009165-00010304 The Bush administration had waved federal regulations to allow an unlimited level of illegal immigration into the Gulf Coast to take low-skill jobs rebuilding the region N4MKnoB9WHQ-00008-00010304-00011176 Nielsen previously chaired a World Economic Forum committee that authored a report praising mass migration into Europe N4MKnoB9WHQ-00009-00011176-00012519 For her confirmation process to DHS, Nielsen worked with an assortment of allies that worked vigorously in the 2016 presidential election to oppose Trump, including Frances Townsend and Tom Ridge NigD8iKw858-00000-00000571-00001284 Even though Trump is in Vietnam for a summit with Kim Jong Un, he is still taking care of things at home NigD8iKw858-00001-00001284-00002091 Obama and the Democrats have been trying for years to transform America into their socialist, open borders dream NigD8iKw858-00002-00002091-00003264 But when Donald Trump got elected he started rolling it all back.Democrats thought they could stop Trump in the courts thanks to all of Obama’s judicial appointments pulling the strings for them NigD8iKw858-00003-00003264-00005377 But with Trump’s latest win, he’s undoing Obama’s legacy for good.From Fox News.The Senate on Tuesday confirmed President Trump’s nominee to be a judge on the liberal 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in a party-line vote — and, in a historic snub, the White House ignored the input of the judge’s two Democratic home-state senators in the process NigD8iKw858-00004-00005377-00006573 Seattle attorney Eric Miller was confirmed by the Senate in a 53-46 vote.Miller’s credentials make him a huge threat to the unhinged leftists who run the 9th Circuit Court NigD8iKw858-00005-00006573-00007368 They know Miller won’t be their puppet, and won’t help them in their quest to stop everything the President tries to do NigD8iKw858-00006-00007368-00008436 The 9th Circuit has done nothing but obstruct the President, whether it was over his travel ban or his efforts to stop funding for sanctuary cities NigD8iKw858-00007-00008436-00009389 But Miller, who was a former clerk to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, is much more aligned with the President’s vision of a safer America NigD8iKw858-00008-00009389-00010338 And that’s why Washington State’s two Democratic senators, Maria Cantwell and Patty Murray, opposed Miller’s appointment so strongly NigD8iKw858-00009-00010338-00011375 Trump is still, in many ways, just getting started. By the end of his second term, the Democrats firm grip on the Federal Court system will be eliminated NigD8iKw858-00010-00011375-00012286 We have the Senate, the Presidency, and the Supreme Court. And now the most liberal court in the country is being turned red PESe3Yw0A9Q-00000-00000513-00002226 After the disgusting scandal from October 2016 when the Access Hollywood tape was released, exposing Donald Trump for the groper that he is, one would think that he’d avoid any references to him grabbing women who are not his wife and kissing them in public PESe3Yw0A9Q-00001-00002226-00003114 So what did he do during the signing of an executive order demanding “free speech” for racists and homophobes on college campuses? PESe3Yw0A9Q-00002-00003114-00004008 He grabbed a blonde Ivanka look-a-like college student and kissed her in public.Twitter could not have been any more grossed out PESe3Yw0A9Q-00003-00004008-00005538 It’s not as if the young woman had much of an opportunity to say no, what does one do during a public event in the biggest of national spotlights when a groper-in-chief grabs and kisses you in front of a group of people and an entire press pool? PESe3Yw0A9Q-00004-00005538-00008080 The executive order Trump signed was no less disgusting. After college students across the country have made it clear that they’re not interested in the rhetoric of racists and transphobes like Milo Yiannapolous and Ben Shapiro, Trump insists that they must be allowed to speak on college campuses, places where respect and acceptance for marginalized communities are encouraged and practiced PESe3Yw0A9Q-00005-00008080-00009632 The same man who believes that Saturday Night Live should be investigated and punished by the Justice Department for daring to make fun of him the same way they have every single president since Richard Nixon made quite a show of his stance on free speech PESe3Yw0A9Q-00006-00009632-00010295 Of course, he also made a show of being a lecherous, disgusting old man PfIArkAghfA-00000-00000513-00001743 In a wide-ranging interview on the CBS show 60 Minutes, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said President Donald Trump did not have the authority to remove him from his position PfIArkAghfA-00001-00001743-00002811 The Fed has often been the target of criticism from the Trump administration. Toward the end of last year, Bloomberg reported that the president had discussed firing Powell PfIArkAghfA-00002-00002811-00003859 When CBS’s Scott Pelley asked Powell whether the president could fire him, he responded: “The law is clear that I have a four-year term PfIArkAghfA-00003-00003859-00004961 And I fully intend to serve it.”.Pelley then pressed him to clarify his answer, asking, “So no, in your view?” to which Powell responded “no PfIArkAghfA-00004-00004961-00006361 ”.Following the publication of the Bloomberg story, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said he spoke with Trump about the Bloomberg report, and he said the president reassured him that no such discussion had taken place PfIArkAghfA-00005-00006361-00007098 "I have spoken with the President @realDonaldTrump and he said 'I totally disagree with Fed policy PfIArkAghfA-00006-00007098-00009091 I think the increasing of interest rates and the shrinking of the Fed portfolio is an absolute terrible thing to do at this time, especially in the light of my major trade negotiations which are ongoing, but I never suggested firing Chairman Jay Powell, nor do I believe I have the right to do so,'" Mnuchin wrote on Twitter PfIArkAghfA-00007-00009091-00010434 In the 60 Minutes interview, Pelley asked Powell whether he thought raising interest rates four times last year had been a mistake—a move that resulted in the president calling the Fed “crazy” and “out of control PfIArkAghfA-00008-00010434-00011750 ” Traditionally, presidents do not publicly criticize the Fed in this manner.Powell responded: “I feel, and our committee feels, that our interest rate policy is in a very good place right now PfIArkAghfA-00009-00011750-00012910 It's roughly neutral in a sense that our interest rate is in the range of estimates of a rate that is neither urging the economy to go faster, nor trying to slow it down,” he said PfIArkAghfA-00010-00012910-00014221 “And we think that's an appropriate place for an economy that has the lowest unemployment in 50 years, that has inflation right about at our 2 percent objective, that has returned significantly to good health PfIArkAghfA-00011-00014221-00015339 ”.Trump has also previously called the Fed a “much bigger problem than China.” Pelley put this comment to Powell, asking if it was his duty to respond to such remarks PfIArkAghfA-00012-00015339-00017332 “My duty is one that Congress has given us, which is to use our tools to achieve maximum employment and stable prices and to supervise and regulate banks so that they treat their customers fairly and so that they're strong, well-capitalized and can perform their critical function in good times and bad,” Powell said PfIArkAghfA-00013-00017332-00018160 “That's my job. And I think for me to get into responding to any elected official would be a distraction from that job PfIArkAghfA-00014-00018160-00019344 ”.Powell asserted that the Fed remains independent, dismissing suggestions that a freeze in interest rate rises at the beginning of 2019 was anything to do with political pressure PfIArkAghfA-00015-00019344-00020404 “It's very important that the public understand that we are always going to make decisions based on what we think is right for the American people,” Powell said PfIArkAghfA-00016-00020404-00021094 “We answer to the American people and to their elected representatives in our system of government PfIArkAghfA-00017-00021094-00022173 “So, when we say we're independent, what does that mean? What it means is that we serve long terms that are not at all synced up with the election cycle,” he said PfIArkAghfA-00018-00022173-00023016 “And it means that we are directed to execute policy in a strictly nonpolitical way, serving all Americans PfIArkAghfA-00019-00023016-00023980 And that's what we do. We are independent in that sense. Our decisions on rates can't be reversed by any other part of government PfIArkAghfA-00020-00023980-00024080 ” QV7DC_UU57c-00000-00000571-00001375 'I don't believe that he would have allowed that to happen — it just wasn’t to his advantage to allow that,' the president said QV7DC_UU57c-00001-00001375-00002869 President Donald Trump on Thursday said he trusted North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's assurance that he was unaware of the circumstances leading to the 2017 death of Otto Warmbier, the American student imprisoned by North Korea QV7DC_UU57c-00002-00002869-00003870 "He tells me he didn't know about it, and I will take him at his word," Trump said at a news conference held at the end of a two-day nuclear summit in Hanoi, Vietnam QV7DC_UU57c-00003-00003870-00004781 .Warmbier was a student at the University of Virginia when he was arrested in 2016 while on a trip to North Korea QV7DC_UU57c-00004-00004781-00005724 He was accused of stealing a propaganda poster from his hotel and sentenced to 15 years of hard labor following a sham trial QV7DC_UU57c-00005-00005724-00006772 In June 2017, after months of lobbying, Warmbier was returned to the U.S. But he was in a vegetative state and died soon after QV7DC_UU57c-00006-00006772-00007827 Trump said Thursday that he didn't believe Kim — whose regime is accused of a laundry list of human rights violations — would have ordered the mistreatment of Warmbier QV7DC_UU57c-00007-00007827-00009941 “What happened is horrible. I really believe something really bad happened to him and I don't think the top leadership knew about it,” the president told reporters after his second summit with Kim, adding that “I did speak about it and I don't believe that he would have allowed that to happen — it just wasn’t to his advantage to allow that to happen QV7DC_UU57c-00008-00009941-00010614 ”.He later doubled down on Kim’s denial and said he trusted Kim was telling the truth QV7DC_UU57c-00009-00010614-00011641 “He felt badly about it. I did speak to him, he felt very badly.” Trump said. “He knew the case very well but knew it later QV7DC_UU57c-00010-00011641-00012890 And you know, you've got a lot of people, a big country, and in those prisons and those camps you have a lot of people and some really bad things happened to Otto, some really, really bad things QV7DC_UU57c-00011-00012890-00013958 ".Since his overtures to North Korea began, Trump has caught heat for his reluctance to pressure Pyongyang over human rights violations like Warmbier’s detainment QV7DC_UU57c-00012-00013958-00014930 Earlier in the day on Thursday, the president insisted that the two leaders were “discussing everything" during the summit, including human rights QV7DC_UU57c-00013-00014930-00015724 But his comments Thursday were still remarkable, especially in light of his rhetoric on the situation in the past QV7DC_UU57c-00014-00015724-00016709 In September 2017, a few months after Warmbier’s death, Trump praised Warmbier’s parents for an interview they gave to Fox News QV7DC_UU57c-00015-00016709-00017244 “Otto was tortured beyond belief by North Korea,” he wrote in a tweet. RvRcqvIPGK4-00000-00000571-00001344 President Donald Trump reacted to a serious fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, France on Monday RvRcqvIPGK4-00001-00001344-00002091 “So horrible to watch the massive fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris,” Trump wrote on Twitter RvRcqvIPGK4-00002-00002091-00002885 .Live news cameras showed the roof and the steeple of the famous cathedral engulfed in flames RvRcqvIPGK4-00003-00002885-00003776 The president also commented on the news at an event in Minnesota promoting the success of the tax cuts boosting the economy RvRcqvIPGK4-00004-00003776-00005335 “It’s one of the great treasures of the world, the greatest artists in the world … might be greater than any museum in the world, and it’s burning very badly, looks like it’s burning to the ground,” he said, noting that he watched the footage of the fire on Air Force One RvRcqvIPGK4-00005-00005335-00006014 Trump acknowledged the devastating news put a “damper” on the event on tax reform RvRcqvIPGK4-00006-00006014-00007208 “That’s beyond countries, that’s beyond anything, that’s a part of our growing up, it’s a part of our culture, it’s a part of our lives, it’s a truly great cathedral,” Trump said RvRcqvIPGK4-00007-00007208-00008034 .He recalled personally visiting the cathedral in France.“There’s no cathedral in the world like it,” Trump said RvRcqvIPGK4-00008-00008034-00008786 He said that the early estimations were that the cathedral fired started during a renovation process RvRcqvIPGK4-00009-00008786-00009833 “At this moment they don’t know, but they think it was caused by renovation, and I hope that’s the reason, renovation, you know, what’s that all about?” he said RvRcqvIPGK4-00010-00009833-00011064 “But it’s a terrible sight to behold.”. .It is unclear what started the fire, but the world watched helplessly as there were no signs of water being sprayed on the roof as the spire collapsed RvRcqvIPGK4-00011-00011064-00011753 “Perhaps flying water tankers could be used to put it out,” Trump wrote. “Must act quickly!” RvRcqvIPGK4-00012-00011753-00012905 First Lady Melania Trump also reacted to the news on Twitter.“My heart breaks for the people of Paris after seeing the fire at Notre Dame Cathedral,” she wrote RvRcqvIPGK4-00013-00012905-00013302 “Praying for everyone’s safety.” RyaLZWTPSJ4-00000-00000513-00001960 Although climate change is one the biggest issues facing our country and much of the world, the Trump administration has largely treated scientists’ assessments as fiction and denied the serious impact it is having on the environment RyaLZWTPSJ4-00001-00001960-00002702 On Thursday, Democrats introduced a bill to prevent political interference with public science research RyaLZWTPSJ4-00002-00002702-00003854 Senator Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii) and Rep. Paul Tonko (D-NY) introduced the legislation in light of “President Trump’s multi-agency assault” RyaLZWTPSJ4-00003-00003854-00004710 The Science Integrity Act would ensure that political considerations do not factor into scientific conclusions RyaLZWTPSJ4-00004-00004710-00005826 The legislation would prohibit the suppression of scientific findings and allow scientists to to answer media inquiries about their work without prior agency approval RyaLZWTPSJ4-00005-00005826-00006949 Tonko said in a statement:.‘Independent, rigorous scientific research is one of the most powerful tools we have for advancing the public interest and keeping the American people safe RyaLZWTPSJ4-00006-00006949-00008955 ‘President Trump’s multi-agency assault on environmental standards has hinged on efforts to distort, bury and even rewrite credible public scientific findings, including his absurd denial of the growing climate crisis and efforts to cover up evidence that the American people are being exposed to dangerous toxins RyaLZWTPSJ4-00007-00008955-00009653 ’.Schatz said:.‘While it’s not the first time it has been under attack, this time feels worse RyaLZWTPSJ4-00008-00009653-00010368 That’s why we need to answer the call of our times and stand up for science.’.According to Newsweek: RyaLZWTPSJ4-00009-00010368-00012126 ‘The goal of the Scientific Integrity Act, according to the bill’s sponsors, is to ensure Americans trust the science behind public policy decisions, and to address what they see as recent Trump-led distortions of scientific research on topics such as climate change and reproductive health’ RyaLZWTPSJ4-00010-00012126-00013158 Senator Schatz shared his concern over reports that Mr. Trump will create a White House panel attempting to undermine government research on the climate RyaLZWTPSJ4-00011-00013158-00013963 He said:.‘And the person he will choose to lead this panel is the same man who compared climate science to Nazi propaganda’ RyaLZWTPSJ4-00012-00013963-00014869 According to Schatz and Tonko, the legislation is a “longstanding concern that has taken on newfound urgency under President Trump RyaLZWTPSJ4-00013-00014869-00015632 ” They cite the fact that Trump has been “burying reports on public health risks” over the past two years RyaLZWTPSJ4-00014-00015632-00017322 Schatz said:.‘This may not be the first time science has been under attack in the United States—climate denial has been alive and well for some time now—but from a historical perspective, we are in one of the worst moments, if not the worst moment, for science RyaLZWTPSJ4-00015-00017322-00018275 ‘Particularly government science. Our bill is one of many ways that we can answer the call of our times and stand up for science RyaLZWTPSJ4-00016-00018275-00019370 As Thomas Jefferson put it, information is the currency of democracy. And government science is some of the most important information we can have in times like these’ RyaLZWTPSJ4-00017-00019370-00021039 Rep. Tonko also added in a statement:.‘[W]e know the Trump Administration has taken direct steps to block, distort or obscure federal science reports—they even reportedly banned scientists at CDC from using the terms “evidence-based” or “science-based” in their RyaLZWTPSJ4-00018-00021039-00021786 budget documents last year! Science simply shouldn’t be politicized regardless of party' RA_iOqlvrZ4-00000-00000571-00001691 It hasn’t yet been two weeks since Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation wrapped up, and passions around the still unreleased final report are rising to a boil RA_iOqlvrZ4-00001-00001691-00002969 On Wednesday night, the New York Times broke the story that some on Mueller’s team have been angered by Attorney General Bill Barr’s portrayal of the report and of the investigation’s conclusions RA_iOqlvrZ4-00002-00002969-00003687 They believe that the investigation’s findings are much worse for the president than the public has been led to believe RA_iOqlvrZ4-00003-00003687-00004740 That story, treated skeptically at first, was soon matched by confirming stories in the Washington Post, NBC News, and the Wall Street Journal RA_iOqlvrZ4-00004-00004740-00006007 There also appears to be competing leaks about a factual matter. The new reports say Mueller’s team prepared “summaries” of its findings, which could have been released immediately or quite soon RA_iOqlvrZ4-00005-00006007-00007433 But both publicly and privately, Barr and the Justice Department are sending the message that the report needs a thorough scrubbing for protected material before any of it is made public — a process that is expected to take weeks RA_iOqlvrZ4-00006-00007433-00008747 Matthew Miller, a legal analyst and former spokesperson under President Barack Obama’s Justice Department, noted in new piece for Politico that “Barr is now in open warfare with the special counsel’s office RA_iOqlvrZ4-00007-00008747-00011108 ”. .He pointed out that Barr has been cagey about his own actions. While he initially said that his letter announcing Mueller’s conclusions on the Russsia conspiracy and obstruction of justice investigations was “summariz[ing] the principal conclusions reached by the Special Counsel and the results of his investigation,” Barr has since insisted that this letter was erroneously called a “summary RA_iOqlvrZ4-00008-00011108-00013386 ”.Miller continued: “Barr has also moved the goalposts on what categories of information would be redacted from the report, adding two new ones to the list he announced on March 24, while refusing so far to ask a court for permission to release grand jury material, as the Justice Department did at the conclusion of two previous investigations into presidential misconduct RA_iOqlvrZ4-00009-00013386-00014441 ”.While many were initially skeptical about Barr’s behavior and his framing of the special counsel’s conclusions, his critics now have much more ammunition RA_iOqlvrZ4-00010-00014441-00016379 In light of these new developments, Barr’s history looks even more suspect. Over the summer of 2018, he wrote a memo and circulated it to administration officials arguing against the idea that the president obstructed justice in this case — long before he ever saw any of Mueller’s confidential findings RA_iOqlvrZ4-00011-00016379-00017234 Trump then fired Attorney General Jeff Sessions in a clear attempt to gain more control over the probe, and he picked Barr as a replacement RA_iOqlvrZ4-00012-00017234-00018696 Barr was also infamously involved in President George H.W. Bush’s issuing of pardons that quashed the investigation of the Iran-Contra affair, the scandal that gripped the administration the last time Barr was attorney general RA_iOqlvrZ4-00013-00018696-00019603 These facts alone should have been enough to force Barr to recuse from the investigation for fear of tainting its integrity in the public’s view RA_iOqlvrZ4-00014-00019603-00020520 But he refused to recuse, and nothing he has done since has given the world any reason to believe he’s a neutral umpire in this matter RA_iOqlvrZ4-00015-00020520-00021794 Miller noted that it shouldn’t have been difficult for Barr to remain impartial in the investigation — he could have just left the decisions up to the Mueller, which is the reason a special counsel was appointed in the first place RA_iOqlvrZ4-00016-00021794-00023500 “If the Justice Department has any hope of restoring the reputation that has been tarnished – sometimes fairly, sometimes not – through the last three years of political combat, it will be by leaning on Mueller’s hard-earned reputation and letting his work speak for itself,” wrote Miller RA_iOqlvrZ4-00017-00023500-00024574 “Barr should get out of the way and let that happen. Otherwise, he will deserve all the criticism he gets, and both he and the Justice Department will suffer for it RA_iOqlvrZ4-00018-00024574-00024674 ” RCub3fRzFwI-00000-00000571-00002627 Appearing on CBS News Monday afternoon, Nevada Democrat Lucy Flores, who recently accused former Vice President Joe Biden of kissing the back of her head and smelling her hair at a 2014 campaign event, affirmed she would still support Biden over President Donald Trump in the 2020 general presidential election RCub3fRzFwI-00001-00002627-00004356 A partial transcript is as follows: .TANYA RIVERO: Let me ask you something. If [Biden] were to be the Democratic nominee and he’s up against Donald Trump — who has his own history with women, as we know, is pretty clouded — who would you support in that kind of a match-up? RCub3fRzFwI-00002-00004356-00005210 LUCY FLORES: That’s not even a question, of course, I would support Biden.RIVERO: That’s interesting to know RCub3fRzFwI-00003-00005210-00007044 Now, I want to go back to [Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT)] for a second, though, because his own campaign also in 2016 also had issues with women being mistreated by male staffers and you told NPR in January this year, that there was “essentially was a coverup RCub3fRzFwI-00004-00007044-00007681 ” Does that also disqualify Sanders? Do you think this was happening in his campaign? RCub3fRzFwI-00005-00007681-00009133 FLORES: Those are two very, very different situations. I mean, you’re talking about a situation that occurred within a very, very large campaign structure and you’re talking about actual behavior that a person did RCub3fRzFwI-00006-00009133-00009577 Those two things aren’t even close to being the same RbTGTqvEg7g-00000-00000513-00002542 Rep. Maxine Waters took to Twitter Monday night to slam President Donald Trump.In a series of eight tweets, Waters lambasted Trump for his “fake summit” with “killer Kim Jong Un,” Jamal Khashoggi‘s death, the firing of James Comey, Jared Kushner‘s security clearance and his repeated refrain of “no collusion RbTGTqvEg7g-00001-00002542-00003496 ”.“Lying Trump came away from fake summit with terrorist & killer Kim Jong-un w/ nothing because Kim never intended to offer anything RbTGTqvEg7g-00002-00003496-00004387 Don the con man got conned! Hey number 45, are you still in love w/ Kim?” Waters taunted RbTGTqvEg7g-00003-00004387-00005222 She added: “Lying Trump said he believes killer Kim Jong-un, that he didn’t know what happened to #ottowarmbier RbTGTqvEg7g-00004-00005222-00006489 Now he wants to flip the script. No one can believe this unworthy president. He is the most prolific, consistent, good for nothing liar this country has ever experienced RbTGTqvEg7g-00005-00006489-00007443 ”."Lying Trump came away from fake summit with terrorist & killer Kim Jong-un w/ nothing because Kim never intended to offer anything RbTGTqvEg7g-00006-00007443-00008344 Don the con man got conned! Hey number 45, are you still in love w/ Kim?".Waters was just warming up RbTGTqvEg7g-00007-00008344-00009034 She next turned to Washington Post journalist Khashoggi’s grisly death and the firing of Comey RbTGTqvEg7g-00008-00009034-00010799 "The killing with the chainsaw & dismemberment of #JamalKhashoggi by the Saudis is the most gruesome & heartless act imaginable! Now we learned his body parts were burned in a giant oven! Trump, God will never forgive you for siding w/ MBS on this murder RbTGTqvEg7g-00009-00010799-00012309 "."Obstruction of justice reality show: Firing Comey, sending coded messages to Manafort & others that he has the power to pardon; lying abt Trump Tower meeting; threatening Cohen's in-laws; attempting to destroy Mueller RbTGTqvEg7g-00010-00012309-00013341 What more do we need to know? Impeachment is the only answer".Then, Waters hit on Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen and Jared Kushner’s security clearance RbTGTqvEg7g-00011-00013341-00014725 "Hey Manafort, Cohen, Flynn, Gates, Papadopoulos, & Stone, its truth telling time, and the truth will free your heart and soul -- but no guarantees freedom from prison time RbTGTqvEg7g-00012-00014725-00015815 "."Lying Trump, so you said you did nothing to force security clearance for Kushner, huh? Who do you think will believe that lie? Must give you credit RbTGTqvEg7g-00013-00015815-00016536 You are the boldest, most daring liar I've ever heard of. A pox on all your houses RbTGTqvEg7g-00014-00016536-00017489 ".Finally, she scolded Trump for screaming no collusion before calling for all those who are “faint of heart” to support impeachment RbTGTqvEg7g-00015-00017489-00018573 "Trump, you have screamed no collusion and no obstruction of justice so many times, trying to influence others, that I think you really believe your own lies RbTGTqvEg7g-00016-00018573-00020174 Just stop it. No honesty. No truth. No trust. No patriotism."."For the faint of heart, who've been waiting for every "t" to be crossed and every "i" to be dotted, now is the time to demonstrate your patriotism RbTGTqvEg7g-00017-00020174-00021169 Support impeachment!".Waters is a frequent critic of Trump who has been the target of the president’s insults, including calling her “low IQ RbTGTqvEg7g-00018-00021169-00021684 ”.Trump has not yet responded to her latest tweets SKGmHlBm1cc-00000-00000513-00002495 In a Sunday morning segment on MSNBC’s AM Joy, host Joy Reid had on a panel of guests to discuss what kind of legal trouble the Trump children might be facing after Michael Cohen’s explosive testimony before the House Oversight Committee that implicated each of them — less so Eric, but definitely Don Jr SKGmHlBm1cc-00001-00002495-00003932 and Ivanka — in not just a higher level of involvement in decisions made in the Trump Organization, but specifically as regards the potential “Trump Tower Moscow” at the center of Cohen’s lies to Congress the first time he testified SKGmHlBm1cc-00002-00003932-00005071 One of Reid’s guests, Tim O’Brien, is the author of TrumpNation: The Art of Being Donald, and his insight during the segment could prove to be prescient and shocking SKGmHlBm1cc-00003-00005071-00007380 After the group discussed just how deep Ivanka was in the project — especially in light of her interview in which she claimed to know almost nothing and play almost no role in it — O’Brien noted that Ivanka’s lies were plain on their face: She was in Moscow, scouting out sites for the project on a tour of the city with former Russian mafia player (and current federal informant) Felix Sater SKGmHlBm1cc-00004-00007380-00008702 Then the host asked him what lengths Trump might go to in order to protect his children, and O’Brien was unequivocal: Trump would burn Jared Kushner in a heartbeat to shield Ivanka from legal trouble SKGmHlBm1cc-00005-00008702-00009577 "I think he would go to great lengths to protect his children, I do not suspect he’d go very far to protect his son-in-law SKGmHlBm1cc-00006-00009577-00010857 I think he would throw Jared Kushner under the bus. I think Ivanka’s going to have to make a decision at some point whether she prefers her husband or her father, that could be a dramatic moment in all of this SKGmHlBm1cc-00007-00010857-00012445 ”.It’s true — Ivanka has long held herself out as the “reasonable” Trump, refusing to get into the fray on social media as her oldest brother does, and refraining from doing the kind of incendiary television interviews that her brother Eric participates in SKGmHlBm1cc-00008-00012445-00013965 And as has been widely reported, Ivanka and Jared each have aspirations far beyond anything they’ve achieved so far, so its conceivable that when the time comes to make that decision, she may make a choice that her father never sees coming SPv3_II87pM-00000-00000571-00001650 Donald Trump is the most prolific liar in history. His blatant lies, narcissism, and incompetence have made him a walking disaster for our country SPv3_II87pM-00001-00001650-00004011 This all pales in comparison to his recent budget proposal. After giving massive tax cuts to the wealthy and corporations, he now wants to make up the difference by stealing from hard-working American citizens who have been contributing members to society and who, upon retirement, are counting on the funds that have been involuntarily extracted from their paychecks for many, many years SPv3_II87pM-00002-00004011-00005495 .Trump proposes to cut $845 billion from Medicare, but that’s not all — this proposal also includes across the board cuts to both Social Security and Medicaid according to The Washington Post and MSNBC SPv3_II87pM-00003-00005495-00006495 Trump would have a massive revolt on his hands if he could pass his spending bill, which he claims will balance the budget in 10 years SPv3_II87pM-00004-00006495-00007206 According to the Washington Post, this bill cannot possibly balance the budget before 2034 SPv3_II87pM-00005-00007206-00008436 Yet another lie from Trump. Taking money from the elderly, poor, and sick is despicable, and I have a suggestion for Trump to balance his budget without stealing from Americans SPv3_II87pM-00006-00008436-00009878 Trump needs to keep his useless butt in Washington and do his job. According to the Washington Post, taxpayers paid over $64 million for Trump’s trips to Mar-a-Lago during 2017 and 2018 SPv3_II87pM-00007-00009878-00010625 To see the full range of his travel activities, take a deep breath first and check out this article SPv3_II87pM-00008-00010625-00011931 Further, NBC News reported that in 781 days in office, Trump spent 229 days at Trump properties and 173 days at his golf properties SPv3_II87pM-00009-00011931-00012837 In February 2019, the Government Accountability Office estimates that federal agencies incurred approximately $13 SPv3_II87pM-00010-00012837-00013809 6 million for FOUR trips to Mar-a-Lago (from February 3 to March 5, 2017) as published by NPR SPv3_II87pM-00011-00013809-00014556 These figures do not include the hundreds of thousands spent in secret service protection for Junior and Eric’s travels STghGvkWS6Q-00000-00000513-00001231 Even with the election more than a year and a half out, the 2020 presidential race continues to heat up STghGvkWS6Q-00001-00001231-00002811 Initial rounds of polling make President Donald Trump’s chances at re-election seem slim, with a new Emerson College survey putting former Vice President Joe Biden a full 10 points ahead of Trump in a hypothetical 2020 matchup STghGvkWS6Q-00002-00002811-00004277 Biden pulled in 55 percent of the support, while Trump only managed 45 percent.To be sure — Biden hasn’t yet announced a presidential candidacy, but he’s strongly indicated he’s leaning that direction STghGvkWS6Q-00003-00004277-00006223 At a recent conference of the International Association of Fire Fighters, Biden told the enthusiastic crowd to save their energy because he “may need it in a few weeks,” while at a more recent Democratic Party fundraiser he almost made it “official” that he’s running for president but quickly corrected himself STghGvkWS6Q-00004-00006223-00007913 He told the crowd that despite criticism from the “New Left,” he has the “most progressive record of anybody running” for president — quickly adding that he meant he’s “progressive” among anyone who could and would, in theory, run for president, not those who actually are STghGvkWS6Q-00005-00007913-00009112 Trump seized on that slip of the tongue, deriding Biden as “another low I.Q. individual,” apparently ignoring the reflection in his phone screen when posting that angry tweet STghGvkWS6Q-00006-00009112-00010572 While he may not be “low I.Q.” Trump has lied thousands upon thousands of times since taking office, completely taking leave of reality in what maybe started as a willing rejection of inconvenience but is long out of hand STghGvkWS6Q-00007-00010572-00011325 Trump literally just makes stuff up, offering easily disproved lies time and time again STghGvkWS6Q-00008-00011325-00012382 Biden did the best among potential 2020 general election challengers to Trump when Emerson College paired them with the current president in polling STghGvkWS6Q-00009-00012382-00013506 Every other one of the top five Democratic primary contenders came within a margin of error of Trump’s level of support — and former Congressman Beto O’Rourke’s margin was negative STghGvkWS6Q-00010-00013506-00015154 He had 49 percent of the support compared to Trump’s 51 percent.Adding possible third party presidential contender and widely derided former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz to the mix drops the Democratic contenders’ vote shares significantly STghGvkWS6Q-00011-00015154-00016439 In Emerson College’s projections, Biden’s lead falls to 8 percent, while O’Rourke still loses by 2 percent but with his and Trump’s overall support dropping by 5 percent STghGvkWS6Q-00012-00016439-00017278 In that matchup, Schultz gets 10 percent of the vote to Trump’s 46 percent and O’Rourke’s 44 STghGvkWS6Q-00013-00017278-00018077 As for which of these matchups is the most likely in the first place — Emerson College has Sen STghGvkWS6Q-00014-00018077-00018994 Bernie Sanders (Vt.) and Biden tied with 26 percent of Democratic primary support, while Sen STghGvkWS6Q-00015-00018994-00019819 Kamala Harris (Calif.) and O’Rourke have 12 and 11 percent of the support, respectively STghGvkWS6Q-00016-00019819-00020655 Sen. Elizabeth Warren (Mass.) rounds out the top 5 with 8 percent of the support of those polled STghGvkWS6Q-00017-00020655-00021512 Sanders and O’Rourke’s support has risen substantially in the time since they announced their respective candidacies STghGvkWS6Q-00018-00021512-00022792 Sanders’ base spiked by 9 percent, while O’Rourke’s support went up by 7.While the polling remains preliminary at this point, the race is already most certainly underway STghGvkWS6Q-00019-00022792-00023730 Trump has rallied numerous times, as have a number of Democratic candidates like Sanders and Harris on high-profile occasions SedGJ1MPwRg-00000-00000571-00001629 Trump gives American Flag a hug as he walks on CPAC Stage on Saturday, marking his fifth overall appearance at the conference and his third as president SedGJ1MPwRg-00001-00001629-00002718 Shortly before he began his more than two-hour speech on Saturday, Trump paused to hug the American flag on stage to the song “Proud to be an American” by Lee Greenwood SedGJ1MPwRg-00002-00002718-00003606 The speech was the longest ever CPAC speech and the longest speech given by a United States president at the conference SedGJ1MPwRg-00003-00003606-00004881 Trump’s first speech at the conference was in 2011. .Although Trump had prepared a speech for the conference, he went “off script” to discuss a wide range of topics about his presidency SedGJ1MPwRg-00004-00004881-00005714 “You know I’m totally off script right now, and this, you know, is how I got elected, by being off script,” he said SedGJ1MPwRg-00005-00005714-00007428 “And if we don’t go off script our country is in big trouble, folks''.He also criticized congressional Democrats, special counsel Robert Mueller, and the FBI for conducting “bullshit” investigations, and mocked House Democrats’ “Green New Deal” legislation sponsored by Rep SedGJ1MPwRg-00006-00007428-00008454 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY).“I do like the green new deal. I respect it greatly,” Trump joked as the crowd laughed SedGJ1MPwRg-00007-00008454-00008862 “It should be part of the dialogue of the next election'' SePDQ8nP1nM-00000-00000513-00002885 When Special Counsel Robert Mueller announced on Friday that his work was complete and that he wasn’t recommending any more indictments, Palmer Report pointed out what we thought was obvious: if Mueller was stepping off the stage, he was handing off (or already did hand off) his ongoing investigations to permanent federal prosecutors in order to ensure that justice would be served SePDQ8nP1nM-00001-00002885-00004794 It turns out we’re already getting confirmation of some of this.For instance, Law & Crime has pieced together the details of two different New York Times stories, and figured out that federal prosecutors based in Los Angeles are currently investigating the Donald Trump inauguration scandal SePDQ8nP1nM-00002-00004794-00006928 Best anyone can tell, the inauguration probe – which allegedly involves numerous illegal foreign donations, and an alleged attempt by Trump at steering the money back into his own business – began when federal prosecutors in New York raided Michael Cohen’s office and found a tape recorded conversation about inauguration funds SePDQ8nP1nM-00003-00006928-00008381 The recently released search warrant from the Cohen raid revealed that Robert Mueller initiated the Cohen investigation, only to find that Cohen didn’t conspire with Russia, but that Cohen did commit other Trump-related crimes SePDQ8nP1nM-00004-00008381-00009407 Mueller then handed off the Cohen case to the Feds in New York, and their raid has since led to the Feds in Los Angeles investigating the Trump inauguration SePDQ8nP1nM-00005-00009407-00010356 This thread alone makes clear that Robert Mueller’s investigation has set off other federal investigations into alleged Trump-related crimes SePDQ8nP1nM-00006-00010356-00011113 So the idea that Mueller’s investigation is “complete” or “wrapped up” is nonsense SePDQ8nP1nM-00007-00011113-00011797 It’s just that Mueller is no longer in charge of any of the ongoing investigations SePDQ8nP1nM-00008-00011797-00012921 Notably, the existence of these investigations only tends to become public knowledge once they reach the point where something such as a raid causes it to become public knowledge SePDQ8nP1nM-00009-00012921-00013905 So we don’t know just how many Mueller-spawned criminal investigations into Trump scandals are ongoing – but the number isn’t zero ShqHtpsWoa8-00000-00000513-00001181 Robert Mueller filed his Trump-Russia report this afternoon with the Attorney General ShqHtpsWoa8-00001-00001181-00001855 No one knows yet what’s in the report, or what accompanying events might be about to play out ShqHtpsWoa8-00002-00001855-00003561 It’s being widely reported that Mueller won’t bring any additional indictments, but an hour ago, Palmer Report explained that because Mueller is known to have handed some cases off to the likes of SDNY, it’s entirely reasonable to expect that more indictments are coming ShqHtpsWoa8-00003-00003561-00005792 Now it turns out Adam Schiff agrees with us.House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff appeared on MSNBC during the 6pm hour today, and he said this: “What Mueller is reporting, as best we can tell, are his conclusions on the criminal side of the house, who should be indicted and who shouldn’t be indicted, and why he reached those conclusions ShqHtpsWoa8-00004-00005792-00006596 ” Then Schiff added that he thinks it’s “entirely possible if not likely that there will be other indictments” forthcoming ShqHtpsWoa8-00005-00006596-00008830 It’s not all that difficult to figure out how and why this would be the case. For example, Robert Mueller investigated Michael Cohen and determined that while Cohen didn’t commit crimes central to the Trump-Russia election scandal, he did commit other Trump-related crimes, so he referred the case to the SDNY, which had jurisdiction over those crimes ShqHtpsWoa8-00006-00008830-00010099 Sure enough, SDNY brought a case against Cohen, and he’s going to prison. Does anyone really believe that Cohen is the only person in Trump’s orbit who fit this particular pattern? ShqHtpsWoa8-00007-00010099-00010810 So yeah, Adam Schiff is right to expect that there are additional indictments likely coming ShqHtpsWoa8-00008-00010810-00011546 The question is how many Trump-related sealed indictments are in play that we don’t know about ShqHtpsWoa8-00009-00011546-00012199 It’s also notable that Schiff expects the report to spell out who “should be indicted ShqHtpsWoa8-00010-00012199-00012884 ” This would mean that Mueller’s report has spelled out why these other indictments are about to be carried out TyaEgLzROtg-00000-00000513-00001748 One of the people responsible for securing Otto Warmbier’s release sided with President Donald Trump in his belief that North Korea leader Kim Jong Un wasn’t aware of the American’s condition TyaEgLzROtg-00001-00001748-00003420 On Thursday, former Israeli Defense Forces paratrooper Mickey Bergman, who negotiated for Warmbier’s release, told Fox & Friends First host Heather Childers that while Trump could have articulated his comments better, the crux of the statement was correct TyaEgLzROtg-00002-00003420-00004368 He said what Trump likely meant to say was that Kim made an effort to tell the president that he didn’t know what led to the 22-year-old’s condition TyaEgLzROtg-00003-00004368-00005549 “I don’t believe they had any interest in Otto getting to the condition that he did and evidence that I have for this is it’s the only American prisoner to which it happened to,” Bergman said TyaEgLzROtg-00004-00005549-00006356 “That was an anomaly. Typically our prisoners and hostages and detainees get back more or less in one piece TyaEgLzROtg-00005-00006356-00007581 ”.Bergman added that when Warmbier was returned to America, the negotiator’s North Korean counterparts made a point to tell him that they were unaware of the 22-year-old’s condition TyaEgLzROtg-00006-00007581-00008597 He said they did so to ensure that Bergman didn’t think they negotiated in bad faith because they valued the relationship between the two countries TyaEgLzROtg-00007-00008597-00009697 During a press conference after his meeting with Kim, Trump said he was taking the North Korean leader at his word in that he didn’t know about how Warmbier was being treated TyaEgLzROtg-00008-00009697-00010478 Trump added that he didn’t believe Kim would have allowed it to happen because it wasn’t advantageous for him TyaEgLzROtg-00009-00010478-00011617 The comments were met with criticism from both sides of the aisle and Senator Rob Portman told NBC News that North Korea should never be let off the hook for what they did TyaEgLzROtg-00010-00011617-00012497 "Look, the blood of Otto Warmbier is on Kim Jong Un’s hands,” Republican Senator Cory Gardner told Bloomberg TyaEgLzROtg-00011-00012497-00013960 “He’s responsible for the death. There’s no doubt in my mind about that.".Trump’s former Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley also spoke out about the president’s comment, although, she never mentioned him by name TyaEgLzROtg-00012-00013960-00014939 On Twitter, she wrote that Americans “know the cruelty” the North Korean regime placed on Warmbier and added that he will never be forgotten TyaEgLzROtg-00013-00014939-00015739 Childers's conversation with Bergman was before many people publicly criticized Trump’s comments TyaEgLzROtg-00014-00015739-00016812 However, she predicted Americans would be shocked by the president’s decision to absolve Kim, and that some may even call him naïve for believing the North Korean leader TyaEgLzROtg-00015-00016812-00018259 .“I think there’s a distinction here between not being aware that it happened to saying, 'This was not intentional, it was an incident, a mistake, somebody went rogue,' whatever happened there, which we don’t know what happened,” Bergman said TyaEgLzROtg-00016-00018259-00019563 “The leader is saying this was not our intention.”.Warmbier was imprisoned in North Korea in 2016 after being convicted of stealing a propaganda poster while in the country on a guided tour TyaEgLzROtg-00017-00019563-00020548 When he was returned to the United States, in June 2017, he was in a coma and died only days after being reunited with his parents TyaEgLzROtg-00018-00020548-00021958 The North Korean regime offered no details as to how Warmbier came to be in a comatose state, and in April 2018, his parents, Fred and Cindy Warmbier, filed a lawsuit against North Korea TyaEgLzROtg-00019-00021958-00023280 "Otto was taken hostage, kept as a prisoner for political purposes, used as a pawn and singled out for exceptionally harsh and brutal treatment by Kim Jong Un,” Fred Warmbier said after filing the suit TyaEgLzROtg-00020-00023280-00023923 In December, a judge ordered North Korea to pay the family $500 million. Tp7pbX70UhQ-00000-00000571-00001323 Remember the awkward situation below, when Melania refused to hold her husband’s hand in public? Tp7pbX70UhQ-00001-00001323-00002023 This has been happening more obviously since the Stormy Daniels affair became public Tp7pbX70UhQ-00002-00002023-00003107 Melania doesn’t say anything publicly, but it’s evident what she’s thinking. Not to mention, apparently she’s not being so silent behind the scenes Tp7pbX70UhQ-00003-00003107-00003987 It is being reported that Vanessa Trump sought advice from her mother-in-law before filing for divorce from Donald Trump Jr Tp7pbX70UhQ-00004-00003987-00004740 US Weekly is reporting that Melania said “The Trump men are one and the same — vain and ­power-hungry Tp7pbX70UhQ-00005-00004740-00005918 ”.Melania told her, “she could do nothing to change that and offering her husband an ultimatum would be a huge mistake because he would choose his thirst for power like his dad Tp7pbX70UhQ-00006-00005918-00007195 ”.While it’s not clear which camp leaked this interesting detail, it really could have been either Melania’s or Vanessa’s in an effort to tell the public why she finally decided to file for divorce Tp7pbX70UhQ-00007-00007195-00007984 Regardless of the reason, this is the first real glimpse we are getting of how Melania feels about her husband Tp7pbX70UhQ-00008-00007984-00008841 Turns out, she sees him the same way America sees him. He’s vain, power hungry and will never change UtIdIylmek0-00000-00000571-00001331 After 2 years, the Mueller “hunt” is finally over and the Attorney General has his verdict for the nation UtIdIylmek0-00001-00001331-00002326 .He is refusing to release the full report for now, although Democrats like Bernie Sanders are begging for the full text to parse every detail UtIdIylmek0-00002-00002326-00003010 Fat chance of that.I couldn’t wait to see what Barr said—we’ve all been waiting for two years UtIdIylmek0-00003-00003010-00005236 Attorney General William Barr on Sunday released… a bombshell four-page letter… which stated definitively that Mueller did not establish evidence that President Trump’s team or any associates of the Trump campaign had conspired with Russia to sway the 2016 election — “despite multiple offers from Russian-affiliated individuals to assist the Trump campaign UtIdIylmek0-00004-00005236-00006043 ”.Can you believe it?.The Russians even offered to help Trump win, and they couldn’t find anything on him or his team UtIdIylmek0-00005-00006043-00007579 And the only thing I was more excited to hear about? Donald’s reaction.President Trump was surprisingly quiet over the weekend, but when Barr’s report came out, he was quick to blast out a triumphant tweet—and keep it on a positive note UtIdIylmek0-00006-00007579-00008292 For those who need the quote: No Collusion, No Obstruction, Complete and Total EXONERATION UtIdIylmek0-00007-00008292-00009092 KEEP AMERICA GREAT!.Donald Trump should feel like he’s on the top of the world. I definitely would UtIdIylmek0-00008-00009092-00010055 It’s over.All these years, all the drama, Trump called them out but also patiently waited because he knew there was nothing to find UtIdIylmek0-00009-00010055-00010750 And now the Democrats want to call for further investigations because they didn’t get what they want UtIdIylmek0-00010-00010750-00011727 And that would probably only hurt their case more.You know what I think? President Trump’s chances for re-election just went through UtIdIylmek0-00011-00011727-00012699 the. ROOF. With a strong economy, the incumbent President just knocked down the biggest roadblock to another 4 years UtIdIylmek0-00012-00012699-00013347 I’m sure he’s ready to get back to work this week for us, the American people UpW5D7sTqZk-00000-00000571-00001401 President* Donald Trump is infamous for a lot of reasons, but his public speeches are surely near the top of the list UpW5D7sTqZk-00001-00001401-00002822 From his Presidential bid announcement, through his ridiculous campaign rallies, to the State of the Union addresses and Presidential press conferences, Trump rarely seems more unhinged this side of Twitter than on a stage with a microphone UpW5D7sTqZk-00002-00002822-00004178 All that just went to a new level as Trump gave the longest speech (2 Hours) of his presidency at the CPAC, saying, among many other insane things, that the Mueller investigation is “bullshit” UpW5D7sTqZk-00003-00004178-00004967 During the speech, Trump attacked the “collusion delusion,” referring to Robert Mueller’s investigation UpW5D7sTqZk-00004-00004967-00005868 Trump said that he was being “sarcastic” and “having fun” during his campaign when he told Russia to hack Hillary Clinton’s emails UpW5D7sTqZk-00005-00005868-00008271 “I’ve learned with the fake news, if you tell a joke, if you are sarcastic, if you’re having fun with the audience, if you are on live television with millions of people and 25,000 people in an arena, and if you say something like ‘Russia, please, if you can, get us Hillary Clinton’s emails! Please, Russia, please! Please get us the emails! Please!’” Trump said UpW5D7sTqZk-00006-00008271-00009371 Trump also went on to mock former attorney general, Jeff Sessions, and former FBI Director James Comey, who he says is Mueller’s “best friend UpW5D7sTqZk-00007-00009371-00010293 ” “We’re waiting for a report by people who weren’t elected,” Trump said. “All of a sudden, they’re trying to take you out with bullshit'' UpW5D7sTqZk-00008-00010293-00011994 Trump also attacked Democrats, focusing in part on the Green New Deal, saying: “Nothing is more extreme than the Democrats’ plan to completely take over American energy and completely destroy America’s economy through their new $100 trillion Green New Deal” UpW5D7sTqZk-00009-00011994-00013624 Trump said was like a “high school term paper written by a poor student''.Trump also threatened to issue an executive order that guarantees free speech at colleges and universities, then warned that institutions would be risking federal money if they didn’t comply UpW5D7sTqZk-00010-00013624-00014297 This man in clearly terrified and unfit to hold the office of President of the United States UpW5D7sTqZk-00011-00014297-00014849 It becomes clearer every time he opens his mouth or logs into Twitter UXNlG_i4HDU-00000-00000513-00001602 Polls. Sometimes we love them, and sometimes we don’t. How do we know when they are accurate? Sometimes we don’t UXNlG_i4HDU-00001-00001602-00002694 A valid poll can display feelings on issues. However, if the poll is biased or the questions unclear, results don’t always speak the truth UXNlG_i4HDU-00002-00002694-00003762 This week, USA Today published an article entitled “Poll: Half of Americans say Trump is victim of a ‘witch hunt’ as trust in Mueller erodes UXNlG_i4HDU-00003-00003762-00004630 ” As you might expect, “President” Donald Trump immediately tweeted in support of this headline, without reading the full article UXNlG_i4HDU-00004-00004630-00006667 If you take this headline at face value without reading the article and conducting further research, you might think that confidence in Mueller has dropped significantly since the December NPR/PBS NewHouse/Marist poll that found only 33% of Americans viewed Mueller’s investigation as a “witch hunt” UXNlG_i4HDU-00005-00006667-00007545 As reported by Vox, the Suffolk/USA Today poll question which generated the headline is “seriously flawed UXNlG_i4HDU-00006-00007545-00008417 ” What does that mean? The question was a two-part question, which can result in skewed numbers from lack of clarity UXNlG_i4HDU-00007-00008417-00009645 The question asked: “President Trump has called the Special Counsel’s investigation a ‘witch hunt’ and said he’s been subjected to more investigations than previous presidents because of politics UXNlG_i4HDU-00008-00009645-00010389 Do you agree?”.Some may agree with the first part of the question but not the second or vice versa UXNlG_i4HDU-00009-00010389-00011264 The two parts are not necessarily related to or dependent upon each other, and different answers could be given for each UXNlG_i4HDU-00010-00011264-00012199 In today’s fast-paced world, most of us “skim” materials to save time and could have easily missed one part of this question UXNlG_i4HDU-00011-00012199-00013793 As Vox points out, this is poor polling strategy.Though neither Vox nor I have proof of any of this, the compound question invariably sets itself up for failure, especially viewed in light of similar but well-constructed poll questions UXNlG_i4HDU-00012-00013793-00015031 Vox points to a Washington Post / Schar School poll conducted last month, which indicated that 56% of those polled find Mueller more credible than Trump, and the Hill UXNlG_i4HDU-00013-00015031-00015924 TV / American Barometer poll found 58% who believe Mueller’s investigation is “unbiased UXNlG_i4HDU-00014-00015924-00016880 ” Vox has this right. When presented with one clear question, people participating in polls gave very different responses UXNlG_i4HDU-00015-00016880-00019474 Vox does mention other results of the Suffolk/USA poll that are based on more clearly written questions and tend to support the belief that the earlier-mentioned results were skewed, giving Trump some bad news in the process: 62% of respondents are against introducing impeachment proceedings at the present time while also supporting the aggressive investigation techniques being used by Democrats UXNlG_i4HDU-00016-00019474-00020341 Nancy Pelosi is right to play down impeachment—for now. Her decision is in line with the American public’s view UXNlG_i4HDU-00017-00020341-00021321 Of course, Trump chose to ignore the worst news for him from this poll: 52% have “’little or no trust’” in his denial of collusion UXNlG_i4HDU-00018-00021321-00022240 We can’t always take poll results at face value and certainly not by a headline, which could also be erroneously constructed UXNlG_i4HDU-00019-00022240-00023502 Wisely take poll data with the proverbial grain of salt. Many contingencies come into play that can easily skew a poll in the direction intended by the polltaker or framer UXNlG_i4HDU-00020-00023502-00024288 Of course, Donald Trump sees anything that appears to support him as good, without bothering to look further UXNlG_i4HDU-00021-00024288-00024892 The headline plays to his base, and that’s what he wants VpMHhHAP0Y8-00000-00000151-00000444 Сёння ў Алеся Бяляцкага Дзень нараджэння. VpMHhHAP0Y8-00001-00000577-00000809 Гэта ўжо не першы раз, калі гэты выбітны VpMHhHAP0Y8-00002-00000809-00001111 праваабаронца і кіраўнік "Вясны" VpMHhHAP0Y8-00003-00001111-00001394 не можа адсвяткаваць яго так, як хоча VpMHhHAP0Y8-00004-00001423-00001566 таму што ён у турме. VpMHhHAP0Y8-00005-00001691-00002233 Ён быў за кратамі ў 2011-2013 гадах. VpMHhHAP0Y8-00006-00002250-00002596 Я вельмі добра памятаю 2012 год, калі яму споўнілася 50. VpMHhHAP0Y8-00007-00002596-00002945 І ён атрымаў віншаванні з усяго свету. VpMHhHAP0Y8-00008-00003000-00003356 І калі яго вызвалілі ў 2014 годзе, ён паказаў VpMHhHAP0Y8-00009-00003356-00003652 неверагодную колькасць віншаванняў. VpMHhHAP0Y8-00010-00003715-00004004 Ён падкрэсліў, наколькі важна атрымаць VpMHhHAP0Y8-00011-00004004-00004315 такія віншаванні з Днём нараджэння і іншыя віншаванні, VpMHhHAP0Y8-00012-00004315-00004482 калі вы ў турме. VpMHhHAP0Y8-00013-00004506-00004756 Дзеля салідарнасці і дзеля абароны. VpMHhHAP0Y8-00014-00004849-00005149 Сёння ён зноў у турме VpMHhHAP0Y8-00015-00005149-00005601 разам з некалькімі іншымі праваабаронцамі "Вясны" VpMHhHAP0Y8-00016-00005640-00005851 і сотнямі беларусаў. VpMHhHAP0Y8-00017-00005940-00006200 "Вясна" - гэта арганізацыя, якая VpMHhHAP0Y8-00018-00006200-00006543 дакументуе парушэнні правоў чалавека. VpMHhHAP0Y8-00019-00006566-00007111 Арганізацыя, якая назірае за ўсімі справамі палітвязняў. VpMHhHAP0Y8-00020-00007328-00007923 Я памятаю, як Алесь сказаў мне, калі я сустрэлася з ім у 2014 годзе VpMHhHAP0Y8-00021-00007923-00008427 як выдатна было зноўку адзначыць свой Дзень нараджэння. VpMHhHAP0Y8-00022-00008466-00008634 Мы сустрэліся ў Варшаве. VpMHhHAP0Y8-00023-00008680-00009000 Гэта быў той самы год, калі ён выйшаў на волю. VpMHhHAP0Y8-00024-00009000-00009391 І ён спытаў мяне: "Не маглі б вы застацца, каб мы маглі адзначыць Дзень нараджэння VpMHhHAP0Y8-00025-00009391-00009591 разам з калегамі і сябрамі?" VpMHhHAP0Y8-00026-00009654-00009847 Але я тады не магла. VpMHhHAP0Y8-00027-00009890-00010039 І я да гэтага часу шкадую пра гэта VpMHhHAP0Y8-00028-00010124-00010591 таму што я заўсёды ведала, што не варта прымаць гэтую свабоду як данасць VpMHhHAP0Y8-00029-00010591-00010787 што трэба святкаваць, калі можаце. VpMHhHAP0Y8-00030-00010869-00011366 І я вельмі спадзяюся, калі Алесю ў наступным годзе споўніцца 60 гадоў VpMHhHAP0Y8-00031-00011400-00011540 мы ўсе VpMHhHAP0Y8-00032-00011540-00011685 калегі і сябры VpMHhHAP0Y8-00033-00011731-00011876 зможам адсвяткаваць разам. VpMHhHAP0Y8-00034-00011876-00012204 І што Алесь будзе вольным чалавекам разам з усімі іншымі VpMHhHAP0Y8-00035-00012204-00012572 палітвязнямі і праваабаронцамі ў Беларусі. VpMHhHAP0Y8-00036-00012654-00013139 Так што з Днём нараджэння, Алесь! VViGmhHGAzo-00000-00000571-00002018 Last year, even as Donald Trump’s presidency seemed to be on its last legs, and the Republican Party seemed to be inching away from him, something happened that caused the GOP to rush back into his arms and buy him significant time VViGmhHGAzo-00001-00002018-00002893 Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy abruptly announced he was retiring, thus allowing Trump to nominate his replacement VViGmhHGAzo-00002-00002893-00003967 This was suspicious beyond words, because Kennedy’s son was an executive at Deutsche Bank, which was at the financial center of Donald Trump’s Russia scandal VViGmhHGAzo-00003-00003967-00004962 This set off a million theories about how Donald Trump might have used Trump-Russia dirt on Justin Kennedy as leverage to force Anthony Kennedy into retirement VViGmhHGAzo-00004-00004962-00005646 The trouble was that, while it all made sense, it was all vague and circumstantial VViGmhHGAzo-00005-00005646-00007125 But that’s no longer the case. Tonight the New York Times published a verty lengthy expose about the mutually corrupt relationship between Trump and Deutsche Bank over the years – and both the older and younger Kennedy play a role in the story VViGmhHGAzo-00006-00007125-00009086 The NY Times article confirms, once and for all, what had long been suspected: Justin Kennedy was indeed the Deutsche Bank senior executive who kept making the decision to loan large amounts of money to Donald Trump for bad real estate deals, even after every other bank in the world had sworn off lending money to Trump VViGmhHGAzo-00007-00009086-00009972 Oh, and there’s this sentence: “Occasionally, Justice Kennedy stopped by Deutsche Bank’s offices to say hello to the team'' VViGmhHGAzo-00008-00009972-00011881 So now we only have two possibilities. The first is that a Supreme Court Justice abruptly retired at the perfect time to save Donald Trump’s presidency, after the Justice’s son had coincidentally spent years signing off on absurd loans to Trump, from a bank that’s best known for laundering Russian money VViGmhHGAzo-00009-00011881-00013344 The second is that Justin Kennedy is a Kremlin asset who spent years funneling money from Vladimir Putin to Donald Trump, and Anthony Kennedy retired in order to keep Trump afloat, because it was the only way to protect his son VViGmhHGAzo-00010-00013344-00013563 Pick one W53lNIfAg50-00000-00000571-00001380 If the Trump administration accuses the Democrats of doing something, it means they’ve probably done it themselves W53lNIfAg50-00001-00001380-00002242 If they deny it, they’ve almost certainly done it. If they admit to it, it’s even worse than you’ve been led to believe W53lNIfAg50-00002-00002242-00004264 The Trump administration initially lied about separating families, with the excuse that they were simply following orders from a previous administration – though it’s been unclear if they’re referring to the policies of Presidents Obama, Bush 43 or Clinton – in other words, deflecting with lies and not caring where they point W53lNIfAg50-00003-00004264-00005202 As time drags on, we’ve found that the number of children separated is much higher than originally thought – some even forced into adoption W53lNIfAg50-00004-00005202-00006082 There are also the tragic deaths of children in U.S. custody, as reports reveal the conditions are even worse than we had feared W53lNIfAg50-00005-00006082-00007242 Part of the reason the federal government has tried the excuse that there’s too many separated children and parents, is because they are now using secret shelters to detain migrant children W53lNIfAg50-00006-00007242-00008378 One of them, located in Ada, Oklahoma, has a reputation for sexual harassment and physical abuse among its staff – and is known to be holding at least one migrant child W53lNIfAg50-00007-00008378-00009172 A report from two years ago singled out this particular facility for having a staff with no medical training W53lNIfAg50-00008-00009172-00009967 Even more alarming is that the attorneys of these children don’t even know how to find them – or how many even exist W53lNIfAg50-00009-00009967-00010847 There are at least five in Arkansas, Florida, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and Virginia, according to Reveal News W53lNIfAg50-00010-00010847-00012124 Beyond asking how this can be fixed, we must also ask if the number of separated families is so large because the Trump administration sought to profit off of this as much as possible? W53lNIfAg50-00011-00012124-00014360 People often compare this age to the beginning of the Holocaust. But it could be something far more sinister – echoes of our own dark past – our treatment of Native Americans that is all too often glossed over in schools, or the internment of Japanese-American citizens during World War II, which is also rarely embellished, and was routinely upheld by courts in its day W53lNIfAg50-00012-00014360-00015180 Media companies owe it to their country to put their resources into investigating this matter thoroughly from the ground up W53lNIfAg50-00013-00015180-00015954 This is hardly the beginning of another shameful chapter in American history. We’re several steps along the way WDpjLO66r1Y-00000-00000571-00001650 We all expected Matt Whitaker to flip on Donald Trump eventually, because even a lunkhead like Whitaker can see that there are no magic pardons coming down WDpjLO66r1Y-00001-00001650-00002977 We just didn’t expect Whitaker to flip quite so quickly or dramatically. He testified today to the House Judiciary Committee about Trump’s obstruction of justice crimes, according to Chairman Jerry Nadler WDpjLO66r1Y-00002-00002977-00003724 This is a big deal. But Whitaker isn’t the first cooperating obstruction witness against Trump WDpjLO66r1Y-00003-00003724-00005058 For instance, it’s been widely reported that former White House Counsel Don McGahn has been cooperating with Robert Mueller’s obstruction of justice probe for more than a year, most of that time without Trump’s knowledge WDpjLO66r1Y-00004-00005058-00006017 It’s also been reported that Steve Bannon gave Mueller twenty hours of testimony, and no one testifies for that long unless they’re cooperating WDpjLO66r1Y-00005-00006017-00007132 Before that, there were major media reports that Reince Priebus and Sean Spicer both documented Trump’s obstruction in real time, and then gave those notes to Mueller WDpjLO66r1Y-00006-00007132-00007780 In other words, this isn’t merely a matter of Matt Whitaker’s word against Donald Trump’s word WDpjLO66r1Y-00007-00007780-00009165 It’s a matter of Whitaker, McGahn, Bannon, Priebus, Spicer, maybe Hope Hicks, and probably others, all testifying that they witnessed Trump commit highly similar crimes in different settings WDpjLO66r1Y-00008-00009165-00009771 This adds up to corroboration.We’ll see where this goes, but here’s what stands out WDpjLO66r1Y-00009-00009771-00011108 If even a dummy like Matt Whitaker can figure out that Donald Trump isn’t really going to pardon any of his henchmen, that tells us that most of Trump’s henchmen have likely figured out by now that there are no magic pardons WDpjLO66r1Y-00010-00011108-00011834 So the list of cooperating witnesses against Trump is probably even longer than we could guess at Xa5S4zXZ_wk-00000-00000571-00001631 Donald Trump on Friday delivered yet another angry rant against special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation while talking with reporters on the White House lawn Xa5S4zXZ_wk-00001-00001631-00002621 Trump was triggered after being asked a question about former campaign chairman Paul Manafort, who was sentenced to four years in jail on Thursday Xa5S4zXZ_wk-00002-00002621-00003363 The president said that he felt “very badly” for Manafort and then falsely claimed that judge T Xa5S4zXZ_wk-00003-00003363-00003990 S. Ellis said that the case proves there was “no collusion” between his campaign and Russia Xa5S4zXZ_wk-00004-00003990-00005262 “The judge said there was no collusion with Russia!” Trump said. “It’s got nothing to do with Russia, it’s a collusion hoax, it’s a collusion witch hoax! I don’t collude with Russia!” Xa5S4zXZ_wk-00005-00005262-00005952 To further drive his point home, Trump then again repeated the “no collusion” mantra Xa5S4zXZ_wk-00006-00005952-00007378 “No collusion with Russia, there was absolutely none!” he said. “The judge, I mean, for whatever reason, I was very honored by it, also made the statement that this had nothing to do with collusion with Russia Xa5S4zXZ_wk-00007-00007378-00008057 So, you know, keep it going, keep the hoax going, it’s just a hoax!”