YohvW12j2v4-00000-00000513-00001498 As Special Counsel Robert Mueller zeroes in on Donald Trump and his corrupt family, the president’s lies are being exposed one by one YohvW12j2v4-00001-00001498-00002529 And that’s not even the only thing Trump has to worry about — even his closest confidants and those who know him best are turning on him, revealing the truth to America YohvW12j2v4-00002-00002529-00003961 Trump biographer David Cay Johnston knows the president better than most, and in a report in the Daily Beast the biographer revealed a stunning reason why the president might be fighting so hard to keep his tax returns from becoming public YohvW12j2v4-00003-00003961-00005246 After Michael Cohen’s brutal testimony this week, the president’s finances were in question after the former Trump lawyer stated the president had inflated his net worth countless times over his career YohvW12j2v4-00004-00005246-00007618 This has inspired Johnston to back Cohen up, and deliver a bombshell that no one saw coming — Trump actually might be broke! In talking about Trump’s failed attempt to buy the Buffalo Bills, Johnston said:"Trump’s financial fakery is good enough to fool millions of Americans, but not the members of the most exclusive rich people’s club in America, the National Football League team owners YohvW12j2v4-00005-00007618-00008940 What Trump does is spend enough money to create the appearance of being a billionaire, something I’ve been reporting since I got hold of his financial statement in 1990, which showed he was no billionaire YohvW12j2v4-00006-00008940-00010496 ”.Johnston also stated that Trump isn’t even close to being a billionaire, even though the president continues to claim he is one:"Creating a lifestyle that lets him pose as a billionaire costs less than $12 million annually, I estimate YohvW12j2v4-00007-00010496-00011528 And he achieves that not through building wealth, but through his work as a financial locust who devours other people’s money through moving from one shady deal to the next YohvW12j2v4-00008-00011528-00012202 Along the way he cheats banks, investors, workers, and governments at all levels YohvW12j2v4-00009-00012202-00014600 ”.Johnston also made a prediction that America will eventually get to see Trump’s tax returns thanks to the new Democratic majority in the House of Representatives who are working to make them public knowledge:"When we see Trump’s tax returns, as we can expect to soon thanks to a 1924 anti-corruption law, you can get bet his income won’t support a net worth anywhere near even one billion dollars YohvW12j2v4-00010-00014600-00016230 And don’t be surprised if his net worth turns out to be less than zero, as Trump was forced to admit in 1990 when I reported that his net worth was negative $295 million, meaning that you are probably worth more than Donald Trump YohvW12j2v4-00011-00016230-00017029 ”.When Trump’s facade is finally broken, it’s going to be a SAD day for the president and his fans YUNk2p4zhcY-00000-00000513-00001743 Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said repeated political attacks by President Donald Trump had zero influence on the central bank's decision to slow down interest rate hikes YUNk2p4zhcY-00001-00001743-00002579 "Not at all. Not at all," said Powell in an interview with the CBS news program "60 Minutes" on Sunday YUNk2p4zhcY-00002-00002579-00003600 "And it's very important that the public understand that we are always going to make a decision based on what we think is right for the American people YUNk2p4zhcY-00003-00003600-00004878 ".Powell explained that the Fed's decision in January to pause raising rates was because the global economy was showing signs of slowing and other risks to the US economy were rising YUNk2p4zhcY-00004-00004878-00006215 The Fed chairman has repeatedly made the case for a patient, measured approach, describing the US economy in a "good place," where policy makers "don't feel any hurry to change our interest rate policy YUNk2p4zhcY-00005-00006215-00007409 ".So far this year, central bankers have kept the federal funds rate, which influences the cost of mortgages, credit cards and other borrowing, at a range of 2 YUNk2p4zhcY-00006-00007409-00008981 25% to 2.5%."What we've done is we've said that we're going to wait and see how those conditions evolve before we make any changes to our interest rate policy, and that means patient," Powell said in the interview YUNk2p4zhcY-00007-00008981-00010397 In 2018, the Fed under Powell raised rates four times, all unanimous decisions, despite vigorous debates around the table during the Federal Open Market Committee's two-day policy setting meetings in Washington YUNk2p4zhcY-00008-00010397-00012369 Since then, Fed officials have pointed to a spike in volatility in financial markets at the end of last year, a slowdown of growth in China and Europe, and uncertainty around unresolved policy issues including trade negotiations with China and the United Kingdom's exit from the European Union as reasons to be more cautious YUNk2p4zhcY-00009-00012369-00013900 In his interview, the chairman carefully avoided answering any questions about Trump and his unprecedented disparaging attacks on the Fed, which have included calling the institution "crazy" and "out of control" during last year's string of rate hikes YUNk2p4zhcY-00010-00013900-00014610 "I don't think it would be appropriate for me to comment on other elected officials or on the President," said Powell YUNk2p4zhcY-00011-00014610-00015504 When repeatedly pressed whether he had a "rule" about discussing the President, Powell flatly said, "I don't think it's appropriate YUNk2p4zhcY-00012-00015504-00017194 I really don't.".Instead, he said his responsibility is to fulfill the job Congress assigned the Fed: to ensure as many Americans are working as possible and to keep prices stable -- a role, he says, he plans to keep until his four-year term expires YUNk2p4zhcY-00013-00017194-00018131 Powell waved off any imminent concerns of a looming recession, saying he anticipates the US economy will grow at a "healthy rate YUNk2p4zhcY-00014-00018131-00019364 " The Fed now expects US economic growth to be slower than last year, which was a touch higher than 3%, for the first time in a decade, since the 2008 financial crisis YUNk2p4zhcY-00015-00019364-00020328 He also said he sees no reason why the economic expansion, which will be the longest in history in a few months, won't continue YUNk2p4zhcY-00016-00020328-00021122 "Eventually expansions come to an end," said Powell. "The business cycle has not been repealed YUNk2p4zhcY-00017-00021122-00021736 But I would say there's no reason why this economy cannot continue to expand." 0y6Hs2z19Kk-00000-00000513-00001477 After a long day of tweeting, Captain Tweeter in Chief Donald Trump continued to take to Twitter to attack the fake news media 0y6Hs2z19Kk-00001-00001477-00002378 In a new tweet from the rabid weasel, he complained the “fake news media” doesn’t report on how he donates his presidential salary 0y6Hs2z19Kk-00002-00002378-00004183 He tweeted:.‘While the press doesn’t like writing about it, nor do I need them to, I donate my yearly Presidential salary of $400,000.00 to different agencies throughout the year, this to Homeland Security. If I didn’t do it there would be hell to pay from the FAKE NEWS MEDIA!’ 0y6Hs2z19Kk-00003-00004183-00005588 Trump does donate his presidential salary. We’ll give him that. However, if he didn’t need the “fake news media” to report on the fact he donates his salary, he wouldn’t tweet a damn picture of the check to his 59 0y6Hs2z19Kk-00004-00005588-00006479 1 million followers.Furthermore, Trump really doesn’t need a salary when he lives off of the American taxpayers 0y6Hs2z19Kk-00005-00006479-00007359 If you think about it, Trump travels via Air Force One. His security detail is, of course, the Secret Service 0y6Hs2z19Kk-00006-00007359-00008111 He lives in the White House. Melania travels the same and also lives in the White House 0y6Hs2z19Kk-00007-00008111-00008801 When he golfs, he golfs at his own resorts, which he travels to via Air Force One 0y6Hs2z19Kk-00008-00008801-00009470 His own resorts receive whatever compensation they get from the American government 0y6Hs2z19Kk-00009-00009470-00010327 Additionally, Trump benefits when other politicians and foreign heads of government stay at his own resorts to meet with him 0y6Hs2z19Kk-00010-00010327-00011303 Trump doesn’t need his presidential salary by any means.Many Twitter users voiced the same sentiments on the social media platform 0y6Hs2z19Kk-00011-00011303-00011695 You can check out their responses below 0-6Ar68OUzo-00000-00000571-00001885 In the end, President Trump did the unexpected: He walked away.A visibly deflated Trump began the press conference wrapping up his second summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un by talking about anything else 0-6Ar68OUzo-00001-00001885-00002752 He riffed on the potentially nuclear crisis between India and Pakistan. The violent crackdown in Venezuela 0-6Ar68OUzo-00002-00002752-00004131 Only then did Trump turn to the subject at hand: why, after weeks of buildup, flattery and reality TV-style showmanship, his negotiations with the North Korean leader had come to an abrupt halt 0-6Ar68OUzo-00003-00004131-00005048 There were signs, around midday, that things were starting to go sideways.A working lunch between the two negotiating teams was scrapped 0-6Ar68OUzo-00004-00005048-00005737 So was a ceremony intended to mark the signing of a joint agreement between the two countries 0-6Ar68OUzo-00005-00005737-00006644 Plans for setting up a liaison office in North Korea, which the two leaders discussed in front of reporters on Wednesday, never materialized 0-6Ar68OUzo-00006-00006644-00008203 At around 12:45 p.m. Hanoi time, it became clear the summit was ending with no deal when the White House announced a “program change” and moved up the press conference by two hours, telling reporters the president would appear at 2:00 p 0-6Ar68OUzo-00007-00008203-00009235 m. rather than at 4:00 p.m. as initially planned. Audible murmurs spread through the buses where the White House press corps was corralled en route to the press conference 0-6Ar68OUzo-00008-00009235-00010531 The president had teased the idea that the summit would yield big results. But leaving without a deal was always an option under consideration, according to a senior administration official 0-6Ar68OUzo-00009-00010531-00012020 Before the summit, the United States special envoy for North Korea, Stephen Biegun, told the president and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo that Trump needed to be able to walk away without a deal, this official said 0-6Ar68OUzo-00010-00012020-00013004 The president did just that. He did not appear pleased about the course change, speaking in a monotone and repeatedly kicking questions over to Pompeo 0-6Ar68OUzo-00011-00013004-00014347 Trump attributed the summit’s collapse to Kim’s demands for full and immediate sanctions relief — a concession the president said he wasn’t willing to make for the partial denuclearization the North Korean leader was willing to offer 0-6Ar68OUzo-00012-00014347-00015300 “It was about the sanctions,” Trump said. “Basically, they wanted the sanctions lifted, in their entirety, and we couldn’t do that 0-6Ar68OUzo-00013-00015300-00016149 They were willing to denuke a large portion of the areas that we wanted but we couldn’t give up all of the sanctions for that 0-6Ar68OUzo-00014-00016149-00017327 … We had to walk away from that particular suggestion.”.Asked whether it was his decision to walk away from the negotiating table, the president declined to say 0-6Ar68OUzo-00015-00017327-00018401 “Sometimes you have to walk and this was just one of those times,” Trump said.While the outcome was unexpected, experts said they were not entirely surprised 0-6Ar68OUzo-00016-00018401-00019106 "This is Trump world with the president center stage. So it’s not traditional diplomacy 0-6Ar68OUzo-00017-00019106-00020418 The key issue is what happens next. He seems invested in a negotiation so stay tuned," said Joel Wit, a senior fellow at the Stimson Center and an expert on Northeast Asian security 0-6Ar68OUzo-00018-00020418-00022756 The president’s willingness to leave Hanoi without a deal came as a relief to some of his aides, who had expressed concern in the days leading up to the summit that the president — eager to divert attention from his ballooning domestic troubles, which flared Wednesday as his former fixer decried him as a con man, a liar and a cheat before a House panel — would trade major concessions for empty promises 0_PGpN54Bwu-00000-00000571-00001778 White House senior adviser Stephen Miller wants to make sure that outgoing Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen is only the first of a string of senior officials headed out the door 0_PGpN54Bwu-00001-00001778-00003400 Trump administration officials say that Miller, who played key a role in Nielsen's ouster, also wants the President to dismiss the director of United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, Lee Cissna, and the department's general counsel, John Mitnick 0_PGpN54Bwu-00002-00003400-00004711 A senior administration official also said that under the law, DHS Under Secretary of Management Claire Grady, the current acting deputy secretary, is next in line of succession to be acting secretary 0_PGpN54Bwu-00003-00004711-00006095 That means there are questions as to whether she will need to be fired as well in order to make Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Kevin McAleenan the acting DHS secretary, as Trump tweeted Sunday night 0_PGpN54Bwu-00004-00006095-00007621 Miller's heightened influence within the West Wing has been aided by the President, who recently told aides in an Oval Office meeting that Miller was in charge of all immigration and border related issues in the White House, according to a person familiar with the meeting 0_PGpN54Bwu-00005-00007621-00008402 Miller has always informally been one of the leading hardliner voices on immigration in the West Wing 0_PGpN54Bwu-00006-00008402-00009248 But this change formalizes that role and it also gives him the ability to call and chair meetings on immigration issues 0_PGpN54Bwu-00007-00009248-00010750 This change was first reported by The Washington Post.The sudden shift in personnel is indicative of the White House trying to redirect immigration policy following a surge of migrant apprehensions at the southern border in recent months 0_PGpN54Bwu-00008-00010750-00011792 The President has pushed in recent weeks to reinstate the family separation policy, which Nielsen resisted, a source familiar with the discussions says 0_PGpN54Bwu-00009-00011792-00012448 Trump rescinded that policy amid public outrage and scrutiny from the courts last summer 0_PGpN54Bwu-00010-00012448-00013785 Additionally, after Trump walked back his threat to close the US-Mexico border and praised Mexico for doing more to stop the flow of immigrants, the President has since soured on his own walk back 0_PGpN54Bwu-00011-00013785-00015081 By the end of the week, Trump became frustrated once again about the issues at the border, dissatisfied that Mexico was not doing enough and looking for his aides to take tougher steps to address the problem 0_PGpN54Bwu-00012-00015081-00016045 The changes have left the department in limbo, which has had at least three positions filled by people in an acting capacity in senior roles 0_PGpN54Bwu-00013-00016045-00017275 Late last week, the White House abruptly withdrew the nomination of Ron Vitiello for director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which caught both Congress and the department by surprise 0_PGpN54Bwu-00014-00017275-00018106 Nielsen was unaware what was happening until after the nomination was pulled, a person familiar with the news said 0I3Q82_e9XY-00000-00000571-00001955 New York legislators are making a new push for the release of President Donald Trump's taxes under state law, a move that could offer Democrats an end run around fights in Washington over the President's federal returns 0I3Q82_e9XY-00001-00001955-00002992 A bill introduced on Monday in the New York State Senate would authorize the state's tax commissioner to release state tax returns to Congress upon request 0I3Q82_e9XY-00002-00002992-00003828 Trump is a New York resident, and the state is home to the headquarters of his family business, the Trump Organization 0I3Q82_e9XY-00003-00003828-00005160 Though the legislation would only enable the release of the President's state returns, the fact that much of the President's business has been conducted in New York means that such returns could be nearly as telling as his federal returns 0I3Q82_e9XY-00004-00005160-00007543 The measure is being sponsored by State Senator Brad Hoylman.If passed, the bill would authorize the commissioner of the state's Department of Taxation and Finance to hand over tax returns at the request of the US House of Representatives' Ways and Means Committee, the US Senate Finance Committee or the Joint Committee on Taxation, Hoylman's spokeswoman Avery Cohen told CNN 0I3Q82_e9XY-00005-00007543-00008368 She added that the bill would stipulate that the request be "for a specified and legitimate legislative purpose 0I3Q82_e9XY-00006-00008368-00009332 ".A spokesman for New York Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins told CNN Monday that the bill is under consideration 0I3Q82_e9XY-00007-00009332-00010484 "It is something we will be discussing as Conference to decide if and when to move forward on this legislation," said Mike Murphy, the spokesperson for Stewart-Cousins, said 0I3Q82_e9XY-00008-00010484-00011678 Senate Republican leadership did not immediately respond to requests for comment.Hoylman has a history of pursuing legislation to uncover Trump's financial history 0I3Q82_e9XY-00009-00011678-00013135 Last year, Hoylman sponsored a bill that would have required any presidential or vice presidential candidate who wished to appear on the ballot in New York to file five years of federal income tax returns with the state Board of Elections 0I3Q82_e9XY-00010-00013135-00013934 That bill, known as the "tax returns uniformly made public" -- or TRUMP -- act, was defeated in committee 0I3Q82_e9XY-00011-00013934-00014619 Hoylman is currently sponsoring a similar bill which is before the state senate's elections committee 0I3Q82_e9XY-00012-00014619-00015397 Trump has declined to release his tax returns, the first president in over 40 years to do so 0I3Q82_e9XY-00013-00015397-00016439 He has claimed that ongoing Internal Revenue Service audits prevent him from doing so, despite the fact that no such audit would prohibit their release 0Wi21VLs96Y-00000-00000571-00001749 Even as Donald Trump’s fans were busy mistakenly celebrating an imaginary victory regarding Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Report, Trump himself decided to simply go quiet 0Wi21VLs96Y-00001-00001749-00003227 Then he stayed quiet. Then it became a joke about how long he’d been quiet. This morning, after a blissfully silent thirty-nine hours, Trump finally lit up his Twitter dumpster fire again – except he didn’t 0Wi21VLs96Y-00002-00003227-00004421 This morning at 8:01am, Donald Trump tweeted “Good Morning, Have A Great Day!” Then just one minute later, he tweeted “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!” Here’s the thing 0Wi21VLs96Y-00003-00004421-00005876 Based on the tone and phrasing, Trump clearly didn’t write that first tweet. That means he wasn’t behind the followup tweet either, which came just sixty seconds later and was clearly posted by the same person who wrote the first tweet 0Wi21VLs96Y-00004-00005876-00006524 That’s right, it wasn’t even Trump yelling his signature xenophobic catch phrase 0Wi21VLs96Y-00005-00006524-00007352 These two tweets are generic nonsense, but they do give something away: Donald Trump still doesn’t have anything to say 0Wi21VLs96Y-00006-00007352-00008300 His handlers clearly became concerned about all the attention his prolonged silence was receiving, so they tried to make those headlines go away 0Wi21VLs96Y-00007-00008300-00008916 The trouble is that they initially did it with a tweet that sounded nothing like Trump 0Wi21VLs96Y-00008-00008916-00010170 It makes you wonder who on Trump’s team did write that first tweet.In any case, we now know that Donald Trump’s silence isn’t some kind of strategy whipped up by his handlers and impressed upon him 0Wi21VLs96Y-00009-00010170-00011523 No, he just doesn’t know what to say as he awaits the Mueller report, which he knows likely to expose just how much of a criminal he is, and just how thoroughly he didn’t legitimately win the 2016 election 0Wi21VLs96Y-00010-00011523-00012456 This gives away that Trump is indeed scared into silence – to the point that his handlers felt compelled to try to clumsily cover for him 0Wp0v1DnIoQ-00000-00000513-00001435 Wisconsin Republicans took a page out of Donald Trump’s playbook and tried to grab power from Democrats in state’s capitol 0Wp0v1DnIoQ-00001-00001435-00002908 The people of Wisconsin voted out a truly disturbing governor, Scott Walker. Rather than accept the people’s votes, the state Republicans decided to strip the new Democratic Governor Tony Evers of most of his power 0Wp0v1DnIoQ-00002-00002908-00003619 Fortunately, the judicial arm of the government recognized that this was a bad move 0Wp0v1DnIoQ-00003-00003619-00004298 Instead, Governor Evers was able to shout out “victory” in his most recent tweet: 0Wp0v1DnIoQ-00004-00004298-00005016 ‘Today’s ruling is a victory for the people of Wisconsin and for preserving the Wisconsin Constitution' 0Wp0v1DnIoQ-00005-00005016-00005695 A Wisconsin judge temporarily blocked Walker’s laws that would have limited his successor 0Wp0v1DnIoQ-00006-00005695-00006706 Remarkably, the Republican-dominated legislature passed the laws in December. They even met in a special session to accomplish this 0Wp0v1DnIoQ-00007-00006706-00007748 The plaintiffs, including the League of Women Voters, Disability Rights Wisconsin, and Black Leaders Organizing for Communities were outraged at the attempt: 0Wp0v1DnIoQ-00008-00007748-00009127 ‘The Wisconsin Constitution does not provide for the Legislature, let alone a small subset of each chamber acting through committees, to convene itself in an ‘extraordinary session,’ and neither does any statute' 0Wp0v1DnIoQ-00009-00009127-00010285 Dane County (Wisconsin) Circuit Judge Richard Niess blocked these subversive laws, thereby halting the legislature’s request for a temporary pause 0Wp0v1DnIoQ-00010-00010285-00011680 Evers responded:.‘The Legislature overplayed its hand by using an unlawful process to accumulate more power for itself and override the will of the people, despite the outcome of last November’s election' 1A65f7OR_Fo-00000-00000571-00001736 Donald Trump’s ongoing feud with right-wingnut Ann Coulter continued on Saturday when the president lashed out at the conservative pundit while claiming that he is “winning” in the border wall fight 1A65f7OR_Fo-00001-00001736-00002901 Donald Trump’s ongoing feud with right-wingnut Ann Coulter continued on Saturday when the president lashed out at the conservative pundit while claiming that he is “winning” in the border wall fight 1A65f7OR_Fo-00002-00002901-00004792 Trump took to Twitter to attack Coulter. He tweeted saying:.“Wacky nut job Ann Coulter, who still hasn’t figured out that, despite all odds and an entire Democrat Party of far left radicals against me (not to mention certain Republicans who are sadly unwilling to fight), I am winning on the Border'' 1A65f7OR_Fo-00003-00004792-00005641 “Major sections of wall are being built and renovated, with much more to follow shortly,” Trump inaccurately argued 1A65f7OR_Fo-00004-00005641-00006401 “Tens of thousands of illegals are being apprehended (captured) at the border and not allowed into our Country 1A65f7OR_Fo-00005-00006401-00006991 ”.“I am stopping an invasion as the wall gets built,” Trump argued 1Z059Ym901Y-00000-00000571-00001239 The world is well aware that Donald Trump has made it this far in life through the use of lies 1Z059Ym901Y-00001-00001239-00002282 Nobody, outside the diminishing cult that believes every word out of his mouth, believes that Trump legitimately made money in any investment he ever made 1Z059Ym901Y-00002-00002282-00003188 Instead, Trump has proven to be a failure as the head of a casino, a professional football owner, and as an illegitimate president 1Z059Ym901Y-00003-00003188-00004220 If professional failure wasn’t enough, it has now become evident – not that it wasn’t already assumed – that Trump was unsuccessful in academia 1Z059Ym901Y-00004-00004220-00005547 For someone who publicly called out for the release of President Obama’s school records, it is rather pathetic that a fraud would do everything in his power to prevent the release of his own personal academic scores 1Z059Ym901Y-00005-00005547-00006547 While Trump employs a team of individuals paid to lie on his behalf, things become awkward when such individuals are called out by loved ones 1Z059Ym901Y-00006-00006547-00007785 Trump’s top propagandist, Kellyanne Conway, is most well known for spewing “alternative facts” that conflate the truth in order to benefit Trump’s proposed point of view 1Z059Ym901Y-00007-00007785-00008499 Conway’s own husband has clearly become sick of such lies, as evidenced by his recent tweets 1Z059Ym901Y-00008-00008499-00009846 George Conway, Kellyanne’s husband, recently agreed with S.V. Date, a White House correspondent for Huffington Post who corrected Trump by saying, “No, “’major sections of Wall” are not being built’ 1Z059Ym901Y-00009-00009846-00011006 ” Conway added “Exactly. It’s a brazen and ridiculous lie, repeated over and over and over and over again, to cover the fact that he was asleep at the switch for two years 1Z059Ym901Y-00010-00011006-00012312 #SummaCumLiar”.Conway was one of the first to utilize that hashtag in an effort to publicize the fact that Trump not only was never at the apex of his academic life, but was also never near the top 1Z059Ym901Y-00011-00012312-00013647 While it is clear to the majority of people that Trump was never at the summit of anything in his life, it seems necessary to state that Trump has always been, and will continue to be, an absolute failure 3ANvsn9_sCI-00000-00000513-00001607 Trump Cornered By Reporters Over Racist Mosque Shootings.The president has said and done a lot of dumb things since he took office three years ago 3ANvsn9_sCI-00001-00001607-00002882 From calling nazis “very fine people,” to proclaiming “Islam hates us,” the president is nothing more than an uneducated old dinosaur who misses the good old days when blacks were lynched regularly 3ANvsn9_sCI-00002-00002882-00004261 After the white supremacist rampage in New Zealand Friday morning, the president was quick to take zero responsibility, even after one of the killers listed Trump as a hero in a manifesto released just before the massacre 3ANvsn9_sCI-00003-00004261-00005528 Now, Trump is saying that white supremacy in general, is not a big problem. Trump just said this when asked about an obvious rise in violent white nationalism in the Oval Office: 3ANvsn9_sCI-00004-00005528-00006602 “I don’t really, I think it’s a small group of people that have very, very serious problems,If you look what happened in New Zealand, perhaps that’s the case 3ANvsn9_sCI-00005-00006602-00008067 I don’t know enough about it yet.”.Trump recently tweeted these messages about the shooting:"Just spoke with Jacinda Ardern, the Prime Minister of New Zealand, regarding the horrific events that have taken place over the past 24 hours 3ANvsn9_sCI-00006-00008067-00008840 I informed the Prime Minister.that we stand in solidarity with New Zealand – and that any assistance the U 3ANvsn9_sCI-00007-00008840-00009692 S.A. can give, we stand by ready to help. We love you New Zealand!".The responses on those tweets were overwhelming 3Y3OcrfvpG4-00000-00000571-00001629 I’m pretty sure the Trumps didn’t see this one coming… Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward are largely credited with ousting Nixon due to their coverage of Watergate 3Y3OcrfvpG4-00001-00001629-00002956 Woodward and Bernstein’s coverage of Watergate remains a high-water mark of journalistic achievement and still serves as monument to why freedom of the press should be taken seriously by all Americans 3Y3OcrfvpG4-00002-00002956-00003807 Bernstein was asked on CNN’s Reliable Sources what we know, what we don’t know, and what are the unanswered questions 3Y3OcrfvpG4-00003-00003807-00004518 Bernstein said, “We still don’t know what this cover-up is about.We know there is a cover-up 3Y3OcrfvpG4-00004-00004518-00005346 We know that people in the White House — including the President of the United States — have been lying, that his family has been lying 3Y3OcrfvpG4-00005-00005346-00006077 And, at the same time, we cannot make an assumption of guilt of either obstruction of justice or collusion 3Y3OcrfvpG4-00006-00006077-00007104 What we have seen in this latest episode is the willingness of Trump’s family to be open to subversion of the American electoral process by a hostile foreign power 3Y3OcrfvpG4-00007-00007104-00008109 That, in itself, is an extraordinary story — an extraordinary acknowledgment, really, by the Trump family here that it was willing to do that 3Y3OcrfvpG4-00008-00008109-00008788 As we see this willingness in the statement itself, in the email of Donald Trump Jr 3Y3OcrfvpG4-00009-00008788-00009452 ” He went on to stress the importance of the media that we’re early in the investigations 3bK2zhWu3uu-00000-00000513-00001889 Whether it’s Racism, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, or sexism, we’ve seen multiple examples of each from the current resident of our White House 3bK2zhWu3uu-00001-00001889-00003660 It started with the very first speech he ever gave as a candidate for president, the ‘golden elevator’ speech at Trump Tower in New York, when he stated that Mexican immigrants were rapists and drug dealers (although he did generously admit to assuming that some were good people) 3bK2zhWu3uu-00002-00003660-00004541 Among his most cringe-worthy statements were after Charlottesville, when he proclaimed there were “very fine people on both sides 3bK2zhWu3uu-00003-00004541-00006312 ”.To paraphrase something that former Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum said about his opponent during Florida’s Gubernatorial race last year: I’m not saying Donald Trump is a white supremacist and a white nationalist, but the white supremacists and white nationalists believe he is 3bK2zhWu3uu-00004-00006312-00007427 .In the worst mass shooting in New Zealand’s history on Friday, a gunman opened fire in two different mosques, killing at least fifty people and wounding many more 3bK2zhWu3uu-00005-00007427-00008655 The perpetrator’s manifesto referred to Donald J. Trump, President of the United States, as a “symbol of renewed white identity” and stated that Trump “shares a common purpose with me 3bK2zhWu3uu-00006-00008655-00009849 ” When Trump was later asked about the rise of white nationalism, he reportedly stated that it was limited to “a small group of people” and therefore he doesn’t believe it’s a problem 3bK2zhWu3uu-00007-00009849-00010755 Mick Mulvaney, Trump’s Acting White House Chief of Staff, recently sat for a televised interview with Chris Wallace on Fox News 3bK2zhWu3uu-00008-00010755-00011492 Mulvaney most likely chose Fox because he believed he would find a sympathetic interviewer 3bK2zhWu3uu-00009-00011492-00013380 While Wallace certainly didn’t play hardball with Mulvaney, he did ask some pointed questions: “To the degree that there is an issue with white supremacists, white nationalists, anti-Muslim bigotry in this country, and there is an issue with that, why [does Trump] not deliver a speech condemning it?” 3bK2zhWu3uu-00010-00013380-00014261 . .Mulvaney’s response, delivered while nervously chuckling, was “the president is not a white supremacist 3bK2zhWu3uu-00011-00014261-00015687 I’m not sure how many times we have to say that!” A word of advice for Mick: generally when you say the same thing over and over and people still don’t believe you, it’s because you’re frequently giving them reasons not to believe you 3bK2zhWu3uu-00012-00015687-00016434 .Donald Trump will likely never give a speech condemning white supremacy and white nationalism 3bK2zhWu3uu-00013-00016434-00017549 If he ever did, it would be only days, if not hours, before he started sending heated tweets that directly contradicted whatever he’d said in that speech 3bK2zhWu3uu-00014-00017549-00018380 The reason is simple: a good portion of Trump’s base is made up of white supremacists and white nationalists 3bK2zhWu3uu-00015-00018380-00020282 Whether Trump holds these views himself or not, we’ll never know – we can’t see into his head – but we do know that he encourages these people every chance he gets, and he bends over backwards to ensure he doesn’t alienate them (even after one of them uses a car to run down and kill an innocent woman) 3bK2zhWu3uu-00016-00020282-00021436 What Trump himself believes is irrelevant. What truly matters is what Trump promotes, and what Trump promotes is white nationalism, white supremacy and racism 48HOWHysfPo-00000-00000513-00002051 President Donald Trump delivered a 2020 budget to the Democratic-controlled House on Monday that cuts spending nearly across the board yet still isn't projected to balance for 15 years, even with ambitious economic growth forecasts 48HOWHysfPo-00001-00002051-00003525 The $4.7 trillion budget proposal is dead on arrival in Congress, but it will stand as a statement of the President's priorities -- for cutting and spending alike -- and has already quickly become a lightning rod for Democratic criticism 48HOWHysfPo-00002-00003525-00004392 Fresh off Trump's border fight with Congress, his budget blueprint calls for Congress to spend $8 48HOWHysfPo-00003-00004392-00005303 6 billion more on a US-Mexico wall, proposes deep non-defense spending cuts and calls for a continued surge in defense spending 48HOWHysfPo-00004-00005303-00006382 The President also wants Congress to replenish a military construction fund he plans to raid to build the border wall after he declared a national emergency 48HOWHysfPo-00005-00006382-00007824 With the 2020 campaign on the horizon, the blueprint gives Trump a chance to tout his attempt to fund conservative priorities and deliver deep cuts to domestic spending programs that would be popular with his political base 48HOWHysfPo-00006-00007824-00009681 Alongside a 5% boost to defense spending, the plan calls for $2.7 trillion in cuts to federal spending by slashing the budgets for a host of federal departments and agencies, including the Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Education and State Department, among others 48HOWHysfPo-00007-00009681-00010718 Even as the proposal gives Trump a chance to stake out his political priorities, it is also opening him up to criticism for faltering on campaign promises 48HOWHysfPo-00008-00010718-00011951 Trump made a 2016 campaign promise to eliminate the national debt while in office, but the budget proposal projects the national debt will balloon to $31 trillion in 10 years 48HOWHysfPo-00009-00011951-00013229 And despite Trump's promise not to touch Social Security or Medicare, his latest budget proposal would reduce Medicare spending by $845 billion over 10 years 48HOWHysfPo-00010-00013229-00014036 The initial rollout lacks details on individual programs, which are anticipated to be delivered later this month 48HOWHysfPo-00011-00014036-00014929 But it sets the stage for the President's priorities heading into his re-election campaign, including immigration and national security 48HOWHysfPo-00012-00014929-00016157 In its proposal, the White House is calling for a cut to the overall level of non-defense spending by 5% next year below current federal spending caps, a nearly $30 billion reduction 48HOWHysfPo-00013-00016157-00017089 It would also increase military spending by 5% to $750 billion, up from $716 billion 48HOWHysfPo-00014-00017089-00018168 The Trump administration is using a war contingency fund as a maneuver to get around the defense budget limit, which lawmakers have already derided as a budget gimmick 48HOWHysfPo-00015-00018168-00019364 Though the plan comes with a built-in deficit of more than $22 trillion, Trump administration officials described it as a "return to fiscal sanity" that won't hinder economic growth 48HOWHysfPo-00016-00019364-00020992 The President's proposal would expand the federal budget deficit to $1.1 trillion in the next fiscal year, while also calling for balancing the budget by 2034 by assuming the economy will be able to grow faster than most economists anticipate 48HOWHysfPo-00017-00020992-00021681 The latest budget aims to balance the budget in 15 years, rather than the traditional 10 48HOWHysfPo-00018-00021681-00022604 The administration put the blame on Congress for ignoring proposed cuts last year, which has resulted in delaying when balance can be achieved 48HOWHysfPo-00019-00022604-00023698 In its updated forecast, the administration is projecting that the nation's debt will balloon to more than $31 trillion in the next decade by 2029 48HOWHysfPo-00020-00023698-00025145 It currently stands at more than $22 trillion."President Trump's budget takes steps in the right direction, but there is still much work to do," said Steve Womack, a Republican from Arkansas who sits on the House Budget Committee 48HOWHysfPo-00021-00025145-00026140 The White House forecast in its budget that the economy will grow at an average of 3% each year over the next decade, including 3 48HOWHysfPo-00022-00026140-00027394 2% in 2019. It also anticipates the economy to gradually slow to 3.1% in 2020, 3% in 2021, and 2 48HOWHysfPo-00023-00027394-00028551 8% in 2026.While such forecasts are difficult to predict, the White House figure is at odds with projections made by the International Monetary Fund 48HOWHysfPo-00024-00028551-00029356 The IMF anticipates US growth to decline to 2.5% this year and soften further to 1 48HOWHysfPo-00025-00029356-00030189 8% in 2020 as the fiscal stimulus of the Republican-backed tax cuts fade.'No chance' say Democrats 48HOWHysfPo-00026-00030189-00030947 House Democrats have already panned the proposal, saying it would leave the country less safe and secure 48HOWHysfPo-00027-00030947-00032420 "President Trump's budget once again lays out an irresponsible and cynical vision for our country, without any regard for its human cost," Kentucky Democrat John Yarmuth, chairman of the House Budget Committee, said in a statement 48HOWHysfPo-00028-00032420-00033478 House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York said on Sunday they would block efforts by Trump to get $8 48HOWHysfPo-00029-00033478-00035218 6 billion to build his wall."President Trump hurt millions of Americans and caused widespread chaos when he recklessly shut down the government to try to get his expensive and ineffective wall, which he promised would be paid for by Mexico," they said in a joint statement 48HOWHysfPo-00030-00035218-00036236 "We hope he learned his lesson.".On Monday, Pelosi released a second statement deriding the budget as written "for the special interests and the wealthiest 1% 48HOWHysfPo-00031-00036236-00037516 "."After adding $2 trillion to the deficit with the GOP tax scam for the rich, President Trump wants to ransack as much as $2 trillion from Medicare and Medicaid," she said 48HOWHysfPo-00032-00037516-00039180 "While demanding billions more for his wasteful, ineffective wall, President Trump will steal from students and hungry families, from rural communities and American farmers, from clean air and clean water, and from vital, job-creating investments nationwide 48HOWHysfPo-00033-00039180-00040635 ".As in previous years, Trump's blueprint also calls for $200 billion for infrastructure spending, with the Trump administration open to working with Congress to construct a package that could attract bipartisan support 48HOWHysfPo-00034-00040635-00042216 Trump's budget proposal includes funds for hiring across federal agencies, including US Customs and Border Protection and the Justice Department Executive Office for Immigration Review, both of which have already had trouble filling vacancies 48HOWHysfPo-00035-00042216-00043018 That includes $314 million to hire an additional 1,000 ICE law enforcement officers 48HOWHysfPo-00036-00043018-00044661 The administration is also asking Congress for $40 billion to fund the State Department's work on international diplomacy and aid in fiscal 2020, a slight increase from last year's request but nowhere close to addressing deep cuts made in 2017 48HOWHysfPo-00037-00044661-00046014 The Trump administration's emphasis on funding the Pentagon over diplomacy has alarmed retired military leaders, who said Sunday that squeezing the State Department budget undermines US security and leadership 48HOWHysfPo-00038-00046014-00047657 "The military alone cannot keep our nation safe," more than a dozen former combatant commanders, including retired generals David Petraeus and Anthony Zinni and retired admiral James Stavridis, said in a statement urging Congress to protect funding for the State Department 4W3xNU3_5Oy-00000-00000571-00001561 It would be hard to think of a more damaging day for a President than one on which his former campaign chairman disappeared behind bars for years to come 4W3xNU3_5Oy-00001-00001561-00002593 But Paul Manafort's new sentence was the least of Donald Trump's worries Wednesday as his Russia investigation nightmare took yet another turn for the worse 4W3xNU3_5Oy-00002-00002593-00004398 New suspicions about dangled pardons, conflicting congressional testimony, implicit pleas for clemency and fresh suggestions of inappropriate presidential behavior delivered a new twist to the drama with Washington already on edge in anticipation of special counsel Robert Mueller's final report 4W3xNU3_5Oy-00003-00004398-00005928 A new firestorm erupted over disputed assertions that ex-acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker did not deny in a closed congressional meeting that he had spoken with President Donald Trump about a case involving Trump's ex-lawyer Michael Cohen 4W3xNU3_5Oy-00004-00005928-00007381 CNN reported explosive new revelations involving Cohen's allegation that a pardon had been dangled in exchange for him staying loyal to the President, in which he was purportedly told he could be sure he had "friends in high places'' 4W3xNU3_5Oy-00005-00007381-00008671 Both new angles on the Russia intrigue came on the day that a judge added to the prison sentence of Manafort, Trump's former campaign chairman, after he was snared in Mueller's investigation 4W3xNU3_5Oy-00006-00008671-00010557 He faces a total of 7.5 years in prison.For the second time in a week, a Manafort attorney emerged from a sentencing hearing and appeared to twist a judge's words in a way that raised suspicions he was bolstering Trump's claims that there was "no collusion" in return for a pardon for his client 4W3xNU3_5Oy-00007-00010557-00012490 Trump did little to stem speculation he might act in such a manner by saying he felt "very badly" for Manafort, while making the barely believable assertion that the thought of springing Manafort from jail after his convictions for tax and financial fraud, obstruction and witness tampering had never entered his mind 4W3xNU3_5Oy-00008-00012490-00013655 Those comments came two days after White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders appeared to imply Trump had at least thought about freeing Manafort by saying, "He'll make a decision when he is ready'' 4W3xNU3_5Oy-00009-00013655-00015029 As is often the case in the Russia investigation and associated cases, vital details remain unknown and there is a sense that the information available to the public is only scratching the surface of what might really have happened 4W3xNU3_5Oy-00010-00015029-00016526 But equally there is no proven direct evidence of collusion by the President from any of the multiple investigations that are swirling around his White House and are now digging deep into his personal and business affairs as well as the 2016 campaign 4W3xNU3_5Oy-00011-00016526-00018302 Still, a day of frenetic activity and foreboding claims and counterclaims raised new questions about the appropriateness of the President's past behavior and whether he will try to absolve his former associates with his pardon power -- one of the most compelling questions in Washington in early 2019 4W3xNU3_5Oy-00012-00018302-00019339 Wednesday's developments underscored once more the peril the President potentially faces from the new investigative powers of the freshly elected Democratic-led House 4W3xNU3_5Oy-00013-00019339-00020802 The politics raging around the investigations also suggested yet again how hard it will be for the nation to eventually coalesce around an outcome that offers a sense of closure after the uproar of the 2016 election 4W3xNU3_5Oy-00014-00020802-00022014 The new developments could also prompt a discussion of whether Mueller has more work to do at a moment when he had appeared to be close to filing the report on his investigation with the attorney general 4X11IyBV_uM-00000-00000513-00001309 As Special Counsel Robert Mueller has pursued his investigation into Moscow’s role in the 2016 U 4X11IyBV_uM-00001-00001309-00002258 S. election, legal experts have debated what sort of contacts between President Donald Trump’s campaign and Russia may have violated U 4X11IyBV_uM-00002-00002258-00003558 S. criminal law.U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded that Russia used a scheme of hacking and propaganda to cause discord in the United States and harm Trump’s Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton 4X11IyBV_uM-00003-00003558-00004682 Mueller’s probe, with several Trump campaign figures already pleading guilty or being convicted, has documented numerous contacts between Russians and people close to the president 4X11IyBV_uM-00004-00004682-00005713 Mueller, who has sought to determine whether Trump’s campaign coordinated with Moscow, is preparing to submit a report on his investigation to U 4X11IyBV_uM-00005-00005713-00006526 S. Attorney General William Barr. Trump and Russia have denied collusion and Moscow has denied election interference 4X11IyBV_uM-00006-00006526-00007181 Here is a look at potential crimes Mueller may examine relating to these contacts and other matters 4X11IyBV_uM-00007-00007181-00008412 IS THERE A U.S. FEDERAL CRIME CALLED COLLUSION?.Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani in July 2018 said, “I have been sitting here looking in the federal code trying to find collusion as a crime 4X11IyBV_uM-00008-00008412-00009412 Collusion is not a crime.” Trump wrote on Twitter the next day, “Collusion is not a crime, but that doesn’t matter because there was No Collusion 4X11IyBV_uM-00009-00009412-00010575 ”.There indeed is no federal crime called “collusion.” But collusion is a non-legal way of saying conspiracy, which is one of the most commonly asserted crimes in U 4X11IyBV_uM-00010-00010575-00011348 S. federal courts. Conspiracy is an agreement between two or more people to commit an unlawful act 4X11IyBV_uM-00011-00011348-00012150 A conspiracy does not need to have been successful, but the individuals must have taken some action to further it 4X11IyBV_uM-00012-00012150-00013607 Because computer hacking is clearly a federal crime, any Trump campaign official who assented to and encouraged the hacking of Democratic National Committee computers in 2016 could be liable for the crime of conspiracy 4X11IyBV_uM-00013-00013607-00014608 U.S. officials have said Russia hacked the Democratic computers to steal emails that were later released by the WikiLeaks website to hurt Clinton 6Ht7oA1kliE-00000-00000571-00001508 With the subpoena process well underway the past several weeks, it has been widely suspected that some form of cooperation had been reached 6Ht7oA1kliE-00001-00001508-00002982 And on Monday, that suspicion was confirmed, as it appears House Democrats from various committees have begun issuing subpoenas for some of Donald Trump’s financial records, particularly those which involve financial dealings with Russia 6Ht7oA1kliE-00002-00002982-00004377 The writing was first written on the wall several weeks ago when House Financial Services Committee Chair Maxine Waters revealed in an MSNBC on-air interview that Deutsche Bank had begun providing Trump’s records to her 6Ht7oA1kliE-00003-00004377-00005570 Well, lo and behold, the New York Times is now reporting that both Waters’ committee and Adam Schiff’s House Intel Committee have in fact subpoenaed Deutsche Bank for Trump’s records 6Ht7oA1kliE-00004-00005570-00006876 And it doesn’t stop there either, folks, as Politico is reporting that House Oversight Committee Chair Elijah Cummings has followed suit, issuing a subpoena to the accounting firm, Mazars, for the same 6Ht7oA1kliE-00005-00006876-00007806 Interestingly enough, Mazars is said to have requested the subpoena, most likely as a legal basis to protect its cooperation 6Ht7oA1kliE-00006-00007806-00009000 Needless to say, Cummings obliged. Additionally, Capital One allegedly requested the same, and is rumored to have been cooperating with House Democrats for more than a month 6Ht7oA1kliE-00007-00009000-00009818 In light of this information, it’s becoming easier to understand where Donald Trump’s tweets this past weekend were coming from 6Ht7oA1kliE-00008-00009818-00011027 He seemed more frantic than usual, and now we know why. With the subpoenas for his records rolling out left and right, he’s now finding himself in the middle of a battle he surely can’t win 6M_t3324KXQ-00000-00000571-00001848 Thursday on Fox News Channel’s “Special Report,” conservative talker Rush Limbaugh called on President Donald Trump to appoint a special counsel to investigate the origins of the Mueller probe 6M_t3324KXQ-00001-00001848-00002916 Limbaugh said, “There is no evidence of collusion! The man is lying through his teeth and this is what I mean that they are trying to keep this alive 6M_t3324KXQ-00002-00002916-00005667 I heard today in The New York Times, guess what it is actually 300 pages and Bill Barr summarized it in four? Are they serious? They really — Pelosi wants us to believe that Barr is lying about what is in this report and that there is evidence in this report! If that is true then what must they think of Barr? And where is Mueller saying Barr is lying about this and I found collusion! I found obstruction! It is in my report 6M_t3324KXQ-00003-00005667-00006448 Mueller isn’t staying that. Neither are the 19 pro-Hillary investigators on the staff saying that 6M_t3324KXQ-00004-00006448-00007174 ”.He continued, “Swalwell and Schiff are lying to the American people because they can’t give it up 6M_t3324KXQ-00005-00007174-00008496 It is outrageous and some of these people need to be held accountable. I hope the president calls a special counsel to look into this because the American people deserve to know how they’ve been manipulated, how they have been used 6M_t3324KXQ-00006-00008496-00009376 They deserve to know with the Democratic Party, the American left dissenting from the Obama administration attempted to pull off here 6M_t3324KXQ-00007-00009376-00010241 It better never happen again. This is probably the biggest political scandal certainly of our lifetime maybe even longer 6M_t3324KXQ-00008-00010241-00011241 ”.He added, “There has never been at the evidence of collusion! I keep repeating this because I’m adamant the American people understand what is happening 6M_t3324KXQ-00009-00011241-00012085 This is a huge hoax that has been perpetrated that makes every other hoax that our lifetime pales in comparison 6M_t3324KXQ-00010-00012085-00013028 Not a shred of evidence, that FISA warrant, four of them were based on absolute lies put together by Hillary Clinton’s campaign team 6M_t3324KXQ-00011-00013028-00013725 And they defrauded the FISA court to get warrants to spy people. It is outrageous to me 6M_t3324KXQ-00012-00013725-00013825 ” 6VrB3uc5rRU-00000-00000513-00001825 Nancy Pelosi is fully awesome. We’ve seen a lot of action out of the new House speaker, who was scrutinized for her age and capability to fight the president of the United States before being named Speaker of the House 6VrB3uc5rRU-00001-00001825-00002937 Pelosi has dropped the hammer on Trump since taking power in January, stepping in whenever possible to give her two cents on whatever shenanigans the president is up to 6VrB3uc5rRU-00002-00002937-00004149 On Friday, Robert Mueller finished his Russia investigation, and immediately, Pelosi responded with a tweet demanding the redacted investigation report be made public 6VrB3uc5rRU-00003-00004149-00005870 This is what Pelosi just said:"The Special Counsel’s investigation focused on questions that go to the integrity of our democracy itself: whether foreign powers corruptly interfered in our elections, and whether unlawful means were used to hinder that investigation" 6VrB3uc5rRU-00004-00005870-00006583 People are going nuts over this, as can be seen in the barrage of comments Pelosi has gotten on her tweet 709qt6S-pku-00000-00000513-00001375 CONCORD, New Hampshire – Sen. Bernie Sanders on Sunday returned to the state that launched him into political orbit 709qt6S-pku-00001-00001375-00003300 Making his first appearance in New Hampshire since announcing his second bid for the Democratic presidential nomination, the independent senator from neighboring Vermont pushed his populist agenda of progressive proposals to a crowd of 850 packed into a local conference center on a snowy late-winter day in northern New England 709qt6S-pku-00002-00003300-00005204 Sanders’ crushing victory over Hillary Clinton in the first-in-the-nation primary state’s 2016 contest skyrocketed the one-time longshot into a marathon battle with the eventual Democratic Party nominee, which didn’t end until Sanders endorsed Clinton after the conclusion of the primary and caucus calendar 709qt6S-pku-00003-00005204-00006273 “I want to offer a very special thanks to the people of New Hampshire. In 2016, this is where the political revolution took off,” he said to loud applause 709qt6S-pku-00004-00006273-00007067 Sanders repeatedly targeted President Trump in his nearly hour-long speech, saying he “consistently lies 709qt6S-pku-00005-00007067-00008783 ”.And, Sanders charged that “under President Trump, the very concept of democracy is under attack by a president who seems intent on emulating the authoritarian leaders in Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, North Korea and elsewhere that he seems to have so much affection for 709qt6S-pku-00006-00008783-00010306 ”.The candidate pushed his progressive proposals, such as criminal justice reform, the “Medicare-for-all” single-payer health care plan and universal affordable childcare, and once again vowed “to make public colleges and universities tuition free 709qt6S-pku-00007-00010306-00011217 ”.He also said “that climate change is not a hoax but is an existential threat to the future of our country and the entire planet 709qt6S-pku-00008-00011217-00012061 We will transform our energy system away from fossil fuel and into energy efficiency and sustainable energy 709qt6S-pku-00009-00012061-00013832 ”.However, Sanders made no mention of the Green New Deal, the sweeping proposal beloved by progressives but ridiculed by many Republicans that aims to transform the country’s economy to fight climate change -- while enacting a host of new health-care and welfare programs 709qt6S-pku-00010-00013832-00015245 As he was making his longstanding push for a $15-per-hour federal minimum wage, Sanders said, “Today, we say to Walmart, the fast food industry,” before being interrupted by a supporter who yelled, “f--- you 709qt6S-pku-00011-00015245-00016060 ”.The outburst brought cheers from the crowd and Sanders quickly remarked, “well, that’s one way to say it 709qt6S-pku-00012-00016060-00016734 ”.Sanders didn’t take any questions from the audience or from local and national reporters 709qt6S-pku-00013-00016734-00018166 After he posed for selfies and shook hands with some of his supporters, he met briefly with a small group of his top Granite State supporters before heading to a second campaign event in the southwestern New Hampshire city of Keene 709qt6S-pku-00014-00018166-00019161 The Republican National Committee took aim at Sanders, saying his “radical push for socialism is supercharging the Democratic primary to the left 709qt6S-pku-00015-00019161-00021005 ”.“With calls for government control of healthcare, education and a takeover of nearly every aspect of our lives with the Green New Deal, Sanders' socialist platform will rob Granite Staters of their freedoms while bankrupting America at a cost of trillions of dollars,” added RNC spokeswoman Mandi Merritt 709qt6S-pku-00016-00021005-00022792 Sanders arrived in the Granite State on a roll in his campaign – he’s near the top of nearly every national and early voting state public opinion poll in the Democratic nomination race and he raked in a whopping $6 million in the first 24 hours following his February launch 709qt6S-pku-00017-00022792-00024140 But, he also has faced competition from a large field of rivals – many of them younger and pushing the same progressive proposals Sanders moved from the extreme to the mainstream of the party in the 2016 campaign 709qt6S-pku-00018-00024140-00024929 While many of Sanders’ 2016 supporters are backing him once again, some have said they’re shopping around 709qt6S-pku-00019-00024929-00026086 Adam Martson of Dover said “I’d definitely be open to” a younger Democratic contender advocating the same progressive proposals who may have a better shot at winning the general election 709qt6S-pku-00020-00026086-00026958 “I’m really interested in who can beat Trump,” he added.Kendall Rasmussen, who drove up from Medford, Mass 709qt6S-pku-00021-00026958-00027943 , said she backed Sanders in 2016.“I’m probably leaning towards Bernie but I’m not actually prepared to make a commitment yet 709qt6S-pku-00022-00027943-00028685 I just can’t say yet,” she explained. “Who’s going to win against Trump. That’s a huge factor 709qt6S-pku-00023-00028685-00029970 ”.And, Melissa Fisk of Concord – one of the few 2016 Clinton supporters to attend the rally – said she’s checking out all the Democratic 2020 contenders and is far from deciding 709qt6S-pku-00024-00029970-00030970 “It’s anybody but Trump,” she emphasized.But, Lorna Wakefield of Sanborton said she’s sticking with Sanders 100 percent 709qt6S-pku-00025-00030970-00033021 “Bernie’s the one who started this all. We’re with Bernie,” she emphasized.And, Chris Liquori of Portsmouth – a member of the Sanders steering committee in New Hampshire – argued, “why settle for the imitation when you’ve got somebody who’s been doing this for 40 years, who brought the party to its knees and brought them where they are now 709qt6S-pku-00026-00033021-00033374 Why would you go with anyone else?” 7wxMO1WQO_E-00000-00000571-00001584 Donald Trump met with his Homeland Security Director Kirstjen Nielsen this evening, and as a result, she’s resigning, according to several major news outlets 7wxMO1WQO_E-00001-00001584-00002794 On the surface this feels like a good thing for America, considering that Nielsen played a huge role in kidnapping immigrant kids from their parents and locking them inside cages in concentration camps 7wxMO1WQO_E-00002-00002794-00003671 But within the context of another recent development, this looks like it’s about to get far uglier than what we’ve seen to date 7wxMO1WQO_E-00003-00003671-00004635 .Just two days ago, Donald Trump abruptly withdrew his own nominee for ICE Director, saying he wanted someone “tougher” for the position 7wxMO1WQO_E-00004-00004635-00005957 This sent up some red flags. Based on Trump’s racist, violent, criminal, maniacal approach toward immigrants, his own handpicked nominee was surely “tough” on immigration by Trump’s standards 7wxMO1WQO_E-00005-00005957-00006647 Yet Trump suddenly decided he wanted someone far more monstrous in the position. 7wxMO1WQO_E-00006-00006647-00008219 .Now Trump is also ousting Nielsen. Although her monstrous approach to immigration was plenty “tough” by Trump’s standards, we’re left to conclude that Trump must have decided he also wanted someone even more deranged in her position 7wxMO1WQO_E-00007-00008219-00009713 So what’s going on here? We don’t know – but we know who’s apparently behind it. According to a Washington Post report earlier this week, Trump ousted his own ICE nominee at the behest of his uber-racist White House adviser Stephen Miller 7wxMO1WQO_E-00008-00009713-00010761 This strongly suggests that Miller is also behind Nielsen’s ouster, and that Miller has convinced Trump to take his anti-immigrant horror show to the next level 7wxMO1WQO_E-00009-00010761-00011740 . .What’s even more evil than kidnapping immigrant kids and locking them in cages? We’re afraid to even ponder the question 7wxMO1WQO_E-00010-00011740-00012571 One can only hope that these personnel changes are merely an attempt at “looking tougher” and that nothing will come of it 7wxMO1WQO_E-00011-00012571-00013783 But if Donald Trump and Stephen Miller are indeed planning to use these moves as a pretext for carrying out their most deranged anti-immigrant fantasies, things are going to get very ugly very quickly 7wxMO1WQO_E-00012-00013783-00015616 .Keep in mind that Donald Trump is now trying to fend off everything from the inevitable release of the Mueller report, to the inevitable release of his tax returns, to the already-in-progress release of his banking records – and he knows he’s going to lose at least some of these battles before long 7wxMO1WQO_E-00013-00015616-00018187 Is Trump replacing his immigration officials with even worse monsters simply because he wants mainstream Americans to be afraid of what horrors he might try next, or is he planning to try to hurry up and actually carry out those horrors before his scandals end his presidency? Update, 6:05pm: Trump just tweeted that current Border Patrol boss Kevin McAleenan is his new nominee to replace Kirstjen Nielsen 7FyxCHGAhZy-00000-00000571-00001840 Whether it’s Racism, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, or sexism, we’ve seen multiple examples of each from the current resident of our White House 7FyxCHGAhZy-00001-00001840-00003530 It started with the very first speech he ever gave as a candidate for president, the ‘golden elevator’ speech at Trump Tower in New York, when he stated that Mexican immigrants were rapists and drug dealers (although he did generously admit to assuming that some were good people) 7FyxCHGAhZy-00002-00003530-00004481 Among his most cringe-worthy statements were after Charlottesville, when he proclaimed there were “very fine people on both sides'' 7FyxCHGAhZy-00003-00004481-00006135 To paraphrase something that former Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum said about his opponent during Florida’s Gubernatorial race last year: I’m not saying Donald Trump is a white supremacist and a white nationalist, but the white supremacists and white nationalists believe he is 7FyxCHGAhZy-00004-00006135-00007208 In the worst mass shooting in New Zealand’s history on Friday, a gunman opened fire in two different mosques, killing at least fifty people and wounding many more 7FyxCHGAhZy-00005-00007208-00008410 The perpetrator’s manifesto referred to Donald J. Trump, President of the United States, as a “symbol of renewed white identity” and stated that Trump “shares a common purpose with me 7FyxCHGAhZy-00006-00008410-00009575 ” When Trump was later asked about the rise of white nationalism, he reportedly stated that it was limited to “a small group of people” and therefore he doesn’t believe it’s a problem 7FyxCHGAhZy-00007-00009575-00010547 Mick Mulvaney, Trump’s Acting White House Chief of Staff, recently sat for a televised interview with Chris Wallace on Fox News 7FyxCHGAhZy-00008-00010547-00011187 Mulvaney most likely chose Fox because he believed he would find a sympathetic interviewer 7FyxCHGAhZy-00009-00011187-00012973 While Wallace certainly didn’t play hardball with Mulvaney, he did ask some pointed questions: “To the degree that there is an issue with white supremacists, white nationalists, anti-Muslim bigotry in this country, and there is an issue with that, why [does Trump] not deliver a speech condemning it?” 7FyxCHGAhZy-00010-00012973-00013697 Mulvaney’s response, delivered while nervously chuckling, was “the president is not a white supremacist 7FyxCHGAhZy-00011-00013697-00015076 I’m not sure how many times we have to say that!” A word of advice for Mick: generally when you say the same thing over and over and people still don’t believe you, it’s because you’re frequently giving them reasons not to believe you 7FyxCHGAhZy-00012-00015076-00015771 Donald Trump will likely never give a speech condemning white supremacy and white nationalism 7FyxCHGAhZy-00013-00015771-00016789 If he ever did, it would be only days, if not hours, before he started sending heated tweets that directly contradicted whatever he’d said in that speech 7FyxCHGAhZy-00014-00016789-00017604 The reason is simple: a good portion of Trump’s base is made up of white supremacists and white nationalists 7FyxCHGAhZy-00015-00017604-00019454 Whether Trump holds these views himself or not, we’ll never know – we can’t see into his head – but we do know that he encourages these people every chance he gets, and he bends over backwards to ensure he doesn’t alienate them (even after one of them uses a car to run down and kill an innocent woman) 7FyxCHGAhZy-00016-00019454-00020593 What Trump himself believes is irrelevant. What truly matters is what Trump promotes, and what Trump promotes is white nationalism, white supremacy and racism 7Sy1K1T92-c-00000-00000571-00001561 A former staffer on Donald Trump’s presidential campaign has filed a federal lawsuit against the president, claiming he kissed her without consent 7Sy1K1T92-c-00001-00001561-00002914 Alva Johnson, the director of outreach and coalitions in Alabama in 2016, said in the federal lawsuit that Trump made the nonconsensual advance on 24 August 2016 in Tampa, Florida 7Sy1K1T92-c-00002-00002914-00003961 Johnson said Trump “grasped her hand and did not let go” and kissed her on the corner of her mouth as she turned slightly away when she saw his lips coming towards hers 7Sy1K1T92-c-00003-00003961-00005557 “The forced and unwanted kiss was deeply offensive to Ms Johnson,” the lawsuit says, adding that she suffered “emotional distress, psychological trauma, humiliation, embarrassment, loss of dignity, invasion of privacy and other damages” 7Sy1K1T92-c-00004-00005557-00006686 The Washington Post, which first reported details of the lawsuit, quoted Johnson as saying: “I immediately felt violated because I wasn’t expecting it or wanting it 7Sy1K1T92-c-00005-00006686-00007906 I can still see his lips coming straight for my face.”.In a statement to the newspaper, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders dismissed Johnson’s allegation as “absurd on its face” 7Sy1K1T92-c-00006-00007906-00008731 Sanders said: “This never happened and is directly contradicted by multiple highly credible eye witness accounts 7Sy1K1T92-c-00007-00008731-00009509 ”.Johnson filed the lawsuit in Florida on Monday, seeking damages for emotional pain and suffering 7Sy1K1T92-c-00008-00009509-00010583 The Post said the lawsuit “also alleges the campaign discriminated against Johnson, who is black, by paying her less than her white male counterparts” 7Sy1K1T92-c-00009-00010583-00012062 A spokesman for the Trump campaign denied the claim.At the time of the alleged incident, Johnson’s main job with the Trump campaign was to manage a fleet of recreational vehicles that served as traveling offices throughout Florida 7Sy1K1T92-c-00010-00012062-00012866 According to the lawsuit, Trump visited one of these RVs in Tampa before a rally there, when the unwanted kiss took place 7Sy1K1T92-c-00011-00012866-00013634 “He told her he knew she had been on the road for a long time and that she had been doing a great job 7Sy1K1T92-c-00012-00013634-00014493 He also told Ms Johnson that he would not forget about her, and that he was going to take care of her,” Johnson claims in the lawsuit 7Sy1K1T92-c-00013-00014493-00015384 Among those who allegedly witnessed the incident was Pam Bondi, at the time Florida’s attorney general and a Trump supporter 7Sy1K1T92-c-00014-00015384-00016199 The lawsuit contends that Bondi “glanced at Ms Johnson and smiled” after the alleged unwanted kiss 7Sy1K1T92-c-00015-00016199-00017798 Bondi did not immediately respond on Monday to an email seeking comment.Following Johnson’s sexual misconduct allegations, Trump’s defenders are likely to point to a recently sealed lawsuit involving the former campaign worker 7Sy1K1T92-c-00016-00017798-00019514 The Post reported that in September 2018, three months after Johnson hired the Washington DC attorney Hassan Zavareei to handle the Trump case, Johnson “moved to seal a years-old court case in which two family members had briefly sought a temporary restraining order against her” 7Sy1K1T92-c-00017-00019514-00020927 The restraining order was brought against Johnson in 2006. According to the Post, Johnson’s half-sister alleged that Johnson had been calling another sister’s school and falsely claiming that the teenager was using drugs 7Sy1K1T92-c-00018-00020927-00022105 The family members withdrew the petition three weeks later.Zavareei said: “These false allegations came in the context of a family dispute that was resolved amicably years ago 7Sy1K1T92-c-00019-00022105-00023328 “Ms Johnson’s family stands firmly behind her pursuit of justice against Donald Trump for the sexual assaults he has committed against Ms Johnson and so many other women over the course of decades 7Sy1K1T92-c-00020-00023328-00023428 ” 8XwO-8s64SM-00000-00000571-00001845 At this point in Donald Trump’s presidency, it’s not shocking to see his willingness to go to great lengths in order to fulfill a campaign promise, even if it means doing harm to the American people 8XwO-8s64SM-00001-00001845-00003125 The latest example of this is illustrated by his bullish stance on health care and obsessive desire to repeal Obamacare, despite not having a sound replacement in place before doing so 8XwO-8s64SM-00002-00003125-00003899 Of course, that’s not what he’d have the American public believe, as he continues claiming otherwise 8XwO-8s64SM-00003-00003899-00004915 “If the Supreme Court rules that Obamacare is out, we’ll have a plan that is far better than Obamacare,” Trump told reporters in the White House Wednesday 8XwO-8s64SM-00004-00004915-00005772 Then on Thursday, he reiterated that in a tweet, touting the Republican party as the up and coming “party of healthcare 8XwO-8s64SM-00005-00005772-00007052 ”.However, as Jeffrey Young of the Huffington Post writes in his article titled “There Is No GOP Obamacare Replacement And There Never Has Been,” those who “pay attention to the world around [them]” know the truth 8XwO-8s64SM-00006-00007052-00007924 “Trump’s latest vow to reform the health care system is as bogus and disingenuous as all his others,” Young states 8XwO-8s64SM-00007-00007924-00009658 Additionally, AP Fact Check has stepped in, taking a closer look at Trump’s claim regarding the Supreme Court, and it discovered that neither Republicans in Congress nor Trump’s Health and Human Services group have any type of plans to provide “far better health care than the Affordable Care Act 8XwO-8s64SM-00008-00009658-00010379 ”.“Republicans may aspire to great health care but they don’t have a comprehensive plan for it 8XwO-8s64SM-00009-00010379-00011610 And there’s no indication that the White House, executive branch agencies like Health and Human Services, and Republicans in Congress are working on one,” writes the AP authors 8XwO-8s64SM-00010-00011610-00012540 AP further states that they have seen no indications that the Trump administration is even working on a plan, let alone has one 8XwO-8s64SM-00011-00012540-00015011 Furthermore, Judge John Bates, a Bush appointee, has even chimed in on the matter with a ruling that states that any effort by this administration to introduce plans that don’t meet coverage rules under the ACA “is a deliberate and illegal ‘end run’ around the federal health care law,” because it includes what is referred to as “association health plans,” which typically offer lower premiums but offer substandard benefits 8XwO-8s64SM-00012-00015011-00015664 In other words, not everyone blindly buys into the bologna Trump is trying to sell 8XwO-8s64SM-00013-00015664-00017213 Some people have been paying attention, and have even done a little homework. And instead of establishing itself as the party of Great Healthcare, it sounds like the Republicans are doing the exact opposite, by shaping into the party of little-to-no health care 8m3AHbwrW1E-00000-00000513-00002346 The Mueller Report hit Donald Trump Jr. right in the face. Rather than being happy about his father being exonerated by the report on a lack of conspiracy with the Russians, Donald Trump’s eldest son attacked everyone he could think of. The Trumps are just molten black holes of rage 8m3AHbwrW1E-00001-00002346-00004635 Trump Jr. tweeted out his steaming anger, claiming that the media were just “lackeys” for the Democrats:‘The farce that the Democrats & their media lackeys perpetrated on the American people for over 2 years should never be forgotten! “The Special Counsel’s investigation did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia…”’ 8m3AHbwrW1E-00002-00004635-00006179 The president gave the press a brief statement, but for some reason, Trump Jr. thought the world would be interested in his own statement. That was an odd premiss, and his message was one filled with bitterness. He tweeted:‘My statement.’ 8m3AHbwrW1E-00003-00006179-00007939 He even wanted to repossess the journalists’ Pulitzer prizes:.‘They should convert those Pulitzer’s to #fakenews awards. How do you win a reporting award for reporting fake news? There should be a recall. Those Pulitzer’s were earned like Liz Warren’s tenure.’ 8m3AHbwrW1E-00004-00007939-00008448 This is the president’s number one son’s entire statement below 8m3AHbwrW1E-00005-00008448-00010820 He claimed that he and some others that he knows only have “some minds:”.‘After 2 years of non-stop conspiracy theories from CNN,, MSNBC, Buzzfeed and the rest of the mainstream media, as well as daily lies and smears coming from Democrats in Washington, the Mueller Report proves what those of us with some minds have known all along, there was ZErO collusion with Russia' 8m3AHbwrW1E-00006-00010820-00011567 Then, Don Jr. continued, calling the Democrats filled with “sick and twisted conspiracy theories: 8m3AHbwrW1E-00007-00011567-00013550 ‘Sadly, instead of apologizing for needlessly destabilizing the country in a transparent attempt to delegitimize the 2016 election, it’s clear that the Collusion Truthers in the media and the Democrat Party are only going to double down on their sick and twisted conspiracy theories moving forward' 8m3AHbwrW1E-00008-00013550-00014514 Finally, the first son appeared to confuse “honest” journalists with those who fawned over his dad and toll him everything he wanted to hear rather 8m3AHbwrW1E-00009-00014514-00016230 Then, Don Jr. urged people to treat journalists with “scorn and ridicule:”.It is my hope that honest journalists within the media have the courage to hold these now fully debunked truthers accountable and treat them with the scorn and ridicule that they so deserve 9wgz8puP6uu-00000-00000513-00002341 The U.S. House of Representatives on Friday passed legislation that Democrats say will lessen the influence of big-money interests in federal elections, make voting easier and tackle “gerrymandering” that skews the makeup of congressional districts to favor particular political parties 9wgz8puP6uu-00001-00002341-00003909 In a warning shot to Republican President Donald Trump, Democrats included a provision in the bill requiring all presidents and presidential nominees to make public their tax filings - something the current White House resident has steadfastly refused to do 9wgz8puP6uu-00002-00003909-00005251 Some congressional investigators think those returns could shed light on whether Trump has had any business dealings in Russia that could have influenced his relations with Moscow, either as a presidential candidate or as president 9wgz8puP6uu-00003-00005251-00007027 In a party-line vote of 234-193, the House approved the “For the People Act,” a bill House Speaker Nancy Pelosi promised in the 2018 congressional election campaigns that Democrats would pursue to help clean up American politics and foster voting rights 9wgz8puP6uu-00004-00007027-00008370 Shortly before passage of the bill, Pelosi said it “ends the dominance of big, dark, special-interest money in politics and it empowers small donors and the grassroots” and “fights voter suppression 9wgz8puP6uu-00005-00008370-00009608 ”.But the measure is likely to become merely a campaign tool for Democrats as they try to expand the number of seats they hold in the House and to capture the Senate and White House in the 2020 elections 9wgz8puP6uu-00006-00009608-00010661 Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Republican, has repeatedly attacked the Democratic bill, leaving little chance for it in the Republican-controlled Senate 9wgz8puP6uu-00007-00010661-00011661 Backers say the legislation would make voter registration easier, expand voting hours on election days, restore voting rights to U 9wgz8puP6uu-00008-00011661-00012709 S. citizens who have served prison sentences for felonies and shore up voting machines and election infrastructure against cyber attacks and other interference 9wgz8puP6uu-00009-00012709-00014135 The legislation comes after U.S. intelligence agencies found that Russia meddled in the 2016 American presidential elections and as Moscow has been accused of trying to influence the outcome of elections in other democracies 9wgz8puP6uu-00010-00014135-00015692 Russia has denied meddling in the 2016 election.Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller has been investigating whether Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia in a way that was beneficial to his successful 2016 White House bid 9wgz8puP6uu-00011-00015692-00016452 Trump has denied there was any collusion between his campaign and Moscow, and has labeled Mueller’s probe a “witch hunt 9wgz8puP6uu-00012-00016452-00017593 ”.The House bill would require states to establish independent commissions for drawing congressional districts, instead of the power residing mainly in the hands of state governors and legislatures 9wgz8puP6uu-00013-00017593-00018774 Tougher ethics standards would be imposed on members of Congress, and small campaign donations would be matched with federal funds to try to blunt the influence of big donors 9wgz8puP6uu-00014-00018774-00020253 Calling it the “Democrat Politician Protection Act,” McConnell has lambasted the legislation, arguing it would give Washington too much control over elections while unnecessarily using tax dollars for political campaigns 9wgz8puP6uu-00015-00020253-00021107 As Senate majority leader, McConnell has the power to largely decide what legislation is debated in the upper chamber 9xKsMmcTatY-00000-00000513-00001897 The annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) event attracts college Republicans, populists, nationalists, some libertarians, and the occasional Revolutionary reenactor 9xKsMmcTatY-00001-00001897-00004175 For the past three years, it's also attracted President Donald Trump.While waiting more than half-an-hour (much of it on their feet) for Trump's speech to begin, the CPAC audience was treated to a video montage of CPAC's chairman Matt Schlapp arguing against journalists and media personalities on a pro-Trump spree -- as event staff closed the doors and kept anyone from leaving 9xKsMmcTatY-00002-00004175-00005340 When he finally showed up, Trump did not disappoint. He spoke for more than two hours, delivering the longest speech of his presidency to a wildly enthusiastic crowd 9xKsMmcTatY-00003-00005340-00007095 In what felt at times like a standup comedy special -- "I'm in love, you're in love and we're all in love together," Trump told the audience at one point -- the President touched on favorite topics ranging from the Mueller investigation, North Korea, trade, and the Democrats' Green New Deal 9xKsMmcTatY-00004-00007095-00008334 .Here are the facts.Tariffs.In talking about trade and tariffs, Trump pulled out one of his favorite lines, telling the audience, "Billions of dollars right now are pouring into our Treasury 9xKsMmcTatY-00005-00008334-00009459 ".Facts First: Technically this is true. It's just that the billions of dollars aren't coming from foreign countries and companies, as Trump has suggested in the past 9xKsMmcTatY-00006-00009459-00010233 Instead, it's American companies and consumers that are paying most of the cost of these tariffs 9xKsMmcTatY-00007-00010233-00010888 We fact checked a similar statement from Trump during his speech in El Paso last month 9xKsMmcTatY-00008-00010888-00011836 Here's what we found:.When Trump talks about tariffs, he often talks about the amount of money that is now pouring into the US Treasury 9xKsMmcTatY-00009-00011836-00012727 He tends to give the impression that money is being paid by foreign companies. But that's not really what's happening 9xKsMmcTatY-00010-00012727-00013458 Instead, most of those tariffs are being paid by US companies that import those foreign goods 9xKsMmcTatY-00011-00013458-00014872 The real question is who bears the cost. Often, US companies will pass it on to the consumer by raising prices, while other times a company will reduce compensation or employment internally to offset these higher costs 9xKsMmcTatY-00012-00014872-00015950 In some instances, the Chinese supplier might take on the burden of the tariff by reducing its prices in order to maintain its price advantage in the US 9xKsMmcTatY-00013-00015950-00016768 Trump is trying to realign trade so that US products become more competitive with their cheaper Chinese alternatives 9xKsMmcTatY-00014-00016768-00018040 That will likely require a long-term adjustment of the US industrial base. In the short term, US consumers and companies will most likely end up bearing the cost of the tariffs 9xKsMmcTatY-00015-00018040-00019278 The Tax Foundation said last year that it expects the tariffs to lower the gross domestic product and wages, and cost American jobs, hitting lower- and middle-income households the hardest 9xKsMmcTatY-00016-00019278-00020146 Mueller.Trump also went after the Russia probe, claiming that "13 Democrats" work on Robert Mueller's team 9xKsMmcTatY-00017-00020146-00021023 Facts First: According to several reports, 13 members of Mueller's team have registered as Democrats in the past 9xKsMmcTatY-00018-00021023-00021671 The majority of them though have been longstanding Department of Justice employees 9xKsMmcTatY-00019-00021671-00022914 As CNN has previously reported:.Mueller assembled a team that at its peak consisted of at least 17 lawyers and "dozens" of FBI agents to help with his investigation 9xKsMmcTatY-00020-00022914-00023620 Nine of the lawyers donated to Democratic candidates before 2017, according to federal records 9xKsMmcTatY-00021-00023620-00024422 Eight of those lawyers gave only to Democrats, while one has donated to Democrats and Republicans before 9xKsMmcTatY-00022-00024422-00025874 It's worth noting that making political donations is within the rules and is not itself a disqualification, as Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein (who appointed Mueller as special counsel) told Congress in 2017 9xKsMmcTatY-00023-00025874-00027251 Asked by Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham whether political donations should prevent attorneys from working on the investigation, Rosenstein replied, "No, senator, it is not a disqualification 9xKsMmcTatY-00024-00027251-00028251 It is not.".The Washington Post has reported that "13 of the 17 members of Mueller's team have previously registered as Democrats 9xKsMmcTatY-00025-00028251-00029210 ".Mueller was a registered Republican as recently as 2017 and was appointed as FBI director under George W 9xKsMmcTatY-00026-00029210-00030393 Bush. Rosenstein is also a registered Republican.Trump also claimed that one of the lawyers on Mueller's team has been "involved with the Hillary Clinton Foundation, running it 9xKsMmcTatY-00027-00030393-00031103 ".Facts First: This is false. No one on Mueller's team ever ran the Clinton Foundation 9xKsMmcTatY-00028-00031103-00032248 Trump may be referring to one of Mueller's lawyers, Jeannie Rhee, who previously represented the Clinton Foundation in a civil racketeering lawsuit that was eventually dismissed 9xKsMmcTatY-00029-00032248-00033264 Manufacturing.Trump claimed that he brought back "600,000 beautiful manufacturing jobs that were never going to come back to our country 9xKsMmcTatY-00030-00033264-00034473 ".Facts First: While the pace of manufacturing job creation has increased since Trump took office in 2017, he is overstating the number by nearly 150,000 9xKsMmcTatY-00031-00034473-00035327 It's also unclear how much credit any president deserves for the decisions made by manufacturing companies to hire more workers 9xKsMmcTatY-00032-00035327-00036490 Based on current data, 454,000 manufacturing jobs were added since the beginning of 2017, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics 9xKsMmcTatY-00033-00036490-00037427 We've also fact checked the idea that manufacturing jobs were not increasing before Trump took office, something he has suggested before: 9xKsMmcTatY-00034-00037427-00038511 By the time former President Barack Obama left office, there were some 190,000 fewer manufacturing jobs than existed at the start of his administration 9xKsMmcTatY-00035-00038511-00039911 But that doesn't tell the whole story. The US was in a deep recession when Obama entered the White House in January 2009, and the manufacturing sector was shedding tens of thousands of jobs a month 9xKsMmcTatY-00036-00039911-00040896 But the losses stopped by early 2010. Over the next six-plus years, manufacturing jobs rose by more than 800,000 9xKsMmcTatY-00037-00040896-00042009 Under Trump, the pace of growth is certainly faster. During his first two years in office, the economy has added more than 470,000 manufacturing jobs 9xKsMmcTatY-00038-00042009-00043104 (According to MarketWatch, the manufacturing job growth from August 2017 to August 2018 was "the best 12-month stretch in 23 years 9xKsMmcTatY-00039-00043104-00044347 ").The reason for this result is likely multifaceted. Oil prices dropping, healthy job numbers nationwide, and deregulation are all often cited reasons for the uptick 9xKsMmcTatY-00040-00044347-00045065 However, the decline in vehicle sales paired with uncertainty around trade might harm these numbers 9xKsMmcTatY-00041-00045065-00045959 Also, while the number of manufacturing jobs continues to increase, the total is stil below its pre-recession level 9xKsMmcTatY-00042-00045959-00046792 Employment.Trump repeated the claim that "more people are working today in the United States than ever before in our country 9xKsMmcTatY-00043-00046792-00047787 ".Facts First: This is true but needs context.In a way, this is the equivalent of Trump taking credit for a growing population 9xKsMmcTatY-00044-00047787-00048451 The more relevant statistic is the percentage of people who are participating in the labor force 9xKsMmcTatY-00045-00048451-00049482 That number, which is up recently, still remains below pre-recession levels.Here's what we found when Trump made the same claim during his State of the Union address: 9xKsMmcTatY-00046-00049482-00050647 According to the most recent data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the total number of people employed in the US stands at 156,694,000 9xKsMmcTatY-00047-00050647-00051684 That works out to an employment-population ratio of 60.7 percent, according to data from the Federal Reserve, which is below the 64 9xKsMmcTatY-00048-00051684-00052758 7 percent ratio from April 2000. That figure from 2000 is the highest-ratio since 1948, when the Fed began mapping the data 9xKsMmcTatY-00049-00052758-00053730 Immigration.The President repeated the claim that one in three women are assaulted on the journey to the US southern border 9xKsMmcTatY-00050-00053730-00054615 Facts First: This appears to be somewhat true though there are reasons to be skeptical of the data it's based on 9xKsMmcTatY-00051-00054615-00055652 Trump made a similar claim during a speech on immigration in January. "One in three women are sexually assaulted on the dangerous trek up through Mexico 9xKsMmcTatY-00052-00055652-00056279 Women and children are the biggest victims by far of our broken system," he said 9xKsMmcTatY-00053-00056279-00057060 "This is the tragic reality of illegal immigration on our southern border.".Here's what we found at the time: 9xKsMmcTatY-00054-00057060-00058118 Indeed, the trek to the US-Mexico border has been reported to be violent. According to data from Doctors Without Borders, 68 9xKsMmcTatY-00055-00058118-00059356 3% of migrants and refugees "entering Mexico reported being victims of violence during their transit toward the United States," and nearly one-third of women said they'd been sexually abused 9xKsMmcTatY-00056-00059356-00061070 But this very violence is also why women have chosen to travel in caravans.This data from Doctors Without Borders, however, is measuring a small group of migrant women and more data is needed to accurately assess the number of women that are assaulted, physically or sexually 9xKsMmcTatY-00057-00061070-00062862 Abortion.Invoking the recent story of the "Covington kids" (where video of high school students approached by Native American activists created a media firestorm) CPAC chairman Matt Schlapp claimed on Saturday that New York and Virginia governors supported post-birth abortions 9xKsMmcTatY-00058-00062862-00063585 "How many of you followed this Covington story?" Schlapp asked the CPAC audience Saturday 9xKsMmcTatY-00059-00063585-00064949 "Do you know why they came to the nation's capital? They came to the nation's capital to march against what the governor of Virginia and the governor of New York want to see happen, which is literally post-birth abortions 9xKsMmcTatY-00060-00064949-00065866 ".Facts First: Recent legislation introduced in Virginia and New York has sought to ease restrictions on certain third-trimester abortions 9xKsMmcTatY-00061-00065866-00067172 Much of the current controversy stems from a radio interview Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam gave, in which he made some odd claims on proposed abortion legislation that created confusion around the bill 9xKsMmcTatY-00062-00067172-00067846 But Schlapp's characterization of the legislation in New York and Virginia is not accurate 9xKsMmcTatY-00063-00067846-00068551 Trump made a similar claim regarding New York and Virginia during his State of the Union address 9xKsMmcTatY-00064-00068551-00069551 Here's what we found in our SOTU fact check:.New York.The Reproductive Health Act, signed into law by New York Gov 9xKsMmcTatY-00065-00069551-00071061 Andrew Cuomo in January, allows for abortions after 24 weeks if an authorized health care practitioner determines that "the abortion is necessary to protect the patient's life or health" or if "there is an absence of fetal viability 9xKsMmcTatY-00066-00071061-00072061 ".New York's new law expands access to abortions into the third trimester by loosening restrictions on when the procedure is permitted 9xKsMmcTatY-00067-00072061-00072973 Previously, an abortion could only be performed after 24 weeks if the physician deemed it necessary to preserve the life of the mother 9xKsMmcTatY-00068-00072973-00073605 Under the new law, the requirement has been expanded to include the general health of the mother 9xKsMmcTatY-00069-00073605-00074804 Virginia.Virginia Democratic Delegate Kathy Tran recently sponsored legislation that would have relaxed certain requirements around third-trimester abortions in the state 9xKsMmcTatY-00070-00074804-00076259 Under current state law, third-trimester abortions can only be performed if three doctors agree the "pregnancy is likely to result in the death of the woman or substantially and irremediably impair the mental or physical health of the woman 9xKsMmcTatY-00071-00076259-00077382 " The failed bill would have reduced the number of physicians needed to approve the abortion to one, and removed "substantially and irremediably" from the language of justification for the abortion 9xKsMmcTatY-00072-00077382-00079378 During a committee hearing on the now defunct bill, Tran was asked "how late in the third trimester could a physician perform an abortion if he indicated it would impair the mental health of the woman?" "Through the third trimester," Tran responded, clarifying that there was no limit in the proposed bill for when an abortion could be performed prior to the birth 9xKsMmcTatY-00073-00079378-00080133 Northam was asked about Tran's comments in a Jan. 30 interview with the radio station WTOP 9xKsMmcTatY-00074-00080133-00081160 Northam began to explain what he thought occurs in such an instance. His comments sparked confusion and controversy among abortion opponents 9xKsMmcTatY-00075-00081160-00081797 "The infant would be delivered," Northam said, "the infant would be kept comfortable 9xKsMmcTatY-00076-00081797-00082740 The infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother 9xKsMmcTatY-00077-00082740-00083766 ".Later, a spokesperson for Northam said his "comments were limited to the actions physicians would take in the event that a woman in those circumstances [i 9xKsMmcTatY-00078-00083766-00085062 e. nonviable pregnancy and severe fetal abnormalities] went into labor.".This clarification, however, does not address the statement made by Northam that "the infant would be delivered 9xKsMmcTatY-00079-00085062-00086342 ".By the numbers.According to the Guttmacher Institute -- an organization focused on sexual and reproductive health -- "slightly more than 1% of abortions are performed at 21 weeks or later 9xKsMmcTatY-00080-00086342-00087457 " From states that report abortion procedures to the CDC, 638,169 abortions were performed in the US during 2015 9xKsMmcTatY-00081-00087457-00088142 The battle over abortion legislation continues to rage in state capitals around the country 9xKsMmcTatY-00082-00088142-00089349 Nothing is expected to come from the currently divided Congress. In February, the US Supreme Court blocked Louisiana's Unsafe Abortion Protection Act from taking effect 9xKsMmcTatY-00083-00089349-00090297 The law would have required a doctor to have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles of the facility where the abortion is performed 9xKsMmcTatY-00084-00090297-00092060 Opioids.While discussing the opioid epidemic and illicit drugs, Fox News contributor Sara Carter told CPAC's audience that in the height of the crisis, places in Ohio ran out of room for bodies in the morgues and had to put some in freezer trailers outside 9xKsMmcTatY-00085-00092060-00093781 "I've never seen anything quite like this then when I went to the epicenter in Ohio and other states who are facing this crisis," said Carter, "where the morgues were so overflowing with bodies that they had to rent freezer trailers to put the children in the freezer trailers outside of the mortuary 9xKsMmcTatY-00086-00093781-00094818 ".Facts First: This is true.Initially, Carter's claim was met with skepticism online, with some accusing her of overblowing the opioid crisis 9xKsMmcTatY-00087-00094818-00095761 As CNN reported, the state of Ohio purchased several mobile morgues (trucks that have refrigerated trailers) in the mid-2000s 9xKsMmcTatY-00088-00095761-00096634 Originally, the trailers were meant to be used for emergency/mass casualty incidents like mass shootings and so forth 9xKsMmcTatY-00089-00096634-00097929 Several times in 2015 and 2016 some morgues in Ohio had to use the trailers due to overcrowded morgues, with officials citing overdose deaths as the primary cause of the overflow 9xKsMmcTatY-00090-00097929-00099209 In 2017, Ohio Coroner in Montgomery County Dr. Kent Harshbarger told CNN "overdoses are coming in all the time and we're constantly full on a day-to-day basis 9xKsMmcTatY-00091-00099209-00100589 ".Tax cuts.While praising President Donald Trump during his remarks at CPAC, Vice President Mike Pence listed off some of the accomplishments he believes the administration has made in its first two years 9xKsMmcTatY-00092-00100589-00101986 Among them, of course, was the 2017 tax reform."With the support of this generation of conservatives, President Trump signed the largest tax cut and tax reform in American history," the Vice President said 9xKsMmcTatY-00093-00101986-00103169 "That's promises made and promises kept.".Facts First: The tax cut Trump signed into law in December 2017 was certainly large, but the largest? No 9xKsMmcTatY-00094-00103169-00104507 When it comes to measuring the size of these tax reforms, many studies look at how the federal tax revenue lost from the cut compares as a percentage of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) over time 9xKsMmcTatY-00095-00104507-00105301 An analysis from CNN on this very claim found that Trump's tax reform comes in at around -1 9xKsMmcTatY-00096-00105301-00106531 1% of GDP. By this measurement, the 2017 tax reform is below at least six previous tax cuts passed under presidents including Obama, George W 9xKsMmcTatY-00097-00106531-00109008 Bush, John F. Kennedy, and Reagan.When looking at the current inflation-adjusted dollar amount the tax reform would cost, it still comes in under the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012, Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010, and the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 according to data from the Treasury Department 9xKsMmcTatY-00098-00109008-00109661 No matter how many times the administration makes this claim, it's still incorrect 9xKsMmcTatY-00099-00109661-00110998 Dead cows.During the second day of CPAC, several speakers made jokes (some more seriously than others) about the Green New Deal, specifically suggesting that Democrats are looking to get rid of cows 9xKsMmcTatY-00100-00110998-00112388 Referencing the Green New Deal resolution, former Deputy Assistant to President Trump Sebastian Gorka claimed that Democrats "'want to take your pickup truck, they want to rebuild your home, they want to take away your hamburgers 9xKsMmcTatY-00101-00112388-00113299 This is what Stalin dreamt about but never achieved." Sen. Ted Cruz, too, made reference to the removal of cows 9xKsMmcTatY-00102-00113299-00114101 "I hope to see PETA supporting the Republican party," he said, "now that the Democrats want to kill all the cows 9xKsMmcTatY-00103-00114101-00115269 " Rep. Mark Meadows joined in on the joke, suggesting that Chick-Fil-A's stock will increase with Democrats "trying to get rid of all the cows," citing the Green New Deal 9xKsMmcTatY-00104-00115269-00116128 Facts First: Getting rid of cows was mentioned in a now-removed FAQ on the Green New Deal but is not in the actual resolution 9xKsMmcTatY-00105-00116128-00116954 Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's team released an FAQ following the Green New Deal resolution 9xKsMmcTatY-00106-00116954-00118550 Dealing with the question of why the resolution focused on "100% clean and renewable" energy as opposed to "100% renewable" the FAQ explained that "we aren't sure that we'll be able to fully get rid of farting cows and airplanes that fast 9xKsMmcTatY-00107-00118550-00119560 ".Those 18 words set off a wave of attacks from conservatives and Republicans, quickly becoming a focal point of their criticism of the Green New Deal 9xKsMmcTatY-00108-00119560-00120441 (The upcoming cover of the conservative magazine National Review features Ocasio-Cortez surrounded by cattle 9xKsMmcTatY-00109-00120441-00122181 ).The FAQ was later renounced by Ocasio-Cortez and her team, with her Chief of Staff Saikat Chakrabarti tweeting that an "early draft of a FAQ that was clearly unfinished and that doesn't represent the GND resolution got published to the website by mistake 9xKsMmcTatY-00110-00122181-00123787 ".Regarding agriculture, the resolution does not mention cows but focuses on "working collaboratively with farmers and ranchers in the United States to eliminate pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from the agricultural sector as much as is technologically feasible 9xKsMmcTatY-00111-00123787-00123887 " avFFEdgm6dc-00000-00000571-00002070 President Donald Trump predicted that he would likely be running against Sen. Bernie Sanders or former Vice President Joe Biden in the 2020 election, but he left open the possibility that he could face Mayor Pete Buttigieg avFFEdgm6dc-00001-00002070-00002775 “It may be Bernie has the most spirit over there right now,” Trump said. “Could be the mayor from Indiana avFFEdgm6dc-00002-00002775-00003444 I think I’d like running against him, too. But it’ll be interesting to see it unfold avFFEdgm6dc-00003-00003444-00004698 There’ll be very interested — a lot of times you can’t tell.”. .Trump commented on the 2020 Democratic primary in an interview with Sirius/XM host David Webb on Wednesday avFFEdgm6dc-00004-00004698-00005534 Buttigieg’s support has jumped in the early primary polls thanks to several successful interviews in the national media avFFEdgm6dc-00005-00005534-00006203 Trump said that Biden was “sleepy” and suggested that he would have a hard time staying in the race avFFEdgm6dc-00006-00006203-00006916 “I think Sleepy Joe’s going to have a hard time. He’s, you know, one percent Joe,” he said avFFEdgm6dc-00007-00006916-00007947 “I don’t think he’s going to make it.”.Trump warned against Americans choosing a socialist for president, noting that the current economic boom was fragile avFFEdgm6dc-00008-00007947-00008927 “Our country is doing so well and if we ever went socialistic, if we have become a socialist country, you could write off this country avFFEdgm6dc-00009-00008927-00009763 This country would go down so fast,” he said.But Trump said he also relished a debate with Sanders avFFEdgm6dc-00010-00009763-00010975 “I hear what Bernie says, and I hope I get an opportunity to run against him because it’ll be so easy to show, whether it’s his healthcare — that’s a disaster, it’s a disaster,” he said agXBFrTwEzo-00000-00000571-00002470 As Donald Trump fails to lobby Republican Senators to vote in favor of his national emergency declaration to build the wall he had campaigned on, investigators and committees are busy on several fronts, tearing down the walls he has built around a lifetime of shady activities as a businessman and real estate mogul agXBFrTwEzo-00001-00002470-00004625 We have all heard and read about how the Trump Organization has come under suspicion for insurance fraud and asset inflation in the wake of Michael Cohen’s testimony, and the list of document requests issued by congressional committees included a number of high profile members of the Trump Organization, such as Allen Weisselberg and Alan Garten, for example agXBFrTwEzo-00002-00004625-00006529 In the context of all these investigations, one storyline related to the Trump family’s real estate ventures that might finally receive the public attention it most likely deserves, is that of the Trump Organization’s involvement in the now abandoned Trump International Hotel & Tower project in Baku, Azerbaijan agXBFrTwEzo-00003-00006529-00008995 According to The New Yorker’s reporter Adam Davidson, this real estate project, in which the Trump Organization partnered with an Azerbaijani family that a 2014 Foreign Policy article characterized as “The Corleones of the Caspian” has all the hallmarks of a corrupt money laundering operation that may even involve dark money coming from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) agXBFrTwEzo-00004-00008995-00010160 The questions raised by Davidson’s article were serious enough to prompt Senator Sherrod Brown in March 2017 to call for a federal investigation of Donald Trump’s involvement agXBFrTwEzo-00005-00010160-00012751 Together with Senators Dianne Feinstein and Ben Cardin of the Senate’s Foreign Relations, Banking, and Judiciary committees, Brown wrote a joint letter to several Trump administration officials stating that “it appears that the lack of due diligence by the Trump Organization [ … ] exposed President Trump and his organization to notoriously corrupt Azerbaijani oligarchs, and may also have exposed the Trump Organization to the IRGC agXBFrTwEzo-00006-00012751-00013869 Even though the Trump Organization appears to have withdrawn from the Baku Tower deal, serious questions remain unanswered about the Trump Organization’s potential criminal liability'' crYXXXNhq-U-00000-00000513-00001772 Donald Trump has never been one to pay attention during briefings (or even care to attend them), but the president’s recent behavior during intelligence briefings should startle and worry every American crYXXXNhq-U-00001-00001772-00002720 It’s bad enough that staff have been forced to reduce briefing reports to bullet points to keep up with Trump’s toddler-like attention span crYXXXNhq-U-00002-00002720-00003582 Trump has also been skipping briefings altogether in favor of tweeting and watching Fox News during his “executive time crYXXXNhq-U-00003-00003582-00004559 ” And now, as per a report by the New York Times, the president is completely uninterested in intelligence briefings about terrorist attacks crYXXXNhq-U-00004-00004559-00005460 The NYT reported that Trump had been warned by briefers about hacking from Russia and China, but Trump doesn’t give a sh*t crYXXXNhq-U-00005-00005460-00006902 The NYT wrote:."In an effort to accommodate President Trump, who has attacked them publicly as ‘naïve’ and in need of going ‘back to school,’ the nation’s intelligence agencies have revamped their presentations to focus on subjects their No crYXXXNhq-U-00006-00006902-00008266 1 customer wants to hear about — economics and trade.”.Intelligence officers have stated that he doesn’t care about people being hurt, he only cares about who is winning and getting a financial advantage crYXXXNhq-U-00007-00008266-00009242 Quoting career CIA official Douglas H. Wise, the NYT wrote:"If Trump tailors it to his needs, that is fine and his prerogative crYXXXNhq-U-00008-00009242-00009927 However, if he suppresses intelligence through that tailoring, that is not helpful crYXXXNhq-U-00009-00009927-00010786 He is no longer making informed decisions because he is making decisions based on information he could have had but didn’t have crYXXXNhq-U-00010-00010786-00011740 ”.The fact that Trump is showing indifference to details about potential terrorist attacks or spy work in America is terrifying crYXXXNhq-U-00011-00011740-00012625 Time and time again, we’ve seen the president humiliate this country by not knowing what the f*ck’s going on crYXXXNhq-U-00012-00012625-00013563 And still, the president still hasn’t learned that it is his responsibility to protect and work in the best interest of the United States crYXXXNhq-U-00013-00013563-00014041 He only cares about one thing — himself cvhXjp-dvYU-00000-00000571-00002266 This weekend, in a move that was more presidential than anything Trump has done since the election, Speaker Nancy Pelosi participated in an “International Bridge Ceremony” in Laredo, TX with Mexican officials and dignitaries on a bridge connecting Mexico and the United States cvhXjp-dvYU-00001-00002266-00003656 During the celebration, Pelosi was seen sharing a hug with a Mexican official as part of the ceremony, which was organized and hosted by the Washington’s Birthday Celebration Association of Laredo (WBCA) cvhXjp-dvYU-00002-00003656-00005469 The organization chose to use George Washington’s birthday as the date for WBCA Celebration, (which is a month-long event held in Laredo, TX every February), in hopes that it “might offer the best of all cultures influencing the heritage of Laredo’s citizens,” according to the organization’s website cvhXjp-dvYU-00003-00005469-00006874 The website also states that as part of the bridge ceremony, Mexican and American dignitaries and officials come together to share “abrazos,” or hugs, to symbolize “the amity and understanding between two neighboring nation cvhXjp-dvYU-00004-00006874-00007973 ”.Speaker Pelosi was invited to the ceremony by Texas Rep. Henry Cuellar, who she thanked in a tweet that she posted on Saturday afternoon chU3w5zcmjk-00000-00000513-00001406 Donald Trump tapped into working America’s anger, frustration, and fear over their own futures and those of their children chU3w5zcmjk-00001-00001406-00002545 Money-hungry corporations shipped the good jobs available with a high school diploma offshore, pulling people’s opportunity to join the middle class out from under them chU3w5zcmjk-00002-00002545-00004107 Unfortunately, they believed POTUS’ lies with this consequence.A woman angrier than ever, because Trump has not come through but hoping against hope that he will, yelled into the microphone that she was willing to accept Trump as her “dictator:” chU3w5zcmjk-00003-00004107-00005350 ‘This is unbelievable:.‘Trump supporter At Steve Bannon’s Rally: “Never in my life did I think I’d like to see a dictator, but if there’s going to be one, I want it to be trump”‘ chU3w5zcmjk-00004-00005350-00006683 Clearly, Republicans have been a do-nothing Congress. What this woman did not realize was that they simply turned their power over to Trump, and Democrats have actually been trying to protect her chU3w5zcmjk-00005-00006683-00007628 Like the child of an abusive parent, this woman hopes that the president will protect her against the abuse he has poured over democracy chU3w5zcmjk-00006-00007628-00008286 If that meant total surrender of all of her rights, then she was willing to have him as her dictator chU3w5zcmjk-00007-00008286-00009540 She still believed POTUS’ lies about the Democrats and his fictitious memorial wall along the nation’s southern border, because it was easier to blame a shadowy enemy than the enemy at home chU3w5zcmjk-00008-00009540-00010546 At a Steve Bannon rally, she shouted:.‘I am so upset that we’ve got so much trash that is supposedly representing us in Washington!’ chU3w5zcmjk-00009-00010546-00011588 Former 2016 Trump campaign CEO Steve Bannon presented a surprising voice of reason, saying that she could elect the Congress she wanted: chU3w5zcmjk-00010-00011588-00012983 ‘You can take the trash out.’.However, the tormented woman was not finished:.‘Never in my life did I think I’d like to see a dictator. But if there’s going to be one, I want it to be Trump!’ chU3w5zcmjk-00011-00012983-00013430 The room applauded her. Bannon smiled cinl9lrDtMu-00000-00000571-00001723 President Donald Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen has testified that President Trump directed him to lie to Congress about Trump’s business dealings with Russia during the campaign cinl9lrDtMu-00001-00001723-00002708 The weakness of the accusation is that Cohen does not seem to have any evidence, other than his own testimony, that the conversation took place cinl9lrDtMu-00002-00002708-00003413 But now CNN reports that Cohen has evidence of Trump obstructing justice by dangling a pardon cinl9lrDtMu-00003-00003413-00004544 And this time he has proof. .AS reported by CNN, Robert Costello, an attorney working with Rudy Giuliani, emailed Cohen on April 21 cinl9lrDtMu-00004-00004544-00005281 The emails assured Cohen he could “sleep well tonight” because he had “friends in high places cinl9lrDtMu-00005-00005281-00006260 ”.This is a really, really big deal. The power to pardon convicted criminals for federal crimes is a legitimate use of presidential authority cinl9lrDtMu-00006-00006260-00007425 Whether it’s legitimate for the president to use this power to pardon criminals who committed crimes on his behalf, or might have otherwise testified against him, is a subject of intense debate cinl9lrDtMu-00007-00007425-00008115 What’s not a subject of intense debate is whether a president can dangle a pardon cinl9lrDtMu-00008-00008115-00009483 As Alex Whiting explained, the argument for why a president can pardon his own subordinates is that it’s a public act, and the voters can examine the facts and look at whether the president acted corruptly in issuing the pardon cinl9lrDtMu-00009-00009483-00010510 “As long as it remained secret,” he notes, “it could be done without incurring any of the political downstream consequences that come with actually pardoning someone'' cinl9lrDtMu-00010-00010510-00011174 But the emails would be powerful evidence of an undeniable act of obstruction of justice cinl9lrDtMu-00011-00011174-00011821 To begin with, Costello might be asked to testify to Congress about it pretty soon cinl9lrDtMu-00012-00011821-00012519 According to The New York Times, federal prosecutors have requested copies of the emails cinl9lrDtMu-00013-00012519-00013483 It also adds that, after the “friends in high places line,” Costello wrote, “Some very positive comments about you from the White House cinl9lrDtMu-00014-00013483-00014266 Rudy noted how that followed my chat with him last night.” That doesn’t sound like counseling a depressed friend cinl9lrDtMu-00015-00014266-00014872 It sounds a lot like floating a pardon in return for keeping your mouth shut dFMfDHX8Q4k-00000-00000513-00001377 President Donald Trump claims that Jewish Americans, who are traditionally staunch supporters of the Democratic Party, are leaving it dFMfDHX8Q4k-00001-00001377-00002258 A look at the polling data finds, however, that Jewish Americans continue overwhelmingly to be Democrats and opposed to Trump dFMfDHX8Q4k-00002-00002258-00003041 Jewish Americans voted for the Democratic Party by about a 3:1 margin in the 2018 midterm elections dFMfDHX8Q4k-00003-00003041-00004580 This was true whether you looked at the exit poll data, a large pre-election study of Jewish Americans for the non-partisan American Jewish Committee conducted by SSRS (who conducts CNN's national polls) or other non-partisan studies dFMfDHX8Q4k-00004-00004580-00005343 Other polls for partisan organizations with large sample sizes also back up these findings dFMfDHX8Q4k-00005-00005343-00006236 In the exit poll, Jewish voters backed the Democratic candidate for Congress by a 79% to 17% margin dFMfDHX8Q4k-00006-00006236-00006850 Jewish Americans are far more likely to call themselves Democrats than Republicans dFMfDHX8Q4k-00007-00006850-00007887 In the 2018 exit poll, 64% of Jewish voters identified as Democrats compared to only 10% who called themselves Republican dFMfDHX8Q4k-00008-00007887-00009104 The SSRS pre-election poll put the Democratic identification advantage among Jewish Americans at a slightly less impressive but still quite large 51% to 16% dFMfDHX8Q4k-00009-00009104-00009788 The rest of the voters either identified as either independent or not with any party dFMfDHX8Q4k-00010-00009788-00010747 Further, when it comes to party identification, Jewish Americans are just as Democratic as they were before Trump became president dFMfDHX8Q4k-00011-00010747-00011732 In the 2016 SSRS poll, 51% of Jewish Americans were Democrats compared to 18% who were Republicans dFMfDHX8Q4k-00012-00011732-00012552 That's the same percentage who were Democrats in 2018, while Republicans actually saw a 2-point drop dFMfDHX8Q4k-00013-00012552-00014127 Polls indicate Jewish Americans aren't fans of Trump. The 2018 exit poll, Gallup in 2017 and SSRS in 2018 all put his approval or favorable rating at 26% or lower among Jewish Americans dFMfDHX8Q4k-00014-00014127-00015389 His disapproval and unfavorable rating among Jewish Americans is north of 70%, while his strongly disapprove or strongly unfavorable is higher than 60% dFMfDHX8Q4k-00015-00015389-00016886 The data also doesn't appear to show that Jews are voting more Republican. The Democratic vote share among Jewish Americans was, if anything, higher in the 2018 House vote than it was in the 2016 presidential vote dFMfDHX8Q4k-00016-00016886-00017959 Comparing the 2016 and 2018 exit poll, the Jewish American vote going Democratic rose from 71% to 79% dFMfDHX8Q4k-00017-00017959-00018907 According to SSRS, it rose from 67% to 74% after taking out those who said they wouldn't vote dFMfDHX8Q4k-00018-00018907-00020177 Another way to look at it is a longer time trend. The Pew Research Center has collected data on party identification among various groups, including Jewish Americans, since the 1990s dFMfDHX8Q4k-00019-00020177-00021290 Their last report published in 2018 noted that the Democratic Party advantage over the Republican Party among Jewish Americans has "little changed over the last decade dFMfDHX8Q4k-00020-00021290-00022233 ".In fact, we can go all the way back to 1994, when Pew first has data on the party identification of Jewish Americans dFMfDHX8Q4k-00021-00022233-00023275 In that year, 49% of Jewish Americans called themselves Democrats when asked whether they were Democratic, Republican or independent dFMfDHX8Q4k-00022-00023275-00024186 That's about the same as the 51% of Jewish Americans who called themselves Democrats in the 2018 SSRS poll dFMfDHX8Q4k-00023-00024186-00025239 Now, Jewish Americans are not a monolithic group. Reform Jewish Americans are even more Democratic leaning than the average Jewish American dFMfDHX8Q4k-00024-00025239-00026422 Orthodox Jewish Americans are far more likely to be Republican than Democratic.But when it comes to the average Jewish American, she or he remains strongly Democratic deYG5xuSG8k-00000-00000571-00001793 The Trump administration quietly shut down a US intelligence unit focusing on domestic terrorism, despite an uptick in right-wing domestic terrorism in 2017 and 2018 deYG5xuSG8k-00001-00001793-00002830 According to The Daily Beast, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) dismantled its intelligence group a year ago and never announced it deYG5xuSG8k-00002-00002830-00003974 Former intelligence officials say the intelligence unit could have studied violent threats like the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting and attempted bombing of Democrats and media figures deYG5xuSG8k-00003-00003974-00004808 The group produced reports about domestic terrorists and violent extremists from within the borders of the United States deYG5xuSG8k-00004-00004808-00005429 It also provided local law enforcement communities with guidance on how to handle them deYG5xuSG8k-00005-00005429-00006508 The Trump administration reportedly reassigned everyone in the group, within the DHS’s Intelligence and Analysis department, to different positions within the DHS deYG5xuSG8k-00006-00006508-00008405 Former intelligence officials told the Daily Beast that the group, were it still functioning, would have analyzed the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting that left 11 people dead, the attempted bombing of Democrats and media members by a supporter of President Donald Trump, and the shooting of Republican members of Congress deYG5xuSG8k-00007-00008405-00009267 All of those threats were carried out by people living within the United States with extremist right-wing ideologies deYG5xuSG8k-00008-00009267-00011484 Nate Snyder, a former DHS official who oversaw department policies and studied violent extremism, said that ending the intelligence group undercuts claims by Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen that the United States is taking great measures to combat extremist attacks —Trump himself has said he doesn’t think white nationalism is a rising threat deYG5xuSG8k-00009-00011484-00013592 “You hear the secretary and this administration say how domestic terrorism is a clear priority and how resources will be bolstered, but you can’t say that and then all of a sudden get rid of the unit that’s there to detect threats and share information with our first responders, law enforcement, and federal partners,” Snyder told the Daily Beast deYG5xuSG8k-00010-00013592-00013903 “You can’t have it both ways.” fzwNJ-LadGk-00000-00000000-00001248 In an exclusive interview with The Hill, President Donald Trump was asked what he viewed the biggest mistake in American history and his answer just sent the Republican Party on a whirlwind spiral fzwNJ-LadGk-00001-00001248-00001961 The worst single mistake ever made in the history of our country: going into the Middle East, by President Bush fzwNJ-LadGk-00002-00001961-00002831 Obama may have gotten them [U.S.soldiers] out wrong, but going in is to me the biggest single mistake made in the history of our country fzwNJ-LadGk-00003-00002831-00003831 ” Because we spent $7 trillion in the Middle East.Now if you wanna fix a window some place they say, ‘oh gee, let’s not do it fzwNJ-LadGk-00004-00003831-00004542 Seven trillion, and millions of lives — you know, ‘cause I like to count both sides fzwNJ-LadGk-00005-00004542-00005320 Millions of lives.To me it’s the worst single mistake made in the history of our country fzwNJ-LadGk-00006-00005320-00006624 Civil war you can understand.Civil war, civil war.That’s different.For us to have gone into the Middle East, and that was just, that was a bad day for this country, I will tell you fzwNJ-LadGk-00007-00006624-00007833 ” That’s right — for once Trump didn’t pin the entire blame on President Obama, he full-on blasted a member of his own party, presumably the worst move he can make right now for the GOP fzwNJ-LadGk-00008-00007833-00008902 Between his time as a presidential candidate and his twenty months in the White House, Trump has personally attacked 11 Republicans, which is essentially unheard of fzwNJ-LadGk-00009-00008902-00009756 The president mistakenly shows no restraint going after fellow Republicans, even though it gives his party a bad reputation fzwNJ-LadGk-00010-00009756-00010819 On a side note — yes, the Bush-era years were some of the worst in our history, forcing Obama to inherit a mess and do some damage control fzwNJ-LadGk-00011-00010819-00011532 But President Trump has equaled and some may go as far as saying surpassed Bush’s historic disasters fzwNJ-LadGk-00012-00011532-00012394 In a way, Trump is admitting that the Republican Party is to blame for our countries greatest strategic catastrophe fpuMygd2LE0-00000-00000571-00001535 He's had three national security advisers, three chiefs of staff and three attorneys general and he hasn't even been in office for three years fpuMygd2LE0-00001-00001535-00002337 One other result of the chaotic churn in President Donald Trump's Cabinet is that he has fewer women -- down to just three fpuMygd2LE0-00002-00002337-00003337 Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was forced out over the weekend because her boss wanted a more hardline immigration policy fpuMygd2LE0-00003-00003337-00004727 The repercussions of her departure have already led to what one source described to CNN's Kaitlan Collins as a "near-systematic purge" at the agency that oversees immigration and the nation's borders, among many other things fpuMygd2LE0-00004-00004727-00005821 It comes after the announcement less than two weeks ago that Small Business Administrator Linda McMahon is leaving her position to join Trump's outside political group fpuMygd2LE0-00005-00005821-00007185 McMahon, who made a fortune as the executive in charge of the WWE, which at one point featured Trump, will stay in his orbit as she tries to raise money for the super PAC that will try to help him win reelection fpuMygd2LE0-00006-00007185-00008154 The current commissioner of Customs and Border Protection, Kevin McAleenan, will temporarily take on the duties of homeland security secretary fpuMygd2LE0-00007-00008154-00009290 It's not clear who will take over for McMahon.They were preceded by UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, whose position has gone unfilled since her departure months ago fpuMygd2LE0-00008-00009290-00010170 Depending on who permanently replaces Nielsen and McMahon, Trump will have just three women sitting at the table for Cabinet meetings fpuMygd2LE0-00009-00010170-00011108 Haley's UN position -- one that has been filled by a succession of women -- was downgraded, leaving 23 Cabinet-level positions fpuMygd2LE0-00010-00011108-00012229 Counting the vacated roles, that leaves women as just 13% of Trump's Cabinet-level officials, a lower percentage than either Barack Obama or George W fpuMygd2LE0-00011-00012229-00012965 Bush and the lowest in decades, according to the Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers fpuMygd2LE0-00012-00012965-00014661 It's not clear that the remaining women in Trump's Cabinet are in any danger, though Education Secretary Betsy DeVos has been under scrutiny recently for her department's short-lived proposal to cut funding for the Special Olympics, which briefly put her on the wrong side of Trump fpuMygd2LE0-00013-00014661-00015972 Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao -- the wife of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell -- and CIA Director Gina Haspel, Trump's replacement for his now-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, are the other two fpuMygd2LE0-00014-00015972-00017367 Turnover in top positions.But the shrinking number of women in Trump's Cabinet is just one symptom of the remarkable changeover among his top staffers, something that's been chronicled throughout his presidency fpuMygd2LE0-00015-00017367-00018341 He's had five communications directors, for instance, which is not a Cabinet-level position but has been a central role for previous White Houses fpuMygd2LE0-00016-00018341-00019031 That position is currently vacant, essentially filled by Trump and his Twitter feed fpuMygd2LE0-00017-00019031-00020227 There is also not currently a permanent chief of staff, supposedly the president's right hand, and a position that does not require Senate approval, although it does have Cabinet rank fpuMygd2LE0-00018-00020227-00020945 Reince Priebus came first, the Republican insider who lasted a little more than six months in the role fpuMygd2LE0-00019-00020945-00021705 John Kelly lasted longer, a year and half, from July of 2017 through the end of 2018 fpuMygd2LE0-00020-00021705-00022959 Rather than give his successor the title outright, Trump made Mick Mulvaney, who is still technically the director of the Office of Management and Budget, a sort-of promotion to acting chief of staff fpuMygd2LE0-00021-00022959-00023811 A deputy of Mulvaney's is now acting OMB director.Acting leaders.And that's another key theme of Trump's presidency fpuMygd2LE0-00022-00023811-00024801 He'll fire or push out a Cabinet secretary who frustrates him and then wait months to nominate a permanent successor, even in crucial roles fpuMygd2LE0-00023-00024801-00025402 That's what happened with Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the nation's top lawyer fpuMygd2LE0-00024-00025402-00026496 Trump pushed Sessions out of the role after more than a year of venting his frustration that Sessions had recused himself from the Russia election interference investigation fpuMygd2LE0-00025-00026496-00028118 The President waited a month to nominate William Barr in Sessions' place.At the Pentagon, Patrick Shanahan has been acting secretary of defense for nearly four months and it's still not clear if Trump will nominate him as a permanent replacement fpuMygd2LE0-00026-00028118-00029077 Turnover in national security, diplomacy positions.Shanahan isn't the only key national security official to be left hanging fpuMygd2LE0-00027-00029077-00030190 Trump forced out his first secretary of state, Rex Tillerson, who he routinely disagreed with on policy, and elevated his then-CIA director, Mike Pompeo fpuMygd2LE0-00028-00030190-00031206 His first defense secretary, James Mattis, wrote a letter outlining his opposition to Trump's plans to pull troops from Syria and Afghanistan fpuMygd2LE0-00029-00031206-00032164 The mainstay of Trump's national security team is Dan Coats, the director of national intelligence, although he has publicly disagreed with Trump fcq68zdMeoA-00000-00000571-00001749 On Tuesday, the Southern District of New York publicly released a partially redacted copy of the affidavit and search warrant served to Michael Cohen for the raiding of his residence and office fcq68zdMeoA-00001-00001749-00002577 And as you read through them, one thing becomes rather clear: Donald Trump is in even more trouble than imaginable fcq68zdMeoA-00002-00002577-00004191 It’s bad enough that Robert Mueller had been investigating everyone in Donald Trump’s inner circle a year before the Michael Cohen raid, but the newly released documents show that the first FBI actually began investigating Cohen at least nine months prior to the raid fcq68zdMeoA-00003-00004191-00004878 Additionally, the fact that 19-pages are blacked out only adds more insult to the injury fcq68zdMeoA-00004-00004878-00006231 How so? Well, more than likely, these 19-pages have been blacked out because they contain pertinent or otherwise sensitive information related to an ongoing SDNY criminal investigation fcq68zdMeoA-00005-00006231-00007469 And in most multi-tier criminal investigations such as this, far more often than not, blacked out pages usually mean one thing: That a much bigger target has been named within them fcq68zdMeoA-00006-00007469-00008047 If Donald Trump wasn’t already terrified, he should be now g8Wny15gei4-00000-00000513-00001393 As his scandals continue to close in on him, Donald Trump’s behavior in recent days has become more strange than ever g8Wny15gei4-00001-00001393-00002357 He’s attacked deceased war hero John McCain four times in the past week. He’s attacked the husband of one of his senior advisers g8Wny15gei4-00002-00002357-00003269 As Trump becomes more frantic, can he top all this in the weirdness department? He may have just done precisely that g8Wny15gei4-00003-00003269-00004089 This evening Donald Trump sent out an email to his supporters with the subject line “Witch Hunt Report Attached" g8Wny15gei4-00004-00004089-00005209 The subject line also includes an image of a paperclip, aimed at tricking recipients into believing that a document of some kind has been attached to the email g8Wny15gei4-00005-00005209-00005946 Then the first line of the email says “[SORRY THIS DOCUMENT IS BLANK].” Wait, what? g8Wny15gei4-00006-00005946-00007722 After the weird fake-out that even Trump’s own base probably isn’t gullible enough to fall for, the email then claims that “loser Democrats and their friends in the Fake News Media” have been claiming that “they plan to release the report ‘soon’ but they’ve been saying that for OVER 2 YEARS" g8Wny15gei4-00007-00007722-00008744 This is weird, considering the report will be released by Robert Mueller and the Department of Justice, not the “loser Democrats” or the “Fake News Media" g8Wny15gei4-00008-00008744-00009817 Of course this entire bizarre email turns out to be an attempt at luring recipients into taking a poll about whether the “Witch Hunt” should end g8Wny15gei4-00009-00009817-00011748 It’s all part of a Trump 2020 campaign fundraiser. The timing is interesting when you consider that Donald Trump is trying to fundraise off the premise that he’s done nothing wrong, even as Forbes reported yesterday that Trump has funneled more than a million dollars of these donations into his own businesses gwl3ogkoZNI-00000-00000571-00001482 Just when you thought Ivanka might escape any kind of implication into the Russia scandal, the New York Times blows a story wide open gwl3ogkoZNI-00001-00001482-00002660 The Trump Organization was recently required to turn over a batch of emails as part of the ongoing investigation into interference with the 2016 presidential election gwl3ogkoZNI-00002-00002660-00004016 In emails obtained by the New York Times, Felix Sater wrote to Donald Trump’s attorney Michael Cohen regarding building a “Trump Tower” in Moscow, saying: “I will get Putin in on this program and we will get Donald elected'' gwl3ogkoZNI-00003-00004016-00004928 As Felix Sater’s name becomes increasingly recognizable to the public, one wonders whether he will prove to be the nadir of Trump’s presidency gwl3ogkoZNI-00004-00004928-00006307 Despite Trump’s repeated attempts to disavow any knowledge of Sater — though Felix Sater helped to finance the much maligned Trump SoHo project and held an office in Trump Tower — he will not go away from the zeitgeist gwl3ogkoZNI-00005-00006307-00007219 In particular, he is playing an increasingly troublesome role for Donald Trump, an arguably delightful role for Robert Mueller gwl3ogkoZNI-00006-00007219-00008877 In addition to stating that somehow Vladimir Putin would be responsible for installing Donald Trump as president, the emails from the New York Times also show Sater proclaiming, “I arranged for Ivanka to sit in Putins [sic] private chair at his desk and office in the Kremlin'' gwl3ogkoZNI-00007-00008877-00009857 Sater continued, “If he says it we own this election. Americas most difficult adversary agreeing that Donald is a good guy to negotiate'' gwl3ogkoZNI-00008-00009857-00010473 This is the first instance that Ivanka Trump has been brought directly into the fray gwl3ogkoZNI-00009-00010473-00011408 She maintains that she has never actually met with Vladmir Putin and only ever visited the Kremlin as part of a tour of Red Square gwl3ogkoZNI-00010-00011408-00012343 Ivanka Trump claims to not remember whether she sat in Putin’s chair during the tour, although she admitted that it was possible hQrrxn_M0i0-00000-00000571-00002668 No one has been a bigger convert on President Donald Trump than Lindsey Graham.Way back in 2015, when the South Carolina senator was challenging the billionaire businessman for the Republican presidential nomination, Graham said this of Trump: "You know how you make America great again? Tell Donald Trump to go to hell hQrrxn_M0i0-00001-00002668-00003426 " And, oh yeah, Graham also called Trump a "race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot hQrrxn_M0i0-00002-00003426-00004580 ".Fast-forward to the here and now. "To every Republican, if you don't stand behind this President, we're not going to stand behind you," Graham said in South Carolina recently hQrrxn_M0i0-00003-00004580-00005544 "This is the defining moment of his presidency. It's not just about a wall. It's about him being treated different than any other president hQrrxn_M0i0-00004-00005544-00006649 " (In 2017, Graham said he was "the happiest dude in America right now," adding: "We have got a President and a national security team that I've been dreaming of for eight years hQrrxn_M0i0-00005-00006649-00008026 ").Graham's 180-degree turn on Trump has been particularly pronounced of late, as he has carefully calibrated his responses to the President's attacks on the late John McCain -- Graham's best friend in the Senate hQrrxn_M0i0-00006-00008026-00009157 After taking heat for his lackluster original response to Trump's attacks, Graham was more full-throated in his response on Wednesday; "When it comes to criticizing Sen hQrrxn_M0i0-00007-00009157-00010468 McCain and his service, I think that's a huge mistake," Graham said of Trump.On Thursday morning, we got hard evidence that proves a) why Graham is playing so nice with Trump and b) that it's working hQrrxn_M0i0-00008-00010468-00011565 A new Winthrop Poll shows that almost three in four Republicans and Republican leaners (74%) approve of the job that Graham is doing in the state hQrrxn_M0i0-00009-00011565-00012380 That's similar to Trump's 82% job approval rating among South Carolina Republicans in that same poll hQrrxn_M0i0-00010-00012380-00013258 "Graham's approval has benefited from his defense of, and alignment with, President Trump," Winthrop Poll director Dr hQrrxn_M0i0-00011-00013258-00014818 Scott Huffmon said. "While Graham's numbers used to lag those of other Republicans among GOP identifiers, since he has taken up the President's banner on most every issue, his approval among Republicans in South Carolina has steadily risen hQrrxn_M0i0-00012-00014818-00015651 ".Graham admitted that his embrace of Trump is politically motivated in an interview with The New York Times' Mark Leibovich hQrrxn_M0i0-00013-00015651-00016578 "If you don't want to get re-elected, you're in the wrong business," he said.Graham is, undoubtedly, focused on his political future hQrrxn_M0i0-00014-00016578-00017889 He's up for re-election in 2020 and, unlike in his past fights for a new term, there don't appear to be significant conservative forces amassing to challenge him in next year's GOP primary hfp2vNTVKcy-00000-00000571-00001561 Thanks to an extradition request from the United States, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was arrested by UK authorities in London hfp2vNTVKcy-00001-00001561-00003447 At first glance, it’s too difficult to determine what this means, as it could have stemmed from William Barr as an effort to silence Assange about Trump-Russia, or it could have been a direct result of the DOJ working around Barr in order to get to Assange to see if it could get some answers regarding the alleged scandal hfp2vNTVKcy-00002-00003447-00004975 Regardless, Donald Trump was given the opportunity to speak to a pool of reporters on the matter, and his comments were interesting to say the least, especially considering they contradicted comments he made just weeks before the 2016 election hfp2vNTVKcy-00003-00004975-00006075 “I know nothing about WikiLeaks. It’s not my thing, and I know there is something having to do with Julian Assange,” Trump said about the Assange arrest hfp2vNTVKcy-00004-00006075-00007642 “I’ve been seeing what’s happened with Assange.”.However, it appears Donald Trump completely forgot about the tweet he posted prior to the 2016 election, attacking the Clinton campaign while defending WikiLeaks as a legitimate intel source: hfp2vNTVKcy-00005-00007642-00008378 “Very little pick-up by the dishonest media of incredible information provided by WikiLeaks hfp2vNTVKcy-00006-00008378-00009789 So dishonest! Rigged system!” he wrote.Then, days later, he tweeted that “WikiLeaks proves even the Clinton campaign knew Crooked mishandled classified info, but no one gets charged? RIGGED!” hfp2vNTVKcy-00007-00009789-00010583 And let’s not forget about his comments at a political rally, where he said “oh, we love WikiLeaks hfp2vNTVKcy-00008-00010583-00011294 ”.So what gives? Why the sudden change of heart? Seems awfully convenient if you ask me hfp2vNTVKcy-00009-00011294-00012414 When the election was at stake and Julian Assange and WikiLeaks were working to rig it in his favor, he had no problem praising them with each opportunity he was given to do so hfp2vNTVKcy-00010-00012414-00013456 But now, with his own DOJ arresting Assange a criminal, we’re expected to believe he knows nothing about them? Seriously? Has the man lost his mind? hfp2vNTVKcy-00011-00013456-00013843 Yes. Yes, he has iBTAkJzehtI-00000-00000571-00001694 Sen. Rand Paul has joined the list of GOP Senators who are abandoning Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s pledge to support the border emergency declaration by President Donald Trump iBTAkJzehtI-00001-00001694-00002990 “I can’t vote to give the president the power to spend money that hasn’t been appropriated by Congress,” Paul told a home-state audience at Western Kentucky University’s Augenstein Alumni Center on May 2 iBTAkJzehtI-00002-00002990-00004311 “We may want more money for border security, but Congress didn’t authorize it. If we take away those checks and balances, it’s a dangerous thing,” he said, according to the Bowling Green Daily News iBTAkJzehtI-00003-00004311-00004949 Paul is the fifth GOP Senator who says he will oppose Trump’s emergency declaration iBTAkJzehtI-00004-00004949-00005779 His vote will allow Democrats to get a resolution against emergency spending through the Senate with a vote or two to spare iBTAkJzehtI-00005-00005779-00006717 But Trump’s emergency declaration is expected to survive because Trump can veto the Democrats’ resolution against the emergency iBTAkJzehtI-00006-00006717-00007728 Trump is using the emergency declaration to redirect several billion dollars of appropriated funds to help build additional miles of border wall iBTAkJzehtI-00007-00007728-00008587 The declaration comes after the D.C. establishment largely blocked Trump’s 2016 mandate for immigration reform iBTAkJzehtI-00008-00008587-00010557 The GOP and Democratic establishments have done little to reverse the rising death toll from smuggled drugs, little to stop the rising inflow of low-wage economic migrants, and little to reverse the chaotic diversity in blue-collar neighborhoods which is being caused by the establishment’s cheap-labor immigration policy iBTAkJzehtI-00009-00010557-00011380 Democrats need support from 20 GOP Senators to get the 67 votes needed to override Trump’s veto iBTAkJzehtI-00010-00011380-00012612 McConnell agreed to support the border emergency and the associated funding for the border-wall, in exchange for Trump’s support of GOP’s botched 2019 budget agreement with the Democrats iBTAkJzehtI-00011-00012612-00013582 The deal provided Trump with money for just 55 miles of wall, and conditions that allow Democrats to block construction until October iguVk1d5T4M-00000-00000571-00001524 House Democrats voted Wednesday to condemn the Donald Trump administration’s support for a lawsuit that would entirely repeal Obamacare iguVk1d5T4M-00001-00001524-00002540 The House passed H. Res. 271, which condemns “the Trump administration’s legal campaign to take away Americans’ health care iguVk1d5T4M-00002-00002540-00003530 ” The resolution passed 240-186, with one Republican voting “present.” Eight Republicans supported the measure iguVk1d5T4M-00003-00003530-00005455 Rep. Colin Allred (D-TX) sponsored the bill.President Trump reignited the national conversation over the future of health care when his Department of Justice (DOJ) backed a federal judge’s ruling that the entire Affordable Care Act (ACA) violates the Constitution and must be repealed iguVk1d5T4M-00004-00005455-00006879 Nearly Two-Thirds of Democrats Reject Mueller Findings.After many congressional Republicans signaled that they have no interest in a healthcare overhaul, Trump said that they will vote on an Obamacare replace after the 2020 election iguVk1d5T4M-00005-00006879-00007767 Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said that he is “focusing on stopping the ‘Democrats’ Medicare for none’ scheme iguVk1d5T4M-00006-00007767-00009034 ”.During a National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) fundraiser Tuesday night, Trump said that Republicans will continue to lose elections if they run away from health care iguVk1d5T4M-00007-00009034-00010087 “We have to win, we have to take back the House,” Trump said. “What really lost it and really helped us lose it was health care because we didn’t have an alternative iguVk1d5T4M-00008-00010087-00010187 ” jJR5Z7q1XQQ-00000-00000571-00001924 Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 84, recently crushed Donald Trump’s dream that her retirement may be imminent by announcing on Thursday that she has hired a full slate of clerks through 2020 jJR5Z7q1XQQ-00001-00001924-00003201 Ginsburg’s newest hires include: Alyssa Barnard, a Columbia Law graduate; Harvard Law grads Marco Basile and Susan Pelletier; and Stanford Law grad Michael Qian jJR5Z7q1XQQ-00002-00003201-00004149 President Trump actually demanded Ginsburg resign after she criticized him during the 2016 presidential campaign cycle jJR5Z7q1XQQ-00003-00004149-00004745 Trump cited for his reasoning her “dumb political statements” and inferred “mind is shot jJR5Z7q1XQQ-00004-00004745-00006048 ” Ruth Bader Ginsburg eventually apologized for bashing the then-candidate.During his presidency, she’s been much more measured in her comments about his job performance, but the shade is there jJR5Z7q1XQQ-00005-00006048-00006947 Of course it. This is why she is so beloved. Ginsburg said, in a February interview with the BBC’s Newsnight: jJR5Z7q1XQQ-00006-00006947-00008036 “We’re not experiencing the best of times.”.Back in November 2017, Trump had the hubris to release a list of potential Supreme Court nominees jJR5Z7q1XQQ-00007-00008036-00008898 He got very lucky that his party was able to hold Scalia’s seat hostage so that he could install Neil Gorsuch jJR5Z7q1XQQ-00008-00008898-00009857 For him to have released his short-list of favorites after having repeatedly insulted Ruth Bader Ginsburg was to engage in a tickle-fight with a wolverine jJR5Z7q1XQQ-00009-00009857-00010745 Even if Ginsburg had planned for decades to retire before 2020, Trump’s own antics will have caused her to delay that jJR5Z7q1XQQ-00010-00010745-00012589 Once again, Trump proves he’s neither “very stable” nor a “genius.”.Trump may have scored a victory with the retirement of Justice Kennedy and the installation of Brett Kavanaugh, but it looks like he’s gonna have to deal with the Notorious RBG until he’s finally voted (or removed) from office jKHVf7fRbCY-00000-00000571-00001331 Democratic Congressman Ted Lieu has been smartly and aggressively taking on the Trump regime from the very start jKHVf7fRbCY-00001-00001331-00002143 For whatever reason, Donald Trump has largely ignored Lieu, even while viciously attacking other leading House Democrats jKHVf7fRbCY-00002-00002143-00003060 But that changed yesterday, when Trump went after Lieu in surreal fashion – and suffice it to say that Lieu got the best of the exchange jKHVf7fRbCY-00003-00003060-00004102 .This week House Democrats held a hearing on the rising dangers of white nationalism, so naturally House Republicans decided to make a mockery of it jKHVf7fRbCY-00004-00004102-00004954 They invited Donald Trump loyalist Candace Owens to testify, so she could insist that white nationalism doesn’t exist jKHVf7fRbCY-00005-00004954-00005803 This prompted Ted Lieu to play a recent clip of a speech in which Owens claimed that Adolf Hitler wasn’t all that bad jKHVf7fRbCY-00006-00005803-00006793 This sent Owens off on an unhinged rant about how her quote was supposedly out of context, prompting Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler to intervene jKHVf7fRbCY-00007-00006793-00007571 . .By any coherent definition, Ted Lieu won the exchange and Owens humiliated herself jKHVf7fRbCY-00008-00007571-00008509 Just don’t tell that to Owens’ fellow Trump loyalist Arthur Schwartz, who posted a video clip of Owens ranting, and added “Wow jKHVf7fRbCY-00009-00008509-00009778 Ted Lieu got a well deserved ass kicking. Shame on you Ted.” Donald Trump, who apparently didn’t watch the entire clip or didn’t understand what he was watching, promptly retweeted it jKHVf7fRbCY-00010-00009778-00010643 The end result was that the President of the United States was attacking a prominent member of Congress under idiotic circumstances jKHVf7fRbCY-00011-00010643-00011850 .Ted Lieu naturally seized the moment. He tweeted “Super excited Donald Trump retweeted this right-wing tweet about me! I pinned on my Twitter the full statement of Owens jKHVf7fRbCY-00012-00011850-00012649 She said: ‘If Hitler just wanted to make Germany great and have things run well, OK, fine jKHVf7fRbCY-00013-00012649-00013239 The problem is he wanted, he had dreams outside of Germany.'” kqp3OIyrQsu-00000-00000513-00002109 Why would Donald Trump mind whether his attorneys complied with a Democrat-led House committee to produce documents? After all, POTUS claims that he and his family are as pure as the driven snow, even though the president does have a significant orange tinge kqp3OIyrQsu-00001-00002109-00003109 This is the deadline the House Judiciary committee set for 81 people, government agencies, and private organizations to fork them over kqp3OIyrQsu-00002-00003109-00004546 What is the problem then?.The Judiciary committee encompasses far more than Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russia’s attack on the 2016 presidential election and the Trump campaign conspiracy with Moscow kqp3OIyrQsu-00003-00004546-00005264 This House committee has been doing what the formerly Republican-led committee should have done over the past two years kqp3OIyrQsu-00004-00005264-00006103 It has been investigating “abuses of official power, public corruption and obstruction of justice,” according to The Daily Beast kqp3OIyrQsu-00005-00006103-00007466 Democrats on the House Judiciary committee will also question White House officials about how they have been dealing with white nationalism after the mass shooting in two mosques in New Zealand, according to The NY Daily News kqp3OIyrQsu-00006-00007466-00008213 The Judiciary committee asked them to voluntarily provide large quantities of written materials kqp3OIyrQsu-00007-00008213-00009535 The House committee thoughtfully suggested recipients of its request could start with those materials they had already given “Mueller or the US. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York (SDNY).” kqp3OIyrQsu-00008-00009535-00010820 Trump’s attorney Jane Raskin let Judiciary committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) and the committee members know what the president’s outside legal team leader, Jay Sekulow, had in mind kqp3OIyrQsu-00009-00010820-00011593 The letter insisted the attorneys had not turned any materials over to Mueller or the SDNY kqp3OIyrQsu-00010-00011593-00013490 Therefore, Sekulow used semantics to claim what Nadler wanted did not exist.Republican strategist and former 2016 Trump campaign aide Michael Caputo’s attorney informed the Judiciary committee by letter that his client refused to testify or cooperate in any way kqp3OIyrQsu-00011-00013490-00014879 Caputo jumped on the Sekulow bandwagon and told The Daily Beast:.‘My attorney responded to the House Judiciary document request within 24 hours—we have none of the requested documents kqp3OIyrQsu-00012-00014879-00015916 I have testified three times under oath, answering the same questions each time, paying $20,000 to $30,000 each time kqp3OIyrQsu-00013-00015916-00017170 I have not yet been invited to testify a fourth time. If I am, I will decline. If I am subpoenaed, I will assert my Fifth Amendment rights. Enough is enough.’ kqp3OIyrQsu-00014-00017170-00017784 Others in Trump’s orbit may elect to stiff-arm Nadler or slow-walk their materials kqp3OIyrQsu-00015-00017784-00018552 Over half of the 81 people or entities from whom the committee chair requested materials have complied kqp3OIyrQsu-00016-00018552-00019257 A number of those who were around Trump during the campaign told the Daily Beast they intended to comply: kqp3OIyrQsu-00017-00019257-00021021 ‘…former campaign foreign-policy aide Carter Page, music publicist and Trump Tower New York meeting facilitator Rob Goldstone, ex-political adviser Sam Nunberg and even ex-legal team spokesperson Mark Corallo told The Daily Beast earlier this month they would cooperate’ kqp3OIyrQsu-00018-00021021-00022149 The House Judiciary committee has the power of the subpoena, but there has not been an answer to what Chairman Nadler will do if people refuse to comply with his request for materials kB_TwjULcLM-00000-00000571-00001428 Trump supporters are a pretty outspoken bunch. Just like us at Patriot Journal.You speak your mind kB_TwjULcLM-00001-00001428-00002791 You’re not afraid of what other people think. That’s the true American spirit.But on many liberal college campuses, American universities, this kind of freedom does not seem to exist kB_TwjULcLM-00002-00002791-00003726 Conservatives are uninvited from college campuses. Many feel they are being silenced, and their 1st Amendment rights suppressed kB_TwjULcLM-00003-00003726-00005283 Now Trump is boldly standing up for them. From NY Post:.President Trump on Thursday is set to sign an executive order on campus free speech, ordering colleges to “support free speech” or face “very costly” consequences kB_TwjULcLM-00004-00005283-00005980 WOW.Donald is signing a powerful order to urge universities to support free speech kB_TwjULcLM-00005-00005980-00006712 Colleges that refuse or allow a hostile environment towards free expression could face consequences kB_TwjULcLM-00006-00006712-00007631 This goes hand-in-hand with Trump’s crusade against “political correctness,” an attitude many believe suppresses free speech kB_TwjULcLM-00007-00007631-00008770 Schools that hinder a student’s free speech will have to deal with Donald—he will not provide federal grants to schools if they are found guilty of attacking free speech kB_TwjULcLM-00008-00008770-00009491 Schools will definitely think twice about allowing censorship on their campuses.This is a big deal kB_TwjULcLM-00009-00009491-00010685 Colleges are where students go to learn and grow.But when schools censor certain ideas—or even outright ban speakers—shouldn’t there be serious consequences? kB_TwjULcLM-00010-00010685-00011314 But the American people must stand up to protect their Constitutional rights lv8C1EIdDS8-00000-00000571-00001535 Congress tried to block Trump from taking big steps to end the flood at the border and build the wall, but Trump seems to have won out in the end lv8C1EIdDS8-00001-00001535-00002397 He declared a national emergency to get billions to build the wall after he said they refused to make a fair deal lv8C1EIdDS8-00002-00002397-00003196 Congress voted to block him, which was within their rights, but then he used what was his Presidential right lv8C1EIdDS8-00003-00003196-00004669 From Fox News:.''Trump] used the first veto of his administration to reject a bipartisan resolution that sought to block his declaration of a national emergency at the border, a move almost certain to kill the measure'' lv8C1EIdDS8-00004-00004669-00005881 So Trump finally used his first veto, and he made it count. Even though a dozen Senate Republicans voted against him, that’s not nearly enough to override him in a second round lv8C1EIdDS8-00005-00005881-00006623 So Trump won this round, but the public still might be wondering whether Trump had stepped a little too far lv8C1EIdDS8-00006-00006623-00007691 Then he got some major backup.The big guns stepped in to put Democrats (and Republicans) in their place—the new Attorney General himself lv8C1EIdDS8-00007-00007691-00009081 From Gateway Pundit:''AG Bill Barr: Mr. President your declaration was clearly authorized under the law and consistent with past precedent… exactly the type of emergency that presidents are permitted to address'' lv8C1EIdDS8-00008-00009081-00009854 The top legal authority in America, Attorney General Bill Barr, is giving Trump extra cover lv8C1EIdDS8-00009-00009854-00010648 He explains that this situation is exactly what the law for national emergencies was created for lv8C1EIdDS8-00010-00010648-00011620 When people are jumping the border at a record pace and Congress refuses to take meaningful action, what choice does the President have left? lv8C1EIdDS8-00011-00011620-00012636 The Washington swamp is not used to a President who takes action in the face of opposition, especially when he’s rolling back years of liberal policies lv8C1EIdDS8-00012-00012636-00013341 So Trump used his first veto to get the wall built, and has a great Attorney General ready to support him lLNRmtMnav0-00000-00000513-00002216 Preet Bharara is the former US Attorney for the Southern District of New York. He was abruptly fired by Donald Trump, after he refused to take a personal call from the President he felt was inappropriate, considering his office was investigating Trump lLNRmtMnav0-00001-00002216-00003156 Bharara appeared on Morning Joe this morning, and he discussed Geoffrey Berman, his replacement as the US Attorney for the SDNY lLNRmtMnav0-00002-00003156-00004452 Berman was hand-picked by Donald Trump to lead the SDNY. Berman was a law partner of Rudy Giuliani, who is famously part of Donald Trump’s legal defense team lLNRmtMnav0-00003-00004452-00005622 Bharara discussed how aggressively the SDNY has pursued investigations against Donald Trump, despite Trump having fired Bharara and hand-picked his replacement lLNRmtMnav0-00004-00005622-00006654 Bharara described the pressure his replacement is under to do the right thing, and he later likened Berman’s situation to that of Attorney General William Barr lLNRmtMnav0-00005-00006654-00007848 Bharara stated that the SDNY, like the Department of Justice, is filled with dedicated, professional prosecutors, totally committed to the rule of law lLNRmtMnav0-00006-00007848-00009321 If Berman interfered with any rightful attempt to investigate and prosecute crimes, the law enforcement community and the public would know about it within days, and Berman’s professional reputation would suffer irreparable harm lLNRmtMnav0-00007-00009321-00011189 While a lawyer such as Berman might initially come into the SDNY with the intent of interfering in an ongoing investigation, once inside the organization, Berman would be hit with the realization that dozens of lawyers and reporters are actively watching him, and looking for any sign of interference lLNRmtMnav0-00008-00011189-00011972 Berman, quickly and wisely, recused himself on all matters related to Donald Trump lLNRmtMnav0-00009-00011972-00012923 The pressure that Berman faces in the SDNY is less than the pressure on Donald Trump’s hand-picked Attorney General, William Barr lLNRmtMnav0-00010-00012923-00013594 His decisions and actions will be recorded in history books and he surely knows it lLNRmtMnav0-00011-00013594-00014942 While he declined to recuse himself, which probably would have gotten him fired on the spot, there are clearly signs that Barr, like Berman, is not willing to be seen as a puppet for Donald Trump lLNRmtMnav0-00012-00014942-00015749 The latest sign is today’s announcement of the continued employment of Rod Rosenstein as the Deputy Attorney General lLNRmtMnav0-00013-00015749-00017097 Barr declared under oath during his confirmation hearings, that he spoke with Rosenstein and expected him to depart DOJ after a transition period, which was expected to be mid-March lLNRmtMnav0-00014-00017097-00017933 Today, it was announced that Rosenstein would stay on “longer.” This will not make Donald Trump happy at all lLNRmtMnav0-00015-00017933-00019459 Rosenstein retained control of the day-to-day management of the Mueller investigation throughout Jeff Sessions’ tenure as Attorney General, throughout Matt Whittaker’s tenure as Acting AG, and now through William Barr’s tenure as Attorney General lLNRmtMnav0-00016-00019459-00020464 It would be highly unusual, and would attract attention, for the Attorney General to interfere and be involved in the day-to-day management of the Mueller investigation lLNRmtMnav0-00017-00020464-00021718 Instead, the normal way for Barr to impact the day-to-day management of the Mueller investigation would be for him to replace Rod Rosenstein with his own hand-picked Deputy Attorney General m7LRgEZdm6k-00000-00000571-00002120 Earlier this week, when New York subpoenaed financial records in relation to specific acts of bank fraud and insurance fraud committed by Donald Trump, Palmer Report explained that the state was embarking on a plan to take Trump’s assets from him m7LRgEZdm6k-00001-00002120-00003209 The violations in question can result in massive monetary fines, which cash-poor Trump can’t pay, meaning the state can then begin seizing his assets m7LRgEZdm6k-00002-00003209-00004520 Now, New York is moving further ahead on this plan.Today the New York Attorney General brought new legal action against Donald Trump over the charitable fraud and election fraud he committed with regard to his Trump Foundation m7LRgEZdm6k-00003-00004520-00005294 Between restitution and damages, New York is seeking about eight million dollars from Donald Trump m7LRgEZdm6k-00004-00005294-00006229 Maybe he can come up with eight million dollars in cash (or steal it from his reelection campaign) to pay off this one infraction m7LRgEZdm6k-00005-00006229-00007224 But this is just one of the numerous areas in which the state is targeting Trump with financial penalties, and it’s not even one of the larger ones m7LRgEZdm6k-00006-00007224-00008318 By the time you finish adding up the expected fines in the various cases New York is pursuing against Donald Trump, they could quickly total in the hundreds of millions of dollars m7LRgEZdm6k-00007-00008318-00009807 Trump can’t finagle his way into getting his hands on that much cash. So this is where New York can start seizing his bank accounts in the state, his properties in the state, and whatever else the state courts end up signing off on m7LRgEZdm6k-00008-00009807-00010792 What can Donald Trump do to stop this? Nothing. He can’t fire anyone, or pardon himself, in a state level case m7LRgEZdm6k-00009-00010792-00012119 This is going to happen to Trump. His only way out would be to negotiate a resignation deal in exchange for reduced criminal charges and reduced financial penalties, from both the Feds and New York State nIBg1aj2hmQ-00000-00000513-00001275 President Donald Trump baselessly accused Rep. Adam Schiff of leaking to CNN on Sunday nIBg1aj2hmQ-00001-00001275-00002017 Trump’s accusation, framed with a question mark at the end, came on a busy day of tweeting for the president nIBg1aj2hmQ-00002-00002017-00004057 At one point, Trump seemed to blame Democrats in some way for his lackluster North Korean summit, writing: “For the Democrats to interview in open hearings a convicted liar & fraudster, at the same time as the very important Nuclear Summit with North Korea, is perhaps a new low in American politics and may have contributed to the ‘walk nIBg1aj2hmQ-00003-00004057-00005421 ’ Never done when a president is overseas. Shame!”.Then, in response to a tweet by conservative journalist and member of the Wall Street Journal editorial board Kimberley Strassel, he slammed Democrats and Sen nIBg1aj2hmQ-00004-00005421-00006868 Chuck Schumer for “hurting” the country.Finally, Trump commented on a second Strassel tweet suggesting Schiff seems to be doing a lot of “freelancing” by writing: “And also illegally leaking to Fake News CNN & others?” nIBg1aj2hmQ-00005-00006868-00007931 On Sunday, Schiff — a frequent Trump adversary — said on CBS’s Face The Nation there was “direct evidence” of collusion in regards to Trump’s team nIBg1aj2hmQ-00006-00007931-00008811 It is unclear what exactly, though, prompted Trump’s tweet, however, the president has made similar claims before nIBg1aj2hmQ-00007-00008811-00010789 Back in February 2018, Trump tweeted this:"Little Adam Schiff, who is desperate to run for higher office, is one of the biggest liars and leakers in Washington, right up there with Comey, Warner, Brennan and Clapper! Adam leaves closed committee hearings to illegally leak confidential information nIBg1aj2hmQ-00008-00010789-00011562 Must be stopped!".Schiff replied back then by telling Trump to turn off his TV."Mr nIBg1aj2hmQ-00009-00011562-00013046 President, I see you’ve had a busy morning of “Executive Time.” Instead of tweeting false smears, the American people would appreciate it if you turned off the TV and helped solve the funding crisis, protected Dreamers or nIBg1aj2hmQ-00010-00013046-00013390 really anything else." neiTjMgXiEI-00000-00000513-00001419 President Trump is pushing back against Democrats, who are launching a new expansive investigation that includes his businesses and family neiTjMgXiEI-00001-00001419-00002083 The Hill reported that the House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N neiTjMgXiEI-00002-00002083-00003237 Y.) on Monday issued document requests to 81 individuals and entities as part of a sweeping investigation into President Trump’s campaign, business and administration neiTjMgXiEI-00003-00003237-00004185 The investigation will focus on three key areas, Nadler said: obstruction of justice, public corruption and abuses of power neiTjMgXiEI-00004-00004185-00005084 The greatest overreach in the history of our Country. The Dems are obstructing justice and will not get anything done neiTjMgXiEI-00005-00005084-00006058 A big, fat, fishing expedition desperately in search of a crime, when in fact the real crime is what the Dems are doing, and have done! neiTjMgXiEI-00006-00006058-00007283 President Donald Trump angrily reacted Tuesday morning to House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler’s document requests of 81 individuals connected to the White House and the Trump campaign neiTjMgXiEI-00007-00007283-00008710 .Nadler revealed Monday that he is opening an investigation “into the alleged obstruction of justice, public corruption, and other abuses of power by President Trump, his associates, and members of his Administration neiTjMgXiEI-00008-00008710-00010718 ”.The Judiciary Committee continued that “as a first step, the Committee has served document requests to 81 agencies, entities, and individuals believed to have information relevant to the investigation,” specifically spanning administration officials, entities connected to the Trump 2016 campaign, and even the FBI neiTjMgXiEI-00009-00010718-00012299 Nadler’s broad list of parties which he requested documents from indicates he is launching a broad-based inquiry ranging from Trump’s conduct in the FBI’s Russia investigation to the $130,000 payment to a porn star alleging an affair with him neiTjMgXiEI-00010-00012299-00013814 The Judiciary Committee’s requests are particularly noteworthy because it is responsible for originating articles of impeachment against the president, though Nadler has said he is merely launching an investigation and will see where the facts lead neiTjMgXiEI-00011-00013814-00014613 Republicans on the committee charge that Nadler is baselessly pursuing investigations towards impeachment neiTjMgXiEI-00012-00014613-00016071 Ranking Member Doug Collins said in a statement that “after recklessly prejudging the president for obstruction, Chairman Nadler is pursuing evidence to back up his conclusion because, as he admits, ‘We don’t have the facts yet neiTjMgXiEI-00013-00016071-00017858 ’”.White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders issued another blistering lengthy statement Monday night, saying, “Chairman Nadler and his fellow Democrats have embarked on this fishing expedition because they are terrified that their two-year false narrative of ‘Russia collusion’ is crumbling neiTjMgXiEI-00014-00017858-00019276 ”.She continued, “their intimidation and abuse of American citizens is shameful. The Democrats are more interested in pathetic political games and catering to a radical, leftist base than on producing results for our citizens neiTjMgXiEI-00015-00019276-00019856 The Democrats are not after the truth, they are after the President.” oa2AHzkQI_c-00000-00000571-00001626 Ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, Representative Adam Schiff, gave voice to what many Americans been thinking about President Donald Trump recently oa2AHzkQI_c-00001-00001626-00002757 .Schiff stated, “…we have a seriously flawed human being in the Oval Office.” Further, Schiff made it clear that most of the members of Congress have the same concerns oa2AHzkQI_c-00002-00002757-00004447 “I don’t think there is anyone in Congress, frankly, of either party who does not concur at least privately with those observations and concerns…Certainly, very few are willing to express them publicly in Congress, and I think that’s to the detriment of our institution oa2AHzkQI_c-00003-00004447-00005719 ”. .I’m not sure how anyone could be surprised by Schiff’s remarks. To review some of the highlights of his political career: He’s made promises he hasn’t come close to keeping oa2AHzkQI_c-00004-00005719-00006474 He works short days and golfs nearly every other weekend. He tweets like a toddler having a tantrum oa2AHzkQI_c-00005-00006474-00007527 He is disrespectful to foreign leaders. Any criticism of his actions is met with a loud recitation of his now infamous cry of “fake news” oa2AHzkQI_c-00006-00007527-00008141 He seems no idea what he is doing, and bucks the opinions of those around him who do oa2AHzkQI_c-00007-00008141-00008995 Most of the people who still support Donald Trump, likely do so for two reasons. One, because he was an outsider oa2AHzkQI_c-00008-00008995-00010027 As someone who hasn’t spent his life in politics or public service, his supporters thought that perhaps he would change the “business as usual” attitude of Washington leaders oa2AHzkQI_c-00009-00010027-00010808 The other reason, repeated over and over again by his supporters, is that Trump “tells it like it is” oa2AHzkQI_c-00010-00010808-00011986 But there are flaws in both those thoughts.I understand the desire to elect a politician who is going to change the way the game is played, someone who can bring fresh ideas to the table oa2AHzkQI_c-00011-00011986-00012597 But because Trump had never served in a public office, he had no idea what he was doing oa2AHzkQI_c-00012-00012597-00014091 Being a leader in business isn’t the same as being the leader of a country. Even if one ignores all of Trump’s bankruptcies and failures in the business world, he still didn’t have the experience necessary for the job he aspired to do oa2AHzkQI_c-00013-00014091-00015301 I watch a lot of television, but I’m not prepared to be the CEO of Netflix.As far as telling it like it is… that’s the dumbest reason I’ve ever heard for electing someone to public office oa2AHzkQI_c-00014-00015301-00016379 I mean, if your drunk uncle Joe probably tells it like it is. Drunk uncle Joe will gladly euphemistically discuss the size of his genitalia oa2AHzkQI_c-00015-00016379-00017861 Drunk uncle Joe will talk about grabbing women by their crotches. But I can’t think of a single person who would want drunk uncle Joe in any type of leadership position or elected to office, much less become the leader of the US oa2AHzkQI_c-00016-00017861-00018683 We all have flaws. That’s part of being human. But we knew what Trump’s flaws were when he was elected to office oa2AHzkQI_c-00017-00018683-00019647 He had flaunted them for decades, with clearly no intention of changing them. The problem is no longer that we have a flawed leader oa2AHzkQI_c-00018-00019647-00020086 The problem is, what are we going to do about it now? ptnA7atckto-00000-00000571-00001545 In a surprising move, Donald Trump let it be known that he had declined James Mattis’ offer to stay on as Secretary of Defense through February ptnA7atckto-00001-00001545-00002318 As a result, he named Patrick Shanahan as Acting Secretary of Defense effective next week ptnA7atckto-00002-00002318-00003149 However, if you base this news off the words of the late John McCain, it arrives with a great deal of concern ptnA7atckto-00003-00003149-00004951 Back in 2017 during Patrick Shanahan’s Senate confirmation hearings for Deputy Secretary of Defense, John McCain took to the microphone and questioned Shanahan over his relationship with Russia’s Vladimir Putin, particularly in regards to his dealings with Ukraine ptnA7atckto-00004-00004951-00006568 According to the Washington Post: The late Arizona Republican, then the committee chairman, questioned how Shanahan would run day-to-day operations at the Pentagon despite his deep ties to the defense contractor Boeing, and then lit into him for something specific ptnA7atckto-00005-00006568-00007681 In prepared answers to questions, Shanahan had said he would review whether the United States should send Ukraine weapons to defend itself against Russian-backed separatists ptnA7atckto-00006-00007681-00008653 Shanahan amended his response to say that he would support the idea, but McCain still threatened to stop a vote on his confirmation ptnA7atckto-00007-00008653-00009711 “That’s not good enough, Mr. Shanahan,” McCain said. “I’m glad to hear you changed your opinion from what was submitted, but it’s still disturbing to me ptnA7atckto-00008-00009711-00010463 It’s still disturbing to me after all these years that you would say that you would have to look at the issue ptnA7atckto-00009-00010463-00011842 Have you not been aware of the issue? Have you not been aware of the actions of the Senate Armed Services Committee? Have you not been aware of the thousands of people that have been killed by [Russian President] Vladimir Putin?” ptnA7atckto-00010-00011842-00013566 Regardless of how your political leaning or opinion of John McCain, this information raises questions as to why Donald Trump would even consider choosing Shanahan to be Deputy Secretary of Defense at the time, or much less, to be Acting Secretary of Defense now ptnA7atckto-00011-00013566-00014619 His resume, which includes no prior experience serving in, or overseeing, the military in any capacity certainly doesn’t answer those questions either ptnA7atckto-00012-00014619-00015930 In fact, the only thing we have that are remotely close to answers at this point suggest Shanahan’s rise in the defense ranks appear to directly correlated to his willingness to appease Vladimir Putin’s interests ptnA7atckto-00013-00015930-00016784 And considering Trump’s looming and inevitable trouble in the Trump-Russia scandal, a puppet in the Pentagon is exactly what he needs qf291VLYUfA-00000-00000571-00001885 On the heels of the New Yorker report titled, “The Making of the Fox News White House,” it appears the House Oversight Democrats have elected to formally request documents from former Fox News reporter Diana Falzone qf291VLYUfA-00001-00001885-00003003 And despite the NDA that has prevented her from speaking out, she’s now prepared to tell all on the Stormy Daniels’ hush money scandal because the request “trumps” the NDA qf291VLYUfA-00002-00003003-00004554 In an interview with MSNBC chief legal correspondent Ari Melber on “The Beat,” Nancy Erika Smith, the attorney who represents Falzone, said that the Oversight Committee Chair Elijah Cummings (D-MD) requested the documents in a letter qf291VLYUfA-00003-00004554-00005265 “Nancy, what can you tell me about this request?” Melber asked. “Have you received it?” qf291VLYUfA-00004-00005265-00006500 “I have received the request, Ari, and I want to add to what I said on air exclusively to you the other night, a valid government investigation also trumps an NDA,” Smith replied qf291VLYUfA-00005-00006500-00007911 “And so do you view this — even before it ever gets to a subpoena level — this request itself as something that you can comply, with, regardless of Fox News asking for your client’s silence?” Melber asked qf291VLYUfA-00006-00007911-00008966 “Yes,” she said. “This is an exception to the NDA, you can — nobody can enter an NDA that will interfere with a government investigation qf291VLYUfA-00007-00008966-00009066 ” r7gyQ3WvSZQ-00000-00000571-00001686 The president left his club at Mar-a-Lago and traveled to his Trump International Golf Club on Saturday, but he did not tell reporters who his golfing partners were r7gyQ3WvSZQ-00001-00001686-00002449 .The answer was revealed on Twitter hours later, as Kid Rock posted a picture with the president r7gyQ3WvSZQ-00002-00002449-00003355 “Another great day on the links!” he wrote. “Thank you to POTUS for having me and to EVERYONE at Trump International for being so wonderful r7gyQ3WvSZQ-00003-00003355-00004019 What a great man, so down to earth and so fun to be with!! KEEP AMERICA GREAT!!” r7gyQ3WvSZQ-00004-00004019-00004876 Trump and Kid Rock spend time together occasionally as the famous rocker supported him for president in 2016 r7gyQ3WvSZQ-00005-00004876-00006315 In April 2017, Kid Rock joined rocker Ted Nugent and Sarah Palin for a visit to the White House, and in October 2018, he appeared with Trump for a signing ceremony for a music regulation bill ryY3YiB0Fry-00000-00000571-00001540 Recently on Fox News, Chris Wallace interviewed far-right talk show host Rush Limbaugh to discuss the influence Limbaugh has over Donald Trump ryY3YiB0Fry-00001-00001540-00003183 While Limbaugh denied that he has the ability to affect policy, Wallace commented on Trump’s own statements where he said, “Rush Limbaugh, I think he’s a great guy … He’s got one of the biggest audiences in the history of the world, I mean this guy is unbelievable'' ryY3YiB0Fry-00002-00003183-00004293 As if trying to confirm that he considers Limbaugh a top advisor, Trump tweeted Limbaugh verbatim a few hours later, “These guys, the investigators, ought to be in jail ryY3YiB0Fry-00003-00004293-00004978 What they have done, working with the Obama intelligence agencies, is simply unprecedented ryY3YiB0Fry-00004-00004978-00005738 This is one of the greatest political hoaxes ever perpetrated on the people of this Country, and Mueller is a coverup'' ryY3YiB0Fry-00005-00005738-00007005 During the interview, Wallace pushed Limbaugh on whether his recent statements promoting Trump’s power grab were indeed hypocritical, given his past statements criticizing President Obama ryY3YiB0Fry-00006-00007005-00008172 “I want to ask you about the game you say we play in Washington,” Wallace said. “Because the fact is when President Obama took executive actions, you were outraged ryY3YiB0Fry-00007-00008172-00009395 And as you would expect, I’ve got a couple of examples''.Wallace went on to point out that Limbaugh claimed Obama flushed the Constitution “down the toilet” when he created protections for DACA children ryY3YiB0Fry-00008-00009395-00010638 Instead of accepting the criticism and admitting the hypocrisy, Limbaugh doubled down on his inherent racism by saying what Trump is doing is acceptable stating “You may look at it that way ryY3YiB0Fry-00009-00010638-00011871 I don’t. I look at it, right and wrong. And what Obama was doing was furthering this existing problem and politicizing this using whatever executive powers he wanted to use'' ryY3YiB0Fry-00010-00011871-00013851 It is beyond clear that people like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and others of that ilk will continue to spew racist and hateful rhetoric in an attempt to convince Donald Trump’s dwindling base that any hateful and illegal actions are somehow justified if it prevents people of color from gaining any human rights ryY3YiB0Fry-00011-00013851-00014804 This despicable, yet unsurprising, narrative will only continue and get worse as long as hateful people like Trump are in power ryY3YiB0Fry-00012-00014804-00015463 This is just another reason why the resistance to such hate is so necessary rSMSfh0qwF0-00000-00000571-00002822 It’s been in the works for years under the cloak of intersectionality -- in truth little more than an effort to ingather voting blocs of illegal immigrants, Palestinian supporters, socialists, blacks locked in the ghettoes of their minds, sexual outliers – LGBT (and "whatever other gender” now included), and malcontent women delighted that even post-birth abortion will be legal rSMSfh0qwF0-00002-00005881-00006762 I believe and hope that she chose poorly from the standpoint of American voters.Here’s the kitchen-sink resolution rSMSfh0qwF0-00003-00006762-00007846 You won’t see Omar mentioned in it. The Democrats instead state a full-blown disagreement with hate of every kind from the Japanese internment to Dreyfus and so on rSMSfh0qwF0-00004-00007846-00008789 Everything except broccoli and kale.Far too many reform and conservative congregations are partners in this betrayal rSMSfh0qwF0-00005-00008789-00010178 My own former synagogue, which professes love of Israel and Judaism, held a cry- in when Trump was elected, and since the election sports banners welcoming refugees, the latest banner reading “Love your neighbor rSMSfh0qwF0-00006-00010178-00011100 Stand Against Hate,” equating an effort to assure immigrants come here legally, have skills we can use and share our values, with hate rSMSfh0qwF0-00007-00011100-00011858 When, in fact, bringing in culturally incompatible immigrants like Omar, is bringing in hate rSMSfh0qwF0-00008-00011858-00013707 They’re not alone. There’s the Israel-hating rabbis of J-Street, HIAS, once a religiously supported immigrant aid society which under Obama turned into a cash-rich government railroad that advocates for culturally incompatible immigrants and parks them in poorer conservative communities to alter the voting rSMSfh0qwF0-00009-00013707-00014870 At the same time that HIAS is filling its coffers, its work further impoverishes the overtaxed welfare, legal, and educational resources of those places rSMSfh0qwF0-00010-00014870-00016442 And there’s the Jonathan Greenblatt-led ADL, now an even stronger arm of the Democratic Party, which can be counted upon to downplay or shove anti-Semitism under the carpet, though fighting such discrimination was once its very purpose rmpCzu5yBl8-00000-00000571-00001519 President Donald Trump responded to Democrat demands for a glut of document requests announced by the House Judiciary Committee on Monday rmpCzu5yBl8-00001-00001519-00003013 Trump was asked by White House reporters if he planned to cooperate with Democrat requests of documents from 81 different people and organizations connected with his administration and his businesses, including family members Donald Trump Jr rmpCzu5yBl8-00002-00003013-00004361 , Eric Trump, and his son-in-law Jared Kushner.“I cooperate all the time with everybody,” Trump replied, during an event with North Dakota football players at the White House celebrating their championship rmpCzu5yBl8-00003-00004361-00005382 “You know the beautiful thing? No collusion. It’s all a hoax''.Some of the college players in the audience laughed as Trump continued speaking rmpCzu5yBl8-00004-00005382-00006678 “You’re going to learn about that as you grow older, it’s a political hoax, there’s no collusion, there’s no anything,” he said in front of a huge spread of fast food sandwiches brought to the White House for the occasion rmpCzu5yBl8-00005-00006678-00007569 “Folks go and eat up!”.Earlier in the week, Trump expressed frustration at the mounting investigations launched by Democrats rmpCzu5yBl8-00006-00007569-00008316 “Presidential Harassment by ‘crazed’ Democrats at the highest level in the history of our Country,” he wrote on Twitter rmpCzu5yBl8-00007-00008316-00009021 “Likewise, the most vicious and corrupt Mainstream Media that any president has ever had to endure'' sih-kocXRpu-00000-00000571-00001856 Here is an incontrovertible fact: the NRA spent four times as much money in support of Donald Trump and congressional republican campaigns in 2016 than it spent in 2012 sih-kocXRpu-00001-00001856-00002593 Where did they get all of that extra money? It did not come in from some massive fund-raising effort sih-kocXRpu-00002-00002593-00003431 There is widely reported evidence that the money came in from Russia. This is part of the reason Maria Butina was arrested sih-kocXRpu-00003-00003431-00004149 .Let’s compare this one little factual nugget from the Trump/Russia scandal to the Hillary email scandal sih-kocXRpu-00004-00004149-00005743 Hillary’s emails are words that are burned into the minds of most Americans, but fair-minded people agree there is more evidence of serious wrongdoing on the part of Trump’s 2016 election bid, than there is evidence of Hillary Clinton’s wrongdoing with emails sih-kocXRpu-00005-00005743-00006921 Yet, in 2015, the year before the 2016 election, one poll showed 75 percent of Americans thought Clinton’s use of private emails was a big deal sih-kocXRpu-00006-00006921-00007921 Now, in 2019 none of Trump’s many scandals show the same level of concern among the American public that Hillary’s emails did sih-kocXRpu-00007-00007921-00009159 . .While many many Democratic pundits believe it is because Trump’s base is loyal, and nothing he could do will dissuade them from their support of him, this is not necessarily true sih-kocXRpu-00008-00009159-00009974 The many Trump supporters I know do not understand the Trump-Russia scandal, and they believe he has been exonerated sih-kocXRpu-00009-00009974-00010813 .Republicans developed simple and short talking points about Hillary’s emails, and they repeated the points often sih-kocXRpu-00010-00010813-00011576 Whenever exonerating information came out about Hillary, they doubled down instead of backing off sih-kocXRpu-00011-00011576-00013480 This is how they effectively shape public opinion. Yet, with all the damning information rolling in every day about the Trump administration, many Democrats think it is better for Democrats to move off of the Trump corruption and the Trump-Russia connections and instead concentrate solely on the Democratic platform sih-kocXRpu-00012-00013480-00015039 Keep in mind this is advice that Republicans never follow. . .If the tables were turned and this type of scandal affected a Democratic President, Fox News would not be so easily dissuaded from nonstop coverage and pronouncements of guilt sih-kocXRpu-00013-00015039-00016139 Democrats and liberal leaning media outlets have not done a good job driving home the message of the corruption of the 2016 election and the Trump administration sih-kocXRpu-00014-00016139-00017051 Democrats need to distill the Trump corruption message into a few key, understandable talking points, and they need to drive the message home sih-kocXRpu-00015-00017051-00017735 This corruption is too big, too important and too deep to let Trump get away with it tzJZ_vbWbTE-00000-00000513-00001926 Donald Trump has ushered in an era of sexual misconduct. POTUS was accused of paying off two women he had sex with while Melania Trump was recuperating from their son’s, and numerous women have sued him tzJZ_vbWbTE-00001-00001926-00003653 He was taped telling a TV host he likes to grab women by their genitals. The president’s cabinet contains a former attorney general who gave a monstrous billionaire molester of vast numbers of girls 13-years-old and above virtually no sentence tzJZ_vbWbTE-00002-00003653-00004269 It came as no surprise that such immoral behavior has filtered down to the state level tzJZ_vbWbTE-00003-00004269-00005178 Pennsylvania’s Inquirer newspaper does not give the name of victims of alleged sexual assaults unless they are willing to do so tzJZ_vbWbTE-00004-00005178-00006369 What we do know is that an unidentified woman who works for the state government has named a state representative in an alleged rape case, and she has filed a formal complaint tzJZ_vbWbTE-00005-00006369-00007119 The woman made her complaint to a state GOP caucus attorney and the Republican members of the Ethics Committee tzJZ_vbWbTE-00006-00007119-00008380 Only they can removed anyone from the House and impose any number of sanctions.She wrote that she had gone to a bar in Harrisburg along with one of her friends in October 2015 tzJZ_vbWbTE-00007-00008380-00009151 Although she said she only had two drinks and possibly less, she:.‘…was in a state of blackout’ tzJZ_vbWbTE-00008-00009151-00009762 When she awakened the next morning, the woman found herself in Representative Ellis’ bed tzJZ_vbWbTE-00009-00009762-00010548 The state employee asked him to explain himself, but the representative just said that the two had sex tzJZ_vbWbTE-00010-00010548-00011747 According to the complaint, she accused him of rape.Pennsylvania state victim advocate Jennifer Storm took on the role of spokesperson for the woman who accused Ellis tzJZ_vbWbTE-00011-00011747-00012513 Storm said this about the lawmakers decision to resign: it indicated “a new day in Harrisburg:” tzJZ_vbWbTE-00012-00012513-00013712 ‘We finally saw a survivor come forward, and she was believed, and treated with dignity and respect by the House — and we are seeing a real-life consequence to that tzJZ_vbWbTE-00013-00013712-00014652 In cases involving allegations against public officials, unfortunately, the M.O. has just been to kind of ride it out tzJZ_vbWbTE-00014-00014652-00015958 That didn’t happen here.’.Pennsylvania House Republican leaders had called for Ellis’ resignation at the first of the year as soon as a Dauphin County district attorney had opened an investigation into the alleged rape tzJZ_vbWbTE-00015-00015958-00016815 The district attorney indicated that late in 2015, Ellis had sex with this woman while she was incapacitated tzJZ_vbWbTE-00016-00016815-00017612 She had not given her consent either. The district attorney’s investigation is still under way tzJZ_vbWbTE-00017-00017612-00018408 Six days after the complaint, Ellis sent his state speaker of the House a brief letter of resignation tzJZ_vbWbTE-00018-00018408-00019189 It was effective immediately. He wrote that “my own health” was one of the reasons he decided to resign: tzJZ_vbWbTE-00019-00019189-00021044 ‘It is with immense gratitude to the sacrifices made by my family, the support of my constituents, and the friendship of my colleagues that I have concluded that it is in the best interests of my family, the residents of the 11th House District, and my own health that I resign from the General Assembly’ tzJZ_vbWbTE-00020-00021044-00021836 A spokesperson for the House Republicans indicated that the representative had been on medical leave the entire year tzJZ_vbWbTE-00021-00021836-00022844 There was no reason given about Ellis’ medical leave.Last week Ellis’ law firm Myers, Brief & Kelly LLP released a statement on his behalf tzJZ_vbWbTE-00022-00022844-00023980 They said the accusations against him were “just plain false” (and an attempt to) “generate sensational press coverage” .The firm has no comment at this time uWX_db2fLL0-00000-00000571-00002026 His presidency under siege at home and with his own open musing about the prospects of a Nobel prize, President Donald Trump flew to the other side of the world to meet one of the world's most notorious tyrants on a long-shot peace mission uWX_db2fLL0-00001-00002026-00003585 But his Hail Mary pass didn't work.He needed a win and a distraction given a day-long congressional hearing at home in which his ex-lawyer Michael Cohen painted a devastating picture of the President's character and effectively accused him of crimes on Wednesday uWX_db2fLL0-00002-00003585-00004408 For once, Trump's attempt at counter-programming failed when the summit with Kim Jong Un broke up early with no agreement uWX_db2fLL0-00003-00004408-00005139 It left the North Korea initiative -- on which Trump has played huge political capital -- in doubt uWX_db2fLL0-00004-00005139-00006529 It was embarrassing for the President and a big disappointment to anyone who understands how devastating a war on the Korean peninsula would be and would like to see the world's last Cold War confrontation consigned to history uWX_db2fLL0-00005-00006529-00007945 Washington's decision to offer Kim equal billing with the world's most powerful man -- a priceless propaganda coup -- in two major summits and Trump's entire impromptu and ego-centric negotiating style is now open to question uWX_db2fLL0-00006-00007945-00008924 Criticism that Trump is engineering summits with North Korea as big photo-ops that are devoid of substance looks more valid after his Hanoi trip uWX_db2fLL0-00007-00008924-00010238 And his "art of the deal" diplomacy has come up empty-handed again.The President's repeated insistence going in, for instance, that he was in "no rush" to get a deal may have undercut his own negotiating strategy uWX_db2fLL0-00008-00010238-00011106 Trump tried to play down the collapse of the summit, saying that Kim had agreed to maintain his halt to missile and nuclear tests uWX_db2fLL0-00009-00011106-00011816 "This wasn't a walk away like you get up and walk out," Trump told reporters of the end of the summit uWX_db2fLL0-00010-00011816-00013059 Secretary of State Mike Pompeo revealed that the US had wanted the North Koreans to "do more" to show it was sincere in giving up its nuclear weapons program and that Kim had refused uWX_db2fLL0-00011-00013059-00014261 A case can be made that the US was playing hardball in ending the meeting when it didn't get what it wanted and refusing to lift sanctions before there is significant denuclearization uWX_db2fLL0-00012-00014261-00015379 The summit's failure does not spell immediate disaster. Negotiating with a regime as isolated and intractable as the one in Pyongyang was always going to be tortuous uWX_db2fLL0-00013-00015379-00017085 No President before Trump has managed to end its nuclear threat -- and prolonging the status quo as the current commander in chief did, is a far better scenario than a slide towards war, which was one possibility when Trump was threatening to rain "fire and fury" on North Korea uZRJnSc7D7M-00000-00000571-00001992 London’s left-wing mayor Sadiq Khan has said that neither independent Vermont senator Bernie Sanders, nor any of the Democrats who have announced a run for president, will beat incumbent Donald J Trump in 2020 uZRJnSc7D7M-00001-00001992-00002833 “I think the next president hasn’t declared yet,” Mr Khan said in an interview with HuffPost UK published Tuesday uZRJnSc7D7M-00002-00002833-00004081 .The Labour progressive, highly critical of the America First President and demanded his summer 2018 UK visit be cancelled, added, “And I think, it’s not going to be Trump uZRJnSc7D7M-00003-00004081-00005100 It can’t be Trump''.Amongst the Democrats who have thrown their hat in the ring that Khan has dismissed includes former Texas congressman Robert ‘Beto’ O’Rourke uZRJnSc7D7M-00004-00005100-00006080 Mr O’Rourke, married to a real estate heiress, launched his presidential campaign last week and has come out in support of socialist Rep uZRJnSc7D7M-00005-00006080-00006832 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal and third trimester abortions if women want them uZRJnSc7D7M-00006-00006832-00008044 It was revealed Tuesday that after losing his 16th district congressional seat to Republican Ted Cruz, O’Rourke reportedly ate dirt fabled to possess “regenerative powers'' uZRJnSc7D7M-00007-00008044-00009517 Aware that champagne socialists lack the common touch, Mr Khan went on to advise any progressive Democrat planning to run against President Trump that they would need to work to develop an “emotional connection” with the average American uZRJnSc7D7M-00008-00009517-00011085 “What one of the challenges — and I’ve said this, I’ve got some friends in the Democratic party in America — is you’ve got to recognise the reasons why people supported [President Trump] and why people still support him,” Mr Khan said uZRJnSc7D7M-00009-00011085-00011839 .“One of the mistakes we make as politicians is we only spend time with like-minded people uZRJnSc7D7M-00010-00011839-00013890 We are like an echo chamber,” he added.Mr Khan has come under fire from the President for saying there was no reason “to be alarmed” in reaction to a deadly Islamist terror attack on London Bridge in June 2017, the President saying, “We must stop being politically correct and get down to the business of security for our people uZRJnSc7D7M-00011-00013890-00015029 If we don’t get smart it will only get worse… At least 7 dead and 48 wounded in terror attack and Mayor of London says there is ‘no reason to be alarmed!'” uZRJnSc7D7M-00012-00015029-00015954 The President has also highlighted London’s spiralling crime under Khan’s watch, saying the Labour mayor has done a “terrible job in London uZRJnSc7D7M-00013-00015954-00018093 ”. .President Trump, an Anglophile and patriot-nationalist, has consistently backed Brexit and the choice of the British people to leave the EU, while the British capital’s own mayor is holding out high hopes that in these turbulent past few weeks in British politics the UK will reverse the people’s decision and remain in the bloc wLGUs4l3Vho-00000-00000571-00002002 A panel on CNN’s Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer reacted live on air to news that the Mueller report has concluded and resulted in no new indictments by admitting that President Trump has won a “huge victory wLGUs4l3Vho-00001-00002002-00002613 ”.“He’s been vindicated by them,” Evan Pérez said of President Trump and the Mueller report wLGUs4l3Vho-00002-00002613-00003739 .“And then he’s now vindicated, exactly,” Gloria Borger said.“You know–how do you manage that politically? I mean, we obviously can’t jump the gun here wLGUs4l3Vho-00003-00003739-00005009 We have to see what comes out from Barr, and what’s in the report. But if I’m at Mar-A-Lago with the president, as Pamela has been reporting, the lawyers are … that I would be very happy,” she added wLGUs4l3Vho-00004-00005009-00005792 Later, a panel member concluded that the Mueller report was in fact a “huge victory” for President Trump wLGUs4l3Vho-00005-00005792-00006607 “A couple of victories here,” CNN’s Shimon Prokupecz said.“The president did not have to sit down for an interview wLGUs4l3Vho-00006-00006607-00007276 They were so concerned about that, because he’d get caught up in lies–and there’d be perjury traps wLGUs4l3Vho-00007-00007276-00008162 Okay, so that’s now over. No more people being indicted. Sealed, unsealed–no more indictments wLGUs4l3Vho-00008-00008162-00009572 Mueller is done. Huge victory for the president,” he said. .Special counsel Robert Mueller concluded the Russia investigation and turned over his report to Attorney General Willian Barr Friday afternoon wLGUs4l3Vho-00009-00009572-00010351 According to multiple reports, there will be no further indictments in the report, sealed or unsealed x7zJOkCbJDI-00000-00000513-00001197 House Democrats are vowing to get their hands on President Trump’s past tax returns x7zJOkCbJDI-00001-00001197-00002077 And according a spokeswoman for Speaker Nancy Pelosi, they will “take all necessary steps” -- including litigation -- to get them x7zJOkCbJDI-00002-00002077-00004149 “Every day the American people and Congress learn more about President Trump’s improprieties, from conflicts of interest to influence peddling, potential tax evasion and violations of the Constitution – all roads leading back to President Trump’s finances,” Ashley Etienne, a spokeswoman for Pelosi, told Fox News on Friday x7zJOkCbJDI-00003-00004149-00005275 “These improprieties, and the lack of transparency around them, give the House legitimate legislative, oversight and legal reasons to review the president’s tax returns x7zJOkCbJDI-00004-00005275-00006192 ”.The topic has been a contentious one for the president since his time on the campaign trail in 2016, and throughout his administration x7zJOkCbJDI-00005-00006192-00007309 Trump has claimed that his tax returns are complicated, and has maintained that he will not release them while they are under audit by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) x7zJOkCbJDI-00006-00007309-00008448 Fox News is told the request for years of Trump’s past tax returns is expected to go to the IRS “as early as the next few weeks,” according to aides close to the process x7zJOkCbJDI-00007-00008448-00009175 “We will take all necessary steps, including litigation, if necessary, to obtain them x7zJOkCbJDI-00008-00009175-00010564 Given President Trump’s recalcitrance, the committees with jurisdictional and legislative equities are working with the Ways and Means Committee to ensure the House is able to present the strongest possible case,” Etienne said x7zJOkCbJDI-00009-00010564-00011327 A source told Fox News that Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal, D-Mass x7zJOkCbJDI-00010-00011327-00012900 , has also reached out to fellow chairs of other House investigative committees – including Financial Services, Intelligence, Judiciary, and Oversight -- asking them to lay out in detail why they need to review the president’s tax returns for their own efforts x7zJOkCbJDI-00011-00012900-00013900 Democrats signaled during hearings this week with Trump’s former personal attorney, Michael Cohen, that they are working to get the tax returns x7zJOkCbJDI-00012-00013900-00015378 Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., on Wednesday asked Cohen if Trump had intentionally devalued his real estate assets to reduce his tax bills, to which Cohen responded, "Yes x7zJOkCbJDI-00013-00015378-00016789 ".Ocasio-Cortez, a member of the House Oversight Committee, sought to lay the groundwork for lawmakers to potentially subpoena employees of the Trump Organization -- including its chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg x7zJOkCbJDI-00014-00016789-00018354 Cohen said Weisselberg was privy to Trump's various money maneuvers and who received immunity from federal prosecutors in New York to testify against Cohen prior to the attorney's guilty plea on federal campaign finance violations last August x7zJOkCbJDI-00015-00018354-00019743 "What you do is, you deflate the value of the asset and then you put in a request to the tax department for a deduction," Cohen said when Ocasio-Cortez asked how Trump attempted to reduce his tax burden x7zJOkCbJDI-00016-00019743-00020838 "And would it help for the committee to obtain federal and state tax returns from the president and his company to address that discrepancy?" Ocasio-Cortez asked x7zJOkCbJDI-00017-00020838-00021917 "I believe so," Cohen answered.In response to questioning from another lawmaker, Cohen said that he had seen Trump's tax returns, but had not gone through them ymaN19bVBNY-00000-00000513-00001816 Since 50 Muslims were murdered while praying last Friday in New Zealand, the entire world has been informing themselves on the background of the killer who live-streamed his assault on innocent people ymaN19bVBNY-00001-00001816-00003107 With that knowledge comes some, not-so-shocking, yet utterly devastating facts. White nationalism is on the rise around the world, and leaders like Donald Trump are giving them strength ymaN19bVBNY-00002-00003107-00003963 Now, the U.S. House Judiciary Committee just announced they are going to hold a hearing on the rise of white nationalism ymaN19bVBNY-00003-00003963-00005654 According to The Daily Beast:.“The House Judiciary Committee is planning on hosting a hearing in the coming weeks addressing the rise of white nationalism in the U.S. and the hate crime and hate speech surrounding the movement, according to two sources with direct knowledge of the committee’s schedule” ymaN19bVBNY-00004-00005654-00006714 The white terrorist in New Zealand listed Trump as a person he admired in his killer’s manifesto that he posted on the internet before carrying out the brutal attacks ymaN19bVBNY-00005-00006714-00007537 Trump himself has called himself a nationalist, but would not elaborate on whether or not he thought that made him a white nationalist ymaN19bVBNY-00006-00007537-00008548 The Beast continues:.“Addressing the rise of white nationalism and related movements has been a tricky proposition for government officials in the past ymaN19bVBNY-00007-00008548-00010105 When the Obama administration’s Department of Homeland issued a warning in 2009 about the rise of right-wing extremism, the political backlash was so intense that then Secretary Janet Napolitano had to issue a formal apology ymaN19bVBNY-00008-00010105-00011257 During the last few years, Republican committee chairs resisted calls to hold hearings on the rise of white supremacy even as Congress pass ceremonial votes condemning it” ymaN19bVBNY-00009-00011257-00012892 This is a joke, right?.Unfortunately, no.This hearing is a long time coming, and now that the black man is out of the White House, maybe we can force politicians to grow a backbone and stand up to the obvious power white people have in this country ymaN19bVBNY-00010-00012892-00013728 Can you imagine black people complaining about a political move and the government issuing an apology? No ymaN19bVBNY-00011-00013728-00015951 Because it would never happen. Ever.The Beast reported that:.“Individuals familiar with the FBI’s focus on the rise of domestic terrorism and the increasing hate speech affiliated with white nationalism told The Daily Beast that the agency is actively working with faith leaders from across the nation to address the threats facing houses of worship” ymaN19bVBNY-00012-00015951-00017061 “One individual said the FBI’s Office of Partner Engagement was heading up the effort to engage with religious communities and educate them on how to secure their facilities ymaN19bVBNY-00013-00017061-00018270 The agency is also engaging with local law enforcement agencies to help develop protocols for identifying individuals who may have the motivations for carrying out attacks on religious institutions” ymaN19bVBNY-00014-00018270-00019229 So, for right now, we are just asking the religious people to turn their places of worship into barbed wire fortresses with armed guards ymaN19bVBNY-00015-00019229-00019924 You know, the kind of place you look forward to going to every week. So peaceful ymaN19bVBNY-00016-00019924-00020950 White people are coddled in this country to the point of everyone else having to make accommodations just so that they can continues hating everyone who isn’t porcelain ymaN19bVBNY-00017-00020950-00022604 The FBI released the following statement:.“The FBI regularly assesses intelligence regarding possible threats to the U.S. and will continue to work closely with our federal, state, and local law enforcement partners should there be any potential threat to public safety ymaN19bVBNY-00018-00022604-00023304 The attacks in New Zealand serve as a reminder of the need for all of us to be vigilant ymaN19bVBNY-00019-00023304-00024252 The FBI asks members of the public to maintain awareness of their surroundings and to report any suspicious activity to law enforcement” z9g7Md1e6qY-00000-00000571-00001618 The highest tax-writing committee in the House is planning to make a request to the Internal Revenue Service for years of Donald Trump’s personal tax returns in the next week z9g7Md1e6qY-00001-00001618-00002760 According to congressional aides involved in the process, Democrats are fully prepared to take any and all steps necessary to obtain the tax returns, including legal action z9g7Md1e6qY-00002-00002760-00004298 .Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal has asked the committee’s attorneys to work on the request and contacted several House investigative committees to provide detailed reasons for why the president’s tax returns are necessary to conduct their probes z9g7Md1e6qY-00003-00004298-00006359 Ashley Etienne, the spokeswoman for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, told reporters.''Every day the American people and Congress learn more about President Trump’s improprieties, from conflicts of interest to influence peddling, potential tax evasion and violations of the Constitution — all roads leading back to President Trump’s finances'' z9g7Md1e6qY-00004-00006359-00007185 The Ways and Means Committee is the only congressional committee with the power to deliver a request for Trump’s tax returns z9g7Md1e6qY-00005-00007185-00008232 Neal has said he may wait to deliver the request until special counsel Robert Mueller has completed his investigation of the Trump campaign’s alleged ties to Russia z9g7Md1e6qY-00006-00008232-00009342 Congressional aides involved in the request said Michael Cohen’s testimony in front of the House Oversight Committee earlier this week sparked the decision to include multiple committee stakeholders z9g7Md1e6qY-00007-00009342-00010301 Several pieces of information Cohen provided in his testimony apparently strengthen the House’s argument for Congress to obtain the records z9g7Md1e6qY-00008-00010301-00011416 In one of many breaks from presidential tradition, Trump has aggressively refused to release his tax returns since the issue was addressed during his campaign for the presidency z9g7Md1e6qY-00009-00011416-00012297 He’s the first U.S. president going all the way back to Richard Nixon who has refused to disclose his taxes to the general public z9g7Md1e6qY-00010-00012297-00013530 While the Ways and Means Committee has the power to obtain any U.S. taxpayer’s returns, they are preparing for a legal challenge from the president that would drag the process on longer than necessary zr0-zYxwmuA-00000-00000571-00001898 Jay Sekulow, an attorney for President Donald Trump, said Monday he does not want the written answers the President submitted to special counsel Robert Mueller to be released, describing them as "confidential zr0-zYxwmuA-00001-00001898-00003794 "."Well, that would not be a position that I would want, to just make a statement where we would release confidential communications that took place between the President of the United States and the Department of Justice or the special counsel's office," Sekulow told CNN's Alisyn Camerota on "New Day zr0-zYxwmuA-00002-00003794-00004972 ".Sekulow continued, "as a lawyer, you don't waive privileges and you don't waive investigative detail absent either a court order or an agreement between the parties zr0-zYxwmuA-00003-00004972-00005547 And you'd have to weigh a lot of factors there on how that affects other presidencies zr0-zYxwmuA-00004-00005547-00006649 ".Sekulow called such a move "very inappropriate," and added that it'll "be a decision (Attorney General William Barr) makes, but I've some strong opinions about that zr0-zYxwmuA-00005-00006649-00007744 ".On Sunday, Barr delivered a summary to Congress detailing the principal conclusions of Mueller's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election zr0-zYxwmuA-00006-00007744-00008728 For months, Mueller's team had requested a sit-down interview with Trump, but the President's lawyers refused to commit and negotiations continued zr0-zYxwmuA-00007-00008728-00009883 Eventually, the special counsel submitted written questions to the President last fall concerning the time frame before the 2016 election, which Trump answered in late November zr0-zYxwmuA-00008-00009883-00011819 Barr's letter to Congress stated that Mueller did not find that the Trump campaign conspired with Russia to influence the 2016 election and said that based on the report, Barr and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein determined there was not enough evidence to prosecute the President for obstruction of justice zyKxTUBUOBI-00000-00000571-00001707 As with many disastrous second dates, the collapse of Donald Trump’s summit with Kim Jong-un was made inevitable by the misreading of each other’s intentions at their first encounter zyKxTUBUOBI-00001-00001707-00002864 Since their initial meeting in Singapore last June, the US president had become fixated on what he saw as a close personal bond with the North Korean dictator half his age zyKxTUBUOBI-00002-00002864-00004217 He told his supporters: “We fell in love . He wrote me beautiful letters''.Those hand-delivered missives appear to have flattered Trump without offering concrete proposals of what Kim was going to do as part of a bargain zyKxTUBUOBI-00003-00004217-00005544 A joint statement issued in Singapore stated North Korea’s commitment to the “complete denuclearisation of the Korean peninsula”, which Trump appears to have understood as a pledge of complete unilateral nuclear disarmament zyKxTUBUOBI-00004-00005544-00006968 In North Korea, however, the phrase is a routine regime slogan that refers to a gradual defusing of tensions on the peninsula and phased multilateral disarmament, during which North Korea would be treated as a nuclear power zyKxTUBUOBI-00005-00006968-00008564 For his part, Kim appears to have come away from Singapore interpreting Trump’s gushing behaviour as sign of a desperation to strike a deal, which would potentially leave most of his arsenal in place while normalising relations with the US and lifting sanctions zyKxTUBUOBI-00006-00008564-00009570 These wildly different perceptions collided painfully in Hanoi, where the two leaders discovered each other not to be the ideal partner they had previously imagined zyKxTUBUOBI-00007-00009570-00011213 “It was obvious from the beginning that they would get stuck on the questions of how much denuclearisation there should be and how much sanctions relief,” said Joseph Yun, former US special representative for North Korea policy now at the US Institute of Peace thinktank zyKxTUBUOBI-00008-00011213-00012490 “Both Kim and Trump are now in a very difficult position. I think Trump now has to realise that complete denuclearisation, however charming Kim may be, is not on the cards'' zyKxTUBUOBI-00009-00012490-00013585 Yun said that Trump’s room for manoeuvre was constrained by the timing of the summit, coinciding with a furious denunciation by his former lawyer in congressional hearings zyKxTUBUOBI-00010-00013585-00014405 The president’s embattled position in Washington meant he had to deliver something spectacular in Hanoi or nothing at all zBr1NNZGskI-00000-00000513-00001607 Everyone knows that Donald Trump loves being #1 (even though he’s a failure at almost everything) and will throw a colossal fit if there’s anyone in front of him zBr1NNZGskI-00001-00001607-00002681 That’s why a recent poll by the Economist/YouGov just might tear the Trump family apart and get the president to resent his wife, First Lady Melania Trump zBr1NNZGskI-00002-00002681-00003653 .The Economist/YouGov poll asked America to rate each member of the Trump family and unsurprisingly, Trump did not come out on top zBr1NNZGskI-00003-00003653-00004966 In fact, the President of the United States was forced into the #2 spot by his own wife! Melania was rated the most-liked member of the Trump family, with a 51 percent likability rating zBr1NNZGskI-00004-00004966-00006024 The president, on the other hand, only scored at 44 percent, which was almost tied with the “very unfavorable” (42 percent) view of him zBr1NNZGskI-00005-00006024-00006850 Not surprisingly, Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner was the least-liked, trailing just behind Eric Trump zBr1NNZGskI-00006-00006850-00008028 While she certainly didn’t deserve such a high score, part of the reason that Melania scored so high is likely due to the fact that she has hidden for most of Trump’s presidency zBr1NNZGskI-00007-00008028-00009180 Sure, she makes occasional appearances to talk about her pathetic cyberbullying campaign and to defend her husband, but for the most part she’s away from the spotlight and hiding zBr1NNZGskI-00008-00009180-00009919 However, most recently she’s been taking Trump-like stances on things such as media coverage zBr1NNZGskI-00009-00009919-00010872 During her “Be Best” tour where she spoke about drug overdose deaths, Melania blasted the press for not covering the epidemic more zBr1NNZGskI-00010-00010872-00012220 The First Lady said:"I challenge the press to devote as much time to the lives lost and the potential lives that could be saved by dedicating the same amount of coverage that you do to idle gossip or trivial stories zBr1NNZGskI-00011-00012220-00012320 ” zXDG-9bRW4A-00000-00000571-00001213 Fox News and outlets like it are full of conspiracy theories that are highly inaccurate zXDG-9bRW4A-00001-00001213-00002002 That’s why it’s so important to place value on actual journalism and stories on the Trump situation zXDG-9bRW4A-00002-00002002-00002804 Pulitzer Prize winner David Cay Johnston has covered Trump for decades and has served as his biographer zXDG-9bRW4A-00003-00002804-00003564 Johnston was recently interviewed about the Trump administration and the current situation Trump finds himself in zXDG-9bRW4A-00004-00003564-00004384 Johnston’s recent book is called, “It’s Even Worse Than You Think: What the Trump Administration Is Doing to America zXDG-9bRW4A-00005-00004384-00005184 ”.The interview includes Johnston being asked about Trump’s campaign lies and his response is telling zXDG-9bRW4A-00006-00005184-00005988 Cay said.“In 2012, the bottom 90 percent of Americans reported a smaller income than in 1967 zXDG-9bRW4A-00007-00005988-00006868 Donald tapped into that problem, but he’s a con artist who promised to drain the swamp and then stocked it with swamp monsters'' zXDG-9bRW4A-00008-00006868-00007691 Johnston goes on to explain that there are many connections to the mafia and known criminals throughout Trump’s entire life zXDG-9bRW4A-00009-00007691-00009222 Johnston even goes back as far as his grandfather who “made his fortune running whorehouses in Seattle and in the Yukon Territory”, to his father who “had a business partner named Willie Tomasello, who was an associate of the Gambino crime family zXDG-9bRW4A-00010-00009222-00009917 ”.Trump’s new found claim of being religious is also interesting to Johnston. He said: zXDG-9bRW4A-00011-00009917-00010977 “I’ve followed Donald for 30 years. I don’t see any evidence that he has changed, and he certainly hasn’t repented, which is a fundamental Christian obligation zXDG-9bRW4A-00012-00010977-00011967 He is a racist through and through.”.Cay also goes on to say that Trump exhibits clear signs of malignant narcissism and sociopathy zXDG-9bRW4A-00013-00011967-00012884 Johnston says out of all the other presidents Trump is the only one who is not concerned with America at all and only focused on himself ZCq76ZejHRA-00000-00000571-00001349 “After three years of lie and smears and slander, the Russia hoax is finally dead,” Donald Trump said ZCq76ZejHRA-00001-00001349-00002433 “The collusion delusion is over.”.The crowd roared with approval as the president berated everyone invested in the “hoax” they thought would bury his presidency ZCq76ZejHRA-00002-00002433-00003744 “The crazy attempt by the Democrat party and the fake news media right there and the deep state to overturn the results of the 2016 election have failed,” he said as the crowd shouted, “Lock Them UP!” ZCq76ZejHRA-00003-00003744-00004714 The president noted that the investigation was always about his political opponents and the establishment trying to reverse the 2016 election ZCq76ZejHRA-00004-00004714-00005437 “The Russia hoax proves more than ever that we need to finish exactly what we came here to do,” he said ZCq76ZejHRA-00005-00005437-00006526 “DRAIN. THE. SWAMP.”.Trump said he would continue fighting for their agenda, despite Democrats trying to stop their historical political movement ZCq76ZejHRA-00006-00006526-00007428 “We defeated a very corrupt establishment and we’re keeping our promise to the American people and it’s driving them crazy,” he said ZCq76ZejHRA-00007-00007428-00008428 He challenged Democrats to move on from the Russia investigation despite their continuing efforts to keep pushing the idea in the old media ZCq76ZejHRA-00008-00008428-00009906 “The Democrats have to decide whether they will continue to defraud the public with ridiculous bullshit, partisan investigations or whether they will apologize to the American people and join us to rebuild our crumbling infrastructure ZCq76ZejHRA-00009-00009906-00010967 ”.Later in the evening, Trump described the Democrat party as the party of “radicalism, resist, and revenge,” mocking their protest signs that read “Resist!” ZCq76ZejHRA-00010-00010967-00011581 “Resist?” he asked. “What the hell? Let’s get something done, right?” __qJiG_swog-00000-00000513-00001568 The results of a new poll indicate that President Trump’s approval ratings, largely coming in response to his strong economic performance, continue to climb __qJiG_swog-00001-00001568-00002853 While the mainstream media has increasingly sought to portray Trump’s presidency as ineffective, the latest polling implies that his efforts to bolster the US economy have impressed American voters __qJiG_swog-00002-00002853-00004387 Now, as 2020 draws near, even the media, whose tumultuous relationship with Trump has been displayed throughout his time in the White House, is reluctantly admitting that his economic accomplishments are a hurdle for potential Democrat opponents __qJiG_swog-00003-00004387-00005316 From Yahoo:.President Donald Trump’s job approval numbers continue to climb, according to the RealClearPolitics average of polls __qJiG_swog-00004-00005316-00006495 After an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll published Monday put Trump’s approval rating at 46 percent among registered voters, his RCP average rose to 44 __qJiG_swog-00005-00006495-00007349 4 percent, his highest mark since October 2018 following the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh __qJiG_swog-00006-00007349-00008151 Trump’s highest RCP average of his presidency came was 46 percent after his inauguration __qJiG_swog-00007-00008151-00009141 Two months later, it dropped below 44 percent and only briefly returned above that level in May, June and October of 2018 __qJiG_swog-00008-00009141-00009966 Despite that improvement, the numbers still indicate the president is vulnerable heading into the 2020 election __qJiG_swog-00009-00009966-00011356 The NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found that 41 percent of registered voters plan to vote for Trump while 48 percent said they plan to vote for whoever ends up becoming the Democratic candidate __qJiG_swog-00010-00011356-00012398 And Trump’s disapproval rating remained high at 52 percent, although that was an improvement from the 54 percent the poll found in January and December _hhVQzbr2LA-00000-00000571-00002890 Remember, after the 2012 presidential election, how Barack Obama simply could not let go of the fact that Mitt Romney got 206 electoral college votes, and how, years after that election, Obama continued to blame Mitt for every misstep he and his administration made, and how Obama kept referring to Mitt Romney as “Crooked Mitt”? Remember that? Me neither _hhVQzbr2LA-00001-00002890-00004392 That kind of behavior is strictly the dominion of the Adolescent-in-Chief. .Well, get ready for what is turning out to be the tedious next chapter in a Tolstoy-length novel of pure Hillary-blaming, by none other than “Whining Donald” Trump _hhVQzbr2LA-00002-00004392-00005714 The “president,” who is such a genius he doesn’t want us to see his SAT scores or grades, and is so rich he doesn’t want us to see his tax returns, is now so innocent he doesn’t want us to see the Mueller report _hhVQzbr2LA-00003-00005714-00006874 But since the (heavily redacted) Mueller report is to be released on Thursday anyway, Trump has begun rehearsals for his latest song and dance: “Blame Hillary: the Musical _hhVQzbr2LA-00004-00006874-00008036 ”. .That’s right, the bogey woman who is so powerful that Whining Donald simply cannot get free of her, is back to haunting poor little Donny’s nap time once again _hhVQzbr2LA-00005-00008036-00008979 The strategy, cooked up by Trump and his team of bloodsucking lawyers, is to change the subject of the Mueller Report to Hillary instead _hhVQzbr2LA-00006-00008979-00010032 Their specious rationale? According to Vanity Fair, it was Hillary all along who concocted the Steele Dossier, by colluding with the Russians _hhVQzbr2LA-00007-00010032-00011819 .The actual truth – a thing Trump has a positive allergy for – is that a US research firm, Fusion GPS, contracted former British spy Christopher Steele to compile the dossier that ended up alleging, among other things, collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia _hhVQzbr2LA-00008-00011819-00013109 Steele’s work was paid for by the Washington Free Beacon, a Republican media outfit, with the Democratic Party and the Clinton campaign “picking up the tab” after Trump won his party’s nomination _hhVQzbr2LA-00009-00013109-00014109 So the Steele dossier had no pro-Democrat agenda at its inception. If anything, its antecedents would suggest a Republican bias _hhVQzbr2LA-00010-00014109-00015405 That its conclusions were steeply unfavorable to Trump is a problem Whining Donald will have to take up with reality, a thing with which he is at continuous war anyway, so it should be familiar territory Aq9kmL6uRC4-00000-00000571-00001208 Donald Trump would like you to think that he is a savior sent to revive the Republican party Aq9kmL6uRC4-00001-00001208-00002326 However, this could not be farther from the truth. Trump has polarized and ripped apart the party he aligned himself with in order to gain traction toward his eventual election as President Aq9kmL6uRC4-00002-00002326-00003426 He has proven ineffective as a leader and as a legislator. Should we begin to discuss how he is faring at his role as “chief citizen”? I didn’t think so Aq9kmL6uRC4-00003-00003426-00004687 In response to Trump’s two years of stumbles, faux pas, and epic poor decision making many political personalities of the past and present have commented on his ability to do his job Aq9kmL6uRC4-00004-00004687-00005565 Most recently, Ronald Reagan, Jr. has spoken out against Trump and the bang-up job he is doing in Washington Aq9kmL6uRC4-00005-00005565-00006367 Literally, it’s been like a demolition derby in the Capitol City!.Well, folks, Ronald Reagan, Jr Aq9kmL6uRC4-00006-00006367-00007945 let his opinion regarding Trump be known. During a recent interview with Chris Matthews on MSNBC, Reagan said he thinks that Trump should be impeached or removed via the 25th Amendment – either way in his opinion Trump has to go Aq9kmL6uRC4-00007-00007945-00008741 “Donald Trump is a deeply damaged human being. He is a sociopathic, malignant narcissist Aq9kmL6uRC4-00008-00008741-00009760 Reagan ― a liberal commentator for the cable network and a frequent critic of the president ― blamed the electoral system rather than the voters for Trump taking office Aq9kmL6uRC4-00009-00009760-00010617 ‘The Electoral College has sort of vomited this thing up and it landed in the Oval Office, and it needs to be removed Aq9kmL6uRC4-00010-00010617-00011738 It’s a stain. It’s a big glob on the carpet there. It needs to be removed. And that means impeachment or the 25th Amendment,’ Reagan said Aq9kmL6uRC4-00011-00011738-00013349 ‘This man is a danger to the world.’ The 25th Amendment allows for the vice president and a majority of the Cabinet to declare a president ‘unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office,’ which would set off a sequence of events that could result in removal Aq9kmL6uRC4-00012-00013349-00014930 “.Remember, President Ronald Reagan wanted to make America great again, first. Trump stole that line from him and has tried to cash in on it’s meaning and it’s nostalgia tied to Reagan – who Republicans love! Ronald Reagan, Jr Aq9kmL6uRC4-00013-00014930-00015779 has no love for Trump and is calling him out on it. In fact, he is trying to call to action others in America Aq9kmL6uRC4-00014-00015779-00017189 He thinks Trump should be ousted from office, legally, and soon. Will Trump be impeached? Will Trump be declared incompetent to serve? Let’s hope an answer to these pending queries arrives sooner than later AvLpAA87ary-00000-00000571-00001733 The House Judiciary Committee targeted dozens of Trump-related people and entities today, in an attempt at exposing every criminal aspect of Donald Trump’s past and present AvLpAA87ary-00001-00001733-00002465 Most of the targets received document requests today on similar, wide-ranging topics AvLpAA87ary-00002-00002465-00003363 But a small handful of people are being asked for documents on specific topics that are, shall we say, illuminating AvLpAA87ary-00003-00003363-00005879 Of all the people targeted today, the House Judiciary Committee made a point of asking two people – Trump’s longtime personal secretary Rhona Graff and former Trump administration adviser Tom Bossert – for “the contents of meetings between President Trump and Vladimir Putin on July 7th, 2017, November 11th, 2017, July 16th, 2018, and November 30th, 2018 AvLpAA87ary-00004-00005879-00006730 ” These are the meetings where Trump went to great lengths to ensure that the content of his discussions with Putin remained secret AvLpAA87ary-00005-00006730-00007932 So why would the House Judiciary Committee know to ask these two people in particular for documents about the secret Trump-Putin meetings? This doesn’t feel like a random stab in the dark AvLpAA87ary-00006-00007932-00008799 The committee must know something specific, that’s not yet public, about why these two people would have this information AvLpAA87ary-00007-00008799-00010661 The only faint potential clues we have are that Michael Cohen recently testified in public that Rhona Graff was on the line when Donald Trump was discussing WikiLeaks with Roger Stone, and that Tom Bossert abruptly resigned from the Trump regime as soon as Kremlin puppet John Bolton was appointed AvLpAA87ary-00008-00010661-00011662 But even that doesn’t give us much to go on. It’s becoming clear that the House Judiciary Committee is several steps ahead of what’s publicly known Ax1o2uAfrtc-00000-00000571-00001644 Democrats didn’t think Donald would dare downsize them – here he comes.Democrats deny America border wall by claiming there just isn’t any money Ax1o2uAfrtc-00001-00001644-00002650 Oh really?.Then where do they get the money to spend billions on wasteful programs? Or government agencies that do nothing to help Americans? Ax1o2uAfrtc-00002-00002650-00003747 President Trump is saying enough to this charade. And he’s decided to get his wall money by slashing the budget of one of the left’s favorite agencies: the EPA Ax1o2uAfrtc-00003-00003747-00005427 But wait until you see how much he wants to cut!.From Daily Caller.President Donald Trump’s fiscal year 2020 budget calls for huge reductions in Environmental Protection Agency and Energy Department spending in order to pay for wall construction on the U Ax1o2uAfrtc-00004-00005427-00006417 S.-Mexico border.In one specific piece of the proposal, the president is asking to slash the EPA’s budget by 31 percent Ax1o2uAfrtc-00005-00006417-00007085 Trump’s budget would cut the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Office… from $2 Ax1o2uAfrtc-00006-00007085-00008363 3 billion to about $700 million — a 70 percent reduction.Trump would take well over $1 BILLION from Democrats’ favorite agency and put it right into building the wall Ax1o2uAfrtc-00007-00008363-00009298 Let’s look at the big picture. The EPA was created (by Republican Richard Nixon) to protect human health and environment Ax1o2uAfrtc-00008-00009298-00010178 But today, thanks to Obama, the agency is more about passing strict regulations that hurt businesses and the economy Ax1o2uAfrtc-00009-00010178-00010915 As a former contractor for the EPA, I can tell you they waste an incredible amount of money Ax1o2uAfrtc-00010-00010915-00012051 With very little to show for it.This was the same agency who, a few years back, was responsible for poisoning the Colorado River and tainting the water of Flint, Michigan Ax1o2uAfrtc-00011-00012051-00013046 The United States has plenty of laws protecting our environment. Laws that, ironically, were passed by Congress and past presidents Ax1o2uAfrtc-00012-00013046-00014099 They have little to do with the EPA, a bloated, runaway agency.Cutting their budget to protect our border is something few patriots will disagree with Ax1o2uAfrtc-00013-00014099-00014360 What do you think? BbEXtvsNVPc-00000-00000571-00002068 Michael Cohen came back to the House Intelligence Committee today for an extra eight hours of testimony that wasn’t even originally supposed to happen, and as a sign of just how pivotal it was, Cohen showed up with three suitcases of evidence BbEXtvsNVPc-00001-00002068-00003483 Now it’s all coming out in rapid fashion.Democratic Congressman Jim Himes, who sits on the committee and was present for today’s Michael Cohen testimony, just told CNN that a transcript will soon be made public BbEXtvsNVPc-00002-00003483-00004353 We’re assuming that portions of it will be redacted, at least for now, due to the nature of the ongoing criminal investigations BbEXtvsNVPc-00003-00004353-00005450 But we already know one key piece of what transpired today, and apparently two, and let’s just say that two of Trump’s people are likely headed to prison as a result of it BbEXtvsNVPc-00004-00005450-00006897 |.First came the news that Michael Cohen provided the committee with documents today proving that Donald Trump’s criminal defense attorney Jay Sekulow instructed him to lie under oath to Congress in 2017 about Trump Tower Moscow BbEXtvsNVPc-00005-00006897-00007898 Considering that Cohen is headed to prison for lying under oath to Congress, it seems a given that Sekulow will now head to prison with him BbEXtvsNVPc-00006-00007898-00009076 Then came the apparently related news that Rudy Giuliani sent two unnamed attorneys to dangle a pardon in front of Michael Cohen after his office was raided by the FBI BbEXtvsNVPc-00007-00009076-00009982 That’s conspiracy to commit felony obstruction of justice, and it means Rudy should also be packing his toothbrush for prison BbEXtvsNVPc-00008-00009982-00011045 So two of Trump’s lawyers are facing prison, and those are just the two scandals that have surfaced so far in relation to Cohen’s testimony today BbEXtvsNVPc-00009-00011045-00011500 Just wait until the transcript gets published C528OhTJD-o-00000-00000131-00000303 Паважаны Алесь Бяляцкі! C528OhTJD-o-00001-00000303-00000672 Вас затрымалі 14 ліпеня з парушэннем усіх законаў. C528OhTJD-o-00002-00000678-00001056 Вы ўжо правялі за кратамі больш за тры месяцы. C528OhTJD-o-00003-00001080-00001365 Мяне напаўняе вялікі смутак і гнеў, C528OhTJD-o-00004-00001365-00001763 што вы знаходзіцеся ў няволі ў свой асаблівы дзень, Дзень нараджэння. C528OhTJD-o-00005-00001800-00002315 Яшчэ большы гнеў у мяне выклікае злачынны дыктатарскі рэжым Лукашэнкі, C528OhTJD-o-00006-00002315-00002809 які душыць дэмакратычную Беларусь у ганебнай спробе захаваць уладу. C528OhTJD-o-00007-00002880-00003060 Не толькі ў дзень нараджэння, C528OhTJD-o-00008-00003060-00003381 але і кожны дзень, дарагі Алесь Бяляцкі, C528OhTJD-o-00009-00003381-00003920 вы можаце быць упэўнены ў маёй падтрымцы вас і дэмакратычнай Беларусі. C528OhTJD-o-00010-00003954-00004102 Я побач з вамі. C528OhTJD-o-00011-00004102-00004348 Я буду працягваць распавядаць пра вашу справу, C528OhTJD-o-00012-00004348-00004964 каб вы і ўсе палітвязні не былі забытыя, і каб правасуддзе перамагло. C528OhTJD-o-00013-00005000-00005426 Жадаю вам сілы, мужнасці і настойлівасці. C528OhTJD-o-00014-00005450-00005650 Але маё самае вялікае жаданне для вас - C528OhTJD-o-00015-00005650-00006042 каб вы маглі адсвяткаваць свой наступны дзень нараджэння на волі. C528OhTJD-o-00016-00006066-00006223 У дэмакратычнай Беларусі. C528OhTJD-o-00017-00006266-00006427 Гэта тое, да чаго я імкнуся. C528OhTJD-o-00018-00006487-00006590 З Днём нараджэння! CxkU6uNWC9E-00000-00000000-00001374 Special Counsel Robert Mueller just got Paul Manafort sent to prison for life, and he’s just revealed in a court filing that he has proof Roger Stone was conspiring with Russian government hackers during the election CxkU6uNWC9E-00001-00001374-00002831 All that’s left to do, really, is to take down Donald Trump. That’s why it’s such a big deal that, according to several major news outlets today, Mueller is now subpoenaing the former director of Cambridge Analytica CxkU6uNWC9E-00002-00002831-00003941 The case against Roger Stone alone is enough to prove that there was a criminal plot between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin to alter the outcome of the 2016 election CxkU6uNWC9E-00003-00003941-00004876 But while that’s damaging and humiliating to Donald Trump, it doesn’t prove that he was in on the Stone-Russia election rigging scheme CxkU6uNWC9E-00004-00004876-00005814 We all instinctively “know” that Stone was running all of this past Trump during their frequent phone calls, but that’s not legal proof CxkU6uNWC9E-00005-00005814-00007120 However, a data factory like Cambridge Analytica is dripping with proof.Donald Trump will try to paint his old friend Roger Stone as having acted as a lone wolf in criminally conspiring with the Kremlin CxkU6uNWC9E-00006-00007120-00007789 He’ll claim he had no idea Stone was working with the Putin regime to rig the election CxkU6uNWC9E-00007-00007789-00009184 He’ll insist he would have won anyway, even without Stone’s and Putin’s help. But based on the mountain of publicly visible circumstantial evidence alone, Trump-Russia was clearly not a one-off between Stone and the Kremlin CxkU6uNWC9E-00008-00009184-00010401 Cambridge Analytica is widely suspected of having taken voter registration data that was stolen by Russian hackers, and having used it to plot out Donald Trump’s voter targeting strategy CxkU6uNWC9E-00009-00010401-00011271 If this can be proven, it’ll demonstrate that the entirety of the Trump campaign was based around what the Russians were cooking up CxkU6uNWC9E-00010-00011271-00012423 It’ll prove, either in the court of law or the court of public opinion or both, that Donald Trump was at the center of his campaign’s criminal election rigging conspiracy with the Kremlin CxkU6uNWC9E-00011-00012423-00013225 On a different but equally important note, this should also prove that the Kremlin rigged the Brexit vote as well Cb4X0tc-sZY-00000-00000513-00002542 Two top Democratic U.S. senators called on Boeing to ground all 737 Max 8 planes operating in the United States while the deadly weekend crash of an Ethiopian Airlines jet is investigated, while the head of the House Transportation Committee said Monday that he would "think twice" about boarding the aircraft in the future Cb4X0tc-sZY-00001-00002542-00003768 All 157 people on board were killed after Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 went down in clear weather shortly after takeoff Sunday morning outside Addis Ababa Cb4X0tc-sZY-00002-00003768-00004585 The crash was similar to that of a Lion Air jet of the same model that plummeted into the Java Sea off Indonesia on Oct Cb4X0tc-sZY-00003-00004585-00005912 29 of last year, killing all 189 people on board.Rep. Peter DeFazio, D-Ore., told Fox News on Monday that the two tragedies were "eerily similar Cb4X0tc-sZY-00004-00005912-00006725 in terms of the unusual climb and the dive."."I would think twice about getting on the plane, truthfully," he added Cb4X0tc-sZY-00005-00006725-00008318 "I'm not going to be dishonest here.".Following the crash, all airlines in Ethiopia, China and Indonesia grounded their Max 8s, as did Caribbean carrier Cayman Airways, Comair in South Africa and Royal Air Maroc in Morocco Cb4X0tc-sZY-00006-00008318-00009277 Sens. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., and Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., called on Boeing to follow suit in the U Cb4X0tc-sZY-00007-00009277-00011432 S."Until the cause of the [Ethiopian Airlines] crash is known and it’s clear that similar risks aren’t present in the domestic fleet, I believe all Boeing 737 Max 8 series aircraft operating in the United States should be temporarily grounded," Feinstein said in a letter to acting Federal Aviation Administration chief Dan Elwell Cb4X0tc-sZY-00008-00011432-00012411 "This aircraft model represents only a small fraction of the domestic fleet, and several other countries have already taken this important step Cb4X0tc-sZY-00009-00012411-00013380 ".Blumenthal said in a statement that the two "catastrophic accidents" involving the Max 8 "call into serious question the safety of these airplanes Cb4X0tc-sZY-00010-00013380-00014276 The FAA and the airline industry must act quickly and decisively to protect American travelers, pilots and flight attendants Cb4X0tc-sZY-00011-00014276-00015337 These planes must be grounded immediately and airlines should work expeditiously to minimize disruption and accommodate customers whose travel is impacted Cb4X0tc-sZY-00012-00015337-00016706 ".In an email to employees made public earlier Monday, Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg wrote: "We are confident in the safety of the 737 MAX and in the work of the men and women who design and build it Cb4X0tc-sZY-00013-00016706-00017445 ".The FAA tried to discourage comparisons between Sunday's crash and the Lion Air disaster Cb4X0tc-sZY-00014-00017445-00018881 While noting that "[e]xternal reports are drawing similarities between [the accidents]," the agency said, "this investigation has just begun and to date we have not been provided data to draw any conclusions or take any actions Cb4X0tc-sZY-00015-00018881-00019788 ".In an earlier statement, the FAA said it would take "immediate and appropriate action" if it identified an ongoing safety issue Cb4X0tc-sZY-00016-00019788-00020788 DeFazio told Fox News that "heads will roll" at the FAA "if they're not confident in their data and the safety of this plane Cb4X0tc-sZY-00017-00020788-00021700 "."They're not supposed to be promoting [aviation]," DeFazio said. "They tell me they are confident in their data and their simulations Cb4X0tc-sZY-00018-00021700-00022052 That's the best I can do right now." E0Z5KcP7Y-A-00000-00000000-00000203 Мяне завуць Эліс Магвэ. E0Z5KcP7Y-A-00001-00000223-00000804 Я прэзідэнтка Міжнароднай федэрацыі за правы чалавека (FIDH). E0Z5KcP7Y-A-00002-00000849-00001791 Cа жніўня 2020 года прадстаўнікі аўтарытарнага рэжыму Аляксандра Лукашэнкі адвольна затрымалі, пасадзілі ў турмы і катавалі E0Z5KcP7Y-A-00003-00001791-00002390 тысячы беларусаў, якія мужна выступалі за сваю свабоду ў знак пратэсту супраць фальсіфікацыя выбараў. E0Z5KcP7Y-A-00004-00002465-00003029 У межах масавай кампаніі дзяржаўнага тэрору рэжым таксама здзейсніў атаку на праваабаронцаў. E0Z5KcP7Y-A-00005-00003029-00003501 У тым ліку на арганізацыю-сябра FIDH Праваабарончы цэнтр "Вясна". E0Z5KcP7Y-A-00006-00003576-00003801 Гэтыя рэпрэсіі пачаліся год таму. E0Z5KcP7Y-A-00007-00003801-00004445 17 верасня была затрыманая каардынатарка валанцёраў "Вясны" Марфа Рабкова. E0Z5KcP7Y-A-00008-00004510-00005010 Лідары "Вясны", якія таксама з'яўляюцца цяперашнім і былым віцэ-прэзідэнтамі FIDH E0Z5KcP7Y-A-00009-00005045-00005415 Валянцін Стэфановіч і Алесь Бяляцкі E0Z5KcP7Y-A-00010-00005442-00005666 Вось ужо два месяцы знаходзяцца за кратамі. E0Z5KcP7Y-A-00011-00005708-00006154 У зняволенні зараз знаходзяцца сем нашых калегаў з "Вясны". E0Z5KcP7Y-A-00012-00006243-00006715 FIDH рашуча асуджае неабгрунтаваныя напады на "Вясну". E0Z5KcP7Y-A-00013-00006743-00006992 І патрабуе іх неадкладнага вызвалення. E0Z5KcP7Y-A-00014-00007015-00007611 Мы заклікаем усіх выказаць сваю салідарнасць з нашымі калегамі і сябрамі E0Z5KcP7Y-A-00015-00007611-00007903 Якіх пераследуюць за іх смелую працу. EL1CMMRggic-00000-00000571-00001501 California overplayed their hand – so Donald is laying down the law!.California just won’t stop misbehaving, will they? EL1CMMRggic-00001-00001501-00002376 After they tax their citizens through the roof, they request billions in federal dollars from Trump to fund their liberal plans EL1CMMRggic-00002-00002376-00003413 I can’t believe they’ve gotten away with it for so long.But if Trump has his way, one of California’s worst policies is coming to an end EL1CMMRggic-00003-00003413-00004755 From The Daily Caller.The Trump administration is done trying to negotiate with California, and will move forward with plans to revoke the state of its authority to set tougher fuel efficiency standards EL1CMMRggic-00004-00004755-00005907 The move to revoke California of its waiver comes as the Trump administration is also looking to freeze Obama-era efficiency rules meant to cut carbon emissions from the transportation industry EL1CMMRggic-00005-00005907-00007130 California has been setting tougher “green” standards for years, costing its residents more – and Trump is determined for his EPA to set the entire nation’s standards, not California EL1CMMRggic-00006-00007130-00008125 You would never guess how much money these changes would save America – up to $500 BILLION, plus 1,000 lives each year EL1CMMRggic-00007-00008125-00008867 Obama’s regulations to raise fuel economy standards made the roads less safe and far more expensive EL1CMMRggic-00008-00008867-00010215 And somehow, California thought his rules weren’t strict enough.But Trump wants safe, affordable roads in every state of the union, and he’s not going to let California’s green policies stand in his way EL1CMMRggic-00009-00010215-00011304 California kept pushing the global warming story to get more tax dollars, but Trump needs that money for things that are proven – like stopping the border crisis EgQRwiyVDdU-00000-00000513-00001970 New York Magazine canvassed a hundred New Yorkers asking each the question, “How Will the Trump Presidency End?” Remember, this question was asked in New York, so you can expect a New York bias EgQRwiyVDdU-00001-00001970-00003491 Nevertheless, a thin majority (51%) responded he will run again and lose in 2020 – and a further 8% thinks he will lose and have to be deposed, with 23% believing he will win reelection EgQRwiyVDdU-00002-00003491-00004225 The remaining replies ranged from “don’t know” all the way to impeachment to “he will become dictator for life EgQRwiyVDdU-00003-00004225-00005573 ”.What struck me about all this is, based on the opinions of people in a distinctly anti-Trump city, how easy it is to believe that Donald Trump has a Vegas chance to survive this current crisis EgQRwiyVDdU-00004-00005573-00006928 Most particularly, in a post-Fairness Doctrine, Post-Truth era, the “man on the street” thinks that a proven arch criminal, traitor, sexual predator and liar has a decent shot at a second term EgQRwiyVDdU-00005-00006928-00009034 Welcome to a world where it is possible to believe that the Apollo mission to the moon was a hoax, where global warming is a business dirty trick of Chinese export, where the 911 attacks were engineered by the Bush administration and UFOs travel trillions of kilometers for the sole purpose of making lovely designs in our crops EgQRwiyVDdU-00006-00009034-00009927 Welcome to the world of “anything goes.” This is the State of the Union of “thought” as it exists in America today EgQRwiyVDdU-00007-00009927-00011583 And it is nothing short of unbelievably, staggeringly stupid.I do not know who will be taking the oath of office on Wednesday, January 20th, 2021, but I do know who it won’t be, and I’ll stake my reputation on it: it won’t be Donald John Trump EgQRwiyVDdU-00008-00011583-00012790 To support this extraordinary claim I turn to no less a person than Sir Isaac Newton, who said in his Third Law of Motion: “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction EgQRwiyVDdU-00009-00012790-00013900 ”.If anything has been a constant in American national politics, it has been the routine left to right and back again swing of the pendulum of the political spectrum EgQRwiyVDdU-00010-00013900-00016086 Never before in history has that pendulum swung so severely to the right, and never before has there been so powerful a groundswell risen up of equal and opposite reaction, fueled by an outrage seldom seen before, and one about to be augmented by a Generation Z explosion – coming of age and desperate to vote Donald Trump into oblivion EgQRwiyVDdU-00011-00016086-00016389 And you may quote me EjbULEake98-00000-00000571-00001618 Donald Trump’s now ubiquitous slogan, “Make America Great Again!”, is often chanted at rallies, but rarely scrutinized in public discourse EjbULEake98-00001-00001618-00002423 What era in America’s past is Mr Trump referring to when he says “Again”?.Image result for MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN? EjbULEake98-00003-00005701-00006380 Or is Trump referring to a time when the US was less of a giant empire than it is today? EjbULEake98-00004-00006380-00007919 Or, more optimistically, in the nineteen sixties and early seventies when America had its highest real wages and a large trade surplus? Has anyone heard him say he wanted to return America to that prominence that peaked in the nineteen sixties? EjbULEake98-00005-00007919-00009402 He surely doesn’t want to raise wages for workers. On the campaign trail last year he said wages were too high and has not championed raising the frozen federal minimum wage (at $7,25 an hour) since EjbULEake98-00006-00009402-00010688 He has spoken often about revising trade agreements to reduce our trade deficit, but he’s not going to take on the opposition of the emigrating giant global corporations to reduce our trade deficit EjbULEake98-00007-00010688-00012336 Maybe he wants to go back to the America before there was Medicare and Medicaid, before dangerous cars had to be recalled, before food had to be labelled, before unions existed to collectively bargain with large companies in the auto, steel and oil industries? EjbULEake98-00008-00012336-00014750 Does he miss the days when there were segregated restaurants, hotels, trains and buses? What about when people could smoke in your space on airplanes, in college lecture halls, hospital waiting rooms, cafes, offices and just about all public spaces, no matter the presence of children and asthmatics? Or when people with disabilities faced physical exclusion and career discrimination? EjbULEake98-00009-00014750-00015828 More benignly, perhaps Mr. Trump is longing for the days when there was less soil erosion, fewer toxic chemicals in the environment and more family farms EjbULEake98-00010-00015828-00016756 Or when there was far less obesity and diabetes and less aggressive marketing to children of fast food full of fat, sugar and salt EjbULEake98-00011-00016756-00017983 If so, he sure is not going to Make America Great with the corporatists he’s appointed to run the Food and Drug Administration, the Environmental Protection Agency or the Department of Agriculture EjbULEake98-00012-00017983-00019540 Does he want to Make America Great Again by returning to the days when there were fewer people in prisons per capita, fewer non-violent drug offenders serving long sentences, including juveniles, fewer if any private corporate prisons? EjbULEake98-00013-00019540-00020818 If so, he is going to have problems with his Attorney General, Jeff Sessions. What about when casino gambling was highly restricted and only legal in Nevada? It’s unlikely Mr EjbULEake98-00014-00020818-00021541 Trump would have wanted to prohibit gambling in his Atlantic City Casinos before they failed or went bankrupt EjbULEake98-00015-00021541-00022168 With his flurry of statements and Tweets endorsing sexual harasser and accused pedophile EjbULEake98-00016-00022168-00023649 defeated Senate candidate Roy Moore, Trump, given his boastful aggression toward women, certainly does not want to return to an America when such widely publicized misbehavior would have kept men from even running for office EjbULEake98-00017-00023649-00024676 Maybe, Mr. Trump has a limited meaning to “Again.” Maybe he means going back to a time when America was respected and feared in the world EjbULEake98-00018-00024676-00026060 Going back to the days when a smaller Japan and Germany made war on the US or when Britain played Woodrow Wilson and the US for suckers and got us into World War I, which led to World War II EjbULEake98-00019-00026060-00027144 Oh, such glorious nostalgia for Donald J Trump.What a speech Trump could give were he to explain what Making America Great Again means to him EjbULEake98-00020-00027144-00028771 He could explain his desire to go back to the prosperous Sixties when big corporations and the rich paid much higher taxes, didn’t dare pay their CEOs more than 30 times the average wage in their companies and had to comply with a higher real minimum wage EjbULEake98-00021-00028771-00030289 .He could wax nostalgic over the larger relative infrastructure budgets of the federal government, or the days when student debt was small or non-existent compared to the huge student debt load now imposed on this younger generation of Americans EjbULEake98-00022-00030289-00031687 If all this sounds a little confusing, it is. Voters should have rejected such an unrebutted slogan repeated to applauding crowds again and again by Donald Trump in his get-away-with-anything presidential campaign of 2016 FiHSnzFa8G4-00000-00000513-00002710 President Trump will soon formally seek a total of $8.6 billion in new border wall funding from Congress as part of the White House's upcoming budget proposal for the next fiscal year, three sources close to the budget process tell Fox News, although the aggressive request faces all-but-certain rejection in Congress amid a growing crisis at the southern border FiHSnzFa8G4-00001-00002710-00003882 The budget is also expected to seek money to establish the Space Force as a new branch of the military, and to sharply curb spending on domestic safety-net programs FiHSnzFa8G4-00002-00003882-00005188 The outline includes a total of $2.7 trillion in nondefense spending cuts and the administration says its proposals would put the federal government on track to balance the budget by 2034 FiHSnzFa8G4-00003-00005188-00006056 “In the last two years, President Trump and this Administration have prioritized reining in reckless Washington spending FiHSnzFa8G4-00004-00006056-00007652 The Budget that we have presented to Congress and the American people . embodies fiscal responsibility, and takes aim at Washington’s waste, fraud, and abuse,” said Office of Management and Budget Acting Director Russ Vought said in a statement Sunday night FiHSnzFa8G4-00005-00007652-00008501 Our national debt nearly doubled under the previous Administration and now stands at more than $22 trillion FiHSnzFa8G4-00006-00008501-00009569 This Budget shows that we can return to fiscal sanity without halting our economic resurgence while continuing to invest in critical priorities FiHSnzFa8G4-00007-00009569-00010366 ”.According to the sources, Trump will look to secure $5 billion from Congress, plus $3 FiHSnzFa8G4-00008-00010366-00011314 6 billion from the military construction budget, for the fiscal year 2020. The request is coming on top of the $8 FiHSnzFa8G4-00009-00011314-00012382 1 billion Trump already has access to, which includes money he's trying to shift from military accounts after declaring a national emergency FiHSnzFa8G4-00010-00012382-00013119 Trump invoked the emergency declaration last month after Congress denied his request for $5 FiHSnzFa8G4-00011-00013119-00014067 7 billion. Instead, Congress approved nearly $1.4 billion for the border barriers, far less than he wanted FiHSnzFa8G4-00012-00014067-00016405 Armed with the $8.1 billion of wall funding currently available in the fiscal year 2019 budget, and the approximately 122 miles of wall completed or in progress from the last two fiscal years, the Trump administration already has the money to build more than half of the targeted 722 miles of wall along the southern border, Fox News is told FiHSnzFa8G4-00013-00016405-00018186 This $8.6 billion request for fiscal year 2020 would allow the administration to more than complete the promised 722 miles, and White House officials tell Fox News that with the crisis worsening at the border, those funds are more important than ever FiHSnzFa8G4-00014-00018186-00019576 The New York Times, citing government statistics, reported last week that the number of migrant families crossing the southwest border has hit an 11-year high, causing major humanitarian concerns FiHSnzFa8G4-00015-00019576-00020524 “The system is well beyond capacity, and remains at the breaking point,” Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) Commissioner Kevin K FiHSnzFa8G4-00016-00020524-00021360 McAleenan told reporters last week.In a joint statement, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N FiHSnzFa8G4-00017-00021360-00023322 Y., and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said:.“President Trump hurt millions of Americans and caused widespread chaos when he recklessly shut down the government to try to get his expensive and ineffective wall, which he promised would be paid for by Mexico,” Schumer and Pelosi said FiHSnzFa8G4-00018-00023322-00024085 "Congress refused to fund his wall and he was forced to admit defeat and reopen the government FiHSnzFa8G4-00019-00024085-00024847 The same thing will repeat itself if he tries this again. We hope he learned his lesson FiHSnzFa8G4-00020-00024847-00026274 “At a time when our country faces challenges about jobs for the future, this money would better be spent on rebuilding America, and on education and workforce development for jobs for the 21st century,” they concluded FiHSnzFa8G4-00021-00026274-00027081 New York Democrat Rep. Nita M. Lowey said Trump's request was “not even worth the paper it’s written on FiHSnzFa8G4-00022-00027081-00028718 ”.The news of the $8.6 billion request comes as White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow revealed Sunday that Trump, at the same time, wants a 5 percent cut “across the board” on all domestic spending as part of his proposed 2020 budget FiHSnzFa8G4-00023-00028718-00029366 “It will be a tough budget,” Kudlow said during an appearance on “Fox News Sunday FiHSnzFa8G4-00024-00029366-00030427 ” “We’re going to do our own caps this year and I think it’s long overdue.”.Kudlow, asked whether there would be pushback in Congress, predicted a rough road ahead FiHSnzFa8G4-00025-00030427-00031571 “I suppose there will be,” Kudlow told anchor Chris Wallace. “I would just say that the whole issue of the wall, of border security, is of paramount importance FiHSnzFa8G4-00026-00031571-00032213 We have a crisis down there. I think the president has made that case very effectively FiHSnzFa8G4-00027-00032213-00033397 ”.Trump's plan to stick with the strict spending caps imposed years ago would be a first for his administration, and lawmakers have largely avoided such caps with new budget deals FiHSnzFa8G4-00028-00033397-00034261 The budget will propose serious cuts in safety net programs, which are used by many Americans, and other non-defense accounts FiHSnzFa8G4-00029-00034261-00035604 That will likely trigger a showdown with Congress.The budget arrives as the president's Republican allies in the Senate, uneasy over the emergency declaration, are poised next week to debate terminating it FiHSnzFa8G4-00030-00035604-00036722 Some view it as an overreach of executive power. Congress appears to have enough votes to reject Trump's declaration, but not to overturn his expected veto of their action FiHSnzFa8G4-00031-00036722-00038462 Trump will seek $750 billion for defense, a boost for the military, while cutting non-defense discretionary spending by 5 percent below the cap, said the official, who was unauthorized to discuss the document ahead of its release and spoke on condition of anonymity FiHSnzFa8G4-00032-00038462-00039909 Budgets are mainly seen as blueprints for White House priorities. But they are often panned on Capitol Hill, where lawmakers craft the appropriation bills that eventually fund the government if the president signs them into law FiHSnzFa8G4-00033-00039909-00040831 In the past, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., has described the president’s budget, as “a recommendation FiHSnzFa8G4-00034-00040831-00041688 ” Last year’s White House budget blueprint asked for $25 billion to construct a southern border wall FiHSnzFa8G4-00035-00041688-00042604 Trump's budget for the 2020 fiscal year will increase requests for some agencies while reducing others to reflect those priorities FiHSnzFa8G4-00036-00042604-00043743 Reductions are proposed, for example, for the Environmental Protection Agency.The official said Congress has ignored the president's spending cuts for too long FiHSnzFa8G4-00037-00043743-00044639 The federal budget is bloated with wasteful spending, the official said, and the administration remains committed to balancing the budget FiHSnzFa8G4-00038-00044639-00045653 The cuts being requested by the White House would hit discretionary spending as well as some mandatory safety net programs, which Trump has proposed in the past FiHSnzFa8G4-00039-00045653-00046839 Many Republicans are often eager to reduce government spending, but Congress has had trouble passing bills that seriously slash the safety net programs used by many Americans FiHSnzFa8G4-00040-00046839-00048513 Budgets often rely on various accounting measures to achieve desired results. This one, for example, counts $546 billion in defense money as a base, but another $174 billion in another account to keep within caps FiHSnzFa8G4-00041-00048513-00049757 And while the budget will suggest it balances in future years, it is also expected to rely on projections for continued economic growth from the tax cuts Trump signed into law in 2017 FiHSnzFa8G4-00042-00049757-00050916 But there's no guarantee that would cover the lost tax revenues.By proposing spending levels that don't raise the budget caps, the president is courting a debate with Congress FiHSnzFa8G4-00043-00050916-00051844 Lawmakers from both parties have routinely agreed to raise spending caps established by a previous deal years ago to fund the government FiHSnzFa8G4-00044-00051844-00052792 Trump, though, has tried to resist those deals. He threatened to veto the last one reached in 2018 to prevent a shutdown FiHSnzFa8G4-00045-00052792-00053771 Late last year, a fight over border wall funds sparked the 35-day shutdown that spilled into this year and became the longest in history GolHWbsf1CM-00000-00000513-00002263 Donald Trump and his cronies in the GOP have offered a wide variety of explanations for the impetus behind the investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller into Russian influence on the 2016 election and allegations that the Trump campaign colluded with the Kremlin to steal an election GolHWbsf1CM-00001-00002263-00004724 So far, it’s been President Obama’s corrupt intentions that caused it, Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, the DNC’s determination to smear a president who beat their candidate, a “deep state” operation united against an outsider in government, and the intelligence community that is somehow comprised of Democratic-led officials all working together against conservative ideology GolHWbsf1CM-00002-00004724-00005944 Never do they mention the fact that those in the intelligence community have seen the actual evidence in this investigation and seem to unilaterally agree that Trump needed to be investigated GolHWbsf1CM-00003-00005944-00007560 In an appearance on ABC’s This Week with George Stephanapolous, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), the GOP’s resident House showboat, ranted about an FBI “cabal” who banded together to push out a president elected by Republicans GolHWbsf1CM-00004-00007560-00009044 As the American public awaits the findings of the Mueller investigation, Jordan pre-empted the pushback by saying that if Mueller’s report is to be released, all of the information around the investigation should be, as well GolHWbsf1CM-00005-00009044-00011372 ‘I’ll tell you this morning, if he’s going to release all the information, then I want all of it released. They used that dossier. Took it to a secret court. [They] didn’t tell the court the Clinton campaign paid for the document. Didn’t tell the court a foreigner desperate to stop Trump from being elected wrote the document. If they’re going to release everything, release it all.’ GolHWbsf1CM-00006-00011372-00012709 The FISA court isn’t secret, but applications to the FISA court are understandably kept under wraps since tipping off those who are being investigated and exactly what they’re being investigated for is inadvisable GolHWbsf1CM-00007-00012709-00014632 Jordan is also once again lying about information being kept secret from the FISA court in the application for permission to surveil certain members of the Trump campaign; proof that the application did inform the court that the dossier was, in part, funded by the Clinton campaign has already been released GolHWbsf1CM-00008-00014632-00016572 Of course, the lie that the Steele dossier was the impetus behind the investigation has also been disproven, although Trump-supporting Republicans like Jordan, as well as political pundits on Fox News, have convinced Trump’s supporters that this is so, and they still believe it despite that evidence GolHWbsf1CM-00009-00016572-00017448 Jordan is not interested in the release of all of this information in order to expose any FBI “cabal” that doesn’t exist GolHWbsf1CM-00010-00017448-00018764 He, as well as Trump and the rest of the GOP, need distractions. They need as many ways as possible to discredit Mueller’s findings just in case they turn out badly for the president GolHWbsf1CM-00011-00018764-00019475 In the meantime, they continue to push misrepresentations and outright lies to do so G68G4uSARU4-00000-00000571-00001545 President Donald Trump announced Monday the US will formally designate Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a Foreign Terrorist Organization G68G4uSARU4-00001-00001545-00003854 The step "recognizes the reality that Iran is not only a State Sponsor of Terrorism, but that the IRGC actively participates in, finances, and promotes terrorism as a tool of statecraft," Trump said in a statement that described the IRGC as "the Iranian government's primary means of directing and implementing its global terrorist campaign G68G4uSARU4-00002-00003854-00004964 ".Iran warned this weekend that if the US went ahead with the designation, Tehran would retaliate by designating the US military as a terrorist organization in return G68G4uSARU4-00003-00004964-00006918 Iranian parliamentarian Seyed Jawad Sadatinejad told Iran's state-run FARS News on Saturday, "if any stupidity is carried out by the Americans, the Islamic Republic of Iran will practice reciprocity and designate the US military, which has killed many innocent people, to the list of terrorist groups G68G4uSARU4-00004-00006918-00007835 " He said Iran could then treat US troops in the region the same way they treated terror groups like ISIS and Al-Qaeda, reports FARS News G68G4uSARU4-00005-00007835-00008867 A first.The designation will be the first time that the United States has ever named a part of another government as a foreign terrorist organization G68G4uSARU4-00006-00008867-00009739 It takes effect on April 15, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told reporters at the State Department Monday G68G4uSARU4-00007-00009739-00010740 "This historic step will deprive the world's leading state sponsor of terror the financial means to spread misery and death around the world," Pompeo said G68G4uSARU4-00008-00010740-00011819 He warned that businesses with a presence in Iran or engaged with its companies will have to take extra steps to ensure they are not violating US sanctions G68G4uSARU4-00009-00011819-00012756 Brian Hook, a senior policy adviser to Pompeo, said Monday that the IRGC controls "up to half Iran's economy G68G4uSARU4-00010-00012756-00013762 "."It is absolutely the case that the IRGC amounts to a significant amount of the Iranian economy through pure kleptocracy," Pompeo said G68G4uSARU4-00011-00013762-00014916 "Businesses and banks around the world now have a clear duty to ensure that companies with which they conduct transactions are not connected to the IRGC in any material way G68G4uSARU4-00012-00014916-00016881 ".Concerns about troops.Senior officials said the designation decision, formally under the State Department's purview, represents the next step in the Trump administration's maximum pressure campaign against Iran, but the move had met with internal resistance because of concerns about American troops in the Middle East G68G4uSARU4-00013-00016881-00018049 Defense officials have told CNN that US troops in Syria and Iraq often find themselves operating in close proximity to members of the IRGC G68G4uSARU4-00014-00018049-00019517 Last year, CNN reported that Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats cautioned the administration that designating the IRGC could pose dangers to US forces, according to one source familiar with the matter G68G4uSARU4-00015-00019517-00020969 Asked about the risks to US troops in the Middle East and particularly in Iraq, Hook told reporters at the State Department that "the decision leading up to this process was a full interagency process that included every member of the NSC G68G4uSARU4-00016-00020969-00021601 We have taken all measures that are appropriate and prudent in the context of this designation G68G4uSARU4-00017-00021601-00022612 ".He added that "whenever we and other nations call out and expose the regime for what it is, it behaves like a mafia organization increasing its threats G68G4uSARU4-00018-00022612-00024067 We will not be deterred by their threats.".'Prepared'.Nathan Sales, the State Department's Coordinator for Counterterrorism, said the agency would not discuss details of measures being taken to ensure the safety of US personnel G68G4uSARU4-00019-00024067-00025895 "I can assure you that we take force protection very, very seriously. And that is why we have run a robust interagency process to make sure that all interested parties are prepared for whatever the Iranian regime might throw at us," he said, speaking alongside Hook Monday G68G4uSARU4-00020-00025895-00027539 Cmdr. Rebecca Rebarich, Pentagon spokeswoman, said Monday that "the Department of Defense is prepared to implement the President and Secretary of State's decision to designate the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a Foreign Terrorist Organization G68G4uSARU4-00021-00027539-00028612 "."As a matter of policy, we do not discuss adjustments to force protection levels or measures for operational security reasons," Rebarich continued G68G4uSARU4-00022-00028612-00029691 "As always, DoD has taken prudent measures to ensure the safety of our forces around the world, and maintain our readiness to carry out our missions G68G4uSARU4-00023-00029691-00029791 " H0G7kEiavAM-00000-00000250-00000638 Міжнародны аэрапорт «Фрэнсіс», Ліберці-Сіці, 1992гі год H0G7kEiavAM-00001-00000652-00001114 Пасля 5ці гадоў жыцьця на Ўсходнім Узбярэжжы, прыйшоў час вярнуцца дадому H0G7kEiavAM-00002-00001136-00001336 Міжнародны аэрапорт Лос-Сантаса H0G7kEiavAM-00003-00001358-00001454 - Ало? H0G7kEiavAM-00004-00001472-00001562 - Карл, гэта Світ. H0G7kEiavAM-00005-00001580-00001716 - Што, Світ, чаго ты хочаш? H0G7kEiavAM-00006-00001734-00002060 - Гэта пра матулю... Яна памерла, брат. H0G7kEiavAM-00007-00003670-00003932 - Пасажыр, пакажыце Вашыя рукі! H0G7kEiavAM-00008-00004322-00004468 - Стоп! H0G7kEiavAM-00009-00004508-00004708 - На калені! H0G7kEiavAM-00010-00004824-00005084 - А цяпер лягайце на жывот! H0G7kEiavAM-00011-00005144-00005372 - Вось і ты. H0G7kEiavAM-00012-00006080-00006318 - Я возьму гэта! Эрнандэс! H0G7kEiavAM-00013-00006336-00006548 - Хэй, гэта мае паперкі, чал! Гэта мае грошы! H0G7kEiavAM-00014-00006564-00006742 - Гэта грошы за наркотыкі! H0G7kEiavAM-00015-00006759-00006864 - Мае грошы, чал... H0G7kEiavAM-00016-00006878-00007150 - Хэй, няхвалюся аб гэтым. Я потым іх цябе вярну. H0G7kEiavAM-00017-00007380-00007716 - Вітаю Вас дома, Карл. Рады, што вярнуліся? H0G7kEiavAM-00018-00007854-00008062 - Ты ня забыўся аб нас, хлопчыкх? H0G7kEiavAM-00019-00008070-00008228 - Халера, бязумоўна нетх, афіцэр Тэмпэні. H0G7kEiavAM-00020-00008244-00008468 - Мяне проста цікава, чаму Вы такх доўга мяне чакалі? H0G7kEiavAM-00021-00008504-00008654 - Сядай у машыну. H0G7kEiavAM-00022-00008696-00008898 - Ляхчэй, чал. Блін. H0G7kEiavAM-00023-00009224-00009534 - Трэба глядзець. (смех) О мой Богх. Мой дрэннікх. H0G7kEiavAM-00024-00009560-00009750 - Уязжай адсюль, найвялікхшая скатыняка. H0G7kEiavAM-00025-00009762-00009924 - Тупы мекхсіканец. H0G7kEiavAM-00026-00010004-00010108 - Оў, хэй, прабачце. H0G7kEiavAM-00027-00010130-00010460 - Мая торба. Хэй, чал, мая торба... H0G7kEiavAM-00028-00011124-00011494 - Якх ты быў, Карл? Якх жыве твая цудоўная сям'я? H0G7kEiavAM-00029-00011514-00011830 - Я тут, каб павахаваць сваю Матулю. Ты гэта ведаеш. H0G7kEiavAM-00030-00011830-00011930 - Да, напэўна ты праў. H0G7kEiavAM-00031-00012006-00012298 - Такх, што ты яшчэ тут збіраешся рабіць? H0G7kEiavAM-00032-00012320-00012869 - Нічога. Цяпер я жыву ў Лібэрці-Сіці. Я чысты. Лягальны. H0G7kEiavAM-00033-00012890-00013200 - Нетх, Карл. Ты ніколі ня быў чыстым. H0G7kEiavAM-00034-00013236-00013504 - Добра. Такх, што мы гэта тут маем. H0G7kEiavAM-00035-00013536-00013934 - Гэта зброя, афіцэр Пуласкі, што была выкарстана для штральбы H0G7kEiavAM-00036-00013946-00014254 па афіцэру паліцыі 10 хвілінакх таму. H0G7kEiavAM-00037-00014280-00014726 - Афіцэр Пэндэлбэры - гэта добры чалавекх, хачу дадаць. H0G7kEiavAM-00038-00014746-00014922 - Ты гэта хуткі, ніга. H0G7kEiavAM-00039-00014944-00015097 - Вы ведаеце: я толькі што выйшлаў з самалёту. H0G7kEiavAM-00040-00015126-00015358 - Добра, што мы знайшлі цябе і здабылі зброю злачынства. H0G7kEiavAM-00041-00015382-00015440 - Гэта ня мая грамата! H0G7kEiavAM-00042-00015452-00015502 - Не адманвай мяне, Карл! H0G7kEiavAM-00043-00015504-00015716 - Да, не адманвай яго, Карл! H0G7kEiavAM-00044-00015736-00015924 - Што ты, халера, дарэчы ў гэты раз ад мяне хочаш? H0G7kEiavAM-00045-00015944-00016234 - Калі мы захочам цябе, мы цябе знойдзем. H0G7kEiavAM-00046-00016266-00016698 - Тым часам, паспрабуй больш ня штраляць па афіцэрах паліцыі і ня парушаць закон. H0G7kEiavAM-00047-00016726-00017188 (злы смех) - Ты ня можаш высадзіць мяне тут - гэта ж тэрыторыя БАЛАСАЎ H0G7kEiavAM-00048-00017208-00017528 - А я думаў, ты казаў аб тым, што ты чысты, Карл. Што ты больш ня змагаешся. H0G7kEiavAM-00049-00017540-00017688 - Гэта 58-мы... Што?! H0G7kEiavAM-00050-00017704-00017814 - Да сустрэчы, Карл. H0G7kEiavAM-00051-00017820-00018254 - (смех) Афіцэр Пэндэлбэры паранены? Мы ўжо едзем. H0G7kEiavAM-00052-00018274-00018574 - Вось халера, ізноў гэта. H0G7kEiavAM-00053-00018592-00018726 - Найдрэнейшае месца ў Флюнце. H0G7kEiavAM-00054-00018726-00018918 - Цантральная тэрыторыя групіроўкі Баласаў. H0G7kEiavAM-00055-00018930-00019390 - Я ня быў на Гроў Стрыт апошнія пяць годоў, але Баласам на гэта па-барабану. HLv4dQUqVT4-00000-00000571-00001213 Roger Stone likes to play the fool every time he gets the chance to do it publicly HLv4dQUqVT4-00001-00001213-00002070 He dresses like a buffoon and acts like one too, all in the attempt to draw people’s attention away from his alleged crimes HLv4dQUqVT4-00002-00002070-00003044 He’s been complaining loudly ever since his arrest that Robert Mueller’s office tipped off CNN so they could be there to watch him get handcuffed HLv4dQUqVT4-00003-00003044-00003807 Well the normally silent Mueller broke his silence Friday to say that Stone’s claim is ridiculous HLv4dQUqVT4-00004-00003807-00004860 ‘The Special Counsel’s Office is aware of no information indicating that reporters were given any advance knowledge of a possible indictment from the Special Counsel’s Office HLv4dQUqVT4-00005-00004860-00006108 ’Stone had asked the court last week to order the special counsel’s office to show whether it violated court orders and released Stone’s sealed indictment to the press ahead of his arrest HLv4dQUqVT4-00006-00006108-00007229 His attorney claimed that “the metadata on the ‘draft’ indictment provided by a reporter while Stone was being arrested, established that it came from an ‘AAW’ author or computer HLv4dQUqVT4-00007-00007229-00008629 That a member of the Special Counsel’s office has the initials ‘AAW,’ supports a reasonable inference that that office is responsible for the unlawful public disclosure of a grand jury document sealed by order of the court HLv4dQUqVT4-00008-00008629-00010045 ”.Mueller had no problem making the defense look like fools once he pointed out that Stone’s own filing shows the indictment was not publicly released until 6:11 a.m., which was after the arrest at 6:06 a.m. HLv4dQUqVT4-00009-00010045-00011004 He went on to say that the metadata Stone was talking about “merely shows when the document was created, not when the document was released HLv4dQUqVT4-00010-00011004-00011724 ”For their part CNN said that it was good instincts and luck that put their reporters on the seen HLv4dQUqVT4-00011-00011724-00013676 CNN posted online that “stakeouts are a common practice in the news business. CNN, in fact, had another crew out on a stakeout in another state that same morning The crew was at the home of another player in the Mueller probe, on the suspicion that the person could be arrested, but that hunch didn’t pan out HLv4dQUqVT4-00012-00013676-00014436 ”.All of this is is just Stone trying to cast doubt on all the players before he goes to trial HLv4dQUqVT4-00013-00014436-00015047 Donald Trump has even gotten in on the scam, after he posted this on Twitter HMODQF0RryA-00000-00000571-00001508 The Democrats are getting desperate. Their Russian “hunt” failed, so now they’re resorting to old tactics to damage President Trump HMODQF0RryA-00001-00001508-00002384 We haven’t heard about Trump’s taxes in a long time. Why? Because Democrats gave up and tried other dirty options HMODQF0RryA-00002-00002384-00003219 They all failed, so Nancy Pelosi and her posse are back to this scheme, this time with control of the House HMODQF0RryA-00003-00003219-00003998 Trump on his tax returns: “I would love to give them, but I’m not going to do it while I’m under audit HMODQF0RryA-00004-00003998-00005066 ”.“I got elected last time, the same exact issue, with the same intensity, which wasn’t very much, because frankly, the people don’t care HMODQF0RryA-00005-00005066-00005973 ”.BOOM. Donald didn’t even give it a chance to gain steam.He went as far as to say the American people don’t even care HMODQF0RryA-00006-00005973-00007062 He said they elected him without knowing about this tax returns.Remember when pathetic Rachel Maddow claimed to have his taxes from a few years back? What did we learn? HMODQF0RryA-00007-00007062-00007880 Trump and his wife pay MORE taxes than most rich Americans. Clinton and Bernie pay about an 11% tax rate HMODQF0RryA-00008-00007880-00008653 Trump paid 25%.I’m telling you, all of the Left’s schemes seem to backfire on them HMODQF0RryA-00009-00008653-00009290 If Trump does reveal his tax returns, we will know he pays more than his fair share HMODQF0RryA-00010-00009290-00010280 Can Bernie and the others say that? Of course not.This is yet another pathetic ruse to distract from the massive success Trump is enjoying HMODQF0RryA-00011-00010280-00011348 His approval rating is at 53% last time I checked.But Democrats will just keep pushing and pushing for them – unless the American people PUSH BACK HUSCkqL8eYA-00000-00000571-00001493 The 45-minute documentary was made by Zembla TV and illustrates Trump’s relationship with Russian mobster Felix Sater HUSCkqL8eYA-00001-00001493-00002245 It also shows his relationship with other wealthy Russians and their “pyramid scheme for money laundering HUSCkqL8eYA-00002-00002245-00004011 ”.The Dubious Friends of Donald Trump, Part 1: The Russians can be viewed below.Steven Rosenfeld at AlterNet wrote, “Donald Trump’s business partners have included Russian oligarchs and convicted mobsters, which could make the president guilty of criminal racketeering charges'' HUSCkqL8eYA-00003-00004011-00004891 Zembla said, “For months, the FBI have been investigating Russian interference in the American presidential elections HUSCkqL8eYA-00004-00004891-00006054 ZEMBLA is investigating another explosive dossier concerning Trump’s involvement with the Russians: Trump’s business and personal ties to oligarchs from the former Soviet Union HUSCkqL8eYA-00005-00006054-00006952 Powerful billionaires suspected of money laundering and fraud, and of having contacts in Moscow and with the mafia HUSCkqL8eYA-00006-00006952-00009267 What do these relationships say about Trump and why does he deny them? How compromising are these dubious business relationships for the 45th president of the United States? And are there connections with the Netherlands? ZEMBLA meets with one of Trump’s controversial cronies and speaks with a former CIA agent, fraud investigators, attorneys, and an American senator among others'' HUSCkqL8eYA-00007-00009267-00009860 Trump’s ties to Russia are a tangled web of lies and manipulation Ijz7rUffq6U-00000-00000000-00000200 saasfsdf Ijz7rUffq6U-00001-00000200-00000400 sadf Ijz7rUffq6U-00002-00000400-00000600 sadf Ijz7rUffq6U-00003-00000600-00000800 asdf Ijz7rUffq6U-00005-00001000-00001200 asd Ijz7rUffq6U-00006-00001200-00001400 f Ijz7rUffq6U-00007-00001400-00001600 asd Ijz7rUffq6U-00008-00001600-00001800 fasd Ijz7rUffq6U-00009-00001800-00002000 fs Ijz7rUffq6U-00010-00002000-00002200 df Ijz7rUffq6U-00011-00002200-00002400 as Ijz7rUffq6U-00012-00002400-00002600 df Ijz7rUffq6U-00013-00002600-00002800 a Ijz7rUffq6U-00014-00002800-00003000 sd Ijz7rUffq6U-00015-00003000-00003200 fas Ijz7rUffq6U-00016-00003200-00003400 df Ijz7rUffq6U-00017-00003400-00003600 asd Ijz7rUffq6U-00018-00003600-00003800 f Ijz7rUffq6U-00019-00003800-00004000 as Ijz7rUffq6U-00020-00004000-00004200 df Ijz7rUffq6U-00021-00004200-00004400 as Ijz7rUffq6U-00022-00004400-00004600 df Ijz7rUffq6U-00024-00004800-00005000 asd Ijz7rUffq6U-00025-00005000-00005200 f Ijz7rUffq6U-00026-00005200-00005400 asd Ijz7rUffq6U-00027-00005400-00005600 f Ijz7rUffq6U-00028-00005600-00005800 as Ijz7rUffq6U-00029-00005800-00006000 df Ijz7rUffq6U-00030-00006000-00006200 as Ijz7rUffq6U-00031-00006200-00006400 dfas Ijz7rUffq6U-00032-00006400-00006600 d Ijz7rUffq6U-00033-00006600-00006800 f Ijz7rUffq6U-00034-00006800-00007000 s Ijz7rUffq6U-00035-00007000-00007200 adf Ijz7rUffq6U-00036-00007200-00007400 asd Ijz7rUffq6U-00037-00007400-00007600 fas Ijz7rUffq6U-00038-00007600-00007800 df Ijz7rUffq6U-00039-00007800-00008000 asdf Ijz7rUffq6U-00040-00008000-00008200 asd Ijz7rUffq6U-00041-00008200-00008400 fas Ijz7rUffq6U-00042-00008400-00008600 df Ijz7rUffq6U-00043-00008600-00008800 asdf JDzQxhjt6qE-00000-00000571-00001634 One defining feature of Donald Trump’s presidency has been the constant stream of executive orders, which he began signing on the day he was sworn into office JDzQxhjt6qE-00001-00001634-00003629 He’s proudly posed with them on his desk in the Oval Office, even if their implications are extremely dangerous – such as the one reversing President Obama’s executive order that prevented people with mental illness from buying firearms – or laughably unconstitutional (such as the Muslim ban or removing birthright citizenship JDzQxhjt6qE-00002-00003629-00004993 ) Trumpers who saw Obama’s executive orders as unmistakable proof that the former president aspired to be a dictator ruling by decree don’t have much to say about the 101 executive orders signed by their guy JDzQxhjt6qE-00003-00004993-00006129 Perhaps that’s just as well, because a new policy analysis by the Los Angeles Times indicates that the majority of these orders don’t do much in the way of policy JDzQxhjt6qE-00004-00006129-00007336 While the racist Muslim ban was initially carried out as an executive order, that was struck down twice, and the current, revised version was actually issued as a proclamation JDzQxhjt6qE-00005-00007336-00008266 The majority have involved putting together task forces which have already disbanded, mainly to appeal to Trump’s evangelical base JDzQxhjt6qE-00006-00008266-00009873 Bills like Trump’s upcoming “free speech” executive order for college campuses largely call for observing laws that are already on the books – even if this one in particular is meant to be a wedge for white supremacy groups to recruit on campuses and spread their bigotry JDzQxhjt6qE-00007-00009873-00011351 The trouble with this executive order, #100 to be autographed by Donald Trump, is that even his supporters aren’t really confident in how effectively it will be carried out; his own staff struggled with basic questions during the ceremony JDzQxhjt6qE-00008-00011351-00013031 So why bother? Donald Trump does it because he craves the attention and the spectacle – how he can surround himself with his adoring base, and convince himself that his presidency means something – instill in them the illusion that he cares about them and that he gets things done JDzQxhjt6qE-00009-00013031-00014169 This is one more instance of hypocrisy from his celebrity tweeting days that has become a staple of his presidency, the same way he accused Obama of playing too much golf JDzQxhjt6qE-00010-00014169-00015369 It’s also setting the stage for how he can lose in 2020, because it’s clear that the very stable genius has no new ideas and can’t be bothered to come up with them JDzQxhjt6qE-00011-00015369-00016110 Democrats do have new ideas, however, and we need to make it clear that Donald keeps coming up empty JMPCQBuqivE-00000-00000571-00001388 During his public testimony last week, Michael Cohen presented two reimbursement checks he received for his crimes JMPCQBuqivE-00001-00001388-00002360 One was signed by Donald Trump, while the other was signed by Donald Trump Jr and Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg JMPCQBuqivE-00002-00002360-00003583 This stood out as potentially odd; why would the payment method change like that? Now more checks have been revealed, and suffice it to say that something went terribly wrong during the payment process JMPCQBuqivE-00003-00003583-00004434 Several of the reimbursement checks sent to Michael Cohen have now been obtained by the New York Times, and they reveal a clear pattern JMPCQBuqivE-00004-00004434-00005476 The checks were initially being cut by the Trump Organization, which was consistent with the phony cover story that they were mere employee paychecks to Cohen JMPCQBuqivE-00005-00005476-00006714 These were the checks were signed by Trump Jr and Weisselberg. Then partway through, Cohen started receiving checks signed by Donald Trump, from what appear to be his personal bank account JMPCQBuqivE-00006-00006714-00007963 This means that at some point during the repayment process, the Trump Organization decided to stop cutting these checks to Michael Cohen, forcing Donald Trump to start paying Cohen directly JMPCQBuqivE-00007-00007963-00008825 Trump certainly wouldn’t have wanted to do it this way, as it was more work for him, and more legal exposure for him JMPCQBuqivE-00008-00008825-00009724 This almost certainly means that someone in the Trump Organization refused to keep participating in the criminal payments JMPCQBuqivE-00009-00009724-00011223 The only known adult in the Trump Organization is Allen Weisselberg, so the most logical conclusion is that partway through the payments, Weisselberg concluded that they were all going to get busted for it, and he tried to put a stop to it JMPCQBuqivE-00010-00011223-00012218 Considering that this occurred in late 2017, you have to wonder just how long Weisselberg has been cooperating with prosecutors JMPCQBuqivE-00011-00012218-00012775 Looks like this whole thing went terribly wrong for Trump a long time ago JNN5fqylo-A-00000-00000513-00001819 President Donald Trump weighed in Friday to the sentencing of his former campaign chairman Paul Manafort by twisting a federal judge's words to claim that there was no collusion with Russia in the 2016 campaign JNN5fqylo-A-00001-00001819-00002929 "Both the Judge and the lawyer in the Paul Manafort case stated loudly and for the world to hear that there was NO COLLUSION with Russia," Trump said in a Friday morning tweet JNN5fqylo-A-00002-00002929-00004086 "The judge said there was no collusion with Russia," Trump later told a gaggle of reporters, before leaving the White House to meet with victims of deadly tornadoes in Alabama JNN5fqylo-A-00003-00004086-00005189 Facts First: The judge said no such thing. He noted that Manafort wasn't accused of collusion and that the trial focused on unrelated financial crimes JNN5fqylo-A-00004-00005189-00006505 But the judge did not declare that there was no collusion in 2016.Judge T.S. Ellis sentenced Manafort on Thursday to serve nearly four years in prison for a vast financial fraud scheme JNN5fqylo-A-00005-00006505-00007422 But Manafort "is not before the court for anything having to do with colluding with the Russian government to influence this election," Ellis said JNN5fqylo-A-00006-00007422-00008681 Ellis later repeated that Manafort "is not before the court for any allegation that he or anybody at his direction colluded with the Russian government to influence the 2016 presidential election JNN5fqylo-A-00007-00008681-00009483 ".The judge never said during the three-hour hearing that there had been "no collusion" between Trump's campaign and Russia JNN5fqylo-A-00008-00009483-00010661 Ellis presided over Manafort's fraud case in the Eastern District of Virginia. He has not been involved in Mueller's investigation of potential collusion in 2016 JNN5fqylo-A-00009-00010661-00011925 Later with reporters on Friday, Trump correctly said, "The judge, for whatever reason, I was very honored by it, also made the statement that this had nothing to do with collusion with Russia JNN5fqylo-A-00010-00011925-00012999 ".Throughout the trial, Ellis made it apparent that he wanted to separate the whole issue of Russia and collusion from the facts surrounding Manafort's financial crimes JNN5fqylo-A-00011-00012999-00014292 Manafort was convicted in August of eight counts of financial fraud. He committed some of those crimes — bank fraud, tax fraud and hiding foreign bank accounts -- while he was running Trump's campaign JNN5fqylo-A-00012-00014292-00015810 But the charges weren't tied to his work for Trump or the 2016 election.Before the trial, Manafort's lawyers asked the judge to drop the charges because they weren't directly related to Russian interference in the 2016 campaign JNN5fqylo-A-00013-00015810-00016679 Ellis rejected their argument, saying at the time that Mueller simply "followed the money" from pro-Russian sources to Manafort JNN5fqylo-A-00014-00016679-00017377 He specifically reminded Manafort's defense lawyers of that decision at the sentencing hearing JNN5fqylo-A-00015-00017377-00018662 Ellis was appointed to the federal bench by President Ronald Reagan in 1987. During his career, Ellis has established himself as a cantankerous yet witty ringmaster in the courtroom JRJq3h8qAag-00000-00000571-00002044 This week the New York Times dropped a bombshell no one saw coming. Their latest report suggests that Jared Kushner and other Trump officials have been pushing a plan to sell nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia JRJq3h8qAag-00001-00002044-00002922 This is the exact reason we don’t want people with financial problems or shady character to be in positions of power JRJq3h8qAag-00002-00002922-00003752 The fact that members of the President’s family have such high security clearance without proper vetting is very concerning JRJq3h8qAag-00003-00003752-00005432 It’s also obvious that something is wrong with Congress when they’ve known for months that the president is considering transferring this sensitive nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia to benefit the company who does personal business with Jared Kushner and his failing properties JRJq3h8qAag-00004-00005432-00006662 This entire situation is an ethical nightmare.It’s also alarming that there’s no way to immediately remove these people from their positions until the investigation is finished JRJq3h8qAag-00005-00006662-00007488 The fact that Trump and his minions are still running amuck on behalf of the United States should concern any and everyone JRJq3h8qAag-00006-00007488-00009418 How long do we have to wait for someone to get a handle on this administration? Will it happen once Trump actually delivers the secrets to the Crown Prince? Or will there still not be enough evidence? Congress is turning the other way while the President of the United States and his family members hand over things to foreign entities JRJq3h8qAag-00007-00009418-00010129 It’s hard to believe this is the mess we’ve found ourselves in, but it’s a terrifying reality JUpE5x_IAeE-00000-00000571-00001665 President Donald Trump told Breitbart News during his exclusive interview last Monday that there is an “invasion” of illegal immigration coming across the southern border JUpE5x_IAeE-00001-00001665-00002655 “You are talking about an invasion,” Trump said in response to a question from senior Breitbart News White House correspondent Charlie Spiering about immigration JUpE5x_IAeE-00002-00002655-00003930 “People get angry on the other side when I use the word ‘invasion.’ This is an invasion, but it’s an invasion not only of people, but an invasion of drugs and human traffickers and other things'' JUpE5x_IAeE-00003-00003930-00005058 .Trump also argued that the language that the United States should use for illegal aliens whom federal agents take into custody should be the word “captured” rather than “apprehended JUpE5x_IAeE-00004-00005058-00006547 ” He also argued that he needs more Border Patrol and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents to shift from a “catch and release” and other loopholes that allow illegal aliens to take advantage of the system and get into the country JUpE5x_IAeE-00005-00006547-00007973 “Look, I need border security. We’ve done a great job,” Trump also said. “Look, when I say we apprehended 75,000 people last month, you know how good a job—these aren’t people that came in JUpE5x_IAeE-00006-00007973-00008833 These are people that have been—I say, should we use a different word? Because maybe they don’t understand the word ‘apprehended JUpE5x_IAeE-00007-00008833-00009726 ’ Maybe they don’t know what it means. Should we use the word ‘captured’? We captured 75,000 people last month JUpE5x_IAeE-00008-00009726-00010575 It’s never been like that. The biggest problem we have—we’ve apprehended/captured 75,000 people JUpE5x_IAeE-00009-00010575-00011259 The problem we have is you have catch and release. You have all of these crazy loopholes JUpE5x_IAeE-00010-00011259-00012602 What we do is, I call ‘catch and keep''. .Trump also argued that the need for the border wall is exemplified in the fact that more people come across in areas where there currently is no barrier JUpE5x_IAeE-00011-00012602-00013882 “Don’t let anyone tell you they don’t come through those areas,” Trump said. “When they have women in the back of a van because, you know, when they stop at a port of entry, they open the doors so they’re going to see it JUpE5x_IAeE-00012-00013882-00015068 When they have big boxes of drugs, they open the doors. The biggest part comes in in the areas where you don’t have the walls, where they go out into the land into the deserts'' JUpE5x_IAeE-00013-00015068-00015914 During the interview, President Trump also said he does not want people coming into the country who are dependent on welfare programs JUpE5x_IAeE-00014-00015914-00016727 In addition, President Trump said he was considering designating the Mexican drug cartels foreign terrorist organizations JUpE5x_IAeE-00015-00016727-00017704 On Friday, President Trump announced an executive order strengthening the government’s definitions of such transnational criminal organizations JXRTnmBM3mM-00000-00000571-00001801 President Donald Trump will sit down with his South Korean counterpart Moon Jae-in at the White House on Thursday to discuss how to revive the diplomatic process between the US and North Korea JXRTnmBM3mM-00001-00001801-00002922 However, aides to both leaders have told CNN they are nervous the meeting could do more harm than good due to diverging views on how to bring Pyongyang back to the table JXRTnmBM3mM-00002-00002922-00004862 During his first face-to-face meeting with Trump since February's failed summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in Hanoi, Vietnam, Moon will attempt to convince the US President that there are "signs of progress" and that North Korea is willing to return to negotiations, according to two sources familiar with the matter JXRTnmBM3mM-00003-00004862-00007049 The already high-stakes meeting took on added significance after Kim issued a stark warning seemingly aimed at the US, saying North Korea needed to "deal a telling blow to the hostile forces who go with bloodshot eyes miscalculating that sanctions can bring the (Democratic People's Republic of Korea) to its knees," according to North Korean state media reports JXRTnmBM3mM-00004-00007049-00008397 Kim's comments were made to the Fourth Plenary Meeting of the Seventh Central Committee of the Worker's Party in Pyongyang on Wednesday but were reported by North Korea's state news agency (KCNA) on Thursday JXRTnmBM3mM-00005-00008397-00009766 They come on the heels of warnings from Pyongyang that Kim could change course after Trump walked out of the Hanoi negotiations, leaving the North Korean leader and his team bewildered, according to two sources familiar with the matter JXRTnmBM3mM-00006-00009766-00011121 In his role as intermediary, Moon will raise 'specific points' with Trump on Thursday in an attempt to break the stalemate, the sources added, much like he did ahead of the first inter-Korean summit in June of 2018 JXRTnmBM3mM-00007-00011121-00012294 "Moon's objective is to reactivate talks," one source said. "The best thing (Moon) will be aiming for is to have the talks resumed and possibly another summit JXRTnmBM3mM-00008-00012294-00013357 ".While Trump has indicated that he wants a third summit with Kim, both sides have dug in after the Hanoi meeting failed to yield any sort of an agreement JXRTnmBM3mM-00009-00013357-00014700 Moon hopes he can encourage Trump to agree to some sort of compromise that might help grease the wheels for further engagement between the US and North Korea but could face a challenge from some within the administration JXRTnmBM3mM-00010-00014700-00015742 Trump betting on Moon but Kim doesn't seem to be listening.After Trump opted to walk away from the table in Hanoi without a deal, his first call was to Moon JXRTnmBM3mM-00011-00015742-00016985 Trump, with an upbeat demeanor, asked Moon to tell Kim that things would move forward and to encourage him to come back to the table, according to multiple sources familiar with the phone call JXRTnmBM3mM-00012-00016985-00017811 Despite Trump's request, Moon has not had a call with Kim, according to a South Korean government adviser JXRTnmBM3mM-00013-00017811-00019289 Another senior South Korean government official, who said that there are still lines of communication between the two countries that sometimes go through China or Russia, wouldn't confirm that Moon has gotten hold of the North Korean leader either JXRTnmBM3mM-00014-00019289-00020005 And that is not the only instance in which North Korea has rejected South Korea's recent overtures JXRTnmBM3mM-00015-00020005-00020679 Last month, the North Koreans at the inter-Korean liaison office left without warning JXRTnmBM3mM-00016-00020679-00021572 And the inter-Korean projects between the two countries, such as remains recovery and freedom of navigation projects, were halted JXRTnmBM3mM-00017-00021572-00022499 "Ever since the second US-DPRK summit in Hanoi the ROK-DPRK military relationship is not as great as we had hoped JXRTnmBM3mM-00018-00022499-00023654 And as such the ROK is engaging its own individual efforts in the area, including demining as well as remains recovery, on its own," said a senior South Korean government official JXRTnmBM3mM-00019-00023654-00025091 Moon will push for a 'good enough' deal.On Thursday, Moon is facing perhaps his greatest diplomatic challenge to date: kickstarting denuclearization talks between the US and North Korea amid rising tensions and uncertainty JXRTnmBM3mM-00020-00025091-00026287 Moon Chung-in, a Yonsei University professor and an adviser to Moon, says that South Korea wants to lay down some kind of "time-bound roadmap" with incremental implementation JXRTnmBM3mM-00021-00026287-00027760 And, perhaps most importantly, the south is hoping for an "early harvest" or a "good enough deal" -- which are being cast by South Korean officials as what is needed to keep alive the momentum and convince the North Koreans to stay at the table JXRTnmBM3mM-00022-00027760-00028366 "A small deal is not a bad deal," explained a senior South Korean government official JXRTnmBM3mM-00023-00028366-00029490 "It depends on how small it is. It is a good deal if it is good enough to help us make an early harvest that allows us to see the nuclear past and present of North Korea JXRTnmBM3mM-00024-00029490-00031214 ".The official indicated that a small deal could include returning to the idea of dismantling Yongbyon, North Korea's nuclear research facility, or smaller-scale progress like opening a US-NK liaison office or agreeing to a declaration of the end of the Korean war JXRTnmBM3mM-00025-00031214-00032198 It is unlikely, however, that the Trump administration would bite at a suggestion they settle for a smaller, less ambitious agreement with Kim JXRTnmBM3mM-00026-00032198-00033392 Trump demonstrated in Hanoi that he wants a big deal that gets to the heart of North Korea's nuclear program and goes beyond the North Koreans dismantling Yongbyon JXRTnmBM3mM-00027-00033392-00034299 Sanctions a key sticking point.Another approach that Moon could take would be to advocate for a lifting of US sanctions on North Korea JXRTnmBM3mM-00028-00034299-00035252 That is what Kim aggressively pushed for during the Hanoi summit.Exactly how Moon plans to approach sanctions relief with Trump remains unclear JXRTnmBM3mM-00029-00035252-00036046 But many observers expect he will try to lure Trump in that direction and warn that it could create a quagmire JXRTnmBM3mM-00030-00036046-00037472 Moon is in a tough spot. One source said that he is under pressure from the North Korean side to do more to convince Trump to reach a compromise on partial sanctions relief in return for incremental steps and keeping talks going JdlnokW3bq4-00000-00000571-00002334 Before he left for his Vietnam Summit with North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un, the supremely incompetent American President Donald Trump spoke to a gathering of state governors, ostensibly to discuss his trade war with China and the tariff threat he stepped back from just a day earlier JdlnokW3bq4-00001-00002334-00004405 According to a transcript of Trump’s remarks by Daniel Dale, the Washington correspondent for the Toronto Star, what the governors got was the presidential equivalent of an overly long and rambling acceptance speech for a minor award, minus a sound engineer to cut his mike and an orchestra to cue to play him off the stage JdlnokW3bq4-00002-00004405-00007167 After mentioning the “substantial progress” he claims to be achieving thus far in the trade negotiations with the Chinese, Trump launched into a barely coherent jumble of words that combined an obvious yearning for the unlimited dictatorial powers enjoyed by Chinese President Xi Jinping with self-pitying whimpers mewling over the lack of credit he received for what he sees as his role in keeping three American basketball players out of prison after they were accused of shoplifting on a visit to China JdlnokW3bq4-00003-00007167-00008447 While the transcript of Trump’s words seems damning enough in its depiction of a clueless and self-involved president, Trump managed to make it even worse through his actions and gestures during his bloviating JdlnokW3bq4-00004-00008447-00009909 He exhibited the same tendency for ridiculing the looks of others that he demonstrated when he callously mocked a disabled reporter at a campaign rally by holding his hands over his eyes to mimic the eyeglasses of President Xi’s aides JdlnokW3bq4-00005-00009909-00011443 With his circled fingers over his eyes, it was difficult to tell if he was also squinting while gesturing, a not unimaginable possibility from a president not known for his sensitivity to violating norms of offensive racial stereotypes KQ3DWB8XM80-00000-00000571-00001435 Donald Trump is being completely owned by women nowadays, especially since Nancy Pelosi took the position of House Speaker KQ3DWB8XM80-00001-00001435-00002412 This is the moment they’ve been waiting for — women are being absolutely relentless with the president and taking him to task for all his misdeeds KQ3DWB8XM80-00002-00002412-00003468 .One of these women is Congresswoman Maxine Waters, who looks like she’s finally getting her revenge on The Donald after the president threatened her safety last year KQ3DWB8XM80-00003-00003468-00004700 Let’s not forget the time when Waters spoke up against Trump’s racist, bigoted cabinet and said “tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere” because they supported the president’s harmful policies KQ3DWB8XM80-00004-00004700-00005495 The president responded in an extremely disgraceful manner — by telling her to “Be careful what you wish for Max KQ3DWB8XM80-00005-00005495-00006772 ” Trump threatened Waters on Twitter.Congresswoman Maxine Waters, an extraordinarily low IQ person, has become, together with Nancy Pelosi, the Face of the Democrat Party KQ3DWB8XM80-00006-00006772-00007482 She has just called for harm to supporters, of which there are many, of the Make America Great Again movement KQ3DWB8XM80-00007-00007482-00008577 Be careful what you wish for Max!”.Considering how bloodthirsty and loyal his fanbase is, there’s no way Trump’s statements should have been taken lightly KQ3DWB8XM80-00008-00008577-00009739 Waters refused to back down and now it looks like she’s getting her revenge — Waters is leading an investigation into Trump’s finances as chairwoman of the House Financial Services L8VG--wRD1A-00000-00000513-00001855 There's far less Trump bashing than you might imagine in the opening round of the 2020 presidential race, particularly from the lips of Democratic candidates who are trying something unusual: barely mentioning his name L8VG--wRD1A-00001-00001855-00002524 President Donald Trump is an around-the-clock, all-consuming presence in American politics L8VG--wRD1A-00002-00002524-00003530 He is one reason the contest is drawing so many Democratic contenders. Yet the word Trump often goes unspoken on the campaign trail L8VG--wRD1A-00003-00003530-00005024 "We have got to understand this is not about him, it's about us," Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey told voters here during a weekend South Carolina visit, where he spoke for more than an hour without so much as a mere mention of the name Trump L8VG--wRD1A-00004-00005024-00006526 Whether referring to the President as "him" or "that person in the White House," Booker is trying to leave Trump out of the conversation, so he and his Democratic rivals can introduce themselves -- and define their young candidacies -- on their own terms L8VG--wRD1A-00005-00006526-00007610 It's an open question, of course, how long most Democrats can ignore the elephant in the room in a race that revolves almost entirely around Trump L8VG--wRD1A-00006-00007610-00008684 Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, who has been on the receiving end of Trump's mocking and name calling, told CNN that "you never let bullies run over you L8VG--wRD1A-00007-00008684-00009653 " But when asked by a New Hampshire voter how she intended to deal with the attacks, she said she would try to deprive the President of the attention he is seeking L8VG--wRD1A-00008-00009653-00010575 "I think in some ways the biggest punishment to the guy who always wants to be in the spotlight is just turn the spotlight off," Warren said L8VG--wRD1A-00009-00010575-00012335 It's not as though all Democrats are choosing the high road over the hammer, but those running for president are trying to take a page from the party's 2018 playbook to talk about health care and the impact of the Trump administration's policies rather than cathartically airing grievances L8VG--wRD1A-00010-00012335-00013772 "If you are a Democrat or if you're leaning Democratic, chances are you've already come to a pretty definitive set of conclusions about Donald Trump," said Guy Cecil, chairman of Priorities USA, a Democratic political action committee L8VG--wRD1A-00011-00013772-00015744 "The upside of continuing to talk about it is pretty limited.".A more effective approach, he said, is to talk about stagnant wages, seeing no benefits of the GOP tax cut and other fallout from Trump's presidency, rather than focusing on his behavior, which already receives extensive media coverage L8VG--wRD1A-00012-00015744-00016805 But avoiding the President may be easier said than done, considering how large he looms over today's politics and how eager he is to shape the Democratic primary L8VG--wRD1A-00013-00016805-00018510 Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, who calls out the President by name more than any Democratic rival and repeatedly did so during his weekend announcement rallies in Brooklyn and Chicago, also reminded supporters the campaign should be about something far bigger than Trump L8VG--wRD1A-00014-00018510-00019284 "Make no mistake about it, this struggle is not just about defeating Donald Trump," Sanders said L8VG--wRD1A-00015-00019284-00020153 "This struggle is about taking on the incredibly powerful institutions that control the economic and political life of our country L8VG--wRD1A-00016-00020153-00021397 ".Former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, who formally jumped into the race on Monday, told voters on a recent trip to Iowa that "talking about Trump a lot is a waste of time L8VG--wRD1A-00017-00021397-00022345 "."I recognize the gratification: When people are really angry, talking about Trump somehow is a release," Hickenlooper said L8VG--wRD1A-00018-00022345-00023042 "But it's not solving the problem, right? If anything, it's playing into his hands L8VG--wRD1A-00019-00023042-00024053 ".But most Democratic hopefuls are still finding their way in navigating Trump, searching for a balance between showing strength and not taking the bait L8VG--wRD1A-00020-00024053-00025030 The argument that Sen. Kamala Harris of California is making against Trump is a bit more subtle than that of some of her fellow Democrats L8VG--wRD1A-00021-00025030-00025989 She peppers her speeches with the word "truth," which she also uses as an opening to remind voters of her career as a prosecutor L8VG--wRD1A-00022-00025989-00027316 "I plan on prosecuting the case against people who do not tell the truth and who are purveyors of injustice in this country," Harris said, without elaboration or a direct mention of the President's name L8VG--wRD1A-00023-00027316-00028426 Campaign advisers tell CNN they want voters to remember positive attributes and ideas from their candidates -- not just how cleverly they've constructed their Trump criticism L8VG--wRD1A-00024-00028426-00029510 Aides are also mindful of how unsuccessful Republican candidates were in 2016 when they tried to follow Trump's lead of belittling or name calling L8VG--wRD1A-00025-00029510-00030847 South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg says all candidates fantasize about standing on the debate stage with Trump and firing off zingers, but it's far more productive for Democrats to tell voters what they would do for them L8VG--wRD1A-00026-00030847-00031754 He barely mentioned Trump on Monday as he campaigned in Iowa."The reality is this can't just be about the President," Buttigieg told CNN L8VG--wRD1A-00027-00031754-00032689 "When he says something false, it has to be corrected. When he does something wrong, you have to point it out and then you move on L8VG--wRD1A-00028-00032689-00033708 ".Voters say they are searching for a candidate who can strike a balance between being a healer and a fighter, while offering a vision about life after Trump in the White House L8VG--wRD1A-00029-00033708-00035035 But after more than two years of bashing Trump at such a fevered pitch, whether at marches across the country or simply in conversation, the absence of his name at Democratic campaign rallies is striking L8VG--wRD1A-00030-00035035-00036197 Here in Charleston, after shaking dozens of hands and taking even more selfies, Booker didn't hesitate when asked why he didn't mention the President's name even once L8VG--wRD1A-00031-00036197-00036939 "Look, it's not about what we're against -- it's got to be about what we're for as a country," Booker told CNN L8VG--wRD1A-00032-00036939-00037897 "Clearly, this election has urgency to make sure he's not the President after 2020, but we should not be motivated by what we're against L8VG--wRD1A-00033-00037897-00039036 ".For Steven and Jane Morris, Democratic voters in Charleston who were seeing Booker for the first time, the Trump-free approach suited them just fine -- for now, at least L8VG--wRD1A-00034-00039036-00039958 "If you start playing Trump's game, it's going to get you in the gutter. And he's the best gutter fighter there is," Steven Morris said L8VG--wRD1A-00035-00039958-00040468 "But you can't lay down and be weak in front of Trump." LHWjLhbjQGM-00000-00000051-00000436 Год таму "Вясна" і яе заснавальнік Алесь Бяляцкі LHWjLhbjQGM-00001-00000436-00000679 атрымалі ўзнагароду "За правільны лад жыцця" LHWjLhbjQGM-00002-00000679-00001108 за рашучую барацьбу за рэалізацыю дэмакратыі і правоў чалавека ў Беларусі. LHWjLhbjQGM-00003-00001164-00001489 Гэта адбылося неўзабавае пасля таго, як беларускія ўлады LHWjLhbjQGM-00004-00001489-00001809 распачалі беспрэцэдэнтныя рэпрэсіі супраць праваабаронцаў. LHWjLhbjQGM-00005-00001809-00002001 Была затрыманая Марфа Рабкова. LHWjLhbjQGM-00006-00002121-00002265 Сёння, праз год пасля тых падзей, LHWjLhbjQGM-00007-00002265-00002751 сем сябраў "Вясны", у тым ліку Алесь Бяляцкі, знаходзяцца за кратамі. LHWjLhbjQGM-00008-00002788-00003070 Іх беспадстаўна абвінавачваюць у крымінальных злачынствах толькі за тое, LHWjLhbjQGM-00009-00003070-00003342 што яны выконвалі сваю законную праваабарончую працу. LHWjLhbjQGM-00010-00003452-00003919 Сёння я прашу вас быць салідарнымі з нашымі зняволенымі лаўрэатамі. LHWjLhbjQGM-00011-00003919-00004188 Як ніколі яны маюць патрэбу ў нашай падтрымцы. LHWjLhbjQGM-00012-00004326-00004523 Далучайцеся да кампаніі #FreeViasana LHWjLhbjQGM-00013-00004523-00004883 і патрабуйце ад беларускіх уладаў LHWjLhbjQGM-00014-00004883-00005170 неадкладнага вызвалення ўсіх сябраў "Вясны", LHWjLhbjQGM-00015-00005170-00005405 зняцця ўсіх абвінавачванняў супраць іх LHWjLhbjQGM-00016-00005405-00005697 і павагі да працы праваабаронцаў у краіне. LHWjLhbjQGM-00017-00005742-00006195 У іх не атрымаецца прымусіць замаўчаць "Вясну" і беларускую грамадзянскую супольнасць! MZsm0sSyAgA-00000-00000571-00001404 President Trump has spent years fighting to build the border wall. And it looks like his big investment is paying off bigtime MZsm0sSyAgA-00001-00001404-00002357 But I want to see the wall get built now, am I right, folks?.Democrats obstructed, protested, even shut down the government MZsm0sSyAgA-00002-00002357-00004332 But they didn’t see this surprise the Pentagon just dropped in Trump’s lap. From USA Today:''A Pentagon decision to spend up to $1 billion to build 57 miles of fencing along the Mexican border drew an angry response Tuesday from Democrats who claimed “political interference” could harm military readiness MZsm0sSyAgA-00003-00004332-00005090 I get it, Democrats. If I opposed securing the southern border, I would be mad too MZsm0sSyAgA-00004-00005090-00005957 Democrats “claim” the Pentagon granting $1 billion to build the wall will interfere with the military’s readiness MZsm0sSyAgA-00005-00005957-00007085 Is that really what they care about?.Democrats seemed to underfund the military when they were in charge, while Trump has been the giving our soldiers pay raises and cleaning up the VA MZsm0sSyAgA-00006-00007085-00008211 So no, Democrats, the Pentagon already said they have $12.8 billion to spare for border security and keeping America safe down South MZsm0sSyAgA-00007-00008211-00008958 And Donald Trump Jr. is celebrating his father’s milestone victory.In case you need Don Jr MZsm0sSyAgA-00008-00008958-00009705 ’s words: “Christmas came early this week.”.That’s quite a Christmas present, wouldn’t you say? MZsm0sSyAgA-00009-00009705-00010489 Celebrate the progress Trump is making on the wall today! But also remember that the job isn’t over MZsm0sSyAgA-00010-00010489-00011226 There’s plenty of border wall left to build, and Trump is going to need America’s support to get it done NpeFaY_ChvQ-00000-00000571-00001302 Why did we elect Donald Trump?.Because he isn’t afraid of the truth, and he says it like it is NpeFaY_ChvQ-00001-00001302-00002167 .And here’s a perfect example of his boldness: recently, Donald visited a part of the border where the wall is being built NpeFaY_ChvQ-00002-00002167-00003172 While there, he did what he does best.He stated the harsh reality of the crisis we’re facing, thanks to outrageously unchecked migration NpeFaY_ChvQ-00003-00003172-00003940 The United States has become overrun and we CANNOT sustain the numbers of people trying to get in NpeFaY_ChvQ-00004-00003940-00005403 So, the president delivered a hard-hitting message.“The system is full whether its asylum, whether its illegal immigration, our country is full, our area is full, the sector is full, we can’t take you anymore NpeFaY_ChvQ-00005-00005403-00006163 I’m sorry, so turn around, that’s the way it is.”.That is perfect:.“We can’t take you anymore NpeFaY_ChvQ-00006-00006163-00007375 ”.This is just the harsh reality of the situation, nothing more.I guess Democrats just don’t understand that America is limited; we don’t have endless resources for the entire world NpeFaY_ChvQ-00007-00007375-00008266 This is an emergency: we need to put our citizens first and regulate legal immigration so we’re not overwhelmed NpeFaY_ChvQ-00008-00008266-00008945 Democrats have ignored this crisis for way too long, and now it’s at the breaking point NpeFaY_ChvQ-00009-00008945-00009867 America cannot take in any more asylum seekers. We cannot sustain border jumpers or anyone else that breaks the law NpeFaY_ChvQ-00010-00009867-00010674 That’s why Trump made it plain, that caravans trying to barge their way in need to turn around and go home NpeFaY_ChvQ-00011-00010674-00011795 Perhaps some will listen but of course, many won’t.That’s why the only long-term solution is the border wall, to ensure those who enter do so safely and legally Nbhk9KjeCey-00000-00000513-00001166 Trump may be joining the cast of Orange is the New Black if there’s a Netflix reboot Nbhk9KjeCey-00001-00001166-00003736 In an interview with MSNBC, legal analyst Elie Mystal dropped a major bombshell prediction:"Now that SDNY is on it, they’re all going down…The key thing from Michael Cohen’s testimony, besides all the information he laid out, he issued basically a warning to the rest of the people in the Trump Organization from the CFO Allen Weisselberg all the way down to the secretary: you lie for Trump, you’re going to get got Nbhk9KjeCey-00002-00003736-00005011 I hope it is not lost on people is that the Trump Organization, which appears to be a massive criminal front, is so small potatoes that if Trump hadn’t run for president, SDNY wouldn’t care… Nbhk9KjeCey-00003-00005011-00006607 ….[Donald Trump will be] waiting in cuffs”.It’s clear that Trump has the potential of being indicted by SDNY Authorities as he won’t be able to pardon himself, so winning the 2020 election is more than running on an agenda — it’s more like running away from jail Nbhk9KjeCey-00004-00006607-00007892 Elit Mystal continued:"SDNY cares about stopping terrorism…Putting SDNY on the Trump investigation is like bringing in Sherlock Holmes to figure out who framed Roger Rabbit Nbhk9KjeCey-00005-00007892-00009052 ”.The previous comment is a huge deal as it explicitly suggests that for the SDNY to bring charges against a criminal entity, the severity of the charges must be high Nbhk9KjeCey-00006-00009052-00010405 In this case, Trump is being accused of felony campaign finance violations as he presumably ordered Michael Cohen to pay off Stormy Daniels and other women, all while Trump was running for office Nbhk9KjeCey-00007-00010405-00011256 Furthermore, Cohen’s testimony is potentially damming as Trump worked side-by-side with Cohen on the hush money payments Nbhk9KjeCey-00008-00011256-00012155 Who knows, maybe Trump will order Ivanka to design a Gucci jumpsuit in preparation for his lengthy jail sentence OK2oZCj26EE-00000-00000571-00001736 Special Counsel Mueller’s office just subpoenaed a key member of the Trump Campaign’s data vendor, who is the first member of the team directly linked to Brexit and the president’s campaign OK2oZCj26EE-00001-00001736-00003298 Mueller subpoenaed Brittany Kaiser, the former Director of Cambridge Analytica, who provided data services to both the Trump Campaign and the Brexit referendum campaign to withdraw the UK from the European Union in 2016 OK2oZCj26EE-00002-00003298-00004267 The UK’s Data Commissioner raided the company’s offices last year over illegal campaigning in favor of Brexit, and it fell into liquidation OK2oZCj26EE-00003-00004267-00006142 Now, Kaiser is cooperating with Mueller’s prosecutors according to Carole Cadwalladr, the Orwell Award-winning journalist who uncovered the dark side of big data, in The Guardian:“Kaiser… is the first person connected directly to both the Brexit and Trump campaigns known to have been questioned by Mueller OK2oZCj26EE-00004-00006142-00007971 ”.“Damian Collins, chairman of [the United Kingdom] parliament’s inquiry into fake news, said it was ‘no surprise’ that Kaiser was under scrutiny by Mueller because ‘her work connected her to WikiLeaks, Cambridge Analytica and [its parent company] SCL, the Trump campaign, Leave OK2oZCj26EE-00005-00007971-00009188 EU and Arron Banks.'”.The thirty-one-year-old Kaiser first blew the whistle on Cambridge Analytica eleven months ago saying that she was ”sick and tired of covering up for old white men OK2oZCj26EE-00006-00009188-00011038 ”.Trump’s Campaign Chairman Steve Bannon co-founded the data firm Cambridge Analytica, which specialized in psychological warfare and got caught stealing 87 million Facebook profiles last year, which they used to profile voters and micro-target them with propaganda ads during the campaign OK2oZCj26EE-00007-00011038-00012754 Hedge fund billionaire Robert Mercer put up the funding for Cambridge Analytica, as well as for Breitbart News which employed Bannon as publisher until he moved into the Trump Campaign in mid-August 2016, soon after Paul Manafort’s illegal Ukrainian political activities were revealed OK2oZCj26EE-00008-00012754-00014209 The London-based Cambridge Analytica was not supposed to share Brexit campaign staff with Trump’s federal election campaign due to prohibitions on foreign workers making strategic decisions on a US Presidential or Congressional campaign OK2oZCj26EE-00009-00014209-00015606 The House Intel Committee began investigating Trump’s data vendor last year, and now that Democrats control its renewed probe, there is a good chance her testimony may also be sought by Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) OK2oZCj26EE-00010-00015606-00017552 Congress initially began looking at Cambridge Analytica because it’s CEO, an Eton-educated UK national named Alexander Nix openly bragged about contacting Wikileaks founder Julian Assange seeking to help disseminate Hillary Clinton’s stolen emails at a conference, then the video of him saying just that surfaced OK2oZCj26EE-00011-00017552-00018832 Key information which the Mueller probe might investigate is that Russian oil giant Lukoil was also a client of Cambridge Analytica, who reportedly purchased data on their American election operations OK2oZCj26EE-00012-00018832-00019987 Bannon’s company lied about those business ties when questioned by the UK parliament but whistleblowers provided them with documents proving the real story, according to The New York Times: OK2oZCj26EE-00013-00019987-00021439 “The contacts took place as Cambridge Analytica was building a roster of Republican clients in the United States — and harvesting the Facebook profiles of over 50 million users to develop tools to analyze voters’ behavior OK2oZCj26EE-00014-00021439-00022458 Detailed personality profile data for millions of American voters that Cambridge Analytica stole was accessed in Russia, according to a British lawmaker OK2oZCj26EE-00015-00022458-00023738 Donald Trump’s campaign hired a small-time website designer to run its 2016 operations that blossomed into Brad Parscale’s current job running the Trump 2020 campaign OK2oZCj26EE-00016-00023738-00024885 Jared Kushner had no political experience either, and isn’t a programmer, but was nominally in charge of the Trump Campaign’s digital advertising, which Bannon’s company performed OK2oZCj26EE-00017-00024885-00026672 But behind the scenes, both the BBC and Bloomberg News revealed that Cambridge Analytica – and we now know, its use of stolen personal data to influence voters on Facebook – was the real strategic operation behind the campaign from an office in San Antonio, Texas OK2oZCj26EE-00018-00026672-00027946 Eventually, even Wikileaks confirmed contacts with the data company’s ex-CEO Nix who openly took credit for Trump’s victory in front of Brittany Kaiser, who is now talking with Mueller OK2oZCj26EE-00019-00027946-00029284 Alexander Nix also brazenly told an undercover investigation last year that candidates are just puppets, not unlike how Hillary Clinton described Donald Trump at their final presidential election debate OK2oZCj26EE-00020-00029284-00030284 He also admitted that Cambridge Analytica had such granular control over the Trump campaign, they even selected the cities for his hate rallies OK2oZCj26EE-00021-00030284-00032361 It appears that now, because of a woman sick of covering up for liars, Special Counsel Mueller is hot on the trail toward factually confirming Clinton’s prophetic description of Trump in 2016, and perhaps, revealing the hand of Russian influence in Cambridge Analytica’s psychological war against democracies in America and the United Kingdom P_NW1RzF3rU-00000-00000571-00001519 “President” Donald Trump has once again reversed himself. Last week, Trump was gung ho on the idea of overturning the Affordable Care Act P_NW1RzF3rU-00001-00001519-00002162 This week, he’s using another familiar strategy: completely changing his position P_NW1RzF3rU-00002-00002162-00003319 With Trump, this does not happen with an apology for being wrong; no, he simply comes up with some other outlandish sound bites and moves on to his next disaster P_NW1RzF3rU-00003-00003319-00005160 Many experts, and even one of Trump’s former cabinet members, have clearly explained how detrimental the elimination of the ACA could be, including destroying Trump’s expressed plans of getting cheaper forms of insulin on the market, eliminating HIV, and dealing with the opioid crisis P_NW1RzF3rU-00004-00005160-00006482 You can read all of the details here, but you get the idea. Even as he discussed these issues, it didn’t seem to dawn on him that eliminating the ACA would make it impossible for him to carry out his own agenda P_NW1RzF3rU-00005-00006482-00007579 . .Either Trump has been reading up on this (though most of us think he can’t), or someone is getting through to him that overturning the ACA is akin to shooting oneself in the foot P_NW1RzF3rU-00006-00007579-00008791 Now that Republican leaders are both privately and publicly leaving this to Trump, he must have had a “light bulb” moment that perhaps attacking the ACA isn’t the best for him politically right now P_NW1RzF3rU-00007-00008791-00009739 .Trump can’t, however, just move on quietly. Oh, no. That would make him appear to have been wrong, which he was P_NW1RzF3rU-00008-00009739-00011202 Backtracking doesn’t make him look any brighter either, especially when he comes out and boasts that the Republicans “are developing a really great HealthCare Plan with far lower premiums (cost) & deductibles than ObamaCare P_NW1RzF3rU-00009-00011202-00013153 ”. . .Looking purely at numbers, elimination of the ACA would be devastating. to Politico, “an estimated 25 million people will lose coverage through private insurance and Medicaid expansion, and insurers would no longer be required to cover people with pre-existing conditions like HIV/AIDS P_NW1RzF3rU-00010-00013153-00013806 ” In essence, Trump was rooting against himself in his quest to invalidate the ACA P_NW1RzF3rU-00011-00013806-00014634 He is completely clueless. Now that other Republicans are running from him as if he has the plague, he seems to get it P_NW1RzF3rU-00012-00014634-00015941 He negates that, however, with his ridiculous tweets about the Republicans’ “great HealthCare Plan,” which he claims they will vote on “after the Election when Republicans hold the Senate & win … back the House P_NW1RzF3rU-00013-00015941-00017780 ” Keep dreaming, Trump. . .Donald Trump and the Republicans have made very clear how much they hate Medicaid (in their minds, a bunch of lazy people who don’t want to work), Medicare (which they obviously don’t understand), and how little they care about healthcare for any of us P_NW1RzF3rU-00014-00017780-00018474 It’s pretty easy to do that when you have free healthcare for life, for which we pay P_NW1RzF3rU-00015-00018474-00019713 Instead of trying to predict the future, Trump would be better served trying to help himself and his Republican friends do right by the American public, though it is likely far too late for that P_NW1RzF3rU-00016-00019713-00020551 The chance of Trump being re-elected and surrounded by a fully Republican-controlled House and Senate is highly doubtful P_NW1RzF3rU-00017-00020551-00021674 Gallup data reveals that since 2017, the number of voters who identify as conservative has gone down, even as the number of liberals and moderates has gone up P_NW1RzF3rU-00018-00021674-00022338 If the Democrats can settle on the right candidate, he or she can easily take it all PjV0UCpPagg-00000-00000571-00002128 Even as Donald Trump and his newly handpicked Attorney General William Barr continue to try to cover up what’s really in the Robert Mueller report, we don’t know what is or is not in the report when it comes to Trump’s suspicious financial relationship with Deutsche Bank PjV0UCpPagg-00001-00002128-00002990 Now it turns out we won’t have to wait until the Mueller report finally surfaces to get answers on that particular topic PjV0UCpPagg-00002-00002990-00004186 House Financial Services Committee Chairwoman Maxine Waters publicly hinted in recent weeks that Deutsche Bank has begun cooperating with her demands for Donald Trump’s banking records PjV0UCpPagg-00003-00004186-00004907 Today, Waters told reporters that the bank has in fact begun giving her Trump’s records PjV0UCpPagg-00004-00004907-00006085 It’s not difficult to figure out why Deutsche Bank has begun cooperating: Waters has subpoena power, thanks to the new Democratic House majority, and she can force their hand anyway PjV0UCpPagg-00005-00006085-00007775 This is a major development, based just on what’s already widely publicly known. Deutsche Bank spent several years loaning large amounts of money to Donald Trump, even though he’d become such a bad credit risk that virtually no other bank was willing to touch him PjV0UCpPagg-00006-00007775-00008640 Further, even as Trump was failing to repay Deutsche Bank for these loans, Deutsche Bank was continuing to loan him more money PjV0UCpPagg-00007-00008640-00009645 During this same timeframe, Deutsche Bank was busted by the Feds for having laundered billions of dollars of money between its Moscow and New York City branches PjV0UCpPagg-00008-00009645-00010651 If Deutsche Bank wasn’t using these loans as cover for laundering Russian money to Donald Trump in New York City, then this is all one phenomenal coincidence PjV0UCpPagg-00009-00010651-00011725 Now that Maxine Waters has her hands on Trump’s Deutsche Bank records, she’s going to be able to give us definitive answers one way the other in upcoming congressional hearings PjV0UCpPagg-00010-00011725-00011970 Stay tuned PlIwFlM7vaI-00000-00000571-00001809 The most corrupt president in the nation’s history hit a new low for behavior today even before the extended remix of a “Trump’s greatest grievances” speech he gave at the right-wing bigotry-fest CPAC PlIwFlM7vaI-00001-00001809-00003246 In violation of every ethics rule on the books, Trump used his official Twitter account to promote his own business interests with this retweet of a Trump Organization post that was nothing more than a commercial for his golf course in Scotland PlIwFlM7vaI-00002-00003246-00004682 Even worse, he tried to claim that his ownership of the luxury resort was a benefit to the diplomatic relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom — something that thousands of people in Scotland would beg to differ with PlIwFlM7vaI-00003-00004682-00006623 Trump may be proud of his golf course in Aberdeen, but he seemed to forget that his own Department of Justice has ruled that his tweets are “official statements of the President of the United States” and, as such, are subject to the same ethical laws against self-dealing that any public official would have in their official communications PlIwFlM7vaI-00004-00006623-00008149 Ethics watchdogs immediately pounced upon the president’s latest transgression as if he would ever be held accountable for the complete destruction of the ethical norms and legal requirements that Trump has ignored since the day he announced his candidacy PlIwFlM7vaI-00005-00008149-00009162 Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) condemned the president for utilizing his powers to illegally promote his own business Qva5ylF-xDc-00000-00000571-00001994 When Kirstjen Nielsen was ousted as Homeland Security Director this past week because she was only willing to commit atrocities against immigrants that wouldn’t result in her going to prison, it raised the question of what that means for her replacement Qva5ylF-xDc-00001-00001994-00002616 It turns out we’re already getting the answer – and it’s a particularly ugly one Qva5ylF-xDc-00002-00002616-00003441 .Donald Trump picked Border Patrol boss Kevin McAleenan to be his new acting head of Homeland Security Qva5ylF-xDc-00003-00003441-00004826 Trump then told his border agents to illegally block asylum seekers from entering the United States – and Trump told McAleenan that he would pardon him if the move resulted in McAleenan being arrested Qva5ylF-xDc-00004-00004826-00005562 This is according to CNN’s Jake Tapper, who is citing multiple senior Trump regime officials Qva5ylF-xDc-00005-00005562-00006383 No one involved seemed sure how serious Trump was about it, and McAleenan is claiming it never happened Qva5ylF-xDc-00006-00006383-00007331 . .Nonetheless, the mere mention of a pardon as an enticement to law breaking is a crime on Donald Trump’s part, and an impeachable one Qva5ylF-xDc-00007-00007331-00008864 It’s the latest reminder that Trump is completely and purposefully out of control, he has no interest in the law or the Constitution, and he’s perfectly willing to grossly abuse his powers in order to make it easier for his regime to break the law Qva5ylF-xDc-00008-00008864-00009799 .Suffice it to say that when House Democrats bring impeachment charges against Donald Trump, this dangled pardon will be one of them Qva5ylF-xDc-00009-00009799-00010899 Impeachment is a slow and complex process that has to be done in a very strategic way if the end goal is to successfully oust a sitting president Qva5ylF-xDc-00010-00010899-00012067 But it’s more clear than ever that Trump is intent on forcing the issue. He either wants to be impeached, or he’s too drunk with power to understand that he can be impeached Qva5ylF-xDc-00011-00012067-00012861 Either way, House Democrats must act soon. This is escalating into a crisis beyond words QzqBfMgku-Y-00000-00000571-00002156 There is currently a deep chasm that divides America. On one side, there are those who respect the rule of law, strive to preserve the Constitution, and want to see America continue as the country that our forefathers dreamed it could be QzqBfMgku-Y-00001-00002156-00002804 On the other side, there are some who still, for whatever reason, support Donald Trump QzqBfMgku-Y-00002-00002804-00003972 .Based simply on American history, for those who want to advance the ideal of our country’s history, one would think that a democratic society would be the ultimate goal QzqBfMgku-Y-00003-00003972-00004761 That should not be undone by one person thinking he can upend our nation simply because of inherited means QzqBfMgku-Y-00004-00004761-00005502 As the New York Times discovered, the Trump family fraudulently obtained hundreds of millions of dollars QzqBfMgku-Y-00005-00005502-00006639 Fast forward a couple decades and the Trump family is best known as being a corrupt mafia front, while one member of the family is in charge of the highest office of the land QzqBfMgku-Y-00006-00006639-00007328 . .While there still exist individuals who support Trump, the facts remain what they are QzqBfMgku-Y-00007-00007328-00008081 Donald Trump is a failed conman who was forced to declare bankruptcy on a multitude of properties QzqBfMgku-Y-00008-00008081-00009065 Despite those who continue to prop up Trump, despite his history of business failures, Trump’s overall support continues to decline QzqBfMgku-Y-00009-00009065-00010923 Even Fox News is incrementally backing away from him. .Whether it be his claim that his approval rating is at 50%, which even Fox News ended up walking back, or his promise that the Republican Party will somehow become the “Party of Healthcare,” most people simply assume he’s lying QzqBfMgku-Y-00010-00010923-00011941 Following such blatant lies, it is clear that Donald Trump never cared about the average American, and continues to lie in an effort to reassure his base QzqBfMgku-Y-00011-00011941-00012506 Sadly, only for him, that base is only diminishing QNe7pRdUUFo-00000-00000513-00001780 Underneath the neverending news cycle generated by President Donald Trump’s outlandish behavior, the Trump administration continues to reshape American policy in widely disturbing ways QNe7pRdUUFo-00001-00001780-00003065 This Monday, CNN’s Senior Diplomatic Correspondent Michelle Kosinski shared that the State Department was holding a special informational call that only “faith-based media” were invited to be a part of QNe7pRdUUFo-00002-00003065-00004277 She explained on Twitter:.‘The State Dept is holding a special informational call today. But the State Dept press corps wasn’t invited. Being told it’s for “faith-based media only”…’ QNe7pRdUUFo-00003-00004277-00005045 Quite simply, that arrangement could fly in the face of Constitutional demands for freedom of the press QNe7pRdUUFo-00004-00005045-00005808 The Bill of Rights explicitly lays out a pair of principles relevant here, including in the First Amendment: QNe7pRdUUFo-00005-00005808-00006688 ‘Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion… or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press’ QNe7pRdUUFo-00006-00006688-00007471 It’s amazing that the United States has gotten to a place where some have to be reminded about the First Amendment! QNe7pRdUUFo-00007-00007471-00008576 While the principle most explicitly covers “laws” that tend a particular discriminatory direction, to suggest the amendment’s principle isn’t relevant here would be outlandish QNe7pRdUUFo-00008-00008576-00010133 Does this call represent a new principle inside the State Department of prioritizing “faith-based media” in information distribution? Few are under any illusion that the “faith-based” designation has a very particular religion in mind QNe7pRdUUFo-00009-00010133-00011097 Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has explicitly and repeatedly phrased his foreign policy positions in fundamentalist Christian terminology QNe7pRdUUFo-00010-00011097-00012967 In 2015, while a Republican Congressman from Kansas, he described politics as “a never-ending struggle… until the Rapture,” referring to the Protestant Christian belief that in the “end times,” they will be taken to heaven before the worst of the worst gets underway on earth during the apocalypse QNe7pRdUUFo-00011-00012967-00014331 During that same speech, he even more explicitly intertwined his nationalism and his faith, asserting that “to worship our lord and celebrate our nation at the same place is not only our right, it is our duty” QNe7pRdUUFo-00012-00014331-00016554 Elsewhere, he has used specifically fundamentalist Christian language to describe what one actually does in that political struggle of the ages, saying that Islamic terrorists are “destined to continue to press against us until we make sure that we pray and stand and fight and make sure that we know that Jesus Christ is our savior and the only true solution for our world” QNe7pRdUUFo-00013-00016554-00017149 This is the guy we’re supposed to trust to lead the United States’ foreign policy! QNe7pRdUUFo-00014-00017149-00018260 Anonymous sources from Pompeo’s pre-State Department time as CIA Director told Foreign Policy that the religious imagery freely flowed through his rhetoric there too QNe7pRdUUFo-00015-00018260-00019404 At present, it’s unclear what further ramifications there may be from the latest apparent expression of Pompeo’s ideology via the call for “faith-based media only” QNe7pRdUUFo-00016-00019404-00020731 This Monday, Pompeo visited his home state of Kansas as part of the “Road to GES,” meaning the Global Entrepreneurship Summit, an event the State Department hosts jointly with the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs QNe7pRdUUFo-00017-00020731-00021452 It’s not the first time the Trump administration has come under scrutiny for its treatment of the media QNe7pRdUUFo-00018-00021452-00022507 They tried unsuccessfully to ban CNN’s Jim Acosta from the White House on the basis of false allegations that he’d essentially been physically violent with an intern R4mHlatwoVA-00000-00000571-00001764 The Trump administration on Friday granted a Utah request for a more limited Medicaid expansion, effectively short-circuiting a ballot measure approved by voters in November R4mHlatwoVA-00001-00001764-00003363 The approval allows Utah to expand its program to those who earn up to 100% of the poverty level, or about $12,500 for an individual and $25,750 for a family of four R4mHlatwoVA-00002-00003363-00004379 Under Obamacare's Medicaid expansion provision, states have extended health insurance to those making up to 138% of the poverty level R4mHlatwoVA-00003-00004379-00005531 Also notable is that Utah can now cap enrollment of newly eligible residents if state funding runs out; currently, Medicaid must accept anyone who qualifies R4mHlatwoVA-00004-00005531-00006822 And the approval does not provide the higher level of federal funding that accompanies full expansion under Obamacare, though Utah officials have said they intend to seek the enhanced match soon R4mHlatwoVA-00005-00006822-00007759 Several red states are looking to partially expand Medicaid, but want the richer support from Washington, DC, for the newly qualified R4mHlatwoVA-00006-00007759-00008436 The approval is the latest step in a busy health care week for the Trump administration R4mHlatwoVA-00007-00008436-00009582 On Monday, the Justice Department said the entire Affordable Care Act should be struck down in a filing with a federal appeals court, a dramatic reversal of a stance it took last year R4mHlatwoVA-00008-00009582-00010614 Two days later, a federal district court judge blocked the administration's efforts to allow states to impose work requirements on Medicaid recipients R4mHlatwoVA-00009-00010614-00011787 And on Thursday, another judge blocked its effort to make it easier for small businesses to band together to buy health insurance in so-called association health plans R4mHlatwoVA-00010-00011787-00013592 Utah's Republican governor, Gary Herbert, and GOP lawmakers last month sought to pare back November's ballot measure by passing legislation that also limits expansion to 100%, seeks additional federal support and imposes more mandates on enrollees R4mHlatwoVA-00011-00013592-00014420 That state law, however, requires additional federal waivers that Utah has yet to submit to the Trump administration R4mHlatwoVA-00012-00014420-00015235 "This is an important first step in covering vulnerable Utahns in a financially sustainable way," said Herbert R4mHlatwoVA-00013-00015235-00017398 "But it's just a first step. In the coming months, we will submit a detailed proposal seeking a new funding arrangement with CMS [Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services] that will decrease the state's share of the costs, provide the federal government with assurances on its costs, and provide the state with additional flexibility to manage the program R4mHlatwoVA-00014-00017398-00018409 ".Friday's action means some 70,000 to 90,000 newly eligible residents can start applying on April 1, state officials said R4mHlatwoVA-00015-00018409-00020044 Medicaid already covers more more than 312,000 Utahns.But it leaves out more than 50,000 people who would have qualified under the ballot measure, said Andrew Roberts, spokesman for Utah Decides, which supported the November effort R4mHlatwoVA-00016-00020044-00021102 Other community advocates also decried the move, saying it would leave needy residents without access to medical care and end up costing the state more money R4mHlatwoVA-00017-00021102-00022539 "Limiting the number of people who can enroll in the Medicaid program could leave many vulnerable Utahns shut out from health coverage when they need it most," said Jessie Mandle, senior health policy analyst for Voices for Utah Children R4mHlatwoVA-00018-00022539-00023403 Utah will have to shell out more state funds to cover the newly eligible than it would have had it expanded Medicaid like other states R4mHlatwoVA-00019-00023403-00024715 The federal government funds at least 90% of the cost of additional enrollees under the Obamacare provision, while it provides less support to the core Medicaid program -- about 70% in Utah's case R4mHlatwoVA-00020-00024715-00025582 Wisconsin is the only other state that has expanded its program to the poverty level at the traditional federal match level R4mHlatwoVA-00021-00025582-00026587 Friday's approval also requires certain enrollees to register for employment through the state's online portal, apply for jobs and participate in training R4mHlatwoVA-00022-00026587-00027478 But unlike other states' work requirements, participants will not have to show they are working a certain number of hours a month RnQt5ih0UGE-00000-00000513-00001545 Congress continues to deal with the fallout of President Donald Trump’s national emergency declaration last month over the supposed crisis at the southern border RnQt5ih0UGE-00001-00001545-00003412 House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) announced this Wednesday that her chamber would not be taking up Senate GOP legislation that responds to the essentially completely baseless declaration by curtailing the emergency powers of future presidents while leaving Trump’s current move intact RnQt5ih0UGE-00002-00003412-00004818 As she put it:.‘In an effort to avoid voting in favor of the House’s resolution to terminate Trump’s fake emergency, GOP senators are proposing legislation to allow Trump to violate the Constitution *just this once RnQt5ih0UGE-00003-00004818-00006952 * The House will not take up this legislation to give President Trump a pass.’.The legislation in question would make future emergency declarations expire after thirty days in the absence of Congressional action and has been presented as an alternative to directly voting to cancel Trump’s currently in-place declaration, an issue the Senate will be taking up Thursday RnQt5ih0UGE-00004-00006952-00007842 Trump hopes to use subsequent executive power from the declaration to procure billions in funding for his southern border wall RnQt5ih0UGE-00005-00007842-00008968 The Democratic majority House has already voted to cancel the declaration, moving to do so under the power of the same legislation that allowed for it in the first place RnQt5ih0UGE-00006-00008968-00009841 Although the Senate remains in the hands of the GOP and even Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky RnQt5ih0UGE-00007-00009841-00011217 ) has expressed support for the president’s declaration, at least when this week began, four Republican Senators indicated plans to vote to strike it down, giving the cancellation the simple majority it needed RnQt5ih0UGE-00008-00011217-00012411 Those to express opposition to that level have included Republican Sens. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), Susan Collins (Maine), Rand Paul (Ky RnQt5ih0UGE-00009-00012411-00013430 ), and Thom Tillis (N.C.) — although The New York Times claimed on Tuesday that Tillis seemed to be “wavering” in his commitment to vote down the declaration RnQt5ih0UGE-00010-00013430-00014263 Trump personally lobbied for Republican Senators to support his national emergency declaration on Twitter this Wednesday, posting: RnQt5ih0UGE-00011-00014263-00015360 ‘Republican Senators are overthinking tomorrow’s vote on National Emergency. It is very simply Border Security/No Crime – Should not be thought of any other way RnQt5ih0UGE-00012-00015360-00016097 We have a MAJOR NATIONAL EMERGENCY at our Border and the People of our Country know it very well!’ RnQt5ih0UGE-00013-00016097-00017134 Either way, the cancellation is unlikely to make it through, because it also has to be approved by the president and he’s unsurprisingly pledged to veto the measure RnQt5ih0UGE-00014-00017134-00017933 Neither Congressional chamber have a two-thirds, veto-proof majority in favor of the cancellation RnQt5ih0UGE-00015-00017933-00019550 All hope is far from lost for those against the proclamation, however. The move quickly faced a number of lawsuits, including one with a coalition of 16 states led by California’s Attorney General Xavier Becerra against the Trump administration RnQt5ih0UGE-00016-00019550-00021958 The declaration has essentially no basis in reality. Confronted with the facts of at least comparatively low crime associated with the southern border and undocumented immigration during his press conference announcing his national emergency declaration, Trump claimed there are vast unreported criminal networks among undocumented immigrants, singling them out with no tangible basis other than their skin color RnQt5ih0UGE-00017-00021958-00022917 Still, Trump remains undeterred. In his recent budget proposal for the 2020 fiscal year, he asked for a whopping $8 RnQt5ih0UGE-00018-00022917-00023933 6 billion for his long-sought southern border wall blocking off Mexico, which there is no indication whatsoever Congress will actually give him Su5vX99_xtM-00000-00000571-00002229 Victoria Nuland, President Obama’s assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian Affairs from September 2013 until January 2017, has been linked to the notorious anti-Trump dossier fabricated by Hillary Clinton’s opposition research firm Su5vX99_xtM-00001-00002229-00003266 The author of the dossier, Christopher Steele, reportedly had developed long-standing relationships with senior State Department officials, including Nuland Su5vX99_xtM-00002-00003266-00004045 “Between 2014 and 2016, Steele authored more than a hundred reports on Russia and Ukraine Su5vX99_xtM-00003-00004045-00005372 These were written for a private client but shared widely within the State Department and sent up to Secretary of State John Kerry and to Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, who was in charge of the U Su5vX99_xtM-00004-00005372-00006824 S. response to the Ukraine crisis.”. .To understand better how the dossier’s spurious charges were spread around the Obama administration, Judicial Watch filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U Su5vX99_xtM-00005-00006824-00008117 S. Department of State for communications between Nuland and employees of Fusion GPS, as well as top ranking Department of Justice, FBI, and State Department officials Su5vX99_xtM-00006-00008117-00009180 Judicial Watch sued because the State Department failed to respond to our November 1, 2018, FOIA request (Judicial Watch v Su5vX99_xtM-00007-00009180-00011001 U.S. Department of State (No. 1:19-cv-00574)). They are seeking:.Any and all records of communication between Ambassador Victoria Nuland and any of the following individuals between January 1, 2016, and January 25, 2017: Su5vX99_xtM-00008-00011001-00012187 Professor Joseph Mifsud.Mr. Christopher Steele.Mr. Glenn Simpson.Mrs. Nellie Ohr.Former CIA Director John Brennan Su5vX99_xtM-00009-00012187-00012850 Former Undersecretary of State Patrick Kennedy.Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch Su5vX99_xtM-00010-00012850-00013493 Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.Former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates Su5vX99_xtM-00011-00013493-00014271 Former Assistant Attorney General John P. Carlin.Former Deputy Assistant Attorney General George Toscas Su5vX99_xtM-00012-00014271-00015298 Former DOJ Official David Laufman.Former Homeland Security Advisor Lisa Monaco.Former Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr Su5vX99_xtM-00013-00015298-00016283 Former FBI Director James Comey.Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.Former FBI Agent Peter Strzok Su5vX99_xtM-00014-00016283-00017093 FBI Attorney Lisa Page.FBI Attorney James Baker.Former FBI Chief of Staff James Rybicki Su5vX99_xtM-00015-00017093-00018098 FBI Assistant Director Edward William Priestap.Former FBI Agent John Giacalone.Former FBI Agent Michael Steinbach Su5vX99_xtM-00016-00018098-00019942 Former FBI Agent Josh Campbell.On February 4, 2018, in an interview on CBS’ Face the Nation, Nuland stated that she had been given details of the anti-Trump dossier directly from Christopher Steele, which she then referred to the Federal Bureau of Investigation: Su5vX99_xtM-00017-00019942-00020870 [Steele] passed two to four pages of short points of what he was finding. And our immediate reaction to that was, this is not in our purview Su5vX99_xtM-00018-00020870-00021813 This needs to go to the FBI if there is any concern here that one candidate or the election as a whole might be influenced by the Russian Federation Su5vX99_xtM-00019-00021813-00022523 That’s something for the FBI to investigate. And that was our reaction when we saw this Su5vX99_xtM-00020-00022523-00023743 It’s not our – our – we can’t evaluate this.Nuland reportedly “green lit” the initial meeting about the anti-Trump dossier between Christopher Steele and FBI agent Michael Gaeta Su5vX99_xtM-00021-00023743-00025449 Quoting from David Corn and Michael Isikoff’s book Russian Roulette, “The FBI checked with Victoria Nuland’s office at the State Department: Do you support this meeting? Nuland, having found Steele’s reports on Ukraine to have been generally credible, gave the green light Su5vX99_xtM-00022-00025449-00026384 ”.Judicial Watch intends to find out how far the Deep State was willing to go in their effort to discredit then-candidate Donald Trump Su5vX99_xtM-00023-00026384-00027220 There clearly was an Obama administration no-holds-barred attempt to clear the path to the presidency for Hillary Clinton Su5vX99_xtM-00024-00027220-00028056 Judicial Watch’s FOIA lawsuits have already shown the Obama State Department was corruptly targeting President Trump Su5vX99_xtM-00025-00028056-00030091 .Judicial Watch already exposed elements of the plot when we released 42 pages of heavily redacted State Department documents containing classified information that was provided to Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD), top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and outspoken critic of President Donald Trump Su5vX99_xtM-00026-00030091-00030885 The documents show Russian political interference in elections and politics in countries across Europe Su5vX99_xtM-00027-00030885-00031783 And then they released more heavily redacted State documents showing classified information was desperately sent to multiple U Su5vX99_xtM-00028-00031783-00032562 S. Senators by the Obama administration immediately prior to President Donald Trump’s inauguration Su5vX99_xtM-00029-00032562-00033189 The documents reveal that among those receiving the classified documents were Sen Su5vX99_xtM-00030-00033189-00034069 Mark Warner (D-VA), Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD), and Sen. Robert Corker (R-TN) SHLfN49E28c-00000-00000513-00001659 The president has a hard time keeping people in the White House, and why wouldn’t he? He’s under multiple investigations, including probes by the FBI and House Democrats SHLfN49E28c-00001-00001659-00002686 His television appearances, as well as his relentless tweeting speaks volumes of the mental breakdown headed our way via the president of the United States SHLfN49E28c-00002-00002686-00004081 In the three years since Trump took office, probably dozens of people have come and gone after quickly realizing this administration is headed for a major derailment that likely ends with the president in prison SHLfN49E28c-00003-00004081-00004875 One more official just resigned suddenly, and Trump is acting like nothing is happening, as per the usual SHLfN49E28c-00004-00004875-00005633 Trade Advisor Clete Willems announced Friday that he will be leaving his position in the White House SHLfN49E28c-00005-00005633-00006521 Willems said this about his work with Trump:.“It has been a great honor to serve the president in this White House for the last two years" SHLfN49E28c-00006-00006521-00007714 “President Trump’s leadership on trade has entirely changed the global conversation and will lead to an international system that is more free, fair, and reciprocal" SHLfN49E28c-00007-00007714-00009049 Willems, who was top trade advisor for Trump’s negotiations with China, as well as lead negotiator for the Group of Seven and Group of 20 summits alongside Council Director Larry Kudlow SHLfN49E28c-00008-00009049-00011173 Kudlow had this to say about Willems’ departure:.“As my top international deputy, Clete has helped the president change the global conversation on trade and make exceptional progress in negotiations with China, the EU, Korea, and reform of the international trading system.We will miss him and wish him all the best.” SHLfN49E28c-00009-00011173-00011680 The president currently has a summit scheduled with Chinese leaders SHLfN49E28c-00010-00011680-00012333 It was originally set to take place next week, but has now been pushed back to April SHLfN49E28c-00011-00012333-00013189 This has people wondering why Willems would choose to leave at such a tense time for the president, if they truly are friendly SZhCc75A8o0-00000-00000513-00002020 U.S. Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., was the target of "a political stunt" when he was served with a subpoena following his speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Maryland, his spokeswoman said Friday SZhCc75A8o0-00001-00002020-00003067 The subpoena was reportedly delivered by the process server of Elad Gross, a Democratic candidate for Missouri attorney general who is suing Missouri Gov SZhCc75A8o0-00002-00003067-00004426 Mike Parson’s office.“We got him,” Gross tweeted before noon on Friday. “After more than two weeks of evading service, Senator Josh Hawley was personally served with the subpoena at CPAC SZhCc75A8o0-00003-00004426-00006014 ”.Gross said the subpoena was issued in early February by the Cole County Circuit Court at his request because of Hawley’s alleged mishandling of Missouri’s Sunshine Law – which deals with government transparency – while he was state attorney general, the St SZhCc75A8o0-00004-00006014-00006952 Louis Post-Dispatch reported. A subpoena was reportedly served to Hawley's office in early February, but not to Hawley personally SZhCc75A8o0-00005-00006952-00007688 Gross said in a news release around that time that he had sought records of correspondence between Gov SZhCc75A8o0-00006-00007688-00008866 Parson and a nonprofit group but was informed his request would cost $3,600 and take six months to process, the Kansas City Star reported SZhCc75A8o0-00007-00008866-00010031 Gross charged that Hawley, who was attorney general at the time, failed to enforce the Sunshine Law by not taking action against Parson for his supposed lack of transparency SZhCc75A8o0-00008-00010031-00011134 Kelli Ford, a spokeswoman for Hawley, reacted to Gross's remarks Friday.“This is another political stunt by a political candidate," Ford told the Star SZhCc75A8o0-00009-00011134-00011776 "The reality is that Mr. Gross has been evading a court date to discuss the matter SZhCc75A8o0-00010-00011776-00012445 ".Ford was referring to a hearing in the case being rescheduled from Friday to mid-March SZhCc75A8o0-00011-00012445-00014159 Gross has denied Ford's accusations, according to the Post-Dispatch.The subpoena came amid other allegations, by the liberal group American Democracy Legal Fund, that Hawley used public resources while state attorney general to bolster his successful U SZhCc75A8o0-00012-00014159-00015185 S. Senate bid. But on Thursday, Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft said his office found no evidence to support those allegations Sad6sEAX5a4-00000-00000571-00001955 Paul Waldman, a Jewish columnist for The Washington Post, shut down Donald Trump’s notion that Jews are fleeing the Democratic Party to become Republicans after the president claimed Democrats are anti-Semites Sad6sEAX5a4-00001-00001955-00003340 Paul Waldman, a Jewish columnist for The Washington Post, shut down Donald Trump’s notion that Jews are fleeing the Democratic Party to become Republicans after the president claimed Democrats are anti-Semites Sad6sEAX5a4-00002-00003340-00004813 .Writing “Take a look in the mirror,” Waldman stated that he was “raised in an intensely Zionist family with a long history of devotion and sacrifice for Israel,” he can safely speak for many Jews by saying: Thanks, but no thanks Sad6sEAX5a4-00003-00004813-00006169 “President Trump is making a play for the Jews. And like many Republicans before him, he seems to think that this time, American Jews will finally abandon their loyalty to the Democratic Party and join the GOP Sad6sEAX5a4-00004-00006169-00007145 It’s an old prediction, and it always turns out to be wrong,” he wrote before adding, “But, this time, it’s more wrong than ever Sad6sEAX5a4-00005-00007145-00007830 If Trump wants to know why Jews won’t become Republicans, he should look in a mirror'' Sad6sEAX5a4-00006-00007830-00009084 Responding to a Trump tweet about a former staffer, Elizabeth Pipko, who appeared on Fox News to proclaim Democrats are facing a “Jexodus,” Waldman said not so fast Sad6sEAX5a4-00007-00009084-00010351 “Pipko is the spokesperson for Jexodus, which you’ll be surprised to learn is actually not a group of ex-Democrats, but the creation of a Republican political consultant,” he explained Sad6sEAX5a4-00008-00010351-00010998 “Republicans have long thought of this as some kind of delusion for which Jews could be cured … Sad6sEAX5a4-00009-00010998-00011735 And now, Trump has added a new twist, one perfectly appropriate for him,” he continued Sad6sEAX5a4-00010-00011735-00012989 “He plainly hopes that if Jews are feeling unsettled or afraid by rising anti-Semitism, then they’ll rush to embrace his authoritarian politics, as he poses as their defender and protector'' Sad6sEAX5a4-00011-00012989-00014632 “American Jews aren’t liberals by accident or out of some collective delusion, but because of a set of values that grows from their history and that gets passed from generation to generation,” Waldman wrote, revealing his own family’s involvement in the civil rights movement Sad6sEAX5a4-00012-00014632-00015805 Waldman then smirked at Trump’s daughter Ivanka’s conversion to Judaism, while pointing out the president can use her a human shield when it comes to his own anti-Semitism Sad6sEAX5a4-00013-00015805-00017194 “Jews know exactly who Trump is,” he wrote. “They don’t care that his daughter converted to Judaism when she got married (and, really, if there’s a more goyishe Jew than Ivanka Trump, I can’t think of who it might be) Sad6sEAX5a4-00014-00017194-00018406 They don’t care how many times he accuses Democrats of being the real anti-Semites, or how many times he says, ‘I am the least anti-Semitic person that you’ve ever seen in your entire life’'' Sad6sEAX5a4-00015-00018406-00019684 “To paraphrase Andrew Gillum, Trump may not be an anti-Semite, but all the anti-Semites think he’s an anti-Semite,” he continued, before dropping the mic on Trump and the GOP Sad6sEAX5a4-00016-00019684-00021841 “In short, Jews will not be abandoning their longstanding ideological and partisan home in the Democratic Party in order to jump over to a party that opposes everything they believe in, and that has cast its lot with a president who has built his political career on encouraging voters to be as hostile as possible to those they think are not like them,” Waldman claimed Sad6sEAX5a4-00017-00021841-00022609 “Jews are smart enough to know that Trump is not the solution to their problem. He is the problem'' Tn_4b7i-QZ0-00000-00000571-00001514 It was hiding right there in plain sight all along, really, but it didn’t become clear until another piece was added to the puzzle today Tn_4b7i-QZ0-00001-00001514-00002478 The House Judiciary Committee has Donald Trump nailed on multiple felonies. I don’t just mean that in the “we all know he’s guilty” sense Tn_4b7i-QZ0-00002-00002478-00004377 We’re talking about conviction-level evidence. Bear with me here.The House Judiciary Committee publicly informed Matt Whitaker a few weeks ago that because he’d committed perjury, he needed to come back and tell the truth about Donald Trump, or the implication was that he’d be criminally charged for it Tn_4b7i-QZ0-00003-00004377-00005108 Right after this, Donald Trump gave Whitaker a nice new DOJ job in an attempt to keep him loyal Tn_4b7i-QZ0-00004-00005108-00006182 But last week Whitaker abruptly resigned that new job, and today he testified to the committee that Trump instructed him to commit several obstruction of justice felonies Tn_4b7i-QZ0-00005-00006182-00006970 This was private testimony, but Chairman Jerry Nadler quickly made Whitaker’s confession public Tn_4b7i-QZ0-00006-00006970-00009026 Here’s the thing.You see, this isn’t just Whitaker’s word against Trump’s word. And while I explained earlier the importance of the fact that other witnesses have also testified that they saw Trump commit other similar obstruction crimes, the reality is that no one has to take Whitaker’s word for it when it comes to these specific crimes Tn_4b7i-QZ0-00007-00009026-00009716 Ask yourself how the House Judiciary Committee knew that Matt Whitaker was lying to begin with Tn_4b7i-QZ0-00008-00009716-00010539 The committee must have had reliable witnesses, or hard evidence, or both, just to make that accusation against Whitaker Tn_4b7i-QZ0-00009-00010539-00011359 He didn’t cave today because he grew a conscience; he caved because he’s seen that they have enough to convict him Tn_4b7i-QZ0-00010-00011359-00011986 And whatever that evidence is against Whitaker, it’s also evidence against Trump Tn_4b7i-QZ0-00011-00011986-00012887 So no one has to take Whitaker’s word for it; the committee already has proof that Trump instructed Whitaker to obstruct justice Tn_4b7i-QZ0-00012-00012887-00013488 Whitaker’s testimony is just icing on the cake. They have Trump nailed VwZohAJYSK4-00000-00000571-00001778 President Donald Trump said on Thursday that Attorney General William Barr’s statement that his presidential campaign was spied on was correct, despite Democrats’ criticism of the accusation VwZohAJYSK4-00001-00001778-00002713 “I think what he said was absolutely true,” Trump said of the controversy during a meeting at the White House with South Korean President Moon Jae-in VwZohAJYSK4-00002-00002713-00003823 “There was absolutely spying into my campaign.”. .Barr said Wednesday that he did have concerns about the previous administration’s actions to spy on the campaign VwZohAJYSK4-00003-00003823-00004669 “I think spying did occur,” Barr said during a congressional hearing about the FBI’s investigation of Trump’s presidential campaign VwZohAJYSK4-00004-00004669-00005617 He added that it was important to investigate “both the genesis and the conduct” of the surveillance of Trump’s campaign to make sure it was illegal VwZohAJYSK4-00005-00005617-00006357 “I think spying on a political campaign is a big deal,” he said. “It’s a big deal VwZohAJYSK4-00006-00006357-00007046 ”.Trump said that, in his opinion, the surveillance of his campaign was “illegal.” VwZohAJYSK4-00007-00007046-00008290 .“I’ll go a step further. In my opinion, there was illegal spying, unprecedented spying,” he said, “and something that should never be allowed to happen in our country again” VVITAKeGS4A-00000-00000000-00000200 1 Vg5jOuk07sI-00000-00000571-00001561 Friday on MSNBC’s “Deadline,” commentator Donny Deutsch criticized President Donald Trump by reading the traits of a sociopath Vg5jOuk07sI-00001-00001561-00002689 Deutch said, “I said to myself today, how could anybody, how could a president behave this way when we’re talking about children… The only explanation is he’s a sociopath Vg5jOuk07sI-00002-00002689-00003737 ”. .He continued, “These are the traits of as sociopath; they never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors as permissible Vg5jOuk07sI-00003-00003737-00004392 The victim is merely an instrument to be used. There is no remorse, shame or guilt Vg5jOuk07sI-00004-00004392-00005455 They don’t see others around them as people only targets and opportunities. Instead of friends, they have victims and accomplices who end up as victims Vg5jOuk07sI-00005-00005455-00006539 They’re callous and have no lack of empathy. They’re unable to feel the pain of their victims having only contempt for other distress and readily taking advantage of them Vg5jOuk07sI-00006-00006539-00007218 They believe they’re all powerful, all knowing. No concern for their impact on others Vg5jOuk07sI-00007-00007218-00008135 ”.He added, “We have to be frightened and outraged. This president is showing the behavior of every autocratic despot in the history of the world Vg5jOuk07sI-00008-00008135-00009065 ”.Host Nicolle Wallace said, “I have to just give the disclaimer that we can’t diagnose him here, but I appreciate your thoughts Vg5jOuk07sI-00009-00009065-00009452 I share your fear and your outrage.” WqkloXd-vpQ-00000-00000513-00002469 Michael Cohen on Wednesday provided the House Intelligence Committee with new documents showing edits to the false written statement he delivered to Congress in 2017 about the Trump Organization's pursuit of the Trump Tower Moscow project into the 2016 campaign season, according to multiple sources familiar with the matter WqkloXd-vpQ-00001-00002469-00004919 The documents Cohen provided are intended to further explain his public testimony last week, in which Cohen said that President Donald Trump's then-personal lawyer Jay Sekulow made changes to his statement to the House and Senate Intelligence Committees, and that it was reviewed ahead of time by lawyers like Abbe Lowell, an attorney for Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, the President's daughter and son-in-law who are both White House advisers WqkloXd-vpQ-00002-00004919-00005596 It's unclear what Cohen's documents show was specifically changed in the statement WqkloXd-vpQ-00003-00005596-00006218 Cohen testified Wednesday behind closed doors at the House Intelligence Committee WqkloXd-vpQ-00004-00006218-00006850 "There were changes made, additions -- Jay Sekulow, for one," Cohen said last week WqkloXd-vpQ-00005-00006850-00008145 "There were several changes that were made including how we were going to handle that message, which was -- the message of course being -- the length of time that the Trump Tower Moscow project stayed and remained alive WqkloXd-vpQ-00006-00008145-00009948 ".Sekulow pushed back on Cohen's allegations in a statement last week, saying that the "testimony by Michael Cohen that attorneys for the President edited or changed his statement to Congress to alter the duration of the Trump Tower Moscow negotiations is completely false WqkloXd-vpQ-00007-00009948-00011930 ".As CNN previously reported, according to two of the sources familiar with the preparation, including one close to the Trump Organization and one close to the President's legal team, the lawyers had no indication that any of the information in the testimony of Trump's now-former longtime attorney and fixer was inaccurate WqkloXd-vpQ-00008-00011930-00013221 Lanny Davis, Cohen's attorney, told CNN that Cohen himself authored the false line in his 2017 testimony to Congress about the Trump Tower Moscow project timeline WqkloXd-vpQ-00009-00013221-00015245 Cohen wrote the initial draft of the testimony himself and then his attorney Stephen Ryan edited it, sharing it with other attorneys who were part of the joint defense agreement, to review for accuracy and potential privilege issues and those attorneys provided some suggested changes, a source familiar with the drafting of Cohen's testimony said WqkloXd-vpQ-00010-00015245-00016614 Cohen and his attorney approved all changes, according to the source.The source said the claim that the Trump Tower Moscow deal was over in January was in the draft from Cohen's initial writing and remained WqkloXd-vpQ-00011-00016614-00018939 That timeline was consistent with documents that had been seen by the attorneys.Cohen pleaded guilty late last year to lying to Congress on three different issues, according to Justice Department court filings: the project's timeline and his discussions about it with Trump, that Cohen never agreed to travel to Russia in connection with the project, and that Cohen did not recall any Russian government response WqkloXd-vpQ-00012-00018939-00020138 Cohen also accused Trump in his public testimony of encouraging him to lie about the Trump Tower Moscow discussions, though he said Trump did not tell him to do so directly WqkloXd-vpQ-00013-00020138-00021170 "He doesn't tell you what he wants. What he does is again, 'Michael, there's no Russia, there's no collusion, there's no involvement, there's no interference WqkloXd-vpQ-00014-00021170-00021833 ' I know what he means because I've been around him for so long," Cohen testified WqkloXd-vpQ-00015-00021833-00023126 "That's the message that he wanted to reinforce.".Cohen was supposed to report to prison Wednesday to begin serving a three-year sentence for tax crimes, tax evasion and lying to Congress WqkloXd-vpQ-00016-00023126-00023993 Instead, Trump's former lawyer was on Capitol Hill talking about the crimes he is now accusing Trump of committing WqkloXd-vpQ-00017-00023993-00025770 Cohen, who is now slated to begin his prison term on May 6, was back on Capitol Hill on Wednesday for a final eight-hour session — his fourth appearance in the last nine days — concluding his closed-door testimony before the House Intelligence Committee that began last week WqkloXd-vpQ-00018-00025770-00026386 He spent roughly 30 hours in total with three different congressional committees WqkloXd-vpQ-00019-00026386-00027321 "It's been a long day, it's been a long couple of days but again I believe they are happy," Cohen said as he left the committee's spaces WqkloXd-vpQ-00020-00027321-00028243 "I have given them my assurance that any additional information that they need I'm here to cooperate and will continue to cooperate WqkloXd-vpQ-00021-00028243-00029439 ".House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff wouldn't discuss Cohen's testimony, but acknowledged the panel had received new documents and said they expected further cooperation from Cohen WqkloXd-vpQ-00022-00029439-00031158 "Mr. Cohen cooperated fully with the Committee, answered every question we asked of him during both interview sessions, and provided important testimony and materials relevant to the core of our probe and that will allow us to advance our investigation substantially," Schiff said WqkloXd-vpQ-00023-00031158-00031822 "We look forward to his continued cooperation with Congress and law enforcement." WqkloXd-vpQ-00024-00031822-00033212 In the first round of testimony last week, Cohen was asked about a range of topics, with lawmakers seeking additional details on the drafting of Cohen's statement as well as any discussions about a possible pardon WqkloXd-vpQ-00025-00033212-00034384 The session also included some of the partisan fighting that plagued the committee during its Russia investigation in the last Congress, according to sources familiar with his testimony WqkloXd-vpQ-00026-00034384-00035910 Republicans on the committee objected to what they felt were untoward Democratic tactics in the run-up to the interview, noting that Democratic committee staff met with Cohen several times before the hearing without telling the Republicans, according to the sources WqkloXd-vpQ-00027-00035910-00037051 They also asked Cohen about his comments in last week's public hearing that he had discussed "topics" with House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff before the hearing, the sources said WqkloXd-vpQ-00028-00037051-00038428 Rep. Mike Turner, an Ohio Republican, sent Cohen's attorney a letter on Thursday asking for details about his contact with Schiff and his committee staff, suggesting the staff may have "coached" Cohen WqkloXd-vpQ-00029-00038428-00040314 Patrick Boland, a spokesman for Schiff, said that the committee was running "a professional investigation in search of the facts, and we welcome the opportunity to meet with potential witnesses in advance of any testimony to determine relevant topics to cover in order to make productive use of their time before the committee WqkloXd-vpQ-00030-00040314-00042281 "."Despite this professed outrage by Republicans, it's completely appropriate to conduct proffer sessions and allow witnesses to review their prior testimony before the Committee interviews them — such sessions are a routine part of every serious investigation around the country, including congressional investigations," Boland said WqkloXd-vpQ-00031-00042281-00043049 Consultation with witnesses ahead of a hearing or interview isn't necessarily out of the ordinary WqkloXd-vpQ-00032-00043049-00044028 For instance, Cohen's lawyer, Lanny Davis, also spoke to Republicans on the House Oversight Committee ahead of their hearing last week WqkloXd-vpQ-00033-00044028-00045186 But the questions about Schiff's consultation from Intelligence Committee Republicans underscores the divisions between the two parties on that panel when it comes to the Russia investigation WqkloXd-vpQ-00034-00045186-00046617 Cohen's final day of Capitol Hill testimony, notably, comes in an even more heated environment than last week, after House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler announced Monday the start of a sweeping investigation into the President WqkloXd-vpQ-00035-00046617-00047581 House Oversight Chairman Elijah Cummings signaled after Cohen's public testimony that he wanted to interview Trump's eldest son Donald Trump Jr WqkloXd-vpQ-00036-00047581-00049611 and Trump Organization chief financial officer Allen Weisselberg, among others.And the House Intelligence Committee has signaled interest in Weisselberg, while Schiff said the committee would hold a public hearing next week with Felix Sater, the Russian-born Trump business associate who worked with Cohen on the Trump Tower Moscow project WqkloXd-vpQ-00037-00049611-00050734 Trump has aggressively pushed back on the House investigations following Cohen's testimony, charging that "the witch hunt continues" and Democrats have effectively "started the campaign WqkloXd-vpQ-00038-00050734-00051541 "."The witch hunt continues. The fact is that -- I guess we got 81 letters. There was no collusion WqkloXd-vpQ-00039-00051541-00053281 It's a hoax," Trump told reporters Tuesday when asked about the investigations.In his public testimony last week, Cohen accused Trump of directing him to make hush-money payments to women alleging affairs, and then displayed a reimbursement check he was paid with Trump's signature WqkloXd-vpQ-00040-00053281-00054349 He also accused Trump of telling him to publicly lie about Trump's knowledge of the payments in February 2018, along with committing financial fraud WqkloXd-vpQ-00041-00054349-00055666 He followed up that public House Oversight appearance with the first part of his closed-door House Intelligence interview the following day, where Schiff said the committee was able to "drill down" certain issues in even more detail WqkloXd-vpQ-00042-00055666-00057076 "We are in communication with, obviously, Mr. Cohen and his counsel about further document requests following our interview today that we'll be able to discuss at our next session," Schiff said after Cohen had finished for the day WqkloXd-vpQ-00043-00057076-00057857 "We also went through documents in our possession, dozens of documents in our possession with Mr WqkloXd-vpQ-00044-00057857-00058542 Cohen, but we have additional document requests that we will be in discussion with him about WqkloXd-vpQ-00045-00058542-00060762 ".There are a host of topics that lawmakers are interested in hearing from Cohen about, including his public testimony about overhearing a conversation between Trump and longtime confidante Roger Stone involving a WikiLeaks' email dump, presidential pardons, and Cohen's public testimony that the Southern District of New York could be investigating his conversations with Trump WqkloXd-vpQ-00046-00060762-00061998 The Wall Street Journal reported Monday that Cohen's former lawyer, Stephen Ryan, discussed the possibility of a pardon for Cohen with Trump's attorneys after the FBI's raid on Cohen WqkloXd-vpQ-00047-00061998-00063620 The House Judiciary Committee is also asking questions about pardons, as they asked a number of Trump officials related to possible pardons for Cohen, former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn Wv6ztUKlc34-00000-00000571-00001422 Democrats started this Russian probe, but it looks like Barr is going to end it.They tried to use the FBI to take down Trump Wv6ztUKlc34-00001-00001422-00002517 All they’ve done is expose themselves.And it’s all backfiring now. For a second day, AG Barr testified, and he revealed their greatest nightmare Wv6ztUKlc34-00002-00002517-00004324 From Fox News:.Attorney General Bill Barr testified Wednesday that he believes “spying did occur” on the Trump campaign in 2016, as he vowed to review the conduct of the FBI’s original Russia probe — and the focus of a related internal review shifted to the role of a key FBI informant Wv6ztUKlc34-00003-00004324-00005688 Boom! It’s all backfiring now.This isn’t going to end well for the left. While testifying before Congress, Barr said he believes spying occurred on the Trump campaign, and it’s serious Wv6ztUKlc34-00004-00005688-00006618 He’s vowed to review the way the FBI conducted their original Russian probe and expose how they “monitored” the innocent Trump campaign Wv6ztUKlc34-00005-00006618-00007456 We have learned that the FISA warrant used to spy on Trump campaign staff was acquired using the fake dossier Wv6ztUKlc34-00006-00007456-00008313 The FBI allegedly used false information to wrongfully acquire a warrant to spy on a US citizen Wv6ztUKlc34-00007-00008313-00009415 But perhaps Barr has even more reason to go after Obama’s FBI. An FBI informant contacted members of the Trump campaign during the election Wv6ztUKlc34-00008-00009415-00010332 Just what was he up to? Was he merely looking into possible Russian connections or was he digging for dirt in an effort to help Hillary win? Wv6ztUKlc34-00009-00010332-00011137 We know agents within the FBI were pulling for Clinton. They even shut down her email investigation to help her Wv6ztUKlc34-00010-00011137-00011805 Could Obama’s people have abused their power to influence the election? It’s very possible Wv6ztUKlc34-00011-00011805-00013127 Our last Attorney General refused to investigate all this. A huge mistake.Now Barr is going after the culprits of real election tampering, and it looks like we’ll get some real results Wv6ztUKlc34-00012-00013127-00013811 As long as the American people keep up the pressure, we may finally get some results WCyLj-6F2c0-00000-00000513-00001986 As the evidence against Donald Trump continues to pile up in his criminal scandals, and the nation increasingly demands his ouster, Palmer Report has consistently pointed out that it’s going to come down to math WCyLj-6F2c0-00001-00001986-00003005 At some point twenty Republican Senators will selfishly decide that their own odds of reelection are better if they kick Trump out, and that’ll be the end of him WCyLj-6F2c0-00002-00003005-00004483 Over the past two weeks, Senate Republicans have been increasingly voting against Donald Trump on legislation he cares about, in the clearest sign yet that they think he’s going down, and that they’re trying to avoid going down with him WCyLj-6F2c0-00003-00004483-00005445 Perhaps in retaliation, Trump has decided that his number one goal in life is to attack John McCain as often and as offensively as possible WCyLj-6F2c0-00004-00005445-00006181 This is finally resulting in GOP Senators pushing back, or at least one of them in particular WCyLj-6F2c0-00005-00006181-00006996 Republican Senator Johnny Isakson said last year that if anyone attacked John McCain, they deserved a “whipping” for it WCyLj-6F2c0-00006-00006996-00008046 Sure enough, after Donald Trump spent the past few days attacking McCain, Isakson said today that “I want to do what I said that day on the floor of the Senate WCyLj-6F2c0-00007-00008046-00009572 ” In other words, he wants to deliver a “whipping” against Trump. We’re assuming he means the metaphorical kind, and that he’s not actually talking about physically beating Trump up, but this is nonetheless quickly dissolving into a food fight WCyLj-6F2c0-00008-00009572-00010967 We’ll see what happens next. Donald Trump will surely hear about Isakson’s remarks and fire back on Twitter, which will only serve to give more exposure to what Isakson said about Trump WCyLj-6F2c0-00009-00010967-00012492 Interestingly, it appears that Isakson made his remarks today before he was aware that Trump had just unleashed on McCain yet again, this time criticizing McCain for not having come back from the dead to thank Trump for throwing him a big funeral WCyLj-6F2c0-00010-00012492-00012910 This will only get uglier for Trump an the GOP WJsyd0o2vIy-00000-00000571-00001725 While speaking to reporters on Wednesday, President Trump said he doesn’t mind the public seeing Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report, and stated, “Let people see it'' WJsyd0o2vIy-00001-00001725-00002446 Trump responded to a question on whether the public has the right to see the report by saying, “I don’t mind WJsyd0o2vIy-00002-00002446-00003324 I mean, frankly, I told the House, if you want, let them see it''.He later added, “[L]et it come out WJsyd0o2vIy-00003-00003324-00004084 Let people see it. That’s up to the attorney general. We have a very good attorney general'' WZyEQG0Kks8-00000-00000571-00002303 Donald Trump’s latest pipe dream for saving himself from prison apparently involves stealing the Mueller report from Robert Mueller, putting a big red X through the parts that incriminate him, and waving a magic wand, all while hurling some more insults at the late John McCain WZyEQG0Kks8-00001-00002303-00003457 Back in the real world, Trump’s latest pipe dream just got shattered.Trump told reporters today that he thinks the public should get to see Robert Mueller’s full report WZyEQG0Kks8-00002-00003457-00004283 But along the way, Trump slipped in one rather absurd detail: he should get to see the report before Congress does WZyEQG0Kks8-00003-00004283-00005764 We all know why. Trump is hoping to find a way to prevent Congress from seeing the ugliest parts of the report, or at least get the opportunity to lie about these things before Congress can reveal it all to the public WZyEQG0Kks8-00004-00005764-00006623 But nothing works that way, and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler just reminded everyone of as much WZyEQG0Kks8-00005-00006623-00007932 He tweeted “The law here is very clear. When he finishes his work, Special Counsel Mueller is required to report to the Attorney General, who is required to report to the House and Senate Judiciary Committees'' WZyEQG0Kks8-00006-00007932-00009000 In other words, Attorney General William Barr would be committing a crime by letting Donald Trump see the Mueller report before he gives it to Congress WZyEQG0Kks8-00007-00009000-00009677 Trump would run his big mouth about it, Barr would get caught in the act, and he’d end up in prison WZyEQG0Kks8-00008-00009677-00010724 We don’t think Barr is that reckless or stupid – and Nadler just reminded Barr that he would face consequences if he were tempted to do something that stupid WfrG4iXPvIA-00000-00000571-00001736 Already under investigation for numerous alleged crimes, “President” Donald Trump either doesn’t fully grasp the gravity of these investigations or he figures he has nothing to lose WfrG4iXPvIA-00001-00001736-00002467 As reported by Forbes, Trump is once again making questionable use of campaign donations WfrG4iXPvIA-00002-00002467-00003645 Forbes analyzed Trump’s campaign filings and found that $1.3 million of these funds have been spent on rent, food, lodging and “other expenses” at Trump properties WfrG4iXPvIA-00003-00003645-00004497 If these expenses are not legitimate, it means Trump has managed to convert $1.3 million into his own pocket WfrG4iXPvIA-00004-00004497-00006576 On its face, this conversion could be lawful. The Federal Election Commission allows campaigns to pay rent for facilities utilized for campaign activities, as well as travel and meals, but Forbes was apparently suspicious — especially because all funds have been expended at Trump properties — and started their own research project WfrG4iXPvIA-00005-00006576-00007587 One expenditure of $54,000 was paid to Trump Plaza, LLC, which controls two brownstone buildings in New York WfrG4iXPvIA-00006-00007587-00008556 Forbes staked out the property to try to determine whether Trump’s campaign in fact occupied space in one or both of the buildings, to no avail WfrG4iXPvIA-00007-00008556-00009687 They went inside and spoke to the person working the front desk, who told them: “If there was any kind of office rented out for campaigning or whatever, I would know about it WfrG4iXPvIA-00008-00009687-00010998 ” Let’s take this to mean there is not a campaign office in either brownstone.In addition to the $54,000 paid for “rent” on the brownstones, $60,000 has gone to Trump Restaurants LLC WfrG4iXPvIA-00009-00010998-00012046 How much food have these people eaten? This organization runs several Trump-branded restaurants, all of which are contained in buildings it manages WfrG4iXPvIA-00010-00012046-00013229 Forbes reporters gained access to the building and found what they believe to be the recipient of these funds: A kiosk selling t-shirts, hats, and miscellaneous campaign memorabilia WfrG4iXPvIA-00011-00013229-00014608 Failing to get responses to a list of questions they sent to the Trump Organization regarding the square footage of the kiosk, Forbes had a reporter “walk” the kiosk to estimate its size: approximately 60 square feet WfrG4iXPvIA-00012-00014608-00015583 Forbes determined that Trump’s campaign is paying $600 per square foot (annually) or $3,000 per month for a kiosk WfrG4iXPvIA-00013-00015583-00016301 Comparing the cost of this kiosk to Gucci’s space on Fifth Avenue, Forbes believes something is amiss XuhfBoW4Ny8-00000-00000571-00002384 Even as he autocratically spent the past few days ousting everyone from his Homeland Security Director to his Secret Service Director to his own nominee for ICE Director in an effort to consolidate his own executive power, Donald Trump somehow found enough time to whine about how he’s the real victim in all this XuhfBoW4Ny8-00001-00002384-00003820 In the process, he may have given something away.Here’s what Donald Trump had to say about his current predicament: “The Democrats will never be satisfied, no matter what they get, how much they get, or how many pages they get XuhfBoW4Ny8-00002-00003820-00005565 It will never end, but that’s the way life goes!” He was presumably referring to the Mueller report, his tax returns, his Capital One banking records, and the other potentially incriminating documents that House Democrats are seeking as part of their constitutional oversight process XuhfBoW4Ny8-00003-00005565-00007480 .Trump is correct in that whatever he decides to turn over won’t be enough. He tried having his handpicked Attorney General William Barr release four pages of nonsense in place of the Mueller report, but it was such an inaccurate representation of what was in the still-secret report, Mueller’s own team sounded the alarm XuhfBoW4Ny8-00004-00007480-00008553 Now that the first round of BS has failed, Barr will try releasing a version of the report that’s strategically redacted to remove all the bad stuff about Trump XuhfBoW4Ny8-00005-00008553-00009525 When that fails, Trump and Barr will cook up some other dishonest stunt while the court battle plays out over the subpoena for the full report XuhfBoW4Ny8-00006-00009525-00010761 .Similarly, we can already guess that Donald Trump will instruct his Treasury Secretary to initially release a “summary” of his tax returns, or a heavily redacted version of them XuhfBoW4Ny8-00007-00010761-00011623 Trump is 100% full of crap, always has been, and so of course he’ll try to BS his way through this XuhfBoW4Ny8-00008-00011623-00013415 It won’t work, but he’ll try anyway. So yeah, the Democrats will indeed “never be satisfied, no matter what they get, how much they get, or how many pages they get,” because whatever Trump gives them, it’ll be a bunch of horse crap aimed at avoiding having to give them the real thing XuhfBoW4Ny8-00009-00013415-00013911 Trump can run from these probes, but he can’t hide