03F4Y7GJ-Hk-00000-00000571-00001344 Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union,” acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney said Rep 03F4Y7GJ-Hk-00001-00001344-00002049 Adam Schiff (D-CA) couldn’t “get over the fact’ President Donald Trump was president 03F4Y7GJ-Hk-00002-00002049-00002807 Partial transcript as follows:.MULVANEY: I know Adam, I used to serve with him in Congress 03F4Y7GJ-Hk-00003-00002807-00003637 Everything he listed right there was available to Mr. Mueller, probably in greater detail than Adam goes into right there 03F4Y7GJ-Hk-00004-00003637-00004356 Yet, Mr. Mueller found no collusion and no obstruction.TAPPER: Right, not a crime 03F4Y7GJ-Hk-00005-00004356-00005071 What about the ethics or morality of those things?.MULVANEY: The issue is not whether it’s ethical 03F4Y7GJ-Hk-00006-00005071-00006082 Mr. Schiff runs the House Intelligence Committee. People don’t realize this. He gets to see stuff that a lot of members of Congress don’t get to see 03F4Y7GJ-Hk-00007-00006082-00006897 I didn’t get to see what he was seeing when I was in the House. That role takes with it a huge responsibility 03F4Y7GJ-Hk-00008-00006897-00007976 One of those responsibilities is to not be partisan. It’s why you saw so many Republicans this week called for Adam to resign his position 03F4Y7GJ-Hk-00009-00007976-00009112 That position is so critical that, if someone comes forward and they’re the House Intelligence Committee chairman and look at the other members and say, look, I’ve seen a bunch of stuff 03F4Y7GJ-Hk-00010-00009112-00010076 Trust me, it says x, y, z. They have to be able to trust that person implicitly. Adam has lost that ability to do it 03F4Y7GJ-Hk-00011-00010076-00011254 That’s why you heard so many Republicans call for his resignation this week. There are some Democrats who simply can’t get over the fact that President Trump is president 03F4Y7GJ-Hk-00012-00011254-00012197 I get that. Adam is apparently one of them. But we really do think enough is enough and it’s time to move on to other things 03F4Y7GJ-Hk-00013-00012197-00012976 TAPPER: All I’m saying here is you’re setting the bar on criminal charges or evidence of a conspiracy 03F4Y7GJ-Hk-00014-00012976-00013707 I agree with what you’re saying, that there is none there. He’s talking about ethics and morality 03F4Y7GJ-Hk-00015-00013707-00014634 You’re saying that’s not his job. Okay, fair enough. Forgetting Adam Schiff, what about the larger point about ethics and morality? 03F4Y7GJ-Hk-00016-00014634-00015358 MULVANEY: I think the voters will decide on the ethics and morality of the people they vote for on either side 03F4Y7GJ-Hk-00017-00015358-00016006 People liked Bill Clinton, but they might not have thought that he was so ethical 03F4Y7GJ-Hk-00018-00016006-00016964 That’s not the job of the House Intelligence Committee, it’s not the job of the House Judiciary Committee, it’s not the job of the House Oversight Committee 03F4Y7GJ-Hk-00019-00016964-00018498 They’re supposed to review the functioning of government. Voters make decisions about the candidates in other places, and importantly, members of Congress, even if they are the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, don’t get to substitute their judgment for the voters 03F4Y7GJ-Hk-00020-00018498-00019151 And that is what this is all about at the end of the day. That’s what the Mueller report was about 03F4Y7GJ-Hk-00021-00019151-00019960 That’s what you’re seeing now on the Hill. It’s about trying to figure out how to undo what the voters did in 2016 03F4Y7GJ-Hk-00022-00019960-00020898 That’s where I think people have just had enough. Look, we gave Mueller the time, we gave him all the resources in the world 03F4Y7GJ-Hk-00023-00020898-00021888 Millions of dollars, two years. A lot of folks, including this station, said give Mueller the time, let him do his job 03F4Y7GJ-Hk-00024-00021888-00022727 The decision is in. The president did not collude and did not obstruct. It’s time to move on 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00000-00000513-00002401 House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler, who would oversee any impeachment proceedings against President Trump, announced that he will submit more than 60 document requests to the White House and Justice Department on Monday -- a barrage that Nadler called the opening salvo in new and wide-ranging investigations 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00001-00002401-00003971 Without naming Nadler, Trump tweeted late Sunday morning that he was being "persecuted by some very bad, conflicted & corrupt people in a Witch Hunt that is illegal & should never have been allowed to start - And only because I won the Election!" 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00002-00003971-00005191 Congressional Democrats have repeatedly promised to exercise tight oversight of the Trump administration since securing a majority in the House of Representatives in last November's midterms 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00003-00005191-00006659 But Nadler's comments signaled clearly that Democratic leaders are no longer counting on Special Counsel Robert Mueller's forthcoming report on possible Russia collusion to contain damning evidence against the Trump administration 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00004-00006659-00007761 “Tomorrow, we will be issuing document requests to over 60 different people and individuals from the White House to the Department of Justice, Donald Trump, Jr 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00005-00007761-00009083 , [Trump Organization CFO] Allen Weisselberg, to begin the investigations to present the case to the American people about obstruction of justice, corruption and abuse of power,” Nadler, D-NY 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00006-00009083-00010290 , said on ABC News' "This Week.".He added that the goal of the probe was "to present the case to the American people about obstruction of justice, corruption and abuse of power 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00007-00010290-00011374 ".Asked by anchor George Stephanopoulos whether he thinks Trump obstructed justice in the Russia investigation, Nadler replied: "Yes, I do 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00008-00011374-00013767 . It's very clear that the president obstructed justice.".The evidence, Nadler maintained, was that Trump called the Mueller probe a "witch hunt," allegedly "tried to protect [fired national security adviser Michael] Flynn from being investigated by the FBI," and supposedly admitted that he had fired FBI Director James Comey "to stop the Russian thing" in an NBC interview 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00009-00013767-00015109 In the NBC interview, contrary to Nadler's claim, Trump did not say that he had fired Comey to "stop the Russia thing," and instead insisted he had fired Comey for incompetence 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00010-00015109-00016261 But he acknowledged that the Russia probe was on his .“But regardless of recommendation [from the Justice Department], I was going to fire Comey knowing there was no good time to do it 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00011-00016261-00017246 And in fact, when I decided to just do it, I said to myself — I said, you know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made-up story 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00012-00017246-00018126 It’s an excuse by the Democrats for having lost an election that they should’ve won," Trump told anchor Lester Holt 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00013-00018126-00018842 Trump added: "As far as I’m concerned, I want that thing to be absolutely done properly 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00014-00018842-00019895 When I did this now, I said I probably maybe will confuse people. Maybe I’ll expand that — you know, I’ll lengthen the time because it should be over with 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00015-00019895-00020626 It should — in my opinion, should’ve been over with a long time ago because it — all it is an excuse 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00016-00020626-00021517 But I said to myself I might even lengthen out the investigation. But I have to do the right thing for the American people 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00017-00021517-00023014 He’s the wrong man for that position.”.And the White House has denied that Trump ever told Comey to curtail its investigation into Flynn, who later pleaded guilty in Mueller's probe to making a false statement to two FBI agents 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00018-00023014-00023931 In a memo, Comey wrote that Trump had told him in the White House, “I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00019-00023931-00025986 . He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go.".When pressed by Stephanopoulos as to whether Nadler would accept a possible report by Mueller finding no improper or illegal collusion by the Trump campaign with Russia, Nadler suggested he would not -- and then proceeded to unload a litany of unrelated complaints against the White House 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00020-00025986-00026770 "We’d want to see the evidence behind that and see the validity of that, and we can agree to disagree," Nadler began 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00021-00026770-00027872 "But this investigation goes far beyond collusion. We’ve seen all the democratic norms that we depend on for democratic government attacked by the administration 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00022-00027872-00028588 ".Among those attacks, Nadler said, were Trump's purported assault on the "freedom of the press 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00023-00028588-00029361 . we’ve seen attacks on the Department of Justice, attacks on the FBI, attacks on judges 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00024-00029361-00030113 . He’s intimidated witnesses in public.".Nadler added that "the Mueller investigation, No 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00025-00030113-00030918 1, we don’t know when it’s ending, despite lots of rumors. No. 2 -- it’s focused on specific crimes 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00026-00030918-00031830 And we have to focus much more broadly on abuses of power.".In response, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00027-00031830-00032598 , said on "This Week" that Nadler had "decided to impeach the president the day the president won the election 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00028-00032598-00033776 "."Listen to exactly what he said. He talks about impeachment before he even became chairman and then he says, 'you've got to persuade people to get there,'" McCarthy said 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00029-00033776-00035134 "There's nothing that the president did wrong.".Nadler, in recent weeks, hired two veteran lawyers and Trump critics as the committee gears up to investigate the department and review Mueller's final conclusions 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00030-00035134-00035771 The lawyers, Barry Berke and Norman Eisen, have been retained on a consulting basis 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00031-00035771-00036868 Republican representatives immediately cried foul, saying the lawyers are political operatives who have no business conducting a supposedly fair and impartial investigation 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00032-00036868-00037563 The GOP also raised questions as to who was paying for the lawyers, and how much 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00033-00037563-00038517 Nadler's committee has also called in the former acting attorney general, Matthew Whitaker, and plans to question him again in the coming weeks 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00034-00038517-00039201 Whitaker is a close Trump ally who had criticized the Mueller report before he was appointed 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00035-00039201-00040196 William Barr has since been confirmed as attorney general.The Judiciary Committee isn't the only House panel planning to look into Trump aggressively 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00036-00040196-00041565 Massachusetts Democratic Rep. Richard Neal, the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, is expected to eventually try to obtain Trump's tax returns, which the president has refused to release 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00037-00041565-00042712 But for now, Neal is taking it slow.The law says the treasury chief "shall furnish" the requested information to members of the committee for them to examine behind closed doors 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00038-00042712-00043563 But reality is more complicated, and the request could end up in a lengthy court battle between Congress and the administration 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00039-00043563-00044647 Last month, Neal held a hearing in which experts discussed the authority under current law for Neal to make a request for any tax returns to the treasury secretary 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00040-00044647-00045470 The hearing also examined proposals to compel presidents and presidential candidates to make years of their tax returns public 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00041-00045470-00046995 Meanwhile, the head of the House Financial Services Committee, California Rep. Maxine Waters, has focused on Deutsche Bank, the German asset management firm that has loaned Trump's real estate organization millions of dollars over the years 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00042-00046995-00047680 She said this past week that the bank is cooperating with requests for documents 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00043-00047680-00048808 And the House Intelligence Committee is reopening and expanding an investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election that the Republican majority closed last year 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00044-00048808-00049903 At that time, Republicans said, over Democratic objections, that there was no evidence to show that Trump's campaign colluded or conspired with Russia 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00045-00049903-00051115 The top Democrat on the committee then, California Rep. Adam Schiff, said Republicans had prematurely closed the matter without interviewing key witnesses and demanding important documents 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00046-00051115-00052259 Schiff is now chairman, and last month he announced a broad new investigation looking not only at Russian interference, but also at Trump's foreign financial interests 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00047-00052259-00054380 Schiff said the investigation will include "the scope and scale" of Russian intervention in the 2016 presidential election, the "extent of any links and/or coordination" between Russians and Trump's associates, whether foreign actors have sought to hold leverage over Trump or his family and associates, and whether anyone has sought to obstruct any of the relevant investigations 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00048-00054380-00055276 The committee interviewed former Trump personal attorney Michael Cohen in private on Thursday and will finish the interview this coming Wednesday 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00049-00055276-00056590 After Cohen left, Schiff announced that the committee will hold an open hearing later this month with Felix Sater, a Russia-born executive who worked with Cohen on an ultimately unsuccessful deal to build a Trump Tower in Moscow 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00050-00056590-00057465 Speaking on CBS' "Face the Nation" on Sunday, Schiff asserted that there is "direct evidence" of improper collusion 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00051-00057465-00058387 "I think there is direct evidence through emails from Russians offering dirt on Hillary for Russian effort to help elect Donald Trump," Schiff said 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00052-00058387-00059071 "Trump Tower -- all the lies to cover up that meeting. There is circumstantial evidence 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00053-00059071-00060338 ".But, Schiff said, it's too early to talk about impeachment."That is something that we will have to await Bob Mueller's report and the underlying evidence to determine," Schiff said 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00054-00060338-00061540 "We will also have to look at the whole body of improper and criminal actions by the president including those campaign finance crimes to determine whether they rise to the level of removal from office 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00055-00061540-00062342 ".Trump has called Schiff "little Adam Sh--" and maintains that the new probes he is leading are politically motivated 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00056-00062342-00064157 Additionally, the House oversight committee has set a Monday deadline for the White House to turn over documents related to security clearances after The New York Times reported that the president ordered officials to grant his son-in-law Jared Kushner's clearance over the objections of national security officials 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00057-00064157-00064951 Speaking to "Fox News Sunday," National Security Adviser John Bolton said he wasn't worried about the issue 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00058-00064951-00065894 "I don’t have any concerns," Bolton said. "I deal with Jared all the time on the Middle East peace process and a number of other issues 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00059-00065894-00067289 I trust him. I have no idea what the story is on the security clearance – it’s not something that falls within my area of responsibility – but if asked ‘Do I trust Jared Kushner?’ The answer is yes 3FJ7xujLcLQ-00060-00067289-00067389 " 3cpNk_RQLgo-00000-00000571-00002128 Even as the 2020 race begins in earnest, President Donald Trump is already suggesting that Democrats cannot beat him fairly -- raising the specter that if he loses next November, he will suggest that the election was not legitimate 3cpNk_RQLgo-00001-00002128-00003350 "The Democrats in Congress yesterday were vicious and totally showed their cards for everyone to see," Trump tweeted Tuesday, referring to House Democrats' launching of a broad-scale investigation into him 3cpNk_RQLgo-00002-00003350-00004515 "When the Republicans had the Majority they never acted with such hatred and scorn! The Dems are trying to win an election in 2020 that they know they cannot legitimately win!" 3cpNk_RQLgo-00003-00004515-00005421 Trump 2020 campaign press secretary Kayleigh McEnany echoed that sentiment in a statement on the Democratic investigations 3cpNk_RQLgo-00004-00005421-00007049 "These desperate Democrats know they cannot beat President Trump in 2020, so instead they have embarked on a disgraceful witch hunt with one singular aim: topple the will of the American people and seize the power that they have zero chance at winning legitimately," she said 3cpNk_RQLgo-00005-00007049-00008984 And asked Wednesday about the Democratic investigations, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said this: "They continue to be a group totally taken by small radical leftist fringe of their party and they're completely controlled by it, they know that's not enough to beat this President so they're going to look for other ways to do that 3cpNk_RQLgo-00006-00008984-00010095 All of that rhetoric fits into a very clear pattern: Convince the Trump base that it is not possible for him to lose a fair and legitimate election in 2020 3cpNk_RQLgo-00007-00010095-00011800 Thus, if he loses, it must be, by definition, illegitimate.None of this should be surprising, given Trump's oft-stated view of the 2016 election -- in which he won the Electoral College but lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton by nearly 3 million votes 3cpNk_RQLgo-00008-00011800-00013294 Less than three weeks after winning the White House in 2016, Trump sent out this tweet: "In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally'' 4wX4eAgSjku-00000-00000571-00001302 Robert Mueller has submitted his report about Donald Trump, but we know hardly anything about what’s in it 4wX4eAgSjku-00001-00001302-00001971 There’s only one person who knows even less than we do about what’s in the report: Donald Trump 4wX4eAgSjku-00002-00001971-00002671 He only gets his news from the worst of TV pundits, who tell him what he wants to hear 4wX4eAgSjku-00003-00002671-00004066 His own people try to shield him from real news, for fear he’ll implode. So not only does he not know what’s in the report, he doesn’t know about half of what’s transpired in the Mueller probe in plain sight up to this point 4wX4eAgSjku-00004-00004066-00005419 For instance, Robert Mueller gave a free pass to Donald Trump’s former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn despite his serious crimes, and then Mueller redacted nearly all of Flynn’s obviously crucial cooperation 4wX4eAgSjku-00005-00005419-00006592 It’s fairly easy for us to parse that the redacted stuff is about Trump or other fish bigger than Flynn, and that the “stuff” in question is surely in Mueller’s report 4wX4eAgSjku-00006-00006592-00007613 But does Trump even know that any of the above happened? I can’t recall if any of Trump’s favorite Fox News hosts bothered to cover any of it 4wX4eAgSjku-00007-00007613-00009149 There are numerous other examples of this kind of thing. Trump’s former campaign vice chairman Rick Gates was still cooperating as recently as last week, which means he’s sold out people bigger than his longtime partner in crime Paul Manafort 4wX4eAgSjku-00008-00009149-00011330 What did Gates give up on Trump? For that matter, what did the likes of Don McGahn and Steve Bannon give up about Trump during their reported tens of hours of testimony? What all did Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg give up in exchange for his immunity? We don’t know the answers to these questions, but we do know the answer isn’t “nothing'' 4wX4eAgSjku-00009-00011330-00012448 So if Donald Trump is feeling good right about now, it’s based on a false sense of security emanating from his own blissful ignorance about everything that’s been happening in plain sight 4wX4eAgSjku-00010-00012448-00013180 On some level we’ve all been in the Twilight Zone since the day Trump was named the winner of the election 4wX4eAgSjku-00011-00013180-00014002 But now Trump in particular is in a Twilight Zone of his own making, because he doesn’t even know what all he doesn’t know 53UkECOjCGE-00000-00000513-00001709 Early warning signs are flashing for President Donald Trump on some of his core arguments on immigration, the economy and North Korea that are central to his 2020 re-election message 53UkECOjCGE-00001-00001709-00003248 Complications on each of those policy areas threaten to undermine the narrative of unprecedented success that the President has weaved around his first two years in office and are driving political debate as the administration unveils its budget on Monday 53UkECOjCGE-00002-00003248-00004705 A poorer than expected monthly jobs report Friday fed concern that strong economic growth that anchors Trump's best argument for a second term is ebbing -- something that should worry the President since it's a critical reelection metric 53UkECOjCGE-00003-00004705-00005416 Trump has often claimed that he is presiding over the "greatest economy in the history of our country 53UkECOjCGE-00004-00005416-00007639 " But his foundational political promise to eliminate the US trade deficit suffered a blow with new figures showing that the gap between imports and the amount of goods and services that the US sells abroad has grown $100 billion since Trump took office, despite two years of his "America First" tariff policies intended to reinvigorate American manufacturing 53UkECOjCGE-00005-00007639-00009107 Signs that North Korea could be preparing a missile or satellite launch and its continued expansion of an atomic arsenal undercut the President's claims that his daring outreach to the isolated state has ended its nuclear threat 53UkECOjCGE-00006-00009107-00010964 And a rise in crossings across the southern border — while playing into Trump's claims of a crisis in the short term, contradict his wider argument that hardline enforcement policies are the best way to manage immigration and suggest his totemic political plan for a border wall may be ignoring the real problem 53UkECOjCGE-00007-00010964-00012422 Trump appears sensitive to the weak points of his political pitch, and spent the weekend tweeting out glowing testimonials about the economy from allies and accusing journalists of distorting the successes of his presidency 53UkECOjCGE-00008-00012422-00013482 "Despite the most hostile and corrupt media in the history of American politics, the Trump Administration has accomplished more in its first two years than any other Administration 53UkECOjCGE-00009-00013482-00014420 Judges, biggest Tax & Regulation Cuts, V.A. Choice, Best Economy, Lowest Unemployment & much more!" Trump wrote 53UkECOjCGE-00010-00014420-00015300 "More people are working today in the United States, 158,000,000, than at any time in our Country's history 53UkECOjCGE-00011-00015300-00016828 That is a Big Deal!".The good news for Trump is that the election — though it seems increasingly to be on his mind — is 20 months away, and none of the emerging complications are certain to cement themselves in the unpredictable political period ahead 53UkECOjCGE-00012-00016828-00017991 And at their root, presidential elections unfold as a clash between two competing political visions and personalities as much as a contest between rival policy platforms 53UkECOjCGE-00013-00017991-00019054 One of the big questions of the Democratic presidential race is how the eventual nominee will handle the President's willingness to embrace scorched earth campaigning 53UkECOjCGE-00014-00019054-00020867 Yet the challenges to Trump's re-election message are not happening in a vacuum. He has plenty of other looming political problems as well as he faces an unprecedented multi-front battle with House Democrats who have launched investigations into almost every aspect of Trump's life, political career and business 53UkECOjCGE-00015-00020867-00022314 The pros and cons of solidifying the base.The way Trump has positioned his presidency — premising his political viability on the fervent support of his base -- means he is insulated to some extent from reversals of fortune 53UkECOjCGE-00016-00022314-00023445 But an eroding re-election argument could also threaten his efforts to win back more moderate voters in swing districts who helped Democrats win the midterm elections last year 53UkECOjCGE-00017-00023445-00025130 Potential road bumps for Trump's re-election message also help to explain the relish with which Republicans have seized on the growing pains of the new House Democratic majority — giving a glimpse of the searing attacks that will complement the 2020 narrative of Trump success 53UkECOjCGE-00018-00025130-00026255 Many Republican strategists believe that a perceived race to the left by Democrats could give the GOP the best chance of keeping the White House in 2020 53UkECOjCGE-00019-00026255-00027261 That argument was exemplified by Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney, the chair of the House Republican conference, on NBC's "Meet the Press" on Sunday 53UkECOjCGE-00020-00027261-00028034 "They've become the party of anti-Semitism, the party of infanticide, the party of socialism 53UkECOjCGE-00021-00028034-00028787 They've passed legislation that's violated the First Amendment, the Second Amendment," Cheney said 53UkECOjCGE-00022-00028787-00029884 "It's really time for the Democrats -- the leadership in that party to stop it, to stand up and to act worthy, frankly, of the trust the American people have placed in them 53UkECOjCGE-00023-00029884-00031117 ".All first term presidents face the conundrum of how to reconcile the expansive promises they made to win office with an accounting of their wins and losses that comes with the quest to keep their jobs 53UkECOjCGE-00024-00031117-00031830 More Presidents than not have made that leap in the modern era and won the historical validation of a second term 53UkECOjCGE-00025-00031830-00032684 But few candidates made such extravagant claims to win the Oval Office in the first place as Trump did in 2016 53UkECOjCGE-00026-00032684-00033794 If today's warning signs turn into significant reversals for the President, Republican plans to run in 2020 on a "Peace and Prosperity" message will be compromised 53UkECOjCGE-00027-00033794-00034758 That could lead the President to put the inflammatory rhetoric that he used in the 2018 midterms at the center of his reelection bid 53UkECOjCGE-00028-00034758-00036626 Economic numbers cause concern.A long run of staggering jobs data that helped take the unemployment rate to the lowest level in half a century got a jolt on Friday with the release of latest monthly jobs figures showing only 20,000 positions were created in February, far below expectations 53UkECOjCGE-00029-00036626-00038154 Any one bad jobs report could be an anomaly. And the economy is largely healthy following a strong run since the Great Recession more than a decade or so across the Obama and Trump presidencies and wages have recently been rising at last 53UkECOjCGE-00030-00038154-00039254 But any sign that the economic engine has peaked could be spell bad news for a President running for reelection, even if any slowing of the pace is relative 53UkECOjCGE-00031-00039254-00040228 There have been other recent warning signs for the economy. The Atlanta Federal Reserve Board estimate for first quarter growth is just 0 53UkECOjCGE-00032-00040228-00041100 5%. The Conference Board is estimating growth of 2.2% for the second half of 2019 53UkECOjCGE-00033-00041100-00042754 Annual growth for 2018 fell just short of Trump's 3% target and according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis quarterly growth figures have been on the decline for the last three quarters, possibly reflecting the fading stimulatory influence of the GOP tax cuts 53UkECOjCGE-00034-00042754-00043686 Figures released by the Census Bureau last week showed the trade deficit at a 10-year high in 2018, up $69 billion 53UkECOjCGE-00035-00043686-00044843 The jump came despite Trump's crusade to revive American manufacturing and reduce dependence on imports which formed a crucial part of his winning 2016 election message 53UkECOjCGE-00036-00044843-00046884 The data put even more pressure on the President to extract a victory from trade talks with China that are currently believed to be in the final stages - though Beijing has in recent days signaled that there's no rush to hold a signing summit at Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida by the end of this month, as the President himself suggested 53UkECOjCGE-00037-00046884-00047594 The White House's own budget estimates are far more rosy than those of independent forecasters 53UkECOjCGE-00038-00047594-00048537 In Trump's new budget to be unveiled on Monday, the administration predicts 3.2% annual growth his year, 3 53UkECOjCGE-00039-00048537-00049425 1% growth in 2020, and 3% GDP expansion the following year, the Wall Street Journal reported 53UkECOjCGE-00040-00049425-00050598 Trump's failure to reach a deal with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un at their second summit in Vietnam last month dealt a blow to the President's most important foreign policy venture 53UkECOjCGE-00041-00050598-00051828 The White House has rejected criticism of the lack of progress at the two meetings by arguing that the halt to North Korean nuclear and missile tests has been an important victory in itself 53UkECOjCGE-00042-00051828-00053056 But warnings by analysts based on satellite images that Pyongyang could be preparing to launch a missile or space rocket soon, threatened to undermine even that narrative of limited success 53UkECOjCGE-00043-00053056-00053986 Trump said last week that he would be "very disappointed if that were happening," while stressing the report was very early assessment 53UkECOjCGE-00044-00053986-00055198 The restoration work at the launch site could be just a negotiating ploy by Kim after the failure of the summit and just the latest round of decades-long brinkmanship by the North Koreans 53UkECOjCGE-00045-00055198-00056162 But it does show the perils in investing so much political and electoral capital in a diplomatic initiative with the unpredictable North Koreans 53UkECOjCGE-00046-00056162-00056799 There are also challenges looming for Trump on another signature issue -- immigration 53UkECOjCGE-00047-00056799-00058330 Customs and Border Protection warned last week that more than 76,000 people were caught crossing the southern border illegally or without proper papers in February -- the highest such number for any February in the last 12 years 53UkECOjCGE-00048-00058330-00059372 The administration used the figures to argue that the immigration crisis that Trump has proclaimed in an effort to win support for his border wall is getting worse 53UkECOjCGE-00049-00059372-00060430 But critics argue that his fixation on a wall misses the point that the real problem is in a system overwhelmed by asylum claims made at ports of entry 53UkECOjCGE-00050-00060430-00061924 Trump, however, signaled that his border wall will be a pillar of his political strategy going forward, despite his failure to wring funding for the barrier out of Congress -- an impasse that prompted him to declare a national emergency on immigration 53UkECOjCGE-00051-00061924-00063525 The White House will ask Congress for $8.6 billion for the wall in the new budget, sources told CNN, prompting a quick response from Democrats at the start of a new showdown over immigration, following last year's government shutdown drama 53UkECOjCGE-00052-00063525-00064288 "Congress refused to fund his wall and he was forced to admit defeat and reopen the government 53UkECOjCGE-00053-00064288-00065589 The same thing will repeat itself if he tries this again. We hope he learned his lesson," House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Democratic Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer said in a joint statement Sunday 66LvLKa_3Ek-00000-00000571-00001284 Donald Trump is now sinking so badly, the rats are fleeing the sinking ship at an accelerating pace 66LvLKa_3Ek-00001-00001284-00002096 Trump’s FEMA Director Brock Long is set to resign this Friday. Trump’s FDA Commissioner just announced he’s leaving 66LvLKa_3Ek-00002-00002096-00003376 Matthew Whitaker just quit the brand new job Trump gave him at the DOJ. Now Ben Carson is in on the action, but true to form, he’s doing it in a way that no one even understands 66LvLKa_3Ek-00003-00003376-00004220 Ben Carson now says that he’s resigning as Donald Trump’s HUD Secretary, effective at the end of the current term 66LvLKa_3Ek-00004-00004220-00005038 That’s right, Carson announced his resignation nearly two years in advance. Why? No one knows, really 66LvLKa_3Ek-00005-00005038-00006323 Does Carson really think Trump needs twenty-two months advance notice to find a new HUD Secretary who’s equally unqualified for the job? Does Carson think this gets him off the hook for Trump’s crimes? 66LvLKa_3Ek-00006-00006323-00007501 Ben Carson is a guy who once falsely claimed that he stabbed his friend with a knife, and who once asserted that Joseph from the Bible built the Egyptian Pyramids to store grain 66LvLKa_3Ek-00007-00007501-00008708 This is not a man whose words or actions make sense. But even Carson, in his own weird and incomprehensible way, seems to be trying to join the rats who are fleeing Trump’s ship 66LvLKa_3Ek-00008-00008708-00010019 There’s still one big unanswered question. Back when Donald Trump was first illegitimately named the winner of the election, he publicly and repeatedly insisted that Ben Carson become his HUD Secretary 66LvLKa_3Ek-00009-00010019-00011377 Carson kept saying “no” for obvious reasons: it would have been far easier for Carson to continue his grifting ways out on the book and lecture circuit if he didn’t have the restraints of holding a cabinet position 66LvLKa_3Ek-00010-00011377-00012642 But in the end, Carson took the job. Just how did Trump “convince” him to do it? Perhaps Carson will fess up one day about whatever blackmail material Trump must be holding over him 6uBb8atQUdY-00000-00000571-00001707 Democrats misbehaved – so ‘The Donald’ just dropped his swamp hammer on them.With the Mueller report officially out there, the 2+ year investigation is finally over 6uBb8atQUdY-00001-00001707-00002577 But Democrats aren’t happy. Mueller’s findings clear Trump of collusion. And now they’re saying Mueller is wrong 6uBb8atQUdY-00002-00002577-00003277 Many still want him to be impeached.Could the Washington swamp really be this bad? 6uBb8atQUdY-00003-00003277-00004640 I’m sick and tired of it. I know every Trump supporter stands with me.And President Trump clearly does too, because he only waited a matter of hours before turning the tables on the Democrats 6uBb8atQUdY-00004-00004640-00005325 From Fox News:.President Trump… [renewed his] calls to investigate the investigators 6uBb8atQUdY-00005-00005325-00006404 “Hopefully somebody is going to look at the other side,” Trump said. “This was an illegal takedown that failed and hopefully somebody is going to be looking at the other side 6uBb8atQUdY-00006-00006404-00007347 ”.Joke’s on you, Democrat deep state!.The real story was never about the man being investigated—it’s about the investigators 6uBb8atQUdY-00007-00007347-00008107 It seems like the Washington swamp was using the deep state to try to end a presidency on “trumped-up” charges 6uBb8atQUdY-00008-00008107-00009034 Using nothing but a flimsy dossier.And now Trump has endured 2 years of people questioning the legitimacy of his presidency 6uBb8atQUdY-00009-00009034-00009739 His opponent said the election was stolen from her. He was under constant threat of impeachment 6uBb8atQUdY-00010-00009739-00010518 Now all the Democrats’ political ammo is gone for 2020. Is that enough of a punishment for what they did? 6uBb8atQUdY-00011-00010518-00011936 Some say the president should just let it go. But I’m not one of them.Donald Trump needs to hold these the Washington swamp accountable, doesn’t he? They wasted millions of tax dollars and lied about the president for TWO YEARS 6uBb8atQUdY-00012-00011936-00012811 Trump is saying it needs to happen, but playing the politics game, it may need to come from Congress and not directly from him 6uBb8atQUdY-00013-00012811-00013579 Do you think Trump should just let them get away with it, or should they bring every last one of them to justice? 6b-lubU4zrE-00000-00000571-00001182 For the fourth time in about a month, Trump suggested increasing legal immigration levels 6b-lubU4zrE-00001-00001182-00002488 With Apple CEO Tim Cook sitting next to him at the White House on Wednesday, Trump said he not only wanted more legal immigration but that companies needed an expansion of new arrivals to grow their business 6b-lubU4zrE-00002-00002488-00003144 “We’re going to have a lot of people coming into the country. We want a lot of people coming in 6b-lubU4zrE-00003-00003144-00004108 And we need it,” Trump said.''It’s not a question of do we want [more immigration], these folks are going to have to sort of not expand too much 6b-lubU4zrE-00004-00004108-00004925 And if we tell them.these are very ambitious people around this table. They don’t like the concept of not expanding 6b-lubU4zrE-00005-00004925-00006056 We want to have the companies grow and the only way they’re going to grow is if we give them the workers and the only way we’re going to have the workers is to do exactly what we’re doing 6b-lubU4zrE-00006-00006056-00007435 The comments are a direct rebuttal of the president’s commitments in 2015, 2016, and 2017, where he vowed to reduce overall legal immigration levels to boost the wages of U 6b-lubU4zrE-00007-00007435-00008371 S. workers and reduce the displacement of America’s working and middle class.In 2017, for instance, Trump touted Sen 6b-lubU4zrE-00008-00008371-00010296 Tom Cotton (R-AR) and Sen. David Perdue’s (R-GA) RAISE Act legislation, which would have cut legal immigration down to about 500,000 arrivals a year rather than the current admission of more than one million legal immigrants annually who compete against working-class Americans for jobs 6b-lubU4zrE-00009-00010296-00012378 Trump, at the time, said legal immigration levels needed to be trimmed to “reduce poverty, increase wages, and save taxpayers billions and billions of dollars,” arguing that the current importation of more than a million legal immigrants every year “has placed substantial pressure on American workers, taxpayers, and community resources'' 6b-lubU4zrE-00010-00012378-00013733 “Among those hit the hardest in recent years have been immigrants, and very importantly, minority workers competing for jobs against brand new arrivals,” Trump said in 2017 of current legal immigration levels 6b-lubU4zrE-00011-00013733-00014334 “And it has not been fair to our people, to our citizens, to our workers'' 6dDwNi5yScc-00000-00000513-00001665 Judge Drops Orders Related To FBI Raid On Michael Cohen.At issue with the multiple investigations behind Trump and his cohorts is the question of transparency 6dDwNi5yScc-00001-00001665-00002723 Will the public get to see the reports? If they will, will parts of the reports be redacted? What exactly will the federal government allow the public to see? 6dDwNi5yScc-00002-00002723-00003734 On Monday, a judge ruled the public will get to see at least some information in regards to Trump’s former personal lawyer and fixer Michael Cohen 6dDwNi5yScc-00003-00003734-00005311 The Washington Post reported:.‘A judge has directed prosecutors to publicly release documents related to the search warrant that authorized last year’s FBI raids on the home and office of President Donald Trump’s former lawyer, Michael Cohen’ 6dDwNi5yScc-00004-00005311-00006711 The documents will be released publicly on Tuesday. The judge ordered:.‘The Government is directed to file redacted copies of the search warrant materials on the public docket on March 19, 2019’ 6dDwNi5yScc-00005-00006711-00007422 This isn’t the first time U.S. District Judge William Pauley III ordered the release of the documents 6dDwNi5yScc-00006-00007422-00008558 However, this time around the judge approved the release of the documents with redactions including the censoring of Cohen’s phone number, apartment number, and other personal information 6dDwNi5yScc-00007-00008558-00009269 Back in February, Pauley ruled that the public interest in the documents was enough to warrant the release 6dDwNi5yScc-00008-00009269-00010363 ‘The public interest in the underlying subject matter of the Materials – which implicates the integrity of the 2016 presidential election – is substantial’ 6dDwNi5yScc-00009-00010363-00011492 Of course, the public interest is substantial! The public wants to know if Trump and his campaign colluded with Russians to win the 2016 presidential election 6dDwNi5yScc-00010-00011492-00012202 It’s important to be sure of these things especially when you have an idiot like Trump as president 6dDwNi5yScc-00011-00012202-00013440 What kind of information could these documents reveal? MSNBC reported the affidavits would show what lead to a judge believing there was probable cause for the approval of the search warrant 6dDwNi5yScc-00012-00013440-00015533 ‘In the Cohen case, it is possible the search warrant discloses how investigators became aware of two payments to women that Cohen admitted were violations of campaign finance law, what crimes or information investigators had established early in their probe, and what items they sought to search and gather when they executed the warrant last April’ 6dDwNi5yScc-00013-00015533-00016449 Part of what will be released will be audio tapes, one of which includes a recording of Trump talking about an affair with a Playboy model 6dDwNi5yScc-00014-00016449-00017251 This all comes after Cohen testified on Capitol Hill back in February regarding his relationship with Trump 6dDwNi5yScc-00015-00017251-00018599 He testified under oath that Trump did know about the secret payments made to adult film actress Stephanie Clifford (Stormy Daniels) and others to keep them from going public about their affairs with Trump 6dDwNi5yScc-00016-00018599-00019516 During that testimony, Cohen also called Trump a racist and a conman.‘I am ashamed that I chose to take part in concealing Mr 6dDwNi5yScc-00017-00019516-00020313 Trump’s illicit acts rather than listening to my own conscience. I am ashamed because I know what Mr 6dDwNi5yScc-00018-00020313-00021277 Trump is. He is a racist. He is a conman. He is a cheat.’.He didn’t really tell us anything we didn’t already know 6dDwNi5yScc-00019-00021277-00022794 However, we heard it straight from Trump’s personal fixer. Now, with the release of the search warrant of Cohen’s properties, we will possibly be able to see indications that Trump did know about the payments and other unsavory acts he has been accused of 6dDwNi5yScc-00020-00022794-00024129 How Trump will react to this news, we’re not sure of. Trump already spent an unhinged weekend on Twitter attacking anyone who will not support him or fall in line behind his bigoted attacks and policies 6dDwNi5yScc-00021-00024129-00025226 However, we expect he will become even more unhinged (if that is even possible). By 1 p.m. EST, Trump had already tweeted eight times 8z4aUaofk0c-00000-00000571-00001772 Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) told President Donald Trump that the Affordable Care Act will not be repealed or replaced until after the 2020 election 8z4aUaofk0c-00001-00001772-00003094 Trump’s surprise at the assertion could not have outmatched Senate Republicans’ own when the POTUS surprised them with a demand for comprehensive healthcare reform with little more than a series of tweets as warning 8z4aUaofk0c-00002-00003094-00005108 “Everybody agrees that ObamaCare doesn’t work,” Trump began. According to the president, the GOP is creating “a really great HealthCare Plan with far lower premiums (cost) & deductibles,” which would also be “far less expensive & much more usable” than the 2010 Affordable Care Act, colloquially known as Obamacare 8z4aUaofk0c-00003-00005108-00006046 Of course, Trump was clear that the vote would not be taken until “after the Election when Republicans hold the Senate & win back the House 8z4aUaofk0c-00004-00006046-00006764 ” Trump concluded with the assertion that “the Republican Party will be known as the Party of Great HealtCare [sic] 8z4aUaofk0c-00005-00006764-00008504 ”. .But on Tuesday, McConnell told reporters that he had told Trump just that. “We had a good conversation yesterday afternoon,” McConnell said, “and I pointed out to him the Senate Republicans’ view on dealing with comprehensive health care reform with a Democratic House of Representatives 8z4aUaofk0c-00006-00008504-00009682 ”.McConnell said he “was fine with Sen. Alexander and Sen. Grassley working on prescription drug pricing and other issues” that are not part of a “comprehensive effort 8z4aUaofk0c-00007-00009682-00011239 ”.Trump reiterated his position on Twitter this morning, saying, “I was never planning a vote prior to the 2020 Election on the wonderful HealthCare package that some very talented people are now developing for me & the Republican Party 8z4aUaofk0c-00008-00011239-00011957 It will be on full display during the Election as a much better & less expensive alternative to ObamaCare 8z4aUaofk0c-00009-00011957-00013415 ”. .“This will be a great campaign issue,” Trump continued. He also maintained that he had “never asked Mitch McConnell for a vote before the Election as has been incorrectly reported (as usual) in the @nytimes 8z4aUaofk0c-00010-00013415-00014188 ”.Senate Republican Whip John Thune (R-SD) is a little more skeptical of their chances 8z4aUaofk0c-00011-00014188-00015266 “It’s going to be a really heavy lift to get anything through Congress this year given the political dynamics that we’re dealing with in the House and the Senate,” he said 8z4aUaofk0c-00012-00015266-00016703 “The best-laid plans and best of intentions with regard to an overhaul of the health care system in this country run into the wall of reality that it’s going to be very hard to get a Democrat House and a Republican Senate to agree on something 8z4aUaofk0c-00013-00016703-00016803 ” aCVwhCY8kL0-00000-00000571-00001926 Back in early 2018, one major media report after another revealed that Donald Trump ordered White House Counsel Don McGahn to commit felony obstruction of justice and McGahn heroically refused to do it aCVwhCY8kL0-00001-00001926-00002632 By the end of 2018 we learned that McGahn had been selling Trump out to Robert Mueller all along aCVwhCY8kL0-00002-00002632-00003509 In hindsight, McGahn was rather clearly feeding these stories to the media in order to try to absolve himself aCVwhCY8kL0-00003-00003509-00005087 Now suddenly we’re seeing it again today, but with a bunch more names.Today’s stunning New York Times expose about Donald Trump’s obstruction of justice antics spans two years and covers several stages of Trump’s revolving door of senior advisers aCVwhCY8kL0-00004-00005087-00006398 The one thing that stands out is that, according to the story, every one of these advisers either heroically refused to carry out Trump’s obstruction orders, or at least earnestly tried to talk Trump out of it aCVwhCY8kL0-00005-00006398-00008190 How convenient for them, we suppose.It’s not too difficult to parse that Matt Whitaker, Sean Spicer, and familiar face Don McGahn, who are all depicted in the NYT story as heroically standing up to Donald Trump’s crime spree, were direct or indirect sources for the story aCVwhCY8kL0-00006-00008190-00009144 Someone is going down for Trump’s obstruction, and they’re trying to use the media to ensure that it’s Trump, and not them, who goes down aCVwhCY8kL0-00007-00009144-00011174 What’s interesting is the timing. Why would these three guys all decide that right now is a good time to make sure the world knows that they weren’t cool with Trump’s obstruction of justice? Makes you wonder if they all know that Robert Mueller is about to drop the hammer on obstruction of justice, and they’re trying to get out in front of it aCVwhCY8kL0-00008-00011174-00012278 After all, Mueller just interviewed Trump’s last remaining obstruction loyalist, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, which would suggest that Mueller’s obstruction probe is ready to go b10Kb7NX9yM-00000-00000571-00002075 Tuesday on CNN during an interview with chief international anchor Christiane Amanpour, former FBI Director James Comey said President Donald Trump supporters should be concerned that Trump “tried to burn down the Department of Justice and the FBI b10Kb7NX9yM-00001-00002075-00003815 ”.When asked about the president referring to the Mueller probe as a witch-hunt, Comey said, “First, take a look in the mirror and ask what happened to Bob Mueller and the mean being corrupt and evil and a nest of deep state traitors that they reached a conclusion that the president is happy with b10Kb7NX9yM-00002-00003815-00004654 Just don’t move in front of that. Your president tried to burn down the Department of Justice and the FBI and that matters b10Kb7NX9yM-00003-00004654-00006338 Take a look in the mirror and ask what you have learned from that experience. Second, you have fired all of us if we didn’t investigate what we learned in the summer of 2016 when we got smoke, not fire, but smoke that Americans might have assisted the Russian effort b10Kb7NX9yM-00004-00006338-00007577 We had to investigate, that and no serious person could think otherwise, and it was done in a serious way, and it reached a serious result, and now we all ought to get transparency on b10Kb7NX9yM-00005-00007577-00007677 ” bFIgmg168IU-00000-00000571-00001331 Democrats have refused to work with President Trump to fix our border crisis, and they’re about to regret it bFIgmg168IU-00001-00001331-00002020 Honestly, it seems like they just want us to open the floodgates and let everyone in bFIgmg168IU-00002-00002020-00002697 They let the crisis balloon out of control and won’t let Trump shut down the border bFIgmg168IU-00003-00002697-00003674 So Trump has a plan to let the border jumpers in—but wait! Where he’s going to put them has Democrats showing their true colors bFIgmg168IU-00004-00003674-00005163 Here’s Trump’s text: “Due to the fact that Democrats are unwilling to change our very dangerous immigration laws, we are indeed, as reported, giving strong considerations to placing Illegal Immigrants in Sanctuary Cities only… bFIgmg168IU-00005-00005163-00005905 ”.Oh boy! Let’s see these two-faced Democrats reject this offer—prove they are utter hypocrites! bFIgmg168IU-00006-00005905-00007043 Then he followed it up with this devastating jab:.“….The Radical Left always seems to have an Open Borders, Open Arms policy – so this should make them very happy!” bFIgmg168IU-00007-00007043-00007806 Because so many border jumpers are being detained by DHS, we have reached a breaking point bFIgmg168IU-00008-00007806-00008676 There are simply not enough places to house these migrants. Because we can’t just deport them, they get to stick around bFIgmg168IU-00009-00008676-00009475 Democrats bragged about how their sanctuary cities protect border jumpers from federal authorities bFIgmg168IU-00010-00009475-00010476 But most of those cities are faaaaar away from the border. They don’t have to deal with the daily challenges border towns struggle with bFIgmg168IU-00011-00010476-00011103 Democrats are happy to keep our border weak—as long as they don’t have to deal with it bFIgmg168IU-00012-00011103-00011902 President Trump’s solution? Transport these detained border jumpers into sanctuary cities bFIgmg168IU-00013-00011902-00012675 Force Democrats to deal with the problem they created.Already, Democrats are protesting bFIgmg168IU-00014-00012675-00013563 Pelosi is fit to be tied.Really? Here’s an idea, Democrats: how about you stand behind a single thing you say? bFIgmg168IU-00015-00013563-00014684 Democrats are toying with human lives, all to play their political games. They only care about opposing Trump, not the prosperity or success of our country bmyTZ__6MV4-00000-00000571-00001814 The leading Marine general has reportedly allowed internal emails to leak in hopes of protecting military families from President Trump’s plans to build a border wall along the US/Mexican border bmyTZ__6MV4-00001-00001814-00003820 Sources in the Pentagon told Newsweek that Gen. Robert Neller let the internal memos, both of which criticized the Trump’s plans to deploy troops to build the wall, leak to the Los Angeles Times and NBC News over the past several weeks “because he didn’t want the Marines and families at Camp Lejeune to get f***ed bmyTZ__6MV4-00002-00003820-00004560 ”.Neller argued via the leaked memos that Trump’s “unplanned/unbudgeted” additions to the U bmyTZ__6MV4-00003-00004560-00005497 S. military budget made his job more difficult, as well as pose an “unacceptable risk to Marine Corps combat readiness and solvency bmyTZ__6MV4-00004-00005497-00006944 ”.“The combat readiness of II Marine Expeditionary Force—1/3 the combat power of the Marine Corps—is degraded and will continue to degrade given current conditions,” Neller wrote in a letter obtained by the LA Times bmyTZ__6MV4-00005-00006944-00007934 Neller will retire later in 2019 and will be replaced by Lieutenant General David Berger, whose confirmation is currently before the Senate cKtbYZqF-KM-00000-00000513-00002080 The issue of reparations for African-Americans has come front and center among the nascent Democratic presidential field, with candidates supporting ideas on everything from free college tuitions to handing out checks for the family members of former slaves cKtbYZqF-KM-00001-00002080-00003872 Julián Castro, the former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development under President Barack Obama, said on Sunday that he was not ruling out direct payments to African-Americans for the legacy of slavery – in a move that separates him from his fellow Democratic challengers cKtbYZqF-KM-00002-00003872-00005719 Speaking on CNN’s “State of the Union” from his home state of Texas – where the former San Antonio mayor is attending the South By Southwest Festival along with a number of other Democratic candidates – Castro questioned why there is opposition to paying African-Americans for the enslavement of their ancestors cKtbYZqF-KM-00003-00005719-00006756 "If under the Constitution we compensate people because we take their property, why wouldn't you compensate people who actually were property?" Castro said cKtbYZqF-KM-00004-00006756-00007793 Other candidates are discussing tax credits and other subsidies, rather than direct payments for the labor and legal oppression of slaves and their descendants cKtbYZqF-KM-00005-00007793-00008736 Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders would put resources such as "Medicare-for-all" and tuition-free college into distressed communities cKtbYZqF-KM-00006-00008736-00009731 Castro balked at this and said he doesn't think that's the proper argument for reparations if "a big check needs to be written for a whole bunch of other stuff cKtbYZqF-KM-00007-00009731-00010444 ".Later Sunday, Castro was joining Washington Gov. Jay Inslee and former Colorado Gov cKtbYZqF-KM-00008-00010444-00011324 John Hickenlooper at the South by Southwest Festival for appearances before their party's ascendant young and liberal wing cKtbYZqF-KM-00009-00011324-00012077 The festival has grown from obscure roots into a weeklong juggernaut of tech, politics and entertainment cKtbYZqF-KM-00010-00012077-00012983 Inslee told CNN that while in office, "I have been very, very committed to making this a more just and open and tolerant society cKtbYZqF-KM-00011-00012983-00013780 And that's one of the reasons Washington is so successful.".Sanders was in New Hampshire, while Sens cKtbYZqF-KM-00012-00013780-00014686 Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts was in Dallas, Kamala Harris of California was in Miami and Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota was in Tampa dF0kb0IQ3du-00000-00000571-00001887 You probably haven’t heard the name Thom Tillis all that often. The junior Senator from North Carolina made headlines last week when he said he would vote for legislation to block Trump’s national emergency dF0kb0IQ3du-00001-00001887-00003167 Though he hails from a purple state that Donald Trump only won by four points in 2016, he has been a staunch Trumper over the past two years, so he’s not of the same category as Sen dF0kb0IQ3du-00002-00003167-00004089 Susan Collins of Maine who has to show she can flip flop on Trump when it suits her, if she wants to appeal to any voters back home dF0kb0IQ3du-00003-00004089-00005027 However, Tillis hasn’t gotten a great reception at home for his decision, which he defends as entrusting too much power to the executive branch dF0kb0IQ3du-00004-00005027-00005787 North Carolina Republican activists have called for a primary challenger to replace him in 2020 dF0kb0IQ3du-00005-00005787-00007741 So far, no Republicans have shown any interest – not necessarily because they agree with Tillis, but possibly because incumbents are difficult to primary, and they don’t know what the political battleground will look like in a year, particularly after Republicans lost their supermajority in the state legislature in 2018 dF0kb0IQ3du-00006-00007741-00008679 This is noteworthy because while the vote to revoke the national emergency is set for next week, it is expected to pass in the Senate dF0kb0IQ3du-00007-00008679-00010243 The only question now is how many Republicans will join and vote with the Democrats Sen Rand Paul, who has a reputation for being a Trump sycophant, has come out against it and predicts that as many as ten Republican Senators could vote against it dF0kb0IQ3du-00008-00010243-00012035 We know that at least seven of them are holding out for sure. The other notorious Trump sycophant in the Senate, Lindsey Graham, has cautioned fellow senators from voting against it, saying that Donald Trump will back their primary challengers – but few, if any of them, are listening dF0kb0IQ3du-00009-00012035-00013341 The GOP Congress fell lockstep behind Donald Trump rather quickly – seeing that if nothing else, he’d autograph whatever unpopular legislation they wanted to pass and nominate conservative federal judges dF0kb0IQ3du-00010-00013341-00013866 Now, the honeymoon seems to be ending, as the party unravels f998-pwDqEu-00000-00000513-00001315 President Donald Trump just keeps spinning wildly out of control in his angry antagonism f998-pwDqEu-00001-00001315-00002464 This Wednesday outside the White House, he again slammed top adviser Kellyanne Conway’s husband George, apparently fed up with his criticism of his administration f998-pwDqEu-00002-00002464-00003969 In an ever-growing number of high-profile instances, George has broken with his wife and lambasted the Trump team, including most recently via suggesting that Trump has narcissistic and antisocial personality disorders f998-pwDqEu-00003-00003969-00005154 That apparently deeply unnerves the president, who’s now leading the national conversation a certain direction essentially because he’s mad about what someone said about him on Twitter f998-pwDqEu-00004-00005154-00005935 Asked about his latest angry tweets about George, Trump told a reporter outside the White House: f998-pwDqEu-00005-00005935-00006688 ‘I don’t know him. He’s a whack job — there’s no question about it, but I really don’t know him f998-pwDqEu-00006-00006688-00008072 I think he’s doing a tremendous disservice to a wonderful wife. Kellyanne is a wonderful woman, and I call him Mr. Kellyanne. The fact is that he’s doing a tremendous disservice to a wife and family’ f998-pwDqEu-00008-00011181-00013148 Trump has trotted out false claims that his opponents came begging to him for favors before in what’s ultimately support for Conway’s suggestion that he suffers from narcissistic personality disorder, which includes the symptom of being “preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power” and so on f998-pwDqEu-00009-00013148-00014631 That particular attack line is often sexist in nature, with the president having used it against figures ranging from Democratic presidential candidate and New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand to cable news host Mika Brzezinski f998-pwDqEu-00010-00014631-00015350 That doesn’t even cover the question of why “Mr. Kellyanne” is supposed to be some kind of insult f998-pwDqEu-00011-00015350-00016392 George asserted that it’s only a zinger among the “extremely juvenile and boorish,” quipping that what he really wouldn’t want to be called is “Individual 1” f998-pwDqEu-00012-00016392-00018393 Trump’s endless tirades serve as a handy distraction from the tangible issues he’s facing, including the broad illegal hush money scheme targeting women with whom he had affairs in which he’s been implicated as “Individual 1” .While Trump rages, investigations into those and related crimes continue f998-pwDqEu-00013-00018393-00018910 His continued raging just keeps proving George right f998-pwDqEu-00014-00018910-00021169 In recent days, he’s completely made stuff up as part of a days-long campaign against former Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), who passed away last year from brain cancer, claiming him to have shared allegations about Trump/Russia collusion with the media before the election that he didn’t even get until after the election and never leaked f998-pwDqEu-00015-00021169-00022677 That’s hardly all. The hate tweets have flowed freely, like many to most other weekends from the president, and while he rails on the White House lawn like an angry schoolyard bully, he somehow wants us to take him seriously fvqE6s_Co0u-00000-00000571-00001550 According to the latest breaking news, the FBI has been ordered to hand copies of James Comey’s memos about President Donald Trump over to U fvqE6s_Co0u-00001-00001550-00002368 S. District Judge James Boasberg so that he can review them and determine whether or not to release the records to the public fvqE6s_Co0u-00002-00002368-00003488 This order, of course, comes in response to a Freedom of Information Act case brought by CNN, USA Today, the conservative Judicial Watch group and others fvqE6s_Co0u-00003-00003488-00004996 Back in January, CNN stated in filings that it believed the public should have access to the memos because both the former FBI director and the president that fired him have accused each other “of grave breaches of the public trust fvqE6s_Co0u-00004-00004996-00005803 ” The memos, CNN said in its filings, would include “contemporaneous records of disputed conversations fvqE6s_Co0u-00005-00005803-00007023 ”.Although the judge would not specify when he will make his decision, he ordered the FBI to hand over both “clean” and redacted versions of Comey’s memos by no later than April 1 fUeoIDYJfDE-00000-00000571-00001691 CNN’s Anderson Cooper recently addressed President Trump’s claim that there has been no collusion between his current staff, his former campaign staff, and Russia fUeoIDYJfDE-00001-00001691-00002984 Trump made this statement to media outlets as they questioned if he would be interviewed by Special Counsel Robert Mueller as part of the investigation into possible Russian involvement in the 2016 election fUeoIDYJfDE-00002-00002984-00003865 According to the statements made to media sources, Trump is unsure if he will take part in any interview requested by Mueller fUeoIDYJfDE-00003-00003865-00004928 His basis for this is that there is no evidence that any collusion ever existed. In fact, Trump states that the entire investigation is a sham fUeoIDYJfDE-00004-00004928-00006153 Accordingly, Trump believes that this is a ploy by Democrats to try and tarnish his presidency, his Presidential election win, and ultimately him personally – as well as his family fUeoIDYJfDE-00005-00006153-00006850 Throughout the media appearance Trump continually referred back to Hillary Clinton and her campaign fUeoIDYJfDE-00006-00006850-00008741 He repeatedly laid blame on Clinton for the current Russia investigation, referenced several instances from Clinton’s time as Secretary of State which he felt were inappropriate or illegal, and felt that Clinton was the driving force behind the “witch hunt” Democrats were conducting to try and invalidate the Trump presidency fUeoIDYJfDE-00007-00008741-00009721 Cooper points out that Trump’s statements during the media appearance elude to the fact that he will not agree to an interview by the Mueller investigative team fUeoIDYJfDE-00008-00009721-00011231 Why? According to Trump’ statements h believes, and has been advised that if no evidence of collusion can be presented then there is no reason to agree to or participate in an interview – in Trump’s mind the interview would be pointless and frivolous fUeoIDYJfDE-00009-00011231-00012333 However, Cooper further points out that collusion is defined as, “secret agreement or cooperation especially for an illegal or deceitful purpose“ fUeoIDYJfDE-00010-00012333-00013908 Cooper then reminds his audience that several members of the Trump White House and campaign staff have been indicted and pleaded guilty to obstruction of justice charges due to lying about any involvement or contact with Russians during the 2016 campaign or after h56jiW4RAqo-00000-00000571-00002060 Anyone paying attention at all realizes that President Donald Trump is not in healthy mental state, but mental health experts are now calling him a “clinical sociopath” as an explanation for his constant, never-ending barrage of lies h56jiW4RAqo-00001-00002060-00003138 Reporter Kurt Eichenwald, who has known Trump for over 30 years, explained how Trump has leveraged a “mental illness” to help him lie over the years h56jiW4RAqo-00002-00003138-00004450 In a series of tweets, Eichenwald recalled interacting with Trump in 1987. Trump has a pattern of lying to reporters anonymously to get favorable media coverage, Eichenwald said hJV-be62FZc-00000-00000000-00000200 Hi jiud-6yTTfQ-00000-00000571-00001548 Congressional Democrats are planning to hold hearings about President Trump’s criticisms of establishment news outlets, according to a new report jiud-6yTTfQ-00001-00001548-00002906 Bloomberg News reports that the House Judiciary Committee, which is currently led by Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), will seek to investigate Trump calling the media “fake news” and “enemies of the people'' jiud-6yTTfQ-00002-00002906-00003844 “The committee will study whether such actions either reflect or blur the Constitution’s separation of powers,” the report states jiud-6yTTfQ-00003-00003844-00004792 The president’s repeated declarations that the “fake news” media is the “enemy of the people” has indeed upset many Democrats and media figures jiud-6yTTfQ-00004-00004792-00005975 Possible 2020 hopeful and media darling Beto O’Rourke used the line to attack Trump and Republicans in 2018, accusing him of inciting violence against the media jiud-6yTTfQ-00005-00005975-00007469 “This idea fronted by the president that somehow the press are the enemy of the people, reinforced by him tweeting out images of a reporter being hit by a train, body slammed in a wrestling ring, it is incitement to violence jiud-6yTTfQ-00006-00007469-00008893 I don’t know any other way to call it,” O’Rourke said.Before the 2018 midterms, Trump doubled down on his attacks against the media, saying that it was not him but reporters and pundits who were fostering violence in America jiud-6yTTfQ-00007-00008893-00009781 .“A lot of reporters are creating violence by not writing the truth,” he said. “The fake news is creating violence jiud-6yTTfQ-00008-00009781-00011040 And you know what? The people that support Trump, and the people the support us, which is a lot of people, most people, those people know when a story is true, and they know when a story is false'' jiud-6yTTfQ-00009-00011040-00012030 “I’ll tell you what–if the media would write correctly, and write accurately, and write fairly, you’d have a lot less violence in the country,” he added k57dPNkbi5U-00000-00000571-00001378 Queen Elizabeth II is honoring President Donald Trump with a big invite for an extremely patriotic occasion k57dPNkbi5U-00001-00001378-00002094 Many in the media were shocked, but they weren’t as snubbed and distressed as Trump-hater Meghan Markle k57dPNkbi5U-00002-00002094-00003120 The former D-list actress has gotten on the wrong side of Her Majesty after she was just caught in another baby scandal which is rocking the somber Brits k57dPNkbi5U-00003-00003120-00004121 Now, Trump is going to rain on her parade. You’ll love this.Meghan Markle has been very vocal about her hatred of President Donald Trump k57dPNkbi5U-00004-00004121-00004878 The former Suits star called him a “misogynist” and advised Americans to vote for Hillary Clinton k57dPNkbi5U-00005-00004878-00005703 According to palace sources, Markle remains very antagonistic toward Trump, calling him names like “Syphilis k57dPNkbi5U-00006-00005703-00006492 ”.And she hasn’t won over the most powerful woman in Britain, her husband’s grandmother Queen Elizabeth II k57dPNkbi5U-00007-00006492-00007720 From day one, the American leftist rubbed the Monarch the wrong way. She refused to stop pandering to the leftist media and has constantly been caught leaking her own ridiculous propaganda k57dPNkbi5U-00008-00007720-00008590 And President Trump was watching. In fact, the president rightly snubbed the American’s wedding without issuing any type of statement k57dPNkbi5U-00009-00008590-00009953 However, when the Queen’s granddaughter, Princess Eugenie got married, Trump graciously tweeted this out to his 59 million followers: “Princess Eugenie of York was a truly beautiful bride yesterday k57dPNkbi5U-00010-00009953-00010763 She has been through so much, and has come out a total winner!”.“Those who know Meghan, know she was out of her mind with jealousy k57dPNkbi5U-00011-00010763-00011902 Trump acknowledged Eugenie to his almost 60 million followers. Meghan threw a tantrum and called Trump ‘worse than Hitler,'” a palace source told Mad World News k57dPNkbi5U-00012-00011902-00013545 .Well, the American grifter is digging herself in deeper, and the latest baby scandal caused the Queen’s advisers to go ahead with issuing President Trump an invite to an official state visit to help celebrate the 75th anniversary of D-Day on June 6th k57dPNkbi5U-00013-00013545-00014556 Meghan’s pregnancy has been shrouded in mystery and scandal. Many still claim her changing baby bump proves she is using a surrogate and wearing a “moon-bump k57dPNkbi5U-00014-00014556-00015292 ” Then, the charlatan duchess leaked to the press she would be raising the child “gender fluid” and “vegan k57dPNkbi5U-00015-00015292-00016303 ”.But what really upset the Queen was this latest scandal where she is refusing to use the best OB/GYN doctors in Britain because they are Her Majesty’s k57dPNkbi5U-00016-00016303-00017061 “Meghan Markle has rejected the Queen’s doctors for her baby’s birth,” Radar Online reports k57dPNkbi5U-00017-00017061-00017839 “The Former American actress wants her own team to deliver her first child with Prince Harry according to reports k57dPNkbi5U-00018-00017839-00017939 ” krB6fha_X5y-00000-00000571-00002376 The House of Representatives voted on Tuesday to overturn President Donald Trump’s declaration of a national emergency on the southern border, with 13 Republicans joining Democrats to try to block the effort to divert funding to a border wall even though it lacks the congressional approval needed krB6fha_X5y-00001-00002376-00003536 “Is your oath of office to Donald Trump or is it to the Constitution of the United States?” Speaker Nancy Pelosi asked Republican congress during a speech from the floor ahead of the vote krB6fha_X5y-00002-00003536-00005550 “You cannot let him undermine your pledge to the Constitution''.The disapproval passed with a vote of 245 to 182, which will now be taken up by the Senate, where three Republicans have said they will support the disapproval, which is just one shy of the number needed for Congress to stop Trump’s fake national emergency krB6fha_X5y-00003-00005550-00006751 Even Senator Mitch McConnell isn’t totally sold on backing Trump on the fake national emergency, saying ““I haven’t reached a total conclusion” when asked about it at a news conference on Tuesday krB6fha_X5y-00004-00006751-00007723 Imagine that. Mitch McConnell hasn’t reached a conclusion. I imagine when he does, it won’t be hard to guess what that will be krB6fha_X5y-00005-00007723-00008397 It will be whatever enables and defends President Donald Trump to the most extreme degree lFKKZfEDA4y-00000-00000571-00001749 President Donald Trump vowed during his speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on Saturday to defend conservative free speech on college campuses lFKKZfEDA4y-00001-00001749-00002956 The president invited Hayden Williams, the conservative activist for the Leadership Institute who was punched in the face at the UC Berkeley campus in California, to join him on stage lFKKZfEDA4y-00002-00002956-00004079 Trump also announced his decision to sign an executive order requiring colleges and universities to protect free speech on campus if they were to receive federal funding lFKKZfEDA4y-00003-00004079-00005173 “If they want our dollars, and we give it to them by the billions, they’ve got to allow people like Hayden and a great many of young people and old people to speak,” Trump said lFKKZfEDA4y-00004-00005173-00005980 “Free speech!”.Williams thanked the president for his support.“I am glad we could bring this to the forefront,” he said lFKKZfEDA4y-00005-00005980-00006728 “If these socialist progressives had their way, they would put our Constitution through the paper shredder in a heartbeat'' lFKKZfEDA4y-00006-00006728-00008023 The crowd of young people at CPAC leaped to their feet with a roar of approval, giving the president a lengthy standing ovation and chanting, “USA! USA! USA!” lFKKZfEDA4y-00007-00008023-00009034 “He can take a punch,” Trump said about Williams. “That was a hard punch. He was a strong guy, but you know what? You’ve got yourself a great lawyer lFKKZfEDA4y-00008-00009034-00009792 … Sue him forever. … Sue the college. Sue the university, and maybe sue the state'' lU0RfDiujVo-00000-00000513-00002273 Another day, another Trump scandal. In a new letter to White House Counsel Pat Cipollone, House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings (D-Md) has laid out alleged violations of federal record keeping law on the part of none other than Ivanka Trump lU0RfDiujVo-00001-00002273-00003801 He says that during a meeting with Abbe Lowell, who’s a lawyer to Trump and her husband Jared Kushner, he learned that she allegedly has not saved emails about official business that have come to a personal account if she did not respond to them lU0RfDiujVo-00002-00003801-00004635 The Presidential Records Act demands that entire classes of written communication be preserved, not just some of them lU0RfDiujVo-00003-00004635-00006155 Cummings wants information from the Trump team on their electronic communication practices, including how the number of emails dealing with official business on a personal account of Ivanka’s relates to the number of those emails that have actually been preserved lU0RfDiujVo-00004-00006155-00007900 The Ivanka email issue has been simmering for some time. Late last year, The Washington Post revealed that she’d used a personal account for hundreds of pieces of government business, which poses a number of issues besides that of possible illegally inadequate record keeping lU0RfDiujVo-00005-00007900-00009470 To that end, Cummings also wants to know whether or not she transmitted any sensitive or classified information via her personal account — and the fact that there’s even the possibility she did indicts the Trump team for hypocrisy yet again lU0RfDiujVo-00006-00009470-00010729 President Donald Trump has led countless chants of “Lock Her Up!” while stirring his rally crowds into frenzies over Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while Secretary of State lU0RfDiujVo-00007-00010729-00011761 The implication was that she’d endangered national security, even though years of investigation did not produce a single criminal liability on her part lU0RfDiujVo-00008-00011761-00013662 The danger they touted remains, though — thanks to the Trumps. At the same time he shared that Ivanka has allegedly not been complying with record keeping law, Cummings asserted that Kushner’s lawyer also told him that his client had been continuing to use WhatsApp for government business lU0RfDiujVo-00009-00013662-00014726 Cummings claims Lowell said the question of whether Kushner has ever transmitted classified information via WhatsApp is “above my pay grade” lU0RfDiujVo-00010-00014726-00016416 Lowell has unsurprisingly denied the claims, asserting he was significantly more vague than Cummings lets on, only referring to Ivanka’s use of personal email in the comparatively distant past and refusing to comment on Kushner’s WhatsApp use at all lU0RfDiujVo-00011-00016416-00017651 He did admit, though, that he suggested they approach the White House counsel for more answers — so if Lowell was trying to undercut the legitimacy of Cummings’ latest quest, he failed lU0RfDiujVo-00012-00017651-00018965 Cummings acknowledges that Lowell pointed him towards the White House, connecting the comment to his still standing question of whether Kushner had been authorized to use a civilian messaging system for government business lU0RfDiujVo-00013-00018965-00020104 Up until this point, the administration has refused to comply with Cummings’ various inquiries, refusing to produce a single document or witness that they requested lU0RfDiujVo-00014-00020104-00021198 Cummings has been seeking information on this issue since 2017, when he was the ranking member on the committee in light of House Democrats’ minority status lUlEJQsMzjy-00000-00000571-00001333 For some in the White House, Sunday seemed like the first day of the rest of Donald Trump's presidency lUlEJQsMzjy-00001-00001333-00002640 By Friday, it was clear that while the cloud of Robert Mueller's special counsel investigation had lifted, the pervasive disarray that marked most of Trump's time in office was not going anywhere lUlEJQsMzjy-00002-00002640-00004411 A sudden health care decision made after heated Oval Office disagreements -- along with a reversal on education funding, a confusing sanctions mystery and still-unfilled Cabinet posts -- revealed the chaotic practices and decision-making that have colored Trump's term until this point are still ever-present lUlEJQsMzjy-00003-00004411-00005406 Instead of clearing the decks, the end of the Mueller probe has only thrown a fractious West Wing policy and messaging operation into sharper relief lUlEJQsMzjy-00004-00005406-00006537 That's left some White House aides expressing regret the investigation's end wasn't matched with a more effective strategy to harness the momentum into advancing Trump's agenda lUlEJQsMzjy-00005-00006537-00007315 And GOP lawmakers are scratching their heads at a health care push few believe makes political sense lUlEJQsMzjy-00006-00007315-00008227 That's not exactly what Republicans and administration policy aides had in mind when it was announced last weekend the Mueller probe was over lUlEJQsMzjy-00007-00008227-00009301 Many hoped the investigation's end might lead to an era of newly effective governing, a turning point for a President no longer preoccupied with an encroaching investigator lUlEJQsMzjy-00008-00009301-00010306 Exuberant officials and a buoyant President spent the week cheering the initial results of Mueller's investigation, as laid out in a letter from Attorney General William Barr lUlEJQsMzjy-00009-00010306-00011821 In a late-afternoon gathering last Sunday, aides convened in press secretary Sarah Sanders' office for a champagne toast after the attorney general's chief of staff phoned Emmet Flood, in Palm Beach with the President, to brief him on the report lUlEJQsMzjy-00010-00011821-00012858 The intimate gathering of White House staffers was a sign of the relief that flooded through the West Wing after the stress of an investigation that loomed for years was lifted lUlEJQsMzjy-00011-00012858-00014076 But the days that followed Sunday's champagne-clinking in Sanders' office came as a surprise to multiple people in the West Wing, according to interviews with half a dozen officials and Trump associates lUlEJQsMzjy-00012-00014076-00014898 There was no Rose Garden celebration ceremony. Trump gave no speech declaring vindication in the East Room lUlEJQsMzjy-00013-00014898-00015753 Instead, he made brief remarks before he climbed the steps of Air Force One and was whisked away to Washington m-23JG2ChYY-00000-00001000-00001547 Тэндэнцыя да адмены вышэйшай меры пакарання ва ўсім свеце працягваецца. m-23JG2ChYY-00001-00001547-00001935 З нагоды Сусветнага дня супраць смяротнага пакарання m-23JG2ChYY-00002-00001935-00002781 Швейцарыя пацвярджае сваю цвёрдую прыхільнасць падтрымліваць гэтую тэндэнцыю і абараняць любыя дасягненні. mVDikEwz0f0-00000-00000571-00001759 Conflicts of interest have been a big issue revolving Donald Trump. Many ethics watchdogs raised the concern that Trump wouldn’t stay away from his businesses after becoming president mVDikEwz0f0-00001-00001759-00003050 On Friday, the Miami New Times released a report that revealed that Trump has been pocketing money from law enforcement organizations who have been holding expensive events at his golf resorts mVDikEwz0f0-00002-00003050-00004238 Conflicts of interest have been a big issue revolving Donald Trump. Many ethics watchdogs raised the concern that Trump wouldn’t stay away from his businesses after becoming president mVDikEwz0f0-00003-00004238-00005529 On Friday, the Miami New Times released a report that revealed that Trump has been pocketing money from law enforcement organizations who have been holding expensive events at his golf resorts mVDikEwz0f0-00004-00005529-00006519 “In the past year, Donald Trump’s golf resort in Doral has lost a whopping $26 million in value,” the New Times reported mVDikEwz0f0-00005-00006519-00007932 “But a few types of organizations still routinely host events at Trump National Doral Miami: Republican political campaigns, opportunistic trade groups, and, for whatever reason, police unions and associations mVDikEwz0f0-00006-00007932-00009157 ”.“This past weekend, the LEO Foundation — an organization that fundraises for police officers in Miami-Dade County — held its annual awards ceremony at the Doral golf resort mVDikEwz0f0-00007-00009157-00009993 Last month, the Hispanic Police Officers Association threw a Valentine’s Day gala there,” the New Times noted mVDikEwz0f0-00008-00009993-00011077 “The Dade County Police Benevolent Association, the largest police union in the county, has also booked Trump National Doral for its annual awards gala in May'' mVDikEwz0f0-00009-00011077-00011983 “Critics say the setup gives the appearance of pay-for-play, and sometimes the arrangement seems pretty transparent,” the New Times added mVDikEwz0f0-00010-00011983-00013436 “Although the police groups don’t have such a blatant financial interest in booking events at Trump’s hotel, the arrangement is worth noting given the president’s statements about police brutality and his fraught relationship with law enforcement mVDikEwz0f0-00011-00013436-00014337 ”.Trump went as far as to record a video message for the Palm Beach Police Foundation, which was holding a gala at Mar-a-Lago n6gnsl81I84-00000-00000571-00002271 For the past several days we’ve been waiting to see whether Cindy Yang was going to end up being merely yet another footnote in the story of Donald Trump’s endless corruption and consistent connections to scumbags, or if it was going to end reaching critical mass and taking on a life of its own n6gnsl81I84-00001-00002271-00003520 As of today it’s finally safe to say that it’s the latter.We already know that Yang founded the chain of massage parlors that was later busted for being a front for sex trafficking n6gnsl81I84-00002-00003520-00004272 We also know that Yang hung out at Mar-a-Lago and took selfies with Donald Trump and his allies n6gnsl81I84-00003-00004272-00005346 And we know that Yang was selling Chinese executives access to Trump. Today we learned that Yang was also allegedly selling Trump-connected visas to immigrants n6gnsl81I84-00004-00005346-00006161 But none of that is why the scandal has reached critical mass.Today the White House issued a formal statement about the matter n6gnsl81I84-00005-00006161-00007626 It was predictably short and pointless: “The President doesn’t know this woman.” But the fact that the White House felt compelled to make a formal statement is a clear sign that Donald Trump’s handlers don’t expect this story to go away n6gnsl81I84-00006-00007626-00008433 Merely commenting on a scandal like this – even if you’re denying it – merely adds heft and exposure to the whole thing n6gnsl81I84-00007-00008433-00009671 You don’t do it unless you think it’s going to blow up anyway.So now we have a clear signal that Donald Trump, or at least his handlers, think the Cindy Yang scandal is going to blow up big time n6gnsl81I84-00008-00009671-00010803 Even more telling, even as his handlers try to publicly address the matter in the feeble hope of getting out ahead of it, Trump himself has been afraid to tweet a word about Yang n6gnsl81I84-00009-00010803-00011317 This is going to get bigger and uglier, and probably soon nEMpibIyMyA-00000-00000571-00001819 This morning Mick Mulvaney appeared on cable news and implied that because Donald Trump is in such a position of strength, House Democrats won’t succeed in their quest to seize his tax returns nEMpibIyMyA-00001-00001819-00003115 Nevermind that these words were coming from Trump’s Acting White House Chief of Staff, because Trump is in such an untenable position of weakness, no one is willing to become his permanent White House Chief of Staff nEMpibIyMyA-00002-00003115-00003810 As if to underscore Trump’s vulnerability, this evening he just lost another cabinet member nEMpibIyMyA-00003-00003810-00005220 .Cabinet members nearly always “resign” even if they’re really being fired, so we have no way of knowing if Kirstjen Nielsen resigned voluntarily today as Homeland Security Director, or if Donald Trump fired her nEMpibIyMyA-00004-00005220-00006414 All we know is that he wants people who are “tougher” against immigrants, which is nothing short of chilling when you consider how horridly evil Nielsen was to immigrants and their children nEMpibIyMyA-00005-00006414-00008175 . .Although Trump just nominated current Border Patrol boss Kevin McAleenan as his new Homeland Security Director, we don’t know if Trump will even bother to put McAleenan up for Senate confirmation, or if he’ll simply leave McAleenan in an “acting” capacity indefinitely nEMpibIyMyA-00006-00008175-00009055 Complicating things further, Trump just withdrew his own ICE Director nominee two days ago, creating even more instability nEMpibIyMyA-00007-00009055-00009880 Of course immigration is far from the only part of the Trump administration that’s suffering from a massive personnel vacuum nEMpibIyMyA-00008-00009880-00012242 .As of right now – not counting people who are serving in an “acting” capacity – Donald Trump currently has no Secretary of Defense, no Secretary of the Air Force, no Homeland Security Director, no FEMA Director, no ICE Director, no Secretary of the Interior, no United Nations Ambassador, no White House Communications Director, and no White House Chief of Staff nEMpibIyMyA-00009-00012242-00012634 And that’s not a comprehensive list nYZ7SFw_DMI-00000-00000571-00001331 Secret Service Director Randolph Alles is leaving his position, according to several reports on Monday nYZ7SFw_DMI-00001-00001331-00002007 The news was confirmed by White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders in a statement nYZ7SFw_DMI-00002-00002007-00003321 .“United States Secret Service director Randolph “Tex” Alles has done a great job at the agency over the last two years, and the President is thankful for his over 40 years of service to the country,” Sanders said nYZ7SFw_DMI-00003-00003321-00005455 Trump has selected Secret Service Agent James Murray to replace Alles in May.The move comes after a series of leadership changes in the security branch of the Trump administration, including the resignation of Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen and the decision to withdraw Ronald Vitiello as his nominee for director of ICE nYZ7SFw_DMI-00004-00005455-00006819 The decision to force out Alles comes just days after a woman was arrested at the president’s Mar-a-Lago club with Chinese passports and computer and cell phone malware after she made it past a checkpoint nYZ7SFw_DMI-00005-00006819-00008096 .Despite the security breach, Trump signaled his support for the agents.“I could not be happier with Secret Service,” Trump said on Wednesday when asked about the breach by reporters nYZ7SFw_DMI-00006-00008096-00009781 “Secret Service has done a fantastic job from day one. Very happy with them.”.But on Monday, prosecutors revealed that the woman, Yujing Zhang, had in her hotel room nine thumb drives, five sim cellphone cards, $8,000 in U nYZ7SFw_DMI-00007-00009781-00010583 S. cash, $663 in Chinese cash and a device used to find hidden cameras nZuhzuehcDk-00000-00000513-00001955 President Donald Trump's approval rating and re-election support remain strong among Iowa's registered Republicans, but a sizable minority of the party's registrants say they hope the president faces a challenger in the 2020 caucuses nZuhzuehcDk-00001-00001955-00003629 The new CNN/Des Moines Register/Mediacom poll of registered Republicans in Iowa finds 81% approve of the way the President is handling his job, unchanged since December, and 82% say they have a favorable view of Trump, up 5 points in that time nZuhzuehcDk-00002-00003629-00004883 Roughly two-thirds (67%) say they'll definitely vote to re-elect the president, and about 6 in 10 (59%) are at least fairly confident he'll win in 2020 nZuhzuehcDk-00003-00004883-00005646 But those positive signs are tempered by some registered Republicans' hope for a challenger to the President nZuhzuehcDk-00004-00005646-00007077 Overall, Republicans are about evenly divided on the question, with 40% saying they hope the President faces a challenger from the party in the caucuses, and 41% saying they hope he does not face one nZuhzuehcDk-00005-00007077-00008767 Another 19% are unsure.Those who hope for a challenger to the President are generally positive about Trump, but they are less positive than their fellow registered Republicans about the President's performance in office (63% say they approve vs nZuhzuehcDk-00006-00008767-00009799 97% among those who say they hope Trump is not challenged) and in their impressions of him generally (66% view him favorably vs nZuhzuehcDk-00007-00009799-00011523 95% who hope he's not challenged).Looking to 2020, however, they are far less likely to say they will definitely vote for his re-election (38% say so compared with 92% of those who do not want to see him face a GOP challenger) nZuhzuehcDk-00008-00011523-00013284 And most have doubts about whether he can win a second term: 56% in this group say they are only somewhat confident he'll win or are almost certain he'll lose, compared with fewer than 2 in 10 of those who say they don't want to see the president challenged from inside the party nZuhzuehcDk-00010-00017168-00018025 But the poll suggests those doubts about the President don't mean they're ready to defect to any of their currently available choices nZuhzuehcDk-00011-00018025-00018832 Just 18% in this group say they are seeing Democratic candidates who they could potentially support for president nZuhzuehcDk-00012-00018832-00020316 And former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz, who is exploring an independent bid for president, generates tepid favorability ratings among this group (only 11% have a positive view, 21% unfavorable) nZuhzuehcDk-00013-00020316-00021055 And none of three potential GOP opponents for the President tested particularly well in the poll nZuhzuehcDk-00014-00021055-00021807 Among all registered Republicans, just 4% each expressed favorable views of Maryland Gov nZuhzuehcDk-00015-00021807-00022729 Larry Hogan or former Massachusetts governor Bill Weld, and more than 8 in 10 said they didn't know enough to have an opinion about each of them nZuhzuehcDk-00016-00022729-00023892 Former Ohio governor John Kasich earns a split decision, with 27% favorable and 28% unfavorable, a bit worse than in December nZuhzuehcDk-00017-00023892-00024709 Kasich's favorability was higher among those who hope to see a challenger to Trump (39% favorable vs nZuhzuehcDk-00018-00024709-00026935 23% among those who hope Trump goes unchallenged).No matter where they come down on whether the President should face a challenge for the Republican nomination, nearly all registered Republicans in Iowa say the president's re-election campaign should focus more on the positive changes he has made for the country (90%) than on attacking his opponents (4%) nZuhzuehcDk-00019-00026935-00027729 And most registered Republicans consider the President's recent declaration of a national emergency to be a positive nZuhzuehcDk-00020-00027729-00028693 Almost two-thirds (63%) say Trump had the right to make the declaration and that it was the right thing for him to do nZuhzuehcDk-00021-00028693-00029967 Just 6% say he had the right to do it, but it was the wrong thing to do, and 20% believe he did not have the right to declare an emergency to secure more funding for a border wall nZuhzuehcDk-00022-00029967-00031464 The CNN/Des Moines Register/Mediacom poll was conducted by Selzer & Co. of Des Moines, Iowa, March 3 through 6 among a random sample of 400 registered Republicans reached on landlines or cellphones by a live interviewer nZuhzuehcDk-00023-00031464-00032258 Results for the sample of registered Republicans have a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 4 nZuhzuehcDk-00024-00032258-00032739 9 percentage points, it is larger for subgroups nbZ6QGqfQby-00000-00000571-00001428 Donald Trump had another meltdown this week and while no one is surprised, this one may have been the most telling of all nbZ6QGqfQby-00001-00001428-00002404 This time his issue was with the Robert Mueller report. During his rant, he made an oddly specific denial that was very telling nbZ6QGqfQby-00002-00002404-00003042 Trump tweeted “I have not read the Mueller Report yet, even though I have every right to do so nbZ6QGqfQby-00003-00003042-00003875 Only know the conclusions, and on the big one, No Collusion. Likewise, recommendations made to our great A nbZ6QGqfQby-00004-00003875-00004703 G. who found No Obstruction.”Anytime Trump says he hasn’t done something that no one has accused him of, he is often lying nbZ6QGqfQby-00005-00004703-00005442 Trying to get ahead of the story and saying he hasn’t read the report has really just let everyone know he nbZ6QGqfQby-00006-00005442-00006396 Perhaps he has read the entire thing, the entire 400 pages of it. Although, knowing Trump, that is hard to believe nbZ6QGqfQby-00007-00006396-00007156 He can’t be bothered to read briefing memos, so surviving 400 pages seems too hard for him nbZ6QGqfQby-00008-00007156-00007819 That means someone has had to have told him the details of the report or at least shortened versions nbZ6QGqfQby-00009-00007819-00008561 If Barr has given the report to someone in the White House to “brief” the President, that’s felony obstruction of justice nbZ6QGqfQby-00010-00008561-00010301 It’s also interesting that Trump seems upset by whatever he has been told. They could have told him just how bad the report is for him or tried to protect him, but either way Trump could be working with Barr when it comes to this report which raises all kinds of red flags nbZ6QGqfQby-00011-00010301-00010862 As with most major crimes, the coverup is what always gets them in the end o1io8cV7s1E-00000-00000571-00001840 How bad have things gotten for Donald Trump? He’s officially lost Ann Coulter. Not only that, he knows he’s not going to be able to get Coulter back, which is why he’s now viciously attacking her o1io8cV7s1E-00001-00001840-00003146 So what happens after you’ve lost the support of a cartoonish pundit who’s such a joke that both sides know she’s a joke, and the right just humors her? Trump just gave us that answer, and it isn’t pretty o1io8cV7s1E-00002-00003146-00004178 In the past few days Donald Trump has retweeted the likes of Paul Sperry, Charles Payne, Mark Levin, Tim Young, and Hans Von Spakovsky o1io8cV7s1E-00003-00004178-00005009 How obscure are these people? They’re all real, but if I had made them all up, most of you wouldn’t know the difference o1io8cV7s1E-00004-00005009-00006145 Don’t feel bad if you haven’t heard of these people; you’d have to be pretty well versed in the far-right echo chamber to have any idea who these people are, because none of them exist outside of it o1io8cV7s1E-00005-00006145-00007529 But that’s who Donald Trump has left now. As he circles the drain, even people like Ann Coulter are cutting bait, because they want to retain relative credibility with their far-right base once Trump has been flushed o1io8cV7s1E-00006-00007529-00008357 The people speaking the most loudly and consistently in Trump’s defense are people whom no one has heard of or even cares about o1io8cV7s1E-00007-00008357-00009415 But don’t tell that to Donald Trump, who is such a malignant narcissist, he’ll embrace anyone who sings his praises, no matter how laughable that person is o1io8cV7s1E-00008-00009415-00010251 In fact Trump has retweeted Paul Sperry, whoever the heck that might be, nine times in the past two days o1io8cV7s1E-00009-00010251-00011270 This is all that Trump has left to work with. Instead of giving up and resigning, Trump is clinging to what little he has left, no matter how embarrassing it may be o1bIPmA1vGc-00000-00000571-00001644 Roger Stone, in one of his typical fits of rage, posted an image of federal judge Amy Berman Jackson with a crosshair just above her head today on Instagram o1bIPmA1vGc-00001-00001644-00002465 The clear implication: he was calling for violence against the judge after she hit him with a partial gag order o1bIPmA1vGc-00002-00002465-00003219 After numerous observers pointed out that Stone’s bail would likely be revoked over the post, he deleted it o1bIPmA1vGc-00003-00003219-00004836 That’s when he launched into a total panicked meltdown.Wait, so that’s supposed to make it better? Somewhere in there, Roger Stone texted CBS News reporter Kathryn Watson, saying he took the image down because it could be open to “miss interpretation o1bIPmA1vGc-00004-00004836-00006404 ” The surreal typo suggests that Stone truly is in a panic. We suspect that Judge Amy Berman Jackson is about to become “Miss Interpretation” when she interprets that Stone’s threat is a reason to revoke his bail and throw him in jail o1bIPmA1vGc-00005-00006404-00007973 After federal judge Amy Berman Jackson hit Roger Stone with a limited gag order that was far more lenient than it could have been, Stone decided to return the favor today by posting a deranged conspiracy theory about the judge on his Instagram account o1bIPmA1vGc-00006-00007973-00008687 Stone also included a photo of Judge Jackson, along with a small crosshair just above her head o1bIPmA1vGc-00007-00008687-00009481 .This was enough to lead us to conclude that Roger Stone had just screwed up and gotten his bail revoked o1bIPmA1vGc-00008-00009481-00010249 Now Stone has signaled that he agrees he’s in trouble, because he just deleted the Instagram post o1bIPmA1vGc-00009-00010249-00011414 He’ll now try to claim that he didn’t realize the image was a threat, or that he somehow didn’t see the crosshair in the image, and that he deleted it as soon as he realized it could be misinterpreted o1bIPmA1vGc-00010-00011414-00012824 The trouble: this won’t fly.In order for Roger Stone to be convicted of the felony charges against him and sent to prison, the jury in his eventual trial will need to conclude that he’s guilty beyond a reasonable doubt o1bIPmA1vGc-00011-00012824-00014120 But that standard doesn’t apply when it comes to Stone’s bail being revoked; the judge simply needs to conclude that, in her professional opinion, Stone no longer deserves the privilege of remaining on bail o1bIPmA1vGc-00012-00014120-00015308 Revoking bail would mean that Roger Stone will rot in jail until his trial. He’s already waived his right to a speedy trial, so he could be rotting for quite some time o1bIPmA1vGc-00013-00015308-00016113 Stone’s longtime associate Paul Manafort violated his bail and is still in a jail cell, awaiting sentencing o1bIPmA1vGc-00014-00016113-00016907 Stone would probably be looking at solitary confinement in jail, as has been the case with Manafort oxojdF5So94-00000-00000513-00002023 Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan’s headed next month to the state that holds the first primary in the race for the White House, increasing speculation that the GOP governor is seriously considering a 2020 primary challenge against President Trump oxojdF5So94-00001-00002023-00002903 Fox News on Monday confirmed that Hogan will be in New Hampshire on April 23 to headline “Politics and Eggs oxojdF5So94-00002-00002903-00003773 ” The speaking series hosted by the New Hampshire Institute of Politics and the New England Council is a must-stop for White House hopefuls oxojdF5So94-00003-00003773-00004666 Fox News reported last month that Hogan’s camp was in talks with the New England Council to appear at “Politics and Eggs oxojdF5So94-00004-00004666-00005943 ”.Hogan, who won re-election last November to a second four-year term steering the reliably blue state of Maryland, indirectly criticized the president during his January inauguration oxojdF5So94-00005-00005943-00007040 And, last month – in an interview with CBS News – he said that “I’m being approached from a lot of different people” about launching a primary challenge against the president oxojdF5So94-00006-00007040-00008393 “And I guess the best way to put it is I haven’t thrown them out of my office.”.He also took aim at Trump’s chances in 2020, saying, “I’m not saying he couldn’t win, but he’s pretty weak in the general election oxojdF5So94-00007-00008393-00009833 ”.Still, Hogan acknowledged the extremely long odds against an intra-party challenge to a sitting president, highlighting that “nobody has successfully challenged a sitting president in the same party in the primary since 1884 oxojdF5So94-00008-00009833-00011045 ”.The 62-year-old governor also told Politico last month that “at this point in time, I don’t see any path to winning a Republican primary against this president, or anybody doing it oxojdF5So94-00009-00011045-00011818 But things have a way of changing . I don’t know what the lay of the land is going to look like this summer, or in the fall oxojdF5So94-00010-00011818-00013161 ”.In that same interview, Hogan criticized the Republican National Committee for allegedly protecting the president, saying: “I’ve never seen anything like it and I’ve been involved in the Republican Party for most of my life oxojdF5So94-00011-00013161-00013855 It’s unprecedented. And in my opinion it’s not the way we should be going about our politics oxojdF5So94-00012-00013855-00014587 ”.Hogan is set to be the second potential GOP primary challenger to headline the forum this year oxojdF5So94-00013-00014587-00015950 Last month, former Massachusetts Gov. Bill Weld – a very vocal Trump critic – announced at the event that he was forming an exploratory committee as he moved toward launching a longshot GOP primary bid oxojdF5So94-00014-00015950-00016925 John Kasich, who in January finished serving two terms as Ohio governor, is another vocal Trump critic who’s mulling a primary challenge oxojdF5So94-00015-00016925-00018366 Kasich, who finished second to Trump in New Hampshire’s 2016 GOP presidential primary, returned to the Granite State right after November’s midterm elections, sparking further speculation about his 2020 intentions oxojdF5So94-00016-00018366-00019114 Keeping the door open, he told Fox News at the time, “I really don’t know what I’m going to do oxojdF5So94-00017-00019114-00019214 ” odwsBkAxr1A-00000-00000513-00001325 American Conservative Union chairman Matt Schlapp went on CNN last night to speak with Chris Cuomo about CPAC odwsBkAxr1A-00001-00001325-00002138 The subject of President Donald Trump came up and they ended up getting heated over whether Trump is a liar odwsBkAxr1A-00002-00002138-00003450 After that appearance, Schlapp doubled down on his defense of Trump with a dig at the media, saying that when they call POTUS a liar, “they make it impossible for 50 % of the country to see you as unbiased odwsBkAxr1A-00003-00003450-00004562 ”.This morning, George Conway––husband to White House counselor Kellyanne Conway––responded by pointing out that Trump’s own supporters know he’s a liar: odwsBkAxr1A-00004-00004562-00005166 The president is set to speak at CPAC this morning ofhiwx9qKug-00000-00000571-00001508 As you’ve heard by now, Michael Cohen, Trump’s former lawyer, pleaded guilty to lying to Congress about the Russia investigation ofhiwx9qKug-00001-00001508-00002856 Cohen had previously said talks about the Moscow project had ended in January 2016 just prior to the Iowa caucuses, but now he’s saying Trump was kept in the loop well into his presidential campaign ofhiwx9qKug-00002-00002856-00003893 The Cohen admission appears to show that Trump was engaged in business dealings with Russia while in the middle of a campaign in which Russia interfered to help elect him ofhiwx9qKug-00003-00003893-00004789 Specifically, the plans to build Trump World Tower Moscow went well into the campaign timeline, and possibly after ofhiwx9qKug-00004-00004789-00005479 Trump says Cohen is lying, but there’s a document with Trump’s signature on it that says otherwise ofhiwx9qKug-00005-00005479-00006336 Donald Trump signed an Letter of Intent for the Trump Tower Moscow project during the time Trump was running for president ofhiwx9qKug-00006-00006336-00007347 The letter was drafted by his attorney Michael Cohen, at the request of business associate Felix Sater, who himself has longstanding ties to the Russian mob ofhiwx9qKug-00007-00007347-00008172 If Trump had any amount of deniability left, multiple reports have blown that out the window with their report ofhiwx9qKug-00008-00008172-00008890 Trump signed a letter of intent to build Trump Tower in Moscow four months into his presidential campaign ofhiwx9qKug-00009-00008890-00009601 This means he was the one who was orchestrating the entire thing, or that very least he knew about it ofhiwx9qKug-00010-00009601-00010418 He can no longer claim Cohen and Sater were working on their own, especially since Cohen is the one who threw him under the bus pu9XjZRlPOI-00000-00000513-00001550 Sen. Rand Paul reportedly announced that he won't support President Trump declaring a national emergency at the southern border — appearing to push the U pu9XjZRlPOI-00001-00001550-00002856 S. Senate toward rejecting the move.Paul, R-Ky., told a crowd at a dinner at Western Kentucky University on Saturday night that he "can't vote to give extra Constitutional powers to the president pu9XjZRlPOI-00002-00002856-00003861 "."I can't vote to give the president the power to spend money that hasn't been appropriated by Congress," Paul said, according to the Bowling Green Daily News pu9XjZRlPOI-00003-00003861-00004899 "We may want more money for border security, but Congress didn't authorize it. If we take away those checks and balances, it's a dangerous thing pu9XjZRlPOI-00004-00004899-00005612 ".Three other Republican senators have announced they'll vote "no" to a national emergency declaration at the U pu9XjZRlPOI-00005-00005612-00006602 S.-Mexico border, too, including, Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska and Sen pu9XjZRlPOI-00006-00006602-00008049 Thom Tillis, R-N.C.Paul's vote would make it four, and assuming that all 47 Democrats and their independent allies go against Trump, that would give opponents 51 votes — just past the majority needed pu9XjZRlPOI-00007-00008049-00008945 The House has voted to derail the action, and if the Senate follows later this month, the measure would go to Trump for his promised veto pu9XjZRlPOI-00008-00008945-00010342 Many lawmakers opposed to the emergency declaration say it tramples Congress' constitutional power to control spending and would set a precedent for future Democratic presidents to make such a declaration for their own purposes pu9XjZRlPOI-00009-00010342-00011121 They also are concerned Trump would siphon money from home-state projects for the barrier construction pu9XjZRlPOI-00010-00011121-00012074 Under a national emergency declaration, Trump would divert $3.6 billion from military construction to erect more border barriers pu9XjZRlPOI-00011-00012074-00012960 He also is invoking other powers to transfer an additional $3.1 billion to construction of a wall ppAFqj0n1bM-00000-00000513-00001913 Donald Trump tried to come off as big and bad and scary this morning when he threatened to have either the FEC or the FCC – he doesn’t appear to know the difference – remove Saturday Night Live from the airwaves ppAFqj0n1bM-00001-00001913-00003352 In the process, he gave away that he’s even further gone than we thought.Why is Donald Trump ranting about Saturday Night Live? Because it was on the air last night, and he watched it, like he always does ppAFqj0n1bM-00002-00003352-00004468 The trouble: he must not have realized it was a rerun from last December. Okay, so maybe he just didn’t see it the first time it aired, so he thought it was new ppAFqj0n1bM-00003-00004468-00005358 But he didn’t catch on that this was an SNL Christmas episode. Even though the opening sketch had a Christmas theme ppAFqj0n1bM-00004-00005358-00006317 Even though the opening monologue referenced the holiday season. Even though the Weekend Update jokes were about events that happened three months ago ppAFqj0n1bM-00005-00006317-00008540 Again, this is a guy who was so triggered by last night’s SNL episode, he woke up this morning, and called for the Federal Communications Commission and (somehow) the Federal Election Commission to retaliate against the show, all while not being able to figure out that this was an old Christmas episode, or remember that he had already watched it three months ago ppAFqj0n1bM-00006-00008540-00009446 Sure, this is a small thing in comparison to everything else that’s wrong, objectionable, unfit, and scary about this guy ppAFqj0n1bM-00007-00009446-00010619 But it perfectly encapsulates just how far gone he is, and how utterly absurd it is that the Republican Senate is thus far unwilling to go along with impeachment and removal qEAfg43OHIc-00000-00000571-00001276 “President” Donald Trump has gone back and forth about his feelings regarding the release of the Mueller report qEAfg43OHIc-00001-00001276-00002141 First, he said he “didn’t mind” the release. Recently he’s resumed his previous attacks on Mueller’s team and the report itself qEAfg43OHIc-00002-00002141-00004437 So what gives? Watching Trump flip flop on issues is something we have all come to expect, but after his crowing about “no collusion, complete exoneration,” and other Trump-like nonsense, what has made him change his mind? According to Rolling Stone and ABC News, he has been briefed on information in the report that points strongly to his guilt on obstruction qEAfg43OHIc-00003-00004437-00005260 When William Barr issued his ridiculous “summary” of Mueller’s report, Trump wore out the terms “no collusion” and “no obstruction qEAfg43OHIc-00004-00005260-00005897 ” He even complimented Mueller’s findings, calling them the result of “great intelligence qEAfg43OHIc-00005-00005897-00006874 ” Mueller’s actual report found no such thing. In fact, he was clear that the information “does not exonerate the president qEAfg43OHIc-00006-00006874-00007616 ” Trump, of course, chose to ignore that one very powerful sentence, which may now come back to haunt him qEAfg43OHIc-00007-00007616-00009026 .Both Jonathan Karl of ABC News and Ryan Bort of Rolling Stone believe that Trump’s renewed attacks stem from his team’s failure to consider one issue: Don McGhan’s thirty-plus hours spent with Mueller’s team qEAfg43OHIc-00008-00009026-00009839 To date, no one knows the content of those meetings, and any information he provided may well be contained in the report qEAfg43OHIc-00009-00009839-00010727 Considering McGhan’s testimony and the recent leaks from Mueller’s team published in the New York Times, the White House is and should be worried qEAfg43OHIc-00010-00010727-00012012 According to Karl, Trump’s firing of Comey, his anger at and eventual firing of Sessions for recusing himself, and Trump’s purported attempts to fire Mueller all point toward his guilt on obstruction qEAfg43OHIc-00011-00012012-00013164 Unless information shared by McGhan relates to ongoing criminal investigations and/or possible indictments, that information may be revealed and could look very bad for Trump qEAfg43OHIc-00012-00013164-00014919 In addition to McGhan, NBC News reports that several other White House officials, both current and former, have contacted the Justice Department to inquire about redacting their names or removing information that identifies them, leaving the door open for even more negative information about Trump qEAfg43OHIc-00013-00014919-00016283 .While this all sounds damning for Trump, Karl reports that attorneys for “President” Trump are preparing a rebuttal to the report, making it plausible that they have, at the very least, been briefed about the report qEAfg43OHIc-00014-00016283-00017236 Karl finds it “disgusting” that Barr refused to answer questions regarding a White House briefing when it appears clear that they have done so qEAfg43OHIc-00015-00017236-00018158 As so many, including Speaker Pelosi, have alleged, Karl states that “Barr is working with the WH against the American people qEAfg43OHIc-00016-00018158-00019355 ”. .Barr will continue to work against us. It is blatantly obvious that he will try to protect Trump from any real harm, regardless of the Special Counsel’s findings qEAfg43OHIc-00017-00019355-00020339 The presence of William Barr makes it even more important that the people do what we have to do to rid this country of the scourge called Trump qEAfg43OHIc-00018-00020339-00021100 We can obviously display our discontent by vote, and if we need to take to the streets, let’s get to taking qEAfg43OHIc-00019-00021100-00022202 We need to stand together to ensure that our government returns to “government of the people, by the people, for the people” and not for corrupt criminals like Donald Trump qFT8gDeR2eo-00000-00000513-00001756 Nancy Pelosi is trying to shut down any talk of impeachment.And since she happens to be speaker of the House, that means it won't happen for the foreseeable future, if ever qFT8gDeR2eo-00001-00001756-00003146 There’s a reason that President Trump's only nickname for Pelosi is "Nancy." She's a shrewd politician, and she understands that an incendiary and ill-fated impeachment drive would mainly hurt the Democrats qFT8gDeR2eo-00002-00003146-00004418 For the Dems to go down the impeachment road would utterly energize the Trump base and allow the president to accuse his partisan opponents of trying to overturn the election of 2016 qFT8gDeR2eo-00003-00004418-00005643 Impeachment proceedings would utterly dominate the next year, essentially wiping out the Democrats' attempt to define an agenda or to actually pass legislation that would help the country qFT8gDeR2eo-00004-00005643-00006505 They would be defined as the anti-Trump party, given power in the House only to launch a crusade against the incumbent qFT8gDeR2eo-00005-00006505-00007448 In the end, it would be virtually impossible for the Republican-controlled Senate to reach the two-thirds vote needed to evict Trump from the White House qFT8gDeR2eo-00006-00007448-00008454 And that denouement would come just as the primaries were getting under way, giving Pelosi's party a chance to beat Trump through the usual electoral process qFT8gDeR2eo-00007-00008454-00009344 The California congresswoman's words, in a Washington Post Magazine interview, immediately changed the nature of the debate: qFT8gDeR2eo-00008-00009344-00010387 "I'm not for impeachment," she said. "This is news. I'm going to give you some news right now because I haven't said this to any press person before qFT8gDeR2eo-00009-00010387-00011886 But since you asked, and I've been thinking about this: Impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there's something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan, I don't think we should go down that path, because it divides the country qFT8gDeR2eo-00010-00011886-00012617 And he's just not worth it.".Pelosi is obviously right that impeachment is incredibly divisive qFT8gDeR2eo-00011-00012617-00013681 And she may be recalling that the Democrats picked up five seats after House Republicans impeached Bill Clinton in 1998 on a party-line vote qFT8gDeR2eo-00012-00013681-00015143 The only other modern impeachment effort — which drove Richard Nixon from office in 1974 — succeeded because several Republicans joined the Democrats when the Judiciary Committee voted on the Watergate-related articles qFT8gDeR2eo-00013-00015143-00015796 (Both efforts came during their second terms, when there was no other way to remove them qFT8gDeR2eo-00014-00015796-00016854 ).Pelosi's dilemma is that some of her own caucus, especially the younger liberal members, as well as left-wing pundits are hot to trot on impeachment qFT8gDeR2eo-00015-00016854-00018160 Many Democratic voters also strongly favor the move. Even before Bob Mueller delivers his findings, she's trying to find a way to defuse the movement without alienating a significant chunk of the party qFT8gDeR2eo-00016-00018160-00018855 So she subtly disses the president — "he's just not worth it" — while dismissing impeachment qFT8gDeR2eo-00017-00018855-00019534 At another point in the Post Magazine interview, Pelosi calls Trump "ethically unfit qFT8gDeR2eo-00018-00019534-00020498 Intellectually unfit. Curiosity-wise unfit. No, I don't think he's fit to be president of the United States qFT8gDeR2eo-00019-00020498-00022611 And that’s up to us to make the contrast to show that this president — while he may be appealing to you on your insecurity and therefore your xenophobia, whether it's globalization or immigrants — is fighting clean air for your children to breathe, clean water for them to drink, food safety, every good thing that we should be doing that people can't do for themselves qFT8gDeR2eo-00020-00022611-00023421 ".A nod to one side, a nod to the other side. He's unfit for office, but impeachment isn't worth it qFT8gDeR2eo-00021-00023421-00024312 He's bad on immigration and the environment, but we have to make that case outside of the Constitution's last-resort remedy qFT8gDeR2eo-00022-00024312-00025806 The question for Trump's critics, who despise his policies, his persona and his associates, some of whom have been convicted, the question remains: What exactly has Trump done that would qualify as high crimes and misdemeanors? qFT8gDeR2eo-00023-00025806-00026686 Adam Schiff, the House Intel chairman and cable-TV fixture, told reporters that Pelosi is "absolutely right qFT8gDeR2eo-00024-00026686-00028071 " But House Budget Chairman John Yarmuth told CNN, "To me it's not a question of 'whether,' it's a question of 'when,' and probably right now is not the right time, but I think at some point it's going to be inevitable qFT8gDeR2eo-00025-00028071-00029481 ".The calculation could change once Mueller delivers his findings. But without evidence of Russian collusion that still hasn't emerged, Pelosi knows that her party's best bet for defeating Trump is in November of 2020 r1trDgYqI9y-00000-00000571-00001239 President Trump is more than prepared to cut Social Security benefits across the board r1trDgYqI9y-00001-00001239-00001924 But what would motivate a sitting US President to make such a drastic budgetary decision r1trDgYqI9y-00002-00001924-00002822 According to Trump he feels that slashing Social Security benefits and programs should be done from a moral standpoint r1trDgYqI9y-00003-00002822-00003849 He must have fairly questionable morals. .If Trump is successful in cutting social security a large percentage of Americans will be negatively impacted r1trDgYqI9y-00004-00003849-00005019 These cuts could cost retirees basic monthly income benefits, health care, prescription care and even take away benefits given to minors who have deceased or disabled parents r1trDgYqI9y-00005-00005019-00006263 How is cutting these programs morally correct? Trump’s cuts would be the basic necessities of millions of Americans in jeopardy and have a detrimental impact on his own Republican party r1trDgYqI9y-00006-00006263-00007462 Trump is simply wrong in his belief that he is doing good.Even early on in his campaign for President, Trump was of the opinion that Social Security had to be overhauled and slashed r1trDgYqI9y-00007-00007462-00008721 Paul Ryan and Trump discussed the issue in 2016. According to Bloomberg, Trump stated the following to Paul Ryan: “From a moral standpoint, I believe in it [cutting Social Security] r1trDgYqI9y-00008-00008721-00010147 But you also have to get elected. And there’s no way a Republican is going to beat a Democrat when the Republican is saying, ‘We’re going to cut your Social Security’ and the Democrat is saying, ‘We’re going to keep it and give you more r1trDgYqI9y-00009-00010147-00011116 ’ ”.So what did Trump tell the American public during the Presidential campaign? That he would support and try to improve Social Security r1trDgYqI9y-00010-00011116-00011879 But since the passage of the Republican tax cut bill it’s hard to say what programs won’t be cut r1trDgYqI9y-00011-00011879-00013584 Right now Americans are simply scared of what may be the outcome. Working Americans continue to pay into social security and many count on the retirement benefits as well as the social and healthcare programs to stabilize their finances during their “golden years” r1trDgYqI9y-00012-00013584-00014444 If you are young enough you can plan for an uncertain future, but those approaching the age of retirement are in a different boat altogether r1trDgYqI9y-00013-00014444-00015716 And why? The politicians that Americans have voted into office are making decisions that will ultimately cause them to possibly flounder later in life when they should be enjoying their retirement r1trDgYqI9y-00014-00015716-00016447 If this is done at the hands of the Republican Party, then the Democrats have little to worry about in upcoming elections r1trDgYqI9y-00015-00016447-00017474 Again, if this is Trump’s definition of a moral decision how can he be trusted to make appropriate choices regarding issues like national security r1trDgYqI9y-00016-00017474-00018036 Time will tell, but the outcome may be apocalyptic for us all ruOoR6elYGM-00000-00000571-00002791 President Donald Trump is expected to take a victory lap when he holds a “Total Exoneration” rally Thursday evening in Grand Rapids, Michigan, just days after Attorney General William Barr revealed that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation “did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated” with the Russians in 2016 ruOoR6elYGM-00001-00002791-00004340 Stay tuned to Breitbart News for live updates. All times eastern.8:51 PM: Trump concludes electric rally where he previewed a coming attraction at the border (Trump said he will showcase brand new sections of the wall ruOoR6elYGM-00002-00004340-00005688 ) and demanded that Mexico do more about the migrant caravans.8:43 PM: Trump says he won’t forget that his voters, the smartest and the greatest, stood with him against the rigged power structure in DC ruOoR6elYGM-00003-00005688-00006477 Trump says his voters have always been loyal to the country and now they have a president who is loyal to them ruOoR6elYGM-00004-00006477-00007383 Trump says Democrats have taken Michigan for granted, but he will never, ever, ever, ever take Michigan voters for granted ruOoR6elYGM-00005-00007383-00008300 “I am fighting for your jobs, your life, your community with everything I have and I will never, ever stop,” Trump says ruOoR6elYGM-00006-00008300-00009637 “We are winning so big–nobody ever thought it would happen.”.8:41 PM: Trump says we believe that children should be taught to respect and be proud of our country while respecting the great American flag ruOoR6elYGM-00007-00009637-00011053 Crowd chants “USA! USA!”.8:38 PM: Trump says the Republican Party is the “party of the American dream” and claims every day he makes good on the “promises made, promises kept” motto ruOoR6elYGM-00008-00011053-00011941 8:37 PM: Trump rips Democrats for “executing” babies with their “extreme, late-term abortion” fanaticism ruOoR6elYGM-00009-00011941-00013180 He says Democrats have never been further outside of the mainstream.8:35 PM: Trump says he will soon visit the border and show that “vast sections” of a “brand new wall” have been built ruOoR6elYGM-00010-00013180-00013942 Trump blast Democrats for supporting amnesty and sanctuary cities because they want voters ruOoR6elYGM-00011-00013942-00014843 He mocks those seeking asylum, saying many of the “rough” people who have been coached by left-wing lawyers look like heavyweight champions ruOoR6elYGM-00012-00014843-00015779 Trump talks about the “invasion” at the border and says he wants to be the jobs, safety, and security of American citizens first ruOoR6elYGM-00013-00015779-00016536 He says America should be a sanctuary for law-abiding Americans and not for criminal aliens ruOoR6elYGM-00014-00016536-00017772 He again praises ICE patriots and the heroes of Border Patrol.8:22 PM: Trump says his administration lives by two simple rules: “buy American, hire American ruOoR6elYGM-00015-00017772-00018756 ”.“And we’re already seeing the results,” Trump says before listing off various investments auto companies have made in Michigan and the Heartland ruOoR6elYGM-00016-00018756-00019550 8:21 PM: Trump now ripping the TPP and reminding Michigan voters that he withdrew from it ruOoR6elYGM-00017-00019550-00020457 Trump says Michigan, with its empty factory floors, still hasn’t recovered from NAFTA, which he says will be a “thing of the past ruOoR6elYGM-00018-00020457-00021473 ” He wants to go back to “pre-NAFTA.”.8:20 PM: Trump says he’ll close “the damn border” if Mexico doesn’t stop the caravans ruOoR6elYGM-00019-00021473-00022821 Crowd starts chanting “Build That Wall” and “USA!”.8:18 PM: Trump says Mexico needs to stop the “rush to the border” and he says, “if they don’t, it’s going to cost them a helluva lot of money ruOoR6elYGM-00020-00022821-00023936 8:17 PM: Trump says Mexico, which he says has the “toughest immigration laws in the world,” needs to do more to help America with enforcement ruOoR6elYGM-00021-00023936-00024775 Trump again says other countries aren’t giving us their best people after ripping the visa lottery system–“that’s another beauty ruOoR6elYGM-00022-00024775-00025927 ”.8:15 PM: Trump says he knocked Pocahontas out of the race and says he asked himself, “What did I do that for?” He says he should have waited nine months ruOoR6elYGM-00023-00025927-00026797 8:11 PM: Trump slams Democrats for their “cynical” politics of of “radicalism, resistance, and resistance ruOoR6elYGM-00024-00026797-00027460 ”.He says the Democrats are advancing an extreme government takeover called the Green New Deal ruOoR6elYGM-00025-00027460-00028275 Trump says he doesn’t want to talk about the Green New Deal right now because he wants to run against it in 2020 ruOoR6elYGM-00026-00028275-00029140 .“No more airplanes, no more cows,” Trump says. “One car per family. You’re gonna love that in Michigan ruOoR6elYGM-00027-00029140-00030166 ”.Trump now mocks electric cars–“where do I get a charge, darling?–and says he wants a lot of cars for families so they can lead great lives ruOoR6elYGM-00028-00030166-00031099 8:05 PM: Trump says the Republican Party will become the party of health care after again referencing John McCain’s “thumbs down” vote ruOoR6elYGM-00029-00031099-00031867 Trump says Obamacare is bankrupting Americans and nobody should go bankrupt because of health care ruOoR6elYGM-00030-00031867-00032862 Trump vows to protect patients with pre-existing conditions even though his administration does not yet have a healthcare plan to “replace” Obamacare rf_5TXE8Nhk-00000-00000571-00001446 After Mueller cleared Trump of the Democrat investigation, the “wise” D.C. elite told Trump to let it go and let the country “heal rf_5TXE8Nhk-00001-00001446-00002394 ”.No way, Jose!.Trump wants answers. He started by letting Congress do their work while he kept his distance rf_5TXE8Nhk-00002-00002394-00003110 But now he’s letting loose and demanding justice for his campaign. Here he comes, Hillary! rf_5TXE8Nhk-00003-00003110-00004027 ''Mueller, and the A.G. based on Mueller findings (and great intelligence), have already ruled No Collusion, No Obstruction rf_5TXE8Nhk-00004-00004027-00004891 These were crimes committed by Crooked Hillary, the DNC, Dirty Cops and others! INVESTIGATE THE INVESTIGATORS!'' rf_5TXE8Nhk-00005-00004891-00005758 THEY SPIED ON MY CAMPAIGN (We will never forget)!.That’s right! I don’t know about you, but they need to pay rf_5TXE8Nhk-00006-00005758-00006555 Trump called out Crooked Hillary, the Democrats, and “Dirty Cop” for their attempts to undermine his campaign rf_5TXE8Nhk-00007-00006555-00007550 Those dirty cops, of course, were the FBI agents already exposed for their bias.They wanted an “insurance plan” to stop Trump from winning rf_5TXE8Nhk-00008-00007550-00008313 Part of that plan was to use Hillary’s dossier to launch an investigation into Trump’s campaign rf_5TXE8Nhk-00009-00008313-00009023 For over a year, Trump said his campaign was spied on. The liberal media laughed at him rf_5TXE8Nhk-00010-00009023-00009765 But now Attorney General Barr is confirming Trump’s accusations.They’ve got to be scared to death now rf_5TXE8Nhk-00011-00009765-00010894 Trump is demanding that the DOJ and FBI investigate the investigators. Remember what happened over Nixon and Watergate? And that was over a simple break-in at a hotel rf_5TXE8Nhk-00012-00010894-00011599 This investigation involved FISA warrants, a made-up dossier, and numerous FBI agents rf_5TXE8Nhk-00013-00011599-00012414 It’s much bigger than what took down Nixon.And it’s probably much worse than what even Barr is saying rf_5TXE8Nhk-00014-00012414-00013616 If we don’t demand answers, criminals will walk free. The Democrats will continue to use the very same tactics to undermine future elections and destroy our democracy rf_5TXE8Nhk-00015-00013616-00013945 Do you want them to get away with this? rfA267W4X7c-00000-00000571-00002034 The Trump administration on Monday canceled a deal that made it easier for Cuban baseball players to compete professionally in the United States -- a decision that swiftly drew criticism from the Cuban Baseball Federation rfA267W4X7c-00001-00002034-00002744 The move rolls back another Obama-era effort aimed at warming relations between the two countries rfA267W4X7c-00002-00002744-00004040 The deal, reached in December, would have allowed Cuban citizens to play Major League Baseball without being forced to defect from the communist-run island and risk being banned from returning to the island rfA267W4X7c-00003-00004040-00004771 It also allowed the Cuban government to claim a fee from MLB teams that drafted Cuban players rfA267W4X7c-00004-00004771-00005693 "The agreement with MLB seeks to stop the trafficking of human beings, encourage cooperation and raise the level of baseball rfA267W4X7c-00005-00005693-00006931 Attacks with political motivation against the agreement achieved harm (to) the athletes, their families and the fans," the state-run Cuban Baseball Federation said in a statement to CNN rfA267W4X7c-00006-00006931-00008120 The original agreement was helped by an Obama-era regulatory change that allowed US employers to hire Cuban nationals despite the 60-year-old US trade embargo against Cuba rfA267W4X7c-00007-00008120-00009290 During Barack Obama's second term, he attended an MLB exhibition game in Havana and efforts were made to open the door for Cuban baseball players to legally earn salaries rfA267W4X7c-00008-00009290-00010403 The White House, however, argued Monday that the Cuban Baseball Federation is part of the Cuban government, which caused the deal to be nullified as trade with Cuba is banned rfA267W4X7c-00009-00010403-00011476 The Trump administration has reversed parts of the Obama administration opening to Cuba and blames Havana for the turmoil taking place in socialist ally Venezuela rfA267W4X7c-00010-00011476-00013146 National Security Council spokesman Garrett Marquis said in a statement that "The US does not support actions that would institutionalize a system by which a Cuban government entity garnishes the wages of hard-working athletes who simply seek to live and compete in a free society rfA267W4X7c-00011-00013146-00014509 ".Marquis added that the administration "looks forward" to working with the MLB to "identify ways for Cuban players to have the individual freedom to benefit from their talents, and not as property of the Cuban State rfA267W4X7c-00012-00014509-00015447 ".The MLB on Monday said they "stand by the goal of the agreement, which is to end the human trafficking of baseball players from Cuba rfA267W4X7c-00013-00015447-00016709 ".The initial deal, which was expected to run through October 2021, allowed Cuban players to sign with clubs under rules similar to those for players from Japan and South Korea rfA267W4X7c-00014-00016709-00017620 Previously, players regularly paid criminal gangs to smuggle them from Cuba to third countries where they could sign as free agents rfA267W4X7c-00015-00017620-00018487 Players who were over 25 years old would be free to sign with organizations that paid a "release fee" to the Cuban club rfA267W4X7c-00016-00018487-00019334 Other players could sign minor league deals.The Washington Post first reported that the deal had been canceled sVcmrTX3oC0-00000-00000513-00002213 The tragic mass shooting in New Zealand which claimed 49 innocent lives and injured numerous others today was carried out by a vile white nationalist who hates Muslims and immigrants and who views President Donald Trump as a “symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose sVcmrTX3oC0-00001-00002213-00003653 ” One of his stated goals was to deepen cultural divides in the United States.When asked about the mass murder today, Trump gave an absolutely disgusting response by claiming that white nationalism is not a rising problem sVcmrTX3oC0-00002-00003653-00004629 In reality, it’s an indisputable fact that hate crimes in America have increased in number since he ascended to the Oval Office sVcmrTX3oC0-00003-00004629-00005567 Trump himself has emboldened these monsters with his constant dog whistles, overt racist language, and xenophobic fearmongering sVcmrTX3oC0-00004-00005567-00006578 To make things worse, he has a vested interest in ignoring the rise of white supremacist violence because a lot of the people who perpetrate it vote for him sVcmrTX3oC0-00005-00006578-00007289 He can’t be expected to honestly confront the problem, and every time he does he equivocates or lies sVcmrTX3oC0-00006-00007289-00008216 This is, after all, the man who said there were some very fine people on both sides of the Neo-Nazi rally and counter-rally in Charlottesville sVcmrTX3oC0-00007-00008216-00008916 Now, the Prime Minister of New Zealand Jacinda Ardern has addressed Trump’s comments sVcmrTX3oC0-00008-00008916-00010078 When asked whether she agreed with his assessment that white nationalism is a worsening global problem she replied with a simple but firm “no” before quickly moving on sVcmrTX3oC0-00009-00010078-00010658 Clearly, she doesn’t take him or his comments seriously t8hVPom6Ej8-00000-00000571-00002478 Peter J. Boyer writes for Esquire magazine that, with the advent of Donald J. Trump in presidential politics, elite news media such as the New York Times were so triggered as to abandon the norms of traditional journalism – most significantly, the heralded posture of neutrality t8hVPom6Ej8-00001-00002478-00003899 When the closing gavels came down on the 2016 political conventions, the news cycle did not ease into the usual midsummer lull but instead locked directly into a state of high alarm, with Donald J t8hVPom6Ej8-00002-00003899-00006101 Trump at its center. In the days following Trump’s nomination, there came reports of senior Republican officials considering ways to replace him on the ballot (ABC News), of “suicidal” despair inside the Trump campaign (CNBC), and of a growing list of Republican leaders who planned to publicly support Hillary Clinton (Time) t8hVPom6Ej8-00003-00006101-00007117 Fox News reported that friends of Trump’s were planning to stage an intervention, involving his family, in hopes of saving his candidacy t8hVPom6Ej8-00004-00007117-00007812 But amid those passing controversies was one story that Trump himself remembers clearly still t8hVPom6Ej8-00005-00007812-00009658 “Yep, very famous story,” he remarked to me in a recent interview. “It was a very important story…” Trump was referring to a front-page New York Timesarticle published on August 8, 2016, under the headline “The Challenge Trump Poses to Objectivity t8hVPom6Ej8-00006-00009658-00010473 ” The opening paragraph posed a provocative question:.“If you’re a working journalist and you believe that Donald J t8hVPom6Ej8-00007-00010473-00012114 Trump is a demagogue playing to the nation’s worst racist and nationalistic tendencies, that he cozies up to anti-American dictators and that he would be dangerous with control of the United States nuclear codes, how the heck are you supposed to cover him?” tp3spJ1o6ag-00000-00000571-00001404 President Donald Trump ridiculed establishment Democrats Tuesday for supporting the Green New Deal because they were afraid of Rep tp3spJ1o6ag-00001-00001404-00002546 Alexandria-Ocasio Cortez.“The Green New Deal,” Trump said. “Done by a young bartender, 29-years-old, a young bartender, wonderful young woman tp3spJ1o6ag-00002-00002546-00003629 ”. .Trump discussed the proposal during an NRCC fundraising dinner and said it was “the craziest thing” that Democrats were flocking behind the proposal tp3spJ1o6ag-00003-00003629-00004823 “It’s crazy … you have senators that are professionals that you guys know, that have been there for a long time, white hair, everything perfect, and they’re standing behind her tp3spJ1o6ag-00004-00004823-00006035 They’re shaking, they’re petrified,” he marveled.Trump said that he could not believe the ridiculous plan but said he was calling it a “wonderful thing” so he could run against it in 2020 tp3spJ1o6ag-00005-00006035-00006678 “If they beat me with the Green New Deal, I deserve to lose,” Trump concluded tUFDOcUAB1A-00000-00000000-00001136 Donald Trump spent Sunday tweeting things that were so over the top, even by his ludicrous standards, we had to check to make sure it wasn’t coming from a Twitter parody account tUFDOcUAB1A-00001-00001136-00002314 By the time he was finished accusing Alec Baldwin of “collusion” and vowing “retaliation” against NBC, it was clear that Trump knew something was very, very wrong tUFDOcUAB1A-00002-00002314-00003226 The big question, of course, is what Donald Trump is suddenly trying to distract us from and/or take out his frustrations over tUFDOcUAB1A-00003-00003226-00004056 One of his tweets seemed to tip off that he thinks his kids are going to be indicted and arrested soon, but it’s more than that tUFDOcUAB1A-00004-00004056-00005088 No one is necessarily expecting Trump’s kids to be arrested today, yet Trump seems to be trying to distract from something that could indeed land today or tomorrow tUFDOcUAB1A-00005-00005088-00006425 The easiest way for someone like Trump to know what’s coming next is when a major media outlet is about to expose something big in one of his scandals, and asks him if he wants to provide comment for the story tUFDOcUAB1A-00006-00006425-00007820 We’ve seen any number of instances of Trump lashing out in exceedingly over the top fashion, trying to create a distraction, so the bombshell story will have to compete for headline space with the controversy he’s created tUFDOcUAB1A-00007-00007820-00009064 It never seems to work out in his favor, yet the pattern is nonetheless there.So here we are on Monday morning, and we’re left to wonder what Donald Trump knows is coming that we don’t tUFDOcUAB1A-00008-00009064-00009915 His criminal scandals are expanding to the point that they’re overlapping with each other, so we could end up seeing anything surface today tUFDOcUAB1A-00009-00009915-00010492 Stay tuned – this can’t possibly be good news for him uYkkXhr6zvQ-00000-00000571-00002049 It’s difficult enough to try to match up Donald Trump’s recent words and what you might call coherent English, because it’s like comparing apples and oranges – and that’s before getting to the fact that Trump’s gibberish involves apples and oranges uYkkXhr6zvQ-00001-00002049-00002770 There’s something profoundly wrong with this guy, and whatever it is, it’s getting worse by the hour uYkkXhr6zvQ-00002-00002770-00003645 .Imagine for a moment if President Barack Obama, while he was still in office, simply stopped making any sense uYkkXhr6zvQ-00003-00003645-00004578 Imagine if Obama said something about “Tim Apple” and then days later began repeatedly demanding to know the “oranges” of the Mueller investigation uYkkXhr6zvQ-00004-00004578-00005338 Imagine if Obama became obsessed with windmills and claimed that they made noises that caused cancer uYkkXhr6zvQ-00005-00005338-00006519 Imagine if Obama began rambling incoherently about an imaginary wall that had thirty-six doors in it, only to then claim in his next sentence that those doors didn’t exist uYkkXhr6zvQ-00006-00006519-00008125 . .Even if you loved Obama, you’d have to conclude that something had gone extraordinarily wrong if he began acting like this, and you’d have to reluctantly conclude that he needed to be immediately examined by medical and psychological professionals uYkkXhr6zvQ-00007-00008125-00009664 Yet here we are with “President” Donald Trump behaving in precisely the manner described above, and too few pundits are willing to state the obvious: everything else that’s objectionable about him aside, Trump isn’t mentally competent enough to do the job uYkkXhr6zvQ-00008-00009664-00010873 .So where do we go from here? Donald Trump keeps shedding cabinet members and not replacing them, making the math particularly convoluted when it comes to the 25th Amendment uYkkXhr6zvQ-00009-00010873-00011921 On the other hand, impeachment is inevitably coming once House Democrats have unearthed enough dirt to successfully kick Trump to the curb, but not this week or next uYkkXhr6zvQ-00010-00011921-00013083 For now we’re stuck with a guy who, if he weren’t President of the United States, would quite possibly have been forcibly taken into medical care by now, by the appropriate authorities uYkkXhr6zvQ-00011-00013083-00013381 Let that sink in uhE5dEi3aYy-00000-00000571-00001806 President Donald Trump issued an executive order on Tuesday directing the federal government to prepare a coordinated response plan in the event of an electromagnetic pulse attack (EMP) uhE5dEi3aYy-00001-00001806-00002470 The order described the enormous damage such an attack could cause and noted the U uhE5dEi3aYy-00002-00002470-00004165 S. government currently lacks a coherent plan of action for responding to one.The minimal media coverage given to Trump’s order was bizarrely contemptuous, as though he had just issued an order to prepare defenses against flying saucers or flesh-eating zombies uhE5dEi3aYy-00003-00004165-00004902 The Washington Post headline was “Trump issued an executive order to prepare for an EMP attack uhE5dEi3aYy-00004-00004902-00005638 What is it, and should you worry?”.The Post answered its own question with the subhead, “Nah uhE5dEi3aYy-00005-00005638-00008527 But the U.S. should get ready for a very similar threat – from the sun.”.Other publications dismissed the EMP threat as “mythical” or mere science fiction, even though the phenomenon of electromagnetic energy from a nuclear detonation interfering with electronics and power transmission systems is far better established than “climate change,” which many of these same publications vehemently insist is not mythical at all and must be fought immediately at unlimited cost in money and human lives uhE5dEi3aYy-00006-00008527-00009700 Perhaps some of those criticizing Trump for his executive order believe it will pave the way for recommendations as deranged and extreme as those frequently demanded for climate change uhE5dEi3aYy-00007-00009700-00010823 Trump’s order is nothing like the “Green New Deal,” however. It simply instructs federal agencies to prepare evaluations and submit reports by certain fixed deadlines uhE5dEi3aYy-00008-00010823-00011581 Telling federal bureaucrats to file some reports is hardly a stunning break with executive precedent uhE5dEi3aYy-00009-00011581-00013104 It should be noted that some of the publications hammering Trump for issuing his EMP executive order found it quite charming when the Obama administration really did prepare response plans for flesh-eating zombie attacks, using multiple federal agencies uhE5dEi3aYy-00010-00013104-00014047 This tomfoolery was justified on the grounds that it made training exercises fun and captured the imagination of the public uhE5dEi3aYy-00011-00014047-00015188 Anti-Trump animus obviously drives much of the derogatory coverage, along with heavy media bias against the people and organizations who have been warning about EMP weapons for years uhE5dEi3aYy-00012-00015188-00016742 It pleases critics to imagine the EMP threat is a mindless obsession of paranoids and doomsday preppers, even though the technology to generate electromagnetic pulses definitely exists and their effect on delicate electronic systems would be catastrophic uhE5dEi3aYy-00013-00016742-00018328 The threat is “mythical” in the same sense that a massive Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor would have been mythical in November 1941, or terrorists flying hijacked planes into skyscrapers would have mythical in August 2001 uhE5dEi3aYy-00014-00018328-00019843 Comparing a targeted EMP strike to solar flares as the Washington Post does is dangerously absurd, but Trump’s executive order does mention natural disruptions in its very first paragraph, so environmental dangers are not overlooked uhE5dEi3aYy-00015-00019843-00020671 The order defines electromagnetic pulses as follows:.“Electromagnetic pulse” is a burst of electromagnetic energy uhE5dEi3aYy-00016-00020671-00021366 EMPs have the potential to negatively affect technology systems on Earth and in space uhE5dEi3aYy-00017-00021366-00022565 A high-altitude EMP (HEMP) is a type of human-made EMP that occurs when a nuclear device is detonated at approximately 40 kilometers or more above the surface of Earth uhE5dEi3aYy-00018-00022565-00023759 A geomagnetic disturbance (GMD) is a type of natural EMP driven by a temporary disturbance of Earth’s magnetic field resulting from interactions with solar eruptions uhE5dEi3aYy-00019-00023759-00025381 Both HEMPs and GMDs can affect large geographic areas.The point of the order is that we currently lack a coordinated strategy to deal with any significant disruption of the sensitive equipment our society is almost entirely reliant upon uhE5dEi3aYy-00020-00025381-00026820 That equipment has only existed for a few decades, so history offers little precedent for how to deal with a deliberate attack, and no reason to believe natural forces cannot cause disruption on a catastrophic scale uhE5dEi3aYy-00021-00026820-00028215 It is particularly strange to see anyone mocking the White House for taking the matter seriously when Venezuela is currently showing the world a horrifying example of what happens to crowded cities when the lights go out uhE5dEi3aYy-00022-00028215-00029383 As a matter of fact, the Venezuelan dictatorship has made laughable attempts at blaming the nationwide blackouts on an EMP attack perpetrated by dissidents with the aid of the U uhE5dEi3aYy-00023-00029383-00030341 S. government. A real EMP strike would be orders of magnitude worse than the hardships imposed on Venezuela by socialism uhE5dEi3aYy-00024-00030341-00031848 Trump’s executive order was not extravagant. The actions directed by the White House boil down to asking agency heads to seriously estimate the consequences of EMP attacks on various scales and prepare cogent response plans uhE5dEi3aYy-00025-00031848-00032666 Maintaining communications between military units and emergency responders in the event of an EMP was given high priority uhE5dEi3aYy-00026-00032666-00033444 Such considerations are essentially why the primordial Internet was created by the Defense Department decades ago uhE5dEi3aYy-00027-00033444-00034199 Ironically, our dependence on the Internet makes us more vulnerable to electromagnetic attack than ever uhE5dEi3aYy-00028-00034199-00034852 Concern about attacks on America’s communications and energy infrastructure are not new uhE5dEi3aYy-00029-00034852-00035968 Analysts inside and outside the government have been warning about the vulnerability of the power grid to everything from cyber-espionage to brute-force vandalism for many years uhE5dEi3aYy-00030-00035968-00037120 Criticizing the Trump administration for getting serious about those vulnerabilities, simply because it dares to imagine the worst-case scenario, is highly irresponsible uhE5dEi3aYy-00031-00037120-00038436 Among those applauding President Trump’s executive order was Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, who noted in The Hill on Thursday that the Congressional EMP Commission has been advising better preparedness for almost 20 years uhE5dEi3aYy-00032-00038436-00039335 Pry, formerly chief of staff for that commission, cited strong bipartisan support for getting serious about EMP defense: uhE5dEi3aYy-00033-00039335-00040189 Republican leaders on EMP preparedness have included Sens. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin and Ted Cruz of Texas, Reps uhE5dEi3aYy-00034-00040189-00041375 Doug Lamborn of Colorado and Michael McCaul of Texas, former Reps. Roscoe Bartlett of Maryland and Curt Weldon of Pennsylvania, and Texas state Sen uhE5dEi3aYy-00035-00041375-00042347 Bob Hall.Democratic leaders have included former Sen. Jim Webb of Virginia, Sen. Edward Markey of Massachusetts, Reps uhE5dEi3aYy-00036-00042347-00043324 Yvette Clarke of New York and Benny Thompson of Mississippi, former Rep. Henry Waxman of California, and former state Reps uhE5dEi3aYy-00037-00043324-00044076 Andrea Boland of Maine, Joan Ginal of Colorado and Michelle Rehwinkel Vasilinda of Florida uhE5dEi3aYy-00038-00044076-00044812 Aside from President Trump himself, the greatest credit for the EMP Executive Order goes to William R uhE5dEi3aYy-00039-00044812-00046513 Graham, chairman of the Congressional EMP Commission since 2001 and former White House science adviser to President Reagan, who ran NASA and was on the defense science team that discovered the EMP phenomenon during the Starfish Prime nuclear test in 1962 uhE5dEi3aYy-00040-00046513-00047344 Dr. Graham has spent a professional lifetime trying to protect civilization from the existential threat that is EMP uhE5dEi3aYy-00041-00047344-00048754 Pry framed EMP weapons as a subset of cyber warfare, which no one in the right minds would dismiss as a mythical or exaggerated threat, even though large-scale adversary-directed computer warfare hasn’t happened yet either uhE5dEi3aYy-00042-00048754-00050719 As bad as some of the hacks have been over the past few decades, many of them directed by hostile state actors, the world has yet to see anything close to what will happen if a major military power unleashes an all-out cyber warfare campaign against an advanced industrial economy like the United States or Europe uhE5dEi3aYy-00043-00050719-00051492 Pry noted the worst-case scenarios for cyber attacks on American infrastructure envision millions of deaths uhE5dEi3aYy-00044-00051492-00052604 One problem with discussing EMP attacks is that worst-case scenarios, like a nuclear device detonated at high altitude above the American heartland, get all the attention uhE5dEi3aYy-00045-00052604-00054519 It is easy to denigrate such scenarios as unthinkable, although we obviously have long-standing detailed plans to deal with even more unthinkable nuclear and biological attacks, and the EMP option would seem far more realistic to an assailant with very limited ability to deliver nuclear warheads over intercontinental distances uhE5dEi3aYy-00046-00054519-00056405 Doomsday nationwide EMP attacks are not the only threat to consider, however. We like to think of the Internet as a vast amorphous blob of pulsing data, at once everywhere and nowhere, but in truth it has specific weak spots and hubs that could be hit with small weapons, perhaps well short of nuclear bombs uhE5dEi3aYy-00047-00056405-00057359 The damage from a “small” EMP attack on Wall Street or the tech hubs of the West Coast would run into trillions of dollars and could throw the entire U uhE5dEi3aYy-00048-00057359-00058639 S. economy into chaos. A glance at the latest grim urban traffic report suggests a small-scale EMP attack that affects just a portion of a single city could inflict thousands of casualties uhZoNEXEVho-00000-00000571-00001764 As Democrats began a quest to get Trump's tax returns, Trump pushed Senate Republicans to confirm a new top lawyer at the IRS who once advised the Trump Organization uhZoNEXEVho-00001-00001764-00003627 The New York Times reported late Thursday night that Trump urged Senate Republicans to confirm a new top lawyer at the IRS who would oversee a legal battle over his tax returns — just as Democrats began their quest to obtain the tax documents Trump has been hiding since announcing his candidacy uhZoNEXEVho-00002-00003627-00004907 The nominee — Michael J. Desmond — has worked with Trump's company in the past, advising the Trump Organization on tax-related matters prior to Trump's presidency, Bloomberg News reported uhZoNEXEVho-00003-00004907-00005769 Desmond also worked with two people who serve as tax counsels for Trump's company: William Nelson and Sheri Dillon uhZoNEXEVho-00004-00005769-00007365 Dillon, as you may recall, is the lawyer who spoke at Trump's wild news conference shortly before he took office to discuss how Trump would handle his vast array of conflicts of interest — which he is currently not doing a very good job of handling uhZoNEXEVho-00005-00007365-00008407 According to the New York Times report, Trump painted his request to install Desmond as a necessary personnel move to implement the GOP's tax scam law uhZoNEXEVho-00006-00008407-00009329 However, the tax scam had passed in December 2017, more than a year before Trump pushed for Desmond's confirmation uhZoNEXEVho-00007-00009329-00010345 Desmond was ultimately confirmed on Feb. 27, and now will play a role in the fight over a congressional request for Trump's tax returns uhZoNEXEVho-00008-00010345-00011040 Desmond was confirmed a few weeks after Attorney General William Barr was confirmed uhZoNEXEVho-00009-00011040-00012325 Barr is yet another crony, who is currently shielding Trump from being exposed by special counsel Robert Mueller's report — which appears to be much more damaging than Barr's lame summary made it out to be uhZoNEXEVho-00010-00012325-00013057 Trump, for his part, is the first president since Richard Nixon to not release their tax returns uhZoNEXEVho-00011-00013057-00013778 He's used a bogus argument that his taxes are under audit as the reason he won't make them public uhZoNEXEVho-00012-00013778-00014525 However, it's extremely unlikely that 10 years of his tax returns remain under review uhZoNEXEVho-00013-00014525-00015546 Not to mention, being under audit is not an adequate excuse to keep the returns private, as Nixon released his returns when they were being audited uhZoNEXEVho-00014-00015546-00016552 The way Ways and Means Chairman Richard Neal (D-MA) requested Trump's returns leaves little legal leeway for the IRS to keep the returns private uhZoNEXEVho-00015-00016552-00017179 But that hasn't stopped Trump from claiming he will continue to hide his returns from view uhZoNEXEVho-00016-00017179-00018009 During a press availability in the Oval Office on Wednesday, Trump said he was "not inclined" to release his tax returns uhZoNEXEVho-00017-00018009-00019498 Unfortunately for Trump, the law is the law and it's no longer his decision. Yet, unfortunately for the rest of us, there's yet another Trump-installed pal in his administration who will jump through hoops to protect the president vr8TPpCN-uu-00000-00000571-00001498 Anyone with more than a cursory knowledge of Cold War history and American foreign policy, in general, should know to take announcements from the U vr8TPpCN-uu-00001-00001498-00002514 S. government with a heaping spoon full of salt, especially when it comes to South American countries where we are actively pursuing regime change vr8TPpCN-uu-00002-00002514-00004364 The Trump administration found itself in a very uncomfortable position on Sunday when the New York Times reported that the highly publicized burning of a humanitarian aid convoy in Venezuela was not perpetrated by the government of Nicolas Maduro but was in fact committed by the US-backed opposition vr8TPpCN-uu-00003-00004364-00005696 Newly released footage shows that the burning of the aid trucks on February 23rd occurred because an anti-government protester, in the words of the Times, “accidentally” threw a lit Molotov cocktail on to the truck vr8TPpCN-uu-00004-00005696-00007435 When the story first broke, Vice President Mike Pence gleefully accused the “tyrant of Caracas” of committing heinous acts in a series of tweets and public statements in a shameless attempt to gin up outrage against one of the few nations that refuses to bow to American hegemony vr8TPpCN-uu-00005-00007435-00008358 He was joined by National Security adviser John Bolton, a host of State Department spokespeople, and mewling lickspittle Sen vr8TPpCN-uu-00006-00008358-00009700 Marco Rubio (R-FL) as they eagerly tried to spin the incident to justify the United States’ immoral and illegal efforts to replace the elected President of Venezuela with an illegitimate puppet leader vr8TPpCN-uu-00007-00009700-00012451 There has been no word on whether the Trump administration will retract any of its false accusations against the Venezuelan government or roll back the fresh round of sanctions that they are planning to level against a nation already crippled by the punishing effects of America’s deliberate efforts to exacerbate the economic crisis — the oil sanctions could shrink the economy by 26% by the end of the year — and weaponize public suffering for their own selfish agenda vr8TPpCN-uu-00008-00012451-00014687 It is extremely on-brand for the Trump administration to use a flagrant lie in order to heap pain and suffering on people of color, but this one is particularly egregious and is yet another example of how we can’t trust the word of this administration on anything, especially when it comes to their ham-fisted attempt to create another major international crisis in our own back yard vwR5shbSggu-00000-00000513-00001398 Samantha Markle will speak out about Meghan’s long-running feud with her family in the Channel 5 programme which airs tomorrow vwR5shbSggu-00001-00001398-00002237 In the bombshell interview, Samantha accuses Meghan of being “heartless” for her treatment of their father Thomas Markle vwR5shbSggu-00002-00002237-00003543 Speaking in the documentary, Samantha says: “She doesn’t have a heart or she would been doing everything she could to make him comfortable and reciprocate and be loving and gracious and make sure he’s comfortable in his old age vwR5shbSggu-00003-00003543-00004324 “So broken heart? No, his heart is broken. She can’t turn herself into the victim here vwR5shbSggu-00004-00004324-00005640 ”.She also tells the show: “I pointed out that humanitarians don't treat their father coldly, was that a lie, no, because the world watched it happen to my dad and the world watched her do it vwR5shbSggu-00005-00005640-00006636 ".In the note, Meghan added she “crumbled inside” when her father sided with Samantha as she “silently suffered at the hand of her vicious lies” vwR5shbSggu-00006-00006636-00007388 But Thomas said the letter from his estranged daughter, penned last year, left him feeling “devastated” vwR5shbSggu-00007-00007388-00008148 He told the Daily Mail: “I thought it would be an olive branch. Instead, it was a dagger to the heart vwR5shbSggu-00008-00008148-00009096 ”.Samantha - who is releasing a tell-all book about the Duchess - will speak for the first time about the letter in tomorrow’s documentary vwR5shbSggu-00009-00009096-00009765 And she will explain why she has repeatedly attacked Meghan on social media and in interviews vwR5shbSggu-00010-00009765-00010413 Meghan has been involved in a very public row with the Markles since her royal wedding last May vwR5shbSggu-00011-00010413-00011246 Samantha, 54, was not invited to the Windsor wedding and Thomas pulled out at the last minute due to health reasons vwR5shbSggu-00012-00011246-00012118 It had emerged shortly before that he staged paparazzi pictures in an attempt to improve his media image vwR5shbSggu-00013-00012118-00013320 Meghan’s mother Doria Ragland was her only family member to attend the big day.Since then, Thomas, who lives in Mexico, has said Meghan has “ghosted” him in a string of interviews vwR5shbSggu-00014-00013320-00014339 The 74-year-old retired lighting director even appealed to the Queen to intervene to heal the bitter rift during an appearance on ITV’s Good Morning Britain vNSx4Afm2No-00000-00000571-00001882 Hollywood celebrities spent nearly two years incessantly fantasizing about special counsel Robert Mueller indicting President Donald Trump over so-called Russian collusion during the 2016 presidential election vNSx4Afm2No-00001-00001882-00003021 But on Friday, Mueller produced his report on possible collusion to Attorney General William Barr and recommended no further indictments against Trump campaign associates vNSx4Afm2No-00002-00003021-00003731 “I WILL Watch When MUELLER Makes Him Grovel In Dirt Of [rose] Garden,” wrote Cher in a bizarre January tweet vNSx4Afm2No-00003-00003731-00004732 “When He Is Proven 2 Be PAWN Of PUTIN, When GOP Are Shown 2 Be ass Kissing Castrati They Are, When Ppl See Pence 4 Who He Is vNSx4Afm2No-00004-00004732-00005717 A Pitch Man 4 Big TOBACCO, & dark force.”.“Not even a low-level volunteer,” added Greenwald, “The number is zero vNSx4Afm2No-00005-00005717-00007271 ”.What’s next for #TheResistance now that Robert Mueller has delivered his report? How soon before Hollywood celebrities turn on the now former Special Counsel and begin fantasizing about indicting him, instead? They can join Rep vNSx4Afm2No-00006-00007271-00007955 Adam Schiff (D-CA), who’s already talking about subpoenaing Mueller wn5keyM5mpA-00000-00000000-00000196 Сёння я прашу вашай дапамогі. wn5keyM5mpA-00001-00000196-00000358 Я заклікаю вас да дзеянняў, wn5keyM5mpA-00002-00000408-00000560 салідарнасці і суперажывання wn5keyM5mpA-00003-00000657-00000977 сямі праваабаронцам з Праваабарончага цэнтра "Вясна", wn5keyM5mpA-00004-00001027-00001330 вядучай праваабарончай арганізацыі Беларусі, wn5keyM5mpA-00005-00001360-00001675 удзельніцы глабальнай сеткі SOS-Torture OMCT. wn5keyM5mpA-00006-00001754-00001869 Яны затрыманыя за тое, wn5keyM5mpA-00007-00001883-00002348 што далі магчымасць выказацца ахвярам парушэнняў правоў чалавека і катаванняў. wn5keyM5mpA-00008-00002348-00002878 Сёння наш абавязак даць ім магчымасць выказацца пра іх лёс wn5keyM5mpA-00009-00002878-00003126 і іх становішча ў зняволенні ў Беларусі. wn5keyM5mpA-00010-00003182-00003568 Роўна год таму Марфу Рабкову затрымалі толькі за тое, wn5keyM5mpA-00011-00003568-00003808 што яна займалася праваабарончай дзейнасцю. wn5keyM5mpA-00012-00003861-00004000 Якраз у той дзень, wn5keyM5mpA-00013-00004000-00004520 калі ў вядучым праваабарончым органе Арганізацыі Аб'яднаных Нацый мусілі абмяркоўваць катаванні, wn5keyM5mpA-00014-00004520-00005058 злоўжыванні, міліцэйскі гвалт, адвольныя затрыманні і ўсе іншыя парушэнні, якія не прывялі да пакарання. wn5keyM5mpA-00015-00005162-00005340 З тых часоў мы назіраем wn5keyM5mpA-00016-00005373-00005921 сістэматычныя і беспрэцэдэнтныя, нават па беларускіх мерках, рэпрэсіі супраць праваабарончай дзейнасці. wn5keyM5mpA-00017-00005977-00006474 Здаецца, існуе меркаванне, што калі няма праваабаронцаў, wn5keyM5mpA-00018-00006474-00006697 калі няма людзей, якія дакументуюць парушэнні правоў чалавека, wn5keyM5mpA-00019-00006697-00007099 якія не маўчаць, якія працуюць з ахвярамі, якія прапануюць ім рэабілітацыю, якія дапамагаюць ім, wn5keyM5mpA-00020-00007099-00007497 то няма больш ахвяр, няма больш ні гвалту, ні праблем у Беларусі. wn5keyM5mpA-00021-00007557-00007741 Мы павінны даказаць, што гэта няпраўда. wn5keyM5mpA-00022-00007813-00008113 Мы павінны выказацца, назваць іх імёны. wn5keyM5mpA-00023-00008145-00008345 Мы павінны заклікаць нашы ўрады дзейнічаць. wn5keyM5mpA-00024-00008401-00008795 Мы павінны зрабіць усё, каб міжнародная супольнасць не забывала гэтыя імёны. wn5keyM5mpA-00025-00008818-00009174 І цынічны разлік беларускага ўрада аб тым, wn5keyM5mpA-00026-00009174-00009575 што без праваабаронцаў няма ахвяраў, не спраўдзіцца. wn5keyM5mpA-00027-00009679-00010238 Я лічу важным, каб мы ўсе памяталі і ўсе вымаўлялі іх імёны: wn5keyM5mpA-00028-00010351-00010524 Алесь Бяляцкі, wn5keyM5mpA-00029-00010564-00011281 дырэктар арганізацыі, узнагароджаны рознымі ўзнагародамі за сваю смелую працу на працягу многіх гадоў, wn5keyM5mpA-00030-00011357-00011557 Валянцін Стэфановіч, wn5keyM5mpA-00031-00011653-00011885 выдатны чалавек і праваабаронца, wn5keyM5mpA-00032-00011933-00012245 а таксама Уладзімір Лабковіч, wn5keyM5mpA-00033-00012333-00012567 Леанід Судаленка, wn5keyM5mpA-00034-00012635-00012835 Таццяна Ласіца, wn5keyM5mpA-00035-00012899-00013063 Андрэй Чапюк wn5keyM5mpA-00036-00013087-00013271 і Марфа Рабкова. wn5keyM5mpA-00037-00013335-00013666 Яны з'яўляюцца сімваламі тых шматлікіх людзей, wn5keyM5mpA-00038-00013666-00014066 якія смела спрабуюць патрабаваць адказнасці для ўладаў і падтрымкі для ахвяраў. wn5keyM5mpA-00039-00014104-00014242 Давайце падтрымаем іх, wn5keyM5mpA-00040-00014242-00014571 выкарыстайце ваш уплыў, каб ваш голас быў пачуты, wn5keyM5mpA-00041-00014595-00014725 каб іх голас быў пачуты. wn5keyM5mpA-00042-00014783-00015018 Я ад усяго сэрца ўдзячны вам за ўсё, wn5keyM5mpA-00043-00015018-00015298 што вы можаце зрабіць, каб дапамагчы ў гэтай справе. xj41Oc2Fudo-00000-00000513-00002380 Several Democratic 2020 presidential hopefuls -- including Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris and now Kirsten Gillibrand -- are defending their self-professed commitment to the ideals of the #MeToo movement against a series of accusations they recently mismanaged sexual-misconduct claims against their subordinates xj41Oc2Fudo-00001-00002380-00004246 As the three prominent senators each have sought to draw a sharp contrast with President Trump, who has faced his own misconduct allegations, the claims highlighted vulnerabilities that could become major liabilities not only in a heated Democrat Party primary, but also in the general election xj41Oc2Fudo-00002-00004246-00005100 Back in 2017, Gillibrand and others ramped up the pressure for then-Sen. Al Franken, D-Minn xj41Oc2Fudo-00003-00005100-00006999 , to resign amid sexual misconduct allegations. He ultimately stepped down.Gillibrand, who has been described by GQ Magazine as "the face of the MeToo movement," said at the time that Franken's alleged conduct had "shocked and disappointed her" and that he should "step aside" because "enough is enough xj41Oc2Fudo-00004-00006999-00008739 " But, it emerged on Monday that last summer, an aide in her mid-20’s who was working in Gillibrand’s Senate office also apparently decided that enough was enough, as she resigned in protest over the office’s handling of her sexual-harassment complaint against a senior male adviser to Gillibrand xj41Oc2Fudo-00005-00008739-00010227 “I have offered my resignation because of how poorly the investigation and post-investigation was handled,” the woman, who resigned less than three weeks after reporting the purported harassment, wrote to Gillibrand in a letter obtained by Politico xj41Oc2Fudo-00006-00010227-00011596 Gillibrand, responding to the allegations on Monday, said an appropriate investigation was launched -- and her office later said the male staffer had been fired after other unreported, "deeply disturbing" comments surfaced xj41Oc2Fudo-00007-00011596-00013963 The woman was granted anonymity because of fears of retaliation.Gillibrand faced immediate friendly fire after calling for Franken's resignation -- in 2018, liberal billionaire megadonor George Soros argued that Gillibrand turned on Franken to "improve her chances" in the 2020 presidential race -- and some of those hard feelings among her fellow progressives have not subsided xj41Oc2Fudo-00008-00013963-00014969 For Sanders, the Vermont Independent who caucuses with Democrats, looming resentment from establishment progressives also has posed a major challenge xj41Oc2Fudo-00009-00014969-00017035 A January report in The New York Times outlining what one former Sanders delegate called an "entire wave of rotten sexual harassment that seemingly was never dealt with" during his 2016 presidential run seemed only to bolster on-the-record claims from Democrats that Sanders was too impersonal and arrogant to lead the party xj41Oc2Fudo-00010-00017035-00018046 Asked by CNN anchor Anderson Cooper earlier this year whether he was unaware of the sexual harassment allegations, Sanders replied: "Uh, yes xj41Oc2Fudo-00011-00018046-00018764 I was a little bit busy running around the country, trying to make the case." He then appeared to smile xj41Oc2Fudo-00012-00018764-00019981 The next week, after reports surfaced that a top aide was accused of sexually assaulting a female subordinate during Sanders' campaign, he issued a strong apology and a vow to change xj41Oc2Fudo-00013-00019981-00020728 "To the women in that campaign who were harassed or mistreated I apologize," Sanders said in a statement xj41Oc2Fudo-00014-00020728-00022810 "Our standards and safeguards were inadequate.".Allegations of sexism also briefly surfaced contemporaneously during Sanders’ 2016 bid, as some of his young, white male supporters -- known as "Bernie Bros" -- attacked Hillary Clinton and her followers online, contributing to a hostile atmosphere between the campaigns xj41Oc2Fudo-00015-00022810-00024485 In her book, the election retrospective "What Happened," Clinton slammed Sanders for using “innuendo and impugning my character” such that she suffered “lasting damage" into the general election, although Clinton did not accuse Sanders of orchestrating the gender-based attacks xj41Oc2Fudo-00016-00024485-00026462 The back-and-forth has continued into 2019. Late last month, after former members of Clinton's team leaked details concerning Sanders' expensive travel on behalf of the Clinton campaign after she secured the Democratic nomination, Sanders 2016 campaign spokesman Michael Briggs returned fire xj41Oc2Fudo-00017-00026462-00027193 "You can see why she’s one of the most disliked politicians in America," Briggs said, referring to Clinton xj41Oc2Fudo-00018-00027193-00028178 "She’s not nice. Her people are not nice." Briggs went on to call Clinton and her team among the "biggest a--holes in American politics xj41Oc2Fudo-00019-00028178-00029126 ".But, although Gillibrand and Sanders have made public overtures to the alleged victims who worked for them, California Democratic Sen xj41Oc2Fudo-00020-00029126-00030315 Kamala Harris acknowledged earlier this month that she still had not spoken to a woman who sued her former top adviser for sexual harassment, leading to a $400,000 settlement xj41Oc2Fudo-00021-00030315-00032235 A spokeswoman for Harris insisted last December the team was “unaware” of the harassment allegations while Harris was California’s attorney general, but the agency that she oversaw, California's Department of Justice, reportedly was informed about the complaint three months before she exited in early 2017 xj41Oc2Fudo-00022-00032235-00033188 The lawsuit, filed by Danielle Hartley, accused Larry Wallace of demeaning her based on her gender while she worked for him as his assistant xj41Oc2Fudo-00023-00033188-00034372 Hartley said Wallace placed his computer printer under his desk and often asked her to crawl under and refill it with paper as he sat and watched, sometimes with other men in the room xj41Oc2Fudo-00024-00034372-00035850 "In this specific case, I have not talked to the victim," Harris told Univision. "That case is being handled by the Attorney General's Office and I've left it up to that office to handle the case as they've seen fit, which included a settlement xj41Oc2Fudo-00025-00035850-00037219 ".In an uncomfortable twist, Harris' autobiography, “The Truths We Hold: An American Journey,” which was released in January, praised Wallace's "leadership" in orchestrating a bias training program xj41Oc2Fudo-00026-00037219-00037966 Wallace, the former director of the Division of Law Enforcement in California, resigned last December xj41Oc2Fudo-00027-00037966-00038846 Republicans, meanwhile, have previewed a possible line of attack against Harris on the episode as primary season approaches xj41Oc2Fudo-00028-00038846-00040210 “No one is buying Kamala Harris’s claim she didn’t know her top aide of 14 yrs was accused of sexual harassment, resulting in a $400K settlement,” GOP Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel tweeted y2pQ_fbzO_k-00000-00000571-00001686 A video has surfaced that shows Trump signing a deal with Aras Agalarov, from the same family that set up the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting with Trump Jr y2pQ_fbzO_k-00001-00001686-00002765 and Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya. Specifically, Aras Agalarov is the father of the Russian who setup the infamous meeting with Trump Jr y2pQ_fbzO_k-00002-00002765-00004076 in Trump tower.Scott Dworkin says, “Whatever you do this morning don’t retweet this video I found of Trump saying he has “the best Russian partners” before he signs a $20 million deal with them y2pQ_fbzO_k-00003-00004076-00005155 Same Russians who set up Don Jr Russian lawyer meeting: Aras & Emin Agalarov''.But no, he doesn’t have ties to Russian oligarchs, right? y2pQ_fbzO_k-00004-00005155-00006294 Josh Schwerin‏, the Communications Director for Priorities USA, discovered that Rob Goldstone, the man who has been discovered setting up the meeting between Trump Jr y2pQ_fbzO_k-00005-00006294-00007383 and the Russian lawyer, “checked in to Trump Organization” via Facebook on June 9th, 2016 (the day of the meeting between Donald Trump Jr y2pQ_fbzO_k-00006-00007383-00007775 and the Kremlin representative). yxUTne70WMM-00000-00000513-00002234 When it comes to fashion, the royals are the new caped crusaders. Sisters-in-law and Duchesses, both Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle have worn been spotted sporting cape-dress or cape-jacket hybrids, marking a comeback of the simple cut in a very un-Little Red Riding Hood way yxUTne70WMM-00001-00002234-00004026 Both the Duchess of Cambridge and the Duchess of Sussex have worn the cape in different styles, whether it's in full-on formal attire, like the chic Mulberry coat Middleton recently donned on her trip to Northern Ireland, or as a simple sheath-cape combo as Markle did at the Queen's 92nd birthday party yxUTne70WMM-00002-00004026-00004705 The takeaway: a cape embellishment is versatile, stylish, and we should all get on board yxUTne70WMM-00003-00004705-00005332 See how both Kate and Meghan have worn the trend and shop similar styles for yourself! yxUTne70WMM-00004-00005332-00006591 Shortly before her wedding to Prince Harry in 2018, Meghan attended the Queen's 92nd birthday in a sleek navy blue Stella McCartney sheath dress whose sole embellishment was the cape cut yxUTne70WMM-00005-00006591-00007385 It was understated, yet feminine—par for the course when it comes to the now-Duchess of Sussex's aesthetic yxUTne70WMM-00006-00007385-00008083 Proof that you don't need tons of bells and whistles to elevate a dress for a fancier setting yxUTne70WMM-00007-00008083-00009606 Kate's Mulberry cape coat, which she donned while visiting Northern Ireland, is testament to the fact that a simple addition of fastened embellishment at the shoulders can update a classic A-line coat dress silhouette, freshening it for 2019 yxUTne70WMM-00008-00009606-00010549 Plus, the looser sleeves can prove ultra-flattering to anyone, but especially for those who don't care to show off their upper arms yxUTne70WMM-00009-00010549-00011479 Fashion-forward and functional styling, imagine that.Both Duchesses have modeled how to bring the cape into a super formal setting yxUTne70WMM-00010-00011479-00012516 With Kate, her blush chiffon Alexander McQueen gown with crystal detailing at the collar was delicate and fluttery, but also not overly busy yxUTne70WMM-00011-00012516-00013451 Instead the flowing cape not only flattered her burgeoning baby bump, but also but added interest to the look without any busy-ness yxUTne70WMM-00012-00013451-00014383 Meghan, on the other hand wore a bone-hued Christian Dior cape dress on her official visit to Morocco, but the cut was more structured yxUTne70WMM-00013-00014383-00015115 Even so, it provided elegant detailing to an otherwise simple and modestly cut gown yxUTne70WMM-00014-00015115-00015950 For your next formal event, the message is clear: ditch the bows and the long trains and wear a cape gown instead yJTzXZKKNky-00000-00000571-00002206 President Donald Trump said Friday that there was no need for a summit with the Presidents of Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador because "they understand" the implications of his recent move to cut stabilizing aid to the Central American countries yJTzXZKKNky-00001-00002206-00003201 Trump's dismissal of a summit comes in light of a recent uptick in Mexico's apprehensions of migrants at its southern border, shared with Central America yJTzXZKKNky-00002-00003201-00004680 It remains unclear whether the increase was spurred by Trump's threat to shut down the US-Mexico border if Mexico didn't stop migrants from illegally crossing the US border or simply from greater immigration traffic yJTzXZKKNky-00003-00004680-00005808 When asked by Fox News' Griff Jenkins in an interview set to air Saturday whether he should arrange a summit with the four Presidents, Trump said such a meeting was unnecessary yJTzXZKKNky-00004-00005808-00006725 "No, no, I don't need a summit. I think we've done very well without the summit," the President said on "Fox and Friends Weekend yJTzXZKKNky-00005-00006725-00007987 "."They understand we stopped. We're saving $550 million. And I respectfully told -- and I thank him very much because for the last four days it's been great yJTzXZKKNky-00006-00007987-00009413 ".The vast majority of about $1.3 billion allocated to the region since 2018 has gone to the three central American countries known as the Northern Triangle, according to a Congressional Research Service study yJTzXZKKNky-00007-00009413-00010149 In the interview, Trump pointed to the number of apprehensions following his new policy announcements yJTzXZKKNky-00008-00010149-00010943 "You see, that whole stream is drying up. They could stop them at the southern border, their southern border yJTzXZKKNky-00009-00010943-00012124 And you look at what's happening now," he said, seemingly referencing Mexican efforts to stop Northern Triangle migrants from making their way through the country to the United States yJTzXZKKNky-00010-00012124-00013310 "They pulled in 1,500, 1,500, yesterday. They brought them back," he added. "They pulled in over 1,000 the day before yJTzXZKKNky-00011-00013310-00014049 Over 1,000 the day before that; today, I haven't gotten the number, but I mean it's a lot yJTzXZKKNky-00012-00014049-00014956 ".The President had previously said that aid to Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador would stop because "they haven't done a thing for us yJTzXZKKNky-00013-00014956-00016100 " But experts have said have said that cutting violence-prevention and security-focused aid to the region would likely increase the number of migrants seeking to reach the United States yZKODYRee0U-00000-00000198-00000401 (б'е гонг) yZKODYRee0U-00001-00000401-00000708 - [Расказчык] Вось пустэльня-планета, yZKODYRee0U-00002-00000708-00000940 там у замку страшным, yZKODYRee0U-00003-00000940-00001116 (грымоты) yZKODYRee0U-00004-00001116-00001398 жыло грознае нешта, yZKODYRee0U-00005-00001557-00001890 і з намерам сваім. yZKODYRee0U-00006-00002007-00002507 Бараніла свой скарб, што так цешыў і ззяў. yZKODYRee0U-00007-00002556-00002868 Надзвычайную моц, yZKODYRee0U-00008-00002868-00003162 гэты скарб дараваў. yZKODYRee0U-00009-00003324-00003824 Ды, о, скарбам тым выхваляцца любіў. yZKODYRee0U-00010-00003984-00004482 І магутнасць бярог і сілу хваліў. yZKODYRee0U-00011-00004690-00004774 (гукі полымя) yZKODYRee0U-00012-00004774-00005245 Меўся скарбу таемнаму свой вартавы, yZKODYRee0U-00013-00005352-00005700 толькі ўзяць паспрабуй, yZKODYRee0U-00014-00005700-00006150 не знасіць галавы. yZKODYRee0U-00015-00006150-00006425 (драматычная музыка) yZKODYRee0U-00016-00006923-00007223 Аповесць пра вартаўніка yZKODYRee0U-00017-00008204-00008571 (сігнал камп'ютара) yZKODYRee0U-00018-00008571-00008676 (дзверы адчыняюцца) yZKODYRee0U-00019-00008676-00008776 (сігнал камп'ютара) yZKODYRee0U-00020-00008776-00008863 - [Член экіпажа] Чакай, ча- yZKODYRee0U-00021-00008863-00009052 (гук удару) yZKODYRee0U-00022-00009052-00009215 (гук крокаў) yZKODYRee0U-00023-00009215-00009524 (паветра свішча) yZKODYRee0U-00024-00009524-00009655 (гук клавіятуры) yZKODYRee0U-00025-00009655-00009970 (гук сігналізацыі) yZKODYRee0U-00026-00009970-00010125 (рухавік раве) yZKODYRee0U-00027-00010125-00010281 (драматычная музыка) yZKODYRee0U-00028-00010281-00010413 - [Расказчык] Як стала змяркацца, yZKODYRee0U-00029-00010413-00010575 адным махам, yZKODYRee0U-00030-00010776-00010974 грымнуў наведнік, yZKODYRee0U-00031-00010974-00011187 дзіўным шляхам. yZKODYRee0U-00032-00011334-00011834 Як дым разляцеўся, фігура паўстала yZKODYRee0U-00033-00011865-00012354 жорсткай пасадкай кранутая мала. yZKODYRee0U-00034-00012698-00013019 Меў адно ў галаве yZKODYRee0U-00035-00013019-00013519 вартавы, у пагоню хутчэй, каб прыхадня злодзея yZKODYRee0U-00036-00013563-00013836 прэч з вачэй. yZKODYRee0U-00037-00014124-00014544 Высочваў здабычу як усе ў яго родзе. yZKODYRee0U-00038-00014751-00014937 Але не чакаў, yZKODYRee0U-00039-00015049-00015222 што такое ён знойдзе. yZKODYRee0U-00040-00015222-00015326 (вясёлая музыка) yZKODYRee0U-00041-00015326-00015559 (дзяўчынка напявае) yZKODYRee0U-00042-00016002-00016176 Дзяўчынка малая. yZKODYRee0U-00043-00016176-00016317 Чароўнай прыроды, yZKODYRee0U-00044-00016425-00016671 што мабыць згубілася yZKODYRee0U-00045-00016671-00016925 з нейкай нагоды. yZKODYRee0U-00046-00016925-00017127 (крык птушкі) yZKODYRee0U-00047-00017127-00017376 Цікаўная дзеўка, yZKODYRee0U-00048-00017376-00017652 з прыгодніцкім духам. yZKODYRee0U-00049-00017652-00017973 Вакол ўсё глядзела yZKODYRee0U-00050-00017973-00018198 дапытлівым вокам. yZKODYRee0U-00051-00018198-00018482 (драматычная музыка) yZKODYRee0U-00052-00018482-00018715 (гук крокаў) yZKODYRee0U-00053-00019035-00019326 Ого-го... yZKODYRee0U-00054-00019473-00019710 (гук крокаў) yZKODYRee0U-00055-00019710-00020201 - [Расказчык] Замак быў велічэзны, а дзеўка - малой, yZKODYRee0U-00056-00020328-00020828 абышла ўсё нагамі адной ды другой. yZKODYRee0U-00057-00020880-00021155 (драматычная музыка) yZKODYRee0U-00058-00022049-00022549 І так аж да змрочнага месца хадзіла, yZKODYRee0U-00059-00022638-00022860 дзе рэшткі ўсюды, yZKODYRee0U-00060-00022860-00023087 быццам магіла. yZKODYRee0U-00061-00023087-00023371 (гук крокаў) yZKODYRee0U-00062-00023371-00023454 (дзяўчынка ўздыхае) yZKODYRee0U-00063-00023454-00023754 (напружаная музыка) yZKODYRee0U-00064-00023904-00024404 Вось у месцы для смерці збылося спатканне yZKODYRee0U-00065-00024459-00024714 Вакол цішыня. yZKODYRee0U-00066-00024714-00025040 Чутна толькі дыханне. yZKODYRee0U-00067-00025040-00025324 (вартаўнік рыкае) yZKODYRee0U-00068-00025488-00025988 Вартаўнік спрабаваў, але сэрца растала. yZKODYRee0U-00069-00026073-00026156 (вартаўнік рыкае) yZKODYRee0U-00070-00026156-00026389 (дзяўчынка напявае) yZKODYRee0U-00071-00026556-00027056 Яна так пяшчотна яго абдымала. yZKODYRee0U-00072-00027148-00027379 (пяшчотная музыка) yZKODYRee0U-00073-00027379-00027662 (вартаўнік рыкае) yZKODYRee0U-00074-00028041-00028338 Звер нешта адчуў, yZKODYRee0U-00075-00028338-00028617 на поўны сур'ёз. yZKODYRee0U-00076-00028770-00029008 Марыў ён пра сяброўства, yZKODYRee0U-00077-00029097-00029331 сярод боек ды слёз. yZKODYRee0U-00078-00029775-00030081 Вось так атрымала дзяўчынка давер. yZKODYRee0U-00079-00030081-00030483 І вырашыў звер паказаць ёй цяпер yZKODYRee0U-00080-00030483-00030806 свой сэнс у жыцці, ды аховы намер. yZKODYRee0U-00081-00030806-00030951 (драматычная музыка) yZKODYRee0U-00082-00030951-00031109 (гук крокаў) yZKODYRee0U-00083-00031109-00031423 (драматычная музыка) yZKODYRee0U-00084-00031423-00031603 (гук крокаў) yZKODYRee0U-00085-00031603-00031925 (драматычная музыка) yZKODYRee0U-00086-00031925-00032121 (гук крокаў) yZKODYRee0U-00087-00032121-00032396 (драматычная музыка) yZKODYRee0U-00088-00033600-00034005 Агледзела скарб, раз патрэсла і ўвесь yZKODYRee0U-00089-00034148-00034548 Раптам пакінуў яе інтарэс. yZKODYRee0U-00090-00034801-00035049 (вартаўнік дыхае) yZKODYRee0U-00091-00035049-00035200 (гук крокаў) yZKODYRee0U-00092-00035200-00035484 (вартаўнік рыкае) yZKODYRee0U-00093-00035835-00036335 Звер, задаволены спраўным сяброўствам, yZKODYRee0U-00094-00036384-00036884 Лёг у адпачынак з зыходзячым сонцам. yZKODYRee0U-00095-00037447-00037584 (драматычная музыка) yZKODYRee0U-00096-00037584-00037999 Як толькі заснуў, а дзяўчынка над ім yZKODYRee0U-00097-00037999-00038085 (драматычная музыка) yZKODYRee0U-00098-00038085-00038385 (вартаўнік дыхае) yZKODYRee0U-00099-00038568-00038779 Кінжалам бліснула, ды і на тым yZKODYRee0U-00100-00038779-00039054 (драматычная музыка) yZKODYRee0U-00101-00039054-00039345 скончыла звера ўдарам адным. yZKODYRee0U-00102-00039498-00039735 (вясёлая музыка) yZKODYRee0U-00103-00039735-00040235 Цяпер звер забіты і скарб у руках, yZKODYRee0U-00104-00040347-00040613 і дзеўка знікае на свой тайны шлях. yZKODYRee0U-00105-00040891-00041141 (дзверы зачыняюцца) yZKODYRee0U-00106-00041249-00041541 (таямнічая музыка) yZKODYRee0U-00107-00041650-00041925 (драматычная музыка) Zq8BiVzFY94-00000-00000513-00001346 The president has done a lot of crappy things in his life, and one of them was disrespecting John McCain as he lie on his deathbed Zq8BiVzFY94-00001-00001346-00002477 Now, in a step even further into the abyss that separates humankind and wild animals, Trump has tweeted out more hatefulness for the McCain family to deal with Zq8BiVzFY94-00002-00002477-00003995 And despite how utterly awful the family is, a war hero deserves respect.Check out what the useless lump just tweeted about McCain:"Spreading the fake and totally discredited Dossier “is unfortunately a very dark stain against John McCain” Zq8BiVzFY94-00003-00003995-00005173 Ken Starr, Former Independent Counsel. He had far worse “stains” than this, including thumbs down on repeal and replace after years of campaigning to repeal and replace!" Zq8BiVzFY94-00004-00005173-00005996 Who the hell does he think he is and to what lengths will he go to make himself look slightly less guilty? The man is sunk Zq8BiVzFY94-00005-00005996-00007299 There’s no way out of all the investigations into his lifetime of crime, but apparently, he’s going to villainize as many people/groups as he can before he’s finally hauled out of the White House in handcuffs Zq8BiVzFY94-00006-00007299-00008689 People responding to the tweet on Twitter were not very amused either. The backlash Trump received is only a fraction of the karma he has coming his way, but we still saved the best comments for your viewing pleasure ZZtVblav9Ak-00000-00000571-00001571 Roseanne Barr showed up on ABC's 20/20 to advance the recovery of her sitcom, which is debuting one month from now ZZtVblav9Ak-00001-00001571-00002566 While reporting in real time, she tended to her help of President Donald Trump.Barr has been open about her master Trump sees since right off the bat ZZtVblav9Ak-00002-00002566-00003520 She went on multi-day-long Twitter tirade toward the finish of a year ago, .which incited her to erase almost all that she'd at any point posted ZZtVblav9Ak-00003-00003520-00004329 On 20/20, she clarified why she, however, Roseanne fans likely voted in favor of President Trump ZZtVblav9Ak-00004-00004329-00005314 "He talked about occupations, with the goal that's what you have to do on the off chance that you need working individuals to vote in favor of you," she said ZZtVblav9Ak-00005-00005314-00006341 ."Not Syrian airspace. I don't assume Hillary discussed occupations much, she was in every case simply discussing Syrian airspace ZZtVblav9Ak-00006-00006341-00007072 I'm similar to, 'do you think individuals in America– ?' Or possibly they do, I didn't, however'' ZZtVblav9Ak-00007-00007072-00007683 "Trump annoyed a portion of America, and she insulted the other half," she went on ZZtVblav9Ak-00008-00007683-00008736 "With the goal that's incredible for sitcoms, extraordinary for parody. We're fortunate to have him as a president, it's extraordinary for parody'' ZkWMni6A4i0-00000-00000571-00001582 What we were witness to today was a masterclass in malfeasance and a disdain for democracy by the head law enforcement officer in the nation and the President himself ZkWMni6A4i0-00001-00001582-00003731 It didn’t go unnoticed, as the New York Times promptly exposed it. .Attorney General William Barr has been in communication with the White House regarding the Mueller Report for days now, which has given Team Trump time to coordinate a defense strategy, and the Republican National Committee (RNC) to assemble a “war room” to compose a “counter-report ZkWMni6A4i0-00002-00003731-00005294 ” No, really. I would say that with this step we’ve descended into banana republic-levels of corruption, but I fear that the actual findings of the Mueller Report will indicate that we already did that sometime around 2016 ZkWMni6A4i0-00003-00005294-00006378 . .Rather amazingly, this development has some serious implications for Barr and Trump, namely unabashed and very public obstruction of justice ZkWMni6A4i0-00004-00006378-00007456 Seeing the news that Barr had been prematurely consulting with the White House on the Mueller Report made me seriously wonder if Barr has absolutely lost his mind ZkWMni6A4i0-00005-00007456-00008956 It would make some sense that he would risk his already brittle reputation if he had considerable assurance that the existence of the meetings would forever remain secret, but it doesn’t appear that that was even a strong concern of his ZkWMni6A4i0-00006-00008956-00009878 .Said plainly, with this achingly stupid stunt, Barr and Trump have teed up unmistakable obstruction charges for congress ZkWMni6A4i0-00007-00009878-00011717 If the AG and President have been holding meetings regarding the disclosure of evidence of Trump’s shady dealings with the express intent of giving Trump’s team an opportunity to form an optics strategy, that’s corrupt intent and a crime whether or not the report delineates any underlying Trump crimes ZkWMni6A4i0-00008-00011717-00012440 Imagine now if the White House had any say in what was redacted? Executive privilege? My ass ZkWMni6A4i0-00009-00012440-00014021 Prepare yourselves for the Barr-Trump Report, not the Mueller Report. . .What’s so staggering about this shitbrained charade is this: the actual, unredacted, full-fat Mueller Report is coming at some point regardless of the roadblocks ZkWMni6A4i0-00010-00014021-00014752 Barr and Trump are biding futile time and they’re only making their lives after this respite all the worse _vNg2oJC_HE-00000-00000571-00001759 For some time now, Donald Trump has been trying to eschew a lawsuit brought forth by Summer Zervos, a former Apprentice contestant who has accused Trump of serious misconduct _vNg2oJC_HE-00001-00001759-00002872 She alleges that two separate incidents occurred: that Trump kissed her on the mouth in New York, and that he kissed and manually assaulted her in a California hotel room during a business meeting _vNg2oJC_HE-00002-00002872-00004115 Zervos maintains that she did not consent to any of the contact in question.After Trump ridiculed her serious misconduct allegations and suggested she’d fabricated her whole story, Ms _vNg2oJC_HE-00003-00004115-00005126 Zervos filed a defamation suit against him. Donald Trump’s lawyer, however, has argued in legal filings that the president is immune to lawsuits _vNg2oJC_HE-00004-00005126-00005910 But thanks to the husband of presidential adviser Kellyanne Conway, Trump is probably going to lose that argument _vNg2oJC_HE-00005-00005910-00007258 Twenty years ago, the Supreme Court handed down a 9-0 decision that a sitting president could be sued, by allowing Paula Jones to pursue her highly-visible harassment lawsuit against President Bill Clinton _vNg2oJC_HE-00006-00007258-00009016 George T. Conway III, Kellyanne’s husband, can claim considerable credit for that Supreme Court victory as the Republican lawyer drew scrutiny to the case by penning a blistering op-ed for the Los Angeles Times in which he argued that President Clinton was relying on dubious legal arguments _vNg2oJC_HE-00007-00009016-00009768 “In a case involving his private conduct, a President should be treated like any private citizen,” he wrote _vNg2oJC_HE-00008-00009768-00010993 “The rule of law requires no more—and no less.”.Mr. Conway went on to cite an argument used during the Nixon case:“No man in this country is so high that he is above the law _vNg2oJC_HE-00009-00010993-00012271 No officer of the law may set that law at defiance with impunity. All officers of the government, from the highest to the lowest, are creatures of the law and are bound to obey it _vNg2oJC_HE-00010-00012271-00013119 . . . Incumbency does not relieve the President of the routine legal obligations that confine all citizens _vNg2oJC_HE-00011-00013119-00014073 ” .That is really going to sting Trump as it seems he thought himself so high that he was above the law… way before he even became president _QjnZny_0gQ-00000-00000571-00001508 So we’re finally headed to Tax Day. And we’re not talking about April 15th. No, we’re talking about Congressman Richard E _QjnZny_0gQ-00001-00001508-00002261 Neal, Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, requesting six years of Donald Trump’s tax returns _QjnZny_0gQ-00002-00002261-00003658 As we know, Trump says he’s not “inclined” to release them, and now he has his latest henchman Mick Mulvaney, acting White House Chief of Staff, waving the red cape at the bull by saying that the Democrats will never see them _QjnZny_0gQ-00003-00003658-00004617 They vow to fight all the way to the Supreme Court. .Let them. For too long Trump has proclaimed a special path for him and his family _QjnZny_0gQ-00004-00004617-00005385 Rules and laws are for other people. But Neal has given his request directly to the IRS _QjnZny_0gQ-00005-00005385-00006182 And the statute and precedent holds that the IRS shall supply such tax documents upon such a request _QjnZny_0gQ-00006-00006182-00007558 There are two pathways to look at this. First we all know that debt-laden Donald Trump is no billionaire, and maybe not even a millionaire, which is why he is so beholden to his real master, Vladimir Putin _QjnZny_0gQ-00007-00007558-00008248 His entire life and ego are wound up in the notion that everyone must see he is rich _QjnZny_0gQ-00008-00008248-00009060 The idea of the public knowing all his crappy financials is utterly terrifying to him, and he will fight it to his last breath _QjnZny_0gQ-00009-00009060-00010847 . .So path one: fight! Which is fabulous! Because while he is using his last resources to wage a battle to keep his taxes private, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler will be firing subpoenas at Attorney General William Barr over the Mueller report _QjnZny_0gQ-00010-00010847-00012072 We’ve just now increased the war to a two-pronged battlefront. .What is path two? It is that the IRS follows its statutes and hands over the requested documents _QjnZny_0gQ-00011-00012072-00012929 It can do this, ignoring Trump’s foot stomping. Remember, the IRS is not a private concern _QjnZny_0gQ-00012-00012929-00013592 It has no liability here and will act according to law until the law is changed. _QjnZny_0gQ-00013-00013592-00014619 .If and when it provides Neal with the tax documents, we will get to see any and all shady financial dealings the Trumps have with Deutsche Bank and Russian oligarchs _QjnZny_0gQ-00014-00014619-00015332 This, of course, will put more pressure on Bill Barr to come clean about the traitor in the White House _QjnZny_0gQ-00015-00015332-00016160 In his ubiquitous The Art of War, author Sun Tzu recommends against his enemy, “Anger his general and confuse him _QjnZny_0gQ-00016-00016160-00016938 Pretend inferiority and encourage his arrogance.” The Democrats have clearly gotten the memo on this AIlknGdmURy-00000-00000513-00001398 Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, wed Prince Charles in 2005, after the pair first met in 1970 AIlknGdmURy-00001-00001398-00002459 However, Prince William and Prince Harry had a “naughty” surprise in store for the newlywed royal couple after their wedding ceremony and blessing, which took place in Windsor AIlknGdmURy-00002-00002459-00003313 2012 Amazon Prince documentary “The Queen's Diamond Decades” shows footage from the happy day in 2005 AIlknGdmURy-00003-00003313-00004292 Narrator Patricia Hodge says: “It was a different sort of royal wedding.“Prince William and Prince Harry welcomed their stepmother into the family AIlknGdmURy-00004-00004292-00005120 “Having decorated their car in style, the young prince gave the newlyweds a send-off to remember as they departed for their honeymoon AIlknGdmURy-00005-00005120-00006126 ”.Alongside red, white and blue balloons, the princes decorated the car with “Just married”, “C + C”, heart symbols and smiley faces AIlknGdmURy-00006-00006126-00007014 The documentary also showed how Prince Harry cheekily made faces into the window of the Bentley and shouted: “Thanks for coming!” AIlknGdmURy-00007-00007014-00008252 Friend of Charles and Camilla, William Shawcross, told People Magazine at the time: “They were milling around the crowd, extremely cheerful, looking naughty and having fun decorating that car AIlknGdmURy-00008-00008252-00008989 ”.William and Harry were joined by Camilla's children Laura and Tom Parker Bowles on their parents' big day AIlknGdmURy-00009-00008989-00010149 Although their relationship got off to a rocky start, with William having "terrible fights" with Laura, they put their early differences behind them and went onto have a warm relationship AIlknGdmURy-00010-00010149-00011155 The surprise for their father and step-mother was echoed by Harry when he “had a surprise in store” for his brother on his royal wedding day to Kate Middleton AIlknGdmURy-00011-00011155-00012670 Royal author Katie Nicholl, in her 2017 biography “Harry: Life, Loss, and Love”, explains how Meghan Markle’s husband surprised his brother and sister-in-law after their famous Buckingham Palace balcony kiss AIlknGdmURy-00012-00012670-00013707 Ms Nicholl writes: “Harry had arranged for the newly-weds to make the short drive back to Clarence House in his father’s beloved open-topped Aston Martin Volante AIlknGdmURy-00013-00013707-00015044 “He had warned his brother he had a surprise in store.“When William and Kate saw that the car had been decked out in balloons, red white and blue streamers, and a JU5T WED number plate, they were delighted AIlknGdmURy-00014-00015044-00015144 ” AYOmRsxEa_I-00000-00000571-00001266 President Trump is known for taking his grievances to Twitter and this weekend was no different AYOmRsxEa_I-00001-00001266-00002504 On Sunday, he was so fired up about the late night sketch comedy series Saturday Night Live, he even posted about the possibility of a federal regulation of the wildly popular show AYOmRsxEa_I-00002-00002504-00003922 It’s truly incredible that shows like Saturday Night Live, not funny/no talent, can spend all of their time knocking the same person (me), over & over, without so much of a mention of “the other side AYOmRsxEa_I-00003-00003922-00005056 ” Like an advertisement without consequences. Same with Late Night Donald J Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 17, 2019 AYOmRsxEa_I-00004-00005056-00006430 Should Federal Election Commission and/or FCC look into this? There must be Collusion with the Democrats and, of course, Russia! Such one sided media coverage, most of it Fake News AYOmRsxEa_I-00005-00006430-00007655 Hard to believe I won and am winning. Approval Rating 52%, 93% with Republicans. Sorry! #MAGA— Donald J AYOmRsxEa_I-00006-00007655-00009191 Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 17, 2019.SNL’s political sketches have been some of its most popular skits through the years and the Trump presidency has certainly lent itself nicely to SNL’s brand of humor AYOmRsxEa_I-00007-00009191-00010210 This weekend was a rerun of a previously aired skit featuring Alec Baldwin as Trump and imagining what life would be like if he had never been elected President AYOmRsxEa_I-00008-00010210-00012122 Trump whined that “SNL” and other late-night shows – likely referring to The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, and others that use Trump’s own actions and words as hilarious material – “can spend all of their time knocking the same person (me), over & over, without so much of a mention of ‘the other side AYOmRsxEa_I-00009-00012122-00013603 ’ Like an advertisement without consequences.”. In a giant stretch, Trump also suggested that the FCC should look into the matter because it “must be Collusion with the Democrats and, of course, Russia!” AYOmRsxEa_I-00010-00013603-00014368 When SNL originally aired the sketch back in December, it triggered President Trump then, as well AYOmRsxEa_I-00011-00014368-00015178 Trump went straight to Twitter then, too, and called SNL a “Democratic spin machine” that needed to be “tested in court” AYOmRsxEa_I-00012-00015178-00016228 A REAL scandal is the one sided coverage, hour by hour, of networks like NBC & Democrat spin machines like Saturday Night Live AYOmRsxEa_I-00013-00016228-00017364 It is all nothing less than unfair news coverage and Dem commercials. Should be tested in courts, can’t be legal? Only defame & belittle! Collusion? AYOmRsxEa_I-00014-00017364-00018649 The sketch causing this Trump meltdown uses the movie “It’s a Wonderful Life” as a template for the parody, starring Alec Baldwin as Trump and Matt Damon as Supreme Court appointee Brett Kavanaugh AYOmRsxEa_I-00015-00018649-00019710 The episode aired several months after Kavanaugh’s wild ride to the bench through controversial testimonies and hearings, which eventually led to his confirmation AYOmRsxEa_I-00016-00019710-00020525 In the skit, Baldwin’s Trump asks Damon’s Kavanaugh if he ever made it to the Supreme Court to which Damon replies AYOmRsxEa_I-00017-00020525-00022252 “Me on the Supreme Court? With my temperament? Are you insane? Nah, nah… They went with that nerd, Merrick Garland… But on the plus side, when I tell people I like beer, they find it charming and not like I’m threatening violence'' AffCTqYSYJ8-00000-00000571-00002007 Donald Trump’s summit in Vietnam last week with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un appeared from the start to have been little more than an elaborate excuse for Trump to meet with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov while he was there AffCTqYSYJ8-00001-00002007-00003068 After Michael Cohen’s devastating testimony, Trump was in such a foul mood, he packed up and left without even going through the motions of finishing his sham summit AffCTqYSYJ8-00002-00003068-00004737 Now it turns out to have been far more of a disaster than we knew.Just forty-eight hours after Donald Trump bailed on the summit, Kim Jong-Un and North Korea immediately began rebuilding a long range missile site, according to an ugly new report tonight from NBC News AffCTqYSYJ8-00003-00004737-00005800 In other words, not only is Kim flouting the restrictions that the United States has tried to place on him, he’s flaunting the fact that he’s flouting it AffCTqYSYJ8-00004-00005800-00007501 In other words, Kim Jong-Un is rubbing it all in Donald Trump’s face. Our educated guess has always been that Kim was only willing to participate in this sham of a summit as a courtesy to his boss Vladimir Putin, and that Donald Trump went along with it for the same reason AffCTqYSYJ8-00005-00007501-00008687 Kim Jong-Un was clearly never willing to even consider giving anything away to Donald Trump, and now we can see that Kim is intent on flexing his muscles on the world stage AffCTqYSYJ8-00006-00008687-00009739 Trump is just that weak and impotent, and everyone knows it. Now Kim is racing to try to complete his long range nuclear program, and there will be nothing the U AffCTqYSYJ8-00007-00009739-00010191 S. can do to stop it until after Trump has been ousted Bk421k9YELY-00000-00000513-00000918 Donald Trump is having a TERRIBLE week, and it’s only getting worse! After several days of nonstop backlash thanks to Michael Cohen’s testimony, the president has just received another bombshell — the U Bk421k9YELY-00001-00000918-00001560 S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence is investigating the president’s trips to Russia! Bk421k9YELY-00002-00001560-00001563 According to the Atlantic‘s Natasha Bertrand, the Senate Intelligence Committee has a new series of leads on Trump and his Russian contacts and is going to look into at least three of the president’s trips to Russia over the last three decades Bk421k9YELY-00003-00001563-00002569 Considering that Trump’s career of being a shady, corrupt businessman has spanned over a long time, they’re bound to find something questionable about his past Bk421k9YELY-00004-00002569-00003522 Just looking at Trump’s tweets, he’s NOT happy about the way Cohen’s testimony has opened more doors for investigations into his dealings with Russia Bk421k9YELY-00005-00003522-00005262 Yesterday, Trump tweeted:"Oh’ I see! Now that the 2 year Russian Collusion case has fallen apart, there was no Collusion except bye Crooked Hillary and the Democrats, they say, ‘gee, I have an idea, let’s look at Trump’s finances and every deal he has ever done Bk421k9YELY-00006-00005262-00006552 Let’s follow discredited Michael Cohen…'”."Meanwhile, the Senate has kept up a steady pace of questioning witnesses with knowledge of Trump’s trips to Russia to scope out real-estate deals Bk421k9YELY-00007-00006552-00008433 ”.Introducing new names into Trump’s Russia fiasco, she wrote:"The Senate Intelligence Committee recently interviewed architect Ted Liebman, who sketched a proposed Trump International Hotel for Trump to present to Moscow city officials during his 1996 trip, according to two sources familiar with the matter Bk421k9YELY-00008-00008433-00009943 Senate investigators have also been particularly interested in David Geovanis, an American businessman who reportedly helped organize the 1996 Russia trip and worked for Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska in the early 2000s Bk421k9YELY-00009-00009943-00012014 ”.Trump’s relationship with Liebman goes way back, as it was reported about in a 1996 article in The Moscow Times:The project architect, Theodore Liebman of the New York-based Liebman Melting Partnership, said the residential high-rise on the Ducat site will include a members’ club, a health club and “will house the finest residences in Moscow Bk421k9YELY-00010-00012014-00012719 ” An ice-skating rink and an office building with shops and restaurants will front the tower, he added Bk421k9YELY-00011-00012719-00014096 That article also reported on the relationship between Trump and Geovanis:"David Geovanis, Liggett-Ducat’s director of real estate, said Trump is also pursuing plans to develop a hotel in Moscow Bk421k9YELY-00012-00014096-00015627 During his visit, Trump met with two of Moscow’s vice mayors, including Vladimir Resin, the vice mayor in charge of construction and “one of the key people in charge of attracting foreign invest to the Moscow real estate market,” Geovanis said Bk421k9YELY-00013-00015627-00016269 He added that the city was “very receptive” to the idea of Trump’s developments in Moscow Bk421k9YELY-00014-00016269-00017259 We don’t know how these investigations are going to turn out, but the more connections Trump has to Russia, the worse this situation will look for him CUj4xLzYTgI-00000-00000513-00002252 Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said on Wednesday that even if Robert Mueller’s report does not contain enough evidence for impeachment, Congress could still find evidence to indict President Donald Trump after he leaves office CUj4xLzYTgI-00001-00002252-00003263 Schiff said his committee is particularly interested in whether Russia was laundering money for the Trump Organization, leading to Trump being compromised CUj4xLzYTgI-00002-00003263-00004076 “And should it be the end of the — you think it should be the end of the conversation about impeachment,” MSNBC’s Kaise Hunt asked CUj4xLzYTgI-00003-00004076-00005220 “Well, if there’s insufficient evidence in the Mueller report and we’re not able to produce sufficient evidence in our own investigation, that ends the inquiry,” Schiff explained CUj4xLzYTgI-00004-00005220-00006150 “There may be grounds for removal from office or there may be grounds for indictment after he leaves office that the Congress discovers CUj4xLzYTgI-00005-00006150-00007129 ”.“One of the issues that we are looking at, which the Mueller report may not cover, is whether the Russians were laundering money for the Trump Organization CUj4xLzYTgI-00006-00007129-00008015 Our predominant concern to my committee is was this president — is this president compromised by a foreign power,” he said CUj4xLzYTgI-00007-00008015-00009637 Schiff pointed to when Trump “was trying to negotiate the most lucrative business deal of his life during his presidential campaign, concealing it from the public, trying to get the Kremlin’s help and knowing that if he crossed Putin he would never get that money, hundreds of millions of dollars CUj4xLzYTgI-00008-00009637-00009737 ” EFYFPNvFDDc-00000-00000571-00001623 In an attempt to portray his former personal attorney and fixer Michael Cohen as a liar, President Donald Trump ended up identifying himself a “key witness” in the federal case EFYFPNvFDDc-00001-00001623-00002666 .Trump has been attacking Cohen again, tweeting on Friday morning that his former lawyer “lied” to Congress when he said he never asked for a presidential pardon EFYFPNvFDDc-00002-00002666-00003559 According to legal expert Ross Garber, tweeting on this matter was “beyond ill-advised” for the president, Law & Crime reported EFYFPNvFDDc-00003-00003559-00005455 When Cohen (who is set to begin serving a three-year prison sentence in May) publicly testified before the House Oversight Committee on February 27, he stated that he had no interest in a presidential pardon from Trump for any of the crimes he has pleaded guilty to and had not asked him for one EFYFPNvFDDc-00004-00005455-00006419 Trump’s tweet targeted this claim directly:“Bad lawyer and fraudster Michael Cohen said under sworn testimony that he never asked for a Pardon EFYFPNvFDDc-00005-00006419-00007357 His lawyers totally contradicted him. He lied! Additionally, he directly asked me for a pardon,” Trump tweeted EFYFPNvFDDc-00006-00007357-00008342 “I said NO. He lied again! He also badly wanted to work at the White House. He lied!” the president added EFYFPNvFDDc-00007-00008342-00009321 But in an official statement on Thursday, Cohen’s attorney, Lanny Davis, tried to make clear that he is not contradicting his client EFYFPNvFDDc-00008-00009321-00010233 Davis stated that “after July 2, 2018, Mr. Cohen authorized me as a new lawyer to say publicly Mr EFYFPNvFDDc-00009-00010233-00010969 Cohen would never accept a pardon from President Trump even if offered. That continues to be the case EFYFPNvFDDc-00010-00010969-00011829 And his statement at the Oversight Hearing was true — and consistent with his post-joint defense agreement commitment to tell the truth EFYFPNvFDDc-00011-00011829-00012808 ”.Davis told ABC News Cohen’s claim to Congress was “literally true,’” because his client “never asked President Trump for a pardon EFYFPNvFDDc-00012-00012808-00013762 His lawyer explored the disingenuous ‘dangle’ repeatedly floated by Rudy [Giuliani] and Trump in one meeting and never followed up'' FFaz-FBqP5c-00000-00000513-00002124 Bruce Ohr, a career Justice Department official, admitted in recently released testimony that he informed the FBI that the infamous, largely discredited anti-Trump dossier authored by Christopher Steele was tied to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign FFaz-FBqP5c-00001-00002124-00003284 Ohr testified that he further warned his FBI superiors that the dossier information was likely “biased” against Trump and that he thought Steele was “desperate that Trump not be elected FFaz-FBqP5c-00002-00003284-00004611 ”.Ohr revealed that he spoke to the FBI about the role of Fusion GPS in producing the dossier, and informed the agency that his wife, Nellie Ohr, worked at the time for Fusion GPS FFaz-FBqP5c-00003-00004611-00006341 Critically, Ohr said that he transmitted all of that information in the time period before the FBI under James Comey certified the FISA application to obtain a warrant to conduct surveillance on Carter Page, a former adviser to President Trump’s 2016 campaign FFaz-FBqP5c-00004-00006341-00007409 Comey signed the first FISA application in late October 2016.Ohr’s testimony raises numerous immediate issues for the FBI and separately for Comey FFaz-FBqP5c-00005-00007409-00008469 Comey’s FISA application to conduct surveillance did not specifically state that the FBI had information that Steele was being paid in connection with any U FFaz-FBqP5c-00006-00008469-00009175 S. political party, according to House documents and the redacted FISA application itself FFaz-FBqP5c-00007-00009175-00010123 The application also did not say that the FBI was provided with any information that would raise issues of bias concerning Steele FFaz-FBqP5c-00008-00010123-00012552 Instead, Comey’s FISA application stated generally that “the FBI speculates” that Steele “was likely looking for information that could be used to discredit” Trump’s campaign — a far cry from informing the court that the dossier utilized as central evidence against Page in the FISA warrant was paid for by Trump’s primary political opponents, namely Clinton and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) FFaz-FBqP5c-00009-00012552-00014080 .The phraseology that the FBI “speculates” on possible bias is at odds with Ohr’s testimony that he directly told the FBI about several possible avenues of bias and that he had reason to believe Steele himself was biased FFaz-FBqP5c-00010-00014080-00015376 In other words, Comey may have kept from the FISA court information that would at a minimum raise major questions about the dossier charges that were cited as key evidence against Page in the FISA applications FFaz-FBqP5c-00011-00015376-00016220 Ohr’s closed-door testimony was delivered last year before a joint Judiciary and Oversight Committee “task force FFaz-FBqP5c-00012-00016220-00017479 ” A transcript of the testimony was released last week by Rep. Doug Collins of Georgia, the top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, and was reviewed in full by Breitbart News FFaz-FBqP5c-00013-00017479-00018821 .Collins said he made the transcript public in an effort to raise awareness about what he referred to as a “very disturbing pattern of behavior at the Department of Justice” regarding probes of President Trump and alleged Russia collusion FFaz-FBqP5c-00014-00018821-00020086 In the testimony, Ohr recounted maintaining direct contact with Steele even after the former British spy was terminated as an FBI source over reports that Steele was communicating with reporters FFaz-FBqP5c-00015-00020086-00021102 In doing so, Ohr lent credibility to the Republican House Intelligence Committee memo alleging that Ohr served as a back-channel between the FBI and Steele FFaz-FBqP5c-00016-00021102-00023299 In confirming that he told the FBI about his wife’s relationship with Fusion GPS prior to the first FISA application, Ohr also spotlights the GOP Intel memo’s assertion that Nellie Ohr’s connection to Fusion GPS, which produced the central piece of evidence in the FISA application, was “inexplicably concealed” from the FISA court FFaz-FBqP5c-00017-00023299-00024040 Ohr also testified that he told the FBI about the connection between the Clinton campaign and the dossier FFaz-FBqP5c-00018-00024040-00025579 Those facts also were left out of the FISA applications. The dossier was financed by Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and the DNC via the Perkins Coie law firm, which in turn funded Fusion GPS FFaz-FBqP5c-00019-00025579-00027052 Here is the relevant portion of the testimony:.Mr. Gowdy. So you specifically told the Bureau that the information you were passing on came from someone who was employed by the DNC, albeit in a somewhat triangulated way? FFaz-FBqP5c-00020-00027052-00028471 Mr. Ohr. I don’t believe I used — I didn’t know they were employed by the DNC, but I certainly said, yes, that — that they were working for — you know, they were somehow working associated with the Clinton campaign FFaz-FBqP5c-00021-00028471-00029414 And I also told the FBI that my wife worked for Fusion GPS or was a contractor for GPS, Fusion GPS FFaz-FBqP5c-00022-00029414-00030187 .Mr. Gowdy. And, again, you thought it was important to tell the Bureau that for bias — FFaz-FBqP5c-00023-00030187-00031624 Mr. Ohr. Yes.Ohr said he told the FBI about his wife’s employment with Fusion GPS and issues with Steele’s information in an effort to inform the agency about possible bias related to Steele’s work FFaz-FBqP5c-00024-00031624-00032637 Ohr also confirmed that the information about credibility issues was provided to the FBI before Comey’s first FISA application citing the dossier in question: FFaz-FBqP5c-00025-00032637-00033528 Mr. Ratcliffe. We’ve talked about the relevant facts that the FBI and the Department of Justice was aware of FFaz-FBqP5c-00026-00033528-00034405 Were they also — one that I didn’t ask you about — they were also aware of Mr. Steele’s bias against Donald Trump, were they not? FFaz-FBqP5c-00027-00034405-00035458 Mr. Ohr. I provided information to the FBI when I thought Christopher Steele was, as I said, desperate that Trump not be elected FFaz-FBqP5c-00028-00035458-00036884 So, yes, of course, I provided that to the FBI.Mr. Ratcliffe. Yes. And so were the Department of Justice and the FBI also aware of Glenn Simpson’s bias against Donald Trump? FFaz-FBqP5c-00029-00036884-00037822 Mr. Ohr. I certainly told the FBI that Fusion GPS was working with — doing opposition research on Donald Trump FFaz-FBqP5c-00030-00037822-00039755 .Mr. Ratcliffe. Okay. So, again, so the record is clear, what the Department of Justice and the FBI was aware of prior to the first FISA application was your relationship with Christopher Steele and Glenn Simpson, your wife’s relationship with Christopher Steele and Glenn Simpson, Mr FFaz-FBqP5c-00031-00039755-00040881 Steele’s bias against Donald Trump, Mr. Simpson’s bias against Donald Trump, your wife’s compensation for work for Glenn Simpson and Fusion GPS, correct? FFaz-FBqP5c-00032-00040881-00041719 Mr. Weinsheimer. Can I have a second? [Discussion off the record.].Mr. Ohr. Right FFaz-FBqP5c-00033-00041719-00042579 So just, again, to reiterate, when I spoke with the FBI, I told them my wife was working for Fusion GPS FFaz-FBqP5c-00034-00042579-00043848 I told them Fusion GPS was doing research on Donald Trump. You know, I don’t know if I used the term opposition research, but certainly that was my — what I tried to convey to them FFaz-FBqP5c-00035-00043848-00045405 I told them this is the information I had gotten from Chris Steele. At some point, and I don’t remember exactly when, I don’t think it was the first conversation, I told them that Chris Steele was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected FFaz-FBqP5c-00036-00045405-00047766 So those are all facts that I provided to the FBI.Mr. Ratcliffe. And you provided — you said because you wanted to make sure — first you said you thought there might be a conflict of interest and then you changed that and said, well, I didn’t mean conflict of interest, I just wanted to make sure that they were aware of the possibility of bias as it related to those facts, correct? FFaz-FBqP5c-00037-00047766-00048514 Mr. Ohr. In case there is any concern that there might be any kind of bias or anything like that FFaz-FBqP5c-00038-00048514-00050013 A House Intelligence Committee memo released last February documented that, as FBI director, Comey signed three FISA applications to spy on Page with the dossier serving as part of the basis for the warrant requests FFaz-FBqP5c-00039-00050013-00051975 “Neither the initial application in October 2016, nor any of the renewals, disclose or reference the role of the DNC, Clinton campaign, or any party/campaign in funding Steele’s efforts, even though the political origins of the Steele dossier were then known to senior and FBI officials,” the memo states FFaz-FBqP5c-00040-00051975-00053989 Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee released a rebuttal of the House memo that confirms the key contention that the FBI and DOJ both failed to inform the FISA court that Steele’s dossier was funded by Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) via the Perkins Coie law firm FFaz-FBqP5c-00041-00053989-00054600 The Democratic memo quotes a footnote from the FISA application, which says that Steele: FFaz-FBqP5c-00042-00054600-00055269 was approached by an identified U.S. person who indicated to Source #1 [Steele] that a U FFaz-FBqP5c-00043-00055269-00056115 S.-based law firm had hired the identified U.S. person to conduct research regarding Candidate #1’s ties to Russia FFaz-FBqP5c-00044-00056115-00056854 (The identified U.S. person and Source #1 have a long-standing business relationship FFaz-FBqP5c-00045-00056854-00057609 ) The identified U.S. person hired Source #1 to conduct this research. The identified U FFaz-FBqP5c-00046-00057609-00058455 S. person never advised Source #1 as to the motivation behind the research into candidate #1’s ties to Russia FFaz-FBqP5c-00047-00058455-00059466 The FBI speculates that the identified U.S. person was likely looking for information that could be used to discredit Candidate #1’s campaign FFaz-FBqP5c-00048-00059466-00061002 That footnote, which does not inform the court of the dossier’s ties to the DNC, Clinton campaign or Fusion GPS was further confirmed when the Trump administration released a redacted version of the FISA applications last July FbpL4XkReDE-00000-00000571-00001401 "This guy thinks he's CEO of America and it's a family-owned company. He doesn't have to answer to anybody FbpL4XkReDE-00001-00001401-00002112 ".That's Maine Sen. Angus King on Donald Trump during an interview on CNN's "New Day" on Tuesday FbpL4XkReDE-00002-00002112-00003102 And, man, did the Mainer nail it.Trump runs his White House -- and the broader government -- much in the same way he ran his eponymous company FbpL4XkReDE-00003-00003102-00004037 He has surrounded himself with a small inner circle filled with a combination of family members and people willing to tell him he is always right FbpL4XkReDE-00004-00004037-00005205 He demands total loyalty from those who work for him and, as is the case with the traditionally independent Justice Department, fumes when they refuse to follow his orders to a "T FbpL4XkReDE-00005-00005205-00006093 " He purposely -- and publicly -- contradicts people within his own administration as a way to assert his dominance and keep them on their toes FbpL4XkReDE-00006-00006093-00007077 Put another way: All you need to know about how Donald Trump views the presidency you can learn by watching a single episode of "The Apprentice FbpL4XkReDE-00007-00007077-00007942 ".What has become abundantly clear in Trump's two-plus years on the job is that Washington and the presidency isn't changing him FbpL4XkReDE-00008-00007942-00009010 In fact, it's the other way around. (Remember those golden days when the political world debated whether Trump would act more "presidential" once in office??) FbpL4XkReDE-00009-00009010-00009943 Trump, more so than any other modern president, has reshaped the norms governing what a president can -- and should -- do with the power conveyed by the office FbpL4XkReDE-00010-00009943-00011980 He has, among other things, sought to discredit the idea of an independent media, devalued the idea of truth, threatened to close the US's southern border, said that there was blame on both sides for white supremacist violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, attacked a cable TV host for her alleged facelift and on and on and on FbpL4XkReDE-00011-00011980-00012874 He's also repeatedly expressed disdain for the role of the legislative and judicial branches in the system of checks and balances FbpL4XkReDE-00012-00012874-00013595 And expressed his admiration for the power exerted by authoritarian dictators around the world FbpL4XkReDE-00013-00013595-00014391 Through it all, Trump has never understood -- or cared to understand -- why what he says (and wants) doesn't just happen FbpL4XkReDE-00014-00014391-00015677 The Point: Whether Trump wins a second term in 2020 or not, his legacy will be the way in which he changed how people think about a) who should be president and b) how a president should act in office FbpL4XkReDE-00015-00015677-00016520 Trump acts as though he has unlimited power to do whatever he wants in office -- and attacks those who question that view FbpL4XkReDE-00016-00016520-00017147 He might be the first to see the office that way, but he has ensured he won't be the last FhIKjnD2mvc-00000-00000571-00001467 America’s ever-deepening college debt problem is really a symptom of a worse malady: our societal addiction to college itself FhIKjnD2mvc-00001-00001467-00002148 Any sober assessment of the facts would indicate that too many Americans are going to college FhIKjnD2mvc-00002-00002148-00002922 As a result, college costs—and debt—have skyrocketed while the rewards for college have plunged FhIKjnD2mvc-00003-00002922-00004110 Yet this is something that has escaped the attention of our political elites. And, as it turns out, our financial and cultural elites—as the recent college admissions scandal indicates FhIKjnD2mvc-00004-00004110-00005045 Many Democrats want to double-down, promising “free college” to young people—a euphemism for college funded by taxpayers FhIKjnD2mvc-00005-00005045-00006004 Perhaps surprisingly, Ivy-league educated Ivanka Trump has recently come out as a skeptic about America’s love affair with college FhIKjnD2mvc-00006-00006004-00007117 The first daughter has taken up a leadership role in the Trump administration’s workforce development efforts—and shown a remarkable candidness when it comes to our college problem FhIKjnD2mvc-00007-00007117-00008391 “I think culturally, for a long time we have created and perpetuated the narrative that there is one pathway to achieving the American dream and its four-year university,” Ms Trump said in a recent interview FhIKjnD2mvc-00008-00008391-00009321 Trump goes on:.That has been instilled into American students, it’s often American parents that feel that is the only viable path FhIKjnD2mvc-00009-00009321-00010546 So you have kids going into school racking up enormous amounts of student debt that they’ll often take decades if there ever able to pay it off without a skill, if they ultimately graduate FhIKjnD2mvc-00010-00010546-00011965 So I think opening up the prism and saying there are many different pathways. It depends what you want in your life and taking the stigma away from those who choose alternative pathways who choose technical schools, vocational education FhIKjnD2mvc-00011-00011965-00012592 At the end of the day, it’s about connecting workers with their passion, with their jobs FhIKjnD2mvc-00012-00012592-00013665 There’s very little opportunity for somebody who wants to the vocational route, the technical route because all the money pushes you into a four-year college system FhIKjnD2mvc-00013-00013665-00014697 Just as her father drew attention to the incredibly bad hand American industrial workers had been dealt by decades of anti-American trade deals, Ms FhIKjnD2mvc-00014-00014697-00015481 Trump is drawing attention to the bad hand the US has dealt our young people.The facts are stark FhIKjnD2mvc-00015-00015481-00016322 Over the past 40 years, the U.S. has doubled the share of high school graduates who go on to get college degrees FhIKjnD2mvc-00016-00016322-00017359 Forty-six percent of high school graduates receive degrees from four-year colleges, and another 24 percent get degrees from two-year colleges FhIKjnD2mvc-00017-00017359-00018586 This increase in college education, however, has come at a steep cost. The relative benefits of a college degree have been declining for nearly two decades, while costs have been escalating FhIKjnD2mvc-00018-00018586-00019498 College graduates still earn more than high school graduates and are less likely to be unemployed—but the gap has been contracting FhIKjnD2mvc-00019-00019498-00020180 And the income and employment benefits may overstate the lifetime effects of college degrees FhIKjnD2mvc-00020-00020180-00021590 The college wealth premium—the amount of extra wealth college graduates have accumulate the course of their lifetime—has declined even more rapidly than the income and employment premium, according to a recent study by the Federal Reserve FhIKjnD2mvc-00021-00021590-00022518 And among blacks, Hispanics, Asians—that is, everyone except whites—there is no wealth premium at all, the study found FhIKjnD2mvc-00022-00022518-00023612 After ten years, nearly one-third of college graduates wind up in a job that does not require a college degree, the Wall Street Journal reports FhIKjnD2mvc-00023-00023612-00025208 That should not be surprising. It demonstrates that the supply of college graduates has outpaced demand, which is exactly what you would expect would happen when ample subsidies and societal pressure are applied to increase college attendance FhIKjnD2mvc-00024-00025208-00025864 When, as Ms. Trump put it, “all the money pushes you into a four-year college system FhIKjnD2mvc-00025-00025864-00026697 ”.The average sticker-price of a four-year college, including room and board, is now $50,000 per year FhIKjnD2mvc-00026-00026697-00028257 As Barron’s Jack Hough recently pointed out, $200,000 in cash invested in the name of a 22 year old would produce a $3 million retirement nest egg by the age of 68, if the money is invested at about a 6% year return FhIKjnD2mvc-00027-00028257-00029510 This high price is being financed by debt. On average, a college graduate owes twice as much debt as she did twenty years ago, according to the Wall Street Journal FhIKjnD2mvc-00028-00029510-00030673 Educational loans now amount to more than $1.5 trillion. More than one out of ten student loan borrowers will default on their loans FhIKjnD2mvc-00029-00030673-00031532 Federal Reserve economists recently studied the impact all that debt is having on those aged 24 to 32 FhIKjnD2mvc-00030-00031532-00032689 They found that while it plays a significant role in keeping young people from buying homes, although other factors—including the high price of homes—were more important FhIKjnD2mvc-00031-00032689-00034042 “In surveys, young adults commonly report that their student loan debts are preventing them from buying a home,” Fed researchers Alvaro Mezza, Daniel Ringo, and Kamila Sommer found FhIKjnD2mvc-00032-00034042-00035126 “Our estimates suggest that increases in student loan debt are an important factor in explaining their lowered homeownership rates, but not the central cause of the decline FhIKjnD2mvc-00033-00035126-00036080 ”.This is having a profound effect on American society. People are getting married later, which reduces the number of children they have FhIKjnD2mvc-00034-00036080-00037250 Women, in particular, delay marriage when they bear lots of student debt. And a significant number of people who say they do not want children cited student debt as the reason FhIKjnD2mvc-00035-00037250-00038676 Twenty-two percent of college graduates were delayed by at least two years in moving out of a family member’s home due to their student loans, a survey of millennials by the National Association of Realtors found FhIKjnD2mvc-00036-00038676-00039530 More than half of respondents said they were delayed in continuing their education or starting a family due to student loan debt FhIKjnD2mvc-00037-00039530-00040442 Bernie Sanders and others who have endorsed the idea of relieving students of the burden of paying for college address the debt side of the problem only FhIKjnD2mvc-00038-00040442-00041458 And it’s not clear that this is really much progress at all since professors will still have to be paid, buildings maintained, textbooks purchased FhIKjnD2mvc-00039-00041458-00042563 So while a student might not have to foot the bill, that debt will need to be borne by workers—which is really just a transformation of individual debt into higher taxes FhIKjnD2mvc-00040-00042563-00043287 And if history is any experience, the government will not effectively be able to contain the burgeoning costs FhIKjnD2mvc-00041-00043287-00044094 If anything, quite the opposite: cost increases will accelerate once individuals no longer see the bills FhIKjnD2mvc-00042-00044094-00045058 There’s no such thing as a free lunch, even if in a college cafeteria.The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem FhIKjnD2mvc-00043-00045058-00045765 We have a problem, as Ms Trump has indicated. Others in Washington, DC, should take note FnvJZ82V8_I-00000-00000571-00001433 Social Security may have plenty of critics, but one thing is for sure: millions of retired Americans depend on it FnvJZ82V8_I-00001-00001433-00002626 Sadly, it’s also true that con artists work tirelessly to steal that money from senior citizens, and there’s a new scam in town everyone needs to beware FnvJZ82V8_I-00002-00002626-00003744 President Trump is concerned, so he’s commissioning the SSA to take action.The SSA is announcing a major scam that’s in the works aimed at robbing Americans blind FnvJZ82V8_I-00003-00003744-00004656 The PSA discussing this scam will be aired on TV and the radio.Crooks are calling Americans, claiming to be from the SSA FnvJZ82V8_I-00004-00004656-00005299 They are tricking citizens into divulging their Social Security numbers over the phone FnvJZ82V8_I-00005-00005299-00006030 These crooks then use their SSN to steal what rightfully belongs to retired Americans FnvJZ82V8_I-00006-00006030-00006754 In some cases, they’ll use an SSN from children or young adults, who won’t collect checks for years FnvJZ82V8_I-00007-00006754-00007754 By the time the fraud is found out, it’s much too late.So Trump’s Social Security is getting out the word with a nationwide Public Service Announcement FnvJZ82V8_I-00008-00007754-00009165 From WNEM:.“We urge you to always be cautious and to avoid providing sensitive information such as your Social Security number or bank account information to unknown people over the phone or internet,” Nancy A FnvJZ82V8_I-00009-00009165-00010019 Berryhill, Acting Commissioner of Social Security said.The good news is you can avoid this scam by being prepared FnvJZ82V8_I-00010-00010019-00010755 The SSA urges you to never give out your SSN (or anyone else’s) to someone over the phone FnvJZ82V8_I-00011-00010755-00011476 Real agents will never ask for your number. Rarely do they even contact you over the phone FnvJZ82V8_I-00012-00011476-00011967 Don’t let your friends or family get hoodwinked by these guys G0gLoyvZE0u-00000-00000571-00001702 President Donald Trump mocked Empire’s Jussie Smollett as “the actor that nobody ever heard of” in a Tuesday evening speech before the National Republican Congressional Committee G0gLoyvZE0u-00001-00001702-00003097 During his remarks, the president launched into a riff about Smollett for alleging he was the target of a racist and anti-gay attack by two masked men, who the actor claimed shouted “This is MAGA Country!” before fleeing G0gLoyvZE0u-00002-00003097-00003752 “How about the guy from Chicago? The actor that nobody ever heard of,” said Trump G0gLoyvZE0u-00003-00003752-00004654 “He said he got taken out by ‘MAGA country.’ I said, ‘What the Hell was that?’ I guess that’s a hate crime, right?” G0gLoyvZE0u-00004-00004654-00006085 Earlier this month, the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office dropped all 16 charges against the Empire star, who the Chicago police Department charge staged a hate crime against himself on January 29th to boost his career G0gLoyvZE0u-00005-00006085-00007245 He is accused of filing a false police report about the ordeal. .Last Thursday, President Trump ripped the handling of Smollett’s case at his rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan G0gLoyvZE0u-00006-00007245-00008230 “And it’s getting to be that time. Very important–MAGA country–you heard the other day? How about in Chicago?” the president asked his supporters G0gLoyvZE0u-00007-00008230-00009235 “He said, he said, he was attacked by ‘MAGA country.’ Ever hear that one? Maybe the only time I’ve ever agreed with the mayor of Chicago right there G0gLoyvZE0u-00008-00009235-00010215 That’s a terrible situation. That’s an embarrassment not only to Chicago, that is an embarrassment to our country, what took place there G0gLoyvZE0u-00009-00010215-00011516 Remember that.”.On Monday, the Fraternal Order of Police in Chicago protested outside the office of top prosecutor Kim Foxx, demanding the George Soros-funded official resign G0gLoyvZE0u-00010-00011516-00012978 Chicago officials warned Smollett that he could be prosecuted for lying if he fails to repay the roughly $130,000 cost of the police’s investigation into his alleged hate hoax in the next seven days GvaO51yZSny-00000-00000571-00001778 One of Donald Trump’s relatively few life skills is that he’s really good at creating comparatively harmless scandals about himself in order to distract us from his more damaging scandals GvaO51yZSny-00001-00001778-00002911 Now that Trump has finally thrown his full weight into the escalating debacle between Kellyanne Conway and George Conway, a lot of people think he’s doing it again GvaO51yZSny-00002-00002911-00003943 I’m here to tell you, that’s not what’s going on here.Here’s what Donald Trump tweeted today: “George Conway, often referred to as Mr GvaO51yZSny-00003-00003943-00005053 Kellyanne Conway by those who know him, is VERY jealous of his wife’s success & angry that I, with her help, didn’t give him the job he so desperately wanted GvaO51yZSny-00004-00005053-00005698 I barely know him but just take a look, a stone cold LOSER & husband from hell!” GvaO51yZSny-00005-00005698-00007114 Wait, are we supposed to believe this is somehow helping Donald Trump? What exactly is this distracting us from? It’s not as if we’ve forgotten that the Mueller report is about to land on his head GvaO51yZSny-00006-00007114-00008193 And if we do lose track, Felix Sater will be happy to remind us of the real story when he publicly testifies against Trump a week from today GvaO51yZSny-00007-00008193-00008935 Donald Trump is lashing out at George Conway for the same reason he’s lashing out at John McCain GvaO51yZSny-00008-00008935-00009930 Trump is taking on water from all sides, and it’s gotten so bad for him, that even his delusionally broken mind can see that he’s sinking GvaO51yZSny-00009-00009930-00010967 This is a guy who’s taking out his frustrations in any direction he can, because he’s just that exasperated about his own impending downfall GvaO51yZSny-00010-00010967-00011772 There’s no strategy here. Not anymore. Trump just knows he’s losing and he doesn’t like it GOBkKwvLEt8-00000-00000571-00002143 Adding to what already must be one of the most miserable existences in politics, reports are surfacing that the Trump White House is threatening low level staffers and interns with financial ruin if they refuse to sign non-disclosure agreements GOBkKwvLEt8-00001-00002143-00004089 That seems like a well run organization with nothing to hide, right?.Zoe Jackman is the director of the internship program that invited interns into the White House earlier this year, but the interns were met by a demand from the White House to sign an NDA during an orientation meeting that was called an “ethics training” GOBkKwvLEt8-00002-00004089-00004800 It was during this training that the interns were warned about the consequences of leaking information to the media GOBkKwvLEt8-00003-00004800-00005664 “Interns were also told that they would not receive their own copies,” The Daily Beast reported, citing inside sources GOBkKwvLEt8-00004-00005664-00006743 The Washington Post got their hands on a draft of the non-disclosure agreement, which shows threats to violators with a $10 million penalty for each offense GOBkKwvLEt8-00005-00006743-00008039 However, when CNN’s Jake Tapper asked the White House about it, a statement was issued saying that Trump staffers “were never asked or required to sign NDAs with $10 million clauses GOBkKwvLEt8-00006-00008039-00010063 Beyond that, we do not discuss security or personnel matters''.“All White House employees—from senior officials to interns—understand the necessity of discretion based on the fact that they hold positions of public trust, with an emphasis on public,” the Beast quoted former Obama National Security Council spokesperson Ned Price GOBkKwvLEt8-00007-00010063-00011978 “But this White House’s approach to non-disclosure agreements, even for interns, seems to suggest that guarding against criticism of the president and his family—what most of us would consider to be protected speech—is just as important as safeguarding the sensitive information the American public entrusts to the government'' Kv7mlj3ajHI-00000-00000571-00001861 One of the biggest headlines of the day today is the FBI bust of dozens of wealthy parents who bribed school officials, SAT administrators and coaches to get their children into elite schools Kv7mlj3ajHI-00001-00001861-00003050 My first reaction to the pictures of soccer moms in the headlines of all the major news outlets was, I wonder if the overzealous moms qualify for the “otherwise blameless life” discount Kv7mlj3ajHI-00002-00003050-00004066 Here’s the problem with that reaction. Three years ago this scandal would have been much bigger news than it is today, and my first reaction would have been anger Kv7mlj3ajHI-00003-00004066-00004693 Our country and our economy were founded on the idea of individual mobility and opportunity Kv7mlj3ajHI-00004-00004693-00005787 At its best our country operates as a meritocracy: people are able to rise or fall based on their level of ability, merit, determination and effort Kv7mlj3ajHI-00005-00005787-00007446 Equal opportunity is our ideal. We have fallen dreadfully short of this goal.Wealth conveys societal opportunity that’s not available to those without it, and over the last twenty years there has been a dramatic decrease in the ability of those not born into wealth to obtain it Kv7mlj3ajHI-00006-00007446-00008436 Opportunities for social mobility are getting more scarce. Our colleges and universities are supposed to be a gateway for opportunity Kv7mlj3ajHI-00007-00008436-00010755 The system for entry into these institutions is supposed to be merit based.The idea that the wealthy can illegally purchase a coveted slot into the best universities for their otherwise unqualified child, gives another precious advantage to an already advantaged child, and takes that opportunity away from a gifted child more intellectually equipped to make use of a fine education Kv7mlj3ajHI-00008-00010755-00013438 This should be a big deal, but let’s face it. When the President’s campaign manager was secretly working as an agent of the Ukraine and Russia, when he laundered money, when he evaded paying taxes on his earnings from that secret agency, and he lied to FBI agents, and then he gets off with only four years in prison, and is referred to by a judge as, “otherwise blameless,” it’s hard to get worked up over a mom cheating to get her child into a university Kzl45efZYc0-00000-00000571-00001736 President Donald Trump now says Robert Mueller acted honorably in the Russia investigation -- a change of tune from the man who had at one time called the special counsel disgraced and discredited Kzl45efZYc0-00001-00001736-00002768 Asked during Monday's White House meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu whether Mueller acted honorably, Trump replied: "Yes, he did Kzl45efZYc0-00002-00002768-00003705 ".The comment follows Friday's submission of Mueller's report into Russian interference in the 2016 election to Attorney General Bill Barr Kzl45efZYc0-00003-00003705-00004779 According to Barr's summary of the report, Mueller did not establish that Trump campaign associates colluded with Russians to influence the outcome of the election Kzl45efZYc0-00004-00004779-00005986 Mueller's investigation of whether the President committed obstruction of justice did not conclude the President committed a crime, but it also "does not exonerate him," Barr quoted from Mueller's report Kzl45efZYc0-00005-00005986-00006633 Mueller would not make the decision on whether to prosecute the President on obstruction Kzl45efZYc0-00006-00006633-00007443 Barr and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein made the determination the evidence was "not sufficient" to support prosecution Kzl45efZYc0-00007-00007443-00008807 The White House, however, has continued to echo Trump's tweeted sentiment -- that not only was there no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, but that Trump has been totally exonerated by Mueller and Barr Kzl45efZYc0-00008-00008807-00010155 Trump also reiterated Monday that he wouldn't mind if the report became public, telling the press that it "wouldn't bother" him "at all" if Barr released the Mueller report, adding that it's Barr's decision to make Kzl45efZYc0-00009-00010155-00010839 Asked whether the investigation was indeed a "witch hunt," Trump didn't answer directly Kzl45efZYc0-00010-00010839-00011612 "It lasted a long time," he said. "We're glad it's over, it's 100% the way it should have been Kzl45efZYc0-00011-00011612-00012576 I wish it could have gone a lot sooner, a lot quicker."."There are a lot of people out there that have done some very, very evil things Kzl45efZYc0-00012-00012576-00013477 Very bad things. I would say treasonous things against our country and hopefully people that have done such harm to our country Kzl45efZYc0-00013-00013477-00014237 We've gone through a period of really bad things happening. Those people will certainly be looked at," he said Kzl45efZYc0-00014-00014237-00015044 "We can never let this happen to another president again. I can tell you that. I say it very strongly Kzl45efZYc0-00015-00015044-00016176 Very few people I know could have handled it," Trump added.Asked whether he was thinking about pardoning anyone implicated in the Russia investigation, Trump said no Kzl45efZYc0-00016-00016176-00017166 "Haven't thought about it," he said.CLARIFICATION: This story was updated to more precisely reflect Attorney General Bill Barr's letter to Congress Kzl45efZYc0-00017-00017166-00018649 Specifically, Barr quoted from special counsel Robert Mueller's report to say the "investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities Kzl45efZYc0-00018-00018649-00018749 " KFd8VnMBQHA-00000-00000571-00001409 Border Patrol just sounded the alarm. The border chief just officially declared we have reached the “breaking point KFd8VnMBQHA-00001-00001409-00002368 ”.And President Trump is putting the blame squarely on not one, but two groups. And he’s about to take massive action to fix it KFd8VnMBQHA-00002-00002368-00003306 Direct from his Twitter account.Here’s Trump’s full text: “The DEMOCRATS have given us the weakest immigration laws anywhere in the World KFd8VnMBQHA-00003-00003306-00004659 Mexico has the strongest, & they make more than $100 Billion a year on the US Therefore, CONGRESS MUST CHANGE OUR WEAK IMMIGRATION LAWS NOW, & Mexico must stop illegals from entering the U KFd8VnMBQHA-00004-00004659-00005377 S. through their country and our Southern Border. Mexico has for many years made a fortune off of the U KFd8VnMBQHA-00005-00005377-00006683 S., far greater than Border Costs.”.You’re exactly right, Donald!.The laws Democrats (and some Republicans!) put in place are making it next to impossible to protect our country KFd8VnMBQHA-00006-00006683-00007558 And it doesn’t help that our southern neighbor gets $100 BILLION a year, but they are making the problem worse, not better KFd8VnMBQHA-00007-00007558-00008859 Donald needs to put a stop this NOW, don’t you agree?.And he is. Trump is vowing extreme action to put an end to the border crisis unfolding before our eyes: he’s giving Mexico a stiff ultimatum: KFd8VnMBQHA-00008-00008859-00010113 .“If Mexico doesn’t immediately stop ALL illegal immigration coming into the United States throug our Southern Border, I will be CLOSING the Border, or large sections of the Border, next week KFd8VnMBQHA-00009-00010113-00011296 This would be so easy for Mexico to do, but they just take our money and “talk.” Besides, we lose so much money with them, especially when you add in drug trafficking etc KFd8VnMBQHA-00010-00011296-00012155 ), that the Border closing would be a good thing!”.Yes, President Trump! Finally taking the action we’ve been waiting for! KFd8VnMBQHA-00011-00012155-00012973 He’s sick and tired of Democrats and Mexico working against him, so what is he going to do about it? Shut it all down KFd8VnMBQHA-00012-00012973-00013621 That will be quite painful for Mexican business, who rely on importing their goods here KFd8VnMBQHA-00013-00013621-00014493 Hopefully, Mexico gets its act together and closes down its side of the border before the situation escalates KFd8VnMBQHA-00014-00014493-00015405 But the one thing they shouldn’t do? Ignore Trump. Because Donald’s not bluffing. He really will shut it all down KFd8VnMBQHA-00015-00015405-00015878 He vowed to put America first—and he’s going to do it LVXWqcTRmW4-00000-00000571-00001323 We apparently have entered another opposite day situation, where left is right and up is down LVXWqcTRmW4-00001-00001323-00002193 Corruptus Maximus, aka “President” Donald Trump, is tweeting out how others should be investigated for treason and dishonesty LVXWqcTRmW4-00002-00002193-00003253 He’s uttering such nonsense in a week in which Michael Cohen sent Congress a letter revealing how damaging his newly discovered hard drive of evidence might be against Trump LVXWqcTRmW4-00003-00003253-00004442 .Trump and his campaign associates met dozens of times with various Russians, then lied about it, then discounted it, and still have not explained why they engaged in such conduct LVXWqcTRmW4-00004-00004442-00006095 And we have indictments and convictions. We also have the developing tensions between Attorney General William Barr and some members of Robert Mueller’s Russian investigation team, the latter making it clear that Barr downplayed the seriousness of the findings and facts in the report LVXWqcTRmW4-00005-00006095-00006837 We will have to wait a bit on the report and what it does or does not report to verify the Mueller team’s statements LVXWqcTRmW4-00006-00006837-00007584 On Saturday afternoon, Trump tweeted: “Why should I be defending a fraudulent Russian Witch Hunt LVXWqcTRmW4-00007-00007584-00008475 It’s about time the perpetrators of this fraud on me and the American People start defending their dishonest and treasonous acts LVXWqcTRmW4-00008-00008475-00009744 How and why did this terrible event begin? Never Forget!”.Nobody knows who these supposed “perpetrators” are, but it is breathtaking that a sitting president would unilaterally accuse anyone of treason LVXWqcTRmW4-00009-00009744-00010787 And it’s a bit premature to be taking a victory lap – one can ask the Auburn basketball team about counting a win or vindication before the scoreboard says zero LVXWqcTRmW4-00010-00010787-00012208 .The “terrible event” began in this manner – a campaign for president consorted with, worked with, and obtained support from numerous unofficial representatives of the Russian government, and became President of the United States LVXWqcTRmW4-00011-00012208-00013002 That same person then fired the FBI Director under flimsy, and ultimately untrue, pretenses LVXWqcTRmW4-00012-00013002-00013754 Then he proudly confessed during a television interview. The game is not over, and this is not a game LVXWqcTRmW4-00013-00013754-00014449 To give new context to an old adage, “Those who live in the White House should not cast aspersions LVXWqcTRmW4-00014-00014449-00014767 ” Truth will win out LYqSz1oc2RA-00000-00000571-00002060 Today is not the first time in which Donald Trump has carried out a public feud with a cancer patient, and it’s not the first or the tenth time in which Trump has carried out a feud with a black public figure while questioning that person’s intelligence LYqSz1oc2RA-00001-00002060-00003366 But this morning stood out as being remarkable because Trump simultaneously carried out a feud with a cancer patient and a black public figure, as he appeared to be trying to create a mess on as many fronts as possible LYqSz1oc2RA-00002-00003366-00004703 After Spike Lee used his Academy Awards speech last night to encourage people to vote in 2020 for morally superior candidates, Donald Trump accused Lee this morning of having given a “racist” speech LYqSz1oc2RA-00003-00004703-00005513 Trump also implied that Lee was too stupid to give a speech without notes, and that he was too illiterate to even read his own notes LYqSz1oc2RA-00004-00005513-00006560 This was remarkable, considering that Trump’s own tweets suggest he’s semi-illiterate, and he’s easily the worst teleprompter reader in modern political history LYqSz1oc2RA-00005-00006560-00007198 Then Donald Trump lashed out at former Senator Harry Reid, who is now battling cancer LYqSz1oc2RA-00006-00007198-00008096 Trump falsely claimed that Reid was run out of politics (he retired), and accused Reid of career long dishonesty LYqSz1oc2RA-00007-00008096-00009334 As per usual, this was a matter of Trump projecting his own failings on others. But what stood out is that Trump was clearly, desperately, looking to create a distraction this morning LYqSz1oc2RA-00008-00009334-00010277 A couple hours later, Alva Johnson accused Donald Trump of trying to kiss her while she was working for his 2016 campaign LYqSz1oc2RA-00009-00010277-00012312 Trump knew this story was coming out today. So were his Twitter antics this morning a way of trying to distract the media and the public from that, or is there another big shoe yet to drop? Just how poorly does Trump expect his Kim summit to go? Are Trump’s criminal scandals about to get even worse for him? Stay tuned LYqSz1oc2RA-00010-00012312-00012772 Trump is even more out of control than usual MG4aOqSPjCo-00000-00000571-00001885 When the House Judiciary Committee sent document requests to dozens of Donald Trump’s associates on Monday, part of the goal was to find people who were willing to cooperate by turning over the relevant documents MG4aOqSPjCo-00001-00001885-00002982 But in these kinds of mass-requests, there is also clearly a secondary of goal of sending everyone involved scrambling, and some of them are going to screw up in the process MG4aOqSPjCo-00002-00002982-00004209 That scrambling is already underway.Donald Trump’s former longtime adviser Michael Caputo announced on Tuesday night that he is going to refuse to cooperate with the document request he received MG4aOqSPjCo-00003-00004209-00005181 He says that he’s also aware of four other unnamed Trump associates who are going to refuse to cooperate, according to the Washington Post MG4aOqSPjCo-00004-00005181-00006566 This can’t end well for any of the five of them.Caputo says that he’s refusing to cooperate partly because he fears the House Judiciary Committee is going to try to use the documents to hit him with perjury charges MG4aOqSPjCo-00005-00006566-00008081 He may be onto something, because he testified before the House Intelligence Committee back in 2017, when it was under control of Devin Nunes, who was all but begging Trump’s associates to come in and insist that they and Trump were innocent MG4aOqSPjCo-00006-00008081-00008911 We don’t know if Caputo in particular lied under oath, but it’s a safe bet that a whole lot of people did MG4aOqSPjCo-00007-00008911-00010032 So anyone who lied under oath to the Republican House, and now turns over documents to the Democratic House, could end up incriminating themselves for perjury in the process MG4aOqSPjCo-00008-00010032-00011241 But not cooperating comes with its own legal risks. For instance, Donald Trump’s longtime associate Tom Barrack announced to CNBC on Tuesday that he’ll be turning over everything MG4aOqSPjCo-00009-00011241-00012641 He won’t be the only one.The trouble for Michael Caputo ad his fellow dissenters is that, statistically speaking, someone else among the eighty-one names is likely going to turn over the documents in question MG4aOqSPjCo-00010-00012641-00013430 For instance, if two people have a conversation via email or text, only one of them has to cooperate MG4aOqSPjCo-00011-00013430-00014877 By fighting this, Caputo will rack up huge legal fees, even as others will probably turn over the documents involving him anyway – and if he is incriminated, prosecutors will seek a harsh sentence due to his lack of cooperation MG4aOqSPjCo-00012-00014877-00015253 This can’t end well for any of them MgGDUAPd27A-00000-00000571-00001655 Social Security is a frustrating challenge with no clear solution in sight.We need to rein in spending, but we can’t leave retired Americans in the lurch MgGDUAPd27A-00001-00001655-00002407 The real problem is: how do you make sure honest Americans get their benefits while rooting out the conmen? MgGDUAPd27A-00002-00002407-00003118 President Trump is announcing a “social” solution to put an end to a major Social Security scam MgGDUAPd27A-00003-00003118-00003956 From Fox Business:.In order to identify people wrongly claiming Social Security Opens a New Window MgGDUAPd27A-00004-00003956-00005056 disability benefits, the administration is working on a proposal to use social media sites – including Facebook and Twitter – to corroborate claims MgGDUAPd27A-00005-00005056-00005829 The new monitoring strategy will look to a person’s social media to make sure they’re not conning the government MgGDUAPd27A-00006-00005829-00006840 For instance, let’s say there was someone claiming benefits for an injured back. But on the same day, they post pictures of themselves playing golf MgGDUAPd27A-00007-00006840-00007741 Hmm… that’s no good. With a program in financial trouble, the last thing it needs is people taking from it who don’t need it MgGDUAPd27A-00008-00007741-00008415 Right now, social media is only checked after someone’s under suspicion for fraud MgGDUAPd27A-00009-00008415-00009575 But how does the Social Security Administration know in the first place?.This new measure by Trump will require everyone requesting money to undergo a social media screening MgGDUAPd27A-00010-00009575-00010311 Seems legit. If you have an honest need, then you wouldn’t object to having your social media checked MgGDUAPd27A-00011-00010311-00011317 Some might say this is a step towards violating someone’s privacy. But keep in mind these social media posts are made public on major websites MgGDUAPd27A-00012-00011317-00012385 These aren’t a person’s private pictures or diary entries.Plus, these people specifically requested tax dollars to pay for their injuries or other needs MgGDUAPd27A-00013-00012385-00013117 So, they shouldn’t be surprised if the government wants to make sure they’re not con artists MgGDUAPd27A-00014-00013117-00014248 Some people use stolen identities to claim benefits for themselves. A quick social media check would prove that these 20-somethings aren’t retired 80-year-olds MgGDUAPd27A-00015-00014248-00014546 Sounds good to me NFRvR1xnG4U-00000-00000571-00001757 In the forty-eight hours since Donald Trump had his newly handpicked Attorney General William Barr make false claims about the nature of the Mueller report, Trump has begun moving full speed NFRvR1xnG4U-00001-00001757-00002519 The trouble, both for him and the nation: it’s not clear what direction he even thinks he’s headed on NFRvR1xnG4U-00002-00002519-00003209 Tonight, Trump went so far off the rails, he sounded like he needed medical attention NFRvR1xnG4U-00003-00003209-00004698 Donald Trump and his regime have spent today trying to completely eliminate Obamacare, trying to sabotage Medicare, trying to illegally fund his border wall, and trying to kill off the Special Olympics, along other atrocities NFRvR1xnG4U-00004-00004698-00005745 But that’s apparently not enough for Trump, who took to Twitter and sounded like he’s either gotten into someone’s stash of laughing gas, or turned into the Joker NFRvR1xnG4U-00005-00005745-00007041 This evening, Trump tweeted “The Fake News Media has lost tremendous credibility with its corrupt coverage of the illegal Democrat Witch Hunt of your all time favorite duly elected President, me! T NFRvR1xnG4U-00006-00007041-00007788 V. ratings of CNN & MSNBC tanked last night after seeing the Mueller Report statement NFRvR1xnG4U-00007-00007788-00009314 Fox News up BIG!” Wait, what? First, none of this is true. Second, this doesn’t even sound like it was written by him; it sounds like something from a Trump parody account that was trying to be as over the top as possible NFRvR1xnG4U-00008-00009314-00010045 If Donald Trump really did write this tweet, we’re convinced that he’s in need of immediate medical attention NFRvR1xnG4U-00009-00010045-00011471 Mentally and psychologically stable people don’t sound like this. It’s as if what little was left of Trump’s mind vanished entirely once William Barr handed him a temporary and artificial respite from his criminal scandals NFRvR1xnG4U-00010-00011471-00012007 This is precisely why the 25th Amendment was written NQ0XEoDX5r4-00000-00000571-00001284 The massive college cheating scandal that rocked the news yesterday seems like it has nothing to do with Donald Trump NQ0XEoDX5r4-00001-00001284-00002237 Today on Morning Joe, host Mika Brzezinski even called the explosive development “an incredible relief from Trump news and political news NQ0XEoDX5r4-00002-00002237-00003010 ” There is indeed no evidence that Trump or anyone around him is involved in this particular scandal NQ0XEoDX5r4-00003-00003010-00004016 Nevertheless, what is happening should frighten this president because it may spell big trouble for his legal liability and even his future as a businessman NQ0XEoDX5r4-00004-00004016-00005168 The college cheating scandal’s prosecution is possible in large part because of a 1970 law known as RICO, which stands for Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations NQ0XEoDX5r4-00005-00005168-00006367 RICO offers a path to criminal and civil recovery in situations where leaders of an “enterprise” have inspired their underlings to commit a “pattern of racketeering activity NQ0XEoDX5r4-00006-00006367-00007556 ” From prison sentences to asset forfeiture and more, RICO can help ensure not only that all guilty parties get punished but that an enterprise itself gets shuts down NQ0XEoDX5r4-00007-00007556-00008909 RICO was enacted to help fight organized crime. But prosecutors and private individuals have been getting creative, applying the law to other situations in which they argue there is a criminal enterprise at work NQ0XEoDX5r4-00008-00008909-00010139 For example, RICO has led to indictments against FIFA officials for international soccer corruption, and it is a part of ongoing litigation into Harvey Weinstein’s sexual misconduct NQ0XEoDX5r4-00009-00010139-00010954 RICO’s valuable role in the college cheating scandal highlights the law’s proven power and widening applicability NQ0XEoDX5r4-00010-00010954-00011897 This should scare the bejesus out of Trump and his business associates. RICO cases are challenging to bring, and they are not always successful NQ0XEoDX5r4-00011-00011897-00013104 But it is not a stretch to think that the SDNY investigation into the Trump Organization could produce enough compelling evidence under RICO to make the whole company come crashing down NQ0XEoDX5r4-00012-00013104-00013916 At the very least, this serves as a stark reminder that Trump’s future hangs on so much more than the Mueller probe O2xcLHUZESA-00000-00000513-00001255 Many people think that the United States has a one-person-one-vote Democracy. That is not so O2xcLHUZESA-00001-00001255-00002218 Instead, the country has an antiquated system called the Electoral College, where a person’s vote elects the people who will elect the president O2xcLHUZESA-00002-00002218-00003632 It is time to change that, and one state is leading the way.Right now, a state gets one delegate for every U. S. House of Representative plus two (one for each senator), for a grand total of 538 delegates O2xcLHUZESA-00003-00003632-00005037 Usually, those delegates vote the way their voters wish, but not always. That was why Delaware has thrown away its Electoral College and traded it for the popular vote, which actually is one-person-one-vote O2xcLHUZESA-00004-00005037-00006270 It takes a majority, 270 electoral votes, to win the presidency. That was how Donald Trump could win the electoral vote, and Secretary Hillary Clinton could win the popular vote O2xcLHUZESA-00005-00006270-00008467 State Representative Lyndon Yearick (R-DE) said, according to the state’s WHYY:.“While not perfect the Electoral College has been an effective mechanism to protect the interests of small states in selecting our nation’s leader.This bill would circumvent a system with a 230-year track record with a system that’s impact is impossible to gauge’ O2xcLHUZESA-00006-00008467-00009297 Both Democrats and Republicans in Delaware believed this would give the state more power during the presidential elections O2xcLHUZESA-00007-00009297-00010961 Delaware voted 24-17 to join a group of states with a unique plan.These 11 states plus Washington, D.C. want to pledge their combined Electoral College delegate votes to the presidential candidate who wins the 2020 presidential election popular vote O2xcLHUZESA-00008-00010961-00011967 The states would not implement their plan until enough states join their group for a combined 270 (majority of) Electoral College votes O2xcLHUZESA-00009-00011967-00012677 That means, after Delaware’s three votes, the alliance will needs 98 additional votes O2xcLHUZESA-00010-00012677-00014634 In spite of the country’s founders intentions, according to History.com:.‘The founders’ efforts, the electoral college system almost never functioned as they intended, but, as with so many constitutional provisions, the document prescribed only the system’s basic elements, leaving ample room for development O2xcLHUZESA-00011-00014634-00016086 As the republic evolved, so did the electoral college system, and, by the late 19 century, the following range of constitutional, federal and state legal, and political elements of the contemporary system were in place… O2xcLHUZESA-00012-00016086-00016899 ‘…They (delegates) are expected to vote for the presidential and vice presidential candidates of the party that nominated them O2xcLHUZESA-00013-00016899-00018335 Notwithstanding this expectation, individual electors have sometimes not honored their commitment, voting for a different candidate or candidates than the ones to whom they were pledged; they are known as “faithless” or “unfaithful” electors O2xcLHUZESA-00014-00018335-00019772 In fact, the balance of opinion by constitutional scholars is that, once electors have been chosen, they remain constitutionally free agents, able to vote for any candidate who meets the requirements for President and Vice President ‘ O2xcLHUZESA-00015-00019772-00020577 The bill’s sponsor state Representative David Bentz (D-DE) told WHYY:.‘We’re already overlooked O2xcLHUZESA-00016-00020577-00021836 Delaware is seen as this true blue state. And if you’re a Republican voter what is your motivation to vote? Because you know at the end of the day Delaware’s three electoral votes will go to that Democrat O2xcLHUZESA-00017-00021836-00022512 If you’re a democrat maybe you’re not motivated either because you know you don’t have to’ O2xcLHUZESA-00018-00022512-00023507 Opponents of the bill say that the result would not be fair if most voters in Delaware voted for the presidential candidate who lost the popular vote O2xcLHUZESA-00019-00023507-00024513 Those who support the bill claimed that the states with more delegates, i.e., Florida, Ohio, and Pennsylvania get to select the presidents O2xcLHUZESA-00020-00024513-00025140 This would make certain that swing states were not the only ones that candidates visited O2xcLHUZESA-00021-00025140-00025989 Interestingly, several Democratic 2020 presidential candidates have not followed the traditional state track O2xcLHUZESA-00022-00025989-00026624 Bentz said this legislation would make certain the next president was elected by the people: O2xcLHUZESA-00023-00026624-00028102 ‘I think if enough states do this it will be good for Delaware. It will really amplify our voice, take us from a state that’s passed over and our residents will be treated the same as residents in swing states and across the country’ O2xcLHUZESA-00024-00028102-00029139 That would force presidential candidates to campaign in the states they often skip. Delaware Governor John Carney (D) has agreed to sign the bill O35br3J04n8-00000-00000571-00001435 Despite the report of China pushing back, President Donald Trump said Tuesday that the talks are going very well O35br3J04n8-00001-00001435-00002632 The Wall Street Journal reported that U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin will travel to Beijing next week for high-level talks O35br3J04n8-00002-00002632-00003313 Chinese Vice Premier Liu He will visit Washington the following week, according to the Journal O35br3J04n8-00003-00003313-00004055 The hope is that these talks could lead to a meeting between Trump and China’s Xi Jinping in late April O35br3J04n8-00004-00004055-00005803 Trump has now twice delayed raising tariffs on China’s imports. The administration imposed a 10 percent tariff on some $200 billion of Chinese goods last autumn, adding to the higher tariffs on an additional $50 billion of China imports O35br3J04n8-00005-00005803-00006555 That 10 percent was lower than expected and was set to rise to 25 percent on January 1 O35br3J04n8-00006-00006555-00007339 At a trade meeting in Buenos Aires in December, the tariff hike was put on hold until March 1 O35br3J04n8-00007-00007339-00008300 It was then suspended indefinitely while talks continue. .China is seeking reassurance that the current tariffs will be lifted O35br3J04n8-00008-00008300-00008888 Some in the administration believe those tariffs should be kept in place until U O35br3J04n8-00009-00008888-00010126 S. officials are satisfied China is living up to its commitments. Instead, the current talks would simply win China a lasting reprieve from the threat of further tariff hikes O35br3J04n8-00010-00010126-00011395 Bloomberg reports that China has pushed back against this, demanding an immediate lifting of tariffs in exchange to structural changes to its rules over foreign investment that the U O35br3J04n8-00011-00011395-00012458 S. government says facilitate forced technology transfers by requiring U.S. companies doing business in China to partner with a domestic company O35br3J04n8-00012-00012458-00014099 “Beijing has also stepped back from its initial promises over data protection of pharmaceuticals, didn’t offer details on plans to improve patent linkages, and refused to give ground on data-service issues, one person familiar with the U O35br3J04n8-00013-00014099-00015327 S.’s views said. Beijing is trying to bring in wording that would ensure rules in the trade agreement have to comply with Chinese laws, the person added,” Bloomberg reported O35br3J04n8-00014-00015327-00016330 Interestingly, Bloomberg also reports that “a person close to Lighthizer” has denied that Chinese officials have been backpedaling O35br3J04n8-00015-00016330-00017398 One U.S. official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, told Breitbart News that it was unlikely any meeting to finalize a deal would take place in April O35br3J04n8-00016-00017398-00018007 “We still have to far to go and the Chinese are dragging their heels,” the official said O5jF1mcI_g8-00000-00000571-00001326 Are you tired of WINNING yet, America?.The moment Donald Trump entered office, things began to change O5jF1mcI_g8-00001-00001326-00002023 Unfortunately, some of his most important achievements have been ignored by the mainstream media O5jF1mcI_g8-00002-00002023-00002935 But we know the truth:.POTUS quickly went to work to end years of failure; he reversed policies and agendas that only hurt the U O5jF1mcI_g8-00003-00002935-00003682 S. and put us behind every other nation in the world.Trump signed a bill that slashed regulation O5jF1mcI_g8-00004-00003682-00004539 He worked with the GOP to score historic tax cuts.He was able to win over companies to invest in the U O5jF1mcI_g8-00005-00004539-00005691 S. He ditched NAFTA.It’s a BIG list, isn’t it?.And now, all that hard work has paid off, with one of the biggest achievements arriving just this month O5jF1mcI_g8-00006-00005691-00007002 From Bloomberg:.“Filings for U.S. unemployment benefits unexpectedly dropped, falling to the lowest level since October 1969 and suggesting little sign of cooling in a tight labor market O5jF1mcI_g8-00007-00007002-00008081 “.Unemployment is falling rapidly, thanks to Trump.Many Americans weren’t even alive when we saw these numbers before! How do you like them apples? O5jF1mcI_g8-00008-00008081-00009334 Jobless claims were at a very low 196,000 at the end of the first week in April, and the four-week average was 207,000—the lowest since December 1969 O5jF1mcI_g8-00009-00009334-00010298 These are incredible numbers. Remember, other leaders (‘cough’ Obama ‘cough’) told us jobs were gone and weren’t coming back O5jF1mcI_g8-00010-00010298-00011200 Obama and other Democrats told us we’d have to accept an America with less opportunity, fewer jobs, and low salaries O5jF1mcI_g8-00011-00011200-00011826 Oh yeah?.President Trump didn’t have a magic wand to make these amazing numbers happen O5jF1mcI_g8-00012-00011826-00012924 He simply put America first.Crazy, I know. But this simply proves that our past leaders weren’t even considering us when they made their decisions O5jF1mcI_g8-00013-00012924-00013866 Obama and the Democrats were just looking to help themselves.On the flip side, President Trump is fighting to ensure ALL Americans thrive O5jF1mcI_g8-00014-00013866-00014514 Everyone needs to know the truth: Trump is doing what people said was impossible! OJYXn55zMs4-00000-00000571-00002710 If Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) was actually a man of his word — if he wasn’t a Republican politician, in other words — then he would consider the plethora of investigations that Democrats in the House of Representatives have launched into the president and the many other easily identified targets within the Trump administration as fair game OJYXn55zMs4-00001-00002710-00004147 After all, he’s a leading member of a party that never encountered an aspect of Hillary Clinton’s life that they didn’t feel was worthy of spending many years and millions of taxpayer dollars fruitlessly investigating OJYXn55zMs4-00002-00004147-00005657 Graham was also the one who channeled Miley Cyrus during the 2016 election campaign by calling Trump “a wrecking ball” who was destroying the Republican party’s chances of ever attracting votes from Latinx-Americans with his immigration policies OJYXn55zMs4-00003-00005657-00006500 Of course, that was before Graham had the political epiphany that led him to become a born-again Trump buttock-smoocher OJYXn55zMs4-00004-00006500-00008055 Now, the Democrats in the House are the targets of Graham’s demolition-themed proclamations as the senator relayed the heartbreaking emotional toll that those mean Democratic committee chairpeople were causing for Trump with their voluminous document requests OJYXn55zMs4-00005-00008055-00008734 “He believes they are taking a wrecking ball to his life. Clinton said that about us OJYXn55zMs4-00006-00008734-00009371 They’re going nuts,” Graham said. “‘It seems like nobody wants to solve any problems OJYXn55zMs4-00007-00009371-00010330 ’ He said that a couple times. He said he’s surprised. He thought it would be in everybody’s interest [to do] infrastructure and stuff like that OJYXn55zMs4-00008-00010330-00011782 ”.The wrecking ball descriptor seems to be a favorite of the South Carolina senator who has also used the term to describe Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman in the aftermath of the murder of his critic journalist Jamal Khashoggi OJYXn55zMs4-00009-00011782-00013287 Graham revealed what is perhaps the primary motivation for his reversal in his attitude toward President Trump with a warning to fellow Republican Senators who are considering opposing the president’s national emergency declaration in a bill recently passed by the House ORY8nIdOtf8-00000-00000513-00001309 Do you want ice cream or cake?.As someone who recently celebrated a birthday, I know it’s hard to decide ORY8nIdOtf8-00001-00001309-00002106 The easy solution is an ice cream cake.Head to Baskin-Robbins. Dairy Queen. Carvel ORY8nIdOtf8-00002-00002106-00002986 All we need is ice cream cake.Congressional Republicans may need to enlist the services of Fudgie the Whale themselves ORY8nIdOtf8-00003-00002986-00004076 They too face a dessert dilemma. Ice cream or cake? Funds for a border wall? Or money for a military spending priority in their state or district? ORY8nIdOtf8-00004-00004076-00005429 This is where Fudgie comes in.President Trump’s national emergency declaration plunders various appropriations silos, which Congress targeted for specific Pentagon and “Military Construction” projects ORY8nIdOtf8-00005-00005429-00006602 The national emergency redistributes money for the wall. GOPers want the wall. But they also don’t want President Trump to pilfer their pet project back home ORY8nIdOtf8-00006-00006602-00007325 So, maybe the best solution to the quandary is the appropriations equivalent of an ice cream cake ORY8nIdOtf8-00007-00007325-00008198 All lawmakers know right now are the general pots of money from which the Trump administration will loot funds for the wall ORY8nIdOtf8-00008-00008198-00009258 But everyone’s in the dark when it comes to specifics.“I asked for the particulars,” said Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Richard Shelby, R-Ala ORY8nIdOtf8-00009-00009258-00009872 , after having breakfast at the Pentagon with Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan ORY8nIdOtf8-00010-00009872-00010914 Democratic leaders of the House Appropriations and Armed Services Committees also wrote to Shanahan demanding what programs were on the chopping block ORY8nIdOtf8-00011-00010914-00011849 “We request that you produce the requested documents and information no later than March 21, 2019,” wrote the Democrats ORY8nIdOtf8-00012-00011849-00012826 This is what happens when the power of the purse is ceded to the executive. No one on Capitol Hill knows what’s going on ORY8nIdOtf8-00013-00012826-00013578 The Senate is cruising toward following the House’s lead and voting to terminate the national emergency ORY8nIdOtf8-00014-00013578-00014221 The House already voted to undo the president’s action. The Senate will follow suit ORY8nIdOtf8-00015-00014221-00015028 At least four Senate Republicans will join all 47 Senate Democrats to cease the national emergency ORY8nIdOtf8-00016-00015028-00016183 Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., is among the four public GOP yeas. Paul says there are about ten other GOPers who will likely vote to halt the national emergency ORY8nIdOtf8-00017-00016183-00017376 “If there is four, there’s ten,” said one Republican senator to Fox News.But there aren’t enough votes in the House or Senate to override a prospective veto by Trump ORY8nIdOtf8-00018-00017376-00018549 Sixty-seven yeas are required in the Senate to override a presidential veto.However, that’s why the list of “particulars,” as Shelby put it, is so important ORY8nIdOtf8-00019-00018549-00019829 If senators actually had the concrete information at their fingertips as to which military projects the administration may raid for the wall, it’s possible even more senators could vote to rebuff Trump ORY8nIdOtf8-00020-00019829-00020584 If you’re for the wall, perhaps that’s a good argument to withhold the list until after the Senate’s taken the vote ORY8nIdOtf8-00021-00020584-00021373 Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, says he’d like to see the docket ahead of time.“I would certainly support that ORY8nIdOtf8-00022-00021373-00022253 I know a number of people who probably would,” said Romney.Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky ORY8nIdOtf8-00023-00022253-00023447 , keeps saying that Republicans are having a “spirited discussion” about the vote to disapprove of the national emergency declaration and potential impacts on key military projects ORY8nIdOtf8-00024-00023447-00024293 McConnell backed Mr. Trump’s decision to declare the national emergency in an effort to avoid a second government shutdown ORY8nIdOtf8-00025-00024293-00025388 But McConnell adds “I advised the president not to take this route.” The Kentucky Republican also says he doesn’t “have a solution as to how this ends ORY8nIdOtf8-00026-00025388-00026346 ” The only thing that’s clear is the Senate will vote to reject the national emergency declaration, tempting President Trump to issue his first veto ORY8nIdOtf8-00027-00026346-00027143 A vote to overturn the resolution is yet another example of Senate GOP dissension when it comes to the president ORY8nIdOtf8-00028-00027143-00028548 In recent months, Republican senators broke with the president on a speedy withdrawal from Syria, how the administration dealt with Saudi Arabia following the death of Jamal Khashoggi and the cancellation of some Russian sanctions ORY8nIdOtf8-00029-00028548-00029570 Fox News is told Trump was close to facing a “jailbreak” of GOP defections had the government not re-opened when it did following the shutdown ORY8nIdOtf8-00030-00029570-00030387 If the Senate approves the package, the House and Senate are aligned and the package goes to President Trump, begging for the veto ORY8nIdOtf8-00031-00030387-00031066 President Obama vetoed his first piece of legislation after only 11 months on the job ORY8nIdOtf8-00032-00031066-00031777 President George W. Bush never vetoed a bill until he was in office for five-and-a-half years ORY8nIdOtf8-00033-00031777-00032432 President Bill Clinton didn’t use a veto until two-and-a-half years into his presidency ORY8nIdOtf8-00034-00032432-00033206 Presidents have only vetoed 2,500 pieces of legislation in the history of the republic ORY8nIdOtf8-00035-00033206-00033838 But the Founders wanted to give Congress one last chance to go over the head of the executive ORY8nIdOtf8-00036-00033838-00034645 That’s a veto override.One of the few things more rare than a veto is a successful veto override ORY8nIdOtf8-00037-00034645-00035765 The gambit requires a two-thirds vote by both bodies of Congress. That’s 67 votes in the Senate, provided all 100 senators cast ballots ORY8nIdOtf8-00038-00035765-00036572 And 427 House members cast ballots on the bill to block the national emergency last month ORY8nIdOtf8-00039-00036572-00037385 So the yardstick there is 285 yeas. There were 245 members who voted in favor of the bill ORY8nIdOtf8-00040-00037385-00038349 Thus, the House fell 40 votes short.We are not expecting a successful override of a prospective veto of the national emergency ORY8nIdOtf8-00041-00038349-00039195 The math simply doesn’t work.The last unsuccessful attempt to override a veto came in January 2016 ORY8nIdOtf8-00042-00039195-00040488 President Barack Obama vetoed a Republican effort to repeal ObamaCare. The House voted 241-186, well short of the 285 yeas needed to override ORY8nIdOtf8-00043-00040488-00041131 The maneuver never went to the Senate since the override maneuver failed in the House ORY8nIdOtf8-00044-00041131-00042246 Note that the vote to override is based on how many lawmakers take part in the override effort itself, not how many members voted on the bill when it passed both bodies ORY8nIdOtf8-00045-00042246-00043090 So, determining a precise number required to override is impossible until the veto override vote concludes ORY8nIdOtf8-00046-00043090-00044059 The last successful veto override came in September 2016. Obama vetoed the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act ORY8nIdOtf8-00047-00044059-00044944 The measure allowed families of 9/11 victims to sue those responsible or the attacks, including Saudi Arabia ORY8nIdOtf8-00048-00044944-00046169 The Senate voted 97-1 to override Obama; 66 votes were needed. The House voted 348-77 with one lawmaker voting present ORY8nIdOtf8-00049-00046169-00047677 And 284 yeas were needed for the override.The potential veto override attempt will only go to the House, since that’s the body which originated the disapproval legislation of the president’s national emergency declaration ORY8nIdOtf8-00050-00047677-00048455 If the House comes up short with the override initiative, the effort dies there. It never moves to the Senate ORY8nIdOtf8-00051-00048455-00049098 That’s an advantage for some Republican senators. They can be for the national emergency ORY8nIdOtf8-00052-00049098-00050156 Oppose Mr. Trump plundering money for the wall from projects important to them and know they’ll never have to cast a vote to override the expected veto ORY8nIdOtf8-00053-00050156-00051041 GOP senators can spin their votes and positions any way they want.It’s the ice cream cake of politics ORY8nIdOtf8-00054-00051041-00051676 Having it both ways. Getting ice cream and cake, wrapped into one Qy-i0GgTgq8-00000-00000571-00002783 In an interview with the House Oversight and Reform Committee to discuss the Trump administration’s security clearance process, White House Personnel Security Office employee Tricia Newbold officially blew the whistle on the Trump White House, alleging that it notoriously overrode national security professionals and granted security clearance to a number of disqualified people in the administration Qy-i0GgTgq8-00001-00002783-00003737 As Politico reports, Newbold kept a list of White House officials whose clearance applications were initially denied but eventually overruled Qy-i0GgTgq8-00002-00003737-00004442 The list is said to include as many as 25 people that had daily access to the president Qy-i0GgTgq8-00003-00004442-00006234 “According to Ms. Newbold, these individuals had a wide range of serious disqualifying issues involving foreign influence, conflicts of interest, concerning personal conduct, financial problems, drug use, and criminal conduct,” aides wrote in summary of Newbold’s testimony Qy-i0GgTgq8-00004-00006234-00007422 Newbold told lawmakers that she felt it was necessary to come forward with this information because when she tried to voice her concerns internally, they were completely disregarded Qy-i0GgTgq8-00005-00007422-00008917 “I do not see a way forward positively in our office without coming to an external entity, and that’s because I have raised my concerns throughout the [Executive Office of the President] to career staffers as well as political staffers,” she said Qy-i0GgTgq8-00006-00008917-00009985 “And I want it known that this is a systematic, it’s an office issue, and we’re not a political office, but these decisions were being continuously overrode Qy-i0GgTgq8-00007-00009985-00010085 ” QZVR7iKRU78-00000-00000571-00002224 The reports are swirling around after three sources with a Trump connection spoke to Axios and claimed that President Trump said that he is “saving” a seat on the Supreme Court for conservative judge Amy Barrett and that she will replace Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg when the time comes QZVR7iKRU78-00001-00002224-00003376 Last year when Justice Anthony Kennedy retired, 47 year-old Barrett was on Trump’s shortlist and was considered a standout favorite by many conservative activists QZVR7iKRU78-00002-00003376-00004661 Ultimately, that seat was filled by Brent Kavanaugh, who was nominated and came under intense scrutiny over previous abortion comments and multiple accounts of alleged sexual misconduct QZVR7iKRU78-00003-00004661-00005813 Eventually and to the dismay of many, he was confirmed.Barrett was nominated in 2017 by President Trump to serve as a judge in the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals QZVR7iKRU78-00004-00005813-00006720 has a long history of extremely conservative views, particularly surrounding abortion, which continues to trouble Dems QZVR7iKRU78-00005-00006720-00007726 Barrett, a Notre Dame, is a past member of the University Faculty for Life, which is a group that promotes the anti-abortion movement in every way QZVR7iKRU78-00006-00007726-00008794 She has been on record at a university magazine saying, “life begins at conception” and has written about her willingness to revisit the landmark Roe v QZVR7iKRU78-00007-00008794-00010231 Wade case.During a very tense confirmation hearing for her current position, Barrett was questioned by House Dems on the possibility of how her personal faith might hinder her ability to perform the duties of her job QZVR7iKRU78-00008-00010231-00011309 Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) famously said to Barrett during the hearing. .“The dogma lives loudly within you… That’s of concern QZVR7iKRU78-00009-00011309-00012051 ”.Sen. Dianne Feinstein, to Judge Amy Barrett during her confirmation hearing in 2017 QZVR7iKRU78-00010-00012051-00013747 Although Trump has heartily expressed his desire to have Barrett on the bench which would allow for a serious conservative majority in the United States Supreme Court, the beautiful part of the whole thing is that the Notorious Ruth Bader Ginsburg, now 85, is still going QZVR7iKRU78-00011-00013747-00014857 Despite some recent health concerns, RBG is in good shape and has said she has every intent to keep going for “at least five more years” which would not give Mr QZVR7iKRU78-00012-00014857-00015350 Trump much of a chance to “save” a seat for anyone RTzXogby_Tg-00000-00000513-00001861 If Donald Trump’s marionette Attorney General William Barr had released an even remotely accurate or truthful summary of the Robert Mueller report today, Mueller could probably have simply gone back to retirement RTzXogby_Tg-00001-00001861-00003391 But because Barr released a hilariously false “summary” that has legal experts rolling their eyes, and the public and the media ferociously demanding answers, Mueller is about to come back front and center in a way we’ve never before seen RTzXogby_Tg-00002-00003391-00004807 Look for House Democrats to very quickly do two things. They’ll subpoena the Mueller report itself, which will set up a legal battle – and perhaps negotiations – about how much of it Barr will have to turn over RTzXogby_Tg-00003-00004807-00005656 They’ll also subpoena Barr, and force him to testify about why he’s misleading the public about what the report says RTzXogby_Tg-00004-00005656-00006646 If Barr refuses, he can be held in contempt of Congress and arrested, and you’d better believe there’s enough of a public appetite to support such a move RTzXogby_Tg-00005-00006646-00008263 But that’s nothing compared to what’ll come next.For months, various House Democrats have publicly stated that if the Trump regime tried to bury the Mueller report, they would simply subpoena Robert Mueller to publicly testify about what his report says RTzXogby_Tg-00006-00008263-00009668 Now that the Trump regime is indeed playing the worst of games with the report, there is no doubt House Democrats will bring in Mueller to testify, because they can make that happen quicker than they can forcibly get their hands on the report RTzXogby_Tg-00007-00009668-00010742 There is every reason to expect that Robert Mueller will cooperate with such a subpoena, and no reason to expect that Trump or Barr can stop it RTzXogby_Tg-00008-00010742-00011633 Mueller will only be willing to testify publicly about the parts of his report that aren’t part of ongoing investigations RTzXogby_Tg-00009-00011633-00013135 But beyond that, everything will be on the table. Just about the entire world will tune in to hear Mueller speak, and it may end up being a more effective blow to Donald Trump than if Mueller’s report had simply been published to begin with SupfJMmwk3I-00000-00000571-00001882 The subset of the human species that Gore Vidal refers to as, “that small public which reads books voluntarily,” is vastly underrepresented among the acolytes and idolaters of Donald Trump SupfJMmwk3I-00001-00001882-00002689 This is because most Trump adherents are suspicious of learning and hostile to science and education in the first place SupfJMmwk3I-00002-00002689-00004142 Try to imagine it yourselves, belonging to a group of people who have never ventured to the other side of a mountain, yet they find actual virtue in staying put and actual folly in those who get up and find out what’s on the mountain’s other side SupfJMmwk3I-00003-00004142-00005578 In short, there is something wrong, so the theory goes among these superstitious, medieval Trump janissaries, with people who learn, people who find both value in facts and actual enhanced value in checking those facts SupfJMmwk3I-00004-00005578-00006375 Meanwhile they will insult you with words they consider the pinnacle of inventive imagination and classy good taste SupfJMmwk3I-00005-00006375-00007519 Words like “libtard.”. .Take Donald Trump Jr and his own-goal tweet on Friday, an own-goal he scored in response to his father’s tweet from earlier that day SupfJMmwk3I-00006-00007519-00009554 First, Donald Trump Senior tweeted this: “So funny that The New York Times & The Washington Post got a Pulitzer Prize for their coverage (100% NEGATIVE and FAKE!) of Collusion with Russia – And there was No Collusion! So, they were either duped or corrupt? In any event, their prizes should be taken away by the Committee!” SupfJMmwk3I-00007-00009554-00011557 .Trump Jr then added “He’s right… unless they give Pulitzer’s for fiction.” Never mind for a moment there’s no possessive apostrophe for the plural of Pulitzer, Viet Thanh Nguyen’s zinger of a response was worth the whole price of admission when he tweeted back: “Actually, I think I won one of those Pulitzers for fiction SupfJMmwk3I-00008-00011557-00012576 ”.And so we have Trump pere and Trump fils, the very flower of the group of idiots and self-owning fools who see the world through a glass darkly – and simplistically SupfJMmwk3I-00009-00012576-00013255 They’ll be back with more idiotic, entertaining tweets just like that, I guarantee it SupfJMmwk3I-00010-00013255-00014355 Theirs, for all their money and gilded toilets in the world, is a group that never manages to bootstrap itself beyond their adoring Lower Middle Brow fanbase SupfJMmwk3I-00011-00014355-00015293 In my secret fantasy, though, I can’t help but imagine an even more perfect denouement to this already delicious Trump Jr self-own SupfJMmwk3I-00012-00015293-00016677 Imagine someone else tweets to Trump Jr something like, “Everyone who went to high school (everyone who paid attention, anyway) knows that Harper Lee won the Pulitzer for ‘To Kill a Mockingbird,’ a work of fiction SupfJMmwk3I-00013-00016677-00017398 ” To which Trump Jr would inevitably reply, “Well, Harper Lee didn’t earn his Pulitzer either SupfJMmwk3I-00014-00017398-00017498 ” SS405PK00QM-00000-00000571-00001224 Trump may be joining the cast of Orange is the New Black if there’s a Netflix reboot SS405PK00QM-00001-00001224-00003794 In an interview with MSNBC, legal analyst Elie Mystal dropped a major bombshell prediction:''Now that SDNY is on it, they’re all going down…The key thing from Michael Cohen’s testimony, besides all the information he laid out, he issued basically a warning to the rest of the people in the Trump Organization from the CFO Allen Weisselberg all the way down to the secretary: you lie for Trump, you’re going to get got SS405PK00QM-00002-00003794-00005129 I hope it is not lost on people is that the Trump Organization, which appears to be a massive criminal front, is so small potatoes that if Trump hadn’t run for president, SDNY wouldn’t care SS405PK00QM-00003-00005129-00006725 [Donald Trump will be] waiting in cuffs”.It’s clear that Trump has the potential of being indicted by SDNY Authorities as he won’t be able to pardon himself, so winning the 2020 election is more than running on an agenda — it’s more like running away from jail SS405PK00QM-00004-00006725-00008010 Elit Mystal continued:''SDNY cares about stopping terrorism…Putting SDNY on the Trump investigation is like bringing in Sherlock Holmes to figure out who framed Roger Rabbit'' SS405PK00QM-00005-00008010-00009133 The previous comment is a huge deal as it explicitly suggests that for the SDNY to bring charges against a criminal entity, the severity of the charges must be high SS405PK00QM-00006-00009133-00010486 In this case, Trump is being accused of felony campaign finance violations as he presumably ordered Michael Cohen to pay off Stormy Daniels and other women, all while Trump was running for office SS405PK00QM-00007-00010486-00011338 Furthermore, Cohen’s testimony is potentially damming as Trump worked side-by-side with Cohen on the hush money payments SS405PK00QM-00008-00011338-00012237 Who knows, maybe Trump will order Ivanka to design a Gucci jumpsuit in preparation for his lengthy jail sentence SYIA1l1Eney-00000-00000513-00001320 If the Trump administration accuses the Democrats of doing something, it means they’ve probably done it themselves SYIA1l1Eney-00001-00001320-00002174 If they deny it, they’ve almost certainly done it. If they admit to it, it’s even worse than you’ve been led to believe SYIA1l1Eney-00002-00002174-00004272 The Trump administration initially lied about separating families, with the excuse that they were simply following orders from a previous administration – though it’s been unclear if they’re referring to the policies of Presidents Obama, Bush 43 or Clinton – in other words, deflecting with lies and not caring where they point SYIA1l1Eney-00003-00004272-00005199 As time drags on, we’ve found that the number of children separated is much higher than originally thought – some even forced into adoption SYIA1l1Eney-00004-00005199-00006064 There are also the tragic deaths of children in U.S. custody, as reports reveal the conditions are even worse than we had feared SYIA1l1Eney-00005-00006064-00007307 Part of the reason the federal government has tried the excuse that there’s too many separated children and parents, is because they are now using secret shelters to detain migrant children SYIA1l1Eney-00006-00007307-00008514 One of them, located in Ada, Oklahoma, has a reputation for sexual harassment and physical abuse among its staff – and is known to be holding at least one migrant child SYIA1l1Eney-00007-00008514-00009310 A report from two years ago singled out this particular facility for having a staff with no medical training SYIA1l1Eney-00008-00009310-00010120 Even more alarming is that the attorneys of these children don’t even know how to find them – or how many even exist SYIA1l1Eney-00009-00010120-00011016 There are at least five in Arkansas, Florida, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and Virginia, according to Reveal News SYIA1l1Eney-00010-00011016-00012244 Beyond asking how this can be fixed, we must also ask if the number of separated families is so large because the Trump administration sought to profit off of this as much as possible? SYIA1l1Eney-00011-00012244-00014451 People often compare this age to the beginning of the Holocaust. But it could be something else – echoes of our own dark past – our treatment of Native Americans that is all too often glossed over in schools, or the internment of Japanese-American citizens during World War II, which is also rarely embellished, and was routinely upheld by courts in its day SYIA1l1Eney-00012-00014451-00015331 Media companies owe it to their country to put their resources into investigating this matter thoroughly from the ground up SYIA1l1Eney-00013-00015331-00016138 This is hardly the beginning of another shameful chapter in American history. We’re several steps along the way Ta3iKC-POfU-00000-00000513-00001565 Mr Mozzi, 35, and Princess Beatrice were seen together for first time together while on holiday in Lamu, a remote island off Kenya Ta3iKC-POfU-00001-00001565-00002908 And now the property tycoon, who goes by the nickname 'Edo', has been seen getting out of the driver’s side of a grey Aston Martin Vantage, which retails from upwards of £120,900 Ta3iKC-POfU-00002-00002908-00004055 Princess Beatrice, the older sister of Princess Eugenie, and Mr Mozzi reportedly met at Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s wedding although their parents have been friends for years Ta3iKC-POfU-00003-00004055-00004904 Reports of Beatrice’s relationship emerged in November with a source revealing the pair had already had a string of dates Ta3iKC-POfU-00004-00004904-00005677 Mr Mozzi, a divorcee with a two-year-old son, and Beatrice were said to have “hit it off instantly” Ta3iKC-POfU-00005-00005677-00006818 Mr Mozzi was not present when the Royal Family stepped out traditional Christmas Day church service at Sandringham, so details of a relationship are not official yet Ta3iKC-POfU-00006-00006818-00007740 Beatrice looked elegant in a navy blue button down coat with gold detailing, pairing her outfit with black gloves and black knee-high boots Ta3iKC-POfU-00007-00007740-00008610 The Queen’s granddaughter, who is eight in line to the throne, is not what is known as a “working royal” and earns her own income Ta3iKC-POfU-00008-00008610-00009548 Beatrice and Mr Mozzi’s relationship is said to be blossoming and the pair reportedly bring in the New Year at a bar in Kinzingo, Kenya Ta3iKC-POfU-00009-00009548-00010402 The Princess, dressed in a blue-black print dress, was spotted dancing the night away with friends and Mr Mozzi by her side Ta3iKC-POfU-00010-00010402-00011682 The next day, Beatrice is said to have travelled with Mr Mozzi and his family to a small village called Shela by boat, to view its antique craft stalls and ancient Swahili architecture Ta3iKC-POfU-00011-00011682-00012594 Speaking to the Sun in November, the insider said: “Beatrice and Edo have the same circle of friends and were introduced through a mutual chum Ta3iKC-POfU-00012-00012594-00013552 “They hit it off instantly and have a real laugh together. They’ve been on holiday together and Beatrice introduced him to Fergie and her dad Ta3iKC-POfU-00013-00013552-00014391 “Things are moving very quickly and it wouldn’t surprise anyone if they can engaged within a short period of time Ta3iKC-POfU-00014-00014391-00015005 “They could even be tying the knot in 2019 - it’s already been discussed by her friends Ta3iKC-POfU-00015-00015005-00016358 “Everyone is thrilled that Bea is so happy and in such a good place right now.”.Beatrice was maid of honour at her younger sister Princess Eugenie’s royal wedding to Jack Brooksbank in October last year UsOkhSG6YQI-00000-00000571-00001524 President Donald Trump has signed an executive order effectively canceling public reports on civilian deaths from US drone strikes UsOkhSG6YQI-00001-00001524-00002922 The president, who signed the order on Wednesday, is cutting an Obama-era directive that required the director of national intelligence to release a yearly report divulging data about civilian and combatant deaths in U UsOkhSG6YQI-00002-00002922-00003820 S. drone attacks outside active war zones throughout the world in places like Yemen, Somalia, and Pakistan UsOkhSG6YQI-00003-00003820-00005092 .Obama first introduced his measure in 2016 in an effort to be more transparent but Trump doesn’t go for that, speaking frequently on his dismay over publicizing military actions UsOkhSG6YQI-00004-00005092-00007070 A 2017 law providing Congress with statistics on civilian deaths in active combat zones but many experts agree that Trump’s revocation of Obama’s directive is a dramatic fall in transparency and that this will for strikes by other agencies, like the CIA, to go unnoticed by the public at large UsOkhSG6YQI-00005-00007070-00008282 Hina Shamsi, director of the American Civil Liberties Union’s National Security Project, slammed this decision by the president, calling it “deeply wrong”, the Associated Press reported UsOkhSG6YQI-00006-00008282-00009219 “Trump’s decision to increase secrecy about the United States’ killing of people abroad is deeply wrong and dangerous for public accountability UsOkhSG6YQI-00007-00009219-00010398 Trump revoked a transparency order that provided an imperfect but still important official record of deaths caused by the military and, critically, the CIA UsOkhSG6YQI-00008-00010398-00011351 This decision will hide from the public the government’s own tally of the total number of deaths it causes every year in its lethal force program UsOkhSG6YQI-00009-00011351-00012492 Now, the government is also no longer committed to providing reasons why its total death count is different from independent credible reports by media and rights groups'' UsOkhSG6YQI-00010-00012492-00013344 Hina Shamsi, director of the ACLU’s National Security Project.Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif UsOkhSG6YQI-00011-00013344-00015136 ) who serves as the chair of the House Intelligence Committee and has been taking Trump to task on transparency in other areas, certainly sees the President’s signature secrecy at work here as well, telling the BBC that he could see “no justification” in revoking the practice of disclosure UsOkhSG6YQI-00012-00015136-00016654 The White House National Security Council spokesman said that the government was committed to “minimizing — to the greatest extent possible — civilian causalities and acknowledging responsibility when they unfortunately occur during military operations'' UsOkhSG6YQI-00013-00016654-00018017 The Bureau of Investigative Journalism has reported that 769 to 1,725 civilians have been killed since 2004, based on official data and credible sources UsOkhSG6YQI-00014-00018017-00019524 It also reports that there have been 2,243 drone strikes in the first two years of the Trump presidency, a sharp contrast with the 1,878 during Obama’s ENTIRE eight years in the Oval Office UXpl2VQkdqk-00000-00000571-00002438 Donald Trump has suddenly become enraged about Bernie Sanders – not because he has anything bad to say about Bernie, and not necessarily because he thinks Bernie will even be the 2020 nominee, but because Bernie did a town hall on Trump’s favorite channel Fox News, and it went fairly well UXpl2VQkdqk-00001-00002438-00003374 That alone is enough to set off a malignant narcissist like Trump, and sure enough, he finally exploded about it on Tuesday evening UXpl2VQkdqk-00002-00003374-00005296 First, Donald Trump posted this bizarre tweet, which gave away just how insecure he’s feeling about the whole thing: “Many Trump Fans & Signs were outside of the Fox News Studio last night in the now thriving (Thank you President Trump) Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, for the interview with Crazy Bernie Sanders UXpl2VQkdqk-00003-00005296-00006513 Big complaints about not being let in-stuffed with Bernie supporters. What’s with Fox News?” Aw, Trump got his feelings hurt because Fox isn’t kissing his butt as thoroughly as it used to UXpl2VQkdqk-00004-00006513-00008162 Then Trump went on to inexplicably demand that Sanders pay more taxes. This was even as Trump continues to try to delay the Treasury Department’s inevitable release of Trump’s tax returns, because all kinds of dirty secrets are obviously lurking in there UXpl2VQkdqk-00005-00008162-00009073 But then Trump decided for some reason that this would be a good thing to tweet: “I believe it will be Crazy Bernie Sanders vs UXpl2VQkdqk-00006-00009073-00010262 Sleepy Joe Biden as the two finalists to run against maybe the best Economy in the history of our Country (and MANY other great things)! I look forward to facing whoever it may be UXpl2VQkdqk-00007-00010262-00011832 May God Rest Their Soul!”.That’s right, nevermind that Democratic candidates like Kamala Harris and Pete Buttigieg seem to have most of the momentum right now; in Donald Trump’s mind, he thinks the only serious candidates are his fellow old white guys UXpl2VQkdqk-00008-00011832-00012947 Also, why on earth has Trump decided that Joe Biden, with his ever-upbeat personality, is “sleepy” now? Forget it, we don’t even want to know UXpl2VQkdqk-00009-00012947-00013786 The real upshot here is that Trump is very jealous that Fox News isn’t as thoroughly in his corner as it used to be UXpl2VQkdqk-00010-00013786-00014251 Trump is as insecure as he is incoherent Un9eS2VSRVu-00000-00000571-00001185 Michelle Obama just wrapped up an interview with Conan O’Brien on his new podcast Un9eS2VSRVu-00001-00001185-00001939 She was hoping to extinguish the rumors that her daughter Malia had been extended “special privileges” in life Un9eS2VSRVu-00002-00001939-00002713 So, Michelle put the spotlight on President Donald Trump, saying that “it’s not a reality show” to be president Un9eS2VSRVu-00003-00002713-00003431 But that didn’t stop the truth about 20-year-old Malia from coming out. You don’t want to miss this Un9eS2VSRVu-00004-00003431-00005019 ‘It’s Not a Reality Show’: Michelle Bashes Trump After Daughters ‘Privilege’ Exposed Un9eS2VSRVu-00005-00005019-00006121 Michelle Obama is back on her never-ending book tour. This time, she gave Conan O’Brien an interview on his new podcast called “Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend Un9eS2VSRVu-00006-00006121-00007414 ” The former first lady was quick to change the subject away from her daughters after Tucker Carlson just exposed the special privileges that are afforded to the Obama girls that other Americans will never know Un9eS2VSRVu-00007-00007414-00008151 The 55-year-old Obama trashed President Trump while claiming her remarks had nothing to do with him Un9eS2VSRVu-00008-00008151-00009094 “It’s not a reality show, it’s real-life stuff,” she told O’Brien about how the perception of the job has changed in the current presidency Un9eS2VSRVu-00009-00009094-00010262 Michelle said that in her involvement in the 2016 election, she tried to emphasize that the position is a hard job and that someone with certain “experience needed to fill it Un9eS2VSRVu-00010-00010262-00011714 ”.“This is a really hard job, and it’s serious, and it requires a level of knowledge, of history and patience, and you have to be a reader, and you have to be someone that can handle stress, and you have to watch your words,” she said Un9eS2VSRVu-00011-00011714-00012537 “I mean, we live in a time, ‘tell it like it is,’ and it’s like, not when your words can start wars and shift markets Un9eS2VSRVu-00012-00012537-00013590 There’s a responsibility to be careful with them.”.That’s when O’Brien brought the conversation back to her family, something Michelle was hoping to avoid Un9eS2VSRVu-00013-00013590-00014279 “I am in awe of my children for the way they have managed this whole thing with poise and grace Un9eS2VSRVu-00014-00014279-00014984 There’s a resilience that they’ve had to develop,” she said.“We spent eight years just going, ‘It’s okay Un9eS2VSRVu-00015-00014984-00016515 You’ll be fine. This is normal. Just go to school,”‘ she said. But was that school the typical public school? And did the Obama girls have to pass entrance exams and provide transcripts showing GPAs of 4 Un9eS2VSRVu-00016-00016515-00017296 0 or higher that is required for entrance into the elite Sidwell Friends School that they attended? Un9eS2VSRVu-00017-00017296-00018208 The likely answer is “no.” The Sidwell school says it only accepts 7% of its applicants and it’s based on “merit Un9eS2VSRVu-00018-00018208-00018845 ” We all know the Obamas were given entrance based on who their parents were, not on “merit Un9eS2VSRVu-00019-00018845-00019697 ”.The recent college scandal where celebrities bought their kids’ way into elite universities touched Obama in a couple of ways Un9eS2VSRVu-00020-00019697-00020569 First, Michelle’s personal tennis instructor who also coached the Obama girls was indicted in the college admission scandal Un9eS2VSRVu-00021-00020569-00022100 “A tennis instructor for former first lady Michelle Obama and her daughters, Malia and Sasha, was among dozens of people indicted by federal authorities in a college admissions scandal announced last Tuesday,” the Washington Examiner reported Un9eS2VSRVu-00022-00022100-00023320 Although there is nothing linking the Obamas to the scandal, Tucker Carlson exposed the reason why the leftist political elites don’t have to bribe anyone to get their kids into the best universities Un9eS2VSRVu-00023-00023320-00024456 How did Chelsea Clinton wind up at more than one top-notch university? Fox News’ Tucker Carlson recently explored this question in the wake of the college admissions scandal Un9eS2VSRVu-00024-00024456-00025592 “How (do) the mediocre children of the politically powerful on both sides take top spots at top schools without even resorting to bribery?” Carlson asked Un9eS2VSRVu-00025-00025592-00026289 “They get it for free,” he said. “They are just awarded them for the achievement of being born Un9eS2VSRVu-00026-00026289-00027711 ”.“That’s how Chelsea Clinton wound up at Stanford and Oxford,” Carlson added. He said the Clinton daughter also ended up on “the various boards of big companies and then making documentary films nobody ever watches Un9eS2VSRVu-00027-00027711-00028479 All without having a single original thought ever in her life.”.“The media pretend to be shocked Un9eS2VSRVu-00028-00028479-00029730 In an editorial on the scandal, the New York Times singled out Harvard University for its special admissions preferences and back doors for certain applicants,” notes The American Thinker’s Jack Cashill Un9eS2VSRVu-00029-00029730-00030853 “This is the same New York Times, however, that published an entirely uncritical article three years prior headlined, ‘Malia Obama Rebels, Sort of, by Choosing Harvard Un9eS2VSRVu-00030-00030853-00032049 ”.“Malia is the fourth member of the Obama family to attend that august university, none of whom, save perhaps for Grandpa Obama, deserved to be there,” Cashill believes V2hITGysLJy-00000-00000513-00001949 While much of the American media continues to focus on gossip, trivia, and hostility toward President Donald Trump, some will actually cover the meeting in Hanoi between the President and North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un V2hITGysLJy-00001-00001949-00002788 However, if you pull back and look at the entire planet, you will see many things are changing across the globe V2hITGysLJy-00002-00002788-00003611 Because of the mainstream media's myopic focus, we simply don’t have a very good understanding of what is happening abroad V2hITGysLJy-00003-00003611-00004342 In fact, the world is perhaps more in flux now than any time since the end of World War II V2hITGysLJy-00004-00004342-00005698 Consider some of the uncertainties building around the world.In Venezuela, the dictator Nicolás Maduro may be able to survive and keep power with the support of Cuba, Russia, Iran, and China V2hITGysLJy-00005-00005698-00006393 This would be a blow to all the democratic countries that have publicly come out for his replacement V2hITGysLJy-00006-00006393-00007262 It would be a special blow to the prestige of President Trump and the United States if Maduro is still in power a year from now V2hITGysLJy-00007-00007262-00008237 In France, the reform efforts of President Emmanuel Macron are floundering. His poll numbers are dramatically worse than President Trump’s V2hITGysLJy-00008-00008237-00008963 The populist Yellow Vests are constantly protesting, and the economy is failing to grow V2hITGysLJy-00009-00008963-00009728 In Italy, the economy has shrunk for the last two quarters (what experts refer to as a “technical” recession) V2hITGysLJy-00010-00009728-00010676 However, the strange coalition of populists, called the Five Star Movement, has found a nice target to distract local anger V2hITGysLJy-00011-00010676-00011523 The populists are picking a fight with Macron and siding with the Yellow Vests, which of course has infuriated the French president V2hITGysLJy-00012-00011523-00013061 The European Union has refused to negotiate an easy exit for the United Kingdom because the Europeanists in Brussels are terrified that a successful and painless British departure from the Common Market might lead a number of other countries to follow V2hITGysLJy-00013-00013061-00013808 Italy and Hungary could be candidates for pulling out—or at least threatening to pull out as a negotiating device V2hITGysLJy-00014-00013808-00014869 The result has been an incredibly frustrating, hard road for British Prime Minister Theresa May—and there is a very grave danger that the system will melt down V2hITGysLJy-00015-00014869-00015668 The Irish Republic is adamant that the open border between it and Northern Ireland will remain open V2hITGysLJy-00016-00015668-00016295 The Unionists in the North are equally committed to keeping the border with Great Britain open V2hITGysLJy-00017-00016295-00017520 It is hard to see how you can leave Europe but retain an open border. It is possible that this problem will lead to open hostilities in Northern Ireland for the first time in decades V2hITGysLJy-00018-00017520-00018604 In Britain itself, the agonies of the prime minister's Conservative Party are being matched by the increasingly bitter fight over anti-Semitism in the Labour Party V2hITGysLJy-00019-00018604-00019370 American political problems begin to seem simple when you read the British press about their multi-party crisis V2hITGysLJy-00020-00019370-00020595 In Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has shocked virtually all of his American allies by forming an alliance with a fringe party—which is widely seen as racist and hateful V2hITGysLJy-00021-00020595-00021289 The upcoming Israeli elections may have more impact than anyone would have guessed six months ago V2hITGysLJy-00022-00021289-00022418 In Saudi Arabia, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s modernizing initiative has been made dramatically harder by his apparent involvement in the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi V2hITGysLJy-00023-00022418-00023896 In his effort to rebalance his government, the Crown Prince has been visiting nearby countries and making seemingly affirmatory comments about human rights abuses—even Chinese concentration camps for Turkic Muslims (called Uighurs) V2hITGysLJy-00024-00023896-00024986 Pakistani-based terrorists killed at least 40 Indian paramilitary police in Kashmir, and a dozen Indian jets bombed a terrorist training camp in Pakistan V2hITGysLJy-00025-00024986-00026229 Since both India and Pakistan have nuclear weapons—and both are under popular pressure to be tough with the other—the danger of a nuclear war may be greater on this front than any other V2hITGysLJy-00026-00026229-00027104 The Catholic Church continues to wrestle with a deep crisis, and each week sadly brings more painful stories to light V2hITGysLJy-00027-00027104-00028167 .Russia remains in Crimea, and its proxy forces remain in eastern Ukraine—when it is not stirring up trouble with Ukraine in the Sea of Azov V2hITGysLJy-00028-00028167-00029074 In Barcelona this week, the Chinese company Huawei will announce a dominant lead in implementing 5G technology worldwide V2hITGysLJy-00029-00029074-00029862 This is the most important information and communication breakthrough since the invention of the personal computer V2hITGysLJy-00030-00029862-00031688 While President Trump has tweeted about the need for American success in this area, the combination of bureaucratic old corporations, uncoordinated government, and blindness to the scale of the Chinese commitment has put America well behind in what may become the first great American defeat in the long struggle with China V2hITGysLJy-00031-00031688-00032927 There are plenty more examples of how the system around the world is fraying, but this survey gives you a context in which to measure the childishness and lack of seriousness of most of the American news media Vrr5RMbKmMM-00000-00000571-00001524 I still remember where I was standing when I first heard that FBI Director James Comey had been fired on May 9, 2017 Vrr5RMbKmMM-00001-00001524-00002666 When the story broke, details were scarce, but there was no shaking the feeling that a serious crime had been committed, a blatant power grab by the man occupying the Oval Office Vrr5RMbKmMM-00002-00002666-00004371 Comey himself thought it was a joke when he saw the headline. Now, we are getting a much more desolate picture of the eight days between Comey’s firing and Robert Mueller’s appointment as special counsel – in which Trump’s presidency and the stability of the nation were both in doubt Vrr5RMbKmMM-00003-00004371-00005361 We know this because of Andrew McCabe’s newly published memoir, based on extensive memos he had written while fearing for his job Vrr5RMbKmMM-00004-00005361-00007287 Shortly after the firing, Comey’s own detailed memos began to leak. Now, yet another scandal of life in the Trump White House has come to the surface – that Donald Trump gave his son-in-law top security clearance against the wishes of not only intelligence officials but his own White House counsel and chief of staff Vrr5RMbKmMM-00005-00007287-00007898 There was a reason that The New York Times was able to cover the story with so much depth Vrr5RMbKmMM-00006-00007898-00008773 Both White House counsel Donald McGahn and John Kelly created extensive memos documenting Trump’s requests in great detail Vrr5RMbKmMM-00007-00008773-00010970 The ongoing pattern here is that an alarming number of senior staffers have been asked to do morally unconscionable or downright illegal acts for this administration – morally questionable requests that break democratic social norms, such as Trump’s deranged request to have law enforcement investigate his political rivals – and they in turn take a great deal of notes Vrr5RMbKmMM-00008-00010970-00011819 Michael Cohen was somewhat ahead of the game, with over a hundred tapes recorded over the course of a decade as Trump’s fixer Vrr5RMbKmMM-00009-00011819-00012602 Each of these people who documented Trump’s crimes feared the political or legal repercussions that could have occurred Vrr5RMbKmMM-00010-00012602-00013266 It’s interesting to note that the leaks became more frequent leading up to Cohen’s hearing Vrr5RMbKmMM-00011-00013266-00015285 Our picture of one man’s assault on many of the nation’s most cherished institutions is coming further into focus – and it is safe to expect a great deal moredocuments are currently in the possession of Robert Mueller – perhaps a factor that has stayed the hand of Trump and his Attorneys General from firing him – that will gradually be released to the public Vrr5RMbKmMM-00012-00015285-00016528 One day Trump will be answering for his crimes, and we must hold onto this growing cache of evidence – a blueprint of rising authoritarianism, if we are to keep it from ever happening again Vjs1VOVYwF8-00000-00000571-00002569 Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has had enough of this crap. Donald Trump’s newly handpicked Attorney General William Barr falsely characterized the Mueller report over the weekend, and Trump’s Republican House allies have spent the week using Barr’s disingenuous “summary” to try to punish those who have dared to expose Trump’s scandals Vjs1VOVYwF8-00001-00002569-00003982 Now Pelosi is coming out swinging.As for William Barr’s four page “summary” of the Mueller report – which is now known to contain at least three hundred pages of evidence about Donald Trump’s scandals – Pelosi isn’t having any of it Vjs1VOVYwF8-00002-00003982-00005100 She’s slamming Barr’s actions as “arrogant” and “condescending” and she’s throwing her full weight behind the brewing legal fight to force the entire Mueller report to become public Vjs1VOVYwF8-00003-00005100-00006022 House Democrats have a number of options available, including subpoenaing the report itself, subpoenaing Barr, and subpoenaing Mueller Vjs1VOVYwF8-00004-00006022-00007289 As for William Barr’s four page “summary” of the Mueller report – which is now known to contain at least three hundred pages of evidence about Donald Trump’s scandals – Pelosi isn’t having any of it Vjs1VOVYwF8-00005-00007289-00008407 She’s slamming Barr’s actions as “arrogant” and “condescending” and she’s throwing her full weight behind the brewing legal fight to force the entire Mueller report to become public Vjs1VOVYwF8-00006-00008407-00009329 House Democrats have a number of options available, including subpoenaing the report itself, subpoenaing Barr, and subpoenaing Mueller Vjs1VOVYwF8-00007-00009329-00010740 Meanwhile, the Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee are making the bizarre demand that Chairman Adam Schiff resign, because he’s spent the past two years pointing to the abundance of Trump-Russia collusion evidence that’s been in plain sight Vjs1VOVYwF8-00008-00010740-00011346 Schiff isn’t going anywhere, as the Republicans don’t have the numbers to oust him Vjs1VOVYwF8-00009-00011346-00012093 Nancy Pelosi, who would make any final call about Schiff’s fate, is coming out strongly in his support Vjs1VOVYwF8-00010-00012093-00012832 She’s slamming the Republicans on the committee, calling them “scaredy cats” who “just don’t know what to do'' Vjs1VOVYwF8-00011-00012832-00014475 Even as the Trump-Barr coverup of the Mueller report continues to show more cracks by the hour, it’s clear that Nancy Pelosi and the House Democrats are going to keep hammering away at exposing the truth, no matter what Donald Trump and the Republicans might throw at them WS-RsvbFKJk-00000-00000513-00001764 he 2020 election is less than two years away and the list of candidates ready to take on Donald Trump grows longer everyday, as Democrats across the country launch their presidential campaigns WS-RsvbFKJk-00001-00001764-00002516 So far, a dozen lawmakers have officially thrown their hats into the ring for the Democratic Party’s nomination WS-RsvbFKJk-00002-00002516-00003697 There are at least ten more Democrats who have not yet announced 2020 bids, but are considered possible candidates, like Joe Biden, Beto O’Rourke and Stacey Abrams WS-RsvbFKJk-00003-00003697-00004807 The 2020 Democratic field is already the most ethnically and racially diverse in history and has a record-breaking number of female candidates vying for a shot at the White House WS-RsvbFKJk-00004-00004807-00005664 But even with dozens of Democrats knocking on the door, Trump has remained confident he will be elected to a second term WS-RsvbFKJk-00005-00005664-00006453 During his CPAC speech earlier this month, the president promised the crowd a re-election victory WS-RsvbFKJk-00006-00006453-00007231 “We’re going to do it again in 2020, and the numbers, I think, are going to be even bigger,” Trump said WS-RsvbFKJk-00007-00007231-00007978 Here’s a full, updated list of Democrats aiming to take down Trump in 2020.Announced WS-RsvbFKJk-00008-00007978-00008997 Cory Booker - The New Jersey senator and former Newark mayor has made a name for himself in Congress for his oratory skills and criminal justice reform efforts WS-RsvbFKJk-00009-00008997-00009720 He has also signed on as a co-sponsor on progressive legislation like Medicare for All and the Green New Deal WS-RsvbFKJk-00010-00009720-00010757 But Booker has been criticized for being too cozy with Wall Street after he was the top recipient of corporate money in the 2014 election cycle WS-RsvbFKJk-00011-00010757-00011721 Julian Castro - The 44-year-old lawmaker is the first Texas Democrat to announce a bid for president in more than four decades WS-RsvbFKJk-00012-00011721-00012965 The former San Antonio mayor served in the Obama administration as the secretary of housing and urban development and was in the running to be Hillary Clinton’s vice president in 2016 WS-RsvbFKJk-00013-00012965-00013743 Key issues for Castro include immigration reform, Medicare for All and universal pre-kindergarten WS-RsvbFKJk-00014-00013743-00014532 John Delaney - Delaney is a former House representative known for his ability to reach across the aisle WS-RsvbFKJk-00015-00014532-00015245 He was also the first Democrat to challenge Trump when he announced his candidacy in 2017 WS-RsvbFKJk-00016-00015245-00016000 He supports ending gerrymandering, universal health care, artificial intelligence and a carbon tax WS-RsvbFKJk-00017-00016000-00017212 Tulsi Gabbard - The 37-year-old congresswoman from Hawaii made headlines when she resigned as vice chair of the Democratic National Committee in 2016 to support Bernie Sanders WS-RsvbFKJk-00018-00017212-00018118 The Iraq War veteran’s key issues include the Green New Deal, tuition-free college and a reduced military presence in the Middle East WS-RsvbFKJk-00019-00018118-00019973 But she’s received criticism over her stance on LGBTQ rights.Kamala Harris - While Harris only joined the Senate in 2016, she’s drawn nationwide attention for her harsh criticism of the Trump administration - especially when it comes to Trump’s cabinet nominees and court appointments WS-RsvbFKJk-00020-00019973-00020921 The California senator has championed civil rights legislation and recently unveiled a tax plan aimed at benefiting the middle class WS-RsvbFKJk-00021-00020921-00021940 John Hickenlooper - The Colorado governor announced his presidential bid in early March and is positioning himself as a moderate in a large field of progressive candidates WS-RsvbFKJk-00022-00021940-00022820 Before becoming a politician, Hickenlooper was a geologist who became rich when he opened a brewery in Denver WS-RsvbFKJk-00023-00022820-00023525 His key issues include gun control, the Green New Deal and marijuana legalization WS-RsvbFKJk-00024-00023525-00024641 Jay Inslee - Inslee, the governor of Washington, is running for president on a climate change platform, arguing that defeating climate change should be “our nation’s No WS-RsvbFKJk-00025-00024641-00025388 1 priority.” He has called for Democrats to support green-energy economic programs WS-RsvbFKJk-00026-00025388-00026472 Amy Klobuchar - The 58-year-old senator from Minnesota stoked national attention last year during the confirmation hearing of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh WS-RsvbFKJk-00027-00026472-00027616 In her 12 years serving in public office, she’s focused on legislation to combat the nation’s opioid crisis and lowering the cost of prescription drugs WS-RsvbFKJk-00028-00027616-00028400 Klobuchar has also drawn attention for successfully pushing for mandated sexual harassment training in the Senate WS-RsvbFKJk-00029-00028400-00029484 Bernie Sanders - The independent senator from Vermont is taking another shot at the Democratic nomination after losing to Hillary Clinton in 2016 WS-RsvbFKJk-00030-00029484-00030502 After Sanders announced bid in mid-February, his campaign raised nearly $6 million in just one day in small-dollar donations from across the country WS-RsvbFKJk-00031-00030502-00031581 But the self-described democratic socialist has found himself in hot water over reports of sexual misconduct within his 2016 campaign staff WS-RsvbFKJk-00032-00031581-00032407 Elizabeth Warren - The 69-year-old senator from Massachusetts began her presidential bid at the end of December WS-RsvbFKJk-00033-00032407-00033425 As a former Harvard bankruptcy law professor, Warren has used her time in office to advocate for greater regulations on Wall Street and big businesses WS-RsvbFKJk-00034-00033425-00034595 But in recent months, she has drawn criticism for taking a DNA test to prove her Native American heritage, a stunt the indigenous community said undermined tribal interests WS-RsvbFKJk-00035-00034595-00035627 Marianne Williamson - Williamson is one of the lesser-known candidates in the crowded Democratic field, having run for Congress back in 2014 and lost WS-RsvbFKJk-00036-00035627-00036502 Williamson is an author who has published more than a dozen self-help books, four of which have been on the New York Times bestseller list WS-RsvbFKJk-00037-00036502-00037338 The 66-year-old supports universal pre-school and free college, DACA and reparations for slavery WS-RsvbFKJk-00038-00037338-00038333 Andrew Yang - The 44-year-old technology executive who founded Venture for America announced his candidacy way back in November 2017 WS-RsvbFKJk-00039-00038333-00039519 He is running on a platform of “human-centered capitalism” and one of his boldest proposals is a universal basic income of $1,000 per month for all Americans WS-RsvbFKJk-00040-00039519-00041100 Exploratory.Pete Buttigieg - The 37-year-old mayor of South Bend, Indiana is one of the youngest candidates to launch a 2020 exploratory committee and is the first openly gay person to launch a bid for the presidency WS-RsvbFKJk-00041-00041100-00041970 The military veteran is running on a millennial platform, focusing on key issues like climate change and economic stability WS-RsvbFKJk-00042-00041970-00043291 He is a strong supporter of labor and union groups.Kirsten Gillibrand - The New York senator and close friend of the Clintons announced her exploratory committee in January during an appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert WS-RsvbFKJk-00043-00043291-00044213 A champion of the #MeToo movement, Gillibrand has made a career in the Senate by cracking down on sexual assault in the military WS-RsvbFKJk-00044-00044213-00045028 But Gillibrand has found herself under scrutiny over her office's handling of a staff sexual misconduct report WS-RsvbFKJk-00045-00045028-00046141 Possible.Stacey Abrams - The Georgia lawmaker is seen as a rising star in the Democratic Party after her failed bid for governor sparked a national debate about voter suppression WS-RsvbFKJk-00046-00046141-00047183 Abrams was tapped to give the Democratic rebuttal to Trump’s State of the Union address, which earned praise from party leaders like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer WS-RsvbFKJk-00047-00047183-00047949 Joe Biden - The former vice president is rumored to be announcing his candidacy any day now as he travels the country WS-RsvbFKJk-00048-00047949-00048967 While he hasn’t announced anything yet, early polling already shows Biden would be an easy frontrunner in the Democratic primary and a serious challenger to Trump WS-RsvbFKJk-00049-00048967-00049926 The former Delaware senator was expected to run for president in 2016, but decided against it after the death of his son Beau WS-RsvbFKJk-00050-00049926-00050926 Beto O’Rourke - O’Rourke, despite losing his Senate bid in the 2018 midterms to Republican Ted Cruz, is not ruling out a presidential run WS-RsvbFKJk-00051-00050926-00051932 The young Democrat became a national star for his battle with Cruz in deep-red Texas in a race he only lost by less than three percentage points WS-RsvbFKJk-00052-00051932-00052580 He has placed immigration, education and climate change at the center of his platform X4vZ-yRlo38-00000-00000513-00001367 Meghan Markle is believed to have revealed to close pals attending her intimate baby shower in New York the gender of Baby Sussex X4vZ-yRlo38-00001-00001367-00002561 The Duchess of Sussex, who is soon to enter the eighth month of her pregnancy, hinted in January she and Prince Harry had no plans to find out whether they will welcome a boy or a girl X4vZ-yRlo38-00002-00002561-00003718 But E! royal expert Melanie Bromley suggested Meghan could have been trying to gain back control over her perception in the public sphere after the Royal Family "took away her voice X4vZ-yRlo38-00003-00003718-00004598 ".Ms Bromley said: "I don’t know if it’s certain that Meghan is telling her friends things and allowing it to get out X4vZ-yRlo38-00004-00004598-00005235 "But I don’t blame her if it’s the case because she has had her voice taken away from her X4vZ-yRlo38-00005-00005235-00006667 And I would want somebody to speak on my behalf. That’s natural.".A source close to Meghan told the Daily Mail this week the Duchess of Sussex had told friends in New York she is expecting a Royal Baby boy for the Spring X4vZ-yRlo38-00006-00006667-00007555 .But the royal expert suggested the former actress has revealed the gender to find which friends are leaking information to the media X4vZ-yRlo38-00007-00007555-00008336 Ms Bromley continued: “Traditionally, the Royals don’t really find out the sex of their baby X4vZ-yRlo38-00008-00008336-00009509 “But obviously Meghan is just changing things up. And I can definitely see her saying to Harry ‘I would like to know because I want to decorate the nursery in a certain way’ X4vZ-yRlo38-00009-00009509-00011074 It could be that.“It could be that she has told people to see who the leaks are. But as I have said before, I do think that Meghan knows her friends are talking to the press and I think that is a very unusual position that the Royal Family haven’t had before X4vZ-yRlo38-00010-00011074-00012369 ".She added: "I will say, going back to the People Magazine article of three weeks ago - which has caused massive problems – if they are her best friends, why are they talking to People Magazine X4vZ-yRlo38-00011-00012369-00013529 That story is the smoking gun.".Five of Meghan Markle’s friends in February attempted to counter the negativity directed at the Duchess of Sussex in an interview with People magazine X4vZ-yRlo38-00012-00013529-00014582 One of Meghan's inner circle said: “Meg has silently sat back and endured the lies and untruths, we worry about what this is doing to her and the baby X4vZ-yRlo38-00013-00014582-00015203 “It’s wrong to put anyone under this level of emotional trauma, let alone when they’re pregnant X4vZ-yRlo38-00014-00015203-00016583 ”.Meghan and Harry have this week returned from a three-day visit to Morocco and are expected to be soon settling down in their new home on the Windsor Estate, Frogmore Cottage, to prepare for the arrival of the Royal Baby X4vZ-yRlo38-00015-00016583-00017672 While Harry and Meghan admitted they did not want to know the sex of their child beforehand, the name Victoria has emerged as a clear favourite among Britons for the tot X4vZ-yRlo38-00016-00017672-00018526 The name Victoria would be a nod to the Royal family, as Queen Elizabeth II is a great-great-granddaughter of Queen Victoria X4vZ-yRlo38-00017-00018526-00019558 Although the two monarchs never met as Queen Victoria died before Queen Elizabeth II was born, the two appear to have a strong bond X6vSEE200cg-00000-00000513-00001338 President Donald Trump continues to upend established American domestic and foreign policy at every turn X6vSEE200cg-00001-00001338-00002971 This Friday, he abruptly announced that he’d ordered the cancellation of additional rounds of sanctions the Treasury Department had unveiled just the previous day targeting Chinese shipping companies that have helped North Korea evade the economic impact of their isolation X6vSEE200cg-00002-00002971-00004478 He revealed the decision in a Twitter post — because of course he did. In that Twitter post, he got a basic detail of the globally-relevant sanctions in question wrong, claiming them to have been unveiled on Friday as opposed to Thursday X6vSEE200cg-00003-00004478-00005847 As he put it:‘It was announced today by the U.S. Treasury that additional large scale Sanctions would be added to those already existing Sanctions on North Korea.I have today ordered the withdrawal of those additional Sanctions!’ X6vSEE200cg-00004-00005847-00006500 Trump has dragged the execution of U.S. foreign policy to an incredibly low point X6vSEE200cg-00005-00006500-00007699 It now hinges on error-packed, haphazardly thrown together Twitter posts from Mar-a-Lago, the Trump-branded resort where the president is staying this weekend X6vSEE200cg-00006-00007699-00008989 As for an explanation for the abrupt decision, White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders offered:‘President Trump likes Chairman Kim, and he doesn’t think these sanctions will be necessary' X6vSEE200cg-00007-00008989-00010086 That’s right — a whole round of sanctions targeting a nuclear-powered regime has been cancelled because Trump “likes” their dictatorial leader, Kim Jong Un X6vSEE200cg-00008-00010086-00010888 Not only that, but in light of that fondness, Trump “doesn’t think” the additional sanctions will be necessary X6vSEE200cg-00009-00010888-00012560 The catalyst isn’t that he has data suggesting they’re unneeded in the form of new concessions from the North Koreans, finer tuned economic numbers, or whatever else.Nope, he just likes Kim and doesn’t feel like having the sanctions in place X6vSEE200cg-00010-00012560-00014637 Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin had touted the sanctions as indicating that the “United States and our like-minded partners remain committed to achieving the final, fully verified denuclearization of North Korea and believe that the full implementation of North Korea-related U.N. Security Council resolutions is crucial to a successful outcome.” X6vSEE200cg-00011-00014637-00015499 The New York Times shared that “[c]urrent and former Treasury Department officials were stunned” by Trump’s move to the contrary X6vSEE200cg-00012-00015499-00016337 This abrupt presidential break from America’s national security apparatus definitely fits into a broader pattern X6vSEE200cg-00013-00016337-00017727 At a rally before the midterm elections, he proudly asserted that he and Kim “fell in love,” and to that end, he recently held a second in-person summit with the leader, but that effort ended without any signed agreement X6vSEE200cg-00014-00017727-00019493 That premature conclusion apparently didn’t disillusion Trump, however, who is seemingly still riding on the strength of his love affair with a murderous dictator to keep the world from plunging into a nuclear winter, dumping the protective mechanisms normally in place in the process X6vSEE200cg-00015-00019493-00021070 He even withdrew the United States from joint military exercises with the South Koreans that had been planned for last year, while there have been little if any indications that the North Koreans have halted their nuclear weapons programs X6vSEE200cg-00016-00021070-00022282 After Kim and Trump’s second in-person love fest, satellite imagery emerged indicating the North Koreans had begun “rapidly rebuilding” a missile launch site.How reassuring XeXV9l9Cgpy-00000-00000571-00001710 The View’s Meghan McCain on Wednesday blasted President Donald Trump’s transgender military ban, describing it as “an unfair, un-American, and dangerous policy XeXV9l9Cgpy-00001-00001710-00002415 ”.“It is indefensible that Trump’s ban on Transgender troops is being implemented on Friday XeXV9l9Cgpy-00002-00002415-00003520 This discriminatory policy will lead Transgender service members, patriots who have decided to serve their nation, to live in the shadows,” McCain wrote in a social media post XeXV9l9Cgpy-00003-00003520-00004831 “It’s an unfair, un-American, and dangerous policy.”. .McCain’s tweet included a clip from The View of two active-duty transgender military members lamenting the policy set for implementation Friday XeXV9l9Cgpy-00004-00004831-00005821 “On Friday, the 12th, as many as 15,000 transgender service members stand to lose their jobs,” Army Staff Sgt XeXV9l9Cgpy-00005-00005821-00007174 Patricia King said on the ABC daytime talk show. “For those of us who are grandfathered in because we’ve already come out and we already have a diagnosis, there’s the possibility for systematic discrimination XeXV9l9Cgpy-00006-00007174-00008386 ”.In 2016, then-President Barack Obama lifted a ban on transgender people serving in the military, a move the Trump administration has attempted to reverse for over a year and a half XeXV9l9Cgpy-00007-00008386-00009428 The Supreme Court in January voted 5-4 to grant President Trump’s request to lift injunctions halting the policy as challenges continue in lower courts XeXV9l9Cgpy-00008-00009428-00010724 In a 2017 tweet, the president declared his administration would no longer “accept or allow” transgender people to serve in the military due to “tremendous medical costs and disruption” XeXV9l9Cgpy-00009-00010724-00011659 Then-Defence Secretary Jim Mattis modified the policy by narrowing the ban to individuals with a history of gender dysphoria XeXV9l9Cgpy-00010-00011659-00012464 According to the Palm Center, there are roughly 8,980 active duty transgender troops presently serving XeXV9l9Cgpy-00011-00012464-00013417 McCain, the daughter of the late Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), is one of President Trump’s most vocal center-right critics XeXV9l9Cgpy-00012-00013417-00014185 Appearing on CNN with host Van Jones in late January, McCain said she hates the U XeXV9l9Cgpy-00013-00014185-00014875 S. without her father’s leadership. “As an American, I hate this country without him in it XeXV9l9Cgpy-00014-00014875-00015943 I know that sounds awful. I don’t hate America but I just hate it without his leadership,” she said when asked how she was handling her father’s passing XeXV9l9Cgpy-00015-00015943-00017095 In response to criticism of her father’s role in the Steele dossier, McCain wrote on social media that the president will never be loved like the Arizona Republican was XeXV9l9Cgpy-00016-00017095-00017806 “No one will ever love you the way they loved my father…. I wish I had been given more Saturday’s with him XeXV9l9Cgpy-00017-00017806-00018479 Maybe spend yours with your family instead of on twitter obsessing over mine?” she tweeted XeXV9l9Cgpy-00018-00018479-00019153 McCain infamously included several jabs at President Trump in her eulogy for her father