YvKqPirXLsc-00000-00000513-00001631 A Republican congressman who opposes President Donald Trump's emergency border wall declaration said Sunday he believes Trump "is violating our constitutional system" with the declaration YvKqPirXLsc-00001-00001631-00003177 The comments from Rep. Justin Amash of Michigan, who serves on the House Oversight Committee, came as he discussed the declaration, which Trump made last month to unlock additional funding to construct his proposed wall along the southern border YvKqPirXLsc-00002-00003177-00004567 "I think the President is violating our constitutional system. And I don't think Congress can grant legislative powers to the President by statute," Amash told CNN's Jake Tapper on "State of the Union YvKqPirXLsc-00003-00004567-00005369 " "You can't just pass a statute that says, 'The President now has appropriations power and bypass Congress YvKqPirXLsc-00004-00005369-00006492 ' ".Amash said he thinks his Republican colleagues who support the move are abdicating their constitutional responsibilities, but that he doesn't "think that they are all intending to do that YvKqPirXLsc-00005-00006492-00007793 " He added that Republican members of Congress who argue the President was granted this power by Congress are probably not "thinking to themselves, 'Oh, I just want the President to violate the Constitution YvKqPirXLsc-00006-00007793-00008953 ' ".Amash, who is one of 13 Republicans in the House who voted with Democrats to pass a measure to block Trump's declaration, told Tapper that "we have to protect our own power YvKqPirXLsc-00007-00008953-00009770 ".The measure will now be considered in the Senate, where, Amash said, he's "hopeful many Republican senators will agree YvKqPirXLsc-00008-00009770-00011021 ".Not ruling out a 2020 bid.Amash, who was first elected to Congress in 2010, declined on Sunday to rule out a possible 2020 presidential run as a Libertarian candidate YvKqPirXLsc-00009-00011021-00011831 "Well, I would never rule anything out. That's not on my radar right now," he said of a 2020 bid to Tapper YvKqPirXLsc-00010-00011831-00012821 "But I think that it is important that we have someone in there who is presenting a vision for America that is different from what these two parties are presenting YvKqPirXLsc-00011-00012821-00013727 ".Amash told Tapper he believes there is a "wild amount of partisan rhetoric on both sides" and that "Congress is totally broken YvKqPirXLsc-00012-00013727-00015308 "."I think that we need to return to basic American principles, talk about what we have in common as a people -- because I believe we have a lot in common as Americans -- and try to move forward together, rather than fighting each other all the time," Amash said YY1eNYJsTju-00000-00000571-00001832 Democratic members of the House Intelligence Committee revealed in advance that Michael Cohen was coming back to privately testify again today because he had something new and big up his sleeve YY1eNYJsTju-00001-00001832-00003018 Cohen underlined this point today when he showed up to Congress with a few suitcases full of evidence in hand, making for a stunning visual in front of the television cameras YY1eNYJsTju-00002-00003018-00004257 So what was inside the suitcases?.The only thing we know so far is that Michael Cohen brought documents proving that Donald Trump’s lawyers instructed him to lie to Congress in 2017 YY1eNYJsTju-00003-00004257-00005288 That’s suborning perjury and obstruction of justice, so assuming the evidence holds up, Trump’s lawyers will have to cut a plea deal against him or go to prison YY1eNYJsTju-00004-00005288-00006166 But that’s just the start of what today brought.For all we know, Cohen’s three suitcases could have been mostly empty YY1eNYJsTju-00005-00006166-00007331 Maybe it was mostly for show. Or maybe he brought his own copies of the documents that the House Judiciary Committee just requested from eighty-one Trump related people and entities YY1eNYJsTju-00006-00007331-00008721 That, of course, is the whole point. These people all now have to worry that if they simply destroy incriminating documents, they might get nailed for it, because House Democrats may now have the documents anyway YY1eNYJsTju-00007-00008721-00010001 Considering that Michael Cohen apparently sent Jay Sekulow to prison today, the rest of Donald Trump’s people have to very much worry that Cohen’s suitcases might have been full of evidence against them as well YY1eNYJsTju-00008-00010001-00011581 They’re now in a no-win situation. Do they turn over the documents? Do they refuse to cooperate and cross their fingers? Do they just cut plea deals now? Any innocent people have nothing to worry about, but any guilty people are now screwed 0ZTx-JV3hPg-00000-00000571-00001723 President Donald Trump is threatening to close parts of the US.-Mexican border as record numbers of migrants surge through the legal loopholes created by Congress and judges 0ZTx-JV3hPg-00001-00001723-00003604 “CONGRESS MUST CHANGE OUR WEAK IMMIGRATION LAWS NOW. If Mexico doesn’t immediately stop ALL illegal immigration coming into the United States throug [sic] our Southern Border, I will be CLOSING the Border, or large sections of the Border, next week,” he said in a series of three tweets Friday morning 0ZTx-JV3hPg-00002-00003604-00004466 Border officials are ramping up their estimates for the number of migrants who will grab the opportunity created by Congress 0ZTx-JV3hPg-00003-00004466-00005254 Predictions for 2019 have climbed from 900,000 to 1.2 million during the last few weeks 0ZTx-JV3hPg-00004-00005254-00006344 Others experts suggest the 2019 number may be far larger. A February report from Jim Clifton, the chairman, and CEO at Gallup said: 0ZTx-JV3hPg-00005-00006344-00007232 Forty-two million seekers of citizenship or asylum are watching to determine exactly when and how is the best time to make the move 0ZTx-JV3hPg-00006-00007232-00007895 This suggests that open borders could potentially attract 42 million Latin Americans 0ZTx-JV3hPg-00007-00007895-00008569 A full 5 million who are planning to move in the next 12 months say they are moving to the US 0ZTx-JV3hPg-00008-00008569-00009447 Pro-migration Democrats deny the migrant wave and say it is smaller than the surges seen under President George W 0ZTx-JV3hPg-00009-00009447-00010468 Bush. But the numbers under Bush were high because individual migrants were overcounted as they made repeated attempts to sneak through the border 0ZTx-JV3hPg-00010-00010468-00011662 The current count excludes overcounts because each migrant is counted once before they are released into the United States to move into blue-collar jobs, neighborhoods, and schools 0ZTx-JV3hPg-00011-00011662-00012994 The growing wave of migrants from Central America is being welcomed as a “humanitarian crisis” by most Democrats leaders because it provides them with a new bloc of ‘dreamer’ illegals who may become voters in the 2030s 0ZTx-JV3hPg-00012-00012994-00014601 The surge is also welcomed because it gives elite progressives an opportunity to simultaneously display favoritism to subordinate outsiders and disdain towards the mass of ordinary Americans who demand respect, civic solidarity, and higher wages 0ZTx-JV3hPg-00013-00014601-00016150 Business interests welcome the migration because it provides a new block of cheap workers, consumers, and renters, and also because it helps distract Washington from Trump’s “Hire American” policy and his “Four Pillars” immigration reforms 0ZTx-JV3hPg-00014-00016150-00017098 The “Hire American” policy opposed by business groups because it is giving Trump’s voters important pay raises before the 2020 elections 0ZTx-JV3hPg-00015-00017098-00018336 Business interests will rally to block Trump’s threat to shutter the border until Mexico helps stop the mass migration, which is being aided by new bus lines which ferry migrants up to the US border 0ZTx-JV3hPg-00016-00018336-00018984 Trump’s statement comes as border official are trying to warn Congress of the problems 0ZTx-JV3hPg-00017-00018984-00020295 For example, DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said in a Thursday letter to all members of Congress that, “We face a system-wide meltdown … We are witnessing the real-time dissolution of the immigration system 0ZTx-JV3hPg-00018-00020295-00022092 ”.She added, “I will be working with the Office of Management and Budget to provide you additional details in the near future, but the situation is so dire we want to make notification to you now that we will require additional resources … to ensure immediate safety and care of individuals in our custody 0ZTx-JV3hPg-00019-00022092-00023210 ”.On Monday, border commissioner Kevin McAleenan provided reporters with some details about the Central Americans’ rush into Americans’ society, jobs, and schools 0ZTx-JV3hPg-00020-00023210-00024812 The March inflow alone will include roughly 15,000 parents and 40,000 children in “family units” who will ask for asylum — and then will be released — plus roughly 35,000 single adults who will try to evade border officers, he said 0ZTx-JV3hPg-00021-00024812-00026280 McAleenan pinned the blame on Congress and the judges who have jointly cut legal holes in the border fences by allowing migrants to stream into US cities, jobs, and schools if they merely ask for asylum, saying: 0ZTx-JV3hPg-00022-00026280-00027445 The increase in family units is a direct response to the vulnerabilities in our legal frameworks where migrants and smugglers know that they will be released and be allowed to stay in the U 0ZTx-JV3hPg-00023-00027445-00028497 S. indefinitely pending immigration proceedings that could be many years out. This is due to court orders that undermine the integrity of our immigration system 0ZTx-JV3hPg-00024-00028497-00028905 There is no questioning [about] why this is happening 0kl_L3XiCAu-00000-00000571-00001409 The thing about a coordinated coverup effort: you’ve got to pull it off cleanly enough that most people don’t notice or care 0kl_L3XiCAu-00001-00001409-00002930 When it comes to the attempted coverup of what’s really in the Robert Mueller report, Team Trump seemed to be pulling it off for the first day or so, particularly when the media began parroting the false claim that the Barr summary was the Mueller report 0kl_L3XiCAu-00002-00002930-00004029 But now it’s starting to unravel.Team Trump’s first mistake was that the Barr summary was too cartoonishly glowing in Donald Trump’s favor to be plausible 0kl_L3XiCAu-00003-00004029-00004836 This gave House Democrats leverage when it came to convincing the public that the real Mueller report be released 0kl_L3XiCAu-00004-00004836-00006014 Now the media is finally starting to back off from its initial claims that the Barr summary was the Mueller report, and the media is calling for the real report to be released 0kl_L3XiCAu-00005-00006014-00006793 This has sent Donald Trump’s people scrambling, to the point that they can’t get their message straight 0kl_L3XiCAu-00006-00006793-00008757 For instance Trump’s close ally Lindsey Graham, who has been positioning himself as some kind of de facto publicist for Barr this week, told a gang of reporters today that Barr is going to let the Trump White House redact any parts of the Mueller report that it considers to be covered under executive privilege, and then release it 0kl_L3XiCAu-00007-00008757-00009658 This set off an immediate firestorm, because it’s obvious that Trump could simply redact all the parts that make him look bad 0kl_L3XiCAu-00008-00009658-00010844 Sure enough, just about an hour later, an unnamed DOJ official told NBC News that Barr won’t be letting the Trump White House see the Mueller report before it’s released 0kl_L3XiCAu-00009-00010844-00011900 Oops. If Barr’s plan was to secretly let Trump whitewash the Mueller report before releasing it, then Graham just blew it by publicly talking about it 0kl_L3XiCAu-00010-00011900-00013237 This has forced the DOJ to publicly commit to the position of not giving it to Trump, and it’s set up a brewing scandal about whether the DOJ might still try to secretly slip the report to Trump before releasing it 0kl_L3XiCAu-00011-00013237-00014614 The more convoluted this coverup becomes for Team Trump, the more they have to backtrack, and the more they have to publicly address the details of what they are or aren’t doing to cover it up, the more of a firestorm this becomes 0kl_L3XiCAu-00012-00014614-00015510 We’re only 48 hours into Team Trump’s attempt at burying the Mueller report, and it’s already unraveling for them in real time 0kl_L3XiCAu-00013-00015510-00016267 At this rate, the Trump-Barr coverup could quickly become Trump’s most problematic scandal to date 19C-tETh44A-00000-00000571-00001556 New York Mayor Bill de Blasio threatened to sue the Trump administration if it sends illegal immigrants to New York City, a “sanctuary city 19C-tETh44A-00001-00001556-00002587 ”.“It’s illegal. It is just plain illegal. We will meet him in court. We will beat him in court,” de Blasio said, according to the New York Post 19C-tETh44A-00002-00002587-00004066 .President Trump on Monday tweeted, “Those Illegal Immigrants who can no longer be legally held (Congress must fix the laws and loopholes) will be, subject to Homeland Security, given to Sanctuary Cities and States 19C-tETh44A-00003-00004066-00004714 He said on Friday that his administration was giving “strong consideration” to the idea 19C-tETh44A-00004-00004714-00006176 “Due to the fact that Democrats are unwilling to change our very dangerous immigration laws, we are indeed, as reported, giving strong considerations to placing Illegal Immigrants in Sanctuary Cities only,” Trump tweeted 19C-tETh44A-00005-00006176-00007125 .So-called “sanctuary cities” are cities where local authorities do not report the immigration status of residents to federal authorities 19C-tETh44A-00006-00007125-00008778 Last week, the Washington Post reported that the White House proposed transporting and releasing detained immigrants to sanctuary cities such as San Francisco, allegedly to alleviate detention space at the border, but also to “send a message to Democrats 19C-tETh44A-00007-00008778-00010016 ”.Singer and actress Cher — who once said she and her businesses would be willing to take Dreamers into their homes — has also decried the idea of bringing illegal immigrants to her city of Los Angeles 1_FnxntdbRk-00000-00000571-00002065 Almost from the day that Donald Trump won the White House in 2016, a significant chunk of Democrats have wanted Congress to throw him out of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue via impeachment 1_FnxntdbRk-00001-00002065-00002802 Which makes the latest finding on impeachment in a CNN-SSRS poll all the more intriguing 1_FnxntdbRk-00002-00002802-00003442 Just more than one in three respondents said they support an effort to impeach Trump 1_FnxntdbRk-00003-00003442-00004437 That's down from 43% who said the same in December and 47% who supported impeachment earlier in the fall of 2018 1_FnxntdbRk-00004-00004437-00005680 But more amazingly -- at least to me! -- is that while 80% of self-identified Democrats said they backed impeaching Trump in December, just 68% feel that way now 1_FnxntdbRk-00005-00005680-00006942 Remarkable, no? .The decline in the desire of Democrats to run Trump out of town on a rail comes roughly a week after Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif 1_FnxntdbRk-00006-00006942-00007877 ) went public with her opposition to pursuing impeachment against Trump. Pelosi told The Washington Post:"I'm not for impeachment 1_FnxntdbRk-00007-00007877-00008770 This is news. I'm going to give you some news right now because I haven't said this to any press person before 1_FnxntdbRk-00008-00008770-00010301 But since you asked, and I've been thinking about this: Impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there's something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan, I don't think we should go down that path, because it divides the country 1_FnxntdbRk-00009-00010301-00012234 And he's just not worth it.".Pelosi's stance drew praise from a very unlikely source -- former Trump political strategist Steve Bannon -- who, in an interview for Showtime's "The Circus," said he would give her a 10 out of 10 on how she has managed the speakership and talk of impeachment 1_FnxntdbRk-00010-00012234-00013911 What will be interesting to watch in the coming weeks and months is whether 2020 presidential candidates -- many of whom have already called for Trump's impeachment -- walk back that rhetoric even slightly, or whether they will double down because that's what the base wants 1_FnxntdbRk-00011-00013911-00014645 Asked in a CNN-sponsored town hall Monday about her stance on impeachment, Massachusetts Sen 1_FnxntdbRk-00012-00014645-00015442 Elizabeth Warren said this:."So we have a report that is due from the special prosecutor any day now 1_FnxntdbRk-00013-00015442-00016424 Understand that that investigation from Mr. Mueller has produced already -- I believe it's 34 indictments or guilty pleas 1_FnxntdbRk-00014-00016424-00017513 This is a serious investigation. We need to protect him in finishing that report, and then that report needs to be made public to the American people 1_FnxntdbRk-00015-00017513-00018359 When we get it, we will know what to do with it.".Which, if you're playing along at home, isn't a direct answer 1Rnz5ddj7Zc-00000-00000571-00001561 The establishment media are deliberately spreading fake news about President Trump, saying he called for violence during his interview with Breitbart News 1Rnz5ddj7Zc-00001-00001561-00003865 Outside of the usual-usual fake news to damage Trump and to distract from their failing Russia Collusion Hoax, the media’s propaganda effort here is to make Trump pay a political price for daring to sit down with an alternative news outlet like Breitbart News and to warn other politicians not to violate the rules about who is “supposed” to be allowed to hold high-profile interviews 1Rnz5ddj7Zc-00002-00003865-00004735 In this particular case, because the president said nothing wrong in his interview with us, the media have been forced to invent something 1Rnz5ddj7Zc-00003-00004735-00005458 Case in point: all this nonsense about Trump calling for violence. Here’s what Trump actually said 1Rnz5ddj7Zc-00004-00005458-00006712 “So here’s the thing—it’s so terrible what’s happening,” Trump said when asked by Breitbart News Deputy Political Editor Amanda House about his anticipated executive order on campus free speech 1Rnz5ddj7Zc-00005-00006712-00007733 “You know, the left plays a tougher game, it’s very funny. I actually think that the people on the right are tougher, but they don’t play it tougher 1Rnz5ddj7Zc-00006-00007733-00009350 Okay? I can tell you I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of the Bikers for Trump – I have the tough people, but they don’t play it tough — until they go to a certain point, and then it would be very bad, very bad 1Rnz5ddj7Zc-00007-00009350-00010729 But the left plays it cuter and tougher. Like with all the nonsense that they do in Congress … with all this invest[igations] — that’s all they want to do is — you know, they do things that are nasty 1Rnz5ddj7Zc-00008-00010729-00013057 Republicans never played this''.I don’t care how many times you read that, there is nothing there — not a word, not a peep, not anything that has anything to do with violence of any kind, nothing even close to Barack Obama’s actual calls to violence with his rhetoric about bringing a gun to a knife fight or punching back twice as hard, which everyone in the media wrote off as political rhetoric 1Rnz5ddj7Zc-00009-00013057-00014000 Obviously, Trump is talking about getting politically tough, about organizations and people who do not back down from a political fight 1Rnz5ddj7Zc-00010-00014000-00015766 To see violence in that statement, you either have to be an idiot or a bald-faced liar deliberately acting in bad faith–and what we have in the media are herds and herds of bald-faced liars deliberately acting in bad faith, deliberately attempting to deceive the American public 1Rnz5ddj7Zc-00011-00015766-00017027 Here’s a list of the worst offenders….CNN (naturally).What’s interesting is that CNN’s Chris Cuomo encourages and defends Antifa’s violence against Trump supporters 1Rnz5ddj7Zc-00012-00017027-00017879 Oh, and here’s CNN lying again and again.New York magazine.Splinter.HuffPost.The Hill 1Rnz5ddj7Zc-00013-00017879-00018827 The Washington Post.Talking Points Memo.MSNBC.Think Progress.Esquire.Daily Mail.Mother Jones 1Rnz5ddj7Zc-00014-00018827-00019582 Slate.SFGate.Each and every one of these outlets is deliberately deceiving its readers and viewers 21tQjJk2CtQ-00000-00000571-00001908 President Donald Trump is not happy that former House Speaker Paul Ryan blocked subpoenas of people and entities Trump thinks the House GOP should have been investigating during the first two years of his administration 21tQjJk2CtQ-00001-00001908-00004001 Trump told Breitbart News in an exclusive lengthy Oval Office interview that Ryan blocked issuance of subpoenas to people he thinks should have been investigated on the political left, and now that the Republicans no longer have the majority in the House, people Trump says Ryan protected may have gotten away with whatever they did that warranted investigation 21tQjJk2CtQ-00002-00004001-00004959 Trump said that House Freedom Caucus Chairman Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) and his predecessor and fellow conservative Rep 21tQjJk2CtQ-00003-00004959-00005732 Jim Jordan (R-OH) wanted to be tougher with the left, but that Ryan would not let them 21tQjJk2CtQ-00004-00005732-00006385 “Paul Ryan wouldn’t give the right to have any subpoenas,” Trump told Breitbart News 21tQjJk2CtQ-00005-00006385-00007386 “Okay? Now in all fairness, Meadows and Jordan and all these guys, they wanted to go tougher, but they weren’t allowed to by leadership 21tQjJk2CtQ-00006-00007386-00008459 ”.Trump’s comments came in a wider part of the conversation about how the left is more “vicious” than the right—and that the left in American politics plays “cuter and tougher 21tQjJk2CtQ-00007-00008459-00009580 ”.“So here’s the thing—it’s so terrible what’s happening,” Trump said when asked by Breitbart News Washington Political Editor Matthew Boyle about how the left is fighting hard 21tQjJk2CtQ-00008-00009580-00010601 “You know, the left plays a tougher game, it’s very funny. I actually think that the people on the right are tougher, but they don’t play it tougher 21tQjJk2CtQ-00009-00010601-00012218 Okay? I can tell you I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of the Bikers for Trump – I have the tough people, but they don’t play it tough — until they go to a certain point, and then it would be very bad, very bad 21tQjJk2CtQ-00010-00012218-00013553 But the left plays it cuter and tougher. Like with all the nonsense that they do in Congress … with all this invest[igations]—that’s all they want to do is –you know, they do things that are nasty 21tQjJk2CtQ-00011-00013553-00014488 Republicans never played this.”. .Trump’s relationship with Ryan during Ryan’s tenure was fraught with peril from the get-go 21tQjJk2CtQ-00012-00014488-00015883 Ryan only hesitantly backed Trump’s 2016 campaign in 2016 once Trump won the GOP nomination, but then backed off from supporting Trump after the release of the infamous Access Hollywood tape 21tQjJk2CtQ-00013-00015883-00017816 Ryan ditched on a campaign event he had scheduled with Trump that weekend, and the following week held a conference call with House GOP members in early October 2016 in which he told members it would be acceptable to him if they abandoned the GOP nominee for president just weeks before the 2016 election 21tQjJk2CtQ-00014-00017816-00019091 “I am not going to defend Donald Trump—not now, not in the future,” Ryan said on the private call, audio of which was obtained by Breitbart News and published in early 2017 21tQjJk2CtQ-00015-00019091-00021047 .Ryan followed through on that and never campaigned with Trump. When Breitbart News published this audio in the spring of 2017, his then-spokesman Brendan Buck claimed that “a lot has happened since then” and argued that Ryan was working with Trump on the president’s agenda in the first couple years of his administration 21tQjJk2CtQ-00016-00021047-00022479 With the exception of tax cuts, however, which the president led the way on, Ryan did not deliver much in the way of helping Trump achieve any of his agenda during the time Ryan served as Speaker while Trump served as president 21tQjJk2CtQ-00017-00022479-00023521 Ryan became speaker in 2015, when then-Speaker John Boehner—facing a revolt from within his own GOP ranks—was forced to step aside 21tQjJk2CtQ-00018-00023521-00024216 Others had sought the job and failed before Ryan eventually ended up running for the position 21tQjJk2CtQ-00019-00024216-00025315 Prior to being Speaker, Ryan was the failed 2012 vice presidential nominee for the GOP presidential ticket of former Massachusetts Gov 21tQjJk2CtQ-00020-00025315-00026326 Mitt Romney. With Ryan at his side, Romney, who has since left Massachusetts behind to move to Utah and now represents Utah in the U 21tQjJk2CtQ-00021-00026326-00027515 S. Senate, lost the 2012 presidential election to then-President Barack Obama.Then in early 2018, Ryan announced he would not be seeking re-election in the midterms 21tQjJk2CtQ-00022-00027515-00028215 Critics argued that his not stepping aside hurt the GOP in the midterm elections 21tQjJk2CtQ-00023-00028215-00028883 Now that Ryan is gone from public life, he took a sharp shot at Trump earlier this week 21tQjJk2CtQ-00024-00028883-00029905 “The person who defines that race is going to win the race,” Ryan said about the 2020 presidential race at a lecture in Florida per a local news account 21tQjJk2CtQ-00025-00029905-00030506 “If this is about Donald Trump and his personality, he isn’t going to win it''. 21tQjJk2CtQ-00026-00030506-00032313 Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump, Jr., fired back at Ryan on Twitter earlier in the week, saying the former speaker “failed” in 2012, “lied to us,” did not deliver border wall funding he promised previously, and then went on to lose the House GOP its majority in the midterms 21a6Bh2Z3H4-00000-00000571-00002078 As House Democrats gear up to unearth the real Robert Mueller report and expose Donald Trump’s crimes, Trump continues with his strategy of distraction by pushing forward with his deranged agenda: Destroy President Obama’s legacy 21a6Bh2Z3H4-00001-00002078-00002815 Trump thought this would be This isn’t going over well, however, and now Trump is throwing a fit about it 21a6Bh2Z3H4-00002-00002815-00003658 Even Trump’s fellow Republican leaders are letting it be known through various media leaks that they want nothing to do with it 21a6Bh2Z3H4-00003-00003658-00004706 Instead of realizing that he’s picked a loser of an idea, Trump is instead doubling down on it, and – naturally – doubling his empty bombast 21a6Bh2Z3H4-00004-00004706-00005604 On Monday night, Trump posted this angry multi-part tweet:.“Everybody agrees that ObamaCare doesn’t work 21a6Bh2Z3H4-00005-00005604-00007085 Premiums & deductibles are far too high – Really bad HealthCare! Even the Dems want to replace it, but with Medicare for all, which would cause 180 million Americans to lose their beloved private health insurance 21a6Bh2Z3H4-00006-00007085-00007973 The Republicans are developing a really great HealthCare Plan with far lower premiums (cost) & deductibles than ObamaCare 21a6Bh2Z3H4-00007-00007973-00009131 In other words it will be far less expensive & much more usable than ObamaCare. Vote will be taken right after the Election when Republicans hold the Senate & win 21a6Bh2Z3H4-00008-00009131-00010210 back the House. It will be truly great HealthCare that will work for America. Also, Republicans will always support Pre-Existing Conditions 21a6Bh2Z3H4-00009-00010210-00011173 The Republican Party will be known as the Party of Great HealtCare. Meantime, the USA is doing better than ever & is respected again!” 21a6Bh2Z3H4-00010-00011173-00012508 That’s right, he spelled it HealtCare.To be clear, there is no consensus that “ObamaCare doesn’t work,” and there is no evidence that Donald Trump and the Republicans have any such alternative 21a6Bh2Z3H4-00011-00012508-00013961 This is the same utter nonsense that they pushed back in 2017. They didn’t have an alternative back then either, most Americans saw right through the con, and Trump and the GOP got pummeled in the midterm elections as a result 21a6Bh2Z3H4-00012-00013961-00014783 There you have it. It’s clear that Trump is running out of ideas to distract from the legal storm that is about to hit him 2_TlCPTF6T0-00000-00000571-00002485 Harsh critics of President Donald Trump like Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Ilhan Omar (D-MN) have put aside their differences with the president to join a bipartisan letter backing Trump’s announced plans to withdraw troops from Syria now that Islamic State has been defeated 2_TlCPTF6T0-00001-00002485-00003507 Ocasio-Cortez and Omar were two of the highest profile signatories of a new bipartisan letter to President Trump supporting him for pledging to end the U 2_TlCPTF6T0-00002-00003507-00004625 S. troop presence in Syria. Others include GOP Sens. Rand Paul (R-KY) and Mike Lee (R-UT), as well as GOP Reps 2_TlCPTF6T0-00003-00004625-00006030 Justin Amash (R-MI), Andy Biggs (R-AZ), Paul Gosar (R-AZ), Thomas Massie (R-KY), Jeff Duncan (R-SC), and Bill Posey (R-FL) 2_TlCPTF6T0-00004-00006030-00007425 Other Democrat signers include Reps. Ro Khanna (D-CA) and Ted Lieu (D-CA). .“We write in bipartisan support of your announcement of the start of a ‘deliberate withdrawal’ of U 2_TlCPTF6T0-00005-00007425-00008715 S. military forces in Syria, and we welcome the completion of this process within the next six months,” the letter to Trump, obtained by Breitbart News ahead of its public release, reads 2_TlCPTF6T0-00006-00008715-00010027 “The 2015 introduction of U.S. military forces into hostilities in Syria was never approved by Congress, in violation of the Constitution and the War Powers Resolution of 1973 2_TlCPTF6T0-00007-00010027-00011079 We believe that the stated intention of withdrawing our forces is appropriate, and we look forward to the orderly return of our service members from this theater of conflict 2_TlCPTF6T0-00008-00011079-00012033 ”.The letter continues by laying out a pathway for what the bipartisan coalition is urging Trump to do as he withdraws troops from Syria 2_TlCPTF6T0-00009-00012033-00013010 “While it is essential to accomplish the announced withdrawal, we urge your Administration to couple the process of a phased removal of U 2_TlCPTF6T0-00010-00013010-00014073 S. troops with an increased focus on diplomacy to ensure minimal disruption and prevent loss of life,” the bipartisan group of members wrote to Trump 2_TlCPTF6T0-00011-00014073-00014770 “Additionally, we recommend direct, robust engagement and coordination with both the U 2_TlCPTF6T0-00012-00014770-00015747 S. allies and other regional governments to ensure the safety of Syria’s civilian populations and avert the resurgence of ISIS 2_TlCPTF6T0-00013-00015747-00016463 We agree with your aim of averting a Turkish military assault on Syria’s Kurds, and U 2_TlCPTF6T0-00014-00016463-00017131 S. leverage—such as conditioning weapons sales to Turkey—can achieve this outcome 2_TlCPTF6T0-00015-00017131-00018283 ”. .The letter concludes by laying out how this bipartisan coalition stands ready to work with Trump to end other conflicts and wars, particularly in Afghanistan 2_TlCPTF6T0-00016-00018283-00019652 “It is long past time to rein in the use of force that goes beyond congressional authorization, and we look forward to pursuing this longstanding bipartisan objective with your Administration,” the letter concludes 2_TlCPTF6T0-00017-00019652-00020817 “Finally, we hope this will serve as a model for ending hostilities in the future—in particular as you and your Administration seek a political solution to our involvement in Afghanistan 2_TlCPTF6T0-00018-00020817-00021536 ”.In a press call with reporters including Breitbart News on Wednesday morning announcing the letter, Sen 2_TlCPTF6T0-00019-00021536-00023142 Paul laid out how he hopes this is a turning point for the president where he can work with even some of his most ardent critics in the wake of the end of the Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation that ended up finding no collusion between Trump or his campaign and the Russians 2_TlCPTF6T0-00020-00023142-00024654 .“I think this is a continuation of the bipartisan movement in Congress to snatch back power that the Constitution gave to Congress, but also to try to get beyond the politics of the moment—whether the president is a Republican or a Democrat,” Paul said 2_TlCPTF6T0-00021-00024654-00025723 “As most of you know, I’ve been supportive of President Trump on a lot of fronts, but I’ve also been unafraid to stand up on principle and oppose him at times 2_TlCPTF6T0-00022-00025723-00026909 This is a great example of Democrats who have obviously not been supportive of the president willing to stand up and have the courage to say ‘there is policy though that we do support 2_TlCPTF6T0-00023-00026909-00028272 ’ That’s the withdrawal of troops from Syria. So I think this is a turning point to maybe try to get beyond some of the politics of the investigations of the last two years, and try to join forces on some issues 2_TlCPTF6T0-00024-00028272-00029087 In this case, it’s supportive of the president. In Yemen, it’s obviously supportive of restricting the president 2_TlCPTF6T0-00025-00029087-00030244 But the overall focus is is there is a bipartisan movement to have Congress decide when we go to war and in this case it aligns with the president’s announcement to remove U 2_TlCPTF6T0-00026-00030244-00032619 S. troops from Syria.”.Paul added on the press call that he thinks the signature array on this letter backing Trump on Syria is a “good mix showing that right and left can come together even to rise above the politics of the moment to say that this is right, the issue of whether we should in Syria, that the president is right and we shouldn’t stay there forever the same way we’ve stayed forever in other places 2_TlCPTF6T0-00027-00032619-00033734 ”.Paul said too that he believes this bipartisan coalition, which Khanna discussed in a Breitbart News exclusive earlier this week, “has been building for several years 2_TlCPTF6T0-00028-00033734-00034382 ”.“We just had a luncheon this week talking about getting out of the war in Afghanistan where Sen 2_TlCPTF6T0-00029-00034382-00035900 Udall, a progressive Democrat, and myself got together—it was hosted by a progressive magazine The Nation and a conservative magazine The American Conservative,” Paul said in response to a question from Breitbart News on Wednesday’s press call 2_TlCPTF6T0-00030-00035900-00037436 “So I think there is legs to this. So I think over time the idea of having a caucus for bipartisan foreign policy—for a saner foreign policy—I think is a possibility and it would have more impact if we crossed party lines 2_TlCPTF6T0-00031-00037436-00039434 I think you did see people cross party lines on Yemen, you see people coming across party lines on protecting the privacy of your phone calls and Fourth Amendment searches, so I think on privacy and foreign policy there is a sort of a left and right coming together that I think is going to continue and will grow over time 2_TlCPTF6T0-00032-00039434-00041237 ”. .Khanna, who is co-leading this letter with Paul and did an exclusive interview with Breitbart News on these efforts published earlier this week, added in a quote provided to Breitbart News about the letter that it is time for Congress to be involved in these decisions on foreign policy 2_TlCPTF6T0-00033-00041237-00042159 “The president cannot pursue a foreign policy agenda without the advice and consent, let alone the support, of the Congress,” Khanna said 2_TlCPTF6T0-00034-00042159-00042895 “Thanks to Sen. Paul for joining me in bringing an end to these wars—the constitution isn’t partisan 2_TlCPTF6T0-00035-00042895-00042995 ” 2VTMuev3qe8-00000-00000513-00001200 The Trump administration is stonewalling in the face of Congressional investigative efforts 2VTMuev3qe8-00001-00001200-00003344 In a newly published piece in The Washington Post, House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) outlined an array of lines of inquiry which the White House has absolutely refused to cooperate with, failing to hand over a single requested document or make a single sought official available for questioning 2VTMuev3qe8-00002-00003344-00004687 The topics of investigation range from the Trump team’s security clearance process to the widely publicized illegal hush money scheme targeting women with whom President Donald Trump had affairs 2VTMuev3qe8-00003-00004687-00005776 Utilizing a phrase the president has repeatedly used to hyperbolically (at best) deride those scrutinizing his team, Cummings asserted: 2VTMuev3qe8-00004-00005776-00006510 ‘President Trump’s actions violate our Constitution’s fundamental principle of checks and balances 2VTMuev3qe8-00005-00006510-00007145 If our committee must resort to issuing subpoeanas, there should be no doubt about why 2VTMuev3qe8-00006-00007145-00007874 This has nothing to do with presidential harassment and everything to do with unprecedented obstruction’ 2VTMuev3qe8-00007-00007874-00009185 Cummings wasn’t vague. Elsewhere, he ran through a point-by-point list of issues spanning twelve letters he’s sent the White House in which the Trump team has absolutely refused to cooperate 2VTMuev3qe8-00008-00009185-00011910 The committee has sought information specific to the processes of granting security clearances of officials ranging from former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn to Trump son-in-law and adviser Jared Kushner, but all the Trump team has offered is “a few pages” of general policy documents the panel couldn’t even keep a copy of and a general policy briefing in which they’ll refuse to answer any questions covering specific employees 2VTMuev3qe8-00009-00011910-00013832 That’s not at all to say the issues aren’t pressing. Flynn was revealed to have been a pawn of the Turkish government while working with the Trump team, having lobbied for them in the United States on issues like their aim to drag dissident cleric Fethullah Gulen from the U.S. to face accusations of having orchestrated a coup 2VTMuev3qe8-00010-00013832-00015938 Kushner, meanwhile, has been allowed to ascend at a wild pace to helping steer foreign policy considering his complete lack of experience, drawing the United States into close relationships with figures like Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who helped direct the murder of dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi last year 2VTMuev3qe8-00011-00015938-00017769 Concern has also covered his past relationships with foreign powers to the point of authorities ranging from the White House personnel office to the nation’s intel community recommending against him getting a security clearance that he now has, reportedly thanks to the president’s intervention 2VTMuev3qe8-00012-00017769-00019790 Cummings wants to know exactly what happened and why. As mentioned, he’s also after answers on a variety of other topics, ranging from the hush money scheme to “reports from whistleblowers that the administration allegedly rushed to transfer sensitive nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia in violation of the Atomic Energy Act” 2VTMuev3qe8-00013-00019790-00021684 The White House has refused to comply in any of these areas, despite Cummings noting that last November, “the American people voted overwhelmingly to put Democrats in charge of the House of Representatives to start serving as a truly independent check and balance on the executive branch” 2VTMuev3qe8-00014-00021684-00022797 Americans will have the opportunity to vote in what’s essentially another referendum on the current administration not that far in the future when a Democrat may unseat Trump in the White House 3tcaQxiCX9u-00000-00000571-00001913 President Trump must use his executive powers to take action on the soaring levels of illegal and unchecked immigration to the United States rather than delivering “empty threats,” columnist Michelle Malkin says 3tcaQxiCX9u-00001-00001913-00002736 In an exclusive interview with SiriusXM Patriot’s Breitbart News Daily, Malkin said Trump’s threats to close the U 3tcaQxiCX9u-00002-00002736-00003535 S.-Mexico border to stop illegal immigration must be backed up with action, not just rhetoric 3tcaQxiCX9u-00003-00003535-00004411 Malkin said:''I don’t want to hear empty threats anymore about how he’s going to do what he should have done many, many, many months ago 3tcaQxiCX9u-00004-00004411-00005416 The fact that you have a massive number now of … strangers bringing in children, tells you that the very magnet that he says he understands is causing this 3tcaQxiCX9u-00005-00005416-00006594 The failure to just go ahead executively and fix the asylum system, proves him right on that and yet he’s not doing what he can do as president with his executive authority 3tcaQxiCX9u-00006-00006594-00007796 What are you waiting for,” Malkin asked Trump. “Do it.”.Malkin said Trump should have the military at the southern border, asking rhetorically “Does he believe his own rhetoric or not?” 3tcaQxiCX9u-00007-00007796-00009355 More blame for the levels of illegal immigration the country is currently experiencing should be placed with elected Republicans, Malkin said, who failed to take any action on immigration while controlling the House and Senate for the first two years of Trump’s term 3tcaQxiCX9u-00008-00009355-00010356 “Faux pro-borders Republicans … deserve a heck of a lot more scrutiny and condemnation for putting us in the situation that we’re in,” Malkin said 3tcaQxiCX9u-00009-00010356-00012362 Trump, Malkin said, must be vigilant in changing immigration policy and statute:.Here’s my fear, is that you know the conventional establishment talking point this week on immigration — even as these hordes of people are coming in unprecedented numbers — is ‘Oh, we got a few billion from the Pentagon for the fencing 3tcaQxiCX9u-00010-00012362-00014227 ’ And it just lulls the base into this false sense of hope that something is being done when we could have Congresspeople in Washington, themselves, putting pressure on Trump to exercise his inherent executive authority to actually do more than just put a few more dozen miles of physical barriers 3tcaQxiCX9u-00011-00014227-00014959 And I’m not saying that we don’t need [a wall] but what needs to happen is that the policies need to change 3tcaQxiCX9u-00012-00014959-00015760 [Emphasis added].As Breitbart News has chronicled, the U.S. is set to admit anywhere between one to 1 3tcaQxiCX9u-00013-00015760-00017260 5 million illegal aliens this year. The Trump administration’s most recent expansion of the Catch and Release policy has resulted in the release of about 24,000 border crossers and illegal aliens in just two weeks 3tcaQxiCX9u-00014-00017260-00018608 Simultaneously, experts project that at the current rate of illegal immigration, up to 500,000 illegal aliens could successfully cross into the country this year, undetected by Border Patrol 3tcaQxiCX9u-00015-00018608-00020073 Republican voters rank deporting illegal aliens and ending illegal immigration as their top priority to ensure a better quality of life for themselves and their middle class families, the latest Pew Research Center survey revealed 3SptMd0iTZg-00000-00000571-00001589 Donald Trump has claimed talks with Kim Jong-un broke down because the North Korean leader wanted all sanctions lifted – something the US could not agree to 3SptMd0iTZg-00001-00001589-00002943 Trying desperately to put a positive spin on a humiliating turn of events – one that appeared to shock observers and participants alike – the US president said he was not prepared to make a deal for the sake of it 3SptMd0iTZg-00002-00002943-00003744 “Sometimes you have to walk,” said the man who had bragged on the presidential campaign trail of his skills as a deal maker 3SptMd0iTZg-00003-00003744-00004599 He said the sticking point had been the North Korean leader’s demand to have lifted all of the US and international sanctions imposed on it 3SptMd0iTZg-00004-00004599-00005241 “Basically they wanted the sanctions lifted in their entirety, and we couldn’t do that'' 3SptMd0iTZg-00005-00005241-00006189 He insisted that the two sides would talk again and that his relationship with the 35-year-old North Korean leader was “very warm” 3SptMd0iTZg-00006-00006189-00006795 He insisted that the meeting did not end contentiously but with “a very friendly walk” 3SptMd0iTZg-00007-00006795-00007563 “I’d much rather do it right than do it fast. We’re in position to do something very special 3SptMd0iTZg-00008-00007563-00008794 ” .In recent days, Mr Trump had sounded cautious about the prospect of securing a rapid breakthrough with North Korea, with which the US had been at loggerheads for seven decades 3SptMd0iTZg-00009-00008794-00009661 After last June’s meeting in Singapore made history, he travelled to Vietnam insisting to reporters he was in no rush 3SptMd0iTZg-00010-00009661-00010674 All of this led experts to ask why he was apparently so keen for a second summit without the ground work to edge the two countries closer being completed by officials 3SptMd0iTZg-00011-00010674-00011651 Summits that are scheduled to involve a ceremony to sign an agreement almost invariably follow months of negotiations and discussions 3SptMd0iTZg-00012-00011651-00012670 “The two leaders discussed various ways to advance denuclearisation and economic driven concepts,” said White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders 3SptMd0iTZg-00013-00012670-00013469 “No agreement was reached at this time, but their respective teams look forward to meeting in the future''' 3SptMd0iTZg-00014-00013469-00015063 Yet as he prepared to fly back to Washington empty handed and three hours ahead of schedule - his former lawyer Michael Cohen and his allegations of presidential wrongdoing dominating the headlines – Mr Trump admitted there was no plan yet for a third summit 3SptMd0iTZg-00015-00015063-00015684 The president said Mr Kim had been prepared to move some way towards denuclearisation 3bMGjaFZbng-00000-00000571-00001323 Donald Trump is terrified after Michael Cohen’s testimony on Wednesday — and his tweets alone prove it 3bMGjaFZbng-00001-00001323-00002209 Cohen had the country captivated as he trashed the President of the United States and revealed all his dirty and illegal deeds 3bMGjaFZbng-00002-00002209-00003188 .Cohen would again testify on Thursday behind closed doors to the House Intelligence Committee, and this one is being called “game-changing 3bMGjaFZbng-00003-00003188-00004202 ” Attorney Larry Davis spilled the beans to MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, stating that Cohen was invited back and will testify again on March 6th 3bMGjaFZbng-00004-00004202-00005056 Davis said.In a way Michael [Cohen] was more effective than he even was yesterday when he exceeded all of our expectations 3bMGjaFZbng-00005-00005056-00006056 Today new information was developed that really could be game-changing… The development of this new information is the reason he’s coming back next Wednesday'' 3bMGjaFZbng-00006-00006056-00006761 When Davis was asked what new information was exposed, Davis called Cohen’s revelations “explosive” 3bMGjaFZbng-00007-00006761-00007509 Mr. Trump has missed the big picture. There is plenty of a conspiracy to collude with Russia 3bMGjaFZbng-00008-00007509-00008188 But this is about lying and obstruction evidence and I think that the Trump White House and Mr 3bMGjaFZbng-00009-00008188-00009266 Trump himself doesn’t seem to have read the definition of ‘obstruction of justice’ or of ‘suborning perjury,’ and that’s about the best I can tell you but it’s pretty explosive'' 3bMGjaFZbng-00010-00009266-00010826 Davis also explained that there are instances in the public record where Trump would do campaign rallies and claim that he had no connection to Russia — but as soon as the microphones were off and the president was offstage, he’d ask Cohen “What’s going on with Russia?” 3gksqzDd-x4-00000-00000000-00000200 Subscription 3gksqzDd-x4-00001-00000200-00000400 Like 3gksqzDd-x4-00002-00000400-00000600 Comment 4Xm6pgoBFu0-00000-00000513-00001787 Michael Cohen's attorney Tuesday clarified his client's public testimony that he didn't ask for a pardon from President Donald Trump, arguing that Cohen's statement was true even if it could have been clearer 4Xm6pgoBFu0-00001-00001787-00003551 Cohen has been under fire from Republicans and Trump for testifying that he had "never asked for, nor would I accept" a pardon from the President, amid reports that Cohen's attorneys discussed the prospect of a pardon with Trump's legal team while Cohen was still a part of the Trump joint defense agreement 4Xm6pgoBFu0-00002-00003551-00004394 "In retrospect, while the sentence could have been clearer regarding the time frames, the sentence is true, and Mr 4Xm6pgoBFu0-00003-00004394-00005489 Cohen stands by his statement," wrote Michael Monico, Cohen's attorney, in a letter to House Oversight Chairman Elijah Cummings that was obtained by CNN 4Xm6pgoBFu0-00004-00005489-00006137 Monico argued in the letter that Cohen's statement was written "in the context of Mr 4Xm6pgoBFu0-00005-00006137-00007069 Cohen's decision in June 2018" to leave the joint defense agreement, and not the discussions that occurred about pardons beforehand 4Xm6pgoBFu0-00006-00007069-00007905 "At no time did Mr. Cohen personally ask President Trump for a pardon or did the President offer Mr 4Xm6pgoBFu0-00007-00007905-00009130 Cohen the same," Monico wrote.But the new letter from Monico is unlikely to satisfy Republicans, who have charged Cohen may have committed perjury in his testimony 4meYwzSgnko-00000-00000571-00001754 President Donald Trump’s approval rating jumped five points among likely voters since the report was delivered from Special Counsel Robert Mueller, according to the latest Rasmussen survey 4meYwzSgnko-00001-00001754-00002796 Trump is now up to a 50 percent approval rating according to Thursday’s results, up five points from his Monday and Friday rating of 45 percent 4meYwzSgnko-00002-00002796-00003439 This is the highest rating for Trump since he topped 50 percent in the beginning of March 4meYwzSgnko-00003-00003439-00004797 He reached 51 percent approval around Thanksgiving of last year.Rasmussen tracks daily results via 500 likely voters per night from telephone surveys as well as an online survey tool 4meYwzSgnko-00004-00004797-00005576 The margin of sampling error for the full sample of 1,500 likely voters is +/- 2 4meYwzSgnko-00005-00005576-00005946 5 percentage points 5uJy-69VDbc-00000-00000571-00001313 Here’s what someone once said about Nancy Pelosi: “She’ll cut your head off and you won’t even know you’re bleeding 5uJy-69VDbc-00001-00001313-00002676 ” That quote came from Pelosi’s own daughter. The current Speaker of the House is so politically savvy, calm, and collected, she can do a lot of damage to her opponents while smiling the entire time 5uJy-69VDbc-00002-00002676-00004531 Here’s the thing. Pelosi is no longer smiling. Not even close. .When Nancy Pelosi became Speaker of the House earlier this year, she said that impeaching Donald Trump at that time wasn’t worth it, and she’d wait until the Mueller probe and/or other investigations turned up more about Trump’s crimes 5uJy-69VDbc-00003-00004531-00005847 It was a wise move. If she’d pushed forward with impeachment three months ago, it would have gotten through the House but certainly not the Senate, and all it would have done was make Trump more emboldened 5uJy-69VDbc-00004-00005847-00006910 . .So Pelosi has held her fire, preferring to let the House committee chairs push forward with their probes, all while waiting for Trump to hand her an opening 5uJy-69VDbc-00005-00006910-00008214 He just did. Trump’s Attorney General William Barr thumbed his nose at Congress about the Mueller report yesterday, while repeating one of Trump’s most deranged phony conspiracy theories 5uJy-69VDbc-00006-00008214-00009293 Then Trump’s Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin thumbed his nose at Congress as well when he announced that he was illegally refusing to turn over Trump’s tax returns 5uJy-69VDbc-00007-00009293-00010013 .These two scoundrels just declared war against American democracy, on Trump’s behalf 5uJy-69VDbc-00008-00010013-00010693 If Trump wants a war, and he clearly does, Nancy Pelosi is going to give him one 5uJy-69VDbc-00009-00010693-00011910 When she spoke before the cameras yesterday and accused Barr of having gone “off the rails,” you could clearly see from her tone and body language that Trump and his stooges had crossed her red line 5uJy-69VDbc-00010-00011910-00012957 . .Nancy Pelosi is as ethical as they come. But she can hit far more effectively below the belt than a one-note con man like Donald Trump ever could 5uJy-69VDbc-00011-00012957-00014399 In his rush to cast aside all semblance of democracy and the rule of law since he falsely exonerated himself, Trump has made the mistake of awakening the monster of overwhelming public desire for his illegitimate presidency to end 5uJy-69VDbc-00012-00014399-00015536 Pelosi has just been handed her opportunity to justifiably finish him off – and while we’ll see how she goes about it, there’s no doubt she’ll seize the opportunity 7GLvRiSCA1Y-00000-00000571-00001717 Rep. Richard Neal (D-Mass.) has the clear authority to ask for Trump’s long sought after tax returns at any time but he is taking his time on this issue 7GLvRiSCA1Y-00001-00001717-00002728 Trump has refused to hand over his tax returns and it seems now that Democrats may not have access to them anytime before the 2020 election cycle 7GLvRiSCA1Y-00002-00002728-00004479 While the law is clear on the matter, meaning the treasure secretary is supposed to submit any returns requested by the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, what is also clear is that this particular treasure secretary, Steven Mnuchin, has pretty much stated that he will do no such thing 7GLvRiSCA1Y-00003-00004479-00005578 And then that leaves everyone in a big court battle. Something that Rep. Neal is all too aware of and something he wants to avoid for the time being 7GLvRiSCA1Y-00004-00005578-00007067 .While many expected the Dems to demand the returns immediately after gaining control of the House in the November midterm election, Neal has been careful in his approach and has taken his time, saying that he will ask for them “sometime this year” 7GLvRiSCA1Y-00005-00007067-00008614 House Speaker Pelosi has given her support of his timeline.According to George Yin, a tax expert at the UVA School of Law, November 2020 will be an important deadline for Trump’s tax information if Democrats do decide to battle it out in court 7GLvRiSCA1Y-00006-00008614-00009988 Yin says the Dems could claim that they would like to see if President Trump has, in fact, even paid his taxes or if he has any business conflicts of interest- all things potential voters would be very much interested in 7GLvRiSCA1Y-00007-00009988-00011335 Trump was the first major presidential candidate in decades to refuse to disclose his tax information which would include details about his various sources of income, donations and charitable giving, among other things 7GLvRiSCA1Y-00008-00011335-00012856 He is also the first president in modern history who has not divested from his business, leaving him wide open for people or organizations to try to use their connections with him, even able to offer him money, to gain influence on policy 7GLvRiSCA1Y-00009-00012856-00014211 Trump’s former personal attorney testified in February that the president has, in fact, made some manipulations of his assets that would benefit his own wealth and that some of those would be classified as criminal acts 7GLvRiSCA1Y-00010-00014211-00015353 Neal has said that committee lawyers are working diligently on drafts of requests and are carefully considering exactly what to ask for and what years to cover in the request 7GLvRiSCA1Y-00011-00015353-00016983 But many Dems are anxious to get the ball rolling. Rep. Bill Prascell (D-N.J.), a member of the Ways and Means Committee, would like to see the process moving much faster in light of a looming presidential election and expressed his frustrations, saying: 7GLvRiSCA1Y-00012-00016983-00018190 “I think you got to forget about next year anything happening, so we got eight, nine months to go through courts, get his returns… I think the request has to go in very, very soon 7GLvRiSCA1Y-00013-00018190-00018529 I thought it would be done by now.” 7Zndfn3sY-8-00000-00000571-00001892 Meghan McCain had a massive meltdown over the weekend after President Donald Trump exposed the late John McCain’s dubious part in promoting the fake Russian dossier, as he secretly worked with the deep state 7Zndfn3sY-8-00001-00001892-00002736 Meghan went crazy saying her father is “more loved” by the people than Trump and then said the president’s life is “pathetic 7Zndfn3sY-8-00002-00002736-00003747 ” Well, that’s when Trump destroyed Meghan McCain. Don’t miss this.At John McCain’s funeral, Meghan McCain decided to politicize it 7Zndfn3sY-8-00003-00003747-00004959 We all remember it was the late Senator’s dying wish to exclude the president from the services, but it was his family’s choice to make the seven days of never-ending services all anti-Trump rallies 7Zndfn3sY-8-00004-00004959-00006236 It was in bad taste, and many Trump supporters were livid.When Meghan McCain returned to the Trump hate-fest called The View after the funeral, she made sure she continued to trash the president 7Zndfn3sY-8-00005-00006236-00007331 She’s now infamous for her continuous crying over her dead father, lamenting what a great patriot he was and how Trump isn’t a real conservative like her father 7Zndfn3sY-8-00006-00007331-00008990 But the truth is a funny thing. And the truth is in the final 18 months of his life, Senator McCain was working with the deep state Democrats to create and promote what is called the Russian dossier, hoping to overthrow the 2016 presidential election 7Zndfn3sY-8-00007-00008990-00009927 “President Donald Trump ripped the late Senator John McCain on Sunday for passing on the bogus opposition dossier to the FBI and the media 7Zndfn3sY-8-00008-00009927-00011466 Trump mocked McCain for being ‘last in his class’ after reading reports that the deceased senator and his associate David Kramer helped spread the dossier compiled by Christopher Steel to reporters and government officials,” Breitbart reports 7Zndfn3sY-8-00009-00011466-00012780 “So it was indeed (just proven in court papers) ‘last in his class’ (Annapolis) John McCain that sent the Fake Dossier to the FBI and Media hoping to have it printed BEFORE the Election,” he wrote on Twitter 7Zndfn3sY-8-00010-00012780-00014031 “He & the Dems, working together, failed (as usual).”.Trump recalled that media outlets in 2016 did not publish details from the unverified dossier until after the election 7Zndfn3sY-8-00011-00014031-00014838 “Even the Fake News refused this garbage!” he wrote.So, Meghan McCain did what all leftists do 7Zndfn3sY-8-00012-00014838-00015927 She blasted Trump but refused to address the real issue the president was making: John McCain was colluding with the deep state to promote the salacious Russian dossier 7Zndfn3sY-8-00013-00015927-00016648 Instead, Meghan attacks Trump personally.“No one will ever love you the way they loved my father… 7Zndfn3sY-8-00014-00016648-00017834 I wish I had been given more Saturday’s with him. Maybe spend yours with your family instead of on twitter obsessing over mine?” tweeted the 34-year-old Trump hater 84UEycOdrBU-00000-00000513-00002171 U.S. House Democrats passed a sweeping anti-corruption and voting rights bill Friday that they said was intended to make voting easier, as well as strengthen ethics rules, while also rejecting a motion to condemn voting by undocumented immigrants 84UEycOdrBU-00001-00002171-00003083 The legislation, dubbed the “For The People Act” or "H.R.1," passed 234-193 along party lines 84UEycOdrBU-00002-00003083-00005771 The proposal -- nearly 700 pages -- calls for Election Day to be designated a federal holiday, requires all states to offer automatic voter registration, restores voting rights to convicted felons, institutes independent redistricting commissions to weed out gerrymandering and requires nonprofit organizations to disclose the names of donors who contribute more than $10,000 in an effort to rein in dark-money groups 84UEycOdrBU-00003-00005771-00007064 .“It’s a power grab for the American people,” U.S. Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-Calif., who leads the House administration committee that shepherded the legislation, according to the New York Times 84UEycOdrBU-00004-00007064-00008059 The bill also requires the sitting president and vice president to release 10 years of federal tax returns, as well as presidential candidates 84UEycOdrBU-00005-00008059-00009007 “This bill is a massive federal government takeover that would undermine the integrity of our elections,” House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif 84UEycOdrBU-00006-00009007-00009786 , said Friday, the Times reported.The legislation has almost no chance of passing in the Senate 84UEycOdrBU-00007-00009786-00010744 Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., has indicated he will not bring the bill for a vote, effectively killing the bill 84UEycOdrBU-00008-00010744-00011915 "We know this bill is not going to be signed into law," said Illinois Rep. Rodney Davis, the ranking Republican on the House subcommittee on elections, on the House floor before the vote 84UEycOdrBU-00009-00011915-00012777 "This bill is nothing but a bill that is for loading billions of billions of dollars into the coffers of members of Congress 84UEycOdrBU-00010-00012777-00014041 ".In the broader debate over voter accessibility, House Democrats also voted Friday to defend localities that allow non-citizens to vote in their elections, the Washington Times reported 84UEycOdrBU-00011-00014041-00015026 The 228-197 vote would have almost no effect as noncitizens are barred from participating in federal elections 84UEycOdrBU-00012-00015026-00016253 The GOP-backed measure would have added language to "H.R.1 stating that “allowing illegal immigrants the right to vote devalues the franchise and diminishes the voting power of United States citizens 84UEycOdrBU-00013-00016253-00016938 ”.“We are prepared to open up the political process and let all of the people come in,” Rep 84UEycOdrBU-00014-00016938-00017586 John Lewis, a Georgia Democrat and hero of the civil rights movement, told colleagues 84UEycOdrBU-00015-00017586-00018508 The measure referenced San Francisco's policy of allowing noncitizens, including undocumented immigrants, to vote in school board elections 84UEycOdrBU-00016-00018508-00019088 Just six Democrats voted against it and one Republican opposed it 9W3T5nZxoKY-00000-00000513-00001503 On Sunday, President Donald Trump declared presidential harassment by Democrats at the highest level in the entire history of our nation 9W3T5nZxoKY-00001-00001503-00002362 “Presidential Harassment by ‘crazed’ Democrats at the highest level in the history of our Country,” Trump wrote on Twitter on Sunday night 9W3T5nZxoKY-00002-00002362-00003446 He also kvetched that the media is also just the worst and “the most vicious and corrupt Mainstream Media that any president has ever had to endure!” 9W3T5nZxoKY-00003-00003446-00004494 Yet, despite enduring the Democratic presidential harassment and vicious media, Trump insisted his first two years of his presidency have still been a success 9W3T5nZxoKY-00004-00004494-00005178 “We are WINNING big, the envy of the WORLD, but just think what it could be?” Trump wrote 9W3T5nZxoKY-00005-00005178-00006032 Trump’s latest tweet is the second time today that Trump has decried the harassment he is enduring because of the Democrats 9W3T5nZxoKY-00006-00006032-00007093 In an earlier tweet, Trump wrote: “After more than two years of Presidential Harassment, the only things that have been proven is that Democrats and other broke the law 9W3T5nZxoKY-00007-00007093-00008125 ”.He also cited Michael Cohen‘s alleged manuscript as evidence his former fixer was lying in his testimony and slammed the media for not showing it 9W3T5nZxoKY-00008-00008125-00008741 According to Cohen’s lawyer, by the way, the manuscript does not exist 9YubKi-ym4M-00000-00000571-00002715 House Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA), Oversight and Government Reform Committee chairman Elijah Cummings (D-MD), and House Foreign Affairs Committee chairman Eliot Engel (NY) made the demand in separate letters to White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, according to the Hill 9YubKi-ym4M-00001-00002715-00003436 The House Democrats also want to interview the interpreters who sat in on Trump’s meetings with Putin 9YubKi-ym4M-00002-00003436-00004834 “President Trump, on multiple occasions, appears to have taken steps to conceal the details of his communications with President Putin from other administration officials, Congress, and the American people,” they wrote in their letters 9YubKi-ym4M-00003-00004834-00005659 They said that the White House did not respond to queries they made in February about if those records were preserved 9YubKi-ym4M-00004-00005659-00007550 “As a result, we are now expanding our investigation,” they wrote.The letters were sent as House Judiciary Committee chairman Jerry Nadler (D-NY) sent more than 80 separate document requests to Trump’s family members, campaign advisers, business associates, and former White House aides 9YubKi-ym4M-00005-00007550-00008634 .Nadler, who wil lead Trump impeachment proceedings in the House if Democrats pursue it, said on Sunday that he believes the president has “obstructed justice'' 9YubKi-ym4M-00006-00008634-00009434 “It’s very clear that the president obstructed justice,” Nadler said on ABC News’s This Week 9YubKi-ym4M-00007-00009434-00010797 House Minority Leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) later responded on the show, stating, “I think Congressman Nadler decided to impeach the president the day the president won the election'' auQdVA6VIjY-00000-00000513-00001545 With the Trump administration's final revision to the Title X Family Planning Program now on the books, so too is the first lawsuit to challenge it auQdVA6VIjY-00001-00001545-00002704 California filed suit Monday, the same day the new rule was published in the Federal Register, in district court in the hopes of blocking changes that are scheduled to go into effect May 3 auQdVA6VIjY-00002-00002704-00003663 "The Trump-Pence Administration has doubled down on its attacks on women's health," California Attorney General Xavier Becerra said in a statement auQdVA6VIjY-00003-00003663-00004781 "This illegal Title X rule denies patients access to critical healthcare services and prevents doctors from providing comprehensive and accurate information about medical care auQdVA6VIjY-00004-00004781-00005928 ".Included in the revised regulations from the US Department of Health and Human Services is a prohibition on what health care providers who receive Title X funds can discuss with patients auQdVA6VIjY-00005-00005928-00007343 Under current law, these funds may not be used to pay for abortions. But under the revisions, health care providers who receive Title X funds cannot talk about abortion with patients or offer referrals for the procedure auQdVA6VIjY-00006-00007343-00008464 "As a doctor, I cannot imagine withholding information from my patients. It's unethical, and it flies in the face of the oath I took to care for my patients," Dr auQdVA6VIjY-00007-00008464-00010525 Erin Berry said at a news conference last week."It threatens the doctor-patient relationship and prevents patients from having full and honest information about all of their health care options," added Berry, who serves as the Washington state medical director and director of clinical research for Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest and the Hawaiian Islands auQdVA6VIjY-00008-00010525-00011426 "Politicians have no business telling me what I can talk to my patients about. This rule is shameful, and it's dangerous auQdVA6VIjY-00009-00011426-00012307 ".Title X-funded clinics that don't honor what opponents have dubbed a "gag rule" will be forced to forgo federal funding auQdVA6VIjY-00010-00012307-00013187 As a result, many fear, these clinics that serve approximately 4 million people a year may be forced to close their doors auQdVA6VIjY-00011-00013187-00014159 Low-income people, rural residents, communities of color and the uninsured, opponents argue, are the ones who will suffer most auQdVA6VIjY-00012-00014159-00015898 Last week, a group of 19 medical organizations representing 4.3 million health care providers -- including the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Psychiatric Association and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists -- signed a letter protesting the revisions auQdVA6VIjY-00013-00015898-00017656 "As the only federal program exclusively dedicated to providing low-income patients, including adolescents, with access to family planning and preventative health services and information, Title X plays a vital role in the fabric of America's family planning safety net," the letter said auQdVA6VIjY-00014-00017656-00019224 "The final regulation is the latest of numerous recent decisions -- from rolling back insurance coverage for contraceptives to attempting to eliminate funding for evidence-based teen pregnancy prevention programs -- that unravel the threads of this safety net auQdVA6VIjY-00015-00019224-00021321 ".Established in 1970, during the Nixon administration, when it enjoyed bipartisan support, Title X provides more than $250 million in funding to clinics that offer affordable birth control, cancer screening, STD testing and treatment, and other reproductive health care and family planning services auQdVA6VIjY-00016-00021321-00021985 What constitutes "family planning," however, has become a political point of contention auQdVA6VIjY-00017-00021985-00023555 Anti-abortion groups have cheered the administration's push to revise Title X."Abortion is neither healthcare nor family planning which is why the Title X program has no business funding it," Jeanne Mancini, president of March for Life, said in a statement auQdVA6VIjY-00018-00023555-00025085 The new regulation "protects low-income women" who will now receive services only from "federally qualified health centers" that offer "better regulatory oversight, a wider range of services, and more life-affirming options," Mancini added auQdVA6VIjY-00019-00025085-00026023 Other lawsuits are expected to follow soon.Among those drawing up papers: Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson vowed to file suit auQdVA6VIjY-00020-00026023-00027060 Oregon announced that it will lead a national lawsuit with 21 state attorneys general; it will be filed Tuesday in the US District Court in Eugene auQdVA6VIjY-00021-00027060-00028640 The American Civil Liberties Union plans to battle in the courts on behalf of Cedar River Clinics in Washington state, as well as the National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association, which represents a coalition of 900 providers auQdVA6VIjY-00022-00028640-00029599 And the Center for Reproductive Rights will get into the legal fight on behalf of Maine Family Planning, which operates 18 clinics throughout the state auQdVA6VIjY-00023-00029599-00030294 Some have framed the revised Title X rules as an effort to defund Planned Parenthood auQdVA6VIjY-00024-00030294-00031506 And while Planned Parenthood certainly stands to lose millions, independent clinics and health centers that don't have national name recognition -- like those in Maine -- see this as a fight for their survival, too aE0OD2P63HY-00000-00000571-00001984 Firehouse Strategies released a poll which surveyed general election likely voters across Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan, three key swing states that Donald Trump won during the 2016 presidential election aE0OD2P63HY-00001-00001984-00003253 The survey found that Trump’s loses or polls neck-and-neck when put up against three high polling 2020 Democrat presidential candidates: former Vice President Joe Biden, Sen aE0OD2P63HY-00002-00003253-00004917 Bernie Sanders (I-VT), and former Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-TX).Firehouse polled 1,778 likely voters in those three states between March 19 and March 21, and the margin of error amounts to 4 aE0OD2P63HY-00003-00004917-00006239 1 in Wisconsin, 4.5 in Michigan, and 4.1 in Wisconsin.In Wisconsin, Trump loses against the three 2020 Democrat presidential candidates selected by Firehouse aE0OD2P63HY-00004-00006239-00007903 If the election were held now, Donald Trump would gain 40 percent of the vote against Biden’s 53 percent, Trump would receive 41 percent support against Sanders’ 48 percent, and Trump would get 42 percent compared to O’Rourke’s 45 percent aE0OD2P63HY-00005-00007903-00008661 The Firehouse survey suggests that Trump would fare better in Michigan compared to Wisconsin aE0OD2P63HY-00006-00008661-00010643 Trump would receive 46 percent support amongst likely general election voters compared to Biden’s 45 percent, Trump would receive 46 percent support against Sanders’ 45 percent, and Trump would best O’Rourke by nearly double-digits, with Trump at 48 percent and O’Rourke at 39 percent aE0OD2P63HY-00007-00010643-00011727 Pennsylvania voters also suggested they would back Biden, who hails from Scranton, Pennsylvania, in a match-up between the former vice president and the sitting president aE0OD2P63HY-00008-00011727-00013169 Biden would receive 50 percent support, Trump would gain 43 percent support, while Trump and Sanders would tie at 44 percent, and Trump would beat O’Rourke by seven points– 47 percent to O’Rourke’s 40 percent aE0OD2P63HY-00009-00013169-00014295 Firehouse Strategies emphasized that Biden remains the strongest Democrat candidate when compared to Bernie and O’Rourke and perform best against Trump in Wisconsin aE0OD2P63HY-00010-00014295-00016225 Even though Trump garnered strong enthusiasm in these three swing states in 2016, Firehouse’s survey suggested that Trump’s job approval polling dipped to the 40 percent range in each state, and on average, 51 percent of voters in the three states disapprove of the president’s job performance aE0OD2P63HY-00011-00016225-00017336 However, the poll suggests that Americans who voted for Barack Obama in 2012 and Trump in 2016 will still overwhelmingly back the president in 2020 aE0OD2P63HY-00012-00017336-00018273 In Michigan, 84 percent of Obama-Trump voters choose Trump regardless of whether they could pick Biden, Sanders, or O’Rourke aE0OD2P63HY-00013-00018273-00019535 In Pennsylvania, 70-79 percent support Trump depending on the matchup; Biden would steal more Obama-Trump voters and O’Rourke would steal the least amount of voters from Trump aE0OD2P63HY-00014-00019535-00020183 In Wisconsin, roughly two-thirds would vote for Trump again over his Democrat opponents aE0OD2P63HY-00015-00020183-00021390 The Firehouse poll arises as two Emerson polls found that Biden would fare best in both Iowa and across the nation, where Sanders would place ranks second amongst Democrat voters aE0OD2P63HY-00016-00021390-00022063 President Donald Trump said he would “love” to run against Biden, Bernie, and former Rep aE0OD2P63HY-00017-00022063-00022933 Beto O’Rourke (D-TX).“I wouldn’t mind. I mean, I’d love to have Biden. I’d love to have Bernie aE0OD2P63HY-00018-00022933-00023850 I’d love to have Beto,” Trump said in a recent interview. “I mean, Beto seems to be the one that the press has chosen aE0OD2P63HY-00019-00023850-00024237 The press seems to have chosen Beto.” bmmeNnKgzOg-00000-00000571-00001198 If Trump is good at anything, he’s good at picking the right people for the right job bmmeNnKgzOg-00001-00001198-00002104 And firing people who are no longer fit for duty.Recently, he’s been cleaning house, firing top officials bmmeNnKgzOg-00002-00002104-00003016 Why? Because they’re just not getting the job done.Trump is all about results. America entrusted him to run the best administration bmmeNnKgzOg-00003-00003016-00003872 And he’s going to get it.After removing the Homeland Security leader Sunday, he’s sending another top official packing bmmeNnKgzOg-00004-00003872-00004721 From The Hill:.President Trump is removing U.S. Secret Service Director Randolph “Tex” Alles from his position bmmeNnKgzOg-00005-00004721-00006210 Alles reports directly to Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, who resigned Sunday effective April 10, reportedly due to her resistance against White House directives to resume separating migrant children from their families bmmeNnKgzOg-00006-00006210-00007242 Trump doesn’t play games. If you done screwed up, you gotta pay the piper.And that’s just what happened with Secret Service director Tex bmmeNnKgzOg-00007-00007242-00007932 It looks like Tex may have shared Nielsen’s softer stance on immigration enforcement bmmeNnKgzOg-00008-00007932-00009227 He may not have supported Trump’s goal of cracking down on the border.But there’s also speculation that his handling of the bizarre encounter at Mar-a-Lago was the straw that broke the camel’s back bmmeNnKgzOg-00009-00009227-00010196 You may remember the incident. A Chinese woman made it into Trump’s club, only to be found carrying two passports and a device with malware bmmeNnKgzOg-00010-00010196-00011374 You don’t have to guess at what she was up to. It’s very possible this woman was trying to infect computer’s at Trump’s “Second White House” with viruses in order to steal information bmmeNnKgzOg-00011-00011374-00012184 How this woman even made it inside is a big question. A question, I’m assuming Tex wasn’t able to answer bmmeNnKgzOg-00012-00012184-00013383 So, in Trump-like fashion, he got the boot.President Trump doesn’t play games. For years, we’ve gotten used to a White House that didn’t produce results bmmeNnKgzOg-00013-00013383-00014182 It was the norm for politicians to talk big, but do nothing.Not in the Trump administration bmmeNnKgzOg-00014-00014182-00015562 He is determined to make good on his promises.And he’s determined to have a Homeland Security that protects the American people, and a Secret Service that is free of scandal and protects the President ctH604TZFnU-00000-00000571-00001354 Choosing inexperienced cronies for positions of influence and power is a running theme with “President” Donald Trump ctH604TZFnU-00001-00001354-00002621 Choosing the inexperienced Patrick Shanahan to the position of acting Secretary of Defense is bad enough, but his nomination of Stephen Moore to the Federal Reserve Board is completely disgraceful ctH604TZFnU-00002-00002621-00003828 As described by Binyamin Appelbaum of the New York Times, Stephen Moore is no expert, and would instead be a “loyalist” to Donald Trump, as Moore shares Trump’s “love of low interest rates ctH604TZFnU-00003-00003828-00004609 ”.Trump has repeatedly tweeted his dislike for the way that things are going at the Federal Reserve Board ctH604TZFnU-00004-00004609-00005790 He has publicly threatened and insulted Jerome Powell, the Chair, for not bending to his will, and he blames Powell for “smothering economic growth” by raising interest rates ctH604TZFnU-00005-00005790-00006579 The Federal Reserve studies the market and raises or lowers interest rates to achieve certain outcomes ctH604TZFnU-00006-00006579-00007331 If growth needs to be boosted, the Board drops the interest rate to encourage purchasing and borrowing ctH604TZFnU-00007-00007331-00008295 Alternatively, if growth occurs too quickly, the Board increases the rate to discourage consumers from taking on new credit ctH604TZFnU-00008-00008295-00009556 One of the best examples of how this works occurred following the Great Recession (caused by ill-advised policies of the Bush administration), the Feds dropped the rate to zero to encourage buying ctH604TZFnU-00009-00009556-00010721 Even as Trump touted the “great economy” throughout 2018 (which we all know he inherited from President Obama), the Feds increased the interest rate three times to slow growth ctH604TZFnU-00010-00010721-00011722 This angered Trump to no end. Because he is unable to control Powell, he wants to put his lackey Moore on the board to directly battle Powell ctH604TZFnU-00011-00011722-00012816 Trump, again, has no clue how all of this works. Most of his appointments speak to his narcissism, and Moore fits right into that scheme ctH604TZFnU-00012-00012816-00013671 As an “expert” on the Federal Reserve board, Moore would resemble a broken shutter: He would wave in the breeze depending on what Trump wants ctH604TZFnU-00013-00013671-00015094 My belief is supported by Mr. Appelbaum, who says that Moore’s “record is best characterized as inconsistent with any particular set of economic principles, but reliably faithful to the short-term interest of the Republican Party ctH604TZFnU-00014-00015094-00016552 ” That’s exactly what we need in this position, right? I don’t think so. Appelbaum shows an example of Moore’s policies during the Obama administration, when he claimed that “zero interest rates haven’t helped the economy ctH604TZFnU-00015-00016552-00017348 ” After Trump was elected, he reversed this to “insist that lower interest rates were just what the economy needed ctH604TZFnU-00016-00017348-00018592 ” How can you trust someone like this? His “advice” is going to change based on who occupies the presidency, making him far from a useful “advisor” of any type with respect to growth and the economy ctH604TZFnU-00017-00018592-00020251 .As if his positions aren’t enough to disqualify Moore from the Board, the New York Times reported last week that he has $75,000 in unpaid federal taxes, interest, and penalties due to non-payment, and the IRS has a lien against him ctH604TZFnU-00018-00020251-00021003 His failure to pay is based on his erroneous belief that child support is tax deductible ctH604TZFnU-00019-00021003-00022014 And this is a man we need on the Federal Reserve Board? Again, I don’t think so.Donald Trump doesn’t choose people based on qualifications ctH604TZFnU-00020-00022014-00023262 We all know that by now. He chooses based on who he thinks will be loyal to him, regardless of their suitability, and despite the fact that he’s never loyal to them in return ctH604TZFnU-00021-00023262-00023962 In that respect, we can certainly understand why he would choose someone like Stephen Moore ctH604TZFnU-00022-00023962-00024809 Luckily, he’s going to have to get past Congress, which, given his history and his unpaid taxes, may not happen dRryVx7r0aE-00000-00000571-00001535 This would make for a good line in a movie script but in the reality we inhabit, it’s highly unlikely that anything like this will happen dRryVx7r0aE-00001-00001535-00003112 The idea to make the notorious Mexican drug lord El Chapo pay for Trump’s border wall represents Senator Ted Cruz’ latest attempt to stay relevant by trying to help his “president” Donald Trump to keep a mad promise made on the campaign trail dRryVx7r0aE-00002-00003112-00004954 After Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán was convicted in federal court in Brooklyn on February 12, Cruz urged his fellow lawmakers to pass a bill the Texas Senator had introduced in April 2017 under the somewhat cumbersome title “Ensuring Lawful Collection of Hidden Assets to Provide Order dRryVx7r0aE-00003-00004954-00005790 ” The fact that the acronym of the bill’s title reads “EL CHAPO” is good for a laugh but that’s about all there is to it dRryVx7r0aE-00004-00005790-00007242 While it is true that the U.S. government is seeking $14 billion from Guzmán, based on a DOJ estimate of the Sinaloa cartel’s activities, chances of ever getting hold of the cartel boss’ hidden assets are minimal dRryVx7r0aE-00005-00007242-00008049 That money has been carefully laundered and hidden, most likely on Mexican soil and not in the United States dRryVx7r0aE-00006-00008049-00010053 Ted Cruz’s bill – if it ever became a law – would represent a departure from the standard practice of depositing the seized assets of convicted drug traffickers into the Department of Justice’s Assets Forfeiture Fund through which the money is then allocated to various law enforcement activities, such as training, equipment and investigations dRryVx7r0aE-00007-00010053-00011192 The Texas Senator is probably aware of the fact that his idea of directing El Chapo’s forfeited assets toward the construction of the border wall is just a publicity stunt dRryVx7r0aE-00008-00011192-00012931 What Donald Trump knows and understands about any of this is anybody’s guess.However, it appears that Trump’s confidence in making a Mexican pay for the wall he campaigned on seems to be so low that he has set his sights – again – on having American taxpayers foot the bill dRryVx7r0aE-00009-00012931-00014149 After the master dealmaker’s failure to secure funding for his favorite project from Congress, the next is his declaration of a national emergency – a move that is already being challenged in court dRryVx7r0aE-00010-00014149-00015429 Given that he cannot get his hands on Guzmán’s money, perhaps Donald Trump should seek a private interview with “El Chapo” to at least get some useful tips from the notorious jailbreaker for the future eILfBmOr7To-00000-00000571-00001443 This will be Donald’s official TRUMP card.Our President has been fighting the war on illegal immigration since Day 1 eILfBmOr7To-00001-00001443-00002342 It constantly threatens countless lives of our citizens.Donald Trump is in the fight of his life trying to defend the U eILfBmOr7To-00002-00002342-00003178 S. in this illegal immigration crisis, with obstructionist Democrats and the mainstream media trying to stop him eILfBmOr7To-00003-00003178-00004063 For these reasons (and many others), Trump needs all the help he can get—and that’s why he’s about to use his secret weapon eILfBmOr7To-00004-00004063-00005468 From the Associated Press.“…President Donald Trump is considering bringing on a ‘border’ or ‘immigration czar’ to coordinate immigration policy across various federal agencies, according to four people familiar with the discussions eILfBmOr7To-00005-00005468-00006187 “.A “border czar?” Trump has never had a “czar” before, unlike his predecessor, who had plenty eILfBmOr7To-00006-00006187-00006968 These are men and women with almost unlimited executive power from the President to get something done eILfBmOr7To-00007-00006968-00007811 Why would Trump want one now?.Probably because he’s sick and tired of people not following his orders eILfBmOr7To-00008-00007811-00008496 I think he wants to ensure our agencies actually react when the President issues an order eILfBmOr7To-00009-00008496-00009159 And right now, Trump appears to be eyeing two possible candidates for this important job eILfBmOr7To-00010-00009159-00009982 One is former Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, and the other is former Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli eILfBmOr7To-00011-00009982-00010706 Both are friends to conservatives, and both share the President’s hard-nosed stance on illegal immigration eILfBmOr7To-00012-00010706-00011458 .Remember, Trump is currently threatening to shut down our country’s southern border, and for obvious reasons eILfBmOr7To-00013-00011458-00012153 The crisis has reached its breaking point, as border authorities have been saying for months eILfBmOr7To-00014-00012153-00013320 Thousands upon thousands of illegals continue to pour into the U.S. and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is increasingly powerless to stop the invasion eILfBmOr7To-00015-00013320-00013989 So, Trump needs to buckle down, and hiring this “czar” might be an excellent idea eILfBmOr7To-00016-00013989-00014767 .In the past, Presidents appointed “czars” when there’s an “urgent need” for inter-agency coordination eILfBmOr7To-00017-00014767-00015919 And THAT’S what we need right now: governmental coordination.We ALSO need Trump’s orders to be acted on; sitting on our hands isn’t doing American citizens any favors eILfBmOr7To-00018-00015919-00016747 When you’re at war, you must hire extremely strong and effective personnel … and that’s exactly what this “border czar” should be eMY6Bfpt1Bk-00000-00000571-00001982 A new report revealed on Wednesday that the lobbying firm owned by former Secretary of State Michael Flynn turned in thousands of documents to the House Judiciary Committee that could be potential evidence into possible crimes committed by Donald Trump eMY6Bfpt1Bk-00001-00001982-00003195 According to Politico, the Flynn Intel Group, which is owned by Flynn himself, turned in “several thousand pages of documents” to the House Judiciary Committee late Monday night eMY6Bfpt1Bk-00002-00003195-00004507 The documents Flynn submitted “matched the files he also turned over to the House and Senate Intelligence Committee investigations into Russian interference in the 2016 election,” sources on the panel told the website eMY6Bfpt1Bk-00003-00004507-00005419 .Politico also noted that other “individuals and entities” turned in over 8,000 pages of documents requested by the committee eMY6Bfpt1Bk-00004-00005419-00006432 The documents came from the National Rifle Association, former Trump adviser Steve Bannon and current Trump confidant Tom Barrack among others eMY6Bfpt1Bk-00005-00006432-00007744 “Brittany Kaiser, a former employee of onetime Trump campaign data firm Cambridge Analytica, confirmed through an attorney that she had shipped documents to the panel on Monday,” the report added eYdP7Rs68o0-00000-00000571-00002133 FBI special counsel Robert Mueller could hand in his report into allegations members of the Trump campaign conspired with Russia to influence the 2016 US presidential election as early as next week, according to reports on Wednesday eYdP7Rs68o0-00001-00002133-00004139 As that report was hypothesised about, Donald Trump’s former confidant, the flamboyant political consultant Roger Stone, appeared in court after posting an image on Instagram appearing to threaten a US district judge overseeing his criminal trial, itself instigated by Mr Mueller’s investigation eYdP7Rs68o0-00002-00004139-00005341 The judge, who he repeatedly apologised to, then issued a full gag order on him and warned him that he would not be given another chance to keep his freedom as he awaits trial eYdP7Rs68o0-00003-00005341-00006879 House Democrats will meanwhile file a resolution tomorrow against Mr Trump’s controversial decision to declare a national emergency over illegal immigration from the southwestern border in order to bypass Congress and get his wall built eYdP7Rs68o0-00004-00006879-00008295 As all of that Washington drama swirled, Mr Trump weighed in on a number of issues on Thursday, including the case of Empire actor Jussie Smollett, who was charged in Chicago on Thursday for filing a false police report eYdP7Rs68o0-00005-00008295-00009912 "What about MAGA and the tens of millions of people you insulted with your racist and dangerous comments!?" the president tweeted, referring to Smollett's claims that he was attacked by two men who told him he was in "MAGA country", referring to the president's popular slogan eYdP7Rs68o0-00006-00009912-00010565 Chicago police have said that Smollett's attack was staged and orchestrated by the actor eYdP7Rs68o0-00007-00010565-00011565 The White House also detailed on Thursday the president's upcoming trip to Vietnam, where he will have his second summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un eYdP7Rs68o0-00008-00011565-00011931 That summit is scheduled for next week fsCM_uVwLXQ-00000-00000571-00002590 What’s really going on right now? You tell me. Just how bad is the Mueller report for Donald Trump? How soon will the forces of the universe force it to become public? Has Trump been acting so derangedly this week because he truly thinks he’s off the hook for good, or because he thinks he’s merely off the hook for the moment? fsCM_uVwLXQ-00001-00002590-00003460 .Welcome to the strangest black hole yet in the DonaldTrump debacle. Even Trump doesn’t seem to know what to make of it anymore fsCM_uVwLXQ-00002-00003460-00004729 His initial enthusiasm over his “exoneration” has faded as the week has gone on, with his initial bombast giving way to more middling tweets, and this morning he didn’t have anything to say at all fsCM_uVwLXQ-00003-00004729-00006328 Sure, Trump often tweets a little less on the weekends. But isn’t he supposed to be in the middle of celebrating his complete and total vindication, or something? Since when does Trump stop bragging incessantly about things he’s convinced himself he’s won? fsCM_uVwLXQ-00004-00006328-00007697 Maybe that’s because even Trump can see that his attempted coverup of the Mueller report is falling apart, and his guy William Barr is already backtracking by claiming that his initial summary wasn’t actually a “summary fsCM_uVwLXQ-00005-00007697-00008851 ” Or maybe there really is something to this strange new development in which Trump’s own staffers are suddenly telling the media that he’s too “tired” to participate in a reelection campaign fsCM_uVwLXQ-00006-00008851-00010011 Has Trump given up on a second term, and his strategy is now to try to stall the Mueller report until after his first term ends? Even if that is his plan, it won’t work fsCM_uVwLXQ-00007-00010011-00011126 But really, we’re all in the same black hole right now. Donald Trump doesn’t know how much trouble he’s in, and neither do we; we only know that he’s in trouble fsCM_uVwLXQ-00008-00011126-00011824 Trump doesn’t know when the Mueller report will surface, and neither do we; we only that it will fsCM_uVwLXQ-00009-00011824-00012751 We don’t know why Trump is suddenly quiet and “tired” just a week after his imaginary vindication, and perhaps he doesn’t know either fsCM_uVwLXQ-00010-00012751-00013399 We’re all stuck in this strange moment, and no one knows what’s on the other side of it fsCM_uVwLXQ-00011-00013399-00013934 But with the way these things go, that could change very soon fuRQF4yqfUE-00000-00000513-00001524 Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee Adam Schiff made a glaring claim Sunday that there is “direct evidence” of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia fuRQF4yqfUE-00001-00001524-00002401 The chairman went on to say he refuses to let up on looking into Trump’s finances despite the president’s extreme objections fuRQF4yqfUE-00002-00002401-00003681 "I think there is direct evidence in the e-mails from the Russians through their intermediary offering dirt on Hillary Clinton as part of what is described in writing as the Russian government effort to help elect Donald Trump fuRQF4yqfUE-00003-00003681-00004470 They offer that dirt. There is an acceptance of that offer in writing from the president’s son Don Jr fuRQF4yqfUE-00004-00004470-00005902 and there’s overt acts in furtherance of that.”.Schiff says circumstantial evidence of Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort sharing internal polling data with someone linked to Russian intelligence services played a part in his claim fuRQF4yqfUE-00005-00005902-00007090 The chairman confirmed his committee is currently looking into allegations that Russian operatives have been laundering money through the Trump Organization — though he admitted those claims aren’t currently proven fuRQF4yqfUE-00006-00007090-00008501 The House Intelligence Committee’s probe will include speaking with banks who have worked with Trump, accountants and chief financial officers who’ve worked with the Trump Organization any others with knowledge of the Moscow Trump Tower deal fuRQF4yqfUE-00007-00008501-00009833 The attitude shift among many House Democrats comes after an explosive testimony from Donald Trump’s former personal attorney and fixer Michael Cohen where details about numerous financial crimes were aired out fuRQF4yqfUE-00008-00009833-00010786 Republicans have downplayed Cohen’s testimony repeatedly, claiming he is continuing to lie after being charged for lying to Congress fuRQF4yqfUE-00009-00010786-00011944 GOP leader Kevin McCarthy went on to call for Schiff to recuse himself from the investigation for contacting Cohen, a claim Schiff said was “pretty frivolous fuRQF4yqfUE-00010-00011944-00013271 ” Jim Jordan, the top Republican on the House Oversight Committee, also claimed there is still zero evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia despite evidence provided during Cohen’s testimony fuRQF4yqfUE-00011-00013271-00014080 Trump attacked Schiff on Saturday during a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference, calling him “little shifty Schiff fuRQF4yqfUE-00012-00014080-00015034 ” He went on to deny there was collusion between him and Russia, saying investigators are morphing the probe to “inspect every deal he’s ever done fuRQF4yqfUE-00013-00015034-00015134 ” fcVk28cjKDA-00000-00000571-00002399 An investigation has been launched to determine whether acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan violated ethics rules by promoting products made by his former employer, Boeing, while serving in his current role at the Pentagon, the Defense Department's inspector general announced Wednesday fcVk28cjKDA-00001-00002399-00004327 Shanahan, who worked at Boeing for more than 30 years prior to taking a job at the Pentagon, has faced accusations of being overly warm toward the company and claims that he "disparaged the company's competitors to his subordinates" from a federal watchdog called Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics fcVk28cjKDA-00002-00004327-00005860 CREW filed a complaint last week asking the inspector general to launch a probe into whether Shanahan's actions violated his signed ethics agreement which aims to ensure there are no conflicts of interest with Boeing while he is at the Pentagon fcVk28cjKDA-00003-00005860-00008010 "The Department of Defense Office of Inspector General has decided to investigate complaints that we recently received that Acting Secretary Shanahan allegedly took actions to promote his former employer, Boeing, and disparage its competitors, allegedly in violation of ethics rules," a spokesman for the office said in a statement fcVk28cjKDA-00004-00008010-00009105 "In his recent Senate Armed Services Committee testimony, Acting Secretary Shanahan stated that he supported an investigation into these allegations fcVk28cjKDA-00005-00009105-00009745 We have informed him that we have opened this investigation," the statement said fcVk28cjKDA-00006-00009745-00011432 A US defense official told CNN Wednesday that the IG precisely chose to use the word investigation because there is enough credible initial information beyond the complaint filed by CREW to warrant a probe into whether Shanahan violated his ethics agreement fcVk28cjKDA-00007-00011432-00012169 The IG has not yet come to a conclusion as to whether a violation occurred, the official emphasized fcVk28cjKDA-00008-00012169-00013475 "It is extremely disturbing that acting Secretary Shanahan appears to be using his public office for Boeing's private gain," Noah Bookbinder, executive director of CREW, said last week fcVk28cjKDA-00009-00013475-00014695 "Ethics rules make clear that government employees cannot abuse their offices to promote a private company, much less work on official matters involving their former employer," he added fcVk28cjKDA-00010-00014695-00016152 Joe Buccino, a spokesman for Shanahan said in a statement that "Acting Secretary of Defense Shanahan welcomes the Inspector General's review of the complaint filed by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington fcVk28cjKDA-00011-00016152-00017043 "."Acting Secretary Shanahan has at all times remained committed to upholding his ethics agreement filed with the DoD fcVk28cjKDA-00012-00017043-00018333 This agreement ensures any matters pertaining to Boeing are handled by appropriate officials within the Pentagon to eliminate any perceived or actual conflict of interest issue with Boeing," he said fcVk28cjKDA-00013-00018333-00019425 Last week Shanahan was asked by Sen. Richard Blumenthal whether he supports such an investigation by the IG, Shanahan said, "yes, I do fcVk28cjKDA-00014-00019425-00020345 ".Shanahan has been one of the names under consideration to be nominated by President Donald Trump as the full-time secretary of defense fiBiSEj_GVI-00000-00000571-00001650 On Thursday, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange was released to London law enforcement officials from the Ecuadorian embassy where he had been living fiBiSEj_GVI-00001-00001650-00002872 President* Donald Trump immediately denied knowing Assange or anything about Wikileaks, despite mentioning (and praising) both countless times during the 2016 Presidential campaigns fiBiSEj_GVI-00002-00002872-00003734 It’s common knowledge that Wikileaks helped Russian interference in that election, possibly swinging votes to Trump fiBiSEj_GVI-00003-00003734-00005111 But back to Trump’s knowledge of Assange and Wikileaks: It’s absurd for Trump to lie about knowing them, when there is ample video and photographic proof to the contrary, but that’s just where we are in 2019 fiBiSEj_GVI-00004-00005111-00006657 CNBC’s Christina Wilkie reports that Trump liked WikiLeaks so much that had a poster of Assange in his campaign’s debate war room in 2016, with the following caption, “Dear Hillary, I miss reading your classified emails fiBiSEj_GVI-00005-00006657-00007752 ”.HOT TOPIC 2 Minute and 41 Second Video Released That Puts Trump’s Massive Lie Concerning Julian Assange on Full Display – Straight From His Own Mouth fiBiSEj_GVI-00006-00007752-00009277 ByChristopher PowellPublished on April 12, 2019.Share.Tweet.On Thursday, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange was released to London law enforcement officials from the Ecuadorian embassy where he had been living fiBiSEj_GVI-00007-00009277-00010805 .Ads by Revcontent.Report Advertisement.President* Donald Trump immediately denied knowing Assange or anything about Wikileaks, despite mentioning (and praising) both countless times during the 2016 Presidential campaigns fiBiSEj_GVI-00008-00010805-00011667 It’s common knowledge that Wikileaks helped Russian interference in that election, possibly swinging votes to Trump fiBiSEj_GVI-00009-00011667-00013044 But back to Trump’s knowledge of Assange and Wikileaks: It’s absurd for Trump to lie about knowing them, when there is ample video and photographic proof to the contrary, but that’s just where we are in 2019 fiBiSEj_GVI-00010-00013044-00014206 CNBC’s Christina Wilkie reports that Trump liked WikiLeaks so much that had a poster of Assange in his campaign’s debate war room in 2016, with the fiBiSEj_GVI-00011-00014206-00014849 This is just the latest in a long line of easily refutable claims by Donald Trump fiBiSEj_GVI-00012-00014849-00015632 He lies to protect himself. He lies just for the hell of it. He lies for no reason whatsoever fiBiSEj_GVI-00013-00015632-00016055 Lying is Trump’s defining characteristic geayht1aAGA-00000-00000513-00001730 Last Friday, exercising the first in his so-called “presidency,” Trump vetoed the Congressional resolution to overturn his National Emergency Declaration over US-Mexico border wall geayht1aAGA-00001-00001730-00002887 There’s a possibility that Congress could overrule this veto if both branches have the votes to do so, but unfortunately, at this point, it doesn’t look like they will geayht1aAGA-00002-00002887-00003950 However, it does look like Republicans are looking to make it easier to terminate future resolutions if the “president” attempts to abuse his power again geayht1aAGA-00003-00003950-00006053 According to Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio):.‘It’s an institutional issue, it’s a congressional authorities issue.We have the power of the purse. Under the National Emergencies Act, there was too much latitude that was given away … and we need to pull that back some and let it be used for legitimate national security purposes’ geayht1aAGA-00004-00006053-00007532 Senator Marcio Rubio (R-FL) also stated that in the wake of this fight over Trump’s border wall, there is a “unanimity” in the GOP conference over making changes to this law in order to keep it from being used improperly geayht1aAGA-00005-00007532-00008292 According to recent reports:.‘Even GOP senators who sided with Trump are interested in the broader issue‘ geayht1aAGA-00006-00008292-00009052 “I would like to revisit the emergency powers that Congress has provided to the executive branch,” said Sen geayht1aAGA-00007-00009052-00009794 Mike Rounds (R-S.D.), who voted with Trump. “I do think it’s going to be a healthy debate to have” geayht1aAGA-00008-00009794-00010974 ‘McConnell told reporters after a closed-door conference lunch that there was “a lot of discomfort with the law” among Republicans and that they were “discussing” ways it could be altered geayht1aAGA-00009-00010974-00011664 “If Congress has grown uneasy with this law, as many have, then we should amend it geayht1aAGA-00010-00011664-00013464 If the 116th Congress regrets the degree of flexibility that the 94th Congress gave the executive, the 116th Congress can do something about it,” McConnell added separately during a floor speech, announcing that he had asked Johnson to look into legislation on the issue’ geayht1aAGA-00011-00013464-00014916 That’s right. Even Mitch McConnell is afraid of what Trump might do in the future now that he has tasted some of the power that comes with abusing the National Emergencies Act, and so does Republican Senator John Cornyn of Texas, who said: geayht1aAGA-00012-00014916-00015653 ‘I don’t know of any president that likes to give up power, but clearly Congress has been asleep at the switch” geayht1aAGA-00013-00015653-00017413 The Democratic House will hold a vote to overturn Trump’s veto on March 26th. There’s still a chance that they will succeed, but in the high degree of probability that they don’t, a congressional aide said that Schumer is prepared to hold a vote every 6 months until they do h92rkDx-7IE-00000-00000513-00001774 President Donald Trump’s decision to pay off adult film star Stormy Daniels in an effort to keep her quiet about an affair they had is continuing to cause his team legal headaches h92rkDx-7IE-00001-00001774-00003600 House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) has unveiled a new line of inquiry into the payment, seeking information from former Fox News reporter Diana Falzone, who uncovered the story in real time as it was unfolding before the 2016 election h92rkDx-7IE-00002-00003600-00004768 After her then-superiors at the network shot down her reporting, the story didn’t emerge until The Wall Street Journal published an account of the pay-off the following year h92rkDx-7IE-00003-00004768-00007534 Falzone hasn’t backed down, however. After The New Yorker‘s Jane Mayer published a profile of Fox News’ relationship with the Trump team that covered the incident with her Stormy Daniels reporting, she sought to be freed from a nondisclosure agreement she’d signed with the network after previous litigation involving the two of them in which Falzone had alleged gender discrimination after being demoted after uncovering the hush money h92rkDx-7IE-00004-00007534-00009143 Her lawyer Nancy Smith has asserted that she’s now effectively free from the agreement because of Cummings’ request for documents and testimony and will be complying, saying that no legally binding nondisclosure agreement trumps a government investigation h92rkDx-7IE-00005-00009143-00011194 Cummings asked Salzone for:.‘All documents in you or your agent’s custody, control, or possession referring to or relating to women alleging extramarital affairs with Donald Trump, payments by the President or anyone on his behalf to silence them, or any other potential campaign finance violation’ h92rkDx-7IE-00006-00011194-00012469 Falzone is in a good position to have relevant documents, having determined specific details of the arrangement before the election, according to Daniels’ former lawyer Keith Davidson h92rkDx-7IE-00007-00012469-00013937 He told MSNBC’s Ari Melber that Falzone had asked him for comment while initially researching the story and at the time, had information including the payment size and the corporate names used for the original agreement h92rkDx-7IE-00008-00013937-00015112 The arrangement was not legal, and former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen will soon be reporting for a three-year jail term in part because of his participation in the scheme h92rkDx-7IE-00009-00015112-00016758 The hush money amounted to a campaign finance law violation because prosecutors determined it constituted an effort to prop up Trump’s presidential campaign and not, as some in the Trump camp have claimed, an effort to protect the eventual president’s marriage h92rkDx-7IE-00010-00016758-00018393 Davidson himself has asserted that the hush money effort was political, as evidenced by it getting underway shortly after the emergence of the Access Hollywood tape on which Trump can be heard bragging about his supposed freedom to commit sexual assault h92rkDx-7IE-00011-00018393-00019751 Trump claimed at one point that he didn’t have anything to do with the payoff — but he did, having personally directed Cohen to come up with the money for the Daniels payment and then reimbursing him while he was in office h92rkDx-7IE-00012-00019751-00021366 In connection to recent public Congressional testimony that Cohen offered before Cummings’ committee, he revealed Donald Trump’s and even Donald Trump Jr.’s signatures on the checks reimbursing him, ensuring that the Trump team’s legal vulnerability continues hqXASP-GxDg-00000-00000571-00002431 Legere and Sprint CEO Marcelo Claure testified before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Regulatory Reform, Commercial and Antitrust Law to answer questions on the deal, appearing before lawmakers for the first time since T-Mobile's spending at the Washington hotel came to light hqXASP-GxDg-00001-00002431-00003073 The Washington Post was first to report on T-Mobile's spending at the Trump hotel hqXASP-GxDg-00002-00003073-00004272 Legere and a handful of other company executives checked in at the Trump hotel the day after the deal was announced in April 2018 and some have returned repeatedly since then hqXASP-GxDg-00003-00004272-00005200 T-Mobile has spent $195,000 on stays and meetings at the hotel over the past 11 months, the company has said hqXASP-GxDg-00004-00005200-00006237 "Do you understand the optics of that? What it looks like? It looks like what's happening is that T-Mobile is trying to curry favor with the White House," said Rep hqXASP-GxDg-00005-00006237-00006984 Hank Johnson, a Georgia Democrat.Legere replied that he's a "longtime Trump hotel stayer'' hqXASP-GxDg-00006-00006984-00007684 "The optics of me staying at the Trump hotel hasn't changed in 10 years," he said hqXASP-GxDg-00007-00007684-00008977 In a letter sent to two Democratic lawmakers last month, he explained that he chose to stay there based on "availability, security, meeting facilities and proximity to the activities scheduled in that city hqXASP-GxDg-00008-00008977-00010210 ".The amount spent at the Trump International Hotel accounted for 14% of the $1.4 million spent at DC hotels by T-Mobile during that period, the company has said hqXASP-GxDg-00009-00010210-00012187 But that didn't satisfy all members of the Democrat-controlled House panel."I only raise this because we unfortunately have a situation where the President has not disclosed his business interests and it appears you might be trying to influence the President to get involved in something he really should not be involved in," said Rep hqXASP-GxDg-00010-00012187-00013718 Pramila Jayapal, a Washington state Democrat.It was no secret that President Donald Trump opposed the merger between AT&T and Time Warner (CNN is a division of WarnerMedia, which was created as a result of that merger) hqXASP-GxDg-00011-00013718-00015256 The Justice Department unsuccessfully sued to block the acquisition.Chairman David Cicilline, a Rhode Island Democrat, called the proposed merger between T-Mobile and Sprint a "critical test" for the antitrust division of the Justice Department hqXASP-GxDg-00012-00015256-00016288 Is it "genuinely dedicated to promoting competition, or does it only oppose mergers when the White House tells it to do so?" he asked during his opening statement hqXASP-GxDg-00013-00016288-00017247 The Justice Department did not seek to block a similar merger between Disney and 21st Century Fox, which owns Fox News hqXASP-GxDg-00014-00017247-00018401 The White House did not respond to a request for comment for this story.Republicans on the Judiciary Committee criticized Democrats for asking Legere about his hotel stays hDAEwheafHI-00000-00000513-00001925 Appearing Monday evening on the Fox News Channel, radio personality Glenn Beck told host Sean Hannity that “we are officially at the end of the country as we know it” if the Republican Party fails to win the 2020 election hDAEwheafHI-00001-00001925-00003137 As part of their nearly 10-minute interview, Beck explained how he believes various radical groups are plotting together to “destabilize” the West, warning that the plan is already in motion hDAEwheafHI-00002-00003137-00005456 “I said what was coming and the last few steps were that the radicals, the anarchists, the Islamists, the socialists would all gather together, they would not be working together, plotting together, but they would see the opportunity and they would all come together and work to destabilize Europe and America,” Beck told his former colleague “And that is exactly what is happening hDAEwheafHI-00003-00005456-00006668 ”.Beck then warned the U.S. will cease to exist in its current form if the Democrats win in 2020 — and “may not survive,” even if President Donald Trump is re-elected hDAEwheafHI-00004-00006668-00007581 “If the Republicans don’t win in this next election, I think we are officially at the end of the country as we know it,” he said hDAEwheafHI-00005-00007581-00008394 “We may not survive even if we win, but we definitely don’t if the Republicans lose with Donald Trump hDAEwheafHI-00006-00008394-00009206 ”.Beck, once a prominent Never Trumper, saw his popularity among conservatives plummet after he endorsed Sen hDAEwheafHI-00007-00009206-00010219 Ted Cruz (R-TX) in the 2016 presidential election and contributed to National Review‘s “Against Trump” special issue hDAEwheafHI-00008-00010219-00011631 Since President Trump’s election, Beck’s media company, TheBlaze, which recently merged with CRTV, has suffered greatly due to mismanagement, falling advertising revenue, and declining web traffic hDAEwheafHI-00009-00011631-00013251 The company has also conducted several rounds of layoffs.In recent months, Beck has warmed to President Trump and signaled he will support him in the next election, telling Hannity earlier March that the president is “doing the things he said he would do hDAEwheafHI-00010-00013251-00013964 ”.“By the time he got to Israel, he was proving me wrong every step of the way on his policies hDAEwheafHI-00011-00013964-00014777 I was happy, thrilled, thrilled to say, he’s doing the things he said he would do,” the radio personality said hDAEwheafHI-00012-00014777-00016997 Asked whether he would vote for President in 2020, Beck replied: “I think when you are looking at avowed socialists that want to end the free market…when you are sitting here talking about infanticide, when you look at who these people are, there’s no way anyone who is standing up against those guys and actually has a spine, yes hDAEwheafHI-00013-00016997-00018009 Now, will I say I’m going to vote for him? No. And here’s why, because anyone I ever say I’m voting for, it’s a kiss of death hDAEwheafHI-00014-00018009-00018114 ” hf_59_0fUYg-00000-00000571-00001438 Obama and Hillary Clinton continue to say they had nothing to do with what went on behind the scenes of the 2016 election hf_59_0fUYg-00001-00001438-00002261 Now new evidence has finally gone public over a year later, and it could lay waste to everything the Democrats have claimed hf_59_0fUYg-00002-00002261-00003091 Lisa Page admitted under oath that Obama’s DOJ ordered the FBI not to prosecute Hillary Clinton hf_59_0fUYg-00003-00003091-00004575 And Democrats are scrambling to contain the fallout. From Fox essentially confirmed that “the FBI was ordered by the Obama DOJ not to consider charging Hillary Clinton for gross negligence in the handling of classified information'' hf_59_0fUYg-00004-00004575-00005612 So Obama’s DOJ, likely under his orders, demanded the FBI to stand down.Democrats have been denying this for years, and there’s good reason why hf_59_0fUYg-00005-00005612-00006414 The charge of gross negligence probably would have had a major effect on the 2016 election against President Trump hf_59_0fUYg-00006-00006414-00008287 If she was guilty, many would think she was unfit to be President.And Trump immediately brought this revelation to the world—he let his presidential sledgehammer fly:''President Trump has questioned FBI investigation into Hillary’s email server, and many of his supporters will see this as vindication hf_59_0fUYg-00007-00008287-00009431 After they dropped the case, he said the fix was in. Even though former FBI Director James Comey announced Hillary broke the law, he did not pursue charges hf_59_0fUYg-00008-00009431-00010141 Many speculated Obama and the DOJ ordered them to drop the case. Now what does it look like? hf_59_0fUYg-00009-00010141-00010904 Lisa Page’s testimony is exactly the opposite of what Comey has been telling us for years hf_59_0fUYg-00010-00010904-00011771 He claimed he dropped the case on his own volition.Instead, it looks like he was told from the very beginning to drop it hf_59_0fUYg-00011-00011771-00012565 If this is true, it is a weaponization of our Justice Department against Donald Trump to protect Hillary Clinton hf_59_0fUYg-00012-00012565-00013333 And just think of it: Democrats accused Trump of “obstructing” justice over a simple statement on Twitter hf_59_0fUYg-00013-00013333-00014198 Yet, according to insider Lisa page, Obama’s DOJ ordered Comey to drop a case. He didn’t seem to mind at all iYK2zLLtfaE-00000-00000571-00001885 The Observer reported recently that the Director of the NSA, Admiral Mike Rogers, has admitted in a private town-hall-style meeting of NSA staffing that Donald Trump did, in fact, collude with the Russians iYK2zLLtfaE-00001-00001885-00002995 The story really begins when President Trump attempted to sway several top intelligence and security officials into joining his cause of derailing then FBI Director, James Comey iYK2zLLtfaE-00002-00002995-00003917 According to The Observer, these officials included, but were not limited to, Rogers and Dan Coats, the Director of National Intelligence iYK2zLLtfaE-00003-00003917-00005260 Trump was dealt a huge setback, however, when both of these men made it clear to the Trump that their loyalties lied with their oaths to defend the United States Constitution, not with the President’s political agendas iYK2zLLtfaE-00004-00005260-00006477 In a testimony before the Senate Armed Forces Committee, Coats declined to answer questions about Trump’s attempt to undermine the FBI’s investigation into possible collusion between Trump and Russia iYK2zLLtfaE-00005-00006477-00007219 He intimated the public setting would be inappropriate, and that he might be more forthcoming in a classified setting iYK2zLLtfaE-00006-00007219-00008245 John Schindler, a highly-experience expert in U.S. intelligence and security, and writer for The Observer, makes it clear how Rogers feels iYK2zLLtfaE-00007-00008245-00009520 This week’s town hall event, which was broadcast to agency facilities worldwide, was therefore met with surprise and anticipation by the NSA workforce, and Rogers did not disappoint iYK2zLLtfaE-00008-00009520-00010604 I have spoken with several NSA officials who witnessed the director’s talk and I’m reporting their firsthand accounts, which corroborate each other, on condition of anonymity iYK2zLLtfaE-00009-00010604-00011772 In his town hall talk, Rogers reportedly admitted that President Trump asked him to discredit the FBI and James Comey, which the admiral flatly refused to do iYK2zLLtfaE-00010-00011772-00013187 As Rogers explained, he informed the commander in chief, “I know you won’t like it, but I have to tell what I have seen”—a probable reference to specific intelligence establishing collusion between the Kremlin and Team Trump iYK2zLLtfaE-00011-00013187-00014522 Rogers then added that such SIGINT exists, and it is damning. He stated, “There is no question that we [meaning NSA] have evidence of election involvement and questionable contacts with the Russians iYK2zLLtfaE-00012-00014522-00016826 ” Although Rogers did not cite the specific intelligence he was referring to, agency officials with direct knowledge have informed me that DIRNSA was obviously referring to a series of SIGINT reports from 2016 based on intercepts of communications between known Russian intelligence officials and key members of Trump’s campaign, in which they discussed methods of damaging Hillary Clinton iYK2zLLtfaE-00013-00016826-00018571 NSA employees walked out of the town hall impressed by the director’s forthright discussion of his interactions with the Trump administration, particularly with how Rogers insisted that he had no desire to “politicize” the situation beyond what the president has already done iYK2zLLtfaE-00014-00018571-00020076 America’s spies are unaccustomed to playing partisan politics as Trump has apparently asked them to do, and it appears that the White House’s ham-fisted effort to get NSA to attack the FBI and its credibility was a serious mistake iYK2zLLtfaE-00015-00020076-00021066 It’s therefore high time for the House and Senate intelligence committees to invite Admiral Rogers to talk to them about what transpired with the White House iYK2zLLtfaE-00016-00021066-00022672 It’s evident that DIRNSA has something important to say. Since Mike Rogers is said to have kept notes of the president’s effort to enlist him in Trump’s personal war with the FBI, as any seasoned Beltway bureaucrat would do, his account ought to be impressively detailed jI-O1uUkFyo-00000-00000571-00001903 The House just lobbed a warning shot up Pennsylvania Avenue to the White House and the Department of Justice about Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interference in the puppet show known as the 2016 election jI-O1uUkFyo-00001-00001903-00002877 In a rare unanimous, bipartisan vote, the House passed a resolution calling for the Attorney General’s release of the Mueller report to the public jI-O1uUkFyo-00002-00002877-00003867 The Special Counsel regulations require Mueller to submit his report to the AG, with further disclosure coming at the AG’s discretion jI-O1uUkFyo-00003-00003867-00005064 But the current AG, William Barr, has not said exactly what he would do, and he refused to commit to making the report public when pressed about it at his recent Senate confirmation hearings jI-O1uUkFyo-00004-00005064-00005965 Today’s resolution is non-binding, which means it does not have the power of law that can force the public release of the report jI-O1uUkFyo-00005-00005965-00007407 It is also not likely that Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will allow the GOP-controlled Senate to consider a similar resolution anytime soon, and in fact Trump sycophant Lindsey Graham is already trying to sabotage it jI-O1uUkFyo-00006-00007407-00008081 But the unanimous vote is nothing short of a primal scream for transparency in the Mueller probe jI-O1uUkFyo-00007-00008081-00010089 Jerrold Nadler, the Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, who introduced the resolution, aptly called the results “a clear signal to both the American people and to the Department of Justice that Congress believes transparency is a fundamental principle necessary to ensure that government remains accountable to the public'' jI-O1uUkFyo-00008-00010089-00010915 This House resolution did not pass because a handful of Republican moderates decided to break with their party jI-O1uUkFyo-00009-00010915-00011957 On the contrary, House Republicans put up weak resistance on the debate floor, mostly just grumbling about how the resolution appears to be a waste of time jI-O1uUkFyo-00010-00011957-00012746 In the end, the resolution passed by a whopping 420-0, with four Republicans voting “present jI-O1uUkFyo-00011-00012746-00013420 ” No one knows when Mueller will wrap up his investigation and submit his report to Barr jI-O1uUkFyo-00012-00013420-00014546 But when that day arrives, Barr now knows what kind of furious bipartisan backlash he will face, starting with subpoenas, if he even thinks about trying to bury it kPXkO1eyFdo-00000-00000571-00001488 Earlier this evening we saw the abrupt resignation of Homeland Security Director Kirstjen Nielsen, immediately after she met with Donald Trump kPXkO1eyFdo-00001-00001488-00002556 These kinds of high profile departures are nearly always publicly framed as a mutually agreeable “resignation” even if it’s a resignation in protest or a firing kPXkO1eyFdo-00002-00002556-00003340 We still don’t know exactly what happened with Nielsen, but now we know precisely how she feels about Trump kPXkO1eyFdo-00003-00003340-00004813 .Kirstjen Nielsen thinks that Donald Trump is “becoming increasingly unhinged about the border crisis and making unreasonable and even impossible requests,” according to a White House source who spoke to CNN about Nielsen’s resignation kPXkO1eyFdo-00004-00004813-00006148 This is remarkable for a couple reasons. First, of all the high ranking people who have departed the Trump regime, this is the ugliest swing that any of them has taken at Trump on their way out the door kPXkO1eyFdo-00005-00006148-00007495 Second, Nielsen was believed to have been on Trump’s side. . .Donald Trump and Kirstjen Nielsen clearly saw eye to eye when it came to kidnapping immigrant children from their parents and locking them in cages kPXkO1eyFdo-00006-00007495-00009395 So this isn’t some kind of ideological impasse. This is simply a matter of Nielsen deciding that Trump has spiraled completely out of his gourd, demanding that she make imaginary things happen – and either she quit over it, or he ousted her because she tried to tell him that the things he was demanding were imaginary kafGTVej83c-00000-00000571-00002371 In his televised New Year’s speech, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had a stern warning to President Trump and the United States if current sanctions were not lifted saying his country “may be compelled to find a new way” to defend itself, leading many to believe he was hinting at a military response kafGTVej83c-00001-00002371-00004147 How important are sanctions to North Korea? In a New Year speech, Kim said that if the US “tries to unilaterally force us to do something, and continues with sanctions… we might have no choice but to reluctantly seek a new way to defend the country’s sovereignty” pic kafGTVej83c-00002-00004147-00005887 twitter.com/bJ908DLANh— BBC Monitoring (@BBCMonitoring) February 28, 2019.President Trump and Kim Jong Un have been engaged in what many hope are talks leading to an agreement of the controversial North Korean nuclear program kafGTVej83c-00003-00005887-00006970 Clearly, most countries would like to see North Korea give up the nuclear weapons but since they continue to refuse to agree to do so, they have been under harsh sanctions kafGTVej83c-00004-00006970-00008298 But even after these talks and despite the threat of possible military engagement from the North Korean leader, Trump said in a statement to reporters on Thursday that the sanctions are, indeed, still in place kafGTVej83c-00005-00008298-00011053 Kim Jong Un’s address had more to say to the US:.“If the United States does not keep the promise it made in the eyes of the world, and out of miscalculation of our people’s patience, it attempts to unilaterally enforce something upon us and persists in imposing sanctions and pressure against our Republic… we may be compelled to find a new way for defending the sovereignty of the country and the supreme interests of the state and for achieving peace and stability of the Korean peninsula kafGTVej83c-00006-00011053-00012391 ”.Although North Korea insists it has ended testing on its nuclear sites, many believe the threat is that the 12 test sites will start back up and that they may, in fact, expand to include more kafGTVej83c-00007-00012391-00013916 The two leaders met last year and SAID they agreed on peace as they move forward but there has still been no real glimpse of what or how they intend to do that when North Korea seems to be dead-set on keeping its nuclear arms as they currently are kgV7tLdZygu-00000-00000571-00002164 In her much anticipated new memoir, “Becoming”, former First Lady Michelle Obama opens up about her childhood, her marriage, and just what she thinks of the current political climate, including President Donald Trump, the Washington Post reported on Thursday kgV7tLdZygu-00001-00002164-00003366 Obama speaks candidly about Trump in the book, giving her reaction to key moments, such as hearing about the now infamous ‘grabbing women’ conversation, which she says left her in a “fury” kgV7tLdZygu-00002-00003366-00004962 She also said she would “never forgive” him for starting the so-called birther movement, which was responsible for trying to prove that President Barack Obama’s American birth certificate had been falsified and which she believes put her family in real danger kgV7tLdZygu-00003-00004962-00005604 According to the Post, which received an early copy of the book, she addresses the issue saying, kgV7tLdZygu-00004-00005604-00006456 “The whole [birther] thing was crazy and mean-spirited, of course, its underlying bigotry and xenophobia hardly concealed kgV7tLdZygu-00005-00006456-00008378 But it was also dangerous, deliberately meant to stir up the wingnuts and kooks…What if someone with an unstable mind loaded a gun and drove to Washington? What if that person went looking for our girls? Donald Trump, with his loud and reckless innuendos, was putting my family’s safety at risk kgV7tLdZygu-00006-00008378-00009551 And for this I’d never forgive him.”.As President Trump left the White House for Paris, reporters questioned him about Obama’s memoir and got an angry reaction kgV7tLdZygu-00007-00009551-00010499 Trump chastened Michelle Obama for “getting paid a lot of money to write a book” and added that “they always expect a little controversy” kgV7tLdZygu-00008-00010499-00011531 He also took jabs at President Obama, blaming him for leaving him with an “old and tired” military, saying, “I’ll never forgive him for what he did to our military kgV7tLdZygu-00009-00011531-00012242 I’ll never forgive him for what he did in many other ways, which I’ll talk to you about in the future kgV7tLdZygu-00010-00012242-00012997 What he did, because she talked about safety. What he did to our military made this country very unsafe kgV7tLdZygu-00011-00012997-00013097 ” l7Mel397blY-00000-00000571-00001535 President Donald Trump this weekend called out multinational corporation General Motors (GM) for closing its first of four U l7Mel397blY-00001-00001535-00002368 S. assembly plants it expects to shutter this year, urging GM CEO Mary Barra to quickly reopen the plant l7Mel397blY-00002-00002368-00003327 Trump called out the automaker and Barra for laying off thousands of American workers and the recent closing of the Lordstown, Ohio, assembly plant l7Mel397blY-00003-00003327-00004753 This year, GM announced it would stop production at four of its U.S. plants, including Detroit-Hamtramck and Warren Transmission in Michigan, Lordstown Assembly in Ohio, and Baltimore Operations in Maryland l7Mel397blY-00004-00004753-00005463 Trump initially blasted the decision, saying, “This country has done a lot for General Motors l7Mel397blY-00005-00005463-00007143 They better get back to Ohio and soon.”.The production closures come after GM laid off about 1,500 American workers in Lordstown in 2018, while their Mexico production remains unaffected and production in China ramps up l7Mel397blY-00006-00007143-00009084 At the beginning of this year, GM executives began laying off 14,700 workers in the United States and Canada, with the majority of the layoffs concentrated in Michigan, Ohio, Maryland, Georgia, and Texas, including at least 3,300 American factory workers l7Mel397blY-00007-00009084-00010353 These layoffs included the mass layoff of at least 4,000 American workers in white-collar jobs for GM, many of whom were older and had worked at the corporation for more than two decades l7Mel397blY-00008-00010353-00011244 Even in supporting industries, about 400 Americans are set to be laid off in the Lordstown, Ohio, region l7Mel397blY-00009-00011244-00012519 A Lordstown resident told local media that the “life of our communities is at stake” because of the plant closure, saying, “This is the last nail in the economic coffin of the Mahoning Valley l7Mel397blY-00010-00012519-00013937 We’re fighting for our lives here.”.In a series of online posts to Twitter, Trump said GM executives needed to devise a plan, quickly, to reopen the Lordstown plant, writing that Barra and others “must act quickly l7Mel397blY-00011-00013937-00015473 ”.Trump is headed to Michigan this month for a rally as he signals that economic nationalism will remain the central platform of his 2020 re-election bid with specifically the protection of American auto jobs increasingly becoming an election issue l7Mel397blY-00012-00015473-00016816 Since 2017, about 4,500 American workers have lost their jobs at GM in Ohio and 1,600, specifically, were laid off with the recent closing of the Lordstown plant l7Mel397blY-00013-00016816-00017448 Another 900 American workers in supporting industries have also been put out of work l7Mel397blY-00014-00017448-00018101 In Michigan and Maryland, thousands of American workers are expected to be laid off this year l7Mel397blY-00015-00018101-00019574 .The closing of the four U.S. plants comes as GM has reported nearly $11 billion in fourth quarter pre-tax profit and more than $38 billion in revenue, beating financial experts’ expectations l7Mel397blY-00016-00019574-00020394 Additionally, despite the mass layoffs, Barra has continued to rake in nearly $22 million a year l7Mel397blY-00017-00020394-00021371 Trade experts and fellow economic nationalists have urged Trump to pursue auto tariffs to persuade American automakers from leaving the U l7Mel397blY-00018-00021371-00022040 S. to seek out cheaper production and less-paid foreign workers in China and Mexico lwC-CUzqKi0-00000-00000571-00002721 On Saturday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “AM Joy,” 2020 presidential candidate, former HUD Secretary, and former San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro (D) stated that “the fact that this president may well be celebrating that he’s not being indicted tells you a lot about the status of his presidency, how low he has gone lwC-CUzqKi0-00001-00002721-00004011 ”.Castro said, “First, the fact that this president may well be celebrating that he’s not being indicted tells you a lot about the status of his presidency, how low he has gone lwC-CUzqKi0-00002-00004011-00005220 Secondly, it may well be that there’s no calling for an indictment of the president because Robert Mueller is following established Department of Justice guidelines that say a sitting president should not be indicted lwC-CUzqKi0-00003-00005220-00006788 So, until that full report is released and we know the perspective of Robert Mueller and the findings of fact, the American people really are not going to know what Donald Trump did or didn’t do or members — other members of his team did or didn’t do lwC-CUzqKi0-00004-00006788-00008000 What we do know is that several folks on his campaign team that he was close to have already been indicted, including for relations that they had with Russians that were trying to influence the election lwC-CUzqKi0-00005-00008000-00008100 ” lxHcvZhWOlY-00000-00000571-00001461 President Donald Trump attacked the Washington Post on Friday for calling out his lies about Mexico’s immigration system lxHcvZhWOlY-00001-00001461-00002229 And then he repeated threats he made against Mexico on Thursday that would harm the American auto industry lxHcvZhWOlY-00002-00002229-00003167 On Thursday, Trump caved on his threat to close the border but threatened to slap Mexico with tariffs for allegedly being weak on immigration lxHcvZhWOlY-00003-00003167-00004593 The tariffs would hurt the American auto industry, which would come to a screeching halt and put thousands of jobs at risk just so Trump can pretend he’s being tough on Mexico over a problem that doesn’t actually exist lxHcvZhWOlY-00004-00004593-00005672 Trump soon followed up by claiming that Mexico caved to his demands and is now starting to detain and deport Central American migrants lxHcvZhWOlY-00005-00005672-00006869 But the Washington Post fact-checked him on Friday morning.“Trump says Mexico began to detain thousands of Central American migrants at its southern border only this week,” WaPo wrote lxHcvZhWOlY-00006-00006869-00007595 “Let’s not beat around the bush here — that’s totally false. They’ve been doing it for decades lxHcvZhWOlY-00007-00007595-00008384 ”“The president also claims Mexico has the strongest immigration laws in the world,” the newspaper continued lxHcvZhWOlY-00008-00008384-00009478 “Experts sharply disagree. Mexico does have penalties for immigration violations, but it decriminalized the act of crossing the border in 2011 lxHcvZhWOlY-00009-00009478-00010583 Contrast that with the United States — where unauthorized entry is a misdemeanor for first-time offenders and a felony for repeat offenders — and Trump’s claim falls apart lxHcvZhWOlY-00010-00010583-00011526 ”.Focusing on Trump’s claims about Mexico only now beginning to detain migrants, WaPo demonstrated that Trump is lying lxHcvZhWOlY-00011-00011526-00012336 THE CLAIM THAT MEXICO ONLY THIS WEEK STARTED TO DETAIN THOUSANDS OF CENTRAL AMERICANS AT ITS SOUTHERN BORDER IS NONSENSE lxHcvZhWOlY-00012-00012336-00013903 MEXICAN IMMIGRATION OFFICIALS HAD 886,640 ENCOUNTERS WITH GUATEMALANS, HONDURANS AND SALVADORANS FROM 2011 THROUGH FEBRUARY, ACCORDING TO DATA FROM MEXICO’S DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR (SEGOB) lxHcvZhWOlY-00013-00013903-00014616 MEXICAN FOREIGN MINISTER MARCELO EBRARD HELD A NEWS CONFERENCE ON THE SAME DAY TRUMP MADE THESE CLAIMS lxHcvZhWOlY-00014-00014616-00015637 IMMIGRATION POLICY HAS BEEN CONSISTENT SINCE PRESIDENT ANDRÉS MANUEL LÓPEZ OBRADOR (AMLO) TOOK OFFICE IN DECEMBER, EBRARD SAID lxHcvZhWOlY-00015-00015637-00016596 “It’s not surprising to see Trump trample over basic facts about immigration in Mexico,” WaPo concluded, giving Trump four Pinocchios lxHcvZhWOlY-00016-00016596-00017333 “After all, the president routinely makes unfounded claims about the U.S. immigration system lxHcvZhWOlY-00017-00017333-00018879 The Mexican government says it’s tightening security in a key area 200 miles from its southern border, but Trump makes a far different and demonstrably false claim: that Mexico began detaining Central Americans by the thousands only days ago lxHcvZhWOlY-00018-00018879-00019683 Mexico has deported Guatemalans, Hondurans, and Salvadorans more than 2 million times since 2001 lxHcvZhWOlY-00019-00019683-00021099 ”.Well, Trump didn’t like being called out for lying, and insisted in a rage on Twitter that Mexico is only now starting to detain and deport migrants, and all because of his threats, which he went on to repeat lxHcvZhWOlY-00020-00021099-00022413 This is yet another example of Trump pretending there is a problem, whining about that problem and then threatening punishment if that problem isn’t fixed, only to then declare that he solved the imaginary problem lxHcvZhWOlY-00021-00022413-00023576 In reality, the only problem is that the United States created real problems in Central America that are causing thousands to flee their homeland in search of asylum lxHcvZhWOlY-00022-00023576-00024552 Trump is ignoring the humanitarian crisis at the border in favor of fake crises so he can pander to his racist base of supporters lxHcvZhWOlY-00023-00024552-00025482 Now those same supporters foolishly believe Trump is a hero who forced Mexico to do something they have already been doing for decades lEoGIi_grCE-00000-00000513-00002043 When Donald Trump’s former campaign vice chairman Rick Gates cut a cooperating plea deal with Robert Mueller last year, it was obvious that Gates would fully cooperate against Paul Manafort, or else he wouldn’t have been given a deal lEoGIi_grCE-00001-00002043-00002741 The question at the time was how much Gates would be able to give up on Donald Trump lEoGIi_grCE-00002-00002741-00003660 After all, Gates continued to work for the campaign, and then for the transition team, long after Manafort was fired lEoGIi_grCE-00003-00003660-00004530 Rick Gates was one of the many Trump-related people who received document requests from the House Judiciary Committee lEoGIi_grCE-00004-00004530-00005719 Some big names, including Steve Bannon and Hope Hicks, are cooperating. Other people are saying they won’t cooperate, and are willing to roll the subpoena dice instead lEoGIi_grCE-00005-00005719-00006962 But we were all expecting Rick Gates to cooperate, right? After all, Gates is still hoping for a lenient prison sentence, and he needs to be as helpful as possible lEoGIi_grCE-00006-00006962-00008104 But this evening we all learned that Rick Gates has informed the House Judiciary Committee that he can’t give them his documents at this time, because prosecutors have advised him not to lEoGIi_grCE-00007-00008104-00008921 The only possible reason for this is that prosecutors are still using Gates’ documents in an ongoing criminal case lEoGIi_grCE-00008-00008921-00010010 Considering that just about everyone else involved has either been convicted or pleaded out, it’s clear that the evidence Gates is withholding is against Donald Trump lEoGIi_grCE-00009-00010010-00010692 Gates is saying that he might be able to give Congress his documents in the “coming months lEoGIi_grCE-00010-00010692-00011520 ” This would seem to fall in line with the expectation that Robert Mueller will drop the hammer on Trump before much longer lEoGIi_grCE-00011-00011520-00011823 Stay tuned mI8PYgLlAUA-00000-00000571-00001349 Many Republican leaders vowed to eliminate the Welfare state. But only Donald Trump is doing it mI8PYgLlAUA-00001-00001349-00002522 Thanks to Obama, food stamp usage reached record highs during his administration.President Trump, as in so many other areas, is fixing Obama’s mistake mI8PYgLlAUA-00002-00002522-00003206 Thanks to him, record numbers of people are working and no longer need food stamps mI8PYgLlAUA-00003-00003206-00005103 We just reached a major milestone, and we’re sure Trump is proud of it.From Daily Wire:''Enrollment in the [food stamp] program has dropped by 3,899,257, according to the latest data released by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) mI8PYgLlAUA-00004-00005103-00006035 That means SNAP enrollment is the lowest its been in a decade''.This drop has saved taxpayers more than $5 billion A MONTH mI8PYgLlAUA-00005-00006035-00006725 That’s $60 billion a year.That could pay for the border wall over and over each year mI8PYgLlAUA-00006-00006725-00007451 That’s nearly 4 million Americans no longer taking tax dollars to put food on the table mI8PYgLlAUA-00007-00007451-00008177 They are getting off government programs and earning a living.That’s the American way, after all mI8PYgLlAUA-00008-00008177-00008883 Nobody wants people sitting at home, living off the taxpayer’s dime. Where is the dignity in that? mI8PYgLlAUA-00009-00008883-00009716 President Trump has tightened work requirements so able-bodied people can’t cheat the system (looking at you, millennials!) mI8PYgLlAUA-00010-00009716-00010612 That also ensures the elderly and sick aren’t lost in the cracks.Now, only people who really need food stamps will get them mI8PYgLlAUA-00011-00010612-00011375 Everyone else can seek out good-paying jobs, affording food for themselves and their families mI8PYgLlAUA-00012-00011375-00012244 And Democrats have no excuse to say we don’t have the money to build a wall.That’s something every American can celebrate mbGe9KyugVE-00000-00000571-00002060 On Friday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “All In,” House Financial Services Committee Chairwoman Maxine Waters (D-CA) stated that President Trump committed an impeachable offense with his hush money payments mbGe9KyugVE-00001-00002060-00003470 Host Chris Hayes asked if there is already “evidence that he has — he’s implicated in at least one criminal conspiracy, [which] has to do with the hush money payments, and is that not, in your mind, a high crime or misdemeanor?” mbGe9KyugVE-00002-00003470-00004690 .Waters answered, “Oh certainly, absolutely. This president has lied. He said that he had not — the president said he has not paid off anybody, but he certainly has'' oy36TrmvXkA-00000-00000571-00001556 Former National Intelligence Director James Clapper was joined by former CIA chief John Brennan at the Aspen Security Forum in Colorado oy36TrmvXkA-00001-00001556-00002556 The forum is an annual gathering of leading present and former intelligence officials in which relevant security issues are discussed and debated oy36TrmvXkA-00002-00002556-00004087 James Clapper, the first director of defense intelligence within the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), told attendees on Friday that he often wonders whether President Trump’s ultimate goal is to make “Russia great again oy36TrmvXkA-00003-00004087-00005599 ”.The wide-ranging discussion included some strong criticisms of the president for downplaying Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election, and the extent to which the president appears – at best – unconcerned about future interference oy36TrmvXkA-00004-00005599-00007025 CNN’s Wolf Blitzer asked Mr. Clapper if he thought the president was taking Russia’s interference seriously enough, to which Clapper responded with a play on the Trump administration’s slogan, “Make America Great Again oy36TrmvXkA-00005-00007025-00007657 ” It was then that Clapper said, “Sometimes I think he’s about making Russia great again oy36TrmvXkA-00006-00007657-00009363 ”.John Brennan, who served as CIA director from 2013-2017 joined Clapper in criticizing the president casting doubt on the intelligence community’s investigation into Russia meddling in the 2016 election, calling such comments “disgraceful oy36TrmvXkA-00007-00009363-00011330 ”.The pair also called out Donald Trump Jr., former campaign chief Paul Manafort and the president’s son-in-law and top adviser, Jared Kushner, for having attended the now-notorious June 2016 meeting with a Kremlin-linked lawyer who had promised damaging information about Hillary Clinton obtained by the Russian government oy36TrmvXkA-00008-00011330-00012529 Mr. Clapper said Jared Kushner should have his security clearance at least suspended pending further investigation, while Brennan called the decision to meet “profoundly baffling oy36TrmvXkA-00009-00012529-00013809 ”.Clapper, whose term concluded on Jan. 20 of this year, testified before a Senate Judiciary subcommittee in May about about Russia’s meddling in the 2016 presidential election oy36TrmvXkA-00010-00013809-00014598 He qualified the matter as “critically serious,” and he outlined the findings of the intelligence community oy36TrmvXkA-00011-00014598-00015818 Clapper said he said concluded “first that President Putin directed and influenced a campaign to erode the faith and confidence of the American people in our presidential election process oy36TrmvXkA-00012-00015818-00016549 Second, that he did so to demean Secretary Clinton, and third, that he sought to advantage Mr oy36TrmvXkA-00013-00016549-00016823 Trump.” oaHDYQf8Bv4-00000-00000571-00002462 For a few days there, Donald Trump thought he was winning. Much of the media was reporting William Barr’s laugh out loud “summary” of the Mueller report as if it were the Mueller report, Trump was getting away with falsely claiming he had been exonerated, and he was giddily seeking revenge against, well, everyone oaHDYQf8Bv4-00001-00002462-00003313 But as the past week has gone on, things have gotten gradually darker for Trump – and today everything hit the fan at once oaHDYQf8Bv4-00002-00003313-00004160 .Things began ominously enough today for Donald Trump, when the House Judiciary Committee voted to subpoena the Mueller report oaHDYQf8Bv4-00003-00004160-00005677 That alone was bad news for Trump. But even as that battle was gearing up throughout the day, Mueller’s team began leaking that the report is actually rather bad for Trump, and that Attorney General William Barr is misrepresenting what the report says oaHDYQf8Bv4-00004-00005677-00006636 This gives House Democrats precisely what they need when it comes to winning the inevitable subpoena battle in the court of law and the court of public opinion oaHDYQf8Bv4-00005-00006636-00008391 But that was only the half of it. . .In what appears to be a well-timed coordinated effort by House Democrats, the House Ways and Means Committee formally requested this afternoon that the Treasury Department turn over Donald Trump’s tax returns within the next seven days oaHDYQf8Bv4-00006-00008391-00009635 This came even as the Miami Herald revealed today that the FBI has secretly been running a counterintelligence probe for some time now into what Chinese operatives have been doing at Mar-a-Lago oaHDYQf8Bv4-00007-00009635-00010429 And of course yesterday, the House Oversight Committee served subpoenas in Trump’s White House security clearance scandal oaHDYQf8Bv4-00008-00010429-00011364 . .Donald Trump is now getting hit from all sides. His attempt at misrepresenting and burying the Mueller report has now failed oaHDYQf8Bv4-00009-00011364-00011996 We’re about to find out what he’s been so desperately hiding in his tax returns all this time oaHDYQf8Bv4-00010-00011996-00013122 We’re also about to learn precisely what Trump’s top advisers and family members did to get themselves rejected for security clearances before he overruled them oaHDYQf8Bv4-00011-00013122-00013576 This is getting uglier for Trump by the hour ogqxtiFuBBY-00000-00000571-00002467 By now we know the drill. Most major polls have Donald Trump’s approval rating pegged at around forty percent, but each time the widely discredited Rasmussen poll laughably claims that Trump’s approval rating is around fifty percent, Trump shamelessly tweet-brags about it, as if it were legitimate ogqxtiFuBBY-00001-00002467-00004089 Today we saw Trump try something different – and it promptly blew back on him. .This morning Donald Trump tweeted a Fox Business Channel graphic which claimed that he had a 55% overall approval rating in a new Georgetown Politics poll ogqxtiFuBBY-00002-00004089-00005547 Wait a minute, that polling entity is legitimate. So what’s going on here? It took all of a few minutes for Mo Elleithee, the director of Georgetown Politics, to post this tweet in response: “This graphic is incorrect ogqxtiFuBBY-00003-00005547-00006715 The Battleground Poll shows 58% approval on the economy. But it shows only 43% overall approval, & 52% disapproval ogqxtiFuBBY-00004-00006715-00007605 The 55% number is the President’s unfavorable rating. (Only 40% favorable.)” Ouch ogqxtiFuBBY-00005-00007605-00008480 . .Later in the morning, Fox Business Channel issued an on-air correction, explaining that it had indeed jumbled the numbers ogqxtiFuBBY-00006-00008480-00009092 But as of this afternoon, Donald Trump still hasn’t deleted or corrected his errant tweet ogqxtiFuBBY-00007-00009092-00010372 By now Trump and his people have surely been made aware that the polling graphic is false, which means at this point Trump is knowingly promoting fake poll numbers by leaving the tweet intact ogqxtiFuBBY-00008-00010372-00011288 .So there you have it. Donald Trump has even lower ethical standards than Fox News, which has no ethical standards to begin with ogqxtiFuBBY-00009-00011288-00012294 We suppose next time Trump will have to stick to quoting the laugh-out-loud Rasmussen poll if he wants to pretend he’s popular with the American people q1Iga9CBfjY-00000-00000571-00002101 Now that the news that Special Counsel Mueller’s report has finally been delivered to the Department of Justice, the media and the public are clamoring for any kind of assurance that we’ll actually be able to see the results of the probe for ourselves q1Iga9CBfjY-00001-00002101-00003998 Under the rules governing how the Special Counsel works, his report is only submitted to the Department of Justice, where it will be reviewed by Attorney General William Bar and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who then gets to decide what parts of it, if any, will be sent to Congress and revealed to the public q1Iga9CBfjY-00002-00003998-00005795 The fear is that Barr, a Trump appointee, will decide to simply bury the report and make sure that none of the important parts ever see the light of day — but Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA), who has spearheaded the House’s probe into the myriad misdeeds of Donald J q1Iga9CBfjY-00003-00005795-00006607 Trump, quickly made it clear on Friday night that there was no way in hell that the Mueller report was going to stay hidden q1Iga9CBfjY-00004-00006607-00008261 During an interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, Schiff announced that should it come down to it, his committee would subpoena anyone necessary, including Mueller and Attorney General Barr himself, to testify under oath and tell the American people about what the Mueller report contains q1Iga9CBfjY-00005-00008261-00010231 On top of that, Schiff made it clear earlier in the day that while the Mueller report may not contain any new recommendations for indictments, that does not prevent other law enforcement bodies to take up the charge — especially at the state level, which are immune from the exonerating powers of the presidential pardons q1Iga9CBfjY-00006-00010231-00011111 In other words, this is only just beginning — and no matter what, Trump and his cronies are not going to be escaping scot-free qSEpYBRlZ14-00000-00000571-00002715 Even amid growing buzz that the federal prosecutors for the SDNY could be gearing up to criminally indict Donald Trump while he’s still in office, one of the SDNY’s star witnesses – Trump’s former longtime fixer Michael Cohen – has finally been cleared by prosecutors to publicly testify about Trump’s crimes this upcoming Wednesday qSEpYBRlZ14-00001-00002715-00004661 Now we’re learning about the dirt that Cohen has given the SNDY on Trump.In what appears to be an attempt at laying the groundwork through the media for Michael Cohen’s upcoming public testimony, someone (read: the SDNY itself) has given the New York Times the lowdown on what Cohen has given the SNDY qSEpYBRlZ14-00002-00004661-00005526 It turns out Cohen has blabbed about “irregularities” in the Trump Organization, including something involving “insurance claims qSEpYBRlZ14-00003-00005526-00006526 ” This comes shortly after the House Oversight Committee announced that Cohen will be testifying about, among other things, Trump Organization financial fraud qSEpYBRlZ14-00004-00006526-00007736 But there’s more.Michael Cohen has also dished to SDNY about payments made to Donald Trump’s inauguration fund, which are widely suspected to have been thinly disguised personal bribes qSEpYBRlZ14-00005-00007736-00008888 In other words, this NY Times expose confirms the specifics of what we already knew in general terms: Cohen has given the SDNY everything he knows about Trump’s crimes qSEpYBRlZ14-00006-00008888-00010168 But here’s the interesting part.As of right now there are no publicly visible court filings, indictments, or legal documents of any kind to support what’s being reported by the NY Times qSEpYBRlZ14-00007-00010168-00011440 It’s difficult to imagine that the SDNY has cleared Michael Cohen to publicly testify about these matters next week, unless it plans to file something somewhere to support it qSEpYBRlZ14-00008-00011440-00012278 Are we looking at more SDNY indictments between now and Wednesday? Something has to give here, and soon qnP02P8kisg-00000-00000571-00002415 I don’t think there has been a day that goes by where Donald Trump hasn’t violated some form of human rights, whether it’s encouraging punitive actions towards black football players who exercise free speech during the National Anthem, or endangering the lives of Democratic members of Congress as well as members of the press qnP02P8kisg-00001-00002415-00003609 Every day our country is suffering in some way because of our leaders. Now, it’s members of the transgender community who are being punished for who they are by banning them from the Military qnP02P8kisg-00002-00003609-00005061 I served in the United States Army for over thirteen years. One of the first lessons I remember from Basic Combat Training is that in the Army it doesn’t matter if you are man, woman, white, black, etc qnP02P8kisg-00003-00005061-00006641 ; we are all American soldiers. So why can’t this be the same for the transgender community? Only around one percent of people in the United States join the military, and we are at a time we can’t afford to lose more people just because of hate qnP02P8kisg-00004-00006641-00007948 Soldiers of any gender identity go through stress with various issues, and we shouldn’t let ignorance be the determining factor for separating trans people, as that does a disservice to them, and harms them in many ways qnP02P8kisg-00005-00007948-00009233 Since I am not a transgender person myself, I can’t say how this would make one feel, but segregating them like they are a different species is evil, hateful, and again, a human rights violation qnP02P8kisg-00006-00009233-00010097 Many have performed with exemplary merit during their time in service, and we need to do the right thing by keeping them in the military qnP02P8kisg-00007-00010097-00011215 Leaders need to think about the aftermath of banning or kicking out transgender soldiers, because many had it in mind to make the military a twenty year career with no back up plan qnP02P8kisg-00008-00011215-00012111 In some cases you can literally force human beings to live in the streets just because of hateful ignorance, and this is not right qnP02P8kisg-00009-00012111-00012885 We need to get involved with Congress and demand a stop to this ban, because it will do more harm than good qnP02P8kisg-00010-00012885-00013407 Lastly what will it take for this President to be held accountable? ryJeCqvesgc-00000-00000000-00001102 Donald Trump has apparently discovered the joys of online translation apps and has posted what is probably the first tweet by an American president in the Persian language ryJeCqvesgc-00001-00001102-00002471 Using the hashtag #40YearsofFailure, Trump denounced the corruption and cruelty of the Iranian regime that has brought suffering and misery to its people and has been instrumental in spreading terror around the globe ryJeCqvesgc-00002-00002471-00003860 Throughout his candidacy and also his presidency, Trump has always been a vocal critic of the mullahs, opting for confrontation rather than cooperation when he unilaterally declared the Iran Nuclear Deal null and void ryJeCqvesgc-00003-00003860-00004558 But is Trump, the businessman, as much of an anti-Iranian purist as Trump, the president? ryJeCqvesgc-00004-00004558-00005446 A rather disturbing answer to that question may lie on the shores of the Caspian Sea, in the city of Baku, Azerbaijan ryJeCqvesgc-00005-00005446-00007366 It’s a rather complicated and multi-layered story. The first layer is that in 2012, team Trump officially joined a project to build and develop what was meant to become the Trump International Hotel & Tower in a not-yet-developed part of Baku; a project that has all the markings of a money laundering operation ryJeCqvesgc-00006-00007366-00009469 The Trump Organization’s partners on the Azerbaijani side were members of the Mammadov family – the family of a wealthy and powerful oligarch who was characterized by a U.S. diplomat as notoriously corrupt, even for Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan, in turn, is generally rated as one of the most corrupt nations in the world ryJeCqvesgc-00007-00009469-00011208 An article in The New Yorker’s March 13, 2017 issue, entitled “Donald Trump’s Worst Deal”, carefully lays out facts that strongly suggest an involvement of the Trump family business in an operation that appears to be rife with corruption, bribery and money laundering ryJeCqvesgc-00008-00011208-00012561 There are reports of large amounts of cash money changing hands on the site of the tower building, and team Trump has apparently failed to do its due diligence regarding the origin of the funds that went into the project ryJeCqvesgc-00009-00012561-00013925 It seems very possible that the Trump Organization has violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 which places a high degree of liability on U.S. businesses being active in foreign countries. ryJeCqvesgc-00010-00013925-00015385 Given the information about the Mammadovs that is freely available to anyone who wants to take a closer look at this Azerbaijani family, one would have to be willfully blind to assume that doing business with any family member might be a good idea ryJeCqvesgc-00011-00015385-00016584 That is, unless you’re looking for a business partner who is happy to accept your dirty money and launder it for you – perhaps because your country is subject to international sanctions ryJeCqvesgc-00012-00016584-00017626 This is what takes us to the second layer of the story.The Mammadovs were not only doing business with the Trump Organization – they had other partners as well ryJeCqvesgc-00013-00017626-00018969 In mid-2015, representatives of the Trump family business were informed by the U.S. State Department about the possibility of ties between their Azerbaijani partners and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps ryJeCqvesgc-00014-00018969-00020223 Regardless of this information, the Trump Organization stayed on the Baku project for about another 18 months before severing ties in December 2016, shortly after the election ryJeCqvesgc-00015-00020223-00021450 It is hard to imagine that the Special Counsel currently investigating Trump’s many foreign entanglements is unaware of the questions raised by the Trump Organization’s involvement in the Baku project ryJeCqvesgc-00016-00021450-00022258 Perhaps Robert Mueller is saving the best for last in his thorough effort to end a presidency that should never have happened r-050BK79aI-00000-00000571-00001438 Donald Trump is losing his mind today, over and above his usual whining, crying, and soiling his pants r-050BK79aI-00001-00001438-00002512 There are multiple reasons for this. Obviously the first is that in his mind, the world revolves around him, and he doesn’t care about anyone who isn’t a white Christian r-050BK79aI-00002-00002512-00003300 (Keep representing on that one, Trump. You’re doing a stellar job there. See *New Zealand* r-050BK79aI-00003-00003300-00004131 The second and most glaring is that Robert Mueller is stalking Donald Trump like a boss, and Trump is feeling the heat r-050BK79aI-00004-00004131-00004745 Congress doesn’t make much of an impression on Trump, as he doesn’t understand how it works r-050BK79aI-00005-00004745-00005319 But words like “RICO” and “New York State Attorney” make a big impression on him r-050BK79aI-00006-00005319-00006176 Those words are starting to creep inside his gold-electroplated false sense of security, and he’s freaking out r-050BK79aI-00007-00006176-00008049 Yes, Trump lives in a bubble. But every now and then, he gets the real news. Rick Gates needing another 60 days before sentencing isn’t sitting well with The Donald, nor is the fact that Mueller really does not seem to be winding up what must be a very complicated and wide-reaching probe r-050BK79aI-00008-00008049-00008882 The rumors of Mueller’s demise are exaggerated. And, I suspect, largely generated from inside the White House r-050BK79aI-00009-00008882-00009878 The worst news of all: the House unanimously voted to make public the Mueller Report, and the Senate will also pass it by a veto-proof majority r-050BK79aI-00010-00009878-00010789 So there’s no stifling it. The Donald’s bubble is getting ready to burst. Will he create another distraction? You bet r-050BK79aI-00011-00010789-00011596 Will it work? No. We’ve been waiting too long and too patiently to see what Trump & Co r-050BK79aI-00012-00011596-00012544 have been up to. There is no way to keep a lid on this.But will the Deplorables rise up to defend him? No r-050BK79aI-00013-00012544-00013158 All we will have to do is run a marathon of Honey Boo Boo episodes, and we’re good rLbwvb_NXkI-00000-00000000-00001306 President Donald Trump's allies are mounting a stiff defense of his declaration of a national emergency amid increasing signs that the biggest threat to his border wall now comes not from Congress, but the courts rLbwvb_NXkI-00001-00001306-00002685 One of the President's top policy advisers, Stephen Miller, on Sunday indicated that Trump would cast the first veto of his presidency to defend the highly contentious declaration if lawmakers seek to terminate it rLbwvb_NXkI-00002-00002685-00004398 Democrats argued that Trump had launched an unconstitutional power grab because Congress refused to grant his request for billions of dollars in wall funding, and he decided to fund it anyway with money appropriated for other purposes including military construction projects rLbwvb_NXkI-00003-00004398-00005788 And California's Attorney General Xavier Becerra promised to "definitely and imminently" launch a legal challenge to the emergency declaration, one of an expected flurry of suits against Trump's aggressive executive power move rLbwvb_NXkI-00004-00005788-00006815 Trump's announcement, made during a rambling news conference Friday, came after he admitted defeat in his bid to get Congress to pay $5 rLbwvb_NXkI-00005-00006815-00008539 7 billion in wall funding, but avoided triggering a second government shutdown.During that event, the President appeared to undermine his own arguments in several ways by saying he "didn't need" to declare the emergency but wanted to go faster than Congress on border security rLbwvb_NXkI-00006-00008539-00010341 Miller tried to clean up that remark in an appearance on "Fox News Sunday."."What the President was saying is, is that unlike past presidents, he could choose to ignore this crisis, choose to ignore this emergency as others have, but that's not what he's going to do," Miller said rLbwvb_NXkI-00007-00010341-00012230 The senior adviser, one of the most hardline voices on immigration in the White House, also made clear that if Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi initiates an effort to wipe out the declaration, using a clause in the National Emergencies Act of 1976, Trump would respond rLbwvb_NXkI-00008-00012230-00012857 "He's going to protect his national emergency declaration, guaranteed," Miller said rLbwvb_NXkI-00009-00012857-00014421 Once the House acts, Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell is unlikely to be able to prevent a termination effort from coming to the floor, and given skepticism among some Republicans, it's possible a majority could be assembled against Trump's gambit even in the Senate rLbwvb_NXkI-00010-00014421-00015923 Republican Rep. Will Hurd, who represents a vast district along the southern border in Texas, said he would back a measure in the House that prevents Trump taking money away from military construction projects for the wall rLbwvb_NXkI-00011-00015923-00016712 "I'm always open to making sure that Congress takes back some of this power as a co-equal branch of government rLbwvb_NXkI-00012-00016712-00017472 And I'm sure there's going to be a lot of conversations," Hurd said Sunday on "Face the Nation" on CBS rLbwvb_NXkI-00013-00017472-00018927 But one of the President's closest congressional allies, Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio, predicted that Trump's critics would not be able to put together a two-thirds majority in each chamber of Congress to override any presidential veto rLbwvb_NXkI-00014-00018927-00019695 "I think there are plenty of votes in the House to make sure that there is no override of the President's veto rLbwvb_NXkI-00015-00019695-00020343 So it's going to be settled in court," Jordan said Sunday on ABC News "This Week rLbwvb_NXkI-00016-00020343-00022098 ".Republican Sen. Ron Johnson expressed concern about Trump's claim of authority to act on the wall — which some of his colleagues have warned could establish a precedent for a future Democratic president to take aggressive executive action on an issue like climate change or gun control rLbwvb_NXkI-00017-00022098-00023167 "I wish he wouldn't use it in this case," Johnson told NBC's "Meet the Press" Sunday and warned that a "diminished" Congress had ceded power to the presidency and the courts rLbwvb_NXkI-00018-00023167-00024557 But the Wisconsin senator also appeared to offer himself an out from voting against Trump's assertion of power, suggesting there is a good chance that the GOP will, as is often the case, decline to constrain its president rLbwvb_NXkI-00019-00024557-00025183 "We're going to take a very careful look at what he's doing here in this instance," Johnson said rLbwvb_NXkI-00020-00025183-00025931 "But, again, I have to stress this president's been thwarted in his attempt to keep this nation safe and secure rLbwvb_NXkI-00021-00025931-00027067 To secure our borders."Let's face it, if this president can claim a mandate on anything he ran on, it's exactly this issue: better barriers and securing our border rLbwvb_NXkI-00022-00027067-00028982 ".While polls show a majority of Americans oppose the wall and don't support a declaration of national emergency to fund it, a CNN/SSRS survey released this month showed that 64% of Republicans do support a national emergency to get a wall and 72% of conservative GOPers back it rLbwvb_NXkI-00023-00028982-00030308 Democrats sought to portray Trump's action as a gross abuse of power, arguing that it differs from emergency declarations by previous presidents and could reshape the relationship between the executive and Congress rLbwvb_NXkI-00024-00030308-00031973 "This is the first time a President has tried to declare an emergency when Congress explicitly rejected funding for the particular project that the president is advocating," House Democratic Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff said on CNN's "State of the Union" Sunday rLbwvb_NXkI-00025-00031973-00032790 "If we surrender the power of the purse, which is our most important power, there will be little check and no balance left rLbwvb_NXkI-00026-00032790-00033853 It will not be a separation of powers anymore, just a separation of parties. So this is going to be a moment of truth for my GOP colleagues rLbwvb_NXkI-00027-00033853-00034692 ".Another Democrat, Hawaii Sen. Brian Schatz, resorted to humor to mock Trump's use of executive power rLbwvb_NXkI-00028-00034692-00035802 "Day 3 of Emergency. Checking in from Oahu. Light rain, 66 degrees. Be careful out there," Schatz wrote on Twitter on Sunday rLbwvb_NXkI-00029-00035802-00037354 On a more serious note, Becerra said that the California court challenge would use Trump's own remarks to undermine his declaration and would argue that he has created an artificial emergency that does not meet historic standards of such declarations rLbwvb_NXkI-00030-00037354-00038438 "We are prepared, we knew something like this might happen. And with our sister state partners, we are ready to go," said Becerra on ABC's "This Week rLbwvb_NXkI-00031-00038438-00039796 "."There is enough evidence to show that this is not the 9/11 crisis that we faced back in 2001, it's not the Iran hostage crisis we faced in 1979," Becerra said rLbwvb_NXkI-00032-00039796-00040890 "It's not even the type of national emergency where we are trying to take action against a foreign enemy or to avoid some type of harm befalling Americans abroad rLbwvb_NXkI-00033-00040890-00042042 ".Trump is unrepentant. An emergency declaration in many ways is a neat political device that allows him to move on from his defeats in Congress over the wall rLbwvb_NXkI-00034-00042042-00043043 Even if his declaration is blocked by the courts, it will give him a crusade with which he can rally his base in his 2020 re-election fight rLbwvb_NXkI-00035-00043043-00044422 In a sing-song refrain, Trump said Friday that he believed his effort would be quickly rejected in court but seemed to pin his hopes on an eventual favorable ruling in the Supreme Court with its new conservative majority rLbwvb_NXkI-00036-00044422-00045736 Until then, Trump is insisting, without evidence, that he is getting on with fulfilling the campaign promise that lit a fire under his 2016 campaign — and which he seems to be betting could deliver him a second term rLbwvb_NXkI-00037-00045736-00046598 "BUILDING THE WALL!" the President tweeted out of the blue on Saturday during his long weekend at his private Florida resort rMO1mBOPo9g-00000-00000513-00002106 President Donald Trump was just doing what he could to raise spirits when he signed Bibles at an Alabama church for survivors of a deadly tornado outbreak, many religious leaders say, though some are offended and others say he could have handled it differently rMO1mBOPo9g-00001-00002106-00002861 Hershael York, dean of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary School of Theology in Louisville, Ky rMO1mBOPo9g-00002-00002861-00003961 , said he didn't have a problem with Trump signing Bibles, like former presidents have, because he was asked and because it was important to the people who were asking rMO1mBOPo9g-00003-00003961-00005013 "Though we don't have a national faith, there is faith in our nation, and so it's not at all surprising that people would have politicians sign their Bibles," he said rMO1mBOPo9g-00004-00005013-00005651 "Those Bibles are meaningful to them and apparently these politicians are, too." rMO1mBOPo9g-00005-00005651-00007221 But the Rev. Donnie Anderson, executive minister of the Rhode Island State Council of Churches, said she was offended by the way Trump scrawled his signature Friday as he autographed Bibles and other things, including hats, and posed for photos rMO1mBOPo9g-00006-00007221-00008075 She viewed it, she said, as a "calculated political move" by the Republican president to court his evangelical voting base rMO1mBOPo9g-00007-00008075-00008981 Presidents have a long history of signing Bibles, though earlier presidents typically signed them as gifts to send with a spiritual message rMO1mBOPo9g-00008-00008981-00009692 President Ronald Reagan signed a Bible that was sent secretly to Iranian officials in 1986 rMO1mBOPo9g-00009-00009692-00010569 President Franklin Roosevelt signed the family Bible his attorney general used to take the oath of office in 1939 rMO1mBOPo9g-00010-00010569-00011507 It would have been different, Anderson said, if Trump had signed a Bible out of the limelight for someone with whom he had a close connection rMO1mBOPo9g-00011-00011507-00012359 "For me, the Bible is a very important part of my faith, and I don't think it should be used as a political ploy," she said rMO1mBOPo9g-00012-00012359-00013252 "I saw it being used just as something out there to symbolize his support for the evangelical community, and it shouldn't be used in that way rMO1mBOPo9g-00013-00013252-00014448 People should have more respect for Scripture.".York said that he, personally, would not ask a politician to sign a Bible, but that he has been asked to sign Bibles after he preaches rMO1mBOPo9g-00014-00014448-00015381 It feels awkward, he said, but he doesn't refuse."If it's meaningful to them to have signatures in their Bible, I'm willing to do that," he said rMO1mBOPo9g-00015-00015381-00016117 Trump visited Alabama on Friday to survey the devastation and pay respects to tornado victims rMO1mBOPo9g-00016-00016117-00017439 The tornado carved a path of destruction nearly a mile wide, killing 23 people, including four children and a couple in their 80s, with 10 victims belonging to a single extended family rMO1mBOPo9g-00017-00017439-00018844 At the Providence Baptist Church in Smiths Station, Ala., the Rev. Rusty Sowell said, the president's visit was uplifting and will help bring attention to a community that will need a long time to recover rMO1mBOPo9g-00018-00018844-00019881 Before leaving the church, Trump posed for a photograph with a fifth-grade volunteer and signed the child's Bible, said Ada Ingram, a local volunteer rMO1mBOPo9g-00019-00019881-00020871 The president also signed her sister's Bible, Ingram said. In photos from the visit, Trump is shown signing the cover of a Bible rMO1mBOPo9g-00020-00020871-00021467 Trump should have at least signed inside in a less ostentatious way, said the Rev rMO1mBOPo9g-00021-00021467-00022632 Dr. Kevin Cassiday-Maloney."It just felt like hubris," said Cassiday-Maloney, pastor at the First Congregational United Church of Christ in Fargo, North Dakota rMO1mBOPo9g-00022-00022632-00023384 "It almost felt like a desecration of the holy book to put his signature on the front writ large, literally rMO1mBOPo9g-00023-00023384-00024547 ".He doesn't think politicians should sign Bibles, he said, because it could be seen as a blurring of church and state and an endorsement of Christianity over other religions rMO1mBOPo9g-00024-00024547-00025767 It would have been out of line if Trump had brought Bibles and given them out, but that wasn't the case, said James Coffin, executive director of the Interfaith Council of Central Florida rMO1mBOPo9g-00025-00025767-00026420 "Too much is being made out of something that doesn't deserve that kind of attention," he said rMO1mBOPo9g-00026-00026420-00027347 Bill Leonard, the founding dean and professor of divinity emeritus at the Wake Forest University School of Divinity in Winston-Salem, N rMO1mBOPo9g-00027-00027347-00028619 C., woke up to Facebook posts Saturday morning by former students who were upset about Trump signing the Bibles because they don't view him as an appropriate example of spiritual guidance rMO1mBOPo9g-00028-00028619-00029541 But, Leonard said, it's important to remember that signing Bibles is an old tradition, particularly in southern churches rMO1mBOPo9g-00029-00029541-00030215 Leonard said he would have viewed it as more problematic if the signings were done at a political rally rMO1mBOPo9g-00030-00030215-00031563 He doesn't see how Trump could have refused at the church."It would've been worse if he had said no because it would've seemed unkind, and this was at least one way he could show his concern along with his visit," he said rMO1mBOPo9g-00031-00031563-00032443 "In this setting, where tragedy has occurred and where he comes for this brief visit, we need to have some grace about that for these folks rMO1mBOPo9g-00032-00032443-00032543 " soFTXbc6aFk-00000-00000513-00002501 Three powerful House Democratic chairmen sent letters on Monday to the White House and the State Department requesting detailed information on communications between President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, the latest effort by House Democrats to investigate the administration and its relationship to Russia soFTXbc6aFk-00001-00002501-00004593 Democratic Reps. Adam Schiff of California, the chair of the House Intelligence Committee, Eliot Engel of New York, the chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee and Elijah Cummings of Maryland, the chair of the House Oversight Committee, signed the letters, which were sent to acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo soFTXbc6aFk-00002-00004593-00006307 The letters ask for the White House and the State Department to provide documents related to contacts between the US President and Putin as well as for interviews with personnel at the White House, the Executive Office of the President and the State Department with knowledge of those contacts soFTXbc6aFk-00003-00006307-00008652 The Democratic chairmen outline a wide range of topics related to communication between Trump and Putin that they are seeking information on, including whether the President or anyone acting on his behalf engaged in any attempt to "conceal," "obscure" or "misrepresent" the nature of his contacts with Putin as well as if any of his communications with the Russian president have had an impact on foreign policy soFTXbc6aFk-00004-00008652-00010896 They write that they are seeking information on "the substance of President Trump's communications with President Putin, including any discussion between the two individuals -- during in-person encounters and phone calls -- on matters that are within the committees' jurisdiction" and "whether any such communications have provided a basis for reconsideration, modification, or implementation of foreign policy soFTXbc6aFk-00005-00010896-00013046 ".The chairmen write that they also want to know whether the President "or any person(s) acting at his behest or with his knowledge sought to conceal, obscure, or otherwise misrepresent the substance of those communications to other federal officials, departments, or agencies, and/or to shield President Trump from scrutiny by Congress or law enforcement soFTXbc6aFk-00006-00013046-00014893 ".CNN has reached out to the White House for comment.The State Department confirmed through a spokesperson that it received the letters from the chairmen and said that while it "will work cooperatively with the committees" the department does not comment publicly on its "engagement with oversight committees soFTXbc6aFk-00007-00014893-00016241 ".The wide-reaching request comes on the same day that Democratic House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler announced a sweeping investigation into the President's campaign, businesses, transition and administration soFTXbc6aFk-00008-00016241-00017714 As part of that investigation, the Judiciary committee on Monday sent letters to 81 people and entities -- including the White House, the Justice Department, senior campaign officials, Trump Organization officials and the President's sons soFTXbc6aFk-00009-00017714-00018811 The requests also come as special counsel Robert Mueller is soon expected to conclude his investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election soFTXbc6aFk-00010-00018811-00019796 Schiff, Engel and Cummings say they are giving the White House and State Department a deadline of March 15 to comply with their requests soFTXbc6aFk-00011-00019796-00020548 The letter asks for documents related to in-person meetings as well as phone calls between the President and Putin soFTXbc6aFk-00012-00020548-00022688 It also requests that the White House and State Department make individuals who have knowledge of those communications available for interviews, including "linguists, translators, or interpreters who participated in attended, or in any way listened in on President Trump's in-person meetings with Putin, as well as President Trump's phone calls with President Putin soFTXbc6aFk-00013-00022688-00023393 ".The letters reference -- among other events -- the 2018 summit between Trump and Putin in Helsinki soFTXbc6aFk-00014-00023393-00024986 At the conclusion of the summit, the President sent shockwaves through Washington when he sided with Putin over US intelligence agencies by declining to endorse the US government's own assessment that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election soFTXbc6aFk-00015-00024986-00025898 Standing next to Putin at a press conference, Trump said that the Russian President was "extremely strong and powerful in his denial soFTXbc6aFk-00016-00025898-00026909 ".The press conference during which Trump defended Putin came after he spent about two hours in a room alone with Putin, save for a pair of interpreters soFTXbc6aFk-00017-00026909-00027732 What exactly the President and Putin discussed at that summit has long been the subject of questions from congressional Democrats soFTXbc6aFk-00018-00027732-00029045 A few days after the summit, Trump's own top intelligence official, Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, said that he himself did not know what had transpired during the meeting between the President and the Russian leader soFTXbc6aFk-00019-00029045-00030683 The letters sent on Monday by Schiff, Engel and Cummings note that they also sent a letter to the White House last month asking for what they describe as "basic information about whether the President in fact destroyed records relating to his conversations with President Putin soFTXbc6aFk-00020-00030683-00031739 ".The chairmen write that "the White House failed to provide any response to our inquiry," and say, "As a result, we are now expanding our investigation soFTXbc6aFk-00021-00031739-00031839 " sKoGiLXfjiU-00000-00000571-00002266 During a Sunday interview on New York AM 970 radio’s “The Cats Roundtable,” former White House chief of staff Reince Priebus weighed in on the 2020 presidential election, saying President Donald Trump is “actually in very good shape right now sKoGiLXfjiU-00001-00002266-00003760 ”.Priebus predicted that Democrats are going to hand over the election to Trump “on a silver platter” because the major candidates will “have a hard time” selling socialist policies in states like Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania sKoGiLXfjiU-00002-00003760-00004387 .“I think Joe Biden will be a tough candidate, in spite of these recent troubles he’s having sKoGiLXfjiU-00003-00004387-00005134 I think he’d be a very tough candidate for the Democrats. … Tim Ryan I think is interesting sKoGiLXfjiU-00004-00005134-00006809 But other than that, I think running against Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, I think some of those folks that are out there right now … these guys are going to have a hard time in Wisconsin, and Michigan and Pennsylvania,” Priebus told host John Catsimatidis sKoGiLXfjiU-00005-00006809-00007561 “I don’t see that resonating on top of this universal healthcare talk and talk about socialism and free everything sKoGiLXfjiU-00006-00007561-00008308 This isn’t going to work for them. They’re really going to hand the silver platter over to the Republicans sKoGiLXfjiU-00007-00008308-00008658 And for that I’m grateful.” seU_-yLmAVo-00000-00000571-00001793 President Donald Trump was practically thrown under the bus by Putin’s regime when it revealed the real reason Trump canceled their scheduled G20 meeting had nothing to do with any aggression toward Ukraine seU_-yLmAVo-00001-00001793-00002540 Instead, it had everything to do with the ever-developing scandals Trump seems to find himself in these days seU_-yLmAVo-00002-00002540-00004317 As bad as that news sounds, it appears it got much worse when a spokesman for Putin came forward with information suggesting the Trump Tower Moscow project was a one-sided deal with no interest on the Kremlin’s part, and that the Trump-Russia conspiracy was all Trump’s idea seU_-yLmAVo-00003-00004317-00004993 Michael Cohen has now pleaded guilty to lying to Congress about the real estate deal seU_-yLmAVo-00004-00004993-00005709 Cohen first said that he killed the real estate proposal after talking to Peskov’s office seU_-yLmAVo-00005-00005709-00006699 However, Cohen has now confessed to continuing to pursue the deal on Trump’s behalf during the heat of the 2016 presidential campaign seU_-yLmAVo-00006-00006699-00008078 “Russian President Vladimir Putin’s spokesman has displayed what he says are two emails from President Donald Trump’s former personal lawyer asking for help getting the Trump Tower Moscow project off the ground seU_-yLmAVo-00007-00008078-00009436 Of course, the “former personal lawyer” the spokesman mentions is Michael Cohen, who has teamed up with Special Counsel Robert Mueller and began shining a much uglier light on Trump’s role in the Trump-Russia scandal seU_-yLmAVo-00008-00009436-00010450 Based on the timing, it’s interesting to see that Russia, which certainly played an integral role as well, has suddenly decided to use Cohen’s emails against Trump seU_-yLmAVo-00009-00010450-00011205 While there’s no telling what Vladimir Putin’s long-term angle is here, it’s obvious he isn’t messing around seU_-yLmAVo-00010-00011205-00013002 And you can’t help but wonder how Trump responds to this. Considering he is a creature of habit, and knowing how badly he appears to be drowning, you know the response will be delivered in an epic, rant-like fashion, and it will more than likely throw some shade back in Russia’s direction seU_-yLmAVo-00011-00013002-00013644 And it will probably contain some inadvertent confessions somewhere along the way tGFNYqxCQCk-00000-00000513-00001124 Maybe Donald Trump believes that he can control all of the Republicans at once by Tweet tGFNYqxCQCk-00001-00001124-00002260 He appears to be trying to do so. In the past, one negative tweet could take out a senator, which is probably why the GOP is so subservient to POTUS tGFNYqxCQCk-00002-00002260-00002971 When the president tries to manipulate the Democrats via tweet, they just go “yeah, yeah” and move on tGFNYqxCQCk-00003-00002971-00003634 Check out the commander-in-chief attempting his gravity-defying mind control tweets now tGFNYqxCQCk-00004-00003634-00004392 Of course, most of the Democrats think that Trump’s fake national emergency is just a joke tGFNYqxCQCk-00005-00004392-00005264 First of all, to be an emergency, an event must be timely, and his wall fetish has been going on for years tGFNYqxCQCk-00006-00005264-00006343 Secondly, everyone knows that a wall is useless, because people can go over it — sometimes in airplanes, under it, through it, and around it — say by boats tGFNYqxCQCk-00007-00006343-00008114 Trump tweeted out his threat to the Republican senators. If they vote for the halt to Trump’s national emergency wall, the president will say they are like the Dems, “for open borders and crime:‘Democrats will have a unanimous vote on a 20% issue in opposing Republican Senators tomorrow tGFNYqxCQCk-00008-00008114-00009258 The Dems are for Open Borders and Crime!’.Then, Trump got really serious. He tweeted that the “Republican senators are “overthinking (sic)” the upcoming vote: tGFNYqxCQCk-00009-00009258-00010355 ‘Republican Senators are overthinking tomorrow’s vote on National Emergency. It is very simply Border Security/No Crime – Should not be thought of any other way tGFNYqxCQCk-00010-00010355-00011092 We have a MAJOR NATIONAL EMERGENCY at our Border and the People of our Country know it very well!’ tGFNYqxCQCk-00011-00011092-00012056 Even the Secretary of Border Security Kirstjen Nielsen had to admit that most of the drugs come through the current, legal border crossings tGFNYqxCQCk-00012-00012056-00012672 The Democrats nailed her on that one in a recent hearing.Tomorrow should be interesting tGFNYqxCQCk-00013-00012672-00013471 Maybe the great Trump remote control experiment of controlling all of the Republican senators will work tGFNYqxCQCk-00014-00013471-00013748 Maybe it will not tg7zrq12EnE-00000-00000571-00002007 On Wednesday, March 27, Sean Hannity devoted three-quarters – 45 minutes – of his prime-time Fox News channel program which was commercial-free to an exclusive telephone interview with President Donald Trump tg7zrq12EnE-00001-00002007-00002867 It was the president’s first interview since the completion of the Mueller Report and its delivery to the Department of Justice last Friday tg7zrq12EnE-00002-00002867-00003614 The major points arising from the interview included:.President Trump vowing to release the FISA documents tg7zrq12EnE-00003-00003614-00004797 The president accusing FBI officials of committing “treason” and describing former FBI Director James Comey as a “terrible guy” and former CIA Director John Brennan as “sick” tg7zrq12EnE-00004-00004797-00005999 Mr. Trump raising doubts about the secretive airport tarmac meeting between then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch and former President Bill Clinton on June 27, 2016 tg7zrq12EnE-00005-00005999-00008230 The president commenting on the Democrats’ push for a Green New Deal.When President Trump mentioned Jeanine Pirro, who has been absent from her top-rated Fox News channel Saturday evening program for the past two weeks, Sean Hannity made news by confirming that she would be back on her show Justice with Judge Jeanine next Saturday, March 30 at 9 PM ET/PT tg7zrq12EnE-00006-00008230-00009541 In response to comments Pirro made about Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) on March 9, Fox News criticized and distanced itself from Pirro and she has not appeared on the channel since then tg7zrq12EnE-00007-00009541-00011019 Below is a transcript of the highlights of the interview – approximately 30% of the total – between Hannity and the president, with minor editing by the author from a “rushed transcript” provided by Fox News Media Relations tla6mt7hDmo-00000-00000571-00002044 As the evidence against Donald Trump continues to pile up in his criminal scandals, and the nation increasingly demands his ouster, Palmer Report has consistently pointed out that it’s going to come down to math tla6mt7hDmo-00001-00002044-00003063 At some point twenty Republican Senators will selfishly decide that their own odds of reelection are better if they kick Trump out, and that’ll be the end of him tla6mt7hDmo-00002-00003063-00004541 Over the past two weeks, Senate Republicans have been increasingly voting against Donald Trump on legislation he cares about, in the clearest sign yet that they think he’s going down, and that they’re trying to avoid going down with him tla6mt7hDmo-00003-00004541-00005503 Perhaps in retaliation, Trump has decided that his number one goal in life is to attack John McCain as often and as offensively as possible tla6mt7hDmo-00004-00005503-00006239 This is finally resulting in GOP Senators pushing back, or at least one of them in particular tla6mt7hDmo-00005-00006239-00007054 Republican Senator Johnny Isakson said last year that if anyone attacked John McCain, they deserved a “whipping” for it tla6mt7hDmo-00006-00007054-00008104 Sure enough, after Donald Trump spent the past few days attacking McCain, Isakson said today that “I want to do what I said that day on the floor of the Senate tla6mt7hDmo-00007-00008104-00009630 ” In other words, he wants to deliver a “whipping” against Trump. We’re assuming he means the metaphorical kind, and that he’s not actually talking about physically beating Trump up, but this is nonetheless quickly dissolving into a food fight tla6mt7hDmo-00008-00009630-00011025 We’ll see what happens next. Donald Trump will surely hear about Isakson’s remarks and fire back on Twitter, which will only serve to give more exposure to what Isakson said about Trump tla6mt7hDmo-00009-00011025-00012550 Interestingly, it appears that Isakson made his remarks today before he was aware that Trump had just unleashed on McCain yet again, this time criticizing McCain for not having come back from the dead to thank Trump for throwing him a big funeral tla6mt7hDmo-00010-00012550-00012968 This will only get uglier for Trump an the GOP uPkmA91UT94-00000-00000571-00001407 Democrats have played the obstructionist game for two long years in Senate. And Republicans are finally over it uPkmA91UT94-00001-00001407-00002162 Trump has struggled to appoint most of his judges through because the Left dragged out the confirmations endlessly uPkmA91UT94-00002-00002162-00003541 But Mitch McConnell just went NUCLEAR on the Democrats—literally. From Politico:.Senate Republicans used the “nuclear option” Wednesday to unilaterally reduce debate time on most presidential nominees… uPkmA91UT94-00003-00003541-00004573 Way to step up, Mitch!.McConnell used the nuclear option to eliminate the 30-hour debate time for each nominee, cutting it down to 2 hours uPkmA91UT94-00004-00004573-00005215 Now they’ll fly through, and the Democrat minority cannot block good judges anymore uPkmA91UT94-00005-00005215-00005884 Democrats are crying foul, of course, but the nuclear option has been used before uPkmA91UT94-00006-00005884-00006615 In fact, it was implemented in Obama’s time to prevent Republicans from blocking his judges uPkmA91UT94-00007-00006615-00007305 I guess Democrats never expected a Republican to enter the White House again – ha! uPkmA91UT94-00008-00007305-00008284 Thanks to McConnell’s boldness, Republicans and Trump are turning the tables, and they’ll set an even higher record for conservative judges uPkmA91UT94-00009-00008284-00009274 For at least the next couple years, they have put an end to liberal activists taking over the courts, and twisting our laws and Constitution uPkmA91UT94-00010-00009274-00009640 Get ready, liberals uZt2uFUcQjc-00000-00000571-00001608 The Liberal CEO of a California-based clothing company has publicly stated that her company is working towards leading a “resistance” against President Trump uZt2uFUcQjc-00001-00001608-00003167 The anti-Republican company is led by CEO Rose Marcario, who attacked President Trump after he explained his plans to reverse former President Obama’s campaign of seizing millions of acres of land from states and dubbing them “national monuments uZt2uFUcQjc-00002-00003167-00004110 ”.In a Huffpost article back in May, Marcario was quoted saying, “we have to fight like hell to keep every inch of public land uZt2uFUcQjc-00003-00004110-00005432 I don’t have a lot of faith in politics and politicians right now.” Marcario is taking it as far as threatening to sue the Trump administration because of their scale back efforts of Obama’s land seizure uZt2uFUcQjc-00004-00005432-00006529 What Marcario is actually fighting for is the ability to tell the inhabitants of these western states that they will never have a say in what goes on with their own land uZt2uFUcQjc-00005-00006529-00007276 A poll taken amongst residents of Utah showed that 60% were against Obama’s land grab uZt2uFUcQjc-00006-00007276-00008483 Only a mere 33% supported it.Marcario also stated that Patagonia would utilize profits to support pro-environmental candidates in states all over the West uZt2uFUcQjc-00007-00008483-00009120 This isn’t the first time that the Liberal company has supported and funded political matters uZt2uFUcQjc-00008-00009120-00009954 In 2016,the company spent more than $1 million for a get-out-the-vote campaign aimed to taken down Donald Trump uZt2uFUcQjc-00009-00009954-00010690 Patagonia has a dark history of being tied to human trafficking and child labor within their supply chain uZt2uFUcQjc-00010-00010690-00012375 Not really a company I would trust.The Patagonia company hasn’t only displayed their Liberal ideologies through their environmentalism efforts, but it has also been reported that the company donated $60,000 to Planned Parenthood, an infamous abortion mill uZt2uFUcQjc-00011-00012375-00014230 The breakdown is as follows. Around $30,000 was donated by Patagonia to Planned Parenthood in 2012, then in 2013 the company donated another $25,000 to the baby killing clinic, and another $12,000 donation came in 2014 uZt2uFUcQjc-00012-00014230-00016426 Executive Director of Watchdog, Lance Wray, explained that Patagonia is a HUGE supporter of the Liberal agenda and will go to any means to try to take down President Trump Wray stated, “Patagonia’s Rose Marcario is the perfect example of why conservatives are sick and tired of CEOs using their position to push a political agenda uZt2uFUcQjc-00013-00016426-00017521 Not only is she leading a lawsuit against the Trump administration, but her company provides financial support for the liberal agenda far beyond environmental activism uZt2uFUcQjc-00014-00017521-00018534 ”.I couldn’t agree with Wray more, and it’s about time that CEOs shut their mouths and run their businesses rather than putting their noses into politics uZt2uFUcQjc-00015-00018534-00019428 When over half of the United States’ population voted for this man, Marcario’s company stands to lose a TON of business uZt2uFUcQjc-00016-00019428-00020640 She is essentially shooting herself in the foot.Wray went on to say, “our research has found Patagonia uses its charitable giving arm to funnel tens of thousands of dollars to Planned Parenthood uZt2uFUcQjc-00017-00020640-00021611 This means a portion of every customer dollar helps fund a gruesome business that performs over 300,000 abortions every year uZt2uFUcQjc-00018-00021611-00022842 ”.It’s time that we come together as Americans to take down companies like Patagonia and prove to them that we will not stand for their sick and twisted Liberal agenda uak3MJHggdA-00000-00000571-00001950 Oleg Deripaska is a Russian oligarch. At his peak, he was worth more than $20 billion, but during the financial crisis and since, he is reportedly only worth approximately $3 billion uak3MJHggdA-00001-00001950-00002796 Deripaska is connected to Paul Manafort, who recently was sentenced twice in one week, then indicted by New York uak3MJHggdA-00002-00002796-00004651 In April 2018, the United States imposed sanctions on Deripaska and more than twenty other Russian nationals, citing evidence that Deripaska “has been accused of threatening the lives of business rivals, illegally wiretapping a government official, and taking part in extortion and racketeering uak3MJHggdA-00003-00004651-00005931 ” In January 2019, the United States Treasury, per instructions from Steve Mnuchin and Trump, removed sanctions against Deripaska’s companies, but the ones on him personally remained uak3MJHggdA-00004-00005931-00006816 Deripaska, not liking being addressed with constraints, has on Friday filed a lawsuit against Mnuchin and others uak3MJHggdA-00005-00006816-00008334 Deripaska claims in his suit that the sanctions are devastating to him, claiming in one paragraph: “The consequence of Defendants’ unlawful action has been the utter devastation of Deripaska’s wealth, reputation, and economic livelihood uak3MJHggdA-00006-00008334-00009661 As a result of his designations and the sanctions risk to foreign parties dealing with him or his businesses, Deripaska has been effectively shut out from the international business community and the global financial system uak3MJHggdA-00007-00009661-00010803 Indeed, banks and businesses have terminated existing contracts and agreements with him, and businesses refuse to enter into any further dealings with him out of fear of exposure to U uak3MJHggdA-00008-00010803-00011766 S. sanctions.”.Funny, we have some Russians fighting jurisdiction, such as in the secret grand jury proceedings in Washington, D uak3MJHggdA-00009-00011766-00012709 C., while we now have a very bad hombre from Russia using that very same judicial system to try to get any remaining sanctions lifted v5A1Pfu8eG8-00000-00000513-00001419 Robert Mueller’s report has been submitted, and at least some version of it is supposed to be made public as soon as this weekend v5A1Pfu8eG8-00001-00001419-00002840 Mueller reportedly won’t indict anyone else, but as we’ve explained, Democratic leaders in Congress are expecting additional indictments from federal prosecutors such as SDNY, and those could come very soon v5A1Pfu8eG8-00002-00002840-00003697 To that end, SDNY just made a major new prosecutorial hire.Geoffrey Berman is the current U.S v5A1Pfu8eG8-00003-00003697-00004724 Attorney for the Southern District of New York, but he recused himself from all Trump-related investigations from day one, due to his past ties to Trump v5A1Pfu8eG8-00004-00004724-00005630 That left the number two person at SDNY, Robert Khuzami, in charge of the criminal case against Michael Cohen v5A1Pfu8eG8-00005-00005630-00006952 We would have expected Khuzami to also lead the way on any Trump-related SDNY indictments that could soon be unsealed – except that Khuzami is retiring, and he’s been replaced by a big name v5A1Pfu8eG8-00006-00006952-00008106 The new #2 at SDNY is Audrey Strauss, who has a storied career. Back in the day she defeated Donald Trump’s mentor Roy Cohn in taking down a mafia leader v5A1Pfu8eG8-00007-00008106-00008754 Since that time her career has been focused on aggressive white collar criminal enforcement v5A1Pfu8eG8-00008-00008754-00010214 Keep in mind that Audrey Strauss is going to have authority over any Trump related criminal prosecutions by the SDNY going forward – and her specialty consists of taking down crime families and white collar criminals v5A1Pfu8eG8-00009-00010214-00010987 Read into that whatever you like. We’ll all find out SDNY’s next moves soon enough v5b0peBwfR8-00000-00000513-00001803 President Trump’s recent remarks about the Otto Warmbier case are the latest example of a “chronic problem” Trump has yet to overcome, Washington Post opinion writer Charles Lane argued Friday v5b0peBwfR8-00001-00001803-00003606 During a news conference Thursday in Hanoi, Trump told reporters that he took North Korean leader Kim Jong Un at his word that he was unaware about the imprisonment of Warmbier, an American college student who was detained for 17 months -- and then died one week after his release v5b0peBwfR8-00002-00003606-00005084 During Friday's "Special Report" All-Star panel, Lane -- as well as Wall Street Journal columnist Jason Riley and Washington Free Beacon editor-in-chief Matthew Continetti -- weighed in on the political fallout of Trump’s rhetoric regarding Warmbier’s death v5b0peBwfR8-00003-00005084-00006453 Lane began by noting that during Trump’s tribute to the Warmbier family in his 2018 State of the Union address, the president never directly placed blame on Kim, but on the Pyongyang "dictatorship v5b0peBwfR8-00004-00006453-00007247 ".“He’s been trying to sort of shield Kim from blame for this all along," Lane argued, referring to Trump v5b0peBwfR8-00005-00007247-00008294 "The thing that was different this time, he seemed to go an extra step at assert that, ‘Oh he wouldn’t have wanted to do that because it wouldn’t have been to his advantage v5b0peBwfR8-00006-00008294-00009629 ' It was almost like [Trump was] lawyering on his [Kim's] behalf.”.Lane added that Trump has had a “chronic problem” with how he talks about human rights abuses ever since his 2016 presidential campaign v5b0peBwfR8-00007-00009629-00010682 He pointed to Trump's defense of Saudi Arabia after the death of writer Jamal Khashoggi and to Russia’s efforts to disrupt the 2016 election v5b0peBwfR8-00008-00010682-00012108 After Trump made this week's Warmbier remarks, Riley told the panel, the White House realized it had to “walk this back,” especially because Warmbier’s family issued a statement that placed blamed squarely on Kim v5b0peBwfR8-00009-00012108-00012926 “Kim Jong Un basically took the position that the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia took, which is, ‘These were rogue underlings v5b0peBwfR8-00010-00012926-00014336 I really didn’t know anything about it. I’m very, very sorry,'" Riley said. "But we all know that in countries like North Korea and Saudi Arabia, nothing happens without the leadership at the top knowing about it v5b0peBwfR8-00011-00014336-00016183 So they’re obviously lying about this.".Meanwhile, Continetti said that with the collapse of the Hanoi summit, Trump has now experienced the “limits” of personal diplomacy -- and instead of denuclearization, the president may view a “ratcheting down of tensions” as a more realistic end goal with North Korea v5b0peBwfR8-00012-00016183-00016922 “He has to keep in mind who Kim is, who the North Korean regime are," Continetti told the panel v5b0peBwfR8-00013-00016922-00017484 "And they are the world’s most chronic and terrible violators of human rights." vDDWFOAX5xA-00000-00000571-00001764 The Trump administration announced Thursday that it plans to change labor regulations so that more salaried workers are eligible for overtime pay when they work long hours vDDWFOAX5xA-00001-00001764-00002760 But its proposal would benefit far fewer middle-class workers than the stalled plan that the Obama administration put forward just three years ago vDDWFOAX5xA-00002-00002760-00003833 Unlike hourly employees, very few U.S. workers paid on salary are guaranteed time-and-a-half pay when they work more than 40 hours in a week vDDWFOAX5xA-00003-00003833-00005139 The Trump plan, developed by the Labor Department, would expand protections to more workers by raising what’s known as the overtime salary threshold ― the salary below which all workers are assured overtime pay vDDWFOAX5xA-00004-00005139-00006618 For more than a decade, that threshold has remained a measly $23,660. That means if your salary is greater than that, you can work unlimited hours in a week and earn nothing more than your base salary vDDWFOAX5xA-00005-00006618-00007597 The Trump proposal would raise the threshold to roughly $35,000, expanding the universe of workers entitled to time-and-a-half pay vDDWFOAX5xA-00006-00007597-00008629 “Our economy has more job openings than job seekers and more Americans are joining the labor force,” Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta said in a statement vDDWFOAX5xA-00007-00008629-00009376 “[T]oday’s proposal would bring common sense, consistency, and higher wages to working Americans'' vDDWFOAX5xA-00008-00009376-00010356 But worker advocates say the administration is doing the employer lobby a favor, by proposing a threshold that they say is still too low vDDWFOAX5xA-00009-00010356-00011476 By not raising it even higher, they say, companies will still be allowed to work many of their employees excessive hours knowing they won’t have to pay them anything extra for it vDDWFOAX5xA-00010-00011476-00012730 Democrats piled on the plan before it was even officially released. “If the Trump administration follows through on this rule, it would be breaking its promise to hardworking Americans,” Sen vDDWFOAX5xA-00011-00012730-00013916 Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) said in a statement. .The Obama administration tried to reform the overtime rules in a more aggressive and worker-friendly way vDDWFOAX5xA-00012-00013916-00014875 In 2016, they released a plan to roughly double the salary threshold, to $47,476 vDDWFOAX5xA-00013-00014875-00015995 It was one of the most ambitious economic reforms of Obama’s presidency, a plan he said would restore higher wages and leisure time to overworked Americans vDDWFOAX5xA-00014-00015995-00016826 .And yet it never made its way into law. Most employers despised the plan, calling it a job killer vDDWFOAX5xA-00015-00016826-00017826 The proposal would have left them with an unpleasant choice: either cap their workers at 40 hours, or start paying them more for their extra work vDDWFOAX5xA-00016-00017826-00019111 They sued to stop it from going into effect. A federal judge in Texas granted an injunction in 2016, saying Obama’s Labor Department exceeded its authority the way it wrote the new rule w0xVMS6krlI-00000-00000571-00001177 Michael Cohen, the longtime lawyer and aide to Donald Trump, testified before the Senate intelligence committee on Tuesday in the first of three congressional appearances this week that could contain explosive testimony about how Trump allegedly broke the law while in office, according to US media reports w0xVMS6krlI-00001-00001177-00001783 Cohen, who once said he would “take a bullet” for Trump but has since turned against his former boss, appeared before the Senate panel in a closed session w0xVMS6krlI-00002-00001783-00002389 Over the course of the hearings, NBC News said Cohen plans to “provide evidence of alleged criminal conduct by Trump since he became president”, while the New York Times reported Cohen “will use documents and his personal experiences to support his statements'' w0xVMS6krlI-00003-00002389-00002995 Cohen will appear in another closed session before the House intelligence committee on Thursday w0xVMS6krlI-00004-00002995-00003601 But all eyes will be on what the former Trump aide reveals on Wednesday, when he is to testify before the Houseoversight and reform committee in a public hearing w0xVMS6krlI-00005-00003601-00004207 Tensions rose ahead of the long-awaited session, when the Florida lawmaker Matt Gaetz on Tuesday appeared to threaten Cohen on Twitter w0xVMS6krlI-00006-00004207-00004813 Cohen’s lawyer, Lanny Davis, said his team would not respond to Gaetz’ allegations, “except to say we trust that his colleagues in the House, both Republicans and Democrats, will repudiate his words and his conduct” w0xVMS6krlI-00007-00004813-00005419 Cohen will be testifying under penalty of perjury but will probably be met with skepticism from Republicans who will seek to draw attention to a track record of dishonesty w0xVMS6krlI-00008-00005419-00006025 The White House sought to discredit Cohen on Tuesday before the hearings began.The White House spokeswoman, Sarah Sanders, issued a statement saying he was “going to prison for lying to Congress and making other false statements'' wYKlye4i6PM-00000-00000513-00001918 On Tuesday, House Democrat Elijah Cummings clashed with the White House, alleging that the Trump administration had refused to comply with Democrats’ repeated investigations into the process of issuing security clearances wYKlye4i6PM-00001-00001918-00003261 Cummings and Democrats have drawn criticism from Republicans and the White House for their repeated probes and investigations, with the security clearance probe specifically appearing to target President Trump’s family wYKlye4i6PM-00002-00003261-00004078 White House counsel Pat Cipollone has, in turn, accused the House Oversight and Reform Committee, of which Rep wYKlye4i6PM-00003-00004078-00004692 Cummings is the Chairman, of “unprecedented and extraordinarily intrusive demands wYKlye4i6PM-00004-00004692-00005909 ”.As the two sides have continued to clash, Cummings has accused the White House of stonewalling attempts at furthering the probe into security clearances, and has vowed to keep the investigation going wYKlye4i6PM-00005-00005909-00007610 House Oversight and Reform Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) on Tuesday criticized the White House for failing to comply with requests for documents and interviews in connection with his panel’s probe into the Trump administration’s security clearance process wYKlye4i6PM-00006-00007610-00009344 Cummings, who said he would consult committee lawmakers to “determine our next steps” to obtain those materials, also released a new letter written by White House counsel Pat Cipollone in which he accused the committee of making “unprecedented and extraordinarily intrusive demands” in the course of its probe wYKlye4i6PM-00007-00009344-00010893 Cipollone also argued that the committee was overstepping its oversight powers with the requests, writing that the “decision to grant or deny a security clearance is a discretionary function that belongs exclusively to the Executive Branch wYKlye4i6PM-00008-00010893-00012173 ”.Cummings on Tuesday blasted the White House counsel’s argument as “[defying] the Constitutional separation of powers, decades of precedent before this Committee, and just plain common-sense wYKlye4i6PM-00009-00012173-00013986 ”.“The White House appears to be arguing that Congress has no authority to examine decisions by the Executive Branch that impact our national security — even when the President’s former National Security Advisor has pleaded guilty to lying about his contacts with foreign government officials,” Cummings said wYKlye4i6PM-00010-00013986-00015661 “There is a key difference between a president who exercises his authority under the Constitution and a president who overrules career experts and his top advisors to benefit his family members and then conceals his actions from the American people,” the top Democrat said wZd2YsB6Mr0-00000-00000571-00001498 A former ESPN writer has penned a new book in which he claims that President Trump is a notorious cheat, when it comes to the game of golf wZd2YsB6Mr0-00001-00001498-00002977 Longtime Sports Illustrated and ESPN sportswriter Rick Reilly, includes interviews and stories from a large group of people who have played with Trump, to put together a book titled: Commander in Cheat: How Golf Explains Trump wZd2YsB6Mr0-00002-00002977-00003674 “To say ‘Donald Trump cheats’ is like saying ‘Michael Phelps swims,’” Reilly explains in the book wZd2YsB6Mr0-00003-00003674-00004358 “He cheats at the highest level. He cheats when people are watching and he cheats when they aren’t wZd2YsB6Mr0-00004-00004358-00005293 He cheats whether you like it or not. He cheats because that’s how he plays golf … if you’re playing golf with him, he’s going to cheat wZd2YsB6Mr0-00005-00005293-00006600 ”.Reilly himself has played with Trump on several occasions.The former ESPN scribe takes particular exception with Trump’s claim to possess a handicap of 2,8, an excellent score wZd2YsB6Mr0-00006-00006600-00007297 “If Trump is a 2,8, Queen Elizabeth is a pole vaulter,” Reilly quips.According to the Hill: wZd2YsB6Mr0-00007-00007297-00008070 The book also details Trump allegedly exaggerating or creating facts and figures about his golf courses wZd2YsB6Mr0-00008-00008070-00009206 According to the Post, Reilly writes that Trump’s course at Bedminster boasts a plaque with a quote from course architect Tom Fazio that says ‘This is the best design I’ve ever done wZd2YsB6Mr0-00009-00009206-00009985 ’.Fazio told Reilly, ‘I don’t believe I said it exactly like that.’.Actor Samuel L wZd2YsB6Mr0-00010-00009985-00010975 Jackson claims, “We clearly saw him hook a ball into a lake at Trump National [Bedminster, New Jersey], and his caddy told him he found it!” wZd2YsB6Mr0-00011-00010975-00011610 Reilly also takes shots at the commander-in-chief for his shunning of golf etiquette wZd2YsB6Mr0-00012-00011610-00012325 Specifically, Trump’s apparent habit of not removing his hat during handshakes after rounds wZd2YsB6Mr0-00013-00012325-00013388 In addition to not taking his hat off in the clubhouse.Reilly’s best explanation for these, and other alleged failings?: “Golf, is like bicycle shorts wZd2YsB6Mr0-00014-00013388-00014020 It reveals a lot about a man.”.The book will be available in bookstores on Tuesday wbBS3ig4bEk-00000-00000571-00001394 “Obamacare is a disaster, it’s too expensive by far, people can’t afford it and the deductible is horrible,” Trump said wbBS3ig4bEk-00001-00001394-00002182 The president responded to questions from White House reporters about health care during an appearance in the Oval Office wbBS3ig4bEk-00002-00002182-00003013 He said that his administration had improved Obamacare during his presidency, but that he wanted to ultimately replace it wbBS3ig4bEk-00003-00003013-00004013 “It’s still horrible, no good, it’s something that we can’t live within this country, because it’s far too expensive for the people,” Trump said wbBS3ig4bEk-00004-00004013-00004818 He noted that premiums were too expensive and that in many cases, deductibles were over $7,000 annually wbBS3ig4bEk-00005-00004818-00005818 “The premiums are too expensive, people are going broke trying to pay for it,” he said, adding that he understood the problems with health care better than before wbBS3ig4bEk-00006-00005818-00006482 The president reaffirmed that the Republicans would be the party of “great health care” in the future wbBS3ig4bEk-00007-00006482-00007192 “The Democrats aren’t, they’ve let you down, they came up with Obamacare, its terrible,” Trump said wbBS3ig4bEk-00008-00007192-00008104 Trump said he was pleased that he repealed Obamacare’s individual mandate, as people across the United States repeatedly thanked him for it wbBS3ig4bEk-00009-00008104-00008927 The Justice Department’s announced on Monday they would side with a Texas judge’s ruling that Obamacare was unconstitutional wbBS3ig4bEk-00010-00008927-00009721 In response, Democrats argued that Trump was trying to take away coverage for pre-existing medical conditions wbBS3ig4bEk-00011-00009721-00010758 Trump said the White House and Republicans in Congress were already exploring options to replace Obamacare if it was struck down by the Supreme Court wbBS3ig4bEk-00012-00010758-00011635 “If the Supreme Court rules that Obamacare is out, we will have a plan that is far better than Obamacare,” he said xem6-HueLuk-00000-00000513-00001244 Donald Trump has launched two berserk attacks against the late John McCain in the past two days xem6-HueLuk-00001-00001244-00002072 In an alternate universe where Lindsey Graham is still Lindsey Graham, he’s surely throwing fire at Trump as we speak xem6-HueLuk-00002-00002072-00003368 But back in this universe, where Lindsey Graham is now behaving like some kind of meth-addled Kremlin asset who’s been ordered to protect Trump at all costs, he’s responding in rather different fashion xem6-HueLuk-00003-00003368-00005933 Four hours after Donald Trump hurled his second series of false and misleading insults at John McCain, his longtime “best friend” Lindsey Graham finally spoke up and said something about the matter: “As to @SenJohnMcCain and his devotion to his country: He stepped forward to risk his life for his country, served honorably under difficult circumstances, and was one of the most consequential senators in the history of the body xem6-HueLuk-00004-00005933-00007022 Nothing about his service will ever be changed or diminished.”.Unfortunately for Graham, that’s not the kind of response that anyone was looking for xem6-HueLuk-00005-00007022-00008028 Though his words about John McCain seem heartfelt, he’s clearly afraid to criticize Donald Trump for attacking McCain, or even mention Trump’s name xem6-HueLuk-00006-00008028-00009425 Various observers pointed out that while Graham made a point of tagging @SenJohnMcCain in the hope of getting the attention of McCain’s followers, he didn’t dare tag @RealDonaldTrump for fear that Trump might see it xem6-HueLuk-00007-00009425-00011340 We’ve seen Lindsey Graham take people’s heads off on a regular basis. But when it comes to defending his best friend in life, who happens to be a recently deceased American war hero, it’s clear that Graham is at least as worried about offending Putin’s man Donald Trump as he is about honoring America’s man McCain yJ6Q-wL0ICU-00000-00000571-00001326 “We’re going to win so much, you’re going to be so sick and tired of winning.” -Trump 2016 yJ6Q-wL0ICU-00001-00001326-00002415 Well I’m not sick of it yet, Mr. President!.One of the leading Democrat Super PACs in the country just made a historic 2020 Swing State announcement yJ6Q-wL0ICU-00002-00002415-00003470 “A report from Priorities USA…significantly downgrades Ohio’s targetability, listing it as a “GOP Watch” state along with Texas and Iowa'' yJ6Q-wL0ICU-00003-00003470-00004429 This Democrat Super PAC spent around $133 Million in support of Hillary Clinton during the 2016 election yJ6Q-wL0ICU-00004-00004429-00005043 If they are removing Ohio as a priority, it could mean very good things for Trump yJ6Q-wL0ICU-00005-00005043-00006338 Does this mean Ohio will vote Red for sure?.Absolutely not.The last thing we want to do is pull a Hillary and think we have things locked up, when they are anything BUT locked up yJ6Q-wL0ICU-00006-00006338-00007182 Ohio is being downgraded as ‘not a priority’ for one important reason….Its American Patriots like you and me yJ6Q-wL0ICU-00007-00007182-00007919 The only way a swing state turns one color or the other is from Americans going out to the polls and voting yJ6Q-wL0ICU-00008-00007919-00008848 There’s no way around it.The PAC says if they win Ohio, its because they will have won in easier states first yJ6Q-wL0ICU-00009-00008848-00009964 I’d like to see them try!.We still need FULL support to win Ohio and keep it Red and we need to go after the other states with just as much patriotism yJ6Q-wL0ICU-00010-00009964-00010515 I know we can do it, just make sure you are doing your part! zZp-g2aBUB8-00000-00000513-00001265 Mitch McConnell announced the Senate will not be able to stand behind President Trump and his emergency declaration zZp-g2aBUB8-00001-00001265-00002059 4 Senators voted with Democrats, giving them the 51 votes they need to block Trump’s emergency order zZp-g2aBUB8-00002-00002059-00002864 The 4 Senators are.Susan Collins of Maine.Lisa Murkowski of Alaska.Thom Tillis of North Carolina zZp-g2aBUB8-00003-00002864-00003958 and Rand Paul of Kentucky.This move will be merely symbolic as President Trump will veto the resolution and there will not be enough Senators to override this veto zZp-g2aBUB8-00004-00003958-00005042 Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell acknowledged Monday that the Senate will pass a resolution blocking President Donald Trump’s emergency declaration on the southern border zZp-g2aBUB8-00005-00005042-00006338 The Kentucky Republican’s comments underscore his inability to shield the president from a bipartisan rebuke, though McConnell added that he expected the House to uphold the president’s veto zZp-g2aBUB8-00006-00006338-00007821 McConnell’s Kentucky GOP colleague Rand Paul became the fourth Republican senator to join 47 Senate Democrats in supporting the House-passed disapproval resolution, which needs a simple majority to go to Trump’s desk zZp-g2aBUB8-00007-00007821-00008712 The Senate will vote later this month on the measure to stop Trump from unilaterally redirecting billions toward his border wall zZp-g2aBUB8-00008-00008712-00010256 “What is clear in the Senate is that there will be enough votes to pass the resolution of disapproval, which will then be vetoed by the president and then in all likelihood the veto will be upheld in the House,” McConnell said at an event in Louisville, Ky zZp-g2aBUB8-00009-00010256-00011251 McConnell said Senate Republicans are studying whether it can amend the resolution but that “it’s never been done before,” and their options are unclear zZp-g2aBUB8-00010-00011251-00012829 McConnell also made clear he tried to dissuade Trump from declaring the emergency, arguing that future Democratic presidents could use it to further liberal policy proposals: “That’s one reason I argued without success that he not take this route zZp-g2aBUB8-00011-00012829-00013591 ”.“I was one of those hoping the president would not take the national emergency route,” McConnell said zZp-g2aBUB8-00012-00013591-00014388 “Once he decided to do that I said I would support it, but I was hoping he wouldn’t take that particular path zZp-g2aBUB8-00013-00014388-00014488 ” Z0SAVNwN_HE-00000-00000571-00001764 It seems like Russian President Vladimir Putin may be deciding that Donald Trump is more trouble than he’s worth, after he failed to lift US sanctions against Russia multiple times Z0SAVNwN_HE-00001-00001764-00002694 Russian officials are speaking out against Trump, mocking him, taunting, and now, talking about releasing blackmail material Z0SAVNwN_HE-00002-00002694-00003517 A Russian debate took place on Russian state-run television where several Russian officials discussed various political issues Z0SAVNwN_HE-00003-00003517-00004269 One of which was was Nikita Isaev, the Director of the Russian Institute of Contemporary Economics Z0SAVNwN_HE-00004-00004269-00005625 He said, “Let’s hit Trump with our Kompromat!”, which certainly looks like a reference to the infamous Pee Pee Tape or, at the very least, some type of other blackmail material the Kremlin is holding over Trump’s head Z0SAVNwN_HE-00005-00005625-00007044 (NOTE: In Russian politics,kompromat, short for “compromising material” is damaging information about a politician or other public figure used tocreate negative publicity, forblackmail, or for ensuring loyalty Z0SAVNwN_HE-00006-00007044-00008044 ) The host asked, “Do we have it?” Isaev responded “Of course we have it!” You can watch the hour-long Russian-language video can be watched here Z0SAVNwN_HE-00007-00008044-00008864 Julia Davis brought this to our attention when she pointed out Nikita Isaev’s call for the release of Kompromat Z0SAVNwN_HE-00008-00008864-00009985 The interested part here is that someone in Isaev’s position wouldn’t have said something like this on Kremlin-controlled TV unless Vladimir Putin gave him permission to say it Z0SAVNwN_HE-00009-00009985-00011395 Could it be that Putin has grown tired of Trump and wants to do everything he can to finish him off quickly and stop the bleeding? And why not? Putin wanted Trump in the White House, he should be the one to push him out Z0SAVNwN_HE-00010-00011395-00012106 We will be eagerly awaiting the release of this thing, as it will be explosive, without question ZvzkbsvezBI-00000-00000571-00001323 Donald Trump’s declaration of a national emergency over his vanity wall has already triggered several lawsuits ZvzkbsvezBI-00001-00001323-00002086 Now, three Texas landowners have filed suit against Trump’s fake national emergency declaration ZvzkbsvezBI-00002-00002086-00003298 According to Al Jazeera, they are joined in the suit by Frontera Audobon Society, an environmental nonprofit “that acts as a haven for birds, butterflies and other wildlife ZvzkbsvezBI-00003-00003298-00004147 ” The three citizens who are part of the suit are residents of Starr County, which sits on the Texas border with Mexico ZvzkbsvezBI-00004-00004147-00005272 The county’s immediate proximity to the Mexican border puts it directly in the path of the proposed border wall, which if built, would deprive them of access to their lands ZvzkbsvezBI-00005-00005272-00007200 As I pointed out earlier, California is filing suit and California’s Attorney General told ABC’s George Stephanoplous that the state is “ready to go” with its case and expects to be joined by several other states, including New Mexico, Oregon, Minnesota, New Jersey, Hawaii and Connecticut ZvzkbsvezBI-00006-00007200-00007895 Becerra believes that the states have “clear legal standing” and that Trump “knows he’s going to lose ZvzkbsvezBI-00007-00007895-00008689 ” So, why do it?.It’s difficult to understand Trump’s moves amid his faltering attempts at governing the country ZvzkbsvezBI-00008-00008689-00010246 He has been an unapologetic failure since the inception of his presidency. It’s obvious that he’s pandering to his base (or what’s left of it these days), but just how stupid does he really think they are? That wall is not going to be built ZvzkbsvezBI-00009-00010246-00010894 Perhaps he thinks he can just give them another dog and pony show and they’ll be happy ZvzkbsvezBI-00010-00010894-00012464 In the meantime, the rest of us are suffering. .He cost the American people well in excess of the $5.7 billion he initially requested when he shut down our government for 35 days, causing damage to many American families ZvzkbsvezBI-00011-00012464-00013731 He will expend additional funds defending the already-filed and coming lawsuits against his fake emergency, which will ultimately be stricken down by his own words: “I didn’t need to do this ZvzkbsvezBI-00012-00013731-00014898 But I’d rather do it much faster.”.Trump has no clue about running our government, or much of anything else for that matter, as evidenced by his multiple bankruptcies ZvzkbsvezBI-00013-00014898-00015791 And to what end? It has been shown time and again that the bulk of drugs in this country do not come across the Mexican border ZvzkbsvezBI-00014-00015791-00017301 Governor Gavin Newsom summed it up best when he referred to the wall as a “vanity project” and a “monument to stupidity” and further characterizes Trump’s move as “a blatant political ploy that he engineered after being embarrassed by House Speaker Pelosi ZvzkbsvezBI-00015-00017301-00018260 ”.Rather than learning to do the job for which he was not legitimately elected to begin with, Donald Trump thrives on being a bully ZvzkbsvezBI-00016-00018260-00019613 The American people will not be bullied by him. We will stand together and see that he is out of office as soon as humanly possible while we pray that he doesn’t do so much damage that it can’t be undone -ywo2YHTEt8-00000-00000513-00001790 An essential philosophical actuality comes to us compliments of Karl Popper, who tells us that if we are tolerant of everything, including intolerance itself, we are doomed to destruction -ywo2YHTEt8-00001-00001790-00003715 As a philosophy, therefore, a strict adherence to tolerance is unsustainable.. Contradicting that notion is a pastime commonly playing out on the internet these days – it’s the sort of game I could easily imagine Kellyanne Conway playing – a game that tacitly assigns demerits to opponents for perceived hatefulness -ywo2YHTEt8-00002-00003715-00004575 It goes in principal like this: the debate belongs not to who has the best point, but who is the least hateful in how they say it -ywo2YHTEt8-00003-00004575-00006265 Thus comparisons are riddled, Kellyanne-like, with false equivalencies. They’re intended to communicate that the real crimes in all activities between Trumpers and anti-Trumpers are committed by the participants who are, in language particularly, the most hateful -ywo2YHTEt8-00004-00006265-00007067 In other words, hateful speech is the actual crime, and actual “hate-crime” is merely in the eye of the beholder -ywo2YHTEt8-00005-00007067-00007806 And if you are just as hateful in your speech as your opponent, then the debate is a tie and nobody wins. -ywo2YHTEt8-00006-00007806-00009428 Well I call rubbish, or its more potent vulgar equivalent. We do not have time to temper our language or the volume of our invective when dealing with proponents of Donald Trump, and we particularly don’t have to do it in order to be right or virtuous -ywo2YHTEt8-00007-00009428-00010666 I do not tolerate the notion that referring to Trump supporters as “morons” or “evil” or even “evil morons” qualifies me for an automatic blot on my forensic escutcheon -ywo2YHTEt8-00008-00010666-00011609 I call Trump supporters evil morons because that is precisely what they are, and if you don’t like it, you can jolly well lump it. -ywo2YHTEt8-00009-00011609-00012419 There is simply too much at stake in the world right now, so much so that we can no longer afford the luxury of polite tolerance -ywo2YHTEt8-00010-00012419-00013534 We don’t know just how bad climate change is, or how quickly it will spell our ruin, which is precisely why we cannot afford to waste time with a man like Donald Trump -ywo2YHTEt8-00011-00013534-00014908 We do not know how close to midnight the Doomsday Clock is in actuality, we just know that we cannot afford to continue to permit a hamfisted evil idiot like Donald Trump to remain in charge of the nuclear codes. -ywo2YHTEt8-00012-00014908-00015723 We very well may survive Donald Trump as a species, even if we continue to tolerate him and his followers -ywo2YHTEt8-00013-00015723-00016737 But we shouldn’t hesitate to fill every American, every Briton and every citizen of the world with appropriate and urgent dread – and an equivalent intolerance to match it. -XE1T6DqKWQ-00000-00000571-00001697 California has been losing residents in recent years and I can’t imagine why!.I mean really…Don’t you guys like rampant homelessness and horrible Democrat policy? -XE1T6DqKWQ-00001-00001697-00002415 No? Well you’re not alone.Someone snapped a picture of these great Patriots on the way to Texas -XE1T6DqKWQ-00002-00002415-00003110 Apparently other people feel strongly about it too, they are fed up with California -XE1T6DqKWQ-00003-00003110-00004000 If you have bad eyes like me, I’ll give you a transcript. There are two moving trailers on the road with writing on the back -XE1T6DqKWQ-00004-00004000-00004766 They say:.Texas or BUST. More tax dollars leaving California.Take that California -XE1T6DqKWQ-00005-00004766-00005565 If you keep running off hard-working Americans from your state you will be even more bankrupt than you are now! -XE1T6DqKWQ-00006-00005565-00006518 (California state debt is over $1.5 Trillion).Maybe take a lesson from the great state of Texas – we do things right -XE1T6DqKWQ-00007-00006518-00007608 We’ve got no income tax, 3.8% unemployment, and a whole bunch of patriots that want to protect the American way of life we all love -XE1T6DqKWQ-00008-00007608-00008339 The only way we can continue to enjoy these freedoms is by making sure our voice is heard at the polls -XE1T6DqKWQ-00009-00008339-00009063 Texas (and many other states) are trying to be turned blue by Democrats and we have got to get the word out -XE1T6DqKWQ-00010-00009063-00009820 Please help President Trump and do your part right now. Make sure your friends and family know! -Y8Z7wr52wk-00000-00000513-00001712 President Donald Trump announced Saturday he would soon sign an executive order requiring colleges and universities to support free speech if they want federal resources -Y8Z7wr52wk-00001-00001712-00002764 Trump is highlighting concerns from some conservatives that their voices were being censored, whether on social media or at the nation's universities -Y8Z7wr52wk-00002-00002764-00004138 He did not go into more detail about what the order would say, but his comments immediately drew scrutiny from those who noted that public research universities already have a constitutional obligation to protect free speech -Y8Z7wr52wk-00003-00004138-00005557 "An executive order is unnecessary as public research universities are already bound by the First Amendment, which they deeply respect and honor," said Peter McPherson, president of the Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities -Y8Z7wr52wk-00004-00005557-00006751 "It is core to their academic mission.".Trump invited Hayden Williams to join him Saturday while he addressed activists attending the Conservative Political Action Conference -Y8Z7wr52wk-00005-00006751-00007511 Williams was punched Feb. 19 while on the campus of University of California, Berkeley -Y8Z7wr52wk-00006-00007511-00008655 He was recruiting for the conservative group Talking Points USA.Two men approached and one punched him during a confrontation captured on student cellphones -Y8Z7wr52wk-00007-00008655-00009415 University of California, Berkeley police arrested a suspect, Zachary Greenberg, on Friday -Y8Z7wr52wk-00008-00009415-00010373 Williams, who had a black eye, told Fox News that the men objected to a sign that said "Hate Crime Hoaxes Hurt Real Victims -Y8Z7wr52wk-00009-00010373-00011442 ".Neither Williams nor Greenberg are affiliated with UC Berkeley.Trump told the audience Saturday that Williams "took a hard punch in the face for all of us -Y8Z7wr52wk-00010-00011442-00012348 " Meanwhile, Williams said many conservative students face "discrimination, harassment or worse if they dare speak up on campus -Y8Z7wr52wk-00011-00012348-00013247 ".Trump offered no details about what the executive order might say about what has become a thorny issue on college campuses -ZAEM1siuVo-00000-00000571-00001477 Stop us if you’ve heard this one before, because it’s becoming a more frequent refrain by the day, but Donald Trump just had a rather horrible day -ZAEM1siuVo-00001-00001477-00002744 Michael Cohen gave three suitcases of evidence to Congress, two of Trump’s current lawyers have already been incriminated as a result, and we don’t even know what else is in those magic suitcases -ZAEM1siuVo-00002-00002744-00004418 Trump appears to be pretty darn scared of it all.Shortly after Michael Cohen finished testifying for the day, by which time Trump attorneys Jay Sekulow and Rudy Giuliani were left contemplating life behind bars, Donald Trump had nothing left to do but run his mouth -ZAEM1siuVo-00003-00004418-00005113 Unfortunately for Trump, he couldn’t come up with anything remotely coherent to say -ZAEM1siuVo-00004-00005113-00006503 Donald Trump posted this bizarre tweet, quoting one of his remaining allies: “Congressman Chris Stewart: ‘No one is accusing the President of a crime and yet they (the Democrats) are issuing hundreds of subpoenas -ZAEM1siuVo-00005-00006503-00007705 This is unprecedented.’ They are desperately trying to find anything they can, even a punctuation mistake in a document!” Wait, what? Where do we even start with this? -ZAEM1siuVo-00006-00007705-00008857 First of all, everyone is accusing Donald Trump of a crime. Second, if we were locking people up for punctuation errors, Trump would already be in solitary confinement -ZAEM1siuVo-00007-00008857-00010089 In reality these crimes include insurance fraud, money laundering, bribery, bank fraud, wire fraud, obstruction of justice, and conspiracy against the United States -ZAEM1siuVo-00008-00010089-00011463 Finally, it’s notable that Trump is quoting one of his shrinking number of congressional allies; thirteen GOP Congressmen and as many as fifteen GOP Senators are voting against Trump’s national emergency _2iTu6RS8Lk-00000-00000513-00001923 President Donald Trump on Saturday attacked U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller ahead of his report on alleged Russia collusion by the Trump campaign in 2016 and said his political opponents were “trying to take me out with bullshit _2iTu6RS8Lk-00001-00001923-00003820 ”.In a speech that lasted more than two hours — his longest since taking office two years ago — Trump also vented about Democrats, a proposed “green new deal,” illegal immigrants and criticism of his North Korea summit, while voicing optimism about his own re-election prospects in 2020 _2iTu6RS8Lk-00002-00003820-00005131 Addressing a cheering audience at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference in Oxon Hill, Maryland, Trump veered off-script to launch a tirade about events that led to the Russia investigation _2iTu6RS8Lk-00003-00005131-00006024 He mocked his former attorney general, Jeff Sessions, and former FBI Director James Comey, both of whom Trump fired _2iTu6RS8Lk-00004-00006024-00007223 “We’re waiting for a report by people who weren’t elected,” Trump said of the Mueller report, which is widely expected to be handed over to Attorney General William Barr in the coming days _2iTu6RS8Lk-00005-00007223-00008503 Deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein appointed Mueller in May 2017 to take over the Russia investigation after Trump fired Comey, whose agency had led the probe initially _2iTu6RS8Lk-00006-00008503-00009862 Rosenstein is expected to step down by mid-March.Swarms of young adults stood to applaud Trump in the packed hotel ballroom where he spoke, at times breaking into chants like “Trump is our Man” and “We Love You _2iTu6RS8Lk-00007-00009862-00010692 ”.Trump said Comey was Mueller’s “best friend,” and implied Comey should have been fired before Trump took office _2iTu6RS8Lk-00008-00010692-00012087 “Unfortunately, you put the wrong people in a couple of positions and they leave people for a long time that shouldn’t be there and all of a sudden they are trying to take you out with bullshit, okay?” Trump said _2iTu6RS8Lk-00009-00012087-00012751 “Now Robert Mueller never received a vote and neither did the person who appointed him,” he added _2iTu6RS8Lk-00010-00012751-00013803 Trump still has made no move to fire Mueller, a Republican and respected former FBI director who has conducted his investigation with utmost secrecy _2iTu6RS8Lk-00011-00013803-00014639 Trump also mocked the Southern accent of Sessions and criticized him for recusing himself from the Russia probe _2iTu6RS8Lk-00012-00014639-00015650 In November, Trump fired Sessions, a former U.S. senator from Alabama who was among the first Republican lawmakers to back Trump’s presidential bid _2iTu6RS8Lk-00013-00015650-00016807 Trump’s face perspired as he lashed out at critics after a stressful week during which his former lawyer Michael Cohen accused the president in congressional testimony of breaking the law _2iTu6RS8Lk-00014-00016807-00017672 Also, the president concluded a summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in Hanoi without reaching a denuclearization deal _2iTu6RS8Lk-00015-00017672-00018957 The White House has rejected Cohen’s allegations and on Saturday, Trump said his talks with Kim were productive and could lead to an agreement in which other, unspecified nations provide aid to Pyongyang _2iTu6RS8Lk-00016-00018957-00019934 Trump addressed criticism from the parents of Otto Warmbier, an American student who died after 17 months in a North Korean prison _2iTu6RS8Lk-00017-00019934-00020778 They had complained when Trump said at a Hanoi news conference that he believed Kim had nothing to do with Warmbier’s death _2iTu6RS8Lk-00018-00020778-00021789 “I love Otto,” Trump said, but added he was trying to maintain “a delicate balance” with the North Koreans as he attempts to coax them into giving up their nuclear program _2iTu6RS8Lk-00019-00021789-00022805 Trump ridiculed a Democratic “green new deal” plan to fight climate change, pointing to provisions such as reducing airplane flights or eating less beef _2iTu6RS8Lk-00020-00022805-00023654 “This is the craziest plan,” Trump said, adding that Democratic support for it would help Republicans politically _2iTu6RS8Lk-00021-00023654-00024654 He said he believed he will win in 2020, rejecting critics who said lack of support for Trump was behind the Republican loss of the U _2iTu6RS8Lk-00022-00024654-00025427 S. House of Representatives last November.“Wait ‘til you see what happens when I do run,” he said _2iTu6RS8Lk-00023-00025427-00026506 Democratic National Committee spokesman Daniel Wessel quickly hit back on Saturday afternoon, describing the speech in a statement as “a bizarre, unhinged rant _2iTu6RS8Lk-00024-00026506-00026606 ” _Exd4besM0y-00000-00000513-00001260 Special Counsel Robert Mueller has filed a report about his investigation with the Attorney General _Exd4besM0y-00001-00001260-00002234 Although no details of any kind have been revealed about the nature of the report, numerous pundits are painting this as the “end” of Mueller’s work _Exd4besM0y-00002-00002234-00003292 We’re here to tell you that Mueller didn’t come out of retirement and spend two years working on this case just so he could file a book report and go home _Exd4besM0y-00003-00003292-00004157 For that matter, Robert Mueller didn’t come out of retirement just to take down the likes of Paul Manafort and Roger Stone _Exd4besM0y-00004-00004157-00005235 Mueller watched Donald Trump commit felony obstruction of justice by firing FBI Director James Comey to try to shut down this investigation _Exd4besM0y-00005-00005235-00006147 When Mueller took over the probe, it became about more than just the Trump-Russia scandal; it became about Donald Trump’s crimes _Exd4besM0y-00006-00006147-00007106 We don’t know what Robert Mueller’s gameplan is for bringing Donald Trump to justice, but we know there is one, or Mueller wouldn’t have taken the job _Exd4besM0y-00007-00007106-00008096 Mueller could be planning anything from having the SDNY indict Trump any minute now, to spelling out in his report that Trump should be indicted _Exd4besM0y-00008-00008096-00009376 As this plays out in the coming hours and days, keep this in mind: no matter how many times the TV pundits insist that no new indictments have accompanied Robert Mueller’s report, they don’t know this _Exd4besM0y-00009-00009376-00010112 They don’t know what indictments may or may not be under seal, or what might be unsealed and when _Exd4besM0y-00010-00010112-00011387 Until actual news breaks, the pundits are largely just going to spin the current lack of information into a worst case scenario, because that’s what they think will scare you into staying tuned in _Exd4besM0y-00011-00011387-00012860 One even bigger thing to keep in mind: although Robert Mueller’s mandate was to investigate the Trump-Russia election scandal, whenever he’s uncovered alleged crimes that fall outside that mandate, he’s handed them off to U _Exd4besM0y-00012-00012860-00013934 S. Attorneys’ offices for prosecution. For instance, Michael Cohen is headed to prison for crimes that have basically nothing to do with Trump-Russia _Exd4besM0y-00013-00013934-00014908 So you can fully expect that Mueller has referred for prosecution all the alleged crimes he’s uncovered on the part of everyone in Donald Trump’s orbit _Exd4besM0y-00014-00014908-00015352 This isn’t over; today is the starting point _EN25yIbNpY-00000-00000117-00000274 Мяне завуць Андэрс Петэрсан. _EN25yIbNpY-00001-00000274-00000560 Я выканаўчы дырэктар Civil Rights Defenders. _EN25yIbNpY-00002-00000617-00001127 Сёння Civil Rights Defenders далучаецца да міжнароднай кампаніі па вызваленні сямі сябраў каманды "Вясны", _EN25yIbNpY-00003-00001127-00001603 якія ў цяперашні час знаходзяцца пад вартай за сваю важную і законную працу па абароне правоў чалавека ў Беларусі. _EN25yIbNpY-00004-00001704-00002378 У гэты дзень спаўняецца год адвольнага затрымання каардынатаркі сеткі валанцёраў "Вясны" Марфы Рабковай. _EN25yIbNpY-00005-00002412-00002830 Цяпер Марфе пагражае да 12 гадоў пазбаўлення волі па сфабрыкаваным абвінавачванні, _EN25yIbNpY-00006-00002830-00003159 накіраваным на спыненне важнай праваабарончай дзейнасці "Вясны" ў Беларусі. _EN25yIbNpY-00007-00003230-00003729 За год пасля затрымання Марфы грамадзянская супольнасць у Беларусі была яшчэ больш ізаляваная і рэпрэсаваная. _EN25yIbNpY-00008-00003831-00004128 Яшчэ шэсць сябраў "Вясны" былі затрыманыя: _EN25yIbNpY-00009-00004128-00004264 Алесь Бяляцкі, _EN25yIbNpY-00010-00004315-00004500 Валянцін Стэфановіч, _EN25yIbNpY-00011-00004536-00004753 Уладзімір Лабковіч, _EN25yIbNpY-00012-00004776-00004934 Леанід Судаленка, _EN25yIbNpY-00013-00004978-00005144 Таццяна Ласіца _EN25yIbNpY-00014-00005195-00005379 і Андрэй Чапюк. _EN25yIbNpY-00015-00005453-00005790 Мы з гонарам называем іх імёны і падтрымліваем "Вясну". _EN25yIbNpY-00016-00005953-00006357 Мы заклікаем да неадкладнага і безумоўнага іх вызвалення з-пад варты. _EN25yIbNpY-00017-00006410-00006471 Дзякуй! _X54hiniTHU-00000-00000571-00001550 “I don’t want to have anyone coming in that’s on welfare,” Trump told Breitbart News in the more-than-40-minute interview in the Oval Office on Monday afternoon _X54hiniTHU-00001-00001550-00002945 “We have a problem, because we have politicians that are not strong, or they have bad intentions, or they want to get votes, because they think if they come in they’re going to vote Democrat, you know, for the most part _X54hiniTHU-00002-00002945-00004711 ”.Trump’s answer came in response to Breitbart News editor-in-chief Alexander Marlow citing a statistic from a report the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) published in December that over 60 percent of non-citizen families entering the United States end up on welfare _X54hiniTHU-00003-00004711-00006054 The report found that 63 percent of non-citizen households end up on welfare, whereas just 35 percent of native-born American households end up on welfare—a major disparity _X54hiniTHU-00004-00006054-00006897 The report also shows that in non-citizen households with children, welfare usage skyrockets to 79 _X54hiniTHU-00005-00006897-00008350 6 percent.Trump added that while it is his belief that some industries need more workers brought in in various capacities, the Democrats and the left are pushing to bring anyone and everyone into the country regardless of the consequences _X54hiniTHU-00006-00008350-00010014 “They’ll take anybody into this country and we’re not allowing it, but because of the success of the country economically, some people say—I blame myself, but that’s a good blame not a bad blame—but because of the country’s success and you need workers here,” Trump said _X54hiniTHU-00007-00010014-00010823 “You do need workers. You have homes in Houston, and they can’t get people to build the homes—and lots of other places _X54hiniTHU-00008-00010823-00011625 But because of what’s happened, and because of the people coming up, they want them to come in and they don’t care how they come in'' _X54hiniTHU-00009-00011625-00012477 .From there, Trump added that he does not want people coming into the United States who are going to be dependent on welfare programs _X54hiniTHU-00010-00012477-00013454 “I don’t want people that need welfare,” Trump said. “We owe a lot of money. We’re taking care of everybody in the world’s military _X54hiniTHU-00011-00013454-00014556 But now as you know I got over $100 billion from NATO countries. But that’s not enough, that’s not enough, we’re paying for massive portions of NATO _X54hiniTHU-00012-00014556-00015619 We shouldn’t be paying for this. They should be paying their own way, and we can help them, but we shouldn’t be paying for—and by the way, here’s a beauty _X54hiniTHU-00013-00015619-00016324 We pay for their military defense and then they take advantage of us on trade in addition _X54hiniTHU-00014-00016324-00016956 It used to be in order to have the trade we take care of them—but they get us both ways _X54hiniTHU-00015-00016956-00018127 ''. .He completed his thought in this portion of the interview by adding that it’s “no good” that the Democrats want to bring in people from other parts of the world who are dependent on welfare for decades _X54hiniTHU-00016-00018127-00019132 “But I don’t like the idea of people coming in and going on welfare for 50 years, and that’s what they want to be able to do—and it’s no good,” Trump said _X54hiniTHU-00017-00019132-00019979 This is the first of several stories to follow from this exclusive Breitbart News interview with President Trump in the Oval Office _fhjGm_SPm0-00000-00000571-00001286 President Trump has a love/hate (and then hate some more) relationship with "Saturday Night Live _fhjGm_SPm0-00001-00001286-00002318 " At one time, Trump seemed to be a fan of the show and even hosted it twice, including once as a presidential candidate in November 2015 _fhjGm_SPm0-00002-00002318-00003290 But that was then. As we all know by now, Trump is hostile to "SNL" and has lashed out at the NBC show numerous times _fhjGm_SPm0-00003-00003290-00004243 It started in October 2016 when he called for the show to be canceled for doing a "hit job" on him, and has continued unabated since _fhjGm_SPm0-00004-00004243-00005518 Just two weeks ago he complained about a repeat episode of "SNL" for "knocking" him and suggested that the "Federal Election Commission and/or FCC" should look into it and other late-night comedy shows _fhjGm_SPm0-00005-00005518-00006560 (Someone really needs to tell Trump that whining is not winning.).But this past Saturday night Trump might have fallen back in love -- at least temporarily _fhjGm_SPm0-00006-00006560-00007618 "SNL's" cold open was truly a comedic victory lap for Trump, played by Alec Baldwin, over the long-awaited findings of the Mueller report _fhjGm_SPm0-00007-00007618-00008282 Don't get me wrong -- the show still mocked Trump, but the takeaway was that "Daddy won _fhjGm_SPm0-00008-00008282-00010136 " And, as you probably guessed, "Daddy" is Trump.In addition to the now-classic Baldwin portrayal of Trump, the sketch opened with actor Robert DeNiro returning as Robert Mueller and Aidy Bryant as Trump's Attorney General William Barr, who is depicted as determined to protect Trump at all costs _fhjGm_SPm0-00009-00010136-00011116 DeNiro's Mueller began by saying, "I am submitting these 380 pages."."I am writing almost four pages," Bryant's Barr countered _fhjGm_SPm0-00010-00011116-00012396 "I am reading zero pages," Baldwin's Trump responded.From there, though, the sketch didn't depict Trump as colluding with Russia or being guilty of wrongdoing, as it has in the past _fhjGm_SPm0-00011-00012396-00014193 Rather, this cold open was about Trump celebrating his win. DeNiro's Mueller explained that he had not reached a "definite conclusion" on whether Trump had committed obstruction of justice, to which "Barr" responded, "But I have, and my conclusion is: Trump's clean as a whistle _fhjGm_SPm0-00012-00014193-00014953 " Baldwin's Trump declared "Free at last, free at last!" and then sounded an air horn in celebration _fhjGm_SPm0-00013-00014953-00016337 And those expected redactions of the Mueller report? "In conclusion, it is my hope that this report will be made public, with a few redactions," said DeNiro's Mueller --causing "Barr" to counter, "Hella redactions _fhjGm_SPm0-00014-00016337-00016437 " _iWlbc35Zi8-00000-00000571-00002141 Game of Thrones is finally big enough to engulf us. As the HBO blockbuster reaches its final season, it has definitively crossed over from the novelty mugs and Funko Pop! figurines of middle-class nerdery and into the full mainstream _iWlbc35Zi8-00001-00002141-00003520 And with that comes a cultural cachet that threatens to ruin the spider’s web-thin magic of it: tie-in promotional products, mid-song name drops, that font they use becoming a weird medieval-style joke _iWlbc35Zi8-00002-00003520-00004215 Here are some of the best and worst examples of our world crossing over with Westeros _iWlbc35Zi8-00003-00004215-00005084 Medium: That Ed Sheeran cameo.Despite all the hype, Sheeran’s season seven cameo wasn’t actually that bad _iWlbc35Zi8-00004-00005084-00006158 He had one line and a bit of song in a rare soldiers-can-be-tender-too scene towards the end of the first episode, as Arya met members of the Lannister army on the road _iWlbc35Zi8-00005-00006158-00007652 While it was a little bit distracting having one of our world’s biggest pop stars in a scene for literally no reason at all, the main worry is that this will encourage more redheaded music icons to apply for a cameoship _iWlbc35Zi8-00006-00007652-00008658 When all the flames have burned down to nothing and all the Walkers have been conquered, if it turns out Geri Horner sits on the Iron Throne then I’m blaming Sheeran _iWlbc35Zi8-00007-00008658-00009907 And I will riot.In 2016’s horny banger Down & Dirty, Little Mix’s Jade sings: “I don’t ask the mirror, I know I’m the fairest / I’m bringin’ the fire, so call me Daenerys _iWlbc35Zi8-00008-00009907-00012310 ” This is bad, unquestionably, but in a very curious way it’s good. It’s hard to catalogue culture when we’re so fundamentally inside it, and it won’t be until 12, 15 years in the future – when Little Mix reunite for a comeback single performed on Loose Women, tired choreography with heavy baby bumps – that we’ll have the hindsight to actually see this era of history for what it was _iWlbc35Zi8-00009-00012310-00013686 It was 1,000 Marvel movies at once, that weird two-week period when we all had hoverboards, not really downloading apps any more, and Game of Thrones references in album-only pop songs A4CAb8Saohc-00000-00000571-00002146 Former president George W. Bush has been fairly quiet on presidential politics since his tenure in the White House ended but that all changed when he appeared on the Today Show with some harsh remarks on current president Donald Trump’s job performance thus far A4CAb8Saohc-00001-00002146-00002966 Bush had a particularly firm clapback at Trump over a rude insult he seems to be constantly hurling at the media A4CAb8Saohc-00002-00002966-00004350 Our current president, as anyone who is paying attention knows, is extremely skillful at pointing out flaws, exaggerating nearly any situation, and maybe his most poignant talent- fabricating nonsense altogether A4CAb8Saohc-00003-00004350-00005845 One of his favorite insults is calling the media “the enemy of the people’. Given the importance of free press to this country, having a commander in chief who constantly berates them and often hinders them from doing their job is quite disturbing A4CAb8Saohc-00004-00005845-00007046 GWB thinks so, too. Here’s what he had to say.“I consider the media to be indispensable to democracy… We need an independent media to hold people like me to account A4CAb8Saohc-00005-00007046-00008107 Power can be very addictive and it can be corrosive and it’s important for the media to call to account people who abuse power, whether it be here or elsewhere A4CAb8Saohc-00006-00008107-00009771 ”.Former President George W. Bush, on Trump’s insults on the media.Robert Reich, who served as Secretary of Labor under President Bill Clinton and who is now a fierce anti-Trump presence, took to Facebook to voice his thoughts on Bush’s comments A4CAb8Saohc-00007-00009771-00010912 Since the time of these exchanges, it would be nice to able to say that President Trump had cooled it with the constant harassment of the media, but unfortunately that is not the case A4CAb8Saohc-00008-00010912-00012694 In most cases, he’s gotten even worse. From verbally attacking reporters at the White House and stripping them of their press passes to singling out The New York Times – one of the nation’s most reputable news outlets – and other broadcasting firms and calling them “crazed lunatics” A4CAb8Saohc-00009-00012694-00013658 A common sentiment among many Democrats is that they never thought they would be in a position of actually missing a Bush presidency, yet here we are A4CAb8Saohc-00010-00013658-00014580 With incoherent ramblings and rude remarks as our current president’s particular brand of leading the country, almost ANYTHING would be better than this AC_gyLsr8Cu-00000-00000571-00001310 Earlier this week, it was discovered that the Feds raided the office of Trump’s friend Elliott Broidy over the summer AC_gyLsr8Cu-00001-00001310-00002287 This was a secret until documents leaked through ProPublica. This is a huge blow to Trump and for the Republican National Committee AC_gyLsr8Cu-00002-00002287-00003661 The big news here is that the Feds have kept this raid a secret all this time. This suggests the evidence they found during it has been used in the ongoing investigation to bring down other targets AC_gyLsr8Cu-00003-00003661-00004554 Broidy’s willingness to keep the raid secret shows he’s cooperating or at the very least he has something to hide AC_gyLsr8Cu-00004-00004554-00005403 The report from ProPublica revealed that the Feds targeted Broidy over allegations of money laundering and lobbying for Trump AC_gyLsr8Cu-00005-00005403-00006628 The Feds can use Broidy’s crime to get to Trump and his administration. They have had about 9 months to use the evidence before others found out they had it, that’s a big advantage AC_gyLsr8Cu-00006-00006628-00007783 Elliott Broidy also has his own personal scandals. He paid his mistress $1.6 million to have an abortion and remain silent about their affair AC_gyLsr8Cu-00007-00007783-00008909 It’s also suspected that Donald Trump was actually the man who impregnated the woman and Broidy just helped cover up the story, but there’s no proof of that to support it AC_gyLsr8Cu-00008-00008909-00009982 The raid has probably uncovered the truth one way or another.Let’s not forget that Broidy was the Deputy Finance Chairman for the Republican National Committee AC_gyLsr8Cu-00009-00009982-00011246 He only lost this role once his scandals began surfacing. The financial records and emails seized in the raid could very well connect the RNC to the Trump campaign and the White House AC_gyLsr8Cu-00010-00011246-00012202 So while we may not know exactly what they uncovered in the raid, we know it was something important and has many potential ramifications ASkUJQqoit4-00000-00000571-00002151 If you’re familiar with Donald Trump’s criminal defense attorney Jay Sekulow, it’s probably because Sekulow once appeared on Fox News and gave such a bewilderingly stupid answer, host Chris Wallace famously blurted out “Oh, boy this is weird ASkUJQqoit4-00001-00002151-00003410 ” It turns out Sekulow is even dumber than we thought. In fact he’s allegedly committed two different kinds of felonies, and there appears to be hard and fast evidence to nail him on at least one of them ASkUJQqoit4-00002-00003410-00004395 When Michael Cohen showed up to Congress for his fourth round of testimony today, he brought several suitcases full of evidence with him ASkUJQqoit4-00003-00004395-00005202 We still don’t know the full extent of what was in those suitcases, but two separate storylines have surfaced ASkUJQqoit4-00004-00005202-00006046 One is that Jay Sekulow instructed Cohen in writing to lie to Congress in 2017 about Trump Tower Moscow ASkUJQqoit4-00005-00006046-00006788 The other is that Sekulow tried to dangle a pardon in Cohen’s face. So why is this so devastating? ASkUJQqoit4-00006-00006788-00008146 Assuming Cohen’s evidence really does support this, Jay Sekulow is going down for suborning perjury and obstruction of justice on the testimony issue, and he’s going down for obstruction of justice on the pardon issue ASkUJQqoit4-00007-00008146-00008864 That means Sekulow is going to prison for a long time, unless he cuts a plea deal against Donald Trump ASkUJQqoit4-00008-00008864-00009771 Sekulow can testify about any crimes he and Trump plotted together, as attorney-client privilege doesn’t apply to such situations ASkUJQqoit4-00009-00009771-00010784 We’ll see what Jay Sekulow does. But if he’s not planning to cut a plea deal, then his life is over, and he might as well just report to prison right now ASkUJQqoit4-00010-00010784-00011573 Sure, Sekulow is the kind of person who’s dumb enough to hold out for an imaginary Trump pardon ASkUJQqoit4-00011-00011573-00012636 But considering he was in on the original attempt at conning Michael Cohen into believing he would be pardoned, perhaps Sekulow won’t fall for the pardon scam himself D5_Jxpz7yIu-00000-00000571-00002018 And we’re off the to the races. Just hours after the House Judiciary Committee voted to subpoena the Mueller report, the House Ways and Means Committee formally asked the Treasury Department to turn over Donald Trump’s tax returns D5_Jxpz7yIu-00001-00002018-00003008 And while the timeframe for the Mueller report subpoena is still unclear, the timeframe for Trump’s taxes is very clear – and very abrupt D5_Jxpz7yIu-00002-00003008-00004708 .House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal has given the Treasury Department just one week to turn over Donald Trump’s personal tax returns from 2013 to 2018, along with several of his business tax returns, according to several major news outlets D5_Jxpz7yIu-00003-00004708-00005521 The law is very clear that the committee has the authority to do this, and Trump has no legal way of stopping this D5_Jxpz7yIu-00004-00005521-00006268 . .If Trump is planning to try to stop this through less than legal methods, we’ll find out soon enough D5_Jxpz7yIu-00005-00006268-00007203 If this request isn’t met by April 10th, you can expect the House Ways and Means Committee to formally subpoena Trump’s tax returns D5_Jxpz7yIu-00006-00007203-00008209 Trump’s Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin could theoretically try to unilaterally block his agency from complying, but this would put him in contempt of Congress D5_Jxpz7yIu-00007-00008209-00009209 Mnuchin has consistently come across as loyal to Trump, but it’s unclear if he’s willing to face legal consequences to try to protect Trump D5_Jxpz7yIu-00008-00009209-00010656 .House Democrats are coming out with their legal guns blazing today. Between their quest for the Mueller report and their quest for Donald Trump’s tax returns, we’re about to start seeing some truly ugly dirt surface on Trump D5_Jxpz7yIu-00009-00010656-00011730 If he were smart, he’d try to negotiate his resignation now, in exchange for partial immunity from criminal prosecution, before more of his crimes are unearthed D5_Jxpz7yIu-00010-00011730-00012216 But Trump isn’t exactly playing it smart these days DwYvLcse2HU-00000-00000571-00002054 President Donald Trump acknowledged Thursday that North Korea is not ready to completely wind down its nuclear weapons program because, telling Fox News's Sean Hannity that he understands how much work the country has put into its arsenal DwYvLcse2HU-00001-00002054-00002867 Trump spoke with Hannity following two days of meetings on denuclearization with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in Vietnam DwYvLcse2HU-00002-00002867-00003622 That summit was abruptly cut short Thursday afternoon after it became clear that no deal could be reached DwYvLcse2HU-00003-00003622-00004607 In a clip of Trump’s interview that aired on “Fox & Friends,” Trump said that Kim only “wanted to denuke certain areas, and I wanted everything'' DwYvLcse2HU-00004-00004607-00005826 “The sanctions are there, and I didn't want to give up the sanctions unless we had a real program, and they're not ready for that and I understand that fully, I really do,” he continued DwYvLcse2HU-00005-00005826-00006563 “I mean, they spent a lot of time building it. But that doesn't mean the world has to be happy DwYvLcse2HU-00006-00006563-00008042 But I wanted them to denuke.”.Trump said in a press conference following the summit that Kim demanded total relief from sanctions in exchange for incremental steps toward denuclearization, something he was unwilling to agree to DwYvLcse2HU-00007-00008042-00008995 “They were willing to denuke a large portion of the areas that we wanted but we couldn’t give up all of the sanctions for that,” he told reporters DwYvLcse2HU-00008-00008995-00009959 Even in walking away from a deal in Hanoi, Trump signaled that his personal relationship with Kim had impacted his thinking on U DwYvLcse2HU-00009-00009959-00011531 S. policy towards North Korea. Asked by a reporter from South Korea if he planned on heaping more sanctions on North Korea to pressure Kim back to the negotiating table, the president said that he was seeing things from a new perspective DwYvLcse2HU-00010-00011531-00012263 “I don't want talk about increasing sanctions, they're strong,” he said before wrapping up his press conference DwYvLcse2HU-00011-00012263-00012978 “They have a lot of great people in North Korea that have to live also, and that’s important to me DwYvLcse2HU-00012-00012978-00014047 I would say this, my whole attitude changed a lot because I got to know, as you know, Chairman Kim very well, and they have a point of view also'' Df-TkAiL_WY-00000-00000571-00002715 Last Friday, after months of threats and temper tantrums, our Infant-in-Chief did what Speaker Pelosi called, “a power grab by a disappointed president, who has gone outside the bounds of the law to try to get what he failed to achieve in the constitutional legislative process,” and declared a National Emergency in order to get his border wall Df-TkAiL_WY-00001-00002715-00004481 Since then, Democrats and Republicans alike have condemned this action and are working to force a vote on a resolution of disapproval to block the emergency declaration and, according to The Associated Press, are expected to file the resolution to the House on Friday Df-TkAiL_WY-00002-00004481-00005254 In addition, at least 16 states have filed lawsuits challenging Trump’s declaration Df-TkAiL_WY-00003-00005254-00006302 Today, Republican Senator Susan Collins came forward with a statement saying that she would support a resolution to block Trump’s border wall declaration Df-TkAiL_WY-00004-00006302-00007054 While speaking to reporters, Collins said:.‘If it’s a clean disapproval resolution, I will support it Df-TkAiL_WY-00005-00007054-00007749 ’.Several other Republican senators have voiced their concerns over Trump’s declaration Df-TkAiL_WY-00006-00007749-00008619 Among them, Senator Lisa Murkowski, who said she didn’t “think that this is a matter that should be declared a national emergency Df-TkAiL_WY-00007-00008619-00009974 ”.Senator Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn) also made a statement saying that Trump’s decision was “unwise” because it sets a precedent for future presidents to use the same tactic to get what they want Df-TkAiL_WY-00008-00009974-00011573 Alexander said:.‘It is inconsistent with the U.S. Constitution because, after the American Revolution against a king, our founders chose not to create a chief executive with the power to tax the people and spend their money any way he chooses Df-TkAiL_WY-00009-00011573-00012184 The Constitution gives that authority exclusively to a Congress elected by the people Df-TkAiL_WY-00010-00012184-00013336 ’.Senator Collins said in a separate statement:.‘I would not be at all surprised if the courts find that the president’s action is contrary to the separation of powers Df-TkAiL_WY-00011-00013336-00014326 I don’t think under the Constitution that he can unilaterally decide to move these funds, which were legally appropriated, from one project to another Df-TkAiL_WY-00012-00014326-00015264 ’.Let’s hope that she’s right and that other Republicans, in addition to those mentioned above, come forward to support the House resolution EsFRgV0ocAY-00000-00000513-00001861 The U.S.-North Korea Hanoi summit ended with no agreement. Now the beautiful words of peace and denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, the goal agreed upon in Singapore last June, are ringing hollow EsFRgV0ocAY-00001-00001861-00002608 It was encouraging that President Donald Trump at least showed interest in continuing dialogue EsFRgV0ocAY-00002-00002608-00003496 But now the serious reality is that no real restraint on the nuclear weapons activities of North Korea is yet in place EsFRgV0ocAY-00003-00003496-00004363 The dangerous nuclear game can continue. And as long as nuclear weapons exist, there can be no real peace EsFRgV0ocAY-00004-00004363-00005157 The situation between India and Pakistan today makes the dangerous illusion of nuclear deterrence clear EsFRgV0ocAY-00005-00005157-00006184 When the two rivals declared themselves nuclear powers some twenty years ago, many said they would keep each other in check, in parity under the concept of deterrence EsFRgV0ocAY-00006-00006184-00006826 But today’s tensions show the real danger of escalation into nuclear war between the two EsFRgV0ocAY-00007-00006826-00007670 Even a single miscalculation can lead to a nuclear war. And the consequences would be catastrophic and global EsFRgV0ocAY-00008-00007670-00008754 The survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are speaking, even today, of their unbearable suffering that has continued for over seven decades EsFRgV0ocAY-00009-00008754-00009697 The immediate terror of the bombs turned into long-term suffering as radiation caused multiple types of cancers, even decades later EsFRgV0ocAY-00010-00009697-00010554 Those who abandoned family members had to go through their lives in trauma. They say they have experienced the “hell EsFRgV0ocAY-00011-00010554-00011896 ” We must ensure that hell never visits humanity again.The failure of the Hanoi summit made clear the limitations of bilateral talks, especially those between two leaders known to be temperamental EsFRgV0ocAY-00012-00011896-00012761 An international, multilateral process is urgently needed. It was President Moon Jae-in of South Korea who made the U EsFRgV0ocAY-00013-00012761-00014219 S.-North Korea process happen, for the sake of the peace of the two Koreas.The host countries Singapore and Vietnam, as nuclear-weapon-free states, contributed greatly by providing neutral places to talk EsFRgV0ocAY-00014-00014219-00015687 Now regional stakeholders, including China and other members of the halted six-party talks, as well as the United Nations, should play a more active role to prevent further setbacks and move the disarmament agenda forward EsFRgV0ocAY-00015-00015687-00016381 Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, including North and South, remains viable EsFRgV0ocAY-00016-00016381-00017429 On the side of the North, there must be comprehensive, time-bound, verified and irreversible dismantlement of all nuclear weapons and their programs EsFRgV0ocAY-00017-00017429-00018328 To date, no plan has been made. No time frame has been set. And no verification has been agreed EsFRgV0ocAY-00018-00018328-00019427 The first step would be for North Korea to join the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty, thus allowing international verification of test sites EsFRgV0ocAY-00019-00019427-00020117 This would be the entry point for multilateral engagement to North Korea's disarmament process EsFRgV0ocAY-00020-00020117-00020911 South Korea has a vital and often forgotten role to play in denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula EsFRgV0ocAY-00021-00020911-00021841 The country continues to officially rely on the so-called “nuclear umbrella” policy, in which South Korea takes part in the U EsFRgV0ocAY-00022-00021841-00022630 S. nuclear war game and declares the U.S. could launch a nuclear attack on the nation’s behalf EsFRgV0ocAY-00023-00022630-00023536 The same applies to Japan. It is also essential to remove these threats, through pursuing nuclear disarmament on the side of the U EsFRgV0ocAY-00024-00023536-00024597 S. and its allies.There is a solution. The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, which was adopted in 2017 by a great majority of U EsFRgV0ocAY-00025-00024597-00025456 N. members, provides a pathway to genuine nuclear disarmament. Both North and South Korea should join the treaty now EsFRgV0ocAY-00026-00025456-00026509 By doing so, North Korea would be obliged to declare all nuclear weapons and their programs and put them up for dismantlement under international verification EsFRgV0ocAY-00027-00026509-00027120 South Korea would be obliged to part with any assistance to U.S. nuclear weapons EsFRgV0ocAY-00028-00027120-00028405 If the U.S. is serious about nuclear disarmament, it must stop pressuring other nations to reject the nuclear prohibition treaty and fulfil in good faith its own disarmament obligation EsFRgV0ocAY-00029-00028405-00029327 South Africa once developed nuclear bombs under the Apartheid government. The nation was an isolated state under international sanctions EsFRgV0ocAY-00030-00029327-00030521 They realized nuclear weapons were part of a weak and inhumane regime. The country abandoned them all as they shifted to a modern democracy and accepted international verification EsFRgV0ocAY-00031-00030521-00031231 It has now become a disarmament champion, this week ratifying the nuclear prohibition treaty EsFRgV0ocAY-00032-00031231-00033112 South Africa shows that denuclearization is possible.Multilateral nuclear disarmament means that nuclear-weapon-free states, a great majority of the world, have an essential role to play, by setting norms and cornering the handful of states that possess or endorse nuclear weapons into changing their course EsFRgV0ocAY-00033-00033112-00034275 Civil society also has a stake in the process. Remember that nuclear weapons can be detonated anytime, even today, either by design or by accident EsFRgV0ocAY-00034-00034275-00034954 And should that happen, it would be us, the people, who would bear the suffering EsFRgV0ocAY-00035-00034954-00035944 The Trump-Kim Reality TV show is over. Now is the time for everyone to join the endeavour of making these weapons of terror history Ez3gBx6Y9kc-00000-00000571-00001352 We know that Democrats have all but encouraged the caravans by blocking funds to build the border wall Ez3gBx6Y9kc-00001-00001352-00002331 And we also know that there are groups of liberal activists who are helping these caravans with supplies and legal help to cross the border Ez3gBx6Y9kc-00002-00002331-00003120 But another man is really to blame for our new border crisis and the 20,000-strong caravan Ez3gBx6Y9kc-00003-00003120-00004384 A powerful president. From the Washington Times:.US officials said Mr Trump’s frustration has flared after the Mexican government of Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador took office in December Ez3gBx6Y9kc-00004-00004384-00005562 Trump is MAD – and he’s not going to let the Mexican president get away with it.President Lopez Obrador broke with his predecessor by welcoming Central Americans into Mexico Ez3gBx6Y9kc-00005-00005562-00006641 He’s gone as far as offering them assistance and visas. This has all but ensured migrants can easily move through Mexico and attempt to jump the American border Ez3gBx6Y9kc-00006-00006641-00007425 Border arrests have surged from 60,000 per month last year to more than 100,000 just this March Ez3gBx6Y9kc-00007-00007425-00008156 But Trump has vowed to stop the Mexican president in his tracks. And he’s got 3 ways to stop him: Ez3gBx6Y9kc-00008-00008156-00009146 First, he’s getting more troops to our border. National Guardsmen will assist Border Patrol to secure our border and ports of entry Ez3gBx6Y9kc-00009-00009146-00010040 Second, he’s punishing the Central American countries Mexico has allowed through their land by pulling billions in American aid Ez3gBx6Y9kc-00010-00010040-00010967 And third, if those measures don’t curtail this fiasco, then he will simply shut down the border, preventing all trade and traffic entirely Ez3gBx6Y9kc-00011-00010967-00011834 And that’s going to hurt. Many Mexican businesses would grind to a halt, and it would probably cost them billions Ez3gBx6Y9kc-00012-00011834-00012545 Trump is putting on the pressure – and now he needs Americans to support him as Democrats try to stop him EIyGzwL-O7I-00000-00000571-00001950 Patti Davis, the daughter of former President Ronald Reagan and Nancy Reagan, revealed in a Tuesday interview that her father would be “horrified” by what the US has become under President Donald Trump EIyGzwL-O7I-00001-00001950-00003481 Davis, 66, whose IMDb page notes she is an outspoken supporter of the Democratic Party, told Yahoo News in an interview that she believed Trump is threatening democracy and “assaulting the Constitution'' EIyGzwL-O7I-00002-00003481-00004580 .“I think he would be horrified,” Davis replied. “I think he would be heartbroken because he loved this country a lot, and he believed in this country EIyGzwL-O7I-00003-00004580-00005189 I mean, that was in all of his speeches. And he believed in the goodness of people'' EIyGzwL-O7I-00004-00005189-00006474 Davis added that the Republican Party does not do anything to stop Trump from his antics, saying that there are “crickets (from Republicans) when Trump keeps assaulting the Constitution EIyGzwL-O7I-00005-00006474-00007668 ”.“The Republican Party now— particularly the Republicans in this government— are just sitting by the sidelines and letting the Trump administration destroy this country EIyGzwL-O7I-00006-00007668-00008397 I mean they don’t say anything, they don’t stand up to him,” she told host Zainab Salbi EIyGzwL-O7I-00007-00008397-00010264 Davis has also bashed Trump on other occasions. She penned an op-ed in the Washington Post in 2018 stating that her father would not have agreed with Trump’s “freewheeling rhetoric on foreign policy, his constant attacks on the media, and his hardline approach to immigration'' EOEHNf66fp4-00000-00000513-00001834 President Trump on Wednesday seized on new revelations contained in transcripts from former FBI lawyer Lisa Page’s congressional testimony to hammer the Obama Justice Department as a “broken and corrupt machine EOEHNf66fp4-00001-00001834-00003663 ”.Those transcripts, released by House Judiciary Committee Republicans, appeared to show Page confirming that DOJ officials during the Hillary Clinton email investigation made clear to the FBI that they should not pursue Clinton for “gross negligence” in the handling of classified information EOEHNf66fp4-00002-00003663-00004637 "The just revealed FBI Agent Lisa Page transcripts make the Obama Justice Department look exactly like it was, a broken and corrupt machine EOEHNf66fp4-00003-00004637-00005403 Hopefully, justice will finally be served. Much more to come!" Trump tweeted Wednesday morning EOEHNf66fp4-00004-00005403-00006254 The exchange came under questioning from Texas Republican Rep. John Ratcliffe during Page’s Hill appearance last year EOEHNf66fp4-00005-00006254-00007829 Page and since-fired FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok, who were romantically involved, exchanged numerous anti-Trump text messages in the lead-up to the 2016 presidential election, and Republicans have long accused the bureau of political bias EOEHNf66fp4-00006-00007829-00008866 "So let me if I can, I know I’m testing your memory," Ratcliffe began as he questioned Page under oath, according to a transcript excerpt he posted on Twitter EOEHNf66fp4-00007-00008866-00010172 "But when you say advice you got from the Department, you’re making it sound like it was the Department that told you: You’re not going to charge gross negligence because we’re the prosecutors and we’re telling you we’re not going to —" EOEHNf66fp4-00008-00010172-00010904 Page interrupted: "That is correct," as Ratcliffe finished his sentence, " -- bring a case based on that EOEHNf66fp4-00009-00010904-00012299 ".Ratcliffe on Tuesday tweeted that Page essentially confirmed that "the FBI was ordered by the Obama DOJ not to consider charging Hillary Clinton for gross negligence in the handling of classified information EOEHNf66fp4-00010-00012299-00014273 ".Page also testified that the DOJ and FBI had "multiple conversations . about charging gross negligence," and the DOJ decided that the term was "constitutionally vague" and "had either never been done or had only been done once like 99 years ago," and so "they did not feel they could sustain a charge EOEHNf66fp4-00011-00014273-00015937 ".In July 2016, then-FBI Director James Comey publicly announced at a bombshell press conference that Clinton had been "extremely careless" in handling classified information, but insisted that "no reasonable prosecutor" would bring a case against her EOEHNf66fp4-00012-00015937-00017272 Federal law states that "gross negligence" in handling the nation’s intelligence can be punished criminally with prison time or fines, and there is no requirement that defendants act intentionally or recklessly EOEHNf66fp4-00013-00017272-00019077 Originally Comey accused the former secretary of state of being “grossly negligent” in handling classified information in a draft dated May 2, 2016, but that was modified to claim that Clinton had merely been “extremely careless” in a draft dated June 10, 2016 EOEHNf66fp4-00014-00019077-00020420 Comey also said that "although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case EOEHNf66fp4-00015-00020420-00021504 ".He added that "prosecutors necessarily weigh a number of factors before bringing charges," including "the strength of the evidence, especially regarding intent EOEHNf66fp4-00016-00021504-00023518 ".Comey took the unusual step of holding a press conference and announcing the FBI's purportedly independent conclusions because then-Obama Attorney General Loretta Lynch was spotted meeting secretly with former President Bill Clinton on an airport tarmac as the probe into Hillary Clinton, which Lynch was overseeing, continued EOEHNf66fp4-00017-00023518-00024450 Comey's conclusion that "no reasonable prosecutor" would bring a case against Clinton has become the subject of significant debate in recent weeks EOEHNf66fp4-00018-00024450-00026164 It was revealed last month that FBI's top lawyer in 2016 thought Hillary Clinton and her team should have immediately realized they were mishandling "highly classified" information based on the obviously sensitive nature of the emails' contents sent through her private server EOEHNf66fp4-00019-00026164-00027342 And he believed she should have been prosecuted until "pretty late" in the investigation, according to a transcript of his closed-door testimony before congressional committees last October EOEHNf66fp4-00020-00027342-00028888 Strzok and Page were involved in the FBI’s initial counterintelligence investigation into Russian meddling and potential collusion with Trump campaign associates during the 2016 election, and later served on Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team EOEHNf66fp4-00021-00028888-00029531 Among the texts between the two was one concerning the so-called "insurance policy EOEHNf66fp4-00022-00029531-00031918 " During her interview with the Judiciary Committee in July 2018, Page was questioned at length about that text -- and essentially confirmed this referred to the Russia investigation while explaining that officials were proceeding with caution, concerned about the implications of the case while not wanting to go at "total breakneck speed" and risk burning sources as they presumed Trump wouldn't be elected anyway EOEHNf66fp4-00023-00031918-00032566 Further, she confirmed investigators only had a "paucity" of evidence at the start EOEHNf66fp4-00024-00032566-00034815 Comey, last December, similarly acknowledged that when the FBI initiated its counterintelligence probe into possible collusion between Trump campaign officials and the Russian government in July 2016, investigators "didn't know whether we had anything" and that "in fact, when I was fired as director [in May 2017], I still didn't know whether there was anything to it EOEHNf66fp4-00025-00034815-00034915 " ESS0hlSRolo-00000-00000571-00001589 So far, we know very little about what's in Robert Mueller's report, but we know, from Attorney General Bill Barr, that Mueller did not find collusion ESS0hlSRolo-00001-00001589-00002569 On the issue of obstruction, Barr and deputy A.G. Rod Rosenstein determined that the evidence was "not sufficient" to support prosecution ESS0hlSRolo-00002-00002569-00003580 Trump, true to form, went too far and said he had been completely exonerated. But Sunday was just day one of a multi-day story ESS0hlSRolo-00003-00003580-00004580 Team Trump plans to "slam and shame the media".CNN's Jim Acosta reports that Trumpworld is going to go after the press hard in the coming days ESS0hlSRolo-00004-00004580-00005434 The Republican National Committee is already blasting out emails with titles like "The Media Was Obsessed With The Democrat Lie ESS0hlSRolo-00005-00005434-00006994 " And many of Fox's talk show hosts are blasting CNN and MSNBC.A Trump adviser who speaks to the president regularly told Acosta to expect Trump and his team to "slam and shame the media" over Mueller's no-collusion conclusion ESS0hlSRolo-00006-00006994-00007668 "This is like Geraldo Rivera and Al Capone's vault all over again," the adviser said ESS0hlSRolo-00007-00007668-00009235 The WaPo's White House team expects the same thing: "Aides say Trump plans to highlight the cost of the probe and call for organizations to fire members of the media and former government officials who he believes made false accusations about him ESS0hlSRolo-00008-00009235-00010290 ".Oliver Darcy's analysis.Oliver Darcy emails: Sean Hannity's tweets tell you everything you need to know about Fox's programming plan for Monday ESS0hlSRolo-00009-00010290-00011254 Right-wing pundits and members of Trump's inner circle are pushing journalists to apologize for the media's coverage of the Mueller probe ESS0hlSRolo-00010-00011254-00012357 The reasoning seems to be that by covering the investigation, which ultimately did not indict anyone for conspiring with Russia, journalists hyped a baseless probe ESS0hlSRolo-00011-00012357-00013020 Some critics are going further and saying the press "lied" and "colluded" to take down Trump ESS0hlSRolo-00012-00013020-00014216 But I don't seem to recall these same pundits demanding journalists apologize for aggressively covering the Hillary Clinton email probe after James Comey decided not to bring charges ESS0hlSRolo-00013-00014216-00015528 While the two aren't perfectly identical scenarios, they were similar situations, and I don't remember a rush to declare that Fox's credibility — or any other news organization's — was tarnished for coverage of it ESS0hlSRolo-00014-00015528-00016358 Stelter's response.Oliver is right. And yet the press is going to get hammered in the hours and days to come ESS0hlSRolo-00015-00016358-00017748 I have a few thoughts about this:.-- We live in a big wild world of "media." Try to tune out the partisans who paint with a broad brush — the ones who cherry-pick individual errors and try to punish the press as a whole ESS0hlSRolo-00016-00017748-00018574 The rhetoric from folks like Donald Trump Jr. is predictable and cynical — they just want the "media" to be the enemy ESS0hlSRolo-00017-00018574-00019347 -- The federal probes of Trump's campaign and inner circle were and still are BIG stories, period ESS0hlSRolo-00018-00019347-00020237 And Trump's daily deceptions and strange actions gave Americans ample reason to be suspicious about his Russia ties ESS0hlSRolo-00019-00020237-00021144 -- But: There were mistakes made in the course of the Trump-Russia coverage. And there were newsroom choices that merit reflection now ESS0hlSRolo-00020-00021144-00021899 What did the sheer volume of the coverage signal to viewers? Take Rachel Maddow's fans, for example ESS0hlSRolo-00021-00021899-00022630 On Sunday Glenn Greenwald accused her of feeding "millions of people conspiratorial garbage ESS0hlSRolo-00022-00022630-00023962 " Do Maddow's viewers feel misled right about now?.-- News versus noise: There's been so much solid reporting about the Trump-Russia mystery, but the media ecosystem tends to reward speculation over straight news ESS0hlSRolo-00023-00023962-00024994 Are there ways to change this?.-- Mostly I agree with Emily Bell's tweet: "If the main story coming out of Mueller is a media story — that cannot be right ESS0hlSRolo-00024-00024994-00025642 Y'all need to get off Twitter for a couple of days.".Views from the left and right ESS0hlSRolo-00025-00025642-00026522 -- Want to get a feel for right-wing reactions against the press? Take a look at Mollie Hemingway or Brit Hume's Twitter feeds ESS0hlSRolo-00026-00026522-00027995 -- Matt Taibbi's piece is being widely shared: He said news that Mueller "is headed home without issuing new charges is a death-blow for the reputation of the American news media" and called Russiagate "this generation's WMD ESS0hlSRolo-00027-00027995-00029296 ".-- Franklin Foer's rebuttal to Taibbi: "Mueller has apparently endorsed the fundamental underlying case emanating from the intelligence community: The Russians were actively working to secure Trump's victory ESS0hlSRolo-00028-00029296-00031135 ".-- Rich Lowry's post for NRO: "The media coverage of the Russia investigation was abysmal and self-discrediting —obsessive and hysterical, often suggesting that the smoking gun was right around the corner, sometimes supporting its hoped-for result with erroneous, too-good-to check reporting ESS0hlSRolo-00029-00031135-00033473 Never has so little come of so many screaming chyrons.".-- And here's a counterpoint from Ryan Lizza: "Contra a lot of commentary: given the issues, stakes, and seriousness with which special counsel treated all of this, the media's coverage of Russia-Trump connection and possible obstruction over the last two years was somewhere between about right and not quite aggressive enough ESS0hlSRolo-00030-00033473-00034474 ".NYT editor doesn't have regrets.NYT executive editor Dean Baquet to the Washington Post's Paul Farhi: "I'm comfortable with our coverage ESS0hlSRolo-00031-00034474-00035221 It is never our job to determine illegality, but to expose the actions of people in power ESS0hlSRolo-00032-00035221-00035916 And that's what we and others have done and will continue to do." Here's more from Baquet ESS0hlSRolo-00033-00035916-00036879 More notes and quotes.-- Michael Calderone's headline for Politico: "Media stares down 'reckoning' after Mueller report underwhelms ESS0hlSRolo-00034-00036879-00037736 ".-- THR's Jeremy Barr says all this chatter is premature: "No need to write these stories yet," he tweeted ESS0hlSRolo-00035-00037736-00038852 "Without all the info, we are essentially ~speculating~ that the media messed up by speculating too much about Russia ESS0hlSRolo-00036-00038852-00040061 ".-- Matt Lewis writing for The Daily Beast: "Regular viewers of liberal-leaning cable news outlets may have an especially hard time grappling with the fact that the narrative has suddenly gone bust ESS0hlSRolo-00037-00040061-00040996 ".-- The bottom line, from Chuck Todd, speaking on MSNBC: "This isn't getting resolved in this country until November 2020 ESS0hlSRolo-00038-00040996-00042631 ".The right's reversal on Mueller.Oliver Darcy emails: For the better part of the last two years, members of the pro-Trump media have argued that the probe into Russian election interference was a "witch hunt" and suggested Mueller was a "deep state" dirty cop ESS0hlSRolo-00039-00042631-00044078 Now we know that Mueller's report has cleared Trump on conspiracy with Russia. So either Mueller was a lousy dirty cop, or everything these right-wing talking heads have been shouting on Fox News prime time was false ESS0hlSRolo-00040-00044078-00045042 In fact, Mueller arrived at a conclusion where the facts took him. His conclusion proves that this was no rigged witch hunt ESS0hlSRolo-00041-00045042-00045996 As Joe Walsh tweeted, "All those 'witch hunt/deep state' folks who maligned Mueller's character for 22 months owe Robert Mueller an apology ESS0hlSRolo-00042-00045996-00047009 He did his job and did it well.".-- Related: Julia Ioffe tweeted: "I'm old enough to remember when the President said we shouldn't believe anything Mueller said ESS0hlSRolo-00043-00047009-00047809 ".Don't expect to hear from the man himself.Mueller achieved almost mythical status in America ESS0hlSRolo-00044-00047809-00048725 As one of the characters in this national drama, his name came to mean so many different things to so many different people ESS0hlSRolo-00045-00048725-00049815 Hopefully, in the end, his name will mean "truth." Now that he's leaving the playing field, don't expect to see Mueller sit down for a TV interview or anything like that ESS0hlSRolo-00046-00049815-00050567 But the other characters are still playing. Republicans are accusing Democrats of moving the goalposts ESS0hlSRolo-00047-00050567-00051860 and journalists are trying to keep up with the game.FOR THE RECORD.-- Before Barr's letter came out, the president played golf with a group of men, including Fox News contributor Trey Gowdy ESS0hlSRolo-00048-00051860-00053197 -- Noted Mueller watcher Garrett Graff says he has "a million questions" now.-- NPR produced special editions of its politics podcast about the Mueller report on Friday night and again Sunday night ESS0hlSRolo-00049-00053197-00054091 -- Read more of Sunday's "Reliable Sources" newsletter here. And subscribe here to receive future editions in your inbox ESS0hlSRolo-00050-00054091-00055684 Sunday's TV coverage.-- NBC was the first of the broadcast networks to break in, at 3:36 pm, with Kate Snow anchoring and Pete Williams doing an outstanding job of reading the letter aloud and analyzing it in real time ESS0hlSRolo-00051-00055684-00056528 -- George Stephanopoulos anchored on ABC when the news came down.David Muir came in for "World News Tonight ESS0hlSRolo-00052-00056528-00057891 ".-- CBS aired four news cut-ins during CBS Sports' March Madness coverage.-- Wolf Blitzer was in the anchor chair on CNN when the letter came in, joined by Dana Bash and a full house ESS0hlSRolo-00053-00057891-00059385 Ana Cabrera picked up at 7 p.m., then Anderson Cooper at 8 and Don Lemon at 10.-- Katy Tur (who happens to be nine months pregnant right now!) anchored MSNBC's coverage from 3 until 6 p ESS0hlSRolo-00054-00059385-00060302 m. ET. Then Ari Melber took over. Kasie Hunt anchored her usual show at 7, and Melber came back at 9 ESS0hlSRolo-00055-00060302-00061039 -- Ed Henry and Dana Perino co-anchored on Fox when the news broke. Shannon Bream at 5 ESS0hlSRolo-00056-00061039-00061974 Jon Scott from 6 until 8. Then Bret Baier at 8, Steve Hilton's show at its usual time, and Bream again at 10 ESS0hlSRolo-00057-00061974-00062909 Coming up on Monday.-- CNN's "Early Start" starts an hour early, at 3 a.m. ET, and "New Day" starts at 5 ESS0hlSRolo-00058-00062909-00063614 -- Fox says Tucker Carlson will have an exclusive interview with Donald Trump Jr. on Monday night ESS0hlSRolo-00059-00063614-00064675 -- CBS is pre-empting an episode of "Bull" to air "The Mueller Report: A Turning Point," a one-hour special, Monday at 10pm Jeff Glor will anchor ESS0hlSRolo-00060-00064675-00065777 Scott Pelley, Norah O'Donnell, John Dickerson, Major Garrett, Paula Reid, Nancy Cordes, Jeff Pegues, and Elizabeth Palmer will contribute ESS0hlSRolo-00061-00065777-00066495 This almost never happens:.Every story on the front page of Monday's NYT is about the same subject ESS0hlSRolo-00062-00066495-00067459 The banner: "MUELLER FINDS NO TRUMP-RUSSIA CONSPIRACY." In the bottom left corner: "Democrats vow to push ahead and investigate ESS0hlSRolo-00063-00067459-00067559 " F6Pz-HrrG60-00000-00000571-00001545 Before meeting with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un, 35, President Donald Trump felt he enjoyed “a very special relationship” with the dictator F6Pz-HrrG60-00001-00001545-00002577 But, historically, what impact does a personal relationship between foreign leaders with opposing ideologies in the voluntary pursuit of peace really have? F6Pz-HrrG60-00002-00002577-00003483 Leaders of democracies seem to place significant value on this. Some benefit may exist, but only when a common interest is shared F6Pz-HrrG60-00003-00003483-00004716 Bearing this out most notably was British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain who clearly believed his personal relationship with Germany’s Adolf Hitler in September 1938 had secured “peace for our time F6Pz-HrrG60-00004-00004716-00006432 ” He was wrong—a year later World War II erupted.In signing the Paris Peace Accords in January, 1973, National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger believed his cordial relationship with North Vietnamese negotiator Le Duc Tho achieved peace for Vietnam F6Pz-HrrG60-00005-00006432-00008010 He too proved wrong—in April, 1975, South Vietnam fell after the North invaded.In 2012, President Barack Obama named then Turkish Prime Minister (now President) Recep Tayyip Erdogan as a best buddy F6Pz-HrrG60-00006-00008010-00009078 Obama undoubtedly left office still clinging to this belief, ignoring the tsunami of Erdogan-triggered, anti-Americanism that swept over Turkey during that time F6Pz-HrrG60-00007-00009078-00010173 This was all part of Erdogan’s agenda to undermine support for democracy, dismantling it at home to direct Turkey’s return to the days of the Ottoman Empire’s caliphate F6Pz-HrrG60-00008-00010173-00011790 Thus, Obama’s personal relationship had no positive impact.Obama’s Secretary of State, John Kerry, firmly believed a close personal relationship with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif would help generate a nuclear deal with Tehran F6Pz-HrrG60-00009-00011790-00012780 In 2009, Zarif attended the wedding of Kerry’s daughter to an Iranian-American physician whose best man was Zarif’s son F6Pz-HrrG60-00010-00012780-00014002 Kerry credited that relationship, in January, 2016, with generating the release of ten US sailors captured after their disabled boat drifted into Iranian territorial waters F6Pz-HrrG60-00011-00014002-00015196 While the good news was the personal relationship contributed to reaching a nuclear agreement, the bad news was it was a one-way friendship, earning Iran a heavily one-sided deal in its favor F6Pz-HrrG60-00012-00015196-00015935 The above represented situations in which ideologically opposed leaders shared no common ground FBGfyakE92o-00000-00000513-00001592 The Trump administration harshly criticized Iran in the wake of the sentencing of Iranian human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh to decades in prison as well as lashes FBGfyakE92o-00001-00001592-00002644 State Department spokesperson Robert Palladino said Tuesday that the U.S. condemned the sentence “in the strongest possible terms,” Radio Free Europe noted FBGfyakE92o-00002-00002644-00004118 “We are outraged to hear reports that the Iranian regime sentenced.Sotoudeh to 38 years in prison and 148 lashes,” Palladino continued, describing the punishment as “beyond barbaric FBGfyakE92o-00003-00004118-00005578 ”.Sotoudeh, a long-time defender of human rights in Iran, had been charged with “encouraging corruption and debauchery,” "colluding [and] propaganda against the system,” and “disrupting public order," according to her husband Reza Khandan FBGfyakE92o-00004-00005578-00006367 The lawyer was detained last summer and initially told she would be given a five-year prison sentence FBGfyakE92o-00005-00006367-00007093 But this week, her husband told Agence France-Presse that she’d been handed down seven new verdicts FBGfyakE92o-00006-00007093-00008153 Conflicting reports have suggested different totals for the number of years Sotoudeh will be incarcerated, with 38 years being the longest reported length of time FBGfyakE92o-00007-00008153-00009391 While the Trump administration has been quick to condemn Iran for its treatment of Sotoudeh, it has been unwilling to strongly criticize Saudi Arabia in the wake of numerous grave human rights violations FBGfyakE92o-00008-00009391-00011035 On Wednesday, the BBC reported that several women’s rights activists, including prominent citizens who had led the campaign to grant women the right to drive, have gone on trial in the Middle Eastern kingdom, which Trump has previously referred to as a “great ally FBGfyakE92o-00009-00011035-00011836 ”.“As many as 10 women were expected to appear at the criminal court in Riyadh on Wednesday,” according to the BBC FBGfyakE92o-00010-00011836-00012691 Among those facing charges is Loujain al-Hathloul, a prominent figure from the campaign to permit Saudi women to drive FBGfyakE92o-00011-00012691-00013649 Last year, the kingdom officially lifted its ban on female drivers. It was the only country in the world implementing such a ban FBGfyakE92o-00012-00013649-00014903 Jamal Abdi, president of the National Iranian American Council, told Newsweek that Iran’s treatment of Sotoudeh and other activists was “a violation of its international human rights obligations FBGfyakE92o-00013-00014903-00015608 ” However, he also criticized the Trump administration’s double standard on human rights in the Middle East FBGfyakE92o-00014-00015608-00017288 “For Trump and his team, human rights is just another cudgel they wield opportunistically in service of a vision for the Middle East dictated to them by the likes of [Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed] bin Salman and [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu,” Abdi argued FBGfyakE92o-00015-00017288-00018644 He pointed out that the “U.S. actually has leverage with our allies like Saudi Arabia to enforce human rights and international norms,” but “it turns a blind eye and even offers cover for the most perverse violations FBGfyakE92o-00016-00018644-00020221 ”.“Yet with Iran, where the Trump Administration has sanctioned itself out of influence and isolated itself on the world stage, it issues empty condemnations while punishing and undermining the Iranian people it claims to support,” he said FBGfyakE92o-00017-00020221-00021465 Many Democratic and Republican lawmakers in Washington have also criticized the Trump administration’s continued support for Saudi Arabia’s leaders, pointing to the murder of journalist and U FBGfyakE92o-00018-00021465-00022797 S. resident Jamal Khashoggi, as well as the humanitarian crisis in Yemen. A Saudi-led coalition has been waging war in Yemen, leading to the death of many civilians and a large-scale famine FBGfyakE92o-00019-00022797-00024369 “Saudi Arabia is consistently ranked among the worst human rights abusers in the world and is responsible for famine/cholera outbreak in Yemen,” progressive Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, who represents Minnesota, wrote on Twitter Tuesday FBGfyakE92o-00020-00024369-00025433 “Yet it is the top buyer of U.S.-made weapons. Why is Donald Trump siding with weapons manufacturers over human rights activists?” she asked FTnTTHL_rgU-00000-00000513-00001733 Donald Trump has made it clear throughout his time in the political spotlight that no one is off-limits when it comes to his insults and disgusting rhetoric: not the disabled, not U FTnTTHL_rgU-00001-00001733-00002657 S. war veterans, not his fellow GOP politicians, and not even a dead man whose family is still very much in mourning FTnTTHL_rgU-00002-00002657-00003995 Trump posted disparaging tweets about the late Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), whose death from brain cancer got entirely too much attention for the spotlight-seeking, thin-skinned president, on Sunday FTnTTHL_rgU-00003-00003995-00004980 On Tuesday, he doubled down on his remarks during a press conference in the Oval Office, telling reporters he was “never a fan” of McCain’s FTnTTHL_rgU-00004-00004980-00006118 Bill Weld, the former governor of Massachusetts from 1991 to 1997, is considering a primary challenge to Trump in the GOP race FTnTTHL_rgU-00005-00006118-00007166 Like many Republicans disgusted with Trump’s embarrassing Twitter attacks and destruction of the GOP, he was appalled by Trump’s continued bashing of Sen FTnTTHL_rgU-00006-00007166-00008049 McCain. On Twitter, he referred to the attacks as “contemptible,” saying that they are “beneath our dignity as Americans” FTnTTHL_rgU-00007-00008049-00008981 Apparently, enough Americans have no dignity when it comes to politics, racism, misogyny, and Islamaphobia FTnTTHL_rgU-00008-00008981-00010334 No matter how many times Trump proves that he’s giving a voice and a platform to white supremacists, his fans remain, but only because they don’t care if white supremacy is emboldened by Trump FTnTTHL_rgU-00009-00010334-00011139 It doesn’t affect the vast majority of them, and neither does Trump’s complete annihilation of their own party GsnPLTAXprc-00000-00000513-00002020 Quick, what’s happening right now? When will Robert Mueller’s report be filed? What will be in it? Who is about to be criminally charged, and by whom? Why did the DOJ just fly a plane to London from its U GsnPLTAXprc-00001-00002020-00002772 S. base where fugitive retrieval agents are stationed? Does anyone know what’s about to happen next? GsnPLTAXprc-00002-00002772-00003885 The short answer is no – at least when it comes to unscrambling the precise details of what’s happening right now, or predicting what’s about to happen by this time tomorrow GsnPLTAXprc-00003-00003885-00005053 At this point you might have a better statistical chance of accurately guessing the winner of every remaining March Madness game than accurately guessing what all will be in the Mueller report GsnPLTAXprc-00004-00005053-00005766 Of course there are some anecdotal clues that point to what’s about to happen in a less detailed sense GsnPLTAXprc-00005-00005766-00007247 Based on his recent escalating antics and unraveling behavior, Donald Trump clearly thinks the Mueller report is going to be ugly for him, and that it’s coming soon, and that he won’t be able to defend himself well against it GsnPLTAXprc-00006-00007247-00009292 But this could be based on anything from inside knowledge to general dread. More and more Republicans in Congress are voting against Trump on key issues, seemingly trying to insulate themselves from his downfall – but again, that doesn’t mean they know anything more than we do about when and how the Mueller hammer might drop on him GsnPLTAXprc-00007-00009292-00010149 Robert Mueller knows what’s in his own report, but he’s not going to tell us about it before he’s ready to tell us about it GsnPLTAXprc-00008-00010149-00010933 Mueller has had nearly two years to plan his endgame, and Donald Trump has had nearly two years to dread it GsnPLTAXprc-00009-00010933-00011706 Beyond that, we’re all on the outside looking in for the moment – and that could all change at any moment G_edo6Chy_g-00000-00000513-00001887 House Speaker Nancy Pelosi does not currently support impeaching President Donald Trump despite thinking that he's unfit for the country's highest office, according to a Washington Post magazine interview published Monday G_edo6Chy_g-00001-00001887-00002966 "I'm not for impeachment," Pelosi said. "This is news. I'm going to give you some news right now because I haven't said this to any press person before G_edo6Chy_g-00002-00002966-00004465 But since you asked, and I've been thinking about this: Impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there's something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan, I don't think we should go down that path, because it divides the country G_edo6Chy_g-00003-00004465-00005512 And he's just not worth it.".The California Democrat also said that Trump is "ethically," "intellectually," and "curiosity-wise" unfit for office G_edo6Chy_g-00004-00005512-00006923 "No, I don't think he's fit to be President of the United States," she said.Pelosi's comments published Monday are perhaps her strongest yet against the issue, but the speaker has signaled for months her resistance to pushing for impeachment G_edo6Chy_g-00005-00006923-00008229 "It's not someplace that I think we should go," Pelosi said on CNN's "State of the Union" in November 2017 when asked whether Democrats would seek to oust the President if they regained the majority G_edo6Chy_g-00006-00008229-00010332 The comments come days after House Judiciary Committee chairman Jerry Nadler announced a sweeping investigation, sending letters to 81 people and entities -- including the White House, the Justice Department, senior campaign officials, Trump Organization officials and the President's sons -- into possible corruption, obstruction of justice and abuses of power G_edo6Chy_g-00007-00010332-00011306 Democrats say they're conducting the rigorous oversight of the administration that Republicans refused to do the first two years of Trump's presidency G_edo6Chy_g-00008-00011306-00012542 While Pelosi's comments may help Democrats in competitive districts distance themselves from a divisive topic, they could frustrate some of those now in the middle of congressional investigations G_edo6Chy_g-00009-00012542-00013357 Rep. Jamie Raskin, a Democrat from Maryland, told CNN he'd "put it differently" than Pelosi G_edo6Chy_g-00010-00013357-00014229 "The Constitution calls for impeachment in cases of bribery, treason and other high crimes and misdemeanors," he said G_edo6Chy_g-00011-00014229-00015047 "So the legal case should indeed be compelling, the evidence should be overwhelming and the politics should be bipartisan G_edo6Chy_g-00012-00015047-00016052 He may not be worth it but of course that's not the standard. The country is certainly worth it if the Constitution and the public interest demand it G_edo6Chy_g-00013-00016052-00016988 "."There have, of course, been cases when impeachment investigations have been unifying, as with Richard Nixon," Raskin added G_edo6Chy_g-00014-00016988-00017972 House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff told CNN that he agreed with Pelosi and that a "failed impeachment isn't a good idea G_edo6Chy_g-00015-00017972-00018845 " The California Democrat added it doesn't make sense to move down that road "in the absence of very graphic evidence G_edo6Chy_g-00016-00018845-00019498 ".A few Democratic members of Congress have already introduced articles of impeachment G_edo6Chy_g-00017-00019498-00021042 Last week, Rep. Rashida Tlaib, a freshman Democratic lawmaker from Michigan, said she would file such a resolution this month, claiming "every single colleague" of hers believed that the President has committed impeachable offenses G_edo6Chy_g-00018-00021042-00022047 Rep. Brad Sherman, who has drafted articles of impeachment against the President, disputed Pelosi's comment that Trump "isn't worth it G_edo6Chy_g-00019-00022047-00022959 "."You don't impeach Trump for him, you impeach Trump for the Constitution," Sherman, a California Democrat, told reporters G_edo6Chy_g-00020-00022959-00024286 Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, a New York Democrat and a member of House leadership, said that pro-impeachment House Democrats "attract extraordinary amount of attention" even though there are only a "handful" of them G_edo6Chy_g-00021-00024286-00025749 "At the end of the day, there are 239 members of the House Democratic caucus and the overwhelming majority of those members have made clear that we should proceed with caution with respect to impeachment," Jeffries said G_edo6Chy_g-00022-00025749-00026958 House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy embraced Pelosi's remarks, arguing Democrats have no basis to impeach the President and are just trying to damage his political prospects G_edo6Chy_g-00023-00026958-00027494 "I think the speaker is correct in saying they won't impeach him," he said G_DeafOWEJy-00000-00000571-00001548 This week Michael Cohen publicly provided evidence and testimony regarding illegal hush money payments to two of Donald Trump’s mistresses G_DeafOWEJy-00001-00001548-00002470 Of course these are just the two payoffs that have publicly surfaced of their own accord, and we all know there are almost certainly more G_DeafOWEJy-00002-00002470-00003097 Now it turns out someone who has been on the inside agrees, and it’s all about to come out G_DeafOWEJy-00003-00003097-00003940 Assuming Michael Cohen is telling the whole truth, he was only involved in two of Donald Trump’s hush money payoffs G_DeafOWEJy-00004-00003940-00005576 But Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg, who has already sold out Team Trump in exchange for partial immunity, and who is being subpoenaed to testify before Congress, has signed off on every hush money payment that Donald Trump has ever made G_DeafOWEJy-00005-00005576-00006393 One of his former colleagues expects that Weisselberg’s testimony will expose at least five additional illegal Trump payoffs G_DeafOWEJy-00006-00006393-00007749 Barbara Res the former executive VP of the Trump Organization, appeared on the Ari Melber show on MSNBC today and stated her expectation that Allen Weisselberg knows about “lots” of additional payoffs G_DeafOWEJy-00007-00007749-00008611 When pressed for specifics, she predicted that the number was more than five, but not necessarily more than ten G_DeafOWEJy-00008-00008611-00010429 So why is this a big deal?.Donald Trump and his surrogates are already trying to spin the payoffs to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal as if they were isolated incidents that were only technically in violation of the law, and that they don’t necessarily paint Trump as some kind of career criminal G_DeafOWEJy-00009-00010429-00011108 But if several more illegal payoffs are about to surface, that’s a whole other story G_DeafOWEJy-00010-00011108-00012001 In addition, we may be about to learn all the secrets that Trump was trying to keep secret by paying all these other people off GOy7q1bAfo0-00000-00000571-00001344 Border Patrol was overwhelmed this past week with the arrival of Spring, and Trump has to do something about it GOy7q1bAfo0-00001-00001344-00002702 Without a wall, border security is crumbling.As we reported Friday, the largest caravan yet is forming to take advantage of this weakness, and some are estimating it could grow to 20,000 GOy7q1bAfo0-00002-00002702-00003964 And, according to AP, it’s coming from “El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala.”.Trump warned them to keep their people in their country back in December, but they haven’t listened GOy7q1bAfo0-00003-00003964-00004612 So Trump is done with words. He’s pulling the rug out from under them. From The Hill: GOy7q1bAfo0-00004-00004612-00005427 The United States will no longer provide foreign assistance to El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras GOy7q1bAfo0-00005-00005427-00006252 Wow! He finally did it!.When he threatened this months ago, for a time the caravans seemed to slow down GOy7q1bAfo0-00006-00006252-00006931 But with this new wave coming, Trump made sure no one was confused why they’re losing millions in aid: GOy7q1bAfo0-00007-00006931-00007566 “We were paying them tremendous amounts of money. And we’re not paying them anymore GOy7q1bAfo0-00008-00007566-00008261 Because they haven’t done a thing for us. They set up these caravans,” he reportedly said GOy7q1bAfo0-00009-00008261-00008945 That’s right. Why should we keep sending money to countries who are putting our nation at risk? GOy7q1bAfo0-00010-00008945-00009577 Don’t doubt for one second—America is by far the most generous country in the world GOy7q1bAfo0-00011-00009577-00010314 But we can’t keep helping people if our borders are overrun and our economy is swamped GOy7q1bAfo0-00012-00010314-00011510 This has got to end – and Donald is ending it!.He is pulling these funds, and he is also preparing to close down the border completely this week if Mexico doesn’t start doing its part GOy7q1bAfo0-00013-00011510-00012816 The border is about to get very quiet—just the way it should be. Then the billions Trump just fought for and won are going to be spent building fences and walls to make our border secure again GOy7q1bAfo0-00014-00012816-00013671 But Democrats and the media are giving him plenty of heat over these decisions. It’s exactly the opposite of what they would do GOy7q1bAfo0-00015-00013671-00014107 So he needs your support to get this done GiC_KEjPtRY-00000-00000571-00002480 Donald Trump has been putting on a good show. You have to give him that much. For the past month he’s been acting like a guy who’s been fully exonerated in every one of his scandals, who now had a clear path to 2020, and who was free to carry out the most grotesquely anti-American agenda possible without worry GiC_KEjPtRY-00001-00002480-00003287 But on this day we’re reminded that it is, in his own ghoulish way, just an act – and he’s very much afraid GiC_KEjPtRY-00002-00003287-00004199 .In recent days it’s become clear that House Democrats aren’t going to stop until they have their hands on Donald Trump’s tax returns GiC_KEjPtRY-00003-00004199-00005194 It’s a bold gambit. Democrats are betting that the documents will expose Trump for the criminal that most Americans already think he is GiC_KEjPtRY-00004-00005194-00006317 On the other hand, if Trump’s tax returns end up looking pretty normal, the Democrats will have a hard time explaining to the American public why they were so aggressive in obtaining them GiC_KEjPtRY-00005-00006317-00007255 . .So now it’s up to Donald Trump when it comes to how aggressively he wants to fight the inevitable, and today he showed his hand GiC_KEjPtRY-00006-00007255-00008582 Trump’s lawyers just fired off a surreal letter claiming that the House Ways and Means Committee’s request to see Trump’s tax returns is a “radical view of unchecked congressional power,” according to the New York Times GiC_KEjPtRY-00007-00008582-00009718 Again, Trump could just publicly release his tax returns and gain points if they were even moderately clean, because most people are expecting them to be a treasure trove of corruption GiC_KEjPtRY-00008-00009718-00010957 .Instead, Donald Trump is having his attorneys frantically double down on a legal strategy that, because the law is just that simple and clear cut in this regard, even he has to know can’t work GiC_KEjPtRY-00009-00010957-00011920 He’s also revealed today that he’s going to fight against his own accounting firm Mazars when it comes to the release of his financial records GiC_KEjPtRY-00010-00011920-00012910 Trump can’t win either of these fights – and when you’re reduced to taking on battles you know you can’t win, it means you don’t see a path to winning Hou-5wQlZ4c-00000-00000513-00001798 Donald Trump is continuing to get hammered in court. Last week ended with a trio of legal setbacks for Trump in New York that would take over the news cycle in any normal presidency Hou-5wQlZ4c-00001-00001798-00002558 With Trump, these developments are just raindrops in a growing thunderstorm of bad news Hou-5wQlZ4c-00002-00002558-00003540 On Thursday, a New York appeals court gave Summer Zervos the green light to proceed with her defamation lawsuit against Trump Hou-5wQlZ4c-00003-00003540-00004321 A former contestant on The Apprentice, Zervos claimed that Trump groped and kissed her without her consent Hou-5wQlZ4c-00004-00004321-00005776 Trump denied the allegations, calling them “100% false” and a “hoax.” Zervos then sued Trump under New York law for defamation, claiming that he damaged her reputation by falsely painting her as a liar Hou-5wQlZ4c-00005-00005776-00006432 Trump loves to trample on the Constitution except when he thinks it might protect him Hou-5wQlZ4c-00006-00006432-00007534 In this instance, Trump tried to hide behind the Constitution’s supremacy clause, which prevents states from interfering with the federal government’s powers Hou-5wQlZ4c-00007-00007534-00008422 His lawyers argued that the Constitution bars Zervos from bringing the claim because he is the President of the United States Hou-5wQlZ4c-00008-00008422-00009410 But the court agreed with Zervos, ruling 3-2 that even presidents are not immune from state level defamation lawsuits Hou-5wQlZ4c-00009-00009410-00010415 Also on Thursday, New York Attorney General Letitia James made a new filing in the state’s lawsuit against the Donald J Hou-5wQlZ4c-00010-00010415-00011277 Trump Foundation. Her office already succeeded in getting a court-supervised takedown of the Foundation in December Hou-5wQlZ4c-00011-00011277-00012084 But now she is asking a judge to order Trump to pay a $5.6 million penalty and $2 Hou-5wQlZ4c-00012-00012084-00013111 8 million in restitution, and to ban Trump, Don Jr., Ivanka, and Eric from running any New York charity for the next decade Hou-5wQlZ4c-00013-00013111-00015475 The filing reveals that James is armed with a wealth of “uncontroverted evidence” establishing that Trump “used Foundation funds to, among other things, pay for portraits of himself; make political donations, pay for advertising for Trump hotels, settle lawsuits involving the Trump Organization, and to improperly intervene in the 2016 election Hou-5wQlZ4c-00014-00015475-00016465 ”.Finally, on Friday, a federal judge in New York ruled against the Trump administration in a class-action lawsuit on immigration Hou-5wQlZ4c-00015-00016465-00017583 Under federal law, migrants who prove they were “abused, abandoned, or neglected” by their parents are entitled to a pathway to lawful permanent residence Hou-5wQlZ4c-00016-00017583-00018962 But in a blow to Trump’s hardline immigration aspirations, a judge ruled that the Trump administration wildly misconstrued the law and illegally denied this special status to thousands of qualified people Hou-5wQlZ4c-00017-00018962-00019853 Donald Trump’s new legal setbacks were no doubt one ingredient in the stew that led to his Twitter hysteria over the weekend Hou-5wQlZ4c-00018-00019853-00020968 Trump attacked the late Senator John McCain, threatened Saturday Night Live with a federal investigation after it aired a rerun, and barked orders at Fox News Hou-5wQlZ4c-00019-00020968-00021838 This all reflects Trump’s growing desperation, as the “president” who is obsessed with winning continues losing bigly HbpvuoyIaIg-00000-00000571-00001483 President Donald Trump dismissed the high-profile arrest of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange on Thursday, saying that it was “not my thing HbpvuoyIaIg-00001-00001483-00002596 ”.“I know nothing about Wikileaks. It’s not my thing,” Trump said when asked about a comment he made during the 2016 campaign about loving the organization HbpvuoyIaIg-00002-00002596-00003908 .Assange was arrested Thursday morning in London on a US extradition request.The president said he was aware of the news but said that Assange’s prosecution would be determined by Attorney General William Barr HbpvuoyIaIg-00003-00003908-00005528 “I know nothing really about it – it’s not my deal in life,” Trump said.Trump famously referred to Wikileaks in the latter part of the 2016 campaign after the organization leaked embarrassing private emails from Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager John Podesta HbpvuoyIaIg-00004-00005528-00006741 The organization also released emails from the Democratic National Committee detailing preference in the organization for Clinton at the expense of Bernie Sanders during the Democratic primary Jbfi6qxZfWo-00000-00000571-00001947 President Donald Trump told a Jewish audience Saturday that both Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his main election challenger, Benny Gantz, are “good people” who would be running neck and neck on April 9 Jbfi6qxZfWo-00001-00001947-00002916 “How is the race going? Who’s going to win the race?” he asked during a keynote address at the Republican Jewish Coalition conference in Las Vegas Jbfi6qxZfWo-00002-00002916-00003528 .A shout of “Bibi!” came back from the audience, in reference to the incumbent premier Jbfi6qxZfWo-00003-00003528-00004839 Trump responded, “I think it’s going to be close. Two good people.”.The start of his speech was interrupted by hecklers who chanted, “Jews are here to stay! Occupation is a plague!” Jbfi6qxZfWo-00004-00004839-00005787 The crowd then countered with chants of “USA!” and for his part, Trump quipped: “He’s going back to Mommy; he will be reprimanded Jbfi6qxZfWo-00005-00005787-00007368 ”.Trump thanked his Special Envoy to the Middle East Jason Greenblatt and his senior adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner for their work on the as-yet unveiled peace plan, saying, “Peace in the Middle East: If they can’t do it, nobody can Jbfi6qxZfWo-00006-00007368-00008726 ”. .In reference to his administration’s decision to nix the Iran nuclear deal, Trump said, “We’ve now imposed the toughest-ever sanctions on the Iranian dictatorship, and it is not the same country Jbfi6qxZfWo-00007-00008726-00009431 ”.“Today, folks, they have riots in the streets. They have very little money coming in Jbfi6qxZfWo-00008-00009431-00010575 A lot of things have changed.”.Trump also thanked freshman Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, but followed it quickly by joking, “I forgot that she doesn’t like Israel Jbfi6qxZfWo-00009-00010575-00011712 ”.Trump also addressed the relationship between Israel and the U.S. during the Obama administration: “Three years ago, US-Israel relations were probably in the lowest point Jbfi6qxZfWo-00010-00011712-00012725 How the hell did you support president Obama? Now, three years later I am standing before you here as the president to report a very different situation Jbfi6qxZfWo-00011-00012725-00013362 The incredible bond between the US and Israel has never been stronger than it is right now Jbfi6qxZfWo-00012-00013362-00015183 ”. .Regarding his decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, he said, “We got you something that you wanted,” and added that he had ignored calls from “presidents, prime ministers, dictators, kings, queens, everybody” who tried to convince him not to go ahead with the announcement Jbfi6qxZfWo-00013-00015183-00016157 His recent decision to recognize Israel sovereignty over the Golan Heights, he said, was the result of studying the strategic value of the area Jbfi6qxZfWo-00014-00016157-00017205 “You need the height. You need the height,” he stated.“Israel security — really so important to talk about security — it’s always number one for me Jbfi6qxZfWo-00015-00017205-00018216 They’d been trying to get that approved. As you know, for 52 years they wanted recognition from the United States on the Golan Heights,” he said Jbfi6qxZfWo-00016-00018216-00019059 He added that there was no prolonged outcry from the international community: “It was a big, big story for two days Jbfi6qxZfWo-00017-00019059-00019919 Everyone’s happy. No repercussions. No. And there won’t be. I went there to protect Israel Jbfi6qxZfWo-00018-00019919-00021042 We did the right thing. We did the right thing, and I want to congratulate Jared and Jason Greenblatt and [US Ambassador] David Friedman and all of the people they work with Jbfi6qxZfWo-00019-00021042-00022144 ”.He also gave a shout-out to billionaire mogul and Republican donor Sheldon Adelson and his wife Miriam, who were sitting in the audience, saying, “They love Israel Jbfi6qxZfWo-00020-00022144-00022244 ” K0sOqW7NJWI-00000-00000571-00001482 President Donald Trump ridiculed 2020 Democratic Presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke for wanting to take down border walls K0sOqW7NJWI-00001-00001482-00002431 Without specifically naming O’Rourke, Trump scoffed at his proposal.“I see a new candidate in the mix, he wants to take down the walls K0sOqW7NJWI-00002-00002431-00003204 Try that sometime, you’ll see what will happen,” he said. “You’d have tens of millions of people coming in'' K0sOqW7NJWI-00003-00003204-00003998 Trump also pointed to the walls that were working in Tijuana, keeping thousands of illegal immigrants from getting in K0sOqW7NJWI-00004-00003998-00004630 “You want to see a mess? Take down that wall, you’ll see what will happen,” he said K0sOqW7NJWI-00005-00004630-00005568 Trump cited progress on the wall, despite Democrat attempts to block it.“As we build it, it gets better and better,” Trump said K0sOqW7NJWI-00006-00005568-00007033 “This is serious stuff. We’re able to do it cheaper, better, it’s better wall, it’s different from what you’ve been watching growing up … It’s a beautiful looking structure, it’s much stronger, and you can build it faster and cheaper'' KzGgoVAnPfI-00000-00000513-00002030 The presidential candidate who ran on a platform of spending his own money to be elected, therefore being the only candidate not beholden to big donors, not only didn’t spend much of his own money, he’s profited from his campaign and his presidency KzGgoVAnPfI-00001-00002030-00003209 Trump did spend some of his own funds at the beginning of his 2016 campaign; in fact, he spent about $50 million of the billions he claims to be worth during that time KzGgoVAnPfI-00002-00003209-00004512 Once he became the Republican nominee, however, he collected millions in donations and paid his businesses using those funds. It’s been quite the profit machine for the liar-in-chief. KzGgoVAnPfI-00003-00004512-00006066 Forbes reports that:.‘Donald Trump has charged his own reelection campaign $1.3 million for rent, food, lodging and other expenses since taking office, according to a Forbesanalysis of the latest campaign filings KzGgoVAnPfI-00004-00006066-00007772 And although outsiders have contributed more than $50 million to the campaign, the billionaire president hasn’t handed over any of his own cash.The net effect: $1.3 million of donor money has turned into $1.3 million of Trump money' KzGgoVAnPfI-00005-00007772-00008623 It’s not a surprise that Trump cares little about the gravity of the job he’s been elected to do and more about making money KzGgoVAnPfI-00006-00008623-00010632 What’s surprising is that he’s gotten away with profiting from the presidency. Anytime Trump’s campaign required space to operate, food to eat, or anything else that the Trump Organization sells, it was bought from the Trump Organization with campaign funds. The legality of that action is under investigation KzGgoVAnPfI-00007-00010632-00012291 'Once he became president, Trump had a chance to get some money back.The campaign put more than $800,000 into Trump Tower Commercial LLC, the holding company through which Trump owns his interest in the original Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue KzGgoVAnPfI-00008-00012291-00014467 Trump Tower Commercial LLC took in an additional $225,000 in rent from the Republican National Committee, which coordinated those payments with the campaign. That means that, since the inauguration, Trump’s reelection effort has had a hand in funneling more than $1 million into the president’s most famous property' KzGgoVAnPfI-00009-00014467-00015721 The question in the investigation is whether or not the campaign funds were used properly or if Trump inflated prices to get more money from his campaign for his personal businesses KzGgoVAnPfI-00010-00015721-00016732 That is, in essence, why his inaugural committee is under investigation; some of the expenses they claimed were inflated into unreal numbers KzGgoVAnPfI-00011-00016732-00017612 Some of the economists interviewed by Forbes called the amounts of rent and other expenses claimed by the Trump campaign “robbery” KzGgoVAnPfI-00012-00017612-00018649 ‘It’s a key question because federal regulations allow candidates to put campaign money into their own businesses only if they pay going rates KzGgoVAnPfI-00013-00018649-00019976 Given the varying opinions on whether $3,000 a month constitutes a fair price, however, it seems unlikely that the payments will spark an investigation by the Federal Election Commission KzGgoVAnPfI-00014-00019976-00021170 “If something is really egregious, yeah, it’s there,” says Bradley Smith, a Republican who served as a commissioner of the FEC from 2000 to 2005 KzGgoVAnPfI-00015-00021170-00022063 “But they’re just not going to try to pick apart things on a difference of a few percentage points and try to second-guess what should be paid” K-FLAgH7B0A-00000-00000571-00002721 President Donald Trump was on Capitol Hill on Tuesday, just 36 hours removed from one of the best moments of his presidency: Attorney General Bill Barr announcing -- via a letter to Congress -- that special counsel Robert Mueller did not establish any conspiracy or coordination between the President's 2016 campaign and the Russian government K-FLAgH7B0A-00001-00002721-00004688 And yet, despite that clear political victory, Trump proved old habits die hard. He insisted the investigation, which was begun by the FBI and taken over by Mueller after Trump fired FBI Director James Comey, was the result of some sort of targeted effort by high-ranking officials to bring him down K-FLAgH7B0A-00002-00004688-00005526 Here's the exchange:.TRUMP: "It went very high up, and it started fairly low, but with instructions from the high up K-FLAgH7B0A-00003-00005526-00006205 This should never happen to a president again. We can't allow that to take place K-FLAgH7B0A-00004-00006205-00007200 ".REPORTER: "Do you think it reached the West Wing of the Obama White House?".TRUMP: "I don't want to say that, but I think you know the answer K-FLAgH7B0A-00005-00007200-00008128 ".As with almost all his conspiracy theories, Trump offered zero proof of his claim, which, if true, would be a massive deal K-FLAgH7B0A-00006-00008128-00009063 Think what he is alleging: The outgoing administration somehow targeted the incoming President simply because they disagreed with his policies K-FLAgH7B0A-00007-00009063-00010411 That's a HUGE story (if true).Trump has long harbored -- and promulgated -- the unproven and, to date, fact-free idea that there was (and is) some sort of "deep state" conspiracy against him K-FLAgH7B0A-00008-00010411-00011354 "The Deep State and the Left, and their vehicle, the Fake News Media, are going Crazy - & they don't know what to do," Trump tweeted last fall K-FLAgH7B0A-00009-00011354-00012506 "The Economy is booming like never before, Jobs are at Historic Highs, soon TWO Supreme Court Justices & maybe Declassification to find Additional Corruption K-FLAgH7B0A-00010-00012506-00013402 Wow!".He doesn't provide evidence for these claims because a) none seems to exist and b) his supporters don't require it K-FLAgH7B0A-00011-00013402-00015157 Remember when Trump made a similarly outlandish claim that then-President Barack Obama had ordered his phone at Trump Tower tapped during the 2016 campaign? Trump never offered any proof of that allegation and intelligence and national security officials denied it happened K-FLAgH7B0A-00012-00015157-00015854 Didn't matter. To this day, lots and lots of Trump supporters believe Obama did it K-FLAgH7B0A-00013-00015854-00017362 This is who Trump is and what he does. His political ambitions were born amid a conspiracy theory (that Obama wasn't born in the United States) and he trafficked in all sorts of conspiracy theories during the campaign and as President K-FLAgH7B0A-00014-00017362-00019527 That he refuses to give up the idea that Mueller, a lifelong Republican handpicked for the special counsel job by Trump appointee Rod Rosenstein, was somehow leading an Obama-inspired bureaucratic coup against him EVEN AFTER Mueller's final report was as favorable to Trump as he could have wanted, speaks to the depths of Trump's commitment to his conspiracies KDfkEiwzdfc-00000-00000513-00001119 Last night we learned that not only has Steve Bannon sold Donald Trump out to the House Judiciary Committee, he already sold Trump out to Special Counsel Robert Mueller a long time ago KDfkEiwzdfc-00001-00001119-00001725 Bannon is far from the only former devoted Trump loyalist now racing to kick dirt on Trump KDfkEiwzdfc-00002-00001725-00002331 Today we’re seeing the public release of the search warrant that the FBI used to raid Michael Cohen’s office and seize evidence, which was ultimately used to send him to prison KDfkEiwzdfc-00003-00002331-00002937 Under different circumstances, you’d think Cohen might be upset about this. But last night he released a statement through his attorney, saying that he’s entirely in favor of it, because he’s just that eager to see Trump brought to justice KDfkEiwzdfc-00004-00002937-00003543 We’re seeing more and more of this by the hour. Each time a new piece of legislation goes through Congress, more Republicans vote against Donald Trump on it, as even Trump’s own political party begins to try to insulate itself from his expected downfall KDfkEiwzdfc-00005-00003543-00004149 Fox News just suspended one of Trump’s favorite hosts, Jeanine Pirro, and may be on the verge of dumping Tucker Carlson as well, because Fox cares more about its own bottom line than it does about trying to keep Trump from drowning KDfkEiwzdfc-00006-00004149-00004755 In the coming days we’ll hear about the additional current and former Donald Trump associates who have sold him out by turning over incriminating documents to the House Judiciary Committee KDfkEiwzdfc-00007-00004755-00005361 The hits just keep coming. More and more people in Trump’s orbit have concluded that Trump is going down, and they’re afraid of going down with him KbBGBSvqsWM-00000-00000571-00001798 On Friday, New York County District Attorney Cyrus Vance let it be known that he was bringing unpardonable state-level criminal charges against Donald Trump’s former campaign chairman Paul Manafort KbBGBSvqsWM-00001-00001798-00002671 He was sending a clear signal that he’s planning to charge every criminal in Trump’s orbit, including Trump and his kids KbBGBSvqsWM-00002-00002671-00003538 But wait a minute, wasn’t Vance the guy who let Trump’s kids off the hook a few years back?Yes it is, as a matter of fact KbBGBSvqsWM-00003-00003538-00005320 Back in late 2017, the New Yorker exposed that Cyrus Vance was in position to criminally indict Donald Trump Jr and Ivanka Trump in 2012, and that he dropped the whole thing after Donald Trump’s attorney made a sizable donation to Vance’s campaign KbBGBSvqsWM-00004-00005320-00006775 Vance also let Harvey Weinstein off the hook after a similar donation. Then in late 2018, the New York Daily News reported that the FBI was investigating whether this counted as Vance taking an illegal bribe KbBGBSvqsWM-00005-00006775-00008143 At the time, Palmer Report wrote that “At the least, this new federal investigation into Vance could place additional pressure on him to try to right his own wrong by bringing Ivanka and Don Jr to justice KbBGBSvqsWM-00006-00008143-00009180 ” Sure enough, now Vance is making a point of bringing criminal charges against Paul Manafort, even though Manafort is already going to prison for life KbBGBSvqsWM-00007-00009180-00010102 It sure looks like Vance is trying to keep the legal heat off himself by targeting Trump’s people as quickly and loudly as he can L6NowN2PArY-00000-00000571-00002235 Michael Cohen sues the Trump Organization on Thursday, saying that after Cohen began cooperating with federal investigators, the company failed to fulfill its contractual obligations to indemnify him or pay his legal bills relating to his work for the firm L6NowN2PArY-00001-00002235-00003765 Cohen -- an executive at the Trump Organization until early 2017, when he left that post to work as Trump's personal attorney -- alleged in the lawsuit the company is obligated to pay both his legal bills, which now total at least $1 L6NowN2PArY-00002-00003765-00004633 9 million, and another $1.9 million he owes as part of a criminal sentence he received late last year L6NowN2PArY-00003-00004633-00006568 Cohen incurred legal bills from several law firms starting in 2017, when he began to face multiple inquiries, including congressional hearings, civil lawsuits, the investigation from special counsel Robert Mueller and, by 2018, a criminal probe from the Manhattan US Attorney's office L6NowN2PArY-00004-00006568-00008023 In July 2017, according to the lawsuit filed in the New York state Supreme Court, the Trump Organization agreed to indemnify Cohen and to pay his attorneys' fees and costs in connection with related investigations L6NowN2PArY-00005-00008023-00009050 "The Trump Organization and Mr. Cohen were proceeding pursuant to a 'joint defense' at that time with respect to the Investigations and other matters," the lawsuit says L6NowN2PArY-00006-00009050-00010837 Cohen said the company initially fulfilled its obligation, paying $137,460 to a firm that initially represented him, McDermott Will & Emery LLP, in October 2017, which amounted to half of the invoices he had received L6NowN2PArY-00007-00010837-00011780 The Trump Organization then promised that the Trump presidential campaign would pay the remainder the following day, according to the lawsuit L6NowN2PArY-00008-00011780-00012655 The company then continued to pay "all or part" of McDermott's fees and costs through May 2018, according to the lawsuit L6NowN2PArY-00009-00012655-00013767 At that point, Cohen himself was facing a criminal investigation by the Manhattan US Attorney's office, but he hadn't yet spoken to investigators, according to court filings L6NowN2PArY-00010-00013767-00014580 Through that June, the Trump Organization continued to pay his legal bills to McDermott, which totaled more than $1 L6NowN2PArY-00011-00014580-00016414 7 million.That month, however, while Cohen was facing multiple criminal probes, he "began telling friends and family that he was willing to cooperate with the Special Counsel and federal prosecutors in connection with the (Southern District of New York) Investigation," the lawsuit says L6NowN2PArY-00012-00016414-00017471 "The expectation that Mr. Cohen would cooperate with the Special Counsel, following the departure of McDermott as his counsel, was widely reported that month'' L6NowN2PArY-00013-00017471-00018232 And that month, the company stopped paying the bills Cohen incurred at the McDermott firm, according to the lawsuit L6NowN2PArY-00014-00018232-00019768 Over the following weeks and months, which included a period during which Cohen spoke multiple times to federal investigators and pleaded guilty to eight felonies in which he implicated Trump, the President publicly distanced himself from his former attorney L6NowN2PArY-00015-00019768-00021165 That evolution culminated in a December tweet by Trump, saying, "Remember, Michael Cohen only became a 'Rat' after the FBI did something which was absolutely unthinkable & unheard of until the Witch Hunt was illegally started L6NowN2PArY-00016-00021165-00022283 They BROKE INTO AN ATTORNEY'S OFFICE!".Marc Mukasey, a lawyer for the Trump Organization, said, "The Trump Organization doesn't owe Michael Cohen one penny of legal fees L6NowN2PArY-00017-00022283-00023905 This is a desperate money-grab by a desperate convicted felon''.The lawsuit alleges that "as a result of the Trump Organization's wrongful refusal to pay McDermott's invoices under the indemnification agreement, McDermott ultimately withdrew from its representation of Mr L6NowN2PArY-00018-00023905-00024193 Cohen'' LjlaFGimO9I-00000-00000571-00001686 First Lady Melania Trump joined Second Lady Karen Pence on Monday in a visit to Fort Bragg, North Carolina where the pair visited American troops and their families LjlaFGimO9I-00001-00001686-00002997 Mrs. Trump kept it neutral for the visit, wearing a cotton-blend drill blazer by Alexa Chung which features military details like front flap utility pockets, a belt, and a wide lapel LjlaFGimO9I-00002-00002997-00004578 The blazer retails for about $895. .The First Lady paired the blazer with a pair of beige cigarette pants, which she previously wore while traveling in England, and Manolo Blahnik snakeskin stilettos LjlaFGimO9I-00003-00004578-00005701 Mrs Trump, never one to be too casual, has worn the snakeskin pumps repeatedly. Last year, she wore the stilettos with a camel-toned trench coat dress by Céline LjlaFGimO9I-00004-00005701-00006448 On her return to the White House, Mrs. Trump threw on a pair of turtle shell sunglasses by Saint Laurent LjlaFGimO9I-00005-00006448-00007584 Mrs. Trump posed for photos with American troops and shook the hands of their children during her visit to North Carolina, always dazzling US service members whenever she visits LnXaurOyHZA-00000-00000571-00002083 Michael Cohen has spent the past week dishing on Donald Trump’s crimes to various congressional committees, producing evidence to support much of his claims, and in the process setting off everything from massive document requests to an insurance scam investigation LnXaurOyHZA-00001-00002083-00002715 Now Cohen has just stuck yet another dagger in Trump, though it’s of a different kind LnXaurOyHZA-00002-00002715-00004262 Michael Cohen just filed a lawsuit against Donald Trump in New York court. Cohen is alleging that he and Trump had an agreement in which Trump would pay the entirety of Cohen’s legal fees, but that Trump stopped paying the minute he heard Cohen might flip LnXaurOyHZA-00003-00004262-00005523 Cohen appears to be taking the position that Trump was legally required to continue paying Cohen’s legal fees right up until the moment when Cohen severed their joint defense agreement and cut a deal LnXaurOyHZA-00004-00005523-00006404 This could be a bigger deal for all involved than one might think.Sure, on the surface, it’s a cash grab on Cohen’s part LnXaurOyHZA-00005-00006404-00007514 The legal fees in question probably add up to a few million dollars, and since Trump does appear to be legally liable, Cohen figures he might as well lay his claim to it LnXaurOyHZA-00006-00007514-00008452 But this lawsuit will go through a discovery process that could force even more incriminating evidence against Trump to come to the surface LnXaurOyHZA-00007-00008452-00009405 In fact this is roughly the same strategy that Stormy Daniels used against Cohen, and her lawsuit indirectly led to Cohen going to prison LnXaurOyHZA-00008-00009405-00010317 If Donald Trump were smart, he’d just pay Michael Cohen to go away, before this saga can do any more legal damage to him LnXaurOyHZA-00009-00010317-00011617 But as we keep seeing, Trump isn’t dealing with any of this in a smart way. He’ll likely try to fight Cohen to the bitter end, even if the civil litigation ends up putting Trump in increased criminal jeopardy M7P2ZS-d28I-00000-00000571-00001730 Since when can one political party dictate what a news organization will cover?.Apparently, we now live in a world where politicians hold sway over so-called “journalists'' M7P2ZS-d28I-00001-00001730-00002705 You may not have heard, but the DNC has decided not to allow Fox News to host the Democrats’ presidential primary debates this week M7P2ZS-d28I-00002-00002705-00003773 They “decided.” As in, they call the shots.Of course, this is precisely what President Donald Trump has been railing against ever since he took office M7P2ZS-d28I-00003-00003773-00004842 It’s obvious that much of the mainstream media is in the leftists’ back pocket, and Democrats just proved their desire to manipulate the American public M7P2ZS-d28I-00004-00004842-00006137 Well, Trump wasn’t going to take this lying down.The President Tweeted on Wednesday that if Democrats were going to manipulate coverage of the primary debates, he would react in kind M7P2ZS-d28I-00005-00006137-00007370 “Democrats just blocked @FoxNews from holding a debate.Good, then I think I’ll do the same thing with the Fake News Networks and the Radical Left Democrats in the General Election debates!“ M7P2ZS-d28I-00006-00007370-00008094 Perfect!.Trump loves to fight fire with fire, and he never shies away from telling it like it is M7P2ZS-d28I-00007-00008094-00008987 Fox was a bit more diplomatic in its response, though; here’s how Senior Vice President & Managing Editor Bill Sammon replied M7P2ZS-d28I-00008-00008987-00010465 “We hope the DNC will reconsider its decision to bar Chris Wallace, Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum, all of whom embody the ultimate journalistic integrity and professionalism, from moderating a Democratic presidential debate M7P2ZS-d28I-00009-00010465-00011691 They’re the best debate team in the business and they offer candidates an important opportunity to make their case to the largest TV news audience in America, which includes many persuadable voters'' MJpa0bSO2WI-00000-00000513-00001918 Nearly two-thirds of registered voters think President Donald Trump committed crimes before assuming the presidency, according to a new poll taken in the days after former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen testified to Congress MJpa0bSO2WI-00001-00001918-00003464 According to a Quinnipiac University poll released Tuesday, 64% of registered voters said Trump had committed crimes before entering office and nearly half of voters -- 45% -- think he committed crimes while serving as President MJpa0bSO2WI-00002-00003464-00004507 Despite Trump's massive popularity in the GOP, even a third of Republicans said Trump had engaged in criminal activity before his presidency MJpa0bSO2WI-00003-00004507-00005528 The poll showed that 89% of Democrats and 65% of independents thought Trump had committed crimes before taking office MJpa0bSO2WI-00004-00005528-00006390 Republicans were the only demographic group without a majority who believed Trump broke the law before he was President MJpa0bSO2WI-00005-00006390-00007628 Voters were more split on whether Trump had committed crimes during the presidency -- 45% said they think he has and 43% said they think he has not engaged in criminal activity MJpa0bSO2WI-00006-00007628-00009081 In bombshell testimony last week, Cohen alleged -- among other things -- that the President had directed him to pay hush money to kill negative stories about the then-presidential candidate, something most voters in the poll frowned upon MJpa0bSO2WI-00007-00009081-00010366 According to the poll, 73% of registered voters said paying to hide a negative story about a presidential candidate without disclosing it is unethical, including a little more than half of Republicans MJpa0bSO2WI-00008-00010366-00011693 However, a smaller share of voters said they believed that act was also illegal -- 40% of registered voters said paying to kill negative stories, and not disclosing it, is both unethical and a crime MJpa0bSO2WI-00009-00011693-00012594 The poll showed 21% said it was unethical but not criminal, and 20% didn't think it was unethical at all MJpa0bSO2WI-00010-00012594-00013715 The public is still relatively unsure about whether Cohen -- who has pleaded guilty to lying to Congress, among other crimes -- was credible in his testimony last week MJpa0bSO2WI-00011-00013715-00014916 According to the poll, 44% of registered voters thought Cohen told the truth during his testimony last week, 36% didn't and another 20% were unsure MJpa0bSO2WI-00012-00014916-00015822 Most Republicans said Cohen didn't tell the truth (65%) and most Democrats thought he did (70%) MJpa0bSO2WI-00013-00015822-00016533 Independents leaned toward believing Cohen: 47% of them said he was telling the truth MJpa0bSO2WI-00014-00016533-00017351 The poll showed 34% of independents thought he was untruthful and 19% of independents weren't sure MJpa0bSO2WI-00015-00017351-00018299 When asked directly if they believe Cohen or Trump more, 50% of all registered voters chose Cohen and 35% chose Trump MJpa0bSO2WI-00016-00018299-00019459 The answer broke down heavily along partisan lines; 79% of Republicans said they believed Turmp more and 86% of Democrats said they believed Cohen MJpa0bSO2WI-00017-00019459-00020370 Fifty-one percent of independents believed Cohen over Trump and 31% of independent voters believed Trump over Cohen MJpa0bSO2WI-00018-00020370-00021149 There's strong agreement behind Congress doing more to investigate Cohen's allegations, the poll showed MJpa0bSO2WI-00019-00021149-00022160 Almost 3 in 5 voters wanted Congress to do more to investigate Cohen's claims about Trump's unethical and possibly illegal behavior MJpa0bSO2WI-00020-00022160-00023625 Meanwhile, Trump's credibility rating is low. Only 30% of voters said the President is honest, the lowest it has been in Quinnipiac's trend since it started asking the question right after Trump was elected in 2016 MJpa0bSO2WI-00021-00023625-00024981 At that time, 42% of voters said Trump was honest.The Quinnipiac poll was conducted March 1-4 among 1,120 voters nationwide reached via landline or cell phone MJpa0bSO2WI-00022-00024981-00025608 Results have a margin of error of plus or minus 3.4 percentage points MZT1Rp6Q31Q-00000-00000513-00001252 A House vote on a resolution condemning anti-Semitism, following recent comments by U MZT1Rp6Q31Q-00001-00001252-00002370 S. Rep Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., has been delayed, as Democrats scramble to rewrite the motion to include all forms of prejudice and progressives like Rep MZT1Rp6Q31Q-00002-00002370-00003608 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez come to the defense of their embattled colleague.The declaration – which doesn’t mention Omar by name – was initially set to be introduced Wednesday MZT1Rp6Q31Q-00003-00003608-00004656 It was to set out the history of anti-Semitism and other bigotry in America and provide examples of anti-Jewish tropes about divided loyalties MZT1Rp6Q31Q-00004-00004656-00005852 It was also supposed to say the House “rejects anti-Semitism as hateful expressions of intolerance that are contradictory to the values that define the people of the United States MZT1Rp6Q31Q-00005-00005852-00006811 ”.The resolution effort came after Omar – for at least the second time in recent months – ignited an uproar for echoing anti-Semitic tropes MZT1Rp6Q31Q-00006-00006811-00008464 In February, she suggested on Twitter that supporters of Israel have been bought, and that the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) contributes to pro-Israel politicians despite the fact that the group does not make campaign contributions MZT1Rp6Q31Q-00007-00008464-00009279 The congresswoman then accused American supporters of Israel of pushing people to have “allegiance to a foreign country MZT1Rp6Q31Q-00008-00009279-00010891 ”.Democrats have now delayed the resolution to at least Thursday, as the party's House leadership works to reword the statement to include other forms of bigotry – all while facing pressure from progressive Democrats who are defending Omar, Politico reported MZT1Rp6Q31Q-00009-00010891-00011614 “We're still discussing it,” House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., told the outlet Tuesday MZT1Rp6Q31Q-00010-00011614-00012782 “The sentiment is that it ought to be broad-based. What we're against is hate, prejudice, bigotry, white supremacy, Islamophobia, and anti-Semitism MZT1Rp6Q31Q-00011-00012782-00013657 ”.“Yes, we're strongly against anti-Semitism, but we're strongly against prejudice directed at any group,” he added MZT1Rp6Q31Q-00012-00013657-00014825 “The sentiment is that it ought to be broad-based. What we're against is hate, prejudice, bigotry, white supremacy, Islamophobia, and anti-Semitism MZT1Rp6Q31Q-00013-00014825-00015613 Yes, we're strongly against anti-Semitism, but we're strongly against prejudice directed at any group MZT1Rp6Q31Q-00014-00015613-00017267 ”.Liberals of the Democratic Party have also pushed to include the condemnation of anti-Muslim rhetoric, particularly after a poster displayed at the West Virginia Statehouse – at an event sponsored by the West Virginia GOP – linked Omar to the Sept MZT1Rp6Q31Q-00015-00017267-00019022 11, 2001, terror attacks.Far-left Jewish and Muslim groups, meanwhile, plan to stage events in support of Omar while progressive political groups reportedly will launch a fundraising effort in support of those Democratic lawmakers who back Omar MZT1Rp6Q31Q-00016-00019022-00020877 Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., came to the defense of her close ally in Congress on Tuesday, saying that it was “hurtful” that the Democratic leadership was trying to reprimand Omar for anti-Semitic comments while not doing the same when it comes to “statements about Latinx + other communities MZT1Rp6Q31Q-00017-00020877-00021645 ”.“It’s not my position to tell people how to feel, or that their hurt is invalid,” she wrote MZT1Rp6Q31Q-00018-00021645-00023304 “But incidents like these do beg the question: where are the resolutions against homophobic statements? For anti-blackness? For xenophobia? For a member saying he’ll ‘send Obama home to Kenya?’” (The latter appeared to refer to a past comment by Rep MZT1Rp6Q31Q-00019-00023304-00024268 Mark Meadows, R-N.C., as seen in a 2012 video that resurfaced last week, according to a USA Today report MZT1Rp6Q31Q-00020-00024268-00025252 ).Ocasio-Cortez added that Democrats should have dealt with Omar privately rather than immediately call her out in public for the comments MZT1Rp6Q31Q-00021-00025252-00026054 “‘Calling out’ is one of the measures of last resort, not 1st or 2nd resort,” the New York Democrat wrote MZT1Rp6Q31Q-00022-00026054-00027371 “We do it when repeated attempts to ‘call in’ are disrespected or ignored. And I believe that Ilhan, in her statement a few weeks ago, has demonstrated a willingness to listen+work w/impacted communities MZT1Rp6Q31Q-00023-00027371-00028591 ”.Omar’s anti-Semitic comments have also prompted calls to remove her from the House Foreign Affairs Committee, a move Republicans say would be an appropriate punishment as when they stripped Rep MZT1Rp6Q31Q-00024-00028591-00029372 Steve King, R-Iowa, from committee memberships after he made remarks deemed racist MZT1Rp6Q31Q-00025-00029372-00030641 Yet U.S. Rep. Eliot Engel, D-N.Y., chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, dismissed such action against Omar and said her presence on the committee isn’t tied to her comments MZT1Rp6Q31Q-00026-00030641-00031508 “I don't think the Foreign Affairs Committee should be used as punishment for anybody,” Engel told reporters, according to Politico MZT1Rp6Q31Q-00027-00031508-00032383 “But I do think [Omar] needs to understand what she said is very hurtful. Whether she is on the committee or not is not the issue MZT1Rp6Q31Q-00028-00032383-00032483 ” NzrxAHchtFo-00000-00000571-00001770 Former liberal Republican California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger ripped President Donald Trump on Wednesday evening for his “absolutely unacceptable” attacks on the late Sen NzrxAHchtFo-00001-00001770-00002629 John McCain (R-AZ).“He was just an unbelievable person,” Schwarzenegger told the Atlantic NzrxAHchtFo-00002-00002629-00003661 “So an attack on him is absolutely unacceptable if he’s alive or dead—but even twice as unacceptable since he passed away a few months ago NzrxAHchtFo-00003-00003661-00004627 It doesn’t make any sense whatsoever to do that. I just think it’s a shame that the president lets himself down to that kind of level NzrxAHchtFo-00004-00004627-00005367 We will be lucky if everyone in Washington followed McCain’s example, because he represented courage NzrxAHchtFo-00005-00005367-00006255 ''. .He also reportedly said McCain was “a hero” who was “a great public servant, no two ways about that'' NzrxAHchtFo-00006-00006255-00007091 “He was known for his honesty, for his courage, and his patriotism and his service,” Schwarzenegger reportedly said NzrxAHchtFo-00007-00007091-00008689 Trump on Wednesday gave more reasons why he “probably never will” like McCain. Trump criticized McCain for cheerleading the “endless wars” in the Middle East that have been a “disaster” for America, costing the nation “tremendous wealth” and “tremendous lives'' NzrxAHchtFo-00008-00008689-00009306 He also said he “didn’t get a thank you” for giving McCain “the kind of funeral that he wanted'' NzrxAHchtFo-00009-00009306-00009935 .“I gave him the kind of funeral that he wanted, which as president I had to approve NzrxAHchtFo-00010-00009935-00011134 I don’t care about this. I didn’t get thank you. That’s okay,” Trump said. “We sent him on the way, but I wasn’t a fan of John McCain'' NzrxAHchtFo-00011-00011134-00012576 Trump ripped “last in his class” McCain over the weekend for peddling the “Fake Dossier to the FBI and the Media hoping to have it printed BEFORE the Election,” adding that McCain’s actions will “unfortunately” be “a very dark stain against” him NzrxAHchtFo-00012-00012576-00014091 On Monday, Trump said that he “never will be” a fan of McCain after slamming McCain for not giving the White House a heads up about his “thumbs up” vote on repealing Obamacare, saying McCain’s change of mind at the last minute was “disgraceful'' NzrxAHchtFo-00013-00014091-00015005 .“I was never a fan of John McCain and I never will be,” Trump said. “He campaigned on repealing and replacing Obamacare for year NzrxAHchtFo-00014-00015005-00015763 And then he got to a vote and he said thumbs down''.Schwarzenegger made his remarks a day after freshman Sen NzrxAHchtFo-00015-00015763-00016570 Mitt Romney (R-UT) said he could not understand why Trump would “disparage” the “courageous” and “honorable” McCain NzrxAHchtFo-00016-00016570-00018686 “I can’t understand why the President would, once again, disparage a man as exemplary as my friend John McCain: heroic, courageous, patriotic, honorable, self-effacing, self-sacrificing, empathetic, and driven by duty to family, country, and God,” Romney tweeted on Tuesday evening NdDmasT8f8Q-00000-00000571-00001673 The White House issued a fiery response Monday to Democrat demands for over 80 people connected to President Donald Trump to hand over documents for investigation NdDmasT8f8Q-00001-00001673-00003217 “Chairman Nadler and his fellow Democrats have embarked on this fishing expedition because they are terrified that their two-year false narrative of ‘Russia collusion’ is crumbling,” White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said in a statement on Monday evening NdDmasT8f8Q-00002-00003217-00004290 Sanders dismissed the investigation into “tired, false allegations” that she said were already part of the Special Counsel investigation led by Robert Mueller NdDmasT8f8Q-00003-00004290-00005557 She criticized Democrats for trying to distract from their disastrous policies like economic socialism, infanticide, and the Green New Deal rather than work to fix the country’s problems NdDmasT8f8Q-00004-00005557-00006647 “The American people deserve a Congress that works with the president to address serious issues like immigration, healthcare, and infrastructure,” she said NdDmasT8f8Q-00005-00006647-00007435 House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler appeared on CNN Monday night to discuss his investigation NdDmasT8f8Q-00006-00007435-00008504 “For two years, the Trump administration has been attacking the core functions of our democracy and the Congress has refused to do any oversight,” he said NdDmasT8f8Q-00007-00008504-00009956 But Sanders dismissed the Democrat effort as a partisan exercise.“The Democrats are more interested in pathetic political games and catering to a radical, leftist base than on producing results for our citizens,” she wrote NdDmasT8f8Q-00008-00009956-00010536 “The Democrats are not after the truth, they are after the President'' NfbfE2OT75I-00000-00000571-00001292 Pull up a chair and some popcorn – we would LOVE to watch Donald demolish this politician! NfbfE2OT75I-00001-00001292-00002318 The 2020 Election is just around the corner and Trump is looking good.The Mueller report is out and it seems to have completely exonerated the President NfbfE2OT75I-00002-00002318-00003091 And through it all, POTUS continues to make great strides for the economy and America’s well-being overall NfbfE2OT75I-00003-00003091-00004293 Plus, the Democratic lineup against him doesn’t worry Donald in the least.And why should it? Who should worry him? Kamala? Bernie? Joe? Beto? NfbfE2OT75I-00004-00004293-00005087 None of them, really. And in fact, Trump just listed whom he’d MOST like to face off against in the big election… NfbfE2OT75I-00005-00005087-00005988 From Fox News:.“I mean, I’d love to have [Joe] Biden. I’d love to have Bernie [Sanders], I’d love to have Beto NfbfE2OT75I-00006-00005988-00006769 I mean, Beto seems to be the one the press has chosen. The press seems to have chosen Beto NfbfE2OT75I-00007-00006769-00007906 When I watch Beto, I say we could dream about that.“.That’s one sad leftist rundown, isn’t it? Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, and Beto O’Rourke? NfbfE2OT75I-00008-00007906-00008621 But Trump especially called out Beto, naming him his “dream opponent” … and for good reason NfbfE2OT75I-00009-00008621-00009421 Beto has prove to be wildly unstable, especially given the recent details about his personal life NfbfE2OT75I-00010-00009421-00010199 Those scared everyone.No wonder Donald wants to face him in 2020! It’d be a landslide! NfbfE2OT75I-00011-00010199-00010957 And yet, the press is hyping Beto to be the left’s salvation, which is just plain laughable NfbfE2OT75I-00012-00010957-00011698 If the Democrats actually nominate him, I think Trump will have zero problems clinching a second term NfbfE2OT75I-00013-00011698-00012636 And with the Russian collusion mess out of the way, and continued success for the economy and national security, Trump should be in the clear NfbfE2OT75I-00014-00012636-00013347 Jobs are flooding into the country, wages are rising, and confidence in our country is sky high NfbfE2OT75I-00015-00013347-00013981 What can the left do to counter that? Oh, lurch into socialism … ouch NiFRWMvpbbk-00000-00000571-00001655 If you’ve been followingDC Tribune throughout the special counsel investigation, you know that we hold Robert Mueller’s tactics in the highest regard possible NiFRWMvpbbk-00001-00001655-00003695 Our coverage of the Roger Stone arrest and indictment is no exception: Mueller’s methodical, work-his-way-up approach has ensured almost without fail that each smaller fish he reeled in would, in turn, serve as bait for the next bigger fish, and despite his protestations, we have no reason to believe Stone will be otherwise NiFRWMvpbbk-00002-00003695-00005607 But depending on how long you’ve been with us, you may or may not have seen our August 2018 piece on the trial of Paul Manafort that explained the mechanism behind how Mueller is preventing all of the “witches” captured so far in this hunt from banking on pardons from an equally corrupt — and equally guilty — President NiFRWMvpbbk-00003-00005607-00007012 Back in August, we explained that a President can only pardon convictions that occur infederal court, not those arising from state charges: So how does all of that apply to Roger Stone’s case? Well, in much the same way NiFRWMvpbbk-00004-00007012-00008209 The major difference is that the Attorney General — the individual responsible for bringing state charges to court against someone — in the state where Stone lives, Florida, is a Republican NiFRWMvpbbk-00005-00008209-00009063 That makes it less likely that Mueller could count on the same leverage he used in the cases of Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen NiFRWMvpbbk-00006-00009063-00009909 That’s why this tweet from CNN’s Manu Raju told those of us following along closely that Mueller is still playing the same tune: NiFRWMvpbbk-00007-00009909-00011288 The FBI is executed a search warrant at the New York residence of Roger Stone, according to Kristin Davis who shares the duplex with Roger. Davis was notified at 6am by the FBI, she said. NiFRWMvpbbk-00008-00011288-00013738 By raiding Stone’s apartment in Harlem and seizing his computer, the FBI has ensured that some of the crimes Stone will eventually face the music for will have been committed in New York, if only because of the portability of a computer and the fact that it’s virtually guaranteed that the New York computer has at least one instance of him checking on something related from it in the last 7 years that he’s had the apartment. NiFRWMvpbbk-00009-00013738-00014324 Roger Stone will not get a pardon from Trump, even if he’s counting on it now NiFRWMvpbbk-00010-00014324-00015000 And we doubt that Trump even understands what any of this means to begin with NiFRWMvpbbk-00011-00015000-00016074 So go back to the first paragraph from this article and read the end again: We believe Stone will flip eventually, because he’s going to prison either way O-wgvFQo_SI-00000-00000571-00001250 Even Donald was not expecting a swing like this.Trump’s approval took a beating early this year O-wgvFQo_SI-00001-00001250-00002493 That’s not a big surprise when his media coverage was 92% negative.But even the liberal outlets couldn’t hide the good news of Mueller’s report clearing the president O-wgvFQo_SI-00002-00002493-00003789 That little nugget brought his 2020 chances way up – congratulations Donald!.With all that good news, Democrats say they will still push for his impeachment, even without evidence from Mueller O-wgvFQo_SI-00003-00003789-00004544 But Americans are telling a different story, according to Trump’s latest numbers. From Rasmussen Reports: O-wgvFQo_SI-00004-00004544-00005299 The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 50% of Likely U O-wgvFQo_SI-00005-00005299-00006163 S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-nine percent (49%) disapprove O-wgvFQo_SI-00006-00006163-00007629 Trump was at 45% on Monday. The new report puts Trump at a 50% approval rating, a 5% skyrocket in just a few days, with 37% of Americans strongly approving of his performance O-wgvFQo_SI-00007-00007629-00008556 Great job, Donald! Do you strongly approve of Trump’s performance?.And, at that rate, it will surely go even higher from here O-wgvFQo_SI-00008-00008556-00009272 Probably only people who still disapprove of him are people that still watch the liberal news O-wgvFQo_SI-00009-00009272-00010209 But the rest of the country knows better. After two years of constantly pushing the Russia story, the media has been proven wrong about Trump O-wgvFQo_SI-00010-00010209-00010878 Just like they’ve been proven wrong about his policies and agenda, again and again O-wgvFQo_SI-00011-00010878-00011850 Am I right, folks?.Trump’s vision for America has clearly resulted in a booming economy, with more jobs and higher wages O-wgvFQo_SI-00012-00011850-00012978 But the media won’t give up without a fight. They might apologize for a short while, but with the 2020 elections coming up, patriots need to watch out for the news they read OOpFhvmAk4Q-00000-00000571-00001778 Since Robert Mueller submitted his still-secret report, we’ve had a number of people come out of the woodwork, intimating that the report is far worse than the Trump White House is making it out to be OOpFhvmAk4Q-00001-00001778-00004082 It’s also noteworthy that while the Trump White House has claimed total exoneration, they aren’t particularly interested in releasing the report that supposedly exonerates them, or even recognizing Russia as a legitimate threat and addressing what they should be doing to prevent future election meddling – the sort of things an innocent person facing these kinds of accusations would do OOpFhvmAk4Q-00002-00004082-00005550 While legal experts and leaks from the Department of Justice have made up the majority of these anonymous sources, one named individual has broken his silence – a former employee of Cambridge Analytica who’s also something of a big deal OOpFhvmAk4Q-00004-00009029-00010502 ”.Russian “fake news” operations have been running since well before Putin – they were used effectively in the former Soviet Union since they don’t require much of a defense budget and can destabilize governments without firing a shot OOpFhvmAk4Q-00005-00010502-00012187 Steve Bannon may be gone from the White House, and Cambridge Analytica itself may be gone, but Bannon is very much active on the political scene, promoting the same xenophobic far-right political candidates throughout Europe that benefit Putin and his oligarchs OOpFhvmAk4Q-00006-00012187-00013261 The longer the Trump administration keeps the Mueller report a secret, the worse this is looking – the leaks are coming fast, and don’t show any indication of stopping OPzo5sO6NzQ-00000-00000571-00002088 The abrupt resignation of Department of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen ends a tumultuous two-ish year tenure in the job in which one simple fact just kept popping up: No one on earth could do this job to the satisfaction of President Donald Trump OPzo5sO6NzQ-00001-00002088-00002836 The reporting coming out of Nielsen's resignation speaks to the impossibility of the DHS job under Trump OPzo5sO6NzQ-00002-00002836-00003904 .THE POINT -- NOW ON YOUTUBE!.In each episode of his weekly YouTube show, Chris Cillizza will delve a little deeper into the surreal world of politics OPzo5sO6NzQ-00003-00003904-00005014 Click to subscribe!.There's this from CNN:."Trump was furious with Nielsen [in May 2018], telling her he didn't think she was doing enough to secure the border OPzo5sO6NzQ-00004-00005014-00005691 But Nielsen stood her ground, citing the law in certain instances, the source said OPzo5sO6NzQ-00005-00005691-00006655 "Nielsen increasingly pushed back when the President lashed out at her department for not doing more to stem the tide of undocumented immigrants OPzo5sO6NzQ-00006-00006655-00007420 "A senior administration official said that in recent days Trump and Nielsen had again clashed over the issue OPzo5sO6NzQ-00007-00007420-00008183 He accused her of not doing her job, and she responded forcefully.".And this from The New York Times: OPzo5sO6NzQ-00008-00008183-00009661 "The president called Ms. Nielsen at home early in the mornings to demand that she take action to stop migrants from entering the country, including doing things that were clearly illegal, such as blocking all migrants from seeking asylum OPzo5sO6NzQ-00009-00009661-00010554 She repeatedly noted the limitations imposed on her department by federal laws, court settlements and international obligations OPzo5sO6NzQ-00010-00010554-00011409 "Those responses only infuriated Mr. Trump further. The president's fury erupted in the spring of 2018 as Ms OPzo5sO6NzQ-00011-00011409-00012477 Nielsen hesitated for weeks about whether to sign a memo ordering the routine separation of migrant children from their families so that the parents could be detained OPzo5sO6NzQ-00012-00012477-00014258 ".There's a few things to think about here:.1) Trump believes to his core -- and he's not wrong -- that if there was one reason he won in 2016 it was because of his pledge to a) build a wall along our southern border and b) broadly toughen America's immigration policies OPzo5sO6NzQ-00013-00014258-00015207 If there is ANY campaign promise that he is absolutely and totally committed to keeping, it's to be the toughest president ever when it comes to the border OPzo5sO6NzQ-00014-00015207-00016325 One needs look no further than Trump's decision -- against his own party's wishes -- to declare a state of emergency on the southern border in order to re-appropriate money to build his wall OPzo5sO6NzQ-00015-00016325-00017735 Or his push behind the scenes, reported by CNN Monday, to reinstate the policy of family separation at the border that led to a slew of very young children taken from their parents without any real way to track their whereabouts OPzo5sO6NzQ-00016-00017735-00018399 2) Trump has very little understanding of -- or care for -- boundaries of any sort OPzo5sO6NzQ-00017-00018399-00019031 And that goes double for immigration and border issues because of everything I mentioned above OPzo5sO6NzQ-00018-00019031-00020115 This is his issue. This is the issue his people care about. And he'll be damned if he's told by some bureaucrat that he can't do what he wants on the border OPzo5sO6NzQ-00019-00020115-00021468 That Trump would instruct Nielsen to block all migrants from entering the country and then blame her when she told him that was, in a word, illegal, speaks to the detachment from reality that President has on this issue OPzo5sO6NzQ-00020-00021468-00022453 Combine those two factors and you get this, from a senior administration official on Nielsen's thinking: "[She] believed the situation was becoming untenable OPzo5sO6NzQ-00021-00022453-00023328 [with the President] becoming increasingly unhinged about the border crisis and making unreasonable and even impossible requests OPzo5sO6NzQ-00022-00023328-00024044 ". .CNN's Chris Cillizza cuts through the political spin and tells you what you need to know OPzo5sO6NzQ-00023-00024044-00024840 By subscribing, you agree to our privacy policy.Enter email address.Think of this in your own life OPzo5sO6NzQ-00024-00024840-00025598 Your boss calls you in. She tells you to go find a Woolly Mammoth -- and to make it snappy OPzo5sO6NzQ-00025-00025598-00027016 (You are an assistant zookeeper in this scenario.) When you come back to her empty-handed and explain that the Woolly Mammoth went extinct around 1700 BC, she tells you that you are not working hard enough to find one OPzo5sO6NzQ-00026-00027016-00027567 And that if she was in your job, she would have found a Woolly Mammoth hours ago OPzo5sO6NzQ-00027-00027567-00028236 And that everyone knows that you can find a Woolly Mammoth if you look hard enough OPzo5sO6NzQ-00028-00028236-00029310 Look. There are a LOT of very tough jobs in the Trump administration: chief of staff, communications director and press secretary all jump to mind OPzo5sO6NzQ-00029-00029310-00029931 But there is NO job more impossible than running the Department of Homeland Security OPzo5sO6NzQ-00030-00029931-00031386 Nielsen made mistakes, sure. But focusing on her mistakes overlooks the real story here: Donald Trump wants impossible (and, at times, illegal) things done by DHS to address the border crisis OPzo5sO6NzQ-00031-00031386-00032050 And if you aren't willing to bend (or break) the rules, he thinks you have failed him OPzo5sO6NzQ-00032-00032050-00033445 And he might think you've failed him anyway; remember that Nielsen enforced a zero-tolerance policy at the border on family separations -- becoming the face of a deeply unpopular policy that Trump eventually walked away from OPzo5sO6NzQ-00033-00033445-00034388 In short: It doesn't really matter who Trump names as Nielsen's successor. That person could be the hardest of hard immigration hard-liners OPzo5sO6NzQ-00034-00034388-00035399 But that person will still be dealing with a Congress less than willing to greenlight some of Trump's more extreme border policies and, well, the rule of law OPzo5sO6NzQ-00035-00035399-00036015 And no one person can change one of those realities, much less both PBXNlhNHr5y-00000-00000571-00001892 If Donald Trump’s marionette Attorney General William Barr had released an even remotely accurate or truthful summary of the Robert Mueller report today, Mueller could probably have simply gone back to retirement PBXNlhNHr5y-00001-00001892-00003334 But because Barr released a hilariously false “summary” that has legal experts rolling their eyes, and the public and the media ferociously demanding answers, Mueller is about to come back front and center in a way we’ve never before seen PBXNlhNHr5y-00002-00003334-00004740 Look for House Democrats to very quickly do two things. They’ll subpoena the Mueller report itself, which will set up a legal battle – and perhaps negotiations – about how much of it Barr will have to turn over PBXNlhNHr5y-00003-00004740-00005617 They’ll also subpoena Barr, and force him to testify about why he’s misleading the public about what the report says PBXNlhNHr5y-00004-00005617-00006607 If Barr refuses, he can be held in contempt of Congress and arrested, and you’d better believe there’s enough of a public appetite to support such a move PBXNlhNHr5y-00005-00006607-00008292 But that’s nothing compared to what’ll come next.For months, various House Democrats have publicly stated that if the Trump regime tried to bury the Mueller report, they would simply subpoena Robert Mueller to publicly testify about what his report says PBXNlhNHr5y-00006-00008292-00009711 Now that the Trump regime is indeed playing the worst of games with the report, there is no doubt House Democrats will bring in Mueller to testify, because they can make that happen quicker than they can forcibly get their hands on the report Pf-FijqKyoU-00000-00000571-00001707 Earlier today the Senate passed a resolution to end Donald Trump’s national emergency, thanks to votes from all of the Senate Democrats, and twelve of the Senate Republicans Pf-FijqKyoU-00001-00001707-00002360 Minutes later, Trump tweeted “VETO!” and apparently seemed to think that’s all he had to do Pf-FijqKyoU-00002-00002360-00003313 Then one of his handlers hijacked his Twitter account and explained that he’s going to veto it, calling it a “Democrat inspired Resolution Pf-FijqKyoU-00003-00003313-00004207 ”.With that, Donald Trump just stepped into the veto trap laid by the Democrats. It’s not that he really had any choice Pf-FijqKyoU-00004-00004207-00005095 He didn’t come this far with his imaginary “national emergency” wall stunt, just to give up and sign a resolution putting an end to it Pf-FijqKyoU-00005-00005095-00005732 So unless he gets high on bath salts and changes his mind, he’s going to veto this Pf-FijqKyoU-00006-00005732-00006976 That’s when the fun begins.Right off the bat, the Democrats will have won, because they’ll have forced Donald Trump to take sole ownership of the national emergency, in defiance of both parties Pf-FijqKyoU-00007-00006976-00008415 In that respect it doesn’t matter how many or few Republicans tried to stop Trump on this; all the average observer will hear is that Trump went against the will of both the Democratic-controlled House and the Republican-controlled Senate Pf-FijqKyoU-00008-00008415-00009650 His withering base will love this. But his casual supporters outside of his base – the ones who were always going to decide whether he sinks or swims – won’t look on this kindly Pf-FijqKyoU-00009-00009650-00010463 That’s before getting to the next vote on the matter. Based on today’s numbers, there aren’t enough votes to override the veto Pf-FijqKyoU-00010-00010463-00011168 But we’ve seen the number of dissenting Republican Senators grow from four to twelve in just a few days Pf-FijqKyoU-00011-00011168-00012231 As the public turns more loudly against Donald Trump’s national emergency wall nonsense by the day, that number should go higher, in both the House and Senate Pf-FijqKyoU-00012-00012231-00013211 We’ll see how the veto math plays out. But Trump just stepped in a trap, albeit one that he had no choice but to step in Q1M_NDuhfcM-00000-00000571-00002425 .Donald Trump’s handpicked Attorney General William Barr just released what he claims is a “summary” of the Robert Mueller report, but Barr’s claims are so far removed from the plainly visible facts and evidence, we have to assume for now that Barr is intentionally mischaracterizing Mueller’s findings Q1M_NDuhfcM-00001-00002425-00003178 House Democrats will move very quickly to force the actual Mueller report to come to light Q1M_NDuhfcM-00002-00003178-00004011 In the meantime, they’re stressing that the Mueller report – and even the Barr summary – go out of their way not to exonerate Trump Q1M_NDuhfcM-00003-00004011-00004646 House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler said it best in response to the Barr summary: Q1M_NDuhfcM-00004-00004646-00005994 “Special Counsel Mueller clearly and explicitly is not exonerating the President, and we must hear from AG Barr about his decision making and see all the underlying evidence for the American people to know all the facts Q1M_NDuhfcM-00005-00005994-00006842 There must be full transparency in what Special Counsel Mueller uncovered to not exonerate the President from wrongdoing Q1M_NDuhfcM-00006-00006842-00007623 DOJ owes the public more than just a brief synopsis and decision not to go any further in their work Q1M_NDuhfcM-00007-00007623-00008496 Special Counsel Mueller worked for 22 months to determine the extent to which President Trump obstructed justice Q1M_NDuhfcM-00008-00008496-00009486 Attorney General Barr took 2 days to tell the American people that while the President is not exonerated, there will be no action by DOJ Q1M_NDuhfcM-00009-00009486-00010904 ”.The bottom line: this is just getting started. Despite William Barr’s best attempt at whitewashing Robert Mueller’s report, Barr made the mistake of explicitly stating that Mueller’s findings do not exonerate Donald Trump Q1M_NDuhfcM-00010-00010904-00012221 That gives House Democrats all the legal ammunition they need to get their hands on the real report, so they can find out all the things Trump did wrong that prompted Mueller to conclude Trump could not be exonerated QwAC5o_leAu-00001-00000102-00000355 Дарагiя сябры, зачытваю рэзалюцыю QwAC5o_leAu-00002-00000355-00000674 сённешняга чарнобыльскага шляха: RyxMar48SZg-00000-00000513-00001450 Friday morning in New Zealand, racist white predators slaughtered 49 Muslims on their weekly day of prayer, known as Jummah RyxMar48SZg-00001-00001450-00002164 The monsters knew Friday was the busiest day for any mosque, and purposely waited until that day to strike RyxMar48SZg-00002-00002164-00002895 Then, while live-streaming on Facebook, carried out a heinous act in the name of caucasian preservation RyxMar48SZg-00003-00002895-00003741 The president issued a phony tweet written by a staffer this morning, and said nothing else on the matter until Friday afternoon RyxMar48SZg-00004-00003741-00004838 Then he tweeted this, completely pretending he played no role in the deadly mass shooting that targeted Muslims, a group of people currently banned by the United States RyxMar48SZg-00005-00004838-00006270 People were immediately furious over the lack of mention of the killer’s manifesto that praised Trump’s racist behavior towards minorities and even listed Trump’s token, Candace Owens, as his number one “influencer RyxMar48SZg-00006-00006270-00006370 ” RWAWFahS_8o-00000-00000571-00001825 While politicians have always been looked down on as purveyors of false statements, this belief has only been amplified over the past few years due to the numerous and outlandish lies by Donald Trump RWAWFahS_8o-00001-00001825-00002835 The belief that politics is centered around propaganda has only increased since Trump hired Rudy Giuliani to join his team of lawyers in April of last year RWAWFahS_8o-00002-00002835-00004382 It has long been understood that Giuliani’s sole purpose on Trump’s team has been to publicly provide lies and propaganda in an effort to dissuade Trump supporters from believing the results of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Trump-Russia treason RWAWFahS_8o-00003-00004382-00005876 One of Giuliani’s biggest deceptions, which was parroted by various major news outlets at the time, was when he announced last May that Mueller had admitted he could not indict Donald Trump: “All they get to do is write a report RWAWFahS_8o-00004-00005876-00006631 They can’t indict. At least they acknowledged that to us after some battling, they acknowledged that to us RWAWFahS_8o-00005-00006631-00007631 ” While this announcement likely assuaged Trump’s immediate desire to illegally end Mueller’s investigation, it carried zero legal weight RWAWFahS_8o-00006-00007631-00008692 As Palmer Report has documented, the supposed Department of Justice “rules” preventing a sitting president from being indicted are simply a nonbinding guideline RWAWFahS_8o-00007-00008692-00009671 As presented on Thursday night’s Rachel Maddow show, these guidelines are not only arbitrary and untested, but also likely inaccurate RWAWFahS_8o-00008-00009671-00011019 According to J.T. Smith, who served at the CIA and was a top advisor to Attorney General Elliot Richardson, the process of determining if a president can be indicted was quite ambiguous RWAWFahS_8o-00009-00011019-00012409 “It would be timely and appropriate for the justice department and Robert Mueller to reconsider the shaky policy regarding indictabilty of a sitting president first formulated 45 years ago,” Smith stated RWAWFahS_8o-00010-00012409-00013819 “The durability of this opinion is curious.” So someone involved in the original decision, on whether a president can face punishment for illegal actions while in office, is now openly admitting that it was faulty RWAWFahS_8o-00011-00013819-00014658 I think it is well past time that we determine this once and for all. Mueller should indict Trump yesterday! SGFiyGlBeX8-00000-00000513-00002002 The New Yorker‘s Jane Mayer discussed on CNN Tuesday morning a stunning detail from her bombshell report on Fox News: rumors that the network slipped Donald Trump two questions before a Republican primary debate in 2016 SGFiyGlBeX8-00001-00002002-00003263 Two insiders at Fox News and two people close to the Trump campaign told Mayer that an eyewitness saw former Fox News head Roger Ailes tip-off Trump to “two key debate questions SGFiyGlBeX8-00002-00003263-00004663 ”.One of the questions that Trump allegedly knew about ended up being infamous: Megyn Kelly‘s searing question about his treatment of women, two which the candidate quipped that he had only called Rosie O’Donnell a fat pig SGFiyGlBeX8-00003-00004663-00005917 “He seemed somewhat prepared for the Megyn Kelly question actually when you go back and look at the tape, you’ll see he had a really snappy rejoinder,” Mayer told CNN’s Alisyn Camerota SGFiyGlBeX8-00004-00005917-00006575 “Maybe he’s just really quick. But he was certainly ready with a one-liner there SGFiyGlBeX8-00005-00006575-00007733 ”.Mayer noted that in Kelly’s book, Settle for More, she writes that Trump called Fox News before the debate to say he heard she was planning on asking a tough question SGFiyGlBeX8-00006-00007733-00008644 “Megyn Kelly has said she doesn’t think that he was tipped off, but there are people there that claimed that it did happen,” Mayer said SeT5hViIbfu-00000-00000571-00002130 President Donald Trump pressured his then-chief of staff John Kelly and White House counsel Don McGahn to grant his daughter and senior adviser Ivanka Trump a security clearance against their recommendations, three people familiar with the matter told CNN SeT5hViIbfu-00001-00002130-00003029 The President's crusade to grant clearances to his daughter and her husband, Jared Kushner, rankled West Wing officials SeT5hViIbfu-00002-00003029-00004523 While Trump has the legal authority to grant clearances, most instances are left up to the White House personnel security office, which determines whether a staffer should be granted one after the FBI has conducted a background check SeT5hViIbfu-00003-00004523-00006103 But after concerns were raised by the personnel office, Trump pushed Kelly and McGahn to make the decision on his daughter and son-in-law's clearances so it did not appear as if he was tainting the process to favor his family, sources told CNN SeT5hViIbfu-00004-00006103-00007817 After both refused, Trump granted them their security clearances.The development comes on the heels of Thursday's New York Times report that President Trump ordered Kelly to grant Kushner a top secret security clearance despite concerns raised by intelligence officials SeT5hViIbfu-00005-00007817-00009335 The President has denied he had any role in Kushner receiving a clearance.The latest revelation also contradicts Ivanka Trump's denial to ABC News three weeks ago, when she said her father had "no involvement" regarding her or Kushner's clearances SeT5hViIbfu-00006-00009335-00010497 Several sources told CNN it is feasible that she was unaware of the red flags raised during her background check process, as well as the President's involvement in it SeT5hViIbfu-00007-00010497-00011511 According to a source familiar with her process, she "did not seek, nor have, outside counsel involved in her process as no issues were ever raised SeT5hViIbfu-00008-00011511-00012258 " A separate person added that she was notified by career officials that her clearance had been granted SeT5hViIbfu-00009-00012258-00013773 Kushner's clearance was downgraded in February 2018 after Kelly stipulated new changes to the security clearance system because a senior West Wing staffer with a temporary clearance was accused of domestic abuse by his ex-wife SeT5hViIbfu-00010-00013773-00014993 Aides who previously operated on "top secret/sensitive compartmentalized information" interim clearances saw their access changed to "secret," a classification for less sensitive material SeT5hViIbfu-00011-00014993-00016539 In the months after Kushner's clearance was downgraded, Trump badgered aides about the hold up with his daughter and son-in-law, remarking that he didn't see what the issue was in granting them clearances because they would likely move back to New York in the coming months SeT5hViIbfu-00012-00016539-00017208 Sources tell CNN that, for now, neither of them are expected to leave the West Wing ShHBbbTd3UA-00000-00000571-00001770 Last week the New York Attorney General announced that she was hitting Donald Trump with millions of dollars in fines over his abuse of the Trump Foundation nonprofit charity ShHBbbTd3UA-00001-00001770-00003833 This included $2.8 million in restitution and another $5.6 million in penalties. At the time, Palmer Report pointed out that because Trump runs a debt-based cash-poor business model, he might have to sell off assets just to pay the fines – particularly if they kept piling up ShHBbbTd3UA-00002-00003833-00004930 It turns out we may or may not have been onto something.Today it’s being reported that Donald Trump sold one of his New York City condos back on March 8th ShHBbbTd3UA-00003-00004930-00006072 Forbes is hitting on two key suspicious points. First, the buyer appears to have used a series of shell corporations to try to hide his or her real identity ShHBbbTd3UA-00004-00006072-00006897 Second, the buyer appears to have paid Trump far more than market value. These are both matters of concern ShHBbbTd3UA-00005-00006897-00007744 But what caught our eye is the specific dollar amount: $2.9 million. Sound familiar? ShHBbbTd3UA-00006-00007744-00008501 That’s right. Just one week before it was announced that Donald Trump was getting hit with a $2 ShHBbbTd3UA-00007-00008501-00009522 8 million fine, he sold off a property for $2.9 million, which was conveniently just enough to cover the cost of the fine ShHBbbTd3UA-00008-00009522-00010478 Is this merely an interesting coincidence, or is Trump indeed selling off assets in order to get enough cash to pay his fines? ShHBbbTd3UA-00009-00010478-00011387 Trump was also hit with the separate $5.6 million fine, in addition to the $2.8 million fine ShHBbbTd3UA-00010-00011387-00012182 But he sold the property before the fines were publicly announced. It’s possible he knew the $2 ShHBbbTd3UA-00011-00012182-00013106 8 million restitution charge was coming, and he wanted to generate enough cash to cover it, but he didn’t know the extra $5 ShHBbbTd3UA-00012-00013106-00013908 6 million charge was coming.Of course Donald Trump will likely try to fight these fines in court ShHBbbTd3UA-00013-00013908-00015021 But if the courts rule against him, and he doesn’t have the cash on hand to pay the fines, New York State could decide to seize some of his assets in order to make up for it ShHBbbTd3UA-00014-00015021-00016134 So yeah, Trump could be trying to get out ahead of this. Or it could simply be a coincidence that he found some shady buyer to pay him an overinflated $2 ShHBbbTd3UA-00015-00016134-00016910 9 million, just as he was finding himself on the hook for $2.8 million SkPureyxqqM-00000-00000571-00001694 Los Angeles artist and photographer Sam Morrison, 27, has always liked to create thought provoking art and now he’s taken that passion to a whole new level SkPureyxqqM-00001-00001694-00003042 In September 2017, Morrison decided to use President Trump’s flip-flopping on serious issues as inspiration for his next project: actual flip-flops based on Trump’s famous contradictory tweets SkPureyxqqM-00002-00003042-00005160 Read on and take a look below for the process and images of final products.Morrison began in high school, where he made secret compartment silk-screen shirts but he has evolved since then and has relied on a newer digital medium for most of his projects in recent years, until he had the idea to make the brilliant Presidential flip-flops SkPureyxqqM-00003-00005160-00005696 Morrison told Business Insider the idea came to him from scrolling through Twitter: SkPureyxqqM-00004-00005696-00006686 “Take a scroll through Donald Trump’s 40,000 tweets, and you’re sure to catch some contradicting opinions… I wanted to highlight this hypocrisy SkPureyxqqM-00005-00006686-00008287 ”.Morrison said that although the flip-flops, which retailed for around $30 a pair, sold out to customers all over the US in under a month, this was a one time venture because of the time and effort it took to create such a project SkPureyxqqM-00006-00008287-00008924 He donated 10% of every purchase to the American Civil Liberties Union T9Qnuof8q1o-00000-00000571-00001623 US President Donald Trump announced plans Monday to end special trade treatment for India, accusing it of unfairly shutting out American businesses T9Qnuof8q1o-00001-00001623-00002650 In a letter to Congress, Trump signaled his intent to remove India from a program that gives developing countries easier access to US markets T9Qnuof8q1o-00002-00002650-00003583 The Indian government "has not assured the United States that it will provide equitable and reasonable access to the markets of India," the letter said T9Qnuof8q1o-00003-00003583-00004293 The notice comes just weeks before before Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi faces a general election T9Qnuof8q1o-00004-00004293-00005307 Trump has repeatedly slammed Indian duties on US goods. In January, he took aim at India's 150% tariff on imported whiskey T9Qnuof8q1o-00005-00005307-00006686 Over the weekend, he blasted India as a "high-tariff" country.US President Donald Trump announced plans Monday to end special trade treatment for India, accusing it of unfairly shutting out American businesses T9Qnuof8q1o-00006-00006686-00008112 Now, he's moving to take India out of the preferential trade program, known as the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP), which lowers US duties on exports from 121 developing countries T9Qnuof8q1o-00007-00008112-00009112 India was the biggest beneficiary of the program in 2017, according to US data, with exemptions on goods worth $5 T9Qnuof8q1o-00008-00009112-00010575 6 billion.Indian Commerce Secretary Anup Wadhawan said Tuesday that the total benefit to India from the exemptions amounted to only about $190 million a year, describing them as "minimal and moderate T9Qnuof8q1o-00009-00010575-00011931 ".Last April, the US government said it would review India's eligibility in the program after some American companies said their dairy and medical device shipments to India were being hurt by non-tariff barriers T9Qnuof8q1o-00010-00011931-00012926 Wadhawan said India had proposed a "reasonable and meaningful" trade package to the United States, but that the two sides were unable to reach an agreement T9Qnuof8q1o-00011-00012926-00013720 "There were some additional requests beyond that, which could not be accepted at this time," he told reporters T9Qnuof8q1o-00012-00013720-00014799 Trump's letter to Congress starts a 60-day clock before he can take action, according to a statement from the Office of the US Trade Representative T9Qnuof8q1o-00013-00014799-00016272 The United States also plans to remove Turkey from the GSP program, the statement said, after finding that the country is "sufficiently economically developed" and no longer requires special access to the US market T9Qnuof8q1o-00014-00016272-00017375 Trump's move to end the preferential treatment of Indian goods comes just a few weeks after US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross pulled out of a trip to the country at the last minute T9Qnuof8q1o-00015-00017375-00018051 The Commerce Department said bad weather at the time led to his flight being canceled T9Qnuof8q1o-00016-00018051-00019070 The GSP isn't the only source of tension in the two countries' trading relationship, which was worth $126 billion in 2017 T9Qnuof8q1o-00017-00019070-00020167 Tensions between New Delhi and Washington have increased in recent years as Trump's "Buy American, Hire American" strategy has clashed with Modi's campaign to "Make in India'' T9Qnuof8q1o-00018-00020167-00021726 India was one of many countries hit by US steel and aluminum tariffs last year. In retaliation, the Indian government announced its own tariffs on US goods worth $240 million, but it has yet to actually put them into effect T9Qnuof8q1o-00019-00021726-00022690 Wadhawan said Tuesday that India would keep the possible retaliatory tariffs out of its continued trade discussions with the United States TNX6vmQO944-00000-00000571-00001883 While the House Oversight and Reform Committee is trying to get to the bottom of things, the White House is trying to stop them from investigating Donald Trump by keeping them away from key witnesses that worked under the president TNX6vmQO944-00001-00001883-00003504 According to The Hill, the White House rejected a request from Congressional Democrats to interview Trump’s former deputy assistant and deputy counsel Stefan Passantino about hush money payments that were allegedly made by Trump’s former personal attorney Michael Cohen TNX6vmQO944-00002-00003504-00004416 According to the report, White House counsel Pat Cipollone told House Oversight and Reform Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings (D-Md TNX6vmQO944-00003-00004416-00005229 ) in a letter that the White House has been “cooperative and responsive” but that it wouldn’t grant him the wish of interviewing Passantino TNX6vmQO944-00004-00005229-00007149 “In response to your request, given longstanding law and practice, we are not inclined to make the former Deputy Counsel to the President available for a transcribed interview inquiring into his conversations and advice he provided while serving as Deputy Counsel to the President,” Cipollone wrote to Cummings Up_hjXYvjY4-00000-00000571-00001501 Hundreds slipped through our border – but Donald gave the swift order.Every day we see more evidence that there is a crisis on our border Up_hjXYvjY4-00001-00001501-00002478 The media ignores it, but we won’t.What’s really concerning is the fact that stories of groups forcing their way over the border grow Up_hjXYvjY4-00002-00002478-00003266 That’s just what happened—again—the other night. So Trump and his Border Patrol took strong measures Up_hjXYvjY4-00003-00003266-00004437 From Fox News.Federal border agents patrolling the southern border in New Mexico apprehended 180 illegal immigrants early Tuesday as the group was trying to cross into the U Up_hjXYvjY4-00004-00004437-00005709 S. from Mexico.US Customs and Border Protection said the group – like many they have seen in recent months – was comprised primarily of Central American families and unaccompanied minors Up_hjXYvjY4-00005-00005709-00006461 Border Patrol and our military followed the President’s orders to catch these border jumpers – and not release them Up_hjXYvjY4-00006-00006461-00007224 These are people who dragged their children across numerous countries, just to barge their way into the U Up_hjXYvjY4-00007-00007224-00008154 S.This time, Border Patrol captured 180 “undocumenteds.” Last time it was 90. Before that 30 Up_hjXYvjY4-00008-00008154-00009512 The numbers are only increasing. And how many slip through unnoticed?.These events are only happening because Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats want our border weak, unprotected, and open Up_hjXYvjY4-00009-00009512-00010102 It’s time we had a wall. Are you ready to see the wall completed? VXSFEnzHb4E-00000-00000571-00001482 The US president boasts of being a deal maker. But his summit with Kim Jong-un in Hanoi has ended in failure and recrimination VXSFEnzHb4E-00001-00001482-00002271 Only a year ago, many feared that Donald Trump’s dealings with Kim Jong-un might end with a bang VXSFEnzHb4E-00002-00002271-00003209 Then came the Singapore summit. Mr Trump boasted that they “fell in love” and that North Korea was no longer a nuclear threat VXSFEnzHb4E-00003-00003209-00004319 The bromance did not look sustainable. Now a follow-up in Hanoi has ended in a whimper, collapsing without the heralded signing of at least a limited deal VXSFEnzHb4E-00004-00004319-00005377 North Korea needs an easing of sanctions and wants to pursue economic development; Mr Trump wants a diplomatic triumph with his name emblazoned on it VXSFEnzHb4E-00005-00005377-00006850 But these powerful drivers are not enough to bridge the gulf between the sides. While North Korea speaks of denuclearisation on the peninsula, it has no intention of unilateral disarmament – as US intelligence officials note VXSFEnzHb4E-00006-00006850-00008198 Gestures such as halting missile tests have some value, in real terms as well as in building the relationship, and disabling the Yongbyon nuclear plant would have more; the question is how much they are worth VXSFEnzHb4E-00007-00008198-00009358 Many had feared Mr Trump might pay too highly, as he did in Singapore.Hours before their talks in Hanoi, he predicted a “fantastic success” in their long-term dealings VXSFEnzHb4E-00008-00009358-00010230 His hunger for a personal triumph was spurred by the excoriating testimony from his former lawyer Michael Cohen back home VXSFEnzHb4E-00009-00010230-00011231 When it all went wrong, he said the US had walked because Mr Kim wanted all sanctions lifted – a huge step, not in his gift VXSFEnzHb4E-00010-00011231-00012558 North Korea insists it sought only partial (though substantial) sanction relief. It had also made it clear prior to talks that it wanted to see sanctions lifted before it put Yongbyon out of action VXSFEnzHb4E-00011-00012558-00013558 The reported sidelining of Steve Biegun, the US special representative, cannot have helped – but may have been effect as much as cause VXSFEnzHb4E-00012-00013558-00014360 Many already suspected John Bolton was key to the talks’ collapse.The question is where they go from here VXSFEnzHb4E-00013-00014360-00015956 In his post-summit press conference Mr Trump boasted of progress, described their dealings as “very friendly”, and even exculpated Mr Kim over the treatment of Otto Warmbier, the US student who died after being held in North Korea for 17 months VXSFEnzHb4E-00014-00015956-00017045 North Korea struck a harsher tone, saying Mr Kim “got the feeling that he didn’t understand the way Americans calculate” and may have “lost the will” for further talks VXSFEnzHb4E-00015-00017045-00017693 The risks of another summit are now much greater for both sides, and its appeal diminished VXSFEnzHb4E-00016-00017693-00018921 Mr Kim has already been boosted at home and abroad by two presidential meetings. His train home runs through China, and it now seems even likelier that he will stop off in Beijing VXSFEnzHb4E-00017-00018921-00019806 Mr Trump’s warm embrace pushed China into hugging the North close, despite its previous distaste for Mr Kim VXSFEnzHb4E-00018-00019806-00020475 South Korea got talks back on track after Washington and Pyongyang hit problems before VXSFEnzHb4E-00019-00020475-00021590 But it will find it harder going this time, and until those relationships improve, it cannot get much further with the inter-Korean economic initiatives it wants to pursue VXSFEnzHb4E-00020-00021590-00022411 It may be that talks simply peter out, with the US essentially returning to Barack Obama’s “strategic patience” VXSFEnzHb4E-00021-00022411-00023129 It was a poor idea the first time round, and Pyongyang’s weapons programme is now much further advanced VXSFEnzHb4E-00022-00023129-00023923 But the fractious response North Korea gave last night suggests that worse outcomes are possible VXSFEnzHb4E-00023-00023923-00025002 Yes, the world is safer than when Mr Trump and Mr Kim were trading insults. But Mr Trump’s vanity diplomacy has strengthened the North Korean leader VXSFEnzHb4E-00024-00025002-00026060 A humbler, more careful and more pragmatic approach, seeking to freeze rather than eradicate the weapons programme, would have been a far wiser course W1xxm8-3kY0-00000-00000571-00001861 If you thought you’d have to wait for the public release of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report to discover details pertaining to Donald Trump’s financial relationship with Deutsche Bank, then you thought wrong W1xxm8-3kY0-00001-00001861-00002984 As it turns out, House Financial Services Committee Chairwoman Maxine Waters has revealed that, per her request, the bank has begun providing Trump’s banking records to her W1xxm8-3kY0-00002-00002984-00004544 According to The Hill:.“Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) said Tuesday that Deutsche Bank has begun cooperating with an investigation into its extensive history with Trump, who borrowed millions of dollars from the bank over several decades W1xxm8-3kY0-00003-00004544-00005623 When asked Tuesday at the Capitol if Deutsche Bank had started to hand over records of it financial relationship with Trump, Waters replied, “Yes W1xxm8-3kY0-00004-00005623-00006848 ”.The chairwoman also said she was satisfied with Deutsche Bank’s cooperation with the probe and that the Financial Services panel is looking into “everything” regarding Trump’s dealings with the bank W1xxm8-3kY0-00005-00006848-00009013 ”.Considering Deutsche Bank was once busted by the Feds for having laundered billions of dollars of money between its Moscow and New York City branches, and the fact that it also spent several years loaning large sums of money to Donald Trump around the same timeframe despite his high credit risk, you know there’s bound to be some juicy details in their records W1xxm8-3kY0-00006-00009013-00010050 And given the Democrats are now in control of the House, Waters has been able to successfully establish the subpoena power to obtain exactly what she wants W1xxm8-3kY0-00007-00010050-00010910 And now that some of those records are officially in her hands, the upcoming congressional hearings promise to be very entertaining