Yt2_MwllDGA-00000-00000571-00001545 The president's former fixer claims Trump knew about WikiLeaks, used threats to keep his grades secret, and boasted about dodging the draft Yt2_MwllDGA-00001-00001545-00003183 Michael Cohen, former personal lawyer and fixer for Donald Trump, lodged a series of explosive accusations against the president in his prepared testimony before the House Oversight Committee, further incensing the man he once claimed he'd take a bullet for Yt2_MwllDGA-00002-00003183-00004437 While many of the accusations are ones long posited by Trump’s political adversaries, some of them are new claims that touch on Trump’s obsessions with his personal image and public brand Yt2_MwllDGA-00003-00004437-00005573 Cohen also offered new evidence to support past allegations against the president, seeking to counter inevitable attacks from House Republicans that Cohen is an unreliable source Yt2_MwllDGA-00004-00005573-00006769 Cohen has pleaded guilty to a litany of crimes including lying to Congress, but with his prison sentence set to begin next month, the former Trump crony has little to lose in baring all Yt2_MwllDGA-00005-00006769-00007381 Here are some of his most incendiary accusations from his prepared opening statement Yt2_MwllDGA-00006-00007381-00008279 Trump had prior knowledge of the Trump Tower meeting with Russian agents at the center of special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe Yt2_MwllDGA-00007-00008279-00009058 “Mr. Trump had frequently told me and others that his son Don Jr. had the worst judgment of anyone in the world Yt2_MwllDGA-00008-00009058-00010058 And also, that Don Jr would never set up any meeting of any significance alone — and certainly not without checking with his father'' YaeFO8232Lo-00000-00000513-00001923 If you needed any proof that Donald Trump truly doesn’t care about Americans, you should see what he’s doing to this country’s federal workers – EVEN after he screwed many of them over when he made them work for free during his pathetic government shutdown YaeFO8232Lo-00001-00001923-00002629 In February, after Congress ended Trump’s shutdown, provisions to give federal workers a 1 YaeFO8232Lo-00002-00002629-00004047 9 percent pay raise were added. But unfortunately, this pay raise can’t even go into effect until Trump provides an executive order for the pay raise and his Office of Personnel Management publishes new pay scales YaeFO8232Lo-00003-00004047-00004969 And the crazy thing is that Trump, a president who has issued tons of executive orders during his presidency, isn’t doing a damn thing about it YaeFO8232Lo-00004-00004969-00005789 It’s been over three weeks since the government has been reopened, and Trump has yet to put the pay raises into effect YaeFO8232Lo-00005-00005789-00007195 In response to the sluggish pace Trump is performing at, a group of House members have sent a letter to Office of Management and Budget Acting Director Russel Vought and OPM Director Margaret Weichert to address the “unacceptable” delay YaeFO8232Lo-00006-00007195-00008571 In the letter, House members urged Trump officials to be sensitive to the fact that federal workers had already endured a month without pay due to Trump’s shutdown, causing may of them to have financial issues YaeFO8232Lo-00007-00008571-00009318 The letter also orders Trump officials to give federal workers a timeframe for when they can expect their raises YaeFO8232Lo-00008-00009318-00010387 There is really no reason the Trump administration should be dragging their feet on this, other than the fact that Trump really doesn’t give a sh*t about working Americans YaeFO8232Lo-00009-00010387-00011573 This, like many other facts about the President of the United States, is going to come down hard on Trump supporters who elected him because they bought his lies about being their champion 0o1hrYwYxlo-00000-00000000-00000200 The end is near... 02Fn_2j6aBU-00000-00000571-00002023 The closer we get to Donald Trump Jr being criminally indicted and arrested on charges ranging from perjury to financial crimes to conspiracy against the United States, the more delusional he becomes on his infamous Twitter account 02Fn_2j6aBU-00001-00002023-00002791 Now Junior has reached a new level of delusion that’s deranged even by his tinfoil hat standards 02Fn_2j6aBU-00002-00002791-00004330 Donald Trump Jr is “being groomed” to run for President of the United States in the year 2024, according to a new article from major British tabloid The Sun, which just happens to be run by Fox News boss and Trump ally Rupert Murdoch 02Fn_2j6aBU-00003-00004330-00005443 Obviously, this laughable article has been slapped together by Team Trump to try to help Junior keep up his delusions about somehow surviving his worsening criminal scandals 02Fn_2j6aBU-00004-00005443-00007065 The reality of course is that Donald Trump Jr will be in prison by 2024. Even if Donald Trump were to succeed in pardoning his son on federal charges, we saw this week that New York is bringing state level criminal charges against Trump’s henchmen 02Fn_2j6aBU-00005-00007065-00007645 So yeah, Junior would be talking about running for president from his prison cell 02Fn_2j6aBU-00006-00007645-00008371 For reference, Eugene Debs ran for president in the 1920 election, and he received 3 02Fn_2j6aBU-00007-00008371-00009554 4% of the vote despite the fact that he was in prison at the time. He didn’t come close to winning, but he set a legal precedent that you can run for president from a prison cell 02Fn_2j6aBU-00008-00009554-00010361 So maybe Donald Trump Jr is onto something here. Perhaps his cellmate can end up being his running mate 0SRZD4FZhqA-00000-00000571-00001550 A poll recently released by Quinnipiac University might do some serious damage to the egos of both the First Lady and the First Daughter (is that a thing?) 0SRZD4FZhqA-00001-00001550-00002877 Both women earned abysmal approval ratings in the poll. And while both scored better than the President in the “unfavorable” bracket, both Melania and Ivanka scored lower than their husband/father in the “favorable” rating 0SRZD4FZhqA-00002-00002877-00003810 President Trump’s disapproval rating stands at 56%, Melania’s is at 24%, and Ivanka’s is at 31% 0SRZD4FZhqA-00003-00003810-00004706 President Trump’s approval rating is 39%, while Melania’s is 34%, and Ivanka’s is 36% 0SRZD4FZhqA-00004-00004706-00005670 Millennials scored both lady’s the worst, with approval ratings for just 25% for Melania and 24% for Ivanka 0SRZD4FZhqA-00005-00005670-00006965 Taking things a it further, CNN explains that the majority of voters also have a problem with the fact that both Jared Kushner and Ivanka have such prominent roles within Trump’s administration: 0SRZD4FZhqA-00006-00006965-00008055 Ivanka Trump recently assumed an official role in her father’s administration. She moved into a West Wing office and obtained a security clearance in late March 0SRZD4FZhqA-00007-00008055-00009444 About 53% of respondents said the first daughter playing a significant role in the White House is not appropriate, compared with 36% who said it was appropriate and 10% who did not have an opinion 0SRZD4FZhqA-00008-00009444-00010518 Kushner, her husband, also has a broad portfolio within the West Wing, where he has an influential purview over a range of foreign and domestic policy issues 0SRZD4FZhqA-00009-00010518-00011476 He is heading up the Office of American Innovation, a new White House office aimed at reforming the federal government through private-sector solutions 0SRZD4FZhqA-00010-00011476-00012615 About 53% said his role was not appropriate, compared to 32% of respondents who said it was appropriate and 15% who did not know 33Hq3-dZERU-00000-00000571-00001441 The 2020 presidential campaign is already well underway, and the Trump re-election effort finds itself playing catch-up 33Hq3-dZERU-00001-00001441-00002154 Some Democratic candidates have raised eye-popping amounts of money in their first few days and weeks of fundraising 33Hq3-dZERU-00002-00002154-00003290 And some Republicans are fretting that their donors who sat on the sidelines in 2016 — or actively opposed the president — might not participate in 2020 33Hq3-dZERU-00003-00003290-00004476 With many estimates of how much Trump will need to be successful topping $1 billion, it becomes a matter of some importance to get the anti-Trump whales back in the fold 33Hq3-dZERU-00004-00004476-00005239 To that end, Vice President Mike Pence has begun a low-key outreach effort to many of those donors 33Hq3-dZERU-00005-00005239-00006111 Among them: billionaire hedge fund manager Paul Singer, who gave millions to an effort to defeat Trump before the convention 33Hq3-dZERU-00006-00006111-00007670 Over a surf and turf dinner, the vice president showered praise on Paul Singer, a prominent New York City hedge fund manager who spent millions of dollars in 2016 bankrolling TV ads painting Trump as "too reckless and dangerous to be president'' 33Hq3-dZERU-00007-00007670-00009546 But as the group of assembled Republicans — some of whom have been similarly skeptical about the president in the past — looked on, Pence praised the 74-year-old billionaire as a leading free-market thinker and thanked him for his years of financial support to the party and conservative causes 33Hq3-dZERU-00008-00009546-00010766 The private dinner provides a window into a behind-the-scenes, Pence-led mission: to ensure that Republican givers who never came around to Trump in 2016 are on board for 2020 33Hq3-dZERU-00009-00010766-00011973 With Democrats already raking in colossal amounts of cash, Republicans estimate they'll need to raise around $1 billion — a figure that will require the party's donor class to be all-in 33Hq3-dZERU-00010-00011973-00012929 Party officials also want to deprive any would-be Trump primary challengers of the financial oxygen they'd need to mount a campaign 33Hq3-dZERU-00011-00012929-00013966 It's not likely that too many anti-Trump billionaires would fund a fantasy primary challenge from a NeverTrump politician like John Kasich or William Weld 33Hq3-dZERU-00012-00013966-00015018 So Pence's main effort is to convince these people that standing by and allowing the election of a socialist Democrat would be a nightmare from which America will never wake up 33Hq3-dZERU-00013-00015018-00016562 The reception hasn't always been friendly. While attending an exclusive American Enterprise Institute-hosted retreat earlier this month, Pence was grilled by former Vice President Dick Cheney on the administration's foreign policy record 33Hq3-dZERU-00014-00016562-00017704 At his Pebble Beach appearance, Pence carefully tailored his appeal to the conservatives in attendance by highlighting the administration's efforts to reshape the nation's courts 33Hq3-dZERU-00015-00017704-00018876 And he gave a dire prediction of what would happen if liberals seized the White House: "The moment America becomes a socialist country is the moment America ceases to be America'' 33Hq3-dZERU-00016-00018876-00020209 It should be an easy sell, but it hasn't always been. The vast and influential Koch network of donors has already indicated intentions to sit out the 2020 presidential contest 33Hq3-dZERU-00017-00020209-00021530 But these are not, for the most part, ideologues who hold a grudge. Whatever faults they believe that Trump has, they realize the political reality: it's Trump's world, and the rest of us just live in it 33Hq3-dZERU-00018-00021530-00022283 Koch network member Art Pope of North Carolina thinks most donors will eventually come around: 33Hq3-dZERU-00019-00022283-00023620 "The conventional wisdom and the quote 'word on the street' in November of 2016 through spring of 2017 was that if you publicly criticized Donald Trump as a candidate, you need not apply to a position 33Hq3-dZERU-00020-00023620-00024388 You won't be considered, you won't be invited to the White House Christmas party or anything else," said Pope 33Hq3-dZERU-00021-00024388-00025266 "That is not the conventional wisdom now''.Pope said he hasn't decided whether to donate to Trump in 2020 33Hq3-dZERU-00022-00025266-00026109 But he said he expected few of those who opposed Trump in the 2016 election to remain on the sidelines this time 33Hq3-dZERU-00023-00026109-00027024 "The number of people who were publicly opposed or critical of President Trump during the 2016 election," he said, "has really dwindled'' 33Hq3-dZERU-00024-00027024-00028097 I'm not sure Trump has entirely "forgiven and forgotten." But he's realistic enough to see that he needs every dollar he can squeeze from these donors 33Hq3-dZERU-00025-00028097-00029087 Pence has apparently had some success in bringing these donors back into the fold, which can only be good news for Trump's 2020 chances 3spx1QmudYA-00000-00000513-00001934 The media loves nothing more than controversy, particularly when it can spin up controversy about the Democrats, so it can look “balanced” while reporting on the endless scandals emanating from Donald Trump and the Republicans 3spx1QmudYA-00001-00001934-00002736 Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi knows this better than anyone. It’s why she said what she said about impeachment 3spx1QmudYA-00002-00002736-00003838 She knew what the media would do with it – and her plan is already working.To be clear, Nancy Pelosi didn’t actually say she’s not going to impeach Donald Trump 3spx1QmudYA-00003-00003838-00004875 She simply said she’s not going to do it right this minute, before the votes are there for removal, and that she’s going to wait for the ugliest of dirt on Trump to surface first 3spx1QmudYA-00004-00004875-00006147 In reality, with the Mueller report forthcoming, and Trump’s criminal scandals getting worse by the day, Pelosi’s impeachment timetable could be just a few months or even weeks away 3spx1QmudYA-00005-00006147-00006899 That didn’t stop the media from falsely claiming that Pelosi said she’ll never impeach Trump 3spx1QmudYA-00006-00006899-00008190 After all, this kind of misleading reporting is an easy way to get the Democrats, and the anti-Trump resistance in general, angry at Pelosi – and that’s great for ratings and page views 3spx1QmudYA-00007-00008190-00009352 But Pelosi doesn’t care about that, because as major media outlets trip over each other in the race to criticize her over this, they’re making the case for impeachment in the process 3spx1QmudYA-00008-00009352-00010371 Just this morning, NBC News published the latest article arguing for the swift impeachment of Donald Trump, if only as a way of dinging Nancy Pelosi 3spx1QmudYA-00009-00010371-00011429 Numerous other major news outlets have done the same. They’re doing her work for her, by convincing the general public that Trump needs to be ousted 3spx1QmudYA-00010-00011429-00011990 It’s why she said what she said; she’s playing the media game like a fiddle 3ucDwgyukBy-00000-00000513-00002057 House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler said Monday that President Donald Trump has attacked the "core functions" of American democracy and that congressional Democrats will hold him and his administration accountable with a sweeping investigation 3ucDwgyukBy-00001-00002057-00003412 "For two years the Trump administration has been attacking the core functions . of our democracy, and the Congress has refused to do any oversight," the New York Democrat told CNN's Erin Burnett on "Erin Burnett OutFront 3ucDwgyukBy-00002-00003412-00004277 ".The chairman announced on Monday a broad probe into the President's campaign, businesses, transition and administration 3ucDwgyukBy-00003-00004277-00005262 The sweeping investigation would lay the groundwork for the newly empowered Democrats if they chose to pursue impeachment proceedings against Trump 3ucDwgyukBy-00004-00005262-00006542 Nadler said that Republicans -- who controlled both chambers of Congress until January, when Democrats took the majority in the House following their wins in November's midterm elections -- have "shielded" the President 3ucDwgyukBy-00005-00006542-00007346 He said "our goal is to hold the administration accountable for the obstruction of justice," and "the abuse of power and the corruption 3ucDwgyukBy-00006-00007346-00008608 ".The committee sent letters to 81 people and entities, including the White House, the Justice Department, senior campaign officials, Trump Organization officials and the President's sons 3ucDwgyukBy-00007-00008608-00010076 The investigation will address possible corruption, obstruction of justice, hush-money payments to women, potential Russian collusion and allegations that the President has abused his office and is using it for personal gain 3ucDwgyukBy-00008-00010076-00010901 "We have to find out what's been going on," Nadler said, "and we have to lay out a case to the American people and reveal it 3ucDwgyukBy-00009-00010901-00011928 ".Ivanka Trump, senior adviser to the White House and Trump's daughter, was not on the list but Nadler said she "quite conceivably" could be added later 3ucDwgyukBy-00010-00011928-00013156 He said there have been "incessant" attacks by the administration on the rule of law, the Justice Department, the media, the judiciary and "norms that we depend upon to maintain democratic government 3ucDwgyukBy-00011-00013156-00014689 " He said the "real question" is "how do we protect the rule of law?"."The President obviously doesn't recognize the role of Congress in a democratic system," Nadler said, adding, "It's supposed to hold the administration accountable -- that's what we're trying to do 3ucDwgyukBy-00012-00014689-00015632 ".Trump "doesn't want Congress to do its job," Nadler said, and his committee is "simply exercising our oversight jurisdiction 3ucDwgyukBy-00013-00015632-00015732 " 4ZuskXwYPlc-00000-00000571-00001728 Across the country, newly confident teachers unions are taking a stand and reminding the nation of just how powerful organized labor can be when its interests are threatened 4ZuskXwYPlc-00001-00001728-00003428 Teachers in West Virginia went on strike for the second time in a year in protest of Republican amendments to an education bill that would pave the way for privatized charter schools, the creation of a voucher system and the accompanying leeching of public funds away from public schools 4ZuskXwYPlc-00002-00003428-00004040 On top of that, it would create financial penalties for teachers who go on strike 4ZuskXwYPlc-00003-00004040-00005536 West Virginia Republicans bundled their flagrant attack on the public school system together with the 5% raise that the teachers had won during their last strike in a disgraceful attempt to poison their victory and punish them for their insolence 4ZuskXwYPlc-00004-00005536-00007057 “They’re trying to break our unions and our public education system. This is our only option— we have to shut schools down to force them to back down” said the head of the Mingo County Education Association, Brandon Wolford, to Jacobin 4ZuskXwYPlc-00005-00007057-00007874 “This is not reform, this is retaliation. Nothing in this proposal would make things better for students or staff 4ZuskXwYPlc-00006-00007874-00009564 How does bringing in uncertified teachers [by legalizing charters] help our kids? How does taking public money and putting it into private hands help our schools? Unfortunately, the politicians are listening to the top 1 percent instead of listening to us 4ZuskXwYPlc-00007-00009564-00011477 ”.Days of negotiations between the House and Senate did not produce the watering down that teachers wanted and knowing that the bill had enough support in the House to pass, the union went on strike — and successfully pressured enough Republicans (12) in the House to cross over and kill their own bill in the space of a few hours 4ZuskXwYPlc-00008-00011477-00013538 While this certainly won’t be the last battle that the teachers of West Virginia have to fight against a stingy and uncaring Republican majority and their devious billionaire backers, the swiftness of their second major victory is yet another shot in the arm for our underpaid and overworked teachers unions and for organized labor across the nation 4ZuskXwYPlc-00009-00013538-00015100 As the teachers of Oakland, California prepare to walk off the job on Thursday in an effort to secure the pay they deserve and the extra funding their kids deserve, it’s clear that the wave of teacher strikes isn’t crashing down any time soon 4ZuskXwYPlc-00010-00015100-00015758 Budget-cutting austerity hawks and charter school profiteers, take notice 5vVZXr05kou-00000-00000571-00001313 The President further blasted House Democrats for not taking a stronger stand against anti-semitism 5vVZXr05kou-00001-00001313-00002593 This comes after Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) made additional remarks about Israel.President Trump called on Republicans who are thinking about voting against the emergency declaration 5vVZXr05kou-00002-00002593-00003541 While most Republicans in the Senate have supported Trump’s executive order, some have expressed their disapproval for the national emergency 5vVZXr05kou-00003-00003541-00004526 (Related Before The Nat’l Emergency Vote, Graham Sends A Final Plea To Republicans: ‘If You Don’t Believe [Trump], Check It Out For Yourselves’) 5vVZXr05kou-00004-00004526-00005484 The House voted last week to block Trump’s emergency declaration, which could help free up billions of dollars to fund a wall on the southern border 5vVZXr05kou-00005-00005484-00006500 The vote was 245-182, with 13 Republicans joining Democrats in voting for the legislation, per Fox News 5vVZXr05kou-00006-00006500-00007185 But even if the legislation passes, it would almost certainly be vetoed by the White House 5vVZXr05kou-00007-00007185-00008007 In that case, it would require two-thirds majorities in the House and Senate to override the veto — which would be unlikely 5vVZXr05kou-00008-00008007-00009303 Trump’s declaration came after Congress OK’d a spending bill that provided $1.4 billion for border barriers at various parts of the border, but much less than the $5 5vVZXr05kou-00009-00009303-00010058 7 billion Trump had demanded. The declaration gives Trump access to an additional $3 5vVZXr05kou-00010-00010058-00011573 6 billion in funding that he can divert to the wall, reported Fox News.The Commander in Chief urged fellow Republicans to “stay united” in the face of a Democrat-led effort to nix his declaration of a national emergency at the border 5vVZXr05kou-00011-00011573-00012516 He wrote, “Senate Republicans are not voting on constitutionality or precedent, they are voting on desperately needed Border Security & the Wall 5vVZXr05kou-00012-00012516-00013229 Our Country is being invaded with Drugs, Human Traffickers, & Criminals of all shapes and sizes 5vVZXr05kou-00013-00013229-00013686 That’s what this vote is all about. STAY UNITED!” 5pZ7_to0yNU-00000-00000513-00002263 Donald Trump and his cronies in the GOP have offered a wide variety of explanations for the impetus behind the investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller into Russian influence on the 2016 election and allegations that the Trump campaign colluded with the Kremlin to steal an election 5pZ7_to0yNU-00001-00002263-00004724 So far, it’s been President Obama’s corrupt intentions that caused it, Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, the DNC’s determination to smear a president who beat their candidate, a “deep state” operation united against an outsider in government, and the intelligence community that is somehow comprised of Democratic-led officials all working together against conservative ideology 5pZ7_to0yNU-00002-00004724-00005944 Never do they mention the fact that those in the intelligence community have seen the actual evidence in this investigation and seem to unilaterally agree that Trump needed to be investigated 5pZ7_to0yNU-00003-00005944-00007560 In an appearance on ABC’s This Week with George Stephanapolous, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), the GOP’s resident House showboat, ranted about an FBI “cabal” who banded together to push out a president elected by Republicans 5pZ7_to0yNU-00004-00007560-00009044 As the American public awaits the findings of the Mueller investigation, Jordan pre-empted the pushback by saying that if Mueller’s report is to be released, all of the information around the investigation should be, as well 5pZ7_to0yNU-00005-00009044-00009825 ‘I’ll tell you this morning, if he’s going to release all the information, then I want all of it released 5pZ7_to0yNU-00006-00009825-00010721 They used that dossier. Took it to a secret court. [They] didn’t tell the court the Clinton campaign paid for the document 5pZ7_to0yNU-00007-00010721-00011369 Didn’t tell the court a foreigner desperate to stop Trump from being elected wrote the document 5pZ7_to0yNU-00008-00011369-00013083 If they’re going to release everything, release it all.’.The FISA court isn’t secret, but applications to the FISA court are understandably kept under wraps since tipping off those who are being investigated and exactly what they’re being investigated for is inadvisable 5pZ7_to0yNU-00009-00013083-00015005 Jordan is also once again lying about information being kept secret from the FISA court in the application for permission to surveil certain members of the Trump campaign; proof that the application did inform the court that the dossier was, in part, funded by the Clinton campaign has already been released 5pZ7_to0yNU-00010-00015005-00016946 Of course, the lie that the Steele dossier was the impetus behind the investigation has also been disproven, although Trump-supporting Republicans like Jordan, as well as political pundits on Fox News, have convinced Trump’s supporters that this is so, and they still believe it despite that evidence 5pZ7_to0yNU-00011-00016946-00017821 Jordan is not interested in the release of all of this information in order to expose any FBI “cabal” that doesn’t exist 5pZ7_to0yNU-00012-00017821-00019138 He, as well as Trump and the rest of the GOP, need distractions. They need as many ways as possible to discredit Mueller’s findings just in case they turn out badly for the president 5pZ7_to0yNU-00013-00019138-00019848 In the meantime, they continue to push misrepresentations and outright lies to do so 5aXnlNICTiA-00000-00000571-00001861 Here’s the thing about a drowning criminal. While his most naive criminal allies might be willing to jump in and try to save him, his savviest criminal allies have no intention of drowning with him 5aXnlNICTiA-00001-00001861-00002488 Accordingly, Mitch McConnell just revealed that he’s going to let Donald Trump sink 5aXnlNICTiA-00002-00002488-00003441 Mitch McConnell has announced that next week the Senate will vote on the resolution to cancel Donald Trump’s national emergency, and that the measure will pass 5aXnlNICTiA-00003-00003441-00004784 By rule, McConnell could have dragged this vote out a little further than that. And he could have used his considerable influence over nearly every Republican Senator to try to cajole them into siding with Trump on this legislation 5aXnlNICTiA-00004-00004784-00005479 But McConnell simply isn’t willing to use any of his own leverage to help bail Trump out of this 5aXnlNICTiA-00005-00005479-00006307 He isn’t even willing to try.Sure, Donald Trump can – and almost certainly will – veto the resolution 5aXnlNICTiA-00006-00006307-00006986 There don’t appear to be nearly enough votes to override the veto. But that’s not the point 5aXnlNICTiA-00007-00006986-00007783 The fate of the national emergency was always going to be decided by the courts, not via legislation 5aXnlNICTiA-00008-00007783-00009073 The whole point of this Democratic Party-sponsored bill was to weaken Trump by getting the Republicans to start formally distancing themselves from him, and sure enough, it’s done precisely that 5aXnlNICTiA-00009-00009073-00009831 For his part, Mitch McConnell has decided that this is now entirely Donald Trump’s problem 5aXnlNICTiA-00010-00009831-00010567 Trump will have to veto a bill that was passed by members of both parties, in both houses of Congress 5aXnlNICTiA-00011-00010567-00011340 He’ll have to take sole ownership of his idiotic shutdown and his even more idiotic national emergency declaration 5aXnlNICTiA-00012-00011340-00012315 More importantly, thirteen House Republicans and at least four Senate Republicans are voting against Trump on something that’s crucial to Trump’s survival 5aXnlNICTiA-00013-00012315-00012921 It sets the stage for more of the GOP to selfishly leave Trump to drown 6906slh6jlQ-00000-00000571-00001519 ''Military compensation must be competitive to recruit and retain the most qualified men and women to serve in an All-Volunteer Force 6906slh6jlQ-00001-00001519-00002441 The Budget proposes a 2020 military pay raise of 3.1 percent – the largest increase in a decade,” the document said 6906slh6jlQ-00002-00002441-00003758 Service members received a 3.9 percent pay increase in fiscal year 2009 and a 3.4 percent pay increase in fiscal year 2010 — a decade ago in fiscal years 6906slh6jlQ-00003-00003758-00005338 For junior enlisted troops, the 3.1 percent pay raise would amount to $815 more a year, and for senior enlisted and junior officers, about $1,500 more a year, according to the Military Times 6906slh6jlQ-00004-00005338-00006660 For an O-4 with 12 years in the military — typically a major in the Army, Marines, and Air Force, and a lieutenant commander in the Navy, the pay raise would be $2,800 more a year 6906slh6jlQ-00005-00006660-00008480 Each year’s pay raise is usually determined by the Employment Cost Index.The pay raise request will be part of a $750 billion defense budget request for fiscal year 2020, $34 billion or a five percent increase over the fiscal year 2019 enacted level 6906slh6jlQ-00006-00008480-00009481 White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said at a briefing on Monday, “The budget requests $750 billion for our national defense 6906slh6jlQ-00007-00009481-00010586 And to be clear, this is not funding for endless wars, this is for research and development and procurement to fund the most awe-inspiring military the world has ever known'' 6dW_49ydLJA-00000-00000513-00001124 Maybe Donald Trump believes that he can control all of the Republicans at once by Tweet 6dW_49ydLJA-00001-00001124-00002260 He appears to be trying to do so. In the past, one negative tweet could take out a senator, which is probably why the GOP is so subservient to POTUS 6dW_49ydLJA-00002-00002260-00002971 When the president tries to manipulate the Democrats via tweet, they just go “yeah, yeah” and move on 6dW_49ydLJA-00003-00002971-00003634 Check out the commander-in-chief attempting his gravity-defying mind control tweets now 6dW_49ydLJA-00004-00003634-00004392 Of course, most of the Democrats think that Trump’s fake national emergency is just a joke 6dW_49ydLJA-00005-00004392-00005264 First of all, to be an emergency, an event must be timely, and his wall fetish has been going on for years 6dW_49ydLJA-00006-00005264-00006343 Secondly, everyone knows that a wall is useless, because people can go over it — sometimes in airplanes, under it, through it, and around it — say by boats 6dW_49ydLJA-00007-00006343-00008114 Trump tweeted out his threat to the Republican senators. If they vote for the halt to Trump’s national emergency wall, the president will say they are like the Dems, “for open borders and crime:‘Democrats will have a unanimous vote on a 20% issue in opposing Republican Senators tomorrow 6dW_49ydLJA-00008-00008114-00009258 The Dems are for Open Borders and Crime!’.Then, Trump got really serious. He tweeted that the “Republican senators are “overthinking (sic)” the upcoming vote: 6dW_49ydLJA-00009-00009258-00010355 ‘Republican Senators are overthinking tomorrow’s vote on National Emergency. It is very simply Border Security/No Crime – Should not be thought of any other way 6dW_49ydLJA-00010-00010355-00011092 We have a MAJOR NATIONAL EMERGENCY at our Border and the People of our Country know it very well!’ 6dW_49ydLJA-00011-00011092-00012056 Even the Secretary of Border Security Kirstjen Nielsen had to admit that most of the drugs come through the current, legal border crossings 6dW_49ydLJA-00012-00012056-00012672 The Democrats nailed her on that one in a recent hearing.Tomorrow should be interesting 6dW_49ydLJA-00013-00012672-00013471 Maybe the great Trump remote control experiment of controlling all of the Republican senators will work 6dW_49ydLJA-00014-00013471-00013748 Maybe it will not 6n2c2szpDCA-00000-00000571-00001608 “President” Donald Trump caused a great deal of confusion in the national security arena on Friday, when he announced the removal of some sanctions against North Korea 6n2c2szpDCA-00001-00001608-00002739 Trump tweeted: “It was announced today by the U.S. Treasury that additional large scale Sanctions would be added to those already existing Sanctions on North Korea 6n2c2szpDCA-00002-00002739-00004092 I have today ordered the withdrawal of those additional Sanctions!”.Nobody knows quite what his tweet is referring to, as the United States Treasury issued no large-scale sanctions announced on Friday 6n2c2szpDCA-00003-00004092-00005294 The only recently announced sanctions by Treasury this week were against two Chinese shipping companies who had allegedly violated existing sanctions in place concerning shipments to North Korea 6n2c2szpDCA-00004-00005294-00006310 Perhaps that is what he was referring to in his tweet. In any event, the reason is based solely on his bromance with Kim Jong Un, or “Kimance 6n2c2szpDCA-00005-00006310-00007216 ” White House spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders stated, “Trump likes Chairman Kim and he doesn’t think these sanctions will be necessary'' 6n2c2szpDCA-00006-00007216-00008331 Trump, the man who does not sit through briefings, does not read anything, is just doing what he wants to do – because yet again, he personally likes a dictator 6n2c2szpDCA-00007-00008331-00010471 John Bolton, National Security Advisor, applauded the sanctions that were implemented on Thursday, noting that the “the maritime industry must do more to stop North Korea’s illicit shipping practices,” and cautioned in his tweet that “everyone should take notice and review their own activities to ensure they are not involved in North Korea’s sanctions evasion'' 6n2c2szpDCA-00008-00010471-00011249 By taking this action today, Trump gave an assist to China and President Xi, and to Chairman Kim 6n2c2szpDCA-00009-00011249-00011902 If it were based on some rational facts and supported by evidence, it would be one thing 6n2c2szpDCA-00010-00011902-00012717 However, we continue to have a guy in the White House who loves Kim, and once again goes against his close advisors 6n2c2szpDCA-00011-00012717-00013511 They have a better grasp on the world stage than Trump does, as he watches Fox all day and tweets recklessly 7uvCs-1zQ58-00000-00000571-00001950 America continues to follow the virtues of our Founding Fathers, despite the steps that Donald Trump takes to turn America into a kleptocracy that allows himself and his family to steal all the wealth from our nation 7uvCs-1zQ58-00001-00001950-00003794 While the constitution clearly states the Emoluments Clause does not allow Trump, or his family, to profit from the office through selling out to foreign countries, we continue to observe foreign adversaries pumping money into the pockets of the Trump family while seeking favor from the United States government 7uvCs-1zQ58-00002-00003794-00004964 .If America is to survive for longer than the 243 years we’ve made it so far, we must insist that individuals follow the laws that allowed us to make it this far 7uvCs-1zQ58-00003-00004964-00005704 One of the reasons that individuals originally chose to come to America was for religious freedom 7uvCs-1zQ58-00004-00005704-00007255 William Penn, someone who risked life and limb to travel from England to America in an effort to establish Pennsylvania, came to America to escape religious persecution in order to allow his fellow Quakers to establish a land of religious equality 7uvCs-1zQ58-00005-00007255-00008352 .According to Trump’s first illegitimate confirmation onto the Supreme Court, Justice Neil Gorsuch is now saying that America should be allowed to have an official religion 7uvCs-1zQ58-00006-00008352-00009366 Despite one of the main reasons for the creation of America, apparently some individuals now believe that God spoke to them as a reason to destroy this country 7uvCs-1zQ58-00007-00009366-00010301 While we have gone decades without having to deal with such outrageous claims, it appears that we are now in the midst of an attempted coup 7uvCs-1zQ58-00008-00010301-00011432 As Trump appointees become more prevalent, regardless of their level of power, we must continue to be even more vigilant against any further usurpations of power 84bY77rLGAQ-00000-00000571-00002467 Even as House Democrats do a deep dive to get to the bottom of why Donald Trump ordered that security clearances be given to Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner even after White House officials deemed them a security risk to the United States, a whole new scandal of a different kind is brewing for Ivanka and her husband 84bY77rLGAQ-00001-00002467-00003290 There’s a new book out which details numerous alleged abuses of power and privilege on the part of Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner 84bY77rLGAQ-00002-00003290-00004084 Chief among them: Ivanka regularly asked to use Air Force One as her own de facto private jet 84bY77rLGAQ-00003-00004084-00005442 It was so outrageous that when then-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson tried to put his foot down, Ivanka simply worked around it by taking corrupt Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin on the plane with her 84bY77rLGAQ-00004-00005442-00006320 It gets even worse.It wasn’t just that Ivanka wanted to use Air Force One as her own personal taxi service 84bY77rLGAQ-00005-00006320-00007388 For some reason, she wanted to be able to control who did and did not get to go on State Department trips, according to New York Times coverage of the new book 84bY77rLGAQ-00006-00007388-00008611 But the whole narrative takes an even stranger turn. At one point Donald Trump asked John Kelly to push Ivanka and Jared out of the White House just to get rid of the constant headaches involved 84bY77rLGAQ-00007-00008611-00009653 It’s been widely reported that Jared and Ivanka played a role in pushing John Kelly out of the White House, and this new information may help explain why it happened 84bY77rLGAQ-00008-00009653-00010421 But it’s doubtful that Ivanka knew just how direct her father was in trying to push her out of the White House 84bY77rLGAQ-00009-00010421-00011301 In any case, she knows about it now. Jared Kushner’s lawyer is claiming the entire book is a work of fiction 84bY77rLGAQ-00010-00011301-00011537 No wonder 99xcBC5XVzo-00000-00000571-00001289 President Obama’s regulations made America falling behind the rest of the world. Then Donald took over 99xcBC5XVzo-00001-00001289-00002026 We were forced to submit to the whims of foreign powers, weakening our economy and hurting jobs 99xcBC5XVzo-00002-00002026-00003003 Especially in one crucial sector….But now, President Trump has just signed two executive orders that will bring it all roaring back 99xcBC5XVzo-00003-00003003-00003757 “President Donald Trump signed a pair of executive orders aimed at speeding up oil and gas pipeline permitting… 99xcBC5XVzo-00004-00003757-00004395 …including limiting the ability of activists and states to block key energy projects 99xcBC5XVzo-00005-00004395-00005338 “.Take that, Greenpeace!.President Obama used so-called environmental regulation to hamper American energy production 99xcBC5XVzo-00006-00005338-00006861 And no matter how hard they tried, American companies could barely turn a profit.Even today, governors like New York’s Andrew Cuomo have strict environmental laws that prevent American companies from transporting oil and gas to areas that need it 99xcBC5XVzo-00007-00006861-00008086 The result?.Our energy production ground to a halt, while other nations ramped up their production, and we were forced to buy energy for foreign powers, enriching everyone but ourselves 99xcBC5XVzo-00008-00008086-00008971 But now, Trump’s new orders will prevent states – and activists – from crippling American energy dominance 99xcBC5XVzo-00009-00008971-00009820 It will also prevent government agencies—like the dreaded EPA—from slow-walking necessary permits 99xcBC5XVzo-00010-00009820-00010852 Companies will FINALLY be able to produce energy at a rapid clip, and without radical environmentalists (or corrupt Democrats) getting in the way 99xcBC5XVzo-00011-00010852-00011547 Remember this fact: under Trump, America has already become the world’s energy leader 99xcBC5XVzo-00012-00011547-00012380 And thankfully, these orders will ensure that Democrats across the country can’t stop America’s newfound momentum! 9vlQZIH6-eY-00000-00000513-00001806 On Wednesday, CNN published emails which very much appeared to reveal that Rudy Giuliani had instructed attorney Robert Costello to not so subtly dangle a pardon in Michael Cohen’s face 9vlQZIH6-eY-00001-00001806-00002885 This would represent felony obstruction of justice on the part of Giuliani and Costello, and the emails sure read like a smoking gun that could send them both away 9vlQZIH6-eY-00002-00002885-00004316 So naturally, Team Trump is now relying on its must absurd excuse to date.The emails show that Robert Costello told Michael Cohen that he should “sleep well tonight” because he’s got “friends in high places 9vlQZIH6-eY-00003-00004316-00005737 ” In other words, Cohen had nothing to worry about because Donald Trump was going to step in and pardon him, right? Not according to Costello, who is now blaming it all on – we can’t make this up – a Garth Brooks song 9vlQZIH6-eY-00004-00005737-00006889 Costello is telling the Daily Beast that while these published emails are indeed real, he wasn’t dangling a pardon, he was just referencing the song “Friends In Low Places 9vlQZIH6-eY-00005-00006889-00007942 ” No really, this is his defense. And this guy is a lawyer, so if there were a less ridiculous and desperate defense to be had, then he’d be floating that instead 9vlQZIH6-eY-00006-00007942-00008710 Garth Brooks is apparently the best defense available, which means he’s in a really bad situation 9vlQZIH6-eY-00007-00008710-00010400 We’ll see what happens. Our guess is that once everyone finishes laughing at the Garth Brooks defense, Costello will conclude that he has little choice but to cut a plea deal against Rudy Giuliani, who would in turn face pressure to cut a deal against Donald Trump 9vlQZIH6-eY-00008-00010400-00011416 That is, of course, unless Rudy and Costello are naive enough to fall for the same Trump pardon scam that they tried to play on Michael Cohen 9vlQZIH6-eY-00009-00011416-00011925 To quote The Office, it’s about to get all stupid up in here 9wiWe5SEL8y-00000-00000513-00002161 In his 1965 novel “God Bless You, Mr Rosewater,” Kurt Vonnegut creates an intermezzo character, a young girl named Selena, a product of an orphanage who is obliged to work as a maid in the wealthy home of one of the orphanage’s patrons 9wiWe5SEL8y-00001-00002161-00003339 Writing to the head of the orphanage, whom she affectionately calls “Daddy,” Selena sees her wealthy benefactors clearly, through the eyes of a wisdom that belies her years 9wiWe5SEL8y-00002-00003339-00004172 “What gets me most about these people, Daddy,” Selena writes, “isn’t how ignorant they are, or how much they drink 9wiWe5SEL8y-00003-00004172-00004987 It’s the way they have of thinking that everything nice in the world is a gift to the poor people from them or their ancestors 9wiWe5SEL8y-00004-00004987-00005917 ”.The matron of the house compels Selena to come to the rear porch and look at the sunset and, once witnessed, waits 9wiWe5SEL8y-00005-00005917-00007088 At length, Selena thanks her. “I have since thanked her,” Selena continues, “for the ocean, the moon, the stars in the sky, and the United States Constitution 9wiWe5SEL8y-00006-00007088-00008425 ”.In a tedious digression Wednesday before workers at an Ohio tank factory, Donald Trump said of the late John McCain that he, Trump, “gave him the kind of funeral he wanted,” but, “didn’t get a thank you 9wiWe5SEL8y-00007-00008425-00009773 ” What conceivable flight of supercilious fantasy could possibly make a man, who was barred from even attending a funeral, conclude that the funeral itself owed its existence to him, never mind that he should be thanked for it? 9wiWe5SEL8y-00008-00009773-00010632 .As we see from Vonnegut, the conceit to take credit for everything and the presumption to be thanked for everything is nothing new 9wiWe5SEL8y-00009-00010632-00011526 It’s really a feature of the powerful that is older than the Pharaohs. It is out of place in a Democracy, but never mind that 9wiWe5SEL8y-00010-00011526-00012181 What is it doing in the addled brain of Donald Trump? Does Trump suffer from a God delusion? 9wiWe5SEL8y-00011-00012181-00013461 . .We’ve seen nothing to suggest that he doesn’t. Trump has a near pathological aversion for admitting when he’s wrong, but even more than this, Trump has an overweening need to take credit 9wiWe5SEL8y-00012-00013461-00015373 Credit for the economy, credit for the Kavanaugh appointment, credit for the tax bill (as long as it continues, largely, to be seen as good by its Trump-supporting victims living in poverty), credit for aviation safety (except when planes crash), hell, credit for coining the term “priming the pump 9wiWe5SEL8y-00013-00015373-00016191 ”.I wouldn’t mind any of this quite so much were it not for one thing, the thing that it all relentlessly tracks back to 9wiWe5SEL8y-00014-00016191-00016943 Donald Trump is in charge of the most fearsome nuclear arsenal ever assembled by the human race 9wiWe5SEL8y-00015-00016943-00017560 And he thinks he’s God. And so, too, do many of his followers 9KdfWbt309o-00000-00000571-00002441 It was widely expected, but it’s nonetheless a jarring development. Today was the legally mandated deadline for the IRS to turn over Donald Trump’s tax returns to the House Ways and Means Committee, and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin has personally intervened in order to put a stop to it 9KdfWbt309o-00001-00002441-00003264 The next step is for the House to put Mnuchin’s freedom in jeopardy. No, really. We’re at that point now 9KdfWbt309o-00002-00003264-00004784 .Just a few moments ago, Mnuchin sent a letter to Congress, stating that his department “could not complete its review” in time to meet the House Ways and Means Committee’s deadline, according to the Washington Post and other major news outlets 9KdfWbt309o-00003-00004784-00005500 Tellingly, Mnuchin says that he’s planning to consult with the Department of Justice about the request 9KdfWbt309o-00004-00005500-00006521 The DOJ just happens to be run by William Barr, the same guy who has spent the past month trying to prevent the Mueller report from seeing the light of day 9KdfWbt309o-00005-00006521-00007715 . .In other words, Mnuchin and Barr are going to try to invent some imaginary legal ground for refusing to comply with the law when it comes to Trump’s tax returns 9KdfWbt309o-00006-00007715-00008673 But that won’t matter. House Democrats aren’t going to take this lying down. The committee has a couple options for moving forward 9KdfWbt309o-00007-00008673-00009405 It can subpoena Trump’s tax returns. It can also arrest Mnuchin for contempt of Congress 9KdfWbt309o-00008-00009405-00010275 Mnuchin would be thrown in jail, and a federal judge would then have to decide if Mnuchin would remain behind bars until he complies 9KdfWbt309o-00009-00010275-00011508 .We’ll see how far Steve Mnuchin is willing to take this dangerous game. When he was testifying before the House Financial Services Committee yesterday, he came off as extraordinarily nervous 9KdfWbt309o-00010-00011508-00013279 Make no mistake, though: what Mnuchin just said to Congress was ‘come arrest me.’ We’ll soon find out if Mnuchin is bluffing, because he knowingly committed a crime by sending this letter today, and he’ll be harshly held accountable unless he reverses course quickly a5asXm35rGc-00000-00000571-00001548 President Donald Trump’s excuse for not releasing his tax returns was destroyed Wednesday afternoon by none other than the head of the IRS a5asXm35rGc-00001-00001548-00002279 .Trump has insisted for years that he cannot release his tax returns because they are under audit a5asXm35rGc-00002-00002279-00003478 But IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig contradicted his assertion by making it clear that there’s no rule preventing Trump from releasing his taxes, even if he is under audit a5asXm35rGc-00003-00003478-00004411 Rettig was questioned about this very issue by Rep. Sanford Bishop (D-GA) at a hearing of the House Appropriations Subcommittee a5asXm35rGc-00004-00004411-00005275 “If anyone’s tax return is under audit, is there a rule that would prohibit a taxpayer from releasing it?” Bishop asked a5asXm35rGc-00005-00005275-00006568 “I think I’ve answered that question: No,” Rettig answered. In response to a later question, Rettig said he “was not aware” of any rule that would prohibit the release of tax returns that are under audit a5asXm35rGc-00006-00006568-00007485 Trump on Wednesday once again tried to use an audit as an excuse as to why he wants to keep his tax returns hidden from public scrutiny a5asXm35rGc-00007-00007485-00008342 “Now, I will say this, I would love to give them [tax returns], but I’m not going to do it while I’m under audit a5asXm35rGc-00008-00008342-00009204 It’s very simple,” Trump told reporters.Before the election, Trump repeatedly promised to release his taxes a5asXm35rGc-00009-00009204-00010016 But he never did, becoming the first president since Richard Nixon to not voluntarily release this information a5asXm35rGc-00010-00010016-00011589 The issue has reached boiling point days after Rep. Richard Neal (D-MA), chair of the House Ways and Means Committee, sent a letter to the IRS demanding six years of Trump’s taxes, including returns from several of his businesses a5asXm35rGc-00011-00011589-00012743 According to a 1920s era law, the Treasury Department must turn over tax returns requested by the head of either the House Ways and Means Committee or the Senate Finance Committee a5asXm35rGc-00012-00012743-00014488 House Democrats are seeking Trump’s tax returns as part of their constitutional oversight duties, in order to assess whether or not Trump has any conflicts of interest, shady business relationships, or undue influence from foreign governments like Russia or Saudi Arabia a5asXm35rGc-00013-00014488-00015815 Additionally, Trump’s former attorney and “fixer,” Michael Cohen, claimed in congressional testimony that Trump may have broken the law to avoid paying millions of dollars in state and local taxes a5asXm35rGc-00014-00015815-00016727 But rather than come clean with the American people, Trump is hiding his taxes. But his excuses for doing so are quickly falling apart aFoKOZfhVCA-00000-00000513-00001307 President Trump spoke exclusively with Breitbart, where he explained the downfalls of Democrat socialism aFoKOZfhVCA-00001-00001307-00002401 The Hill reported that according to a new Harris poll, fully 49.6 percent of the millennials and Generation Z’ers polled would prefer to live in a socialist country aFoKOZfhVCA-00002-00002401-00003370 .May I suggest Venezuela as a good place to visit?.That attitude is why we have such support from the Democratic base for the “Green New Deal aFoKOZfhVCA-00003-00003370-00004661 ”.For young millennials, their No. 1 issue is protecting the environment, and they will go to any lengths, vote for any candidate, and support any cause that will achieve that goal aFoKOZfhVCA-00004-00004661-00005651 .It was young, white millennials who voted out Joe Crowley in favor of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N aFoKOZfhVCA-00005-00005651-00006615 Y.), who recently called President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the closest thing to socialism this country has ever had, a racist aFoKOZfhVCA-00006-00006615-00007558 .President Donald Trump told Breitbart News on Monday that he feels “very strongly” that the United States will never succumb to socialism aFoKOZfhVCA-00007-00007558-00008971 “I feel that—I feel it very strongly,” Trump replied when asked by Breitbart News’s Washington Political Editor Matthew Boyle about his pledge in the State of the Union address that the United States would never become a socialist country aFoKOZfhVCA-00008-00008971-00010045 Trump continued by explaining that many Democrats are campaigning on socialism, however, because it is “easy” to campaign on but difficult “to govern on aFoKOZfhVCA-00009-00010045-00011322 ”.“Now with that being said, you always have to be very careful, because socialism is easy to campaign on but tough to govern on, because the country goes down the tubes,” Trump said aFoKOZfhVCA-00010-00011322-00012628 “But when you tell people free medical, free education, no more student loans—all of the different things that you say—it’s a great thing to campaign on, but then ten years later the country is down the tubes aFoKOZfhVCA-00011-00012628-00013971 It’s gone. So, you always have to be careful with it, because you know you talk about single-payer, it sounds very seductive—single-payer—say what you want, but it’s a very seductive thing aFoKOZfhVCA-00012-00013971-00014718 But it means you’re not going to have good healthcare, it means the country is not going to be able to afford it aFoKOZfhVCA-00013-00014718-00015888 Not only is the country not going to be able to afford it, but it’s more than the entire revenue stream taken in for the entire—it’s like not even close right? But nobody thinks about that aFoKOZfhVCA-00014-00015888-00017633 They think, free healthcare isn’t that wonderful? But the truth is when you’re up on the debate stage, and they say we’re giving you free education, we’re giving you free healthcare, we’re giving you everything you want and a Rolls-Royce in everyone’s pocket, it’s not an easy situation aFoKOZfhVCA-00015-00017633-00018458 But what happens is ten years later the country is gone. Okay, whether it’s this country or any other country aFoKOZfhVCA-00016-00018458-00019542 ”.In response to a follow-up question from Breitbart News senior White House correspondent Charlie Spiering, Trump said that the pendulum swings in politics frequently aFoKOZfhVCA-00017-00019542-00020527 Trump said that if the left somehow took control down the road, the voters would eventually course correct and choose a Republican next aFoKOZfhVCA-00018-00020527-00021128 “Then what happens is you take a violent turn to the other direction,” Trump said aFoKOZfhVCA-00019-00021128-00022175 When Spiering asked if Trump is worried about a “violent turn” toward socialism after two years of his administration’s policies, Trump said he is not aFoKOZfhVCA-00020-00022175-00023123 He pointed to his rising approval rating poll numbers, which he pointed out he has achieved despite overwhelmingly negative media coverage aFoKOZfhVCA-00021-00023123-00024040 “I don’t think so,f because we’ve had our best poll numbers,” Trump said. “You saw them—we’ve had our best poll numbers aFoKOZfhVCA-00022-00024040-00024918 We had nothing but fake news. Fox treats me well—and when I say well, I define well as fairly aFoKOZfhVCA-00023-00024918-00026018 It’s not—some of it’s not so good at all. But at least it’s fair. I do really well with local—you know, the local stuff is shockingly good aFoKOZfhVCA-00024-00026018-00027180 It’s almost like not even to be believed. But CNN and MSNBC and NBC, ABC, and yeah CBS, they’re all extraordinarily bad aFoKOZfhVCA-00025-00027180-00028008 I would say NBC is maybe the worst and very dishonest. It’s not even like bad, like bad reporting aFoKOZfhVCA-00026-00028008-00028760 It’s totally dishonest reporting. It’s really pretty incredible what they can get away with aFoKOZfhVCA-00027-00028760-00029912 ”.Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alexander Marlow noted that many on the left are now coming “out” as socialists, publicly revealing themselves as such for the first time aFoKOZfhVCA-00028-00029912-00030897 When asked by Marlow whether he thinks there is a rise in support for socialism in the country, Trump questioned whether there actually is one happening aFoKOZfhVCA-00029-00030897-00031840 In his response, he pointed to how different Democrat presidential candidates have handled the question of supporting capitalism or socialism aFoKOZfhVCA-00030-00031840-00032525 Trump said the next election may very well be a referendum on socialism versus capitalism aFoKOZfhVCA-00031-00032525-00033582 Trump specifically cited one candidate whom he mockingly said he would not name (he later whispered “Hickenlooper”) for dodging a question on capitalism aFoKOZfhVCA-00032-00033582-00034768 Former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, a Democrat running for president in 2020, dodged when asked whether or not he is a capitalist on MSNBC aFoKOZfhVCA-00033-00034768-00035630 “Well I don’t know if there will be a rise, we have to see that—and that we will only know in an election,” Trump said aFoKOZfhVCA-00034-00035630-00036759 “So far, if you add it all up, you know, I watched a certain gentleman—I won’t mention his name, but he made a couple of bucks, he refuses to acknowledge capitalism aFoKOZfhVCA-00035-00036759-00037723 You saw that over the weekend—Hickenlooper. He was ashamed of the word, and yet I’ve seen others maybe going in the other direction aFoKOZfhVCA-00036-00037723-00038551 ”.Trump’s comments came during a more-than-40-minute exclusive interview in the Oval Office in the White House on Monday afternoon aZSMu9RciEM-00000-00000571-00001629 Fox News personality Jeanine Pirro is off the air for the second straight week amid controversy surrounding Islamophobic remarks she made about Rep aZSMu9RciEM-00001-00001629-00003175 Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and now President Donald Trump is rallying to her defense.Pirro’s show, Justice with Judge Jeanine, was absent from its 9pm spot on Saturday following an incident where Pirro questioned whether Rep aZSMu9RciEM-00002-00003175-00004063 Omar was loyal to the United States because she wears a hijab, claiming it to be “antithetical to the United States Constitution aZSMu9RciEM-00003-00004063-00005165 ”.Although Fox News took a rare and public stance against its own anchor, releasing a statement condemning her actions, Pirro has so far refused to apologize aZSMu9RciEM-00004-00005165-00005913 She says that she never actually called Oman “un-american” and therefore doesn’t need to offer an apology aZSMu9RciEM-00005-00005913-00006861 Beyond the initial reprimand, Fox News has decline further comment, only saying “We aren’t going beyond our statement from the other week aZSMu9RciEM-00006-00006861-00007984 ” in a statement to HuffPost.And now, President Trump has thrown his two cents into the mix, taking to his favorite platform, Twitter, to come to Pirro’s strong defense aZSMu9RciEM-00007-00007984-00009379 He tweeted on Sunday, “Fox … must stay strong and fight back with vigor. Stop working soooo hard on being politically correct, which will only bring you down, and continue to fight for our Country,” aZSMu9RciEM-00008-00009379-00010944 The President tweeted about the Pirro absence….Bring back JudgeJeanine Pirro. The Radical Left Democrats, working closely with their beloved partner, the Fake News Media, is using every trick in the book to SILENCE a majority of our Country aZSMu9RciEM-00009-00010944-00011628 They have all out campaigns against @FoxNews hosts who are doing too well. Fox … aZSMu9RciEM-00010-00011628-00012370 — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 17, 2019.And then he tweeted some more… aZSMu9RciEM-00011-00012370-00013522 ….must stay strong and fight back with vigor. Stop working soooo hard on being politically correct, which will only bring you down, and continue to fight for our Country aZSMu9RciEM-00012-00013522-00014402 The losers all want what you have, don’t give it to them. Be strong & prosper, be weak & die! Stay true… aZSMu9RciEM-00013-00014402-00015355 — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 17, 2019.And more, still.….to the people that got you there aZSMu9RciEM-00014-00015355-00016356 Keep fighting for Tucker, and fight hard for @JudgeJeanine. Your competitors are jealous – they all want what you’ve got – NUMBER ONE aZSMu9RciEM-00015-00016356-00017116 Don’t hand it to them on a silver platter. They can’t beat you, you can only beat yourselves!— Donald J aZSMu9RciEM-00016-00017116-00018459 Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 17, 2019.With Tucker Carlson’s recent splash in the news due to past appearances on the Bubba the Love Sponge radio show and now this little showing from Ms aZSMu9RciEM-00017-00018459-00019370 Pirro, Fox News is finding itself in the hot seat trying to explain bad behavior from some of it’s most well known faces aZSMu9RciEM-00018-00019370-00020091 President Trump, however, isn’t so quick to believe that this is just a case of “bad behavior” aZSMu9RciEM-00019-00020091-00021209 No, no. This is much more, according to him. This is all part of a left-wing media conspiracy to take down Fox News one conservative anchor at a time aZSMu9RciEM-00020-00021209-00022048 Okayyyy. It’s nice to know what the President of the United States is spending his time doing, don’t you think? bUJSaZPPwTA-00000-00000571-00001665 Democrats love to blame President Donald Trump for everything under the sun.From climate change to the Jussie Smollett hoax, it’s just all Trump’s fault bUJSaZPPwTA-00001-00001665-00002402 But when leftists come unglued, they take their accusations to an even more outrageous level bUJSaZPPwTA-00002-00002402-00003758 …and that’s when they start saying Trump is going to “kill people.”.And the latest far-left politician to come unglued is socialist Bernie Sanders, who unleashed his insane threat on CBS’s “Face the Nation bUJSaZPPwTA-00003-00003758-00004620 ”.Via Breitbart:.“…Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) predicted ‘thousands of people’ would ‘literally die’… bUJSaZPPwTA-00004-00004620-00005304 …if President Donald Trump uses the courts to strike down the Affordable Care Act bUJSaZPPwTA-00005-00005304-00006331 “.Yes, you read that correctly:.Thousands would “literally die” if Trump got rid of the unmitigated disaster that is the Affordable Care Act (ACA) bUJSaZPPwTA-00006-00006331-00007219 Sanders said Trump only wants to “throw 32 million off the health insurance they have,” which would result in those “thousands” of deaths bUJSaZPPwTA-00007-00007219-00008135 Of course, he doesn’t mention that Obamacare is an absolute travesty and has failed to do anything Democrats said it would do bUJSaZPPwTA-00008-00008135-00009089 Insurance costs didn’t go down at all (in fact, they rose for most), and it’s essentially worthless in regards to what it actually covers bUJSaZPPwTA-00009-00009089-00009854 There’s a reason why many consider this to be Obama’s biggest failure. And it’s why Trump wants to fix it bUJSaZPPwTA-00010-00009854-00010970 But Sanders and other Democrats just spout their absurd “healthcare for all” philosophy, which every economist worth a salt has already proven would bankrupt America bUJSaZPPwTA-00011-00010970-00011596 It’s what socialists like Bernie want, really.They want everyone broke and miserable bUJSaZPPwTA-00012-00011596-00012717 They think we’ll be better off that way, apparently.But aren’t you sick of the far-left nutjobs saying wacko things like, “Trump is going to kill thousands of people”? bUJSaZPPwTA-00013-00012717-00013459 He’s trying to fix a system that everyone knows is busted, and you’re telling the country he’s going to cause deaths? bUJSaZPPwTA-00014-00013459-00013741 Just…stop cyn7usc0Wwc-00000-00000513-00001709 Trump Quotes Greenpeace Co-Founder Blasting “Climate Crisis” as “Fake News”.Greenpeace hit back at President Trump and Patrick Moore, claiming Moore was not a “founder” of Greenpeace cyn7usc0Wwc-00001-00001709-00003020 However, Moore clearly is a founder of Greenpeace.The BBC reported that Greenpeace has hit back against President Donald Trump for tweeting a climate change denial from a former member of the environmental group cyn7usc0Wwc-00002-00003020-00004159 Mr Trump quoted Patrick Moore, who he claimed was a founder of Greenpeace, as saying: “The whole climate crisis is not only Fake News, it’s Fake Science cyn7usc0Wwc-00003-00004159-00004938 ”.Greenpeace said Mr Moore was not a founder, but a nuclear lobbyist who does not represent the group cyn7usc0Wwc-00004-00004938-00006476 The Republican president has frequently cast doubt on climate change science.Co-founder of environmental organization Greenpeace Patrick Moore said Tuesday that the climate change crisis driving much of liberal politics today “is not only fake news cyn7usc0Wwc-00005-00006476-00007856 It’s fake science.”.Moore also wondered during his appearance on “Fox & Friends” why people would be worried about global warming: “A little bit of warming would not be a bad thing, for myself being Canadian cyn7usc0Wwc-00006-00007856-00008621 ”.Moore bounced back into the climate change debate last week in an online feud with New York Democratic Rep cyn7usc0Wwc-00007-00008621-00009470 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez after he blasted her Green New Deal for being not ambitious but ridiculous cyn7usc0Wwc-00008-00009470-00011421 “Well, it’s a silly plan; that’s why I suggested she was a pompous little twit, twit meaning silly in the British lexicon,” Moore told Fox, adding, “She really rubbed me the wrong way when she said she’s ‘the boss’ because she can make up a proposal that’s completely ridiculous, and nobody else did cyn7usc0Wwc-00009-00011421-00012931 ”.Moore, who now sits as a director on the CO2 Coalition, a group of American and Canadian scientists who refute man-made climate change, says carbon dioxide is “the main building block of all life” and that it is good for the environment cyn7usc0Wwc-00010-00012931-00014446 “There is nothing to be afraid of.”.He doesn’t deny climate change. “Of course climate change is real: it’s been happening since the beginning of time but it’s not dangerous and it’s not created by people … a completely natural phenomenon cyn7usc0Wwc-00011-00014446-00015794 ”.Moore questioned why so many scientists who promote a climate change crisis receive “perpetual government grants,” insist “the science is settled and say people like myself should just shut up cyn7usc0Wwc-00012-00015794-00016449 On the other hand, they keep studying it forever as if there’s something new to find out cyn7usc0Wwc-00013-00016449-00017160 ”.The former Greenpeace director says the organization has been “hijacked by the extreme left cyn7usc0Wwc-00014-00017160-00018560 ”.Getting back to the Green New Deal, Moore insisted the plan is a recipe for catastrophe: “You cannot do agriculture for 8 billion people, produce the food for 8 billion people without fossil fuels cyn7usc0Wwc-00015-00018560-00018660 ” ckEK6vvNdCk-00000-00000571-00001582 We all know by now that Donald Trump is refusing to release his tax returns, something no candidate for president had done since 1976 ckEK6vvNdCk-00001-00001582-00002794 He’s made excuse after excuse, with his main excuse being that he’s under audit and will release them as soon as that is over, but anyone actually paying attention knows that just wont happen ckEK6vvNdCk-00002-00002794-00005166 Now, however, Crain’s New York managed to get a copy of the following quarterly property tax bill to Trump from the city of New York’s Department of Finance:HOT TOPIC Trump refuses to release his taxes, but his NYC finance records are an interesting discovery We all know by now that Donald Trump is refusing to release his tax returns, something no candidate for president had done since 1976 ckEK6vvNdCk-00003-00005166-00006378 He’s made excuse after excuse, with his main excuse being that he’s under audit and will release them as soon as that is over, but anyone actually paying attention knows that just wont happen ckEK6vvNdCk-00004-00006378-00007352 Now, however, Crain’s New York managed to get a copy of the following quarterly property tax bill to Trump from the city of New York’s Department of Finance: ckEK6vvNdCk-00005-00007352-00008919 The Washington Post notes that “in order to get the STAR credit highlighted in the statement, you must own your own home, it must be your primary residence, and you and your spouse don’t make a combined income of over $500,000 per year ckEK6vvNdCk-00006-00008919-00009998 ”.“There’s also a STAR credit for those who make under $84,550 and are at least 65 years of age, which Trump is ckEK6vvNdCk-00007-00009998-00011004 This means, then, that Trump’s income for the 2014 tax year would have been between $84,550 and $500,000 ckEK6vvNdCk-00008-00011004-00011962 ”.This may seem shockingly low for someone who claims to be a billionaire. Trump’s finances are clearly confusing and murky at best ckEK6vvNdCk-00009-00011962-00012699 For consistency, Crain’s found the same tax credit in other years’ statements to Trump as well ckEK6vvNdCk-00010-00012699-00014041 Trump could release his tax returns and clear up a lot of the confusion around his finances, but he will not do that because there are obviously things in there that are shady and unethical that he doesn’t want anyone to see ckEK6vvNdCk-00011-00014041-00014689 Can we trust someone who is so secretive to be our president? What are you hiding, Mr ckEK6vvNdCk-00012-00014689-00014950 Trump? d8u1iNmbp_M-00000-00000513-00001793 The Democratic National Committee has chosen Milwaukee as the site of the Democratic National Convention in July 2020, the committee announced Monday after sources confirmed the pick to CNN d8u1iNmbp_M-00001-00001793-00002906 The decision means the world of Democratic politics will head to Wisconsin, a state the party failed to win during the 2016 election, to pick their 2020 nominee d8u1iNmbp_M-00002-00002906-00003802 The move is a signal that the party believes winning back the upper Midwest could be central to their plans to oust President Donald Trump d8u1iNmbp_M-00003-00003802-00004857 "This choice is a statement of our values, and I'm thrilled Milwaukee will host the 2020 Democratic National Convention," DNC chairman Tom Perez said d8u1iNmbp_M-00004-00004857-00005573 "The Democratic Party is the party of working people, and Milwaukee is a city of working people d8u1iNmbp_M-00005-00005573-00006591 We saw in this last election what we can accomplish when we come together, invest, and fight for working people, and that was proven right here in Wisconsin d8u1iNmbp_M-00006-00006591-00007328 ".Milwaukee was one of three finalists and the city defeated Miami Beach and Houston d8u1iNmbp_M-00007-00007328-00007997 "I want to thank the leaders in Houston and Miami for all their hard work throughout this process d8u1iNmbp_M-00008-00007997-00008835 They both put forward competitive proposals that I'm sure will lead them to hosting future conventions," Perez said d8u1iNmbp_M-00009-00008835-00010541 According to one Democratic source familiar with the process, Houston made a strong pitch and the logistics of the event would have worked, but it wasn't picked because of a dispute between Mayor Sylvester Turner and Houston Professional Fire Fighters Association, the fire fighters union in the Texas city d8u1iNmbp_M-00010-00010541-00011818 The same aide said logistics were the primary issue for Miami Beach."This is a great day for the city of Milwaukee and for the state of Wisconsin," Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett said in a statement d8u1iNmbp_M-00011-00011818-00012638 "Milwaukee is a first-class city, and we are ready to showcase Milwaukee on one of the largest stages in the world d8u1iNmbp_M-00012-00012638-00013903 ".The Democratic National Convention is slated to take place from July 13 to July 16, 2020, almost two weeks earlier than the 2016 convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania d8u1iNmbp_M-00013-00013903-00014558 Democrats moved the convention up out of anticipation of a crowded and contentious primary d8u1iNmbp_M-00014-00014558-00015880 "The Democratic Party is committed to organizing everywhere and holding the convention in mid-July allows us to continue our work doing exactly that," Perez said in a statement when he announced the early convention d8u1iNmbp_M-00015-00015880-00016906 "My priority is to ensure that the 2020 nominating process is the most open, fair, transparent and inclusive in our party's history d8u1iNmbp_M-00016-00016906-00017896 ".So far, over a dozen Democrats are running for President and a handful more, including Vice President Joe Biden and former Rep d8u1iNmbp_M-00017-00017896-00018876 Beto O'Rourke, are considering a bid.An earlier convention also allows the eventual nominee to spend general election funds earlier in the race d8u1iNmbp_M-00018-00018876-00020219 While candidates can raise money for both their primary and the general election during the primary, they cannot spend the general election money until they secure the nomination, according to Federal Election Commission rules d8u1iNmbp_M-00019-00020219-00021256 Republicans will host their national convention more than a month later in Charlotte, North Carolina, from August 24 to August 27, 2020 eXB8zXJDYkc-00000-00000513-00001466 President Trump said in an interview released Monday that he does not want any immigrants to come to the United States who would be on welfare eXB8zXJDYkc-00001-00001466-00002109 “I don’t want to have anyone coming in that’s on welfare,” Trump told Breitbart News eXB8zXJDYkc-00002-00002109-00003381 “We owe a lot of money. We’re taking care of everybody in the world’s military. But now as you know I got over $100 billion from NATO countries," Trump said in the interview eXB8zXJDYkc-00003-00003381-00004081 "But that’s not enough, that’s not enough, we’re paying for massive portions of NATO eXB8zXJDYkc-00004-00004081-00005661 ".Trump's comments came in response to questions citing a report by the Center for Immigration Studies that said "63 percent of households headed by a non-citizen reported that they used at least one welfare program" in 2014 eXB8zXJDYkc-00005-00005661-00007056 However, some critics have challenged the numbers. The think tank describes itself as an "independent, non-partisan, non-profit, research organization" and has the slogan "low-immigration, pro-immigrant eXB8zXJDYkc-00006-00007056-00008098 ".Trump accused politicians and Democrats of being weak or having vested interests in allowing immigrants needing welfare assistance to come into the country eXB8zXJDYkc-00007-00008098-00009540 “We have a problem, because we have politicians that are not strong, or they have bad intentions, or they want to get votes, because they think if they come in they’re going to vote Democrat, you know, for the most part," Trump said eXB8zXJDYkc-00008-00009540-00011374 Speaking about the Democrats, he added, “They’ll take anybody into this country and we’re not allowing it, but because of the success of the country economically, some people say—I blame myself, but that’s a good blame not a bad blame—but because of the country’s success and you need workers here eXB8zXJDYkc-00009-00011374-00012280 ”.He continued: “You do need workers. You have homes in Houston, and they can’t get people to build the homes—and lots of other places eXB8zXJDYkc-00010-00012280-00013082 But because of what’s happened, and because of the people coming up, they want them to come in and they don’t care how they come in eXB8zXJDYkc-00011-00013082-00014219 ”.The president concluded: “I don’t like the idea of people coming in and going on welfare for 50 years, and that’s what they want to be able to do—and it’s no good eXB8zXJDYkc-00012-00014219-00014319 ” ekrLyoyYwp0-00000-00000571-00001250 Despite his erratic and unstable nature, Donald Trump is largely a man of patterns ekrLyoyYwp0-00001-00001250-00002031 In fact he seems so at home with his patterns, he doesn’t appear to even know he’s engaging in them ekrLyoyYwp0-00002-00002031-00002979 For instance, while he hurls cheap insults at all of his adversaries, he consistently accuses his black adversaries of being unintelligent ekrLyoyYwp0-00003-00002979-00003998 But something just shifted.Whenever Donald Trump wants to lash out at an African American public figure, he nearly always does so by calling them a dummy ekrLyoyYwp0-00004-00003998-00004977 Democratic Chairwoman Maxine Waters is a low IQ individual. CNN host Don Lemon is a low IQ individual ekrLyoyYwp0-00005-00004977-00005978 Basketball star LeBron James is a low IQ individual. We all know what the commonality is here in Trump’s deranged mind ekrLyoyYwp0-00006-00005978-00006983 But over the past few weeks, Trump’s lack of intellect and cognitive ability has come directly under fire, and his attack pattern has shifted accordingly ekrLyoyYwp0-00007-00006983-00008094 First, Michael Cohen testified that Donald Trump’s grades and SAT scores are so bad, he sent threatening letters to everyone who might have been in position to publish them ekrLyoyYwp0-00008-00008094-00008890 Then Trump unwittingly played into the stereotype by referring to Apple CEO Tim Cook as “Tim Apple ekrLyoyYwp0-00009-00008890-00009643 ” Okay, so Trump was a poor student, he isn’t particularly bright, and he frequently misspeaks ekrLyoyYwp0-00010-00009643-00010531 So what?.When Donald Trump attacked John McCain over the weekend, he insisted that McCain was “last in his class” at Annapolis ekrLyoyYwp0-00011-00010531-00011542 Hmm, so Trump suddenly cares about other people’s grades. Then after Joe Biden got a bit tongue tied, Trump tweeted that Biden was a “low I ekrLyoyYwp0-00012-00011542-00012926 Q. individual.” Wait a minute here.Trump has expanded beyond his default racist position of attacking the intelligence of black people, and he’s now making a point of attacking the intelligence of white men ekrLyoyYwp0-00013-00012926-00014261 We think we know what’s going on here. Before, it was just a matter of Trump being racist enough to think that black people are dumb, and his base being racist enough to eat up the stereotype ekrLyoyYwp0-00014-00014261-00014895 But Trump has always viewed other white men as being on his own plane of existence ekrLyoyYwp0-00015-00014895-00015964 Now that one incident after another is shining a light on Trump’s lack of intellect, he’s lashing out at his fellow white men, because he sees them as his real competition ekrLyoyYwp0-00016-00015964-00016275 Racist is as racist does frKOD_JxOuU-00000-00000571-00001506 On Thursday, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange was turned over from the Ecuadorian embassy he’d been living in to the London police frKOD_JxOuU-00001-00001506-00002684 The arrest has reignited the conversation about how involved Assange and Wikileaks were in the Russian interference scandal that helped Donald Trump win the 2016 Presidential election frKOD_JxOuU-00002-00002684-00004565 MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow easily connected the dots on her show:.“Between on or about October 7th and November 7th, ‘organization one,’ WikiLeaks, released approximately 33 trenches of documents that had been stolen from the chairman of the Clinton campaign,” Maddow explained frKOD_JxOuU-00003-00004565-00006764 “In total over 50,000 stolen documents were released. So Wikileaks is the entity, according to prosecutors that with Russian military intelligence used to get the best stuff that would hurt Clinton the most, soliciting specific stuff about Hillary that would hurt Hillary the most, specifically both in terms of the timing and the content of what they wanted frKOD_JxOuU-00004-00006764-00009178 ”.“During the time that Wikileaks was liasioning with the Russians, Wikileaks was also in direct contact with the president’s eldest son, Don Junior, advising him on how to better circulate the documents that the GRU had stolen for maximum impact — what link exactly his father should mention and that he should tweet out to make sure that the Russian documents got the widest distribution,” she continued frKOD_JxOuU-00005-00009178-00010445 “Don Junior appears to have been psyched about that particular outreach and posted exactly what they told him to post, posted that link exactly as they told him to post it,”Maddow explained frKOD_JxOuU-00006-00010445-00011466 “Wikileaks also gave the Trump campaign, they gave Don Jr login information for a website criticizing Trump’s friendliness toward Putin frKOD_JxOuU-00007-00011466-00012310 Wikileaks gave Don Jr. a heads up that that website was about to launch. on that one Don Jr frKOD_JxOuU-00008-00012310-00012968 appears to have been forwarded that information to lots of other people on the campaign frKOD_JxOuU-00009-00012968-00015040 on Election Day, Wikileaks sent this note to Don Jr. quote, ‘Hi, Don. if your father loses, we think it is much more interesting, we think it is much more interesting if he does not concede and spends time challenging the media and other types of vote rigging that occurred as he has implied that he might do frKOD_JxOuU-00010-00015040-00015844 election day. If your father, quote, loses, we think it’s much more interesting if he doesn’t concede frKOD_JxOuU-00011-00015844-00015944 ” fYQfw4d9Tyu-00000-00000571-00001809 On Tuesday, Representative Matt Gaetz (R-FL) sparked outrage by sending a threatening tweet at Michael Cohen as the former Trump attorney began his three days of testimony before Congress fYQfw4d9Tyu-00001-00001809-00003473 Gaetz is known for his nauseatingly sycophantic behavior towards the inept ignoramus currently inhabiting the Oval Office, and critics immediately accused the Congressman of engaging in a mobster-like effort to intimidate Cohen in an effort to ingratiate himself with the president fYQfw4d9Tyu-00002-00003473-00004672 Showcasing for the umpteenth time what a classless goon he is, Gaetz targeted Cohen’s family and alluded to some form of marital indiscretions on the part of Trump’s former fixer fYQfw4d9Tyu-00003-00004672-00006336 The Florida Bar has already opened an investigation into the tweet and in the face of withering backlash, Gaetz deleted the tweet and issued another in which he claimed that he has apologized to Cohen and admitted that targeting the disbarred attorney’s family was out of line fYQfw4d9Tyu-00004-00006336-00007590 It read more as a face-saving PR ploy than a sincere mea culpa.Now, it’s turned out that those who interpreted Gaetz’s retraction as disingenuous were almost certainly correct fYQfw4d9Tyu-00005-00007590-00008708 Edward-Isaac Dovere of The Atlantic reported on Twitter that Trump called Representative Gaetz last night from Hanoi, Vietnam to discuss Michael Cohen’s bombshell testimony fYQfw4d9Tyu-00006-00008708-00009679 According to Dovere, rather than explain how he now believes his threatening tweet was a mistake, Gaetz gushed unapologetically about it g_0rkrWeMTg-00000-00000571-00001302 Nancy Pelosi and her Democratic cohorts are moving to impeach President Donald Trump this spring g_0rkrWeMTg-00001-00001302-00002245 Luckily, the president and those loyal to him are fully aware of this bogus impeachment scheme, but they will need the help of patriots to expose it g_0rkrWeMTg-00002-00002245-00003146 Every American who cares about our Republic needs to read this.The Democrats are aware they can’t fully impeach President Trump g_0rkrWeMTg-00003-00003146-00004095 That’s because the Senate is held by the GOP. They can impeach him in the House of Representatives, but then the Senate must vote to concur g_0rkrWeMTg-00004-00004095-00004933 Of course, they will not. So why are Nancy Pelosi and her dirty rat cohorts moving ahead with impeachment? g_0rkrWeMTg-00005-00004933-00005766 This is all about winning the 2020 election and smearing Trump so badly with the Independent voters he won’t get re-elected g_0rkrWeMTg-00006-00005766-00006741 The Democrats are gearing up this spring to gather bogus evidence, through bogus investigations, which will then lead to the impeachment hearings this fall g_0rkrWeMTg-00007-00006741-00007472 It’s all a game. President Trump has done nothing even close that rises to the level of impeachment g_0rkrWeMTg-00008-00007472-00008710 Take that to the bank.The Washinton Examiner also has picked up on this impeachment scheme, with an article titled: Byron York: House Democrats send message: Impeachment is on g_0rkrWeMTg-00009-00008710-00009557 “The chairman of the House Judiciary Committee says there is no doubt President Trump has obstructed justice,” reports Byron York g_0rkrWeMTg-00010-00009557-00010361 “It’s very clear that the president obstructed justice,” Democratic Rep. Jerrold Nadler told ABC Sunday g_0rkrWeMTg-00011-00010361-00011725 “It’s very clear — 1,100 times he referred to the Mueller investigation as a witch hunt, he tried to — he fired — he tried to protect Flynn from being investigated by the FBI g_0rkrWeMTg-00012-00011725-00012840 He fired Comey in order to stop the Russian thing, as he told NBC News. He — he’s dangled part — he’s threat — he’s intimidated witnesses g_0rkrWeMTg-00013-00012840-00014219 In public''.“Think what you will about the reasons — calling an investigation a ‘witch hunt’ is obstruction of justice? — but Nadler sounded less like a man weighing the evidence than a man who has made up his mind,” says Byron York g_0rkrWeMTg-00014-00014219-00015120 “Given that, Nadler’s ABC interview led to a question: President Nixon was threatened with impeachment for obstruction of justice g_0rkrWeMTg-00015-00015120-00016434 President Clinton was impeached for obstruction of justice. Why is Nadler, who heads the committee in the House that originates articles of impeachment, not moving forward with impeaching President Trump right now?” g_0rkrWeMTg-00016-00016434-00017377 “We don’t have the facts yet,” Nadler said — a perplexing admission for a man who had just confidently enumerated the president’s crimes g_0rkrWeMTg-00017-00017377-00018600 “Impeachment is a long way down the road.” So he says, but we know differently.The Democratic plan is coming into sharper relief, and the impeachment decision has been made g_0rkrWeMTg-00018-00018600-00019611 Various committee chairs are moving forward in gathering and organizing the formal justification for removing the president, the Conservative Treehouse points out g_0rkrWeMTg-00019-00019611-00020721 “House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler has produced his committee witness list to initiate the predictable groundwork for his ‘impeachment’ process,”‘ the Conservative Treehouse reports g_0rkrWeMTg-00020-00020721-00021504 “Pelosi’s trio of organized cohorts Schiff, Cummings and Nadler each have a role in the process'' g_mJXjisHYU-00000-00000571-00001271 Welcome to the day you’ve all been waiting for – one of the days you’ve been waiting, at least g_mJXjisHYU-00001-00001271-00002449 Today is going to be the busiest day yet in the takedown of Donald Trump, and based on where his head is right now, he’s not remotely prepared for what’s going to hit him over the next several hours g_mJXjisHYU-00002-00002449-00003833 For starters, the House Judiciary Committee is sending document requests today to more than five dozen Trump-related people and entities, including Donald Trump Jr, Ivanka Trump, Eric Trump and Jared Kushner g_mJXjisHYU-00003-00003833-00005440 These are not the kinds of “requests” that can be ignored or easily worked around, and so Trump’s family members will have to quickly decide whether to turn over evidence that incriminates him (and likely themselves), or to risk getting busted for not turning it over g_mJXjisHYU-00004-00005440-00007190 But that’s just part of what’s going down today.House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings publicly informed the White House on Friday that if he didn’t get the John Kelly and Don McGahn memos about Jared Kushner’s security clearance scandal by today, he’d drop the hammer on them g_mJXjisHYU-00005-00007190-00007992 So either the memos will conveniently become public today, or we’ll see subpoenas go out today, take your pick g_mJXjisHYU-00006-00007992-00008786 And yeah, this is on top of the House Oversight Committee seeking the memos directly from Kelly and McGahn g_mJXjisHYU-00007-00008786-00009567 One way or the other, it’s all going to come out, and very soon.There are other big things at play g_mJXjisHYU-00008-00009567-00010708 The judge in the Roger Stone case has given him until today to explain his secret book deal which appears to violate his gag order, so Stone could well be in jail by the end of the day g_mJXjisHYU-00009-00010708-00011565 The hits keep coming. Donald Trump’s reckoning is finally upon us. Today should have plenty of fireworks g_mJXjisHYU-00010-00011565-00012145 Each day going forward will be even worse for him, until he surrenders gPfxBsgtFDA-00000-00000571-00002081 The Department of Justice announced Sunday that special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation did not find evidence that President Donald Trump’s presidential campaign “conspired or coordinated” with the Russian government in the 2016 presidential election gPfxBsgtFDA-00001-00002081-00003264 Further, Mueller did not “exonerate” the president of obstructing justice, according to Attorney General William Barr, who said his summary “sets out evidence on both sides of the question gPfxBsgtFDA-00002-00003264-00004620 ”.11:24 PM — MSNBC host Ari Melber says House Democrats must accept that Mueller did not find a “chargeable election conspiracy” and there will be no additional indictments gPfxBsgtFDA-00003-00004620-00006226 “Some people want those charges because they just think they are true, they expected that there would be a chargeable conspiracy after hearing so much about Trump publicly asking for Russia’s help and his aides going to meetings,” Melber said, according to Mediaite gPfxBsgtFDA-00004-00006226-00007036 “Other people, let’s be real may just hope for charges that challenge the legitimacy of this very controversial president gPfxBsgtFDA-00005-00007036-00007994 Those motivations are not what guides our justice system.”.11:03 PM — MSNBC analyst not happy tonight gPfxBsgtFDA-00006-00007994-00009188 10:49 PM — WikiLeaks says “no-one from Robert Mueller’s team (or any other element of the US DoJ) ever approached WikiLeaks or its staff for information gPfxBsgtFDA-00007-00009188-00010693 ”.10:32 PM — Ready for more?.10:12 PM — After Mueller concludes no Trump campaign-Russia collusion occurred, Democrat National Committee head Tom Perez asks if President Trump was compromised by Russia gPfxBsgtFDA-00008-00010693-00012584 8:56 PM —Meadows discusses pardons with Politico: “It is too soon to have discussions of pardons but many of us who have a deeper understanding of what transpired and the motivations surrounding General Flynn’s case believe justice would be served with extreme leniency from the sentencing judge gPfxBsgtFDA-00009-00012584-00014133 ”.8:32 PM — Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) echoes former Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ), says it’s not a prosecutor’s job to exonerate a subject―they either uncover evidence or they don’t gPfxBsgtFDA-00010-00014133-00015063 7:39 PM — A senior White House official tells the Daily Mail that they haven’t witnessed the president “this happy in months gPfxBsgtFDA-00011-00015063-00016157 It’s like election night again.”.7:36 PM — Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) calls Barr’s summary of the Mueller report “inadequate gPfxBsgtFDA-00012-00016157-00016954 ”.7:24 PM — Vice President Mike Pence issues a statement on the Mueller report summary’s findings: gPfxBsgtFDA-00013-00016954-00019213 “Today is a great day for America, President Trump and our entire administration. After two years of investigation, and reckless accusations by many Democrats and members of the media, the Special Counsel has confirmed what President Trump said along; there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia during the 2016 election,” the vice president said gPfxBsgtFDA-00014-00019213-00020723 “The Attorney General also confirmed that there was no obstruction of justice. This total vindication of the President of the United States and our campaign should be welcomed by every American who cherishes the truth and the integrity of our elections gPfxBsgtFDA-00015-00020723-00022071 ”. .He continued: “In the days ahead, the American people can be confident that the President and our entire administration will continue to focus where we always have, on the issues most important to our country gPfxBsgtFDA-00016-00022071-00023469 We can only hope that Democrats, who have spent so much time on these discredited allegations, will join us to advance an agenda that will make our nation even more prosperous and more secure for every American gPfxBsgtFDA-00017-00023469-00024657 ”.7:11 PM — President Donald Trump returns to the White House from Mar-a-Lago. “I just want to tell you that America is the greatest place on earth,” he told reporters gmi7yUHzr_k-00000-00000000-00000204 DIE ETHAN NOT ONE LOVE YOU gmi7yUHzr_k-00001-00001325-00001650 🎶ya ya ya🎶 gmi7yUHzr_k-00002-00002133-00002457 🎶my way🎶 gmi7yUHzr_k-00003-00002731-00003234 🎶it's hard to forget about my way🎶 gmi7yUHzr_k-00004-00003365-00003804 🎶it's hard to forget my way🎶 gmi7yUHzr_k-00005-00003954-00004500 🎶but I'm not forget you🎶 gmi7yUHzr_k-00006-00004582-00004767 🎶yaaa🎶 gmi7yUHzr_k-00007-00004958-00005067 🎶it's always🎶 gmi7yUHzr_k-00008-00005168-00005389 🎶yaaaa🎶 gmi7yUHzr_k-00009-00005754-00006120 🎶never forgot about the good times we had🎶 gmi7yUHzr_k-00010-00006366-00006738 🎶it was always my way or your way🎶 gmi7yUHzr_k-00011-00006974-00007616 🎶we never had a bad fight then that night then that night yaaaa we never had a bad fight than that night you want me to die🎶 gmi7yUHzr_k-00012-00007896-00008357 🎶we never had a bad fight than that night you want me to die🎶 gmi7yUHzr_k-00013-00008491-00009363 🎶it's always been my way since you came in my life destroy it like you do🎶 gmi7yUHzr_k-00014-00009481-00009850 🎶I don't understand why you got in my head🎶 gmi7yUHzr_k-00015-00010008-00010272 🎶then you want to break it like you always do🎶 gmi7yUHzr_k-00016-00010300-00010607 🎶I don't understand why you want to break us🎶 gmi7yUHzr_k-00017-00010681-00011212 🎶I don't understand why you want me it's my way🎶 gmi7yUHzr_k-00018-00011293-00011778 🎶never wanted you in my life then I saw this pretty girl you were like hey🎶 gmi7yUHzr_k-00019-00011806-00011978 🎶I don't understand why🎶 gmi7yUHzr_k-00020-00012745-00012934 🎶my way🎶 gmi7yUHzr_k-00021-00014221-00014426 🎶it was always my way🎶 gmi7yUHzr_k-00022-00014544-00014876 🎶I don't understand why you have to break me🎶 gmi7yUHzr_k-00023-00014904-00015000 🎶what is done🎶 gmi7yUHzr_k-00024-00015050-00015141 🎶what is done🎶 gmi7yUHzr_k-00025-00015208-00015471 🎶I don't understand why you hate me🎶 gmi7yUHzr_k-00026-00015529-00015722 🎶what is done you are done🎶 gmi7yUHzr_k-00027-00015750-00016718 🎶I don't understand why you hate me what is done you are done I don't understand why you hate me what is done🎶 gmi7yUHzr_k-00028-00017162-00017606 🎶I don't understand why you hate me🎶 hp258AxRspU-00000-00000571-00001219 Trump has gotten even tougher on the border now that the crisis has reached its highest levels hp258AxRspU-00001-00001219-00002099 He took millions of dollars from caravan countries, and he promised to punish Mexico with tariffs and a closed border hp258AxRspU-00002-00002099-00002851 Mexico, big surprise, starting helping right away—preventing thousands from entering hp258AxRspU-00003-00002851-00003562 But how does the American people feel about Trump playing hardball? Looks like they’re on his side hp258AxRspU-00004-00003562-00004562 From Rasmussen.The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 51% of Likely U hp258AxRspU-00005-00004562-00005458 S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance. Forty-seven percent (47%) disapprove hp258AxRspU-00006-00005458-00006438 Ka-boom! Can you believe it?.After months of negative press, Trump is enjoying a 51% approval among Americans hp258AxRspU-00007-00006438-00007049 Trump’s approval at this point in his administration is beating Obama’s at the same time hp258AxRspU-00008-00007049-00007992 That’s pretty significant. Remember, Obama was the media’s golden boy. The left-wing news praised everything he did hp258AxRspU-00009-00007992-00009089 Meanwhile, media coverage of Trump is 92% negative. What a travesty.Yet today, Trump is enjoying a higher approval rating than Obama hp258AxRspU-00010-00009089-00009844 That’s huge.Trump enjoyed a boost after the Mueller report came out, clearing him of Russian collusion hp258AxRspU-00011-00009844-00010834 But it dipped after the migrant crisis exploded.But with Trump taking strong action, and even heading to the border, Americans are noticing hp258AxRspU-00012-00010834-00011954 And it’s Americans like you who are making the difference.Regular Americans, regardless of their party, don’t want to see tens of thousands of strangers entering our country hp258AxRspU-00013-00011954-00012686 Unless you are a lemming Democrat, you probably approve of what Trump is doing to fix the problem hp258AxRspU-00014-00012686-00013438 His numbers are at an all-time high, right as the media is trying to discredit him in time for 2020 hp258AxRspU-00015-00013438-00013984 Are you one of the majority of Americans that approve of the president? i32WSrEJOn0-00000-00000571-00002094 Does it feel as if the Robert Mueller investigation into the conspiracy between the Donald Trump campaign and Moscow and Russia’s attack on the 2016 presidential election has been going on for an eternity? It has been continuing for nearly two years i32WSrEJOn0-00001-00002094-00003515 That is about to change.One of the new Trump-appointed Attorney General (AG) Bill Barr’s first acts was to indicate that he is preparing to announce the end of Mueller’s investigations as early as next week according to CNN i32WSrEJOn0-00002-00003515-00004303 At that point, Barr will prepare a summary of Mueller’s confidential report and submit it to Congress i32WSrEJOn0-00003-00004303-00005474 It has not been clear from Barr’s nomination hearings whether he will give the entire redacted document to Congress or if the legislative body would be able to request an unredacted copy i32WSrEJOn0-00004-00005474-00006137 Thus far, the House has indicated that it wants to release Mueller’s report to the public i32WSrEJOn0-00005-00006137-00007064 Barr has told lawmakers that he wants to be as “transparent” as possible with both the public and Congress “consistent with the rules and the law i32WSrEJOn0-00006-00007064-00008075 ”.The special counsel must follow established regulations. When, he has completed his investigation, Mueller will give Barr a “confidential” report i32WSrEJOn0-00007-00008075-00008773 The rules, however, do not say that the attorney general must share it with Congress i32WSrEJOn0-00008-00008773-00010549 It is up to the lawmakers whether they make the report public.‘Former FBI Acting Director Andrew McCabe made new claims overnight about President Trump, Russia and the Mueller investigation, saying he thinks “it’s possible” when asked if he thinks Trump could still be a Russian asset i32WSrEJOn0-00009-00010549-00011508 ‘The AG had stated the Department of Justice (DOJ) tries to keep “derogatory” data about individuals who have not been charged private i32WSrEJOn0-00010-00011508-00012414 If the congressional committees are dissatisfied with Barr’s summary, they do have the option of asking Mueller to testify publicly before them i32WSrEJOn0-00011-00012414-00013428 According to CNN:.‘The regulations require Mueller to explain in his report all decisions to prosecute or not prosecute matters under scrutiny i32WSrEJOn0-00012-00013428-00014339 Barr would also need to inform Congress if the Justice Department prevented the special counsel team from pursuing any investigative steps i32WSrEJOn0-00013-00014339-00015024 ’Mueller’s team of investigators heavily redacted its recent court filings, which are public i32WSrEJOn0-00014-00015024-00016071 These include Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort. The redactions protected the pending investigations and individuals who have not been charged i32WSrEJOn0-00015-00016071-00017082 Although, Mueller’s probe may soon conclude, there are still cases pending in the New York Southern District (NYSD) and Washington, D i32WSrEJOn0-00016-00017082-00018030 C. courts.For three days last week, employees in the special counsel’s office have been taking boxes of files out of their office i32WSrEJOn0-00017-00018030-00018524 This was unusual and might mean further hand-offs iyZ2ddOB9dy-00000-00000571-00001467 For Christians, we are currently in Lent, the holiest of our seasons which culminates in the solemnness turned celebration of Easter Weekend iyZ2ddOB9dy-00001-00001467-00002519 It is convention during this period for Christians to commit to some deliberate act of denial in order to focus on their faith and bring them nearer their God iyZ2ddOB9dy-00002-00002519-00004466 This is paraphrased into the common giving something up for Lent.This year, when people ask me, Charlie, what are you giving up for Lent? My answer has to be that I’m giving up the hope that any elected government leaders other than President Trump, are willing to stand up for the beliefs and intentions of a majority of Americans iyZ2ddOB9dy-00003-00004466-00006242 This past week, 12 Republican Senators (does that number sound at all familiar in the context of Lent?) joined all of their Democratic colleagues in voting 59-41 in support of a Bill that declared as unconstitutional the President’s National Emergency Declaration to fund a border wall iyZ2ddOB9dy-00004-00006242-00007971 .In the end, they all forsook him and fled.It is very important to remember that all of this has come to a head over the past five months because the President did not place his own Party in the position of having to shut the government down while they controlled both Houses of Congress iyZ2ddOB9dy-00005-00007971-00008935 For two years the President had a majority in the House and in the Senate and tried to rely on them to cooperate in getting our border secured iyZ2ddOB9dy-00006-00008935-00010009 They did what is in their nature to do. They did nothing. .It is worth presenting a roll call of those GOP Senators who voted against the President iyZ2ddOB9dy-00007-00010009-00010719 To borrow from the all-time movie classic, Casablanca, let’s round up the usual suspects: iyZ2ddOB9dy-00008-00010719-00012697 Mitt Romney (UT), Susan Collins (ME), Marco Rubio (FL), Pat Toomey (PA), Roger Wicker (MS), Lamar Alexander (TN), Lisa Murkowski (AK), Roy Blount (MO), Jerry Moran (KS), Mike Lee (UT), Rob Portman (OH)… iyZ2ddOB9dy-00009-00012697-00013585 …and Rand Paul (KY) whose libertarian ideals I generally but with whom I simply cannot agree in this case iyZ2ddOB9dy-00010-00013585-00014201 The reasons for their turning their back on the President run along the expected lines iyZ2ddOB9dy-00011-00014201-00014932 Some fear that the use of Emergency Powers will encourage future Presidents to do the same iyZ2ddOB9dy-00012-00014932-00016150 Others say outright that it is unconstitutional. Roy Blunt actually said that he worried this would allow a Democratic President to use an Emergency Declaration to pass gun control iyZ2ddOB9dy-00013-00016150-00016850 Is anybody ready to join me in giving up?.Fortunately, the President isn’t giving up iyZ2ddOB9dy-00014-00016850-00017861 He is going to veto this non-sensical Bill and let the fight turn to the courts where Republicans along with Democrats will try to stop him iyZ2ddOB9dy-00015-00017861-00019775 This is with complete disregard of the wishes of the American people.The polls on the border and the building of a wall can be confusing when looked at as independent parts of a whole because depending upon how the question is asked, journalists and pundits can cite scripture for their purpose and draw differing conclusions iyZ2ddOB9dy-00016-00019775-00020755 That said, back in January, The Daily Caller ran a piece that did a good job in synthesizing the results of various polls iyZ2ddOB9dy-00017-00020755-00021653 The conclusion? Americans feel border security is a really big problem and they are willing to spend money to address it iyZ2ddOB9dy-00018-00021653-00022954 .Our political system has evolved to the point where in most precincts today during most elections, the two party’s have produced a choice for voters that allows them to pick between two non-responsive candidates iyZ2ddOB9dy-00019-00022954-00023981 Preservation of the status quo along with the trappings of power, privilege, profit, and prestige have become governing objectives for most politicians iyZ2ddOB9dy-00020-00023981-00024785 That means that when we have a President like Donald Trump willing to stand up and fight for us, he is forced to fight against them iyZ2ddOB9dy-00021-00024785-00026047 There has been no other circumstance like this in modern political history. I wish that the stakes weren’t so high so that I could simply step back and enjoy the incredible theater of this iyZ2ddOB9dy-00022-00026047-00026726 We have the classic plotline of one solitary figure standing up against a unified threat iyZ2ddOB9dy-00023-00026726-00028220 In traditional literature, the story usually ends tragically. In a contemporary film, the story often ends triumphantly because movie executives know that crowds are hungry for a hero in a world with so few real ones iyZ2ddOB9dy-00024-00028220-00028931 I don’t know how this one will end but already the protagonist has taken on tremendous adversity iyZ2ddOB9dy-00025-00028931-00030341 The President has lost friends and has had his own Party turn on him. He has been the subject contrived criminal investigations that have seen the use of law enforcement agencies turned into Tammany Hall type machinery iyZ2ddOB9dy-00026-00030341-00031290 He and his family have been insulted and outright threatened in a way that takes us back to Abraham Lincoln and the days of the Civil War iyZ2ddOB9dy-00027-00031290-00032353 As a conservative activist who supports the President, I am constantly under attack and am subject to accusations, rumors, and name-calling iyZ2ddOB9dy-00028-00032353-00034053 What our President is facing makes me feel like I am as popular as Oprah.If this most recent rebuke of the President in the Senate doesn’t make clear to all Americans that the answer to our problems isn’t just to elect more Republicans, I don’t know what else can iyZ2ddOB9dy-00029-00034053-00035111 If we take most of the gang of 12 at their word, then you can summarize their reasons for voting against the President by saying that his boldness scared them iyZ2ddOB9dy-00030-00035111-00035780 .We don’t need more “R’s” in elected government and we certainly don’t need more “D’s iyZ2ddOB9dy-00031-00035780-00036477 ” What we need are more “C’s,” as in courage.Enjoy your Lenten season. Don’t give up iyZ2ddOB9dy-00032-00036477-00036793 Have the courage to keep fighting iPbVyKcd1gM-00000-00000513-00001550 Saturday morning on Twitter, there was the most unusual trending term that caught my eye, and I had to go see what it was about: #FakeMelania iPbVyKcd1gM-00001-00001550-00003501 I think everyone can agree that Melania Trump is a “fake” person — as in, pretending to care about orphans and Jews and bullied kids and the poor, poor immigrants — as evidenced by the fact that she remains married to a white supremacist who wouldn’t pour his Diet Coke on any one of those people if they were on fire iPbVyKcd1gM-00002-00003501-00005977 But one small sign that even the real Melania might not be real didn’t escape the attention of eagle-eyed observers — on a trip to Alabama this weekend where the Tacky Asshole in Chief handed out autographed Bibles to disaster victims, the First Lady was spotted holding hands with Donald, something that the power couple has notoriously struggled with since he was elected (or possibly before, we can’t really know) iPbVyKcd1gM-00003-00005977-00007984 That details led people to look closer, and sure enough, what seemed like a conspiracy theory at first appears to be confirmed through multiple pieces of photographic evidence: Melania Trump has a body double, and now that we really compare the two side by side, it’s hard to see how we were ever fooled before iPbVyKcd1gM-00004-00007984-00009162 There’s the simple stuff — the face doesn’t really look the same.But believe me, I’ve woken up with jowls on a bad day myself — that really wasn’t enough to convince me iPbVyKcd1gM-00005-00009162-00010820 Height, on the other hand, is much harder to fake.You’ll note that in both of the photos there, “Melania” is wearing the same white and burgundy Adidas Superstars — not heels or pumps or anything else that would drastically affect the appearance of height in any way iPbVyKcd1gM-00006-00010820-00011999 But where on earth would the President and his team be able to smuggle a body double for the First Lady that would be available at a moment’s notice and never be suspected of anything? iPbVyKcd1gM-00007-00011999-00012928 That’s where the apparent proof comes in. There is a Secret Service agent assigned to the First Family that looks pretty familiar iPbVyKcd1gM-00008-00012928-00013639 This seemingly implausible theory actually looks to be real, and this morning, our minds are BLOWN j5D7zhSo9uk-00000-00000571-00002109 Bernie Sanders guessed right.At a Fox News town hall in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, on Monday night, Sanders mused to the moderators that President Donald Trump, who "watches your network a bit," might be tuned in for the festivities j5D7zhSo9uk-00001-00002109-00004155 The morning after and again on Tuesday night, Trump confirmed Sanders' well-founded suspicion with a series of snappish tweets, alleging the network had "stuffed" the room, which applauded many of the Vermont independent's answers, "with Bernie supporters," after initially -- about 10 hours earlier -- calling it "so weird to watch Crazy Bernie on Fox News j5D7zhSo9uk-00002-00004155-00005364 ".Indeed, the sight of any Democrat -- much less a democratic socialist running for the party's presidential nomination -- in a venue so closely aligned with the Trump administration, is an unusual one j5D7zhSo9uk-00003-00005364-00006503 Sanders' decision to tread those uneven boards upset more than a few liberals commentators, who worried that his presence alone might gift the network some undeserved credibility j5D7zhSo9uk-00004-00006503-00008300 For Trump, though, the notes of aggravation in his tweets pointed to a broader new conflict: Here, for the first time, one of the candidates vying to deny him a second term had stood up on his stage, in front of an audience Trump views as his own, and delivered an unflinching case against him j5D7zhSo9uk-00005-00008300-00009442 Sanders, who capped off his four-day, five-state trek through the Upper Midwest with the Fox News event, believes his path to the White House runs directly through Trump Country j5D7zhSo9uk-00006-00009442-00011249 And he will not be deterred by a boisterous president or Democrats concerned that his focus on the region risks playing into what they view as a distorted reading of the 2016 election -- one that suggests "economic anxiety" drove voters to Trump and not the President's open appeals to race-based resentments j5D7zhSo9uk-00007-00011249-00012587 Hillary Clinton, after all, won nationally with union households (51% to Trump's 42%) and voters making under $50,000 a year, according to exit polls j5D7zhSo9uk-00008-00012587-00013775 "I can understand why people voted for Trump based on what he said (in 2016)," Sanders told supporters at a windswept rally in Madison, Wisconsin, last Friday j5D7zhSo9uk-00009-00013775-00014486 "And the reason for that, is that in Wisconsin and all over this country, there are a lot of people who are hurting j5D7zhSo9uk-00010-00014486-00016426 There is a lot of pain out there.".It was an argument Sanders repeated throughout the trip, one rooted in a belief that at least the outer rungs of Trump's base, a cohort viewed by some Democrats as too far gone to be won back, are there for the taking -- if only Democrats confront them with the reality of Trump's record in office j5D7zhSo9uk-00011-00016426-00018132 "Trump lied when he said that he would listen to their pain," Sanders said. "So our job in this campaign is to reach out to working families who are hurting and to work with them to finally create a government and an economy that works for all of us and not just the 1% j5D7zhSo9uk-00012-00018132-00019329 That is what the American people want -- they're tired of being lied to.".For many on the left, particularly those in the organizing trenches, Sanders' view is a recognizable one j5D7zhSo9uk-00013-00019329-00020993 And it fits with their own analysis of the 2016 election, which holds that a decisive, if relatively modest, number of frustrated swing voters either opted for Trump's right-wing populism or stayed home because of the absence of the left-wing alternative j5D7zhSo9uk-00014-00020993-00022050 "If you're going to a state that was won by Trump, you have to reckon with what drove voters to do that," a Sanders aide said ahead of his speech in Warren, Michigan j5D7zhSo9uk-00015-00022050-00023430 "If you're in Green Bay, Wisconsin, if you're in Kalamazoo, Michigan, if you're in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, you know what NAFTA did to your community, you know what these tax bills have done to your community j5D7zhSo9uk-00016-00023430-00024725 ".A few minutes later in his remarks, Sanders came out for the first time against Trump's renegotiated version of the trade deal, the administration's United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement j5D7zhSo9uk-00017-00024725-00025478 "I challenge Donald Trump, for once in your life, keep your campaign promises," Sanders said j5D7zhSo9uk-00018-00025478-00027100 "Go back to the drawing board on NAFTA, do not send this treaty to Congress unless it includes strong and swift enforcement mechanisms to raise the wages of workers and to prevent corporations from outsourcing American jobs to Mexico j5D7zhSo9uk-00019-00027100-00028536 ".But the underlying logic, promoted by both Sanders' campaign and the candidate himself, that says some Trump voters can be peeled off and brought back across the aisle, remains largely unproven in more recent elections j5D7zhSo9uk-00020-00028536-00029874 Democrats won back the House during the 2018 midterms -- and claimed or retained governor's mansions in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania -- by marshaling a coalition of super-charged moderate liberals j5D7zhSo9uk-00021-00029874-00031321 But Trump himself was not on the ballot and most Sanders-backed progressive candidates either lost their primaries or fell victim in November to the kind of attacks likely to be leveled at any eventual Democratic presidential nominee j5D7zhSo9uk-00022-00031321-00032684 Down in Florida, Democratic gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum, who is African American, led in most polls leading up to Election Day last year, typically outpacing now-former Democratic Sen j5D7zhSo9uk-00023-00032684-00034265 Bill Nelson, who is white. But they both lost to their Republican opponents, who got eleventh hour boosts from Trump, and Nelson ultimately won more votes than Gillum, the former Tallahassee mayor Sanders endorsed before the primary j5D7zhSo9uk-00024-00034265-00035490 Back up north, Democratic candidates across the primary field are beginning to sharpen their efforts to rebuild the so-called "blue wall" that Trump smashed through in 2016 j5D7zhSo9uk-00025-00035490-00036469 Pete Buttigieg, the young mayor of South Bend, Indiana, offered a preview of his own argument at his campaign's formal kick-off this weekend j5D7zhSo9uk-00026-00036469-00037574 "There is a myth being sold to industrial and rural communities," Buttigieg said, leaving the best known salesman unnamed, "the myth that we can stop the clock and turn it back j5D7zhSo9uk-00027-00037574-00039053 "."It comes from people who think the only way to reach communities like ours is through resentment and nostalgia," he continued, "selling an impossible promise of returning to a bygone era that was never as great as advertised to begin with j5D7zhSo9uk-00028-00039053-00041333 ".But Sanders has been the most direct. An April 8 memo from his campaign managers stated it plainly, arguing that "the 2020 Electoral College map shows the most direct path to a Democratic victory is flipping back Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania" -- three states Clinton lost in 2016 by fewer than 78,000 votes combined j5D7zhSo9uk-00029-00041333-00042822 Democratic pollster Celinda Lake sees opportunity and risk in Sanders' tactics."The irony," Lake said, "is that Sanders was the future in 2016, but he has to be careful not to be the past in 2020 j5D7zhSo9uk-00030-00042822-00043658 ".But she praised his approach, in saying he "understands" why people chose Trump, as a practical decision j5D7zhSo9uk-00031-00043658-00044580 "It's really good that Bernie Sanders said that because I think every candidate is going to have to end up saying that," Lake told CNN j5D7zhSo9uk-00032-00044580-00045675 For Democrats, she added, "I think this is the beginning of saying, 'I understand what you were voting for, you didn't get it and I'm proposing something that will get you what you need j5D7zhSo9uk-00033-00045675-00046309 ' But to just tell voters they were wrong isn't a very successful way to persuade them j5D7zhSo9uk-00034-00046309-00047474 ".Sanders' combative performance at the town hall in Bethlehem, where he was confronted with a mix of standard-issue campaign questions and Trump talking points, will hearten his loyalists j5D7zhSo9uk-00035-00047474-00048822 It also underscored the theory, set out by campaign manager Faiz Shakir in Pittsburgh a day earlier, that Sanders is the Democratic primary candidate best equipped to withstand the coming Republican onslaught j5D7zhSo9uk-00036-00048822-00050802 "Donald Trump is going to say every candidate is a quote-unquote 'socialist.' Whether you're Kamala Harris or Pete Buttigieg or anybody else, he's going to say that about you," Shakir said, asserting that Sanders -- who is happy enough to talk about his democratic socialism when asked -- won't "flinch" when faced with the line j5D7zhSo9uk-00037-00050802-00052665 "When that (response to GOP attacks) comes out of the candidate's mouth, who are voters going to trust and believe?," Shakir asked, before answering his own question: "On that score, I believe that when Bernie Sanders says those things, people are going to say, 'Yeah, I believe that he's going to do those things j5D7zhSo9uk-00038-00052665-00052765 '" jxLa3t-V3bo-00000-00000571-00002101 It is a truly tragic indictment of the current state of affairs of American politics that perhaps the thing that the current President of the United States and leader of the free world is best known for around the globe is his use of social media jxLa3t-V3bo-00001-00002101-00003564 The Twitter profile of President Donald Trump has been the subject of an unholy amount of public and media attention in the two years that he has resided in the White House – most of the time, of course, for all the wrong reasons jxLa3t-V3bo-00002-00003564-00004288 However, a group of savvy students may have just found a way to put Trump’s Twitter habit to good use jxLa3t-V3bo-00003-00004288-00005526 19 year old Oslene Johnson teamed up with her friends to try to get the President to change the law on documents for civil rights cold cases and, amazingly, they were successful jxLa3t-V3bo-00004-00005526-00006547 There has been a proposal in the works for a long time to create an archive of documents preserving information from all those old civil rights lawsuits jxLa3t-V3bo-00005-00006547-00008318 However, because of the insanely bureaucratic way that our government works, the proposed bill had been sitting on the side for decades by this point, and if politicians did not act quick, it would expire – so those documents from those civil rights cases would be lost forever jxLa3t-V3bo-00006-00008318-00009099 The students at New Jersey’s Hightstown High School, led by Johnson, were not about to let that happen jxLa3t-V3bo-00007-00009099-00009763 So, they decided to try to reach the President using his very favorite medium: Twitter jxLa3t-V3bo-00008-00009763-00010818 They started incessantly tweeting at him, his friends, his close aides and advisers, and essentially every White House official and Trump ally they could find jxLa3t-V3bo-00009-00010818-00012001 Johnson was extremely passionate about the cause in hand. “When you really look at it, it’s about providing closure for communities, families, and also as a country,” she said jxLa3t-V3bo-00010-00012001-00013752 “They’re still with us''.Another student – a 17 year old senior by the name of Srihari Suvramanian – said: “It’s just atrocious that these individuals have gotten away with crimes committed decades ago, for so long, even though the majority of Americans know it’s wrong jxLa3t-V3bo-00011-00013752-00014864 We think it’s very important to provide a sense of closure. Even if we can’t get a full sense of closure, maybe provide some answers to the people that were denied justice'' jxLa3t-V3bo-00012-00014864-00015828 On the one hand, it is tragic that we have now reached the point where children are having to take it upon themselves to campaign for political change jxLa3t-V3bo-00013-00015828-00016440 On the other hand, though, this gives me a great deal of hope about the future jiuUtl108Xg-00000-00000571-00002329 At this point — just over two years into this disastrous presidency — even the critics who were most skeptical of the Trump-Russia story in the beginning are being forced to admit that there is something deeply suspicious about the president’s behavior towards Vladimir Putin’s cryptocriminal nation jiuUtl108Xg-00001-00002329-00003692 It seems like hardly a week goes by without some new development that points towards the Trump campaign colluding with Russia or even worse President Trump himself bending over backward to deliver some concession to Putin jiuUtl108Xg-00002-00003692-00004544 Our foreign policy is in shambles, and the president shows no interest in curbing Russian aggression and influence around the globe jiuUtl108Xg-00003-00004544-00005975 According to The Associated Press, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov is now claiming that the Trump administration is asking Russia for advice in advance of the summit between the United States and North Korea scheduled for later this week jiuUtl108Xg-00004-00005975-00006712 The Russian diplomat said Washington “is even asking our advice, our views on this or that scenario'' jiuUtl108Xg-00005-00006712-00007634 Russia, in turn, has suggested Trump offer “security guarantees” to encourage Kim Jong-un to disarm his nuclear arsenal jiuUtl108Xg-00006-00007634-00008877 Precisely what these guarantees would be is unclear, but the safe bet would be that they coincidentally happen to be things Russia wants the United States to do regardless of the negotiations jiuUtl108Xg-00007-00008877-00010345 .While it’s possible that this is just more misinformation from Russia aimed at sowing distrust between the American people and their government, this story is unfortunately perfectly in keeping with other behavior we’ve witnessed from Trump jiuUtl108Xg-00008-00010345-00011722 Recently, former Acting Director of the FBI Andrew McCabe revealed that Trump refused to believe the intelligence community when they informed him that North Korean missiles posed a threat to the United States jiuUtl108Xg-00009-00011722-00012273 Trump decided this was simply not the case because Putin told him so kRHJpuEafVQ-00000-00000571-00001417 President Donald Trump spoke to reporters in Hanoi after talks with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un ended early with no agreement kRHJpuEafVQ-00001-00001417-00002117 Here are the top lines from his news conference:.Sticking points were "about sanctions" kRHJpuEafVQ-00002-00002117-00003060 Responding to a question about whether it was North Korea's desire to see the back of sanctions which derailed talks, Trump said it was kRHJpuEafVQ-00003-00003060-00003771 ."Basically they wanted the sanctions lifted in their entirety, and we couldn't do that," he said kRHJpuEafVQ-00004-00003771-00004640 ."He wants to denuke, he just wants to do areas that are less important than what we want," Trump said of Kim kRHJpuEafVQ-00005-00004640-00005468 .He added that ultimately the breakdown of the summit "was about sanctions''.Trump's relationship with Kim still "very warm" kRHJpuEafVQ-00006-00005468-00006495 Trump said his relationship with Kim was still "very warm" and insisted that the meeting didn't end contentiously but with "a very friendly walk'' kRHJpuEafVQ-00007-00006495-00008067 Trump said he took Kim's word on Otto Warmbier.Trump said he regretted what happened to US citizen Otto Warmbier, who was detained in North Korea for 17 months before being returned to the US in 2017, where he died days later kRHJpuEafVQ-00008-00008067-00008815 Warmbier's parents have accused the North Korean government of torturing their son and causing his death kRHJpuEafVQ-00009-00008815-00009499 Trump said he discussed the issue with Kim, and said "I don't believe he would allow that to happen'' kRHJpuEafVQ-00010-00009499-00010661 "Those prisons are rough, rough places, and bad things happen," he added. "I don't believe he knew about it, he felt badly about it, he felt very badly'' kRHJpuEafVQ-00011-00010661-00011596 He added that while Kim "knew the case very well," he knew about it "later''."Some really bad things happened to Otto," Trump said kRHJpuEafVQ-00012-00011596-00012597 ."(Kim) tells me he didn't know about it and I will take him at his word''.He blasted Democrats for scheduling Cohen testimony during summit kRHJpuEafVQ-00013-00012597-00013493 "I think having a fake hearing like that and having it in the middle of this very important summit was really a terrible thing," Trump said kRHJpuEafVQ-00014-00013493-00014676 "Having it during this very important summit is sort of incredible''.Trump said while Cohen "lied a lot," he was "impressed" by one thing: "He said no collusion with the Russian hoax'' kRHJpuEafVQ-00015-00014676-00015381 "I said, 'I wonder why he didn't lie about that too like he lied about everything else,'" Trump said kRHJpuEafVQ-00016-00015381-00016066 Trump continued: "He said no collusion and I was you know a little impressed by that frankly kRHJpuEafVQ-00017-00016066-00016829 He could have gone all out. He only went about 95% instead of 100%." lHBWaRSwGAE-00000-00000571-00001710 What on earth is Donald Trump even talking about? That’s a daily challenge for anyone who has the misfortune to encounter his increasingly incoherent words lHBWaRSwGAE-00001-00001710-00002679 But now, in addition to being incomprehensible, Trump is also throwing violent threats into the mix, or at least we think they’re violent threats lHBWaRSwGAE-00002-00002679-00003789 Here’s what Donald Trump said to white supremacist propaganda site Breitbart: “I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of the Bikers for Trump lHBWaRSwGAE-00003-00003789-00004768 I have the tough people, but they don’t play it tough, until they go to a certain point, and then it would be very bad, very bad lHBWaRSwGAE-00004-00004768-00006106 ” Okay, wait a minute here, because this just doesn’t sound good.If you wanted to give Trump the benefit of the doubt, you could argue that he’s merely threatening to have the police enforce the law against anyone who breaks it lHBWaRSwGAE-00005-00006106-00007945 But then you get to the part about the military, which isn’t allowed to do domestic law enforcement, so what is he even talking about? Once he throws in the part about the bikers being on our side, it seems he’s talking about having bikers beat us all up if we don’t vote for him, or something lHBWaRSwGAE-00006-00007945-00008778 And if he’s saying that about bikers, is he also saying he’s going to sic the police and military on us if we don’t vote for him? lHBWaRSwGAE-00007-00008778-00009852 Donald Trump just made the argument for why he absolutely must be ousted for his crimes, and his violent mental instability, before the end of his current term lHBWaRSwGAE-00008-00009852-00011064 He can’t be in a position to even try to order the police and the military to carry out whatever violent fantasies he’s imagining for the transition period if he loses the 2020 election lHBWaRSwGAE-00009-00011064-00011824 There aren’t the votes to impeach Trump today, but he must be impeached and removed before the end of the current term muHsIKtZipM-00000-00000571-00002499 There were many who believed it could never happen. But ever since the day Donald Trump came parading down the escalators at Trump Tower, his base supporters, primarily white, have been steadfastly behind him no matter what comes to the light about his behavior, his politics, his finances, or his character muHsIKtZipM-00001-00002499-00003225 This base has been nearly unshakable in its united front FOR Trump and AGAINST anyone that is not muHsIKtZipM-00002-00003225-00004842 But four new surveys may show a crack in the glass.Pew Research Center released a survey that shows Trump’s approval rating at just 37 percent nearing the lowest point recorded and 15 points different from the Pew poll just a year ago muHsIKtZipM-00003-00004842-00006210 Carroll Doherty, the Pew Research Center’s director of political research, said the big news of this poll is the disapproval ratings among white people with no college degree, and added “This obviously is a key group for the president,” muHsIKtZipM-00004-00006210-00008167 Another survey, the SSRS poll for CNN found Trump’s job approval rating in the same category (white, no college degree) down to 45 percent down 9 from just over a month ago, while yet another survey from Quinnipiac showed his numbers in the same category slipping away, as well muHsIKtZipM-00005-00008167-00010053 Finally, a recent survey from Marist Institute for Public Opinion conducted for NPR and PBS NewsHour shows Trump’s approval ratings dropping as well, surprisingly even seeing this downward trend in Republicans, white evangelicals, and other groups usually polling strong in favor for Trump muHsIKtZipM-00006-00010053-00011205 Lee Miringoff, who runs the Marist poll, said.“It’s the first time that there’s been significant erosion in the base… An erosion of the base is the last thing he needs muHsIKtZipM-00007-00011205-00012367 His whole strategy has been base-focused''.Many polls conducted in just recent weeks show that more Americans blame Trump for the government shutdown than they do democrats muHsIKtZipM-00008-00012367-00013357 Furthermore, even with the normal ebb and flow of polling and data, Trump’s numbers are on the lowest ebb we have seen in most of the surveys muHsIKtZipM-00009-00013357-00014757 The question begs, will the crack in Trump’s base lead to a shattering of his support system or will they be able to ignore the damage and hold themselves together for the remainder of his term and into another election? mR4wjIEWV4c-00000-00000513-00001221 “President” Donald Trump repeatedly talks about the great economy and how hot and on fire it is mR4wjIEWV4c-00001-00001221-00002493 During his 2016 campaign, he derided Obama’s GDP growth as being anemic and terrible, promising that the growth would exceed 3% a year when he became president mR4wjIEWV4c-00002-00002493-00003433 Well, turns out, the “Greatest Negotiator of All Time” (“GNAT”) and the “Art of the Deal” man is not so great after all mR4wjIEWV4c-00003-00003433-00004248 In late February, the Commerce Department’s Bureau of Economic Analysis reported that the 2018 growth was 2 mR4wjIEWV4c-00004-00004248-00005390 9%, matching Obama’s peak year of 2015. Some economists have predicted that 2.9% will be the peak for Trump in his first term mR4wjIEWV4c-00005-00005390-00007017 On Wednesday, the news of a stagnating economy continued. Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell had promised several rate hikes in 2019, causing him to be in the cross hairs of Trump’s proverbial venom when he did so mR4wjIEWV4c-00006-00007017-00007769 On Wednesday, Powell promised there would be no more rate hikes and noted the economic growth rate will be 2 mR4wjIEWV4c-00007-00007769-00009530 1%. They have reduced the economic growth forecasts through 2021 to less than 2%.These grim economic forecasts throw Trump and the GOP’s assertions about how the trillion-dollar tax cut would stimulate the economy onto the trash heap mR4wjIEWV4c-00008-00009530-00011076 In addition to the revised forecasts and less than stellar growth predicted, Trump has been feverishly trying to get GM to reverse its decision announced last year to close its plant in Lordstown, Ohio, blaming that on a local union leader mR4wjIEWV4c-00009-00011076-00012278 What Donald Trump and his administration fail to understand, apparently, is that his tariff positions have done harm to not only farmers, but to the automobile industry mR4wjIEWV4c-00010-00012278-00013725 This comes at the same time that reports from Politico and elsewhere describe an undisclosed report that Trump has that would justify significant tariffs on automobile imports, which would again hit the auto industry hard mR4wjIEWV4c-00011-00013725-00014516 Trump once again shows that he and the GOP stomp like elephants but their business approach stings like a GNAT mR4wjIEWV4c-00012-00014516-00014851 Winning, Trump style n8PZly0Ovak-00000-00000513-00001411 President Trump was clearly having a blast during his speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) n8PZly0Ovak-00001-00001411-00002464 He soaked up his time in front of the television cameras to offer fans some crowd-pleasers in what was surely a preview of his upcoming presidential campaign n8PZly0Ovak-00002-00002464-00004128 The speech, clocking in at over two hours, was his longest as President.Going after the Green New Deal, the "sleaze on top" of the FBI and descriptions of the crowd size at his inauguration in 2017, Trump waxed philosophical the way that he does n8PZly0Ovak-00003-00004128-00005243 When he insisted that he was being sarcastic about asking Russia to hack Hillary Clinton's emails, the crowd started chanting their usual refrain of, "Lock her up!" n8PZly0Ovak-00004-00005243-00006463 The conference itself was as interesting and relevant as the speaker. For many decades, CPAC was a meeting place where the right tried to promote its most exciting ideas n8PZly0Ovak-00005-00006463-00007978 CPAC was created in 1974 by conservatives who believed that they had to do a better job selling their vision to the public after Senator Barry Goldwater's devastating landslide defeat to Lyndon Johnson in 1964 n8PZly0Ovak-00006-00007978-00009384 Conservatives were also distraught at what was happening in Richard Nixon's administration and hoped to boost morale given the accelerating investigations into the president's wrongdoing and Vice President Spiro Agnew's disgraceful resignation n8PZly0Ovak-00007-00009384-00011463 The American Conservative Union, the Young Americans for Freedom and Human Events brought together fellow conservatives in an effort to transform the Republican Party The featured speaker was California Governor Ronald Reagan who invoked Puritan settler John Winthrop when he spoke about the United States and envisioned it as a "city upon a hill n8PZly0Ovak-00008-00011463-00012176 ".During the early decades, CPAC was a key stop on the conservative talking circuit n8PZly0Ovak-00009-00012176-00014180 The goal of organizers like Paul Weyrich and Richard Viguerie was to make space for the most interesting voices to shop their ideas about deregulation, tax cuts, reproductive rights, hawkish policies toward the Soviet Union, cultural values and more in an era when their movement was at the cutting edge of American politics n8PZly0Ovak-00010-00014180-00014953 At a moment when liberals were still reeling from the fallout over Vietnam, conservatives were driving the debate n8PZly0Ovak-00011-00014953-00016147 CPAC was part of a large ecosystem that produced conservative ideas, along with journals like The National Review and think tanks like the Heritage Foundation n8PZly0Ovak-00012-00016147-00017257 A high point came in the 1981 conference, when Reagan returned triumphantly as President to say, "Fellow citizens, fellow conservatives, our time is now n8PZly0Ovak-00013-00017257-00017912 Our moment has arrived. We stand together shoulder to shoulder in the thickest of the fight n8PZly0Ovak-00014-00017912-00019041 " After he was re-elected in a landslide victory against Walter Mondale, Reagan told the gathering in 1985, "The tide of history is moving irresistibly in our direction n8PZly0Ovak-00015-00019041-00019853 Why? Because the other side is virtually bankrupt of ideas.".Reagan's comments should now haunt conservatives n8PZly0Ovak-00016-00019853-00020874 The tone and tenor of this meeting has changed dramatically in recent decades. Although the fringe was always a part of the conference, now they have taken over n8PZly0Ovak-00017-00020874-00022844 In 2007, Ann Coulter gave the nation a good flavor of what these gatherings are all about when she said, "I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate, John Edwards, but it turns out that you have to go into rehab if you use the word 'f-----,' so I'm -- so, kind of at an impasse n8PZly0Ovak-00018-00022844-00023918 " Quite a moment for the party of ideas.Before he became president, Donald Trump made several appearances at CPAC to see what this conference was all about n8PZly0Ovak-00019-00023918-00024623 In 2011, Trump floated out birtherism when he said, "Our current president came out of nowhere n8PZly0Ovak-00020-00024623-00025618 Came out of nowhere. In fact, I'll go a step further: The people that went to school with him, they never saw him, they don't know who he is n8PZly0Ovak-00021-00025618-00027149 It's crazy.".In 2014, he bragged about his good relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin, telling the audience that "I was in Moscow a couple of months ago, I own the Miss Universe Pageant and they treated me so great n8PZly0Ovak-00022-00027149-00028408 Putin even sent me a present, a beautiful present.".The CPAC that has been on display this week is a far cry from what some of the more serious conservatives of the 1970s had in mind n8PZly0Ovak-00023-00028408-00029215 The event has become a political circus filled with conspiracy theories, cranks and far-right extremism n8PZly0Ovak-00024-00029215-00030142 The past few days have featured speakers from Fox News and the Trump world spewing out the most outrageous statements they could think of making n8PZly0Ovak-00025-00030142-00031822 One of the oddest moments came when Trump's former deputy assistant, Sebastian Gorka, warned against supporters of the Green New Deal and told the crowd, "They want to take your pickup truck, they want to rebuild your home, they want to take away your hamburgers n8PZly0Ovak-00026-00031822-00033099 This is what Stalin dreamt about but never achieved." The podium had the feel of a "safe space" where conservatives could speak their minds and trot out zany ideas without fear of attack n8PZly0Ovak-00027-00033099-00033789 So it was not a surprise that Trump returned to form today and that the crowd loved it n8PZly0Ovak-00028-00033789-00035246 The conference is a reminder of how much the world of conservatism has changed since the 1970s, and how it produced a Republican candidate like Donald Trump, who seems like a pretty safe political bet going into 2020 n8PZly0Ovak-00029-00035246-00036532 If anyone believes that Trumpism will go away soon, the conference shows how difficult it will be for the GOP to remake the kind of conservatism that now inhabits the White House o8H3fUhzqZU-00000-00000571-00001383 Donald Trump started his Sunday morning with yet another assault on the media, demanding to be praised for his “accomplishments o8H3fUhzqZU-00001-00001383-00002296 ”.Writing on Twitter, the president called the press “hostile and corrupt,” and listed off what he believes are his achievements o8H3fUhzqZU-00002-00002296-00003308 “Despite the most hostile and corrupt media in the history of American politics, the Trump Administration has accomplished more in its first two years than any other Administration o8H3fUhzqZU-00003-00003308-00005029 Judges, biggest Tax & Regulation Cuts, V.A. Choice, Best Economy, Lowest Unemployment & much more!” he wrote, before adding, “More people are working today in the United States, 158,000,000, than at any time in our Country’s history o8H3fUhzqZU-00004-00005029-00005433 That is a Big Deal!” oGogyPd80xg-00000-00000571-00001757 President Donald Trump spent the last 18-plus months attacking the investigation into Russian interference and the possibility of collusion between his campaign and the Russians oGogyPd80xg-00001-00001757-00003300 On Sunday, that same investigation, led by special counsel Robert Mueller, gave Trump something he wanted -- and needed badly: A dismissal on the question of collusion and no charges of obstruction against either the President or his team oGogyPd80xg-00002-00003300-00004578 "The special counsel's investigation did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 U oGogyPd80xg-00003-00004578-00005563 S. Presidential Election," read a summary of Mueller's conclusions by Attorney General William Barr sent to Congress on Sunday afternoon oGogyPd80xg-00004-00005563-00007498 On the question of obstruction, Mueller, according to Barr, was less conclusive. While he said there was not enough evidence to say that Trump committed a crime by seeking to slow or end the Mueller investigation, he also didn't provide Trump the full clearance the President and his inner circle likely wanted oGogyPd80xg-00005-00007498-00008470 "While this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him," Barr wrote, quoting Mueller oGogyPd80xg-00006-00008470-00009713 Still, taken in the main, the conclusions of Mueller's report -- via Barr -- are a huge gift to a President who has spent 85% of his time in office with the Mueller probe hanging over his head oGogyPd80xg-00007-00009713-00011210 Trump had spent the better part of the past 22 months -- since the inception of the Mueller probe at the behest of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein -- seeking to undermine confidence not only in the report but also in Mueller (and his team) oGogyPd80xg-00008-00011210-00012200 Trump called the probe a "witch hunt" more than 170 times, according to statistics maintained by CNN's own Marshall Cohen oGogyPd80xg-00009-00012200-00013584 He tried to raise questions about the political motivations of Mueller, a lifelong Republican, and his investigators -- some of whom made contributions to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign and other Democrats oGogyPd80xg-00010-00013584-00015860 Trump even went as far as to say the investigation was illegal (it wasn't).Given the level of vitriol Trump -- and his lead attack dog and lawyer Rudy Giuliani -- leveled at Mueller and the broader report, the President finds himself in an odd situation: The investigation that he spent so much time undermining has now turned out a result that is broadly favorable to him oGogyPd80xg-00011-00015860-00016570 In characteristic Trumpian fashion, he took to Twitter to overstate what Mueller had found oGogyPd80xg-00012-00016570-00017424 "No Collusion, No Obstruction, Complete and Total EXONERATION. KEEP AMERICA GREAT!" Trump tweeted oGogyPd80xg-00013-00017424-00018103 (Reminder: Barr, quoting Mueller, said that the report "does not exonerate" Trump oGogyPd80xg-00014-00018103-00018963 ).Trump's exaggeration aside, the general strokes of the Mueller report should work -- and work strongly -- in Trump's favor oGogyPd80xg-00015-00018963-00020083 While he is not exonerated -- in his words -- by Mueller, the key conclusion of the report is that there was no collusion or coordination between the Trump campaign and the Russians p92N7XMRRkM-00000-00000571-00001913 Donald Trump is now trying to fend off the inevitable release of the Mueller report, his tax returns, his banking records, and other things that are soon going to help expose him for what he really is p92N7XMRRkM-00001-00001913-00002982 His strategy now consists of firing a bunch of his own people for who knows what reason, and partaking in a mind bending amount of good old fashioned delusion p92N7XMRRkM-00002-00002982-00004134 .For instance, take this new Trump tweet: “Everybody is now acknowledging that, right from the time I announced my run for President, I was 100% correct on the Border p92N7XMRRkM-00003-00004134-00004894 Remember the heat I took? Democrats should now get rid of the loopholes. The Border is being fixed p92N7XMRRkM-00004-00004894-00006312 Mexico will not let people through!” What is this guy even talking about? Polling data across the board shows that most Americans think that Trump is wrong on immigration and that his border wall idea is stupid p92N7XMRRkM-00005-00006312-00009295 . .What on earth could have convinced Donald Trump that Americans have somehow come around to agree with him on immigration? On what planet have Americans decided that Trump was right all along about anything, let alone immigration? In what alternate reality is this guy living? We suppose it’s the same delusional haze that’s allowed him to convince himself that his imaginary wall is already being built, and that a majority of Americans now somehow approve of his historically unpopular presidency p92N7XMRRkM-00006-00009295-00010369 .The question is where Donald Trump goes from here. His purge at Homeland Security suggests that he’s gearing up to commit even more atrocities against immigrants p92N7XMRRkM-00007-00010369-00011612 Yet this guy is so delusional, for all we know, he might have his new DHS people keep doing the same old thing, even while telling himself that he’s somehow taken things to the next level p92N7XMRRkM-00008-00011612-00011957 Trump belongs in a rubber room pxDjfFIBzmY-00000-00000513-00001981 The DNC has given no sign it will back down from its commitment to withholding the Democratic message from the largest political news viewing demographic by refusing to allow Fox News Channel to carry their primary debates pxDjfFIBzmY-00001-00001981-00002694 The rest of the major media, too, is generally on board. Fox, for their part, objects pxDjfFIBzmY-00002-00002694-00003574 But maybe since we’re in a mood for excluding networks, President Trump and the GOP should take a move from this playbook and reciprocate pxDjfFIBzmY-00003-00003574-00004222 Here is a proposal: Trump should refuse to debate on CNN ahead of next year’s election pxDjfFIBzmY-00004-00004222-00005575 First, let’s be clear about exactly what the DNC did. As a guest on CNN’s Reliable Sources noted on Sunday, the DNC was already not in the business of handing their debates to Fox News pxDjfFIBzmY-00005-00005575-00006411 They had no primary debates there in 2016, for example. Their candidate town halls aren’t there either pxDjfFIBzmY-00006-00006411-00007116 What’s different this time is that instead of simply not going to FNC, they made a public statement of shunning pxDjfFIBzmY-00007-00007116-00008365 DNC Chair Tom Perez, using the timely trigger of a New Yorker article calling Fox News propaganda, stated publicly his and the DNC’s intent to exclude FNC pxDjfFIBzmY-00008-00008365-00010013 In return, the rest of the press, especially CNN and Fox themselves, have granted Perez the very boon he was seeking: a big splashy story that lets the #Resistance know how committed Democrats are to catering to their vengeful desires pxDjfFIBzmY-00009-00010013-00011131 Honestly, Perez should be sending gift baskets to the cable networks. His name recognition probably shot up a few hundred percent into the whole single digits range pxDjfFIBzmY-00010-00011131-00011810 Of course, simply getting the word out to their leftier elements wasn’t the only aim here pxDjfFIBzmY-00011-00011810-00013751 It actually is a matter of exclusion.On that same Reliable Sources on Sunday, veteran analyst Jeff Greenfield made the argument that Democrats are excluding a big, blue collar portion of voters (he didn’t say “white” voters but it was in the air) in failing to share their own message on Fox News pxDjfFIBzmY-00012-00013751-00014462 But sharing their message on Fox is exactly what they want to avoid ahead of 2020 pxDjfFIBzmY-00013-00014462-00015820 What bigger disaster could there be for a Democratic primary debate than that a huge swath of America actually sees them standing on a radical left agenda? To put it bluntly, they don’t want to be seen pxDjfFIBzmY-00014-00015820-00016888 Not by everyone, anyway.It’s a truism that the parties must tilt to their respective corners in the primary, and toward the center in the general pxDjfFIBzmY-00015-00016888-00018006 In this particular election, that tilt is exceedingly pronounced, with the GOP pandering to the Trump-right and the DNC pandering to the Ocasio-Cortez left pxDjfFIBzmY-00016-00018006-00019291 Except in the case of the GOP, there is no corner yet un-penetrated by news of their farthest right tendencies, whereas the DNC is still trying to walk the line between left and center pxDjfFIBzmY-00017-00019291-00020759 (A fact that AOC herself has noted and complained about.).For that conquest of every corner with the farthest right elements of the GOP, one need look no further than CNN to find out how that was accomplished pxDjfFIBzmY-00018-00020759-00022726 Granted, one could look further –to the Washington Post, the New York Times, MSNBC, the Daily Show, every late night TV monologue, movies, the Oscars, music, entertainment magazines, teen magazines, and every area of sports and tech reporting, for example — but one doesn’t need to pxDjfFIBzmY-00019-00022726-00024158 It is sufficient to look at CNN to see how every bad step, bad choice, and bad person on the right is amplified, attacked, contradicted, exposed, and generally carried routinely over the airwaves to voters pxDjfFIBzmY-00020-00024158-00026167 That kind of sunlight is exactly what the DNC does not want ahead of 2020, and it’s definitely the main reason they don’t want to be openly debating one another on left-wing premises to the biggest cable news audience, and one that skews far more to the right and center than the younger, more liberal audiences of CNN and MSNBC pxDjfFIBzmY-00021-00026167-00028625 It’s a no-brainer, really.So by avoiding Fox they accomplish several things: They dodge getting exposed for advocating radical and unpopular policies, they get the media buzz for their candidates on Fox News anyway as its opinion hosts and its anchors raise hell at being excluded, and they deliver supreme satisfaction of the liberal left’s need to exact vengeance on Trump and all who are tied to him pxDjfFIBzmY-00022-00028625-00029777 It’s a win-win-win.So Trump should do the same thing.That is, President Trump should refuse to participate in presidential debates moderated by CNN journalists pxDjfFIBzmY-00023-00029777-00030605 There isn’t going to be a Republican primary contest, no matter procedural voting, and therefore no primary debates pxDjfFIBzmY-00024-00030605-00031814 And the general election debates are carried on a million channels and outlets. So the best he can do to respond in kind is refuse to participate in debates moderated by CNN personalities pxDjfFIBzmY-00025-00031814-00032525 He’s already floated the idea, actually.But it’s something to get behind despite his embrace pxDjfFIBzmY-00026-00032525-00033515 Not because of revenge, or even because it would be good for the country, but because the DNC hiding from voters is bad for the country pxDjfFIBzmY-00027-00033515-00034437 And if Trump does what he always does anyway and acts like a spoiled brat about it, it would take the manufactured conflict to new heights pxDjfFIBzmY-00028-00034437-00035785 For one thing, might force the Democrats to relent and give up the ban, meaning they could face genuinely hard-to-answer questions about what exactly their platform and beliefs are, rather than just argue from the left pxDjfFIBzmY-00029-00035785-00037054 Assuming the game of chicken resolved with everyone attending every debate, it would also expose a much larger share of American votes to the breadth of information and spectrum of choices they have next year pxDjfFIBzmY-00030-00037054-00037796 Most importantly, it would be hilarious.Well, okay, that’s not the most important part pxDjfFIBzmY-00031-00037796-00040293 What is important is that Fox viewers might, just as Jeff Greenfield said this morning, see their network challenged over facts and bias, and CNN/MSNBC viewers might come to understand that it’s not just Donald Trump, or even Donald Trump-ists, who think the hard news folks at CNN and MSNBC are equally indulgent when it comes to editorializing and slanted reporting pxDjfFIBzmY-00032-00040293-00041171 There are, in fact, millions of Americans who think that.In short, it would be like bringing the whole media vs pxDjfFIBzmY-00033-00041171-00041981 media debate to a head while bringing the presidential debates to our TVs.And also it would be hilarious pxDjfFIBzmY-00034-00041981-00042252 Carpe Amentiam pzmcvFHHRgk-00000-00000571-00001260 For decades Republicans have railed against the size and scope of the federal government pzmcvFHHRgk-00001-00001260-00002713 GOP candidates regularly promise to eliminate government agencies, cut waste and fraud in spending and get government out of decisions that, they say, should be left to states, markets and individual families pzmcvFHHRgk-00002-00002713-00003703 They argue for smaller, more efficient and better government.But since Donald Trump's election that principle has turned sideways pzmcvFHHRgk-00003-00003703-00004591 Trump and his Republican backers now don't want smaller and better; they seem to want to sabotage the actual work of government pzmcvFHHRgk-00004-00004591-00005205 They appear hell-bent on making it less transparent, less responsive and less effective pzmcvFHHRgk-00005-00005205-00006472 And this effort is accelerating.It was somewhat subtle at first: Trump Republicans started early by trying to strangle the Affordable Care Act without offering a viable alternative to replace it pzmcvFHHRgk-00006-00006472-00007331 Courts have repeatedly blocked these attempts, and so the administration and Republicans have worked to kill the law with a thousand cuts pzmcvFHHRgk-00007-00007331-00008070 They've cut the advertising budget, making it harder for people to find the plan and sign up pzmcvFHHRgk-00008-00008070-00009188 They removed the individual mandate, have undermined -- at every turn -- a program aimed at attracting young people to the ACA, and shortened the enrollment period for consumers to sign up pzmcvFHHRgk-00009-00009188-00010160 And late last month, Trump's Justice Department said it would file a legal brief with a federal appeals court to wipe out the entire law pzmcvFHHRgk-00010-00010160-00011098 One might argue that these are just policy differences between the parties. You can make no such argument about another series of moves pzmcvFHHRgk-00011-00011098-00011928 Trump publicly berated Jeff Sessions, then his attorney general, for not being loyal and eventually fired him pzmcvFHHRgk-00012-00011928-00013741 He fired FBI Director James Comey for doing what the FBI does: investigate. He fired his secretary of state, Rex Tillerson, for actually practicing diplomacy, and forced out his defense secretary, James Mattis, and national security adviser -- H pzmcvFHHRgk-00013-00013741-00014404 R. McMaster -- for the crime of providing professional advice.That's just the start pzmcvFHHRgk-00014-00014404-00015219 He's arguably used his office to continue to build his private business (see Trump's Washington, D pzmcvFHHRgk-00015-00015219-00016238 C., hotel), and reportedly overruled his intelligence officials to give daughter Ivanka Trump and son-in-law Jared Kushner security clearances pzmcvFHHRgk-00016-00016238-00017403 And as long as we're on the subject of national security, he has repeatedly given more weight to the word of foreign adversaries over the professionals in the US government's intelligence community pzmcvFHHRgk-00017-00017403-00018707 It's not just Vladimir Putin and Russia. When it came to who killed Jamal Khashoggi, the President was quick to side with and defend Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and the Saudis pzmcvFHHRgk-00018-00018707-00019360 What is even more startling is who the President now wants to bring in to run the government pzmcvFHHRgk-00019-00019360-00020713 Matt Whitaker, despite having none of the requisite qualifications to be attorney general, was nonetheless made acting attorney general -- violating longstanding procedure at a critical time for the Department of Justice pzmcvFHHRgk-00020-00020713-00022413 Appointing William Barr as attorney general after Whitaker was no better. Remember: Barr sent the White House an unsolicited 19-page memo outlining, in effect, how the attorney general could, and should, protect the President from Robert Mueller's investigation pzmcvFHHRgk-00021-00022413-00023466 It was one hell of an audition for Trump and secured Barr the job whose accurate description should have cited Roy Cohn -- the toadying counsel to "Red Scare" Sen pzmcvFHHRgk-00022-00023466-00024140 Joseph McCarthy and later mentor to Trump -- not the giants of justice from American history pzmcvFHHRgk-00023-00024140-00026755 Now we look to who is going to lead the effort to protect the homeland. Department of Homeland Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was forced out for, among other things arguing that the President had to follow the law and not close the border at El Paso, Texas, and objecting to restarting the administration's odious policy (which she had supported) of separating immigrant children from their parents at the border, citing concerns about court challenges pzmcvFHHRgk-00024-00026755-00027692 Indeed, there is nothing that has reduced trust in government among many Americans than the President's erratic and outrageous policies around immigration pzmcvFHHRgk-00025-00027692-00028531 Last week the President told border agents to defy the law and not let migrants in, two sources told CNN pzmcvFHHRgk-00026-00028531-00029782 (The agents' supervisors told them afterward that they had to follow the law.) When the President makes this kind of move, the infrastructure that supports our democracy doesn't crack, it crumbles pzmcvFHHRgk-00027-00029782-00031005 Now the President again is defying procedure and is looking to install a loyalist and immigration hard-liner to run the agency created after 9/11 to fight against terrorism in America pzmcvFHHRgk-00028-00031005-00031595 That should warm the hearts of any group planning to attack our homeland pGMBjiHgQXk-00000-00000571-00001885 Paul Manafort, the former chairman of Donald Trump’s campaign, has been jailed for nearly four years for bank and tax fraud uncovered during the special counsel investigation into Russian election interference pGMBjiHgQXk-00001-00001885-00003436 Wearing a green prison jumpsuit, Manafort sat still in a wheelchair and betrayed little emotion as the US district judge TS Ellis of the eastern district of Virginia pronounced the sentence, which will be partially offset by nine months already served pGMBjiHgQXk-00002-00003436-00004478 “Mr Manafort, you stand accused of very serious crimes,” said Ellis, noting that these included concealing $6m from the Internal Revenue Service pGMBjiHgQXk-00003-00004478-00005847 “In essence, that’s a theft of money from everyone who pays their taxes''.The sentence was far shy of federal sentencing guidelines, which call for 19 and a half to 24 years in prison for these types of offenses pGMBjiHgQXk-00004-00005847-00006866 Ellis described the guidelines as “excessive” and “out of whack”, saying Manafort had no prior criminal history and had lived “an otherwise blameless life'' pGMBjiHgQXk-00005-00006866-00007571 The judge acknowledged: “I don’t expect the sentence I’m about to announce to meet with everyone’s approval pGMBjiHgQXk-00006-00007571-00008303 ” He told Manafort: “Life is making choices, Mr Manafort, and living with the choices you make pGMBjiHgQXk-00007-00008303-00009018 You made choices and engaged in criminal conduct and there will be consequences for that decision pGMBjiHgQXk-00008-00009018-00009820 ”.The judge also chided Manafort not for expressing regret in a statement he made to the court minutes earlier pGMBjiHgQXk-00009-00009820-00010920 “You did not say, ‘I really, really regret not doing what the law required.’ It will not affect that sentence I impose but I hope you will reflect on that pGMBjiHgQXk-00010-00010920-00012605 ”.In a hushed, packed courtroom, with the clock close to 7pm, Ellis then handed down concurrent sentences totalling 47 months for the eight charges on which the veteran Republican political consultant was convicted in Alexandria, Virginia, last August pGMBjiHgQXk-00011-00012605-00013279 But he said Manafort would receive credit for the nine months he has already spent incarcerated pGMBjiHgQXk-00012-00013279-00014572 The judge imposed a fine of $50,000 on Manafort – who still owns a house in Alexandria, worth about $3m, and another in Palm Beach, Florida, worth an estimated $1 pGMBjiHgQXk-00013-00014572-00015397 25m – noting that he was already obliged to pay restitution of $24m to his victims pGMBjiHgQXk-00014-00015397-00016687 “I think what I’ve done is sufficiently punitive.”.Outside of the courtroom, Ellis’s ruling and his comments that Manafort had lived “an otherwise blameless life” drew sharp criticism pGMBjiHgQXk-00015-00016687-00018004 “I’ve rarely been more disgusted by a judge’s transparently preferential treatment to a rich white guy who betrayed the law and the nation,” tweeted Laurence Tribe, a constitutional law professor at Harvard pGMBjiHgQXk-00016-00018004-00019482 “A federal judge in Virginia gave Paul Manafort less prison time for eight counts of bank fraud, tax fraud, and failing to file a foreign bank account report than Crystal Mason got in Texas for voting once while on probation pGMBjiHgQXk-00017-00019482-00020924 America,” noted the writer Jamil Smith.The 69-year-old was convicted after prosecutors accused him of hiding from the US government millions of dollars he earned as a consultant for Ukraine’s former pro-Russia government pGMBjiHgQXk-00018-00020924-00022706 After the pro-Kremlin Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych was ousted, prosecutors said, Manafort lied to banks to secure loans and maintain an opulent lifestyle with luxurious homes, designer suits and even a $15,000 ostrich-skin jacket qtRHLodFUFI-00000-00000571-00002391 “Spoke to Tiger Woods to congratulate him on the great victory he had in yesterday’s Masters, and to inform him that because of his incredible Success & Comeback in Sports (Golf) and, more importantly, LIFE, I will be presenting him with the PRESIDENTIAL MEDAL OF FREEDOM!” Trump wrote on Twitter qtRHLodFUFI-00001-00002391-00003204 .Woods’ victory was described by sports commentators as the greatest comeback in the history of sports qtRHLodFUFI-00002-00003204-00004216 A big fan of the sport, the president has had a long personal and business relationship with Woods and even golfed with the champion on several occasions qtRHLodFUFI-00003-00004216-00005029 Trump celebrated Woods’ victory on Sunday on Twitter.“Love people who are great under pressure,” Trump wrote qtRHLodFUFI-00004-00005029-00006141 “What a fantastic life comeback for a really great guy!”.The Presidential Medal of Freedom is the highest honor provided to a civilian in the United States qYvAeiW7xRU-00000-00000571-00001503 There have been accusations across social media for years that Donald Trump was caught up in Jeffrey Epstein’s serial child rape scandal qYvAeiW7xRU-00001-00001503-00003120 This notion gained new heft when it was reported months ago that it was Alexander Acosta who gave Epstein an absurdly lenient plea deal in order to make the whole thing go away, and Trump later rewarded Acosta by appointing him Secretary of Labor qYvAeiW7xRU-00002-00003120-00004395 Now the whole thing just took an uglier turn.A federal judge has just ruled that Alexander Acosta and others broke the law with the deal they gave Jeffrey Epstein, according to the Miami Herald newspaper qYvAeiW7xRU-00003-00004395-00005416 Why does this matter? The judge hasn’t decided yet what’s going to happen to Epstein, or whether justice will finally be served against him qYvAeiW7xRU-00004-00005416-00006511 But this ruling alone will be enough to invite a full investigation into why Acosta broke the law in order to give Epstein this deal, and what his motivations were qYvAeiW7xRU-00005-00006511-00007305 Alexander Acosta could end up having to cut a deal of his own in order to avoid facing punishment qYvAeiW7xRU-00006-00007305-00008185 This would finally reveal why Epstein was allowed off the hook, and who was pressuring Acosta to help make the whole thing go away qYvAeiW7xRU-00007-00008185-00009240 Once this thread is pulled, it’ll then lead to the question of why Trump decided to appoint Acosta of all people to his cabinet, and whether it was a form of repayment qYvAeiW7xRU-00008-00009240-00010358 In other words, whatever Donald Trump’s connection is to Jeffrey Epstein’s crimes and/or Alexander Acosta’s illegal effort at making the Epstein scandal go away, it’s going to come out qYvAeiW7xRU-00009-00010358-00011317 Today’s ruling by the judge has rung a bell that can’t be un-rung. We’ll see where this goes, but it’s shaping up to be Trump’s worst nightmare qaoLGxE5Sj4-00000-00000513-00001994 House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) claimed on Tuesday that President Donald Trump told him that he would sign the Dream Act if Congress passes a bill to give amnesty to millions of so-called Dreamers qaoLGxE5Sj4-00001-00001994-00002916 Speaking at the introduction ceremony for the Dream and Promise Act of 2019 (H.R. 6), Hoyer said he went with Sen qaoLGxE5Sj4-00002-00002916-00003822 Dick Durbin (D-IL) to the White House “about a year ago” and sat to the left of Trump while Durbin sat to Trump’s right qaoLGxE5Sj4-00003-00003822-00004692 “And Senator [Chuck] Grassley asked him a question. He said, ‘Mr. President, the Dreamers have not done anything wrong qaoLGxE5Sj4-00004-00004692-00005439 The Dreamers have lived here almost all their lives. They know no other country. Mr qaoLGxE5Sj4-00005-00005439-00006646 President, we need to make sure they can stay here,’” Hoyer said. “And Senator [Dianne] Feinstein, a Democrat, and Senator Grassley, a Republican, asked the same question qaoLGxE5Sj4-00006-00006646-00007840 ”.Hoyer then claimed that Trump said, “Yes, we need to take care of that. And then we’ll deal with comprehensive immigration reform, which we need to deal with qaoLGxE5Sj4-00007-00007840-00008757 We need to fix a broken system.”.“And as we left, the president said, ‘You pass a bill and I will sign it,’” Hoyer recalled qaoLGxE5Sj4-00008-00008757-00009558 “That’s what the president of the United States said… When he meets exceptional people, he thinks they ought to be here qaoLGxE5Sj4-00009-00009558-00011149 ”.Amnesty activists reportedly helped House Democrats craft the latest version of the Dream Act, which will give Dreamers who meet various requirements “conditional permanent resident status for 10 years” in addition to canceling removal proceedings qaoLGxE5Sj4-00010-00011149-00012492 .In addition, the bill will allow Dreamers to access federal financial aid and even permit “eligible Dreamers deported from the United States by the Trump Administration to apply for relief from abroad qaoLGxE5Sj4-00011-00012492-00013560 ”.The bill will also give permanent protections to those with Temporary Protected Status (TPS) and those who have received Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) qaoLGxE5Sj4-00012-00013560-00015034 House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said that she expects the Dream and Promise Act to pass the House with a “strong, bipartisan vote” and then said the House would try to pass an even more comprehensive amnesty bill after that qaoLGxE5Sj4-00013-00015034-00016157 .“We look forward to a strong, bipartisan vote to pass this legislation and safeguard every child and family’s right to pursue their American dream,” Pelosi said qaoLGxE5Sj4-00014-00016157-00017230 “Once we pass this bill, we will fight for a comprehensive fix to our broken immigration system which embraces the contribution of all of our newcomers qaoLGxE5Sj4-00015-00017230-00017907 ”.Pelosi added that “there should be nothing partisan or political in this legislation qaoLGxE5Sj4-00016-00017907-00018996 Protecting Dreamers and TPS and DED Americans is about honoring and respecting the family that is at the heart of our faith and the heart of who we are as Americans qaoLGxE5Sj4-00017-00018996-00020736 ”.Pelosi said Democrats are acting on the Dream Act because in the 2018 midterm elections, “the American people elected a new Democratic House majority that will advance progress for all Americans and uphold our values of liberty, justice and opportunity qaoLGxE5Sj4-00018-00020736-00020836 ” qe-tkj-KX5Q-00000-00000571-00001660 Truman Capote once said of his friend, the socialite Babe Paley, “Mrs P had only one fault: she was perfect; otherwise she was perfect qe-tkj-KX5Q-00001-00001660-00003287 ” Cheap borrowing or no, it’s tempting to say the same of Barack Obama. Paradoxically, I’ve noticed just about every third time someone mentions Obama these days they gratuitously remind us that, “he wasn’t perfect,” without specifying precisely why not qe-tkj-KX5Q-00002-00003287-00004241 I suspect some say it is because they themselves cannot believe that someone that close to perfection was once President of the United States qe-tkj-KX5Q-00003-00004241-00005079 Do I really need to state the obvious about how far from perfection the vicious hooligan currently usurping the Oval Office is? qe-tkj-KX5Q-00004-00005079-00006448 And yet the myth so persistently continues that, when talking about Trump’s many crimes, “Obama wasn’t perfect, either,” or even, “Obama did it too,” gets gratuitously slipped in by the glassy-eyed Trump acolyte qe-tkj-KX5Q-00005-00006448-00007341 This disgusting bit of deliberately shocking “evenhandedness” inevitably turns out to be nothing but good old-fashioned false equivalence qe-tkj-KX5Q-00006-00007341-00008269 Take the separating of children from their families at the border. “Obama did it first,” has become the familiar mantra of the knee-jerk neocon qe-tkj-KX5Q-00007-00008269-00009520 But did he? No, in fact, he did not. The confusion stems from the fact that, under Obama, parents at the border were sometimes charged, and convicted, of actual crimes qe-tkj-KX5Q-00008-00009520-00010719 If the crime meant a custodial sentence then they were separated from their children accordingly, just as ordinary citizens serving time in prison are likewise separated from theirs qe-tkj-KX5Q-00009-00010719-00012025 At other times, when there was evidence suggesting that the person appearing at the border was not, in fact, the parent of the child he or she was with, they were accordingly separated if that turned out to be the case qe-tkj-KX5Q-00010-00012025-00013955 .Trump separated families as matter of policy. He did it to make the prospect of fleeing tyranny to a possible better life in the United States, by way of ordinary immigration or asylum seeking, so awful in consequence and so devastating to the family unit in prospect as to discourage future attempts qe-tkj-KX5Q-00011-00013955-00015350 He stripped them of their Constitutionally guaranteed due process by declaring them guilty until proven innocent, and consequently transferred the burden of proof of their guilt from the state onto the shoulders of the refugees themselves qe-tkj-KX5Q-00012-00015350-00017116 .So unpopular did this policy become that Trump actually backed away from it. Now, with his delusional belief in the Barr Summary, a newly emboldened Donald Trump once again plans to reinstate automatic and arbitrary separation of families at the border qe-tkj-KX5Q-00013-00017116-00018521 Their crime? Being poor and desperate. Nobody quite loves kicking people when they are down like Donald Trump, and nobody quite loves cheering him on for doing so than the despicable craven losers who stand by him qkPCwjpN4GI-00000-00000062-00000800 Фундаментальнае адрозненне паміж левымі і правымі датычыцца таго, як кожны ацэньвае дзяржаўную палітыку. qkPCwjpN4GI-00001-00000800-00001568 Правыя пытаюцца: «Ці гэта будзе дабро?». Левыя, хутчэй за ўсё, задаюць іншае пытанне. qkPCwjpN4GI-00002-00001568-00002344 Возьмем, напрыклад, мінімальную зарплату. У 1987 годзе New York Times выказалася супраць любой мінімальнай зарплаты. qkPCwjpN4GI-00003-00002344-00003324 Назва галоўнага артыкула была вельмі выразнай – «Правільная мінімальная заработная плата: $ 0.00”. qkPCwjpN4GI-00004-00003324-00003914 У артыкуле Таймс было напісана: «Сярод эканамістаў фактычна існуе кансэнсус пра тое, qkPCwjpN4GI-00005-00003914-00004457 што мінімальная заработная плата — гэта ідэя, час якой прайшоў. Павышэнне мінімальнай заработнай платы прывядзе да таго, qkPCwjpN4GI-00006-00004457-00005130 што працоўныя пакінуць рынак працы ...» Чаму аўтары New York Times выказваліся супраць мінімальнай заработнай платы? qkPCwjpN4GI-00007-00005130-00005698 Таму што яны задавалі пытанне: «Ці гэта зробіць дабро?» qkPCwjpN4GI-00008-00005698-00006346 Але праз 27 гадоў на галоўнай старонцы New York Times рэдактар напісаў супрацьлеглае таму, qkPCwjpN4GI-00009-00006346-00007178 што было напісана ў 1987 годзе, і заклікаў да значнага павелічэння мінімальнай заработнай платы. qkPCwjpN4GI-00010-00007178-00007568 За гэты час рэдакцыя Таймс стала значна больш левай, qkPCwjpN4GI-00011-00007568-00008596 і цяпер заклапочана не пытаннем «ці гэта зробіць дабро?», але пытаннем «ці ад гэтага мы будзем адчуваць сябе добра?». qkPCwjpN4GI-00012-00008596-00009040 І сапраўды адчуваеш сябе добра, падымаючы мінімальную зарплату бедным людзям. qkPCwjpN4GI-00013-00009040-00009674 Другі прыклад – пазітыўная дыскрымінацыя. Шматлікія даследаванні – і, што больш важна, здаровы сэнс і факты – qkPCwjpN4GI-00014-00009674-00010280 паказалі негатыўнае ўздзеянне, якое аказала пазітыўная расавая дыскрымінацыя на многіх цемнаскурых студэнтаў. qkPCwjpN4GI-00015-00010281-00010955 Зніжэнне стандартаў прыёму ў каледжы для цемнаскурых абітурыентаў выклікала шэраг кепскіх наступстваў. qkPCwjpN4GI-00016-00010955-00011270 Прывядзем адно. qkPCwjpN4GI-00017-00011270-00011848 Усё больш цемнаскурых студэнтаў не могуць скончыць каледж. Чаму? Бо шмат хто быў прыняты ў каледж, qkPCwjpN4GI-00018-00011849-00012424 які мае большыя акадэмічныя патрабаванні, чым яны могуць пацягнуць. qkPCwjpN4GI-00019-00012424-00012856 Замест таго, каб наведваць школу, якая адпавядала б іх акадэмічным навыкам, qkPCwjpN4GI-00020-00012856-00013606 школу, дзе яны маглі б мець поспех, яны часта правальваліся ў школе з большымі патрабаваннямі, qkPCwjpN4GI-00021-00013606-00014244 якая зніжала стандарты, каб прыняць іх. Зразумела, што прыхільнікі пазітыўнай расавай дыскрымінацыі пытаюцца: qkPCwjpN4GI-00022-00014244-00014528 «Ці мы адчуваем сябе добра?», замест таго, каб пытацца: «Ці мы робім дабро?». qkPCwjpN4GI-00023-00014528-00015156 Трэці прыклад — пацыфізм і іншыя формы «барацьбы за мір». qkPCwjpN4GI-00024-00015156-00015634 У многіх людзей левых поглядаў ёсць слабасць да пацыфізму – вера ў тое, qkPCwjpN4GI-00025-00015634-00016296 што забойства іншага чалавека заўсёды няправільна. Не ўсе левыя – пацыфісты, але пацыфізм амаль заўсёды зыходзіць ад левых, qkPCwjpN4GI-00026-00016296-00016898 і амаль усе левыя падтрымліваюць "барацьбу за мір", "даследаванні праблем міру" qkPCwjpN4GI-00027-00016898-00017302 і ўсё астатняе, што ўтрымлівае слова "мір". qkPCwjpN4GI-00028-00017302-00017822 Правыя, з іншага боку, хоць і прагнуць міру гэтак жа як і левыя, qkPCwjpN4GI-00029-00017823-00018523 бо які ж кансерватыўны бацька хоча, каб яго дзіця загінула ў баі? – qkPCwjpN4GI-00030-00018523-00018953 ведаюць, што пацыфізм і большасць «барацьбітоў за мір» павялічваюць шанцы на вайну, а не на мір. qkPCwjpN4GI-00031-00018953-00019560 Нішто не гарантуе трыумфу зла так, як адмова ад барацьбы са злом. qkPCwjpN4GI-00032-00019560-00020195 Таму вялікае зло ніколі не будзе пераможаным барацьбітамі за мір, але толькі большай ваеннай сілай. qkPCwjpN4GI-00033-00020195-00020846 Перамога саюзнікаў у Другой сусветнай вайне – відавочны прыклад. І сёння радыкальныя ісламісты павінны быць забіты раней, qkPCwjpN4GI-00034-00020846-00021372 чым яны абезгаловяць, зняволяць і закатуюць яшчэ больш нявінных людзей. qkPCwjpN4GI-00035-00021372-00021840 Прыхільнікі пацыфізму, даследванняў міру, амерыканскага ядзернага раззбраення qkPCwjpN4GI-00036-00021840-00022600 і вываду амерыканскіх вайскоўцаў з краін, у якіх яны знаходзяцца, не пытаюцца: «Ці гэта зробіць дабро?» qkPCwjpN4GI-00037-00022600-00022880 Таму што ад гэтага амаль ніколі не будзе добра. qkPCwjpN4GI-00038-00022880-00023508 Ці прынёс добры вынік поўны вывад амерыканскіх войскаў з Ірака? Вядома, не. qkPCwjpN4GI-00039-00023509-00024049 Гэта прывяло да ўзнікнення Ісламскай Дзяржавы з масавымі забойствамі і катаваннямі. qkPCwjpN4GI-00040-00024049-00024737 Ці вывад амерыканскіх войскаў з В'етнама быў на дабро? Не, гэта прывяло да гвалтоўнага захопу камуністамі Паўднёвага В'етнама. qkPCwjpN4GI-00041-00024738-00025451 З іншага боку, з-за таго, што амерыканскія войскі не выходзілі з Паўднёвай Карэі, Японіі і Германіі, qkPCwjpN4GI-00042-00025451-00026083 гэтыя тры краіны сталі аднымі з самых квітнеючых і свабодных краін свету. qkPCwjpN4GI-00043-00026083-00026760 Такім чынам, чаму лібералы падтрымліваюць больш высокі мінімальны заробак, калі гэта не прынясе дабра работнікам? qkPCwjpN4GI-00044-00026760-00027502 Таму што гэта дазваляе адчуваць сябе добра: мы, лібералы, у адрозненне ад кансерватараў, клапоцімся пра бедных. qkPCwjpN4GI-00045-00027502-00028030 Чаму лібералы падтрымліваюць пазітыўную расавую дыскрымінацыю? Па той самай прычыне. qkPCwjpN4GI-00046-00028031-00028750 Гэта дазваляе лібералам адчуваць сябе добра. Ім падаецца, што яны выпраўляюць памылкі расізму ў папярэднія часы. qkPCwjpN4GI-00047-00028750-00029308 І тое самае можна сказаць пра левых змагароў за мір. Прыемна лічыць сябе змагром за мір. qkPCwjpN4GI-00048-00029308-00030122 Усё гэта дапамагае патлумачыць, чаму маладыя людзі часцей за ўсё схіляюцца да лібералізму, чым кансерватызму. qkPCwjpN4GI-00049-00030122-00030589 Яны не жылі дастаткова доўга, каб сапраўды ведаць, што насамрэч прыводзіць да дабра. qkPCwjpN4GI-00050-00030589-00030958 Але яны ведаюць, ад чаго адчуваеш сябе добра. qkPCwjpN4GI-00051-00030958-00031520 Паколькі грамадства схіляецца ўсё болей і болей у лібералізм, павялічваецца імкненне адчуваць сябе добра, а не рабіць дабро. qkPCwjpN4GI-00052-00031520-00032258 Свет становіцца ўсё горш і горш, qkPCwjpN4GI-00053-00032258-00032739 але многія людзі думаюць пра сябе ўсё лепш і лепш. qkPCwjpN4GI-00054-00032739-00033140 Я Дэніс Прэгер. sE0yl4KbAGQ-00000-00000513-00001545 Congress continues to deal with the fallout of President Donald Trump’s national emergency declaration last month over the supposed crisis at the southern border sE0yl4KbAGQ-00001-00001545-00003412 House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) announced this Wednesday that her chamber would not be taking up Senate GOP legislation that responds to the essentially completely baseless declaration by curtailing the emergency powers of future presidents while leaving Trump’s current move intact sE0yl4KbAGQ-00002-00003412-00004818 As she put it:.‘In an effort to avoid voting in favor of the House’s resolution to terminate Trump’s fake emergency, GOP senators are proposing legislation to allow Trump to violate the Constitution *just this once sE0yl4KbAGQ-00003-00004818-00006952 * The House will not take up this legislation to give President Trump a pass.’.The legislation in question would make future emergency declarations expire after thirty days in the absence of Congressional action and has been presented as an alternative to directly voting to cancel Trump’s currently in-place declaration, an issue the Senate will be taking up Thursday sE0yl4KbAGQ-00004-00006952-00007842 Trump hopes to use subsequent executive power from the declaration to procure billions in funding for his southern border wall sE0yl4KbAGQ-00005-00007842-00008968 The Democratic majority House has already voted to cancel the declaration, moving to do so under the power of the same legislation that allowed for it in the first place sE0yl4KbAGQ-00006-00008968-00009841 Although the Senate remains in the hands of the GOP and even Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky sE0yl4KbAGQ-00007-00009841-00011217 ) has expressed support for the president’s declaration, at least when this week began, four Republican Senators indicated plans to vote to strike it down, giving the cancellation the simple majority it needed sE0yl4KbAGQ-00008-00011217-00012411 Those to express opposition to that level have included Republican Sens. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), Susan Collins (Maine), Rand Paul (Ky sE0yl4KbAGQ-00009-00012411-00013430 ), and Thom Tillis (N.C.) — although The New York Times claimed on Tuesday that Tillis seemed to be “wavering” in his commitment to vote down the declaration sE0yl4KbAGQ-00010-00013430-00014263 Trump personally lobbied for Republican Senators to support his national emergency declaration on Twitter this Wednesday, posting: sE0yl4KbAGQ-00011-00014263-00015360 ‘Republican Senators are overthinking tomorrow’s vote on National Emergency. It is very simply Border Security/No Crime – Should not be thought of any other way sE0yl4KbAGQ-00012-00015360-00016097 We have a MAJOR NATIONAL EMERGENCY at our Border and the People of our Country know it very well!’ sE0yl4KbAGQ-00013-00016097-00017134 Either way, the cancellation is unlikely to make it through, because it also has to be approved by the president and he’s unsurprisingly pledged to veto the measure sE0yl4KbAGQ-00014-00017134-00017933 Neither Congressional chamber have a two-thirds, veto-proof majority in favor of the cancellation sE0yl4KbAGQ-00015-00017933-00019550 All hope is far from lost for those against the proclamation, however. The move quickly faced a number of lawsuits, including one with a coalition of 16 states led by California’s Attorney General Xavier Becerra against the Trump administration sE0yl4KbAGQ-00016-00019550-00021958 The declaration has essentially no basis in reality. Confronted with the facts of at least comparatively low crime associated with the southern border and undocumented immigration during his press conference announcing his national emergency declaration, Trump claimed there are vast unreported criminal networks among undocumented immigrants, singling them out with no tangible basis other than their skin color sE0yl4KbAGQ-00017-00021958-00022917 Still, Trump remains undeterred. In his recent budget proposal for the 2020 fiscal year, he asked for a whopping $8 sE0yl4KbAGQ-00018-00022917-00023933 6 billion for his long-sought southern border wall blocking off Mexico, which there is no indication whatsoever Congress will actually give him spgA3mgMB7u-00000-00000571-00001448 Donald Trump has been on the attack against late Senator John McCain for the past week and on Wednesday it wasn’t any different spgA3mgMB7u-00001-00001448-00002308 The president spoke at the Lima Army Tank Plant on Wednesday where he decided to go on a long rant attacking McCain spgA3mgMB7u-00002-00002308-00003110 “So I have to be honest, I’ve never liked him much. Hasn’t been for me,” Trump said while speaking to the crowd spgA3mgMB7u-00003-00003110-00003959 “I really probably never will,” he added.“John McCain received a fake and phony dossier,” Trump continued spgA3mgMB7u-00004-00003959-00004990 “It was paid for by crooked Hillary Clinton. He got it. He didn’t give it to me, he turned it over to the FBI,” Trump said spgA3mgMB7u-00005-00004990-00005996 “I’m a very loyal person,” he added.Trump then went on to take credit for McCain’s Funeral, saying that it was because of him that it was possible spgA3mgMB7u-00006-00005996-00007075 We should note that Trump was not invited to the funeral.“I gave John McCain the kind of funeral that he wanted, which as president, I had to approve,” Trump said spgA3mgMB7u-00007-00007075-00007806 “I don’t care about this, I didn’t get a thank you — that’s okay. We sent him on the way spgA3mgMB7u-00008-00007806-00008135 But I wasn’t a fan of John McCain'' sg-TII7RiJA-00000-00000513-00001602 Former White House press secretary Sean Spicer said Tuesday that he plans to cooperate with the House Judiciary Committee's probe into President Donald Trump sg-TII7RiJA-00001-00001602-00002503 "I will do everything to facilitate this investigation, and there's nothing I have to hide," Spicer said in an interview on Fox News sg-TII7RiJA-00002-00002503-00003765 He is one of 81 individuals and entities that the committee sent letters to Monday requesting documents relating to the President's campaign, businesses, transition and administration sg-TII7RiJA-00003-00003765-00004630 The requests began a broad probe into possible corruption, abuses of power, hush money payments and collusion with Russia sg-TII7RiJA-00004-00004630-00005661 Although Spicer intends to cooperate with the probe and said he respects the committee's authority, he called it a "fishing expedition" by the Democrats sg-TII7RiJA-00005-00005661-00006505 He said Democrats in the House are searching for wrongdoing by the President rather than pursuing a legislative agenda sg-TII7RiJA-00006-00006505-00007957 "What the Democrats have started to realize is that, from all the tea leaves that we've seen, is that while some people did some bad things, that there were some people who clearly interfered with the last election, that there was no collusion," Spicer said sg-TII7RiJA-00007-00007957-00008671 "And so they've started to move on and go on, what appears to be at least, a potential fishing expedition sg-TII7RiJA-00008-00008671-00009708 ".Spicer did not say whether he had received his letter from the Judiciary Committee yet, but he said he had learned he was on the committee's list through news reports sg-TII7RiJA-00009-00009708-00010797 The committee requested documents from multiple Trump allies including family members, campaign officials and longtime employees of the Trump Organization sg-TII7RiJA-00010-00010797-00011865 Many of the people the committee is seeking documents from have already cooperated with special counsel Robert Mueller or other investigations related to the President sg-TII7RiJA-00011-00011865-00013179 House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler told CNN on Monday that the purpose of the investigation is to follow through on oversight that he says Congress neglected in the first two years of Trump's presidency sg-TII7RiJA-00012-00013179-00014038 "We have to find out what's been going on," the New York Democrat said, "and we have to lay out a case to the American people and reveal it sg-TII7RiJA-00013-00014038-00014618 ".Spicer resigned from his White House post in July 2017 t6wLWNH3J-u-00000-00000571-00002694 Donald Trump now has a chance to recast the story of his presidency.Just as he did on election night in 2016, the President has won a victory over the conventional wisdom of his critics, this time after special counsel Robert Mueller found there was no evidence that Trump had conspired with a hostile foreign nation -- Russia -- to win power t6wLWNH3J-u-00001-00002694-00003930 The finding, delivered in a summary of the Mueller report by Attorney General William Barr, means Trump can finally try to move on from an intrigue that strangled his presidency from the start t6wLWNH3J-u-00002-00003930-00005100 The report offered personal vindication to Trump and a powerful new political weapon to fire at his critics in the Democratic Party and the media at the start of his re-election campaign t6wLWNH3J-u-00003-00005100-00006323 But the Democratic victory in November's midterm elections will guarantee that the report is not the final word, as it might have been if the Republican still had a monopoly on power in Washington t6wLWNH3J-u-00004-00006323-00007300 Democratic leaders are already demanding the full release of the report and are challenging Barr's interpretation of Mueller's findings t6wLWNH3J-u-00005-00007300-00008402 Though Barr's summary suggests that Mueller's report is nuanced and does not completely exonerate the President on obstruction, the political symbolism is undeniable t6wLWNH3J-u-00006-00008402-00009664 The findings clearly lack the kind of bombshell that could have shifted lukewarm public sentiment about a potential impeachment process and will therefore have a profound impact on his presidency t6wLWNH3J-u-00007-00009664-00010400 Trump's critics will feel that the special counsel has handed the President a huge political gift t6wLWNH3J-u-00008-00010400-00011805 And it is. But another interpretation of the report is that if the President is not guilty of the crime he was accused of committing, the special counsel's verdict would amount to Trump getting his rightful due after a legal process t6wLWNH3J-u-00009-00011805-00012542 Partisanship aside, Mueller's conclusion ought to come as a moment of huge national relief t6wLWNH3J-u-00010-00012542-00013422 An opposite assessment would have meant that the current President cheated with a hostile foreign power to subvert US democracy t6wLWNH3J-u-00011-00013422-00014692 So the nation has likely escaped a long political nightmare that would have tested the constitutional system and worsened the current acrimony in politics, which sometimes feels like it is tearing the country apart t6wLWNH3J-u-00012-00014692-00015969 The adamant clarity of Trump's "no collusion" message, delivered almost daily in person and on Twitter in the last two years makes the political impact of Mueller's findings even more potent for the President t6wLWNH3J-u-00013-00015969-00017521 One big question now is how Trump will react. Will he seize the chance to reset his presidency, drop the inflammatory rhetoric that helped lose voters in crucial suburban swing districts in the midterm elections and try to broaden his support? t6wLWNH3J-u-00014-00017521-00018398 It seems more likely that Trump, freed from the shadow of the Russia scandal, will seek vengeance on those who targeted him t6wLWNH3J-u-00015-00018398-00019430 Fierce attacks on the journalism outlets that covered the Mueller investigation are already escalating among Trump aides and sympathetic media personalities t6wLWNH3J-u-00016-00019430-00020431 One Trump adviser who speaks to the President regularly told CNN's Jim Acosta that Trump could be expected to "slam and shame the media t6wLWNH3J-u-00017-00020431-00021478 ".In his initial reaction to Barr's letter to Congress summarizing Mueller's conclusions, Trump said it was a shame he had to endure "an illegal takedown that failed t6wLWNH3J-u-00018-00021478-00022951 ".Then he seemed to suggest that his victory lap could soon turn to retribution, even into an attempt to go after the Obama administration that was in power when the FBI first became concerned with Russian election meddling t6wLWNH3J-u-00019-00022951-00023748 "Hopefully somebody is going to be looking at the other side . complete exoneration, no collusion," Trump said t6wLWNH3J-u-00020-00023748-00024623 But while Trump has won the initial battle over the report, the Washington warfare over its implications is only just beginning t6wLWNH3J-u-00021-00024623-00025692 Democrats in Congress are already demanding full publication of the report and promise to pick up the pace of their investigations now Mueller has left the stage t6wLWNH3J-u-00022-00025692-00027071 The next political showdown is already centering on Barr's decision making. Trump picked Barr knowing that he had produced a memo arguing that Mueller's obstruction investigation was "fatally misconceived t6wLWNH3J-u-00023-00027071-00028560 ".It was Barr, along with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, not Mueller, who decided that despite what appears to be some evidence of obstruction in the report, it was not sufficiently strong to lead to a slam dunk case t6wLWNH3J-u-00024-00028560-00029618 The decision is likely to earn both men a trip up to Capitol Hill to testify before Democrats who are deeply suspicious of Barr's decision making tHI_8SqRlwo-00000-00000571-00001234 If there is one thing that President Trump loves more than self-aggrandizement, it’s golf tHI_8SqRlwo-00001-00001234-00002660 Well, almost as much anyway.The president spends every available free weekend at one of the multiple golf courses that he owns, at considerable expense to the American taxpayer while pocketing the profit for himself tHI_8SqRlwo-00002-00002660-00004223 He uses his golf excursions to reward his favored Republican legislators with valuable facetime, to hobnob with celebrities and sports figures, and to fill his “executive time” with something other than TV watching and tweeting about it tHI_8SqRlwo-00003-00004223-00005390 Knowing Trump’s intimate relationship with the sport, Politico just published a lengthy article looking at one of the most sacred bonds a golfer can have, his connection with his caddy tHI_8SqRlwo-00004-00005390-00006592 Written by Rick Reilly, a sportswriter who has worked with Sports Illustrated and ESPN, the article is an excerpt from his new book Commander-in-Cheat: How Golf Explains Trump tHI_8SqRlwo-00005-00006592-00008028 In his Politico piece, Reilly relates the insights into the president that he found from interviewing the people who have served as his caddy, a job that provides a close up look at Trump in the element in which he feels most comfortable tHI_8SqRlwo-00006-00008028-00009951 Trump’s social media director, Dan Scavino, famously began his career as 16‑year-old summer caddy for Trump in 1990 at Briar Hall Golf and Country Club, the property that is now the Trump National Golf Club in Westchester New York, so it is a job that can lead to boundless opportunity tHI_8SqRlwo-00007-00009951-00010852 Trump’s current regular outdoor caddy is an ex-Marine in his 60s who prefers to be identified by just his first initials A tHI_8SqRlwo-00008-00010852-00011516 J. and who works out of the Trump National Golf Club Washington in Northern Virginia tHI_8SqRlwo-00009-00011516-00012226 In between helping to choose and retrieving the right golf club to take a particular shot, A tHI_8SqRlwo-00010-00012226-00013242 J. gets to witness Trump in all his duffer’s glory.As one would expect of someone who needs the president’s trust to continue to hold his position, A tHI_8SqRlwo-00011-00013242-00014175 J. is fiercely loyal to Trump and says that he has even gotten into fights with other caddies on the course over negative comments they’ve made about his boss uEtqhhrMX6Q-00000-00000000-00001750 As Donald Trump’s presidency continues to drag on and becomes more disastrous and destructive, even those closest to the Tweeter in Chief are concerned about what’s yet to come, especially as Trump crumbles under the pressure of the upcoming 2020 election and Robert Mueller’s investigation uEtqhhrMX6Q-00001-00001750-00002957 This couldn’t have been more apparent than when Vanity Fair‘s Gabriel Sherman releaseda damning reporta while ago, stating that Trump was having one of the most dramatic meltdowns of his presidency uEtqhhrMX6Q-00002-00002957-00004268 Trump’s anger and panic was caused by Bob Woodward’s new bookFear: Trump in the White House,and it was so intense that his entire family and aides were paralyzed with fear and concern for the unraveling POTUS uEtqhhrMX6Q-00003-00004268-00005274 Since then, things have only gotten worse.Following a terrible morning in which Trump blasted Woodward’s book repeatedly, Trump threw a silent temper tantrum uEtqhhrMX6Q-00004-00005274-00006081 Sherman reported that Trump “isn’t talking to anyone,” as the president was furious about the leaked info in the book uEtqhhrMX6Q-00005-00006081-00007180 What a source told Sherman painted a very disturbing picture of what’s happening in the White House right now: Woodward’s book triggered Trump’s wrath on several levels uEtqhhrMX6Q-00006-00007180-00008243 Two sources told me Trump is furious at the portions of the book that describe administration officials questioning his intelligence and emotional stability uEtqhhrMX6Q-00007-00008243-00010247 Woodward reports that Chief of Staff John Kelly called Trump ‘an idiot’ and the West Wing ‘Crazytown’; Defense Secretary Jim Mattis compared Trump to a ‘fifth- or sixth-grader’; and Trump’s former personal lawyer called Trump a ‘fucking liar’ who would end up in ‘an orange jumpsuit’ if he testified to special counsel Robert Mueller uEtqhhrMX6Q-00008-00010247-00011294 ” Sherman noted that Trump “is also outraged that the book portrays aides as believing they are the grown-ups protecting the country from his dangerous impulses uEtqhhrMX6Q-00009-00011294-00012449 ”And in a surprising change of heart, the president blamed the book’s publication on White House special counselor Kellyanne Conway, despite all her dedication to lying for him uEtqhhrMX6Q-00010-00012449-00013617 Sherman quoted one White House staffer: Trump’s unhinged, antisocial behavior got to the point where his family was extremely worried about his declining mental health uEtqhhrMX6Q-00011-00013617-00014695 Sherman reported: The crazy thing is, so many more tell-all books have come out since then – and Trump has only become more unhinged with every release uEtqhhrMX6Q-00012-00014695-00015727 Trump cannot take much more of this, and now would be a really great time for the Republican Party to step up and bring forth concerns about Trump’s mental stability uEtqhhrMX6Q-00013-00015727-00016576 Unfortunately, we all know that spineless GOPers don’t have it in them to protect the country while Trump melts down uRwlDgf9bA0-00000-00000513-00001902 Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-HI) told CNN’s Brianna Keilar on Friday that President Donald Trump is more than willing to take the word of dictators and murderers over the information from his own intel community uRwlDgf9bA0-00001-00001902-00002898 Keilar, who was filling in for Wolf Blitzer, asked for Hirono’s reaction to Trump saying his comments about Otto Warmbier were misinterpreted uRwlDgf9bA0-00002-00002898-00003671 She then played a clip of Trump saying this at the press conference: “I did speak to him [Kim Jong Un about Warmbier] uRwlDgf9bA0-00003-00003671-00004541 He felt very badly. He knew the case very well. He knew it later. Got a lot of people, big country uRwlDgf9bA0-00004-00004541-00005400 A lot of people. In those prisons and those camps, you have a lot of people. Some really bad things happened to Otto uRwlDgf9bA0-00005-00005400-00006259 ”.After the clip ended, Keilar noted that Trump responded to the rebuke from the Warmbeirs by saying he blames North Korea uRwlDgf9bA0-00006-00006259-00007064 However, Keilar stressed, he still did not blame Kim Jong Un directly. She then asked the senator’s thoughts uRwlDgf9bA0-00007-00007064-00007960 Hirono noted that when it came to these matters “North Korea is Kim Jong Un.”.“Once again, the president tries to walk back uRwlDgf9bA0-00008-00007960-00008691 We all know what we heard,” Hirono continued on. “Don’t trust our lying ears, our lying eyes uRwlDgf9bA0-00009-00008691-00010175 Give me a break. This whole thing was very tragic.”.The senator then said this: “Again, points out how the president is more than willing to take the word of dictators or murderers over the information that he gets from his own Intel community uRwlDgf9bA0-00010-00010175-00010275 ” uaqMKDuE9oc-00000-00000571-00001529 It is now well over two years ago since the Justice Department found itself forced to commission former Director of the FBI Robert S uaqMKDuE9oc-00001-00001529-00004270 Mueller to be a Special Counsel and set up a probe in order to investigate claims that the 2016 campaign to elect then GOP candidate Donald Trump to the White House as President of the United States actually colluded with Russian state actors in order to steal the result of the election from rival Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton and then committed obstruction of justice afterwards in a desperate attempt to cover up what they had done during the election campaign cycle uaqMKDuE9oc-00002-00004270-00005301 The unfolding situation surrounding the shocking and explosive testimony of Michael Cohen seems to get more and more baffling by the hour uaqMKDuE9oc-00003-00005301-00006944 Who could have predicted back in 2016 that this former senior attorney and close adviser to President Donald Trump would now be testifying in amazingly strong terms against the Republican President of the United States and leader of the free world with such verve and vigor? uaqMKDuE9oc-00004-00006944-00008083 The irony of the current situation is that Cohen, a famed liar and longtime Trump associate, is now one of the Left’s greatest allies in trying to take down Trump uaqMKDuE9oc-00005-00008083-00009369 This was expressed brilliantly by Anderson Cooper live on CNN.“When Cohen testifies, yes, it’ll be a known liar who lied for another known liar because the liar told him to lie and paid him to lie uaqMKDuE9oc-00006-00009369-00010578 Michael Cohen might lie tomorrow, we don’t know. But you can also argue the liar doesn’t actually have to lie anymore because he’s already been convicted of lying and he’s heading to prison uaqMKDuE9oc-00007-00010578-00011508 How much more does he really have to lose? Now, keeping them honest, there is no doubt Michael Cohen has lied and lied a lot uaqMKDuE9oc-00008-00011508-00012435 He lied about working for Donald Trump or his company. He lied on TV promoting Trump’s campaign and he lied under oath to Congress uaqMKDuE9oc-00009-00012435-00012796 He’s a convicted felon ulbnKUm04MU-00000-00000571-00001778 The Trump administration is not known for its attention to detail or accuracy. For a team that cries “fake news” and “lying media,” it should check its own work product ulbnKUm04MU-00001-00001778-00003603 In what can only be described as perhaps an early April Fools joke, or perhaps someone seeing if they could slide one past Donald Trump, the Economic Report of the President from March 2019 lists alongside some real-life interns some fictional characters ulbnKUm04MU-00002-00003603-00004617 The list in the Report is:nterns Student interns provide invaluable help with research projects, day-to-day operations, and fact-checking ulbnKUm04MU-00003-00004617-00006686 Interns during the previous year were Brittany Amano, Jackson Bailey, Rana Bansal, Christian Brown, Lydia Byrom, John Cleese, Alexis Cirrotti, Jesse Dennis, Mackenzie Dickhudt, Adam Donoho, Troy Durie, Michael Everett, Isabelle Holland, Wesley Huang, J ulbnKUm04MU-00004-00006686-00009530 T. Hutt, Kathryn Janeway, Mostafa Kamel, Ayesha Karnik, David Laszcz, John Leo, Eugene Liu, Kacey Manlove, Aunt May, Kevin Nguyen, Katherine Olsson, Sarah Park, Peter Parker, Pragya Parthasarathy, Arjun Ramani, Kriyana Reddy, Steve Rogers, Jake Rosen, Joshua Siegel, John Snow, Nirali Trivedi, Bruce Wayne, Amanda Wilcox, and Jacob Ziemba ulbnKUm04MU-00005-00009530-00011257 Perhaps the Janeway listed is real and not really the Star Trek character. Same for Bruce Wayne (Batman), Peter Parker (Spiderman), John (sic) Snow (Game of Thrones), and JT Hutt (Jabba the Hut from Star Wars) ulbnKUm04MU-00006-00011257-00012109 Martha Gimbel took a screenshot and posted it on Twitter so when it is corrected, it will remain for posterity ulbnKUm04MU-00007-00012109-00012973 But this is not the only area where the Trump administration is not doing a great job of accuracy or quality control ulbnKUm04MU-00008-00012973-00014587 For example, according to a Washington Post report, Trump is winning only 6 percent of federal lawsuits trying to implement his policies, well below the normal win percentage in these kinds of suits, which is around 70 percent ulbnKUm04MU-00009-00014587-00016019 Donald Trump likes to talk about how unprecedented his first two years have been. Once again, like a clock right twice a day, he is right – the work product is sloppy on a level not seen before ulbnKUm04MU-00010-00016019-00016607 Maybe he needs superheroes Spell Checker Super Lawyer to help him out v76s1cJ9h94-00000-00000571-00001634 President Donald Trump visited a new barrier on the Southern border on Friday, touting success for his campaign promise to build a “big, beautiful wall v76s1cJ9h94-00001-00001634-00002318 ”.“This is the wall,” Trump said to reporters who joined him on the trip. “It looks great v76s1cJ9h94-00002-00002318-00003454 ”.A U.S. Customs and Border Protection vehicle sits near the wall as President Donald Trump visits a new section of the border wall with Mexico in Calexico, Calif v76s1cJ9h94-00003-00003454-00004873 , Friday April 5, 2019. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin).Breitbart TV.Play Video.The steel border barriers were at the Mexican border of Calexico, replacing existing fencing v76s1cJ9h94-00004-00004873-00005926 “It’s better and much more effective than the previous wall. And we actually can do it faster and it’s less expensive if you can believe it,” Trump said v76s1cJ9h94-00005-00005926-00007232 “So it’s better, faster, and less expensive.”. .Trump spoke in front of a concrete barrier that was shorter but pointed to a barrier constructed of steel slats that could be up to 30 feet high v76s1cJ9h94-00006-00007232-00007994 President Donald Trump visits a new section of the border wall with Mexico in Calexico, Calif v76s1cJ9h94-00007-00007994-00009073 , Friday April 5, 2019. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin).“This is – the majority I would say would be in this style,” he said v76s1cJ9h94-00008-00009073-00010633 Border Patrol chief Gloria Chavez explained to reporters that the wall had already made a big difference on the border, noting that illegal entries had dropped by 75 percent and that assaults against border patrol agents had dropped by 65 percent v76s1cJ9h94-00009-00010633-00011435 Trump supporters came out to celebrate the president’s trip, waving flags and signs next to the road to the border v76s1cJ9h94-00010-00011435-00012388 As seen from the press vehicle accompanying President Donald Trump, people line the road as Trump heads to the border with Mexico in Calexico, Calif v76s1cJ9h94-00011-00012388-00013613 , Friday April 5, 2019. Trump headed to the border with Mexico to make a renewed push for border security as a central campaign issue for his 2020 re-election v76s1cJ9h94-00012-00013613-00014768 (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin).Earlier in the afternoon, Trump hosted a roundtable to highlight the crisis at the border and told migrants an illegal immigrants to turn around v76s1cJ9h94-00013-00014768-00015988 “The system is full whether its asylum, whether its illegal immigration, our country is full, our area is full, the sector is full, we can’t take you anymore,” he said v76s1cJ9h94-00014-00015988-00016481 “I’m sorry, so turn around, that’s the way it is.” vg9KKcTL14I-00000-00000571-00002214 A US District Court judge ruled on Friday that President Donald Trump overreached his authority when he previously reversed an Obama-era ban on offshore drilling in parts of the Atlantic and Arctic oceans and the Obama restrictions are now back in place vg9KKcTL14I-00001-00002214-00003478 Judge Sharon Gleason gave her ruling late Friday and said that while presidents have a federal law authority to remove certain lands from development, they do NOT have the authority to revoke those removals vg9KKcTL14I-00002-00003478-00004635 Judge Gleason’s decision saw to the tossing of Trump’s executive order to lift the Obama bans on the drilling, now restoring an important part of Obama’s environmental legacy vg9KKcTL14I-00003-00004635-00005599 While the Department of Justice has declined to comment on the matter, one defendant in the case, The American Petroleum Institute, offered a statement vg9KKcTL14I-00004-00005599-00007198 “In addition to bringing supplies of affordable energy to consumers for decades to come, developing our abundant offshore resources can provide billions in government revenue, create thousands of jobs and will also strengthen our national security vg9KKcTL14I-00005-00007198-00008663 ”.The American Petroleum Institute.Environmental groups everywhere are reveling in the judge’s decision, including the numerous environmental groups who have sued the Trump administration over Trump’s 2017 order to reverse the drilling bans vg9KKcTL14I-00006-00008663-00010588 Erik Grafe is an attorney with Earthjustice, who represents several of those environmental groups and he was pleased with the ruling and stated that it “shows that the president cannot just trample on the Constitution to do the bidding of his cronies in the fossil fuel industry at the expense of our oceans, wildlife and climate vg9KKcTL14I-00007-00010588-00012420 ”.Acting Assistant US Attorney General Jeffrey Wood previously stated that he thought the environmental groups were wrong in their understanding the intent of the original law written in 1953 and that the law is meant to be flexible as the realities of offshore drilling and potential needs change over time vg9KKcTL14I-00008-00012420-00013263 He believes that presidents should not be bound by the decisions made by other presidents if they see a different need arise vg9KKcTL14I-00009-00013263-00014776 President Obama made important decisions like banning exploration and withdrawing leases in the Arctic to protect animals like the walrus, the ice seal, the polar bear, and other animals that Alaska Native villages depend on for survival vg9KKcTL14I-00010-00014776-00015677 In the Atlantic, he banned the exploration of over 5k square miles to protect the underwater infrastructure there as well vj54Wj7DH9U-00000-00000513-00002245 Donald Trump’s latest pipe dream for saving himself from prison apparently involves stealing the Mueller report from Robert Mueller, putting a big red X through the parts that incriminate him, and waving a magic wand, all while hurling some more insults at the late John McCain vj54Wj7DH9U-00001-00002245-00003399 Back in the real world, Trump’s latest pipe dream just got shattered.Trump told reporters today that he thinks the public should get to see Robert Mueller’s full report vj54Wj7DH9U-00002-00003399-00004225 But along the way, Trump slipped in one rather absurd detail: he should get to see the report before Congress does vj54Wj7DH9U-00003-00004225-00005706 We all know why. Trump is hoping to find a way to prevent Congress from seeing the ugliest parts of the report, or at least get the opportunity to lie about these things before Congress can reveal it all to the public vj54Wj7DH9U-00004-00005706-00006565 But nothing works that way, and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler just reminded everyone of as much vj54Wj7DH9U-00005-00006565-00007874 He tweeted “The law here is very clear. When he finishes his work, Special Counsel Mueller is required to report to the Attorney General, who is required to report to the House and Senate Judiciary Committees vj54Wj7DH9U-00006-00007874-00008916 ”.In other words, Attorney General William Barr would be committing a crime by letting Donald Trump see the Mueller report before he gives it to Congress vj54Wj7DH9U-00007-00008916-00009593 Trump would run his big mouth about it, Barr would get caught in the act, and he’d end up in prison vj54Wj7DH9U-00008-00009593-00010640 We don’t think Barr is that reckless or stupid – and Nadler just reminded Barr that he would face consequences if he were tempted to do something that stupid x4W86el_njU-00000-00000571-00001409 “President” Donald “Dictator Donnie” Trump must be in trouble again. Something big must be about to blow x4W86el_njU-00001-00001409-00002898 How do we know this? His tweets, lashing out at the media. On Sunday, he once again labeled the media the “enemy of the people,” emphasizing the attribution in all caps: “THE RIGGED AND CORRUPT MEDIA IS THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!” x4W86el_njU-00002-00002898-00005254 .This followed his attacks on Saturday Night Live, calling for retribution for daring to make fun of Corruptus Maximus: “Nothing funny about tired Saturday Night Live on Fake News NBC! Question is, how do the Networks get away with these total Republican hit jobs without retribution? Likewise for many other shows? Very unfair and should be looked into x4W86el_njU-00003-00005254-00006903 This is the real Collusion!”Notwithstanding that the statement on its face is absurd, that a political satire program can somehow be a form of collusion (which Trump and his legal team repeatedly state when it comes to him is not a thing), the tweets are dangerous x4W86el_njU-00004-00006903-00008141 They are the ramblings and wishes of a dictator, someone who is not open to criticism or questioning, sort of the treatment his idols Putin and Kim and MBS get from their home media outlets x4W86el_njU-00005-00008141-00009264 .At one point in our nation’s history, not long after we established our new nation under the United States Constitution, Congress passed laws known as the Alien and Sedition Acts x4W86el_njU-00006-00009264-00010445 Passed in 1798, the laws focused on certain behaviors by immigrants. The alien parts of the laws remain in effect today, more than 200 years later x4W86el_njU-00007-00010445-00011662 However, the sedition acts, which prohibited public opposition to the government, including parody and criticism, and imposed liability against those who “write, print, utter, or publish x4W86el_njU-00008-00011662-00012498 . . any false, scandalous and malicious writing” against the government, expired in the early 1800s x4W86el_njU-00009-00012498-00013250 Over the decades, the laws have changed, and we are permitted to criticize the President and others x4W86el_njU-00010-00013250-00014308 (If that were not permissible, the 24/7 channels including CNN, Fox, and MSNBC, would quickly be out of business x4W86el_njU-00011-00014308-00015727 )The real enemy of the people, the one who is most dangerous to our nation and who has poisoned his base against the media, against federal law enforcement, against all our cherished institutions and bedrocks, is “Dictator Donnie x4W86el_njU-00012-00015727-00016322 ” His language is dangerous, and we must all call him out for the danger it is xsqFxzSWULA-00000-00001678-00001778 музыка Міхася Хахлова, вершы Ігара Барысевіча, xsqFxzSWULA-00001-00001778-00001878 Усё бліжэй апошняя бітва У перамозе сумневу няма xsqFxzSWULA-00002-00001878-00001978 І ў сэрцы гучыць, як малітва - xsqFxzSWULA-00003-00001978-00002078 Ідзе аперацыя zет. xsqFxzSWULA-00004-00002078-00002552 Дачакаліся мы гэтай гадзіны Гатовы ворагу даць адказ, xsqFxzSWULA-00005-00002552-00003403 За мір і волю Данбаса Ідзе аперацыя zeт. xsqFxzSWULA-00006-00003403-00003509 прыпеў. xsqFxzSWULA-00007-00003509-00004360 Сыходзіць за ротаю рота, Сыходзяць хлопцы на досвітку xsqFxzSWULA-00008-00004360-00004891 - Для іх ёсць мужчынская праца, xsqFxzSWULA-00009-00004891-00005210 Ідзе аперацыя zет. xsqFxzSWULA-00010-00005210-00006060 Каб мірнае сонца ўставала Каб зямлю пазбавіць ад xsqFxzSWULA-00011-00006060-00006592 бед Баёў яшчэ будзе нямала xsqFxzSWULA-00012-00006592-00006909 Ідзе аперацыя zет. xsqFxzSWULA-00013-00006909-00007761 Расія вялікая з намі І лунаюць сцягі перамог, xsqFxzSWULA-00014-00007761-00008611 Каб узвіліся яно над капрамі Ідзе аперацыя zет. xsqFxzSWULA-00015-00008611-00009461 Сыходзіць за ротаю рота, Сыходзяць героі досвіткам xsqFxzSWULA-00016-00009461-00010310 Для іх ёсць мужчынская праца, Ідзе аперацыя zет. xy-VmkKH_gA-00000-00000571-00001582 As Israelis prepare to head to the polls on April 9, Benjamin Netanyahu faces perhaps the toughest election campaign of his long political career xy-VmkKH_gA-00001-00001582-00002360 The Prime Minister faces multiple corruption investigations, not to mention a formidable opponent xy-VmkKH_gA-00002-00002360-00003478 Netanyahu's Likud party, which has held power since 2009, has trailed in some election polls the Blue and White party led by the former military general Benny Gantz xy-VmkKH_gA-00003-00003478-00004698 But Netanyahu, in office continually during this latest stint for a decade, has received plenty of help for his reelection bid from his good friend, US President Donald Trump xy-VmkKH_gA-00004-00004698-00006051 Here's what you need to know.How does it work and who are the contenders?.In this election, 40-odd political parties are vying for a spot in the Knesset, Israel's 120-seat parliament xy-VmkKH_gA-00005-00006051-00007399 But only about 10 to 14 are expected to secure enough votes to make it in. And two parties are certain to stand head and shoulders above the rest: Netanyahu's Likud, and Gantz's Blue and White xy-VmkKH_gA-00006-00007399-00008122 Likud is a party on the right of Israeli politics, while Blue and White has positioned itself as centrist xy-VmkKH_gA-00007-00008122-00009039 Israel election campaign: Polls, rumors and upheaval.Both of these parties are expected to win about 30 seats xy-VmkKH_gA-00008-00009039-00010087 In most election polls, Gantz has shown a consistent lead over Netanyahu, albeit by only a handful of seats, but that's not the end of the story xy-VmkKH_gA-00009-00010087-00010761 Both leaders know they will need to rely on the support of smaller parties to form a coalition xy-VmkKH_gA-00010-00010761-00012331 Here, Netanyahu has a clear advantage. A number of smaller right-wing parties have already pledged their support for him -- including one with its roots in a party banned in the 1980s for being racist -- likely giving him an easier path to building a coalition xy-VmkKH_gA-00011-00012331-00013015 However, those smaller parties still need to cross Israel's electoral threshold of 3 xy-VmkKH_gA-00012-00013015-00014308 25% of the national vote. If they fail to do this, securing no representation in the next parliament, then Netanyahu's path to another term as Prime Minister may look more difficult xy-VmkKH_gA-00013-00014308-00015138 Is Benny Gantz a breath of fresh air? Or more of the same?.Benny Gantz is a rookie to Israeli politics xy-VmkKH_gA-00014-00015138-00016450 He finished his four-year term as Chief of Staff of the Israel Defense Forces in 2015, and then waited for the required "cooling-off period" to elapse before entering politics late last year xy-VmkKH_gA-00015-00016450-00017296 The party he founded, called Israeli Resilience, consisted entirely of candidates who had never served in the Knesset before xy-VmkKH_gA-00016-00017296-00018443 But to boost his chances of unseating Netanyahu, he merged his new party with two others, to form the Blue and White party, the name chosen to reflect the colors of Israel's flag xy-VmkKH_gA-00017-00018443-00019874 The merger brought into the fold many who had previously served, not just in the Knesset, but in government as well, including Yair Lapid, who was once Finance Minister, and Moshe Ya'alon, who had been Defense Minister xy-VmkKH_gA-00018-00019874-00020621 In addition, Gantz's time as Chief of Staff has already made him a known commodity in Israel xy-VmkKH_gA-00019-00020621-00021959 He was often photographed during high-level meetings with political leaders, including Netanyahu, especially after leading the Israeli military through two wars in Gaza in 2012 and 2014 xy-VmkKH_gA-00020-00021959-00022852 Because of the country's emphasis on defense and security, it is not at all uncommon for military leaders to enter politics xy-VmkKH_gA-00021-00022852-00023617 Former Prime Ministers Ehud Barak and Yitzhak Rabin both served as the Israeli army's Chief of Staff xy-VmkKH_gA-00022-00023617-00024349 If Gantz is a breath of fresh air, it is because some voters see him as untainted by Israeli politics xy-VmkKH_gA-00023-00024349-00025224 Even so, with his long career in public service, and centrist leanings, it would be wrong to see him as anti-establishment xy-VmkKH_gA-00024-00025224-00026177 Rather, his platform is far more anti-Netanyahu, which just adds to the sense that this is very much a two-horse race xjng-4fWtuu-00000-00000571-00001939 Tuesday on CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360,” Rep. Maxine Waters (CA) claimed “the public” was demanding Democratic lawmakers fight to see President Donald Trump’s tax returns xjng-4fWtuu-00001-00001939-00002658 Waters said, “Let me just say this: We cannot believe anything that’s been said by this president or by Mr xjng-4fWtuu-00002-00002658-00003596 Mnuchin. Let me just refer you back to the president of the United States, who has said over 16 times that he would release his tax returns xjng-4fWtuu-00003-00003596-00004384 He confuses it by saying it’s under audit. It does not make any difference if it is under audit xjng-4fWtuu-00004-00004384-00005218 He could release those tax returns.”. .Copper asked, “The president has reportedly vowed to take this to the Supreme Court xjng-4fWtuu-00005-00005218-00006265 Is the president’s tax returns, is that worth this kind of a fight? ”.Waters said, “I think that’s a fight that the public wants us to fight xjng-4fWtuu-00006-00006265-00007208 They want to see those tax returns. He said he would give those tax returns. Every other president has released those tax returns xjng-4fWtuu-00007-00007208-00007603 And that’s a fight that we should have.” yE-AI_ChGx4-00000-00000571-00001540 Some of you are reading the headline of this article and thinking, “Hasn’t Lindsey Graham been off the deep end for awhile?” That’s correct, of course yE-AI_ChGx4-00001-00001540-00002418 But today the once-reasonable Republican Senator decided to crank his level of corrupt derangedness all the way up to eleven yE-AI_ChGx4-00002-00002418-00003556 .By now you’ve surely heard that the House voted unanimously in favor of a resolution stating that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report should be publicly released yE-AI_ChGx4-00003-00003556-00004562 That’s right, this is legislation that calls for a report about Donald Trump’s crimes to be made public, and not a single House Republican voted against it yE-AI_ChGx4-00004-00004562-00005646 Translation: they think Trump is toast, and when they run for reelection, they don’t want to have to answer questions about how they tried to protect him in the end yE-AI_ChGx4-00005-00005646-00007078 That of course means that the legislation now moves over to the Senate.This next part should be easy, right? If House Republicans unanimously supported it, then most Senate Republicans are going to vote for it as well yE-AI_ChGx4-00006-00007078-00007851 Even if Mitch McConnell wanted to scuttle a vote, his own GOP ranks would force his hand yE-AI_ChGx4-00007-00007851-00009146 But now Lindsey Graham is trying to hold up the vote by insisting that an amendment be added that appoints a second Special Counsel to investigate the people who are investigating Trump’s crimes yE-AI_ChGx4-00008-00009146-00009920 That’s right, Lindsey Graham has now gone full tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist demon yE-AI_ChGx4-00009-00009920-00011257 We think a Special Counsel should be appointed to investigate how Donald Trump and the Kremlin have managed to turn Graham, and whether the personal emails he admits were hacked in 2016 are being used to blackmail him yUVtF1K2_tc-00000-00000000-00000218 Беларусь - гэта дыктатура, yUVtF1K2_tc-00001-00000218-00000600 дзе грамадзянская супольнасць дзесяцігоддзямі сутыкаецца з рэпрэсіямі. yUVtF1K2_tc-00002-00000678-00001352 Але пасля жнівеньскіх выбараў мінулага года мы сталі сведкамі ўзмоцненых рэпрэсій yUVtF1K2_tc-00003-00001352-00001861 і ўсё больш цяжкіх ўмоваў працы для праваабаронцаў. yUVtF1K2_tc-00004-00001899-00002439 На сёння ў Беларусі налічваецца больш за 670 палітвязняў - yUVtF1K2_tc-00005-00002439-00002792 лічба, якая няўхільна расце на працягу многіх месяцаў. yUVtF1K2_tc-00006-00002871-00003273 Адна з іх - Марфа Рабкова з Праваабарончага цэнтра "Вясна". yUVtF1K2_tc-00007-00003311-00003648 Марфа - маладая і адважная валанцёрка, yUVtF1K2_tc-00008-00003648-00003848 якую год таму пасадзілі ў турму за тое yUVtF1K2_tc-00009-00003848-00004152 што яна выконвала сваю законную працу ў галіне правоў чалавека. yUVtF1K2_tc-00010-00004222-00004755 З тых часоў акрамя яе за кратамі апынуліся яшчэ шэсць яе калег з "Вясны", yUVtF1K2_tc-00011-00004755-00005056 у тым ліку кіраўніцтва арганізацыі. yUVtF1K2_tc-00012-00005082-00005539 Ім пагражаюць сфабрыкаваныя абвінавачванні і доўгія тэрміны зняволення yUVtF1K2_tc-00013-00005539-00005807 як спосаб прымусіць іх замаўчаць, yUVtF1K2_tc-00014-00005828-00005973 зламаць yUVtF1K2_tc-00015-00005973-00006372 і ізаляваць іх ад беларускага народа і міжнароднай супольнасці. yUVtF1K2_tc-00016-00006450-00006763 Таму, сёння мы далучаемся да кампаніі #FreeViasna yUVtF1K2_tc-00017-00006763-00007165 разам з беларускімі і міжнароднымі партнёрамі. yUVtF1K2_tc-00018-00007222-00007422 Мы патрабуем вызвалення Марфы yUVtF1K2_tc-00019-00007422-00007622 і нашых калег з «Вясны» yUVtF1K2_tc-00020-00007622-00007929 і ўсіх іншых палітвязняў у Беларусі. yUVtF1K2_tc-00021-00007993-00008334 Мы настойліва заклікаем міжнародную супольнасць yUVtF1K2_tc-00022-00008334-00008675 выкарыстоўваць усе адпаведныя сродкі для дасягнення гэтай мэты. yUVtF1K2_tc-00023-00008732-00009104 Таксама важна, каб беларускія ўлады панеслі адказнасць yUVtF1K2_tc-00024-00009104-00009694 за сур'ёзныя і сістэмныя парушэнні правоў чалавека ў мінулым годзе. yUVtF1K2_tc-00025-00009734-00009888 Таму, калі ласка, yUVtF1K2_tc-00026-00009913-00010067 дзейнічайце зараз! zTFnFnHUMdg-00000-00000513-00002736 Over the past few days, British Prime Minister Theresa May’s government has been dealt a devastating series of defeats in their attempts to pass a flawed and highly unpopular Brexit deal, forcing Parliament to vote on a request to the European Union to delay withdrawal for another three months while they figure out some way to get themselves out of this disastrous quagmire zTFnFnHUMdg-00001-00002736-00004201 Ever the reliable friend and staunch ally, President Donald “Deals” Trump decided to kick the Tory Prime Minister while she was down and ribbing her for her one crucial mistake — failing to take his advice on the Brexit negotiations zTFnFnHUMdg-00002-00004201-00005998 “I’m surprised at how badly it’s all gone from the standpoint of a negotiation,” said Trump in a statement that immediately made it clear he has no idea what’s been happening with the Brexit negotiations and had only just learned what was happening moments ago, or else he would not have been surprised zTFnFnHUMdg-00003-00005998-00007367 He then told the assembled reporters that things could have gone differently if she had just “listened to his ideas” about Brexit and asserted that actually, he could have negotiated a much better deal if it was he was in charge of it: zTFnFnHUMdg-00004-00007367-00008078 “I gave the Prime Minister my ideas on how to negotiate it. She didn’t listen to that and that’s fine zTFnFnHUMdg-00005-00008078-00008874 She’s got to do what she’s got to do. I think it could’ve been negotiated in a different manner, frankly zTFnFnHUMdg-00006-00008874-00011029 I hate to see everything being ripped apart right now.”.Given that his latest “dealmaking” venture with the North Koreans consisted of him desperately fawning over Chairman Kim Jong-un before returning home empty-handed and his obvious ignorance of everything related to the Brexit negotiations, the United Kingdom is very lucky that Trump isn’t their leader right now zTFnFnHUMdg-00007-00011029-00012652 Of course, Theresa May is as bad as any American Republican, and has seemingly been doing everything she can to tank her own party’s chances of escaping this mess without drastic economic, political and social upheaval, so it’s hard to feel too sorry for her zZ8v72ZbGFM-00000-00000513-00001866 President Donald Trump marveled that any Senate Republican could vote against his decision to declare a National Emergency on the Southern border in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News in the Oval Office on Monday zZ8v72ZbGFM-00001-00001866-00002602 But Trump vowed again that he would veto the measure regardless of whether it passes the Senate zZ8v72ZbGFM-00002-00002602-00003893 Trump suggested that Democrats in the Senate and the handful of Republicans planning to vote to block the national emergency declaration are on the losing side of the immigration issue in the eyes of the public zZ8v72ZbGFM-00003-00003893-00005324 He argued that, generally speaking, immigration is an 80/20 issue, meaning that 80 percent–or the vast majority of Americans–want the border secured, whereas just 20 percent support continued mass illegal immigration zZ8v72ZbGFM-00004-00005324-00006704 “We have a vote coming up on this whole national emergency thing it’s an 80/20 issue in our favor, it’s border security, a wall, no crime versus open borders and nothing but crime,” Trump said zZ8v72ZbGFM-00005-00006704-00007542 “Forty-seven Democrats will probably vote for the 20 percent issue, and with the Republicans, we have some that don’t vote for it zZ8v72ZbGFM-00006-00007542-00008561 It’s hard to believe actually.”.Currently, it would only take four Senate Republicans to oppose the president’s declaration to send the bill to his desk zZ8v72ZbGFM-00007-00008561-00010361 The vote is schedule for Thursday in the U.S. Senate.Sens. Susan Collins (R-ME), Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), and Rand Paul (R-KY) have already signaled their decision to join Democrats by opposing the president’s border national emergency declaration zZ8v72ZbGFM-00008-00010361-00011267 Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC) has also stated his opposition, but has signaled that he might be open to changing his mind zZ8v72ZbGFM-00009-00011267-00011972 Vice President Mike Pence met with Republican Senators on Tuesday to help drum up support for the president zZ8v72ZbGFM-00010-00011972-00013453 .Trump reserved judgment when asked in Monday’s Oval Office interview by Breitbart News senior White House reporter Charlie Spiering if he was satisfied with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s handling of the Senate vote zZ8v72ZbGFM-00011-00013453-00014660 “Well I can’t tell you until I see what happens,” he replied. “But I can tell you this, in Republican circles … I know what the people want and they want border security and they want walls zZ8v72ZbGFM-00012-00014660-00015582 They want border security, you can’t have it without the wall, or without the barriers, or whatever, you can call it whatever you want zZ8v72ZbGFM-00013-00015582-00016416 ”.The president repeated his promise to veto the legislative effort led by Democrats to check his executive power zZ8v72ZbGFM-00014-00016416-00017327 .“I’ll have to let you know, I mean we’ll have to see what happens, in any event, it’s going to be vetoed, ok?” he replied zZ8v72ZbGFM-00015-00017327-00018027 Trump appeared proud of House Republicans for uniting behind his border security agenda zZ8v72ZbGFM-00016-00018027-00019012 “The House–unfortunately, they don’t have quite the numbers yet–has been unbelievable in how they’ve been, you notice the support has been unwavering?” he asked zZ8v72ZbGFM-00017-00019012-00019913 “They have been, it’s like a different place. The spirit in the House has been great and some senators have been fantastic zZ8v72ZbGFM-00018-00019913-00020013 ” ZveA-4--HTk-00000-00000571-00001822 The ill feeling between Former FBI Director James Comey and the President who fired him burst back into the open in dueling interviews on Wednesday that followed the end of the Robert Mueller investigation ZveA-4--HTk-00001-00001822-00003165 Their fresh clash revived the mystery of their short, disastrous relationship at the beginning of President Donald Trump's term, which plunged the administration into crisis and led to the appointment of the special counsel ZveA-4--HTk-00002-00003165-00004202 In retrospect, Trump's move in firing Comey was the start of a long-term power play that established the President's dominance over the judicial establishment ZveA-4--HTk-00003-00004202-00005445 Trump on Wednesday blasted Comey as "a terrible guy" and slammed his leadership team at the FBI as "not clean, to put it mildly," in an interview on Fox News' "Hannity ZveA-4--HTk-00004-00005445-00007932 ".William Barr's statement Sunday quoting Mueller as saying the "investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities" and the attorney general's personal determination that "the evidence developed during the Special Counsel's investigation is not sufficient to establish" obstruction of justice represented a huge political win for the President ZveA-4--HTk-00005-00007932-00008843 But it puzzled Comey that Mueller punted on the question of obstruction, which was largely rooted in his dismissal in May 2017 ZveA-4--HTk-00006-00008843-00009713 Trump had said on television he was motivated to fire Comey over the then-FBI director's oversight of the Russia investigation ZveA-4--HTk-00007-00009713-00010975 "I'm not prejudging it -- I'm just saying it doesn't make sense on its face, and so I have a lot of questions," Comey said in an interview that aired Wednesday on NBC's "Nightly News ZveA-4--HTk-00008-00010975-00011821 ".At the time, Trump's sudden decision to fire Comey was widely mocked as the most disastrous political call in decades ZveA-4--HTk-00009-00011821-00012728 But it now appears like the President will escape paying a lasting political consequence for a move that significantly consolidated his own power ZveA-4--HTk-00010-00012728-00013553 Comey's firing is just one of the stunning twists in the Russia drama that are beginning to take on a new complexion ZveA-4--HTk-00011-00013553-00014337 The late emergence of Barr -- who moved swiftly to manage the end of the Russia investigation -- is another such twist ZveA-4--HTk-00012-00014337-00015859 In the short term, Trump's dismissal of Comey rid him of a troublesome, powerful figure who assessed that the President wanted to co-opt him into a patronage-style relationship and to infringe ethical barriers between the White House and Justice Department ZveA-4--HTk-00013-00015859-00017348 In the long term, by exploiting ill-defined norms governing the limits of executive authority, Trump, either by accident or design, may have expanded the power of the presidency itself, setting a significant precedent for the future ZveA-4--HTk-00014-00017348-00018704 Presidents have the authority to dismiss anyone in the executive branch -- but the situation becomes constitutionally murky if the move appears to be an effort to derail a criminal investigation into their own conduct ZveA-4--HTk-00015-00018704-00019543 A future unscrupulous commander in chief could use Trump's treatment of Comey as justification for nefarious ends ZveA-4--HTk-00016-00019543-00020846 "It could send a signal to future presidents that they could do this and get away with it and I think that is a very disturbing possibility," said Jens David Ohlin, vice dean at Cornell Law School ZveA-4--HTk-00017-00020846-00022042 "It seems to be creating a precedent that if a President doesn't like an investigation that is getting close to the President, they can just dismiss the attorney general or the FBI director ZveA-4--HTk-00018-00022042-00022142 " ZXQfD1XW4Bc-00000-00000571-00001809 In hope of deflecting some the recent negative light off Donald Trump, it’s practically given that a heavily redacted version of the Mueller report will be strategically released by the Trump regime later this week ZXQfD1XW4Bc-00001-00001809-00002935 However, what won’t be released this week — or anytime soon for that matter — are Trump’s tax returns, thanks to the support he seems to have within the Treasury Department ZXQfD1XW4Bc-00002-00002935-00005032 Nevertheless, based on the latest news, it appears none of that really matters, as various House committees have begun issuing friendly subpoenas to the likes of Deutsche Bank, JP Morgan Chase, Mazars, and Capital One, in order to obtain Donald Trump’s financial records, particularly those pertaining to financial dealings with Russia ZXQfD1XW4Bc-00003-00005032-00006613 If obtaining those records happens to shed anymore negative light on Trump, his money trail, and/or his loyalties to foreign enemies of the United States, then his tax returns won’t really be required to confirm how truly corrupt they must be ZXQfD1XW4Bc-00004-00006613-00008143 Seriously, folks. The news of these subpoenas is huge, as they suggest House Democrats have the clear upper hand in the on-going battle, even if Trump’s Treasury Department continues to illegally block the release of his tax returns ZXQfD1XW4Bc-00005-00008143-00010471 Also, considering it was first publicly revealed last week that Capital One had been working with House Democrats for more than a month, who’s to say it and the other three named institutions are the only ones involved? Even if they are, with these four lining up in full cooperation and illustrating a willingness to turn over Trump’s records, surely the scandal is on the verge of exposure -2j-6y8PEgY-00000-00000571-00001644 President Donald Trump said Tuesday that it was time to act against social media companies, calling it a “very dangerous situation” for Americans -2j-6y8PEgY-00001-00001644-00002553 “It’s a very, very dangerous situation, so I think I agree,” Trump said when asked about a proposal by Sen -2j-6y8PEgY-00002-00002553-00003321 Josh Hawley to investigate left-leaning tech companies. “I think something has to be looked at very closely -2j-6y8PEgY-00003-00003321-00004664 ”. .Trump commented on social media censorship after he was asked a question by conservative reporter Saagar Enjeti during a joint press conference with Brazil president Jair Bolsonaro -2j-6y8PEgY-00004-00004664-00006022 The president cited his own struggles and knowledge of social media censorship, noting that conservatives and Republicans face the brunt of censorship activity from left-leaning technology companies -2j-6y8PEgY-00005-00006022-00007059 “There’s discrimination and big discrimination,” Trump said. “I see it absolutely on Twitter and Facebook, which I have also, and others I see'' -2j-6y8PEgY-00006-00007059-00007874 He said that he was aware of reporting about employees of tech companies discussing the idea of censoring conservatives -2j-6y8PEgY-00007-00007874-00008875 .But Trump was confident that his supporters could see through the bias in both social media and old media, noting that it was “stacked against” him -2j-6y8PEgY-00008-00008875-00009872 “The people get it,” he said. “They’ll go through all of that, whatever it is they’re fed and in the end, they pull the right lever,” he said -sR5Prfx4Eu-00000-00000571-00002107 Indy Politics.Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un will meet one-on-one at the start of their second summit in Vietnam – a detail that could raise concerns following the president’s solo meeting with Vladimir Putin when he asked for the interpreter’s notes -sR5Prfx4Eu-00001-00002107-00003170 That initial meeting next week in Hanoi will be followed by a meal and expanded talks with each country’s delegation, a US official has revealed -sR5Prfx4Eu-00002-00003170-00005105 “President Trump is looking to, after really in some respects breaking the ice in June, to talk in more depth about the kind of future North Korea could enjoy if it follows through on its commitment to final and full denuclearisation,” the official, insisting on anonymity, told reporters in a briefing call on Thursday -sR5Prfx4Eu-00003-00005105-00005711 The official said this was an important step toward that ultimate goal of denuclearisation -sR5Prfx4Eu-00004-00005711-00006801 Mr Trump was criticised by some for failing to secure any solid committment from North Korea after their first, historic meeting last June in Singapore -sR5Prfx4Eu-00005-00006801-00008399 “In addition president Trump is looking to, after really breaking the ice with Kim in June, to talk in more depth about the kind of future that north korea could enjoy if it follows trough on its commitment to the final and full denuclearisation -sR5Prfx4Eu-00006-00008399-00009922 ”.Mr Trump announced details of his second meeting with Mr Kim doing his state of the union address last month, suggesting his personal engagement with the North Korean leader – the first by a sitting US president – had already reaped dividends -sR5Prfx4Eu-00007-00009922-00010711 “As part of a bold new diplomacy, we continue our historic push for peace on the Korean Peninsula -sR5Prfx4Eu-00008-00010711-00011565 Our hostages have come home, nuclear testing has stopped, and there has not been a missile launch in 15 months,” he said -sR5Prfx4Eu-00009-00011565-00012500 “If I had not been elected president of the United States, we would right now, in my opinion, be in a major war with North Korea -sR5Prfx4Eu-00010-00012500-00013195 Much work remains to be done, but my relationship with Kim Jong-Un is a good one -sR5Prfx4Eu-00011-00013195-00013911 ”.The fact Mr Trump will initially meet the North Korean alone could trigger concerns among some -sR5Prfx4Eu-00012-00013911-00015034 Earlier this year it was reported he had gone to “extraordinary lengths” to keep details of a 2017 conversation with Mr Putin secret from officials in own administration -sR5Prfx4Eu-00013-00015034-00016246 The Washington Post said after a meeting with the Russian leader at the G-20 summit in Hamburg, the US president took his interpreter’s notes and told him not to discuss the meeting with anyone -sR5Prfx4Eu-00014-00016246-00017435 After his meeting with Mr Kim last summer, the president was criticised by some for obtaining very little in exchange for a meeting that helped project his image on the international stage -sR5Prfx4Eu-00015-00017435-00018738 The two men issued a joint statement that reaffirmed the North’s commitment to “work toward complete denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula” and gave US guarantees of security to North Korea -sR5Prfx4Eu-00016-00018738-00020726 Yet Democrats, and others, said the agreement was light on detail. “One trip and it’s ‘mission accomplished’, Mr President? North Korea still has all its nuclear missiles, and we only got a vague promise of future denuclearisation from a regime that can’t be trusted,” congressman Adam Schiff, said at the time -sR5Prfx4Eu-00017-00020726-00021862 Observers hope the second summit will be more productive and that work behind the scenes may have already nailed down some details that would suggest concrete progress -sR5Prfx4Eu-00018-00021862-00023539 “Possible scenarios of progress include an agreement to ease some sanctions in exchange for North Korea forfeiting certain ballistic missiles or freezing nuclear production,” said Kevin Martin, president of Peace Action, a Washington DC-based non-profit organisation -sR5Prfx4Eu-00019-00023539-00024581 “Another potential path forward is a declaration announcing the end of the Korean War, which President Moon of South Korea has urged the US to support -sR5Prfx4Eu-00020-00024581-00025817 That would be an elegant step towards a formal peace agreement and towards meeting North Korea’s desire for security guarantees that could change its calculus on the value of its nuclear arsenal -sR5Prfx4Eu-00021-00025817-00025917 ” -zr9mvyl0Su-00000-00000571-00001548 Donald Trump has been calling the Robert Mueller investigation a “witch hunt” and a “hoax” and occasionally a “witch hoax” for nearly two years now -zr9mvyl0Su-00001-00001548-00002496 As Mueller has picked off more of Trump’s underlings and come closer to completing his report, Trump has ramped up his attacks on Mueller -zr9mvyl0Su-00002-00002496-00003360 Today, Mueller finally filed his report, bringing his probe to completion. So what does Trump have to say about it? -zr9mvyl0Su-00003-00003360-00004371 .As of right now, roughly six hours after the news broke that Robert Mueller had submitted his report, Donald Trump has said nothing at all -zr9mvyl0Su-00004-00004371-00005704 This is more than a bit odd, considering that Trump usually starts rage-tweeting whenever he thinks things are going poorly for him, and he usually starts gloat-tweeting whenever he thinks things are going well for him -zr9mvyl0Su-00005-00005704-00006704 So how could he possibly be silent on tonight of all nights?.If anything, Trump has become more loose lipped in the days leading up to this report -zr9mvyl0Su-00006-00006704-00007420 He’s attacked John McCain in offensive fashion nearly every time he’s appeared in public this week -zr9mvyl0Su-00007-00007420-00008088 He posted fifty tweets and retweets last weekend, most of them frantic or deranged -zr9mvyl0Su-00008-00008088-00008906 Trump was clearly going bonkers about the prospect of this report landing. Now it’s happened, and he’s going silent -zr9mvyl0Su-00009-00008906-00011455 Does this mean Donald Trump has completely snapped now that the report has been filed? If so, why isn’t he exploding with rage on Twitter? Does this mean Trump mistakenly thinks he’s off the hook, simply because no one showed up at Mar-a-Lago with handcuffs tonight? If so, why isn’t he gloating? We’re inclined to interpret his silence as a sign that he simply has no idea what to make of the filing of this report -zr9mvyl0Su-00010-00011455-00012213 Maybe he’ll react in the morning. We’ll see. But his silence tonight is… unusual -Ql65J0rOiI-00000-00000571-00001814 We live in strange and terrifying times.We live in an age in which the President of the United States and leader of the free world was forced to deny that he was an active agent of Russia -Ql65J0rOiI-00001-00001814-00003381 We live in an age in which American politics is so fraught that that same man, who continues to run our country from the Oval Office, and several other members of his family and the White House are under investigation for extremely serious offenses -Ql65J0rOiI-00002-00003381-00005748 The Justice Department was forced to commission former Director of the FBI Robert S Mueller III to be a Special Counsel to investigate allegations that the Trump campaign in the presidential election of 2016 colluded with Russian state actors in order to steal the election result from Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, and then committed obstruction of justice afterwards in an attempt to cover it up -Ql65J0rOiI-00003-00005748-00007143 However, somehow, Donald Trump is still our President and Special Counsel Mueller has still only managed to indict people like Paul Manafort and Roger Stone who are no longer actively working for the President or the White House -Ql65J0rOiI-00004-00007143-00008480 It now seems like forever since Mueller promised us publicly that the results of his inquiries were just around the corner, yet we have still seen no significant attempt to remove Donald Trump from his position -Ql65J0rOiI-00005-00008480-00010003 However, that might finally all be about to change.Up until now, there have been separate investigations going on, one taking place under Mueller and others being conducted by Democrats in Congress, especially in the House of Representatives -Ql65J0rOiI-00006-00010003-00011657 Now, though, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence has just formally decided to hand over a whole load of interview transcripts directly to the Special Counsel’s team, which might just be enough for him to finally form a case against senior members of the White House -Ql65J0rOiI-00007-00011657-00012626 Pooling resources in this way is really just common sense if we really want to get to the bottom of exactly what happened in 2016 -Ql65J0rOiI-00008-00012626-00013496 Reportedly, several senior figures are included directly in the transcripts including people like Trump’s son Donald Trump Jr -Ql65J0rOiI-00009-00013496-00014755 ,First Daughter Ivanka Trump, her husband and senior White House adviser Jared Kushner, former senior aide to Trump, Steve Bannon and former White House aide and communications director, Hope Hicks -Ql65J0rOiI-00010-00014755-00015878 All of these are very big names who would make big scalps for Mueller themselves, and who, if brought on side, might just have enough information between them to bring down the President _xuNBfmWRhU-00000-00000571-00001908 President Donald Trump railed against special counsel Robert Mueller's now-completed investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election on Wednesday, calling it an "attempted takeover of our government _xuNBfmWRhU-00001-00001908-00003546 "."We can never allow this treasonous, these treasonous acts to happen to another President," Trump told Fox News' Sean Hannity, in his first TV interview since Attorney General William Barr summarized the principal findings of Mueller's report in a memo to Congress on Sunday _xuNBfmWRhU-00002-00003546-00004541 Barr's memo said Mueller, after a nearly two year investigation, did not establish that Trump's campaign or associates conspired with Russia _xuNBfmWRhU-00003-00004541-00005711 Mueller's investigation of whether the President committed obstruction of justice did not conclude Trump committed a crime, but it also "does not exonerate him," Barr quoted from Mueller's report _xuNBfmWRhU-00004-00005711-00006469 "This was an attempted takeover of our government, of our country, an illegal takeover," Trump said _xuNBfmWRhU-00005-00006469-00007401 "If it were the other way around, where I was doing it to President Obama or a Democrat, it would be virtually the maximum sentence that you can find _xuNBfmWRhU-00006-00007401-00008553 ".He added,"If the Republican Party had done this to the Democrats, if we had done this to President Obama, you'd have 100 people in jail right now and it would be treason _xuNBfmWRhU-00007-00008553-00009068 It would be considered treason and they'd be in jail for the rest of their lives _xuNBfmWRhU-00008-00009068-00010246 ".The President accused former FBI lawyer Lisa Page and former FBI agent Peter Strzok and "hundreds of others" of treason and implied they could be punished for it _xuNBfmWRhU-00009-00010246-00011445 "In 50 years from now, in 100 years from now, if someone tries the same thing, they have to know that the penalty will be very, very great, if and when they get caught _xuNBfmWRhU-00010-00011445-00012657 ".When asked if he was now thinking about pardoning any of his former associates who were charged with, convicted of, or pleaded guilty to crimes as a part of the Mueller probe, Trump demurred _xuNBfmWRhU-00011-00012657-00013477 The President said he didn't "want to talk about pardons now," but added the investigation was "sad on so many levels _xuNBfmWRhU-00012-00013477-00013577 " _I5e9qW-b2Q-00000-00000513-00001960 The New York Times published an op-ed Friday accusing President Donald Trump and Breitbart News, among others, of having “blood on their hands” in the terror attacks against two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, which killed 50 people _I5e9qW-b2Q-00001-00001960-00003245 Wajahat Ali, a “contributing opinion writer” for the Times, has appeared on CNN several times since the massacres in New Zealand, calling the president an “enabler and an ally” of the perpetrators _I5e9qW-b2Q-00002-00003245-00004413 In his op-ed, Ali goes further. The subtitle declares, “All those who have helped to spread the worldwide myth that Muslims are a threat have blood on their hands _I5e9qW-b2Q-00003-00004413-00006244 ”.Ali blames the president, and Breitbart News, among others:.While news of the New Zealand shooting was breaking, President Trump tweeted a link — which he has since deleted — to the home page of Breitbart News, a site that has regularly published anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant conspiracy theories [sic] _I5e9qW-b2Q-00004-00006244-00007038 Upon learning about the massacre in Christchurch, a Muslim friend messaged me, “How will we keep our kids safe?” _I5e9qW-b2Q-00005-00007038-00007754 I didn’t have a good answer. But I know the threat we’re facing isn’t just individual terrorists _I5e9qW-b2Q-00006-00007754-00009553 It’s the global ideology of white nationalism and white supremacy. We have to take it seriously, and call out politicians, academics and media personalities who give it a platform under the guise exploring of both sides, fostering debate or avoiding political correctness _I5e9qW-b2Q-00007-00009553-00010859 On CNN, Ali also repeated the false claim — debunked over and over — that Trump called neo-Nazis “very fine people” in a press conference after the Charlottesville riots in August 2017 _I5e9qW-b2Q-00008-00010859-00011776 Trump repeatedly condemned the neo-Nazis; his remark referred to protesters for and against the removal of a Confederate statue Asi6CZc-zI4-00000-00000513-00001325 Sometimes it’s a grand coincidence that finally brings two long-related storylines onto the same page Asi6CZc-zI4-00001-00001325-00002438 That’s the point when you start to realize just how much those two storylines overlap, and sometimes you realize they’re one big story Asi6CZc-zI4-00002-00002438-00003450 That brings us to Donald Trump’s long running Michael Cohen scandal and Donald Trump’s long running Elliott Broidy scandal, which are both suddenly coming to a head Asi6CZc-zI4-00003-00003450-00004762 Today we learned that the original search warrant for the FBI raid on Michael Cohen’s office, along with partially redacted evidence seized during the raid, will be abruptly made public tomorrow Asi6CZc-zI4-00004-00004762-00005475 Today we also learned that the FBI raided Elliott Broidy’s office not long after it raided Cohen’s office Asi6CZc-zI4-00005-00005475-00006787 Remarkably, neither of these storylines is a result of any official action taken by prosectors, and is instead a result of the media scratching and clawing its way to getting its hands on the story Asi6CZc-zI4-00006-00006787-00007899 In fact the same media outlets were not involved in these two stories. This is, by all appearances, coincidentally coming to a head all at once Asi6CZc-zI4-00007-00007899-00008812 But if you’ve been following these two scandals, you know that these two scandals don’t have a coincidental relationship with each other Asi6CZc-zI4-00008-00008812-00010224 For instance, Michael Cohen and Elliott Broidy both worked for Donald Trump during the 2016 campaign, and afterward, he gave them each cushy senior jobs with the Republican National Committee Asi6CZc-zI4-00009-00010224-00011336 Trump and Broidy both had affairs with women and then paid them to keep quiet. Cohen claimed last year that Trump and Broidy were both his clients Asi6CZc-zI4-00010-00011336-00012049 And now we know that not long after the Feds raided Cohen’s office, they raided Broidy’s office Asi6CZc-zI4-00011-00012049-00013769 Over the past nine months we’ve seen the results of the Michael Cohen raid play out in public, from his plea deal, to his congressional testimony, to the SDNY naming “Individual-1” Donald Trump as a co-conspirator in court filings against Cohen Asi6CZc-zI4-00012-00013769-00014582 We haven’t seen results of the Elliott Broidy raid play out in public at all; we’re just now learning that it even happened Asi6CZc-zI4-00013-00014582-00015295 But these two raids have to be connected, and all roads lead back to Donald Trump Asi6CZc-zI4-00014-00015295-00015699 No wonder he’s so agitated lately BGJOlfnwPzo-00000-00000513-00001208 The Queen has sparked concerns for her health after she was seen with a nasty purple bruise BGJOlfnwPzo-00001-00001208-00002208 Buckingham Palace has not confirmed why her hands were covered in a huge mark when she welcomed the special guests with her daughter Princess Anne this week BGJOlfnwPzo-00002-00002208-00003893 The Royal Family posted a picture online, which was captioned: “The Queen, with The Princess Royal, hosted Their Majesties The King and Queen of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, @KingAbdullahII and @QueenRania, and their son The Crown Prince at Buckingham Palace BGJOlfnwPzo-00003-00003893-00004919 ” .How to treat purple hands.If the bruise is caused by peripheral cyanosis, this could mean there are low oxygen levels in a person’s red blood cells BGJOlfnwPzo-00004-00004919-00005758 .Blood with less oxygen turns a darker shade of red and reflects more blue light, hence the skin looking blue BGJOlfnwPzo-00005-00005758-00007012 .Being cold is the biggest reason why hands or feet can turn blue. .But seeking medical advice from a doctor immediately is the best option if you think you have peripheral cyanosis BGJOlfnwPzo-00006-00007012-00008177 .Bateman's Purpura could also be another reason for the Queen's purple hands.This could be a sign of the blood vessels and connective tissues just below the surface of the skin have weakened BGJOlfnwPzo-00007-00008177-00008932 The tissue breaks more easily when it is weaker and this leads to a release of blood near the surface of the skin BGJOlfnwPzo-00008-00008932-00009979 The bruising is not painful and often looks like flat blotches that begin with a red coloration, before turning purple, darkening, and then fading BGJOlfnwPzo-00009-00009979-00010773 .People with thin, wrinkly or sun-damaged skin could be the reason for getting Bateman’s Purpora BGJOlfnwPzo-00010-00010773-00011536 .Treating it is fairly easy, as you can just rub some cream on the skin to ease the redness BGJOlfnwPzo-00011-00011536-00012288 You can apply Vitamin K cream, Retin-A prescription cream or alpha-hydroxy aside cream BGJOlfnwPzo-00012-00012288-00013320 This will increase the thickness of the person’s skin. .Bateman's can also occur in a person's mucus membranes, such as their mouth, or internal organs BGJOlfnwPzo-00013-00013320-00014062 .Certain medications can also cause the disease because the medicine affect the person's blood platelets BQKD3o0eP0I-00000-00000571-00001926 Scientists and officials around the US have told the Guardian that the Trump administration has withdrawn funding for a large, successful conservation program – in direct contradiction of instructions from Congress BQKD3o0eP0I-00001-00001926-00003274 Unique in scale and ambition, the program comprises 22 research centers that tackle big-picture issues affecting huge swaths of the US, such as climate change, flooding and species extinction BQKD3o0eP0I-00002-00003274-00004212 They are known as Landscape Conservation Cooperatives – or were, because 16 of them are now on indefinite hiatus or have dissolved BQKD3o0eP0I-00003-00004212-00005978 “I just haven’t seen anything like this in my almost 30 years of working with the federal government,” said a scientist at the Fish and Wildlife Service who worked for one of the LCCs and wished to remain anonymous, because federal employees were instructed not to speak with the Guardian for this story BQKD3o0eP0I-00004-00005978-00006835 “There is this lack of accountability.”.Sign up for the US morning briefing.“Congress approved $12 BQKD3o0eP0I-00005-00006835-00008240 5m for the existing 22 landscape conservation cooperatives,” said Betty McCollum, chair of the House interior-environment appropriations subcommittee, at a recent hearing with an interior department official BQKD3o0eP0I-00006-00008240-00009342 “[But] we are hearing disturbing reports from outside groups and concerned citizens that the LCC program is being altered and may not receive any federal funding BQKD3o0eP0I-00007-00009342-00010079 ”.McCollum requested a full accounting of the situation so her committee could investigate BQKD3o0eP0I-00008-00010079-00011189 The LCCs were established under the Obama administration in 2010 and staffed by the Fish and Wildlife Service, and appeared to be achieving their goals BQKD3o0eP0I-00009-00011189-00012641 In Hawaii, a center found that many native Hawaiian forest birds would not have any suitable habitat remaining by the end of the century, which helped get one of the birds listed as “threatened” under the federal Endangered Species Act BQKD3o0eP0I-00010-00012641-00013616 In flood-prone areas of the Gulf coast, work by an LCC has resulted in more residents getting access to flood-insurance discounts BQKD3o0eP0I-00011-00013616-00014647 Another created the “California Climate Commons”, a website that aggregates studies, data visualizations and maps on how climate change will affect the state BQKD3o0eP0I-00012-00014647-00015854 “No other federal program is designed to address landscape conservation needs at a national scale” in this way, according to a 2016 review by the National Academy of Sciences Cyz8oxaVJng-00000-00000571-00001383 Donald Trump has been going on multiple rants attacking the late Senator John McCain for reasons only he seems to know Cyz8oxaVJng-00001-00001383-00002396 But Trump’s attacks on the Vietnam War hero have not gone unanswered.Both McCain’s daughter and widow have spoken out against the president over his attacks Cyz8oxaVJng-00002-00002396-00003308 Trump’s latest attack came on Wednesday when he spoke in front of a group of employees at an Ohio military factory Cyz8oxaVJng-00003-00003308-00004021 “So I have to be honest, I’ve never liked him much,” Trump said. “I really probably never will Cyz8oxaVJng-00004-00004021-00005233 But there are certain reasons for it.”.Meghan McCain, the daughter of the late senator, spent the last few days defending her father and politely criticizing Trump Cyz8oxaVJng-00005-00005233-00006046 On Wednesday she said that Trump had reached “a new, bizarre low – attacking someone who is not here is a new low Cyz8oxaVJng-00006-00006046-00007258 ”.She also said, “If I had told my dad… he would think it is so hilarious that our president was so jealous of him that he was dominating the news cycle in death Cyz8oxaVJng-00007-00007258-00009278 ”.Cindy McCain, the senator’s widow, also fired back at the president’s attacks.She sarcastically urged her Twitter followers to “see how kind and loving a stranger can be” and shared with them an online message from someone who described John McCain as a “traitorous piece of warmongering shit and I’m glad he’s dead Cyz8oxaVJng-00008-00009278-00009483 ” CDu8Fmm8y8M-00000-00000432-00000492 um CDu8Fmm8y8M-00001-00000660-00000857 miss me CDu8Fmm8y8M-00002-00001209-00001495 WHY CDu8Fmm8y8M-00003-00002255-00002616 why you miss me CDu8Fmm8y8M-00004-00002749-00003090 when i done forgot about you CDu8Fmm8y8M-00005-00003321-00003587 why you say you miss me CDu8Fmm8y8M-00006-00003800-00003850 when i do forgot about you CDu8Fmm8y8M-00007-00004385-00005212 why do you say that you forgot about me you don't care about me oh my god you broke my heart in two pieces CDu8Fmm8y8M-00008-00005451-00005768 why you done say you forgot about me CDu8Fmm8y8M-00009-00005984-00006355 when you told me that you don't miss me CDu8Fmm8y8M-00010-00006501-00006842 now you miss me you said you didn't need me but every time i see you CDu8Fmm8y8M-00011-00007070-00007514 i get upset why you told me you hate me CDu8Fmm8y8M-00012-00007612-00007907 i knew for the first weekend CDu8Fmm8y8M-00013-00008020-00008545 cus when you told me you miss me now you don't want me now you miss me CDu8Fmm8y8M-00014-00008679-00009101 you done told me that you hate me so why do you keep no saying you miss me CDu8Fmm8y8M-00015-00009212-00009536 now i get sad every time i see you CDu8Fmm8y8M-00016-00009689-00010000 cus i remember all the pain you gave me CDu8Fmm8y8M-00017-00010140-00010680 i remember you hate me when i wouldn't do all you ass CDu8Fmm8y8M-00018-00010803-00011047 now you want me CDu8Fmm8y8M-00019-00011247-00011621 when i done forgot about you CDu8Fmm8y8M-00020-00011870-00012164 now you want to miss me now you want to kiss me CDu8Fmm8y8M-00021-00012414-00012793 when i done forgot about every single time that we had fun CDu8Fmm8y8M-00022-00012941-00013088 i'm down low CDu8Fmm8y8M-00023-00013479-00013941 why you keep saying you miss me and i no it's wasn't true CDu8Fmm8y8M-00024-00014063-00014159 why you keep on CDu8Fmm8y8M-00025-00014193-00014271 saying that you CDu8Fmm8y8M-00026-00014341-00014439 miss me CDu8Fmm8y8M-00027-00014611-00014691 why you keep on CDu8Fmm8y8M-00028-00014741-00014826 saying that you CDu8Fmm8y8M-00029-00014868-00014995 miss me CYHZ6g18fz0-00000-00000000-00000200 fchdgjvbkjlkmihougiy CYHZ6g18fz0-00001-00000200-00001190 hhhhhhhhhhhhha CYHZ6g18fz0-00002-00001190-00001426 nan jdec CYHZ6g18fz0-00003-00001426-00001697 hiih CYHZ6g18fz0-00004-00001697-00001915 ça va vite CYHZ6g18fz0-00005-00001915-00002245 les fps tmtc CYHZ6g18fz0-00006-00002245-00002704 ougagga CYHZ6g18fz0-00007-00002704-00003055 hhoda CYHZ6g18fz0-00008-00003055-00003383 nan CYHZ6g18fz0-00009-00003383-00003553 si CYHZ6g18fz0-00010-00003553-00003659 nan CYHZ6g18fz0-00011-00003659-00003763 si CYHZ6g18fz0-00012-00003763-00003857 1chala j'ai le bac de fr CYHZ6g18fz0-00013-00003857-00004400 ciao ClK45BMRAOu-00000-00000571-00002300 If you’ve followedDC Tribune‘s reporting on the ongoing Mueller investigation, you no doubt saw our piece on the possible investigation of Vice President Mike Pence by the special counsel and the confirmed investigations being carried out by the Democratic Coalition and other transparency groups ClK45BMRAOu-00001-00002300-00004408 Now, however, we have more reason than ever to believe that Pence is being scooped up by Mueller and his associates as part of the probe, and that means a number of stunning things, beginning with the fact that the removal of both Trumpand Pence from office would result in the presidency of the Speaker of the House — a position that will be changing hands in just weeks ClK45BMRAOu-00002-00004408-00005863 The developments of just the last few days have seen not just Mike Flynn back in the news, but even a former aide of Flynn’s who was associated with the double-dealing with Turkey that got Flynn into trouble with the FBI in the first place ClK45BMRAOu-00003-00005863-00007517 The former Lt.General lied to federal agents about his involvement in the attempted extradition of Fethullah Gulen, a Turkish citizen in America that Turkish PresidentRecep Tayyip Erdoğan has accused of helping to orchestrate a coup attempt in his home country ClK45BMRAOu-00004-00007517-00008896 The fact that Flynn attempted to have Gulen extradited is almost tantamount to human sacrifice for political gain, since Turkey’s record on human rights is abysmal and an attempted coup would be looked at as treason ClK45BMRAOu-00005-00008896-00009943 And the Flynnassociate who was just charged in federal court, Bijan Kian, was on the hook for exactly the same thing that Flynn pled guilty to lying about ClK45BMRAOu-00006-00009943-00012148 And lest anyone forget, or perhaps think that the Gulen matter was something isolated from the Trump campaign and between Flynn, Kian, and Erdoğan alone: Two days ago, theNew York Timesreported that Trump himself was still considering Gulen’s extradition — the culmination of the crime that Flynn began while he was Trump’s national security adviser ClK45BMRAOu-00007-00012148-00013070 So how does Pence tie into all of this? Flynn and Kian were both on the Trump transition team — the team thatPence was the head of ClK45BMRAOu-00008-00013070-00014091 Pence was warned not just by the previous administration but by a member of Congress that Flynn was illegally coordinating with a foreign government ClK45BMRAOu-00009-00014091-00015191 Pence, it is now known,knew about Flynn’s activities during his time on the transition team and did nothing about it — and lied about that knowledge after the fact ClK45BMRAOu-00010-00015191-00016672 The clue that Mueller is now coming after Pence for the crime — relatively minor in the context of the larger crimes of the Trump administration — of misleading the public about his knowledge of Flynn’s crimes is in the late, late prosecution of Kian ClK45BMRAOu-00011-00016672-00018049 The only reason to hang on to a witness or key player that you intend to charge for as long as Mueller waited to charge Kian is if you are compiling a larger case against someone higher than the fish you’re about to fry ClK45BMRAOu-00012-00018049-00018469 And the fish right above Bijan Kian and Mike Flynn? ClSeeSZZ-AE-00000-00000571-00001851 Sunday on MSNBC, 2020 Democratic presidential hopeful Pete Buttigieg said “a figure like” President Donald Trump “should never have been able to come within cheating distance of the Oval Office'' ClSeeSZZ-AE-00001-00001851-00003178 Addressing Attorney General William Barr’s letter summarizing Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s findings, Buttigieg said, “The president is not being indicted at the moment and also has not been exonerated at the moment ClSeeSZZ-AE-00002-00003178-00004377 From a political perspective, I think this is further evidence it would be a mistake for Democrats to think that the way for the Trump presidency to end is by way of investigation ClSeeSZZ-AE-00003-00004377-00005479 That could, of course, happen. But we’ve got to be paying attention to the kinds of conditions that made it possible for somebody like him to get here in the first place ClSeeSZZ-AE-00004-00005479-00006359 I would argue with—a figure like this president should never have been able to come within cheating distance of the Oval Office ClSeeSZZ-AE-00005-00006359-00007908 And I fear if we’re not paying attention to the causes that he’s a symptom of, then not only is it possible for him to succeed in 2020, but we could also find ourselves with another figure like him or even worse in the future'' D3G3DQPRKFo-00000-00000571-00002214 Wednesday on CNN’s “New Day,” former Obama administration Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and candidate for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination Julian Castro said the Trump’s administration’s declaration of a national emergency at the U D3G3DQPRKFo-00001-00002214-00003666 S.-Mexico Border was “BS.”.Castro said, “I don’t believe their narrative. I don’t believe the BS that women and children who are fleeing dangerous circumstances present a national security threat to this country D3G3DQPRKFo-00002-00003666-00004719 ”. .He continued, “Right now this administration is playing games with them, not allowing them to present their claim for asylum at the border, keeping them caged in pens D3G3DQPRKFo-00003-00004719-00005719 Folks probably saw the other day, for instance, the visuals out of El Paso, they were under a bridge fenced in, in a pen, treated like animals D3G3DQPRKFo-00004-00005719-00006775 I don’t believe that we should do that. I have a different vision. I believe that we should go back to how this was handled before, about 2004 D3G3DQPRKFo-00005-00006775-00007480 ”.He added, “What I’m asking people to do is to recognize that this president’s cruelty has failed D3G3DQPRKFo-00006-00007480-00009220 He said about a year ago, this administration said if we would just be cruel enough to treat little children so badly, so cruelly that we would take them away from their mothers that that would deter more families from coming and instead the opposite is true, more families are coming today D3G3DQPRKFo-00007-00009220-00010076 So I’m saying we’ve tried cruelty, I believe that we should try compassion and that we’re still going to have a secure border D3G3DQPRKFo-00008-00010076-00010176 ” DVAaraqmT3U-00000-00000571-00002843 Last week, when former Homeland Security Director Kirstjen Nielsen was relieved of her post because she simply couldn’t stomach some of the horrible things Donald Trump was pushing her to do — short of detaining immigrant children at the border and keeping them away from their families, of course — many wondered what that could possibly mean, and perhaps more importantly, who would be replacing her DVAaraqmT3U-00001-00002843-00003946 Well, it appears we’re beginning to get the answers, as Donald Trump has tabbed Border Patrol boss Kevin McAleenan to be his new acting head of Homeland Security DVAaraqmT3U-00002-00003946-00004813 Shortly thereafter, Trump instructed border agents to illegally block asylum seekers from entering the United States DVAaraqmT3U-00003-00004813-00006236 Then, to make matters worse, according to CNN’s Jake Tapper, who has cited multiple senior Trump regime officials, Trump allegedly informed McAleenan that if this move resulted in his arrest, he would pardon him DVAaraqmT3U-00004-00006236-00007185 Of course, the seriousness of Trump’s alleged comment is uncertain at this time. Also McAleenan claims the comment was never made DVAaraqmT3U-00005-00007185-00008232 Regardless, the fact that a pardon is even in the discussion and that it is possibly being used to coerce McAleenan to do something this heinous is cause for concern DVAaraqmT3U-00006-00008232-00009227 If true, it should be considered a crime on Donald Trump’s part, and added to the list of impeachable offenses due to gross abuse of power DVAaraqmT3U-00007-00009227-00010155 Let’s just hope that the House Democrats realize this and bring impeachment charges against Donald Trump sooner rather than much later DVAaraqmT3U-00008-00010155-00011623 While it’s certainly understood that impeachment is lengthy and slow-moving process, at the going rate, it’s only a matter of time before Trump’s abuse of power worsens and extends far beyond an enticing pardon DVAaraqmT3U-00009-00011623-00012250 If the impeachment process hasn’t already started, the time to act is now De1BFTC2N94-00000-00000513-00001665 Donald Trump has always been desperate to hold on to his evangelical Christian base, which is no easy feat considering his womanizing, lying, greed-laden past De1BFTC2N94-00001-00001665-00002960 One of the easiest ways for him to continue to appease that base is through Israeli policy, and his latest idea around this has allied and non-allied countries to the United States utterly appalled De1BFTC2N94-00002-00002960-00004303 Trump has made public statements recently saying that the world needs to recognize Israel’s sovereignty over Golen Heights, an Israeli-occupied territory currently under the sovereignty of Syria De1BFTC2N94-00003-00004303-00005262 Israel’s occupation there is not legal and global recognition of the territory as Israel’s would be a redrawing of international boundary lines De1BFTC2N94-00004-00005262-00007876 In a statement reported by Reuters, the French ministry said:.‘The Golan is a territory occupied by Israel since 1967.France does not recognize the Israeli annexation of 1981…The recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan, occupied territory, would be contrary to international law, in particular the obligation for states not to recognize an illegal situation' De1BFTC2N94-00005-00007876-00009094 Trump’s ties to Israel were made clear when he moved the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, a move that denied Palestinians the right to also claim their own stake in their holy land De1BFTC2N94-00006-00009094-00009924 The idea of recognizing Israel as the sovereign ruler of Golen Heights is causing even more controversy De1BFTC2N94-00007-00009924-00011361 ‘At the moment, no country — other than Israel — has backed Trump’s announcement. And most countries who came out against Trump’s move stressed that it was a violation of international law and multiple UN resolutions De1BFTC2N94-00008-00011361-00012045 Redrawing boundary lines is something the United States can and should not do in other countries De1BFTC2N94-00009-00012045-00013673 Despite Trump’s beliefs that he is king and dictator because some very misguided people cast their vote for the wild card in the 2016 election, a U.S. president cannot violate international law and grant ownership of other countries to his friends De1BFTC2N94-00010-00013673-00015015 ‘The Golan Heights is a Syrian territory occupied by Israel. National borders should be changed only through peaceful means between all those involved. The government rejects unilateral steps.’ Dn9HeB92H7y-00000-00000571-00002018 Today, Donald Trump had the worst day of his life (so far) when the House Judiciary Committee targeted more than eighty people and entities connected to him, in what will merely be the first batch of evidence collection regarding Trump’s crimes Dn9HeB92H7y-00001-00002018-00002833 Also, Fox News got busted today for having conspired with Trump to rig the 2016 election Dn9HeB92H7y-00002-00002833-00004100 So how is Trump taking the news?.Right around 11pm eastern time, Donald Trump tweeted this quote: “We the people will now be subjected to the biggest display of modern day McCarthyism… Dn9HeB92H7y-00003-00004100-00005173 which is the widest fishing net expedition….every aspect of the presidents life….all in order to get power back so they can institute Socialism Dn9HeB92H7y-00004-00005173-00006085 ” Well, that was his second try. The first time around he typed “McCathyism” and it led to endless jokes about who “Cathy” might be Dn9HeB92H7y-00005-00006085-00007096 But the surreal part is where the quote came from.That’s right, Donald Trump was sharing the words of none other than his Fox News co-conspirator Sean Hannity Dn9HeB92H7y-00006-00007096-00008350 Of all the days when Trump shouldn’t be quoting Fox News, today was that day. Yet here he is, desperately clinging to the one host on the one network that’s the furthest up his backside Dn9HeB92H7y-00007-00008350-00009635 This probably tells us all we need to know. Donald Trump isn’t hunkered down with his attorneys, trying to figure out how to fight back against the dozens of document requests that went out today Dn9HeB92H7y-00008-00009635-00010408 He’s not even spending his time trying to illegally convince the targets not to cooperate with Congress Dn9HeB92H7y-00009-00010408-00011139 Instead he’s lying in bed, watching Hannity, and mistakenly tweeting about someone named Cathy E7_QUreKL3M-00000-00000571-00001984 While the late Sen. John McCain's daughter Meghan McCain frequently clashes with President Donald Trump, it was youngest daughter Bridget McCain who criticized the president Thursday for disparaging her father, calling the President "a chil'' E7_QUreKL3M-00001-00001984-00003334 Trump has ardently rekindled his feud with the late senator over the past week, bemoaning Wednesday how he "didn't get a thank you" for approving McCain's funeral in August after the senator's long battle with brain cancer E7_QUreKL3M-00002-00003334-00003967 Bridget McCain broker her silence on the feud Thursday in a biting series of tweets E7_QUreKL3M-00003-00003967-00004899 "@realDonaldTrump Everyone doesn't have to agree with my dad or like him, but I do ask you to be decent and respectful," she tweeted E7_QUreKL3M-00004-00004899-00005672 "If you can't do those two things, be mindful. We only said goodbye to him almost 7 months ago'' E7_QUreKL3M-00005-00005672-00006733 "@realDonaldTrump Even if you were invited to my dad's funeral, you would have only wanted to be there for the credit and not for any condolences," she added E7_QUreKL3M-00006-00006733-00007613 "Unfortunately, you could not be counted on to be courteous, as you are a child in the most important role the world knows'' E7_QUreKL3M-00007-00007613-00008470 Meghan McCain, a co-host on "The View," applauded her sister's decision to speak up during a segment Thursday E7_QUreKL3M-00008-00008470-00009188 "My little sister Bridget, for the first time ever, has decided that she wants to speak out E7_QUreKL3M-00009-00009188-00010567 She's very, very private. Anyone who knows anything about political history could probably surmise why she's chosen to lead a very private life, but she felt inclined to say and tweet this," McCain said E7_QUreKL3M-00010-00010567-00011244 "It's very brave of her -- she's young and she does not speak publicly," she added E7_QUreKL3M-00011-00011244-00012054 Meghan McCain accused the Trump family of lacking empathy, thanking the public for the outpouring of support for her family E7_QUreKL3M-00012-00012054-00013247 "I don't expect decency and compassion from the Trump family," she said. "I do want to thank the American public for all the decency and compassion that they have given us E7_QUreKL3M-00013-00013247-00014801 Do not feel sorry for my family''.Meghan McCain also lambasted Trump last weekend for tweets slamming her father for his ties to the controversial Russia dossier and his dramatic thumbs-down vote against repealing Obamacare in 2017 E7_QUreKL3M-00014-00014801-00015656 "No one will ever love you the way they loved my father," she tweeted Saturday. "I wish I had been given more Saturday's with him E7_QUreKL3M-00015-00015656-00016256 Maybe spend yours with your family instead of on twitter obsessing over mine?" FXXljU4kZ3u-00000-00000571-00001665 House Democrats will vote Tuesday on a resolution condemning the Trump administration's decision to call for the elimination of the entire Affordable Care Act FXXljU4kZ3u-00001-00001665-00004001 "The actions taken by the Trump Administration seeking the invalidation of the ACA's protections for people with pre-existing conditions, and later the invalidation of the entire ACA, are an unacceptable assault on the health care of the American people," the resolution says, calling for the Justice Department to reverse its position in agreeing with the ruling of a federal judge in Texas that invalidated Obamacare FXXljU4kZ3u-00002-00004001-00005223 The resolution is largely a symbolic one as Democrats try to counter the President's own health care moves and keep the conversation focused on their own legislation to strengthen the Affordable Care Act FXXljU4kZ3u-00003-00005223-00007119 "I hope Members on both sides of the aisle, including the many Republicans who pledged in advance of the last election not to abandon those with pre-existing conditions, will join in supporting it and making the House's position in support of the law clear," House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said in a statement FXXljU4kZ3u-00004-00007119-00007893 The resolution was introduced Friday by freshman Democratic Rep. Colin Allred of Texas FXXljU4kZ3u-00005-00007893-00009499 "I'm proud to the lead this resolution and to assure Americans that this Congress will not allow people with pre-existing conditions to go back to the days where they could be thrown off their health care just because they got sick," Allred said in a statement to CNN FXXljU4kZ3u-00006-00009499-00010938 Following the Justice Department decision, the administration said it plans to submit a health care replacement to Congress this year, the chief of staff to Vice President Mike Pence told CNN's Wolf Blitzer on "The Situation Room" Wednesday FXXljU4kZ3u-00007-00010938-00011949 However, a senior White House official told CNN that same day that the White House has no "fresh" plan to replace the Affordable Care Act FXXljU4kZ3u-00008-00011949-00013313 The official pointed to the proposal from Republican Sens. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, the previous Obamacare repeal bill, which was ultimately unsuccessful GbxlrZxX5zo-00000-00000571-00001584 President Trump doesn’t take his presidential power lightly.He reserves his executive orders for the most important causes – and this one is definitely needed GbxlrZxX5zo-00001-00001584-00002574 College campuses are violating 1st Amendment rights because Democrats don’t want to hear opposing opinions that violate their safe spaces GbxlrZxX5zo-00002-00002574-00003917 “Safe spaces” aren’t a right, but free speech is. Ben Shapiro and Condoleezza Rice were uninvited from giving speeches at liberal schools, and conservative students have been hounded for speaking their minds GbxlrZxX5zo-00003-00003917-00004593 But President Trump is hitting these schools where it hurts – their pocketbooks.From The Hill: GbxlrZxX5zo-00004-00004593-00005717 President Trump announced Saturday he intends to sign an executive order mandating colleges and universities take steps to guarantee free speech to attain federal research grants GbxlrZxX5zo-00005-00005717-00006881 “Today I’m proud to announce that I will be very soon signing an executive order requiring colleges and universities to support free speech if they want federal research grants GbxlrZxX5zo-00006-00006881-00007581 ”.If schools keep up their behavior, Trump is going to pull taxpayer dollars from them GbxlrZxX5zo-00007-00007581-00007926 That should get them in line real quick Gc5GbPTyaTo-00000-00000571-00001919 Former Sen. Joe Lieberman joined host Alex Marlow on Sirius XM’s Breitbart News Daily on Friday, stressing to listeners the “critically important” move President Donald Trump made in calling for the U Gc5GbPTyaTo-00001-00001919-00003823 S. to recognize the Golan Heights as Israeli territory.Lieberman praised the declaration the president made Thursday that it was “time for the United States to fully recognize Israel’s Sovereignty over the Golan Heights, which is of critical strategic and security importance to the State of Israel and Regional Stability!” Gc5GbPTyaTo-00002-00003823-00005429 “The fact that [the president is] unconventional enables him to do something that presidents before him, of both parties, probably thought was the right thing to do but never did it because it seemed unconventional, and that’s the way it is with the Golan Heights,” said Lieberman Gc5GbPTyaTo-00003-00005429-00007078 . .“I’m sure this was on the president’s mind when he did this, is that Iran is establishing, really, a permanent foothold with troops of its own, let alone, the Hezbollah terrorist army that it supports there,” he emphasized, calling it “critically important Gc5GbPTyaTo-00004-00007078-00008125 ”.“It was a very significant thing to do for regional stability, let alone for Israel’s security,” said Lieberman, who thanked President Trump for the action Gc5GbPTyaTo-00005-00008125-00008982 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called President Trump to thank him, acknowledging, “You made history Gc5GbPTyaTo-00006-00008982-00010194 ”.He added in a tweet, “At a time when Iran seeks to use Syria as a platform to destroy Israel, President Trump boldly recognizes Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights Gc5GbPTyaTo-00007-00010194-00010808 Thank you President Trump!”. .While President Trump’s tweet does not officially change U Gc5GbPTyaTo-00008-00010808-00011772 S. policy, it does signal a greater possibility of seeing the policy changed either through Congress or an official presidential declaration Gc5GbPTyaTo-00009-00011772-00012856 Haaretz pointed to President Trump’s decision to move the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem when indicating he could use the same method to officially change the U Gc5GbPTyaTo-00010-00012856-00014065 S. position on the Golan Heights.The remark comes the week after the State Department removed “occupied” from 2018 Human Rights report references to Israeli portions of the region Gc5GbPTyaTo-00011-00014065-00014956 Breitbart News reported the changed references to those portions of the Golan Heights to say “Israeli-controlled territory Gc5GbPTyaTo-00012-00014956-00015056 ” H5IQ6AlZavu-00000-00000571-00001409 Earlier today MSNBC’s Ari Melber reported that Special Counsel Robert Mueller was finished as of today H5IQ6AlZavu-00001-00001409-00002216 He didn’t end it there. This day would go down in history. As of today there is no more Special Counsel H5IQ6AlZavu-00002-00002216-00003491 It’s done. It’s over as of today. .But, wait, at 7:00 pm, Robert Mueller’s spokesman stated that Robert Mueller will be concluding his service in the coming days H5IQ6AlZavu-00003-00003491-00004186 While this may be a minor distinction, it belies a larger problem with today’s reporting H5IQ6AlZavu-00004-00004186-00005565 We just heard definitively from MSNBC that there will be no more indictments. Then, Senator Richard Blumenthal appeared on MSNBC and said more indictments are very likely H5IQ6AlZavu-00005-00005565-00006456 Adam Schiff did the same. But none of that swayed MSNBC’s insistence that no one else will be indicted H5IQ6AlZavu-00006-00006456-00007441 CNN has largely been pushing the same false narrative. Then CNBC reported that there are no sealed indictments anywhere H5IQ6AlZavu-00007-00007441-00008462 Really? Where are they getting that information? What about Julian Assange? Are we supposed to believe there is no sealed indictment against him? H5IQ6AlZavu-00008-00008462-00009468 .Perhaps they mean that any additional indictments are no longer Mueller’s, because they have already been handed off to other offices within the DOJ H5IQ6AlZavu-00009-00009468-00010452 That would make sense, but it would also mean this is very bad reporting, and a lot of reporters are jumping to inaccurate or misleading conclusions HGmTp2TmJUo-00000-00000571-00001966 Donald Trump spent all day whining and wailing on Twitter about one grievance or another, giving away just how worried he is about the progress House Democrats are making when it comes to exposing his worsening criminal scandals HGmTp2TmJUo-00001-00001966-00002828 But on Sunday morning, Trump only posted one tweet. What he lacked in volume, he made up for in pointedness HGmTp2TmJUo-00002-00002828-00003859 .Members of Robert Mueller’s prosecutorial team began revealing to the media this week that William Barr is grossly misrepresenting what’s in the Mueller report HGmTp2TmJUo-00003-00003859-00004776 This has helped to ratchet up public pressure for making the report public, thus increasing the odds and swiftness with which it’ll inevitably happen HGmTp2TmJUo-00004-00004776-00005646 Trump seems to understand that this development is bad news for him, so he’s naturally going to war with Mueller’s team HGmTp2TmJUo-00005-00005646-00008256 More to the point, he’s implying he’s going to lock them up. . .Here’s what Trump tweeted: “Looks like Bob Mueller’s team of 13 Trump Haters & Angry Democrats are illegally leaking information to the press while the Fake News Media make up their own stories with or without sources – sources no longer matter to our corrupt & dishonest Mainstream Media, they are a Joke!” Wow, there are a few things going on here HGmTp2TmJUo-00006-00008256-00009609 .First, he’s falsely accusing Mueller’s team of committing crimes. There’s nothing illegal about these people informing the media that the report they wrote is very different from what Trump’s flunkies are claiming HGmTp2TmJUo-00007-00009609-00010455 The only way Mueller’s team would be breaking the law is if it leaked classified information, which clearly hasn’t happened here HGmTp2TmJUo-00008-00010455-00011335 Instead, Mueller’s people have exposed that Trump’s people are conspiring to obstruct justice, which is a felony HGmTp2TmJUo-00009-00011335-00012694 Second, Donald Trump can’t seem to make up his mind whether he’s accusing Mueller’s team of “illegally” being the sources for these media stories, or if he’s accusing the media of merely pretending it has sources HGmTp2TmJUo-00010-00012694-00013778 If you go back and read his word salad, he’s essentially claiming that the people on Mueller’s team are imaginary sources, and therefore are imaginary people HGmTp2TmJUo-00011-00013778-00014457 He’s saying Mueller’s team doesn’t exist – and yet he wants to put them in prison HGmTp2TmJUo-00012-00014457-00015141 This guy can’t even get his own story straight, let alone convince anyone else of anything HSLLWkw1KC8-00000-00000571-00002245 Donald Trump’s troubles just keep piling on as new revelations revealed on Saturday that the Florida massage parlor owner, Li “Cindy” Yang, reportedly offered to sell Chinese clients access to Trump in order to raise money for his 2020 reelection campaign HSLLWkw1KC8-00001-00002245-00003920 Donald Trump’s troubles just keep piling on as new revelations revealed on Saturday that the Florida massage parlor owner, Li “Cindy” Yang, reportedly offered to sell Chinese clients access to Trump in order to raise money for his 2020 reelection campaign HSLLWkw1KC8-00002-00003920-00005636 .“A Chinese-American massage-parlor entrepreneur arranged for a group of Chinese business executives to attend a paid fundraiser for President Donald Trump in New York City at the end of 2017, according to a source who was present at the event,” the Miami Herald reported on Saturday HSLLWkw1KC8-00003-00005636-00007067 “Yang was present at the Dec. 2, 2017, fundraiser, held at Cipriani restaurant in Manhattan, according to a photograph that circulated in Chinese-language media at the time,” the newspaper added HSLLWkw1KC8-00004-00007067-00008747 “In the 11 days before the event, Yang gave $5,400 to Trump’s campaign and $23,500 to the Trump Victory political action committee, according to a Miami Herald analysis of federal political contributions'' HSLLWkw1KC8-00005-00008747-00009946 “The 45-year-old, a naturalized American citizen, also claimed to have arranged the presence of a large group of business people from mainland China,” the paper continued HTBv98KFR2k-00000-00000571-00001535 “You’re fired.” America knew they could count on Donald Trump to utter those two words each week when his TV show “The Apprentice” was on the air HTBv98KFR2k-00001-00001535-00002804 It’s hard not to call that phrase to mind today when President Trump announced on Twitter Monday afternoon that the Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen would be “leaving her position” HTBv98KFR2k-00002-00002804-00003883 Donald Trump’s famous tagline has apparently followed him to the White House.The Trump administration’s resignations and dismissals are staggering in number HTBv98KFR2k-00003-00003883-00004620 Business Insider compiled a chart of all the casualties of this administration and it is a shock to the eye HTBv98KFR2k-00004-00004620-00005983 The Trump turnover trend certainly has some resignations along with firings but the circumstances of many of those resignations are questionable, leaving much speculation about what is REALLY going on in that White House HTBv98KFR2k-00005-00005983-00007537 Kirstjen Nielsen: Nielsen has served in this position since December 2017 and will go down in history as having presided over one of the worst migrant disaster situations in history as she enforced and defended the horrific zero-tolerance policy HTBv98KFR2k-00006-00007537-00008263 She saw to the detainment of thousands of migrant children who were separated from their families at the border HTBv98KFR2k-00007-00008263-00009186 It remains to be seen whether she resigned or was pushed out but we know the situation between her and the Commander in Chief was tense HTBv98KFR2k-00008-00009186-00010520 Bill Shine: White House Communications Director and former Fox news producer announced last month that he would be leaving his position in the administration to work on Trump’s 2020 presidential campaign HTBv98KFR2k-00009-00010520-00011247 Shine’s departure comes with the stunning severance package of $8.4 million dollars HTBv98KFR2k-00010-00011247-00012921 Scott Gottlieb: Although he had served as FDA Commissioner and gained some notoriety in his stance on trying to curb the use and sale of electronic cigarettes because of the rise of teen vaping, he left that position at the end of March to spend more time with his family HTBv98KFR2k-00011-00012921-00014692 James Mattis: General Mattis served as Secretary of Defense for the first two years of the Trump presidency and although Trump’s upbeat tweets announcing his departure were pleasant in tone and made many mentions of Mattis’ service and Trump’s gratitude, the resignation letter released by Gen HTBv98KFR2k-00012-00014692-00016014 Mattis definitely struck a different chord. Mattis was respectful in his letter of resignation but clearly rebuked Trump’s foreign policy and his ways of dealing with adversaries and allies alike HTBv98KFR2k-00013-00016014-00016847 Ryan Zinke: Interior Secretary left the White House after being the subject of 15 different ethics investigations HTBv98KFR2k-00014-00016847-00017811 Zinke had gotten a reputation as an extremely questionable spender and it was announced in a Trump tweet in December that he would be leaving that position HTBv98KFR2k-00015-00017811-00019049 John Kelly: After months of tumultuous tension between Chief of Staff John Kelly and Trump, the relationship, some say, had deteriorated to the point where they had completely stopped talking HTBv98KFR2k-00016-00019049-00019984 His tenure there ended at the end of 2018.Jeff Sessions: Sessions lasted almost two years as Attorney General before leaving HTBv98KFR2k-00017-00019984-00020658 He was frequently under fire from Trump for recusing himself from the Mueller investigation HTBv98KFR2k-00018-00020658-00021559 Trump flip flopped on his support for Sessions when he saw that Sessions intended to recuse and he never had a chance after that HTBv98KFR2k-00019-00021559-00022364 Don McGahn: White House Counsel McGahn left the Trump administration in October 2018 after a rocky stint there HTBv98KFR2k-00020-00022364-00023343 Although it was said that he was on his way out before, his involvement and cooperation with the Mueller situation clearly and openly irked Trump HTBv98KFR2k-00021-00023343-00024712 And he made a quick exit. Not a coincidence.Nikki Haley: On Oct. 9th 2018, this former South Carolina Governor and US Ambassador to the United Nations announced her resignation HTBv98KFR2k-00022-00024712-00025848 After serving at that post for two years, it was reported that Haley, a stable presence in the cabinet, wanted to “take a break”, Trump also citing that as a reason HTBv98KFR2k-00023-00025848-00026922 Scott Pruitt: This Environmental Protection Agency Administrator’s resignation was announced by President Trump in, yes, you guessed it, a tweet HTBv98KFR2k-00024-00026922-00028155 On July 5, Trump said “Scott has done an outstanding job” but even at that time, Pruitt was under several federal ethics investigations for financial troubles and conflicts of interests HTBv98KFR2k-00025-00028155-00029406 Tom Bossert: Trump’s homeland security adviser was actually fired from his position by the NEW national security adviser, John Bolton and Bossert’s firing came on Bolton’s SECOND day on the job HTBv98KFR2k-00026-00029406-00030558 David Shulkin: Trump replaced VA Secretary David Shulkin, .an Obama era official and a highly respected one at that, with White House physician Ronny Jackson HTBv98KFR2k-00027-00030558-00031352 H.R. McMaster: McMaster was replaced as National Security Adviser with John Bolton, former U HTBv98KFR2k-00028-00031352-00032465 S. ambassador to the UN. McMaster’s time there was rocky at times but he remained with the administration as long as he could and appeared to have left on decent t HTBv98KFR2k-00029-00032465-00033539 Andrew McCabe: Jeff Sessions had the honor of firing this one time FBI deputy director just ONE day before he would have reached pension eligibility HTBv98KFR2k-00030-00033539-00034356 McCabe had been planning to retire just one day after his firing after having served a 21 year stint at the bureau HTBv98KFR2k-00031-00034356-00035315 His final days at the FBI were marred by the Clinton email scandal of 2016. McCabe remains diligent that he was “forced out” HTBv98KFR2k-00032-00035315-00036456 Rex Tillerson: Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was asked by President Trump to step down from his position and he was replaced by CIA Director Mike Pompeo HTBv98KFR2k-00033-00036456-00037919 Gary Cohn: This director of the National Economic Council and Trump’s top economic adviser had a history of beefing with the president over important tariffs but officials say there was not one SINGLE factor pointing to this ousting HTBv98KFR2k-00034-00037919-00039304 Hope Hicks: One of the biggest surprises came when White House communications director Hope Hicks, who had been with Trump “since the beginning” and was considered one of his closest and most respected confidantes resigned HTBv98KFR2k-00035-00039304-00040325 The resignation came after she had testified before the House Intelligence Committee that she had, indeed, told white lies on behalf of the President HTBv98KFR2k-00036-00040325-00041701 Rob Porter: Porter rose quickly through the ranks as a powerful staffer and was proving to have a bright career ahead of him when accusations of physical and emotional abuse were brought against him by two ex-wives HTBv98KFR2k-00037-00041701-00043493 Although he denied the allegations, he left his post at the White House.Brenda Fitzgerald: After a Politico report that Fitzgerald purchased stock in Japan Tobacco while serving as CDC director and had been involved in other questionable ethical transactions, Dr HTBv98KFR2k-00038-00043493-00044656 Fitzgerald announced her resignation. Her involvement particularly in the tobacco business was considered inappropriate, given the CDC’s position on smoking HTBv98KFR2k-00039-00044656-00046262 Omarosa Manigault: Trump named Manigault his director of communications (after previously having fired her on his TV show “The Apprentice” but she left a short time later when Press Secretary Sanders announced that she would be pursuing other opportunities HTBv98KFR2k-00040-00046262-00048151 Tom Price: Price, the Secretary of Health and Human Services was facing scrutiny across both sides of the aisle over the cost of his air travel which was coming in at more than $1 million on the taxpayer’s dime for private and military jets when he resigned on September 29, 2017 HTBv98KFR2k-00041-00048151-00049086 Sebastian Gorka: This former Breitbart News staffer and close ally to Steve Bannon was the Deputy Assistant to the President HTBv98KFR2k-00042-00049086-00049739 He left because, according to him, he could better serve the President from the outside HTBv98KFR2k-00043-00049739-00050917 Steve Bannon: This one made waves in the media after it was confirmed that Trump had dismissed White House Chief Strategist amid reports of clashes reaching a new level of hostility HTBv98KFR2k-00044-00050917-00051792 Bannon was considered a key player in the 2016 presidential election and the bridge to connect Trump to his far right voters HTBv98KFR2k-00045-00051792-00052688 Anthony Scaramucci: This administration has seen it’s fair share of communications directors but this one was a quick turnaround HTBv98KFR2k-00046-00052688-00053900 Scaramucci was hired and fired in under two weeks. John Kelly, the then White House Chief of Staff pushed the issue after some troubling headlines about Scaramucci made the round HTBv98KFR2k-00047-00053900-00054942 Reince Priebus: This White House chief of staff resigned a brief six months into his tenure after an ugly, and public feud, with Anthony Scaramucci HTBv98KFR2k-00048-00054942-00056191 What a tangled web we weave.Sean Spicer: An SNL fave, this White House press secretary resigned after disagreeing with his Commander in Chief over the hiring of Anthony Scaramucci HTBv98KFR2k-00049-00056191-00056943 Spicer’s time at the White House was rough, to say the least but he remains a Trump supporter to this day HTBv98KFR2k-00050-00056943-00057855 Michael Dubke: This was the White House communications director that would ultimately be replaced by the infamous Anthoney Scaramucci HTBv98KFR2k-00051-00057855-00059239 Dubke was a big Trump donor.Walter Shaub: Shaub served as the director of the Office of Government Ethics but resigned in 2017 after sparring with the White House over Trump’s financial holdings HTBv98KFR2k-00052-00059239-00060718 He went on to call the administration a “laughingstock”.James Comey: This FBI Director became a household name as he was handling the investigation into Trump’s possible collusion with Russia during the 2016 presidential election HTBv98KFR2k-00053-00060718-00061332 This will likely go down as one of the fieriest controversies of the Trump presidency HTBv98KFR2k-00054-00061332-00062165 Michael Flynn: Flynn stepped down from his post as National Security Adviser after holding the position for less than a month HTBv98KFR2k-00055-00062165-00063461 It is now known that Flynn lied to Vice President Pence and others in the administration about the topics of his phone conversations with Russia’s ambassador at the time of the Trump administration’s transition into power HTBv98KFR2k-00056-00063461-00065242 Sally Yates: Yates was appointed by President Barack Obama as acting attorney general within his first 10 days in office and in a bold move, she had refused to uphold Trump’s controversial executive order on immigration and deemed it unlawful and was subsequently fire HTBv98KFR2k-00057-00065242-00066248 Preeht Bharara: Bharara was US attorney for the Southern District of Manhattan but was fired in March 2017 after he refused to resign HTBv98KFR2k-00058-00066248-00067238 Bharara was one of several Obama era attorneys who were asked by Trump to stay on but then asked for their resignation after the Trump transition HTBv98KFR2k-00059-00067238-00068421 Katie Walsh: This former Deputy Chief of Staff and ally to Priebus left after just a nine week tenure at the White House to run a pro-Trump group, America First Policies Hk7Mb-neYvu-00000-00000571-00001506 Working in the Donald Trump White House could lead to financial destruction. Being chosen as an intern should be an exciting proposition Hk7Mb-neYvu-00001-00001506-00002222 It is a public service leadership program that provides students an opportunity of a lifetime Hk7Mb-neYvu-00002-00002222-00003211 They gain professional experience and learn how to become leaders. It is a mentoring program to prepare them for public service opportunities Hk7Mb-neYvu-00003-00003211-00003974 Yet, is the price for the Trump White House opportunity too high?No White House wants its interns leaking Hk7Mb-neYvu-00004-00003974-00004559 Yet, this may have been the White House with the greatest number of leaks in history Hk7Mb-neYvu-00005-00004559-00005897 Even Donald Trump leaks to the press.Yet under this administration, another representative from the White House counsel’s office shows up and demands that the interns must sign a non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) Hk7Mb-neYvu-00006-00005897-00007056 Everyone working in this administration has been required to do so.The person from the counsel’s office warned the interns that if they broke the agreement, according to The Daily Beast: Hk7Mb-neYvu-00007-00007056-00007788 ‘…blabbing to the media, for instance—could result in legal, and thus financial, consequences for them Hk7Mb-neYvu-00008-00007788-00008715 Interns were also told that they would not receive their own copies.’Former spokesman for the Obama National Security Council Ned Price said: Hk7Mb-neYvu-00009-00008715-00009933 ‘All White House employees—from senior officials to interns—understand the necessity of discretion based on the fact that they hold positions of public trust, with an emphasis on public Hk7Mb-neYvu-00010-00009933-00011847 But this White House’s approach to non-disclosure agreements, even for interns, seems to suggest that guarding against criticism of the president and his family—what most of us would consider to be protected speech—is just as important as safeguarding the sensitive information the American public entrusts to the government Hk7Mb-neYvu-00011-00011847-00012652 ’During the presidential election, Trump admitted that he planned to force “employees of the federal government” to also sign NDAs: Hk7Mb-neYvu-00012-00012652-00014391 ‘I don’t know, there could be some kind of a law that you can’t do this. But when people are chosen by a man to go into government at high levels and then they leave government and they write a book about a man and say a lot of things that were really guarded and personal, I don’t like that Hk7Mb-neYvu-00013-00014391-00015055 ’Legal director at the Government Accountability Project in Washington D.C., Tom Devine said: Hk7Mb-neYvu-00014-00015055-00016494 ‘Gagging interns is playing with legal fire. There is no White House exemption in the longstanding appropriations rider that employees who try to obstruct communications with Congress are subject to salary cutoff Hk7Mb-neYvu-00015-00016494-00017322 Nor is the White House exempt from criminal liability since 1980 for obstructing witnesses in any federal investigation Hk7Mb-neYvu-00016-00017322-00018077 ’.These NDAs should be legally unenforceable and simply an unpleasant attempt to intimidate people Hk7Mb-neYvu-00017-00018077-00018926 A number of individuals in this turnstile White House have written tell-all books after they either left or were fired Hk7Mb-neYvu-00018-00018926-00020044 Michael Wolff was not employed by the administration. He said that he just hung around in the chaotic environment talking to people and gaining information for his book Fire & Fury Hk7Mb-neYvu-00019-00020044-00020935 One of those people was Trump’s former chief strategist Steve Bannon. The commander-in-chief was not happy Hk7Mb-neYvu-00020-00020935-00021624 The president’s attorney Charles Harder was responsible for killing a publication, Gawker Hk7Mb-neYvu-00021-00021624-00022298 Harder sent Bannon a letter that threatened him with a lawsuit. Then, nothing happened Hk7Mb-neYvu-00022-00022298-00023124 Former Apprentice star and senior Trump official, Omarosa Manigault Newman published a tell-all book UNHINGED Hk7Mb-neYvu-00023-00023124-00023973 Harder also sent her publisher Simon & Schuster a threatening letter:.‘…should you proceed with publishing and selling the Book Hk7Mb-neYvu-00024-00023973-00024704 Such claims would include, among others, tortious interference with the Agreement, and inducement of Ms Hk7Mb-neYvu-00025-00024704-00025164 Manigault-Newman to breach the Agreement.’ I7cWweOFRkU-00000-00000571-00001819 US President Donald Trump and his South Korean counterpart, Moon Jae-in, are set to meet for a summit next month amid uncertainty over the future of nuclear negotiations with North Korea I7cWweOFRkU-00001-00001819-00003363 Moon and Trump are scheduled to meet April 11 in Washington, where the two "will discuss the latest developments regarding the Democratic People's Republic of Korea as well as bilateral matters," White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said in a statement I7cWweOFRkU-00002-00003363-00004217 Their face-to-face will take place a little more than a month after Trump held his second summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un I7cWweOFRkU-00003-00004217-00005244 The talks fell apart over disagreements on exchanging sanctions relief for steps toward the dismantling North Korea's nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs I7cWweOFRkU-00004-00005244-00005923 Though the summit ended abruptly, the White House has maintained things were left on good terms I7cWweOFRkU-00005-00005923-00007020 "There's obviously a long ways to go. There's more work to do. Chairman Kim hasn't yet demonstrated that he is prepared to fulfill the commitment that he made I7cWweOFRkU-00006-00007020-00007958 But I continue to believe that hard work and diplomatic effort may well get us there," US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Thursday I7cWweOFRkU-00007-00007958-00008668 Top diplomats from Pyongyang, however, have been less optimistic about the future of talks I7cWweOFRkU-00008-00008668-00009669 Choe Son Hui, one of North Korea's top diplomats, told reporters on a recent trip to Russia that her country was considering suspending talks I7cWweOFRkU-00009-00009669-00010612 Moon and Trump's summit provides both leaders with an opportunity to take a fresh look at their game plan when it comes to North Korea I7cWweOFRkU-00010-00010612-00011730 The South Korean President has essentially positioned himself as the middle man between Washington and Pyongyang since the two countries began exploring diplomatic negotiations last year Iz5Es_XfpQu-00000-00000571-00002347 Michael Cohen gave a blockbuster performance during his testimony before the House Oversight Committee today, during which he alleged that Trump has committed a bevy of criminal acts and is in fact a racist and conman, the two words which many Americans would agree best describe our current president Iz5Es_XfpQu-00001-00002347-00003227 Throughout the hearing, Republicans attacked and mocked Cohen in an effort to discredit him and protect the leader of their party Iz5Es_XfpQu-00002-00003227-00004243 At no point did they make even a superficial effort to ask Cohen incisive questions about what he knows of Trump, his crimes, or his character Iz5Es_XfpQu-00003-00004243-00005800 As such, the Republican members of the committee ended up looking like complete partisan hacks and it was abundantly clear to anyone of good sense watching that the GOP has no interest in getting to the truth if it means sacrificing power Iz5Es_XfpQu-00004-00005800-00006422 Trump's national emergency declaration is an unprecedented abuse of presidential power Iz5Es_XfpQu-00005-00006422-00007028 Add your name to tell Congress to put a stop to his bogus power grab immediately! Iz5Es_XfpQu-00006-00007028-00008198 After slogging through an entire day of Republican antagonization and insightful Democratic questions, Cohen concluded his testimony with perhaps his most disturbing comments to date Iz5Es_XfpQu-00007-00008198-00009303 After reflecting on the fact that working in the service of Trump has destroyed his life, ruined his career, and hurt his family, Cohen dove into ominous prognostication I_j6nhsjJC4-00000-00000571-00001482 President Donald Trump announced Monday that he donated his first quarter salary of 2019 to the Department of Homeland Security I_j6nhsjJC4-00001-00001482-00002454 “While the press doesn’t like writing about it, nor do I need them to, I donate my yearly Presidential salary of $400,000 I_j6nhsjJC4-00002-00002454-00003201 00 to different agencies throughout the year, this to Homeland Security,” Trump wrote on Twitter I_j6nhsjJC4-00003-00003201-00004259 “If I didn’t do it there would be hell to pay from the FAKE NEWS MEDIA!”.The president shared an image of a check written to DHS for $100,000 I_j6nhsjJC4-00004-00004259-00006004 Throughout his presidency, Trump has donated his quarterly salary checks to help fund the Departments of Transportation, Interior, Health and Human Services, Veterans Affairs, and Education, as well as the National Institutes of Health and the Small Business Administration I_j6nhsjJC4-00005-00006004-00007192 . .The president promised voters in September 2015 that he would not take the annual salary of $400,000 if he was elected President of the United States JutyWadPj3Q-00000-00000571-00001913 Democrats on the House Financial Services Committee grilled the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's new chief Kathy Kraninger on Thursday, in her first appearance before Congress since she was appointed in December JutyWadPj3Q-00001-00001913-00003549 Kraninger was questioned about decisions made under her predecessor, Mick Mulvaney, as well as about the bureau's role in protecting service members and student debtors -- and was at one point asked to calculate the annual percentage rate on a hypothetical payday loan JutyWadPj3Q-00002-00003549-00004353 Freshman California Rep. Katie Porter posed the math problem and provided the agency chief with a calculator JutyWadPj3Q-00003-00004353-00005395 Porter, a former law professor who brought along the textbook she wrote titled "Modern Consumer Law," also quizzed Kraninger about the definition of an interest rate JutyWadPj3Q-00004-00005395-00007067 Kraninger declined to answer, responding: "This is not a math exercise.".Democrats are concerned not just that Kraninger may lack the expertise to lead the bureau, but also that she will follow Mulvaney's playbook and scale back enforcement actions JutyWadPj3Q-00005-00007067-00007984 Many Republicans have long argued that the bureau has overstepped its authority and created burdensome standards for businesses JutyWadPj3Q-00006-00007984-00009306 Kraninger worked for Mulvaney at the Office of Management and Budget and stepped into his shoes at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau when he became President Donald Trump's acting chief of staff in December JutyWadPj3Q-00007-00009306-00010763 "During his tenure running the consumer bureau, Mick Mulvaney, who is currently President Trump's acting chief of staff, took many actions that hurt consumers," said California Rep Maxine Waters, the committee chair JutyWadPj3Q-00008-00010763-00011852 She accused Mulvaney of stripping divisions within the bureau of enforcement power, installing unqualified political employees and said he "cozied up to payday lenders JutyWadPj3Q-00009-00011852-00013114 ".In a sharp line of questioning, Waters asked Kraninger if her office had initiated any new investigations over possible fair lending violations since her tenure began in December JutyWadPj3Q-00010-00013114-00014313 "I can assure you that fair lending is a continuing priority for the bureau. Supervision and enforcement work is ongoing," Kraninger said, when interrupted by Waters JutyWadPj3Q-00011-00014313-00014927 "What you're saying is no," the chairwoman said, before moving on to another question JutyWadPj3Q-00012-00014927-00016087 Under Kraninger, the bureau has proposed rolling back a rule drafted under Obama-appointee Richard Cordray that was meant to protect consumers from predatory payday lenders JutyWadPj3Q-00013-00016087-00016766 The agency is currently accepting public comments before formally rescinding part of the rule Jx3y9tmkODo-00000-00000571-00001461 Acosta, speaking at the National Association of Counties annual legislative conference, announced the launch of apprenticeship Jx3y9tmkODo-00001-00001461-00002073 gov and explained how it would help young career seekers, educators, and employers Jx3y9tmkODo-00002-00002073-00003468 “Apprenticeships are another incredibly important approach,” Acosta said. “You know as we look out there at this economy, I think we need to take a step back and evaluate: What signals do we send to young Americans'' Jx3y9tmkODo-00003-00003468-00005024 Acosta said he recently visited an apprenticeship program for the United Brotherhood of Carpenters in Missouri, which helped participants not only parlay their skills into a degree but provided them a living wage and no college debt Jx3y9tmkODo-00004-00005024-00006108 “But here is what I found most impressive about it,” Acosta said. “They showed me their rate sheets when the young men and women left that apprenticeship program Jx3y9tmkODo-00005-00006108-00006978 ”.“Their lowest starting wage was $28 an hour,” Acosta said. “That’s a good family-sustaining wage'' Jx3y9tmkODo-00006-00006978-00007699 “And so, the questions is, what signals are we sending to young Americans,” Acosta said Jx3y9tmkODo-00007-00007699-00008642 “Are we saying, ‘You only have one path to success, and all other paths are no good,’ Or are we saying, ‘There are multiple paths?’” Jx3y9tmkODo-00008-00008642-00009559 College, he said, could lead to lucrative careers in law or medicine but would most likely result in significant college debt Jx3y9tmkODo-00009-00009559-00010737 “Or you can go be an apprentice carpenter, and you can build on something, and you won’t have student debt, and it won’t take as long, and you’ll also have a good wage,” Acosta said Jx3y9tmkODo-00010-00010737-00011500 “Decide what you love and what makes you happy because the goal is a family-sustaining wage'' Jx3y9tmkODo-00011-00011500-00012241 Acosta said the website is a way to provide young people with a resource for choosing a path other than college Jx3y9tmkODo-00012-00012241-00013736 The website — with a banner that reads, “Your One-Stop Source for All Things Apprenticeship” — features a wide range of information, including a search engine for locating apprenticeships and articles about some of those opportunities Jx3y9tmkODo-00013-00013736-00015036 The homepage on Tuesday featured a story on women in construction, “the first software development apprenticeship program approved by the Department of Labor,” and sources for entering the corporate world JEwf2JG1oz8-00000-00000571-00002632 It turns out that Donald Trump alone can't fix it.The President's chaos theory of management, rule by threats, focus on pleasing his political base and policy-lite sloganeering are being exposed as ill-suited to effective governance as the nation wrestles with two perennial controversies given new life this week: health care and immigration JEwf2JG1oz8-00001-00002632-00003883 With a bewildering avalanche of tweets and comments in recent days, Trump has sent his surprised aides scurrying to understand his intentions and assess the implications of his ad hoc policy making JEwf2JG1oz8-00002-00003883-00005469 The tumult has strained an unorthodox and rudimentary policy-making process, highlighted confusion in the administration and government agencies, and left his own staffers admitting they have no idea what the commander in chief will do next JEwf2JG1oz8-00003-00005469-00007224 In the slimmed-down West Wing, the struggle to contain or prepare for the reverberations of Trump's impulses seems to have replaced the rampant backbiting that went on before senior officials, like former chief of staff John Kelly, who tried to impose discipline and cohesion left JEwf2JG1oz8-00004-00007224-00008763 Trump's outbursts in recent days also forced his Republican allies on Capitol Hill to struggle to dissuade him from the implications of his actions -- over his threat to close the US-Mexico border and igniting of a new legislative battle over Obamacare JEwf2JG1oz8-00005-00008763-00010468 Often, the President appears to react in the moment to a problem, adopting a position that gets him through a photo op or to the end of the day -- even though he's weighing in on issues that deeply affect people's lives and in normal administrations would merit days of strategizing JEwf2JG1oz8-00006-00010468-00011780 For example, a Justice Department decision last week to back a court challenge seeking to eradicate Obamacare -- a clear play to Trump's base -- quickly morphed into a 2020 campaign gift for Democrats JEwf2JG1oz8-00007-00011780-00012759 Trump, apparently stung by a political backlash, then asked the Senate GOP to make another bid to replace Obamacare before the election JEwf2JG1oz8-00008-00012759-00014381 But Republican lawmakers, who have no appetite for any new and draining effort to make up for their failure to kill off the law, spent the weekend talking the President down, leading to his vow to tackle the issue after what he sees as his certain re-election JEwf2JG1oz8-00009-00014381-00015220 "He has some big ideas and to his credit wants to solve problems. That's what leaders do," Republican Sen JEwf2JG1oz8-00010-00015220-00016858 John Thune of South Dakota said Tuesday."But you run into that wall of reality at some point, and, I think, trying to convey what the obstacles are to getting done what he wants done, done in the next two years, is something a number of our members conveyed to him JEwf2JG1oz8-00011-00016858-00018211 ".By Tuesday, it was as if last week never happened: "I wanted to delay it myself," Trump insisted to reporters, before touting a Republican health care plan that at this point seems mostly to be a mirage JEwf2JG1oz8-00012-00018211-00019472 "The health care is good, really good. . It's much better than Obamacare.".Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was asked whether he and the President were still at odds on health care JEwf2JG1oz8-00013-00019472-00022155 "Not any longer," the Kentucky Republican said with a smile.But the climbdown did not head off a potential crisis, since if the Supreme Court takes up the case backed by the Justice Department and rules Obamacare unconstitutional -- likely next year, months before the election -- millions of Americans could lose their policies in a health care Armageddon, with the GOP committed to not providing a replacement until 2021 at the earliest JEwf2JG1oz8-00014-00022155-00023208 This is just one example of how Trump's impromptu method causes confusion, catches even his allies flatfooted and often seeds future chaos JEwf2JG1oz8-00015-00023208-00024260 Border brinkmanship.A similar process is playing out over the President's threat to shut the southern border over a spike in asylum claims that is overloading the system JEwf2JG1oz8-00016-00024260-00025386 It's an irresistible play for Trump, as many of his supporters sincerely believe his graphic claims that America is being overrun by a tide of criminal migrants JEwf2JG1oz8-00017-00025386-00027050 It's yet another example of how the President uses vehement threats of terrible consequences that could hurt everyone -- against Mexico over its policing of migrant caravans and against Democrats demanding immediate concessions on immigration -- to try to fulfill his goals JEwf2JG1oz8-00018-00027050-00028889 But even members of Trump's own administration have warned that shutting the border could be catastrophic, biting deeply into trade, shuttering the automobile industry and quickly causing shortages of fruits and vegetables at shops all over America that could turn into a huge political problem for the President JEwf2JG1oz8-00019-00028889-00030370 McConnell is again being called in to cool things down."Closing down the border would have potentially catastrophic economic impact on our country, and I would hope we would not be doing that sort of thing," McConnell said on Tuesday JEwf2JG1oz8-00020-00030370-00032175 His comments were reminiscent of his warnings to Trump before the President initiated the longest government shutdown in history in December, apparently fearing that his base -- amplified by the criticism from conservative media -- would not want him climbing down on a demand that Congress fund his border wall JEwf2JG1oz8-00021-00032175-00033539 McConnell also warned that Trump's plan -- which the President eventually followed through on -- to declare a national emergency in order to divert financing for other projects to wall construction was not a good idea either JEwf2JG1oz8-00022-00033539-00035132 The wily Senate majority leader could not stop Trump then, so it's not clear he can do so now, especially since the President acknowledged the economic cost of a border shutdown -- and suggested he was ready to inflict it on Americans for a deeper purpose JEwf2JG1oz8-00023-00035132-00035775 "We have to have security in this country. That's more important than trade," Trump said JEwf2JG1oz8-00024-00035775-00037387 Still, the President did open a face-saving way out for himself by claiming -- without offering any evidence -- that for the first time in "decades" Mexico had started to apprehend "thousands of people" on its territory from Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras JEwf2JG1oz8-00025-00037387-00038646 Spinning wins out of losses.This presidency is so unusual that it's likely that if Trump does step back from his threat about the border he won't see it as an embarrassing erasure of a line in the sand JEwf2JG1oz8-00026-00038646-00040252 That's because often, for Trump, having a fight is a political win in itself. It galvanizes his supporters, allows him to burnish his tough-guy credentials and often ends -- like the partial government shutdown -- with him spinning an alternative reality of victory JEwf2JG1oz8-00027-00040252-00041391 With Trump, the chaos is the point. Complaints about tumult from the media and professional politicians just cement his credentials as the disruptor in chief JEwf2JG1oz8-00028-00041391-00042676 This kind of discombobulation is what he promised to bring to Washington and why his die-hard supporters love to see him tearing at the institutions of governance and a political establishment they disdain JEwf2JG1oz8-00029-00042676-00044100 But Trump's reliance on governing for the sizable minority of Americans who elected him, and who he needs to come out in fired-up droves next year, has necessarily limited his ability to accomplish the things he wants to do in Washington JEwf2JG1oz8-00030-00044100-00045521 The GOP failed to eradicate Obamacare partly because it had few credible alternatives while it retained a monopoly on power on Capitol Hill, but also because the President was unable to lead his troops to victory JEwf2JG1oz8-00031-00045521-00047065 And despite Trump's claim Tuesday that he could fix the immigration crisis in 45 minutes, the polarization on Capitol Hill has meant there have been few real advances toward solving genuine problems on this issue since he has been President JEwf2JG1oz8-00032-00047065-00047692 Immigration and health care cannot be overhauled without Democratic and Republican buy-in JEwf2JG1oz8-00033-00047692-00048376 But Trump has failed to create conditions that could foster such an unlikely compromise JEwf2JG1oz8-00034-00048376-00049118 Democrats have also dug in their heels, but the presidency comes with extra power -- and extra responsibilities JEwf2JG1oz8-00035-00049118-00049823 The previous two presidents -- George W. Bush and Barack Obama -- failed to overhaul immigration too JEwf2JG1oz8-00036-00049823-00051265 But at times under Trump there have been signs that a deal is possible -- to tighten borders, ease the plight of people brought illegally to the US as kids and pour resources into dealing with problems like a glut of asylum claims JEwf2JG1oz8-00037-00051265-00051962 But the President, more concerned about politics than a governing legacy, has pulled back JEwf2JG1oz8-00038-00051962-00053135 Trump's inability, given his combative campaigning style, to persuade those who don't agree means he has little option but to rely on threats and coercion to get his way JEwf2JG1oz8-00039-00053135-00054104 However, it is beginning to look like such an approach will leave him frustrated and with a legacy devoid of many significant legislative accomplishments JEwf2JG1oz8-00040-00054104-00055329 It will also raise questions about the central pillar of his outsider appeal, the "I alone can fix it" message around which he built his 2016 Republican National Convention speech JlypDObQqHu-00000-00000571-00002060 Friday on MSNBC’s “Deadline,” network host Al Sharpton said an impeachment process against former president Richard Nixon was in part for obstruction of justice, so President Donald Trump could still be in trouble JlypDObQqHu-00001-00002060-00004259 Sharpton said, “You have to ask the question, why did everybody lie if there was nothing to lie about? Whether he was a useful idiot or whether he was greedy trying to get a deal in Moscow for the Trump organization — because remember he never thought he would win for president—and whether they were maneuvering him, I think Putin—Trump and I both come from New York JlypDObQqHu-00002-00004259-00005897 ”.“There’s a game in Times Square, they beat you out of your money, Three-Card Monty, Putin could have been been playing him, you know he wants a hotel, I’ll do this, do that, and then they had to obstruct justice because they got out too far,” he continued JlypDObQqHu-00003-00005897-00006686 “They woke up not on Fifth Avenue. They were in the White House. That’s why I want to know where obstruction JlypDObQqHu-00004-00006686-00008193 Obstruction does not mean you colluded. Obstruction means you obstructed. Nixon may never have known about the break-in and who would pay for it, but when he participated in the cover-up, that’s when the Republicans said he had to go JlypDObQqHu-00005-00008193-00009011 So I don’t care if he was a conspirator in the beginning, an idiot in the middle or someone that obstructed at the end, we need to know JlypDObQqHu-00006-00009011-00009111 ” KoW2YOhGWi8-00000-00000000-00000200 KoW2YOhGWi8-00001-00000200-00000400 KoW2YOhGWi8-00002-00000400-00000600 KsIt5zk4k-u-00000-00000571-00002329 In the hours since Donald Trump’s DOJ mouthpiece William Barr released a laughably misleading “summary” of Robert Mueller’s report, we’ve been fortunate that numerous major media outlets have been willing to poke holes in Barr’s fish story, as opposed to merely repeating it as if it were fact KsIt5zk4k-u-00001-00002329-00003381 That said, a different narrative has developed tonight – particularly among TV pundits – about how Congress blew it by putting all its eggs in Mueller’s basket KsIt5zk4k-u-00002-00003381-00004324 But the facts suggest something rather different. .Let’s hypothetically say that there never was a Robert Mueller investigation to begin with KsIt5zk4k-u-00003-00004324-00005377 The Democrats didn’t take control of the House until two and a half months ago, and the first month of it was dominated by necessary procedural matters KsIt5zk4k-u-00004-00005377-00006404 So if the House Democrats were the only people investigating Trump’s crimes and scandals, the earliest they could have gotten started with it would have been in February KsIt5zk4k-u-00005-00006404-00007300 . .It turns out they did get started with it in February, when Michael Cohen publicly testified about various Trump crimes KsIt5zk4k-u-00006-00007300-00008047 So the House Democrats didn’t actually lose any time at all by “waiting” for Robert Mueller to finish KsIt5zk4k-u-00007-00008047-00008716 They’re on just about the same timeframe they would have been if Mueller’s probe never existed KsIt5zk4k-u-00008-00008716-00009776 The difference is that, because Mueller did what he did, people like Cohen got busted, and ended up being willing to testify against Trump in front of Congress and the public KsIt5zk4k-u-00009-00009776-00010944 There’s certainly reason to argue that House Democrats would have been better off today if the (real) Mueller report became public, as opposed to Barr’s nonsensical “summary KsIt5zk4k-u-00010-00010944-00011701 ” We’ll see how quickly the Democrats can use their subpoena power to get their hands on the report KsIt5zk4k-u-00011-00011701-00012553 In the meantime, it’s difficult to argue that the House Democrats have lost any opportunities as a result of the Mueller probe KsIt5zk4k-u-00012-00012553-00013083 It’s just going to be a matter of how much or little they’ve gained from it Kb8FeaCdzO0-00000-00000513-00001443 Apparently, killing the skinny repeal of Obamacare and siding with Democrats against Kavanaugh is not enough for Lisa Murkowski Kb8FeaCdzO0-00001-00001443-00002454 The Alaska Senator is now also apparently siding with Democrats such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in “sounding the alarm” on climate change Kb8FeaCdzO0-00002-00002454-00003347 Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) on Tuesday said climate change is “directly impacting” her home state’s way of life Kb8FeaCdzO0-00003-00003347-00005097 “It’s impacting subsistence. It’s impacting food security. It’s certainly impacting our economy with our fisheries,” Murkowski, the chairwoman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, said at the panel’s first hearing this year devoted to climate change Kb8FeaCdzO0-00004-00005097-00006941 “Clearly the effort here is to get a bipartisan conversation going,” she added. “I think that the rhetoric surrounding the issue of climate and climate change can be so heated, and so animated, and so, often times, just a very toxic discussion that you can’t get to focusing on the solutions Kb8FeaCdzO0-00005-00006941-00007680 ”.The Senate panel heard from experts on how climate change was impacting the electricity sector Kb8FeaCdzO0-00006-00007680-00008686 Murkowski and the panel’s top Democrat, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), in their remarks, though, highlighted their energy producing states Kb8FeaCdzO0-00007-00008686-00009465 Murkowski said her state is seeing diminishing sea ice and a change in wildlife migration patterns Kb8FeaCdzO0-00008-00009465-00010076 And she expressed concerns that rural communities throughout her state aren’t using green energy Kb8FeaCdzO0-00009-00010076-00010925 “Many remote communities in Alaska are heavily reliant on expensive diesel fuel for heating and power,” she said Kb8FeaCdzO0-00010-00010925-00011925 “Integrating cleaner energy technologies, often with a microgrid, can decrease reliance on diesel and provide greater reliability Kb8FeaCdzO0-00011-00011925-00012025 ” N5LOxqQBBku-00000-00000093-00000256 Я - Ізабэль Гацікер, N5LOxqQBBku-00001-00000282-00000828 дырэктарка Міжнароднага кінафестывалю і форуму па правах чалавека ў Жэневе. N5LOxqQBBku-00002-00000951-00001190 Год таму была зняволеная Марфа Рабкова, N5LOxqQBBku-00003-00001190-00001773 прадстаўніца каманды праваабарончай арганізацыі "Вясна" з Беларусі. N5LOxqQBBku-00004-00001865-00002290 З тых часоў сем сябраў «Вясны» апынуліся ў турме, N5LOxqQBBku-00005-00002319-00002621 у тым ліку яе кіраўнік Алесь Бяляцкі, N5LOxqQBBku-00006-00002641-00002913 які наведаў нас у Жэневе ў сакавіку мінулага года. N5LOxqQBBku-00007-00003009-00003405 Яны ўсе праваабаронцы і палітвязні. N5LOxqQBBku-00008-00003464-00003539 Сёння N5LOxqQBBku-00009-00003587-00003813 мы разам з многімі праваабарончымі арганізацыямі, N5LOxqQBBku-00010-00003826-00004374 у тым ліку з нашым партнёрамі OMCT, Amnesty International і Human Rights Watch, N5LOxqQBBku-00011-00004414-00004816 патрабуем неадкладнага вызвалення Алеся Бяляцкага, N5LOxqQBBku-00012-00004847-00004983 Марфы Рабковай, N5LOxqQBBku-00013-00005013-00005171 Валянціна Стэфановіча, N5LOxqQBBku-00014-00005210-00005362 Уладзіміра Лабковіча, N5LOxqQBBku-00015-00005392-00005531 Леаніда Судаленкі, N5LOxqQBBku-00016-00005574-00005712 Таццяны Ласіцы N5LOxqQBBku-00017-00005743-00005890 і Андрэя Чапюка. Nz48ilZyTfQ-00000-00000571-00001383 As his scandals continue to close in on him, Donald Trump’s behavior in recent days has become more strange than ever Nz48ilZyTfQ-00001-00001383-00002296 He’s attacked deceased war hero John McCain four times in the past week. He’s attacked the husband of one of his senior advisers Nz48ilZyTfQ-00002-00002296-00003209 As Trump becomes more frantic, can he top all this in the weirdness department? He may have just done precisely that Nz48ilZyTfQ-00003-00003209-00003922 This evening Donald Trump sent out an email to his supporters with the subject line “Witch Hunt Report Attached Nz48ilZyTfQ-00004-00003922-00005034 ” The subject line also includes an image of a paperclip, aimed at tricking recipients into believing that a document of some kind has been attached to the email Nz48ilZyTfQ-00005-00005034-00006954 Then the first line of the email says.After the weird fake-out that even Trump’s own base probably isn’t gullible enough to fall for, the email then claims that “loser Democrats and their friends in the Fake News Media” have been claiming that “they plan to release the report ‘soon’ but they’ve been saying that for OVER 2 YEARS Nz48ilZyTfQ-00006-00006954-00007967 ” This is weird, considering the report will be released by Robert Mueller and the Department of Justice, not the “loser Democrats” or the “Fake News Media Nz48ilZyTfQ-00007-00007967-00008879 ”.Of course this entire bizarre email turns out to be an attempt at luring recipients into taking a poll about whether the “Witch Hunt” should end Nz48ilZyTfQ-00008-00008879-00010899 It’s all part of a Trump 2020 campaign fundraiser. The timing is interesting when you consider that Donald Trump is trying to fundraise off the premise that he’s done nothing wrong, even as Forbes reported yesterday that Trump has funneled more than a million dollars of these donations into his own businesses Obo479F94D8-00000-00000571-00002243 For as long as Special Counsel Robert Mueller was investigating Donald Trump, we pointed out that Mueller surely didn’t come out of retirement and go to the trouble of spending two years investigating an illegitimate criminal president, just to hand in a book report and go home Obo479F94D8-00001-00002243-00002940 Yet, when Mueller first turned in his report, it appeared that was precisely what he had done Obo479F94D8-00002-00002940-00003993 In the two weeks since, a few things have become clear. For instance, Robert Mueller obviously found a metric ton of criminal dirt on Donald Trump Obo479F94D8-00003-00003993-00004993 We know this because of what Trump and his associates have directly confessed to, what the media has dug up, and what Mueller’s team told us this week Obo479F94D8-00004-00004993-00005952 Also, Robert Mueller clearly wasn’t done with his investigation when he abruptly turned in his report and disbanded his team Obo479F94D8-00005-00005952-00007404 We’re now seeing US Attorneys pick up various threads of the Mueller probe, from the inevitable superseding indictment against Roger Stone, to the grand jury proceedings involving the foreign government owned mystery company Obo479F94D8-00006-00007404-00008616 The question is whether Mueller quit voluntarily.Also, Robert Mueller clearly wasn’t done with his investigation when he abruptly turned in his report and disbanded his team Obo479F94D8-00007-00008616-00010063 We’re now seeing U.S. Attorneys pick up various threads of the Mueller probe, from the inevitable superseding indictment against Roger Stone, to the grand jury proceedings involving the foreign government owned mystery company Obo479F94D8-00008-00010063-00011468 The question is whether Mueller quit voluntarily. .Let’s say that Mueller reached a point in his investigation of Donald Trump where he decided it was time to inform Congress and the public about their criminal president Obo479F94D8-00009-00011468-00012573 In such case he might have expected to be fired as soon as he turned in his damning report about Trump, so he quit and handed everything off to people who would be harder to fire Obo479F94D8-00010-00012573-00013804 . .On the other hand, if William Barr came in and told Mueller that he had to immediately end his investigation, Mueller might have simply stuffed everything he could about Trump into his report Obo479F94D8-00011-00013804-00015003 In such case, Mueller would have surely known that Barr was playing games, so Mueller would have needed a gameplan to make sure that his report did indeed end up becoming public Obo479F94D8-00012-00015003-00016371 We still don’t know what that gameplan is. But again, Mueller surely has one, and it’s got to consist of more than merely hoping House Democrats win their subpoena battle over Barr sooner as opposed to later Obo479F94D8-00013-00016371-00017119 . .There’s one big thing to watch. Robert Mueller is still technically employed as Special Counsel Obo479F94D8-00014-00017119-00017920 On Friday, Mueller’s office announced that his employment will officially be off the job within a few days Obo479F94D8-00015-00017920-00018759 Once Mueller is no longer working for the DOJ, he should immediately have more freedom to get his message out there Obo479F94D8-00016-00018759-00019791 Mueller follows the rules, but when you look at his past history of prosecutions, he usually goes with the most aggressive possible interpretation of the rules Obo479F94D8-00017-00019791-00020580 .Throughout his investigation, Robert Mueller has allowed his court filings and indictments to speak for themselves Obo479F94D8-00018-00020580-00021434 It now appears that he wants his four hundred page tome of dirt on Donald Trump to speak for speak for itself as well Obo479F94D8-00019-00021434-00022413 For the moment, the Trump regime is preventing that from happening. We’ll soon see what Mueller plans to do in order to make sure he’s heard Obo479F94D8-00020-00022413-00023967 Mueller can’t simply leak his own report; the law doesn’t work that way. But Mueller is surely smart enough to find a way to get the gist of his report out there, even as House Democrats engage in the legal battle to expose the entire thing QyQgVuQnf8y-00000-00000571-00001851 Democrats—and many others—hoped Trump would be just another typical Republican.They assumed he would follow the plan of expanding the size of the government and spending relentlessly QyQgVuQnf8y-00001-00001851-00002856 But, as usual, he’s proving them all wrong. He’s taking a scalpel to the federal fat and making us lean, lean, lean QyQgVuQnf8y-00002-00002856-00003946 From Fox News: ''Trump’s fiscal 2020 budget proposal, in a bid to cut costs, calls for eliminating a range of programs and offices QyQgVuQnf8y-00003-00003946-00005633 These include cuts to education loan programs and an office within the EPA''.The EPA? That’s got to hurt, Democrats! Reports are that while most are taking a 5% cut, the EPA could get cut by over 30% QyQgVuQnf8y-00004-00005633-00006960 Some of the programs he seeks to cut he calls “duplicative and ineffective''.One example is the Economic Development Administration, an agency helping rural areas after natural disasters QyQgVuQnf8y-00005-00006960-00007736 But that’s something that can be taken care of by FEMA. Trump is getting rid of wasteful redundancies QyQgVuQnf8y-00006-00007736-00008831 President Trump is dedicated to saving Americans money. Typical politicians seem to spend, spend, spend, with no end in sight QyQgVuQnf8y-00007-00008831-00010050 But Trump’s promised to put Americans first, not the government.Cutting programs and slashing the budget will reduce the need for the federal government from sucking our paychecks dry QyQgVuQnf8y-00008-00010050-00010711 Most Democrats want the government to grow—did you hear about the Green New Deal? QyQgVuQnf8y-00009-00010711-00011769 And where has spending mountains of taxpayer dollars ever gotten us? Just more and more debt, and all the same problems, it seems QyQgVuQnf8y-00010-00011769-00012399 President Trump is simply forcing the government to be responsible with our money QyQgVuQnf8y-00011-00012399-00012749 Isn’t that the goal, after all? QzgE9pxcNXQ-00000-00000513-00001351 President Trump announced Saturday that he will sign an executive order to promote free speech on college campuses QzgE9pxcNXQ-00001-00001351-00002647 Trump made the announcement at the Conservative Political Action Conference after he brought up to the stage Hayden Williams, the conservative activist attacked last month at University of California-Berkeley QzgE9pxcNXQ-00002-00002647-00003274 Conservatives have accused some colleges of trying to supress anti-liberal viewpoints QzgE9pxcNXQ-00003-00003274-00003953 “He took a punch for all of us,” Trump said of Williams. “And we could never allow that to happen QzgE9pxcNXQ-00004-00003953-00004731 And here is, in closing with Hayden, here’ the good news. He’s going to be a wealthy young man QzgE9pxcNXQ-00005-00004731-00005463 ”.Trump urged Williams to sue the man who assaulted him, but added, “he’s probably got nothing QzgE9pxcNXQ-00006-00005463-00006594 ”.The president drew cheers as he urged Williams to sue Berkeley as well.Williams told Trump that students would continue to defend him so long as he defended them QzgE9pxcNXQ-00007-00006594-00007390 “These students do it because they have a love of our nation and freedom and, frankly, a love for you Mr QzgE9pxcNXQ-00008-00007390-00008770 President,” Williams said.Trump said to chants of "U.S.A, U.S.A.' that the executive order would require colleges and universities to support free speech in exchange for federal research dollars QzgE9pxcNXQ-00009-00008770-00009854 “If they want our dollars, and we give it to them by the billions, they’ve got to allow people like Hayden and many other great young people and old people to speak,” Trump said QzgE9pxcNXQ-00010-00009854-00011332 “Free speech. If they don’t, it will be costly. That will be signed soon.”.Zachary Greenberg, 28, was arrested Friday on an arrest warrant accusing him of punching Williams several times in a a Feb QzgE9pxcNXQ-00011-00011332-00012178 19 attack.Williams, 26, is campus recruiter for The Leadership Institute, a conservative group QzgE9pxcNXQ-00012-00012178-00012724 Berkeley officials said Greenberg and Williams are not students RGyXYy2hmFA-00000-00000571-00002491 One of the more horrific right-wing moments this week, though it was unfortunately not all that surprising, was Donald Trump’s appalling response to the death of Otto Warmbier, an American citizen detained in North Korea in 2016, who died of a brain injury shortly after returning home to his family in Ohio RGyXYy2hmFA-00001-00002491-00003585 North Korean government officials blamed his condition on a combination of food poisoning and sleeping pills – claims that doctors couldn’t find any evidence to support RGyXYy2hmFA-00002-00003585-00004513 In fact, an American official received intelligence reports suggesting the 22-year-old man was singled out for abuse by his captors RGyXYy2hmFA-00003-00004513-00005372 After he died in June 2017, the White House statement blamed “the brutality of the North Korean regime” on his death RGyXYy2hmFA-00004-00005372-00006315 In a press conference, Trump lamented that Warmbier should have been brought home “much, much sooner,” his trademark swipe at President Obama RGyXYy2hmFA-00005-00006315-00007300 Nearly two years later, the tone from the White House is a little bit different. Trump is no longer threatening “fire and fury” against Kim Jong-Un RGyXYy2hmFA-00006-00007300-00008478 Instead he’s showing an all too familiar and disturbing pattern of behavior that we already saw following the murder of Jamal Khashoggi: believing the despot over US intelligence RGyXYy2hmFA-00007-00008478-00009873 After his farce of a summit, Donald Trump affirmed that he believed Kim Jong-Un’s position on Warmbier’s death – even going so far as to say he didn’t believe that the dictator “would allow that to happen'' RGyXYy2hmFA-00008-00009873-00011727 He went so far as to make excuses for his friend – yes, they’re still “friends” as of his latest TV appearance – attributing Kim Jong-Un’s ignorance of the incident to there being a lot of people in the camps – as though the dictator’s leadership has nothing to do with the camps’ existence in the first place RGyXYy2hmFA-00009-00011727-00012354 This would be an astounding display of ignorance coming from one of Trump’s supporters RGyXYy2hmFA-00010-00012354-00013091 From him, it’s downright horrific – confirming the worst that we’ve suspected of his instincts RGyXYy2hmFA-00011-00013091-00014439 Any normal president would rightfully be impeached over this incident alone. Of course, when the expected blowback came, Trump claimed he was misinterpreted, but he did it over Twitter rather than facing the cameras RGyXYy2hmFA-00012-00014439-00015648 The world’s despots all heard him right the first time, and so should we. Just so we’re clear, North Korea’s abysmal human rights record was meant to be discussed at the summit, but was scratched RGyXYy2hmFA-00013-00015648-00016586 Donald Trump is guilty of crimes far worse than collusion – his greed has cost the lives and freedoms of innocent American civilians SCRPXs4LOdQ-00000-00000571-00002310 Since last week, the news media has been busy churning out content echoing a talking point propagated during Congressional testimony by President Trump’s disgraced and disbarred attorney Michael Cohen claiming that Trump will not allow a peaceful transition if he loses the 2020 election SCRPXs4LOdQ-00001-00002310-00003246 Journalists and pundits utilized Cohen’s remarks to warn about such outlandish post-election scenarios as Trump using the U SCRPXs4LOdQ-00002-00003246-00004081 S. military to cling to power, raising a private army of mercenaries or deliberately igniting a civil war SCRPXs4LOdQ-00003-00004081-00004870 Cohen is a convict who pled guilty to, among other things, lying to Congress in two separate prosecutions SCRPXs4LOdQ-00004-00004870-00005834 The prison-bound Cohen also pled guilty to violating campaign finance laws and financial crimes, including tax evasion and bank fraud SCRPXs4LOdQ-00005-00005834-00006699 In his closing remarks before the House Committee on Oversight and Reform, Cohen stated:''Given my experience working for Mr SCRPXs4LOdQ-00006-00006699-00007566 Trump, I fear that if he loses the election in 2020, there will never be a peaceful transition of power SCRPXs4LOdQ-00007-00007566-00009118 After the credibility-challenged Cohen’s internationally televised testimony, John Dean, President Richard Nixon’s former White House counsel, wrote an op-ed for the New York Times in which he drew parallels with his own defining testimony against Nixon SCRPXs4LOdQ-00008-00009118-00010486 Dean used the column to say that he shares Cohen’s fears. Dean opined that Cohen’s warning about a violent transition “was the most troubling — actually, chilling — thing he said in his five hours before the committee'' SCRPXs4LOdQ-00009-00010486-00011461 He further wrote:''Since Mr. Cohen’s warning came in his closing words, there was no opportunity for committee members to ask follow-up questions SCRPXs4LOdQ-00010-00011461-00012226 So I double-checked with his lawyer, Lanny Davis, if I had understood Mr. Cohen’s testimony correctly SCRPXs4LOdQ-00011-00012226-00013226 Mr. Davis responded, “He was referring to Trump’s authoritarian mind-set, and lack of respect for democracy and democratic institutions'' SCRPXs4LOdQ-00012-00013226-00014512 Indeed, what is most similar about my and Mr. Cohen’s testimony is that we both challenged authoritarian presidents of the United States by revealing their lies and abuses of power SCRPXs4LOdQ-00013-00014512-00015368 Mr. Trump is the first authoritarian president since Mr. Nixon, and neither he nor his supporters will play fair SCRPXs4LOdQ-00014-00015368-00016447 Mr. Cohen will be dealing with these people the rest of his life. .In fact, all Americans are affected by the growing authoritarianism that made Mr SCRPXs4LOdQ-00015-00016447-00017079 Trump president. These people who facilitated his rise will remain long after Mr SCRPXs4LOdQ-00016-00017079-00018093 Trump is gone. We need to pay more attention.In a piece published in the Miami Herald and other publications, syndicated columnist Leonard Pitts Jr SCRPXs4LOdQ-00017-00018093-00018803 warned, “Should Trump lose in 2020, a smooth transition is not guaranteed'' SPsIwmTCXLA-00000-00000513-00001850 One day after announcing a broad inquiry into President Trump's political and personal life, House Democrats began to offer some hints as to how they plan to pry Trump's most closely held secret from him SPsIwmTCXLA-00001-00001850-00003564 "Congressional Democrats are likely to request 10 years of President Trump's tax returns in coming weeks, tailoring their inquiry in a way they hope will survive a court battle, according to lawmakers and others involved in the discussions," reads the top of a Washington Post story published Tuesday SPsIwmTCXLA-00002-00003564-00005476 Much remains uncertain -- do Democrats try to get Trump's personal taxes and taxes for his various businesses, for instance -- but what is clear is that the newly installed majority party in the House has no plans to back down from what will almost certainly be one of the most pitched fights of the second half of Trump's first term SPsIwmTCXLA-00003-00005476-00006288 Some context here: Trump is the only modern president -- since Richard Nixon -- to not release any of his income tax returns SPsIwmTCXLA-00004-00006288-00006944 He was also the first major party presidential nominee since Watergate not to do so SPsIwmTCXLA-00005-00006944-00008122 The excuses he has provided for his lack of transparency have varied -- from claiming he is under an ongoing audit to insisting that tax returns reveal little about a person's finances SPsIwmTCXLA-00006-00008122-00008744 (Tax returns provide the fullest picture of someone's financial well being -- or lack thereof SPsIwmTCXLA-00007-00008744-00009378 And simply being under audit does not preclude an individual from releasing returns SPsIwmTCXLA-00008-00009378-00010225 ).This is a fight that has been simmering, slowly, since the day Democrats took over the House majority last November SPsIwmTCXLA-00009-00010225-00011552 Under a little-known law passed in the 1920s, the chairman of the House Ways and Ways Means Committee can request any individual's tax return and the law says the secretary of the Treasury "shall" turn it over SPsIwmTCXLA-00010-00011552-00012468 Trump -- and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin -- have made clear they have zero plans to hand over the President's return to Ways and Means Committee Chairman Rep SPsIwmTCXLA-00011-00012468-00014012 Richard Neal, D- Massachusetts. Republicans in Congress have made clear they will fight the attempt by Democrats to get Trump's tax returns -- insisting that the effort is entirely political and amounts to an invasion of privacy SPsIwmTCXLA-00012-00014012-00014814 The likely outcome? A series of legal maneuvers that could well land the case in front of the Supreme Court SPsIwmTCXLA-00013-00014814-00015909 Which could, again, put the court right in the middle of a hugely contentious political fight with all sorts of implications on the coming 2020 presidential race SZLI8K-96TA-00000-00000571-00002206 A presidential campaign video by Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) in which she calls President Donald Trump “al-Qaeda’s big brother” in Syria caught the eye of Iran’s state-run PressTV on Wednesday, which highlighted her “Twitter attack” in defense of Rep SZLI8K-96TA-00001-00002206-00003031 Ilhan Omar (D-MN).President Trump called Omar, one of the first Muslim women elected to the U SZLI8K-96TA-00002-00003031-00004970 S. House of Representatives, “extremely unpatriotic and extremely disrespectful to our country” this week after video surfaced showing the lawmaker describing the September 11, 2001, al-Qaeda attacks as “some people did something” at an event hosted by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) SZLI8K-96TA-00003-00004970-00006106 .CAIR has been declared a terrorist organization by the United Arab Emirates and was named by federal prosecutors as an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas-funding operation SZLI8K-96TA-00004-00006106-00007284 The remarks were the latest controversy for Omar, who has repeatedly made antisemitic statements in public and won election to Congress despite allegations of immigration fraud SZLI8K-96TA-00005-00007284-00007953 PressTV picked up Gabbard’s video on Wednesday after she posted it Sunday on Twitter SZLI8K-96TA-00006-00007953-00009306 In the video, she contends that opposing dictator Bashar al-Assad in Syria has landed Trump on the same side as the perpetrators of the September 11 attacks, rendering his criticism of Omar hypocritical SZLI8K-96TA-00007-00009306-00010089 .Trump, not Omar, she says, has “been acting as al-Qaeda’s big brother and protector in Syria SZLI8K-96TA-00008-00010089-00010742 ” She adds that Trump has turned America into a “prostitute” for the Saudi government SZLI8K-96TA-00009-00010742-00012824 The video is far from the first time Gabbard has condemned President Trump for maintaining an alliance with Saudi Arabia and opposing Iran’s attempts to expand its influence through the Middle East using proxies like Assad, the Houthi rebels in Yemen, the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) in Iraq, and Lebanese Hamas SZLI8K-96TA-00010-00012824-00013577 In November, Gabbard called Trump “Saudi Arabia’s bitch” for maintaining a weapons sales deal with Riyadh SZLI8K-96TA-00011-00013577-00014402 More recently, Gabbard called Trump a “servant of Saudi Arabia” for vetoing a bill demanding a withdrawal of U SZLI8K-96TA-00012-00014402-00015201 S. advisers from Yemen, where they work alongside the legitimate government the Houthis ousted from Sana’a SZLI8K-96TA-00013-00015201-00016648 Gabbard has taken a hard line in Iran’s favor on the Syrian Civil War for years, saying anti-Assad rebels in the country are “all the same” and indistinguishable from al-Qaeda, which is the Assad regime’s position on the matter SZLI8K-96TA-00014-00016648-00018271 Gabbard met Assad personally during a visit to the country in 2017, prompting outrage from many who considered the visit a violation of the Logan Act, which prevents individual Americans from meeting with adverse foreign governments without express permission SZLI8K-96TA-00015-00018271-00019224 Gabbard had congressional approval for the trip, but not for meeting Assad.“Initially I hadn’t planned on meeting him,” Gabbard said at the time SZLI8K-96TA-00016-00019224-00020974 “When the opportunity arose to meet with him, I did so, because I felt it’s important that if we profess to truly care about the Syrian people, about their suffering, then we’ve got to be able to meet with anyone that we need to if there is a possibility that we could achieve peace SZLI8K-96TA-00017-00020974-00022497 And that’s exactly what we talked about.”.As a presidential candidate, Gabbard has attempted to use her proximity to a dictator, accused repeatedly of using chemical weapons against civilians, to her advantage in the 2020 Democratic primary SZLI8K-96TA-00018-00022497-00023654 At public events, she has promised an end to “regime change wars” and to prevent a “new cold war” with Russia, Assad’s other major state ally aside from Iran SjHtIpzBY9I-00000-00000571-00001360 Despite the hopes of the Democratic Party, Joe Biden might not be their 2020 salvation to beat Trump SjHtIpzBY9I-00001-00001360-00002386 We personally don’t know all the facts about “Creepy Uncle Joe’s” behavior (although more stories come out every day), but things aren’t looking good for him SjHtIpzBY9I-00002-00002386-00003392 And now the President of the United States has jumped on the bandwagon. His latest jab at Joe might sink Biden’s 2020 hopes for good SjHtIpzBY9I-00003-00003392-00005359 I can’t stop watching – this is HILARIOUS!.And Biden deserves it.Just in case you can’t watch the video, Trump tweeted a clip of Joe’s “explanation” for all his handsy behavior, but added in is an animation of Joe himself touching his own shoulders and sniffing his own hair, as he infamously did to a woman on camera SjHtIpzBY9I-00004-00005359-00006412 Biden has been accused of making many women feel uncomfortable, and now Trump is turning Biden into a punchline who cannot be taken seriously again SjHtIpzBY9I-00005-00006412-00007281 .Joe claims he was simply being compassionate and that standards have changed. Hmmm… yeah, I’m not buying it SjHtIpzBY9I-00006-00007281-00008107 A married man with kids (and grandkids) should be a bit more careful about how he interacts women and girls SjHtIpzBY9I-00007-00008107-00009055 Democrats might be surprised (or not) that Trump is posting a meme about this. “Isn’t that distasteful for the President of the United States!?” SjHtIpzBY9I-00008-00009055-00009862 Oh please. Democrats have taken every cheat shot against Trump they can. They lied about Russia SjHtIpzBY9I-00009-00009862-00010635 That failed, now they’re demanding his taxes. Again.Joe himself threatened to beat up Trump SjHtIpzBY9I-00010-00010635-00010985 He had this coming, don’t you think? TBkQir93OyI-00000-00000571-00001540 President Donald Trump dismissed the news that House Democrats asked the Internal Revenue Service for six years of tax returns on Wednesday TBkQir93OyI-00001-00001540-00002530 “Is that all? Oh. Usually, it’s ten so I guess they’re giving up,” Trump replied when asked about the news by reporters at the White House TBkQir93OyI-00002-00002530-00003700 .House Ways and Means Chairman Richard Neal (D-MA) requested six years of Trump’s taxes, thwarting the president’s decision not to release them during his run for office TBkQir93OyI-00003-00003700-00004512 Trump used the same excuse he used during the election, noting that he would not release his returns because he was being audited TBkQir93OyI-00004-00004512-00005926 “We are under audit, despite what people said, and we’re working that out, I’m always under audit, it seems, but I’ve been under audit for many years because the numbers are big, and I guess when you have a name, you’re audited,” he said TBkQir93OyI-00005-00005926-00006709 But Neal insisted that the IRS prove that they were conducting proper oversight over Trump’s taxes TBkQir93OyI-00006-00006709-00007482 .“It is critical to ensure the accountability of our government and elected officials,” he said in a statement TBkQir93OyI-00007-00007482-00008420 “To maintain trust in our democracy, the American people must be assured that their government is operating properly, as laws intend TBkQir93OyI-00008-00008420-00009394 ”.The IRS falls under the purview of Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, setting up a fight between the executive and the legislative branch TQuXngeNa48-00000-00000513-00002007 President Donald Trump attacked special counsel Robert Mueller's credibility Saturday, disparaging former Attorney General Jeff Sessions and former FBI Director James Comey as Washington waits for Mueller's report in the coming weeks TQuXngeNa48-00001-00002007-00004219 In a largely unscripted, wide-ranging speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference lasting more than two hours, Trump hit on several key issues in a characteristic fashion -- mocking proponents of the Green New Deal, vowing to protect free speech on college campuses with an executive order and taking shots at his longtime rival and 2020 presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren TQuXngeNa48-00002-00004219-00005204 But he made a point to take on Mueller, commenting extensively on key parts of the investigation, as the probe appears to be winding down TQuXngeNa48-00003-00005204-00005868 "So now we're waiting for a report, and we'll find out . who we're dealing with," Trump said TQuXngeNa48-00004-00005868-00007391 "We're waiting for a report by people that weren't elected."."You put the wrong people in a couple of positions and they leave people for a long time that shouldn't be there, and all of a sudden, they're trying to take you out with bullshit, OK," he added TQuXngeNa48-00005-00007391-00008454 The President lambasted Mueller as an unelected prosecutor running unchecked and accused the special counsel's team of investigators of being stacked against him TQuXngeNa48-00006-00008454-00009906 "Robert Mueller never received a vote and neither did the person that appointed him," Trump said in an apparent reference to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who was appointed by Trump and named Mueller as special counsel in May 2017 TQuXngeNa48-00007-00009906-00011108 "Robert Mueller put 13 of the angriest Democrats in the history of our country on the commission," Trump said, adding, "One of them was involved with the Hillary Clinton Foundation, running it TQuXngeNa48-00008-00011108-00011722 Another one has perhaps the worst reputation of any human being I've ever seen -- all killers TQuXngeNa48-00009-00011722-00012644 In fact, it would have been actually better for them if they put half and half and Mueller can do whatever he wants anyway, which he'll probably do TQuXngeNa48-00010-00012644-00013997 ".No one on Mueller's team ever ran the Clinton Foundation. Trump may have been referencing one of the Mueller team's lawyers, Jeannie Rhee, who previously represented the Clinton Foundation in a racketeering lawsuit TQuXngeNa48-00011-00013997-00015049 While several of the lawyers have made personal donations to Democrats in the past, the majority of them have been longstanding Department of Justice employees TQuXngeNa48-00012-00015049-00016418 Trump also argued that Mueller was compromised due to his prior interest in being FBI director after Trump fired James Comey, and repeated a favorite allegation that Mueller and Comey are "best friends TQuXngeNa48-00013-00016418-00018030 " Comey has said in the past that he and Mueller are not best friends.He also bashed Sessions' decision to recuse himself from the Mueller investigation and delegate overseeing Mueller to Rosenstein, impersonating Sessions with a thick Southern accent TQuXngeNa48-00014-00018030-00018989 "The attorney general says, 'I'm going to recuse myself,' and I said, why the hell didn't he tell me that before I put him in?" Trump said TQuXngeNa48-00015-00018989-00020441 "How do you recuse yourself?".He also attacked Sessions as useless, lamenting that using his powers to hire and fire cabinet members under Article 2 would have been seen as obstruction -- a standard that he alleged was "only for Trump TQuXngeNa48-00016-00020441-00021230 "."The Attorney General recuses himself, and I don't fire him, no obstruction," Trump said TQuXngeNa48-00017-00021230-00022303 "That's the other thing -- if you use your rights, if you use your power, if you use Article 2, it's called obstruction, but only for Trump, for nobody else TQuXngeNa48-00018-00022303-00022935 So the attorney general is weak and ineffective and he doesn't do what he should have done TQuXngeNa48-00019-00022935-00023816 ".Trump fired Sessions in November following an increasingly strained relationship and months of personal attacks by the President TQuXngeNa48-00020-00023816-00025469 He also recounted Comey's firing as being due to the former FBI director being "a bad, bad guy," saying that he had discussed it at the time with first lady Melania Trump, and that he had anticipated bipartisan support after Democrats voiced criticism of Comey TQuXngeNa48-00021-00025469-00026190 "I said Melania, I'm doing something today, I'm doing it because it really has to be done TQuXngeNa48-00022-00026190-00027885 he's a bad, bad guy, that's been proven now with all of the emails," Trump said. "I said to the first lady, I said, 'but you know the good news, the good news is that this is going to be so bipartisan, everyone's going to love it' -- so we fired Comey TQuXngeNa48-00023-00027885-00028896 "."I fire a bad cop, I fire a dirty cop, and all of a sudden, the Democrats say, 'how dare he fire him, how dare he do this,'" Trump added TQuXngeNa48-00024-00028896-00030417 Trump told NBC in May 2017 that he was thinking of "this Russia thing" when he decided to fire Comey, adding that he was irked by the investigation, which he saw as motivated by Democratic anger over his 2016 win TQuXngeNa48-00025-00030417-00032203 Here were some other key elements of Trump's speech:.North Korea.Trump said the US had learned a lot since the sudden conclusion of his summit with Kim Jong Un and repeated his previous explanation for not reaching a deal -- "I had to walk, because every once in a while, you have to walk TQuXngeNa48-00026-00032203-00032841 ".He added that North Korea had said it was "willing to do much less on the sanction front TQuXngeNa48-00027-00032841-00033609 But you see, that's not what happened there. So, already I think we're negotiating TQuXngeNa48-00028-00033609-00035163 ".Trump, who has faced backlash for saying he took Kim's word that the North Korean leader was unaware of former prisoner Otto Warmbier's capture, said Saturday that he was torn between his obligation to negotiate and his support for the Warmbiers TQuXngeNa48-00029-00035163-00035826 "I'm in such a horrible position," Trump said. "Because in one way I have to negotiate TQuXngeNa48-00030-00035826-00036678 In the other way, I love Mr. and Mrs. Warmbier. And I love Otto. And it's a very, very delicate balance TQuXngeNa48-00031-00036678-00037879 ".Democrats and socialism.Trump also accused congressional Democrats of accepting socialism and trying to "replace individual rights with total government domination" during the speech TQuXngeNa48-00032-00037879-00039206 "Just this week more than 100 Democrats in Congress signed up for a socialist takeover of American health care," he said, apparently referencing the Medicare For All bill currently supported by many House Democrats TQuXngeNa48-00033-00039206-00041011 Trump said that the plan "would lead to colossal tax increases" and "take away private coverage from over 180 million Americans," as opposed to the private plans and new cooperative plan backed by his administration "where you get better insurance than Obamacare for a fraction of the cost TQuXngeNa48-00034-00041011-00041839 ".After discussing the Green New Deal, Trump urged those considering socialism to look to Venezuela to see its failures TQuXngeNa48-00035-00041839-00042571 "Socialism is not about the environment, it's not about justice, it's not about virtue," he said TQuXngeNa48-00036-00042571-00043208 "Socialism is about only one thing -- it's called power for the ruling class, that's what it is TQuXngeNa48-00037-00043208-00045269 Look at what's happening in Venezuela and so many other places.".Green New Deal.Trump came out swinging against the Green New Deal, calling the progressive climate plan an attempt by Democrats to "completely take over American energy and completely destroy America's economy through their new $100 trillion Green New Deal TQuXngeNa48-00038-00045269-00045880 which somebody described as a high school term paper written by a poor student." TQuXngeNa48-00039-00045880-00046975 He said that the plan would destroy the natural gas, nuclear power and auto industries as "their plan would remove every gas-powered car from American roads TQuXngeNa48-00040-00046975-00048524 ".The plan actually calls for "overhauling transportation systems in the United States to eliminate pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector as much as is technologically feasible" and does not call for taking away cars TQuXngeNa48-00041-00048524-00049934 "You just have to cross 95% of the world and it would force the destruction or renovation of virtually every existing structure in the United States," he said of the plan, which aims to maximizing buildings' energy efficiency TQuXngeNa48-00042-00049934-00050619 "New York City would have to rip down buildings and rebuild them again, I don't think so TQuXngeNa48-00043-00050619-00051308 This is the craziest plan.".He also bashed Green New Deal sponsor Democratic Rep TQuXngeNa48-00044-00051308-00052931 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, saying, "I see the white-haired, long-time senators standing behind this young woman and she's ranting and raving like a lunatic and the senators, these senators -- 'yes, I agree with this, yes, I agree TQuXngeNa48-00045-00052931-00053667 '".2020.Trump specifically targeted 2020 presidential candidate and Democratic Sen TQuXngeNa48-00046-00053667-00054527 Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, saying that he should have saved Saturday's speech for a real opponent closer to election season TQuXngeNa48-00047-00054527-00055475 "I just want to be the Republican that runs against them," he said of Democrats endorsing progressive projects such as the Green New Deal TQuXngeNa48-00048-00055475-00056248 "I'm going to regret this speech, this speech should have been delivered one year from now and not now, dammit TQuXngeNa48-00049-00056248-00057369 ".He also reused his "Pocahontas" nickname for Warren, claiming that he's destroyed her career such that she won't be the Democratic nominee he'll face in 2020 TQuXngeNa48-00050-00057369-00058481 "I should have saved the Pocahontas thing for another year because I've destroyed her political career and now I won't get a chance to run against her and i would have loved it," he said TQuXngeNa48-00051-00058481-00059241 "I don't want to knock out all of the good stuff and end up with somebody that's actually got talent, that would be bad TQuXngeNa48-00052-00059241-00060832 ".ISIS.Trump also referenced his efforts to eradicate ISIS' presence in Iraq, telling the CPAC audience that different generals told him on his trip to Iraq that they could defeat the group in one week as opposed to two years TQuXngeNa48-00053-00060832-00062000 "What I was told by a general who I had to fire, I said, 'General, how long before we get 100% of the caliphate?' He said, 'sir, two years TQuXngeNa48-00054-00062000-00063233 ' I said, 'I can't take it two years.' And then I flew to Iraq," Trump said. It was unclear to whom Trump was specifically referencing but former Defense Secretary Gen TQuXngeNa48-00055-00063233-00063985 James Mattis resigned in December over disagreements with Trump over how to pull troops out of Syria TQuXngeNa48-00056-00063985-00064980 Trump said that while in Iraq, he asked generals there why it would take two years to "knock off two or three or four percent, which is what we had left TQuXngeNa48-00057-00064980-00065976 " He said that a general he called "Raisin' Cain" then told him, "'It won't, sir, if we attack them in a different manner, we can do it much faster TQuXngeNa48-00058-00065976-00067227 we can have it totally finished in one week.'".The general then added that his superiors coming in from Washington had not conferred with him, and that "you're the first one to ask us our opinion," Trump said UwdX3pNDx-Q-00000-00000571-00002433 During a press conference on Wednesday, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-NY) stated that Attorney General William Barr “appears to be waging a media campaign on behalf of President Trump,” and expressed concern that Barr “is trying to bake in the narrative about the report to the benefit of the White House UwdX3pNDx-Q-00001-00002433-00003611 ”.Nadler said, “The attorney general appears to be waging a media campaign on behalf of President Trump, the very subject of the investigation at the heart of the Mueller report UwdX3pNDx-Q-00002-00003611-00004648 Rather than letting the facts of the report speak for themselves, the attorney general has taken unprecedented steps to spin Mueller’s nearly two-year investigation UwdX3pNDx-Q-00003-00004648-00005427 One, he summarized the report and cherry-picked findings in his March 24th letter to Congress UwdX3pNDx-Q-00004-00005427-00006216 Two, he withheld summaries written by the special counsel that were intended for public consumption UwdX3pNDx-Q-00005-00006216-00007169 Three, he has briefed the White House on the report before providing Congress a copy, which has helped them prepare a rebuttal response for the president UwdX3pNDx-Q-00006-00007169-00008211 And now, the evening before the report’s scheduled release, the Department of Justice has informed the committee that it will receive a copy between 11:00 a UwdX3pNDx-Q-00007-00008211-00010016 m. and noon, well after the attorney general’s 9:30 a.m. press conference.”. .He added, “The central concern here is that the Attorney General, Barr is not allowing the facts of the Mueller report to speak for themselves, but is trying to bake in the narrative about the report to the benefit of the White House UwdX3pNDx-Q-00008-00010016-00010826 And of course, he’s doing this just before the holiday weekend so it’s extraordinarily difficult for anybody to react UwdX3pNDx-Q-00009-00010826-00011361 This is wrong. It is not the proper role of the attorney general.” VxdnXTkH4XI-00000-00000571-00001571 The President reacted with characteristic defiance to Congress' repudiation of the national emergency declared in the cause of funding his border wall VxdnXTkH4XI-00001-00001571-00003128 "VETO!" 16 minutes that explain the Trump presidencytweeted, promising to crush the insubordination of lawmakers who had tried, where many others had failed, to rein in his quest for power and contempt for constitutional norms VxdnXTkH4XI-00002-00003128-00004672 Trump's crisis management reveals defining attributes of this most unique of political careers: The irrepressible energy of a force of nature personality, a refusal to accept a loss and an instinctive reflex to seek a new opening VxdnXTkH4XI-00003-00004672-00006247 But it also showcases less positive traits, including his willingness to trample the truth for his own benefit, a selfish streak for which friendly foreign leaders sometimes pay the price and even a shockingly casual way of talking about political violence VxdnXTkH4XI-00004-00006247-00007242 His full political arsenal was on display in a Trumpian masterclass of a photo-op in the Oval Office Thursday with Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar VxdnXTkH4XI-00005-00007242-00008169 A historian 100 years hence could pull the tape of the 16-minute tour de force and learn everything they needed to know about the Trump presidency VxdnXTkH4XI-00006-00008169-00009491 Trump's behavior on Thursday offered pointers to how he will attempt to ride out political crosswinds using the unique political tools that made his late-in-life transition from business to Washington so successful VxdnXTkH4XI-00007-00009491-00010956 Thursday's rebuke from Congress came amid a spell that would have been disastrous for any conventional politician, as legal and congressional probes suggest tough challenges ahead as special counsel Robert Mueller's final report looms VxdnXTkH4XI-00008-00010956-00011879 Unusually, it also included a slap from some Republicans who have been loath to challenge their leader in the first two years of his presidency VxdnXTkH4XI-00009-00011879-00013031 Trump's refusal to show weakness or humility in defeat allied with a brazen, relentless temperament and an indifference to shame helps explain why he is so hard to bring down VxdnXTkH4XI-00010-00013031-00013877 Showing off sometimes diabolical but compelling political skills, Trump was audacious, provocative and spiteful VxdnXTkH4XI-00011-00013877-00014971 He made outrageous boasts about his own success and hinted at his acute sense of human nature and feral appreciation of weakness and discomfort in a political opponent VxdnXTkH4XI-00012-00014971-00016314 Trump also showed his indifference, or rude disregard for the political plights of allied leaders, indulged his willingness to trade in falsehoods, and betrayed his obsessions with his predecessor President Barack Obama VQGgP4WIbZo-00000-00000513-00001524 This week, twelve Republican Senators voted against Donald Trump. They didn’t just vote against him on something easy, or on something unimportant VQGgP4WIbZo-00001-00001524-00002566 No, twelve Republican Senators voted against Donald Trump on his signature campaign promise – the border wall that is still so popular with his base VQGgP4WIbZo-00002-00002566-00004039 This is significant because this is a clear sign that at least twelve GOP Senators are sick of Donald Trump and will vote against him if they think they can get away with it politically, and they clearly do think they can get away with it VQGgP4WIbZo-00003-00004039-00004799 It just takes eight more Republican Senators willing to vote against Trump to get to the magic impeachment number VQGgP4WIbZo-00004-00004799-00006513 Eight may sound like a lot of additional Republican Senators to get to vote against Trump, and it is, but there are surely more than eight who are secretly sick of Donald Trump and would love to get his toxic and sloppy criminal family out of the White House and out of the Republican Party VQGgP4WIbZo-00005-00006513-00007618 That means now is the time to release the Mueller Report, or, to release enough solid evidence that Trump and his family are guilty of high crimes, and begin impeachment VQGgP4WIbZo-00006-00007618-00009070 With nearly two years still left before the 2020 elections, Republican Senators could vote to oust Trump now, and in their mind they will have time to change the narrative of the 2020 elections and make it about something other than Trump VQGgP4WIbZo-00007-00009070-00010776 If the impeachment process does not begin within the next five months, Republicans will argue that the process is a political stunt to hurt their chances in the upcoming elections, and they will be less likely to vote against Donald Trump, if he is still popular with the Republican base VQGgP4WIbZo-00008-00010776-00011771 If impeachment has any chance of succeeding, the vote needs to take place before Republican Senators begin campaigning for their own re-election VdnHzgO7cVI-00000-00000513-00002670 Now that Donald Trump has passed the 7,500-lie mark, according to the Washington Post Fact Checker that’s been keeping track, it’s easy to forget that there was a time when we were surprised by all of this, perhaps even horrified to find out that a President would openly lie at all, let alone at a pace of more than 10 lies a day on average VdnHzgO7cVI-00001-00002670-00004810 .But America is now at the point where Trump is actually shouting his lies at us, angry that they’re no longer automatically accepted, and we here at DC Tribune think the past is prologue as to why he might be melting down over losing his magic powers: He didn’t realize he’d have to convince more people than just the ones predisposed to vote for him VdnHzgO7cVI-00002-00004810-00005936 Take the conversation that Jared Kushner, who at one point was the publisher of the New York Observer, had with the woman who was his lead editor at the paper, Elizabeth Spiers VdnHzgO7cVI-00003-00005936-00007388 A right-wing blogger had taken exception to Ms. Spiers calling Donald Trump a liar, and on social media, she gave an anecdote from her time at the Observer as an example for him as to why she might use the word “liar” for the President VdnHzgO7cVI-00004-00007388-00009109 To recap there, that’s Spiers telling Kushner that she was “appalled” by Trump’s racist birtherism, which you’ll recall was the rampant speculation among racists who hated Barack Obama that his birth certificate was forged and that he was not actually born in the United States VdnHzgO7cVI-00005-00009109-00010361 The President’s own son-in-law then admits to his former editor that Trump doesn’t actually believe the things he himself is saying, but that he says them because he knows the people he’s trying to fool will be fooled VdnHzgO7cVI-00006-00010361-00011792 "He just knows Republicans are stupid and they’ll buy it.”.Unfortunately, Republicans are so committed at this point that if Trump did lie about the time of day, they would tear apart anyone who tried to get them to look at a clock VivH2Uk50XQ-00000-00000513-00002134 On Thursday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Ingraham Angle,” host Laura Ingraham told President Trump that he has undercut his own message and “given needless fodder” to his enemies by talking about George Conway and the late Senator John McCain VivH2Uk50XQ-00001-00002134-00003346 Ingraham said that the economy is doing well, but told the president, “you’ve stepped on your own message, and given needless fodder to your enemies by talking about John McCain and George Conway" VivH2Uk50XQ-00002-00003346-00004158 She continued, “On key issues, I disagree substantively with both of them as well, I get it VivH2Uk50XQ-00003-00004158-00005071 But there’s just too much left to be done to waste a moment on score-settling. You’re the leader of the free world" VivH2Uk50XQ-00004-00005071-00005675 Ingraham further urged the president, “[K]eep your eye on the prize.” WsNpnOYpQYy-00000-00000571-00001994 In a turn of events that should surprise absolutely no one, President Trump’s much-hyped summit with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un in Vietnam this week ended up being an utterly humiliating diplomatic debacle for the United States WsNpnOYpQYy-00001-00001994-00004003 While the Republican Party initially tried to tout it as some historic event to move the world towards a safer, more peaceful place, it was clear from the beginning that it would likely turn out to be nothing more than a series of photo-ops and a chance for the president to sell his supporters on the idea of himself as some master statesman WsNpnOYpQYy-00002-00004003-00005239 In the end, no deal was struck, and Trump succeeded only in giving Kim Jong-un an international platform that he will in turn use as propaganda to increase his standing at home WsNpnOYpQYy-00003-00005239-00006754 The United States got nothing.And that wasn’t even the worst of it.Today, Trump addressed the tragic death of Otto Warmbier, an American who was captured by the North Koreans and died shortly after his release in 2017 WsNpnOYpQYy-00004-00006754-00008298 The president betrayed Warmbier’s memory by saying that while he accepts that “something very bad happened to him” he doesn’t believe the “top leadership knew about it,” whitewashing Kim Jong-un’s role in Warmbier’s imprisonment and subsequent passing WsNpnOYpQYy-00005-00008298-00009763 Trump added that Kim Jong-un — the brutal totalitarian who in the past has had his own government officials torn apart by anti-aircraft guns — claims to feel “very badly” about Warmbier’s treatment and insists he didn’t know about it WsNpnOYpQYy-00006-00009763-00011380 Stunningly, Trump says he is taking the murderous dictator at his word. Either the president is being incredibly naive, or he simply doesn’t care about Warmbier’s death and has decided he’d rather ingratiate himself with Kim than stand up for a dead American WCMLWfSkxTQ-00000-00000571-00002094 Given the multitude of names associated with the Trump Administration and involved in all of its scandals, when you stop and think about it, it’s actually quite perplexing how Mike Pence has managed to avoid having his name dragged into the thick of things WCMLWfSkxTQ-00001-00002094-00003410 Under normal circumstances, I would say this should be considered a good thing. However, normal circumstances are a rarity these days, so on the contrary, this generates a ton of suspicion WCMLWfSkxTQ-00002-00003410-00004400 Perhaps history is to blame for some of the skepticism, but quite frankly, there’s enough of it out there to draw a very concerning parallel WCMLWfSkxTQ-00003-00004400-00005889 Don’t believe me? Well, then I suggest you listen to the podcast Bag Man podcast created by Rachel Maddow and her former producer Mike Yarvitz in which they revisit the story of former Vice President Spiro Agnew WCMLWfSkxTQ-00004-00005889-00006973 Although his resignation was officially linked to tax evasion, Maddow notes in the podcast that it is a big misconception to believe it was the sole focus WCMLWfSkxTQ-00005-00006973-00007937 “When I tried to sort of thumbnail in my mind what happened in the Agnew resignation, everything I thought about it was wrong,” she says WCMLWfSkxTQ-00006-00007937-00009047 “I had assumed that it was a Watergate-adjacent scandal, that the FBI was looking into Watergate-related crimes and they stumbled upon something in Spiro Agnew’s taxes WCMLWfSkxTQ-00007-00009047-00010664 … All of those things were completely wrong''.While serving as a Baltimore County executive in the early 1960s, Agnew had allegedly engaged in acts of bribery by demanding kickbacks in exchange for local engineering or architecture contracts WCMLWfSkxTQ-00008-00010664-00011816 According to Yarvitz’ account, he continued the practice while serving as governor of Maryland in 1967 and while serving as vice president in 1969 WCMLWfSkxTQ-00009-00011816-00012623 “He … started that scheme in local politics and then he carried it right into the White House,” Yarvitz says WCMLWfSkxTQ-00010-00012623-00013833 “The men who were sort of streaming into his office at the White House were paying him money for contracts they had gotten in Maryland, and in some cases, he was trying to influence the awarding of federal contracts WCMLWfSkxTQ-00011-00013833-00015327 ”.Pretty alarming, right? Well, luckily, around the time all of this bribery and extortion information was coming to light and under investigation, the infamous Watergate investigation was also taking place and nearing its peak WCMLWfSkxTQ-00012-00015327-00016852 While Agnew tried to do everything within his power to get the limelight off himself and shut things down, Prosecutors in Agnew’s case were terrified by the prospect of a Nixon resignation as it would mean Agnew would take over the Oval Office WCMLWfSkxTQ-00013-00016852-00017719 Fortunately, they pressed on with the investigation and were able to successfully force Agnew into resignation WCMLWfSkxTQ-00014-00017719-00018521 The Democrats then used the leverage of Nixon’s failing presidency to bring Gerald Ford in as Agnew’s successor WCMLWfSkxTQ-00015-00018521-00019318 With that history lesson now established, we can all draw the parallel lines and see where this is going WCMLWfSkxTQ-00016-00019318-00020911 However, as far as we know, Mike Pence is no Spiro Agnew, though. Or is he? I mean, although his name has not been among those connected to the Trump Administration, Transition, and Campaign scandals to date, surely it’s in the mix somehow WCMLWfSkxTQ-00017-00020911-00022121 If it is, then there’s no time better than the present to find out. If Special Counsel Robert Mueller is prepared to drop the hammer on Trump and he’s ousted, Mike Pence would be poised to take over WCMLWfSkxTQ-00018-00022121-00022481 Is that really what we want? WOEYrByucb8-00000-00000571-00001655 “President” Donald Trump’s little world is crashing down upon him by the moment. Sometimes, karma works as it should, and it’s leaving Trump up Schitt Creek WOEYrByucb8-00001-00001655-00002483 According to various media outlets including CNN, Michael Cohen has turned over evidence of an offered pardon from Trump WOEYrByucb8-00002-00002483-00003468 Even as attorney Robert Costello claims the emails reference a Garth Brooks song and Trump tries to change the narrative, the emails are damning WOEYrByucb8-00003-00003468-00004384 I doubt very seriously that Cohen merely thought Trump was “mad at him.” That sounds like some type of high school nonsense WOEYrByucb8-00004-00004384-00005547 Cohen worked with Trump for ten-plus years. Surely, Trump knew about Cohen’s penchant for recording conversations and keeping paperwork (which all lawyers do) WOEYrByucb8-00005-00005547-00006670 It makes perfect sense that Trump was trying to buy his silence.The real fireworks from Trump’s scandals involve Matthew Whitaker, who now appears to have “dropped a dime” on Trump WOEYrByucb8-00006-00006670-00007406 While Republican Congressman Doug Collins claims that Whitaker said “he did not talk to the President about Mr WOEYrByucb8-00007-00007406-00008308 Cohen at all,” Democratic Chairman Jerry Nadler, appearing on MSNBC, stated: “Unlike in the hearing room, Mr WOEYrByucb8-00008-00008308-00009293 Whitaker did not deny that the President called him to discuss Michael Cohen—the Michael Cohen case and personnel decisions in the Southern District WOEYrByucb8-00009-00009293-00010288 Two, while he was acting attorney general, Mr. Whitaker was directly involved in conversations about whether to fire one or more of the U WOEYrByucb8-00010-00010288-00011348 S. Attorneys, and three, while he was acting attorney general Mr. Whitaker was involved in conversations about the scope of the Southern District of New York U WOEYrByucb8-00011-00011348-00012469 S. Attorney Berman’s recusal and whether the Southern District went too far in pursuing the campaign finance case in which the President was listed as Individual No WOEYrByucb8-00012-00012469-00014577 1''.Nadler was followed by Adam Schiff, who pointed out that Jeff Sessions was fired because he recused himself on the advice of ethics lawyers at the Justice Department and that “Matthew Whitaker was hired because he talked about how he could privately cripple the Mueller investigation and because I’m sure the President was confident he would not recuse himself WOEYrByucb8-00013-00014577-00015635 The ethics lawyers urged him to do so. He refused.” I think we can safely expect more explosions involving Whitaker in very short order WOEYrByucb8-00014-00015635-00016630 Finally, Trump has been handed the first veto situation of his “presidency” with the passage of the resolution to stop his “emergency” declaration WOEYrByucb8-00015-00016630-00018542 While the Democrats needed only four Republican Senators to vote with them, they ended up with twelve: Mike Lee, Rand Paul, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, Pat Toomey, Roger Wicker, Marco Rubio, Jerry Moran, Rob Portman, Lamar Alexander, Roy Blount, and Mitt Romney XcprDWAmLf4-00000-00000513-00001482 Special Counsel Robert Mueller submitted his final report tonight, bringing an end to his role in the criminal investigation into Donald Trump XcprDWAmLf4-00001-00001482-00002299 This is being widely spun by pundits as some kind of defeat, because Mueller isn’t (directly) indicting anyone else XcprDWAmLf4-00002-00002299-00003052 But in actuality, Mueller just pulled off a victory in plain sight and no one noticed XcprDWAmLf4-00003-00003052-00004154 For the past year we’ve been hearing from these same pundits about how Donald Trump was going to find a way to fire Robert Mueller before he could complete his work and file his report XcprDWAmLf4-00004-00004154-00004896 Guess what? That didn’t happen. Instead, Mueller managed to make it all the way to the finish line XcprDWAmLf4-00005-00004896-00005638 He got to finish the job and file his report, after so much hype about how he would never get to this point XcprDWAmLf4-00006-00005638-00006643 Now these same pundits are spinning a doomsday tale about how the Attorney General is going to run it through a shredder and then everyone is just going to give up and move on XcprDWAmLf4-00007-00006643-00008096 But that’s not remotely realistic at this point. The public has an overwhelming appetite to see the report, and House Democrats have a number of ways to force it to become public if the AG does try to play any games XcprDWAmLf4-00008-00008096-00008843 Robert Mueller completed his work, and now we’re all about to at least get to see the bullet points of it XcprDWAmLf4-00009-00008843-00009880 Then we’ll find out what the various U.S. Attorneys’ offices that have been working with Mueller have up their sleeves as far as corresponding indictments XcprDWAmLf4-00010-00009880-00010682 But the big story tonight is that Mueller made it to the finish line – which so many of the pundits said would never happen