YoFxphDFhw4-00000-00000571-00002276 Every week, I offer a glimpse of the kind of intelligence assessments that are likely to come across the desk of the President of the United States, modeled on the President's Daily Briefing, or PDB, which the director of national intelligence prepares for the President almost daily YoFxphDFhw4-00001-00002276-00004520 Here's this week's briefing.President Trump's threats to close our border and his order to cut US assistance to Central American countries -- a pledge he has made before but hasn't followed through on -- will undoubtedly create a perfect storm of increased migration flows at our southern border, strained relationships with key partners, and new economic risks for everyday Americans YoFxphDFhw4-00002-00004520-00005330 His actions are also likely perceived globally as a signal that he doesn't care what his own Cabinet members have to say YoFxphDFhw4-00003-00005330-00007822 Their ability to protect us going forward is directly undermined.Self-reflection is not a look the President wears often, and instead of acknowledging that his current policies aren't working, his reactive move to punish the Northern Triangle countries of Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador will undoubtedly increase migration, rather than deter it, and will harm US interests in myriad ways YoFxphDFhw4-00004-00007822-00008911 Groundhog -- and opposite-day.The President is a creature of habit, and routinely casts a wide net of blame for everything that isn't going his way YoFxphDFhw4-00005-00008911-00009849 That has been especially true on border security -- Democrats, Mexico and Central American countries are his predictable punching bags YoFxphDFhw4-00006-00009849-00011631 He checked all three boxes in the last two days when he blasted "stupid Democrat inspired immigration laws," held Mexico responsible for not stopping all undocumented immigrants from entering the US, and said he was cutting aid to the Northern Triangle because "they haven't done a thing for us YoFxphDFhw4-00007-00011631-00012257 ".Foreign assistance to these countries is -- or was -- determined based on US interests YoFxphDFhw4-00008-00012257-00013052 We have provided it because it benefited our own national security, including combating illegal immigration YoFxphDFhw4-00009-00013052-00013799 We allocate resources for a reason, not because we like or dislike a particular country or leader YoFxphDFhw4-00010-00013799-00015084 Just as he has blamed the same cast of characters for illegal immigration, the President has also habitually undercut his own team, and his decision to cut aid to the Northern Triangle was no different YoFxphDFhw4-00011-00015084-00016630 His own State Department publicly states that its strategy is to provide foreign assistance to Central America and protect American citizens "by addressing the security, governance, and economic drivers of illegal immigration and illicit trafficking YoFxphDFhw4-00012-00016630-00017881 " The aid -- again according to Trump's State Department -- "goes toward fighting crime organizations, drug trafficking, gang violence and human trafficking, while strengthening borders and enhancing security YoFxphDFhw4-00013-00017881-00018691 " By stopping this aid, the President is directly contradicting his Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and his State Department YOX7GdhFDig-00000-00000513-00001834 A new report suggests that the main reason disgraced and disbarred former attorney Michael Cohen has turned on President Trump, is because Special Counsel Robert Mueller threatened his wife with 30-years in prison YOX7GdhFDig-00001-00001834-00002668 Conservative Daily Post reported on a January Facebook post written by HUD official and former Trump employee Lynne Patton YOX7GdhFDig-00002-00002668-00003383 Many of you may already know that I considered Michael Cohen to be one of my very best friends YOX7GdhFDig-00003-00003383-00004820 Countless people can confirm that we were virtually inseparable during my employment at Trump – and that he is, single-handedly – responsible for introducing me to the Trump family and effectively changing my entire life YOX7GdhFDig-00004-00004820-00005727 I would be lying if I didn’t admit that my heart still breaks for him and for his family, with whom I had grown extremely close YOX7GdhFDig-00005-00005727-00007200 What many of you may not be aware of is the fact that I can personally confirm that the ONLY reason Michael Cohen “turned on” the President of the United States is because Mueller threatened to throw his wife in jail for up to 30 years YOX7GdhFDig-00006-00007200-00009261 Period. She is the co-guarantor of a $20M personal loan that Mueller discovered Michael secured back in 2015 by falsely inflating the value of his taxi medallions – effectively making her part & parcel to the federal charge of “Making False Statements to a Financial Institution,” to which Cohen ultimately plead guilty YOX7GdhFDig-00007-00009261-00010125 This is also the reason why Cohen’s longtime taxi medallion partner, Evgeny “Gene” Freidman, was granted immunity YOX7GdhFDig-00008-00010125-00012918 Michael Cohen also told me (after they raided his apartment) that the reason why he elected to pay Stormy Daniels $130,000 by using his home equity loan – effectively committing bank fraud – instead of easily using the over $5M+ cash he has sitting in various stateside bank accounts is because his wife controls their finances and he simply did not want her to notice the missing money, as many husbands wouldn’t considering to whom it went YOX7GdhFDig-00009-00012918-00014997 Period. Moreover, he confessed to me that he never imagined in a million years that Donald Trump would actually win the Presidency and that the misappropriation of his home equity loan would ever be exposed, since thousands of Americans misuse this type line of credit to pay for colleges, boats, cars and vacations every single day YOX7GdhFDig-00010-00014997-00015940 By Cohen’s own admission, Trump ceased all interest and communication in constructing Trump Tower Moscow in June 2016 YOX7GdhFDig-00011-00015940-00016598 Over a month before officially being declared the Republican nominee for President YOX7GdhFDig-00012-00016598-00017740 To that end, it is NOT ILLEGAL for him to explore – nor deny – any “for profit” construction projects during the campaign, as he was still a civilian global real estate mogul YOX7GdhFDig-00013-00017740-00018819 BuzzFeed, themselves, officially admitted on CNN this morning that they have yet to independently confirm or see ANY evidence that corroborates their story YOX7GdhFDig-00014-00018819-00020281 Most significantly, Mueller refused to recommend any leniency, nor lack of jail time (as he did for Michael Flynn), for Michael Cohen when he was sentenced to 3+ years in federal prison just last month YOX7GdhFDig-00015-00020281-00021324 This would lead most legal experts to reasonably conclude that the Special Counsel deems information gleaned from Michael Cohen of little consequence or contribution 00U30HD0Zc8-00000-00000571-00002321 Earlier this evening, Palmer Report pointed out how suspicious it was that Donald Trump’s personally loyal Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had just met with Trump’s equally loyal Attorney General William Barr, just as Barr’s press conference about the Mueller report was being announced 00U30HD0Zc8-00001-00002321-00003462 The Trump regime needed an international distraction to take attention away from tomorrow’s release of the redacted Mueller report, and sure enough, now it has one: Kim Jong Un 00U30HD0Zc8-00002-00003462-00004351 .This evening, North Korea test fired a new “tactical guided weapon,” according to a report from the Associated Press 00U30HD0Zc8-00003-00004351-00006056 How convenient for Donald Trump. Just as he desperately needs something to split the headlines tomorrow, Kim Jong Un does him a huge favor, even as the media would rather be putting 100% of its focus tomorrow on poring over the hundreds of pages in the redacted Mueller report 00U30HD0Zc8-00005-00009097-00010270 .In any case, it’s becoming more clear by the hour that Donald Trump’s most loyal officials are in a frantic panic ahead of tomorrow’s release of the redacted Mueller report 00U30HD0Zc8-00006-00010270-00010996 It must be phenomenally damaging to Trump, even with Barr’s strategic pro-Trump redactions 00U30HD0Zc8-00007-00010996-00011591 Stay tuned, because tonight and tomorrow are going to be surreal 0LO2RcoT69u-00000-00000000-00000200 hi this shane cohen my first vedio 0LO2RcoT69u-00001-00000200-00000400 yeah im late in the commtry tary 0LO2RcoT69u-00002-00000400-00000480 thats sussy baka 0LO2RcoT69u-00003-00000480-00001375 hiiiii 0NWBenWnJxU-00000-00000571-00001749 A bipartisan group of 58 former national security officials on Monday issued a blistering critique of President Donald Trump’s efforts to build a barrier along the U 0NWBenWnJxU-00001-00001749-00002472 S.-Mexico border, saying there was “no plausible” justification for declaring a national emergency 0NWBenWnJxU-00002-00002472-00004238 “We have lived and worked through national emergencies, and we support the President’s power to mobilize the Executive Branch to respond quickly in genuine national emergencies,” reads the letter from the group, which includes former Secretaries of State Madeleine Albright and John Kerry 0NWBenWnJxU-00003-00004238-00005544 “But under no plausible assessment of the evidence is there a national emergency today that entitles the President to tap into funds appropriated for other purposes to build a wall at the southern border'' 0NWBenWnJxU-00004-00005544-00006508 The 13-page statement, which was first reported by The Washington Post, is expected to be entered into the Congressional Record on Monday 0NWBenWnJxU-00005-00006508-00007582 The president declared a national emergency earlier this month in an effort to unilaterally build his wall after Congress stonewalled his demand for $5 0NWBenWnJxU-00006-00007582-00008449 7 billion to do so. Many have accused him of manufacturing a crisis in the absence of a genuine emergency 0NWBenWnJxU-00007-00008449-00010489 The group of officials on Monday echoed those sentiments. Signatories include former CIA Director John Brennan, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and former Ambassadors to the United Nations Thomas Pickering, Samantha Power and Susan Rice 0NWBenWnJxU-00008-00010489-00011427 “The President’s actions are at odds with the overwhelming evidence in the public record, including the administration’s own data and estimates,” the group wrote 0NWBenWnJxU-00009-00011427-00012495 A Cato Institute analysis showed that undocumented immigrants in Texas are 44 percent less likely to be incarcerated than native-born U 0NWBenWnJxU-00010-00012495-00014052 S. citizens, according to the letter. The declaration also stated that a border wall will not reduce human and drug trafficking because most opioids are brought in through ports of entry and because most victims of human trafficking arrive in the U 0NWBenWnJxU-00011-00014052-00014433 S. with valid visas 1WI8uRGi8OM-00000-00000571-00001603 Those who refuse to work cost YOU a lot of money every year.That’s why President Donald Trump’s “America First” policy is great for the country: 1WI8uRGi8OM-00001-00001603-00002394 Not only does it put more people to work, it lessens the burden on those who contribute on a daily basis 1WI8uRGi8OM-00002-00002394-00003525 And the results speak for themselves.Welfare has been steadily falling ever since Trump took office, and now this administration has achieved another major victory 1WI8uRGi8OM-00003-00003525-00004486 This time, it involves the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), also known as food stamps 1WI8uRGi8OM-00004-00004486-00006085 From Breitbart (citing stats from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA):“Overall participation in America’s food stamp program fell to 37 million for the first time since October 2009'' 1WI8uRGi8OM-00005-00006085-00008415 The most recent USDA data revealed that 37,911,631 people received food stamps through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) in December 2018 marking the lowest level of overall participation in the nation’s food stamp program in nearly ten years'' 1WI8uRGi8OM-00006-00008415-00009873 The last time food stamp usage was this low? October 2009.Food stamp participation has actually been declining since 2013, when it hit its highest peak in American history 1WI8uRGi8OM-00007-00009873-00011174 And who was president in 2013 again?.Oh right, the same guy who also said the US economy couldn’t go much higher without him, but then Trump walked in and it DID go higher 1WI8uRGi8OM-00008-00011174-00012036 However, to Obama’s credit, food stamp usage starting dropping after several important laws were passed: 1WI8uRGi8OM-00009-00012036-00013054 These new laws required welfare recipients to work, volunteer, go to school, or attend job training for a certain number of hours each week 1WI8uRGi8OM-00010-00013054-00014491 But we only hit new lows when Trump pushed even harder.This administration has changed welfare programs like SNAP at federal and state levels of government, and Trump’s tax reform package has helped, too 1WI8uRGi8OM-00011-00014491-00015379 All told, a whopping 4.2 million people have stopped using food stamps during Trump’s presidency! 1WI8uRGi8OM-00012-00015379-00016427 I wonder what the total will be after four years or eight years?.It’s a major win, no matter how you look at it: America is working again! 1iRKGi7_B0u-00000-00000571-00002091 Donald Trump Biographer and award-winning reporter David Cay Johnston called Trump a “useful idiot” while arguing that the US president is still a Russian asset, regardless of whether the special counsel could find a direct conspiracy 1iRKGi7_B0u-00001-00002091-00003107 “In the meaning, in the intelligence world, of the word ‘asset,’ Donald Trump is an asset,” Johnston said during an interview with Al Jazeera English 1iRKGi7_B0u-00002-00003107-00004134 “He is what the old Soviet Union called a ‘useful idiot.’ He has carried the water for the Kremlin repeatedly on things like attacking NATO and other positions 1iRKGi7_B0u-00003-00004134-00004829 ”.“Regardless of what the Attorney General Bill Bar wrote in his summary, it’s clear, ” he added 1iRKGi7_B0u-00004-00004829-00005960 Johnston went on to say that the world has a lot of grey area when it comes to things like this, but for some reason, all roads seem to lead back to Russia for Trump 1iRKGi7_B0u-00005-00005960-00006722 “But the underlying important point here is we only know what Bill Barr’s spin is,” Johnston continued 1iRKGi7_B0u-00006-00006722-00007699 “Bill Barr without being dishonest can put a spin on this that helps the person who put him in office after he auditioned for that job 1iRKGi7_B0u-00007-00007699-00008457 ”.“The world is not black and white,” Johnston said in response to criticism from his other panelist 1iRKGi7_B0u-00008-00008457-00009246 “Donald Trump will do things that are contradictory — all people do. The world isn’t black and white 1iRKGi7_B0u-00009-00009246-00010061 And keep in mind, Donald Trump is totally incompetent to be president. So, when you look at his actions…” 1iRKGi7_B0u-00010-00010061-00010954 At the end of the interview, Johnston said that the president has all of the power in the world to make the report public today or tomorrow 1iRKGi7_B0u-00011-00010954-00011421 He demanded to know why Trump is refusing to do so 24SbojnvPpU-00000-00000571-00001511 After top national security officials testified at an annual hearing recently, President Trump took to Twitter to publicly insult them 24SbojnvPpU-00001-00001511-00002974 Trump’s outrage came after FBI director Chris Wray, CIA director Gina Haspel, and Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats gave testimonies on global security threats facing the United States at this time 24SbojnvPpU-00002-00002974-00004714 Trump became enraged when the officials testified, among other things, that even though Iran does still pose a threat, they are actually cooperating with the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) that was put forth to keep Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons 24SbojnvPpU-00003-00004714-00005544 Since this goes against Trump’s claim that Iran is in direct violation of the deal, he immediately lashed out 24SbojnvPpU-00004-00005544-00006722 Of course, Trump wasn’t finished with just one tweet (is he ever?) and added, “They are testing Rockets (last week) and more, and are coming very close to the edge 24SbojnvPpU-00005-00006722-00007485 There economy is now crashing, which is the only thing holding them back. Be careful of Iran 24SbojnvPpU-00006-00007485-00009157 Perhaps Intelligence should go back to school!”.The tweets prompted one FBI agent, who wished to remain anonymous to respond, telling Business Insider, “He’s doing the enemy’s job for them,” referring to the daft comments made by the Commander in Chief 24SbojnvPpU-00007-00009157-00010567 In an interview with TIME, two intelligence officers lamented about when they had to deliver any news to Trump that might contradict his own beliefs, one comparing him to a toddler, and saying they TRY to avoid such run-ins 24SbojnvPpU-00008-00010567-00012156 “This isn’t unusual… It’s like when my son threw temper tantrums when I told him he couldn’t do something or if I said something he didn’t like… Of course, my son was three years old at the time and wasn’t sitting in the Oval Office with the nuclear 24SbojnvPpU-00009-00012156-00013650 Trump has spent much of his time in office seemingly trying to discredit the US Intelligence community in one form or another, from constant questioning of top professionals to twitter tirades which could threaten an entire nation’s security 24SbojnvPpU-00010-00013650-00014556 Glenn Carle, a former CIA covert operative who has spent his career sees it is a much bigger problem for the country and beyond 24SbojnvPpU-00011-00014556-00015646 “The US intelligence community’s job is to speak truth to power… It’s not to tell the executive what he wants to hear and what supports his positions 24SbojnvPpU-00012-00015646-00016241 But there’s never been a man in the Oval Office who has zero regard for the truth 24SbojnvPpU-00013-00016241-00016931 He is only interested in his own self-aggrandizement. There is nothing else. Nothing'' 24SbojnvPpU-00014-00016931-00018443 Security experts have added that this type of behavior from a sitting President is a “goldmine” for those wishing to undermine our US intelligence, pointing out that our own President is doing exactly what foreign intelligence systems have been trying to do for decades 2JzqBDsUIR4-00000-00000513-00002124 As the United States continues to grapple with the end of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) want his full final report released publicly 2JzqBDsUIR4-00001-00002124-00002984 Discussing William Barr’s Sunday letter to Congress summarizing the report, Pelosi and Schumer asserted in a joint statement: 2JzqBDsUIR4-00002-00002984-00004966 ‘Attorney General Barr’s letter raises as many questions as it answers. The fact that Special Counsel Mueller’s report does not exonerate the president on a charge as serious as obstruction of justice demonstrates how urgent it is that the full report and underlying documentation be made public without any further delay' 2JzqBDsUIR4-00003-00004966-00006792 Barr said in his letter that more material would be forthcoming after his team reviewed the Mueller report’s contents for anything covered by the federal legislation protecting grand jury proceedings.In the meantime, as Pelosi and Schumer note, a couple of key, troubling questions remain clear 2JzqBDsUIR4-00004-00006792-00008287 Barr shared that Mueller’s report specifically asserts it does not exonerate the president over allegations of obstruction of justice that have stemmed from his many public and private efforts to impede the progress of the Russia investigation 2JzqBDsUIR4-00005-00008287-00009439 Unsurprisingly, once Barr released his summary, Trump claimed the Mueller report concluded with “Total EXONERATION,” although it specifically says otherwise 2JzqBDsUIR4-00006-00009439-00010481 The president and his associates have desperately tenuous ground on which to base that claim because of a key part in Barr’s summary of Mueller’s report 2JzqBDsUIR4-00007-00010481-00011928 He shares that he and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein took it upon themselves to determine whether or not the president should be considered guilty of obstruction of justice, and they claim there’s ultimately no distinguishable offense 2JzqBDsUIR4-00008-00011928-00012777 That’s obviously strikingly different from the Mueller report’s conclusion, and House Democrats want answers 2JzqBDsUIR4-00009-00012777-00013762 House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) has already said he hopes to bring Barr in for questioning over the discrepancy 2JzqBDsUIR4-00010-00013762-00015415 Pelosi and Schumer added a jab straight at the Attorney General, offering:.‘Given Mr. Barr’s public record of bias against the Special Counsel’s inquiry, he is not a neutral observer and is not in a position to make objective determinations about the report' 2JzqBDsUIR4-00011-00015415-00017207 As discussed during his confirmation hearings, Barr specifically criticized Mueller’s probe into possible presidential obstruction of justice before even being nominated — and now he’s in office and we’re here, with him deciding to close up the key investigative question of his own accord 2JzqBDsUIR4-00012-00017207-00019310 House Democrats have made their intent to pick up the slack abundantly clear. Pelosi and Schumer asserted that Congress “requires the full report and the underlying documents so that the Committees can proceed with their independent work,” which includes investigations across the House Judiciary, Intelligence, and Oversight committees 2JzqBDsUIR4-00013-00019310-00020673 Nadler’s panel has been examining possible obstruction of justice, the Intelligence Committee’s Adam Schiff (D-Calif) has targeted possible corrupt foreign ties on the Trump team’s part, and Rep 2JzqBDsUIR4-00014-00020673-00022175 Elijah Cummings (D-Md) and the Oversight panel have looked at issues like why Michael Flynn got a pass to work inside the Trump administration while holding onto secrets about his relationships with Turkish and Russian governments 35CI9Bbr_yy-00000-00000513-00001720 Hollywood director and left-wing activist Rob Reiner targeted President Donald Trump’s supporters in a new social media post, calling them an “insidious cult” who condone white supremacy 35CI9Bbr_yy-00001-00001720-00002725 “The President of the United States is a racist. He supports and promotes white supremacy & white nationalism,” Rob Reiner declared 35CI9Bbr_yy-00002-00002725-00004162 “If you are part of this insidious cult, you condone that. Period.”.Reiner, like other Hollywood stars, piled on Trump in the wake of a mass shooting targeting Muslims in Christchurch, New Zealand 35CI9Bbr_yy-00003-00004162-00004995 “What happened in New Zealand is horrifying. The rise of white supremacy & white nationalism is frightening 35CI9Bbr_yy-00004-00004995-00005868 World leaders play a role in stoking this hatred. If you are not condemning white supremacy you are condoning it 35CI9Bbr_yy-00005-00005868-00007127 If POTUS doesn’t condemn, he condones,” Reiner said.Actor Jeffrey Wright even compared Trump to Osama Bin Laden in reaction to the president offering a message of condolences 35CI9Bbr_yy-00006-00007127-00007743 The Wolf of Wall Street actor routinely goes on angry rants against the president 35CI9Bbr_yy-00007-00007743-00008404 In December, he accused Trump of committing treason and helping the Islamic State 35CI9Bbr_yy-00008-00008404-00009070 “Donald Trump is committing Treason against The United States of America,” Reiner said 35CI9Bbr_yy-00009-00009070-00009728 “He is aiding and abetting the enemy in The War against Isis and The Cyberwar against Russia 35CI9Bbr_yy-00010-00009728-00010530 He has turned the world’s oldest Democracy into a wholly owned subsidiary of Vladimir Putin 35CI9Bbr_yy-00011-00010530-00010880 GOP, WAKE UP!” 3pD_4Zo_S8M-00000-00000571-00001924 If you’ve followed the news consistently over the last 48 hours, you probably fall into one of three camps: 1) you’re a Trumper ecstatic that your guy has finally been “exonerated” in his own words 3pD_4Zo_S8M-00001-00001924-00003768 2) you’re in the resistance and in despair, thinking Donald Trump used a “Get out of jail free” card and now he’s off to invade Iran or something else horrifying, and we’re all doomed, or 3) you’re in the middle of the road and feel it’s about time the Democrats did something besides investigate Donald Trump 3pD_4Zo_S8M-00002-00003768-00004640 Whatever your views may be, what’s coming next from the Trump White House is sure to affect you, and likely not for the better 3pD_4Zo_S8M-00003-00004640-00006391 Until the picture is clearer on what the Mueller Report says or doesn’t say, Donald Trump and the usual gang of right-wing pundits are still on their “exoneration” victory lap, and it’s probably better that the resistance find another issue to unite voters against Donald Trump and the GOP 3pD_4Zo_S8M-00004-00006391-00007106 Today, a bit of worrisome news dropped that may have just given us the issue to rally around 3pD_4Zo_S8M-00005-00007106-00008018 Not to be outdone by obstruction, Trump’s DOJ has revealed its plot to repeal the Affordable Care Act by way of a filing on Monday 3pD_4Zo_S8M-00006-00008018-00008940 Everyone who was against Trump in 2016 knew he was lying when he talked about repealing and replacing Obamacare with something cheaper and better 3pD_4Zo_S8M-00007-00008940-00010473 He didn’t have that cheaper and better plan in 2017 when the Republicans went ahead and tried to repeal it, not in 2018 when Republicans campaigned on protecting pre-existing conditions, and they certainly don’t have it now 3pD_4Zo_S8M-00008-00010473-00011450 The new plan is to strike the entire law down as unconstitutional and replace it with nothing, leaving millions of people uninsured 3pD_4Zo_S8M-00009-00011450-00012728 The Republicans were absolutely planning to try repeal it again if they kept their majorities in Congress – and Donald Trump’s plans to try this after 2020 haven’t been so secret either 3pD_4Zo_S8M-00010-00012728-00014122 A question we should ask ourselves is, why now? It’s probably because they’re taking advantage of the popularity they’re expecting Donald Trump to have, and think they may not have this shot again under a Trump presidency 3pD_4Zo_S8M-00011-00014122-00015429 Either way, we don’t have to wait around – it’s time for us to double down on the fervor we had in 2017 when we rallied to defend the ACA – this is a Donald Trump promise that must stay unfulfilled 3WEufhbAkaA-00000-00000513-00002268 On Sunday, Attorney General William Barr delivered a summary of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report summarizing his Russia investigation, but prominent Senator (and presidential candidate) Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass) is among those demanding the whole thing 3WEufhbAkaA-00001-00002268-00004029 She posted on Twitter as the nation grappled with the report’s implications:‘Congress voted 420-0 to release the full Mueller report. Not a “summary” from his handpicked Attorney General.AG Barr, make the full report public. Immediately.’ 3WEufhbAkaA-00002-00004029-00005910 She’s right — the House voted unanimously to make the full Mueller report public, but Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) blocked that resolution from proceeding in his chamber, demanding that it get an outlandish call for a second special counsel to investigate the first one tacked on 3WEufhbAkaA-00003-00005910-00006821 President Donald Trump and his allies continue to deride Muller and his associates as essentially cracked up, rogue prosecutors 3WEufhbAkaA-00004-00006821-00008268 Barr’s summary hit only the most top-level key points of Mueller’s probe, although he noted that more would be forthcoming as soon as his team determined what could not be released under federal law protecting grand jury proceedings 3WEufhbAkaA-00005-00008268-00010624 In the meantime, we know two things — Mueller concluded that no one in the Trump camp conspired or coordinated with Russian efforts to influence the 2016 elections, which proceeded along two main fronts, including the email hack targeting Democrats and the misinformation campaigns run by the “Internet Research Agency,” which Mueller’s team already unveiled criminal charges over 3WEufhbAkaA-00006-00010624-00012025 He also declined to make a “traditional prosecutorial determination” as to the question of whether Trump is guilty of obstruction of justice, instead simply presenting the collected evidence for both sides 3WEufhbAkaA-00007-00012025-00013098 Barr and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein took it upon themselves to draw conclusions there, asserting that the president should be considered not guilty 3WEufhbAkaA-00008-00013098-00015055 The Trump team nearly immediately jumped on the development as “complete vindication” — although in his discussion of the obstruction allegation, Barr’s letter explicitly notes that Mueller’s report asserts that “while this report does not conclude the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him" 3WEufhbAkaA-00009-00015055-00015671 The full report becoming public could no doubt help resolve the discrepancy 3X4c-515LWg-00000-00000571-00001947 Even as various House committees simultaneously investigate various Donald Trump scandals, the House Oversight Committee has taken up the lead on the security clearance scandal involving Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner 3X4c-515LWg-00001-00001947-00002812 This has left Chairman Elijah Cummings in charge of the matter. Naturally, the Trump regime is trying to stonewall him 3X4c-515LWg-00002-00002812-00004526 So he’s found a way to work around that.One of the goals in the security clearance investigation is to find out precisely why former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly and former White House Counsel Don McGahn felt that Ivanka and Jared were security risks against the United States 3X4c-515LWg-00003-00004526-00005320 The two key pieces of evidence: the memos that Kelly and McGahn each wrote, documenting their concerns 3X4c-515LWg-00004-00005320-00006236 Elijah Cummings knows the White House will fight tooth and nail to avoid having to turn over those memos, because Trump wants to protect his family 3X4c-515LWg-00005-00006236-00007908 Palmer Report pointed out earlier this month that if Kelly and McGahn felt strongly enough that they needed to write and file these memos in order to insulate themselves from what Donald Trump was doing, then they certainly would have kept copies of their own 3X4c-515LWg-00006-00007908-00008956 We also pointed out that because Kelly and McGahn have both reportedly been cooperating with Robert Mueller, they’re likely to cooperate with Congress as well 3X4c-515LWg-00007-00008956-00009998 Sure enough, Elijah Cummings has taken the unorthodox step of having his staff reach out directly to John Kelly, as opposed to going through the White House 3X4c-515LWg-00008-00009998-00010737 This is according to CNN, which doesn’t spell out whether Kelly turned over the memo to Cummings 3X4c-515LWg-00009-00010737-00011795 But considering the apoplectic response from the Trump regime when it learned that Cummings had contacted Kelly, we’re guessing Cummings now has the memo 3X4c-515LWg-00010-00011795-00012265 We told you that Cummings knows what he’s doing 50am0VB8HvE-00000-00000513-00001931 The investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller into President Donald Trump, his Organization, his White House, his administration, his close circle and his White House seems now like it has been going on for many lifetimes 50am0VB8HvE-00002-00005708-00008339 The latest significant development in this ongoing saga, which of course threatens the very fabric of democracy and the Constitution of the United States, was when former Trump attorney and close confidant Michael Cohen cooperated fully with the Mueller inquiry and delivered a blistering testimony, which was publicly broadcast, in which he attacked the President and the White House in every way imaginable and in the most brutal and merciless fashion possible 50am0VB8HvE-00003-00008339-00009961 Since then, President Trump has been extremely distracted by all of this chaos, and reportedly messed up several key aspects of a trade summit with China because he was so preoccupied with what his former lawyer was doing and saying in public to tarnish his name 50am0VB8HvE-00004-00009961-00011479 .Well, things just got even more horrid for him, because his own son and senior adviser and close aid, Donald Trump Jr , has just publicly taken Cohen’s side against his father, in a totally extraordinary move that no one sae coming 50am0VB8HvE-00005-00011479-00012597 The way he made the incredible public statement was by retweeting a tweet from Garrett M Graff, a journalist reporting on the Cohen testimony, which suggested that Cohen was telling the truth: 50am0VB8HvE-00006-00012597-00013610 Incredible to see all the hubris drained from Cohen. I’ve been personally screamed at by Cohen on the phone before and know how much bravado he once had 50am0VB8HvE-00007-00013610-00014459 This is a man with nothing left, with no reason to lie or obfuscate at all. Humbling, in its way 50am0VB8HvE-00008-00014459-00016097 The retweet flies directly in the face of his own family and puts himself, Donald Trump, and the entire clan at risk, mainly becuase Jr’s father has mad it so that Twitter musings and retweets can be used against you in any way conceivable in a court room 50am0VB8HvE-00009-00016097-00017111 This is essentially a public admission.A scvil war has been raging in the White House for some time at this point, but as of yet has not split the Trump family 50am0VB8HvE-00010-00017111-00018453 Could this finally be the end? Is this what we’ve all been waiting for? Is this even more damning than anything Mueller could possibly dig up? However it transpires, on my end, I truly hope so 5GdRZWMnzSu-00000-00000571-00001482 President Donald Trump delivered remarks at a Prison Reform Summit and First Step Act celebration on Monday at the White House 5GdRZWMnzSu-00001-00001482-00002762 Brooke Rollins, assistant to the president in the Office of American Innovation, told Breitbart News that the First Step Act would improve public safety and lessen recidivism among ex-convicts 5GdRZWMnzSu-00002-00002762-00003815 .According to the Texas Public Policy Foundation, Rollins is a ‘visionary leader of the conservative movement with a proven record of turning ideas into action 5GdRZWMnzSu-00003-00003815-00004593 Mrs. Rollins is considered one of the transformative liberty leaders of twenty-first century America 5GdRZWMnzSu-00004-00004593-00005790 Studying agriculture at Texas A&M, she was named the top 1994 graduate and also served as the first female student body president of her beloved alma mater 5GdRZWMnzSu-00005-00005790-00006555 ’.She joined Monday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily for an interview with host Alex Marlow 5GdRZWMnzSu-00006-00006555-00007566 Talk Media News listed some of the First Step Act’s components:.Limiting the use of restraints on federal prisoners who are pregnant or in postpartum recovery; 5GdRZWMnzSu-00007-00007566-00008198 Reducing mandatory minimum prison terms for certain nonviolent repeat drug offenders; 5GdRZWMnzSu-00008-00008198-00008940 Permitting reduced sentences for certain nonviolent, cooperative drug offenders with limited criminal histories; 5GdRZWMnzSu-00009-00008940-00009831 Requiring prisoners to be placed within 500 miles of their primary residence so that their relatives can visit them; 5GdRZWMnzSu-00010-00009831-00010619 Requiring low-risk prisoners to be placed in home confinement for the maximum amount of time permitted; 5GdRZWMnzSu-00011-00010619-00011792 Requiring the Bureau of Prisons to help prisoners obtain identification documents prior to release, so they can incorporate de-escalation procedures into training programs; 5GdRZWMnzSu-00012-00011792-00012503 Providing tampons and sanitary napkins to prisoners;.Limiting juvenile solitary confinement 5GdRZWMnzSu-00013-00012503-00013482 .“The First Step Act is, really, in my opinion, going to go down as one of [Donald Trump’s] greatest accomplishments,” said Rollins 5GdRZWMnzSu-00014-00013482-00014109 “It was really a transformative bill. It took about a year to move through Congress 5GdRZWMnzSu-00015-00014109-00014778 It ultimately was passed in December, and signed by the president a few days before Christmas 5GdRZWMnzSu-00016-00014778-00016141 ”.Rollins added, “It is a wholesale look at who is coming back into society from prison, and what can we do to make sure that their re-entry is successful, that they have a real chance at the American Dream 5GdRZWMnzSu-00017-00016141-00017737 Ultimately, what it does is improve public safety.”.Rollins stated, “A lot of people don’t know this, but four percent is what America has of the world’s population — four percent — but we have 25 percent of the world’s incarcerated 5GdRZWMnzSu-00018-00017737-00019260 About ten years ago in Texas, we really started to look at this, and we asked why we have so many more people in prison than the rest of the world, and what it came down to was we were putting in prison a lot of our low-level non-violent drug offenders 5GdRZWMnzSu-00019-00019260-00020049 ”. .Conservatives have been broadly absent from pushing for criminal justice reform, assessed Rollins 5GdRZWMnzSu-00020-00020049-00021245 “Conservatives have really taken a pass on this issue,” Rollins remarked. “We’ve really just been for building more prisons when in fact what we should be for is making our communities safer 5GdRZWMnzSu-00021-00021245-00022463 ”.Rollins shared some of the First Step Act’s changes to federal law.“The federal system [didn’t] even allow faith-based groups into the prisons, unlike all the state prisons,” noted Rollins 5GdRZWMnzSu-00022-00022463-00023411 “This law changed that. … Women who are giving birth under federal law had to be shackled, and there were some pretty monstrous stories coming out of that 5GdRZWMnzSu-00023-00023411-00025172 ”.Rollins continued, “[The First Step Act] changed the law so that — under most circumstances, non-violent [criminals] — you would have to be placed in a prison that was closer to you family because being closer to your family has been proven to decrease recidivism numbers 5GdRZWMnzSu-00024-00025172-00026548 [It includes] a major drug treatment program.”.Rollins described the First Step Act’s goal as “making a difference in the lives” of prisoners slated for release, noting that “95 percent are coming out 5GdRZWMnzSu-00025-00026548-00028155 ”.Recruiting “the private sector [and] faith community” in “properly preparing” inmates for reintegration into civil society has “proven itself out across the country in states like Texas, Georgia, Kentucky, Indiana, [and] Utah,” added Rollins 5GdRZWMnzSu-00026-00028155-00029066 .“[These states] have all done and changed their approach to criminal justice and their crime rates have all plummeted,” claimed Rollins 5GdRZWMnzSu-00027-00029066-00029782 “It’s been an amazing thing to see. One of the greatest policy wins of our generation 5GdRZWMnzSu-00028-00029782-00031472 ”.Rollins concluded, “Ultimately, this is such a righteous and moral fight, and I think because red states led the way on this for more than a decade, it was not as difficult as it might seem to be able to convince people on the left and the right why this makes so much sense 5GdRZWMnzSu-00029-00031472-00031572 ” 62zAmJmeGWQ-00000-00000513-00001701 The National Enquirer, its parent company AMI, and its boss David Pecker just keep finding their way in and out of legal trouble in relation to Donald Trump’s scandals 62zAmJmeGWQ-00001-00001701-00002477 Now the Enquirer gang has decided to sell Trump out in the hope of keeping itself out of even more legal trouble 62zAmJmeGWQ-00002-00002477-00003397 We already saw Pecker and the National Enquirer sell Donald Trump and Michael Cohen out to the SDNY in return for immunity 62zAmJmeGWQ-00003-00003397-00004705 But then Pecker blew his immunity when he got caught trying to blackmail Trump’s longtime nemesis Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, and now Pecker is in real danger of facing serious criminal charges 62zAmJmeGWQ-00004-00004705-00005907 So he’s selling Trump out yet again.Pecker and AMI have agreed to turn over Trump-related documents to the House Judiciary Committee, according to CBS News 62zAmJmeGWQ-00005-00005907-00006821 Based on the nature of the document request, these are ostensibly the same documents that they’ve already turned over to the SDNY 62zAmJmeGWQ-00006-00006821-00008221 So this won’t necessarily further incriminate Trump, but it will serve to publicly incriminate Trump, as the committee will turn around and use these documents as part of its public hearings on Trump’s crimes 62zAmJmeGWQ-00007-00008221-00009316 The National Enquirer gang keeps playing games, of course, so it’s possible they could be disingenuous in their announcement that they’re going to cooperate 62zAmJmeGWQ-00008-00009316-00010316 But in this instance, they have nothing further to lose by turning over documents to the House Democrats that they’ve already turned over to prosecutors 62zAmJmeGWQ-00009-00010316-00011332 So we’re about to see more of Trump’s dirt. In any case, this cooperation won’t keep Pecker out of prison, if that’s where he’s headed 6Jd04Je0lsg-00000-00000513-00002633 President Trump is scheduled to speak Saturday at the 2019 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) near Washington, capping off a whirlwind week for the president that included a summit in Hanoi with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and explosive testimony on Capitol Hill by his former lawyer, Michael Cohen, on Wednesday 6Jd04Je0lsg-00001-00002633-00004353 CPAC’s organizers confirmed the president’s Saturday appearance earlier this week, writing: “We are honored to have @realDonaldTrump join us again for #CPAC2019 where he’ll share his vision for #WhatMakesAmericaGreat 6Jd04Je0lsg-00002-00004353-00005765 Thank you, Mr. President!”.Saturday, the event's final day, will mark Trump’s third consecutive appearance at CPAC while in office, though he has made multiple appearances since 2011 6Jd04Je0lsg-00003-00005765-00006877 This year's CPAC, which began Wednesday in National Harbor, Md., has seen appearances from a range of speakers, including former Wisconsin Gov 6Jd04Je0lsg-00004-00006877-00008389 Scott Walker and Benghazi hero Mark Geist.Vice President Mike Pence addressed the crowd Friday, denouncing Democrats for seeming to embrace socialism with far-left policies such as "Medicare-for-all" and the Green New Deal 6Xs_zEAVVEo-00000-00000216-00000695 Amnesty International з гонарам далучаецца да глабальнай кампаніі 6Xs_zEAVVEo-00001-00000695-00001230 з патрабаваннем аб вызваленні сямі супрацоўнікаў і валанцёраў "Вясны", 6Xs_zEAVVEo-00002-00001230-00001625 якія былі затрыманыя і абвінавачаныя выключна за сваю праваабарончую дзейнасць. 6Xs_zEAVVEo-00003-00001651-00002000 Спрабуючы выкараніць усе крытычныя галасы, 6Xs_zEAVVEo-00004-00002000-00002570 беларускія ўлады топчуць правы чалавека і пераследуць тых, 6Xs_zEAVVEo-00005-00002570-00003055 хто адважваецца выступіць у абарону ахвяраў парушэнняў правоў чалавека. 6Xs_zEAVVEo-00006-00003114-00003428 17 верасня спаўняецца год 6Xs_zEAVVEo-00007-00003428-00004073 з дня арышту Марфы Рабковай, каардынатаркі моладзі "Вясны". 6Xs_zEAVVEo-00008-00004112-00004371 З таго часу яна знаходзіцца пад вартай 6Xs_zEAVVEo-00009-00004371-00004761 і ёй можа пагражаць да 12 гадоў пазбаўлення волі 6Xs_zEAVVEo-00010-00004761-00005286 па сфабрыкаваным абвінавачванні ў падрыхтоўцы удзельнікаў масавых беспарадкаў, 6Xs_zEAVVEo-00011-00005298-00005758 у прыналежнасці да злачыннай арганізацыі і распальванні сацыяльнай варожасці. 6Xs_zEAVVEo-00012-00005819-00005978 Але дайце сябе падмануць! 6Xs_zEAVVEo-00013-00005989-00006390 Адзінае яе злачынства, калі гэта слова тут пасуе, - 6Xs_zEAVVEo-00014-00006397-00006692 гэта тое, што яна выкрывала жорсткасць 6Xs_zEAVVEo-00015-00006692-00007266 беларускіх праваахоўнікаў у дачыненні да мірных дэманстрантаў. 6Xs_zEAVVEo-00016-00007350-00007651 А статнія шэсць зняволеных, якія ўтрымліваюцца акрамя яе, - 6Xs_zEAVVEo-00017-00007664-00008433 гэта Алесь Бяляцкі, заснавальнік "Вясны" і ўладальнік прэміі імя Вацлава Гавела, 6Xs_zEAVVEo-00018-00008478-00008678 Леанід Судаленка, 6Xs_zEAVVEo-00019-00008777-00009021 Валянцін Стэфановіч, 6Xs_zEAVVEo-00020-00009086-00009287 Андрэй Чапюк, 6Xs_zEAVVEo-00021-00009364-00009564 Таццяна Ласіца 6Xs_zEAVVEo-00022-00009666-00010006 і Уладзімір Лабковіч. 6Xs_zEAVVEo-00023-00010142-00010506 Праваабарончы цэнтр "Вясна" шмат гадоў з'яўляецца каштоўным 6Xs_zEAVVEo-00024-00010506-00010880 праваабарончым партнёрам Amnesty International. 6Xs_zEAVVEo-00025-00010937-00011171 Мы падтрымліваем іх 6Xs_zEAVVEo-00026-00011171-00011366 і працягваем заклікаць 6Xs_zEAVVEo-00027-00011366-00011676 да неадкладнага і безумоўнага вызвалення 6Xs_zEAVVEo-00028-00011676-00012122 супрацоўнікаў і валанцёраў "Вясны". 6Xs_zEAVVEo-00029-00012155-00012286 Вялікі дзякуй! 6eT23VH4nDA-00000-00000513-00002017 Today we learned that House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings, who has been demanding that the White House turn over documents relating to Jared Kushner’s security clearance, has already secretly been sitting on some of the documents for the past month 6eT23VH4nDA-00001-00002017-00002955 This is a reminder that Cummings is playing chess while Donald Trump is playing checkers – but it also tells us something else 6eT23VH4nDA-00002-00002955-00003773 It’s not just that someone in the White House leaked the Jared Kushner security clearance documents to Elijah Cummings a month ago 6eT23VH4nDA-00003-00003773-00004653 It’s that this same person also leaked documents about Ivanka Trump’s security clearance to Cummings, according to Axios 6eT23VH4nDA-00004-00004653-00005502 Until it surfaced in the media a few days ago, no one even knew there was an Ivanka Trump security clearance scandal 6eT23VH4nDA-00005-00005502-00006424 This means that the White House leaker made a point of bringing the existence of Ivanka’s security clearance scandal to the attention of House Democrats 6eT23VH4nDA-00006-00006424-00007537 This is something that might well never have surfaced, if not for this leaker.In other words, there is someone in Donald Trump’s White House who really wants to take Ivanka Trump down 6eT23VH4nDA-00007-00007537-00008443 Maybe this leaker has a personal beef with Ivanka. Maybe the leaker is merely using Ivanka as a way of trying to get to Donald 6eT23VH4nDA-00008-00008443-00009517 Or maybe the leaker thinks that Ivanka is the real threat to American democracy. One way or the other, the Trump White House is now eating itself alive 7EZBgDl-e4g-00000-00000513-00001270 The impeachment of President Donald Trump suddenly looks like much more than just a theoretical possibility 7EZBgDl-e4g-00001-00001270-00002822 Democrats on Monday will launch an "abuse of power" investigation that could be easily transformed into an even more serious process, with an expansive demand for documents from Trump's government, his family and even his real estate empire 7EZBgDl-e4g-00002-00002822-00004376 The President reacted to his worsening plight with a vehement defense on Sunday, after a week in which testimony from his ex-lawyer Michael Cohen deepened his political vulnerability and ahead of the expected filing soon of special counsel Robert Mueller's report 7EZBgDl-e4g-00003-00004376-00005029 "Presidential Harassment by 'crazed' Democrats at the highest level in the history of our Country 7EZBgDl-e4g-00004-00005029-00005972 Likewise, the most vicious and corrupt Mainstream Media that any president has ever had to endure," Trump tweeted Sunday night 7EZBgDl-e4g-00005-00005972-00007192 House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler, who would eventually lead any impeachment proceedings, on Sunday signaled a significant escalation into congressional inquiries into the President 7EZBgDl-e4g-00006-00007192-00008362 The New York Democrat plans on Monday to request documents from 60 people and entities close to Trump, including from the Department of Justice, the White House and the Trump Organization 7EZBgDl-e4g-00007-00008362-00009653 The document trawl will be used "to present the case to the American people about obstruction of justice, about corruption and abuse of power," Nadler said on ABC News' "This Week" on Sunday 7EZBgDl-e4g-00008-00009653-00010990 Nadler stuck to the House Democratic position that impeachment "is a long way down the road," apparently in order to avoid Republican arguments that the decision has already been made to try to oust Trump 7EZBgDl-e4g-00009-00010990-00011771 The document requests are not taking place under the auspices of an official impeachment investigation 7EZBgDl-e4g-00010-00011771-00012651 But Nadler said nevertheless that he believes the President had obstructed justice, a potentially impeachable offense 7EZBgDl-e4g-00011-00012651-00014007 And given his responsibilities and powers, the warning from Nadler took the President's political and legal nightmare to a new plane, and opened a new, more serious stage of the showdown between House Democrats and Trump 7EZBgDl-e4g-00012-00014007-00015449 It was the latest sign that investigations sparked by accusations that Trump's campaign team cooperated with Russian election meddling has mushroomed into a relentless examination of Trump's political, personal and business life 7EZBgDl-e4g-00013-00015449-00016692 The latest blow to the President further intensified pressure on the White House as Washington waits for another shoe to drop — with Mueller expected to file his long awaited report from Monday onward 7EZBgDl-e4g-00014-00016692-00018685 The Nadler investigation, along with parallel probes into Trump's presidency by the House Oversight and Intelligence committees means that the structure of a political investigation into the President based in Congress is now in place, alongside the legal inquiries led by Mueller and prosecutors in New York and other jurisdictions 7EZBgDl-e4g-00015-00018685-00020360 Trump showing signs of stress.In the last week, partly through Cohen's testimony, it has become clear that even if the special counsel does not find direct wrongdoing by the President, Trump's legal troubles will linger deep into his presidency and probably beyond 7EZBgDl-e4g-00016-00020360-00022457 Trump is showing increasing signs of stress at being surrounded.He spent much of the weekend laying out a likely defense should any of the multiple probes find him guilty of wrongdoing and bolstering his stranglehold on the Republican Party that could eventually be key to saving his presidency in a Senate trial if House Democrats opt for impeachment 7EZBgDl-e4g-00017-00022457-00023925 "I am an innocent man being persecuted by some very bad, conflicted & corrupt people in a Witch Hunt that is illegal & should never have been allowed to start - And only because I won the Election!" Trump tweeted Sunday 7EZBgDl-e4g-00018-00023925-00025362 In a mostly unscripted two-hour speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference on Saturday — one of the most demagogic and inflammatory appearances of his presidency, Trump lacerated Mueller and his investigation 7EZBgDl-e4g-00019-00025362-00026399 "So now we're waiting for a report, and we'll find out . who we're dealing with . We're waiting for a report by people that weren't elected," Trump said at CPAC 7EZBgDl-e4g-00020-00026399-00027666 "You put the wrong people in a couple of positions and they leave people for a long time that shouldn't be there, and all of a sudden, they're trying to take you out with bullshit, OK," Trump said 7EZBgDl-e4g-00021-00027666-00029244 Trump also sketched a defense for two potential areas of vulnerability: his call for Russia to find Hillary Clinton's missing emails during the 2016 campaign and his firing of former FBI Director James Comey in 2017 7EZBgDl-e4g-00022-00029244-00030074 He said he was being "sarcastic" when he asked Russia to find Clinton's emails and was having fun with his audience 7EZBgDl-e4g-00023-00030074-00031529 Mueller's team has already filed an indictment against 12 Russian intelligence operatives, accusing them of hacking into Clinton's personal emails for the first time on the same day — July 27, 2016 — as Trump's appeal 7EZBgDl-e4g-00024-00031529-00032488 Trump's comment is often cited by his critics as an instance in which his campaign colluded in plain sight with the Russian election meddling effort 7EZBgDl-e4g-00025-00032488-00033820 The President also used his speech at CPAC to knock back accusations that his firing of Comey was an attempt to shut down the Russia investigation and therefore fits the definition of obstruction of justice 7EZBgDl-e4g-00026-00033820-00034609 "I said, 'Melania, I'm doing something today, I'm doing it because it really has to be done 7EZBgDl-e4g-00027-00034609-00035709 he's a bad, bad guy,'" Trump said, arguing that he thought Democrats would welcome the move given their anger at Comey's handling of the Clinton email investigation 7EZBgDl-e4g-00028-00035709-00036819 "I said to the first lady, I said, 'but you know the good news, the good news is that this is going to be so bipartisan, everyone's going to love it' — so we fired Comey 7EZBgDl-e4g-00029-00036819-00037717 ".In May 2017, Trump told NBC News that he was thinking of the "Russia thing" when he dismissed Comey 7EZBgDl-e4g-00030-00037717-00039055 His lawyers have argued that since he is the titular head of the US government and legal system, the President has the right to dismiss anyone in the executive branch and therefore cannot be guilty of obstruction 7EZBgDl-e4g-00031-00039055-00040293 It may soon be Mueller time.Mueller has not so far produced any evidence that Trump is guilty of cooperating with the Russian election interference effort, or of obstructing justice 7EZBgDl-e4g-00032-00040293-00041636 He has however sprinkled tantalizing clues in indictments of a handful of Trump associates that have sparked intrigue about what his eventual findings — that will be presented to Attorney General William Barr — will show 7EZBgDl-e4g-00033-00041636-00043015 In a moment that will have dramatic overtones given the timing, Barr is due to deliver brief remarks on Monday at an event at the White House hosted by the President for state attorneys general, a Justice Department spokesman said 7EZBgDl-e4g-00034-00043015-00044321 Trump's fierce political campaign against what he calls Mueller's "Witch Hunt" and "hoax" investigation is apparently aimed at discrediting any conclusions that Barr choses to share with Congress and the public 7EZBgDl-e4g-00035-00044321-00046175 But his increasingly emotional denunciation of the various legal and political investigations — that are now focusing on his business, his campaign, his transition, his inauguration and his presidency is not giving the impression that he is a President who is confident there will be no charges to answer 7EZBgDl-e4g-00036-00046175-00047482 Nadler is expected to give further details of his document request on Monday.But he said on ABC that it would stretch from the White House, to the Department of Justice to Trump's son, Donald Jr 7EZBgDl-e4g-00037-00047482-00049195 , and Allen Weisselberg, the chief financial officer of the Trump Organization.Given that he believes that Trump obstructed justice, Nadler was asked on "This Week" whether the decision not to pursue a formal impeachment investigation at this point was merely a political distinction 7EZBgDl-e4g-00038-00049195-00050279 "We do not now have the evidence sorted out and everything to do an impeachment. Before you impeach somebody you have to persuade the American public that it ought to happen 7EZBgDl-e4g-00039-00050279-00050935 You have to persuade enough of the opposition party voters, the Trump voters," Nadler said 7EZBgDl-e4g-00040-00050935-00052136 Republicans accused Nadler and fellow Democrats of lining up a fall back investigation to pursue the President in case Mueller does not find offenses that rise to the level of impeachment 7EZBgDl-e4g-00041-00052136-00053111 "I think Congressman Nadler decided to impeach the President the day the President won the election," House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said on "This Week 7EZBgDl-e4g-00042-00053111-00053944 "."He talks about impeachment before he even became chairman and then he says, you've got to persuade people to get there 7EZBgDl-e4g-00043-00053944-00055049 ".McCarthy also argued that the hush money payments made by Trump to two women who accused him of affairs before the election did not amount to the standard of impeachable offenses 7EZBgDl-e4g-00044-00055049-00056425 Cohen last week produced a check for $35,000 which he said was proof that Trump was reimbursing him for what may amount to an infringement of campaign finance laws even while he was in office 7EZBgDl-e4g-00045-00056425-00057363 But McCarthy argued that campaign finance violations merit a fine, not the ultimate sanction Congress can take against a President 7EZBgDl-e4g-00046-00057363-00057846 "Those aren't impeachable in the process," he said 7FEPxLt4T8Q-00000-00000571-00001561 “President” Donald Trump had signaled that he intended to sign an executive order that was designed to guarantee free speech on college campuses 7FEPxLt4T8Q-00001-00001561-00002846 On Thursday, Trump followed through on his promise, executing his latest Executive Order, “Improving Free Inquiry, Transparency, and Accountability At Colleges and Universities 7FEPxLt4T8Q-00002-00002846-00004842 ” Like much that comes from Trump, his “winning,” it is an empty bag of gas.The Executive Order directs twelve federal grant-making agencies to ensure that the higher education schools that receive federal research funds are complying with the laws and regulations that already exist at the federal level 7FEPxLt4T8Q-00003-00004842-00006163 As Vox noted, Trump’s EO “is more symbolism than substance.” Trump had promised such action at the annual Cult 45 convention, aka the Conservative Political Action Conference 7FEPxLt4T8Q-00004-00006163-00007341 Violence is never the answer, and physical assaults on individuals such as Hayden Williams, who was allegedly attacked at the University of California Berkley, must be condemned 7FEPxLt4T8Q-00005-00007341-00008553 The same goes for physical damage and violence against property or individuals. But Trump’s EO is especially addressed to the perceived suppression against conservative speakers and students 7FEPxLt4T8Q-00006-00008553-00009779 Trump’s EO provides:.“Free inquiry is an essential feature of our Nation’s democracy, and it promotes learning, scientific discovery, and economic prosperity 7FEPxLt4T8Q-00007-00009779-00011456 We must encourage institutions to appropriately account for this bedrock principle in their administration of student life and to avoid creating environments that stifle competing perspectives, thereby potentially impeding beneficial research and undermining learning 7FEPxLt4T8Q-00008-00011456-00012584 ”.It will be interesting to see how the conservative institutions (yes, there are many such places of higher learning) implement this order not to “stifle competing perspectives 7FEPxLt4T8Q-00009-00012584-00014096 ” This new executive order does not address federal financial aid programs. However, the EO does require a report by January 2020 addressing the risk-sharing proposals for colleges, something that Trump has indicated would be coming 7FEPxLt4T8Q-00010-00014096-00015079 The report could address caps on student loans available and put more emphasis on the institutions sharing in the financial burdens 7FEPxLt4T8Q-00011-00015079-00015948 The outcome likely will have little impact, as the cost of a college education is not likely to decrease in any meaningful way 7FEPxLt4T8Q-00012-00015948-00016769 As per the normal, Trump and his Education Secretary Betsy DeVos don’t know much about education, or anything 7FEPxLt4T8Q-00013-00016769-00017197 Trump does know executive orders, though 7RZPPBYqNj4-00000-00000513-00002252 The House Judiciary Committee announced Monday that it is sending letters seeking information and documents from more than 80 groups, organizations and individuals, as part of its sweeping investigation into President Donald Trump's campaign, businesses, transition and administration 7RZPPBYqNj4-00001-00002252-00003762 In an interview with ABC News' "This Week," Rep. Jerry Nadler said Sunday the requests for documents are to "begin investigations, to present the case to the American people about obstruction of justice, about corruption and abuse of power 7RZPPBYqNj4-00002-00003762-00004632 ".Here's who and what are receiving letters Monday:.1. Alan Garten.2. Alexander Nix 7RZPPBYqNj4-00003-00004632-00005680 3. Allen Weisselberg.4. American Media Inc.5. Anatoli Samochornov.6. Andrew Intrater 7RZPPBYqNj4-00004-00005680-00006774 7. Annie Donaldson.8. Brad Parscale.9. Brittany Kaiser.10. Cambridge Analytica.11 7RZPPBYqNj4-00005-00006774-00007785 Carter Page.12. Columbus Nova.13. Concord Management and Consulting.14. Corey Lewandowski 7RZPPBYqNj4-00006-00007785-00008908 15. David Pecker.16. Department of Justice.17. Don McGahn.18. Donald J Trump Revocable Trust 7RZPPBYqNj4-00007-00008908-00010219 19. Donald Trump Jr.20. Dylan Howard.21. Eric Trump.22. Erik Prince.23. The Federal Bureau of Investigation 7RZPPBYqNj4-00008-00010219-00011413 24. Felix Sater.25. Flynn Intel Group.26. General Services Administration.27. George Nader 7RZPPBYqNj4-00009-00011413-00012706 28. George Papadopoulos.29. Hope Hicks.30. Irakly Kaveladze.31. Jared Kushner.32. Jason Maloni 7RZPPBYqNj4-00010-00012706-00014028 33. Jay Sekulow.34. Jeff Sessions.35. Jerome Corsi.36. John Szobocsan.37. Julian Assange 7RZPPBYqNj4-00011-00014028-00015300 38. Julian David Wheatland.39. Keith Davidson.40. KT McFarland.41. Mark Corallo.42 7RZPPBYqNj4-00012-00015300-00016530 Matt Tait.43. Matthew Calamari.44. Michael Caputo.45. Michael Cohen.46. Michael Flynn 7RZPPBYqNj4-00013-00016530-00017653 47. Michael Flynn Jr.48. Paul Erickson.49. Paul Manafort.50. Peter Smith (Estate) 7RZPPBYqNj4-00014-00017653-00018991 51. Randy Credico.52. Reince Priebus.53. Rhona Graff.54. Rinat Akhmetshin.55. Rob Goldstone 7RZPPBYqNj4-00015-00018991-00020354 56. Roger Stone.57. Ronald Lieberman.58. Sam Nunberg.59. SCL Group Limited.60. Sean Spicer 7RZPPBYqNj4-00016-00020354-00021598 61. Sheri Dillon.62. Stefan Passantino.63. Steve Bannon.64. Ted Malloch.65. The White House 7RZPPBYqNj4-00017-00021598-00022708 66. The Trump Campaign.67. Trump Foundation.68. Trump Organization.69. Trump Transition 7RZPPBYqNj4-00018-00022708-00023975 70. Viktor Vekselberg.71. WikiLeaks.72. The Presidential Inaugural Committee.73. Christopher Bancroft Burnham 7RZPPBYqNj4-00019-00023975-00025218 74. Frontier Services Group.75. J.D. Gordon.76. Kushner Companies.77. National Rifle Association 7RZPPBYqNj4-00020-00025218-00026245 78. Rick Gates.79. Tom Barrack.80. Tom Bossert.81. Tony Fabrizio 8XTT-1A-lZg-00000-00000571-00001425 President Donald Trump was able to win the White House in 2016 despite being the least liked major party nominee in history 8XTT-1A-lZg-00001-00001425-00002546 Today, more people continue to dislike than like Trump.If Trump's popularity ratings remain low, the question is whether he can repeat his 2016 feat 8XTT-1A-lZg-00002-00002546-00003593 New polling suggests that Trump will have difficulty doing that because, for now, the 2020 election looks like it will be a referendum on him 8XTT-1A-lZg-00003-00003593-00004695 An NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll out this weekend found that Trump trailed a generic Democratic candidate by 7 points in a hypothetical 2020 matchup 8XTT-1A-lZg-00004-00004695-00005497 The important statistic here isn't so much that Trump was losing (it's still early 2019, after all) 8XTT-1A-lZg-00005-00005497-00006592 It's why Trump was losing. Trump trailed because among the same voters gave Trump a -6 point net approval rating (approval rating - disapproval rating) 8XTT-1A-lZg-00006-00006592-00007347 This was not the first NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll to show Trump losing to a generic Democrat 8XTT-1A-lZg-00007-00007347-00008253 Back in December, Trump trailed a generic Democrat by 14 points. His net approval rating in that poll was -11 points 8XTT-1A-lZg-00008-00008253-00009301 (The average poll shows Trump is about this popular currently.) Again, the key statistic here is Trump's margin is directly related to his own popularity 8XTT-1A-lZg-00009-00009301-00010223 In limited polling, the well known Democratic candidates seem to doing as well against Trump by what you'd expect given his popularity 8XTT-1A-lZg-00010-00010223-00011218 In a January Glengariff Group poll of Michigan voters, Trump trailed Joe Biden by 13 points and Bernie Sanders by 11 points 8XTT-1A-lZg-00011-00011218-00013198 The same poll put Trump's net approval rating among Michiganders at -9 points. A poll from Quinnipiac University of Texas voters out last week showed something similar: Trump's position against the most well-known Democrats in Texas (Biden, Beto O'Rourke and Bernie Sanders) matched his approval rating 8XTT-1A-lZg-00012-00013198-00014363 This 2020 data does not look at all like what happened in 2016. In the election, Trump had a -22 net favorability rating (favorable - unfavorable) 8XTT-1A-lZg-00013-00014363-00015591 Yet, he only lost the popular vote by 2 points and won the electoral college.Trump was able to win in 2016 because that election came down to a choice between him and Hillary Clinton 8XTT-1A-lZg-00014-00015591-00016560 Clinton was the second-least-liked major party nominee of all time, and there was 18% of the electorate that liked neither Clinton nor Trump 8XTT-1A-lZg-00015-00016560-00017565 Trump won this 18% of the electorate by 17 points and with it the election. In other words, Trump was seen as the lesser of two evils 8c361ZzBQuQ-00000-00000513-00002508 This weekend is the annual Conservative Political Action Conference, this year being held in National Harbor, Maryland, and it looks an awful lot like previous years’ conferences: Populated by guests and speakers from the extreme right, and featuring speeches full of some of the most ridiculous hyperbole anyone has ever heard 8c361ZzBQuQ-00001-00002508-00004734 It’s like a Fox News bender without all the pretty blonde anchors. .But along with the conservatives at CPAC, there have to be those there covering the event, and for some, it’s almost a “shortest straw” type of endeavor — they’re guaranteed to be harassed if anyone knows they’re from the “liberal media” and even moreso in the age of Fake News as decreed by Donald Trump 8c361ZzBQuQ-00002-00004734-00005452 One faithful reporter who covers literally everything that Trump does, Daniel Dale of the Toronto Star 8c361ZzBQuQ-00003-00005452-00006374 By all accounts, Trump spoke at CPAC today for the longest time since he actually began running for President in 2015 8c361ZzBQuQ-00004-00006374-00008665 And boy, did the President have a lot to say. He went through his greatest hits about trade with China, global warming being a hoax, a demonstration of his inability to understand how tariffs work, some made-up stories and statistics about the US-Mexico border, and of course fake news, but it was when he got to the Russia probe that his desperation really started to show 8c361ZzBQuQ-00005-00008665-00010055 "Unfortunately, you put the wrong people in a couple of positions, and they leave people for a long time that shouldn’t be there, and all of a sudden, they’re trying to take you out with bullshit, okay? With bullshit 8c361ZzBQuQ-00006-00010055-00011076 Now Robert Mueller never received a vote, and neither did the person that appointed him, and as you know, the Attorney General says ‘I’m gonna recuse myself 8c361ZzBQuQ-00007-00011076-00011740 ’ Gonna recuse. And I said, ‘why the hell didn’t he tell me that before I put him in?'” 8c361ZzBQuQ-00008-00011740-00013051 The southern accent with which Trump mocked former Attorney General Jeff Sessions was icing on the cake for a speech that was truly indicative of a man who is desperate to get out from under the scrutiny of the special counsel 9mMxv9Sm7pE-00000-00000513-00002072 President Donald Trump pressured his then-chief of staff John Kelly and White House counsel Don McGahn to grant his daughter and senior adviser Ivanka Trump a security clearance against their recommendations, three people familiar with the matter told CNN 9mMxv9Sm7pE-00001-00002072-00002971 The President's crusade to grant clearances to his daughter and her husband, Jared Kushner, rankled West Wing officials 9mMxv9Sm7pE-00002-00002971-00004465 While Trump has the legal authority to grant clearances, most instances are left up to the White House personnel security office, which determines whether a staffer should be granted one after the FBI has conducted a background check 9mMxv9Sm7pE-00003-00004465-00006045 But after concerns were raised by the personnel office, Trump pushed Kelly and McGahn to make the decision on his daughter and son-in-law's clearances so it did not appear as if he was tainting the process to favor his family, sources told CNN 9mMxv9Sm7pE-00004-00006045-00007759 After both refused, Trump granted them their security clearances.The development comes on the heels of Thursday's New York Times report that President Trump ordered Kelly to grant Kushner a top secret security clearance despite concerns raised by intelligence officials 9mMxv9Sm7pE-00005-00007759-00009277 The President has denied he had any role in Kushner receiving a clearance.The latest revelation also contradicts Ivanka Trump's denial to ABC News three weeks ago, when she said her father had "no involvement" regarding her or Kushner's clearances 9mMxv9Sm7pE-00006-00009277-00010439 Several sources told CNN it is feasible that she was unaware of the red flags raised during her background check process, as well as the President's involvement in it 9mMxv9Sm7pE-00007-00010439-00011453 According to a source familiar with her process, she "did not seek, nor have, outside counsel involved in her process as no issues were ever raised 9mMxv9Sm7pE-00008-00011453-00012200 " A separate person added that she was notified by career officials that her clearance had been granted 9mMxv9Sm7pE-00009-00012200-00013715 Kushner's clearance was downgraded in February 2018 after Kelly stipulated new changes to the security clearance system because a senior West Wing staffer with a temporary clearance was accused of domestic abuse by his ex-wife 9mMxv9Sm7pE-00010-00013715-00014935 Aides who previously operated on "top secret/sensitive compartmentalized information" interim clearances saw their access changed to "secret," a classification for less sensitive material 9mMxv9Sm7pE-00011-00014935-00016481 In the months after Kushner's clearance was downgraded, Trump badgered aides about the hold up with his daughter and son-in-law, remarking that he didn't see what the issue was in granting them clearances because they would likely move back to New York in the coming months 9mMxv9Sm7pE-00012-00016481-00017150 Sources tell CNN that, for now, neither of them are expected to leave the West Wing 9mMxv9Sm7pE-00013-00017150-00018012 Asked for comment, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said, "We don't comment on security clearances 9mMxv9Sm7pE-00014-00018012-00018717 "."We cannot respond to every anonymous source," she added.Kelly could not be reached for comment 9mMxv9Sm7pE-00015-00018717-00020102 McGahn declined to comment for this story.Because they are a married couple, concerns that surfaced during one person's security clearance investigation could stall or block both of them from receiving a full clearance 9mMxv9Sm7pE-00016-00020102-00021340 But officials had concerns about granting Trump a clearance that were separate from those raised about her husband, according to one of the sources, though it's unclear what the concerns regarding her were 9mMxv9Sm7pE-00017-00021340-00022361 At the time, the couple told associates they believed Kelly was blocking them from getting clearances because he did not feel like they belonged in the West Wing 9mMxv9Sm7pE-00018-00022361-00023910 The President pushed harder for his son-in-law to get a clearance because of his wide-ranging portfolio, which includes a Middle East peace proposal, and because of heightened scrutiny on Kushner's inability to secure a clearance, sources said 9mMxv9Sm7pE-00019-00023910-00025080 His daughter's portfolio did not require a high level security clearance, though as a senior adviser who sits in meetings with other senior officials, she is privy to sensitive information 9mMxv9Sm7pE-00020-00025080-00026277 On Tuesday, the White House rebuffed a request from House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings, D-Maryland, who asked for documents pertaining to the security clearance process 9mMxv9Sm7pE-00021-00026277-00027661 White House counsel Pat Cipollone said the committee's request for the information was "without legal support, clearly premature, and suggests a breach of the constitutionally required accommodation process 9mMxv9Sm7pE-00022-00027661-00028309 ".The White House's rejection increases the chances of a subpoena from the House avWhxi-kPn0-00000-00000571-00001566 President Donald Trump vetoed a bill designed to block his emergency declaration at the Southern Border on Friday, in a ceremony at the White House avWhxi-kPn0-00001-00001566-00002551 “Today, I am vetoing this resolution,” Trump said. “Congress has the freedom to pass this resolution and I have the duty to veto it avWhxi-kPn0-00002-00002551-00004014 And I’m very proud to veto it.”.The president defied Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Congressional Democrats, and the “dirty dozen” Senate Republicans who joined them by signing his veto in a public ceremony at the White House avWhxi-kPn0-00003-00004014-00004870 He described the Congressional attempt to stop him as a “dangerous” and “reckless” resolution that was “a vote against reality avWhxi-kPn0-00004-00004870-00006022 ”.Trump said that over a million illegal aliens were set to rush the Southern border, including a 2000 percent increase of migrants from Central America trying to claim asylum avWhxi-kPn0-00005-00006022-00007258 “The vast majority are rejected, but smuggling operations making a tremendous amount of money, like they’ve never made before, are using these people to crash the system,” Trump said avWhxi-kPn0-00006-00007258-00008454 “Our immigration system is stretched beyond the breaking point.”.He also noted that despite record numbers of apprehensions at the border, there was not enough space to detain them all avWhxi-kPn0-00007-00008454-00009248 .“There’s absolutely nothing we can do. We’re bursting at the seams, you can only hold so much,” he said avWhxi-kPn0-00008-00009248-00010426 “The only option then is to release them, and you can’t do that either because when you release them they come into our society and in many cases, they are stone cold criminals avWhxi-kPn0-00009-00010426-00011443 ”.Trump noted 59 different national emergency previous declarations by past presidents that were frequently used to assist foreign countries avWhxi-kPn0-00010-00011443-00012670 “That’s why I say, America First, if that’s ok, America First,” he said. “The only emergency Congress voted to revoke was the one to protect our own country so think of that avWhxi-kPn0-00011-00012670-00013302 … This is the one that they don’t want to do and this is the one perhaps they should most do avWhxi-kPn0-00012-00013302-00014546 ”. .Trump was joined by Vice President Mike Pence, Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen, and Attorney General William Barr, as well as members of law enforcement and Angel parents avWhxi-kPn0-00013-00014546-00015421 “I don’t know that I’ve ever been more proud than to be standing next to your desk than I am today,” Pence said, praising the president’s decision avWhxi-kPn0-00014-00015421-00016131 Barr described Trump’s declaration as “clearly authorized under that law and consistent with past precedent avWhxi-kPn0-00015-00016131-00017179 ”.“The humanitarian and security crisis is exactly the kind of emergency that presidents are permitted to address under the national emergencies act,” he said avWhxi-kPn0-00016-00017179-00017952 Barr is tasked with defending the declaration in court, and he publicly defended his decision in the Oval Office avWhxi-kPn0-00017-00017952-00018947 “The crisis that we’re dealing with today is right on our doorstep and presents a real clear and present danger to the American people,” Barr said avWhxi-kPn0-00018-00018947-00019626 The president defended his decision to declare a national emergency at the border avWhxi-kPn0-00019-00019626-00020394 “I think actually, national emergency was designed for a specific purpose like this,” Trump said avWhxi-kPn0-00020-00020394-00021484 “Absolutely,” Barr replied.The president said he did not hold it against the twelve Senate Republicans who voted with Democrats to block his declaration avWhxi-kPn0-00021-00021484-00023451 He said.Look, we’re doing what they have to do, and look, I put no pressure on anybody, I actually said, I could have gotten some of them to come along, I said, ‘I want you to vote your heart, do what you want to do, I’m not putting any pressure,’ I’ll let them know when there’s pressure OK? And I told them that avWhxi-kPn0-00022-00023451-00024529 I said when I need your vote I’ll let you know. I didn’t need their vote because we all knew it was going to be a veto and they’re not going to be able to override avWhxi-kPn0-00023-00024529-00025240 Trump said that the funds repurposed for border defense would include 30-foot bollards and 18-foot wall avWhxi-kPn0-00024-00025240-00026308 “We have many miles under construction right now and we’re going be signing contracts in the next couple days for literally hundreds of miles of wall,” he said avWhxi-kPn0-00025-00026308-00027087 .He also promised more canine units on the border to help catch drug smuggling across the Southern border avWhxi-kPn0-00026-00027087-00028181 “We’re getting dogs, more dogs, believe it or not … I still say, is that still true? There’s nothing that replaces a good dog,” Trump said avWhxi-kPn0-00027-00028181-00029158 “We haven’t been able to match the dog.”.Trump denounced Democrats for refusing to work with him to change the immigration and asylum laws avWhxi-kPn0-00028-00029158-00030963 “There’s a point at which if the Democrats would, we’d be able to make a deal literally in 15 minutes, we could make a deal in changing catch and release, changing the horrible asylum laws that are so unfair, changing visa lottery, chain migration, these laws are horrendous,” he said bL-uJuGv7ao-00000-00000513-00001466 This past September, in a move intended to frighten the International Criminal Court out of investigating allegations of war crimes against the U.S. bL-uJuGv7ao-00001-00001466-00003195 and its allies in Afghanistan, Trump’s National Security Adviser John Bolton, a longtime critic of the ICC, threatened to ban ICC judges and prosecutors from entering the country, along with the additional threat of sanctioning any funds they may have in the U.S. bL-uJuGv7ao-00002-00003195-00005465 and even possibly prosecuting them in U.S. Federal courts.This threat was in direct response to the November 2017 request by the ICC investigator for judges to authorize the opening of an investigation into “alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity in Afghanistan since May 1, 2003, including in states where the CIA held prisoners” bL-uJuGv7ao-00003-00005465-00006549 The material submitted by the prosecutor is currently under review by ICC judges, who have the legal authority to authorize an investigation bL-uJuGv7ao-00004-00006549-00007247 Friday, Secretary of State Michael Pompeo took that threat one step further, saying: bL-uJuGv7ao-00005-00007247-00008258 ‘I’m announcing a policy of U.S. visa restrictions on those individuals directly responsible for any ICC investigation of U.S. personnel bL-uJuGv7ao-00006-00008258-00009047 This includes persons who take or have taken action to request or further such an investigation bL-uJuGv7ao-00007-00009047-00010057 These visa restrictions may also be used to deter ICC efforts to pursue allied personnel, including Israelis, without allies’ consent ‘ bL-uJuGv7ao-00008-00010057-00011280 The Trump administration is so unconcerned about the legal consequences of their criminal acts that they are not even bothering to try to hide their attempted bullying of a court of law, as Pompeo continued: bL-uJuGv7ao-00009-00011280-00012779 ‘If you are responsible for the proposed ICC investigation of U.S. personnel in connection with the situation in Afghanistan, you should not assume that you still have or will get a visa or will be permitted to enter the United States ‘ bL-uJuGv7ao-00010-00012779-00014240 The court said it was “undeterred” by the U.S.’ threats, according to AP News.Andrea Prasow, a director at international watchdog group Human Rights Watch, called the threats “a thuggish attempt to penalize investigators,” adding: bL-uJuGv7ao-00011-00014240-00015230 ‘Taking action against those who work for the ICC sends a clear message to torturers and murderers alike: Their crimes may continue unchecked’ c-y_DCVt74Y-00000-00000571-00001467 A North Dakota State University football player had a game plan for his team’s visit Monday to the White House: make a quiet statement c-y_DCVt74Y-00001-00001467-00003016 So while backup offensive lineman Jack Albrecht was celebrating the school’s Football Championship Subdivision title with his teammates and President Donald Trump, he wore a Democratic Socialists of America pin on his jacket, The Hill reported c-y_DCVt74Y-00002-00003016-00004468 Albrecht, a computer engineering major and member of the Red River Valley chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America, shared several photos of himself wearing the pin on his lapel during the university’s visit to Washington c-y_DCVt74Y-00003-00004468-00005597 One image shows him standing near the president, who’s in the background.Given Trump’s recent railing against socialism, the pin could have attracted some unwanted attention during the visit c-y_DCVt74Y-00004-00005597-00006495 .Championship teams are traditionally invited to the White House, but that has become a thorny issue since Trump took office c-y_DCVt74Y-00005-00006495-00007548 Last year, after several members of the Super Bowl-winning Philadelphia Eagles made clear they wouldn’t be going to the White House, Trump disinvited the whole team c-y_DCVt74Y-00006-00007548-00008715 He also pre-emptively declared that the winner of the 2018 NBA Finals between the Cleveland Cavaliers and eventual champ Golden State Warriors would not be welcome c-y_DCVt74Y-00007-00008715-00009700 A similar scenario occurred after the Warriors won the 2017 NBA title.“Democratic socialism is for every worker on earth c-y_DCVt74Y-00008-00009700-00010816 You, me and 6-5, 275lb champion offensive linemen invited to the White House,” read a Facebook post from Albrecht’s chapter that night c-y_DCVt74Y-00009-00010816-00011594 Albrecht “wanted to make a quiet statement,” chapter treasurer Zac Echola told The Washington Post c-y_DCVt74Y-00010-00011594-00012318 “We had a football player, and [he] wanted to quietly protest and wear a pin. We gave him one'' cpYlyLzFXSo-00000-00000571-00001318 Felix Sater is a convicted Russian mafia money launderer, and he is also a dear friend of the Trump family cpYlyLzFXSo-00001-00001318-00002303 The Trump Organization and Sater partnered together on many deals over the years, but most notably the shady Trump Soho real estate project cpYlyLzFXSo-00002-00002303-00003784 In an unexpected twist during that deal, Sater became a government informant.Sater’s name has come up several times in the Trump-Russia investigation, but no one has figured out his exact role in the criminal activity, until now cpYlyLzFXSo-00003-00003784-00004664 The House Intel Committee Chairman Adam Schiff announced that Felix Sater will testify publicly on March 14th in front of the committee cpYlyLzFXSo-00004-00004664-00005636 This is big development.Sater’s testimony will be public and share an inside look into the relationship he has with the Trump family cpYlyLzFXSo-00005-00005636-00006310 As a government informant he will have to tell the truth out of fear of harming himself in the process cpYlyLzFXSo-00006-00006310-00007020 Trump likes to say he has no idea who Sater is, but we can fully expect Sater to prove otherwise cpYlyLzFXSo-00007-00007020-00008120 “If he [Sater] were sitting in the room right now, I really wouldn’t know what he looked like,” Trump testified in a video deposition for a civil lawsuit two years ago cpYlyLzFXSo-00008-00008120-00009530 Scott Dworkin, Senior Advisor with the Democratic Coalition, discovered a Russian language interview with Felix Sater, which was published in November, 2016, that explains the relationship between Trump and Sater cpYlyLzFXSo-00009-00009530-00010228 Donald Trump claims he doesn’t know the guy, but as you are about to learn, that is not true cpYlyLzFXSo-00010-00010228-00010917 In fact, Sater was actively involved in Trump’s presidential campaign, according to Sater cpYlyLzFXSo-00011-00010917-00011996 In the snob.ru interview, Sater tells the story of meeting Donald Trump and his ten years of regular contact with him — sometimes as much as twice a day cpYlyLzFXSo-00012-00011996-00013710 The interview also reveals that Sater “openly moonlighted in the Trump Organization as US secret agent for the FBI and CIA, after he was convicted racketeering with the New York mafia in 1998 — which took a Supreme Court ruling to reveal”, Stern reports cpYlyLzFXSo-00013-00013710-00014386 However, Trump claims he wouldn’t know the guy “if he were sitting in the room right now” cpYlyLzFXSo-00014-00014386-00014731 Oh, Really, Trump? d2bPKXbjFdA-00000-00000571-00001668 The Trump honeymoon is coming to an end. I know what you’re thinking: “Trump honeymoon? On good days it’s been a fever dream, on most days it’s been a lucid nightmare d2bPKXbjFdA-00001-00001668-00002621 ” You’re right. But for some of his supporters, one part of his presidency has been enough to keep times sweet — the economy d2bPKXbjFdA-00002-00002621-00003426 Thanks to the policies of the Obama administration, Donald Trump lolloped into the helm of a country with a booming economy d2bPKXbjFdA-00003-00003426-00004238 Naturally, it was and continues to be his instinct to backpedal from anything Obama did, regardless of the consequences d2bPKXbjFdA-00004-00004238-00005259 The economic consequences of Trump’s radical deregulatory policies, erratic governing, and trade war have predictably stymied growth d2bPKXbjFdA-00005-00005259-00006286 The markets have stagnated and our trade deficit is eye watering, but because the economy remains relatively good, many people continue supporting Trump d2bPKXbjFdA-00006-00006286-00007098 This support is the Trump honeymoon.It’s for people who think “I don’t agree with everything he does, but I like some stuff d2bPKXbjFdA-00007-00007098-00007725 ” That “stuff” always includes the economy, and it’s often their biggest defense of him d2bPKXbjFdA-00008-00007725-00008546 The fact that people give Trump contingent support based on the US’s economic performance isn’t something new d2bPKXbjFdA-00009-00008546-00009434 Presidents tend to lose favorability when the economy is bad and tend to gain favorability when the economy is good d2bPKXbjFdA-00010-00009434-00010290 The bad news for Trump, and all of us, is that this mediocre economic performance might be the best it’ll get for him d2bPKXbjFdA-00011-00010290-00011897 There is a silver lining, I promise.The United Kingdom is our closest overseas ally and they’re presently dithering towards an uncertain Brexit future with a high potential for global economic repercussions should they fail to properly leave the European Union d2bPKXbjFdA-00012-00011897-00013075 This should keep Trump up at night.Britain requested an extension from the EU today because, with less than two weeks from a hard Brexit, Parliament has yet to approve any leave strategy d2bPKXbjFdA-00013-00013075-00013864 If approved, it’ll buy them some time, perhaps enough to hold a second referendum, however unlikely that is d2bPKXbjFdA-00014-00013864-00014512 The most likely situation is that Britain’s exit is rough, even with a Brexit deal d2bPKXbjFdA-00015-00014512-00015938 The Bank of England actually issued a warning saying that a worst-case-scenario Brexit would be worse than a global financial crisis for Britain, and the chain reactions of this for the US would mean an economic punch in the gut drGLUmLMVIE-00000-00000571-00001919 President Donald Trump mocked Never Trumpers in an exclusive, more-than-40-minute interview with Breitbart News in the Oval Office on Monday afternoon, calling them a nearly dead, “amazing breed” of political figures drGLUmLMVIE-00001-00001919-00002862 Trump added, however, the ones who are left are still “slightly dangerous.”.“The Never Trumpers, that’s an amazing breed drGLUmLMVIE-00002-00002862-00004016 First of all, they’re on mouth-to-mouth resuscitation now,” Trump said in response to a question from Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alexander Marlow on his thoughts on Never Trumpers drGLUmLMVIE-00003-00004016-00006352 “There aren’t many of them left. But they’re still slightly dangerous''.Trump’s comments on Never Trumpers in the Breitbart News exclusive interview went further than a line he first rolled out in his speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) hosted by the American Conservative Union (ACU) a little over a week ago, where the president spoke for a record two-plus hours drGLUmLMVIE-00004-00006352-00007535 “Everyone in this great country, right now, because of our great new economy, is doing well — except, of course, for the Never Trumpers,” Trump said in the CPAC speech drGLUmLMVIE-00005-00007535-00008337 “But they are on mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Mouth to mouth. Mouth to mouth. They’re hanging in drGLUmLMVIE-00006-00008337-00009073 A couple of them. I mean, these guys have gotten me wrong. Not only Never Trumpers drGLUmLMVIE-00007-00009073-00011098 You have Never Trumpers; you have certain hardline. They’re basically dishonest people — because, look, let’s face it: Whether you like me or not — if my name is Smith instead of Trump, and if you told him I put in over 100 federal judges — it’ll soon be 145 federal judges and two Supreme Court judges drGLUmLMVIE-00008-00011098-00013459 (Applause.) And 17 appellate division judges''.In his Breitbart News exclusive interview, Trump then pointed to Erick Erickson, the founder of the now-defunct Red State who was a leading Never Trumper in 2016 but has, as of February 2019, endorsed Trump for re-election in 2020, as an example of the Never Trump movement losing credibility drGLUmLMVIE-00009-00013459-00014614 Trump said in addition to Erickson’s public endorsement of him, he called the White House and pledged his complete support to the president—a sea change reversal from 2016 drGLUmLMVIE-00010-00014614-00015507 Trump said he hopes that this continues and other Never Trumpers recognize the error of their ways and endorse him in 2020 drGLUmLMVIE-00011-00015507-00016450 .“But if you take a look at the Never Trumpers—Erick Erickson was great, a couple weeks ago he called up and he said ‘I’m all in,’” Trump said drGLUmLMVIE-00012-00016450-00018879 “And they should all say that because think of what I’ve done. If my name was William Smith instead of Donald Trump—we will have 145 judges very shortly, 145 I’ll be up to, we’re over a hundred now, but very shortly we’ll be up to 145 judges including federal courts of appeals and two Supreme Court Justices who are central casting great everything drGLUmLMVIE-00013-00018879-00020418 With the tax cuts, the regulation cuts, all of what I’ve done for the vets, what I’ve done for the military—we’re rebuilding the military—that budget is not about wars, that budget is about buying equipment and missiles and all the different things that we’re doing drGLUmLMVIE-00014-00020418-00021251 Any one of those guys, you put a different name on, and they’d say this is the greatest president in history including Ronald Reagan'' dSbLEggQyDY-00000-00000571-00001773 Trump expressed the agreement between his administration and the mindset of CPAC attendees by saying, “We believe strongly in the Second Amendment and the right to keep and bear arms'' dSbLEggQyDY-00001-00001773-00002777 He then contrasted the pro-gun view with that of the Democrats’ view by warning CPAC attendees that the Second Amendment was “under siege dSbLEggQyDY-00002-00002777-00003780 ” He noted that the Democrats “have a lot of plans,” but he assured the CPAC attendees that he would stand in the gap for the Second Amendment dSbLEggQyDY-00003-00003780-00004783 He said, “I will protect you, because it all has to come through my office, and we hopefully are going to be here for six more years, so you’re in good shape'' dSbLEggQyDY-00004-00004783-00006286 House Democrats passed legislation Wednesday to criminalize private gun sales. That was two days after the White House had taken the preemptive measure of making it known that Trump would veto the bill, should it reach his desk dWQhX1-dLbA-00000-00000571-00001506 President Donald Trump met with four World War II veterans at the White House on Thursday, introducing them to the press at the Oval Office dWQhX1-dLbA-00001-00001506-00002381 “That was a great victory, we knew how to win wars, that was a tremendous victory,” Trump said after visiting with the four men dWQhX1-dLbA-00002-00002381-00003491 .Sidney Walton, a former medic in World War II, was traveling the country to raise awareness of the disappearing veterans as a member of the “No Regrets” tour across America dWQhX1-dLbA-00003-00003491-00004259 Walton asked Trump to let him join the president onstage in an upcoming rally the next time he was in Pittsburg dWQhX1-dLbA-00004-00004259-00004998 “That’s why he’s successful, he’s very aggressive,” Trump quipped to the press and agreed to arrange it dWQhX1-dLbA-00005-00004998-00005787 “I want to be like you one day,” Trump said, noting the veterans’ advanced age and praising their “great genes dWQhX1-dLbA-00006-00005787-00006505 ”.Veteran Paul Kriner was 103-years-old.“He doesn’t look a day over 90,” Trump joked dWQhX1-dLbA-00007-00006505-00007433 Kriner recalled that his team was in 517 days of combat during the war.“We’re proud of him, we’re proud of all of you,” Trump said dWQhX1-dLbA-00008-00007433-00008363 .Floyd Wigfield said that he was on Utah Beach in the war in June 1944 as part of the third wave of soldiers dWQhX1-dLbA-00009-00008363-00009457 “That was a pretty brutal area at the time, wasn’t it?” Trump said.Wigfield said he was on the battlefield for 19 days before he was wounded dWQhX1-dLbA-00010-00009457-00010447 Later, he was redeployed back to Germany.Trump said he would attend the 75th-anniversary recognition of D-Day this summer in France dWQhX1-dLbA-00011-00010447-00011236 One of the organizers told Trump that Wigfield wanted to fly back from the event in France with the president dWQhX1-dLbA-00012-00011236-00012296 .“We’ll work that out. You’ll like Air Force One,” he said with a grin.Walton has been touring the nation to raise awareness that World War II Veterans dWQhX1-dLbA-00013-00012296-00013106 “I joined the Army to fight Hitler,” veteran Allen Jones said, saying that it was a great day in his life to meet the president dWQhX1-dLbA-00014-00013106-00014049 “That was a good reason,” Trump replied.One of the organizers gave the president a hat and asked him to share a photo on Twitter dWQhX1-dLbA-00015-00014049-00014420 “I don’t tweet too much,” he joked eXEsj0bqA4g-00000-00000571-00001665 The second summit between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un ended in failure on Thursday with the two sides far apart on the central issues of disarmament and sanctions relief eXEsj0bqA4g-00001-00001665-00003139 The abrupt end to the Hanoi meeting, which was cut short by several hours, was a setback from both leaders who had made long journeys – Kim by rail and Trump by air – in the expectation that a deal was within reach eXEsj0bqA4g-00002-00003139-00003982 There are no plans for a third summit, but the US has expressed willingness to continue talks at a lower level eXEsj0bqA4g-00003-00003982-00005288 The collapse of the two leaders’ talks came suddenly. Late on Wednesday night the White House circulated detailed plans for negotiating sessions, a working lunch and a signing ceremony for a joint agreement eXEsj0bqA4g-00004-00005288-00006218 When the two leaders reconvened on Thursday morning, however, they appeared sombre and cautious about whether a deal was possible eXEsj0bqA4g-00005-00006218-00007112 A few hours later, the summit was called off. The signing ceremony was cancelled and the official lunch left uneaten eXEsj0bqA4g-00006-00007112-00008209 Table settings and name cards went unused in the empty dining hall of the Metropole Hotel, the summit venue, as the leaders made their way back to their own hotels eXEsj0bqA4g-00007-00008209-00009893 In his version of events, Trump said the deal had broken down because Kim wanted complete sanctions relief for dismantling the main nuclear complex at Yongbyon, but the US wanted other nuclear facilities, including covert sites, disabled as well eXEsj0bqA4g-00008-00009893-00010489 “It was about the sanctions basically,” Trump said at a press conference in Hanoi eXEsj0bqA4g-00009-00010489-00011479 “They wanted the sanctions lifted in their entirety and we couldn’t do that . Sometimes you have to walk, and this was just one of those times'' eXEsj0bqA4g-00010-00011479-00012414 “There is a gap. We have to have sanctions,” he said. “There is a gap. We have to have sanctions and he wants to denuke eXEsj0bqA4g-00011-00012414-00013109 But he wants to just do areas that are less important than the areas that we want'' eXEsj0bqA4g-00012-00013109-00014757 North Korea disputed Trump’s version of events. At abruptly scheduled midnight press conference in Hanoi, the North Korean foreign minister, Ri Yong Ho, said Pyongyang had only demanded partial sanctions relief in return for closing Yongbyon eXEsj0bqA4g-00013-00014757-00015789 He said the US had wasted an opportunity that “may not come again” and Pyongyang’s position would not change even if the US seeks further talks eXEsj0bqA4g-00014-00015789-00017453 Trump however made clear that the status quo will continue, with North Korea continuing to suspend nuclear and missile tests, while the US will not take part in joint military exercises with South Korea, which the US president is opposed to anyway elL_zrCflnE-00000-00000513-00001586 If Donald Trump’s puppet Attorney General William Barr had released an even halfway believable “summary” of Robert Mueller’s report, more people might be falling for it elL_zrCflnE-00001-00001586-00002976 But because Barr had to release such an obviously and cartoonishly inaccurate summary, it’s taken all of minutes for the public, the media, and the politicians to begin poking mile-wide holes in Barr’s attempted coverup elL_zrCflnE-00002-00002976-00004303 Senator Richard Blumenthal, who sits on the Senate Judiciary Committee, appeared on MSNBC on Sunday evening and minced no words: “This letter is elegantly but brazenly devious elL_zrCflnE-00003-00004303-00005220 What [Bill] Barr has done is essentially to frame the message before the facts are available, before the substance is accessible elL_zrCflnE-00004-00005220-00006024 He has in effect created headlines that will create a trap for all of us.” Blumenthal was just getting started elL_zrCflnE-00005-00006024-00007584 The Senator went on to offer a plausible explanation for why Barr’s summary might be claiming that Mueller found no collusion: “The crime of obstruction is designed to prevent destruction of evidence, whether it’s witness tampering or document destruction elL_zrCflnE-00006-00007584-00008386 So the finding here that there was insufficient evidence to establish collusion may be the result of that obstruction elL_zrCflnE-00007-00008386-00009485 There’s also a different theory about Barr having limited his collusion claims to the Russian government itself, as opposed to Russian government representatives elL_zrCflnE-00008-00009485-00010927 Senator Blumenthal also seemed to hint that the Democrats could subpoena Trump to testify: “One question I have, which really hasn’t been explored, is why the Special Counsel did not force an interview with Donald Trump elL_zrCflnE-00009-00010927-00012555 You mentioned earlier that there have been thousands of subpoenas. Why not a subpoena for Donald Trump? I have great respect for Bob Mueller, but I said from the very start that Trump has to be interviewed under oath, just as other presidents have been before elL_zrCflnE-00010-00012555-00013281 ” The Senate Judiciary Committee won’t do that, but the House Judiciary Committee certainly can f88zK2nOOqk-00000-00000000-00000200 Aj de raj f93JjdxoSSu-00000-00000571-00002710 Ilhan Omar (D-MN) said at a press conference on Wednesday at the Capitol to announce a House bill that would prevent a president from determining whether people who may pose a national security threat can enter the country that, although President Donald Trump hasn’t built a wall on the southern border, he has created an “invisible wall” to keep Muslims out of the United States f93JjdxoSSu-00001-00002710-00004379 “Trump may not have gotten his border wall, but he’s created an invisible wall keeping out people around the world based solely on their religion,” Omar said at an event to gain support for the National Origin-Based Antidiscrimination for Nonimmigrants Act, or the NO BAN Act f93JjdxoSSu-00002-00004379-00005411 “I have said this before and let me say it again,” Omar said. “I believe this ban will go down in history as a moral stain on our country’s history f93JjdxoSSu-00003-00005411-00006122 ”.Omar said Trump used the travel ban to “create a religious test for entry into the United States f93JjdxoSSu-00004-00006122-00007425 ”.In fact, the executive orders Trump issued, including the latest in March of 2017, only apply to six Muslim majority countries with ties to terrorism as determined by the U f93JjdxoSSu-00005-00007425-00008285 S. State Department — Iran, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan, Libya, and Syria.The order states: f93JjdxoSSu-00006-00008285-00009306 Executive Order 13769 did not provide a basis for discriminating for or against members of any particular religion f93JjdxoSSu-00007-00009306-00011098 While that order allowed for prioritization of refugee claims from members of persecuted religious minority groups, that priority applied to refugees from every nation, including those in which Islam is a minority religion, and it applied to minority sects within a religion f93JjdxoSSu-00008-00011098-00012715 That order was not motivated by animus toward any religion, but was instead intended to protect the ability of religious minorities — whoever they are and wherever they reside — to avail themselves of the USRAP in light of their particular challenges and circumstances f93JjdxoSSu-00009-00012715-00013558 .The order also states that waivers can be issued for individuals from those six countries on a case by case basis fp9Dtcg6Dyg-00000-00000513-00002289 On Monday, House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler announced that he was beginning a broad-scale investigation into Donald Trump's business and political life, the first step in a slow but purposeful attempt by congressional Democrats to build an impeachment case against the President fp9Dtcg6Dyg-00001-00002289-00003394 Nadler, in an interview with ABC's "This Week," was open about the strategy. "We do not now have the evidence all sorted out and everything to do an impeachment," he said fp9Dtcg6Dyg-00002-00003394-00004050 "Before you impeach somebody, you have to persuade the American public that it ought to happen fp9Dtcg6Dyg-00003-00004050-00005544 ".That persuasion campaign began in earnest Monday, with Nadler issuing more than six dozen letters to various Trump administration officials, business partners and campaign officials, seeking answers to a wide variety of questions fp9Dtcg6Dyg-00004-00005544-00007192 The questions deal with, among other topics: potential obstruction of justice, hush money payments to two women alleging affairs with Trump, potential collusion with Russia during the 2016 campaign and violations of the Constitution's emoluments clause fp9Dtcg6Dyg-00005-00007192-00009488 As Axios' Mike Allen wrote in his Monday newsletter:."In an investigation being coordinated among six to eight House committees, Trump will essentially be on public trial for months to come, with topics that include abuse of power, obstruction of justice, conflicts of interest (including profit from the Trump International Hotel on Pennsylvania Avenue) and money laundering fp9Dtcg6Dyg-00006-00009488-00010220 ".That this "public trial" is being led by Nadler -- and the Judiciary Committee -- is no coincidence fp9Dtcg6Dyg-00007-00010220-00011050 The impeachment process -- if it happens -- would run through that same Judiciary Committee and be overseen by Nadler fp9Dtcg6Dyg-00008-00011050-00012124 This is a testing ground.It's also an acknowledgment by Democrats that impeachment is a purely political -- not legal -- process that requires persuasion fp9Dtcg6Dyg-00009-00012124-00013142 This isn't about convincing a jury or a judge. This is about convincing the American people, who then, theoretically, pressure their representatives in Congress fp9Dtcg6Dyg-00010-00013142-00014206 (The last time Congress impeached a president without public buy-in -- in 1998 -- the impeachment backfired badly against the Republicans who had pursued it fp9Dtcg6Dyg-00011-00014206-00015585 ).One person who has long grasped that a) impeachment, not indictment, is the real threat to the President and b) impeachment only happens if the court of public opinion wants it to happen is one Donald John Trump fp9Dtcg6Dyg-00012-00015585-00016948 For much of the past 18 months, Trump has railed against his own Justice Department, describing the ongoing special counsel probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election as a witch hunt and a hoax fp9Dtcg6Dyg-00013-00016948-00017714 He has savaged Robert Mueller and his special counsel team as "angry" Democrats trying to relitigate the election fp9Dtcg6Dyg-00014-00017714-00018539 (Mueller is a registered Republican who ran the FBI for a decade under one Democratic and one Republican president fp9Dtcg6Dyg-00015-00018539-00019545 )."Presidential Harassment by 'crazed' Democrats at the highest level in the history of our Country," Trump tweeted Sunday night of the Nadler investigations fp9Dtcg6Dyg-00016-00019545-00020623 "Likewise, the most vicious and corrupt Mainstream Media that any president has ever had to endure - Yet the most successful first two years for any President fp9Dtcg6Dyg-00017-00020623-00021530 We are WINNING big, the envy of the WORLD, but just think what it could be?".Trump's PR campaign against Mueller has worked -- to an extent fp9Dtcg6Dyg-00018-00021530-00022248 Mueller's approval ratings have dropped somewhat (although so, too, have Trump's) in CNN polling fp9Dtcg6Dyg-00019-00022248-00023876 In a December survey, 43% approved of the job Mueller was doing while 40% disapproved -- a far tighter margin than the 48% approval/36% disapproval for Mueller from CNN polling earlier, in the fall of 2018 fp9Dtcg6Dyg-00020-00023876-00024529 That same poll showed some waning in the public's desire for Trump to be impeached, as well fp9Dtcg6Dyg-00021-00024529-00025404 Fully 50% said they didn't think Trump should be impeached and kicked out of office while 43% favored those moves fp9Dtcg6Dyg-00022-00025404-00026326 That was down from a September 2018 poll, when 47% of people supported the impeachment and removal of Trump fp9Dtcg6Dyg-00023-00026326-00027765 As CNN pollster Jennifer Agiesta noted, however, that 43% number in the December poll is a higher mark than any of Trump's three most recent predecessors received when pollsters asked whether they should be impeached fp9Dtcg6Dyg-00024-00027765-00029466 ).Nadler, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (California) and every other Democratic leader will insist the investigations launched Monday are all about bringing accountability and oversight to the executive branch -- a role for the legislative branch laid out in the Constitution fp9Dtcg6Dyg-00025-00029466-00030317 But make no mistake: This is Democrats' first major step toward the possibility of pursuing impeachment against the President fp9Dtcg6Dyg-00026-00030317-00031832 Impeachment is a process -- in Congress, yes, but more so in convincing the public (and even wavering Republican elected officials) that this is not a partisan exercise but rather a necessary defense of our democratic ideals fp9Dtcg6Dyg-00027-00031832-00032459 That sales effort started today. Who knows when it ends -- and if it's successful fdyNQ8lqIiy-00000-00000571-00001929 Even as Donald Trump’s behavior continues to spiral more aggressively and criminally out of control, House Democrats are moving more aggressively with the tools they have for exposing Trump and taking him down fdyNQ8lqIiy-00001-00001929-00002794 To that end, House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings is subpoenaing Trump’s financial records – and he’s about to get them fdyNQ8lqIiy-00002-00002794-00003799 .As Palmer Report keeps explaining, subpoenas are a very powerful tool, but they’re not magic wands that always deliver instant or automatic results fdyNQ8lqIiy-00003-00003799-00004831 When the person or entity being subpoenaed doesn’t want to cooperate, it can result in a court battle where a judge ends up deciding who has to do what fdyNQ8lqIiy-00004-00004831-00005748 If House Democrats want to win these rulings, they have to carry out their subpoenas in a way that’s based in strategy, not haste fdyNQ8lqIiy-00005-00005748-00006474 Fortunately, when it comes to the subpoena that Cummings is sending, there will be no fight fdyNQ8lqIiy-00006-00006474-00007412 . .That’s because Donald Trump’s accounting firm Mazars actually asked Cummings to issue a subpoena for Trump’s financial records fdyNQ8lqIiy-00007-00007412-00008284 This allows Mazars to fully cooperate without violating any confidentiality agreements that might be in place fdyNQ8lqIiy-00008-00008284-00009611 The Washington Post says that the subpoena is happening right about now, and since Mazars has already publicly staked itself to fully cooperate, we expect the records will be turned over very soon fdyNQ8lqIiy-00009-00009611-00011079 .This story runs parallel to last week’s revelation that Capital One has been cooperating with House Democrats for the past month when it comes to Donald Trump’s banking records, and that Capital One has asked to be subpoenaed fdyNQ8lqIiy-00010-00011079-00012048 According to House Financial Services Committee Chair Maxine Waters, Deutsche Bank has already begun giving her Trump’s banking records as well fdyNQ8lqIiy-00011-00012048-00013109 These financial institutions are clearly uninterested in protecting Trump at their own expense; they just want legal cover for cooperating with House Democrats fjtISJxG2Oc-00000-00000513-00001777 Meghan will take part in the panel discussion at Kings College London on 8 March, hosted by the Queen's Commonwealth Trust - an organisation that champions, funds and connects young leaders across the world fjtISJxG2Oc-00001-00001777-00003331 Joing her in the talk is Annie Lennox, founder of The Circle NGO, Adwoa Aboah, founder of Gurls Talk, Julia Gillard, Chair of GIWLkings, Chrisann Jarrett, founder of Let Us Learn and Angeline Murimirwa, Executive Director of Camfed fjtISJxG2Oc-00002-00003331-00004611 In front of an audience of students, the panel will dicuss some key barriers women all over the world face, including access to education, as well as ideas and solutions to unleash women's potential fjtISJxG2Oc-00003-00004611-00005447 They will cover issues women face within employment, and discuss positive outcomes when equal opportunity is given fjtISJxG2Oc-00004-00005447-00006286 The Duchess of Sussex is a long-standing advocate for women's rights and feminism, championing a cause close to her heart fjtISJxG2Oc-00005-00006286-00007155 Meghan spoke about the need for women to have access to education in a heartfelt speech during her royal visit to Fiji last year fjtISJxG2Oc-00006-00007155-00008417 Speaking to a group of college students, the Duchess said: "Everyone should be afforded the opportunity to receive the education they want, but more importantly the education they have the right to receive fjtISJxG2Oc-00007-00008417-00010280 And for women and girls in developing countries, this is vital."Providing them with access to education is the key to economic and social development, because when girls are given the right tools to succeed, they can create incredible futures—not only for themselves but for all of those around them fjtISJxG2Oc-00008-00010280-00011392 "And while progress has been made in many areas across the Commonwealth, there's always room to offer more opportunities to the next generation of young adults and specifically to young women fjtISJxG2Oc-00009-00011392-00013712 ".Announcing two new grants to Fiji National University and the University of the South Pacific to allow them to empower femal staff, the Duchess said: "Grants like this will ensure that women are provided with the training and skills to operate effectively in their roles, and that those with leadership potential are given the opportunity to be heard and recognized at the most senior level fjtISJxG2Oc-00010-00013712-00014812 ".She added: "When girls are given the right tools to succeed, they can create incredible futures, not only for themselves but also for those around them fjtISJxG2Oc-00011-00014812-00016332 ".Meghan also explained that she paid for her own university tuition, saying: "It was through scholarships, financial aid programmes and work-study where my earnings from a job on campus went directly towards my tuition fjtISJxG2Oc-00012-00016332-00016432 " fmGvoFo8xrU-00000-00000513-00001383 Princess Eugenie has shared the inspiration behind her two wedding dresses as the bespoke gowns are now on display at Windsor Castle fmGvoFo8xrU-00001-00001383-00002576 The Queen’s granddaughter told how she chose a low back for her wedding dress because “scars tell a story about your past on your future” and showing them is a way of “getting rid of a taboo fmGvoFo8xrU-00002-00002576-00003637 ” She also revealed that the blush gown she wore to the evening reception was designed to be reminiscent of Grace Kelly’s outfits in 1955 film To Catch a Thief fmGvoFo8xrU-00003-00003637-00004648 Eugenie, 28, spoke for an audio guide to the special display in Windsor Castle’s Grand Reception Room, which opens on Friday, March 1 fmGvoFo8xrU-00004-00004648-00005606 Also on show is the Greville Emerald Kokoshnik Tiara which Eugenie was loaned by the Queen for the day and is on display for the first time fmGvoFo8xrU-00005-00005606-00006857 It is accompanied by her wedding earrings and a silk replica of her bouquet. Groom Jack Brooksbank’s Saville Row morning suit is also shown, as is the Ralph & Russo dress Princess Beatrice wore fmGvoFo8xrU-00006-00006857-00007868 A bridesmaid dress worn by Robbie Williams and Ayda Field’s daughter Theodora Williams and a page boy suit worn by Louis de Givenchy make up the collection fmGvoFo8xrU-00007-00007868-00009545 The princess, who was married at Windsor Castle’s St George’s Chapel on October 12, 2018, deliberately chose a dress with a low back and no veil so she could show the scar down her spine from her scoliosis operation when she was 12 fmGvoFo8xrU-00008-00009545-00010298 She reveals in the audio guide how she has since received letters from people praising her decision fmGvoFo8xrU-00009-00010298-00011862 “I had always wanted a low back, part of it was showing my scar. I believe scars tell a story about your past and your future and it’s a way of getting rid of a taboo,” says Eugenie about her ceremony dress designed by Peter Pilotto and Christopher De Vos fmGvoFo8xrU-00010-00011862-00012959 “For me it’s a way of communicating with people who are going through either similar situations with scoliosis or having a scar of their own that they are trying to deal with fmGvoFo8xrU-00011-00012959-00013782 ”.She continues, “We started getting a lot of letters from people who were happy that I had stood up and showed my scar fmGvoFo8xrU-00012-00013782-00014717 People with scoliosis, letters from girls that are going through the same thing, and I definitely was very touched by everyone’s support fmGvoFo8xrU-00013-00014717-00015676 ”.The princess also spoke of how “incredible” it was to borrow a tiara from the Queen, saying: “I’ve never worn a tiara before in my life fmGvoFo8xrU-00014-00015676-00016522 It was the most incredible thing to wear such a piece of history that my grandmother had lent me, it was a very proud moment fmGvoFo8xrU-00015-00016522-00017653 ”.Eugenie chose friend Zac Posen to design the silk gown for her evening reception, describing him as “such a cool, fun, brilliant designer and friend fmGvoFo8xrU-00016-00017653-00018737 ”.“I wanted something reminiscent of Grace Kelly in To Catch a Thief so I showed that for reference and Zac came up with this silk that he’d found from Manchester fmGvoFo8xrU-00017-00018737-00019691 Every single draping effect, every single detail, every button, it’s all painstakingly done by him and his team,” she said fmGvoFo8xrU-00018-00019691-00020986 Touchingly, she also spoke of having “always looked up to Beatrice as a big sister” describing her maid of honor as looking “so beautiful on that day in this wonderful Ralph and Russo creation fmGvoFo8xrU-00019-00020986-00021963 ”.Exhibition senior curator Caroline de Guitar told T&C that Eugenie was involved “every step of the way” with the exhibition fmGvoFo8xrU-00020-00021963-00023423 She added how wonderful it was “to hear personally from her what thought process was behind both the wedding dress and the evening dress, the involvement of the different designers and the way it’s woven very personally into the different aspects of her life fmGvoFo8xrU-00021-00023423-00023523 ” g8sWzLm5ZqY-00000-00000571-00001631 President Donald Trump accused companies like Facebook, Twitter, and Google of colluding with Democrats to censor his supporters online to their political advantage g8sWzLm5ZqY-00001-00001631-00002355 “Actually it’s incredible that I won the election because you know it was so rigged against me,” he said g8sWzLm5ZqY-00002-00002355-00003345 “It wasn’t Russians. Russia collusion was a delusion. But what there is, is there was collusion between the Democrats and these tech companies'' g8sWzLm5ZqY-00003-00003345-00004204 The president spoke about political bias in top Silicon Valley companies in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News on Monday g8sWzLm5ZqY-00004-00004204-00005526 The president said that any Republican running in 2020 would face a “tremendous disadvantage” in social media after he surprised tech companies by beating Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election g8sWzLm5ZqY-00005-00005526-00006356 “It’s totally steered, which has been proven now, totally steered toward the Democrats and yet I won,” he said g8sWzLm5ZqY-00006-00006356-00007715 Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow told the president he would be running against not only the Democrats and the media but also against the big tech companies during his presidential run in 2020 g8sWzLm5ZqY-00007-00007715-00008566 The president responded by noting Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s presidential campaign proposal to break up the big tech companies g8sWzLm5ZqY-00008-00008566-00009556 .“Isn’t it funny? Elizabeth Warren called for their total breakup,” he said. “I do smile though, they’re so protective of her g8sWzLm5ZqY-00009-00009556-00010444 ”.He sympathized with critics of the big tech companies like Facebook, Google, and Twitter who wanted to regulate the companies g8sWzLm5ZqY-00010-00010444-00011539 “I understand a lot of people wanting to look into it. I mean normally I’d like to say let it be free, let it all be free, but it’s not free,” Trump said g8sWzLm5ZqY-00011-00011539-00012767 “It’s really run by a small number of people''.The president also referred to reports from Breitbart News exposing tech bias against conservatives in companies like Twitter, Facebook, and Google g8sWzLm5ZqY-00012-00012767-00013926 “Now we’ve seen it, now we’ve caught them. We’ve seen the speeches, we’ve seen the in-house little videos that somehow got released, to me, that’s a very big scandal,” he said g8sWzLm5ZqY-00013-00013926-00015016 The Big Tech Masters of the Universe have made it clear that they are dedicating themselves to not allowing a repeat of Trump’s 2016 election win g8sWzLm5ZqY-00014-00015016-00016027 During an all-hands company meeting after the election, Google VP Kent Walker said that nationalism must be just a “hiccup” in the march towards “progress g8sWzLm5ZqY-00015-00016027-00016758 ” Google accomplishes this goal by manipulating search autocomplete results, among other techniques g8sWzLm5ZqY-00016-00016758-00018997 Meanwhile, social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter are constantly innovating new ways to stifle conservative media and prominent figures, including “deboosting” posts, shadowbanning and blacklisting conservatives to stop the spread of popular ideas, and tinkering with algorithms to dampen conservative media while propping up the mainstream media g8sWzLm5ZqY-00017-00018997-00020034 All while they enjoy special legal protections under federal law, and their CEOs blithely claim to Congress that their companies have no political bias g8sWzLm5ZqY-00018-00020034-00020707 The president specifically criticized Twitter for blacklisting conservatives on their platform g8sWzLm5ZqY-00019-00020707-00021645 “Twitter’s horrible what they’re doing to people, they’re blanking them out … What’s going on with Twitter is terrible for conservatives,” he said g8sWzLm5ZqY-00020-00021645-00022536 Trump again pointed to a growing political movement around breaking up the big companies monopolizing tech and online speech g8sWzLm5ZqY-00021-00022536-00023338 “A lot of people are talking about breaking them up. They’re dishonest, there’s tremendous dishonesty,” he said g8sWzLm5ZqY-00022-00023338-00023873 “And it’s really all steered toward the Republicans and the conservative movement g8sWzLm5ZqY-00023-00023873-00025226 It’s a hundred percent steered against''.When asked by Breitbart News reporter Charlie Spiering about how he planned to fight tech bias in the 2020 election, he replied, “You fight it by just being good g8sWzLm5ZqY-00024-00025226-00026099 You got to be really good. It’s much harder for a conservative Republican to win than it is for a liberal Democrat'' gmcCoJI257U-00000-00000571-00001919 On Monday night, Donald Trump took to Twitter to boldly predict another election win in 2020, as well as a Republican overhaul in the House, and a continued Republican stronghold in the Senate gmcCoJI257U-00001-00001919-00003186 However, if all of those things are actually going to happen, one thing that must be addressed is his plan (or lack thereof) to invalidate and subsequently replace the Affordable Care Act gmcCoJI257U-00002-00003186-00004688 While Trump’s aim in those tweets was to suggest that Republicans are working on a plan that will be better than Obamacare, less expensive than Obamacare, will protect preexisting conditions, and more, it appears he missed the mark gmcCoJI257U-00003-00004688-00005952 Based exclusively on in his March budget, Trump’s “plan” appears to be “one in which richer Americans can do just fine buying their own health care” and leaves vulnerable populations with less medical care gmcCoJI257U-00004-00005952-00006707 At this point, though, no one really knows what to make of his so-called plan, and Trump realizes this gmcCoJI257U-00005-00006707-00007574 As a result, he continues to buy time with his usual “trust me” routine, hoping that voters will do just that gmcCoJI257U-00006-00007574-00008616 With enough trust and votes between now and the the 2020 election, and once he wins, then (and probably only then) will he reveal the plan gmcCoJI257U-00008-00011670-00012587 But I digress. If Trump and the Republicans want to bring healthcare conversations back to life, then by all means, let them gmcCoJI257U-00009-00012587-00013887 However, the Democrats will need to keep those conversations going so that voters will see through the facade, particularly if they want to retain the House majority and reclaim the Senate and White House hVO6ehEzK4y-00000-00000513-00001840 A bipartisan group of US lawmakers said the Trump administration's response to China's alleged abuses of the largest Muslim Uyghur ethnic minority in Xinjiang was inadequate and urged it to hold Beijing to account hVO6ehEzK4y-00001-00001840-00003245 "The administration has taken no meaningful action in response to the situation in (Xinjiang)," lawmakers wrote in a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, four months after they originally called on him to take action on this issue hVO6ehEzK4y-00002-00003245-00004598 CNN has reached out to the State Department for comment.As many as two million Uyghurs are estimated to have been imprisoned in huge detention centers in China's far west, according to a US government report hVO6ehEzK4y-00003-00004598-00005361 The human rights crisis in Xinjiang has drawn increasingly harsh criticism from across the world hVO6ehEzK4y-00004-00005361-00006194 At a UN hearing in November, more than a dozen countries called on Beijing to end its "arbitrary detention" of Uyghurs hVO6ehEzK4y-00005-00006194-00007025 A former detainee told CNN she witnessed abuse and torture, and lost one of her sons during her time in the camps hVO6ehEzK4y-00006-00007025-00008093 Beijing has repeatedly denied it is detaining Uyghurs against their will, calling the camps "vocational training centers" and suggesting they are providing education hVO6ehEzK4y-00007-00008093-00010144 In their letter Monday, the US lawmakers, led by House Committee on Foreign Affairs Chairman Eliot Engel, said that "over a million Uyghurs and other Muslim ethnic minorities have been interned in 'political re-education camps' without due process as part of a broader attempt to wipe out their separate identity, language, and history hVO6ehEzK4y-00008-00010144-00012153 "."Global responses to these abuses have been insufficient. Of particular concern are reports of US companies that may be contributing to Beijing's persecution of Uyghurs through their support or commercial ties to Hikvision and Dahua -- two Chinese tech giants that have profited from the surge of security spending in Xinjiang," the letter added hVO6ehEzK4y-00009-00012153-00013446 It also pointed to plans by Frontier Services Group, a Hong Kong-based company that counts former Blackwater CEO Erik Prince among its investors, to build a "training center" in Xinjiang hVO6ehEzK4y-00010-00013446-00014934 "These examples demonstrate not just the need to increase public awareness of human rights issues in (Xinjiang), but also impose consequences on PRC officials responsible and those who enable their abuses," the letter said hVO6ehEzK4y-00011-00014934-00017829 "Rhetoric without action will only embolden Beijing.".Lawmakers requested information on whether the US monitors the use of American technology in facilitating the surveillance and detention of Muslim minorities in Xinjiang, and details of "any US companies that are allegedly providing technology transfers, sales, or security training for Chinese government officials or closely associated entities that operate in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region hVO6ehEzK4y-00012-00017829-00018740 ".They also called on the Trump administration to reveal its plans, either unilaterally or with allies, for "holding Beijing accountable hVO6ehEzK4y-00013-00018740-00019788 ".The letter comes as Beijing is facing a growing global backlash over the situation in Xinjiang, as reports of alleged abuses their stack up hVO6ehEzK4y-00014-00019788-00020535 Last month, Turkey -- which has a large Uyghur population -- said the detention camps were a "great shame for humanity hVO6ehEzK4y-00015-00020535-00022450 ".In a strongly-worded statement, Foreign Ministry spokesman Hami Aksoy said hundreds of thousands of prisoners were subject to "torture and political brainwashing" in China's camps, and called on the UN and the international community "to take effective measures in order to bring to an end this human tragedy in Xinjiang hVO6ehEzK4y-00016-00022450-00023612 ".Lawmakers in Indonesia and Malaysia have also expressed alarm over the alleged abuses in Xinjiang, and called for a full accounting of the "re-education camp" system hd8PFyqlzLM-00000-00000513-00002030 President Trump on Friday blasted Michael Cohen over a newly reported book proposal that apparently painted the president in a positive light, saying his former lawyer's pitch contradicts this week's congressional testimony and renders him “totally discredited hd8PFyqlzLM-00001-00002030-00002916 ”.“Wow, just revealed that Michael Cohen wrote ‘a love letter to Trump’ manuscript for a new book that he was pushing hd8PFyqlzLM-00002-00002916-00003613 Written and submitted long after Charlottesville and Helsinki, his phony reasons for going rogue hd8PFyqlzLM-00003-00003613-00004337 Book is exact opposite of his fake testimony, which is now a lie!” Trump tweeted Friday hd8PFyqlzLM-00004-00004337-00005042 “Congress must demand the transcript of Michael Cohen’s new book, given to publishers a short time ago hd8PFyqlzLM-00005-00005042-00005839 Your heads will spin when you see the lies, misrepresentations and contradictions against his Thursday testimony hd8PFyqlzLM-00006-00005839-00007093 Like a different person! He is totally discredited!” he continued.The president’s tweets come after the Daily Mail exclusively obtained a proposal reportedly dated Jan hd8PFyqlzLM-00007-00007093-00008430 24, 2018 and titled “Trump Revolution: From The Tower to the White House.” Cohen reportedly was shopping the pitch to publishers just weeks before the FBI raided his office as part of the U hd8PFyqlzLM-00008-00008430-00009208 S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York’s criminal investigation into his personal business dealings hd8PFyqlzLM-00009-00009208-00010319 According to the Daily Mail, Cohen’s book would have touted Trump, countering descriptions of his then-boss as "crazy," "dumb," "paranoid" and hateful toward the media hd8PFyqlzLM-00010-00010319-00011024 The pitch reportedly said: "All of these things have been said about my longtime boss, Donald J hd8PFyqlzLM-00011-00011024-00012212 Trump. None of it is true. Except maybe that last one – about the media. Trump does believe that reporters are out to get him, and for a very good reason hd8PFyqlzLM-00012-00012212-00013432 Many of them are.".The Mail reported that Cohen promised chapters would focus on first lady Melania Trump and Trump’s children, as well as the “unfortunate saga” of Stormy Daniels hd8PFyqlzLM-00013-00013432-00014459 "By offering my point-of-view, it is my sincere hope that I can help close or at least narrow the knowledge gap," he reportedly wrote hd8PFyqlzLM-00014-00014459-00015386 The book deal was reportedly being negotiated with Hachette’s Center Street, but ultimately collapsed when Cohen was charged by SDNY hd8PFyqlzLM-00015-00015386-00016397 But the revelation of Cohen’s proposal comes after the now-disbarred attorney delivered scathing testimony about Trump before the House Oversight Committee on Wednesday hd8PFyqlzLM-00016-00016397-00017230 Cohen called Trump a “racist,” a “conman” and “a cheat.”.“Since taking office, he has become the worst version of himself hd8PFyqlzLM-00017-00017230-00018184 He is capable of behaving kindly, but he is not kind. He is capable of committing acts of generosity, but he is not generous hd8PFyqlzLM-00018-00018184-00019574 He is capable of being loyal, but he is fundamentally disloyal,” Cohen said in his opening statement Wednesday, adding that “to our nation, I am sorry for actively working to hide from you the truth about Mr hd8PFyqlzLM-00019-00019574-00021057 Trump when you needed it most.”.Yet he also testified he started having his doubts about the president after the summit with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki and Trump's handling of white supremacist violence and rallies in Charlottesville, Va hd8PFyqlzLM-00020-00021057-00021995 While the book proposal came before the Helsinki summit, it came well after the Charlottesville violence, and a full year into Trump's presidency hd8PFyqlzLM-00021-00021995-00023507 Republicans on the oversight committee, like Ranking Member Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, blasted Cohen, questioning why he continued to work for Trump for 10 years and claiming that Cohen turned on the president after he didn't get a job in the White House hd8PFyqlzLM-00022-00023507-00025453 Cohen denied wanting to work in the administration.Cohen’s high-profile congressional testimony came after he pleaded guilty to lying to Congress about a Trump real estate project in Russia as part of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian meddling and potential collusion with Trump campaign associates hd8PFyqlzLM-00023-00025453-00027091 Cohen also pleaded guilty to five counts of tax evasion, one count of making false statements to a financial institution, one count of willfully causing an unlawful corporate contribution, and one count of making an excessive campaign contribution hd8PFyqlzLM-00024-00027091-00028303 He is reporting in May to serve a three-year prison sentence.Trump on Friday also complained that Democrats are now using the testimony to expand and pursue their own investigations hd8PFyqlzLM-00025-00028303-00029915 “Oh’ I see! Now that the 2 year Russian Collusion case has fallen apart, there was no Collusion except bye[sic] Crooked Hillary and the Democrats, they say, ‘gee, I have an idea, let’s look at Trump’s finances and every deal he has ever done hd8PFyqlzLM-00026-00029915-00030738 Let’s follow discredited Michael Cohen and the fraudulent and dishonest statements he made on Wednesday,” Trump tweeted Friday hd8PFyqlzLM-00027-00030738-00031733 “No way, it’s time to stop this corrupt and illegally brought Witch Hunt. Time to start looking at the other side where real crimes were committed hd8PFyqlzLM-00028-00031733-00033366 Republicans have been abused long enough. Must end now!” he continued.During his testimony, Cohen said he brought evidence to support previous claims that Trump organized the hush-money payments to two women—Daniels and Playboy model Karen McDougal hd8PFyqlzLM-00029-00033366-00034097 Cohen accused Trump of being involved in a “criminal scheme to violate campaign finance laws hd8PFyqlzLM-00030-00034097-00035285 ” Cohen testified Wednesday that Trump repaid him in $35,000 installments.“Michael Cohen’s book manuscript shows that he committed perjury on a scale not seen before hd8PFyqlzLM-00031-00035285-00036234 He must have forgotten about his book when he testified. What does Hillary Clinton’s lawyer, Lanny Davis, say about this one hd8PFyqlzLM-00032-00036234-00036996 Is he being paid by Crooked Hillary. Using her lawyer?” Trump tweeted Friday morning hd8PFyqlzLM-00033-00036996-00038109 Cohen is represented by Lanny Davis, a longtime Clinton ally.On Friday, Davis responded to Trump in a statement: “Sometime in early 2018, Mr hd8PFyqlzLM-00034-00038109-00038908 Cohen was offered a substantial advance for a proposal regarding a book on understanding Donald Trump hd8PFyqlzLM-00035-00038908-00039689 Mr. Cohen ultimately elected not to proceed. In other words, POTUS has yet lied again hd8PFyqlzLM-00036-00039689-00041636 but what’s the difference between 9000 or 9001 lies?”.House Oversight Committee Republicans on Thursday referred Cohen to the Justice Department, claiming he committed perjury during his testimony over several statements made regarding his aspirations of working in the Trump administration and his foreign business contracts hd8PFyqlzLM-00037-00041636-00043046 Davis countered in a statement Thursday that his client testified "truthfully" before the committee, calling the complaint a "baseless criminal referral" and "sad misuse of the criminal justice system with the aura of pure partisanship hd8PFyqlzLM-00038-00043046-00044115 ”.Cohen also testified Wednesday that he would not commit to rejecting any type of book, movie, or television deal when his prison sentence is complete hgEq1QaYQWU-00000-00000571-00001738 President Donald Trump’s “Hire American” policy pushed Americans’ wages up by 3.4 percent in the last 12 months, according to employment data released March 8 hgEq1QaYQWU-00001-00001738-00002496 “We’re seeing wages rise more than they have at any time for a long, long time,” Trump told reporters hgEq1QaYQWU-00002-00002496-00003368 He added.The big news, really, was that wages went up. And that’s great for the American worker hgEq1QaYQWU-00003-00003368-00004949 That’s something people — I don’t know if they ever expected to see it.Vice President Mike Pence said, “wages are rising at the fastest pace in nearly a decade, and more Americans are working today than ever before in the history of our country hgEq1QaYQWU-00004-00004949-00005764 ”.Americans’ wealth-creating productivity is also rising much faster than under former Presidents George W hgEq1QaYQWU-00005-00005764-00007566 Bush and Barack Obama. Productivity rose 1.8 percent in 2018, up from 0.2 percent in Obama’s last year, because higher wages are pressuring employers to buy the labor-saving machinery that will help Americans produce even more wealth hgEq1QaYQWU-00006-00007566-00008561 .But all the good news comes just after Trump publicly walked away from his “Hire American” economic strategy that made it all possible hgEq1QaYQWU-00007-00008561-00009603 On March 6, Trump told Apple CEO Tim Cook and other CEOs that he would open a new pipeline of cheap foreign workers for tech companies hgEq1QaYQWU-00008-00009603-00010452 That shift is good for companies who do not want to hire workers away from each other by offering escalating salaries hgEq1QaYQWU-00009-00010452-00011158 The goal, said Trump, is to expand corporate revenues, profits, and stock prices: hgEq1QaYQWU-00010-00011158-00011957 These are very ambitious people around this table. They don’t like the concept of not expanding hgEq1QaYQWU-00011-00011957-00012761 Would you say that’s right, Barbara [Humpton, CEO of Siemens USA]? Barbara is not into non-expansion hgEq1QaYQWU-00012-00012761-00013514 So we want to have the companies grow. And the only way they’re going to grow is if we give them the workers hgEq1QaYQWU-00013-00013514-00014310 Since early 2017, Trump has faced mounting corporate pressure to reverse his “Hire American” policy hgEq1QaYQWU-00014-00014310-00015389 That pressure has been growing as wages for white-collar workers inched up and has been growing stronger as wages for information technology workers rises hgEq1QaYQWU-00015-00015389-00016573 For example, wages for “information” employees rose 6.5 percent from $39.15 per hour in February 2018 up to $41 hgEq1QaYQWU-00016-00016573-00017826 71 per hour in February 2019. In general, every dollar added to wages is a dollar cut from profits and causes a $15 cut in companies’ stock prices hgEq1QaYQWU-00017-00017826-00018879 To suppress these wage gains, Cook and his peers want to import more cheap, foreign workers via the H-1B, L-1 and OPT visa programs hgEq1QaYQWU-00018-00018879-00020206 In 2018, for example, Apple asked for federal approval to import 1,814 H-1B visa-workers and to get green cards for 103 visa workers hgEq1QaYQWU-00019-00020206-00020979 Overall, U.S. companies already employ at least 1.5 million of these visa workers hgEq1QaYQWU-00020-00020979-00022484 Trump’s pro-corporate abandonment of his “Hire American” policy also comes as newspapers increasingly, but grudgingly, acknowledge his success in delivering prosperity to a wide class of ordinary Americans who were left behind since 2000 hgEq1QaYQWU-00021-00022484-00023542 The news reports are showing that Trump is making Americans’ bank accounts great again after 16 years of catastrophic failure by Bush and Obama hgEq1QaYQWU-00022-00023542-00024338 “Workers suddenly have more power to demand higher pay and better jobs,” the Washington Post admitted March 8 hgEq1QaYQWU-00023-00024338-00025718 Workers are receiving the fattest wage increases since the Great Recession as employers struggle to find enough people to fill their ranks and employees have more leverage to demand higher pay and jump to better jobs hgEq1QaYQWU-00024-00025718-00027123 Wages grew 3.4 percent in the past year, the government reported Friday, the fastest pace in nearly a decade and well above inflation, suggesting that employers are hustling to lure and retain workers hgEq1QaYQWU-00025-00027123-00028500 Many are slashing requirements for jobs and are hiring workers quickly to prevent them from being scooped up by competitors, a far cry from the days when job seekers felt lucky to even get a callback hgEq1QaYQWU-00026-00028500-00029537 Costco announced this week that it is raising pay for its entry-level workers to $15 an hour — up a dollar from an increase nine months ago iXOFotYZGDE-00000-00000571-00001592 Special counsel Robert Mueller did not find Donald Trump's campaign or associates conspired with Russia, Attorney General William Barr said Sunday iXOFotYZGDE-00001-00001592-00002799 Mueller's investigation of whether the President committed obstruction of justice did not conclude the President committed a crime, but it also "does not exonerate him," Barr quoted from Mueller's report iXOFotYZGDE-00002-00002799-00004755 After nearly two years of being under the cloud of the Russia investigation, Trump's presidency is no longer directly under threat from the special counsel probe as the White House turns toward the 2020 campaign, although he still faces the specter of more legal and congressional action from the other investigations that remain ongoing iXOFotYZGDE-00003-00004755-00006260 Trump and his allies charged that Mueller's report fully vindicated the President, while Democrats were already raising questions about Barr making the decision on obstruction, a signal that the fight and the fallout from Mueller's investigation is far from over iXOFotYZGDE-00004-00006260-00006999 Mueller did not make the decision himself on whether to prosecute the President on obstruction iXOFotYZGDE-00005-00006999-00007809 Barr and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein made the determination the evidence was "not sufficient" to support prosecution iXOFotYZGDE-00006-00007809-00008626 The President went beyond the conclusions of Barr's letter, saying Sunday the findings were a "complete and total exoneration iXOFotYZGDE-00007-00008626-00009549 "."No Collusion, No Obstruction, Complete and Total EXONERATION. KEEP AMERICA GREAT!" Trump tweeted iXOFotYZGDE-00008-00009549-00010870 "It was just announced there was no collusion with Russia . there was no collusion with Russia, there was no obstruction, none whatsoever," Trump said to reporters before flying back to Washington from West Palm Beach, Florida iXOFotYZGDE-00009-00010870-00011539 "It was a complete and total exoneration. It's a shame our country had to go through this iXOFotYZGDE-00010-00011539-00012735 To be honest, it's a shame your President had to go through this.".Trump added, "This was an illegal takedown that failed and hopefully somebody's going to be looking at the other side iXOFotYZGDE-00011-00012735-00014674 ".Barr submitted to Congress a four-page summary of Mueller's conclusions on Sunday, which stated: "The special counsel's investigation did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 US Presidential Election iXOFotYZGDE-00012-00014674-00016162 ".Mueller's team has no plans to issue any new indictments."The report does not recommend any further indictments, nor did the special counsel obtain any sealed indictments that have yet to be made public," the letter states iXOFotYZGDE-00013-00016162-00017374 Barr wrote that no one associated with the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government, "despite multiple offers from Russian-affiliated individuals to assist the Trump campaign iXOFotYZGDE-00014-00017374-00018359 Mueller defined coordination as an "agreement -- tacit or express -- between the Trump Campaign and the Russian government on election interference iXOFotYZGDE-00015-00018359-00019260 ".The special counsel's office employed a massive effort through the court system and in interviewing witnesses to reach its findings iXOFotYZGDE-00016-00019260-00020838 In all, Mueller's team interviewed about 500 witnesses and obtained more than 3,500 subpoenas and warrants of various types -- the bulk of which were subpoenas -- and 13 requests to foreign governments for evidence iXOFotYZGDE-00017-00020838-00021969 Obstruction questions.Barr and Rosenstein said they could not bring a criminal case with proof beyond a reasonable doubt that Trump's actions obstructed a specific proceeding iXOFotYZGDE-00018-00021969-00022863 Barr notes the "absence of such evidence" related to crimes around the Russian election interference weighed on his decision regarding obstruction iXOFotYZGDE-00019-00022863-00023578 The letter stated that Mueller said he conducted a "thorough factual investigation" into obstruction iXOFotYZGDE-00020-00023578-00024532 "While this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him," Barr quotes Mueller as saying iXOFotYZGDE-00021-00024532-00025485 In his letter, Barr says that Mueller's investigation into obstruction of justice found the President's actions were not "done with corrupt intent iXOFotYZGDE-00022-00025485-00028105 "."In cataloguing the President's actions, many of which took place in public view, the report identifies no actions that, in our judgment, constitute obstructive conduct, had a nexus to a pending or contemplated proceeding, and were done with corrupt intent, each of which, under the Department's principles of federal prosecution guiding charging decisions, would need to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt to establish an obstruction-of-justice offense iXOFotYZGDE-00023-00028105-00029359 ".Fight over Barr's findings and release of full report.Democrats have demanded that Barr make Mueller's full report public and provide the special counsel's underlying evidence to Congress iXOFotYZGDE-00024-00029359-00030289 They are threatening to subpoena and take the Trump administration to court if they're not satisfied with what the Justice Department provides iXOFotYZGDE-00025-00030289-00031151 House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler said Sunday his committee will call Barr to testify "in the near future iXOFotYZGDE-00026-00031151-00032995 "."In light of the very concerning discrepancies and final decision making at the Justice Department following the Special Counsel report, where Mueller did not exonerate the President, we will be calling Attorney General Barr in to testify before @HouseJudiciary in the near future," the New York Democrat tweeted iXOFotYZGDE-00027-00032995-00033718 Mueller's findings, Nadler said, means it is up to Congress to determine the President's future iXOFotYZGDE-00028-00033718-00034466 "Seems like the Department of Justice is putting matters squarely in Congress' court," Nadler tweeted iXOFotYZGDE-00029-00034466-00036119 Barr said he intends to release as much as possible from the report. Mueller will be involved in the scrubbing of the report to remove secret grand jury material and any content related to ongoing investigations before it could be made public, Barr wrote iXOFotYZGDE-00030-00036119-00037386 "Given these restrictions, the schedule for processing the report depends in part on how quickly the Department can identify the (grand jury) material that by law cannot be made public iXOFotYZGDE-00031-00037386-00038533 I have requested the assistance of the Special Counsel.".The special counsel's investigation ended Friday after Mueller submitted his confidential report to Barr for review iXOFotYZGDE-00032-00038533-00039943 Additional legal investigations.The 22-month special counsel probe led to charges against 37 defendants, which included six Trump associates, 26 Russians and three Russian companies iXOFotYZGDE-00033-00039943-00040839 Seven defendants have pleaded guilty, and one, Trump's former campaign chairman Paul Manafort, was convicted at trial iXOFotYZGDE-00034-00040839-00041508 While Mueller's investigation is over, several criminal investigations are still ongoing icjh9W6KjIu-00000-00000513-00001960 If your first instinct today upon reading William Barr’s “summary” of the Mueller report is that it had to have been a misleading bunch of crap, and that the actual Mueller report must tell a very different story, it turns out you’re in good company icjh9W6KjIu-00001-00001960-00003073 Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi just said the same thing.Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer released a three paragraph joint statement this evening icjh9W6KjIu-00002-00003073-00004786 Here’s the most crucial sentence: “The fact that Special Counsel Mueller’s report does not exonerate the president on a charge as serious as obstruction of justice demonstrates how urgent it is that the full report and underlying documentation be made public without any further delay icjh9W6KjIu-00003-00004786-00007495 ”.Two more crucial sentences from Pelosi and Schumer: “Given Mr. Barr’s public record of bias against the Special Counsel’s inquiry, he is not a neutral observer and is not in a position to make objective determinations about the report … Congress requires the full report and the underlying documents so that the Committees can proceed with their independent work, including oversight and legislating to address any issues the Mueller report may raise icjh9W6KjIu-00004-00007495-00008788 ”.This means that Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats in Congress are going to aggressively use the full powers available to them in order to get their hands on what’s really in Robert Mueller’s report icjh9W6KjIu-00005-00008788-00009990 For months, dating back to their midterm election victory, House Democrats have been publicly talking about subpoenaing Mueller so he can publicly testify about what’s in his report icjh9W6KjIu-00006-00009990-00011021 There is no reason to expect Mueller wouldn’t cooperate, and there would be no legal avenue for Trump or the DOJ to stop it from happening j0ZP4muaSby-00000-00000571-00001276 President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump attended church on Sunday, on the feast of St j0ZP4muaSby-00001-00001276-00002276 Patrick.The couple attended services at St. John’s Episcopal church, a small church across from Lafayette Park outside the White House j0ZP4muaSby-00002-00002276-00002982 Rev. Bruce McPherson, the interim rector, welcomed the first couple outside the church j0ZP4muaSby-00003-00002982-00003972 The President spent Thursday honoring St. Patrick’s Day with Prime Minister of Ireland Leo Varadkar and praised the Irish at a White House reception j0ZP4muaSby-00004-00003972-00005085 “I know many Irish people and they are inspiring. They’re sharp, they’re smart, they’re great, and they are brutal enemies, right?” he said “So you have to keep them as your friend j0ZP4muaSby-00005-00005085-00005824 Always keep them as your friend. You don’t want to fight with the Irish. It’s too tough j0ZP4muaSby-00006-00005824-00006639 It’s too bloody.”.Trump last went to church in Washington, DC, on Christmas Eve at the National Cathedral jG7f4iuHW5A-00000-00000571-00001728 “President” Donald Trump is on his way to Vietnam, finally going there to serve his nation, decades after questionable doctor’s notes excusing him from serving in the war there jG7f4iuHW5A-00001-00001728-00002491 At least he is going there this week, ostensibly in the service of our nation – but perhaps not jG7f4iuHW5A-00002-00002491-00004256 We might never truly learn about what Trump and Kim Jong-un discuss.In advance of the visit by Trump and what clearly must be a coincidence, the plane of Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov, Foreign Minister of Russia, reportedly has landed in Vietnam ahead of Trump’s arrival jG7f4iuHW5A-00003-00004256-00005722 Trump has been touting that if North Korea will give up nuclear weapons, it will be dominant on the world economic stage, tweeting:Meeting for breakfast with our Nation’s Governors – then off to Vietnam for a very important Summit with Kim Jong Un jG7f4iuHW5A-00004-00005722-00006377 With complete Denuclearization, North Korea will rapidly become an Economic Powerhouse jG7f4iuHW5A-00005-00006377-00008496 Without it, just more of the same. Chairman Kim will make a wise decision!.This is doubtful on many levels, including unlike South Korea or Japan or any other country producing electronics and that is an economic powerhouse, North Korea has nothing in terms of infrastructure or technology, other than its nuclear capabilities jG7f4iuHW5A-00006-00008496-00010144 Trump also is talking about his bromance with Kim, noting that “we fell in love.” While being on good relationship terms with North Korea is important, we fear that Trump has fallen for good old-fashioned propaganda from a leader who knows how to play the game jb62lnCHfd4-00000-00000571-00001302 Democrats are determined to oppose President Donald Trump, no matter how little evidence they have against him jb62lnCHfd4-00001-00001302-00002039 Rep. Nadler announced Monday that he is opening an obstruction of justice probe into the President jb62lnCHfd4-00002-00002039-00002707 Many experts have said this is crossing the line, and Trump is hitting them hard now jb62lnCHfd4-00003-00002707-00003933 But he’s going around them and appealing directly to the American people.Nadler is using his power in the Judiciary Committee to probe just about every last aspect of the Trump administration jb62lnCHfd4-00004-00003933-00004664 This wild demand seems to be a direct attempt at persecuting the president and anyone that’s ever worked with him jb62lnCHfd4-00005-00004664-00005458 This needs to be restated: there has never been a shred of evidence to even hint at collusion between Trump and anyone jb62lnCHfd4-00006-00005458-00006469 Yet despite that, Nadler has the audacity to accuse the president of “obstruction of justice, public corruption, and other abuses of power'' jb62lnCHfd4-00007-00006469-00007138 When has Trump ever done any of this? President Trump has aggressively pursued his agenda jb62lnCHfd4-00008-00007138-00007848 But every bill signed into law, every trade deal, and every executive order has been legal jb62lnCHfd4-00009-00007848-00009045 Even the Supreme Court has upheld controversial orders.The Cohen testimony—even as it was beyond the bounds of a normal investigation—only cleared Trump of collusion jb62lnCHfd4-00010-00009045-00009708 Yet Nadler and the rest of the Democratic Party are pushing endless requests and investigations jb62lnCHfd4-00011-00009708-00010520 Far more aggressively than any Congress in our history.All without solid proof that any wrongdoing has been committed k7kGESRwK6M-00000-00000513-00001952 In a blow to the Trump administration’s U.S.-Mexico border strategy, a federal court judge in California has expanded the number of migrant families separated at the border that the government may be required to reunite k7kGESRwK6M-00001-00001952-00003457 San Diego-based U.S. District Court Judge Dana Sabraw late on Friday issued a preliminary ruling that would potentially expand by thousands the number of migrants included in a class-action lawsuit brought by the American Civil Liberties Union k7kGESRwK6M-00002-00003457-00004462 Sabraw already ordered the Trump administration last year to reunite more than 2,800 migrant children who were separated from their parents at the U k7kGESRwK6M-00003-00004462-00005784 S.-Mexico border under the administration’s “zero tolerance” policy.But he will allow more separated families to join the class-action lawsuit after a report released in January by the U k7kGESRwK6M-00004-00005784-00006889 S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Inspector General, which identified potentially thousands more families that had been separated as early as July 1, 2017 k7kGESRwK6M-00005-00006889-00008357 The administration’s “zero tolerance” policy did not take effect until May 2018.“The hallmark of a civilized society is measured by how it treats its people and those within its borders,” Sabraw said in his ruling k7kGESRwK6M-00006-00008357-00009109 Sabraw said that report was “a significant development in this case” and its contents “are undisputed k7kGESRwK6M-00007-00009109-00009903 ”.The Justice Department did not immediately respond to calls for comment.The administration of U k7kGESRwK6M-00008-00009903-00011283 S. President Donald Trump implemented the zero-tolerance policy to criminally prosecute and jail all illegal border crossers - even those traveling with their children - which led to a wave of separations last year k7kGESRwK6M-00009-00011283-00012320 The policy sparked outrage when it became public, and the backlash led Trump to sign an executive order reversing course on June 20, 2018 k7kGESRwK6M-00010-00012320-00014096 The IG report said prior to the officially announced zero-tolerance policy, the government began ramping up separations in 2017 for other reasons related to a child’s safety and well-being, including separating parents with criminal records or lack of proper documents k7kGESRwK6M-00011-00014096-00015640 A Department of Homeland Security spokeswoman said in January after the IG report came out that the practice of separating apprehended minors from adults to protect the interests of the children has been standard practice “for more than a decade k7kGESRwK6M-00012-00015640-00016692 ”.The report also said more than 100 minors, including more than two dozen under age 5, were separated after the President’s executive order k7kGESRwK6M-00013-00016692-00018356 “The court made clear that potentially thousands of children’s lives are at stake and that the Trump administration cannot simply ignore the devastation it has caused,” Lee Gelernt, ACLU lead attorney in the class-action family separation lawsuit, said on Friday k_VFCvH699c-00000-00000000-00000653 Donald Trump has accused Andrew McCabe and Rod Rosenstein of plotting treason against him k_VFCvH699c-00001-00000653-00002761 Former acting FBI Director McCabe has been drip-feeding revelations from his new book to the media over the past few weeks, including an assertion that Trump's decision to fire Comey in May 2017 sparked so much alarm within the agency that it led to discussions about invoking the 25th Amendment to remove him as president k_VFCvH699c-00002-00002761-00003999 He also claimed that Trump said he trusted Vladimir Putin more than U.S. intelligence when it came to the question of whether North Korean had the capability to hit the U.S. with ballistic missiles. k_VFCvH699c-00003-00003999-00004837 Tweeting Monday morning, Trump said: “Wow, so many lies by now disgraced acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe k_VFCvH699c-00004-00004837-00006201 He was fired for lying, and now his story gets even more deranged. He and Rod Rosenstein, who was hired by Jeff Sessions (another beauty), look like they were planning a very illegal act, and got caught k_VFCvH699c-00005-00006201-00007423 There is a lot of explaining to do to the millions of people who had just elected a president who they really like and who has done a great job for them with the Military, Vets, Economy and so much more k_VFCvH699c-00006-00007423-00009905 This was the illegal and treasonous ‘insurance policy’ in full action!”Rosenstein repeatedly has denied he "pursued or authorized recording the president" and also has denied McCabe's suggestion that the deputy attorney general had broached the idea of invoking the Constitution's 25th Amendment, which allows Cabinet members to seek the removal of a president if they conclude that he or she is mentally unfit k_VFCvH699c-00007-00009905-00011049 The Justice Department echoed both denials in a statement released last week, saying Rosenstein "was not in a position to consider invoking the 25th Amendment k_VFCvH699c-00008-00011049-00012352 ".Yet McCabe said in the interview, "Rod raised the [25th Amendment] issue and discussed it with me in the context of thinking about how many other Cabinet officials might support such an effort k_VFCvH699c-00009-00012352-00013113 ” He added that he believed Rosenstein was "counting votes or possible votes" to remove Trump from office k_VFCvH699c-00010-00013113-00014468 Fox News reported Sunday that Baker, in his testimony to Congress, provided even more details about the alleged 25th Amendment discussions – saying two Cabinet officials were “ready to support” such an effort khgkdsi5I48-00000-00000571-00001213 Can you guess which lame-brain liberal just jumped aboard the “impeach Trump” bandwagon? khgkdsi5I48-00001-00001213-00002062 Democrats have only two cards to play these days:.The race (or victim) card, and the “impeach Trump” card khgkdsi5I48-00002-00002062-00002757 That’s it. They seem to care nothing about the actual state of the union, or its citizens khgkdsi5I48-00003-00002757-00003384 Remember when Maxine Waters swore she never said she wanted the President impeached? khgkdsi5I48-00004-00003384-00004384 …and HOW many times has she demanded exactly that?.And every time you turn around, a new Democrat leader is leaping aboard the “Impeach Donald” bandwagon khgkdsi5I48-00005-00004384-00005116 You probably won’t be too surprised to learn the identity of the latest passenger on that bandwagon, either: khgkdsi5I48-00006-00005116-00006106 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, aka “AOC.”.And WHY does she want the President impeached? Oh, wait ’til you hear… khgkdsi5I48-00007-00006106-00006811 From Breitbart:.“When asked why she thought the president should be impeached, Ocasio-Cortez said… khgkdsi5I48-00008-00006811-00007571 ‘Number one is emoluments. I think it’s always been emoluments. It’s always been about that for me khgkdsi5I48-00009-00007571-00008770 I think two would be tax fraud.’”.Okay, wait a second … “emoluments”?.For those that don’t know, emolument is when a person is getting paid to run for public office khgkdsi5I48-00010-00008770-00009486 So … who is paying Trump to be president? What’s this, a NEW lie Democrats have cooked up? khgkdsi5I48-00011-00009486-00010144 Then there’s the tax fraud accusation, which there’s virtually no evidence to support khgkdsi5I48-00012-00010144-00011296 As in, zero.Democrats are demanding Trump’s tax returns, suggesting he might not be paying his “fair share,” but none of them are outright saying he’s committing tax fraud khgkdsi5I48-00013-00011296-00012328 And that’s because there IS no fraud.But AOC saved the best for last; her final reason for wanting Trump impeached is … wait for it … Russia! khgkdsi5I48-00014-00012328-00013148 That’s right, she’s so far gone, she’s actually claiming Trump is getting paid by Russia for being president! khgkdsi5I48-00015-00013148-00014148 Okay, look: we know the Russian collusion lie was debunked by Mueller. Trump had nothing to do with Russian attempts to interfere with our election khgkdsi5I48-00016-00014148-00014875 But not only is AOC pushing this dead lie, she’s twisted it into complete and utter nonsense khgkdsi5I48-00017-00014875-00015590 In fact, just about everything that comes out of this woman’s mouth these days is complete nonsense khgkdsi5I48-00018-00015590-00016554 Elections have consequences, folks.And because New Yorkers were bamboozled by the media, they elected a child to public office lrrAG2rfFxY-00000-00000694-00001094 - Вока Шывы, той хто валодае ім, валодае цэлым светам. lrrAG2rfFxY-00001-00001704-00001904 - Трынаццаць скрынь золата. lrrAG2rfFxY-00002-00001980-00002154 - Вы з бацькам сапраўдныя археолагі... lrrAG2rfFxY-00003-00002154-00002398 - а я, паляўнічы за скарбамі. lrrAG2rfFxY-00004-00002398-00002528 - 160 мільёнаў lrrAG2rfFxY-00005-00002626-00002826 - Да таго ж рабаваць гробниы ня законна lrrAG2rfFxY-00006-00002858-00002966 - Пачакайце мяне! lrrAG2rfFxY-00007-00002970-00003170 - Скарбы належаць усяму чалавецтву, а не аднаму чалавеку. lrrAG2rfFxY-00008-00003210-00003358 - Арыгінал, ён бессмяротны lrrAG2rfFxY-00009-00003424-00003624 - Мае 160 мільёнаў даляраў! lrrAG2rfFxY-00010-00003706-00003804 - Прашу прабачэння! lrrAG2rfFxY-00011-00004552-00004634 - Давай хутчэй! lrrAG2rfFxY-00012-00005432-00005528 - Давай, бяжы да яго! lrrAG2rfFxY-00013-00006406-00006914 Даспехі бога: у пошуках скарбы lrrAG2rfFxY-00014-00007034-00007300 - Маляня, Джэкі! - Дзядзька, Джэк! lrrAG2rfFxY-00015-00007334-00007608 З 8 мая ў кіно! lsrmTzX5yy0-00000-00000571-00001542 It’s not entirely clear at what point Donald Trump figured out that House Democrats were going to seize his financial records today lsrmTzX5yy0-00001-00001542-00003206 Was it over the weekend, when he had one of his most bonkers Twitter meltdowns to date? Was is this morning, when he began attacking Nancy Pelosi in berserk fashion? In any case, Trump now seems to understand just how poorly today is going for him lsrmTzX5yy0-00002-00003206-00004776 .Even as William Barr prepares to release portions of the Mueller report in the hope of fending off the subpoena for the full report, and Donald Trump’s attorneys beg the government not to hand over his tax returns, Trump is losing some more immediate battles today lsrmTzX5yy0-00003-00004776-00006041 House Democrats just issued a friendly subpoena to infamous Russian money launderer Deutsche Bank, specifically seeking Trump’s financial records with Russia, and they also subpoenaed Trump’s accounting firm lsrmTzX5yy0-00004-00006041-00006863 These subpoenas give these institutions legal cover to cooperate, and prevent Trump from being able to do anything about it lsrmTzX5yy0-00005-00006863-00008010 . .So maybe this was on Donald Trump’s mind this morning when he took yet another shot at trying to convince his violently deranged base to bring harm to Congresswoman Ilhan Omar lsrmTzX5yy0-00006-00008010-00009374 Perhaps it helps explain why, when the nightmarish fire broke out at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris this afternoon, Trump inexplicably tweeted that the French should use “flying water tankers” to fight the blaze lsrmTzX5yy0-00007-00009374-00010463 And perhaps Trump was trying to shore up his base ahead of the bad news, when he insisted this evening that the steel industry is magically making a comeback lsrmTzX5yy0-00008-00010463-00011380 .In any case, it’s not difficult to parse that Donald Trump is at least partly aware of just how bad today’s news has been for him lsrmTzX5yy0-00009-00011380-00012743 Even as House Democrats continue to fight for the Mueller report and Trump’s tax returns, two battles they’ll win eventually but not imminently, they won today when it comes to Trump’s banking and accounting records lsrmTzX5yy0-00010-00012743-00013629 Deutsche Bank has been busted for facilitating the laundering of billion of dollars of Russian money into places like New York City lsrmTzX5yy0-00011-00013629-00013974 We’ll see what comes of it l-5gU4ScXyI-00000-00000571-00001182 President Trump has been shaking up the Washington swamp more than usual this week l-5gU4ScXyI-00001-00001182-00002172 He’s even catching his own party off guard. He promised to close the border this week if Mexico did not stop border jumpers immediately l-5gU4ScXyI-00002-00002172-00002927 The DC elites and the liberal media flipped out, saying Trump would cause major harm to our economy l-5gU4ScXyI-00003-00002927-00003632 It looked like Donald was backing down—then he caught them off guard with a powerful response l-5gU4ScXyI-00004-00003632-00004870 From Twitter.Here’s what Trump said: “Congress must get together and immediately eliminate the loopholes at the Border! If no action, Border, or large sections of Border, will close l-5gU4ScXyI-00005-00004870-00005884 This is a National Emergency!”.Go TRUMP!.Trump is not backing down. He is demanding Congress get rid of loopholes like “catch and release l-5gU4ScXyI-00006-00005884-00006519 ”.Why would Trump be willing to take the hit to our economy by closing the border? l-5gU4ScXyI-00007-00006519-00007362 Because we are seeing a full-blown crisis on our borders. If our border is overrun, we don’t have a country l-5gU4ScXyI-00008-00007362-00008326 Democrats don’t even seem to care what happened on our border. One 2020 candidate actually wants to decriminalize border crossings l-5gU4ScXyI-00009-00008326-00009233 Trump, on the other hand, is thinking of Americans first. He is putting our safety ahead of politics to stop this crisis l-5gU4ScXyI-00010-00009233-00010021 Our only hope, it seems, is Trump taking hard action, and he needs America’s support to do it lFpkqVenJku-00000-00000571-00002044 As we wait for Robert Mueller's report to drop and with House Democrats launching investigations into the administration, many are wondering if there will be a "smoking gun" that proves President Donald Trump deserves to be impeached lFpkqVenJku-00001-00002044-00003985 Trying to find a smoking gun in a federal investigation is not new. In every investigation since Richard Nixon's Watergate scandal, politicians have assumed that it was necessary to discover a concrete piece of evidence that can prove with total certainty that a president committed "high crimes and misdemeanors lFpkqVenJku-00002-00003985-00005048 " With Ronald Reagan's Iran Contra scandal, a smoking gun was never found. With President Bill Clinton, it was Monica Lewinsky's blue dress lFpkqVenJku-00003-00005048-00005884 But the expectation of finding one piece of conclusive evidence is misplaced and too often obscures the big picture lFpkqVenJku-00004-00005884-00007684 Not every investigation will be like Watergate, where just as the House Judiciary Committee voted in late July 1974 on articles of impeachment, the Supreme Court voted unanimously that President Nixon could not invoke executive privilege to block the release of White House recordings lFpkqVenJku-00005-00007684-00009368 One of these tapes was from June 23, 1972 -- six days after the break-in of the Democratic National Headquarters at the Watergate complex -- in which President Nixon could be heard saying that he wanted the CIA to stop the FBI investigation lFpkqVenJku-00006-00009368-00010549 There it was: obstruction of justice."The tape was the last straw," former national security adviser and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger recalled in TIME magazine lFpkqVenJku-00007-00010549-00011406 "It provided the pretext for waverers to commit themselves to impeachment and for others to abandon Nixon lFpkqVenJku-00008-00011406-00012474 By now there had been too many shocks; everybody wanted to get it over with." On August 5, 1974, the public heard the tapes lFpkqVenJku-00009-00012474-00013428 Two days later, upon seeing the full transcript, New York Republican Rep. Barber Conable said it "looked like a smoking gun lFpkqVenJku-00010-00013428-00014164 " Republican Sens. Barry Goldwater and Hugh Scott met with the President to tell him he was finished lFpkqVenJku-00011-00014164-00015288 On August 8, Nixon announced his resignation.Ever since that epic moment in American history, the "smoking gun" has achieved a mythological status in presidential scandals lFpkqVenJku-00012-00015288-00015836 The problem is that the story exaggerates the role of this kind of evidence lFzTqJmET4c-00000-00000571-00001825 President Donald Trump on Friday repeated his threat to close down the border between the United States and Mexico, but this time he noted he would act next week if Mexico doesn't step up lFzTqJmET4c-00001-00001825-00003219 "If Mexico doesn't immediately stop ALL illegal immigration coming into the United States throug (sic) our Southern Border, I will be CLOSING the Border, or large sections of the Border, next week," he tweeted lFzTqJmET4c-00002-00003219-00004398 Trump, in Florida on Friday afternoon, said he could close the border to trade for a "long time" and insisted the US had run out of detention space for undocumented immigrants lFzTqJmET4c-00003-00004398-00005466 "We have the weakest, most pathetic laws," the President said, threatening to close the border if two current caravans of migrants cross into the US lFzTqJmET4c-00004-00005466-00006357 "We have run out of space. We can't hold people anywhere. Mexico can stop it so easily," he added lFzTqJmET4c-00005-00006357-00007268 Trump's comments follow a period in which the Department of Homeland Security and border officials have said their resources have become strained lFzTqJmET4c-00006-00007268-00008227 Earlier this week, Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Kevin McAleenan said the "breaking point has arrived" for the US immigration system lFzTqJmET4c-00007-00008227-00009452 Over the last two weeks, Customs and Border Protection announced that they will be releasing migrants in Arizona, as well as the Del Rio sector and Rio Grande Valley region of Texas lFzTqJmET4c-00008-00009452-00010301 And more people are expected to be apprehended at the border in March than any month since 2008, CBP says lFzTqJmET4c-00009-00010301-00011466 So far, the plan Department of Homeland Security says it will commit to is pulling some officers from legal ports of entry to help with the influx of migrants crossing illegally lFzTqJmET4c-00010-00011466-00013072 This plan will not fully close ports on the southern border as of now.In a Friday statement announcing the move, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said there is a "cascading crisis" at the border and "the system is in free fall lFzTqJmET4c-00011-00013072-00014386 ".The Department of Homeland Security is moving officers from its ports to help with the mission between ports, which will result in slow downs, a senior Department of Homeland Security official told reporters lFzTqJmET4c-00012-00014386-00015551 But the official said full closure of ports of entry is "on the table."."It's short at the moment of full closure of any port, we will continue to operationally assess what is needed lFzTqJmET4c-00013-00015551-00016763 But I think what the President is making clear, is with these numbers, if we have to close ports to take care of all of the numbers who are coming, we will do that, so it's on the table," the official said lFzTqJmET4c-00014-00016763-00017996 "But what we are doing is a very structured process based on operational needs to determine how many additional personnel we can pull from other duties to address the crisis between the ports lFzTqJmET4c-00015-00017996-00019276 ".The official said the Department of Homeland Security is "looking at it from an operational perspective" and that the Department of Homeland Security secretary will make a "recommendation accordingly to the President lFzTqJmET4c-00016-00019276-00020418 ".Can Trump legally close the southern border?.The Justice Department declined to comment on the legality of closing the border or any portion of it, as described in the President's tweet lFzTqJmET4c-00017-00020418-00021154 The Justice Department also declined to comment on whether the Office of Legal Counsel has issued an opinion lFzTqJmET4c-00018-00021154-00023158 Though border closures are rare, they're not unprecedented. For example, in 1985, the abduction of a Drug Enforcement Administration agent and subsequent threats against customs agents prompted then-President Ronald Reagan, in agreement with the Mexican government, to close nine border crossings on the southern border lFzTqJmET4c-00019-00023158-00023800 Will closing the border stem the flow of migrants illegally crossing into the US? lHvicPKj4ZI-00000-00000513-00001226 Other than Paul Manafort himself, no one was very happy with the sentencing hearing he had on Wednesday lHvicPKj4ZI-00001-00001226-00002132 Manafort will serve a total of seven and a half years in prison, which includes the time he’s already spent waiting to be tried and sentencing lHvicPKj4ZI-00002-00002132-00002997 For anyone who isn’t wealthy, seven and a half years for conspiracy against your country sounds a little too good to be true lHvicPKj4ZI-00003-00002997-00003997 House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff posted on Twitter regarding the hearing, saying that it was little more than a plea for a pardon from Trump lHvicPKj4ZI-00004-00003997-00005288 He noted the out-of-place “no collusion” diatribe Manafort’s lawyer went on once again, just as he did during Manafort’s previous sentencing, that sounded as if it was written by Trump himself lHvicPKj4ZI-00005-00005288-00006040 In short, the hearing was, as Schiff characterized it, a “barely concealed appeal for a pardon lHvicPKj4ZI-00006-00006040-00006983 ”.Trump has yet to rule out the idea of granting Manafort a pardon and will face a massive wave of political backlash if he does lHvicPKj4ZI-00007-00006983-00008346 He has repeatedly referred to his former lawyer and “fixer” Michael Cohen as a “rat,” or a person who tells on someone when they’ve committed crimes, which doesn’t exactly bode well for Trump’s chances of escaping all this unscathed lHvicPKj4ZI-00008-00008346-00009464 For Manafort, though, Trump offered that he “feels bad” for his former campaign manager, a man Trump has said he doesn’t know well and has distanced himself from since his indictments lHvicPKj4ZI-00009-00009464-00010486 While Schiff is correct that it shouldn’t be a state attorney general’s job to clean up the mess of the federal courts, it seems that’s the way this will play out lHvicPKj4ZI-00010-00010486-00011139 Manafort was indicted for sixteen separate state crimes shortly after leaving the court lHvicPKj4ZI-00011-00011139-00011852 As NBC noted following that announcement, “a presidential pardon is ineffective against state crimes lHvicPKj4ZI-00012-00011852-00012437 ”.Twitter was furious over the light sentence Manafort received leOEPb-Du68-00000-00000571-00001529 Recently on ‘Morning Joe’, MSNBC’s Donny Deutsch compared Trump voters to Nazis, saying “if you vote for Trump, you’re the bad guy leOEPb-Du68-00001-00001529-00002326 ” Deutsch said that Democrats needed to make the election a referendum on Trump voters, rather than on the president himself leOEPb-Du68-00002-00002326-00003799 And he has a great point. .The comparison of Trump supporters to Nazis came about as Donny Deutsch criticized the administration’s “zero tolerance” border immigration policy that separated parents from their children at the border leOEPb-Du68-00003-00003799-00005335 Even though Trump signed an executive order effectively ending the separations, there are still hundreds of children still in custody, and many more unanswered questions about the updated policy as well as the fate of the thousands of children already detained leOEPb-Du68-00004-00005335-00006153 Please see below for a transcript of the exchange from Morning Joe:.MIKA BRZEZINSKI: Because that’s all [the Trumps] care about leOEPb-Du68-00005-00006153-00007070 What it looks like. It’s deranged. It’s abusive. It’s cruel, it’s evil, and the entire world is watching leOEPb-Du68-00006-00007070-00008128 It is now the time that he has gone too far. Question mark? Go.DONNY DEUTSCH: I could put an exclamation mark on everything you said leOEPb-Du68-00007-00008128-00009146 It was particularly reprehensible when Ivanka said, “it looks a certain way.”.This can no longer be about who Trump is, it has to be about who we are leOEPb-Du68-00008-00009146-00010364 If we are working towards November, we can no longer say Trump’s the bad guy. If you vote for Trump, you’re the bad guy, if you vote for Trump, you are ripping children from parents’ arms leOEPb-Du68-00009-00010364-00011701 The mistake that we’ve made in the past is, ‘Look at that bad guy over there, look at that bad guy!’ What the Democrats have to do is make the next election not a referendum on not who Trump is, but on who you are leOEPb-Du68-00010-00011701-00012816 That’s the big difference, you can no longer now, as a voter, because it’s not about taxes, it’s not even about some abstract term of immigration or nationalism leOEPb-Du68-00011-00012816-00013906 If you vote for Trump, then you, the voter, you, not Donald Trump, are standing at the border, like Nazis, going, ‘you here, you here leOEPb-Du68-00012-00013906-00014948 ’.I think we now have to flip it. And it’s a given, the evilness of Donald Trump. But if you vote, you can no longer separate yourself leOEPb-Du68-00013-00014948-00015726 You can’t say, ‘well he’s okay, but.’ And I think that gymnastics and that jiu-jitsu has to happen leOEPb-Du68-00014-00015726-00016599 Deutsch may be not be appealing to the conscious of actual Trump voters, as they don’t really appear to have much in the way of that leOEPb-Du68-00015-00016599-00017453 But, rather, to fire up Democrats, Independents, and Republicans who aren’t supportive of this president’s policies mHpfqHqrdW8-00000-00000571-00001618 Roger Stone threw away what little was left of his life yesterday when he threatened the physical safety of the federal judge overseeing his upcoming criminal trial mHpfqHqrdW8-00001-00001618-00002687 Stone was already guaranteed to spend the rest of his life in prison after his trial, and now he’ll likely rot in jail before and during the trial as well mHpfqHqrdW8-00002-00002687-00004254 But the real loser here may be Donald Trump. No, really. .How could this possibly be even worse for Donald Trump than it is for Roger Stone, considering Stone just lost everything? Well, that’s sort of the point mHpfqHqrdW8-00003-00004254-00005092 Stone’s life is now over. Pardons were never going to magically save him, due to state charges and such mHpfqHqrdW8-00004-00005092-00006210 Stone’s only hope of having any future was to drag out his pre-trial legal proceedings for years, so he could have that freedom until he’s inevitably convicted and sent to prison mHpfqHqrdW8-00005-00006210-00007010 But that’s now gone. Stone’s only remaining possible way out is to cut a plea deal against Trump mHpfqHqrdW8-00006-00007010-00008217 There has long been debate among observers as to whether Roger Stone would cut a plea deal at the first sign of real trouble, or if he would try to stick to his guns as long as possible mHpfqHqrdW8-00007-00008217-00009389 But we’re in a different realm now. Stone is about to go sit in solitary confinement in jail, in the same comparatively rough conditions Paul Manafort has been facing mHpfqHqrdW8-00008-00009389-00010129 Anyone get a good look at Manafort lately? By all accounts, he’s practically dead already mHpfqHqrdW8-00009-00010129-00010847 Stone is a lunatic, but even he may decide he simply can’t suffer the same fate as his pal Manafort mHpfqHqrdW8-00010-00010847-00011753 So now we wait to see if Roger Stone’s catastrophic screw-up is going to end up being just as disastrous for Donald Trump mHpfqHqrdW8-00011-00011753-00012759 These two men have been friends for forty years, they’re both criminals, they’re both perverts, and they surely know large swaths of each other’s dirtiest secrets mHpfqHqrdW8-00012-00012759-00013428 If Stone flips, Trump might as well just report to solitary confinement himself mjPTVMJvxJy-00000-00000000-00000200 আসবে ঠিকি কাদঁবে তোমার প্রাণ ডিজে গান #dj mjPTVMJvxJy-00001-00000200-00000400 আসবে ঠিকি কাদঁবে তোমার প্রাণ ডিজে গান Dj Sobuj.92. na3Z_7nFCUY-00000-00000571-00001198 The White House of President Donald Trump never ceases to amaze us here at Blue Side Nation na3Z_7nFCUY-00001-00001198-00002943 They recently published a document that it forty three pages long and over sixteen thousand words, in which the President lays into Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his inquiry and various other political foes such as the Green New Deal, using language that is less than presidential na3Z_7nFCUY-00002-00002943-00003771 This is quite incredible.“You know I’m totally off script right now and this is how I got elected, by being off script na3Z_7nFCUY-00003-00003771-00004570 And if we don’t go off script, our country’s in big trouble, folks, because we have to get it back na3Z_7nFCUY-00004-00004570-00005607 That’s how I got elected — by being off script. I think the New Green Deal or whatever the hell they call it — the Green New Deal — I encourage it na3Z_7nFCUY-00005-00005607-00006364 No planes. No energy. When the wind stops blowing, that’s the end of your electric na3Z_7nFCUY-00006-00006364-00007231 ‘Let’s hurry up. Darling, darling, is the wind blowing today? I’d like to watch television, darling na3Z_7nFCUY-00007-00007231-00008088 ’ Right now we have people in Congress that hate our country and you know that. And we can name every one of ’em if they want na3Z_7nFCUY-00008-00008088-00009099 They hate our country. Sad. It’s very sad. When I see some of the things being made, the statements being made, it’s very, very sad na3Z_7nFCUY-00009-00009099-00010155 And find out, how did they do in their country? Just ask ’em, how did they do? Did they do well, were they succeeding? Just ask that question na3Z_7nFCUY-00010-00010155-00010967 Somebody would say, ‘Oh, that’s terrible that he brings that up.’ But that’s OK, I don’t mind, I’ll bring it up na3Z_7nFCUY-00011-00010967-00012056 How did they do in their country? Not so good, not so good. .The White House of President Donald Trump never ceases to amaze us here at Blue Side Nation na3Z_7nFCUY-00012-00012056-00013801 They recently published a document that it forty three pages long and over sixteen thousand words, in which the President lays into Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his inquiry and various other political foes such as the Green New Deal, using language that is less than presidential na3Z_7nFCUY-00013-00013801-00014629 This is quite incredible.“You know I’m totally off script right now and this is how I got elected, by being off script na3Z_7nFCUY-00014-00014629-00015428 And if we don’t go off script, our country’s in big trouble, folks, because we have to get it back na3Z_7nFCUY-00015-00015428-00016465 That’s how I got elected — by being off script. I think the New Green Deal or whatever the hell they call it — the Green New Deal — I encourage it na3Z_7nFCUY-00016-00016465-00017223 No planes. No energy. When the wind stops blowing, that’s the end of your electric na3Z_7nFCUY-00017-00017223-00018090 ‘Let’s hurry up. Darling, darling, is the wind blowing today? I’d like to watch television, darling na3Z_7nFCUY-00018-00018090-00018947 ’ Right now we have people in Congress that hate our country and you know that. And we can name every one of ’em if they want na3Z_7nFCUY-00019-00018947-00019958 They hate our country. Sad. It’s very sad. When I see some of the things being made, the statements being made, it’s very, very sad na3Z_7nFCUY-00020-00019958-00021013 And find out, how did they do in their country? Just ask ’em, how did they do? Did they do well, were they succeeding? Just ask that question na3Z_7nFCUY-00021-00021013-00021826 Somebody would say, ‘Oh, that’s terrible that he brings that up.’ But that’s OK, I don’t mind, I’ll bring it up na3Z_7nFCUY-00022-00021826-00022643 How did they do in their country? Not so good, not so good. .“America will never be a socialist country na3Z_7nFCUY-00023-00022643-00023354 Socialism is not about the environment, it’s not about justice, it’s not about virtue na3Z_7nFCUY-00024-00023354-00024427 It’s about “power for the ruling class”. I’m going to regret this. This speech should have been delivered one year from now, not now, damn it na3Z_7nFCUY-00025-00024427-00025344 I should have saved the Pocahontas thing for another year because that destroyed her political career and now I won’t get a chance to run against her na3Z_7nFCUY-00026-00025344-00026028 I don’t want to knock out all of the good stuff and wind up with somebody who’s actually got talent na3Z_7nFCUY-00027-00026028-00026992 We have a gentleman that likes raising interest rates in the Fed. We have a gentleman that loves quantitative tightening in the Fed na3Z_7nFCUY-00028-00026992-00027982 We have a gentleman that likes a very strong dollar in the Fed.”.It can’t just be us who is just seeing rambling nonsense here, right? naYlmkiqb3Q-00000-00000571-00001644 Republican Senator Marco Rubio has not always been on President Trump’s side.But in this latest episode, he’s backing POTUS all the way naYlmkiqb3Q-00001-00001644-00002961 Democrats, concerned that Trump has already appointed two Supreme Court Justices (and perhaps two more in the coming years), want to end his conservative majority by packing the courts naYlmkiqb3Q-00002-00002961-00003726 But Marco Rubio has introduced a bill to stop them in their tracks. From The Hill:''Sen naYlmkiqb3Q-00003-00003726-00005199 Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) said Wednesday he plans to introduce a constitutional amendment to limit the Supreme Court to nine justices after some Democrats have floated expanding the number of seats on the high court naYlmkiqb3Q-00004-00005199-00005792 This amendment will set a fixed limit on the number of seats on the Supreme Court naYlmkiqb3Q-00005-00005792-00006913 As it stands now, nine justices serve on the Supreme Court. For many years, different parties have floated the idea of expanding the court naYlmkiqb3Q-00006-00006913-00007987 If that’s the case, future (potentially) Democrat Presidents could override Trump’s conservative majority by simply adding on liberal judges naYlmkiqb3Q-00007-00007987-00008744 That would naturally throw off the current majority.The court has been this size since 1869 naYlmkiqb3Q-00008-00008744-00009734 There is a reason why it hasn’t changed for so long.The Supreme Court provides a much-needed balance of power between Congress and the president naYlmkiqb3Q-00009-00009734-00010421 Making massive changes to the number of justices could have drastic impacts on our government naYlmkiqb3Q-00010-00010421-00011223 It’s hard to ignore the fact that Democrats are pushing this change, during the Trump administration naYlmkiqb3Q-00011-00011223-00012341 You’ll remember the battle Trump faced just for appointing Brett Kavanaugh. Kavanaugh was a moderate conservative, one of the least-controversial candidates around naYlmkiqb3Q-00012-00012341-00013415 Yet getting him approved was tough. Very tough.And only an amendment like this would keep the conservative majority intact for the coming generation o2zOMAVf3wA-00000-00000571-00002192 George Conway, the husband of Trump White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, has brought President Donald Trump’s mental health back to the forefront of conversations yet again, and it appears the diagnosis of a possible psychiatric disorder could be in short order o2zOMAVf3wA-00001-00002192-00003812 On Monday morning, Conway issued a series of tweets directed at anti-Trump conservative Ana Navarro, requesting that she not view Trump’s latest tweets as part of a grand diversion scheme, but as “a product of his pathologies” instead o2zOMAVf3wA-00002-00003812-00004825 In order to illustrate what he was referring to, he followed up with additional tweets, which provide information concerning Narcissistic Personality Disorder o2zOMAVf3wA-00003-00004825-00006237 Perhaps one of the most telling symptoms of this disorder is when individuals exhibit “a pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), a constant need for admiration, and a lack of empathy'' o2zOMAVf3wA-00004-00006237-00009058 Ummm…yeah, “makes perfect sense,” alright. And the signs do not stop there, as Trump exhibits several other NPD personality traits, including but not limited to “deceitfulness, as indicated by repeated lying,” “impassivity or failure to plan ahead,” and “lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another,” to name a few p8nglvCnvXg-00000-00000571-00001966 Even as Donald Trump’s handpicked Attorney General William Barr tries to fend off the inevitable release of the full Mueller report, Trump’s inner circle has apparently convinced him that this is all over, and Trump has somehow “won p8nglvCnvXg-00001-00001966-00002864 ” We know this because Trump just stood in front of the cameras and flatly declared “I won” when it comes to the Mueller probe p8nglvCnvXg-00002-00002864-00003906 This guy is about to get hit with a harsh dose of reality. .Barr says he’s less than a week away from releasing a redacted version of the Mueller report p8nglvCnvXg-00003-00003906-00005087 It’ll be a whitewashed joke, of course, with the very ugliest of Trump’s obstruction and collusion efforts conveniently blacked out for no reason other than that Trump wants it that way p8nglvCnvXg-00004-00005087-00006046 But even Barr will have to allow some of the dirt on Trump to be released, if only in the name of trying to fend off having to release the worst of it p8nglvCnvXg-00005-00006046-00006976 . .In fact, the less Barr releases next week, the more emphatically Mueller’s team will begin leaking what’s really in the report p8nglvCnvXg-00006-00006976-00008574 They can’t legally leak the classified parts, but they can leak just enough about the report to leave the American public with no doubt that Trump is lying when he claims Mueller found “no collusion” and “no obstruction,” and that Barr is illegally covering it up p8nglvCnvXg-00007-00008574-00009389 Barr is holding his ground for now, but it’s slipping away from him, and it’s only going to continue to slip further p8nglvCnvXg-00008-00009389-00010011 .So Donald Trump can gloat all he wants this week about how he “won” the Mueller probe p8nglvCnvXg-00009-00010011-00011327 What is that supposed to mean anyway? This isn’t a game. Trump and his people conspired with the Russians to try to alter the outcome of the election in his favor, which means he’s not the “president” of anything p8nglvCnvXg-00010-00011327-00012618 He’s a thug who’s illegally occupying the office of president, he’s abusing the power of the presidency to try to shield himself from his crimes, and he’s gloating about it like the pond scum that he is p8nglvCnvXg-00011-00012618-00013313 But things are about to get rather bad for him next week – and they’ll only get worse for him from there pxLBX1HzqXc-00000-00000571-00002436 A few hours before President Donald Trump went into the Rose Garden last Friday to announce his intent to declare a national emergency so he could build his long-promised border wall, Karl Racine sent a shot across the bow: If Trump was serious about this, he was in for a fight pxLBX1HzqXc-00001-00002436-00003389 “We will not hesitate to use our legal authority to defend the rule of law,” the 56-year-old attorney general of Washington, D pxLBX1HzqXc-00002-00003389-00005359 C., said in a terse statement.It’s a posture that has become almost routine for Racine, who as co-chair of the national Democratic Attorneys General Association is playing a little-noticed but hugely influential role in fighting the Trump administration at the polls, in the courts and in the news media pxLBX1HzqXc-00003-00005359-00005965 The past few years have been uncommonly high profile for the American legal system pxLBX1HzqXc-00004-00005965-00006903 The president finds himself in both personal and professional legal jeopardy. Several of his former aides and advisers have been criminally indicted pxLBX1HzqXc-00005-00006903-00008501 The administration’s every move is subject to major lawsuits.But while the public has been mesmerized by Trump’s legal troubles, Racine has been quietly building out Democrats’ ability to check his administration at the state level pxLBX1HzqXc-00006-00008501-00009528 Without much notice, he’s quietly emerged as perhaps the single most important player in restoring Democratic clout in America’s legal system pxLBX1HzqXc-00007-00009528-00011017 As D.C. attorney general, Racine is leading the ongoing emoluments suit against the president over foreign governments’ allegedly corrupt patronage of the Trump International Hotel in downtown Washington, along with Maryland AG Brian Frosh pxLBX1HzqXc-00008-00011017-00012746 As co-chair of DAGA, he has helped coordinate the legal and political strategies behind the lawsuits suing the Trump administration over issues including the separation of children and parents at the Mexican border, upholding the Affordable Care Act and protecting DACA recipients pxLBX1HzqXc-00009-00012746-00015139 And more substantial yet, Racine was the architect of one of the least-discussed but most far-reaching results of November’s elections: Democrats winning a majority of the nation’s attorney general positions—an electoral success with far-reaching implications for workers’ rights, immigration, civil rights, consumer protections and the ability to erect a judicial wall against the Trump administration rqYW0lKQif0-00000-00000571-00001744 Donald Trump has repeated false claims about voter fraud and the border wall as he rejected suggestions his attacks on journalists and Democrats were inciting violence rqYW0lKQif0-00001-00001744-00003232 The US president, who repeatedly describes the media as the “enemy of the people”, was asked whether he should monitor his own language after a white supremacist Coast Guard officer was charged with of plotting to kill prominent public figures rqYW0lKQif0-00002-00003232-00005087 He replied: “No I don’t, I think my language is very nice.”.Asked for his thoughts about the case of alleged “domestic terrorist” Christopher Paul Hasson during a press conference in the Oval Office, Mr Trump replied: “I think it’s a shame, it’s a very sad thing when a thing like that happens rqYW0lKQif0-00003-00005087-00006534 ”.Mr Hasson is said to have stockpiled weapons and ammunition in his basement in Maryland and written a draft letter to a neo-Nazi leader identifying himself as a white nationalist and calling for the establishment of a “white homeland” rqYW0lKQif0-00004-00006534-00008465 He also drew up a list of public figures to target, including House Democrat leader Nancy Pelosi, 2020 presidential candidates Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris, congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Hillary Clinton’s former campaign chairman John Podesta and CNN’s Chris Cuomo rqYW0lKQif0-00005-00008465-00009708 Mr Trump’s comments about the case contrasted with his response to the allegations that Empire actor Jussie Smollett faked being the victim of a racist and homophobic attack in Chicago rqYW0lKQif0-00006-00009708-00010481 He tweeted: “What about MAGA and the tens of millions of people you insulted with your racist and dangerous comments!?” rqYW0lKQif0-00007-00010481-00011544 The president also told reporters that he believed the border wall would go ahead after his declaration of a state of national emergency to secure $6 rqYW0lKQif0-00008-00011544-00012730 7bn ($5.2bn) in funding.“Everybody knows we need a wall,” he claimed .”We have we have apprehended more people than we have in many years rqYW0lKQif0-00009-00012730-00013684 ” In fact the number of people trying to cross illegally has decreased from 1.6 million in 2000 to 400,000 in 2018 rqYW0lKQif0-00010-00013684-00015261 He was next asked why he had not condemned voter fraud in North Carolina, where the Republican candidate in the race for Congress admitted his lead over his democratic opponent was tainted by ballot-tampering conducted by operatives working for his campaign rqYW0lKQif0-00011-00015261-00017064 Mr Trump replied by mentioning supposed cases in California, Florida and Texas: “Well I condemn any election fraud, and when I look what’s happened in California with the votes, when I look at what happened, you know there was just a case where they found a million fraudulent votes rqYW0lKQif0-00012-00017064-00018782 ”.His claims appear to be based on a viral Facebook post that millions of illegal votes were cast in California in November as well as allegations that votes were added after election day in Florida and tens of thousands of non-citizens were on the electoral roll in Texas rqYW0lKQif0-00013-00018782-00020062 No evidence of voter fraud has been found in any of those cases. .When the reporter tried to interrupt to say that his claims were not “actual cases”, he dismissed it with an “excuse me” and continued rqYW0lKQif0-00014-00020062-00020799 He later added: “I condemn any voter fraud of any kind, whether it’s Democrat or Republican rqYW0lKQif0-00015-00020799-00022549 ”.The president has repeatedly claimed that Hillary Clinton won three million more votes than him in the 2016 election because of illegal voter registrations, non-citizen voting, and those registered in two states - despite there being no evidence to support claims of voter fraud rqYW0lKQif0-00016-00022549-00023385 We’ll tell you what’s true. You can form your own view.At The Independent, no one tells us what to write rqYW0lKQif0-00017-00023385-00024145 That’s why, in an era of political lies and Brexit bias, more readers are turning to an independent source rqYW0lKQif0-00018-00024145-00024929 Subscribe from just 15p a day for extra exclusives, events and ebooks – all with no ads rxS5exsVhjA-00000-00000571-00001939 Powerhouse Pence wouldn’t stand for that – Cheney never saw him coming.Dick Cheney, former Vice President—and some say the mastermind of the Bush administration—made headlines when he criticized Trump’s foreign policy rxS5exsVhjA-00001-00001939-00002650 He actually showed up in person at an event with current leaders and confronted Mike Pence over it rxS5exsVhjA-00002-00002650-00003465 Cheney even had the gall to compare Trump’s foreign policy to his predecessor, saying he is just like Obama rxS5exsVhjA-00003-00003465-00004593 Powerhouse Pence would have none of that.From Fox News:.Former Vice President Dick Cheney reportedly challenged Vice President Pence over President Trump’s foreign policy on Saturday… rxS5exsVhjA-00004-00004593-00005283 Pence shrugged off Cheney’s concerns and praised Trump as a “candid and transformational leader rxS5exsVhjA-00005-00005283-00006195 ” …“Well, who wrote these softball questions?” Pence joked at one point….I wish I could have been a fly on the wall for that conversation rxS5exsVhjA-00006-00006195-00007083 Cheney confronted Pence face-to-face over Trump’s foreign policy. He even claimed Trump made decisions over phone calls rxS5exsVhjA-00007-00007083-00007916 That’s big talk coming from a man who supported multiple wars on numerous fronts. No wonder Pence challenged him rxS5exsVhjA-00008-00007916-00008749 That strategy made Republicans so wildly unpopular, America had to suffer eight years through the Obama administration rxS5exsVhjA-00009-00008749-00009570 So, you’ll have to forgive me if I don’t care what Cheney thinks about Trump’s much more effective foreign policy rxS5exsVhjA-00010-00009570-00010405 Cheney’s boots-on-the-ground approached spread our resources thin and seemed to only cause more problems around the world rxS5exsVhjA-00011-00010405-00011401 His foreign policy deprived our nation of resources, leaving us in a bad spot when we needed troops at home on our border, or after hurricanes rxS5exsVhjA-00012-00011401-00012432 Trump, on the other hand, is actually putting Americans first. Imagine that! We haven’t seen a president do that since… well, Reagan rxS5exsVhjA-00013-00012432-00013232 Our current leaders think we need to prioritize the United States and let other nations sort out themselves rxS5exsVhjA-00014-00013232-00013684 We are allies, after all, not babysitters rMEiiEcEpAA-00000-00000571-00001592 WOW – I can’t believe Donald did that for him!.In 2018, President Donald Trump made a promise to 94-year-old Sgt rMEiiEcEpAA-00001-00001592-00002640 Allen Jones.Our Commander-in-Chief had invited the World War II veteran up on stage during a Kansas City Veterans of Foreign Wars event rMEiiEcEpAA-00002-00002640-00003629 That was a tremendous honor, in and of itself!.But Mr. Jones, the 2015-16 VFW Chief of Staff, had a question for Trump: rMEiiEcEpAA-00003-00003629-00004625 “I’m going to be 95 years of age on April 11 of next year.Hopefully, you will allow me to bring my family into the Oval Office to meet you rMEiiEcEpAA-00004-00004625-00005372 ”.Now, the President’s respect and appreciation for this nation’s heroes is well documented rMEiiEcEpAA-00005-00005372-00005999 Trump loves our military veterans, so do you really think he could refuse such a request? rMEiiEcEpAA-00006-00005999-00006795 Of course he couldn’t!.Trump quickly agreed to make this veteran’s dream come true, and swore he’d make it happen rMEiiEcEpAA-00007-00006795-00007475 Well, Presidents are busy people … and other Presidents might’ve forgotten about such a promise rMEiiEcEpAA-00008-00007475-00008572 After all, Trump has the weight of the country – and often the entire world! – on his shoulders, so nobody would blame him if his promise disappeared under that weight rMEiiEcEpAA-00009-00008572-00009755 But Donald Trump did NOT forget, and it’s worth seeing.Last Thursday, he made good on his word and invited Jones, along with three other WWII vets, to the Oval Office rMEiiEcEpAA-00010-00009755-00010539 And yes, Trump timed it so the visit would land on Jones’ 95th birthday, just like he requested! rMEiiEcEpAA-00011-00010539-00011244 Trump tossed up a tweet citing the happy event, and included a video of his initial interaction with Jones rMEiiEcEpAA-00012-00011244-00012270 Beautiful afternoon in the Oval Office today with a few great American HEROES!.“Beautiful afternoon in the Oval Office today with a few great American HEROES!” rMEiiEcEpAA-00013-00012270-00013182 Joining Jones and Trump at the White House were Floyd Wigfield, Sidney Walton, and Paul Kriner … each of whom are over 100 years old! rMEiiEcEpAA-00014-00013182-00014104 Wigfield, 101, wanted to see Air Force One.And once again, Trump just couldn’t say no to a national hero: rMEiiEcEpAA-00015-00014104-00015418 “We’ll work that out,” he said. “You’ll like Air Force One.”.During their visit, Trump said how much he appreciated their service, and said they were “great heroes, great warriors, and highly respected rMEiiEcEpAA-00016-00015418-00016486 ”.This is how a true leader behaves, America.He thanks and honors those who serve their country, and he certainly doesn’t forget any promise he makes to them! rMEiiEcEpAA-00017-00016486-00017419 Trump is a patriot and role model for youngsters across the nation; we should all follow his example when it comes to veteran appreciation svcTRAvorGA-00000-00000571-00002101 The federal government is doing a worse job managing the problem of climate change under President Donald Trump, according to an investigation from the Government Accountability Office that included climate change on its High Risk List report on Wednesday svcTRAvorGA-00001-00002101-00003361 This year's High Risk List is a 293-page assessment of the threats facing the federal government, including such matters as cybersecurity and problems at the Department of Veterans Affairs svcTRAvorGA-00002-00003361-00004957 The GAO has been putting the list together since 1990 and delivers it to Congress every two years to make legislators aware of the programs that it considers most vulnerable to mismanagement, fraud, waste or abuse and most in need of fixing svcTRAvorGA-00003-00004957-00006892 Testifying Wednesday before the Senate Appropriations Homeland Security Subcommittee, GAO Comptroller General Eugene Louis Dodaro said that of the many areas that need improvement, "three areas have actually regressed," and limiting the federal government's fiscal exposure by better managing climate change risks is one of them svcTRAvorGA-00004-00006892-00007929 Also in that category were the Environmental Protection Agency's process for assessing and controlling toxic chemicals and NASA acquisition management svcTRAvorGA-00005-00007929-00009382 Because the government has revoked policies that had partially addressed climate change and has not taken steps recommended in previous reports, this high-risk area requires "significant attention," the new report says svcTRAvorGA-00006-00009382-00010829 The government had been making big strides in improving its leadership on climate change in the Obama administration, according to past reports, but it "has not made measurable progress since 2017," the latest report says svcTRAvorGA-00007-00010829-00012028 Climate change, in particular the severe storms it brings, has cost the American taxpayer nearly half a trillion dollars since 2015, the report says svcTRAvorGA-00008-00012028-00012655 "The last several years have been some of the most costly in US history," Dodaro said svcTRAvorGA-00009-00012655-00013961 Mark Gaffigan, managing director of the GAO's natural resources and environment team, explained that there have been 241 billion-dollar events, an average of six a year, since 1980 svcTRAvorGA-00010-00013961-00014572 In recent years, there have been many more: an average of about 15 a year sFq-NeXqsDE-00000-00000571-00001587 It seems like hardly a day goes by without some new report of stunning corruption or barely concealed criminality emerging about the Trump administration sFq-NeXqsDE-00001-00001587-00002914 Like clockwork, the pile of clear ethics violations grows higher and higher, and it’s only a matter of time before the whole thing comes crashing down and destroys this disastrous regime once and for all sFq-NeXqsDE-00002-00002914-00004865 Now, The New York Times reports that in the summer of 2017 an attorney working for President Trump contacted attorneys representing his former Campaign Chairman Paul Manafort and disgraced former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn to discuss the possibility of presidential pardons for their crimes sFq-NeXqsDE-00003-00004865-00006344 Flynn has pleaded guilty making false statements to the FBI. Manafort has pleaded guilty to numerous crimes including fraud and conspiracy against the United States and has already voided his plea deal by lying to investigators sFq-NeXqsDE-00004-00006344-00007639 “The discussions raised questions about whether the president was willing to offer pardons to influence their decisions about whether to plead guilty and cooperate in the Mueller investigation,” reports The Times sFq-NeXqsDE-00005-00007639-00009567 The fact that the administration even entertained the idea of extending pardons to two obviously guilty men — with Manafort in particular seeming by all indications to be a vile, lifelong criminal — shows just how desperate Trump was and presumably still remains to save himself from the Mueller investigation sFq-NeXqsDE-00006-00009567-00011202 If the president was worried about what Flynn and Manafort might tell the Special Counsel, it seems a safe presumption that they knew some damning things about the president himself, possibly about collusion with the Russian Federation to steal the 2016 election sFq-NeXqsDE-00007-00011202-00012187 With reports that Mueller will soon conclude his probe and release his findings, it’s only a matter of time before we finally find out the whole truth sFq-NeXqsDE-00008-00012187-00012845 Judging by Trump’s repeated suspicious behavior, he’s terrified of that fact tzHVMuctQ7y-00000-00000513-00001701 Bernie Sanders hit the campaign trail on Friday night, rallying a crowd of students at the University of Iowa with promises of “Medicare for all” and an end to the Trump administration tzHVMuctQ7y-00001-00001701-00003224 “This is a campaign that not only is going to win the Democratic nomination … that is not only going to defeat Donald Trump -- the most dangerous president in modern American history -- but this campaign is about more than that,” Sanders, I-Vt tzHVMuctQ7y-00002-00003224-00004078 , said to a cheering crowd.The campaign, the senator argued, is “about transforming this country” so that the U tzHVMuctQ7y-00003-00004078-00005742 S. “works for all – not just the 1 percent.”.“We will no longer tolerate the greed of Wall Street, the greed of corporate America and the greed of the billionaire class,” Sanders went on to say before specifically calling out the health insurance and pharmaceutical industries tzHVMuctQ7y-00004-00005742-00006748 “I know you have unlimited amounts of money,” Sanders said. “Whether you like it or not, this country will pass a Medicare-for-all, single-payer system tzHVMuctQ7y-00005-00006748-00008211 Today we say to the partners in crime of the insurance company, the pharmaceutical industry: You will no longer continue to rip off the American people and charge us, by far, the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs tzHVMuctQ7y-00006-00008211-00009410 ”.The idea is not a new one for the candidate, who is currently seeking the Democratic nomination -- as he did unsuccessfully in 2016 -- despite being a longtime independent tzHVMuctQ7y-00007-00009410-00010123 Last month, he told a told a CNN town hall that health care should be a “human right” and that the U tzHVMuctQ7y-00008-00010123-00010839 S. “shamefully” was the only major country on Earth “not to guarantee health care to all people tzHVMuctQ7y-00009-00010839-00011774 ” He argued that the only “cost-effective” way to give all Americans health insurance would be with a “Medicare-for-all single-payer program tzHVMuctQ7y-00010-00011774-00012871 ”.He leaned into the idea on Friday night. “We say to the insurance companies and we say to the drug companies – a new day is coming to America for health care,” he said tzHVMuctQ7y-00011-00012871-00013871 Sanders, not surprisingly, refrained from criticizing his fellow Democratic candidates and instead aimed his criticism at the president tzHVMuctQ7y-00012-00013871-00015193 “Donald Trump embarrasses us every single day,” Sanders said. “President Trump, you don’t work for working people when you introduce legislation that would’ve overturned insurance for 32 million people tzHVMuctQ7y-00013-00015193-00016752 ”.The senator, who said the basics of his campaign will revolve around “justice, racial justice and environmental justice,” also criticized the role of major money in political campaigns before touting his own campaign’s financial roots tzHVMuctQ7y-00014-00016752-00017494 “My friends, we are going to win this election, not because we have a super-PAC funded by billionaires tzHVMuctQ7y-00015-00017494-00018346 We are going to win this election because we are going to put together the strongest grassroots coalition in the history of our country tzHVMuctQ7y-00016-00018346-00019310 “There is an enormous amount of work to do – let us do it.”.Sanders, 77, announced his second run for president last month tzHVMuctQ7y-00017-00019310-00020159 He lost the Democratic nomination in 2016 to Hillary Clinton, who in turn was defeated by Trump tCK8272KJ5U-00000-00000571-00001556 As Special Counsel Robert Mueller zeroes in on Donald Trump and his corrupt family, the president’s lies are being exposed one by one tCK8272KJ5U-00001-00001556-00002587 And that’s not even the only thing Trump has to worry about — even his closest confidants and those who know him best are turning on him, revealing the truth to America tCK8272KJ5U-00002-00002587-00004066 .Trump biographer David Cay Johnston knows the president better than most, and in a report in the Daily Beast the biographer revealed a stunning reason why the president might be fighting so hard to keep his tax returns from becoming public tCK8272KJ5U-00003-00004066-00005351 After Michael Cohen’s brutal testimony this week, the president’s finances were in question after the former Trump lawyer stated the president had inflated his net worth countless times over his career tCK8272KJ5U-00004-00005351-00007723 This has inspired Johnston to back Cohen up, and deliver a bombshell that no one saw coming — Trump actually might be broke! In talking about Trump’s failed attempt to buy the Buffalo Bills, Johnston said:''Trump’s financial fakery is good enough to fool millions of Americans, but not the members of the most exclusive rich people’s club in America, the National Football League team owners tCK8272KJ5U-00005-00007723-00009045 What Trump does is spend enough money to create the appearance of being a billionaire, something I’ve been reporting since I got hold of his financial statement in 1990, which showed he was no billionaire'' tCK8272KJ5U-00006-00009045-00010552 Johnston also stated that Trump isn’t even close to being a billionaire, even though the president continues to claim he is one:''Creating a lifestyle that lets him pose as a billionaire costs less than $12 million annually, I estimate tCK8272KJ5U-00007-00010552-00011584 And he achieves that not through building wealth, but through his work as a financial locust who devours other people’s money through moving from one shady deal to the next tCK8272KJ5U-00008-00011584-00012258 Along the way he cheats banks, investors, workers, and governments at all levels'' tCK8272KJ5U-00009-00012258-00013015 When Trump’s facade is finally broken, it’s going to be a SAD day for the president and his fans tfI_Tx5xlu8-00000-00000571-00001365 Kirstjen Nielsen’s forced resignation as US secretary of homeland security is no reason to celebrate tfI_Tx5xlu8-00001-00001365-00002365 Yes, she presided over the forced separation of families at the US border, notoriously housing young children in wire cages tfI_Tx5xlu8-00002-00002365-00003564 But Nielsen’s departure is not likely to bring any improvement, as Donald Trump wants to replace her with someone who will carry out his anti-immigrant policies even more ruthlessly tfI_Tx5xlu8-00003-00003564-00004512 The president’s immigration policies are appalling in almost every aspect. And yet they may not be the worst feature of his administration tfI_Tx5xlu8-00004-00004512-00005202 Indeed, identifying its foullest aspects has become a popular American parlour game tfI_Tx5xlu8-00005-00005202-00007947 Yes, he has called immigrants criminals, rapists and animals. But what about his deep misogyny or his boundless vulgarity and cruelty? Or his winking support of white supremacists? Or his withdrawal from the Paris climate accord, the Iran nuclear deal, and the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces treaty? And, of course, there is his war on the environment, on healthcare, and on the rules-based international system tfI_Tx5xlu8-00006-00007947-00008658 This morbid game never ends, of course, because new contenders for the title emerge almost daily tfI_Tx5xlu8-00007-00008658-00009995 Trump is a disrupting personality, and after he’s gone, we may well reflect on how such a deranged and morally challenged person could have been elected president of the world’s most powerful country in the first place tfI_Tx5xlu8-00008-00009995-00011006 Advertisement.But what concerns me most is Trump’s disruption of the institutions that are necessary for the functioning of society tfI_Tx5xlu8-00009-00011006-00011983 Trump’s “Maga” (Make America Great Again) agenda is, of course, not about restoring the moral leadership of the United States tfI_Tx5xlu8-00010-00011983-00012748 It embodies and celebrates unbridled selfishness and self-absorption. Maga is about economics tfI_Tx5xlu8-00011-00012748-00013809 But that forces us to ask: what is the basis of America’s wealth?.Adam Smith tried to provide an answer in his classic 1776 book The Wealth of Nations tfI_Tx5xlu8-00012-00013809-00014836 For centuries, Smith noted, standards of living had been stagnant; then, toward the end of the 18th century, incomes start to soar tfI_Tx5xlu8-00013-00014836-00015554 Why?.Smith himself was a leading light of the great intellectual movement known as the Scottish Enlightenment tfI_Tx5xlu8-00014-00015554-00017038 The questioning of established authority that followed the earlier Reformation in Europe forced society to ask: how do we know the truth? How can we learn about the world around us? And how can and should we organise our society? tfI_Tx5xlu8-00015-00017038-00018414 From the search for answers to these questions arose a new epistemology, based on the empiricism and scepticism of science, which came to prevail over the forces of religion, tradition and superstition tfI_Tx5xlu8-00016-00018414-00019394 Over time, universities and other research institutions were established to help us to judge truth and discover the nature of our world tfI_Tx5xlu8-00017-00019394-00021011 Much of what we take for granted today – from electricity, transistors and computers to lasers, modern medicine and smartphones – is the result of this new disposition, undergirded by basic scientific research (most of it financed by government) tfI_Tx5xlu8-00018-00021011-00022353 The absence of royal or ecclesiastical authority to dictate how society should be organised to ensure that things worked out well, or as well as they could, meant that society had to figure it out for itself tfI_Tx5xlu8-00019-00022353-00023288 But devising the institutions that would ensure society’s wellbeing was a more complicated matter than discovering the truths of nature tfI_Tx5xlu8-00020-00023288-00024205 In general, one couldn’t conduct controlled experiments.A close study of past experience could, however, be informative tfI_Tx5xlu8-00021-00024205-00025177 One had to rely on reasoning and discourse, recognising that no individual had a monopoly on our understandings of social organisation tfI_Tx5xlu8-00022-00025177-00026958 Out of this process emerged an appreciation that governance institutions based on the rule of law, due process and checks and balances, and supported by foundational values like individual liberty and justice for all, are more likely to produce good and fair decisions tfI_Tx5xlu8-00023-00026958-00027943 These institutions may not be perfect, but they have been designed so that it is more likely that flaws will be uncovered and eventually corrected tfI_Tx5xlu8-00024-00027943-00028842 That process of experimentation, learning and adaptation, however, requires a commitment to ascertaining the truth tfI_Tx5xlu8-00025-00028842-00029758 Americans owe much of their economic success to a rich set of truth-telling, truth-discovering and truth-verifying institutions tfI_Tx5xlu8-00026-00029758-00031422 Central among them are freedom of expression and media independence. Like all people, journalists are fallible; but, as part of a robust system of checks and balances on those in positions of power, they have traditionally provided an essential public good tfI_Tx5xlu8-00027-00031422-00032802 Since Smith’s day, it has been shown that a nation’s wealth depends on the creativity and productivity of its people, which can be advanced only by embracing the spirit of scientific discovery and technological innovation tfI_Tx5xlu8-00028-00032802-00033760 And it depends on steady improvements in social, political and economic organisation, discovered through reasoned public discourse tfI_Tx5xlu8-00029-00033760-00035354 The attack by Trump and his administration on every one of the pillars of American society, and his especially aggressive vilification of the country’s truth-seeking institutions, jeopardises its continued prosperity and very ability to function as a democracy tfI_Tx5xlu8-00030-00035354-00036910 Nor do there appear to be checks on corporate giants’ efforts to capture the institutions – the courts, legislatures, regulatory agencies, and major media outlets – that are supposed to prevent them from exploiting workers and consumers tfI_Tx5xlu8-00031-00036910-00037600 A dystopia previously imagined only by science fiction writers is emerging before our eyes tfI_Tx5xlu8-00032-00037600-00038480 It should give us chills to think of who “wins” in this world, and who or what we might become, just in the struggle to survive uEyf5eSGneu-00000-00000513-00002135 In recently released testimony, Bruce Ohr, a career Justice Department official, stated he informed the FBI that the infamous, largely discredited anti-Trump dossier authored by Christopher Steele was based on “hearsay” and not tangible evidence uEyf5eSGneu-00001-00002135-00003992 Ohr said that he transmitted that information in the time period before the FBI under James Comey used the controversial dossier as central evidence in a successful FISA application to obtain a warrant to conduct surveillance on Carter Page, a former adviser to President Trump’s 2016 campaign uEyf5eSGneu-00002-00003992-00004987 Comey signed the first or three FISA applications in late October 2016. All three applications reportedly cited the dossier uEyf5eSGneu-00003-00004987-00005831 Ohr’s closed-door testimony was delivered last year before a joint Judiciary and Oversight Committee “task force uEyf5eSGneu-00004-00005831-00007090 ” A transcript of the testimony was released last week by Rep. Doug Collins of Georgia, the top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, and was reviewed in full by Breitbart News uEyf5eSGneu-00005-00007090-00008475 In further testimony, Ohr said that he informed the FBI that the dossier material was based on hearsay: “It definitely is hearsay, and it was source information, which is what I was telling the FBI uEyf5eSGneu-00006-00008475-00009564 ”.As Breitbart News reported, Ohr also testified that he informed the FBI that Steele’s dossier was tied to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign uEyf5eSGneu-00007-00009564-00010813 .Ohr testified that he further warned his FBI superiors that the dossier information was likely “biased” against Trump and that he thought Steele was “desperate that Trump not be elected uEyf5eSGneu-00008-00010813-00012140 ”.Ohr revealed that he spoke to the FBI about the role of Fusion GPS in producing the dossier, and informed the agency that his wife, Nellie Ohr, worked at the time for Fusion GPS uEyf5eSGneu-00009-00012140-00012819 Ohr’s testimony raises numerous immediate issues for the FBI and separately for Comey uEyf5eSGneu-00010-00012819-00013879 Comey’s FISA application to conduct surveillance did not specifically state that the FBI had information that Steele was being paid in connection with any U uEyf5eSGneu-00011-00013879-00014584 S. political party, according to House documents and the redacted FISA application itself uEyf5eSGneu-00012-00014584-00015559 .The application also did not say that the FBI was provided with any information that would raise issues of bias concerning Steele uEyf5eSGneu-00013-00015559-00017988 Instead, Comey’s FISA application stated generally that “the FBI speculates” that Steele “was likely looking for information that could be used to discredit” Trump’s campaign — a far cry from informing the court that the dossier utilized as central evidence against Page in the FISA warrant was paid for by Trump’s primary political opponents, namely Clinton and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) uEyf5eSGneu-00014-00017988-00019527 The phraseology that the FBI “speculates” on possible bias is at odds with Ohr’s testimony that he directly told the FBI about several possible avenues of bias and that he had reason to believe Steele himself was biased uEyf5eSGneu-00015-00019527-00020822 In other words, Comey may have kept from the FISA court information that would at a minimum raise major questions about the dossier charges that were cited as key evidence against Page in the FISA applications uEyf5eSGneu-00016-00020822-00021969 Ohr recounted maintaining direct contact with Steele even after the former British spy was terminated as an FBI source over reports that Steele was communicating with reporters uEyf5eSGneu-00017-00021969-00022985 In doing so, Ohr lent credibility to the Republican House Intelligence Committee memo alleging that Ohr served as a back-channel between the FBI and Steele uEyf5eSGneu-00018-00022985-00025182 In confirming that he told the FBI about his wife’s relationship with Fusion GPS prior to the first FISA application, Ohr also spotlights the GOP Intel memo’s assertion that Nellie Ohr’s connection to Fusion GPS, which produced the central piece of evidence in the FISA application, was “inexplicably concealed” from the FISA court uEyf5eSGneu-00019-00025182-00025984 .Ohr also testified that he told the FBI about the connection between the Clinton campaign and the dossier uEyf5eSGneu-00020-00025984-00027522 Those facts also were left out of the FISA applications. The dossier was financed by Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and the DNC via the Perkins Coie law firm, which in turn funded Fusion GPS uEyf5eSGneu-00021-00027522-00028996 Here is the relevant portion of the testimony:.Mr. Gowdy. So you specifically told the Bureau that the information you were passing on came from someone who was employed by the DNC, albeit in a somewhat triangulated way? uEyf5eSGneu-00022-00028996-00030414 Mr. Ohr. I don’t believe I used — I didn’t know they were employed by the DNC, but I certainly said, yes, that — that they were working for — you know, they were somehow working associated with the Clinton campaign uEyf5eSGneu-00023-00030414-00031357 And I also told the FBI that my wife worked for Fusion GPS or was a contractor for GPS, Fusion GPS uEyf5eSGneu-00024-00031357-00032104 Mr. Gowdy. And, again, you thought it was important to tell the Bureau that for bias uEyf5eSGneu-00025-00032104-00033541 Mr. Ohr. Yes.Ohr said he told the FBI about his wife’s employment with Fusion GPS and issues with Steele’s information in an effort to inform the agency about possible bias related to Steele’s work uEyf5eSGneu-00026-00033541-00034554 Ohr also confirmed that the information about credibility issues was provided to the FBI before Comey’s first FISA application citing the dossier in question: uEyf5eSGneu-00027-00034554-00035445 Mr. Ratcliffe. We’ve talked about the relevant facts that the FBI and the Department of Justice was aware of uEyf5eSGneu-00028-00035445-00036323 Were they also — one that I didn’t ask you about — they were also aware of Mr. Steele’s bias against Donald Trump, were they not? uEyf5eSGneu-00029-00036323-00037375 Mr. Ohr. I provided information to the FBI when I thought Christopher Steele was, as I said, desperate that Trump not be elected uEyf5eSGneu-00030-00037375-00038854 So, yes, of course, I provided that to the FBI. .Mr. Ratcliffe. Yes. And so were the Department of Justice and the FBI also aware of Glenn Simpson’s bias against Donald Trump? uEyf5eSGneu-00031-00038854-00039792 Mr. Ohr. I certainly told the FBI that Fusion GPS was working with — doing opposition research on Donald Trump uEyf5eSGneu-00032-00039792-00041659 Mr. Ratcliffe. Okay. So, again, so the record is clear, what the Department of Justice and the FBI was aware of prior to the first FISA application was your relationship with Christopher Steele and Glenn Simpson, your wife’s relationship with Christopher Steele and Glenn Simpson, Mr uEyf5eSGneu-00033-00041659-00042785 Steele’s bias against Donald Trump, Mr. Simpson’s bias against Donald Trump, your wife’s compensation for work for Glenn Simpson and Fusion GPS, correct? uEyf5eSGneu-00034-00042785-00043624 Mr. Weinsheimer. Can I have a second? [Discussion off the record.].Mr. Ohr. Right uEyf5eSGneu-00035-00043624-00044483 So just, again, to reiterate, when I spoke with the FBI, I told them my wife was working for Fusion GPS uEyf5eSGneu-00036-00044483-00045753 I told them Fusion GPS was doing research on Donald Trump. You know, I don’t know if I used the term opposition research, but certainly that was my — what I tried to convey to them uEyf5eSGneu-00037-00045753-00047309 I told them this is the information I had gotten from Chris Steele. At some point, and I don’t remember exactly when, I don’t think it was the first conversation, I told them that Chris Steele was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected uEyf5eSGneu-00038-00047309-00049671 So those are all facts that I provided to the FBI.Mr. Ratcliffe. And you provided — you said because you wanted to make sure — first you said you thought there might be a conflict of interest and then you changed that and said, well, I didn’t mean conflict of interest, I just wanted to make sure that they were aware of the possibility of bias as it related to those facts, correct? uEyf5eSGneu-00039-00049671-00050418 Mr. Ohr. In case there is any concern that there might be any kind of bias or anything like that uEyf5eSGneu-00040-00050418-00051917 A House Intelligence Committee memo released last February documented that, as FBI director, Comey signed three FISA applications to spy on Page with the dossier serving as part of the basis for the warrant requests uEyf5eSGneu-00041-00051917-00053879 “Neither the initial application in October 2016, nor any of the renewals, disclose or reference the role of the DNC, Clinton campaign, or any party/campaign in funding Steele’s efforts, even though the political origins of the Steele dossier were then known to senior and FBI officials,” the memo states uEyf5eSGneu-00042-00053879-00055940 .Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee released a rebuttal of the House memo that confirms the key contention that the FBI and DOJ both failed to inform the FISA court that Steele’s dossier was funded by Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) via the Perkins Coie law firm uEyf5eSGneu-00043-00055940-00056551 The Democratic memo quotes a footnote from the FISA application, which says that Steele: uEyf5eSGneu-00044-00056551-00057220 was approached by an identified U.S. person who indicated to Source #1 [Steele] that a U uEyf5eSGneu-00045-00057220-00058066 S.-based law firm had hired the identified U.S. person to conduct research regarding Candidate #1’s ties to Russia uEyf5eSGneu-00046-00058066-00058805 (The identified U.S. person and Source #1 have a long-standing business relationship uEyf5eSGneu-00047-00058805-00059560 ) The identified U.S. person hired Source #1 to conduct this research. The identified U uEyf5eSGneu-00048-00059560-00060407 S. person never advised Source #1 as to the motivation behind the research into candidate #1’s ties to Russia uEyf5eSGneu-00049-00060407-00061417 The FBI speculates that the identified U.S. person was likely looking for information that could be used to discredit Candidate #1’s campaign uEyf5eSGneu-00050-00061417-00062953 That footnote, which does not inform the court of the dossier’s ties to the DNC, Clinton campaign or Fusion GPS was further confirmed when the Trump administration released a redacted version of the FISA applications last July vprijEDJrQI-00000-00000513-00001929 Sarah Kendzior, an author and regular guest on MSNBC’s AM Joy, railed against President Donald Trump‘s son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner as a “massive national security risk” who should be indicted vprijEDJrQI-00001-00001929-00003444 An AM Joy panel Saturday discussed latest reporting that Trump ordered former chief of staff John Kelly to give Kushner a top secret clearance last year, despite protests from intelligence officials and a top White House lawyer vprijEDJrQI-00002-00003444-00004575 Both Trump and his daughter Ivanka — a White House adviser and Kushner’s wife — denied on the record that the president had anything to do with their security clearances vprijEDJrQI-00003-00004575-00005327 “Basically, Trump has been grooming those two for a dynastic kleptocracy,” Kendzior claimed vprijEDJrQI-00004-00005327-00007022 “This is very common. This is something you see in autocracies, this is something you see in mafia states, where the leader will put his children or relatives into office in order to keep the corruption going, keep the money flowing, not get caught, override prosecution vprijEDJrQI-00005-00007022-00008699 ”.“This is like the 12th time I’ve been on your show talking about Jared Kushner,” Kendzior continued, “and the fact that he lied on his clearance forms, that he’s done illicit dealings, that he’s giving away state secrets and that he’s a massive national security risk vprijEDJrQI-00006-00008699-00009979 And so is Ivanka Trump. The only way that we would be able to finally stop having this conversation on national TV is if he is indicted! That is is what needs to be done vprijEDJrQI-00007-00009979-00011210 Because this problem is enormous. It’s going to persevere. Even if he is gone, he is carrying around this information, other people are carrying around classified information vprijEDJrQI-00008-00011210-00011915 They do not have loyalty to the country. They have debt. They have financial interests vprijEDJrQI-00009-00011915-00013132 They have personal interests.”.“This problem needs to be handled now,” she said. “Just indict Jared Kushner! Indict Ivanka Trump and get this crime family out of the white House!” wuBJAIlTm4y-00000-00000571-00001681 President Donald Trump is on the verge of a bipartisan rejection of his emergency declaration at the border in what would be an embarrassing rebuke by a Congress opposed to his immigration agenda wuBJAIlTm4y-00001-00001681-00003572 Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC) on Monday night said he would join Republican Sens. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Susan Collins of Maine, along with 47 Senate Democrats to block Trump’s attempts to secure billions for his border wall after lawmakers effectively stiffed him wuBJAIlTm4y-00002-00003572-00004549 Now just one more GOP senator’s support for a resolution to block Trump's bid would send the measure to Trump’s desk and force a veto wuBJAIlTm4y-00003-00004549-00005714 “Conservatives rightfully cried foul when President Barack Obama used executive action to completely bypass Congress,” Tillis said in a Washington Post op-ed on Monday night wuBJAIlTm4y-00004-00005714-00006950 “There is no intellectual honesty in now turning around and arguing that there’s an imaginary asterisk attached to executive overreach — that it’s acceptable for my party but not thy part'' wuBJAIlTm4y-00005-00006950-00008418 Still, there is clear reluctance in the GOP to bucking Trump.Numerous Senate Republicans say that, like Tillis, they despise Trump’s decision to declare a national emergency to get additional funding for his wall wuBJAIlTm4y-00006-00008418-00010293 But most aren’t ready to say they will vote to block him from doing so.Interviews on Monday with more than a dozen GOP senators who have been publicly critical of Trump’s unilateral maneuver or warned him not to deploy it were cagey about their intentions for what would be a crucial vote in coming weeks on the Senate floor wuBJAIlTm4y-00007-00010293-00011223 Many said they were undecided and still studying Trump’s move to circumvent Congress and score billions more for the border barrier wuBJAIlTm4y-00008-00011223-00011954 That suggests the resolution to block him remains just short of the simple majority needed for passage wuBJAIlTm4y-00009-00011954-00013208 “It’s unnecessary, unwise and inconsistent with the Constitution,” said Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn), one of the most vocal critics of Trump’s emergency declaration wuBJAIlTm4y-00010-00013208-00013898 As to how he will vote, he said: “I’m going to wait to see what the resolution says wuBJAIlTm4y-00011-00013898-00013998 ” wp82ueWj0-0-00000-00000513-00001309 As Special Counsel Robert Mueller has pursued his investigation into Moscow’s role in the 2016 U wp82ueWj0-0-00001-00001309-00002258 S. election, legal experts have debated what sort of contacts between President Donald Trump’s campaign and Russia may have violated U wp82ueWj0-0-00002-00002258-00003558 S. criminal law.U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded that Russia used a scheme of hacking and propaganda to cause discord in the United States and harm Trump’s Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton wp82ueWj0-0-00003-00003558-00004682 Mueller’s probe, with several Trump campaign figures already pleading guilty or being convicted, has documented numerous contacts between Russians and people close to the president wp82ueWj0-0-00004-00004682-00005713 Mueller, who has sought to determine whether Trump’s campaign coordinated with Moscow, is preparing to submit a report on his investigation to U wp82ueWj0-0-00005-00005713-00006526 S. Attorney General William Barr. Trump and Russia have denied collusion and Moscow has denied election interference wp82ueWj0-0-00006-00006526-00007181 Here is a look at potential crimes Mueller may examine relating to these contacts and other matters wp82ueWj0-0-00007-00007181-00008412 IS THERE A U.S. FEDERAL CRIME CALLED COLLUSION?.Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani in July 2018 said, “I have been sitting here looking in the federal code trying to find collusion as a crime wp82ueWj0-0-00008-00008412-00009412 Collusion is not a crime.” Trump wrote on Twitter the next day, “Collusion is not a crime, but that doesn’t matter because there was No Collusion wp82ueWj0-0-00009-00009412-00010575 ”.There indeed is no federal crime called “collusion.” But collusion is a non-legal way of saying conspiracy, which is one of the most commonly asserted crimes in U wp82ueWj0-0-00010-00010575-00011348 S. federal courts. Conspiracy is an agreement between two or more people to commit an unlawful act wp82ueWj0-0-00011-00011348-00012150 A conspiracy does not need to have been successful, but the individuals must have taken some action to further it wp82ueWj0-0-00012-00012150-00013607 Because computer hacking is clearly a federal crime, any Trump campaign official who assented to and encouraged the hacking of Democratic National Committee computers in 2016 could be liable for the crime of conspiracy wp82ueWj0-0-00013-00013607-00014608 U.S. officials have said Russia hacked the Democratic computers to steal emails that were later released by the WikiLeaks website to hurt Clinton wp82ueWj0-0-00014-00014608-00015736 “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Trump said during a June 2016 news conference, referring to Clinton emails wp82ueWj0-0-00015-00015736-00017316 “I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.”.The federal conspiracy statute also prohibits agreements aimed at “impairing, obstructing, or defeating the lawful function of any department of government,” under a 1910 U wp82ueWj0-0-00016-00017316-00018892 S. Supreme Court precedent.This notion of criminal liability, known as conspiracy to defraud the United States, was raised by Mueller in a February 2018 indictment of 13 Russian individuals and three Russian companies, including St wp82ueWj0-0-00017-00018892-00019560 Petersburg-based Internet Research Agency, known for its trolling on social media wp82ueWj0-0-00018-00019560-00020391 According to the special counsel, their “information warfare against the United States” impaired the functioning of the U wp82ueWj0-0-00019-00020391-00021616 S. Federal Election Commission and other government agencies.Mueller in July 2018 also indicted 12 Russian intelligence officers accused of hacking the Democratic computers wp82ueWj0-0-00020-00021616-00022559 COULD TRUMP CAMPAIGN LINKS TO RUSSIA VIOLATE OTHER LAWS?.Yes. Campaign finance laws prohibit foreigners from influencing U wp82ueWj0-0-00021-00022559-00023426 S. elections, and presidential candidates cannot legally solicit campaign contributions from foreign nationals wp82ueWj0-0-00022-00023426-00024199 Campaign contributions are defined broadly as anything of value intended to influence the election wp82ueWj0-0-00023-00024199-00025116 The hacked Democratic emails potentially could fall into that category, if Mueller finds coordination between the Russians and Trump’s campaign wp82ueWj0-0-00024-00025116-00026153 If Trump campaign officials knowingly solicited valuable information from Russians, they may be liable under campaign finance laws, legal experts said wp82ueWj0-0-00025-00026153-00027185 But Trump campaign officials would have a strong defense if they could show they did not know soliciting such help violated campaign finance laws wp82ueWj0-0-00026-00027185-00028501 While ignorance of the law often is not an excuse, criminal violations of campaign finance law are unusual in that they require a showing of willfulness, or knowledge of the law being broken wp82ueWj0-0-00027-00028501-00030317 WHAT OTHER CHARGES MIGHT MUELLER CONSIDER?.Mueller also is looking into whether Trump engaged in obstruction of justice by trying to impede or shut down the Russia investigation, first when it was conducted by the FBI and later after the special counsel was appointed in May 2017 wp82ueWj0-0-00028-00030317-00031048 There are several federal laws that make it a crime to interfere with a court case or government proceeding wp82ueWj0-0-00029-00031048-00031871 One broadly worded federal law prohibits efforts to “influence, obstruct, or impede the due administration of justice wp82ueWj0-0-00030-00031871-00032973 ” The effort can be unsuccessful and still be obstruction. Obstruction of justice cases are often difficult to prove because they hinge on an individual’s mental state wp82ueWj0-0-00031-00032973-00033822 Prosecutors would need to show that Trump acted with a “corrupt” intent, or an intent to impede an investigation wp82ueWj0-0-00032-00033822-00035102 According to some lawyers, Trump engaged in obstruction of justice by asking former FBI director James Comey in February 2017 to back off an investigation into U wp82ueWj0-0-00033-00035102-00036056 S. national security adviser Michael Flynn over Flynn’s contacts with Russia. Trump eventually fired Comey in May 2017 wp82ueWj0-0-00034-00036056-00037414 Other lawyers have said the obstruction of justice case against Trump is weak because the president could credibly argue he did not actually pressure Comey and that he fired him for reasons unrelated to the Flynn investigation wp82ueWj0-0-00035-00037414-00038216 Trump himself has given differing explanations for the firing, including citing “this Russia thing” as the reason wp82ueWj0-0-00036-00038216-00039253 Some legal scholars have also argued that the president cannot obstruct of justice by exercising his constitutional authority to fire a subordinate wp82ueWj0-0-00037-00039253-00040543 Under current Justice Department policy first devised in 1973 and reaffirmed in 2000, a sitting president cannot face criminal charges, a view some legal experts dispute wp82ueWj0-0-00038-00040543-00041431 But any accusation against Trump of conspiracy, obstruction or justice or other crime could prompt an impeachment effort in the U wp82ueWj0-0-00039-00041431-00043145 S. Congress to remove him from office. The U.S. Constitution states, “The president, vice president and all civil officers of the United States shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors wp82ueWj0-0-00040-00043145-00043245 ” xARRAb_uda0-00000-00000571-00001576 The president showed the audience a printout of the New York Times article during a roundtable discussion in Minnesota to promote its success in boosting the economy xARRAb_uda0-00001-00001576-00002384 .“I have an article here from one of the newspapers … the very fake New York Times,” he said as the audience laughed xARRAb_uda0-00002-00002384-00003078 “And they must have made a mistake, I’m sure these writers will be fired very shortly xARRAb_uda0-00003-00003078-00003799 ”.The article Trump referred to was headlined: “Face It: You (Probably) Got a Tax Cut xARRAb_uda0-00004-00003799-00004552 ”.Trump said he did not read the full article because he could not believe the positive headline xARRAb_uda0-00005-00004552-00005894 “I didn’t read the rest of the article. frankly. I read the headline … you don’t want to delve too much into the New York Times, because nothing good comes from the New York Times,” he said as the audience applauded xARRAb_uda0-00006-00005894-00006717 .“We promised that these tax cuts would be rocket fuel for the American economy and we were absolutely right,” Trump said xMCxFixOk9g-00000-00000571-00001391 Some months ago a bumptious, anonymous troll decided to “take me to school” about what constituted “good journalism xMCxFixOk9g-00001-00001391-00002193 ” In the course of this self-indulgent didactic the troll misspelled the word “journalism” twice in two different ways xMCxFixOk9g-00002-00002193-00004131 I brought this to his attention before blocking him. I’m told by a friend that I’m still being stalked by this same troll months later, and that his invective has escalated – in length, in hysteria, and in the deeply personal nature of his insults – as befits an ego too weak to recover from a self-inflicted wound xMCxFixOk9g-00003-00004131-00004993 Yet for all this, my troll cannot touch Donald Trump when it comes to good old-fashioned, butthurt vindictiveness xMCxFixOk9g-00004-00004993-00006636 Donald Trump never forgets a sling nor an arrow, no matter how inconsequential. Not even becoming President of the United States is sufficient to assuage his endless, bottomless need to be respected, praised and, above all, taken seriously xMCxFixOk9g-00005-00006636-00008000 We are fortunate that we do not live in a world where failure to perform adequate obeisance to the “Dear Leader” is mandated by law, but that day would be inevitable if Donald Trump had anything to say about it xMCxFixOk9g-00006-00008000-00009220 Nowhere is Trump’s vindictiveness more in evidence than in his tweets. I point this out because it occurs to me that we of the left have been barking up the wrong tree for some time now xMCxFixOk9g-00007-00009220-00010703 The narrative that Trump supporters are embarrassed by Donald Trump’s tweets, by their illiteracy, their simplistic take on border defense and climate science and, above all, their vituperative vindictiveness – may simply be wrong xMCxFixOk9g-00008-00010703-00011633 Maybe someone else out there has said the same, but that voice has not been loud enough to penetrate the collective conventional wisdom xMCxFixOk9g-00009-00011633-00012670 When Barack Obama gently rebuked an angry crowd for disrespecting an elderly veteran who was heckling his speech, one wonders how Trump supporters saw that xMCxFixOk9g-00010-00012670-00013671 As weakness? Did they think Obama should have encouraged the mob to throw the old man out, and, like Trump, offer to pay their legal fees? yusqyQQCB8c-00000-00000571-00001472 Sooner or later, many of the President's subordinates face the same dilemma.They can respect the law or they can work for Donald Trump yusqyQQCB8c-00001-00001472-00003094 It's often just not possible to do both.Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen became the latest Cabinet member to pay the price for not letting Trump do what he wants -- and on the issue he cares about more than any other -- when she was forced to resign on Sunday yusqyQQCB8c-00002-00003094-00004860 It was a case of the Trump revolution eating one of its own, since Nielsen, an immigration hardliner, was seen as insufficiently doctrinaire despite becoming the face of the zero-tolerance immigration policy that led to child separations and caused outrage last year yusqyQQCB8c-00003-00004860-00006631 But CNN reporting makes clear that Nielsen also lost her job because she ultimately came to believe that Trump's wilder impulses on immigration -- an issue that he sees as critical to his reelection in 2020 -- threatened America's security and may have run contrary to the law yusqyQQCB8c-00004-00006631-00008355 Nielsen is not the first senior Cabinet official to lose their career after coming up against Trump's vision of his own authority -- or his instinct to elevate largely unaccountable appointees, such as domestic policy adviser Stephen Miller or his son-in-law, Jared Kushner yusqyQQCB8c-00005-00008355-00009904 In their own ways, former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, former FBI Director James Comey and even former Attorney General Jeff Sessions -- the spiritual father of much of the administration's immigration policy -- suffered a similar fate yusqyQQCB8c-00006-00009904-00011111 Unlike the President, these public servants eventually concluded that the Constitution, the rule of law and the norms of democratic governance rendered some of Trump's behavior unacceptable yusqyQQCB8c-00007-00011111-00013287 Nielsen's departure, which was accompanied by a White House sweep against her department that also accounted for the director of the Secret Service, sends a signal that Trump is ready to do whatever it takes to stem the crisis on the US-Mexico border, which is threatening to expose his vows to stem the flows of migrants from Central America as hollow yusqyQQCB8c-00008-00013287-00014710 That will be welcome news for Trump's supporters, who relish his bypassing of the Washington establishment and overwhelmingly back his hard line on immigration and warnings that the US is under siege by an invading tide of criminals yusqyQQCB8c-00009-00014710-00015531 But the President's desire to honor the faith of his base on immigration eventually made Nielsen's position untenable yx5GVN56i60-00000-00000513-00001748 House Democrats grilled T-Mobile CEO John Legere on Tuesday for staying at the Trump International Hotel while his company seeks government approval for a merger with Sprint yx5GVN56i60-00001-00001748-00003608 Legere and Sprint CEO Marcelo Claure testified before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Regulatory Reform, Commercial and Antitrust Law to answer questions on the deal, appearing before lawmakers for the first time since T-Mobile's spending at the Washington hotel came to light yx5GVN56i60-00002-00003608-00004251 The Washington Post was first to report on T-Mobile's spending at the Trump hotel yx5GVN56i60-00003-00004251-00005450 Legere and a handful of other company executives checked in at the Trump hotel the day after the deal was announced in April 2018 and some have returned repeatedly since then yx5GVN56i60-00004-00005450-00006377 T-Mobile has spent $195,000 on stays and meetings at the hotel over the past 11 months, the company has said yx5GVN56i60-00005-00006377-00007414 "Do you understand the optics of that? What it looks like? It looks like what's happening is that T-Mobile is trying to curry favor with the White House," said Rep yx5GVN56i60-00006-00007414-00008161 Hank Johnson, a Georgia Democrat.Legere replied that he's a "longtime Trump hotel stayer yx5GVN56i60-00007-00008161-00008804 "."The optics of me staying at the Trump hotel hasn't changed in 10 years," he said yx5GVN56i60-00008-00008804-00010097 In a letter sent to two Democratic lawmakers last month, he explained that he chose to stay there based on "availability, security, meeting facilities and proximity to the activities scheduled in that city yx5GVN56i60-00009-00010097-00011330 ".The amount spent at the Trump International Hotel accounted for 14% of the $1.4 million spent at DC hotels by T-Mobile during that period, the company has said yx5GVN56i60-00010-00011330-00013307 But that didn't satisfy all members of the Democrat-controlled House panel."I only raise this because we unfortunately have a situation where the President has not disclosed his business interests and it appears you might be trying to influence the President to get involved in something he really should not be involved in," said Rep yx5GVN56i60-00011-00013307-00014838 Pramila Jayapal, a Washington state Democrat.It was no secret that President Donald Trump opposed the merger between AT&T and Time Warner (CNN is a division of WarnerMedia, which was created as a result of that merger) yx5GVN56i60-00012-00014838-00016376 The Justice Department unsuccessfully sued to block the acquisition.Chairman David Cicilline, a Rhode Island Democrat, called the proposed merger between T-Mobile and Sprint a "critical test" for the antitrust division of the Justice Department yx5GVN56i60-00013-00016376-00017408 Is it "genuinely dedicated to promoting competition, or does it only oppose mergers when the White House tells it to do so?" he asked during his opening statement yx5GVN56i60-00014-00017408-00018367 The Justice Department did not seek to block a similar merger between Disney and 21st Century Fox, which owns Fox News yx5GVN56i60-00015-00018367-00019521 The White House did not respond to a request for comment for this story.Republicans on the Judiciary Committee criticized Democrats for asking Legere about his hotel stays yx5GVN56i60-00016-00019521-00020632 "Where Mr. Legere stays when he comes to Washington really has no relationship whatsoever to whether this proposed merger is in the public interest or not," said Rep yx5GVN56i60-00017-00020632-00022316 Jim Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin, the Republican ranking member.Legere and Claure argued that their merger is necessary to make them competitive at creating a 5G wireless network, particularly since China has already aggressively moved into that space yx5GVN56i60-00018-00022316-00023113 They've also vowed to lower prices if they are allowed to merge, and that the deal would create thousands of jobs yx5GVN56i60-00019-00023113-00024725 But critics find those claims hard to believe. Christopher Shelton, president of the Communication Workers of America union, said during his testimony at Tuesday's hearing that he expects the opposite -- that the merger would kill jobs and lower wages yx5GVN56i60-00020-00024725-00025772 Congress doesn't have a say in the approval of the merger, but some concerned lawmakers have urged the Federal Communications Commission and Department of Justice to block the deal yx5GVN56i60-00021-00025772-00026457 In December, the proposal cleared a key hurdle, but it still needs final approval yx5GVN56i60-00022-00026457-00027021 The companies expect to merge as planned in the first half of this year yZhn_GLQbx4-00000-00000571-00001882 In an unearthed New York Times transcript from 2009, art critic Deborah Solomon asked Donald Trump about the phrase “all men are created equal” – usually considered the cornerstone of American democracy yZhn_GLQbx4-00001-00001882-00003052 Trump suggests he didn’t care for it. Instead, Trump expresses the theory that there are superior genetics that enable certain people to succeed and others to fail yZhn_GLQbx4-00002-00003052-00003870 TRUMP: It’s not just wanting to be a champion, you need certain ingredients. They say all men are created equal yZhn_GLQbx4-00003-00003870-00005205 It doesn’t get any more famous but, is it true?.If “all men are created equal” is indeed the cornerstone of American democracy, then Genetic Superiority is the cornerstone of Nazi fascism yZhn_GLQbx4-00004-00005205-00006127 Something that, as Brian Buetler points out on Twitter, creates issues for the President when paired with his history of racist statements and actions: yZhn_GLQbx4-00005-00006127-00006936 But back to the 2009 interview for a minute…it got worse with a follow up question about “all men are created equal” yZhn_GLQbx4-00006-00006936-00007691 In short, Donald Trump does not accept the basic tenet of democracy that all men are created equal yZhn_GLQbx4-00007-00007691-00008313 Our founding fathers are spinning in their graves because this man is president zXbD5e4zb_Q-00000-00000571-00002326 For as long as the potential criminal indictment of Donald Trump has been a foreseeable possibility, the mainstream media has insisted that DOJ policy prevented it from happening while Trump is still in office, even as Palmer Report pointed out that there was no such policy zXbD5e4zb_Q-00001-00002326-00003285 It was only ever a stray opinion written in a DOJ memo which was never tried or tested on any level, and therefore carries no legal weight zXbD5e4zb_Q-00002-00003285-00004523 It turns out we were more right than we knew.This evening Rachel Maddow unearthed new historical evidence which helps spell out just how much of a non-policy that old DOJ memo is zXbD5e4zb_Q-00003-00004523-00005934 It was written solely to try to explain why the DOJ could indict then-Vice President Spiro Agnew, arguing that he wouldn’t be nearly as busy as the President, and would therefore be in a better position to deal with being indicted zXbD5e4zb_Q-00004-00005934-00007206 In other words, there really truly is no DOJ policy that would stand in the way of Robert Mueller, SDNY, or anyone else from indicting Donald Trump while he’s still in office zXbD5e4zb_Q-00005-00007206-00008253 The question is what happens if anyone decides to try it. Trump would likely make an emergency appeal to the Supreme Court in the hope of getting it struck down zXbD5e4zb_Q-00006-00008253-00009102 But while Trump has five conservative votes, we keep seeing that he doesn’t seem to have five pro-Trump votes zXbD5e4zb_Q-00007-00009102-00009854 So let’s say the Supreme Court tells Donald Trump that the indictment against him is indeed valid zXbD5e4zb_Q-00008-00009854-00011126 From there, the court would have to spell out what would happen next. Normally, when someone is indicted and charged, they’re arrested and brought before a judge for arraignment and decisions about bail zXbD5e4zb_Q-00009-00011126-00011826 We’re not sure the courts would allow Trump to be arrested while he’s still the “President zXbD5e4zb_Q-00010-00011826-00012869 ” But the mere specter of an indictment could utterly destroy him, leaving him with no choice but to trade his resignation in exchange for reduced charges zl0v7T--gWu-00000-00000571-00001582 Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee Adam Schiff made a glaring claim Sunday that there is “direct evidence” of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia zl0v7T--gWu-00001-00001582-00002459 The chairman went on to say he refuses to let up on looking into Trump’s finances despite the president’s extreme objections zl0v7T--gWu-00002-00002459-00003739 ''I think there is direct evidence in the e-mails from the Russians through their intermediary offering dirt on Hillary Clinton as part of what is described in writing as the Russian government effort to help elect Donald Trump zl0v7T--gWu-00003-00003739-00004528 They offer that dirt. There is an acceptance of that offer in writing from the president’s son Don Jr zl0v7T--gWu-00004-00004528-00005876 and there’s overt acts in furtherance of that''.Schiff says circumstantial evidence of Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort sharing internal polling data with someone linked to Russian intelligence services played a part in his claim zl0v7T--gWu-00005-00005876-00007065 The chairman confirmed his committee is currently looking into allegations that Russian operatives have been laundering money through the Trump Organization — though he admitted those claims aren’t currently proven zl0v7T--gWu-00006-00007065-00008475 The House Intelligence Committee’s probe will include speaking with banks who have worked with Trump, accountants and chief financial officers who’ve worked with the Trump Organization any others with knowledge of the Moscow Trump Tower deal zl0v7T--gWu-00007-00008475-00009807 The attitude shift among many House Democrats comes after an explosive testimony from Donald Trump’s former personal attorney and fixer Michael Cohen where details about numerous financial crimes were aired out zl0v7T--gWu-00008-00009807-00010761 Republicans have downplayed Cohen’s testimony repeatedly, claiming he is continuing to lie after being charged for lying to Congress zl0v7T--gWu-00009-00010761-00011918 GOP leader Kevin McCarthy went on to call for Schiff to recuse himself from the investigation for contacting Cohen, a claim Schiff said was “pretty frivolous zl0v7T--gWu-00010-00011918-00013245 ” Jim Jordan, the top Republican on the House Oversight Committee, also claimed there is still zero evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia despite evidence provided during Cohen’s testimony zl0v7T--gWu-00011-00013245-00014055 Trump attacked Schiff on Saturday during a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference, calling him “little shifty Schiff zl0v7T--gWu-00012-00014055-00015008 ” He went on to deny there was collusion between him and Russia, saying investigators are morphing the probe to “inspect every deal he’s ever done'' ZItoW-1zcj4-00000-00000513-00002631 As both men grappled with the fallout from major political scandals on their home turfs, President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met in D.C. this Monday, where they appeared side-by-side for a press conference and Trump signed an official proclamation recognizing Israeli control of the globally contested Golan Heights ZItoW-1zcj4-00001-00002631-00003412 Trump tweeted a link to the pair’s press conference, at which they propped up each other’s public images ZItoW-1zcj4-00002-00003412-00005703 At one point, Netanyahu shared, addressing the president directly:.‘It was so kind of you to invite me to come here.It was so important for me to come here to the White House and to thank you. Mr. President. over the years, Israel has been blessed to have many friends who have sat in the Oval Office, but Israel has never had a better friend than you' ZItoW-1zcj4-00003-00005703-00007699 Besides the Golan Heights proclamation — which flies in the face of established global standards — Netanyahu also cited Trump’s decision to formally recognize Israel’s capital as Jerusalem and his withdrawal from the controversial Iran nuclear deal as evidence for him being the greatest friend Israel ever had ZItoW-1zcj4-00004-00007699-00008853 Despite Netanyahu’s comments feeling pulled from some kind of handbook on how to offer the most hyperbolic nonsense fluff possible, Trump stood back and grinned while he spoke ZItoW-1zcj4-00005-00008853-00010418 The long allied leaders fit together nicely. Recently, Netanyahu has faced allegations of corruption back in Israel that culminated in their Attorney General announcing indictments on multiple charges including breach of trust and bribery ZItoW-1zcj4-00006-00010418-00011479 Repeatedly, he pushed policy changes in the Israeli government that would benefit his friends in exchange for favors from them, like favorable media coverage ZItoW-1zcj4-00007-00011479-00012432 He’s facing an election just within the next couple of weeks, which CNN calls the “toughest” re-election battle he’s ever faced ZItoW-1zcj4-00008-00012432-00013404 Trump boosting Netanyahu with a visit to the White House breaks with past precedent of keeping American hands out of Israeli elections ZItoW-1zcj4-00009-00013404-00014493 Netanyahu’s primary opponent Benny Gantz was also in D.C. this week, where he addressed the annual conference of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee ZItoW-1zcj4-00010-00014493-00015797 Netanyahu had been scheduled to stay in the U.S. longer and also address the conference, but he cut his trip short in light of a rocket attack from Gazan militants targeting central Israel ZZPhAjb-s9c-00000-00000000-00000200 музыка ZZPhAjb-s9c-00001-00000200-00000400 музыка ZZPhAjb-s9c-00002-00000400-00000600 подпишись ZZPhAjb-s9c-00003-00000600-00000800 музыка ZZPhAjb-s9c-00004-00000800-00001000 музыка ZZPhAjb-s9c-00005-00001000-00001200 подпишись ZZPhAjb-s9c-00006-00001200-00001400 музыка ZZPhAjb-s9c-00007-00001400-00001600 музыка ZZPhAjb-s9c-00008-00001600-00001800 подпишись ZZPhAjb-s9c-00009-00001800-00002000 музыка ZZPhAjb-s9c-00010-00002000-00002200 музыка ZZPhAjb-s9c-00011-00002200-00002400 музыка ZZPhAjb-s9c-00012-00002400-00002600 подпишись ZZPhAjb-s9c-00013-00002600-00002800 музыка ZZPhAjb-s9c-00014-00002800-00003000 подпишись AeibMw-cfQU-00000-00000513-00001767 Earlier today, the Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee announced that just eight people and entities, out of eighty-one in total, had met yesterday’s document request deadline AeibMw-cfQU-00001-00001767-00002919 This number sounded low to us, and we pointed out that based on their track record, we had no reason whatsoever to take the Republicans on this committee at their word AeibMw-cfQU-00002-00002919-00003559 Now it turns out they were indeed fibbing the numbers – and we suspect we know why AeibMw-cfQU-00003-00003559-00004457 This evening Rachel Maddow revealed during her MSNBC show that the number of people who met the deadline is actually much higher AeibMw-cfQU-00004-00004457-00005630 While eight people submitted their documents electronically, an unstated number of additional people sent paper documents to the House, which take longer to process AeibMw-cfQU-00005-00005630-00006612 The Republicans on the committee know full well how this kind of thing works. So why would they pretend the number is so much lower than it is? AeibMw-cfQU-00006-00006612-00008101 The thing about a massive document request operation is that while some people will definitely cooperate and others will never voluntarily cooperate, there are those on the fence who will be looking around to see what everyone else does AeibMw-cfQU-00007-00008101-00008819 Let’s say that you and another person on the document request list had a crucial email exchange AeibMw-cfQU-00008-00008819-00010199 If the other person is cooperating, that means the committee already has those emails, so there’s no reason for you to risk being held in contempt of Congress just to avoid having to turn those emails in AeibMw-cfQU-00009-00010199-00011421 If you’re tempted to fight the document request, and you find out that only a small handful of the other people on the list have cooperated, you’re going to feel more confident about standing your ground AeibMw-cfQU-00010-00011421-00012419 This is surely why Donald Trump’s Republican allies tried to create the false appearance today that almost no one was cooperating AeibMw-cfQU-00011-00012419-00013297 Now we wait for the real number. Once that surfaces, we expect to see more people give in and cooperate AmkzPyMDuNo-00000-00000571-00001804 North Korea has disputed Donald Trump’s explanation for the breakdown of talks in Hanoi, saying it only wanted a partial lifting of sanctions in exchange for the dismantlement of its main nuclear facility AmkzPyMDuNo-00001-00001804-00003251 A day after the US president left Vietnam empty-handed, having claimed Pyongyang had demanded the lifting of all US and international sanctions in exchange for moving forward, North Korea hit back with its own version of events AmkzPyMDuNo-00002-00003251-00004230 Foreign minister Ri Yong Ho told an impromptu news conference at the Hanoi hotel that North Korea’s offer had been entirely “reasonable” AmkzPyMDuNo-00003-00004230-00005231 He said Pyongyang has been prepared to begin the dismantling of the main nuclear facility in Yongbyon, if there was a partial lifting of sanctions AmkzPyMDuNo-00004-00005231-00006231 He said the US had insisted the North go “one more” step beyond the dismantlement of its main nuclear facility, and that as a result the talks broke down AmkzPyMDuNo-00005-00006231-00007190 He added that North Korea’s position would not change even if the US sought further talks, the Sonhap news agency reported AmkzPyMDuNo-00006-00007190-00008389 Choe Son Hui, North Korea’s vice minister of foreign affairs and a senior diplomat, added: “I cannot guarantee that this opportunity will be offered to the US once more'' AmkzPyMDuNo-00007-00008389-00009473 The battle to control the narrative of what happened in Vietnam is hardly surprising given that both sides were hoping to reach some sort of agreement, however modest AmkzPyMDuNo-00008-00009473-00010625 A day after last June’s first summit in Singapore, North Korean state media claimed the US had agreed to the lifting of sanctions – something that had not been signed off on AmkzPyMDuNo-00009-00010625-00012613 Three weeks later, it accused Washington of “mobster like” behaviour.In his own press conference, Mr Trump claimed Mr Kim had asked for the lifting of all sanctions, something the US was both not capable of doing – some sanctions against the North are UN sanctions – and unwilling to do, even if it could AmkzPyMDuNo-00010-00012613-00013509 “Sometimes you have to walk,” said Mr Trump. “Basically they wanted the sanctions lifted in their entirety, and we couldn’t do that'' B72GEU2o69A-00000-00000513-00001785 Representative Steve King (R-IA) has been outed as a white supremacist supporter, and Donald Trump has been actively supporting their beliefs, especially during his rallies B72GEU2o69A-00001-00001785-00002639 The president continues his racist speech, creating an atmosphere for others to follow in such ugly activities B72GEU2o69A-00002-00002639-00003449 After years of racist speech, the House finally came down on King, rebuking him for his words and actions B72GEU2o69A-00003-00003449-00005719 A Colorado man, though, took the situation in hand himself.The Iowa representative asked a journalist during an earlier interview, when did “white supremacist” and “white nationalist” become offensive? The House passed a resolution condemning white supremacy after his and others’ offensive remarks, and the Republicans stripped King of his committee assignments B72GEU2o69A-00004-00005719-00006766 A Lafayette, Colorado man Blake Gibbins, 26, approached King’s restaurant table and threw a glass of water on the representative B72GEU2o69A-00005-00006766-00008657 King was at a restaurant in Fort Dodge, IA. .What may have set Gibbins off was that during a town hall, King said that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) told him that people in New Orleans requested aide during Hurricane Katrina and the flooding aftermath when the levy broke B72GEU2o69A-00006-00008657-00009491 Then, the representative said the people of Iowa helped one another out during the current significant floods in the area B72GEU2o69A-00007-00009491-00010293 The implication was clear. People in Iowa pulled themselves up while those in New Orleans would not B72GEU2o69A-00008-00010293-00011455 King posted a video on his Facebook page.‘Here’s what FEMA tells me: We go to a place like New Orleans and everybody’s looking around saying, “Who’s gonna help me?”‘ B72GEU2o69A-00009-00011455-00012408 As a result of making his comments, Representative Cedric Richmond (D-LA) said that King was a “white supremacist" B72GEU2o69A-00010-00012408-00013299 King said he was only talking about “Western civilization,” even though he travels the globe supporting white supremacy B72GEU2o69A-00011-00013299-00014020 The police arrested Gibbons, and he was charged with disorderly conduct and simple assault D7x7K-ioAfU-00000-00000513-00001565 The Trump administration has been internally discussing how to get countries that host US troops in times of peace to pay more of the cost of keeping those troops stationed there D7x7K-ioAfU-00001-00001565-00002318 The term used to sum up one specific formula under consideration is "cost plus 50 D7x7K-ioAfU-00002-00002318-00003470 " That means that the United States would work to get countries to cover the full cost of the US military presence in their country, then also pay an additional 50% of that cost D7x7K-ioAfU-00003-00003470-00004418 The idea is that the host country gets a certain value with having a US military presence inside their own borders, and they should pay up D7x7K-ioAfU-00004-00004418-00005870 Bloomberg was the first to report on the discussions.A central pillar of the the Trump administration's foreign policy has been burden sharing, which has meant encouraging allies to pay a greater share of investment in collective defense D7x7K-ioAfU-00005-00005870-00007124 The administration views this policy as a fairer approach than allowing the burden to weigh so heavily on the US government's shoulders, according to US officials familiar with the idea D7x7K-ioAfU-00006-00007124-00007913 The US currently has a troop presence -- in some way, shape or form -- in more than 100 countries around the world D7x7K-ioAfU-00007-00007913-00008960 Some of the countries that host the highest number of US troops include Japan, South Korea, Germany, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates D7x7K-ioAfU-00008-00008960-00010752 Trump has already pushed NATO allies to put more money on the table to meet the alliance's 2% of GDP on defense spending guideline, which resulted in $100 billion in new defense spending commitments, said National Security Council spokesman Garrett Marquis D7x7K-ioAfU-00009-00010752-00011742 "Getting allies to increase their investment in our collective defense and ensure fairer burden-sharing has been a long-standing US goal," Marquis said D7x7K-ioAfU-00010-00011742-00012923 "The Administration is committed to getting the best deal for the American people elsewhere too, but will not comment on any ongoing deliberations regarding specific ideas D7x7K-ioAfU-00011-00012923-00014033 ".The NSC has asked the Pentagon for some cost estimates on the US troop and military equipment presence in these countries, according to a US official familiar with the matter D7x7K-ioAfU-00012-00014033-00015180 But the legality of "cost plus 50" is dubious, the official explained, given that it would include asking the countries to cover the bill for everything from salaries to equipment D7x7K-ioAfU-00013-00015180-00016308 With these details and technicalities in mind, it is clear that even if the idea morphed into actual policy, it would take a long time to sort out the specifics D7x7K-ioAfU-00014-00016308-00017092 The exact term has not been used in negotiations with allies, an administration official tells CNN D7x7K-ioAfU-00015-00017092-00018328 At this point, they said, it is more of an internal marker or motivator. The negotiations to get allies to pay more for hosting US troops will be handled on a "case by case" basis D7x7K-ioAfU-00016-00018328-00019197 In recent weeks, the US and South Korea reached an agreement on the cost of keeping nearly 30,000 troops in South Korea D7x7K-ioAfU-00017-00019197-00020611 The deal, dubbed the "Korea-US Special Measures Agreement," was signed this week and resulted in the South Koreans paying the US more than $900 million for the next year, an increase of about 8% from what they had been paying D7x7K-ioAfU-00018-00020611-00021507 Those US-South Korea negotiations, however, were strenuous due to Trump's demands that the South Koreans pay more than before D7x7K-ioAfU-00019-00021507-00022507 The negotiators missed the deadline and ultimately, when they came to an agreement, it fell short of the goal that Trump had laid out by hundreds of millions D7x7K-ioAfU-00020-00022507-00023155 That back and forth demonstrates the challenge of getting countries to cough up more money D7x7K-ioAfU-00021-00023155-00024053 In some cases, a "cost plus 50" model would amount to more than five times what some countries are currently paying D7x7K-ioAfU-00022-00024053-00024842 It could also unleash conversations about whether those countries really want the US troops in their country at all D7x7K-ioAfU-00023-00024842-00025498 Diplomats who have heard the idea through news reports have been stunned, but not surprised D7x7K-ioAfU-00024-00025498-00026678 A European diplomat described the idea as a "big deal" and called it politically "incredible" as it would further erode the Trump administration's relations with US allies Dg2cXP-qkmQ-00000-00000513-00001226 Speaker Nancy Pelosi—and the old guard Democrats at large—are in a very difficult position Dg2cXP-qkmQ-00001-00001226-00002354 The radical young voters the Democrats have been courting for years have finally elected like-minded radical young representatives—and Pelosi and her leadership team has no control over them Dg2cXP-qkmQ-00002-00002354-00003828 A big reason why, as I mentioned on Hannity this week, is that there is a wide generational gap between Democratic House leadership and freshmen Democrats, such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, and others Dg2cXP-qkmQ-00003-00003828-00004590 The median year of birth for the 59 Democrats who assumed office this year is 1973 Dg2cXP-qkmQ-00004-00004590-00005384 Sixteen of these members were born on or after 1980. Nancy Pelosi was born in 1940 Dg2cXP-qkmQ-00005-00005384-00006306 The average age of Democratic leadership as a whole is 71. To the new Democrats, the members of leadership are like the grandparents Dg2cXP-qkmQ-00006-00006306-00007054 I don’t mean this in a positive way that could foster an opportunity for maternal or paternal mentorships Dg2cXP-qkmQ-00007-00007054-00007861 To the new Democrats, Pelosi’s team represents an outdated, backward way of thinking about government Dg2cXP-qkmQ-00008-00007861-00008613 How many 30-somethings do you know who share the same point of view as their 80-year-old grandparents? Dg2cXP-qkmQ-00009-00008613-00009329 The result is, these new Democrats are throwing a party—and the grandparents aren’t invited Dg2cXP-qkmQ-00010-00009329-00010091 Pelosi and members of Democratic leadership are simply trapped in a cycle of responding to headlines Dg2cXP-qkmQ-00011-00010091-00011013 This is how you end up with the so-called Green New Deal, which is a work of complete legislative fantasy that would utterly bankrupt the country Dg2cXP-qkmQ-00012-00011013-00011852 It’s also how the House got to a second forced public condemnation of the new Democrats’ flagrant anti-Semitism Dg2cXP-qkmQ-00013-00011852-00012884 Pelosi simply can’t control the young, radical, progressive wing, which is ardently socialist, anti-Israel, and contemptuous of America and its history Dg2cXP-qkmQ-00014-00012884-00014253 This gap will continue to create massive cross-pressure in the party. For the Democrats who represent moderate districts—perhaps districts that voted for President Trump—the radical left-wing of the party is terrifying Dg2cXP-qkmQ-00015-00014253-00015201 Meanwhile, those who represent radical districts are going to continue having their party and continue to ignore the old guard Dg2cXP-qkmQ-00016-00015201-00015982 This is not at aberration. The new class of Democrats despise Pelosi and the grandparents Dg2cXP-qkmQ-00017-00015982-00016781 The old guard has failed to create the radically progressive, socialist America that the new guard wants Dg2cXP-qkmQ-00018-00016781-00018061 This phenomenon has some similarities with conservative voters who widely rejected establishment Republicans and the liberal voters who rejected Hillary Clinton in the 2016 primary Dg2cXP-qkmQ-00019-00018061-00018834 Already, because of Pelosi’s inability to control her caucus, the Democrats can’t do anything positive Dg2cXP-qkmQ-00020-00018834-00019835 It’s making them desperate. The most they can do is focus their efforts on their shared vendetta against President Trump and everyone in his orbit Dg2cXP-qkmQ-00021-00019835-00021324 The 81 subpoenas that House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler levied against Trump allies—many of whom are private citizens who never intended or wanted to become public figures—is a perfect example of this desperation Dg2cXP-qkmQ-00022-00021324-00023236 Democrats are slowly realizing—with dawning horror—that Robert Mueller is not likely to provide them anything close to a smoking gun in their crusade against the President, so they are resorting to punishing his political campaign, family members, and longtime private sector employees in a vindictive public display Dg2cXP-qkmQ-00023-00023236-00023829 They are seeking to hurt anyone and everyone who has helped President Trump in any way Dg2cXP-qkmQ-00024-00023829-00025103 At best, it’s a gross political circus. At worst, it’s callous abuse of power.These divides in the Democratic Party are only going to become more pronounced as Pelosi’s grip slips further Dg2cXP-qkmQ-00025-00025103-00025905 The new Democrats’ private party will become increasingly raucous until it has lost all touch with normal Americans Dg2cXP-qkmQ-00026-00025905-00026532 Moderate Democrats will have to continue answering for their colleague’s radicalism Dg2cXP-qkmQ-00027-00026532-00027271 Pelosi and the grandparents will not be invited along, but they will still be left cleaning up the mess EqBffGj5qGy-00000-00000513-00002394 Donald Trump has just gotten some VERY bad news! Earlier today, former prosecutor Glenn Kirschner dropped a bombshell on the president, warning him that Special Counsel Robert Mueller hasn’t forgotten about him – in fact, he said Mueller was going to drop a “collusion bomb” on the White House very soon! EqBffGj5qGy-00001-00002394-00003741 During an interview on MSNBC, Kirschner stated that based on his background in prosecution and the large amounts of public reporting on this topic, he believes that karma is about to come bite Trump in the ass EqBffGj5qGy-00002-00003741-00004690 He said:"Everybody has confused Mueller’s silence on the question of conspiracy and collusion with an absence of evidence of conspiracy EqBffGj5qGy-00003-00004690-00006032 The collusion bomb is coming.”.Kirschner said:"After spending 30 years as a prosecutor, the evidence that I have seen, even in the public reporting, tells me that there was a conspiracy between the campaign and Russia EqBffGj5qGy-00004-00006032-00007153 We’ve seen it over and over again, then there were all sorts of acts undertaken that obstructed justice, that tried to prevent the evidence of that conspiracy coming to light EqBffGj5qGy-00005-00007153-00008059 So everybody has confused Mueller’s silence on the question of conspiracy and collusion with an absence of evidence of conspiracy EqBffGj5qGy-00006-00008059-00009091 … The collusion bomb is coming and you know what? Mueller is so strategic in what he’s doing, I don’t think he wanted to tip his hands on collusion EqBffGj5qGy-00007-00009091-00010230 I don’t think he wanted to, for example, indict one of the president’s children for some of the crimes they committed because that may have resulted in Trump trying to shut things down EqBffGj5qGy-00008-00010230-00011823 ”.That’s certainly enough to make Trump nervous! Earlier this week on Twitter, Kirschner also said America could “bank on” Mueller going after Trump soon:"No report has ever been wanted more than this one, and Americans have grown impatient and tired of waiting EqBffGj5qGy-00009-00011823-00013325 However, Kirschner stated that the silence from Mueller’s office doesn’t mean there’s nothing to report – the Special Counsel is likely holding all major bombshells until the very end so that Trump doesn’t have time to shut down the investigation EF9nfY7VDAc-00000-00000513-00001317 CNN’s Chris Cuomo pushed back on Sean Hannity‘s claim about Michael Cohen and the hush money payments Friday night EF9nfY7VDAc-00001-00001317-00002629 Hannity, in his post-Hanoi summit interview with President Donald Trump, said, “I can tell you personally he said to me at least a dozen times that he made the decision on the payments, and he didn’t tell you EF9nfY7VDAc-00002-00002629-00003242 ”.Cuomo showed the clip of Hannity last night before bringing up proof of Trump’s involvement: EF9nfY7VDAc-00003-00003242-00004258 “Let me one-up Sean Hannity. Michael Cohen told me many many times that he had everything to do with it and the president had nothing to do with it EF9nfY7VDAc-00004-00004258-00005954 You know what that’s called? A lie. You know what doesn’t lie? Proof. Remember what we played for you on this show? A recording of the president and Cohen talking about the payments, and you can see very much the president wasn’t just following legal advice EF9nfY7VDAc-00005-00005954-00007077 He was part of directing the situation.”.Cuomo was referring to the tape that his show obtained back in July featuring Trump and Cohen talking about the Karen McDougal payment EO3-K4fv9bM-00000-00000513-00001503 The establishment media are deliberately spreading fake news about President Trump, saying he called for violence during his interview with Breitbart News EO3-K4fv9bM-00001-00001503-00003807 Outside of the usual-usual fake news to damage Trump and to distract from their failing Russia Collusion Hoax, the media’s propaganda effort here is to make Trump pay a political price for daring to sit down with an alternative news outlet like Breitbart News and to warn other politicians not to violate the rules about who is “supposed” to be allowed to hold high-profile interviews EO3-K4fv9bM-00002-00003807-00004677 In this particular case, because the president said nothing wrong in his interview with us, the media have been forced to invent something EO3-K4fv9bM-00003-00004677-00005439 Case in point: all this nonsense about Trump calling for violence. Here’s what Trump actually said: EO3-K4fv9bM-00004-00005439-00006693 “So here’s the thing—it’s so terrible what’s happening,” Trump said when asked by Breitbart News Deputy Political Editor Amanda House about his anticipated executive order on campus free speech EO3-K4fv9bM-00005-00006693-00007714 “You know, the left plays a tougher game, it’s very funny. I actually think that the people on the right are tougher, but they don’t play it tougher EO3-K4fv9bM-00006-00007714-00009331 Okay? I can tell you I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of the Bikers for Trump – I have the tough people, but they don’t play it tough — until they go to a certain point, and then it would be very bad, very bad EO3-K4fv9bM-00007-00009331-00010710 But the left plays it cuter and tougher. Like with all the nonsense that they do in Congress … with all this invest[igations] — that’s all they want to do is — you know, they do things that are nasty EO3-K4fv9bM-00008-00010710-00013048 Republicans never played this.”.I don’t care how many times you read that, there is nothing there — not a word, not a peep, not anything that has anything to do with violence of any kind, nothing even close to Barack Obama’s actual calls to violence with his rhetoric about bringing a gun to a knife fight or punching back twice as hard, which everyone in the media wrote off as political rhetoric EO3-K4fv9bM-00009-00013048-00013991 Obviously, Trump is talking about getting politically tough, about organizations and people who do not back down from a political fight EO3-K4fv9bM-00010-00013991-00015757 To see violence in that statement, you either have to be an idiot or a bald-faced liar deliberately acting in bad faith–and what we have in the media are herds and herds of bald-faced liars deliberately acting in bad faith, deliberately attempting to deceive the American public FzEs-q-py2A-00000-00000571-00002715 Even amid growing buzz that the federal prosecutors for the SDNY could be gearing up to criminally indict Donald Trump while he’s still in office, one of the SDNY’s star witnesses – Trump’s former longtime fixer Michael Cohen – has finally been cleared by prosecutors to publicly testify about Trump’s crimes this upcoming Wednesday FzEs-q-py2A-00001-00002715-00004661 Now we’re learning about the dirt that Cohen has given the SNDY on Trump. .In what appears to be an attempt at laying the groundwork through the media for Michael Cohen’s upcoming public testimony, someone (read: the SDNY itself) has given the New York Times the lowdown on what Cohen has given the SNDY FzEs-q-py2A-00002-00004661-00005526 It turns out Cohen has blabbed about “irregularities” in the Trump Organization, including something involving “insurance claims FzEs-q-py2A-00003-00005526-00006526 ” This comes shortly after the House Oversight Committee announced that Cohen will be testifying about, among other things, Trump Organization financial fraud FzEs-q-py2A-00004-00006526-00007736 But there’s more.Michael Cohen has also dished to SDNY about payments made to Donald Trump’s inauguration fund, which are widely suspected to have been thinly disguised personal bribes FzEs-q-py2A-00005-00007736-00008888 In other words, this NY Times expose confirms the specifics of what we already knew in general terms: Cohen has given the SDNY everything he knows about Trump’s crimes FzEs-q-py2A-00006-00008888-00010168 But here’s the interesting part.As of right now there are no publicly visible court filings, indictments, or legal documents of any kind to support what’s being reported by the NY Times FzEs-q-py2A-00007-00010168-00011440 It’s difficult to imagine that the SDNY has cleared Michael Cohen to publicly testify about these matters next week, unless it plans to file something somewhere to support it FzEs-q-py2A-00008-00011440-00012278 Are we looking at more SDNY indictments between now and Wednesday? Something has to give here, and soon FbFrQNVvDZE-00000-00000571-00001556 Today is the deadline for eighty-one people and entities to turn over all relevant documents in Donald Trump’s scandals to the House Judiciary Committee FbFrQNVvDZE-00001-00001556-00002182 Trump and his lawyers seem to think they’ve landed on a clever response to the document request FbFrQNVvDZE-00002-00002182-00003990 The trouble for them: that’s not how any of this works.Donald Trump and his lawyers have announced that they don’t have to turn over any documents, because the House Judiciary Committee merely asked for the same documents they perviously turned over to Robert Mueller, and they didn’t turn over any documents to Robert Mueller FbFrQNVvDZE-00003-00003990-00004857 Nice try, but this isn’t a legal defense, and it won’t help at all when this becomes a subpoena battle in court FbFrQNVvDZE-00004-00004857-00005630 Not that it matters anyway. Here’s the thing about a wide-scale document request effort like this FbFrQNVvDZE-00005-00005630-00007226 No one is expecting Donald Trump and his team to cooperate. But nearly every document they’re sitting on is likely also in the possession of other people on the list of eighty-one names, and plenty of those people are going to turn over their copies of those documents FbFrQNVvDZE-00006-00007226-00008358 For instance, if two people have a conversation over email or text messaging, they both have a full record of the conversation, and only one of them has to turn it over FbFrQNVvDZE-00007-00008358-00009159 Donald Trump and his team can pat themselves on the back all they like for what they think is a clever response here FbFrQNVvDZE-00008-00009159-00010298 But they don’t appear to understand what’s going on here. In order to “win” this round, they would have had to convince every last one of those eighty-one recipients not to cooperate FbFrQNVvDZE-00009-00010298-00010792 There’s no chance that happened. Trump lost this round GsPLra5toYc-00000-00000513-00002289 House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler on Monday announced a sweeping investigation into President Donald Trump's campaign, businesses, transition and administration, a probe that would lay the groundwork for Democrats if they choose to pursue impeachment proceedings against the President GsPLra5toYc-00001-00002289-00005019 The Judiciary Committee on Monday sent letters to 81 people and entities -- including the White House, the Justice Department, senior campaign officials, Trump Organization officials and the President's sons — marking the start of a broad investigation that will tackle questions including possible corruption, obstruction of justice, hush-money payments to women, collusion with Russia and allegations of the President abusing his office and using it for personal gain GsPLra5toYc-00002-00005019-00008018 They are demanding responses within two weeks.The requests outline a sprawling investigation, seeking documents and communications on issues that include FBI Director James Comey's firing, possible pardons offered to Trump officials, Trump's finances and foreign governments, "catch-and-kill" payments involving the National Enquirer's parent company and Trump, Trump campaign contacts with Russians and WikiLeaks and communications between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin GsPLra5toYc-00003-00008018-00009587 The committee's investigation comes amid the anticipated conclusion of special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into possible collusion and obstruction of justice, signaling the committee is likely to retread ground that federal prosecutors have already pursued GsPLra5toYc-00004-00009587-00010546 Many of the same witnesses that the Judiciary Committee is now requesting information from have already spoken to Mueller's prosecutors and the grand jury GsPLra5toYc-00005-00010546-00012113 The wide net cast by the committee also signals that the Democratic-led investigations are likely to stretch on for months, with multiple committees seeking information from senior officials in the White House, the Trump campaign and the Trump Organization GsPLra5toYc-00006-00012113-00013404 The evidence gathered in the investigation would be the basis of a possible impeachment proceeding, which the Judiciary Committee would lead, though Nadler has said it's too soon to be discussing impeachment GsPLra5toYc-00007-00013404-00014383 "We do not now have the evidence all sorted out and everything to do an impeachment," Nadler said in an interview on ABC's "This Week" on Sunday GsPLra5toYc-00008-00014383-00015039 "Before you impeach somebody, you have to persuade the American public that it ought to happen GsPLra5toYc-00009-00015039-00015760 ".But Nadler also said that it was "very clear" the President had obstructed justice GsPLra5toYc-00010-00015760-00017335 "It's very clear — 1,100 times he referred to the Mueller investigation as a witch hunt, he tried to -- he fired -- he tried to protect (former national security adviser Michael) Flynn from being investigated by the FBI," Nadler said GsPLra5toYc-00011-00017335-00018189 "He fired (former FBI Director James) Comey in order to stop the Russian thing, as he told NBC News GsPLra5toYc-00012-00018189-00019244 . He's intimidated witnesses, in public.".Republicans responded to the new investigation by accusing Democrats of launching a fishing expedition GsPLra5toYc-00013-00019244-00020033 "We don't even know what the Mueller report says, but Democrats are already hedging their bets" Georgia Rep GsPLra5toYc-00014-00020033-00020660 Doug Collins, the top Republican on the Judiciary Committee, said in a statement GsPLra5toYc-00015-00020660-00021788 "After recklessly prejudging the president for obstruction, Chairman Nadler is pursuing evidence to back up his conclusion because, as he admits, 'we don't have the facts yet GsPLra5toYc-00016-00021788-00022473 '".White House press secretary Sarah Sanders echoed that criticism in a statement Monday night GsPLra5toYc-00017-00022473-00023821 "Today, Chairman Nadler opened up a disgraceful and abusive investigation into tired, false allegations already investigated by the Special Counsel and committees in both Chambers of Congress," Sanders said GsPLra5toYc-00018-00023821-00024923 "Chairman Nadler and his fellow Democrats have embarked on this fishing expedition because they are terrified that their two-year false narrative of 'Russia collusion' is crumbling GsPLra5toYc-00019-00024923-00026791 Their intimidation and abuse of American citizens is shameful.".She added, "Democrats are harassing the President to distract from their radical agenda of making America a socialist country, killing babies after they're born, and pushing a 'green new deal' that would destroy jobs and bankrupt America GsPLra5toYc-00020-00026791-00027744 The American people deserve a Congress that works with the President to address serious issues like immigration, healthcare, and infrastructure GsPLra5toYc-00021-00027744-00028703 The Democrats are more interested in pathetic political games and catering to a radical, leftist base than on producing results for our citizens GsPLra5toYc-00022-00028703-00029497 The Democrats are not after the truth, they are after the President.".Letters first step in broad probe GsPLra5toYc-00023-00029497-00030685 A Judiciary Committee counsel said that the letters are intended to begin collecting a large trove of evidence that the committee would comb through and then decide who they should bring in to testify GsPLra5toYc-00024-00030685-00031965 The counsel said that the committee had spoken about its request with Mueller's team and the US Attorney's office for the Southern District of New York, which has probed the Trump Organization and the Trump Inaugural Committee GsPLra5toYc-00025-00031965-00032608 Both signed off on the committee's document request, according to the committee's counsel GsPLra5toYc-00026-00032608-00033556 Some of the witnesses, particularly those in the White House, could also fight the committee's request for information, citing executive privilege GsPLra5toYc-00027-00033556-00034256 The committee counsel acknowledged a subpoena fight could be possible with some requests GsPLra5toYc-00028-00034256-00035413 Subpoenas might follow, the counsel said, but they will try to negotiate first. Hearings could follow the document requests with some of the officials in the coming weeks GsPLra5toYc-00029-00035413-00036051 The White House and the Justice Department acknowledged the letters they received on Monday GsPLra5toYc-00030-00036051-00037482 "The House Judiciary Committee's letter has been received by the White House. The Counsel's Office and relevant White House officials will review it and respond at the appropriate time," White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said in a statement GsPLra5toYc-00031-00037482-00038271 Asked about the request on Monday, Trump told reporters, "I cooperate all the time with everybody GsPLra5toYc-00032-00038271-00039230 "."You know the beautiful thing: no collusion," Trump said during a photo opportunity with the champion North Dakota State Bison football team GsPLra5toYc-00033-00039230-00039982 "It is all a hoax. You're going to learn about that as you grow older. It's a political hoax GsPLra5toYc-00034-00039982-00041014 There's no collusion.".House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told reporters at an event in Fort Worth, Texas, that "to do anything less would be delinquent in our duties GsPLra5toYc-00035-00041014-00041808 "."I think what they're doing is exercising their constitutional responsibility for oversight," said Pelosi GsPLra5toYc-00036-00041808-00043406 From foreign contacts to hush-money payments.The Democratic-led committee is seeking a range of documents that span the gamut -- from details about contacts with foreign contacts to hush-money payments to silence affairs, which Trump had denied GsPLra5toYc-00037-00043406-00044569 Among the people listed in the request for documents include some of Trump's closest associates and family members, including his two sons -- Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr GsPLra5toYc-00038-00044569-00046217 , son-in-law Jared Kushner, his campaign manager Brad Parscale, former aides Hope Hicks and Don McGahn and longtime employees of the Trump Organization like chief financial officer Allen Weisselberg, and Rhona Graff, a longtime gatekeeper to Trump GsPLra5toYc-00039-00046217-00047792 In addition, Nadler is sending letters and demanding documents from David Pecker, the head of the parent company of the National Enquirer, which engaged in a "catch-and-kill" scheme to keep a story quiet about Trump's alleged affair with model Karen McDougal GsPLra5toYc-00040-00047792-00048928 Nadler wants all documents tied to "any narrative, personal account, documentation, recording, or photograph" tied to Trump from Pecker's company since 2015 GsPLra5toYc-00041-00048928-00050240 The committee is seeking information about Trump's businesses and foreign governments potentially violating the constitutional ban on presidents accepting payments from government entities, known as the emoluments clause GsPLra5toYc-00042-00050240-00051768 They are asking the Trump Organization to provide information on "any foreign government discussing, offering, or providing, or being solicited to discuss, offer, or provide, any present or emolument of any kind" after Trump was elected President GsPLra5toYc-00043-00051768-00052491 The panel wants documents from a number of officials tied to questions concerning obstruction of justice GsPLra5toYc-00044-00052491-00054516 For example, Nadler has asked for any documents related to conversations between Trump and McGahn about Flynn's talks with during the transition with then-Russian ambassador to the US Sergey Kislyak, in which Flynn lied to the FBI about discussing sanctions, as well as communications about Flynn's dismissal from the White House GsPLra5toYc-00045-00054516-00056206 The committee is also seeking from administration officials communications about Comey's firing, then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions' recusal and the "actual or possible resignation or termination" of Sessions, Mueller and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein GsPLra5toYc-00046-00056206-00057794 The letters to two former White House officials, Hicks and Sean Spicer, included a request for personal notes: Hicks was asked about "any personal or work diary, journal or other book," and Spicer was queried about a "personal or work notebook GsPLra5toYc-00047-00057794-00059003 ".Multiple committees seek same Trump officials.The document requests also appear to cover ground already under investigation by other congressional committees and by federal prosecutors GsPLra5toYc-00048-00059003-00060500 One example: the committee is demanding a wide range of documents from former Trump attorney Michael Cohen tied to the Trump Organization's efforts to build a Trump Tower Moscow project, a matter that is a part of several investigations GsPLra5toYc-00049-00060500-00062138 But it also asks Cohen to disclose any discussions he had about pardons with the Trump administration -- something Democrats have asked several witnesses, seeking details about any pardon discussions involving former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and Flynn GsPLra5toYc-00050-00062138-00063008 And the committee is asking questions about the preparation of Cohen's 2017 congressional testimony in which he admitted to lying GsPLra5toYc-00051-00063008-00064468 The committee is also seeking information tied to questions surrounding collusion, including the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting with Russian lawyer promising "dirt," contacts with Russians during the campaign and contacts with WikiLeaks GsPLra5toYc-00052-00064468-00065693 Other congressional committees are interested in the same officials, too, creating a possible environment where Democratic-led panels are fighting a turf war to get witnesses before them GsPLra5toYc-00053-00065693-00066929 For instance, after Cohen's testimony last week, both the House Oversight and Intelligence committees indicated they wanted to speak to Weisselberg, who is on the Judiciary Committee's list as well GsPLra5toYc-00054-00066929-00069543 The Department of Justice and the White House also face scrutiny from Nadler. From the White House, Nadler wants a swath of information tied to Russia demanding the White House provide information about contacts with Comey before he was fired as FBI director, details about the firing of Jeff Sessions as attorney general and documents about misleading statements given to the press in 2017 when it was first revealed that Trump Jr GsPLra5toYc-00055-00069543-00070001 met with Russians during the 2016 campaign GN_BUHY8BM4-00000-00000571-00002425 While speaking to ABC on Wednesday, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) reacted to Attorney General William Barr’s comments about spying on the Trump campaign by stating that Barr is “doing the bidding” of the president, and his comments “were a disservice” to members of the FBI GN_BUHY8BM4-00001-00002425-00003313 Schiff said it is “stunning to hear the top law enforcement officer in the country talk so cavalierly about spying on a political campaign GN_BUHY8BM4-00002-00003313-00004298 ”. .He continued, “This must be very pleasing to Donald Trump, who wants to create a narrative that he’s the victim of some deep state coup GN_BUHY8BM4-00003-00004298-00005017 But the attorney general has a higher responsibility than simply doing the bidding of the president of the United States GN_BUHY8BM4-00004-00005017-00005980 He ought to be looking out for the public interest, and I think his comments really were a disservice to the hard-working men and women of the FBI GN_BUHY8BM4-00005-00005980-00006080 ” GR106VhNBGo-00000-00000571-00001883 On Wednesday, President Donald Trump attacked George Conway, the husband of White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, and claimed that Conway was bitter because he refused to employ him in his administration GR106VhNBGo-00001-00001883-00002795 However, a letter sent by Conway to Trump in May 2017 shows that Trump is lying about what really happened GR106VhNBGo-00002-00002795-00004416 “George Conway, often referred to as Mr. Kellyanne Conway by those who know him, is VERY jealous of his wife’s success and angry that I, with her help, didn’t give him the job he so desperately wanted,” the president wrote on Twitter GR106VhNBGo-00003-00004416-00005129 “I barely know him but just take a look, a stone cold LOSER and husband from hell!” GR106VhNBGo-00004-00005129-00006241 But the letter, which was obtained by The Washington Post, backs up Conway’s claim that he was the one who turned down a position at the Justice Department, not the other way around GR106VhNBGo-00005-00006241-00007453 “I am profoundly grateful to you and to the Attorney General for selecting me to serve as Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Division of the Department of Justice,” Conway wrote to Trump in the letter GR106VhNBGo-00006-00007453-00008666 “I have reluctantly concluded, however, that, for me and my family, this is not the right time for me to leave the private sector and take on a new role in the federal government GR106VhNBGo-00007-00008666-00008770 ” GVE5VV-IkIo-00000-00000571-00002762 WASHINGTON, DC — US President Donald Trump “may have avoided getting entrapped into a bad deal” by refusing to accept dictator Kim Jong-un’s scant denuclearization offer in exchange for major sanctions relief at the second unprecedented summit with North Korea earlier this year, a renowned expert on negotiations with the rogue regime told lawmakers Tuesday GVE5VV-IkIo-00001-00002762-00004750 Dr. Victor Cha, who served in the George W. Bush White House and is now the Korea chair at the Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS), testified before the Senate Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on East Asia and the Pacific alongside Kelly Magsamen from the liberal Center for American Progress (CAP) GVE5VV-IkIo-00002-00004750-00006608 Both experts discussed U.S. policy towards North Korea following the second summit that failed to convince the regime to take credible steps towards the complete, verifiable, and irreversible denuclearization of the Korean peninsula in exchange for relief from crippling economic sanctions and security guarantees GVE5VV-IkIo-00003-00006608-00008026 The two unprecedented meetings between a sitting U.S. president and a North Korean leader — at Singapore in June 2018 and in Vietnam in late February 2019 — failed to deliver an agreement on denuclearization GVE5VV-IkIo-00004-00008026-00008943 Moreover, Cha and Magsamen determined North Korea has continued its nuclear activities despite the negotiations, echoing recent U GVE5VV-IkIo-00005-00008943-00010374 S. intelligence assessments. Both experts, however, conceded the Trump administration’s economic pressure campaign is having an impact on the negotiations, citing Kim’s insistence on getting sanctions relief GVE5VV-IkIo-00006-00010374-00011048 The two experts believe the sanctions have granted the Trump administration “leverage” in the U GVE5VV-IkIo-00007-00011048-00012929 S.-North Korea talks.Despite acknowledging that the economic pressure campaign on Kim is bearing fruit, the CAP expert urged the Trump administration in her written testimony to “explore what limited sanctions relief might support an interim agreement without necessarily removing leverage GVE5VV-IkIo-00008-00012929-00014209 ”.“I want to be clear at the outset that I am a strong supporter of diplomacy with North Korea, but I want to also be clear that I think the Administration is doing it wrong,” Magsamen stated GVE5VV-IkIo-00009-00014209-00014932 In his written testimony, Cha, who also serves as a professor at Georgetown University, declared: GVE5VV-IkIo-00010-00014932-00017025 The president indeed may have avoided getting entrapped into a bad deal at Hanoi. What North Korea put on the table in terms of the Yongbyon nuclear complex is a fraction of their growing nuclear program that does not even break the surface of their underlying arsenal and stockpiles of fissile materials, not to mention missile bases and delivery systems GVE5VV-IkIo-00011-00017025-00018605 And what they sought in return, in terms of major sanctions relief on five UN Security Council resolutions that target ninety percent of their trade, would have removed one of the primary sources of leverage, albeit imperfect, on the regime GVE5VV-IkIo-00012-00018605-00019825 In this instance, no deal was better than a bad deal.Dictator Kim has reportedly offered to demolish the Yongbyon nuclear plant and other facilities for making nuclear-bomb fuel GVE5VV-IkIo-00013-00019825-00020698 Nevertheless, Kim has continued to enrich uranium at the plant following his first summit with Trump last June GVE5VV-IkIo-00014-00020698-00021421 Trump expressed disappointment at reports of ongoing missile and potential nuclear activity in North Korea GXvUidYVY5g-00000-00000571-00002049 President Donald Trump’s long-awaited peace plan will include major economic and other incentives for Palestinians, but is likely to stop short of establishing a Palestinian state, the Washington Post reported on Sunday GXvUidYVY5g-00001-00002049-00002846 The plan will likely “enshrine” Israeli control in the West Bank, the report said, citing anonymous U GXvUidYVY5g-00002-00002846-00003781 S. officials as well as Arab officials familiar with “sales pitches” delivered by Trump’s senior advisor and son-in-law Jared Kushner GXvUidYVY5g-00003-00003781-00004954 .Washington will call for tens of billions of dollars in aid from Gulf nations to be invested into both the West Bank and Gaza Strip, as well as Egypt and Jordan GXvUidYVY5g-00004-00004954-00006007 “The economic plan only works if the region supports it. This is a very important part of the overall equation,” a US official told the Post GXvUidYVY5g-00005-00006007-00007177 “But this is not a so-called economic peace. We are taking very seriously both aspects of this, the political, which deals with all the core issues, and the economic GXvUidYVY5g-00006-00007177-00009227 ”.“Core issues” generally refers to borders, status of Jerusalem, and the so-called right of return in which Palestinian “refugees” in the diaspora and their descendants will have the right to move inside Israeli proper, something that has always been a red line for Israel since it would spell the end of the Jewish state by demographic means GXvUidYVY5g-00007-00009227-00009854 .The timing of unveiling the plan is “still being worked out,” a US official said GXvUidYVY5g-00008-00009854-00010881 Days before the April 9 elections, Netanyahu historically declared that he fully intends to extend Israeli sovereignty over the West Bank GXvUidYVY5g-00009-00010881-00011954 The incumbent prime minister also said he had told President Donald Trump that would not evacuate “a single person” from the 400,000 or so Jews residing in the area GXvUidYVY5g-00010-00011954-00012866 Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Friday said he did not believe Netanyahu’s talk of annexation would damage the peace plan GXvUidYVY5g-00011-00012866-00013950 Asked by CNN’s Jake Tapper whether he thought Netanyahu “vowing to annex the West Bank” could harm the Trump proposal, Pompeo answered, “I don’t GXvUidYVY5g-00012-00013950-00014815 ”. .“I think that the vision that we’ll lay out is going to represent a significant change from the model that’s been used,” he added GXvUidYVY5g-00013-00014815-00015624 “We’ve had a lot of ideas for 40 years. They did not deliver peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians,” he said GXvUidYVY5g-00014-00015624-00016761 “Our idea is to put forward a vision that has ideas that are new, that are different, that are unique, that tries to reframe and reshape what’s been an intractable problem GXvUidYVY5g-00015-00016761-00017466 ”.The Trump administration, he said, wants “a better life” for both Israelis and Palestinians GXvUidYVY5g-00016-00017466-00018171 “We hope that we can get to a better place,” he continued. “Everyone wants this conflict resolved GXvUidYVY5g-00017-00018171-00019339 We want a better life for the Israelis without this conflict, and we certainly want a better life for the people of — the Palestinian people, both in the West Bank and in Gaza GXvUidYVY5g-00018-00019339-00020175 ”.Netanyahu also told Army Radio that the Palestinians would not have a state or security control GXvUidYVY5g-00019-00020175-00020828 “There will be no Palestinian state,” he said, “not like the one people are talking about GXvUidYVY5g-00020-00020828-00021860 It won’t happen.”.During a heated debate with Senator Tim Kaine last week, Pompeo refused to outright endorse a two-state solution to the conflict GXvUidYVY5g-00021-00021860-00023113 The Washington Post report cited Israel’s UN Ambassador Danny Danon saying that Israel is anticipating the peace plan while the Palestinian leadership has rejected it sight unseen GXvUidYVY5g-00022-00023113-00024560 .“We will welcome it; we will look at it. We are open-minded,” Danon said. “Unlike the Palestinians, we do respect the work that was done by the team, and we will be willing to look at it and speak about it GXvUidYVY5g-00023-00024560-00025603 The Palestinians say exactly the opposite — they say we don’t want to speak with the Israelis, and we don’t want to see the plan that was drafted by the US” H0JhlBWtNoQ-00000-00000571-00001430 One of the worst things about encounters with these folks is that there exists no meaningful way to have a conversation with them H0JhlBWtNoQ-00001-00001430-00002582 They don’t listen to reason. They don’t care about facts. They simply ignore the obvious in favor of the reality that suits that narrative with which they have been indoctrinated H0JhlBWtNoQ-00002-00002582-00003277 Well folks, we found a way to shut them the hell up.Businessman, author and former U H0JhlBWtNoQ-00003-00003277-00004183 S. Secretary of Labor Robert Reich took to Facebook recently to describe his encounter with one of these rabid Donald Trump supporters H0JhlBWtNoQ-00004-00004183-00005638 It sounds like the conversation did not end well for the Trump fan.Reich’s post destroys the notion that has seemingly taken root among a lot of Americans that Trump is a successful businessman and therefore will make a good president H0JhlBWtNoQ-00005-00005638-00006503 Even if Donald Trump were a good businessman (he’s not), that isn’t even close to qualifying someone for the office of President H0JhlBWtNoQ-00006-00006503-00007109 Trump lacks both knowledge and experience in policy, both domestic and foreign. H0JhlBWtNoQ-00007-00007109-00007752 He’s nothing more than a con-man, who just conned his way into the White House HKiv_UyKhY0-00000-00000571-00001655 President Donald Trump said late Monday night that Republicans are working on a new health care plan but won't introduce it until after the 2020 election HKiv_UyKhY0-00001-00001655-00003536 "Everybody agrees that ObamaCare doesn't work. Premiums & deductibles are far too high - Really bad HealthCare! Even the Dems want to replace it, but with Medicare for all, which would cause 180 million Americans to lose their beloved private health insurance," Trump said on Twitter HKiv_UyKhY0-00002-00003536-00004220 There is no evidence that there is another health care reform proposal coming from the GOP HKiv_UyKhY0-00003-00004220-00005108 "The Republicans are developing a really great HealthCare Plan with far lower premiums (cost) & deductibles than ObamaCare HKiv_UyKhY0-00004-00005108-00006310 In other words it will be far less expensive & much more usable than ObamaCare. Vote will be taken right after the Election when Republicans hold the Senate & win back the House HKiv_UyKhY0-00005-00006310-00007305 It will be truly great HealthCare that will work for America. Also, Republicans will always support Pre-Existing Conditions HKiv_UyKhY0-00006-00007305-00008269 The Republican Party will be known as the Party of Great HealtCare. Meantime, the USA is doing better than ever & is respected again!" HKiv_UyKhY0-00007-00008269-00009269 Trump's statements come a week after his administration announced that it now agreed with a judge's ruling that the entire Affordable Care Act should be scrapped HKiv_UyKhY0-00008-00009269-00010186 The opinion was a dramatic reversal from the administration's previous stance that only portions of the act could not be defended HKiv_UyKhY0-00009-00010186-00011202 Trump has been stymied on one of his primary campaign promises -- to repeal the signature law of his predecessor -- despite multiple attempts in Congress HKiv_UyKhY0-00010-00011202-00012602 Trump attempted on multiple occasions to repeal Obamacare during 2017, when his party was in control of both chambers of Congress, but failed to do so due to a lack of support within his own party HKiv_UyKhY0-00011-00012602-00013339 The failed attempts proved to be a galvanizing force for Democrats in the 2018 midterms HKiv_UyKhY0-00012-00013339-00014245 Health care was the top issue for Democratic and independent voters, and focusing on the issue helped Democrats take over the House in January HKiv_UyKhY0-00013-00014245-00015397 The President has insisted in recent days that, despite his administration's position that all of the ACA should be struck down, the GOP will be the party of health care HKiv_UyKhY0-00014-00015397-00016677 He's also repeatedly promised to protect people with pre-existing conditions, a provision that would be eliminated if the federal district judge's ruling in a Texas case is upheld on repeal HKiv_UyKhY0-00015-00016677-00017620 Trump said Thursday he's asked Republican senators to work on a replacement to the Affordable Care Act, but no such group appears to exist HKiv_UyKhY0-00016-00017620-00018537 Multiple Republican senators who Trump name-checked said they were not a part of a working group, but had spoken with the President about health care recently HKiv_UyKhY0-00017-00018537-00020083 And on Wednesday, Marc Short, Vice President Mike Pence's chief of staff and the former White House legislative affairs director, claimed on CNN that "the President will be putting forward plans this year" to replace Obamacare through Congress HKiv_UyKhY0-00018-00020083-00020794 White House officials were quick to tell CNN that Short had gotten ahead of White House deliberations HKiv_UyKhY0-00019-00020794-00021847 The White House has yet to decide whether it will take the lead on crafting an Obamacare replacement, they said, or whether the President will punt to Republican lawmakers IBx-BSirtT0-00000-00000571-00001913 Likely US voters largely reject the idea of more investigations into President Donald Trump after summarized findings of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation found no 2016 collusion with Russians IBx-BSirtT0-00001-00001913-00003509 Of the 1,000 likely voters Rasmussen surveyed from March 25-26, 61 percent said it is time for congressional Democrats to move on to other issues and away from searching for evidence of collusion between Trump associates and Russia IBx-BSirtT0-00002-00003509-00004546 This comes after Attorney General Bill Barr released a letter to Congress summarizing the findings of Mueller’s investigation into Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election IBx-BSirtT0-00003-00004546-00005599 .Barr’s letter states that Mueller found that Trump and campaign associates did not collude with Russians in the presidential election, despite many offers IBx-BSirtT0-00004-00005599-00007054 Voters polled by Rasmussen were asked, “Now that the Mueller probe has failed to prove that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government, should congressional Democrats do their own investigation, or should they move on to other issues?” IBx-BSirtT0-00005-00007054-00008216 A mere 31 percent of likely voters polled wanted congressional Democrats to conduct their own investigation despite the Mueller report findings of no collusion IBx-BSirtT0-00006-00008216-00009110 A similar mid-February poll was taken before results of the Mueller investigation were determined and Barr’s summary made public IBx-BSirtT0-00007-00009110-00011218 That poll asked, “If the Mueller probe fails to find proof that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government, should congressional Democrats do their own investigation, or should they move on to other issues?” Only 29 percent favored additional congressional investigation at the time, while 63 percent said, “Move on IBx-BSirtT0-00008-00011218-00012098 ”.The mid-February poll surveyed 1,000 likely voters and was conducted February 13-14 Il5472paDZM-00000-00000513-00001929 Ty Cobb served as the White House attorney for roughly nine months of the investigation led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, and in a recent interview with ABC News Podcast The Investigation revealed his great respect for Mr Il5472paDZM-00001-00001929-00002571 Mueller and refuted President Donald Trump’s claims that his investigation is a “witch hunt Il5472paDZM-00002-00002571-00003783 ”.When asked if he has the same opinion of Mr. Mueller as does the Commander in Chief, Cobb said “I don’t feel the same way about Mueller,” adding “I don’t feel the investigation is a witch hunt Il5472paDZM-00003-00003783-00005236 ” He also vouched for the character of Muller, calling him “an American hero.”.“I think Bob Mueller’s an American hero,” Cobb said, adding “even though he came from an, arguably, privileged background, he has a backbone of steel Il5472paDZM-00004-00005236-00006074 He walked into a firefight in Vietnam to pull out one of his injured colleagues and was appropriately honored for that Il5472paDZM-00005-00006074-00006831 I’ve known him for 30 years as a prosecutor and a friend. And I think the world of Bob Mueller Il5472paDZM-00006-00006831-00007620 He is a very deliberate guy. But he’s also a class act. And a very justice-oriented person Il5472paDZM-00007-00007620-00007720 ” Jd4GBAUkB38-00000-00000571-00001655 Two days ago, we learned that House Democrats planned on initiating action today, Friday, to block Donald Trump’s declaration of an emergency on the southern border Jd4GBAUkB38-00001-00001655-00002692 In that regard, things took a turn for the worst for the President today, when it was made public that now Republicans could be jumping on board for the block Jd4GBAUkB38-00002-00002692-00003561 This comes as Rep. Justin Amash, Republican from Michigan, has joined Democrats in co-sponsoring the joint resolution Jd4GBAUkB38-00003-00003561-00004706 Amash is no stranger to breaking with his party and Trump himself, and at this time it is unknown if other members of his caucus will join him in voting for the resolution Jd4GBAUkB38-00004-00004706-00005400 The resolution is expected to be brought to the House floor on Tuesday, February 26 Jd4GBAUkB38-00005-00005400-00006529 In a tweet, dated February 15, 2019, Amash’s representative had this to say:.‘A national emergency declaration for a non-emergency is void Jd4GBAUkB38-00006-00006529-00007459 ‘A prerequisite for declaring an emergency is that the situation requires immediate action and Congress does not have an opportunity to act Jd4GBAUkB38-00007-00007459-00008538 @POTUS @realDonaldTrump is attempting to circumvent our constitutional system.The tweet comes as no surprise to anyone who has Rep Jd4GBAUkB38-00008-00008538-00010016 Justin Amash even remotely on their radar. About a year ago, he was one of the first House conservative Republicans to voice to concern over Trump’s threatening to shut down the Mueller investigation and support for an independent commission Jd4GBAUkB38-00009-00010016-00011604 Amash could even be a rarity on Capitol Hill, particularly for a Republican; he also states in the below video that he has “more confidence in Comey,” referring to whom he believes between Donald Trump and former FBI Director, James Comey Jd4GBAUkB38-00010-00011604-00012466 The measure is being led by Congressional Hispanic Caucus Chairman Joaquin Castro, a Democrat from Texas Jd4GBAUkB38-00011-00012466-00014143 Castro had this to say today, in a call from reporters:.‘Right now I believe that we’re at about 226 or 227 co-sponsors including one Republican, Justin Amash, and I look forward to getting more support as the days go on Jd4GBAUkB38-00012-00014143-00015818 ’.House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is likely proud of Amash’s move and bipartisanship. On Monday she sent a letter to members of both parties where she encouraged them to support the resolution, stating that she believes Trump’s decision is an “institutional assault” against Congress Jd4GBAUkB38-00013-00015818-00017944 Released, in full, on her .gov official website she states, in part:.‘President Trump’s emergency declaration proclamation undermines the separation of powers and Congress’s power of the purse, a power exclusively reserved by the text of the Constitution to the first branch of government, the Legislative branch, a branch co-equal to the Executive Jd4GBAUkB38-00014-00017944-00019582 ’‘All Members take an oath of office to support and defend the Constitution. The President’s decision to go outside the bounds of the law to try to get what he failed to achieve in the constitutional legislative process violates the Constitution and must be terminated Jd4GBAUkB38-00015-00019582-00020535 We have a solemn responsibility to uphold the Constitution, and defend our system of checks and balances against the President’s assault Jd4GBAUkB38-00016-00020535-00022019 ’.You can read the full letter, here.The move by House Democrats (and some Republicans) comes as Trump and his administration are facing push-back from every direction and mounting legal troubles over his fake National Emergency K3UrI1G2a_y-00000-00000571-00002044 Well, isn’t this an interesting development?.Slate published a story recently that suggests a certain position the Trump Justice Department is arguing before the Supreme Court could jeopardize Melania’s status in the United States K3UrI1G2a_y-00001-00002044-00002822 .The particular Supreme Court case in question involves a Serbian woman who was applying for U K3UrI1G2a_y-00002-00002822-00003692 S. citizenship. She allegedly misrepresented a fact about her husband her paperwork, and was subsequently deported K3UrI1G2a_y-00003-00003692-00005926 The Trump Justice Department argued that her deportation was completely justified, and went so far as to argue that any inaccuracies on official immigration paperwork, even those involving virtually pointless, or “immaterial” issues, justifies immediate deportation – even retroactive revocation of one’s already-granted citizenship K3UrI1G2a_y-00004-00005926-00007062 Slate points to The New York Times for more details. They point out that even Chief Justice, John Roberts found the Trump Administration’s argument way past the point of reasonable: K3UrI1G2a_y-00005-00007062-00008227 “Some time ago, outside the statute of limitations, I drove 60 miles an hour in a 55-mile-an-hour zone,” the chief justice said, adding that he had not been caught K3UrI1G2a_y-00006-00008227-00009379 The form that people seeking American citizenship must complete, he added, asks whether the applicant had ever committed a criminal offense, however minor, even if there was no arrest K3UrI1G2a_y-00007-00009379-00010763 “If I answer that question no, 20 years after I was naturalized as a citizen, you can knock on my door and say, ‘Guess what, you’re not an American citizen after all’?” Chief Justice Roberts asked K3UrI1G2a_y-00008-00010763-00011427 Robert A. Parker, a Justice Department lawyer, said the offense had to be disclosed K3UrI1G2a_y-00009-00011427-00012584 Chief Justice Roberts seemed shocked. “Oh, come on,” he said.The chief justice asked again whether someone’s citizenship could turn on such an omission K3UrI1G2a_y-00010-00012584-00013579 Mr. Parker did not back down. “If we can prove that you deliberately lied in answering that question, then yes,” he said Kbbr2opP8_M-00000-00000513-00001425 Sen. Doug Jones (D-AL) dodged giving an answer when asked whether he thought President Trump should be “impeached or beaten in 2020” Kbbr2opP8_M-00001-00001425-00002937 At a book tour event in Birmingham, Alabama, on Sunday, he took some questions submitted to him via notecard, but refused to answer one, according to Yellowhammer News, which published a video of the moment Kbbr2opP8_M-00002-00002937-00003949 Jones read the card to himself, laughed, before reading it aloud, “Would the country be better off if Trump is impeached or beaten in 2020?” Kbbr2opP8_M-00003-00003949-00004862 “Well, I think I’m just going to hold that one for a little bit,” Jones said as laughter and applause broke out Kbbr2opP8_M-00004-00004862-00006374 “I’m sure there’s a tracker here recording this,” he added.House Democrats have stepped up their efforts to impeach Trump, launching sweeping document requests from more than 80 Trump family members, business, and campaign associates Kbbr2opP8_M-00005-00006374-00007995 A USA Today/Suffolk University Poll published on Monday revealed that support for the House of Representatives to seriously consider impeaching Trump dropped ten points since October, from 39 percent to 28 percent Kbbr2opP8_M-00006-00007995-00009007 Sixty-two percent of Americans said the House should not seriously consider impeaching Trump, compared with 54 percent last October KfPsiHS10B8-00000-00000513-00001448 Donald Trump promised the people at his rallies that he would keep Social Security, Medicare Insurance, and Medicaid Insurance safe KfPsiHS10B8-00001-00001448-00002341 He lied. In his new budget, he made draconian cuts to one of these program’s payments to hospitals KfPsiHS10B8-00002-00002341-00003167 The cuts would be “devastating.” Now, state and national organizations in three states have filed lawsuits KfPsiHS10B8-00003-00003167-00004240 Trump’s cuts to Medicaid Insurance come on the backs of low-income residents in New Hampshire and other states, those who are the least able to fight back KfPsiHS10B8-00004-00004240-00005086 A new Medicaid Insurance expansion work requirement means that many people will unfairly lose their health insurance KfPsiHS10B8-00005-00005086-00006424 People will die.New Hampshire’s Governor Chris Sununu (R) spearheaded the initiative, which was based upon the bone-headed myth that people who have Medicaid Insurance are lazy and just want a free ride KfPsiHS10B8-00006-00006424-00007766 The waivers have also been part of Republicans’ attempts to chip away at life-saving government programs that are not entitlements in the current meaning of the word — a belief that something unearned is deserved KfPsiHS10B8-00007-00007766-00009846 Instead, these are guarantees that people are genuinely entitled to receive.The class action suit claims that the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) have violated the Medicaid Act when it gave New Hampshire the ability to demand people work 100 hours per month or lose their health benefits KfPsiHS10B8-00008-00009846-00010739 New Hampshire Legal Assistance (NHLA) joined the three-state lawsuit as the third state, according to KfPsiHS10B8-00009-00010739-00011886 The Concord Monitor.The policy director at NHLA Dawn McKinny said:.‘Our concern is that folks who are eligible and working in fact will lose coverage KfPsiHS10B8-00010-00011886-00013200 The majority of folks in New Hampshire on Medicaid are in working households, and their concern is just even having to file additional paperwork or navigate these requirements will cause them to lose coverage KfPsiHS10B8-00011-00013200-00013934 ’.The New Hampshire legislature passed on a bipartisan basis, and it will take effect in April KfPsiHS10B8-00012-00013934-00014741 It demands people must work 100 hours a month or give the same number of hours volunteering in the community KfPsiHS10B8-00013-00014741-00015569 There are exemptions. The problem is that people’s situations do not fit neatly into that box KfPsiHS10B8-00014-00015569-00016514 Ian Ludders, 40, works in agriculture. His job is seasonal, and there are months where no work has been available KfPsiHS10B8-00015-00016514-00017520 Samuel Philbrick, 26, works in retail. Unfortunately, the sports goods store only offers him irregular hours KfPsiHS10B8-00016-00017520-00018314 Another problem, a legal problem, is that the work requirement was not part of the Affordable Care Act KfPsiHS10B8-00017-00018314-00019735 New Hampshire had to get a waiver, which POTUS approved in 2018. The waiver was submitted by the Granite State’s Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to the CMS KfPsiHS10B8-00018-00019735-00020926 North Carolina staff attorney for the National Health Law Program Sarah Grusin indicated that this lawsuit against New Hampshire will generally be the same as those in other states: KfPsiHS10B8-00019-00020926-00021846 ‘The approval of the New Hampshire Granite Advantage Waiver was contrary to the Medicaid statute, which is to furnish health coverage KfPsiHS10B8-00020-00021846-00022914 We know that this policy is to kick people off of coverage, as it has already done in Arkansas, where 18,000 people have lost their coverage’ KfPsiHS10B8-00021-00022914-00024706 Three states are listed on the lawsuit: Arkansas, Kentucky, and New Hampshire. Two national organization joined NHLA in the lawsuit: the National Center for Law and Economic Justice in New York and the National Health Law Program in Washington D.C KfPsiHS10B8-00022-00024706-00025756 As the various lawsuits related to several federal investigations have become available, MSNBC host of The Rachel Maddow Show has read parts of them KfPsiHS10B8-00023-00025756-00026613 Her audience enjoys this so much that she has continued. The first part of the New Hampshire lawsuit is shown below KjzODy5VSlI-00000-00000571-00001472 Democrats are actively helping caravans seek asylum to get as many over as possible, in defiance of President Trump KjzODy5VSlI-00001-00001472-00002141 They are overwhelming our immigration system, and people are slipping through the cracks KjzODy5VSlI-00002-00002141-00002815 President Trump implemented a plan to stop them, and now he’s expanding it in a big way KjzODy5VSlI-00003-00002815-00004353 From Buzz Feed:''A plan to keep Central American immigrants in Mexico while they wait for their asylum cases to be processed in the US could soon be expanded to new points along the southwest border, Trump administration officials said Friday KjzODy5VSlI-00004-00004353-00005806 The planned expansion of the policy — called Migration Protection Protocols — represents the administration’s latest attempt to institute sweeping changes to dissuade asylum-seekers from crossing the border and entering the country KjzODy5VSlI-00005-00005806-00006999 ''.Democrats tried to foil Trump’s immigration reform.They thought if they could force through as many border jumpers and caravans as possible, they’d be looking good for 2020 KjzODy5VSlI-00006-00006999-00007705 There are many reports of ‘undocumenteds’ voting in the 2018 elections, and that is likely to continue KjzODy5VSlI-00007-00007705-00008598 The only person standing in their way?.Donald Trump. His policies are putting Americans first and keeping us safe KjzODy5VSlI-00008-00008598-00009159 God only knows what would happen if he left the White House in 2020 L1USFWEAXrA-00000-00000513-00001939 The White House on Friday rejected a Democratic congressional request to interview a former White House lawyer about hundreds of thousands of dollars in hush money payments made by President Trump’s former personal attorney Michael Cohen L1USFWEAXrA-00001-00001939-00002824 White House counsel Pat Cipollone told House Oversight and Reform Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings (D-Md L1USFWEAXrA-00002-00002824-00003681 ) in a letter obtained by The Hill that the White House has been “cooperative and responsive” to the panel's requests for documents L1USFWEAXrA-00003-00003681-00005486 But Cipollone said that because the Oversight panel wants to interview Trump’s former deputy assistant and deputy counsel Stefan Passantino about things he discussed or advised during his White House tenure, the request needs to be sent to Cipollone’s office — not directly to Passantino L1USFWEAXrA-00004-00005486-00007040 Passantino left the White House last summer and is now working for the Trump Organization, handling requests from House Democrats like Cummings who have launched multiple investigations into Trump, his family members and allies, and his business dealings L1USFWEAXrA-00005-00007040-00008890 “In response to your request, given longstanding law and practice, we are not inclined to make the former Deputy Counsel to the President available for a transcribed interview inquiring into his conversations and advice he provided while serving as Deputy Counsel to the President,” Cipollone wrote to Cummings L1USFWEAXrA-00006-00008890-00010180 The Oversight chairman’s request is separate from the sprawling investigation into Trump’s campaign, administration and business enterprise that House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N L1USFWEAXrA-00007-00010180-00011695 Y.) launched earlier this week. But Passantino, the White house’s former top ethics lawyer, is one of 81 individuals and entities that Nadler is focusing on in that obstruction of justice and public corruption probe L1USFWEAXrA-00008-00011695-00013733 .Cummings had sent a letter to Passantino on Feb. 27 — the day of Cohen’s explosive public testimony before Congress — requesting he appear for a transcribed interview later this month, on March 18, about the payments made to women who alleged before the 2016 election that they had affairs with Trump L1USFWEAXrA-00009-00013733-00014984 The Oversight chairman has previously raised concerns that Passantino and Sheri Dillon, a private lawyer for Trump, may have provided false information to government ethics officials about the payments L1USFWEAXrA-00010-00014984-00015627 Cummings has also requested a transcribed interview from Dillon about the payments L1USFWEAXrA-00011-00015627-00017040 Cummings wrote in a Feb. 15 letter to Cipollone that the committee had obtained internal notes from Office of Government Ethics (OGE) officials that described “changing explanations” from Trump’s legal team about the payments L1USFWEAXrA-00012-00017040-00018270 “It now appears that President Trump’s other attorneys — at the White House and in private practice — may have provided false information about these payments to federal officials,” Cummings wrote L1USFWEAXrA-00013-00018270-00019639 “This raises significant questions about why some of the President’s closest advisers made these false claims and the extent to which they too were acting at the direction of, or in coordination with, the President L1USFWEAXrA-00014-00019639-00020882 ”.In the letter Friday, Cipollone accused Cummings of making “unfair accusations maligning the reputations of individual attorneys” and mounting an “unnecessarily antagonistic inquiry L1USFWEAXrA-00015-00020882-00021763 ”.“Such unfair assertions are the antithesis of the procedure that you have insisted the Committee should follow,” he wrote L1USFWEAXrA-00016-00021763-00022374 Cummings’s office did not immediately respond to a request for comment Friday night L1USFWEAXrA-00017-00022374-00023050 The Oversight chairman could choose to subpoena Passantino to compel his testimony L1USFWEAXrA-00018-00023050-00024388 .Cohen, who last year pleaded guilty to campaign finance violations linked to the payments as well as other charges, is due to report to prison in May to serve a three-year sentence for his crimes L1USFWEAXrA-00019-00024388-00025568 The former lawyer has implicated Trump in the hush money scheme, detailing the president’s involvement in high-profile testimony before the Oversight and Reform Committee last week L1USFWEAXrA-00020-00025568-00026352 The president, however, has offered shifting explanations about his knowledge of the payments but denied wrongdoing L1USFWEAXrA-00021-00026352-00027094 “It was not a campaign contribution, and there were no violations of the campaign finance laws by me L1USFWEAXrA-00022-00027094-00027520 Fake News!” Trump tweeted on Thursday LpOZ7JpMi6u-00000-00000030-00000230 Гренкииии.. Ммммммммммммммммм. LpOZ7JpMi6u-00001-00000230-00000396 аааа что, LpOZ7JpMi6u-00002-00000396-00000636 эх Белорусь... LpOZ7JpMi6u-00003-00000636-00000696 плор щюгууууьзжо кзьшьщкфпьошгщпкдш LpOZ7JpMi6u-00004-00000696-00000846 ................................................................................................................ LpOZ7JpMi6u-00005-00000846-00000915 0_0 LpOZ7JpMi6u-00006-00000915-00001474 . LSysbaiR3lA-00000-00000513-00001226 Other than Paul Manafort himself, no one was very happy with the sentencing hearing he had on Wednesday LSysbaiR3lA-00001-00001226-00002132 Manafort will serve a total of seven and a half years in prison, which includes the time he’s already spent waiting to be tried and sentencing LSysbaiR3lA-00002-00002132-00002997 For anyone who isn’t wealthy, seven and a half years for conspiracy against your country sounds a little too good to be true LSysbaiR3lA-00003-00002997-00003997 House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff posted on Twitter regarding the hearing, saying that it was little more than a plea for a pardon from Trump LSysbaiR3lA-00004-00003997-00005288 He noted the out-of-place “no collusion” diatribe Manafort’s lawyer went on once again, just as he did during Manafort’s previous sentencing, that sounded as if it was written by Trump himself LSysbaiR3lA-00005-00005288-00006040 In short, the hearing was, as Schiff characterized it, a “barely concealed appeal for a pardon LSysbaiR3lA-00006-00006040-00006983 ”.Trump has yet to rule out the idea of granting Manafort a pardon and will face a massive wave of political backlash if he does LSysbaiR3lA-00007-00006983-00008346 He has repeatedly referred to his former lawyer and “fixer” Michael Cohen as a “rat,” or a person who tells on someone when they’ve committed crimes, which doesn’t exactly bode well for Trump’s chances of escaping all this unscathed LSysbaiR3lA-00008-00008346-00009464 For Manafort, though, Trump offered that he “feels bad” for his former campaign manager, a man Trump has said he doesn’t know well and has distanced himself from since his indictments LSysbaiR3lA-00009-00009464-00010486 While Schiff is correct that it shouldn’t be a state attorney general’s job to clean up the mess of the federal courts, it seems that’s the way this will play out LSysbaiR3lA-00010-00010486-00011139 Manafort was indicted for sixteen separate state crimes shortly after leaving the court LSysbaiR3lA-00011-00011139-00011852 As NBC noted following that announcement, “a presidential pardon is ineffective against state crimes LSysbaiR3lA-00012-00011852-00012437 ”.Twitter was furious over the light sentence Manafort received M-bQMCjo16M-00000-00000571-00001344 Here we go. Just days after Michael Cohen's explosive congressional testimony, Rep M-bQMCjo16M-00001-00001344-00002355 Jerrold Nadler, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, issued a wave of letters seeking information from 81 -- yes, 81 -- people and organizations M-bQMCjo16M-00002-00002355-00003256 Nadler's requests mark the opening salvo in what promises to be a heated legal and political battle between the White House and Congress M-bQMCjo16M-00003-00003256-00004008 Nadler's opening gambit is more sledgehammer than scalpel, carrying risks and potential rewards M-bQMCjo16M-00004-00004008-00005573 Strategically, the requests lack a coherent topical focus. Nadler could find himself buried in irrelevant materials and, ultimately, bogged down in litigation over whether and to what extent parties must produce evidence to him M-bQMCjo16M-00005-00005573-00006942 On the reward side, however, you'll never know if you don't ask. By serving requests to nearly every person in Trump's orbit, Nadler ensured that he will have plenty of raw materials to work with M-bQMCjo16M-00006-00006942-00008143 This is often how criminal investigations work: Gather all the material possible, then winnow it down to the most relevant and probative information upon which to assess potential charges M-bQMCjo16M-00007-00008143-00008990 Politically, Nadler served notice that he does not intend to take half-measures and that he is spoiling for a fight M-bQMCjo16M-00008-00008990-00010703 On the other hand, Nadler's broad-based approach left the political door swinging wide open for Trump and those around him to decry the investigation as an unfocused, over-broad "big fat fishing expedition" and, of course, to reprise the familiar "witch hunt" rallying cry M-bQMCjo16M-00009-00010703-00012422 Ultimately, we should expect this battle to land in the courts. Congress may step up its tactics from informal letters (which politely but firmly request the recipient to provide information) to subpoenas (which compel the witness to provide information, like it or not) M-bQMCjo16M-00010-00012422-00013924 Subpoena recipients in and around the White House, in turn, may resist by invoking executive privilege -- arguing essentially that internal communications between the President and his advisers are confidential and protected from disclosure M-bQMCjo16M-00011-00013924-00014817 All this could culminate in the most consequential legal battle over executive privilege since the Richard Nixon case in 1974 M-bQMCjo16M-00012-00014817-00016090 The Supreme Court unanimously rejected Nixon's executive privilege claim over tape recordings of internal White House conversations; Nixon resigned 16 days after losing the decision MakWL4jOIq4-00000-00000571-00002271 The story has shifted yet again. The last word we heard from Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is that he’ll remain on the job at least until Special Counsel Robert Mueller has completed his work – yet the media keeps reporting that Rosenstein is about to resign MakWL4jOIq4-00001-00002271-00003071 Now the media is even reporting that Donald Trump has picked a replacement. So what’s going on? MakWL4jOIq4-00002-00003071-00004228 It started back in January, when a major news outlet reported that Rod Rosenstein was preparing to resign once William Barr was confirmed as the new Attorney General MakWL4jOIq4-00003-00004228-00005275 Rosenstein immediately shot this down, going through his associates to inform NBC News that he was staying for as long as Mueller was staying MakWL4jOIq4-00004-00005275-00006903 But Rosenstein remaining on the job wasn’t a ratings friendly story, and the scary prospect of him imminently quitting was perfect for ratings, so the media mostly ignored Rosenstein’s own words, and spent the next month claiming that Rosenstein was about to quit MakWL4jOIq4-00005-00006903-00007770 Then on Monday, NBC News reported that Rod Rosenstein was indeed planning to resign in mid March MakWL4jOIq4-00006-00007770-00010285 Wait, wasn’t this the same network that had previously reported Rosenstein’s assertion that he wasn’t leaving, and then spent the next month ignoring its own reporting? Palmer Report pointed out that these stories about Rosenstein quitting were almost surely being planted by Donald Trump and his people, because Trump desperately wants Rosenstein out, but doesn’t seem to have the guts or political muscle to fire him MakWL4jOIq4-00007-00010285-00011406 As long as the media kept breathlessly hyping Trump’s leaks about Rosenstein resigning, it could end up sabotaging Rosenstein’s ability to remain on the job MakWL4jOIq4-00008-00011406-00012453 . .Now tonight we have a new twist. Major media outlets are reporting that Donald Trump has settled on a replacement for Rod Rosenstein MakWL4jOIq4-00009-00012453-00013833 Just to make things even more confusing, Rosenstein’s supposed replacement has the similar name of Jeffrey Rosen; perhaps Trump truly is delusional enough to think people might not notice the difference MakWL4jOIq4-00010-00013833-00015147 But if we know anything about Rod Rosenstein based on watching him in action the past year and a half, it’s that he will never resign unless he thinks Robert Mueller is on a 100% safe path to the finish line MakWL4jOIq4-00011-00015147-00015928 1) These media leaks are all one big bluff by Trump to try to force Rosenstein out MakWL4jOIq4-00012-00015928-00016669 2) Rosenstein is leaving, because he’s concluded that new AG William Barr will protect Mueller MakWL4jOIq4-00013-00016669-00017409 3) Rosenstein is leaving because he expects Mueller to finish Trump off by mid March McMPXH-hgzc-00000-00000513-00001539 Donald Trump has a lot of “acting” positions in his administration, including the acting Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan, who took over for Gen McMPXH-hgzc-00001-00001539-00002595 James Mattis when he resigned. Shanahan previously worked for more than 30 years at Boeing, and that is creating a problem in his new position McMPXH-hgzc-00002-00002595-00004368 After two crashes by Boeing’s Max 8 in Indonesia and Ethiopia, an investigation into how the aircraft was deemed “safe” just two weeks before the tragic incidences occurred began, and Shanahan’s ties to Boeing have led to an entirely separate investigation into him McMPXH-hgzc-00003-00004368-00006521 The Washington Post reports that:.‘The Department of Defense Office of Inspector General has decided to investigate complaints we recently received that Acting Secretary Patrick Shanahan allegedly took actions to promote his former employer, Boeing, and disparage its competitors, allegedly in violation of ethics rules McMPXH-hgzc-00004-00006521-00007404 ’.The Defense Department’s Office of the Inspector General initiated the investigation into the number two man at the Pentagon McMPXH-hgzc-00005-00007404-00008420 Shanahan’s spokespeople issued a statement upon release of the news, while Shanahan himself called the investigation “just noise McMPXH-hgzc-00006-00008420-00009310 ”.‘Acting Secretary Shanahan has at all times remained committed to upholding his ethics agreement filed with the DoD McMPXH-hgzc-00007-00009310-00010559 This agreement ensures any matters pertaining to Boeing are handled by appropriate officials within the Pentagon to eliminate any perceived or actual conflict of interest issue with Boeing McMPXH-hgzc-00008-00010559-00011596 ’.The ethics complaint alleges that Shanahan promoted Boeing’s interests while criticizing Lockheed Martin, a rival of the aircraft company McMPXH-hgzc-00009-00011596-00013989 In a statement by the Office of the Inspector General, they wrote that:.‘The Department of Defense Office of Inspector General has decided to investigate complaints we recently received that Acting Secretary Patrick Shanahan allegedly took actions to promote his former employer, Boeing, and disparage its competitors, allegedly in violation of ethics rules McMPXH-hgzc-00010-00013989-00015519 ’.All of Trump’s promises to “drain the swamp” have turned out to be just more lies from the president now that he’s in the Whtie House, as his cabinet members continue to turn out to be working more in their own interest than the American people’s McMPXH-hgzc-00011-00015519-00017082 ‘CREW cited news stories saying Shanahan had criticized Lockheed Martin, a chief rival to Boeing, and had urged the Pentagon to buy more Boeing-manufactured F-15X fighter jets in defiance of Air Force acquisition preferences McMPXH-hgzc-00012-00017082-00017202 ’ NBFzJcDVRWA-00000-00000571-00001307 President Donald Trump espouses a dangerous brand of nationalist and protectionist economics NBFzJcDVRWA-00001-00001307-00002997 He thinks that America First has to mean harmful tariffs which benefit no one. He has recently threatened to issue crippling tariffs on the auto industry in the US, so the industry giants came out one by one to explain why he is completely wrong on this issue NBFzJcDVRWA-00002-00002997-00004742 A group of industry experts called Moody’s Investors Service said in a report:''“The economic fallout would be significant, with auto tariffs hurting the global economy by distorting prices and creating inefficiencies, and the impact would reverberate across global supply chains NBFzJcDVRWA-00003-00004742-00005926 The already weakening pace of global expansion would magnify global growth pressures, causing a broader hit to business and consumer confidence amid tightening financial conditions'' NBFzJcDVRWA-00004-00005926-00007242 Similarly, Toyota released a statement along the same lines.“The 137,000 people who work for Toyota across America deserve to know whether they are considered a national security threat NBFzJcDVRWA-00005-00007242-00007874 And the American consumer needs to know whether the cost of every vehicle sold in the U NBFzJcDVRWA-00006-00007874-00009217 S. may increase''. Some other organizations minced their words even less. The American International Automobile Dealers Association came out to call the entire Commerce Department investigation “bogus” NBFzJcDVRWA-00007-00009217-00011168 Their CEO, by the name of Cody Lusk, said in a statement.“Now, dealerships must continue to operate under a cloud of uncertainty, not knowing if at any moment their products will be slapped with 25 percent tariffs, raising vehicle and repair costs by thousands of dollars and slashing sales'' NBFzJcDVRWA-00008-00011168-00012331 However, if you are looking for strongly worded statements against Trump policy, the best port of call is always his former employees and officals, of whom there are plenty NBFzJcDVRWA-00009-00012331-00013260 William Reinsch is a former US trade official who now works as a senior adviser at the Center for Strategic and International Studies NBFzJcDVRWA-00010-00013260-00014068 He said.“[The Commerce Department recommendations] will certainly be tariffs because, hey, he’s a Tariff Man NBFzJcDVRWA-00011-00014068-00014893 [President Trump is] pursuing something that, as near as I can tell, the domestic (auto) industry doesn’t want NBFzJcDVRWA-00012-00014893-00015906 Once he pursues it, he is going to be under pressure to give up the one thing the auto industry really does want, the US tariff on imported light trucks'' NBFzJcDVRWA-00013-00015906-00016907 It is rare that we see shows of public unity on policy issues within the current hostile and polarized climate of American politics NBFzJcDVRWA-00014-00016907-00017842 But if there is one thing we can be sure entire sectors of society will agree on, it is that President Donald Trump is doing a bad job NBFzJcDVRWA-00015-00017842-00018414 Hopefully he will get the message, but I won’t be holding my breath NhE5oMYlPyI-00000-00000571-00001665 President Trump’s assault on the long sacrosanct Fourth Estate began in earnest and has been forwarded by his administration, particularly those in communications roles NhE5oMYlPyI-00001-00001665-00003590 From Spicer’s banning of cameras to Huckabee Sanders’s banning of any sort of recording devices in certain areas of the Senate — officially created by the Republican-led Senate Rules Committee, to Trump and ostensibly his entire staff decrying all critical coverage “fake news,” our free press has never been so endangered NhE5oMYlPyI-00002-00003590-00004424 .Fox News — and Fox & Friends in particular — emerged as the de facto media outlet for our White House NhE5oMYlPyI-00003-00004424-00005534 Trump appeared to be toying with his own media narrative in the manner of his pal Putin with a video in which Kaylaigh McEnany is posed in front of a blue screen which reads “DonaldJTrump NhE5oMYlPyI-00004-00005534-00006218 com” excitedly informing the audience of various Trump administration accomplishments NhE5oMYlPyI-00005-00006218-00006673 This has now become known as Trump TV O-eweIznP9E-00000-00000571-00001712 The House failed Tuesday to override President Donald Trump's veto after both chambers of Congress sought to overturn his national emergency declaration to build more border wall O-eweIznP9E-00001-00001712-00002593 The vote was 248-181, with 14 Republicans voting with Democrats to support the override O-eweIznP9E-00002-00002593-00003661 It was a steep hill to climb for opponents of Trump's national emergency as the House would have needed two-thirds of its members to back the veto override O-eweIznP9E-00003-00003661-00005134 Thirteen Republicans voted for the resolution in the first place."Today, Congressional Democrats attempted to block the President's National Emergency Declaration -- they failed," White House spokesman Hogan Gidley said in a statement after the vote O-eweIznP9E-00004-00005134-00006519 "Democrats continue to ignore the reality that our porous southern border is a magnet for illegal immigration, child smugglers, human traffickers, drug cartels, gangs and many other criminals O-eweIznP9E-00005-00006519-00007477 This national security and humanitarian crisis endangers every American and cannot be described as anything other than a National Emergency O-eweIznP9E-00006-00007477-00009191 ".Both chambers of Congress had passed a resolution to overturn Trump's national emergency declaration to fund more border wall, which would use billions from the Treasury and Defense departments after Congress rejected giving Trump the full amount of border wall money he requested for the year O-eweIznP9E-00007-00009191-00010202 The decision sparked criticism from Republicans and Democrats alike, many of whom argued the national emergency action would violate the Constitution O-eweIznP9E-00008-00010202-00011782 The House easily passed the resolution of disapproval in February. A few weeks later, 12 Senate Republicans joined with Senate Democrats to pass it, marking a sharp rebuke from members of the President's own party on a key issue to his base O-eweIznP9E-00009-00011782-00013297 The President vetoed the bill one day after it cleared the Senate."Congress has the freedom to pass this resolution and I have the duty to veto it," Trump said from the Oval Office before officially sending the measure back to Congress without his approval O-eweIznP9E-00010-00013297-00014091 House Democrats, meanwhile, were quick to announce they would hold an override vote on March 26 O-eweIznP9E-00011-00014091-00015523 "The House and Senate resoundingly rejected the President's lawless power grab, yet the President has chosen to continue to defy the Constitution, the Congress and the will of the American people," Pelosi said in a statement at the time O-eweIznP9E-00012-00015523-00016408 But the House faced a high hurdle, needing a two-thirds majority -- rather than a simple majority -- to override the veto O-eweIznP9E-00013-00016408-00017498 The House first passed the bill 245-182.House Democratic leaders were under no illusion that the veto override would pass O-eweIznP9E-00014-00017498-00018676 Speaker Nancy Pelosi said last week that the point of the vote is to make it clear the new Democratic-controlled House won't tolerate the President's persistence for a border wall O-eweIznP9E-00015-00018676-00019433 "Whether we can succeed with the number of votes is not the point," Pelosi said at an event in New York O-eweIznP9E-00016-00019433-00020993 "We are establishing the intent of Congress.".Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said earlier this month that the National Emergency Act allows for a resolution of disapproval to come up every six months, and Democrats intend to bring it up again then PgiUH2Hebmo-00000-00000513-00001803 House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler sat down with CNN’s Erin Burnett on Monday to talk about the far-reaching probe that seems to be touching every part of President Donald Trump‘s orbit PgiUH2Hebmo-00001-00001803-00003159 Yet, despite Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump, and Jared Kushner all being on the list of the 81 persons and entities asked to submit information on Monday, one name from the Trump family is glaringly absent PgiUH2Hebmo-00002-00003159-00004196 Ivanka Trump is not on the list.“She’s not on the initial list,” Nadler, who was careful with his language throughout the interview, said when asked about the First Daughter PgiUH2Hebmo-00003-00004196-00006116 “That’s what we can say.”.He added: “We’re also saying that all the people on the list have given information already to either the special counsel or the Southern District or somebody and all we’re asking for at this point is information they’ve already turned over so that it can be done quickly and without questions of privilege PgiUH2Hebmo-00004-00006116-00006881 ”.Yet, he did not rule out the possibility that the Trump daughter could eventually be part of the probe PgiUH2Hebmo-00005-00006881-00007654 “Conceivably, certainly,” he said when asked by Burnett if Ivanka may be added. “I can’t say PgiUH2Hebmo-00006-00007654-00008433 Quite conceivably.”.Burnett then asked him if that means we shouldn’t read into who is not on the list PgiUH2Hebmo-00007-00008433-00008793 “That’s right,” he said QUS2QpGGUpo-00000-00000571-00002177 With Monday’s deadline now behind us, it’s possible that up to eighty-one different people and entities related to Trump may have submitted any and all pertinent, last minute documents in their possession to the House Judiciary Committee as part of its investigation into Donald Trump QUS2QpGGUpo-00001-00002177-00002890 “I am encouraged by the responses we have received since sending these initial letters two weeks ago QUS2QpGGUpo-00002-00002890-00004541 It is my hope that we will receive cooperation from the remainder of the list, and will be working to find an appropriate accommodation with any individual who may be reluctant to cooperate with our investigation,” House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler said in a release QUS2QpGGUpo-00003-00004541-00005557 And although very few names have been disclosed by the committee, at least one in particular was on Monday night, and it’s one that carries a lot of weight QUS2QpGGUpo-00004-00005557-00006746 In an appearance on the Rachel Maddow show, Nadler shared that Steve Bannon’s name is in the fold, and apparently, he has submitted several thousand documents to the committee QUS2QpGGUpo-00005-00006746-00007819 Considering Bannon was once in charge of the Donald Trump campaign, and also played a key role in the Donald Trump White House, this is rather huge news QUS2QpGGUpo-00006-00007819-00009627 Additionally, since the committee let it be known that its requests to round up documents was solely to collect those which have already been requested by other investigators, Bannon’s submission tells us that Special Counsel Robert Mueller must have requested and likely possesses the same thousands of documents QUS2QpGGUpo-00007-00009627-00010669 In other words, if there was ever any question as to whether or not Bannon was capable of selling Donald Trump out, I believe we may now have our answer QUS2QpGGUpo-00008-00010669-00011181 And from the sounds of it, he may have done it twofold RChWkjcnUDQ-00000-00000571-00001467 After beginning his speech reading off of teleprompters, he soon pivoted to other topics in a speech that lasted over an hour RChWkjcnUDQ-00001-00001467-00002300 “You know I’m totally off script right now, and this, you know, is how I got elected, by being off script,” he said RChWkjcnUDQ-00002-00002300-00003839 “And if we don’t go off script our country is in big trouble, folks.”.Trump lashed out at the ongoing Mueller investigation and the work behind the scenes at the Justice Department and the FBI to investigate him for connections to Russia RChWkjcnUDQ-00003-00003839-00004797 “Unfortunately you put the wrong people in a couple of positions, and they leave people for a long time that should not be there,” he said RChWkjcnUDQ-00004-00004797-00006171 “All of a sudden, they are trying to take you out with bullshit.”.Trump made it clear whom he blamed by mocking the southern accent of his former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who recused himself from the investigation RChWkjcnUDQ-00005-00006171-00007130 “Robert Mueller never received a vote, and neither did the person that appointed him,” Trump said, referring to the unelected bureaucrats investigating him RChWkjcnUDQ-00006-00007130-00008177 .Trump praised conservative Reps. Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Mark Meadows (R-NC) for defending him against the ongoing attacks RChWkjcnUDQ-00007-00008177-00008872 He expressed frustration with the Democrats in Congress that were attacking him, including Rep RChWkjcnUDQ-00008-00008872-00009682 Adam Schiff (CA), whom he referenced as “Little Shifty Schiff.”.“These people are sick!” Trump said RChWkjcnUDQ-00009-00009682-00010392 He warned that Democrats were already shifting the investigations to his personal and business deals RIDtGXC8p30-00000-00000513-00001586 Whether “President” Donald Trump knows it or not, our economy is suffering under his “leadership,” which consists of bullying tactics and hurling insults RIDtGXC8p30-00001-00001586-00003148 Not a good way to get people to work with you. In the case of the GM plant in Lordstown, Ohio, Trump has been bullying UAW leader David Green while simultaneously begging CEO Mary Barra to keep the plant open RIDtGXC8p30-00002-00003148-00004423 He attacks the one he sees as the weaker of the two.Never mind that David Green wrote two letters to Trump last year, seeking his help on the impending closing, to which Trump never responded RIDtGXC8p30-00003-00004423-00005207 One can only wonder where he’s been since GM made the announcement in November 2018 RIDtGXC8p30-00004-00005207-00006090 The reason Trump is livid about the Lordstown plant is his (fake) campaign promise to increase manufacturing jobs RIDtGXC8p30-00005-00006090-00006719 He then took office and imposed the very thing that hurts manufacturing: tariffs RIDtGXC8p30-00006-00006719-00008333 In all fairness, the Lordstown plant primarily manufactured the Chevrolet Cruze, which was no longer of interest to car buyers, and GM decided to stop production and streamline its facilities to assist with overall profitability RIDtGXC8p30-00007-00008333-00009817 As reported by Vox, part of this plan included closing four U.S. Plants (two in Ohio, one in Michigan, and one in Maryland) and one Canadian plant and cutting its workforce by 15% RIDtGXC8p30-00008-00009817-00011601 Not only was Trump made aware of this by David Green, GM announced last fall that it was offering voluntary buyouts to 18,000 salaried workers to cut costs and that the “tariffs under the Trump administration could lead to a ‘smaller’ GM,” Vox reports RIDtGXC8p30-00009-00011601-00012557 Has Trump not been paying attention? Of course he hasn’t. He’s too busy waging war against his perceived enemies RIDtGXC8p30-00010-00012557-00013579 Now, it’s a crisis for him. As a wise man once said, “Be careful where you point your finger; you’re pointing two back at yourself RIDtGXC8p30-00011-00013579-00014339 ” Too bad Trump doesn’t know that.As Vox points out, Trump’s trade policies didn’t help RIDtGXC8p30-00012-00014339-00015198 His tariffs are getting the better of the very jobs he claimed to protect. Now it’s someone else’s fault RIDtGXC8p30-00013-00015198-00016465 To try to save his shrinking base in that area (which has decreased by 19% according to USA Today), he traveled there, as if his presence is going to make a difference RIDtGXC8p30-00014-00016465-00017559 GM isn’t the problem; Trump is.As Politico points out, Trump doesn’t understand the global economy any more than he understands the U RIDtGXC8p30-00015-00017559-00018416 S. economy, and the auto industry is very much a global industry. With auto makers building cars in the U RIDtGXC8p30-00016-00018416-00019276 S. using foreign parts, and foreign manufacturers using U.S. parts, they all depend on each other RIDtGXC8p30-00017-00019276-00020253 President Obama understood that nuance, and his policies increased investment, which Trump is single-handedly destroying RIDtGXC8p30-00018-00020253-00021044 Donald Trump has seemingly never understood that tariffs are in essence an additional tax on U RIDtGXC8p30-00019-00021044-00022755 S. citizens. Read a detailed analysis of tariffs by the Tax Foundation here. One can only assume that in addition to closing plants, he hasn’t noticed all of the retail businesses that are closing and leaving untold numbers of people unemployed RIDtGXC8p30-00020-00022755-00023899 Yep. Trump is “making America great again” one bankruptcy or closing at a time. And the auto manufacturers are still moving operations to Mexico RIDtGXC8p30-00021-00023899-00024228 Thanks, “President” Trump SNDymNoY4PM-00000-00000513-00001892 After losing an hour of executive time to "springing forward" his clock an hour over the weekend, President Donald Trump voiced his support Monday to eliminate states' legal requirement of "falling back" an hour each year SNDymNoY4PM-00001-00001892-00003441 "Making Daylight Saving Time permanent is O.K. with me!" Trump tweeted.One of the most common justifications for the time switch is the presumption that by extending summer daylight later into the evening, Americans use less energy SNDymNoY4PM-00002-00003441-00005053 It was the reason Congress used in enacting Daylight Saving Time during World War I and again after the United States joined WWII, according to author David Prerau, who wrote a book which traced the history of the shift on Daylight Saving Time SNDymNoY4PM-00003-00005053-00005949 But a 2008 Department of Energy study found that daylight saving time reduces annual energy use by about 0 SNDymNoY4PM-00004-00005949-00006991 03%. And a study that same year from the University of California-Santa Barbara found it might even increase energy consumption SNDymNoY4PM-00005-00006991-00008582 And while it's a popular belief that Daylight Saving Time was created to help farmers get their harvests, farmers actually vociferously fought the proposals, arguing they cut productivity and made life overall tougher for them, according to Prerau SNDymNoY4PM-00006-00008582-00010005 Ending Daylight Saving Time would require congressional approval, but it's already been bolstered by several Florida Republicans in Congress who sponsored legislation last year that would make daylight saving time permanent nationwide SNDymNoY4PM-00007-00010005-00010859 The legislation died in Congress, but Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio reintroduced the legislation last week SNDymNoY4PM-00008-00010859-00012202 Last year, then-Florida Gov. Rick Scott signed a law to make Daylight Saving Time permanent in the Sunshine State, but the act has yet to be signed off by Congress -- putting Florida's switch on hold SNDymNoY4PM-00009-00012202-00013445 Americans have observed Daylight Saving Time switch for a little more than 100 years, but the amount of time which they have been observing when the nation "falls back" an hour has continued to shrink SNDymNoY4PM-00010-00013445-00014707 The Standard Time Act established time zones and daylight saving. Daylight saving was repealed in 1919, but continued to be recognized in certain areas of the United States SNDymNoY4PM-00011-00014707-00015600 The Uniform Time Act of 1966 established the system of uniform Daylight Saving Time throughout the United States SNDymNoY4PM-00012-00015600-00016739 The dates were the last Sunday in April to the last Sunday in October.Today, most states observe eight months of Daylight Saving Time and four months in standard SNDymNoY4PM-00013-00016739-00018017 Currently, Hawaii and most of Arizona do not follow the Daylight Saving Time switch, and neither do the US territories of Guam, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands and American Samoa SinlJO8xy3c-00000-00000571-00002068 Prior to Monday, if there’s one thing most individuals would have said with a fair amount of certainty regardless of their political leaning, it’s that Speaker Nancy Pelosi can and will do anything necessary and within her power to impeach Donald Trump SinlJO8xy3c-00001-00002068-00002799 However, based on what she said in a Monday interview with the Washington Post, perhaps that isn’t the case SinlJO8xy3c-00002-00002799-00003951 “I’m not for impeachment,” she told the Post. “This is news''.“I’m going to give you some news right now because I haven’t said this to any press person before,” she continued SinlJO8xy3c-00003-00003951-00005450 “But since you asked, and I’ve been thinking about this: Impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there’s something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan, I don’t think we should go down that path, because it divides the country'' SinlJO8xy3c-00004-00005450-00006451 “And he’s just not worth it,” she concluded.However, based on the amount of laughter she indulged in during the interview, I’m not so sure I’m buying it SinlJO8xy3c-00005-00006451-00007995 Perhaps it was all a ruse to throw Donald Trump off her scent. I mean, surely Pelosi knows she has no choice but to impeach Trump, otherwise her own voters may never forgive her, and will punish the Democratic party accordingly SinlJO8xy3c-00006-00007995-00008966 Right? But that’s the point, of course. Pelosi can’t impeach Trump today.More than likely, that is the reality here SinlJO8xy3c-00007-00008966-00010620 While Pelosi and the House certainly could try to impeach Trump today if they really wanted to, it wouldn’t do much good considering the Senate could then vote along party lines in opposition of the impeachment, making the entire process a complete and utter waste of time SinlJO8xy3c-00008-00010620-00011495 Instead, Pelosi knows that successfully impeaching Donald Trump will require a much different and more methodical angle SinlJO8xy3c-00009-00011495-00013271 With the support of House Democrats, Robert Mueller, the SDNY, and the Attorney General of New York, Pelosi will be able to use numerous hearings, subpoenas, and court filings to her benefit, opening the eyes of the Republican party and ridding Trump of the presidency once and for all SinlJO8xy3c-00010-00013271-00014115 In other words, what may have seemed like a confusing move by Pelosi at the time is suddenly making much more sense SinlJO8xy3c-00011-00014115-00014431 Well done, Nancy UbZxYaflOOA-00000-00000571-00002418 The Department of Homeland Security has requested assistance from the Defense Department to mount approximately 218 miles of new and replacement barriers along the US-Mexico border, according to documents released by the Sierra Club, a grassroots environmental organization UbZxYaflOOA-00001-00002418-00003849 In a February 25 memo to the Defense Department, the Department of Homeland Security identifies four sectors along the southern border that require reinforcement through barriers, light installation and other measures UbZxYaflOOA-00002-00003849-00005153 Combined, the mileage amounts to approximately 218 miles of new or replacement barrier, just shy of the White House's January request of approximately 234 miles UbZxYaflOOA-00003-00005153-00006610 The memo largely focuses on vehicle and pedestrian barriers -- the former is intended to stop vehicles, but people can easily climb over it, and the latter is designed to keep both vehicles and pedestrians from crossing UbZxYaflOOA-00004-00006610-00007425 The request, which will be funded through counterdrug monies, also cites the number of drug seizures in each region UbZxYaflOOA-00005-00007425-00009491 "DHS requests that DoD assist in the execution of projects, within the Project Areas set forth below, to: (1) replace existing vehicle barriers or dilapidated pedestrian fencing with new pedestrian fencing; (2) construct roads; and (3) install lighting," the memo reads UbZxYaflOOA-00006-00009491-00010957 The four sectors listed are: El Centro, Yuma, Tucson and El Paso. In addition to new replacement barriers, the Department of Homeland Security has also requested assistance with road construction and light installation UbZxYaflOOA-00007-00010957-00012292 In the El Centro sector, the Department of Homeland Security requests the replacement of around 15 miles of existing vehicle barrier with new pedestrian fencing, in addition to light installation UbZxYaflOOA-00008-00012292-00014332 The project is located in Imperial County, California.In the Yuma sector, the Department of Homeland Security has asked for assistance to replace around 36 miles of existing vehicle barrier and approximately six miles of "dilapidated pedestrian fencing with new pedestrian fencing," in addition to light installation UbZxYaflOOA-00009-00014332-00015878 The areas are located in Yuma County, Arizona.In the Tucson sector, the Department of Homeland Security requests replacing around 86 miles of existing vehicle barrier with new pedestrian fencing, in addition to light installation UbZxYaflOOA-00010-00015878-00017882 The areas are located in Pima, Cochise, and Santa Cruz Counties, Arizona.In the El Paso Sector, which includes New Mexico, the Department of Homeland Security requests replacing approximately 70 miles of existing vehicle barrier with new pedestrian fencing, in addition to light installation UbZxYaflOOA-00011-00017882-00018934 Areas are located in Luna, Hidalgo and Doña Ana Counties, New Mexico.The memo notes that the projects are on federal property UbZxYaflOOA-00012-00018934-00019723 In areas where that's not the case, the onus is on the Department of Homeland Security to secure the land UbZxYaflOOA-00013-00019723-00021037 Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan wrote a response to the request on March 25, saying that that the Pentagon would use $1 billion to fund border barriers at two of the four requested sectors UbZxYaflOOA-00014-00021037-00023051 "At this time I have decided to undertake Yuma Sector Projects 1 and 2 and El Paso Sector Project 1 by constructing 57 miles of 18-foot high pedestrian fencing, constructing and improving roads, and installing lighting as described in your February 25, 2019 request," Shanahan wrote UbZxYaflOOA-00015-00023051-00023756 "Additional support may be available in the future, subject to the availability and other factors," he added UbZxYaflOOA-00016-00023756-00024699 CNN reported this week that the Defense Department has begun scouting sites along the US-Mexico border to erect new physical barriers UbZxYaflOOA-00017-00024699-00026251 Small teams of engineers and experts, comprised of about 10 personnel, are on the ground in Yuma, Arizona, and the New Mexico part of the El Paso sector, which also includes Texas, looking at sites, according to two department officials UbZxYaflOOA-00018-00026251-00027324 President Donald Trump has repeatedly aired his grievances about the situation along the southern border, going so far as to threaten closing it entirely Friday VwcM9usgHvE-00000-00000571-00001378 Let’s be honest right off the bat: Donald Trump is a terrible president. Oh, and he’s a terrible person VwcM9usgHvE-00001-00001378-00002378 And you can throw in a terrible American, too.And it seems that while things continue to deteriorate, the lines have already been drawn VwcM9usgHvE-00002-00002378-00003149 Nothing Trump does or says at this point is going to change the minds of the hardcore Trump supporters VwcM9usgHvE-00003-00003149-00004016 Meanwhile, the rest of America – the ones who are rational, thoughtful, and objective – are left shaking our heads VwcM9usgHvE-00004-00004016-00004771 As Trump continues to isolate the United States, however, the world has begun to weigh in VwcM9usgHvE-00005-00004771-00005487 And one German newspaper has just said what every sane American already thinks about Trump VwcM9usgHvE-00006-00005487-00006471 And folks, it’s brutal.Der Spiegel just published an article called “A Danger to the World: It’s Time to Get Rid of Donald Trump VwcM9usgHvE-00007-00006471-00007224 ” Here are some of the highlights:.Donald Trump is not fit to be president of the United States VwcM9usgHvE-00008-00007224-00008169 He does not possess the requisite intellect and does not understand the significance of the office he holds nor the tasks associated with it VwcM9usgHvE-00009-00008169-00009308 He doesn’t read. He doesn’t bother to peruse important files and intelligence reports and knows little about the issues that he has identified as his priorities VwcM9usgHvE-00010-00009308-00009948 His decisions are capricious and they are delivered in the form of tyrannical decrees VwcM9usgHvE-00011-00009948-00010685 And with that opening, they capture the basic problem most Americans have with our criminal-in-chief VwcM9usgHvE-00012-00010685-00011727 But it goes on:.He is a man free of morals. As has been demonstrated hundreds of times, he is a liar, a racist and a cheat VwcM9usgHvE-00013-00011727-00012678 I feel ashamed to use these words, as sharp and loud as they are. But if they apply to anyone, they apply to Trump VwcM9usgHvE-00014-00012678-00013511 And one of the media’s tasks is to continue telling things as they are: Trump has to be removed from the White House VwcM9usgHvE-00015-00013511-00014436 Quickly. He is a danger to the world.Trump is a miserable politician. He fired the FBI director simply because he could VwcM9usgHvE-00016-00014436-00015076 James Comey had gotten under his skin with his investigation into Trump’s confidants VwcM9usgHvE-00017-00015076-00015846 Comey had also refused to swear loyalty and fealty to Trump and to abandon the investigation VwcM9usgHvE-00018-00015846-00017210 He had to go.Trump is also a miserable boss. His people invent excuses for him and lie on his behalf because they have to, but then Trump wakes up and posts tweets that contradict what they have said VwcM9usgHvE-00019-00017210-00018730 He doesn’t care that his spokesman, his secretary of state and his national security adviser had just denied that the president had handed Russia (of all countries) sensitive intelligence gleaned from Israel (of all countries) VwcM9usgHvE-00020-00018730-00019498 Trump tweeted: Yes, yes, I did, because I can. I’m president after all VM3N0a2P5jE-00000-00000513-00002600 During his March 2 marathon speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), President Donald Trump referred to Senator Mazie Hirono as the "crazy female senator," but rather than be offended by the remark, the junior senator from Hawaii says it's a "badge of honor" and has some choice words of her own for the president VM3N0a2P5jE-00001-00002600-00003817 ."This is the second time that he’s referred to me as the ‘crazy female senator from Hawaii,’" said Hirono when asked during a Politico Playbook event about the president's apparent nickname for her VM3N0a2P5jE-00002-00003817-00004838 "I’ve decided that the reason he doesn’t say my name is because he can’t figure out how to pronounce it and doesn't want to look foolish in front of his adoring audience VM3N0a2P5jE-00003-00004838-00006061 ".To be precise, during the CPAC speech, Trump initially referred to Hirono as the "crazy female senator from the state of Ohio" before quickly correcting that to "state of Hawaii VM3N0a2P5jE-00004-00006061-00006777 " He immediately doubled down on the characterization, adding "She's like -- she's like a crazed person VM3N0a2P5jE-00005-00006777-00007388 ".Hirono's response to the name-calling?.“I think It’s pretty funny,” said Hirono VM3N0a2P5jE-00006-00007388-00008237 “If the president wants to call me names, that’s a badge of honor… He calls everyone who doesn’t agree with him names VM3N0a2P5jE-00007-00008237-00009052 ”.Then the senator had some names of her own for Trump.“He’s a liar; he lies every single day," she claimed VM3N0a2P5jE-00008-00009052-00009799 "He’s a misogynist. He’s an admitted sexual predator, and he attacks everyone who doesn’t agree with him VM3N0a2P5jE-00009-00009799-00011544 And the only thing that will save us is his resignation.”.Later during the program, Hirono stressed that while she believes it is "time to investigate" Trump and his tax returns, she cautioned against the push for the new Democratic majority to immediately impeach the president VM3N0a2P5jE-00010-00011544-00012317 "We should not be rushing in to impeach him. I certainly don't want to end up making the president a martyr VM3N0a2P5jE-00011-00012317-00012417 " VSUEaoSXBeg-00000-00000571-00001728 Thursday at her weekly news conference, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said President Donald Trump and Republicans were calling for the resignation of Rep VSUEaoSXBeg-00001-00001728-00002872 Adam Schiff (D-CA), who continues to claim collusion between President Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and Russians, because they were “afraid VSUEaoSXBeg-00002-00002872-00004304 ”.Pelosi said, “What would be the proper adjective, shameful, sad, irresponsible of the president of the United States and the Republicans on the Intelligence committee to take the actions they have? They are just plain afraid VSUEaoSXBeg-00003-00004304-00005440 They are afraid of the truth. They are afraid of competence. They are afraid of a leader who is recognizing in our country for being calm, professional, patriotic VSUEaoSXBeg-00004-00005440-00006357 I’m so proud of the work of Chairman Adam Schiff in a stark contrast to the irresponsible almost criminal behavior of the previous chair of the committee VSUEaoSXBeg-00005-00006357-00007809 ”.“So what is the president afraid of?” she continued. “Is he afraid of the truth that he would go after a member a chairman of a committee, a respected chairman of a committee in the Congress? I think they’re just scaredy cats VSUEaoSXBeg-00006-00007809-00008452 They just don’t know what to do, so they have to make an attack. They did the wrong thing VSUEaoSXBeg-00007-00008452-00009946 The American people know that. It is their own insecurity, their own fear of the truth, their fear of the facts and their fear of an effective, patriotic leader who in his measured way is going to make sure the America people know the truth VSUEaoSXBeg-00008-00009946-00010046 ” VTCuk-yPkyk-00000-00000513-00001273 Thursday morning, Beto O’Rourke announced his candidacy for the presidency of the United States of America VTCuk-yPkyk-00001-00001273-00002501 Progressive liberals everywhere went berserk as the liberal rockstar solidified the rumors that have been churning since the midterm elections when he pulled out an impressive campaign against Ted Cruz VTCuk-yPkyk-00002-00002501-00003598 While, Beto didn’t win that election, the American people saw in him a future president, and have continually urged him to run against Donald Trump in 2020 VTCuk-yPkyk-00003-00003598-00004509 When the president found out about the bid this morning, his natural reaction was to speak down on O’Rourke out of sheer fear of his star-power VTCuk-yPkyk-00004-00004509-00005115 Trump said this upon hearing the news that Beto O’Rourke would be running against him next year: VTCuk-yPkyk-00005-00005115-00006147 “I think he’s got a lot of hand movement. I’ve never seen so much hand movement. I said, ‘Is he crazy or is that just the way he acts?'” VTCuk-yPkyk-00006-00006147-00006878 He can’t be serious? Is that the worst thing he could come up with? He talks with his hands!? VTCuk-yPkyk-00007-00006878-00007727 Trump continued:.“I’ve actually never seen anything quite like it. Study it. I’m sure you’ll agree VTCuk-yPkyk-00008-00007727-00008681 ”.The irony of this complaint coming from Donald Trump, who can’t keep his hands down during a speech to save his life, is overwhelming VTCuk-yPkyk-00009-00008681-00009496 Once again, the president has shown us how spiteful, jealous, childish, and petty he truly and deeply is XHg38xY2sxM-00000-00000571-00002953 During an interview on MSNBC Thursday morning, Vanity Fair’s Emily Jane Fox said that President Donald Trump and his family are terrified by the sight of Michel Cohen walking into Congress with “suitcases” full of documents as he answered more questions behind closed doors, some possibly addressing allegations that the president’s own lawyers helped coach his 2017 false testimony XHg38xY2sxM-00001-00002953-00005335 During an interview on MSNBC Thursday morning, Vanity Fair’s Emily Jane Fox said that President Donald Trump and his family are terrified by the sight of Michel Cohen walking into Congress with “suitcases” full of documents as he answered more questions behind closed doors, some possibly addressing allegations that the president’s own lawyers helped coach his 2017 false testimony XHg38xY2sxM-00002-00005335-00006678 “One of the most stunning images of the past week, which has been a fairly stunning week when it comes to Michel Cohen, was Cohen entering Capitol Hill yesterday with three suitcases and a big file folder,” she said XHg38xY2sxM-00003-00006678-00007699 “I think that that, to me, was a moment that must have struck fear in President Trump and his family, and anyone who works in the Trump organization'' XHg38xY2sxM-00004-00007699-00008854 “Before his public testimony he spent time digging through boxes in a storage unit to find documents that backed up some of his claims,” Fox continued, citing her own reporting XHg38xY2sxM-00005-00008854-00010941 “He spent this past weekend before he went back to Capitol Hill yesterday doing some more document diving and that is what was able to allow him to bring more documents yesterday about these kinds of edits and about communication he had with lawyers representing various members of the administration about the kinds of changes that they wanted to see made'' XHg38xY2sxM-00006-00010941-00012234 ‘Morning Joe’ Host Joe Scarborough asked Fox to provide “some insight” into polling that shows “by more than double digits (that) Americans believe Michael Cohen far more than they believe Donald Trump XHg38xY2sxM-00007-00012234-00013634 ” Fox was only too happy to oblige.“What a sad state of affairs that number is, that the American public believes someone who admitted to lying to Congress more than their own president of the United States,” she said XHg38xY2sxM-00008-00013634-00015557 “I think that Cohen felt like he went to Congress and did what he needed to do. I think the fact that he brought documents with him, those suitcases this week and the documents that he showed publicly last week, I think that is why you see the big discrepancy and I think that Cohen was pleased with that'' XX1hqAHOLZu-00000-00000513-00001545 Congress continues to deal with the fallout of President Donald Trump’s national emergency declaration last month over the supposed crisis at the southern border XX1hqAHOLZu-00001-00001545-00003412 House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) announced this Wednesday that her chamber would not be taking up Senate GOP legislation that responds to the essentially completely baseless declaration by curtailing the emergency powers of future presidents while leaving Trump’s current move intact XX1hqAHOLZu-00002-00003412-00004818 As she put it:.‘In an effort to avoid voting in favor of the House’s resolution to terminate Trump’s fake emergency, GOP senators are proposing legislation to allow Trump to violate the Constitution *just this once XX1hqAHOLZu-00003-00004818-00006952 * The House will not take up this legislation to give President Trump a pass.’.The legislation in question would make future emergency declarations expire after thirty days in the absence of Congressional action and has been presented as an alternative to directly voting to cancel Trump’s currently in-place declaration, an issue the Senate will be taking up Thursday XX1hqAHOLZu-00004-00006952-00007842 Trump hopes to use subsequent executive power from the declaration to procure billions in funding for his southern border wall XX1hqAHOLZu-00005-00007842-00008968 The Democratic majority House has already voted to cancel the declaration, moving to do so under the power of the same legislation that allowed for it in the first place XX1hqAHOLZu-00006-00008968-00009841 Although the Senate remains in the hands of the GOP and even Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky XX1hqAHOLZu-00007-00009841-00011217 ) has expressed support for the president’s declaration, at least when this week began, four Republican Senators indicated plans to vote to strike it down, giving the cancellation the simple majority it needed XX1hqAHOLZu-00008-00011217-00012411 Those to express opposition to that level have included Republican Sens. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), Susan Collins (Maine), Rand Paul (Ky XX1hqAHOLZu-00009-00012411-00013430 ), and Thom Tillis (N.C.) — although The New York Times claimed on Tuesday that Tillis seemed to be “wavering” in his commitment to vote down the declaration XX1hqAHOLZu-00010-00013430-00014263 Trump personally lobbied for Republican Senators to support his national emergency declaration on Twitter this Wednesday, posting: XX1hqAHOLZu-00011-00014263-00015360 ‘Republican Senators are overthinking tomorrow’s vote on National Emergency. It is very simply Border Security/No Crime – Should not be thought of any other way XX1hqAHOLZu-00012-00015360-00016097 We have a MAJOR NATIONAL EMERGENCY at our Border and the People of our Country know it very well!’ XX1hqAHOLZu-00013-00016097-00017134 Either way, the cancellation is unlikely to make it through, because it also has to be approved by the president and he’s unsurprisingly pledged to veto the measure XX1hqAHOLZu-00014-00017134-00017933 Neither Congressional chamber have a two-thirds, veto-proof majority in favor of the cancellation XX1hqAHOLZu-00015-00017933-00019550 All hope is far from lost for those against the proclamation, however. The move quickly faced a number of lawsuits, including one with a coalition of 16 states led by California’s Attorney General Xavier Becerra against the Trump administration XX1hqAHOLZu-00016-00019550-00021958 The declaration has essentially no basis in reality. Confronted with the facts of at least comparatively low crime associated with the southern border and undocumented immigration during his press conference announcing his national emergency declaration, Trump claimed there are vast unreported criminal networks among undocumented immigrants, singling them out with no tangible basis other than their skin color XX1hqAHOLZu-00017-00021958-00022917 Still, Trump remains undeterred. In his recent budget proposal for the 2020 fiscal year, he asked for a whopping $8 XX1hqAHOLZu-00018-00022917-00023933 6 billion for his long-sought southern border wall blocking off Mexico, which there is no indication whatsoever Congress will actually give him