2K9TMxuNnrY-00000-00000118-00000356 >> Hello, everyone! 2K9TMxuNnrY-00001-00000356-00000745 So this session is called master the art of the AST. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00002-00000745-00001176 But before we explain what an AST or an abstract syntax tree is, let's talk about why it's 2K9TMxuNnrY-00003-00001176-00001448 an art form that we would want to master. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00004-00001448-00001832 So if you're using JavaScript today, you're obviously using a lot of tools. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00005-00001832-00002200 And maybe you've even heard about this expression called JavaScript fatigue that you have to 2K9TMxuNnrY-00006-00002200-00002358 learn these tools. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00007-00002358-00002728 But I would argue that the real frustration comes when you come to rely on these tools 2K9TMxuNnrY-00008-00002728-00002948 and you find that they fail you. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00009-00002948-00003156 There is some breaking point. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00010-00003156-00003464 We're gonna see that more often than not, there's something you can do about it, to 2K9TMxuNnrY-00011-00003464-00003589 solve this problem yourself. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00012-00003589-00004060 And we're gonna demo that today by solving these three problems today together. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00013-00004060-00004473 So you can see how you can write your own linting rules to enforce your team's conventions, 2K9TMxuNnrY-00014-00004473-00005064 how you can write your own transpiling logic, and how you can write code mods or code modification 2K9TMxuNnrY-00015-00005064-00005689 scripts that will allow you to do large scale refactoring very quickly and with confidence. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00016-00005689-00006028 These are the three tools that solve these problems today in the JavaScript ecosystem. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00017-00006028-00006697 You have ESLint as a linter, Babel as a transpiler, and codeshift as a code runner. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00018-00006697-00007616 Now, other than the fact that these are Open Source, what's unique about these tools is 2K9TMxuNnrY-00019-00007616-00008000 that they were developed with the idea of a plugin-based architecture. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00020-00008000-00008591 So the creators went to a lot of trouble to let you extend these tools and give them new 2K9TMxuNnrY-00021-00008591-00009285 capabilities without having to understand all the internals of how they work. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00022-00009285-00009448 The one I got started with is ESLint. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00023-00009448-00010170 ESLint comes with about 250 built-in very powerful, very well tested rules. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00024-00010170-00010639 But I thought that the behavior that I was getting from one of them -- I considered it 2K9TMxuNnrY-00025-00010639-00010806 to be a bug. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00026-00010806-00011018 So I did what you normally do when you encounter a bug. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00027-00011018-00011118 I went on GitHub. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00028-00011118-00011278 I opened up an issue. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00029-00011278-00011591 And I waited very patiently... 2K9TMxuNnrY-00030-00011591-00012061 With patience for one of the maintainers at their earliest convenience to kind of give 2K9TMxuNnrY-00031-00012061-00012221 me a response. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00032-00012221-00012710 So I was able to wait for about ten minutes and then I decided to go on their chatroom 2K9TMxuNnrY-00033-00012710-00013105 and start hunting down one of the maintainers to give me an answer. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00034-00013105-00013456 And despite the fact that I was pretty pushy, they were very friendly. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00035-00013456-00013830 And what they explained to me is that this behavior that I'm describing, what I consider 2K9TMxuNnrY-00036-00013830-00014269 to be a bug, is not really a bug as they see it. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00037-00014269-00014719 But what's unique about ESLint and kind of what makes it different than previous JavaScript 2K9TMxuNnrY-00038-00014719-00015278 linters that came before is that they really encourage you to write your own rule. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00039-00015278-00015547 And it's meant to be extensible. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00040-00015547-00015976 And so they pointed me to the docs, explaining exactly how to create your own rule. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00041-00015976-00016449 And I learned that in order to create an ESLint rule, I have to learn these two concepts. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00042-00016449-00016877 ASTs, abstract syntax trees, and the visitor pattern. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00043-00016877-00017276 It wasn't very difficult, and after kind of learning the basics of it, I was able to write 2K9TMxuNnrY-00044-00017276-00017784 my own ESLint rule, which became part of our build chain, and now whenever somebody violated 2K9TMxuNnrY-00045-00017784-00018281 this convention, the build would break, we would catch it early, and fix it. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00046-00018281-00018789 Fast-forward a few months later, I wanted to write my own Babel plugin, and to my surprise, 2K9TMxuNnrY-00047-00018789-00019437 I didn't have to learn any new concepts, because Babel plugins rely on ASTs and the pattern. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00048-00019437-00019884 And the same happened when I wanted to write my own code mod as well. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00049-00019884-00020372 So with only 30 minutes left of this talk we're gonna get all this done and learn the 2K9TMxuNnrY-00050-00020372-00020895 basics of extending these tools so they're no longer a black box and instead something 2K9TMxuNnrY-00051-00020895-00021272 you can open up and tinker with. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00052-00021272-00021500 But ASTs are not unique to these three tools. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00053-00021500-00022006 Pretty much every tool in the JavaScript ecosystem that you're using today, that needs to read 2K9TMxuNnrY-00054-00022006-00022488 or output JavaScript does so by manipulating and analyzing ASTs. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00055-00022488-00022689 So it's a worthy skill to have. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00056-00022689-00022909 A bit about me. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00057-00022909-00023009 My name is Yonatan Mevorach. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00058-00023009-00023812 I'm a frontend tech lead at Sears Israel. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00059-00023812-00023995 So what are abstract syntax trees? 2K9TMxuNnrY-00060-00023995-00024608 Simply put, an abstract syntax tree is your original source code represented as a tree 2K9TMxuNnrY-00061-00024608-00024777 data structure. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00062-00024777-00025036 But let's say an example that will clarify this. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00063-00025036-00025458 So here I have pretty much the shortest piece of JavaScript code I can think of, and its 2K9TMxuNnrY-00064-00025458-00025694 matching AST representation. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00065-00025694-00026126 Let's take a look at the code and the AST and figure out why they match. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00066-00026126-00026727 So you have an assignment, var foo equals the string bar. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00067-00026727-00027181 And your AST is always -- starts out as a root node called the program node, which has 2K9TMxuNnrY-00068-00027181-00027599 the body, which is just a list of all the statements in your code. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00069-00027599-00027760 Each statement would have its own node. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00070-00027760-00028033 In this case, we only have one statement. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00071-00028033-00028218 So variable declaration. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00072-00028218-00028869 Which is composed of the kind -- that's that left hand part, bar, and you have the variable 2K9TMxuNnrY-00073-00028869-00029377 declarator, the name of the variable, in this case, foo, and the name of the assignment, 2K9TMxuNnrY-00074-00029377-00029829 which in this case -- since it's a hard coded string, anything that's hard coded, the name 2K9TMxuNnrY-00075-00029829-00030287 of the node that relates to it is called a literal node. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00076-00030287-00030516 So this should make it clear. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00077-00030516-00030869 But let's improve on this and make it clearer. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00078-00030869-00031338 This is the exact same AST, but represented as a JSON object, and as developers, I'm sure 2K9TMxuNnrY-00079-00031338-00031644 this is a lot more nice to look at. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00080-00031644-00032138 One thing to notice about the JSON representation is that each of the nodes always has this 2K9TMxuNnrY-00081-00032138-00032366 type property. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00082-00032366-00032927 So there is a set list of available types that you can have in a valid AST that describes 2K9TMxuNnrY-00083-00032927-00033124 valid JavaScript. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00084-00033124-00033452 And you kind of have to learn the properties of each one. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00085-00033452-00033630 But you never have to really memorize it. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00086-00033630-00033878 And we're gonna see why not in a minute. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00087-00033878-00034219 But do notice that if you know the type of the property -- sorry, the type of the node 2K9TMxuNnrY-00088-00034219-00034614 that you're on -- then you can know which other properties it's gonna have, and then 2K9TMxuNnrY-00089-00034614-00035073 you can understand how to read that node. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00090-00035073-00035479 There are four steps we have when we're working with ASTs. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00091-00035479-00035657 And we're gonna go over each one. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00092-00035657-00036059 Actually, if you're only writing a tool that just needs to read JavaScript and doesn't 2K9TMxuNnrY-00093-00036059-00036502 have to output JavaScript, you can get away with just using the first. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00094-00036502-00036604 So the parse step. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00095-00036604-00037029 The parse step is all about taking your original source code and converting it into an AST. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00096-00037029-00037684 There are several Open Source parsers online, and they all expose a parse function which 2K9TMxuNnrY-00097-00037684-00038068 takes a string, which is your original source code, and returns a JavaScript object, which 2K9TMxuNnrY-00098-00038068-00038185 is the AST. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00099-00038185-00038802 Now, for the examples we're gonna look at today, you don't have to choose a parser, 2K9TMxuNnrY-00100-00038802-00039229 because all the tools I mentioned already chose one as default, which just works, but 2K9TMxuNnrY-00101-00039229-00039850 in most cases, you can swap it out for a different parser, if you think you need to do it. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00102-00039850-00040027 This is a great resource. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00103-00040027-00040289 If you only remember one resource in this talk, make it this one. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00104-00040289-00040510 To get started with AST tinkering. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00105-00040510-00040880 It's called AST explorer.net. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00106-00040880-00041859 And it's a similar tool to kind of JSBin or CodePen that lets you play with code online. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00107-00041859-00042263 And what you can do is you can just type JavaScript on the left. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00108-00042263-00042588 And it will show you the matching AST on the right. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00109-00042588-00042688 And it's interactive. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00110-00042688-00043207 So if I have a lot of code here, I can click on the line on the left hand side. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00111-00043207-00043499 It'll take me to the matching node on the right hand side. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00112-00043499-00043957 And I can also hover over nodes here, and it will highlight the relevant part in the 2K9TMxuNnrY-00113-00043957-00044143 code, in the left hand part. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00114-00044143-00044523 So this is why you never have to memorize the set list of available types. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00115-00044523-00044899 Because you can always just paste in some code here, similar to the problem that you're 2K9TMxuNnrY-00116-00044899-00045443 trying to solve, and be familiarized, again, with what the type of node is called and what 2K9TMxuNnrY-00117-00045443-00045888 properties does it have. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00118-00045888-00046271 So this is just a parser online, ready for to you play with. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00119-00046271-00046424 Now let's talk about the traverse step. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00120-00046424-00046638 Why do we need to traverse our AST? 2K9TMxuNnrY-00121-00046638-00047103 If we're reading JavaScript, we're trying to analyze something about that JavaScript. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00122-00047103-00047580 And we only care about some elements or some attributes of our code, not all of them. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00123-00047580-00048042 That means that we first need to find the nodes that we care about to solve whatever 2K9TMxuNnrY-00124-00048042-00048311 problem it is we're trying to solve. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00125-00048311-00048687 So let's talk about the traverse step in the context of the first problem that we're gonna 2K9TMxuNnrY-00126-00048687-00048831 solve today together. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00127-00048831-00049219 And that's writing your own ESLint rule. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00128-00049219-00049491 Let's see the example that I told you about earlier, the one that I got started with. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00129-00049491-00049952 So first, the problem, and then the rule that solves this problem. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00130-00049952-00050278 We're gonna be talking about something called code piggybacking. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00131-00050278-00050660 Don't worry if you haven't heard of it, because I just made it up recently. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00132-00050660-00050935 So this is piggybacking, if you're not familiar with it. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00133-00050935-00051209 It's when you stand on somebody's shoulders. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00134-00051209-00051530 You don't have to have an actual pig involved. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00135-00051530-00052062 But let's see what piggybacking looks like in code. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00136-00052062-00052466 So here I have ESLint hooked up to my editor. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00137-00052466-00052626 So I get this nice integration here. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00138-00052626-00052749 And it's showing me that something is wrong. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00139-00052749-00053361 This is one of the built-in ESLint rules that catches any variable that's not defined. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00140-00053361-00053788 So it wasn't -- there was no var statement saying that there's a variable called Acme. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00141-00053788-00053917 It's not a functional parameter. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00142-00053917-00054127 It wasn't imported via an import statement. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00143-00054127-00054476 It's just something that's assumed to be globally available, even though it's not. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00144-00054476-00054696 It's clearly something that we just made up. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00145-00054696-00054907 So this works as expected. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00146-00054907-00055019 But what surprised me is... 2K9TMxuNnrY-00147-00055019-00055241 Watch what happens when I do this. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00148-00055241-00055774 I changed Acme to be a property of the window object. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00149-00055774-00056217 And because window is white listed, because ESLint knows that I'm writing browser code, 2K9TMxuNnrY-00150-00056217-00056682 so console is white listed and window is white listed, it doesn't check anything beyond that 2K9TMxuNnrY-00151-00056682-00056804 point. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00152-00056804-00057185 But if you're writing browser code, you know that anything that's a global variable is 2K9TMxuNnrY-00153-00057185-00057362 also a property of window. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00154-00057362-00057724 So in terms of the runtime applications of this, it's exactly the same. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00155-00057724-00058455 And yet ESLint ignores this completely, when Acme starts to piggyback on window. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00156-00058455-00058655 So that's the problem we're trying to solve. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00157-00058655-00059054 Without this, people will be able to commit code like this, and this runtime might be 2K9TMxuNnrY-00158-00059054-00059345 undefined, et cetera. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00159-00059345-00059697 So let's see how the rule that solves this works. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00160-00059697-00060015 This applies to this rule, but also any ESLint rule. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00161-00060015-00060150 The structure is the same. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00162-00060150-00060730 An ESLint rule is a script where I have to return an object. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00163-00060730-00061402 The properties of the object -- the name has to match one of the known AST valid types, 2K9TMxuNnrY-00164-00061402-00061874 and the function that we pass in as the value will be called for each node of that type 2K9TMxuNnrY-00165-00061874-00062161 as we traverse our tree. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00166-00062161-00062499 But let's figure out what we need to input here for our own rule. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00167-00062499-00062958 We care about cases where it's window dot something, where that something is not a valid 2K9TMxuNnrY-00168-00062958-00063058 global. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00169-00063058-00063626 But if we zoom out a bit, first we need to find all nodes that are just of the type something.something. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00170-00063626-00063726 Foo.bar. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00171-00063726-00063826 A.B. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00172-00063826-00064349 So we go on AST explorer, and we paste something like that. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00173-00064349-00064866 And we wait 'til both are highlighted, and we can see that the name of the type is called 2K9TMxuNnrY-00174-00064866-00065051 a member expression. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00175-00065051-00065438 And a member expression will always have an object property, which is that left hand part. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00176-00065438-00065620 You can see that's highlighting it. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00177-00065620-00066166 And the right hand part is referred to as the property. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00178-00066166-00066720 So this is why, in our rule that solves this problem, we're gonna write member expression 2K9TMxuNnrY-00179-00066720-00066820 here. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00180-00066820-00067136 Now, this function will be called for any member expression in our code. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00181-00067136-00067333 But we don't care about all member expressions. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00182-00067333-00067692 We just care about the ones where the object is window. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00183-00067692-00068201 And the property, the right hand part, is something that's not a valid global property. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00184-00068201-00068584 We're gonna see how that helper function is implemented in a minute. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00185-00068584-00069220 But assuming that this condition is correct, and I already found the piece of code that 2K9TMxuNnrY-00186-00069220-00069560 essentially means that somebody is piggybacking on top of window, and this is something that 2K9TMxuNnrY-00187-00069560-00069820 I want to report, to catch early. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00188-00069820-00070139 So ESLint exposes this context.report method. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00189-00070139-00070602 And I can pass in whatever error message that I want. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00190-00070602-00070889 And this is how this helper function is implemented. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00191-00070889-00071175 ESLint also analyzes scope on your behalf. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00192-00071175-00071720 So it exposes this variables array and already prepopulates it with anything that's in scope 2K9TMxuNnrY-00193-00071720-00071872 in the environment you're running under. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00194-00071872-00072246 So when you as a user configure ESLint, you tell it: Are you writing browser code? 2K9TMxuNnrY-00195-00072246-00072410 Are you writing Node? 2K9TMxuNnrY-00196-00072410-00072762 And it will prepopulate that with the known globals in the environment. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00197-00072762-00073231 So for a browser, this would be document and window and console, et cetera. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00198-00073231-00073630 And as it would iterate through this node, it would see that in our particular case, 2K9TMxuNnrY-00199-00073630-00074245 there is no Acme variable, and that's why it will tell us that this is in fact an invalid 2K9TMxuNnrY-00200-00074245-00074414 global. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00201-00074414-00074825 So let's see this in action. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00202-00074825-00075162 This is, again, ESLint integrated with editor. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00203-00075162-00075624 And my silly little piggybacking error message gets the seal of approval, because it looks 2K9TMxuNnrY-00204-00075624-00076036 nice when you get the integration with ESLint like that. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00205-00076036-00076551 ESLint rules, custom rules, you can support anything that one of the built-in ESLint rules 2K9TMxuNnrY-00206-00076551-00076814 does. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00207-00076814-00077411 Now, without knowing, we used something called the visitor pattern here. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00208-00077411-00077805 Just the fact that I didn't have to tell ESLint how to traverse a valid tree, how to go from 2K9TMxuNnrY-00209-00077805-00078201 the root node to the bottom nodes, I only had to tell it which kind of nodes I cared 2K9TMxuNnrY-00210-00078201-00078720 about and give the function for each node of that type, that's called the visitor pattern 2K9TMxuNnrY-00211-00078720-00079057 and that's gonna come in handy for the other examples as well. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00212-00079057-00079908 Now, let's talk about a tool that needs to output JavaScript as well. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00213-00079908-00080193 The most well known tool that does this is Babel. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00214-00080193-00080688 Babel started out as a project called 6 to 5, and its main objective was to let you write 2K9TMxuNnrY-00215-00080688-00081291 ES6 and compile it down to ES5, which can run on any browser. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00216-00081291-00081724 But they realized that the problem they solved is more generic, so they rebranded as Babel 2K9TMxuNnrY-00217-00081724-00082111 and went into a lot of trouble, so that it's now based on this plugin-based architecture 2K9TMxuNnrY-00218-00082111-00082517 and you can extend it by writing different plugins. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00219-00082517-00082913 The example that I'm gonna show now is actually one of the built-in Babel plugins. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00220-00082913-00083376 But I chose it just because it's very simple, but helps to get the message across. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00221-00083376-00083841 But a third party plugin would also behave the same way. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00222-00083841-00084313 So first the problem that we're trying to solve. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00223-00084313-00084583 You might be familiar with the debugger statement in JavaScript. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00224-00084583-00085291 If not, it's just a keyword that lets you trigger a break point immediately from code. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00225-00085291-00085741 And it's great for development, but it's not something that you would want to ship to production, 2K9TMxuNnrY-00226-00085741-00086120 because under some circumstances, it could actually be triggered for your users, and 2K9TMxuNnrY-00227-00086120-00086372 then your entire app would freeze. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00228-00086372-00086851 So as part of preparing our code for production, as part of us using Babel, we can choose to 2K9TMxuNnrY-00229-00086851-00087076 just get rid of it completely. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00230-00087076-00087660 So if I run Babel, it will produce the distribution version of this file. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00231-00087660-00088189 And it will be the exact same code, only the debugger statement is gone. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00232-00088189-00088686 Now let's see how it's implemented. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00233-00088686-00088916 So this should look familiar to the ESLint example. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00234-00088916-00089357 A Babel plugin is just a node script where we return an object, and here it's even wrapped 2K9TMxuNnrY-00235-00089357-00089938 inside this visitor object, which reminds us that we're using the visitor pattern. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00236-00089938-00090089 But the same rule applies. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00237-00090089-00090488 So we need to figure out what's the name of the type of node that we care about. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00238-00090488-00090851 Which, again, we can use AST explorer for. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00239-00090851-00091420 If I just type debugger, I see that since debugger is a reserved keyword, it also has 2K9TMxuNnrY-00240-00091420-00092187 a reserved node AST type all on its own, which is called debugger statement. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00241-00092187-00092766 And for any debugger statement in my code, I can call path.remove, which is essentially 2K9TMxuNnrY-00242-00092766-00093220 modifying and manipulating the AST and removing that node from the code. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00243-00093220-00093856 Of course, you can apply some custom logic here, do some other conditional checks, but 2K9TMxuNnrY-00244-00093856-00094623 for our example, if we find a debugger statement, we just want to get rid of it completely regardless. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00245-00094623-00094977 Now let's talk about the generating code step. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00246-00094977-00095304 The generating code step is kind of the reverse of the parse step. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00247-00095304-00095404 Right? 2K9TMxuNnrY-00248-00095404-00095930 The parse step was all about converting our code from just a source string into an AST. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00249-00095930-00096407 Now we have our modified AST and we want to regenerate it back into code. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00250-00096407-00096932 Now, you implicitly have to make some choices when you're generating code from an AST. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00251-00096932-00097222 Are you using tabs or are you using spaces? 2K9TMxuNnrY-00252-00097222-00097495 Windows line endings or Linux-style line endings? 2K9TMxuNnrY-00253-00097495-00097823 When we are using something like Babel, we don't really care about which one we're gonna 2K9TMxuNnrY-00254-00097823-00098233 use, because Babel code is typically just throwaway code. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00255-00098233-00098583 You regenerate it every time that you push to production and during development maybe 2K9TMxuNnrY-00256-00098583-00098851 even every time you hit save. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00257-00098851-00099301 But now we're gonna see a case where we're gonna need to be a bit smarter with the mechanism 2K9TMxuNnrY-00258-00099301-00099522 we use when we generate code. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00259-00099522-00099777 That's the case with jscodeshift. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00260-00099777-00100418 It's a framework by Facebook, which tries to solve the problems of doing very large 2K9TMxuNnrY-00261-00100418-00100695 scale, very tedious refactoring. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00262-00100695-00101235 Where doing so manually would be time-consuming and potentially error-prone. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00263-00101235-00101859 So it lets you write something called a code modification script that describes how you 2K9TMxuNnrY-00264-00101859-00102232 want to change your original source code, and it will iterate through your files and 2K9TMxuNnrY-00265-00102232-00102332 change code accordingly. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00266-00102332-00103005 It essentially means it will let machines write code for you. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00267-00103005-00103579 Anyone here dismiss this because it's a terrible idea and super buggy and never let machines 2K9TMxuNnrY-00268-00103579-00103756 write code for you? 2K9TMxuNnrY-00269-00103756-00104102 This was my original reaction at first. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00270-00104102-00104325 What I would say to that is you should be skeptical. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00271-00104325-00104827 You should definitely understand the implications of letting a machine write code for you. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00272-00104827-00105413 You should test it very well and understand all the edge cases that you might have missed 2K9TMxuNnrY-00273-00105413-00105550 initially. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00274-00105550-00105896 It's not something that you just run, push to production, go home. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00275-00105896-00106133 So skepticism in this case is healthy. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00276-00106133-00106264 But this has merit. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00277-00106264-00106761 It's all a trade-off of: Is it more time-consuming to test the code mod very thoroughly, compared 2K9TMxuNnrY-00278-00106761-00107121 to doing the refactoring manually? 2K9TMxuNnrY-00279-00107121-00107387 So what are the type of things we can use jscodeshift for? 2K9TMxuNnrY-00280-00107387-00107996 Some of the most well known things people are using it for is the reverse of what we 2K9TMxuNnrY-00281-00107996-00108108 were using Babel for. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00282-00108108-00108907 When we use Babel, we typically do it to convert from the newer JavaScript syntax down to older 2K9TMxuNnrY-00283-00108907-00109130 syntax that can run on any browser. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00284-00109130-00109565 But what if we have a large code base that was written long before the days of ES6, ES7, 2K9TMxuNnrY-00285-00109565-00109973 ES8, and we want to start adopting these best practices? 2K9TMxuNnrY-00286-00109973-00110420 For example, what if we want to get rid of all our boring old var statements and turn 2K9TMxuNnrY-00287-00110420-00110702 them into shiny new let statements? 2K9TMxuNnrY-00288-00110702-00111297 Let's see one option of how you can tackle this with a code mod. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00289-00111297-00111911 So in this code mod, what we do again -- a Node script -- here we need to actually explicitly 2K9TMxuNnrY-00290-00111911-00112020 parse our code. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00291-00112020-00112158 But jscodeshift does it. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00292-00112158-00112507 So J is just a wrapper around the jscodeshift API. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00293-00112507-00113038 We pass in file.source and get root, which is the root node of our AST, which contains 2K9TMxuNnrY-00294-00113038-00113277 the entire AST. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00295-00113277-00113519 We're doing something similar to the visitor pattern. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00296-00113519-00113744 But no longer with this object syntax. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00297-00113744-00114289 Here we just call root.find and we tell it which kind of node we want it to find. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00298-00114289-00114682 Because we're trying to get to do something on all variable declarations defined with 2K9TMxuNnrY-00299-00114682-00115022 var, we pass in variable declaration kind var. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00300-00115022-00115591 Again, variable declaration, you can find that out on AST explorer. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00301-00115591-00116067 Then we pass in the function that will be called for each node of that type. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00302-00116067-00116483 And inside what we want to do is create a new variable declaration. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00303-00116483-00116657 Pretty similar to the previous one. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00304-00116657-00116847 That's that P parameter. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00305-00116847-00117225 But different in a way that now it's defined as a let statement. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00306-00117225-00117397 Now this is just an object in memory. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00307-00117397-00117862 So the next thing we do to actually change the AST is we swap them out with the replaceWith 2K9TMxuNnrY-00308-00117862-00118120 method. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00309-00118120-00118372 And the last thing we do is call root to source. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00310-00118372-00119100 Now, remember, we're talking about, in the context of the generate code step, what jscodeshift 2K9TMxuNnrY-00311-00119100-00119558 does when it regenerates our AST into code, is it tries to understand everything about 2K9TMxuNnrY-00312-00119558-00119808 the original code style that we were using. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00313-00119808-00120017 So are you using spaces or are you using tabs? 2K9TMxuNnrY-00314-00120017-00120424 And will try to change as little as possible about the source file. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00315-00120424-00120544 Because it's not writing a new file. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00316-00120544-00120827 It's actually overwriting your original file. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00317-00120827-00121465 What this means is that when we go into our Git source control whatever, diff window, 2K9TMxuNnrY-00318-00121465-00121869 before we commit this, we're gonna be able to see exactly what change, and it'll make 2K9TMxuNnrY-00319-00121869-00122353 it much easier to pick up on whatever potential bugs are introduced in this code. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00320-00122353-00123055 Speaking of bugs introduced by this code mod, does anybody have a problem with this code? 2K9TMxuNnrY-00321-00123055-00123327 I'm not sure if there are no hands up, or I'm not seeing them. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00322-00123327-00123996 But you might have noticed that what I did here is I actually turned any let statements 2K9TMxuNnrY-00323-00123996-00124247 or any var statement into a let statement. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00324-00124247-00124487 Now, var and let aren't interchangeable. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00325-00124487-00124682 There's a reason why we have this new let keyword. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00326-00124682-00124782 Right? 2K9TMxuNnrY-00327-00124782-00124897 It means something different. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00328-00124897-00125322 Var declarations are function scoped and let declarations are block scoped. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00329-00125322-00125533 So that means we can't just change it like that. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00330-00125533-00125784 We have to check how the variable is used. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00331-00125784-00126270 If before we were to define the variable with var inside a scope and use it outside of the 2K9TMxuNnrY-00332-00126270-00126687 scope, it might have been smelly, frowned upon, but it would still work. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00333-00126687-00126949 And now it would actually be a syntax error. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00334-00126949-00127372 Let enforces it so you can't use the variable outside of the scope where it was defined. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00335-00127372-00127916 The good news is that there is a better code mod that solves this. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00336-00127916-00128071 A bit longer. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00337-00128071-00128171 More code. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00338-00128171-00129002 It's Open Source on the web, created by Christoph Nakazawa, and it's called no vars code mod. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00339-00129002-00129498 It does this switch intelligently, checks how the variable is used, and it will promote 2K9TMxuNnrY-00340-00129498-00130049 it up from var to const if it can't. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00341-00130049-00130701 Let's try to see it in action. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00342-00130701-00131380 So here I'm just calling the jscodeshift command line tool, telling it to use the novars transformation 2K9TMxuNnrY-00343-00131380-00131538 on this repo. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00344-00131538-00132247 What it will do -- it will spawn different child processes, just so that if your code 2K9TMxuNnrY-00345-00132247-00132741 base is indeed very large, it would do so very quickly. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00346-00132741-00133437 And if I go in and see the changes, I can see that all my original var statements, most 2K9TMxuNnrY-00347-00133437-00133696 of them are now const statements. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00348-00133696-00134064 But in some cases... 2K9TMxuNnrY-00349-00134064-00134250 Like here... 2K9TMxuNnrY-00350-00134250-00134753 We can see that one of these variables, I guess, was being reassigned to, so it was 2K9TMxuNnrY-00351-00134753-00135712 only able to promote it all the way up to a let statement. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00352-00135712-00135876 This repo isn't one of mine, actually. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00353-00135876-00136319 What I did is I went on the global issue search on GitHub and I looked for people who maybe 2K9TMxuNnrY-00354-00136319-00136669 aren't familiar with the fact that you can do this type of refactoring very easily with 2K9TMxuNnrY-00355-00136669-00137283 code mods, and I looked for any open issues that want to replace var with let. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00356-00137283-00137485 And I found this one. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00357-00137485-00137585 This person wrote... 2K9TMxuNnrY-00358-00137585-00137697 It's 2017. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00359-00137697-00137859 Use let instead of var. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00360-00137859-00138283 Or at least that's the kind of tone that I'm imagining in my head, when I'm reading this. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00361-00138283-00139194 And what I love about this also is that this was opened in 2016. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00362-00139194-00139362 So now... 2K9TMxuNnrY-00363-00139362-00140914 We'll pray to the Wi-Fi gods and try to commit this. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00365-00144601-00144747 So it's really that easy. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00366-00144747-00145154 Now, I trust this code mod, because I've used it before, and I trust the person who wrote 2K9TMxuNnrY-00367-00145154-00145337 it, and it's well tested. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00368-00145337-00145699 But it's not something that you would definitely do as quickly like that. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00369-00145699-00146420 But once you have confidence in your code mod, it can be that easy. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00370-00146420-00146547 Thank you very much. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00371-00146547-00147123 This repo up here on the top contains a bunch of links related to getting started with ASTs. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00372-00147123-00147446 So if you want to get started, this would be something that I would recommend. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00373-00147446-00147722 And also, feel free to reach out to me on Twitter. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00374-00147722-00147878 I have open DMs. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00375-00147878-00148075 You can ask me, tell me if you're getting stuck. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00376-00148075-00148485 I'll be more than happy to help you out as well as here at the conference. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00377-00148485-00148973 Thank you very much. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00378-00148973-00149412 (applause) 2K9TMxuNnrY-00379-00149412-00149546 >> Thank you so much, Yonatan! 2K9TMxuNnrY-00380-00149546-00150013 I have a few questions for you, before we break for lunch. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00381-00150013-00150500 Can you be more specific about the edge cases and testing that you mentioned for these code 2K9TMxuNnrY-00382-00150500-00150648 mods? 2K9TMxuNnrY-00383-00150648-00150797 >> So... 2K9TMxuNnrY-00384-00150797-00151213 The code mod that I use in production isn't this one that I showed you. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00385-00151213-00151391 But the one that I wrote first of all... 2K9TMxuNnrY-00386-00151391-00151878 I got started with one that I found online, as kind of the basis. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00387-00151878-00152316 But it was testing it across the code base. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00388-00152316-00152803 When you're working with a code mod, you never really have to kind of run it and commit the 2K9TMxuNnrY-00389-00152803-00153271 files that you changed, because every time you try to merge back from master, it would 2K9TMxuNnrY-00390-00153271-00153508 create a conflict. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00391-00153508-00153838 So what you do is you always kind of test it out and throw the code away. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00392-00153838-00154167 Until you gain confidence. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00393-00154167-00154592 And sometimes you encounter little edge cases where, for example, the code mod that I was 2K9TMxuNnrY-00394-00154592-00155311 writing was converting define require JS AMD-style syntax into ES6 syntax. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00395-00155311-00155550 And I found people were doing crazy things. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00396-00155550-00156137 A handful of files would return a different model depending on some condition or something 2K9TMxuNnrY-00397-00156137-00156237 like that. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00398-00156237-00156713 So for those cases what I would do is I would fix them manually, write an ESLint rule so 2K9TMxuNnrY-00399-00156713-00157187 that nobody tries to introduce any more files like that while I'm working on the code mod, 2K9TMxuNnrY-00400-00157187-00157672 and then eventually the whole branch is green, and then you can push to production. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00401-00157672-00157774 >> Nice. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00402-00157774-00158224 We have time for a couple more questions before we break for lunch. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00403-00158224-00158774 It seems like the AST doesn't have any style information, like spaces and semicolons. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00404-00158774-00159088 How do you write rules for ESLint to check for those? 2K9TMxuNnrY-00405-00159088-00159403 >> So the A in AST is actually abstract syntax tree. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00406-00159403-00159724 Because originally they were all about... 2K9TMxuNnrY-00407-00159724-00160041 You normally use ASTs when you're working with compilers and stuff like that. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00408-00160041-00160385 So not when you exactly depend on white space. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00409-00160385-00160870 But in fact, all the parsers that these tools use actually produce something called... 2K9TMxuNnrY-00410-00160870-00161352 I guess you can call it a CST. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00411-00161352-00161569 It's a concrete AST. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00412-00161569-00161925 Which retains everything about the original source code. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00413-00161925-00162294 So it knows the location of every character, and it knows white space. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00414-00162294-00162394 >> Nice. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00415-00162394-00162716 A concrete abstract syntax tree. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00416-00162716-00163072 How clever is ESLint for analyzing scope? 2K9TMxuNnrY-00417-00163072-00163251 Does it know about closures? 2K9TMxuNnrY-00418-00163251-00163497 How does it collect scope information? 2K9TMxuNnrY-00419-00163497-00163953 >> So ESLint is using, underneath a library called ESScope, which you can use if you're 2K9TMxuNnrY-00420-00163953-00164426 writing something from scratch, but they really did all of the heavy lifting. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00421-00164426-00165112 For example, for the example that I showed, they're using ESScope to understand scope, 2K9TMxuNnrY-00422-00165112-00165529 and they're also using a different package to prepopulate that variables array according 2K9TMxuNnrY-00423-00165529-00165641 to environment. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00424-00165641-00166076 So they do a lot of the heavy lifting for you, which lets you be very powerful. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00425-00166076-00166472 If you take a look at the source code of most of the built-in ESLint rules, most of them 2K9TMxuNnrY-00426-00166472-00166704 are really, really short. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00427-00166704-00167037 Because a lot of the harder work is done internally, inside ESLint. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00428-00167037-00167137 >> Awesome. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00429-00167137-00167292 Thank you so much, Yonatan. 2K9TMxuNnrY-00430-00167292-00167466 Another round of applause. 2RFjLr92AtA-00000-00000000-00000050 SSP of Indore Ruchi Vardhan MIshra 2RFjLr92AtA-00001-00000050-00000100 first women SSP of indore 2RFjLr92AtA-00002-00000100-00000150 ruchi varshan mishra 2T9t2GaCjEM-00000-00001178-00001633 Hello everyone down here welcome back to know the reaction so we'll be reacting to 2T9t2GaCjEM-00001-00001716-00002225 Logan's new s my movie code asthma movie Bowser Jr's playtime 2T9t2GaCjEM-00002-00002307-00002803 six and this came out an hour ago and finally 2T9t2GaCjEM-00003-00002877-00003470 Logan has brought back the play time all the Bowser Jr's playtime series. I 2T9t2GaCjEM-00004-00003543-00004309 Really missed his series and let's see what this episode is about lo I could tell by the thumbnail dad 2T9t2GaCjEM-00005-00004392-00004714 Bowser jr. Well well acting is 2T9t2GaCjEM-00006-00004779-00004984 locked up or in jail and 2T9t2GaCjEM-00007-00005196-00005396 Joseph and Cody are 2T9t2GaCjEM-00008-00005550-00005791 With mr. Goodman's son 2T9t2GaCjEM-00009-00005855-00006118 so if you guys remember the reaction that 2T9t2GaCjEM-00010-00006192-00006389 I did with 2T9t2GaCjEM-00011-00006389-00006994 With me and my best friend and her brother from Mike a month ago. I reacted to 2T9t2GaCjEM-00012-00007049-00007654 Mr. Goodman's son and I'm really curious of what all the future videos that mr 2T9t2GaCjEM-00013-00007654-00007854 Gloom and some will be in 2T9t2GaCjEM-00014-00007868-00008482 Well, I know that he's in this one, obviously, so I hope you guys enjoy the video. Make sure you guys like comment subscribe 2T9t2GaCjEM-00015-00008543-00008914 Turn on post indications. So you guys stay notified on every single video 2T9t2GaCjEM-00016-00008914-00009457 So what re-enter do know timely instead of hope you guys enjoyed and let's begin 2T9t2GaCjEM-00017-00009602-00009877 What do you want to do today? I don't know jr. It's raining 2T9t2GaCjEM-00018-00011096-00011545 Very flavor bowler water until worth more money than you sell it 2T9t2GaCjEM-00019-00012023-00012370 Joseph's the white Cody's the daughter and we just wouldn't be a family 2T9t2GaCjEM-00020-00012370-00012613 So do you want to play Oh as long as I can be rich 2T9t2GaCjEM-00021-00014682-00014882 With all the time 2T9t2GaCjEM-00022-00016234-00016434 This morning I said chicken 2T9t2GaCjEM-00023-00021409-00022004 Well, why can't you just like probably do chicken or Nuggets 2T9t2GaCjEM-00024-00023913-00024302 Nice family dinner. Whoa second horse in a row man 2T9t2GaCjEM-00025-00025363-00025808 So beer McDonald why they know they sold ugly whatever stories you shop it 2T9t2GaCjEM-00026-00026176-00026456 Well, I know you didn't get them from your mother because she's flat-chested 2T9t2GaCjEM-00027-00028651-00028983 This is where Joseph Joseph 2T9t2GaCjEM-00028-00031083-00031854 Five o'clock tomorrow and what do you know? What do you 2T9t2GaCjEM-00029-00039271-00039753 No daughter's graduation 2T9t2GaCjEM-00030-00043033-00043764 And the first person to ever show up at her graduation are he's already drunk 2T9t2GaCjEM-00031-00050127-00050479 Running from the police grand theft auto not the game 2T9t2GaCjEM-00032-00050538-00050852 Destruction of property not to mention. This is your fifth DUI 2T9t2GaCjEM-00033-00050852-00051254 I know I got a lot of duis, but usually they let me go. Well not this time 2T9t2GaCjEM-00034-00051272-00051535 The judge is pissed and he's trying to make an example of you 2T9t2GaCjEM-00035-00051591-00051791 here in jail 2T9t2GaCjEM-00036-00052928-00053176 Best case scenario six months were good 2T9t2GaCjEM-00037-00053625-00054071 I'll take care of that you sit your ass in jail and you think about what you did? 2T9t2GaCjEM-00038-00054378-00054578 One year later 2T9t2GaCjEM-00039-00054834-00055224 Good behavior the new family 2T9t2GaCjEM-00040-00056491-00056820 Your house this is my house now, what are you talking about 2T9t2GaCjEM-00041-00056820-00057138 Oh you weren't in jail for a year, and you didn't pay your house payment 2T9t2GaCjEM-00042-00057139-00057393 So they put a lien against your property, you know, I paid 2T9t2GaCjEM-00043-00057457-00057738 So now I am your house. Well, what about my family? 2T9t2GaCjEM-00044-00058579-00059038 Yeah, and I bought them too, so if you and eat dinner with us wipe your fuel at the front door 2T9t2GaCjEM-00045-00059062-00059262 Oh and he cursed at our zoo 2T9t2GaCjEM-00046-00060041-00060388 Here you replace me well you were rotting away in prison 2T9t2GaCjEM-00047-00060566-00060783 My life and that's when I met lawyer 2T9t2GaCjEM-00048-00060989-00061183 Look we eat the best food 2T9t2GaCjEM-00049-00061183-00061422 I don't even have to cook or clean anymore 2T9t2GaCjEM-00050-00061444-00061845 Your wife is eating bok choy grapes and crab legs 2T9t2GaCjEM-00051-00061886-00062505 while I enjoy a nice Maine lobster with New England clam chowder and one big-ass fucking 2T9t2GaCjEM-00052-00062774-00063319 Dad can I trade you my chicken for your Lobster your chicken? 2T9t2GaCjEM-00053-00064412-00064605 That's like a week's worth of bees right there 2T9t2GaCjEM-00054-00064605-00064980 It's better to eat it that way than the way I eat it, but you know the more balls the better 2T9t2GaCjEM-00055-00065075-00065691 Oh me and Ken split up this is my new boyfriend his name is pet bridge, you know, like the farm 2T9t2GaCjEM-00056-00066595-00066795 People 2T9t2GaCjEM-00057-00067120-00067635 How you treat okay, all right Sally happy random surprise day 2T9t2GaCjEM-00058-00068110-00068651 Oh Lord your wife so great to watch cuz I'm gonna clap them cheeks later, oh, you know 2T9t2GaCjEM-00059-00068652-00069123 You will what's the trophy about? Oh, it was a twin. Uh 2T9t2GaCjEM-00060-00069211-00069614 Being the best pony the best pony it could be ponies 2T9t2GaCjEM-00061-00069664-00070158 You know what? I just went to the pony store and I bought the pony with the trophy. I love it 2T9t2GaCjEM-00062-00070158-00070736 Oh, well, just in case you're lying to me and you don't love it. I also bought you a pink 2T9t2GaCjEM-00063-00070834-00071156 been saturated in Siberian Husky piss 2T9t2GaCjEM-00064-00071866-00072249 On random surprise day. Okay. I got you 2T9t2GaCjEM-00065-00072343-00072457 this 2T9t2GaCjEM-00066-00072457-00072668 It's the slinky I used in prison 2T9t2GaCjEM-00067-00072673-00073205 It's just a broken slinky, but but it has love in it because I played with it for a year in prison. Okay? 2T9t2GaCjEM-00068-00073309-00073509 in the pony 2T9t2GaCjEM-00069-00075730-00076331 All right, everyone, let's get back to this fabulous dinner dad. Thanks for the card in the pony. Oh, no problem, honey 2T9t2GaCjEM-00070-00076332-00076655 Don't mention it, but lawyer you didn't have to be rude to jr 2T9t2GaCjEM-00071-00076897-00077336 Look you didn't have to buy that pony for Sally Julian wanted to do it. He would do it eventually 2T9t2GaCjEM-00072-00077362-00077943 Oh, he's a convicted felon. Where's he gonna get a job? He's gonna make enough money to afford it 2T9t2GaCjEM-00073-00077998-00078543 $80,000 pony with a trophy look lawyer. They need to be my husband. I still have feelings for him. Okay 2T9t2GaCjEM-00074-00079268-00079918 Don't you ever talk to me like that again dad now that you're hitting mom can I have a crab legs? 2T9t2GaCjEM-00075-00080171-00080668 Squeaky chicken, I don't like squeaky chicken. All right, then then eat your squeaky turkey 2T9t2GaCjEM-00076-00084146-00084373 Subway together oh really subway 2T9t2GaCjEM-00077-00084755-00085257 Subway is the cookies. Oh, I could do it. Go straight to work. What are you doing here? 2T9t2GaCjEM-00078-00085322-00085920 Lobster with a boiler and all that stuff. Look junior. I didn't want to be with lawyer. He's not good to me 2T9t2GaCjEM-00079-00085921-00086078 I just want my family 2T9t2GaCjEM-00080-00086078-00086686 She could solve everything with money and he just can't he can't no he can't look I need you 2T9t2GaCjEM-00081-00086686-00087264 I want you Junior, but I have a drinking problem. I love your drinking problem is sexy 2T9t2GaCjEM-00082-00087265-00087490 I love your ugly disgusting fat body 2T9t2GaCjEM-00083-00089901-00090422 Because I think you guys were about the pork Porky Pig right on this goddamn couch 2T9t2GaCjEM-00084-00090760-00091404 And that means you're not getting because you signed a prenup so here is my 2T9t2GaCjEM-00085-00091551-00092111 Goddamn pony out there. That's my own and I'm gonna ride it the town like 2T9t2GaCjEM-00086-00092185-00092637 Doodle I'm gonna take that trophy stick them and call it macaroni 2T9t2GaCjEM-00087-00092781-00092987 Out there, that's mine, too 2T9t2GaCjEM-00088-00093363-00093746 No, it doesn't even matter cuz I only want you really 2T9t2GaCjEM-00089-00095251-00095546 It really is the simple things in life that matters 2T9t2GaCjEM-00090-00095623-00096113 I miss being rich. I had a pony in a car no meat a hot dog with a spoon 2T9t2GaCjEM-00091-00096201-00096806 no Sully don't raise your voice like that or I'm gonna beat you again hold you you're doing again for old times sake Oh, 2T9t2GaCjEM-00092-00096819-00097019 Sally get over here, okay 2T9t2GaCjEM-00093-00097431-00097655 Tell you something what I'm pregnant 2T9t2GaCjEM-00094-00100124-00100546 Wow, doh, what is the stupidest thing you have argued about? 2T9t2GaCjEM-00095-00100661-00101218 hmm a lot of a lot of stupid a lot of stupid things actually like 2T9t2GaCjEM-00096-00101585-00102028 Like when I argue to dad when 2T9t2GaCjEM-00097-00102209-00102757 I'm like my I didn't want my brother to have like a a remote-control errand or something 2T9t2GaCjEM-00098-00102953-00103130 And 2T9t2GaCjEM-00099-00103130-00103792 And then I started to argue with him for some reason that I'm saying. No, I I get the I 2T9t2GaCjEM-00100-00103899-00104122 get the remote first or 2T9t2GaCjEM-00101-00104250-00104450 stuff like that 2T9t2GaCjEM-00102-00104459-00104591 so 2T9t2GaCjEM-00103-00104591-00105157 Yeah, that's number. That's kind of well, well, it's not stupid. It's just like dumb 2T9t2GaCjEM-00104-00105260-00105437 so I 2T9t2GaCjEM-00105-00105437-00105583 Hope you guys enjoy the video 2T9t2GaCjEM-00106-00105583-00106213 Make sure you guys like um and subscribe ternopil syndications and thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see 2T9t2GaCjEM-00107-00106250-00106468 You guys in the next one? 2T9t2GaCjEM-00108-00106524-00106724 Goodbye, everyone 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00000-00000552-00001094 Kia ora, I'm Michael Lascarides. I am the user experience lead at the National Library of New Zealand. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00001-00001128-00001877 I work with the Digital New Zealand team where we craft web, mobile and data interfaces for all kinds of folks to use, 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00002-00001947-00002677 from family researchers, to teachers, to app developers, to students, to the generally curious, to our own staff. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00003-00002780-00003200 I've been asked today to tell you a little bit about a few of the ways that our institution 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00004-00003200-00003526 creates, uses and shares our collections data. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00005-00003732-00004363 I'll start with a little overview of what our institution does and what it collects. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00006-00004503-00005200 The National Library is New Zealand's legal deposit library and is charged by law with the obligation 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00007-00005200-00005719 to "enrich the cultural and economic life of New Nealand, and its interchanges with other nations." 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00008-00005780-00006382 The library has three main parts: the general collections, encompassing the legal deposit services; 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00009-00006440-00006895 the schools collection, including the largest collection of children's books in the Southern Hemisphere; 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00010-00006998-00007768 and, the collections of the Alexander Turnbull Library, which is predominantly comprised of unpublished materials such as manuscripts and photographs. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00011-00007956-00008200 To give a sense of the size of the collections, 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00012-00008200-00008827 we currently have about 836,000 items in the catalogue of unpublished materials, 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00013-00008931-00009346 about 1.4 million items in the published catalogue 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00014-00009384-00009700 and over 30 million items searchable on our website 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00015-00009700-00010318 and the bulk of that is mostly individual-digitised newspaper articles from our Papers Past service. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00016-00010521-00011137 These collections include books, maps, images, recorded music, music scores, 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00017-00011222-00011776 newspapers, periodicals, manuscripts, letters, paintings, artifacts, manuals, and more. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00018-00012063-00012700 So, to have a look at what sort of data we're generating and how we're generating it, 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00019-00012702-00013500 this is a very, very simplified structure of where we store our data and where we generate data, 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00020-00013500-00013937 organised roughly from most public to least public. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00021-00014229-00014773 Here in the middle are the catalogues, where we have things like 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00022-00014862-00015197 the Papers Past service containing full-text digital objects, 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00023-00015309-00015886 various databases, the catalogue of published materials and the catalogue of unpublished materials. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00024-00016007-00016582 Behind that we have the actual physical collections that the items in the catalogues represent, 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00025-00016668-00016979 and our digital preservation and digitisation services. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00026-00017190-00017615 We run a metadata service called Digital New Zealand on top of all of this. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00027-00017687-00018055 There will be more about that in an upcoming bit of this talk. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00028-00018254-00018622 The Digital New Zealand service we use to generate a searchable archive 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00029-00018684-00019367 and an API data service across all of our collections, as well as that of other institutions. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00030-00019430-00020060 Up front, we have several public interfaces to the web. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00031-00020100-00020512 We have the digitalnz.org website, we have natlib.govt 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00032-00020585-00020923 and under the natlib.govt domain we have the 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00033-00020979-00021463 National Library website, as well as the Papers Past website and numerous others. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00034-00021635-00022189 So what is our approach to generating, sharing and using collections data? 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00035-00022457-00022980 First of all, for the last few years we have had guidance from our government, 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00036-00023081-00023580 starting with the NZGOAL framework for copyright. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00037-00023612-00024094 NZGOAL is the New Zealand Government Open Access and Licensing framework, 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00038-00024165-00024565 and essentially it gives us guidance for how we can license 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00039-00024615-00025234 data and materials that we generate. So this essentially sets the pathway for us to be open. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00040-00025419-00025729 We also look to the Open Government Data Programme. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00041-00025806-00026800 This is a specific program within the government that we are part of that encourages us to share our data online. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00042-00026800-00027331 So this is from the data.gov.nz website, to whom we contribute 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00043-00027413-00027856 and we also release our own data sets out into the world. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00044-00028028-00028700 Within the cultural heritage sector as well, we also look to, not just legal guidance, 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00045-00028700-00029320 but professional best practices, and something we've spent a lot of time thinking about is 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00046-00029382-00030162 the 5-Star Open Data framework, which has been championed by Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00047-00030405-00031070 Roughly speaking, the 5-Star framework gives us guidance on 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00048-00031075-00031775 what is the best practice for sharing our collections data, for sharing the data that we want to share. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00049-00031844-00032476 And these five stars are great for checking on your own data to see how well you're sharing. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00050-00032645-00033400 One-star data is sharing data, but really just putting stuff on the web. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00051-00033400-00033757 So if you put a picture of some data on the web, that's one-star. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00052-00033888-00034800 The end goal is five stars, which is data that is shareable - not only shareable and machine readable, 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00053-00034800-00035270 but interactive - is actively interacting with other institutions outside your own. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00054-00035309-00035668 So, one star: make your stuff available on the web in any format. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00055-00035738-00036300 Two stars: make your stuff available as structured data in any format - 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00056-00036300-00036499 so an Excel spreadsheet [is] two stars. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00057-00036578-00037320 Three stars is specifically sharing it in structured data format in a non-proprietary open format. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00058-00037325-00037714 So this is things like CSV, XML, JSON and 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00059-00037830-00038344 other formats that have open standards that are not controlled by commercial interests. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00060-00038722-00039320 Four stars is using URIs, so basically web addresses, to denote things 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00061-00039320-00039782 and give them permanent homes on the web so that people can point at your stuff. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00062-00039879-00040400 This is permalinks, so that each piece of data, each data set and each item within that data set 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00063-00040400-00040900 has a link that people can refer back to that doesn't change. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00064-00040950-00041840 And finally, five stars is linking your data to other sources of data to provide context and interconnection. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00065-00041881-00042260 So the title of this talk is 'Keeping an Eye on the Fifth Star' because 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00066-00042319-00042726 we feel like we've made progress into the three and four and where we are as an institution 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00067-00042745-00043064 is looking towards the five and that's where we want to be. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00068-00043194-00043514 So let's look specifically a little bit at the National Library, 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00069-00043675-00043875 what we're doing with open data. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00070-00043927-00044600 If you're interested in just getting right to the source and downloading the open data that we've provided 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00071-00044600-00045146 you can go to this address on our website, our open data page, where you can find 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00072-00045253-00045600 downloadable copies of all sorts of data sets. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00073-00045630-00046340 And what you'll find in there includes copies of several of the databases that we use, 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00074-00046340-00046840 so this is things like Publications and Index, the Te Puna Web Directory, 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00075-00046936-00047622 Maori subject headings. These are CSV-format things, so these would fall into the 3-star open data format. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00076-00047716-00048195 We also have some XML data sets coming out of the unpublished catalogue. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00077-00048250-00049041 So this is things like the Turnbull Library collections metadata itself and the list of Turnbull Library names, 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00078-00049041-00049499 so the authoritative reference for things like organisational names and people's names. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00079-00049582-00050240 We also run the Digital New Zealand service, which is many things - 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00080-00050240-00050646 digitalnz.org is a website that is searchable as a search engine, 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00081-00050716-00051200 but mainly we think of DigitalNZ - the heart of it, the beating heart - is the API, 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00082-00051210-00051771 the applications programming interface that allows us to bring materials from the outside world 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00083-00051907-00052125 into Digital New Zealand and to 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00084-00052264-00053200 serve it in a searchable downloadable format as JSON open format data. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00085-00053372-00053872 There's a lot of acronyms going on there, but suffice it to say that what this means is that 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00086-00053929-00054500 you can search our stuff through Digital New Zealand, you can build your own program, 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00087-00054500-00054891 you can build your own website that searches Digital New Zealand 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00088-00054891-00055600 and then you can use what comes back. You can use the items and you can find things, reuse, remix them 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00089-00055600-00056370 through Digital New Zealand, because we're publishing things in an active, real time, open format. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00090-00056600-00057210 So a little bit more about the Digital New Zealand service itself, because that's where I've been spending quite a bit of my time recently. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00091-00057269-00057670 As mentioned, Digital New Zealand is a website, 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00092-00057670-00058377 so if you search for Digital New Zealand on Google, you will wind up at digitalnz.org, 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00093-00058377-00059004 which essentially looks like a search engine and lets you search a whole lot of materials related to New Zealand. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00094-00059210-00060144 But it's really an ecosystem, an infrastructure of many different parts that's doing a lot of different things. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00095-00060358-00060888 The Digital New Zealand service is a metadata search service. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00096-00061022-00061329 We collect metadata on cultural heritage 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00097-00061429-00061912 collections across New Zealand and the world related to New Zealand content. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00098-00062029-00062331 So we have just about 300 partners - 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00099-00062416-00063000 organisations - that we bring in materials from, including the National Library itself. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00100-00063050-00063525 So the bulk of the materials in Digital New Zealand is retrieved from the National Library, 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00101-00063745-00064400 but we do include Te Papa, we include Auckland Museum, 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00102-00064400-00064692 we include libraries from all over New Zealand, from all over Australia, 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00103-00064824-00065400 from Trove, from the National Library of Australia and in fact institutions from around the world. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00104-00065400-00066270 If they have New Zealand content relating to cultural heritage materials, we want them. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00105-00066364-00067120 We bring that in and then through the API we offer a way that you can search the materials, 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00106-00067120-00067900 classify the materials, filter the materials and get to individual items within the collection and then reuse them. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00107-00068062-00068783 Over here - so this is the ingest process - we collate the metadata, we use the API to publish that stuff to the world. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00108-00068902-00069434 People can build search tools, people can remix content, people can build mashups, 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00109-00069493-00069941 and then you can build your own stuff, anything you can think of. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00110-00069982-00070548 We have very open and clear licenses for the use of Digital New Zealand materials 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00111-00070620-00071160 and in fact the National Library is its own best customer for the Digital New Zealand services. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00112-00071160-00071495 So if you go to the National Library website and you search 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00113-00071572-00072063 the National Library's collections, you're using the Digital New Zealand API behind the scenes. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00114-00072406-00073098 So what does this all mean... is that for a particular record of a particular item - 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00115-00073098-00073472 in this case an etching of a red crown parakeet. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00116-00073614-00073934 This is an item that the National Library holds in its collections. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00117-00074020-00074812 We have a page that is represented on the National Library for that record. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00118-00074822-00075480 We have a page on Digital New Zealand through the search service that is returned representing the same item record. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00119-00075498-00075988 And there is also the data behind the scenes, which anyone can use through the API. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00120-00075994-00076710 So if you wanted to create your own engine of New Zealand birds 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00121-00076720-00077426 and have your own red crown parakeet search engine you can use our API to build that. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00122-00077589-00078068 But where we're going is we're building a lot of things on top of the Digital New Zealand service. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00123-00078134-00078550 And we have... we're just about to launch a new version, 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00124-00078550-00079162 so I'll be showing you a mix of screenshots from some old versions and some works in progress, 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00125-00079166-00079588 but probably shortly after this is published 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00126-00079662-00080063 we will have a new version of the Digital New Zealand website that I can share with you. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00127-00080132-00080582 Stories are an area that we're getting into. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00128-00080590-00080996 We've already allowed people to collect things together into sets on the Digital New Zealand website, 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00129-00081117-00081392 we allow them to collect together a list of things that go together. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00130-00081468-00082054 We're going to give people tools to not just add things to a story, but to be able to write 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00131-00082224-00082750 contextual information around those sets of things and to create stories that 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00132-00082821-00083198 tell more of their own story and to publish those on the digitalnz.org website. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00133-00083276-00083918 The stories themselves will also be freely licensed once people opt in to publish their stories, 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00134-00083936-00084164 and there will be an API for stories as well. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00135-00084164-00084638 So you can create things through the Digital New Zealand website 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00136-00084648-00085066 and then be able to access the data that goes in those stories. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00137-00085338-00086066 Some of the other innovations that we're working on for the Digital New Zealand service is to get to that elusive fifth star. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00138-00086136-00086900 And, really, the thing that we're most excited about with the five stars is the idea of linked open data. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00139-00086916-00087764 And, specifically, we're in the process of releasing a new part of our API called Concepts 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00140-00087930-00088660 Concepts is essentially taking a search one step further and adding 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00141-00088660-00089624 definitive, authoritative hooks into the data for particular entities like people and places. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00142-00089740-00090584 So my former colleague Chris McDowell wrote a blog post and did a presentation 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00143-00090618-00091248 which had the unwieldy title of all the various spellings of Colin McCahon, the New Zealand artist. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00144-00091294-00092092 This graph that Chris created represents the number of references to people 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00145-00092092-00092486 that are in common between four institutions: 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00146-00092496-00093116 between the Te Ara online dictionary of New Zealand history, the Auckland Art Gallery's collections, 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00147-00093154-00093530 the Te Papa museum's collections, and the Alexander Turnbull Library. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00148-00093636-00094260 And, as you can see, there's no one single overlap that predominates. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00149-00094420-00095052 Auckland, Alexander Turnbull Library, Te Papa and Te Aro all have different lists of people 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00150-00095102-00095600 and different overlaps in those lists of people. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00151-00095606-00096260 So if we knew that all of our stuff that matched the keyword Colin McCahon 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00152-00096274-00096804 was actually related to the specific person Colin McCahon, we'd have a lot stronger 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00153-00096835-00097479 foundation for making connections to these other institutions with their authoritative lists of people. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00154-00097516-00097824 So the Concepts API is going to allow us to do that. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00155-00097964-00098478 If you're technically minded and you are interested in seeing how we've done this, 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00156-00098560-00099005 we've actually turned the underlying technology that runs the Digital New Zealand API 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00157-00099024-00099587 into an open source project of its own, and I would encourage you to look us up on Github 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00158-00099660-00100502 and look at the Supplejack Project, which is our open source flavour of the metadata harvesting 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00159-00100504-00101550 and application programming interface server to create your own metadata collection and serving service. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00160-00101611-00101975 We are also including a little demo search site, so you can create your own 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00161-00102079-00102632 site very quickly that looks similar to something that works like Digital New Zealand. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00162-00102944-00103620 Papers Past is another very large site that we run that we've started to do interesting things 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00163-00103620-00104062 with sharing of data and setting the groundwork for getting to that elusive fifth star. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00164-00104233-00105159 Papers Past, if you're not familiar with it, is our historical online digitised newspaper searching service, 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00165-00105159-00105746 which we recently - last year - have expanded to not just include newspapers 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00166-00105746-00106126 but to include magazines and journals, letters and diaries, and parliamentary papers. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00167-00106190-00107190 So, essentially, any digitised document that is full-text can now be added to Papers Past by us. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00168-00107406-00108130 And currently the scope of the newspapers collection includes over 300 titles of newspapers 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00169-00108185-00108800 between the years 1838 and 1945. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00170-00108807-00109459 There's about 3 million digitised pages coming - actually, we're coming now closer to 4 million pages. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00171-00109506-00109900 There's about 30 million individual articles that are searchable 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00172-00109959-00110620 and they are searchable within the full text. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00173-00110659-00110970 So it's a massive data set and a massive resource, 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00174-00110972-00111735 and if you're interested in history, and you like reading about how life was 100 years ago, 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00175-00111735-00112168 it's a rabbit hole you can fall down and not come up for days. It's a wonderful service. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00176-00112316-00113005 But recently we took the older version of Papers Past and we needed to modernise it for a number of reasons. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00177-00113078-00113506 We rebuilt the front end so that it works on multiple devices. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00178-00113603-00114200 We also had to expand it to support these new formats, and as we did we took the opportunity to modernise 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00179-00114200-00114800 and improve some things to make the sharing of data much easier through the Papers Past service. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00180-00114935-00116530 For starters, I will bring up a not terribly exciting but fundamental and often overlooked part of data sharing. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00181-00116598-00117124 We talked about the 4-star data being that each item in data has a URI - 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00182-00117270-00117673 has a web address that is permanent that you can refer back to. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00183-00117840-00118380 The Papers Past URLs were quite unwieldy and out-of-date. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00184-00118380-00118785 So they look like this. There was some information in here that was... 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00185-00118850-00119338 didn't follow as much of a structure as we would like and it made it very hard to keep track of statistics. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00186-00119355-00119990 It made it very hard to share. There was a lot of duplication within the actual web addresses. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00187-00120074-00120632 So when we launched the new service we took the opportunity to rewrite the URL. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00188-00120632-00121640 So we went from an old one that looks like this. This represents all of the records for a particular title of newspaper. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00189-00121791-00122014 This is what that URL looks like rewritten. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00190-00122082-00122494 We now have, very clearly it says it's a newspapers URL, 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00191-00122494-00123226 it says what the title of the particular publication is in URL format, and it has the date. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00192-00123226-00123620 So it's easier for humans to read. It's easier to cut and paste. It's easier to work with. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00193-00123702-00124240 And it's much clearer. So as you're working it's much more predictable and much more stable. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00194-00124338-00125264 We followed across all of our formats a structured way of dealing with these URLs. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00195-00125264-00125816 So all the URLs on Papers Past mainly follow this format. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00196-00125880-00126259 So, the format - newspapers, manuscripts, parliamentary papers; 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00197-00126259-00126633 the publication, which is the actual name of the publication or collection; 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00198-00126633-00127128 the year, the month, the day and the page within that document. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00199-00127154-00127642 There are a couple of exceptions for things where this doesn't apply, such as volume, 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00200-00127728-00128085 but largely we've rationalised the URLs. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00201-00128132-00128798 And on day one when we went live we mapped 30 million old URLs to 30 million new URLs. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00202-00129052-00129566 The benefits of this are subtle and a little underrated. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00203-00129582-00130102 Not only are they easier to understand, they're easier for Google analytics to parse. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00204-00130102-00130485 So if we're looking to see how much traffic our website has had on a particular publication, 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00205-00130492-00130949 we can use our analytics tools and just slice through that set of URLs. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00206-00131044-00131606 It's easier for web spiders - so Google's crawlers and different bots - 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00207-00131606-00132060 to actually gather all of the materials on Papers Past. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00208-00132060-00132660 We were realising that some of our articles were getting crawled three, four or five different times, 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00209-00132660-00133540 with three, four, five different URLs, and now there's a single canonical URL that's easier to to deal with, 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00210-00133540-00134154 and that adds up to bandwidth savings that the crawlers are not crawling our site as often for the same benefit. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00211-00134344-00134771 Within the pages on Papers Past there are also things that we've done. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00212-00135016-00135630 One of the interesting ways that you can use collections data is data doesn't have to be 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00213-00135662-00136328 a downloadable database that is separate, or something. You can turn your website into data. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00214-00136456-00136707 So behind the scenes, this article page. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00215-00136903-00137426 This represents a single article within a single news- paper, and there's information that we know about that. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00216-00137557-00138326 There are actually out there a number of standards for this kind of material that you can mark up in a generic format within your HTML. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00217-00138444-00139546 So schema.org is an initiative that several of the large search engine companies initiated 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00218-00139546-00140380 to encourage people who owned sites to mark up the actual source code of their pages to 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00219-00140404-00140872 give a bit more information about what is actually being spelled out within those pages. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00220-00140880-00141226 Instead of just a bunch of HTML code, we can say this is a news article. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00221-00141226-00141548 It has this author, was published on this date in this publication. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00222-00141607-00142405 So the schema.org news article markup is what we have actually used, and if you look at the source code on 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00223-00142430-00143240 any Papers Past article page now you will see that there is some schema.org markup indicating that 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00224-00143240-00144340 this is a news article and that the headline of the article is the headline field that schema.org would be representing. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00225-00144386-00144878 We're not actively using this yet, but if someone wants to come along and use our pages 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00226-00144878-00145348 and understand them, do some research in a programmatic way, 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00227-00145348-00145950 write some programs that download our stuff and look at it, this makes it easier for them to do so. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00228-00146022-00146494 So data doesn't have to be something that's separate, it can be incorporated into a website redesign. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00229-00146646-00147276 And this is just a quick look at what one of those lines looks like. The schema.org website will give you 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00230-00147280-00147930 instructions on how to add this markup, and it's actually fairly minimal and you get quite a bit of benefit out of it. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00231-00148046-00148572 So with all this, just a couple of moments of quick thoughts about what are our interesting problems. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00232-00148572-00148886 What is making... What what are we thinking about in the collections data space? 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00233-00149118-00149822 Well, I think that that we're definitely thinking about how do we get to that fifth star. How do we connect our stuff to other people's stuff? 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00234-00149826-00150234 We're going to be putting the Concepts API in Digital New Zealand into production. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00235-00150350-00151358 Once that's there, we're going to think a lot about concordances, which is taking the canonical name of a person in our collection 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00236-00151358-00151824 and adding and relating that to the same name in someone else's collection 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00237-00151824-00152242 and making that leap so that we can have links going through. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00238-00152316-00152926 That makes liaising with other institutions a very important job, 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00239-00152985-00153253 and then doing the work, going from concept to production. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00240-00153396-00153974 It's both communication with the rest of the world and being a good citizen ourselves. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00241-00154059-00154432 How do we scale up? These are big data sets. We've reached a certain point. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00242-00154512-00154777 We're doing a lot of refactoring under the hood. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00243-00154842-00155436 We're doing a lot of work on the inside of our tools to make sure that they are future-focused and as open as possible, 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00244-00155520-00156105 from the internal engine that you don't see up to the data service that you do see. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00245-00156224-00156424 And how do we get people involved? 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00246-00156510-00157185 We want to be dealing with more content partners. We want more people to use our stuff. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00247-00157307-00158020 We want to do outreach and to get our open source tools in the hands of people around the country and around the world. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00248-00158138-00158338 We need to make our tools easy 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00249-00158411-00158611 and we need to educate people. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00250-00158686-00159230 Some of this is general marketing, just getting our name out there and letting people know what we do, 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00251-00159232-00159998 some of it is education, and some of it is actual active collaboration and partnership, 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00252-00159998-00160398 and working with other institutions and other individuals very closely. 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00253-00160502-00160702 So that's what we're thinking about and 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00254-00160745-00161031 if anyone is interested in following up, 2WFRzYrWl7Y-00255-00161117-00161605 Digital New Zealand and myself are pretty easy to find on the web and please get in touch. Thank you. 2X6Wd7p7cLI-00000-00001000-00001504 My wicked problem stems from the struggle of always saying yes. There's a stigma that goes 2X6Wd7p7cLI-00001-00001504-00001912 along with studying.... All throughout undergrad, I was able to float by in school because I majored 2X6Wd7p7cLI-00002-00001912-00002240 in a subject ... Have you ever felt like you were trying to live your life inside wonderland... 2X6Wd7p7cLI-00003-00002312-00002640 I found that my phone is an extreme distraction that often inhibits my 2X6Wd7p7cLI-00004-00002640-00003104 ability to pay full attention... I started my educational journey after having three children 2X6Wd7p7cLI-00005-00003104-00003440 it was challenging... At some points, I would want to raise and just smash my laptop. The 2X6Wd7p7cLI-00006-00003440-00004461 amount of workload given ... The biggest struggle that I've faced in the most recent academic year 2X6Wd7p7cLI-00007-00004461-00004672 was that it was difficult for me to transition to ... [indecipherable cacophony of voices] 2X6Wd7p7cLI-00008-00004672-00005784 I overcame this problem years later. I can confidently say that I'm really, truly learning. 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00000-00000346-00000782 How well would anarcho-capitalist society work in terms of population scale? 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00001-00000827-00001448 Say for example with different population densities. Mainly the possibility of few protection agencies 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00002-00001448-00001836 in sparsely populated areas turning into protection rackets. 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00003-00001852-00002172 Yes. There are really two separate issues. 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00004-00002194-00002506 One of them is the size of the population and the other is the density. 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00005-00002540-00003002 And I think anarcho-capitalism would work better with large populations, 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00006-00003034-00003472 because one of the things you want is a competitive market for rights enforcement. 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00007-00003520-00003947 That just as with your case of developers of Hong Kong, if you only have 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00008-00003948-00004496 two or three firms that are protecting rights it would be tempting for them to cartelize. 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00009-00004496-00004834 To get together and say let's turn ourselves into a government, 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00010-00004844-00005174 we can get more money by collecting taxes than by selling services. 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00011-00005202-00005438 Whereas if you have a hundred such agencies, 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00012-00005444-00005944 and if few were to try to do that, their customers just leave them and hire the other ones to protect them. 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00013-00005974-00006314 So in that sense, I think it would work better in a larger population. 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00014-00006364-00006734 Now, the question of population density I haven't really thought as much about. 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00015-00006762-00007448 But you could certainly imagine a case where there were a hundred rights enforcement agencies, 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00016-00007468-00007678 but in practice they were geographical. 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00017-00007700-00007992 That if you have a very dispersed population, 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00018-00008009-00008430 it might be too-hard for an agency here to protect somebody over there. 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00019-00008442-00008802 And then that system might be unstable in the direction you described. 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00020-00008814-00009226 And part of the question then would be how mobile the population was. 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00021-00009248-00009816 So you would have a situation where in effect one agency dominates a certain region, 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00022-00009870-00010288 but if it doesn't do a good job everybody will leave and go somewhere else, 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00023-00010304-00010620 then it might be a reasonable functional system in spite of that. 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00024-00010652-00011072 But if you had a society where population was dispersed and it was hard to move around, 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00025-00011098-00011492 then I think you might very well reinvent local governments, 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00026-00011502-00011902 which might be aggressive, rather than have a real competitive anarchist system. 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00027-00011998-00012746 I've never argued that the institutions that I'm in favor of would work under all imaginable circumstances. 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00028-00012786-00013097 One of the things that I've discussed in various things that I've written 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00029-00013097-00013623 is under what circumstances they would either break down due to external threats 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00030-00013644-00014136 because they couldn't protect themselves, or break down to the internal threat of agencies 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00031-00014136-00014338 or somebody else turning into governments. 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00032-00014360-00014696 So my claim is only that under some reasonably 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00033-00014706-00015233 wide range of circumstances it would work, and that where it worked it would be likely 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00034-00015233-00015602 to produce a more attractive society than any alternative that I know. 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00035-00015622-00015982 That's the as strong a claim as I'm willing to make. 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00036-00016244-00016756 Can anarcho-capitalist society prosper next to the collectivist societies of today? 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00037-00016784-00017292 In other words, how high of a danger are government based societies 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00038-00017308-00017564 to those that are market based anarcho-capitalist? 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00039-00017592-00017926 That goes back to my question of national defense. 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00040-00017950-00018318 And the answer is that there are some government societies which are aggressive 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00041-00018328-00018482 and some which aren't aggressive. 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00042-00018760-00019548 My guess is, though I'm not sure, that China tolerated Hong Kong as a British possession 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00043-00019588-00020112 for a long time, even though it surely would not have been very hard for China to seize Hong Kong 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00044-00020126-00020306 even 40 or 50 years ago. 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00045-00020354-00020704 And my guess is they did it because they found Hong Kong useful for them. 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00046-00020730-00021136 And you could certainly imagine circumstances in which the adjacent states 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00047-00021161-00021652 either simply weren't aggressive - not all governments are territorially aggressive, 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00048-00021664-00022106 some governments feel it would be hard to rule other people and why bother, 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00049-00022140-00022554 or in which they find it useful to have a nearby market society, 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00050-00022570-00022858 because they can buy things from them, sell things in it, 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00051-00022886-00023440 and corrupt officials could go there and trade their money for something they can use, and things like that. 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00052-00023486-00023886 So I think there are going to be circumstances in which that would work. 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00053-00023974-00024318 But I've mostly thought about the case you'd have to actually defend yourself. 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00054-00024359-00024837 I have a chapter in the 'Machinery of Freedom' which discusses that. 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00055-00024856-00025196 I have almost finished with the third edition of 'Machinery of Freedom' 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00056-00025196-00025404 and there is a new chapter which discusses that there. 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00057-00025436-00025995 And in that chapter I try to sketch out a variety of ways in which you might be able 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00058-00026032-00026539 to defend an anarcho-capitalist area by essentially voluntary mechanisms. 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00059-00026710-00027182 If you want to know what that is, the drafts of the chapters are all up on my webpage, 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00060-00027189-00027389 and you can go read it. 2Y8QWnIAqo4-00061-00027433-00027772 I think it is too-long for a brief interview to explain. 2YVTXhGWgiM-00001-00004312-00005092 mình. 2YX9o6F5pdA-00000-00000017-00000516 What can you expect the Greater Lakeland Area real estate to do in the first quarter of 2YX9o6F5pdA-00001-00000516-00000616 2020? 2YX9o6F5pdA-00002-00000616-00001130 Today, I’m going to share some facts, figures and predictions that some of you are going 2YX9o6F5pdA-00003-00001130-00001397 to love, and others not so much. 2YX9o6F5pdA-00004-00001397-00002032 So strap in…Here we go! 2YX9o6F5pdA-00005-00002032-00002599 Intro 2020 is going to prove challenging for Home 2YX9o6F5pdA-00006-00002599-00002699 Sales. 2YX9o6F5pdA-00007-00002699-00002865 We are seeing a shift happening right now . 2YX9o6F5pdA-00008-00002865-00003396 Because the Greater Lakeland area is so diverse, and has a vast array of communities in very 2YX9o6F5pdA-00009-00003396-00003876 different price ranges, we have to look at projected trends with this in mind. 2YX9o6F5pdA-00010-00003876-00004539 The good news is, Home owners and buyers alike who are in the $150,000 to $250,000 market 2YX9o6F5pdA-00011-00004539-00004784 will continue to see high demand….. 2YX9o6F5pdA-00012-00004784-00005417 With that, will come continued inventory shortages in this price range. 2YX9o6F5pdA-00013-00005417-00005967 As you can see, there have been 27 homes sold so far in this price range. 2YX9o6F5pdA-00014-00005967-00006479 ALL of which have sold for 100% list price on average. 2YX9o6F5pdA-00015-00006479-00007306 This trend will continue…With one exception: Homes sales will drop..They already have started. 2YX9o6F5pdA-00016-00007306-00007898 Existing home sales will decline 1.8% from 2019.. 2YX9o6F5pdA-00017-00007898-00008325 In the Greater Lakeland area we will see home prices start to flatten. 2YX9o6F5pdA-00018-00008325-00008745 Meaning we are not going to see the spike in home values as we saw in 2019. 2YX9o6F5pdA-00019-00008745-00008888 The good news is we will still see an increase, predicted to be just 0.8% , opposed to the 2YX9o6F5pdA-00020-00008888-00009119 average 3.6% spike we saw in 2019. 2YX9o6F5pdA-00021-00009119-00009272 Wondering why that is? 2YX9o6F5pdA-00022-00009272-00009875 We already know the home Values are staying consistent, which is good news for Homeowners…Especially 2YX9o6F5pdA-00023-00009875-00010704 if you own a home in the median range ..so why the predicted decrease in Home sales? 2YX9o6F5pdA-00024-00010704-00011229 Keep in mind that the entire country is finally unraveling and bouncing back from the worst 2YX9o6F5pdA-00025-00011229-00011656 economic downturn and real estate disaster in history. 2YX9o6F5pdA-00026-00011656-00011847 So who are the buyers now? 2YX9o6F5pdA-00027-00011847-00012467 It’s no surprise that over 35% of homebuyers are millennials (22-37 years old) and nearly 2YX9o6F5pdA-00028-00012467-00012879 another 27% of buyers are Gen Xer’s ( 38-53).. 2YX9o6F5pdA-00029-00012879-00013379 Tight supply with more astringent lending guidelines, 2020 will be challenging for this 2YX9o6F5pdA-00030-00013379-00013990 pool of buyers, who are making up well over half of all our buyers…Not because of what 2YX9o6F5pdA-00031-00013990-00014518 they can afford, but because of what they can NOT afford. 2YX9o6F5pdA-00032-00014518-00014941 Millenials and especially Gen Xer’s are extremely smart buyers. 2YX9o6F5pdA-00033-00014941-00015487 They have done their homework weeks before even calling a Realtor to see the first home. 2YX9o6F5pdA-00034-00015487-00015716 And they are not settling either. 2YX9o6F5pdA-00035-00015716-00016119 Gone are the days of buying a starter home and taking a few years to upgrade.. 2YX9o6F5pdA-00036-00016119-00016700 They are demanding homes in pristine condition, and skipping the all the traditional paths 2YX9o6F5pdA-00037-00016700-00016972 their parents took when investing in their first home. 2YX9o6F5pdA-00038-00016972-00017287 And if they cannot find it, they are willing to wait for the ideal home to become available 2YX9o6F5pdA-00039-00017287-00017692 and put off buying at all until then. 2YX9o6F5pdA-00040-00017692-00018117 This trend is crystal clear in the Greater Lakeland area right now.. 2YX9o6F5pdA-00041-00018117-00018526 Hence the reason behind the predicted decline in home sales. 2YX9o6F5pdA-00042-00018526-00019081 Let’s take a look at the next higher price range and how different these scenarios change: 2YX9o6F5pdA-00043-00019081-00019445 $250,000 - $350,000 We know the median home price in the Greater 2YX9o6F5pdA-00044-00019445-00019648 Lakeland Lakeland area is $227,000.. 2YX9o6F5pdA-00045-00019648-00020981 Then why is the average home Sale so far this year $275,000?, yet home sales are dripping? 2YX9o6F5pdA-00046-00020981-00021203 It goes back to the same thing we just spoke about.. 2YX9o6F5pdA-00047-00021203-00021695 The majority of buyers who are looking to skip the starter homes and opt for an upgraded 2YX9o6F5pdA-00048-00021695-00022126 homes are outweighing the buyers for the lower price ranges. 2YX9o6F5pdA-00049-00022126-00022573 Because there are more homes to chose from in this price range, competition is a bit 2YX9o6F5pdA-00050-00022573-00022748 stronger for these homeowners. 2YX9o6F5pdA-00051-00022748-00023309 I predict we will see a higher percentage of list price reductions for this price range, 2YX9o6F5pdA-00052-00023309-00024040 and also more homeowners opting to take their home off the market for now. 2YX9o6F5pdA-00053-00024040-00024846 In this price range so far this year we’ve had 27 price reductions..Opposed to zero this 2YX9o6F5pdA-00054-00024846-00024946 time last year. 2YX9o6F5pdA-00055-00024946-00025462 We are also seeing a slight increase in total time these homes sit on the market before 2YX9o6F5pdA-00056-00025462-00025562 selling. 2YX9o6F5pdA-00057-00025562-00025844 Quite a huge difference in this price range! 2YX9o6F5pdA-00058-00025844-00026494 Home prices above $400,000 only make up approximately 13 % of all homes in the Greater Lakeland 2YX9o6F5pdA-00059-00026494-00026594 Area. 2YX9o6F5pdA-00060-00026594-00027207 There are currently only 111 listed homes for sale in the Greater Lakeland area that 2YX9o6F5pdA-00061-00027207-00027349 are over $400,000. 2YX9o6F5pdA-00062-00027349-00028016 Of those, only one home in this price range has closed this year..Opposed to 3 homes selling 2YX9o6F5pdA-00063-00028016-00028156 this time in 2019. 2YX9o6F5pdA-00064-00028156-00028689 Over all I am seeing a continued decrease in list prices and increase in total days 2YX9o6F5pdA-00065-00028689-00028795 on the market. 2YX9o6F5pdA-00066-00028795-00029361 I predict we will see this trend continuing through the first quarter of 2020, with an 2YX9o6F5pdA-00067-00029361-00029761 upturn in these numbers starting in the second quarter.. 2YX9o6F5pdA-00068-00029761-00029883 If you’re wondering why… 2YX9o6F5pdA-00069-00029883-00030818 There is a very good reason for this…But that’s a future video in a few weeks.. 2YX9o6F5pdA-00070-00030818-00031235 So the bottom line to the Greater Lakeland Real Estate forecast for the first quarter 2YX9o6F5pdA-00071-00031235-00031614 of 2020 is: If you are a Homeowner, and have a home value 2YX9o6F5pdA-00072-00031614-00032408 of less than $250,000 AND your home is in move in condition, You, as Seller are still 2YX9o6F5pdA-00073-00032408-00032672 in the drivers seat! 2YX9o6F5pdA-00074-00032672-00033123 Sellers who are in the $300,00 plus range..Be prepared for your Realtor to suggest a price 2YX9o6F5pdA-00075-00033123-00033643 reduction or buyer concession if your plans are to sell this Quarter.. 2YX9o6F5pdA-00076-00033643-00034033 Otherwise, you may see you total days on the market increase. 2YX9o6F5pdA-00077-00034033-00034496 For buyers in any price range: Inventory is remaining tight right now. 2YX9o6F5pdA-00078-00034496-00035039 A solid piece of advice to you: Get all of your finances in order, have your 2YX9o6F5pdA-00079-00035039-00035767 lender provide the strongest possible pre-approval letter for you and have at least 10% of your 2YX9o6F5pdA-00080-00035767-00036058 purchase price IN THE BANK. 2YX9o6F5pdA-00081-00036058-00036759 So when that ideal home comes along, you can beat out your competition.. 2YX9o6F5pdA-00082-00036759-00037526 For more tips and guidance, check out my earlier video on my Top Secret methods to Get Your 2YX9o6F5pdA-00083-00037526-00037673 Offer Accepted. 2YX9o6F5pdA-00084-00037673-00038081 Im Lisa Kelly, Lakeland Home and Lifestyles with Premier Realty. 2YX9o6F5pdA-00085-00038081-00038628 If you’re still not sure where you stand in this Real Estate Market and want a free 2YX9o6F5pdA-00086-00038628-00039336 consultation based on your individual circumstances, I invite you to complete the short form below 2YX9o6F5pdA-00087-00039336-00039565 titled “ Tell me about your plans”. 2YX9o6F5pdA-00088-00039565-00039888 I personally answer each and everyone. 2YX9o6F5pdA-00089-00039888-00040128 Curtain Did you find this video helpful? 2YX9o6F5pdA-00090-00040128-00040511 If so, please take a moment to hit like and leave me a comment if you want to see more 2YX9o6F5pdA-00091-00040511-00040963 Quarterly Real Estate Market forecasts for the Greater Lakeland area. 2YX9o6F5pdA-00092-00040963-00041731 Until then, I’ll see you on the next one. 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00000-00000114-00000792 come on in the studio with me friends and join me in this lesson where I share three steps to 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00001-00000792-00001500 an easy soft pastel painting in this lesson you'll see how I use watercolor pencils and soft pastels 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00002-00001500-00002154 together with some very affordable products creating a lovely impromptu impressionistic 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00003-00002154-00002796 painting I thought some blues music would be fun so let's get started but first a quick 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00004-00002796-00003390 shout out to the company hippie crafter they were so generous to gift me with some of their 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00005-00003390-00004056 supplies and I really do like their art wipes I get Dusty all the time so it's really helpful to 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00006-00004056-00004662 clean my hands they're artist tape you'll see me use in this video it worked great and as I 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00007-00004662-00005424 said watercolor pencils for the underpainting I use the art wipes to clean off my hands to 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00008-00005424-00006042 get started and also to clean off my board now this is a DIY board that I made I also have a 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00009-00006042-00006588 video on this I'll try to remember to put the link to this board in the description also I'm 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00010-00006588-00007356 using the artist tape and this comes it's a little over half an inch wide and this comes with three 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00011-00007356-00008208 rolls it is repositionable and acid free now I will share that this is more like masking tape 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00012-00008208-00008826 rather than the white artist tape I often use for more long-term purposes and shipping my artwork 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00013-00008826-00009540 but I love this type of tape again that's similar to masking tape because it's great for making a 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00014-00009540-00010026 border when you're doing any kind of painting like watercolor painting I also love I talk 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00015-00010026-00010674 about this limb tape dispenser a lot because it just helps me to grab things or get the tape off 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00016-00010674-00011238 of there quickly now this is artist tape this is white artist tape that I have on there right now 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00017-00011238-00011964 I typically get mine from Dick Blick Art Supply this one I believe is three quarter inch but this 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00018-00011964-00012474 tape I'm going to go ahead and put put the hippie crafter artist tape which is more like masking 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00019-00012474-00013169 tape in my limb dispenser and it just makes it so easy for me to pull a piece off and tape it 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00020-00013169-00013847 down the surface I'm using is watercolor paper I'm using 300 pound watercolor paper that's on 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00021-00013847-00014519 a block the pages are glued together you can use whatever you have though before I border off my 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00022-00014519-00015132 painting area let's talk about these watercolor pencils I forgot how much I like using watercolor 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00023-00015132-00015840 pencils to create an underpainting and this set from hippie crafter inspired me again I love the 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00024-00015840-00016524 fact that they have so many colors there's three not two but three levels of colors in this and 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00025-00016524-00017208 it's very affordable once again a quality product I really like the packaging too also I'll have all 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00026-00017208-00017736 the links to these products in the description of this video now I'm using the artist slash 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00027-00017736-00018534 masking tape to just tape off a little area and I'm going to be using the watercolor pencils to 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00028-00018534-00019314 just get in a basic sketch now my painting is from imagination I find that once you've been 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00029-00019314-00019932 painting a while sometimes you have a little Motif that you're very familiar with and that you kind 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00030-00019932-00020538 of lean towards and this is one that I create often when I'm just playing and it's basically 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00031-00020538-00020964 just a simple little landscape it's light right here but you'll be able to see in just a minute 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00032-00021042-00021432 um when I give more of the color down I'm just using one of the I believe this is like 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00033-00021432-00021984 a darker green um getting in a kind of more of a foreground tree one tree that's a little further 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00034-00021984-00022608 away a little road or Trail leading the eye in and now you should be able to see a little better as I 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00035-00022608-00023448 start sketching and I'm just sketching in little directional marks to fill in the shape of this 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00036-00023448-00024228 tree and the background tree I'd say I'm pressing with a medium pressure and keeping it very loose 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00037-00024228-00024810 gestural and free now this is going to be covered up I get a question all the time it's why do you 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00038-00024810-00025254 do an underpainting if you're going to cover it up but I'll talk about that more too I'm using 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00039-00025254-00026022 a Chinese watercolor brush I like larger brushes when I'm applying water but you'll see me switch 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00040-00026022-00026538 this brush in a little while it was moving around down too much so I get a smaller brush later but 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00041-00026538-00027168 I'm basically just wetting the watercolor pencil that I've laid down you can see it it makes a nice 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00042-00027168-00027858 green color here now I'm using one of the purples and I'm still getting in these sketchy lines to 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00043-00027858-00028644 indicate the foreground grasses and like I said a little Trail now often when we're first starting 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00044-00028644-00029345 as artists we really want to get everything in like perfect but trust me having a really 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00045-00029345-00030006 sketchy loose style at the beginning is going to allow your painting to feel more painterly and 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00046-00030006-00030576 artistic and it's just a neat way to have a loose beginning now I'm using some you can see how this 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00047-00030576-00031127 brush is all over the place I'm using some of the purple that I already put down to grab it and add 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00048-00031127-00031752 it in other places all right here we go now I'm just using a number 12 round brush I believe use 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00049-00031752-00032418 whatever you have and I'm maneuvering and moving the purple around a little bit um and this is 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00050-00032418-00033048 really just establishing my big shapes and my concept for the painting So watercolor pencils 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00051-00033048-00033624 are great for that now I'm just getting in some blue for the sky and this is what I call a road 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00052-00033624-00034416 map and inspiration to get started and I hope to do another tutorial where I use even more colors 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00053-00034416-00035070 to create an underpainting and maybe not cover as much of it up but I am now going in now we know 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00054-00035070-00035676 that anything that's vertical in a landscape is typically darker even though I got that green down 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00055-00035676-00036150 just to kind of get my general shapes in I'm going to go ahead and darken them up and I had an area 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00056-00036150-00036678 there that was still kind of wet you can see where it's a little dark in that foreground tree I've 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00057-00036678-00037236 got another a little bit of a cooler purple that I'm putting for like a bank of trees that's far 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00058-00037236-00037974 away and once again this is a blocking in stage establishing my big shapes the gesture the feel 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00059-00037974-00038868 and just getting inspired before I get ready to put down pastel so yes I love watercolor pencils 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00060-00038934-00039372 um to get started with soft pastel paintings I also love just playing with them they're a lot 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00061-00039372-00039906 of fun so now I'm just laying in some green and by the way I did let these dry each time I wet it 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00062-00040002-00040542 um before I added another color I used a blow dryer I cut that footage out though 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00063-00040542-00041166 so I'm getting you know my general shape and form here if you're watching this video now and you're 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00064-00041166-00041736 like oh my gosh this looks crazy hang in there okay this it goes through these stages before 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00065-00041736-00042330 it finally starts to come together so don't doubt yourself if you find that happening too I used to 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00066-00042330-00042774 do that all the time I think I'll I'd be like I can't paint what's wrong with me why am I doing 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00067-00042774-00043188 this and then before you know it it would start to come together so I'm just wetting a little 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00068-00043188-00043884 bit more of the this down with the dark color you can see how those trees now feel like the value 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00069-00043884-00044514 the darkness is a little bit better and that's just about it so I got me in a quick oh no I'm 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00070-00044514-00045186 wetting this oh and that that's such a pretty teal color um to get in for some of these uh shapes of 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00071-00045186-00045756 these grasses all right so now it's dry now here's the magic trick watercolor paper doesn't normally 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00072-00045756-00046746 take pastels very well so I use clear liquid gesso and I just make a coating of it um on my already 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00073-00046746-00047478 dried surface and it voila makes your own homemade soft pastel surface the reason is clear gesso has 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00074-00047478-00048060 little bits of sand or grit in it maybe pumice I don't know and it's clear so when it dries you 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00075-00048060-00048822 can see through to what your underpainting was so now I have my DIY soft pastel surface that's got 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00076-00048822-00049536 texture now my pastels will layer nicely and I can get quite a few layers in I'm using the set to the 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00077-00049536-00050166 left of me that is the Unison 120 half stick set I love this set if you're a very beginner pastel 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00078-00050166-00050736 artist it's a little price I see but I'm using it because it's laying it's laid out with such nice 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00079-00050736-00051390 values I put down my darkest kind of burgundy and then I just gradually as the distance increased 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00080-00051390-00051966 I lightened the value of that kind of burgundy color and you see how it creates a sense of depth 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00081-00051966-00052458 the reason is because value gets lighter in the distance and this is just a paper towel that I'm 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00082-00052458-00053040 using to blend what it does is it it softens things and it takes that textural look away 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00083-00053166-00053760 now I've got most of this is real time by the way I just speed up little sections so you see 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00084-00053760-00054294 how fast you can do this this video is only like 14 minutes long even talking about the products so 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00085-00054294-00054924 this is like a pretty teal color and I'm using it to get in some of my darker values and the reason 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00086-00054924-00055608 I used that warm color for the underpainting is often the ground if you're going to put 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00087-00055608-00056112 some greens down the ground is warmer think of it as the Earth and we're going to layer our grasses 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00088-00056112-00056729 on top of it they need something to grow out of like dirt or Earth so now I'm just blending in my 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00089-00056729-00057305 darker values again just speeding up sections now that distant band of trees this is where 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00090-00057305-00057888 you can get fun things cool off in the distance and they get lighter so I thought I'd make those 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00091-00057888-00058458 trees like this pretty teal color turquoisey color and I even snuck in a little bit of it in 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00092-00058458-00059148 the grasses I'm adding a pretty bright green the lightest value way back in the distant field and 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00093-00059148-00059898 um just lightly suggesting it on some of the tops of the grasses now as things move forward they get 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00094-00059898-00060348 a little bit darker in value so I got a little bit more of a darker green I wanted to give a 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00095-00060348-00061134 little bit of the screen to the trees trees are green but typically um but uh that gave them a 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00096-00061134-00061758 little bit more of a feeling as trees things in the sky are usually values are usually darker up 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00097-00061758-00062496 in the upper Heavens so I'm getting a little bit more of a darker turquoise maybe maybe a little 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00098-00062496-00063216 more neutral too for the upper parts of the sky and it's starting to come together already I'm 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00099-00063216-00063810 giving a little bit of a light above the distant trees often there's a little bit of light right 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00100-00063810-00064326 at the tops of the trees in the distance and now I'm just scumbling in some grasses 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00101-00064326-00065184 notice how loose and soft my my pressure is here I haven't pressed hard on anything yet very soft 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00102-00065184-00065814 now I put a little Mossy Green in the trees that's really making them feel like trees I'm kind of 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00103-00065814-00066384 softening that area that got a little dark when I was um doing the watercolor pencils now let's have 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00104-00066384-00067026 some fun with some flowers I'm going to add just some pink flowers this is a super impressionistic 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00105-00067026-00067596 loose painting this I would call it a study just for having fun so my flowers are really 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00106-00067596-00068130 just little gestural shapes don't worry about what variety of flowers they are and I'm trying 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00107-00068130-00068670 to create flowers that some of them are reaching up high some of them are buried down deep in the 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00108-00068670-00069198 grasses and we don't want to create too much of a pattern you want them to have this Randomness 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00109-00069198-00069732 and a spontaneity now I'm going in with one of the lighter values like I said I love how this 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00110-00069732-00070398 Unison set is laid out you can't see the whole set here but they go by color families from darker to 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00111-00070398-00071064 lighter values makes it really nice for painting a landscape painting added some purple if you know 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00112-00071064-00071496 me gotta add a little bit of purple purple in there now I'm adding a little bit more green to 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00113-00071496-00072180 some of those distant grasses carving in a little bit between some of the tree shapes and I'm taking 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00114-00072180-00072912 one of these pastels because unison's around round pastels have the neat ability to roll them to make 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00115-00072912-00073698 grasses I'm rolling and just making some random strokes and creating some life and energy here 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00116-00073770-00074418 and this painting is going to feel fresh and colorful because I haven't overworked it I 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00117-00074418-00074820 know that's something we do often as artists look at that purple sneaking that purple in 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00118-00074820-00075414 there didn't that just bring it to life purple's great in the shadows by the way but I recommend 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00119-00075414-00076122 do more studies do paintings like this have fun I geared this lesson towards beginners I know when 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00120-00076122-00076812 I share beginner lessons they usually get a lot of attention and it really is something that you 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00121-00076812-00077556 can do it's not that hard it just takes learning practice and if you love it if you love watching 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00122-00077556-00078150 these things and you have a desire you can learn to paint it's not rocket science now I'm pulling 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00123-00078150-00078864 off the artist slash masking tape look at that nice clean Edge so I do like the hippie crafter 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00124-00078864-00079518 artist tape for these types of purposes now this is a pastel that's not in the Unison set this is 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00125-00079518-00079980 I have a video on these little pastels called the most most expensive Pastels in the world 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00126-00079980-00080550 they're made by Henri Roche and look at that pink that's probably why they're the most expensive in 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00127-00080550-00081306 the world but this was fun I hope you enjoyed it I hope you'll try it um I thought it looked neat 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00128-00081306-00081912 with the black matte and if you create paintings in standard sizes it's real easy to find mats 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00129-00081912-00082686 and Frames so you can create a fast impromptu impressionistic painting really rather quickly 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00130-00082686-00083190 I hope you enjoyed this lesson and learned a lot and if you're a patron of mine I can't wait to see 2ZxN5_9zhUU-00131-00083190-00084018 your Recreations in our homework album all right everyone God bless and happy painting foreign 2dLaDojVQQE-00000-00000000-00000050 Not Yet 2dLaDojVQQE-00002-00000210-00000610 one more, take 2 // 1,2,3 action 2dLaDojVQQE-00003-00002110-00002400 so... 2dLaDojVQQE-00004-00002500-00002600 i don't know what to say... 2dLaDojVQQE-00005-00003006-00003206 Ellice: Wassap K Fam // Hannah: we're gonna eat today 2dLaDojVQQE-00006-00003300-00003350 Ellice: So today.. // Hannah: We're gonna eat 2dLaDojVQQE-00007-00003450-00003550 We're gonna eat... we're just starting the vlog 2dLaDojVQQE-00008-00003700-00003900 ah, we wanna.. you wanna see the food? 2dLaDojVQQE-00009-00004000-00004150 we'll do a Mukbang [eating show] today 2dLaDojVQQE-00010-00004326-00004470 carbo, Chicken 2dLaDojVQQE-00011-00004472-00004556 Hannah 2dLaDojVQQE-00012-00004636-00004694 Ellice 2dLaDojVQQE-00013-00005156-00005218 kimchi 2dLaDojVQQE-00014-00005234-00005318 where's the kimchi? 2dLaDojVQQE-00015-00005362-00005428 this is the kimchi 2dLaDojVQQE-00016-00005636-00005836 so inspired by 2dLaDojVQQE-00017-00005836-00006034 because someone have passed 2dLaDojVQQE-00018-00006034-00006318 someone have passed yesterday in the Yg Treasure Box 2dLaDojVQQE-00019-00006418-00006618 and that is Junkyu 2dLaDojVQQE-00020-00007138-00007338 cutieeeee <3 2dLaDojVQQE-00021-00007445-00007645 it's advance 2dLaDojVQQE-00022-00007730-00007930 if you're hearing the song... 2dLaDojVQQE-00023-00008070-00008212 it's there 2dLaDojVQQE-00024-00008212-00008412 there's the cake 2dLaDojVQQE-00025-00008804-00008890 mom of Jess: why are you all there? 2dLaDojVQQE-00026-00009556-00009890 so we're gonna tell you that today is sungri's concert 2dLaDojVQQE-00027-00009946-00010146 that is special 2dLaDojVQQE-00028-00010452-00010596 so it's close 2dLaDojVQQE-00029-00010596-00010762 Blackpink's concert is close too 2dLaDojVQQE-00030-00010812-00011012 that we are not going to 2dLaDojVQQE-00031-00011078-00011216 so we wanna show you. 2dLaDojVQQE-00032-00011218-00011304 now?? 2dLaDojVQQE-00033-00011468-00011660 Omy God. Jessica is already 14 2dLaDojVQQE-00034-00011660-00011994 You're already 14.. Then I'm just 12 2dLaDojVQQE-00035-00011994-00012194 turning 13 2dLaDojVQQE-00036-00012308-00012508 so preview 2dLaDojVQQE-00037-00012508-00012630 can it be... 2dLaDojVQQE-00038-00012632-00012682 can't it? 2dLaDojVQQE-00039-00012710-00012802 no it can not 2dLaDojVQQE-00040-00012890-00013060 Hannah: my bias is here in the cake 2dLaDojVQQE-00041-00013104-00013182 our bias is here 2dLaDojVQQE-00042-00013430-00013506 preview 2dLaDojVQQE-00043-00013940-00014108 see, see that, see that 2dLaDojVQQE-00044-00014202-00014852 BP, Wanna One, BTS, Name 2dLaDojVQQE-00045-00015312-00015362 so here it is 2dLaDojVQQE-00046-00015526-00015726 we're gonna eat soon 2dLaDojVQQE-00047-00016498-00016554 Jess go there 2dLaDojVQQE-00048-00016554-00016738 because your cake is there 2dLaDojVQQE-00049-00016744-00016846 what's the connection? 2dLaDojVQQE-00050-00016846-00017046 crazy.. how are you gonna blow? 2dLaDojVQQE-00051-00017276-00017476 so we're gonna prepare 2dLaDojVQQE-00052-00017576-00017658 bye first 2dLaDojVQQE-00053-00021968-00022080 hello, so... 2dLaDojVQQE-00054-00022080-00022350 so we came back. kinda late. we didn't vid the eating part 2dLaDojVQQE-00055-00022384-00022520 We went to DGYB 2dLaDojVQQE-00056-00022770-00022950 so we bought things 2dLaDojVQQE-00057-00022952-00023084 show what you bought 2dLaDojVQQE-00058-00023160-00023360 sticker set Park Jihoon 2dLaDojVQQE-00059-00023386-00023722 Pink Lai Kuanlin strap 2dLaDojVQQE-00060-00024184-00024272 see this 2dLaDojVQQE-00061-00024272-00024346 Lee Jong Suk 2dLaDojVQQE-00062-00024360-00024434 Straykids 2dLaDojVQQE-00063-00024450-00024548 Wanna One 2dLaDojVQQE-00064-00024580-00024694 My Monsta X baby 2dLaDojVQQE-00065-00024718-00024786 that all? 2dLaDojVQQE-00066-00024786-00024892 there's more 2dLaDojVQQE-00067-00024962-00025032 tshirt 2dLaDojVQQE-00068-00025298-00025352 I.P.U 2dLaDojVQQE-00069-00026495-00026610 first look 2dLaDojVQQE-00070-00026610-00026810 my babiess 2dLaDojVQQE-00071-00026810-00026936 so that's all.. 2dLaDojVQQE-00072-00027094-00027182 althought, this is a lot 2dLaDojVQQE-00073-00027182-00027362 it's not that beautiful than what Hannah got 2dLaDojVQQE-00074-00027362-00027545 Jess: wait.. here show them what I got 2dLaDojVQQE-00075-00027545-00027652 Jess' first 2dLaDojVQQE-00076-00027652-00027764 no. You show it 2dLaDojVQQE-00077-00027776-00027856 Hannah: no jess, you must show it 2dLaDojVQQE-00078-00027870-00027920 i'll do it 2dLaDojVQQE-00079-00028014-00028168 Hannah: is it on? 2dLaDojVQQE-00080-00028239-00028332 so the things that i bought 2dLaDojVQQE-00081-00028366-00028506 this.. 2dLaDojVQQE-00082-00028536-00028736 you still have things that you bought, poster 2dLaDojVQQE-00083-00028736-00028889 poster of Wanna One 2dLaDojVQQE-00084-00028918-00029082 then first look also 2dLaDojVQQE-00085-00029154-00029354 sungwoon is the cover 2dLaDojVQQE-00086-00029427-00029608 that's all 2dLaDojVQQE-00087-00029608-00029658 that"s all? 2dLaDojVQQE-00088-00029727-00029900 that's meme right? 2dLaDojVQQE-00089-00029900-00030044 get out of there Ellice 2dLaDojVQQE-00090-00030044-00030244 that's memes right? I have so many memes 2dLaDojVQQE-00091-00030424-00030624 so it's Hannah's turn 2dLaDojVQQE-00092-00030756-00030926 Elice: show it already 2dLaDojVQQE-00093-00030926-00031026 let's tell the whole wor... 2dLaDojVQQE-00094-00031026-00031174 NCT IN THE HOUSE 2dLaDojVQQE-00095-00031194-00031394 so here is our favorite 2dLaDojVQQE-00096-00031468-00031783 dun dun dun dunnnnnn 2dLaDojVQQE-00097-00031830-00031976 i really cried 2dLaDojVQQE-00098-00031976-00032098 it's her first ever album 2dLaDojVQQE-00099-00032174-00032333 woahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 2dLaDojVQQE-00100-00032360-00032504 i tought it's something HAHAHA 2dLaDojVQQE-00101-00032504-00032616 wait. i'm gonna open it 2dLaDojVQQE-00102-00032630-00032695 hey, don't 2dLaDojVQQE-00103-00032722-00032776 no. open it already 2dLaDojVQQE-00104-00032788-00032988 i'm gonna open it already, it's gonna... 2eOCF-6SAty-00000-00000160-00000416 Step Three: Interference with Single Photons 2eOCF-6SAty-00001-00000688-00001152 I'm sure you have already seen the the scenario of a double slit experiment with laser light, 2eOCF-6SAty-00002-00001152-00001272 but let's review it again. 2eOCF-6SAty-00003-00001464-00002176 In this experiment we've got a source of coherent light, so a laser. And it's turned on, 2eOCF-6SAty-00004-00002176-00002920 and the laser light is incident on a screen, where there are only two small double slits where 2eOCF-6SAty-00005-00002920-00003464 the light can go through, and then it propagates towards another screen where we detect a pattern. 2eOCF-6SAty-00006-00003600-00004112 And the pattern that we see looks something like this: we've got fringes of bright light, 2eOCF-6SAty-00007-00004112-00004728 and then these white fringes where there is no light. Why is that? As you can see, 2eOCF-6SAty-00008-00004728-00005288 as the light is propagating through here (follow pointer), these lines, they represent the peaks 2eOCF-6SAty-00009-00005344-00006008 of the electromagnetic wave, whereas the space in between them represent the valleys, the troughs. 2eOCF-6SAty-00010-00006120-00006984 So as the two waves go through these slits, they have a chance to interfere constructively or 2eOCF-6SAty-00011-00006984-00007768 destructively. Where their peaks meet, the wave- the interference of the two waves reinforces 2eOCF-6SAty-00012-00007856-00008328 their amplitude. On the other hand, if a peak meets a trough or a valley, 2eOCF-6SAty-00013-00008328-00009072 then the amplitudes cancel, and here we can see these light blue lines, 2eOCF-6SAty-00014-00009072-00009528 these are the lines along which we see constructive interference. 2eOCF-6SAty-00015-00009760-00010288 For example, here we see the light coming from the top slit, light coming from the bottom slit, 2eOCF-6SAty-00016-00010360-00011168 and they go towards the screen. The path length of these two paths are equal, therefore 2eOCF-6SAty-00017-00011360-00011872 there is no phase difference between the two waves coming from the top slit and the bottom slit, 2eOCF-6SAty-00018-00011872-00012344 and we observe constructive interference. On the other hand, for this other fringe, 2eOCF-6SAty-00019-00012488-00012936 the path length for this top path is a little bit shorter 2eOCF-6SAty-00020-00012936-00013624 than the bottom one. But the phase difference introduced for this case is exactly two pi, 2eOCF-6SAty-00021-00013680-00014112 which again, corresponds to constructive interference as we have seen in the previous step. 2eOCF-6SAty-00022-00014168-00014744 And similarly for the other fringes, for this top one, we have a phase difference of four pi. 2eOCF-6SAty-00023-00014904-00015463 On the other hand, if we consider these other path (follow pointer), as we said, this is where 2eOCF-6SAty-00024-00015463-00016288 peaks meet the troughs, so this is where the path differences are odd integer multiple of pi. So for 2eOCF-6SAty-00025-00016288-00016984 this first dark region on the screen, we've got the the phase difference being pi, for the second 2eOCF-6SAty-00026-00017040-00017376 dark region on the screen we've got the phase difference being three pi. 2eOCF-6SAty-00027-00017656-00018128 Now, let's consider the scenario where we attenuate the laser light to such low levels that 2eOCF-6SAty-00028-00018128-00019024 it's only firing single photons at a time, and furthermore, the level of attenuation is so high 2eOCF-6SAty-00029-00019024-00019736 that we can be pretty sure that there's only one photon at a time between this 2eOCF-6SAty-00030-00019736-00020192 screen where we place the double slits, and the screen where we are recording the pattern. 2eOCF-6SAty-00031-00020328-00020944 So, what happens? Well, we know that the photons must go through one of these slits. 2eOCF-6SAty-00032-00021064-00021608 So, let's try and cover one of them. What do we expect? If we cover the bottom one, then 2eOCF-6SAty-00033-00021608-00022144 definitely the photons have to go through the top slit in order to hit the screen, so we expect most 2eOCF-6SAty-00034-00022144-00022856 of the photons hitting the screen in this region that's the closest to the top slit. On the other 2eOCF-6SAty-00035-00022856-00023416 hand, if we block the top slit and the photons are allowed to pass through this bottom slit, then we 2eOCF-6SAty-00036-00023416-00024088 expect most of the photons to be recorded on the screen over here (see slide). What happens if we 2eOCF-6SAty-00037-00024088-00024680 open both of the slits? Well. they can go through the top, and they can go through the bottom, so we 2eOCF-6SAty-00038-00024680-00025408 expect something like this: we expect that the two previous distributions are just added together. 2eOCF-6SAty-00039-00025408-00025960 Is this really what we see? Well, let's find out. In fact, what we see is the following: 2eOCF-6SAty-00040-00026112-00026792 we start firing photos at the screen. Originally, there's not much pattern that we can discern, but 2eOCF-6SAty-00041-00026792-00027456 as the time progresses, as more and more photons hit the screen, we can clearly see these fringes 2eOCF-6SAty-00042-00027456-00028183 being formed. These fringes are the same fringes as we could see before with strong laser light 2eOCF-6SAty-00043-00028424-00028944 as shown here. So let's just pause and appreciate really what's going on. 2eOCF-6SAty-00044-00028944-00029456 We saw these fringes on the right with a strong laser light, and it wasn't very surprising, 2eOCF-6SAty-00045-00029536-00030080 however here, somehow each individual photon knows that they still need to 2eOCF-6SAty-00046-00030080-00030648 follow the same pattern, still they are drawn towards these bright fringes on the screen, 2eOCF-6SAty-00047-00030648-00031368 and they avoid these dark fringes in between them. This is because of interference of 2eOCF-6SAty-00048-00031368-00031864 different possible paths. Even though we always have a single photon in our 2eOCF-6SAty-00049-00031864-00033008 interferometer, still it obeys the same rules of interference as if we had a strong laser pulse. 2fw6pxJC0GI-00000-00000509-00001315 hello learners I'm dr. Usha Boorker I am a teacher educator in the last class we 2fw6pxJC0GI-00001-00001315-00002001 had deliberated upon ICT in learning we had explored the concept of ICT and we 2fw6pxJC0GI-00002-00002001-00002644 have seen that ICT is an integration of information technology and communication 2fw6pxJC0GI-00003-00002644-00003303 technology we had also looked at the different tools of ICT and how they can 2fw6pxJC0GI-00004-00003303-00003998 be utilized in the process of teaching and learning let us now proceed ahead 2fw6pxJC0GI-00005-00003998-00004672 Sir Peter Blake has said that new technology is common but new thinking is 2fw6pxJC0GI-00006-00004672-00005284 rare with the rapid developments taking place in our society every day there are 2fw6pxJC0GI-00007-00005284-00005869 new developments in the field of ICT but how do we make use of this technology in 2fw6pxJC0GI-00008-00005869-00006603 a classroom is what is rare and hence as teachers we need to integrate ICT as 2fw6pxJC0GI-00009-00006603-00007204 effectively and as efficiently as possible in our classrooms so let's have 2fw6pxJC0GI-00010-00007204-00008017 a look at that we find that there are different stages of integrating ICT in 2fw6pxJC0GI-00011-00008017-00008729 our classrooms the first stage is called as emerging stage of integration of ICT 2fw6pxJC0GI-00012-00008729-00009457 this is a stage which is explored both my students as well as by teachers this 2fw6pxJC0GI-00013-00009457-00010153 is where students as well as teachers discover which ICT tools can be used in 2fw6pxJC0GI-00014-00010153-00010786 the classroom generally as well as specifically the emphasis at this stage 2fw6pxJC0GI-00015-00010786-00011671 is on development on of ICT literacy and basic schools to use ICT the second 2fw6pxJC0GI-00016-00011671-00012465 stage of integration of ICT is the applying stage at this stage one learns 2fw6pxJC0GI-00017-00012465-00013188 how to use ICT tools for example use of mobile technology in order to 2fw6pxJC0GI-00018-00013188-00013780 disseminate information in the classroom so one learns and tries to explore 2fw6pxJC0GI-00019-00013780-00014446 general as well as specific application of ICT this application is done in all 2fw6pxJC0GI-00020-00014446-00015141 possible areas of learning I'm sure you may have heard how mobile technology can 2fw6pxJC0GI-00021-00015141-00015793 be used in order to assess students or it can be used to gather information 2fw6pxJC0GI-00022-00015793-00016483 the infusing stage of integration of ICT is understanding of how and when to use 2fw6pxJC0GI-00023-00016483-00017131 ICT tools to achieve a particular purpose for example if we want to 2fw6pxJC0GI-00024-00017131-00017722 explain a situation where we cannot take our students to then making use of 2fw6pxJC0GI-00025-00017722-00018358 videos is more effective for example if the students of today have to be 2fw6pxJC0GI-00026-00018358-00018904 sensitized to the incidences that have taken place during our freedom struggle 2fw6pxJC0GI-00027-00018904-00019594 showing a video would become very very effective or if we in geography if you 2fw6pxJC0GI-00028-00019594-00020170 have to teach about different regions of the world using videos to transport our 2fw6pxJC0GI-00029-00020170-00020598 students to different places in the world would become more effective 2fw6pxJC0GI-00030-00020598-00021340 therefore infusing stage of integration of ICT involves developing an ability to 2fw6pxJC0GI-00031-00021340-00021967 recognize situations where ICT will be helpful and choose the most appropriate 2fw6pxJC0GI-00032-00021967-00022735 tools for a particular task learners beware do not use ICT just because it is 2fw6pxJC0GI-00033-00022735-00023418 available but use it judiciously where it would be more appropriate 2fw6pxJC0GI-00034-00023418-00024136 so infusing stage of integration of ICT would mean using ICT tools in 2fw6pxJC0GI-00035-00024136-00024838 combination to solve real problems situations where the students cannot get 2fw6pxJC0GI-00036-00024838-00025504 direct experience can be made very real with the help of situating tools that we 2fw6pxJC0GI-00037-00025504-00026169 have learnt about in the last class transforming stage of integration of ICT 2fw6pxJC0GI-00038-00026169-00026839 this stage once again is something that teachers as well as students would would 2fw6pxJC0GI-00039-00026839-00027156 feel where the learning situation is strong 2fw6pxJC0GI-00040-00027156-00027711 formed through the use of ICT better retention of information better learning 2fw6pxJC0GI-00041-00027711-00028227 environment better performance is something that can be brought about by 2fw6pxJC0GI-00042-00028227-00028794 integration of ICT so we find that approaching teaching and learning 2fw6pxJC0GI-00043-00028794-00029391 situations with specialized ICT tools would enable to achieve this stage of 2fw6pxJC0GI-00044-00029391-00030249 integration of ICT let us now look at the models of integration of ICT in the 2fw6pxJC0GI-00045-00030249-00030586 learning process there are two models which we are going 2fw6pxJC0GI-00046-00030586-00031168 to be looking at briefly assure model and eye care model assure and eye care 2fw6pxJC0GI-00047-00031168-00031953 are terms which are acronyms they basically stand for these steps a shared 2fw6pxJC0GI-00048-00031953-00032514 model involves analyzing learners when we say analyzing learners it means 2fw6pxJC0GI-00049-00032514-00033174 understanding the needs of the learner what do the learners require stating the 2fw6pxJC0GI-00050-00033174-00033881 objectives where we need to state the purpose of using ICT in the learning 2fw6pxJC0GI-00051-00033881-00034671 then selecting method media as well as materials appropriate media as per the 2fw6pxJC0GI-00052-00034671-00035355 availability should be utilized by the teacher also we must require learning 2fw6pxJC0GI-00053-00035355-00035820 participation no learning would be effective without the learners being 2fw6pxJC0GI-00054-00035820-00036497 active any of these processes can be successful only when we evaluate 2fw6pxJC0GI-00055-00036497-00037122 evaluation is a feedback to the teacher to understand whether she has done the 2fw6pxJC0GI-00056-00037122-00037699 teaching-learning process appropriately and if required revise it so that it can 2fw6pxJC0GI-00057-00037699-00038352 be used more effectively in the next class the second model is eye care model 2fw6pxJC0GI-00058-00038352-00039021 i stands for introduction introducing to the students the content that you have 2fw6pxJC0GI-00059-00039021-00039576 to deal with connecting to the students now this connecting to the students can 2fw6pxJC0GI-00060-00039576-00040257 be done with the help of ICT for example using glue Google Groups in order to 2fw6pxJC0GI-00061-00040257-00040815 communicate information to the students using discussion forums to have 2fw6pxJC0GI-00062-00040815-00041391 discussions among the students or using chats in order to connect and understand 2fw6pxJC0GI-00063-00041391-00041982 the various opinions of different students planning out an activity one 2fw6pxJC0GI-00064-00041982-00042477 can use cooperative learning strategy in order to have a structured environment 2fw6pxJC0GI-00065-00042477-00043182 of discussion helping the students to reflect reflect on the outcomes of the 2fw6pxJC0GI-00066-00043182-00043683 discussion whether the objectives with which the lesson has started has been 2fw6pxJC0GI-00067-00043683-00044207 fulfilled or no and then extend reflection also gives rise to 2fw6pxJC0GI-00068-00044207-00044805 suggestions that the teacher can utilize in order to teach many more lessons and 2fw6pxJC0GI-00069-00044805-00045576 also utilize any drawbacks to rectify in the next lesson to come let us look at 2fw6pxJC0GI-00070-00045576-00046122 another model and that is called as systematic model systematic model 2fw6pxJC0GI-00071-00046122-00046710 involves six steps let us look at each of these steps in detail the first step 2fw6pxJC0GI-00072-00046710-00047289 of systematic model is called as the problem statement problem statement 2fw6pxJC0GI-00073-00047289-00048033 describes the major problem or issues to be addressed in a topic for example what 2fw6pxJC0GI-00074-00048033-00048624 should we do as citizens of this country to take care of environmental 2fw6pxJC0GI-00075-00048624-00049256 degradation that is taking place all around us problem statement could be any 2fw6pxJC0GI-00076-00049256-00049839 situation from a particular content that you may be teaching this problem 2fw6pxJC0GI-00077-00049839-00050493 statement serves as a starting point for ICT integration plan in order to 2fw6pxJC0GI-00078-00050493-00051027 understand how we should take care of the environmental degradation that is 2fw6pxJC0GI-00079-00051027-00051579 taking place around us we can explore and understand how people in different 2fw6pxJC0GI-00080-00051579-00052113 societies are taking care of this problem this is where the students can 2fw6pxJC0GI-00081-00052113-00052936 make use of ICT then comes our learning objectives learning objectives specify 2fw6pxJC0GI-00082-00052936-00053619 the intended learning outcomes at the end of the topic learners remember that 2fw6pxJC0GI-00083-00053619-00054055 we are using ICT our final objective is to ensure 2fw6pxJC0GI-00084-00054055-00054687 effective learning and hence specifying learning outcomes helps us as teachers 2fw6pxJC0GI-00085-00054687-00055476 to shape our way towards achieving those outcomes learning objective that is 2fw6pxJC0GI-00086-00055476-00056088 mentioned or written down by the teacher should be observable and measurable we 2fw6pxJC0GI-00087-00056088-00056778 can use the ABCD model of writing the statement of learning objectives where a 2fw6pxJC0GI-00088-00056778-00057495 is the audience B is the behavior C's the condition and D is the degree a B C 2fw6pxJC0GI-00089-00057495-00058011 D model says that all these things should be mentioned in the statement of 2fw6pxJC0GI-00090-00058011-00058734 learning objectives okay now let us look at the role of ICT in different types of 2fw6pxJC0GI-00091-00058734-00059427 pedagogical classroom processes we find that if there is a teacher centered 2fw6pxJC0GI-00092-00059427-00060098 approach used in the classroom then the teacher here is a source of knowledge 2fw6pxJC0GI-00093-00060098-00060624 the teacher here is more active and students receive the information 2fw6pxJC0GI-00094-00060624-00061239 passively hence our learning objectives could be designed keeping in mind what 2fw6pxJC0GI-00095-00061239-00061998 kind of approach we are utilizing in the classroom when we are having a teacher 2fw6pxJC0GI-00096-00061998-00062658 centered approach the ICT tools can be used by the teacher for presentation and 2fw6pxJC0GI-00097-00062658-00063230 performance the teacher can make use of handouts overhead projector slide 2fw6pxJC0GI-00098-00063230-00063801 capture in order to retain the learners attention if the teacher is making use 2fw6pxJC0GI-00099-00063801-00064311 of learner centered approach here the learner would be the knowledge seeker 2fw6pxJC0GI-00100-00064311-00064817 the teacher would then just be the facilitator and guide the learner would 2fw6pxJC0GI-00101-00064817-00065267 be more active talking doing in the process of learning and hence the 2fw6pxJC0GI-00102-00065267-00065781 teacher designs and manages the setting as well as the process of learning so 2fw6pxJC0GI-00103-00065781-00066296 our objectives would be keeping in mind the learner centred approach 2fw6pxJC0GI-00104-00066296-00066945 learner centered approach makes use of ICT to help the learner make sense of 2fw6pxJC0GI-00105-00066945-00067214 the tasks assigned and learn what is required 2fw6pxJC0GI-00106-00067214-00067668 so one can make use of worksheets informative and communicative tools of 2fw6pxJC0GI-00107-00067668-00068322 ICT either for individual learning or score small group learning a teacher may 2fw6pxJC0GI-00108-00068322-00068843 also use a combination of two approaches that means she can alternatively use a 2fw6pxJC0GI-00109-00068843-00069212 teacher centered approach and also a learner centered approach 2fw6pxJC0GI-00110-00069212-00069693 so here the teacher dispenses knowledge and the learner has to take things on 2fw6pxJC0GI-00111-00069693-00070191 trust so teachers simply creates the condition for the learner to explore and 2fw6pxJC0GI-00112-00070191-00070974 to discover knowledge so keeping in mind what approaches one is utilizing one can 2fw6pxJC0GI-00113-00070974-00071555 plan the learning objectives accordingly one can also use ICT for collaboration 2fw6pxJC0GI-00114-00071555-00072062 that means ICT can be used for creating a learner centered approach 2fw6pxJC0GI-00115-00072062-00072591 can it K one can use to improve the interaction between student and student 2fw6pxJC0GI-00116-00072591-00073218 student and teacher and here one can make use of Vicky's yahoogroups Google 2fw6pxJC0GI-00117-00073218-00073802 Groups and of course social networking sites ICT can also be used for the 2fw6pxJC0GI-00118-00073802-00074306 purpose in assessment assessment could be process based assessment or it could 2fw6pxJC0GI-00119-00074306-00074847 be product based assessment project is the final outcome and process is the 2fw6pxJC0GI-00120-00074847-00075368 manner in which you have arrived at the outcome eportfolios online rubrics 2fw6pxJC0GI-00121-00075368-00076112 digital concept mapping can be used for the purpose of assessment ICT can be 2fw6pxJC0GI-00122-00076112-00076577 used in the context of learning process also it can be used for individual 2fw6pxJC0GI-00123-00076577-00077150 learning for example computer assisted instruction or self regulatory learning 2fw6pxJC0GI-00124-00077150-00077610 or it can be used for group learning that is through online lectures open 2fw6pxJC0GI-00125-00077610-00078054 educational resources both in synchronous or asynchronous group 2fw6pxJC0GI-00126-00078054-00078605 interaction in the context of learning process one can also use for 2fw6pxJC0GI-00127-00078605-00079098 collaborative learning making use of cooperative structures would enable the 2fw6pxJC0GI-00128-00079098-00079686 teacher to capitalize on the skills and competence of the different learners one 2fw6pxJC0GI-00129-00079686-00080144 can use it in face-to-face environment in the classroom or one can use it in 2fw6pxJC0GI-00130-00080144-00080785 online environment via Skype or chats so we were looking at the four stages of 2fw6pxJC0GI-00131-00080785-00081403 integration of ICT transforming stage infusing stage applying stage and 2fw6pxJC0GI-00132-00081403-00081970 emerging stage so in these different stages we have seen that we need to 2fw6pxJC0GI-00133-00081970-00082573 formulate the learning objectives so keeping in mind what kind of approach we 2fw6pxJC0GI-00134-00082573-00082960 have been using we formulate the learning objectives the learning 2fw6pxJC0GI-00135-00082960-00083590 objectives which is based on ABCD model could involve all the all the four 2fw6pxJC0GI-00136-00083590-00084133 components for example at the end of the topic we may say that the elementary 2fw6pxJC0GI-00137-00084133-00084655 students will be able to verbally describe the present energy situation in 2fw6pxJC0GI-00138-00084655-00085321 India and the ways to conserve it on a mindmap with 100% accuracy so in this 2fw6pxJC0GI-00139-00085321-00085921 example a is the elementary student B is verbally describe C's on the mind map 2fw6pxJC0GI-00140-00085921-00086536 and D is with 100% accuracy so we find their learning objectives make use of 2fw6pxJC0GI-00141-00086536-00087357 all the four components also based on the content we need to select app 2fw6pxJC0GI-00142-00087357-00087892 technologies that can be used for learning the topic now at this 2fw6pxJC0GI-00143-00087892-00088441 particular stage we may make use of software's such as multimedia courseware 2fw6pxJC0GI-00144-00088441-00088963 or we can make use of web web-based resources we can use communication tools 2fw6pxJC0GI-00145-00088963-00089551 such as voice chat textual discussion forums or video conferencing the teacher 2fw6pxJC0GI-00146-00089551-00090049 can also make use of mind tools such as concept mapping tools and multimedia 2fw6pxJC0GI-00147-00090049-00090679 author authoring tools but how does one select technology the selection of 2fw6pxJC0GI-00148-00090679-00091264 particular technology should be based on certain criteria such as why it is 2fw6pxJC0GI-00149-00091264-00091894 needed for the topic what added values the technology can offer how can the 2fw6pxJC0GI-00150-00091894-00092326 technologies support instructional process does it increase the motivation 2fw6pxJC0GI-00151-00092326-00092938 of the students if these criteria are fulfilled then using a particular 2fw6pxJC0GI-00152-00092938-00093468 technology would be worthwhile one can also have some more criteria for example 2fw6pxJC0GI-00153-00093468-00094087 does a particular technology provide you in structural capabilities such as 2fw6pxJC0GI-00154-00094087-00094630 helping students visualize data problems or tracking learning progress does it 2fw6pxJC0GI-00155-00094630-00094987 support for innovative instructional approaches such as collaborative 2fw6pxJC0GI-00156-00094987-00095383 learning or problem-based learning does it increase teacher productivity or 2fw6pxJC0GI-00157-00095383-00095899 student knowledge construction hence knowing about the different approaches 2fw6pxJC0GI-00158-00095899-00096394 that a teacher is going to utilize in the classroom is very essential if a 2fw6pxJC0GI-00159-00096394-00096814 teacher is going to be having a teacher centered approach she would use a 2fw6pxJC0GI-00160-00096814-00097414 different ICT and if she wants to create a collaborative environment the use of 2fw6pxJC0GI-00161-00097414-00098125 ICT would be more catering to collaborative learning now details of 2fw6pxJC0GI-00162-00098125-00098716 ICT integration should be provided separately for each lesson as well as 2fw6pxJC0GI-00163-00098716-00099220 for the entire topic it is important to answer some questions 2fw6pxJC0GI-00164-00099220-00099829 what ICT based resources such as websites cd-rom programs or learning 2fw6pxJC0GI-00165-00099829-00100456 objects will be used for which aspect of the lesson or for which content are you 2fw6pxJC0GI-00166-00100456-00101134 going to be making use of a particular ICT based resources so the strategies 2fw6pxJC0GI-00167-00101134-00101674 for implementation should be very clearly mentioned in each of the lesson 2fw6pxJC0GI-00168-00101674-00102204 plans in this particular model the model does not get completed without 2fw6pxJC0GI-00169-00102204-00103075 reflection and further suggestion using an ICT integrated lesson to to conduct a 2fw6pxJC0GI-00170-00103075-00103569 particular or to teach a particular content is incomplete without reflection 2fw6pxJC0GI-00171-00103569-00104245 reflection enables us to focus on certain things was the technology that 2fw6pxJC0GI-00172-00104245-00104881 was utilized appropriate what are the advantages or the strengths of using a 2fw6pxJC0GI-00173-00104881-00105313 particular type of technology what is the limitation of using a particular 2fw6pxJC0GI-00174-00105313-00105925 type of technology what can be done to possibly improve what if the technology 2fw6pxJC0GI-00175-00105925-00106480 fails in the classroom what if you do not get the appropriate resources in the 2fw6pxJC0GI-00176-00106480-00106963 classroom so what is going to be your backup plan what is going to be your 2fw6pxJC0GI-00177-00106963-00107430 contingency plan these things have to be reflected upon and these 2fw6pxJC0GI-00178-00107430-00107869 suggestions need to be integrated in the further lessons that one is going to be 2fw6pxJC0GI-00179-00107869-00108778 conducting using ICT is not a magic and when a teacher makes use of ICT in the 2fw6pxJC0GI-00180-00108778-00109072 classroom she need not be always successful 2fw6pxJC0GI-00181-00109072-00109690 so reflections help us to deliberate upon certain things that a teacher can 2fw6pxJC0GI-00182-00109690-00110416 do in the classroom that is she can look at the possible suggestions moreover it 2fw6pxJC0GI-00183-00110416-00110955 is essential to keep in mind different kinds of students require different 2fw6pxJC0GI-00184-00110955-00111607 kinds of ICT tools so then what could be the alternative technology could there 2fw6pxJC0GI-00185-00111607-00112042 be different instructional methods and activities what will be the assessment 2fw6pxJC0GI-00186-00112042-00112627 approaches and what would be the ways to improve the integration of ICT at this 2fw6pxJC0GI-00187-00112627-00113071 Junction it is necessary to remember that a teacher is going to be a 2fw6pxJC0GI-00188-00113071-00113847 classroom manager managing her teaching teaching learning process as well as ICT 2fw6pxJC0GI-00189-00113847-00114555 let us then deliberate on the use of ICT in the assessment process till now we 2fw6pxJC0GI-00190-00114555-00115102 have seen how ICT can be integrated in a teaching learning process but no 2fw6pxJC0GI-00191-00115102-00115600 teaching learning process is complete without the assessment process so cannot 2fw6pxJC0GI-00192-00115600-00116265 eater use ICT in the assessment process and if yes then what are the benefits of 2fw6pxJC0GI-00193-00116265-00116866 integration of ICT in the assessment process the first benefit is it gives 2fw6pxJC0GI-00194-00116866-00117421 flexibility to whom to the students students can take part in formative as 2fw6pxJC0GI-00195-00117421-00118002 well as summative assessment at any time any place without any task restriction 2fw6pxJC0GI-00196-00118002-00118680 geographical distances or separations due to time can be taken care by using 2fw6pxJC0GI-00197-00118680-00119365 ICT on demand examinations is one such example of the flexibility that students 2fw6pxJC0GI-00198-00119365-00120191 can have in assessment as a result of using ICT in the assessment process also 2fw6pxJC0GI-00199-00120191-00120535 assessment can be used as a tool for learning 2fw6pxJC0GI-00200-00120535-00120974 the students haven't have enough opportunity of learning while English in 2fw6pxJC0GI-00201-00120974-00121561 such assessment tasks or processes most tests serving systems offer profound 2fw6pxJC0GI-00202-00121561-00122069 feedback and students progress is also available online due to which learning 2fw6pxJC0GI-00203-00122069-00122774 is enhanced the feedback is immediate also such systems provide clarifications 2fw6pxJC0GI-00204-00122774-00123356 to students errors the students are able to analyze their own progress in a more 2fw6pxJC0GI-00205-00123356-00124232 effective manner benefit of integrating ICT in the assessment process shifts the 2fw6pxJC0GI-00206-00124232-00124676 responsibility of students for their learning the students are made 2fw6pxJC0GI-00207-00124676-00125129 responsible for their learning and flexibility is one condition for giving 2fw6pxJC0GI-00208-00125129-00125774 more responsibility to the learner when I am ready as a learner I can ask 2fw6pxJC0GI-00209-00125774-00126305 for an examination and that is what on-demand examination is all about so if 2fw6pxJC0GI-00210-00126305-00126905 a learner feels he has not been he's not prepared up to the mark he can defer 2fw6pxJC0GI-00211-00126905-00127532 from taking the examination a second condition is sharing responsibility in 2fw6pxJC0GI-00212-00127532-00128010 the process of assessment the use of electronic peer assessment and 2fw6pxJC0GI-00213-00128010-00128513 electronic portfolios are example of electronic assessment methods that are 2fw6pxJC0GI-00214-00128513-00129116 in line with this principle so peer assessment helps enables an individual 2fw6pxJC0GI-00215-00129116-00129797 to perform much better assessment can take place both of product as well as 2fw6pxJC0GI-00216-00129797-00130352 process in most electronic portfolios as well as electronic peer assessment 2fw6pxJC0GI-00217-00130352-00130810 systems product that is the final outcome of learning as well as the 2fw6pxJC0GI-00218-00130810-00131342 process assessment is done another very significant benefit of integration of 2fw6pxJC0GI-00219-00131342-00131804 ICT in the assessment processes an opportunity to use a variety of 2fw6pxJC0GI-00220-00131804-00132347 assessment instruments ICT enhances the permanent availability of a set of 2fw6pxJC0GI-00221-00132347-00132829 different assessments instruments starting from measuring knowledge 2fw6pxJC0GI-00222-00132829-00133292 reproduction by standardized tests - the assessment of skills by electronic 2fw6pxJC0GI-00223-00133292-00133769 portfolios or pure assessment systems authentic City of assessment is very 2fw6pxJC0GI-00224-00133769-00134227 high when we make use of ICT in the assessment process one can 2fw6pxJC0GI-00225-00134227-00134818 utilize real-life cases electronic simulation games etc which are available 2fw6pxJC0GI-00226-00134818-00135280 online it makes it feasible to access different aspects of students 2fw6pxJC0GI-00227-00135280-00135808 competencies in a authentic way in the assessment process the student is active 2fw6pxJC0GI-00228-00135808-00136213 participant when ICT is used one aspect of this is 2fw6pxJC0GI-00229-00136213-00136723 the students responsibility to develop criteria for assessment through 2fw6pxJC0GI-00230-00136723-00137167 interaction and discussion with teachers so electronic peer assessment is one 2fw6pxJC0GI-00231-00137167-00137695 example a second aspect is the use of assessment tasks that are students to 2fw6pxJC0GI-00232-00137695-00138214 actively construct a solution to the task examples are online simulations and 2fw6pxJC0GI-00233-00138214-00138787 electronic case based assessment instruments so to conclude we can say 2fw6pxJC0GI-00234-00138787-00139471 that teaching in the internet age means we must teach tomorrow's skill today in 2fw6pxJC0GI-00235-00139471-00140116 today's class so we have seen the use of ICT the integration of ICT in the 2fw6pxJC0GI-00236-00140116-00140674 teaching learning process that is in pedagogy x' we have also looked at the 2fw6pxJC0GI-00237-00140674-00141301 use of ICT for collaborative purpose and for the purpose of assessment we also 2fw6pxJC0GI-00238-00141301-00141946 looked at the different models of integrating ICT and we saw that at every 2fw6pxJC0GI-00239-00141946-00142651 stage every model takes care of the learners needs takes our takes care of 2fw6pxJC0GI-00240-00142651-00143320 the learners need and also utilizes reflections and suggestions to make the 2fw6pxJC0GI-00241-00143320-00143914 further learning more better and effective integrating ICT in learning 2fw6pxJC0GI-00242-00143914-00144604 once again is something that as teachers we need to continuously develop let us 2fw6pxJC0GI-00243-00144604-00145258 keep in mind that most of us who have become teachers today are individuals 2fw6pxJC0GI-00244-00145258-00145822 who were probably born in an era when there was no internet but we are 2fw6pxJC0GI-00245-00145822-00146326 teaching those students who are born in an era where the internet has been there 2fw6pxJC0GI-00246-00146326-00146902 so these students are actually digital natives and we teachers are digital 2fw6pxJC0GI-00247-00146902-00147524 migrants and hasn't it is essential keep in mind the needs of at each of our 2fw6pxJC0GI-00248-00147524-00148016 students today so once again I would like to say what Jennifer 2fw6pxJC0GI-00249-00148016-00148430 Fleming has said the teaching in the Internet age means we must teach 2fw6pxJC0GI-00250-00148430-00149011 tomorrow's skills today's and for that purpose a teacher has to be equipped and 2fw6pxJC0GI-00251-00149011-00149657 about ICT and know how ICT can be used and integrated in your day to day 2fw6pxJC0GI-00252-00149657-00150118 teaching learning process thank you 2gDNQsvkoyc-00000-00000664-00000764 DEMOCRATS ARE SCREWED! 2gDNQsvkoyc-00001-00000764-00000955 Harry Reid Just Admitted Why They are DOOMED in 2020. 2gDNQsvkoyc-00002-00000955-00001055 By Danny Gold. 2gDNQsvkoyc-00003-00001055-00001525 Senator Harry Reid may be one of the oldest and most powerful Democrats, but that does 2gDNQsvkoyc-00004-00001525-00001782 NOT mean he is happy with his party. 2gDNQsvkoyc-00005-00001782-00002322 In fact today he revealed why he thinks his own party is SCREWED for the 2020 Presidential 2gDNQsvkoyc-00006-00002322-00002422 election. 2gDNQsvkoyc-00007-00002422-00002705 �IT APPEARS WE�RE GOING TO HAVE AN OLD-FOLKS� HOME. 2gDNQsvkoyc-00008-00002705-00003188 WE�VE GOT [ELIZABETH] WARREN; SHE�LL BE 71. 2gDNQsvkoyc-00009-00003188-00003382 BIDEN WILL BE 78. 2gDNQsvkoyc-00010-00003382-00003667 BERNIE [SANDERS] WILL BE 79.� 2gDNQsvkoyc-00011-00003667-00003767 Damn! 2gDNQsvkoyc-00012-00003767-00004296 That�s pretty sad that the Democrats have NO rising stars left, only a bunch of people 2gDNQsvkoyc-00013-00004296-00004414 in their 70�s! 2gDNQsvkoyc-00014-00004414-00005077 Don�t get me wrong; Trump is not young, but we also have Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Paul 2gDNQsvkoyc-00015-00005077-00005510 Ryan, and tons of other young people as top Republicans. 2gDNQsvkoyc-00016-00005510-00005711 This is VERY interesting. 2gDNQsvkoyc-00017-00005711-00006250 Harry Reid has shown us that despite capturing the youth vote, no young people actually want 2gDNQsvkoyc-00018-00006250-00006450 to be Democrats! 2gDNQsvkoyc-00019-00006450-00006578 Why would they? 2gDNQsvkoyc-00020-00006578-00006995 The Democrats have screwed up so much and are a broken party now. 2gDNQsvkoyc-00021-00006995-00007465 Not only that but the LAST rising star of their party was a man named Anthony Weiner 2gDNQsvkoyc-00022-00007465-00007703 and we ALL know how that worked out. 2gDNQsvkoyc-00023-00007703-00008322 So, while it�s obviously still too early to celebrate 2020 just yet, we don�t wanna 2gDNQsvkoyc-00024-00008322-00008806 look dumb like Hillary Clinton did when she lost, after all, it is safe to say that the 2gDNQsvkoyc-00025-00008806-00010125 next 8 years are looking very, VERY red! 2j-HIIP9k-c-00000-00000000-00000911 what's going on everybody welcome back to 909 adventures man we're hiking to the uh la-88 nike 2j-HIIP9k-c-00001-00000911-00001664 missile site and the uh the road that you have to hike is pretty steep and we're not exactly 2j-HIIP9k-c-00002-00001664-00002688 in shape luckily i lost a little bit of weight this past month on this diet i've been on so 2j-HIIP9k-c-00003-00002832-00003440 i'm sure would have been a little bit tougher if i hadn't done that it's windy as heck out here 2j-HIIP9k-c-00004-00003720-00004024 wasn't planning for that i was hoping it wasn't going to be windy but 2j-HIIP9k-c-00005-00004248-00004920 yeah but check out this view guys it's pretty awesome you can't really see too much but if 2j-HIIP9k-c-00006-00004920-00005536 you guys follow us on instagram i probably would have by now post some pictures and uh 2j-HIIP9k-c-00007-00005632-00005904 you guys will see what i'm talking about but uh 2j-HIIP9k-c-00008-00006080-00006752 sorry guys trying to catch my breath um this is the uh episode where we're gonna start the funko 2j-HIIP9k-c-00009-00006752-00007304 pop giveaway yeah in case you guys haven't heard about it or didn't see the last video 2j-HIIP9k-c-00010-00007488-00007984 give me a second we're gonna give away a funko pop it's a wanda vision 2j-HIIP9k-c-00011-00007984-00008680 this month yeah for this month so we have a video coming out today which is monday 2j-HIIP9k-c-00012-00008784-00009440 i forget the exact dates right now guys then we're gonna have one come out thursday and between the 2j-HIIP9k-c-00013-00009440-00010248 two you guys are gonna be able to enter to win this pop uh all you guys got to do i'm sorry guys 2j-HIIP9k-c-00014-00010480-00011000 all you guys got to do is find the pop somewhere within this video i got it right 2j-HIIP9k-c-00015-00011000-00011592 here in my backpack i'm just going to randomly place her she's going to be in the background 2j-HIIP9k-c-00016-00011712-00012160 and uh you just got you guys got to find her it's like a little uh little treasure 2j-HIIP9k-c-00017-00012160-00012776 hunt yeah sorry if it's windy but um yeah if you guys can find her you just comment the uh 2j-HIIP9k-c-00018-00012856-00013504 the time that you guys see her everybody's eligible to uh enter the drawing so if uh 2j-HIIP9k-c-00019-00013680-00014232 if you guys can find her comment the time and if you guys share that'll account for two entries 2j-HIIP9k-c-00020-00014232-00014736 if you guys will share it just comment the time and then where you shared it if you guys share 2j-HIIP9k-c-00021-00014736-00015312 it in more than one place that'll account for whatever amount of entries you guys want but uh 2j-HIIP9k-c-00022-00015432-00016984 let's just get this video started so i can catch my breath guys 2j-HIIP9k-c-00023-00019440-00019816 i know you guys can't tell but man that's a steep grade 2j-HIIP9k-c-00024-00019936-00021184 some of you who've done this already knows what i'm talking about 2j-HIIP9k-c-00025-00026504-00026783 hopefully 2j-HIIP9k-c-00026-00027048-00027752 now this is one of the buildings here i don't know exactly what this building was used for but maybe 2j-HIIP9k-c-00027-00027752-00028504 we could find out together huh look that's kind of weird this looks like this was a shower at 2j-HIIP9k-c-00028-00028504-00029144 one point well maybe not they got a uh electrical box there but it's kind of funny because there's 2j-HIIP9k-c-00029-00029144-00030152 a drain right there brit's got a big floodlight so i already called out made sure nobody was in here 2j-HIIP9k-c-00030-00030152-00030983 it doesn't mean nobody's hiding what's that yeah and it's because there's no wind 2j-HIIP9k-c-00031-00031232-00031776 and we are loaded up with our stickers today guys so we're gonna be sticking the place up 2j-HIIP9k-c-00032-00031976-00032944 hopefully there's nobody see i don't see really much of anything to 2j-HIIP9k-c-00033-00033560-00033784 this door is closed 2j-HIIP9k-c-00034-00034976-00035680 some air conditioning ducting oh what that blue oh that i'll show you guys 2j-HIIP9k-c-00035-00035680-00036032 i thought she was talking about that blue thing i was gonna say it looks like a 2j-HIIP9k-c-00036-00036032-00036728 compressor tank but yeah it's probably like air conditioning old uh evaporative cooling system 2j-HIIP9k-c-00037-00037328-00037664 not much in here to see looks like these were maybe a 2j-HIIP9k-c-00038-00037792-00037984 rack standing up at one point against the wall 2j-HIIP9k-c-00039-00038320-00038504 let's go check out what that room is 2j-HIIP9k-c-00040-00038744-00039384 what is that a little dishwasher yeah it looks like an old dishwasher 2j-HIIP9k-c-00041-00040688-00040784 let's see what else 2j-HIIP9k-c-00042-00041328-00041528 yeah yeah that's really it for this room huh 2j-HIIP9k-c-00043-00042008-00042280 i don't know if anybody knows what this is comment down below 2j-HIIP9k-c-00044-00042400-00042768 we'd like to know what it is too sorry if the camera footage is shaky again guys 2j-HIIP9k-c-00045-00043056-00043584 all right let's move on let's see what else we can find 2j-HIIP9k-c-00046-00043864-00044424 smells a lot like wd-40 in here you guys know what that is i'm sure 2j-HIIP9k-c-00047-00044424-00044984 everybody 2j-HIIP9k-c-00048-00045736-00046384 so 2j-HIIP9k-c-00049-00050696-00051384 oh man this one's terrible guys man i again chose the wrong day to come out here and do this 2j-HIIP9k-c-00050-00051464-00052079 i was going to come out here thursday i figured i'd wait till the weekend so uh probably wanted to 2j-HIIP9k-c-00051-00052079-00053384 go so come with us and i shouldn't have waited because it wasn't windy thursday today it is 2j-HIIP9k-c-00052-00056296-00056496 i don't know why i like this stuff so much 2j-HIIP9k-c-00053-00056679-00057584 look at an old heater now you think that little heater would heat this whole place up i don't know 2j-HIIP9k-c-00054-00060455-00061784 heck yeah that's my favorite donald duck 2j-HIIP9k-c-00055-00062608-00063352 it is super windy today guys so i know i keep saying this but camera footage is pretty shaky 2j-HIIP9k-c-00056-00063416-00064584 i apologize about that but i mean i'm gonna say this wind is at least 30 miles an hour today 2j-HIIP9k-c-00057-00065504-00065984 not very much to see in here 2j-HIIP9k-c-00058-00068488-00069336 i know some of the buildings here we're gonna uh fire a couple of times and that's why there's 2j-HIIP9k-c-00059-00069336-00070184 hardly anything left i mean there's a lot more here to explore than i was expecting 2j-HIIP9k-c-00060-00072264-00072984 so 2j-HIIP9k-c-00061-00073424-00074384 now people are using poles and stuff to get down there 2j-HIIP9k-c-00062-00080848-00081384 oh there it is 2j-HIIP9k-c-00063-00084040-00084632 all right guys that's gonna do it for the la-88 nike missile site uh man that hike was crazy it 2j-HIIP9k-c-00064-00084632-00085184 was uh it was pretty steep going up there we were out of breath it was even more awkward coming back 2j-HIIP9k-c-00065-00085184-00085704 down but uh we were here for a good two and a half hours and right when we got to the uh 2j-HIIP9k-c-00066-00085704-00086360 the hatch to go underneath it was just all signs were pointing to not go down there it smelled like 2j-HIIP9k-c-00067-00086360-00086960 there had been a fire in there it was it smelled burnt uh my phone had actually died it said it had 2j-HIIP9k-c-00068-00086960-00087680 like 30 left and then when i looked at the phone it was off so everything was just saying not to 2j-HIIP9k-c-00069-00087680-00088272 go down there so we didn't go down there but we will be back probably when it's not windy a little 2j-HIIP9k-c-00070-00088272-00088912 bit warmer to check out what's down there and um again guys if you guys have found the the funko 2j-HIIP9k-c-00071-00088912-00089464 pop and you guys have made it this far go ahead and comment the time that you found the uh the pop 2j-HIIP9k-c-00072-00089464-00090064 at and also if you guys shared it just comment shared next to the time if you guys have shared 2j-HIIP9k-c-00073-00090064-00090664 it in more than one place um comment the places that you shared it too and each place that you 2j-HIIP9k-c-00074-00090664-00091280 share it to will actually qualify you for is um each one will be at its own entry so if you 2j-HIIP9k-c-00075-00091280-00091736 comment the time and you shared it in two places that'll be a total of three entries for you guys 2j-HIIP9k-c-00076-00091864-00092360 and one more thing i think i'm going to do this with each one of our giveaways 2j-HIIP9k-c-00077-00092456-00093088 if you guys have made it this far comment the black heart emoji that'll qualify you guys 2j-HIIP9k-c-00078-00093088-00093720 also for a secondary giveaway um i have not announced what it is and uh we'll 2j-HIIP9k-c-00079-00093800-00094264 we'll figure something out for you guys i think i'm going to call you guys that watch till the end 2j-HIIP9k-c-00080-00094264-00094936 the end of the line club so um maybe you guys will be the first member of the end of the line club 2j-HIIP9k-c-00081-00094992-00095544 but again guys share this video help us grow our channel subscribe if you haven't already 2j-HIIP9k-c-00082-00095544-00096784 done so and please make sure you like the video thank you guys for watching 2j-HIIP9k-c-00083-00098608-00098658 you 2n5Acu_seVg-00000-00000149-00000500 Because lionfish don't fear anything they're actually extremely easy to 2n5Acu_seVg-00001-00000500-00000975 harvest. They're not a quick-moving fish. You go in with your sling and if you 2n5Acu_seVg-00002-00000975-00001319 have a proper way to store them you can successfully harvest your own lionfish. 2n5Acu_seVg-00003-00001319-00001764 Florida Fish and Wildlife has made it very easy for individuals to get a 2n5Acu_seVg-00004-00001764-00002151 license that allows them to sell their catch to a licensed wholesaler so you 2n5Acu_seVg-00005-00002151-00002613 can sell directly to them with an SPL. You also can keep a few fish for 2n5Acu_seVg-00006-00002613-00002955 yourself or keep all the fish bring it to your house and have a big cookout for 2n5Acu_seVg-00007-00002955-00003404 all your friends. You can go out and just have the fulfillment and reward knowing 2n5Acu_seVg-00008-00003404-00004053 that you've helped a specific reef get back to its normal ticking. We as divers 2n5Acu_seVg-00009-00004053-00004457 need to go out and pull these fish off the reefs anywhere we can. That'll 2n5Acu_seVg-00010-00004457-00004905 hopefully get that into restaurants and grocery stores and more people get to 2n5Acu_seVg-00011-00004905-00005451 try it and be a part of this movement to eradicate a species that doesn't belong 2n5Acu_seVg-00012-00005451-00006147 here. 30Pytn4sxZc-00000-00000084-00000942 Hello and a great big WELCOME to all of my new SUBSCRIBERS loyal SUBSCRIBERS for all your likes 30Pytn4sxZc-00001-00000942-00001536 comments I couldn't do this without you this CHANNEL is for beginners if you are a beginner 30Pytn4sxZc-00002-00001536-00002184 and know absolutely nothing about a word the WordPress website or the YouTube ALGORITHMor 30Pytn4sxZc-00003-00002316-00003150 social media marketing or how to grow your online presence then this CHANNEL is for you for the 30Pytn4sxZc-00004-00003150-00003611 people who have just tuned into my CHANNEL for the very first time and know absolutely nothing about 30Pytn4sxZc-00005-00003611-00004302 me my name is Rochelle the brand that I created is called the DIY Affiliate on YouTube and on 30Pytn4sxZc-00006-00004302-00004878 other social media platforms and you can also find me on TIKTOK under the thesecret_youtuber 30Pytn4sxZc-00007-00004962-00005838 this CHANNEL is for BEGINNERS who are a beginner and you are looking for ways to be able to build 30Pytn4sxZc-00008-00005838-00006498 a YouTube CHANNEL build a WordPress website affiliate marketing or AMAZON ASSOCIATES 30Pytn4sxZc-00009-00006630-00007284 do you want to write a book on this CHANNEL I offer videos that are step-by-step tutorials 30Pytn4sxZc-00010-00007284-00007973 to help you to build a WordPress website or to build and create a YouTube CHANNEL 30Pytn4sxZc-00011-00008123-00008508 social media marketing how to increase your online presence 30Pytn4sxZc-00012-00008586-00009348 I also offer videos that feature healing frequencies I also have videos on the 30Pytn4sxZc-00013-00009348-00010206 Ancients official tones and frequencies to help you in all areas of your life such as 528 639 for 30Pytn4sxZc-00014-00010206-00010752 relationships interpersonal relationships Etc do you want a greater online presence 30Pytn4sxZc-00015-00010836-00011454 with a greater online presence you will be able to Branch out into different areas over the internet 30Pytn4sxZc-00016-00011532-00012180 and through content marketing and also social media marketing you will be able to send your 30Pytn4sxZc-00017-00012180-00013019 message out and your message could be a YouTube video or it could be affiliate links whatever 30Pytn4sxZc-00018-00013019-00013740 your message is you will be able to send it out to the universe using the ALGORITHM for MANIFESTING 30Pytn4sxZc-00019-00013740-00014519 A DESIRED OUTCOME so what is the ALGORITHM the ALGORITHM is tapping into five dominant laws 30Pytn4sxZc-00020-00014519-00015276 of the universe that govern energy as well as BELIEVING VISUALIZING FEELING and then ACTION 30Pytn4sxZc-00021-00015408-00016068 your words are POWERFUL your words become things you are POWERFUL not 30Pytn4sxZc-00022-00016068-00016686 here by accident but by Design you tuned into this CHANNEL this CHANNEL is for BEGINNERS 30Pytn4sxZc-00023-00016902-00017550 and I WELCOMEyou give me your link in the comments I will go to your CHANNEL 30Pytn4sxZc-00024-00017646-00018210 and I will like some of your videos and share some of your videos to help you to grow online 30Pytn4sxZc-00025-00018498-00018894 thank you for your time I am thankful and grateful for everyone 30Pytn4sxZc-00026-00019164-00019776 I share all of my tips tricks and secrets and shortcuts that I have learned as a beginner 30Pytn4sxZc-00027-00020052-00020898 two people like you who are just starting out this is an exciting Journey and I can help 30Pytn4sxZc-00028-00020898-00021894 you on your journey to success don't forget to like this video and leave a comment you 30Pytn4sxZc-00029-00021894-00022422 could share this video and this will show the YouTube ALGORITHM that you like what I'm doing 30Pytn4sxZc-00030-00022578-00023232 and they will send this video out into the YouTube Universe to reach more people who are looking 30Pytn4sxZc-00031-00023322-00024114 as a beginner for this information have yourself a wonderful morning afternoon evening night time 30Pytn4sxZc-00032-00024114-00024930 I look forward to hanging out with you in all of my videos stay safe onwards and upwards we all go 30VJyg70nry-00000-00000000-00000376 [AUDIENCE] Thanks for the talk, inspirational as always! 30VJyg70nry-00001-00000376-00001202 I was wondering if you had any thoughts or comments on the Edward Snowden interview? I'm sure you saw it. 30VJyg70nry-00002-00001202-00001554 [ANDREAS] When was this one? 30VJyg70nry-00003-00001554-00002760 [AUDIENCE] I'm not sure which one, but his comment related to public ledgers being the biggest security flaw. 30VJyg70nry-00004-00002760-00003356 [ANDREAS] Yes, transactions on open public blockchains are [transparent]. 30VJyg70nry-00005-00003356-00003804 However, they are not associated with identities directly. 30VJyg70nry-00006-00003804-00004442 The identifiers are not IP addresses, email addresses, or human identifiers. 30VJyg70nry-00007-00004442-00005410 Bitcoin addresses cannot easily be correlated, but we [need to] improve the privacy of the system. 30VJyg70nry-00008-00005410-00006296 There is a lot of research being done already to add layers of encryption, [to improve] fungibility, 30VJyg70nry-00009-00006296-00006680 so that you can't trace transactions from one [person] to another. 30VJyg70nry-00010-00006680-00007240 There are a few cryptocurrencies specialising in privacy and doing advanced research. 30VJyg70nry-00011-00007240-00007952 There are also some research projects to improve the privacy of Bitcoin. 30VJyg70nry-00012-00007952-00008448 Snowden is right [that Bitcoin or any open public blockchain should not become] very broadly used, 30VJyg70nry-00013-00008448-00009002 under adversarial conditions, with [the completely transparent nature of] the blockchain today. 30VJyg70nry-00014-00009002-00010050 That would be a privacy nightmare, just as the internet going mainstream without encryption on the IP layer... 30VJyg70nry-00015-00010050-00010688 was a mistake that has been exploited very effectively by intelligence agencies. 30VJyg70nry-00016-00010688-00011310 But I think we will add those encryption features and make the system more private. 30VJyg70nry-00017-00011310-00011704 Keep in mind, you must also consider what you are comparing it with. 30VJyg70nry-00018-00011704-00012092 A great deal of the world [has adopted plastic cards]. 30VJyg70nry-00019-00012092-00012418 Cash is being abolished in countries around the world; 30VJyg70nry-00020-00012418-00013169 some European countries are still [mostly] cash (Germany), others are now all digital (Sweden). 30VJyg70nry-00021-00013169-00013680 I think over 95% of all transactions [in Sweden] are using a plastic card. 30VJyg70nry-00022-00013680-00014484 Every single one of those transactions is under full surveillance, not just by one intelligence agency... 30VJyg70nry-00023-00014484-00015058 but you can assume by [many], simultaneously and surreptitiously. 30VJyg70nry-00024-00015058-00015702 We already have a digital money future, which is a totalitarian surveillance nightmare... 30VJyg70nry-00025-00015702-00015982 that gives enormous power to a few people. 30VJyg70nry-00026-00015982-00016610 We have an alternative; the public blockchain isn't in a good state today, but we can make it more private. 30VJyg70nry-00027-00016610-00016842 I would tie my horse to that one. 30VJyg70nry-00028-00016842-00017826 "Re-anonymising UTXOs." K.J. asks, "My UTXO set is tied to my personal identity, since I have been buying... 30VJyg70nry-00029-00017826-00018146 from Coinbase after Mt Gox blew up [in 2014]." 30VJyg70nry-00030-00018146-00018722 "Specifically, more than 80% of my cryptocurrency holdings are wrapped up in a single UTXO." 30VJyg70nry-00031-00018722-00019146 "What would be the recommended process for splitting and obfuscating that UTXO, 30VJyg70nry-00032-00019146-00019520 in order to separate it from my identity? Thanks." 30VJyg70nry-00033-00019520-00020338 First of all, what is a UTXO? UTXO stands for "unspent transaction output." 30VJyg70nry-00034-00020338-00021028 That may sound like gibberish to you, but basically a UTXO is the result of a bitcoin transaction, 30VJyg70nry-00035-00021028-00022504 which [makes] an amount available to spend, but hasn't been spent yet, as an output of a transaction. 30VJyg70nry-00036-00022504-00023500 A UTXO is a spendable amount that an address controls. [Almost all] transactions create these UTXO. 30VJyg70nry-00037-00023500-00025018 What K.J. said is, all or most of his cryptocurrency in a chunk of UTXO. 30VJyg70nry-00038-00025018-00025922 Because that came from Coinbase, [that chunk of UTXO] is tied to his identity. 30VJyg70nry-00039-00025922-00026516 Coinbase knows who he is and has information about his identity; 30VJyg70nry-00040-00026516-00027533 they presumably provide that information to various analytics companies, who can track identities... 30VJyg70nry-00041-00027533-00027812 and see [which addresses belong to who]. 30VJyg70nry-00042-00027812-00028082 They know all of this bitcoin belows to K.J., 30VJyg70nry-00043-00028082-00029039 who is asking how to make it [less] obvious to all of these tracking companies that this is "my" [bitcoin]. 30VJyg70nry-00044-00029039-00029874 First, an important disclaimer: in some countries, trying to obfuscate your identity in that way is illegal, 30VJyg70nry-00045-00029874-00030510 so you need to understand the regulations in the country where you are. I don't know [where] K.J. is. 30VJyg70nry-00046-00030510-00030945 In other countries, it is a gray area. In the U.S., for example, it is not clear... 30VJyg70nry-00047-00030945-00031758 whether using anonymisation services to obfuscate the source or destination of funds... 30VJyg70nry-00048-00031758-00032016 is allowed for private individuals. 30VJyg70nry-00049-00032016-00033146 It is certainly not allowed for regulated institutions, who must subscribe to regulations like KYC / AML, CTR, etc. 30VJyg70nry-00050-00033146-00033684 But if this is legal in your jurisdiction and you are interested in the technology behind it... 30VJyg70nry-00051-00033684-00034530 This is a key issue of privacy, the fact that [these] blockchains are transparent and auditable by anyone... 30VJyg70nry-00052-00034530-00035554 means that unless you take some basic precautions, you could be creating problems for your [financial] privacy. 30VJyg70nry-00053-00035554-00036612 What if you want the same modicum of privacy as with cash, that humans had for thousands of years, 30VJyg70nry-00054-00036612-00037228 when transacting in the first peer-to-peer currencies? 30VJyg70nry-00055-00037228-00038360 There are a number of tools to do that through various forms of mixing, 30VJyg70nry-00056-00038360-00039478 whereby you collaboratively do a transaction with others, putting all of your inputs into a single transaction... 30VJyg70nry-00057-00039478-00040146 with multiple outputs, so that it is not obvious who is making which output... 30VJyg70nry-00058-00040146-00040458 even though you can trace all of the coins going in. 30VJyg70nry-00059-00040458-00041094 You don't know who they are going out to, which makes it difficult for analytics companies to track you. 30VJyg70nry-00060-00041094-00041746 This type of transaction with multiple participants is called a CoinJoin, 30VJyg70nry-00061-00041748-00042844 invented back in [August 2013] by Greg Maxwell, and has since developed quite a bit. 30VJyg70nry-00062-00042844-00043416 There are a number of software packages that allow you to participate in a CoinJoin. 30VJyg70nry-00063-00043416-00043800 Probably the most current ones are JoinMarket [and Wasabi Wallet]. 30VJyg70nry-00064-00043800-00044860 There are other ways to obfuscate your ownership, but if you buy from a regulated institution... 30VJyg70nry-00065-00044860-00045922 that has Know Your Customer (KYC) regulations, that has your identity, you are revealing ownership [of coins]. 30VJyg70nry-00066-00045922-00046432 If you wanted to buy cryptocurrency anonymously, you should have bought it with cash. 30VJyg70nry-00067-00046432-00047822 It is very difficult, after a multi-year entanglement [with] your identity, to pull back that breach of privacy. 30VJyg70nry-00068-00047822-00048656 It is now known you have cryptocurrency. Even if you obfuscate, people will assume you still have it. 30VJyg70nry-00069-00048656-00049526 They just won't know which address [belongs to you]. It is not ideal, but there you are. 30VJyg70nry-00070-00049526-00050078 If it is legal in your jurisdiction, you can look into some of these [techniques], 30VJyg70nry-00071-00050078-00050918 but be careful that you understand what you are doing, because this may put you in some very deep, hot water. 30VJyg70nry-00072-00050918-00051622 "Schnorr signatures and UTXO consolidation." 30VJyg70nry-00073-00051622-00052240 Mark says, "I am excited about how Schnorr signatures can improve privacy for multi-signature transactions... 30VJyg70nry-00074-00052240-00052896 by summing up the keys so that it looks like an ordinary, single payer transaction." 30VJyg70nry-00075-00052896-00053278 "But how does this look with UTXO consolidation?" 30VJyg70nry-00076-00053278-00053805 "Does Schnorr also provide increased privacy for the individual? What would a UTXO consolidation... 30VJyg70nry-00077-00053805-00054296 with Schnorr signatures look like in a blockchain explorer?" 30VJyg70nry-00078-00054296-00055498 No, Mark. As far as I understand, you can't simply use signature aggregation to do UTXO consolidation. 30VJyg70nry-00079-00055498-00056062 The problem with UTXO consolidation isn't signatures, although we could apply a single signature across... 30VJyg70nry-00080-00056062-00056370 a lot of UTXO. 30VJyg70nry-00081-00056370-00057488 The problem in that case is, you are bringing all of the UTXO together as inputs in one transaction, 30VJyg70nry-00082-00057488-00057752 which therefore associates them. 30VJyg70nry-00083-00057752-00058474 You could construct that transaction to look more as if it was a CoinJoin with multiple participants, 30VJyg70nry-00084-00058474-00059370 sending outputs in multiple directions, and also encrypt the values, that would be useful for privacy. 30VJyg70nry-00085-00059370-00060026 But with Schnorr signatures on their own, I don't see how that would provide increased privacy for the individual. 30VJyg70nry-00086-00060026-00060470 [AUDIENCE] I own a company called ZPX, based out of Singapore and India. 30VJyg70nry-00087-00060472-00061010 I first learned from your book about how bitcoin is not anonymous but actually pseudonymous, 30VJyg70nry-00088-00061010-00061484 that this [will] be a permanent record of every transaction. 30VJyg70nry-00089-00061484-00062220 You have these [privacy] coins like Zcash, Monero, Grin, and Beam. 30VJyg70nry-00090-00062220-00063117 What do you think the end state might look like? Will governments let them exist in any form, 30VJyg70nry-00091-00063117-00063620 or will they become extremely heavy- handed given the [privacy] aspect? 30VJyg70nry-00092-00063620-00064526 [ANDREAS] If governments could not let these things exist, they would have already not let them exist. 30VJyg70nry-00093-00064526-00065556 But there are some cautionary tales. We [must] be clear on what the risks are and what challenges are ahead. 30VJyg70nry-00094-00065556-00066368 We are poking a $150 trillion bear with a stick. At some point, it will turn around and take a swipe. 30VJyg70nry-00095-00066368-00067112 If you think it has, it hasn't yet. Not at all. Here is a little tidbit that will make you worry. 30VJyg70nry-00096-00067112-00067960 E-gold existed longer than bitcoin before [the U.S. government shut it down. 30VJyg70nry-00097-00067960-00069232 With decentralized systems, it is not that they can't necessarily disrupt or shut down one instance. 30VJyg70nry-00098-00069232-00070106 They probably can given enough investment, terror tactics, heavy-handed totalitarianism, 30VJyg70nry-00099-00070106-00070506 drag-you-away-in-the-middle-of-the-night and beat-you-up-with-a-rubber-hose tactics, 30VJyg70nry-00100-00070506-00071324 which a lot of governments are absolutely happy to apply in order to maintain power. 30VJyg70nry-00101-00071324-00072334 But I think people who are beginning to understand this technology know, if they do that, 30VJyg70nry-00102-00072334-00073420 they will encourage a game of whack-a-mole and become the trigger that causes punctuated evolution. 30VJyg70nry-00103-00073420-00074046 There is not a strong enough reason to develop privacy technology right now, 30VJyg70nry-00104-00074046-00074360 because no one is really trying to stomp on it yet. 30VJyg70nry-00105-00074360-00075064 The moment someone tries to stomp on it, all the incentives and money flows [will come]... 30VJyg70nry-00106-00075064-00076270 to create a far more anonymous, stealthy, and evasive system that responds to the threats which just arose. 30VJyg70nry-00107-00076270-00077472 It is like a [directed] evolutionary system with independent units that can be modified. 30VJyg70nry-00108-00077472-00078108 It will evolve to adjust to the environmental niche. Right now, the environmental niche is benign. 30VJyg70nry-00109-00078108-00078670 If it starts turning malignant, then the system evolves in response to the threat. 30VJyg70nry-00110-00078670-00079168 Because [these are ideas] based on mathematics, there may be hundreds or thousands [of coins]. 30VJyg70nry-00111-00079168-00079924 They will evolve. If you step on one, more pop up. They are designed to avoid you stepping on them. 30VJyg70nry-00112-00079924-00080184 Because now they need to. 30VJyg70nry-00113-00080184-00080436 Totalitarian governments [understand] this. 30VJyg70nry-00114-00080436-00081226 If you step on Bitcoin [when it is a teddy bear], you may end up with a highly localised, 30VJyg70nry-00115-00081226-00082046 super stealthy system [using code] written by dissidents within your very own country. 30VJyg70nry-00116-00082046-00082814 As I like to say, Bitcoin is a gecko right now. But every time you step on it, Bitcoin evolves. 30VJyg70nry-00117-00082814-00083528 One day, it will be a komodo dragon. When you try to step on it, it will bite your foot off. 30VJyg70nry-00118-00083528-00083926 "Won't Bitcoin's confidential transactions be censored?" 30VJyg70nry-00119-00083926-00084560 "In light of the advent of Schnorr signatures and Confidential Transactions (CT), I would like to ask... 30VJyg70nry-00120-00084560-00085300 if this trend has the potential to make KYC-compliant companies enforce a policy of not accepting... 30VJyg70nry-00121-00085300-00085638 certain types of bitcoin transactions." 30VJyg70nry-00122-00085638-00086004 "Japanese exchanges were recently pushed to drop all privacy coins." 30VJyg70nry-00123-00086004-00086664 "Such companies may go as far as to not accept any transaction that has been tainted or obfuscated, 30VJyg70nry-00124-00086664-00087092 by hiding the amount or mixing [outputs], at any point in the past." 30VJyg70nry-00125-00087092-00087486 "Unlike current AML policies, such a rule won't require [as much] blockchain forensics... 30VJyg70nry-00126-00087486-00087760 in order to establish [a coin's] ancestry." 30VJyg70nry-00127-00087760-00088592 "[They may] merely require businesses to track the UTXO set and tag any output with at least one tainted input." 30VJyg70nry-00128-00088592-00089116 "Of course, the tainted base will theoretically keep growing, but such a policy would introduce... 30VJyg70nry-00129-00089116-00089798 a strong incentive for customers to stay way from tainted coins and, by extension, privacy technology." 30VJyg70nry-00130-00089798-00090228 "How do you expect this all to play out?" 30VJyg70nry-00131-00090230-00090478 This is a very good question... 30VJyg70nry-00132-00090478-00091410 and also an astute reading of the incentives and challenges with implementing privacy technology. 30VJyg70nry-00133-00091410-00092190 There are some spectacular developers and cryptographers in this space... 30VJyg70nry-00134-00092190-00093204 whose driving principles and cypherpunk ethos is to preserve privacy and anonymity, 30VJyg70nry-00135-00093204-00094024 specifically for political purposes because this is a fundamental human right that must be defended. 30VJyg70nry-00136-00094024-00094876 We are so lucky to have individuals like that. There are so many across the cryptocurrency space. 30VJyg70nry-00137-00094876-00095416 Not just in Bitcoin but across the entire cryptocurrency space. 30VJyg70nry-00138-00095416-00096278 With Schnorr signatures, Confidential Transactions, and other [developments] related to privacy, 30VJyg70nry-00139-00096278-00097236 one of the key inventors in the space is Greg Maxwell, who has a lifelong dedication to privacy technology... 30VJyg70nry-00140-00097236-00097478 and cyberpunk ethos. 30VJyg70nry-00141-00097478-00098112 He has been working with very talented mathematicians, cryptographers, and software engineers, 30VJyg70nry-00142-00098112-00098854 people like Andrew Poelstra and Pieter Wuille, to build some very interesting [schemes]. 30VJyg70nry-00143-00098854-00099212 I am probably forgetting some names that deserve [to be mentioned]. 30VJyg70nry-00144-00099212-00100134 Again, there are some incredible implementations coming out with other privacy-focused coins. 30VJyg70nry-00145-00100134-00100728 The implementation of zk-SNARKs and zero-knowledge proofs such as... 30VJyg70nry-00146-00100728-00101654 Bulletproofs, which originally came from some Bitcoin developers and was implemented in Monero recently, 30VJyg70nry-00147-00101654-00102158 reducing feels while increasing security. 30VJyg70nry-00148-00102158-00102938 Two inventions that aren't talked about much, which I talked about recently, are Taproot and Graftroot. 30VJyg70nry-00149-00102938-00103492 This is a fantastic idea from Greg Maxwell. 30VJyg70nry-00150-00103492-00103782 [With] Taproot and Graftroot, 30VJyg70nry-00151-00103782-00104848 we could create a transaction that looks like pay-to-public-key-hash (P2PKH) on the surface, 30VJyg70nry-00152-00104848-00105483 or a simple payment to a public key, like most other bitcoin transactions. 30VJyg70nry-00153-00105483-00106128 However, what is impossible to tell from the transaction [data]... 30VJyg70nry-00154-00106128-00107009 is [whether] that public key is a single key from a private key, or the composite key [of multiple keys], 30VJyg70nry-00155-00107009-00108028 created either for a multi-sig or (even better) is the basis for a complex merklised script, 30VJyg70nry-00156-00108028-00109190 [maybe] with clauses underneath for Lightning payment channels with timelocks, a multi-party signature, 30VJyg70nry-00157-00109190-00109932 or a CoinJoin with multiple participants and outputs. 30VJyg70nry-00158-00109935-00110766 The fantastic thing about this is, you can take all of these privacy-preserving complex scripts, 30VJyg70nry-00159-00110766-00111585 including Confidential Transactions, and then make them look like a simple public key payment. 30VJyg70nry-00160-00111585-00112883 Taproot and Graftroot together do that, they make the privacy-preserving transactions indistinguishable, 30VJyg70nry-00161-00112883-00113546 even against an determined adversary trying to distinguish them from normal payments. 30VJyg70nry-00162-00113546-00114682 They allow you to hide the little gems of privacy inside the chaff of everyday transactions, so that... 30VJyg70nry-00163-00114682-00115576 it is impossible to single out the private transactions and censor them, which of course could be a problem. 30VJyg70nry-00164-00115576-00116128 If people [using private transactions] are a small subset [of the network], only do them occassionally, 30VJyg70nry-00165-00116128-00116594 and they can be distinguished, that defeats the entire purpose. 30VJyg70nry-00166-00116594-00117348 Taproot and Graftroot are so important to this implementation that the developers working on... 30VJyg70nry-00167-00117348-00118126 Confidential Transactions and Schnorr signatures have decided to delay those and sequence them, 30VJyg70nry-00168-00118126-00118668 such that Taproot and Graftroot are launched at the same time. 30VJyg70nry-00169-00118668-00119264 [That allows] people who decide to use the privacy-enhanced transactions are protected; 30VJyg70nry-00170-00119264-00120064 they can use them in a way that is indistinguishable from regular transactions, which is a critical decision. 30VJyg70nry-00171-00120064-00120261 That decision was made just a few months ago. 30VJyg70nry-00172-00120261-00120920 It is why we are seeing a delay in the implementation of Schnorr signatures and Confidential Transactions, 30VJyg70nry-00173-00120920-00122240 and why we will see the entire package of updates, with Taproot and Graftroot, launched simultaneously. 30VJyg70nry-00174-00122240-00122796 This will allow people to both preserve their privacy and not be outed for using that privacy. 30VJyg70nry-00175-00122796-00123200 A really good strategic choice, in my opinion. 30VJyg70nry-00176-00123202-00124188 I believe Pieter Wuille and Greg Maxwell were the strongest proponents of doing it in that order. 31H39EhPCEE-00000-00000042-00000648 hey guys welcome back and thanks for tuning in to intricate Charleston white is a former Texas 31H39EhPCEE-00001-00000648-00001218 gang member who after nearly a decade in prison for some fairly major adolescent offenses has 31H39EhPCEE-00002-00001218-00001728 now finally managed to turn his life around by sharing his story on social media and tossing in 31H39EhPCEE-00003-00001728-00002358 some controversial views along the way he also presents himself as the CEO and founder of hype 31H39EhPCEE-00004-00002358-00002922 which stands for helping young people Excel but for all that good he appears to be doing for his 31H39EhPCEE-00005-00002922-00003444 community what really grabs people's attention is the way he refuses to mince words and never 31H39EhPCEE-00006-00003444-00003978 backs down from a seemingly never-ending barrage of his controversial views on certain celebrities 31H39EhPCEE-00007-00003978-00004734 and others today we'll be talking about his latest controversy so stay tuned Charleston white and T.I 31H39EhPCEE-00008-00004734-00005178 have just recently found themselves in Broome in a nasty Feud after the YouTuber threatened 31H39EhPCEE-00009-00005178-00005808 a rapper's son we all know that T.I doesn't play about his kids so when the controversial YouTuber 31H39EhPCEE-00010-00005808-00006348 Charleston White had some things to say about King Harris we knew his father would not remain silent 31H39EhPCEE-00011-00006348-00006881 for long the feud has come after Junior King was arrested in September this year although the 31H39EhPCEE-00012-00006881-00007434 reason for his arrest has not yet been confirmed to the media and public the main drama began last 31H39EhPCEE-00013-00007434-00007992 week when white launched an unprovoked rant about King Harris and rapper Bootsy badass son 31H39EhPCEE-00014-00007992-00008682 2D raw well social media users have been closely following the beef white actually start the video 31H39EhPCEE-00015-00008682-00009228 by targeting Bootsy and his son criticizing his parenting choices he made a remark about 31H39EhPCEE-00016-00009228-00009792 2D raw Street Persona referring to him as soft and sheltered white then mentioned King Harris 31H39EhPCEE-00017-00009792-00010338 saying he doesn't like him either and wishes that both of them would go to jail to learn a lesson 31H39EhPCEE-00018-00010338-00010800 further worse in the matter white continued his rat against Harris questioning the teen's ability 31H39EhPCEE-00019-00010800-00011424 to fight someone in another video white stated he thinks neither King nor Tootie can spell and 31H39EhPCEE-00020-00011424-00011886 he said I challenge you all to a spelling bee I bet neither one of you can spell the Appalachian 31H39EhPCEE-00021-00011886-00012474 Mountains or Mississippi Harris like his father was not going to tolerate the disrespect the 18 31H39EhPCEE-00022-00012474-00012947 year old fire back the following day and took the Instagram to make explicit threats against white 31H39EhPCEE-00023-00012947-00013547 he chastised a YouTuber for appearing tough on camera while fleeing a previous brawl he 31H39EhPCEE-00024-00013547-00014112 events he told white that the next time he saw him face to face he would beat his white continued to 31H39EhPCEE-00025-00014112-00014591 speak on Harris not to be outdone by the 18 year old and held nothing back about his feelings for 31H39EhPCEE-00026-00014591-00015197 Harris and his father T.I boy your mama and daddy raised a yellow freak he said T.I that's the kind 31H39EhPCEE-00027-00015197-00015719 of boys you raising you got your yellow son saying he would jump a 50-something year old white even 31H39EhPCEE-00028-00015719-00016254 told the rapper he wasn't afraid to lay hands on his son say T.I look if your boy jumps on me 31H39EhPCEE-00029-00016254-00016770 y'all will bury that little M effort he continued and while the internet away to responds from the 31H39EhPCEE-00030-00016770-00017310 King of the South White informed the Harris family that he had contacted authorities white told the 31H39EhPCEE-00031-00017310-00017796 viewers he has tagged the social media handles of the Atlanta police department and Fulton County 31H39EhPCEE-00032-00017796-00018348 district attorney Fanny Willis to alert them about a video in which king threatened him also added 31H39EhPCEE-00033-00018348-00018930 that all he wants is for King to be in prison and that was all Papa Harris needed to hear T.I then 31H39EhPCEE-00034-00018930-00019398 came to King's defense got involved and addressed the issue during an Instagram live on the same day 31H39EhPCEE-00035-00019398-00019902 and let white know that they really need to talk now he asked why to deal with him instead of his 31H39EhPCEE-00036-00019902-00020424 son like come deal with the daddy the actor and rapper said if you don't want any trouble what do 31H39EhPCEE-00037-00020424-00020898 you keep kicking dust up for if you're scared to show up somewhere that's fear I don't operate in 31H39EhPCEE-00038-00020898-00021384 fear I don't need any security around me white didn't make time to speak with T.I because he 31H39EhPCEE-00039-00021384-00021900 still has some things to get off his chest about his disrespectful son but The Rubberband Man 31H39EhPCEE-00040-00021900-00022386 artist was finally taken off the block call list and made it through the speak with white just 31H39EhPCEE-00041-00022386-00022830 got off the phone with TI and you don't get to dictate nothing he said T.I according to White 31H39EhPCEE-00042-00022830-00023322 stated he was just trying to get an understanding to which he responded I ain't trying to give no 31H39EhPCEE-00043-00023322-00023970 understanding if you can't take what I took then crash out send whoever you need to you went on but 31H39EhPCEE-00044-00023970-00024414 when his quiet attempt to resolve the issue was denied T.I jumped on his Instagram account and 31H39EhPCEE-00045-00024414-00024924 spoke his mind reminding us that he's a legendary Wordsmith the clip star with T.I let it white 31H39EhPCEE-00046-00024924-00025452 know I'll stick my foot so far up yo you'll be flossing your teeth with my shoelaces he said 31H39EhPCEE-00047-00025452-00026058 a lot to white but his main point was don't play with mine well it was clear that no solution could 31H39EhPCEE-00048-00026058-00026592 be agreed upon by the two entities somewhere soon and you know what we have seen some pretty popular 31H39EhPCEE-00049-00026592-00027150 involvement here that is filmmaker Dion Taylor also weighed in on the argument and slammed white 31H39EhPCEE-00050-00027150-00027689 for his recent comments and threats in a video posted to Instagram which TI re shared on his 31H39EhPCEE-00051-00027689-00028242 own profile Dion said this dude was on Instagram talking crazy like killing his son chewing him in 31H39EhPCEE-00052-00028242-00028733 the throat and I commented my comment was very simple it was like yo we can't sit here and let 31H39EhPCEE-00053-00028733-00029256 nobody write something like that he further added I'm not sure what the backstory was but when I saw 31H39EhPCEE-00054-00029256-00029670 the video I thought there's no way in the world we can ask someone right on page who's going to shoot 31H39EhPCEE-00055-00029670-00030222 someone's Son Well we don't know what prompted why to choose these teenagers as his targets it 31H39EhPCEE-00056-00030222-00030744 appears that he is in over his head however aside from the active protection of his parents young 31H39EhPCEE-00057-00030744-00031350 adult has a whole tribe behind him like his elder sister Sonika Pullins was also in the news with 31H39EhPCEE-00058-00031350-00031764 how she feel about people coming for her brother she kept on tweeting her thoughts on people's 31H39EhPCEE-00059-00031764-00032286 negative perceptions of her sibling as the beef raged on and defended him by pleading with the 31H39EhPCEE-00060-00032286-00032802 fans to show the young man some Grace well should the Harris Clan step in and defend King no matter 31H39EhPCEE-00061-00032802-00033408 what or to let him fight his own battles do let us know how you feel about in the comments below and 31H39EhPCEE-00062-00033408-00033972 if you enjoyed this video do leave us a like for more on the latest in pop culture subscribe to our 31H39EhPCEE-00063-00033972-00034572 Channel and turn on the notifications as well time to take your leave now take care folks goodbye 323quaNOq3E-00000-00000000-00000501 Welcome to my video 323quaNOq3E-00001-00000505-00001000 Thank you for this video view 323quaNOq3E-00002-00001000-00001508 Like, sub, share, support my channel. 323quaNOq3E-00003-00001516-00002000 Thank you very much 34YybIP_Udu-00000-00001008-00001632 well good morning everybody dennis gebhardt here with guru nation welcoming you to another episode 34YybIP_Udu-00001-00001632-00002208 of the chat along with my teaching partner max maciano max how you doing bud 34YybIP_Udu-00002-00002328-00002848 hey i'm great how are you doing i'm good man wishing you a great sunday morning to you 34YybIP_Udu-00003-00002848-00003664 all my chores are completed and uh now i'm sitting here i got a little cup of coffee yes sir and uh 34YybIP_Udu-00004-00003968-00004784 love my coffee but i hate starbucks you know i always believe that coffee should you know 34YybIP_Udu-00005-00004784-00005416 tiptoe across your taste buds and when i drink starbucks it's like it stomps out my taste buds so 34YybIP_Udu-00006-00005416-00006112 i'm not a big fan of starbucks but uh in any case a little coffee goes a long way i tried to 34YybIP_Udu-00007-00006112-00006784 limit myself i remember back in the day i used to drink oh my god four and five cups of coffee a day 34YybIP_Udu-00008-00006848-00007416 but i i don't i don't do that anymore because i get the jitters you know 34YybIP_Udu-00009-00007672-00008280 like when you can you can hold your hand still but still texturize a haircut oh yeah yeah and 34YybIP_Udu-00010-00008280-00008936 my wife says you know talk slower you're not even stopping for punctuation you're just like ramming 34YybIP_Udu-00011-00008936-00009552 through the word so anyway it's been interesting and uh of course i i talked to you earlier before 34YybIP_Udu-00012-00009552-00010072 we started our broadcast today to tell you that last night i got sent a video you know everybody 34YybIP_Udu-00013-00010072-00010728 was sending me these videos and i don't know it's we i love everybody in this industry but my god 34YybIP_Udu-00014-00010728-00011416 we are so crazy sometimes uh tell me about it we get hung up we got hung up on stuff 34YybIP_Udu-00015-00011488-00012248 yeah that tends to not even really have anything really to do with the subject of hair right it's 34YybIP_Udu-00016-00012248-00012776 not it's not even relevant you know it's like you know we might as well have a bag of bones 34YybIP_Udu-00017-00012776-00013400 and go in the back room and do our voodoo when we do hair color or we have the great color wheel 34YybIP_Udu-00018-00013400-00013816 that's we spin you know how am i going to formulate this just spin the wheel 34YybIP_Udu-00019-00013912-00014480 sylvia and i did that one year when we were teaching for redken at the symposium we called 34YybIP_Udu-00020-00014480-00015216 it the great color wheel of the great color wheel of correction and so you know we had 34YybIP_Udu-00021-00015216-00015680 all different things that you would do and we would go and we'd say here's what happens most 34YybIP_Udu-00022-00015680-00016128 of the time when color correction comes into the salon it's like they go back and they just 34YybIP_Udu-00023-00016128-00017032 spin or they ask somebody's opinion or they stare at the color wheel you know because we 34YybIP_Udu-00024-00017032-00018080 there's so many pieces of urban legends that are out there uh and those are unfortunately become 34YybIP_Udu-00025-00018080-00019000 sometimes the rule it's just crazy and insane so anyway this video showed this young lady uh and 34YybIP_Udu-00026-00019064-00019784 on the video it was a real and on the video she says um i don't like to use bleach on my hair 34YybIP_Udu-00027-00019888-00020968 because it's damaging so instead i use this and she had a box of arm and hammer baking soda and a 34YybIP_Udu-00028-00020968-00021752 bottle of peroxide and she mixed those together and worked them through her hair and um and it 34YybIP_Udu-00029-00021752-00022280 lightened her hair and of course you know at the end she says see i lighten my hair without bleach 34YybIP_Udu-00030-00022360-00023360 which is in fact not what she did at all she created a bleaching compound so i thought today 34YybIP_Udu-00031-00023496-00024280 we might just break out the mathematics you know and um by breaking out the mathematics 34YybIP_Udu-00032-00024424-00024960 it's going to be confusing for some but for some they'll find it interesting because 34YybIP_Udu-00033-00024960-00025639 you'll understand why we do the things we do so i call this 34YybIP_Udu-00034-00025704-00026360 a little bit of science i love it when we talk science we're getting sciency 34YybIP_Udu-00035-00026744-00027320 so here we go uh i'm gonna minimize myself max take me out of the picture because i want this 34YybIP_Udu-00036-00027320-00027768 slide to be a nice close-up that's what i love about this we can just like make ourselves smaller 34YybIP_Udu-00037-00027848-00028536 uh make ourselves larger and here we go let me see if i can get out of the way here 34YybIP_Udu-00038-00028736-00029352 all right let's see if i can explain this to everybody so when you look at this you 34YybIP_Udu-00039-00029352-00029895 see baking soda here this is the chemical configuration for baking soda and up here 34YybIP_Udu-00040-00029895-00030368 in the right hand corner is the chemical configuration for either vinegar or peroxide 34YybIP_Udu-00041-00030368-00030960 peroxide would be different than this would be h202 but this is a vinegar chemical configuration 34YybIP_Udu-00042-00030960-00031592 they both are the same because they're both acids uh if you look down here uh what happens when we 34YybIP_Udu-00043-00031592-00032208 take baking soda and we break it down into its chemical configuration it's also known as a base 34YybIP_Udu-00044-00032208-00032952 so in chemistry everything that is on the alkyl inside of the ph scale is regarded as base 34YybIP_Udu-00045-00033096-00034056 and one of the rules in chemistry is that base will always trump acid so acid never wins 34YybIP_Udu-00046-00034120-00034840 when you mix acid and base together in fact the acid portion of that mixture it begins to 34YybIP_Udu-00047-00034840-00035792 it begins to degrade or decompose so if we take base and we take baking soda which has a ph of 9.3 34YybIP_Udu-00048-00035856-00036632 and by the way that's the ph of many alkaline permanent waves so it is not mild whatsoever 34YybIP_Udu-00049-00036632-00037544 and we mix it with an acid let's say like vinegar or peroxide we create a decomposing compound or we 34YybIP_Udu-00050-00037544-00038376 create something that would be a combination of co2 so everyone understands what co2 is i'm sure 34YybIP_Udu-00051-00038448-00039080 right it's what we breathe what's what we breathe out it's not what we breathe out if we breathe it 34YybIP_Udu-00052-00039080-00039872 in we die so so that's what you're creating it's a decomposing compound uh this is what 34YybIP_Udu-00053-00039872-00040640 it looks like co2 is part co2 is created out of the combination so in chemistry many times 34YybIP_Udu-00054-00040696-00041408 when we mix a compound with another compound we can create a third compound and it may not 34YybIP_Udu-00055-00041408-00042000 have even existed but by mixing the two compounds together the third compound is created that's the 34YybIP_Udu-00056-00042000-00042656 way it works in hair color with disulfide bonds when you take and you break the disulfide bonds 34YybIP_Udu-00057-00042656-00043344 that hold the keratin chains together you you create a split bond but you also create 34YybIP_Udu-00058-00043344-00044504 what is called a free radical or so3 so3 it's cystic acid and yeah so you create chlorine by 34YybIP_Udu-00059-00044504-00045168 splitting disulfide bonds so that's what happens many times in chemistry so here in this situation 34YybIP_Udu-00060-00045272-00045976 you create co2 or in other words you mix the base with an acid and what you created was a salt 34YybIP_Udu-00061-00046080-00046784 a salt that is very similar to persulfate salts remember in bleach we have persulfate salts 34YybIP_Udu-00062-00046784-00047480 like ammonium per sulfate sodium per sulfate mag potassium per sulfate all of those are prosulfate 34YybIP_Udu-00063-00047480-00048160 salts so those really will lighten hair those are really the major things in a bleaching compound 34YybIP_Udu-00064-00048232-00048840 that lighten the hair that break down the melon and in the hair fiber we add peroxide to bleach 34YybIP_Udu-00065-00048840-00049408 just simply to accelerate the action so we're not waiting all day for those to lighten the hair 34YybIP_Udu-00066-00049472-00050264 and you create something called sodium acetate so when you say i don't use bleach i use baking soda 34YybIP_Udu-00067-00050344-00051072 and and peroxide you're actually using a bleach it's just a different form of a bleaching 34YybIP_Udu-00068-00051072-00051967 compound well i think if we think about it too it's like what did before we had all these teeth 34YybIP_Udu-00069-00051967-00052848 whitening things right yes we used to whiten our teeth baking soda and peroxide you bet 34YybIP_Udu-00070-00052848-00053544 yes absolutely and we also use baking soda to clean the terminals on our battery in our car 34YybIP_Udu-00071-00053776-00054400 i forgot about that but yeah why is that because what's built up on that battery 34YybIP_Udu-00072-00054400-00055255 is acid and when you put baking soda on it you get this foaming action right cleans the battery it 34YybIP_Udu-00073-00055255-00056296 decomposes the acid wow now there's people who use sodium bicarbonate they use that in baking 34YybIP_Udu-00074-00056496-00057232 okay yeah they say well it's baking powder it's not baking powder it's like baking powder baking 34YybIP_Udu-00075-00057232-00057936 powder has an additional ingredient called cream of tartar and that's what allows baking powder to 34YybIP_Udu-00076-00057936-00058784 create to create the swelling in the yeast so that it swells without getting extreme when you add 34YybIP_Udu-00077-00058784-00059679 sodium bicarbonate to it it really gets swollen it really gets puffy yeah and isn't it interesting 34YybIP_Udu-00078-00059679-00060312 too that like when it when it all comes down to it everything is still like even in baking just like 34YybIP_Udu-00079-00060312-00061184 in hair color when you're mixing this acid and a base together you it's literally an energy relief 34YybIP_Udu-00080-00061391-00061928 that's what lightens the hair right that's also what makes the bread rise and the cake 34YybIP_Udu-00081-00061928-00062624 rise that's right because it's a relief of oxygen that's right so basically it all comes back to 34YybIP_Udu-00082-00062704-00063352 energy energy it does so do do would i recommend this no 34YybIP_Udu-00083-00063472-00064128 i i wouldn't recommend i mean can you do it i suppose you could but it's not going to be 34YybIP_Udu-00084-00064128-00064832 any better for your hair here's the thing that i think we assume we assume if it's not bleach 34YybIP_Udu-00085-00065008-00065448 but it's something like bleach that is not going to be as harmful as bleach 34YybIP_Udu-00086-00065600-00066336 this will decompose the hair so it doesn't matter whether you use this or you use bleach 34YybIP_Udu-00087-00066408-00067096 they both will decompose the pigment in the hair fiber will this decompose it at a slower rate 34YybIP_Udu-00088-00067176-00067784 probably so all right but it's still going to decompose it so if the hair is in a fragile state 34YybIP_Udu-00089-00067784-00068328 either one of these would be a very harsh compound to use on the hair and so you have 34YybIP_Udu-00090-00068328-00069136 to treat it with respect and i just like and now you know people are using baking soda with shampoo 34YybIP_Udu-00091-00069136-00070064 to clarify the hair well if your shampoo is an acid 4.5 and you mix it with a a base 34YybIP_Udu-00092-00070136-00070936 9.3 guess what you get you get decomposition yeah you're going to get a chemical reaction 34YybIP_Udu-00093-00070936-00071608 that's right and so the cuticle layer of that hair is going to be abused from that 34YybIP_Udu-00094-00071608-00072408 compound if you want to clean the hair there are clarifying products that you can use that are that 34YybIP_Udu-00095-00072408-00073384 are much more forgiving to the hair to the hair 100 so you know we really have to pay attention 34YybIP_Udu-00096-00073384-00074144 when we see stuff on social media because man i'm telling you it's like it's unending i get 34YybIP_Udu-00097-00074144-00074712 videos every day of the week because what do you think of this what do you think of this because 34YybIP_Udu-00098-00074952-00075784 we in this industry we love magic 34YybIP_Udu-00099-00075856-00076552 we love magic we believe all of these stories that are really they're enhanced 34YybIP_Udu-00100-00076640-00077184 to create a visual so that you can say wow that sounds really great you know it's like 34YybIP_Udu-00101-00077248-00077784 you apply this treatment to the hair and it knows where the negative and 34YybIP_Udu-00102-00077784-00078768 positive charges are in the hair and it builds a temporary bridge right well it builds a bridge 34YybIP_Udu-00103-00078976-00079808 but you know it doesn't it doesn't rebond the broken disulfide box it's like it adds stuff to 34YybIP_Udu-00104-00079808-00080960 the hair well it's also kind of like thinking i am totally guilty of this honestly up until probably 34YybIP_Udu-00105-00080960-00081520 the last couple of years you know i never looked at like when we lightened hair with lightener 34YybIP_Udu-00106-00081648-00082400 that the lighteners affecting the entire hair fiber it's almost like i have this mindset that 34YybIP_Udu-00107-00082400-00083080 you know the melanin granules the lighteners just working on that when in fact it's 34YybIP_Udu-00108-00083160-00083928 lighter you know non-discriminate it's it's doing what it's doing and when i saw the photos 34YybIP_Udu-00109-00083928-00084568 of what hair looks like after lightning and it looks like swiss cheese you can see 34YybIP_Udu-00110-00084568-00085520 ripped depths and tears not only in the cortex but the cuticle yeah you know and it is just a 34YybIP_Udu-00111-00085520-00086240 it's a funny way of looking at it but i think a lot of times you know as hairdressers we 34YybIP_Udu-00112-00086328-00086984 overlook the big picture and it's like these these products don't have a brain we're the brain 34YybIP_Udu-00113-00087056-00087768 we are the brain i need to be mindful of that sort of thing that's right you know understand 34YybIP_Udu-00114-00087976-00088384 there are side effects that are happening when you use the products 34YybIP_Udu-00115-00088504-00089224 the best we can do is we can minimize the side effects by being knowledgeable 34YybIP_Udu-00116-00089280-00089864 about the products that we're using that's the one thing that's important so look i 34YybIP_Udu-00117-00089864-00090304 thought this was kind of interesting to chat about today it would make you chuckle and then 34YybIP_Udu-00118-00090304-00090832 for people that are really chem heads you guys have a whole good thing here for you to dig into 34YybIP_Udu-00119-00090912-00091744 um but again you know these answers are available to us but we we don't look we don't we don't use 34YybIP_Udu-00120-00091744-00092336 our due diligence and look it up if it doesn't make sense we simply go oh okay i'll try that 34YybIP_Udu-00121-00092456-00093280 right now our client who has has paid to put food on our table has helped us pay our car payment 34YybIP_Udu-00122-00093280-00093920 helps us pay our mortgage and our rent helps us buy clothing helps put our children through school 34YybIP_Udu-00123-00093920-00094632 now becomes a lab rat because we saw somebody do this on social media and so we don't test it first 34YybIP_Udu-00124-00094632-00095504 we test it on another human first and if you are really environmentally conscientious about that 34YybIP_Udu-00125-00095568-00096256 don't be testing on humans you've got mannequin heads you've got cotton you can chest 34YybIP_Udu-00126-00096312-00097096 watches all of this stuff so so anyway uh that was the one thing i wanted to chat about today 34YybIP_Udu-00127-00097096-00097840 but i also and because you know i am a huge karate kid fan i don't know about you do you like that 34YybIP_Udu-00128-00097840-00098656 show i do like it i grew up on karate kid right and of course now on netflix they have cobra kai 34YybIP_Udu-00129-00098728-00099584 right so it's the extension you know daniel russo is now 43 years old and still doing karate karate 34YybIP_Udu-00130-00099992-00100424 and so i thought in tribute to the karate kid because the 34YybIP_Udu-00131-00100424-00101280 season five starts in september uh i would see today if mr miyagi had any words of wisdom for us 34YybIP_Udu-00132-00101360-00102064 and so um let's look and see what he has to say how about this one oh 34YybIP_Udu-00133-00102064-00102776 you can't see i'm gonna have to enlarge it aren't i just a wee bit there you go 34YybIP_Udu-00134-00102911-00103488 let's see if we can move me over here how's that i'm good here yeah yeah yep all right so 34YybIP_Udu-00135-00103640-00104376 no sand when you lighten here you do not remove anything you simply change the size and shape of 34YybIP_Udu-00136-00104376-00105192 the bonds which changes the way they reflect or absorb light this changes the way or vision and 34YybIP_Udu-00137-00105192-00105768 way our vision interprets the color you know i think this is a really interesting subject 34YybIP_Udu-00138-00105968-00106744 because we use a language sometimes that is not relevant to what we actually do 34YybIP_Udu-00139-00106920-00107200 it's like i'm going to remove the pigment 34YybIP_Udu-00140-00107359-00108208 we don't yeah well we even have products that are called you know we've got removers 34YybIP_Udu-00141-00108776-00109704 yeah you know like and it's not that simple no and if you know and like if you think about it 34YybIP_Udu-00142-00109704-00110544 if we were simply removing pigment or you know whether natural or artificial when we rinse the 34YybIP_Udu-00143-00110544-00111280 hair you'd see it coming out of the drain but why is it that has been my question for so many years 34YybIP_Udu-00144-00111335-00112232 yeah like where did it go then it didn't go anywhere exactly exactly everything you know 34YybIP_Udu-00145-00112288-00112935 we're we're changing plus adding right i think some of the key things here if you are making a 34YybIP_Udu-00146-00112935-00113488 note is that we change the shape of the bonds the bonds that hold it here together that means that 34YybIP_Udu-00147-00113488-00114128 they are diminished we're reducing their size making them smaller and by making them smaller 34YybIP_Udu-00148-00114200-00114911 we change their shape because we don't precise they're not made smaller in equal increments 34YybIP_Udu-00149-00114968-00115704 they're shattered basically is what's happened and so based upon their size when light strikes them 34YybIP_Udu-00150-00115768-00116559 it determines what we see visually whether we see a color or whether we see what more light 34YybIP_Udu-00151-00116559-00117183 reflection less light absorption i mean that's actually what undertones or underlying pigment 34YybIP_Udu-00152-00117183-00118048 is you know it's like it they don't really exist you know the only that warmth the hair contributes 34YybIP_Udu-00153-00118128-00118735 is created by us yeah and based upon how much we break down the structure of the hair 34YybIP_Udu-00154-00118808-00119304 determines how light reflective it will be which determines how light it will be 34YybIP_Udu-00155-00119359-00120208 which determines what level it will be which determines what we see ergo air go air go air go 34YybIP_Udu-00156-00120320-00121152 and just said circle back to what we talked about earlier it is still based on an energy release by 34YybIP_Udu-00157-00121152-00122192 the mixing of either a hair color or lightener which are both alkaline or bases with an acid 34YybIP_Udu-00158-00122256-00123192 whether like hydrogen peroxide and the volume just indicates how much energy is going to be released 34YybIP_Udu-00159-00123192-00123896 from this particular solution so that's you have a you have a choice right you can regulate 34YybIP_Udu-00160-00123968-00124616 but yeah too funny yeah you can determine what undertone or what degree of warmth you're going 34YybIP_Udu-00161-00124616-00125224 to create all right let's see what's next how about this oh my goodness i like this one 34YybIP_Udu-00162-00125328-00126216 no danielson direct dies cannot be driven deeper into the cuticle this is a rumor that runs around 34YybIP_Udu-00163-00126216-00126880 we try to dispel it and then it shows back up again there's a belief system that when you 34YybIP_Udu-00164-00126880-00127616 use lightner on direct eyes that the lightener drives the direct eyes further into the hair 34YybIP_Udu-00165-00127888-00128640 and they say they get stuck the shards i love that they use that word the shards get stuck 34YybIP_Udu-00166-00128640-00129592 between the cuticle layers listen knock knock whitener is a decomposing compound 34YybIP_Udu-00167-00129704-00130383 it does not drive anything into the hair it decomposes everything that it touches 34YybIP_Udu-00168-00130535-00131120 so what we're seeing when we try to lighten a direct die is we're seeing 34YybIP_Udu-00169-00131120-00131952 the stained cuticle what's remaining of the cuticle and that's what gives again another 34YybIP_Udu-00170-00132128-00132992 philosophy based on an assumption based on what they saw visually they said well this 34YybIP_Udu-00171-00132992-00133936 is what's happening it's not it's not so the best way of course to lighten a direct eye or to 34YybIP_Udu-00172-00133936-00134768 naturalize a direct die is to understand what naturalizing is and you can learn that if you come 34YybIP_Udu-00173-00134768-00135736 to one of our educational programs i recommend it highly all right what else oh how about this one 34YybIP_Udu-00174-00135952-00136520 it's like you you pulled out all the good ones all the good ones yeah uh no daniel 34YybIP_Udu-00175-00136520-00137088 sand clear hair color cannot add shine to the hair unless you have a very active imagination 34YybIP_Udu-00176-00137232-00137864 simple is that clear hair color and virtually every brand that i have ever known 34YybIP_Udu-00177-00137952-00138784 is nothing more than the base of the color without the dye intermediates so there's nothing in there 34YybIP_Udu-00178-00138896-00139560 that will contribute to shine in the hair because here's what the law of color says 34YybIP_Udu-00179-00139560-00140592 in order to have shine you must have reflect in order to have reflect you must have tone 34YybIP_Udu-00180-00140784-00141728 therefore without tone in your color you will get no light reflection there's nothing to reflect 34YybIP_Udu-00181-00141848-00142376 so um but there are many people their belief systems really strong that's what they believe 34YybIP_Udu-00182-00142504-00142888 however you know our job is simply to tell you 34YybIP_Udu-00183-00142888-00143296 what's happening and you can deal with it the way that you choose 34YybIP_Udu-00184-00143536-00144392 okay let's see here oh no daniel sign you cannot seal permanent color in the hair by using a dummy 34YybIP_Udu-00185-00144392-00145048 permanent color because they are both permanent color yes they are mr miyagi you are so smart 34YybIP_Udu-00186-00145304-00145912 demi colors and permanent colors are all permanent colors if they have a if they require a developer 34YybIP_Udu-00187-00145992-00147056 they are an oxidative dye so they both even the my even the mildest demi still operates functions 34YybIP_Udu-00188-00147112-00147656 processes at a ph higher than the optimum range for hair 34YybIP_Udu-00189-00147776-00148312 right so no matter what you use you are going to swell the cuticle 34YybIP_Udu-00190-00148408-00149096 so there's no way you can seal anything in the hair and by the way just simple science 34YybIP_Udu-00191-00149096-00149760 tells us the cuticle is semi-permeable it has holes in it to begin with you could not seal it 34YybIP_Udu-00192-00149840-00150320 unless you use something like polyurethane you pick that up at home depot that might seal it 34YybIP_Udu-00193-00150432-00151312 yeah but uh it might feel it for good might seal it for good yeah so again these are things we have 34YybIP_Udu-00194-00151312-00152104 to pay attention to because these keep coming around and showing up i love this one mr miyagi 34YybIP_Udu-00195-00152104-00152960 you're so right danielson if you were going to wish don't wish that hair color was easier wish 34YybIP_Udu-00196-00152960-00153624 that you had better skills and understanding of your craft and that my friends is the bottom line 34YybIP_Udu-00197-00153848-00154624 wish for better skills work for better skills don't wish that it was easier because hair color 34YybIP_Udu-00198-00154680-00155616 is complex but it's not complicated if you understand it i know i'm using that word together 34YybIP_Udu-00199-00155616-00156288 but you know it is complex because there's many parts but it's not complicated if you know how 34YybIP_Udu-00200-00156288-00157072 those parts work together well exactly as you when you mentored me you know one of the first things 34YybIP_Udu-00201-00157072-00157872 you said to me was max if you know the why behind something then the how becomes really simple 34YybIP_Udu-00202-00157872-00158576 and it is true it's like the the more aware we are of all the moving parts and pieces 34YybIP_Udu-00203-00158688-00159656 in the hair color process and really knowing about hair yeah actual the hair itself gets overlooked 34YybIP_Udu-00204-00159656-00160488 a lot in in a lot of classes they become super product focused but the hair is fifty percent 34YybIP_Udu-00205-00160568-00160960 of what we're working on you know it is the canvas we're working on 34YybIP_Udu-00206-00160960-00161864 and you need to know how it is going to respond to changes in ph and you know exposure to 34YybIP_Udu-00207-00161944-00162688 reactive chemicals that's all part of it it's not just the you know it's not the jetsons where the 34YybIP_Udu-00208-00162688-00163184 helmet comes down and then pops back up and you have a new hair color although that would 34YybIP_Udu-00209-00163184-00163792 be really cool you know it's like one of my mentors used to always say if you just if you 34YybIP_Udu-00210-00163792-00164488 paint trash you just have a different color of trash exactly it doesn't make the trash better 34YybIP_Udu-00211-00164616-00165416 if you put lipstick on a pig it's still a pig yeah amen brother amen so hey that's been pretty fun 34YybIP_Udu-00212-00165416-00166144 uh uh mr miyagi brought us a lot of interesting things to talk about today so let's kind of close 34YybIP_Udu-00213-00166144-00166672 off our episode today max talking a little bit about some of the things that are upcoming for us 34YybIP_Udu-00214-00166792-00167424 and the one thing i want to talk about is uh what we are very proud of we are happy to announce 34YybIP_Udu-00215-00167424-00167984 that we have created hair color university and the first session of hair color university will 34YybIP_Udu-00216-00167984-00168656 begin on october the 3rd this year hair color university is the next step in your education 34YybIP_Udu-00217-00168712-00169288 if you've gone to hair color school and you say what's next for me hair color university is that 34YybIP_Udu-00218-00169288-00169968 next step it is the final step it's sort of like your masters and i try to get away from talking 34YybIP_Udu-00219-00169968-00170592 about masters because they have so many different master certificates now everybody's making 34YybIP_Udu-00220-00170592-00171184 people into masters but here's what hair color university is about we wanted to raise the bar 34YybIP_Udu-00221-00171256-00171912 and so we've done that with this course number one we're going to focus on color correction 34YybIP_Udu-00222-00171912-00172504 color correction will be two weeks of sessions so two sessions back to back and you're actually 34YybIP_Udu-00223-00172504-00172984 going to get some hands-on experience we have some great at-home exercises for you to do 34YybIP_Udu-00224-00172984-00173448 between the classes and then we have some great demonstrations that we'll be sharing with you to 34YybIP_Udu-00225-00173448-00173976 help you understand that there are steps in color correction there's a pathway in color correction 34YybIP_Udu-00226-00174040-00174680 and you can enter that pathway based upon where you are as far as your color correction 34YybIP_Udu-00227-00174680-00175224 scenario not all color correction scenarios begin at the same place 34YybIP_Udu-00228-00175280-00175912 yeah so you enter that pathway based upon where you are and so we feel very excited about that 34YybIP_Udu-00229-00175968-00176488 then we're going to talk we're going to move into creative color placement we're going to talk about 34YybIP_Udu-00230-00176488-00177120 what we call the elements of design like what things do i look for when i am telling the story 34YybIP_Udu-00231-00177192-00177752 of the shape because that's our job as a colorist is really to tell the story now many of us don't 34YybIP_Udu-00232-00177752-00178432 do that many of us just paint it like it is and we do one monochromatic color and we say yeah we're 34YybIP_Udu-00233-00178432-00179200 done have a great life uh others of us look at the shape and say look that's the inspiration i mean i 34YybIP_Udu-00234-00179200-00180000 don't get inspired by leaves or patterns in carpet i get inspired by shapes because i'm a painter 34YybIP_Udu-00235-00180064-00180600 and so when i look at a shape i look for certain elements in that shape it helps me to determine 34YybIP_Udu-00236-00180600-00181064 number one works my color choices are going to be where i'm going to place those color choices 34YybIP_Udu-00237-00181064-00181440 what type of a technique i'm going to use so we're going to share that with you 34YybIP_Udu-00238-00181528-00182032 that will be with demonstrations and of course our attendees will be required to have some mannequins 34YybIP_Udu-00239-00182032-00182600 so that they can perform those techniques we share with them and the techniques that we share 34YybIP_Udu-00240-00182600-00183208 are what we believe are usable techniques so it doesn't matter where you are on the skill set you 34YybIP_Udu-00241-00183208-00183840 can take those techniques and you can immediately start generating income using those techniques 34YybIP_Udu-00242-00183840-00184376 that's our true belief is that if you come to our educational programs and you can't generate 34YybIP_Udu-00243-00184376-00184992 additional income you know after you've attended one of our classes then you're you've wasted your 34YybIP_Udu-00244-00184992-00185504 money and our class has not been beneficial so our goal is to give you things you can take back 34YybIP_Udu-00245-00185504-00186280 and use in your salon immediately then we're going to move into blonding we're going to talk 34YybIP_Udu-00246-00186280-00186824 about global lightning and we're going to talk about what blondes do we make at what levels 34YybIP_Udu-00247-00186944-00187552 how do i choose a toner do you do you understand that toners are like every other hair color toner 34YybIP_Udu-00248-00187552-00188168 is not a special type of color it's a permanent hair color they have background they have tone and 34YybIP_Udu-00249-00188168-00188896 they have reflect when you apply them to light and hair that lighten hair is 50 of what the result 34YybIP_Udu-00250-00188896-00189688 will be so it really falls back into the normal formulation that we do but sometimes we don't 34YybIP_Udu-00251-00189688-00190392 know how to choose a toner how to even change a toner some of us become so familiar with one toner 34YybIP_Udu-00252-00190392-00190960 formula that's what we tone everybody with again it's that magic max it's that like oh you mean i 34YybIP_Udu-00253-00190960-00191512 can use that on anybody yeah good and that's my toner i'm going to use it on everybody you know 34YybIP_Udu-00254-00191512-00192160 we said you could use it on anybody we didn't say use it on everybody so you heard us wrong 34YybIP_Udu-00255-00192336-00193008 so and that's why it ends up being the same you know my good friend roy peters tells a story when 34YybIP_Udu-00256-00193008-00193792 he had a salon in dallas texas you know he had his clientele were really the socialites of dallas 34YybIP_Udu-00257-00193792-00194632 and um he was invited to a special luncheon and about six of the women that came to his salon were 34YybIP_Udu-00258-00194632-00195280 caring that they were the group that was sharing that that that function and he said i was sitting 34YybIP_Udu-00259-00195280-00196104 there and i looked at the front of the room and every one of those women had the same color blonde 34YybIP_Udu-00260-00196104-00197168 hair because i had used the same toner on all of them and he said i felt so embarrassed i was 34YybIP_Udu-00261-00197168-00197896 hoping and praying that they didn't notice that they all five looked alike because 34YybIP_Udu-00262-00197960-00198592 we get a favorite toner and we tone everybody with that instead of saying wait a minute i have a huge 34YybIP_Udu-00263-00198592-00199264 selection in toners sure you know there's not just one i have a huge selection so we're going to talk 34YybIP_Udu-00264-00199264-00199816 about blonding and toning and then we're also going to incorporate in each one of our session 34YybIP_Udu-00265-00199872-00200216 some business strategies how do you charge for color correction 34YybIP_Udu-00266-00200216-00200704 that's always been a challenge you know how do i con how do i figure out what i charge how do i 34YybIP_Udu-00267-00200704-00201296 charge for my creative color placement because you know you've got to ask yourself you know 34YybIP_Udu-00268-00201296-00201824 am i charging the right amount am i charging enough if this client if i'm doing a technique 34YybIP_Udu-00269-00201824-00202440 that she's not going to come back for six months did i charge enough when i did her hair that time 34YybIP_Udu-00270-00202528-00202960 to replace the revenue she would be generating for me 34YybIP_Udu-00271-00203032-00203664 if she came back every once a month or every three months but people don't think about that 34YybIP_Udu-00272-00203752-00204168 they just go i'm charging this and now you don't see anybody for six months 34YybIP_Udu-00273-00204240-00204744 i don't i want that client coming into me at least every three months i don't want six-month 34YybIP_Udu-00274-00204744-00205408 people because there's way too much there's too many variables that will occur in a six-month 34YybIP_Udu-00275-00205471-00206319 space absolutely absolutely so those are our four sessions um we're very excited about that we will 34YybIP_Udu-00276-00206319-00207040 have a fifth session which will be a debrief session so at the end of hair color university 34YybIP_Udu-00277-00207040-00207736 you get a beautiful certificate and then we will bring you back on 30 days after that 34YybIP_Udu-00278-00207736-00208248 for a debrief to find out where you are how it's working for you because we want you to be 34YybIP_Udu-00279-00208248-00208832 equipped our whole goal is to give you information that's going to help you become more successful so 34YybIP_Udu-00280-00208888-00209384 um anything i missed on hair color university max oh the only thing i would add too is 34YybIP_Udu-00281-00209512-00210471 we are going to really dive deep into the corrective color and i'm i'm just super excited 34YybIP_Udu-00282-00210471-00211488 that what what we've done is we've laid out a essentially like a sequence that you can use every 34YybIP_Udu-00283-00211488-00212271 time you have a color correction in your chair and really you know more often than not we are doing 34YybIP_Udu-00284-00212271-00212984 some form of color correction even on some of our regular clients so i just feel like this really 34YybIP_Udu-00285-00213176-00214319 puts the polish on those finer points of you know consultation hair color analysis and it will also 34YybIP_Udu-00286-00214319-00214888 help you take your formulation skills to the next level so i'm just really excited and i'm 34YybIP_Udu-00287-00214888-00215600 excited to see how our students grow from this experience because this is going to be our our 34YybIP_Udu-00288-00215600-00216152 first run of hair color university yes absolutely i'm very excited about it you're absolutely right 34YybIP_Udu-00289-00216152-00216680 and there's a couple things we want to share with you people have been asking and so we 34YybIP_Udu-00290-00216680-00217416 are just uh say today is sunday so monday tuesday wednesday we should have in our hot little hands 34YybIP_Udu-00291-00217512-00218000 our first copies of captain color versus the pigment pirates so for those of you that are 34YybIP_Udu-00292-00218000-00218576 on the pre-order list your book will be sent to you soon for those of you who have not pre-ordered 34YybIP_Udu-00293-00218576-00219208 and you wish to you still can for the remaining part of this next week after that there will be 34YybIP_Udu-00294-00219208-00220216 no no first copy pre-orders and then you'll have to order on amazon on barnes and noble's nook on 34YybIP_Udu-00295-00220216-00221296 the bookshelf we will also be on other other book other other online sellers but i know for sure 34YybIP_Udu-00296-00221296-00222152 we'll be on amazon barnes and noble and bookshelf so you can order a copy there is amazon doing um 34YybIP_Udu-00297-00222152-00222832 also a kindle version yes they are versions yeah they will be doing well i mean barnes and noble 34YybIP_Udu-00298-00222832-00223440 will have the physical book in the barnes and noble bookstore and we will also have it on nook 34YybIP_Udu-00299-00223440-00224040 and amazon will be doing a kindle version as well so you can have a print copy or a digital copy or 34YybIP_Udu-00300-00224040-00224840 both or above absolutely so we're very excited about that and uh it's been a long time coming 34YybIP_Udu-00301-00224912-00225552 so hopefully we have shared some nuggets of information with you today and you have 34YybIP_Udu-00302-00225552-00226144 enjoyed uh our little visit uh it's uh as always it's always fun talking to max we invite you 34YybIP_Udu-00303-00226144-00226832 to follow us you can find max at maxim here on instagram you can find me at real captaincolor 34YybIP_Udu-00304-00226912-00227608 our other code you've got fontani you can find her at yvette underscore frontani uh on 34YybIP_Udu-00305-00227608-00228560 um on instagram you're invited to visit our website which is www uh dot w www.kurunation.net 34YybIP_Udu-00306-00228704-00229304 or you can find it if you want an easier access to it you can go to my bio and instagram or you can 34YybIP_Udu-00307-00229304-00229944 simply just type this in on your computer which would be link tree forward slash 34YybIP_Udu-00308-00229944-00230536 real captain color and it will take you to our website and to our educational page 34YybIP_Udu-00309-00230536-00231144 so we invite you to follow us on facebook we have a page there a public page called guru nation 34YybIP_Udu-00310-00231144-00231864 and we have a closed group called guru hair tribe so if you wish to become part of guru hair time 34YybIP_Udu-00311-00231864-00232680 just simply apply for admittance and we'll get you involved in that and that takes care of that max 34YybIP_Udu-00312-00232680-00233488 anything we need to cover did we get it all i i think we got it all done and dusted done and done 34YybIP_Udu-00313-00233488-00234080 and so with that i say everybody have an amazing week we wish you all the best hopefully we see 34YybIP_Udu-00314-00234080-00234760 you soon again on our next episode but until then from my heart to yours i am captain color and i am 34YybIP_Udu-00315-00234760-00236784 out max how about you i am out as well all right bye-bye everybody take care see y'all soon bye-bye 34YybIP_Udu-00316-00237960-00238010 you 35abMVA6kBu-00000-00000000-00000200 Eliphant And Friends Part - 2 39shxwweF2c-00000-00000010-00000136 "I really want you to understand this." 39shxwweF2c-00001-00000168-00000546 "I found myself wishing he would change here and now" 39shxwweF2c-00002-00000570-00000980 "which is unfair because everyone has their moment of change" 39shxwweF2c-00003-00001002-00001124 "once I let that expectation go" 39shxwweF2c-00004-00001142-00001278 "things became so much easier." 39shxwweF2c-00005-00001298-00001500 "even if you're right about something" 39shxwweF2c-00006-00001524-00001718 "asking someone to share your understanding is a big ask" 39shxwweF2c-00007-00001755-00001922 "this may be the truth of my experience" 39shxwweF2c-00008-00001942-00002082 "but the truth of his/her experience may be different" 39shxwweF2c-00009-00002104-00002322 "I don't think you can compare and rank them" 3r4iH8JKRN0-00000-00000088-00000960 hey guys just here with a quick tutorial for the new world players and for this discord for captain 3r4iH8JKRN0-00001-00000960-00001600 wesley i think his name is pronounced anyways uh people having a bit of trouble understanding 3r4iH8JKRN0-00002-00001600-00002240 how to build the overwolf version of this as the legacy legacy c-sharp is right here if you just 3r4iH8JKRN0-00003-00002240-00003104 want to use ocr which is using screenshots of the game to find out the position it's not very uh uh 3r4iH8JKRN0-00004-00003104-00003696 optimized as the overwolf one is currently it has a lot more overwolf has a lot more features 3r4iH8JKRN0-00005-00003696-00004416 than the current one so i recommend looking into getting overwolf if you don't have overwolf i'll 3r4iH8JKRN0-00006-00004416-00004928 link where to get it from and just do it like i'll show you the google search and everything 3r4iH8JKRN0-00007-00005040-00005784 and we'll go from there so the the first thing you need to get i recommend is github desktop 3r4iH8JKRN0-00008-00005856-00006559 it's very useful program for downloading and pulling github repositories sorry 3r4iH8JKRN0-00009-00006904-00007544 basically instead of just clicking code and download zip you just get this little link 3r4iH8JKRN0-00010-00007544-00008128 here right and click that little button and that copies it to your clipboard and you go 3r4iH8JKRN0-00011-00008128-00008952 here and you go add and then clone repository and you click url and since i've already have it 3r4iH8JKRN0-00012-00008952-00009632 it's not going to do it but you just clone a repository and then it clones to this path here 3r4iH8JKRN0-00013-00009712-00010448 cloning is basically downloading the zip but if the developer makes an update uh they it will 3r4iH8JKRN0-00014-00010448-00011016 automatically come up in this program so if you want to see if there's an update check github 3r4iH8JKRN0-00015-00011016-00012048 desktop and it will come up here saying pull from origin and it will say like mine said before 56 3r4iH8JKRN0-00016-00012152-00012688 files were updated so they're adding new stuff constantly which is great but you just clone it 3r4iH8JKRN0-00017-00012688-00013319 to wherever you want and the next program i recommend getting is visual studio code 3r4iH8JKRN0-00018-00013504-00014232 now the reason i recommend visual studio code is because you can open a folder 3r4iH8JKRN0-00019-00014384-00015088 so if you open a folder and you see there's the new world mini map and then if you just 3r4iH8JKRN0-00020-00015088-00015784 open the overwolf section and go select folder it opens just what you need to build the over wolf 3r4iH8JKRN0-00021-00015784-00016256 section it doesn't you don't have to go for file explorer or anything and the best thing about 3r4iH8JKRN0-00022-00016256-00016984 visual studio code is it has the terminal built in for building the program itself 3r4iH8JKRN0-00023-00017104-00017832 so i recommend before even so to get started on building the program i recommend 3r4iH8JKRN0-00024-00017832-00018264 going to the public i don't i don't know if this is already here by default 3r4iH8JKRN0-00025-00018336-00019184 but if it's not just build the program and wait for this to appear and then change the name to 3r4iH8JKRN0-00026-00019184-00020072 sample capital s space app capital a and make sure the author is overwolf just make sure you 3r4iH8JKRN0-00027-00020072-00020784 change this because you won't be able to use this program unless you change these attributes here 3r4iH8JKRN0-00028-00020952-00021848 now once you've done that uh we'll go back to the github we scroll down and they tell us okay so we 3r4iH8JKRN0-00029-00021848-00022568 need to install npm so make sure you have node.js installed because you're going to definitely 3r4iH8JKRN0-00030-00022568-00023320 need it for this go i'll link this github in the description below as well as well as overwolf and 3r4iH8JKRN0-00031-00023320-00024016 you can you can just look up github desktop and visual studio code they're easy to find was um 3r4iH8JKRN0-00032-00024120-00024976 overwolf isn't and this is obviously you know a github link anyways uh make sure you install 3r4iH8JKRN0-00033-00024976-00025816 node.js it's just an exe you run the installer and basically to check if you've already got 3r4iH8JKRN0-00034-00026048-00026464 visual studio code installed you just go npm -v 3r4iH8JKRN0-00035-00026632-00026912 and it will tell you the version that you have installed 3r4iH8JKRN0-00036-00027104-00027983 and so basically if npm isn't working you don't have node.js installed so make sure 3r4iH8JKRN0-00037-00027983-00028592 you install this before going ahead with any of the building all right so the next one 3r4iH8JKRN0-00038-00028592-00029344 is to install yarn now the codes right here just npm install space install dash g 3r4iH8JKRN0-00039-00029344-00030056 yarn okay so you just copy that put it in here it'll say i already probably have it yeah 3r4iH8JKRN0-00040-00030264-00030472 and that's all you need to install 3r4iH8JKRN0-00041-00030560-00031383 now what you do is first is yarn install that will install the required packages 3r4iH8JKRN0-00042-00031488-00032176 and mine's already up to date so do this twice and you'll get this message and then you just 3r4iH8JKRN0-00043-00032280-00032968 now there's (two)*who* people get confused about the yarn watch and yarn build yarn watch is if 3r4iH8JKRN0-00044-00033144-00033864 you change anything inside the code that messes with 3r4iH8JKRN0-00045-00033920-00034624 the overwolf package yarn watch will automatically update that package if you change the code 3r4iH8JKRN0-00046-00034624-00035376 yarn build just builds it and that's it so we're just gonna do the build option so yarn build 3r4iH8JKRN0-00047-00035592-00036184 and you might be required to install webpack so if you get an error saying 3r4iH8JKRN0-00048-00036304-00037568 um don't have webpack or there's a error with installing them webpack go npm install -g webpack 3r4iH8JKRN0-00049-00037784-00038040 that will install the required package webpack 3r4iH8JKRN0-00050-00038192-00038888 and then you can do the the yarn build just in case yarn install doesn't install webpack itself 3r4iH8JKRN0-00051-00039096-00039704 and there you go so now it's done so mine's in my U drive so i'm going to go to my U drive 3r4iH8JKRN0-00052-00039944-00040480 new world mini map and it will be in the overwolf i don't need that 3r4iH8JKRN0-00053-00040608-00041504 and i think it's in yeah it's in here in releases now obviously i'll link how to get 3r4iH8JKRN0-00054-00041504-00042184 overwolf because it's a very hard program for some reason but uh basically if you've done it right 3r4iH8JKRN0-00055-00042320-00043144 you can just double click it and it will install right there uh and that's that's all i have for 3r4iH8JKRN0-00056-00043144-00044360 that tutorial basically just so a quick run down pull it from github using github desktop and then 3r4iH8JKRN0-00057-00044472-00045184 change the manifest make sure it has the sample app and overwolf in those two attributes 3r4iH8JKRN0-00058-00045432-00045616 install node.js run 3r4iH8JKRN0-00059-00046040-00046640 the build command and the install command and make sure you have the correct like packages visual 3r4iH8JKRN0-00060-00046640-00047520 studio code will actually recommend a extension it's called and i think it recommends typescript 3r4iH8JKRN0-00061-00047520-00048000 importer just make sure you install that just so it doesn't annoy you every time you open it 3r4iH8JKRN0-00062-00048144-00048544 and that's basically all you need to do after you build the app and install 3r4iH8JKRN0-00063-00048544-00049400 it into overwolf every time you launch the new world um it'll run so that's all 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00000-00000034-00000293 - We have to figure out where it is exactly ourselves. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00001-00000405-00000600 Good morning, I hope you're having an amazing day. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00002-00000600-00000683 It's Mark Wiens. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00003-00000683-00000914 I'm in Gilgit-Baltistan in Pakistan 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00004-00000914-00001163 in the mountains, and starting this morning 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00005-00001163-00001663 from a very strategic, a very important place in the world. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00006-00001732-00001994 The plan for today is we're driving from Gilgit 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00007-00001994-00002251 to Hunza Valley, and Hunza Valley is known 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00008-00002251-00002630 for being one of the most spectacularly beautiful 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00009-00002630-00002946 places in Pakistan, and maybe in the world. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00010-00002946-00003317 And the food people eat, people are known to have 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00011-00003317-00003561 a very, very long life, some of the longest lifespans 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00012-00003561-00003778 in the world because the food is so good. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00013-00003778-00003972 The food is so fresh, and the air 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00014-00003972-00004147 and water quality is so good, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00015-00004147-00004338 and definitely tonight for dinner is gonna be a highlight 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00016-00004338-00004505 because we've been invited to a local home 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00017-00004505-00004919 to experience the longevity food of Hunza Valley. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00018-00004919-00005261 (upbeat Pakistani music) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00019-00005593-00005882 This is the merger of three of the world's 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00020-00005882-00006151 highest mountain chains, so let me stand up, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00021-00006151-00006334 let me see if I can get this right. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00022-00006334-00006552 But directly behind me right here 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00023-00006552-00006862 that's where the Himalayas, I guess, the Himalayas begin. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00024-00006862-00006997 That's where they collided. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00025-00006997-00007137 So, the Himalayas are there. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00026-00007225-00007554 If you look behind me, what's up Ali and Gill? 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00027-00007554-00007656 - Hey, we're good. (laughing) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00028-00007656-00007956 - This is the Hindu Kush mountain range, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00029-00007956-00008123 and then if you look over on this side 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00030-00008123-00008310 where you have these jagged rock peaks, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00031-00008310-00008589 that's the Karakoram mountain range, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00032-00008589-00008749 and then the river is the confluence 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00033-00008749-00008989 between the Gilgit and the Indus rivers. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00034-00008989-00009376 That is the actual point where all three 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00035-00009376-00009578 of the mountain chains collide. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00036-00009578-00009786 This is just a quiet, peaceful, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00037-00009786-00010079 all you can hear literally is the rivers flowing. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00038-00010079-00010372 (footsteps crunching) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00039-00010372-00010533 Just for a little more context, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00040-00010533-00010696 the Himalayas are of course home to 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00041-00010696-00010953 the highest mountain in the world, Mount Everest. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00042-00010953-00011360 The Karakorum mountain range is home to K2, but sometimes 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00043-00011360-00011705 they're referred to kind of as the same, but, geologically, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00044-00011705-00011941 the Karakorams are a total different range, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00045-00011941-00012079 and then the Hindu Kush is actually 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00046-00012079-00012218 right behind me right now. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00047-00012218-00012593 (inspiring electronic music) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00048-00012708-00012895 And then back at the hotel for breakfast. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00049-00012895-00013270 (inspiring electronic music) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00050-00013402-00013704 Nothing like curry for breakfast in the morning. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00051-00013704-00013835 This one is called chicken Achari. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00052-00013835-00014022 It has like a mustardy taste to it. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00053-00014022-00014197 Some keema, some minced meat curry. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00054-00014494-00014786 (sipping) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00055-00014786-00014961 Okay, and that completes breakfast. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00056-00014961-00015144 We've gotta pack up our bags and we are moving. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00057-00015144-00015285 We're on our way to Hunza. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00058-00015285-00015709 (fluid instrumental music) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00059-00015709-00015861 Thank you to Gilgit Serena Hotel 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00060-00015861-00016056 for hosting us, for sponsoring our stay. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00061-00016056-00016341 We had a wonderful stay but we are on our way now to Hunza, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00062-00016341-00016523 Hunza Valley, and even the drive 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00063-00016523-00016646 is going to be spectacular, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00064-00016646-00016804 and we're gonna stop for a viewpoint. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00065-00016804-00016968 Hopefully we have some clear weather today. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00066-00016968-00017156 (horn blaring) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00067-00017156-00017523 (upbeat instrumental music) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00068-00018780-00019126 It's just unbelievable, spectacular scenery. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00069-00019400-00019846 Just taking a little stretch but, oh man, the scenery. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00070-00019936-00020213 There's water just gushing from the mountain. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00071-00020213-00020310 Just majestic. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00072-00020310-00020577 (water rushing) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00073-00020858-00021083 (laughing) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00074-00021176-00021366 Oh, it's so fresh. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00075-00021366-00021560 Oh, it's so tasty. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00076-00021560-00021702 That's such pure water. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00077-00021702-00021918 (water rushing) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00078-00021918-00022243 - Wow. That is cold, and awesome. Wow. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00079-00022331-00022414 - I got a little water up the nose but that was so worth it. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00080-00022554-00022840 (water rushing) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00081-00022840-00023207 (upbeat instrumental music) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00082-00023685-00024060 (speaking foreign language) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00083-00024213-00024452 Welcome to Chapshoro Point, and Chapshoro, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00084-00024452-00024745 it's like a stuffed pocket of dough, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00085-00024745-00024996 kind of like a pastry but filled with beef. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00086-00024996-00025126 This version is filled with beef. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00087-00025126-00025626 He has this huge, rounded, concave hotplate, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00088-00025732-00025967 and then if you come over on this side, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00089-00025967-00026168 he has the wood fire burning 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00090-00026366-00026549 which is heating that entire iron plate. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00091-00026549-00026639 He's rolling out the dough, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00092-00026639-00026894 and he's gonna make one fresh for us right now. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00093-00026991-00027366 (speaking foreign language) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00094-00027864-00028214 (upbeat Pakistani music) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00095-00028943-00029112 And then that goes directly into the hotplate 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00096-00029112-00029298 which is fed by the fire. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00097-00029298-00029640 (upbeat Pakistani music) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00098-00030081-00030339 - He's saying that you have to open it from here 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00099-00030339-00030423 and then you eat it. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00100-00030423-00030575 - [Mark] Oh, so you kind of drink the soup at the same time. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00101-00030575-00030731 - Exactly, so you don't take the entire bite 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00102-00030731-00030882 because then it will spill over. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00103-00030882-00030966 - Okay. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00104-00030966-00031107 When I was talking to them making it, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00105-00031107-00031358 they said it was beef but actually it's yak. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00106-00031358-00031750 Kinda open up the pocket like this. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00107-00031750-00031995 Oh and hey, you just kinda like lift up the lid. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00108-00031995-00032187 Immediately you can smell that aroma, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00109-00032187-00032388 the onions in there, the juices, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00110-00032388-00032693 and you can really smell that meatiness to it. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00111-00032693-00032779 Oh, that looks great. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00112-00032779-00033012 You can kind of peel off a piece, I think. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00113-00033131-00033337 Okay, I'm gonna take a little bit of that lid, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00114-00033337-00033426 grab some of that yak. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00115-00033426-00033561 Oh, look how juicy that is. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00116-00034098-00034256 Oh, that's fantastic. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00117-00034438-00034747 The meat mixture, the yak mixture, is awesome. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00118-00034747-00034915 You get the crunchy onions. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00119-00034915-00035158 You've got like the brothy juices. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00120-00035158-00035357 There's definitely some chili in there, some powdered chili. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00121-00035357-00035440 Look at Ying. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00122-00035440-00035623 Ying got another method of eating it. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00123-00035623-00035760 (laughing) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00124-00035760-00035937 Ying, how is the yak? 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00125-00035937-00036033 - Very good. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00126-00036033-00036116 - Like a pocket. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00127-00036483-00036707 And the bread, because he kind of fire-roasts 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00128-00036707-00036806 the bread at the same time, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00129-00036806-00037053 he put them in the fire for a little bit, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00130-00037053-00037219 and then on to the hotplate. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00131-00037219-00037543 Kind of slow cooks, so it's like the bread is gummy, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00132-00037543-00037726 but at the same time, it's kind of crispy on the edges, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00133-00037726-00037872 and it has that fire-roasted flavor to it. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00134-00037872-00037960 - What a cool dish. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00135-00037960-00038067 - Yak meat for the first time in my life. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00136-00038067-00038194 - [Mark] Oh, that's yak meat for the first time? 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00137-00038194-00038286 - Yeah. - [Mark] Nice. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00138-00038286-00038421 Follow that with some chai, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00139-00038680-00038878 or, rather, this might be doodh patti. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00140-00039091-00039325 The perfect accompaniment beverage. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00141-00039445-00039554 - Mm. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00142-00039554-00039759 (laughing) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00143-00039759-00039843 (clapping) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00144-00039843-00040096 (upbeat Pakistani music) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00145-00040096-00040301 - One more cup of doodh patti as we 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00146-00040301-00040459 lounge back in these chairs. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00147-00040867-00041022 Yeah, you can taste the creaminess, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00148-00041022-00041187 and they're also using yak milk. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00149-00041187-00041529 (upbeat Pakistani music) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00150-00041810-00042165 Still have the taste of Rakaposhi. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00151-00042165-00042339 We made it to the Rakaposhi viewpoint 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00152-00042339-00042554 which is one of the highest mountains in this region, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00153-00042554-00042855 7,708 meters 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00154-00042855-00043186 25 thousand and 25 feet. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00155-00043186-00043492 It's massive, and it's fully clouded over. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00156-00043492-00043760 You can't see the top of the summit, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00157-00043760-00043860 but you can see the base. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00158-00043860-00044117 You can see where the snow and the glaciers start. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00159-00044238-00044579 Even without being able to see it, it just has this aura. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00160-00044579-00045079 It has this sensation, I mean, grand-esque monstrosity. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00161-00045134-00045476 (upbeat Pakistani music) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00162-00046750-00046855 - Hello. - [Driver] Hello. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00163-00046855-00047053 - Good morning. - [Mark] Good morning. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00164-00047053-00047136 (speaking foreign language) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00165-00047136-00047230 - Thank you very much. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00166-00047230-00047422 Welcome to the Hunza Valley, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00167-00047422-00047742 and we drove all the way to Karimabad, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00168-00047742-00047938 which is one of the main villages, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00169-00047938-00048125 main towns in the valley. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00170-00048360-00048683 It's like unimaginable beauty. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00171-00048804-00048996 You cannot even, it's almost too much 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00172-00048996-00049241 for your eyes to even see. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00173-00049241-00049716 Just no man could even create something of this spectacle. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00174-00049716-00049799 - Welcome, Sir. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00175-00049799-00049886 - Thank you very much. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00176-00050048-00050244 The smoke is a traditional greeting. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00177-00050244-00050434 Very aromatic, you can smell a lot of, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00178-00050434-00050802 like, it looks like a mixture of pine, and needles, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00179-00050802-00050951 and herbs that are ... 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00180-00051057-00051267 It's warming and smells great. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00181-00051267-00051463 - Welcome, Sir. - Thank you very much. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00182-00051595-00051692 - Welcome, Sir. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00183-00051692-00051807 - Thank you. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00184-00051807-00052091 Oh, and we've got some of the bread and butter. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00185-00052091-00052317 - Bread and butter, Sir. - Oh, nice. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00186-00052317-00052516 Grab a little piece of that. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00187-00052516-00052624 Get the full piece of butter? 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00188-00052624-00052707 - [Man] Yes. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00189-00052707-00052839 - A little chunk of butter there. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00190-00053138-00053379 Oh yeah, wow. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00191-00053379-00053477 That's rich. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00192-00053477-00053571 - Fresh apple juice, Sir? 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00193-00053571-00053680 - Thank you very much. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00194-00054141-00054391 I can say, without a doubt, this is the best cup 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00195-00054391-00054697 of apple juice in the most beautiful location 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00196-00054697-00054907 that I've ever had apple juice in my life. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00197-00055008-00055091 There's Micah. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00198-00055091-00055297 (laughing) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00199-00055458-00055646 Welcome to our room. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00200-00055646-00055862 Yeah, we're gonna need some thick blankets here, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00201-00055862-00056016 thick, purple blankets. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00202-00056124-00056541 Literally, that same exact view is right outside 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00203-00056541-00056707 on the balcony, on the patio. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00204-00056707-00056861 We're walking up to the Baltit Fort, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00205-00056861-00057091 which is one of the landmarks of Hunza Valley. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00206-00057091-00057591 It sits on top of another little hill, just in the shadows 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00207-00057686-00057884 of the mountain, and it's spectacular. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00208-00057884-00058188 But we're just gonna hike up just to get a viewpoint of it. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00209-00058188-00058420 Yeah, we are definitely not at sea level. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00210-00058420-00058664 Oh, you can feel your heart working. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00211-00058664-00058846 Air is thin. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00212-00058846-00059006 We're getting to the fort up here. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00213-00059154-00059349 Come on Micah, we're gonna make it. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00214-00059349-00059635 Man, we're like in the cradle of the mountain. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00215-00059635-00059992 This is a 700-year, and something, old fort, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00216-00059992-00060246 but it is all made of stone, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00217-00060246-00060494 and then you just see the wood balconies, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00218-00060494-00060816 and then you have this unbelievable view again. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00219-00060816-00061048 - Just beyond adjectives. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00220-00061048-00061178 - Gill hasn't even spoken. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00221-00061499-00061693 - It's beyond words, man. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00222-00061693-00062051 (rhythmic Pakistani music) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00223-00062990-00063337 (thumping on cooking board) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00224-00063337-00063670 (speaking foreign language) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00225-00063670-00063972 - Hunza Food Pavilion, have a heavenly experience. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00226-00063972-00064117 This is just a cool, little food hut 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00227-00064117-00064357 that we have stopped in. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00228-00064357-00064478 It's just a nice looking spot, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00229-00064478-00064730 so we're just inquiring about some snacks here. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00230-00064730-00064821 What is this? 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00231-00064821-00065047 - This is Chapshoro mixture. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00232-00065047-00065208 - [Mark] Oh, that goes inside of the- 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00233-00065208-00065291 - Yeah, chicken. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00234-00065291-00065375 - [Mark] That goes inside of the Chap- 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00235-00065375-00065725 - Chicken, coriander, mint, ginger, onion. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00236-00066049-00066415 (speaking foreign language) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00237-00067200-00067384 - Oh, wow, so that's apricot oil? 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00238-00067384-00067478 - [Woman] Oil, yeah. - [Mark] Apricot oil. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00239-00067478-00067619 - Oil, yeah. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00240-00067619-00067896 - But right now, she's making a Chapshoro fresh, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00241-00067896-00068037 but this is totally different version 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00242-00068037-00068120 from what we had earlier. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00243-00068120-00068453 This is made with chicken, and you can see the spices in it, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00244-00068453-00068875 and she actually fries hers in apricot oils. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00245-00068875-00069059 (mellow music) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00246-00069059-00069320 That was actually the inside mixture. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00247-00069320-00069472 We've all taken a seat here. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00248-00069472-00069905 It's just such a cozy, little mountain- 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00249-00069905-00070114 - It's like a miniature chalet. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00250-00070114-00070205 - [Mark] Yeah. (laughing) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00251-00070205-00070464 (mellow music) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00252-00070642-00070750 - Chapshoro, cheers. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00253-00070750-00070845 Chapshoro, boys. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00254-00071242-00071325 - Awe. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00255-00071722-00072156 It's like curried chicken inside of like doughy, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00256-00072156-00072580 fragrant, like, it has a chapati kind of feel to it, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00257-00072580-00072759 but then it's so fragrant because of that oil. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00258-00072759-00072904 - [Gill] Whoa, this is great, yeah. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00259-00072904-00073109 - [Ali] The chicken is beating the yak by miles. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00260-00073109-00073242 (laughing) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00261-00073242-00073723 - The local cottage cheese, set this on top. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00262-00074562-00074856 That is like cottage cheese with organic herbs in it. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00263-00074856-00075022 Yeah, you're gonna put this cottage cheese, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00264-00075022-00075300 just smother every single bite in it. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00265-00075811-00075963 This is something you want to be eating 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00266-00075963-00076065 when you're on a mountain. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00267-00076065-00076346 Okay, next up is the soup that she has today 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00268-00076346-00076619 which is called Daodao, which is that noodle, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00269-00076619-00076956 but it's actually, I think, like dough pieces, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00270-00076956-00077138 but I guess that's what a noodle is anyways. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00271-00077138-00077311 There's some herbs in here. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00272-00077311-00077401 Look at that soup. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00273-00077619-00078119 Mm, oh, it has this wonderful, unexpected sourness to it, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00274-00078151-00078397 and then you really taste the herbs. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00275-00078397-00078592 Like, it tastes like a mountain mint. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00276-00078592-00078884 Those are like little gummy noodles, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00277-00078884-00079257 but what I like is that amazing herb taste. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00278-00079257-00079431 (mellow music) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00279-00079431-00079535 Thank you very much, it was amazing. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00280-00079535-00079723 - Welcome, welcome. - Amazing. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00281-00079723-00079870 Yeah, when you're in Hunza Valley, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00282-00079870-00080152 she's just down from the Baltit Fort 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00283-00080310-00080577 - The store name is Hunza Fort Pavilion, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00284-00080577-00080665 outside. - [Mark] Hunza Fort Pavilion. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00285-00080665-00080817 - Yeah, Hunza Fort Pavilion. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00286-00080817-00080945 - [Mark] What was your name again? 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00287-00080945-00081080 - Laoshizadee. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00288-00081080-00081203 - [Mark] Laoshizadee. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00289-00081203-00081411 Yeah, this is the spot. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00290-00081497-00081702 Oh yeah, you can see Hunza Food Pavilion. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00291-00082000-00082268 (van sputters) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00292-00082268-00082410 Okay, from here, we're driving back to the hotel, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00293-00082410-00082547 and they've prepared a local lunch for us, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00294-00082547-00082816 so we're gonna go have lunch, another lunch, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00295-00082816-00083078 and then we will proceed onwards from there, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00296-00083078-00083367 but then tonight is gonna be a very special opportunity 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00297-00083367-00083532 because we've invited to a local home 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00298-00083532-00083898 to have a local Hunza food experience. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00299-00083898-00084114 (enchanted instrumental music) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00300-00084114-00084614 Come on, Micah. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00301-00084623-00084767 Here's something I've never done before. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00302-00084767-00084942 (upbeat guitar music) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00303-00084942-00085167 (laughing) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00304-00085377-00085460 I can't do it. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00305-00085460-00085607 Okay, I'm gonna have to use my hand. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00306-00085726-00086010 (apple crunching) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00307-00086182-00086265 Awe, Mm. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00308-00086488-00086636 It's so crisp. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00309-00086636-00086777 It's so juicy. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00310-00086777-00086911 Perfect, a perfect apple. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00311-00087290-00087494 (apple crunching) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00312-00087494-00087655 It's still attached. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00313-00087655-00087787 (laughing) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00314-00087787-00088000 - [Ali] Is that the copyright book, can I also do it? 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00315-00088000-00088083 - You can do it too. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00316-00088083-00088167 (laughing) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00317-00088167-00088379 I'm sure anyone who grew up around apples has done 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00318-00088379-00088540 that before, but that's a first for me. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00319-00088540-00088898 I didn't grow up around cold weather where they grow apples. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00320-00088898-00089132 (apple crunching) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00321-00089132-00089215 Thank you very much. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00322-00089215-00089340 - Welcome to-- - Thank you. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00323-00089340-00089454 So, we just sat down. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00324-00089454-00089640 We're gonna have a quick lunch, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00325-00089640-00089891 and they're gonna prepare a local Hunza food meal 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00326-00089891-00090110 for us for lunch today at the hotel. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00327-00090110-00090242 (speaking foreign language) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00328-00090242-00090606 Thin layers of dough which have then been fried 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00329-00090606-00090745 and then stuffed with that, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00330-00090745-00091030 looks like that similar cottage cheese which we just ate. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00331-00091556-00091789 Almost has like a cheese dumpling taste to it, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00332-00091789-00091907 but it's more like layers. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00333-00091907-00091995 Thank you very much. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00334-00091995-00092078 (speaking foreign language) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00335-00092078-00092189 Okay, next dish. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00336-00092189-00092524 Oh, there's chunks of meat in this one, nice. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00337-00092524-00092660 Looks very familiar. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00338-00093444-00093656 This one is good too. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00339-00093656-00094048 It's a little less herbaceous than the one we just had 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00340-00094048-00094316 before, but this one has a little more meat in it. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00341-00094583-00094738 Main course has arrived. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00342-00094738-00094939 Two separate things, one is the lamb. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00343-00094939-00095034 Again, the other is Harissa 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00344-00095034-00095346 which is a traditional staple made with wheat, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00345-00095346-00095705 looks like almost made into a porridge-like paste. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00346-00095705-00095890 (upbeat instrumental music) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00347-00095890-00096118 And silent, digging into that lamb. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00348-00096118-00096405 - If I talk a lot during eating, I mean, there's a problem. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00349-00096405-00096630 (laughing) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00350-00096940-00097023 - Oh yeah. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00351-00097297-00097380 The ginger. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00352-00097486-00097600 But that's just like lamb roast. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00353-00097600-00097683 Yeah, that's delicious. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00354-00097683-00097844 I think it's just been like, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00355-00097844-00098009 taste like it's just been boiled. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00356-00098109-00098270 The lamb is good but I think it would be better 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00357-00098270-00098407 with some kind of a sauce. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00358-00098407-00098774 (upbeat instrumental music) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00359-00098871-00098955 Oh, that's good. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00360-00098955-00099202 You can taste kind of like the buttery-ness of it, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00361-00099202-00099370 but it's really creamy, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00362-00099370-00099684 and then you can taste the grains of wheat as well. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00363-00099684-00099872 Final course is dessert, and it's in this little, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00364-00099872-00100064 looks like almost a little pudding with some grapes 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00365-00100064-00100264 on the side, and there's some almonds on top. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00366-00100264-00100534 I'm gonna grab that mint leaf as well. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00367-00100534-00100901 (upbeat instrumental music) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00368-00101117-00101293 Kind of has like a pumpkin taste to it. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00369-00101293-00101490 Oh, the beloved apricot oil. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00370-00101490-00101826 (upbeat instrumental music) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00371-00101826-00101911 Finished with lunch. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00372-00101911-00102127 The food is kind of on the plainer side, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00373-00102127-00102356 but it was, yeah, very good, quality ingredients. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00374-00102356-00102593 You could taste the freshness of the ingredients. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00375-00102593-00102868 Actually, that was a very late lunch because it's almost, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00376-00102868-00103118 it's gonna be sunset pretty soon so we gotta rush, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00377-00103223-00103570 and it's about a 30-minute drive to get to the sunset spot. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00378-00103570-00103953 (ethereal contemporary music) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00379-00104082-00104305 But have we gained quite a lot of elevation. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00380-00104305-00104569 But this place is called the Eagles Nest. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00381-00104569-00104932 Oh, it's cold up here. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00382-00104932-00105136 It's cold, Micah, are you cold? 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00383-00105268-00105466 So, we sorta missed the sunset because 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00384-00105466-00105690 it already has gone down below the peak 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00385-00105690-00105948 but the view is absolutely spectacular, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00386-00105948-00106226 and you can see all the different colors of purple and blue. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00387-00106226-00106466 There's so much snow on those peaks, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00388-00106466-00106682 and then down here, this is the main Hunza Valley 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00389-00106682-00106954 where the Karimabad, where we were staying, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00390-00106954-00107207 and I believe that's what they call Ladyfinger. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00391-00107207-00107539 That's such a jagged, sharp peak. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00392-00107539-00107922 (ethereal contemporary music) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00393-00108705-00109020 The actual sun is shining onto these peaks over here. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00394-00109020-00109318 They're monstrous, and then so much snow. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00395-00109318-00109479 You're starting to see more colors. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00396-00109691-00109940 Yeah, we gained some elevation. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00397-00109940-00110026 I can feel that. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00398-00110154-00110333 Yeah, it's chilly up here too. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00399-00110333-00110497 - I was thinking about it over there, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00400-00110497-00110893 like, if you could ever say that something could top this, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00401-00110893-00111132 you'd have to, like, leave the earth. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00402-00111132-00111274 - [Mark] Otherworldly. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00403-00111274-00111408 - Yes. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00404-00111408-00111527 - Okay, I think we're getting out of here. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00405-00111527-00111834 It is freezing cold, but it's a truly 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00406-00111834-00112142 an epic viewpoint, just 360 all around. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00407-00112142-00112299 It's mind blowing. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00408-00112299-00112682 (ethereal contemporary music) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00409-00112951-00113097 For dinner tonight, we've been invited 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00410-00113097-00113492 by a local family to eat at their home arranged 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00411-00113492-00113689 by the minister of tourism GB, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00412-00113689-00113822 so we're just on our way there now. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00413-00113822-00114002 Okay, so we've met up with our host, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00414-00114110-00114229 and he's taking us down. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00415-00114229-00114604 This is a very unique area of town, watery streets, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00416-00114604-00114994 and we're also very close to the Altit Fort, right? 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00417-00114994-00115077 - Yeah. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00418-00115077-00115197 - Okay, thank you, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00419-00115197-00115354 and this is where your home is? 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00420-00115354-00115547 - [Guide] Yeah, of course. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00421-00115547-00115693 - [Mark] Wow, very cool. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00422-00115693-00116026 - Yeah, most of the houses are built of stone. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00423-00116026-00116327 (Pakistani instrumental music) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00424-00116327-00116489 - It's so cool walking back in these streets. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00425-00116489-00116599 I mean, you can really walk back 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00426-00116599-00116808 into some really narrow, narrow lanes. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00427-00116808-00117240 You can see the walls made of stone and mud construction, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00428-00117240-00117429 and I think we arrived at the house. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00429-00117429-00117558 Thank you. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00430-00117558-00117980 - [Guide] Okay, so this was in the border of the house 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00431-00117980-00118238 so it came just-- - [Mark] Wow. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00432-00118343-00118742 - Karimalhan Hasaramom, he had visited this house specially. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00433-00118742-00119101 (rhythmic Pakistani music) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00434-00119278-00119404 - [Mark] Nice to meet you. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00435-00119404-00119507 Thank you. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00436-00119507-00119865 (rhythmic Pakistani music) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00437-00120153-00120485 Very cool, very cozy on the inside of this carpeted, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00438-00120485-00120763 and with pads on the floor, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00439-00120763-00121138 and then this is within one of the stone homes. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00440-00121138-00121387 It's beautiful, and this is amazing. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00441-00121387-00121521 (clapping) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00442-00121521-00121879 (rhythmic Pakistani music) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00443-00122215-00122392 (applause) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00444-00122392-00122601 And this house has a lot of historical 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00445-00122601-00122797 important significance as well. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00446-00122945-00123175 It's like a museum of a home because 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00447-00123175-00123353 it's so well preserved, and so ancient. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00448-00123353-00123695 (upbeat Pakistani music) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00449-00124691-00124774 The first course which is the soup. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00450-00124774-00124996 DaoDao, DaoDao, it's called DaoDao. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00451-00124996-00125303 I have the extreme honor of sitting next to Grandma 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00452-00125303-00125445 who is an amazing lady. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00453-00125445-00125579 This is her house. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00454-00125579-00125749 She's welcomed us into her house, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00455-00125847-00126049 and this looks like a hearty soup. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00456-00126049-00126432 You can see those dough-like, pieces of dough 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00457-00126432-00126531 which are in the soup. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00458-00126531-00126833 It looks almost like a porridge because it's so thick. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00459-00126833-00127200 (speaking foreign language) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00460-00127706-00127790 - 85. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00461-00127976-00128192 - Wow, she's 85-years old. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00462-00128313-00128448 She's beautiful. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00463-00128448-00128587 She's absolutely beautiful. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00464-00129373-00129471 Oh, that's amazing. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00465-00129649-00129838 It's really hardy and warm, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00466-00129838-00130009 and compared to other versions we had, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00467-00130009-00130374 this has more of the noodles in it, so it's more hardy. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00468-00130374-00130730 (rhythmic Pakistani music) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00469-00130730-00131030 Okay, again, I think I said this earlier today, but this is 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00470-00131030-00131349 the soup that you want to be eating when it's cold outside. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00471-00131349-00131707 (rhythmic Pakistani music) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00472-00131948-00132206 Okay, they're just bringing out more and more dishes, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00473-00132206-00132465 but all local Hunza dishes. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00474-00132552-00132695 This one's very interesting. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00475-00132695-00133140 It's potato with apricot seed paste. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00476-00133140-00133572 And he just brought out an apricot seed chapati, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00477-00133572-00133892 so inside is an apricot taste but I think it's apricot seed, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00478-00133892-00134032 which is almost like almond. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00479-00134391-00134646 That almost tastes like a spring onion, like cream cheese 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00480-00134646-00134819 but then it's like nutty. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00481-00134950-00135033 Wow. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00482-00135125-00135427 That's like refreshing and kind of oniony. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00483-00135708-00135847 All right. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00484-00135847-00136071 I'm gonna try the rose dumpling next and, yeah, it's 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00485-00136071-00136252 wrapped up but filled with yak meat, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00486-00136252-00136409 and then there's a sauce. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00487-00136409-00136657 Yeah, that's like a giant dumpling. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00488-00136657-00136787 I think it is a one biter. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00489-00137377-00137635 Yeah, that's a big bite though. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00490-00137746-00137997 It's like right at that stage where you're not sure. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00491-00137997-00138206 And that tastes like a sweet, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00492-00138206-00138368 kind of like apricot sauce. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00493-00138368-00138543 Okay, next up, I'm gonna try the pasta dish 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00494-00138543-00138818 which is made from wheat. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00495-00138818-00139011 Look like little sheets, and then shaved, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00496-00139011-00139183 and then cooked up with a vegetable. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00497-00139183-00139542 (rhythmic Pakistani music) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00498-00139690-00139943 Oh, it has like this wonderful sourness to it, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00499-00139943-00140265 and then you can taste the herbs, a slight bitter vegetable. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00500-00140265-00140659 This one is the potato with the apricot seed paste. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00501-00140659-00141017 (rhythmic Pakistani music) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00502-00141203-00141333 Oh wow. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00503-00141333-00141477 That's like the greatest mashed potatoes 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00504-00141477-00141646 you've ever had in your life. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00505-00141764-00142053 It's so natural tasting, and then the potatoes just dissolve 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00506-00142053-00142402 in your mouth, and just so nutritious tasting. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00507-00142402-00142646 Okay, next up for the Chapshoro, and this is something 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00508-00142646-00142811 we've had already a couple of times today, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00509-00142811-00143104 but this is really one of the local staple foods. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00510-00143104-00143307 This one is loaded with yak meat. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00511-00143307-00143665 (rhythmic Pakistani music) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00512-00143840-00144010 You can taste the onions in there, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00513-00144010-00144184 and they're just wrapped up in that mince meat. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00514-00144184-00144429 Yeah, and that one has a little more spice to it. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00515-00144629-00144923 (speaking foreign language) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00516-00144923-00145281 (rhythmic Pakistani music) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00517-00145387-00145583 Okay, one more dish that I didn't try yet 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00518-00145583-00145858 filled with cheese on the inside, and kind of, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00519-00145858-00146024 again, the thin layers of dough. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00520-00146024-00146383 (rhythmic Pakistani music) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00521-00146589-00146900 Oh, that's like a really kind of sour, like, cream cheese 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00522-00146900-00147203 kind of sensation, fully organic, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00523-00147203-00147441 just creme Hunza Valley, everything we're eating. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00524-00147441-00147682 In the Hunza Valley, they are known for being very healthy, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00525-00147682-00148068 and many old people, and many, a very high life expectancy, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00526-00148068-00148245 because of the fresh air, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00527-00148245-00148383 and especially because of the food. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00528-00148383-00148616 And so one of the very traditional dishes 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00529-00148616-00148749 that we've been eating and, actually, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00530-00148749-00148950 it's probably my favorite dish of the entire meal, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00531-00148950-00149450 is the chapati which is filled with the apricot seed paste, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00532-00149526-00149810 as well as walnuts, and I think there's some apricot oil 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00533-00149810-00150027 as well, and that it one of the dishes, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00534-00150027-00150443 that is one of the traditional foods of the Hunza Valley 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00535-00150443-00150724 that is credited with longevity 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00536-00150724-00150930 and the health, the good health. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00537-00151138-00151268 Oh, the mint in that bite. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00538-00151477-00151608 Yeah, that's one of the best dishes. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00539-00151608-00151691 What is that, Mr. Ali? 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00540-00151691-00151845 - I'm holding that secret for you. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00541-00151958-00152138 The real secret of longevity. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00542-00152241-00152328 - [Mark] Desserts. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00543-00152328-00152591 - This one bite gonna add one more year. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00544-00152591-00152789 One bite adds one more year. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00545-00153199-00153308 Wow, amazing. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00546-00153928-00154149 - Wow. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00547-00154149-00154523 Oh, the honey, it tastes like caramelized honey in there. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00548-00154686-00154907 And then you got that tart, cherry jam. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00549-00154994-00155274 Wow, that's like a juicy, honey-filled pancake. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00550-00155274-00155615 (upbeat Pakistani music) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00551-00156042-00156367 That was an unbelievable experience, with the music, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00552-00156367-00156776 the food, the family, having the honor to sit next 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00553-00156776-00157223 to Grandma as she just smiled, and then just that food. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00554-00157341-00157424 Watch your step. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00555-00157546-00157816 Oh, we just figured out that this is a 400-year, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00556-00157816-00158097 they mentioned this a 400-year old house. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00557-00158097-00158342 Wow, yeah, that was so cool. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00558-00158342-00158431 - What a treat. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00559-00158431-00158655 - Yeah, a privilege. - A real treat, yeah. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00560-00158655-00158750 - [Man] Mind your head, Sir. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00561-00158750-00158895 - [Mark] Okay, thank you. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00562-00158895-00159237 (upbeat Pakistani music) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00563-00159606-00159689 Cat. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00564-00160531-00160670 Thank you very much. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00565-00160670-00160763 - [Man] This is traditions. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00566-00160763-00160880 - Okay, thank you. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00567-00160880-00161054 - [Man] Traditions. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00568-00161054-00161197 Thank you. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00569-00161197-00161481 (room chattering) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00570-00162060-00162172 - [Man] Please, please. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00571-00162172-00162322 - Shalom, welcome. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00572-00162536-00162624 Shalom, welcome. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00573-00162624-00163009 - Wasn't even sure what we were gonna do, but we drove over, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00574-00163009-00163295 and we were invited to another house, another home. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00575-00163295-00163605 This is really old, ancient home, another stone home, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00576-00163698-00163873 and we're all huddled around, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00577-00163873-00164037 and they're sitting by the fire, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00578-00164037-00164372 and I think they're preparing something to eat again. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00579-00164699-00164900 Wow, this is spectacular, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00580-00164900-00165089 and what a warm welcome they gave us. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00581-00165231-00165320 There's a big ... 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00582-00165320-00165463 (speaking foreign language) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00583-00165463-00165746 (room chattering) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00584-00166531-00166812 I'm not totally sure what they're gonna make yet. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00585-00166932-00167121 (speaking foreign language) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00586-00167121-00167435 He's 86-years old, and he was in the army. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00587-00167435-00167700 He has all these medals on his jacket, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00588-00167700-00168200 and then this uncle is 72-years old, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00589-00168345-00168481 72-years old. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00590-00168481-00168837 It's such an unbelievable, cultural learning experience. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00591-00169005-00169251 (speaking foreign language) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00592-00169251-00169411 (room chattering) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00593-00169411-00169678 (food sizzling) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00594-00170184-00170501 (utensils clattering) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00595-00170707-00171048 (upbeat Pakistani music) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00596-00173094-00173412 First they made this like flat roti and then, after that, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00597-00173412-00173689 they made pancakes so that you get this batter 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00598-00173689-00173984 which she swirled onto the hot plate, and then swirled 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00599-00173984-00174173 into a pancake shape, and then flipped it, and then 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00600-00174173-00174452 it just sizzled, and just bubbled away again. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00601-00174452-00174535 We've got chai. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00602-00174535-00174647 We've got a plate of grapes. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00603-00174647-00174916 We've got the pancake, a Hunza pancake, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00604-00174916-00175253 so you almost cannot explain this entire situation, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00605-00175253-00175711 and experience, and cultural beauty in words. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00606-00175711-00175876 Okay, but let's test the pancake. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00607-00176062-00176373 You can really taste that butter which is just fresh butter. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00608-00176373-00176560 That tastes really good, and then the pancake, yeah, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00609-00176560-00176959 it has a wonderful kind of gummy, spongy texture to it. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00610-00176959-00177259 Home cooked, yeah, it's wonderful. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00611-00177746-00177978 Oh yeah, I'm toasty warm, actually, almost sweating 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00612-00177978-00178277 right now because I'm sitting by the fire drinking tea, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00613-00178277-00178425 but it feels so good. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00614-00178425-00178783 (rhythmic Pakistani music) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00615-00179029-00179217 And they're seedless. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00616-00179217-00179521 Oh man, just like perfectly sour and tart, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00617-00179614-00179799 and juicy, and the seedless is great. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00618-00180001-00180274 Then, immediately chase that with some of the chai. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00619-00180436-00180519 Thank you very much. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00620-00180519-00180881 (speaking foreign language) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00621-00180968-00181079 Thank you, I can get it. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00622-00181079-00181162 - [Man] Okay, no problem. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00623-00181162-00181253 - Thank you very much. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00624-00181468-00181666 This is just kind of the entrance area, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00625-00181751-00181934 entrance area of the house. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00626-00181934-00182206 Okay, so we're heading out of the house now but, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00627-00182206-00182537 yeah, it was just an honor to sit with the family. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00628-00182660-00182953 Every generation was present, and just to eat the pancakes, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00629-00182953-00183313 to drink tea, everything cooked fresh before us. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00630-00183313-00183587 It was spectacular and special. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00631-00183672-00183969 Yeah, it was an honor to have that opportunity. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00632-00183969-00184329 (rhythmic Pakistani music) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00633-00184329-00184434 Thank you. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00634-00184434-00184686 From the outside, it just looks so dark and quiet, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00635-00184686-00185004 but then you step inside, and there's like 20 people, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00636-00185004-00185173 all family, inside. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00637-00185173-00185359 It's so cozy and warm too. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00638-00185443-00185581 Wow. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00639-00185581-00185752 That was amazing. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00640-00185752-00185837 That was amazing. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00641-00186022-00186225 Okay, thank you. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00642-00186225-00186370 Thank you very much. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00643-00186370-00186521 - You too. - Nice to meet you. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00644-00186521-00186786 (upbeat Pakistani music) 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00645-00186786-00186927 Bye-bye, nice to meet you. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00646-00187089-00187330 Okay, made it back to the hotel. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00647-00187330-00187483 It is a chilly evening. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00648-00187483-00187665 Massive thank you to Suleiman, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00649-00187665-00188056 who is the director of tourism in GB, Gilgit-Baltistan, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00650-00188056-00188203 for arranging that for us, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00651-00188203-00188501 and for Ali from Landmark Communications and Travels 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00652-00188501-00188770 for arranging everything this entire trip. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00653-00188770-00188908 Okay, so that's gonna be it for this video. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00654-00188908-00189082 Thank you very much for watching. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00655-00189082-00189315 Tomorrow, we have another early, and a long day. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00656-00189315-00189478 We're going up to the Kunjerab Pass. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00657-00189478-00189668 We're also gonna have some local food. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00658-00189753-00189939 Yeah, that's coming up in the next video, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00659-00189939-00190126 but thank you for watching this video. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00660-00190126-00190293 Please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00661-00190293-00190448 Leave a comment below, I'd love to hear from you, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00662-00190448-00190762 and if you're not already subscribed, click subscribe now, 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00663-00190762-00190912 and also click the little bell icon 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00664-00190912-00191181 so that you get notified of the next video that I publish. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00665-00191181-00191282 Thanks again for watching. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00666-00191282-00191633 Goodnight from the Hunza Valley in Pakistan. 3r5IkhzkZ5y-00667-00191633-00191763 See you on the next video. 3ri7dI2tvD0-00000-00000044-00000204 Guess what? 3ri7dI2tvD0-00001-00000204-00000406 My Hopeshire is finally here! 3ri7dI2tvD0-00002-00000406-00000795 Let's unbox it. 3ri7dI2tvD0-00003-00000795-00001479 First view of it, it looks very nice... let's take it out! 3ri7dI2tvD0-00004-00001479-00002086 Here it is, in all of its glory, the Hopeshire mini toilet. 3ri7dI2tvD0-00005-00002086-00002357 This is my first mini toilet! 3ri7dI2tvD0-00006-00002357-00002624 I'll be excited to test this out, see you in the next video! 3uY_3jnCuhU-00000-00000000-00000159 Do you have brown leaf tips like this? 3uY_3jnCuhU-00001-00000159-00000371 Don't worry, I've got you. 3uY_3jnCuhU-00003-00001033-00001524 As you may know, houseplants prefer the soil to dry out in between waterings. 3uY_3jnCuhU-00004-00001524-00001765 But sometimes we let it go too dry. 3uY_3jnCuhU-00005-00001765-00002219 Especially for plants like the Calathea, the Alocasia and some ferns 3uY_3jnCuhU-00006-00002219-00002555 that really prefer that we keep the soil moist at all times. 3uY_3jnCuhU-00007-00002555-00002815 So we let it dry but not completely. 3uY_3jnCuhU-00008-00002815-00003229 So I always say that is good to know the specific requirements for your plant. 3uY_3jnCuhU-00009-00003229-00003614 You may be letting the soil dry out too much in between waterings. 3uY_3jnCuhU-00010-00003614-00003893 Another common cause is lack of humidity 3uY_3jnCuhU-00011-00003893-00004275 this is again especially with the calatheas or prayer plants, 3uY_3jnCuhU-00012-00004275-00004544 which need lots of high humidity. 3uY_3jnCuhU-00013-00004544-00005005 I can tell you, with my calatheas I have to put them in a room with a humidifier 3uY_3jnCuhU-00014-00005005-00005423 and keep the humidity levels at about 50-60% humidity. 3uY_3jnCuhU-00015-00005423-00005955 This is because these plants come from the tropics, and as you may know these are very humid regions in the world. 3uY_3jnCuhU-00016-00005955-00006294 You may notice brown edges or brown tips on the leaves 3uY_3jnCuhU-00017-00006294-00006711 especially during the winter when we turn on our heating systems 3uY_3jnCuhU-00018-00006711-00007141 Because we turn them on, the air in our homes becomes really dry 3uY_3jnCuhU-00019-00007141-00007351 and this may be too dry for our plants. 3uY_3jnCuhU-00020-00007351-00007801 So try to keep them away from heating vents, and raise the humidity around them. 3uY_3jnCuhU-00021-00007801-00008371 This will help your plant thrive, and it will help you prevent brown edges or brown tips on the leaves. 3uY_3jnCuhU-00022-00008371-00008973 Another common cause for brown edges or brown tips on the leaves is too much fertilizer. 3uY_3jnCuhU-00023-00008973-00009243 As you can see the edges of this fern are brown. 3uY_3jnCuhU-00024-00009243-00009478 We also have some tips that are brown here. 3uY_3jnCuhU-00025-00009478-00009991 And this was because I was fertilizing this fern with a very deluded organic fertilizer 3uY_3jnCuhU-00026-00009991-00010256 but it proved to be too much for this plant. 3uY_3jnCuhU-00027-00010256-00010721 So again, I would recommend that you research the specific requirements for your plant 3uY_3jnCuhU-00028-00010721-00011082 and when you are fertilizing, make sure that this is a deluded fertilizer 3uY_3jnCuhU-00029-00011082-00011300 and always observe your plant. 3uY_3jnCuhU-00030-00011300-00011788 If you think too much fertilizer is the cause for the brown tips on the leaves of your plant, 3uY_3jnCuhU-00031-00011788-00012168 just cut back on fertilizer, observe her and see how she reacts. 3uY_3jnCuhU-00032-00012168-00012634 Remember, most of the houseplants that we can at home come from tropical areas, 3uY_3jnCuhU-00033-00012634-00012913 which tend to have warmer temperatures. 3uY_3jnCuhU-00034-00012913-00013286 so try to keep your plants away from cold windows 3uY_3jnCuhU-00035-00013286-00013716 or windows that are going to be opening and closing and will let is cold drafts. 3uY_3jnCuhU-00036-00013716-00014323 This may be too cold for your plant and if that's the case, this may cause brown edges on the leaves. 3uY_3jnCuhU-00037-00014323-00014680 So if this is the case with you just try to move your plant to a warmer space. 3uY_3jnCuhU-00038-00014680-00014861 And keep observing her. 3uY_3jnCuhU-00039-00014861-00015172 Another common cause for brown edges is tap water. 3uY_3jnCuhU-00040-00015172-00015578 Some plants are very sensitive to the chemicals that we have in our tap water. 3uY_3jnCuhU-00041-00015578-00015773 Especially Flouride for example. 3uY_3jnCuhU-00042-00015773-00016137 And a very good example for this is the dracaena compacta. 3uY_3jnCuhU-00043-00016137-00016598 This one seems to be fine but it is because we filter the water before we water her. 3uY_3jnCuhU-00044-00016598-00016957 But it is a very senstive plant when it comes to tap water 3uY_3jnCuhU-00045-00016957-00017379 so make sure that you use distilled water, filtered water or even rain water. 3uY_3jnCuhU-00046-00017379-00017690 You can also place the water in a bucket for 48 hours 3uY_3jnCuhU-00047-00017690-00017894 before you use it to water your plant. 3uY_3jnCuhU-00048-00017894-00018378 This will make sure that some of the chemicals will be released and they won't be in the water. 3uY_3jnCuhU-00049-00018378-00019089 Specifically to the Dracaena Compacta there may be other reasons why your plant is browning or yellowing. 3uY_3jnCuhU-00050-00019089-00019618 But I have a video just on that, so if you are having problems with this plant, I recommend you check it out. 3uY_3jnCuhU-00051-00019618-00019977 Let me know if any of these causes seem to be the problem with your plant. 3uY_3jnCuhU-00052-00019977-00020374 Or if you have found any other causes for the browning of the leaves, make sure to comment below 3uY_3jnCuhU-00053-00020374-00020694 I can assure you that the community will really appreciate it. 3uY_3jnCuhU-00054-00020694-00021168 And as always, I will see you in the next one. OK. Ciaooooooo! 3vRnW_CDq6y-00000-00000000-00000700 Transcriber: Agata Szczytnicka Reviewer: Denise RQ 3vRnW_CDq6y-00001-00001516-00001845 We are alienated animals. What does it mean? 3vRnW_CDq6y-00002-00001848-00002350 Animals don't wonder who they are, they don't wonder why they are here, 3vRnW_CDq6y-00003-00002350-00002533 but that's exactly what we do, 3vRnW_CDq6y-00004-00002533-00002844 and that's exactly what this institute is about. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00005-00002844-00003036 So we do that all the time, 3vRnW_CDq6y-00006-00003036-00003365 and we also have a tradition in expressing that: 3vRnW_CDq6y-00007-00003365-00003694 writing reports, making art, and writing books. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00008-00003694-00003949 Who are we and why are we here? 3vRnW_CDq6y-00009-00004024-00004480 In the course of history, we had different explanations, 3vRnW_CDq6y-00010-00004480-00004948 and by designing these explanations, we also designed the world. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00011-00004948-00005297 So we used to think that there was one man in the sky, 3vRnW_CDq6y-00012-00005297-00005591 and he pretty well organized everything. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00013-00005729-00006147 We kept on wondering how things were fitted together, 3vRnW_CDq6y-00014-00006147-00006433 and we looked at nature for clues. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00015-00006433-00006905 The funny thing is, if we look out, and we give an explanation, 3vRnW_CDq6y-00016-00006905-00007147 that's how we build our world. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00017-00007256-00007663 There was a time when we think that logic could explain everything, 3vRnW_CDq6y-00018-00007663-00008101 that we could calculate the Universe, that we could calculate the future 3vRnW_CDq6y-00019-00008101-00008742 if we would just use the right logic, if we would just do the right math. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00020-00008961-00009406 There was a time when we built the world by ideology. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00021-00009654-00009812 And now we are here. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00022-00009922-00010333 Today we are creating our world by information. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00023-00010485-00010844 We have arrived in the Library of Babel, 3vRnW_CDq6y-00024-00010963-00011319 the Library of Babel which has been so well described 3vRnW_CDq6y-00025-00011320-00012009 in a story by Jorge Luis Borges, an Argentine writer, already in 1941. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00026-00012149-00012356 What is the Library of Babel? 3vRnW_CDq6y-00027-00012357-00012864 The Library of Babel is a library as large as the universe; is endless. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00028-00012864-00013102 There are books in the Library. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00029-00013103-00013455 The books contain all the possible combinations 3vRnW_CDq6y-00030-00013455-00013898 of the letters of the alphabet, the comma, and the dot. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00031-00014038-00014365 All the books are there. All knowledge is there. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00032-00014365-00014869 Your biography, my biography, the denial of my biography, 3vRnW_CDq6y-00033-00014869-00015180 the critique on the denial of my biography; 3vRnW_CDq6y-00034-00015180-00015334 everything is there. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00035-00015334-00015476 We have arrived there. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00036-00015476-00016002 All the knowledge, as our former speaker said, is at our fingertips. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00037-00016142-00016432 So, we have a problem 3vRnW_CDq6y-00038-00016432-00016662 because if you take a book from that library, 3vRnW_CDq6y-00039-00016662-00016937 probably it is all nonsense; it's random. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00040-00016937-00017333 There are only few books, with few sentences that make sense. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00041-00017333-00017540 How do we find the right books? 3vRnW_CDq6y-00042-00017540-00017670 How do we find truth? 3vRnW_CDq6y-00043-00017671-00018209 How do we find knowledge in this universe of information? 3vRnW_CDq6y-00044-00018456-00018618 I know this problem. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00045-00018746-00019166 In my studio I have a computer with a database of 2 million images. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00046-00019265-00019880 Of course I don't really have an idea how to navigate in this database; 3vRnW_CDq6y-00047-00019880-00020282 I do not have a concept of the identity of 2 million images, 3vRnW_CDq6y-00048-00020282-00020402 how can I? 3vRnW_CDq6y-00049-00020402-00020618 So how do I find out what is there? 3vRnW_CDq6y-00050-00020618-00021155 How do I find out what does this database contain? 3vRnW_CDq6y-00051-00021234-00021505 Because they are collected randomly. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00052-00021772-00021947 For example, I wonder 3vRnW_CDq6y-00053-00021947-00022317 if there could be an image of a tennis player 3vRnW_CDq6y-00054-00022382-00022618 so then I could use another computer 3vRnW_CDq6y-00055-00022618-00022821 and design a very clever system 3vRnW_CDq6y-00056-00022822-00023148 to teach this computer what a tennis player looks like 3vRnW_CDq6y-00057-00023148-00023410 in all [possible] positions and conditions 3vRnW_CDq6y-00058-00023410-00023663 like we heard before in the cat story. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00059-00023663-00024016 Then I could run that algorithm against the database. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00060-00024131-00024317 And it does not find a tennis player. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00061-00024318-00024648 So there is no tennis player in my collection of 2 million images. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00062-00024715-00024890 Maybe there is a cup of soup? 3vRnW_CDq6y-00063-00024891-00025082 So then I go back to the other computer, 3vRnW_CDq6y-00064-00025094-00025533 I design an algorithm that finds cups of soup, etc., etc. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00065-00025533-00025732 It's pointless, it doesn't work. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00066-00025816-00026035 So, what do we do? 3vRnW_CDq6y-00067-00026492-00026771 We, as a culture, took another turn 3vRnW_CDq6y-00068-00026888-00027279 and instead of looking for content and meaning, 3vRnW_CDq6y-00069-00027279-00027496 we started to look for patterns, 3vRnW_CDq6y-00070-00027644-00028121 interrelations. self-referential order. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00071-00028521-00029050 This is what my database looks like with this technology 3vRnW_CDq6y-00072-00029050-00029235 when I look for patterns; 3vRnW_CDq6y-00073-00029235-00029398 it's called data-mining. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00074-00029398-00029595 And it's called pattern recognition. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00075-00029774-00029997 It's called knowledge engineering. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00076-00030196-00030587 Actually, knowledge engineering is what this culture, 3vRnW_CDq6y-00077-00030588-00030766 contemporary culture, is built on; 3vRnW_CDq6y-00078-00030766-00031187 it's our daily life, our beliefs, and our economic system, 3vRnW_CDq6y-00079-00031187-00031547 and even our healthcare, or part of the healthcare -- 3vRnW_CDq6y-00080-00031548-00031747 computer IT diagnosis. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00081-00031747-00032017 This is not a computer that looks for a specific problem, 3vRnW_CDq6y-00082-00032017-00032316 is a computer that recognizes patterns 3vRnW_CDq6y-00083-00032316-00032696 and comes out with patterns that might be potential problems. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00084-00032850-00033180 We used data-mining in the political world. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00085-00033180-00033323 We data-mine voters 3vRnW_CDq6y-00086-00033323-00033784 so we can write a proper campaign to reach out to them. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00087-00033905-00034146 We use data-mining in engineering. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00088-00034226-00034424 There used to be a time in engineering 3vRnW_CDq6y-00089-00034424-00034864 when you were looking for a problem and you were going out to find it 3vRnW_CDq6y-00090-00034864-00035222 for example if a building was collapsing due to water. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00091-00035222-00035434 Now you stick in sensors everywhere, 3vRnW_CDq6y-00092-00035434-00035710 you collect the data, you look for patterns, and hey, 3vRnW_CDq6y-00093-00035710-00036098 when the Sun comes up, the [level] goes down, 3vRnW_CDq6y-00094-00036098-00036372 because the water evaporates. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00095-00036373-00036591 You weren't looking for it, but you found it. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00096-00036591-00036935 It's a finding engine; it's not a search engine. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00097-00037151-00037758 In economy, 70% of all stock trade in the U.S. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00098-00037758-00038187 is done by high-frequency trade machines -- autonomically. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00099-00038190-00038425 Those are computers which make decisions 3vRnW_CDq6y-00100-00038426-00038854 and sell and buy thousands of stocks, based on analysis. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00101-00038854-00039187 They even read the news in their own format. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00102-00039621-00039933 And here is an example from my database: 3vRnW_CDq6y-00103-00039933-00040366 I was not looking for Van Gogh, but Van Gogh found me. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00104-00040370-00040567 Van Gogh is a pattern. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00105-00040744-00040956 So what about the arts? 3vRnW_CDq6y-00106-00041109-00041441 Think about this momentum where we live, 3vRnW_CDq6y-00107-00041441-00041622 think about all this information, 3vRnW_CDq6y-00108-00041622-00041927 the libraries, the museums, all information that we use; 3vRnW_CDq6y-00109-00041927-00042131 we store it in databases. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00110-00042390-00042654 We should be able to read those databases, 3vRnW_CDq6y-00111-00042654-00042934 otherwise, we cannot generate new knowledge. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00112-00043186-00043550 So what are the qualifications of a stock trade programmer? 3vRnW_CDq6y-00113-00043550-00044004 "Using applied statistical techniques to develop quantitative models." 3vRnW_CDq6y-00114-00044180-00044493 What could be the qualifications for an artist? 3vRnW_CDq6y-00115-00044607-00045027 "Using applied statistical techniques to develop models." 3vRnW_CDq6y-00116-00045191-00045440 Because art loves mistakes. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00117-00045826-00045954 You got him? 3vRnW_CDq6y-00118-00046254-00046458 And art loves probability 3vRnW_CDq6y-00119-00046680-00047117 because mistakes and probability generate stories, 3vRnW_CDq6y-00120-00047117-00047479 they generate humor, they generate emotions. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00121-00047985-00048247 So this is what could happen with Vermeer. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00122-00048489-00048709 This is not a picture by Vermeer, 3vRnW_CDq6y-00123-00048709-00049107 this is what Vermeer is as a combined image. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00124-00049170-00049533 And now we are able to see it, to experience it, because it moves. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00125-00049883-00050066 An this is Mr. Breivik -- 3vRnW_CDq6y-00126-00050198-00050469 You drop one image on the Internet, 3vRnW_CDq6y-00127-00050469-00050881 and it's like a virus, including mutations. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00128-00050881-00051117 It gets to be a person, it gets a life. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00129-00051118-00051344 We shape it, we form him. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00130-00051750-00052156 And this is just a study, a classic study on portraits. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00131-00053272-00053511 I call this data-based art. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00132-00053657-00053934 This data-based form of art 3vRnW_CDq6y-00133-00054201-00054735 could generate additional information on existing disciplines. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00134-00054735-00054942 Take, for instance, art history. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00135-00055024-00055312 If you have a museum with all kinds of landscapes, 3vRnW_CDq6y-00136-00055312-00055658 is logical that you exhibit them by putting them on the walls. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00137-00055658-00056015 And actually, there is interactivity, because you go from room to room, 3vRnW_CDq6y-00138-00056015-00056291 and you can experience all these paintings. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00139-00056291-00056521 But there are other ways to experience paintings. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00140-00056533-00056732 You put those paintings in a database, 3vRnW_CDq6y-00141-00056922-00057222 and you can explore these paintings 3vRnW_CDq6y-00142-00057222-00057566 - if they are in a database -, interactively. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00143-00057566-00057866 And what you see here is a work where all these paintings, 3vRnW_CDq6y-00144-00057866-00058158 when you enter the room, split open, 3vRnW_CDq6y-00145-00058158-00058509 and underneath the horizon there is another horizon. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00146-00058509-00058966 And you see all these momentums of art history next to each other. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00147-00059074-00059365 It is not alternative for classic art history, 3vRnW_CDq6y-00148-00059365-00059803 nor an alternative for a classic exhibition, 3vRnW_CDq6y-00149-00059803-00060059 it's an addition, it's additional knowledge. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00150-00060321-00060476 Or take this work: 3vRnW_CDq6y-00151-00060543-00060814 I made this for the Photo Museum in Rotterdam. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00152-00060814-00061158 They had an archive of 150,000 images. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00153-00061158-00061433 Nd they wanted to show the archive to an audience. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00154-00061435-00061924 But how do you show an archive of 150,000 images to an audience? 3vRnW_CDq6y-00155-00062009-00062242 So I gave them a couple of filters: 3vRnW_CDq6y-00156-00062397-00063015 where, who, what, and when; 3vRnW_CDq6y-00157-00063015-00063230 very classic journalism. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00158-00063306-00063650 And I put filters on different posts. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00159-00063771-00064133 So the people on the post can select different filters, 3vRnW_CDq6y-00160-00064133-00064447 they can select different times and different subjects. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00161-00064536-00064801 It is not a search engine. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00162-00064801-00064979 It is finding engine. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00163-00064979-00065213 They are making impossible routes to the database, 3vRnW_CDq6y-00164-00065225-00065454 and suddenly, they come into a moment 3vRnW_CDq6y-00165-00065455-00065705 where they find all the clouds 3vRnW_CDq6y-00166-00065705-00066025 in 1953 in Southeast Asia. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00167-00066532-00066666 Or take this work. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00168-00066787-00067162 This is data-based art on football for FC Valencia. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00169-00067617-00067729 It is a work 3vRnW_CDq6y-00170-00067729-00068111 where you can interactively explore the identity of a football club; 3vRnW_CDq6y-00171-00068111-00068309 a football club is a formal system. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00172-00068309-00068517 Every football club shares the same system, 3vRnW_CDq6y-00173-00068517-00068805 but they are all different, and they are all very specific. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00174-00068805-00069173 Take AFC AJAX --they are not the same, they are not the same, 3vRnW_CDq6y-00175-00069173-00069314 but where is the tie-in? 3vRnW_CDq6y-00176-00069314-00069459 And can you feel it? 3vRnW_CDq6y-00177-00069523-00069879 You can feel it if you put its identity in a database 3vRnW_CDq6y-00178-00069879-00070341 and if you use the visitors to roam it, to experience it. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00179-00070421-00070845 So in this database I made about 18 different themes 3vRnW_CDq6y-00180-00070845-00071478 of supporters, architecture, local patterns, local colors, trades 3vRnW_CDq6y-00181-00071642-00072063 where visitors are exploring the identity of the club 3vRnW_CDq6y-00182-00072063-00072241 in patterns that are related 3vRnW_CDq6y-00183-00072241-00072755 to the patterns of the local, traditional patterns of the city itself. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00184-00073379-00073638 Another finding engine: 3vRnW_CDq6y-00185-00073638-00073864 as opposed to a search engine. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00186-00074403-00074716 Roaming a database is an experience. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00187-00074716-00075229 This software tries to link images which are similar 3vRnW_CDq6y-00188-00075229-00075535 and puts them behind each other, linearly, 3vRnW_CDq6y-00189-00075535-00075971 so they create a real time, live movie. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00190-00076926-00077161 You can play it as an instrument. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00191-00077750-00078062 This is data-based art of memories. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00192-00078062-00078325 This is a work I made for city of Enschede 3vRnW_CDq6y-00193-00078326-00078765 where there was this firework explosion in the year 2000, 3vRnW_CDq6y-00194-00078765-00079045 when the whole inner city was blown away. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00195-00079045-00079368 I collected images of the people who used to live there, 3vRnW_CDq6y-00196-00079368-00080013 and I brought back these images into a room and invited people to roam it. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00197-00080015-00080395 This is the most basic methodology 3vRnW_CDq6y-00198-00080395-00080698 of organizing and reorganizing a database: 3vRnW_CDq6y-00199-00080698-00081060 you take all of images, throw them in the air, 3vRnW_CDq6y-00200-00081060-00081343 and when they come back, they have a different order. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00201-00081425-00081702 And a different order tells different stories. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00202-00081836-00082161 This is what art has been exploring; all art history. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00203-00082499-00082685 And on the news. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00204-00082769-00083306 In this system, I connected the computer with satellite television 3vRnW_CDq6y-00205-00083306-00083628 with about 30 international different channels. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00206-00083747-00084054 And I asked the computer to look for similar images. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00207-00084154-00084334 And it does it very well. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00208-00084533-00084793 On the top ranking, the images are actually similar 3vRnW_CDq6y-00209-00084793-00085017 - the only thing that's different is the logo - 3vRnW_CDq6y-00210-00085018-00085236 but they are not so interesting. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00211-00085237-00085659 Interesting things happen when you go down in the bandwidth, 3vRnW_CDq6y-00212-00085659-00085884 when they start to differ. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00213-00085884-00086183 And that's when people start to laugh or they are shocked, 3vRnW_CDq6y-00214-00086183-00086345 and things are happening. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00215-00086345-00086672 But the funny thing is nobody ever thought of the joke. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00216-00086672-00086892 it's a probability joke. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00217-00087214-00087671 This is something which is underlying our culture. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00218-00087671-00088226 This is a methodology, called knowledge engineering, 3vRnW_CDq6y-00219-00088226-00088511 and is applied in a lot of sciences. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00220-00088511-00088902 And the arts can learn, actually, a lot from those sciences. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00221-00089038-00089163 And this is why: 3vRnW_CDq6y-00222-00089163-00089413 ["If art's intention is to model possible universes, 3vRnW_CDq6y-00223-00089413-00089537 we need skills to do this, 3vRnW_CDq6y-00224-00089537-00089896 [otherwise, we copy unconsciously the dominant model around us." --G.Lovink] 3vRnW_CDq6y-00225-00089896-00089998 Thank you very much. 3vRnW_CDq6y-00226-00089998-00090112 (Applause) 3w96H3FEa2A-00000-00000000-00000654 My first assignment overseas was the 740th Tank battalion and we got caught up in 3w96H3FEa2A-00001-00000654-00000883 the Battle of the Bulge 3w96H3FEa2A-00002-00001100-00001659 Found out we were supposed to go to this town in Belgium, which we went to, Neufchateua was a name of it 3w96H3FEa2A-00003-00001659-00002252 and it was colder than the devil for one thing 3w96H3FEa2A-00004-00002252-00002988 Then on the 16th of December they said that the Germans had broken through 3w96H3FEa2A-00005-00002988-00003287 and they wanted us to go somewhere. and we said ‘we don’t have any tanks.’ 3w96H3FEa2A-00006-00003287-00003804 They said ‘Oh well, we’ll get some for you.’ so they So they sent us off to look for them 3w96H3FEa2A-00007-00003804-00004419 at some of the Ordnance Depots and they were all mostly busted up tanks that had been shot up and what have you. 3w96H3FEa2A-00008-00004419-00005165 We put together three tanks and a tank destroyer and they set them off 3w96H3FEa2A-00009-00005165-00005644 to stop the 1st SS Panzer Division, of all things. 3w96H3FEa2A-00010-00005653-00006057 at the town of Stoumont, the railroad station there. 3w96H3FEa2A-00011-00006057-00006536 And they stopped it. They stopped the 1st SS Panzer Division with three tanks. 3w96H3FEa2A-00012-00006578-00007173 They knocked out the three leading tanks 3w96H3FEa2A-00013-00007268-00007912 of the 1st SS Panzer Division and they turned around and left 3w96H3FEa2A-00014-00008106-00008868 Meanwhile, I was in the 1st Assault Gun Platoon. We were firing from a chateau in Stoumont to the town of Neuve Eglise. We flattened it 3w96H3FEa2A-00015-00008868-00009257 just as the 1st SS turned around and tried to come through that way. 3w96H3FEa2A-00016-00009257-00009615 So that was a continuing battle from that time on until we got to 3w96H3FEa2A-00017-00009743-00010224 the Siegfried Line and we crossed that We were with the 82nd Airborne at the time. 3w96H3FEa2A-00018-00010224-00010746 They were all over. They liked riding up on tanks because that meant 3w96H3FEa2A-00019-00010746-00011500 they could get up out of the snow and ride for a while instead of walking. 3w96H3FEa2A-00020-00011500-00011638 We try to go back over to Europe every year or two. 3w96H3FEa2A-00021-00011638-00011854 We go to the town where we were stationed 3w96H3FEa2A-00022-00011854-00012097 there in Belgium that started it all. 3w96H3FEa2A-00023-00012097-00012586 there in Belgium it started all over attend we travel around where we were 3w96H3FEa2A-00024-00012586-00012988 But then we travel around where we were, everywhere we hit if we can. 3w96H3FEa2A-00025-00012988-00013483 There’s only six of us left who can make it to the reunions out of about 800 originally. 3w96H3FEa2A-00026-00013483-00014026 And of course the grandkids, the sons and daughters are there 3w96H3FEa2A-00027-00014026-00014497 they’re always interested in learning what happened. They know their father was there; 3w96H3FEa2A-00028-00014497-00014875 they don't know where he was. Sometimes they know one town or two towns that he mentioned. 3w96H3FEa2A-00029-00014875-00015420 If we can help them out, about telling them what happened, 3w96H3FEa2A-00030-00015420-00016262 we do that. That's that's the best part... 3y39rkA2vxQ-00000-00000480-00000671 SKID: Oh, it's starting, it's starting! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00001-00000703-00000803 SAD GUY: [sighs] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00002-00000828-00000955 I don't want to do anything. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00003-00001056-00001177 I'm so sad... 3y39rkA2vxQ-00004-00001219-00001332 ...so miserable. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00005-00001470-00001871 HAPPY FELLA: Woah! Is someone sad? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00006-00001914-00002044 SAD GUY: Who are you? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00007-00002066-00002649 HAPPY FELLA: I am a Happy Fella, and I came to make my fella happy! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00008-00002681-00002875 SAD GUY: How am I supposed to be happy? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00009-00002913-00003322 HAPPY FELLA: Just smile! Fake it until you make it! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00010-00003418-00003479 [clink] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00011-00003481-00003711 SAD GUY: You want me to be happy because yes? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00012-00003819-00003919 [boo-womp] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00013-00003933-00004081 HAPPY FELLA: Of course! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00014-00004084-00004386 SAD GUY: Sickness is everywhere, and everyone dies every day. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00015-00004417-00004550 Everything is crumbling. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00016-00004556-00004695 How can I be happy? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00017-00004735-00005110 HAPPY FELLA: Oh, you dummy! You are looking only the bad! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00018-00005113-00005420 Say, what good have you looked for yourself? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00019-00005494-00005677 SAD GUY: To be honest...nothing. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00020-00005708-00006094 HAPPY FELLA: Then, how about we go out and find some fun and good stuff? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00021-00006142-00006348 SAD GUY: Okay...I'll give it a try. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00022-00006476-00006659 LILA: Ugh, since my son and his friend have been 3y39rkA2vxQ-00023-00006661-00006902 sharing that Happy Doll, he's been different! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00024-00006905-00007222 Not long ago, he asked me for a cat, and he doesn't even like cats! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00025-00007252-00007556 And that doll annoys me with that dumb face! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00026-00007628-00007731 I hate it! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00027-00007808-00008115 [sigh] I know he's a kid, Jaune, I know. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00028-00008169-00008367 Okay. I need to give these prints to the boss. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00029-00008431-00008555 Hey, son! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00030-00008591-00008691 SKID: Yes, mom? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00031-00008693-00008886 LILA: Would you like to give your friend a visit? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00032-00008888-00008965 SKID: Yes! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00033-00008975-00009118 LILA: Alright, get your sweater. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00034-00009132-00009321 SKID: Haha, I can't wait to play with him again! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00035-00009728-00010079 LILA: Hi, Mr. Wonder! Could you please take care of my son? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00036-00010117-00010287 MR. WONDER: Sure, no problem— 3y39rkA2vxQ-00037-00010289-00010413 [Mr. Wonder exclaims] [motor drives] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00038-00010415-00010502 SKID & PUMP: Ayy! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00039-00010595-00010728 LILA: Oh, thank you so much! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00040-00010731-00011059 Oh, and don't worry. I'll come as soon as I can. Thank you again! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00041-00011096-00011310 MR. WONDER: No problem, Ms. Lila. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00042-00011396-00011496 [door closes] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00043-00011630-00011804 [Mr. Wonder groans, breathes] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00044-00011838-00012171 Alright, children, do not cause any trouble! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00045-00012239-00012401 SKID: Let's go draw! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00046-00012403-00012551 PUMP: I don't have colors. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00047-00012646-00012797 But I can ask my sister! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00048-00012800-00012872 [clanging] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00049-00013067-00013167 [zip] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00050-00013169-00013249 [knocking] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00051-00013252-00013305 [door opens] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00052-00013307-00013407 SUSIE: No. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00053-00013410-00013580 PUMP: But I haven't even asked! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00054-00013627-00013767 SUSIE: Okay, go on. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00055-00013786-00013886 PUMP: Can we— SUSIE: No. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00056-00013911-00014011 [door slams] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00057-00014014-00014114 What now 3y39rkA2vxQ-00058-00014133-00014233 PUMP: Let's get 'em! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00059-00014233-00014333 [both giggle] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00060-00014368-00014468 [stool scrapes] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00061-00014890-00015052 SUSIE: Okay, I am back. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00062-00015118-00015218 Sorry for going away. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00063-00015278-00015534 Okay, so I like to start my art like... 3y39rkA2vxQ-00064-00015648-00015846 You brats! Get over here! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00065-00015901-00015954 [punching] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00066-00015971-00016054 [door slams] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00067-00016101-00016241 PUMP: Now we can draw! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00068-00016260-00016490 MR. WONDER: [snoring] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00069-00016521-00016649 [menacing sting] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00070-00016818-00016934 [couch stabbing noises] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00071-00016945-00017059 SKID: Hah, there you are! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00072-00017091-00017267 Come on, we're drawing together! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00073-00017570-00017713 MR. WONDER: Oh, I pooped again. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00074-00017825-00018190 [groaning, struggling] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00075-00018741-00018841 SKID: Me first! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00076-00018867-00019123 So I made Moloch possessing all of us. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00077-00019198-00019307 I miss him. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00078-00019327-00019608 PUMP: Well, I made Eyes sucking our souls. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00079-00019649-00019803 SKID: That movie's scary! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00080-00019814-00019968 What about you, Happy Fella? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00081-00020063-00020242 PUMP: Come on, let us see it 3y39rkA2vxQ-00082-00020341-00020441 [ding] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00083-00020557-00020657 Oh... 3y39rkA2vxQ-00084-00020686-00020885 Scary dolls are spooky! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00085-00020915-00021015 SKID: Sure they are! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00086-00021033-00021145 What are we doing now? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00087-00021160-00021260 PUMP: Mmm... 3y39rkA2vxQ-00088-00021269-00021417 HAPPY FELLA DOLL: How about... 3y39rkA2vxQ-00089-00021456-00021683 ...we play the knife game? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00090-00021683-00021834 SKID & PUMP: Knife game? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00091-00021857-00022075 HAPPY FELLA DOLL: Yeah! You put your hand down, 3y39rkA2vxQ-00092-00022092-00022348 you close your eyes, you grab a knife! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00093-00022388-00022488 And... 3y39rkA2vxQ-00094-00022579-00022707 Your turn! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00095-00022806-00022913 SKID & PUMP: Yes! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00096-00022983-00023124 We're ready! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00097-00023127-00023318 [menacing sting] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00098-00023538-00023733 PUMP: Wait, isn't it our turn to grab the knife? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00099-00023799-00024084 SUSIE: Why did you grab my col...ors? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00100-00024151-00024307 Why does the doll have a knife? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00101-00024345-00024445 PUMP: Well, I don't know. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00102-00024448-00024561 SKID: The doll grabbed it! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00103-00024594-00024887 SUSIE: You know you can't play with knives or anything sharp! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00104-00025011-00025369 And this is the last straw. I will tell Mom and Dad. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00105-00025411-00025574 PUMP: Call them, they never answer. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00106-00025651-00025840 Then I'll tell Grandpa. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00107-00025870-00026024 PUMP: Ha. He is sleeping. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00108-00026075-00026273 SUSIE: [groans in frustration] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00109-00026288-00026388 [door slams] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00110-00026388-00026531 SKID & PUMP: Let's watch a movie! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00111-00026904-00027140 Hello, I want to watch a movie, please? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00112-00027266-00027461 RICK: Oh. It's you. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00113-00027485-00027623 PUMP: What are you doing here? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00114-00027676-00027995 RICK: I sold some kids beer because I'm tired of breathing. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00115-00028054-00028303 SKID: That's cool, but can we get tickets for a horror movie? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00116-00028358-00028458 RICK: No. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00117-00028467-00028672 PUMP: Can we get tickets for a kids movie? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00118-00028825-00028932 RICK: Sure. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00119-00029600-00029836 RADFORD: You know it's your turn to take the tickets, right? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00120-00029836-00029936 RICK: Yes. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00121-00029979-00030303 RADFORD: And you know those kids can get in the horror movie, right? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00122-00030318-00030418 RICK: And? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00123-00030418-00030602 RADFORD: And you're getting in trouble, dude! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00124-00031054-00031180 RICK: I'm tired. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00125-00031302-00031421 HAPPY FELLA DOLL: Fff... 3y39rkA2vxQ-00126-00031452-00031898 Hey, kid! Look, I really gotta pee! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00127-00031926-00032078 SKID: But you will miss the best part! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00128-00032153-00032362 FEMALE ACTOR: It's coming for us, it's coming for us! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00129-00032383-00032616 MALE ACTOR: Hey, don't worry. We're inside a car. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00130-00032616-00032728 Everything will be fi— 3y39rkA2vxQ-00131-00032728-00032963 [struggling, grunting] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00132-00032963-00033049 [The Devils tumor shows up] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00133-00033049-00033094 FEMALE ACTOR: [screams] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00134-00033094-00033169 [dramatic music] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00135-00033169-00033405 [car door opening, closing] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00136-00033406-00033649 [running] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00137-00033649-00033837 FRANK: [whistling] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00138-00033862-00033962 What in the...? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00139-00034125-00034430 [dramatic music] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00140-00034430-00034790 Alone kid, a loan of money! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00141-00034790-00034886 [chuckles] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00142-00034928-00035120 HAPPY FELLA DOLL: Where can I go? Where can I go? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00143-00035120-00035258 HOBOMAN 1: [burps] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00144-00035258-00035370 Huh...hey! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00145-00035390-00035704 This drink is making me see a walking doll! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00146-00035704-00035864 Get me some more! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00147-00035864-00036070 [car zooms] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00148-00036070-00036275 FRANK: All right, let's see what are you. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00149-00036377-00036607 Why is an ugly doll running on the street? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00150-00036679-00036745 [menacing sting] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00151-00036745-00036908 HAPPY FELLA: You stupid pig, you filthy skunk! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00152-00036908-00037058 HAPPY FELLA: You stupid pig, you filthy skunk! FRANK: [screams] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00153-00037063-00037411 HAPPY FELLA DOLL: I'll rip out your eyes, tear off your skin, and eat it for breakfast! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00154-00037411-00037445 [chomp] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00155-00037445-00037545 [punch] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00156-00037859-00037975 JACK: Are you feeling better? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00157-00037997-00038097 JOHN: Yes. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00158-00038097-00038443 I just need to know who owns that house. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00159-00038579-00038681 Jack, what is this? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00160-00038741-00038841 JOHN: Wha? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00161-00038878-00039009 Oh. It's a doll. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00162-00039050-00039184 Probably some kid lost it. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00163-00039231-00039423 We can drop it off at the candy store. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00164-00039475-00039738 JOHN: Sure, let's fill some paperwork out at the station— 3y39rkA2vxQ-00165-00039738-00039799 [exclaims] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00166-00039799-00039899 [sneezes] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00167-00039979-00040176 [sighs] Dammit. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00168-00040304-00040622 [monster screaming] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00169-00040622-00040830 PUMP: Hey, where's the Happy Fella? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00170-00040830-00041000 SKID: Ah, it's okay. He went to pee. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00171-00041092-00041192 PUMP: Oh, okay. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00172-00041440-00041540 [glass shatters] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00173-00041540-00041719 SKID & PUMP: (panicked) Dolls can't pee! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00174-00041719-00041900 [audience shushing] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00175-00042083-00042277 PUMP: Let's go find him. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00176-00042867-00043033 HOBOMAN 1: Ey, fellas! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00177-00043135-00043545 You look hungry, wha...why are you not eating that vegetable? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00178-00043579-00043784 PUMP: Uh, we're just looking for our doll. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00179-00043799-00043990 HOBOMAN 1: Oh, it got doll-napped! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00180-00043990-00044090 SKID & PUMP: What?! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00181-00044090-00044254 HOBOMAN 1: You better report it to the... 3y39rkA2vxQ-00182-00044292-00044445 [burps] ...po-po. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00183-00044499-00044647 SKID & PUMP: Thank you, homeless man! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00184-00044677-00044927 SKID: Who can help us to tell the police? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00185-00045007-00045107 SKID & PUMP: Kevin! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00186-00045107-00045256 [loud clanging] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00187-00045293-00045472 HOBOMAN 2: Here you go, dude! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00188-00045661-00045891 HOBOMAN 1: Ah, I love your piss, dude! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00189-00045891-00045991 Mmm... [licks lips] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00190-00046217-00046317 JACK: Okay. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00191-00046366-00046494 I'll start with the report. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00192-00046566-00046666 JOHN: Sure. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00193-00046822-00046948 What an ugly do— 3y39rkA2vxQ-00194-00046948-00047053 [sneezes] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00195-00047093-00047193 JACK: Told you! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00196-00047291-00047556 JOHN: "Told you, told you..." 3y39rkA2vxQ-00197-00047557-00047657 [groans] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00198-00047773-00047892 HAPPY FELLA DOLL: [groans in frustration] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00199-00047893-00048025 You're gonna pay for this! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00200-00048511-00048743 THIN THIEF: What the hell are you talkin' about? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00201-00048743-00049255 FAT THIEF: It's weird, right? You move the x to the other side and you have the answer! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00202-00049255-00049355 THIN THIEF: What? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00203-00049355-00049551 What "x?" 3y39rkA2vxQ-00204-00049587-00049715 Why is the door opening? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00205-00049735-00049898 FAT THIEF: [gasps] Are we free? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00206-00050147-00050436 Oh, it's a Happy Fella! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00207-00050436-00050536 THIN THIEF: A what? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00208-00050881-00050984 Why does it have a knife? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00209-00051007-00051228 FAT THIEF: [chuckles nervously] They're not supposed to do that— 3y39rkA2vxQ-00210-00051228-00051443 (panicked) Oh, god, we're gonna die! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00211-00051443-00051699 [both scream] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00212-00051699-00051799 [Fat Thief continues screaming] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00213-00052534-00052634 [gun cocking] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00214-00053157-00053224 [cell door closes] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00215-00053224-00053495 JACK: And take those things off, they're for pillows! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00216-00053639-00054099 FAT THIEF: I guess those fellas weren't happy! Right, fella? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00217-00054151-00054322 FAT THIEF: [muffled screaming] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00218-00054425-00054527 JOHN: Okay, all done. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00219-00054556-00054790 Let's leave that—[sneezes]—doll. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00220-00055375-00055475 [car starts up] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00221-00055525-00055821 [car drives] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00222-00055821-00055871 [....................................] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00223-00055970-00056181 KEVIN: Thank you so much, see you soon! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00224-00056202-00056302 ROBERT: Yo, thanks, man! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00225-00056458-00056558 [glass shatters] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00226-00056620-00056766 KEVIN: Stop right there! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00227-00056790-00056890 ROY: Run, guys! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00228-00056898-00057076 KEVIN: Oh, no, you won't! [grunts] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00229-00057150-00057200 [Grazen't] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00230-00057352-00057702 Oh, ma'am, I'm sorry. I was just trying to hit the kid... 3y39rkA2vxQ-00231-00057881-00058085 Please, ma'am, I'm sorry! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00232-00058117-00058217 [groans] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00233-00058302-00058735 [gasps] (panicked) Oh, officers! Nice to meet you again! Want more candy? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00234-00058828-00059161 JACK: A kid lost this doll. You find a kid, just give it to them. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00235-00059260-00059638 KEVIN: Oh, of—of course I will! No problem with that! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00236-00059702-00059848 Jack: And stop getting into trouble. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00237-00059848-00060147 KEVIN: [panicked breathing] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00238-00060147-00060247 [groan] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00239-00060543-00060799 Now I gotta check the candy they stole. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00240-00060825-00061004 How annoying! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00241-00061073-00061174 [dramatic sting] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00242-00061174-00061491 [powering down, lights turning off] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00243-00061491-00061726 You pesky little gremlins! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00244-00061749-00061874 Come out right now! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00245-00062004-00062236 [menacing sting] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00246-00062236-00062369 [dramatic violin music] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00247-00062369-00062963 [panicked breathing] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00248-00062963-00063063 [gasps] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00249-00063217-00063317 HAPPY FELLA DOLL: YES!!!! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00250-00063386-00063486 [grunts in pain] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00251-00063700-00063883 KEVIN: What to do?! What to do?! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00252-00063883-00064040 [panicked chewing] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00253-00064040-00064226 HAPPY FELLA DOLL: [battle cry] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00254-00064226-00064339 [smack] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00255-00064446-00064897 (muffled) Even if I can't see you, I'll find you, and I'll kill you! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00256-00064897-00064997 [bang] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00257-00065114-00065214 [door opens] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00258-00065247-00065347 [door slams] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00259-00065347-00065452 KEVIN: Ugh... 3y39rkA2vxQ-00260-00065580-00065702 SKID & PUMP: Hi, Kevin! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00261-00065704-00065830 PUMP: Oh, wh—what happened to you? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00262-00065830-00066018 KEVIN: Not right now, kids. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00263-00066962-00067099 Thanks so much, dude! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00264-00067160-00067353 SKID: Listen, Kevin, we need your help. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00265-00067379-00067827 Uh, we lost our doll, and we need to tell the police about it, 3y39rkA2vxQ-00266-00067827-00068189 and—and we just— it's a really special doll, and... 3y39rkA2vxQ-00267-00068190-00068523 KEVIN: The doll I threw in the back is yours?! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00268-00068523-00068660 PUMP: Oh, it's in the back? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00269-00068660-00068782 SKID & PUMP: Thank you, Kevin! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00270-00068822-00069093 KEVIN: [exclaims of frustration] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00271-00069093-00069193 Ugh... 3y39rkA2vxQ-00272-00069238-00069340 Whatever. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00273-00069799-00069972 [rustling, clanging] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00274-00070051-00070151 [meow] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00275-00070302-00070670 HAPPY FELLA DOLL: [laughs menacingly] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00276-00070670-00070826 [cat purrs in fright] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00277-00070826-00071011 HAPPY FELLA DOLL: [laughs evilly] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00278-00071196-00071354 ROY: Why was this doll laughing? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00279-00071354-00071540 ROSS: Why is it walking? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00280-00071540-00071843 ROBERT: It walks and laughs? That's so freaking cool! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00281-00071915-00072218 SKID: E—excuse me? Th—that's ours. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00282-00072429-00072643 ROBERT: Really? If you say— 3y39rkA2vxQ-00283-00072644-00072930 ROY: Oh, it's yours? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00284-00072930-00073030 SKID & PUMP: Yes... 3y39rkA2vxQ-00285-00073030-00073232 ROY: You want it? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00286-00073232-00073332 SKID & PUMP: Yes... 3y39rkA2vxQ-00287-00073332-00073559 ROY: And what would you do t— 3y39rkA2vxQ-00288-00073560-00073708 ROSS: Just give it to them, dude. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00289-00073708-00073829 ROY: (whispering) No! Shut up! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00290-00073884-00074110 What would you do to get it? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00291-00074110-00074301 SKID: I don't know, we just want it. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00292-00074325-00074617 ROY: So you don't want it, hmm? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00293-00074617-00074925 HAPPY FELLA DOLL: They don't want me, they'll throw me to the trash! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00294-00074991-00075091 ROY: What? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00295-00075091-00075371 ROBERT: My sister's one doesn't say that! That's so rad! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00296-00075371-00075626 PUMP: Uhh, what we can do to get him back? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00297-00075679-00075742 ROY: Gimme your clothes. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00298-00075742-00076003 [wow, I'm just subtittles and can't even believe you went that far, what is wrong with you?] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00299-00076003-00076314 ROY: (exasperated) Sweaters! I'm talking about their sweaters! Geez... 3y39rkA2vxQ-00300-00076314-00076582 [... I apologize... I will go back to work I guess, sorry again] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00301-00076582-00076807 SKID: It's cold! We will freeze! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00302-00076886-00077058 ROY: You want your ugly doll or not? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00303-00077302-00077683 [doorbell] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00304-00077755-00077947 SKID & PUMP: [shivering] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00305-00077947-00078091 SUSIE: What were you doing outside? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00306-00078091-00078303 SKID & PUMP: [shivering] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00307-00078303-00078490 SUSIE: Just go to the couch. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00308-00078490-00078760 SKID & PUMP: [shivering] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00309-00078760-00078846 SUSIE: [slams door] Ugh... 3y39rkA2vxQ-00310-00079224-00079275 [cha-ching] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00311-00079320-00079488 PUMP: Thank you, Susie. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00312-00079488-00079689 SUSIE: Don't go out again without telling Grandpa, wi— 3y39rkA2vxQ-00313-00079689-00079796 [doorbell] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00314-00079796-00080113 LILA: Hi, Susie! I came for my son. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00315-00080113-00080347 Uh—hey, where's your sweater? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00316-00080347-00080648 SKID: I—I—I left it here, some—somewhere... 3y39rkA2vxQ-00317-00080675-00080943 PUMP: Hey, Susie, can I go with him, please? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00318-00080956-00081174 LILA: It's okay, Susie, I will bring him early. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00319-00081227-00081492 SUSIE: You are lucky I trust Mrs. Lila. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00320-00081492-00081707 PUMP: He—hey! Whopee! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00321-00081852-00082056 SKID: Oh, wait, Mom, I'm forgetting something. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00322-00082242-00082342 Hello? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00323-00082389-00082443 Fella? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00324-00082444-00082797 [muffled shaking, clanging] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00325-00082952-00083113 SKID: Ah, there you are! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00326-00083113-00083306 HAPPY FELLA DOLL: No! No! Leave me alone! No! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00327-00083306-00083418 SKID: Come here, let's go! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00328-00083418-00083586 [dragging] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00329-00083586-00083754 [scratching] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00330-00083900-00084284 LILA: Alright, kids, you go to the table, and I'll make something for dinner. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00331-00084329-00084521 SKID: Thank you, Mom. PUMP: Thank you, Mrs. Lila. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00332-00084540-00084770 PUMP: We can finally play together! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00333-00084796-00085180 SKID: Yeah! And don't worry, Happy Fella! No one will ever get you again! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00334-00085180-00085413 We will be together forever! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00335-00085484-00085548 [glass shatters] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00336-00085548-00085653 HAPPY FELLA DOLL: No! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00337-00085653-00085753 [punch] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00338-00085753-00085928 [grunting] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00339-00085948-00086076 I'm tired! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00340-00086101-00086536 I'm tired of you two! Your spooky month and that dumb dance! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00341-00086613-00086818 I've been trying to fulfill my needs, 3y39rkA2vxQ-00342-00086844-00087323 and you always stopped me! I can't handle it anymore! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00343-00087377-00087579 LILA: What is all that screaming? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00344-00087579-00087679 [gasps] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00345-00087701-00087913 Why is the doll standing up? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00346-00087913-00088215 HAPPY FELLA DOLL: And you! You should have bought the damn cat 3y39rkA2vxQ-00347-00088215-00088387 when your son told you to! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00348-00088387-00088601 SKID: Ey! Don't talk to my mom like that! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00349-00088657-00089044 You always being mean to us! And you never let us play your games! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00350-00089088-00089650 PUMP: Yeah! And you got us in trouble with my sister! You chose Roy instead of us! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00351-00089650-00089941 And I bet you didn't even get kidnapped! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00352-00089941-00090212 HAPPY FELLA DOLL: How about you tell me that to my face? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00353-00090407-00090531 [menacing sting] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00354-00090531-00090710 LILA: Kids...come here! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00355-00090710-00090863 SKID: Yeah, we will tell it to your face! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00356-00090898-00091109 LILA: (panicked) No! It has a knife! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00357-00091297-00091590 PUMP: He's getting us in trouble with my sister again! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00358-00091590-00091782 HAPPY FELLA DOLL: [battle cry] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00359-00091813-00092118 SKID: We can deal with it, mom, it's just a doll! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00360-00092118-00092395 [knife swinging noises] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00361-00092395-00092717 [running up stairs] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00362-00093787-00093940 SKID & PUMP: [blowing raspberries] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00363-00093955-00094130 [menacing jingle] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00364-00094173-00094466 LILA: (whispering) Do not make any sounds, kids! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00365-00094466-00094696 HAPPY FELLA DOLL: [maniacal laughter] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00366-00094696-00094802 Gotcha! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00367-00094894-00095044 [creaking] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00368-00095044-00095167 [thwomp] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00369-00095167-00095444 [running] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00370-00095548-00096008 LILA: Alright, I have a plan! You need to follow step-by-step, alright? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00371-00096110-00096345 HAPPY FELLA DOLL: [heavy breathing] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00372-00096405-00096643 SKID: You have a problem, tell us to our face! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00373-00096643-00096812 PUMP: Yeah, you ugly doll! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00374-00096812-00097172 HAPPY FELLA DOLL: I am tired of all of you calling me ugly! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00375-00097172-00097470 No more Happy Fella for ya— 3y39rkA2vxQ-00376-00097775-00098309 [chuckling] I'm a doll! You dumb bi— 3y39rkA2vxQ-00377-00098309-00098409 [oven door slams] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00378-00098415-00098592 (panicked) Oh, nonononononono! Kids, no! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00379-00098592-00098875 I'm your fella, kids! I'm here to make you happy! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00380-00098875-00099144 SKID & PUMP: We are not happy anymore, fella! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00381-00099144-00099253 HAPPY FELLA DOLL: No, wait! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00382-00099253-00099410 [oven dial clicks] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00383-00099410-00099665 Let me out of here! You can't do this to me! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00384-00099768-00099914 Get me out of here! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00385-00099915-00100039 (painful) No! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00386-00100039-00100199 SKID & PUMP: Yay! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00387-00100199-00100616 HAPPY FELLA DOLL: My face! No! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00388-00100796-00100896 [oven dings] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00389-00100896-00101001 [squishy noises, sizzling] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00390-00101326-00101454 JAUNE: Lila? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00391-00101512-00101612 LILA: Jaune? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00392-00101615-00101768 What are you doing here? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00393-00101794-00102076 JAUNE: Remember you told me your son shares the doll with his friend? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00394-00102101-00102434 Well, I got another one for the both of them! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00395-00102566-00102701 LILA: (panicked) No, Jaune! No! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00396-00102901-00102950 JAUNE: I don't know what the f... 3y39rkA2vxQ-00397-00102950-00103050 HAPPY FELLA DOLL: [screams] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00398-00103050-00103114 JAUNE: What the hell?! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00399-00103114-00103340 LILA: Put it in the oven, put it in the oven, put it in the oven! HAPPY FELLA DOLL: No, not again! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00400-00103340-00103462 [screams] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00401-00103558-00103658 [oven dings] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00402-00103658-00103733 [door opens] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00403-00103733-00103930 [squishy noises, sizzling] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00404-00104270-00104418 JAUNE: Do you have anything to drink? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00405-00104478-00104637 LILA: I have spoiled milk. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00406-00104697-00104797 JAUNE: Okay. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00407-00105173-00105378 SKID: Uhh, Pump, what did we learn today? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00408-00105415-00105788 PUMP: That ugly possessed dolls are mean and they don't want to play with us? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00409-00105824-00105967 SKID: Possessed? What? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00410-00106018-00106257 I—I mean that we don't need a Happy Fella! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00411-00106257-00106462 We just need a fella to make us happy! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00412-00106479-00106581 Right, fella? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00413-00106607-00106811 PUMP: Let's drink spoiled milk! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00414-00107093-00107196 SKID: Can we drink too? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00415-00107212-00107312 JAUNE: Yes! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00416-00107312-00107436 LILA: What? No! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00417-00107436-00107850 NEWS MAN: The cannibal serial killer, Bob Velseb, has escaped the local police station. 3y39rkA2vxQ-00418-00107887-00108229 SAD GUY: I've never been this happy! Thank you so much, Happy Fella! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00419-00108252-00108595 HAPPY FELLA: No problem! Just remember what we said: 3y39rkA2vxQ-00420-00108629-00109221 SAD GUY & HAPPY FELLA: Making a fella happy makes us a happy fella! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00421-00109222-00109322 [TV clicks off] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00422-00109474-00109677 [creaking] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00424-00124404-00124504 OOGA BOOGA: Ooga booga! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00425-00124538-00124677 Ha, ha! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00426-00124677-00124834 Did I scare ya? 3y39rkA2vxQ-00427-00124834-00124991 HAPPY FELLA DOLL: Ooh, double dong! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00428-00124991-00125102 OOGA BOOGA: [screams] 3y39rkA2vxQ-00429-00125198-00125428 Ai! That was so scary! 3y39rkA2vxQ-00430-00125448-00125493 I was like— 3y39rkA2vxQ-00431-00125493-00125766 [laughter] 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00000-00000761-00000856 I'm here 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00001-00000856-00000955 It's BUDALJO 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00002-00000987-00001416 I know no one will follow this, but I'm still using this idea for vids 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00003-00001416-00001769 Let me show you soap sculpture performance evaluation of a college graduate 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00004-00002096-00002238 To do this, you'll need the following materials 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00005-00002239-00002647 A 450g Mugunghwa Jumbo Soap, various sizes of carving tools, 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00006-00002647-00003042 a 30° art knife, and permanent marker to draw the sketch 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00007-00004162-00004472 First, I'm going to draw the front of the face on this side 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00008-00004543-00004860 and draw the side of the face on this side 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00009-00004929-00005040 This will be the crown of the head 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00010-00005095-00005273 Here is the puffy side hair 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00011-00005273-00005520 I start sketching by getting a rough reference point like this 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00012-00005779-00005994 Let me give you a tip here 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00013-00006184-00006419 Here, here is the tip of the chin 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00014-00006475-00006642 This is where the neck starts 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00015-00006891-00007211 For the face, mark the nose first and be like: This is the mouth 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00016-00007291-00007631 This part is the eyes, as you complete the sketch 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00017-00007776-00008058 But now that I think about it, I'm just blindly drawing 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00018-00008085-00008200 A tip that doesn't help 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00019-00008306-00008363 My apologies 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00020-00008442-00008861 Now, the second tip is to extend from each reference point 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00021-00008861-00009130 to mark on both sides before drawing the sketch 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00022-00009409-00009555 What if the sketch is wrong? 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00023-00009555-00009836 Just dig it out with a carving tool and draw it again 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00024-00010125-00010559 And since this statue has to stand, make the bottom like this 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00025-00010559-00010750 I will draw a guide line in advance 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00026-00010868-00011279 So the final sketch looks like this 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00027-00011279-00011478 If you're going to sculpt this, capture the screen right now 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00028-00011699-00011909 Now, take out the 30° art knife and 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00029-00012020-00012325 I'm going to cut out the side margins here 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00030-00013516-00013580 Alright! 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00031-00013678-00013970 Make sure you don't cut inside the sketch lines 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00032-00015502-00015823 If you say ‘Oh, but it's hard to cut the inside' 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00033-00015823-00016135 Then just slide across with the carving tool 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00034-00018148-00018399 So, this is step 1 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00035-00018480-00018614 Step 2 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00036-00018614-00018704 Step 3 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00037-00018891-00018991 Face the front 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00038-00019105-00019609 Make a sketch first, think of the thumbnail, and cut out the front outline again 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00039-00019921-00020134 The front and the side is cut nicely 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00040-00020134-00020559 Now, take the carving tool and destroy the half-side view 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00041-00020757-00020919 Alright, what you need to remember is, 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00042-00020995-00021097 don't be a wimp 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00043-00021188-00021329 By that I mean, 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00044-00021330-00021734 don't be afraid, just carve starting from the half-side view 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00045-00021735-00022201 ‘But what if I carve too much and I run out of soap later? Am I doing this right?' 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00046-00022202-00022342 This kind of thought is like saying 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00047-00022342-00022959 ‘What if I exercise so hard and become a bulky national athlete?' 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00048-00022959-00023119 Well, it's similar to this kind of concern 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00049-00023379-00023720 So, how much should you destroy the half-side view? 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00050-00023720-00024065 You have to destroy it until the sketch is almost invisible 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00051-00024280-00024465 Oh, but why do I feel like the one destroyed? 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00052-00024465-00024821 Now, smooth out the bumpy side with an art knife 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00053-00026493-00026686 So this is the before 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00054-00026686-00026742 And after 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00055-00026861-00027166 So far, we've been working hard to make an egg 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00056-00027204-00027468 Draw the sketch on top of the egg again 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00057-00028147-00028324 And make eye contact 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00058-00028325-00028778 Then, take the art knife and make indents that match the sketch 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00059-00029837-00030117 Now, the basic face shape is coming together 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00060-00030117-00030522 From now on, define the details on the tip of the nose 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00061-00030802-00030931 Add dimensions to the lips 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00062-00031060-00031227 Define the chin and cheeks 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00063-00031393-00031562 And give some depth to the eyes 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00064-00031848-00032003 Then draw one more sketch 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00065-00032140-00032525 to make the eyelids and the under-eye bags 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00066-00033048-00033283 Grab a wet wipe in your room and rub it down 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00067-00033521-00033649 to smooth out the skin 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00068-00033798-00033976 Now, prepare a blade carving tool 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00069-00034056-00034467 then put it on the side of the head and gently scrape the soap 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00070-00034467-00034710 And that’s how you add hair details 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00071-00035698-00036022 After finishing all the facial features, shake your hands 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00072-00036022-00036426 Pretend to applaud yourself, and the statue of Venus is complete 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00073-00037092-00037365 If you make this and put it in the bathroom... 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00074-00037365-00037555 Someone might use it, so be careful 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00075-00037763-00038177 Anyway, there is one surprising fact that I realized while filming this 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00076-00038222-00038714 Actually, this Venus statue is very photogenic 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00077-00038714-00039098 Even if the real thing looks like this, if you adjust the color, composition, and lighting 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00078-00039098-00039240 It comes out like this 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00079-00040477-00040627 So today's conclusion is... 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00080-00040627-00040878 Being photogenic is as important as the sculpture 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00081-00041339-00041651 Then see you in the next video 3-9uAN7jYaQ-00082-00041651-00041750 Bye 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00000-00000008-00000336 you finding me and larry for the first time please subscribe to both of our 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00001-00000336-00000664 channels check us out on instagram and for those 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00002-00000664-00000855 of you that keep saying y'all want to see 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00003-00000855-00001488 me larry um jay moore mark dart holla adam i've reached 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00004-00001488-00001752 out to a few of these cats they never hit me back 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00005-00001752-00002096 we would collab with anyone y'all know how we get down on this channel 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00006-00002096-00002416 let's take a look at this trailer because we're about to pick apart 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00007-00002416-00002903 y'all's favorite broke dick emmett for all his deeds this is gonna be funny 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00008-00002903-00003184 take a look 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00009-00004128-00004992 what nigga huh what you thinking about none i'm i'm just i'm just uh tired 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00010-00005071-00005407 yeah cause you've been working so hard yeah i'm just trying to make sure 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00011-00005407-00005839 everything right before we open that looks great in here i ain't never 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00012-00005839-00006319 seen sonny this clean yeah but i got to put my stank on it we 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00013-00006319-00007111 got to put our stink on it yeah yeah we got to make it our own 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00014-00007143-00007528 so what you thinking um i was thinking about 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00015-00007528-00007840 getting some new chairs redoing the floors 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00016-00007840-00008240 um maybe do a wallpaper but only one wall what's that what's that called 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00017-00008240-00008568 again an accent yeah get one of those we gotta make some 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00018-00008568-00008896 money first oh yeah i will what y'all gonna call it 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00019-00008896-00009320 oh emmett and dom's no no no fuck that 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00020-00009320-00009656 naming the restaurant after yourself is like bad luck i mean look what happened 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00021-00009656-00010096 to sonny yeah true story so what are we going to 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00022-00010096-00010392 call it then i don't know we'll think it's something 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00023-00010392-00010632 well you better think fast well i can't rush it 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00024-00010632-00011272 you know it's got to be inspired well let me know if you need some 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00025-00011284-00011881 inspiration 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00026-00012775-00013336 first of all who the hell cleans windows the way don was cleaning windows when he 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00027-00013336-00013768 was under there fixing that table if they clean windows like that on fifth 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00028-00013768-00014063 avenue in new york it'd be a whole lot of people falling 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00029-00014063-00014408 out the sky trying to clean them skyscraper window it'd be accidents all 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00030-00014408-00014712 over the place nobody cleans windows bent over like 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00031-00014712-00015151 that secondly dom know 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00032-00015151-00015768 that he's with tiff she know that and you cannot make 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00033-00015768-00016080 such comments when you're in the presence of 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00034-00016080-00016384 the girlfriend the spouse the baby mama whoever 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00035-00016384-00016800 so that is just telling me that this is a setup 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00036-00016800-00017168 for a breakup and he's either going to lose 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00037-00017168-00017648 his baby mama or he's going to lose the business or he might lose both 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00038-00017648-00018008 business and pleasure this early don't mix larry 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00039-00018008-00018464 what do you think is going to happen to old broke dick emmitt 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00040-00018464-00019072 i think that i would not be surprised if him and tiff break up but i'll tell 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00041-00019072-00019480 you i think i think what might happen is i think he 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00042-00019480-00019912 might break up with tiff it might not even get started fully with 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00043-00019912-00020248 with uh with dom like besides just the the you 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00044-00020248-00020544 know the one smash they had maybe they'll maybe they'll hook up 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00045-00020544-00020944 again but i don't think they'll ever hook up where they get together 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00046-00020944-00021312 i honestly believe he's gonna end up not being with with dom 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00047-00021312-00021687 he's going to break up with tiff and somehow he's going to end up back with 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00048-00021687-00022000 keisha that's what i think is going to happen 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00049-00022000-00022304 but i don't know but i mean but tim is not 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00050-00022304-00022568 dumb she's recognized she recognized what happened 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00051-00022568-00022976 either one of two things have happened either one they've already been together 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00052-00022976-00023272 or she just knows there's that chemistry there something's gonna jump 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00053-00023272-00023648 off or she already knows just by the way dom is just 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00054-00023648-00024079 just being flexed on her that she wants him 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00055-00024079-00024495 and so she knows emmett's weak so if dom wants them all she she knows that 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00056-00024495-00024792 eventually one day they're gonna be working together it's gonna be late if 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00057-00024792-00025176 dom decides to throw it at him emma's gonna take it we already know 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00058-00025176-00025639 because he already did take it so well i just i think it's just a 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00059-00025639-00025975 matter of time before it's all before it all blows up 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00060-00025975-00026336 you know i hope the business doesn't blow up to be honest with you because i 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00061-00026336-00026639 really like that that he has his own thing even though i 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00062-00026639-00027024 hate the way he got it i just want i want him to stop being a little 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00063-00027024-00027360 hustle man a little struggle man i want him to actually get something 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00064-00027360-00028063 and then grow the hell up you know you know um keisha foreshadowed this 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00065-00028063-00028336 with emmett when he was in the room talking to her 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00066-00028336-00028688 she she foreshadowed that this was going to happen 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00067-00028688-00028991 it's just a matter of how is it going to go down 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00068-00028991-00029304 how is it going to happen how is the destruction going to happen 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00069-00029304-00029752 and what is his mother going to have to say about all this mama know how he is 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00070-00029752-00030216 you know she's a grandmother to what both kids now she know how he is 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00071-00030216-00030568 how is she gonna get drug into this and they staying underneath 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00072-00030568-00031216 her roof so this could be a la la is so big man i always used to 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00073-00031216-00031663 tease and say that keisha there's keisha tiff is like one cupcake 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00074-00031663-00032160 away and putting her next to lala man she's 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00075-00032160-00032680 like she almost looks skinny i was like man 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00076-00032688-00033016 stop it you know you like all that rubbermaid 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00077-00033016-00033319 do not yeah 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00078-00033336-00034024 chicks man i'm not down big extra extras i know you used to have a 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00079-00034024-00034440 rubber band ball back when you was a kid and she reminds you of every bit of 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00080-00034440-00034768 rubber band you had in that ball you ain't got a lot 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00081-00034768-00035288 of old money month you ain't gotta lie 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00082-00035503-00035912 if she gets any more work done she's going to have to put a recycling tattoo 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00083-00035912-00036544 on her butt or something i don't know hey back that truffle 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00084-00036560-00036912 everywhere she goes she go backwards she's gonna have to have an alarm 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00085-00036912-00037224 to get them high imports through anything but 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00086-00037224-00037688 i'll just say lala if you ever watch this enough is enough 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00087-00037688-00038072 i mean you didn't need it to begin with but enough 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00088-00038072-00038688 is definitely enough please yeah and please don't go down that route 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00089-00038688-00038975 that some people do when they start getting plastic surgery and start 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00090-00038975-00039319 messing with your face and next thing you know you end up looking like some 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00091-00039319-00039960 crazy cat person or something don't do that you mean you mean tranny 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00092-00039960-00040328 no i mean like people who look like they're like and i hate i'm not trying 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00093-00040328-00040712 to diss anybody but like little kim little kim is one of those people that 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00094-00040712-00041072 just went crazy on the plastic surgery and she looks like one of those people 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00095-00041072-00041391 that's turned into like a cat person or something with her face starts looking 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00096-00041391-00041784 like a character of a cat she looks crazy oh you saying she looked 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00097-00041784-00042000 like michael jackson when he turned white 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00098-00042000-00042336 is what you're trying to say i mean michael jackson was even looking 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00099-00042336-00042703 different but michael jackson i felt like didn't go either as far as like lil 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00100-00042703-00043063 kim did or he just had better plastic surgeons oh 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00101-00043063-00043680 crazy just not as crazy michael jackson by the time he was done 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00102-00043680-00043984 was looking just like the scarecrow from the wizard of oz 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00103-00043984-00044463 only with only with a jerry curl and that's the same thing little kim did 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00104-00044463-00044944 that's him yeah man bro that was him in the wiz man 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00105-00044944-00045216 that was him in the whiz he was just trying to live out the rest of that 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00106-00045216-00045696 character's days for him well we'll keep you guys abreast on 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00107-00045696-00046056 episode nine but i want to give another program note 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00108-00046056-00046359 ladies and gentlemen it's about to get busy on sundays 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00109-00046359-00046687 for those of you that didn't know this sunday 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00110-00046687-00047368 this show comes on to love craft country and this is going to be 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00111-00047368-00047863 an absolute dynamo of a show i'm gonna have to try to do a whole lot 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00112-00047863-00048280 of sleeping to get that in and then to try to do the shot to finish 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00113-00048280-00048608 off the two episodes then i'm gonna start putting pea valley in the mix 3-Zd3BvCv_k-00114-00048608-00048936 on monday 3DkKI64q56E-00000-00009096-00009371 Hello friends and thank you for joining me. 3DkKI64q56E-00001-00009371-00009967 I took some time off last week for the Thanksgiving holidays and all heck broke loose, so let's 3DkKI64q56E-00002-00009967-00010415 get right into the news with this week's big story. 3DkKI64q56E-00003-00010415-00011014 On our last program we interviewed John Pappas the Executive Director of the Poker Players 3DkKI64q56E-00004-00011014-00011642 Alliance about their talks with the US Department of Justice about when American players could 3DkKI64q56E-00005-00011642-00012125 expect refunds from there Full Tilt Poker accounts. 3DkKI64q56E-00006-00012125-00012690 This week we're happy to report that the DOJ has set a date... sort of... 3DkKI64q56E-00007-00012690-00013259 January of next year, when they are going to bring on a claims adjuster to get the process 3DkKI64q56E-00008-00013259-00013544 of refunding players money started. 3DkKI64q56E-00009-00013544-00013988 This doesn't mean you're going to get all your money, nor does it put a specific timetable 3DkKI64q56E-00010-00013988-00014606 on when refunds will be issued, but hey... at least the wheels have started to move. 3DkKI64q56E-00011-00014606-00015172 In other news, the Las Vegas Sun is reporting what I've been saying on this program for 3DkKI64q56E-00012-00015172-00015841 the past several months: That any hope on Federal online poker legislation passing this 3DkKI64q56E-00013-00015841-00016197 year is all but gone. 3DkKI64q56E-00014-00016197-00016751 But there are people out there who are starting to say that the Fed's inability to act may 3DkKI64q56E-00015-00016751-00017016 actually be a good thing. 3DkKI64q56E-00016-00017016-00017563 Since last year's announcement by the DOJ that the Federal Wire Act only applies to 3DkKI64q56E-00017-00017563-00018171 sports betting, seven states have introduced legislation to regulate online gambling within 3DkKI64q56E-00018-00018171-00018271 their borders. 3DkKI64q56E-00019-00018271-00021120 And with the economy still in the crapper, that number is certain to rise in 2013. 3DkKI64q56E-00020-00021120-00021801 Hey did you guys know that the parent company that deduces this video, Bet Viral, also runs 3DkKI64q56E-00021-00021801-00022063 a play for free poker site? 3DkKI64q56E-00022-00022063-00022169 It's true! 3DkKI64q56E-00023-00022169-00023068 ChipHogs.com is giving away over $100 to our players just this week with no fees, no deposits, 3DkKI64q56E-00024-00023068-00023366 no downloads, no credit card needed... 3DkKI64q56E-00025-00023366-00023690 you just come, play and win money! 3DkKI64q56E-00026-00023690-00024314 Now I know that 100 bucks isn't worth getting too excited about, but hey we're just getting 3DkKI64q56E-00027-00024314-00024739 started... and the more players we have come over the bigger the prize pool is going to 3DkKI64q56E-00028-00024739-00024839 get. 3DkKI64q56E-00029-00024839-00024960 And it's better than playing for nothing. 3DkKI64q56E-00030-00024960-00025495 Heck, if you are playing on Zynga right now and not getting paid anything, at least here 3DkKI64q56E-00031-00025495-00027276 you win a little 3DkKI64q56E-00032-00027276-00028875 something something! 3DkKI64q56E-00033-00028875-00029370 And now it is my pleasure to introduce to you another new segment that we're going to 3DkKI64q56E-00034-00029370-00029843 be adding to our regular programming here at This Week in Gambling. 3DkKI64q56E-00035-00029843-00030439 Dedicated to player protection and fair play across the Internet, here's Casinomeister... 3DkKI64q56E-00037-00043336-00044656 to 3DkKI64q56E-00038-00044656-00046431 play and 3DkKI64q56E-00039-00046431-00047496 where 3DkKI64q56E-00040-00047496-00049519 to avoid. 3ElPx6r_7co-00000-00014979-00015179 It was difficult to find details because my skin was black. 3ElPx6r_7co-00001-00015179-00015372 So I can tell you that this work was made into a band-aid. 3ElPx6r_7co-00002-00015529-00015805 The point is not to make it too round or too angular. 3ElPx6r_7co-00003-00016100-00016363 I'm gonna cover your back later. This is all I can do for my skin. 3ElPx6r_7co-00004-00016506-00016706 Attach the two horns that you made earlier to the tail. 3ElPx6r_7co-00005-00016977-00017177 Apply oil all over the place. 3ElPx6r_7co-00006-00017177-00017377 That way, you can make your skin look more natural. 3ElPx6r_7co-00007-00017377-00017629 I don't want to ruin the shape, so let it harden in the oven once. 3ElPx6r_7co-00008-00017764-00017964 Next thing I'm gonna make is a horny shell. 3ElPx6r_7co-00009-00017964-00018164 Let's have a time to pre-produce a lot of horns. 3ElPx6r_7co-00010-00018164-00018347 The big horns make 10 pieces. 3ElPx6r_7co-00011-00018347-00018497 Medium horns make 50 or 60 horns. 3ElPx6r_7co-00012-00018745-00018945 Make two curved horns. 3ElPx6r_7co-00013-00019145-00019345 It's better if the tip is pointed. 3ElPx6r_7co-00014-00019525-00019725 I'll put the horns I've made so far in one place and harden them in the oven. 3ElPx6r_7co-00015-00020309-00020617 It's all manual, so adjust the amount of clay so that it's the same shape as possible. 3ElPx6r_7co-00016-00021047-00021247 If there's anyone watching my video who's copying me, 3ElPx6r_7co-00017-00021247-00021487 I think this work is recommended only for those who have enough time. 3ElPx6r_7co-00018-00021487-00021754 However, you can work comfortably after you finish hardening the oven. 3ElPx6r_7co-00019-00021907-00022200 Next, I will use clay because I didn't make a frame of my neck by mistake. 3ElPx6r_7co-00020-00022200-00022415 If you copy me, please plant a wire in advance. 3ElPx6r_7co-00021-00022661-00022861 Then it'll be a task that makes you smile. 3ElPx6r_7co-00022-00023095-00023295 Fury Bowser has pointed accessories. 3ElPx6r_7co-00023-00023702-00023885 It makes necklaces and bracelets like shackles. 3ElPx6r_7co-00024-00024302-00024502 Rub it with a tool and connect it in one form. 3ElPx6r_7co-00025-00024645-00024845 Put the horns on top of it one by one. 3ElPx6r_7co-00026-00025055-00025255 You have to attach 12 horns. 3ElPx6r_7co-00027-00025867-00026190 I thought I'd put a dozen on my head, but somehow I... 3ElPx6r_7co-00028-00026346-00026610 I put on 10 stickers. 3ElPx6r_7co-00029-00026610-00026810 I don't know why, but I guess I was too lazy to put horns on. 3ElPx6r_7co-00030-00026810-00027217 I think it's because I have to put these two on my arm. 3ElPx6r_7co-00031-00027553-00027947 Everyone, please stick on 12 of them well. 3ElPx6r_7co-00032-00028105-00028263 Next, I'll make a shell for you. 3ElPx6r_7co-00033-00028263-00028443 Crumple the foil to form the shell. 3ElPx6r_7co-00034-00028752-00028952 It'll make it bigger than this. 3ElPx6r_7co-00035-00028986-00029186 It's the right size for a fairy map. 3ElPx6r_7co-00036-00029452-00029652 Slide the clay thinly over the foil and stick it on. 3ElPx6r_7co-00037-00030316-00030516 I'm going to make it roughly and stick it on. 3ElPx6r_7co-00038-00030656-00030856 Apply oil and spread the clay. 3ElPx6r_7co-00039-00031374-00031574 Next, it's time to engrave the shape of the shell shape. 3ElPx6r_7co-00040-00031574-00031771 Engraves several hexagonal shapes. 3ElPx6r_7co-00041-00032323-00032523 Now, use a dot stick for the detailed expression. 3ElPx6r_7co-00042-00033155-00033355 I'm going to express my qualms here again. 3ElPx6r_7co-00043-00033557-00033757 Put the bar rice cake on the edge of the shell. 3ElPx6r_7co-00044-00034091-00034291 Connect it by rubbing it with a tool. 3ElPx6r_7co-00045-00034474-00034830 It doesn't have to be dry, but I want to use various tools, so it also expresses the texture of the shell. 3ElPx6r_7co-00046-00035254-00035454 I'm already happy to think of putting horns on top of this. 3ElPx6r_7co-00047-00035683-00035883 Attach clay to the hardened horn and connect it. 3ElPx6r_7co-00048-00037175-00037375 If you stick the horns one by one, the shell is complete. 3ElPx6r_7co-00049-00037525-00037725 You can feel the grandeur when you attach it. 3ElPx6r_7co-00050-00037981-00038181 Next, I will make a hand. 3ElPx6r_7co-00051-00038608-00038901 I usually follow my fingers and stick them together. 3ElPx6r_7co-00052-00038901-00039288 Think carefully about the joints and make them by bending them at various angles. 3ElPx6r_7co-00053-00039654-00039963 Make the bottom part round and the top part angled. 3ElPx6r_7co-00054-00040812-00041100 Make nails using pre-made horns. 3ElPx6r_7co-00055-00041780-00041980 You can make 4 for each hand. 3ElPx6r_7co-00056-00042132-00042332 Stick your fingers one by one. 3ElPx6r_7co-00057-00043162-00043453 Make it into one lump. 3ElPx6r_7co-00058-00044081-00044411 I'm the only one who can see the inside of the palm, but I make it. 3ElPx6r_7co-00059-00044802-00045144 Do the same with your hands as you did with your arms, legs, and tail skin. 3ElPx6r_7co-00060-00045725-00045925 It takes a long time, but if you're careful, 3ElPx6r_7co-00061-00046170-00046437 It can feel like dinosaur skin. 3ElPx6r_7co-00062-00046437-00046601 Of course, it makes the other hand the same. 3ElPx6r_7co-00063-00046740-00046940 Put your hands together. 3ElPx6r_7co-00064-00046990-00047190 Finally, the moment of making hair has come. 3ElPx6r_7co-00065-00047190-00047543 I'm going to draw the center line and then take the shape. 3ElPx6r_7co-00066-00048270-00048470 Make a hole with a dot stick. 3ElPx6r_7co-00067-00048619-00048819 Plant pre-baked eyes. 3ElPx6r_7co-00068-00048895-00049095 Hold the eye frame above it. 3ElPx6r_7co-00069-00049859-00050059 I'm so curious about what you'll look like. 3ElPx6r_7co-00070-00050553-00050753 Put your mouth together. 3ElPx6r_7co-00071-00050867-00051067 It's like a frog. 3ElPx6r_7co-00072-00051067-00051361 Apply eyebrows to make it look different. 3ElPx6r_7co-00073-00051727-00052008 I hypnotize myself as a turtle. 3ElPx6r_7co-00074-00052024-00052407 Put on the cheek fat to capture your anger. 3ElPx6r_7co-00075-00052500-00052700 It makes a hard chin that emits fire. 3ElPx6r_7co-00076-00053457-00053782 You have to make it like Pericana so that you can spray the fire well. 3ElPx6r_7co-00077-00053984-00054233 Personally, I felt this from the design of Fury Bowser. 3ElPx6r_7co-00078-00054233-00054522 I think it has a sharper image than the existing Coupa design. 3ElPx6r_7co-00079-00054936-00055161 Add more clay to make a big mouth. 3ElPx6r_7co-00080-00055510-00055710 Next, put on the nose. 3ElPx6r_7co-00081-00055789-00055911 It's like a puppy. 3ElPx6r_7co-00082-00056252-00056452 Let's open our mouths and implant our teeth. 3ElPx6r_7co-00083-00057171-00057481 If you can express the flame later, you'll only need four. 3ElPx6r_7co-00084-00057481-00057681 I put 6 pieces on top and bottom. 3ElPx6r_7co-00085-00059907-00060107 But if you heard it, take it off. 3ElPx6r_7co-00086-00060300-00060500 It's time to connect with the body. 3ElPx6r_7co-00087-00061016-00061216 Fortunately, it fits perfectly. 3ElPx6r_7co-00088-00061417-00061617 It's time to express the hair that's soaring up. 3ElPx6r_7co-00089-00061922-00062122 If you stick together the craftsmanship, 3ElPx6r_7co-00090-00062416-00062616 Pineapple is done. 3ElPx6r_7co-00091-00062895-00063095 I'll try not to look like a pineapple. 3ElPx6r_7co-00092-00063567-00063767 I usually get my hair done and go to work. 3ElPx6r_7co-00093-00063767-00063944 Taking advantage of that experience, I am also touching Koopa's hair. 3ElPx6r_7co-00094-00064165-00064365 Apply oil to finish it off. 3ElPx6r_7co-00095-00064366-00064566 It's time to say goodbye to the boring horn. 3ElPx6r_7co-00096-00064905-00065105 You just need to make these two and stick them together. 3ElPx6r_7co-00097-00065328-00065528 Since the eyebrow hair breaks easily, use putty to make it. 3ElPx6r_7co-00098-00066216-00066416 This is the end of the long processing. 3ElPx6r_7co-00099-00066454-00066618 This is the bathroom. 3ElPx6r_7co-00100-00066618-00066900 The reason I came here is that I have no choice but to work indoors because it's raining outside. 3ElPx6r_7co-00101-00067241-00067441 I should've bought a black surfacer. 3ElPx6r_7co-00102-00067441-00067615 I made a wrong order on the internet. 3ElPx6r_7co-00103-00067824-00068024 Generating chocolate. 3ElPx6r_7co-00104-00068169-00068369 I'll have to color in black again because I made a mistake in ordering. 3ElPx6r_7co-00105-00068435-00068635 Separate it from the shell of the back for easy coloring. 3ElPx6r_7co-00106-00069135-00069335 After coloring, I finished it with glossy varnish. 3ElPx6r_7co-00107-00070100-00070300 The color comes out well if you apply it several times. 3ElPx6r_7co-00108-00071055-00071255 Attach the masking tape and continue coloring. 3ElPx6r_7co-00109-00072106-00072306 You can simply fill in the white of your eyes. 3ElPx6r_7co-00110-00072699-00072899 Color the fur like fire. 3ElPx6r_7co-00111-00073141-00073341 Color dark colors first and then bright colors. 3ElPx6r_7co-00112-00074288-00074488 I sometimes use a sponge to color. 3ElPx6r_7co-00113-00074954-00075154 I think it's also suitable for gradation effect. 3ElPx6r_7co-00114-00075961-00076161 I see the end now. 3ElPx6r_7co-00115-00076397-00076597 I will make an effect by using a glue gun. 3ElPx6r_7co-00116-00076704-00076904 Inject it into your mouth first. 3ElPx6r_7co-00117-00077103-00077303 Before it hardens, let it harden while working. 3ElPx6r_7co-00118-00077693-00078001 I tried putting it on because I was too lazy to put it in little by little. 3ElPx6r_7co-00119-00078801-00079001 Sometimes crumbs are good to express the surface. 3ElPx6r_7co-00120-00079635-00079835 You can complete this task after an hour. 3ElPx6r_7co-00121-00080110-00080310 Color the flame color. 3ElPx6r_7co-00122-00081649-00081849 If you finish coloring and combine it with the shell of your back, Fury Bowser is complete. 3ElPx6r_7co-00123-00086005-00086231 So far, I've been enjoying fried shrimp tempura. 3ElPx6r_7co-00124-00086231-00086558 Thank you for watching the Fury Bowser production machine. 3ElPx6r_7co-00125-00086824-00087024 This has been kiArtkiA. 3ElPx6r_7co-00126-00087024-00087223 Please subscribe and set notifications. 3EwR9JbB5kE-00001-00000425-00000688 Once a student has submitted their assignment you can 3EwR9JbB5kE-00002-00000688-00001067 retrieve this information by going into the assignment and 3EwR9JbB5kE-00003-00001067-00001323 then selecting View Grade All Submissions. 3EwR9JbB5kE-00005-00002443-00002754 All student submissions will be on-screen. 3EwR9JbB5kE-00006-00002754-00003106 If you chose File Submissions for your assignment style, you 3EwR9JbB5kE-00007-00003106-00003356 can click on the file, which will allow you to download the 3EwR9JbB5kE-00008-00003356-00003481 file to your computer. 3EwR9JbB5kE-00010-00004147-00004357 Once you have reviewed the assignment and would like to 3EwR9JbB5kE-00011-00004357-00004689 submit a grade, hover your mouse over the Edit icon for 3EwR9JbB5kE-00012-00004689-00004915 the student. 3EwR9JbB5kE-00013-00004915-00005120 This will bring up a sub-menu where you would choose the 3EwR9JbB5kE-00014-00005120-00005245 word Grade. 3EwR9JbB5kE-00016-00006381-00006698 After selecting Grade, you will be brought to a new page 3EwR9JbB5kE-00017-00006698-00007068 where the grade and feedback can be submitted. 3EwR9JbB5kE-00018-00007068-00007253 After you have filled out this information, 3EwR9JbB5kE-00019-00007253-00007477 click on Save Changes. 3EwR9JbB5kE-00020-00007477-00007693 You can now complete the same action for all the 3EwR9JbB5kE-00021-00007693-00007818 student-submitted assignments. 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00000-00000117-00000408 What is the "Precautionary Principle?" 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00001-00000408-00000748 And is it good or bad? Ask some people, 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00002-00000748-00001130 and they'll tell you the Precautionary Principle is a way of avoiding actions 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00003-00001130-00001621 that may lead to bad things happening. To others it's a cynical 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00004-00001621-00001952 and ignorant ploy to prevent good things happening. 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00005-00001952-00002336 So who's right - or are they all wrong? 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00006-00002336-00002724 According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, "precaution" 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00007-00002724-00003077 is: "something that is done to prevent possible harm or 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00008-00003077-00003498 trouble from happening in the future." So every time we ask ourselves 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00009-00003498-00003973 what the consequences of our actions might be, and what we can do to reduce the 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00010-00003973-00004189 likelihood of consequences we don't like, 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00011-00004189-00004612 we are exercising precaution. It seems sensible. 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00012-00004612-00004955 But what elevates this seemingly-smart idea 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00013-00004955-00005410 into a Principle? Turning to Merriam-Webster again, 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00014-00005410-00005719 the definition of "principle" that best fits here is: 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00015-00005719-00006030 "a moral rule or belief that helps you know 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00016-00006030-00006389 what is right and wrong, and that influences your actions." 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00017-00006389-00006717 In other words, from definitions alone, 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00018-00006717-00007204 the precautionary principle is a guide to taking actions now that help prevent 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00019-00007204-00007456 future events that are considered societally 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00020-00007456-00007768 undesirable or unacceptable. It's the 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00021-00007768-00008125 ethical equivalent of saying: "look before you leap!" 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00022-00008125-00008592 But for this to be useful in policy and business decisions 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00023-00008592-00009136 its needs a little more work. In the year 2000, the European Commission published 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00024-00009136-00009529 a 29-page document on the interpretation and 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00025-00009529-00009952 implementation of the Precautionary Principle. It's a sophisticated 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00026-00009952-00010490 and comprehensive document, but a little too long for Risk Bites. 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00027-00010490-00011028 Fortunately, a 2005 UNESCO report synthesizes many of the main points 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00028-00011028-00011179 in a slightly shorter 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00029-00011179-00011645 working definition. Summarizing the UNESCO definition of the Precautionary 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00030-00011645-00011785 Principle we have: 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00031-00011785-00012314 "When human activities may lead to morally unacceptable harm that is 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00032-00012314-00012831 scientifically plausible but uncertain, actions shall be taken to avoid 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00033-00012831-00013354 or diminish that harm. The judgment of plausibility should be grounded 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00034-00013354-00013718 in scientific analysis. Actions 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00035-00013718-00014156 are interventions that are taken before harm occurs that seek to avoid 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00036-00014156-00014459 or diminish harm. Actions should be chosen that are 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00037-00014459-00014768 proportional to the seriousness of the potential harm, 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00038-00014768-00015212 with consideration of their positive and negative consequences, 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00039-00015212-00015513 and with an assessment of the moral implications of 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00040-00015513-00016129 both action and inaction." In other words: the precautionary principle is about 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00041-00016129-00016372 using scientific understanding 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00042-00016372-00016743 to take action to avoid harm that might otherwise occur; 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00043-00016743-00017168 thinking about the pros and cons of this action in a broader context; 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00044-00017168-00017509 and making sure that the effort behind the action 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00045-00017509-00017917 is reasonable given the potential harm it's intended to address. 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00046-00017917-00018429 So the precautionary principle is not about stopping innovation, or even 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00047-00018429-00018557 putting the brakes on 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00048-00018557-00018909 technological progress. Instead, it's a 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00049-00018909-00019216 "go-slow-and-ask-smart- questions principal," 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00050-00019216-00019726 to be applied where there are indications of potentially serious consequences if we 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00051-00019726-00019791 don't 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00052-00019791-00020116 get things right. Is this good? 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00053-00020116-00020509 Or is it bad? Well, that's probably for you to decide - 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00054-00020509-00020941 but its also probably worth making sure you know what the Precautionary 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00055-00020941-00021020 Principle 3Fh7yQxvKCE-00056-00021020-00021413 actually is before you do. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00000-00000000-00000219 Talk about a huge surplus of cash. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00001-00000300-00000762 Now what is it finding its way into the market should it find its way in? 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00002-00000831-00001255 Yeah, I wrote this week about mountains of cash and I love your plant joke. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00003-00001256-00001447 By the way, you want to go by the wayside. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00004-00001453-00002050 And if you look at it right now there's just so much money in the system if you look at just like the cumulative amount of money 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00005-00002051-00002149 in money market funds. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00006-00002174-00002366 Nicole it's like 4.3 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00007-00002372-00002468 trillion dollars. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00008-00002483-00002666 Now that's down from 4.8 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00009-00002667-00003120 trillion dollars that's where we were in May, but it's still way above where we were after. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00010-00003121-00003261 The great financial crisis. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00011-00003261-00003375 It was like 3.9 trillion dollars, 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00012-00003378-00004147 so I think the point here is we talked about consumers sitting on a lot of cash right now and not really having 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00013-00004148-00004240 anywhere to spend it. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00014-00004264-00004600 Some of that money is seeping its way into the stock market. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00015-00004601-00005128 In fact, a lot of money is seeping its way into the stock market and it's starting to show a lot of speculation. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00016-00005134-00005911 If you start looking at options contracts, you had a half a trillion dollars traded one day alone in January, which is like the highest 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00017-00005912-00006572 number ever and that speaks to just pure speculation because when you're starting to buy these smaller option contracts it's 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00018-00006573-00006709 kind of like buying a Lotto ticket. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00019-00006711-00006947 Nicole you know I'm starting to wonder too. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00020-00006956-00007190 As people get more savvy with trading. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00021-00007190-00008219 If that contributes to the amount of options contract, probably not enough to set the tone but I would think that more and more 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00022-00008220-00009041 folks with the great trading platforms like Think or Swim that they're able to learn more and more that being said tell me about 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00023-00009042-00009131 market sentiment. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00024-00009146-00009275 How are you feeling? 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00025-00009276-00009356 What do you think? 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00026-00009357-00009894 People are saying for 2021 it's definitely wildly bullish at this point. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00027-00009895-00010670 If you start looking at sentiment indicators like the AAI investment indicator which basically looks at what the perception of stock 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00028-00010670-00011487 price of 6 months out it's above, which is historically very very high, so you are starting to see more wildly, bullish behavior. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00029-00011488-00012197 And also last year, I was one of the few people calling for a V shape recovery at that point, I was not in the majority and it was 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00030-00012198-00012311 much harder to be bullish. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00031-00012320-00012521 But now kind of the cats out of the bag. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00032-00012533-00012564 Right? 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00033-00012564-00012797 We know we have massive vaccinations going on. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00034-00012824-00013524 We know that we just talked about all this cash sitting on the sidelines between corporations and consumers they're just 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00035-00013525-00014063 waiting on that pent up demand to spend that cash like I'm looking to have a lot of parties in my roof deck this summer to 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00036-00014065-00014151 call and you're invited. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00037-00014152-00014491 But the point is it's not a secret anymore. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00038-00014491-00014737 And invariably markets are forward-looking. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00039-00014763-00014908 So I'm hearing. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00040-00014909-00015532 A lot of kind of analysis saying, well there's a lot more upside here in the market because it's going to be a great year. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00041-00015533-00015679 Come the second half of the year. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00042-00015685-00016191 Well, the market already knows that the markets forward looking and you start looking at price to earnings. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00043-00016193-00016297 Multiple like the S & P 500 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00044-00016297-00016597 is a great example of this, which is driven by big tech. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00045-00016618-00017233 It trades like 23 times forward earnings now that's like in the 90th percentile of expensiveness. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00046-00017234-00017844 So a lot of markets right now aren't exactly cheap and sentiment is wildly bullish. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00047-00017845-00018431 In some areas and you're talking about some of the speculation like GameStop is one of those stocks that's just been up 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00048-00018432-00018560 astronomically this year. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00049-00018578-00019227 Having a tremendous short squeeze and there's a lot of young investors with those stimulus checks 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00050-00019228-00019341 just playing the market talking on places like Reddit. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00051-00019360-00019798 Essentially making big bets on a lot of these smaller. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00052-00019799-00020260 These penny stocks, really along with big tech, is another place you're seeing a lot of speculation. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00053-00020260-00021098 And, look, I don't have a crystal ball but markets definitely do rhyme and it's starting to look a little more like 99-2000 when we 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00054-00021099-00021545 had the great tech wreck eventually, I have to think this is going to end badly at some point as well. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00055-00021550-00021898 So you do see some sort of. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00056-00021899-00022039 Is it the pullback? 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00057-00022042-00022894 Just for some of these names that are being shorted and then sort of manipulated to the upside being overbought at this point. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00058-00022895-00023662 Like a name like GameStop AMCX, Mac, Fizz, Bed Bath and Beyond just to go, go. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00059-00023698-00024046 All of these names are names that people are watching very closely. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00060-00024154-00024634 Are you a believer that it's these names that are problematic and could sell-off. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00061-00024635-00024991 Is it tech that's going to sell off or is it the whole market? 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00062-00024991-00025237 And then that presents a buying opportunity. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00063-00025256-00025775 I think those parts of the market specifically are definitely kind of pump & dump, right? 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00064-00025776-00025874 You read on Reddit. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00065-00025927-00026399 What to buy this stock and you get the whole crowd kind of getting into some of these names. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00066-00026426-00027157 And I also think when you talk about big tech, which drives the S&P 500 I mean, Tesla, the rise has been astronomical here, it 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00067-00027160-00027547 actually looks the way Apple did back in 99-2000 had a huge run up. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00068-00027548-00027664 Just like Tesla today. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00069-00027695-00028214 And then the stock proceeded to lose 80% of its value, so I don't think it's far-fetched to say. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00070-00028214-00028988 A lot of these tech names can have a tremendous sell off at some point in the future now, having said that and you go back to 99 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00071-00028989-00029233 2000 because I like to use history as our guide here. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00072-00029260-00029860 A lot of markets go up well when the tech bubble finally burst and I think you have the same thing today. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00073-00029861-00030039 You have a lot of cheap multiples out there too. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00074-00030041-00030694 Numerous times I've spoken about on your show just how cheap energy is energy has been in the bear market since 2014 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00075-00030742-00031186 and it's starting to move upwards now again, commodities have been in a bear market for a long time. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00076-00031213-00031447 Financials did nothing for the last couple of years. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00077-00031448-00031585 They're starting to break out again. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00078-00031602-00032175 So it's kind of like we have the sine wave technology growth stocks or they're at the top of the sine wave. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00079-00032176-00032301 It's getting long in the tooth. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00080-00032302-00032729 That trend in the meanwhile at the bottom here, just starting the trend. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00081-00032730-00032940 You have old school value stocks. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00082-00032941-00033276 You have things like financials, energy stocks, materials. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00083-00033276-00033450 A lot of the reopening trade. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00084-00033456-00033837 Those type of stocks are just getting moving and their multiples are a lot cheaper. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00085-00033838-00034092 And you can also argue the same thing about the international market. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00086-00034102-00034300 A lot cheaper you've got a weaker dollar now. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00087-00034301-00034477 Those markets have done really, really well. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00088-00034478-00034735 Emerging markets are leading the US markets this year. 3GHlIQi7Yn8-00089-00034736-00035252 So there's a lot of places to put your money and they're a lot cheaper than just owning big tech here. 3L-bNGlwtcg-00000-00000016-00000512 what's up bro how are you doing man i'm good this guy came all the way from nigeria started going 3L-bNGlwtcg-00001-00000512-00000968 to the streets saying that do you know what amaya hey let's ask how do you know you know 3L-bNGlwtcg-00002-00001128-00001592 you know what amaya you need to come here 3L-bNGlwtcg-00003-00002424-00002984 a lot of trouble like right now i'm buying yesterday i want to buy wax here i love it 3L-bNGlwtcg-00004-00003592-00003960 you know so i mean it comes with a lot of disadvantages but 3L-bNGlwtcg-00005-00003960-00004296 i'm good yeah okay nice to meet you same here 3L-bNGlwtcg-00006-00005488-00005784 this month 3L-bNGlwtcg-00007-00005992-00006584 he said he needs 1000 subscribers so you all need to do me a favor we are 900 000 so i 3L-bNGlwtcg-00008-00006584-00007048 mean 100 can go to his youtube channel and make his dream come true and i'm with miss 3L-bNGlwtcg-00009-00008304-00008976 on this channel please subscribe to this nigerian organization yes okay please make you subscribe 3L-bNGlwtcg-00010-00008976-00009568 now click you know i love nigerian pigeons so much people usually tell me 3d is too much now stop 3L-bNGlwtcg-00011-00009568-00009920 it's too you're not even from vegeta knowing humans they say it's annoying 3L-bNGlwtcg-00012-00011296-00011432 love yes 3L-bNGlwtcg-00013-00011608-00012104 hey what did you just say what do you do don't tell them i don't tell them i say that but yes 3L-bNGlwtcg-00014-00012352-00012528 okay nice one i like that you like 3L-bNGlwtcg-00015-00012704-00013447 nigeria i nigerian nigeria they talk now they take it down here now it's actually my favorite country 3L-bNGlwtcg-00016-00014056-00014608 but yeah i love nigeria so much yeah when i'm in nigeria i'm always happy 3L-bNGlwtcg-00017-00014608-00014944 and even people on my channel tell me whenever you're in nigeria i'm so happy 3L-bNGlwtcg-00018-00014944-00015512 why i'm like i don't know maybe my ancestors would come yeah you know you know whenever 3L-bNGlwtcg-00019-00016880-00017528 thank you so much this is so much fun you're making me miss nigeria i love nigeria you're 3L-bNGlwtcg-00020-00017528-00018384 always welcome i'm gonna come again three times three times two times i 3L-bNGlwtcg-00021-00019096-00019632 nice to meet you nice to meet you so hello guys i'm here with my governor she's my governor so 3L-bNGlwtcg-00022-00020672-00021232 and i'm telling you guys to subscribe to knt's channel right now and like this video and turn on 3L-bNGlwtcg-00023-00021232-00021672 your post notifications so that you'll be the best to be notified every time he uploads a new video 3L-bNGlwtcg-00024-00021768-00022584 thank you so much 3L-bNGlwtcg-00025-00023408-00023984 subscribe subscribe subscribe subscribe 3L-bNGlwtcg-00026-00025360-00026127 hey nice to see you all here please i'm looking for 100 000 subscribers amazing can you tell 3L-bNGlwtcg-00027-00026127-00026824 them to subscribe subscribe to knt get him to 100 000 subscribers it's actually free just hit 3L-bNGlwtcg-00028-00026824-00027432 that subscribe button right there yeah thank you so much hey guys welcome back to canada and of 3L-bNGlwtcg-00029-00027432-00028208 course i'm with me yeah i understand who my day is called so when people come up with something like 3L-bNGlwtcg-00030-00028208-00028712 what am i i don't know what you're talking about because maybe maybe you have a problem with me 3L-bNGlwtcg-00031-00028712-00029304 because personally i watch everyone because i want to see what everyone is doing and learn 3L-bNGlwtcg-00032-00029304-00029783 from them because i'm that guy who didn't know anything to be honest with you my travels in 3L-bNGlwtcg-00033-00029783-00030327 africa was more like an education for me i got to nigeria i was just going to go to nigeria 3L-bNGlwtcg-00034-00030424-00030880 and these people are so much fun man and that's when i had to go back to nigeria again 3L-bNGlwtcg-00035-00031408-00032032 i feel like people are becoming so lazy these days on youtube that they're all finding the 3L-bNGlwtcg-00036-00032032-00032639 easy way out to the extent that before the maya sneeze is there oh what am i ever sneezing here 3L-bNGlwtcg-00037-00032712-00033264 what what does one of us doesn't want to do with you know content on youtube um i've even 3L-bNGlwtcg-00038-00033264-00033632 been saying that they don't have anything to say lately to understand that they're bringing our 3L-bNGlwtcg-00039-00033632-00034328 old videos and then i i have no problem with that i just want to tell you that it's not cool it's 3L-bNGlwtcg-00040-00034328-00035080 not it does it's more like you trying the easy way out but people say they see it as promotion 3L-bNGlwtcg-00041-00035080-00035640 yeah it's promotion man um i feel like sometimes sometimes they say they don't know what they're 3L-bNGlwtcg-00042-00035640-00036272 saying you know i watch i watch it today i saw a video they're talking about trudy it's not true 3L-bNGlwtcg-00043-00036272-00036768 you know and you fabricate stories like that no don't forget that we're also humans you know right 3L-bNGlwtcg-00044-00037104-00037816 i'm telling you i'm shocked i mean my concert exactly and then strike 3L-bNGlwtcg-00045-00037904-00038400 so much exactly so i you want me to strike no no no no no no 3L-bNGlwtcg-00046-00038632-00039104 i mean i've never done that before i've seen so many people using my channel videos i don't care 3L-bNGlwtcg-00047-00039104-00039800 like i said all i want is like i want my videos to go out there to make an impact so as soon as you 3L-bNGlwtcg-00048-00039800-00040288 are using it in the right way i have no problem with it so people there are companies that call 3L-bNGlwtcg-00049-00040288-00040952 me i want to use your videos for free make sure you use it for the right purpose that's it because 3L-bNGlwtcg-00050-00040952-00041472 that's why i created the youtube channel we should all learn to i mean learn from each other embrace 3L-bNGlwtcg-00051-00041472-00042040 one another you know youtube shouldn't be more of a competition it's not a competition space for me 3L-bNGlwtcg-00052-00042040-00042488 because i know what i'm doing and i know why i'm here i'm pulling you back home if i see 3L-bNGlwtcg-00053-00042488-00043072 you winning i'm so excited because i don't have to spend money if i see this guy he's making money yo 3L-bNGlwtcg-00054-00043136-00043648 i say i mean i'm in your house man i don't have to bring money to my food you want me to like 3L-bNGlwtcg-00055-00043736-00044144 now i'm going to don't worry about that that's what i tell people to help each 3L-bNGlwtcg-00056-00044144-00044576 other so that when we all grow together we don't have to spend so much money together 3L-bNGlwtcg-00057-00044696-00045352 when i come you have to pay for that's my that's my policy anytime i sit on a bicycle going to work 3L-bNGlwtcg-00058-00045416-00046184 i play sataway's my level and so tawali said what um i'll go buy a motor for my mom i listen to that 3L-bNGlwtcg-00059-00046184-00046664 song to the stuff because i lost my dad during that period so that time my mom would call me and 3L-bNGlwtcg-00060-00046664-00047248 tell me that oh the car got your dad left it's no longer working so that song really inspired me to 3L-bNGlwtcg-00061-00047248-00047872 buy a car for my mom so that's the impact that's torelli has of me and i've tried so many times to 3L-bNGlwtcg-00062-00047872-00048384 reach out but i think he's um people around him doesn't want to allow but yeah i came here you 3L-bNGlwtcg-00063-00048384-00048904 are all ahead in terms of youtube subscription and working hard to be able to surpass okay so 3L-bNGlwtcg-00064-00048904-00049432 if you want if maybe you have the chance to reach a tawalo what are some of the things you would 3L-bNGlwtcg-00065-00049432-00050400 love to answer if maybe sataway is working why is he so crazy man is crazy he's he's on and off 3L-bNGlwtcg-00066-00050400-00051024 out there so twilight can be just today tomorrow he's different but like it's so hard to predict 3L-bNGlwtcg-00067-00051168-00051808 i feel like if when you see him it's either he surprises you or he confuses you i mean 3L-bNGlwtcg-00068-00051808-00052112 people like that when you meet them in real life you realize that they are so humble 3L-bNGlwtcg-00069-00052112-00052655 maybe out there they create commotion and all of that but if you meet them in person maybe they 3L-bNGlwtcg-00070-00052655-00053055 are not like that so me i can't judge him based on what i see on the media until i meet him in person 3L-bNGlwtcg-00071-00053055-00053832 maybe today i'm not getting nothing but tomorrow i go get something and i'll go buy more for my mom 3L-bNGlwtcg-00072-00053960-00054264 by the end of me won't worry me hey i got shot 3L-bNGlwtcg-00073-00054584-00054655 nobody today 3L-bNGlwtcg-00074-00055184-00055704 okay yeah thank you so much and um so totally keep doing what you do i love you and i can't 3L-bNGlwtcg-00075-00055704-00056144 wait to meet you in person so please make sure you subscribe be part of this awesome family 3L-bNGlwtcg-00076-00056144-00056536 do all the good stuff on the channel my name is maya and i'll see you in the 3N9viYFw_e8-00000-00000112-00002248 ♪♪ 3N9viYFw_e8-00001-00002248-00002773 I once heard That all men are born good 3N9viYFw_e8-00002-00002806-00003315 But the world Makes Him a corrupt 3N9viYFw_e8-00003-00003370-00003903 Did This happen to me? 3N9viYFw_e8-00004-00003966-00004291 My reason To pull the trigger 3N9viYFw_e8-00005-00004341-00005013 I've been singing so much about these characters that I'm afraid That no one will care if I sing about me 3N9viYFw_e8-00006-00005030-00005551 How being heard by millions in this big world Inside me, I still feel lonely? 3N9viYFw_e8-00007-00005559-00006093 I think hidden in my voice there's a cry for help Can you hear? 3N9viYFw_e8-00008-00006101-00006623 What would you feel If you knew I threw myself from Valley of the End? 3N9viYFw_e8-00009-00006648-00007148 So much insecurity Since I was a child 3N9viYFw_e8-00010-00007165-00007640 Crying for no reason What's wrong with me? 3N9viYFw_e8-00011-00007645-00008170 Tell me why I need to smile If inside I just wanna scream? 3N9viYFw_e8-00012-00008179-00008762 Let the tear form a river For me to drown 3N9viYFw_e8-00013-00008775-00009271 The big problem of loneliness Is that I'm afraid of what I think when I'm alone 3N9viYFw_e8-00014-00009300-00009734 Millions of paranoias without reason I think my thoughts are my enemy 3N9viYFw_e8-00015-00009747-00010285 I have been suspicious of people Always doubting your real intentions 3N9viYFw_e8-00016-00010289-00010802 And how many people I thought were good And nowadays I'm disgusted by your opinions 3N9viYFw_e8-00017-00010810-00011353 My God, what's the Earth's problem? I open my phone; almost blood comes from the screen 3N9viYFw_e8-00018-00011373-00011861 Nobody cares about doing good anymore We only care about filters on social media 3N9viYFw_e8-00019-00011874-00012416 Only rivals, no allies We take care of other people's lives the wrong way 3N9viYFw_e8-00020-00012449-00012962 Nobody cares to know how you've been going They only care about telling lies from their past 3N9viYFw_e8-00021-00012983-00013988 And I remember being just a boy Long before Depression or Anxiety 3N9viYFw_e8-00022-00014080-00015048 Asking the tears to turn into smiles I just forgot to ask for the real smiles 3N9viYFw_e8-00023-00015052-00015578 I once heard That all men are born good 3N9viYFw_e8-00024-00015611-00016120 But the world Makes Him a corrupt 3N9viYFw_e8-00025-00016174-00016708 Did This happen to me? 3N9viYFw_e8-00026-00016770-00017096 My reason To pull the trigger 3N9viYFw_e8-00027-00017146-00017817 I've been singing so much about these characters that I'm afraid That no one will care if I sing about me 3N9viYFw_e8-00028-00017834-00018355 How being heard by millions in this big world Inside me, I still feel lonely? 3N9viYFw_e8-00029-00018364-00018898 I think hidden in my voice there's a cry for help Can you hear? 3N9viYFw_e8-00030-00018906-00019427 What would you feel If you knew I threw myself from Valley of the End? 3N9viYFw_e8-00031-00019452-00019953 So much insecurity Since I was a child 3N9viYFw_e8-00032-00019969-00020445 Crying for no reason What's wrong with me? 3N9viYFw_e8-00033-00020449-00020975 Tell me why I need to smile If inside I just wanna scream? 3N9viYFw_e8-00034-00020983-00021567 Let the tear form a river For me to drown 3N9viYFw_e8-00035-00021571-00023519 ♪♪ 3PeicVfGYT0-00000-00000000-00000411 In this video we will cover the basics of your Kirkwood student email and 3PeicVfGYT0-00001-00000411-00000869 Talon. When you are logged into Talon you can access your student email 3PeicVfGYT0-00002-00000869-00001482 through the Office 365 widget on your homepage, from the Navbar under Student 3PeicVfGYT0-00003-00001482-00002258 Tools in your course, or by going to the envelope icon found in the Mini Navbar. 3PeicVfGYT0-00004-00002258-00002777 From this page you can send an email to your instructor. You'll need to type in 3PeicVfGYT0-00005-00002777-00003204 their email address or open the address book and select it there. It's 3PeicVfGYT0-00006-00003204-00003636 recommended to leave the subject line as is because this will tell your recipient 3PeicVfGYT0-00007-00003636-00004029 which class the email is coming from. When sending emails to your instructor 3PeicVfGYT0-00008-00004029-00004437 please use proper email etiquette. Your email should include a greeting, your 3PeicVfGYT0-00009-00004437-00004878 message, and a closing with your name. Try to use professional language, spelling 3PeicVfGYT0-00010-00004878-00005330 capitalization and grammar, and avoid texting abbreviations. Please note that 3PeicVfGYT0-00011-00005330-00005844 email in Talon is send only. Your instructor will receive email to their 3PeicVfGYT0-00012-00005844-00006257 Kirkwood email and when they respond it will go to your Kirkwood Student Email. 3PeicVfGYT0-00013-00006257-00006672 You will use your Kirkwood student email to correspond with your instructor and 3PeicVfGYT0-00014-00006672-00007092 other students. Your instructor may use email to send important course 3PeicVfGYT0-00015-00007092-00007418 information and updates so it's important you check your Kirkwood 3PeicVfGYT0-00016-00007418-00007947 student email daily. You will have a widget on your home page called Office 3PeicVfGYT0-00017-00007947-00008556 365. To login your first enter your student email address. On the next page 3PeicVfGYT0-00018-00008556-00008975 you'll need to enter a username and password. The username is your k number 3PeicVfGYT0-00019-00008975-00009489 at student dot Kirkwood dot edu and your password is your regular email password. 3PeicVfGYT0-00020-00009489-00009999 Please note you do need to enter your k number with @ student dot Kirkwood dot edu 3PeicVfGYT0-00021-00009999-00010593 to successfully log in, not just your K number or just your email address. Once 3PeicVfGYT0-00022-00010593-00010971 you are logged in you'll be able to view your Kirkwood student email messages and 3PeicVfGYT0-00023-00010971-00011388 access any documents saved to your SkyDrive. Most instructors will respond 3PeicVfGYT0-00024-00011388-00011877 to email within 24 hours on weekdays and 48 hours on weekends. If you do not 3PeicVfGYT0-00025-00011877-00012300 receive a response please ensure you have the correct email address. If you 3PeicVfGYT0-00026-00012300-00012839 still do not receive a response, please contact your academic department. You may 3PeicVfGYT0-00027-00012839-00013383 be able to receive your Kirkwood student email on your smartphone. Visit www dot Kirkwood 3PeicVfGYT0-00028-00013383-00013776 dot edu slash email and click on the FAQ for more detailed step-by-step 3PeicVfGYT0-00029-00013776-00014369 instructions for setting up email access from your phone. While it is possible to 3PeicVfGYT0-00030-00014369-00014760 forward your student email to an external email address such as Gmail or 3PeicVfGYT0-00031-00014760-00015144 hotmail this is generally not recommended due to privacy. Some 3PeicVfGYT0-00032-00015144-00015540 instructors will not respond to email sent from a non Kirkwood email address. 3PeicVfGYT0-00033-00015540-00015590 If you have further questions please contact the student helpdesk at 3PeicVfGYT0-00034-00015590-00016403 319- 398-7624 3SsB0nDb8y4-00000-00000060-00000708 Hi, this is Chadi. And today we're gonna be looking at a street footage, 3SsB0nDb8y4-00001-00000708-00001356 it involves an armed man and then someone comes in and disarms the man, 3SsB0nDb8y4-00002-00001446-00002016 this is a technique that you will see a lot in Aikido. Back when I trained Aikido I did this 3SsB0nDb8y4-00003-00002016-00002502 technique in every single training, however the methodology of training is obviously different, 3SsB0nDb8y4-00004-00002574-00003420 for different reasons, but this is something we also see in Judo Kata, and also old Jujitsu. So 3SsB0nDb8y4-00005-00003486-00003936 this is a very old footage and it's very well known, circling around the internet, 3SsB0nDb8y4-00006-00003936-00004656 but it doesn't hurt to see it, and discuss the technique, so without further Ado let's 3SsB0nDb8y4-00007-00004656-00005454 get into the footage. So you have here an armed man, and then a security guard or a policeman 3SsB0nDb8y4-00008-00005454-00006108 Gets behind him, and immediately disarms him, so let's take a look at it again, so he sneaks up 3SsB0nDb8y4-00009-00006228-00006918 grabs the wrist and the arm and then creates a wheel with his hand, and then uses his leg 3SsB0nDb8y4-00010-00006918-00007836 to actually put him down, you don't need the leg but it does help get someone down, like an "O Soto 3SsB0nDb8y4-00011-00007836-00008430 otoshi". So he gets him down, the backup comes in very quickly, this is very important to train, 3SsB0nDb8y4-00012-00008430-00009078 competitor or not, these are very important aspects of martial arts that need to be trained 3SsB0nDb8y4-00013-00009078-00009690 in my opinion. So this is the basic form that is taught, you circle around to get almost behind 3SsB0nDb8y4-00014-00009690-00010344 them, very similar to this thing we saw in the footage, but as an open hand technique you grab 3SsB0nDb8y4-00015-00010344-00011046 inside of the palm, and then you open it and then with both hands, one on the wrist and one on the 3SsB0nDb8y4-00016-00011046-00011808 arm you actually really drive down, almost like punching the mat and you get them down easily, 3SsB0nDb8y4-00017-00011808-00012600 unless they resist which can induce injury, here you see Kyuzo Mifune demonstrating it against a 3SsB0nDb8y4-00018-00012600-00013476 knife, noticed how he drops his weight to get the most leverage possible, a lot of people will say 3SsB0nDb8y4-00019-00013476-00014190 that it only worked because he snuck up on him, but in these types of scenarios sneaking up is 3SsB0nDb8y4-00020-00014190-00014808 a very important tactic, we are not dealing with a fair fight, here this is someone that is armed and 3SsB0nDb8y4-00021-00014808-00015413 dangerous, and you want the surprise element to be on your side, and you want every little Advantage 3SsB0nDb8y4-00022-00015413-00015984 possible, so to say that this is the only way that worked is because he snuck up on him it's just not 3SsB0nDb8y4-00023-00015984-00016656 true in my opinion. Also, the training methodology in Aikido is not the same, there's a lot of big 3SsB0nDb8y4-00024-00016656-00017286 circles being drawn and also it's a demonstration of philosophy, at least from my standpoint, and 3SsB0nDb8y4-00025-00017286-00017940 also from what I read from the founder of Aikido, but we can go into the writings very soon if you'd 3SsB0nDb8y4-00026-00017940-00018648 like, but training self-defense especially like this sneaking up, and incapacitating 3SsB0nDb8y4-00027-00018648-00019182 someone is a very important self-defense scenario that has to be trained worldwide. So 3SsB0nDb8y4-00028-00019182-00019716 if you have anything else to add let me know down below. This was Chadi, thank you for listening. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00000-00000016-00000456 So we have the kaya and the egg right here. That fat is so luscious and creamy 3T3rVXKl_EY-00001-00000456-00000791 It's also slightly caramelized in the end and got those charred bits oh 3T3rVXKl_EY-00002-00000791-00001248 Big catfish - this thing is huge! Nice soup totally reminds me of a Thai beef noodle 3T3rVXKl_EY-00003-00001248-00001650 soup - I really like it. Kelantan has their own type of laksa. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00004-00002216-00003056 It's breakfast. We are at Kopitiam Kita and wow look at 3T3rVXKl_EY-00005-00003056-00003704 this. This roti for breakfast. There's two eggs over easy. So soft and it's 3T3rVXKl_EY-00006-00003704-00004096 just wiggling. And the toast is 3T3rVXKl_EY-00007-00004096-00004276 really thick. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00008-00004276-00004703 So Kopitiam Kita is a very popular place 3T3rVXKl_EY-00009-00004703-00004960 here in Kota Bharu. When you look up places to eat, this is 3T3rVXKl_EY-00010-00004960-00005303 always at the top of the list and their main special dish here is 3T3rVXKl_EY-00011-00005303-00005592 called the Roti Titab. It's so famous that it's even 3T3rVXKl_EY-00012-00005592-00005896 copyrighted by the owner. Who the owner is really friendly by the 3T3rVXKl_EY-00013-00005896-00006207 way. He came by took a picture with us. Roti Titab 3T3rVXKl_EY-00014-00006207-00006551 it's basically like your kaya toast but everything on it all in one. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00015-00006551-00006879 It's a really thick slab of toast. We actually ordered two types. We got the 3T3rVXKl_EY-00016-00006879-00007120 original and we got the pandan. The pandan looks 3T3rVXKl_EY-00017-00007120-00007431 a slight bit hue of green. Looks like they probably put pandan in 3T3rVXKl_EY-00018-00007431-00008015 the bread and they put four dollops of kaya the lovely jam we cannot get enough 3T3rVXKl_EY-00019-00008015-00008488 of out here made with the coconut milk and the pandan and the sugar and eggs. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00020-00008488-00008815 It's four dollops perfectly on each side in all four corners. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00021-00008815-00009136 But we got the special. We asked what the special was like with two eggs. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00022-00009136-00009520 Why not for one more ringgit, right? It's got all-in-one sweet and savory all in one 3T3rVXKl_EY-00023-00009520-00009800 toast. So excited to try it. We also got our - 3T3rVXKl_EY-00024-00009800-00010184 I got a hot kopi-o here. Kopi-o panas, just a plain black coffee 3T3rVXKl_EY-00025-00010184-00010568 to pair with the sweet and Jumi has her nice foamy 3T3rVXKl_EY-00026-00010568-00010800 kopi tarik. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00027-00010968-00011568 Gonna take a bite of the classic first. I'm gonna cut it right down the middle 3T3rVXKl_EY-00028-00011568-00012079 Quite sloppy I could tell, got the yolk all over the place. Oh here we go 3T3rVXKl_EY-00029-00012079-00012439 Scoop a little yolk, so we have the kaya and the egg right here. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00030-00012439-00012670 One big bite 3T3rVXKl_EY-00031-00013063-00013568 It's so good. The toast is perfectly toasted here, got that slight bit of char 3T3rVXKl_EY-00032-00013568-00013912 taste on the outside of the toast. And what I really like about it is that 3T3rVXKl_EY-00033-00013912-00014336 kaya already has egg in it and then you have this soft boiled egg to go 3T3rVXKl_EY-00034-00014336-00014631 with it. So you have basically double egg in here to go with that sweetness 3T3rVXKl_EY-00035-00014631-00015216 of the kaya. I could really eat this every day, that's how good it is. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00036-00015328-00015856 That boiled egg is just so creamy and luscious. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00037-00016119-00016392 Now I'm gonna try the pandan version. So I'm curious to see if there's a strong 3T3rVXKl_EY-00038-00016392-00016800 difference in taste between the pandan toast and the classic toast 3T3rVXKl_EY-00039-00016800-00017295 Taste it. I've never seen a green hue toast like this with the pandan in it. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00040-00017295-00017695 So when you cut it, you see that slight pandan. I like it's not too green, so it's 3T3rVXKl_EY-00041-00017695-00018136 probably using real pandan, not exaggerated color. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00042-00018272-00018388 Subtle. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00043-00018388-00018584 Now 3T3rVXKl_EY-00044-00018808-00019056 Here we go 3T3rVXKl_EY-00045-00019431-00019800 I love that salty sweet combination you get here. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00046-00019800-00020159 You get that slight saltiness from the butter on that toast, that creamy 3T3rVXKl_EY-00047-00020159-00020640 luscious kaya, the creamy eggs. Man it's a textural flavor 3T3rVXKl_EY-00048-00020640-00021064 mash up to perfection here. So good 3T3rVXKl_EY-00049-00021120-00021895 Want to get that pandan and then egg and then with kaya let's see 3T3rVXKl_EY-00050-00022304-00023200 Sweet, salty and toast. I mean why not? 3T3rVXKl_EY-00051-00023304-00024015 I was looking around and this place the space is huge, it's like a basketball 3T3rVXKl_EY-00052-00024015-00024448 court right here. It's 11 o'clock in the 3T3rVXKl_EY-00053-00024448-00024840 morning. I can only imagine how it is early in 3T3rVXKl_EY-00054-00024840-00025279 the morning. It must be very packed. That's why 3T3rVXKl_EY-00055-00025279-00025712 this place is huge and there's a reason for that 3T3rVXKl_EY-00056-00026327-00026672 Of course when you're in Kelantan, you've got to have nasi kerabu. So 3T3rVXKl_EY-00057-00026672-00027080 we're about 10 minutes north of Kota Bharu city in a spot called Jijah's. I love it 3T3rVXKl_EY-00058-00027080-00027295 because we're outside. It's like we're outside of 3T3rVXKl_EY-00059-00027295-00027616 a house we're like in the backyard eating. It's beautiful. If you remember we had 3T3rVXKl_EY-00060-00027616-00027952 nasi kerabu in Terengganu, we had it with the blue 3T3rVXKl_EY-00061-00027952-00028160 rice. This one actually comes with the yellow rice. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00062-00028160-00028472 This one looks beautiful. I love it's got the yellow rice it's got the ulam - 3T3rVXKl_EY-00063-00028472-00028791 the fresh vegetables all chopped up, it's got the 3T3rVXKl_EY-00064-00028791-00029160 grated coconut. It's got looks like some gulai here and some sambal 3T3rVXKl_EY-00065-00029160-00029519 and then you have that beautiful grilled lamb. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00066-00029519-00029832 Don't even know what to eat first. Think I'm gonna go with the lamb first. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00067-00029832-00030391 It smells so good. It's so tender, It's juicy, it's got that nice 3T3rVXKl_EY-00068-00030391-00030632 lamb flavor but it's also a little yellow i wonder if 3T3rVXKl_EY-00069-00030632-00030839 it's some turmeric in here. But it's really 3T3rVXKl_EY-00070-00030839-00031160 like if you're a lamb lover like we are, this is where it's at. And now i'm going 3T3rVXKl_EY-00071-00031160-00031519 to try this nasi kerabu all mixed up. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00072-00032024-00032552 Wow! This is just incredible. You got that creamy gulai, sambal, that grated 3T3rVXKl_EY-00073-00032552-00032944 coconut those fresh ulam. And you got that yellow rice - wow this is 3T3rVXKl_EY-00074-00032944-00033263 incredible. Now I'm gonna take it with a piece of the 3T3rVXKl_EY-00075-00033263-00033656 lamb. Going for that mega bite, the money bite. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00076-00034160-00034480 It's just incredibly good. So you get that richness of the lamb, you got that 3T3rVXKl_EY-00077-00034480-00034775 fresh flavors of the ulam - the veggies in here. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00078-00034775-00035112 And you got that creamy like spicy. There's so much flavors going on here. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00079-00035112-00035375 And I like the different textures too. You get the crunchiness, you have some 3T3rVXKl_EY-00080-00035375-00035912 cabbage here, some chopped up long beans and you have that slightly chewy lamb. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00081-00035912-00036288 It's an incredible nasi kerabu here. A must. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00082-00036724-00036774 Char 3T3rVXKl_EY-00083-00038680-00039016 How can you not want to stop when you see that grill and all that chicken just 3T3rVXKl_EY-00084-00039016-00039360 smoke. The smoke billowing, that aroma just lures you in no matter what. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00085-00039360-00039824 Ayam percik is a specialty here in Kelantan state. It is the grilled chicken 3T3rVXKl_EY-00086-00039824-00040160 and it's covered - it's actually smothered. There's the grilled chicken and it's 3T3rVXKl_EY-00087-00040160-00040519 smothered in this percik sauce. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00088-00040672-00041000 This percik sauce is a nice orange color and it's supposed to be made with 3T3rVXKl_EY-00089-00041000-00041272 coconut milk and other spices. We're gonna get into those spices. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00090-00041272-00041728 We also ordered hati, the chicken liver also smothered in the percik sauce. We 3T3rVXKl_EY-00091-00041728-00042088 also got the daging bakar - the grilled beef. This one's 3T3rVXKl_EY-00092-00042088-00042359 not smothered in the percik sauce, which actually is good so we can taste 3T3rVXKl_EY-00093-00042359-00042591 it on its own. And we also got this beautiful plate of 3T3rVXKl_EY-00094-00042591-00042991 nasi kerabu another Kelantan specialty. That's what I like about here is you can 3T3rVXKl_EY-00095-00042991-00043272 just get - when you order a plate of rice you're going to get this nasi kerabu. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00096-00043272-00043631 Just like this. It's just covered in this ulam, all these herbs. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00097-00043631-00043959 You have that grated coconut, you have some green sambal here 3T3rVXKl_EY-00098-00043959-00044400 and more. This looks amazing so excited to eat this. That smoky aroma we walked in 3T3rVXKl_EY-00099-00044400-00044580 that door 3T3rVXKl_EY-00100-00045591-00045991 Gonna try first the ayam percik. So try this right here 3T3rVXKl_EY-00101-00045991-00046319 This is the drumstick. Oh it smells so good 3T3rVXKl_EY-00102-00046319-00046816 Smell so many spices, I smell that aroma from the grill. Let's take a bite 3T3rVXKl_EY-00103-00046872-00047400 Mmm. Creamy percik sauce. There's a nice coconut milk flavor. It's 3T3rVXKl_EY-00104-00047400-00047728 got a strong kick of lemongrass a little bit of spiciness in there with 3T3rVXKl_EY-00105-00047728-00048168 slight sweetness. There might be some cumin in here too 3T3rVXKl_EY-00106-00048168-00048536 some turmeric. There's a lot going on in here. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00107-00048544-00048903 You get that really excellent smoky flavor from that grill, that charcoal. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00108-00048903-00049159 We're all about that charcoal life when it comes to barbecue. That's the way to 3T3rVXKl_EY-00109-00049159-00049447 go. This chicken liver I'm going to cover it 3T3rVXKl_EY-00110-00049447-00049959 in the sauce. Take one piece of this chicken liver 3T3rVXKl_EY-00111-00049959-00050303 cover in the percik sauce take a bite. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00112-00050416-00051112 Strong liver flavor. Very very livery. Jumi's gonna love this. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00113-00051232-00051808 This liver is so good. You've drenched it with percik. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00114-00051983-00052495 It has lots of lemongrass, but definitely liver taste. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00115-00052495-00052895 Now I'm going to try a piece of this daging bakar, the grilled beef. So we 3T3rVXKl_EY-00116-00052895-00053120 walked by, it's really cool they actually have 3T3rVXKl_EY-00117-00053120-00053527 like a bowl of the beef and he puts it underneath the grill so the smoke is 3T3rVXKl_EY-00118-00053527-00053960 just billowing up just permeating this strips of this meat. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00119-00053960-00054160 I'm not even gonna try it with any sauce. I want 3T3rVXKl_EY-00120-00054160-00054695 to try it just by itself first. Smells super smoky. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00121-00054736-00055391 Whoa. This beef just has so much of that amazing smoky flavor. A slight bit of 3T3rVXKl_EY-00122-00055391-00055704 sweetness to it a little saltiness a little slight peppery taste. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00123-00055704-00056095 But you really just taste that smoky beef, that's the dominant flavor here. It 3T3rVXKl_EY-00124-00056095-00056432 is amazing. And I love how on this plate they actually give you some pieces of fat 3T3rVXKl_EY-00125-00056432-00056679 like this 3T3rVXKl_EY-00126-00056712-00057136 Oh that fat is so luscious and creamy. It's also slightly caramelized in the 3T3rVXKl_EY-00127-00057136-00057695 end and got those charred bits. Oh. The daging bakar is a must order here. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00128-00057695-00058064 Now gonna try some of this nasi kerabu and we've already had it. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00129-00058064-00058344 We've had it - we've had a white one before, we've got a yellow one 3T3rVXKl_EY-00130-00058344-00058616 now we're back to the classic blue that's colored with the butterfly pea 3T3rVXKl_EY-00131-00058616-00059136 flower. Mix that all up. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00132-00059136-00059439 Nasi kerabu is nice and mixed up here. Got all these different veggies - the 3T3rVXKl_EY-00133-00059439-00059904 cabbage, the bean sprouts the herbs, everything in here. Take a nice 3T3rVXKl_EY-00134-00059904-00060583 scoop. Take a bite 3T3rVXKl_EY-00135-00060720-00061136 Oh ulam flavors. You get some sort of citrusy kick. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00136-00061136-00061448 I'm not sure if maybe this is the green sambal. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00137-00061448-00061807 Oh it's in that green sambal. It tastes like there's a lot of lime in there, but 3T3rVXKl_EY-00138-00061807-00062112 they also put a little bit of the percik sauce. So you get that creamy 3T3rVXKl_EY-00139-00062112-00062448 lemongrassy percik sauce mixed in here. That's their little twist, so that's a 3T3rVXKl_EY-00140-00062448-00062832 smart idea. Man this nasi kerabu is amazing. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00141-00062832-00063488 Definitely order this along with your grilled meat, it goes so perfectly. Now 3T3rVXKl_EY-00142-00063488-00063824 try a piece of beef, get a little piece of chicken in there too. Let's get a 3T3rVXKl_EY-00143-00063824-00064464 little frisky. One big mega bite here 3T3rVXKl_EY-00144-00064464-00064760 Nice fragrant nasi kerabu just pairs so well. It complements that 3T3rVXKl_EY-00145-00064760-00065127 smoky meat so well. The place is incredible, very 3T3rVXKl_EY-00146-00065127-00065312 famous for reason. You got to come to Yati 3T3rVXKl_EY-00147-00065312-00065662 Ayam Percik whenever you're here in Kota Bharu. Must try 3T3rVXKl_EY-00148-00066880-00067336 We're at Nasi Ulam Cikgu right in the middle of Kota Bharu and it's very cool 3T3rVXKl_EY-00149-00067336-00067744 because it's in the Kampung Kraftangan. It's like 3T3rVXKl_EY-00150-00067744-00068207 craft village and it has a real kampung vibe here. You look around it's 3T3rVXKl_EY-00151-00068207-00068504 like the old buildings it's beautiful. Nasi 3T3rVXKl_EY-00152-00068504-00068880 ulam - ulam is the vegetables and we have lots of those. You can grab as much as 3T3rVXKl_EY-00153-00068880-00069127 you want. They have whole buckets over there. This 3T3rVXKl_EY-00154-00069127-00069448 is more like a grab and go serve yourself style like a steam table and we 3T3rVXKl_EY-00155-00069448-00069800 love that style of dining. We got a lot of seafood - ikan keli, the 3T3rVXKl_EY-00156-00069800-00070127 fried catfish. It's huge actually. Looks really crispy. Got 3T3rVXKl_EY-00157-00070127-00070527 some different things here. We got the asam pedas fish, we 3T3rVXKl_EY-00158-00070527-00070944 have cincaru fish, which looks like it's stuffed. We have this thing here, not sure what it 3T3rVXKl_EY-00159-00070944-00071392 is. It's like a cabbage with tripe and herbs in there. We actually had 3T3rVXKl_EY-00160-00071392-00071648 this in Terengganu in a place we didn't film. Really good 3T3rVXKl_EY-00161-00071648-00071983 Here they didn't have any label on it at all, but it looked incredible. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00162-00071983-00072432 These look like some sort of snail and this really nice looking yellow gravy it 3T3rVXKl_EY-00163-00072432-00072888 looks like a masak lamak cili api, kind of like what we had at Itik Salai 3T3rVXKl_EY-00164-00072888-00073192 Masthar in Kajang, Malaysia. Let us know in the comments 3T3rVXKl_EY-00165-00073192-00073576 what this is, we'd like to know. Guessing that's what it is, but we're not sure. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00166-00073576-00073824 Ooh looks great. Terima kasih. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00167-00074039-00074512 The famous Kelantan and Terengganu, this is the Kelantan style very excited 3T3rVXKl_EY-00168-00074512-00074927 to try it, the fermented anchovy. We added our lime, we have our cili 3T3rVXKl_EY-00169-00074927-00075248 padi in here. Let's go. Ready to dig in. Actually what I'm going 3T3rVXKl_EY-00170-00075248-00075520 to do first, I'm going to take some of this ikan keli right here 3T3rVXKl_EY-00171-00075520-00076056 Big catfish - this thing is huge. It looks so crispy. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00172-00076192-00076480 Hear that crunch. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00173-00076495-00077151 Piece right here try it. Oh so good - perfectly fried. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00174-00077151-00077480 I could easily eat this whole catfish right here wow. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00175-00077480-00077936 Let's just take some of the fish, dip it in the budu 3T3rVXKl_EY-00176-00078376-00078688 This is excellent budu right here. This ain't your 3T3rVXKl_EY-00177-00078688-00079272 southern American style catfish right here. This is a really crispy 3T3rVXKl_EY-00178-00079272-00079736 This is excellent budu right here. A little salty, but that lime really 3T3rVXKl_EY-00179-00079736-00080136 cuts through. It just gives such a nice flavor. Throw the ulam as well. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00180-00080136-00080383 I'm not sure what this one is. Looks interesting, it has purple. Let us know 3T3rVXKl_EY-00181-00080383-00080744 what all these ulam are, we have no idea. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00182-00081183-00081632 No idea what this is. Well I have an idea maybe like some sort of snail or sea snail 3T3rVXKl_EY-00183-00081632-00081968 in this gravy and try it. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00184-00082192-00082576 Whoa that gravy is incredible. Definitely tastes like masak lemak 3T3rVXKl_EY-00185-00082576-00083224 cili api. Try this actually now. It's the catfish but it's stewed in 3T3rVXKl_EY-00186-00083224-00083607 gulai. In this gravy here. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00187-00083607-00084104 Mmm that coconut milk gravy is so flavorful. There's some laksa leaf in here. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00188-00084104-00084448 Amazing. It's another must. I think both catfish dishes here 3T3rVXKl_EY-00189-00084448-00085048 are must orders. Really good. So we got here the cencaru fish. Looks 3T3rVXKl_EY-00190-00085048-00085376 like it's stuffed with something in here. Not sure what 3T3rVXKl_EY-00191-00085376-00085776 It's very crispy with the onions in here. Very spicy. Really good though 3T3rVXKl_EY-00192-00085776-00086088 It's another must 3T3rVXKl_EY-00193-00087688-00087912 It's fresh mango juice 3T3rVXKl_EY-00194-00088888-00089056 Got noodles, meat, perut 3T3rVXKl_EY-00195-00089495-00089807 Being in Kelantan means we're only less than an hour away from the 3T3rVXKl_EY-00196-00089807-00090192 Thai border, so we definitely want to try a dish that has some Thai influence to 3T3rVXKl_EY-00197-00090192-00090424 it and this is one of them. It's called mee celup. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00198-00090424-00090863 So mee is noodles and this comes with yellow noodles. It's in a broth. It's 3T3rVXKl_EY-00199-00090863-00091200 not a dark brown broth, but at first glance it actually reminds 3T3rVXKl_EY-00200-00091200-00091719 me of Thai beef noodle soup broths. Smells like it too. And it comes with red 3T3rVXKl_EY-00201-00091719-00092104 chili flakes in a very Thai style. They have three types of meat here. So 3T3rVXKl_EY-00202-00092104-00092519 normally this is the special, comes with beef and chicken, but we also asked for perut, 3T3rVXKl_EY-00203-00092519-00092856 the beef stomach - the tripe. And also what's nice here it comes with this 3T3rVXKl_EY-00204-00092856-00093272 beautiful half boiled egg. It's very - this yolk is about to burst. That's how soft 3T3rVXKl_EY-00205-00093272-00093536 it is. And they give you lime. Squeeze some lime 3T3rVXKl_EY-00206-00093536-00093800 on it. There's also some chopped up greens here, not sure 3T3rVXKl_EY-00207-00093800-00094119 what it is yet looks like it could be morning glory we'll take a look. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00208-00094119-00094480 And they even give you the condiment caddy here like a Thai restaurant. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00209-00094480-00095112 Chili flakes, hot sauce, looks like pickled chilies here. So 3T3rVXKl_EY-00210-00095112-00095448 might have to go to that in a little bit, depending on the flavor of this. So 3T3rVXKl_EY-00211-00095448-00095792 gonna take a sip of the broth first. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00212-00096151-00096472 Very nice broth. It has a little of that five spice flavor. Definitely got some 3T3rVXKl_EY-00213-00096472-00097063 heat to it from the chili flakes. I love the crunchy greens too. Might be 3T3rVXKl_EY-00214-00097063-00097319 morning glory but it has almost like a celery taste to it. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00215-00097319-00097727 No, those are celery leaves. Try a little bit with the beef 3T3rVXKl_EY-00216-00097727-00098136 tripe the chicken all together 3T3rVXKl_EY-00217-00098448-00098912 Nice soup. Totally reminds me of a Thai beef noodle soup. I really like it. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00218-00098912-00099600 Now i'm gonna crack the egg in here - make it extra creamy. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00219-00099600-00099888 Have it with some noodles. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00220-00100104-00100448 That celery leaf really gives it such a nice refreshing flavor to cut through some of 3T3rVXKl_EY-00221-00100448-00100608 the richness of it. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00222-00101368-00101736 That's got a nice heat level to it and we have this lovely mango smoothie to go 3T3rVXKl_EY-00223-00101736-00101960 with it 3T3rVXKl_EY-00224-00102224-00102519 I gotta stop myself, I'm about to just down this whole thing. It's so good, so 3T3rVXKl_EY-00225-00102519-00102719 refreshing. Some good stuff right here. It's nice to 3T3rVXKl_EY-00226-00102719-00102959 switch it up a bit. We've been eating a lot of rice, so it's nice to get some noodles in 3T3rVXKl_EY-00227-00102959-00103159 here and soup. Even though it's like 90 3T3rVXKl_EY-00228-00103159-00103543 degrees outside and it's really hot. Noodle soup in the heat there's always 3T3rVXKl_EY-00229-00103543-00103983 something right about it. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00230-00104607-00105032 We're here about 10 minutes outside of the center of Kota Bharu for a Kelantan 3T3rVXKl_EY-00231-00105032-00105352 special. Kelantan has their own type of laksa. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00232-00105352-00105711 It's called laksam. And there's some real key differences to 3T3rVXKl_EY-00233-00105711-00105959 this laksam. The spot we're at is called By-T 3T3rVXKl_EY-00234-00105959-00106272 Laksam Special and that's what we ordered. So you get the laksam but you can get it with 3T3rVXKl_EY-00235-00106272-00106808 the special. We got the special. Have this creamy grayish broth 3T3rVXKl_EY-00236-00106808-00107200 that's made with coconut milk and fish. Then their noodles are really what makes 3T3rVXKl_EY-00237-00107200-00107448 it stand out. So they're the flat rice noodles 3T3rVXKl_EY-00238-00107448-00107935 they're rolled up. I love these type of noodles. And the special also comes with 3T3rVXKl_EY-00239-00107935-00108303 two quail eggs, serunding, it's like a floss. Not sure if it's fish floss 3T3rVXKl_EY-00240-00108303-00108720 or beef floss, we'll find out. Some ulam, the fresh vegetable and 3T3rVXKl_EY-00241-00108720-00109176 sambal. Sip of this broth by itself first 3T3rVXKl_EY-00242-00109391-00109791 Oh it's so creamy. Very coconutty, nice fish flavor. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00243-00109791-00110096 Doesn't taste fishy, but you definitely taste the fish. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00244-00110096-00110416 Now let's try the noodle 3T3rVXKl_EY-00245-00110600-00111120 Really interesting noodle. Very thick, slightly chewy with a little bit of 3T3rVXKl_EY-00246-00111120-00111544 softness to it. I love the texture 3T3rVXKl_EY-00247-00111567-00111888 I'm gonna try it with the ulam 3T3rVXKl_EY-00248-00112055-00112424 Love the flavor of this ulam. Reminds me a lot of the ulam you get in the nasi 3T3rVXKl_EY-00249-00112424-00113088 kerabu. Very similar. Mix it all together. The floss has a little spiciness to it. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00250-00113088-00113583 Still not sure what meat this is, but it's dry, spicy. Adds a totally 3T3rVXKl_EY-00251-00113583-00113832 different texture and flavor to this laksam. This is 3T3rVXKl_EY-00252-00113832-00114440 that's pretty mild and creamy. Go with the money bite, get 3T3rVXKl_EY-00253-00114440-00114720 everything - the floss, the quail egg, the sambal, the ulam, 3T3rVXKl_EY-00254-00114720-00115183 the rice noodle, the broth. 3T3rVXKl_EY-00255-00115496-00115855 Really nice. It definitely makes sense for the region being on the coast to 3T3rVXKl_EY-00256-00115855-00116283 have this type of laksa. Very different. Never had laksa like this 3T3rVXKl_EY-00257-00116283-00116767 before. Definitely you must try when you're in Kelantan. 3U5ENC3L2U0-00000-00000000-00000327 Hello, Thomas. Hello, Will. 3U5ENC3L2U0-00001-00000327-00000936 How are you doing, boys? Oh, no, I think I'm turning into a 3U5ENC3L2U0-00002-00000936-00001474 dinosaur. [SOUND] I am a dinosaur. 3U5ENC3L2U0-00003-00001474-00002053 I'm a very large dinosaur, and I live in the computer. 3U5ENC3L2U0-00004-00002053-00002664 [SOUND] That's right, I'm not actually working right now. 3U5ENC3L2U0-00005-00002664-00003159 I think my dinosaur neck may be a little stiff. 3U5ENC3L2U0-00006-00003159-00003691 Maybe I slept wrong. Do dinosaurs even sleep? 3U5ENC3L2U0-00007-00003691-00004175 I don't know. For a dinosaur, I have unusually 3U5ENC3L2U0-00008-00004175-00004979 expressive eyebrows. I'm the [UNKNOWN] runner of dinosaurs. 3U5ENC3L2U0-00009-00004979-00005634 I can turn my head, which is difficult to do, sometimes, when you don't have a 3U5ENC3L2U0-00010-00005634-00006147 neck. But anyway, I'm going to go home now and 3U5ENC3L2U0-00011-00006147-00006577 eat dinner. I think I'll have french fries or 3U5ENC3L2U0-00012-00006577-00007166 something really unhealthy, because, well, I'm a dinosaur, and that's what 3U5ENC3L2U0-00013-00007166-00007782 dinosaurs do. Good night, sleep tight. 3X3P2WMiRpQ-00000-00000906-00001050 unmai unmai ...enna? 3X3P2WMiRpQ-00001-00001050-00001220 nan enge thedi... sella? 3X3P2WMiRpQ-00002-00001284-00001400 seriyum enna ?? 3X3P2WMiRpQ-00003-00001412-00001689 thavarum enna?...yaar yaar idhai solla! 3X3P2WMiRpQ-00004-00001707-00001876 innum innum enna? 3X3P2WMiRpQ-00005-00001876-00002090 naan enna enna solla? 3X3P2WMiRpQ-00006-00002090-00002520 manidhan paadhi ... mirugam paadhi.. yaar yaar inge vella? 3X3P2WMiRpQ-00007-00002924-00003066 unmai unmai ...enna? 3X3P2WMiRpQ-00008-00003068-00003276 nan enge thedi... sella? 3X3P2WMiRpQ-00009-00003279-00003496 seriyum enna? ... thavarum enna?? 3X3P2WMiRpQ-00010-00003496-00003700 yaar yaar idhai solla?? 3X3P2WMiRpQ-00011-00003706-00003870 innum innum enna?? 3X3P2WMiRpQ-00012-00003870-00004076 naan enna enna solla?? 3X3P2WMiRpQ-00013-00004096-00004304 manidhan paadhi ... mirugam paadhi 3X3P2WMiRpQ-00014-00004304-00004530 yaar yaar inge vella?? 3X3P2WMiRpQ-00015-00005700-00006056 yen... vazhiye! ..rathiye! .. mozhiye! ... 3X3P2WMiRpQ-00016-00006060-00006290 yen...inbam..thunbam...vegam .. ellam 3X3P2WMiRpQ-00017-00006292-00006500 sollum endhan isaiye..!! 3X3P2WMiRpQ-00018-00006508-00006878 yen... vazhiye! ..rathiye! .. mozhiye! ... 3X3P2WMiRpQ-00019-00006878-00007166 yen...inbam..thunbam...vegam .. ellam 3X3P2WMiRpQ-00020-00007166-00007278 sollum endhan isaiye..!! 3X3P2WMiRpQ-00021-00008080-00008468 yen .. oliye!.. olliye!..kadhirey!! 3X3P2WMiRpQ-00022-00008468-00008916 indha .. vaazhvin artham , sabtham ,nitham ellam kaadhaley.. 3X3P2WMiRpQ-00023-00008926-00009268 yen .. oliye!.. olliye!..kadhirey!! 3X3P2WMiRpQ-00024-00009270-00009692 indha .. vaazhvin artham , sabtham ,nitham ellam kaadhaley.. 3X3P2WMiRpQ-00025-00010106-00010258 unmai unmai ...enna? 3X3P2WMiRpQ-00026-00010264-00010416 nan enge thedi... sella? 3X3P2WMiRpQ-00027-00010488-00010592 seriyum enna ?? 3X3P2WMiRpQ-00028-00010592-00010844 thavarum enna?...yaar yaar idhai solla! 3X3P2WMiRpQ-00029-00010890-00011040 innum innum enna? 3X3P2WMiRpQ-00030-00011058-00011266 naan enna enna solla? 3X3P2WMiRpQ-00031-00011288-00011396 manidhan paadhi ... mirugam paadhi 3X3P2WMiRpQ-00032-00011460-00011750 yaar yaar inge vella?? 3X3P2WMiRpQ-00033-00012896-00013072 manadhin allavo enna?? 3X3P2WMiRpQ-00034-00013072-00013278 un vaazhvin allavo enna?? 3X3P2WMiRpQ-00035-00013278-00013638 un manadhin allavu yedhuvo adhuve vaazhvin allavagum!! 3X3P2WMiRpQ-00036-00013638-00013860 un virruppam ,virruppam enna?? 3X3P2WMiRpQ-00037-00013860-00014072 un verruppum ,verruppum enna?? 3X3P2WMiRpQ-00038-00014076-00014288 un viruppa verrupugal , verrukkum virupangal 3X3P2WMiRpQ-00039-00014288-00014513 adhuvai urumaarum! 3X3P2WMiRpQ-00040-00015274-00015482 manadhin allavo enna?? 3X3P2WMiRpQ-00041-00015482-00015646 un vaazhvin allavo enna?? 3X3P2WMiRpQ-00042-00015716-00016062 un manadhin allavu yedhuvo adhuve vaazhvin allavagum!! 3X3P2WMiRpQ-00043-00016074-00016260 un virruppam ,virruppam enna?? 3X3P2WMiRpQ-00044-00016260-00016470 un verruppum ,verruppum enna?? 3X3P2WMiRpQ-00045-00016474-00016690 un viruppa verrupugal , verrukkum virupangal 3X3P2WMiRpQ-00046-00016692-00016946 aadhuvai urumaarum!! 3X3P2WMiRpQ-00047-00017278-00017478 yen ennam ennam enna?? 3X3P2WMiRpQ-00048-00017478-00017682 naan thedi thedi sella! 3X3P2WMiRpQ-00049-00017716-00018052 inbam paadhi thunbam ,paadhi ellam serndha maayai! 3X3P2WMiRpQ-00050-00018070-00018268 unmai unmai ennenna 3X3P2WMiRpQ-00051-00018268-00018482 naan thedi thedi sella! 3X3P2WMiRpQ-00052-00018482-00018706 ulagin maayai , manadhin maayai 3X3P2WMiRpQ-00053-00018706-00018884 naan ellam kandu kolla! 3Xon6yBC9SA-00000-00000022-00000622 You're God, they don’t care a damn, right now they are... 3Xon6yBC9SA-00001-00000622-00001418 If you could be drunk, totally intoxicated and fully aware, it would be a fabulous thing. 3Xon6yBC9SA-00002-00001418-00001957 Your search may be great, but unless you do the right things, right things will not happen to you. 3Xon6yBC9SA-00003-00001957-00002544 Superscript: Sadhguru on Hippie Culture And the 1960's Generation 3Xon6yBC9SA-00004-00002544-00003438 So, this... sixties business, the beauty about this is a whole generation, 3Xon6yBC9SA-00005-00003438-00004434 at least a part of the generation realized the existing society here, whatever they're talking about, they knew nothing. 3Xon6yBC9SA-00006-00004434-00004848 Stupid people talking all kinds of nonsense with great confidence, 3Xon6yBC9SA-00007-00004848-00005330 not just about the world, about the other world and the heaven and the hierarchy in the heaven, 3Xon6yBC9SA-00008-00005330-00005908 everything they're talking, but they don’t know a damn thing. 3Xon6yBC9SA-00009-00005908-00006500 Whatever that you create right from your childhood in somebody's mind… 3Xon6yBC9SA-00010-00006500-00007105 this is the beauty of intoxicants - when they get intoxicated they don’t care a damn 3Xon6yBC9SA-00011-00007105-00008016 you're a father, you're a priest, you're something, you're God, they don’t care a damn, right now they are high. 3Xon6yBC9SA-00012-00008016-00008417 That is the beautiful part of it, that hierarchy falls down 3Xon6yBC9SA-00013-00008417-00009068 but the problem is your awareness also falls down, that’s the ugly part of it. 3Xon6yBC9SA-00014-00009068-00009951 If you could be drunk, totally intoxicated and fully aware, it would be a fabulous thing, 3Xon6yBC9SA-00015-00009951-00010406 that’s why we chose yoga because you can be totally drunk. 3Xon6yBC9SA-00016-00010406-00011544 Look into my eyes and see, I'm stoned all the time, but aware enough for this world and the next. 3Xon6yBC9SA-00017-00011544-00012636 So, this was the beauty of the sixties and the ugliness of sixties is…. unaware they became animals over a period of time. 3Xon6yBC9SA-00018-00012636-00013197 They thought with this seeking, they’ll go beyond where all this conservative nonsense is going on, 3Xon6yBC9SA-00019-00013197-00013794 where... you have to put a noose around your neck even to sit or stand. 3Xon6yBC9SA-00020-00013794-00014136 If you have to eat, you have to eat like this. If you have to stand, you have to stand like that. 3Xon6yBC9SA-00021-00014136-00015052 It was becoming so horribly restrictive, they wanted to break away from everything and that search looked beautiful, 3Xon6yBC9SA-00022-00015052-00015508 but they lost their awareness and they floundered, they didn’t know which way t o look. 3Xon6yBC9SA-00023-00015508-00016084 Wherever they looked, they were only deceived or they got deceived because they were unaware, 3Xon6yBC9SA-00024-00016084-00016956 whichever way, it didn’t work; but still there is a certain beauty to it, at least somebody searched. 3Xon6yBC9SA-00025-00016956-00017618 Yes? You failed, that’s not the point, at least you searched, it's a good thing. 3Xon6yBC9SA-00026-00017618-00018396 So, they were like children not knowing anything, but they had a longing. 3Xon6yBC9SA-00027-00018396-00018932 They had a longing to seek something which is not in their grasp. 3Xon6yBC9SA-00028-00018932-00019714 When somebody is wanting to know, when somebody is seeking, genuinely seeking there is a certain beauty to that atmosphere 3Xon6yBC9SA-00029-00019714-00020406 because at least people are admitting, “We don’t know a damn thing,” you know, which is nice. 3Xon6yBC9SA-00030-00020406-00021159 Whenever a human being does not know, he becomes gentle and wonderful, have you seen this? Hmm? 3Xon6yBC9SA-00031-00021159-00021646 See, you're driving like this (Gestures) your Hummer - 3Xon6yBC9SA-00032-00021646-00022330 no, not like this, you're on left hand drive, okay like this (Gestures). 3Xon6yBC9SA-00033-00022330-00022883 Suddenly you don’t know where you're going, you're lost, then when you get down and ask somebody, 3Xon6yBC9SA-00034-00022883-00023280 you don’t know which way to go, suddenly you're a nice guy. 3Xon6yBC9SA-00035-00023280-00023951 Because when you don’t know, when you realize, ‘I do not know’ you are a gentle creature, please just see this. 3Xon6yBC9SA-00036-00023951-00024501 When you think you know, you can be unnecessarily nasty, isn't it? 3Xon6yBC9SA-00037-00024501-00024948 Yes? So, that’s the good thing about the sixties 3Xon6yBC9SA-00038-00024948-00025435 but the outcome was definitely not good, because your intentions may be great, 3Xon6yBC9SA-00039-00025435-00025912 your search may be great, but unless you do the right things right things will not happen to you 3Xon6yBC9SA-00040-00025912-00026236 - I think we've been saying this from day one. Hmm? 3Xon6yBC9SA-00041-00026236-00027130 Unless you do the right things, right things will not happen to you. 3Zt4X8Dp9cM-00000-00000000-00000419 Bego Vicario 3Zt4X8Dp9cM-00001-00000812-00000980 My father was a photographer, 3Zt4X8Dp9cM-00002-00000980-00001946 and... when I was little, I used to develop photos, and that kind of stuff. 3Zt4X8Dp9cM-00003-00002041-00002212 He had a photo-lba at home... 3Zt4X8Dp9cM-00004-00002288-00002442 Cameras, and... 3Zt4X8Dp9cM-00005-00002442-00002838 And I always loved arts. 3Zt4X8Dp9cM-00006-00002839-00003448 So I had clear I wanted to study Fine Arts. 3Zt4X8Dp9cM-00007-00003448-00003968 The degree helped me to realize, see what happens sometimes, 3Zt4X8Dp9cM-00008-00003968-00004691 to be clear that I didn't want to work in any audiovisual areas 3Zt4X8Dp9cM-00009-00004691-00005016 available in that time: neither advertisment nor journalism. 3Zt4X8Dp9cM-00010-00005016-00005301 I didn't like at all those things. 3Zt4X8Dp9cM-00011-00005301-00005487 I always loved languages. 3Zt4X8Dp9cM-00012-00005487-00006244 And I found a russian teacher in the 'Segunda Mano' magazine. 3Zt4X8Dp9cM-00013-00006244-00006783 To go to Moscow, I needed an invitation from friends over there, 3Zt4X8Dp9cM-00014-00006783-00006992 and a permission to stay in their home. 3Zt4X8Dp9cM-00015-00006992-00007381 And I went to my teacher's friends house, 3Zt4X8Dp9cM-00016-00007381-00007853 and look what a gift from life, they were animators. 3Zt4X8Dp9cM-00017-00007853-00008266 I think I brought a very powerful legacy. 3Zt4X8Dp9cM-00018-00008385-00008855 About techniques, I have to say, there are very few ones known in animation. 3Zt4X8Dp9cM-00019-00008855-00009375 So, to tell the truth, I have to say everything you put in front of a camera 3Zt4X8Dp9cM-00020-00009376-00009621 can be used to make animation. 3Zt4X8Dp9cM-00021-00009621-00010102 In the pixelation technique, real people are used like if they were dolls; 3Zt4X8Dp9cM-00022-00010102-00010973 their movements are split and in each phase one photo, one frame, is taken. 3Zt4X8Dp9cM-00023-00010973-00011486 That allows you to combine it with any other techniques. 3Zt4X8Dp9cM-00024-00011486-00011888 That's probably why it's the most complete one. 3Zt4X8Dp9cM-00025-00012015-00012277 You don't have to believe everything is on the Internet. 3Zt4X8Dp9cM-00026-00012367-00012889 eh... to tell the truth, there are a lot of things available on the net. 3Zt4X8Dp9cM-00027-00012889-00013111 But we have to be careful... 3Zt4X8Dp9cM-00028-00013111-00013507 I think we'll wake up in some years, 3Zt4X8Dp9cM-00029-00013507-00014330 and we'll realize that's a place good place to make some things. 3Zt4X8Dp9cM-00030-00014330-00015033 But that for some other things, there's are phisical places to share. 3Zt4X8Dp9cM-00031-00015162-00015399 My short films have a very long CV. 3Zt4X8Dp9cM-00032-00015400-00015879 So, in that way, I think I got a really interesting feedback. 3Zt4X8Dp9cM-00033-00015879-00016162 Usually I try to go to all the projections. 3Zt4X8Dp9cM-00034-00016162-00016541 And having some contact with the viewers, 3Zt4X8Dp9cM-00035-00016541-00016977 Because I like the interptretation the viewers have made. 3Zt4X8Dp9cM-00036-00016977-00017546 Usually, my works have a lot of interpretations. 3Zt4X8Dp9cM-00037-00017696-00018303 They have mentioned me several times the Goya prize I won. 3Zt4X8Dp9cM-00038-00018303-00019018 And I have to say that was just a coincidence. 3Zt4X8Dp9cM-00039-00019018-00019419 And it's not one of those false humility things. 3Zt4X8Dp9cM-00040-00019419-00019889 No, it just came up that I have a film in that year. 3Zt4X8Dp9cM-00041-00019889-00020256 A friend of mine submit it in the Academy. 3Zt4X8Dp9cM-00042-00020257-00020715 I was not aware of that posibility. 3Zt4X8Dp9cM-00043-00020715-00021263 So, when they nominated me, or I became finalist, as they say nowadays, 3Zt4X8Dp9cM-00044-00021263-00021790 I was named finalist... I thought it was really funny. 3Zt4X8Dp9cM-00045-00021790-00022155 Since then, I only dedicated myself to teaching. 3Zt4X8Dp9cM-00046-00022324-00022494 I really love teaching. 3Zt4X8Dp9cM-00047-00022494-00022758 I consider myself a teacher nowadays. 3Zt4X8Dp9cM-00048-00022758-00023688 And, and I like to think, and I sometimes confirm it, 3Zt4X8Dp9cM-00049-00023688-00024411 that in some years I'm leaving my own little legacy too. 3Zt4X8Dp9cM-00050-00024411-00024904 I think people have to study what they like. 3Zt4X8Dp9cM-00051-00024904-00025307 And even if they don't know it, it will came up some day. 3Zt4X8Dp9cM-00052-00025307-00025738 I couldn't study animation here, 3Zt4X8Dp9cM-00053-00025738-00025940 and it came up other way. 3Zt4X8Dp9cM-00054-00025940-00026175 The most important thing is to keep going on. 3bla482ro-Y-00000-00000023-00000320 AS PART OF EXERCISE GUARD AND PROTECT THERE WAS A 3bla482ro-Y-00001-00000320-00000540 SIMULATED SHOOTING AT THE SHIP REPAIR FACILITY. 3bla482ro-Y-00002-00000540-00000740 OBLIVIOUSLY IT'S VERY IMPORTANT YOU LOOK AT OUR 3bla482ro-Y-00003-00000740-00000857 GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION RIGHT, 3bla482ro-Y-00004-00000857-00001161 JAPANESE FORCES HAVE A LOT OF ASSETS IN THE AREA AND 3bla482ro-Y-00005-00001161-00001421 IT'S PREDETERMINED, IT'S DESIGNED TO WORK THIS WAY, 3bla482ro-Y-00006-00001421-00001748 IF WE COME UNDER ATTACK OR ANY MAJOR INCIDENT AND OUR 3bla482ro-Y-00007-00001748-00001958 FORCES BECOME OVERWHELMED IT'S UNDERSTOOD THAT WE'RE 3bla482ro-Y-00008-00001958-00002195 GOING WORK WITH THEM, AND BETWEEN THAT BILATERAL 3bla482ro-Y-00009-00002195-00002435 COOPERATION, WE'RE GOING TO GET THE JOB DONE. 3bla482ro-Y-00010-00002435-00002555 THE EXERCISE GIVES U.S. 3bla482ro-Y-00011-00002555-00002792 AND JAPANESE FORCES THE CHANCE TO LEARN DIFFERENT 3bla482ro-Y-00012-00002792-00003002 TECHNIQUES AND PROCEDURES FROM EACH OTHER IMPROVING 3bla482ro-Y-00013-00003002-00003123 OUR OVERALL SECURITY FORCES. 3bla482ro-Y-00014-00003123-00003329 AS WE STREAMLINE THAT RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE 3bla482ro-Y-00015-00003329-00003610 TWO FORCES, WE'LL BE ABLE TO COME TOGETHER AND WE'LL 3bla482ro-Y-00016-00003610-00003820 BE IN A BETTER POSITION TO TAKE CARE OF IT. 3bla482ro-Y-00017-00003820-00004054 SO WE'RE LOOKING FORWARD TO WORKING TOWARDS MORE 3bla482ro-Y-00018-00004054-00004257 DRILLS IN THE FUTURE AND STRENGTHENING THAT 3bla482ro-Y-00019-00004257-00004544 RELATIONSHIP AND IMPROVING OUR RESPONSES TO EVENTS 3bla482ro-Y-00020-00004544-00004644 LIKE THIS. 3bla482ro-Y-00021-00004644-00004788 PETTY OFFICER ZACHARY HALE, 3bla482ro-Y-00022-00004788-00004988 FLEET ACTIVITIES SASEBO JAPAN. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00000-00000030-00000280 (jazzy music) 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00001-00000954-00001184 -: Hi, my name is Daemond Arrindell. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00002-00001184-00001422 I am a writer and a teaching artist 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00003-00001422-00001751 and I have a lesson for you today in poetry. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00004-00001852-00002274 The focus for today is list poems and we'll get into 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00005-00002274-00002536 what exactly list poems are in a moment, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00006-00002536-00002726 but where we're gonna start is 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00007-00002726-00002929 with by making an actual list. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00008-00002929-00003293 So I want you to think about a color that you either 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00009-00003293-00003629 like a lot or that you don't like a lot, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00010-00003800-00004206 and I want you to make a list of 10 different things 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00011-00004206-00004409 that color makes you think of. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00012-00004409-00004682 People, places, things, it could be anything, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00013-00004682-00004862 and there's no right or wrong to this. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00014-00004862-00005047 There's just what you decide. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00015-00005047-00005277 So I'm going to go with the color red, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00016-00005277-00005526 and a simple way to think about this is to just 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00017-00005526-00005996 draw a circle on your page for your color 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00018-00005996-00006305 and then think of it like as a wheel. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00019-00006305-00006617 So for each thing that, that I think of 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00020-00006617-00006934 in connection to my color, I draw a line out to the side. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00021-00006934-00007188 So some things that come to mind for me 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00022-00007188-00007406 when I think of the color of red, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00023-00007406-00007651 I think of Valentine's Day. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00024-00007917-00008405 I think of blood, I think of my mom. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00025-00008584-00009084 I also think of war and I think of ice cream sundaes. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00026-00009311-00009571 Now the things on this list don't have to 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00027-00009571-00009790 actually have the color. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00028-00009790-00009992 For example, my mom isn't red 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00029-00009992-00010175 except when she gets sunburned, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00030-00010175-00010430 so it's things that remind you of the color. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00031-00010430-00010689 They could be people, places, things, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00032-00010689-00010815 anything that comes to mind. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00033-00010815-00011135 So 10 things that your color reminds you of, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00034-00011135-00011256 and I'll give you a minute or so 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00035-00011256-00011406 to come up with those things 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00036-00011538-00011749 and I'm going to keep adding to my list 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00037-00011983-00012189 and it's okay if you pick a color 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00038-00012189-00012402 that is totally different from mine. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00039-00012402-00012499 You can go with the red, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00040-00012499-00012649 you can go with something totally different. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00041-00012649-00012767 That's up to you, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00042-00013200-00013456 and again, it doesn't have to make sense. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00043-00014460-00014701 Could be things that have the color, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00044-00014701-00015022 could be something that's totally different. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00045-00015022-00015366 Take another 30 seconds and then I'm going to give you 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00046-00015366-00015584 some prompts to help you to come up with things 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00047-00015584-00015734 that you can add to your list. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00048-00016537-00016722 Another 10 seconds. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00049-00017467-00017967 Okay, so to add to your list, even if you didn't get to 10, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00050-00018001-00018144 I want you to think of a couple things, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00051-00018144-00018314 and there's no right or wrong to this. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00052-00018314-00018473 There's just what you come up with, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00053-00018473-00018777 and I really want you to tap into your imagination. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00054-00018777-00019262 So often when we think of temperature, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00055-00019262-00019508 especially like when you go to the sink, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00056-00019508-00019963 there's a, what color is hot and what color is cold. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00057-00019963-00020306 Often we think of red as hot and blue is cold. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00058-00020306-00020528 Before this particular activity, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00059-00020528-00020851 you get to decide what your color represents. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00060-00020851-00021192 So if you decide that green is scalding hot 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00061-00021192-00021692 or that green is, is ice cold, you're right. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00062-00021748-00021882 So make a decision. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00063-00021882-00022191 What temperature is your color? 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00064-00022191-00022283 You decide. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00065-00022535-00022951 Okay, now what season is your color? 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00066-00022951-00023138 Is it spring, is it summer? 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00067-00023138-00023387 Is it fall, is it winter? 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00068-00023387-00023575 Is it somewhere in between? 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00069-00023575-00023789 Is it more than one season? 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00070-00023789-00024097 Again, you get to decide, there's no right or wrong, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00071-00024097-00024199 but make a decision. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00072-00024492-00024598 Let's take it even further. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00073-00024598-00024894 What time of day is your color, and you can be 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00074-00024894-00025356 as specific as 3:33 PM or it could be, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00075-00025356-00025557 the time that I get out of school 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00076-00025557-00025837 or it could be when the sun goes down 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00077-00025837-00026214 or it could be, when my mom wakes me up for school. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00078-00026214-00026567 You get to decide what time of day is your color. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00079-00026567-00026650 Write it down 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00080-00027027-00027455 and now think of media and I'm, when I say media, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00081-00027455-00027955 I mean music, what artist or what song 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00082-00028002-00028186 or what type of music comes to mind 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00083-00028186-00028283 when you think of your color, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00084-00028283-00028402 but you can think beyond that. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00085-00028402-00028525 It doesn't have to be music. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00086-00028525-00028857 It could be a book, a character that you love 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00087-00028857-00029056 or a movie that you've watched 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00088-00029056-00029420 or it could be a video game that you've played. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00089-00029420-00029627 What type of media comes to mind 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00090-00029627-00029773 when you think of your color? 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00091-00029926-00030076 Take a sec to write that down. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00092-00030624-00030845 Okay, two more prompts. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00093-00030845-00031041 What emotion is your color? 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00094-00031041-00031200 What feeling comes to mind? 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00095-00031200-00031347 Is your color angry? 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00096-00031347-00031520 Is it embarrassed? 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00097-00031520-00031641 Is it curious? 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00098-00031641-00031816 Is it silly? 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00099-00031816-00032086 Is it afraid? 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00100-00032086-00032370 You get to decide, and again, there's not, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00101-00032370-00032502 there's not a knowing. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00102-00032502-00032863 So if your brain goes, I don't know, it's not a knowing. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00103-00032863-00033135 It's a decision that you get to make. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00104-00033135-00033408 You decide if your color is embarrassed 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00105-00033408-00033553 or if your color is proud. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00106-00033553-00033754 So make a decision, and again, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00107-00033754-00033978 whatever comes to mind is the right answer, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00108-00034102-00034214 and then the last one is going to be 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00109-00034214-00034442 a little bit weird, texture. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00110-00034442-00034807 What does your color feel like, if you could touch it? 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00111-00034807-00035074 Is it soft, is it hard? 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00112-00035074-00035171 Is it smooth? 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00113-00035171-00035270 Is it furry? 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00114-00035270-00035495 Is it sharp, is it rough? 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00115-00035495-00035763 What texture is your color? 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00116-00035763-00035865 Make a decision. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00117-00036165-00036520 So however many items are on your list, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00118-00036520-00036806 you've just created a list of different things 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00119-00036806-00036997 that your color reminds you of, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00120-00036997-00037370 and lists are good for all kinds of different things. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00121-00037370-00037688 Lists are, things are good for things like groceries 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00122-00037822-00038130 and lists can help us remember things. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00123-00038130-00038562 List poems follow a very specific formula. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00124-00038562-00038776 They use a lot of repetition. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00125-00038776-00039021 The beginning of every line is the same, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00126-00039021-00039274 or the end of every line is the same, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00127-00039274-00039731 and that same repetition allows us to look at things, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00128-00039731-00040162 the same thing, over and over again in really different ways 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00129-00040162-00040435 in the same way that when we brainstorm together, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00130-00040435-00040807 we get lots of different perspectives on the same topic. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00131-00040807-00041168 So a list poem is actually very common 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00132-00041168-00041367 with any type of music that you listen to. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00133-00041367-00041801 A lot of the songs that you grew up singing are list poems. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00134-00041801-00042136 Just like I know that if I say Old MacDonald, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00135-00042136-00042486 you know how now have that song stuck in your head, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00136-00042486-00042795 this song that you haven't thought of in a very long time, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00137-00042795-00043071 but because you repeated it over and over again, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00138-00043071-00043427 because the lines repeat themselves over and over again, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00139-00043427-00043648 you still have that song stuck in your head. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00140-00043648-00044021 A lot of the choruses of the songs that you love 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00141-00044021-00044392 are still stuck in your head because of repetition. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00142-00044392-00044766 So list poems, also known as anaphora poems, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00143-00044766-00044989 and anaphora is just a fancy word in Greek, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00144-00044989-00045399 which means list, so list poems use a lot of repetition. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00145-00045399-00045658 Again, the beginning of every line is the same, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00146-00045658-00045902 or the end of every line is the same, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00147-00045902-00046303 and we're going to look at a poem, or rather a song, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00148-00046303-00046542 and the hook of that song or the chorus, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00149-00046542-00046938 of the song called Bruise Brothers by the Blue Scholars. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00150-00046938-00047350 I'm going to show you these two amazing artists. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00151-00047350-00047817 So on this side you have, you have Geologic the MC. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00152-00047980-00048277 He is of Filipino descent and on this side 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00153-00048277-00048777 you have Sabzi the DJ, he is of Persian descent. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00154-00048789-00049077 So a really interesting mixing of cultures here 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00155-00049077-00049298 and what I love about these two is that 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00156-00049298-00049493 it's old school hip hop in the sense of 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00157-00049493-00049943 it's just the MC and the DJ, but I love what they've created 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00158-00049943-00050344 in this particular song and I'm just going 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00159-00050344-00050566 to recite the lyrics for you and you'll be able 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00160-00050566-00050952 to follow along and you'll notice the beginning 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00161-00050952-00051193 of every line is the same. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00162-00051349-00051615 "The blue is for the color of the collar of my mother 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00163-00051615-00051851 "And my father plus the scholars that we be 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00164-00051851-00052092 "The blue is for the nighttime mood-swinging tune 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00165-00052092-00052400 "Of every bluesman singing what it's like to not be free 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00166-00052400-00052579 "The blue is for the water and sky 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00167-00052579-00052763 "In the middle of the fire I burn 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00168-00052763-00052940 "to find the light in the darkness 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00169-00052940-00053124 "The blue is for the color of the bruise 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00170-00053124-00053321 "we use to be reminded 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00171-00053321-00053682 "That the body isn't made to be timeless" 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00172-00053682-00054041 Every single couplet here, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00173-00054041-00054435 every single stanza is addressing a different meaning 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00174-00054435-00054599 for the color blue, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00175-00054599-00054995 the color of the collar of my mother and my father. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00176-00054995-00055257 This is referencing blue collar workers. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00177-00055349-00055498 A lot of the people that we are calling 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00178-00055498-00055750 essential workers right now, people that work 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00179-00055750-00056146 with their hands, blue collar work or folks that do 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00180-00056146-00056386 what is often referred to as manual labor. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00181-00056386-00056738 Manual, meaning mano, remember the word 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00182-00056738-00056886 in Spanish, which means hand. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00183-00056886-00057302 I lift things, I build things, I move things, I fix things. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00184-00057302-00057692 This is talking about the hard work that manual laborers do. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00185-00057692-00057975 The color of the collar of my mother and my father, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00186-00057975-00058209 plus the scholars that we be. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00187-00058209-00058454 He's talking about the sacrifices and hard work 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00188-00058454-00058677 his mother and father had to do so that 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00189-00058677-00058910 he'd have the opportunity to go to college. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00190-00059002-00059204 Just that from the color blue. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00191-00059204-00059521 Another potential meaning from the color blue, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00192-00059521-00059815 the nighttime mood-swinging tune of every blues man 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00193-00059815-00060104 singing what it's like to not be free. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00194-00060104-00060446 Often we think of blue as a sad color. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00195-00060446-00060627 Well, where did that come from? 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00196-00060627-00060848 The music form that we know of or genre 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00197-00060848-00061054 that we know of as the blues. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00198-00061054-00061273 Well, think about, what's one of the saddest things 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00199-00061273-00061496 that has ever happened in our country? 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00200-00061496-00061637 Slavery. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00201-00061637-00061884 The songs that enslaved Africans sang 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00202-00061884-00062309 while working in the fields were called Negro spirituals. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00203-00062309-00062573 They were about hardship and suffering. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00204-00062573-00062952 Those songs evolved into the blues, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00205-00063074-00063382 one of our oldest original art forms, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00206-00063382-00063700 and those songs have evolved into lots of different styles, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00207-00063700-00064191 but the blues is the heart and soul of American music. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00208-00064278-00064483 So another thing that a lot of people don't know 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00209-00064483-00064778 in regards to the blues is when they were singing 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00210-00064778-00065098 those songs, it wasn't just look up at the moon. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00211-00065098-00065283 It wasn't just this sadness. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00212-00065283-00065546 It was also a way to pass on information 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00213-00065546-00065828 that was vital for the Underground Railroad. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00214-00065828-00065988 So then when they would say things like, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00215-00065988-00066336 look at the moon, when it's in this part of the sky, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00216-00066336-00066752 it was about giving directions on how to get free. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00217-00066752-00067108 So this music has a tremendous amount of history to it. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00218-00067108-00067415 Again, a lot of meaning behind the color blue. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00219-00067415-00067774 A separate meaning, for fire and water. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00220-00067774-00068044 Think about where have you seen, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00221-00068044-00068249 where have you seen blue fire before? 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00222-00068359-00068778 Probably on a gas stove because fire or the flame 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00223-00068778-00069096 changes color depending on what you're using to fuel it, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00224-00069189-00069532 and then my favorite line, the color of the bruise 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00225-00069532-00069784 we use to be reminded that the body 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00226-00069784-00070034 isn't made to be timeless. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00227-00070034-00070290 What do bruises teach us? 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00228-00070290-00070659 They remind us that we're not going to be here forever, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00229-00070659-00070835 that we only have but so much time, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00230-00070835-00071201 that we can get hurt, that we're not invincible. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00231-00071201-00071486 So we have four different messages here, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00232-00071486-00071904 four different possible meanings from the color blue 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00233-00071904-00072170 and we could go in lots of different directions. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00234-00072170-00072585 So what I'm going to have you do is make use of your list 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00235-00072585-00073057 and the style that the Blue Scholars have come up with 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00236-00073057-00073383 to create our own poem, our own list poem. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00237-00073383-00073745 So I encourage you to stick with the color 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00238-00073745-00074060 that you picked and you're going to use 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00239-00074060-00074289 a similar structure that the Blue Scholars used, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00240-00074289-00074568 but instead of the blue is for, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00241-00074568-00074827 you're going to say my blue is for, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00242-00074827-00075009 or whatever color you've picked. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00243-00075009-00075358 My yellow is for, my red is for, my green is for, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00244-00075358-00075604 you're going to follow this similar structure. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00245-00075604-00075937 So the first line is, my name is and you plop in your name. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00246-00075937-00076171 So in my case, my name is Daemond. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00247-00076171-00076659 The second line, my blank is blank, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00248-00076753-00077083 and then those blanks you put in my color is, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00249-00077083-00077299 and then you need a descriptive word 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00250-00077299-00077599 or phrase to describe your color. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00251-00077599-00077883 Maybe your blue is sad, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00252-00077883-00078093 maybe your green is powerful, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00253-00078093-00078407 maybe your white is illuminated, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00254-00078407-00078671 maybe your yellow is a lightning strike. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00255-00078671-00078967 Maybe your purple is a baby's cry. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00256-00078967-00079240 It could be anything that you want, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00257-00079240-00079342 and here's another thing, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00258-00079342-00079762 If you get stuck on that line, skip it and come back to it. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00259-00079762-00080006 The last thing that I want is for you to be sitting there, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00260-00080006-00080331 I'm not sure what the right thing to write is. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00261-00080331-00080547 The way that I think about it, if you're writing, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00262-00080547-00080668 you're doing it right. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00263-00080668-00080952 So feel free to skip lines and come back to it. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00264-00080952-00081186 Don't let yourself get stuck. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00265-00081186-00081555 So from there you're going to use that similar repetition. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00266-00081555-00081882 I picked the color purple, so mine goes like this. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00267-00081882-00082011 My name is Daemond. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00268-00082011-00082249 My purple is playful. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00269-00082249-00082574 My purple is for the sunsets I reached for 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00270-00082574-00082738 when I climbed trees. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00271-00082738-00083184 My purple is for the paints on the walls in the halls 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00272-00083184-00083440 I've walked past while kids laugh and tell stories. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00273-00083440-00083826 My purple is for royalty and riches where kings and queens 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00274-00083826-00084088 and the treasures I will never have, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00275-00084088-00084326 and your color can also express whatever it is 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00276-00084326-00084576 that you're feeling right now in the moment, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00277-00084576-00084738 something that isn't on your list. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00278-00084738-00085157 Maybe you drew a blank as soon as I said, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00279-00085157-00085380 what is your color representing? 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00280-00085380-00085734 Maybe your color is, my purple is for the blank stare 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00281-00085734-00086045 on my face when my mind goes blank because my stomach 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00282-00086045-00086330 is empty and all I want is to stuff my face. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00283-00086330-00086582 It could be about anything you want it to be 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00284-00086582-00086831 and it can go in lots of different directions. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00285-00086831-00087231 So I'm going to give you all about 10 minutes 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00286-00087231-00087731 to write your own, and again, first line, my name is blank, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00287-00087802-00088191 second line, my color, whatever color you pick, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00288-00088191-00088633 my yellow, my green, my purple, my blue is, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00289-00088633-00088852 and then a descriptive word or phrase 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00290-00088852-00089274 to describe that color, and then that following repetition, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00291-00089274-00089636 my purple is for, my purple is for, my purple is for. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00292-00089636-00089867 What I encourage you to do 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00293-00089867-00090276 is to not write one word responses to be descriptive. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00294-00090276-00090607 So notice I didn't just say my purple is for sunsets, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00295-00090607-00090788 my purple is for royalty. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00296-00090788-00091133 I elaborated on those things. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00297-00091133-00091374 Go back to your list, use it as much 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00298-00091374-00091770 or as little as you like, and that is going to help you 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00299-00091770-00091970 to create your own list poem. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00300-00092097-00092597 So take a few minutes, dive on in, and again, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00301-00092692-00092949 as far as I'm concerned, if you're writing, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00302-00092949-00093075 you're doing it right. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00303-00093075-00093452 So if you slide into a different direction 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00304-00093452-00093782 than the template or the structure that I've given you 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00305-00093782-00094034 and you're still writing, that's fantastic. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00306-00094034-00094221 Why, because you're still creating. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00307-00094221-00094374 You're still being expressive and you're still 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00308-00094374-00094585 coming up with something, so whatever direction 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00309-00094585-00094838 you want to take this in is the right thing. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00310-00094838-00095049 Okay, so take a few minutes. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00311-00095049-00095279 I'm going to do a little bit of writing myself 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00312-00095367-00095592 and we'll see what we come up with. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00313-00095592-00095850 (upbeat music) 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00314-00102754-00102988 And again, feel free to make use of that list 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00315-00102988-00103183 that you came up with at the beginning. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00316-00103274-00103512 Use it as much or as little as you like, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00317-00104001-00104341 and the point of all this, it's just describing 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00318-00104341-00104792 how you feel, describing what you're thinking about. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00319-00104792-00105080 Don't worry about whether it makes sense or not. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00320-00105080-00105356 it's just an opportunity for you to say what you're thinking 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00321-00105356-00105694 and what you're feeling in some different ways. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00322-00105694-00105953 (upbeat music) 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00323-00114216-00114397 Okay, and I'm going to stop here. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00324-00114515-00114731 I'm going to share a little bit of what I came up with 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00325-00114731-00114933 and hopefully you'll take some time to share 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00326-00114933-00115320 with someone around you, whether it's right now, 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00327-00115320-00115516 later tonight or tomorrow. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00328-00115732-00116189 My blue is for silence that feels like too much. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00329-00116189-00116641 My blue is for a world that is too much and not enough. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00330-00116641-00116944 My blue is for bright lights and warm eyes. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00331-00116944-00117134 My blue is for a blank piece of paper 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00332-00117134-00117324 that stares back at me. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00333-00117324-00117647 My blue is for the faces on the other side of the world. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00334-00117647-00118011 My blue is for the darkness that I don't get to see. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00335-00118011-00118322 My blue is for running out of time. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00336-00118649-00118792 Thank you for writing with me. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00337-00118792-00119092 I appreciate it and hope you have a great day. 3bpGSDpsQ3y-00338-00119232-00119482 (jazzy music) 3cGhAV50VZg-00000-00000068-00000342 WELCOME TO ALL HANDS UPDATE I'M PETTY OFFICER ANDREW JOHNSON. 3cGhAV50VZg-00001-00000342-00000720 WINTER IS COMING AND THE NAVY WANTS TO MAKE SURE YOU, YOUR FAMILY, AND YOUR SHIPMATES 3cGhAV50VZg-00002-00000720-00000851 STAY WARM AND SAFE. 3cGhAV50VZg-00003-00000851-00001302 PREPARE FOR THE COLD WEATHER TO AVOID FROSTBITE AND HYPOTHERMIA BY WEARING LAYERED CLOTHING, 3cGhAV50VZg-00004-00001302-00001632 EATING PROPERLY, AND DRINKING WARM LIQUIDS TO STAY HYDRATED. 3cGhAV50VZg-00005-00001632-00002133 FROSTBITE SYMPTOMS CAN INCLUDE WHITE, WAXY OR PALE COLORED SKIN, AND COLD, HARD OR NUMB 3cGhAV50VZg-00006-00002133-00002233 SKIN. 3cGhAV50VZg-00007-00002233-00002644 IF YOU OR SOMEONE NEAR YOU IS AFFECTED BY FROSTBITE, MOVE THEM TO A WARM PLACE AND SEEK 3cGhAV50VZg-00008-00002644-00002830 MEDICAL ATTENTION IMMEDIATELY. 3cGhAV50VZg-00009-00002830-00003302 HYPOTHERMIA SYMPTOMS INCLUDE UNCONTROLLABLE SHIVERING, A CHANGE IN MENTAL STATUS, DARK 3cGhAV50VZg-00010-00003302-00003535 AND PUFFY SKIN, AND UNCONSCIOUSNESS. 3cGhAV50VZg-00011-00003535-00003918 VICTIMS OF HYPOTHERMIA SHOULD SEEK IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ATTENTION WHILE STAYING WARM. 3cGhAV50VZg-00012-00003918-00004282 FOR MORE INFORMATION ON HOW YOU CAN STAY SAFE DURING THE WINTER MONTHS, VISIT THE NAVAL 3cGhAV50VZg-00013-00004282-00005685 SAFETY CENTER WEBSITE. 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00000-00000014-00000479 hello traders its a samurai trader here welcome to the epic traders market recap 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00001-00000479-00000953 recording this is episode one each week I'm going to be producing two to three 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00002-00000953-00001367 such recordings which will email directly to you where I'll be covering 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00003-00001367-00002007 day in swing trading trading tips ideas strategies and trader psychology using 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00004-00002007-00002616 NLP techniques it's applicable for all traders and all markets so I promise you 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00005-00002616-00003198 that I'll be giving you enormous value as you watch these sessions I love 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00006-00003198-00003642 trading I'm passionate about trading and I just want to get across to you my 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00007-00003642-00004116 twenty four plus years experience and I want feedback from you as you implement 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00008-00004116-00004655 some of the ideas and techniques I want to know how you're going now very very 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00009-00004655-00005136 important traders as we get underway with this session is this love me hate 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00010-00005136-00005621 me or you're indifferent towards me put all the societies my job is your trading 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00011-00005621-00006276 coach is to help you get two epic day or swing trading status just that one idea 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00012-00006276-00006818 concept or strategy may have a huge impact on your trading career so here's 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00013-00006818-00007254 what I need you to do is that please take notes during these training 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00014-00007254-00007731 sessions continually asking yourself what can I learn from this how can I use 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00015-00007731-00008214 this what's great about this how can I improve this notice those sort of 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00016-00008214-00008670 questions are what I call constructive compelling questions so many traders are 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00017-00008670-00009246 always structuring questions such as why do I fail at this why don't I get this 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00018-00009246-00009722 why isn't this working for me totally wrong we're going to be talking a lot 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00019-00009722-00010400 about this in future sessions because trading truly is 90% psychology I can 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00020-00010400-00010911 show you literally dozens of trading systems and strategies that do work I've 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00021-00010911-00011354 got to tell you that right now there are dozens but the person that lets them 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00022-00011354-00011900 down continually is you the trader or I we need to work harder on ourselves 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00023-00011900-00012417 and what we do on our trading systems and our strategies so very very 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00024-00012417-00012884 important is this I don't care if you don't like me I'm sorry but I really 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00025-00012884-00013388 don't what's important to me is to live or enormous failure we can pick up 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00026-00013388-00013986 and go wow this is making a fantastic or a huge difference to my trading that's 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00027-00013986-00014481 what's important for me now as we get underway you must understand the risk if 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00028-00014481-00014979 you're a current member of course of the day traders fast track program you see 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00029-00014979-00015426 this on every one of our recordings if you're new to my videos please pause the 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00030-00015426-00015933 video and read the risk disclaimer there is a risk in trading secondly if you 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00031-00015933-00016331 haven't subscribed to my channel to be kept up to date with my videos as I 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00032-00016331-00016748 mentioned this is episode 1 I'll be producing 2 to 3 of these sessions each 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00033-00016748-00017376 and every week so it's really designed to give you an ongoing education so 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00034-00017376-00017940 please make sure that you subscribe to my channel even better still visit my 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00035-00017940-00018270 website where you'll barb to find out more about the day traders fast-track 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00036-00018270-00018645 program I'm not going to turn these into a great big advertisement so you can 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00037-00018645-00019107 pause it have a read of this please if you haven't requested my free training 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00038-00019107-00019629 manual visit my website and the download link is in the description below and 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00039-00019629-00020250 request my training manuals they're free as well that's it let's now get into the 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00040-00020250-00020807 content of this video traders over 80% of the traders on now dealing with I 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00041-00020807-00021279 thought it was somewhere around 70% but it's actually over 80% of the traders I 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00042-00021279-00021801 deal with now our experienced traders that is I've tried to have a blown your 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00043-00021801-00022404 accounts 1 3 5 times perhaps have burnt themselves spent thousands of dollars on 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00044-00022404-00022976 education and it hasn't worked for them I've got to say this don't let the 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00045-00022976-00023562 shadow of your past hold your future hostage one of the biggest challenges I 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00046-00023562-00023979 face as a trading coach is dealing with the psychological damage caused by 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00047-00023979-00024554 previous trading endeavors and it's true if you're a brand new trader you'll be 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00048-00024554-00025089 amazed at how much psychological damage blowing your account does two or three 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00049-00025089-00025857 or four times you'd start to develop and self trust you have incredible doubt it 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00050-00025857-00026358 just causes all sorts of issues therefore if that is you if you've had 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00051-00026358-00026714 this issue in the past what I want to say is this 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00052-00026714-00027141 I need you to look at your past trading experiences as part of your trading 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00053-00027141-00027695 education it's called a reframe rather than look at it and keep built building 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00054-00027695-00028122 yourself up about it I want you to turn around and reframe it and say I'm gonna 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00055-00028122-00028518 learn from this it's just part of the education I'm going to draw a line in 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00056-00028518-00029102 the sand and move forward now over this series of videos I'm going to be sharing 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00057-00029102-00029457 with you the results of a search of my search for the Holy Grail 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00058-00029457-00029856 there are some strategies that I won't fully disclose only my members will get 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00059-00029856-00030426 hold of but I'm going to give you still enormous value in what I deliver here 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00060-00030426-00030927 it's the results of my 24 plus years of research and development and trading as 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00061-00030927-00031572 I say traders my videos are oral unedited and direct their unscripted so 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00062-00031572-00031899 yes I might fluff up something because I say at at times I'll get a word wrong 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00063-00031899-00032516 but hey approach this with the mindset of what can I learn from here how can I 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00064-00032516-00033053 use this it's so important I have in the thousands of members now around the 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00065-00033053-00033537 world I deal with traders each and every day besides trading every day 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00066-00033537-00033936 I've just got a huge amount of knowledge I want to get across to you it is so 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00067-00033936-00034476 important that this starts to seep in this is a journey that most day in some 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00068-00034476-00035034 traders travel they go out there and buy every trading system and strategy I want 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00069-00035034-00035597 to save you time money in energy and frustration keep your money in your 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00070-00035597-00036134 account for your trading account there is no need to go and spend tens of 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00071-00036134-00036641 thousands of dollars and literally some traders do spend in the many thousands 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00072-00036641-00037071 of dollars as I have know I've been in a fortunate position financially to be 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00073-00037071-00037622 able to do this I have a massive library I've got I've had full-time employees 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00074-00037622-00038031 just doing research full-time proper traders working for me so I've got all 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00075-00038031-00038538 of this experience and so I've been up to draw upon that so I'm been able to 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00076-00038538-00038897 I've been able to say look I want you to go and back test this over five years 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00077-00038897-00039300 and come back with a report so vote write the code and go on back test a 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00078-00039300-00039786 strategy or a methodology or code it for me so I've had that flexibility and this 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00079-00039786-00040218 is what I'm bringing to the table in this session and sharing a lot of 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00080-00040218-00040611 this not all of it but a lot of its information with you 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00081-00040611-00041069 now this is very important traders I don't claim to be the inventor of most 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00082-00041069-00041565 of my trading strategies or techniques in fact it is said to take everything 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00083-00041565-00042116 out of one book is plagiarism to take it out of 20 books is a recess research I 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00084-00042116-00042621 am that research is Gann famously once quoted there's nothing new Under the Sun 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00085-00042621-00043031 and when it comes to trading I don't think any true words have ever been 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00086-00043031-00043581 spoken I have I have however let me I'm reading straight off this slide here of 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00087-00043581-00043965 however fine-tune and tailored these strategies and techniques to suit 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00088-00043965-00044487 today's fast-moving markets the trading style of today's day and swing traders 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00089-00044487-00045036 now when it comes to a lot of strategies and ideas that I share with you we're 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00090-00045036-00045440 going to be talking about traders personalities in the next couple of 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00091-00045440-00045918 episodes we'll talk about what time frame will suit you what are the best 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00092-00045918-00046380 time frames for day and swing traders what are the best chart types so we'll 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00093-00046380-00046824 be covering those in the next couple of episodes but what I do want to get 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00094-00046824-00047349 across to you is I have literally dozens of folders on research reports on 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00095-00047349-00047961 trading systems advanced get wolf wave is just dozens of them I've flown around 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00096-00047961-00048359 the world numerous times to ten courses you name it I've probably 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00097-00048359-00048950 already bought it or owned and I actually bought out a data firm going 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00098-00048950-00049281 back to you was what is it fifteen sixteen years ago we used to provide 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00099-00049281-00049763 data the stock traders and so I bought this firm out and we actually this 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00100-00049763-00050219 massive traders library where we used to lend our members books out of a library 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00101-00050219-00050793 that just gave me access to hundreds of books which I still own so what I'm 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00102-00050793-00051197 getting across to you is I'm drawing on very very deep resources here and 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00103-00051197-00051767 sharing a lot of this information with you now I need to get this across to 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00104-00051767-00052316 really it's to all traders is that every professional was once a student every 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00105-00052316-00052794 expert was once an amateur and every master was once a beginner some of the 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00106-00052794-00053400 information may overwhelm you as we go through the series however just back 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00107-00053400-00053865 take notes and you'll have what I called our heart experiences and I think that 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00108-00053865-00054327 really leads you really really just really well into this next slide so this 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00109-00054327-00054902 is typically what I have in front of me when I'm trading I have three or four 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00110-00054902-00055515 spiral plastic books here are plastic sleeve books with my chart patterns and 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00111-00055515-00055974 really trading traders is a pattern solving exercise there are geometric 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00112-00055974-00056559 patterns that appear in the market every hour on every time frames the markets 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00113-00056559-00057135 are of a fractal nature so what appears on say a 500 tick chart will appear on a 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00114-00057135-00057624 1 one hour chart may be slightly different structured but very very 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00115-00057624-00058379 similar and so all time frames and all market types have patterns appear I have 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00116-00058379-00058746 my trading rules in the middle there you can see the fold of it's open there a 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00117-00058746-00059097 couple of yellow tabs here they're my rules what am I looking for 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00118-00059097-00059526 I've got them and quite frankly you can't really hone it up but it says do I 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00119-00059526-00060039 have do I have this pattern do I have disappeared do I have a super scalper a 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00120-00060039-00060542 plot and so I'm consistently or constantly reviewing my trading rules 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00121-00060542-00060879 and on the right is perhaps one of the most important things here I want to get 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00122-00060879-00061347 across to you now is as we go through these trading training videos I want you 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00123-00061347-00061815 to take notes if I say something pause the video if you need to jot it down and 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00124-00061815-00062342 so what I'll do is as I trade each and every day I take copious notes if I 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00125-00062342-00062796 notice a pattern because trading is about a piece of pattern solving 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00126-00062796-00063408 exercise and once you master those patterns you see them each and every day 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00127-00063408-00063819 multiple times but I'm also going to be giving you a lot of miscellaneous tips 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00128-00063819-00064347 and I promise you will make an enormous impact to your trading here's what I 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00129-00064347-00064632 know successful trading is a game of 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00130-00064632-00065121 probabilities the marketers of memory and patterns repeat themselves each and 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00131-00065121-00065781 every day now over the years now I have dozens of these notebooks and I think at 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00132-00065781-00066468 last count I had 47 of these notebooks and so as I trade I take notes if I see 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00133-00066468-00067062 a pattern I'll print it out I have files on my computer called and I call 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00134-00067062-00067521 the file chance and I'll take a screenshot of a chart or a pattern and 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00135-00067521-00068061 I'll review those charts and what you'll discover traders is that mastering the 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00136-00068061-00068496 art of swing or day trading it's about modeling what other traders 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00137-00068496-00068952 are doing so I'm going to share with you a lot of the techniques I use but what a 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00138-00068952-00069570 lot of other master traders do you see someone once said to me that trading is 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00139-00069570-00070305 actually quite easy well if it's so easy why doesn't every trader succeed as a 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00140-00070305-00070824 day a swing trader it's because of this traders the easy things are also easy 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00141-00070824-00071409 not to do successful traders are willing to do the things that unsuccessful 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00142-00071409-00071967 traders won't do let me save it again successful traders do the things that 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00143-00071967-00072573 aren't successful traders won't do such as reviewing their notes having a 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00144-00072573-00073203 trading plan this is basic ABC stuff I know but hey this is a most of the type 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00145-00073203-00073539 of things that you know where traders are not willing to do if they want to 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00146-00073539-00074019 take shortcuts and traders some of you may even be watching this and I've 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00147-00074019-00074427 emailed you back and I may have come across as being rude I've traders email 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00148-00074427-00074772 me with questions each and every day which I welcome but some of them just 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00149-00074772-00075414 ask silly questions you know can I earn 500 a day can you guarantee I can earn 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00150-00075414-00075891 500 a day well the answer is categorically not yes you can under 500 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00151-00075891-00076278 but can I guarantee it no because it comes down to you the trader is it 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00152-00076278-00076767 possible you better it is and a whole lot more that's one thing about trading 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00153-00076767-00077172 you can write your own paycheck but what you've got to do is be willing to put 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00154-00077172-00077703 the work in and that is why we discovered or we know that only 5% of 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00155-00077703-00078312 traders actually succeed as traders because the other 95% and not willing to 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00156-00078312-00078714 put the working because if you think about it anywhere with anyone with a 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00157-00078714-00079167 thousand two three four thousand dollars can go and open up a trading account and 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00158-00079167-00079674 they expect that it's a fast-track to riches but of course most of them will 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00159-00079674-00080048 blow that money because they have unrealistic expectations 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00160-00080048-00080602 you can definitely get there you can join the 5% Club you truly can and the 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00161-00080602-00081050 purpose of these recordings I'm doing is to help you get there but you'll only 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00162-00081050-00081508 get there if you start to implement some of the ideas and strategies that I want 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00163-00081508-00082007 to share with you in these videos many of you have probably seen a statement 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00164-00082007-00082517 before the definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over yet 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00165-00082517-00083038 expecting a different result traders when it comes to trading if 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00166-00083038-00083474 you've given it a gun it's not working you're probably doing the same thing 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00167-00083474-00083966 over and over again and when it comes to trading unfortunately from a 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00168-00083966-00084500 psychological point of view rather than thinking about what is happening on our 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00169-00084500-00085108 charts we are usually remembering past experiences either good or bad and it's 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00170-00085108-00085562 usually bad so instead of thinking about this setup and focusing what is before 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00171-00085562-00086174 us we are usually remembering past experiences or setups that look like 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00172-00086174-00086576 this and they fail therefore we don't take it and guess what the one we don't 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00173-00086576-00087019 take goes on and turns into a winner so we'll be covering a lot of this head 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00174-00087019-00087769 stuff which is really important now this is as of today what you've got to really 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00175-00087769-00088175 do is throw a line in the sand and say this okay as of today I'm gonna start 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00176-00088175-00088736 taking copious notes so I don't really apply myself with the zeal of a crusader 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00177-00088736-00089261 just as I head back here on this particular slide consider yourself a 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00178-00089261-00089770 pilot review focus review focus what will give you confidence in trading is 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00179-00089770-00090289 when you keep your accurate statistics and you start taking notes you start to 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00180-00090289-00090941 create self confidence and self Trust by doing that and if you go and look at the 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00181-00090941-00091250 pilot of course before they take off what am i doing they're going through 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00182-00091250-00091760 the checklist once sale and I go through the checklist pre and post lists we need 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00183-00091760-00092225 to do exactly the same if we are serious about this and a lot of this comes down 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00184-00092225-00092723 to discipline with discipline discipline is like a muscle or more often you use 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00185-00092723-00093248 it the stronger it gets and the more disciplined you have the more 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00186-00093248-00093583 self-confidence the more self-trust and I could go on 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00187-00093583-00093980 and on about this but it's just so important that you practice discipline 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00188-00093980-00094457 and a lot of this comes down to and I need to mention this is that even if 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00189-00094457-00094910 you're trading with the simulator and a lot of these points I'm going to be 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00190-00094910-00095357 repeating over the following videos because repetition is the mother of 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00191-00095357-00095995 skill it's how you learn but so many traders are using simulators and they 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00192-00095995-00096404 know that they can just go back and read aisle the figure in the simulator so 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00193-00096404-00096680 therefore say if you go and put a million dollars on the figure because 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00194-00096680-00097298 with no simulators on virtually every trading platform now you can dial in how 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00195-00097298-00097913 much money you want on the simulator so you might put in here say 100,000 well 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00196-00097913-00098312 half a million dollars or whatever it may be what is absolutely critical is 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00197-00098312-00098795 that you trade using the simulator as if you were trading real money 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00198-00098795-00099368 you only take trades as if you were trading with real money because what 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00199-00099368-00099947 you're going to be doing is hardwiring habits and once again if you're a pilot 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00200-00099947-00100394 do you think that the airlines allow pilots to go into the simulator and 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00201-00100394-00100868 deliberately continually crash land their aircraft or do stupid turns etc 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00202-00100868-00101470 but I will allow them to do it this to simulate for some training purposes but 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00203-00101470-00101993 limited but they certainly don't want a hardwired habits and it's so important 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00204-00101993-00102535 here that you use this simulator as if you're trading with real cash now 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00205-00102535-00102872 this is something you're gonna hear me you're gonna hear me come up the quotes 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00206-00102872-00103543 and you'll hear you talk give you quotes all the time and here's one by Jim Rohn 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00207-00103543-00103981 the great late jim Rohn learn to work harder on yourself than you do on your 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00208-00103981-00104525 job if you work hard on your job you can make a living but if you work hard on 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00209-00104525-00105004 yourself you'll make a fortune what does that mean to us as traders we need to 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00210-00105004-00105709 basically study trading it's really an ongoing exercise we've got to really 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00211-00105709-00106208 become educated when it comes to trading we do that by studying our charts by 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00212-00106208-00106630 reading books of other great traders what they do trading techniques we need 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00213-00106630-00107115 to become of the market ongoing here's an 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00214-00107115-00107545 excellent book now by the way yeah for those members that are watching this 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00215-00107545-00108084 video if you go these videos and if you miss these out they're going to now be 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00216-00108084-00108583 I've got a new file on my Google Drive that called new recordings so if you're 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00217-00108583-00109236 going to that folder new recordings you will see in there that I've got links to 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00218-00109236-00109597 other videos there to brand-new recordings and links to these will also 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00219-00109597-00110347 be there now on top of that I'm also and I just reminded me I actually have a PDF 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00220-00110347-00110883 copy of this book which I'm just uploading into the Google Drive now so 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00221-00110883-00111397 it's Newmarket Wizards interviews with top traders these are the sort of books 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00222-00111397-00111777 you want to read and study now yes you've got hedge funds managers 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00223-00111777-00112333 interviews with them you've got maybe you're not a stock trader maybe you're a 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00224-00112333-00112653 futures trader so you're going to find that a lot of these interviews maybe not 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00225-00112653-00113071 people directly related to the market you're trading but you can still pick up 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00226-00113071-00113529 ideas and techniques because it doesn't matter in the end what market you're 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00227-00113529-00114274 trading a 34b for an example works on all time frames and all markets an ABC 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00228-00114274-00114861 pattern appears on all time frames and all markets so they across the board but 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00229-00114861-00115455 by studying these books and highlighting them and and learning you can learn from 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00230-00115455-00115935 these traders and it's something that a lot of traders are not willing to do for 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00231-00115935-00116328 an example in this book you've got Marty Swartz who's a world champion now this 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00232-00116328-00116841 book some years old now so Marty I believe now has retired but so he was a 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00233-00116841-00117382 professional analyst who would write reports based upon fundamentals now 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00234-00117382-00117839 there are many many year stories out there and and you'll always get some 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00235-00117839-00118254 some traders and even I think in market Wizards there's a guy that says there he 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00236-00118254-00118710 doesn't believe that you can make money from technical analysis which is what we 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00237-00118710-00119176 do when we're reading charts we're usually most of us are technical 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00238-00119176-00119521 analysts that is we're not taking well we'll stay out of a market when we get a 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00239-00119521-00119926 red flag news announcement but we're looking and trading off chart patterns 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00240-00119926-00120414 in our indicators so in this book for an example he said 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00241-00120414-00120853 the question was asked did you make a complete transit transition from 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00242-00120853-00121393 fundamental to technical analysis and Marty said absolutely always laugh at 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00243-00121393-00121894 people who say oh I've never read met a rich technician I love that it's such an 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00244-00121894-00122361 arrogant response while use fundamentals for nine years and got rich as a 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00245-00122361-00122917 technician now for power I wanted to bring up here what I find inspiring about 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00246-00122917-00123517 someone like Marty and many others share their their journey it took Marty ten 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00247-00123517-00124138 years to succeed now thanks to modern technology what we now know about 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00248-00124138-00124741 anchoring and about modeling you can fast-track years you can save yourself 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00249-00124741-00125344 years Marty had to find it really self taught himself how to trade back then he 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00250-00125344-00125835 didn't have the power of the Internet the coaching wasn't around and he tells 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00251-00125835-00126325 some great stories about here he was working for major funds manager and he 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00252-00126325-00126741 invested twenty thousand dollars with a guy just designed a computer program 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00253-00126741-00127260 which had to run on a mainframe and he lost it all and as he said he made that 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00254-00127260-00127726 many dumb mistakes and it took him ten years and now the guy's worth hundreds 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00255-00127726-00128184 of millions of dollars what can you learn from that you can do what someone 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00256-00128184-00128755 like Marty does and by the way one other very very important point here I've got 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00257-00128755-00129360 to read this out and what I'll do is I'll print out pages out of books like 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00258-00129360-00129763 this or I'll photocopy them or with the books if you looked at most of my books 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00259-00129763-00130209 here highlighted the tablet etc but this is one thing really interesting 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00260-00130209-00130669 here's what it says from time to time we've alluded to your trading rules can 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00261-00130669-00131212 you list them here's his number one rule I always check my charts with the moving 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00262-00131212-00131785 averages prior prior to taking a position is the price above or below the 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00263-00131785-00132475 moving average that works better than any tool I have I try not to go against 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00264-00132475-00132994 the moving averages it is self-destructive why if you are a trend 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00265-00132994-00133416 trader of course you want to trade in the direction of the overall 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00266-00133416-00133950 and when we think about trading trading is really easy when you learn how to 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00267-00133950-00134517 trade correctly buy the dips sell the rallies a trend is my friend that is buy 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00268-00134517-00135090 or sell in the direction of the overall trend yes one of the issues with traders 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00269-00135090-00135852 is we have this we all so many of us we you know we have to try to pick tops and 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00270-00135852-00136545 bottoms it's almost like a disease yet it's probably the fastest way for a new 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00271-00136545-00137280 trader to loser account is counter trend trading you must trend rate until you're 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00272-00137280-00137814 consistently profitable and this is for both new and existing traders that are 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00273-00137814-00138156 watching this recording if you're an existing trader and you are not making 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00274-00138156-00138675 money what's so important is that you number one drill down where you're only 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00275-00138675-00139242 going to execute one two three trading setups but trend trade only develop 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00276-00139242-00139695 itself trust and by banning yourself from counter trend trading which is what 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00277-00139695-00140259 we're not coach members I have some personal clients that I work with each 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00278-00140259-00140760 week and I coach them on going professional traders and they and when 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00279-00140760-00141225 they first start they are banned from counter trend trading and the end result 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00280-00141225-00141591 was some of my traders is they say they'll never ever counter trend trade 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00281-00141591-00142212 ever again so just some ik I really want you to consider so the trend is your 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00282-00142212-00142614 friends so what we're going to do now is just have a look at one trading lesson 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00283-00142614-00143142 before we move on so let's go and have a look at the charts well one thing I 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00284-00143142-00143595 wanted to show is this this is something I found on the internet better diagram 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00285-00143595-00144048 than what I could have done so if we look at the dark blue line the dark blue 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00286-00144048-00144792 line is is a long-term chart it's what we call our AC anchor chart by trading 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00287-00144792-00145263 with an entry chart that is a lower timeframe what we're effectively doing 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00288-00145263-00145911 is trading in the direction of the higher time frame but we're waiting for 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00289-00145911-00146634 a pullback or a retracement then we take our entry now this is going to be one of 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00290-00146634-00146942 the most important lessons lesson number one I want to get 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00291-00146942-00147380 across to either new or experienced traders that are not where they should 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00292-00147380-00147899 be I want you to set up your anchor chart and start trading only in the 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00293-00147899-00148550 direction of your anchor chart so let's go and have a look at a chart itself now 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00294-00148550-00149140 what I've got set up before you this is the yen futures contract so JY on 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00295-00149140-00149699 TradeStation this is JY I'm just trying to think of a symbol on its a difference 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00296-00149699-00150263 unit is it 6 6 error can't remember exactly for ninja trader but it really doesn't 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00297-00150263-00150807 matter what market it is so what we're looking at here is three time frames now 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00298-00150807-00151430 I generally trade with two some traders like to use three time frames so what 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00299-00151430-00151947 I've got is the the chart on the left here is my anchor is my sorry my entry 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00300-00151947-00152573 chart then I've got my anchor chart now these time frames are three times higher 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00301-00152573-00153053 and I won't go into the reasoning for that in this recording but very very 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00302-00153053-00153629 important now this is by the way in an 89 tick a 233 and a 610 so let me just 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00303-00153629-00154148 explain this there are approximately three times higher because I'm using fib 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00304-00154148-00154580 numbers only because so many of my traders use Fibonacci numbers but quite 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00305-00154580-00155060 frankly you could use an one hundred tick a three hundred and a nine hundred 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00306-00155060-00155610 it does what it make any difference I seriously doubt it but I use fib 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00307-00155610-00156021 numbers just because a so me my members do so professional traders particularly 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00308-00156021-00156674 so I will usually just have two charts up some love and swear by having three 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00309-00156674-00157286 so what I'll do is have my anchor chart set up like this on the right and I'm 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00310-00157286-00157799 only going to be trading in the direction of the trend on my anchor 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00311-00157799-00158504 chart and unless I'm going for a counter trend trade now I also don't refer to 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00312-00158504-00159072 the indicators on the lower part of the chart and let me just quickly cover this 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00313-00159072-00159410 um indicators some traders love to trade 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00314-00159410-00159929 naked what we call naked without indicators and quite frankly the EMAs 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00315-00159929-00160230 it's all you really need as you master the out of day 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00316-00160230-00160861 trading however I will use my platinum what I call my Platinum Mac MACD for 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00317-00160861-00161659 my counter trend trades for angulation etc and I'll use the to smooth stochastic I'll 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00318-00161659-00162177 use here for my slingshots because it works well and in a very strong trend 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00319-00162177-00162613 where I might not be getting any retracement back to my EMA's the 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00320-00162613-00163111 slingshot will get me in because it works so why use it because it works yes 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00321-00163111-00163708 it might be lagging because 99% of indicators derivatives of price severe 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00322-00163708-00164320 lagging slightly however their tools so I'll use a combination of both of both 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00323-00164320-00164884 pure price action trading where I'm just taking entries purely off the charts and 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00324-00164884-00165385 others I will use indicators so it really depends on your style now 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00325-00165385-00165840 remembering experienced traders if you're a pure price action trader you 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00326-00165840-00166285 should have the mindset of okay what can I learn from this how can I use this 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00327-00166285-00166837 natural fact all traders must have that mindset so very very important is that 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00328-00166837-00167350 you have a higher time frame and you only trade in the direction if you're a 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00329-00167350-00167766 trend trader which of course you've agreed to that having you if you're a 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00330-00167766-00168145 new trader or if you're experienced and struggling you're only going to trade 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00331-00168145-00168417 with the trend aren't you of course you are 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00332-00168417-00168874 so very very important you have your anchor chart set up and we're going to 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00333-00168874-00169554 be covering a lot more about anchor charts in future sessions so I mentioned 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00334-00169554-00170001 what Marti swartzes rule was their most important trading rules for their master 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00335-00170001-00170482 day trader is what side of the training EMA's am I on 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00336-00170482-00170875 and members of the day traders fast track program you'll probably sick of me 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00337-00170875-00171405 hearing this or sorry sick of me saying this follow the gold follow for gold 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00338-00171405-00172065 follow the Gold you hear me say this every recording follow the gold EMA we 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00339-00172065-00172440 have a and for the general public we couldn't the EMA that we call the gold we 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00340-00172440-00172917 follow the gold if you're above the gold you're going to be it is above the 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00341-00172917-00173560 trending gold EMA you're going to be long if you're below for trending 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00342-00173560-00174070 EMA that is training did outside you're going to be short it is so important 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00343-00174070-00174538 that you do that so traders that's the end of this recording so we're 31 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00344-00174538-00174929 minutes in I've covered an enormous amount of information very very quickly 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00345-00174929-00175387 but I promise you go back and start taking notes as I said I'm going to be 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00346-00175387-00175813 recording two to three of these each week please feel free to share the links 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00347-00175813-00176284 to these as we're going to get really into some meat and potatoes as I cover 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00348-00176284-00176715 these sessions in the future I'm going to be showing you some charts from some 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00349-00176715-00176991 of my members but they're absolutely killing it 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00350-00176991-00177427 using my strategies in the market I'm going to be giving you every single 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00351-00177427-00177844 session some strategies and ideas that will make you money and we're going to 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00352-00177844-00178302 be really drilling down on some great things such as your linguistics and 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00353-00178302-00178716 training your brain and training yourself how to become a better trader 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00354-00178716-00179362 how to develop or sorry how to remove how to smash those bad habits that many 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00355-00179362-00179902 traders have developed over time because this is so important because as I say in 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00356-00179902-00180591 trading is that 90% of psychology 5% is money management and only 5% is the 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00357-00180591-00181065 strategy itself so what we've got to really do is really work harder on your 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00358-00181065-00181609 head stuff from what we do on the setups so please feel free to drop me an e-mail 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00359-00181609-00182079 so you can email me directly a trader at I'm a day trader become a member it's 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00360-00182079-00182592 only $197 you get mine all of my setups over it's now over a hundred hours of 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00361-00182592-00182892 videos but I don't want to make this into a bigger advertisement you can read 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00362-00182892-00183317 about it but traders expect the next video in the next two or three days and 3dkB1Ub4HN0-00363-00183317-00183957 I'll see you then well you'll hear from me then thank you traders 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00000-00000032-00000132 Hello! 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00001-00000150-00000342 Today I'm going to talk about 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00002-00000344-00000549 how can you grow from 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00003-00000569-00000882 self-employed to a business owner? 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00004-00000885-00001107 And what are the differences? 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00005-00001723-00001882 My name is Tineke Rensen 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00006-00001885-00002066 from Powerful Business Academy. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00007-00002069-00002374 I help service-oriented businesswoman 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00008-00002376-00002630 from self-employed to businesswoman, 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00009-00002633-00002786 and help you double your 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00010-00002789-00002946 business within a year. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00011-00002949-00003114 Guaranteed. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00012-00003117-00003382 Now, how do you grow from self-employed 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00013-00003385-00003538 to a business owner? 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00014-00003540-00003822 First of all, I want to give you 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00015-00003825-00004142 my definition of a self-employed business. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00016-00004145-00004626 It's about me, myself, and I. It's you 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00017-00004629-00004910 being responsible for everything. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00018-00004913-00005182 It's you doing everything 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00019-00005185-00005454 that's being self-employed. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00020-00005457-00005826 A business owner is someone who has 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00021-00005829-00006146 structures in place, who has a team, 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00022-00006149-00006445 who has a lot of automation. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00023-00006448-00006675 That can also be when you're self-employed, 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00024-00006681-00007041 to be honest. And who does 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00025-00007044-00007284 not work in the business all the time. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00026-00007288-00007477 So it's someone who does not 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00027-00007480-00007734 do everything on her own. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00028-00007737-00007981 Those are big differences. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00029-00007984-00008246 Usually, when you're self-employed, 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00030-00008249-00008426 you have a lot of roles. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00031-00008429-00008598 You have to do everything. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00032-00008601-00008882 And there's a lot of things you don't love 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00033-00008885-00009182 doing. And that's draining your energy. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00034-00009185-00009421 But sometimes you're strong. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00035-00009424-00009685 That's how I was like, "Well, regardless, 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00036-00009688-00009838 I have to do it." 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00037-00009852-00010110 Well, it drains your energy, 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00038-00010113-00010321 and when your energy drains, 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00039-00010324-00010656 your vibration lowers, and creating 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00040-00010659-00011057 and manifesting becomes more difficult. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00041-00011060-00011234 Everything is already there, 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00042-00011237-00011418 what you desire. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00043-00011421-00011662 And the next thing about being 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00044-00011665-00011949 self-employed is that you are 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00045-00011952-00012242 likely to feel overwhelmed. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00046-00012245-00012620 You are likely to not having the results 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00047-00012623-00012886 you want, because that's a vicious circle. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00048-00012888-00013200 You don't have a lot of time. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00049-00013219-00013319 Therefore... 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00050-00013340-00013462 And that's because the result... 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00051-00013472-00013669 Because you do everything on your own. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00052-00013672-00013922 The results are often not there because 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00053-00013925-00014212 you are not an expert in having to do all 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00054-00014215-00014469 the things you do. And you get 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00055-00014472-00014686 frustrated and feel overwhelmed. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00056-00014688-00014966 You constantly feel pushed and pressured. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00057-00014969-00015226 You're not satisfied with your income. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00058-00015229-00015602 You feel that it's not growing somewhere, 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00059-00015605-00015824 and you really, really know that you 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00060-00015827-00015969 have so much more to offer. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00061-00015972-00016122 And there is so much more 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00062-00016125-00016266 for you to be out there. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00063-00016269-00016446 That's when you start to, 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00064-00016449-00016686 if you're brave enough and bold enough, 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00065-00016689-00016990 jump into the unknown and start 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00066-00016993-00017226 with becoming a business owner. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00067-00017229-00017430 So first of all, 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00068-00017433-00017642 look at everything you do. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00069-00017645-00017864 Create a list of all the tasks and how 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00070-00017867-00018154 much time you spend on them, and also how 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00071-00018157-00018418 much energy it gives you or how much 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00072-00018421-00018710 energy it costs you. That's important. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00073-00018713-00019026 And then, are you good at it? 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00074-00019029-00019282 So you might be good at something, 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00075-00019284-00019434 but you still might not love it. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00076-00019436-00019560 I'm good at the bookkeeping, 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00077-00019563-00019726 but I don't love doing it. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00078-00019729-00020022 I'm good at writing, and I love doing it, 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00079-00020025-00020170 but I'm not consistent. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00080-00020173-00020394 Therefore, we would not produce enough 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00081-00020397-00020646 if I would be doing it on my own. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00082-00020649-00020766 Yeah? 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00083-00020769-00020978 The next thing is 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00084-00020981-00021250 find people to do it for you. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00085-00021253-00021438 And I just come from a Facebook Live, 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00086-00021440-00021594 and I spoke to someone in the Live, 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00087-00021597-00021778 and she hired six people and still 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00088-00021780-00021910 hasn't found the right person. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00089-00021913-00022090 Well, that happened to me too. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00090-00022093-00022368 But know this, every time you get closer 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00091-00022371-00022592 to the right person because every time you 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00092-00022595-00022822 know what you don't want. It's feedback. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00093-00022825-00022918 Alright? 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00094-00022921-00023058 Don't give up. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00095-00023061-00023138 Don't think, 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00096-00023141-00023370 "Okay, I'm better off doing it on my own. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00097-00023372-00023430 It's quicker, 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00098-00023432-00023490 it's faster, 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00099-00023493-00023554 it's easier, 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00100-00023557-00023858 it saves me a lot of hassle and headache." 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00101-00023861-00024042 Yes, in the short term. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00102-00024044-00024154 But you will never create 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00103-00024157-00024294 your dream business. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00104-00024297-00024542 Are you willing to give up on that dream 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00105-00024545-00024730 because you're not prepared to suffer 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00106-00024733-00024910 at the moment? Because you 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00107-00024913-00025118 seek instant gratification. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00108-00025121-00025258 Feel good now. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00109-00025261-00025402 I don't think so. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00110-00025405-00025689 I don't hope so. Because you... At some 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00111-00025692-00025894 point this is draining you energy. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00112-00025897-00026114 It's going to nag on you. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00113-00026116-00026454 Next thing. Once you have someone working 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00114-00026457-00026614 for you, you need to step 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00115-00026616-00026810 up being a leader. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00116-00026813-00027006 Yes, you're responsible now for these 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00117-00027008-00027122 people, but you're also 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00118-00027125-00027314 responsible for their output. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00119-00027316-00027452 It's not them who are 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00120-00027452-00027582 responsible for the output. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00121-00027583-00027710 And that's a big mistake. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00122-00027713-00027933 You are responsible for that. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00123-00027936-00028110 Of course they need to do the work, 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00124-00028112-00028298 but you need to make sure that they are 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00125-00028300-00028386 in an environment 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00126-00028389-00028768 to do the work and to be able to 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00127-00028804-00029022 be at the right place in their minds. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00128-00029025-00029198 That they have the right skills. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00129-00029201-00029377 That they might need 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00130-00029380-00029554 something from you. That you have 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00131-00029557-00029774 might not have been clear enough. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00132-00029776-00029826 Alright? 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00133-00029827-00030070 So ultimately their output 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00134-00030072-00030226 always comes down to you. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00135-00030227-00030410 I always ask myself the question, 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00136-00030413-00030554 if they don't deliver, 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00137-00030557-00030754 how could I have done better? 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00138-00030757-00030950 How could I have served better? 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00139-00030952-00031130 What could I have done differently 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00140-00031133-00031386 so this would not have happened? 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00141-00031389-00031654 And I immediately put that in place 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00142-00031657-00031830 so that it will not happen again. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00143-00031833-00032045 So it's constant feedback. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00144-00032048-00032154 It's constant. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00145-00032157-00032442 You are being on the road in growth. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00146-00032445-00032650 Growing your business, growing yourself, 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00147-00032652-00033098 growing your team. Automate everything 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00148-00033101-00033530 that is repetitive and that costs time. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00149-00033532-00033706 And yes, you can delegate it to your team, 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00150-00033709-00033890 but that costs probably more money 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00151-00033892-00034122 because their time is costing you money. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00152-00034125-00034550 And an automation tool of $10, $20 a month 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00153-00034553-00034790 that really is not as much that you 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00154-00034792-00034962 would have to pay to someone else. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00155-00034965-00035210 Plus someone else can make mistakes. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00156-00035213-00035402 Automation, when set up properly, 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00157-00035404-00035642 never makes mistakes. Until there's 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00158-00035644-00035794 a glitch or a bug in the system. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00159-00035797-00036038 But that may happen. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00160-00036041-00036302 So my definition of a self-employed 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00161-00036304-00036594 woman is doing everything on your own. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00162-00036597-00036946 Me, myself and I. And the business owner is 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00163-00036948-00037118 someone who is responsible 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00164-00037121-00037222 for the business, 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00165-00037225-00037434 who works in the business 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00166-00037436-00037814 and on the business. Who can take herself 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00167-00037817-00038014 away from the business, like I did 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00168-00038017-00038286 yesterday. I spent half a day in my garden 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00169-00038289-00038662 and swimming pool on a normal day. But my 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00170-00038665-00039306 team was working. So I leverage my time. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00171-00039309-00039498 And that's what you can do, too. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00172-00039501-00039784 Usually, a businesswoman can... 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00173-00039788-00040062 A business owner can also have an office. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00174-00040065-00040312 This is my office. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00175-00040404-00040574 It's not necessarily, 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00176-00040577-00040862 but it's definitely that you have systems 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00177-00040865-00041050 in place to make sure that your 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00178-00041053-00041290 business can grow all the time. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00179-00041292-00041573 Many self-employed businesswomen 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00180-00041593-00041890 are suffering, are barely surviving, 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00181-00041892-00042382 are making ends meet, and therefore 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00182-00042385-00042726 they cannot step out of that rat race. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00183-00042729-00042922 That's what they believe. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00184-00042925-00043146 It all starts with a belief, 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00185-00043148-00043310 changing it differently. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00186-00043313-00043470 That's your desire. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00187-00043473-00043722 If your desire is to build a big business, 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00188-00043724-00043858 that's what you need to start 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00189-00043860-00043954 thinking in your head. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00190-00043957-00044194 That's what you need to start feeling. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00191-00044197-00044414 And don't feel guilty about it, 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00192-00044417-00044586 don't feel afraid about it. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00193-00044589-00044886 You would not have these desires if you 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00194-00044888-00045098 would not be the right person to actualize 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00195-00045101-00045326 them, and to manifest them and create 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00196-00045329-00045674 them, and actually make it happen. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00197-00045677-00045810 Alright? 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00198-00045813-00046118 I help women with this. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00199-00046121-00046374 So I can help you with this as well. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00200-00046376-00046550 So you're not out there on your own, 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00201-00046553-00046874 so you don't have to hire six people. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00202-00046876-00047022 Next week, I have an interview 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00203-00047025-00047310 with someone for one of my clients. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00204-00047312-00047482 We do the interview, the three of us, 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00205-00047485-00047834 my client, me and the person. That's still 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00206-00047836-00048086 not 100% guarantee that it's the right person. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00207-00048089-00048314 But I bet you it's a lot better guarantee 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00208-00048316-00048454 than when she would do it because 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00209-00048457-00048742 she had never hired someone before. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00210-00048745-00048818 Alright? 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00211-00048821-00048966 And she trusts me. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00212-00048969-00049270 And together, we'll do this. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00213-00049273-00049486 And that's just one of the things. There's 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00214-00049489-00049714 a lot of things that you will encounter 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00215-00049717-00049917 when you go from self-employed to 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00216-00049937-00050020 a business owner. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00217-00050023-00050202 And that's a reason why many 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00218-00050204-00050418 women play small and stay small. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00219-00050421-00050662 And that's such a pity, because women, 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00220-00050665-00050824 we have so much and 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00221-00050832-00051002 you have so much to offer. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00222-00051004-00051258 You owe it to the world to be out 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00223-00051260-00051398 there and grow your business 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00224-00051401-00051678 so that more people can benefit 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00225-00051680-00051858 from what you have to offer. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00226-00051861-00051982 Alright? 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00227-00051985-00052278 So if you want to know if I can help you 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00228-00052280-00052504 do that, you can schedule 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00229-00052505-00052650 a quick 15-minute call. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00230-00052653-00052838 I will be giving you some tips. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00231-00052841-00053162 And the only thing what's important for me 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00232-00053165-00053341 is to check, are you the right 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00233-00053344-00053510 person I can work with. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00234-00053513-00053798 And if so, then we could schedule another 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00235-00053801-00054050 call because I am guaranteeing that you 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00236-00054053-00054254 will double your income in a year. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00237-00054255-00054470 I cannot guarantee that with everyone. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00238-00054473-00054674 I can only guarantee that with women 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00239-00054677-00054941 who are action-takers, who are in the right 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00240-00054944-00055170 place, who have some experience, 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00241-00055173-00055450 who are service-oriented. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00242-00055453-00055741 Alright? So don't forget 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00243-00055744-00055890 to go to our YouTube channel. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00244-00055892-00056238 You will find lots of these videos. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00245-00056241-00056370 And I have to go now, 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00246-00056372-00056510 I have to coach a client. 3dVXC8jY9Qo-00247-00056512-00056540 Bye bye! 3g_T1qzcqpU-00000-00000162-00000262 Hello YouTube! 3g_T1qzcqpU-00001-00000262-00000598 I'm here today to talk to you about my Harbor Freight workbench that I picked up. 3g_T1qzcqpU-00002-00000598-00001369 I've been using it mostly as a automotive and Do-It-Yourself house workstation. 3g_T1qzcqpU-00003-00001369-00002373 One of the features that I do like is, it comes with an outlet, 3 outlets on this side. 3g_T1qzcqpU-00004-00002373-00003091 And I did ziptie one of these in these peg holes another surge protector on this side. 3g_T1qzcqpU-00005-00003091-00003483 So if I have anything that I need to do on this side of the workstation, I don't need 3g_T1qzcqpU-00006-00003483-00003775 to wrap a cord all the way through the work space. 3g_T1qzcqpU-00007-00003775-00004520 I picked up this non-slip mat right here, that way I can just put anything on it, and 3g_T1qzcqpU-00008-00004520-00004802 it will stay in place. 3g_T1qzcqpU-00009-00004802-00005156 I was actually surprised at the quality of it. 3g_T1qzcqpU-00010-00005156-00005784 You know, it has some nice drawers I lined up with non-slip pad too! 3g_T1qzcqpU-00011-00005784-00006801 I don't know if this is good or bad thing, but you have to push it to get it in. 3g_T1qzcqpU-00012-00006801-00007428 It's kind of a locking mechanism to hold the drawer in place. 3g_T1qzcqpU-00013-00007428-00008326 Which, I don't mind it, but some people might think of it as, I guess just a pet peeve of 3g_T1qzcqpU-00014-00008326-00008426 theirs. 3g_T1qzcqpU-00015-00008426-00008785 I got this little magnetic parts holder. 3g_T1qzcqpU-00016-00008785-00009170 You can just stick it anywhere, it's kind of cool. 3g_T1qzcqpU-00017-00009170-00009381 That was actually free at Harbor Freight. 3g_T1qzcqpU-00018-00009381-00009529 Got my cleaning supplies. 3g_T1qzcqpU-00019-00009529-00009683 Just odds and ends stuff. 3g_T1qzcqpU-00020-00009683-00009838 Stuff I use on the daily. 3g_T1qzcqpU-00021-00009838-00010325 I hooked up these clamps to it just so I have them. 3g_T1qzcqpU-00022-00010325-00010879 And if I ever wanted to get a workbench vice, I'm probably just going to put it on that 3g_T1qzcqpU-00023-00010879-00011516 side, where the non-slip pad is, because there is actually a good amount of play through 3g_T1qzcqpU-00024-00011516-00011625 here. 3g_T1qzcqpU-00025-00011625-00012403 So I could put bolts I'd say going about three inches in at least and it wouldn't even interfere 3g_T1qzcqpU-00026-00012403-00012844 with anything in this drawer, or that drawer. 3g_T1qzcqpU-00027-00012844-00013064 For what the vice is going to do. 3g_T1qzcqpU-00028-00013064-00013654 Down there I have my car jacks and jack stands. 3g_T1qzcqpU-00029-00013654-00013788 Got my oil drip pan. 3g_T1qzcqpU-00030-00013788-00013970 Just everything tucks in there nice. 3g_T1qzcqpU-00031-00013970-00014656 Got my car wash and I'm actually having this tower speaker going to that outlet on the 3g_T1qzcqpU-00032-00014656-00014849 Harbor Freight workbench. 3g_T1qzcqpU-00033-00014849-00015370 I actually like how it's kind of like an all black work area. 3g_T1qzcqpU-00034-00015370-00015584 It looks nice. 3g_T1qzcqpU-00035-00015584-00015887 The top shelf is pretty useful too! 3g_T1qzcqpU-00036-00015887-00016172 It can hold, I think, it said up to like fifty pounds. 3g_T1qzcqpU-00037-00016172-00016779 And these can hold, I forgot the number, but it's more than what I would ever stick on 3g_T1qzcqpU-00038-00016779-00016879 it. 3g_T1qzcqpU-00039-00016879-00017311 And all-in-all I really, really like this workbench. 3g_T1qzcqpU-00040-00017311-00017997 I mean for eighty bucks I couldn't imagine finding anything better than this. 3g_T1qzcqpU-00041-00017997-00018390 And it's actually pretty deep too! 3g_T1qzcqpU-00042-00018390-00019326 So you can stick a fairly large size item on top, or the bottom for storage if you want, 3g_T1qzcqpU-00043-00019326-00020148 but yeah if anybody has any recommendations for peg board holders let me know. 3g_T1qzcqpU-00044-00020148-00020379 Comment and I'll get back to you. 3g_T1qzcqpU-00045-00020379-00020929 I'll do an update on this later, but so far this is what she's looking like. 3g_T1qzcqpU-00046-00020929-00021326 This is where most of the magic is happening at the moment. 3g_T1qzcqpU-00047-00021326-00021731 Alright if you enjoyed this review like and subscribe thank you! 3i2QL6o6xQU-00000-00000006-00001076 I BMI when I check my weight Or go on dates 3i2QL6o6xQU-00001-00001076-00002108 But those are lame Comparing integers are better, maain 3i2QL6o6xQU-00002-00002108-00002588 BMI and BPL for signed BCS and BCC for unsigned 3i2QL6o6xQU-00003-00002588-00003519 How do I remember, I hear you say I don't, I just look em up 3i2QL6o6xQU-00004-00003519-00004303 Boy now you go mow that hay 3i2QL6o6xQU-00005-00004303-00004756 That hay ain't gonna mow itself Get on that combine, work yoself 3i2QL6o6xQU-00006-00004756-00005330 Go line by line, like I said Make that field empty 3i2QL6o6xQU-00007-00005330-00005830 Now I do ma assembly 3i2QL6o6xQU-00008-00005830-00006773 Now here's an example First loop, the color is red 3i2QL6o6xQU-00009-00006773-00007359 We loop until our loop is dead Second loop, the color is white 3i2QL6o6xQU-00010-00007359-00007988 We loop until it bites, the dust 3i2QL6o6xQU-00011-00007988-00008960 Now we see boy, that work done you good That hay is ours 3i2QL6o6xQU-00012-00008960-00009621 You understand assembly good 3jzO4pactgy-00000-00000000-00001873 Mientras que los miembros de la familia real danesa continúan con las celebraciones por el 50 cumpleñaos del príncipe Federico de Dinamarca, en otro rincón de Europa, otra monarquía, en este caso la monegasca, ha acaparado todas las miradas en la 73º edición del Gran Premio de Fórmula 1, celebrado en Montecarlo. 3jzO4pactgy-00001-00002078-00003029 Charlene de Mónaco y el Príncipe Alberto se han dejado fotografiar en el paddock, donde la princesa ha sorprendido con un look muy diferente al que nos tiene acostumbrados. 3jzO4pactgy-00002-00003234-00004880 Con un mono verde militar con cremalleras y bolsillos en la parte superior e inferior, Charlene ha apostado por una de las tendencias más vistas sobre la pasarela y en los looks de las prescriptoras de estilo más seguidas del universo Instagram como Camile Charrière, Jeanne Damas o la modelo de Victoria's Secret Elsa Hosk. 3jzO4pactgy-00003-00005085-00006284 La prenda, firmada por Ralph Lauren, presenta un ligero corte oversize y un aire desenfadado muy habitual en esos diseños conocidos como boiler suit, en referencia a su parecido con los uniformes de trabajo. 3jzO4pactgy-00004-00006489-00007299 A pesar de guardar cierta estética deportiva, la princesa monegasca ha logrado añadirle un aspecto sofisticado gracias a sus complementos. 3jzO4pactgy-00005-00007505-00008889 Con unas sandalias altas de tacón con hebilla al tobillo y un bolso de mano de la firma suiza Akris (a la que Charlene recurrió también el año pasado en este mismo evento, donde lució un impresionante vestido rojo), ha encontrado el equilibrio perfecto. 3jzO4pactgy-00006-00009094-00010518 Las gafas de sol, con lentes espejadas, también reflejan el gusto de Charlene por las tendencias, ya que se trata de unos de los accesorios aprobados por las expertas de moda más exigentes y que han convencido de Bella Hadid a Kendall Jenner o Sara Carbonero. 3jzO4pactgy-00007-00010723-00012194 Por su parte, su marido el príncipe Alberto, ha optado también por un look relajado formado por un pantalón beige, una camisa y una blazer azul marino. El punto deportivo de su estilismo en este caso, lo marcó la gorra que llevaba para protegerse del sol. 3jzO4pactgy-00008-00012399-00014188 Una elección muy distinta a la que Charlene suele lucir en sus actos públicos, donde por lo general combina prendas clásicas con detalles menos tradicionales (como los escotes asimétricos o los efectos metalizados que decoran muchos de sus vestidos), pero siempre manteniendo su estilo formal adaptado al dress code de cada ocasión. 3jzO4pactgy-00009-00014393-00015595 Después del éxito del royal nude como nueva tonalidad para las citas de palacio, en sustitución del convencional azul ¿comenzarán los vestidores de las princesas y reinas europeas a abrazar nuevas piezas de tendencia? 3jRRySOfpMy-00000-00000084-00000654 No Copyright 3jRRySOfpMy-00001-00003102-00003510 Free 3jRRySOfpMy-00002-00007158-00007398 Use Music 41ECUDfNAu8-00000-00000364-00000803 If the library doesn't have a book you're looking for, or the book you want is checked out, like this one, 41ECUDfNAu8-00001-00000803-00001150 the first thing you want to do is check Prospector. 41ECUDfNAu8-00002-00001150-00001617 Prospector is a library catalog shared by many of the libraries in Colorado and Wyoming 41ECUDfNAu8-00003-00001617-00002062 and you can have books you find in Prospector sent to you at UNC for free. 41ECUDfNAu8-00004-00002062-00002412 Over on the right, you see it says repeat in Prospector. 41ECUDfNAu8-00005-00002412-00002868 If you click on that, it'll repeat your search in Prospector. 41ECUDfNAu8-00006-00002868-00003468 What you want to do if it finds you book, is make sure that it is the print copy of the book 41ECUDfNAu8-00007-00003468-00003814 and not an electronic book. We can't request electronic books. 41ECUDfNAu8-00008-00003814-00004313 But if you do find the book you are interested in, all you have to do is click on request it. 41ECUDfNAu8-00009-00004313-00004971 Choose the institution that you're at, so we are at UNC. 41ECUDfNAu8-00010-00004971-00005632 Submit that. It'll ask you to log in with your bear email account. 41ECUDfNAu8-00011-00005632-00006092 Then all you have to do is choose a pickup location and submit the request. 41ECUDfNAu8-00012-00006092-00006556 It usually takes about 4-5 days for the books to get here, 41ECUDfNAu8-00013-00006556-00006815 and you'll get an email when it's ready for you to pick it up. 41ECUDfNAu8-00014-00006890-00007456 If you didn't find the book at UNC or in Prospector, you can request the book through interlibrary loan. 41ECUDfNAu8-00015-00007456-00007894 This is a service that allows you to borrow books from libraries anywhere in the country. 41ECUDfNAu8-00016-00007894-00008564 Again, it's free to you as a student, but it does take a bit little longer for the books to arrive, usually between 1 and 2 weeks. 41ECUDfNAu8-00017-00008564-00008919 If you do want to submit a request through interlibrary loan, 41ECUDfNAu8-00018-00008919-00009416 go to the Books & More tab and then click on Interlibrary Loan. 41ECUDfNAu8-00019-00009416-00010183 Then choose login to ILLiad and from there you'll be able to submit the request for the book. 44KIARfsFHI-00000-00000000-00001000 >> Hi, everyone. Thanks for coming here. It's great to see everybody. I 44KIARfsFHI-00001-00001000-00001287 know a lot of you but not all of you. And I'm happy, happy to see you 44KIARfsFHI-00002-00001287-00001779 here. And also really happy to be able to talk to my great crew here about 44KIARfsFHI-00003-00001779-00002290 the Thriving Ocean, which I hope all of you were just able to hear Bob 44KIARfsFHI-00004-00002290-00003129 Ballard, who is always a good time And he has, I would say in the past 44KIARfsFHI-00005-00003129-00003500 couple of years really as a lot of us have, really started to think about like 44KIARfsFHI-00006-00003500-00004216 how is this going to work? How is the next 5, 10, 15, 50 years actually 44KIARfsFHI-00007-00004216-00004600 going to work? And what is it we need to know that we don't already 44KIARfsFHI-00008-00004600-00005040 understand. And how are we going to act on that understanding? One of 44KIARfsFHI-00009-00005040-00005297 the things that's always been a mantra, especially when I was at National 44KIARfsFHI-00010-00005297-00005765 Geographic was, you know, there's never been a more important or 44KIARfsFHI-00011-00005765-00006096 urgent time for us to understand how does the world work and what is 44KIARfsFHI-00012-00006096-00006584 our place in it. And I think that this is what this panel is on. How can we 44KIARfsFHI-00013-00006584-00007012 make sure our ocean thrives so that we can thrive. And I think that 44KIARfsFHI-00014-00007012-00007270 there's a real connectivity between -- there's just an essential, essential 44KIARfsFHI-00015-00007270-00008081 connection between us and the ocean for air, for food, for anything. For 44KIARfsFHI-00016-00008081-00008438 just the air we breathe Just about everything that is important to us. So I 44KIARfsFHI-00017-00008438-00008873 want to quickly have my panelists introduce themselves with a couple of 44KIARfsFHI-00018-00008873-00009414 quick lines so that they can tell us what they are up to. But -- and then 44KIARfsFHI-00019-00009414-00009590 we'll go to their presentations. 44KIARfsFHI-00020-00009590-00009929 >> Sounds good. I'm Jeff Marlow. And I'm a post doctoral scholar 44KIARfsFHI-00021-00009929-00010605 of geobiology at Harvard University. I am mostly studying microcommunities 44KIARfsFHI-00022-00010605-00010980 in the deep-sea that consume methane and thinking 44KIARfsFHI-00023-00010980-00011277 about what it means for the planet. I am a science journalist and 44KIARfsFHI-00024-00011277-00011716 I'm also the Executive Director of the Ad Astra Academy. We work with students 44KIARfsFHI-00025-00011717-00012140 around the world to be inspired through exploration to pursue knowledge. 44KIARfsFHI-00026-00012140-00012597 >> Okay So I'm Diva Amon. And I'm a deep-sea biologist who hails from the Caribbean. 44KIARfsFHI-00027-00012597-00013109 And I'm also a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellow at the 44KIARfsFHI-00028-00013109-00013460 Natural History Museum in London. Quite a mouthful. And there 44KIARfsFHI-00029-00013460-00013788 my research focuses on trying to answer two questions, what lives in our 44KIARfsFHI-00030-00013788-00014165 deep oceans? And then how are we impacting it? I'm also the co-founder 44KIARfsFHI-00031-00014165-00014737 of a marine NGO nonprofit in the Caribbean called Species. And we 44KIARfsFHI-00032-00014737-00015232 focus on marine education, advocacy and research. 44KIARfsFHI-00033-00015232-00015528 >> Hi, everyone, I'm John Mandelman. I am the Chief Scientist 44KIARfsFHI-00034-00015528-00015880 and Vice President of the Anderson Cabot Center for Ocean Life 44KIARfsFHI-00035-00015880-00016138 at the New England Aquarium. The Anderson Cabot Center 44KIARfsFHI-00036-00016138-00016358 represents all of our research and conservation work 44KIARfsFHI-00037-00016358-00016644 at the aquarium. I've been at the aquarium for almost 20 years. 44KIARfsFHI-00038-00016644-00016947 I started out in the days when I had time to be a scientist as a 44KIARfsFHI-00039-00016947-00017481 physiologic ecologist doing mostly fisheries biology and fishery science 44KIARfsFHI-00040-00017481-00017886 to try to provide essential information to better manage and inform 44KIARfsFHI-00041-00017886-00018361 policy and regulatory decisions in our oceans. I'm really a fishy guy. 44KIARfsFHI-00042-00018361-00018683 Started out studying sharks and fish and that's still sort of my bread and 44KIARfsFHI-00043-00018683-00019103 butter. But now I'm in charge of a large center of around 40 people all 44KIARfsFHI-00044-00019103-00019717 trying to come up with creative solutions to the biggest ocean problems. 44KIARfsFHI-00045-00019717-00020062 >> Hello, everyone. I don't think these are on. 44KIARfsFHI-00046-00020062-00020317 >> No, I don't think so, either 44KIARfsFHI-00047-00020317-00020568 >> My name is Ayana Elizabeth Johnson. I'm a marine biologist by 44KIARfsFHI-00048-00020568-00020878 training. And I spent the last decade working with Caribbean 44KIARfsFHI-00049-00020878-00021255 communities trying to solve this crazy puzzle of ocean conservation by 44KIARfsFHI-00050-00021255-00021630 integrating science and policy and communication and economics to 44KIARfsFHI-00051-00021630-00022201 figure out what the future could look like. And I am founder and president 44KIARfsFHI-00052-00022201-00022607 of Ocean Collectiv, which is a consulting firm for ocean conservation 44KIARfsFHI-00053-00022607-00023129 strategy that's grounded in social justice. 44KIARfsFHI-00054-00023129-00023371 >> Great. I guess mine was the only -- I should have passed you 44KIARfsFHI-00055-00023371-00023572 all my one. Ah-ha. 44KIARfsFHI-00056-00023572-00023727 (Chuckles). 44KIARfsFHI-00057-00023727-00024049 >> So what we'll do is go through everyone's presentations but as you 44KIARfsFHI-00058-00024049-00024371 can tell, it's a really -- it's a good bunch of people here. 44KIARfsFHI-00059-00024371-00025023 So I think we have Jeff's cued? You guys can go ahead and play it. 44KIARfsFHI-00060-00025023-00025741 >> I'll take the function of the microphone. All right. So I'm a microbiologist. 44KIARfsFHI-00061-00025741-00026089 And I'm mostly interested in thinking about how these microbial 44KIARfsFHI-00062-00026089-00026519 communities shape our planet Microbes are everywhere 44KIARfsFHI-00063-00026519-00026818 They are in any drop of seawater. They are in more 44KIARfsFHI-00064-00026818-00027177 than a different organisms. New species are discovered every 44KIARfsFHI-00065-00027177-00027658 single day. And they really form the foundation of what we might term a 44KIARfsFHI-00066-00027658-00028195 healthy and thriving ocean in this context. They transform different 44KIARfsFHI-00067-00028195-00028775 nutrients. They recycle different essential cofactors. They change the 44KIARfsFHI-00068-00028775-00029080 chemistry around them in a way that makes things habitable for the rest 44KIARfsFHI-00069-00029080-00029504 of us. They are really the foundation of any ecosystem and the ocean in 44KIARfsFHI-00070-00029504-00029935 particular. And like the foundation of a building, we need to understand 44KIARfsFHI-00071-00029935-00030585 exactly how they work. How stable they are. How they discuss and 44KIARfsFHI-00072-00030585-00030998 communicate amongst themselves in order to really be a sustainable, 44KIARfsFHI-00073-00030998-00031480 thriving community. So to illustrate that point, I'm going to ask you a 44KIARfsFHI-00074-00031480-00031945 question about these two pictures. Which one kind of evokes thoughts of 44KIARfsFHI-00075-00031945-00032472 biodiversity more? On the left we have a picture of the Amazon 44KIARfsFHI-00076-00032472-00032884 rainforest. There are probably several hundred species of plants we're 44KIARfsFHI-00077-00032884-00033293 seeing in this picture. It's kind of the epitome of a lush, diverse 44KIARfsFHI-00078-00033293-00033892 ecosystem. On the right, 100,000 times smaller in scale is a grain of 44KIARfsFHI-00079-00033892-00034645 sand from the North Sea. And every single green dot you see is a 44KIARfsFHI-00080-00034645-00034872 different microbe There are 8,000 different species on this single grain of 44KIARfsFHI-00081-00034872-00035252 sand. So what does this mean in terms of biodiversity and sort of 44KIARfsFHI-00082-00035252-00035557 maintaining a thriving ecosystem? Well, like anything that is a 44KIARfsFHI-00083-00035557-00035902 fundamental trait of our world, there are a lot of different definitions for 44KIARfsFHI-00084-00035902-00036180 biodiversity. The one I'm using here is from the UN Convention on 44KIARfsFHI-00085-00036180-00036610 Biological Diversity. And they would use this definition that it's the 44KIARfsFHI-00086-00036610-00036998 variability among living organisms from all sources, including, among 44KIARfsFHI-00087-00036998-00037382 others, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems, ecological 44KIARfsFHI-00088-00037382-00037786 complexes of which they are a part. The operative word here to me is 44KIARfsFHI-00089-00037786-00038468 variability. And the functional most functional unit of biological variability 44KIARfsFHI-00090-00038468-00039013 to me is a gene product, gene variation. Genes that make proteins are 44KIARfsFHI-00091-00039013-00039361 the functional unit of biology. They are the things that allow us to 44KIARfsFHI-00092-00039361-00039694 transform sunlight into food or a toxic chemical into a harmless one. 44KIARfsFHI-00093-00039694-00040290 These are the units that change the world biochemically and are 44KIARfsFHI-00094-00040290-00040632 important in terms of biodiversity. So where is all of that biodiversity 44KIARfsFHI-00095-00040632-00041086 potentially coming from? Here are some estimates about the number of 44KIARfsFHI-00096-00041086-00041471 species in gene products that exist. So a recent study suggested there 44KIARfsFHI-00097-00041471-00041889 are a trillion different species of microbes. And 85 million macroscopic 44KIARfsFHI-00098-00041889-00042299 organisms, the plants and animals we see around us all the time. And 44KIARfsFHI-00099-00042299-00042821 while there are certainly more genes inside a macroscopic organism, the 44KIARfsFHI-00100-00042821-00043265 sheer number of microbes means that about 3 orders of magnitude, a 44KIARfsFHI-00101-00043265-00043746 thousand times more protein forming genes are found in the microbial 44KIARfsFHI-00102-00043746-00044205 world. To put that in context, if this square here on the right is the kind of 44KIARfsFHI-00103-00044205-00044752 quantity of gene products from plants and animals, this entire slide is 44KIARfsFHI-00104-00044752-00045230 what's coming out of the microbial world. And this is kind of where the 44KIARfsFHI-00105-00045230-00045561 deep ocean comes into play. Where are we going to find these new gene 44KIARfsFHI-00106-00045561-00045917 products and these crazy environmental systems that allow diversity to 44KIARfsFHI-00107-00045917-00046368 thrive? This is the Guaymas Basin in the Gulf of California it's a heavily 44KIARfsFHI-00108-00046368-00046926 sedimented, hydrothermal system. And these interactions between 44KIARfsFHI-00109-00046926-00047359 different types of chemistry really allow for multiple energetic niches to 44KIARfsFHI-00110-00047359-00047759 form. And these are the types of environments that allow a huge 44KIARfsFHI-00111-00047759-00048395 diversity of microbes to exist. Of those 1 trillion potential species we've 44KIARfsFHI-00112-00048395-00048834 characterized or at least seen genetic snippets of only 10 million. So 44KIARfsFHI-00113-00048834-00049421 there are 99.999% of the microbial diversity out there still waiting to be 44KIARfsFHI-00114-00049421-00050088 discovered. And if we think about where to target that search, I like to 44KIARfsFHI-00115-00050088-00050420 think of the earth as a battery and the deep ocean as a sort of 44KIARfsFHI-00116-00050420-00050950 discharging battery where these chemically reduced electron rich fluids 44KIARfsFHI-00117-00050950-00051304 from the interior of the earth are coming into contact with this sort of 44KIARfsFHI-00118-00051304-00051945 oxidized electron pore ocean. This is where energy is produced by 44KIARfsFHI-00119-00051945-00052369 chemistry rather than by lights. These are chemosynthetic habitats. And 44KIARfsFHI-00120-00052369-00052805 there are three broad flavors of these that exist. There are the 44KIARfsFHI-00121-00052805-00053262 hydrothermal events that precipitate black minerals as they spew metals 44KIARfsFHI-00122-00053262-00053742 into the ocean. There are hydrocarbon seeps That's where I've done most 44KIARfsFHI-00123-00053742-00054062 of my work. And this is where methane is fueling the symbiotic 44KIARfsFHI-00124-00054062-00054474 relationships of microbes that build carbonate rocks. And then these are 44KIARfsFHI-00125-00054474-00054763 lost city type of -- type alkaline hydrothermal events, which are getting a 44KIARfsFHI-00126-00054763-00055058 lot of attention as potential incubators for the origin of life. And those 44KIARfsFHI-00127-00055058-00055936 three types of chemosynthetic habitats, there are hundreds, probably 44KIARfsFHI-00128-00055936-00056433 thousands of those different vents and seeps and mixture of fluids 44KIARfsFHI-00129-00056433-00056917 around the world. But in the deep-sea we've only seen about .01% of the 44KIARfsFHI-00130-00056917-00057501 sea floor. So if that much amazing biological diversity that has changed 44KIARfsFHI-00131-00057501-00057853 our conception of what biology is capable of, if we have only seen that, 44KIARfsFHI-00132-00057853-00058404 that tiny fraction, it's amazing to me to think about what's in that 99.99% 44KIARfsFHI-00133-00058404-00058951 we haven't seen So the question I'm kind of charging the audience with 44KIARfsFHI-00134-00058951-00059301 today is, how to focus that search. How do we go from this regional 44KIARfsFHI-00135-00059301-00059755 scale sense of an ocean, maybe looking at bubble plumes zooming in to 44KIARfsFHI-00136-00059755-00060213 perhaps getting a visual survey, taking a chunk of sediment looking at 44KIARfsFHI-00137-00060213-00060636 the way these minerals interact, looking at microbes and minerals on a 44KIARfsFHI-00138-00060636-00061042 micro scale. We're crossing 12 different orders of magnitude here. So 44KIARfsFHI-00139-00061042-00061498 zooming in on this is hard. And what kind of proxies of metabolic 44KIARfsFHI-00140-00061498-00061764 diversity can we look at on a larger scale to zoom in on what's really 44KIARfsFHI-00141-00061764-00062401 interesting? So to back up to me the big picture again is what is all of the 44KIARfsFHI-00142-00062401-00062897 unknown metabolic diversity in the microbial world, what are they doing? 44KIARfsFHI-00143-00062897-00063257 And how are they building this important foundation for the rest of the 44KIARfsFHI-00144-00063257-00063639 biosphere? On the most fundamental level what are the metabolic 44KIARfsFHI-00145-00063639-00063997 reactions we haven't even imagined yet that still exist? And in a more 44KIARfsFHI-00146-00063997-00064379 applied sense, how can we use some of these gene products perhaps for 44KIARfsFHI-00147-00064379-00064775 biotech purposes or for health purposes? So to me it's really the 44KIARfsFHI-00148-00064775-00065166 microbial world that is underlying a thriving ocean. And I look forward to 44KIARfsFHI-00149-00065166-00065571 hearing other peoples' thoughts of how these can integrate to kind of 44KIARfsFHI-00150-00065571-00065985 preserve a healthy -- healthy ocean. Thanks. 44KIARfsFHI-00151-00065985-00066414 (Applause). 44KIARfsFHI-00152-00066414-00066866 >> Do a switcharoo. I feel like I'm going to have to ditch the notes. 44KIARfsFHI-00153-00066866-00067801 Okay So I have the thumbs up? Yes? Okay. So Jeff does deep-sea stuff, 44KIARfsFHI-00154-00067801-00068118 as do I. Jeff tends to look at the really, really tiny things. 44KIARfsFHI-00155-00068118-00068444 Whereas I'm a couple orders of magnitude bigger. 44KIARfsFHI-00156-00068444-00068748 I do the mag ga foreign in a which are the really charismatic animals 44KIARfsFHI-00157-00068748-00069161 that we can see in images and video. So I was saying my research 44KIARfsFHI-00158-00069161-00069506 tends to focus on two questions. What lives in our deep oceans 44KIARfsFHI-00159-00069506-00069900 and how are we impacting it? So we're here today to think abou 44KIARfsFHI-00160-00069900-00070429 t how our oceans exist. And how we continue to keep them thriving. 44KIARfsFHI-00161-00070429-00071469 Okay. Am I not loud enough? Okay. So -- hold on. Let's do a little shufflaroo. 44KIARfsFHI-00162-00071469-00071841 All right. So where we need to start is that most of our deep oceans -- 44KIARfsFHI-00163-00071841-00072189 most of our oceans are actually deeper than 200 meters. That's 44KIARfsFHI-00164-00072189-00072615 all of the blue on this map. Over 60% of our planet's surface is deep-sea 44KIARfsFHI-00165-00072615-00073308 and that's 98% of all habitable space on our planet. That's the largest 44KIARfsFHI-00166-00073308-00073862 ecosystem by far And with this large size comes great responsibility. Our 44KIARfsFHI-00167-00073862-00074285 deep-sea provides us with ecosystem services that are essential to 44KIARfsFHI-00168-00074285-00075183 keeping our planet healthy and to keeping us alive. So it sequesters 44KIARfsFHI-00169-00075183-00075591 carbon, it regulates, climate, and it cycles nutrients. And now more than 44KIARfsFHI-00170-00075591-00076133 ever our deep-sea is becoming a source of food, oil and gas, and many 44KIARfsFHI-00171-00076133-00076602 other key resources that we need to survive as stocks are dwindling in 44KIARfsFHI-00172-00076602-00077376 shallow waters and in -- on land, sorry So as I said, oil and gas, food, well, 44KIARfsFHI-00173-00077376-00077738 we can't see food in that picture. But food. And even genetic materials 44KIARfsFHI-00174-00077738-00078138 are currently being harvested from our deep-seas with things like mining 44KIARfsFHI-00175-00078138-00078444 for minerals due to begin imminently. And these are polymetallic 44KIARfsFHI-00176-00078444-00078733 nodules, you can see here in this top image, which contain a lot of 44KIARfsFHI-00177-00078733-00079156 metals So in addition to this, we've also got climate change and 44KIARfsFHI-00178-00079156-00079528 pervasive pollution as key impacts in our deep-seas. And these 44KIARfsFHI-00179-00079528-00079995 anthropogenic impacts are already impacting the communities and 44KIARfsFHI-00180-00079995-00080368 habitats and even the basic functioning of our deep-sea. And this is only 44KIARfsFHI-00181-00080368-00080890 going to become more exacerbated as time goes on. And that would be 44KIARfsFHI-00182-00080890-00081293 fine if the story ended there. But it doesn't. Unfortunately, there are two 44KIARfsFHI-00183-00081293-00081774 further compounding issues. Firstly, most of our deep-sea, as Jeff was 44KIARfsFHI-00184-00081774-00082296 saying, is unexplored. More than -- most of our deep-sea floor has 44KIARfsFHI-00185-00082296-00082656 probably been mapped at a resolution of about 5 kilometers and that's 44KIARfsFHI-00186-00082656-00082947 not really a lot. That means that whole mountains are missing from the 44KIARfsFHI-00187-00082947-00083486 story. Furthermore, mapping is just sort of a peak of what actually exists 44KIARfsFHI-00188-00083486-00083923 down there. And in order to be able to really understand, we need to go 44KIARfsFHI-00189-00083923-00084413 down there. We need to explore. And by explore, I mean visualize. So 44KIARfsFHI-00190-00084413-00084911 99%, over 99%, as Jeff said, is unexplored. Has never been visualized. 44KIARfsFHI-00191-00084911-00085565 And that's just an absolutely staggering figure. That means that we can't 44KIARfsFHI-00192-00085565-00085996 even answer basic questions. Questions like, what lives there? Much less 44KIARfsFHI-00193-00085996-00086342 questions of the ecology of the animals down there. You know, what do 44KIARfsFHI-00194-00086342-00086749 they eat? How do they reproduce? What role do they play in this 44KIARfsFHI-00195-00086749-00087198 ecosystem? And the second problem is that most of our deep-seas are 44KIARfsFHI-00196-00087198-00087644 unregulated and that's because they fall into areas beyond national 44KIARfsFHI-00197-00087644-00088062 jurisdiction, which is all of the blue on this map. And that basically 44KIARfsFHI-00198-00088062-00088506 means international waters. It means that our deep-seas are sort of this 44KIARfsFHI-00199-00088506-00089173 Wild Wild West essentially. Where protection and management and 44KIARfsFHI-00200-00089173-00089534 governance don't really exist. And that means that a lot of the 44KIARfsFHI-00201-00089534-00090135 biodiversity there is left really vulnerable. So I said we already have 44KIARfsFHI-00202-00090135-00090672 fishing that has sort of rampaged the high seas over the last century as 44KIARfsFHI-00203-00090672-00091107 well as many other impacts just increasing as time goes on One of the 44KIARfsFHI-00204-00091107-00091589 biggest looming impacts right now is deep-sea mining And so these 44KIARfsFHI-00205-00091589-00092226 colorful blocks here that you can see are actually areas that have already 44KIARfsFHI-00206-00092226-00092603 been leased for exploration for deep-sea mining to begin soon. And 44KIARfsFHI-00207-00092603-00092990 that's done by the International Seabed Authority, which is an 44KIARfsFHI-00208-00092990-00093314 intergovernmental organization responsible for all mineral-related 44KIARfsFHI-00209-00093314-00093728 activities in areas beyond national jurisdiction. And so in terms of the 44KIARfsFHI-00210-00093728-00094197 grand scale of things, this may not seem that big When you think each of 44KIARfsFHI-00211-00094197-00094824 those 26 areas are tens of thousands of square kilometers and bigger 44KIARfsFHI-00212-00094824-00095389 than countries and that the potential is so much greater, we have a 44KIARfsFHI-00213-00095389-00095676 ticking time bomb on our hands. 44KIARfsFHI-00214-00095676-00096041 So -- and this is only one of the types of potential exploitation 44KIARfsFHI-00215-00096041-00096510 that can happen in the deep-sea in the future. But it's not all bad news. 44KIARfsFHI-00216-00096510-00096941 You know, the deep-sea, everywhere we have looked and the little that 44KIARfsFHI-00217-00096941-00097258 we have explored has continued to absolutely astound us. 44KIARfsFHI-00218-00097258-00097597 We have made the most wondrous discoveries. New species like the 44KIARfsFHI-00219-00097597-00098054 jelly and the carnivorous sponge that we were just seeing. To new 44KIARfsFHI-00220-00098054-00098383 habitats. Pillow larvas Hydrothermal vents that are absolutely bursting 44KIARfsFHI-00221-00098383-00098891 with life and gushing black fluid, underwater lakes, coral beds, you name 44KIARfsFHI-00222-00098891-00099571 it and we found it. And the deep-sea just continues to really push our 44KIARfsFHI-00223-00099571-00100029 boundaries, to break down those paradigms of life. And as I said, just be 44KIARfsFHI-00224-00100029-00100625 generally pretty amazing. But life in the deep-sea is very difficult. For a lot 44KIARfsFHI-00225-00100625-00101015 of the animals living down there, they grow really slowly and reproduce 44KIARfsFHI-00226-00101015-00101391 even slower. So that means that they are incredibly vulnerable to change, 44KIARfsFHI-00227-00101391-00101930 which is of course increasing. Things like this basket star and the crinoid 44KIARfsFHI-00228-00101930-00102396 we're about to see. There's so little that we know about them. We know 44KIARfsFHI-00229-00102396-00102915 some tubers can live for hundreds of years, some corals can live for 44KIARfsFHI-00230-00102915-00103214 thousands. But we have no idea for the majority of the biodiversity in 44KIARfsFHI-00231-00103214-00103533 the deep-sea. Who knows what else is left out there to discover? I mean, 44KIARfsFHI-00232-00103533-00103967 there's probably quite a lot. And what we can say for sure is that 44KIARfsFHI-00233-00103967-00104344 whatever we do find in the future will be equal measures of both really 44KIARfsFHI-00234-00104344-00104771 weird and really wonderful. So how do we ensure that our oceans 44KIARfsFHI-00235-00104771-00105289 continue to thrive for generations to come? Of course it's not an easy 44KIARfsFHI-00236-00105289-00105642 question to answer. But what we do know is that our deep-seas need to 44KIARfsFHI-00237-00105642-00105959 play a really integral role. And I think there are a couple of approaches we 44KIARfsFHI-00238-00105959-00106269 can take to begin with. So firstly, we need to explore and collect baseline 44KIARfsFHI-00239-00106269-00106810 data. We cannot protect what we do not know. And we cannot manage 44KIARfsFHI-00240-00106810-00107257 what we do not understand. Next, to be able to do that, we need to 44KIARfsFHI-00241-00107257-00107731 innovate. Deep-sea research and exploration is difficult, costly and time 44KIARfsFHI-00242-00107731-00108315 consuming and given the amount of work we have to do, we have to 44KIARfsFHI-00243-00108315-00108626 change that. We also need to raise awareness and engage stakeholders. 44KIARfsFHI-00244-00108626-00108925 The deep-sea is currently out of sight, out of mind. And again, that needs 44KIARfsFHI-00245-00108925-00109326 to change. We need to increase our governance. We need to make sure 44KIARfsFHI-00246-00109326-00109797 our high seas and international waters are governed in a way that's fair 44KIARfsFHI-00247-00109797-00110178 and equal and also in a way that ensures the resources there will be 44KIARfsFHI-00248-00110178-00110694 sustained for generations to come. And if we can't get all of that 44KIARfsFHI-00249-00110694-00111065 environmental data that we need to make really sound decisions about 44KIARfsFHI-00250-00111065-00111330 management before exploitation begins, then we need to take the 44KIARfsFHI-00251-00111330-00111619 precautionary approach. So that means following this hierarchy here. 44KIARfsFHI-00252-00111619-00112133 And it shows that avoiding and preventing impacts should be the first 44KIARfsFHI-00253-00112133-00112695 priority We need to know -- we need to make sure -- sorry -- that when we 44KIARfsFHI-00254-00112695-00113023 go into our deep oceans we go there to appreciate it rather than to 44KIARfsFHI-00255-00113023-00113400 plunder it. Because our oceans will not continue to thrive unless our 44KIARfsFHI-00256-00113400-00113654 deep oceans do. Thank you. 44KIARfsFHI-00257-00113654-00114318 (Applause). 44KIARfsFHI-00258-00114318-00114684 >> Trust my mic. All right. 44KIARfsFHI-00259-00114684-00115005 (Chuckles). 44KIARfsFHI-00260-00115005-00115357 >> Thank you, everybody. And it's an honor and privilege to be here. 44KIARfsFHI-00261-00115357-00115905 I definitely want to thank Joi and Alex as well as Katy for putting this on. 44KIARfsFHI-00262-00115905-00116313 And also my colleague, Jane Wilson, at the aquarium, wherever she is. 44KIARfsFHI-00263-00116313-00116805 Back there. Hi, Jane. For allowing the introduction -- the 44KIARfsFHI-00264-00116805-00117152 involvement in the New England Aquarium and this amazing event and 44KIARfsFHI-00265-00117152-00117791 for my involvement. So thank you very much. So the thriving ocean. I'm 44KIARfsFHI-00266-00117791-00118298 going to talk a little bit today about where I feel the social side comes in. 44KIARfsFHI-00267-00118298-00118628 There are a lot of amazing people. Some heroes of mine at this meeting 44KIARfsFHI-00268-00118628-00118978 today who are doing just amazing exploratory work. And I think what 44KIARfsFHI-00269-00118978-00119363 Diva said really resonates as far as we cannot protect what we don't 44KIARfsFHI-00270-00119363-00119713 understand. And I'm going to talk a little bit more about that. But I think 44KIARfsFHI-00271-00119713-00120256 in terms of actually enacting change and driving solutions on the ocean, 44KIARfsFHI-00272-00120256-00120558 we have to combine all of the technological innovations and the amazing 44KIARfsFHI-00273-00120558-00120856 science that goes on and ensure it's maximally applied. So as I 44KIARfsFHI-00274-00120856-00121351 mentioned during the introduction, my role in leading the Anderson 44KIARfsFHI-00275-00121351-00121849 Cabot Center for Ocean Life, we believe very strongly in using science to 44KIARfsFHI-00276-00121849-00122236 drive solutions Transforming science into action. We combine scientific 44KIARfsFHI-00277-00122236-00122997 solutions to different problems or scientific ideas with building extensive 44KIARfsFHI-00278-00122997-00123300 partnerships and collaborations and the convening power of the 44KIARfsFHI-00279-00123300-00123982 aquarium to drive change. My background as a scientist and being a field 44KIARfsFHI-00280-00123982-00124526 biologist, I believe very heavily that we cannot -- again, to talk to what 44KIARfsFHI-00281-00124526-00124913 Diva said, I believe very strongly that we cannot protect what we don't 44KIARfsFHI-00282-00124913-00125226 understand. So my entire career has been based on trying to identify the 44KIARfsFHI-00283-00125226-00125989 areas of need Trying to figure out the -- or evaluate the data gaps. Then 44KIARfsFHI-00284-00125989-00126345 going out there and trying to diagnose the problems, fill those data gaps, 44KIARfsFHI-00285-00126345-00126660 and come up with the solutions necessary. But not stopping there. 44KIARfsFHI-00286-00126660-00127010 Ensuring that that science and that information is transmitted to the end 44KIARfsFHI-00287-00127010-00127783 users that are going to put it to use. What challenges us? As Bob Ballard 44KIARfsFHI-00288-00127783-00128280 said during his keynote so eloquently, we've got a lot of challenges out 44KIARfsFHI-00289-00128280-00128665 there. And we haven't necessarily done a great job to this point. Climate 44KIARfsFHI-00290-00128665-00129022 change is obviously a major problem challenging our oceans. Right here 44KIARfsFHI-00291-00129022-00129418 in our backyard in the Gulf of Maine, the rates of thermal increase are 44KIARfsFHI-00292-00129418-00129818 astronomical relative -- almost as high as any other place on earth. We're 44KIARfsFHI-00293-00129818-00130274 seeing major shifts in why our fish migrate, where they live, where 44KIARfsFHI-00294-00130274-00130733 animals occur. We have overfishing obviously, as Diva pointed to, being a 44KIARfsFHI-00295-00130733-00131167 major problem. We're seeing roughly 50% of all species out there have 44KIARfsFHI-00296-00131167-00131880 gone through some level of decline in population in the last 30 years. 44KIARfsFHI-00297-00131880-00132377 We're seeing roughly 85% of species in the ocean that are exploited to 44KIARfsFHI-00298-00132377-00132697 one level or another. And roughly 40% of the animals that are caught in 44KIARfsFHI-00299-00132697-00133032 global fisheries every year are incidental catch, bycatch, that then has to 44KIARfsFHI-00300-00133032-00133326 be discarded which is a huge waste as many of those animals die 44KIARfsFHI-00301-00133326-00133661 immediately or some time after they have been thrown back. And then 44KIARfsFHI-00302-00133661-00134022 finally, we're seeing major industrialization of the oceans. Ocean 44KIARfsFHI-00303-00134022-00134427 shipping has increased -- or quadrupled over the last 20 years alone. And 44KIARfsFHI-00304-00134427-00134937 the governance of our ocean is missing. As Diva pointed out, less than 44KIARfsFHI-00305-00134937-00135354 5% of the earth's oceans are protected. And even where they are 44KIARfsFHI-00306-00135354-00135753 protected, enforcement is very, very thin. So these are big challenges. But 44KIARfsFHI-00307-00135753-00136386 that being said, yes, we are playing a game of catchup. There's a 44KIARfsFHI-00308-00136386-00136862 changing environment out there. And we have to keep up with it. But 44KIARfsFHI-00309-00136862-00137380 there is hope. And we have to base everything on solutions If it's all 44KIARfsFHI-00310-00137380-00137650 about doom and gloom and the perilous end to our earth and our oceans 44KIARfsFHI-00311-00137650-00138037 as they stand, we're not going to get very far. We have to look at the 44KIARfsFHI-00312-00138037-00138346 victories. And we have to look at the things that have worked. The 44KIARfsFHI-00313-00138346-00138698 protection of habitats. The protection of species. The restoration of 44KIARfsFHI-00314-00138698-00139048 certain key species. We've seen a lot of amazing things happen. And 44KIARfsFHI-00315-00139048-00139411 we've seen the power of collaboration. And innovation. And it's all about 44KIARfsFHI-00316-00139411-00139814 working together. Not to sound cliche but it is absolutely vital as I'll get to 44KIARfsFHI-00317-00139814-00140252 in a second that we work together to drive those solutions. It is not as 44KIARfsFHI-00318-00140252-00140785 dire as many make it out to be. And the sky is falling is something that 44KIARfsFHI-00319-00140785-00141206 gets peoples' attention. But to drive solution requires building trust, 44KIARfsFHI-00320-00141206-00141652 equity and collaboration and understanding that gains are possible. So 44KIARfsFHI-00321-00141652-00142151 what are those solutions? Well, first of all, it's a marathon, not a race. I 44KIARfsFHI-00322-00142151-00142563 think sometimes we're so desperate to enact policy changes or try to 44KIARfsFHI-00323-00142563-00143642 drive very extensive reform that very often we lose sight of the fact that 44KIARfsFHI-00324-00143642-00144055 it's the long-term collaborative networks and the building of equity in the 44KIARfsFHI-00325-00144055-00144394 developing world and other areas around the world that's going to drive 44KIARfsFHI-00326-00144394-00144776 change. We need to empathize with others that are gaining from 44KIARfsFHI-00327-00144776-00145115 ecosystem services. And understand that the livelihoods of them and 44KIARfsFHI-00328-00145115-00145521 their families, the food they eat, is based around the ocean. We are all 44KIARfsFHI-00329-00145521-00145912 taking from the ocean. We cannot undercut those communities and 44KIARfsFHI-00330-00145912-00146459 those people and those industries that rely on the ocean. But at the 44KIARfsFHI-00331-00146459-00146868 same time we have to protect it. So we have to work together to do that. 44KIARfsFHI-00332-00146868-00147283 And collaboration is the absolute key to that. As well as empowering 44KIARfsFHI-00333-00147283-00147643 people that are on the front lines. People in coastal communities, in the 44KIARfsFHI-00334-00147643-00148018 developing world, and ensuring that everybody is involved. And that 44KIARfsFHI-00335-00148018-00148394 everybody feels a stake. And building the equity so that those countries, 44KIARfsFHI-00336-00148394-00148792 those populations, those indigenous cultures, and then everybody else 44KIARfsFHI-00337-00148792-00149164 around the world are understanding that we have to safeguard this for 44KIARfsFHI-00338-00149164-00149454 the long term. And that's absolutely key. So short-term outcomes can 44KIARfsFHI-00339-00149454-00149904 sometimes win. But in the long term, it's building that collaboration and 44KIARfsFHI-00340-00149904-00150274 working together that's going to end up driving the biggest change. So I 44KIARfsFHI-00341-00150274-00150685 would just challenge this panel and the entire conference today to think 44KIARfsFHI-00342-00150685-00150994 about some key questions. What are the social innovations for 44KIARfsFHI-00343-00150994-00151627 environmental justice? Where can we ensure -- or what solutions can we 44KIARfsFHI-00344-00151627-00152070 drive to ensure that empathy, collaboration and communication are 44KIARfsFHI-00345-00152070-00152478 integral to where we're going across the world as far as protecting the 44KIARfsFHI-00346-00152478-00152825 oceans and safeguarding the ocean's resources? How can we scale the 44KIARfsFHI-00347-00152825-00153345 solutions? The amazing work that everybody here is doing, everybody at 44KIARfsFHI-00348-00153345-00153811 this meeting is doing, how is it ultimately going to make a bigger 44KIARfsFHI-00349-00153811-00154109 difference than just the individual footprint that you're working in? And 44KIARfsFHI-00350-00154109-00154498 how can we drive these changes to tackle the biggest problems? What 44KIARfsFHI-00351-00154498-00154862 are the social innovations? How can we combine technology with social 44KIARfsFHI-00352-00154862-00155505 science, socioeconomics, bioeconomics, to end up coming up with the 44KIARfsFHI-00353-00155505-00155857 solutions we need to for the long term? And I think that there's amazing 44KIARfsFHI-00354-00155857-00156182 work being done around the world. Harnessing that and working together 44KIARfsFHI-00355-00156182-00156591 is the key. Nobody is going to get it done in a vacuum. So I'm excited to 44KIARfsFHI-00356-00156591-00156852 hear what people have to say and to learn more from all of you about 44KIARfsFHI-00357-00156852-00157174 where we're going. Thank you. 44KIARfsFHI-00358-00157174-00157583 (Applause). 44KIARfsFHI-00359-00157583-00157944 >> Does this one work? No? Try this one. Hello? All right. 44KIARfsFHI-00360-00157944-00158462 Is that a problem that I did a switcharoo? Okay. They are on it. 44KIARfsFHI-00361-00158462-00158689 (Chuckles) 44KIARfsFHI-00362-00158689-00159433 >> Hi, everyone. I have some pictures to show you. 44KIARfsFHI-00363-00159433-00160468 So when I think of the future of ocean conservation and exploration, 44KIARfsFHI-00364-00160468-00160929 I think of these four ideas Ocean zoning. Coastal cities. The need for triage. 44KIARfsFHI-00365-00160929-00162097 And the importance of inclusion. To give you a little context about 44KIARfsFHI-00366-00162097-00162587 where I'm coming from, the work that I do now is as founder 44KIARfsFHI-00367-00162587-00163052 and president of the Ocean Collectiv, which is a consulting 44KIARfsFHI-00368-00163052-00163486 company for ocean conservation strategies that are grounded in social 44KIARfsFHI-00369-00163486-00163992 justice. And I've built an incredible team of 14 experts whose experience 44KIARfsFHI-00370-00163992-00164380 spans science and policy and political strategy and communications, 44KIARfsFHI-00371-00164380-00165008 filmmaking, event planning, big wave surfing, you name it. And the idea is 44KIARfsFHI-00372-00165008-00165722 we can come together in these targeted teams to help create solutions 44KIARfsFHI-00373-00165722-00166001 for nonprofits and corporations and philanthropists who are trying to 44KIARfsFHI-00374-00166001-00166534 figure out how to improve ocean health. And this importance of building 44KIARfsFHI-00375-00166534-00166976 these robust multidisciplinary teams was really solidified for me in my 44KIARfsFHI-00376-00166976-00167439 last position. I was Executive Director of the Waitt Institute and I was 44KIARfsFHI-00377-00167439-00167849 working in Barbuda, an island in the Caribbean, trying to help that 44KIARfsFHI-00378-00167849-00168297 community and Government figure out what it would look like to create a 44KIARfsFHI-00379-00168297-00168738 truly comprehensive and science-based plan for long-term sustainable 44KIARfsFHI-00380-00168738-00169369 ocean use So in Barbuda, this is what it looked like to do ocean zoning. 44KIARfsFHI-00381-00169369-00169729 There were three major drafts of the map starting with this first one that 44KIARfsFHI-00382-00169729-00170257 the Government put out there as a straw man, which the fishermen 44KIARfsFHI-00383-00170257-00170788 hated. The fishermen came up with this second draft, which they thought 44KIARfsFHI-00384-00170788-00171237 was more reasonable. The blue are no-take Marine Reserves. And they 44KIARfsFHI-00385-00171237-00171842 added these anchoring and mooring zones in green. And the -- by the 44KIARfsFHI-00386-00171842-00172351 final draft, which incorporates feedback from the full breadth of the 44KIARfsFHI-00387-00172351-00173113 stakeholders, we had this detailed and very interesting zoning. But what 44KIARfsFHI-00388-00173113-00173588 does it actually look like to do this work? This took 18 months. There 44KIARfsFHI-00389-00173588-00174054 were 7 rounds of community consultations. There were 2 additional 44KIARfsFHI-00390-00174054-00174359 rounds specifically with fishermen. There were 22 meetings with the 44KIARfsFHI-00391-00174359-00174616 local Government. Tons of coordination with the central Government in 44KIARfsFHI-00392-00174616-00175253 Antigua. But this is what the daily work looked like. You'll notice Shah Selbe 44KIARfsFHI-00393-00175253-00175856 in the center of that photo there This is a fisherman, a marine park 44KIARfsFHI-00394-00175856-00176553 ranger, an immigrations officer, a technologist, a GIS expert and me 44KIARfsFHI-00395-00176553-00177102 sitting around the table. We have interrupted a dominos game. These 44KIARfsFHI-00396-00177102-00177377 folks wouldn't come to the community consultations and we really 44KIARfsFHI-00397-00177377-00177771 wanted to get their input. So for me when I think about the role of 44KIARfsFHI-00398-00177771-00178072 technology, I think about it in this context. How do we use technology to 44KIARfsFHI-00399-00178072-00178501 bridge the gap between people and their ideas and their communities 44KIARfsFHI-00400-00178501-00178942 and their cultures and solutions that will actually work in this context? So 44KIARfsFHI-00401-00178942-00179691 on this little laptop we have satellite images that have been refined into 44KIARfsFHI-00402-00179691-00179974 habitat maps. And we're able to give real-time feedback 44KIARfsFHI-00403-00180000-00180466 into their different ideas of what zones could be put into place to tell 44KIARfsFHI-00404-00180466-00181017 them how that would affect their fishing grounds and what percentage of 44KIARfsFHI-00405-00181017-00181889 habitats would be protected by their proposals. And this is what that final 44KIARfsFHI-00406-00181889-00182281 map looked like in more detail after 18 months. So the blue areas are 44KIARfsFHI-00407-00182281-00182871 marine reserves That represents one-third of their coastal waters out to 3 44KIARfsFHI-00408-00182871-00183560 nautical miles from shore. Within those protected areas, one-third of 44KIARfsFHI-00409-00183560-00183993 each habitat type is protected. So seagrasses, reefs, sandy bottoms and 44KIARfsFHI-00410-00183993-00184562 deep ocean. The green is anchoring and mooring zones, which are 44KIARfsFHI-00411-00184562-00184903 designated in sandy areas so as not to hurt bottom habitat and also 44KIARfsFHI-00412-00184903-00185325 designated primarily so they can limit where boats are anchoring and 44KIARfsFHI-00413-00185325-00185742 use that as an initial framework to collect fees from visiting vessels. The 44KIARfsFHI-00414-00185742-00186124 pink are areas where no nets were allowed. The fishermen thought it was 44KIARfsFHI-00415-00186124-00186516 really important to prevent the use of nets on reefs. So this is no nets 44KIARfsFHI-00416-00186516-00186855 within 20 meters of the reefs and in other areas where there's high 44KIARfsFHI-00417-00186855-00187396 traffic. You'll also note that the marine protected area in the southern end 44KIARfsFHI-00418-00187396-00187747 doesn't go all the way to shore and that's because there's a really 44KIARfsFHI-00419-00187747-00188068 important cultural use there. People go camping there in the spring with 44KIARfsFHI-00420-00188068-00188559 their families around Easter time. And they fish there to eat while they 44KIARfsFHI-00421-00188559-00188967 are camping. So creating a marine reserve that extended all the way to 44KIARfsFHI-00422-00188967-00189478 shore there would have had some really serious impacts on their tradition. 44KIARfsFHI-00423-00189478-00189813 And then the last you'll notice is this shipping zone. We don't 44KIARfsFHI-00424-00189813-00190186 want people swimming or fishing in these high traffic areas. So for this 44KIARfsFHI-00425-00190186-00190630 community of 1600 people on a small island, this is what zoning they 44KIARfsFHI-00426-00190630-00191274 created. All of these lines were drawn by the local people. And we used 44KIARfsFHI-00427-00191274-00192101 technology and a lot of patient conversations to help facilitate that. But 44KIARfsFHI-00428-00192101-00192715 obviously conservation efforts are not just important in remote tropical 44KIARfsFHI-00429-00192715-00193385 islands. It's -- with 8 billion people on the planet and soon the majority of 44KIARfsFHI-00430-00193385-00193800 us living on the coast and in cities, it's really time to figure out urban 44KIARfsFHI-00431-00193800-00194499 ocean conservation. So this is New York City. I grew up in Brooklyn. And I 44KIARfsFHI-00432-00194499-00194749 never thought of myself as living on the coast. But New York has over 44KIARfsFHI-00433-00194749-00195423 500 miles of coastline And so it's really important to me that when we 44KIARfsFHI-00434-00195423-00195784 think about exploration, we're not just thinking about the deep-sea. But 44KIARfsFHI-00435-00195784-00196190 how can we use these ROVs and Dropcams and all of this other 44KIARfsFHI-00436-00196190-00196692 technology to help connect people who live in cities on the coast with 44KIARfsFHI-00437-00196692-00197257 their ocean. Which they are very disconnected with. So I've just recently 44KIARfsFHI-00438-00197257-00197645 moved back to New York. And I'm very excited to be thinking about 44KIARfsFHI-00439-00197645-00198226 ocean conservation in an urban context. We have -- as a result of a really 44KIARfsFHI-00440-00198226-00198817 sort of long and arduous slog of regulations and improving policy, we 44KIARfsFHI-00441-00198817-00199197 have seen that the waters of New York City are actually cleaner now than 44KIARfsFHI-00442-00199197-00199736 they have been in 100 years. We have whales coming back to New York Harbor. 44KIARfsFHI-00443-00199736-00200134 We have seahorses living under piers in the Hudson River. It 44KIARfsFHI-00444-00200134-00200440 actually works when you put in that effort to reduce pollution and 44KIARfsFHI-00445-00200440-00201043 establish protections. So I'm really excited about this as one of the next 44KIARfsFHI-00446-00201043-00201533 waves of conservation. However, we have done a really good job of 44KIARfsFHI-00447-00201533-00202069 impacting and destroying a lot of coastal ecosystems, including the 44KIARfsFHI-00448-00202069-00202656 oyster reefs and the marshes that protect us from things like Hurricane Sandy, 44KIARfsFHI-00449-00202656-00203024 which is the moment when we realize that we are a coastal city. 44KIARfsFHI-00450-00203024-00203416 And the blue economy of ports and shipping and fishing is worth over 44KIARfsFHI-00451-00203416-00204118 $350 billion in the U.S. alone. And supports over 3 million jobs. So it is 44KIARfsFHI-00452-00204118-00204589 important for a number of reasons to get this right. Whether we're caring 44KIARfsFHI-00453-00204589-00205150 about the economy or food security or coastal cultures. So given the 44KIARfsFHI-00454-00205150-00205517 mess that we humans have gotten ourselves in, I would actually posit 44KIARfsFHI-00455-00205517-00205838 that it's time to take a bit of a triaged approach. Because we don't 44KIARfsFHI-00456-00205838-00206292 actually have enough money and time to save everything right now. We 44KIARfsFHI-00457-00206292-00206721 need to think about a strategy for prioritizing our efforts. So are there 44KIARfsFHI-00458-00206721-00207142 places that are not at immediate risk? Are there places desperately in 44KIARfsFHI-00459-00207142-00207490 need of immediate attention? And are there things that are beyond help 44KIARfsFHI-00460-00207490-00208000 that would be a waste of our energy and impede our ability to actually 44KIARfsFHI-00461-00208000-00208416 save a greater portion of other things? This is a really hard discussion to 44KIARfsFHI-00462-00208416-00208773 have But it's one that I think we need to have if we're going to be 44KIARfsFHI-00463-00208773-00209255 successful and really maximize the benefits and successes of our 44KIARfsFHI-00464-00209255-00209961 efforts. And I really don't think we're going to be successful unless we 44KIARfsFHI-00465-00209961-00210410 figure out diversity and inclusion. This slide is blank because most of 44KIARfsFHI-00466-00210410-00210803 ocean conservation and exploration is very white. 44KIARfsFHI-00467-00210803-00211084 (Chuckles). 44KIARfsFHI-00468-00211084-00211430 >> This is a photograph taken earlier this month of the leaders 44KIARfsFHI-00469-00211430-00211769 of the International Year of the Reef which is aiming to protect 44KIARfsFHI-00470-00211769-00212048 and restore coral reefs around the world. 44KIARfsFHI-00471-00212048-00212551 And this is a bunch of white people. Mostly men. 44KIARfsFHI-00472-00212551-00212861 Mostly middle aged or older. And I honestly do not think that all of the 44KIARfsFHI-00473-00212861-00213317 solutions and ideas are present in this photo. This has nothing to do with 44KIARfsFHI-00474-00213317-00213792 touchy-feely views about diversity. If we want to be successful, we need 44KIARfsFHI-00475-00213792-00214207 to make sure that all of the ideas and perspectives are at the table. And 44KIARfsFHI-00476-00214207-00214557 you better believe it that the communities that live on the coast of coral 44KIARfsFHI-00477-00214557-00214852 reefs have been thinking about these solutions like their lives depend on 44KIARfsFHI-00478-00214852-00215273 it because their lives do, indeed, depend on it. So when we think about 44KIARfsFHI-00479-00215273-00215863 the fact that the majority of coral reefs are in Asia, in the Caribbean, on 44KIARfsFHI-00480-00215863-00216240 the coast of Africa are communities are color, this is really atrocious. So 44KIARfsFHI-00481-00216240-00216894 when I think about the future of ocean conservation and exploration, I 44KIARfsFHI-00482-00216894-00217346 think it needs to look a lot more like this. And so that's what gives me 44KIARfsFHI-00483-00217346-00217750 hope This idea that we can bring together diverse experts and everyone 44KIARfsFHI-00484-00217750-00218155 in this photo is an expert in a different way. And have these 44KIARfsFHI-00485-00218155-00218554 conversations about how we can each leverage our expertise to come up 44KIARfsFHI-00486-00218554-00218914 with solutions that will enable us to continue to use the ocean, to have it 44KIARfsFHI-00487-00218914-00219456 support our food security and economies and cultures. But do all of this 44KIARfsFHI-00488-00219456-00220017 in a way that doesn't use it up. So that's my vision. 44KIARfsFHI-00489-00220017-00220573 (Applause). 44KIARfsFHI-00490-00220573-00220927 >> Thank you. Wow, that was great. So I'll start off with a few questions. 44KIARfsFHI-00491-00220927-00221300 But you guys think of questions, too. And there's the super -- 44KIARfsFHI-00492-00221300-00221837 there's something fantastic. When we have questions, 44KIARfsFHI-00493-00221837-00222419 I will throw this to you, which is a microphone. 44KIARfsFHI-00494-00222419-00222653 So I'm really looking forward to that part. (Chuckles). 44KIARfsFHI-00495-00222653-00223012 >> But first, I mean, this is such a good set of problems. 44KIARfsFHI-00496-00223012-00223323 Because like I was saying, I mean, I'm thrilled 44KIARfsFHI-00497-00223323-00223664 to hear all of you guys talking about all of these different ways. 44KIARfsFHI-00498-00223664-00224067 Because it really is the elephant in the room with all of how we're dealing 44KIARfsFHI-00499-00224067-00224510 with the ocean is still really people. How are we going 44KIARfsFHI-00500-00224510-00224989 to make sure that people, who are chucking stuff in the ocean all the time, 44KIARfsFHI-00501-00224989-00225365 are going to see it? And one of the things that I've always 44KIARfsFHI-00502-00225365-00225601 thought was difficult for people and the ocean is most of the time, the 44KIARfsFHI-00503-00225601-00226046 water is in the way. You can't actually see what's in there. Most of the 44KIARfsFHI-00504-00226046-00226623 time. So I would just ask you guys, what is it that in each of your different 44KIARfsFHI-00505-00226623-00227046 practices -- because they are all sort of different but they are the same -- 44KIARfsFHI-00506-00227046-00227483 what would you have people see? And I think of that as like a storytelling. 44KIARfsFHI-00507-00227483-00227852 But visualizing is so much how humans perceive things, what would you 44KIARfsFHI-00508-00227852-00228414 have people see that they can't see that you have seen or that you want 44KIARfsFHI-00509-00228414-00228935 to see, even if you've never seen it and could clear all of the water out of 44KIARfsFHI-00510-00228935-00229436 the way for just a second to see it and understand something big about the ocean? 44KIARfsFHI-00511-00229436-00229667 >> Yeah, I would say that -- 44KIARfsFHI-00512-00229667-00229962 >> You can have this. 44KIARfsFHI-00513-00229962-00230234 (Chuckles). > 44KIARfsFHI-00514-00230234-00230451 > I'll try this. 44KIARfsFHI-00515-00230451-00230659 (Chuckles). 44KIARfsFHI-00516-00230659-00230887 >> Turn it on. 44KIARfsFHI-00517-00230887-00231292 >> I mean, in some ways the -- I'll take this. Okay. (Chuckles). 44KIARfsFHI-00518-00231292-00231716 >> I think like the same issue that is the problem, the fact that there's 44KIARfsFHI-00519-00231716-00232060 water in the way and we can't see things makes it mysterious and exciting. 44KIARfsFHI-00520-00232060-00232419 And that quest to look beyond the next hill is inherent 44KIARfsFHI-00521-00232419-00233150 in that idea of looking just beyond the headlights of an ROV 44KIARfsFHI-00522-00233150-00233569 So I think that sort of sense of mystery and excitement is 44KIARfsFHI-00523-00233569-00233961 something I would try to share. The other thing that I've always struggled 44KIARfsFHI-00524-00233961-00234548 with is the intellectual, emotional disconnect of microbes. Like they are 44KIARfsFHI-00525-00234548-00234904 not charismatic But they really matter. So how do we image them or 44KIARfsFHI-00526-00234904-00235569 portray them or share how amazing they are intellectually with a broader audience? 44KIARfsFHI-00527-00235569-00236130 And I don't have an answer to that. But anthropomorphizing them more maybe? 44KIARfsFHI-00528-00236130-00236453 >> Yeah, they could be animalized more. 44KIARfsFHI-00529-00236453-00236692 >> True. 44KIARfsFHI-00530-00236692-00236951 >> Yes. 44KIARfsFHI-00531-00236951-00237179 >> Plantized. Some of them are plants, some of them are animals. 44KIARfsFHI-00532-00237179-00237466 >> Yeah, that's where I'm at 44KIARfsFHI-00533-00237466-00237648 >> Where are you -- > 44KIARfsFHI-00534-00237648-00237998 > So growing up in the Caribbean -- does this work. Okay. All right. 44KIARfsFHI-00535-00237998-00238338 So growing up in the Caribbean I spent a lot of time on the ocean. 44KIARfsFHI-00536-00238338-00238634 And just the exact question you asked, what could we see? 44KIARfsFHI-00537-00238634-00238901 I remember being out at sea and wishing I had some kind of device 44KIARfsFHI-00538-00238901-00239198 that would show me what was down there from -- 44KIARfsFHI-00539-00239198-00239523 that you could just have on the boat and just be like, oh, there's a 44KIARfsFHI-00540-00239523-00239981 squid down there. Oh there's some dolphins lingering over there. That's 44KIARfsFHI-00541-00239981-00240508 me as a kid. But I think that with the deep ocean it's especially difficult at 44KIARfsFHI-00542-00240508-00240898 least in coral reefs and in shallow areas you can get yourself there and 44KIARfsFHI-00543-00240898-00241413 get into those environments but with the deep-sea that's pretty much 44KIARfsFHI-00544-00241413-00241939 impossible. But there are a lot of really great programs that are working 44KIARfsFHI-00545-00241939-00242369 to do away with that Things like the Ocean Exploration Trust and NOAA's 44KIARfsFHI-00546-00242369-00242761 Office of Exploration are really bringing the deep-sea to the masses. And 44KIARfsFHI-00547-00242761-00243167 the deep-sea as both Jeff and I have spoken about is just full of such 44KIARfsFHI-00548-00243167-00243552 amazing things Things that people just can't even believe are real. I think 44KIARfsFHI-00549-00243552-00243955 that just by increasing that awareness in the population will probably go 44KIARfsFHI-00550-00243955-00244419 a very, very long way to helping to sustain it. 44KIARfsFHI-00551-00244419-00244925 >> So I would actually flip that question a little bit and say that we should 44KIARfsFHI-00552-00244925-00245600 be seeing more of what others see. So instead of us trying 44KIARfsFHI-00553-00245600-00246058 to show everybody else the ocean, I tend to think that 44KIARfsFHI-00554-00246058-00246348 the stakeholders that have the biggest impact on the ocean 44KIARfsFHI-00555-00246348-00246775 have their own vision and view of the ocean. And we need to take their 44KIARfsFHI-00556-00246775-00247060 perspective into account more. A great example is the cooperative 44KIARfsFHI-00557-00247060-00247405 work we do with fisheries here in New England We work with a lot of 44KIARfsFHI-00558-00247405-00247853 commercial fishermen And the industry that we have seen, they have 44KIARfsFHI-00559-00247853-00248204 their own perspectives. Does that mean that they are always right? Not 44KIARfsFHI-00560-00248204-00248757 necessarily But their combined input and stake in the work has actually 44KIARfsFHI-00561-00248757-00249158 strengthened immeasurably a lot of the projects we have done. And 44KIARfsFHI-00562-00249158-00249442 that's their own way of looking at the ocean and their own perspectives. 44KIARfsFHI-00563-00249442-00249790 So I think that we need to open our eyes and get out of our own way 44KIARfsFHI-00564-00249790-00250085 once in a while in terms of what we're seeing and think about what 44KIARfsFHI-00565-00250085-00250484 others see. And let that combined viewpoint drive change. 44KIARfsFHI-00566-00250484-00251021 >> Does this work? This is a bummer. Okay What if I want to interject? 44KIARfsFHI-00567-00251021-00251186 (Chuckles). 44KIARfsFHI-00568-00251186-00251598 >> I think we need more glass bottom boats. 44KIARfsFHI-00569-00251598-00252027 When I was 5, I went on a family vacation to Key West 44KIARfsFHI-00570-00252027-00252306 And I rode on a glass bottom boat. And I saw a coral reef 44KIARfsFHI-00571-00252306-00252601 for the first time and it blew my mind. And that was the moment 44KIARfsFHI-00572-00252601-00252979 when I was like, what is it called when it's your job to look through this glass. 44KIARfsFHI-00573-00252979-00253217 (Chuckles). 44KIARfsFHI-00574-00253217-00253485 >> And I was like, I'm clearly going to become a marine biologist. 44KIARfsFHI-00575-00253485-00253825 And so I think not everyone needs to become a marine biologist. 44KIARfsFHI-00576-00253825-00254094 But just that moment of experience and awe and whether 44KIARfsFHI-00577-00254094-00254562 it's not in clear tropical waters but in New York City and if you shine 44KIARfsFHI-00578-00254562-00254884 a light and things come and if you can do it at night and see 44KIARfsFHI-00579-00254884-00255302 different things I think something that simple could have a really big 44KIARfsFHI-00580-00255302-00255521 impact. We can't all go to the deep-sea. But again, there's been lots of 44KIARfsFHI-00581-00255521-00255966 work around the communications efforts of live feeds of expeditions and 44KIARfsFHI-00582-00255966-00256342 all that kind of stuff is great, too. But I would honestly love to see more 44KIARfsFHI-00583-00256342-00256755 glass bottom boats There are so few of them in the world. 44KIARfsFHI-00584-00256755-00256964 >> Okay. Keep that for a second and I'm just going to yell. 44KIARfsFHI-00585-00256964-00257246 So one of the things you mentioned, too, 44KIARfsFHI-00586-00257246-00257602 is that idea that technology has this great way of building bridges 44KIARfsFHI-00587-00257602-00258215 or just bridging gaps between people. And making that connection. So -- 44KIARfsFHI-00588-00258215-00258402 (Chuckles). 44KIARfsFHI-00589-00258402-00258582 >> Now I'm doing it. 44KIARfsFHI-00590-00258582-00258717 >> We're all good. 44KIARfsFHI-00591-00258717-00258991 >> But what technologies, to have you guys think about this, 44KIARfsFHI-00592-00258991-00259262 have you seen do that? Because we've got -- 44KIARfsFHI-00593-00259262-00259571 when Bob has his great telepresence, which is actually like you can -- 44KIARfsFHI-00594-00259571-00259994 if you guys haven't looked on the Nautilus online, check it out. 44KIARfsFHI-00595-00259994-00260260 Because you can see real-time. You can ask questions 44KIARfsFHI-00596-00260260-00260655 of somebody who is scooting out in the Pacific or whatever. 44KIARfsFHI-00597-00260655-00261248 And that's fantastic. Also, maps of being able to -- as you were saying -- 44KIARfsFHI-00598-00261248-00261756 in real-time to get fishermen who might completely live there and see it 44KIARfsFHI-00599-00261756-00262144 all the time but just to see a different view of how this looks and make 44KIARfsFHI-00600-00262144-00262574 those great decisions. So I mean, what technologies -- here we are at 44KIARfsFHI-00601-00262574-00262884 Katy's super party. 44KIARfsFHI-00602-00262884-00263077 (Chuckles). 44KIARfsFHI-00603-00263077-00263427 >> Talking about the tech. But what are the technological things that 44KIARfsFHI-00604-00263427-00263814 you see connecting -- again, connecting people 44KIARfsFHI-00605-00263814-00264086 to their ocean that are interesting? 44KIARfsFHI-00606-00264086-00264402 >> Are boats technology? Can I use my same answer in. 44KIARfsFHI-00607-00264402-00264634 >> Yeah. 44KIARfsFHI-00608-00264634-00265037 >> So I -- actually as a consultant one of my clients in the last year has been 44KIARfsFHI-00609-00265037-00265890 XPRIZE and I helped them design a competition to develop apps 44KIARfsFHI-00610-00265890-00266322 using existing ocean datasets. So we have tons of data about 44KIARfsFHI-00611-00266322-00266868 the ocean Lots of it is from NOAA, lots from other research institutions. 44KIARfsFHI-00612-00266868-00267255 And a lot of it is actually already public. And yet, that data isn't accessible 44KIARfsFHI-00613-00267255-00267831 or visualizable to the public. So I designed this competition for them that enabled 44KIARfsFHI-00614-00267831-00268385 -- the idea was to sort of unlock all the data we already have. 44KIARfsFHI-00615-00268385-00268769 Obviously new exploration is still fascinating and wonderful. 44KIARfsFHI-00616-00268769-00269018 But we already know so much that's not being conveyed. 44KIARfsFHI-00617-00269018-00269397 So I would encourage you all to check out the winners of this 44KIARfsFHI-00618-00269397-00269931 Big Ocean Button Challenge. There were seven winners. And one 44KIARfsFHI-00619-00269931-00270274 of them actually is an app that you can hold up when you're on the 44KIARfsFHI-00620-00270274-00270609 shoreline and see the bottom topography at least of the ocean. You can't 44KIARfsFHI-00621-00270609-00270838 see what's swimming there right at that moment. But you can kind of 44KIARfsFHI-00622-00270838-00271548 start to get a glimpse into the bathymetry and start to visualize that there 44KIARfsFHI-00623-00271548-00272143 actually is some complexity beneath the surface. So those kinds of 44KIARfsFHI-00624-00272143-00272645 things, like how can we use the fact that we carry around tiny computers 44KIARfsFHI-00625-00272645-00273128 in our pockets to help see and explain those kinds of things 44KIARfsFHI-00626-00273128-00273442 >> One example -- 44KIARfsFHI-00627-00273442-00273585 >> Yeah. 44KIARfsFHI-00628-00273585-00274093 >> One example that I've seen work well, I think that appreciation 44KIARfsFHI-00629-00274093-00274588 really requires being immersed to the best possible degree. 44KIARfsFHI-00630-00274588-00274942 And obviously with technology these days people can do that from their 44KIARfsFHI-00631-00274942-00275276 computers, their SmartPhones, their iPads. But I think the whole advent 44KIARfsFHI-00632-00275276-00275955 of VR, virtual reality, at a low price. And accessibility through Google and 44KIARfsFHI-00633-00275955-00276331 other networks. The technology is amazing. And you really can feel like 44KIARfsFHI-00634-00276331-00276600 you're there. And I think that's the closest thing that we can get to 44KIARfsFHI-00635-00276600-00276933 bringing everybody out there and immersing them. Obviously in-person 44KIARfsFHI-00636-00276933-00277546 saturation, so to speak, in the environment, is by far the most impactful 44KIARfsFHI-00637-00277546-00277914 way to actually be out there and see it with your own eyes But thanks to 44KIARfsFHI-00638-00277914-00278305 technology, there's a lot of ways to get people out there, if that's what 44KIARfsFHI-00639-00278305-00278628 you're trying -- if that's the button you're trying to push and get people exposed. 44KIARfsFHI-00640-00278628-00278821 >> Uh-huh. 44KIARfsFHI-00641-00278821-00279180 >> So those were both my answers, by the way. Thanks for that. 44KIARfsFHI-00642-00279180-00279491 (Chuckles). 44KIARfsFHI-00643-00279491-00279712 >> But I do think immersing people in the environment is the main way 44KIARfsFHI-00644-00279712-00280016 to do that Everyone is visual. And being able to actually 44KIARfsFHI-00645-00280016-00280686 see an entire world that you can't really visualize normally has huge steps 44KIARfsFHI-00646-00280686-00281099 towards getting people to want to conserve it And so for instance, 44KIARfsFHI-00647-00281099-00281422 in deep-sea science, things like VR technology are sort of the future. 44KIARfsFHI-00648-00281422-00281804 You know, telepresence takes us down there But then actually 44KIARfsFHI-00649-00281804-00282231 being able to feel like you're down there is just one further step, which is 44KIARfsFHI-00650-00282231-00282542 absolutely fantastic. And we're just on the cusp of getting that into 44KIARfsFHI-00651-00282542-00282884 peoples' homes and mainstreaming. 44KIARfsFHI-00652-00282884-00283270 >> Yeah, so I would absolutely agree with all of that. 44KIARfsFHI-00653-00283270-00283583 But I might also push back and make a case of the tangible a little bit more. 44KIARfsFHI-00654-00283583-00284105 When we work with kids who maybe never have been to the ocean before, 44KIARfsFHI-00655-00284105-00284472 realize that there are other planets or something like that, 44KIARfsFHI-00656-00284472-00284799 as part of our education program, we have an opportunity 44KIARfsFHI-00657-00284799-00285160 for them to take pictures of Mars and work with NASA to actually 44KIARfsFHI-00658-00285160-00285461 get new images from a different planet, which sounds so cool. 44KIARfsFHI-00659-00285461-00285913 Another part of the curriculum is that we go to the coast and look at 44KIARfsFHI-00660-00285913-00286455 water under a microscope. And for probably more than half the students, 44KIARfsFHI-00661-00286455-00286764 that's actually more impactful. It's just like seeing a new world and 44KIARfsFHI-00662-00286764-00287267 something that is -- seems so quotidian. And realizing there is a new 44KIARfsFHI-00663-00287267-00287794 thing beyond what you actually see and making it -- connecting the dots. 44KIARfsFHI-00664-00287794-00288127 That it's not just something on a screen still. Regardless of how far away it is. 44KIARfsFHI-00665-00288127-00288312 >> Right. 44KIARfsFHI-00666-00288312-00288534 >> But it's right there. 44KIARfsFHI-00667-00288534-00288764 >> That's the thing. I think I can talk into this (Chuckles). 44KIARfsFHI-00668-00288764-00288990 >> That's the thing is we're talking about connecting the dots for -- again, 44KIARfsFHI-00669-00288990-00289476 for humans because they are the ones that have to take care of it. 44KIARfsFHI-00670-00289476-00289895 But again, this idea of connecting people also to how they -- 44KIARfsFHI-00671-00289895-00290578 what is their place in all of this, too? Not to just look at it like, oh, Blue Planet. 44KIARfsFHI-00672-00290578-00290913 I watched it on TV. It was great. But it's not necessarily relevant. Y 44KIARfsFHI-00673-00290913-00291524 ou know, I think that the idea of making -- again, whether it's coastal 44KIARfsFHI-00674-00291524-00291991 communities. Whether it's people who are buying fish or something, that 44KIARfsFHI-00675-00291991-00292589 idea of making people also feel that they are empowered at the very 44KIARfsFHI-00676-00292589-00293181 closest level but then at the bigger level at an everyday level, even if you 44KIARfsFHI-00677-00293181-00293752 do live in Wichita, Omaha, the marine biologist. But how can we -- what -- 44KIARfsFHI-00678-00293752-00294846 if you guys could sort of wave a magic wand, there are a huge bunch of 44KIARfsFHI-00679-00294846-00295367 challenges facing us. But what would be a way to make sure that -- have 44KIARfsFHI-00680-00295367-00296225 a solution that we can scale up. This is -- I'm kind of -- there's -- I'm 44KIARfsFHI-00681-00296225-00296617 staggered by the enormity of the problem in a certain way. And I'm sure 44KIARfsFHI-00682-00296617-00297144 you guys often are, too. But the idea of just trying to figure out what 44KIARfsFHI-00683-00297144-00297506 would be the technological solutions or policy solutions? Some of these 44KIARfsFHI-00684-00297506-00297881 things are absolutely policy. Whether or not we actually can protect the 44KIARfsFHI-00685-00297881-00298283 high seas is totally a policy thing. Whether or not -- I think that your 44KIARfsFHI-00686-00298283-00298811 solutions on coming up with speaking to each individual community and 44KIARfsFHI-00687-00298811-00299227 coming up with solutions is certainly the best one to start with, 44KIARfsFHI-00688-00299227-00299794 groundup. But if you could empower those people with technological 44KIARfsFHI-00689-00299794-00300454 solutions, what else would it be that would connect -- would create these 44KIARfsFHI-00690-00300454-00301223 big solutions that could -- would -- aquaculture? Is it aquaculture that will 44KIARfsFHI-00691-00301223-00301684 actually connect us and save us or is it understanding -- 44KIARfsFHI-00692-00301684-00301934 >> It depends what problem you're trying to solve. 44KIARfsFHI-00693-00301934-00302083 >> Yes. 44KIARfsFHI-00694-00302083-00302265 >> All of these things are very different that you're describing. 44KIARfsFHI-00695-00302265-00302527 So aquaculture we really need to figure out because we can't feed 8 billion 44KIARfsFHI-00696-00302527-00302877 people on wild seafood. The ocean just can't keep up with how 44KIARfsFHI-00697-00302877-00303070 fast we can eat finish. 44KIARfsFHI-00698-00303070-00303262 >> Yeah. 44KIARfsFHI-00699-00303262-00303470 >> So the technology that's needed there is super important for food security. 44KIARfsFHI-00700-00303470-00303898 Whereas the technology that's needed to support zoning and 44KIARfsFHI-00701-00303898-00304295 policymaking is quite different than the technology needed to monitor 44KIARfsFHI-00702-00304295-00304595 fishing. And there's some really great innovations 44KIARfsFHI-00703-00304595-00305065 there with lower cost VMS and satellite tracking 44KIARfsFHI-00704-00305065-00305422 and all of that kind of stuff. So I think -- I mean, 44KIARfsFHI-00705-00305422-00305897 I think we need to be careful not to think of technology as the solution. 44KIARfsFHI-00706-00305897-00306197 But to be more targeted Like what is the specific problem we're 44KIARfsFHI-00707-00306197-00306590 needing to solve? And is technology needed to solve that problem? And 44KIARfsFHI-00708-00306590-00307018 if so, what specific technologies? Because I worry about the mindset 44KIARfsFHI-00709-00307018-00307328 that we can innovate our way out of problems where a lot of problems 44KIARfsFHI-00710-00307328-00307940 really just we need to agree with each other and the technology as a tool. 44KIARfsFHI-00711-00307940-00308179 >> Yes. 44KIARfsFHI-00712-00308179-00308615 >> So I would echo what John said earlier which is, we need to be talking 44KIARfsFHI-00713-00308615-00309027 about what's working and replicating and scaling success stories. 44KIARfsFHI-00714-00309027-00309390 I think that that is a missing link. And to the extent that technology can 44KIARfsFHI-00715-00309390-00309776 help spread the word about these stories of ocean optimism, check out 44KIARfsFHI-00716-00309776-00310221 that hash-tag online. You'll find lots of what's working. I think that that 44KIARfsFHI-00717-00310221-00310558 would be really valuable. 44KIARfsFHI-00718-00310558-00310834 >> Yeah, I agree. And just to add to that, I think mobilizing the public 44KIARfsFHI-00719-00310834-00311437 and creating awareness in the public is not always the right solution. 44KIARfsFHI-00720-00311437-00311727 >> Right. 44KIARfsFHI-00721-00311727-00311917 >> It's not always going to pull the lever that you need to. It's not the 44KIARfsFHI-00722-00311917-00312223 end-all be-all answer to problems. Sometimes problems are very 44KIARfsFHI-00723-00312223-00312596 individualistic around a few different stakeholder groups that need 44KIARfsFHI-00724-00312596-00313012 to work together to drive change. So I'm not opposed to awareness of the oceans. 44KIARfsFHI-00725-00313012-00313432 And promoting that awareness 44KIARfsFHI-00726-00313432-00313786 But when it's pragmatic. And when it's done in a way that's 44KIARfsFHI-00727-00313786-00314195 actually going to create the empowerment that we were just talking about. 44KIARfsFHI-00728-00314195-00314670 And ensure that peoples' behaviors are changed. But that's not always the right solution. 44KIARfsFHI-00729-00314670-00314986 >> Yeah. 44KIARfsFHI-00730-00314986-00315175 >> It's really case dependent. 44KIARfsFHI-00731-00315175-00315330 >> It depends on the question, on the issue. >> Absolutely. 44KIARfsFHI-00732-00315330-00315525 >> Yeah. 44KIARfsFHI-00733-00315525-00315928 >> But I would love to cite the example of what's happened with shark fins over in Asia. 44KIARfsFHI-00734-00315928-00316174 Recently in recent years there's been major initiatives to try to address 44KIARfsFHI-00735-00316174-00316800 what is driving the fin trade globally. It's not trying to cut off the supply. 44KIARfsFHI-00736-00316800-00317234 But actually working sensitively with the indigenous populations 44KIARfsFHI-00737-00317234-00317578 there to understand the depth of the problem 44KIARfsFHI-00738-00317578-00318017 that's caused by this particular demand. And I think once that awareness 44KIARfsFHI-00739-00318017-00318273 has spread and at the demand side sensitively working together, 44KIARfsFHI-00740-00318273-00318619 you're starting to see a reduction in the value of those fins 44KIARfsFHI-00741-00318619-00318853 >> Yeah. 44KIARfsFHI-00742-00318853-00319111 >> And that trend still has a lot of -- there's a lot of work that needs to be done. 44KIARfsFHI-00743-00319111-00319458 But that's an incredible way of sensitive communication 44KIARfsFHI-00744-00319458-00319736 that isn't saying, what you're doing is bad. But here is what -- 44KIARfsFHI-00745-00319736-00320090 the effects of what you're doing. And it's incredible what kind of a change 44KIARfsFHI-00746-00320090-00320614 that can draw when you bring in the people and involve them. 44KIARfsFHI-00747-00320614-00320937 >> Yeah. So we only have a few more -- I mean, go ahead quickly. 44KIARfsFHI-00748-00320937-00321178 And then we have a few -- 44KIARfsFHI-00749-00321178-00321419 >> I was just going to say -- 44KIARfsFHI-00750-00321419-00321671 >> We have one more minute for questions. >> (Off microphone). 44KIARfsFHI-00751-00321671-00321981 >> Does anybody have a question? A burning question that they have? 44KIARfsFHI-00752-00321981-00322376 >> You can throw that one. >> One burning question 44KIARfsFHI-00753-00322376-00322810 that you guys have that you would like an answer to? 44KIARfsFHI-00754-00322810-00323108 >> I've got one 44KIARfsFHI-00755-00323108-00323435 >> Which mic is it? 44KIARfsFHI-00756-00323435-00323868 >> I want to know how we can better incorporate art into these solutions? 44KIARfsFHI-00757-00323868-00324445 Because I think if we're going to have the cultural shift on a massive scale 44KIARfsFHI-00758-00324445-00324905 that we need, it has to be appealing and attractive and sexy and beautiful. 44KIARfsFHI-00759-00324905-00325223 And so that's what we need to figure out. 44KIARfsFHI-00760-00325223-00325656 How -- where are -- you know, what's the next generation of movies 44KIARfsFHI-00761-00325656-00326155 and art and sculpture and design that's going to inspire everybody 44KIARfsFHI-00762-00326155-00326471 to commit to this really hard and complicated work for the long term? 44KIARfsFHI-00763-00326471-00326856 >> Sorry, I just have to talk into this for one second. 44KIARfsFHI-00764-00326856-00326984 (Chuckles). 44KIARfsFHI-00765-00326984-00327445 >> So I think to find the subsidies to help offset the cost of changing 44KIARfsFHI-00766-00327445-00327881 strategies for people that are very accustomed to doing things 44KIARfsFHI-00767-00327881-00328256 a certain way. But new technologies are coming in that might allow them 44KIARfsFHI-00768-00328256-00328685 to keep doing that and then at the same time not have the impact on the 44KIARfsFHI-00769-00328685-00329106 ocean, that's often very, very costly. And I think finding a way to get that 44KIARfsFHI-00770-00329106-00329728 money, it sounds really cheesy, but there needs to be more funding that 44KIARfsFHI-00771-00329728-00330190 is directed towards pushing these changes once they are engineered. 44KIARfsFHI-00772-00330190-00330547 >> I just want to find all that lives in our oceans Goddamn it. 44KIARfsFHI-00773-00330547-00330750 (Chuckles). 44KIARfsFHI-00774-00330750-00331078 >> No. I think that's one of the biggest questions is again, you need to 44KIARfsFHI-00775-00331078-00331396 find out what's there before you can understand how to manage it. 44KIARfsFHI-00776-00331396-00331762 And I think increases in technology and working with technologists 44KIARfsFHI-00777-00331762-00332452 to actually be able to answer that question is sort of that burning issue. 44KIARfsFHI-00778-00332452-00332722 >> Yes, I would certainly echo that. 44KIARfsFHI-00779-00332722-00333097 And also, I mean, we were talking last night that there was a study last year 44KIARfsFHI-00780-00333097-00333493 where they found these copepods in the Mariana Trench, 44KIARfsFHI-00781-00333493-00333851 like the deepest most unexplored part of the ocean. And they had PCVs. 44KIARfsFHI-00782-00333851-00334217 They are full of PCVs. So the fact that our tendrils of 44KIARfsFHI-00783-00334217-00334657 contamination are outpacing our initial characterization of places is a 44KIARfsFHI-00784-00334657-00335195 problem. On the social side I think how the ideas of wilderness and 44KIARfsFHI-00785-00335195-00335624 urban life co-exist is really interesting. And your presentation made me 44KIARfsFHI-00786-00335624-00336062 wonder about that. To me it's escaping civilization to go to the wild But 44KIARfsFHI-00787-00336062-00336513 because we live with it in nature we need to think about that. 44KIARfsFHI-00788-00336513-00336861 >> In New York. 44KIARfsFHI-00789-00336861-00337014 >> That sounds great. 44KIARfsFHI-00790-00337014-00337205 >> Oyster watching. 44KIARfsFHI-00791-00337205-00337472 >> Great, this is so good you guys, seek these people out and ask them more questions later. 44KIARfsFHI-00792-00337472-00337708 But we are good. But thank you everybody. 44KIARfsFHI-00793-00337708-00337990 >> Anyone who wants to ask questions on Twitter, I'm volunteering myself I'm Diva. 44KIARfsFHI-00794-00337990-00338114 >> And Jeff. 44KIARfsFHI-00795-00338114-00338457 >> And Jeff to answer your questions, if people are watching online. 44KIARfsFHI-00796-00338457-00338639 >> And we're using hash-tag openocean. 44KIARfsFHI-00797-00338639-00338867 >> Hash-tag openocean. 44KIARfsFHI-00798-00338867-00339063 (Chuckles). 44KIARfsFHI-00799-00339063-00339301 >> Great. Thank you, everyone 44KIARfsFHI-00800-00339301-00339658 >> Thank you. (Applause) ( Break.) 44KIARfsFHI-00801-00339658-00339997 >> It's a very exciting time for sensors and the environment in general, 44KIARfsFHI-00802-00339997-00340257 especially oceans. As Bob said in that great keynote, 44KIARfsFHI-00803-00340257-00340497 there's so much that we haven't seen. 44KIARfsFHI-00804-00340497-00340908 And it may not be humanized to be able to see all of it. >> Welcome back. It's great to be -- 44KIARfsFHI-00805-00340908-00341348 >> Because we can scale in other ways through electronics and networks 44KIARfsFHI-00806-00341348-00341683 and things like that. So this is a great time to think about new kinds 44KIARfsFHI-00807-00341683-00341957 of sensors for the ocean. At this point we're deploying Internet of Things, 44KIARfsFHI-00808-00341957-00342240 scale sensors across the planet in our habilitated environments. 44KIARfsFHI-00809-00342240-00342503 We're going to see it happen in natural environments. 44KIARfsFHI-00810-00342503-00342791 And indeed, we'll see it in the oceans. And technologies 44KIARfsFHI-00811-00342791-00343130 are really revolutionizing how we're able to sense things, what we're able 44KIARfsFHI-00812-00343130-00343460 to sense And how we connect it to people. So it's a great time. I run the 44KIARfsFHI-00813-00343460-00343888 responsive environments group here at the Media Lab so I've been doing 44KIARfsFHI-00814-00343888-00344246 sensing most of my life. I even spent four or five years at Draper Lab 44KIARfsFHI-00815-00344246-00344525 doing underwater sensing, too. So I guess I have the slight privilege to be 44KIARfsFHI-00816-00344525-00344872 here with these honored guests. But I've done a little bit of it. And I think 44KIARfsFHI-00817-00344872-00345153 it's, again, a very exciting time going forward when all of this comes 44KIARfsFHI-00818-00345153-00345543 together. So we've got a great panel to discuss. We're going to open up 44KIARfsFHI-00819-00345543-00345923 with statements from the panelists. They will give a short talk. And then 44KIARfsFHI-00820-00345923-00346437 we'll have Q&A from the audience and among ourselves. So we're going 44KIARfsFHI-00821-00346437-00346935 to begin with Alan Leonardi from NOAA. And then Anna Michel from 44KIARfsFHI-00822-00346935-00347348 Woods Hole. And finally Brennan Phillips from URI. So maybe you guys 44KIARfsFHI-00823-00347348-00348020 can introduce yourselves and then we can start. 44KIARfsFHI-00824-00348020-00348395 >> Sure, thanks. Alan Leonardi. I'm the director of NOAA's Office of Ocean Exploration 44KIARfsFHI-00825-00348395-00348728 and Research and also a member of the Science Advisory Board 44KIARfsFHI-00826-00348728-00348937 for the ocean mapping XPRIZE. 44KIARfsFHI-00827-00348937-00349232 >> I'm Anna Michel. I'm associate scientist at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. 44KIARfsFHI-00828-00349232-00349592 And a proud MIT alum. So I'm happy to be back on campus. 44KIARfsFHI-00829-00349592-00349842 >> And I'm Brennan Phillips. I'm an Assistant Professor 44KIARfsFHI-00830-00349842-00350279 in ocean engineering at the University of Rhode Island. 44KIARfsFHI-00831-00350279-00350736 >> Okay. Great. So maybe we can start with your talks. We'll begin with Alan. 44KIARfsFHI-00832-00350736-00351371 >> Great. Let me get out of the way a little bit. Let me say one 44KIARfsFHI-00833-00351371-00351803 thing to get us going. I was a little bit surprised -- and maybe this is a 44KIARfsFHI-00834-00351803-00352290 good thing -- that when I looked at the agenda I am the only speaker here 44KIARfsFHI-00835-00352290-00352807 from the Federal Government. So I'm proud to say that I'm here from the Government. 44KIARfsFHI-00836-00352807-00353060 (Chuckles). 44KIARfsFHI-00837-00353060-00353566 >> And we need each others' help. I'm going to give you a 44KIARfsFHI-00838-00353566-00353735 little bit of an overview about what our office does so we can get 44KIARfsFHI-00839-00353735-00353995 to the sensors and systems part of the conversation I believe 44KIARfsFHI-00840-00353995-00354335 strongly that the best part of any of these things is dialogue so I'll try to 44KIARfsFHI-00841-00354335-00354724 get through this pretty quickly. We'll start with the obligatory statement 44KIARfsFHI-00842-00354724-00355155 about who we are. We are a pretty unique Federal entity. We are the only 44KIARfsFHI-00843-00355155-00355505 office within the entire Federal Government that focuses solely on 44KIARfsFHI-00844-00355505-00355884 exploring the ocean. We are not a big entity by any stretch of the means. 44KIARfsFHI-00845-00355884-00356221 But we have great partnerships that we work with along the way to try to 44KIARfsFHI-00846-00356221-00356625 stretch our boundaries of what we do. And the reason why we focus on 44KIARfsFHI-00847-00356625-00356979 exploring the ocean, quite frankly, is because all of humanity requires us 44KIARfsFHI-00848-00356979-00357449 to. The keys to the world and the solutions of the world really rest in the 44KIARfsFHI-00849-00357449-00357836 oceans. We've heard this morning already some conversation about the 44KIARfsFHI-00850-00357836-00358193 many problems that the oceans face But we also have heard little 44KIARfsFHI-00851-00358193-00358565 snippets about the solutions that the ocean provides to all of humanity. 44KIARfsFHI-00852-00358565-00358961 They are a primary protein for the world. They are our next generation for 44KIARfsFHI-00853-00358961-00359330 their put particulars. If you're looking for drug discovery, this is the place 44KIARfsFHI-00854-00359330-00359782 to go. And of course we all love to live and play near the ocean, as well. 44KIARfsFHI-00855-00360000-00360369 So our purpose is exploration. And we believe firmly that exploration 44KIARfsFHI-00856-00360369-00360840 leads to discovery. That discovery then leads to follow-on research. That 44KIARfsFHI-00857-00360840-00361288 research leads to understanding that ocean environment. And ideally our 44KIARfsFHI-00858-00361288-00361648 understanding of that ocean environment leads to fundamental wise use 44KIARfsFHI-00859-00361648-00362111 of that space. We fulfill our purpose in a number of ways. We have multi- 44KIARfsFHI-00860-00362111-00362441 year partnerships. We have major campaigns that we undertake. We'll 44KIARfsFHI-00861-00362441-00362748 talk about in a little bit. We partner with entities such as the Ocean 44KIARfsFHI-00862-00362748-00363047 Exploration Trust You already heard from Bob Ballard this morning We 44KIARfsFHI-00863-00363047-00363499 use things like something called the National Oceanographic Partnership 44KIARfsFHI-00864-00363499-00363822 Program, which allows for public-private partnerships within the ocean 44KIARfsFHI-00865-00363822-00364169 space And of course we focus heavily on data sharing, outreach and 44KIARfsFHI-00866-00364169-00364662 education, as well Our primary asset that we can use for exploring the 44KIARfsFHI-00867-00364662-00365015 ocean is a vessel called the NOAA ship Okeanos Explorer. It's dedicated -- 44KIARfsFHI-00868-00365015-00365304 it's the only U.S. Federal vessel that's dedicated to exploring the mission 44KIARfsFHI-00869-00365304-00365687 of the ocean. There's some details here about any number of the assets 44KIARfsFHI-00870-00365687-00366143 that are on that. The one that most people are most familiar with is the 44KIARfsFHI-00871-00366143-00366559 asset -- here is the ship itself. It's the asset on the back deck that you'll 44KIARfsFHI-00872-00366559-00367085 see in another picture that's a remotely operated vehicle It's a two-bodied 44KIARfsFHI-00873-00367085-00367423 system, much like the Ocean Exploration Trust's vessel, which will show 44KIARfsFHI-00874-00367423-00367772 up in a moment, as well. To give you a sense of the magnitude of what 44KIARfsFHI-00875-00367772-00368201 we've been doing, this is the last three years of our work. The office has 44KIARfsFHI-00876-00368201-00368623 been in existence since 2001. We've had a vessel since 2008. And over 44KIARfsFHI-00877-00368623-00369078 the last three years, we've spent exploring the Pacific communities and f 44KIARfsFHI-00878-00369078-00369606 or the first time going to every managed place that NOAA has 44KIARfsFHI-00879-00369606-00369953 responsibility for. If it's a protected area, a monument or a sanctuary, for 44KIARfsFHI-00880-00369953-00370371 the first time, we have gone to these places, looked at the deep ocean 44KIARfsFHI-00881-00370371-00370656 environments, and tried to give NOAA a sense of our management 44KIARfsFHI-00882-00370656-00370884 responsibilities. Afterall, you can't not manage what you do not know. So 44KIARfsFHI-00883-00370884-00371252 we have gone here for the first time. Along the way we have also 44KIARfsFHI-00884-00371252-00371518 partnered with folks from the Cook Islands and getting them to see their 44KIARfsFHI-00885-00371518-00371804 deep ocean environment for the first time ever. Nobody had ever done 44KIARfsFHI-00886-00371804-00372060 any work there before. So we've been doing work with the Cook Islands 44KIARfsFHI-00887-00372060-00372476 and others, as well. You can look at some of the statistics here. I won't 44KIARfsFHI-00888-00372476-00372756 bore you with them. But we've mapped a lot of the sea floor. We had a lot 44KIARfsFHI-00889-00372756-00373073 of ROV operations and samples collected and things of that nature. And 44KIARfsFHI-00890-00373073-00373575 of course we had a lot of views. We had 8.4 million live views on 44KIARfsFHI-00891-00373575-00373945 YouTube. One of our key things that we do, just like the Ocean 44KIARfsFHI-00892-00373945-00374336 Exploration Trust, is we broadcast what we do live to the public and we 44KIARfsFHI-00893-00374336-00374646 interact with scientists who may be on shore and we interact with 44KIARfsFHI-00894-00374646-00375076 communities of students and just interested people while we do our 44KIARfsFHI-00895-00375076-00375617 work. Moving forward over the next few years, 2018 to 2020, this is kind 44KIARfsFHI-00896-00375617-00376113 of a sneak peek of what we're looking at. These slides will all be made 44KIARfsFHI-00897-00376113-00376369 available to you. So if you want to dig in a little bit, you want to reach out, 44KIARfsFHI-00898-00376369-00376921 you want to participate, let us know. But we've moved back east of the 44KIARfsFHI-00899-00376921-00377520 canal and we'll be focusing on the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean and the 44KIARfsFHI-00900-00377520-00377801 Atlantic through at least 2020. Maybe a little bit longer. We've got a lot of 44KIARfsFHI-00901-00377801-00378016 activities already teed up. Some in partnership with other Government 44KIARfsFHI-00902-00378016-00378279 agencies. Some in partnership with the academic community And some 44KIARfsFHI-00903-00378279-00378655 in partnership with folks like the Navy. And it would not be fair of me to 44KIARfsFHI-00904-00378655-00379015 talk about our exploration capabilities without pointing out one of the 44KIARfsFHI-00905-00379015-00379329 other major assets that we support. We of course don't operate the 44KIARfsFHI-00906-00379329-00379577 Ocean Exploration Trust vessel the Nautilus. But we do support it. I'm 44KIARfsFHI-00907-00379577-00380043 proud to say we are the primary benefactor currently of that vessel's 44KIARfsFHI-00908-00380043-00380416 operations. Maybe it will say that way. But Bob is very entrepreneurial as 44KIARfsFHI-00909-00380416-00380786 everybody knows and he's always gaining additional resources to do the 44KIARfsFHI-00910-00380786-00381243 kind of work that they do, as well. This is the Nautilus' plans for this 44KIARfsFHI-00911-00381243-00381740 coming year. So tune in. There's going to be a lot of great discoveries. 44KIARfsFHI-00912-00381740-00382081 Some of this is follow-on to the work that we have done. Some of this is 44KIARfsFHI-00913-00382081-00382447 some continuing stuff, particularly along the Cascadia Margin where 44KIARfsFHI-00914-00382447-00382780 there's some really extremely exciting communities. So tune in, there's a l 44KIARfsFHI-00915-00382780-00383047 ot of great discoveries going on. As Bob likes to point out 24 by 7 44KIARfsFHI-00916-00383047-00383340 operations. And lots of interactions with the public and the education 44KIARfsFHI-00917-00383340-00383776 community. So it's not sufficient, though, to just go out there and collect 44KIARfsFHI-00918-00383776-00384192 this data and then kind of put -- give it to some scientist and put it on a 44KIARfsFHI-00919-00384525-00384858 shelf. Our goal is from ship to repository 90 to 120 days for all of the data 44KIARfsFHI-00920-00384858-00385206 that we collect and it becomes publicly available. Anybody who wants to 44KIARfsFHI-00921-00385206-00385639 use it can. The bathy data is, generally speaking, within 60 days. The 44KIARfsFHI-00922-00385639-00386060 biological samples go to the Smithsonian. Some of them are in the 44KIARfsFHI-00923-00386060-00386434 Bishop Museum for the communities in the Pacific. And right now we've 44KIARfsFHI-00924-00386434-00386740 been sending some subsamples to the Ocean Genome Legacy center, as 44KIARfsFHI-00925-00386740-00387067 well, try to increase the ocean genome. All of that data is publicly 44KIARfsFHI-00926-00387067-00387425 available. All of those samples are publicly available. Anybody in the 44KIARfsFHI-00927-00387425-00387996 science community who wants to use them, can. And then we also focus 44KIARfsFHI-00928-00387996-00388474 heavily on public engagement. We've got a strong web presence. Of 44KIARfsFHI-00929-00388474-00388767 course we telecast live what we do. But we also have a teacher 44KIARfsFHI-00930-00388767-00389116 educational Professional Development Program where we like the 44KIARfsFHI-00931-00389116-00389639 Nautilus folks develop lesson plans. We get the teacher community 44KIARfsFHI-00932-00389639-00389926 together. We teach them how to best use those lesson plans and then 44KIARfsFHI-00933-00389926-00390236 they use them in the middle school and high school setting. Because 44KIARfsFHI-00934-00390236-00390561 afterall the key is -- the key to the future of the ocean problems and the 44KIARfsFHI-00935-00390561-00390862 ocean solutions of tomorrow are the middle schoolers and the high 44KIARfsFHI-00936-00390862-00391247 schoolers of today. So I'll leave it at that. And we'll hand it over to the next 44KIARfsFHI-00937-00391247-00391670 speakers down the way. But I look forward to the Q&A and talking about 44KIARfsFHI-00938-00391670-00391985 how we can augment what we're doing with these existing platforms that I 44KIARfsFHI-00939-00391985-00392476 showed and some of the things that might be coming online in the coming years 44KIARfsFHI-00940-00392476-00392663 >> Thank you. 44KIARfsFHI-00941-00392663-00392902 (Applause). 44KIARfsFHI-00942-00392902-00393116 >> Anna is next. 44KIARfsFHI-00943-00393116-00394496 >> So I'm Anna Michel and I'm a scientist at the Woods Hole 44KIARfsFHI-00944-00394496-00394807 Oceanographic Institution. And we're going to turn now to a little bit deeper 44KIARfsFHI-00945-00394807-00395011 in the sensing side. So my lab works on developing new sensors 44KIARfsFHI-00946-00395011-00395246 for making chemical measurements in the ocean. 44KIARfsFHI-00947-00395246-00395512 So I'm going to show you some of the technology we've been developing 44KIARfsFHI-00948-00395512-00395739 and then I'm going to end with some of the big problems we have. 44KIARfsFHI-00949-00395739-00395947 And this is where I really hope we can have some conversation later 44KIARfsFHI-00950-00395947-00396255 on how do we get new technologies into the ocean. 44KIARfsFHI-00951-00396255-00396548 Because some of our platforms -- some of our instruments are 44KIARfsFHI-00952-00396548-00396891 still very big and so how do we move from these giant instruments to 44KIARfsFHI-00953-00396891-00397353 these small cheap sensors? I know Alan and I have had many 44KIARfsFHI-00954-00397353-00397820 conversations about this. So I do a lot of gas sensing in my lab and I'm 44KIARfsFHI-00955-00397820-00398204 sure all of you have heard about how carbon dioxide, so this is the blue 44KIARfsFHI-00956-00398204-00398500 line, has gone up over time so people want to make measurements of 44KIARfsFHI-00957-00398500-00398843 carbon dioxide. There's another gas that's equally important Perhaps 44KIARfsFHI-00958-00398843-00399233 even more important that you probably heard about. Methane. So this is 44KIARfsFHI-00959-00399233-00399575 time versus concentration. So this is methane going up over time. So 44KIARfsFHI-00960-00399575-00399964 methane has gone up. Why do we care about it? Well, there's a big i 44KIARfsFHI-00961-00399964-00400219 nfluence on climate. So these two gases are really important in the 44KIARfsFHI-00962-00400219-00400543 ocean And we want to be able to measure them in lots of different 44KIARfsFHI-00963-00400543-00400801 environments. But one of the problems is they are often from these 44KIARfsFHI-00964-00400801-00401083 diffuse sources so how do we actually make measurements in these 44KIARfsFHI-00965-00401083-00401439 different environments of these gases? And also if they are in the gas 44KIARfsFHI-00966-00401439-00401686 form and it's in the ocean, it's liquid, how do we actually make 44KIARfsFHI-00967-00401686-00401923 measurements of them? And where do we want to make measurements 44KIARfsFHI-00968-00401923-00402205 of them? So if we look at the ocean as a whole, there's lots of 44KIARfsFHI-00969-00402205-00402502 environments where these gases are really important. And so if we step 44KIARfsFHI-00970-00402502-00402835 through some of these environments where we want to put these 44KIARfsFHI-00971-00402835-00403290 sensors out, up in the arctic there's areas, coastal areas. Also these lakes 44KIARfsFHI-00972-00403290-00403786 and coastal areas where there's a lot of methane coming up, we want to 44KIARfsFHI-00973-00403786-00404190 be able to make measurements there. Alan just mentioned the Cascadia Margin. 44KIARfsFHI-00974-00404190-00404488 There's a lot of bubbles that come up in those areas where we 44KIARfsFHI-00975-00404488-00404740 want to be able to put instruments out to make those kind of 44KIARfsFHI-00976-00404740-00405056 measurements. In coastal areas, like estuaries, there's a lot of methane 44KIARfsFHI-00977-00405056-00405382 that comes out there. So how do we make measurements in those 44KIARfsFHI-00978-00405382-00405905 environments, at seeps, these cold seeps in the deep ocean? 44KIARfsFHI-00979-00405905-00406363 Hydrothermal events have a lot of these different gases. So how do we 44KIARfsFHI-00980-00406363-00406635 make measurements there? Bubbles that come out, either they can be 44KIARfsFHI-00981-00406635-00406943 carbon dioxide bubbles or they can be methane like in the Cascadia Margin. 44KIARfsFHI-00982-00406943-00407239 And there's also these methane hydrates in the deep ocean. So 44KIARfsFHI-00983-00407239-00407556 how do we actually get instruments so we can take out and make 44KIARfsFHI-00984-00407556-00407865 measurements in these environments instead of actually collecting a 44KIARfsFHI-00985-00407865-00408065 sample and bringing them back on the ship and then bringing them back 44KIARfsFHI-00986-00408065-00408418 to our lab and maybe six months later we have a measurement? We want 44KIARfsFHI-00987-00408418-00408836 to make measurements at these sources. So my lab works on this 44KIARfsFHI-00988-00408836-00409260 technique called laser absorption spectroscopy. I'll simplify this. But 44KIARfsFHI-00989-00409260-00409643 basically we have a laser. And we have a detector. The laser puts out 44KIARfsFHI-00990-00409643-00410035 light. And we collect that light. What we do is we pick the laser light to be 44KIARfsFHI-00991-00410035-00410368 at a certain wavelength. And it's the same wavelength of whatever we 44KIARfsFHI-00992-00410368-00410643 want to measure absorbs light. As that light goes through our sample we 44KIARfsFHI-00993-00410643-00410960 see a decrease in the amount of light and we can determine what's 44KIARfsFHI-00994-00410960-00411329 actually in our sample. So we can do this for a bunch of different gases. 44KIARfsFHI-00995-00411329-00411854 This is a picture here of the different wavelengths and different gases. So 44KIARfsFHI-00996-00411854-00412276 methane is this red gas over here. The stronger these lines are, the more 44KIARfsFHI-00997-00412276-00412670 light we can actually absorb in that region. So what you can notice here, 44KIARfsFHI-00998-00412670-00413032 there's a lot of different gases that are important in the ocean that have 44KIARfsFHI-00999-00413032-00413342 this infrared signature. So methane, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, lots of 44KIARfsFHI-01000-00413342-00413658 different gases we can use these techniques for. So it's a really good 44KIARfsFHI-01001-00413658-00414035 technique to use for atmospheric sensing but also for ocean sensing. 44KIARfsFHI-01002-00414035-00414325 One of the problems, though, is these lasers won't go through water. So 44KIARfsFHI-01003-00414325-00414714 what we actually have to do is extract our gases. So we have to build 44KIARfsFHI-01004-00414714-00415064 systems to actually get the gas out of our seawater and then we can 44KIARfsFHI-01005-00415064-00415400 measure that gas. So that brings in a new challenge to be able to bring 44KIARfsFHI-01006-00415400-00415862 these technologies to ocean environments. So what have we done? We 44KIARfsFHI-01007-00415862-00416267 built these systems to be able to make measurements coming out of 44KIARfsFHI-01008-00416267-00416582 surface water. So out of things like lakes and coastal regions. So what 44KIARfsFHI-01009-00416582-00416934 we can do is we can launch this laser a really long distance over the 44KIARfsFHI-01010-00416934-00417259 water and any gas that's coming out of the water we can measure. What 44KIARfsFHI-01011-00417259-00417638 we do is we use these really cool lasers. These quantum cascade lasers 44KIARfsFHI-01012-00417638-00418035 Each one of these stripes is actually a laser. So they are really small. So 44KIARfsFHI-01013-00418035-00418321 the idea of using these small lasers is we can make these small sensors 44KIARfsFHI-01014-00418321-00418596 But there's a lot of electronics involved. So our sensors end up being 44KIARfsFHI-01015-00418596-00418972 really big for other reasons so even though our lasers have become really 44KIARfsFHI-01016-00418972-00419230 small and our detector have become really small there's a lot of other 44KIARfsFHI-01017-00419230-00419434 challenges that we need to address. Like how do you make the 44KIARfsFHI-01018-00419434-00419672 electronics themselves smaller? How do you make the power packs 44KIARfsFHI-01019-00419672-00419846 smaller? For example, the batteries. So another thing we do is we try to 44KIARfsFHI-01020-00419846-00420075 make measurements in these coastal regions So what we have done is 44KIARfsFHI-01021-00420075-00420434 we can use the same kind of technology and we can buy there's 44KIARfsFHI-01022-00420434-00420983 commercially packaged to take out in the field and we can put them onto 44KIARfsFHI-01023-00420983-00421566 an autonomous kayak. So this is a kayak that we can put all of these 44KIARfsFHI-01024-00421566-00421799 different instruments on and drive around. So here is the kayak driving 44KIARfsFHI-01025-00421799-00422045 around. This is actually about an hour away from here. What we can do is 44KIARfsFHI-01026-00422045-00422345 kind of like a remote control car. We can drive it along. As it drives along, 44KIARfsFHI-01027-00422345-00422651 it can continuously make measurements of the chemistry in the surface 44KIARfsFHI-01028-00422651-00423008 waters. So as you can imagine there's a lot of applications for this both in 44KIARfsFHI-01029-00423008-00423360 the coastal and we'll take this out actually to Cascadia Margin this fall to 44KIARfsFHI-01030-00423360-00423721 make measurements of methane coming up on the surface waters So 44KIARfsFHI-01031-00423721-00424260 what does it give us? This is actually a map. So this is a river here. This is 44KIARfsFHI-01032-00424260-00424835 the longitude and latitude. What it can do is as we drive the jetyak up and 44KIARfsFHI-01033-00424835-00425245 down. It can continuously make these measurements so we can start 44KIARfsFHI-01034-00425245-00425591 getting these large spatial scale measurements that can tell us what's 44KIARfsFHI-01035-00425591-00425924 happening in the water. This is actually methane here. When you see it 44KIARfsFHI-01036-00425924-00426347 turn red, this is actually a plume of methane that's being emitted here. 44KIARfsFHI-01037-00426347-00426610 There's actually a wastewater treatment plant here so it's putting out a 44KIARfsFHI-01038-00426610-00427057 plume right here. So over time we can start to track it. As you can 44KIARfsFHI-01039-00427057-00427366 imagine, there's a lot of different applications where we can have these 44KIARfsFHI-01040-00427366-00427617 autonomous vehicles that we can drive around and start making better 44KIARfsFHI-01041-00427617-00428192 spatial scale measurements. Third, this is a project with Peter Girguis 44KIARfsFHI-01042-00428192-00428947 who some of you saw this morning. This has developed systems where 44KIARfsFHI-01043-00428947-00429342 we can do these kind of measurements in the deep ocean. So this is the 44KIARfsFHI-01044-00429342-00429717 first generation system here That we can put out in the deep ocean. We can 44KIARfsFHI-01045-00429717-00429968 put it on a vehicle like Hercules and we can make measurements of 44KIARfsFHI-01046-00429968-00430239 carbon dioxide and methane in the deep ocean. We've been developing a 44KIARfsFHI-01047-00430239-00430510 new system. This is our new system here, which is a lot smaller But it's 44KIARfsFHI-01048-00430510-00430759 still very complicated. So you can see the system here is packaged in our 44KIARfsFHI-01049-00430759-00431027 pressure housing being put in Hercules and you can immediately see 44KIARfsFHI-01050-00431027-00431296 what one of the problems is, it takes two people to just lift that 44KIARfsFHI-01051-00431296-00431608 instrument. I can't even lift it myself. Because the pressure housings are 44KIARfsFHI-01052-00431608-00431854 so big because the instruments are big. So where are we with chemical 44KIARfsFHI-01053-00431854-00432177 sensing and where do we want to go? We're limited right now because 44KIARfsFHI-01054-00432177-00432537 the instruments are large, they are heavy, a lot of them require a lot of 44KIARfsFHI-01055-00432537-00432950 power so they are platform limited we can't put these instruments an 44KIARfsFHI-01056-00432950-00433243 AUVs right now We have to be on a vehicle like Hercules. They are also 44KIARfsFHI-01057-00433243-00433596 one of a kind. There's one of each of these different instruments. They 44KIARfsFHI-01058-00433596-00433918 are also highly technical. So we need somebody specialized in the 44KIARfsFHI-01059-00433918-00434382 instrument to be able to deploy it. Also funding is a problem. It's not easy. 44KIARfsFHI-01060-00434382-00434792 But you can get funding to develop a first generation system. But how do 44KIARfsFHI-01061-00434792-00435081 you get money to take that system into many different generations? How 44KIARfsFHI-01062-00435081-00435460 do you push that instrument further? So what do we want? We want 44KIARfsFHI-01063-00435460-00435760 small, easy-to-use sensors that we can put on lots of different platforms. 44KIARfsFHI-01064-00435760-00436117 We also want to look at new technologies. There's a lot of labs that are 44KIARfsFHI-01065-00436117-00436432 developing technologies for other applications such as biomedical 44KIARfsFHI-01066-00436432-00436800 applications that we can really transition to ocean applications. So what 44KIARfsFHI-01067-00436800-00437064 new technologies are available that we could look for? I'm also 44KIARfsFHI-01068-00437064-00437481 personally really interested in doing plume hunting and tracking. So when 44KIARfsFHI-01069-00437481-00437845 we put AUVs down, for example, can we put instruments on it that can 44KIARfsFHI-01070-00437845-00438167 find these different plumes? And fields? Can they find bubbles, for 44KIARfsFHI-01071-00438167-00438554 example? So how do we move from having an instrument that we know 44KIARfsFHI-01072-00438554-00438916 is going to a targeted site to actually using the instruments to find these sites? Thanks. 44KIARfsFHI-01073-00438916-00439326 (Applause). 44KIARfsFHI-01074-00439326-00439495 >> Okay Next we have Brennan 44KIARfsFHI-01075-00439495-00441337 >> (Off microphone). 44KIARfsFHI-01076-00441337-00441985 >> Press the button here. There we go. Great, thanks. Okay. 44KIARfsFHI-01077-00441985-00442235 So my name is Brennan Phillips. As I said, I'm an ocean engineer at the 44KIARfsFHI-01078-00442235-00442568 University of Rhode Island but my other alter ego is a deep-sea biologist. 44KIARfsFHI-01079-00442568-00442920 So today I'm going to be talking a lot about deep-sea biology, how it 44KIARfsFHI-01080-00442920-00443258 relates to technology. And sort of the take-home theme. It's pretty 44KIARfsFHI-01081-00443258-00443616 obvious. You can't explore the deep ocean without knowing your tech So 44KIARfsFHI-01082-00443616-00443989 there are a couple of disciplines. They have to work together. And with 44KIARfsFHI-01083-00443989-00444789 that, there's some interesting themes to explore off of that. But the topic 44KIARfsFHI-01084-00444789-00445029 of this whole workshop is these -- Here Be Dragons. And so these are my 44KIARfsFHI-01085-00445029-00445414 dragons when I thought about it I was like, well, what our dragons 44KIARfsFHI-01086-00445414-00445862 actually look like under water. So one of the projects I work on is in the 44KIARfsFHI-01087-00445862-00446354 Western Pacific. On a submarine volcano that's really shallow. A couple 44KIARfsFHI-01088-00446354-00446630 of years ago we were exploring around this area. And this is when it's 44KIARfsFHI-01089-00446630-00446904 erupting most of the time. And we actually got inside the crater using a 44KIARfsFHI-01090-00446904-00447254 piece of light-weight technology from National Geographic. And when it's 44KIARfsFHI-01091-00447254-00447603 not erupting, it's full of sharks. Just as an example, this is out there. But 44KIARfsFHI-01092-00447603-00448021 you can't take a big ship and sit it out over there. You have to just throw 44KIARfsFHI-01093-00448021-00448718 something over the side and see that. Right nearby we saw this deep-sea 44KIARfsFHI-01094-00448718-00449041 shark at about 1800 meters. Again, using that light-weight piece of 44KIARfsFHI-01095-00449041-00449472 technology. But another theme I work on a lot with -- is hydrothermal 44KIARfsFHI-01096-00449472-00449904 vents, which are also underwater volcanos. And on the Nautilus and the 44KIARfsFHI-01097-00449904-00450270 Hercules ROV, a couple of years ago at the Galapagos we were able to 44KIARfsFHI-01098-00450270-00450479 publish these findings. We were able to find a whole bunch of skatex ( 44KIARfsFHI-01099-00450479-00450810 phonetic) embryos that are evidence that these deep-sea skates are 44KIARfsFHI-01100-00450810-00451160 actually using these vents to incubate themselves and increase -- or 44KIARfsFHI-01101-00451160-00451591 decrease the time it takes them to gestate. Another topic I work on is 44KIARfsFHI-01102-00451591-00452074 bioluminescence and using low light cameras. So this is a school of 44KIARfsFHI-01103-00452074-00452464 flashlight fish out in the Solomon Islands in the Western Pacific. This 44KIARfsFHI-01104-00452464-00452977 doesn't do it justice but to give you some representation of what this 44KIARfsFHI-01105-00452977-00453492 school looks like, it's like an order of magnitude more. It's like swarming 44KIARfsFHI-01106-00453492-00453714 around you. We were able to film that. And also using that same type of 44KIARfsFHI-01107-00453714-00453956 capability, we were able to film bioluminescence in really high resolution 44KIARfsFHI-01108-00453956-00454272 and recently playing around with a color camera that same worm you just 44KIARfsFHI-01109-00454272-00454563 saw, we can show it emits a blue bioluminescence and actually sheds it. S 44KIARfsFHI-01110-00454563-00454964 o we thought the animal was glowing but it's actually shedding it, which 44KIARfsFHI-01111-00454964-00455274 is kind of cool. Another recent trip I was on this is in one hour of diving 44KIARfsFHI-01112-00455274-00455546 we found evidence of a bioluminescence sponge. Google Scholar that. 44KIARfsFHI-01113-00455546-00455864 You won't find it. And a bioluminescent black coral. Again, you Google 44KIARfsFHI-01114-00455864-00456235 that, and you won't find anything. I can't publish that. We have to actually 44KIARfsFHI-01115-00456235-00456606 collect these things. But just flying around the dark, you find some cool 44KIARfsFHI-01116-00456606-00457116 stuff if you just do that so changing the way we approach it. And lastly a 44KIARfsFHI-01117-00457116-00457368 couple of examples this is a true a few months ago on Nautilus. 44KIARfsFHI-01118-00457368-00457838 Approaching animals with just some dim lights. So this is a jellyfish the 44KIARfsFHI-01119-00457838-00458260 size of a trash can called deep stariatamatica (phonetic). And it's totally 44KIARfsFHI-01120-00458260-00458550 chill and doing it's thing. We actually caught it capturing something and 44KIARfsFHI-01121-00458550-00458870 closing up. And we can get up really close and do some interesting 44KIARfsFHI-01122-00458870-00459356 lighting on it sort of like interior lighting that shows these canals that are 44KIARfsFHI-01123-00459356-00459635 really beautiful. And then the last example, we found this vampire squid 44KIARfsFHI-01124-00459635-00460068 which was just hanging out, was unaffected by us. We're using a light to 44KIARfsFHI-01125-00460068-00460368 illuminate this that's less bright than your cell phone light. And we're 44KIARfsFHI-01126-00460368-00460821 getting these color images of it. So the animal isn't nearly as disturbed 44KIARfsFHI-01127-00460821-00461416 from that. So again, my point is that the technology that we use is key to 44KIARfsFHI-01128-00461416-00461810 seeing the ocean through a different lens. So another take on that, 44KIARfsFHI-01129-00461810-00462168 besides the low light imaging and all of that sort of thing, I just want to 44KIARfsFHI-01130-00462168-00462630 point out this robotic arm right here that's reaching out, I'll talk about this 44KIARfsFHI-01131-00462630-00463029 in a second, this arm is a very heavy duty arm. It's about the size of me. 44KIARfsFHI-01132-00463029-00463478 And the vehicle it takes to run it is about the size of a jeep. So it's really 44KIARfsFHI-01133-00463478-00463732 heavy duty stuff. A lot of gear we're bringing down just to collect If you're 44KIARfsFHI-01134-00463732-00464084 a biologist like me, it's a lot of hardware to carry around just to do one 44KIARfsFHI-01135-00464084-00464460 particular thing. So another project I work on are these squishy fingers. 44KIARfsFHI-01136-00464460-00464870 Which use low pressure seawater just background seawater to collect 44KIARfsFHI-01137-00464870-00465214 animals very delicately and we have actually developed the whole arm. I 44KIARfsFHI-01138-00465214-00465576 can't show that to you here today. But we have a whole squishy arm that 44KIARfsFHI-01139-00465576-00465955 runs on two orders of magnitude less power than that big heavy duty arm 44KIARfsFHI-01140-00465955-00466321 that goes with it. So the entire platform itself becomes reduced by it And 44KIARfsFHI-01141-00466321-00466650 then when we dive down back with the low light camera stuff, which is 44KIARfsFHI-01142-00466650-00467057 sitting here on the front of Herc, we have the lights on, guns ablazing. But 44KIARfsFHI-01143-00467057-00467429 it's really interesting to just turn them down and look at it from a different 44KIARfsFHI-01144-00467429-00467945 perspective to go with it. Now, those are good ideas. But I have a little bit 44KIARfsFHI-01145-00467945-00468409 of evidence to back that up. That we are really missing a lot of things that 44KIARfsFHI-01146-00468409-00468955 are in the deep ocean because we're scaring them away So last take is if 44KIARfsFHI-01147-00468955-00469307 you're this deep-sea shrimp right here and this giant 5,000 pound vehicle 44KIARfsFHI-01148-00469307-00469689 comes at you with stadium lighting on -- (Chuckles). 44KIARfsFHI-01149-00469689-00469870 >> You're going to act a little bit differently. You're going to run. 44KIARfsFHI-01150-00469870-00470133 Then you reach out and try to grab it. 44KIARfsFHI-01151-00470133-00470484 That's your perspective from one of these vehicles. And one thing 44KIARfsFHI-01152-00470484-00470806 I couldn't show because it's awful to your ears but there's vehicles 44KIARfsFHI-01153-00470806-00471176 create a tremendous amount of noise, as well In order to run those big 44KIARfsFHI-01154-00471176-00471518 manipulator arms and those thrusters, they run on a hydraulic power 44KIARfsFHI-01155-00471518-00471796 pack and it's horrendous to hear. The amount of noise that they create. 44KIARfsFHI-01156-00471796-00472222 So this is my one slide of data. So speaking of open data from the NOAA 44KIARfsFHI-01157-00472222-00472614 Office of Exploration and Research thank you very much. These are some 44KIARfsFHI-01158-00472614-00473127 dives I think they did in 2016 in the Western Pacific. And this Etch A 44KIARfsFHI-01159-00473127-00473466 Sketch line you see in the middle here, this is a dive profile of their deep 44KIARfsFHI-01160-00473466-00473806 ROVs, they work together so there's two of them. The red line is the sea 44KIARfsFHI-01161-00473806-00474099 floor. We have depth here. What we're looking at is acoustic back scatter 44KIARfsFHI-01162-00474099-00474675 collected from the vessel at the same time. The stuff in blue is stuff. It's 44KIARfsFHI-01163-00474675-00475230 fish. It's jellyfish. It's shrimp in the midwater On this particular dive they 44KIARfsFHI-01164-00475230-00475589 were trying to explore the midwater and put them in the camera. So the 44KIARfsFHI-01165-00475589-00476022 vehicles go down deep and all of the scatterers go up. They say, oh, wait, 44KIARfsFHI-01166-00476022-00476322 they are up here. We are going to fly up. And then they all go up. And then 44KIARfsFHI-01167-00476322-00476568 they go to the vehicles and go back to doing what they were doing in the first place. 44KIARfsFHI-01168-00476568-00476734 (Chuckles). 44KIARfsFHI-01169-00476734-00476949 >> So you're just not seeing that at all. And again, this is what all of these 44KIARfsFHI-01170-00476949-00477350 big exploration vehicles look like. They look like Herc, they look like Deep Discover, 44KIARfsFHI-01171-00477350-00477774 these wonderful pieces of technology. And I used to be an ROV pilot. 44KIARfsFHI-01172-00477774-00478081 And I love these things. But then I started looking at it from the biological standpoint. 44KIARfsFHI-01173-00478081-00478354 And it's oh, maybe we should redesign these things a little bit. 44KIARfsFHI-01174-00478354-00478737 So my last slide looks like Proposal Land, because that's where 44KIARfsFHI-01175-00478737-00479008 I'm at right now. Actually on the left -- oh, sorry, excuse me. 44KIARfsFHI-01176-00479008-00479557 On the left I've invested a lot of money with my new position to buy a winch, 44KIARfsFHI-01177-00479557-00479875 which is the most boring thing I could do with my money. 44KIARfsFHI-01178-00479875-00480278 But it's a cool winch. It's a small winch. And it will provide access 44KIARfsFHI-01179-00480278-00480649 and allow me to bring out other peoples' platforms, including my own. So 44KIARfsFHI-01180-00480649-00481024 something on the right I'm proposing something I call the simple 44KIARfsFHI-01181-00481024-00481247 platform, a battery-powered platform with a low light camera, some dim 44KIARfsFHI-01182-00481247-00481539 lights. And that same technology that showed you that back scatter, let's 44KIARfsFHI-01183-00481539-00481829 put that right down there and see if we can turn up the volume in terms 44KIARfsFHI-01184-00481829-00482022 of lights, in terms of noise, and see what these effects are and try to 44KIARfsFHI-01185-00482022-00482347 parse that out. Or since this is a workshop if people have other ideas on 44KIARfsFHI-01186-00482347-00482664 ways that they would like to explore more elegantly I'll put it that way 44KIARfsFHI-01187-00482664-00482872 under water, come see me. Because I have the winch. So I just need 44KIARfsFHI-01188-00482872-00483584 something to put onto it to go with that. Yeah. With that, thank you. 44KIARfsFHI-01189-00483584-00484022 (Applause) 44KIARfsFHI-01190-00484022-00484384 >> A lot of motivation. So now we can get into some discussion. 44KIARfsFHI-01191-00484384-00484703 I'll start off with a couple of questions and then we can just 44KIARfsFHI-01192-00484703-00485470 range free with the crowd. Of course sensing is being revolutionized in 44KIARfsFHI-01193-00485470-00485766 many ways, we're opening up all kinds of different worlds we can sense 44KIARfsFHI-01194-00485766-00486038 now with new technology. One of which is in situ DNA sequencing 44KIARfsFHI-01195-00486038-00486334 because you can get an interpore DNA sequencer now for about $5,000. 44KIARfsFHI-01196-00486334-00486702 They are going to get much cheaper. Soon you'll just be able to talk into 44KIARfsFHI-01197-00486702-00486985 your cell phone. Of course you have to prepare samples. That may be 44KIARfsFHI-01198-00486985-00487264 where the difficulty is. But this could be intriguing to get real-time. 44KIARfsFHI-01199-00487264-00487660 Instead of waiting months as you mentioned to get the data back, have it 44KIARfsFHI-01200-00487660-00487963 sequenced in a lab, so on and so forth, just have the stuff continually 44KIARfsFHI-01201-00487963-00488297 processed. Do you guys see this as being a potential future? Is it a 44KIARfsFHI-01202-00488297-00488680 relevant thing for you? You get some idea of the biology just from DNA 44KIARfsFHI-01203-00488680-00489091 that's surrounded in the water? 44KIARfsFHI-01204-00489091-00489352 >> I can tackle it. I just know there's a whole project out of MBARI 44KIARfsFHI-01205-00489352-00489554 I think that did this. I think Pete worked on. This is one of your things. 44KIARfsFHI-01206-00489554-00489955 I forget the acronym 44KIARfsFHI-01207-00489955-00490193 >> (Off microphone). 44KIARfsFHI-01208-00490193-00490528 >> Thank you. But it is possible but it was pretty big and I think it's 44KIARfsFHI-01209-00490528-00490864 along the same vein and Anna was saying. 44KIARfsFHI-01210-00490864-00491249 There's a lot of money out there to put a first idea but in terms of 44KIARfsFHI-01211-00491249-00491806 making this a bit more robust and smaller, I think that's where the hope is. 44KIARfsFHI-01212-00491806-00492118 >> Yeah, I mean now you can get them about the size of your hand. Of course 44KIARfsFHI-01213-00492118-00492502 you have to work the pressure, which is another factor to again prepare the sample. 44KIARfsFHI-01214-00492502-00492688 >> That's new to me. That's really cool. 44KIARfsFHI-01215-00492688-00492857 >> Intriguing future. 44KIARfsFHI-01216-00492857-00493160 >> Yeah, if I might tack onto that, the ESP or Environmental Sample Processor developed by 44KIARfsFHI-01217-00493160-00493472 MBARI was originally something about the size of a very large garbage 44KIARfsFHI-01218-00493472-00493864 can They then made it down to about the size 44KIARfsFHI-01219-00493864-00494089 of a coffee can with the goal of putting it an AUVs. 44KIARfsFHI-01220-00494089-00494472 It was actually tested in the Great Lakes last year to detect a harmful algal bloom. 44KIARfsFHI-01221-00494472-00494766 So very successfully. But what we're really seeing in 44KIARfsFHI-01222-00494766-00495118 the tech space in this arena within the next ten years is probably flow 44KIARfsFHI-01223-00495118-00495510 through sampling capability. So you could envision a world in which you 44KIARfsFHI-01224-00495510-00495862 had a terrain-following AUV. So autonomous underwater vehicle. Not an 44KIARfsFHI-01225-00495862-00496259 ROV that's piloted by somebody with, say, stereo cameras, other 44KIARfsFHI-01226-00496259-00497018 environmental sensors and flow-through DNA sequencing. And all of a 44KIARfsFHI-01227-00497018-00497395 sudden, you have the potential of being able to characterize not just what 44KIARfsFHI-01228-00497395-00497597 exists in that habitat but the environmental conditions that it exists in. 44KIARfsFHI-01229-00497597-00497917 And not just those things that you can see that are existing in that habitat 44KIARfsFHI-01230-00497917-00498285 but all of the DNA that might be present in that water stream at any given 44KIARfsFHI-01231-00498285-00498741 time. I firmly believe if we're able to do this, we're going to lead to this 44KIARfsFHI-01232-00498741-00499253 inductive research revolution where we basically take a look at these 44KIARfsFHI-01233-00499253-00499647 gobs of data and start seeing correlations that we have never seen 44KIARfsFHI-01234-00499647-00499926 before. And that's going to then lead onto a tremendous amount of 44KIARfsFHI-01235-00499926-00500187 follow-on research to try to improve our understanding of those 44KIARfsFHI-01236-00500187-00500437 environments. 44KIARfsFHI-01237-00500437-00500755 >> And what about self-powered vehicles? You can make them autonomous 44KIARfsFHI-01238-00500755-00501001 but they always come home right now at least for the most part. 44KIARfsFHI-01239-00501001-00501292 You're starting to see these wave rectifiers with silver cells 44KIARfsFHI-01240-00501292-00501610 and other things you can just let them go. They talk via satellite. They can catch data, 44KIARfsFHI-01241-00501610-00502118 upload it, and just go forever. Is this going to be a game changer, too, do you 44KIARfsFHI-01242-00502118-00502630 think? Or is there just too much power that we need to do what we want to do? 44KIARfsFHI-01243-00502630-00503085 >> Well, I think for a lot of the sensors right now, I think that we need 44KIARfsFHI-01244-00503085-00503443 to work on the sensors to be able to adapt them to those platforms. 44KIARfsFHI-01245-00503443-00503825 But I think those are great platforms long term. We have things like CTDs 44KIARfsFHI-01246-00503825-00504021 that we can get really tiny and put on those vehicles 44KIARfsFHI-01247-00504021-00504264 . But if we want to do some of these other kinds of analyses, our 44KIARfsFHI-01248-00504264-00504539 instruments are still not there. And so we need to kind of channel funds 44KIARfsFHI-01249-00504539-00504960 into that, too, to push those instruments to be smaller so they can go on those vehicles 44KIARfsFHI-01250-00504960-00505235 >> I was wondering with your winch if you can't just use a bladder. 44KIARfsFHI-01251-00505235-00505666 If you made the sensor smaller, if it wasn't so heavy, that would make it even more innocuous. 44KIARfsFHI-01252-00505666-00505962 >> Definitely. Yeah. I mean I go in this direction of the winch because 44KIARfsFHI-01253-00505962-00506275 I wanted to simplify things under water. I didn't want that bladder system 44KIARfsFHI-01254-00506275-00506614 to be my problem. Which is a really great idea. 44KIARfsFHI-01255-00506614-00506870 And certainly adjustable buoyancy is a thing to integrate into it. I just decided 44KIARfsFHI-01256-00506870-00507201 to put all of the brains up top so I could look at it. 44KIARfsFHI-01257-00507201-00507370 (Chuckles). 44KIARfsFHI-01258-00507370-00507568 >> The only thing I can focus on is changing the camera under water. 44KIARfsFHI-01259-00507568-00508000 But if I understand your point, there are some really interesting platforms 44KIARfsFHI-01260-00508000-00508320 that are out there for high endurance but they haven't 44KIARfsFHI-01261-00508320-00508638 really gotten into the deep-sea yet. There are some real 44KIARfsFHI-01262-00508638-00508928 limitations with doing that. There's these really cool sailboats that can 44KIARfsFHI-01263-00508928-00509200 sail the ocean for months at a time. Gliders obviously can do that. Wave 44KIARfsFHI-01264-00509200-00509508 gliders and all that sort of thing. But they are really working on the 44KIARfsFHI-01265-00509508-00509788 surface because they have to come up either to charge their cells or to 44KIARfsFHI-01266-00509788-00510214 get navigation data. If you're going to stay down deep and just stay there you, 44KIARfsFHI-01267-00510214-00510635 A, don't know where you are, and B, you're going to run out of power eventually. 44KIARfsFHI-01268-00510635-00510912 So there's some real limitations to break through, if it's at all possible 44KIARfsFHI-01269-00510912-00511313 to break through in that, in the deep. 44KIARfsFHI-01270-00511313-00511635 >> And I might add that at any given time there are about 3,000 to 3500 autonomous 44KIARfsFHI-01271-00511635-00512003 floating instruments on the ocean. 44KIARfsFHI-01272-00512003-00512337 They are called ARGO floats. And they collect great data about the ocean, 44KIARfsFHI-01273-00512337-00512656 they call them the thermal properties, the salt properties and things like that. 44KIARfsFHI-01274-00512656-00512893 And increasingly they are looking at adding biology A 44KIARfsFHI-01275-00512893-00513450 limitation here is that they primarily are limited to the top 1,000 meters of the ocean. 44KIARfsFHI-01276-00513450-00513697 So that's good for a quarter of it on average. Right? 44KIARfsFHI-01277-00513697-00513953 The other three-quarters we really aren't getting with those assets. 44KIARfsFHI-01278-00513953-00514338 And so I think it's going to end up being some combination of service-based assets 44KIARfsFHI-01279-00514338-00514772 whether they are ships or autonomous crafts that are exploding 44KIARfsFHI-01280-00514772-00515345 in popularity right now or ROVs and AUVs, as well as in situ fixed sensors, 44KIARfsFHI-01281-00515345-00515782 as well. It's going to be the combination of these technologies that's 44KIARfsFHI-01282-00515782-00516105 really going to be the break-through and getting them all to work together. 44KIARfsFHI-01283-00516105-00516410 >> Are these sensors that are out there now running off batteries like the old sonobuoys or -- 44KIARfsFHI-01284-00516410-00516672 >> Yes, they are. 44KIARfsFHI-01285-00516672-00516867 >> The scuttle or fever cover. >> Yeah, they are running off of batteries 44KIARfsFHI-01286-00516867-00517196 Generally they get recovered when the battery dies and it rounds 44KIARfsFHI-01287-00517196-00517495 aground some place and there's an address on it. Ship it home. 44KIARfsFHI-01288-00517495-00517810 But these batteries are -- they last for several years. 44KIARfsFHI-01289-00517810-00518191 The data bursts are pretty small. So they are using a radium satellite 44KIARfsFHI-01290-00518191-00518552 to burst the data. Periodically The assets mostly drop to a level 44KIARfsFHI-01291-00518552-00519007 in the ocean. They let the ocean currents take it so they don't power 44KIARfsFHI-01292-00519007-00519272 themselves in a direction. They are doing measurements along the way. 44KIARfsFHI-01293-00519272-00519566 They pop up periodically. They send the data up to satellites, to shore 44KIARfsFHI-01294-00519566-00519971 Then they pop back down again and taking data and 44KIARfsFHI-01295-00519971-00520206 measurements. And also taking the vertical measurements looping the 44KIARfsFHI-01296-00520206-00520509 way. So these things typically last for about a year and a half to two and 44KIARfsFHI-01297-00520509-00520838 a half years. Which is pretty phenomenal, if you think about it. And they 44KIARfsFHI-01298-00520838-00521152 do use the bladder system that you mentioned for buoyancy control. >> 44KIARfsFHI-01299-00521152-00521507 Let's open it up for controls. 44KIARfsFHI-01300-00521507-00521847 >> Yeah you want to toss me that football >> You can take this. 44KIARfsFHI-01301-00521847-00522407 >> You know, obviously you're always looking for low hanging fruit. 44KIARfsFHI-01302-00522407-00522784 Because the costs of being out at sea right off the top, that's such 44KIARfsFHI-01303-00522784-00523489 a huge step function. And I know in our operation I haven't seen people taking 46-NAYEd0sI-00000-00000003-00000305 Paul: We've already seen that a deductive argument 46-NAYEd0sI-00001-00000305-00000601 is any argument that aims to show 46-NAYEd0sI-00002-00000601-00000900 that its conclusion must be true. 46-NAYEd0sI-00003-00000900-00001103 In other words, a deductive argument 46-NAYEd0sI-00004-00001103-00001505 aims to guarantee the truth of its conclusion. 46-NAYEd0sI-00005-00001707-00002308 Now...not all deductive arguments succeed in this aim. 46-NAYEd0sI-00006-00002308-00002703 A valid deductive argument may be defined 46-NAYEd0sI-00007-00002703-00003006 as a deductive argument that has this feature. 46-NAYEd0sI-00008-00003006-00003206 If the premises are true, 46-NAYEd0sI-00009-00003206-00003601 then the conclusion must be true. 46-NAYEd0sI-00010-00003601-00003904 Here's an example of a valid deductive argument. 46-NAYEd0sI-00011-00003904-00004103 This argument here. 46-NAYEd0sI-00012-00004103-00004406 The first premise, all dogs are mammals. 46-NAYEd0sI-00013-00004406-00004703 The second premise, all mammals have hair. 46-NAYEd0sI-00014-00004703-00004901 And the conclusion is, 46-NAYEd0sI-00015-00004901-00005301 so...certainly, all dogs have hair. 46-NAYEd0sI-00016-00005301-00005701 The word "so," of course, is a conclusion indicator, 46-NAYEd0sI-00017-00005701-00005906 and it's this word that tells us 46-NAYEd0sI-00018-00005906-00006201 an argument is actually being given. 46-NAYEd0sI-00019-00006201-00006500 And the word "certainly" indicates 46-NAYEd0sI-00020-00006500-00006703 that this is a deductive argument. 46-NAYEd0sI-00021-00006703-00007006 That the argument is claiming the conclusion must be true 46-NAYEd0sI-00022-00007006-00007206 if the premises are true. 46-NAYEd0sI-00023-00007206-00007502 So the word "certainly" is a deductive indicator. 46-NAYEd0sI-00024-00007502-00007709 It tells us we have a deductive argument. 46-NAYEd0sI-00025-00007709-00008002 The word "so" is a conclusion indicator-- 46-NAYEd0sI-00026-00008002-00008107 identifying the conclusion. 46-NAYEd0sI-00027-00008107-00008705 And...by, uh...logically, the rest is premises. 46-NAYEd0sI-00028-00008705-00009003 And let's think about this argument. 46-NAYEd0sI-00029-00009003-00009302 Supposing that the premises are true, 46-NAYEd0sI-00030-00009302-00009601 would it be possible the conclusion is false? 46-NAYEd0sI-00031-00009601-00009800 If the premises are true... 46-NAYEd0sI-00032-00009800-00010007 if it's true that all dogs are mammals, 46-NAYEd0sI-00033-00010007-00010401 and it's true that all mammals have hair, 46-NAYEd0sI-00034-00010401-00010605 then...certainly, it must be true 46-NAYEd0sI-00035-00010605-00010809 that all dogs have hair. 46-NAYEd0sI-00036-00010809-00011109 And so, this is a valid deductive argument. 46-NAYEd0sI-00037-00011109-00011307 If the premises are true, 46-NAYEd0sI-00038-00011307-00011701 the conclusion indeed must be true. 46-NAYEd0sI-00039-00011701-00012002 Now, compare this argument to this one. 46-NAYEd0sI-00040-00012002-00012300 Suppose someone reasons this way. 46-NAYEd0sI-00041-00012300-00012504 Ann and Bob are cousins. 46-NAYEd0sI-00042-00012504-00012707 Bob and Sue are cousins. 46-NAYEd0sI-00043-00012707-00013407 Therefore, certainly... Ann and Sue must be cousins. 46-NAYEd0sI-00044-00013407-00013702 First of all, the word "therefore" 46-NAYEd0sI-00045-00013702-00013901 is a conclusion indicator word, 46-NAYEd0sI-00046-00013901-00014201 so it tells us that that's the conclusion. 46-NAYEd0sI-00047-00014201-00014406 And by seeing the word "therefore" 46-NAYEd0sI-00048-00014406-00014709 in the...in the, uh...in this presentation, 46-NAYEd0sI-00049-00014709-00015002 we can tell that an argument's being given, 46-NAYEd0sI-00050-00015002-00015109 and that these are the premises. 46-NAYEd0sI-00051-00015109-00015304 That's the conclusion. 46-NAYEd0sI-00052-00015304-00015504 The word "certainly" indicates 46-NAYEd0sI-00053-00015504-00015708 that this is a deductive argument. 46-NAYEd0sI-00054-00015708-00016100 The word "certainly" says that the arguer is claiming 46-NAYEd0sI-00055-00016100-00016407 the conclusion must be true if the premises are true. 46-NAYEd0sI-00056-00016407-00016804 And the word "must" is sort of an extra deductive indicator. 46-NAYEd0sI-00057-00016804-00017101 We're making sure you know that the claim 46-NAYEd0sI-00058-00017101-00017401 is this must be true if these are true. 46-NAYEd0sI-00059-00017401-00017604 So "certainly" and "must" both tell you 46-NAYEd0sI-00060-00017604-00017806 this is a deductive argument. 46-NAYEd0sI-00061-00017806-00018307 But does it succeed in showing that the conclusion must be true 46-NAYEd0sI-00062-00018307-00018507 if the premises are true? 46-NAYEd0sI-00063-00018507-00018800 Well, let's think about it. 46-NAYEd0sI-00064-00018800-00019105 Suppose it's true that Ann and Bob are cousins. 46-NAYEd0sI-00065-00019105-00019502 Just suppose for the sake of argument this is true. 46-NAYEd0sI-00066-00019502-00019808 Suppose it's true that Bob and Sue are cousins. 46-NAYEd0sI-00067-00019808-00020207 Must it be true...given that information, 46-NAYEd0sI-00068-00020207-00020600 that the conclusion is true? 46-NAYEd0sI-00069-00020600-00020808 That Ann and Sue are cousins. 46-NAYEd0sI-00070-00020808-00021100 And if you think about it, 46-NAYEd0sI-00071-00021100-00021400 it's possible the conclusion is false, 46-NAYEd0sI-00072-00021400-00021708 even though the premises are true. 46-NAYEd0sI-00073-00021708-00022400 One possibility is that Ann and Bob, uh...are cousins. 46-NAYEd0sI-00074-00022400-00023001 Bob and Sue are cousins, but Ann and Sue are siblings. 46-NAYEd0sI-00075-00023001-00023201 It's possible they're actually sisters, 46-NAYEd0sI-00076-00023201-00023408 even if the premises are true. 46-NAYEd0sI-00077-00023408-00023706 So this argument does not succeed in showing 46-NAYEd0sI-00078-00023706-00024103 that the conclusion must be true if the premises are true, 46-NAYEd0sI-00079-00024103-00024303 even though it aims to. 46-NAYEd0sI-00080-00024303-00024503 So although it's a deductive argument, 46-NAYEd0sI-00081-00024503-00024801 we call it a deductively invalid argument. 46-NAYEd0sI-00082-00024801-00025001 So a valid deductive argument 46-NAYEd0sI-00083-00025001-00025307 is a deductive argument that has the following feature. 46-NAYEd0sI-00084-00025307-00025702 If the premises were to be true or are true, 46-NAYEd0sI-00085-00025702-00026107 then the conclusion would have to be true or must be true. 46-NAYEd0sI-00086-00026107-00026308 And an invalid deductive argument 46-NAYEd0sI-00087-00026308-00026601 is a deductive argument that's not valid, 46-NAYEd0sI-00088-00026601-00027001 but it will have this feature that it's not the case that 46-NAYEd0sI-00089-00027001-00027304 if the premises are true, the conclusion must be true. 46-NAYEd0sI-00090-00027304-00027503 Do you wanna come in here, Mark? 46-NAYEd0sI-00091-00027503-00027700 Mark: I've got a question. 46-NAYEd0sI-00092-00027700-00027807 Can I use that pen? 46-NAYEd0sI-00093-00027807-00027907 Paul: Yeah. 46-NAYEd0sI-00094-00027907-00028103 Mark: If I'm understanding this right. 46-NAYEd0sI-00095-00028103-00028300 Let's think of this argument. 46-NAYEd0sI-00096-00028300-00028609 Mark--that's me... Mark is 20 feet tall. 46-NAYEd0sI-00097-00028609-00028804 That's my premise. 46-NAYEd0sI-00098-00028804-00029003 This is gonna be a deductive argument. 46-NAYEd0sI-00099-00029003-00029200 This is gonna be fast. 46-NAYEd0sI-00100-00029200-00029807 Thus, Mark is over...10 feet tall. 46-NAYEd0sI-00101-00029807-00029907 Paul: Okay. 46-NAYEd0sI-00102-00029907-00030108 Mark: Okay...would that be valid or invalid? 46-NAYEd0sI-00103-00030108-00030305 Paul: That's a good one. 46-NAYEd0sI-00104-00030305-00030605 And, uh...and if you put the word "must" there, 46-NAYEd0sI-00105-00030605-00030802 you'd be telling us explicitly 46-NAYEd0sI-00106-00030802-00030908 that you're giving a deductive argument. 46-NAYEd0sI-00107-00030908-00031300 Mark: Okay, I did it verbally, but I'll now do it right. 46-NAYEd0sI-00108-00031300-00031504 Paul: So the question is, is this a valid... 46-NAYEd0sI-00109-00031504-00031700 is this a valid deductive argument, 46-NAYEd0sI-00110-00031700-00031808 or is it an invalid deductive argument? 46-NAYEd0sI-00111-00031808-00032007 Mark is 20 feet tall. 46-NAYEd0sI-00112-00032007-00032206 Why don't you stand up, let's see. 46-NAYEd0sI-00113-00032206-00032405 Mark: Six foot three in real life. 46-NAYEd0sI-00114-00032405-00032901 Paul: Yeah, and uh...therefore, he must be over ten feet tall. 46-NAYEd0sI-00115-00032901-00033108 So...of course, the premise is false, 46-NAYEd0sI-00116-00033108-00033403 and of course, the conclusion is false. 46-NAYEd0sI-00117-00033403-00033703 But...hypothetically speaking, 46-NAYEd0sI-00118-00033703-00033907 suppose the premise were to be true? 46-NAYEd0sI-00119-00033907-00034200 If the premise were to be true, 46-NAYEd0sI-00120-00034200-00034406 would that mean the conclusion must be true? 46-NAYEd0sI-00121-00034406-00034602 And you ask yourself that question. 46-NAYEd0sI-00122-00034602-00034809 Mark: So it looks like if the premise is true, 46-NAYEd0sI-00123-00034809-00034909 the conclusion's guaranteed, 46-NAYEd0sI-00124-00034909-00035105 which makes it a valid argument. 46-NAYEd0sI-00125-00035105-00035208 Paul: It is valid. 46-NAYEd0sI-00126-00035208-00035409 Mark: It looks like it's a thought experiment. 46-NAYEd0sI-00127-00035409-00035703 You just...you...forget if the... forget about the real world. 46-NAYEd0sI-00128-00035703-00035807 Pretend the premises are true. 46-NAYEd0sI-00129-00035807-00036101 Imagine in your mind that the premises are true. 46-NAYEd0sI-00130-00036101-00036303 See if they would absolutely guarantee the conclusion. 46-NAYEd0sI-00131-00036303-00036507 The premise might be true; it might be false. 46-NAYEd0sI-00132-00036507-00036700 That's irrelevant at this stage. 46-NAYEd0sI-00133-00036700-00036803 We're tryin' to figure out 46-NAYEd0sI-00134-00036803-00036909 if the premise provides enough information 46-NAYEd0sI-00135-00036909-00037103 to absolutely guarantee the conclusion. 46-NAYEd0sI-00136-00037103-00037209 Paul: And, uh...that's a good example, 46-NAYEd0sI-00137-00037209-00037405 and it does guarantee the conclusion. 46-NAYEd0sI-00138-00037405-00037608 The information in the premise, if true, 46-NAYEd0sI-00139-00037608-00037905 would prove that the conclusion must be true. 46-NAYEd0sI-00140-00037905-00038105 And therefore, it's a valid argument. 46-NAYEd0sI-00141-00038105-00038404 Now...the premise is false, 46-NAYEd0sI-00142-00038404-00038707 but validity doesn't require a true premise. 46-NAYEd0sI-00143-00038707-00039004 And so...so Mark's argument... I like that. 46-NAYEd0sI-00144-00039004-00039107 Mark's argument illustrates 46-NAYEd0sI-00145-00039107-00039400 an important thing to keep in mind. 46-NAYEd0sI-00146-00039400-00039503 Mark: Your penmanship's better though. 46-NAYEd0sI-00147-00039503-00039607 Paul: Do you think so? 46-NAYEd0sI-00148-00039607-00039805 Mark: I think your penmanship is better. 46-NAYEd0sI-00149-00039805-00040102 Paul: It's okay, but you were down on your knees. 46-NAYEd0sI-00150-00040102-00040207 Mark: That's true. 46-NAYEd0sI-00151-00040207-00040409 Paul: So...Mark's argument illustrates an important point. 46-NAYEd0sI-00152-00040409-00040709 It's not required that the premises of an argument 46-NAYEd0sI-00153-00040709-00041102 be true in order for the argument to be valid. 46-NAYEd0sI-00154-00041102-00041209 An argument can be valid, 46-NAYEd0sI-00155-00041209-00041409 even though its premises are false. 46-NAYEd0sI-00156-00041409-00041606 Mark: It's just logically good, 46-NAYEd0sI-00157-00041606-00041806 but the factual issue is something else. 46-NAYEd0sI-00158-00041806-00042108 Paul: The facts are one thing; validity is a separate thing. 46-NAYEd0sI-00159-00042108-00042501 All that's required for an argument to be valid is this. 46-NAYEd0sI-00160-00042501-00042908 If the premises are true, the conclusion must be true. 46-NAYEd0sI-00161-00042908-00043108 That's all that's required for validity. 46-NAYEd0sI-00162-00043108-00043309 So here, we have false premise, false conclusion, 46-NAYEd0sI-00163-00043309-00043508 and yet, it's certainly a valid argument. 46-NAYEd0sI-00164-00043508-00043703 Very nice example. 46-NAYEd0sI-00165-00043703-00044105 And let's just mention, at this point, where we are, 46-NAYEd0sI-00166-00044105-00044302 because, uh...people might be wondering 46-NAYEd0sI-00167-00044302-00044408 where you're filming this. 46-NAYEd0sI-00168-00044408-00044601 Should we tell 'em? 46-NAYEd0sI-00169-00044601-00044704 Mark: Might as well. 46-NAYEd0sI-00170-00044704-00044804 We're in Edmonds. 46-NAYEd0sI-00171-00044804-00045003 This is a...part of the Edmonds waterfront. 46-NAYEd0sI-00172-00045003-00045109 We got the ferry over there. 46-NAYEd0sI-00173-00045109-00045405 We're gonna try to get as many of these videos 46-NAYEd0sI-00174-00045405-00045700 to be in various parts of the Seattle, Bellevue area, 46-NAYEd0sI-00175-00045700-00045908 so you can get a sense of where we're coming from. 46-NAYEd0sI-00176-00045908-00046104 This is a very pretty area. 46-NAYEd0sI-00177-00046104-00046209 We've got some waterfront, some beach, 46-NAYEd0sI-00178-00046209-00046404 people playin' around on the sand. 46-NAYEd0sI-00179-00046404-00046509 It's been fun. 46-NAYEd0sI-00180-00046509-00046806 Paul: Well...and Edmonds is just north of Seattle, 46-NAYEd0sI-00181-00046806-00047300 uh...on Puget Sound, which is a large inland body of water. 46-NAYEd0sI-00182-00047300-00047705 And...we're on the beach where people scuba dive, 46-NAYEd0sI-00183-00047705-00048003 and swim, and all that stuff. 46-NAYEd0sI-00184-00048003-00048306 Uh...on a sunny October day. 46-NAYEd0sI-00185-00048306-00048506 Mark: Okay...good. 46-NAYEd0sI-00186-00048506-00048700 Paul: Thank you, Mark. 46-NAYEd0sI-00187-00048700-00048803 Mark: Does that work? 46-NAYEd0sI-00188-00048803-00049000 Paul: I think that's great. 4qLnHTrRm4E-00000-00002251-00003931 Please enjoy story of Better Life Of Baby Rockstar Under Mother Rozy Control, Sweet Baby Rockstar 4tkSkWR4rxu-00000-00000000-00000664 why did i die? oh i was close i was close i was 4tkSkWR4rxu-00001-00001056-00001704 no.. did you both do that? 4tkSkWR4rxu-00002-00001888-00001970 no 4tkSkWR4rxu-00003-00002127-00002483 Caden? What. Did you both do this? 4tkSkWR4rxu-00004-00002656-00003384 it was a group effort what are you doing are you trying to [ __ ] break them all 4tkSkWR4rxu-00005-00003560-00003720 i don't know how to get rid of them 4tkSkWR4rxu-00006-00003888-00004384 i don't know just leave your house or some [ __ ] i don't [ __ ] know 4tkSkWR4rxu-00007-00004404-00004604 Dying Idiot 4tkSkWR4rxu-00008-00004863-00005063 Dying Skank 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00000-00000000-00000352 Thank you very much for being with us and just first of all 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00001-00000352-00000712 the march ah you are threatening now if no new 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00002-00000712-00001144 elections ah announced what what do you hope to achieve? 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00003-00001144-00001696 Well mark what every ah democrat hopes to achieve from 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00004-00001696-00002336 a peaceful ah ah protest ah what I hope to achieve is to 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00005-00002336-00002832 show the whole of the country that the people of this country 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00006-00002832-00003358 want one thing elections they do not want ah ah foreign 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00007-00003358-00003854 government on ah ah where ah members of our party were 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00008-00003854-00004390 bought by ah million dollars each was offered to them to 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00009-00004390-00004934 switch sides ah and then ah the government was removed. And so 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00010-00004934-00005350 therefore we feel that rather than someone else imposing a 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00011-00005350-00005622 government on our country. Let the people of this country 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00012-00005622-00006210 decide whoever they want ah ah to to lead them. But you were 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00013-00006210-00006622 topple the say by a western conspiracy. You called it I 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00014-00006622-00007030 think US backed regime change. I mean it's quite a claim. What 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00015-00007030-00007526 evidence do you have? What do you base that claim on? Well as 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00016-00007526-00007982 a prime minister I get a cipher. Cipher is the is a 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00017-00007982-00008454 secret ah ah message sent by your ambassadors. They are sent 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00018-00008454-00008814 to the foreign office. It's like in WikiLeaks you know 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00019-00008814-00009182 WikiLeaks was when they broke the code so the secret messages 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00020-00009182-00009494 were related to the public. So I get a cipher from my 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00021-00009494-00009918 ambassador in the US. And he it's an official meeting he has 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00022-00009918-00010262 with this American under secretary or whatever Donald 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00023-00010262-00010718 Lou and me as the prime minister I'm leading I am 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00024-00010718-00011230 reading this cipher and it says that unless you remove your 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00025-00011230-00011526 prime minister through this vote of no confidence which 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00026-00011526-00011934 hadn't been tabled as yet there will be consequences for 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00027-00011934-00012414 Pakistan and if you remove him all will be forgiven now this 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00028-00012414-00012798 this is what me as a prime minister reading this cipher 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00029-00012798-00013350 and I am the chief executive who who was he asking to have 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00030-00013350-00013854 me removed so the next day after this meeting this meeting 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00031-00013854-00014246 official meeting with no takers with minutes between our 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00032-00014246-00014582 ambassador in the Washington and this ah American official 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00033-00014582-00015086 Donald Lou next day the no confidence motion is tabled in 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00034-00015086-00015582 our national assembly and then a members of a party which I 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00035-00015582-00016044 told you were ah had offered offered these huge sums to 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00036-00016044-00016444 switch sides they start leaving a party our allies leaving a 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00037-00016444-00016940 leave a party and just to remind you that at this time in 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00038-00016940-00017508 the last two years Pakistan's growth rate was 5. 6% ah last 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00039-00017508-00018084 year this time was 6% it is one of the highest growth rates in 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00040-00018084-00018664 in Pakistan's history right ah industry was ah ah was booming 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00041-00018664-00019286 exports record remittances record tax collection odd ah we 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00042-00019286-00019638 cope with ah the coronavirus. We are considered one of the 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00043-00019638-00020030 five top countries which saved the people and ah our economy 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00044-00020030-00020462 and our poor people from the virus. So there was no reason 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00045-00020462-00020918 for the government suddenly to be removed because ah since 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00046-00020918-00021238 since we've been removed by the way the economy is gone on a 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00047-00021238-00021646 tail spin. The the US completely deny this and you 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00048-00021646-00022054 say that the US wanted you out because of your foreign policy 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00049-00022054-00022366 which was increasingly anti-western and clearly 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00050-00022366-00022840 favouring ah China and Russia Do you regret the ties with 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00051-00022840-00023248 Russia specifically given what's happened in Ukraine? 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00052-00023248-00023904 Mark ah in that cipher Donald Ruiz asking our ambassador that 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00053-00023904-00024456 did it that that the Prime Minister Imran Khan was solely 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00054-00024456-00024880 responsible for his decision to tour Russia. Now the ambassador 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00055-00024880-00025320 kept trying to explain to him that this was ah ah ah ah tour 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00056-00025320-00025808 which was planned long way back long way before Ukraine second 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00057-00025808-00026072 all stakeholders the foreign office the military 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00058-00026072-00026392 establishment we were all on one page because the military 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00059-00026392-00026920 wanted hardware we wanted to buy ah ah gas from because we 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00060-00026920-00027200 got depleting gas reserves we wanted to and this was six 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00061-00027200-00027792 years ago this contract was being negotiated from Russia so 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00062-00027792-00028176 the problem let me just come here the problem is that on the 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00063-00028176-00028648 very day that Putin invaded Ukraine you shook hands with 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00064-00028648-00029046 him in the Kremlin that suggests if you know at least 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00065-00029046-00029760 that you endorse what he's doing in Ukraine. Mark how the 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00066-00029760-00030152 hell was I supposed to know that there day I landed in ah 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00067-00030152-00030600 in Moscow he was going to Putin was going to ah going to 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00068-00030600-00031280 Ukraine even then from my statement as Moscow was I have 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00069-00031280-00031680 never believed in military solutions so never did I 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00070-00031680-00032136 endorse that as was a totally a bilateral ah meeting it was 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00071-00032136-00032640 planned wrong before so point I am trying to make is that we 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00072-00032640-00033004 didn't realise that when I when I would reach there that ah 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00073-00033004-00033332 Putin would go into Ukraine. How was I supposed to know? And 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00074-00033332-00033588 how could you be punished for that? But do you accept that 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00075-00033588-00033980 what Russia is doing is an illegal act of aggression. Do 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00076-00033980-00034364 you condemn what Russia is doing? Mark, I am against all 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00077-00034364-00034772 military operations. I was against Iraq war, I was against 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00078-00034772-00035124 US going into Afghanistan consistently. I am against 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00079-00035124-00035572 military solutions in Ukraine to solve problems. But point I 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00080-00035572-00036138 am trying to make that to hold me responsible and and in this 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00081-00036138-00036522 cipher it was only me being held responsible while our 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00082-00036522-00037034 ambassador was telling us that this was a long long before the 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00083-00037034-00037410 store was planned the purpose of going there were bilateral 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00084-00037410-00037962 things we had nothing to do with but the problem is that 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00085-00037962-00038426 the ties you have with Russia and China suggest that you went 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00086-00038426-00038802 ahead with that meeting that human rights are secondary to 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00087-00038802-00039178 trade for you Russia is waging a war on its neighbor killing 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00088-00039178-00039626 civilian China has a terrible record on human rights 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00089-00039626-00040138 repressing the and other minorities. Ah Mark I was 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00090-00040138-00040738 elected by 220 million people of Pakistan. To serve them. My 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00091-00040738-00041122 number one priority is there are 50 million Pakistanis below 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00092-00041122-00041642 the poverty line. I I was not elected for them to to to 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00093-00041642-00041930 correct all the wrongs that are going on in the world. My 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00094-00041930-00042346 responsibility was my country. And so all my relationships 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00095-00042346-00042808 whether it was with China with the United States with ah ah 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00096-00042808-00043272 Russia were for the benefit of our own people. Listen, in 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00097-00043272-00043656 Kashmir which is a ah ah dispute between Pakistan and 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00098-00043656-00044104 India. India has violated all United Nations resolutions on 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00099-00044104-00044488 Kashmir. They have illegally taken away the right of the 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00100-00044488-00044800 Kashmiri people and and basically got rid of the 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00101-00044800-00045152 statehood. Now, did anyone speak against it? The 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00102-00045152-00045520 atrocities going on in Kashmir. 00 thousand people in Kashmiris 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00103-00045520-00045936 have died. Has anyone condemned India for that? No, because the 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00104-00045936-00046304 India is an ally. Allow us to be neutral too so that we can 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00105-00046304-00046672 look after our own people. What about Afghanistan? Are you are 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00106-00046672-00047192 you pleased to see the Taliban back in control in Afghanistan? 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00107-00047192-00047680 Were you pleased to see the west defeated? Mark Afghanistan 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00108-00047680-00048112 was there was never going to be a military solution. Anyone who 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00109-00048112-00048352 knows the history of Afghanistan and the British 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00110-00048352-00048744 above all have experienced three wars in Afghanistan the 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00111-00048744-00049096 three times they've gone into Afghanistan in the 19th century 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00112-00049096-00049558 twice in 19 at once in the 20th century. There was never going 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00113-00049558-00049926 be a military solution. People like us who kept saying that 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00114-00049926-00050366 this is not you will not solve Afghanistan problem by bombing 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00115-00050366-00050782 them or or sending a military. We were called pro Taliban. 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00116-00050782-00051230 People like us were always talking about how would there 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00117-00051230-00051566 be people in Afghanistan for 40 years they have been suffering. 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00118-00051566-00051814 Mark this is not a football match whether you are on one 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00119-00051814-00052070 side or the other. Where Afghanistan when there are 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00120-00052070-00052508 problems there the country that suffers most is Pakistan. 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00121-00052508-00052796 Because we we already have three and a half billion Afghan 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00122-00052796-00053100 refugees there. But you said that you said the chains of 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00123-00053100-00053452 slavery had been broken in the country. What when the 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00124-00053452-00053760 Americans left in the British what did you mean by? That was 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00125-00053760-00054372 deliberate it was deliberately distorted. I was speaking in 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00126-00054372-00054892 Urdu. I was talking about getting rid of mental slavery. 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00127-00054892-00055316 We still have the colonial education system with elite as 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00128-00055316-00055716 a taught in English medium. I was we had first time in our 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00129-00055716-00056260 history had once for everyone and I said that mental mental 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00130-00056260-00056596 slavery is far worse than physical slavery. In that 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00131-00056596-00056932 contest I I refer to Afghanistan where physical you 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00132-00056932-00057252 know ah the fighting for their freedom. What about the slavery 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00133-00057252-00057532 of women? Are they are you concerned that they seem to be 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00134-00057532-00057972 going back on their commitment to allow girls back to school 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00135-00057972-00058276 and they are now insisting women cover their faces. Are 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00136-00058276-00058724 you worried at all about what is happening there? Mark I am 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00137-00058724-00059290 not responsible or a spokesman for the Taliban. If there was 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00138-00059290-00059746 any other solution after 20 years of war. Well, there 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00139-00059746-00059994 should have been, you should have found some solution. But 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00140-00059994-00060450 Pakistan has supported the Taliban. How? Who says this? By 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00141-00060450-00060898 harbouring Taliban fighters inside Pakistan. Jill something 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00142-00060898-00061306 Mark. There is so much propaganda and ignorance about 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00143-00061306-00061770 this whole Pakistan Afghanistan situation. Pakistan lost 80, 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00144-00061770-00062274 000 people. No country supported the US in the war on 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00145-00062274-00062722 terror gives as many sacrifices as we did. The only reason we 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00146-00062722-00063082 lost 80, 000 people because we joined the US war on terror. 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00147-00063082-00063418 Because the US was trying to find a military solution in 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00148-00063418-00063810 Afghanistan who were non existed. We were blamed. A 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00149-00063810-00064218 country that gives sacrifices. We were blamed for the lack of 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00150-00064218-00064626 success in Afghanistan. We what is happening in Afghanistan is 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00151-00064626-00065114 nothing to do with us. The fact is that a war in Afghanistan 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00152-00065114-00065450 meant five million refugees at the beginning in the eighties. 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00153-00065450-00065746 We have three and a half billion refugees. We had what 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00154-00065746-00066106 were the Pakistan Taliban who were fighting against our 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00155-00066106-00066554 state, we still have terrorism as a result of participating in 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00156-00066554-00066986 the US war. For Pakistan to be blamed that three and a half 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00157-00066986-00067378 million refugees mark, how do you stop? How do we know who is 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00158-00067378-00067954 ah who would go across and be with the Taliban? How so 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00159-00067954-00068322 Pakistan fenced first time we fenced our border? There was 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00160-00068322-00068762 open border before. So now three and a half years we have 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00161-00068762-00069224 fenced the border. But Please do not blame Pakistan. Pakistan 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00162-00069224-00069624 is the collateral damage of Afghanistan. Just finally on 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00163-00069624-00070080 the elections you want. Do you think that people power you're 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00164-00070080-00070328 talking about 2 million people? Do you honestly think that 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00165-00070328-00070800 people power can can take you back to power? I don't I'm not 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00166-00070800-00071176 showing the two million people coming out in Islamat so I 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00167-00071176-00071736 would get back into power. All we are saying is that this the 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00168-00071736-00072046 two problems. One is that this is an imposed government 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00169-00072046-00072494 through a a regime change by Washington. Number two, they 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00170-00072494-00072958 are criminals. 60% of the cabinet is on bail. The prime 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00171-00072958-00073294 minister and the chief minister who are about to be sentenced 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00172-00073294-00073526 when they were made the chief minister and prime minister. 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00173-00073526-00073910 It's an insult to this country. All we are doing is peaceful 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00174-00073910-00074334 protest. Okay. We feel let the people of Pakistan decide who 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00175-00074334-00074654 they want to elect. Let's not have an imposed government from 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00176-00074654-00075012 outside. Okay, well as I say the American deny that but 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00177-00075012-00075260 listen, Imran Khan, thank you very much for being with us 4vSJ-_8mqTy-00178-00075260-00075692 this evening. Thank you. Thank you, Mark. 4-JG1ywW-jM-00000-00000567-00001175 He impressed the judges with his romantic performance on Sunday night's Dancing On Ice. 4-JG1ywW-jM-00001-00001292-00002155 But Kem Cetinay, 21, bravely he was close to slicing off his intimate parts during a difficult lift in the routine. 4-JG1ywW-jM-00002-00002272-00003324 The Love Island star had to wear a protective belt after he injured himself during rehearsals where his partner Alex Murphy put her skate between his legs in a tricky move. 4-JG1ywW-jM-00003-00003440-00004395 Scroll down for video 'I took a big risk with that move on Sunday,' he told The Sun, before adding: 'I cut the inside of my leg a lot last week.' 4-JG1ywW-jM-00004-00004512-00005648 The Romford barber, who was spotted gingerly tending to his leg injury in rehearsals last week, took his safety seriously as he decided to protect his private parts with a codpiece 4-JG1ywW-jM-00005-00005765-00006489 He added: 'It isn't very comfortable but safety first; I don't want blood all over the rink. 4-JG1ywW-jM-00006-00006606-00007173 The pair closed Sunday's show with their moving dance to Sam Smith's Stay with Me. 4-JG1ywW-jM-00007-00007291-00008075 Host Holly Willoughby noted that she thought the performance was 'too romantic,' to which Kem joked: 'We're good actors!' 4-JG1ywW-jM-00008-00008192-00009360 Impressed Jason applauded the TV star for taking a step away from his 'Kem-isms' during the dance and the pair scored 27.5, placing the top of the leaderboard with Jake Quickenden. 4-JG1ywW-jM-00009-00009477-00010657 Kem seems to have moved on from his romance with Amber Davies, who he met in the Love Island villa last year, as he told MailOnline earlier this month he is embracing his newly single status. 4-JG1ywW-jM-00010-00010774-00011339 He said: 'If I'm brutally honest, I'm pretty happy where I am at the moment 4-JG1ywW-jM-00011-00011456-00011947 I'm happy being single.. and I'm really happy with how things are going.' 4-JG1ywW-jM-00012-00012064-00012988 Kem credited his appearance on Dancing On Ice is helping to distract him from the break-up, adding: 'I'm there every hour training so it's good for me 4-JG1ywW-jM-00013-00013106-00013537 I'm really excited and I'm in a good place at the moment.' 4-JG1ywW-jM-00014-00013654-00014265 Meanwhile his ex Amber she isn't ruling out a reunion with Kem on ITV's Lorraine. 4-JG1ywW-jM-00015-00014382-00015137 Probed on whether there was 'unfinished business' between the pair, Amber looked a little awkward before replying: 'Yeah.. 4-JG1ywW-jM-00016-00015254-00016196 potentially.' She said: 'I'm not ruling anything out for the future, we need to concentrate on our careers, I need to grow up a lot 4-JG1ywW-jM-00017-00016313-00016725 I'll always have a special place in my heart for him.' 4ELGA3FW9IA-00000-00000084-00000648 Are you struggling to create a content marketing strategy that drives results? 4ELGA3FW9IA-00001-00000708-00001122 Creating a winning content marketing strategy requires a well-thought-out plan. 4ELGA3FW9IA-00002-00001122-00001602 Here is a step-by-step guide to help you create a winning content marketing strategy: 4ELGA3FW9IA-00003-00001673-00001920 1. Define your target audience 4ELGA3FW9IA-00004-00002016-00002268 Research your target audience to determine what 4ELGA3FW9IA-00005-00002268-00002508 they are looking for and what problems they need solving. 4ELGA3FW9IA-00006-00002586-00002856 2. Identify your goals and objectives 4ELGA3FW9IA-00007-00002928-00003234 Decide what you want to achieve with your content marketing, 4ELGA3FW9IA-00008-00003234-00003522 whether it's to increase brand awareness or generate leads. 4ELGA3FW9IA-00009-00003606-00003822 3. Develop a content plan 4ELGA3FW9IA-00010-00003911-00004278 Develop a content plan that includes the types of content you will create, 4ELGA3FW9IA-00011-00004278-00004584 how often you will post, and what channels you will use. 4ELGA3FW9IA-00012-00004686-00004926 4. Create high-quality content 4ELGA3FW9IA-00013-00005022-00005550 Create high-quality content that is engaging, informative, and valuable to your target audience. 4ELGA3FW9IA-00014-00005652-00005880 5. Measure and analyze your results 4ELGA3FW9IA-00015-00005994-00006414 Continuously measure and analyze your results to see what's working and what's not, 4ELGA3FW9IA-00016-00006414-00006659 and make adjustments to your strategy accordingly. 4ELGA3FW9IA-00017-00006659-00007068 With these steps, you can create a winning content marketing strategy 4ELGA3FW9IA-00018-00007068-00007284 that drives results and helps grow your business. 4ELGA3FW9IA-00019-00007422-00007602 Check out our blog for more information 4FH3ywYf3Fy-00000-00000316-00000827 And it is time for the lightning round of fastpaced look of the week in clean energy and climate news. 4FH3ywYf3Fy-00001-00000830-00001265 And Brian, it's going to have to be suddenly fast this week, so let's get started. 4FH3ywYf3Fy-00002-00001274-00001322 Electric. 4FH3ywYf3Fy-00003-00001333-00002243 Montgomery County Public Schools, one of the largest school districts in the United States, has deployed the single largest electric school bus fleet in the country. 4FH3ywYf3Fy-00004-00002251-00002615 It's got a total of 86, and it will be fully electric in ten years. 4FH3ywYf3Fy-00005-00002617-00002756 And you cannot do this fast enough. 4FH3ywYf3Fy-00006-00002762-00002899 Development in EU. 4FH3ywYf3Fy-00007-00002905-00002993 Gas prices. 4FH3ywYf3Fy-00008-00003001-00003532 Apparently their storage of natural gas is full due to a warm autumn. 4FH3ywYf3Fy-00009-00003536-00003911 An unexpected warm autumn, and prices have gone negative. 4FH3ywYf3Fy-00010-00003917-00004688 Briefly plus but pointed out that there's $2 billion worth of solar modules in EU warehouses waiting to be installed. 4FH3ywYf3Fy-00011-00004696-00004762 From the guardian. 4FH3ywYf3Fy-00012-00004766-00005873 The Australian state of Victoria will likely switch from burning brown cold, the worst cold there is for two thirds of its electrical grid rate, down to 100% renewables with storage before 2035. 4FH3ywYf3Fy-00013-00005873-00006741 And it would be one of the fastest transitions from a high pollution power grid to near zero emissions anywhere. 4FH3ywYf3Fy-00014-00006828-00007271 That means it's time for a CES fast fact from carbon brief. 4FH3ywYf3Fy-00015-00007277-00007818 China has built more offshore wind capacity in 2021 than the rest of the world vanished in the last five years. 4FH3ywYf3Fy-00016-00007825-00007940 Here's another one. 4FH3ywYf3Fy-00017-00008043-00009091 In 2022, oil producers reinvested only about 7% of revenues into their operations, compared to 25% in 2014 during the last boom. 4FH3ywYf3Fy-00018-00009098-00009866 It tells you that they can see the writing on the wall and they're trying to get as much money out of the system as possible as it sort of heads downward. 4FH3ywYf3Fy-00019-00009880-00010301 They know it doesn't pay to spend more money on fossil fuel infrastructure. 4FH3ywYf3Fy-00020-00010307-00010338 US. 4FH3ywYf3Fy-00021-00010345-00010534 Hydrogen fuel cell cars. 4FH3ywYf3Fy-00022-00010547-00011159 Sales of said cars decreased to 153 in the third quarter of 2022. 4FH3ywYf3Fy-00023-00011164-00011801 Brian and I bought more boxes of Girl Scout cookies in that timeframe than people bought hydrogen fuel cell cars. 4FH3ywYf3Fy-00024-00011807-00012302 GM has unveiled the 2024 GMC Sierra, the specs thereof. 4FH3ywYf3Fy-00025-00012305-00012509 This is their version of their pickup truck. 4FH3ywYf3Fy-00026-00012514-00013324 Going to have a 400 miles, 640 kilometer range, 754 as low as four 5 seconds. 4FH3ywYf3Fy-00027-00013330-00013556 Interestingly, 800 volts architecture. 4FH3ywYf3Fy-00028-00013562-00013871 And that means charging up to 350 kw. 4FH3ywYf3Fy-00029-00013877-00014039 From Arsettega, New Jersey. 4FH3ywYf3Fy-00030-00014044-00014491 Politicians want to ban subscriptions to car hardware like heated seats. 4FH3ywYf3Fy-00031-00014498-00014831 Could be kind of awkward if they have to ban that in some places and not in others. 4FH3ywYf3Fy-00032-00014837-00015668 Tesla is continuing its growth in Asia, including Japan, and has recently placed their 50th supercharger in Japan, according to Tesla Rani Now. 4FH3ywYf3Fy-00033-00015668-00016335 And Tesla still has a lot of countries that they could be expanding to, and not that many inroads into Japan yet. 4FH3ywYf3Fy-00034-00016343-00016600 Concrete accounts for 8% of global emissions. 4FH3ywYf3Fy-00035-00016603-00017095 But a new Department of Energy policy would use $5.8 billion from the IRA. 4FH3ywYf3Fy-00036-00017105-00017291 That is the Inflation Reduction Act. 4FH3ywYf3Fy-00037-00017297-00017666 We're going to start calling it IRA Now to find ways to lower emissions. 4FH3ywYf3Fy-00038-00017672-00018680 The bulk of the industry's emissions come from making the concrete powder they have to heat that limestone in a kiln to 1400 degrees Celsius, and 80% of the energy is made up of smaller operators. 4FH3ywYf3Fy-00039-00018682-00019311 That's kind of one of the challenges, because you have to have the cement plants close to where you're pouring it within 60 to 90 minutes. 4FH3ywYf3Fy-00040-00019331-00019927 Another CEO fast fact PM Sunak is the first British PM to have more money than the Monarch. 4FH3ywYf3Fy-00041-00019931-00020117 Bryan he's that rich. 4FH3ywYf3Fy-00042-00020135-00020353 Really? He's that rich. 4FH3ywYf3Fy-00043-00020501-00021569 How many Teslas per supercharging station, you ask? Well, 750 to one or 80 cars on the road per stall, and that's 20% higher than the global average was a year ago. 4FH3ywYf3Fy-00044-00021574-00022040 So all the sales are there, and they're still increasing the proportion of the chargers that are available to you. 4FH3ywYf3Fy-00045-00022049-00023155 Stationary energy storage business could grow 150% to 200% per year faster than cars by a mile, according to Elon Musk, who I just saw walking into Twitter holding a sink. 4FH3ywYf3Fy-00046-00023173-00023627 And finally, this week, strategically burying 5% of power lines. 4FH3ywYf3Fy-00047-00023630-00024414 Power lines in Florida could reduce the number of residents affected by heatwaves blackouts following hurricanes by nearly 40. 4FH3ywYf3Fy-00048-00024433-00024457 So. 4Nou7ZaTPtQ-00000-00000083-00000516 welcome to this training video on law and rights a new service available from 4Nou7ZaTPtQ-00001-00000516-00001143 summer 2016 law and rights is the legal database that provides a summary of UK 4Nou7ZaTPtQ-00002-00001143-00001554 social legislation covering the following topics employment family 4Nou7ZaTPtQ-00003-00001554-00002169 housing immigration and Social Security it is updated monthly is a great resource 4Nou7ZaTPtQ-00004-00002169-00002721 for helping people with any kind of legal inquiry first we'll look at how we 4Nou7ZaTPtQ-00005-00002721-00003111 access law and rights you should be familiar with this webpage as it is the one that 4Nou7ZaTPtQ-00006-00003111-00003521 loads up when customers first log on to the people's network in the top left is 4Nou7ZaTPtQ-00007-00003521-00004017 the tile for A to Z of electronic resources and we're going to click on this as you 4Nou7ZaTPtQ-00008-00004017-00004478 can see it's expanding now and I've been arrow pointing exactly where it is once we've 4Nou7ZaTPtQ-00009-00004478-00004892 clicked on this we just need to scroll down to L and the first one on there is 4Nou7ZaTPtQ-00010-00004892-00005337 law and rights the asterisks of the beginning indicates that is available at 4Nou7ZaTPtQ-00011-00005337-00005954 home as well as in the library and there we again is expanding just to emphasise 4Nou7ZaTPtQ-00012-00005954-00006503 the point this is what the web page should look like as the search box in 4Nou7ZaTPtQ-00013-00006503-00007056 the top right and carry on down the page we can see news articles some of these 4Nou7ZaTPtQ-00014-00007056-00007397 may be useful to your customer for instance they have at the bottom right 4Nou7ZaTPtQ-00015-00007397-00007847 today a quick guide to universal credit when applying for a person who has a 4Nou7ZaTPtQ-00016-00007847-00008289 disability just a word of warning though these articles on the first page do 4Nou7ZaTPtQ-00017-00008289-00008892 change so how do you search lon rights there are two ways to search lon rights 4Nou7ZaTPtQ-00018-00008892-00009282 and this video will show you both is actually similar to clear in that you 4Nou7ZaTPtQ-00019-00009282-00009627 can use keywords or use the menus to find the more general error you were 4Nou7ZaTPtQ-00020-00009627-00010107 looking at first we look at using the search box you can type the keywords in 4Nou7ZaTPtQ-00021-00010107-00010602 the top right as is expanding now and to finish the search you'd press Enter or 4Nou7ZaTPtQ-00022-00010602-00011021 click on the little magnifying glass at the end for this example we're going to 4Nou7ZaTPtQ-00023-00011021-00011421 imagine our customer or we ourselves are interested in the new law for 4Nou7ZaTPtQ-00024-00011421-00012047 microchipping our dogs so once we've done the search it will come up with 4Nou7ZaTPtQ-00025-00012047-00012542 this list of articles and as you can see the first couple don't actually include 4Nou7ZaTPtQ-00026-00012542-00012972 microchipping in in the title however that doesn't mean there's it there's 4Nou7ZaTPtQ-00027-00012972-00013304 nothing in the article it means it would be further down in it 4Nou7ZaTPtQ-00028-00013304-00013838 so if we click on the first and again they will expand okay so and we if we 4Nou7ZaTPtQ-00029-00013838-00014379 click on that one it will take us to the article on the control of dogs again no 4Nou7ZaTPtQ-00030-00014379-00014888 mention of microchips however if we carry on scrolling down to point 16 4Nou7ZaTPtQ-00031-00014888-00015297 he'll mention the microchipping and now we can tell the customer Oh from april 4Nou7ZaTPtQ-00032-00015297-00015675 two thousand sixteen all keepers of dogs in england and wales must have the dog 4Nou7ZaTPtQ-00033-00015675-00016302 microchipped so we've come back to the first page because now i can show you 4Nou7ZaTPtQ-00034-00016302-00016764 how we search by subject subject headings are shown on the homepage and 4Nou7ZaTPtQ-00035-00016764-00017217 are underlined in red here we have clicked on the subject heading 4Nou7ZaTPtQ-00036-00017217-00017958 employment which you can see there the subject of employment is broken down 4Nou7ZaTPtQ-00037-00017958-00018273 into a list of subheadings for the relevant legislation that can be found 4Nou7ZaTPtQ-00038-00018273-00018804 on law and rights here we've decided to click on the employment of children so 4Nou7ZaTPtQ-00039-00018804-00019221 this is an instance our customer might be asking or how long can my son or 4Nou7ZaTPtQ-00040-00019221-00019800 daughter be working at any veil of an age you may notice at the end the Union 4Nou7ZaTPtQ-00041-00019800-00020232 Jack and this means that this legislation is relevant to all countries 4Nou7ZaTPtQ-00042-00020232-00020709 in the Great Britain whilst if it had just a scottish flag then it would just 4Nou7ZaTPtQ-00043-00020709-00021501 be relevant to scotland and here we are the article employment of jordan so to 4Nou7ZaTPtQ-00044-00021501-00021873 review lauren rights is a great resource for people confused by our very 4Nou7ZaTPtQ-00045-00021873-00022347 complicated legal system it takes complex information and present it in a 4Nou7ZaTPtQ-00046-00022347-00022818 simple way and can be useful for various legal problems including the working 4Nou7ZaTPtQ-00047-00022818-00023283 hours and minimum wage for things to do with employment law divorce family law 4Nou7ZaTPtQ-00048-00023283-00023738 planning and then visas for immigration law 4NCUqoRr0LQ-00000-00000048-00000405 WELCOME TO ALL HANDS UPDATE, I'M PETTY OFFICER TYRELL MORRIS. 4NCUqoRr0LQ-00001-00000405-00000658 THESE ARE YOUR HEADLINES FROM AROUND THE FLEET. 4NCUqoRr0LQ-00002-00000658-00001011 ADVANCEMENT RESULTS WERE RELEASED RECENTLY AND NEWLY ADVANCED PETTY OFFICERS ARE BEING 4NCUqoRr0LQ-00003-00001011-00001175 FROCKED AROUND THE FLEET. 4NCUqoRr0LQ-00004-00001175-00001614 THE PRACTICE AUTHORIZES SAILORS TO ASSUME THE TITLE, WEAR, OBLIGATION AND AUTHORITY 4NCUqoRr0LQ-00005-00001614-00001782 OF THE NEXT PAYGRADE. 4NCUqoRr0LQ-00006-00001782-00002242 THE NAVY IS THE ONLY BRANCH OF THE U.S. MILITARY THAT PRACTICES THE TRADITION OF FROCKING. 4NCUqoRr0LQ-00007-00002276-00002782 THE 2014 STOCKDALE LEADERSHIP AWARDS WILL BE PRESENTED BY CNO DECEMBER 4TH IN THE HALL 4NCUqoRr0LQ-00008-00002792-00003284 OF HEROES OF THE PENTAGON AND YOU CAN WATCH THE LIVE STREAM OF THE AWARDS ON NAVY.MIL. 4NCUqoRr0LQ-00009-00003308-00003761 THE AWARD WAS ESTABLISHED IN HONOR OF VICE ADMIRAL JAMES BOND STOCKDALE, ONE OF THE MOST 4NCUqoRr0LQ-00010-00003763-00004042 HIGHLY DECORATED OFFICERS IN NAVAL HISTORY. 4NCUqoRr0LQ-00011-00004042-00004519 THE AWARD IS PRESENTED ANNUALLY TO TWO COMMISSIONED OFFICERS, O-5 OR BELOW, WHO COMMAND A SINGLE 4NCUqoRr0LQ-00012-00004519-00004823 UNIT AND SERVE AS EXAMPLES OF EXCELLENCE IN LEADERSHIP. 4ODTVxUT7_Q-00000-00001100-00001800 Aamir Khan has no plans to become politician, says he's scared of it 4ODTVxUT7_Q-00001-00001900-00003100 He maybe vocal about social issues like water conservation, but superstar Aamir Khan said Sunday he has no plans to join politics. The 53-year-old Bollywood actor said he is "scared" of the idea and believes he can be a better influence through his films. "I don't want to be a politician. 4ODTVxUT7_Q-00002-00003200-00003900 I am not meant for that. I am a communicator. I am not interested in politics. I am also scared of politics. 4ODTVxUT7_Q-00003-00004000-00004700 Who isn't? "So, I stay away. I am a creative person. Politics is not my thing. I want to entertain people. 4ODTVxUT7_Q-00004-00004800-00005500 I feel I will be able to do more as a creative person than as a politician," Aamir said during a session at NDTV'S special youth conclave 'YUVA'. 4ODTVxUT7_Q-00005-00005600-00006540 The actor has been extensively working towards water crisis for the past three years in Maharashtra through his Paani Foundation, which aims at imparting knowledge at the grassroots level in the state about water conservation and watershed management. 4ODTVxUT7_Q-00006-00006640-00007340 Aamir said the issue of water scarcity can be countered only when the "people own the problem". "They have to be the solution. It has to be a people's movement. 4ODTVxUT7_Q-00007-00007440-00008380 Our approach has always been very inclusive. We want more and more people to join the cause," he added. The actor believes it is the lifestyle of the people which is responsible for the degradation of the environment. 4ODTVxUT7_Q-00008-00008480-00009180 "We need to give up cell phones, TV sets, give up watching movies, computers etc. The lifestyle is such that we are using so many resources. 4ODTVxUT7_Q-00009-00009280-00010300 To survive we need to redevise our lifestyle." Aamir said it is easy for the public to blame the government for its woes, but things cannot get better without the participation of the citizens. "It's easy for us to blame the government. 4ODTVxUT7_Q-00010-00010400-00011340 Maharashtra government has made a lot of efforts to hit back the problem. As citizens, we should question our government. They are answerable to us. But change only happens when we become part of the solution," he added. 4ODTVxUT7_Q-00011-00011440-00012140 Aamir will next be seen in "Thugs of Hindostan", which also features Amitabh Bachchan, Katrina Kaif and Fatima Sana Shaikh.. 4PEszIV2OTM-00000-00000105-00000311 How to lay out acourse. 4PEszIV2OTM-00001-00000420-00000716 As a teacher you have a lot of control over how your 4PEszIV2OTM-00002-00000717-00001011 course appears to your students. 4PEszIV2OTM-00003-00001011-00001344 For example if your organisation allows, you 4PEszIV2OTM-00004-00001344-00001548 can change the full name of the course 4PEszIV2OTM-00005-00001548-00001857 which is enlarged here and the short 4PEszIV2OTM-00006-00001857-00002048 name of the course which appears in the 4PEszIV2OTM-00007-00002048-00002324 navigation bar. You can also change the 4PEszIV2OTM-00008-00002324-00002567 format, how your resources and activities 4PEszIV2OTM-00009-00002567-00002831 are displayed. 4PEszIV2OTM-00010-00002831-00003068 This course is in numbered topics for 4PEszIV2OTM-00011-00003068-00003307 instance which can be renamed as we'll 4PEszIV2OTM-00012-00003307-00003580 see later. Many of the changes you can 4PEszIV2OTM-00013-00003580-00003821 make can be done by going to the gear 4PEszIV2OTM-00014-00003821-00004067 menu top right and by clicking Edit 4PEszIV2OTM-00015-00004067-00004382 settings.This takes you to the setup 4PEszIV2OTM-00016-00004382-00004630 screen of your course where you can 4PEszIV2OTM-00017-00004630-00004919 change, if you need to, its full name and 4PEszIV2OTM-00018-00004919-00005230 its short name and again only if 4PEszIV2OTM-00019-00005230-00005468 allowed by your organisation, 4PEszIV2OTM-00020-00005468-00005758 the category in which it appears . You can 4PEszIV2OTM-00021-00005758-00006014 hide it until you're ready and set 4PEszIV2OTM-00022-00006014-00006179 course dates. 4PEszIV2OTM-00023-00006179-00006371 Although note that the end date will not 4PEszIV2OTM-00024-00006371-00006575 prevent students from accessing the 4PEszIV2OTM-00025-00006575-00006914 course. You can also add a description of 4PEszIV2OTM-00026-00006914-00007093 your course for students who are not yet 4PEszIV2OTM-00027-00007093-00007361 enrolled, and if you wish you can upload 4PEszIV2OTM-00028-00007361-00007618 a file, for instance an image, or some 4PEszIV2OTM-00029-00007618-00007918 information about your course. 4PEszIV2OTM-00030-00007918-00008221 If we click Course format, this is where 4PEszIV2OTM-00031-00008221-00008383 we can choose how we'd like the 4PEszIV2OTM-00032-00008383-00008689 resources to be displayed. Topics gives 4PEszIV2OTM-00033-00008689-00008983 us numbered topic sections 4PEszIV2OTM-00034-00008983-00009166 and we can choose a number of sections. 4PEszIV2OTM-00035-00009342-00009582 Here we can also select to have weekly 4PEszIV2OTM-00036-00009583-00009921 format where the sections are named as weeks. 4PEszIV2OTM-00037-00009944-00010212 Social format which is basically 4PEszIV2OTM-00038-00010213-00010555 one big message board for discussions, 4PEszIV2OTM-00039-00010555-00010804 or single activity format which would allow 4PEszIV2OTM-00040-00010804-00011095 you to add just one particular item such 4PEszIV2OTM-00041-00011095-00011299 as a SCORM package or a quiz. 4PEszIV2OTM-00042-00011416-00011712 If we choose topics or weekly format we can 4PEszIV2OTM-00043-00011713-00011914 then decide whether we want to show all 4PEszIV2OTM-00044-00011914-00012166 the sections on one page, which is what 4PEszIV2OTM-00045-00012166-00012478 we will do, which is the norm, but if you 4PEszIV2OTM-00046-00012478-00012628 think you're going to have lots of 4PEszIV2OTM-00047-00012628-00012838 sections and that would cause some 4PEszIV2OTM-00048-00012838-00013111 scrolling then you can choose to Show 4PEszIV2OTM-00049-00013111-00013372 only one section per page. 4PEszIV2OTM-00050-00013372-00013641 This has an effect on how your students 4PEszIV2OTM-00051-00013641-00013938 view your course as we can see here in 4PEszIV2OTM-00052-00013938-00014149 this course on a different Moodle site 4PEszIV2OTM-00053-00014149-00014506 "Types of sport". The first time you access 4PEszIV2OTM-00054-00014506-00014772 it you can see each of the sections and 4PEszIV2OTM-00055-00014772-00014980 then greyed out on the right, the 4PEszIV2OTM-00056-00014980-00015147 activities which are in these sections. 4PEszIV2OTM-00057-00015147-00015420 If you then click the link on the 4PEszIV2OTM-00058-00015420-00015697 section for example the second section 4PEszIV2OTM-00059-00015697-00015985 Tennis, the students will only see the 4PEszIV2OTM-00060-00015985-00016186 activities in that particular section 4PEszIV2OTM-00061-00016186-00016381 and they'll navigate to the other 4PEszIV2OTM-00062-00016381-00016600 sections by clicking the name in the 4PEszIV2OTM-00063-00016600-00016851 section on the right there or on the 4PEszIV2OTM-00064-00016851-00017197 left or by going to the jump to menu and 4PEszIV2OTM-00065-00017197-00017299 selecting from that. 4PEszIV2OTM-00066-00017376-00017673 This is an individual setting and it might be 4PEszIV2OTM-00067-00017673-00017860 useful if you think your course will 4PEszIV2OTM-00068-00017860-00018212 have a lot of sections. 4PEszIV2OTM-00069-00018212-00018481 Appearance will allow you to decide how 4PEszIV2OTM-00070-00018481-00018712 many news items you want to show in the 4PEszIV2OTM-00071-00018712-00019012 announcements forum. If you set it to 0 4PEszIV2OTM-00072-00019012-00019198 you can then delete the announcements 4PEszIV2OTM-00073-00019198-00019376 forum if you don't think it will be 4PEszIV2OTM-00074-00019376-00019476 useful to you. 4PEszIV2OTM-00075-00019614-00019887 Options can be explored by clicking on 4PEszIV2OTM-00076-00019887-00020231 them and expanding them, for instance if 4PEszIV2OTM-00077-00020231-00020574 we click and expand roll renaming if you 4PEszIV2OTM-00078-00020574-00020736 don't want to call your students 4PEszIV2OTM-00079-00020736-00021006 students but you want a different name - 4PEszIV2OTM-00080-00021006-00021297 "learners" for instance - then you can 4PEszIV2OTM-00081-00021297-00021498 change the name here and that will 4PEszIV2OTM-00082-00021498-00021710 appear just in your course. 4PEszIV2OTM-00083-00021806-00022104 You can also tag your course to help new students 4PEszIV2OTM-00084-00022104-00022443 search for it. If we now click to save 4PEszIV2OTM-00085-00022443-00022761 then in the next video we will turn on 4PEszIV2OTM-00086-00022761-00022968 the editing and look at the changes we 4PEszIV2OTM-00087-00022968-00023211 can make to a course such as how to 4PEszIV2OTM-00088-00023211-00023509 rename those sections. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00000-00000001-00000102 Mark: This time around, 4QU2At3wCXQ-00001-00000102-00000301 we're gonna look at some common errors 4QU2At3wCXQ-00002-00000301-00000409 in predicate logic in one real biggie. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00003-00000409-00000706 I would say the error we're gonna be talkin' about 4QU2At3wCXQ-00004-00000706-00000907 is about 50% of the problems I see 4QU2At3wCXQ-00005-00000907-00001106 in the last test of my class. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00006-00001106-00001208 Paul: Same here. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00007-00001208-00001404 Mark: If I can get students 4QU2At3wCXQ-00008-00001404-00001605 to avoid this one problem with predicate logic, 4QU2At3wCXQ-00009-00001605-00001709 they're avoiding half the problems 4QU2At3wCXQ-00010-00001709-00001809 they could possibly cause. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00011-00001809-00002008 Paul: It's an easy mistake to make. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00012-00002008-00002108 It's very common. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00013-00002108-00002305 We wanna point it out. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00014-00002305-00002509 By the way, because these are out of sequence, 4QU2At3wCXQ-00015-00002509-00002702 let's mention where we are. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00016-00002702-00002903 Mark: We're back in Cromwell Park in Shoreline. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00017-00002903-00003003 It's still raining. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00018-00003003-00003207 We are in Seattle-- actually, just north of Seattle. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00019-00003207-00003507 Paul: Yeah, this is the last week of May in Seattle, 4QU2At3wCXQ-00020-00003507-00003703 and it's pouring down rain, so... 4QU2At3wCXQ-00021-00003703-00003901 Mark: We're doing this for you. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00022-00003901-00004105 Paul: If this were Tallahassee, it'd be sunny. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00023-00004105-00004305 Mark: Yeah. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00024-00004305-00004701 Paul: So...the common mistake is what? 4QU2At3wCXQ-00025-00004701-00005006 Mark: Well, okay, uh...some folks, 4QU2At3wCXQ-00026-00005006-00005300 when they see a quantifier, they think, 4QU2At3wCXQ-00027-00005300-00005804 ah, let's take it off using UI for this or EI for that. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00028-00005804-00006104 The thing is, if you're gonna take...remove quantifiers 4QU2At3wCXQ-00029-00006104-00006301 using universal generalization... 4QU2At3wCXQ-00030-00006301-00006401 Paul: Instantiation. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00031-00006401-00006702 Mark: Universal instantiation or existential instantiation. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00032-00006702-00006902 It only works on main operators. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00033-00006902-00007302 So if I wanted to, I could do UI on this line. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00034-00007302-00007402 Remove that quantifier, 4QU2At3wCXQ-00035-00007402-00007606 because this is the main operator of this line. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00036-00007606-00007802 The big mistake is sometimes people 4QU2At3wCXQ-00037-00007802-00007908 will try to take this off. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00038-00007908-00008108 Just kinda leaving everything else as is. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00039-00008108-00008402 We can't do UI right now on this. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00040-00008402-00008606 We cannot do EI right now on that. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00041-00008606-00008909 Maybe, we can do a modus ponens on line 1, 4QU2At3wCXQ-00042-00008909-00009201 or an implication, or modus tollens. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00043-00009201-00009404 But we cannot remove these quantifiers 4QU2At3wCXQ-00044-00009404-00009604 unless a quantifier's the main operator. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00045-00009604-00009900 Paul: Right, and let me... to emphasize this, 4QU2At3wCXQ-00046-00009900-00010104 you can only apply an instantiation rule 4QU2At3wCXQ-00047-00010104-00010307 if the universal or the existential quantifier 4QU2At3wCXQ-00048-00010307-00010704 is at the beginning of the line, and its scope is the whole line. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00049-00010704-00010903 Mark: Another way of saying it, yeah. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00050-00010903-00011104 Paul: Another way...so the scope of this quantifier... 4QU2At3wCXQ-00051-00011104-00011306 do you have a red pen on ya? 4QU2At3wCXQ-00052-00011306-00011409 Mark has all the pens. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00053-00011409-00011605 Mark: I have a red one. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00054-00011605-00011904 Paul: Oh, good, so the scope of this quantifier starts here 4QU2At3wCXQ-00055-00011904-00012106 and goes to there and stops, doesn't it? 4QU2At3wCXQ-00056-00012106-00012400 And then, the scope of this quantifier starts here 4QU2At3wCXQ-00057-00012400-00012506 and goes to there and stops. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00058-00012506-00012806 So this quantifier's scope is not the whole line, 4QU2At3wCXQ-00059-00012806-00013106 and therefore, we cannot apply universal instantiation to it. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00060-00013106-00013406 But that is the most common mistake people make, 4QU2At3wCXQ-00061-00013406-00013806 is they try to break this down as it is using instantiation. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00062-00013806-00014003 You can't touch it. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00063-00014003-00014203 So really, we can't touch this. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00064-00014203-00014309 Our only hope is this. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00065-00014309-00014409 Mark: Yeah. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00066-00014409-00014706 Paul: This isn't connecting, so what are you gonna do? 4QU2At3wCXQ-00067-00014706-00015003 Mark: You don't even have to take the quantifiers off 4QU2At3wCXQ-00068-00015003-00015103 in this particular problem. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00069-00015103-00015207 The thing to notice, here, 4QU2At3wCXQ-00070-00015207-00015501 is we can do a quantifier exchange on this--QE-- 4QU2At3wCXQ-00071-00015501-00015705 and that will give me the negation of this, 4QU2At3wCXQ-00072-00015705-00015909 which in turn let's me do a modus tollens. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00073-00015909-00016107 Paul: So in your mind, you're thinking, 4QU2At3wCXQ-00074-00016107-00016309 I can flip this over to the EX. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00075-00016309-00016505 I can flip this over. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00076-00016505-00016701 I'll get the opposite of that. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00077-00016701-00016900 Mark: And then move forward from there. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00078-00016900-00017108 So let's do a QE on line 2. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00079-00017108-00017500 Paul: Okay, so applying QE, remember, that you... 4QU2At3wCXQ-00080-00017500-00017709 quantifier exchange...you change...you trade quantifiers, 4QU2At3wCXQ-00081-00017709-00018100 so we swap out one quantifier for the other. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00082-00018100-00018401 We're gonna trade a universal for an existential. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00083-00018401-00018709 And then when there's only one tilde, basically QE... 4QU2At3wCXQ-00084-00018709-00019106 essentially, QE says flip that tilde over to the other side. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00085-00019106-00019405 That's one way to put it. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00086-00019405-00019606 Everything else remains unchanged. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00087-00019606-00019801 So that's QE. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00088-00019801-00019901 We traded quantifiers. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00089-00019901-00020008 We flipped the tilde over. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00090-00020008-00020204 Mark: Gonna be QE too. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00091-00020204-00020401 Paul: Okay. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00092-00020401-00020703 Mark: The reason I did this is I saw in my mind 4QU2At3wCXQ-00093-00020703-00020900 that if I could get this, 4QU2At3wCXQ-00094-00020900-00021100 I would get the negation of this, 4QU2At3wCXQ-00095-00021100-00021300 allowing me to do a modus tollens, 4QU2At3wCXQ-00096-00021300-00021506 which will give me the negation of the antecedent: 4QU2At3wCXQ-00097-00021506-00021706 tilde universal XFX. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00098-00021706-00022103 Paul: So you're seeing this as a P horseshoe a Q, 4QU2At3wCXQ-00099-00022103-00022308 and this is the negation of the Q. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00100-00022308-00022607 So you're gonna wanna do a negation of the P. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00101-00022607-00022709 That's what you're doing. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00102-00022709-00023002 Mark: So let's do a modus tollens. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00103-00023208-00023500 Paul: Our videographer is so bored 4QU2At3wCXQ-00104-00023500-00023704 that he's...looking the other way. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00105-00023704-00024008 [laughing] Mark: This is fine. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00106-00024206-00024403 Paul: One of these times, 4QU2At3wCXQ-00107-00024403-00024709 we're gonna get our videographer in here to do a proof. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00108-00024709-00024901 Mark: Or something. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00109-00024901-00025105 Paul: We learned all our logic from him. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00110-00025105-00025302 Mark: He's been very helpful. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00111-00025302-00025506 Paul: Yeah...uh... so P horseshoe Q, 4QU2At3wCXQ-00112-00025506-00025701 negative of the Q, 4QU2At3wCXQ-00113-00025701-00025809 bring down the negative of the P. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00114-00025809-00026008 So you want me to do that? 4QU2At3wCXQ-00115-00026008-00026207 Mark: Sure, and we might ask why? 4QU2At3wCXQ-00116-00026207-00026307 Again, it's there. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00117-00026307-00026603 If I see a modus tollens, I'm gonna do it. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00118-00026603-00026900 If I see a modus ponens, I'm gonna do it. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00119-00026900-00027003 It'll almost surely be useful. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00120-00027003-00027205 Paul: That's modus tollens on 1 and 3. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00121-00027205-00027406 Mark: And it turned out to be useful. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00122-00027406-00027602 I'm getting closer to the conclusion. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00123-00027602-00027702 I've got an FX. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00124-00027702-00027808 I've got a tilde floating around. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00125-00027808-00028201 What I'm noticing is, is if I do a QE on this, 4QU2At3wCXQ-00126-00028201-00028301 I get my conclusion. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00127-00028301-00028502 Paul: Yeah, so you're thinkin' in your mind, 4QU2At3wCXQ-00128-00028502-00028709 if you flip this by QE, it's gonna be that, 4QU2At3wCXQ-00129-00028709-00028905 and that's why they look alike. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00130-00028905-00029300 Mark: So it'll work out, so let's do a QE on line 4. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00131-00029300-00029406 Paul: Okay, so we swap out 4QU2At3wCXQ-00132-00029406-00029606 the universal for the existential. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00133-00029801-00030105 And then, we take that tilde and flip her over. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00134-00030105-00030208 And that's QE on... 4QU2At3wCXQ-00135-00030208-00030402 Mark: Three and 4... 4QU2At3wCXQ-00136-00030402-00030605 And that's a conclusion, so we're done. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00137-00030605-00030708 Paul: We've matched the conclusion, 4QU2At3wCXQ-00138-00030708-00030902 so our proof is completed. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00139-00030902-00031008 Mark: It wasn't a hard proof. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00140-00031008-00031204 You used a lot of QE, 4QU2At3wCXQ-00141-00031204-00031402 and I suppose that's a good review. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00142-00031402-00031604 But again, you can't take a quantifier off 4QU2At3wCXQ-00143-00031604-00031905 unless that quantifier affects the entire statement 4QU2At3wCXQ-00144-00031905-00032105 or is the main operator for... 4QU2At3wCXQ-00145-00032105-00032402 Paul: Yes, and let's take a look at something else, 4QU2At3wCXQ-00146-00032402-00032603 just as long as we're on this theme. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00147-00032603-00032803 This riff. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00148-00032803-00033000 This is a logic riff. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00149-00033000-00033202 I guess you could call it that. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00150-00033202-00033402 Since we're on this riff... 4QU2At3wCXQ-00151-00033601-00034000 another common mistake in predicate logic 4QU2At3wCXQ-00152-00034000-00034403 is we have a universal quantification here, 4QU2At3wCXQ-00153-00034403-00034509 but it's negated. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00154-00034509-00034804 And one students often want to do... 4QU2At3wCXQ-00155-00034804-00035008 when they're not clear on their rules, 4QU2At3wCXQ-00156-00035008-00035308 what do they want to do to that often? 4QU2At3wCXQ-00157-00035308-00035604 Mark: I can imagine some trying to do a UI. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00158-00035604-00035706 Take that off. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00159-00035706-00035808 Paul: Yes...to me...for me, 4QU2At3wCXQ-00160-00035808-00036006 that's been the most common mistake. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00161-00036006-00036309 A lot of students want to apply UI directly to this 4QU2At3wCXQ-00162-00036309-00036506 and instantiate it right down. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00163-00036506-00036809 And oftentimes, when they do... I'll put it in red. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00164-00036809-00037100 So red means it's a mistake. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00165-00037100-00037307 A lot of times, what students will do 4QU2At3wCXQ-00166-00037307-00037507 is they'll apply UI to this, 4QU2At3wCXQ-00167-00037507-00037800 even though it starts with a tilde. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00168-00037800-00038004 And they'll bring down this part. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00169-00038200-00038408 And they'll put the tilde there, like that. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00170-00038408-00038808 And...we'll draw Mr. Yuck here. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00171-00039005-00039202 That's a tongue sticking out. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00172-00039202-00039402 Mark: Looks like a pierced tongue. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00173-00039402-00039701 Paul: No, that's meant to be that thing in the...you know... 4QU2At3wCXQ-00174-00039701-00039801 Mark: Okay. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00175-00039801-00039905 Paul: I don't know. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00176-00039905-00040008 Mark: Well, go ahead. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00177-00040008-00040208 Paul: Anyway, this is not allowed. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00178-00040208-00040605 Why can't I instantiate this and bring it down like that? 4QU2At3wCXQ-00179-00040605-00040801 Mark: Again, the universal quantifier's 4QU2At3wCXQ-00180-00040801-00040905 not the main operator. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00181-00040905-00041101 Paul: What's the main operator? 4QU2At3wCXQ-00182-00041101-00041205 Mark: It's a tilde. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00183-00041205-00041309 This is actually a negation. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00184-00041309-00041509 You can't do UI on a negation. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00185-00041509-00041801 You can only do UI on universal statements. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00186-00041801-00042101 Paul: Yes, so in other words, I can only do UI 4QU2At3wCXQ-00187-00042101-00042304 if it starts with a universal quantifier. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00188-00042304-00042507 If it starts with a negated quantifier, 4QU2At3wCXQ-00189-00042507-00042706 I cannot do UI. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00190-00042706-00042907 Mark: You could do a QE on this. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00191-00042907-00043106 That would get the tilde over here, 4QU2At3wCXQ-00192-00043106-00043400 and then, you could do an EI on it. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00193-00043400-00043500 Paul: I could. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00194-00043500-00043701 Mark: But you can't do UI right now. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00195-00043701-00043908 Paul: Can't apply UI if it starts with the tilde. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00196-00043908-00044109 So these are some of the common mistakes. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00197-00044109-00044209 Mark is right. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00198-00044209-00044600 If I did a quantifier exchange on this, 4QU2At3wCXQ-00199-00044600-00044807 I would swap the universal for the existential, 4QU2At3wCXQ-00200-00044807-00045007 flip the tilde over, 4QU2At3wCXQ-00201-00045007-00045405 and now, it is an existential quantification. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00202-00045405-00045900 I could apply an existential rule...instantiation to it. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00203-00045900-00046207 But I can't do anything when it starts with a tilde. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00204-00046207-00046604 I mean, I can't instantiate when it starts with a tilde. 4QU2At3wCXQ-00205-00046604-00046907 So...is there anything else you want to add to that? 4QU2At3wCXQ-00206-00046907-00047107 Mark: No, looks good for now. 4VxtQmwZ2nA-00000-00000146-00000586 This video describes how to migrate your course content from Scholar to Canvas. 4VxtQmwZ2nA-00001-00000586-00001233 The migration is performed by an external app that resides within Canvas. The app is called "Content Migrations." 4VxtQmwZ2nA-00002-00001233-00002073 To access it, you need to log into Canvas, so please go to canvas.vt.edu and log in with your PID and PID password. 4VxtQmwZ2nA-00003-00002190-00002513 The Content Migrations app lives your user settings area. 4VxtQmwZ2nA-00004-00002513-00002919 To access it, click "Account" and "Settings." 4VxtQmwZ2nA-00005-00003180-00003613 Then, on the account navigation menu, click "Content Migrations." 4VxtQmwZ2nA-00006-00003810-00004220 The first time you use the Content Migrations app, it needs to authenticate. 4VxtQmwZ2nA-00007-00004220-00004633 The app is asking for permission to access your course content in Scholar. 4VxtQmwZ2nA-00008-00004633-00005273 Click "Authenticate" and then click "Authorize." 4VxtQmwZ2nA-00009-00005273-00005779 At the top of the Content Migration Tool window, you'll see your Sakai Migration Requests, 4VxtQmwZ2nA-00010-00005780-00006246 and you can see how many are waiting, or in progress, or are completed. 4VxtQmwZ2nA-00011-00006246-00006813 Scholar at Virginia Tech is a branded version of Sakai, so if you see "Sakai" in Content Migrations, 4VxtQmwZ2nA-00012-00006813-00007026 please remember that it means Scholar. 4VxtQmwZ2nA-00013-00007083-00007439 Below the area that lists all Sakai migration requests, 4VxtQmwZ2nA-00014-00007440-00007900 you can see your latest Sakai migration requests with a little bit more detail. 4VxtQmwZ2nA-00015-00007900-00008383 The Remote Course ID and Remote Course Name refer to the course ID and name in Scholar. 4VxtQmwZ2nA-00016-00008383-00008619 The Canvas ID and Canvas Course Name 4VxtQmwZ2nA-00017-00008620-00009246 describe the site that the Content Migrations app created in Canvas to deposit your Scholar course site content. 4VxtQmwZ2nA-00018-00009246-00009573 Under Status, you can see the status of your migrations. 4VxtQmwZ2nA-00019-00009573-00009953 They're either In progress, In queue, or Completed. 4VxtQmwZ2nA-00020-00009953-00010693 To start a new migration request to migrate content from Scholar to Canvas, click the New Migration Request button. 4VxtQmwZ2nA-00021-00010693-00011173 To find your site, type a few letters of the site name in Scholar. 4VxtQmwZ2nA-00022-00011173-00011646 I have some sites in Scholar that have "Migrate" in the site name. 4VxtQmwZ2nA-00023-00011646-00011789 Click Search. 4VxtQmwZ2nA-00024-00011933-00012346 I have two matching sites. I'll choose "Scholar Gradebook Migrate..." 4VxtQmwZ2nA-00025-00012513-00012953 When I do so, a list of tools I can migrate appears underneath the sight name. 4VxtQmwZ2nA-00026-00012953-00013126 I'll choose some tools. 4VxtQmwZ2nA-00027-00013376-00014069 The tool at the bottom of the list is called "Tests and Surveys" or "Samigo." That's the same as Tests & Quizzes in Scholar. 4VxtQmwZ2nA-00028-00014069-00014506 When you're finished choosing your sights and tools, click Next. 4VxtQmwZ2nA-00029-00014506-00014963 Here you can enter the name of the site that'll be created in Canvas to hold your migrated content. 4VxtQmwZ2nA-00030-00014963-00015336 The default is to name it the same as the Scholar site. 4VxtQmwZ2nA-00031-00015336-00015456 Click Submit. 4VxtQmwZ2nA-00032-00015630-00015996 My migration request has been submitted. Click close. 4VxtQmwZ2nA-00033-00016103-00016536 Content migration can take anywhere from a few seconds to a few hours. 4VxtQmwZ2nA-00034-00016536-00017179 Your migration time will depend on how large your site is and how many sites are ahead of it in the migration queue. 4VxtQmwZ2nA-00035-00017180-00017790 While your side is migrating, under Status, it will read as In progress. 4VxtQmwZ2nA-00036-00017790-00018463 Content migrations occurs on a server, not on your computer, so you can use your computer while your content is migrating, 4VxtQmwZ2nA-00037-00018463-00018916 but don't log into Scholar and alter the content of the Scholar site you're migrating. 4VxtQmwZ2nA-00038-00018916-00019396 I'm going to refresh my browser to see if the status of my migration has changed. 4VxtQmwZ2nA-00039-00019550-00019790 My migration is now completed. 4VxtQmwZ2nA-00040-00019790-00020126 To go to the migrated site, click Courses. 4VxtQmwZ2nA-00041-00020126-00020536 If you don't see your course here, click All Courses for a full list. 4VxtQmwZ2nA-00042-00020536-00020846 Click your site name to go to that site. 4VxtQmwZ2nA-00043-00020846-00021206 This site houses my content migrated from Scholar. 4VxtQmwZ2nA-00044-00021206-00021926 If you have trouble migrating your site, or your migration fails, please click Migrate to Canvas 4VxtQmwZ2nA-00045-00022113-00022506 to see full documentation on Canvas content migrations. 4VxtQmwZ2nA-00046-00022506-00023086 If you can't find your answer there, please put in a ticket at 4Help.vt.edu. 4VxtQmwZ2nA-00047-00023216-00023573 We at TLOS wish you the best for migrating your Scholar site to Canvas. 4VxuhPlh3gQ-00000-00000042-00000142 Hi! 4VxuhPlh3gQ-00001-00000142-00000863 Today I want to improvise for you about "to preordain" .What it works for me from all 4VxuhPlh3gQ-00002-00000863-00001747 the explanations in dictionary is "to decide and to predestinate".I saw a lot of people 4VxuhPlh3gQ-00003-00001747-00002516 who let their fate be predestinated by someone else then by themselves.For example by collective 4VxuhPlh3gQ-00004-00002516-00003069 subconscious of society,we let it be predestinated sometimes,so to speak.In that moment when 4VxuhPlh3gQ-00005-00003069-00003764 we hear from society that at 25 years old you must get married or at 18 years old you 4VxuhPlh3gQ-00006-00003764-00003887 must go to college.I don't think that! 4VxuhPlh3gQ-00007-00003887-00004588 I think is good to listen our instinct,to learn to listen our instinct and to preordain 4VxuhPlh3gQ-00008-00004588-00004797 our fate.What do you think? 4VxuhPlh3gQ-00009-00004797-00004891 Bye! 4ZeMDMaJQrY-00000-00000000-00000200 Amazing trick to delete the data 4dgcKgYYQVA-00000-00000000-00000050 eating 4dgcKgYYQVA-00001-00000050-00000100 show 4dgcKgYYQVA-00002-00000100-00000150 realsound 4dgcKgYYQVA-00003-00000150-00000200 asmr 4dgcKgYYQVA-00004-00000200-00000250 crunch 4fM_fJ7msVk-00000-00000016-00000664 Hi and welcome to this presentation um my name is Rich Nind and I'm a 4fM_fJ7msVk-00001-00000664-00001120 Technical Advisor at Sheffield Hallam University. 4fM_fJ7msVk-00002-00001120-00001512 The title of the presentation is "The Accessibility Revolution 4fM_fJ7msVk-00003-00001512-00001911 and Assistive Technology and what it means for us." 4fM_fJ7msVk-00004-00001911-00002640 So this is really um a presentation just about some of the 4fM_fJ7msVk-00005-00002640-00002911 trends in assistive technology and what's 4fM_fJ7msVk-00006-00002911-00003488 happening on the ground, what you can expect to see more of 4fM_fJ7msVk-00007-00003496-00003847 in the next few years and also what it means for us 4fM_fJ7msVk-00008-00003847-00004320 as practitioners as well and supporting disabled students. 4fM_fJ7msVk-00009-00004320-00004696 My central thesis really is that assistive technology is becoming 4fM_fJ7msVk-00010-00004696-00005071 much more accessible. It's becoming easier to access 4fM_fJ7msVk-00011-00005071-00005376 so it's becoming much easier for our students 4fM_fJ7msVk-00012-00005376-00005935 to get hold of outside of the recognised systems DSA, 4fM_fJ7msVk-00013-00005935-00006360 access to work, apprenticeship funds and so on 4fM_fJ7msVk-00014-00006360-00006759 so it's becoming easier for them to get and it's also becoming a lot easier 4fM_fJ7msVk-00015-00006759-00007256 to use as well which is because of trends happening the way software is 4fM_fJ7msVk-00016-00007256-00007695 is developed nowadays too which i'll talk about. 4fM_fJ7msVk-00017-00007695-00008128 Um so I've been in assistive technology since 4fM_fJ7msVk-00018-00008128-00008815 the mid 2000s and um for a long time I think things have been 4fM_fJ7msVk-00019-00008815-00009215 very stable in the way that we deliver assistive technology to 4fM_fJ7msVk-00020-00009215-00009632 the users. A lot of assistive technology is 4fM_fJ7msVk-00021-00009632-00010104 purchased through government schemes for users whether they be students, 4fM_fJ7msVk-00022-00010104-00010384 employees and so on or purchased through local 4fM_fJ7msVk-00023-00010384-00010904 councils or colleges or things like that. There's been a high upfront cost to 4fM_fJ7msVk-00024-00010904-00011224 assistive technology 4fM_fJ7msVk-00025-00011284-00011815 traditionally. Most software packages top £100, 4fM_fJ7msVk-00026-00011815-00012160 many go into the hundreds of pounds up to 4fM_fJ7msVk-00027-00012160-00012511 possibly even thousands of pounds for specialist software 4fM_fJ7msVk-00028-00012511-00012880 equipment for visually impaired students and that's kind of been 4fM_fJ7msVk-00029-00012880-00013528 unavoidable really it's just um the only way it's been viable for a lot 4fM_fJ7msVk-00030-00013528-00014040 of companies to develop and deliver assistive 4fM_fJ7msVk-00031-00014084-00014431 technology. The technology as I've said because it's 4fM_fJ7msVk-00032-00014431-00014791 been sold for government schemes 4fM_fJ7msVk-00033-00015104-00015484 a lot of the discussion and dialogue around what's needed in assistive 4fM_fJ7msVk-00034-00015484-00016080 technologies has been between the developers of the technology and the 4fM_fJ7msVk-00035-00016080-00016504 gatekeepers if you like, people like us, assessors, 4fM_fJ7msVk-00036-00016504-00017023 disability advisors, the retailers who sell the technology 4fM_fJ7msVk-00037-00017023-00017559 for the developers and people like me who work work in assistive technology. 4fM_fJ7msVk-00038-00017559-00017904 So again that's another thing which is it's kind of been, 4fM_fJ7msVk-00039-00017904-00018280 there's nothing wrong with it really, it's a natural thing that's happened 4fM_fJ7msVk-00040-00018280-00018672 because it's been very hard for developers to get feedback directly 4fM_fJ7msVk-00041-00018672-00019120 from the users and there's been this very traditional model 4fM_fJ7msVk-00042-00019120-00019520 of providing software or technology so you might get some software which will 4fM_fJ7msVk-00043-00019520-00019784 run on just one computer, you'll get a license 4fM_fJ7msVk-00044-00019784-00020168 key and it'll just work there, it'll only work on your windows PC it 4fM_fJ7msVk-00045-00020168-00020687 won't work on your mac PC if you've got one of them as well and vice versa. And 4fM_fJ7msVk-00046-00020687-00020951 you get one piece of software, you might get some 4fM_fJ7msVk-00047-00020951-00021359 updates with it as it goes along some security updates 4fM_fJ7msVk-00048-00021359-00021695 but for the upgrades you need to pay for a 4fM_fJ7msVk-00049-00021695-00022031 new version and for new features you might need to 4fM_fJ7msVk-00050-00022031-00022744 pay for a better version and so on. 4fM_fJ7msVk-00051-00022744-00023136 And I think that's meant that the software has been developed probably in 4fM_fJ7msVk-00052-00023136-00023536 quite a a particular way where features and 4fM_fJ7msVk-00053-00023536-00023887 customisation have been emphasised really um 4fM_fJ7msVk-00054-00023887-00024384 rather than the user experience. I think now though particularly in the 4fM_fJ7msVk-00055-00024384-00024840 last few years we're starting to move into what's called the software as a 4fM_fJ7msVk-00056-00024840-00025120 service model, 4fM_fJ7msVk-00057-00025192-00025656 where the developers of technologies are much more concerned about 4fM_fJ7msVk-00058-00025656-00026247 selling and interacting directly with the user of the technology. 4fM_fJ7msVk-00059-00026272-00026863 And the user kind of leases the technology rather than purchasing it 4fM_fJ7msVk-00060-00026863-00027119 outright and we're all probably familiar with 4fM_fJ7msVk-00061-00027119-00027472 this model from our Netflix and Spotify and 4fM_fJ7msVk-00062-00027472-00027832 Apple Music subscriptions 4fM_fJ7msVk-00063-00028016-00028439 where we pay a certain amount each month and then we get access to those 4fM_fJ7msVk-00064-00028439-00028863 platforms to watch the tv shows or listen to the 4fM_fJ7msVk-00065-00028863-00029112 music on those platforms but when we stop paying 4fM_fJ7msVk-00066-00029112-00029544 that's it our access after a short time is is cut. 4fM_fJ7msVk-00067-00029544-00029847 And that kind of model 4fM_fJ7msVk-00068-00029960-00030408 is kind of taking over software really as well if you think about 4fM_fJ7msVk-00069-00030408-00031016 Adobe Cloud you think about Office 365 suddenly that software that might have 4fM_fJ7msVk-00070-00031016-00031495 cost you £200/£300/£400 up front to buy 4fM_fJ7msVk-00071-00031495-00031991 now costs you £5/£6/£10 a month so you can spread the 4fM_fJ7msVk-00072-00031991-00032519 cost much more easily. So specialist software or even just 4fM_fJ7msVk-00073-00032519-00032824 software that we need for a particular purpose, 4fM_fJ7msVk-00074-00032824-00033263 it's become a lot more accessible now to the consumers 4fM_fJ7msVk-00075-00033263-00033975 and it's much more easy to find um for users too 4fM_fJ7msVk-00076-00033975-00034303 because they don't have to get a software catalog 4fM_fJ7msVk-00077-00034303-00034791 or come to us to ask what software's available. 4fM_fJ7msVk-00078-00034791-00035168 There's app stores they can market it through the web, 4fM_fJ7msVk-00079-00035168-00035752 advertise through google and youtube and so on to get their software their 4fM_fJ7msVk-00080-00035752-00036168 technology into their users hands. Now there are a 4fM_fJ7msVk-00081-00036168-00036536 few other really important characteristics 4fM_fJ7msVk-00082-00036536-00037088 here with this model of providing software which are really important 4fM_fJ7msVk-00083-00037088-00037303 for 4fM_fJ7msVk-00084-00037496-00037903 the user and for us to understand. The software is 4fM_fJ7msVk-00085-00037903-00038488 typically cloud-based so you might get a small app on your 4fM_fJ7msVk-00086-00038488-00038800 computer or you might use it purely through the web 4fM_fJ7msVk-00087-00038800-00039256 but a lot of the software works via the internet 4fM_fJ7msVk-00088-00039256-00039688 so you need to be connected all the time. We can often use the software on any 4fM_fJ7msVk-00089-00039688-00039991 platform or technology on any platform at all 4fM_fJ7msVk-00090-00039991-00040352 and we can have it installed on Windows, macs our phones, 4fM_fJ7msVk-00091-00040352-00040847 whatever. Software always stays up to date 4fM_fJ7msVk-00092-00040847-00041359 so before we used to have a lot of issues where students might 4fM_fJ7msVk-00093-00041359-00041624 have a particular version of Windows and then 4fM_fJ7msVk-00094-00041624-00042008 the version of their software didn't work on that version of windows 4fM_fJ7msVk-00095-00042008-00042368 a lot of those issues have kind of gone now. Windows 10 is operating on this 4fM_fJ7msVk-00096-00042368-00042680 service model so students, if they've got windows, will 4fM_fJ7msVk-00097-00042680-00043047 always have/ should always have the most up-to-date 4fM_fJ7msVk-00098-00043047-00043408 version of windows and if they've got the most up-to-date version of software 4fM_fJ7msVk-00099-00043408-00044272 as well, those problems kind of go away. And I think really importantly um 4fM_fJ7msVk-00100-00044280-00044631 for this kind of software model or technology model, 4fM_fJ7msVk-00101-00044631-00045063 the developers are much more interested in getting the feedback from the user 4fM_fJ7msVk-00102-00045063-00045447 than from the gatekeepers like us and they'll use the data 4fM_fJ7msVk-00103-00045447-00045808 from the product as well for feedback so they'll look at things 4fM_fJ7msVk-00104-00045808-00046224 like how many clicks it takes someone to get to a particular feature, 4fM_fJ7msVk-00105-00046224-00046568 does someone do people try to use a particular feature 4fM_fJ7msVk-00106-00046568-00046912 and then give up? Now all that data is kind of going back 4fM_fJ7msVk-00107-00046912-00047263 to the developer so they can improve the product 4fM_fJ7msVk-00108-00047263-00047728 and what often happens is as a result of that is products get simplified over 4fM_fJ7msVk-00109-00047728-00048096 time and they become easier to use. 4fM_fJ7msVk-00110-00048168-00048575 A really really good example of this type of approach to software is 4fM_fJ7msVk-00111-00048575-00048824 Grammarly. 4fM_fJ7msVk-00112-00048880-00049600 So Grammarly is a proofing tool, it does spell checking it does a lot of 4fM_fJ7msVk-00113-00049600-00049952 the things that we associate with some of the literacy software that people get 4fM_fJ7msVk-00114-00049952-00050484 through DSA so it checks for homophones um 4fM_fJ7msVk-00115-00050484-00050936 mistakes and so on. 4fM_fJ7msVk-00116-00051008-00051336 It also does stuff which is only really possible because of the data it's 4fM_fJ7msVk-00117-00051336-00051639 getting from the user 4fM_fJ7msVk-00118-00051703-00052136 such as being able to correct verb tenses, 4fM_fJ7msVk-00119-00052136-00052800 very specific types of errors and to advise on writing style. 4fM_fJ7msVk-00120-00052839-00053167 The really interesting thing about Grammarly it doesn't 4fM_fJ7msVk-00121-00053167-00053576 advertise itself as assistive technology, it doesn't use any of the terminology 4fM_fJ7msVk-00122-00053576-00054064 we usually see when assisted technology is marketed. 4fM_fJ7msVk-00123-00054064-00054760 It markets itself as a tool for people in school or college or in work 4fM_fJ7msVk-00124-00054760-00055295 who need a bit of writing support and it markets directly to them through Google, 4fM_fJ7msVk-00125-00055295-00055639 through Youtube adverts, even tv adverts as well 4fM_fJ7msVk-00126-00055639-00056591 in the states. And the user pays through subscription 4fM_fJ7msVk-00127-00056591-00056991 and can use the app on pretty much any device 4fM_fJ7msVk-00128-00056991-00058024 they want. Again, there's a massive focus on 4fM_fJ7msVk-00129-00058024-00058472 simplification on user experience, 4fM_fJ7msVk-00130-00058576-00059055 in tools like Grammarly and when I talk about this simplification, 4fM_fJ7msVk-00131-00059055-00059495 it's worth actually giving a bit of an example here 4fM_fJ7msVk-00132-00059495-00060264 so we'll look at speech to text in this regard. This is dragon, 4fM_fJ7msVk-00133-00060264-00060576 it's a screenshot I grabbed off the internet um 4fM_fJ7msVk-00134-00060576-00060936 we can see Dragon's got its toolbar, it's got lots of menus underneath that 4fM_fJ7msVk-00135-00060936-00061183 toolbar, 4fM_fJ7msVk-00136-00061288-00061816 it's got the correction menu which has got about 10 different options, 4fM_fJ7msVk-00137-00061816-00062239 and I'm, not a criticism at all I really love Dragon I've trained loads and loads 4fM_fJ7msVk-00138-00062239-00062632 of students to use it but it's a specialist app, it's got a 4fM_fJ7msVk-00139-00062632-00063064 degree of complexity and needs a degree of training. 4fM_fJ7msVk-00140-00063064-00063416 Recently, and this is something I'll talk about in a little while as well which is 4fM_fJ7msVk-00141-00063416-00063679 really important, 4fM_fJ7msVk-00142-00063912-00064279 the main technology platforms have started to build 4fM_fJ7msVk-00143-00064279-00064648 some of these access tools into their own products 4fM_fJ7msVk-00144-00064648-00065224 so Microsoft now has speech to text which is the dictate feature, it's 4fM_fJ7msVk-00145-00065224-00065727 available in home and you can see on the top right hand 4fM_fJ7msVk-00146-00065727-00066136 corner we've got the dictate button we press it and we literally start 4fM_fJ7msVk-00147-00066136-00066648 talking and that's basically the dictate feature. 4fM_fJ7msVk-00148-00066712-00067192 Mac OS, it's kind of even more simple really, 4fM_fJ7msVk-00149-00067312-00067832 you press a keyboard shortcut, you get a little icon 4fM_fJ7msVk-00150-00067832-00068200 and you talk and when you're done, 4fM_fJ7msVk-00151-00068248-00068683 you press the button and it's transcribed your work for you 4fM_fJ7msVk-00152-00068683-00069568 and that's basically how you use speech text on a mac device. 4fM_fJ7msVk-00153-00069576-00069880 There's a massive trade-off there between 4fM_fJ7msVk-00154-00069880-00070272 what talked about in terms of sophistication, customisation 4fM_fJ7msVk-00155-00070272-00070736 for usability. You can't at the moment do any of the kind of really cool 4fM_fJ7msVk-00156-00070736-00071280 correction stuff or vocabulary extensions we do in Dragon 4fM_fJ7msVk-00157-00071280-00071727 but the idea is, that kind of approach to speech to text 4fM_fJ7msVk-00158-00071727-00072136 is going to be good enough for a lot of people. 4fM_fJ7msVk-00159-00072632-00073248 So that gives a quick overview of how the approach to developing these 4fM_fJ7msVk-00160-00073248-00073512 technologies and making these technologies available 4fM_fJ7msVk-00161-00073512-00073856 is changing. There are a lot of implications of this, 4fM_fJ7msVk-00162-00073856-00074383 I've talked a lot about simplification. So the way technologies are being 4fM_fJ7msVk-00163-00074383-00074648 developed now they've been being developed 4fM_fJ7msVk-00164-00074648-00075039 to make make them as user-friendly as possible. 4fM_fJ7msVk-00165-00075039-00075432 That does mean you're going to lose some degree of the customisation, 4fM_fJ7msVk-00166-00075432-00075839 the complexity that some users are going to need. 4fM_fJ7msVk-00167-00075839-00076407 Pricing and distribution so it means that assistive technologies are 4fM_fJ7msVk-00168-00076407-00076712 potentially going to be available and they are 4fM_fJ7msVk-00169-00076712-00076960 available actually in terms of think about things like Grammarly, 4fM_fJ7msVk-00170-00076960-00077520 they are available to students to purchase themselves or to to start 4fM_fJ7msVk-00171-00077520-00077832 using before they even get to the stage of 4fM_fJ7msVk-00172-00077832-00078272 seeing us in our roles and you know some of these 4fM_fJ7msVk-00173-00078272-00078544 technologies they're not really very compatible with the systems we've got at 4fM_fJ7msVk-00174-00078544-00078912 the moment. I know for example um Grammarly isn't 4fM_fJ7msVk-00175-00078912-00079263 available through DSA. 4fM_fJ7msVk-00176-00079327-00079704 And that isn't really the fault of anybody it's just that as a company, 4fM_fJ7msVk-00177-00079704-00080232 it doesn't choose to work with retailers, it wants to sell directly to its users 4fM_fJ7msVk-00178-00080232-00080632 and it does want us out directly to universities and workplaces as well 4fM_fJ7msVk-00179-00080632-00081151 that's its model. So sometimes students may be coming in asking for technologies 4fM_fJ7msVk-00180-00081151-00081536 and it may be difficult for us to provide them. 4fM_fJ7msVk-00181-00081536-00081976 I think privacy is important as well, that's a big consideration 4fM_fJ7msVk-00182-00081976-00082200 so 4fM_fJ7msVk-00183-00082312-00082895 a lot of these tools more and more are going to rely on taking our data and 4fM_fJ7msVk-00184-00082895-00083272 feeding it into their own algorithms to make their product better, 4fM_fJ7msVk-00185-00083272-00083632 to make the product viable and there are privacy issues about if 4fM_fJ7msVk-00186-00083632-00083912 we're downloading free tools or inexpensive tools 4fM_fJ7msVk-00187-00083912-00084232 or tools from companies that we don't know much about, 4fM_fJ7msVk-00188-00084232-00084632 what are they actually doing with our data? 4fM_fJ7msVk-00189-00084751-00085104 And to be honest most of us are not going to read these massive 4fM_fJ7msVk-00190-00085104-00085544 privacy policies or user agreements 4fM_fJ7msVk-00191-00085560-00086168 that we tend to have to click a box to say that we've read to use the product. 4fM_fJ7msVk-00192-00086383-00086807 To continue with this theme of simplification, 4fM_fJ7msVk-00193-00086807-00087192 one of the really interesting things we start to see 4fM_fJ7msVk-00194-00087192-00087583 is that the assistive technology or the things that we used to be 4fM_fJ7msVk-00195-00087583-00087960 um we're used to thinking of as assistive technology, 4fM_fJ7msVk-00196-00087960-00088495 they start to kind of become ubiquitous and then they start to kind of become 4fM_fJ7msVk-00197-00088495-00088863 invisible really and that's one of the key maxims of technology really that's 4fM_fJ7msVk-00198-00088863-00089200 been said for a long time. Good technology kind of becomes invisible 4fM_fJ7msVk-00199-00089200-00089544 after a while, we stop thinking about it, stop thinking about 4fM_fJ7msVk-00200-00089544-00089983 that it's there, it just works. 4fM_fJ7msVk-00201-00090448-00090912 And this is my idea of a very rough model 4fM_fJ7msVk-00202-00090912-00091344 of how assistive technology develops. You tend to get this identification of need, 4fM_fJ7msVk-00203-00091344-00091992 you get specialist hardware and software that gets simplified, refined and so on 4fM_fJ7msVk-00204-00091992-00092351 until eventually we start to see some of these softwares turning up in mainstream 4fM_fJ7msVk-00205-00092351-00092663 applications and I'll give an example of that in 4fM_fJ7msVk-00206-00092663-00093080 terms of what we what we refer to as OCR - Optical 4fM_fJ7msVk-00207-00093080-00093519 Character Recognition or book scanning to make it easier. This 4fM_fJ7msVk-00208-00093519-00094007 is the first book scanner really that existed um 4fM_fJ7msVk-00209-00094007-00094344 Kurzweil's reading machine which i think you know you'd essentially, 4fM_fJ7msVk-00210-00094344-00094680 I don't know how it works but you'd put the book under a camera 4fM_fJ7msVk-00211-00094680-00095112 and it would read back to you quite crude but incredibly revolutionary 4fM_fJ7msVk-00212-00095112-00095551 at the time. These devices still exist you know really in in 4fM_fJ7msVk-00213-00095551-00095975 some forms and they're still, they're still sold to people that uh 4fM_fJ7msVk-00214-00095975-00096304 just want a device to read their letters or the newspaper and don't want anything 4fM_fJ7msVk-00215-00096304-00097136 more sophisticated. As computing became more mainstream, 4fM_fJ7msVk-00216-00097136-00097656 people started to use their PCs, flatbed scanners 4fM_fJ7msVk-00217-00097656-00098119 for doing scanning and then software became available 4fM_fJ7msVk-00218-00098168-00098768 for us to scan books and format them and create more accessible formats. 4fM_fJ7msVk-00219-00098768-00099112 That's something some of us are familiar with, I used to do a lot of 4fM_fJ7msVk-00220-00099112-00099632 accessible format production and you're essentially taking advantage 4fM_fJ7msVk-00221-00099632-00100112 of two of the mainstream devices and some software to make that 4fM_fJ7msVk-00222-00100112-00100344 work. 4fM_fJ7msVk-00223-00100488-00101048 Around late 2000s, we had smartphones come in and then 4fM_fJ7msVk-00224-00101048-00101312 suddenly we had one device which could kind of do 4fM_fJ7msVk-00225-00101312-00101688 everything really. We didn't need the PC and the scanner because we had it 4fM_fJ7msVk-00226-00101688-00102183 in just one device especially as the cameras became better and better 4fM_fJ7msVk-00227-00102183-00102543 on the smartphones and you might be able to you might need an app to do it but 4fM_fJ7msVk-00228-00102543-00102864 you'll be able to find an app really easily by going to the app store, 4fM_fJ7msVk-00229-00102864-00103311 the play store, just searching for scanning. 4fM_fJ7msVk-00230-00103600-00103991 And then where we are now um 4fM_fJ7msVk-00231-00104176-00104559 at the moment um Google has developed its camera 4fM_fJ7msVk-00232-00104559-00104872 app so you don't even really need any software/ 4fM_fJ7msVk-00233-00104872-00105616 special software to extract text. On the premium google phones at the 4fM_fJ7msVk-00234-00105616-00106064 moment, so the pixel range, Google's lens 4fM_fJ7msVk-00235-00106064-00106383 technology is built in to the camera app so you take a picture 4fM_fJ7msVk-00236-00106383-00106696 and if it's got text in, it'll automatically transcribe it for 4fM_fJ7msVk-00237-00106696-00107167 you anyway so you can copy and paste that out of the picture. 4fM_fJ7msVk-00238-00107216-00107632 And that's not really designed for our kind of uses 4fM_fJ7msVk-00239-00107632-00108000 in terms of you know we might want to scan a book chapter and make it more 4fM_fJ7msVk-00240-00108000-00108359 accessible, it's more designed for I guess Google's 4fM_fJ7msVk-00241-00108359-00108576 own 4fM_fJ7msVk-00242-00108616-00109040 aims of making all information searchable so not just text but images 4fM_fJ7msVk-00243-00109040-00109352 as well, being able to use AI to find out what's 4fM_fJ7msVk-00244-00109352-00109720 going on in pictures and make it that easier for users to 4fM_fJ7msVk-00245-00109720-00110176 find what they need, so this kind of use of OCR 4fM_fJ7msVk-00246-00110176-00110511 it's quite useful if you want to take pictures of a few different pages and 4fM_fJ7msVk-00247-00110511-00110952 then you want to be able to search to find the text that's in those pictures 4fM_fJ7msVk-00248-00110952-00111232 later on or you just want to use it for your own 4fM_fJ7msVk-00249-00111232-00111767 notes as a reminder and copy and paste. It's not really that 4fM_fJ7msVk-00250-00111767-00112096 useful if you want to scan the entire book 4fM_fJ7msVk-00251-00112096-00112391 chapter, it's not really designed for that so there's always 4fM_fJ7msVk-00252-00112391-00112967 going to be that tension between simplifying these technologies 4fM_fJ7msVk-00253-00113048-00113503 and being able to use them for the specific purposes that we need them. 4fM_fJ7msVk-00254-00113503-00114072 So for a student with a print impairment, being able to scan 20 pages really 4fM_fJ7msVk-00255-00114072-00114391 easily and get it into a text format is really 4fM_fJ7msVk-00256-00114391-00114711 important so they would still probably need that specialist software 4fM_fJ7msVk-00257-00114711-00115432 to help them do that. And so as we've seen, 4fM_fJ7msVk-00258-00115432-00115752 a lot of the things that we've 4fM_fJ7msVk-00259-00115759-00116248 always thought of as assisted technology are starting to become 4fM_fJ7msVk-00260-00116248-00116600 more just technology really, they start to become part of mainstream 4fM_fJ7msVk-00261-00116600-00116879 applications and perhaps the identification of them 4fM_fJ7msVk-00262-00116879-00117264 as assistive technology, it's kind of going to move away over the 4fM_fJ7msVk-00263-00117264-00117535 next few years. 4fM_fJ7msVk-00264-00117655-00118079 When we think about kind of access tools, text to speech, 4fM_fJ7msVk-00265-00118079-00118735 speech to text, advanced spell checking and so on that we often get provided 4fM_fJ7msVk-00266-00118735-00119616 through DSA, these tools now are starting to become 4fM_fJ7msVk-00267-00119616-00119944 standard features of some of the main mainstream 4fM_fJ7msVk-00268-00119944-00120544 technology platforms. So Microsoft has the immersive reader and it has that 4fM_fJ7msVk-00269-00120544-00121096 in Office 365 it has it in its edge browser, 4fM_fJ7msVk-00270-00121272-00121800 it has it available in some forms in its mobile apps as well so it's phone 4fM_fJ7msVk-00271-00121800-00122400 apps, it's tablet labs and those kind of access tools that were 4fM_fJ7msVk-00272-00122400-00122688 previously the preserve of the kind of software 4fM_fJ7msVk-00273-00122688-00123144 that we get through DSA are now becoming available in these 4fM_fJ7msVk-00274-00123144-00123455 platforms and often in a much simplified form as 4fM_fJ7msVk-00275-00123455-00123679 well. 4fM_fJ7msVk-00276-00124328-00125079 So moving on from Microsoft to Google. If we use Google docs, 4fM_fJ7msVk-00277-00125088-00125472 we have speech to text available in that, we have text to speech available there 4fM_fJ7msVk-00278-00125472-00125911 as well and this is actually really hard to kind 4fM_fJ7msVk-00279-00125911-00126335 of show to be honest um but 4fM_fJ7msVk-00280-00126335-00126720 the kind of advanced spell checking that tools like Grammarly 4fM_fJ7msVk-00281-00126720-00127464 and Ginger do are now available in google applications as well so 4fM_fJ7msVk-00282-00127464-00128159 for example here I've got the word "your" instead of "you" and it's corrected that. 4fM_fJ7msVk-00283-00128159-00128791 It will correct those verb tense errors as well really easily 4fM_fJ7msVk-00284-00128896-00129383 and Google has a great advantage and Microsoft to some extent as well in 4fM_fJ7msVk-00285-00129383-00129711 developing these tools just because of the sheer amount of data 4fM_fJ7msVk-00286-00129711-00130096 that it gets back from users that it can feed back into their algorithms. 4fM_fJ7msVk-00287-00130096-00130711 So, its text-to-speech will get better because of the speech-to-text that's 4fM_fJ7msVk-00288-00130711-00131079 being used and all those people dictating into 4fM_fJ7msVk-00289-00131079-00131455 Google docs or Office365 that's helping to improve the different 4fM_fJ7msVk-00290-00131455-00131944 companies. Text-to-speech platforms um spell 4fM_fJ7msVk-00291-00131944-00132184 checking people are checking their spellings 4fM_fJ7msVk-00292-00132184-00132512 every day in google, they're writing into google docs every day 4fM_fJ7msVk-00293-00132512-00132832 and then correcting it and all this is being fed back 4fM_fJ7msVk-00294-00132832-00133240 into the into their learning models and making these applications, 4fM_fJ7msVk-00295-00133240-00133615 making these features better as time goes on and it's quite difficult to 4fM_fJ7msVk-00296-00133615-00134696 compete with that really, I guess for many companies. 4fM_fJ7msVk-00297-00134696-00135055 And here's a couple of examples of where google's use these assistive 4fM_fJ7msVk-00298-00135055-00135328 technologies 4fM_fJ7msVk-00299-00135472-00136184 for its own unique and sometimes perhaps slightly worrying 4fM_fJ7msVk-00300-00136200-00136479 applications 4fM_fJ7msVk-00301-00136536-00136752 so 4fM_fJ7msVk-00302-00136840-00137376 Google has has developed not just word prediction but phrase prediction 4fM_fJ7msVk-00303-00137376-00138079 so as we type um into gmail for example 4fM_fJ7msVk-00304-00138103-00138448 in faint color it comes up with what we might want to want to say and then we 4fM_fJ7msVk-00305-00138448-00138928 press 'tab' and completes it for us. So it's kind of 4fM_fJ7msVk-00306-00138928-00139303 using its technologies to predict what we want to do or say 4fM_fJ7msVk-00307-00139303-00139591 before we say it. 4fM_fJ7msVk-00308-00139608-00140048 The image on the right is difficult to to show this really but 4fM_fJ7msVk-00309-00140048-00140736 google has developed its speech and its uh text to speech technologies 4fM_fJ7msVk-00310-00140736-00141072 so that it can actually ring companies for you or make phone 4fM_fJ7msVk-00311-00141072-00141336 calls for you. 4fM_fJ7msVk-00312-00141464-00142032 So google can ring a restaurant for you and make a reservation and then get back 4fM_fJ7msVk-00313-00142032-00142312 to you and tell you what time it's made the reservation for, 4fM_fJ7msVk-00314-00142312-00142672 so it's used the text-to-speech and the speech technologies along with its own 4fM_fJ7msVk-00315-00142672-00143496 AI capacities to develop a very unique google style 4fM_fJ7msVk-00316-00143496-00143815 service. I think it's only available in a in America 4fM_fJ7msVk-00317-00143815-00144232 at the moment and I don't think it's actually been taken up that much 4fM_fJ7msVk-00318-00144232-00144815 but it's quite interesting and Apple Apple's business is around selling 4fM_fJ7msVk-00319-00144815-00145224 devices so they they were really the first company 4fM_fJ7msVk-00320-00145224-00145688 um to really go all in on providing all these access tools built 4fM_fJ7msVk-00321-00145688-00146208 into the system and mac OS, you've got the text to speech 4fM_fJ7msVk-00322-00146208-00146544 the speech to text the voice over which is the full screen 4fM_fJ7msVk-00323-00146544-00147232 reader for visually impaired users and similarly ios, iphone, 4fM_fJ7msVk-00324-00147232-00147864 ipad OS even their their apple watch has all these technologies built into 4fM_fJ7msVk-00325-00147864-00148167 them from the start. 4fM_fJ7msVk-00326-00148248-00148615 So what is assistive technology if then if these kind of access tools 4fM_fJ7msVk-00327-00148615-00149176 start to just become part of the mainstream technology offer? 4fM_fJ7msVk-00328-00149248-00149727 Well I think there has been a movement within DSA over the last few years 4fM_fJ7msVk-00329-00149727-00150367 to more unique applications really alongside the kind of access tools that 4fM_fJ7msVk-00330-00150367-00150832 are provided so just some quick examples; we've got 4fM_fJ7msVk-00331-00150832-00151103 Present Pal 4fM_fJ7msVk-00332-00151176-00151632 which is designed to support people with live presentations 4fM_fJ7msVk-00333-00151632-00151967 and probably wouldn't have been possible really until 4fM_fJ7msVk-00334-00151967-00152664 smartphones, tablets became mainstream. Equatio text app have developed so 4fM_fJ7msVk-00335-00152664-00152967 looking at the text-to-speech speach-to-text and so on 4fM_fJ7msVk-00336-00152967-00153455 that's available for stem subjects and supporting students with that 4fM_fJ7msVk-00337-00153455-00153808 and Claro Writing Helper 4fM_fJ7msVk-00338-00153848-00154152 which is very new so some of you might not have seen yet but it 4fM_fJ7msVk-00339-00154152-00154608 provides one application 4fM_fJ7msVk-00340-00154624-00155384 and one place to support all the tasks related to writing an assignment 4fM_fJ7msVk-00341-00155384-00155784 and students a lot of students will still need 4fM_fJ7msVk-00342-00155791-00156376 the access tools that will give them more customisation and control over 4fM_fJ7msVk-00343-00156376-00156784 their experience so I think those tools will be around 4fM_fJ7msVk-00344-00156784-00157184 for a while yet but as we can see, 4fM_fJ7msVk-00345-00157303-00157655 the assistive technology seems to be a moving target 4fM_fJ7msVk-00346-00157655-00157991 and as some of those access tools become more mainstream 4fM_fJ7msVk-00347-00157991-00158552 we're starting to see more focus again on specialist tools within DSA. And I 4fM_fJ7msVk-00348-00158552-00158967 think the other thing that's really important here as well is the 4fM_fJ7msVk-00349-00158967-00159320 changes that are happening and are coming in higher education as 4fM_fJ7msVk-00350-00159320-00159776 well so we know the government has or wants a lot more focus a lot more 4fM_fJ7msVk-00351-00159776-00160152 people doing stem subjects a lot more focused on vocational 4fM_fJ7msVk-00352-00160152-00160600 training and we we already have students coming 4fM_fJ7msVk-00353-00160600-00161000 in on degree apprenticeships 4fM_fJ7msVk-00354-00161064-00161615 who are very very capable but have often left school when they were 16 4fM_fJ7msVk-00355-00161615-00161976 so needle need more support and perhaps need different kind of tools 4fM_fJ7msVk-00356-00161976-00162440 than that we've been traditionally providing for DSA. 4fM_fJ7msVk-00357-00162552-00163215 And this is a slide I used last year in a presentation which just uses that 4fM_fJ7msVk-00358-00163215-00163640 kind of reversing the pyramid theme that we've seen in 4fM_fJ7msVk-00359-00163640-00164264 higher education since the DSA reforms and I think it's really applicable to 4fM_fJ7msVk-00360-00164264-00164688 what's happening in assistive technology too at the moment as well. So we have more 4fM_fJ7msVk-00361-00164688-00165008 DSA use perhaps more for the supply of those specialist 4fM_fJ7msVk-00362-00165008-00165384 hardware and software tools in the middle somewhere we have all 4fM_fJ7msVk-00363-00165384-00166136 those kind of user-friendly access tools um that are extensive 4fM_fJ7msVk-00364-00166160-00166576 and have a lot of customisation options, things that perhaps are provided for DSA 4fM_fJ7msVk-00365-00166576-00166808 but we can provide the site licenses as well 4fM_fJ7msVk-00366-00166808-00167367 on campus and then at the bottom for the inclusive offer we're really 4fM_fJ7msVk-00367-00167367-00167791 focusing on all the all the access tools within 4fM_fJ7msVk-00368-00167791-00168288 the mainstream technology platforms so in Office365, the learning tools, 4fM_fJ7msVk-00369-00168288-00168648 IOS and so on. 4fM_fJ7msVk-00370-00168888-00169415 Just to talk briefly about our approach at Sheffield Hallam 4fM_fJ7msVk-00371-00169415-00169736 which I think has influenced my perspective quite a bit 4fM_fJ7msVk-00372-00169736-00170312 I mean we exited DSA in 2017 and we stopped doing one-to-one um 4fM_fJ7msVk-00373-00170312-00170527 training through disabled students allowance, 4fM_fJ7msVk-00374-00170527-00170903 AT training and we moved to doing group sessions to all students. 4fM_fJ7msVk-00375-00170903-00171376 And I mean yeah students that came to the sessions love the tools 4fM_fJ7msVk-00376-00171376-00171815 particularly mind mapping and recording software 4fM_fJ7msVk-00377-00171815-00172127 and you know they would often 4fM_fJ7msVk-00378-00172144-00172688 say it's great but how can I use it at home? 4fM_fJ7msVk-00379-00172703-00173055 And we don't really have answers for that at the moment for some 4fM_fJ7msVk-00380-00173055-00173576 for some assistive technology and it gets that crux again of what 4fM_fJ7msVk-00381-00173576-00173920 people expect from software, they don't expect just to use it on one computer or 4fM_fJ7msVk-00382-00173920-00174167 in one place, they expect to be able to use it 4fM_fJ7msVk-00383-00174167-00174415 everywhere 4fM_fJ7msVk-00384-00174648-00175176 and pre-pandemic that influence does more to go towards 4fM_fJ7msVk-00385-00175176-00175567 looking at things like the Office365 learning tools and the Microsoft 4fM_fJ7msVk-00386-00175567-00175944 learning tools for those basic access tools because all 4fM_fJ7msVk-00387-00175944-00176512 our students get Office365 subscriptions when they enroll um 4fM_fJ7msVk-00388-00176512-00176944 focusing on things like mobile tools so we have audio note taker 4fM_fJ7msVk-00389-00176944-00177384 but really they can get some link as well 4fM_fJ7msVk-00390-00177384-00177744 as the app on the mobile device and that's really something they can use 4fM_fJ7msVk-00391-00177744-00178048 anywhere rather than having to come into university to use 4fM_fJ7msVk-00392-00178048-00178536 and we have these tools on what we use as apps anywhere 4fM_fJ7msVk-00393-00178600-00178960 which is the software delivery system that's used on campus so students can 4fM_fJ7msVk-00394-00178960-00179472 use software while they're on campus. We hope 4fM_fJ7msVk-00395-00179472-00179864 eventually that that will work off campus for students as well 4fM_fJ7msVk-00396-00179864-00180272 but there's lots of technicalities there in terms of licensing 4fM_fJ7msVk-00397-00180272-00180560 and things like that 4fM_fJ7msVk-00398-00180608-00180976 and it's working through those problems of you know having software that was 4fM_fJ7msVk-00399-00180976-00181352 designed for the desktop era 4fM_fJ7msVk-00400-00181367-00181864 and expanding it out to the way that we use technology today 4fM_fJ7msVk-00401-00181864-00182448 and we offer assistive technology inductions for disabled students as well. 4fM_fJ7msVk-00402-00182615-00183103 So we offer the group sessions for all students but for disabled students 4fM_fJ7msVk-00403-00183103-00183455 we're able to offer appointments where we can explore 4fM_fJ7msVk-00404-00183455-00183872 and guide them to find out what kind of assistive technology 4fM_fJ7msVk-00405-00183872-00184200 is suitable for them before they go through 4fM_fJ7msVk-00406-00184200-00184503 the DSA process. 4fM_fJ7msVk-00407-00184567-00185112 And from the lock down and beyond this process has kind of intensified 4fM_fJ7msVk-00408-00185112-00185344 we've been able to get some of our software 4fM_fJ7msVk-00409-00185344-00185648 temporarily available for students to use on their own devices, 4fM_fJ7msVk-00410-00185648-00186039 we're doing all our sessions through Zoom which has actually improved our 4fM_fJ7msVk-00411-00186039-00186551 spring and summer take-up and um you know improved attendance and 4fM_fJ7msVk-00412-00186551-00186832 things like that and we're working towards what we've got 4fM_fJ7msVk-00413-00186832-00187200 now now at SHU which is this extended campus model for the next 4fM_fJ7msVk-00414-00187200-00187624 year or so where everything that's been available traditionally on campus 4fM_fJ7msVk-00415-00187624-00188039 and we're trying to make available off campus as well. 4fM_fJ7msVk-00416-00188167-00188496 So to conclude, I think there are some key points 4fM_fJ7msVk-00417-00188496-00188848 that we can take from this; 4fM_fJ7msVk-00418-00188888-00189384 there's a lot of change happening in technology and assistive technology 4fM_fJ7msVk-00419-00189384-00190048 which can be quite scary but also very exciting and liberating 4fM_fJ7msVk-00420-00190048-00190344 for our students as well. 4fM_fJ7msVk-00421-00190367-00191015 The fact that students have access to text -to-speech/speech-to-text from 4fM_fJ7msVk-00422-00191015-00191448 their first day on campus or perhaps even before 4fM_fJ7msVk-00423-00191448-00191912 is really really exciting as a development 4fM_fJ7msVk-00424-00191912-00192351 and will really help us to improve take-up of these technologies. 4fM_fJ7msVk-00425-00192351-00192703 And I think as well, students, they'll often have been using 4fM_fJ7msVk-00426-00192703-00193032 this assistive technology before they arrive 4fM_fJ7msVk-00427-00193032-00193344 so they won't be waiting for their DSA assessment 4fM_fJ7msVk-00428-00193344-00193688 or their guidance appointments to find out about the technology, 4fM_fJ7msVk-00429-00193688-00194048 they may be coming in and you know they may 4fM_fJ7msVk-00430-00194048-00194496 potentially know more than us when they arrive 4fM_fJ7msVk-00431-00194512-00194960 and they may have been using assistive technology and forms which 4fM_fJ7msVk-00432-00194960-00195376 it's not really marketed as assistive technology so they don't even see it as 4fM_fJ7msVk-00433-00195376-00195591 that, they just see it as tools to support 4fM_fJ7msVk-00434-00195591-00196055 them again going back to things like Grammarly and Ginger. 4fM_fJ7msVk-00435-00196055-00196391 I think we have to get used to very constant change 4fM_fJ7msVk-00436-00196391-00196720 and expected change 4fM_fJ7msVk-00437-00196751-00197279 sometimes with assistive technology um 4fM_fJ7msVk-00438-00197303-00197639 as the applications and the technologies we use can 4fM_fJ7msVk-00439-00197639-00198272 update themselves and refine themselves slightly, remove things 4fM_fJ7msVk-00440-00198272-00198672 that are not being used, add new things, it's it's much more of a challenge to 4fM_fJ7msVk-00441-00198672-00199151 keep up and keep our resources up to date and 4fM_fJ7msVk-00442-00199151-00199672 support the students who might struggle with constant changes 4fM_fJ7msVk-00443-00199672-00200200 to user interfaces or technologies or features. 4fM_fJ7msVk-00444-00200336-00200824 We can't just expect these technologies to stay the same for one, two, 4fM_fJ7msVk-00445-00200824-00201088 three years. 4fM_fJ7msVk-00446-00201167-00201551 I think finally as well um 4fM_fJ7msVk-00447-00201576-00202015 many of us working with assistive technologies, we can start to move from 4fM_fJ7msVk-00448-00202015-00202520 a kind of gatekeeper role that we've always had. 4fM_fJ7msVk-00449-00202632-00203088 Perhaps as assessors or assistive technology advisors 4fM_fJ7msVk-00450-00203088-00203408 to more of a guide role, 4fM_fJ7msVk-00451-00203432-00203855 where we're talking about what kind of technologies available on different 4fM_fJ7msVk-00452-00203855-00204360 platforms, what kind of free even inexpensive 4fM_fJ7msVk-00453-00204360-00205128 apps are available for students to use and I think as well we can be finding 4fM_fJ7msVk-00454-00205128-00205439 out and learn ourselves from the students about 4fM_fJ7msVk-00455-00205439-00205776 what kind of strategies they've been using with technology to 4fM_fJ7msVk-00456-00205776-00206039 support their studies and that's been happening for a few 4fM_fJ7msVk-00457-00206039-00206471 years now I think for a lot of us. 4fM_fJ7msVk-00458-00206704-00207296 So anyway that's it thank you for watching um if you've got 4fM_fJ7msVk-00459-00207296-00207791 any comments or questions feel free to give me an email directly. I 4fM_fJ7msVk-00460-00207791-00208135 probably won't get back to you until late August as I'm 4fM_fJ7msVk-00461-00208135-00208448 on annual leave now 4fM_fJ7msVk-00462-00208471-00208983 but I'd certainly love to hear from you. 4fM_fJ7msVk-00463-00209000-00209639 So again thanks and take care and goodbye. 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00000-00000022-00000186 Hi, my name is Sarah. 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00001-00000186-00000504 I’m a librarian at the University of Alabama. 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00002-00000504-00000917 This video will demonstrate how to use Project MUSE to find scholarly books and articles 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00003-00000917-00001096 for your research. 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00004-00001096-00001692 Starting at the libraries homepage (libraries.ua.edu), select the “Databases” link from the quick 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00005-00001692-00001930 menu. 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00006-00001930-00002357 You can choose “Project MUSE” from the Frequently Used list at the right, or locate 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00007-00002357-00002669 it under “P” in the A-Z list. 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00008-00002669-00003183 Project MUSE provides full text access to scholarly journals and ebooks in the humanities, 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00009-00003183-00003758 social sciences, and interdisciplinary fields such as gender, women’s, and sexuality studies, 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00010-00003758-00004032 area and ethnic studies, and religious studies. 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00011-00004032-00004439 When you reach Project MUSE from UA Libraries, it takes you to a page where you can either 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00012-00004439-00004954 browse using the filters along the left side of the page, or perform a simple keyword search 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00013-00004954-00005189 using the box at the top. 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00014-00005189-00005542 For example, let’s say you’re doing research on environmentalism. 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00015-00005542-00006017 You can start here with a broad search for “environmentalism” in the top search box. 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00016-00006017-00006382 You can also click on the yellow magnifying glass to take you to the advanced search page, 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00017-00006382-00006765 which we’ll look at in the advanced searching video. 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00018-00006765-00007211 This search returned a few different types of items: journal articles, a special issue 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00019-00007211-00007434 of a journal, and reviews. 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00020-00007434-00007670 Project MUSE also has ebooks. 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00021-00007670-00008087 The type of a source is listed in red in each record. 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00022-00008087-00008401 For right now, let’s focus on articles. 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00023-00008401-00008795 Under “content type” on the left, you should check the box next to “articles.” 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00024-00008795-00009212 This is still a pretty broad topic with a lot of results, so let’s look at some ways 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00025-00009212-00009343 to narrow them down. 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00026-00009343-00009739 Say you really want to focus on environmentalism and religion. 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00027-00009739-00010068 You can narrow your results in 2 ways. 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00028-00010068-00010529 First, you can use filters, or facets, to browse within your results. 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00029-00010529-00011129 On the left side of the page, there are filters for publisher, book series, journal, author, 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00030-00011129-00011589 language, and research area, and you can limit by publication year. 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00031-00011589-00011992 For most users, the research area filter will be most useful. 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00032-00011992-00012470 You can either scroll through the box or type a keyword in the field at the top. 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00033-00012470-00012712 Select the subject you want to limit your results to. 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00034-00012712-00013215 Now, I have a list of about 60 results that mention “environmentalism” somewhere in 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00035-00013215-00013658 their content and are tagged with the research area “religion.” 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00036-00013658-00014138 This method can be a great way to explore a new topic with a single, broad search term. 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00037-00014138-00014570 You can select different research area limiters, or just scroll through the list to see which 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00038-00014570-00014722 research areas are represented. 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00039-00014722-00015051 Let’s try a different approach. 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00040-00015051-00015570 Scroll back to the top of the page and select “clear all facets” above the search boxes. 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00041-00015570-00016030 This deselects any limiters you have applied in the boxes below, while keeping your original 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00042-00016030-00016173 search term. 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00043-00016173-00016660 Select “articles” again, and type “religion” in the second search box. 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00044-00016660-00017073 By default, you’re searching “content,” which includes titles, abstracts, and full 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00045-00017073-00017390 text, and the “and” connector is set. 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00046-00017390-00017779 This search will return results for anything that has both of these terms anywhere in its 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00047-00017779-00017879 content. 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00048-00017879-00018312 You’ll notice that this method returns more results than the first one we tried. 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00049-00018312-00018645 Once you find an article that will be good for your research, you have a few options 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00050-00018645-00018824 to save it. 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00051-00018824-00019293 You can download the item directly from the list of search results, or select the article 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00052-00019293-00019620 title to navigate to the item page. 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00053-00019620-00019992 From there, you can email it to yourself by entering your email in the “recommend” 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00054-00019992-00020115 field on the right. 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00055-00020115-00020663 The email will include the article information, abstract, and a link. 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00056-00020663-00021222 You can also generate a citation by selecting “view citation” near the top of the page. 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00057-00021222-00021618 Choose the format you want, and copy and paste it into your document. 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00058-00021618-00022011 Make sure you double check that all the information and formatting is correct. 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00059-00022011-00022212 That’s it for now. 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00060-00022212-00022662 Thanks for watching, and for more information on searching in Project MUSE, check out our 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00061-00022662-00023123 videos “Advanced Searching in Project MUSE” and “Using the MyMuse Library” on our 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00062-00023123-00023223 YouTube page. 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00063-00023223-00023323 That's all for now, thanks for watching. 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00064-00023323-00024340 If you have any questions, you can call us at 205-348-6047, text us at 205-377-0920, 4gMN4njZ6Cu-00065-00024340-00024856 or visit ask.lib.ua.edu to ask a librarian. 4hzK_fBMbZY-00000-00000361-00000898 The University of Alabama Libraries' collection includes millions of scholarly articles and 4hzK_fBMbZY-00001-00000898-00001457 books, thousands of journals and periodicals, and hundreds of databases, along with multimedia 4hzK_fBMbZY-00002-00001457-00001803 items, government documents, and manuscripts. 4hzK_fBMbZY-00003-00001803-00002047 So how do you go about finding what you need? 4hzK_fBMbZY-00004-00002047-00002222 Hello, my name is Kathryn. 4hzK_fBMbZY-00005-00002222-00002715 I'm a librarian at the University of Alabama, and in this video I'm going to introduce you 4hzK_fBMbZY-00006-00002715-00003225 to several tools that will help you access UA Libraries' extensive collection, whether 4hzK_fBMbZY-00007-00003225-00003557 you are on or off campus. 4hzK_fBMbZY-00008-00003557-00004165 Starting from the UA Libraries' homepage at libraries.ua.edu, you'll see the One Search 4hzK_fBMbZY-00009-00004165-00004405 bar at the top of the homepage. 4hzK_fBMbZY-00010-00004405-00004989 It can run a simple keyword search and will return some results from UA’s holdings and 4hzK_fBMbZY-00011-00004989-00005193 the libraries website. 4hzK_fBMbZY-00012-00005193-00005614 For most projects, you’ll have better results if you search with the other tools mentioned 4hzK_fBMbZY-00013-00005614-00005821 in this video. 4hzK_fBMbZY-00014-00005821-00006475 Our primary search tool is SCOUT, which searches the Libraries Catalog, our databases, and 4hzK_fBMbZY-00015-00006475-00006854 the digital collections--all in a single search. 4hzK_fBMbZY-00016-00006854-00007100 Scout looks for keywords by default. 4hzK_fBMbZY-00017-00007100-00007639 The Advanced Search mode has drop-down menus that let you search by title, author, and 4hzK_fBMbZY-00018-00007639-00007873 some other parameters. 4hzK_fBMbZY-00019-00007873-00008368 Use the AND, OR, NOT menu to narrow or broaden your terms. 4hzK_fBMbZY-00020-00008368-00008851 You can refine results in the sidebar on the left side of the screen. 4hzK_fBMbZY-00021-00008851-00009461 The "Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals" limiter and the Publication Date selector are particularly 4hzK_fBMbZY-00022-00009461-00009662 useful. 4hzK_fBMbZY-00023-00009662-00010284 Here's how to access items in the search results: Use the location and call number to find a 4hzK_fBMbZY-00024-00010284-00010702 book on the shelf in one of our branches. 4hzK_fBMbZY-00025-00010702-00011193 This result here links directly to the PDF Full Text. 4hzK_fBMbZY-00026-00011193-00011550 Some results have a "Full Text Finder" link. 4hzK_fBMbZY-00027-00011550-00011965 Click this to see if we have a digital copy available. 4hzK_fBMbZY-00028-00011965-00012622 If not, just make a quick interlibrary loan request to receive a pdf. 4hzK_fBMbZY-00029-00012622-00013213 As the all-in-one research tool for UA Libraries, Scout is a great place to begin exploring 4hzK_fBMbZY-00030-00013213-00013463 a topic and discovering what's available. 4hzK_fBMbZY-00031-00013463-00013941 But for more in-depth research, you'll need to explore specific databases. 4hzK_fBMbZY-00032-00013941-00014206 We'll look at those now. 4hzK_fBMbZY-00033-00014206-00014786 Databases are large collections of specialized content, like academic journals, news, statistics, 4hzK_fBMbZY-00034-00014786-00015003 and even streaming video. 4hzK_fBMbZY-00035-00015003-00015611 They are often subject-specific, so choosing a database devoted to your area of interest 4hzK_fBMbZY-00036-00015611-00016038 is a helpful first step to narrowing down your search results. 4hzK_fBMbZY-00037-00016038-00016616 From the Databases link on the homepage, UA Libraries provides access to hundreds of databases. 4hzK_fBMbZY-00038-00016616-00017101 You can use the drop-down menus to find databases by subject or type. 4hzK_fBMbZY-00039-00017101-00017610 You can also find a database by name using the A-Z index or search bar. 4hzK_fBMbZY-00040-00017610-00018176 The subject, scope, and range of a database are described below each title. 4hzK_fBMbZY-00041-00018176-00018631 The linked title will take you to that database’s landing page, where you can browse or search 4hzK_fBMbZY-00042-00018631-00018731 for specific resources. 4hzK_fBMbZY-00043-00018731-00019081 Databases vary in terms of interface and organization. 4hzK_fBMbZY-00044-00019081-00019245 Some look a lot like Scout. 4hzK_fBMbZY-00045-00019245-00019913 Others have different options and search functions designed specifically for their content. 4hzK_fBMbZY-00046-00019913-00020561 While each database may look a little different, they generally have the same functionality: 4hzK_fBMbZY-00047-00020561-00021212 advanced searching using menus and limiters, and the ability to save, download and cite 4hzK_fBMbZY-00048-00021212-00021373 items. 4hzK_fBMbZY-00049-00021373-00021969 And because each database has unique content, advanced research may require searching in 4hzK_fBMbZY-00050-00021969-00022289 multiple databases. 4hzK_fBMbZY-00051-00022289-00022794 The E-Journals link lets you browse our electronic journal and book holdings alphabetically or 4hzK_fBMbZY-00052-00022794-00023015 by subject area. 4hzK_fBMbZY-00053-00023015-00023478 You can also search by journal title, making this the fastest way to find complete issues 4hzK_fBMbZY-00054-00023478-00023797 of specific academic journals. 4hzK_fBMbZY-00055-00023797-00024287 Just search for the title, click "Full Text Access" to see what's available, and find 4hzK_fBMbZY-00056-00024287-00024687 the volume you want; most are organized by year. 4hzK_fBMbZY-00057-00024687-00025064 From here, you can directly access the content. 4hzK_fBMbZY-00058-00025064-00025570 You can also browse by subject area, and limit your results by resource type to view either 4hzK_fBMbZY-00059-00025570-00025853 ebooks or journals. 4hzK_fBMbZY-00060-00025853-00026536 The Libraries Catalog searches UA’s permanent collection--books, government documents, periodicals, 4hzK_fBMbZY-00061-00026536-00027099 multimedia items, rare books, primary documents, microfilm, and so on. 4hzK_fBMbZY-00062-00027099-00027724 Searching the libraries' catalog is a convenient way to find materials by title or by author. 4hzK_fBMbZY-00063-00027724-00028158 Click on a title from the results list to see that item's catalog record, location, 4hzK_fBMbZY-00064-00028158-00028344 and availability status. 4hzK_fBMbZY-00065-00028344-00028750 "Not charged" means it's available. 4hzK_fBMbZY-00066-00028750-00029238 Use the "Request Item" link to take advantage of our document delivery service or request 4hzK_fBMbZY-00067-00029238-00029474 an item from off-campus storage. 4hzK_fBMbZY-00068-00029474-00030133 And--try clicking on a Subject heading to find even more sources on your topic. 4hzK_fBMbZY-00069-00030133-00030612 If you prefer searching with Google Scholar, try using our dedicated link. 4hzK_fBMbZY-00070-00030612-00031168 That way, your search results will include direct links to any items available through 4hzK_fBMbZY-00071-00031168-00031475 UA Libraries. 4hzK_fBMbZY-00072-00031475-00032064 To recap: you can use Scout as an all-in-one search tool for UA Libraries to locate articles, 4hzK_fBMbZY-00073-00032064-00032343 books, and other resources. 4hzK_fBMbZY-00074-00032343-00033025 You can search specialized databases individually for in-depth, subject-specific research. 4hzK_fBMbZY-00075-00033025-00033502 Use the E-Journals link to find electronic journals and books by title. 4hzK_fBMbZY-00076-00033502-00034195 If you’re looking for a book by title, author, or to browse by subject, try the Libraries 4hzK_fBMbZY-00077-00034195-00034477 Catalog. 4hzK_fBMbZY-00078-00034477-00034972 For assistance navigating these search tools and accessing the amazing breadth of resources 4hzK_fBMbZY-00079-00034972-00035877 available from UA Libraries, check out Ask A Librarian at ask.lib.ua.edu for FAQs or 4hzK_fBMbZY-00080-00035877-00036122 to chat with a librarian. 4hzK_fBMbZY-00081-00036122-00036199 Thanks for watching! 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00000-00000123-00000456 - WELCOME TO A LESSON ON SOLVING EQUATIONS IN QUADRATIC FORM. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00001-00000456-00000630 THE GOAL OF THIS VIDEO IS TO SOLVE EQUATIONS 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00002-00000630-00001003 IN QUADRATIC FORM BY FACTORING. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00003-00001003-00001160 LET'S START WITH A REVIEW ON SOLVING 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00004-00001160-00001416 A QUADRATIC EQUATION BY FACTORING. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00005-00001416-00001880 X SQUARED - X - 6 = 0 CAN BE SOLVED BY FACTORING 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00006-00001880-00002360 SINCE THIS TRINOMIAL FACTORS INTO 2 BINOMIAL FACTORS. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00007-00002360-00002753 WE START WITH THE FACTORS OF X SQUARED WHICH ARE X AND X, 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00008-00002753-00003156 AND THEN WE FIND THE FACTORS OF -6 THAT ADD TO -1 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00009-00003156-00003726 WHICH ARE -3 AND 2, SO WE HAVE A -3 AND A 2. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00010-00003726-00003993 THIS IS EQUAL TO 0 WHEN THESE FACTORS ARE EQUAL TO 0 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00011-00003993-00004656 OR WHEN X - 3 = 0 OR X + 2 = 0. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00012-00004656-00005330 SO OUR SOLUTIONS WOULD BE X = 3 OR X = -2. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00013-00005330-00005690 NOW, WE WANT TO BE ABLE TO APPLY THIS SAME TECHNIQUE TO EQUATIONS 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00014-00005690-00005976 THAT ARE NOT QUADRATICS AS LONG AS THEY FIT THE FORM 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00015-00005976-00006207 OR A FACTORABLE QUADRATIC. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00016-00006207-00006354 THE FORM WE WANT TO LOOK FOR IS TO SEE 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00017-00006354-00006740 IF THE SQUARE OF THE VARIABLE FACTOR OF THE MIDDLE TERM, 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00018-00006740-00007070 IN THIS CASE X IS EQUAL TO THE VARIABLE FACTORS 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00019-00007070-00007194 OF THE FIRST TERM, 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00020-00007194-00007380 IN THIS CASE X SQUARED. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00021-00007380-00007630 SO IF WE SQUARE THIS VARIABLE FACTOR HERE, 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00022-00007630-00008064 WE WANT IT TO EQUAL THE VARIABLE FACTORS OF THE FIRST TERM. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00023-00008064-00008450 SO FOR EXAMPLE, IF WE WANT TO SOLVE X - THE SQUARE ROOT OF X 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00024-00008450-00008827 - 6 = 0, IT'S NOT A QUADRATIC EQUATION. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00025-00008827-00009004 BUT IT DOES FIT THE FORM OF A QUADRATIC, 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00026-00009004-00009370 BECAUSE IF WE SQUARE THE SQUARE ROOT OF X, 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00027-00009370-00009690 IT DOES EQUAL X WHICH MEANS WE REWRITE THIS 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00028-00009690-00010280 AS THE SQUARE ROOT OF X SQUARED, 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00029-00010280-00010460 NOTICE THIS IS EQUAL TO X, 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00030-00010460-00011030 - THE SQUARE ROOT OF X - 6 = 0. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00031-00011030-00011404 THIS FITS THE FORM OF A FACTORABLE QUADRATIC. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00032-00011404-00011727 SO THIS WILL FACTOR INTO TWO BINOMIAL FACTORS. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00033-00011727-00012078 BUT NOW INSTEAD OF X AND X, LIKE WE HAD IN THE FIRST EXAMPLE, 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00034-00012078-00012574 WE'LL HAVE THE SQUARED OF X AND THE SQUARED OF X. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00035-00012574-00013191 THE FACTORS OF -6 THAT ADD TO -1 ARE STILL -3 AND 2. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00036-00013191-00013647 AND NOW, WE'LL SET THESE FACTORS EQUAL TO 0 AND SOLVE. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00037-00013647-00014041 SO WE'D HAVE THE SQUARE ROOT OF X - 3 = 0, 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00038-00014041-00014478 OR THE SQUARE ROOT OF X + 2 = 0. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00039-00014478-00014671 SO HERE WE'D ADD 3 TO BOTH SIDES. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00040-00014671-00015018 THE SQUARE ROOT OF X = 3. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00041-00015018-00015374 OVER HERE WE'D HAVE THE SQUARE ROOT OF X = -2. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00042-00015374-00015461 AND NOW TO SOLVE FOR X, 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00043-00015461-00015921 WE'D HAVE THE SQUARE BOTH SIDES OF THE EQUATION HERE 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00044-00015921-00016278 AS WELL AS HERE. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00045-00016278-00016908 SO IT APPEARS WE HAVE 2 SOLUTIONS, X = 9 OR X = 4. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00046-00016908-00017021 NOW ONE IMPORTANT THING TO REMEMBER 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00047-00017021-00017348 IS WHEN APPLYING THIS TECHNIQUE TO NON-QUADRATICS, 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00048-00017348-00017538 WE WANT YOU TO CHECK THESE VALUES 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00049-00017538-00017668 BACK INTO THE ORIGINAL EQUATION 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00050-00017668-00017824 BECAUSE SOMETIMES THEY WON'T WORK 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00051-00017824-00018105 OR THEY'LL BE WHAT'S CALLED AN EXTRANEOUS SOLUTION. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00052-00018105-00018348 SO LET'S TAKE A MOMENT AND CHECK THESE SOLUTIONS. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00053-00018348-00019015 IF X = 9, WE WOULD HAVE 9 - THE SQUARE ROOT OF 9, 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00054-00019015-00019345 WHICH IS 3 - 6 = 0. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00055-00019345-00019512 WELL, THAT CHECKS. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00056-00019512-00019728 NOW, LET'S CHECK X = 4. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00057-00019728-00020078 IF X IS 4, WE WOULD HAVE 4 - THE SQUARE ROOT OF 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00058-00020078-00020575 4 WHICH IS 2 - 6 = 0, AND THAT'S NOT TRUE. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00059-00020575-00020932 SO X = 4 IS AN EXTRANEOUS SOLUTION OR NOT A SOLUTION 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00060-00020932-00021108 TO THIS EQUATION. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00061-00021108-00021488 WE ONLY HAVE ONE SOLUTION WHICH IS X = 9. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00062-00021488-00021828 IT'S IMPORTANT THAT WE ALWAYS CHECK OUR SOLUTIONS 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00063-00021828-00021992 WHEN USING THIS TECHNIQUE. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00064-00021992-00022225 LET'S TAKE A LOOK AT SOME MORE EXAMPLES. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00065-00022225-00022612 HERE WE HAVE X TO THE 4th + 4X SQUARED - 32 = 0. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00066-00022612-00022758 AGAIN, THE FIRST STEP IS TO CHECK TO SEE 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00067-00022758-00023032 IF IT FITS THE FORM OF A FACTORABLE QUADRATIC, 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00068-00023032-00023502 MEANING IF WE SQUARE THIS VARIABLE FACTOR, 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00069-00023502-00023688 WOULD IT EQUAL X TO THE 4th, 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00070-00023688-00024236 AND IT WOULD, WE CAN WRITE THIS AS X SQUARED 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00071-00024236-00024912 TO THE 2nd + 4 x X SQUARED - 32 = 0. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00072-00024912-00025249 SOMETIMES YOU'LL SEE TEXTBOOKS PERFORM OR USE SUBSTITUTION HERE 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00073-00025249-00025662 AND WRITE THIS AS U SQUARED + 4U - 32. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00074-00025662-00025766 BUT AS LONG AS YOU RECOGNIZE 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00075-00025766-00025949 THIS FITS THE FORM OF A QUADRATIC, 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00076-00025949-00026202 THERE'S NO NEED TO PERFORM THAT SUBSTITUTION, 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00077-00026202-00026579 SO THIS WILL FACTOR INTO 2 BINOMIAL FACTORS. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00078-00026579-00026856 BUT NOW INSTEAD OF HAVING A FACTOR OF X AND X, 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00079-00026856-00027395 WE'LL HAVE A FACTOR OF X SQUARED AND A FACTOR OF X SQUARED. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00080-00027395-00027626 AND FROM HERE, IT'S GOING TO BE PRETTY MUCH THE SAME. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00081-00027626-00027969 WE WANT THE FACTORS OF -32 THAT ADD TO 4 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00082-00027969-00028322 WHICH WOULD BE 8 AND -4. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00083-00028322-00028826 THIS PRODUCT IS EQUAL TO 0 WHEN X SQUARED + 8 = 0 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00084-00028826-00029186 OR WHEN X SQUARED - 4 = 0. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00085-00029186-00029359 SO HERE WE SUBTRACT 8 ON BOTH SIDES, 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00086-00029359-00030010 SO WE'D HAVE X SQUARED = -8. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00087-00030010-00030176 OVER HERE, WE WOULD ADD 4 TO BOTH SIDES, 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00088-00030176-00030539 WE'D HAVE X SQUARED = 4. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00089-00030539-00030710 NOW TO SOLVE FOR X, WE TAKE THE SQUARE ROOT 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00090-00030710-00030910 OF BOTH SIDES OF THE EQUATION. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00091-00030910-00031696 AND WHEN WE DO THIS, WE HAVE TO INCLUDE A + OR - SIGN. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00092-00031696-00032139 SO HERE WE HAVE X = + OR - THE SQUARE ROOT OF -8 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00093-00032139-00032316 WHICH YOU'LL SIMPLIFY IN JUST A MOMENT. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00094-00032316-00032696 HERE WE HAVE X = + OR - 2. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00095-00032696-00033000 NOW, THE SQUARE ROOT OF -8 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00096-00033000-00033596 IS EQUAL TO THE SQUARE ROOT OF -1 x 2 x 2 x 2, 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00097-00033596-00034000 SO THIS SIMPLIFIES TO 2. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00098-00034000-00034196 THIS SIMPLIFIES TO "I". 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00099-00034196-00034413 SO WE HAVE 2I SQUARE ROOT 2. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00100-00034413-00034890 SO HERE WE HAVE X = + OR - 2I SQUARE ROOT 2. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00101-00034890-00035160 NOW REMEMBER, WE DO HAVE TO CHECK THESE SOLUTIONS. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00102-00035160-00035223 AND FOR THIS VIDEO, 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00103-00035223-00035453 WE'RE GOING TO CHECK THESE ON THE CALCULATOR. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00104-00035453-00035726 IF YOU FOLLOW THE EXAMPLE VIDEOS LINKED ON THE SCREEN, 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00105-00035726-00035890 I'LL CHECK THEM BY HAND. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00106-00035890-00036064 WE WANT TO MAKE SURE THAT WE'RE IN COMPLEX MODE, 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00107-00036064-00036377 SO WE PRESS THE MODE KEY, MAKE SURE "A" + VI 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00108-00036377-00036634 IS HIGHLIGHTED WHICH IT IS, 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00109-00036634-00036904 AND NOW WE'LL GO AHEAD AND CHECK THESE. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00110-00036904-00037510 SO WE HAVE -2I, JUST 2nd DECIMAL POINT, 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00111-00037510-00039790 SQUARE ROOT 2 TO THE 4th + 4 x - 2I SQUARE ROOT 2 SQUARED - 32, 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00112-00039790-00039897 THAT CHECKS. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00113-00039897-00040107 AND NOW, I'M GOING TO PRESS 2nd ENTER, 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00114-00040107-00040280 BRINGS UP THE SAME EXPRESSION, 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00115-00040280-00040524 BUT NOW I CAN JUST DELETE THE NEGATIVE SIGNS 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00116-00040524-00040870 INSTEAD OF HAVING TO RETYPE THE WHOLE EXPRESSION 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00117-00040870-00041160 TO CHECK 2I SQUARE ROOT 2. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00118-00041160-00041597 SO I'LL DELETE THIS AND DELETE THIS. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00119-00041597-00041937 PRESS ENTER, NOTICE HOW THAT CHECKS AS WELL. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00120-00041937-00042141 AND NOW, WE'LL CHECK + AND -2. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00121-00042141-00042321 WE'LL CHECK -2 FIRST. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00122-00042321-00043824 SO -2 TO THE 4th + 4 x -2 SQUARED - 32, THIS CHECKS. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00123-00043824-00043951 NOW, I'M GOING TO PRESS 2nd ENTER 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00124-00043951-00044921 AND JUST DELETE THE NEGATIVES TO CHECK POSITIVE 2, 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00125-00044921-00045094 AND THAT CHECKS AS WELL. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00126-00045094-00045568 SO NOTICE ALL 4 SOLUTIONS CHECK. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00127-00045568-00045768 LET'S TAKE A LOOK AT ANOTHER EXAMPLE. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00128-00045768-00046514 HERE WE HAVE 2X TO THE 2/3 + 3X TO THE 1/3 - 20 = 0. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00129-00046514-00046644 AGAIN OUR FIRST STEP IS TO CHECK TO SEE 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00130-00046644-00047058 IF IT FITS THE FORM OF A FACTORABLE QUADRATIC. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00131-00047058-00047371 WE WANT TO KNOW IF WE SQUARE THIS VARIABLE FACTOR 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00132-00047371-00047921 OR X TO THE 1/3, IT WILL EQUAL X TO THE 2/3, AND IT WILL. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00133-00047921-00048052 WE CAN GO AHEAD AND WRITE THIS AS 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00134-00048052-00049328 2 x X TO THE 1/3 SQUARED + 3 x X TO THE 1/3 - 20 = 0. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00135-00049328-00049668 AND NOW, WE CAN FACTOR THIS LIKE WE NORMALLY WOULD. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00136-00049668-00049862 BUT NOW INSTEAD OF HAVING 2X AND X, 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00137-00049862-00050408 WE'LL HAVE 2X TO THE 1/3 AND X TO THE 1/3. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00138-00050408-00050762 NOW, WE'LL PLACE THE FACTORS OF -20 IN THE 2nd POSITIONS 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00139-00050762-00051035 SO THAT THE SUM OF THE INNER PRODUCT AND OUTER PRODUCT 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00140-00051035-00051485 IS EQUAL TO 3X TO THE 1/3. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00141-00051485-00052035 SO IF WE PUT 4 HERE AND -5 OR - 5 HERE, 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00142-00052035-00052568 NOTICE HOW WE'D HAVE 8X TO THE 1/3 + -5X TO THE 1/3 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00143-00052568-00052885 WHICH IS 3X TO THE 1/3. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00144-00052885-00053165 SO NOW, WE'LL SET EACH OF THESE FACTORS EQUAL TO 0. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00145-00053165-00054169 SO WE HAVE 2X TO THE 1/3 - 5 = 0 OR X TO THE 1/3 + 4 = 0. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00146-00054169-00054316 SO WE'LL ISOLATE THE VARIABLE FACTOR 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00147-00054316-00054582 BY ADDING 5 AND DIVIDING BY 2. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00148-00054582-00055332 SO X TO THE 1/3 = 5 1/2 OR X TO THE 1/3 = -4. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00149-00055332-00055446 TO SOLVE THIS FOR X, 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00150-00055446-00055826 WE'LL HAVE TO RAISE BOTH SIDES OF THE EQUATION TO 3. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00151-00055826-00056159 REMEMBER POWER IS THE POWERS WE MULTIPLE AND 1/3 x 3 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00152-00056159-00056366 IS EQUAL TO 1. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00153-00056366-00056702 WE'LL DO THE SAME HERE. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00154-00056702-00057216 SO ON THE LEFT, WE HAVE X, 5 TO THE 3rd IS 125, 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00155-00057216-00057549 2 TO THE 3rd IS 8. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00156-00057549-00058082 HERE WE HAVE X = -4 TO THE 3rd IS -64. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00157-00058082-00058459 LET'S GO AHEAD AND CHECK THESE ON THE CALCULATOR. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00158-00058459-00059319 SO WE HAVE 2 x 125 DIVIDED BY 8 RAISED TO THE POWER OF 2/3. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00159-00059319-00059859 WE DO NEED THE EXPONENT IN PARENTHESES + 3 x 125 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00160-00059859-00060722 DIVIDED BY 8 RAISED TO THE 1/3 POWER - 20, THAT CHECKS. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00161-00060722-00061459 AND NOW, WE WANT TO CHECK -64, AND NOTICE THAT CHECKS AS WELL. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00162-00061459-00061696 SO BOTH SOLUTIONS CHECK. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00163-00061696-00062039 SO THIS EQUATION HAS TWO SOLUTIONS. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00164-00062039-00062392 LET'S TAKE A LOOK AT ONE MORE. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00165-00062392-00062666 NOTICE HERE WE HAVE NEGATIVE EXPONENTS, 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00166-00062666-00062859 BUT WE'RE GOING TO FOLLOW THE SAME PROCEDURE. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00167-00062859-00063092 WE FIRST WANT TO CHECK TO SEE IF IT FITS THE FORM 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00168-00063092-00063289 OF A FACTORABLE QUADRATIC. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00169-00063289-00063679 IF WE SQUARE THE VARIABLE FACTOR OF THE MIDDLE TERM 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00170-00063679-00063879 WHICH IN THIS CASE IS X AND -1, 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00171-00063879-00064342 WE WANT TO MAKE SURE IT'S EQUAL TO X TO THE -2. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00172-00064342-00064829 SO IF WE WRITE 6 x X TO THE -1 SQUARED, 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00173-00064829-00065096 NOTICE HOW THIS DOES EQUAL X TO THE -2, 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00174-00065096-00065619 SO IT FITS THE CORRECT FORM. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00175-00065619-00065822 SO NOW, WE CAN GO AHEAD AND FACTOR THIS. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00176-00065822-00066036 INSTEAD OF USING FACTORS OF X, 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00177-00066036-00066316 WE'LL USE FACTORS OF X TO THE -1. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00178-00066316-00066470 THIS ONE'S A LITTLE MORE CHALLENGING 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00179-00066470-00066640 BECAUSE OF THE 6 HERE. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00180-00066640-00066910 IT COULD BE 6 AND 1 OR 3 AND 2. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00181-00066910-00067536 LET'S TRY 6X AND -1 AND 1X AND -1. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00182-00067536-00067960 NOTICE IF WE PUT A -1 HERE OR - 1 HERE AND A 1 HERE, 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00183-00067960-00068126 THIS WORKS OUT NICELY. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00184-00068126-00069120 WE HAVE - 6X AND -1 + 1X AND -1 WHICH IS EQUAL TO -5X AND -1. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00185-00069120-00069323 SO NOW, WE'LL SET EACH FACTOR EQUAL TO 0. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00186-00069323-00070266 WE'LL HAVE 6X TO -1 + 1 = 0 OR X TO -1 - 1 = 0. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00187-00070266-00070696 YOU CAN WRITE THIS AS 6 DIVIDED BY X AND THEN MOVE THE 1 OVER 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00188-00070696-00070900 SO IT'S EQUAL TO -1. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00189-00070900-00071180 LET'S PUT THIS OVER 1. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00190-00071180-00071954 AND THEN FROM HERE, WE CROSS MULTIPLY -X MUST EQUAL 6, 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00191-00071954-00072447 DIVIDE BOTH SIDES BY -1 AND WE HAVE X = -6. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00192-00072447-00072967 OVER HERE, WE CAN WRITE THIS AS 1/X, ADD 1 TO BOTH SIDES, 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00193-00072967-00073354 WRITE THIS AS 1/1, CROSS MULTIPLY. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00194-00073354-00073854 NOTICE THAT WE HAVE X = 1. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00195-00073854-00074527 LET'S GO AHEAD AND CHECK THESE 2 SOLUTIONS. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00196-00074527-00074710 THAT'S EQUAL TO 0 WHICH IS GOOD. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00197-00074710-00075620 AND NOW, WE'LL PRESS 2nd ENTER, AND WE'LL CHANGE THE -6s TO 1s. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00198-00075620-00076064 NOTICE HOW THIS CHECKS AS WELL. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00199-00076064-00076280 OKAY, THAT'S GOING TO DO IT FOR THIS VIDEO. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00200-00076280-00076470 IF YOU WANT TO SEE MORE EXAMPLES, 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00201-00076470-00076684 JUST FOLLOW THE LINK ON THE SCREEN. 4l1Ysh5IbPc-00202-00076684-00076887 I HOPE YOU FOUND THIS HELPFUL. 5ou6afC6xEM-00000-00002478-00003007 BACK TO THE FUTURE ! 51Emw6_i-aM-00000-00000000-00000444 African wild dogs, also known as painted dogs or painted wolves, 51Emw6_i-aM-00001-00000444-00000942 are one of Africa's most endangered predators. They are native to sub-Saharan Africa and 51Emw6_i-aM-00002-00000942-00001344 are known for their unique and striking coat patterns, which are made up of a combination 51Emw6_i-aM-00003-00001344-00001907 of black, white, and yellowish-brown fur. African wild dogs are social animals that live 51Emw6_i-aM-00004-00001907-00002520 in packs, with each pack consisting of anywhere from 6 to 20 individuals. Within each pack, there 51Emw6_i-aM-00005-00002520-00003030 is a strict hierarchy, with dominant individuals taking priority when it comes to feeding and 51Emw6_i-aM-00006-00003030-00003546 mating. African wild dogs are also known for their cooperative hunting strategies, which 51Emw6_i-aM-00007-00003546-00004050 involve the entire pack working together to take down prey. This makes them incredibly efficient 51Emw6_i-aM-00008-00004050-00004596 hunters, with a success rate of up to 80%. Unfortunately, despite their impressive hunting 51Emw6_i-aM-00009-00004596-00005136 abilities, African wild dogs are facing a number of threats that have led to a significant decline 51Emw6_i-aM-00010-00005136-00005694 in their populations. One of the main threats facing African wild dogs is habitat loss and 51Emw6_i-aM-00011-00005694-00006270 fragmentation. As human populations continue to grow and expand, wild habitats are being 51Emw6_i-aM-00012-00006270-00006876 converted for agriculture, mining, and other uses. This has led to a significant loss of habitat for 51Emw6_i-aM-00013-00006876-00007404 African wild dogs, making it more difficult for them to find food and suitable places to den. 51Emw6_i-aM-00014-00007404-00007962 Another major threat to African wild dogs is persecution by humans. In many areas, 51Emw6_i-aM-00015-00007962-00008568 African wild dogs are seen as pests and are hunted or poisoned in an effort to protect livestock or 51Emw6_i-aM-00016-00008568-00009048 game animals. This has led to a significant decline in the number of African wild dogs 51Emw6_i-aM-00017-00009048-00009588 in many areas, and has also contributed to the loss of genetic diversity within populations. 51Emw6_i-aM-00018-00009588-00010170 Disease is also a major threat to African wild dogs. Canine distemper and rabies 51Emw6_i-aM-00019-00010170-00010686 are both diseases that can be devastating to wild dog populations, with outbreaks leading 51Emw6_i-aM-00020-00010686-00011274 to significant declines in numbers. In addition, African wild dogs are particularly susceptible to 51Emw6_i-aM-00021-00011274-00011772 diseases carried by domestic dogs, which can lead to the transmission of deadly viruses. 51Emw6_i-aM-00022-00011772-00012180 Despite these challenges, there are efforts underway to protect African 51Emw6_i-aM-00023-00012180-00012726 wild dogs and their habitats. One example is the African Wild Dog Range Expansion Project, 51Emw6_i-aM-00024-00012726-00013290 which is working to expand the range of wild dogs in South Africa. This involves the relocation 51Emw6_i-aM-00025-00013290-00013758 of wild dogs to new areas where they can establish new packs and breed. The project 51Emw6_i-aM-00026-00013758-00014202 also involves working with local communities to raise awareness about the importance of 51Emw6_i-aM-00027-00014202-00014700 protecting wild dogs and their habitats. Another important conservation effort is the 51Emw6_i-aM-00028-00014700-00015216 monitoring of wild dog populations and their movements. This involves tracking individual 51Emw6_i-aM-00029-00015216-00015791 dogs using GPS collars and other technologies, which helps researchers better understand their 51Emw6_i-aM-00030-00015791-00016332 behavior and movement patterns. This information can be used to identify areas where conservation 51Emw6_i-aM-00031-00016332-00016794 efforts are needed, as well as to develop strategies for mitigating the impact of 51Emw6_i-aM-00032-00016794-00017310 human activities on wild dog populations. Education and outreach are also important 51Emw6_i-aM-00033-00017310-00017808 components of wild dog conservation efforts. By raising awareness about the importance of 51Emw6_i-aM-00034-00017808-00018276 protecting wild dogs and their habitats, conservation organizations can help build 51Emw6_i-aM-00035-00018276-00018738 support for conservation efforts and encourage local communities to take action to protect 51Emw6_i-aM-00036-00018738-00019218 these unique and important predators. In conclusion, African wild dogs are a 51Emw6_i-aM-00037-00019218-00019686 unique and important species that are facing a range of threats to their survival. Despite 51Emw6_i-aM-00038-00019686-00020220 these challenges, there are ongoing efforts to protect wild dog populations and their habitats, 51Emw6_i-aM-00039-00020220-00020712 from range expansion projects to monitoring efforts and education and outreach initiatives. 51Emw6_i-aM-00040-00020712-00021276 However, the continued survival of these animals will require ongoing efforts from individuals, 51Emw6_i-aM-00041-00021276-00021714 communities, and governments to protect their habitats, reduce persecution, 51Emw6_i-aM-00042-00021714-00022206 and mitigate the impact of human activities on their populations. By working together, 51Emw6_i-aM-00043-00022206-00022764 we can help ensure that African wild dogs continue to thrive in the wild for generations to come.